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Author Topic: The Ribald Tales of Big Norks Productions (Chapter One: Kinsey Wolanski)  (Read 3251 times)


Disclaimer: This is a fictional erotic tale. It never happened and will not happen and it does not accurately reflect the celebrities, pornstars or any places depicted or referenced within.

Celebrities: Kinsey Wolanski
Porn Star: Kai Taylor

Codes: MF, Oral, Titwank, Handjob, Facial.

The Ribald Tales of Big Norks Productions: Chapter One.

Clive Pitt couldn't believe his eyes as the numbers on the Euromillions lottery machine began to flash in a dazzling array of neon greens and yellows. The pot-bellied, middle-aged man, in his fifties, with thinning hair, looked like the disheveled, sleazier cousin of Del Boy Trotter. He had matched all five numbers and the two Lucky Stars, securing the largest pot in the lottery's history: a staggering £200 million. The shock was so intense that it took him several moments to register what had happened. He stood there, mouth agape, heart racing as he checked, double-checked, and triple-checked the numbers. It was only when he called the hotline to check the numbers that he knew it was real. He had won 200 million quid!

As the initial excitement of his win began to subside, Clive found himself consumed by a single thought: what should he do with all this money? He'd always been a bookie, running a small-time operation out of the backroom of a pub in the East End of London. It paid the bills, but it certainly wasn't fulfilling. Now, with £200 million in the bank, he knew he had to do something big that would make an impact.

He remembered his nephew Lee, a young, enterprising entrepreneur who had recently moved to Prague in the Czech Republic, to run a strip joint for an English bloke they both knew, Big Dave Carson. Big Dave was a former local East End gangster turned legit, and had always been impressed with Lee's ambition and business savvy. Perhaps, Clive thought, Lee could help him turn his fortune into something truly spectacular.

Clive made the trip to Prague, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't wait to share the news with Lee and discuss their options. When he finally arrived at his nephew's modest apartment, he could barely contain himself.
"Lee, my boy," he said, clapping his nephew on the back, "I've done it. I've won the bloody lottery! Two hundred million quid, Lee! What do you think we should do with it?"

Lee, a young man in his mid-twenties who looked like a younger version of Clive, was equally shocked and thrilled. He couldn't believe his uncle had hit the jackpot.

"Fucking hell, Uncle Clive," he said, maintaining his composure in the face of this incredible news from his Uncle. "that's incredible! We could do a lot with that money."

Sleazy Clive had always been fascinated by the porn industry, and he had a particular fondness for big-titted women. He had often joked with Lee about starting a porn company together, and now that the opportunity was presenting itself, he couldn't help but see it as a perfect fit.

"Lee, my boy," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "I think it's time we made our mark on the world. Let's start that porn company we’ve talked about."

Lee, who had always been more business-minded than his uncle, was initially taken aback by the idea. He considered it for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. On one hand, starting a porn company from scratch would be risky.  On the other hand, with his connections in Prague and the vast sum of money they now had access to, they could make it truly unique and successful.

"Well," he finally said, "I think it's a brilliant idea. I've always wanted to get into the porn game. Let's do it."

With that, the two men began to discuss their plans in earnest. They decided to call the company Big Norks Productions, a nod to their shared love of big breasts and the unique Aussie slang term for them that even they, as English blokes, loved. They would base their operation in Prague, taking advantage of the city's vibrant nightlife, its abundance of beautiful women, and its relatively lax laws regarding the pornography industry.

Clive and Lee knew they needed to find the right people to help them realize their vision. They hired a team of experienced producers, directors, and cameramen, as well as talented makeup artists and wardrobe stylists. They also set aside a generous budget for finding and casting their stars.

Their first business order was to assemble a list of potential talent. They had made the brave, if not foolhardy, decision to forgo hiring porn stars. They wanted to bring something new to the table. Instead, they scoured social media platforms like Instagram and OnlyFans, looking for glamour models and influencers with large numbers of followers and even bigger assets. They created a database of hundreds of women they believed would be perfect for their films. Most of the women flat out rejected the two men, and some were so insulted even to be asked by the fledgling company that they told them in no uncertain words to "Sod off!".

