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Stories & Art => Celebrity Stories => Celeb Series Stories => Topic started by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 06:04:55 PM

Title: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 06:04:55 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it ever occurred, nor would it.
Additional Disclaimer: This is not your standard celeb fan fiction. In this, the celebs are no themselves, but rather, students at a college. It's them, without the fame. Still the same hotness. If that is a big deal to you, this is your warning. Otherwise, enjoy.

All-Star College
by MaxwellLord
(MF, MFM, oral, anal, DP, slut)
Chapter 1

Celebs(sex roles in blue): Selena Gomez, Peyton Roi List, Victoria Justice, Kate Upton, Lili Reinhart, Bella Thorne, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Alison Brie, Camila Mendes, Gillian Jacobs

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for some of that old college debauchery," Paul Simmons said. He was in his dorm room, his dormmates and lifelong friends, Jesse Carr and Matt Nelson, by his side. He had just finished hanging the last poster in his section of the three man room.

"Because nothing screams sex and decadence like a John Belushi poster," Matt snidely said.

"Let the man have his cliche," Jesse added with a laugh. "Besides, we all know how that story ends, I don't think anyone wants to go full Belushi."

"Of course not m'boys," said Paul. "Kind of hard to get pussy when you're six feet under. You guys ready to check out the trim?"

"You mean go to the dining commons and see who's there?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, but my way sounded better." Matt and Jesse decided to let Paul have it. After all, today was just the move in day, classes wouldn't start until Monday, so there was no need to add stress to the living situation before the college life began in full.

Since people were still coming in, the hallways were buzzing with students moving in. So much activity in fact, Jesse bumped into someone that would end up changing his and Paul's lives.

The two didn't even see each other, Jesse checking out his upcoming class schedule on his phone, the girl unable to see over the boxes she was carrying into her room. Sadly, those boxes soon came tumbling down.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry," Jesse said, immediately going to help her. He reached out for her hand, which she took. It was then that their eyes met and Jesse saw the single most beautiful woman in his life.


"Oh, it's no problem," the blonde said, laughing at the situation. "Not like I could see either."

"Yeah," Jesse replied. He was having trouble forming sentences, still stunned by her beauty. The girl found herself in a similar situation, feeling a spark, an instant attraction to this stranger. "Um, let me help you with those...um...things...yeah."

"Thanks." She replied. "Room 75." She picked up some of her boxes, and Jesse got the rest.

"75? I'm in 74, right across the hall."

"Oh, well in that case, hi neighbor." She flashed him a smile that somehow melted his already melted heart again. That's right, this lady could melt the same heart twice in a row.

"Um, my name's Jesse. Jesse Carr," Jesse blurted out. "Though, yeah, neighbor could be a good nickname."

"I think it's a bit too impersonal," the blonde smiled. "I'll stick with Jesse. And you should stick with Peyton. Peyton List."

"Well, I'd say we should shake hands but, you know, boxes."

"Totally." The pair wouldn't have to wait long for a more formal greeting. With a few more steps, they were at Peyton's door. The leggy blonde kick-knocked the door. In seconds it was answered, and Jesse met his second drop dead gorgeous girl of the day.


"Well," the sexy brunette said, a smirk on her lips. "Looks like you found yourself a new friend Pey."

"Victoria, this is Jesse," Peyton said. "Jesse this is my roommate, Victoria Justice."

“Hi,” Jesse said. “Just thought I'd help Peyton with her stuff after knocking it all down.”

“That's one way to get a date.” Victoria replied.

“Oh, be nice to him Vic.” Peyton put her boxes down on her bed and turned to Jesse. “You'll have to pardon the lioness, she hasn't had her meal today.”

“Well, at least not lunch, had real big breakfast.”

“The football player down the hall?”

Victoria grinned wide and nodded. “I feel it's a good idea to start early in getting to know the people on this floor. And the integrity of the beds.”

“I'm sure you and your crash test dummy had fun,” Peyton laughed. “But maybe some real food would interest you?”

“Hey, maybe we could eat together,” suggested Jesse. “I mean, um, well, me and my friends were already on our way down to the commons.”

“Oh, that sounds nice.” Peyton replied. “Where are your friends?”

“The might already be there actually, I was following them when I bumped into you, quite literally.”

With that cue, Paul and Matt entered the doorway.

“Found you fuckface, what happened to you?” asked Paul before setting his eyes on Peyton. “Well, what do we have here?”

“This is Peyton,” Jesse said, trying to stand between Paul the predator and Peyton the prey.

“Hi,” she said. “You're friends with Jesse?”

“Of course he is, he called him fuckface,” Victoria said, thoroughly unimpressed with Paul “Like all good friends.”

“Yeah, me and Jesse go way back. And I hope you and I can go even further, Peyton.”

“Well, since Paul won't do it, I'm Matt. The third wheel, apparently,” Matt said.

“That's not a bad thing,” Victoria said, taking and shaking Matt's hand. “In fact, I can think of quite a few activities that are quite fun and involve three people. I'm Victoria.”

“I'm Matt and I love the number three now.” Victoria gave him a wink, then turned her attention back to Jesse. “So, you were saying something about lunch right? You, Peyton, myself.”

“And me, now.” Paul added, on Peyton like white on rice. “Don't forget.”

“Sadly, I doubt I could if I tried.”

“Great,” Paul said, not remotely hearing or caring about what Victoria had to say. “Lunch is on me.” Paul took an enamored Peyton by the hand and lead her out the door.

“The genius who took my roommate is aware the D.C. is free this weekend, right?” asked Victoria, annoyance and disdain dripping from her voice.

“Trust me,” Jesse said. “The food is the last thing on his mind. Or hers, sadly.”

“Day's not over yet, man,” Matt said. “Besides, it's not like he ONLY goes after women you're into...it's just the ones he tries to make his girlfriend.” He gave Jesse a sarcastic pat on the back and followed behind Peyton and Paul.

“If he only knew,” Jesse said in a laugh.

“Knew what?” asked Victoria.

“Long story.” he replied. “Want to watch slime at work over lunch?”

“I don't really think I have a choice if I'm going with you, but no way in Hell am I leaving my roommate alone with someone like that on the first day of knowing her.”

“You'd be the first to stop Paul.” Shrugging, Jesse and Victoria finally exited the room.

The dining commons was bustling with activity, as any place with free food tends to be. Though by the time both Jesse and Victoria had found their table, the sight of Paul having Peyton completely in his thrall was more than enough to make them lose their appetite.

“And he has her,” Jesse said. “Not record time, but not his worst.”

“Look, I might have only just met both of them, but I'd like to think my roommate is a bit to smart for whatever he's selling.”

“Trust me,” Jesse said. “I've known him since junior high. The smarter the girl, the nicer the girl, the easier they fall.”

“Then I must be a dumb, mean bitch then.” replied Victoria.

“No, you can just smell bullshit from a mile away. It's rare, but he can sense you just like you can sense him. Which is most likely why he won't even remember your name.”

“Jesse, Veronica,” Paul said upon the pair's arrival. “We were wondering when you'd show up.”

“Told you,” Jesse said.

“Well, we weren't really. These two were preoccupied with whatever and I was marveling at this bomb ass grilled cheese,” Matt said.

“This one?” Victoria asked when she sat. Matt nodded, and she reached over and grabbed half the sandwich and took a bite, making an over-exaggerated show of mulling over the flavor. Then another bite. Then another. Then finally the sandwich was gone. “Yeah, not bad.”

“Thanks,” Matt said, giving the brunette a sardonic grin. “So glad to make a new friend.”

“Victoria's nice when you get to know her a bit,” Peyton added. “Or seems to be.”

“I'm sure she is,” said Paul. “But enough about Veronica...”


“Whatever, weren't we making dinner plans?”

“Well, I don't think it'd be smart tonight,” Peyton said, making Jesse breath a sigh of relief that Paul could't care to notice. “And most of next week is just getting used to the schedule...next Saturday though, that works for me, how about you?”

“Perfection.” replied Paul. “Much like yourself.”

Victoria rolled her eyes and tossed the sandwich half that remained back to Matt. “Take it. My appetite is long gone.”

"Thanks." he replied, tossed the crusted remains to the side.

“Yeah, I can relate,” Jesse said, picking at his food while watching Peyton go completely nuts for Paul's tricks. He knew it was stupid. He'd only just met her. Still, he knew he felt something, and then along came Paul.

Right when the nausea had reached it's zenith point for Victoria and Jesse, it spread to Matt when his own past came back to haunt him in the form of his ex-girlfriend, Demi Lovato.

He didn't see her approach at first, but the moment she came into focus, any feeling of hunger faded from him, replaced only with an all consuming dread.

“Hi Matt,” Demi said. “How've you been?”

“I was doing fine,” he said. “Now, I think I lost my appetite.” He stood up from his seat and looked Demi right in the eye. “What part of 'I never want to see you again' did you not understand?”

“You didn't even give me a chance to explain.”

“Yeah, that'd be kind of hard for you to do with his dick in your mouth!”

“Oh fuck you! Look, I came over here to try and be nice. We're on the same campus, we might bump into each other. I thought it might be best to be civil with you. But Matt Nelson? Go fuck yourself.” Demi stormed off, every bit as angry now as Matt had been.

“Demi, you okay?” Selena Gomez asked, getting up from her seat.

“Hey, you know how he feels about me?” Demi asked. “I feel double that for you. Go back to your new friend Taylor.” Demi continued her path out of the commons, leaving Matt still furious and standing alone in the middle of the massive room. Selena could only shrug and return to her table with the aforementioned Taylor Swift.

“What was that all about?” asked Taylor. “I thought you two were friends.”

“So did I.” Selena replied. “She thinks I ditched her for you so I'd have an easy in for your sorority.”

“Wow, jealous much?”

“That's Demi. Didn't help it came right when she and Matt broke up. Shit, they were like that couple that's always been together since, like, grade school or something that end up married. Then, well, something happened.”

“What happened?”

“Not my place to say. Even if she hates me, I'm not breaking her trust.”

“No problem,” Taylor said with a smirk. I can always find out on my own, the blonde thought to herself. She didn't want to break Selena's trust. After all, Selena was her best friend. But Demi was part of Katy Perry's sorority, which made her the opposition. Taylor wanted all the information on the opposition she could get, just in case.

Back at Matt's table, he was still fuming, and Paul of all people seemed the most uncomfortable. This was a detail that did not escape Victoria.

“I think I'm gonna go tour the campus a bit more,” Paul said, his voice tense and nervous. “Peyton, you care to join me?”

“That sounds great,” she said smiling. The pair then left, hand in hand. Victoria and Jesse watched them leave, Victoria disgusted that any girl would fall for a viper like Paul and Jesse reeling from once again dealing with his “friend” swooping in and getting their before he could even contemplate making a move.

“Well, I think I'm going to go the parking lot and scream myself hoarse,” Matt said. “See you later.” With Matt gone, Victoria reached over to his tray to grab his grilled cheese and took a bite.

“Wow,” she said. “This IS fucking good.” She tore off a piece and offered to Jesse, who also partook of the sandwich.

“God damn,” he said. “I got my appetite back.”

“Me too. Want to finish up here then check out the campus as far away from your friend as possible?”

“Sure.” As the two newfound friends ate and made plans, they, nor anyone at the table noticed that they had been watched the entire time by Reggie Fisk. He was a well dressed young man who made film executives and lawyers look squeaky clean. Most people who knew him were surprised he didn't leave a trail of slime in his path.

But he did have his purposes. One of them was he was a great salesman. A superb middleman for people who sold a certain product. He could sell to anyone and always could find the best customers. And when he saw Matt and Demi, he knew he had a customer.

Before Matt could exit the commons completely, Reggie got in his way, his best car salesman smile on display. “Hey man, that seemed pretty rough,” he said. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Matt replied. “And who are you?”

“Straight to business. I like that. Look, I take it you knew that delicious babe pretty personally to get that worked up, correct?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, first off, good job getting that. The ass on that girl, outta this world. Still, if you're pissed off, I think I could find a way to relieve your stress, for a price.”

“Whoa whoa whoa pal, sorry, but I'm strictly butter side up. No offense.”

“I'm not offering. I'm just your hook-up.” Reggie reached into his jacket and pulled out a business card with a phone number. “Call that number. If Bella answers, get ready for some fun. At a price.”

“What price?”

“Well, that's up to her. IF you even want to relieve that stress in the most fun way possible. And, take it from me pal, no woman can quite relieve that specific stress a bitchy ex provides quite like the girl on the other end of that phone number. Guaranteed.”

Matt took the business card, then looked at Reggie with an eyebrow raised. He saw that grin on the salesman when he bought his first car. The one that lasted all of a week and a half. However, what he was supposedly hooking him up with sounded appealing. He was pent up, and with more than just anger. Despite what happened between him and Demi, just the sight of her was enough to make him ready to go. If he didn't hate her guts he would have tried to take her to the restroom for a quickie.

“I might look into it,” Matt said. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Reggie grinned. Matt nodded and walked out of the commons. “We got one.”

While Matt was pondering his stress relief options, Jesse and Victoria took a look around the school store. They were just browsing, not really looking for anything in particular, though for people who had just met, the conversation was getting surprisingly deep.

“Jesse, you seem like an all right guy,” Victoria said. “And Matt seems a bit on the toadie side, but all right. So why are you two friends with someone like Paul? I mean I know him for what, maybe twenty minutes and I already want to feed his balls to my bulldog.”

“Well, and thanks for the image by the way, it's kind of complex.” he replied. “I mean, he wasn't always like this, or at least not as bad. But once he had sex for the first time and essentially discovered that, well, he was silver tongued both in and outside of bed, it all went to his head. And it often times leads to bad situations, as you saw.”

“Look, the Peyton thing makes me feel slimy too, but it might not be that bad.”

“That's not what I was talking about.”

Victoria took a moment, then realization hit her. Matt and Demi. “No...no way. Matt's like his sidekick!”

“Yep. That whole thing between Matt and Demi is because Matt walked in on Demi. The way he tells the story, some guy was fucking her, well, to be blunt fucking her up the ass. She was dressed like sexy Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and Matt was the Tin Man. Anyway, he walks in catches this, and is silent. Dumbstruck, right? Watches just to the end when the guy, in a mask, total coverage, pulls out and blasts on Demi's face. That's of course when Matt makes his presence known, breaks up with her on the spot. Storms out of the party, doesn't speak to her again until today.”

“Wow, and the guy in the mask was Paul?”

“Yep. Demi told me, then Paul confessed. Told me telling Matt would crush him because then he'd not only have lost a girlfriend but a best friend. I didn't buy it. Then Demi told me what happened and...I kind of had to keep quiet.”

“What did she tell you?” Victoria asked. “Paul didn't, you know...”

“Not exactly,” said Jesse. “Demi has kind of an addiction issue. Used to drink, do coke, a lot. She'd tried to get clean and stay clean in junior year of high school, if you can believe that. And she did pretty well. She fell of the wagon a few times, but no one, especially not Matt, judged her. If anything he was the single most supportive person I'd ever seen when that happened. But then came that Halloween party. Matt had volunteered for a beer run for the party. Demi was cool with this. When she was sober, she wasn't preachy about it. But Paul, being stone cold sober, started slipping her alcohol. First a shot, then a glass of wine, and soon she was doing beer bongs. All the while, Paul was dead sober. I think you can piece it together from there.”

“That motherfucker isn't getting near Peyton.” Victoria declared. “No way. I don't know the girl that well, but nope, not happening.”

“Your heart is in the right place on this, but the hooks are in. He's got her and the spell is unbreakable. Believe me, anyone who knows him has marveled in horror.”

“So why didn't you ever tell Matt?” Victoria asked. “Paul alone couldn't have been enough to stop you, and it sounds like Demi would want to tell the fucking cops, quite frankly.”

“Demi was ashamed and didn't want to hurt Matt more than he was. She wouldn't hear anything else. She took the total brunt of it all. Couldn't break my word to her, and if she'd come to you, I don't think you'd be able to refuse her request either.”

“Fair enough. Hope you don't mind if I make it my mission to destroy him.”

“Honestly, not at all.” replied Jesse. “Frankly, I'm starting to wonder why I'm still friends with the guy. Not just over Peyton either. Though that stings. It's not like he knew I was into her. But I also know that wouldn't have stopped him. I don't know, sometimes it's hard to cut ties. Especially when the person you used to know sometimes comes out to play from the house of shit he now lives in.”

“That's nice, kinda poetic. You an English major?”

“No, acting.”

“Really? So's Peyton. I think you have an in, good sir. Well, two. Because of three of you jokers we met today, you can be sure I won't be shit talking you.”

“Thanks,” Jesse said, sharing a quick look with Victoria. “Want to check out the gym? Somebody said they actually have three pools, one just for casual, non sports stuff.”

“Water slide?”


“Let's go.”

While those two headed to the gym, Matt, back in his dorm room, had decided to call the number on the card. He was a bit anxious, even when he heard a female voice pick up.

“Hello, this is Bella,” the voice said. “If you're calling me on this phone, I have a pretty good idea what you're looking for. How can I help?”

“Well, I guess an associate of your gave me this card,” he said, trying not to sound as nervous as he was. “He said you were the perfect, um stress reliever.”

“Not the best compliment Reggie has ever given me, but it worked. But let me ask you...what's your name?”


“Well Matt, rest-assured, I'm so much more. Sure, I can take care of any tension you may have. I'm also the most fun you can have doing the filthiest things imaginable for a reasonable price.”

“How reasonable?”

“Let me tell you what,” Bella began. “Meet me at the university library. Go right to the world history section and go down the hallway to the restroom. You'll see a door marked emergency exit. Go through it. No alarm will go off, trust me. Head straight down that hallway and out to the alleyway. That's where I'll be so we can discuss business. No commitment, but I'd recommend bringing cash. You can always say no, but no one's been able to do that with me yet. Bye.”

Bella hung up, confident Matt would come to her. And she was right. Matt's second head was doing the thinking now. He opened his lock box, took all the cash he had and headed to the library in a near sprint. He didn't even know what this woman looked like but the way she sounded was enough to make him stiff as a board.

Before too long Matt was in the library, following Bella's directions to a T. World history, hallway, fake emergency exit, alleyway, and there she was, the ultimate hooker right in front of him.


“You must be Matt,” Bella said, a sultry and slutty smile on her face. “I'm Bella. Bella Thorne if you want the full name.”

“Um, hi.” Matt replied. He was beginning to sweat, nerves taking over, which made Bella giggle.

“Am I making you nervous? That is so cute.” She walked toward him, sashaying her hips and licking her lips. “Sweetie, calm down. Let me give you the rundown. Usually, these are the prices. Oral is a hundred. My cunt, that's three hundred. Right to the ass? Five hundred. Total package, all three of my naughty little fuckholes? That's a sweet bargain at seven hundred. But you? My sexy little sweetheart, you can get the whole package for just five hundred.”

“Just five hundred?” he asked incredulously.

“I know, you think it's a lot. But here's why it's not. I'm not joking about usually charging seven hundred for everything. I've been doing this since junior year of high school, I have a fairly large client list, especially now that I can do it somewhat legally at twenty years old. Still, my clients include students here, athletes, coaches, professors...they're all regulars and they'd all vouch for me if Yelp existed for whores. Which, let's be honest, I am and I love it. I also am a business woman and like getting new customers. So I run specials. For example, right now, back to school special. It's my not my first year on campus but I still love to make a good impression. That would bring the total package down to six hundred. However...this is just the weekend before school, and you're my first customer, I hope. So...I'm giving you a special discount. I like making my customers happy in the pants and in their pockets. I hope the price and the experience make you a return customer. And you can cum as much as you want. I don't watch the clock. I don't even fucking set the clock. We're done when we're done.” Bella licked her lips and smiled. She knew she had him. All Matt had to do was say the word.

“Done deal,” he said, reaching into his pocket and taking out the cash. He took out five hundred, which, thanks to meticulous saving, would not break his bank at all.

“No no honey,” Bella said. “Money after. I like it better that way.”

“So, where are we doing this?”

“Here,” she replied. “No one will find us. That's why this isn't an exit. When they expanded the library they had to essentially cut this off as an emergency exit. This whole area is walled off. No one here but you, me, and a bunch of cigarette butts for people who are in the know.”

Bella slowly moved Matt until he was against the wall. She was like a cat playing with her prey. She delicately licked at his lips before kissing him. She gave him a slutty smile then sunk to her knees. “You can be as gentle or as rough as you want...I like it both ways.”

“Oh shit,” Matt sighed as Bella took his cock in her mouth. She wasn't lying, she was a pro. Not a single wasted movement. Even the moans she made, the sucking sounds, the eyes contact all these things spelled out one thing,Bella knew exactly what her calling was and was not ashamed to embrace it.

She pulled her mouth of Matt's cock, bringing her hand to jack and tease it. Matt shivered and moaned as Bella rubbed the underside with her thumb, going up and down, then in circles.

“Mmm you like that, don't you sweetie? Mmm, don't worry, your whore is going to take good care of you.” Bella moved her mouth to his balls and eagerly began to give them a tongue bath.

“Fuck this is so worth it!” Matt exclaimed. “Every fucking penny.”

“Oh, honey, I haven't even earned fifty dollars yet. You haven't felt anything yet.” Bella extended her tongue and licked from Matt's taint to the tip of his cock, flicking her tongue against it before taking him throat deep and holding him there.

“Motherfucker!” he yelled. “Fuck, I'm already close!”

“Mmmmm, glad you're enjoying yourself,” Bella said. She took a few breaths before going back to attacking his prick. It was almost a reverse face fuck, Bella impaling her own mouth on his cock. It was a new experience for Matt, but one he was relishing. He had never been with anyone so cock hungry before. Whether it was for money or not, you can't fake a love for dick the way Bella was displaying it.

“It's okay if you cum,” she said, her tone almost begging for some jizz. “I told you, you can cum as many times as you want...make me earn that money...make this whore earn her keep...gimme some cum sweetie...make me swallow it...”

“Oh fuck fuck fuck,” Matt whined, bringing a gigantic, Cheshire grin to Bella's face. The grin would have grown even wider when Matt finally reached the breaking point and grabbed her by the head, finally taking charge and facefucking her, desperate to blow his wad right down her throat.

“Ung...unh...fucking take it you slut....fucking whore...ughh!!!” he growled, he thrusts producing a rhythmic “Glug glug glug” to come from Bella's mouth as he rammed it until finally he hit that ever so delectable wall.

Matt held Bella's head in place as he unloaded in her mouth, Bella not missing a beat in swallowing every drop down. It went even further, as Bella refused to let go of his cock, not allowing a second of calm for his cock. She was going to earn her money, and she couldn't do that with a soft cock.

The pleasure shooting through Matt's body was almost too intense, the aftershocks Bella was giving him making him wobbly and weak in the knees.

When Bella was confident he was staying hard, she backed off, placing one last, sensual French kiss on his cock head.

“Bet that felt good,” Bella said knowing all too well. Her vicious smile told the whole story, and her body language was the perfect punctuation. “Hope you don't mind all that post-cum sucking. Want to make sure you get to sample everything you paid for.” She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, hungrily, starving like the good whore she was. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him.

Their eyes locked, Bella staring him out with a smirk as she reached between them and grasped his cock, aiming it for her sopping cunt.

“No need to wait honey,” she teased. “Fuck me.”

Her grin, teasing and tantalizing combined with her cock hungry attitude was too much for Matt. He pinned her against the wall and drove his cock into her in one thrust, Bella howling in pleasure.

“That's the fucking spirit Matt,” she said. “Fuck the whore...fuck this whore cunt...fucking use me!”

“Fucking whore...earn my fucking money...fuck...” Any thoughts Matt might have had of Demi earlier faded away as he took Bella's heavenly cunt. Fuck, the mouth alone had ended up being worth this price in his summation. Her pussy was beyond belief. For a pro, she was shockingly tight. With every thrust, he could still tell she was a pro with how could tighten and flex her cunt muscles at will, knowing just when to do it.

He pulled her top down, her tits falling out and his mouth immediately went to them. He hungrily sucked and licked at them like a starving man served a three course meal.

“Fucking bight my nipples!” Bella demanded. “Not nibble, fucking bite!”

Matt pulled out and dropped Bella back to her feet. Before the slutty redhead could say anything, Matt spun her around, slapped her apple-round bottom and drove his cock back into her pussy again.

Bella let out a low moan, a smile on her face. She loved it when she got this out of her clients. It didn't always have to be rough or fast...but real. Real, raw sexual feeling, no holding back...it got her hot. Hotter than she already was for her job. Now Matt was really fucking her, and she knew he wasn't done with her.

“Oh you dirty bitch,” he growled before giving in, the sensation making Bella squeal in delight.

“Mmmm...that's right Matt...fuck my sluthole...fucking take it and make it yours...it's all yours till you're done with me...then just leave...throw that fucking money on your little cumslut when you're done with her....fuck me! YES!”

“Oh I'm gonna fuck you like the dirty bitch you are,” Matt said, a sneer coming to his face as he got more and more into the depravity of Bella. He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fist and yanked her head back. He then pressed his lips to her ears. “You still owe me that ass, remember?”

“Oh yeah?” she asked, taunting him with her tone. “Then what the fuck are you gonna do about it big man? You gonna fuck it? Take that asshole and make it a your private fuckhole till you're done?”

“You fucking know it!”

“Then stop talking and start fucking! Fuck that ass!”

Matt pulled out of Bella and pressed his cock, slick with Bella's juices right up against her anus and pressed forward, the slut grinning and hissing as he popped the head through.

“Fuck you're tight,” Matt said. “Tight ass for a whore.”

“Not all men are man enough to know what they want and pay for it,” Bella said. “Most of these pussies just go for a blow. They aren't real men like you. Real men know what they want and get it...”

Matt yanked Bella's hair gain, bringing her lips to his for a sloppy, hungry kiss. “I'm gonna fuck your ass the way a slut like you needs it.”

“Mmm, wouldn't have it any other way baby.” It didn't take long for Matt to build his pace, a pace Bella loved to the core. Hard, rough, fast. He slammed into her tight ass with no mercy, and Bella requested none. The pleasureful pain made her hot, sopping wet. Anal was one of her favorite parts of the job, especially if the man was starving for it. The hunger was contagious, as it turned out. The more the man wanted to fuck her ass, the more Bella NEEDED her ass fucked.

Matt grasped Bella by her hips, smacking her ass cheeks hard as he slammed into her asshole as hard and as fast he could He was going to cum, no doubt about it. The only frustration in his head now was cumming up her ass or on her face.

“Gonna fucking cum,” Matt announced. “Fucking this whore ass is gonna make me shoot.”

“Mmmm, fill up my ass baby,” Bella pleaded. “Shoot that spunk up my fuck chute...fucking cum! Cum up my ass!”

“Oh you slut TAKE IT!” Matt growled, slamming into her one more time and unleashing a torrent of cum of her well fucked asshole. He held her still as his eyes rolled in the back of his head from the intense pleasure.

“FUCK YES!” Bella cried out, the hot jism hitting her bowels making her cum as well, every new pulse of Matt's cock sending a new ripple of pleasure through her body. After a few after pumps, Matt pulled out, bracing himself against the wall. He smirked as he watched some cum dribble out of Bela's freshly fucked anus.

“Mmmmm, that was amazing baby,” Bella said. “I only need one more thing from you.”

“What's that?”

Bella smirked at him while she crawled over to him and began to suck his cock, fresh from her ass, teasing the still sensitive head.

“Throw the money in my face and call me a good whore.”

Matt couldn't help but grin. He grabbed the money from his pocket and tossed it in her face as her lips were still on his softening cock. “Here's your money, you good little whore.”

“Mmm, thank you.” she replied. “You were a lot of fun. Don't be a stranger sweetie.”

While those two were composing themselves, Paul and Peyton found themselves just outside the library, Paul's hooks in deep and Peyton completely entranced. Paul knew how to play this. He wouldn't get any action tonight, at least not from Peyton.

He knew it would be at least a week before he got a piece of her. But she looked quality, so she was worth it. Besides, if he gained her trust, he could do just about whatever he wanted, and not just with her. Sure, he knew what people thought of him. He even knew some of his friends thought the same. It didn't matter to him. As long as he got what he wanted how he wanted when he wanted, that's all that mattered. It's the best lesson his father taught him and the perfect philosophy for life as far as he was concerned.

“So, you thinking about your Oscar speech already,” he asked. “Picking out the dress?”

“Oh stop,” she giggled. “I'm just studying. I don't even know if I'm any good. That's why I'm doing a double major in computer science. Back up plans and all.”

“Beautiful and smart. I'd also put money down on talent being in the mix as well.” She blushed. Hit confirmed. “This really is a nice day. Can't think of a better way to spend it.”

“I can't disagree.” Peyton replied. “Wouldn't mind a repeat...then another.”


“Well, I'm sure we could vary it next time Peyton. Maybe a nice, moonlit walk after dinner? Then the next time maybe pick you up for breakfast...not a long commute after all.”

“That sounds wonderful..especially breakfast.”


“I aim to please. I hope you get to see that in the long run.”

“Well, I can free up my schedule.” She smiles, beaming, Eyes sparkling.


“Wanna head back to the room? I'll help you unpack.”

“That sounds great.” The pair walked off, a sick sense of pride in Paul that beamed off him like a search light. So bright it couldn't help but be noticed by two passers by, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift.

“Ooof, that guys bad news,” Selena said. “Girl's gonna get taken for a ride.”

“Aw, you jealous, Sel?” Taylor teased. “You want the ride instead?”

“Oh please Tay, I'm not that bad.”


“If you have a list, keep it to yourself right now. Let me enjoy the last weekend before class begins hang-up free.”

“List being put back mentally, and done.”

“Thanks,” Selena said. “So, when's your first class?”

“Ugh, Monday, seven in the morning. Biochem. The human brain is not designed for advanced chemical polymers for any time before noon. You?”

“Monday, but not till noon. Perfect actor's schedule!” Selena smiled. “Same class as Pete, we're probably going to go together, get lunch before hand.”

“Oh, Peter?” Taylor said with a smirk. “I like Peter.”

“So do I. That's why we're friends. Nothing more.”

“Does he know that?”

“Does who know what?” Peter said, coming up to the pair of beauties from behind.

“Oh nothing,” Selena said. “Nothing important.”

“Well, I don't know, might be important to someone,” Taylor remarked. Ever since she'd known Selena, she'd known Peter Farrano. And she could see someone utterly lovestruck when she saw it. That was Peter all over when it came to Selena. And in Taylor's eyes, it'd be a perfect match, if it wasn't for Selena's preference for bad guys. Not not even bad guys with a heart of gold. Just assholes. And she could see something behind her eyes whenever Peter was around, but it couldn't overpower Selena's tendencies towards the drizzling shits. Not that Peter was always waiting for scraps. He tended to be busy as well, something Taylor could certainly attest to.

“Not that I don't love both of you, I think I should leave the two person film crew alone to discuss their plans for the year. Taylor gave them each a hug, along with a kiss to Peter's cheek along with a whisper of advice: “Keep trying.”

“Didn't mean to intrude or anything,” said Peter.

“You didn't.” Selena replied, her smile making his heart flutter. “Walk with me. I'm heading back to the dorm.”

“Cool. What floor did you get?”

“Top floor, you?”

“Same. Kind of surprised you aren't staying in the sorority house. Thought it was required, actually.”

“More like preferred, but the opportunity was too good. The person I was assigned to live with got a place off campus at the last second. I've got a BIG suite all to myself. All I have to do is share the bathroom, which I'd have to do anyway in the sorority. Kind of want to really live alone as much as I can.”

“Damn that must be sweet. I'm sharing with someone named Cliff Hetfield. Seems nice enough but I get the feeling from the three guitars he brought with him I'm going to need earplugs just to sleep.”

“Aww, poor baby,” she teased. “Tell you what, if it gets really bad you can just crash with me.”

“Really?” Peter asked, a smile on his face too big for Selena to not notice what was behind it, yet somehow she always didn't. “I mean, um, aren't there rules or something?”

“I guess? I mean, technically the other person is still listed as being my dorm mate, but they're never going to show up. The school can't put anyone else in there for the entire semester. I guarantee there's going to be a lot more illicit activities then a friend crashing their because he can't sleep. You're in the clear. You know, if you need it.”


“No problem. It's what friends do.”

Friends. That word friends. It stung a little. There was no one Peter would rather be around than Selena, but it just being friends, he couldn't deny it stung him. He'd been in love with her since first grade, the day she moved in next to him. They'd been as inseparable as anyone save for Peter's other closest friend. Maybe even as much as her and Demi had once been. And as their interests grew together, her dreams of being an actress and his of making movies, they made some really bad short movies in high school together, but they were fun. And they got even closer. Nit just not as close as Peter would have liked.

But Peter didn't judge her. He loved her, but wouldn't leave her side. That's not what friends do, no matter how much it hurt.

“So, I'm guessing you have some ideas for shorts for the student film showcase?” Selena asked. “Or do you want to brainstorm in the dorm lounge?”

“Brainstorm.” he replied. “Wanna grab some Cokes and head over?”

“You read my mind.” Se smiled at him, taking a small moment. “You always do, don't you?”

“Well, we can discuss my amazing psychic abilities on the way, can't we?”

“Mmm, maybe I'm psychic, because I knew you were going to say that.”

“Well, aren't we a pair of mutant freaks?”

“I think we have a movie idea,” she laughed. While the two walked off, another pair of friends, with little to no romantic tension between them, walked right on by. One of those two was someone Selena and Peter should have noticed right away...and vice verse.

“What's the plan my blonde bombshell buddy?” Camila Mendes asked. “Last weekend before sophomore year starts, we have to do a big damn blow out before our weekend are consumed by studying and only moderate darn blow outs.”

“I have front row seats to WHW tonight!” replied a very excited Lili Reinhart.



“WildHeart Wrestling! Local federation. They have this AWESOME masked tag team. They're called Callous Pain. Saw them on YouTube and holy shit they're hot and talented and I need to see them.”

“Wrestling again?” Cami sighed, already exhausted at the thought of more men in tights. “Lili, I get it, you love wrestling. Your prize possession is your picture with Rey Mysterion.”


“Whatever. There's more to life than that.”

“I know. And we went out partying on that guy you know's yacht last weekend. I skipped a show for that.”

“See, you can't even remember the guy's name but you know the name of two wrestlers you've only seen on YouTube.”

“Hey, be fair, you don't know that guy's name either.”

“...okay, fair enough. But still, really?”

“I went on a yacht and threw up wine along with the entire day's meals because I got sea sick. I always get seasick. I still went. Pleeeeeassseee?” Lili comedically fluttered her eyelashes.

“Ugh, fine. You win. Just...just don't go nuts or anything.”

“When do I ever?”

“At the last show you dragged me to you spit on that one guy that spit the green mist and called him a dogfucking puke sack.”

“He flipped me off!”

“In the ring!” Camila exclaimed. “Part of the show!”

“And I was just getting in the spirit.”

“Whatever, you're buying the soda and popcorn.”

“Deal.” The two turned a corner to head to the dorm when they came across another pair, two men: Jose Heyman and Jake Triton.

“Oh...hi Lili,” Jake said, taking a deep breath at seeing his dream girl. “How've you been?”

“Oh, good.” she replied. “Cami, did you ever meet my lab partner from last year? Jake Triton.”

“Oh yeah, the huge guy! Hi huge guy.”

“Hi Cami.”

“Still huge, huh?” the sarcastic brunette asked. “Holy shit your biceps are like cantaloupes!”

“I'd say honeydew, but I'm not really a fruitologist,” Jose said. “Jose Heyman ladies. Esquire if you choose, I know I do.”

“Nice to meet you, little guy,” Camila said. “You two remind of those cartoon dogs that Bugs Bunny would fight with.”

“Charming,” Jose said, a grin on his face. “And you must be Lili. Jake talked about you a lot. Super smart. And hot too, he wasn't lying.”

“Oh god...” Jake said, facepalming while Lili blushed. “I'm so sorry.”

“No, don't worry about it, always happy to take a compliment,” she laughed. “I wouldn't mind hearing more, but Cami and I still have to unpack.”

“Yep, roomies again. And trust me, while we're unpacking we won't be making fun of you at all big guy.”


“No, scout's honor. I mean, with the little one we have more than enough material until we're finished.”

“Again, completely charmed.” Jose put on his biggest, fakest shit-eating grin, one which Cami returned.

“See you around, Jake.”

The women entered the building and the two men walked by.

“Hey, thanks for keeping your mouth shut, asshole,” Jake said. “Now I look like a stalker.”

“Yeah, but one with big muscles,” said Jose. “Though that might work against you. You could probably get in the pants of the brunette devil woman.”

“Cami's all right. You're just mad she can go toe to toe with you on the mic, Jose. Or should I start calling you Brimstone to get ready for tonight?”

“Wait till the masks come on, Magnus Pain. Because tonight, “Hell Priest” Brimstone Callous and “Saint Sinner” Magnus Pain bring the ultimate tag team to WHW...CALLOUS PAIN!” Jose then did an exaggerated “evil” pose mid walk, accentuating the name, garnering an odd gaze from his partner. “Too much?”

“Maybe, at least without our gear. Alison got it ready to go?”

“Yep. Ms. Brie has her and our gear ready to go. Apparently it looks sick as Hell. I'm gonna look like gambit with a demon mask man!”

“Ah, a boyhood dream more honorable than that of Shawn Michaels.”

“Do not compare me to the Heartbreak Hack. Ever.”

“Sorry. I mean why would anyone want to be compared to one of the single greatest wrestlers of all time?”

“That's right....wait a second.”

“Looks, let's just go check out the gym, maybe get a quick work out in before the match tonight.”

“Sure.” Jose replied. “And that Cami chick COULD NOT outdo me on the mic on her best night or on my worst.”

“Whatever you say.”

And so the rest of the day went into the night people paired off, as friends or more, good intentions and ill. Then night fell, and the wrestling show Lili had chosen as her big send off to the freedom of summer had started.

Lili and Cami were front row, Cami more entertained by the excitement her friend was showing before the matches even started.

“You really love this stuff, don't you?” Cami asked.

“You didn't learn that Freshman year?”

“I just didn't know the scope.”

“Well, just think of it the same way you love sarcasm. Besides, you like The Rock.”

“Well, more accurately I want to jump his bones and ride him like a bucking bronco, but yeah.”

“Okay, okay,” Lili said. “Just try to enjoy the show. You might even have some fun.”

“When does it start?” Right then, the sound of Nine Inch Nails' Wish began to play and Lili went nuts.

“Holy shit it's them! They're match one! OH MY GOD!”


“Callous Pain!” Lili pointed to the entry way to see a huge muscular man in black tights adorned with reflective fabric that gave off the look of dripping blood. His gloves, as well as his partners, were black with bones on them. Both men wore masks, the bigger one in black save for a sculpted skull on the face. The shorter one's mask looked almost demonic, inhuman if note for the hair sticking out from the top. They were being led to the ring by a very busty brunette. She was in what looked to be a one-piece swimsuit, her make-up dark and Gothic with licks a deep black, only looking more sinister with the toothy grin on her face.


Lili cheered like a madwoman as the trio entered the ring. The woman and the smaller man were both handed microphones and the music stopped.

“Would you look at this crowd Brimstone?” the brunette said to the smaller man. “I mean, when I booked us here, I thought we were finally going to be on the road to the big time, not in front of a bunch of loser marks.”

“Fuck you, lady!” a voice from the crowd yelled, followed by a water bottle being thrown in the ring, which the bigger man caught with ease.

“Nice catch, Magnus,” the brunette said. “I think made one of these idiots fighting mad.”

“I think you're right Aphrodite,” Brimstone added. “Too bad whoever did that is most likely, nothing more than a little bitch. You know the kind I'm talking about, right?”

“I think I do, but please, go on.”

“The kind of pathetic, backwards ass, obsolete redneck hick you always find in the armpit of wherever we end up going. The kind of idiot that the dark ones we follow wouldn't even bother looking at. You people, especially the little crap stain that got so mad at the lovely Aphrodite Gorgon. You sir, could not last ten second in the ring, and certainly not even one inside Aphrodite.”

The crowd roared with boos, except from Lili, who couldn't stop laughing.

“You do flatter me Brimstone. But that's not why we're here at Wildheart! No. The reason Callous Pain are here is simple. We are here to destroy. Not win. Not be champs. Destroy. Annihilate. Like we do every single place we go.”

“By the dark ones, do you remember the last town we were in?”

“I know, both of my boys utterly eviscerated not just the competition, but the whole locker room.”

“Calling that crowd jobbers would be an insult to jobbers, my lady.”

“And of course, we reigned supreme in their tag division. As podunk as it was.”

“And now, we're here to do even worse.”

Aphrodite nodded, her grin becoming even sicker. Cami had to admit, she was very in to the theatricality of it all. And the small guy, despite the mask, was kind of cute. She then looked over to Lili, who was totally transfixed, though not entirely by the whole show, as Cami would have suspected. Lili's eyes were drawn to the big man in the ring. She knew his name already, “Saint Sinner” Magnus Pain. She saw him move on the internet. All his moves. But the one thing it didn't prepare her for were the masked man's deep green eyes. Despite being the powerhouse and all the violent, hard hitting moves she saw him do, the eyes had a softness to them that she couldn't help but be drawn to.

“The fact of the matter is, all of you here, tonight and ANY night really, you're just stepping stones,” said Aphrodite. “Little nothings we will not only step on, but stomp on to get what we want. And my big man, what is it we want?”

She held the microphone up behind her, and the big man, Magnus Pain, leaned over and said one word.


“That's right big man!” Brimstone said with sick glee. “Tag titles, world title, TV title, and yes, that sad little, obsolete nothing of a Women's title you have here will be uplifted into the grand darkness by the lovely Aphrodite.”

Then, another song hit, White Zombie's More Human Than Human, and out came a slim blonde carrying a baseball bat. She was in a short skirt and heels, a perfect little blonde girl next door, but her eyes gave the idea there was something not quite right going on in her head.


In the ring, Aphrodite and the men with her were livid. The blonde was handed a microphone by a stage hand, the crowd roaring for her.

“Surprised to see me Aphrodite?” the blonde asked. “Because trust me honey, the surprises are are just beginning. But let's get one thing clear right off the bat. That belt? Doesn't work with your whole “evil and disgusting” vibe. What it need is to be around the waist of someone who's utter perfection. Someone who's more human than human. Someone that the fans of WHW deserve. They deserve a champion like me, Athena Zeus.”

“I will curb stomp you, bitch,” the brunette said.

“Oh, you'll try. And I'm sure your boys will be your insurance policy, just like you're theirs. It's smart. But never, EVER forget, I've always been smarter than you.”

More music played and two men showed up behind Athena, causing even more anger in the ring, and soon, a full blown brawl broke out. Cami, surprisingly, was into it. Not surprisingly, Lili was into it even more.

By the time whole affair was over, the brawl had turned into a match where everyone got involved. The women got even more brutal than the men, which Cami liked. What Lili liked even more was her team coming out with the underhanded win.

“I've got to meet him,” Lili said.


“I mean, I've got to meet them, Callous Pain. I have to get a picture with them. I'm going to go see if I can meet them out front. I'll be right back.” Lili got up and rushed out, leaving Cami alone.

“Great. Could be partying on a boat right now, getting down in a club. Sharing drinks with a dashing young millionaire...but nope. In a bingo hall that smells of stale beer. What a Saturday night.”

While Cami lamented her situation, the debuting stable celebrated a great night.

“We fucking nailed it!” exclaimed Jose. “Killed it even.”

“They actually knew who we were!” Alison Brie said, her smile wide as she removed her Gothic make-up. “When that dude called me a bitch and threw the bottle at me, fuck I almost came! And that catch! Jake, that was fucking legendary. Fucking sold and no sold at the same time!”

“It was good, wasn't it?” Jake said.

“Damn straight it was,” Gillian Jacobs said, entering the locker room. “Alison, they actually remember us from the Bakersfield feud! I can't believe it. And nice 450, Jose!”

“Me, what about how you sold Jake's turnbuckle power bomb? Holy shit, I smell a Slammy!”

“Yeah, you okay?” Jake asked.

“Oh please, not like it's the first time you did that to me. We trained at the same place and you always ask the same thing, you big softie. I just wish you'd go through with my idea next time to build up some real heat, make them hate you even more.”

“Gillie, I love you but I told you last time, it's either two tables stacked on each other with thumbtacks OR on fire, not both.”

“Whatever,” Gillian said, rolling her eyes. “You guys want to hit a bar with me and the Night Force after the show. I get the feeling we won't be doing much post-show partying for a while after Monday.”

“Sure, just gotta get out of Callous Pain mode first,” Jake said. “Gonna go to the merch booth first though, see if we pushed any shirts tonight.”

“Oh check for me too.”

“Sure thing, Gill.”

“Hey, we might be...tenaires, is that a thing?” Jose asked.

“You mean we might be able to get, gasp, one imported beer each?” Alison joked as she dropped her top. “We're in the big leagues.”

As everyone else dressed down while Jose looked at Alison's nude body and Alison pretended she gave a damn about anyone in the back seeing her naked, Jake still masked and in gear, bumped into Lili.

“Oh my God! Magnus Pain!” To say Jake was shocked at his dream girl being star struck by him would be underselling his reaction to the situation. “I am such a HUGE fan. Wow..just wow! That's a debut, that's how it's done! And holy shit you're hot!”

The already somewhat stoic Jake Triton was shocked further into silence. Lili being a wrestling fan was one thing. Her being a fan of his was another. Her finding him hot left his mind blown. Of course, that wouldn't be the only thing blown that night.

Lili pulled Jake's face down and kissed him, his lips mercifully being exposed through his mask. Their tongues collided and followed the theme of the night and wrestled as Jake pulled Lili closer. The kiss broke and Lili wasted no time in dropping to her knees. She yanked his tights down his hips, his cock free and soon in her mouth.

“Holy shit,” Jake growled in surprise. He wasn't the only one, Lili in the back of her head was screaming with surprise at her actions, but not to stop.

Lili sucked fast. No delicacy at all. That isn't what it was about. This was pure lust. It was sloppy and wet and intense. Her mouth and hands seemed to be everywhere, sucking his cock, sucking his balls, jacking him, massaging his balls, her mouth a blur of sex.

She was in complete control, Jake too lost in the surprise of the situation and sensation it was causing. He was completely in Lili's hands, and that was a very envious position.

Just the face of someone so angelic going so dark and nasty was enough to send him rocketing over the edge. Lili Reinhart, on her knees, cock-starved wanting only him to satisfy her hunger...he was never going to last, and they both knew it.

“Let me swallow it,” she simply said. That's what she wanted, and that's what Jake provided, releasing with a grunt of intense pleasure, pleasure that only grew at the feeling and knowledge of Lili swallowing every drop down.

With the last stream shot, Lili pulled back, looking up with her blue eyes locked on his green. He pulled his tights back up as she got to her feet. She kissed him one more time. He tried to speak, but was shushed with finger.

“Don't speak. Not yet. Later.” She turned to leave, before looking to him and saying, “See you next week.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 06:11:45 PM

While Jake tried to absorb everything that had just happened, at the dorms things were a little bit quieter. IN Peyton and Victoria's room, Victoria and Jesse were finishing the last bit of unpacking she had to do. Peyton and Paul, to both their dismays, were nowhere in sight.

“I genuinely hope that girl isn't dumb enough to drop her panties before the first date,” Victoria said, flopping down on her bed.

“I wouldn't worry about it.” he replied, sitting next to her on the bed. “I'm betting he put Peyton in his S ranking. Even if she pressed, he'd hold back.”


“Because he thinks it's an accomplishment to keep a girl like her begging and waiting. Then when he goes for it, she's up for anything.”

“Do you have any friends that aren't jackasses?”

“Matt's not that bad, just a bit sycophantic towards Paul at times. And Paul wasn't all always like this. I mean..okay, you ever know a kid who just, out of no where, gets ultra rich and changes? That's Paul. Dad struck it big in music and has somehow KEPT that cash in the digital era.”

“Eh, the one rich kid I know is pretty all right, and compared to Paul she's a god damn saint.”

“It's weird. I think I'm just friends with him and suffer because it's easier than ditching hi.” Jesse flopped down next to Victoria, sighing deep. “It's not like he hasn't done this before.  Honestly, this isn't as bad as other times. This time I don't think he even knew I was into Peyton. Other times...not exactly a prince.”

“Between that and Demi, you sure know how to pick 'em.”

“Eh, today with you didn't go so bad.”

“Well, everyone can be right once.” She got a laugh out of Jesse, which in turn brought one out of her.  “You know, it'd be kind of a drag to start off the school year on such a down note, you

“Indeed.” Victoria leaned over and the two began their night of carnal knowledge with an intense kiss. Victoria reached between them to unbutton his shirt while Jesse reached our to Victoria's back to unhook her bra.

The team works provided results, with the two of them being completely topless. Jesse held Victoria and rolled her on her back.

“Not to be blunt, but wow,” Jesse said, kissing and sucking on her tits. Victoria smiled, a sigh escaping her lips.

“Mmm, I'm the kind of girl that loves compliments.” She took another deep breath as Jesse continued to give her breasts the most amazing attention she'd had in a while. Hungry and delicate, trying desperately not to go too fast but also waiting on the edge to taste another centimeter of her flesh.

Jesse slowly began to work down, making a trail with his tongue down to Victoria's jeans, looking up at her as he undid them. He stood up from the bed to peel the pants from her body, noticing with a joy only matched by a kid on Christmas morning that there was nothing more he needed to unwrap.

Instead of immediately jumping back into action Jesse again took the time to taste a bit more of Victoria, kissing his way down to her thighs. He was ready to go even further, till he was stopped by Victoria.

“Not that I don't appreciate the gesture, but I really, REALLY want some cock,” Victoria said. “Besides, you're just down the hall. I get horny a lot. You'll get a second chance at a slice of pie.”

“I'll hold you to that.”

Victoria grinned and sat up, she reached for his pants and undid them as well. They fell to his ankles and Jesse quickly stepped out of them. Victoria reclined on the bed and Jesse got on in position on top of her.

“Holy fuck,” Jesse moaned upon entering Victoria. “Fucking wow...god damn...”

“Oh, fuck, feels good on this end too,” Victoria said, her voice already trailing off into a moan. Jesse wasted no time in building up a pace. His lips met Victoria's, the kiss hungry and sloppy, matching his pace.

“Oh fuck yes...fuck me Jesse...hmmm give that good dick nice and deep baby, mmm that's some good dick...” Victoria's red nails raked Jesse's back, her legs wrapped tightly around her as he went harder and deeper.

The traditional sounds of college soon filled the room, sexual abandon as told through the sounds of a bedpost banging against the walls and moans of intense pleasure. The sounds were utterly hypnotic to the people making them, nothing else was entering their sensory perception at that moment. A nuke could go off and they would still be going at this intense fuck session.

Jesse sat back on the bed, pulling Victoria up with him. She licked his lips before resuming their hard and fast pace.

“”Fuck...oh fuck Vic...fucking Hell,” Jesse growled. He hungrily went back to her breasts, making Victoria roll her head back in pleasure.

“Yess,” she whined. “Oh yes...mmmmm....” She bit her lip as she leaned back on her arms, her back arched and breasts pushed out. She knew she was going to have fun tonight one way or the other with Jesse, the fact he actually was a good fuck was just icing on the cake. He knew every right move to make. When to reach down and rub her clit, not feeling threatened if Victoria did it for herself, grinding his hips, caressing her skin in between needful thrusts. Definite four and a half stars out of five, and the half star knock is only because it was their first time. Victoria already knew she'd invite him into her bed again.

The pair switched positions again, a near perfect fluid motion bringing Victoria to all fours and Jesse behind her, hand on her hips and driving away inside her.

“Fuck me,” she roared. “Every goddamn inch...fuck me with that fucking cock! Awww fuuuucckkk...” Face down ass up, that was Victoria Justice in that moment. Her hands wrapped around her sheets as her face contorted in pure ecstasy. Her eyes were shut, but if they were open she'd certain she'd be cross-eyed.

With Victoria bent over before him, Jesse had now gotten the total 360 view of Victoria Justice, and was just as in awe of her perfectly round and perky ass as he was the rest of her. He couldn't resist the urge to spank it.


“Oh fuck yes!” she howled. “Do it again! Slap my ass!” He did. SMACK SMACK SMACK! “FUUUUUUCK I NEEDED THIS SO FUCKING BAD!!!”

Victoria was pulled up suddenly to Jesse's chest, his arms wrapped around her slim waist. She craned her neck to kiss him. His breathing, her breathing, it was a sign they both knew. They were drunk on sex, sweaty, breathing deep, beyond words, ready to cum.

“Oh fuck Victoria,” Jesse said, desperate, knowing he was well past the point of no return. “I'm gonna fucking shoot!”

“Swallow.” She replied. “I wanna swallow it. Jesse hurriedly pulled out and she laid on the bed. He straddled her chest and Victoria grasped at his cock, licking, sucking and jacking it while gazing at him with a sexy smile. While he was rushing towards blast off, Jesse reached behind him and worked on Victoria's clit, sending her on her way to a world of pleasure first.

Jesse got planet side first, erupting on his lover for the night's face and mouth. She hungrily sucked and swallowed every stream of hot white protein he shot until the well ran dry, which was when Victoria started a flood of her own, her orgasm like a title wave that was perpetually crashing against her.

They both flopped on the bed, sweaty messes with wide, satisfied grins on their faces.

“I don't know if I can move,” Jesse laughed. “Fuck, I'm wrecked.”

“Best to get the walk of shame done early,” Victoria gasped. “Besides, just down the hall. Not too bad.”

And it wasn't. The conversation was pleasant as the two got dressed, Victoria for bed, Jesse back in his clothes. For them, the weekend was over, and school was officially in session.

When Monday came calling, that was the case for the entire college campus. The entire place was electric with activity from end to end. Confusion, excitement, it all came together in one big mass of human activity.

One of these masses was the arts building. The sounds of activity were somehow greater than the amount of students present. Directions being giving, questions asked, and huge uproarious laughter from Jose Heyman and Alison Brie directed at Jake Triton.

“It's not that funny,” Jake said.

“Oh fuck yes it is!” Jose said, his laughs barreling out alongside a couple of tears. “I swear to god, I have ever seen anyone with luck so good it fucking slingshots around the sun into being bad! Holy shit this is golden!”

“Come on Jake, it's not just funny, it's fucking hilarious!” Alison added. “I mean come on, your dream girl, who's apparently a HUGE wrestling fan, blows you, right outside the locker room. FUCKING SWALLOWS no less...but ONLY as your gimmick! She barely knew your name!”

“She knew my name.” he replied. “No coaxing.”

“That's not what Jose says.” Jake gave Jose a death stare, making the smaller man get behind Alison.

“Okay, I may have exaggerated for effect but still, this is pretty funny.”

“Jake, just ask her out. Don't bring up the fact she blew you until well, it's safe to. But come on man, just do that, sweep her off her feet and this little mutt will stop yipping.”

“Hey, I'm pure bred whatever the Hell I am, thank you very much,” Jose said. “And certified organic. Or is that orgasmic?”

“I don't know,” Jake said. “Ask your hands, they're close to the subject.”

“Oooh, a nice 7.5 on the burn scale,” Alison said. “Nice to leave you boys for class on that subject. Got acting class. You two?”

“Music history,” Jose said. “He wanted at least one easy A this year and I'm going along with it on my platter of easy As.”

“Cool, see ya. And Jake, try not to get your dick sucked by anymore dream girls unless you're out of costume, 'kay?”

“I hate you guys.”

“You love it.” Alison hugged the two of them and headed down the hall. The tag team of Callous Pain then entered the classroom. It was modest sized, several posters adorned the walls. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Clash and so many others had homes on the wall. At the head of the class was an insanely buxom blonde. She sat on the desk, going over notes in an incredibly short mini dress that her tits were damn near falling out of.


“Holy shit,” Jose said. “You could be on the god damn space station and still see those ta-tas.”

“How the fuck is that possible?” asked Jake. “Those might actually be melons....I think we better take a seat so our staring is a lot less conspicuous.”

“Good idea. A lot easier to notice hard-ons behind a desk.”

Before long the class filled up, students taking their seats seemingly at random. Most of these pairing were coincidental, of course, None were going to leads to much of anything..except one.

“Hey, mind if I sit here?” Paul Simmons asked. He took the seat without waiting for a response, and action that Reggie Fisk liked. “I don't like to take no for an answer, so I just do it anyway.”

“Oh, totally get that,” Reggie said. “Man after my own heart.”

“Nice. You see the tits on that bitch?”

“Oh fuck yes. I knew this class was going to be easy, now it's gonna have a hell of a view.” The two didn't care that they were near the front of the class, very much within earshot of the woman. Why should they? What could she do to either of them?

“Good day class,” the woman said, her eyes flashing at Reggie and Paul. “As you can guess, I am not your professor, Cade Deveraux. His flight got delayed, so he will indeed be missing the first day of class. But rest assured, he will be back for class number two on Thursday.”

“Fuck, does he have to,” Paul said to Reggie. “No way is he going to have cans like that.” Kate looked at Paul again, the arrogant young man giving her a smile.

“I am his T.A., Kate Upton. I'll be here almost every day of the class anyhow. Today is going to be rather simple, just going of the syllabus and one small homework assignment.”

“T.A. That has T & A like that,” Reggie said. “It's both hilarious and boner-inducing.”

“Excuse me,” Kate said, finally bringing her full attention to the two men near the front. “Is there something you'd like to say a bit louder, boys?”

“No,” a grinning Paul said. “We're just discussing how anxious we are for the rest of the class.”

“Yeah, we're real eager to learn.” Added Reggie,unashamedly staring at Kate's tits.

“I'm sure.” she responded. “I'd like to see you both after class, since you're so eager to learn.”

“Oh, no problem,” said Paul. “You can have us for as loooong as you need it.”

“Good,” Kate curtly said. “Now, if you're done, I'd like to continue for the sake of the rest of the class.” Paul and Reggie laughed and Kate went on, ignoring the two charming troublemakers.

Soon, the class was done, and syllabus handed out. “Now, don't forget, list the bands that you feel were the most influential to your own personal history and why. No less than five. Bring them in on Thursday!” She then turned to Reggie and Paul who were getting up to leave. “You two, sit down. I'd like to have a few words with you.”

Reggie and Paul shrugged and took their seats again. Neither noticed Kate locking the classroom door and closing the blinds. Kate had plans for these two, and them alone.

She came back to her desk and signaled for them to come over to her. They snickered the whole time.

“I take it you boys really enjoyed the class, didn't you?”

“Oh, yes we did Kate,” Paul said. “A whole bunch.”

“Well, what was your favorite part? The little bits of trivia? Everyone introducing themselves, or was it just staring at my tits?”

“Tits.”Reggie replied.

“Yeah, definitely tits.” Paul agreed. “That a problem?”

“Only if you boys don't know who's in charge,” Kate said, surprising both men by grabbing their crotches. “Hint hint fellas, it's definitely not you..” She began to undo both of their pants, both shocked at how quickly she did it on both of them at the same time. “Here's the deal boys, I'm going to fuck you. You too are hot in that hatefuck kind of way. And I have a choice, either let things build and build until it fucking explodes and I'm not in control. Or, we do it right here, and now. I fuck you little shits dirty and you fucking shut up for the rest of the year. Who knows, you might get some more if you do good on the midterm.”

Before either man could respond with a yes, they were quickly reminded they had no choice when Kate dropped to her knees and started blowing them both.

The pair were stunned at Kate's raunchy actions. Slobber and spittle were already getting on the floor, the big-titted blonde almost immediately deepthroating both men one after the other.

“Pull down my dress and take out my fucking tits!” demanded Kate. As soon as the fina word was uttered, her massive tits were out in the air and Kate went back to her savage suckjob. Paul and Reggie were utterly dumbfounded by what was going on. They reasoned it had to be because they were both incredibly charming and Kate was an uberslut. They were half right. Kate hungered for dick in a way junkies fiended for heroin. She was a total nymphomaniac, and an aggressive one at that. The professor knew this and was quite happy to be on Kate's shortlist of fuck buddies. These two were just in the right place at the right time. The VERY right time, considering the fire lit under Kate's skirt.

“Oh fuck yeah,” Paul sneered. Kate stuffed both of their cocks in her mouth, the only response Reggie could give was an orgasmic moan. Kate had to smile. It was always nice to have two men so full of bravado completely in her thrall. It always took so little to cool down the hot shit.

Kate got to her feet and hiked up her own skirt then hopped on the desk. She tugged her panties off and threw them straight up over the two men, Paul grabbing them from the air.

“You get first dibs on my pussy,” Kate said. “You still get the mouth.”

“Nice,” Paul said, his voice almost a snake-like hiss. Kate bent over and he dropped trou all the way. With one thrust he was in her with Reggie gladly taking the front. At the point in the action, he was happy just being inside the buxom blonde. Besides, something told him he'd get some pussy before all was said and done.

Kate was in heaven as she did her best impression of a Chinese finger trap. He preferred number of cocks in her during sex was always two or more. Usually she had to make due with just one. That was fine, but nothing hit that sweet spot like being completely filled with cock. These two mopes are in for a wild ride, she thought.

Paul couldn't care less about any of the reasons why this was going on. He had no intention of asking Kate, not would he gain any such intentions of anything except fucking this big titted fuck doll again. He grasped tightly at her hips, hammering his cock in her wet fuckhole at a blurring speed. Every thrust pushed her forward on Reggie's cock, and his new partner in crime was clearly loving the solo blowjob he was getting.

With that much enjoyment though, Reggie decided to take a much more active role and began to face fuck Ms. Upton, a change in pace that she loved every moment of, though Reggie couldn't have known.

“Fucking whore,” Reggie growled. “Take it...take these fucking dicks deep you bit-titted fucking cooze!”

Kate loved this.The way they spoke, the savagery with which they ravaged her. It was simply intoxicating, and to her they were just appetizers....the main course was going to be whatever Professor Deveraux had up his sleeves.

When Reggie pulled his cock out of Kate's mouth to slap it on her face, she took the opportunity to speak. “Switch up, now.”

Paul took the order like the good little boy Kate had made him with just fifteen minutes with her pussy. She had Reggie climb up and lay down on the desk, then mounted up and began to ride her Bronco., though this cowgirl was in reverse.

“Holy fucking shit...”Paul said, his voice trailing off as he got damn near hypnotized by the bouncing tits of Kate Upton. The trance was only broken when Kate gave him another direction.

“Hey, you gonna stand there stroking to my tits or are you going to fuck my face, hot shot?” Kate asked, authority and lust echoing in her voice. Paul climbed the desk and place his cock in it's eager receptacle, Kate moaning as he began to thrust. This was all just shy of heaven for her, and soon enough, she'd give these boys the keys to the pearly gates.

“FUCK this pussy is prime,” Reggie said, smacking the tanned backside of Kate. “Mmmm baby this the college fucking life.”

“Oooh, fuck baby,” Kate hissed. “You think this is the best?” She looked up to Paul, her tongue licking her teeth, sexy sarcasm dripping from her look. “How about you start fucking my tits while I give your partner here a bit more of a ride?”

Paul nodded. He liked this chick's style. She'd be a nice side piece on those nights Peyton didn't want to give it up or the nights he was bored with her.

The confident grin never left Kate's face as she squeezed her tits together around Paul's cock. “Yeah, that's right Freshman...fuck these big fucking titties. Bet you've never seen tits like this, huh?”

“Certainly never gotten to fuck 'em.” He replied. He placed his hands on Kate's shoulders and began to thrust fast.

“Hahaha! Good boy! That's right, fuck my titties...fuck 'em good! And don't think for a second I'm done with my ride!”

“Oh, wouldn't dream of it, slut!” Reggie exclaimed. His slimy yet confident sneer was plastered on his face, but soon faded as Kate turned the heat on him, her cunt constricting and rippling on his cock. “Ooohhhhh fuck...”

“Oh, poor baby, that too much for you? You almost came because of this pussy, huh? Mmm, well I guess it's time to really speed things up.” Paul backed off as Kate turned around, hr back to him and face to face with Paul.

“Since you almost lost it on the ride, I'm giving your buddy back there first dibs on my ass...if you can last until I say switch, you get it next. Got it?”

“Yeah,” Reggie said. He was worried. Just hearing her say that almost made him nut. Not even Bella was this aggressive with him. And even weirder, he liked it.

“And you,” she said to Reggie. “You waiting for a written invitation? You cock, my ass. Now.”

“Gotta love a woman who knows what she wants.” Kate stood still, taking a deep breath while Paul pressed his slick cock against her sphincter. She bit her lip as the head popped in and he inched his way inside. She loved it like this The feeling of being completely filled, ass and pussy each with its own cock. The added bonus of Reggie sucking her tits was just sprinkles.

“Oh fuck,” Kate cried. “Oh fuck it's so good....fuck...”

“Mmmm, I like this slut,” Paul said, giving her a quick slam. “Nice and dirty.”

“It's cute you think this is dirty,” she teased. “Not how about you both fuck me senseless? It'll probably get me off easier than your shit-talking.”

“Oh, honey, you really want to throw down a challenge like that?”

“Oh, honey, you still talking?” Kate retorted. Paul had to laugh, just like he and Reggie had to give Kate was she was asking for. “FUCK!” sh exclaimed as the two began to ravage her. “Oh fuck that's the way...oh you dirty fucks!”

“Such a good...fucking...whore,” Reggie said. He almost couldn't look at Kate for fear it'd be too much stimulation. IT already almost WAS too much stimulation. Everything was getting ready to do him in. Her pussy, feeling Paul's stroke in her ass, Kate's noises, her sweat-slicked flesh, her tits, her face...it'd be a miracle if he could last, and he knew Kate didn't care as long as she came, which also fucking turned him on.

Paul on the other hand wasn't in the same position, literally or figuratively, as his new bud. This wasn't even his first double penetration. Sure, it might have been is first with someone so insanely eager and dominant, but he new how to handle it. Fortunately for him, it was his favorite way. Kate loved the rougher stuff he tried. Pulled her blonde hair? She moans. His hand reaches to tweak her nipples, she moves it to her throats and asks him to choke her. So rough, so dirty, so nasty...so fucking hot. No slow build up, not fake emotional platitudes. Just his cock up her ass, enjoying her body. Using her to get off and getting off knowing that's all he was to her. They were each other's sex toys, and at the very least, Paul respected that. Though that didn't mean he didn't love fucking her tight ass and making her cry in pleasure.

“How you doin?' Kate said to Reggie, snark dripping from her voice like sweat from her tits. “You want this ass?”

“Uh huh,” he squeaked, putting all his concentration in holding off.

“Say please.”

“P-please...please let me fuck your ass.”

“Mmm, I love it when they know their place. You mind switching up?”

“Not. At. All,” Paul said, ending each word with a hard thrust. He then pulled out and let Kate turn around on more time. It was a sight seeing her take Reggie's dick up her ass. Yeah, he'd loosened it up, but Reggie didn't look like a micro man. There was something about seeing a hot woman take a huge cock up her ass, especially when the enjoyment was painted all over her face .

“Got an opening,” she said. “How about you fill it, no application needed.” And he was in, again, her pussy still feeling just as good. “And boys, no slow shit. This is the final stretch.”

