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Stories & Art => Celebrity Stories => Models => Topic started by: Peronath on January 05, 2023, 09:39:26 AM

Title: Club Fantasia 2 (Kate Upton)
Post by: Peronath on January 05, 2023, 09:39:26 AM
Disclaimer: This FICTIONAL Story Contains Sexually Graphic Situations. If You're Under Age or Easily Offended STOP READING NOW!!

Club Fantasia Chapter 2

It had been a couple of months since I’d been to the club for that first time. Making my way inside again the memories came back, and I found myself smiling. After the last time, my first time really, I corrected myself, it was hard not to have fond memories not after what had happened.

But partly because of work, partly because I thought that coming often might make the experience less fun, I had kept away, at least until tonight. I paused inside the entrance immediately looked towards the stage which at that moment was quiet although people were sat down obviously waiting for something to start.

Instead like before I made my way towards the bar. Maybe that had brought luck last time, maybe not. Why ruin a good thing I told myself? I crossed the floor took a seat there and relaxed back just gazing around again taking in the atmosphere.

"Did you bring me to a strip club?" The voice beside me spoke up. I turned and grinned at them.

Tonight, after all I hadn't come alone. The last weekend had been Jack's birthday. They'd been out then with their girlfriend. Instead, I’d arranged to meet them today to have a guy’s night out and what better way to spend it than here I’d thought to myself.

"No not a strip club. It might look it but really it isn't." I replied grinning at him. "It's an exclusive high-end club. Trust me this is something else entirely."

"Well, that's good." I almost heard the relief in his voice. "I don't think Emma would appreciate me spending a night at a strip club, birthday or not." He muttered slowly.

I just smiled after my last experience maybe it was best not to have expectations. Instead, we both ordered a drink and sat comfortable just catching up.

It had been a while since we'd had the chance we sat there just relaxing gossiping and enjoying the drink just a usual night out with friends. In that regard the club wasn't anything different to normal at least on the surface of course because after 30 minutes maybe I suddenly saw his eyes widen a little.

"What the fuck?" I heard him mutter. "That's Anne Hathaway, right there on the stage. What the hell is this place!?"

I heard the shock and surprise even as I turned to look trying to keep myself as casual as possible. "Huh does look like it doesn't it. Who would have guessed?" I shook my head. "To be honest I've only been here once before, so I don't know whether I really know enough to explain." I added which was entirely true at least to an extent.

"Oh, I don't know I remember that you fitted in quite well last time if memory serves me. I'm sure it was quite the experience. I mean it must have left an impression as you're back here again."


I heard that voice soft and low filled with warm amusement and whipped around to find an all too familiar face smiling at me. I felt a punch of pleasure in my guts an all to physical reaction at the sight of Kate Upton stood next to me again. We both just stood and stared a little smile on her lips no doubt recalling the last time we'd seen each other when she'd slipped away just after I had exploded across that gorgeous perfect body of hers.

Her eyes were still bright, a playful edge to them, mysterious mischievous it made me grin at her as I took in those tumbling blonde locks and the black dress that she wore this time that flashed a glimpse of that perfect cleavage I’d enjoyed so much last time around.

"Kate." I said simply just grinning as I looked at her. I'd wondered if we ever met again what it would feel like. Whether it would be awkward or whether we'd have regrets. She made all those disappear as she leaned in close and gave me a swift hug dipping down to brush her lips on my cheek in greeting.

That contact as brief as it was made my body suddenly pulse with pleasure, the scent of her perfume just tugging at me as I held her gently before she stepped back.

"We meet again." She added chuckling softly.

"We do indeed. Fortuitous." I replied smiling as well. "Do you want to join us?" I asked not wanting to tempt fate yet even as eager as I was to enjoy a repeat of the last time we'd met.

She looked around glanced at Jack sat there silently open mouthed and then just smiled and nodded. "Why not."

"Perfect!" I stood up grinning and offered her my seat instead taking one on the other side of her and then catching the attention of the waiter ordered Kate a drink as well. After I finished, I caught Jack looking at me again.

"You didn't tell me you knew Kate Upton!?" He called out.

I grinned at him, glanced at Kate. "Well, we met last time I was here. Kate was nice enough to show me around and explain how everything works, some of the rules and that." I explained slowly. "It was for a first night an absolute pleasure." I chuckled softly.

"Memorable if I recall, wasn't it?" Kate interrupted me with a laugh.

"It definitely was that. I'm still working on how to top it tonight." I smirked a little grinning at Kate again. She smiled knowingly.

"How's that going so far?" She asked.

"Well, it's looking better now than it did a few minutes ago. I've found my partner in crime again and she has some devilish ideas." I added.

"She does! Who is it!? maybe I need to compare notes and see where I’m going wrong. You know get some practice of my own in." Kate added and we both laughed sharing a mutual smile Kate's eyes full of mischief.

"How did you end up showing him around here?" Jack asked her. "I mean was it bribery? Pity?" He joked shaking his head as he looked between us both.

Kate turned her head towards him and flashed another wide smile. "Well, we did share a drink if I remember." She smirked a little looking at me from the corner of her eye. "But really he looked so lost here sat at the bar like he had no idea what he had gotten himself into. I decided to help out and say hello."

Jack snorted out a laugh. "I knew it had to be something like that."

"Well he did kind of look like you do every time you glance at the stage over there." Kate quipped back with another teasing smile.

Jack maybe reminded of his girlfriend or the fact that he had talked of strip clubs earlier flushed red.

"I told you Jack you're fine. It isn't a strip club Emma isn't going to mind." I added again half watching as he glanced at the stage again. "You don't have to take my word for it. Kate will agree." I turned towards her.

She chuckled softly. "He's right this place might be described as a lot of things but really it is just a club, everyone here is just enjoying a good night."

"A mind blowing one." I corrected her and she shot me another smile. I had an idea then. After our last encounter we had joked about whether it was ever beatable. Maybe, just maybe there was something that might do it. I glanced at her again curious.

Maybe she had already thought of it. She had more experience here than I did after all. There was no real certainty that she hadn't done something like it before either for that matter but remembering the fun I had enjoyed with her, and since she had come back, I rolled my shoulders and decided to take a chance.

"Heh Kate since this is Jack's first time, and since you did such a great job showing me last time how about you do the same for him. An introduction of sorts?" I asked softly turning my attention back to her.

She had a great poker face, she glanced back at me, and I couldn't read her at all. The whole-time nerves fluttered through my stomach as I wondered what she would say. One elegant eyebrow arched a little.

"Really?" She murmured.

"Well, it is only my second time, I remember most of it but some is more hazy still. You're the more experienced hand here, you might be better able to explain some of the rules, like rule one and such." I replied swiftly.

"What rules are there?" Jack chipped in.

"Ah basic stuff, etiquette, simple things really but Kate probably knows them better than me." I replied again.

She looked at me again thoughtfully. "Like rule one?" She murmured.

"Yes exactly." I agreed.

"What is rule one then?" Jack asked.

"Probably easier to demonstrate it maybe." I turned and looked at Kate again.

"Maybe, and if I took your friend to show him around what are you going to do?" She asked slowly.

I smiled a little enjoying the dance we we're undertaking. "Well, I just thought I’d tag along offer moral support if you didn't mind entertaining us both." I kept my voice low as neutral as possible almost waiting with bated breath to see Kate's reaction.

Slowly she smiled. "I suppose that would be a memorable evening." She smirked a little. "Ok then, why not. On two conditions." She added her attention on me for the moment.

"Name them." I agreed with a chuckle.

"One is that if he wants a tour then you can show him around everywhere and I'll keep things to rules side of things, and two. You buy a bottle of champagne to take with us this time. It means we won't have to leave if we want a drink." She added smiling.

"Done." I said simply and turned to order a bottle right then. It was ludicrously expensive, but it was all for the greater good. Jack might not have any idea what was coming but me and Kate might, and the thought of it made me ache.

Once the bottle was ready, I took the bucket it had been placed in and then pushed myself slowly back to my feet. "Shall we then?" I asked glancing at Kate again.

"Eager aren't we." She murmured succinctly.

"Can you blame me?" I added laughing.

She smiled and then slowly stood up before she offered me her arm. I took it slipping a hand around her arm joining us together. On the opposite side she offered her other arm to Jack.

"Come on it's not every night I have two handsome men escorting me around." She added chuckling.

Jack still a little uncertain I thought slowly pushed himself up to join us but then he too took Kate's other arm and the three of us headed away from the bar. This time unlike the last we didn't linger, and we didn't stop to talk through different things like me and Kate had done previously.

Instead, I pointed a few different things and explained them to Jack as we went. But it was only briefly this time as Kate led the way arm in arm with the two of us as we climbed the main stairs and headed up towards the second floor and all the private rooms there.

It was busier than last time, as we passed several rooms you could hear music, muffled sounds. In others the doors were open, and people relaxed enjoying a drink. In one they were eating. It was almost normal or at least as normal as any club where you were led around by a celebrity not to mention the stage.

Further down the corridor past where we had stopped before Kate finally paused and cracked open a door before taking a peek inside. "Ooops I think that one is occupied." She grinned at me as we shared a smile. Jack hadn't quite seen it, but we had both seen the two figures locked together, the flash of bare skin. We both knew all about it.

Silently we continued a little further until Kate paused at another door. A quick peek inside again and this time she pushed it open leading the way inside. As we entered sensors caught the movement and flickered into life illuminating our surroundings as we moved in.

It was in many ways a similar space to the room we had been in before. A scattering of furniture around, a table set to one side a mirror along one wall, the window that looked out over the floor below. Then an open space enough for a picturesque performance I thought with a smile remembering the last time.

We moved over to the sofa this time and sat ourselves down comfortably. Kate positioned herself between the two of us and I placed the bucket with the champagne on a small table on front our glasses arranged close by as we sat there and relaxed back.

"See." I told Jack. "No drama here, no surprises just a nice, relaxed setting and a little quieter if you wanted to avoid the main floor." I assured him.

"And you just chat and enjoy a drink?" He questioned not entirely believing it which I supposed was right.

"Yep exactly that." I grinned.

"Food to." Kate interrupted me.

"Food?" I turned and asked her.

"Yes, we didn't last time but you can order food. Snacks, a meal. The food is good." She added looking back at Jack to.

"Food to then." I agreed holding back a smile. I think Kate knew full well last time we'd worked up enough of an appetite on other things.

"See it's all good we sit, talk enjoy a drink and at the end of the night you can say you met Kate Upton." I continued with a little smile.

"The stage then everything else down there?" Jack carried on his eyes drifting to glance at Kate again.

"Just something fun, some people like to play I can definitely say I’ve never been in the main stage so you're safe here." Kate smirked a little as she sipped her drink. At that moment a phone began to ring, and Jack drew his out glanced at the read out and then answered it.

He stood up moving to one side of the room as he began to talk. Kate turned and looked at me then. "So........." She murmured softly. "Any idea what you're getting into tonight?" She teased me.

"Not in the slightest Kate." I grinned back at her.

"You know I didn't use my full repertoire of tricks last time don't you."

"I guessed so. I'm interested to see what else you can do." I chuckled again. "Call me curious, talking of which have you never been on stage here then?"

"Nope never, I much prefer these quieter settings more intimate don't you think. Much more memorable." She flashed an awful, wicked smile at me that had me quiver in anticipation, especially since at the same time her fingers brushed the back of my hand.

"If it's remotely like last time it will likely be seared on my brain. I don't think it would be possible to forget last time. You were pretty memorable, especially in an intimate setting." I replied slowly feeling her fingers dancing across my skin and brushing my thigh now.

She smirked playfully at me, biting her lip and fluttering her eyes as well. "I think we did manage to have some fun. Of course, I do like a challenge as well so it might be intriguing to see if we can beat that. I haven't given away all my tricks just yet." She murmured softly.

I glanced at her steadily and grinned before looking back over her shoulder at Jack. I wasn't sure if he would be tempted to do anything. But my experience with Kate last time told me that if anything would, it might be Kate. I had found her irresistible the last time and she looked tempting.

"I can't say that I’m not looking forward to finding out more about those Kate." I chuckled softly and watched as she leaned closer.

"So just how many times have you thought about the last time?" She murmured playfully her hand resting on my thigh.

My eyes drifted down to look at them licking my lips before I replied. "Far more than I can count." I added laughing a little.

She nodded still smiling as her fingers pressed up higher. "What did you most enjoy about it?" She teased again softly.

I choked out another laugh as I grinned at her. "Where to even begin would you like me to write you a story?" I added chuckling softly.

"Give me the highlights." She replied with an easy smile her eyes flickering with amusement and mischief as she spoke.

"Well now there were a lot. I mean watching you undress wasn't anything I'll forget for one thing." I added shaking my head as I studied her again.

