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Stories & Art => Celebrity Stories => Actors & Actresses => Topic started by: SnackAttack on November 09, 2021, 04:15:43 AM

Title: Afterparty Surprise (Joey King, Sabrina Carpenter)
Post by: SnackAttack on November 09, 2021, 04:15:43 AM
Afterparty Surprise

Codes: MFF, Handjob, Soft Femdom, Light Humiliation

This story is entirely fictional and and the people depicted are merely placeholders with no basis in reality.

That's it. You were at your limit. You couldn't handle this any longer. You didn't even remember how you got invited to this house-party, a friend of a friend brought you along in their car and here you were, sitting on a couch and looking at the roughly fifty people all around, dancing, hollering, drinking and having a good time. Just that two of the guests were anything but normal. Apparently there had been a movie premiere earlier and somehow that star of the red carpet, Joey King, had come here to relax afterwards, her best friend Sabrina Carpenter in tow. And now everyone was trying to make a good impression, showing them that even small town people knew how to party. Your problem was that you not only knew them by name, but instead you have masturbated to each in the past, and not only once but multiple times, making this a very, very awkward event.

It didn't help that they still wore the outfits from the red carpet, Joey in a tiny black dress with fishnets covering her legs and heels on her feet and Sabrina dressed a little more casually, but arguably even sexier, in a what seemed to be a simple white, sleeveless shirt that was turned into a tiny dress by using a belt around her waist. You evaded their looks all night and tried to only give them passing glances, but you couldn't help but throb in your pants, remembering all the times you looked up their pics or chatted with people on discord about them while jerking off.


After an hour your erection began to almost ache. You asked your friends if you could leave and they looked at you like you were crazy, no way they'd leave this once-in-a-lifetime party early! So you did the sensible thing, or so you thought. The three bathrooms in the house were steadily used, with this many people drinking heavily, so you figured picking one of the upstairs rooms would grant you some privacy to handle your little problem.

The room was a little office, complete with a desk, a couple of chairs and a reading area with a shelf on the wall filled with books and another shelf reaching into the room at a 90 degree angle. There was no lock on the door, but if you headed behind into the cozy little reading corner the shelf would obstruct a clear view from the door and hopefully give you enough time to zip up your pants again if someone barged in. And the comfy arm-chair would be a nice place to rub one out.

So you sat down and got to work, not fully pulling your pants down but instead just pulling your throbbing dick out with a little whimper. God, just about time! You needed this... And naturally you pulled out your phone and headed right to the already bookmarked insta of Joey. Some pics of her in the outfit she wore now were already online. So fucking hot! Quickly you started to jerk off, not interested in drawing this out. You just wanted to get rid of that load churning in your balls for the better part of two hours now.

But thirty seconds into your task you suddenly heard steps in the hallway outside, and further away the thudding of the bass from the stereo. Voices, muffled by the door, giggling. Female voices. You froze, your hand still holding onto your cock, precum making your fingers sticky, feeling yourself throb in your grip.

And then the muffled sounds suddenly got louder as the door opened and you hurriedly tried to put yourself away, panic in your eyes. Someone flicked the light-switch and you were bathed in bright light.

Your belt-buckle rattled and you desperately tried to hide yourself, but it was two late. "Wait? Is someone there?" you heard a familiar voice ask. Sabrina and Joey both walked around the shelf and stood right there, looking down on you as you sat in your chair.

"Oh... my... god..." Sabrina gasped, holding a hand before her mouth as she let out a giggle that made you squirm in embarrassment, taking the air out of you and stopping you from trying to hide yourself any longer.

Joey on the other hand seemed less than thrilled, looking at you with a mix of shock, disgust and discomfort. "Ugh... That is pathetic. Can we just leave?" she said, pulling Sabrina's arm towards the door. But the big blue eyes of the tiny blonde had spied your phone.

"No way!" she exclaimed, reaching for it. You lacked the reflexes to stop her and she snatched it out of your grasp. "Look at that!" she insisted and swiped over the screen, angling the phone so that Joey could see. "Told ya! This outfit is hot as fuck. Seems to work for this little party-stroker." Another giggle came from her and she seemed a little tipsy, though not really drunk. The way she looked at you with curiosity and confidence made you lower your eyes.

"I... I am sorry, I didn't want to..." you began a stammering excuse met only with a dismissing eye-roll from Sabrina.

"Jerk off to the guest of honor this night?" she asked, a teasing smile pulling on her lips, which she then quickly pursed. You noticed how good her red lipstick looked and despite the horrible situation you throbbed in your hand. You could only nod at her which made her laugh again.

Joey didn't share Sabrina's mirth and shook her head in disapproval. "Disgusting. Let's just head out, Brina. We can find privacy in one of the other rooms."