And no slow shit was had. Both men hammered her to Kate's orgasmic destination. Shit talking was over now, as any sounds she made were moans, grunts and growls. Not that the men were in the talkative mood either. Even if Paul's mouth wasn't busy with Kate's massive mammaries, he and Reggie were in the same situation, rocketing towards that final release at an insane pace. The three were in a race, and it was going to be a photo finish.

And that flashbulb went off as Kate released a low, guttural moan, her eyes rolling in the back of her head. She came, and she came monstrously hard.Of course, both men felt at as her cunt convulsed and her asshole clamped down hard on both men.

“FUCK I'M GONNA SHOOT!” Reggie yelled, any wall he had broken down.

“Shit, me too!”

“Face,” Kate said, gulping for air. “Cover my face!” The two pulled out and Kate hopped to her knees, waiting with tongue out and hungry eyes. Her wait was short as both men seemed to explode all over her simultaneously. Rope after rope of jism shot and landed on her face, tongue and tits. The men's orgasms were only increased as it seemed Kate had another smaller one just from feeling them cover her in jizz.

Right when both taps were almost dry, Kate took them both in her mouth once more, the two colliding together in Kate mouth as she gave them one last dual suck.

“Mmmmm,” Kate said. She made a show of scooping and licking the cum from her body and face to her mouth. “How about you boys gets dressed and leave? Not to be curt, but I'm kinda done with you for now. But hey, thanks for the cock.”

“Anytime,” Paul laughed. “I got things to do anyway.”

“Yeah, m-me too.” The men quickly redressed and headed out of the classroom, leaving the cum -coated Kate Upton to clean herself up.

“Holy shit man, can you believe that?” Reggie said. “I mean, I've had some sex but that, that was fucking nuts.”

“Fuck yeah it was.” replied Paul. “Stick with me, you'll get more of that.”

“What a coincidence, I was about to say the same thing.”

“You were?”

Reggie smiled his care salesman smile. “How'd you like to meet my girlfriend Bella?”

With that question, Reggie and Paul went on a path to cement their new found friendship...as well as many other events that were due to happen to them, as well as others.

College, it can be a fun ride, but a very, very bumpy one, as so many of the students and faculty were going to find out.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 06:55:04 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it occurred, nor would it.

All-Star College Chapter 2
by MaxwellLord (with special guest Cadeauxxx)
Starring: Taylor Swift, Victoria Justice, Kate Upton, Peyton R. List, Bella Thorne, Lili Reinhart, Demi Lovato, Sophia Bush, Selena Gomez, Sabrina Carpenter
Codes: MF, oral, anal, cons, DP, DVP, DAP

"Okay, how do I look? Peyton asked. She was modeling her Halloween costume to her roommate, Victoria Justice.

"Well, it's a t-shirt and cut-offs that almost show your ass." said Victoria. "So it's hot, but what are you trying to be again?"


"Vic, I'm a camp counselor from Friday the 13th. Didn't you see the shirt?" Peyton pointed directly to her chest, which did indeed read 'Camp Crystal Lake'. "It's part of a couples costume. I'm a counselor, Paul's going to be Jason."

"How appropriate, you're playing the victim to a giant monster."


"Sorry, just joking in the sense I'm totally not."

"Well, I like him. What about you? What're you dressing as?"

"Beetlejuice. Sexy Beetlejuice, naturally."

"That can be sexy?"

"Peyton, I can make anything sexy. This is a walk in the park. What party you going to?"

"Kappa Alpha I think. The Beta Ki one I think couldn't get the student union so it might even be off."

"Wow, I'm sure Taylor's taking that well."

"You know her?"

"Nope." Victoria replied. "But I do know enough of her from one week here to know that she's not a happy camper right now."

"I guess. But, I mean, what can she do? The decision's been made."


"Oh come on, Mr. McKracken!" Taylor said, her voice dripping with annoyance with a tinge of anger. "We both know I filled out the paperwork a good week before school started. I paid the fees. I paid extra. We both know that the student union should be mine for Halloween!"

"Well, I certainly don't know that." Mr. McKracken replied, a sly smile on his face as he looked down his nose at Taylor. There was something about her that made him relishing getting one over on her, to deprive her of something, especially since this was one of the few times Taylor didn't do anything underhanded to get what she wanted. "These forms you claimed to have filled out and the money you say you spent simply aren't here."


"Well, my bank account begs to differ." She pursed her lips, her blue eyes radiating anger even stronger. She was being scammed. Being an expert at the game herself, she knew, and she could see when an amateur like McKracken was proud of himself for it. Especially considering she had a pretty good idea that he just got roped into it, and she knew just who was behind it. 'Bitch...' she said to herself. Then, a plan formed. They always did when she needed them most. "So, how much did she pay you?"

"Um, what?" McKracken said, suddenly sitting up straight. "What do you mean?"

"Ha! Mr. McKracken, you have a horrible poker face. How much did she pay you? I mean, it couldn't have just been money. What was it...flash her tits? No...no that wouldn't get you to attempt embezzlement. I mean Katy Perry has great tits but a flash of them is not worth the hassle of that."

"I...I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ignoring, him, Taylor continued on. "No, she made you cum...but I don't think she touched you. No...not Katy....I'm going to guess she let you jerk off while you watched her masturbate.You get off, watch a co-ed get off, if she wasn't faking and let's face it, no offense, but she was. She probably hit you with that offer first and you were so shocked you took it right away."

"Now see here, Ms. Swift, I am I married man and I will not stand her and be accused of-"

"Look, I get it," Taylor said, crossing and uncrossing her long, fit and shapely legs. "I blurt all this out, you get nervous because you think I'm going to set off this truth bomb. Not true. I just want to buy back what's mine at a price that Katy wouldn't have gone near." Taylor stood up and walked to the other side of McKracken's desk, then sat on it, her legs open and giving McKracken a perfect view up her skirt. "I can't imagine why either. I mean, I've seen some of the guys she's dated and you're way better looking than, like, most of them."

"Wait...what?" McKracken was genuinely confused now. He thought he knew what Taylor was offering, but then again, he was pushing fifty and she was a young co-ed. He lucked out with that Perry girl, but this?

"Oh come now Mr. McKracken," Taylor said, her voice friendlier, but with a sinister dose of teasing lurking behind it all. "We both know exactly what I mean. But if me spelling it out turns you on..." Taylor leaned over, her red lips close to his ear. "I want you to fuck me. Use that nice...hard...cock and fuck me...please daddy, fuck this bad little girl."

"Is that what you want?" Mr. McKracken said, his nervousness fading away as his face gained an eager smile. "You know bad girls get fucked hard, don't you Taylor?"

"Mmmmm hmmmm!" she said excitedly, nodding her head and smiling with her red lips closed in a girlish smile. She had this guy pegged the moment she walked in. Fortunately for her, she had no issues getting off to what this guy obviously liked. "That's what makes us bad girls. The other thing is, we like to suck cock. Can I suck your cock?"

"Well...maybe...but first thing's first."

"Oh!" Taylor yelped when Mr. McKracken grabbed her by the ass, pulling her up a bit before moving his hands up her skirt. In a flash, Taylor's panties were off and across the office. He hiked her skirt up and surprised Taylor in the best way possible by going head first to her crotch. "Mmmm that's it..."she hissed though a smiling mouth.

Both of Taylor's tone legs were hooked on McKracken's shoulders as he happily lapped away at her cunt. "Oh...oh Mr. McKracken...mmmm eat my pussy daddy...fuck...eat this dirty girl's cunt."

SMACK! McKracken slapped Taylor on the ass, taking his mouth away from her cunt to say. "Language!"

"Mmmm sorry daddy," Taylor said in a dreamy tone. Her tone again shifted in pitch as her older lover dove right back into her pussy. She always loved it when a man REALLY wanted her. Yes, there's no such thing as a man who'll turn down free. No strings attached sex; but when they were really into it, a really eager Taylor was always that much more turned on, knowing she was going to cum. The man was unleashed and hungry, and Taylor loved being the main course.

McKracken pulled away from Taylor's pussy and stood up, unblocking his pants as Taylor looked on with an excited smile. Sure,some of it was for show and he knew that...but it didn't make it any less sexy. "You still want to suck this cock sweetie?"

"Uh-huh," Taylor said, her tongue peaking out to lick her full, red lips. "I wanna suck it SO bad, sir...I want to feel that hard dick in my mouth...I'm getting even wetter thinking about it."

Taylor slid off his desk and to her knees. When her knees hit the floor so did McKracken's pants. She ran her hands down and down her bare legs, settling them on his package. She giggled as he moaned at her fondling of him. Again, it was part of the act, but part of Taylor really did get a kick out of getting such a reaction from doing so little.

She gripped his cock with her soft hands and slowly began to jerk him while her other hand tugged and teased his balls.

"Your cock is so hard Mr. McKracken," Taylor said. "Is it all for me?"

"Oh yes baby," he groaned. "Fuck, it's all for you. Now, fucking suck it."

"Yes, sir." She gazed up at him with her blue eyes and winked before slowly taking his hard rod in her mouth. She moaned as he fit it inch by inch, her tongue snaking around its hard form.

"Oh fuck...that's such a good girl honey." he moaned, his voice warbling a bit. He couldn't bear to look down. He knew what it'd be, he could feel it on her lips. Taylor happily sucking, almost smiling with his cock in her mouth. Her blue yes bright, her red lipstick smearing, her face showing nothing but pure glee in sucking his dick.

And he wouldn't be wrong. Her blue eyes were sparkling, practically giving off fireworks of lust as she sucked and stroked him. There was just something about sucking cock that drove her crazy. She loved it enough to become a master at it. She could read a man like a book after the first few sucks. She knew just the right places to tease, when to go slow, when to go fast. She knew if he wanted to face-fuck her or if he wanted it slow and sensual. Mr. McKracken? Taylor would bet money he'd be the face-fucking type.

And she'd be right. Her reached his hands down to her golden locks and held her head in place. Taylor braced herself, even she liked this part.

"Yeah...fuck take it you dirty slut...mmmm...fucking dirty girl...oh fuck this is amazing..." McKracken's voice mumbled and trailed on, singing the filthiest praises he could think of for Taylor Swift. His voice sounded so delirious and lost in lust that Taylor was worried he might just cum down her throat. Not that she didn't swallowing, but Taylor preferred to taste the cum on her tongue then swallow rather then right down her gullet. Besides, she was so wet now she might suck him back to hardness just to get his cock in her.

Fortunately for the both of them, Mr. McKracken had a lot more in him. He yanked his spittle coated cock from Taylor's mouth, slapping it on the co-ed's face before pulling her back up and pushing her back on his desk. Her hooked her legs back on his shoulder again and tore her shirt open, revealing his suspicion, no bra for Taylor. Their eyes locked, a smirk on Taylor face. They both breathed deep in anticipation, McKracken's cock just outside of her pussy.

"Say it Taylor," Mr. McKracken growled, a hungry wolf. "Fucking say it?"

"Say what?" she teased, her tone was a singy-songy voice and her tongue barely sticking out through her teeth.

"Say 'Fuck me daddy'...fucking say it..."

"Mmmm fuck me daddy...fuck this bad girl with that big hard cock...fuck me daddy...."

"Unnnnggg," he groaned, shoving his cock in her. Taylor moaned in glee. She didn't get much time to savor it. Soon the desk was skidding and creaking with the force at which McKracken drove into her. That suited Taylor just fine. Hard and fast was just one of the many flavors she was a found of.

"Ohhhh, fuck me daddy...fuck your dirty little girl...mmmyou have such a good cock...I'm soo lucky! A lucky little slut!"

"Fucking...lucky...slut." said McKracken, punctuating every word with a hard thrust. His lips crashed into Taylor's hungrily kissing her, a bit of tenderness to the debauchery. A savage but sweet kiss while his cock drove into her like a battering ram and his hands pawed at her tits. Together, they both loved every minutes of it. Still, Taylor wanted to sign her check for this deal in the best way possible.

"Mmmm, I love how that cock feels in my dirty pussy, daddy," she said, her voice a mix of deep breaths and moans. "But...do you think...."

"What? What baby girl?"

"Mmm...do you think it could fit in my ass?"

"I think we should find out?" he grinned. He pulled out and then spun Taylor around, the leggy blonde bent over the desk. He threw her shirt to the side and tugged down her skirt, leaving Taylor in just her pumps. "Perfect," he grinned.

"Oooo, you gonna stuff that cock in my ass Mr. McKracken?" Taylor asked, that teasing, knowing voice that was simply throwing gasoline over the older man's fire. "I mean, I want it sooo bad...I just hope it means we've come to an agreement about my party...sir."

"Let me put it to you this way, sweetie," McKracken said, his voice so lecherous but still insanely arousing. He pressed his cock, soaked in her juiced, right at her back entrance and pushed forward, making them both grunt as he popped his head past the tight ring. "Katy who?"

"Mmmmm, you're so good to me daddy," Taylor moaned. "Now...fuck my ass..use my ass as your fuck-hole...Mmmmm..."

"Oh yes," he hissed. "Take this dick Taylor....Mmmmm I've wanted to fuck you for so long...Oh fuck....Ever since your freshman year on campus."

"I...un...hope I'm worth the wait, sir...ohhh, fuck you're so big!" And she wasn't just whistling dixie about his dick. It was a lot bigger than Taylor expected. She wasn't a size queen or anything, but sometimes, a girl just needs a nice, big, rock hard cock inside her. And it being up her ass just added the perfect level of dirtiness to it, as if they way they were talking didn't do enough. Taylor braced herself against the desk, yelping and groaning with every hard, lust-powered thrust McKracken drove into her now-stretched out asshole. Even in all his filth and force, he did show a bit of concern for her feeling, as he rubbed her clit as he took her tight little ass for everything it was worth.

"Oh fuck...Mr. McKracken...oh your gonna make your dirty girl cum...cum just for you...oh your big dick feel so good, daddy!"

"AM I gonna make my dirty girl cum? Am I?

"Mmm hmmm..." She squeezed her ass tightly around Mr. McKracken's cock, making the man whimper in pleasure. He was close too. All it would take is just the right bit of encouragement. "Oh...fuck me daddy...fuck my ass...shoot that cum in me daddy...right up ass...make me cum with your hot cum inside me...Ooooh FUUUUUCKKK!!"

"Oh I can do that baby girl...fuck...shoot...right..in your..ASSSS FUUUCK!!" He growled, starting to shoot the moment the last word escaped his mouth.

"OH FUCK YES DADDY!" Taylor moaned, her orgasm hitting the moment his hot jism began to coat her bowls. She fell forward, flat on the desk and Mr. McKracken followed suit, humping into her ass as the last few shots of cum emptied from his cock into her has. Taylor softly moaned, loving the tender affection he showed, soft butterfly kisses on her shoulders in between whispers of 'thank you' into her ear. She always found the filthiest motherfuckers to be the most tender and appreciative after the act, so happy to have found someone to share in the perversion of the moment.

When his soft and wilted cock finally slipped from Taylor's well-fucked ass, he fell back on his chair, even more wrecked than Taylor. "Fuck...fuck baby." He said. "And...wow...I'm a man of my word."

Taylor's turned around, a smile on her dick drunk face as she saw him open up a file cabinet and show her the contents. "This is Katy's late turned in form. So late in fact that I never even saw it." Taylor's blue eyes sparkled again as she saw him take out a lighter and torch Katy's forms. "Of course, I'll have to return the money to her. It wouldn't be right to keep it."

"Oh, of course." Taylor nodded and laughed. "And I guess forgetting mine was just a clerical oversight?"

"Of course." He grinned, opening his briefcase and showing her form along with her receipts of payment from before. "My secretary must of misplaced them. Luckily, I found them before your party. I do hope there hasn't been any trouble, Ms. Swift."

"Oh, none at all Mr. McKracken." she replied. "Thank you so much for your help. I was really concerned. And, you know, if you ever need say, a student volunteer around the office, I do have Wednesdays free from classes." She winked at him then kissed his cheek. "You were fantastic."

She wasn't lying, though fantastic might have been an exaggeration. But she came and had fun and got what she wanted out fo the deal, all while giving Katy Perry a big middle finger. She only wished she could see her face when she found out the Perry Party was cancelled and the Swift Soiree was back on.


The classroom was filled, well, at least in the sense all the students were there. Since day one of the directing/producing course, the room was only half filled and none of the students knew why. By the third day, none of the students regarded it as much more than an odd curiosity that exactly half the room was empty. Instead, everyone kind of gathered together into teams, without realizing it. One of those teams was Peter Farrano and Sabrina Carpenter. The first day of class, they'd just hit it off in terms of ideas and the kind of films they wanted to make. They'd pretty much found their partners for the semester. And, like every day since the first class, the two were sitting together, chatting it up before class really began about all the film contests for the year.

"So we're definitely doing a twofer for the 48?" Sabrina asked. "I mean, that's going to be a ton of work but I think we can handle it."

"Sure, just sleep in shifts." replied Peter. "But we double the chances of winning. And believe me, we can get the crew and an A-list cast, at least for the actress."

"Ah, the mysterious Selena Gomez. You know, for all this talk about your gorgeous, talented, amazing blah blah blah best friend, I sure haven't, you know, met her. In fact, I've met more of her sorority sisters than her at this point waiting to meet her."

"Well, she's just been busy too. I don't even know what the acting classes are doing."

"Some of those women are actresses," Sabrina added. "But hey, not here to sew discontent. Just saying...maybe keep our options open? Besides, we also need some bomb dudes too."

"Fair enough." Almost in time with the end of the their mini-discussion, the professors, Tim Nolan and Sam Carpenter(no relation to Sabrina) entered. Behind them was an excruciatingly beautiful brunette who got all the guys and several of the girls attention when she walked in.

"Okay folks, second week of school has started." said Tim. "It's already apparent to both Sam and I that on your own, you guys have found two people you at least think you want to work with for the rest of the year.

"And we're gonna let you keep in those groups," Sam said. "Which brings us to a person who's going to be helping us out for the rest of the year with her class. Folks, this is Professor Sophia Bush, the best damn acting teacher any one of you is gonna see."


"Well, thanks for that intro, Sam," said Sophia, her smokey voice entrancing the entire class. "Now, some of you might actually recognize me from a show I used to do called One Tree Hill. If not, cool, I'm not here to talk about that. I am here to help this class learn how best to work with actors, and of course, teach young hopefuls to be actors. Which leads me to what's next, bring them in, Tim, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course Sophia." Tim walked back to the doorway and held it open, allowing all the actors to come in, among them, Selena, a face that Sabrina was right about, Peter hadn't seen in a while.

The actors all lined up in front of the room, Sophia beaming with pride in all of them. "Okay, as most of you can probably guess, this is my acting class. And they will be joining you, along with myself, for the rest of the year. Now I note we say year because we do recommend that you take this course two semesters in a row to really get a chance to work on different types of scripts, and you will be getting them today. But first, actors, why don't you introduce yourselves?"

First up was a tall, very leggy brunette. The smile on her face seemed perpetual as she stepped up. "Hi everyone, I'm Hailee Steinfeld," she said, peppy and full of energy. "I've been acting my whole life, just local stuff and a few short films. Can't wait to work with some of you to see what we can come up with and just learn. So...yeah, just glad to be here." The perky girl smiled and nodded, then returned with the other students.

Next up was another brunette, her energy much more low key if not all together different. She was smoldering, seducing the room without even trying. "Hi, My name is Elizabeth Gillies. Call me Liz if you'd like. Now, much like everyone's favorite ball of happy thoughts you just met, I've been acting and singing most of my life, mostly on stage. Decided to take this class to get more on camera experience." She paused to lick her lips, not intended to make people even more under her spell, but the side effect was still there. "I look forward to working with you all. Hope we have some fun." She gave the class a half-smile, then made way for the next introduction.

"Hey there folks, I'm Anna Kendrick," she said. Her posture and demeanor showed a very casual attitude to match the look of the quintessential girl next door. "Looks like I'm the hat trick of this intro, because yes people, I too have had acting experience, and I can sing. I assure you though, I most likely have aver distinct personality from my previous two compatriots just because I like to say 'fuck' a lot. So, based on that and a fondness for beer which 'WINK WINK' we should never partake in on set, I think we're gonna have a big old blasty-blast this year."

And so it went, all the actors, among them all; Selena Gomez, Peyton Roi List, and Jesse Carr. Once the introductions were complete, the students were essentially given an off-day to mingle with each other. During this though came a crushing blow to Peter, when Selena completely breezed by him, as if he weren't even there to go to someone else in the class. He was a man who radiated the kind of energy that made a good chunk of the class instantly dislike him. Which made him the exact kind of man Selena wanted. From what Pete could remember of the guy, his name was Reggie Fisk.

To say it was a sucker punch would be underselling it. However, he wasn't given much time to wallow in it when Sabrina came swooping in.

"Hey Pete, I want you to meet Hailee," Sabrina said, bringing the tall, perky brunette to his attention. "I was just talking to her, thought you should too."

"Hi," Hailee said, smiling. She extended her hand to Peter, who took it. "Sabrina tells me you two have been making movies for a bit so you have kind of an edge over most of the folks here?"

"Well, we have been." he replied. "Not together, we only just met last week, but yeah, we both have a bit of a filmography on our YouTube pages."

"Awesome! I have one too. Maybe we could check each other's stuff out. I mean, like, no offense to anyone else here but I kind of want to work with people who have some level of experience."

"Yeah, we could do that," he said, his mind kind of trailing off.

"What my partner is trying to say is we'd be happy to do that Hailee. I think Thursday night would work best, probably in my dorm as Pete here is sadly cursed with a roommate who believes guitar practice is in their room and until four in the morning."

"Oh that's sucky..."

"You can say that again." Peter said.

"Well, I hope you can get some rest. Can't wait to see what great stuff you guys have done!" Hailee walked off, as chipper in her step as Peter was dejected in his.

"Look Pete, I don't know you that well," Sabrina said. "And I certainly don't know her at all, but I gotta ask, you sure you two are friends?"

Peter honestly didn't have an answer. Well, he did, he just didn't like it. This was hardly the first time Selena had acted like this. And even after a lifetime of knowing her, it didn't make it suck less. Sabrina wasn't the only one to see how Peter was feeling. This person, she felt bad for the kid. Along with that pity, she saw a bit of an opportunity. As Pete and Sabrina walked out the door, the opportunistic woman bumped into him, knocking his notebook down. She apologized, picking it up for him before giving him a warm smile while slipping in a business card he was bound to find the next time he opened it up.

On the other side of the room however, a similar situation, yet also vastly different was also playing among Peyton and Jesse, who had been chosen, along with Liz Gillies and another actor, to be part of Bruce Parker's group. While Bruce and Liz had their own conversation, so were Jesse and Peyton. Though with Jesse, it was tinged with just a bit of poison.

"Wanna go grab lunch?" Jesse asked.

"I'd love to," Peyton said. "But I'm meeting up with Paul. I think he's going to show me his Halloween costume. It's going to be a couples thing, and I have mine, so can't wait to see his."

"Um, I didn't see him put together a costume this morning when he left the dorm."

"Oh, well he must want it to be a surprise. Still, there's other things we have planned." The smile she gave let Jesse know pretty much what was planned. "But tomorrow, lunch. That's a promise." With that and a wink, she walked out of the classroom.

He may have only known Peyton a week, and in that week, he'd fallen for her. Simultaneously in that week, he'd grown very tired of Paul and Matt. Paul, because he was seeing first hand how Paul, plain and simple, saw his relationship with Peyton as purely sexual and bragged about how he was making her think it was more.

With Matt, well with Matt, he was genuinely becoming more like Paul: more pig-headed, his attitude worsening, and the unearned cockiness. He'd essentially become Paul's little lap dog and it all started when the whole Demi thing went down.

'Wonder how loyal the dog would be if he knew Paul was the one who fucked Demi...after getting her blitzed drunk.' He thought to himself. Not that he could do much of anything. Demi made him promise not to tell anyone, and he was intent on keeping the promise, no matter how much he really wanted to knock Matt's ass back to Earth. That however was a pipe dream. Demi made him promise not to tell Matt, and she'd already been through enough. So, it was off to the library for him to study the script...and maybe call up Victoria later. They weren't dating or anything, but when a girl tells you to put her in your phone under 'designated booty call', he figured it'd be in his best interest to take full advantage of that.


"So, do I finally get to see your costume?" Peyton said to a confused Paul.


"Yeah, for Halloween, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Paul said. "Sure. Just not yet. Finishing touches, you know?" Of course, if Paul was truly being honest he'd have said he had no clue what she was talking about. He was just good at faking it. I mean, he'd assumed they'd be doing something together for Halloween. Mainly, her in something skimpy and him removing it and promptly giving her some serious deep dicking.

"Well, I can't wait to see it. It's gonna be SO much fun!"

"Well, I'm certain I can think of something at least as fun to tide you over." Paul got up and wrapped his arms around Peyton, the blonde giggling as she was pulled close.

"And what would that be?"

"Pey, I think you know what I want." She did, and his hand squeezing her shapely ass was the punctuation to the sentence. Usually, Peyton would never dream of of sleeping with a guy she'd barely been dating for a week. But...Paul was playing all his cards right. She thought he was the perfect guy, if not a little arrogant. Only one other guy she'd met recently could keep her attention the way Paul did...but Paul went for it first.

The moment their lips touched, Paul knew she was his for the taking. He knew not to push it too far, or he might not get the goods down and dirty later. No, for this, their first time, he had to play it sweet. The ladies, they liked it that way, at first. Made them think he cared. As long as he came though, he didn't really care too much for their thoughts.

Before Peyton realized it they were on her bed, Paul on top of her. The only communication their mouths were doing were close contact, no words. A moan escaped her lips when Paul's hand slid up her shirt, grasping her breasts then pulling down the cup of her bra.

Paul pulled her back up, peeling off her t-shirt and letting Peyton take care of the bra herself. He had no time with the deviltry of a woman's bra hooks.

Her chest bare, Peyton threw her blonde locks back as Paul's mouth and hand went right for them, savoring the taste of her and her moans as his tongue teased and flicked her nipples. He was testing the waters, trying to see what really worked on her. Not so much for Peyton's benefit, but so Paul could take not of what buttons to press to get what he wanted later.

"Ooooh shit," Peyton moaned at Paul's treatment of her nipples. 'Fire one is a success', he thought to himself. He continued his course of action, just to see how revved up Peyton could get on nipple play alone.

The answer turned out to be quite a lot. It didn't take much longer for Peyton to completely give in to her lust. She pushed Paul down to his back and nearly tore his shirt off in removing it. To his great pleasure, he had Peyton go into beast mode essentially. Her hazel eyes locked on his dark brown. Her mouth trailed down his body; kisses on his lips, nibbles and bites on his neck, licks down his chest until she reached his crotch. With movements so fast he didn't even catch her doing it, Peyton had removed Paul's belt, unzipped his pants had his cock out.

“Fuuuck yesss,” Paul groaned as Peyton began blowing him. Skill and enthusiasm, the two integral ingredients for good head, at least in Paul experience. Usually, a woman could get by on one or the other, but very few had both. And Peyton, well she was one of those few and proud. Paul reached down and held Peyton's hair back. The fact it was good for her, as well as him was irrelevant. He wanted a good, clear view of everything her mouth was doing to his cock.

And what a show she gave. Peyton had no issues taking Paul right down to the root. She did this so many times Paul had to wonder if she even had a gag reflex.

Peyton pulled her mouth back to catch her breath, her hand still jerking Paul's rod, slick with saliva. Paul shivered a bit as she began to tease the underside with her thumb then added a bit of a show, slowly licking her lips before moving down a bit to sucks his balls. It wasn't a long treatment, just a taste before she went back to his cock. Just enough to throw more gasoline on Paul's fire.

Paul, like most men, loved a good blowjob, and this was well past just good. However, that's not what he came to Peyton's dorm room for. He pulled her up to his face and kissed her as her rolled her onto her back. As she laid in front of him, her long legs already splayed out around him perfectly. He reached for her jeans, unzipping and peeling off the tights pants before throwing them to the ground. Her panties, simple white cotton, joined with her jeans.

With all barriers removed, Paul went for his prize. He was on top of his blonde sex bunny, and soon his cock entered her pussy, Peyton releasing a pleasured, if not a bit surprised, moan. While Peyton did appreciate the feeling of a hard cock in her pussy, she was hoping more than a little that her oral favors would be returned. Further evidence she didn't really know Paul that well.

Peyton was on her back moaning and writhing with every thrust. Her legs wrapped tight around Paul's waist as he rose a up a bit, kneeling while he drove into her. Between this and getting them on all fours, it was near impossible for Paul to decide which position he liked fucking in more. Right now though, there was a certain extra bit of enjoyment looking down on Peyton as he fucked her. He watched the flesh of her tits jiggling and moving with every thrust as pleasure was radiating from her face. His hand moved to her nice, plump peach of an ass, rubbing and squeezing it.

“Fuck you're tight baby,” Paul growled. “Tight fucking cunt...feels so fucking good....fuck...” His paced increased fast, slamming into Peyton's pussy, Paul hungrily racing towards the finish.

Peyton didn't mind the increased pace, it still felt good. Still, she would have liked things to go a bit slower. She couldn't complain too much, Paul was still making her feel good. The way he touched her, his hands caressing her with just the right amount of rough. Lightning bolts of pleasure flashing through her body as he teased, pinched and tugged her nipples. Peyton wasn't close, bu the ride was feeling pretty good.

Paul pulled her up, the two face to face now as Paul continued to piston into Peyton. “Fucking take this cock...uhhh fucking take it baby...fucking take what you need!” Before Peyton could respond, her lips met Paul's, soon followed by a meeting of there tongues. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close and Peyton moaned into his mouth. She loved it when a man held her close during sex, it drove her wild in a completely different way than her nipples did. It made her a lot more generous.

Paul however, didn't get to have fun with Peyton's generosity. He was right on the precipice, her knew it. Any longer inside Peyton and he might risk becoming a deadbeat dad. He laid Peyton back down, pulled out, then moved up her body, straddling her chest.

“I'm fucking CUMMING!” he yelled. “FUCK YES!!!” Ropes of cum erupted from Paul's cock onto Peyton's face and neck. It was a lot earlier than Peyton expected, but she was close enough that she could finish her self off by giving her clit some personal attention.

Right as Paul's orgasm slowed to a trickle, Peyton's began, a small one, but noticeable if Paul had the attention span for it. The smile Peyton saw was not for her so much as Paul admiring the mess he had made of Peyton's face.

“Baby, that was great.” Paul said, very satisfied as well as self-satisfied. “Fucking great.”

“Want to continue in the shower?” Peyton asked, a smile shining through her cum-covered face.

“I'd love to, I really would.” Paul lied, putting his clothes back on. “But I have to head to a business meeting. Work stuff.”

“You have a job right now that requires business meetings?”

“Yeah, entertainment stuff. Runs in the family, I guess. I told you about my dad, right? He didn't get me a job, but we're in the same field...kinda. Look, I'll explain later, but gotta go now.”

“Okay,” she shrugged. She pursed her lips for a kiss. Paul hesitated, not even wanting to get near his own jizz. Instead, he shook her hand then left, leaving a very perplexed Peyton on her bed wondering what exactly had just occurred.


“I LOVE Halloween,” said Camila Mendes, admiring her Catwoman costume, sans mask, in her mirror. “What other time of year do I get to us my whip as a fashion accessory?”

“I'm sure you could pull that off for Christmas.” Lili Reinhart replied from behind the bathroom door. She was putting the finishing touches on her own costume. She desperately wanted tit o be perfect. Not just for her own satisfaction...but for that someone special.

“Oooh, I like that.” Camila replied. “Sexy Mrs. Claus...bet I could make some bank at the charity date auction with that get up.” Cami turned around, loving how the tight leather of the outfit hugged her caboose. “I actually feel jealous I won't be the lucky guy getting a piece of me...Is that narcissistic?”

“Okay, I'm coming out,” Lili said, interrupting Cami's existential quandary. Camila turned around to see the very...unique costume Lili had adorned herself in.

The blonde was wearing pink and black tights adorned with hearts and skulls. She accessorized this with pink, reflective sunglasses, a leather jacket and a toy wrestling championship belt.

“What are you supposed to be?” Cami asked. She was genuinely befuddled, but she had a good idea about what area she was coming from with the toy belt.

“I'm Bret Hart.” Lili replied to a still very confused Camila. “The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be?” The blank stare continued. “Multi-Time Intercontinental Champion? Multi-time WWF and WCW World Heavyweight champion? The Montreal Screwjob? The HITMAN!?”

“Look, I'm just gonna say you make a cute wrestler and leave it at that.”

“Fine...but do you think he'll like it?”


“You know....”

“Oh my god, seriously?” Cami asked, trying to contain a laugh. “You are such a slut!”

“I am not!” Lili said, more than a little offended.

“Oh, yeah, pardon me. Oh wait, remind me, who blew the masked man in a high school gym? Oh wait, that was you! Being all slutty! Did I mention you didn't even know his name?”

“I know his name.” Lili retorted. “It's Magnus Pain.”

“Oh my god that is not a name!” Cami laughed. “Lili, face facts. You blew a guy who's face you've never seen and real name you don't know. And to me, that spells S-L-U...”

“Oh, like you've never had sex with a masked guy before.”

“Yeah, but I knew their names!”

“Okay, you got me.”

“Lils, come here.” Lili came over, taking a seat on Camila's bed next to her. “I don't wanna be harsh. I mean yeah, I'm funny doing it but still. It's just...well, I mean, you're at the beck and call of some muscle bound dope, doing whatever he asks for. I don't like tha.”

“Whoa whoa whoa,” Lili said. If Camila was suggesting what she thought Camila was suggesting, then Lili was more than a little offended. “Is that what you think happened? He saw me, all doe-eyed and blonde, snapped his fingers and I blew him?”

“Well...yeah. You didn't give any details except blushing over the fact you blew a wrestler in a high school gym.”

“Okay, first of all Cami, it was a bingo hall, not a high school gym. Secondly, I made every single move. I walked up to him, pushed him against the wall, shushed him, and had my fun. Then left him stunned, saying I'd see him next time.” Lili was blushing again, the memory of it all crystal clear, turning her on more than just a little.

“So, just so we're clear,” Cami said, standing up and pacing. “You made every single move. You surprised a stranger who's real name you don't even know and blew him, swallowed, and left him wondering what the Hell just happened?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“What part of that doesn't scream 'slut'?”

Lili paused. Camila was right. “Okay...I'm a little bit of a slut.”

“I'll take that as a victory. I have a question though.”

“What is it?”

“Is this just fun to you? Or are you looking for something a bit more? Because if this is just kind of a crush thing, I'd let the guy know, just to be fair. I mean, if your intent is purely a fun fucky buddy and he wants more, just lay it out there to be fair.”

“Cami, I blew him. I think he knows what this is.”

“Does he? You ask him? And honestly, did you even ask yourself?”

Lili honestly couldn't respond. She hadn't done either. Blowing Magnus was spur of the moment...but it wasn't something she normally did. It felt right in the moment. It was right in the moment. But what if there was more? Did she want it? Did Magnus?


It wasn't very often that Jesse found himself skipping a meal but being extremely okay with it. However, when he got a text from Victoria Justice to come by her and Peyton's dorm, he couldn't just say no.

In the short time he'd known her, Jesse had found Victoria to be a lot of fun to hang out with. Funny; smart, amazing in bed and a big time, true blue, died in the wool believer in casual sex. Not that was the only reason he'd found himself hanging out with her a lot in the past couple weeks. He found her all around to just be better company than either Paul or Matt. The sex was just the best bonus that ever was.

When he arrived at the door, any thoughts of hunger had passed. Two knocks and Victoria answered the door.

“Hey!” she said, dressed fully in her Halloween costume.


“Sexy Beetlejuice?”

“Good eye. Come in.” He walked in to see that the room seemed to be in the middle of some kind of cleaning session, air sprays and such scattered about.

“Spring cleaning for Halloween?”

“No, just disinfecting the fuck stank I came in to. I think your buddy got in my roommates pants a bit earlier than expected.”

“Oh,” Jesse said, more than a little wounded. “He pushed his usually schedule up. Weird. You called me up to help clean up?”

“Kinda. See, in my experience the only way to cover up evil fuck stank is with good fuck stank.” She smiled, her tongue snaking out and licking her darkly shaded lips before she walked up to Jesse, planting a kiss on his lips. “Let's get you ready.”

Victoria slid to her knees, her hands already at work pulling down Jesse's pants. He moaned as she fondled and toyed with his cock. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she felt him harden in her hand. Victoria loved that feeling. Whether it was in her hand or her mouth, something about the feeling of a cock getting rock hard made her wetter than a rainstorm.

Of course, Jesse was enjoying himself as well. Even with just her hands, Victoria knew all the right moves and he loved every single one of him. Her nails tickling and teasing his balls while her other handle slowly pumped him, twisting as it jerked. She ran her thumb in circles right under his cock head, smiling with her tongue between her teeth as he shivered.

“Mmmm, I think you're ready,” Victoria said. Jesse looked down, hungry for the tactile sensation as well as the visual treat of a woman as beautiful as Victoria hungrily sucking his cock.

The wait wasn't too long for both desires to be sated. Victoria's brown eyes looked up at him, feeding his own fire while her mouth through gasoline on the fire. Jesse threw his head back as Victoria sucked him. Her tongue slithered and snaked on his cock while she teased and tugged at his balls.

“Fuuuck, suck it Vic...oh fuck that's it,” he moaned. It took all the willpower he had not to start bucking and thrusting into her mouth, but he knew Victoria wasn't a fan of that unless she gave the clear okay. Right now, Victoria was having too much fun playing with her prey and Jesse was enjoying himself far too much to care about the role he was playing.Her Halloween make-up added a bit to it, he couldn't deny. Victoria took Jesse's cock in to the root, deep throating the man, loving the reaction it got from him, his fists tightening, his knuckles turning white. All from her. Victoria moved back, catching her breath as Jesse's cock, shiny and slick with her spit jutted out, hard and pulsing. She leaned forward, giving it a long lick from base to tip, ending it with flciking her tongue just on the underside before wrapping her lips just on the head.

“Holy FUCK!!” Jesse cried out, Victoria's attack of pure pleasure driving him nuts, almost to the brink, but not quite yet. Victoria knew when to stop. Besides, she didn't want to finish him off with her mouth, not today. Victoria pulled her mouth away and got to her feet. She smirked at Jesse then turned around, dropping and stepping out of her striped pants and bending over ever so invitingly over her bed. She thought she knew exactly what Jesse would do next. She was surprised.

“Oh!” she moaned as Jesse's mouth was away her pussy. Victoria would have bet cold hard cash that after that blow job he would have jumped right to fucking her. She wasn't disappointed in being wrong. Rather, the longer he went at it, the more surprise left her body and the more pleasure replaced it. She reached around, pushing his face deeper to her cunt, grinding against him as Jesse ate her out.

“Ohhhhhhhh, fuck yes...” she hissed. “Eat my fucking cunt...fucking eat it....shit...eat it baby...”

Jesse wrapped his arms around Victoria's waist, pulling her even closer to him as she snacked on her cunt. Hearing her moans, her filthy talk, it was more than enough to let him know it was time for the real action.

Still behind her, he rose to his feel, one hand on his hip the other grasping his cock. He lined himself up and with one thrust was inside Victoria.

“OH, FUCK YES!” she shouted. “That's what I fucking wanted! FUCK!!” Jesse held her hips tight, going full speed right from the start. Victoria was bent over, her back arched in that perfect way as she braced herself with the bottom posts of her bed. Jesse slapped Victoria's lovely ass, making the Puerto Rican sexpot yelp with delight, then let his hand glide up to her shoulder. Victoria promptly ditched her striped jacket, leaving her only in a black bra. Jesse reached around, pulling the cups down eagerly groping Victoria's breasts.

“Yeah...yeah that's right Jesse...feel my body....feel it baby...inside and out....fuck...fuck me...give it all to me...” Victoria hunger head down, a low moan erupting from her mouth as Jesse agave her a few deep and hard thrusts, swiveling his hips with every strong movement.

Victoria licked her lips, rolling her head back, a drunk's smile on her face as the pleasure drowned her. IN her daze, her body slowly but sure giving to a sure to come orgasmic eruption, a delightful idea entered her head: the first treat of Halloween for her and Jesse both.

“Fuck my ass.” she said. “Don't question it, just fuck my ass.”

“Is that what you want?” Jesse tauntingly asked, slapping her ass. “Want this cock up your ass, Vic?”

Victoria looked over her shoulder, grabbed Jesse by his shirt and tugged his face to her, savagely kissing him, biting his bottom lip as it broke. “What did I say about questions?”

Jesse gave her a grin, licked her lips, then withdrew his cock from her pussy and pressed the slick head right against her back door.

Victoria took a deep breath, relaxed and let out a pleased sigh as Jesse's cock popped in her back door. Her hand pressed against his stomach, signalling for him to stop, just long enough for her to get used to the intrusion. After a few, breathless moment, she withdrew her hand and braced herself once more.

Jesse leaned over, kissing her shoulder as he slowly built up his pace. “Fuck you're tight.”

“Mmmmm fuck,” Victoria sighed. “So big in my ass....fuck I love it....mmmmmmm, fuck my ass...fuck...make me cum with your cock up my ass....”

Jesse kissed the nape of her neck and moved his hand to her clit, frigging the aroused nub as he began to really fuck her ass. Victoria's moans began to get desperate, she was starving for that climax. She needed it and there was no doubt it was coming, but ti seemed miles and miles away.

“Cum for me Vic....cum with this dick in you baby....fucking cum...”

“Mmmm I'm gonna cum...gonna cum for you!” she desperately cried. “I want to you to shoot in my ass when I cum...I fucking need you too! Fuck...fuck FUCKKK CUMMMMING!!!!”

Victoria went rigid, her asshole clamping down hard on Jesse's dick as her orgasm rocked her body and triggered Jesse's. And Jesse fulfilled Victoria's request, shooting his load up her ass, which made Victoria's orgasm even stronger. She loved the way it felt when a man came in her ass, gave her orgasm just the right edge.

The two collapsed forward on Victoria's bed, Jesse giving her ass a few more pumps before pulling his exhausted cock from it. He rolled off of her and Victoria rolled to her back. Both were smiling in a post-orgasm haze.

“Fuck...” laughed Victoria. “Mmmmm shit, Jess...that's a high bar set for tonight.”

“I don't think I can move my legs.” he replied.

“You're welcome.” joked Victoria. “No rush though. I'm certainly not going to be able to operate heavy machinery for a bit.”

“So...what are your Halloween plans?”

“Sorority party. Which ever one it is now. Apparently Taylor Swift's is back on and the other one is off. I don't know. Where ever the booze and dudes are.”

“Sounds like a plan, need some accompaniment to help weed out the real dirtballs from the regular ones?”

“Sure,” Victoria said, leaning on her side. “Besides, that way I get a sure fire lay no matter what goes down.” She winked at him then sat up. “We're taking a shower. You wash my back, I'll wash yours. And note, that's not a question.”

“Duly noted.”


“This seems like a fancy place for a business meeting,” Paul said. Reggie had been building him up about his 'great lucrative' meeting since they both had taste of what Kate Upton had to offer than sprayed her with what they had to offer.

For the most part, Paul had thought it was all bullshit. But he also witnessed Reggie go through money like it was tissue paper. He had to get the money from somewhere. There was no harm is going along for the ride simply to learn where this money came from. In all likelihood, it was just slinging drugs to eager Freshmen. Still, this apartment building he was heading into...it was a bit on the posh side of things for a simple dealer.

The two entered the building, the doorman giving neither any issue as they headed for the elevators. Reggie whipped out a keycard and placed it against a scanner. An elevator opened instantly and the two walked in.

“Okay, here's the cool part,” Reggie grinned. “Not the coolest part, but pretty cool.” He took out a key and stuck it in a slot among the buttons in the elevator. He turned it, and it went up. “Exclusive as fuck.”

“And this is your place?” Paul asked. “Seriously? You're not blowing the dude who owns it?”

“I don't blow anyone, I GET blown.” replied Reggie. “But no, technically it's not my place. This belongs to my business partner.”

“Ooookay.” After a quick ride up the door open to a small hallway with a few doors spread far apart. The exclusive level. Reggie pressed a button at the door.

“Yes?” a female voice asked.

“It's Reggie.”

“You have a new prospect?” the voice said.

“No, potential business partner.”

“Oh god, again?”

“Look, at least meet him."

“Fine.” A buzz and a click, the door opened and the two walked in.

“Your partner sounds like a ray of fuckin' sunshine,” Paul said. “What business are you two In exactly? And why would I be a partner?”

“To answer your first question,” The female voice said. It was now attached to a sexy, if not a tiny bit skanky, red headed woman, walking down the stairs of the penthouse apartment. “I'm in the business of pleasure. Reggie here is my associate. As for your second, I don't have a clue. So maybe Reggie here has some way of enlightening us both as to what exactly he brought you here for and prey he isn't wasting my time.”


“Okay, okay, tough crowd,” Reggie said. “How about we all just have a seat and I can talk about my proposal.”

“Fair enough.” the woman said. “Wouldn't want to be rude to the guest I didn't invite. You Reggie, aren't making that easy. How about you introduce us?”

"Yeah! Yeah sure. So, Paul Simmons, this is Bella Thorne.” Bella extended her hands and Paul shook it, soflty but firmly, making Bella smirk.

“Pleasure to meet you Paul,” said Bella. “Nice grip.”

“Pleasure's all mine Bella.” Paul.

“Well, not yet but the day's still young.” Reggie, oblivious to the obvious flirting going on right in front of him, led the two to sit down near the coffee table.

“Okay, so I bet you're both wondering why Paul is here.”

“Yeah, the question entered my mind,” Paul said.

“Ditto,” added Bella. “My business is perfectly fine with the employees I have. No offense but I don't see myself branching out to include clientele that would like Paul services.”

“That's not what I'm talking about.” replied Reggie. “Okay, Paul here is studying law, business and entertainment.”

“And I already have a lawyer,” said Bella. She turned her attention to Paul. “Everything I do is on the level. Turns out the IRS doesn't care where your income comes from as long as you pay taxes. And I'm all on the level. I file as an entertainment provider. Which is technically true. I LOVE technicalities, don't you?”

“Big fan.” replied Paul.

“Uh huh, yeah, I know you have a lawyer babe, but that's not why he's here. He studying that work for his dad, who's in the music biz. Paul here has contacts.”

“Really?” Bella looked back at Paul, more intrigued than she had been already by his looks. “How major are we talking about?”

“The kind of major where if they get caught cheating their wife drops an album all about it.” replied Paul.

“Nice,” Bella laughed. “You did good Reggie.” Bella now shifted her attention completely to Paul.

“Here's the deal. You hook my girls up with these connections, you get a cut. That simple. Now, these girls get a majority of it, their the ones taking the dick. They get seventy percent, I get twenty, you get ten. That's the deal, no negotiation. Now, in addition to your ten percent, you'll also get any of my girls, any time you want. Now, the caveat there is they can't be booked otherwise and they have to say yes. You force yourself on 'em, you're out and the cops will want to have a word with you. Don't fuck with the madame who's personal clientele includes the mayor, the chief of police, and several high powered and decorated members of our police force. And I guarantee they love my mouth, pussy and ass on demand a lot more than any money you can throw their way. The only other rules is you do not mess with my competition. There's a respect and truce there. You can fuck her girls, I can get you a discount, no harm no fould. But do not try to poach her talent or force yourself. Otherwise, you'd be surprised how similar the punishment is. Am I understood?”

“Crystal clear, Ms. Thorne.” Paul said, returning the smirk Bella had given him earlier.

“Call me Bella,” she said. “I'm not running an office. I'm a madame and a whore, and I'm damn good at both. You're an associate, and associates call me Bella. But, if you don't feel comfortable with that arrangement I have a great little icebreaker.”

Bella slid from the couch to her knees, then looked to the two men. “Stand up and pants down.”

Paul and Reggie stood up, Reggie grinning ear to ear. Both men dropped there pants, the sight of their cocks making Bella lick her lips.

“Really nice work bringing Paul by Reg.” Bella said. She grasped both men by their cocks and started pumping. They grunted into approval of Bella's skilled handiwork. “Very nice.” She winked at Paul, something Reggie missed as his eyes were shut from Bella's skilled handjob.

Her eyes locked on Paul's as her mouth opened. She licked the tip of of his cock then wrapped her lips around the head, softly sucking before taking him in her mouth.

“Damn,” Paul groaned. With one hand on hisballs and Bella's other still pumping Reggie, all the work on his cock was being done solo by Bella's mouth, and she was more than up to the challenge. Every movement of her tongue, the teasing her did with her teeth, taking him to the root...a ll perfectly timed, all deftly done. Bella was a pro and loved showing it off. It got her off more than a little, and Paul could tell.

“Mmm babe,” Reggie said. “How 'bout I get some of that action?”

“Heh, he is so impatient,” she winking at Paul. She kissed his cock before moving over to Reggie, taking his cock deep into her throat on the first time.

“Ugh, fuck yes Bella!” Reggie cried out. Her grasped her head, fingers coursing through her red locks as her began to fuck her throat. “Yeah...yeah fucking take it bitch...uh yeah...”

Paul had to admit, he was getting a kick out of watching. Bella gave him the pro treatment now he got to see it. Bella might have been taken by surprise by the sudden face fucking Reggie was supplying but she adapted quickly, a Hellish fire in her eyes that if Reggie had seen he might have been scared off by the intensity of.

Reggie pulled out of Bella's mouth, a long string of saliva connecting the tip of his rod to her mouth. She gasped for air then grasped the two cocks, bringing them centimeters away from her mouth.

“I'm gonna suck you both at the same time,” she said. Bella wasn't asking, she was declaring. Before Reggie could say a word of pause, she took them both in her mouth, her tongue dancing on the hard, fleshy rods in her mouth as they jousted. Bella's eyes went to Paul, completely unphased by the action. She liked that. Then she looked to Reggie, who was clearly a bit...conflicted to say the least. Clearly enjoying the feeling of sharing the same hot, wet space with another cock but not being comfortable with enjoying it. Bella REALLY liked that.

Bella pulled back, jacking both slick cocks, a happy and sexy sneer on her face.She looked over to Reggie. “Go lay on the couch,” she said to him. Reggie scrambled over, almost tripping over his pants. Bella then looked at Paul. “You're gonna fuck me while I suck him off.”

“How come I don't get first crack at that pussy?” Reggie asked.

“Because you ask dumb fucking questions like that.” Bella replied. She smirked at Paul before bending over and taking Reggie into her mouth, any of his questions about who goes first melting away as she began to suck him off once more. Paul jacked his cock as he approached Bella from behind, hypnotized by her tight apple bottom, his eyes going from her glistening slit to her puckered little asshole. “Next on the menu.” He said to himself as he thrust himself I Bella's cunt, making the redhead groan over Reggie's cock.

“Fuck this is tight pussy...” Paul groaned. He was more than a little shocked that a woman who openly said she was a whore had this much tread on the tire. Something told Paul that fucking this fine pussy was just the beginning of the fun.

“Mmmm, fuck that's good dick.” Bella replied. “Fuck that fucking cunt.” Paul began to slam into her, loud moans escaping from her mouth. Then her eyes turned right to Reggie who was jacking off to the scene. In one fluid motion, she took him to the root, Reggie arching his back up as Bella deep-throated him. “Nnnngfuuuuck,” Reggie growled. He reached down and grasped Bella's head, skull fucking her while Paul pounded her from behind.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 06:58:45 PM

Bella was being used. She knew it. Hell, she got off on it to a degree other side she wouldn't be in the business she was in. But Reggie...he was reveling in it. Making a show of it to look like a bigger man than he was. That was something Bella did not like. Reggie was forgetting his place. Paul, not so much. He seemed a bit too confident to give a shit. He was fucking a hot slut, and that was good enough for him.

If Paul knew what Bella's summation of him was, he'd happily agree. The fact she was also being a nasty slut was a nice big cherry on top, considering the rather vanilla romp he'd had with Peyton earlier. The fact that he didn't even think Bella was even approaching her full filth factor turned him on even more.

Paul's grip on her hips tightened and his pace increased. Bella removed her mouth from Reggie's cock and through her head back. She cried out “OH FUCK YEESSSS!!!”

“Yeah, you like that fuckin' cock don't you?”

“Unng just keep fucking going,” growled Bella. “Pull my fucking hair.” Paul grabbed and wrapped a handful of her red locks around his hand and yanked back, hard. Bella let out a cry mixed with a laugh as she was yanked back. Her head was turned to it's side, Paul extended his tongue and Bella hers. The two were licking at each other before hungrily kissing.

All the while Reggie watched, stroking his cock. He wanted to be part of the action, but he also couldn't deny he got a kick out of watching Bella get fucked. He used to get the show whenever he wanted until Bella find out he was recording. That got him in some deep shit, but he still got some pussy whenever he wanted. If not from her, than the girls who worked for her...not that she needed to know about that.

“Ung harder,” bellowed Bella. “Fucking ram me..and choke me...oh fuck treat me like the whore I am!” Paul's hand wrapped around Bella's neck, tightening just the right amount to make Bella gasp in the best way possible while his other went to her tits, playing and tweaking with her nipples.

“My turn,” Reggie said, now tired of being a spectator.

“Sure thing!” Bella said, pulling away from Paul but making sure to give him a huge kiss. She walked back over to Reggie, then turned to face Paul.

She grasped Reggie's cock and straddled, him, sinking onto his rod while she stared out Paul. “Come here,” she said as Reggie began to fuck her cunt hard. “I wanna taste my cunt on your fucking cock.”

“I think I can swing that.” Paul said. He walked over to Bella and fed her his cock, his moan joining Reggie's in a chorus of lustful pleasure as she hungrily devoured Paul's pecker.

“Awww fuck yeah, Bella!” croaked Reggie. “Take these fucking cocks!” Her thrust up in her, the happy whore yelping as he cunt was filled by his dick.

“Take those fucking cocks?” she thought to her self, a smile forming on her mouth as it cried out for more. “Maybe I will.”

She trained her eyes back to Paul and verbalized that idea. “I think I got room for one more in the chamber,” she said. “Do it!”

“Well, all right,” Paul said, his grin just as wide as Bella's. Before Reggie could say anything Paul was in Position. Bella had stopped movement as Paul prepared his entrance.


“Oh fuck yeah!” Paul growled. “Two cocks in your fucking pussy...dirty fucking whore.”

“You fuckin' know it.” replied Bella, she and Paul kissed again. “Fuck, I love this....”

“Oh fuck this is hot,” Reggie said, meekly giving in to the pleasure of sharing Bella's cunt. He'd never even thought about that kind of thing before. Hell, sharing her mouth had kind of shook him and he'd already done that last week with the big titted Kate Upton and Paul. He couldn't deny it, though it felt fucking amazing.

“Ohhhhhh, shit this is tiiight,” she hissed, her body tense and loose all at the same time. Bella was feeling it all..and she knew it wasn't over yet. No...the fire had only started.

“Pull out.” she said to Paul, a tinge of regret in her voice. Once he had done as she asked, Bella changed position, now facing Reggie. “Now, stick that fucking cock up my ass.”

Bella's mouth went to Reggie's silencing his upcoming question about why he couldn't be the first in her ass with a kiss. The kiss broke and Bella froze in place while Paul worked his cock into her ass, Bellaa sighing with a big grin as his cock made it's way up her sphincter.

“Oh god that's so fucking good.” She said. “Oh fuck I need to be filled like this more often....”

“I think I can help you with that.” Paul joked, kissing her shoulder as he began to thrust. “Any time you want.”

“Fffuuck, I'll hold you to that.” Bella replied. It didn't take Paul and Reggie long to build up a good, hard and fast rhythm in Bella. Good, hard, and fast was exactly how Bella wanted sex like this, along with the adjective filthy. Bella was in whore heaven as the men took her holes. Reggie had to grin to himself as he felt her nails digging into his shoulders, and the look of utter depraved lust on Bella's face as her ass and pussy were both taken at the same time. It couldn't get much better than this, not to Reggie. Bella on the other hand? Well, she of course wanted to up the ante.

“Both of you, pull out.” Soon,her asshole and pussy were vacant. Bella reached for Reggie's cock and lined it up with her ass, letting his hard rod enter.

“Fuck yeah!” Reggie said, eagerly thrusting in Bella's well fucked ass. He was enjoying his solo time, not knowing it was going to be all that long solo experience.

“Paul, why don't you join Reggie up my ass?” A near breathless Bella demanded via question.

“Well, if you insist...” Replied Paul. Once again Bella's movement stopped and Paul got in position, pushing forward until he was sharing space up Bella's ass with Reggie. It didn't take long for either to start thrusting again and for Bella to start howling out in pleasure.

“FUCK! FUCK MY ASS! FUCKING STRETCH THAT WHORE ASS, YOU SONS OF BITCHES!! FUUUUCK GAAAAH YESS!!!” Bella was as dick-drunk as she'd ever been as the two men took her ass, going faster and faster, the sensations driving the trio completely up the wall in the best way possible. At the pace they were going, orgasms were on the way for each member of this threesome of filth.

“OHHHHHH, FUCK I'M CUMMING!!” Cried Bella, convulsing and shaking as the fiercest orgasm she'd had in a while rocked her body. And her body's reactions took their toll on the men, her convulsing and clamping holes sapping any resistance they had left.

"Oh fuck, cumming!” Paul cried.

“Fuck, me too!”

“Face, NOW!!” Bella demanded. Paul and Reggie both gave a few more thrusts into her ass before pulling out, Bella getting to her knees the moment her ass was vacated. Almost to the moment her knees hit the floor, both men unloaded on her face, covering it and filling her open mouth with two gigantic loads of hot, white cum.

“Oooohhh fuck, Bella.” Paul moaned. “Fuck...” He used his cock to clear the cum from her eyes, bringing it to her mouth to suck it clean, which she eagerly did. “I think this is the first the first step in a long and fruitful partnership.

“I can't help but agree.” she replied.

“What'd I tell ya man?” Reggie asked, a strange pride beaming from him. “Does my bitch know how to fuck fuck or what?”

And that was the straw that broke the whore's back. Bella stood up, eye to eye with Reggie and grabbed his still sensitive cock, and grabbed it hard.

“Let's get one thing straight,” Bella said. “Something you seem to have forgotten. I am not your bitch. You are mine. I'm the boss, you're the bitch boy. DO we understand each other?”

"Y-yes Bella,” Reggie grimaced.

“Then say it. Say you're my bitch.”

“I'm your bitch.”

“Good boy.” Bella let go of Reggie's dick then grabbed his clothes. “Put them on, get out and do whatever it is I pay you for. I'm gonna clean up and show Paul how I run things now that the getting to know you phase is over.”

Bella through the clothes at Reggie who scrambled to get them on and was soon out of the apartment. Bella then turned to Paul.

“Good,” she said. “Now, we get down to business.”


“Okay, so this is the match,” said Alison Brie. She was sitting outside the student union snack bar with Jake and Jose. “Okay, so me and Gill are gonna tear it all down. I'm talking weapons, blood, the works. You two and her guys are going to be good little lumberjacks until I kick one of her guys in the balls. Then he's going to push me and then it gets really crazy.”

“How crazy?” Jake asked.

“Well, for starters, Gillian specifically told me you're putting her through a barb wire table. No if, ands or buts. Then Jose here is going to go for a 450 splash but all he's going to meet is a flaming steel chair to the stomach.”

“Do I get a say in this?” asked Jose.

“Not really. But don't worry about it. I'm gonna break a two by four across both her guys then hit her with that same chair, and that's the match. Then we do an old school, nWo-style beat down on them until “security” comes to pull us away.”

As Alison continued breaking down the Halloween night match that was in the trio's future, Jake noticed Lili Reinhart and Camila Mendes approaching them. Not just walking in their direction, but RIGHT toward the table the three were sitting at.

“Oh shit.” He said. “Oh shit...it's her.”

“What?” Alison asked. Jose then looked behind them, and a grin crossed his face.

“It's that chick who blew him last month. The one he's a moron for.”

“Oh shit Jake, you still haven't told her?” a very exasperated Alison asked. “And I swear to god Jose if you do anything to embarrass Jake I will do everything in my power to make sure you get jobbed out to James Ellsworth when he comes to town so whip that grin off of your face before I do it for you.”

“Fine, party pooper.”

Alison rolled her eyes at Jose then went back to Jake. “Okay, Jake, honey, forget about any and all bullshit Jose said to fuck with you. Forget anything I said when I found out. You like this girl and clearly she fucking likes you. So...tell her who was under that mask. Tell her who Magnus Pain really is.”

“Yeah, but what if she only likes Magnus? Hell, what if she's furious at me for not saying who I was when it happened.”

“Sweetie, it doesn't sound like she gave you a chance to say anything,” Alison said. “And frankly, when you're in the middle of an orgasm it's hard for me to think of my own name when I have an encyclopedia of expletives rushing through my brain. So, if she's coming over here then tell her.”

“Yeah, and if she is mad at least you got some great head out of the deal,” Jose added in.”

“Oh my GOD, that is not helping!” said Alison. “Shush it, Brimstone.”

Before Alison could get in another word, Lili and Cami had stopped at the table and Jake had frozen up.

“Jake, I've actually been looking for you.” Lili said.

“Yeah, and I've been tagging along because I literally had nothing better to do,” added Cami. "No offense to you Jake the hot big guy or your super hot brunette friend with a rack to die for. But a little offense to the yappy dog.”

“Oh haha.”

Alison looked over at Jose, more than a little stunned. “Oh, 'ha ha'? Really? That the best you got?”

“Well, it was short notice and she's all evil and shit.”

“Uh huh. So I'm Alison Brie, and I'm friends with the hot big guy and the yappy dog. You must be the super sexy devil woman Camila.”

“That I am.” replied Cami. “And I thought Jake here only had eyes for Lili.”

“Cami!” Lili interjected.

“Don't worry, that was how Jose described you.”

“Alison!” yelped Jose.

“Well, isn't that just adorable?” Cami smiled.

“Okay, before this gets even more awkward,” said Lili. “Jake, I lost your number. I got a new phone during the break, and I had no way to get your number on the new one. I was hoping to get it so you could help me out with chemistry again. My current partner is smart but kind of a dud in communicating. You made it fun. And I thought in exchange I could help you with your English Lit stuff if you're still studying it.”

“Uhhh yeah, sure.” Jake said. “Um, when do you want to start?”

“Sunday would be good. I already have Halloween plans.”

“Yeah, she has a hot date,” Cami added. She spotted a slight wounded look on Jake's face when she said that, making her feel a bit sorry for the guy. The longer she looked at his face though, the more it reminded her of someone.

“I don't have ANY date.” Lili said. “I just have plans. But Sunday I'm totally free. So, can you help?”

“Sure. I have plans too. We all three do. Gonna do some...stuff.”

“Oh, well cool.” Lili responded. “So, uh, here's my number. Shoot me a text and we'll work it out from there.”

“Yeah, sure.” He replied. And with that, she and Cami walked away.

“She's into you. Tell her,” Alison said. “Trust me, I can tell.”

“And if not I think you could get that Cami chick in the sack,” Jose chimed in.

“And you're still not helping,” Alison said. “Besides, we can all tell that you're the one who wants to fuck Camila. It's obvious.”

“Oh, it is so not obvious I want to jump in bed with the hot brunette who can talk like no one's business....wait, let me rephrase that.”

“Okay, on Sunday I'll ask her out. Right now though, we have a heavy duty hardcore match to plan, so let's focus on that.”

While those three continued planning their bloody weekend, Cami and Lili continued on themselves.

“You should totally get with muscle dude,” Cami said. “He's into you, you're into him. It's perfect.”

“What? No,” Lili said. “I mean, yeah he's cute, but I might be seeing someone already.”

“Someone's name you don't even know and who's face you never seen but hey, you could pick his cock out of a line up.”

“Hey, be nice. Besides, you just want me to go out with Jake so I can hook you up with his friend.”

“The yappy dog? Puh and lease. Put them together and you get PLEASE, are you kidding!?”

“Nope. I know you and I know when you give someone that much shit you're probably at least a little in to them.”

“Well, you're way off.” Cami said. She hoped it would end there, but she did have a back up plan to try and change the subject. “I think I've seen Jake somewhere before.”

“Yeah, last week on campus.”

“No, outside of school. There's something familiar about him. I can't place but I swear to god I recognize him from somewhere. Same with Jose.”

“Don't you mean the yappy dog?” Lili joked. “Probably recognize him from a past life where you two were in a heated, passionate affair.”

“It's time like this I'm reminded why I was a loner for most of my life...”

“Oh, you love it when I'm the one who gets a one up sometimes. If you were always the queen it'd be boring for you.”

“True. But now, we stop yapping and go get some food.” Lili agreed and the two headed to the dining commons. Still, Cami couldn't quite shake her feelings that she had definitely seen Jake somewhere before...and that maybe Lili was right about the yappy dog known as Jose Heyman.


“Okay, so I'm thinking we go to the party for a few hours, then go on the hunt for easily satisfied women.” Matt said. He and Jesse were on their way to the student store to meet up with Victoria. Well, Jesse was. Matt tagged along in the hopes that he could get in Victoria's pants somehow.

“You mean your usual type?” Jesse said. “Come on, there's going to be plenty of opportunities for you to make an ass of yourself in front women at the actual party. And probably one of them will find it endearing.”

“True, but she'll probably also be at the party.”

“Really? You're going to let the whole Demi thing effect your Halloween?”

“First off, do not say the damned one's name. And secondly, would you want to see her after what she did?”

“Someone got her drunk and took advantage,” Jesse curtly said. “You know this.”

“I know that what she claims happened.” Matt replied. Just thinking about Demi made him furious. The nerve she had to be anywhere he was, after what she let happen. Just thinking about it was bad enough. Then, it got worse. There she was, siting on a bench outside the store. Matt couldn't have that. He broke away from Jesse, who knew immediately what he was going to do. Matt made it to the bench, and the moment Demi saw him, the smile she was wearing faded. Fortunately for her, Jesse pulled him away.

“Leave. Now.” Jesse said. “Before you do something stupid.”

“She should be the one to leave, dumb fucking slut.”

“She was here first. Stop being an obsessive dick hole and leave.”

“Yeah, fine. Gonna have to sweep Victoria off her feet and in my bed some other time.” Matt began to walk away, then turned back one last time, looking directly at Demi. “I sincerely hope I don't see you around, you fucking skank.” With that, he walked off, leaving Demi on the verge of tears.

“Demi, I am so sorry,” Jesse said. “I didn't think...I'm sorry.”

“It's all right,” she said, wiping away a tear. “I should have known I was going to have to deal with this. And let's be honest we both know when he's pissed no one can really contain him. He's always had a bad temper.”

“And he shouldn't take it out on you. Let me tell him what happened that night.”

“No. I...I don't want him to know what his 'friend' did. And as both his and my friend, I expect you to keep that promise you made me, okay?”

“Okay,” Jesse said. “I don't like it. But I also never could say no to you.”

“I know.” Demi said with a smile. “Be thankful I never used that for more insidious means.” She picked up her bag, hugged Jesse and walked off.