"You said highlights though what else?" She teased softly.

"I liked your sense of humour. You have a playful fun mind lots of creativity, lots of fun little tricks up your sleeve." I continued.

"Go on." She replied again

"Well, you are absolutely gorgeous as well. Honestly, I don't think photos do it justice. The real thing was spectacularly better."

"I think you were a little distracted, but I won't quibble over compliments." She grinned at me.

"I was distracted, no doubt. The only thing more distracting than seeing you naked was actually playing with you. Even then I've been thinking since I still probably didn't do everything I could of."

"Oh no that won't do. We'll have to fix that. I thought we did well to." She shook her head ruefully and grinned at me.

"I mean we did really well, I think. I ended up inside you for one and that was really really good." I murmured. "Which doesn't do it justice really it was exquisite." I added after a moment smirking at her.

"Well, that is always the most important part. Or nearly the most important part anyway. That is always the finish and we definitely enjoyed that part." She continued her voice soft and low as she spoke.

"What gave that away?" I joked lightly.

"Do you know I think it was the look of satisfaction on your face afterwards. You looked pretty relaxed and content. She chuckled again.

"Ah well you know I was feeling pretty relaxed afterwards funnily enough. I had a great night's sleep when I got home."

"Do you know so did I." She replied again teasing. "Or at least I did after I’d finishing clearing up and showering. I was so hot and sticky I had a lot to clear up." She teased me wickedly another gorgeous smile on her lips as she looked at me her fingers idly drawing attention as they brushed over her breasts.

I felt heat ripple through me as I glanced at her. I drew in a breath and shook my head the image of her bare breasts glazed with cum still so fresh in my mind.  "You did look rather spectacular all hot and sticky though. Better than most it was perhaps the most memorable part of it all." I murmured.

"Perhaps." She allowed softly leaning in close as we heard Jack winding up his conversation in the background. "I think tonight might lead to something similar. Oh well at least there are showers here." She flashed me a smile her tongue resting on her lips as she spoke.

"You think it might happen again?" I smirked looking at her questioningly. She leaned forwards her hand resting on my knee her fingers idly running up my thigh conspiratorially.

"I think you can count on it." She softly murmured her middle finger just edging along the length of my shaft tracing it through my clothes before she leaned back.

The touch alone had made me ache. The added anticipation, the fact I might enjoy her again. Part of me wanted her right then. Of course, another part of me remembered the whole spectacle last time and that whatever she had planned it was going to be worth the wait.

We shared a look Kate's lips curved up in a small playful smirk, her tongue brushing her lips in a way that almost made me want to groan. If I didn't already know from our previous encounter Kate's flirting playful demeanour was delicious, and wickedly tempting.

"What did I miss anything important?" Jack asked sitting himself down.

"No not really just catching up." I replied.

"Reliving a few old memories from last time." Kate agreed that small little smile still playing across her face as she glanced at me.

"How's Emma?" I asked him.

"Ok, asked what the big surprise was about this place." Jack replied.

"Did you tell her you got to speak to a real celebrity tonight?" I added chuckling.

He glanced at Kate still sat beside us. "No, I'll save that for the tomorrow when we meet up again." He continued.

I nodded slowly wondering exactly how the rest of the night was going to play out. I had an idea at least of what me and Kate might do whether Jack was going to be able to resist was another matter. Knowing what I did of Kate I thought that might be hard. In more ways than one.

Beside me Kate lifted her glass drained the contents and then pushed herself up. "If you excuse me for a second I’m just going to freshen up." She murmured giving us a small smile before she turned and headed for the door. I felt my heart beat quicker remembering what happened the last time she said that.

We watched her go and then Jack puffed out a breath before looking at me. "Seriously Kate Upton?" He exclaimed. "You didn't tell me you met Kate Upton before."

"Well now you've met Kate Upton as well."

"I suppose so." He replied dryly. "So, what did the two of you get up to last time anyway. You seemed very familiar." He continued after a pause.

I shrugged. "Drank champagne chatted a lot had some fun."

"Had some fun?" He enquired.

"I think you'll find that Kate has a very fun and playful sense of humour. It was a good evening although I was pretty tired by the end of it." I added wryly.

"Lightweight." Jack teased me.

"Maybe. I think you'll find Kate has a lot of energy." I chuckled softly. "But there's two of us here tonight so maybe between us we can tire her out. I'm not entirely sure but it might be fun to find out at the very least. One way or another it will be a good night, anyway, trust me." I added softly.

"If you say so." He shook his head stood and moved towards the middle of the room looking out around us taking in scene. "Funny place though what with the main stage downstairs."

I almost smiled to myself. He sounded like someone he felt like they might be missing something. He had no idea that if what I thought was about to happen was even half correct, he was going to probably see far more than he bargained with before our night was done.

"Come on sit down. We'll open the champagne ready for Kate and enjoy a drink when she comes back."

"She will be back then?" He countered.

"Oh I’m sure she will be." My voice was dry as I spoke and almost exactly on cue, I heard the speakers kick in as music began to play again. Britney Spears rather curiously. I saw Jack frown turning to look at me and before either of us spoke I heard the door click and Kate walked in.

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped. I wasn't exactly looking at myself but I’m sure it must have been something like that. I had of course previous experience with Kate to fall back on. I knew how captivating she could be. Of course, she proved I knew very little at all.

I was dimly aware of Jack frowning at me a puzzled expression on his face as he glanced at me and then slowly turned and followed my gaze. I knew when he spotted Kate even if I wasn't looking at him simply from sudden intake of breath and then the sharp exclamation.

"Oh fuck!" Which about summed up the moment.


Kate sauntered into the room. Smooth, assured and elegant she controlled the room in an elegant fashion dressed entirely appropriately as Britney herself had once been. Clearly this time she had wanted to make an impact. I wasn't sure I was going to recover. 

Me and Jack both just stood and stared at her dumbfounded as she sauntered a little closer one of those devilish teasing smiles on her face, drinking in the sight of her. I could have just stared at her like that she looked so good. From Jack's expression I was sure he could have done the same.

She wore a pair of high heels, black and polished gleaming in the light. Long socks that ran up her legs just above the knee the hint of lacy tops clinging to her thighs, a short black skirt that fluttered around her as she moved. A grey cardigan, the hint of a white shirt peeking out from beneath.

To top of that she had even changed her hair a couple of little pigtails now added little ribbons wound through each one. If she'd made me ache before I was throbbing now. She really was irresistible. She turned slowly as professional as ever the skirt rippling around her as she moved showing of every angle of that deliciously tempting figure.

"Aren't you boys going to take a seat?" She teased softly.

She didn't need to ask me twice. I slapped Jack lightly on the shoulder. "Come on you heard the lady, take a seat." I chuckled and made quickly to sit into one of the armchairs. Behind me Jack slowly shuffled across as well more reluctant maybe, but he couldn't resist the prospect of seeing what Kate was up to.

Once we were both sat down Kate began to stride around us. Slowly she circled us her hand stretched out her fingers brushing over our shoulders as she moved around. I shivered under her touch. As she touched Jack, she flashed me a smile as she began to talk ending up stood in front of us both. Suddenly the grin was replaced with a serious look.

"Rule number one here is absolutely no touching ok. You can watch, you can enjoy the show you can have fun. But there is absolutely no touching." She explained her voice soft and light.

I just nodded my head keeping my face empty even if me and Kate both knew the no touching rule would only last as long as she wanted. Jack shot me another alarmed look. I shrugged at him.

"You heard her. No touching, there's nothing to worry about just enjoy the show."

I settled myself in my seat leaning back getting comfortable and set my hands down on the rests gripping it lightly. In some ways at least this time I knew that however much Kate was going to tease it was going to be worth it by the end. Even so looking over her I knew it was going to be hard.

The anticipation, the tension, the sheer excitement I felt both at seeing her again and knowing what we might do was incredible. I drank in the tempting sight of her eagerly and could see that Jack for all his worry could barely look either. Kate was a sight you didn't forget at the best of times. Like this..........it was potent.

Her eyes drifted over the two of us, a small smile tugging at her lips as she regarded us silently for a moment before she moved closer the skirt following her, the muscled length of her legs shown of perfectly by the knee high socks she was wearing.

She began to move again slowly, steadily purely to catch the eye, entice us, draw us in. Hot hungry eyes roamed across her. You could do no less when confronted with the sight of her dancing and performing in front of us like that. Her gorgeous body all lush soft tempting curves caught your attention, held it punched it made you want more.

Already I was aching eager to see those layers peeled away to reveal the flesh beneath and I knew what was in store. What Jack was going through I wasn't sure. In front of us Kate spun a full circle the hem of her skirt flicking around just the flash of black lace beneath peeking out before it settled again.

Side on she dipped forwards and then rose smoothly her hands dancing up her legs fluttering along her body drawing the hem up and teasing more tempting sights of soft bare skin beneath, before they rose up over her hips and belly up across her ample busty chest as she smiled playfully.

She circled and turned facing away her hands reaching back as she leaned forward and played with the hem of the skirt as she sank down and then bounced, once, twice, a final time and slowly rose once more flicking it around and flashing more peeks of the lace beneath.

She turned and strode directly at Jack and even from where I was, I heard him groan audibly as she moved towards him and planted one heel clad foot right alongside his leg before her hands reached forward as she stretched sliding and pushing down her calf before running back along her thigh.

I watched her skirt fall back all that smooth curved muscle on show as Jack watched his attention focused directly on her and those lush sleek curves as her fingers swept along them gracefully. With a flash of a smile, she stepped back circled around made her way across to me.

We shared a smile as she worked her way around in front of me kicked out a leg and settled it between my thighs. Whether she had done this with Jack I wasn't sure but the end of her foot clad in the polished heel she wore pressed against me rubbing lightly over the straining length of my shaft.

I held myself still gripping the arm rests once more as her hands reached down and ran across her leg adjusting her sock pulling it back up her thigh and settling it into place with a little snap as it struck her thigh. We both knew the game that was going on anyway.

She edged back turned away moved into the middle of the room prowling around confident and assured as she held our gazes moving twisting, turning around to show of that gorgeous body until she was facing us again and her hands drifted down the front and settled on the grey cardigan she was wearing.

Our eyes followed her every move, watching those clever dextrous fingers glide down and slowly start to unbutton the cardigan. You couldn't help but be drawn to it. Her ample busty curves pushed against the fabric barely contained or at least looking like they wanted out.

The sultry hot heated looks she kept giving us didn't help either. It was a sweet torture watching her when all you wanted was to rip the whole thing open but then that was the fun as I full well knew. The buttons were slipped open one at a time and with a little shimmy and a shrug she slipped it off.

She whipped it around her head once, twice and then tossed it at Jack who caught it and then slowly placed it beside him. His eyes and mine were fixed on Kate. The white shirt beneath was figure hugging tight moulded to her form, so her breasts pushed against it just big and round.

Her fingers danced across the fabric stroking lightly down the front grasped the bottom and pulled straightening it out if such a thing was needed accentuating her lush curves even more. Her fingers continued playing with her skirt as she continued to move around.

Always in motion she swayed and moved, danced and teased that wicked playful smile curving her lips as she glanced at us as she moved. Eventually she paused in front her fingers returning to her the white shirt she wore. Slowly teasing us she popped open a button and then a second.

"It's all getting a little hot in here or is it just me?" She teased lightly fanning her face with her fingers.

"Oh, it's definitely feeling like it's heating up." I murmured dryly drawing a chuckle from her as she sauntered across to me.

She perched herself just in front of her dipping forwards arching her back as she smiled and leaned over her hands resting on the arm rests her fingers lightly brushing the back of my hand. I just about avoided a groan as her perfect cleavage heaved into view as I looked down her opened shirt.

She grinned at me edged forwards bringing that cleavage even closer before she pulled back and stood again. She danced around working her way between our seats and circled around to the opposite side coming back to position herself directly in front of Jack.

I watched him grip the arm rests even tighter as Kate smiled playfully those clever fingers once more descending to her shirt and slowly popping open several more buttons. Even side on I could see more of her breasts as they swelled against her shirt threatening to escape just being held back by the black lace of her bra.

She moved forwards and dipped down again sliding her hands onto Jack's chair. He twitched as he felt her touch eyes holding hers, briefly at least before they sank down to gaze at her lush breasts as they pushed forward eagerly just bouncing a little more freely now as they were unleashed.

She smiled slowly arching and rocked a little side to side just making everything jiggle and bounce a little more before she slowly pushed herself back up and stood. She smiled playfully and began to walk once more circling her way around the two of us.

She ended up in front of Jack again fluttering her eyes playfully. "I don't suppose you could give me a hand could you I think the buttons are stuck." She teased softly.