One woman responded positively to their approach. Kinsey Wolanski. She was an American model and social media influencer who was 27 years old. She was 5'4" tall, blonde, with hazel eyes and large tits. Her curves were legendary, and her Instagram account had millions of followers. She was also the bird that had streaked across the pitch during the 2019 Champions League Final too.

When they had reached out to her, they found out she was in Europe filming content, and Lee and Clive were thrilled when she agreed to meet with them at their office in the heart of Prague.

Lee and Clive nervously waited for her in the plush reception area of their newly leased office. The walls were adorned with tasteful art and photos of some of the most famous big-busted porn stars in history. They had gone out to create a comfortable, modern, and stylish environment that would impress potential talent like Kinsey. Just as they had been kitted out in expensive, tailored clothing. A far cry away from the rather dodgier looks favoured by the pair of them before.

When she finally arrived, escorted by one of their assistants, they couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. She wore a form-fitting black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her ample cleavage. Her long blonde hair fell in waves around her shoulders, and her hazel eyes sparkled confidently.

Lee and Clive exchanged nervous glances as they led her into their private meeting room. Once they were seated, Clive took the lead.

"Kinsey, it's an honour to have you here. We've been following your career for some time now and are huge fans of your work. You have the perfect look for what we're trying to achieve with Big Norks."

"Well, that's certainly nice to hear," she said, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms across her chest, her voice cool and confident. "But I'm here to discuss the business side of things. How much are you offering, and what do I have to do on camera?"

Clive nodded, understanding her directness.

"We're prepared to offer you a very generous sum of money, Kinsey. As for what you'll be doing, it's quite simple. We're looking for a talented woman like yourself to give our male talent a blowjob and a titwank. Or titfuck as you Yanks like to call it. It's a unique and exciting concept that will really set us apart from the competition."

"No sex?" Kinsey asked

"No sex, Kinsey" said Clive "Just a blowjob and titwank."

"Okay, how much are you going to pay me for that?" she asked, skeptically eyeing the two men.

Clive smiled, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, and passed it across the desk to Kinsey.

"This is a very generous offer," he said, quiet but firm. "But we'd be interested to hear what you think."

Kinsey looked at the offer for a moment, considering the amount of money on offer.

"I'd need another 350 on top of that. Plus, I'd want to be able to show it on my OnlyFans too."

"An extra 350?" Clive raised an eyebrow "We could work with that. But we have some restrictions on what you can do with the footage, as you can imagine."

"Like what?" Kinsey raised an eyebrow, her expression sly.

Lee cleared his throat.

“Well, we understand that you have a significant following on OnlyFans, and we want to ensure that this partnership benefits you as well. So, we're willing to allow you to use the footage on your account, as long as it's not promoted elsewhere. But we'd need a 45-day exclusivity right of our own. And, of course, we'll need to discuss the final edits with you before anything is posted."

"I'd want full creative control over the content I post, including editing rights. And I'd need a percentage of the ad revenue from the videos. Say 10%." Kinsey pursed her lips, considering the offer.

"That's not unreasonable, Kinsey. We can work with that." Clive leaned back in his chair, thoughtfully expressing his thoughts.

He turned to Lee, who nodded in agreement.

"Alright," Clive continued, "45 days of exclusivity is fine. And we're happy to discuss the final edits with you before anything is posted."

"I can work with that, too. When would you be thinking of filming this?" Kinsey smiled.

Clive glanced at his watch, considering the question.

"Well, we have a rather tight schedule. We were hoping to get this done in the next couple of weeks. Would that work for you?"

"Sure, I can fit it into my schedule. I'm in Europe for the next month, so I can take a day off for it. Just give me a date, and I'll be there." Kinsey shrugged.

Clive nodded, smiling.

"Excellent. We'll have our production team contact you to discuss the details. In the meantime, here's my card. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns." He handed her a business card embossed with his name and the Big Norks logo, two comically large breasts drawn in a modernist fashion.

"Just one question." She purred. “Do you know who the guy is that I'll be working with?