It really tore Jesse up to see her like this. She didn't deserve this. He also couldn't defend how Matt was displaying his anger. At the the same time, he had a promise to keep, even it was to protect someone he was seeing less and less as a friend these days.


After an uneventful few days, Thursday had rolled around and that meant Peter had to meet up with Sabrina and Hailee to watch each other's short films. Peter's plan was to meet up early with Sabrina at her dorm room, since they both had early days with their last classes ending well before noon. Before he went to Sabrina's, Peter had to pick up a hard drive of his that had his two latest shorts. The only issue was Selena was the one who had it. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Selena. It was more that he hadn't at all, not really. If he saw her, she seemed to willingly be ignoring him for her new guy, Reggie. He wasn't jealous or spurned. He knew that much. As much as he thought he was in love with Selena, he knew he wasn't dating her. But, he did think they were friends. They'd lived next door to each other since kindergarten. Yet she always did this with a new guy. He was number one in her life and Peter was de-ranked to somewhere around number three hundred twelve.

This though, he hoped, wouldn't be an issue. All he had to do was pick up his hard drive. Selena even made it easier by saying she;d leave it at the sorority house with Taylor if she had to leave early. Which was why he was heading there instead of her dorm room. After a short walk from his class to the sorority house, he saw Reggie Fisk sitting on the porch.

“Well, isn't that adorable?” Reggie said. “The lovesick puppy.”

“Well, isn't that amazing.” replied Peter. “A talking primate.”

“Oh, funny guy. Too bad funny doesn't get you the pussy you want. You know, the pussy I get to fuck.”

“Uh huh, cute.” This was every interaction he'd had with Reggie. He'd never even met him before last week,but he was coming out swinging with this stuff. Which lead Peter to believe Selena was being really honest with her thoughts with Reggie. “I'm just here to pick up something from Selena.”

“Yeah, that's nice. I'm here to actually pick her up though, and I don't want you here. I don't think she does either.”

“That's fine.” Peter replied. “I just need my hard drive and I'm gone.”

“Well, how about you're not getting it until I say so?” Reggie got up and began to walk down the stairs.

“How about I don't give a fuck what you say?” Peter stood his ground, dropping his back pack. “How about I go in that house, get the one thing I came for and leave you well behind me, where you belong.”

“What if I don't let that happen?”

“Then I guess you don't have a choice, Reggie.”

“Oh, I am gonna enjoy this.” And he was. Reggie had a LOT of pent up anger because of Bella. Fucking Selena was nice, but he had an edge on him that hadn't gone away.

“And I am going to enjoy calling the cops on you,” said Taylor Swift. “Not on you Peter. I like you. On you though...I'm REALLY going to enjoy it Reggie.”

“Hey Taylor,” Peter said. “By any chance did Selena leave my hard drive with you?”

“Yeah, I got it in the den. Come on in and get it. You? You go and wait on the curb with the rest of trash or I press this little button on my phone and call the campus police.”

“Why does he get to go in but I don't?”

“Because I know him. I like him. I know you. And I despise you. I don't care if you're dating my best friend, you're trash and I don't take that in the house. I take it out.”

“You really think you're hot shit, don't you Swift?” Reggie asked with a sneer.

“Honey, I don't think it, I know it. Now, move your tough guy wannabe ass aside so the person who I want in the house can come in. Selena will be out shortly to meet with you and hopefully reject her recent poor choices.”

“I am going to take you down, bitch.” Reggie said as he headed towards the curb. “Just wait and see.”

“Oh, I'm sure.” she responded. “Trust me, you won't be the first to try.”

Peter picked his backpack up and walked past Reggie, the two exchanging dirty looks. He then entered the sorority house, with Taylor following soon after.

“Jesus, Selena sure knows how to pick 'em.” Taylor said before flopping down on the couch.

“Tell me about it.” Peter replied. “I've got a good two decades of experience in her bad dating choices.”

“I'm sure there's not a hint of jealousy in that at all.” Taylor crossed her legs and smirked. She did like Peter but she also had no issue prodding him a bit on a sensitive subject.

“Maybe a little.” He replied. “Is it sad that I'm used to this?”

“Big time.” said Taylor. “It'd be even sadder if you were WAITING for her, waiting for her...but we both know that's not the case, don't we?”

“Oh god, no.” He replied. “I may have it bad but not that bad.” The two shared a quick glance packed full of heat, a heat they experienced very intimately at one time.

“You do know she's never going to see you as anything more than a hanger on, right? I mean, she's been avoiding you like the plague, like she always does, when she has a guy. You're an emotional support blanket. And I'm not saying this just to be mean. I like you. I really do. But I'm also being flatly honest when I say that girl doesn't know what's good for her. Like you. So be smarter. Because she's not good for you.”

“Yeah, I'm beginning to see that.”

“See what?” asked Selena Gomez. She was descending the stairs, a duffel bag on her shoulder.

“See that I really need to be better at scheduling,” Peter said. “I just came by for the hard drive.”

“Oh yeah, I gave it to Taylor to give to you. Didn't think I was going to see you.”

“And I believe that's my cue,” Taylor said. She reached over the arm of the couch and grabbed a paper gift bag. “The drive is in there.”

“Thanks.” Peter said. He grabbed the bag and began to head out the door.

“Oh, and Peter,” Taylor said. “Don't forget what we talked about. And be careful of the trash outside.”

“Sure thing, Tay.” Peter left the house without saying goodbye to Selena, something only Taylor seemed to notice.

“I always liked him,” Taylor said.

"Yeah, Peter's nice,” said Selena. “Have you seen Reggie?”

“Oh, he's outside with the rest of the trash.”

“Seriously Taylor?”

“You can let him in your dorm room all you want but he is not stepping foot in this house. End of discussion.”

“He's my boyfriend.”

“I'm well aware, darling. And my sorority, my house, my rules. And rule number one is no men allowed in the house without my approval. Family excluded, of course. And Reggie...boy does he ever not have my approval.”

“Fine. Be that way. I'm not breaking up with him,” Selena said defiantly.”

“Of course not, it's only the first week. He hasn't really treated you like garbage yet. Just your friends.”

“Please, Peter can take it.”

“It's funny how you know it's him Reggie gave shit to. You two really are besties, huh?”

“Okay, I'm leaving now before I get really mad. See ya.” Selena stormed past Taylor, who was still smiling. Selena was her friend...but she just couldn't abide her stupid choices.


“Okay, in a couple hours these should both be uploaded to your YouTube page,” said Sabrina. “So, we got some major league time to kill.”

“Cool, so when does Hailee get here?” Peter asked.

“Not for a couple hours. Her last class gets out at like four or something. Then she's heading straight here.” Sabrina got up from her seat at the computer and sat on her bed, right next to Peter. “Everything okay? You seem kinda down.”

“Only because I didn't kick someone's ass like I wanted to.”

“Oh, you wanted to go all John Woo on somebody?”

“Yeah, that Reggie guy from class. And no, not for the reason you think so don't roll your eyes. I was on my way to get my hard drive, he blocked my way and tried to start a fight with me. Kinda wish it hadn't been stopped before it started.”

“Oh, righteous fisticuffs, I can dig it,” Sabrina said. “Kinda sexy too, if I do say so.”

“Is that a fact?” Peter turned to look Sabrina eye to eye, the petite blonde posture a bit more friendly than usual.

“Let me pitch you an idea. Some background. I think you're cute. And I've seen you check me out. And it's cool. It really is. And I like that you haven't hit on me. Keeps things friendly and professional. But I can't deny I'm attracted to you. Or to put it bluntly I think you're fucking hot.”

“Same here.”

“Great. So, here's my idea. How about we fuck like jack rabbits to kill some time? Not for any other reason but to do it. I mean, I want to. You've got the big green light screaming go...so go for it. No strings. No commitment. But, why not just have fun for the sake of it just being fun?”


Peter responded to Sabrina in the only logical way, he pulled her face to his and kissed her. And with that opening salvo, it was on. Their hands groped each others bodies, one shedding the others clothes as if it was a race to get each other naked. Once Sabrina's shirt was off, Peter laid her on the bed. His lips moved from her full lips to her bare breasts, delicately licking her nipples, kissing her breasts before moving down her stomach to her crotch. Sabrina was still wearing her skirt, but it wasn't as much an obstacle as her panties, which Peter quickly removed them and went to work. He massaged and kissed her thighs, slowly working up to her glistening slit.

Sabrina breathed deep as her moved up with his mouth, his fingers almost dancing on her flesh as his lips merged with the skin of her inner thighs. Soon she inhaled deep as his mouth finally got to his destination. “Ohhhh fuck,” she hissed. Peter's fingers glided over her lips as his tongue began to lick and his fingers joined in. Sabrina's moans got louder the more Peter got into the moment. His tongue flicking her clit and his fingers softly pressing her lips together. Not too hard, but just enough pressure to give her shivers up her spine. Peter hooked his arms around her legs, pulling Sabrina closer as she dined on her pussy.

“Oh...oh yeah...mmm...” Sabrina moaned, She licked her lips while her hands caressed her own body. “Fuck, this is nice...”

“Just nice?” Peter asked.

“What, you have something better in mind?” Sabrina asked, her smile a tease if there ever was one. Peter grabbed her up in his arms and pinned Sabrina to the door. The petite blonde licked her lips before Peter entered her in one thrust. “Oh fuck, that's MUCH better!”

Sabrina's words were replaced with intense moans and the door creaking with every thrust. Sabrina and Peter lips and tongue met and collided hungrily. Sabrina's nails dug into his back, her desperate moans of pleasure were melodic tones in Peter's ear. Nothing was in his mind but the moment. Not even Selena. Peter grabbed Sabrina again and brought her back the bed. The blonde wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned up on her elbows. Peter grabbed her hips and wasted not a single second in regaining his fast and hard pace.

“Oh fuck yeah,” Sabrina said. “Mmmmmmmm, keep fucking pounding that pussy...ohhhh fuuck yes...”

Peter's hand reached out to grab Sabrina's tits. They weren't what anyone would call huge, but Sabrina's petite form also had a drop dead gorgeous face, a great ass, and amazing legs making her a total package no mater what. Peter loved the way her tits felt in his hand, the tender flesh sweating in his palm. Peter's free hand went to Sabrina's clit, getting into action working her hot button ASAP.

“OoooooOOoohhh fuuuUUUUuuck you bastard.” Sabrina moaned. Her eyes fluted a bit while her face betrayed a smile. “I'm gonna get you for that.”

“I'm shaking,” Peter said, berating a bit as he thrust into her.

“Oh, you will be.” Sabrina grasped tightly onto the hand that was grasping her tits and began to pull herself to meet Peter's thrusts, all while wearing a grin so seductive and sinful she should have been wearing devil horns, “That's a promise.”

“Oh shit.” Peter growled. Sabrina's pussy contracted, almost milking Peter's cock and making him pause momentarily for the sensation.

“Toldja!” giggled Sabrina. “But don't stop now...mmmm keep fucking me....oh fuck, don't even think about stopping, Pete!”

Sabrina released his hands and then Peter surprised her by pulling out. “All fours,” he said, motioning at Sabrina with her hands.

“Oooh, taking charge,” said Sabrina. “I really like that.” Sabrina got in position, wiggling her peachy ass while Peter got behind her.

Her ran his hand over her butt, giving it a firm but playful spank before pressing his cock against her sopping opening.

“Nnnnng,” she moaned. “Don't tease...just please....OH!” Sabrina cried out as he entered her from behind. She turned her head, whipping her her back to give him a look of utter seduction, complete with a smile that dripped sex.

“Oh...ugh...Sabrina.” Peter gasped. He had a firm grip on her hips and took her hard and fast, and if her moans and pleads for more were anything to go by Sabrina was more than happy with this.

“Jesus Christ, don't stop...oh shit I'm so fucking close...fucking close...”

“OH fuck, Sabs.” Peter groaned, not slowing down in the least. “Fuck I think I'm gonna cum!”

“N—not yet,” pleaded Sabrina. “Just a bit more...fuck I'm almost there...almost there....almooooOOOHHH FUUUUCK, I'M CUMMING!” Sabrina's whole body convulsed, her hands tightly gripping her shits and her cunt tightly gripping Peter's cock.

“Oh FUCK, cumming!” Peter yelled. Sabrina moved forward, letting Peter's cock slip from her pussy and eagerly sucked it into her mouth. She gave Peter a fast and sloppy blowjob, no teasing and all pleasing, until Peter couldn't hold back a second longer and came hard, filling up the nymphet's mouth with his jism.

Sabrina let his cock drop from her mouth and looked up at him. Her lips parted and she showed off his load on her tongue. Her eyes stayed on his as she swallowed it all down. “Ahhh,” she said. “Yummy.” Sabrinna then laid back on the bed, propped up by her pillow, Peter joining her soon after. She crawled over Peter to her night stand and opened the drawer, getting out a baggie of weed and a pipe.

“Smoke?” she asked. “I don't do it a lot, but something about getting high after cumming is just mind blowing to me.”

“Sure, I'm down.” Peter replied.

“Cool, then it's shower time, in which you are more than welcome to join me, we check our uploads, and wait for Hailee.


All things had went exactly to Sabrina's plan. They toked, they showered, and now they waited for Hailee's arrival. Sabrina was still drying her hair, just enough so it wouldn't be soaked to the bone when she went to sleep. Peter, he was fine as is, the advantage of not having luxurious blonde locks.

“So, what should we show her first?” he asked? “One of yours, one of mine...”

“Actually we should probably watch her stuff first.” replied Sabrina. “We want to seem welcoming, open to listening to what our actors have to say, that kind of stuff. And if Hailee is going to be our main actor,then we have to really foster a good relationship. That means listening.”

“Good point.”

“Yeah, I am shockingly well spoken after a good fuck, some good weed, and a hot shower.”

A knock at Sabrina's door came as the response to her statement. Peter got up to answer it, and behind the door, as expected, was Hailee Steinfeld.

“Hi guys,” she said, her voice perky and her lips in a smile. “Hope I'm not late or anything, got a bit caught up at dinner.”

“Oh no, you're right on time,” said Peter. “Come in, everything is all set to go.” He opened the door for her and the long-legged brunette stepped in and took a seat on Sabrina's bed.

“Hi Sabrina,” Hailee said. She then noticed Sabrina wet hair and towel on the floor. “Did I interrupt something between you two?”

“What?” Sabrina asked. “No. No of course not. I just got out of the shower because I was at the gym for a bit. I let Peter in before I left to upload a couple of his shorts to his page. Then I showered when I got back because I trust him and we're all adults here.”

“Oh, okay.” Hailee replied. “Just, you know, didn't want to get in between anything.”

“Well, unless you want to direct as well there's nothing to get between.” Sabrina said. “Me and Pete are buds, and partners.”

“Okay.” Haille replied. “Just checking.” She then got up from the bed and pulled a chair up to sit next to Peter at the computer. “So, who's stuff first?”

“Well, me and Sabrina though we should see your stuff first,” Peter said.

“Yeah, Sabrina followed, taking a seat next to Hailee. “Just to see how you are under different directors and stuff. But we can go any order really.”

“Sure, that's cool. Here, let's me get us to my page.”


“Wow,” Hailee said. You guys are good.” For the past couple of hours Hailee, Sabrina, and Peter had been watching each other's film work, and all were impressed. “Sabrina, you've got a really good eye. Your stuff looked amazing.”

“A-thank you,” Sabrina said with a grin, doing a short little bow from her seat.”

“And Peter, your miniature stuff was great! The models looked so real...and the make-up...and the pacing of it all too. I loved it!”

“Thanks,” Peter said. “And you were amazing. I think I can speak for Sabrina here too, but your performances were stellar.”

“Really? Thanks.”

“That one where you were a runaway...I was tearing up.”

“What my emotional compadre is trying to say is I think we have a team that is going to utterly kill at any film festival we enter in.”

“What she said.” Peter replied.

“Cool!” Hailee said. “I can't wait to work with you guys. I wish I could stick around and watch more stuff but I need to do some last minute Halloween shopping.”

“Oh, what are you going to be?” Peter asked.

“I have no idea. Hence the last minute. Sorry, I gotta go.”

“Um, how about I walk you back to your dorm?” Peter asked. “I mean, me and Sabrina don't really have anything else planned, right?”

“Oh no, I'm thinking we're done for the night,” Sabrina said. She nodded at Peter, instantly catching on. “I'm actually thinking of calling it an early night. That workout I had earlier really took a lot of energy out of me.”

“What exactly did you do?” Hailee asked.

“Um...a lot of cardio.” Sabrina said with a smile.

“Oh, okay. So...yeah, let's head out Peter.”

“Sure, let me just grab my bag.”

“Sure,” said Hailee, flashing a smile before stepping out in the hall.

“You all right with this?” Peter asked.

“I'm fine,” said Sabrina. “We're not dating. We fucked, and it was good, but it's not a commitment. And I wasn't kidding, I am kind of worn out. I might sleep till the Halloween party tomorrow. So...see ya tomorrow and work your magic...and also don't fuck it up. She is a good actress and I don't want to lose her.”

“Sure thing. See ya.” Peter exited and joined Hailee in the hallway.

“You don't really have to walk me if you don't want to,” Hailee said. “It's not a big deal or anything.”

“Oh, do you not want me to?”

“No, no! I do! I mean...um...I wouldn't mind. If you know, you don't want to though I'd get it. Like, if you and Sabrina had something to do.”

“Oh no, nothing at all. She's tuckered out.”

“Okay...so...let's go?”


With Sabrina being on the first floor it didn't take long for the two to make it outside. It was a nice and starry night, not even a bit chilly.

“So, what made you want to do this?” asked Hailee. “The directing I mean.”

“Oh, well that's probably kind of cliche now that I think on it, but the moment I saw the original, non CGI infested Star Wars movies and Indiana Jones. I mean, they just got me under their spell. Then from there it was all those kinds of things; Star Trek, monster movies...then I graduated to David Lynch with Eraserhead and I just needed more. I needed to tell stories visually. Me and my brother pretty much did it as soon as we could.”

“Oh, you have a brother? Me too!”

“Cool. He into the same things you are?”

“A little. I don't know if we could make movies together or anything like you and your brother did...I mean I understood that right, right?”

“Oh yeah. He edited more than anything. We actually made cash shooting wedding and birthday parties. Then used that money to buy better equipment to make better stuff. Luckily we had a girl who wanted to act next door to us so we always had a star.”

“Selena Gomez right? That's her name, isn't it? She was in almost all of those.”

“Yeah, that's her name. Girl next door, she's a friend.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured,” Hailee said. “Kind of surprised you didn't go with her for yours and Sabrina's group instead of me. Super glad you did though. Not just because you guys are talented but the guy that was trying to get me was really skeevy. Sabrina swooped in for the save. He already had hooked up with your friend. I wasn't in to the kind of movies he probably wanted to make.”

“Yeah, Reggie. I don't blame you.” said Peter. “Let's go back to your question,because it doesn't involve a total scuzz. What made you want to act?”

“Well, here's comes the second cliché of the night...but Romeo & Juliet. Uggh the first time I saw the one from the 60's, I was just enthralled. Then I saw the nineties one with Leonardo DiCaprio and just fell further in love. And, yeah..started there.” Hailee smiled wide, almost lighting up the night with the brightness of it. Or at least that's how Peter saw it. “I even got to play the role in high school. But it all started there.”

Peter wanted to keep talking but the walk ended sooner than either expected. “This is my dorm,” Hailee said. Peter looked at the building and was a little shocked.

“Wait, this is my dorm.”


“Yeah, what floor are you on?”

“Second, you?”

“Third.” replied Peter. “How have I never seen you?”

“I have no idea. But...I think we can fix that issue. Wanna walk me to my room?”

“I'd love that.”


Considering it was a campus that had not one but two competing escort services as well as two warring sororities in which the heads were more than willing to use sex to get what they wanted, Friday was shockingly dead. Everyone was saving their energy for Saturday night and the big party held by Taylor Swift's sorority. When Saturday came around, everyone was ready to go. Well, most everybody. Lili Reinhart, full-on Hitman costume and all, was down at the wrestling show, her eyes glued to the match going on, specifically, the tag team Callous Pain...and even more specifically, Magnus Pain. She'd been looking forward to this since..well, since she blew him after the last wrestling show. Lili was hoping to see him again, up close and personal. However, she had no clue what she was going to do this time.

That wasn't too much of a concern at the moment, as she was utterly entranced by the action in the ring. It was a bloody battle. A battle that was soon to be over. Lili shot up from her seat as Magnus picked up Athena Zeus and power bombed her through a table covered in barb wire. She began to cheer like a madwoman when he picked up Aphrodite Gorgon and laid her on top of the bloodied blonde. The ref got the three count and then Callous Pain pounded the defeated team to the ground until security came out, and then the team battle security to the back. And Lili was entranced completely and her mind was made up about what she was going to do next.


“And THAT'S how you steal a show!” Jose said as he removed his mask. “What say we celebrate my getting piss drunk in completely different costumes at the Halloween party on campus?”

“Yeah, sure,” Alison said. “I'm gonna hit the showers and get all this blood off first.”

“Same here,” Gillan added. “Then bandage up a bit.”

“Can I watch?” Jose said, wringing his hands comically.

“Ugh that Cami girl is right,” Alison said. “You are a little yappy dog.” Alison and Gillian turned their backs and stripped, heading to the shower.

“Mmmmm mmmm,” Jose said. “What a sight. “So, you coming too? Or taking an early night.”

“Yeah, I'll meet you there,” Jake said. “Gonna grab the t-shirt money, then shower back at the dorm.”

“All right, see ya then.”

The locker room now empty, Jake slowly got up, his Magnus Pain mask still on, and stretched a bit. His back cracked a little, all part of the job. He began to head out the locker room to collect the money when once again, a familiar face blocked his exit.

“Hi again,” Lili said. “You were great out there.”

“Um, yeah. Thanks.” Jake replied. “Nice Bret Hart costume.”

“Thanks. I just figured it's Halloween and it'd be nice if you weren't the only one in costume.” She walked towards him, Jake backing back a little. “I didn't tell you my name last time. I believe my mouth was otherwise occupied. I'm Lili.”


“Shhhh,” she said. “All I need to know right now is you're Magnus Pain." She began to slowly remove her costume, exposing her tits first. “Keep the mask on...just for now.”

Jake couldn't turn this down, and he didn't want to. He grabbed Lili and picked her up in his arms. With a quick turn he had her pinned against the wall. Lili looked up into his eyes, pure sexual hunger radiating from them as she slipped her sneakers off and the two worked in tandem to get her out of the pink and black tights. Jake's mouth went to her breasts, suckling at them for a few moments before surprising Lili by spinning her around. Facing the wall, Lili arched her back, her ass pointing out.

“Fuck me,” she said. Her voice was pleading, almost breathless. “Please...Fuck me Magnus...”

Jake pulled his own tights down to his knees and grasped his cock. Her ran his hands over Lili's ass before thrusting forward.

“Oh fuck that's big!” Lili yelped. “Mmmm...feels so good....mmmmmm, just fuck me...fuck me with that big dick...”

Jake wrapped his large arms around Lili's body. His hands cupped and caressed her tits one moment then glided over her stomach the next. His lips were at her neck, kissing and nibbling as Lili moaned. Lili reached back, grasping at Jake's mask. Jake got an idea and grabbed her hands, pinning them on the wall above her head.

“Keep them there,” he said, his voice a growling whisper. “Hands right there.”

“Mmmmm, okay.” She said. “Just keep fucking me.” She kissed him then braced herself as he continued to drive into her.

“Oh...oh Lili...oh fuck baby...” Jake moaned.

“Yeah...yeah...fuck...oh please keep fucking me...mmmm make me cum on your cock...I wanna cum all over your cock...please...”

“Yeah...yeah baby...I want you to cum...cum just for me...just for me...”

“Oh...oh...oh fuck...fuck...gonna..gonna cum...mmm, please cumin me please please please cum in me if I cum for you please please please ohhhh, FUUUUCK I'M CUMMING!!”

“Oh shit LILI!” Jake cried aloud. The moment Lili came, Jake lost it and came in her as well. Both were in a technicolor haze of ecstasy. Normally neither would have lost it so soon, but something about it,,, the moment, the two of them, created a perfect environment for an intense moment of passion. Jake pulled out of her and Lili turned back around, sliding to the ground.

“Mmmm,” she said, licking her lips. “That was amazing.”

“Definitely.” Jake replied. “So...um...should I take off my mask?”

“No!” Lili said. “I mean..I don't mean it like that...I'm...I'm just not ready yet.”


“No, trust me..it's not you. After that it's REALLY not you. I promise though, soon.” Lili crawled over and kissed Jake. “Promise. But until then...see ya, Magnus.”

The warmth of the night had quickly settled among the darkness outside. While many were busy with their usual Halloween routines, Kate had other ideas in mind. There was one professor among the university who always gave her special attention. Weather it was to improve her grades, or simply to make an older man lusting over her voluptuous form, Kate took a liking towards the man in charge of her music class. After neglecting him for the past few months, the time had finally come that Kate decided to go spend some time with her friend Professor Cade Deveraux. Swaggering down the hall way, her white heels clicked and clacked a rhythm, imitating something that was often heard through the walls of his class room. 

A spare light was cast in the room, illuminating the far corner near the door. It wasn't out of the ordinary to pass by Professor Cade's class room during the night and see light from inside the door. His class room was something of a special place for him, as he would stay up after hours going through recordings on his laptop. He may not have made it to fame and glory with dreams of a music career, but he managed to land a job where he could pass on his knowledge to a new generation. Pushing into his mid-forties, the man was short, his brown hair beginning to fade with lines of grey. His time at the university had been spent with success, as well as failures including a broken marriage with another teacher on campus. 

Kate had heard the rumors about him, but didn't pay it no mind. If Professor Cade liked you enough, he let you call him by name. Kate was one of the few students currently attending his class who received such a privilege. The other students had already teased her that she was his new favorite since he always stood up for her in class when she came to moments of a struggle. Standing next to the door to his class, Kate could see the light from within, telling her that he was there by himself during the night. A mischievous grin ran across the buxom blonde's face as she raised her hand to knock on the door. Her knuckles hit the glass surface to give off a boom. Within seconds a voice, called out to her. 

"Come in, it's unlocked." 

Was he expecting someone tonight? Such a question ran through Kate's mind, but she didn't allow it to bother her. Tonight was going to be a fun party, even if it was just the two of them alone together. Placing her hand on the door knob, a rattling sound could be heard as she pushed it open. Sure enough, Professor Cade was seated right at his desk holding a guitar over his lap. He turned to look at the sight within the doorway. 

"Oh my god, what are you doing here, Kate?"

Kate Upton stood wearing a wedding lingerie outfit over her voluptuous body. Her amazing large breasts were trapped in a white silky bra, the wedding net hanging over her head and a white matching bottom piece down below. At least five pearl necklaces and probably more were wrapped around her neck. Her lips fixed up in bright red lipstick, matching her fingernails. She pushed her lips out, as if she were modelling for him before stepping through the door. The heels clacked over the floor, her necklaces dangling and creating a rattling sound. Kate shut the door behind her while Cade moved to set his guitar down next to the stand. Over his desk, he had a laptop opened up that clearly had sheet music over it. 

"So, what you doing tonight, Professor Cade? You practicing a song to show the class tomorrow?" 

She spoke to him in a seductive tone The older man just chuckled at her, shaking his head. He sat there wearing black pants and a white button up shirt. His jacket to go with the suit had been taken off hours ago, slung over the chair. 

"I guess you could say that, but I think I should be the one asking you questions, little lady. Why are you dressed up like it's your wedding night?" 


A giggle crackled from Kate's lips as she stood there. 

"It's Halloween tonight! Did you forget?" 

"Nah, I didn't forget. I've just been busy and didn't want to think about it." 

A typical response she could've expected from the older man. Kate couldn't help but shake her head. Her professor was always so serious, worrying about what was to come next during the week. She changed the subject with her next spoken words. 

"I am looking for a date tonight so I'm not going by myself at the Halloween party."

Cade laughed. 

"That shouldn't be too hard for you. Pretty much every red, hot blooded male in this class would be foaming at the mouth if they seen you dressed like that." 

Kate rolled her eyes and sighed. This was another reply from him she could've guessed his words to. Of course cade would ignore her obvious attraction to him, as he tried to remain professional at all times, but Kate wasn't having this tonight. 

"I don't want a boy. I came to you, cause I would like for you to be my date."

"You want me to be your date, Kate? With you dressed like that, I'm not sure we'd make it to any party." 

Finally, he was telling her what she wanted to hear. Kate busted up giggling before moving to sit on his lap. Beside the desk was two guitars sitting on their stands. One was a regular Telecaster with a white body, the other was his trusty sunburst body painted Stratocaster. It was rare of him to break out the Stratocaster, as Kate had noticed over the course of her time in his class that he kept it locked away in a case. He must have been in a good mood to break out his favorite guitar, she thought to herself. As she sat in his lap, his eyes quickly moved down to glance at her large cleavage hanging close to his face. 

"We can skip the wedding, Mr. Deveraux. How about we pretend that this is our wedding night instead?" 

Giving her a smirk, he moved his hands around her neck, knocking off the net she was previously wearing. 

"You wanna pretend that you're married to me tonight, Kate?" 

"Maybe...Just a little test in case it ever happens some day." 

She moved forward, brushing her lips upon his and allowing him to inhale the scent of her strong perfume. They began to kiss passionately as he moved his hands to her back. Kate moaned into his mouth, taking it slowly. This wasn't the first time she had been seated in his lap and certainly wouldn't be the last. She knew what she was pushing herself into, messing with a divorced man with a storied history around the campus. There wasn't any crime in a student having a relationship with her teacher, Kate was well aware that she could make history repeat itself and mirror his previous marriage, if she ever wanted to. Upon breaking the kiss, he leaned back in the chair. She could already feel his cock hardening down below, within his pinstriped suit pants. Kate glanced over his desk, impressed by the immense size. Sitting over to the far left side was a photo of himself with his ex-wife and son together. She took a hold of the photo, moving to hold it with both hands as he sat there, observing her every move. 

"You still think about her a lot?" 

Cade let out a sigh before answering her back. 

"I guess you could say I do. My boy is that picture with us." 

Kate took the photo and placed it back on his desk, setting it face down so the picture was unable to be viewed. Her eyes shifted back to Cade and then a smirk ran across her bright red lips. 

"I don't want you to think about her anymore. I'm here, she's not. Let's pretend we're married tonight, Cade." 

He leaned up, pushing his lips to hers again. This time Cade had initiated a passionate kiss, taking Kate completely by surprise. She moaned into his moan while reaching behind her back to undo her silky white bra, loosening it so she could snatch it off soon. When the kiss broke, Kate pulled her bra to allow her giant breasts to fall free. Cade was quick to move his hands, cupping them softly as he gave them a squeeze. She let out a soft moan in her voice, almost purring to him. 

"You love those tits, I know you do." 

"Yes, I fucking do. They might be my favorite thing in the universe right now." 

Kate giggled at his words, feeling his hands squeeze over her pillowy mounds of tit flesh. Her lips puckered up, as she gazed into his face with all desire. She spoke to him softly, moving her hand to caress over his left cheek. 

"What would you like me to do to you on our wedding night, Cade? No wait, I know what would you like me to do." 

Giving him a wink, she slid off her lap and moved down to her knees over the floor. Cade smiled down at her and spoke softly. 

"Keep the pearls on, baby. They look great on you." 

He stood up, pushing his bare feet over the floor as Kate moved her hands to the front of his pants. Cade liked to go bare foot in his class room after so long. 

"I wasn't gonna take 'em off anyway. They make me feel like your bribe. Mmmmm, Mr. and Mrs. Deveraux. A girl can always dream." 

Her hands moved quick across the front of his pants, pulling the button apart and then pushing the zipper down. Kate didn't waste any time shoving his pants and underwear down. Her cold hands wrapped around his cock. Cade took a deep breath, feeling the chill of her hands as she gripped his hard rod. Kate looked up into his face, her big blue eyes locking onto him as she spoke. 

"This is gonna be mine someday. Mine forever." 

Kate still starred into his eyes while moving her left hand down to playfully rub his balls. Her right hand pushed to the base as she parted her red lips and kissed the head. Her lipstick was going to smear over his skin tonight, just as she expected happened to him on his wedding night.  Halloween offered the best night for her to play into a fantasy.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 07:09:16 PM

 Cade didn't bother bringing his hands down to play with her golden locks of hair. He didn't want to bother Kate at all, as she was taking in a deep breath and moving her hand back and forth. She finally opened her eyes again, looking up at him as she leaned down to lap her tongue over his balls, just for a moment. When she returned her face towards his cock, Kate looked up at him and gave a soft smile before parting her lips once more. She slammed her hand down to the base and brought his rod back between her lips. This time, she placed her hands down below, playing with her breasts as she began to squeeze her nipples while sliding his shaft back and forth in her mouth. 

"Ohhhhhh, fuck! You are something else, Kate!" 

His compliments were enough to tell her that she was doing her job in pleasuring him. Kate picked up the pace, bobbing her head up and down much faster than before. The pearl necklaces around her body shook, softly ratting as they touched her firm skin. It was time to get nasty, proving to her professor like in the past that she could deepthroat his big dick. Her lips pushed to the base as she began to gag, slobbering all over his rod. Cade still stood there, watching as Kate choked herself on his cock. She had to get nasty for a moment, just to compete with the woman whom she knew of as his ex-wife. After a few seconds of loudly gagging, she came up releasing his cock entirely from her jaws as a few strings of saliva dripped and dangled back to his soaked rod. Kate held her breasts up, ready for him to slide that big dick between them. He leaned down with his left hand, brushing the necklace out that was between her tits. Kate watched him then, slide his cock right in place between her tits. Her eyes gazed up into his as she squeezed them together, trapping his rod. 

"Mmmmm, that's it. Right where your cock belongs." 

"Those tits were made to be fucked, baby." 

"Yes they were! Made to be fucked by YOU!" 

She gave him a wink as she began to move her breasts up and down, fucking his cock to a pulp. The many pearl necklaces around her neck, dangled and waved all around. Cade stood there, taking in deep breaths. Kate's breasts were so massive that his entire rod disappeared between them, only for the head to poke up with each thrust she made. For the moment being, this almost did feel like a special wedding night. 

"Keep going, baby! Yes!!" 

After he called out to her, Kate looked down to see the head of his rod poking up with her movements. She spit on it while the necklaces moved back and forth, rattling across her skin. Over and over, she continued to pump her breasts up and down. Her eyes glanced back up into his face as she teased him with dirty words. 

"You love my big titties, Cade?" 

"Fuck yes!!" 

"Mmmmm, I love it when your cock is between 'em, going up and down." 

Picking up a bit of speed, Kate controlled this man so easily with the power of her giant breasts. She continued, still pumping them up and down. Cade was in complete heaven as Kate was still titty fucking him like this. It was a wonder that he could control himself and not blow a load between these tits, but years with his ex-wife had proven to build experience with lust. Kate eventually came to a stop, letting go of her big tits and grabbing his cock with her right hand. She used her left arm to prop her boobs up from underneath. She then brought his cock towards her left boob first and began to spank it across her nipple. 

"Ohhhhhhhhh, fuck yes baby." 

Smack. Smack. Smack. The sound echoed from down below. She smirked while looking into his eyes, then bringing his cock to her other tit and repeating the process, smacking the head against her hardened nipple once more. Smack. Smack. Smack. By this time, she couldn't take anymore of this from him. Kate needed him inside of her, giving her all his loving to make her scream as he always managed to accomplish. Once she quit teasing him with her lovely tits, Kate leaned down and kissed the head of his cock before she got up from her knees. Cade knew what she wanted next, but she had to say it anyway.

"This bride is ready to experience your loving. I want you to make love to me, dear husband." 

He placed his hands over her shoulders, leaning forward and softly kissing her lips. Kate moaned, and moved back a bit. She took charge by using her left palm to quickly close his laptop and then shove it out of the way, clearing space over his desk where she would soon find herself sitting. Cade moved his hands over her body, feeling her soft skin and looking down her stomach. It was ironic that he would call her 'little lady' earlier since her height made her almost tower over him. When Kate was wearing heels like tonight, she was almost like a giant compared to his short height. Once he found her bottom piece, he pushed it down slowly while speaking aloud. 

"God, just look at you. You are so fucking perfect." 

"I love it when you tell me that." 

"It's the truth, Kate." 

"I know it is, husband. You love me and I love you, that's also truth. Come make love to me, right now." 

She licked her lips, moving to sit on his desk, right over the clear space she had made. Kate shook her legs, just to get the bottom piece of her outfit from around her ankles and down to the floor below. When he moved into position, she spread her legs for him, inviting him to slide his cock right into her wet pussy. Once Cade had slipped the head inside of her, Kate wrapped her legs around his waist, shoving the edges of her heels down into his buttocks. She pushed her palms down onto the desk, leaning back as she closed her eyes and called out to him. 

"Yes, yes! That's it, mmmmm! Give it to me!" 

Cade knew exactly why Kate would choose this position, all to give him a show with her magnificent breasts bouncing all around. He moved his hands to grip her sides, letting out a grunt as he bucked his hips forward to drive his cock into her tight wet hole. Kate began to moan, calling out to him again. 

"That's it! Make love to me, Cade! I want it harder!" 

He gritted his teeth, letting out a grunt as he fulfilled her request by thrusting harder. Those amazing tits jiggled, bouncing all around in every direction with each thrust he sent into her. The necklaces over her body all around, flying forward when he would thrust into her harder. It became a struggle for him to not reach up and move his hands over her breasts. She began to pant, calling out to him louder as her voice elevated. 


Kate's voice was sure to echo outside his class room, not that he cared at all. As he continued to pump his cock into her pussy, he could no longer control the urge to place his hands over those bouncing breasts. Cade moved both his hands, clamping them over her tits as he looked into her eyes. His balls slapped against her thighs, hitting the desk with each thrust he sent into her. She looked into his eyes, refusing to look away as he continued to give her his hard cock. With one final hard thrust, Cade was ready to switch positions. He pulled his rod from her pussy, and took a few steps back, forcing her to break her legs from over him. 

"Get up and turn around for me baby, I wanna fuck you from behind." 

She let out a soft giggle, rising up from the desk and kissing his lips softly. 

"You must love doggy style. I can't go a single time with you and not end up in this position." 

Another giggle was heard from Kate's voice as she turned around and leaned against the desk for him. Cade moved into position, stepping behind her as he used his left hand to softly caress her ass. At the last second, Kate glanced over her shoulder and spoke to him. 

"Just don't cum in me. We're not married yet, I don't wanna have kids yet." 

She turned her head, thinking about his words as she felt his cock slide back into her. The last time Cade had given her a facial, Kate had to spend an hour scrubbing cum out of her hair. He knew just how to make a mess when he blew his load over her face, so she had to at least hope that wasn't his plan. Soon, her giant breasts began to bounce all around as he pounded his cock into her. 


Kate screamed once more. His pole pumped into her hard and fast, forcing his nut sack to beat against her thighs and create a rhythm of noises of their bodies fucking. She was close, as he continued to pound that thick cock into her pussy. Kate felt her tits bouncing all around from underneath her. She pushed her hands down into the desk, forcing the necklaces to dangle down below as they moved back and forth. 


Just when Kate screamed again, she couldn't contain herself and her orgasm had been reached faster than she originally anticipated. Cade one final thrust before stepping back and pulling his rod free from her leaking pussy. Kate needed a few seconds to catch her breath and recover from such a hard orgasm. As she looked forward, she could see several instruments across the class room but she was giving no attention to her environment. She had a hard cock waiting behind her, desperate to explode from her sensual touch. Cade didn't say a word, as he just stood there, giving her time to catch herself. Once Kate was ready, she turned around, looking at this man she had been referring to as 'husband' for the past hour. She didn't have to ask him what he wanted to do next, as Kate was well aware that he would not refuse her next action. Slinging some of the necklaces around, she fell down to her knees, gripping her breasts and quickly sliding them around his cock. 

"Come on, fuck my tits! Fuck 'em, Cade!" 

He took a deep breath, following her request as he began to pump his cock back and forth between her tits. Cade had to try and control himself, as he knew exactly where he wanted to cum and didn't want it to be too soon. To enjoy fucking Kate Upton's tits was something many men on campus dreamed of doing, as he liked to entertain himself with every passing second of it. 

"Fuck those tits, yeah! Just like that!" 

Her dirty words nearly pushed him over the edge on more than one occasion. Kate smiled as she looked at his face, witnessing the struggle as he curled up his cheeks into a complicated expression. She looked down to see the head of his cock poking up between her tits, among the necklaces that still covered her skin. Unlike before, this time she leaned down and licked the head each time it poked up. He was close to exploding, as she braced herself for what she believed was going to be a sticky load straight to her pretty face. As his breathing became more heavy, Cade simply couldn't take it any longer as his thrusts came to a halt. He snatched his cock free from her tits and screamed at her. 

"Hold your tits up, Kate!" 

Doing exactly as her professor told her, Kate held her breasts up while closing her eyes and opening her mouth. Cade aimed his cock right over her necklace covered heavy chest and began to scream as he stroked his cock. 


As Cade screamed out his words, his cock erupted to shoot a thick line of cum right across her perfect big titties. He continued to stroke his cock, shooting out wad after wad of cum that splashed across those boobs he loved so much. Kate opened her eyes when she realized he wasn't covering her face in cum. She looked down, watching as the cum splashed over the necklaces and across her skin. A big smile moved across her lips as she teased him. 

"Yes, yes! Cum on my titties, baby! Mmmmmmm, just like that!" 

One shot misfired to the left side, striking the fretboard of his Stratocaster guitar. Cade didn't notice it or care at all, as he squeezed his cock to get the last remaining drops of cum out and over her tits. Kate smiled as she looked into his eyes. He cupped her face with both hands, leaning down and kissing her lips passionately. It was almost as if they truly were a married couple. He stepped away from her, collapsing his buttocks down into his chair as he looked down at Kate. She used her hands to swipe up some of the cum, feeding it to her mouth. Cade gave her a smile as he tried to catch his breath. 

"You are something else Kate. Oh my god, that was the best surprise ever. I wish we were married tonight, I would be doing a lot more to you." 

"Maybe we will be someday. That's if you've got the stones to give me a ring." 

She gave him a wink as she stood up from her knees, her heels stomping down over the quiet floor once more. Moving her eyes back to him, she smirked, flashing her teeth as she held her tits up for him to see the mess he had splashed across them. 

"Happy Halloween, Professor."

Cade tried not to laugh as he blushed. His cheeks turned a red color as he finally laughed and replied back to her. 

"Happy Halloween to my favorite student. Love you Kate! Stay right there, I'll get some paper towels to clean you up and get you all dressed up again." 

Not caring that he was without his pants, he got right up and moved from the desk, hurrying across the room where he had some paper towels and other supplies. Kate glanced over his guitars and then noticed the cum that was splashed across the fretboard of his Stratocaster. She began to giggle. 

"Ummmmm, Professor?" 

"Yes, baby?" 

"You must've misfired when you were emptying your balls all over me. You've got some cum on your guitar here." 

"Oh, fuck! I just cleaned that damn thing and put new strings on it!!" 

Kate giggled at his frustration before answering him back. 

"Don't worry, I'll clean it myself." 

When he walked back over to the desk, Cade was forced to stand there and watch as Kate grabbed his Stratocaster and held it just towards her mouth. She licked the strings, collecting the bit of cum up before swallowing it down. The sight he had witnessed had simply taken his breath away. 

"This one's your favorite, right?" 

"Yes, it's my old trusty Strat." 

"I like it...Since it's your favorite, I know you'll love this." 

Her eyes wandered to his as she leaned down and kissed the white pickguard. Kate's red lipstick smeared over the aged white plastic, leaving an imprint. Cade smiled at her, knowing that he wasn't going to be washing that off his guitar any time soon. His favorite student kissing his favorite instrument, it was too good to be true for a small gesture. 

"That was cute. Now stand there, baby. I'm gonna clean you up myself."


At the student union, the party was in full swing and Taylor Swift couldn't be happier. Well, that wasn't exactly true. If Katy Perry came crawling in, especially if she literally crawled, THAT would make it perfect. Still...full house, cops and security looking the other way with the booze she brought in...damn good party. Another smile crossed her face when she saw Peter Farrano come to the party with another girl. A short and very cute little blonde. She always liked it when people took her advice. Mainly because Taylor loved being right. Then Selena came in and ruined that little victory...with that Reggie fellow on her arm. Taylor shook her head and sighed.

“I warned her,” Taylor said. “It's a pity...but she's got to learn.”


“Well, if there's a most bad ass costume contest I do believe we have and edge,” Sabrina said to Peter. “Two sides of Harrison Ford. Me as a cute and bad ass Indiana Jones, and you as that scoundrel himself Han Solo, Empire Strikes Back style.”

“Well, if there's such a contest I hope it's a cash prize.” Peter responded.

“I'd be happy with a case of Sam Adams.”

“That'd work too.'

“Speaking of inebriation,” said Sabrina. “I feel disturbingly sober. That just won't do if I'm dressed as Indy. It's almost an insult. So lets go and raid a lost bar or something.”

“You gonna be referencing our costumes all night your worshipfulness?”

“Yeah. Might as well. Got you doing it too. Now follow me, ya nerf herder.” Peter indeed did follow Sabrina's lead. The pint-sized sprite seemed to have a nose for illicit activity. Where there was a mind altering substance or two to be found, Sabrina could sniff it out. It wasn't an issue at all. When it was time to work, she worked, clean and clear headed. And most of her play time was similar. However, Sabrina could cut loose with best of them, and there was no better time for that than Halloween. Peter was right behind Sabrina when his eyes caught sight of someone and he stopped dead in his tracks.

It was Hailee, dressed in a tight, red vinyl dressed, with lips and high heels to match. Sabrina looked behind her and caught Peter in his daze. She made her way back to him and quickly took in what he was staring at.


“Go get your princess, you scoundrel,” Sabrina said.


“Go talk to Hailee, you dummy!”

“What? No..no, I'm good. I was just...”

“Staring at her like a moron. Go, talk to her. I'm cool with it if that's what's holding you back. We're not dating, we just had some really good casual sex. It's obvious you're into her. So...go do it or I will tease you mercilessly among other things.”

“Oh, other things. That's scary.” Peter scratched the back of his head and took a deep breath. “Get a drink for me in case I come back a failure.”

"And when you don't I'll drink both in celebration.” The two fist bumped and Peter made his way to Hailee. She was just a few feet away, but it felt like miles to him.

“Hi.” Peter said. Hailee immediately turned her head to him and smiled.

“Hey,” she said. “Nice costume. Definitely looking the part of a scruffy looking scoundrel.”

“Who's scruffy lookin'?" He joked. “But thanks for not calling me a nerf herder. A guy can only hear that so much before it starts to hurt.”

“I pride myself on my mercy.”

“So...um...you have a nice costume going on there yourself,” Peter said, taking in her insanely sexy outfit up close and personal. If looks could kill Hailee at that moment would be a nuclear bomb.

“Oh, thanks. Like I said on Thursday, it was kind of a last minute thing. Actually found it at a thrift store of all places. Weird, huh?”

“Well, that's not the word I'd use,” Peter said. “If I may be so bold I might even go so far as to say hot.”

“Thank you,” She smiled. “So...this is my best shot at a hooker costume. You think it worked?” Hailee did a full turn, Peter even happier to take it all in and Hailee more than a little pleased to have his attention.

“Oh yeah, A+.” Peter said. ”Not only that, but completely high class too. Wouldn't find you on a street corner.”

“Oh flattery.” Hailee laughed. “It does in fact get you everywhere.”

“Well, how about we both get a drink and see how things go from there?”

“I would love to.”


“Damn girl...” Said Reggie. “All these super hot bitches at this party and you're outdoing them all.”

“Thanks babe,” Selena said. And honestly, Reggie wasn't wrong, for the most part. All Selena was wearing was a simple costume. It was just atheltic gear and a hoodie. Poof, she was an aerobics instructor. “Competition seems to be pretty stiff though.”


“The competition ain't the only thing,” grinned Reggie, making Selena roll her eyes. She wasn't disgusted, she found it cute. She also knew most people wouldn't get it. And honestly, she didn't fully get it either. But whatever it was, it just worked on Selena. It always did.

“Well, I think I have the cure for one of those stiff things.”

“Oh, I bet you do baby.” Reggie was smiling wide. “And I'm sooo ready whenever you are.” Reggie got up behind Selena, right in the middle of the crowd and grabbed her ass, then moved his hand down her tight workout pants. Selena froze in place, right in the middle of the crowd of party goers as Reggie's fingers probed her pussy. “Fuuuuck,” she hissed. “Mmmm let's look upstairs...one of the...one of the social rooms.”

“Yeah, gonna make it nice and social.” Reggie withdrew his hand and followed Selena.

Selena herself was almost laser focused on the mission at hand...find a free room upstairs and fuck as dirty as possible. Only two things broke her concentration. One was catching a glimpse of Peter talking and laughing with another woman...and a hot one at that. For the brief moment that had her attention, Selena was unsure how to feel. She had always known deep down how Peter felt about her, even if she never admitted it. Seeing him with another woman, and apparently being very into her...that was new. The next thing to distract her was her best friend, Taylor Swift, directly in her way.

“Taylor, now's not the time.” Selena said. “Really not the time.” Reggie had a cocky grin on his face, the gaze he and Taylor exchanged showing the disdain they had for each other.

“Oh Sel, don't worry honey.” Said Taylor. “We're not at the house. And this is a party. Anyone, including....him...can come. In fact, I unlocked the biggest social room upstairs just for you. It's the one with the really big couch and TV where all the gamers go on weekends. You'll have all the privacy you need.”


“Yeah, I know I came down kind of hard on you, so here's a way of apologizing.”

“Oh, thanks Taylor.” Selena said with a big grin. “I owe you. Reggie has me so fucking worked up.” Selena grasped Reggie's hand and dragged him up the stairs. As soon as they were out of earshot, Taylor's number two and sometimes girlfriend Karlie Kloss came to her side.

“We're good to go,” Karlie said. “You sure you want to do this?”

“Well, let's be honest Karlie...I'm not doing anything except giving that scum bucket a morality test. He doesn't have to do anything with the camera. And if he does, he could always tell her that he wants to record. But if he doesn't, well...that's not my fault, now is it? And anything that happens as a result of such a recording being made is far from my fault.”

“Honey, you can be a little cold sometimes,” said Karlie. “She's your best friend, isn't she?”

“First off, don't call me honey.” replied Taylor. “You call me Taylor. Or mistress when I'm in this dominatrix gear. Halloween spirit and all. And secondly, she is. That doesn't mean she doesn't have to know the one rule everyone should know. That I'm always right. And if Selena has to learn that the hard way, then oh well.”

Taylor turned her attention back to the party and a smile crossed her face. All these people partying, laughing, kissing, drinking and fucking...all because of her. They owed her. They loved her. And there was no way Katy Perry could top this. It was a good night.


As soon as they were through the doors of the room, Reggie was on Selena. He kicked the door opened from behind and pulled her tight body to his, Selena's back to his chest. With one hand her reached under her tight top, grasping and mauling at her tits while his other hand went back under her pants, fiercely fingering her wet cunt and making the sexy Latina writhe and moan for more in his arms. Selena quaked and quivered, her mouth somehow both dry and wet at the same time as she gasped for air. With what little control she had over her body while it was being overloaded with erotic pleasure, Selena reached behind her and undid Reggie's pants and fished his cock out. The moment his cock hit the air, Reggie's game plan went into fast forward mode. He spun Selena around and put her to her knees, her grabs his cock,jerking it a few times before slapping it around her mouth. “If you take it out, you just gotta suck it, babe.”

“Oh, of course,” Selena said. “I have to follow the rules, don't I?”

“Damn right you do.” Reggie growled as Selena began to suck him. He let her start out slow, loving how it felt as he got rock hard in her wet sauna of a mouth. “Yeah, that's right bitch, use that fucking tongue...fuuuuck yeah.”

Reggie's hands went to Selena's head, softly grasping it, letting her know what he wanted next.

“Mmm hmmm.” She nodded,the vibration giving Reggie a satisfying chill up his spine. When that little preview sensation passed, Reggie began to fuck Selena's face, something he relished, especially after that episode with Bella. Treating him like a worm...who did she think she was? She paid good, and honestly money and sex was the only thing that was between them any more...and he'd love to crush her at her own game. Right in the middle of his fantasies of revenge on his boss and the face fucking he was giving Selena, Reggie noticed a small video camera on the table. And a thought entered his head. If he wasn't already smiling he'd have one a mile wide.

“Get on the couch,” Reggie said. “Strip down and get on the couch.”

Selena got to her feet and made a show of her movements. Walking purposefully slow, she slowly peeled the tight clothing from her body, inch by inch of her exquisite body being revealed in the multicolored Halloween party lights shining through the window of the room. As Selena made a trail of clothes leading to couch, Reggie followed, grabbing the camera on the coffee table. He didn't even question where it came from. All he saw was a free camera that could be a lot of fun...and profitable. While Selena's back was turned, Reggie swiftly turned the small camera one and set it to record. If she didn't notice it before she certainly wouldn't now, or so he was banking. And if she did...well, Reggie could talk her into doing what he wanted anyway. With the camera set, Reggie stripped down and got in front of Selena and sat on the couch. Once she was within reach, Reggie grabbed her and pulled her close.

“I am going to fuck you cross-eyed.” He sneered.

“Mmmm, I want it baby...I want that cock in me,” Selena said. “Fuck me.” Selena sunk down on Reggie's hard cock and the two wasted no time in getting in a quick, nasty rhythm.

Reggie sucked on Selena's tits, roughly taking the wonderful flesh In his mouth. Reggie loved Selena's tit, as any sane man would. He could never get enough of them. He's copped more than a few feels in public and she loved every moment. He slapped her ass before gripping her hips hard and thrust up, slamming her hard and fast. He was nearly hypnotized as her breasts bounced with every forceful pump, but not so lost in the motion he couldn't speak.

“Fucking take this cock...dirty fucking bitch...every...fucking...INCH!!!”

“Yeah...yeah fuck this fucking pussy...make me a dirty bitch...fuck...oh fuck yes Reggie!!” Selena whipped her hair back, crying out in passion as the fucking got harder and irtier. She was so lost now Reggie could suggest anything and she'd go along with it. Fortunately for her, Reggie wasn't thinking that dirty...not this time.

Wanting a better view for the camera, Reggie had Selena turn around, her full nude form, riding his cock in full view of the camera. She braced her arms aganist the couch and went wild, riding and grinding, giving Reggie the ride of his life.

“OH, fuck Selena...” Reggie groaned. “Fucking tell me what you want...tell me what you fucking want...what am I doing right fucking now?”

“I'm fucking your cock!” she yelled. “Being fucked like a dirty fucking slut...ohhh don't fucking stop...fuck me! DON'T FUCKING STOP FUCKING ME!!”

Selena bucked back and forth rapidly, making Reggie's eyes roll back in his head, his grip on her hips getting tighter. Once his eyes refocused he got an amazing view of Selena, her body coated in sweat, almost glowing in the lights of the party shining through the windows. Even a lunkhead like him knew sexy when he saw it, and he was definitely seeing it now. Despite the spectacular view, Reggie wanted a new position...and more control of the action.

“All fours.” He gasped. “Now.”

Selena got on her feet and turned to Reggie. “Mmm, yes sir.” Reggie got up from the couch and jerked his cock as Selena got in position on the couch. He got behind her, feeling up her round ass before smacking it hard, making the Latina seductress yelp before she moaned in pleasure as he thrust his rock hard cock back in her sopping cunt.

“Yeah...fucking bitch take this cock.” He growled. “Nnnngg take every inch...fuck...so fucking good...ungg yeah...” Reggie reached for her hands, grasping them both and holding them behind her back. “Gonna fucking take you like a whore...fuck...fuck yeah...say you're my whore...”

“I'm your FUCKING whore baby!” She cried. “Oh my fucking god I'm you're fucking whore so fuck me like a fucking whore! Pound it...fucking take that pussy!!”

And that, Reggie did. With on hand holding Selena's wrists behind her and the other grabbing and pulling a handful of her hair. He's was going all in, every last ounce of energy he had went into fucking her. Selena's lips curled as she snarled and moaned in pleasure....she was going to cum.. It was all too much, so intense. Everything Reggie was doing and how he was doing it drove her wild. Hard, fast, dirty...it made it all so much more vivid. Every stroke, every smack on her ass, even the pulling her hair, somehow it was all so fucking hot to her. With a passionate cry Selena came, her body freezing as Reggie continued to fuck her, not letting up until her knew he was close. He was using her and somehow that made the orgasm even more intense.

“Fuck you're making me cum!” Reggie yelled. “Knees, now...gonna cum on that pretty fucking face!” He pulled out and Selena obediently got on her knees, mouth open and tongue out, eagerly awaiting Reggie's hot load.

“Fuuck yeah!” He cried, covering Selena's face with a massive amount of cum, the hot white liquid dripping down her face to her tits. She took him in her mouth, sucking every last drop her had out before freeing the smiling scumbag. “Good fucking girl.”

“Mmm,” she said after swallowing the cum down. “You made such a dirty mess of me, baby.”

“Then I guess you better clean yourself off.” Reggie watched intently as Selena, scooped up all his cum with her fingers, happily swallowing every bit down. Selena was putting on a hell of a show, both for Reggie, and his new found camera. And unknown to both of them, one more person....


“Favorite movie, go.” Peter said. He and Hailee found an area of the party where they could actually hear themselves speak, so that's exactly what they did. About almost anything. Right now, the subject was movies, and more specifically, favorite.

“Oh jeez,” Hailee said. “ I mean, I know it's a cliché answer but it's kind of hard to choose. I guess the one I go back to all the time is...I have to say Love Story. I just...it's so beautiful and it makes me cry and...it's just so good, you know? It's something I just love. Now, your turn. Favorite movie.”

“Blue Velvet.” He replied. “So warped...yet pure. It's just...I can't take my eyes off it at all. So creepy, unsettling...but beautiful in all of it.”

“You're gonna have to show that to me sometime.”

“I think that can be arranged.” There was small silence between the two, and a perfectly comfortable one. No rush to break it. But it had to be broken to get the important question out of the way.

“So, um...do you think maybe...you'd like to...go out sometime?” Peter asked. “I mean, you know, it's cool if you don't want to. I was just thinking...”

“Yes.” replied Hailee. “I'd love to. I'd-yeah, I'd like that a lot actually. Um, like, next weekend would be great. Maybe tomorrow...I don't know...whenever? But yeah. I'd totally be down for that.”

“Cool...um...so...what a party, huh?”

“Well, I think it's all right. Didn't really start having fun till a little bit ago.” Hallie smiled at him, blushing just a slight bit. “I think I'm gonna head home though.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. I mean, I love the company, don't get me wrong, but in my mind it isn't really Halloween unless I get some scary movies in my system.”

“What's on the marquee tonight?”

“Well, after I shower it's gonna be Night of the Living Dead. Perfect for tonight.”

“That is a great one.”

“Wanna watch it with me? She asked. “I mean, not like a date or anything, but just a movie together. Down in the main room on the first floor, where the big screen is.”

“That's great. How about I walk you there after I make sure Sabrina gets back to her dorm okay...I think she's a bit plastered.”

This sentence was followed by a loud crash and the voice of Sabrina shouting “FUCK YEAH!!!”

“Well, that's a cue if I ever heard one. I'll be right back.” Peter left and headed towards where he thought he heard Sabrina's shouts of drunken bliss. Before he could get too far, Karlie Kloss got in his way.

“You're Peter, right?” she asked.


“Cool, Taylor needs you to do her a favor.” Karlie handed Peter a small hand bag. “She wants you to take that to Selena. She's up on the second floor in the big social room. And before you ask, the reason she can't is she's trying to make sure no one is being to untoward to any of our drunk party guests, and Selena's kind of miffed at her.”

“Yeah, okay. But if I do that I need you to check on my friend Sabrina. Make sure she's okay and stays in one place until I can get back and walk her back to her dorm.”

“Sure...um...which one is she?”

“MORE FUCKIN' SHOTS!” Sabrina yelled in the background.

“That'd be her.” Said Peter.

“Oh, Indiana Drunk,” Karlie said. “You got it. I'll make sure she stays at the bar and get her some water, or at least watered down drinks.”

“Thanks.” Peter left and headed up the stairs. The moment he was up, Taylor appeared next to Karlie, a smile on her face.

“He go for it?” asked Taylor.

“Yeah.” Karlie said, a tone of guilt in her voice. “Taylor, I kind of get the Selena thing, but why do this to him? I thought you said he got the point already.”

“This is just to drive the point home darling. He's a sweet guy and deserves better than to wait for something that's not going to happen. It might be a rough way to put the final nail in the coffin, but he'll get over it.”

“I just think it might be a bit too far.”

“Fortunately I didn't ask what you thought.” Taylor walked off, leaving Karlie fuming. If she didn't have a drunk to watch out for she would have torn into Taylor. She really was starting to take Karlie for granted...which was not a smart move.


While Taylor was making Karlie feel like dirt, Peter made his way to where he was told Selena was. He stopped dead in his tracks when he looked through the big windows of the room to see Selena getting fucked. She was on all fours, being railed like a porn star. Fortunately, and somehow unfortunately at the same time, Peter came in on this scene towards the end. In moments, Selena was one her knees, her face being splattered with the dirtbag known as Reggie's sperm. That was the moment Peter had enough. He dropped the bag and walked down the stairs. He saw Karlie again, and she could see the utter rage and hurt on is face, even before he tried to hide it.

“Hey, uh, so is Sabrina okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, way past tipsy.” Karlie replied. “Completely blasted is more appropriate.”

“Great. I'll walk her back to her room and make sure she's sleeping safe. Thanks.” Peter went to help Sabrina up, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.

“More shots?” she asked, her voice weak and on the verge of passing out.

“OH no, no more shots. Just lots of water. Maybe some Gatorade. And a lot of sleep.”

“Baaah, Indiana Jones doesn't sleep! He drinks and punches Nazis and whips and is scared of snakes! Right tall blonde?”

“Yeah, sure,” Karlie said. “But...he has to sleep sometime, right?”

“Pffffffff,” Sabrina somehow slurred. “I wanna keep partying. Right after I lay down for a bit.”

“Cool, that's what I was going to do,” Peter said. “Just take you to your bed to lie down for a bit, then party again.”

“Oooh, okay.” Said Sabrina. “Then lead the way.” Sabrina leaned on Peter heavily for balance and was ready to go.

“Thanks again for watching out for her.” Peter said. “Really helped.”

“Oh, no problem,” said Karlie. Before Peter could go, she stopped him one last time. “You all right?”

“Yeah, I'm fine.” He lied. “Just a bit tired. Come on Sabs.”


“Okay, Indy.” Peter led Sabrina towards the exit, where Hailee was waiting.

“Whoa, is she okay?” Hailee asked.

“I'm fine Marion,” Sabrina said with a laugh. “Because she looks like Marion but all slutty! And I know you not really slutty but it's Halloweeeeeeen!”

“She's plastered.” Said Peter. I'm going to make sure she gets to sleep all right. I might be a bit late getting back.”

“Oh that's okay,” Hailee said. “Make sure she's all right. I'll be okay.”

“Thanks, sorry.”

“Don't be.” Hailee moved towards Peter and kissed his cheek. “Trust me, it's okay.”

Peter nodded and smiled, then began to lead Sabrina away. “Come on Indy, time to recharge.”

“YEAH!” yelled Sabrina. “Also carry me on your back, Solo!”


On the other side of the party, Jesse, dressed as Fox Mulder, was dancing with Victoria, who had a lot of eyes on her as sexy Beetlejuice.

“Sure you don't want to vary your dance card?” asked Jesse.

“Not yet,” said Victoria. “Make 'em sweat. Drool. Want me more. Once they hit their peak, I'm gonna get every last thing I want from them. Sexually of course. Not really interested in much else. I already got myself a good pal...who can fuck like a machine.”

“Am I to understand my plans for the rest of the night have already been decided for me?”

“You wish.” replied Victoria. “No offense, but right now I'm more in the mood for a group thing...and to open my horizons while I open my legs. But don't worry, you're still on my pussy's speed dial.”

“Well, that's comforting.”

“Besides, looks like someone new just got on your dance card.” Victoria motioned behind Jesse, who then looked to see Peyton, her legs on full glorious display in her camp counselor. “And would you look at that, she's solo. Go get her.”

“She's got a boyfriend.”

“Who's a dick by your own admission. And I notice you didn't say, 'And he's my friend'.”

“That's kind of debatable right now.”

“Then stop wasting time and go talk to Peyton.” Jesse shrugged. He wasn't remotely nervous as he made his way over. What was the point of it? He knew from being “friends” with Paul for as long as he had, his hooks stayed in the girl until he was completely done with them. And after that they wanted nothing to do with him or his friends. He knew he could break through his spell.

“You know miss, if you're going to dress like that you should really avoid illegal drugs and premarital sex,” Jesse said. “Especially around hockey players.”

“Oh, I don't think I have much to worry about,” said Peyton. “After all, I'm the good girl. Besides we have an FBI agent here to protect me.”

“Oh, if I see a gigantic masked serial killer I'm off in the other direction. I chase UFOs, not slashers.”

“Some hero,” she smiled. “So, how's your All Hallow's Eve going?”

“Not too shabby. Really only just beginning, if you ask me. Where's Paul? I thought you two were coming together.”

“Me too.” Peyton paused for a second, breathing deep. Jesse could read the frustration on her face. “I haven't seen him since we fucked, if I'm going to be blunt. Not a call. Not a text. Nothing. For days. Let me ask you something, is this what he fucking does? Just use women and toss them away?”

“You want the honest answer, or the answer his friends are supposed to give.”

“Well,” she said. “I guess that's the answer. God damn it.” Peyton began to walk away, but Jesse halted her, stepping in her path.

“Hey, look. Fuck him. Seriously. This is who he is. HE draws women in; he uses them, then they're gone. You caught on quick, before he got really fucked up with it.”

“And you just let him do it?”

“There's not much I can do to stop him.” He lead Peyton to a bench just outside the party, where things were a lot quieter. “Besides, if I had told you right then, would you have believed me or just assumed I was trying to sabotage him to get you to look at me the way you did him?”

“I don't know...did you want me to?” They locked eyes, Peyton smiling a little. “Because right now....I think I could be swayed.”

The two moved closer together, their lips on a crash course for each other until an unfortunate interruption.

“What the fuck are you doing, Jesse?” said Matt. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Paul's girl? You know, Paul, your friend.”

“First off, I'm no one's girl,” Peyton said, shooting straight up and getting directly in Matt's face. “Secondly, fuck your friend. That asshole fucked me and walked, all right? So he fucking loses the privilege of calling me his anything.”

“Whoa, calm down lady.” Matt said. “I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the asshole making moves on you.”

“Oh would you shut the fuck up?” Jesse asked, joining Peyton. “Would you for once stop being Paul's bitch? For a second. I swear, ever since the thing with Demi, you've modeled yourself after quite literally the sleaziest guy we know to the point where you're little more than his fucking sidekick, backing him up on every fucked up thing he does. Might as well just call you Paul Jr. or 'his bitch'.”