Whether she was making more of a show teasing Jack because we both knew where this was heading, or whether it was because she knew he had a girlfriend I wasn't sure. It made entertaining viewing either way. She leaned forward and grasped his hands covering them with her own.

He held on resisting, a second or two passed but they came free another little smile playing across her lips as she guided them smoothly up to the front of her shirt. She guided him to the buttons that were no problem at all and slowly he opened one, then another and another working his way down one after the other.

As the last button popped open the shirt fluttered spreading apart revealing the full extent of her breasts just being held up and lifted by the lace of her bra. The cleavage on show even from my angle was obscene her breasts threatening to spill out everywhere.

Jack just stared at it mesmerized by the sight. I wondered if I'd looked the same the last time I was in that position. For that matter I might have looked the same right then. It wasn't like she didn't make a spectacular sight all busty and tempting with just that final lace covering holding them in.

Kate gave a little shimmy and then arched her back her head tilting backwards as her hands replaced Jack's grasping the shirt and slowly tugging it back and shrugging it of her shoulders. As it slipped down her arms, she tugged it of one wrist after another and then gently swirled it around grinning at us both.

Still grinning she swung it around his neck pulling it back and forth as her breasts bounced and moved around in front of him. Captivated by the sight I could see that he couldn't look away. I'm not sure anyone would have been able to when confronted with that sight.

Kate was far from done as well, her playful streak in full evidence now as she used the shirt to tug him closer still. The two were nearly touching his face almost pressed between her cleavage something I knew from personal experience was almost irresistible. His hands on the rest of the seat went even whiter as he gripped it for all he was worth.

A soft chuckle and Kate released him slipping back to stand once more. She flicked a gaze at me, and her attention was diverted across to me again now. She swung back around taking her time bouncing towards me sleek and alluring a voluptuous temptation if I’d ever seen one.

She smiled at me slowly her shirt still grasped in her hands as she slipped onto my seat kneeling over my legs and swung the shirt around my neck. I could see Jack watching me now as Kate leaned a little closer and then tugged me forward my head almost pressing into her soft cleavage.

This close all I could see was her cleavage, no bad thing as lush and as tempting as it was. I wanted to just enjoy it lips, hands. But I held myself back drinking in the sight and inhaling the scent of her perfume as she rocked against me slow, seductive. With a little smile she released me and backed off.

She walked away swinging the shirt until she draped it over her shoulder and turned her attention back to the skirt she wore. She reached back playing with it flicking it up and down flashing the lace beneath that hugged her curves skimming her clever hands across her body.

She shook her hips side to side just let her hands roam across her curves as she looked back over her shoulder and glanced at us that small teasing smile touching her lips. They slipped her along her sides and caught the waist band of her skirt slipping underneath.

I knew it was going to come off and even I watching was willing it to happen. She bit her lip glanced shyly between the two of us fluttering her eyes edged it down back up down again flashing more bare skin before she wheeled away dancing around us both as Jack groaned beside me.

I sucked in a breath as she wondered past fingertips caressing my shoulders as she twisted and bounced around hitting the floor in front of us laying herself down spread out parting her legs before she rolled over onto her back and thrust them up high above her before slowly spreading them apart gliding her hands along her legs. The show this time even by the high standards she'd set last time was exceptional.

Her hand brushed along her thigh up the groove between her hips and then settled between her thighs rubbing and caressing herself. She rolled over again and turned facing us another teasing smile playing across her lips as she looked at us both.

She bit her lip pushed herself up flaunting more teasing glimpses of her cleavage as she ended up on all fours and slowly crawled her way towards us. She reached a point between our seats lifted an arm and rested it on the arm of my chair, another on the arm and Jack's and then slowly eased herself up slowly standing once more just bouncing around as she grinned at us.

She took a couple of steps back always moving in time with the music as her hands caressed herself again sliding across her breasts down to her waist and this time, she grasped the waistband of her skirt and slowly pushed it down over her hips along her thighs and shimmied it down her legs, giving a little wiggle before she kicked it away.

Stood there in just a couple of pieces of black lace she looked like a treat just waiting to be enjoyed. She smirked at us her eyes drifting between the two of us and then slowly fanned her face. "I'm feeling a little hot. I think I may need to cool of a little. How about one of you pours me a drink." She asked sweetly her voice soft and warm as she spoke.

I sat forward and moved to take the champagne bottle that was still on ice and took the bottle opener and set about getting it open. Kate looked and watched on a little smile on her face and then casually went and sat herself down on the end of Jack's leg balanced carefully.

I could see him shift restlessly, knowing all too well myself how hard it was to withstand Kate that close especially when she looked that enticing. His hands gripped the chair tight although he couldn't not stare at her. I poured Kate a glass and then set the bottle down and passed it across to her. 

She took the glass with a small smile and nod towards me before raising it to her mouth and drinking. Jack with a scantily clad Kate balanced on his leg didn't know what to do. Kate being the playful little tease she was just played up on it even more.

"Do you mind?" She asked sweetly fluttering her eyes. After Jack finally managed to shake his head, she smiled again and sat back more comfortably.

She settled herself back firmly on his thighs her back almost resting against his chest as she took another drink. If Jack wasn't already hard then having Kate's lacy clad rear pressed against him wasn't going to help. Every little move she made would be a sweet torture. I knew from experience.

"Did you enjoy the show?" She asked shortly.

"You were magnificent." I replied grinning at her.

"Jack?" She asked turning her attention to him glancing over her shoulder.

I watched his eyes dip sliding across Kate briefly. "Magnificent yes." He muttered then shook his head. "I mean yes you were beautiful it was fantastic." He corrected himself taking a deep breath as Kate beamed at him.

"Awwwww, that's sweet. Thank you." She murmured and leaned in and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Heh how comes I don't get a kiss?" I teased her.

"I'm sure I gave you one earlier. Besides you're over there." She smirked at me.

"That is true." I chuckled pausing a moment to take a drink myself before I turned my attention back to her. I knew how to play this game with her it was all the more fun this time as we both in a way were playing with Jack as well who was likely learning just how much fun Kate could be.

"So, I take it this is a breather right you’re not done for the night are you?" I asked her quizzically.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently arching an eye as she glanced across at me.

"I mean your routine. Surely this is a breather right I mean you're still wearing clothes. If you were playing out a proper striptease, then surely it would involve stripping everything of, right?" I replied.

"Oh, I don't know about that now. I don't think you guys want to see that right?" She murmured again turning to glance at Jack and then back towards me. Jack was going more and more flushed as he sat there gripping his seat. With Kate sat on his lap I could sympathise.

"Well, this is like one of your sets though right?" I continued . "If you're modelling and shooting then it's often lingerie or bikinis and swimsuits right this isn't any different to that. So, if you really wanted to make it a special night then surely it has to be more memorable. It's just a suggestion." I shrugged, kept my face blank as I looked at her.

She looked at me frowning even if there was a fun little twinkle in her eyes as she did. "Oh, I don't know I’m still not certain that you guys really want to see me strip completely naked now." She shook her head and glanced between the two of us again a frown on her face.

I shrugged just smiling at her. "It's up to you Kate. Just a fun idea if you like. Something to finish on properly it might be interesting. Speaking for myself I’ll enjoy it. What about you Jack?" I asked turning my head to look at him. He didn't reply at first attention focused on Kate.

"Jack?" I asked again.

He shook himself turned to look at me.

"Say again?"

"He asked if you wanted to see me undress as well. You know strip of completely." Kate gave him a nudge a finger slipping under the strap of her bra as she lifted it a little and glanced at him.

Jack's eyes turned back ran slowly over Kate following the movements of her fingers as they slipped across her skin and played with the strap of her bra. Playfully she edged it down her shoulder, her breasts swelling and rising, tempting before she tugged it back into place with a grin.

"So?" She promoted him.

I watched his eyes close a small shudder run through him as he contemplated a reply. Whether it was hesitation the fact he had a girlfriend I'm not entirely sure. I was pretty sure that Kate was as persuasive as you could be and he wouldn't be able to resist temptation.

In the end Kate decided the matter. She leaned closer placing her hands on his chest her fingers spread out and brought her head close enough to murmur into his ear. Even from where I was, I heard it and it made me shiver at that soft teasing tone of hers as she spoke.

"He asked if you wanted to see me take my clothes of?" She whispered her voice dangerously low just exotic and rich.

I watched him shudder his hands gripping the arm rests even tighter if possible, clutching on as Kate sat on him. I waited still not entirely certain which way he would go but with Kate there that close I guess temptation won out as he slowly nodded.

"Yes." He murmured softly.

"Yes?" Kate replied still teasing.

Jack swallowed hard. "Yes, I want to see you undress, take of the rest." He managed to get out. Kate looked at him and slowly nodded. "Well then if it's what you both want, I guess I had better make sure it happens then." She teased softly just pushing herself back until she was sat straight.

Then she slipped of his lap standing once more brushing her hair back from her face before she glided across to the middle of the room her eyes darting between the two of us as she smiled a little. Slowly then she began to move once more her body gliding and stretching as her hands caressed herself.

They ran across her breasts squeezing and lifting them up her cleavage almost pouring over the top of the lacy bra which barely held them in check. Her hands continued sliding across her stomach along her thighs and then back just pressing between her legs as she shuddered and gave a little shake a smile playing across her lips.

She padded closer big breasts bouncing as she moved towards me dipped forward as she reached my chair and rose slowly and smoothly her fingers playing with the lace dragging it around flashing more teasing peaks of her hidden curves. She winked at me and stepped aside.

She made her way across to Jack and then leaned over his seat before she straightened slowly her breasts brushing against his body as she moved. She turned around and then sat herself down on his lap snuggling back onto his thighs as she got herself comfortable.

If he was anything like me, he had to be rock hard right then. Kate was far too tempting too not be. But if she felt it, she didn't say anything. She just turned her head fluttered her lashes and bit her lip as she looked at Jack.

"Do you think you could give me a hand again?" She murmured softly just smiling as she spoke.

I watched Jack draw in a breath a sharp intake as he steadied himself no doubt. But he lifted his hands up to her back placed them on the clasp of her bra and began to unhook it one by one until it popped loose, and the bra gave a little. I couldn't quite see it from this angle, but I could easily imagine her bountiful curves surging out without anything to hold them back.

I looked across hoping, waiting for a glimpse of them again. I knew from first-hand experience how good they were and was aching to see them again. Kate was still sat on Jack, and she raised a finger and tapped her lip thoughtfully. It was all a game, all a little show and performance she was putting on, but she was so good at it.

"I think the straps to." She continued batting her eyes as she looked at him.

I could see him shudder, take a deep breath and then shift a hand up to her shoulder. HIs fingers moved lightly just brushing against her skin grasped the fabric and slowly pulled it off. As soon as it slipped of her shoulder it gave way as her breasts spilled forwards.

I got more of glimpse of them side on they couldn't be completely obscured even if she held the fabric of her bra just over them clutched loosely still just about covering her nipples. Jack moved on silently reaching across to the other shoulder another delicate brush of a finger and thumb across her skin and he eased the fabric aside.

Kate smiled gave a little shimmy and shifted her arm crossing it over her breasts as her other hand grasped her bra pulled it free and then playfully flicked it back at Jack, so it ended up draped over his shoulder. She leaned back into his chest again, far enough that every second his view of her luscious breasts had to be improving.

"There now that's better, isn't it?" Kate teased gently.

I gave a polite cough. "Well nearly maybe, I do believe there is one layer left though isn't there?" I smirked a little arching one eye questioningly at her.

She scowled at me rolling her eyes as she glanced down at herself.

"Well maybe there is one layer left. Of course, if I had to take that of as well then you boys might be enjoying a real eyeful and I’m not sure you could handle that." She teased us hefting her boobs and making them bounce a little with her arm still crossed over them.

"You know Kate I’m happy to take that risk, I bet Jack would probably risk it at this point as well. So why not run with it?" I continued playing with her. She tilted her head turned to look at Jack her bra still draped over his shoulder.

"Sure, why not." He added in agreement.

"See I think you’re out voted!" I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes at us still scowling even if I knew it was more for a show. She pushed herself up of Jack's lap still clutching her breasts and I heard him stifle a groan as she moved. She paced over a little stood between our chairs and flicked a glance at us both as she stood there half naked still covering her breasts even if it looked like she was lifting them up as a tempting offering.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you." She muttered but then shook her head. "Maybe I need an extra hand to help." She breathed out softly and then slowly walked towards me.

I drank in the sight of her eyes just wondering over every inch of her near naked body knowing that there would only be more to come. I was hungry for it, eager to enjoy her once more. My eyes settled on hers and grinned. I watched hers flash as eager as me I thought to advance things further.