"Yes, Kinsey. The male talent you'll be working with is Kai Taylor. He has over 14 years of experience in the industry and is considered one of the best in the business. He's an English bloke, but he's worked in Prague for years. You're going to love working with him." Clive smiled.

Kinsey nodded, excited at the thought of working with such an experienced and well-regarded male performer.

As she walked out of the Big Norks Office, the bright lights of the city of Prague bathed her in their warm glow. She took a deep breath of the crisp evening air, her thoughts racing ahead to the upcoming shoot. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins.

Inside the office, Clive and Lee celebrated.

"I can't believe we got Kinsey fucking Wolanski to star in a porn movie!" Lee exclaimed, still finding it hard to believe. "This is going to be huge for us."

Clive nodded in agreement. "It certainly is. And Kai Taylor! The perfect choice. He's a legend in the industry. This is gonna be a hell of a way to introduce Big Norks to the world!" He paused, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "And just think, if it goes well, we can always approach her about making it a regular thing."


Inside the studio, the cameramen and crew were already setting up and adjusting lights and sound equipment. The buzz of activity filled the air as everyone prepared for the big day. Kai Taylor, tall and muscular, stood off to the side, watching Kinsey with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. He couldn't believe his luck when he'd gotten the call to work with her today.

Kinsey, her body clad in a string bikini top and G-string, paced back and forth in front of the mirror. She ran her fingers through her long, blonde hair, checking her makeup one last time. She wanted to make sure she looked her best. As she practiced her seductive walk in front of the mirror, she caught Kai watching her intently.

He was tall and muscular, with an air of experience that radiated from his every pore. His eyes were piercing and intense, and she could feel the heat of his gaze on her skin.

Kinsey nodded, taking a deep breath as she walked over to Kai.

"So, Kai... any tips for a girl on her first shoot?" she asked, her voice shaky with anticipation.

He smiled, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Just be yourself, Kinsey. Just let it flow." He placed his hand on her shoulder, guiding her to the center of the set. "And trust me, we’ll all be here to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way."

As Kinsey stood before the camera, her heart raced and her palms grew sweaty. But the encouraging looks from Kai and the director helped to calm her nerves.

"And...action!" the director exclaimed.

She took a deep breath and began to slowly untie the strings of her bikini top, revealing her perfect, large breasts. Her nipples were erect, and she looked seductively at the camera as the director asked her to turn around and show her ass. Having flirted with the camera seductively for several moments, she took a bottle of baby oil off of the coffee table and squeezed a generous amount over her breasts.

As she rubbed the oil all over her supple flesh, her nipples grew even harder and more prominent. Watching from the sidelines, Kai couldn't help but feel a surge of desire welling inside him. He'd seen his fair share of beautiful women in the industry, but there was something about Kinsey that was different. She was irresistible.

In the background, the director gave instructions, encouraging her to continue with the scene. She poured more oil on herself and began to tease her nipples, circling them with her fingertips before using her thumbs to stroke them gently. Kai could feel his cock growing harder by the second as he watched her tease the camera.

She was a natural for this. Her movements were fluid and sensual, drawing the viewer in with every touch. The way she looked at the camera as she moved her body, the entire crew was glued to her performance.
Unable to contain his excitement, the director shouted encouragement from the sidelines. "That's it, Kinsey! You're a natural. Keep it up."

Kai, feeling a surge of pride for her, couldn't help but watch intently. He could see how she was beginning to lose herself in the moment, that any nerves were long gone.

As she rubbed the oil into her skin, her movements grew more confident and sensual. She cupped her breasts in her hands, squeezing them gently before rolling her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. The soft, supple flesh of her breasts gleamed in the light, and Kai couldn't tear his eyes away.

The director called out another change in the scene, and Kinsey expertly transitioned, moving her hands to her hips and gyrating her hips in time with the music. She looked over at Kai, their eyes locking, and he could feel his heart race as he saw the desire burning in her gaze. She was no longer acting; this was real, raw emotion.

Eventually, the director called cut. And the crew began to prepare for the next scene.


It started with Kai sitting on a couch, topless, wearing just a pair of jeans. It was filmed from his Point of View, and when the director called "Action," Kinsey crawled along the floor until she was kneeling between his legs.