“Oh, fuck you Jesse!” replied Matt. “You're just jealous he gets what you want and you can't even get the sloppy seconds. Except for this time with this skank. So what if he has some fun then tosses them away. Some women deserve that.”

“Do they now?” said the voice of Demi Lovato. She was in earshot of this whole meltdown, and decided to walk in to the mix. She was decked out completely as an S&M cop. “Please, do tell us the requirements. Does it require being drunk and taken advantage of? Or is that just your personal preference?”


“Oh great, El Whoro Suprema is here. How about you leave this whole party before you give everyone here the clap?”

“How about you shut up and listen? I'm done trying to be nice to you. I'm done feeling guilty for being taken advantage of. It wasn't my fault. I was blackout drunk. And you know, it looks like I'm not the only one tired of your bullshit. So...let me make this clear. Let me cut right to the bone. If I had known this was the kind of person you'd become, I'd never have talked to you in the first place. You're actually a worse person than Paul. You blamed me for being assaulted. You blame this girl here for being fed up with being treated like a fleshlight with legs. You're a shit. And I'm honestly going to thank you for getting out of my life because it's the best gift you could have given me after what was done to me.”

“Fuck all of you losers.” Matt said. “And never forget Demi, I dumped you because you're a whore. That's exactly what you are. And you Jesse, I'd start packing my things if I were you. I don't know if you're going to really want to stick around in the room once Paul finds out about all this.” Matt walked off, fuming and desperately trying not to show it.

“Demi, I'm sorry about ...” Jesse started to say.

“Don't apologize for what he said. For anything he's said or done in regards to me. I meant what I said. And I'm done with him. And if you want to do the smart thing, you'll be done as well.” Despite the strong face she was putting on, tears were welling up. “I hope I didn't bother either of you. I just...I've had enough.” Demi walked off into the night, and Jesse had a good idea of where she was going.

“Um...so...awkward, right?” Jesse asked Peyton.

“Yeah, a little. Look...I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel like a party or anything. I think I'm just going to bed. I just...I can't take any of this right now.”

“I'm sorry about all this.”

“It's okay. It's not on you.” Peyton walked away from the party. And while a part of Jesse felt bad, another part of him wanted to go after Demi. He knew where she was going to go, and he didn't want tonight to be the night she fell off the wagon, especially not because of Matt


Inside the party, things were actually surprisingly drama free, especially for Camila Mendes. She had been turning heads the entire night with her Catwoman costume. Many men and a few women had tried to garner her attention,but the one who sunk it was some random dope in a Deadpool costume. His aloofness and sarcasm kept her attention, and before too long they were in a secluded part of the union, Cami pinned to the wall behind a soda machine. Her lips were locked with Deadpool's his mask up just enough to expose his lips. Fortunately for Cami and her masked lover, her Catwoman mask left her mouth nice and open. For the first hour or so, Cami was actually steamed she came alone instead of with Lili, who decided to do her wrestling sex thing before coming to the party. But without her...she hooked her self something nice...and big if what she was feeling through the guy's tights was anything to go by.

However, with the mask off his mouth, the man's voice was no longer muffled. And when he spoke between kisses, Cami's eyes shot open.

“Mmm, mamacita, you want some Latino heat?” her Deadpool asked, the tone and cadence echoing in Cami's ears.

'No...couldn't be[/b].' she thought to herself. She reached forward and grabbed the top of the mask and saw Jose “Yappy Dog” Heyman behind it.

“Oh my god!”

“What is it baby,” Jose asked. “Too much handsome to take?” Cami answered by removing her mask, making Jose's jaw drop. “Oh my god!”


After a long piggy back ride, Sabrina was finally back in her dorm room. Peter flopped her down on her bed while the tiny blonde couldn't stop giggling.

“When I wake up I want a line of shots,” she said. “Keep this party going till I can't feel feeling anymore!”

“I'll get right on that,” Peter said. “First though, just gonna put this bottle of aspirin right here and on the floor is the jug of Gatorade we bought on the way.”

“BLUE Gatorade!” Sabrina said. “I wanted blue.”

“Yes, you made that very clear yelling it in my ear in between whatever song you were singing while we were in the store.”

“It was Material Girl!” Sabrina then burst into another laughing fit and kicked her shoes off.

“Okay, how about you just lay down and get your nap, so you can wake up and party more?”

“Good thinking,” she slurred, getting to her knees on her bed. She grabbed Peter by his shirt and pulled him close to her. “While you're out getting my tequila, you should totally go see Hailee.”

“I might just do that.” he replied, softly removing Sabrina's hand from his shirt and laying her back down. “Just might.”

“No! No might, just fuckin' do it. She's cool, you're cool...it works...a lot more than some girl you barely see and ignores you. And that's not me! I like you! You're my friend and you fuck good, and you're brought me home and put me in my bed and I am SOO drunk!”

“Yes you are, so how about you get a little bit of shuteye, then you get to wake up and party even more?” The only response was silence. The moment Sabrina had laid back down she was out. Peter gently turned Sabrina over so she was on her stomach instead of back, just in case she started to chuck in her sleep. After spending a few more minutes watching over her to make sure she was asleep, he left her conked out.

The moment he was outside, Peter took out his wallet and removed a business card. It had been among his things a couple days ago, the day he met Hailee in fact. The card had a phone number on it and only three letters, GFE. Peter knew exactly what those letters stood for, and tonight, he needed that girlfriend experience badly. Breathing deep, he dialed the number on his phone. “Hello?” a very familiar voice answered.

“Um, hi...I..found this card in my stuff and I was calling too...” Peter said, but he was abruptly cut off by that familiar voice.

“Oh, of course. I was wondering when you'd call.” They was a brief pause on the line, the sound of papers being shuffled. “I'm actually open for the next two hours, maybe more if you're lucky. I'm going to text you an address. The moment you get it, come over. The only delay you should have is on the way to an ATM if you don't have cash on you. Five hundred will do this time. Bye, sweetie.”

The line went silent and Peter already was moving to the closest ATM. He needed a bit of fun tonight, and he definitely had some tension that needed some relief. That voice though...he knew it but couldn't place it.


The Whisky Casket was the unofficial campus bar. Perfectly located next to some of the favorite student eateries, it saw a lot of business. The fact that the bartender was the insanely hot Eliza Taylor brought in a lot of heavy tipping guys as well in the year since she started. The band wasn't bad either. Just a cover band essentially, but people really liked them. They had a great singer and guitarist combo too. The singer was newer, her name was Ariana and her vocals could kill. Her chemistry with the guitarist Vinnie Slade was off the carts.

Well, most of the patrons. At the end of the bar sat Demi Lovato, still decked out as the sexiest cop the world had ever seen, but definitely putting out a 'don't fuck with me' vibe that people were actually listening to. Eliza handed her another drink, which was when Jesse entered the scene, taking a seat right next to her.

“What's in the glass, officer?” he asked, trying to lighten the mood his question probably only soured.

“Just club soda and lime Jesse, relax.” replied Demi. “But thanks for the concern.”

“No problem. Look...I'm sorry. Not just for then, but for every time Matt has ripped into you and I didn't stop it. Not just tonight. But any time. Especially earlier in the week.”

“Don't. Just don't. It's not on you. I'm the one who made you promise him not to tell who got me drunk and went to town on me. At this point though I could really give a fuck about making sure Matt's feelings are spared.”

“I'm honestly with you on that. He's changed and not for the better. And the world doesn't need two fucking Pauls in the world, and I certainly don't.”

“Well, then this here club soda soda and lime is to coming to our sense.” Demi down it and put the glass down. She turned to Jesse, licking her lips. “And now it's confession time. I would never have cheated on Matt back then. Never. I thought we'd genuinely be together forever. BUT...if I did...I probably would have fucked you WAY before Paul. He never registered. You...you did. Paul was always an arrogant asshole. That doesn't do much for me. You...you very much did.”

“Well...I would never have gone behind Matt's back but if any woman could have convinced me it was you. I have to admit, I was always jealous he got your attention first, all the way back in third grade.”

“Well, he had the best juice boxes,” Demi laughed. “I mean, that kind of stuff draws a woman in. It's shows a cultured palette.”

“Me and my Kool-Aid just couldn't compete.”

“Well...that was then...now...now I think I want something more...you.” Demi's lips moves closer to Jesse's, who wasn't backing off. Neither was lying or being nice, there was always a spark there. Not enough to overcome what Demi felt for Matt...but now, neither saw much of a reason to now fan the flame into a spark. “I don't want to ignore this.”

“Neither do I,” replied Jesse. He wanted her. Bad. “I don't know where we can go to do what I think we're both thinking of.”

“Cheap motel down the road a bit,” Demi said, a sexy smile on her face. “The kind that charges by the hours.


“Well, all right.”


The house Peter arrived at was big, three stories in fact with what had to be a three car garage. He walked up to the door, checked his breath, and rang the doorbell. The woman who answered and what she was wearing made his jaw go agape.

“Well hello,” Sophia Bush said, dressed up as a French maid. “Happy Halloween. So glad you came by for a trick and a treat.”


A still shocked Peter walked through the door into an amazingly decorated house. Everything about it screamed class and relaxation.

“May I take your jacket, Captain Solo?” Sophia asked with a smirk. “Nice costume. The belt and holster look really authentic.”

“Uh yeah, thanks,” Peter said. “Um, you're the acting professor.”

“Yes I am. I was also on TV. And you're one of the directing students, though I don't think I caught your name.”


“Well, Peter. Let me answer your questions so we can get through this night with no hiccups whatsoever. I gave you the card because you looked absolutely crushed and could use my services. And yes, those services do in fact include sex, but there's a lot more that comes with it, like a person to talk to. I don't watch the clock, none of my girls do. We want to make you feel comfortable before, during and after. No rush, and always ready to listen and talk about any issues you might have. I pride my business on providing the ultimate GFE. If someone wants the pornstar kind of thing, they can talk to my competitor, I'll even give them a recommendation. I do this because I like sex and think women who want to do this should be safe and only have the right clientele who aren't going to just pump and leave. If a young woman wants to do this, she should feel safe and also be doing to build towards something else. Does that answer any and all of your questions?”

“Yeah...yeah it does.”

“Good,” said Sophia. A warm smile came to her face as she walked towards Peter, her stiletto heels clicked and clacked on the hardwood floor. “Do you like how I look Peter?” I know it's cliché a bit...but I think it works, don't you?”

“Yes...it's very, very..um..”


“Yes, god yes.”

Sophia laughed. She liked him. She always knew how to pick the right people to be possible clients.

“Do you want to kiss me, Peter?”

“Very much so.”

“Then come here.” Peter walked up to Sophia and the two locked lips. It was deep and passionate, the two wrapped In each other's arms without even realizing it. Sophia's hands untucked his white shirt while his reached for a zipper behind her costume, but found none.

“Let me take care of that,” she said, pulling down the top of her outfit, revealing her full, supple breasts. They weren't huge, but they were a delightful handful that Peter wasted no time in getting to no.

Sophia's smokey voice trailed in a happy moan as Peter kissing ad sucked her tits. Her hands tussled his shaggy hair wile his tongue circled her nipple, flicking a bit before sucking it in his mouth. Sophia hissed the air between her teeth. She gently moved Peter's mouth from her tits to her face, lightly kissing him again before leading him to her huge couch. He had him sit down, then sunk to her knees. Her hands roamed over his inner thighs, moving to his crotch and massaging the bulge in his pants.

“Mmm, that feels good.” She said. “Can't wait to feel that hard flesh. And I know it's going to be so hard for me.” She reached to unbuckle his holster belt then unzipped his trousers. Her brown eyes never left his, nor did the sexy smile leave her face as she reached in and grabbed his cock, fishing it out.

Peter moaned as she began to pump him with her hand, working slowly, achingly slowly. Sophia was having fun to, watching his face get lost in pleasure, feeling his cock harden in her hand...one of the perks of the job. The many, many perks. The moment he was at full mast, Sophia took Peter cocks in her mouth, making the young man groan in pleasure at the sensation of Sophia's hot, wet mouth. That sound always made Sophia wet. With her mouth on his cock, Sophia's hand grasped at Peter's trousers, him raising ass up enough for her to pull them down. With everything no exposed, Sophia could really work some magic, her mouth and tongue sucking, twisting and turning on Peter's dick while her hands massaged and fondled his full balls.Sophia was a world class cock sucker, and loved showing off. She loved doing just enough to keep the man just on that precipice where they'd lose it, give them just enough room to hold back...it made the sex hungrier, more passionate. And Peter was getting overcome with that feeling.

Peter reached to Sophia's head, undoing her hair and letting the long brown locks fall. Her held the hair back stil, he wanted to see her face, how she sucked his cock. That was of course, when he could. Sophia knew just howto make him squirm and moan, how to make his eyes shut tight from pleasure. One jerk of her hand, a sweep of her tongue, her nails teasing his balls...ohyeah, she knew what she was doing.

Still, Sophia knew that he was here for a simple blowjob. The amount of money she was charging would be insane just for head. Any good sexual business person knew that. She released his cock then got to her feet. Peter watch while Sophia lifted her skirt, showing off a pair of black satin panties. She peeled them off, daintly placing them on her coffe table before getting ready to mount him. To her surprise, she was stooped by Peter.

“I...I want to eat your pussy,” he said. “I...just need to right now.”

“Of course,” she smiled, rubbing his cheek. “Have at it, Peter.” She took off her heels and set them aside too, then stood on the couch, her glistening pussy at the perfect height for Peter.

He reached under her skirt, feeling the warm flesh of her ass and  brought his face forward.

“Oooh...ohh yesss,” moaned Sophia. He hand moved to the back of his head, holding it while Peter sucked and licked at her clit. Her breathing got a bit more intense as his fingers joined in, entering her, working around inside her. Her legs trembled a bit and her hand grasped at his hair, almost pulling it as she made a fist.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 02, 2018, 07:14:30 PM

“Oh...fuck...fuck that's good...mmmm...” Sophia knew she couldn't take much more of this, not even if he wasn't going on full throttle. She already felt a little weak in the knees in the best way possible. She backed off and looked down at him, smiling that sexy and warm smile of hers. “Now we really get down to it.”

Peter leaned back as Sophia lowered herself down. She stopped to grab his cock, teasingly rubbing it at her opening, making him shiver a bit before sinking down on him. Once he was all the way in, she placed her hands at his shoulders and started to ride.

“Oh...oh damn...oh Sophia,” he winced. His hands grabbed her ass, squeezing the cheeks as she slowly rode him, the two savoring every single feature of the way the other felt. Sophia liked it this way...it made her feel amazing and the guy feel the same. It's what GFE was all about to her...making casual sex between two strangers feel close and personable. The ultimate release in her view.

Peter was in no position to disagree agree. Sophia leaned forward, allowing him to kiss her as her tempo ever so slightly built up. He moaned into her mouth as their tongues collided, giving Sophia and extra little jolt. Her hands softly caressed his cheeks, making sure his gaze was on her, watching her as he fucked her.

“Mmmmm, keep going Peter...I love this cock...filing me up so good,” Sophia said, her husky, sexy voice adding the perfect spice to her erotic moans. “Keep fucking me...enjoy it...everything...every sensation...mmmm baby don't stop...”

She leaned back, , bucking her hips at a faster pace, her maid's dress now completely bunched up around her waist. The sweat on her body made her body glimmer and glow a bit in the candle lit room. Peter moved one hand to her back, caressing it and holding her up while the other went to her clit, his thumb rubbing the aroused nub in circles as the two went faster and harder, the hunger growing and growing.

“Soph...Sophia...I think...I don't know if I can...”

“Mmmmm, understood sweetheart.” She said warmly. “Don't worry...I've got it...” She rose up from him, his cock slick with her juices, and got to her knees. She then took his cock in her mouth, sucking it fast, yet tenderly, urging Peter to fill it up with his cum, her brown eyes begging fro every last drop in a way words couldn't pull off. As she sucked, her hand was between her legs, working herself over, every second bringing her closer as well.

“Oh...fuck..FUCK!!” Peter cried, exploding cum into Sophia's experienced mouth. The brunette hungrily swallowed every stream, shuddering herself as she came as well. The brief pause made a dribble of cum leak out the side of her mouth, a site that got a few extra shots to escape Peter's cock.

With every drop drained, Peter slumped down on the couch, sweaty and out of breath. Sophia soon joined him, showing him a mouthful of his cum before swallowing it down. She cuddled close to him, peter getting the hint and wrapping his arm around her.

“That was... just...I can't even say,” Peter said.

“Mmm, all part of the job.” Sophia replied. Now, comes the next part...do you need tot alk about anything? And I mean anything.”


“Yeah. It's what makes my brand of GFE unique. If you have an problem, my girls, and myself, are always here to listen, before or after the act. So...anything?”


It didn't take long for Demi and Jesse to find themselves in the skeezy motel room. That was a good thing. NO wasted time meant more time to ravage each other. They burst through the door, lips locked and in focus to fuck. Jesse kicked the door shut, fumbling for the deadbolt while Demi kissed, him, barely breaking, her teeth mildly biting on his lower lips. IN a flash his black tie was gone and his belt was pulled out the loop, tossed aside as well. Demi tore his shirt open, buttons flying all over the room. Demi's lips went to his chest, kissing, leaving a trail of wet kissing down it until she was on her knees. She unzipped and yanked Jesse's pants down, his hard cock springing free. The moment it was out, Demi had it in her hand, jacking Jesse's cock, her fist a blur. Jesse could only moan. No words were going to fit in this moment but the filthiest, and it wasn't quite time for that yet. Her brown eyes gaze at him, a fierce and intense fire behind them before she engulfed his cock to the root, deep-throating him on the first go and holding him.

“Fuck, Demi!” Jesse yelled. His eyes rolled back as she held him there. After a few more seconds, Demi pulled back. She was gulping in air, a big grin on her face. She then went back to Jesse's cock, sucking him hard and fast.

She stopped again, just to make one demand. “Fuck my face.” she gasped. “Fuck my throat with your cock, Jesse.”

“Oh you're gonna get that,” Jesse sneered. “Gonna fuck your face Demi...”

Demi took him in her mouth and Jesse grabbed her head and started to fuck her face, just like she asked. It was hard. It was fast...but not without passion. Demi loved this feeling...she wanted it, she asked for it, she got it. If she wanted him to stop, he'd do it...but now...seeing how ravenous she'd made him was making her sopping wet. The sound of Demi's throat being fucked was wet and rhythmic, the lugging sounds mixing well with Jesse's own near-feral moans and groans. Jesse pressed forward, his cock deep in Demi's throat. He held there for a bit before pulling out. A long string of saliva connected his cock to her mouth as Demi caught her breath. That's when Jesse wanted something new.

“Stand up,” Jesse said. Demi did so and the moment she was on her feet Jesse took hold of the zipper of her vinyl body suit and pulled it down, revealing Demi's gorgeous nude form before him.

A slight smile was on Demi's face. It was eager, hungry, yearning for what would come next, whatever that would be. Jesse spun Demi around so she was facing the bed. He then got on his knees behind her, his face right in line with the epic booty of Demi Lovato. Everyone...EVERYONE knew Demi had a top tier ass. Demi knew, and flaunted it...when she wanted to do.

“Oh...ohhh baby yeah,” Demi moaned. Jesse wasted not a second, he pressed his face into her ass, tonguing her starfish and fingering her sopping cunt. “Mmm...fuck eat that ass...eat that fucking baby....oh fuck yessss....” It was hard to say who was enjoying this more, Demi or Jesse. The pleasure was making Demi tremble, crave the inevitable next act.

Jesse was just as lust drunk, happier to be face first in Demi's ass than he had been to be anywhere else. But he too knew, he could only eat ass, even one as perfect as Demi's, for so long. Jesse got to his feet and spun Demi around once more, almost knocking her to the bed. Demi laughed as she hit the mattress, a laugh soon silenced by a hungry kiss as Jesse climbed on top of her. His lips trailed from her own to her neck, Demi's smiling face emanating more moans than joyous laughter as Jesse thrust his cock into her wet, hot pussy. The sex was hot and fast, but not without affection. There were kisses and caresses in between the grunts, groans, and sounds of slapping flesh. Her legs wrapped around his waist, ankles locked tightly. Demi's finger nails raked Jesse's back, digging into the flesh as he went harder and faster.

“Oh...oh fuck Jesse...that's it.” She gasped. “Fuck my pussy...fucking pound it...ungg...take my cunt...FUCKING TAKE IT! TAKE ME!! FUUUCK YES!!”

Demi's hands went from Jesse's back to the head board, grabbing the bars tight as he began fucking her so hard it hit the wall, a fast rhythmic beat joining to sounds of the room, the symphony of raunchy, dirty, desperate and hungry sex. Everything was amazing, Demi was everything Jesse had fantasized about and vice versa...if not bit hotter. He pulled out of her and said one sentence, three words.

“Hands and knees.”

“You got it,” Demi said, a sexy confidence in voice. She bit her lower lip and cocked her eyebrow as she got in position, her hands grasping the headboard again while he brown eyes looked forward. “Go ahead and fuck me...put that cock back in me, Jess.”

His hand glided over her curvy ass, smacking her cheek before grasping her hip and re-entering her. “Fuuuuck baby,” he growled. “Fuck yes...”

It didn't take long after entry for the hot andfrantic pace to build up again and the headboard to start knocking the wall.

“Fucking take that pussy Jesse!” She cried. “It's your...fuck....fucking take it...oh fuuuuck don't fucking stop please baby keep going!”

As Demi begged for more, Jesse prepared to give her just that. He pulled her up, her back to his chest and reached his arms around. He kissed her neck while his hands mauled her tits, Demi's passionate moans throwing fuel on the fire, urging him to do more..more...more! He grabbed her hand and moved it between her legs, the two working together in stimulating her her clit, which switched Demi into a whole new gear.

“OH MY GOD!” she cried out with a trembling voice. “Oh fuck yes! Fuck I'm gonna cum...oh fuck fuck fuck gonna fucking cum! Don't stop...fuck I'm gonna cum on your cock!”

With one last, pleasurable but desperate cry Demi came, shaking in Jesse arms as her cunt convulsed on his cock, making it a Herculean effort to not shoot in her the moment she came. Jesse pulled it off...he had his mind on a different prize. He laid a very happy and satisfied Demi forward, kissing her should as she laid on hee stomach prone.

“Mmmm, did you cum too?” She asked, delirious and dick drunk.

“Not yet.” Jesse said as he pulled out. His hands ran over her ass, massaging the cheeks. “Was kind of hoping for one last thing before I gave in.”

“My ass?” she asked knowingly. “Mmmm, do it...I want you to...fuck my ass Jesse. I'd be disappointed if you didn't take that booty.”

“Well, if you insist.” He joked. He leaned over to kiss her before he got in position, pressing his cock against that tight opening. Both took a deep breath and then...he was in. “Holy shit you're tight...fuck baby...”

“Fuck my ass...mmm...shoot your cum in my ass...fuck it till you cum...ohhhh, fuuuck yeah...”

Jesse built up a hard pace quickly, desperately need that moment of utter bliss, to let loose up Demi's ass. He need to cum...fill up Demi's asshole...and Demi needed it to...she loved anal...and it'd been way, way too long since any cock had been up there.

“Uh...oh..fuck...fuck Demi...oh I'm gonna...I'm gonna...”

“Oh fuck shoot in my ass! Cum in me!!”

“Oohhh FUCK!!!” Jesse cried out,slamming into Demi's asshole one last time before collapsing on top of her, shooting every last drop of cum he had n her bowels.

The two breathed deep, desperately trying to catch their breathes in the ecstatic afterglow of the sex. It was Demi who was first was able to string together a sentence.

“So,” she said, a smile on her face. “We totally need to do this again...but with something like dinner and a movie first.”

“Sure thing,” Jesse answered.



“Look, you can tell me whatever you want, Sophia said. She'd been trying to reassure Peter it was okay to speak with her. In fact, it was what she prided her business on, that her clients could talk to her, or any of her employees. Advice, or just someone there to listen. A real GFE experience. “Nothing to be ashamed of, no judgement....it's not because I'm completely naked now, is it?”

“Oh no, not at all.” replied Peter. “Though...holy shit you're beautiful.”

“Thanks,” Sophia said. “Now, how about you tell me why you looked so down in class this week, and why you called that number tonight.”

“Okay...it's a girl.”

“It tends to be,” Sophia smiled. “I hope it's not a girlfriend thing. I don't like to book guys who already have girlfriends. The only exception are loveless marriages, but you're way too young for that.”

“No, not really. Someone I thought of maybe one day having that with...she's never seen it that way. We've gotten close a few times, but I'm not her type. I know it's a cliché that the good girls are addicted to assholes...but holy shit Sophia, she LIVES this cliché to an insane degree. I thought we were friends...but it's also obvious at this point that's really only when she wants it. All with the cherry on top of getting a front row seat to seeing her fuck her new guy. So...I guess I was just needing to forget things. That's when I remembered your card.”

“Okay,” Sophia said. She took a seat right next to Peter, draping her arm around him. “So, it sounds like you loved someone, and they didn't reciprocate..and it turns out you weren't even the friends you thought. And that SUCKS. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. But, you didn't hold out for her, obviously. I mean, you're no virgin. So...go look elsewhere. Whatever happened tonight, that's your clean slate. Your past is the past. Look back on it fondly where applicable, but don't live there. And if it ever gets to be too stressful, well, you have my number. And you haven't even seen the rest of my girls.”

Sophia leaned over, kissing Peter one last time, a goodnight kiss. “But right now, I need to get some sleep. I'll see you in class...or maybe sooner.”

It wasn't too long before Peter was redressed and out the door, a spring in his step. That was honestly exactly what he needed. It 100% cleared his head, and it was going to make getting a good night's sleep a lot easier. After a quick stop to check in one Sabrina, who was still out like a light but now snoring like a chainsaw. With that done, he made his way back to his dorm. He passed the party on the way, still raging, it held no interest for him though.

He headed in the back way and made his way up to his room and changed into more suitable sleeping attire, just some pajama bottoms and an old, worn out t-shirt. Despite the clothing however, he wasn't ready for sleep. He was feeling hungry, and decided to head to the make-shift student union, a food truck just outside the dorm to take care of the late night hungry crowd while the student union was currently occupied. He went down the min way this time, walking through the social room where he saw Hailee sitting on the couch.

“Hi.” she said, her voice still energetic and chipper. “I didn't think I was going to see you again tonight. How's Sabrina?”

“Passed out and probably going to wake up with a massive hangover. I left her with a bottle of aspirin and a jug of Gatorade to greet her in the morning.”

“That's nice of you. So...wanna  watch Night of the Living Dead with me?”

“You know what? Yes. Yes I would. I was going to go to the truck out front, get some food.”

“Taken care of!” Hailee said, grinning wide. “I got chicken fingers, boneless wings with extra sauce. Red sauce too so it looks like blood...got chicken nachos...I feel like going full carnivore for snacks is perfect for a movie about zombie flesh eaters.”

“You logic is sound and the food is plentiful.” Peter walked over to the couch and sat right next to Hailee. “Drinks?”

“I brought some water from my room. And the blu ray player is hooked up. All that's left is to turn off the light and press play.” Peter looked at Hailee, a smile on her face and her almond shaped eyes sparkling just a bit. Her reached over to the main lightswitch and shut it off.

“Let's start.” Hailee pressed play on the remote and rested her head on Peter's shoulder, snuggling in for the night. It was a perfect place to start.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:20:23 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.
All Star College
Chapter 3
by MaxwellLord
(MF, MMF, MFF, FF, Oral, Anal, Cons, Slut)
Celebs featured: Lili Reinhart, Elizabeth Olsen, Sophia Bush, Camila Mendes, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Karlie Kloss, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Victoria Justice, Kelly Brook, Madelaine Petsch, Vanessa Hudgens, Debby Ryan, Dove Cameron


“How's that cone treating you?” Jake asked. He and Lili were out celebrating her recent streak of straight As on every single pop quiz thrown on her in Bio Chem. When she called, extremely excited, Jake had the perfect idea to celebrate...and spend some time alone with her outside of his wrestling identity, which she still didn't know about. So there they were, walking and talking together on a moonlit night.
“It is delicious,” Lili said. “Even better with it being free. Nothing beats free Tuti Frutti. Bonus points for finding a place that actually serves it. Did I tell you it was my favorite?”
“No, that's just a happy accident.”
“Well, that happy accident made me a very happy girl. What happens if I ace the midterm AND the final?”
“What about...two gallons?”
“Holy crap you're gonna spoil me,” she laughed. “Thanks for this though. I really needed this.”
“Yeah. Just, well, a lot of stress, you know. There's school and all that and kind of a...unique personal situation. It's just really nice to get away from it all. Plus the bonus of knowing that with the school stuff I don't have much to worry about thanks to you.”
“Well, I don't know,” Jake said. “I wasn't the one taking the tests. That was all you. Hence why I paid for the ice cream.”
“The delicious ice cream,” Lili corrected. “Want a taste?” The two stopped and she offered her cone to him. “Have a lick. It's REAL good.” She had no idea what she was saying to him, or rather the coronations it has. She was being totally innocent, just offering a taste of ice cream.
“I..uh..I don't know,” he gulped. “I mean, I've never had Tutti Fruiti before.”
“It's so good,” she smiled. “You'll never want another flavor after you've tasted it.” She placed the cone directly in front of his mouth, a sweet and playful smile. “Come on....just one quick taste.”


Jake extended his tongue and took the quick taste requested of him, Lili's blue eyes sparkling as they watched him taste her beloved flavor of choice.
“Well?” she asked, softly biting on her lower lip in anticipation. “Great or the greatest?”
“It's good.” he replied, leaving Lili a little perplexed.
“Just good? Jake, dear Jake, Tutti Frutti is the KING of all ice cream flavors.”
“Well, it's certainly good,” he said, a smile starting to form on his face. “But my flavor, that's the one that reigns supreme. Nothing beats Superman ice cream.”
“That mish-mash?” Lili said, a hint of jest in her voice. “No way.”
“Oh really?” Jake said. He spotted a nearby table. “Sit with me and take a taste yourself.
 It's only fair.”
“Okay...but only because it's fair.” The couple sat down and Jake handed her his cone. Her eyes on him the whole time, she took a rather large taste of the ice cream, letting it rest in her mouth before swallowing. “Okay,that was better than I expected. Great even. But it's no Tutti Frutti.”
“OH well, guess I'll take what I can get.”
“What are those flavors anyway?” asked Lili. “I get lemon and cherry, but what's the blue?”
“Marshmallow.” He replied. “Blue marshmallow. From the same fictional plant that produces blue raspberry.”
“Mmm, busy plant.” Lil smiled again, making Jake's heart skip a beat. “I can't believe we didn't hang out outside of school up until now. Were we really that stressed last semester?”
“Well, we didn't get much sleep in between carbon-dating and the Cantebury Tales, so we had some sleep deprivation in the mix as well.”
“Ah, of course,” she said with a smile. “I'm glad it's different this time around. I really am.”
“Me too.” Then came the silence. The kind that was destined to become awkward. This being the first time he'd gotten to be with Lili outside of tutoring her and wearing a mask,  Jake decided to nip that in the bud. “It occurred to me aside from school studies and ice cream flavors, we don't really know each other that well.”
“Yeah, that's true.” She replied. “So what do you want to know?”
“Okay, I got it,” said Jake. “Why take more chemistry classes? I mean, you got the required credit last semester. Why again?”
“Well, I felt like it'd help me. I don't all of a sudden want to be a scientist. But I figure if I'm going to be a novelist, knowing stuff like that could help immensely. Any knowledge is good knowledge. Now, you. Why are you taking even more literature classes?”
“I like it. It's really that simple.” And it was true, he did like the classes...as well as seeing Lili in them...sitting next to her, talking to her. Everything. “New subject.”
“When you're not prepping for the novel of the century by studying chemical bonds, what do you do for fun? Aside from ice cream?”
“Well, I used to write movie reviews a lot. Oh my god, I even had a blog. Please don't look for that by the way.” Lili smiled a little when Jake laughed. She then took a breath. “but...there is one thing I've always loved, ever since I was little.”
“What's that?”
“I don't know...I mean, if I say it I run a huge risk of looking like a gigantic dork.”
“No judgement from me,” said Jake. “Now, it's your turn. Shoot.”
“Okay...professional wrestling. Ever since I was a kid...LOVED it. I grew up with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels...I swear that Eddie Guerrero was my first crush;. I started getting all the DVDs so I could watch the old stuff too. You know, pre-network days. Spent hours devouring old ECW stuff and the Monday Night Wars when I could. I'm just...I love that business so much, warts and all. And since you're silent I'm going to guess my utter dorkiness has shocked you into silence.”
“Not at all.” Jake replied. “I like that stuff too actually. Really big into Undertaker and Edge. So, do not worry, your enjoyment of the wrestling that is professional is not obsolete, so you have not been marked for DELETION!”
“OH MY GOD!” Lili laughed, nearly dropping her ice cream. “Are you a follower of Broken Brilliance as well?”
“It is DELIGHTFUL, is it not?” Jake's own smile grew wider as hers did.
And for Lili, this was the first time in weeks she hadn't thought about Magnus Pain. He hadn't been at the last few shows, it had just been his partner, Brimstone Callous. The story was Magnus had been imprisoned for the amount of security guards he'd injured. But the real story, no one knew. And now, around Jake...she'd been forgetting all about that, almost.
Of course, Lili was totally in the dark that Jake WAS Magnus, which was a huge stumbling block that he had no clue how to get around. But now, that wasn't an issue at the moment.
“I want to do this again,” Lili said. “Just to do it. No reward system required. I...I like hanging out with you.”
And Jake was flustered again, desperate for words, but no words would come. He just gazed at Lili's angelic face, the moonlight adding an extra level of intoxication to her already hypnotic effect. Only one thing entered his mind, and it wasn't talking. It was bold, daring, and so not him. But in that moment, it was the only thing that made sense.
He softly put his hands on her face, leaned in, and kissed her. And to Jake's surprise, Lili kissed back. She put her hands on his face as he had hers as the two once again tasted each other's ice cream, not even noticing their own cones had fallen to the ground with this impulsive act.
Their lips parted slowly, Lili's eyes closed. Only one word made it from her mouth for a few seconds, “Wow.”
“That's definitely one way to put it,” said Jake. Before another word could escape his lips,Lili kissed him, their second liplock lasting even longer. This one broke a bt more abruptly though.
“Is something wrong?” asked Jake. “I mean, I'm sorry if...fuck I knew I shouldn't have..”
“It's not you,” Lili said. “It really isn't, I promise. I mean, I kissed you too. And it was great...really good...I..I just need to get some stuff together. That's it. Just personal stuff. I promise, PROMISE, that I'm going to get back to you. I just gotta go now.” She kissed him one last time, hoping to let him know it was okay. Then left. She hated doing it, too. But there was just one thing she needed to take care of first. And that was Magnus Pain.
It had been an interesting time for Jesse since Halloween. He was out of his dorm room after his falling out with Matt, and by proxy Paul. One would think losing two lifelong friends would have a negative impact on Jesse. However, that wasn't remotely true.
How could he be mad? Too much went right as a result. Peyton? She got free of Paul's bullshit. Jesse couldn't act on that, but just knowing a woman had seen through Paul's utter bullshit was enough of a victory for him.
The other thing keeping him from being down was the reason he hadn't started to pursue Peyton. Ever since their tryst in the dirty motel room, Jesse and Demi Lovato had essentially been dating. Well, fucking each other's brains out any chance they could. Which ended up being quite often as Jesse had been forced to pretty much crash with Demi in her dorm room until he could afford his own place.
And Demi's room was exactly where he was heading. After a long day of dropping off job applications, the news that her roommate was gone for the weekend was the perfect pick me up.
Of course, the moment Demi opened the door for him, she provided an even better pick me up, decked out in some nice, frilly, white lingerie.

“Hi,” she said. Her lips formed into a smile, her tongue snaking out to lick them. “The way I see it,this goes one of two ways. One, we order a pizza or something and have a nice, mature talk about our day.”
“The other?”
“We fuck each other's brains out.”
“I think I'll go with option two.”
“Good choice.” The two kissed with a hunger of incredible need and desire. Before he realized it Jesse was stripped down to nothing, his clothes now just a pile on the floor. Demi gently jacked his cock, leading him to the bed.
Demi gave him a few more pumps before Jesse took initiative and laid her down on the bed. His face was between her legs and he was ready for a meal. He pushed the crotch of the bodice aside and went straight for her clit. He went for it with a loving roughness; tender enough to make her simmer with enough of an animal charge to bring Demi to a rolling boil.
“Oooh...ooh my god fuck yes...” hissed Demi. Her thighs pressed against Jesse's ear, getting tighter and tighter as he cranked up the heat, and he had no interest in slowing things down. While he was showing Demi the time of her life with his mouth on her clit, Jesse slid his fingers into the party, further making the latina sexpot quiver and shake.
“More...” she gasped. “Just don't stop...more Jesse...oh shit more...” Demi began to slide the straps of the lingerie down, exposing her breasts to the air. She caressed herself, licking her lips between breaths.
Jesse doubled down on what he was doing, Demi writhing before him. He'd gotten to know her body very well the past few weeks, and vice versa. Making up for the lost time spent simply lusting over each other for years. At this point, most of that time was made up for and made up for pretty well. Demi's teeth clenched, her lips curled. She was riding just on that edge of an orgasm, and now she wanted to be riding something a bit harder.
“I want your cock,” she moaned. Of course, Jesse heard and was eager to grant her request. He climbed up her body, kissing her tits to her neck, then to her lips, savoring her flavor before entering her pussy.
“Oh fuck...Demi,” Jesse moaned, closing his eyes as he savored the familiar and tantalizing feeling of her pussy around his cock.
“Yeah, say my name,” she said with a dirty little smile. Her legs locked around him as he began to drive into her. Fast, passionate, hot. “Ohhh FUUUCK YES!!”
“Take it fuckin' deep baby,” he growled. “Everything...ohhh god damn it yesss!” The moans continued, only muted slightly by the melding of their mouths, Jesse's lips going from Demi's the the flesh of her neck, kissing her in just the right spot to send an extra jolt of electricity through her body as every inch of his cock thrust and pulsed inside of her.
Jesse's arms reached under Demi, holding her as he pulled her up, the two sitting, face to face as he thrust up into her. “Mmm giving up a little control, huh?” she said, licking her teeth, her lips in a spicy smile.
“As long as it's fun.”
“You bet your ass it will be.”
“I'll bet my ass as long as I get to do something a bit more interesting with yours.”
“Deal,” Demi said with a wink. Their lips pressed together, their tongues hungrily massaging each other as Demi ground her hips, working her body and making Jesse squirm in the most pleasurable way. She hissed with a smile as he grabbed her ass, squeezing the luscious cheeks as she went from grinding to riding him. The hiss turned into a full on moan as Jesse began to suck and lick on Demi's tits.
“Ohhh fuck yeah...oh Jesse...mmm yeah....” Their arms pulled each other close, the speed and heat increasing between the two of them. Harder, faster, louder...their bodies shimmered with sweat. Soon Demi was on all fours, being fucked cross-eyed and loving every moment of it. Her moans, laden with filthy talk that would make most porn star blush echoing throughout the room and more than a little bit down the hall outside.
“Fucking take it!” she shouted. “FUCK take my pussy Jesse....ohhhh fuck me it's yours...everything you want...oh shit...is yours...”
“I'm definitely holding you to that.”
“Oh, you fucking better,” said Demi. She rose to her knees, letting Jesse hold her as they kissed again. “Because I fucking meant every word.” She winked at him right before he pushed back down to all fours.
After a few more pumps, Jesse pulled out of Demi's pussy and pressed his cock against her asshole, making the lustful Latina wince. With a few more seconds, he popped past that tight little ring and the two were deep in the woods.
“Oh my GOD I love how your cock feels in my ass,” Demi wined, She clutched her sheets tight as Jesse picked up speed with every thrust into her backdoor. Every pump made her release a desperate moan, pleading and begging for more as his dick rammed her ass.
Demi's encouragements, both vocal and otherwise drove Jesse insane. The sound of her voice, erotic, desperate for that last release, the feeling of her flesh slick with sweat as he ran his hands over her body, how her ass and pussy before it had felt on his cock...paradise. Demi loved sex...every aspects of it...getting pleasure, giving pleasure. It all turned her on which turned whoever she was with on, a perpetual motion machine of lust.
Jesse's hands gripped Demi's ass tight, going hard and fast. His balls slapped against her pussy while Demi's hand snaked to her clit, working herself over the two lovers both reached their crescendo. To the surprise of them both, the end came to Demi first, the curvy seductress screaming in pleasure as her orgasm hit her like a bullet train. Her asshole clamped tight  on Jesse's cock, sending him to the point of no return.
“Shit cumming!” he shouted. “Gonna fucking cum, Demi!”
“Mouth,” she said in a big gulp afar. “I want to taste that fucking cum.”
He pulled out of her ass and Demi was on her back in seconds. Just as fast he had straddled her chest. Before he could even get his hands on his cock, Demi's mouth was on it, sucking him fresh from her ass.
It was a masterclass in blowjobs, but it was over all to soon. In seconds, Demi's mouth was filled with cum. She left him twitching, refusing to release his cock until she got every last drop of his baby batter shot directly into her mouth.When the well had finally run dry, Jesse meekly pulled his cock from Demi's mouth and collapsed next to her on her bed. The two were covered in sweat, breathing deeply as they fought to regain their breath, big smiles on both their faces.
“So,” Demi said. “How was your day?”

Camila Mendes was putting the ultimate cherry on top of an already very successful night. She was straddling the hottest guy she could find, which was pretty hot. They were making out, hot and heavy. Her blouse was already off, leaving her only in her skirt and bra. His cock was nice and hard, she could feel it through his jeans. His name was Dave...or Darren..or was it Mark? His name didn't matter, as long as it wasn't Jose Heyman, she was fine with it.
She kissed him. HIM. Mr. Yappy Dog himself. Yeah, he was under a mask...and from what she could feel through his Halloween costume he was hung a lot better than this guy...but NO. She had to get her mind off such a terrible mistake. Which is what it was. They both felt that way. Utterly disgusted by their actions...that's what it was, right?

Before Cami could dwell on this any longer while straddling her pretty much nameless lover, there was a loud knock at the door.
“Occupied!” Cami said. “I'm so sorry. My roommate, and she KNOWS THE RULES!”

“No problem baby,” her beau of the moment said. “Let's just keep going.” Cami agreed to this plan by kissing him again, letting his tongue slide into her mouth. She moaned a little as his hands groped her ass. The mood was back to being reset, with no thoughts of Jose and his strong hands being the ones roaming her ass....before that thought could really solidify in her head, the knocking came again, louder.
“Cami, please let me in,” desperate Lili said. “Please, it's urgent!” It was. Cami could hear it in her voice. She sighed and got off her guy, and much to his chagrin it was in the literal sense.
“Okay...sir, time to go,” Cami said. “It's urgent. You heard the crying blonde.”
“Oooh, she's blonde? I like blondes. How about once she's settled down we turn this into a three way?”
“Yeah, sure,” Cami said, rolling her eyes as his back turned. As soon as the door was open, he was shoved out and Lili was let in. “Okay, what's wrong? Am I gonna have to kick some meathead's ass?”
“Jake and I kissed,” Lili said.
“That's great!” exclaimed Cami. “Wait...it is great, right?” She sat down next to her friend, who was oddly distressed , at least in her summation. “I mean, when you say kissed, you do mean the two of you were into it and it's not him ramming his tongue down your throat, right?”
“He didn't force anything Camila.” replied Lili. “It was...we were so comfortable...and the sky was so crisp...there's the ice cream, even the smell of the air...so perfect..and it got even better when we kissed.” Lili got up, her movements almost like a Disney princess in mid song. “His lips felt so amazing, I could taste a little bit of our ice creams melding together. And his hands..his arms. Holding me just tight enough, caressing my face. It was magical.”
“So...you liked it,” Cami said with a gigantic grin. “I SO fucking told you so! In fact....” She got up and went to Lili. She grabbed the confused blonde's hand and used it to pat herself on the back. She used her other hand to squish Lili's lips together like a puppet.

“You did good Cami, thanks for saying I should accept his invite,” said Cami in a high pitched voice.
“Oh, well, it's certainly no problem Lili, I just know what I'm talking about all the time,” Camila replied to herself in her normal voice.
“Stop!” laughed Lili, backing away from Camila. “This is serious. I have a problem!” She sat down at her desk, Camila taking a seat at the corner of the bed.
“What, the chapel double booked for your impending nuptials? Just chill. Relax. He's a good catch, sparks flew, like I said they would. Now...how about you call him and tell him everything is cool, because something tells me you kind of left him hanging and worried about you with you being so jumpy.”
“Cami, it's not that simple and you know it.”
“No, I don't.” Cami took a deep breath. She was going to have to break out the big guns of logic and reason. They might actually work this time. ”This whole Magnus Pain thing? A fling. One you initiated. But you know it. I know. Hell, I could probably write a rule book all about the best ways to have a fling. But you don't LIKE him. You found him fuck-able. Which is okay. But fucking doesn't equal a relationship. Here, let me prove my point. What do his hands feel like?”
“Hands? I don't know. Strong I guess? I think.”
“Mmmm hmm. And now...Jake's. And be honest. I know what those baby blues of yours look like if you even think about fibbing so don't try it.”
“Well,” Lili said, trying to fight a smile. “They're soft...but there's a bit of a roughness on his left hand. Almost like a scar more than a callous. But it doesn't feel weird. It actually feels really nice when he holds mine. It's weird. I don't know how to describe it other than...good. It feels really good. I mean his right hand also feels amazing but his left is something I could pick out blindfolded.”
“Okay, nice. Next question. Pain's eyes. What color are they?”
“I...shit...I don't know. I really don't. I mean he obviously has eyes but I guess I never looked, not really.”
“Okay. So...tell me all about Jake's.”
“They're almost...grey. Almost. There's a hint of blue there. Not bright. But it's there. Little bits of green too. I didn't even notice the green until tonight either. The way the moonlight hit just right.” Lili sighed a bit thinking about it. Cami knew she'd made her point. Still, she needed to drive it home.

“So, you already told me about kissing Jake. So, tell me about kissing Magnus. How was it?”
“There really wasn't much kissing,” Lili answered honestly. “It was just kind of..sex. I mean I guess we had to have at least once...did we?”
While Lili was struggling to remember, Cami had her answer. “I think that proves my point. You can remember a scar on Jake's hand and how it feels in yours but not how the other guy's kiss felt or if you even kissed him. Lils, come here.”
Lili sat back on the bed with Cami, resting her blonde head on the brunette's shoulder. “Lili, you know you like Jake. I know it. And somehow I'm fairly sure he knows it. So just fucking go for it. This Magnus thing was fun, but that's all it was. You have to know that now.”
“Yeah,” Lili admitted. “I know. It was such a rush though. Fucking some guy I didn't even really know. Being a little naughty. I never got to do that before. But....now I have. And it was fun.”
“But...”Cami added, egging her on.
“But...it's not everything. Tonight...I think that's more of what I want. I mean, I'm thinking of Jake's hands doing a lot more than holding me. But I think I do owe him enough to tell him it's done. I mean, that's the right thing to do, right?”
“Sure,” said Cami. “And I tell you what, I'll even go with you as back-up, okay? Then we'll pick out floral arrangements for yours and Jake's wedding.”

“Shut up!” Lili laughed. “God, one date! That's all.”
“So you're saying it WAS a date?” Cami asked, the size of her smile matching Lili's.
“Look at their smug faces,” Peter said. He and Hailee gazed over to Sabrina Carpenter and Peter's brother, Ben. “They think they have us. We're down by three.”
“Got a plan?” she asked, sipping from her drink.
“Yeah. They used up all their time-outs. They think that have the perfect set up, Benji boy on offense against me as goalie and Sabrina blocking you. But we still have a shot.”
“So we're both thinking the same thing.”
“Same page, Haiz.” Peter stated. “You take the goal when we go back in. I'm on offense. Last shot. Best shot. We crush them or they crush us.”
“We're all that stands between the sacred game of foosball and evil.” Hailee said with a smile.
“Damn straight,” Peter said with his own grin. “Time in!” The two headed back to the battlefield, the foosball table at the Whisky Casket. Their opponents were ready. The stakes were indeed high...loser pays for the night.
“So, Ms. Carpenter,” Ben said, his face reeking with a sarcastic confidence, just enough to annoy his older brother. “Should we order another round of drinks, more mozzarella sticks and cheese fries before we make these two, unfortunate souls pay for it all?”
“That sounds just perfect Ben,” said Sabrina. “Not only are you super hot, but super smart.”
“It's not over yet.”
“Always so delusional, huh Pete?”
“I call it hope, Ben.”
“They do know this is just a food bet, right?” Hailee asked Sabrina.
“They're brothers, it's what they do. Besides, all this over the top machismo is kinda hot.”
“True.” The two went to their positions, and the great foosball battle began. It was brutal, excruciating, nail-bitingly close. Truly, it was a competition for the ages...between the brothers at least. The girls were honestly having more fun watching them then playing along. Between the brothers though, it was a total nail biter.
Goal after goal, Peter and Hailee slowly caught up to Ben and Sabrina until, with one last smack of the ball by her little plastic avatar, Hailee scored the winning goal of the game.
“YES!!!” Peter said, jumping in the air. “Yes! That's my girl!” Peter spun around and grabbed a laughing Hailee in his arms, hugging her tight as Ben and Sabrina simmered in the loss....mainly Ben though.
“You know what would make this victory even sweeter?” Hailee asked.
“What's that my dear?”
“More sliders and cheese fries. Could you get on that Ben?”
“Sweetie, you forgot the magic word,” added Peter. “Now. Now Ben. Oh, and some fried pickles.”
“Yeah yeah.” Ben responded. He turned and headed towards the end of the bar, the easiest place to actually put your order in, and Sabrina was in tow.
“You know, you're pretty cute when you're stewing in defeat,” Sabrina teased, elbowing Ben softly in the ribs. “You're probably even cuter when you win.”

“Well, tonight's certainly not the night you're going to find out,” he grumbled.
“You're seriously mad about that? It's just a game.”
“Yeah, I know...but...how do I put this...I just REALLY like beating my brother at stuff. I hate it when he wins. Against me at least. Any other time is fine.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Hailee was the one to actually score the winning goal.”
“True...but it was probably his idea to have her at the goal...”
“I have an idea,” Sabrina said, a mischievous smile on her face. “How about..we purposefully mess up their order? Extra spicy sliders, ghost pepper spice on the fried pickles...it'd be fun...”
“Nice,” Ben grinned. “But no. He wouldn't do that to me, and I lost. But I do like your style, Ms. Carpenter.”
“Well, maybe you could show me how much you like it sometime.” She gave him a wink, then got the attention of the bartender.
The turnaround between order and food pick up was quick and the two rejoined Peter and Hailee.
“And the feast is here,” Peter said with a big grin. “But where to begin?”
“How about you and Ben work on that,” Hailee suggested. “I'm going to the restroom. Sabrina, join me?”
“Uh..yeah sure,” Sabrina said. The women left their men alone. The moment they were in the restroom, Hailee turned to Sabrina.
“Okay, you're his friend, does Peter even like me?” Hailee asked.
“What? Yes, of course!” said Sabina.
“Are you sure? I mean, that hug? That celebration? That's the most affection he's given me since we started dating. If we're even dating...I don't know!”
“He REALLY likes you Hailee,” Sabrina said, comforting the tall, nervous brunette. “He probably likes you so much he doesn't know how to go forward.”
“Are you sure? You don't think he's still hung up on that Selena girl?”
“Oh God no, are you kidding me? Trust me, she's a non issue.”
“Then what's the problem?” She asked. “I mean, I like him a lot but I feel like there's this wall HE put up that he doesn't want to try to get over.”
“Look, Hailee, I don't know. That's something you have to ask him yourself. All we can do now is finish the night. Okay?”
“Okay,” nodded Hailee. “But you have to promise to talk to him tonight, okay? I just...I just want to know if I'm wasting my time.” With that, Hailee left the restroom, leaving Sabrina alone for a split second.
“Peter, you DUMB motherfucker!” Sabrina said to herself before putting on a fake smile and heading back out.
“You really think these are gonna sell?” asked Alison. She was in Jose and Jake's dorm room, looking at the merchandise idea Jose had brought to her: a stick with cut outs of his and Jake's wrestling masks stapled on them. “They look kind of cheap.”
“Alison, of course they're gonna sell.” Jose reassured. “They're cheap and its perfect for anyone who comes to the shows who doesn't bring a sign. And it's easy to sign. Also, someone loses it, it's not expensive for them to buy a replacement. It's perfect.”
“If you say so. I'm just glad there's not one of my face. I don't even want to know what some fans would do with that.”
“What, like cut the mouth out and pretend you're blowing them?”
“...I should just start preemptively telling you to shut up.” Before Jose could get a response in, Jake came in, visibly down. He only added an exclamation to his visible demeanor by face-planting on his bed.
“Jake, what's wrong?” Alison asked. She moved over to his bed, taking a seat on it as she tried to get an answer from.
“From the look on his face, I'm saying he unmasked in front of Lili and got drop-kicked without a goodbye blowjob.” Jose joked. And of course he did it at the exact wrong time.
“Okay, get the fuck out, you're not helping.” Alison demanded.
“Oh come on, I was just kidding!”
“And it's not helping. Now, how about you go off somewhere and let someone who has some level of tact deal with this, okay?”
“Yeah...sure,” Jose said. “I'm sorry though...it was just a joke...”
“I know, it's okay, just leave this to us...I'll tell you what though, you really want to help, you go by that pot store you go to all the time and get some of the good stuff. Come back in about an hour, we'll all just unwind, be cool. Okay?”
“Yeah, sure,” Jose said.  After he had left, Alison sat on Jake's bed, patting the muscle man on the back.
“Rough night, huh?”
“A little,” he said.
“Tell me what happened.”
“I fucked it up.” He responded.
“”Okay, let's try that again, except this time you're sitting up and you use big boy words and form sentences for your pal Alison, okay?” Jake sat up, still slumped over. “Good, we got part one out of the way. Now lets work on the rest.”
“We kissed.” Jake said, his voice monotone and flat.
“And that's bad how? Unless she freaked out...oh crap she freaked out, didn't she?”
“No! I mean..I don't think so? Maybe a little...see, this is why I was face down on the pillow, way less taxing while having a breakdown.”
“You're not having a breakdown.” Alison replied. “Okay, so you two kissed. Was it bad? Break it down for me.”
“Okay, so the night is going amazing. Everything about the night is perfect. Mood, the moonlight, the night even smelled amazing. Two ice cream cones, great conversation. Perfect tone, perfect mood...and we kiss. And it's great. Electricity, fireworks, the whole shebang.”
“Okay, so far no reason to bury your face in a pillow.”
“I'm just about there. So, the first kiss? Perfect. We both feel it. It's there. It's right in front of our faces, flashing like a big damn neon sign. So we kiss again, and its feeling the same until she backs off, kind of jittery. She tries to reassure me nothing's wrong, she just needs to sort things out, and she promises she's going to call, and here we are.”
“So, you two kiss twice and she pauses for second. She doesn't shoot you down, she doesn't slap you. She instead reassures you that there's no issue, she just has to think or whatever.” Alison took a deep breath, going from friend to wise sage mode. “Look, from what you've just told me, it sounds like she's just as nervous as you. This isn't some tryst. This is something that is a bit more real. Which means the emotions are a bit more...vivid.  It's all right. She's probably just nervous about it. Like you are. Worrying about making you feel weird the same way you are here. So..don't sweat it. Just wait for her call. And she will call, unless you were just bullshitting me about how perfect the night was.”
“I wasn't.”
“Then you're good. And I think you should double down on all of this just to make sealing the deal even easier.”
“How?” asked Jake. “I mean, I'm not sure what else to do.”
“Have Magnus dump her. Ditch her. So then, who's left? You don't have to worry about your girlfriend crushing on a guy who's actually you, and she's then pretty much officially 100% yours instead of fifty percent going to some mask. And if you're nervous about that, I'll have your back. And Jose too...maybe..I guess...we'll run it by him.”
“And what happens when she does find out it was me the whole time?”
“Well by then you two will be so heads over heels for each other that it'll barely be a blip. And you know how I know?”


“Because,” Alison said getting up from the bed. “You are the only ex in my entire life I've actually stayed friends with. So...if you're that special to me, then you have to beyond that to her.” Alison took off her shirt and removed her bra. “And, since you're soon going to otherwise occupied, allow me to relieve all that tension you've built up.”


“You sure this is a good idea?” Jake asked.
“Oh definitely.” Alison replied. She got to her knees and unzipped Jake's pants, jacking his cock as she fished it out. “I mean, a kiss, no matter how amazing it is, is just a kiss. You're not attached yet. So...I get to have one last bit of fun with this guy right here...besides, it's not like you couldn't use just a tiny bit of stress relief right now, correct?”
“You could definitely say that.”
“Then just relax and let me get reacquainted with this cock.” Alison leaned forward and kissed the head of Jake's cock, smiling as he moaned. “It's been a while since I've seen this guy...such a nice cock. Feels so good in my hand...my mouth...DEFINITELY in my pussy. But tonight...I want to feel this nice...hard..lovely cock n between my titties. Would you like that too?”
“Uh huh,” he managed to get out.Jake had almost forgotten how sensation Alison was at handjobs. She wasn't even trying that hard and she had him up the wall.
“Well then, what are we waiting for?” she asked. “But first, I think we need to get that dick nice and wet first.” Alison took Jake's dick in her mouth. She bobbed up and down, getting his cock slick with her saliva. She pulled her head back, leaving Jake's cock suitably slick.
A sly grin on her face, Alison whipped her hair back and wrapped her wonderful tits around his cock. “Mmmm, now that's a nice bit of nostalgia.” Her eyes locked on Jake's as she began to pump it with her breasts.
“Oh shit...fuck....Alison...”
“That's right...mmm these titties feel so good around you cock, huh? Tell me.”
“S-so good...incredible.” Jake's eyes winced when Alison sucked his cock head as it peaked out through her cleavage.
“Eyes on me,” she demanded. “Look at me....look at my tits...look at your cock...fucking my tits...look at what your doing...what your feeling...mmmm I love how your cock feels between them.” She pumped faster and faster, still teasing Jake with her lips and tongue. The focus was clear...making him cum. That's it. Nothing else. It was understood and they both were loving it. Simple fun. Desperately needed fun.
“Fuck yeah baby, I can feel your cock throbbing between these titties. That's good Jake..makes me happy. You want to know what's gonna make me even happier? When you cum. Mmm Jake I can almost feel it now...hot white cum shoot from your cock, covering my breasts....ooh, I bet some of it is going to hit my face, huh? You're so hard baby, I know it's gonna be huge...just don't hold back...cum for me!”
“Oh...oh fuck Alison...I'm gonna shoot...gonna cum,” Jake groaned, thrusting up hard and fast, right on that edge as Alison cheered him on.
“Do it...do it and cum...fucking cum...cum...cum...FUCKING CUM!!!!”
“Shit!” Jake cried out, thrusting a few more times before exploding all over Alison's tits, the brunette moaning and coaxing him on with a smile on her face.
“Yeah, every drop baby...every last drop!” yelled Alison, her grin wide as her blue eyes as she completely drained Jake. As his shots went to dribbles, her stimulation slowed to a soft massage with her tits until the tap had finally run dry. “Nice job.” She was smiling wide, her chin and tits utterly dripping with Jake's load.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “Fucking Hell.”
“Thanks,” Alison said, her tone gone from utterly seductive to bright and chipper. “I'd take a bow but I don't want to get any cum on your floor.” She pushed her tits up to her extended tongue, licking the jizz off before getting her feet. “Missed a few spots, but that's what the shower's for. So, how about you pull your pants up, grab me a towel, then we just wait for Jose to show back up with something else to lighten the mood...probably not as good as a tit-fuck, but it might be close.”
“Sure thing,” he laughed. Thanks for that.”
“Aw, what are ex who you're somehow still friends with for? Besides, made you forget your troubles. Now before I clean off the rest of the population pudding you provided, just take this advice. Chill out about Lili. You've got her man. End it as Magnus, your friends have your back, it's smooth sailing. Okay?”
“You got it.” As Alison entered the bathroom, Jake laid back on the bed. Oddly enough, blowing his load after fucking his ex-girlfriend/current best friend with a vagina's tits did clear his head a bit. Lili was in his sights...and he was confident about things going well. I mean, what could go wrong...especially if Jose could keep his mouth shut for once.
“Well, I had a lot of fun tonight.” Ben said, looking right into Sabrina's bright eyes. “Too bad it has to end.” Peter older brother had walked Sabrina to Pete's dorm room instead of her own. Hailee broke off from the group to head back to her room, giving Peter a bit of the cold shoulder. But before he could dwell on that, he was treated to the love-fest going between his brother and Sabrina, who had hit it off like crazy.
“Well, that just means you're guaranteed to come back for more.” She replied. “Sounds like a win to me.”
“You know, we could just send Peter over to stay with his girlfriend tonight...or the couch and have his dorm room all to ourselves.”
“Mmm, that sounds very appealing,” Sabrina said, her voice almost a purr. “But you brother and I have some business to attend to concerning our movies.”
“We do?” Peter asked.
“Yeah, we do.” Sabrina sternly said to him, her glare sending a chill up Peter's spine. She then turned back to Ben, the ice completely melted away from her demeanor. “But, let me give a little something to keep you wanting more.” Sabrina grabbed Ben's face and pulled it to hers, giving him a deep and seductive kiss.
“Wow,”a stunned Ben said as it broke. “When can I see you again?”
“When I call you. Bye.” Ben left and Sabrina shut the door then tuned directly to Peter.
“What business do we have to go over?” asked Peter.
“The business of why you're such a fucking idiot!” Sabrina said. “Let me get this straight. You meet Hailee, She leaves you all flustered and nutty. Makes you feel good about yourself after essential being treated like third hand garbage by some girl you were nutty for. You to start dating and you're what, treating her like she's just a good buddy? I mean for crying out loud we're best friends and we've fucked and you haven't even kissed you girlfriend? Are you mental?”
“Did Hailee tell you this?”
“No, I actually saw it written on the bathroom wall, rather lengthy post in a stall...of course she told me! And I reiterate, ARE YOU MENTAL? Hailee is cute and hot  and funny and she likes you and thought you liked her and what the fuck?  She's all stressed out over your being more closed off than Fort fucking Knox and she's right! So...what's the deal? Because this isn't just about affecting our movies, which by the way, big deal also, but Hailee is a good person and your my friend and I will not see you be so incredibly stupid and hurt someone who doesn't deserve it. So spill or we're going to have some actual serious words.”
“These aren't serious words?”
“You're not hiding under your covers, are you?” Sabrina took a deep breath, then  grabbed a chair. She sat right in front of Peter, making him look her in the eyes. “Look, I'm sorry if I'm coming off as mad...but you know how I feel about stupid people.”
“You hate them with the heat of a thousand suns.” he replied.
“Exactly. And you're acting like a stupid person so tell me what's going on before those suns gets really hot and I have to smack you around a little.”
“Okay, I get your point,” Peter said. “And I do like Hailee. A lot. And I've wanted to kiss her. And frankly a lot more. Bad. But...no moment feels right, you know? I...I like her enough that it has to feel right. Believe me, I know it sounds like crap. Which is one of the many things I'm gonna run by my therapist.”
“You have a therapist?”
“Well, kinda yeah,” Peter said, Technically, Sophia did kind of fill that void. Their conversations both during and after their sex sessions were actually helping him out a lot more than he'd have thought. And since he and Hailee weren't TOGETHER together, he could rationalize it as not cheating.
“Well, whatever you need to do, do it. Girls like her come along maybe once in a life time. Don't screw it up for yourself. And if you wouldn't mind, say that same thing about me to your brother. Except lay it on thick and don't mention the fact that we had sex. True, it does ruin the idea of you giving a testimonial about how good I am at it, but it's probably not a smart thing to say that to a guy who's pants I want to get into, badly...oh my god is weird that we're best friends, and we fucked, and now I wanna fuck your brother?”
“A little but I'm honestly not phased.”
“Whew, that's a relief,” she said. Sabrina got up from the chair to grab her bag. “I'm not kidding though. I know it's kind of odd, we haven't known each other that long. But I don't really like most people. And as you could probably tell from being balls deep in me, I do like you a lot. So, I'm not on you about this  Hailee stuff just for our movie. So...yeah. That's the most schmaltz you'll get out of me for a while. So, get to tower on that Hailee stuff and getting me some action form your brother...holy fuck this is weird.”
“Yeah. And thanks. You're probably my best friend too. I do have a dog at home though.”
“Damn, genuine competition.” She gave Peter a kiss on the cheek before saying good night to him. He had a lot to think about. Hailee and how to move forward with her,  his projects with Sabrina...and somehow getting Sabrina laid..... “This IS weird, he said to himself before laying down.”
It didn't take long for Jose to get to the weed shop, but with everything on his mind, it seemed almost like an eternity...or forty-five minutes. Same thing to him. Most people would be surprised that he had quite a lot on his mind that did not include wrestling, including himself.
He was going a little hard on Jake, he ad to admit that. And yeah, a little bit of it was jealousy. I mean...a hot blonde giving it up on a regular basis. Who in their right mind would complain about that, especially if you were already into the girl? Well, Jake apparently. And he had been giving him shit nonstop. It had to be jealousy.
Yep, jealousy. That's it. Certainly not anything or anyone else. Especially not Queen Bitch herself, Camila Mendes. That hot, sarcastic brunette with the really pretty eyes, the nice ass, and the kind of mouth that made him want to do things with her mouth that had nothing to do with blowjobs, like talk. But also blowjobs. Definitely not her. Or so he tried to convince himself. It couldn't be his own frustration with the fact he might actually like her and wouldn't have minded if they went beyond their Halloween make-out session.
Nope...he just wanted that no frills sex Jake got and couldn't figure out why Jake had such an aversion. Fortunately for him, the weed shop had just the cure, and not just in the wonderful word of smoke and edibles, but the people who ran the shop.
Jose strutted in with a smile and a swagger that he hoped would betray any unease he was feeling. “Do't worry folks, your favorite customer has arrived,” he said aloud, hoping someone would respond to his confident tones.”