But Sabrina gave you a pout that made you shiver, a sparkle in her eyes. "You know, I am kind of offended. I look extra hot today. Not good enough for you? Wanna jerk it for Joey instead?"

Her friend looked at her in disbelief. "Oh my god, Sabrina! Cut it out! Let's go!"

But Sabrina shook her head decisively. "We came here to relax a little bit from all the commotion downstairs. And I fully intend on doing that. But if we get handed this little bit of entertainment why should we push it away? Besides, it would be rude to just let your little fan here stew by himself."

Joey seemed to consider that, giving you a look from up above that made you feel like little more than a piece of meat, mustering you, measuring you. Her eyes rested on your cock and you instinctively tried to cover yourself with your hands. She raised one brow. "I'm not sure he's big enough to really be all that entertaining."

Sabrina giggled at that and the frown on Joey's face melted into a smile when she found herself joining in the giggle after a moment. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Fine," she gave in, turning around and pushing the door shut behind her. She returned and both girls stood above you, Joey with her arms crossed and still seeming slightly disgusted, Sabrina with an expression of fascination and amusement.

"So?" Sabrina asked, snapping her fingers, "You wanna continue this little show?"

Joey chuckled and shook her head. "He's shy. Too bad." She seemed ready to discard you like a broken toy, but her blonde friend was more insistent.

"Listen," Sabrina said, a little frown clouding her expression, "You better get to it. Do you have any idea what would happen if Joey and I went downstairs and told the others what happened here? You'd be done. So stop playing coy and continue what you were doing all along."

Despite your fear you were rock-hard, looking up at them insecurely as Sabrina impatiently tapped her heel against the carpet. You briefly met her eyes but then looked down again, moving your hand out of the way and taking a hold of your cock again. The precum felt cold against your palm now, and you began to move up and down reluctantly. Joey giggled at that.

"Don't think that's gonna work," she sighed, "Look at him. He can barely even look back at us."

Sabrina grumbled at that and then nodded. "I know the type. Jerking off all day to girls like us. But faced with the real thing all that eagerness fades and he becomes a silly little puppy." But then she smiled as an idea made her eyes sparkle. "I am sure this will be more comfortable for you."

With that she brought one of the chairs from the desk over. Joey seemed to understand her plan and followed along. Both of their chairs were placed on either side of yours and the girls took a seat, crossing their long, shapely legs towards you, designer heels dangling right before you. Joey gave you back your phone and you held it in your free hand, but Joey's finger swiped over the screen and went through a few of her social media posts. "Here, this pic is great. It was really fun to pose for it. And I bet you'll like it."

You couldn't believe what was happening. In your peripheral vision you could still see Joey and Sabrina, and the perfect legs of both girls were in clear view, Joey's long and toned and Sabrina's shorter and softer which made them even more appealing somehow, but at the center of your attention was your own phone, the screen showing a super sexy shot of Joey in a very tiny dress. You swallowed and started to stroke slowly.

Both girls erupted in laughter and your hand slowed down in hesitation.

"That's it!" Sabrina purred, patting your head in a humiliating way, "Turns out your little fan is afraid of real girls and prefers pictures instead." You started to speed up your hand movements and Sabrina added: "Looks like he's into me talking down to him! He picked up the pace."

A new set of giggles from Joey who shook her head. "No way! It's just because my picture is so hot."

"Oh really?" Sabrina asked, her voice dripping with disbelief, "How about a little bet then?" She reached down and her fingers slapped the back of your stroking hand, making you stop and let go, your cock throbbing all by itself. "Each of us chooses a picture of themselves. We let the jerk addict look at it and we get thirty seconds to touch him. First one who makes him cum wins."

Your eyes widened and you barely dared to look at either of them as they so casually discussed your fate.

"Deal!" Joey quickly agreed, "You'll start since he already got a head-start on my pictures."

Eagerly Sabrina leaned in and swiped her fingertip against your phone. "Look at that, bookmarked already! Seems like it was only chance that put you on his screen to begin with. Hmm... He liked this post, so I bet he already spent some quality time with it." Then her hand found your cock and closed around it. Her fingers looked so small and cute around your dick! You couldn't help but thrust your hips upwards, her touch so alien and exciting.

Beside you Joey got her own phone from her purse and put it in your other hand, the screen showing the timer set to thirty seconds. "Ready?" she asked and Sabrina nodded. Joey tapped the screen and the seconds ticked down.

Immediately Sabrina jerked you off. She moved her hand quickly and forcefully, a steady, rapid up and down motion that made you tense up and caused your hips to buck. Sometimes those strokes were firm enough to actually cause her knuckles to punch down on your balls. You let out a moan and closed your eyes. Joey gently poked your cheek with her fingertip. "Nope! Eyes open. Look at the screen. No looking away. No closing your eyes."