She slipped onto my lap her thighs spreading either side of mine raised above me, her luscious near bare breasts directly in front of my eyes, a deliberate move, I was sure. She leaned forward a little, her breasts moving even closer, and I moaned a little not quite able to resist that tempting sight.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle both of you." She smiled lazily her voice a soft whisper in my ear as her free hand reached down to take my wrist.

"I'm pretty sure we might be finding out soon enough." I murmured in reply watching as she took hold my hand.

I could feel Jack watching on although my focus was entirely on Kate. I couldn't look away not with her sitting half naked on me. I watched as she guided my hand to her hip and placed my fingers on the edge of her panties. I felt her skin warm, tantalising soft under my touch.

I slipped my fingers under that thin strip of lace and brushed the back of my finger against her skin feeling her shiver under the touch. Everything was heating up now, we all knew it, we could all feel it. I knew almost instinctively now that soon enough I’d finally be able to enjoy her again.

"Are you ready?" I asked her my voice louder now carrying to Jack knowing he would be watching.

"It's what you wanted right, both wanted to see?" She teased softly.

I nodded slowly, watched as she turned her head towards Jack. I saw him move guessed he did the same as me as Kate turned back towards me. She shrugged just a slight gesture and flick of her head, a little teasing smile as she looked at me.

"Then take them off." She murmured that hint of a challenge in her voice.

I nodded slowly tightening my grip on the thin lace more than was strictly necessary really, but I couldn't help but enjoy myself. I wasn't sure how much Jack could see from where he was, and Kate still held an arm across her breasts the other resting on her hip.

It wouldn't matter soon as I slowly start to roll and push that lace down over her hip and guide it down her thigh. One handed it wasn't the easiest way to do things. With it slowly sliding down I risked a glance down to see but her breasts rising and falling in front of my face obscured the view.

"Can I use a second hand just to make it a little easier?" I enquired softly.

She looked at me and smiled a little. "That would be fine." She agreed her voice sultry and warm as she spoke.

I let my other hand glide up avoiding touching her and placed it on the opposite hip just grasping the other side of her panties and together began to guide and push them down her body. I felt them resist as they clung to her curvy rear but a little more pressure and a soft snap they fell away gliding down over her ass and down her thighs.

I rolled them down tugging and pulling them down her thighs until they reached the back of her knees where her legs were bent and wouldn't move any further until she moved. I licked my lips both of us watching one another our eyes focused intently on the other.

"I think that's as far as I can manage." I murmured softly.

"Then let me help you." She replied a small smile tugging at her lips.

She leaned closer those luscious breasts almost brushing me as she reached out dropped a hand on my shoulder to support herself and lifted one leg so she could reached down and slide her panties down further. Then she did the same with the other side pulling her panties of completely, naked now apart from her heels.

"There you go. Is that better?" She grinned playfully bunching her underwear in her hand reaching to take my hand and place them in my palm.

"Nearly." I chuckled softly still holding her gaze. "Now we just need the full reveal."

She smiled again. Neither of us had broken the gaze. I ached to see her, to touch her especially with her tantalizingly close almost straddling me. So easy to reach out and brush her skin, to run my hands across her back and squeeze her soft firm rear, to bury my head in luscious cleavage and enjoy those breasts. I held myself in check.

Instead, Kate smirked at me and leaned in close once more her mouth close to my ear even as she turned her head to look at Jack as she spoke.

"Are you both ready for that?" She teased softly and even as she spoke, I felt her fingers brush up the length of my thigh tracing slowly up until she brushed against my straining erection. It throbbed under her touch hard and aching but the two of us at least had an idea of what we were doing. Across from us Jack just swallowed hard and slowly nodded.

I wasn't watching her at that moment, my attention was somewhat absorbed by the sight of bare breasts bouncing around right in front of my face her arm covering her nipples but very little else. Her hand pushed against my erection, and she sat back and looked at me again.

"Well then let us hope you both are." She laughed softly and slipped back of me.

I caught fleeting glimpses of her before she covered herself with her other hand and then circled back around behind our seats slowly drifting around just putting on a show and a deliberate show of making us wait just a few seconds longer.

"I do hope you boys know how lucky you are." She teased again moving around.

"Kate, I’m pretty sure if there's a way, we can make it up to you then you only have to ask." I added chuckling again.

"Careful." She teased softly. "I may take you up on that." She murmured softly still walking around behind us.

I watched her circle around Jack's chair, and she headed away from us heading back towards the centre of the room. This time at least we could watch her legs stretch out flexing as she walked, the little sway of her hips as she walked forwards and the delicious bounce of her bare rear.

She stopped and looked back over her shoulder at us. "Well, are you sure you’re ready?" She teased softly.

"Kate I’m sure if you don't turn around and show us soon rule one might be in serious danger of being broken." She smirked at me slowly a slow teasing smile.

But even as she did her hand slowly pulled away from between her thighs exposing the bare triangle of flesh between her legs and with them closed you couldn't see much. That hand travelled up over her belly and instead cupped her breast. She stood their hands on both of them kneading, squeezing just making them bounce as they threatened to spill out around the edges to much to contain before she finally let go and they burst free.

A small smile was on her face, her eyes flicked between me and Jack as she clutched at them and then finally, she gave them a final squeeze her fingers digging deeply into the soft flesh before she released them and bare and delicious, they bounced freely as she stood there naked.

I had seen them before of course, the last time glistening after I’d exploded over them, even so it was a spectacle I wouldn't tire of. They were just perfect. Big and soft, her nipples already hard points that crested the tips. Sat in the seat next to mine I heard Jack's audible intake of breath.

"Holy Christ." I heard him mutter from his seat.

Hands now by her side Kate sauntered her way towards us. Those luscious bare breasts bounced as she moved. She flashed me a smile and diverted her course to walk towards where Jack was desperately clutching at the arms of his seat his eyes focused on the bare busty blonde advancing towards him.

"Sooooooo" Kate spoke softly that teasing smile on her face as she reached his seat. "Was it worth it?"

She teased softly as she edged herself onto his seat slipping forward to balance herself directly in front of him. She rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward. That close I knew full well how good she looked how hard it was to not touch her.

"Yes." He breathed out slowly clenching tightly to the chair.

She smiled again rocking slowly back and forth and I knew that she would no doubt be grinding right against his erection. Every second now I felt the tension build, the heat and excitement build more and more as I contemplated what we might enjoy. Jack couldn't take his eyes of her.

I just wasn't sure exactly what might finally tip it over the edge. I watched her grinding against him until she pushed herself up once more leaning back and then slowly sliding herself free turning her attention back towards me now. I swallowed hard feeling my heart race.

Slowly she moved across to me and then turning away sat herself down on my lap again rubbing on my hard cock. I swallowed as she leaned back into me feeling the weight of her on my chest and the scent of her perfume lingering in the air.

"Kate?" I murmured slowly.

"Yes." She replied sounding very pleased with herself.

I felt her grind back against me pausing to rest against my chest her head turning to look at me, a small smile playing across her face as she did. I swallowed hard taking a moment just to enjoy the view over her shoulder at her bare breasts. She saw it, the smile widened, she wriggled against me a little more just teasing my hard cock.

"I think." I paused swallowing a moan as she ground her rear on me. "I think it might be time to explain the rules a little more."

"Oh, you mean like rule one again?" She added innocently.

"Right, I mean you know them best. Jack doesn't know any of them and a refresher for me wouldn't be a bad idea." I added.

"I guess that would be a good idea." She replied.

"Why don't you explain to Jack." I nodded just thrusting up a little against her rear. She winked at me playfully and then nodded in agreement.

"I can do that."

She put her hands on my thighs squeezed them and then pushed herself up standing showing of her delicious bare rear as she turned and paced back over towards where Jack sat. Neither of us could look away from her. She was to captivating to resist striding around naked and effortless. 

I watched Jack grip his chair tightly as she reached his, reaching out a hand and resting it on his shoulder as she pulled herself into his lap one leg after the other straddling his thighs as she shifted into position. She leaned closer smiling as she settled her weight onto his hips.

"So......." She began softly. "Rule number one, absolutely no touching right." She added softly looking directly at him. He nodded slowly eyes focused on her.

"Well see that is entirely true of course. But remember it is up to whoever you might be with. If they wanted to ignore the rule and were happy then it wouldn't matter everyone would be fine." She sat back and looked thoughtful. "Perhaps we need a practical demonstration." She continued.

She reached out and took his hand lifted it up so their fingers were wrapped around one another.

"See this is perfectly fine because I did it." She paused and looked over at me. "Come here a second I need to borrow a hand."

I smiled at her but stood up and crossed over towards them standing just to one side. "Ok now just put your hand on my back." She instructed me. I nodded once, reached out and placed my palm flat on her back.

"Now that would be ok as I asked. If he'd just grabbed me that wouldn't be ok. It's all about how you interact with your partner and how well you know one another. If you trust and know each other well, it's easy. Until you do it's always better to ask first." She continued.

She gripped Jack's hand and guided it down this time to rest on her hip. Then she leaned back just watching him. Jack looked more star struck than anything. Understandable with Kate naked and sitting on his lap. I chuckled softly.

"I think he is still a little un-clear Kate." I added laughing earning a slight glare. "I think you need to show him more." I continued just grinning.

She sat back looking thoughtful again. "Is that right then Jack?" She asked sweetly her voice taking on a teasing playful tone now. "You two already got me naked do you want to touch me some more as well?" She murmured softly arching an eye as she looked at him.

He looked back at her eyes fixed licking his lips as he stared at the naked busty blonde currently straddling him and wondered where it was all leading. I watched as he closed his eyes for a moment and just shuddered. When he opened them again he spoke slowly. "I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, there's Emma my girlfriend." He began slowly before Kate interrupted.

"Ah well I don't think she is here right now, is she?" Kate flashed a wicked smile. "You wouldn't say anything for obvious reasons, I don't think he'll say anything." She smirked glancing at me, "And I am not likely to meet your girlfriend so I’m hardly likely to say anything either." She continued chuckling softly.

"So really the only thing you need to worry about really is just whether you want to touch more or not." She murmured softly as she looked back at him. The answer to which was obvious when you had a half-naked model sat on you. There wasn't any way you could resist it.

I watched his eyes flutter and close and a slow nod of his head in agreement. Kate was still just a fleeting moment before her hand slipped down to grasp his hand and then she slowly drew it up lifting it up. I watched as his eyes opened again unable to not see and enjoy what she was doing.

She guided his hand up until she placed it on her breast her nipple covered by his palm as his skin brushed over hers. I watched her shiver then as well, listened as Jack groaned and his fingers settled against her squeezing as her breast spilled around them to much of a handful to contain.

I watched Kate at the same time, watched her shudder a little as she held his hand against her breast. She closed her grip on him making him squeeze it even more watched the ripple of pleasure pass across her face as she enjoyed the contact between them both.

"Uh Kate......." I began slowly watching as she turned her gaze up and looked at me. We knew each other by now or maybe she was starting to enjoy herself and wanted even more. She rolled her eyes and smirked at me and then her other hand reached out grasped my wrist and guided to her other breast.

"Well, I was going to ask if you wanted another drink but I guess this will do." I laughed as I looked at her.

I gripped her soft flesh lightly sweeping my finger along the top caressing her skin feeling her hard nipple thrusting against my palm as I touched her. She held both our hands there clutching them against her breasts and leaned back just closing her eyes as she enjoyed herself.

"Well, this was more fun than I was expecting." I replied innocently. Kate opened her eyes slowly and regarded me again. The feel of her breast in my hand was awakening all those desires I had again reminding me of how good she felt. "So, are you limited to where you placed them or is there room for exploration?" I quipped.

Kate smirked again as she looked at me. "Well I’m naked and your hands are on my bare breasts what do you think?" She teased back.

"Point taken." I chuckled softly rolling her nipple in my grip. I reached around with my other free hand and ran it over her shoulder to her neck and began to lightly rub and knead the muscles there just exploring her more. Jack watching me tentatively reached his other hand forward and caressed Kate's thigh slowly running his fingers along the muscle.

As she felt both sets of hands on her body Kate gave a happy little sigh wriggling against Jack, so he groaned again squeezing her breast harder. My fingers traced across her other shoulder and then edged their way down her spine spreading out, tracing across her smooth soft skin sinking lower and lower.

All those memories of how much fun she had been the last time all that hunger and desire was flooding back even more intense now. My hand continued to slide down over the small of her back until I found her ass and slowly, began to roam across it exploring all that soft smooth skin.

Kate was watching us again, her eyes a little wide, her lips parted drinking in the sight of our hands caressing her. I edged mine back and teased her nipple using my finger and thumb to lightly pinch and tug on it while Jack kneaded the other. She moaned softly quivering under the attention.