She looked up at him, her lips parted in a suggestive smile, and then lowered her head. She ran her tongue along his navel, and along the crotch of his jeans, causing him to shiver. Her hands gripped his jeans, tugging at them impatiently. He arched his back, giving her better access as she undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.

As soon as the jeans were pushed down, Kinsey gasped. There, standing tall and thick, was Kai's cock. It was enormous, far bigger than anything she'd seen before. She couldn't help but stare in awe at its impressive size. Her hands trembled as she reached out and touched the smooth, hard flesh. It was hot to the touch and pulsing with life.

"God, you're so big, baby" she said sultrily, as she slid a hand around his cock and began to jerk it slowly.

Kai groaned, his hips lifting off the couch in response to her touch. The feel of her hand wrapped around him and the warmth of her breath on his skin was almost too much. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have her here, touching him like this. He looked at her, watching as she took more of him into her hand, stroking him expertly. Her other hand found its way between them, rubbing at his balls, teasing him mercilessly.

"Oh fuck, yeah," he groaned. "Rub those balls, baby. Just like that."

Kinsey sighed in response, her grip on his cock growing tighter as she continued to stroke him slowly. She leaned forward and licked the head of his cock, drooling on it as she did. As she jerked his cock, she looked up at him.

"You like that, baby?" she asked huskily.

"Oh fuck, yes!" he groaned. "Keep going. Oh, fuck."

Kinsey smiled, taking this as an encouragement to go faster. Her hand began to move up and down his shaft in a steady rhythm, her other hand never straying far from his balls. She leaned forward, taking his cock into her mouth, sucking on it as she continued to stroke him with her hand. The sensation was overwhelming, and he groaned as she sucked him off.

"Oh, that's it!" he moaned. "Lick those balls too."

Kinsey let out a little giggle before obeying, her tongue swirling around his balls as she continued to stroke his cock with her hand.

Kai couldn't believe how good it felt as she continued to work him over. He'd shagged hundreds of women, hundreds of women that could suck and fuck like machines, and Kinsey's oral talents were as good as the very best.

Her tongue danced around his cock, her lips sliding up and down his shaft like she was made to do this. Made to star in porn. Her other hand massaged his balls, rolling them around in her palm, teasing him mercilessly. The feeling of her lips wrapped around him, her tongue flicking against the sensitive underside, was driving him wild.

She continued alternating between sucking, licking, and jerking him, making constant eye contact with him, praising his manhood and virility. He moaned and groaned his approval, guiding her through what made him feel good.

"Oh fuck, that's it, baby," he groaned. "But let me fuck those tits though."

She reached down and picked up the bottle of baby oil, spreading some more on her breasts and some on Kai's cock. He shuddered at the sensation as she started wanking him off again with one hand, as she rubbed oil on her tits with the other.

"You like that, baby? You want to fuck my tits now?" she looked up at him and growled, rubbing the head of his cock on her nipples, causing his hips to jerk.

"Oh fuck yes," he gasped, looking at the blonde temptress playing with his cock.

She giggled and kissed the head of his penis, before she slid it between her tits. She let it sit between her cleavage as she squeezed her breasts around it. They both moaned, and Kinsey began to fuck his cock slowly with her breasts, the head of his thick penis popping out of her cleavage.

"Baby, you're so fucking big." she looked up at him seductively, "It feels so good in between my tits."

As she continued to fuck his cock with her breasts, Kai moaned in pleasure. He gripped her tits and began to fuck them himself, thrusting his hips off the couch. She spat on the head of his cock as it popped out of her cleavage.

"Oh fuck, that's it, baby". he groaned as he thrust his hips faster.

Kinsey moaned in pleasure as he continued to fuck her tits. Her breasts were reddened from the friction, her nipples hard and erect. She reached down and began to squeeze his balls, matching his rhythm.

"That's it, baby. Fuck my tits." she panted, her eyes locked on his. "You're gonna cum all over me, aren't you?"

"Yeah, baby. I'm gonna cover you with cum." Kai growled in response, his hips bucking wildly as he continued to pound her breasts.