Maddened with the arousal Sabrina's hand caused you the phone screen came back into your focus and you intently stared at the sexy pic in which Sabrina bared her legs and gave the camera a teasing look while sitting on the hood of a car in a tiny dress. Your breathing quickened and then suddenly the phone beeped. Sabrina let go of your cock and your hips thrust upwards, yearning for just another few touches from her.

"Oh my god... please..." you begged but both girls just laughed.

"Thanks for warming him up for me," Joey teased in a cocky tone of voice, "Time to claim my victory." Smartly she chose a picture from this very night, showing off the outfit that brought you into this compromising position to begin with.

"Go!" Sabrina called out and tapped the timer.

"Hey!" Joey complained, hurriedly hunting for your cock and then taking it into her hand, starting a few clumsy, poorly timed strokes, "Not fair! You started before I had a grip on him."

Sabrina just shrugged. "Time waits for no one. And if you turn him on so much you should win either way, right?"

Joey grunted in disapproval, but was too focused on jerking you off to continue arguing about the rules. Instead she found her own pace, moving her hand up and down and adding a little side-ways movement with her wrist that made you emit a soft whimper as it brushed around the sensitive head of your cock. Your eyes were focused on the screen, looking at Joey's sexy legs in those fishnets. And behind the screen, a little blurry in your vision, was the real deal, her legs flexing attractively with every little movement she made.

Another beep and Joey pulled her hand away. "Fuck!" she exclaimed, giving her hand a grimacing look. Her palm and fingers were smeared with precum. She wiped the sticky substance off on your shirt and then admitted: "Your turn, Brina. Think you can finish him off?"

The blonde shrugged at that. "I don't know. It's only been a minute of jerking. If he cums now already that's a little weak."

"Oh, right..." Joey quipped, "Like this instagram stroker is a picture of masculine stamina otherwise."

They both laughed and Joey reset the clock while Sabrina picked a new image from her feed. This one ramped up the pressure. A sexy lingerie shot from the Fenty runway show. Knowing her own tricks she quickly grabbed your dick before Joey could get the chance to start the timer early like she had done the round before.

As soon as the time ticked down Sabrina began jerking you off. But instead of the rapid, hard strokes she started out with these were different. Apparently she had seen the way you reacted to Joey swiveling her hand around the head of your cock and now the petite little cock-tease used her hand to focus on that part of you, palming your dick's head and giving it her full attention. You could barely handle it, loud gasps coming from you as your wide-open eyes stared at the incredibly sexy social media post.

"I can't... I can't..." you heard yourself moan.

Sabrina nodded eagerly and whispered into your ear, her lips close enough to touch your skin: "That's it. Stop trying to hold out. Just give in. You know you love me. Let me win."

You felt your orgasm approach and despite being instructed to keep your eyes on the screen you couldn't help but roll them back, breathing in deeply, ready to exhale with a moan and cum...

And then the phone beeped!

Sabrina removed her hand and pouted. "Fuck! I think this stupid thing is broken," she complained, bringing her hand to your cock and giving it a flick that made you wince.

That was it. You lost the plot. Your cock suddenly started to throb rapidly and both of your hands, each holding a phone, started to shake. "Please!" you begged, "Please keep touching me!" But the girls were looking at you with a mix of fascination and surprise as your cock, completely free of any stimulation, suddenly began cumming. The first bit of semen squirted up, making your cock drop back against your stomach, but the rest just weakly dripped out. You pushed your hips up, trembling in your chair, trying to rub against a hand that wasn't there, groaning in frustration as your orgasm was entirely ruined, leaving you feeling empty and unfulfilled after your cock stopped twitching.

Joey shook her head. "What a shit-show. Whose win is that now? That was after your time was up. And before mine began."

Sabrina shook her head. "Nope. I guess in this game none of us is the winner." She smiled a teasing smile and looked at you, her fingertip moving in and poking your quickly softening cock in the messy puddle of cum that seeped into your underwear, your shirt and your pants. "But we have one loser in this match. That's a certainty." She brought the fingertip to her mouth, wet with your semen, and looked deeply into your eyes as her red lips wrapped around it and she sucked it clean.

They both laughed and then got up. Joey turned around and pointed her phone at you, taking some pictures. You looked at her with panic, having lost your arousal after your orgasm. "No word about this," Joey said with a sweet smile, "Can't have these leak now, can we?"

And with that they both laughed, Sabrina taking Joey by her hand, and left you behind smelling like cum and soaked in your own mess.

Title: Re: Afterparty Surprise (Joey King, Sabrina Carpenter)
Post by: Cadeauxxx on November 09, 2021, 05:21:37 AM
Not into either of these girls, but credit to you for trying 2nd person perspective writing. I've done a little bit of it myself and it definitely is something that requires practice. You did a good job putting the reader in the seat as the protagonist.