Her hand had moved sliding up my leg gripping it tightly using it to support herself as she sat there still enjoying our attention. Suddenly her attention shifted, and she looked at us both again eyes darting between us. "I'm feeling like you’re both overdressed right now and that isn't fair." She murmured softly.

"What did you have in mind I asked her innocently.

"I think those clothes need to come off, even things up a little." The hand she had on my leg moved between them brushed my cock before it slipped around and tapped my rear.

"Is that so." I murmured slowly knowing exactly what she had in store.

"Oh, I think so. It doesn't quite seem fair that I’m the only one naked and being touched now." She smirked at me slowly her hand reaching back around to the front of my body. Her fingers ran up the front of me pressing into my cock again before she grasped my shirt and started to tug it up.

"Come on I want to see both of you strip of." She tapped me lightly and then turned her attention back to Jack leaning forward to run her hands across him. "You to. Don't think you can avoid it as well." She added laughing playfully as she looked at him. He coughed almost apologetically.

"You'll need to get of me if that's what you want." Jack muttered slowly almost reluctantly pulling his hands back away from her. Kate chuckled again tapped me, so I stepped back to give her room and slowly stood up. She laughed as she watched our gazes watching her as she slowly stretched and then sauntered across to her chair where she settled herself comfortably.

You couldn't help but watch her move. She drew the eye with the way her hips moved, her cute bare ass bouncing even before she turned around and carefully sat herself down before leaning back making her gorgeous bare breasts bounce as she settled herself.

I led the way walking closer towards her Jack following just behind me until we stood just in front of her. Her eyes were bright as they flicked between us, and she licked her lips dabbing them with her tongue as she waited for us to undress. I took a final breath and then grasped my shirt and started to unbutton it.

I peeled it open shrugged it off and then pulled it away tossing it to one side as I felt Jack doing much the same thing. It was more practical and hurried than the show Kate had just put on. She shook her head and tutted at us both.

"This won't do. This won't do at all. Get yourselves over her right in front of me." She instructed us bending a finger and beckoning us over towards her.

We walked forwards towards her standing just beside one another positioned just in front of where she sat. She shuffled forwards to the edge of the seat and reached out a hand snaking its way up the sides of both our bodies as we stood there just feeling her fingers caressing as we waited.

She let go of me turned her attention back to Jack and using both her hands began to unbutton the front of the jeans he wore looking back up at him as her clever fingers worked on the fastenings and drew down the zip on the front before she slowly tugged them down his legs.

She curled her fingers around his legs one at a time making sure she could pull them of his feet and then I watched her just stare hungrily at the front of his boxers where his erection strained against the fabric desperately wanting to be free. She ran her fingers over the bare skin of his thigh teasing before she moved back to me.

She smirked leaning forwards flashing more tempting glimpses of her bare breasts as she let her hands glide up to find the button on my slacks and gently tease it open. She worked quickly now hungrily slipping her fingers up to part the fabric and tease the tips across the bare skin beneath making me shudder at the contact.

Then they just eased back down to find the zip tug it down deftly before she reached up grabbed the waistband and stripped them down over my hips pulling them down to leave me standing there in just my boxers as well as I raised my feet so I could kick them away.

I felt her hand caress along my thigh watched her reach out to brush against Jack at the same time her hand running up the front of his body as we stood side by side just our boxers left as she eyed us hungrily that little teasing smile playing across her face as she looked at us both.

"Well, this is better, or very nearly at least." She murmured playfully.

Her hands reached out again and slowly ran up our thighs until she was pressing her palms into the straining fronts where we thrust out. She caressed us lightly playing up and down the swollen hard lengths as we both stood just waiting to see exactly what she in had in store for us.

We didn't have long to wait. Her fingers edged up and delved under the waistbands getting a good firm grip as she looked at us. I could feel her hand resting on the head of my cock, felt the head nudging against her touch eagerly as it enjoyed the caress wanting more.

"What would really be better.......would be this........." She smirked playfully gripped the boxers and just pulled them down smoothly.

Our erections both hard and solid spilled out surging free after being held by the fabric bouncing in front of her as her hands continued to tug our boxers down stripping them away completely to leave us standing there naked along with her now. We were all quiet then Kate hungrily looking at us both.

"Oh, now this is better." She grinned happily.

Her eyes darted back and forth looking at us both a small teasing smile playing across her face before she bit her lip playfully.

"The question is now I have you both like this what am I to do about it I wonder?" She fluttered her eyes playfully as she looked at us.

"Do you want suggestions?" I chuckled softly as I glanced down at her.

"I'm open to ideas." She smirked back at me smiling up.

"Well in that case.......I know there is rule one but using your example if I did this, then it would be fine because I’m guiding you and ok with it."

I reached down and grasped the hand closest to me lifting it up fingers brushing together briefly before I guided it up to press it against my erection. I shuddered immediately as Kate slowly grasped me her soft, slender fingers wrapping around the base of my shaft and slowly edging up the shaft.

"Oh well I mean I guess that's fair I did let you touch me after all as well. What about you?" She enquired mildly turning her attention back to Jack who was watching as Kate lazily stroked my cock. He opened his mouth contemplating what to do Kate's hand hovering close by.

"Fuck it." He muttered shaking his head.

He grasped her hand and guided it up to his own cock. Kate gave a throaty chuckle as her fingers wrapped around it and started lazily running up and down his shaft as well. It was hard to ignore exactly what was going on now, what with Kate naked sat in front of us with a hand on both our cocks slowly stroking them.

She had a soft assured touch her clever fingers running up and down while her thumb casually stroked over the head. Watching as she touched and played with us both was erotic enough, her hungry eyes darting between us both as she squeezed played and enjoyed our throbbing erections.

We edged closer towards her almost inadvertently, distracted by her touch enjoying the way she handled us both. We were swollen and hard throbbing against her touch and she smirked looking at me and then Jack before she slowly arched her back lifting her breasts and drawing us closer.

I groaned almost instinctively as I looked on. Watching her arch back like that and lift her breasts, as her hands played along our hard length tugging and teasing them suddenly it wasn't just her hands that were enjoying us but her breasts as well and the sight was wickedly hot.

I watched the head of my shaft rub across the top of her cleavage felt that silky soft caress of flesh as it ran across her bare skin. I remembered all too well how good that had felt. This time it wasn't just me as Jack was there edging across the opposite breast at the same time.

I watched Kate as she looked down taking in the sight of our hard cocks nudging against her breasts.

"Oops!" She smirked looking back up at us. "Better be careful of that." She continued moving a little making her breasts bounce and slide and rub against us both even more drawing another round of groans from us both as we enjoyed the growing contact between her breasts and our cocks.

Far from stopping our however things only continued. Our swollen cocks pressed forward eagerly against her hands. Her silky soft touch spiralled up the length of them slowly stroking and leaning back so we brushed and rubbed over more and more of her breasts until the inevitable happened.

I moaned as the head of my cock rubbed against her nipple the stiff peak only adding to that delicious friction I was feeling as I flicked slowly back and forth against it. On the opposite side I could see Jack doing the exact thing as Kate teased and toyed with us that playful smile on her face as she did.

"Well, this is fun isn't it." She murmured shaking her head as she glanced at us both again smiling. "We're all having fun now and it's much more fun now that I'm not the only one naked. "I think we can still continue to play some more though, you know make sure those rules have sunk in." She smirked slowly.

"I think making sure those rules sink in is probably a good idea." I half chuckled hearing Jack just groan alongside me. "What else did you have in mind?" I asked her innocently.

Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she looked at us. "Oh, I don't know exactly." She murmured continuing to rub the heads of our cocks and watch as they ran over her luscious breasts. She suddenly straightened both our cocks making them stand vertically.

Then making sure she held our gazes she dipped forward and placed a kiss gently on the tip of Jack's cock, soon followed by a second this time on the head of mine. I shivered all over my cock pulsing in pleasure. She watched us smiling slowly hands still stroking our lengths.

"Oh, I think they liked it. I guess that means I'll need to go back and do some more. She murmured softly as she grinned at us again.

"Probably a very good idea." I stammered out slowly already watching as her head dipped forwards and her mouth parted eagerly.

This time Jack groaned again as her mouth opened and her tongue gently stroked the shaft before she moved back to the head and then enveloped it taking it into her mouth sucking gently. She held him there moaning softly as her mouth enjoyed him and her fingers continued to stroke me.

Then she slipped free again popping of the head of his cock before edging back and sliding down onto me again. There was less teasing now she just hungrily edged her way down my shaft making me groan as I felt her warm wet mouth engulf me sucking gently and stroking her tongue against my shaft.

I throbbed and pulsed against her tongue enjoying that glorious sensation that seemed to end far too quickly as she pulled herself of me before she went back to stroking us both. She tilted her head to watch us again grinning as her clever fingers edged along our hard lengths.

"More?" She enquired sweetly flashing a dazzling smile as she looked at us both.

"More, definitely more." I groaned a reply watching her smirk as she turned to Jack.

He was already pushing forward to meet her mouth groaning himself as the tip pierced her lips and pushed inside. There was a muffled moan as her mouth took him in and then just the engorged length of his cock being hungrily enjoyed as her lips moved along the hard length.

I was growing more and more restless now reaching forward to capture her breast I squeezed it fondling the soft flesh and tugging at her nipple while I watched and waited for my next turn at enjoying her mouth. She was already taking Jack deeper nearly devouring the entire length before she turned back to me.

I had a moment's brief glimpse of her flashing bright eyes and then her lips spread wide, and she slipped her mouth down around the head of my cock and continued sliding down further even as I pushed against her until she had the entire length buried inside her mouth.

The sensation was exquisite as I felt her tongue sliding against the shaft and the hungry sucking sensation around my cock. It made me ache and pulse against her eagerly and she grinned playfully as she pulled back to the head and kissed it again.

She smiled back at me licking her lips as her hands stroked us again. "The real question is whether I can do this." She teased us and we both looked in confusion until we felt her bring our cocks closer together until the heads touched lightly before her mouth parted again and she slipped it around us both.

We looked on and groaned as we watched her try to take us both together. Her mouth spread apart and enveloped the heads of our shafts her tongue swirling and licking as she looked back at us until she pushed on sliding around the heads and taking more of the shafts.

She pulled back took a breath and then sank forwards once more sliding further along those lengths. It was a different sensation stuffed quite so tightly inside her mouth especially with her moaning around us at the same time. Her hands gripped our thighs squeezing them as she worked her way along our cocks.

She continued again pulling back and then slid her mouth around us only this time Jack gripped her head and guided her onto us. Almost instinctively we both thrust forward at the same time the heads and shafts of our cocks pressed tight and straining against each other as we pierced her mouth.

We pushed past her lips and muffled her moan this time just trying to get deeper still as she enjoyed them. Now we started we couldn't stop. She held herself still now and instead we fucked her mouth just making her take those hard lengths. Sometimes we alternated thrusts one pushing in the other edging back. Sometimes one of us would rest on her lips and tongue while the other thrust inside, and sometimes we both thrust together just filling Kate's teasing mouth with hard throbbing cock seeing how much she could take.

She was more than capable she moaned and urged us on leaning into us, so those gorgeous round breasts bounced and rubbed against our thighs. In between thrusts sometimes we'd pause just to enjoy her lips and tongue as she ran them along the shafts and over the head.

Eventually though we all paused to take a breather and I brushed a hand along her shoulder watching as she balanced us on her tongue her lips gently rubbing both our heads as she massaged our balls with her hands. She was more than capable of handling us both I knew it just watching her.

"I think it might be time to get a little more comfortable." I chuckled watching her.

"You mean more than this?" She teased.

"I think the couch might help."

"Oh yes and what are we to do there?" She added softly fluttering her eyes as she looked at us.

"I think we do everything and anything that you want." I teased her back reaching down to lift her up.

"Anything I want, is it?"

"Anything you want." I agreed helping her to her feet and steering her back towards the seat behind us. It was larger and softer offering a more comfortable setting as well as more space.

We carried her across to the larger seat and set her down. A quick hand sliding across her breasts, and I nudged her back, listening as she laughed laying back against it. I knelt down using my hands to spread apart her legs and grinned at her watching briefly before Jack moved up looming over her.

She looked at him briefly and could only then moan as his hips thrust forward and his hard long cock pierced her lips again. She moaned around it happily letting him slide inside and sucking hungrily as he did. I watched her arch and squirm as she found the best angle his hand reaching to clutch and squeeze her breast.

Then I was running my hands along her thighs, spreading them apart exposing the glistening bare core of her sex and running my fingers across it teasing her lightly. I eased them apart and slipped a finger inside stroking lightly watching as she squirmed against Jack.

He had her head turned towards him now still kneading her breast and tugging on her nipple. His hips rocked back and forth, and Kate's teasing mouth was being thoroughly enjoyed as he guided his cock in and out enjoying it as she moaned around him and pushed herself back against my touch.