“Really, where?” Debby Ryan responded, a sarcastic smile crossing her face as smoke rose from her mouth. “Is he behind you or something?”
“You know, if it wasn't for the service and high quality grass in here, I'd never come in.”
“Yeah, I'm sure that's the only reason.” Debby leaned forward as her sentence ended, knowing it would push her sizable tits up into some major league cleavage. She took another drag on her joint and asked, “So what brings you by?”
“Oh, I need to make an apology...a big one. So, the good shit.”
“Shit man, you've been needing to do that a lot lately. Fortunately for you me and Nessa just finished raising our newest creation.” She signaled  him over with a wave of her head then reached behind the counter. 
“I present to you, our newest, homegrown strain. We call it Green Goblin.” Debby proudly showed it off. The weed was bright green and purple, or as bright as Jose had ever seen the plant get, with little flecks of orange in it somehow.
“I call those the pumpkin bombs,” Debby said between puffs. “They're not seeds or nothin'. Just weird coloration that happened. It's neat, don't cha think?”
“I guess if you like webbed freaks. Is there nothing in here inspired by a charming Cajun with a thing for decks of cards?”
“Dude, we don't what's going to happen. If we happen to do something that reminds me of your  fictional man crush, I'll try to remember. IN the mean time, you want to blind buy or you want to hit this with me and see where the night takes us?”
Debby offered him her joint, a little smile on her face. Whenever Debby smoked weed, which was pretty much non stop, she got horny. And some strains, like this one, simply increased that effect, as Jose had experienced many time himself in the past. And tonight, it looked like he was going to experience it again. What better way to remove the load from his shoulders than by shooting one?
Jose took the joint and inhaled, holding deep for until exhaling. “Nice,” he said.  “I like it.”
“And it hasn't even kicked in yet. But you know, you took the hit all wrong?”
“I did?”
“Yup.” Debby replied. “Let me show ya.” She grabbed the join and came around the counter, taking another drag. “Okay, pay attention. This strain requires special attention.”
Debby got face to face with Jose, the off-duty wrestler staring while Debby took a deep hit on the joint and proceeded to give him a shotgun kiss, the smoke being blown from her mouth to his before their lips locked.
Jose took the signal and went forward, grabbing Debby' ass before working on her pants, tugging them off while she pulled  his shirt off.
“Fuck me on the counter,” she said.
“Shouldn't we lock the door first?” Debby reached into her pocket and grabbed a small remote and pressed it, locking the door.
“Gotta love technology, huh?” she asked with a grin. “Now...counter...fuck me.” By her command, Debby was taken to the counter. The moment she was securely on the reinforced glass surface she raised her ass to let Jose take her jeans and underwear off.
With her bottom half bare, she braced herself for Jose's entrance into her. “Nnnng fuck!” Debby moaned as he thrust inside. “Oh...fuck...fuck me...”
“Always was a big fan of positive reinforcement,” Jose said. He pulled off Debby's shirt and hungrily went to her tits.
“Mmmmm fuck I want you to do more of that with your mouth and less talking,” she growled as his mouth went to her tits. Debby leaned back, her long brown hair moving and waving to the rhythm of Jose's thrusts.
“How about more of this?” he asked, giving her an especially deep thrust.
“Oh fuuuck...multitask then...” After that Debby concentrated far less on talking and for more on fucking. “Oohhhhwwwwnnnggg...” she moaned. Debby's legs wrapped around his waste, locking him in tight as he drove into her.  She grabbed his face, her deep brown eyes piercing fiercely into his. “Ohhh fuck...oh...fuck yeah...nnngg fuck...”
Jose's hand went from fondling and massaging the delectable tits of Debby Ryan to feeling up her tight ass. But while his hands were busy elsewhere, his mouth stayed on those tremendous tits, savoring everything the wonderful globes had to offer.
“Oh FUCK!” Jose yelled in pleasure. Debby began to squeeze and flex her cunt around his cock. He looked her in the face to see smoke trailing out of her smirking mouth.
“Surprise ya?” she giggled. “Mmmm hope it doesn't make you hesitate...too much!”
“Not enough.” he replied. Jose kissed Debby deep, the too entranced in each other. If the counter wasn't attached to the floor it would have been moved a couple feet by now from how hard and intensely the two were fucking. The linoleum floor made their intense moans of pleasure echoed through out the room, drowning out anything but them. This of course, included the store's manager.
“Ahem,” Vanessa Hudgens said, her own sly smirk on her face as she surveyed the scene. “I, like, don't think I need to ask but totally should...what's going on and why was I not waited for?”

“The fuck?” Jose said said. He and Debby both looked to the door, startled the ultimately relived when they saw Vanessa. “Hey Ness,” he said. “How are things?”
“Fine.” The tone bohemian sex kitten said. “ Anthropology class went a little long...which it turns out kept me from being on the ground floor of this fun.” Vanessa began to strip down, soon leaving her tone, nude body on complete display. For any one but Jose, this would be an unbelievable scene straight out of a porno. For him though, this was a relatively believable scene right out of a porno. Debby wasn't the only employee of the store he'd had some fun with, he was also very friendly with the management. This wasn't even the first time he'd had them both.
“Well boss, looks like you're ready to join in anyway,” Debby said in a moan. “So, hop on in.”
“With extreme pleasure Ms, Ryan.” Vanessa purred. “First off, how about you two move to the part of the counter. Jose...bend her over, take her like that.”
“You got it boss.” Jose replied, grinning. He pulled out of Debby, letting her hop of the counter. Once she was bent over on the far end of the counter. Vanessa licked her lips as she watched him re-enter Debby, grasping her by her curvy hips and thrusting inside. She was getting wetter by the moment.
Vanessa hopped up on the counter, spreading her legs right in front of Debby's face. “I think you know what's next Ms. Ryan.”
“Oooh...ngg...very...very much Ms. Hudgens.” Vanessa breathed deep and let out a moan as  Debby began to eat her pussy. “Oooohhhh,” she moaned, leaning her head back. “That's right baby.” Vanessa craned her head back up, watching Debby get fucked while the big titted, weed clerk ate her out. “Damn, I love college.” She thought to herself.
Jose and Debby didn't find it too bad either. Jose had the wonderful treat of driving his dick inside of Debby's pussy while getting a full view of her snacking on Vanessa Hudgens' pussy alongside looking at her wonderful ass and running his hands all over it, plus the fact that preceding it he got real up close and personal with her amazing tits.
As for Debby, she couldn't think of anything she'd rather be doing...good weed, eating out Nessa with a good, hard and reliable cock in her pussy. Perfect Saturday.
“Fuck her good.” Vanessa demanded in a hiss, smoke from her own joint coming out between her teeth. “Show me how fucking good that dick is...show me it's worth the time.”
“I...unggg fuck...thought you knew it was worth it, Nessa.”
“Doesn't mean I don't want a good show....” She smiled with an open mouth, more smoke coming out as she moaned from the feeling Debby's mouth was providing her. “Smack her ass.”
Jose reared back and planted a firm smack on Debby's round ass, making her yelp and Vanessa smirk with a wicked glee. “Again.” SMACK. “Mmm..one more time...” SMACK! And with that, Vanessa was done looking at Debby get fucked...she wanted to get fucked now.
“Pull out,” She said. “My turn. Follow me to the break room.” The trio went behind the counter into the break room, the single most chilled out, stoner's paradise, complete with min fridge and shag carpeting, carpeting that was going to get a lot of use. “Lay down and get ready for a wild ride honey.”
Jose lay down as Vanessa had asked. But before Vanessa could take her place, she turned to Debby and pulled her close, their lips locking as soon as they could.
Debby moaned into Vanessa's mouth as the exotic brunette's hands roamed her body as their tongues intertwined. Vanessa gave Debby a few more jolts of pleasure by inserting her well-manicured fingers into the doe-eyed stoner's snatch, making her moan a little before pulling them out and placing her fingers in Debby's mouth, letting her get a taste.
Vanessa looked out the corner of her to Jose, smirking when she saw him jacking himself to the show he was getting. And the show wasn't over. Vanessa cupped Debby's breasts and lowered her mouth to them. “Fuck these are amazing tits Deb...so big...beautiful. They just demand attention...”
“Ooooh Nesssss....” Debby hissed. She licked her full lips as Vanessa hungrily sucked and needed her tits, the Filipino seductress burying herself in the stunning cleavage Debby Ryan possessed. With a visual like this, Jose couldn't help but think things couldn't be hotter...except maybe if Cami was in the mix in this. And the moment that thought entered his head he shook it out and chose to focus on something he considered more wholesome than romantic thoughts about Camila Mendes, like watching Vanessa Hudgens ravage Debby Ryan's tits.
And it was certainly a show to behold. There were a lot of things that could be said about Vanessa, almost all of them positive. One of them was she knew how to make something as scorching hot as two hot women having their way with each other even hotter. Caressing here, licking there, kissing
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:24:06 PM
Vanessa crawled over to Debby and happily went back to snacking on her snatch. After taking a few moments to watch, Jose got behind Vanessa and resumed his fucking, and now, he controlled the pace. He was going a little harder, faster, and Vanessa was loving it, adding fuel to her fire which only stood to make Debby feel even more amazing.
“Oh...oh wow yes...mmm eat it...eat my pussy...oh 'Nessa...fuck...don't stop fucking her Jose...keep going...oh fuck both of you just fucking keep going!” Debby pleaded.
“Not gonna be a problem Debz.” He grunted. His hands held tight to Vanessa's hips, ony breaking contact to give her firm, tight ass a good smack. “Yeah...oh fuck Vanessa yes...mmmm...fuck baby!”
“Yeah...yeah take that fucking pussy...give...ugh....oh fucking give it to me...ahhhhh yesss...” Vanessa threw her head back, groaning in pleasure with her eyes shut tight. As they reopened, she caught Debby staring a hungry stare as Jose plowing her from behind, her tongue extended to lick her full, plump lips. That's when an idea entered Vanessa's head.
“Debby,” Vanessa breathlessly said. Move...move to the side...”
“Mmmm, I just got the yummiest idea....” Vanessa peered over her shoulder at Jose, the sexy little smirk on her face again. “How about we give our friend here a bit of variety? Bend over the couch, shake that ass and let Jose fuck you...then her can come right back to me..over...and over...till he shoots all that cum right in your mouth...”
“OH fuck that sounds amazing.” Jose said, speeding up his thrusts inside Vanessa.
“That's one yes,” Vanessa said. “What about it Debby?”
“Hell yeah!” replied Debby, grabbing Vanessa's face and pulling her into a kiss. The moment it broke, both women's tongue still darting out at each other, Debby scurried and bent over the couch, shaking her ass. “Fuck me again...fuck me, Jose....”
“Mmm, go on honey...I don't mind sharing.” Vanessa said, her voice a seductive mix of perky and sultry.
“If you insist he said, pumping her a few more times before moving over to Debby.
“Ohhhh shit yessss,” Debby hissed, her eyes rolling in the back of her head when Jose entered her again. She propped herself up on her elbows as he plowed in her her. Jose Reached around, grasping at Debby's tits, bringing the curvy girl up, pressing her back to his chest. Vanessa crawled back on to the bed just for a bit, unable to resist another chance to kiss Debby's full lips and even fuller breasts
Debby was writhing in pleasure from all the attention, it was almost too much, and Vanessa could spot it. A slick smile crossed her face and she said, “Switch.” She climbed back down, bent over right next to Debby and eagerly awaiting for Jose's dick to return to her waiting pussy. And it did.
Vanessa and Debby and back again, Jose fucked them both, feeling them from the inside with his throbbing cock and the outside with his hands and lips. The pair of vixens went from being bent over to sitting on the couch, facing Jose, their words singed with seduction and filth, cheering and urging him on as he fucked them. Which ever one he wasn't balls deep in was helping him get the other off. It was too much for anyone to take, Jose included.
“Oh fuck, gonna cum!” he shouted.
“Not yet!” Debby pleaded. “Not fucking yet...oh so close...keep going...oh shit so close.”
“I think I can help with that,” Vanessa purred. She crawled on Debby's body, her face  her crotch while Vanessa crotch was right in Debby's face. The three were a living sex machine, working in a delightfully perverse union to get each other off. Debby went off first,, releasing a low, guttural groan as her cunt clamped and spasmed around Jose's cock, ending him.
“SHIT! Cumming.”
“In her mouth.” Vanessa ordered. Jose pulled out and Debby dutifully scrambled to her knees, all while Vanessa frantically fingered herself at the scene. “Cum right in her mouth....”
Debby wrapped her lips around his cock and almost instantly her mouth was  filled with cum. And as soon as Jose was moaning in satisfaction, his cock pumping and shooting hot cum in Debby's mouth, Vanessa came, screaming out in utter pleasure over the scene.
Even before she had come down completely, Vanessa made her way to Debby, whispering in her ear, “Don't swallow...not a drop...we're not done yet.”
One Jose had pulled out, he watch in amazement as Vanessa moved her mouth to Debby's the two kissing and swapping his cum between them. Back and forth, his sperm was swapped between them before the two sex kittens swallowed, smiling and satisfied.
“Debby, why don't you be a dear and get Jose hear some of that Green Goblin...and bring us some waters from the fridge.” Vanessa said. “You, weed's gonna be eighty.”
“Eighty? After that?”
“Jose, sweetheart, that was fun but I don't run a charity. I run a business. Besides, i knocked twenty bucks off. So you go home with prime weed, fresh off the kind of fuck most mopes would sell their soul for, and twenty bucks off that weed. Good deal, no?”
“Fair,” he nodded. And it was. Only thing better would have definitely been having Camila in the mix....and the moment that thought entered his head, Jose badly wanted that weed to be strong enough to wipe any thoughts of Camila and her great ass, beautiful face, lovely legs and all the other hot shit about her from his brain.
Monday morning, breakfast time, and the dining commons was filled to the brim with a mix of the groggy and the bright eyed and bushy tailed, but unified in their dreading of the upcoming week of classes, all building up to mid-terms.
At one of the tables sat one such group of women, each one making up a mental cross section of the feelings. Camila Mendes was a total morning person, completely and acutely aware of how much the week was going to suck due to the extreme amount of studying and busy work ahead. Lili Reinhart was sluggish, and she was actually looking forward to the class work, as it would take the edge off of all the romantic drama going on in her life.

The third woman of this trio was Madelaine Petsch. And she was somewhere in the middle. Not 100% awake, and not 100% concerned with the week as far as school work goes. Growing up the way she did, she knew better than to stress out a week in advance when life was always ready to throw the most nightmarish things it could at you at any second. She always managed to pull through somehow, even with all the chaos her life had thrown at her. It made her appreciate friends like Camila and Lili, even if she didn't see them that much. Or, anyone for that matter.
Madelaine had made an effort on that part. Living with ANYONE after years in the foster care system where sometimes she didn't even get her own bed was more than enough to make her hunker down and get the extra cash to have a place of her own. It was a studio apartment that was a tight squeeze for her and her dog and cat, but it was hers. Still, acing the upcoming midterms would be a great way to give the next few weeks a bit of a boost. But this fiery redhead had learned to not ask for too much, especially if she wasn't the one in control of it.
“I am actually annoyed at how relaxed you are.” Camila said, picking at her omelette. “No. Enraged. That's the word. I am fucking enraged at how calm you are right now.”
“This isn't calm, it's pure exhaustion and you know exactly what from. I'm just glad it's all going to be over. Tests I can handle, this shit has been a nightmare. Pass the salt.” Once Lili had received her shaker of salt, both her and Camila noticed how, once again, the fiery haired woman was incredibly cool in her demeanor. “How are you never stressed?”
“I'm constantly stressed,” Madelaine said, her voice still cool, even-tempered. “See, the trick is the stress from all school stuff is actually a vacation from my daily stress of trying to afford an apartment and bills on my own on a Knockers' waitress salary and tips. I don't really have time to stress over any of the classes here, which are pretty much a breeze except for the cooking class.”
“Really? Madchen's such a great professor though!” Lili said. “I remember her cherry pie recipe by heart. I always make it when I go back home.”
“Why are you even taking a cooking class?” Camila asked. “It's not like you're going to need one if you're running a hotel, which by the way is the most random thing I can think of going to college for.”
“Yet it's got it's own building  on campus with an operation student restaurant included.”
“Look, the whole point of what I'm doing is to get a job in what tends to be a lucrative, secure business. And if I climb that ladder, I'm going to in charge of pretty much everything, right down to the restaurants. Not directly in charge, but the yes, the head honcho. So when I tell people what I need of them, I want to know what I'm talking about, hence the cooking class. Better to have the knowledge and not need it than to need it and not have it. I prefer independence.”
“I'd prefer an easy A.” Camila replied. “Or a class where I could bullshit my way to it.”
“Thanks, but I'll pass on the sage advice. Besides, i just need to get a C. That's it. All I need to keep my scholarship.”
“You know if you're that worried you could just accept some help,” Lili said. “I mean, what was the name of that guy who's Madchen's fave? She was raving about his lobster ravioli last week. The one that even offered you some help?”
“Oh god I am not asking Jared,” Madelaine said, a little bit of emotion entering her voice. “And he's not just offering to help me study out of the goodness of his heart.”
“So?” Cami asked. “He is asking to help. And besides, he's cute. And he also showers a lot more than the guys you usually date. Though a lot less leather and piercings in the wardrobe.”
“They're not all that bad,” Madelaine said, fully knowing that yes, they were indeed all that bad. She liked her bad boys. Not because of the bad behavior, but they tended to make her feel; safe...when they weren't blowing up at her. “Besides, he's no saint if he has an ulterior motive.”
“Mads, it's not a bad thing,” Lili said. “I mean, he's a guy who just wants to find a way to spend time with you that's kinda no pressure. It's sweet. He just wants to get to know you and he's nervous to just flat out ask.”
“Lili's right, in her own saccharine way. Besides, if nothing clicks you're at least getting a B- out of the situation.”
“Well, we're about to find out,” Lili said with her first grin of the day. “Here he comes.”
“Great,” Madelaine said, not remotely trying to hide her disdain. She didn't even want to make eye contact with Jared, even as he got closer to the table.
“Hi Madelaine,” he said, a nervous smile on his face. He grabbed the chair directly in front of her and asked, “Is this seat taken?”
“Absolutely not,” Cami said, cutting off Madelaine. “Please, join us.”
“Camila. Or Cami. The cute blonde is Lili, but be warned, she's kinda taken....long story.”
“Not that long.” Lili replied. She extended her hand to Jared, shaking it. “We've actually met a few times before in Madchen's office, right.”
“Yeah, I think so...you're the pie girl, right?”
“Well, kick ass pie girl but yeah.”
“Great,you two have something in common AND know each other,” Madelaine said, you must have so much to talk about. So I'll leave you to it.” But before Madelaine could get up, Camila grabbed her arm, a sideways smile on her face.
“You haven't touched your pancakes yet.” Cami said. “And trust me, I know your schedule, your classes today don't make lunch possible. It's why you got the tall stack. So you should probably eat.”
“And if you stick around, you'll get some entertainment.” Jared said with a hopeful tone. “And if if you don't like what I do, I'll go.”
“And if I do?” Madelaine asked, fully expecting this to be a deal of some sort.
“Um...that means you liked the trick?”
“And you let him him help you with your cooking class,” Lili added. “If he entertains you, you let him help you.” Lili winked at Jared, who was kind of confused over the whole thing but was going with it.
“Fine. But I have very high standards.”
“Okay...so...” Jared reached into his jacket and pulled out a deck of cards. He spread them out on the table, then took one from the end and used it to flip them all over on their face. “I'm trying to be an illusionist. Sleight of hand, all that stuff. Not the best at it, but card tricks, I'm pretty untouchable at. Camila; Lili, Madelaine, please feel free to examine the deck. Look at any cards you want and as many as you want.”
The three women carefully rifled through the cards, looking closely at many of them before putting them back.
“So, genuine deck, right? Not a trick to them?”
“Yeah, that's right,” Madelaine said, her tone lacking any sense of interest. “What's next?”
“Well, that's up to you Ms. Petsch.” Jared rounded up the cards and shuffled them as fancily as possible, the held the deck out to Madelaine. “Cut the deck. Anywhere you want.” She did, placing the half deck of cards she chose back on the table. “Okay. Lili, cut that piece of the deck.” She did, and then Jared turned to Camila and asked the same.
“How much of this is audience participation?”
“Only a bit more, Red.”
“Oh...sorry. Well, here's the next thing. I want you to pick up those three piles of cards and reshuffle them, then hand it back to me, right in the palm of my hand.” She looked at him quizzically for a moment before doing what he asked, similarly fancy.
“Nice handwork,” Jared said.
“You don't know the half of it,” Camila joked, earning an elbow to the side from Madelaine. Once the deck was shuffled to her satisfaction, she placed it square on Jared's palm.
“Now what?” she asked, her tone now a bit more earnest. She was into the trick.
“Last step is a bit of a cliche, but pick a card, any card, and don't show it to me. Show it to them, show it to the chefs, take a pic and post it on Instagram, just don't show it to me at all.” He turned his back on the women, staring straight in the other direction.
She licked her lips and let a smile slip out and selected a card. Lili and Cami both took a look, Cami taking out a pen and scribbling down Madelaine's number on it.
“Cami!” Madelaine whispered.
“Oh calm down Mads. If he pulls it off he's earned it, I mean he has to call you sometime, right?”
“And now it's going to be easier because you marked the card.”
“Just to remind you guys, I haven't seen what card it is and I only know it's marked now because you told me. I won't be seeing the card you picked because you're going to place it back in the deck. Any place you want.”
“Oh...okay.” Madelaine slid  the card in towards the bottom of the deck, but not quite the bottom. “Done.”
“Great.” Jared turned back around, grabbed the deck and thoroughly reshuffled it, his hands and fingers doing what looked like a very choreographed danced as some of the cards almost seemed to roll over his fingers. Then, he stopped, the deck perfectly shuffled.
He placed it squarely in front of Madelaine and tapped the top. “Your card is right on top,” he said. “Check out.”
The redhead smirked and reached forward, drawing the card. Her eyes went to Jared's. “Sorry, not my card.”
“What? No no no...wait, check the next one.”
“I'll do you one better.” Madelaine drew the next three cards, none of them were hers. “Sorry.”
Jared breathed deep. He saw Lili and Cami were feeling for him, it was on their faces just as plainly as the look of victory was on Madelaine's. He had her. Hell, he had them all. His eyes went to the second thing he had spotted at the table, right next to the first thing, Madelaine.
“Wait, are those Frosted Flakes?” he asked.
“Yes...” Madelaine replied. “Why?”
“That explains it. See, the way those are made, the way the flakes are frosted, creates a weird ionization effect, throws off the teleportation for the trick. May I?”
“Yeah, sure.” Lili and Cami exchanged looks, grinning wide and Madelaine handed her mini cereal box over. Jared opened it up and grinned. He reached inside, and right outside the bag within the box he ”found” a card. He took it out, and flipped the face towards the women. “Is this your card?”
“Queen of hearts...with my number in Cami's handwriting,” Madelaine said. “100% my card. And now it's yours...along with my number.”
“Are you sure?” Jared asked.

“You got me. I'm impressed. But let me make one thing clear. This isn't a date. You're helping me do better than average in class. That's it. And we're not doing this at your place or mine. Ask Madchen if we can use the kitchen in her class. If not, I'll get us into the one in the hotel class building. Understood?”
“100%. I have to get to class, probably gonna be late, but so worth it. Nice meeting you Lili, Cami. And I will call you later Red.”
“Fine. Talk to you then.”
“Oh my God he's so cute,” Lili said  when Jared was out of earshot. “He actually has a spring in his step. You put a spring in there Mads. I thought it was just an expressions but the man is practically skipping.”
“Well he's setting himself up for disappointment. It's tutoring. Nothing more.”
“Yeah, sure. And Lili doesn't have a thing for guys in masks,” Cami said.
“Really?' Lili said. “This early?”
“What do you mean?” asked Madelaine.
“Well the mask stuff I'll tell you later when that's all settled, but the other thing...dude he called you Red when he said bye and you didn't even flinch, let alone correct him.”
“Oh...I didn't? Must not have cared.”
“Yeah...kind of my point. Anyway, Lils and I must be going. Classes and campus jobs and other things of dread. See you later...most likely after you call that guy you're definitely not even the tiniest bit intrigued by.”
“Yeah, like Cami here isn't intrigued by that guy she made  out with at Halloween....what was he dressed as? Was it Deadpool or was he a dog...like a yapping dog...”
“Lili, not ONE word.” Camila sternly replied.
“What the Hell do you guys do when I'm not around?” asked Madelaine.
“And that's how it's going to go,” Norm Dillon explained. “Straight from her mouth.” He had stopped by Taylor's place to give the dirt he had just gotten on Katy Perry and her sorority. As the school's best tech student, ahead of most of his teachers, actually, he was pretty much on call to the highest bidder. Katy paid the most for his computer expertise...Taylor paid in more fun ways with his information gathering skills.

“Mmm, good job Normie,” Taylor Swift said, crossing her legs from right to left. “So, Katy is going to try and up the ante for McKracken to secure the student union AND the main hall for her sorority's own little end of semester party next month. Well, I don't think I can allow that, can I Karlie?”
“I can't imagine anyone could talk you out of it.” replied Karlie.
“You know me so well. And since I know you so well, I think I'll ask Charli to join me in something so...well, wonderfully fun to some and distasteful to others.” Taylor smiled, then turned her face back to Norm, the smile becoming more seductive, her tongue slithering out and licking her red lips. She gave Norm a wink and he nodded, then walked forward. “So, as usual, time for your little...finder's fee. Drop 'em.”
Norm dropped his drawers and Tay got from her seat to her knees, running her perfectly manicured nailed up and down his legs. She extended her tongue, licking his balls. As Taylor began her payment, Karlie began to gather her things to leave. Taylor wasn't having it.
“Where do you think you're going?” asked Taylor.
“I don't really want to see this.” Karlie replied. “It's bad enough you're going be fucking McKracken again, I don't want to see you sucking some jackass' cock. No offense Norm.”
“None taken.” he responded.
“Well, I want you here. I want the audience. I don't think Normie here would mind a beautiful blonde watching another beautiful blonde suck his cock.” Taylor looked up at her eager guest, his cock hard from the nonchalant handjob Taylor had begun giving him.  “Besides...when I'm doing this, having an audience really gets me off.”
“Fine.” Karlie curtly responded. She watched, mostly pissed off but there was indeed a part deep down that did enjoy the show.

Taylor's blue eyes returned to Norm. “Now...where were we? Ah...of course, this guy.” She slid her thumb under the head of Norm's cock, rubbing it in circles, the embers of a fire building inside her as a small droplet of pre-cum oozes out. “I love it when a cock is ready. It's so...hot. There's no other way to put it.”
Norm let out a moan when Taylor's full, red lips slid over his hard rod. He got goose-flesh as her mouth explored his hard flesh, her tongue caressed and snaking every inch before she pulled back. He looked down, watching his red lipstick smeared cock connect to Taylor mouth wit a string of saliva.
“You know, I don't know if people rally know how much I love cock. I mean, I just fucking love it.” Taylor had a toothy sneer of a smile on her face as she spoke, her hand gently pumping Norm's cock. “I mean sure, I also enjoy pussy a great deal. Proof of that is watching us right now. But for me...I just need cock sometimes. That's why I love this arrangement of ours, Normie. I get what I want...you get what you want...and I also get something I want at the same time. It's so...delicious. Literally in my case.”
She gave Norm a big, open mouth smile and returned to his cock. It was pure heaven as she slowly worked her mouth up and down his cock while her hand massaged his balls, her shiny red nails tickling his taint.
“Oh yeah...yeah Tay...oh fuck that's so perfect...god damn...”, said Norm. His head was lost in a firework colored haze of pleasure, and the firecrackers hadn't even exploded. It all felt so amazing, every single touch of her fingers, every stroke of her tongue, eye contact that was an amazing blend of sensual and fierce. When her mouth couldn't dish out the dirty talk she let her eyes do the work.
One more time though, Taylor pulled back, ready to spit more erotically charged fire.
“You know what I REALLY love abut dicks? The way they feel when they're about to cum. After I've worked SO hard to get a guy ready to burst...mmmmfuck the way they throb...pulse...oh my GOD I love it. Nothing comes close. Nothing...mmmm and I want it from you right now Normie. I know your ready. I want it...give me what I want...again. You gave me the intel...now give me that cum.”
The only answer Taylor's informant could give was a loud moan. His hands went to Taylor's gorgeous golden locks of hair, his fingers running through it.  Taylor gave him a wink as her paced increased, determined to make give Normie deliver her one last thing she was now full on starving for. Taylor genuinely wasn't lying, she fucking LOVED cock. Maybe too much, which was why she never kept a man for too long.
While the erotic oral interlude between Taylor and Norm was reaching its crescendo, Karlie was there, dutifully watching. Still angry, but the part of her turned on had increased in a way she hadn't expected. Even Taylor referring to her as just pussy was rolled off her. She was into the show, though she'd never admit it.
“Tay...oh fuck Taylor..gonna cum..oh fuck yes....”
She pulled off his cock, moving her hand to his stiff meat, pumping it right at her open mouth. “Yeah...mmmm give it to me...right on my tongue...I want to feel you cock pump that load right my tongue...do it Normie...fucking DO IT!”
His cock head was right on her outstretched tongue, his hands squeezed tightly into fists when he began shooting, his white cum covering her moist, pink tongue in streams and ropes.
A happy moan of “Uh huh,” came from Taylor opens mouth, savoring every drop she was getting, even the stray few shots that fired on her face. She had zero issue with cum on her face. It just proved she knew what she was doing.
Taylor looked up at Norm, then to Karlie, giving her a wink before returning the gaze to Norm and swallowing his load with a loud “Aaah!”
With the payment given,Taylor returned to her feet and kiss Norm on the cheek. “Always a pleasure Normie. Always keeping your eyes and ears open for me.”
“Well, with such a great payment plan how could I say no?” he asked with a grin.
“Smart boy. Now, pull those pants up and make your way out. Maybe find something a bit juicier. You might even get an even juicier payout next time.”
Norm looked at Karlie, the taller blonde a mix of furious and turned on then back to Taylor. He grabbed Ms. Swift's hand and placed a kiss on it, giving her a wink. “I think I can pull something off that'd make us both happy. I've got a lead.”
Taylor and Karlie's eyes met, Taylor half-smiling, a naughty and mischievous look to her face before going back to Norm. “Well, I look forward to our next meeting then. Bye.” Norm buckled his belt and left the room.
“Can I go now?” Karlie asked.
“If you must,” Taylor said, making her way to Karlie. “But admit it sweetie, that was fun.”
“I admit, I got turned on a bit.” Karlie said, backing away from the approaching Taylor Swift. “But that doesn't mean I wanted to watch while you blew some guy.”
“Oh give me a break Karlie.” Taylor said. “What, you're fine with me fucking McKracken to keep our sorority party's location but this bothers you? I FUCK someone else, you're fine, but this? This is where you draw the line? And don't think I don't remember every time you question one of my decisions as far as the sorority goes. But as long you get what you want, your morality is fine.”
“Yeah, like that only applies to me.”
“Oh honey, it does. You wanna know why? Because I always get what I want. It doesn't matter the set back, I go for it. I fight for it. At all costs. I know what I'm doing. I don't mind dissenting opinions but the better damn be good. And if there's a problem with that, well, you do know where the doors are, don't you.”
“Are you saying what  I think you're saying?”
“Karlie, let me be clear.” Taylor got face to face with Karlie, her face soft, but with a tinge of the authority she held behind it. “You don't have to leave if you don't want to. I'd much prefer it if you were here, with me. Often times in bed.” She softly touched Karlie hand, rubbing her thumb on it. “You know how I feel. And you also know how protective I have of everything I have. I don't want to lose it and I will fight for it. I will do whatever it takes to keep it. And I don't like it when people cross me. Like Katy. I will do things to get what I want you will not always agree with. I will do things you don't like to protect my friends. But as you know I'm very ready to do things you will like. And as for me enjoying things like my agreement with Norm are my bargain with McKracken, well, you knew exactly what I liked sexually when we started dating. And joined in more than a few times.”
“I know, but...”
“But what? Karlie, none of this is done to hurt you. Honestly I thought you might want to join in on sucking him off or maybe it'd turn you on enough to want to skip class and have a little fun with me. For misjudging that, I'm sorry. But I'm not going to apologize for loving dick. And I won't apologize for doing what it takes to get what I want. Because that's how shit gets done. So, I probably will be fucking McKracken again. Definitely will be doing something with Norm again. Because it benefits me, what I want and what I need. And it's really fucking fun. And as much as I do care about you, I won't let that stand in the way of doing what's best for me, you , or my friends.”
“And how do you know what's best?”
“I'm Taylor Swift, dear. That's how I know. And I've never been wrong. Just like I know I'm not wrong about us.” Taylor pulled Karlie to her for a kiss, one that Karlie returned, though not as enthusiastic as Taylor wold have hoped. “You're still mad.”
“I'm fine.” Karlie responded. “I just need to cool off, though I am a little tempted to stay with you. But, I have class and other stuff. I will see you tonight though.” Karlie kissed Taylor and left her alone in the den.
“I hope you do,” Taylor said when the door closed. “And I hope its as pleasant as this goodbye was.”

“How'd you meet Mr.Boz?” The cop asked. He was urgent, but detached, professional. The interrogation room was somehow both sleek an ancient, sterile and dirty. The cops were dimly lits, taking notes with desk lamps and all lights were on Catherine Tramell, a black haired, pale skinned femme fatale, looking at them the way a cat look at mice, her smile giving away she was pretty much playing with her prey. The prey didn't seem to mind.
“I wanted to write a book about the murder of a retired rock and roll star.” Catherine replied. She reclined slightly in her chair, showing off her legs, her large breasts pressing tight against her low cut white dress. “I went to his club, picked him up and had sex with him.”
“You didn't feel anything for him, you just had sex with him for your book?”
“In the beginning? Yes. But then I got to like what he did for me.” The raven-haired brunette looked to Nick, a small, predatory smile showing through her plump lips.
“That's kind of cold, ain't it lady?” the scrubby cop next to Nick said.
“I'm a writer. I use people for what I write. Let the world beware.” Catherine whipped her hair backed and leaned forward, her cleavage almost over flowing. “Do you want me to take a lie detector test?”
The screen faded to black, and the lights in the classroom went up. Liz Gillies, Bruce Rayner and the rest of the cast and crew of the scene beamed. They knew they'd done good, and were just waiting for the official line from their professors.
“Good work,” Professor Burton said. “Really like how you gave your own take on the Neo-Noir look of the film in this, Bruce. Especially with the limited resources you had.”
“Thanks sir,” Bruce said. “I had a great crew and a great cast. And we're just getting started.”
“That's good to hear,” Sophia chimed in. “And I'm giving you credit, so far, you've turned in the best scene so far. And it's good to have that confidence. It inspires everyone on set. But don't let that confidence turn into cockiness. The semester isn't over, and we have one more scene to be shown before the midterm. Be proud but stay on your toes.”
“Sure thing.” Bruce replied with a confidence that bordered on arrogance, which was nothing new at this point. In a lot of ways, it was a plus, specially for the business he was aiming for.
“And as for you Liz, great job.” Sophia got up and walked towards the busty brunette. “You did something even someone with decades of experience would have trouble doing, you made an iconic role 100% your own. On the screen, that's still Catherine Tramell from Basic Instinct. I mean you even wore the same color dress. The only thing I'd say is, honestly you didn't go far enough. I don't mean to sound exploitative, but I honestly think you could have done something of your own with the leg crossing part of that scene. It seemed cut to mostly focus on, well...”
“My tits?” Liz said bluntly. “Yeah, I know. I suggested doing the leg cross too. That outfit doesn't include underwear. Bruce decided against it, said we didn't need it. I fought for it but in the end let it slide. I thought it'd be perfect to do, maybe somehow make it more explicit. Just to try, of course.”
“I see,” Sophia said. “Is this true, Bruce?”
“Yes, and I stand by it. I don't think it was needed so it's not there.”
“And you didn't bother just trying it? Was there a scheduling issue?”
“Okay, time issue? Was the location going to become unusable?”
“Well, no.”
“So you have no excuse for not at least trying it. This isn't the era of celluloid and film. We're digital. Film, music, all of that. So knowing that and knowing that you had no scheduling issues or time constraints, you couldn't find the time to try something your actress clearly came prepared for just to see if it would work, am I correct?”
“Yes,' he said. “Yes you are.”
“Bruce, I don't want to say be at the mercy of your actors. Because you can't be. As a director you HAVE to be the leader. You have to know what you want. But you also need to be ready to listen. You need to be willing to try something. The final cut is not assembled on set. Hell, the final draft of a script isn't even the one that's turned in most of the time. If you have the time, and the ability to try something new that your actor suggests, even if you don't agree with it, take it. Try it. Don't be married to the script or your vision, because even without input from others your vision will change. And actors, don't take this as free license to try every single idea you have, because not all of them are gold. Here's the golden rule, Pick your battles. Got it?”
A general consensus of agreement was returned to Sophia, who who nodded. “Now, with that said, good job to the crew. You've set the high bar that next week's group, the Carpenter and Farrano team.”
“Well, I won't too my own horn,” Sabrina said grinning. “So I'm gonna leave that to my partner to do for me while I toot his horn, because he's super awesome.”
“And she's even awesomer,” Peter added nodding. “That's why her name comes first.” The two high-fived each other without looking. “Crushed it.”
“Great, keep that confidence away from cockiness and we'll see what you have in store for us. And I'll be keeping a strong eye on you Ms. Steinfeld.”
Hailee nodded with a nervous smile as Sophia's mention of her. And with that, the class was dismissed.
“Hey Hailee,” Peter said, catching up to her before she walked out the door. “Can we talk?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I think we should honestly. Alone. No offense Sabrina.”

“None taken.” the blonde said. “This is between you two, but I'll be seeing you both tomorrow night, no matter what. Business is business. Also Peter don't fuck this up  or I will end you. Anyway have a great day.” Sabrina nodded and smiled as she walked out of the classroom with everyone else.
It was just Hailee, Peter and Professors Burton and Bush left, with the professors seemingly more interested in discussing the class than the personal lives of their students.
“I need to know if you're even serious about me.” Hailee said. “I know Sabrina probably said something about it to you already...because let's be honest I doubt the girl could cover up a pair of twos with her poker face. But I want to talk to you. I know that whatever went on with you and that Selena girl was big for you. I know that. Hell the fact she wasn't even in class today was probably the only thing on your mind most of the class.”
“Haiz, Selena is a non issue. I didn't even notice that she wasn't here and I haven't talked to her since Halloween.”
“Please...please just let me finish.”
“Okay, I'm sorry.”
“Look, I like you a lot. I don't hide that. I may have made fun of Sabrina's poker face but mine is so much worse on this subject. I want to know where you stand. And I don't want some knee jerk reaction born in the moment of pressure being put on you right now. I really want you to know for sure. Know as much as I do. So...Thursday, by eight at night, I want your answer. If I don't hear from you, barring some kind of messed emergency, then I'll consider this just business. Also if I get like a text from you that's marked as you sent it by eight and I just didn't get it until way later, that's fine too. I just want to know, okay?”
“Hailee, come on...”
“Look, I'm not mad. But this is how I want it. You have until Thursday. Just...just give me this. I really want you to think on this, okay?”
“Yeah, I get it. Are we still on for lunch or is that cancelled?”
“Of course we are,” she smiled. “I don't want to stop seeing you. I want to give all the reason in the world to be with me. But it doesn't change my mind on you needing time to think. But I can't wait for lunch.” Hailee got up from her seat and grabbed her things. “See ya then.”
Right when she exited the door, Peter felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Sophia behind him.
“What are you doing before lunch?” She asked.
“I have a free period, was going to work a on script me and Sabrina have been work shopping.”
“Scratch, we have to talk. My office.”
“Y-yeah, sure.” Peter replied.
“Good. From that conversation you just had, I think we have a lot to talk about.”
The answer to where Selena Gomez was during class was an easy one,  she was with Reggie, or she was going to be. She was currently waiting in his bedroom while he was talking to a business associate in the living room.
While Selena waited,Reggie and his associate were talking about a business that Selena would probably have liked to be in on, considering the business was her.
“Reggie, I am not saying she's not a hot piece of ass.” Bruno a large, educated brute of a man in the cheapest expensive three piece suit you've ever seen. “I just don't know if she's up for the kind of business you're saying she is.”
“Bruno, my man, you saw the video,” Reggie said. “The girl is a born slut. And you know I know a good slut. Fuck she was practically begging for the cum on her face? Swallowed every drop down. Begged for the dick too. How is that NOT the business?”
“Well, what does Bella think of her?”
“Bella doesn't know.”
“Then I'm out.” Bruno replied. He made his way towards the door, and was blocked by Reggie.
“Bella doesn't have t be the only game in town.”
“She's not. Sophia's got the other half of the upper class business.”
“Who says it has to be just those two, huh? I got ideas too.”
“You wanna know why you're not gonna get anywhere?” Bruno asked, getting right in Reggie's face. “Because you pull shit like this. Dumb shit. Let's be honest Reggie, the onyl reason I even came here was because you work for Bella. Not with, hasn't been that way for a while, not since the first time you tried something like this. You work for her due to a level of mercy you should be thanking God for, you little twit.  You know why  Bella and Sophia run the prostitution biz in this town? They're business women. They have a market and they don't try to expand elsewhere. They don't try to get in the drugs or anything else. They sell sex. They have their customers. And those customers are very happy and very powerful. Yeah, this Selena chick is hot. Easily hot enough to be the crown jewel of a biz like this. But she's just one woman. And that ain't enough for me to even consider bringing this to my boss or frankly, anyone else.”
“Come on Bruno...I'll let you fuck her. I got this lovesick ditz wrapped around my fingers, it'll be a breeze.”
“We're done here. And consider it a courtesy I don't tell Bella what you just fucking pulled, AGAIN.” Bruno pushed pass Reggie and slammed the door, leaving Reggie completely seething. Eve when she wasn't there Bella was busting his balls.
“Everything okay?” Selena asked, finally stepping out of the bedroom. “Were you guys fighting?”
“Nah, business meetings can get kinda heated is all.” he lied. “It's all cool.”
“What business was that guy in anyway?”
“Entertainment.” Reggie grinned wide. He loved it when a lie was technically a truth. “Talking about you actually.”
“Reggie, I'm still taking acting classes, I'm not ready to  actually be in the business,” Selena said. “I don't even have an agent.”
“Sweetie, you got me.” Reggie said, leading her back to the bedroom. “And all the best still take classes to keep their skills sharp.” He closed the door and moved his hands to Selena's shirt, pulling it offer her and exposing her tits to the air. He cupped the delightful mounds, making her moan a bit. “Besides...I know you're gonna be a moneymaker, a real star....”
“Think so.” Selena said, going for his pants.
“I know it.” Reggie grinned, dollar signs in his eyes as he looked into her far more sincere gaze.
“So, is there a problem Sophia?” Peter asked. “I mean with school work or, you know...the other thing...”
“A little bit, yes.” Sophia said. She took a seat on the side of her desk, sitting just on the edge, her legs crossed. “Are things going all right with you and Hailee? Is our little...arrangement distracting you? I know we've spoken about a few times before and after, but if what we're doing is keeping you from committing to her, we're not doing it anymore. I told you before, I don't really like having clients who are involved with someone else. I'm not a fan of being the other women, even if I'm getting paid.That goes for all my girls as well. So if this is hurting her, then it stops. This isn't a loveless marriage, so no pass.”

“Soph, it's...it's weird. I like Hailee. I like her a lot. I know I do. But I don't know where we stand because I don't know what happens if it all falls apart. I'm not remotely lucky with this stuff. I mean Hell, we're not even DATING dating and we're on the verge.”
“Okay, I get.There's a lot of confusion about it. And now it's taking it's toll on both of you.” Sophia moved to the front of her desk, a smile on her face as she looked at Peter. “So...here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to refer you tone of my other girls. Our usual time, Thursday during the day. She's a bit more...equipped to maybe talk you through this. I mean I'm a good listener but clearly there's a block we're not getting over. Not that you're not a good fuck, but in cases like yours I like to see you move on to something a bit more meaningful, so it's nothing personal against you.  I just want to see you happy and you know, not paying for sex. Nothing wrong with it but, you know. It's my business after all. But still, shouldn't be necessary for everyone, or a crutch.”
“You think I'm really using this as a crutch?”
“Not yet,” Sophia said. “But it could get that way. Not to sound egotistical but I can easily imagine fucking me is a real nice alternative to facing your problems.” She got up from her desk and locked the door to her office, then turned back to Peter. “With that being said...I honestly think its the height of bad manners to say goodbye to a client without a proper goodbye. And don't worry, this one is on the house.”
Sophia had Peter's 100% attention as she stripped free of her clothes, hanging them on the coat rack before going to her knees and crawling towards him. Her hands softly parted his legs at the thigh then ran over the bulge in his pants, her smokey voice a purr as her green eyes sparkled with a matching lust.
Peter tried to undo his pants, but Sophia pushed his hands away. “I'm doing the work...just sit back and enjoy the last hurrah.” She unzipped his pants and fished out his cock. Her hot breath made his growing member twitch before she began tot ake him in her mouth.
“Mmmm fuck yes...oh Sophia,” he growled. He tried to keep it down. The door may have been locked but they were still in an office, so it wasn't too private. Though Sophia's hot mouth and oral expertise were making that a very, very tough issue to deal with.
She was methodical, but not slow.And even methodical seemed to clash with the sensuality Sophia's blowjob had. There was not a wasted moment. Eye contact, her tongue, her saliva, her hands. She was the conductor of a symphony of lust and the orchestra was just warming up.
Peter reached down, brushing and holding back Sophia's gorgeous brown locks, getting a full view of her beautiful face sucking his cock. It was such an perfect visual. A gorgeous face, just the right mix of girl next door combined with girl that takes you the back alley.
Sophia took Peter's throbbing member down her throat, her nose pressed to his flesh as he writhed in the chair. After a good twenty seconds, Sophia pulled back, saliva strings connecting her lips to Peter's hard prick.
“How about we move on to something a bit more mutual, sweetie?” Sophia said with a smirk.
Peter got to his feet, bringing Sophia up with him and kissing her as he picked her up in his arms. He pinned Sophia to the door and began to drive into her, her smokey moans filling the room. She was just as aware as Peter there were in an office, but sometimes pleasure doesn't have a volume dial.
“Oh...that's it...just the right spot baby...” Sophia said. “Mmmm love how you fuck me, it's so fucking good Peter...so damn good.”
“Oh...oh holy fucking shit, yeah.” Peter groaned, His lips went from a desirable piece of real estate on Sophia's lips down to her breasts, eagerly lavishing them with with lustful attention as Sophia's shapely legs wrapped tightly around him.
Their foreheads were pressed together, breaths heavy, sweat building. There was a light sheen of perspiration on both of them. His hands held her ass, firm and round and her eyes did all the pleading her moans weren't already doing. The sparkle behind them screamed “FUCK ME!” where her controlled moans could not.
“My desk.” Sophia said, her husky voice somewhere between a moan and whisper. “Bend me over...fuck me...fuck me...”
Peter moved Sophia to her desk. He pulled out of her and bent her over, smacking that firm ass before grabbing her hips and thrusting right back in.
“Oh fuuuuuck.” She growled. His hand on her hips, he drove into her. “Mmm...mmm give to me hard Petey....just like that...fuck me...fuck me cause it's the last time baby...make it worth it honey...uhhh yesssss...”
The sounds of slapping flesh increased it's pace. Peter's grip was firm, tight, but somehow a little tender. He wanted, her, needed her in that moment and she loved it. With one thrust he slammed all the way and paused, savoring the feeling of her cunt while Sophia ground against him, working her hips.
Peter pressed Sophia forward so she was laying flat against her desk, him directly on top of her as he pumped her. His hot breath was in her ear,every moan, every grunt, all filled with pleasure and all going directly in her ear. She loved it. Best part of the job.
The desk scooted a bit with every thrust, and the thrusts themselves were getting harder, fast more insistent. And Sophia wanted on changed, both minor and major. It was, after all, their last time.
“Ass,” she said in gulp for air. “Fuck my ass.”
“You sure?”
“Mm hhm...big time. Gotta give you a grand finale...something to remember me by.”
“Oh trust me I am never forgetting you Soph,” Peter said, kissing her neck.
“Mmm I appreciate the sentiment but I kinda want that cock up my ass, sweetie.” She moved her lips to his, giving him a quick kiss before he stood up behind her, giving Sophia's pussy a few more pumps before pulling out.
Sophia braced herself against the desk as Peter's cock entered her asshole. “Ooooohhh that's fucking tight,” she hissed. “Oh don't worry I fucking love it just take it slow at first, okay?”
“No prob, Soph,” he said. His hands ran over her ass, taking a grip of her once again as he slowly fucked her ass. The moans lowered to a near whispers, Sophia's mouth open in a silent “O” shape as Peter worked more and more of his cock up her ass, inch by tantalizing inch.
Soon, he was balls deep up her ass, and then when the pace began to pick up.
“Yeah...oh yeah fuck it...fuck my...oh Peter...fuck it...fuck my ass....just...like...THAT!” He wrapped his arms around Sophia, pulling her up, her back to his chest and drove into her, hard and fast, both right on that edge. His hand feverishly worked her clit. They were both ready to blow, ready to cum. It was a race Peter was going to win.
Oh fuck...oh Sophia...gonna cum...gonna fucking cum!”
“Mouth! Cum in my mouth!” In a flash he was out of Sophia's ass and in her mouth, the lustful professor sucking hard and fast until her mouth was full of cum, Peter freeze in place as pleasure raced through his body cum filled Sophia's mouth.
Before either could bask in any kind of afterglow, Peter whisked Sophia onto her desk and plunged his fingers into her soaking snatch.
“Cum Sophia...cum on...cum for me,” Peter said as he fingers her, sloshing sounds filling the room as Sophia writhed and moaned. She hadn't swallowed all of his cum, and some had leaked out of her mouth as she began to moan.
Sophia shut her mouth tight, stifling what would have been a glass shattering scream of pleasure as she came hard, shaking. When she finally started to come down, she laid back flat on her desk while Peter took a seat once more. They were totally spent, and that's putting it lightly.
“So,” peter said. “Thursday, your place around 2:00.”
“Uh huh.” Sophia replied, somewhat in a daze. “Perfect girl. She'll help you, guaranteed. Though that one won't be on the house.”
“Gotcha. Also, I hate to fuck and run, but I should probably shower before I go meet Hailee for lunch.”
“Yeah...probably should. I'm just gonna...gonna relax....maybe nap for the rest of the week.”
While class is where Karlie Kloss should have been, her destination ended up being some place quite different, and the person she was seeing would have been a surprise to her entire sorority.
“Well, I'd like to say I was surprised to get your call,” Kate Perry said, grinning from ear to ear. “But we hear at Kappa Alpha are always friendly to a woman scorned. I am correct in that regard, right? You've finally had enough of Taylor's brand of shit? Understandable. I'm glad to see you've seen the light, and came to me personally. In my bedroom no less.”
“Look, no games,” Karlie said. “I came here to give you a heads up.”
“About what? Taylor letting McKracken fuck her again? Up the ass to screw me out of my party? Something along those lines?” Katy smiled, sipping her seltzer, the bubbles fizzing around the lone maraschino cherry in the glass.
Karlie was speechless, frozen in place. Her entire pitch had been ripped from under her. “How...how?”
“Norm, be a dear and step out,” Katy said. From the connecting room, Norm Dillon entered, holding a baby blue teddy bear in his hand. “Taylor isn't the only one who employs our boy here. I just...pay better.”
“Indeed she does,” Norm grinned. “Speaking of payment, this bear spy cam is still on the fritz. Might need to replace the camera. I'll go by my workshop, see if I have something doable. If not, gonna be a week before I get anything in to fix it.”
“No problem. Just leave it here and come back when you can. Ms. Kloss and I have some...private business to attend to.”
“You got it, Katy.”  Norm left the two alone, giving Karlie a wink as he left.
“Now, we can talk a bit more...friendly. Come closer, Karlie.”
The statuesque blonde walked towards Katy. Katy got up from her seat as well. The two met. Karlie was unsure of what to do next, but there was a heavy sexual tension in the room, far too strong to cut. Instead, Katy did what she'd been planning on doing, she went along with it.
The raven-haired sorority queen pulled Karlie to her for a kiss, deep and raw. Karlie returned the affection, wrapping her arms around Katy. She'd always found her hot, but with the way Taylor had been acting lately, this kind of affection sparked kindling that had long been building.
Karlie wasted no time in freeing Katy's large tits. Male, female, it didn't matter, everyone Katy had ever been with had need to suck her amazing breasts, and Katy took no issue with that.
As Karlie voraciously went at Katy's tits, the two fell down onto Katy's bed, all in full view of the bear spy cam. The broken one...that wasn't so broken after all...
After a quick shower Peter rushed over to the dining commons to meet with Hailee. He wasn't going to be late by any means, but he didn't want to remotely take a single chance, not with things being the way they were currently. Things weren't bad but they cold always get worse.
Peter didn't have look too long to look for her. Hailee had taken a seat near the entrance.  She was sitting with a blonde woman Peter didn't recognize.
After a quick run through to get the food necessities such as pizza, fries, and of course nachos, Peter made his way to Hailee, sitting right across from her.
“Hey there beautiful,” he said, getting a big smile from her despite their earlier conversation. “And...beautiful's friend.”
“Hi.” replied Hailee. She was happy to see him, despite the uncertainty she still felt. “And this is my friend Elizabeth Olsen.”

“Nice to meet you,” Elizabeth said. “Hailee said a lot about you. Most of it good, so don't worry.”
“Well, that's...kind of a relief,” Peter said.  “So...what do you study?”
“Psychiatry.” she replied. “Studying to be a therapist. Every day is a new experience, so many interesting cases, both in text and in real life. Fascinating. Simply fascinating. I have some of my own ideas I'd like to test out as well.”
“What would those be?”
“I'd rather not say right now,” Elizabeth said. “Still in the planning phases. I'm not even remotely close to a degree. All I have right now is studying and my job, which also includes a chance to check people out in a unique way.”
“You got a job?” Hailee asked. “When?”
“A couple weeks into the semester. Kind of a therapist actually,” Lizzie said with a smile. “A massage therapist.  You'd be surprised what people will talk about when completely relaxed. Kind of a preview of full on mental therapy.”
“You never meet any creeps?”
“No, not really. My boss has a good screening system, so no scum balls..” A text message alert rung out and Elizabeth went for her phone. “It's my boss, give me a second.”
While Elizabeth got up and checked her messages, Hailee and Peter's attentions returned to each other.
“So, ready for the shoot this weekend? He asked,a tiny bit on the nervous side.
“Completely. “ Hailee replied. “I know When harry Met Sally like the back of my hand. I am beyond prepared, regardless of what happens between, well, you know.”
“I meant what I said.” She looked at him, her face was serious, the smile fading momentarily. “You need to get your head together. Really think about us.” She smiled softly at the last word. “I'm not saying no. I don't want to. But if I'm unsure I don't want to double on this. I need to know you're serious, okay?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
“Hey, it's not so bad,” she said, grabbing his hand and holding it. “If I was mad or didn't want something with you, I wouldn't have still wanted to eat with you. I don't want to not be around you. I like you, a lot. And I know this will turn out all right.”
Before Peter could say anything else, Elizabeth returned, a grin on her face.
“What's with the smile?” Hailee asked.
“Well, my boss hooked me up with a sweet last minute sessions. An intriguing one too. Really looking forward to it actually.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:29:23 PM

“Well, it's important to have a job you love,” Peter said. “Especially a college one.”
“You have NO idea,' Elizabeth said. “So, what's the movie you guys are doing a scene from?”
“FUCK ME!” Bella screamed, her voice raspy, lustful, and desperate for release. Paul was ramming her ass, every inch of his cock sawing in and out of the backdoor entrance.
Her arms were bend her back, being held there by Paul's strong hand. The sex was raw, rough, dirty and just how Bella loved it. She hadn't had a free fuck like this in a while. Her customers could get dirty, but there was always that edge when she discovered someone who could get like that for free. The last one had been Reggie, but in the end even he couldn't keep up...and he was a scuz ball.
“Yeah...take this fucking cock...fucking whore...”, growled Paul. Bella's arms were behind her back, being held I place by Paul's hands. If believed in such a thing as a perfect match, he I might have to say Bella was his. A fierce, perhaps even dangerous business, woman and a total sexual freak to whom the idea of sexual monogamy was as ludicrous as taking a bath with a toaster. The closet he could think was “upgrade” when compared to his ex,Peyton. Sure, she was a fantastic fuck, but she didn't give up the ass like Bella....and she wasn't nearly as depraved.
“Yeah fucking take this whore's ass...mmmm fuck it..fuck it ...huh...can your cock take it? You slowing down because you can't fucking take it?” Bella smiled as she teased. She knew he'd fuck her harder...rougher. It was a contract between them. The mment his dick entered her, that was the signature. “UNG! FUCK!” Bella's head was yanked back, her arms now free but her red hair being wrapped around Paul's hand and being pulled back. He knew her so well.
“Yeah you fucking need this dick, huh?” Paul asked, his voice a whisper in Bella's ear, tugging a bit more on her hair urging her to answer.
“Oh fuck yes I do...” She hissed. “But you admit something now...you fucking need this ass...my cunt...you flat out need me...you're addicted to this fucking slut and her holes!” Bella squeezed her ass tight on Paul's cock and began to grind against him, almost making him melt into a quivering pile, but her held on long enough to give her what she asked for.
“Oh fuck yes I fucking need it.” Paul pulled Bella's head back again, roughly kissing her as he slammed harder and harder into her. They both knew what was coming, but Bella wanted a little bit more...a little garnish for the sexual dish.

“You're gonna cum huh? Fucking right..., fucking dirty pervert...gonna shoot right in my slutty asshole...but I need something...I need something BAD first...I want to suck your cock again...taste my ass on it...taste fucking dirty whore ass on your cock!”

“Oh what whore wants whore gets!” he yelled. Paul yanked out of Bella's ass and the horny little tarts dashed to her knees, happily taking his cock fresh from her ass right into her mouth.
A lot of girls hated ass to mouth. Hell, Bella knew a lot of girls hated blowjobs and anal. Bella was not one of those women. She loved it all. Sex was her passion. Her job. Her career. And she loved every second of it, the dirtier the better. It made her cum, and cum hard. And the guys tended to like too. They knew it was real, regardless of her being paid or not.
Paul and Bella moaned in unison, though Bella's was muffled by a mouthful of cock. He held her head in place as he fucked her mouth, Bella frigging her pussy furiously, every thrust in her mouth making her feel dirtier and more turned on. However...her ass was feeling a little empty. She just couldn't have that.
Bella pulled back. Her hand went to Paul's cock, jacking it, not letting him go a second without stimulation. “Back to my ass...fuck it...cum in my ass...fucking cum in my ass until you don't have a single fucking drop left. Understand? Every. Last. Drop!”
“You got it.”
“Good.” Bella gave Paul a smirk. She gave his cock a long lick before getting back on all fours, her hands gripped in the couch arm while Paul got behind her once more and quickly filling her well fucked ass with his dick. It was the home stretch, no turning back.
The room echoed with moans of filthy decadence and slapping flesh. Grunts and filthy words of encouragement flooded out of both their mouths as they rocketed closer and closer to their orgasms. As Paul's cock ravaged Bella's ass her hand was between her legs, working her pussy, increasing her stimulation until she couldn't take it anymore. However, Paul crossed that finish line first. She couldn't blame him. With a loud slap on her ass Paul shot into Bella's ass, the slutty master madame loving the sensation of cum being fired up her rectum. She loved it so much she came soon after, her asshole clamping tightly on his cock, straining a few more shots.
Both totally spent, they both collapsed on the couch, Bella resting comfortable in Paul's arm. It was shockingly romantic for both of them, but neither took too much notice of it. It was what it was.
“You wanna grab that blunt over there?” Bella asked. Paul reached over and grabbed the blunt. He took the lighter right next to it on the table and lit it before handing it over. “Such a gentleman. Explains why you're such a great, nasty fuck.” Bella smiled before taking a deep drag on the weed.
“Can I ask you question?” Paul asked. “Somethings been on my mind.”
“Paul, you've been balls deep up my ass and shared the real estate, you don't really have a question that could offend me.”
“Why do you this whole thing? Not that I mind or judge. Frankly I think it's awesome. Proud to be a part of it. But...you're smart enough to do something legit.”
“This is legit.” Bella replied. “As long as I pay my taxes they don't really give a shit. That and giving law enforcement a nice 'look the other way' incentive with premium pussy at discount prices. And thanks to you and your music connection giving all those rock stars and rappers no frills, no problems college girl pussy for that premium price, I'm making more than before.” She took a long drag on the blunt then handed off to Paul, who took one as well. “As to why I do it? Because I can. I'm good at it. The moment I realized in high school I could get what I want with my body, I saw no issue in doing it. Started out with fucking for better grades. Not As or anything. That would have been dumb. But if I had a C- and I wanted a C+ or B-, then it was time for fun. And not all my classes, just stupid shit like English and stuff. Math? I excelled. Still fucked those teachers though, but at that point it was for money. Which was still fun.”
Bella smiled wide, some smoked leaking from her mouth. “Hell, I already had my college business before I applied here. It's good to have a healthy base of growth for any business. And professors, students...so many under a lot of pressure, so many lonely and they just need that nice, good nonjudgmental orgasm. A warm mouth, a tight pussy, a hot ass. And why shouldn't they get it? And without judgement. That's my business. That's what I'm good at.”
“How did Reggie enter the picture? Like me?”
“Hardly. We used to date. My first love. I should have known something was up when he actually got excited at the fact I was hooking. Red flag, right?” She breathed deep, a little wistful, a bit regretful. “It was downhill after that. When I expanded to this campus, he torpedoed it. He tried to start up his own business with my girls. MY girls. None of them went for it though. Came to me. I pay well. I keep secrets well. It's good for business. But not for Reggie. I ended it. Kept him on payroll. He was good at scouting new talent and customers. He still can be. And I don't mind fucking him every now and then. But..that's far less now.” Bella crawled over to Paul, a sweetly sinister smile on her face. “Is that why you asked? Wanted to know where I stand?”
“Maybe. I have to admit, was curious where Reggie stood on all this. Haven't seen him since we all had that little party.”
“Oh he probably found some dumb co-ed with a bad boy fetish,” Bella said with a laugh. “You boys and your hobbies. I wouldn't worry about it him though, not where we're concerned.”
“And what exactly are we?” Bella crawled closer, her face inches from his. She extended her tongue and licked his lips.
“Exactly what I want us to be baby,” She said. “Business partners. Close business partners. With an option for more. ON my terms. Any questions?”
“None at all.”
“Good,” Bella said. “Because if we aren't fucking I need to head to class. I try to not fuck my way into passing those classes since I'm actually good in them. Get dressed, we're leaving, and lunch is on you.”
“Is it now?”
“Sweetie you may not have paid cash but you got in my ass. That's going to cost you a Denver omelette.”
“Ready for the match tomorrow? Jose asked. “This might be the first time you actually cut a promo that doesn't just equate to HULK SMASH but all demonic and without my amazing charm.”
“I am so glad at least for our working ours you have to act like your jaw is wired shut,” said Jake. “Utter paradise.” He, Jose and Alison were sitting in the student union food court, picking at a lunch of mall-quality Chinese take out and discussing the match
“If only it was a shoot.” Alison said wishfully. “Only in dreams.”
“Laugh it up now, but when I decide to go all dark and gothic like Crow Sting, you guys will be wishing for my killer one liners that would even make The Rock jealous.”
“Yeah, well keep that wit to yourself, Jake's dream girl is incoming.” Said Alison. “And just remember, you get the urge to open your mouth, just repeat one name to yourself; Ellsworth.”
“Hey, I'm not gonna say anything. This is totally his deal to screw up.” Jose slapped Jake on the back. “Go get her buddy. This time without the mask.”
“Thanks.” Jake sarcastically replied. “Alison, if it even looks like he might be thinking about opening his mouth to do anything but breath, please cover his mouth with extreme prejudice.”
“With pleasure. Now go for it, dummy.”
On the other side of all this Lili approached him with a smile and confident front, but butterflies were slim dancing in her stomach. Camila and Madelaine were with her as back up, though only one of them had any clue what had been going on.
“I hate to ditch you on this very special morning Lils.” Said Madelaine. “But I honestly have no clue why you need me and Camila here to help you ask a guy out like this is some episode of Saved by the Bell.”
“It's moral support Maddie.” Cami replied. “And entertainment to watch her sputter and get tongue tied like a middle schooler at her first dance.”
“You're really bad at moral support Cami,” Lili said.
“I do try.”
“Be nice, or I'll send you over to talk to Jose to keep him busy.”
“Yeah, well....look I don't even like him okay?? I didn't even know it was him I was making out with! And yes, from what I felt through the spandex he was packing but...well...I don't like him he's annoying!”
After an awkward moment of silence, Madelaine said, “Well, after even more awkward shit I'm clueless on the context of, I'm gonna go to the bulletin board post these flyers for Knockers. Lils, best of luck, let me know how it goes. Cami....calm down and just fuck the guy and get it over with. You only get like this when you really want to get someone in bed.”
Maddie waved goodbye to a Lili barely able to contain her laughter and a very flustered and exasperated Camila, her face now beet red.
“She's right. You so wanna bang him.”
“Shut up Lils.”
“If you two fucked would it be yappy doggy style?” Lili asked.
“Oh I'm gonna get you. And it's gonna be good, like you'll cry and shit. But for right now, go get your big hunk of sexy guy who's nice and stuff....that was meant as an insult. And a GOOD one.”
“Thanks.” Lili took a deep breath and walked towards Jake. They met at a halfway point He pulled out a chair for her at a nearby table and they both took a seat.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” she replied.
“Look, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry if I was too forward. It just felt like the right moment and..”
“It was.” she replied. “It was the perfect moment. Don't apologize. Don't even think it. Jake...I've been in a weird place this semester. Hell maybe last semester. I didn't even really notice you. I don't know what I was thinking of. Head in the clouds and the books and not enough time here on Earth. And this time...something a bit more...exotic? I guess that could be the word. But...Spending time with you now feels...different. And it's a good different.”
“Yeah, very good different.” He added. “So...you're saying what I think you're saying, right?”
“If you think I'm saying I want to see a lot more of you in a very non-tutor setting, then yes. Spot on. I really want date number two. So, how about Thursday. You and me at the Whisky Casket. I figured since the first date was on you, this one's on me. And we continue the tradition of food we're going to need an extra couple hours in the gym to work off and get some of those gut-buster burgers they have there.”
“That's...that's awesome Lils. You sure you don't want to do something a bit more, upscale? Fancy?”
Lili shook her head. “I don't want fancy. I just want you. Thursday works though, right? I know it's the middle of the week and all but it works best for me. I have some school and family stuff to prep for Friday night and Wednesday is...kind of booked. Just need to finish something up. And Saturday...Saturday is an awful long wait.”
“Thursday is perfect. I'm kinda busy tomorrow too, and Saturday is too long to wait.”
“Great,” Lili said, her smile almost as wide as Jake's. “I will see you at the Whisky Casket at seven then mister.”
“Nothing could keep me away.”
“Well, let's keep it that way.” Lili got up and leaned over the table, sealing their discussion with a kiss. “See you then.” She got up and walked a way with a confident spring in her step.
And all the while, Alison, Jose and Cami sat together at the same table and watched.
“Ain't love grand?” Jose said, getting odd looks from both Alison and Camila. “What? I'm being serious. I'm sorry if it came out sarcastic. I'm happy for the big lug. Lili's hot.”
“Ugh, I don't even know why I sat here,” Cami said. “I mean you're okay and all Alison but your bud here is a total creeper.”
“Yeah, and this creeper has a pretty good idea why you sat here. You want me. It's common, but alas, I have to say no as I don't bang evil hell beasts from the planet Bitch.”
“Oh like I would ever even touch you.”
“You kind of already did.”
“You were in a mask! I couldn't recognize your slimy mug. Besides, you're the one who wants me, and it's not like I can blame you but that shit ain't happening. I don't do bestiality, and that includes whatever it is you are.”
“Jesus Christ would you two just fuck and get it over with already?” Alison said. “I have never seen you two together like this, at all, and I already know you two are thinking of about fifteen different ways you could fuck each other right now.”
“Oh HELL no,” Camila said. “Not if he was the last living thing in existence.”
“For once we're in agreement,” Jose said. “Not even if she paid me.”
“Uh huh, whatever.”
Both Jose and Camila tried to protest even more, but were cut off from protesting too much when Jake returned to the table.
“Were you guys actually watching us?”
“Yeah,” Jose said. “With running commentary. I was Lawler. Alison was J.R. And Camila here was that really annoying person they add in for a three man booth.”
“And on that note of bullshit.” Cami said as she got up from her seat. “Good luck, Jake. Lili is nuts about you, you'll do great, don't be nervous and if you break her heart I have no issue killing the shit out of you. Alison, nice speaking with you, you're a doll, we should do lunch sometimes. And Jose....down boy, or you'll get neutered. And if you'll all excuse me, I have to head to work.”
“Thanks Cami, see ya around.” Cami gave both Jake and Alison a smile, and big time scowl for Jose, then turned and left, Jose entranced by Camila's ass as she walked away. And if she'd known, she'd have a big smile herself.
“Dude, just ask her out.” Jake said.
“Cami. She's into you, you're into her.”
“You too???”
“Fucking told you.” Alison said. “You got it bad. The denial of this magnitude is only proof. You two had some heat behind those words but it wasn't angry heat. It was 'fuck me senseless' heat.”
“Oh I don't have to sit here and take this,” Jose said. “Both of you telling me I should hook up with some brunette sex goddess, I don't need this cruelty. I'm going to go do something actual business for us and head to the print shop to pick up those paper masks. Then burn all of the Jake ones in effigy for this egregious offense.”
As Jose stomped off in faux anger and denial, Jake and Alison just looked at each other and laughed.
“You do know of course when they do finally fuck we're probably not going to see either of them for like a week, right?” Alison asked. “You know what that means.”
“Singles run?” Jake answered.
While a lot of the student body and faculty were busy with lunch, Kelly Brook's photography class was just about to end.
“All right class, once again, great work all around,” Kelly said. Her sexy accent meshing wonderfully with her full, curvy body. It had a touch of class to go along with all the filthy thoughts she created. She was a favorite professor among the lads...and more than a few of the ladies. “Most of you are coming along quite nicely, some of you though are slumming in mediocrity but I think we have enough time to pull all of you out of it. And do remember, next week half of you must bring me your portfolios for review for the midterms, then the other half next week. Short of a death in family or hospital stay, there will be no portfolios accepted late. And with that, I'll see you all next week.”
The class gathered up their things and filed out. Kelly had a smile on her face as they left. She generally did. This time though, she was going to fulfill the fantasy that always left her smiling. She looked at two of her her students, the ones she had her eye on the entire semester.
Adam and Tommy weren't necessarily the kind of guys that stood out unless they were someone's type. And as different as they both were; Adam almost being annoyingly proper, never a hair out of place and Tommy being far more of an openly wild man.
Neither were particularly built. They both had auras about them, conflicting ones. They were young, lean, and on two different ends of the spectrum. And Kelly wanted to fuck them both. Prime cougar prey. She was going to eat them alive and they were going to love every moment of it.
“Adam, Thomas, I'd like you two to stay,” Kelly said. “There's a few things I'd like to talk to you both about.” The two photographers looked at each and shrugged. They headed towards Kelly's desk, the two different right down to even how they walked. However, the one thing they had in common was something a lot of people did as well; they simply couldn't stop staring at Kelly's tits. Kelly of course, didn't mind. It turned her on. She was a former pin-up, and the money was only part of it. Hell, she did a little bit on the down low. She loved being an object of lust.
“Now, boys, first let me say there's absolutely no reason to worry.” Said Kelly, the fire inside her already burning wild from their gazes. “Quite the opposite in fact.  Adam, sweet Adam. I love the simplicity of your work. Everything, every single last thing is not just in service to your subject, but it's slave. And doing everything in monotone adds such a nice layer of sexuality with a hint of the sinister.”
“Well, thank you Ms. Brook.” Replied Adam, a happy smirk on his face. “Means a lot.”
“First off, it's Kelly. Secondly, no problem sweetie. Now, you Thomas. You are very wild and shows color, unique subjects, angles rebellion. Lovely, raw and fierce. The other side of perfection.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Thomas replied. “So, what did you need us for exactly?”
“Right to the point,” Kelly said, half-smiling and giving Thomas the eye. “I like that. Very professional. Very...appealing.” She took a quick moment to note both students staring at her tits before speaking. She loved her job. “Did you boys know that before I took this position I had a history as a pin-up?”
“No but I can believe it.” Thomas said.
“Thank you. It's actually how I got this position. Turns out after years of being photographed I know a thing or two about shadow, lights and lenses. I have a good eye, and not just on how to make my tits and ass look positively scrumptious.”
“I don't think you need much help in that arena, Ms. Brook,” said Adam.
“And thank you, Adam. But please, it's Kelly, understood?” He nodded, getting a sweet smile from Kelly. And what was behind that smile Thomas saw immediately, giving him more of an idea of what was going on than his computerate. It was going to be a good day for sure.
“As I was saying, I was indeed a pin-up. And to be honest, using the word was is a bit misleading. I still do a bit of it on the side. Old fans, you know. Nothing big, no magazines. But demand is high enough where I can earn a nice bit of change for a photo set or two a month. Plus prints and posters and such. It's good little...what's the phrase...side hustle? Yes, that's it.”
“And you want us to take some photos for the set,” Thomas said, grinning.
“Precisely.” Replied Kelly, returning that very same grin. “There's enough room for the both of you to set up just how you'd like. Just get your equipment back out, and I'll be right back with my outfits on...and little else. Your payment is dinner on me, credit, my reference which carries a considerable degree of weight, as well as another bonus I'll tell you about later, agreed?”
“Well, I kind of want to know what the other bonus is actuall--”
“Done deal Kelly,” Thomas said. “Trust me boy scout, it'll be good.” He gave Kelly a look that told her everything; he knew what the bonus was, and she gave him a little knowing wink as a response. This was going to be a LOT of fun.
While Kelly took a few minutes to get in costume, the two amateur photographers set up on opposites sides of the classroom/studio. It was minimal, of course, the basics. Neither felt like going all the way until they knew exactly what Kelly was going to be wearing.
Moments later, that question was answered.