Kinsey arched her back, her breasts jiggling with each thrust.

 "Oh god, yes," she moaned, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. "Give it to me."

Her tits gripped Kai's cock like a vice as he fucked them hard, her body meeting his thrust for thrust. His muscular frame strained against her, and she could feel the power in his movements. She was ready for him.

"Oh fuck, yeah," she cried out, gripping her tits tighter around his cock. "Cum for me, baby! Cum all over me."

Her breasts were burning from the friction, but she didn't care.

Kai growled as he felt his balls tightening. His eyes were wild with lust as he looked at her. He was so close he could feel it building inside him.

"Fuck yes," he groaned, thrusting his hips harder.

His cock felt like it was on fire as he fucked her tits, the head of his shaft sliding through her cleavage. Kinsey leaned down and flicked her tongue rhythmically around its head as it popped out at her. And that was what sent Kai over the edge.

"Oh, I'm cumming baby. Get ready." he groaned.

He stood up, towering over Kinsey, and jerked his cock furiously over her. She looked up at him, cupping her tits in her hands.

"Give it to me, baby," she begged him. "Give me it all."

With that, he came, shooting his warm, thick cum over her face and chest. He moaned in pleasure as he emptied himself over her, his cock twitching as it spurted out his seed.

Kinsey arched her back, her head thrown back, her eyes closed as the hot liquid splattered onto her skin. She could feel it dripping down her chin, her breasts, her stomach. She reached up and traced a finger through the semen on her cheek, bringing it to her lips and tasting him. His cum was salty and bitter, but she didn’t care. She took his cock into her mouth and began sucking and licking it, slowly cleaning him with her tongue.

Kai groaned as he felt her warm mouth around him, her tongue dancing over his sensitive flesh. He gripped her hair, guiding her movements as she pleasured him. His cock twitched in her mouth, and he pulled back from her.

“Did you like that, baby.” she looked up at him, pouting sexily.

“Fuck yes!” Kai said “Say goodbye to the camera.”

She grinned and giggled, took his cock in her hand, kissed and licked it one more time before turning to blow the camera a kiss.

The director yelled "Cut".

Kinsey sat up, wiping the cum from her face with a wipe given to her by one of the crew. She glanced at Kai, who was half-hard and panting.

"That was intense," she said, her voice still shaky from the release.

"What you expected?" he laughed softly.

"That's what I wanted. It was perfect." Kinsey smiled back at him.

The director came from behind the camera.

"Kinsey, that was amazing!" he said. "You are a natural in front of the camera."

She blushed, but nodded. "Thank you."

"Kinsey, you were fucking brilliant." Kai echoed "I'd work with you again any time."

"I’d love to work with you again. And who knows? Maybe next time, we can get closer and more personal." Kinsey winked and jumped up, heading for a shower.

The director grinned and nodded, clapping his hands together. "All right, that's a wrap for today. Great job, everyone. Kinsey, Kai, thank you so much. You two really brought the scene to life."
Once the edited version of the video reached them, Clive and Lee exchanged glances, their faces flushed with pride and joy. They had been worried about how the video would turn out, but now they knew they had nothing to worry about.

The cinematography was perfect, the editing seamless, and the acting...oh, the acting! Kai and Kinsey had brought their A-game, and it showed. Every emotion, every touch, every moan and groan felt genuine and raw. It was like they had been transported into the scene themselves. They had taken a chance on Kinsey, which had paid off in spades. They exchanged glances, grinning from ear to ear, their hearts racing excitedly.

"Big Norks Productions is now in the fucking game!" Clive exclaimed as he clinked champagne glasses with Lee.

“To the new Kings of Porn!” Lee exclaimed

« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 12:14:17 PM by TheBreastMan »
Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it's quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, John Connors, Viri, thewildcard, James_scandalous, Banshee


That was fucking awesome! Looking forward to more!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: TheBreastMan


Wow, Kinsey has a rack I wouldn't mind burying my dick in.
The following users thanked this post: TheBreastMan


Thank you both for your kind words.
Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it's quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.


Big Hooker Tits The Series.
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