I turned my attention back to her caressing her with my thumb and slowly working another finger inside her. She was tight still but squeezed and gripped my fingers as I worked them inside her and then used my thumb to start rubbing and teasing her clit.

Another muffled moan echoed above me as Kate groaned against the cock working her mouth. She was already pushing back towards me her hips thrusting down driving my finger deeper inside her. She was aroused and turned on now enjoying the moment and sheer audacity of what we were doing.

I thrust more fingers inside her, a second a third. Kate groaned thrusting back against them almost whimpering as I slid them free at least briefly. Then I replaced them with my mouth instead burying my head between her thighs. I gripped her knees holding her legs apart and dived in to taste her.

I kept my hands on her thighs holding her open to enjoy. They ended up draped either side of my body as I ran my tongue up the length of her sex just teasing her outer lips, but she was so wet so worked up by now she was already wriggling and straining pushing back against me.

I worked my tongue up and down the length of her sex edged up a little more to caress and flick her clit and then began to tease it while my lips nipped and sucked at her. The taste of her filled my mouth, smearing against my chin as she arched and strained pushing to meet me.

There was also the visual appetizer of looking up the length of her body watching her bare breasts heave and bounce and Jack stuffing his cock in and out of her mouth. She moaned around it welcoming it urging him on as he used her lips and tongue just fucking it now pumping the stiff hard length between those eager lips.

I couldn't focus entirely on that. Not while I had my lips tight around her swollen clit, not while I pushed my tongue in and out of her tight eager hole. Just for good measure I used a finger thrusting it in and out of her around my tongue coating it in her slippery wetness.

I slipped it free traced it down under her rear and stroked it between her cheeks until I found her even tighter hole and lightly began to rub and circle that for good measure. She squirmed against me writhing as she moaned against Jack again her body arching up of the seat.

I didn't stop I played and toyed with her clit and lashed her sex with my tongue, the whole time I kept teasing her tight ass lightly at first but then more firmly just stretching her, opening her up letting my finger probe and penetrate her there as well as she moaned above me.

Her muffled moans grew louder as Jack continued to enjoy her mouth. A brief glance as I used my fingers to pump inside both her other holes showed that his cock was buried between her lips, balls resting lightly on her mouth as his hand clutched her breasts just squeezing and rolling it in his grip.

She squirmed and strained against us both. Her hips thrust back against me her head was as close to him as possible. I had two fingers inside her sex, another inside her tight rear and tore my gaze from the captivating sight of her hungry mouth and bouncing breasts to properly enjoy her as she deserved.

I closed my mouth over her clit again and sucked hungrily lashing it with my tongue as I pumped my fingers in and out of both her other holes. The combination worked or maybe it was the unfolding situation regardless her eyes rolled back, and she shuddered and then moaned and moaned again as her orgasm exploded through her.

After a moment Jack slipped free from her mouth her cries even louder as she arched on the chair pushing herself against me until it was all too much, and she was too sensitive. Then she just collapsed back shuddering as she breathed those gorgeous, lush breasts still heaving.

We gave her a moment to recover Jack still enjoying her breasts, while I pushed myself up and edged my hands up along her thighs while she stretched lazily biting her lip as little aftershocks rippled through her body. After a few minutes she was clear enough to fix us both with a stare.

"If one of you isn't inside me in the next few minutes then I swear I'm kicking you both out." She murmured one hand squeezing her breast the other reaching down between her thighs to caress her swollen sex. We both watched her eyes lingering on her fingers until I stood up grinning.

"You heard the lady." I chuckled at Jack standing up and moving around to one side. He glanced at me as if unsure about the exact order to do things but eventually the sight of Kate naked and waiting to be fucked proved too tempting to resist. He moved down taking my place between her thighs while I loved up alongside her.

I watched briefly as he settled between her parted thighs and eased himself into position guiding the head of his cock to her entrance. Kate still playing with herself grasped the tip and ran it up and down the bare smooth lips of her sex guiding him inside her. They both moaned in unison as he began to slide himself home burying his length inside her.

She arched up moaning, those beautiful big round breasts jiggling again as she did. Far too tempting a sight for me to resist. I reached out and grasped one squeezing it watching as Jack finished working himself inside her. Kate sighed with pleasure her eyes fluttering as she savoured that first penetration. It probably wasn't going to be the last.

I shuffled closer released her breast and grasped my cock instead sliding myself close enough to her that I could guide the tip to that luscious big soft mound and edge the head across it. Swollen and hard the contrast in her silky-smooth flesh was electric. Even more so as I guided it up to rub against her nipple as well.

I grasped the head and squeezed lightly until a drop of fluid gathered at the tip and then slowly dripped down to hit her nipple. I watched it slowly thread it's way down one side sliding across her cleavage, a thin glistening trail left in it's wake. Both Jack and Kate were watching his hands on her hips as he held himself inside her.

"Do you want to fuck them?" Kate murmured softly.

"Maybe." I grinned looking back at her.

"I think I’m going to be a busy girl tonight." She chuckled softly her hand down between her thighs playing with herself.

"That is likely." I grinned at her pulling my cock of her breast and moving higher reaching out to turn her head towards me brushing her hair back so we could watch. At the same time, I thrust myself back inside her mouth Jack started moving as well holding her tight as he edged back and thrust forward a proper first spit roast for her as she took both our cocks.

She moaned against me eager and hungry as she devoured the length of my cock licking and sucking, lips sealed tight as I rocked back and forth holding her hair back so I could enjoy the sight of her. She bounced and moved at the same time her body quivering as she was fucked at the same time.

Her hand rubbed at her clit while Jack thrust in and out hands on her thighs, holding them spread apart so he could drive his way deeper inside her. She moaned with every thrust her curvy body bouncing with the impact. We both soon held a breast as well. Jack reaching up to grip one, while I held the other both squeezing that soft flesh and teasing her nipples. 

Kate gasped even more squirming between the two of us as she took more and more of our cocks inside her just being stuffed and filled at this point. It was time for a change, and I knew something else that Jack would enjoy. I eased myself free my cock bobbing wildly as Kate tried to recapture it with her mouth.

"Let's change things up." I murmured taking a step back. Jack thrust inside Kate again and then slowly eased himself back as well. Kate lay there panting flushed and moaning before she looked at us. " What did you have in mind?" She asked. I grinned at her grasped her hand and pulled her to her feet.

I had a hand on her shoulder and slowly turned her back around to face the couch. I reached around and cupped her breasts squeezing them and playing with them as I ground myself against her rear. She always felt so tempting doing anything with her was a distraction and I had to focus to remember what I had in mind now.

"Well, if Jack sits down right there." I began glancing at him. He moved then to take a seat directly in front of Kate his erection thrusting up firmly. I pulled my hands back put one on her shoulder, another on her hip and just made her lean forward towards him. "Then you can lean down and reach him with your mouth. Of course, you might be able to press those fantastic boobs of yours as well."

I almost moaned myself just thinking about it remembering the last time when I'd done exactly that.

"Oh! You think he'd like that?" She asked sweetly turning her head to look at me her own hands squeezing her breasts as she spoke.

I looked at her thoughtfully eyes taking in the sight of her abundant curves. "You know Kate I think he might. Sliding his cock between those perfect soft mounds.........I think he just might. Why don't you find out?" I murmured and she flashed a smile turning back towards him.

I watched her dip forwards her back arching as she lowered her torso down to meet Jack. Her hands ran along the outside of his thighs just holding herself steady as she pressed her breasts into his thighs squashing them against his legs as she made her way forwards along his body.

I couldn't see exactly but I heard Jack moan as Kate's mouth found the head of his cock teasing and rubbing her lips against it tasting herself. She made an irresistible sight bent over as she was still stood up as I moved myself forward and settled in behind her naked body.

I reached out and brushed my hand over her rear. Bent over she had lifted her hips raising her ass up and it was an easy thing to position myself grasping my cock and positioning it against her entrance. Rubbing it up and down I waited for another moan and then slowly and firmly thrust forward burying my cock inside Kate pushing her more firmly onto Jack.

Her moan then was muffled stuffed and filled by cock. I held myself there savouring the feel of her again all those tempting memories of the last time I'd enjoyed her flooding back as I felt her grip my shaft her sex engulfing it and holding it tight. I ran my hand across her rear just squeezing it and then drew a hand back and slapped it against her spanking her lightly.

Partly driven by my thrusting, partly no doubt because I'd given her the idea, she was sprawled across Jack's lap pushed even closer now with his cock between her lips. But then I watched as her hands found his and pulled them down to meet her body. She guided them to her breasts, and I watched his fingers tighten as they squeezed them.

I was still only enjoying her lightly. Just working my cock gently in and out parting her eager flesh slipping inside and pulling back out. It gave them both time to position themselves. Kate pushed herself higher those lush breasts moving but giving Jack the room the push himself between them.

He groaned again thrusting into her cleavage. I knew all how good that felt. It made me thrust against her a little more firmly and I heard Kate's louder stifled moan as she took both our cocks together.

Bent over her lips could just about settle on the head of his cock moaning lightly as she sucked. It meant then every time he thrust against her cleavage it would push more of his length inside her mouth which she happily took. At the same time, I continued to thrust from behind and drive her forwards onto him as well so we were both just happily stuffing her full of cock.

She bounced between us moaning her huge soft boobs swinging with every thrust I made sliding myself deep inside her. Jack held onto her boobs though rolling them in his hands, squeezing them ever more tightly around his cock as he thrust against her so a mixture of saliva and pre cum dripped out leaving them glistening and slick.

He sat back just to admire the view of his hard cock sliding and thrusting between her breasts at one point just enjoying the sight of Kate smiling happily and using her tongue to lash and tease his cock as he enjoyed her, and I continued to fuck her from behind just driving myself deep as I held her hips and squeezed her rear enjoying the sight of her enjoying herself and taking my cock.

After a few minutes of this I watched Jack pull free still groaning as he grasped the base of his cock and stroked it just letting the head circle one of Kate's nipples and edge against her smooth soft flesh, occasionally just slapping it against them. I slowed as well gave her rear a squeeze of appreciation and then just nudged her forwards. She knew what she wanted.

As Jack held himself up hard and erect, she climbed up straddling his thighs and gripping his shoulders before she lowered herself down onto his cock groaning as she took it inside. She rose a little giving me the perfect view of her lips spread around his cock gripping it before she slid herself back down this time all the way until she was sat resting on his thighs.

She pulled his face forward burying him amongst her soft cleavage and with her head thrown back began to grind and ride his cock her hips just rocking back and forth as she flexed around his shaft. I moved forward trailing a hand down her back and spanked her ass again chuckling before I just climbed up beside them and stood there just to the side.

Still moaning as she rode him Kate glanced at me all flushed skin, lips parted. I shuffled closer and guided the head of my cock to her mouth just reaching to brush her hair back as she kissed the tip rubbing her lips against me. Then as she parted opening her mouth I edged inside sliding over her tongue. She enveloped the head and moaned again muffled now as she started sucking once more.

Jack gripped her hips helping her to move rocking against his cock. He pulled back a little enough to just suck on her nipples just biting and licking them moving from one breast to the other making her gasp even more as she moved along the length of my shaft. I couldn't quite resist her and rocked my hips thrusting a little fucking her mouth filling it with my cock as Jack stuffed her from beneath.

As he slowed and leaned back he just started to lift her so she started to bounce up and down on his cock I pulled myself free just taking a breath. I let my cock drop down a little and started edging it across her breasts again teasing over her nipples watching more pre cum ooze out and leave glistening trails across her skin as she rode Jack hard and fast her body bucking as she bounced against his thighs.

I could never resist the urge to edge and thrust over them. I held onto her shoulder as she bounced up and down and let her momentum press and rub her boobs against my cock as she did. They bounced against me just big, soft and tempting. I thrust a little running across them leaving little strands of pre cum connecting is, smearing over her skin as I did.

The angle wasn't the best to thrust properly between them at least not yet. Instead, we changed things up again. Jack lifted Kate free of his cock and I sat myself down on the sofa instead resting back against it. Kate chuckled softly turning away from me and settling herself down cowgirl style gripping my cock and guiding it to her entrance before sliding herself down onto my length.

I groaned as I felt her squirm and then grip and squeeze my shaft tightening around me. Her body blocked most of the view, but Jack could stand in front of her now and have slightly more easy access to her. He rubbed himself over her mouth letting her lick and suck her juices of his cock briefly just thrusting against her soft lips and warm mouth.

Kate used her legs to push herself up, my hands on her hips helped lift and raise her before she came back down engulfing my cock her lush breasts beginning to bounce and sway even more as she moved on me. She was too much fun, too much there to enjoy.