Kelly took their breaths away when she walked back in the room. She was decked out in black lingerie, complete with stiletto heels, garter belt and stockings. She also wore a trench-coat. It was open, flowing behind her as she strode into the room.
“All right lads, who's first?” She asked, flooding the room with innuendo.
“I think I'm good to go.” Adam replied. “You've provided me with....quite a lot in the way of inspiration. And I think I have something less intense in mind than Tom.”
"Works for me.” He said, drinking in every single inch of Kelly. “A little extra time to set up after seeing what I'm shooting...well, let's just say you gave me some ideas.”
“All good ones, I hope.”
“Oh, you'll find out.” Kelly pursed her lips at him, rolling her tongue. He was going to be fun.
“All right Adam, how do you want me?” Kelly asked.
“Well..um...huh,” he said, taking a pause while fulling absorbing all the images that Kelly just put in his head. “Okay, well, first, got to that stack of apple boxes. Just stand there, don't sit just yet.”
Kelly did as asked and Adam got behind his camera. “Okay Kelly, I want your back to me. Pop the collar and look over your shoulder. I just want your eyes. And cheat the coat a bit to show just your calves. Tease them a bit. Hit them hard with the eyes.”
Kelly whipped her hair back and popped the collar, her brown eyes giving Adam exactly what he asked for. The coat was cinched up a bit too. Underneath the popped collar Kelly was sporting a wide grin. She knew she had Thomas from the start, but now she knew she had Adam completely.
“Okay, now turn around.” Adam said. “Keep the coat closed...but just barely. More on the bottom than the top. Give me a bit of a naughty look...cheeky. Mind I turn on the fan?”
I thought that's what I was doing,” joked Kelly, making Adam a bit red in the face. “Of course sweetie. Whatever you think is best.”
Kelly got in position and Adam turned on the fan. Her hair began blowing and flowing with the wind, and the coat getting the same treatment. Kelly posed and Adam took his shots. Picture after picture of Kelly seducing him with her eyes.

Next up Kelly was sitting on the crates. The coat was hanging off her shoulders and she was leaning back, the bra strap just barely hanging off. That's when Adam got a bit more bold.
“Kelly, could you pull down the cup of your bra?” He said cotton-mouthed. Just the cup. On the, uh, side the strap is falling off of. And...uncross your legs. If you'd please.”
“Of course.” Kelly slowly pulled the cup down, her large breast spilling out while she opened her legs.
“E-e-excellent. Now, put you arm between your legs a bit. Slowly lean forward as soon as I start shooting again.” Kelly complied again and another round of photos were shot. Kelly was going on instinct, Adam's minimal direction giving her free reign to do everything she could...but not go too far. She didn't want to scare the lad off. He liked the tease, the build up. He gave it all away without realizing it. And the tent he was pitching in his pants also helped.
Kelly was soon laying down, the trench-coat now a makeshift blanket as she posed. The bra was completely off now, as were her panties She was writhing, her back arched. Then she was on her stomach, her ass up in the air. Then to her side, baring it all right in front of Adam.
“I...I think we got it.” He said. He was breathing deep, out of breath. Kelly held in a giggle.
“Well, in that case, I'd say it's Thomas' turn. Are you ready?”
“Definitely.” Thomas replied. Kelly put the lingerie back on, bending over at one point and giving Adam, quite on purpose, a clear view of her bare pussy.
She made her way over to Thomas' side, an array of light gels laid out, ready to be used at Thomas' whim.
“Okay, how do you want me?”
“Well, and not to be crass, drop the bra. Still have it in your hand. I want to start with the coat completely on. Dangle the bra bra from your finger. Maybe bite your lower lips a bit. Naughty, flirty, all that. You know you don't have anything covering your tits, they don't, and you know exactly what they want to see, all on your terms. You the one in control and they love every second of it.”
“Got it. Know exactly what you want.” Kelly replied. Her eyes locked on Thomas, both them knowing what was going to happen. The silent confirmation just made them both want the future to be happening at that moment. Soon her tits were free and both Adam and Thomas were entranced. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, actually,” Thomas said. He gave Kelly a sly smile. “I heard some jingling in that coat. I'm gonna take a leap of faith here and ask, you got handcuffs?”
“Good ear. What would like me to do with them?”
“As you drop the bra, take out the cuffs. Twirl them on your finger. Then back to the camera, slowly drop the coat. Show your bare back. We'll work on it from there.”
The directions were given, and Kelly gladly went along. It was more upfront and in your face than Adam's style, but Thomas kept the tease in tact.
The bra was dropped, the cuffs twirled. As the trench-coat came down, more of Kelly's flesh was unleashed. She turned to her front, her arms covering her bare breasts...and soon the arm dropped and Thomas grinned. He would have licked his chops if he could.
Much sooner than before Kelly was bare to the two men again, and once again, both were more than fine with that. Her skin was bathed in lights. Blue, red, orange, it was all she was wearing save for the stockings and heels.
“We got it?” Kelly asked. At this point she was laying down, her crotch pointed up in the air.
“Oh, we got all of that and more.” Thomas replied. “And I think we might get even more.”
“Oh, you're right about that.” Kelly got to her feet and walked towards Thomas. She signaled for Adam to come over as well.
“What's going on, we both directing another set?”
“No, silly boy. We're talking about payment. IN addition to the lunch and the photo credit.”
“Okay, so what is it?” He was a little nervous, Kelly's nude body completely bared in front of him, her calmness about it turning up his jitters.
“Well, how about this?” Kelly grabbed the straight-laced young man and kissed him, her hand immediately going to his crotch and massaging. 
As Adam was being clued in as to what was going on in the most amazing way possible, Thomas took advantage of the fact he knew from the start. He got behind Kelly, his pants dropped and hard cock out. He grasped Kelly's hips and thrust in, the voluptuous Brit moaning in Adam's mouth.
Kelly bent over, finally freeing Adam's cock with her skilled hands and taking it in her even more skilled mouth. Adam got into it, any trepidation about fucking Kelly alongside another guy her barely knew was gone. Kelly was too hot to honestly care. Her beautiful lips were wrapped around his cock. He reached down and felt her huge tits in his hands, letting out a satisfied moan. The moment was enough to push him a little over where he'd usually be comfortable. He held her hair back, grabbing her head and fucking her face.
Thomas had no issue getting in to the moment. He was already balls deep in Kelly Brook's epic amazing cunt making it loud and clear how much he was enjoying pounding her. Her slapped her full ass, grinning like a half-mad court jester. This was the life.
“Ung...oh...oh fuck yeah,” growled Thomas. “Dirty fucking teacher...fucking your students...mmmm, love a right slut...and you're that, huh Kelly? Just a hot slut with a fine fucking body...ungg, fuck you're made for sex...fucking built for it...shit baby,...”
“Mmm don't stop.” Kelly moaned, taking her mouth from Adam's cock. “Cock...give me your fucking cock and you get my whole body...both of you little fucking perverts get all of me...just do as I say and you get to do as you want...oh fuck...put that fucking cock back in my mouth...”
“Oh my godddd...” Adam yelled. If Kelly's mouth was this close to heaven her pussy simply had to be sinful as Hell. Thomas, seeing the curiosity on Adam's face, and being an all right guy for a pussy hound, decided to share the wealth.
“Get in on this pussy, pal.” He said. “I'll take the mouth.”
“Thanks.” Adam pulled himself from Kelly mouth, the cock hungry professor smiling as a string of saliva connected the head of his prick to her lips. Thomas pulled out too. However, instead of immediately taking Thomas' place, he sat down on one of the apple boxes. “Fucking ride me.”
“Oooh, taking charge.” Kelly teasingly said. “I like it.” She made her way over to Adam, leaning over and kissing his lips. “You want me to ride that cock, right? Take that hard piece of fucking meat inside me and let you take me?”
“Yes...now get on my cock.”
“Mmmm, right away.” Kelly turned her back to Adam and lowered herself down, her eyes shut as his cock took up residence in the prime real estate that was her pussy.
“Yeah...oh yes Adam...fuck it...fuck my cunt baby...ooooooooh fuck....” Adam's hands began at Kelly's hips before moving up her perfectly curvy form to her tits, the classic destination no one could resist on Kelly.
As Adam was in his own private heaven, driving his cock up into Kelly, Thomas decided to get back in the game. He stood on the box as well and stuck his cock into Kelly's eager mouth and began to give her a good face-fucking.
“OH fucking Hell...taste your fucking pussy Kelly...right..right on my cock...oh...oh...fuck yes Kelly....”
A cock fucking her pussy and the other fucking her mouth...her tits being groped by two pairs of hands...not much more could improve the moment for Kelly Brook. And those things that could, well, she was more than willing to put in motion.
Of course, Kelly wasn't the only ones with such carnally fulfilling plans. Thomas, as any sane man in the same position would, could take his eyes of Kelly's tits as she sucked him off. And feeling them with his hands was quickly getting to not be enough.
“Gotta fuck those titties,” he growled, yanking his cock from Kelly's mouth. Her got in position, quite a feat considering the limited room the little platform provided. However, when the opportunity comes to fuck a pair of tits like Kelly Brook's, a way will be found.
“Yeah...you filthy perv, fuck my tits...so big, you can't help it, can you?” Kelly grinned, her tongue just barely curling up between her teeth. Thomas slapped his dick on her tits a few time before sliding in between the amazing mounds of flesh.
Kelly looked up at him with a cocky snare, her face almost daring him to go as fast as he could and not cum right in between her tits. She knew it's be a fun challenge. With every thrust she licked the tips of his cock, and everything was almost double time with added motions coming from Adam's furious fucking.
“Fuck man, you got get some of these tits,” Thomas said. “Too fucking good to pass up.”
“Mmm, yes Adam...I love how that cock feels in my pussy but it would almost cruel to have you miss out on all the fun.”
“Ung...oh..oh...fuck...on your knees Kelly...” Adam groaned, his eyes shut tight. Kelly  went right from his cock to her knees and her boy toys took position right in front of her. Thomas went right back in her mouth, giving Adam the perfect opening to go for Kelly's tits.
“Oooh, how's that feel baby?” Kelly asked, jacking Thomas' cock. She loved giving head, but loved urging her partners on as much as she could. Words were jut as much a party of the party as anything else.
“Oh shit so good...fuck this is amazing...holy shit...”
“Right answer,” Kelly grinned before her mouth was once more filled with cock. The two took turns on her mouth. One in her mouth, the other between her tits, Of course, sometimes her mouth was filled with both. What Kelly wants, Kelly gets.
But now, Thomas wanted something a bit more...fun. Of course it fit right in with what Kelly wanted. He brought Kelly up, a lustful little laugh escaping her mouth. Her brought her over to her desk and bent her over. He motioned for Adam to get in front of her while Thomas got in position behind her, his anticipation matching Kelly's own.
“You know what I want, don't you?” Thomas asked her, slapping his cock on her ass.
“Mmm hmmm.” She purred. She looked back at him over her shoulder, licking her lips. “So stop talking and just fuck my ass.”
Adam's jaw dropped at hearing Kelly says that, but any shock he felt was soon placed with the familiar, wonderful sensation of her mouth on his cock.
Thomas placed his hand on the small of Kelly's back and grabbed his cock. He pressed it against her backdoor, and with a slight amount of resistance, he was in. Kelly was very, very experienced in anal sex. Fortunately, she was also nice and tight. The best of both worlds.
Adam felt a delightful shiver of pleasure run up his spine as Kelly moaned over his cock as her asshole was filled up with Thomas'. Everything about the scene was getting to be a bit much. He had to back out or Kelly was going to be swallowing his cum a lot sooner than he wanted.  After all, if her ass was now part of the equation he definitely wanted in.
He pulled out of Kelly's mouth and stood back and watched, lightly jacking his cock as Thomas fucked Kelly up her ass. Her brown eyes stared at him, her face forming in a seductive, devilish open-mouthed grin.
“Yeah...yeah Thomas..fuck my ass...ngg....harder...harder baby...oh...oh fuck...”Kelly moaned and whined, her eyes pleading to Adam as her voiced pleaded to Thomas. She wanted him drunk on her lust.
“Oh you're such a hot slut, huh?” Thomas asked, slapping Kelly's ass hard. “That's what you are, isn't it? Taking it right in your fucking ass....gonna take his cock too, aren't you? Fuck...yeah...not quite done with you myself...”
Thomas pulled Kelly up, grabbing her tits again and putting his lips to her ear. “Say it...say what you are and what you fucking want.”
“I'm...ung...I'm a slut!” Kelly cried out in erotic joy. Thomas increased his pace In her ass, her moans erratic, like she was on a very, very bumpy ride. “I'm a slut who wants cock...your cock...his...and fuck I want them both inside me...right now...fuck I need them both in me right now!”
“You hear that?” Thomas asked Adam, slowing his thrusts into Kelly, swiveling his hips. “She wants both of us in her....I think we can handle that.” He pressed Kelly back down on the desk and built his speed up again, savoring every single moment of it before he pulled out for the next level.
Adam stared on, stroking himself as Kelly burned a sensual hole through him, her eyes screaming with lust to match her moans as Thomas rammed her.
“Oh...oh fuck...bet your want this ass, huh Adam?” Kelly teased. “Mmm I want it too...you want it? Want it now?”
“Yes.” he replied. “Fuck yes.”
“Cool by me...just...a few more...” Thomas growled. Her grabbed Kelly's hips hard and fucked for all he was worth before pulling out. He laid on the floor and Kelly walked over, sinking down on his cock. “Fuck this pussy is just as perfect as your ass Kelly...so fucking hot...hot whore, aren't you you?”
Kelly leaned down and kissing him forcefully, biting his lower lip as it broke. “Only the highest class of dirty whore, luv.” He looked over to Adam and waved him over. “I hope you weren't all talk. Fuck my ass. I want you lads to fill me up completely...now.”
Adam snickered and made his way over to Kelly, who was already riding on Thomas. He knelt behind he and Kelly stayed still as he entered her backside.
“Ohhhhhhh fuck YESSSS!” Kelly screamed. “Oh fuck that's it lads...or now fuck me...fucking use me! FUCK!” A handful of ass-cheek in each hand, Adam grasped Kelly's wonderful rump and began to thrust. He kissed and lightly bit her shoulder as Thomas fucked her pussy and sucked her massive tits. The trio were utterly in heaven, Kelly loving being sandwiched between her two lovers.
Adam sped up, growling and groaning like a sex-crazed demon as he ravaged Kelly's ass. Thomas filling up her pussy was making things even tighter. It was amazing. Perfect for all...and it was beginning to take it's toll.
Thomas moved his hand to Kelly's pussy, working her clit and as she was fucked, making the buxom British bombshell shiver and moan even louder. He buried his face in her massive cleavage.
“Oh...mmm you boys are doing so good...gonna make me cum...just a little more...little bit more...”
“Yeah...nng...I got an idea about a little more..” Adam said while balls deep in Kelly's ass. “If you're up for it...”
“Mmmm, I'm up for it all baby.” replied Kelly. She kissed Adam, her tongue snaking out before their lips met.
“Wonderful,” said Adam. He pulled out of his ass and breathed deep. There was a world of difference between Kelly saying she would be up for anything and her actually being there. But...she DID give him the green light.
He aimed his cock for Kelly's already occupied pussy and pressed his dick right at the crowded entrance, ready to push forward.
“Ooooh, very interesting choice Adam,” Kelly said with a grin. She turned to Thomas, her face one of pure lust. “You cool with this?”
“No problem here teach,” Thomas said.
“Well I'd say that's a green light, Adam. Now..FUCK. ME.”
With the green light of go given, Adam pressed forward and Kelly's pussy was filled to the brim. She shuddered and released a low, guttural moan. Rarely had she been s filled...and she loved it. She'd have to do it again sometime much sooner.
“Oh SHIT that's so fucking tight!” squealed Kelly. “Oh fuck...oh yes...keep fucking me..so close...keep going!”
The men rammed their cocks inside Kelly, faster and faster, her moans and gasps laced with a fire that could melt concrete. Adam massaged and rubbed her ass as he thrust, pop his thumb in her well fucked ass while Thomas continued exploring her delicious tits. None of them wanted the pleasure to end. But then reality had to rear its head.
“FUCKING BLOODY HELL, I'M CUMMING!!!” Kelly screamed out, her cunt clamping down and convulsing on Adam and Thomas. The hottest fuck of their young and virile college age was close to being over.
“Fuck, gonna cum too.” Thomas yelled.
“Me too!” yelped Adam. He pull out and Kelly got to her knees once more. The men were pumping fast and hard, moaning and aiming towards her gorgeous face, soaked with sweat, her mouth open and tongue out.
Soon she was coated in cum, the hot semen coating her face and dripping to her tits.
“Mmm fuck yes...fucking cover me lads...just..oh fuck just like that...good boys...” She reached out and rubbed their legs as their cumming slowed to a dribble. With a happy smiles, Kelly cleaned off both men and gave them a incredible post sex show of cleaning up and swallowing all the cum from her body.
“So...how about that lunch?” Kelly asked with a grin.
While some were eating lunch as well as other fun activities, Madelaine found herself hanging “Help Wanted” flyers around the school for Knocker's, the restaurant she worked it. It was like a low rent Hooters, but their specialty, aside from showing off the female form, was burgers. They even had a really good Vegan burger, Madelaine had to admit. It wasn't the ideal job but she made enough to live and her manager was paying her two hours worth of over time to put the flyers all over the school.
Her focus however wasn't totally on her work. All she was doing was pinning up flyers, but still, she couldn't stop thinking about Jared. Though she'd never, ever admit it to anyone, especially Cami or Lili, the guy had gotten under her skin in a good way. She was, to her endless surprise, actually looking forward to their cooking date...and Madelaine herself was the ONLY person she'd ever let know she was thinking of it as a date. Cami would never let her hear the end of it.
While Madelaine was musing about her near future and posting flyers in the Arts building, Peyton and Jesse were exiting the building's small library.
“Risky Business.” Peyton said. “I can't believe we're actually doing a scene from that movie. The SUBWAY scene no less!”
“What, you nervous?” Jesse asked. “I mean yeah, it's an intimate scene but the professors kind of set all the directors up for it with how they deemed the Basic Instinct guy for going too soft, not taking the same risk the actor was willing too...that Gillies girl kinda raised the bar while her group lowered it.”
“Yeah. I mean I don't know if I'm nervous, or THAT nervous. I mean, it's not like I'm working with a stranger in the scene.” She gave him a sweet smile, the kind a guy could get addicted to, as Jesse surely was. Peyton and Jesse had been spending a lot of time together since Halloween, much like Jesse and Demi had been. Though unlike with Demi, Jesse and Peyton spent all the time just talking instead of the constant stream of sex. Not that he was complaining about either situation.
“Yeah, that is a pretty nice perk. On to a different subject, how are you doing since Halloween? Paul try and talk to you at all?”
“Oh thank God no,” Peyton said. “He got what he wanted and ran. The only thing I think he's disappointed in was he didn't get my ass, honestly.”
“Wow, okay,” Jesse laughed.
“What? Did you have hearts in my eyes thinking I was as pure as the driven snow?” Peyton grinned, laughing right along with him. “Ruin the fantasy?”
“Not at all Pey. Just didn't expect such...bluntness. Especially in public hallway.”
“I..I don't really care, you know? I mean it's not like it's a lie. We had sex. He conned me and I gave it up. It happened, I hated him for it, now I've moved on. I mean, I barely knew him, honestly. Just got swept off my feet by a pick up artist. I should have gone with what I usually do.”
“What's that?” he asked.
“Gone with the first really cute guy I saw.” replied Peyton with a wink. “It really doesn't bother you knowing Paul and I screwed around?”
“Nope. Makes you a lot more appealing you saw through him, actually.”
“Oh really?” Peyton moved right in front of Jesse stopping him. “Then what's it finally going to take for you to make your move? I mean, you pretty much told me last week you and Demi aren't dating, you're fucking. So that means, your dance card is fre. So...wanna dance?”
“Oh, I do. Big time. I just should talk to Demi first, just to sort it all out.”
“That's cool. Totally understand. But just so you know I'm serious...” Peyton's face moved to his, their lips pressing together in a heated kiss. “I'm done with the bad boy bullshit...except of course in the bed room. Victoria speaks real highly of you.”
“Well, I hope I don't disappoint.”
“You haven't so far.”
“Well, there's still an issue,” said Jesse. “I kind of need a place to stay and my income situation is kinda non-existent.”
“Here,” Madelaine interjected, getting in between Jesse and Peyton. He handed them both one of her flyers. “I couldn't help but over hear literally everything you said. Because you were right behind me. Knockers is looking for waitresses and bussers. Blonde girl, you'd be a great waitress. You have the assets they want. And they can always use more bussers. And you'll both make bank. Young or old, men get weakened by chicken wings, tits and ass and your wallet will reap the benefits.”
“Um...thanks...” Jesse said, trailing off as he did not know this red head's name at all.
“Madelaine. Mention it when you get interviewed, I'll get a kick back. Do that and you're bussing with me the first night, I'll pay you out big time. And you? I think you'll do just fine on your own, blondie. Still, mention my name. Have a nice day. Hope you enjoy all the sex and stuff.”
Peyton and Jesse were silent, amused and confused as Madelaine walked away.
“Knockers?” Jesse asked. “I don't know if I have the ass for that.”
Peyton laughed, returning to Jesse's side. “I'm pretty sure I do though. And if the money is as good as that girl said, you'll be making some decent cash too. Enough for maybe a studio apartment...” She pulled him close, resting her head on his shoulder. “Not too small, but just big enough for romantic dinners for two and all the really fun stuff we do after.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Things had been going good for Jose. Threesome with two of the hottest women he'd ever come across(in both meanings of the word), his tag partner finally had his head clear again, and his business partners had FINALLY listened to one of his insane money making merch ideas that probably wouldn't work. Accomplishment felt good.
That merch idea was why he was heading to the campus print shop. The paper masks were all done, stapled to the sticks and all. Now it was pick up time and the money was sure to roll in. After all, wrestling fans have bought much, much dumber stuff. Jose himself had a case of unused WCW Nitro cologne.
And yet those good feelings sank, or that's what he told himself, the moment he saw the lone clerk at the print shop, Camila Mendes. And from the look on her face, the projected feeling was mutual.

“Well, there goes my mood.” She said. “What do you want?”
“I'm here to pick up an order, sunshine.” replied Jose, desperately trying to heap as much annoyance on his voice as he could.
“Okay. Obviously it can't be anything with word, as I doubt you can go above grade four in reading...” Camila got up, waving him over to follow her. “There was a leak or a pipe burst or something. Before I clocked in. Nothing was damaged but for safety everything ready for pick up got moved to storage. That's where your crap is.
“It's NOT crap.”
“Is it yours?”
“Case closed,” said Cami, her smile sarcastic...certainly not genuine on any level...certainly not. She kept telling herself so it HAD to be true.
The walk wasn't that far, just enough for the two to trade a few more barbs. Camila led Jose in, saying as she opened the door, “Watch the door. The lock's been faulty, it can only be opened from the outside.”
“You should probably get that fixed.”
“Oh gee, Jose, why didn't I think of that?” Camila asked, sarcasm dripping off the words like syrup. “Blame it on maintenance. I've put in a request at least twelve times, and I'm not even the only one.”
“I could probably take a look at it.” he replied.
“Really?” Cami's eyebrow was raised. “You can do something useful?”
“Well, not with that tone,” Jose said with a smirk. “Besides, with the way you were all up on me on Halloween, I think you saw PLENTY of my uses.”
“All right, listen here you annoying little dog...”  Cami rushed over to get face to face with Jose, leaving the door to do the one thing she had warned him against, shutting behind them. The moment they both heard the click, the argument they were about to have stopped on a dime.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Jose yelled.
“Oh shit! Shit shit shit!” Cami added. “Thanks a lot.”
“ME? Oh no, no no no no, this is all on you, honey.”
“You don't call me honey. Secondly, if you hadn't brought up the NIGHTMARE that was Halloween night, I wouldn't have had to get in your stupid face.”
“Oh yeah, it was a real nightmare. Must have been why your tongue was halfway down my throat and you were squeezing on my dong through my costume.”
“First of all, “dong”? Seriously? That's low brow even for you. And second, it's not like you weren't in on the tonsil hockey. And don't forget, I felt your hands too. And from the feel of things your were really wishing for the easy access of a skirt instead of the skintight leather.”
“Fair point,” he admitted. “Though I can't say I hated the black leather at all.”
“Thanks...you weren't so bad either...for what it was.”
“What it was? What's that supposed to mean?”
“Oh my GOD Jose stop taking everything I say as an insult!”
“Then stop insulting me!” The two were face to face, snaring, rage seemingly boiling over.
“You first!”
“Oh I bet you'd LOVE for me to do it first!”
“Yes, I would! But that won't happen because only real men make the first move!”
“That a fact?!?” Jose asked before grabbing Camila and pulling her in for a kiss, an action that was very, very eagerly returned.  Her hand went between them, deftly undoing his pants while Jose reached under her skirt, cupping her round ass before grabbing and pulling down her underwear.
Camila moaned with a smile as she was pinned to the wall, Jose entering her. “Unnnhh fuck yes this is already better than expected,” said Camila. Before Jose could respond she kissed him again. She sucked on his tongue locked her legs around him.
Jose's hands grasped her legs, running up them and back to her ass.  If he wasn't under Camila's spell before, which he was even if he didn't want to acknowledge it, he was now. She was a walking aphrodisiac.
Camila reached behind herself, unzipping her top and tossing it aside. All it took was a look from her seductive brown eyes to his to get the message. For two masters of gab, their nonverbal communication skills with each other were through the roof.
Jose went to her breasts kissing and sucking them in a shockingly loved way considering they were fucking in an office store room. Camila breathed deep, the air hissing between her teeth and his teeth softly,but firmly, bit down on her nipple. Another quick moan escaped her lips as he grabbed her ass and held her, trying to move them to a nearby table.
Yet, as good as Jose was in the wrestling ring, he was still just a lust crazed man in the middle of some frantic, spur of the moment sex with his pants around his ankles. He tripped himself up and fells backwards on a pile of scrap paper.
The two of them laughed a breathless laugh, Camila leaning over to kiss him gently on the lips. “You okay?”
“Yeah, not the worst fall I've ever taken.”
“Good..I only want you to have the bruises I'm gonna give you.” She smiled at him, then moved her lips to his ears. “How about I do all the work for a bit?” Camila grabbed his hands and brought them to her hips, her eyes locked dead on his. “Watch me...watch everything I do...”
Jose's eyes, and everything else at the moment, were Camila's as she rode him, putting on a show of it. She whipped her hair, a look of utter passion on her face.
Every breath was deep, ragged and hungry, the look on her face one of seductive bliss, a smile never far from her lips. She loved what she doing to him. Every moan, every pleading word of “yes”, the way he arched his back and gripped her hips tighter when she ground her hips just right just fueled her own fire more, which in turn, made him go crazier.
Camila grabbed he hands, dragging them up her body. First to her breasts, rubbing and caressing them together before taking one of his fingers into her mouth and sucking.
“Oh holy fuck Cami!” Jose growled. “Fuck that's so hot...holy shit!”
“Mmm...ohhh Jose...you like that? Like watching me fuck you? I love it...I love knowing you're so fucking hot for me...ohhh...ohh it's so hot...fuck I've wanted this since Halloween...”
“Fuck ...oh shit me too...oh I thought you fucking hated me...”
“Fuck I thought you hated me...ohhh fuck right there!” Jose rose up, kissing Camila and pulling her close to him. She cried out as the kiss broke, moaning as he thrust up into her hard and fast before rolling her onto her back.
Jose paused for a moment, being utterly absorbed by how sexy Camila looked in the moment.
“Like the view, baby?” she asked with a n eyebrow cocked. “'Cause it's gonna be ever better when you make me cum...so start fucking me again...come on...fuck me, OHHH YESS!”
Their lips met again as Jose complied with Camila's request. Their moans were music to each other's ears. Camila's arms were wrapped around Jose's body just as tightly as her legs were. He wasn't going anywhere she didn't want him to. She reached down squeezing his ass as he drove into her. Both were going to finish the race, it was just a matter of who passed the line first.
From the look on his face, Camila knew it was going to be Jose. That was fine, she was close as well, they were both coming, ad she didn't mind if it was him first.
“Do it,” she said. “Cum in me Jose...fill me up...oooh baby come I know you need to...
“You sure?”
“Mmm hmm,” she nodded. “Let me feel your cum...please...”
“Ohhhh ungggg fuuuckkk!” he groaned. He moved down and kissed her deeply as he filled her pussy with his seed, his thrusts stopping as he came.
And shortly after the first few streams began to fill her, Cami reached her orgasm as well, reaching her hand to the back of his head making their kiss deeper, more passionate.
He was still inside her as they were both coming down. They looked at each other, forehead to forehead, warm but tired smiles on their faces.
“Wow,” Cami said.
“Same here.” Their lips met again, softly and much more tender. They were in no rush for anyone to unlock the door.
To say Matt Nelson had been having a bad time of things lately would be understating the matter. He once shared his dorm room with his two best friends. Now? He was mostly alone. Paul was busy with business and fucking every girl in sight and Jake had chosen Queen Skank herself, Demi Lovato, over him. And that's the reason he was mad, surely not because Jake was in some kind of relationship, a sexual relationship no less, with an ex Matt still had feelings for. No, that certainly wasn't it. That'd just be silly.
Still, Matt was alone. No friends, and no women. He was angry and restless. He had an urge to cure the blues in a very, very specific way. He reached for his phone and called up Bella.
After a few anxious rings, Bella answered. “Well hey there honey,” she said. “It's been far too long. How are you?”
“A little..um anxious I guess?”
“Ooh...is that code for your cock is hard? Hard for me? You need a nice, slutty pussy to calm you down? Make you feel good?”
“Oh you have no idea, Bella.” he replied. “Really bad few weeks.”
“Oooh, poor baby,” teased Bella. I'll tell you what. I can't personally help you today. I'm booked. But, I always like to give my clients exactly what they want, or the next best thing at the best possible price. So, I'm gonna give you the best deal on my dirtiest girl. I'll let her know up front. Same as our first time, just five hundred bucks and you get everything she has.”
“Okay, I trust you Bella.”
“Smart boy. Her name is Dove. I just sent her your contact info. Do't worry, it's all private. Know one fucks my clients but me and my girls. And it's always fun and yummy. She's going to text you the details of where to meet her. Then you two can get really, really nasty.”
“How nasty?” Matt asked, images of the things he and Bella had done flying through his head, fueling his ideas for what he and this new girl could do.
“Mattie boy, I have trouble keeping up with her.” There was a brief pause as Bella allowed what she just said to sink in. Bella smiled, just imaging her client's face. “I like to give all my girls a good test drive before I let them out. I mean, if I don't have a good time with them I know my clients aren't. It's just good business. And a lot of fun.”
“I can only imagine.” Matt replied with a gulp.
“Oh, you don't need to only imagine. I'm sure at some point we can arrange a little triple the fun. But first...have fun with Dovey. Bye, baby.”
The line went dead and Matt put his phone away. For the first time in a while, he laid back, a big grin on his face. Sure, he was looking forward to fucking. Pure animistic fucking. It wouldn't solve all his problems. But for the moment, in that moment, it would feel amazing. And now, he also had a possible threesome to look forward to.
Sure, it all had to be paid for, but it didn't matter. In Matt's head, he always paid for pussy in some fashion. Money was the least painful way, right now.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:33:03 PM

“So...just to make it clear, wow,” Jose said. He was buckling his pants, giving Camila a shockingly sincere smile, one that was eagerly returned.
“We're in total agreement there.” Camila replied. “Could you toss me my panties? I think they're in the corner right next to the recycling.” Jose tossed them to her, locking eyes with her as she slid them back on.
Once their clothes were in order, the two found themselves in an embrace again, softly, but deeply, kissing each other. “Another round?”
“That sounds great, babe,” Cami said. “But we pushed our luck with no one opening the door on us. At this point, especially after texting my boss, it'd be kind of career suicide to literally be caught with my pants down at work. Still, tempting.”
“Did you just call me babe?” Jose asked. “Not a dog of the yapping kind?”
“Yes, I did.” Camila licked her lips, barely containing a smile. “Look, let's be honest. We're attracted to each other. We like each other a lot. We're the only two people that can verbally keep up with the other. And denying it after this would just be foolish. I'm no fool and despite many of my insults neither are you.”
“Thanks...I think. But yeah, I agree. So...we a thing?”
“A big thing.” She kissed him again, smiles forming on both their lips as it broke. “We're going to be the annoying, lovey dovey couple aren't we?”
“Probably, but we could always throw in a couple of snide comments to make it interesting.”
“I'm gonna hold you to that.” Cami backed away, reluctantly, and looked at her phone. “Boss should be here any minute to let us out....why did we come in here again?”
“I had to pick some stuff up. Water leak, customer stuff in here.”
“Oh yeah...sorry, brain goes a little fritzy after an orgasm. Let's get your stuff.”
The two went to a series of shelves, and right on the top was Jose's box. “Of course they put it on top. Because I'm the only one here not six foot anything.” Cami turned to Jose. “Give me a boost? You get touch my butt again....”
“Griping your ass and getting my stuff? Who could say no to that?” Jose cupped Cami's ass before going to her hips and lifting her up. “Got it?”
“Yeah...nnnh...it's wedged in here really tight..because of course that's what they did...gotta...make everything way too hard!”
“Wow, so they're taking your job?”
“Ha!” she laughed. “Okay, wrap your arms around me, get a good grip. When I tell you, pull, okay?”
“Got it.” he replied. He wrapped his arms tight around her waist, lifting her skirt a bit to kiss her ass, making her gigle a little.
“Okay...I have a grip...on three...”

“You sure about this?” Jose asked. “What if it falls right on you or something?”
“I got this, babe.” Cami replied.  “Now,again, one three....one....two....THREE!” With one hard pull, the box was dislodged...and while things didn't go as Jose feared with an impact on Camila's noggin, the box did fly open, and it's contents got strewn about the room as Camila fell backwards, Jose happily breaking her fall.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure,” she said. She turned over and and looked him over. “What about you? You pretty much got sandwiched between me and the floor, but a lot less hotter than we had first done it.”
“Cami, you're not the heaviest person who's ever fallen on me.”
“Huh? What do you mean by....” Before she could finish her though, Camila noticed what had actually fallen out of the box. She saw the floor littered with paper masks. Very familiar looking masks. She looked at Jose's face then picked one out, placing it over his face. “HOLY SHIT!”

(https://66.media.tumblr.com/1b68606e7e8312e913c4e071515f8aa7/tumblr_pe1jtfSHq51u4epuio1_1280.jpg) (https://66.media.tumblr.com/b5cabe457e306011b1bf4522f8eccdec/tumblr_pgackn9mdx1sltabqo1_1280.png)

“Not too nervous, are you?” Katy asked. She and Karlie when in a restroom, checking themselves out in the mirror before going to Mr. McKracken's office. “Cold feet?”
“Not really.” replied Karlie. “It's just, you really need me to?”
“Sweetie, I know why you're cautious. But I promise you, this is two fold. One, as bad as it may sound, it proves your loyalty to me and that you're done with Ms. Swift. Secondly, I'm pretty sure the two of us together can outdo anything Taylor can do with that Charli girl...what does XCX mean anyway?”
“Some internet thing.” Karlie pursed her lips, colored red, in the mirror and checked her  hair. “Ready or not.”
“Here we come.” Katy grinned and lead Karlie out of the rest room. If there was any trepidation on any of their parts, their confident strides hid it completely. They burst right past McKracken's eternally flustered secretary and right into his office, Karlie closing, and locking the door.
“Um, hello,” he said, raising his gaze up from the stack of papers in front of him. “How can I help you and your friend today, Ms. Perry?”
“Well, as much I as I like a little build up, I think for the sake of all three of us and the fun we could be having, I'll cut to the chase.” Katy walked to his desk and grasped his papers, sorting them and lightly placing hem aside before sitting down. She leaned forward, giving the older man an amazing view at her cleavage. “Karlie and I are going to fuck your brains out. Outdo anything Taylor did or will do to get the on campus approval for her end of semester party. And I do mean anything.”
“Look, Ms. Perry, Katy. Not that I don't really, really appreciate the offer, I have to insist that there's been no such offer from Ms. Swift.”
“So, you're saying you didn't fuck up the ass on your desk and she go the union back for Halloween?” McKracken was silent and Katy smiled at her victory, a smile that grew wider when he gulped. “That's what I thought. But don't worry. I only took it away from her in the first place by letting you jerk off on my tits. She upped the ante by giving up her ass to get it back. Can't argue with results. But I think this time, I can do much...MUCH better.”
Katy got to her feet, Karlie standing by her side. Before McKracken good say anything else, he was silenced by the blonde and brunette dropping their dresses in unison. With two bare naked except for high heels co-eds in front of him, he decided to go with the flow. Like any sane pussy hound would.
“Now, how about you just watch first,” Suggested Katy. “But take your cock out. You can cum if you want. But don't think we'll be done just because you came once.”
The older man moved to the font of his desk, sitting on the edge. His cock was out and in his hand, ready to stroke himself as Katy and Karlie began their show.
The two kissed, deeply and hungrily. There was an element of show to it, to be sure. This was for an audience, after all. But every good show has genuine passiion behind it, and Katy and Karlie were radiating just that.
They pulled each other closer, far to into each other to really pay attention to McKracken's moans and the fap fap fap of his masturbation. Kat thought wasn't as lost as Karlie. With a quick gaze to McKaracken, seeing how totally under their spell he was, Katy slid her hand between Karlie's legs and her fingers entered the leggy blonde's folds.
Karlie moaned loudly into Katy's mouth a sound that only increased Mr. McKracken's lust. “Yeah, just like that,” he said, lechery dripping from every word. “Suck on Katy's tits...kiss those big fucking titties.”
“You heard the man Karlie,” Katy said. “And I also wouldn't mind the gesture.”  Karlie and Katy gazed at each other, eyes of blue fire to eyes of blue fire, burning hot with lust.
“Ooooh Karlie....” Katy moaned as the long legged blonde feasted on her tits. Any thoughts of Taylor were gone from Karlie's mind. She was much to into the moment. Ms. Swift though was still fresh in Katy's mind, and that was a good thing for Ms. Perry. She loved fucking. Men or women, didn't matter. She loved winning. And she loved to take things from Taylor. This little event was a hat trick. Knowing she was hurting Taylor Swift just a little gave things a wonderful extra rush of pleasure.
While the visage of Katy Perry fingering Karlie Kloss while Karlie sucked and kissed Katy's  amazing breasts, McKracken wanted a lot more, and he wasn't remotely afraid to ask for it. Or in this case, demand it.
“Katy, get her on the desk and eat her out,” McKracken said, he hopped off the desk and moved back behind it. “Do it.....eat her pussy.”
“I love the way you think.” Katy removed her fingers, licking them clean, then motioned to Karlie. “You heard the man, lay down on that desk.”
Karlie smiled and nodded, all too eager to please in the moment. She reclined on the desk, her elbows propping her up just a bit. Her long legs were open, an enticing invite to Katy.
The curvy brunette got to her knees and waited no t a single second more than she needed to dive in.
“Oooh oh oh Katy...oh yes...” Karlie moaned. “Oooh..oooohhhhh”
If Katy's mouth wasn't already busy orally pleasing Karlie, she'd be grinning from ear to ear. Fortunately her eyes told the tale. Though Karlie couldn't tell, her own eyes were shut tight as Katy delivered a constant stream of pleasure.
McKracken had had enough of just watching and stroking. He moved to Karlie's mouth, presenting his hard prick to her. “Suck it.” He demanded. “Suck my cock while she eats your cunt.”
“Karlie, be dear and do as the nice old pervert asks,” Katy said, a seductive and authoritative smile being delivered directly at Karlie in between the bolts of pleasure.
Karlie turned her gaze to the man in question. Her arched her eyebrow, glowing confidence at him as she opened her mouth, her tongue flicking in a decadent come hither motion at him.
McKracken grinned with glee as he stuck his cock in Karlie's mouth, shuddering as she sucked him.
And did she ever suck his cock. Karlie was rarely one for blowjobs. She was much more of a fan of Katy's current activity. She had sucked her share of dick before, mainly in tandem with Taylor. It was a job, but she learned more than a few tricks at Taylor who one of the men flat out called a “goddess of blowjobs”.
Right now though...Karlie might have given the blowjob goddess a run for her money. It was all down to Katy. There was something...dirty about it all. Something that made what they were ding a sensual kind of filth than what Karlie had been dealing with concerning Taylor. She;d been cold to her for so long, even the slightest bit of warmth was like a raging fire. It used to be like that with Taylor...but any thoughts of her were quickly swept away by the actions fo Katy, which only spurned Karlie to make Mr. McKracken feel as a amazing as she could with her mouth.
And he was damn near in heaven. With the sensation she was creating with her warm, wet mouth and sensational tongue, McKracken would have a hard time believing that Karlie wasn't a seasoned blowjob artist. He reached his hands out and held her msaller breasts, squeezing the felsh that was there before beginning to pump her mouth, a move that only seemed to make Karlie moan louder.
Still, as much fun as Karlie's mouth was, he could help but look over at Katy Perry. The sex bomb brunette was bent over, happily munching on Karlie's cooch, wiggling her peachy ass  Katy knew what she was doing and McKracken knew exactly what he wanted. He pulled out of Karlie's mouth, kissing her like a savage beast before  getting off the desk and moving behind Katy.
“Oooh!” Katy yelped as McKracken's hand collided with her ass with a loud smack. “Mmm what are you doing back there, sir?”
“I do believe I'm going to fuck your pretty little pussy, Ms. Perry.”
“Ohhh baby that sounds like so much fun. Don't make me wait. Fuck me please please please...”
He rubbed his cock up and down her pussy lips, shaking with anticipation before he thrust forward. “Oooooooh shit....” he moaned.
“Mmmm,” Katy said. She licked her lips, tasting Karlie on them and looked over her shoulder. “Hard and deep baby...fuck me hard and so deep...”
He answered her with a hard thrust, a satisfied whine escaping from her lips. His hand held the curves of her hips and he began to take her exactly as she requested, hard and deep. From the moans coming from Katy's mouth, it was exactly what she wanted. There was no show to be put on. Not that they weren't putting one on anyhow, as Karlie was loving her time as a spectator. Though Mr. McKracken wanted her included as well.
“Keep...fuck...keep eating her pussy Katy,” McKracken said, his voice on the verge of a demand. That made Katy a bit hotter than she already was. The authority hiding behind the tone. “Eat it...fucking...fucking do it...”
“Nnng...any..unh...thing you want, baby...and of course I don't think Karlie's gonna mind.”
Karlie lips went into a affirmative smile into a lustful “O” shape as Katy went back to satisfying her. Her; Katy, and McKracken were a chain of pleasure, each one feeding the other, making things hotter and hotter. So hot Karlie would do just about anything, which was something McKracken, and Katy, were going to be all to eager to take advantage of.
Before moving on though, McKracken wanted a full tour of Katy's body with his hands. They roamed her ass, every inch of the each getting felt up and massaged before moving up her body, skin slick with sweat.
A jolt of mild pleasure went up Katy's spine at McKracken's exploring touch, mixing with the heavy pleasure his cock was delivering. With the amount of fun she was having, it was easy to see why sex was the manipulation tool of choice for Taylor Swift. Even having McKracken just watch her and jerk off had a tinge of hotness to it, but the full on act, a threesome no less with no limits, well, that's just open everything a thousand fold.
He leaned over Katy's body, his hands moving around as well, gliding over her tight stomach to the all-stars of Katy's body, her tits. Not that the rest of her wasn't spectacular, but even Katy acknowledged the headliners of the show were her gorgeous globes. As soon as his hands were on them, McKracken confirmed what he already knew, they felt even more amazing than the looked.
Katy moaned as her tits were felt up, the vibrations causing nothing short of heavenly pleasure to be jolted through Karlie's body. The view wasn't bad for the blonde either. It as so good in fact Karlie didn't mind much when Katy was yanked up, her back pressed to McKracken's chest, his hands tightly grasping her tits.
Karlie was mesmerized as Katy was fucked, and fucked hard. Jolts of moans and groans were the only thing to escape from her cherry-chap-sticked mouth as he ravaged her cunt, thoroughly enjoying it in a way she could tell was nothing short of amazing.
McKracken softly bit Katy's shoulder, then kissed that spot and moved to her neck, then to her ear. While her moans were music to his ears, McKracken wanted to shake things up a bit.
“Mmm...Katy...oh fuck...your pussy...ohhh damn...”
“Mm, yeah fuck it,” she playfully purred. “Take that pussy...fuck it's all yours...”
“Think Karlie feels the same way?”
“Mmm...I know she does.” Katy's blue eyes looked at Karlie's dead on. “Time for some cock, Karlie.”
“I'm more than fine with that.” replied Karlie. And, despite her preference for pussy, she wasn't lying. This had happened when Taylor brought her in for things like this as well, but if you got Karlie hot enough, crazy in lust enough, a deep and serious craving for cock overcame her. Nothing like just being able to suck a guy off and find fun it it like before, oh no. She flat out NEEDED it in her pussy, and needed it now. And Mr. McKracken was too happy to oblige.
After a few more pumps he pulled out of Katy then looked to Karlie. “You're gonna ride me.”
“Yes, sir!” she exclaimed, an eager and sultry grin on her face. Karlie slid off the desk and McKracken laid down on it. For her part, at least for now, Katy was fine in watching and catching her breath...as well as playing with her pussy. She watched with sinful  glee as Karlie climbed back on the desk and sunk down on Mr. McKracken's cock.
“Oooh...ohhh sir,” Karlie moaned. While she was indeed high on the erotic pleasure of the moment, she was conscious enough to know exactly what to say. Just by observing how he fucked Katy, Karlie knew calling McKracken “sir” would give him that perfect, extra little jolt. Of course, she was right.
“Yeah...yeah fucking ride it,” McKracken demanded, authorative urgency in his voice. “Fucking ride that cock, you hears me?”
“Ooooh, sir yes sir!” Karlie grabbed his loosened tie and pulled himself up just a bit, Karlie leaning down the rest of the way and gave McKracken a deep and hungry kiss. When it broke, she let him back down, gravity doing it's job. He may have had the tone, she may even be calling him sir...but Karlie was the one riding the bronco.
She heldy the tie tightly and began to buck and grind, yee-hawing like a cowgirl as McKracken was being driven utterly wild.
“Yeah fuck it fuck it fuck it FUCK MY FUCKING COCK!” he bellowed, grasping Karlie slim hips hard, smacking her ass a few times as well for good measure.
He rolled his eyes back in pleasure as Karlie squeezed her cunt around his dick, almost making him lose it on the spot. The only thing that kept him in the safe zone was pure will power, knowing exactly how he wanted this debauchery to end.
Katy probably knew exactly what McKracken wanted. But before they got there, she decided it was time to add a bit more to the mix.
She got up from the chair and climbed on the desk as well, her sopping pussy directly over Mr. McKracken's face. With such a perfect visual cue, McKracken relented, savoring Katy's pussy while the brunette brought her lips to Karlie's the two sirens deeply kissing as they both felt stunning pleasure from two ends of their lover of the hour.
Katy maned a moan that trailed off with a pleased giggle of girlish glee as she felt Mr. McKracken grasp her ass and pull her closer to his face. She moaned, appreciative. What he may have lacked in technique he made up in enthusiasm, which definitely went a long way with Katy.
As good as Karlie Kloss riding his cock while he ate Katy Perry's pussy was, and good was VASTLY underselling it, McKracken wanted more...as well as a breather so he could last when he got that more he wanted. He slapped Katy's ass and mumbled, something Katy correctly took as a sign he wanted to speak.
“What is it baby?” She asked.
“I want to change it up again.” He replied, kissing her ass. Just from the look in his eyes, Katy had an inkling of what he was going to want...and she was hungry for it. Anything Taylor could do, Katy could do better and she was ready, willing and able to prove it.
“Off that cock sweetie,” Katy said to Karlie. We're moving on to something a bit more fun....”
“Sure thing, Katy.” Replied Karlie. The blonde then looked at McKracken and winked. “Your cock felt soooo good baby.” Katy crawled off the desk and stood, smiling a sinister smile as Karlie leaned over and kiss McKracken before getting off of him. He then sat up and look at the ladies, his smile matching Katy's.
Before we move on...how about your eat Katy's ass Karlie. Get her ready for me.”
“Get her ready for..you mean?”
“Mmm, damn I love how you think, Mr. McKracken.” Katy replied. She turned to Karlie, a half smile that told all the story Karlie needed. “Do it. Eat my ass and get it ready for that thick cock of his.”
Karlie nodded, breathing deep. She was both stunned and turned on by what was going to happen. She kissed her way down Katy's back before she got to her ass. She open up Katy's cheeks, kissing each one of them before going in and sending Katy on the road to sinner's heaven.
As Karlie took care of Katy's behind, McKracken wanted a bit of Katy's front. While feeling them with his hand was nice, he needed to taste those titties.
“Oh fuuck yes!” Katy cried out. McKracken hungrily went for her tits. Sucking, kissing, nibbling, all of it. He had his face buried and and getting the full experience of Katy Perry's titties while Karlie was enjoying herself at Katy's ass, licking her brown eye while playing with herself.
Still, this was all just build up. As much as Katy loved the attention and McKrakcen craved being up close and personal with her tits, there was something more they both wanted.
She pushed McKracken off of her gently and moved away from Karlie. The older man and the blonde watched, almost hypnotized as Katy walked towards the wall in front of her. The room was silent save for click-clack of her pumps. Her pressed her hands flat on the wall and bent over, her back arched perfectly.
She didn't look over her shoulder to call him over. She didn't need to. Katy didn't even have to wait ten second after getting in her position for McKracken to get in his. She moaned softly as she felt his rock hard cock slap against her ass a few times before his hand came into play. He pressed down on the small of her back with one hand and pressed his cock against her asshole with the other.
They broth breathed deep through gritted teeth as McKracken pressed forward, finally popping through her tight ring. They both let out a satisfied sigh.
McKracken stayed still as a statue for a few moments, letting Katy's tight ass get used to the intrusion of his girth. Soon though, he began to thrust. Slowly, carefully at first, but still with a sense of urgency behind it.
While McKracken was getting very well acquainted with Katy's sphincter, Karlie was entranced. While not a fan of anal herself, she LOVED watching it, whether it be watching Taylor get fucked up the ass in person or just watching porn online. And right now, watching a cock saw in and out of Katy Perry's utterly delightful ass had her intensely wet. She was fingering herself not even realizing she was, under the spell of voyeurism.
Katy braced herself against the wall and cried out in pleasure as McKracken's pace increased. Her eyes were shut tight, her tongue licking her lips as the wonderful mix of pain and pleasure rushed through her body. Goose pimples covered her flesh as with every stroke, any pain was overpowered by the intense feelings of pleasure.
McKracken went harder and faster, grunting and growling out Katy's name. “Ung...fucking take it...right...ohhh fuck...right in that ass...mmmm baby so fucking good...fuuuuck!”
“Yeah...yeah fucking take it...all yours...fucking use my asshole...oh fuck make us both cum baby!”
He went balls deep inside of her, grinding his hips, really working his cock. Katy, in response, squeezed her ass tight around his cock, making him shiver. He through his head back and moaned. As he slowly came back to Earth, he caught a glimpse of Karlie, enjoying the scene on her own. And a great idea for a grand finale entered his mind.
“Ride my cock with you ass,” he said. “Fucking ride my dick with that asshole, Katy.” He pumped her ass a few times then pulled out and sat back down on his chair. Katy turned to him and smirked. She made her way to him and turned around and sunk back down on his ass. Their rhythm continued, now Katy in control...but McKracken wasn't done yet.
“Karlie, eat her pussy while I fuck her ass...”
“My pleasure.” Karlie crawled over and got between Katy's legs. There were no looks exchanged. Karlie went right for her cunt and Katy howled in pleasure.
“Ohhh oh-oh-oh fuuuck yess!” she cried out. “Mmmm you're both gonna make me cum...oh fuck yes...don't stop...fucking make me cum!”
McKracken wrapped his arms tight around Katy's waist, thrusting fast up into her ass. Every thrust made her moan higher and higher, every stroke of Karlie's tongue drove her wilder and wilder and wilder until....
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK!” The brunette bombshell cried. She froze, McKracken still taking her asshole as Karlie frigged her clit. With Katy's asshole clamping down hard though, McKracken knew it was all coming to a spectacular end.
“Fuck gonna cum!” She said. “Wanna cum on you both!” Katy pulled herself off and knelt right next to Karlie, kissing each other savagely as he stood before them.
“I have to fuck your tits!” He said to Katy.
“Mmmm, fuck them and cover them in your jizz baby.” She replied, licking her lips. She pressed her tits together and he slid his cock between them. McKracken thrust frantically, going harder and faster and faster until finally, he exploded with a long groan.
“Yessss, baby.” Katy urged, a wide smile on her face. “Every drop...don't stop..I earned it all...every single drop you have is all mine....there we go...Good boy...”
“Fuck,” he sighed, slumping back down on the seat, but his eyes still on both women. Karlie, inspired by the whole scene, licked Katy's massive tits clean of the massive load Mr. McKracken had just fired on them, then depositing it right in Katy's mouth, giving Ms. Perry a pleasant surprise.
With the cum swallowed, Katy got to her feet, smiling wide. “So, Mr. McKracken, about the party plans....”
“Sure, yeah. You got it. I'll sign the papers, you get a discount, whatever. All yours.”
“Excellent. Very great doing business with you. See you around.”
The afternoon was a pleasant one. Birds chirping, a soft breeze, just the right amount of clouds in the sky. Perfect weather for walking your girl back to her home, which was what Jose was doing with Camila.
Hand in hand, they walked back to her dorm, gigantic grins on both their faces instead of sneers and false bravado. No more insults...to each other at least. Now it was all sweet nothings and trying to one up each other on sarcastic quips. It was a welcome turn around. A very quick one too. Not that either minded, but still, it was enough to make Jose chuckle a bit as he thought about it for a second too long.
“What so funny, Sweetface?”
“Nothing, just...kinda funny being so openly into each other instead of hiding it and being openly hostile. Sure you're not going to be keeping this a secret, ease the friends into it?”
“Hardly,” she said. Camila led him by the hand to a bench right in front of her dorm. He sat down, she sat on his lap. “The only person I ever seem to hide things from is myself. But, once I admit something to myself, I don't hide.” She craned her face to his and kissed him softly but deeply. Of course, mid kiss was when Lili decided to show up.
“Oh my god I knew it,” Lili said with a laugh. She waited for a reaction, but didn't get one until Cami was done.
“Oh, hi Lils,” she said. “I'll meet you up in the room for the customary ten minutes of jokes before you get all the details.”
“Well, for something of this magnitude I'd usually demand fifteen,” said Lili with a crooked smirk. “But I think the details are gonna need to be extra detail-y. So...see you soon Cami. And treat her right Jose...or I'll neuter you. It's a best friends thing.” Lili smiled and turned, when the smile grew even bigger. It took a lot for Cami to be willing to stick with a guy, and considering the sweet way she was showing the affection already, Lili knew Ms. Mendes was serious. 
“She seemed more happy about this than either of us.”
“That's Lili for you. Big time softy. A marshmallow soul, all soft and warm and sweet and tasty...which means I hope the whole thing with Jake and the whole Magnus Pain thing doesn't hurt her. I won't dump you for it or anything but it will make things weird.”
“I know. And I had a lot of fun at his expense over but you know it's not his fault, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” Cami rested her head on Jose's, sighing deeply. “Lili's side of the story is pretty much the same. She wouldn't even let him take the mask off. She didn't want to know who it was. She just wanted the fun. And what sane man is going to tun down no strings sex WITH his dream girl. It's a good reason to not insist but still...he could've. Not entirely blaming him but come on...”
“Yeah, I know. Probably why I was ripping on him so hard. That and they were some REALLY good shots at jokes.”
“OH my god, right?” Camila replied. “They pretty much laid it out on a silver platter, with that platter on a silver platter.”
“Why did you take it so well? I mean you seemed kind of shocked about the wrestling thing, but not mad.”
“Eh, no reason to be mad. I mean it's not like it was something you were actively hiding from me and I found out. Shock, yes....and it puts some pressure on you. I mean the cardio and endurance you have to have to do that stuff, well, let's just say when you and me are alone where there's an actual bed and privacy instead of a big supply room you're going to have your work cut out for you.”
“I think I'll live up to the challenge.”
“And on that note,” Cami said, kissing his forehead. “I'll see you Thursday Sweetface. Right after we drop the kids off for their play date.”
“Can't wait.” She hopped off his lap and left Jose on the bench. He slumped back, smiling wide while looking at the sky. “College rules.”
While the whether was the same at the campus coffee shop, the mood was decidedly different, or it was in Jesse's head. As he told Demi, beautiful Demi, about the current status with Peyton, he expected her to meltdown. To scream. To yell, you run away betrayed once more. But aside from being gorgeous, Demi was a master of curve balls.
“Jesse, that's great!” she beamed. “I'm so happy that's going somewhere with you two!”
Jesse wasn't just surprised by Demi's verbal reaction but the celebratory hug she gave him. “You're not mad? I mean...you know..us an all that?”
“The sex? The really fucking good sex but still just sex?”
“Yeah, and me staying over...”
“Look, Jesse,” Demi said, her smile still beaming, but now with a comforting tone. “I appreciate that you care enough about me that you'd be worried about how I'd react. And yeah, I thought after Halloween night, there might be something more than the sex. But the more we fucked,  the more I realized I just wanted some amazing, guilt free sex. No strings, but with someone I could trust. And you 100% fit that bill. But dating? I don't know if I even really wanted that. I thought I did. But I did realize what I wanted, and you telling me about Peyton...it makes it easier honestly, because you're not going to be alone.”
“What do you mean?” Jesse asked. “Everything okay?”
“It's great,” Demi said. She took a deep breath then a sip of her iced tea. She was collecting herself for something, building up the courage to say it for herself. “I'm leaving. It's got nothing to do with you. But...I can't be around here anymore. Surrounded by too much of the bad from the past and only a couple bits of good. And you're one of the best bits. Still, I can't be on this campus with Matt & Paul. I just can't. So I talked to my professors and next week I'm pretty much doing a combo of midterms and finals. So, from Thursday until Tuesday, it's pretty much nonstop study time.  But...I have tomorrow open. And I checked out that same room from the same hotel as Halloween. So, before I leave and you pledge you're undying devotion to Ms. Peyton List....” Demi moved her face to his, her hot breath on his lips. “...how about we have a nice, sweet, sexy and dirty goodbye party?”
Demi extended her tongue, licking Jesse's lips and forming it into a quick peck on the lips.
“Sounds like the best way to say farewell.”
“Great.” She replied. “Tomorrow night, 7:00 P.M. Se ya then. And again, seriously happy about you ad Peyton. Best of luck.”
“Thanks, Demi.” She got up and gave him a long, full hug good bye then walked away. They were both happy for each other...and of course eager to say goodbye in the most fun way possible, though what Demi had planned, Jesse couldn't have imagined.”
While plans were being made for certain sleazy motel in the near future, that same motel was about to have another set of plans come to fruition. And Demi was connected to them as well, though not in any way she'd like to acknowledge, and that went for the party involved.
Matt pulled into the motel, perverted anticipation written all over his face. Bella had talked this Dove girl up...and the location he'd been texted certainly lived up to that talk. If there was a definition for sleazy motel in the dictionary, this would be the visual definition for it, right down to the sun bleached neon sign, perpetually flickering, getting ready to die. Dove had a lot of sleaze to live up to.
He made his way to the door he was directed to. He was kind of honester the old worn down door's number, gold paint cracked and aged, weren't 69. Instead, it was room 26. No double entente he could think of unless that was the number of men preferred for a gangbang by Dove.
Matt knocked three times, and she opened and took his breath away. Platinum blonde and curvy, Dove had a look that was almost angelic, but there was just enough of a dirty air around her to make it clear she was a very willing sinner, the least of which wasn't her smoldering smile from her plump lips.