She rose and fell on my cock her thighs and soft ass slapping against me every time she came back down. I could reach around and toy with her clit as she ground and circled her hips on my hard cock. I could reach around to grasp her breasts covering them with my hands and just squeeze. There was so much to enjoy even the two of us would have struggled to give Kate all she deserved.

We were at least making every effort to. Kate's muffled moans as she rode me told me Jack was stuffing her mouth. I could see enough looking around her to see his hand was kneading her breast. I kept mine on her hips lifting her when she moved or holding her steady as she ground herself against me.

She sat still just squirming on my cock eventually her soaked sex clenching tightly around me. I heard her gasp and moan as Jack edged free then he was back between her breasts as she leaned back against me just thrusting against the lush softness of them as Kate held them tight and squeezed them around his cock.

As Kate leaned back against me grinding on my cock, it meant it was easier this way for him to press between them and thrust properly. I heard him groan as the soft mounds were pressed and rubbed against his shaft. I heard Kate gasp as the head traced over her lips and she teased it and just sucked as it thrust between her cleavage.

It was all lewd and hot. Kate's groans and noises of pleasure. The sight of her body sprawled between us a tempting sight as she handled both our cocks with ease. If I thought my last time with her would be hard to beat, she'd proved me wrong and then some although we had a few things we could still try.

I thrust up to meet her body as hard as I could doing most of the work as her mouth and boobs were kept busy by Jack's own aching cock. I powered inside her bodies slapping together listening to her pant and moan pinned between the two cocks plunging inside her holes until I slowed and just breathed running my hands over her.

I held her hips feeling her sitting on me, her muscles squeezing my cock rippling around me. Jack was still busy, Kate held her breasts up her hands digging into the flesh squeezing and rubbing them around his cock as he edged and thrust against her. Her tongues still licked over the head even as he pulled back and just let the head slap against her nipple.

She groaned above me restlessly, rocking on my thighs and flexing around my cock. "I hope you boys aren't flagging on me just yet." She muttered her head trying to dart forward and catch Jack still. The two of us just shared a look and then Jack thrust forward again filling her mouth as she moaned.

"Not exactly no." He breathed out slowly fucking her mouth as he thrust between her gorgeous boobs.

"Merely deciding what we do with you next." I chuckled thrusting up to meet her.

"Oh really!?" She murmured in between enjoying the hungry hard cock sliding between her cleavage and still poking at her mouth.

"Really." I agreed. "You see Kate, you do seem to be enjoying both our cocks, and be able to handle them spectacularly well. So, it does make me wonder if you can handle both inside you at once." I added thrusting against her a little.

She groaned as my cock moved inside her once more, her breath catching even as she squeezed around my shaft working it as I pumped it inside her. She half laughed in between Jake working her mouth and fondling her amazing bare breasts.

As he pulled back momentarily, she flashed him a sultry smile and then half turned and looked at me. "I'm sure I can take whatever the two of you can give me." She teased softly eyes sparkling mischievously. "I think you'd be surprised at what I could take and how much I could handle."

Her heated look made me ache as I thrust against her. I moved a hand up her body from where it gripped her hip to squeeze her breast and then up towards her mouth. She nipped at it with her teeth and then kissed it before sucking gently. I heard flesh on flesh realised Jake was slapping the head of his cock against her nipple.

"I think you should both do it, right now." She teased again. I groaned just listening to her. She was far better at this than I was. "I think you should both fuck me. That's what you want right? Do it, give me those hard cocks, make me take it, remind me how good it feels to be completely stuffed and full of cock. Make me squirm and moan while you stretch me and fill me. Fuck me, fuck my ass." She moaned and urged us on so so sweetly she was impossible to resist.

I groaned against her feeling her grind on my cock, feeling it pulse inside her. Jake had silenced her again muffled moans as he fucked her mouth plunging in and out while fondling her breasts. But it was more than time to give her exactly what she wanted I thought.

Leaning back to give myself a little more room I held her steady one hand on her hip moving to grip her rear and spread it apart. The other I slipped between us guiding it down over her soft smooth skin and let it trace a path between her cheeks until I found her tight puckered opening. I felt her squirm as she felt my touch, felt her wriggle against me as I teased her just working the very tip inside her and starting to stretch her open. I took my time, partly as the position wasn't the easiest, partly as her squirming body still being enjoyed didn't exactly make it easy.

But I thrust up to meet her and started to penetrate her rear with my finger at the same time working it deeper inside her. She continued to writhe and moan but steadily I opened the busty blonde up sinking more and more of my finger inside her stretching her, enjoying her making sure we were enjoying all her holes.

She whimpered softly squirming against me even as Jack filled her mouth and squeezed her breasts. One finger toying with her tight opening became a second. I stretched her a little more, I worked my fingers deeper inside her probing and parting her flesh sinking further inside.

By the time, my second finger was buried inside her she was panting and straining against us desperate for even more. I groaned with her eager to indulge and play even more. I pulled my fingers free and lifted her up of my body my cock glistening wet sliding free of her body.

As I stood up Jake took my position and sat down on the chair. Kate slipped onto it straddling his body her thighs either side of his positioning herself above his cock before she lowered herself down to meet it. His hands on her hips pulled her down impaling her on the length of it and then reached around he tugged her forwards, so she was pressed against his chest.

I gave her a minute just letting her adjust once more before I moved up behind her running my palms over her delicious soft rear. I squeezed it and then just gave it a firm hard spank watching it bounce under the blow. She turned her head and looked at me over her shoulder those pretty eyes flashing as she looked at me.

"Are you ready?" I teased her softly.

"Do it." She replied.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" I teased her again smiling.

"Fuck me and find out." She added more heatedly now. "I can take whatever you can give me. I want it. Fuck my ass, give me both those cocks and see who can take it." She pushed herself up bouncing that rear as she rode Jack. He caught her breast and sucked as he found a nipple.

I watched her drinking in the sight and moved into position. "Far be it for me to disappoint a lady." I grinned at her again.

"Fuck me, give me that cock I want both of you inside me, I want to feel you really stretch me." She bounced a little urging me on making it impossible to resist.

I lined myself up with her just pressing forward letting the head of my cock slide between her cheeks and trail down until I was pressed against her tight opening. I was already groaning as I gripped her hip holding her steady as I began to thrust stretching her open.

I took my time, partly that was because she was just that tight. I wanted to give her a moment to adjust to the feel of me inside her. Especially since Jack was already inside her as well. Partly I just wanted to enjoy the moment how good she felt, how good she looked taking both our cocks.

The busty gorgeous blonde had her eyes closed. She rocked back against me impaled on the solid hard lengths of our cocks with little else to do. Soft eager noises escaped her lips as she just lapped up the attention her eyes closed savouring that double penetration.

Kate was right, she could take it, she could handle anything the two of us did to her and still come out on top. I almost grinned as I let my hands grip and squeeze her rear caressing it, stroking it just enjoying it as I pushed the last of my cock inside her and then held myself there.

She was so tight like this. Just full of both our cocks buried inside her throbbing and pulsing as we gave her a moment. It was an interesting sensation with Jack inside her to. I could almost feel him inside her to. Little movements we made just making us feel each other pressed that close together.

Kate in return squirmed between the two of us. She was pinned between our bodies Jack beneath, me looming over the top of her. I watched as she tilted her head and looked back at me her eyes big and wide as she groaned again. Leaning over I kissed her enjoying her mouth pressed against mine.

At the same time, I edged back and then slowly pushed forward starting to enjoy her now. If she wanted us both inside her, if she wanted to be properly enjoyed, I'd make sure that we did it. I had no doubt we'd all be more than satisfied by the time we were finished either way. Her lush tempting body was too much to resist.

I held her hip my fingers caressing her rear just holding her in place as I pushed back and forth stretching her out. There was something extra wicked about watching that tight opening taking my cock even more so when she already had one inside her. She didn't help things either.

Sandwiched between us both she groaned at every little movement of our bodies. They came more often now as I moved more. Jack couldn't as easily from where he was but even so he strained to thrust up a little driving himself deeper pushing her back onto my cock.

She was impossible to resist. Her body just lush and tempting enticed us both to enjoy it as much as possible. She could more than handle it as well. I could feel her tighten and squeeze around our cocks moaning and wriggling as we both stuffed both her tight holes.

She took it all as I began to thrust harder making our bodies slap together as I took her. She just groaned and pushed back to meet us. One moment she was kissing Jack, the next her mouth was enjoying me moaning hungrily as she enjoyed our attention.

She was a wild hot thing urging us to take her, fuck her, use her. She couldn't get enough. Ruefully I thought we almost needed a third just to fill her mouth and completely satisfy her. It was hard enough to think right then, not when I was buried inside her fucking that tight firm rear watching her take my throbbing cock when her pussy was already full as well.

I gritted my teeth held her tight and just fucked her harder feeling Jack as he pushed and thrust as well. Kate herself rode the two of us her body bucking and writhing as we both drove inside her as best, we could.  Every inch of her was just too much fun to enjoy. She felt so good just soft and tempting her body taking all we could give her. She gripped and squeezed around us. The fact we were both inside her only made her even tighter her body squeezing around us as we thrust inside her.

I moaned softly just edging in and out of her holding her tight and thrusting again deeper, harder, pushing and driving myself against her pounding inside her. Jake held her tight pulling her down onto him at the same time pushing up to sink himself as deep inside her even as I did the same from the other end.

The gorgeous busty blonde cried out as we both filled her. Greedy, hot eager noises spilled from her lips as we drove our cocks inside her. I could hear Jake's moans muffled by her cleavage as her breasts bounced against his face. She was too hot, to tempting to much fun to enjoy.

I pulled myself back hands sliding up her back just to enjoy the sight of her stretched around me stuffed full of cock. Another sight in the long list tonight that I didn't want to forget. Just her being fucked moaning with Jack inside her while I pushed myself inside that rear as well stretching her out.

She was exquisite to enjoy more than I'd possibly imagined. I gritted my teeth as I thrust again watching her tight hole stretch around me before I pulled back again and then eased out of her giving her rear a firm slap as I did. I heard her groan as I slipped free.

She continued to ride Jack grinding down on his hips, her breasts squashed against his chest as she bounced on his cock. He took the opportunity to thrust up to meet her driving his cock in and out of her as she cried out her blonde hair tumbling around her shoulders as she moved.

I pressed in behind her lips and teeth scraping along her neck my hands grasping her hips and pumping them up and down driving her onto him as she moaned even more loudly her head arching back until I cut them of kissing her hungrily until finally, I let her go.

"Come on." I murmured softly. "I think it's time you bounced that ass right on top of him as well." I chuckled hearing Jack groan at the thought.

"And you?" She teased me fluttering her eyes.

"Oh, I think I'm going to find something to occupy myself with." I chuckled softly.

"I bet you can." She smirked playfully slowly pushing herself up to climb of Jake.

I watched as he grasped his cock holding it steady as Kate lowered herself down onto him. They both moaned softly as she took him inside that tight firm rear just edging up readjusting herself before she sank back down taking him all the way inside her until he settled his hands on her hips holding her steady.

I just stared watching her move. It was worth it, just seeing her breasts bounce and jiggle as she rode his cock her back arched slightly as she used her legs to push herself up and down while the hands that held her hips helped her to move up and down on his length.

She was an irresistible sight one I that as much as I enjoyed looking at, I couldn't resist enjoying. I stepped in close kissing her hungrily, hefting one of her luscious breasts in my hand squeezing it and kneading it tugging at her nipple as she moaned against me.

Stepping up onto the chair I could guide my own aching hard cock back towards her pushing it against her mouth. Latching on she began to suck and tease her eyes watching me as she bounced up and down her eyes rolling as she enjoyed herself. One hand reached down so her fingers could play over her clit rubbing and teasing the hard bud as she groaned.

She devoured my cock sucking hungrily the steady sound of her muffled moans ringing out as she took it deep. I still clutched her breast kneading that delicious round softness using it as a distraction from how her mouth felt as I fucked it just rocking my hips to push myself in and out.

I pulled back sucking in a breath watching my cock slip free as Kate took a shaky breath. I grasped hold of it myself squeezing the base and lightly slapped it against her lips. She flicked out her tongue caressing the head and groaning I stroked myself watching beads of pre cum gather there and then drip down onto her tongue.

I slowly edged myself forward again slipping back inside her mouth pushing deep and then withdrew once more. Edging back once more I let myself slide down running the head across the tops of her breasts, down between them just thrusting pushing to rub against the soft slopes before once more pulling back and just rubbing myself across a nipple loving the friction of her stiff hard peak sliding over me.

I pushed myself back settling it between her gorgeous soft cleavage and just thrust slowly pushing the length of my shaft back and forth thrusting against her glorious soft cleavage. No matter how much I did it, it was never enough she just felt too good. She looked even better especially while she was still riding Jack her ass bouncing all over his cock.

I reached down and cupped and squeezed the luscious mounds pushing them around my cock just continuing to pump myself in and out of all that abundantly soft cleavage. The feel of it was too good, too tempting to resist. Just watching my cock slide between them and pop out the top had me aching even more.

I could have continued like that and never grown tired, I could have finished like it and been as happy as you could possibly be. But Kate's moaning bucking figure was too tempting not to enjoy further. A couple final thrusts pumping my cock between her gorgeous heaving boobs, and I pulled myself free with a low moan.

I dragged my cock down slowly letting it slide across her belly lowering myself down and getting back into position. I watched her eyes track my every move as my hands settled on her hips and thighs. She whimpered softly at being forced to slow down riding Jack, at least until she realised what I was doing.

Then she just moaned. "Oh fuck, oh fuck." She groaned her head falling back as I grasped her hips and tugged them forward a little more so her upper body tilted backwards and I grasped her thighs pulling her legs forward so she was just sitting on Jack, his cock buried in her ass.

She moaned again squirming against the both of us her eyes hot and bright as she looked at me. My cock pressed against her belly and then continued to slip down as I held her thighs tight and dragged my cock down until the hard swollen tip was pressed back against her entrance.

She whimpered softly trying to grind herself against me as I rocked my hips just sliding the head over her clit rubbing against her guiding myself back and forth along her slippery wet lips. But then groaning with her I began to push forward and guide myself inside her again.

She was still tight especially being stuffed from beneath by Jack as well. I gritted my teeth no more than an inch or two inside her the position of her body making me fight for every inch. But I drew back to her entrance took a deep breath and then thrust again.

I watched her eyes roll back the moans spilling from her lips greedy and hot. I lunged inside her thrusting in and out the feeling of her squeezing my cock threatening to make me explode. Beneath her Jack reached around and grasped her breasts squeezing them tight.

He began to thrust as well driving his hips up to meet her body, so she was almost held between the two of us impaled on our cocks squirming with pure delight. The pressure of her gripping my cock, of Jake inside her as well. I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

Everything felt too good to hot, and I wanted that release. I think Jack was the same and Kate was right there with us writhing between our bodies as we pinned her between us and just used and enjoyed her curvy luscious body as much as we could. I leaned closer and kissed her hard feeling her moan against my mouth.

I watched her breasts bounce Jack's fingers digging into them as he squeezed and enjoyed that softness. I ground against her hard short thrusts trying to put more pressure on her clit just to feel her cum just to feel her climax again stuffed full of the both of us.

She was close, her eyes rolling as she bounced held between the two of us as we shared and enjoyed her. She moaned against my mouth, and I finally broke of eyes running across her almost losing it as I watched both our cocks pounding in and out and stretching both her holes.

At that moment she shivered gasping and quivering, and I slowed down, Jack as well watching as she just shook all over, her climax for so long threatening to escape now spilling out hot and intense rushing through her body as we held her. No sooner had she started to cum than we thrust again driving her over the edge and just ravishing her.

Her moans and frantic cries rang out over and over again as she came, her body heaving against the two of us as we continued to thrust inside her. Finally, though shattered and sensitive she pushed weakly at me clearing her throat to finally find her voice.

"Stop, stop it's too much." She panted out flushed with colour and her body glistening with sweat.

We slowed down and finally stopped just holding her between us our aching cocks buried inside her. She still quivered, her breasts heaving as she drew in shaky breathes. Her eyes followed my gaze to her heaving cleavage, and she let a soft laugh.

"Rule one remember."

"I have no idea what rule one is except that if I don't cum soon, I'm going to go crazy." I heard Jack groan beneath her.

I shook my head and grinned at Kate. "Let me think rule one. Don't cum inside you right?"

"Exactly." She teased softly groaning as she felt us move inside her. Stuffed full of our cocks she made for a delicious sight. "I'm pretty sure though I can take care of you both."

I looked at her and grinned I had no doubt about that. Her figure was made to enjoy, and we had done our best to do exactly that. Now we just needed to finish it properly and I was pretty sure we'd manage that. "I have a feeling you absolutely will." I agreed just edging myself in and out of her.

"If we can't send you out her dripping then I'm sure we can send you out of her covered and glistening."

She smirked at me her eyes fluttering. "Mmmmm wasn't that what happened last time?" She teased.

"I seem to recall something like it. The difference this time is there are two of us which means double the fun this time." 

"Now that I like the sound of." She danced her tongue over her lips as she flashed another smile at me.

I groaned again just thinking about it, eyes wondering across those gorgeous bare breasts remembering exactly what I'd done last time with them. Kate followed my gaze and grinned at me again.

"Is that how you want it again? Just to slide all across my breasts until you both just explode and cover me?" She teased flashing a wicked smile.

I swallowed hard looking at her, picturing exactly that. I knew it would be some sight. "That is definitely one way." I growled after a moment. "Or one of us fucks those gorgeous boobs, the other your tempting mouth and you get nice and covered." I continued.

She looked at me, and then glanced behind her at Jack. "I think you both should enjoy these one final time. When else are you going to be able to?" She teased her hands reaching down to cup them. "Fuck them, enjoy them, and then just explode all over them so you can enjoy the mess you make."

My cock pulsed happily at the thought. I didn't even think about it. I thrust inside her a final time sliding myself deep drawing a groan from Kate and then pulled myself free. I reached down grasped her waist and helped lift her of Jack's cock. She moaned as he pulled free of her rear and held onto me her feet unsteady after what we'd just done.

As Jack rolled himself away, I held her and helped her sit on the chair giving her a moment to catch her breath. She blew out a breath of air and brushed her hair back from her face. Both of us waited one either side of her hard and eager as she positioned herself ready for the finale.

She flashed the two of us a smile, eyes darting between us. "Well then, what are you waiting for come here and enjoy the finish." She teased softly holding out her hands towards us.

We didn't need a second invitation after that. Both of us wanted to enjoy this moment. How often would you ever get the chance to enjoy something as good as this? What better way to end a night other than to erupt all over her gorgeous boobs? I knew from experience how good it could be.

Her hands wrapped around our shafts, and she pulled them closer so we both moved up standing together facing her. Her fingers began to stroke and play and run up and down the lengths of our cocks pumping them slowly. I looked over her heaving cleavage remembering how it looked after I'd finished last time, and I wanted it again.

Kate grinned and fluttered her eyes. My cock was suddenly edging across her nipple sliding over that stiff peak and the sight of it the feel of it made me groan. Beside me Jack was drawn forward and she arched her back slightly pushing her breasts forward, so we were both sliding over one.

We both groaned, hips pumping as we began to slide and edge across all that silky soft skin, just thrusting against her breasts. We pushed against her nipples, leaking, dripping out, smearing pre cum across her, we pressed and slid against the lush tempting curves slowly working ourselves against them more and more as we began to build towards a climax.

All of us were groaning. Kate gabbed her own breasts and they spilled out around her hands as she pressed and rubbed them against us as well. Her head turned and her mouth took my cock between her lips sinking deep and sucking hungrily away while Jack ended up pressed between her boobs as she squeezed them around him.

He was soon pushing and thrusting happily between them pumping back and forth, her huge breasts just gripped by her hands nice and tight around the length of his cock as he thrust against her. I edged in and out from between her lips feeling her tongue teasing and swirling around me before I slipped free. 

She groaned around the two of us squeezing her breasts tightly around Jack as he continued to plunge into her cleavage the swollen head of his cock popping from the top. I continued to enjoy her mouth feeling her tongue, her moans running through me as she enjoyed our attention. It wasn't enough though not for me and Kate apparently had a final moment's fun in store.

She pulled of the head of my cock moaning softly drawing in a ragged breath as she looked at me. She released a breast shot her hand out to grasp my cock and pulled it in close pressing it against her nipple rubbing the head around it. She shot me a hungry look as she did.

"Give it to me both of you. I just want to see both those cocks erupt for me, all over me right now."

She grasped her breast pulled at it, so I slipped across the edge and sank into her cleavage as well and then squeezed and wrapped them tightly around us both. I groaned overwhelmed by the feeling of those breasts. I always was every time I enjoyed them, this time was no exception. This time Jack was right there in the same position.

Suddenly the two of us were squashed tightly between her breasts thrusting and pumping into her cleavage together. Everything suddenly felt even more heated. Our hard throbbing cocks strained and pushed against her soft breasts, against each other dripping out smearing on her skin just making us glide and move even easier.

Kate moaned just looking down as our hard cocks pushed and worked their way between her breasts flicking out her tongue to tease us as we fucked them. It was too much to take to many sensations and too much pleasure after the seductive tease she had put us through all ready.

Jack just groaned thrusting hard up through her snug cleavage until his cock popped from the top of her breasts and then just began to erupt. Ropes of cum blasted out sticky and hot catching Kate in the face at first across her cheeks, over her mouth across the top of her head. It fell and dripped down across her cleavage running over her breasts, between them.

It was too much for me sliding between them as well. The extra slickness combined with her moans and the sight of her getting covered pushed me over the edge as well. Thrusting against her breasts my hips surged backwards and forwards and then the head of my cock pushed through her cleavage already spurting out as well.

The first wave already just gushed across the top of her breasts but more followed hitting Kate's neck and then across her mouth and face. Her eyes closed and she moaned taking both heavy loads across her gorgeous face and heaving cleavage.

After the first shots I just let myself slip free and rested my cock against her breast just letting the rest pour across the creamy slopes and over her nipple while I rubbed and smeared it over it just basking in that dual sensation of covering Kate and enjoying the sight of her.

As we both finally slowed and finally relented my eyes drifted over Kate. I had covered her the last time when I'd enjoyed her. This time the two of us together had turned her into a sticky hot dripping mess. Cum dripped from her face, over her neck across her heaving boobs. She drew in a shaky breath and lowered her mouth to suck gently on Jack's tip.

He groaned and pushed against her as she sucked him clean. I moved closer my own cock nuzzling her cheek until she turned her head and then eased her mouth over me enveloping my cock as well sucking gently until she released me as well. We all just took a moment and stared at the mess we'd made of her.

"I'm glad they have showers here, and that I always bring a change of clothes."

I looked around at the discarded set she'd stripped of earlier and then grinned at her. "Always good to be prepared." I laughed taking a step back shaking my head as I admired her. "This brings back memories. I wasn't sure that night could be beaten but I think I was wrong."

Kate flashed a playful smile as she looked at the two of us. "You brought a friend this time, so you had help, but you do good work." She chuckled softly reaching down to squeeze her breasts rubbing and smearing the cum across them, so her skin glistened even more. Beside us Jack just shook his head in bewilderment as much as anything trying to see if the night was real and not his imagination but then the evidence was right there in front of him with Kate.

"How's that for a present?" I asked him chuckling as I bumped his arm.

He opened his mouth, closed it and then shook his head still in shock. Me and Kate both laughed at him.

"Don't worry you get used to it." Kate smirked and then glanced down at herself. "Well maybe you will, it can still be a surprising night when you're here." She laughed again.

"Kate, the next time I'm here if I meet you again, I'll make you a deal?"

"And that is?" She prompted me.

"You bring the friend..........."

She fluttered her eyes at me a slow wicked smile crossing her face. "Maybe I will, just maybe I will."
Title: Re: Club Fantasia 2 (Kate Upton)
Post by: Cadeauxxx on January 05, 2023, 01:29:35 PM

God, this was amazing. I love how you write Kate. She's so seductive and playful. Dialogue is a strong point in your stories. It reminds me of when I used to write her.

From the minute she said she was going to be a busy girl, that was so hot. Amazing tittyfucking and she got absolutely drenched! You did a good job making me want to write Kate again.  :))

This was well worth the wait, so far might end up being my favorite story of 2023 despite only being a few days into the year LOL.
Title: Re: Club Fantasia 2 (Kate Upton)
Post by: BigTitsEnjoyer on January 09, 2023, 03:35:21 PM
This was a great story. The lap dance was so slow and sensual. Every time I thought it was going to get dirty, you reeled it back with Kate playing a tease.
Title: Re: Club Fantasia 2 (Kate Upton)
Post by: ValM3 on January 19, 2023, 07:43:02 AM
Splendid work, even better than the first part.

Are you taking requests for who the friend with Kate might be? I don't think a man would survive a threesome between her and Lucy Pinder.
Title: Re: Club Fantasia 2 (Kate Upton)
Post by: Peronath on January 20, 2023, 05:36:19 PM
Thank you! I deliberately left the ending open to leave the option there if I wanted to revisit at some point as another potential future chapter. Maybe I'll have to do a poll or something and give people a few different options to pick from.