“You must be Matt.” She said, he voice seductive and inviting, with just the right amount of authority. She could read Matt like a book and knew exactly what position to take, both literally and metaphorically. “Come in.”
He walked through the door into the room. It had all the accouterments that the sleazy outside promised. A basic bed, a landscape painting from a discount mart, and a TV two generations old. A classic porn set motel room.
“Bella never disappoints.” Said Dove, walking a circle around Matt, looking him up and down. “Either in recommendations or in bed. And I'm sure you know about the bed part by now. And I hope to show you that I...I'm worth every penny and more. I never overcharge though. A good whore is an honest business woman. And a good fucker. They go hand in hand, wouldn't you agree?”
“Yeah, I would.”
Dove smiled at the slight hint of nervousness in his voice. She loved hearing that from a man. Every single one she'd ever fucked gave her that tone, even when she wasn't turning it on.
“Bella was right on the money. You're cute. I'm not just saying that for the money, believe me. I have no problem telling guys if they're ugly freaks. Most of them get off on it. You...you like like fun.” She approached him, that sinful smile still on her face and her eyes never leaving his; a cobra who has entranced her prey. “Let's see what you have, Matt.”
Dove slunk to her knees and opened Matt's fly. In short order his jeans and boxers were around his ankles and his cock was out. Dove held it in her soft hand, examining it.
“Oooh, I think we have a twofer here.” She said. Her eyes gazed back up to Matt,a twinkle in them that made him hunger for her more than he already was. “You look to be both a shower and grower.”
She pumped him casually, the feeling of his cock getting rock hard in her soft hands making her soaking wet. “We are going to have SO much fun.”
Matt had a response lined up for that, he really did. But Dove silenced that by taking his cock between those full, pouty lips of hers. Any words he hand melted away into grunt and groans of approval and pleasure.
Dove was like a woman possessed, sucking and slurping, obscene amounts of saliva dripping from her mouth as she sucked. You could almost call her a cock sucking machine save for the fact a machine can't love what it does. Dove didn't just love sex. Sometimes it crossed over into living for it. She was the ultimate workaholic and she, and all her clients reaped the benefits.
She pulled off his cock, taking a deep breath. He mascara was dripping but her face was all smiles. “You like that, don't you? Fucking pervert. Being lazy too, making me do all the fucking work...gonna be passive, huh, make Dove do all the work? Not gonna help out you lazy motherfucker?”
“That kind of talk is gonna get your face fucked!”
“That a promise? Huh? Fucking dirty son of a bitch? Gonna shut my mouth with your fucking cock?”
“Damn right.” Matt replied. He took hold of Dove's head and fulfilled Dove's teasing demand. His balls slapped against her chin and the saliva was flowing like an open faucet.
While Dove was getting her mouth ravaged her hand slipped under her jeans, her fingers sliding inside and delivering a bit of release to the pleasure building inside. She loved being used just as much as she loved using the client's cock. Perversion, she loved it.
After a few moments holding his cock deep in Dove's throat, Matt pulled out, slapping his cock on her face before pulling her up and throwing her to the bed as the blonde caught her breath and laughed.
“Oooh, taking charge?” Dove asked, the tease in her voice on full blast. “Gonna fucking take this pussy, huh? Think you can do it? Think you can fucking have this pussy?
Matt climbed on top of her, holding her wrists down while Dove laughed. She darted her head up as best she could, licking at his face, her own face screaming at him with looks, daring him to take it further.
“Oh I am...I'm getting what I paid for for...” Matt slide his jeans clumsily off then went for Dove. He flipped her over on to her stomach, the platinum-maned she-devil giggling with excitement as her pants were yanked down just enough to expose her pale, round ass to the air.
“Yeah...yeah that's right Matt...fucking take me...make me yours...all fucking yours...use me...” Dove moaned, breathing in deep as Matt enter her, laying on top over her prone form. The moans turned to pleased grunts as his paced increased.
Matt was in utter heaven and he'd only just gotten a sampling of what Dove had on display. He was grunting, almost growling in her ear as he fucked her, his sounds of pleasure matching hers. No words. None were needs. The primitive sounds screamed it all, “Fuck me!”
Dove loved it. Matt pressing down on her, his hot breath in her ear, arm around her neck. Not pressing down, but around it, holding her in place, just using her...she loved it. She one wished she were facing a mirror so she could see it all happen. But there was time for the mirror in the room later. This was just beginning.
Matt began to slow his thrusts, replacing quick and short with long and strong pumps into Dove before pulling out. “Face me.” He demanded, turning her over on his own. “I want to see that slutty fucking face.”
“Oh, is that right?” Dove said,spitting  on his tongue with a smile. “Need to see my pretty face while you fuck me?”
Dove hopped off the bed and leaned against the wall. She extended her arm and wagged him over with finger. She gave him a sneer mixed with a smile as he ran to her, stripping her completely, her jeans tossed away and her panties torn off, then picking her up in his arms and pinning her to the dirty, aged door of Motel Sleeze.
In short order he was back inside her and taking her cunt so hard and fast Dove thought the door might break down...but it'd be so worth it. As he moved to her tits, sucking and biting on her nipples, Dove new she was always going to pencil in Matt, no matter what. She always knew in short order whether she had a return customer she'd actually want to see and one she'd only take if she was low on rent money, and Matt was proving himself to be in the former category.
“Oh fuck...fuck yeah...such fucking good pussy...holy fuck,” Matt said, almost like a mantra. He was utterly entranced by everything Dove brought to the table. Her body, her eyes, her voice, her velvet vice of a cunt...utterly divine.
“Yeah...fucking use that pussy,” she said, he striking blue-green eyes piercing him through locks of sweat-matted platinum hair. “Nnnngg fucking take it...take that cunt and use it...use it good...you're doing so good just FUCKING USE ME! OH FUCK, I'M A FUCKING SEX TOY! FUCKING ME YOU FUCKING PIG! FUUUCK!”
Matt's pace increased again, driving up into a very happy whore in Dove. She rolled her head back, her eyes shut tight in deep, passionate lust as she was given everything she demanded and more....and of course, she had more to give all the same. When a man fucked her like this, she always felt she had more to give up to really earn every last penny.
She looked at him, that smile of her never leaving his face. Her tongue darted out again, licking his lips before kissing him, biting on his lower lip as it broke. “You want me? You really want to fucking take me? Huh? Fucking dirty motherfucking pervert? Really want to make me fucking yours?”
“Nnng yes!” he growled, grabbing her blonde locks and pulling her hair back. It got a laugh from Dove, making that wicked grin of her even wider. “I want everything you have.”
His mouth went to her neck, kissing it as Dove breathed deep, getting ready to drop the bomb on him that wold make their liaison something more than a one time, bought and paid for fuck. She already knew it was, but this would be the cherry on top.
“Then you're gonna need to bend me over that dressed and fuck me up the ass,” Dove said. “So what are you waiting for, motherfucker? Do as I say. Take me over there and FUCK MY ASS!”
Dove laughed a sinner's giggled Matt pulled out of her and almost dragged her to the dresser. He spun her around and smacked her hard on the ass. He slapped his cock head against her cheeks a few times before wrapping his arm around her, his hand clasping around her throat. It was a firm grip, but not choking. Matt knew better and Dove trusted he did. Perverts could read each other pretty well, in her experience.
“Does the slut want it up the ass?” He asked, biting her earlobe firmly, but not too hard. “I hear that right?”
“Yes you fucking did.” replied Dove. “So how about you stop fucking talking about it and start fucking do it unless you're too much of a fucking chickenshit!”
Matt responded in the way Dove hoped, the way she needed him to. He pressed his cock against her backdoor and pushed forward, grunting in primitive satisfaction as he began to take her backdoor.
“Unnnnfuck that's it...just like that,” Dove moaned. “Don't fucking go slow...no sweetness...fucking take my ass...I'm fucking whore so fuck me like one!”
Matt built up his pace. Hard, fast. Urgent. Both of them were utterly lost in the lust of it all, lust that was turned up by watching it unfold in the mirror, just as Dove knew it would. Self-voyeurism is a thing of beauty.
He held her tight as he plundered her ass, her pleading moans and groans, urging him on. His hand roamed from her neck to Dove's full tits, squeezing the fleshy orbs hard, pinching her nipples and his other hand furiously worked her clit over.
Dove's breaths got quicker, shallower. Her eyes began to flutter. She was going to cum, she knew it. She grasped his hand by the wrist and brought back to her throat. She looked at hi through the mirror. “Choke me.” She said. No qualifiers like 'not hard' or 'just a little'. Perverted trust.
He squeezed down. Not too hard, but just enough to send that perfect chill up Dove's spine to mingle with the rest, sending her on her final destination, a collision course with a mack truck orgasm.
Matt only went hard and faster in Dove's amazing ass as he watched her body's reaction in the mirror, the way her tight stomach expanded and retracted as her breaths got deeper and more desperate, her groans and cries of  passion becoming more and more a garbled, confused and lustful mess until she cried out in absolute pleasure, freezing in place as she came, and came hard.
Matt's thrusts continued as Dove road through it, his thrusts becoming more insistent as her ass clamped and squeezed on his cock. He couldn't help, looking at Dove's face contorted in pleasure, her eyes rolling in the back of his head. He had to keep going...and the his wall was hit.
He pulled out of Dove's ass and pulled her down to her knees. Before he could jack himself off Dove beat him to the punch, taking his cock in her mouth directly from her ass.
“Yeah...oh yeah Dove...suck that fucking dick...oh fuck...gonna fucking paint your face...paint it up like a real whore...”
“Yeah, you fucking better,” she said, jacking his cock, her fist a blur. “Fucking cover me...make me your whore..fucking make a real fucking whore with this cock...paint me with what ass-fucking earned baby! CUM ON MY FUCKING FACE!!!”
“FUCK YES!!!” He yelled. He grasped his cock back from Dove and aimed at the fuck drunk blonde face, her mouth open, tongue out and happy written all over it, soon to be joined with copious amounts of cum.
Rope after rope was shot on her face, and even more firing right on her pink tongue before things slowed to a drizzle, when she took his cock in her mouth, sucking the last few droplets he had to offer down her throat.
Matt flopped backwards on to the bed, propping himself up with his elbows to watch as Dove cleaned the cum from her face, licking and sucking her fingers clean. “So, was I worth, you fucking perv?”
“Every damn penny,” he said with a smirk. “And then some.”
“Thanks you.” Dove got to her feet and laid next to him on the bed. “You were amazing too. Again, not just saying that because I'm getting paid. You just made it to the top tier, Mattie-boy.”
“Top tier?”
“That means you're not just a low on the rent fuck. You? You book me, I'm cancelling plans for that dick.”
“Oh, cool,” he said. “Nice to be wanted.”
Despite being such an active campus, Wednesday was a relatively normal day, all things considering. The evening though was a different case, at least for Lili, Camila and their men. Or in Lilli's case prospective man...kind of.
While Lili went inside to secure hers and Lili's seats, Cami waited outside to meet Jose. Mainly to get an update on Jake's state of mind. She waited,arm's folded being on the lookout for him, either in or inside his mask.
A smile crossed her face when she caught him sneak out of the back entrance. Without his mask on, no one even notice he was in his wrestling tights, though the jacket he had on covering his upper body probably helped.
“Hey,” he said, planting a quick peck on her lips. “Lili here?”
“She's inside. She's so psyched to not be here alone she didn't even question me volunteering to be her back up with zero protest. How's Jake?”
“Psyching himself up for the bit we have to do. Once he does that, the whole Lili thing should be a piece of cake. I convinced him it's not really breaking up with her because he's breaking up with her so he can date her for real. That's some slingshot around the sun time travel nonsense but he got it.”
“Well that's one less thing to worry about.”
“There's more than that to worry about?”
“Well...” Camila said, pulling herself close to Jose, who got the message really quick and started to cuddle her. “I started watching a bunch of your stuff since yesterday...and other wrestling stuff. You could get hurt. Bad. I'm not even talking from the stuff you normally do with the tables and thumbtacks and stuff. I saw this video where this huge dude just ran and he fell to the ground in pain, clutching his knee. Sure, it was fucking funny the way he just fell over like one of those buildings in a Godzilla movie then it wasn't funny when I thought it could be you.”
“You watched that video and laughed?”Jose asked. “You're fucking perfect. Seriously, I have about thirty minutes before our segment if you want to go to my van for a quickie.”
“I'm being serious.” Cami replied. “I know you're going to be hurt doing this but I don't have to like it. Just...just becareful, okay? Don't TRY to get hurt to impress these guys, okay?”
“Yeah, sure, I promise.”
“Good.” She nuzzled against his shoulder and her caressed her hair. This was new for him. He never actually had someone worried about the dumb shit he tended to do in the ring. He just did it. Now...would he be second guessing everything. Instead of dwelling on that, he decided to break the very small amount of tension he was feeling.
“SO is this a no one the whole quickie thing?”
She pulled away from him, her eyebrow raised and her lips pursed. “Really? You have to ask that?”
Before he could respond she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the building. “It's the black and green one, right Sweetface?”
Jose hit the jackpot.

While her friends were busy off campus, Madelaine had her own things to attend to, namely her cooking class tutoring with Jared. Despite her best efforts to convince herself otherwise, she was looking forward to it. Maybe it was the effort he took to get it to happen, including actually getting a hold of Madchen's classroom for it.
She walked in the door, Jared had texted her it was open. She tried to keep her face stonewalled, but she couldn't help a little bit of a smile from coming out. She didn't know why he was getting to her. She knew she should not want it at all, it was against everything she'd always told herself she wanted. And here she was disagreeing with herself. Typical her.

Still, it could be worse. Jared could be the kind of guy who went to eat at Knockers. The kind that under-tipped and over-touched. Instead he was the kind of guy who tipped and actually ate the food and didn't act like he was there to flirt. But he did flirt..kind of...but she didn't hate it which drove her nuts because she told herself she should hate it.

“So, what's on the menu?” She asked. Jared was behind the counter in the center of the room, apron on and setting up all the ingredients. He looked cute. She hated it. And loved it.

“Madelaine!” He said, a hint of surprise in his voice that made her want to smile. She held it back. Kind of. Mostly. A little. “Oh, um, well, I thought something fairly simple and delicious. Where when you do it once, boom, you've nailed it for life.”

“And that would be?”

“Blueberry muffins. Vegan, of course.”

“Wait, baking? Not like, you know, something a lot simpler that I won't instantly fuck up, like...scrambled eggs or something? I can't bake!”

“Yes you can.” Jared replied. “Look, you're smart. Can you do math?”

“Well, of course. I'm not stupid.”

“Then you can bake. Because that's all it is. Just follow the instructions to a t for the first few times. Then it becomes clockwork. And when it becomes clockwork you can add some flare to it. But right now, you're going to make some vegan muffins. Just follow the instructions. I'll be here as a net if you need any help. But I want to stress if. I don't think you'll need much help.”

“Is that so?” she asked, the smile braking out from it's cell halfway. She placed her hands on the counter and leaned over it. “What makes you so confident?”

“I just think you can do it. If I had to bet what the issue has been with the other stuff you've attempted to cook or bake, it's you're putting too much thought into it. Trying to put a signature on everything instead of just, you know, doing it. You're outsmarting yourself and you're smart enough to do it.”

She nodded, pursing her lips as a way to push that smile back all the way down. “Okay, what are the bananas for in this blue berry muffin recipe?”

“Oh, to replace the eggs. You could also use unsweetened apple sauce, but I personally think that more useful in vegan pancakes than something like this, where the sweetness of the banana brings a lot to the party but the flavor kind of plays background to the other stars, namely the blueberry.”

“Okay,” she said. “So, is there an apron for me?”

Jared nodded, holding one out for her. Madelaine made her way to the other side of the counter. She picked up the recipe and gave it a quick look. “Just follow it, word for word.”

“Yep,” Jared said. “If you feel lost, I'll be off to the side. Not going to be hanging over your shoulder. That sucks. And besides, you don't need that kind of supervision. You've got this. Only thing I can really say is tie your hair into a bun or something, red. Then we're ready to go.”

“Okay,” she said, once again letting him get away with calling her Red. She quickly put her hair up, read over the recipe, and began.

Madelaine was on shaky ground at first. She kept repeating to herself, it was all just following directions. That's it. But she kept feeling like somehow she was getting measurements wrong. They were exactly what she was reading, but she didn't think she had good footing.

Every time she looked at Jared for reassurance though, that changed. He only checked on her a few times. Always with the response she knew was already there, she was doing okay. She was just psyching herself out and she honestly enjoyed having someone have her back. And she barely had any problem admitting it, at least to herself.

Before long, much quicker than she expected considering her own trepidation, Madelaine had the batter made. She looked over to Jared, and he came over, the safety net activated.

“What's wrong?” he asked.

“Is this right?” She showed him the bowl of batter. He quickly dipped his index finger in it and took a taste.

“Tastes good. I mean raw batter is kind of a clue of how the final product will be. Not exact. See for yourself.” Jared reached in to get another taste for himself, then Madelaine surprised him and tasted the batter form his finger, surprising them both.

As soon as Madelaine realized what she'd done as she pulled back, her lipstick leaving Jared's finger smeared.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen,” Jared said, blushing redder than Madelaine's hair.

“No, it's all right,” she said, burying any embarrassment she might have felt the only way she could, by letting the smile out. “I misread it and...I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.”


“No, I'm fine.” There's was a few moments of silence, every one of them awkward. “So...how did the batter taste?”

“Good,” she laughed. “I think the final product will be better. I grease the pan, right? Even with the muffin paper things?”

“Oh, yeah, just use the oil spray.” Jared replied. “Just a little. One quick coating should be enough.”

Madelaine took the next steps, coating the pan, putting in the muffin cups, filling them up then putting them in the oven, the timer set for eighteen minutes.

“Is that it?”

“Uh, yeah, until the timer goes off.”

“Okay, so what do we do until then? Madelaine asked.

“Um, I brought some books Or if you want we could go get some food at the little mini snack bar/convenience store thing around the corner.”

“You really didn't have anything planned?”

“No. I mean, if I'm going to be honest I thought you might get frustrated and kick me out.”

“Really?” Madelaine asked. That hurt, a little.

“Yeah...and I'm sorry I said that.”

“No...don't be. I can be a little, stand-offish. I'm not easy to know. To put it bluntly I can be kind of a bitch. I get that. I have problems trusting people. Foster care will do that to you.”

“Red, I had no idea..”

“Don't. Don't say you're sorry. Don't pity me. I hate that. I'd prefer people think I'm a bitch than pity the poor little orphan girl.”

“I don't think you're a bitch.” He said. “Maybe a little distant, cold sometimes, but not a bitch. And I don't pity you either. It can be a touchy subject is all.”

“Thanks.” She hopped up on the table, swinging her feet a little before waving him over, inviting him to sit next to her. “I don't like to tell people about that. The foster kid stuff. I try to hold that back unless I trust someone. So...I guess I trust you. Thanks for offering to help me. It means a lot. I should have said yes earlier. Should have thanked you earlier. So...thanks.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:36:10 PM

“It's no problem. Happy to help. Besides, you did the work yourself, I just ws back up and...” before he could finish the sentence, Madealine kissed him. It was soft, tender, but deep. His hand went to her cheek, soft holding her face until the kiss broke.
“I think I have an idea of how we can kill time,” Madealine said, letting her red hair fall back down to her shoulders. Jared watched, completely speechless as he watched Madelaine hike her skirt up to remove her underwear, dropping them on the floor. Her opened her legs, and looked at him, her smiling face giving him the last it of invitation he needed.
Jared got off of the counter and moved to Madelaine, the pale beauty  wrapping her legs around him. “You..you sure about this?”
“Yes,” she nodded. “I want this. I want you. It's okay. “
“I didn't offer to help expecting this.”
“I know,” she smiled. “That's why it's happening.” She pulled his face hers, kissing him while undoing his pants. The moment his cock was free, she held it in her hand, moaning into his mouth as she felt it harden in her hand. He wanted it too.
They both breathed deep as her entered her. She moaned, tightened her legs' grip around him as he began to build his pace.
“Oh...oh Jared...oh...oh wow..” Madelaine said, the smile winning it's battle completely. “Oh keep going...mmmm...”
'Fuck...fuck I wanted this for so long...oh Mads...”
“Mmmm unnn...oh fuu...ohhh....” Madelaine leaned back, holding herself up with on arm while the other scrambled to remove her top. Jared moved back from kissing her neck to help her, dropping the garment on the floor right next to her underwear.
“Ooooo,” she moaned, a smile on her ruby red lips. Her free hand ran its fingers through Jared's hair as his mouth was at her round breasts, little droplets of pleasure being added to the mix as his mouth worshiped her pink nipples.

Jared's hands were doing double duty, one at her breasts, softly massaging and caressing Madelaine's perfect breasts while the other had to feel her legs, carressing them from her inner thighs out and back again. He wanted to know every inch of her and in this setting, this was the best option.
His arms reached around her, holding her up and freeing Madelaine's hands to go to his face, softly holding him in place as she stared deeply into his eyes.
“Gnnnnohhh look at me...look me in the eyes Jared...I want to see you...I want you to see me...mmmmmm just keep going...oooo....”
He did and instantly got lost in them. It was all to easy to do with her. He was already crazy about her, but that was from afar. This, up close and very personal, was completely new, different and worth every second he spent admiring her from afar. His forehead leaned against hers, bringing a smile to her face as she breath deep. She moved to kiss him softly, their tongues caressing each other as it broke.
“Don't..don't stop looking at me...hold me...kiss me...keep kissing me...”Madelaine began to moan, her bod starting to shiver and her pale face getting redder and redder. Her legs squeezed tighter around Jared, his arms pulled her closer. Their eyes never broke contact, their lips never far apart for too long.
“Madelaine..oh..oh Mads...I'm close, where do you want me to...”
“Don't pull out,” she said, almost begging. “I want to feel it..oh please cum for me...oh I want to feel so..soo..oooohhh my gooooaaahhhh...” Madealine's eyes shut and began to flutter and Jared could feel her shaking. He kissed her and almost with that contact she came, Madealaine pulling his face even closer to her as her orgasm rocked her.
And as it rocked her, it rocked Jared to. With one last thrust, he came into her, Madelaine's toes curling at the warm feeling filling her up, joining in the mix of every other ounce of pleasure.
He grunted in her ears a few times before she knew he was spent. A warm smile came across her face as she felt him kissing her shoulder and neck. She then guided his face back to her, their tired eyes looking at each other once again before a soft kiss was shared between them.
And right then, the timer went off, making them both laugh. Jared pulled out of her and offered to go get the muffins, but Madelaine halted him.
“Let me handle it,” she said. “You should probably pack your pal away before handling anything like hot metal straight from the oven.” Jared smirked at her as he zipped up. Madelaine hopped off the counter and put her shirt back on. She then grabbed the oven mitts and before long, the muffins were out,perfectly baked. Not too brown, but delicious golden brown.
“These look amazing!” Madealine exclaimed, a big and excited smile breaking through the post-sex exhaustion. “I can't believe I made these!”

“I knew you could do it,” said Jared. Her came up behind her and kissed her cheek. “They smell amazing too.”

“Well, don't get any ideas about eating them, they're still hot. Fifteen minutes rest time.”

“Oh, well if the chef insists.”

“I do.” she replied with a smile. No point in even trying to bury it now. “So, I'm going to go to the restroom and clean up. Don't touch these muffins. If I look and even a pinch of them is missing, we're gonna have words.

“My hands are yours to order, Red.”

“They better.” She winked at him, picked up her underwear and headed to the restroom. As soon as the door was shut her back was against, and the biggest grin of the night on her face. She sighed, looked in the mirror, and simply mouthed the word “Wow.” She quickly cleaned herself up and slid her panties back on. After a quick touch up of her lipstick she went back to the classroom kitchen. She saw Jared cleaning up the area where they'd just had sex.

“Did we get that dirty?” she jokingly asked.

“Well, I don't know, but I think it's only polite and sanitary,” he said. “Not that you're not sanitary, but we did just fuck right here and, well, you know.”

“Hey, calm down,” she reassured. “I get it. I'd be more concerned if you thought we shouldn't have cleaned up. Just, be calm. You got me.”

“I wasn't trying to though.”

“I know. And I like I said...that's why you have me. I've had enough assholes who just wanted to get some pussy. Hell, I experience them nightly at work.” She took a deep breath and looked up at Jared, holding his hands. “I don't have a lot of friends. Never have. If I'm going to be honest, I have two. And you met them. I've had way more asshole boyfriends. I tend to embrace that. Fuck, it's pretty much the standard model I had growing up for a what a man is. You're not that. You're something different. So...we're doing this.”

“I...I hope I live up to expectations...or lack of them?”

“How about we don't worry abut that and instead, try those muffins?”


Lili Reinhart was in her seat, the popcorn and merch she'd bought in Camila's. For the first twenty minutes, Lili was wondering where her friend was. After that though, she got too swamped up in the action and simply guessed Cami went home. This of course meant Lili was actually a little shocked when Camila turned back up.

“Where the Hell have you been?” Lili asked over the roar of the crowd. “And why is your hair messed up?”

“What?” Cami said. She took a compact mirror out of her purse. “Shit..uh, must have been a gust of wind, you know, like when you go into an air conditioned room from outside.” 'And certainly not sex in a van with my new boyfriend who's a masked wrestler and also the tag team partner of your soon-to-be new boyfriend who you don't know is the masked wrestler you've been fucking. she thought to herself.

“Really? My hair's not messed up.”

“Yeah, well...yay for you.”

“Yay for you?” Lili's look of utter confusion was a sight to behold, almost making Camila laugh. “That's way below par for you. What happened, you get laid or something?”


“Well, you only get that bad at one liners if you've gotten laid in the last hour...did you and Jose have time for a quickie before we left or something?”

“UH...yeah, just before  we left. Had to have it.”

“Jesus, Cami, you're insatiable.” Lili replied. “Let him keep it in his pants for a bit.”

“Oh, you're one to talk, mask fucker,” said Camila. “Speaking of which, despite your cold and cruel words, I'm still your back up on this whole Magnus Pain thing.”

“Thanks. I...I don't think I need it though. I want a different kind of fun. But thanks.”

Soon a familiar music filled the arena and the crowd started going in an oddly approving way as Callous Pain hit the ring, led as always by Aphrodite Gorgon. The moment they got in the center of the ring, the ices were handed off, but this time Magnus had one as opposed to Brimstone.

“Oooh, look your soon to be ex-boy toy is gettin' the talky stick,” Cami said, laughing a little bit too hard at her joke. It wasn't even the joke so much as Lili's situation. How many other women out there can say their soon to be ex-kinda boyfriend is also their soon to be actual boyfriend and they have no clue? And the only reason for that is a combination of a wrestling mask and the woman's own “fuck first ask question later” attitude. Not that Cami could joke about that anymore...though in her estimation she did it the right way by fucking the real guy first.

“Shush.” Lili replied. “I may be done with the dick but I still want to watch his work.”

Cami couldn't help but release another gut buster laugh before settling down and paying attention. After all, her man was in the ring too.

“As all you...what's a nice way to say this, wastes of space” Aphrodite asked, her grin big, evil and full of joy. “Yeah, wastes of space, our dear, dear compatriot Brimstone had a severe jaw injury while he was away, forcing him to keep him mouth wired shut. Sadly, his mouth is pretty much useless.”

“Could have fooled me,” Camila commented, loud enough for Lili to hear. Their little long form quickie in the van proved how well his mouth still worked.

“What did you say?” Lili asked.

“Just talking to myself...besides, your big guy is about to talk.”

Before Lili could respond with the required “He's not my big guy!” response, Magnus brought the mic to his mouth.

“Ever since my brother here was attacked, I've had so many of the faithless in the back try to take me down,” he said, his voice gravelly, every word chosen carefully. “And not a single one could do it. So I'm going to give you all an advantage. Come to the ring. Now. All of you. All at once. With anything you want.Tables, ladders chairs, bats, barb wire...name it. Try and use it. And suffer. Because you think you know pain? I AM PAIN. And I know how to use it. That's what this tattoo on my back means.”

Jake turned around, showing off the tattoo he had gotten on a whim on his eighteenth birthday that had become his logo, a skull emerging out of a human heart.

“If your heart beats, death is waiting for you...and I will bring it.”

“Man, I should have had him talk more,” Lili said, smirking. “Still, I think I'm upgrading...why are you laughing?  I thought you liked Jake.”

“I do!” Cami said, trying to hold all laughs in. “Just..um...something Jose said earlier. Super funny. I'll..*Hccckmmpt* tell you later.” Cami couldn't wait for this to be done with so she could tell Lili the true hilarity of calling her own boyfriend an upgrade from himself.

Cami's thoughts went from humorous to concern the moment a group of guys rushed the ring. Lili was excited, still a fan to the core despite any emotional turmoil going on. And Cami knew all this was supposed to happen. But still seeing Jose being hit with chairs and thrown through tables made her concerned. Is this what he thought on easy night was? She got so into worrying about him she actually joined in cheering with Lili when Jake bagan to clear house, throwing everyone out of the ring to protect his partner.

Cami got so into it she almost blurted out Jake's name before quickly turning it into a chant of “Jack him up!”

“You're surprisingly into this,” Lili said. “You okay? Still a little dick drunk from your office romp?”

“I just got swept up in the action, that's all. Kind of like you but without blowing them in the locker room.”

“One guy! I swear to god, you blow one guy on a whim and it follows you forever.”

“Well, as soon as you end it I'm sure that's all going to end.” 'And I'll have a whole new round of jokes.' Camila said to herself. “We heading to the merch table to do it?”

“Yeah, the moment they leave the ring. Like a band-aid, right? Just rip that shit off.”

It wasn't too long after that it was time to remove that band aid. Lili and Cami headed from their seats to the merch booth where Callous Pain were, and there they were, selling t-shirts and paper masks on sticks.

“Go get 'em Sweetface,” Cami said to herself, an odd bit of pride in Jose's idea actually working and making him some cash.

“What was that?”

“Oh, I said 'Go get him, Lils.'” replied Cami. “I'm here, supporting you. If you want I'll even distract the little guy so he won't try to convince the bigger one of anything unsavory.”

“Thanks...but I think I have it covered.” Lili took a deep breath, shook it stress she had off, and headed over. She was off to the side of the lines, With a soft but firm “Ahem,” she got Magnus' attention. “Can we talk?”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Jake said, trying to cover his voice up more than he usually did. “You got this on your own?”

Jose nodded. “I can do math...kinda. You got this though?” Jake looked at Lili then back to his partner and nodded.

Lili led him to a semi-secluded spot. They had privacy, but not the kind that they usually had. But, like usual, before Jake could say anything, Lili silenced him.

“I met someone,” she said. It was blunt but she tried to make it as comforting as possible. “And...and I like him. A lot. I care about him and it's way deeper than what we had. Oh shit I didn't mean that to come out like that! I'm sorry, I really am. I am so bad at things like this....”

“Hey, don't worry about it,” Jake said, trying to look somber but giddy as a kid on the first day of Summer vacation on the inside. “This is something that happens, especially with wrestlers. Nothing wrong with it. And hey, if you got a great guy, cool.”

“Really? That simple?”

“Yep. Sex is sex. There anything else?”

“Oh...well...no, not really I guess.” Lili turned to walk away, relieved but confused. “You sure you're fine with this?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Is there anything else?”

“No, I...I guess not. Hope you sell out at the merch table.”

“Thanks.” Jake returned to his table, giving Lili one last view of his back and that tattoo on it before she turned around and went back to Camila.

“How'd it go?” asked Camila. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” Lili replied. “A lot easier than I thought.”

“You sound sad about that.”

“More...confused I guess? I don't know, I thought he'd be more...hurt? Or at least try to talk me into one more romp which I'd refuse of course but still...would have been nice.”

“Yeah, so sorry you didn't get asked for one last quickie in a locker room. The height of romance. Right above a Big Mac dinner followed by a fast food bathroom blowjob.”

“Yeah, you're right,” laughed. “Besides...I got something a lot better waiting for me tomorrow...you ready to go?”

“Uh, yeah,” said Camila. “I need to go to the bathroom first. Just start the car, I'll be back out in a couple minutes.”

“No problem...but please, use the toilet seat covers here...trust me on this.”

“Got it...” Camila headed back towards the merch table the moment Lili was out of the building. She headed right to Jose. “You. Up. Now.”

Jose shot up and went right to Cami, shocking Jake a bit.

“Excuse me ma'am, can we help you?” Jake asked.

“Yeah Jake, you can drop the fakey voice.” Camila responded. “It's better than Christian Bale's, but it's not needed right now.”

“Wait, you KNOW?” he asked. “How?”

“Well, here's a clue.” Cami pulled Jose's face to hers and hungrily kissed him. When the kiss broke, she looked back to Jake. “I pieced the rest together from there.”

“Oh...I totally fucking called it.”

“Wow, you and Lili are made for each other. That's word for word what she said when she found out. Of course she laughed way more.” Camila then turned her attention back to Jose. “You okay? I thought you were going to take it easy.”

“I did.” He replied. “That's an easy night. No barb wire or thumb tacks or anything. Didn't even bleed.”

“You got tossed through a table covering a row of steel chairs.”

“Yeah. Easy night.”

“Okay, fine. We're talking about this later. But right now, we're talking about Lili and Jake and everything in between.”

“Um...does she know?” Jake asked. “Did I just shoot her down for real?”

“No. Somehow, despite talking to you repeatedly and hearing you talk even more, she hasn't put it together. I'm thinking the moment she sees you naked though, she's going to catch on. So you better find a way to tell her and tell her soft. I'll back you up as much as I can because I like you and you make her smile. And Sweetface is also going to back you up.”

“Who's Sweetface?” Camila pointed to Jose and and Jake began to laugh. “The terror of the Squared Circle, SWEETFACE BRIMSTONE!”

“What? I have a face and it's just...too...SUHWEEEEEEEEET!”

“Yeah, sure. That's why you cover it up.” Jake said. “As for Lili...I just things to work. I don't know how to tell her everything but...it's gotta be done.”

“Good. Because if you hurt her I will become your worst nightmare. And with that said.” She gave Jose a goodbye kiss and walked away. “Night, guys.”

Jose returned to his seat, a gigantic grin on his face as he leaned back in the seat. “She's one in a million.”

“Oh my god, you guys are going to be the lovey dovey couple, aren't you?”


Reggie was going to have a hell of a night, and his view, he earned it. While it wasn't as challenging as he thought, it took a little bit of convincing to get Selena to blow him and a “friend” of his. Friend in the case meaning possible investor in his business break from Bella. Of course, Selena didn't know that aspect of the friendship.

The way Reggie saw it, he need to show that Selena could get a little bit extra freaky. The video he he got from that camera on Halloween was a good start, showed she was an sensational fuck. He needed the proof. Bella came with a built-in customer base by the time he'd found out about her career. And it was a loyal following. Selena had the looks, but he needed proof she  had the ability.

That was where Ronnie came in. Very few people knew the same amount of unsavory people with all the savory connections quite like he did. And it helped he wasn't a fan of Bella's. Something his attitude rubbed her the wrong way and vice versa. He also firmly believed that Bella overcharged him. This was information gotten from a reliable source, Reggie. Of course, Reggie was lying...but Ronnie didn't need to know that.

The plan was flawless the moment Reggie conceived it. The only flaw would be Selena saying no....but she didn't. Hesitation? Yes. But the moment he “bared his soul” to her and told her it was a huge fantasy of his to share her, she went for it, even let it slip it wouldn't even be her first time in a threesome.

But it was only going to be a blowjob. When he was ready to film a threesome he'd find a new guy or a woman. There was a reason Belle didn't like Ronnie. If it was just head, Reggie could keep an eye out for his more, savage tendencies. Selena was his potential meal ticket and he didn't want that damaged.

There was a knock at the door. Game on.

“She ready?” Ronnie asked the moment Reggie opened the door for him. He was like a hungry dog, licking his chops at the event to come. “I sure as hell am.”

“She'll be out soon,” Reggie said. “Just prettying herself up for us. Which means I don't want nothing to mess up that pretty, ya got me? This needs look just as hot as it feels for the camera. You read me?”

“Gotcha. It's good for business. Besides, I'll get a crack at her later.”

'Like Hell you will', Reggie thought to himself. Ronnie was here for his connections. He was a scumbag like Regie, but Reggie had somethings he wouldn't do. He had no issue with manipulating people. That was one thing. The stuff that Reggie liked to do...Reggie pretty much supported Bella's ban on him. This was a last ditch effort kinda thing, but Reggie wanted out from under Bella's thumb. The pussy that Selena provided was just a bonus...as well as a means to that end.

“Well, hello.” Selena said. She walked out of the bedroom in a long gown, oozing a classy kind of sexuality that hid just the right amount of nasty waiting to be unleashed. “I didn't keep you boys waiting too long, did I?”


“Not at all, babe.” Said Reggie, trying to make his smile as sincere as possible. “This is the friend I told you about.”

“Name's Ronnie,” he said. “And you are every bit the beauty Reggie said you were. More so, in my estimation.”

“Well thank you. Reggie didn't mention you were such a flatterer.” Selena had the charm turned all the way up. Smile just right, the way she looks at the both, licking her lips in a way both subtle and noticeable, brushing up against them...they were hers in the way she was Reggie's.

Selena was a little surprised when he brought up bringing someone else in the bed room. Then she promptly out surprised him by being into the idea. If anything Selena was more shocked at the idea that he just wanted to stop at a blowjob and not have them tag team her. Wouldn't be the first time. But his hesitation to was sweet. He wasn't ready to share her that much yet. And a double blowjob could be fun too.

The men waited with grins, trying to figure their best opening. Everyone knew exactly what was on the menu for the day, but they were unclear on how to order. Selena solved that problem.

With one hand she pulled Reggie's face to hers while the other went to Ron's crotch, massaging his dick through his pants.

“I love this chick,” Ron said with a sinister chuckle.

“You're easy to impress, “ Selena said, a sensual authoritative tone in her voice. “I haven't even really touched your cock.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

Selena looked over at Reggie before dropping to her knees. When her knees hit the floor her hands went to both men's zippers and drew them down.

“Take 'em out boys,” she said. “Let me see what you've got.”

“You first, babe,” Reggie, his grin becoming a matching set with Ronnie's.

She stared back up out him half-smiling and her brown eyes telling a tale words couldn't properly translate. Both men were locked on her eyes until Selena pulled down the top of her gown, then there eyes were locked a little lower.

“Happy to impress,” she said. “Your turn.”

Both men fished out there cocks, both at half mast and waiting for Selena to get them both up to eleven. Both Reggie and Ron grunted a bit when her soft, delicate hands took grip of them. This made Selena's smirk go to a full blown, light up the room smile.

“Now, let's see, who's first?” she asked in a playful tone. She looked between the two dicks as she pumped the, feigning a tough choice. “Well, I do love your cock Reggie...but Ron here is the guest.” She gave Ron a wink before taking just the heading of his cock between her lips.

“Oh, wow.” He said, trailing off into a laugh that morphed into a moan. Selena started off light, sucking on only his head. Then she started swirling her tongue. First all around the crown, then just on the other side, sending an earthquake up Ron's spine. With him suitable prepped, Selena got to work and began to work her mouth up and down his rock solid cock.

As Selena gave Ron the best suck-job he'd had in a while, Reggie himself was enthralled by the show of it, his cock getting just as hard as Ron's while Selena absent-mindlessly stroked it. He knew how good of a cocksucker she was, but getting to watch it was a whole new kind of thrill. It was almost hypnotizing.

Ron decided he needed to press things a bit further. He was going to stay within the rules Reggie had set...but he also wanted to see how far those rules could be bent. He put his hands on Selena's head and slowly pressed forward, moaning with a wicked glee as his cock went down Selena's throat. To his surprise, she could not only do it, she liked it. And Reggie's view of the action wasn't bad either.

Selena held him there for a few seconds before Ronnie pulled out. She gulped for air as Ron pumped his own cock and giggled.

“Next time you want my throat, ask.” Selena said. “I don't mind. But now I think it's Reggie's turn.”

There was no time for Reggie to respond before Selena took him in her mouth. Selena knew Reggie wasn't much for the tease, he was all about the please, which she was pleased to do.

Her pace wasn't slow, it wasn't fast. It was a good and hard medium pace. Her mouth a tornado of suction on his cock while both her hands were hard at work pumping whatever part of the shaft wasn't being treated to her mouth and fondling his balls. Selena knew just what to do, how to do it, and for how long. She had down to a science sweeter than pugilism could ever hope to be.

While Ron wasn't much for strictly observing, he had to admit the show Selena was putting on was enough to make her an exception. She was sucking like a porn star and she didn't even realize. She was gonna be a moneymaker for sure. A porn star experience with a genuine girl next door.

Reggie couldn't quite form words He was in such a  state all he could do his moan and try not to look to long at Selena sucking him. The feelings alone were enough to keep him on edge, the site added to it for too long would end it. Hell, her moans and her loud sucking sounds were close to being to much spice.

Selena showed him a bit of mercy and pulled off of him, a smile on her face as she resumed jacking both men.

“Hmmm, now what could I do next?” Selena looked up at both men, loving how captive of an audience they were. Quite literally, they were waiting on her next breath. “I think I've got it.”

“Oh fuck!” both men cried out at Selena's next move. She shocked them both by taking them both in her mouth, trying her best to suck them both off at the same time. And while the effort was very, very much appreciated, some places don't allow for duel residency in a convenient manner.

From there, Selena went back and forth between the two. Soft, rough, slow, fast Selena was giving it her all, the sounds in the room a chorus of wet slurps and moans. It was all a symphony building up to massive crescendo.

Ron was the one in her mouth he hit his wall first. He didn't even say it, but the noises he was making made it clear. He held her head still and unloaded in her mouth, Selena swallowing every drop she could, but some still leaked out.

When he was done Ron pulled out and Selena looks back towards her man, licking around her lips, more cum dripping from them. That visual was all it took for him to fire off on Selena's beautiful face, eyes shut so tight he didn't even see her move her mouth over his spewing spout to get the last few streams. He certainly felt it though.

When every last bit of cum had been drained from both men, Selena got to her feet just as they dropped down on the couch, spent.

“I think you boys will excuse me while I clean up.” Selena said. “Ron, it was very nice meeting you. Don't be a stranger.” She gave a wink and went to the bedroom, very confident she'd given Reggie exactly what she wanted...she was convinced was what she wanted.

“Did I tell you or what?” Reggie asked, his shit-eating grin dialed all the way up. “She's going to be a goldmine and a foundation.”

“You sold me,” Ron said. “Or rather, she did. I'm in. But we gotta be smart about this. Record her doing stuff like this a few more times. Is every room in this place set up for recording like the living room?”

“Oh yeah. All the best angles. We got ourselves a star.”

Karlie Kloss had stomach overflowing with butterflies. The way things were flying about in there, it was more like moths set loose in a light bulb factory. She hadn't seen Taylor since talking with Katy Perry. And a LOT had happened in between. She'd even slept in Katy's bed...after some fun with the brunette, of course.

Then, just two hours ago, she had gotten a text from Taylor. The message was simple. 'We need to talk'. That was it. No “please” or “NOW”. Just the sentence. Karlie had no clue what Taylor she was going to get.

She slid her key into the lock and and went through the door of the sorority house. All the lights were off. No one, save Taylor, was n the house. Which meant Karlie knew exactly where she'd be.

Karlie stepped through the door to the room best described as Taylor's office. It certainly wasn't her bedroom. This place was 100%, and not the fun kind. It was where she made all the party plans and kept all her records for the sorority as well as the plans for her party planning business. No one was allowed in here without her being present, and even that was a rarity.

Karlie's eyes went right for the desk where Taylor was seated. Their eyes did not meet, however, Taylor's were locked firmly on the papers in front of her. Karlie didn't even know if Taylor noticed her.

“Sit.” Taylor said, not even bothering to look up form her papers. “Now, Karlie.”

Karlie had heard that tone from Taylor before, but never towards her. Those butterflies had gone into overdrive.

“Well, you've certainly had a busy few days, haven't you?”

“What do you mean?” Karlie asked while wearing the world's worst poker face.

Taylor answered wordlessly. Her face told the tale first. Her blue eyes looks right at Karlie's radiating the word “Really?” before Taylor turned her computer monitor around so Karlie could see what was on it...and quite a lot was on it that she had no clue how Taylor could have gotten footage of. Three videos were playing simultaneously. Two of them were Karlie having sex with Katy. Every kiss, every lick, every caress...and every word spoken. Including the ones against Taylor. The last video...it was herself, Katy, and McKracken.

“Like I said, you've been busy.”

“How did you get that?”

Taylor gave Karlie the kind of smile she never thought she'd be o the other side of...that cold smile...that all knowing a smile. The smile that Taylor used to scream at someone “YOU FUCKED UP” without a single word. Those butterflies now wanted an exit.

“Normie dear,” Taylor said through the smile. “Would you please come out of the shadows?” From behind Taylor came a smirking Norman. “I know, a BIT dramatic. But if nt for the theatrics I'd be showing exactly how furious I am at you Karlie. You failed one every conceivable level.”

“I failed?” Karlie yelled. “I FAILED!? What about you? Did you think I'd always just sit and take this shit from you? Fucking other people, manipulating them? You thought I could handle all that and the disrespect?”

“Disrespected? Bitching about infidelities? Spare me Karlie. How many of those did you join in on. Now, do correct me if I'm wrong...but that's not cheating. That's a threesome. And all those other times, like when I blew dear old Normie here? Business. Strictly business. Which you KNEW about. You always knew. And if you didn't, I'd expect you to talk to. Because I certainly would bring it up to you. You know, like I'm doing now. Because I fucking loved you. I LOVED YOU!”


Taylor stood up and towered over Karlie, who still reeling from the use of the l-word. “I loved you. I listened to you. I took your advice. Not all the time, but when I did you knew it. The only times I ever snapped back at you was when I knew you were wrong. And guess what? I was right then. All your complaints about manipulation? That's me doing what's right for people who seem addicted to doing the exact wrong thing. I won't apologize for that or what I do when it's strictly business? My fuck with McKacken? I did it because Katy fucked me over. You two...you did it just to hurt me. And the worst thing about it? Neither of you even bothered to check out if you had a real reason to. See, I knew Katy MIGHT fuck him without double checking Norm's story, but you? I thought you'd for sure double check. I didn't think you were that much of a fucking pathetic follower.”

“What the Hell are you talking about?”

“Norm? He certainly was in McKracken's office. But a normal tech thing. For McKracken at least. For me? He planted a couple of cameras in their. Just to see if Katy would fall for it. I never went to McKracken for a Christmas party. But I thought it was the perfect way to really get to Katy and make sure she stopped gunning for me. It was a trap for her. And by proxy, you. You didn't really enter into things until you fucked Katy though. I'd love to know when you got her number. But that's not need to know information right now. Not anymore. You had one chance to redeem yourself Karlie. You failed. A lot.”

“Yeah, I'm the failure of the relationship, not the cold, manipulative bitch!” Karlie stood up,face to face with Taylor. “Playing the victim? You set me up! You expected me to do this!”

“No...I set Katy up. You? You willingly went along with what Katy had planned. I didn't even know she had your number, in both the literal and figurative sense. You had issues with me. You didn't want to talk them out. You wanted to hurt me. And you succeeded. Bravo.”

“That's always been your talent, Taylor.” Karlie sneered. “Making yourself the victim.”

“You're forgetting my BEST talent Karlie dear. Revenge. And its just starting.” Taylor tried to smile. She knew a smile with her anger always drove the final nail in the coffin. But no smile would come. Instead, she tried to hold back the tears she'd been crying since Norm first delivered the videos to her. She thought they were gone, but one slipped out. One lone tear down her cheek. The sight of the tear made Karlie laugh.

“You actually do have a heart...got to admit...it's kind of an honor to have been the one to break it. I mean, it's not like you didn't deserve it. This is what ahppens when you treat the people you care about like trash.”

“Do me a favor...get the fuck out. You have a day...one fucking day to get all your shit out of here or I'm trashing it all. But a gutter tramp like you should still be able to find it.”

“Fine,” Karlie smiled. “It's not like I don't have a place to stay. And when Katy finds out you cried...well, I don't think I'll be getting much sleep.” Karlie walked out with a confident smile on her face. Taylor? She collapsed in a heap of tears on the floor, crying everything she had left in her out.

Norm knelt beside her, gently putting his arm on her shoulder. “Hey,” he said. “You okay?”

Okay? Okay? She just had her heart torn out and he wanted to know if she was okay? Taylor wanted to scream at him, yell that of course she wasn't fucking okay...but he was the only one in the world there for her at the moment. And she did the only thing she could. She crawled into his arms and cried into his shoulders.

It was an odd position for Norm to be in. This wasn't remotely his and Taylor's relationship. But he he stayed there, comforting her.


It was the day of truth in a lot of ways for Peter. Thursday. It was the deadline Hailee had set. Eight O'Clock. He had a few hours. Which was where Today's appointment came in. He was at her place. Right time and everything. And as usual, he went in with no hesitation. It was his scheduled time after all. He locked the door behind him as usual, then went ahead to a table in the middle of the den where a silver platter was placed dead center. He lifted it up and found a note. It read “Basement. Second door on the right.”

The note wasn't in Sophia's handwriting, so Peter figured it had to be the woman he'd been set up with for what Sophia predicted wold be his final time.

He followed the directions. He was always surprised by how big Sophia's house was. He was sure the side business helped cover expenses where the teaching gig didn't, but still it was an impressive display.

Second door on the right. It was nondescript, just a door. But behind it was a rather ornate massage parlor. And not a typical, porno set type that one would expect to see in  a brothel. The walls were would and looked well cleansed. The furniture was comfortable and well-taken care of as well. No cheesy ferns or potted plants in site, save for a few flowers. The lighting was dim. Not dark, but it fit the mood, relaxation and eroticism. A few candles mixed with electricity. But class was the standard Sophia had set. Nothing was out of the ordinary...until the woman Peter had been set up with walked out from the back.

It was Elizabeth Olsen, Hailee's friend. She was wearing a short silk robe,scarlet in color that came up to her thighs an displayed her breasts in just the right way. It clearly showed off their size ad fullness without giving too much away. The best kind of tease.


“Oh shit,” Peter said, feeling completely busted. “Look, Elizabeth, I can explain.”

“Call me Lizzie,” she smiled. “Or just Liz. But Lissie..I kind of prefer it. And don't feel embarrassed. You know that text I got? It was about you.You're the client and Soph is my boss. I found it a little weird you were booked for me, and almost told Hailee if it didn't involve me explaining my job. But once Sophia explained the situation and how this was just as much a therapy session as...you know, I saw no problem with it. I get to really try out my own style of therapy. And not to toot my own horn, but I think we're going to make some real progress today.”

Elizabeth dropped her robe, leaving her completely nude. The casual nature of it and her confidence set the tone of the room. She gave Peter a smile. “What are you waiting for? Take your clothes off. I don't do clothed massages. Skin to skin is best. It's not even about being sexy, it's just easier to do and keeps your clothes clean. So...take it off and hop on the bench.”


“Oh, yeah, sure.” Lizzie smiled at him as he promptly disrobed. She actually found it cute the way he folded his clothes and set them on the couch. Her smile got bigger when she saw his cock. She loved having something to work with. She walked towards him as his back was turned and reached around t grab his cock, softly pumping it with her breasts pressed again his back.

“I like to do this first,” she said. “Not a full handjob or anything. Just testing the waters.” She ran her free hand up Peter's back, softly rubbing segments of it before getting to his neck. “You're tense all over. Not just from being jerked off. If anything that should relax you a little.” She gave him a few more strokes then backed away with a big grin. “Okay, on the table.”

“So...how should I lie down on this?”

“Face down.” she replied, gathering her materials. “We're going to start with the back. Just put your crotch over the hole for when you get hard. I don't blow you or anything through it, it's just for comfort. I'd imagine getting a hard-on while lying against a hard flat surface isn't the most pleasant experience.”

“Good thinking.” Peter climbed on the bench and lied face down just as Lizzie had suggested. He folded his arms on the pillow at the head of it and rested his own head on them. He twitched a bit as Liz poured a warm, syrupy liquid on his back.

“This isn't massage oil,” she said. “It's a water based gel. Herb-infused, just like the oil but much better for your skin. Works a lot quicker too, in my experience.” She began to work the warm gel into Peter's back, starting out with a genuine, and rather good, legit massage. “So, tell me what you think of Hailee. Honestly. I'm not here as her friend. I'm here to help you. So...just give me your point of view.”

“Hailee's amazing,” said Peter. “I'm not just saying that. The more I get to know her, the more it becomes fact rather than theory to me. She's funny, adorable, generous, sweet, talented, beautiful, smart, creative...I cannot say enough good about her.”

“Okay, then color me confused. What's the problem. Is it...shit, what was the name? Hailee talked about her...Sophia did too...name's slipping though.”

“Selena Gomez?”

“Yep!” Elizabeth said. “Is it her? I'm under the impression you had a thing for her at one point? Like nutso in love with her.”

“Is that a clinical term?”

“For right now, yes,” laughed Liz. “Okay, your upper back is done. Well,  not done but warmed up enough. Gonna change angles.”

Elizabeth climbed up and straddled Peter, pretty much sitting on his ass and lower thighs. “Comfortable?” she asked.

“I'm fine,” he said. “I mean it can't be too uncomfortable getting a massage from a nude beautiful woman climbing all over you,can it?”

She smirked and began to rub his lower back. “Wow, really tense here. Worse than before actually. Is it because I mentioned Selena?”


“I'll take that as a yes,” said Elizabeth. “What's the story there? Ex-girlfriend you're not over or something?”

“No...more like lifelong crush on someone I thought was my best friend that never came to fruition. Then things went real sour. I don't feel much for her outside of being disappointed I guess. If you made me choose between her and Hailee, Hailee wins, hands down.”

“Okay, but right now, telling me about her, you tensed up again. Noticeably.” Lizzie leaned over, running her hands up his spine, her tits hanging over and her nipples brushing against his back. “What caused the breakdown between you two?”

“Figuring out the friendship only went one way.” he replied. “Whenever she needed something, I'd be there. And she knew it. Used that knowledge all the time. I didn't get the same treatment. And when she was with one of her many bad boy cliché boyfriends, I flat out didn't exist. But when they wrecked her, and they did, she broke the emergency glass case and had a shoulder to cry on.”

“That bad? I mean, it sounds like all she ever did was use you then tossed you when she had something else lined up to take her time up.”

“It wasn't all bad. We had some fun times. I do think we were actually friends. I just...I just don't think she realized how much she could hurt someone. I mean Taylor got ignored as well, but I either got the brunt of it or it just seems that way.”

“You think you bring any of this with you when it comes to Hailee?”

“Well, from your tone of voice it seems clear you think I do.”

“Good ear,” said Elizabeth. “You clearly don't have an issue being with other women. You weren't so hung up on Selena that you didn't date or have sex with other women, that's clear. But none of them really lasted, did they? What's the longest relationship you've had?”

“Three months.” he responded, thinking back to his summer fling with Taylor. “Never gone past that.”

“You think you could make it that far with Hailee?” Lizzie placed both her hands at the base of his spine and slowly pressed upward, a medium amount of pressure. She pushed all the way up until she was almost laying down against him, her tits pressed against his back and her lips at his ears. “Further?”

“Uhhh, yeah.” He said, struggling with his intense erection. It may not have been pressed against the table, but with Lizzie, tits pressed against him and her breathing in his ear while being totally nude on top of him, it made his cock almost painfully hard. He could here her giggle in his ear. She knew what she was doing to him.

“Well, let me tell you what I'm thinking.” Elizabeth sat back up, leaning over a bit as she rubbed his neck and shoulders. “You're holding your resentment for how you were treated against Hailee. You don't intend to. But you think she's going to fuck you over. Consciously, you don't think she will,but underneath that you're expecting It. And since you see this lasting between you two, unconsciously, I think you're blocking it.”

“Okay, so what do I do about it?”

“Well, that's kind of a loaded question. There's no such thing as an easy fix when it comes to the mind. But, there's a perfect first step.” Elizabeth back off, moving lower down his legs. “Roll over real quick.”

“Okay.” He said, doing exactly as she asked. “So, what's the first step?”

Elizabeth grasped Peter's cock and moved back up his body, lowering herself onto his cock. “Ooohh, fuck just go for it.” She moaned. She licked her lips and leaned back, bracing herself with her arms as she began to ride his cock.

“Oh fuuuck.” Peter cried out, grasping her round hips the moment she sunk down and began grinding on his dick. “Ooooh Lizzie...oh shiit.”

“Shhh don't ...oooh don't talk...just focus...” her stomach undulated, moving in a wave as they fucked. Grinding riding, every sensation, every move she could make, she was doing. “Just think about me..you...mmm you...the moment...feel it...don't think...just...just do it...just...just fuck me...”

His hands roamed from her hips to her lower back, gliding over her ass for a sweet moment. Holding firm, he pulled himself up and buried himself in her breasts.

Lizzie moaned, a smile crossing her open mouth. No words. Just the moment. It was just was the doctor-to-be ordered. Her moans increased as her held her tighter, thrusting into her himself now. In between every kiss, lick and suck on her breasts, Peter moaned into them. It was cute. Cute was fun in this business.

Her hands moved beneath his chin and pulled his face up to hers. “My eyes...mmmm...unnnn look at them...right in them...let yourself go...just feel it all...see it all...hear us together, right now...and let it all out...oooh fuuck keep going...just keep fucking me...mmmmyessss...”

Heavy breathing, grunts, groans...all with eyes locked and ears open. Skins to skin, tactile sensations, temperature rising. Lizzie and Peter went harder and faster, breathing deeper, savoring every moment without any thought but the pleasure until they were on the verge.

To Elizabeth's surprise, it hit her first. She cried out as her orgasm sneaked up on her, pushing Peter over his own edge as her pussy came and spasmed on his cock. And right as she was riding it out, she got off of his cock and moved in between Peter's legs, sucking and stroking his cock. No words. None were needs. The message of what she wanted was loud and clear as her tongue swirled and flicked just under the mushroom tip.

Peter's hands clenched and he began to shoot, ropes of cum launching into Elizabeth's mouth, some hitting her face as she pumped his cock, wringing every last drop her had out.

With one final suck, she smiled as she swallowed the load, getting to her feet. She wiped the remaining cum off with her fingers, sucking them clean as well. “That was a lot of fun,” she grinned. “I think we're making some progress. Next stop, sauna.”

“Next stop?”

“Yes...what, you thought we were done?” Lizzie went to the sink in the room, giving her face a quick wash before looking back to Peter. “Just follow me. Nothing like a good sauna session to end, well...a fuck therapy session I suppose.”

Lizzie led Peter out of the room, both of them still stark naked, into a steam room just across the hall. Peter took a seat while Elizabeth poured some water over the piping hot rocks in the room. Once the steam started rising, she took a seat near him, yet not next to him, giving him a full view of her nude form and vice versa. All part of the session. Now they were both totally comfortable with each other, at least that was Liz's therapy. IN this case, that held true.

“So, what we just did there?” she said, brushing her wet hair behind her. “Apply that to Hailee. Not just in the bedroom, though do feel free. But when approaching her. Forget the past. Forget everything but her. She's the focus. Not what might happen. Not what has happened. Just you, her and what you both want. I know, easier said than done...but I think Hailee deserves that leap of faith. I think you believe that too. Because that's all it is. A leap of faith. And you're right on that edge already. And she's ready. So you're homework tonight is to follow through. Go see her. Let her know. Show her. And do something with her you haven't done with anyone before. Share something you love with her.”

“What if I can't?”

“Then you lose her,” Lizzie said bluntly. “We both know that. But hey, don't worry about it. I know you can do it. Because the way you look at her, you don't want to risk it. You just need to realize what's holding you back.” Lizzie's voice was sweet and soothing, and her smile added to that. But behind both was something else. She licked her lips and got up, walking towards Peter. She planted a kiss on his lips, her hand once again going to his cock and stroking him.

“Again? You sure?”

“Of course.” she replied. “Did you think I was done with you? Besides, I don't charge by the orgasm and you still have half an hour left. I don't like my customers leaving with time not spent. You get every minute you paid for.”

Lizzie licked at her lips and Peter went in for kiss. T the least moment, Lizzie turned away and began to walk towards the rocks again. “I think we need more steam,” she said.

She bent over the rocks, reaching for the water. As she poured it over the rocks she felt Peter come up behind her. Her smiling lips parted as he entered her pussy once more, a moan escaping her mouth just as one was escaping his. She placed her hands against the wooden walls of the sauna as Peter fucked her, moaning at every thrust he made, every touch of his hands on her body.

And they were all over it, getting a much better feel for the amazing form that Elizabeth Olsen possessed. Lovingly holding her amazing tits, feeling her sweet little tummy, gliding once more over her hips to her ass. Then one hand moved in between her legs, working her clit.

Lizzie loved it when her men were like this. Tender, affectionate, and starving for her. Not all of them were. They weren't bad, but they just wanted a happy ending. But when she made some small kind of connection with her clients. It made everything better, and the sex so much more pleasurable. They wanted to make her cum, which ended up making them both cum harder than they would otherwise.

Her arms reached back and pulled his lips to hers in a sloppy, lustful kiss. Their eyes locked again. Words were pointless. The moment...the sensations, the sights and the sounds were key, the key to it all.

Peter went faster, Lizzie moaned louder. He pulled her closer, she pushed back against him. Gasoline on the fire. Moans and cries of pleasure grew more urgent, more desperate. HE was going to cum again, and do it first. And that was okay. All in the moment. Both parties were enjoying it, both were loving every second of it and not worrying about anything but the pleasure.

When Peter's breath's got shallow, Lizzie got the message loud and clear. One last kiss and she pulled off of him and dropped to her knees. She started sucking and stroking him again, her free hand playing with her clit as Peter got closer and closer to his end.

“Cum on my tits,” she said, her lustful demand the only words either had spoken during this sexual experience. “All of it...everything left...mmmm please cum for me....”

Peter began to fire, pleased grunts coming from his mouth as his cock plastered Lizzie's tits with his cum. And when that first stream hit, Lizzie came, her hand finishing the work Peter began. Viewing her in the throws of her own pleasure made Peter cum harder, his last few blasts almost rocketing out of his cock.

He slumped back down on the wooden bench of the steam room, his and Lizzie's eyes meeting once again. He wished he had one more round in him as he watched her rub his cum into her skin.

“So,” she said, still catching her breath. “How about we shower up and have some tea?”



“Okay dude, you got this, okay?” said Jose.  He and Jake were inside the whiskey casket, waiting for Camila and Lili. Once they arrived, Camila and Lili would go off on their own, both simply there to give their respective friends a pep talk before cutting out to do their own thing...most likely in Jose's van. “I mean yeah, sure, you think the sex pressure is gone because you two have banged but it's still there. But that's no concern. She digs you, not the mask. And when she finds out the dong belongs to the same guy as the mask, she knows she's in for good bang. So really this whole thing is in the bag as long as you're not a total dork.”

“Thanks for the pep talk that would make most creepy uncle cringe,” said Jake. “Look, I got it all covered. Only bump in the road is the mask thing and how to tell her. Ut I'll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

“Got it. So don't try and get int hose pants too soon!”

“....I swear to Christ, you and Cami are getting married this time next year. I'm putting money on it.”

“Don't worry, You'll the most important role if it comes to that. The stripper that jumps out the cake.”

“Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what Cami would love.”

“Who said it'd be for her?” Jose joked, just as the door opened and the two ladies walked in, Lili leading the pack. The moment her eyes met Jake, they were the only two people in the room.


Their focus on each other was so intense they didn't even notice Camila and Jose exit the bar.

“You look amazing,” Jake said. “I...I actually under-dressed.”

“Jake, we're in a bar,” said Lili. “If anything, I overdressed. With Camila's insistence, actually. Then all the jokes. Then I said she and Jose would be engaged by next year.”

“Me too.”

“Well, looks like we have another thing in common. Sit at the bar?”

Jake nodded, then gently took her hand and led her to the bar.

“Looks like we have couple sweethearts here tonight,” Elzia Taylor said, that warm grin on her face. Got her amazing tips. “What can I do you for tonight? Usual, Lili?”

“Oh yes, the Bacon BBQ burger, medium rare,  with the onion rings on the burger spicy and the fries curly,” said Lili.

“I'll do the same,but have those fries be sweet potato, if possible.”

“Of course Jake,” Eliza said. “ You two are cute together. And while I'm not saying that for the tip, do consider it when deciding on it.”

“You have good choice in burgers,” Jake said. “Most folks don't even bother with the rareness of the burger, at least here.”

“Oh when it's a thick burger you need to go medium rare just to make sure it's juicy. Very few people can go well done and still be juicy. It's totally possible, my dad can do it. But I don't really trust a restaurant too, you know? I know, I know. I'm a BIG time burger snob. Explicit instructions or I'm getting the chicken.”

“Well, aside from writing, burgers, and wrestling,w hat else are you into?”

“Make-up. Not like glitzy stuff, though I can do that really damn well, but movie monster stuff. My parents had all the cable stuff and on weekend,s when they weren't showing the titty movies, there was horror stuff. Especially on Halloween. And instead of being scared, I just wanted to know how to make that stuff. So...I learned. I'll show you sometime. I actually have a portfolio. Thought it might come in handy for the film students here...though I don't think anyone knows I can do it.”

“I'd love to see it some time.” Jake said. “I bet it's really awesome stuff.”

“Oh you will.” Lili responded. “I'm thinking way before I come up with a couples costume for Halloween next year.”

“You're already planning Halloween?”

“Is there any reason I shouldn't be?” she asked with a smile. “I'm feeling pretty confident right now. How about you?”

Jake leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. He looked into her eyes and said “I think I'm feeling pretty confident.”

“Wonderful.” Lili leaned on the bar a bit, the light hitting her just right, making her look even more radiant. For bar lighting this was no small miracle. “So, give me your interests. I think we've been up and down mine repeatedly. But what about you? What do you like that we haven't covered?”

“Travel. I always like to do a lot during the summer.”

“Where have you been?”

“Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, London...hoping to make it to Japan this summer actually.”

“That'd be so much fun!” Lili exclaimed. “I've always wanted to go to Japan. See some NJPW shows, have the food, see all the weird and messed up toys there for make-up ideas.”

“Then...maybe you should go with me. If I can make it, of course. Probably would be for the whole summer though.”

“Well, now who's thinking far ahead?”

“You did essentially give me precedent to.”

“Fair enough,”she said. “Guess I better start saving up then.” A busser brought by water for the two, Lili taking a quick sip. “How'd you end up going to all those places? Family trips or just on your own?”

A little form column A, little from B, and then some some column C sneaks around to join in.”

“Column C?” she asked.

“Oh, just work stuff.”

“Oooh, work stuff. What kind of work?”

Jake had put himself into a corner. What kind of work indeed? What work could a college student have that would take him to ANY of these places that wasn't wrestling.

Fortunately for him, that's exactly when his phone went off. Ironically enough, it was the local promoter. He had no clue why he'd be calling now, but he wasn't going to take this momentary reprieve for granted.

“Shit, it's my boss,” said Jake. “I have no clue why he's calling me now but I have to take this. I'm so sorry.”

“Hey, it's okay,” Lili said. “We're here, this is just a hiccup. Come back soon, okay?”

“Sure thing.” Jake headed outside to take his call, and no sooner had he left, two goons descended on Lili.

“Hey there beautiful,” the lead idiot said. He was a wiry type. He looked simultaneously overly clean and filthy. The epitome of annoyance. “You finally free from the meathead? Want some company?”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on October 08, 2018, 08:39:18 PM

“Already have some, morons. He's outside, he'll be back, and you'll be in for some serious embarrassment if you don't buzz off.”
“Oooh, I love it when they get all feisty and fight back, don't you Frank?”
“It's the best,” the other, shorter, somehow filthier moron said. “Makes everything so much more fun when they act like they don't want it.”
“It's not an act.” Lili replied. “Leave me alone.”
Before the two slimes could press further, Jake returned. “There a problem here guys?” he asked. Frank got a head nod from his idiot boss and headed off. Then the boss man walked right up to Jake.
“Just talking, we're allowed to talk, right?”
“Well, she doesn't want to talk to you. Pay attention to body language, and leave us both alone.”
“Paying attention,” the slimeball said. Funny you should mention that. You? You should probably pay attention to your surroundings.”
That was Frank's cue. He came down hard on on Jake's back with a pool cue, the wooden stick breaking and causing Jake's shirt to tear...but Jake himself didn't budge.
“Are you fucking serious?” Jake said, turning to face a very stunned Frank. And the moment he turned around, Lili got a look at the torn section of shirt on his back. And that torn section revealed a tattoo she recognized. Her jaw dropped.
“Lili, go outsides please,” Jake said. “Just for safety.”
“Yeah, bitch. You wouldn't want to us beat the shit out of your man.” Head Slimebucket said moments before being grabbed by the throat and pressed against the bar by Jake.
“Less talking. Talking gets you no where in a real fight.” Jake threw him to the floor, running into his slimey sidekick. “Here's how it's going to go. You guys are going to try and hurt me. And youre going to fail. You think can inflict pain...I AM PAIN.”
“Jake?” Lili asked, any confusion she had slowly fading away as puzzle pieces filed together.
Frank tried to tackle Jake, and he was met with a mule kick to the gut, sending him tumble onto a table. Next up was the nameless idiot, who charged at Jake with even less of a plan, and was rewarded by Jake picking him up over his head and tossing him right on top of Frank, the table supporting them both crumbling beneath.
“Now, you two are done,” Jake said. “What you're going to do, is you're going to give Eliza, the manager here, your information so you can pay for all of this.”
“Yeah, and what if we don't?” asked a defiant Frank.

“Then I call the cops.” Eliza replied. “Give them the security tapes that show you harassing one of my customers, then attacking another one with a weapon before he had to defend himself. Along with several eye witness testimonies in case they need it. SO either way you boys are fucked. So how about you be slightly less fucked, give me your info, let me take your pictures so the other staff know you're banned, and get the fuck out of here?”
The two thugs got up and complied. “Need any help with them?” asked Jake.
“Nah, I got it covered,” said Eliza. “Go check on your girl,huh? She ran outside.”
Jake looked behind him to see that Lili was indeed gone. He rushed outside to see her pacing just outside the doors. “Are you okay?”
“You're Magnus Pain,” she said, staring right at him with watering eyes. “You're fucking MAGNUS PAIN!”
“Lili, I can explain.”
“Explain why you didn't fucking tell...was it a joke to you? Did you laugh at me? Laugh at the dumb ring rat?”

“Lili, you came after me! And..I tried to tell you, I did. You have to believe me...but every time I even opened my mouth...”
“I shut you up,” Lili said. “Every time.” She nodded, grimacing a bit and pacing. “I'm so fucking stupid! FUCK!”
“Lili, don't...” Jake approached her, gently grasping her shoulders. “I could have said something. I really could have. But...I was fucking terrified you didn't even want the guy, you wanted the mask. You wanted the thrill of the wrestler...not the guy under the mask.”
“I get that...I do. I didn't give you any reason to think otherwise.” She looked up at him, any urge to shed a tear quickly fading. “But when we...you, me and NO mask started getting closer..why not then?”
“Because I had no idea how.” He replied. “I wanted to...but, honestly, this situation? It's kind of unique. I had no clue how to approach it without losing you completely. Which looks like has happened anyway.”
“Who said that?” Lili asked. “Who said you're losing me or this is over or anything?”
“Well, I just thought...”

Lili put a smile on. It was shaky, but genuine. “I was shocked. Very shocked. And embarrassed. Kind of still am. But you're obviously more than a little mortified by the whole thing as well. It's...weird. Definitely weird. But not insurmountable. I still wish we'd gotten together last year honestly. I thikn we'd have avoided the weirdness and have been having all the fun we're going to be having. You know..if you still want to. I do...in case that isn't clear.”


Lili's smile grew stronger, more radiant. “I still want us. This whole thing...it's not even a bump in the road. It's a pebble. It's going to be a super weird story to tell people about how we got together. But at least it'll get a few laughs.”

“Are you positive?”

“Big time.” The two kissed, sealing the deal. “With one small change to the plans for tonight.”

“What's that?” asked Jake.

“We get those burgers to go,” Lili said, her arms loosely hanging on his shoulders. “Then,  we leave Eliza a gigantic tip...”

“Good call.”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “Then, we take the food back to my dorm and see where we go from there.”

“Good plan.” Jake replied.

“Thanks.” She took his hand an led him back into the Whiskey Casket, big grins on both of their faces.


It was a slight sense of flashback for Jesse, being back at the seedy motel. Nothing but good memories attached to a dirtbag place. It seemed off until he remember how amazing it was fucking Demi there. Then the sleaze seemed not just all right, but perfectly fitting.

It was also a bit bittersweet, knowing this might be the final time he'd ever see Demi. But he also knew if that was the case, she was going to make things beyond memorable.

He went to the same exact room they had used on Halloween and knocked. In short order, Demi opened up, smile blaring and in, of all things, tight fitting athletic wear. Not that Jesse was complaining. It hugged her curvy body perfectly.


“Well, are you going to come in or are we going to fuck outside?” she asked. And Jesse could not tell if she was joking or serious. “Though if it's outside, you're not going to get the surprise I brought.”

“And what's that?” he asked.

“Step inside and find out.” Jesse did exactly that, walking in to discover that Demi had brought Victoria Justice along for their final rendezvous, Victoria in the same style of tight athletic gear.


“You two know each other?”

“Kind of,” said Victoria. “We both know you very, very well. We just go to the same gym. Friendly enough. And to be honest I've always wanted to fuck her.”

“Likewise.” Demi said.

“Thank you.” Victoria replied. “But we chat. So...a couple days ago she tells me her plans...especially abut this plan I told her you and I have fucked..a lot. And, well, here we are.”

Jesse heard the door softly close. He turned to see Demi leaning against the door, grinning from ear to ear. “Can I throw a party or can I throw a party?” she asked.

Demi walked past a speechless Jesse to join Victoria. The two sexy brunettes were side by side, sensual smirks on their faces. “So here's how this is going to go,” said Demi. “You're going to strip naked and sit on that chair over there. Then...you're going to watch Victoria and myself fuck each other. So...strip down. Now.”

Jesse quickly shed his clothes and took his seat. Once he was seated, he watched with bated breath and Demi and Victoria began to make out, hungry kisses and yearning caresses leading to a full on passionate embrace.

In a flash Victoria's top was off and Demi's mouth was at her tits, lovingly and hungrily going after them. Was part of it a show? Of course. The women had an audience. That didn't make any less authentic...or pleasurable.

Demi backed Victoria into the bed,the taller woman falling backwards. The moment she was on the bed, Demi was crawling on her, moving on her prey before returning to Victoria's hungry lips.

Demi's hand's slid down Victoria's tight waist, tickling the skin a bit before it slid down her pants. Victoria moaned loudly the moment Demi's fingers entered her and began to get very, very vocal.

“Oh...oh fuck...yeah Demi...use those fucking finger...of fuck...fuck yessss....”

As the two lovely lady got to know each other very intimately, Jesse was enjoying the show as an entirely captive audience. He was stroking himself absentmindedly, almost as a reflex to the show of eroticism the two were putting on in front of him. He wasn't ready to join in yet, and he honestly might not have been welcome just yet. Like Demi said, he'd know when to join in.

The two women rolled over, Victoria now on top. She had Demi move on to her stomach and promptly pulled her spandex workout pants down, exposing Demi's full, rough peach booty to the air.

Victoria dove in, burying her face in Demi's ass and Demi howling like a wolf in heat in response. Her hands gripped the sheets of the bed tightly as Victoria's tongue probed her ass and her fingers teased just the outside of her pussy.

Demi rolled back on to her back and shortly after, her tights and shoes were discarded and Victoria's mouth was securely at her cunt, happily providing Demi with some damn fine oral pleasure.

As Victoria ate Demi out, Jesse decided to tag in. He slapped Victoria's wiggling ass before peeling her tights down to her knees and sliding his cock into her tight, wet cunt.

Victoria let out a moan, the vibrations giving Demi a little additional thrill. Jesse grabbed hold of Victoria and gave her it all. This was no time for a slow build up. This wasn't love-making. This wasn't even sex. This was fucking. Hard, fast, urgent. All in a sleazy motel room. Perfection.

“Mmmm, fucking fuck me!” Victoria bellowed. “Take that fucking pussy! Oooouuugghhh fuuucking TAKE ME!”

Demi watched from her very pleasurable position. The view of Victoria going between eating her out and crying out in pleasure from being fucked by Jesse was amazing eye candy to go along with the insane physical sensation. Still...there was always something more to be added. And from talking to Victoria, she knew her suggestion would be no issue.

“Fuck her ass.”  Demi moaned. “Mmmmm Jesse honey fuck her sweet ass....”

Victoria looked over her shoulder at Jesse, her eyes told the story and her words backed it up. “You heard the lady,” she said. “Fuck my ass.”

Jesse pulled out, his cock slick with Victoria's juices and moved his cock at the entrance to Victoria's ass. He massaged her cheeks for a few moments before pressing forward, Victoria breathing deep the moment his cock went through the tight threshold.

“Oh FUCK I love that fucking cock up my ass!” she screamed. “Unnnngg fucking fuck it! FUCK! Fuck my ass! Ohhh fucking hell YES!”

Jesse built up a hard and fast pace quick, much to the liking of both Victoria and Demi...though as the direct participants Victoria and Jesse were much, much happier.

Demi got to her knees, letting Victoria concentrate on herself for a few moments. She grasped Jesse by the face, her palms on his cheeks. Her smile was sweet and sultry as her brown eyes gazed into his.

“Fuck her ass, Jesse,” Demi said. “Fuck it hard...fast...but don't cum..mmm not yet...not until I have that cock. And I want it in my pussy...in my ass...everything Victoria is getting but harder and faster...'kay honey...give me a good farewell...everything you have.”

She kissed him, sucking his tongue into her mouth. When the kiss broke she lai back down, but now sliding under Victoria, licking the slender sexpot's pussy as her ass was lovingly ravaged.

“Ohhh fuck yess eat that pussy,” hissed Victoria. “Mmmm fuck it's so good...fuck you're both being so fucking good to me...shit....”

Victoria threw her long brown hair back, releasing a loud growling moan as she pussy was loved by Demi's tongue and her ass was taken by Jesse. It was already in her top ten threesomes ever...at least the ones where the women outnumbered the man. Her skin was a slick surface of pleasured tingles, her mouth smiling a bit with every slap her ass got from her lovers.

Of course, they were loving it to. Victoria was hardly greedy, moving her head down to return the favor to Demi, and Demi added a bit more to the mix, her long tongue taking short breaks from Victoria's pussy to give Jesse's balls a bit of attention.

A rumbling of pleasure began deep in Victoria. It was building into a gigantic explosion. She was going to cum, and cum hard. Her entire body tensed up, her voice crying out in desperate announcement of pleasure. Jesse regrettably pulled out of her ass. He knew if he had stayed in, he'd be done. This gave him a short reprieve. Despite his removal though, the show of Victoria cumming was worth it, her tone body shaking and quivering in pleasure. Her arms and legs struggling to keep her up.

All the while, Demi was lapping away, smiling as Victoria's cum coated her mouth. After a solid, intense Orgasm, Victoria rolled to her side, breathing deep, wiping her sweaty hair from her face with a gigantic smile.

Demi the put Jesse on his back. She wasted no time in mounting him, moaning a throaty moan as she sunk down on his cock. Before really getting down to business she removed her top and tossed it aside. Now, completely nude, Demi began to fuck Jesse, grinding her hips and raking her nails up and down his chest.

Jesse was loving every minute of it, his cock finding a home just as nice in Demi's pussy as it had up Victoria's ass. His hand roamed up Demi's thicc thighs to her ass, loving the perfect peach being felt in his hands before moving further up.

He leaned his body up and Demi leaned hers down, allowing him to go to her tits. He wanted every part of Demi's body, every inch, and she wanted him to have. Tonight was the final time, and they both wanted everything they could get.

And of course, after a quick breather, Victoria wanted back in. She had quickly completed the removal of her tights and kicked her shoes off, making her just as nude as the other two. Still dick drunk, she climbed back on the bed and over Jesse face. Needless to say, Jesse got the hint and went right to licking her pussy while Victoria went right to making out with Demi, the two women still as hungry as ever for each other, if not more so post Victoria's orgasm and Demi on the journey to her own.

Lips, tongues, fingers, hands, bodies and moans. Physical and aural sensations filled the room. It was near perfect for Demi...but not quite there. Not yet. She whispered something in Victoria's ear and the lithe Puerto Rican climbed off the bed, then Demi got off of Jesse's cock and got on all fours.

“I think you know what I want,” she said, popping her booty to accentuate the question.

Jesse once again got behind a beautiful woman with an amazing ass. Demi's ass though...it was otherworldly. The ultimate ass. He smacked it, loving how the flesh rippled. It was hypnotizing, amazing...and it felt even better than it looked.

“Mmmm fuuuuuck..” Demi grunted when Jesse entered he god-tier ass.  Her hands gripped the head board tight, bracing herself as he began taking her just as he'd taken Victoria earlier.

Just as soon as he entered Demi's ass, Victoria crawled on the bed behind Jesse, her chest to his back. “Keep fucking her,” she said, nibbling his ear. “Hard...fast...she wants it that way...needs it that way...give her what she wants....”

Victoria ran her hands over Jesse's body before getting to Demi's ass, Demi' moaning at the sensation of two pairs of hands n her ass. The attention was heavenly, a bit of added flavor to her moment.

“Pull her hair,” whispered Victoria. “Not hard...just enough...pull her up to your body...bring her upright...but don't stop fucking her ass...”

Victoria's hand went from Demi's ass to Jesse's stomach, running over his abs as his pace in Demi's ass got harder and faster. Demi's cries of utter pleasure got louder and more intense. He ran his hand up her body and grasped her hair. He pulled, not hard, just like Victoria said, and brought Demi to him, her back to his chest. Jesse was no sandwich between two gorgeous, Latina sex goddesses.

Jesse's mouth went to Demi's neck as Demi's hand went between her two night lovers, running her fingers through there hair as her ass was taken.

Victoria's hands were usy as well, one with Jesse's hand, fondling Demi's tits and the other going between's Demi's legs, working her clit and getting an instant reaction from the girl with the goddess booty.

“Hear that Jesse?” Victoria asked, her tone sensual and knowing. “We're making her cum...and she's going to cum HARD. We both know that...and it's all from us...so keep on taking her ass...give her everything...here how her voice is getting higher and higher...shes not even talking anymore...mmmm it's so fucking sexy...keep going...fuck her...make her cum with me...”

Faster, harder, more desperate for release for Demi and himself....Jesse gave her everything. Every energy inch every bit of power he had until finally, he felt her begin to shake and tremble in his arms before freezing and crying out in total pleasure. Demi came,  and clamped down hard on Jesse's cock with her ass.

Her held her tight as she moaned, breathing short rapid breaths as pleasure rocked her to the core.

“Mmm yes, that's right Demi...fucking cum with his cock in your ass,” said Victoria. “Big fucking cock in that ass...feels so perfect, doesn't it? FUCKING CUM!”

As Demi was tapering off, Jesse just hit his wall. “Fuck, cumming!” he cried. The moment the words left his mouth, Victoria darted to her knees, with Demi joining her shortly  after, albeit a bit slower, still in that orgasmic haze.

Victoria got behind Demi, the curvy sex kitten's mouth open wide.

“Cum, right in her mouth,” Victoria said. Fucking shot that cum right on that tongue. Give her every fucking drop she's earned.

“Unnnggshiiit!” Jesse groaned. Demi's moaned with perverted glee as his cum shut into her mouth. After the first few streams, he put his cock completely in her mouth, Filling Demi's mouth with everything he had to give.

“Mmmm, that's it...good to the last drop,” Victoria seductively said. When he knew he had nothing left to give, Jesse pulled out of Demi's mouth and sat back on the bed. He was wrecked, but still a captive audience.

He watched, desperate for one last burst on energy for his spent body as Victoria kissed Demi, the two sharing his cum between them in a long, passionate lip-lock. Once it broke, they both opened their mouths, showing Jesse's big load of cum split between them before swallowing it down.

With the fresh cum swallowed, Demi fell back laghing. Victoria leaned over kissing her once more before sitting right behind her.

“Best goodbye party ever,” laughed Demi.


Peter waited nervously. He had only knocked on Hailee's door maybe five seconds ago, but every one of those seconds felt like their own eternity. It was 8:30, thirty minutes past the deadline Hailee had set. But he'd texted her he was going to be late...but she'd never responded. Every kind of bad thought possible careened through his head before Hailee opened the door.

“You're late,” said a stone-faced Hailee. “Thirty minutes late. I wasn't being arbitrary about the time. I wasn't trying to be bitchy about it either, Peter. It was to see if you even cared enough to text me you were going to be late. I gave you an out! An still, you failed. You..you didn't think enough of me to let me know you were going to be late.”


“Hailee, I'm sorry,” Peter said. “I did text you though, I swear.”

“Don't try to bullshit me! My phone has right next to me for last two hours. Not a beep, not a vibration.”

“Did you turn your notifications back on?”


“You have your chem lab today. You told me you always turn notifications off during the class because you need to concentrate as much as you can since it's not your strongest class. You told me that like the first week we knew each other.”

Hailee paused for a moment. “Hold on.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She quickly checked and found that he had texted her he was going to be late, that he ha to run downtown to pick something up but he was definitely coming by. “Okay...so you texted me. How did you remember that though, about my phone?”

“I don't know. Seemed like important information. Like if you didn't respond then not to take it personally. I remember a lot of stuff we've talked about.”

“Oh...okay...” Haille gave him a quick smile, a little embarrassed at how she came out ready to argue. “What were you downtown for anyway?”

“Well, before I answer, and I to understand I am In fact on time?”

“Yes you are,” she nodded.

“Okay. Then first, I want to get the pressing matter out of the way.” Peter took his shot. He held both of Hailee hands and went for her lips with his, kissing her. Softly, but with a ton of heat behind it. And it grew into a much deeper, prolonged kiss as their hands separated and began to form an embrace.

When the kiss broke, Peter looked right into Hailee's eyes.”It's just you. No one else. I want this with you. I have bullshit to get through but I want to do that WITH you instead of, well, not with you. I'm sorry about the weirdness. I really am. But...but you're worth it. I want to do it all right next to you.”


“Okay.” She said with a warm smile. “So...that's taken care of with the best possible outcome. Now, the other half...why did you go downtown and make yourself late?”

“Well, my...um...therapist said I need to really let you in. Share things with you. So...I found out the theater downtown was showing Blue Velvet tonight. And I got us tickets. I didn't think it would be so long but there was an accident and the traffic went nuts...but it's cleared up by now...so...wanna go see my favorite movie with me?”

“Let me grab my jacket.” She replied. “And...I'll drive. I know some shortcuts.”

“Now you tell me,” he joked, earning him one more kiss before they left. It was only the beginning.

The room was candlelit, Lili having lit every single one Camila hand bought. She'd owe her, but it was worth it. It set the mood as perfectly as it could. The rest was all in her's and Jake's hands. And they were doing a pretty good job of mood setting.

They were on the bed, lip-locked, embracing. Face to face, lips to lips. Just the two of them, in the moment.

“Mmm...ohhh Jake..” Lili said in between kisses. She licked her lips as he slid his hand under her skirt, Jake's hands delicately moving up her delicious thighs, ready press forward more so until Lili, very hesitantly, stopped him.

“Clothes off.” She said. “No masks. No clothes. Just us. Skin to skin.” They got to their feet and Jake's clothes were off in short order, getting a laugh from Lili.

“Glad to see I'm not the only one anxious for this,” she said. “Help me with my zipper?” She turned around and Jake moved behind her. She moaned softly as he kissed her neck  and rubbed her shoulders. His hands then went to the zipper of her dress, pulling it down and letting the dress fall to the floor.


His lips moved to her shoulders, kissing each on before removing her bra, unhooking and letting it fall to the floor as well. Jake descended down Lili's body, his tongue tracing a trail down her sine until he got to her ass. He grabbed the hem of the panties and peeled them off, giving Lili a moment to step out of them before planting a kiss on each cheek of her lovely rump.

As much as Lili adored the attention she was getting, she knew there was much, much more on the table. “Bed,” she managed to get out. “Back to the bed.”

He backed off a second, letting Lili lie down, and getting an eyeful of her entire form for essentially, the first time. If he wasn't already all in, he definitely would be now.

She looked at him, her eyes full of sugar and spice. Her look was inviting and Jake took that invitation. He descended onto Lili, the blonde opening her legs for him. Jake didn't go up all the way though. His head stopped right at her pussy and dove right in.

“OH!” she moaned. “Mmmmm yesss....oh baby please yesss....just like that...” Her back arched as Jake ate her pussy. HE tenderly sucked and licked her clit while his fingers moved and grooved inside of her, making her toes curl in time with her back.

Lili's breath were going in between deep and shallow. Already lost in a haze of lust and pleasure, she knew this was only the beginning, there was more, so much more to come. Keeping that in mind only added more kindling to the fire.

Jake hovered his arms around Lili's legs, keeping her close as he continued to provide her with oral pleasures. He looked up at her, her eyes closed. She moaned out his name, then moved her hand down his head, grabbing his hair and pulling him up to her.

They kissed, Lili tasting herself on his lips. “Now Jake,” she said, a sweet smile on her face. “Get inside me...but face to face. The whole time I want to see your face...”

She gently caressed the side of his face before he turned his head slightly to kiss her palm. “Just what I was thinking.”

Her cute smile soon gave way to a  face full of pleasure as he thrust his cock inside of her. The moment he was inside of her, her legs wrapped around him, making sure he would be as close to her as possible throughout the night.

It was a tender and slow pace, one that was still building. They were face to face, really for the first time. Her arms draped around his neck loosely while his hands were at her face, brushing her blonde locks from it before leaning down to meet her lips once more.

His pace built up, Lili's moans getting a bit louder, though both knew they were no where near the end.

'You doing all right,” Jake said in between breaths.

“Wonderful.” replied Lili licking at his lips. “Mmm...keep going...don't stop Jake...I love it baby.....it's perfect...”

He wrapped his arms underneath her and rolled Lili over, making her laugh a bit at the sudden movement.

“Want me in charge now, huh?” She playfully asked.

“Well, I would mind it.” He replied.

“Lucky you,” she said, leaning down to kiss him as she began to work her pussy on him. Her fingers interlocked with his as she began to ride his cock, her eyes closed as she focused on the pleasure.

“Oh fuck...it's so good.” She said, her voice a mixture of a moan and a whisper. “So...so much better...just us...nothing else...p-perfect...ohhhhhhh....”

Lili's head hung back, rolling as bit as they went faster and faster, somehow managing to keep the tenderness, the affection intact.

Their hands still together, Jake pulled himself up and wrapped his arms around Lili's smooth back, pulling her close as they both began to careen to the climax together.

Forehead to forehead, gazing deeply into each others eyes. Words replaced with moans that translated to the same thing in a pleasing way.

“Uhhhh...ohhh...mmm...gonna...gonna..oh JAKE!!!” Lili crid out before kissing him hungrily, moaning into his mouth as her orgasm hit her like a knockout punch. And when her final moment came, so did his; Jake filling Lili's convulsing pussy with his hot cum.

They stayed in place, coming down from an intense orgasmic high in each other's arms.

When he was capable of speech once more her looking into Lili's tired, but smiling, face. “Sorry..I came...you know...”

“Don't be.” she replied. “I wanted you to...I really, really did. Just..just one last thing.”

“What's that?” he asked.

“Stay with me tonight?” She bit her lip again, trying to convince him as if he wasn't already going to say yes.

“Try and kick me out.” Jake replied. The two kissed again, ready to settle in for the night.



“Okay, we made some serious bank tonight,” Madelaine said. “Good job Jesse.” The two were in the middle of Knockers. The last customers on a busy night had left, and only three people remained in the restaurant. Madelaine, Jesse, and Peyton, who was in the kitchen doing her side work.

“Wow, first night and you remembered my name,” he said. “Thanks...though I don't know what I actually did.”

“You bused those tables quick and clean.” replied Madelaine. One day of training and you're moving quicker than the guys who've been here longer. The quicker you clear the tables, the more tables we fill full of men desperate to see hot co-eds in tight fitting, low cut clothes. And we had the A-team tonight. I made about eight hundred bucks.”

“Holy shit,” said Jesse. “Are you serious?”

“Very. I usually tend to make bank because, well, not to be conceded but look at me. I have these Daisy Dukes custom made to make them think they might see a flash of vag and my top is so low cut, one good sneeze and they're going to see a nipple. Then I get all pretend bubbly and flirty and BOOM....money. And that money I think at least doubled with how quick you handled them. So...” Madelaine took a pause, counting out her money. “Here. Two hundred.”


“No, Knockers fun bucks. Of course it's dollars! You earned it. It's yours. Take it.”

“Isn't that a little high?”

“Like I said. I made bank. Besides...things are a bit different for me now. Not that you'd know about me from before tonight, but I met someone, he's great, and he's waiting for me outside...he's gonna cook me dinner at my place.” Madelaine paused again, smiling wide at the thought.

“What about your side work?” Jesse asked.

“Well, that's where the extra bank you got comes in. I gave you about twenty extra bucks to do mine for me. I don't usually do this, I like to do my own shit and get it done. But tonight is special and honestly all I you have to do is clean the soda spouts on the machine. I took care of the napkins about fifteen minutes before the last gaggle of meatheads left. So...helping me out? Huh? I'm not good at this making friends stuff but I think this is how it goes.”

“Sure,” Jesse said. “No problem. Just put them in the cleaning solution and water over night after giving them a good brush, right?”

“Bingo,” she replied with a smile. It was weird to be so open with smiling all the time, but Madealine was getting used to it. “You're going to do great here. Keep kicking ass and you're going to be my personal busser.

“What does that mean?”

“Duh, you get the best tip outs,”she said, grabbing her purse. “Work the best shifts, and if I cut out early because it's dead guess who else does.” She pointed at him, making the answer obvious. “So, I will see you tomorrow. And don't worry about locking up, Peyton's got that covered.”

Madelaine gave Jesse a friendly wave and headed out just as Peyton came in from the kitchen.


“Madelaine just leave?” she asked. “What about the soda machines?”

“I got her covered.” Jesse replied. “Looks like it's just you and me.”

“Well, I could think of worse company.” Peyton winked at him. “Want to help me with these last few tables? The dishes and crap are cleared and have been washed and all that crap. Just need to clean them off then I'll be done.”

“No problem.”  She tossed him a spray bottle full of cleaner and a shammy.

“You get the one on the left.” said Peyton. The went to their respective booths and began to clean, scrubbing the table of assorted wing sauces and sticky soda residue. “I can;'t believe we got the jobs this fast. They must have been super desperate to push it through like this.”

“I know, right? Pure luck that all our paperwork was good too. I mean yeah, I have to renew the health card in two weeks but it's working now.”

“Oh god I don't even want to know when I have to renew my stuff,” said Peyton. “Paying money just to work...at least the tips here are good.”

“Oh shit, big time. Madelaine made out like a bandit.”

“Me too!” Peyton said. “I have next month's car payment, insurance and still enough left over for...like a sandwich at some point after savings.”

“Well, maybe I'll buy you that sandwich so you can get yourself something nice.”

“You asking me out on a date, Jesse?” Peyton asked, looking over her booth with a raised eyebrow, her expression almost teasing.

“Might be.”

“Hmmmm.” She gave him that little sexy half smile of her before going back to scrubbing her table. “Might just take you up on that.”

While Jesse imagined all the things a date with Peyton could entail, especially with her confidence boost after getting away from Paul, he pretty much finished with the table. It was as clean as it was going to get.

“Thank I'm all clear here,” he said.

“That was quick. You always that fast?”

“Well, when I'm enjoying myself I can take my time.” Jesse leaned against the wall, watching Peyton's ass wiggle as she scrubbed.

“That's another thing I might just take you up on.”

“You need any help over there?”

“Couldn't hurt.” Peyton replied. She looked over her shoulder to Jesse, noticing him looking her and hoping he'd notice her very inviting gaze. He did.

Jesse moved behind her, unable to see the sly smile on Peyton's face as he moved into position. He moved her hair aside, leaving her neck bare.

“Mmm yes,” she hissed the moment his lips touched her neck. His hand moved to Peyton's chest grabbing her breasts and squeezing before moving down. They were on a collision course with her pussy when he paused for a moment; the belt of her shorts was already undone and the zipper down.

“What?” she asked. “You think skirts are the only way for easy access?”

“You're are fucking amazing, he said, sliding his hand down Peyton's shorts.

“Well, I don't...unnnn...like to b-bragg...fuuck...” She quivered a bit as his fingers entered her, tiny bolt of pleasure already beginning to generate. “Oooh fuck, we should have been doing this since day one...”

“No disagreement here.” Jesse replied. She turned her head, panting as their lips and tongues met in a starved kiss.

“The...oooh fuck yes...way I ssssee it...we have one option Jesse...”

“That'd be?”

“We skip the bullshit..we've both had...ooh fuck that's nice...our fill...just fuck me...and we're dating...oh but please just fuck me...I want that cock...”

Jesse quick removed his hand and yanked Peyton's shorts a underwear down, exposing her beautiful bubble butt to the air before burying his face in it. His luck with women who had outstanding asses was insane and he'd just pulled the hat trick.

“Ohhh good yesss,” she moaned. “Mmm cock...now...”

Jesse got back to his feet and dropped his pants, his hard cock at full attention. For good measure, he peeled Peyton's shirt off too, her completely nude.

“OH FUCK YES!” Peyton shouted. Jesse had thrust inside her, giving Peyton exactly what she had asked for.

No time was wasted, their pace was hard, fast, and furious.  Even with the other people they ha slept with, their hunger for each other was off the charts. His hands were on her perky breasts, their mouths in a hungry collision with each other. This was beyond want. This was flat out need.

“Oh fuck, I love this cock.” Peyton said in a guttural growl. “Oh fuck don't stop...oh fuck yesss!”

The booth shook with every furious thrust Jesse gave her. His hands moved from her breasts to her succulent ass, grabbing hold of it tight as Peyton went prone on the table, gripping the sides hard. Was it the most romantic first time? Hardly. But that had never been her style. For Peyton, romance was the other fun stuff. The dinners, the dancing, the cuddling in bed. But the sex? That was meant to be hot, fun, and just the right amount of dirty. As Jesse gave her cute little booty a hard, audible smack, she knew in him she had a man who could deliver it all.

“OH fuck...oh fuck I'm so close...oh fuck me harder Jesse...oh baby please make me cummmmmmm...” Jesse took the order loud and clear, his cock a near blur as he thrust into her. He was surprised at how close she was with so little build-up, but was hardly complaining, considering he was a lot closer to his own end than he'd have liked to admit.

“Ah...ah ahhhh,” Peyton uttered, her face frozen in pleasure. “Oh shit I'm cumming...cummming...CUMMMMMINNNGGGG!”

“Oh man, me too, Pey...” Jesse muttered, trying desperate dam the oncoming flood.

“Oooh hold on,” Peyton managed to get out mid-orgasm. “Oh please, let me taste your hot cum! Mmmm, I want feel it running down my throat. Oh, please be the best boyfriend ever and let me drink your cum....”

“Fuck cumming!” Jesse cried out. The moment he pulled out Peyton spun around and dropped to her knees, hungrily sucking him, her eyes dick drunk and full of happy lust.

The blowjob Peyton gave Jesse was quick, but amazing and over all too soon. He held her head still and began to shoot in her mouth, grunting with every new pulse.

“Mmmmmmm,” she hummed over his cock, legitimately loving the moment. Her mouth filling with cum, swallowing it, how a throbbing cock felt in her mouth...utter perfection for Peyton.

When he was spent, Jesse slowly took his flaccid dick from Peyton's mouth, his blonde vixen showing the emptiness of her mouth off like a trophy. He quickly scooped her up in his arms and kissed her, one filled with a delightful mix of affection and lust.

“I can get used to his,” he said, kissing her forehead.

“Then plan on it.” Peyton replied. “I don't plan on going anywhere.”

“I'm going to hold you to that.”

“Promise?” she asked, her tongue resting playfully between her teeth.

“Big time.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on October 11, 2018, 03:52:28 PM
Finally got through part 3!  Stellar job with weaving plot/sex and keeping everything varied.  Don't know how you did it.  Especially loved that threesome with Karlie and Katy.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Cadeauxxx on October 12, 2018, 06:46:46 AM
It was an honor being able to edit this for you. A truly amazing story, it's even better with all the photos you've included.

You've created something special here, a true work of art.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: donut_plains on October 15, 2018, 03:52:35 AM
Just wanted to say amazing story. Hope you keep it up. Love the Katy Perry and Elizabeth Olsen parts especially. Thanks for the huge effort you’ve put in
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 05:28:21 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All-Star College
By MaxwellLord
(MF, MFM, MFF, Oral, Anal, DP)

Featured celebs: Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Madchen Amick, Peyton R. List, Taylor Swift, Laura Marano, Selena Gomez, Dove Cameron, Bella Thorne, Camila Cabello, Kira Kosarin, Hailee Steinfeld, Sabrina Carpenter

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/34/102528080_m6aybdk.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/34/102528080_m6aybdk.jpg)

"Oh YES!" Camila Mendes cried out. "Mmm fuck just like that Jose!" She and Jose were in the front seat of his van and Camila was getting the ride of a lifetime. His hands were on her ass and hers on his knees, stabilizing herself as she leaned back.

They had just come from Jose and Jake's latest match. Despite being front row, Cami didn't see much of it, what with covering her eyes and all. But once it was over, the crowd was roaring. He did that. Sure, Jake helped...but her man did that. She'd never been with a guy like him before. She was proud.

Conversely, Jose had definitely never been with a woman like Camila, who despite their initial war of words, turned out to be the single most caring woman he'd ever been with. Supportive and passionate.

Also, the two were each other's best lay, bar none, which while not the biggest deal certainly helped matters.

The moment Jose stepped out of the locker room Cami had greeted him with a big kiss. Then, without letting Lili or Jake know where they were going, the rushed to his van. The initial plan was to get something to eat, but the urge to pull over to the side of the road and have dessert first grew to be a bit too much for either to contend with.

Dessert had only just started and the two were in a heated frenzy. No need for a slow pace when they this turned on by each other.

Cami sped up, her moans becoming a symphony of eroticism that drove Jose insane. He pulled her tight, his face right against her chest. Her chest, regrettably, was still covered by her shirt. Camila quickly remedied this, tossing her shirt to the back of the van.

With her flesh exposed, Jose's mouth went right to her breasts, worshiping them to Cami's delight. Her arms wrapped around him, pressing his face tight to her chest while she motions slowed down, now grinding her hips and rolling Jose's cock.


"Fuuuck Cami.." Jose moaned. He badly wanted to look her right in her beautiful brown eyes but the pleasure he was feeling made that a tough proposition, the sensations making him throw his head back and shut his eyes tight.

"Oh...oh fuck yes Jose... Mmmm, just keep going.. .don't even think about stopping..." Cami braced her arms on the van's ceiling, using it to push herself down harder and faster. They were in the home stretch, and it was time to put the van's shocks to even more of a test than they'd been having so far.

"Oh... oh, Jose... oh.. oh, I'm gonna cum!" she cried out, surprising both herself and Jose. Her body froze and Jose held her tight, thrusting up into her as Cami's orgasm rolled through her like a tidal wave.

"In me..." Cami said, her voice shaky but still energetic. A seductive little smile was on her face, still lost in an orgasmic haze. "Cum in me baby..."

"Oh CAMI!" shouted Jose, keeping Cami close as he shot into her, the two of them locked in embrace as Jose's cock pulsed inside of her. "Ohhhh... oh baby..."

"Mmm hmmm." she replied. Camila got off of him and cuddled close to him, both of them basking in the afterglow of it all. "I love you."

"I love you," he said back. And it was true for both of them. For as young as their relationship was, they knew exactly how they felt. Not even Lili and Jake had said those three words to each other yet.

And it didn't happen under grand circumstances the first time it was said. They were just watching a movie in Jose's bed, in his dorm room and he said it after Cami made a funny remark about the movie. She said it back. Done deal. It was the fact. They loved each other.

"Okay," she said. "Now it's time for dinner. I'm thinking two gigantic hero sandwiches. Everything under the sun on them. Toasted bread, melted cheese...then snuggle in my very uncomfortable twin bed in my dorm room. Lili and Jake have yours, so we're good for the night."

"Hero sandwiches?" he asked. "Still got that phallic craving I see. I don't know my own power."


"Yeah, keep thinking that Sweetface." Cami kissed him on the cheek then crawled to the back of the van, leaving her ass open for a playful smack from Jose. "Pull those pants up and get to driving. Mama wants dinner. You drive, I pay."


It wasn't a particularly hot night on campus, but things in Peter's dorm room were certainly getting heated. His girlfriend, Hailee Steinfeld, was on top of him. Their arms roaming each other bodies, pressed together passionately just as their lips were.


Neither were wearing shirts or pants, those being discarded long ago when they first decided on a more fun way to kill time while the short film they just finished editing rendered. They both had the same idea of what to do with that two hour wait time.

While most of their clothes were in a pile on the floor, the couple was still in their underwear, flesh to flesh save for some thin pieces of cotton.

Peter rolled Hailee over on to her back, giving her one more kiss on the lips before kissing his way down her body. Neck to breasts, breasts to her stomach, until her finally got to her crotch.

Hailee lifted her ass up, allowing him to pull her underwear down and toss them away.  She looked down at him, smiling as she nodded her head. With the signal given loud and clear, Peter went for it.

“Ohhh... ooooohhhhh,” she sighed. Hailee licked her full lips and arched her back. Her hands grasped the pillow her head laid as moans escaped her mouth while Peter's mouth worked on her down below.

She gripped his hair and he pulled her closer. There was no stopping them now, nothing in the world...except for repeated and loud knocking at the door.

“What the fuck?” Peter said. “GO AWAY! Kinda busy in here!”

“Just ignore it baby,” Hailee said. “They'll go away.” He nodded at her and went back to it. The knocking continued, but the couple continued to do their best to ignore it.

Eventually the knocking did stop, both of them letting out a happy laugh, totally relieved at the disappearance of the annoyance.

Sadly, one annoyance gave way to another as Peter's cell phone started ringing.”Are you fucking kidding me?” he asked. “Seriously?”

Hailee reached for his phone to hand it to him, then winced when she saw the caller. “Fuck...just answer it,” she said as she handed it off. “Then answer the door.”

“What happened to they'll just go away?”

“Look at the caller ID.” He did, and he winced too. It read : Selena Gomez.

“God damn it.” Peter got up from the single most coveted spot in his entire world and put his pants back on. He made his way to the door with same kind of demeanor a kid does on their first day back to school after summer vacation.

He opened the door to a sight that would have made his heart flutter just a short time ago, Selena's smiling face. But now, he knew what that meant; she wanted something from him.

“Hi,” she said, her voice still having that sweet and soothing tone. “Can I come in?”

“Actually, kind of busy right now.” Peter replied. “What do you want?”

“Um...okay,” she said, confused by his tone. “I just think it might be better if I came in...so we could discuss things.”

“Well, maybe if you told me what you were talking about I'd be a lot nicer about letting you in and interrupting something very, VERY important.”

“Just let her in,” Hailee said from behind the door, her underwear back on as well as her shirt. Peter looked back at her for confirmation, Hailee just nodding, her face saying “just get it over with” in a way words would simply fail at.

“Who's that?” Asked Selena. The door was opened and she got the answer when she saw Hailee,  the beautiful brunette pulling on her jeans as Selena entered the room.

“That's my girlfriend, Hailee.” Peter replied. “Like I said, we were very busy. But now, that you're here, what do you want?”

“Since when do you have a girlfriend?” Selena asked, taking a seat.

“Well, about a month and a half officially. Which you probably would have known about if I had seen you at all since the semester began. But I get it, slimeballs take precedent.”

“Okay...” Selena responded, more than a little taken aback by Peter's tone. “I'm here to discuss our holiday plans.”

“What holiday plans?” asked Peter.

“You know, how you help me every year...or really whenever both of our parents decide they need to have a get together for whatever holiday they celebrate. And New Year's Eve is the old reliable one.”

“Oh no...no no no. I'm out on this one. You're on your own this year Sel.”

“Oh...you two have plans?”

“No, she's going to her dad's works' party and I'm still doing the parent thing. I'm just not playing the part of deflector shield so you don't have to explain your poor choices in men to your parents.”

“Okay, that's going a little bit past passive in the aggressiveness,” said Selena. “And I don't have bad taste in men.”

“Well, if that's the case then bring Reggie and we'll see how wonderfully they react.”

“...okay, fine. But all I'm saying is they hate all my boyfriends and like you, that's it. So... come on, please?”

Before Peter could respond, Hailee did it for him. “He'll do it,” she said to the surprise of both Peter and Selena. “But there's a catch, and this is it. It's the last time. Never again. He does this for you, and it's done. To put it bluntly,  I am not loaning out my boyfriend at yours or anyone else's whim. Not for something like this. So he does it this time, and that's it. Those are the terms. Deal?”

“Yeah... sure,” Selena said. “But I want to say, it's not like we're going to be doing anything.”

“Do you accept?” Hailee reiterated.

“Yeah. This is the final time.” Selena got up and began to walk out, still a bit confused as to what had just gone on. “I really didn't mean to interrupt. See you later, Pete.”

“Bye,” Peter said. The moment Selena was out  of the room Peter went back to Hailee, pulling her into an embrace so quick the brunette firebrand giggled. “Is it weird I found that hot...because that was totally hot.”

“I'll let it pass,” she smiled. The two shared a kiss, but before it went any further, Hailee backed off. “Sorry...she kind of killed the mood. Gonna head back to my room and crash early. Parents are picking me up tomorrow and I'm going to need some rest to deal with the barrage of boyfriend questions.”

“It's okay,” Peter said. “Totally get it. And I'm sorry that even happened.”

“Well, at least I got you an out,” Hailee said. She smiled and kissed him again. “Besides, all this means is when we come back for the next semester, we have to come a bit early so we can ravage each other before classes start. It's gonna be even easier with you and Sabrina getting an apartment...that's still happening right?”

“Oh yeah. We even found a place with an office we're going to use as an editing suite. Our only issue is who's getting the master bedroom. I think I deserve it because frankly I have a good credit score and Sabrina...well...she shouldn't have a card by most laws. Her argument is her and my bro need a lot of room to make fuck. Her words, not mine, and I think she should be punished for giving me that image of Ben by taking the smaller room.”

“Ben's going to be in there too?”

“Yep. Three people chipping in is why we can get a place with an office.”

“Think you guys could fit a fourth?” she asked, loosely wrapping her arms around Peter's neck. “Because I figure four people makes it even lower...and I can think of a lot of fun we could have sharing a room...if you want to, of course.”

“Big time yes on my end.”

“Well, then I guess we better get back even earlier...break in the new bed...and couch...and shower...so many things to break in.” Hailee winked at him, and they kissed once more before her exit.

While Selena was busy trying to to find cover for her boyfriend, Reggie himself was busy proving Peter's point  about him being a scumbag. How was he doing that? He was getting a blowjob from the Bella's blowjob queen, Kelli Berglund.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/34/102528139_ozbfrxzf6qdxen725gc2htuncull6mho01eooid0oqw.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/34/102528139_ozbfrxzf6qdxen725gc2htuncull6mho01eooid0oqw.jpg)

The two were in a restroom stall in the very empty university library. It was Kelli's preferred area of business while on campus, her office. She was Bella's blowjob queen for a reason. She loved sucking cock and it showed. Kelli loved the whole thing, fucking for money, men willing to pay the price she named for her body, it really turned her on. But there was something about sucking cock that drove her wild. Sometimes she'd even cum just from doing it. And Reggie was reaping all of those benefits, especially Kelli's demand that she worked nude except for her high heels.

“Oh fuck yes baby,” Reggie said, looking down as Kelli feasted on his cock. “Suck it like a good whore...nnnggg all the way down...”

And she did just that, hungrily taking his cock in her throat to the root. She held there for a while, making Reggie absolutely weak in the knees and thankful for a wall to lean on. This was one of the many reasons Kelli loved sucking cock...the power she held while doing it. Some might have thought differently, but she was in total control of Reggie. He wanted release, and she could give it to him...when she wanted to and for the right price, of course.

He took his cock from Kelli hot mouth and began slapping it on her face, sending the cock hungry blonde into a frenzy. “FUCK YES!” she yelled . “Slap that cock all over my slutty fucking face...oh GOD yes just that that...ooooohhh treat me like the dirty little cock sucking whore I am!” Kelli loved the dirty talk. It was fun and it always ended up in a hefty tip...and the guy tended to shoot even more, which for her was another perk.

Kelli grabbed Reggie's cock and rubbed the stiff thing against her face and especially her lips, the noises coming from her mouth a wet sputtering. She grasped his cock and nearly forced it back into her mouth. Her vicious sucking resumed, her hand working and pumping the shaft as her head bobbed back and forth providing a hot and sensational sauna for Reggie's cock.

And then there was her tongue. Good god her tongue. It was almost break dancing on Reggie's dick, every move graceful and deliberate. Undulating just under the crown, swirling all over. It's not a job if you love what you do and Kelli couldn't help but have that love shine through.

Reggie once again removed his cock from Kelli mouth, the brought her to her feet. She smiled wide. She knew what was coming. She'd happy if it was just suck job that Reggie wanted, but that was never enough. Not for him.

He brought Kelli to her feet and immediately bent her over in the stall. Her hands planted firmly on the dirty tile as he rammed into her with one thrust. “OH FUCK YES!!!” she screamed. Getting filthy in a filthy bathroom, it didn't get much better for Kelli Berglund.

Reggie didn't take his time with a slow pace, this wasn't the time, place, or woman for that. They both understood that clear as crystal. He gripped her hips hard and took her cunt fast and Kelli moaned, licked her lips, and cried out in pleasure all with a big smile on her face.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck me...gimme that dick...oh fucking take that pussy but don't cum in it...don't you fucking dare....because every drop of that fucking cum is going on my face and in my mouth.... understand.... mmmm, fuck that cunt hard and raw but that cum is going on my fucking face!”

“I think I can swing that,” Reggie said with a sneer. He grabbed a handful of Kelli's blonde locks and yanked her head back, eliciting a lustful laugh from the working girl.

“Yeah, fuck me dirty Reg,” growled Kelli. “Fucking take this down and dirty whore...fuck yes... mmmm FUCK!” Reggie's mouth was at Kelli neck, kissing and nibbling so hard he left a hickey in his wake.

He signaled his impending orgasm with a few hard, deliberate strokes into Kelli's pussy, Kelli eliciting an erotic “Mmmmm” with a smile on her face. That smile opened once more to unleash cries of pleasure as Reggie sped up inside her once more, rocketing towards that inevitable end.

He pulled out of her and Kelli happily spun around, crouching and getting herself in position for his load.

Her eyes were focused on his cock, watching it pule and throb as he stroked it. “Oooh look at that cock...gonna gimme all that cum huh? All over my face...my tongue...maybe even drip down on my tits... I deserve every drop... mmmm, don't stop... give me every last drop... I earned it, didn't I?” Her voice was sexual, pleading, almost begging. Her hands roamed over her own tight body, giving him just as much a visual show as an aural one.

“Fuck here it comes!” Reggie sounded off, covering Kelli's face in cum as promised.

“OoooOOoooh, fuck yes....” she hissed, cumming as her face got covered in hot, white cum. Forehead, nose, cheeks, and that pink tongue got completely covered, Kelli reveling in the filthy ecstasy of it all.

As the rain of cum began to slow down, Kelli took his member back in her mouth, making sure to get every last drop before letting Reggie go free.

The moment he began to go soft, he was out of Kelli mouth and catching his breath, watching the show as Kelli hungrily scooped the cum from her face into her mouth, swallowing every drop of the precious fluid down.

“Fuck baby, you're worth every penny,” Reggie said as he zipped back up. “Every fucking penny.”

“Thanks,” she said with a sarcastic half-smile. “Means a lot, even when its on the house.” She got back to her feet and reach for her backpack on the hook of the door. She took at a super short and tight dress and began to put it back on. “Any other “business”?”

“Well, now that you mention it, yeah.” He opened the stall door and the two walked out into the main area of the restroom. Reggie offered Kelli a cigarette, which she declined, then lit up, leaning against the sink. “I'm thinking of expanding the business. New frontiers. I need a solid foundation and can't think of too many better than you.”

“Interesting.” replied Kelli. “Does Bella know about this expansion?”

“Not yet,” he laughed. He took a drag, the smoke bellowing out before he spoke again. “She will though, I can guarantee you that.”

“Well, how about  I think on it then?” Kelli asked, returning the smile. “Weigh my options until I get something a bit more substantial.”

“Fine by me,” he said. “There's always going to be a spot for you Kell. And until then, you have my number. See ya. And thanks for the good time.” Reggie give her a wink then headed out the door, leaving Kelli to think on the offer...and how suspicious it was.


“Holy shit this is just what I needed,” said Cami. Before her was a foot long hero, the works. Loaded with all the meats and veggies and cheeses that could fit on it and toasted to utter perfection. “I get super hungry after good sex.”

“Well if you want after this we can get you nice and hungry again in the dorms,” Jose said with a very eager grin.

“One thing at a time.' Cami smiled at him before taking a big bite of her sandwich. “Oh wow,” she said, mouth full of heaven. “This place is awesome. Mark it down for whenever you have to make something up to me.”

“You have something like that for me?”

“Of course I do Sweetface. It's called a blowjob.”

“Very astute answer. Kudos.” Camila pursed her lips and smiled.

“I fucking love you,” she said.

“And on that note, what did you think of the match?” he asked, leaning forward as Camila froze, struggling for words.

“Well...I liked what I saw of it.” she responded.

“Okay....what does that mean?”

“It means I liked what I saw until I had to cover my eyes...not that anything was bad Sweetface, nothing like that. It's  just...you were doing super dangerous stuff again.”

“It wasn't that bad.”

“Hun, you got thrown through three tables stacked on top of each other. And the first one you went through nearly got you square on the neck. I saw that much before covering my eyes. I'm freak the fuck out when you do stuff like that, especially when it's all the time.”

“It's not all the time.”

“Jose, last week it was almost the exact same thing except it was two tables and they were on fire.”

“Well then there you go, I don't do it all the time!”

“Babe, I'm being serious.” Camila moved to take the seat right next to Jose, making him face her. “Look, before you even think it, this isn't me telling you to give up wrestling. I'm not that bitch, I don't get off on making my man give up his dream. Hell, when i watch you, well, when I can, even I have to say you're good. I don't even like wrestling but I know you've got something that could be huge. I just don't think you and Jake have to kill each other to get there, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it,” Jose said. “And I gotta say, you're not wrong. But it's just kind of our thing. We dish out all the damage we take. Makes us look invulnerable.”

“I kinda get that,” Cami said. “ But those guys you were up against, the jobsters?”


“Yeah, that. Isn't it their job to just lose and lose big? I guess I don't get why they even got to look remotely effective against you two. Wouldn't it make more sense for you guys to just steamroll them? Put them through the table and chairs and stuff. Makes you look more threatening, at least that's what I think. Save you doing that stuff for when you guys have a legit challenge. If that makes sense...I don't know.”

“It makes a lot of sense actually. It's just, well, we've always done it this way. I guess we don't have to anymore. I mean we're known enough to get away with not bleeding in every match.”

“Really?” Camila smiled, almost beaming with joy. “I mean, you know, if you want to, pitch it by Jake first and all...and don't do it just because of me. Do it for yourself. I wouldn't be mad if you did decide to work smarter and not harder.”

“Doing anything smart would be a unique experience for me,” Jose joked. “But I think I can pull it off.”

“That's great!” Cami said. “And I totally forgive you already for not including me as the first smart thing you've ever done. But, just promise you're not just doing it for me. It has to be what you want for yourself.”

“I do. Or rather, body has been demanding it and I've been ignoring it. And honestly Jake has kind of been on it too. So neither of you are wrong about wanting less blood and odds of me being a quadriplegic.”

“Good...and while I try to erase the thought of you being crippled in the ring, I will make one, put my foot down kind of request.”

“What's that?” Jose asked, taking her hand in his. “I'm up anything short of a lingerie pillow fight. Even I'm not that suicidal.”

“Never, ever do anything with glass. Especially those fluorescent light tubes. I nearly puked when you showed me that match with them in them. Just...please, never that, even in the most dangerous matches you agree to, okay?”

“Oh that's an easy yes. I may be stupid but I'm not a total fucking idiot.”

“Well obviously, look at who you're dating,” Cami said, planting a kiss on his cheek before moving back to her seat. “Now, back to the main event.”

“You're seriously going to slam that whole thing?”

“Sweetface, I get really hungry when I cum hard. So in a way, this is all your fault. SO it's up to you to think of the most fun way for me to work it off.”

“I may have some ideas...”


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“And just one more squeeze...and...perfect!” Madchen Amick said, excited glee in her voice. She had just putting the finishing touches on the holiday cookies she'd made for her class as a Christmas/End of semester.

It was a good group this year, all with a lot of promise. Even that re-haired girl Madelaine. She'd floundered at first, but she picked it up enough to earn herself a B.

As a reward for her class, she made them a bunch of cookies, each one of them getting one, personalized cookie in addition to the normal Christmas shapes.

Truth be told though, she always liked doing this every year. She loved teaching and she loved cooking and when to two came together, it was pretty much perfection in her eyes.

As she surveyed her work, her eyes went to the clock. 815. Almost time for the second part of her evening, the part she was really looking forward to. Vance.

Vance was both a student and an institution. Madchen and her husband had this agreement. Every semester, if BOTH of them discovered the right student, they'd have fun. Not an affair, not that at all. More like a very limited open relationship. If one found someone and the other didn't no dice. That was the deal and both stuck with it.

Surprisingly, despite being in completely different spectrums as far as education goes, they usually had very fun semester. Madchen's husband, being in the music department, always found some willing and free-spirited young lady for company and Madchen found a surprising amount of lovers in eager young chefs.

That's where Vance came in. He wasn't the first to catch her eye, that honor went to a handsome and skilled young man named Jared, who'd actually taken her class twice. He was up for the nomination until she saw he was crazy for that Madealine girl and decided to not pursue it. Madchen didn't want to have fun that way. Getting in the way of a potential relationship or an established one wasn't her style. Besides, she liked seeing her students get together, which Jared and Madelaine actually did. It made her feel good. She was a romantic softy if there ever was one.

Vance though, there was no such issue. He was free as a bird and that had lead to an amazing semester of sex for himself and Madchen. Tonight though, was the end. Both knew it, and accepted it. This was never going to be an on going thing. He wasn't looking for a girlfriend and she was very happily married. But still, for what it was, it was great while it lasted.

She put the cookies away and cleaned up in a flash. She still had five minutes to spare when she was lighting the candles and getting the wine. The moment both glasses were poured in he walked, confident strut and big grin.

“Right on time, Madchen said with a grin matching his in size and eagerness.

“You didn't think I'd be late for this, did you?” he asked pulled her close the moment she was in reach. Her leg brushed up against his inner thigh and she could feel his cock through his slack. He was already getting hard. She was turned on to know she wasn't the only one eager for this goodbye rendezvous.

“If you were I'd have to think of some way to really punish,” she teased kissing his chin. “Luckily you're on time so no need for a spanking...at least for you.”

She arched her eyebrow then moaned when his strong hands grasped her ass. “How much more prep time we need before we get cooking?”

“Who said anything about prep?” Madchen grabbed the glass of wine and drank it, then kissed Vance, dropping the wine into his mouth.

He softly moved her to the edge of the counter an lifted her up so she was sitting on the edge. He ran his hands up her skirt and her fit legs before reaching for her underwear. Their eyes locked as Vance tugged them off, tossing them aside.

He pulled back just for a moment to undo his pants, dropping them to his ankles before returning to Madchen.

“Ooooh,” she said, the sound trailing of into a hiss as Vance entered her. He wrapped his arms around her as Madchen leaned back, bracing herself for the fun to come.

The pace was built face, their bodies even more starved for each other than they had thought. When their lips weren't locked, Madchen and Vance moans echoed off the walls.

Madchen leaned back further, laying down on the counter top . Vance's motion followed Madchen's firm body, his lips reigning from her breasts to her lips as he continued to drive into her.

Her back arched, a moan escaping her lips with every stroke. Vance's arms moved under her, grasping her shoulders as he sped up, lustful gasps of air escaping as grunts with every thrust. She wrapped her fit legs around him tightly, refusing him any kind of escape from her grasp, as if he even want such a thing.

Vance pulled Madchen back up, eyes locked. His arms moved under her legs, hooking them while also grabbing her firm ass. It was the homestretch for them both, their eyes telling the story.

Faster, more urgent, two bodies begging for release for the final time with each other. Madchen's nails began to dig into his back, Vance's breaths got more desperate, it was going to be a photo finish.

“Cum in me,” she said, sparks in her eyes. “Shoot in me Vance... one more time, baby... ohh... fuck Vance...”

“Uh...uh...MADCHEN!!” yelled Vance. With a few more quick, desperate thrusts he came, shooting rope after rope of cum inside of her while moments later, Madchen came as well, her pussy clamping down and milking more cum from his cock.

They were both breathing deep, trying to recover from there respective orgasms. Vance leaned forward and kissed Madchen for the last time.

He moved back, pulling his pants up and Madchen hopped off the counter, straightening herself off as well. They exchanged glances, smiles on both of there faces. Vance was unsure of how to excuse himself this time, and Madchen feeling the same way about how to dismiss him. Then, an idea came into her head.

“So... how about a good bye cookie?” she said with a wink.


“...and that is one hundred seventy eight,” Lili said. She dropped the latest thumbtack she pulled out of Jake's back into the plastic container to join the other ones. She was straddling him at the legs, and as she had done with every other thumbtack, kissed his neck as soon as it was removed. “Is this a personal record for you?”

“Twenty short, actually.” he replied. “So, what's it like? Everything you dreamed of?”

“What are you talking about?” she asked.Before he could reply, Lili began applying rubbing alcohol on the tiny prick parks on his back, making him wince a little.

“Dating a pro wrestler. Is it all the glitz and glamour you expected?”

“Of course,” she joked. “Living the dream. I can't wait to bandage of some barb wire wounds. That's pretty much an engagement ring if I know my customs.” She leaned over to kiss his shoulder, giving him a light massage. “You okay though? Not hurt or anything?”

“I'll be fine. Sore in the morning but fine. Jose took the worst of it.”

“Yeah he did. That was why Cami only saw like a third of the match. Rest of the time those brown eyes were covered. Not like I can blame her or anything.”

“It bugged you?”

“Well, kinda, yeah,” said Lili. “Look, you know me. Blood and stuff in wrestling, it doesn't bother me. Hell I just got a bootleg collection of every ECW PPV unedited on blu-ray.”

“Did you just spoil my Christmas present?”

“Maybe,” she said with a grin. “But, you know... why would you even think of selling to a couple of twerps who combined can't way more than a buck fifty soaking wet?”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 05:41:26 PM

“Oh, that.” he replied. “I can't say I disagree on that, but it's all on Jose. Dude just can't say no to a promoter. So that's why Alison is our REAL manager and a wrestling one at the same time. And if it doesn't go to her first, it goes to me. This time, the promoter got to Jose first and boom, we sell to his nephews who want in the business.”

“Man.... snagging Cami really Is the smartest thing he's ever done,” Lili said as she  got up for a second. “Roll over, Need to see if they got in any improbable places.”

Jake got on to his back and Lili got back down. He watched her blue eyes scan his body, hurriedly checking for any stray tack she may have missed.

“She really is,” Jake said. “It's almost like he's trying to be smarter about things. Not too smart, as tonight clearly shows.”

“And he actually makes Cami happy,” Lili said, her smile soft. “I mean, it's not like she was depressed or anything but she's all sunshine and rainbows now, which works surprisingly well with biting sarcasm. All the rich boys who's yachts she'd drag me onto...well the free booze was fun but they were all pretty much arrogant assholes only good for one thing. And according to her they couldn't even get that done right.”

“Rich guys? Should I be worried?” He got up a little, but a smile was still on his face. Lili's legs crossed around his waist. She placed a quick kiss on his lips.

“Hardly. I thought they were vapid twits and Cami could confirm it. She'd been around them most of her life enough to be able to. Besides, I doubt any of them would like quite as sexy as you do with a luchadore mask, let alone know what one is.”

“How's that?” Jake asked. “How's she know all the rich twits?”

“Cami? She's like, super rich. Her dad owns a bunch of hotels. I'm talking five star places. I thought I told you.”

“Nope. Now it makes the Jose thing even more mystifying...ow!”

“One seventy-nine,” giggled Lili. She pulled her hand up from between the two of them and dropped the last tack in the pile. “Right on the happy trail to your joy division, and I don't think either of us want anything bad to happen to that.” She leaned forward, kissing him softly with her blonde hair draping over. “So I'm getting an idea. You and me...alone in a room...no one to bother us...we get to sleep late because we have no more morning classes...”

“Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?” Jake asked, Lili's hovering above his.

“Oh yeah baby...you get your present early and we marathon those PPVs I got.”

“Then what'll I get for Christmas?”

“Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something...” Lili grinned.



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Bella Thorne absolutely loved Christmas time. The weather, the sights, the smells, the music, it all made her absolutely giddy. Her favorite thing though was the gifts. Not for herself. No, that'd be far too crass. As corny as it sounded, she loved to give gifts. It made her feel good. And when the gifts she gave both coincided and helped with her business she was all for it.

Ever since she started her business she always loved giving her best customers an amazing comped good time. Of course they had to follow certain criteria. Spend a lot was the obvious one. The girls they chose had to adore them. The third ruling went in line with the second to a great degree and that was to be a great fuck. Those who fit the criteria were few, which was what made the comps affordable.

The comped times would also either be two things. A whole new experience or an old classic that it was known the customer loved. And a new thing was what was on the menu today, for the chosen lucky one.

It was going to be a threesome. And a dirty one at that. The client had tastes and was always reliable for big tips and even bigger orgasms. He'd earned a comped threeway fucks with his two favorite whores in Bella's book. Especially when Bell was one of those whores.

The other one? Dove Cameron. The client had a couple other of Bella's girls but always seemed to crave herself or Dove. Just the right amount of filth. And if any of her customers could handle the combo of Bella Thorne and Dove Cameron, it was Matt Nelson.

Matt was due in about an hour, which meant Dove should be there any minute. She was due to come early so she and Bella could coordinate outfits for Matt. Sure, they'd be taken off in short order, but one of the best parts of Christmas for Bella was always unwrapping the present. It was just more fun, and that went for the human body as well in her judgement.

With a knock at her door, Bella was given the clear signal of Dove's arrival. She didn't need to knock. She both had a key and had been OK'ed by security. It wasn't like she was on the no-list like Reggie found himself on recently with his bad attitude.

“Hey girl,” Dove said as Bella opened the door. “Ready to get dirty?”

“Like you even have to ask.” Bella replied. She moved back to let Dove in. The platinum blonde was carrying two gym bags with her, filled to the brim with costume ideas. Though with the tight mini dress she was wearing, Bella didn't think she needed much more than that.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/34/102528425_41958741_341162289963284_4037248730988376993_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/34/102528425_41958741_341162289963284_4037248730988376993_n.jpg)

“So, leather,” Dove said, holding up the bag on her left. “Or lace?”

“I'm thinking lace.” Bella dropped her black silk robe to the ground, revealing herself to be clad in black lace lingerie. “Sexy and a lot easier to clean.”

“Great. So, do I dress here?”

“Nope,” Bella said with a smirk. She sat down on the couch. “In front of me.”

“Well, anything for the boss.” Dove started to shed her clothes, but stopped momentarily. “You want a strip tease?”

“No, not right now.” replied Bella. “Just want to see you naked. Save the tease for Matt. No offense. Those tits are pretty spectacular without any fanfare.”

Dove laughed, blushing a bit as she shook her head. 'That's Bella for you', she thought to herself. She stripped the rest of the way, no dance, nothing. All regular every day clothes changing. And still, Bella was an all too eager audience. She wasn't lying, Dove's tits, and the rest of her body, were utterly amazing, fun to just look at. Besides, very shortly Bella would be up close and very personal with Dove in a very short amount of time.

She watch intently as Dove put on a white lace bra, then thigh high vinyl boots. Dove just couldn't resist a bit of her favorite. While panties were absent. Dove never met a pair she liked and only wore them upon special request from a client, or the first time around with one to give him a look at the option. That however didn't mean Dove was bottomless. She wore a nice little plaid skirt, reminiscent of the school girl fantasy. It played very well off of Bella's all black number.


“Very nice,” said Bella. “It's even hard for me to resist.”

“Then why bother?' asked Dove, making a seductive walk over to Bella. She grabbed the boss lady's ass, pulling her close to the point their lips were almost touching. “Wanna have a little pre-game fun?”

“Mmm tempting...but let's save everything we have for Matt...a happy customer is a returning customer.”

“Suit yourself.” Dove replied with a shrug. “When is the lucky boy going to be here?”

“A little bit. Give us time to prepare. Champagne is already chilled and in the bathroom.”


“Yeah, where the big bath tub is. Big enough for say...three? With a lot of fun bubbles and candles lit all around. Or they will be nice we finish lighting them all.”

“Candles and champagne?' asked Dove, a joking tone in her voice to match her raised eyebrow. “That seems to clash a little with what I KNOW I do with Matt and what I'm guessing you two have done.”

“True, but I like the duality of it. Soft romantic candle-lighting, chilled champagne...all while I'm eating your pussy and Matt's fucking me up the ass like the dirty whore I am. Makes a girl's heart feel all a flutter.”

“You know, I actually kind of get that.”

“I knew you would. That's why you're my number one gal...among other reasons.” Bella gave Dove a wink, then motioned with her head for the platinum blonde to follow her.

The two went into the bedroom and began the candle lighting process. All different sizes, some scented, placed perfectly. Bella knew lighting, and she knew it well. She had to, after all. She was the one who took all her business promo shots, after all. And Kelly Brook had been such a good and hands on teacher.

Soon, the time was upon them. Bella sent Dove to prepare the champagne and wait. In Bella's mind, a good part of the fun was presentation, and a great piece of presentation was surprise. It was foreplay for the foreplay.

The buzzer rang. Bella smiled. It was time. She loved her job.

Bella opted not to put her robe back on. Just another thing to take off. Besides, answering the door in lingerie just was sexier....unless of course there was nothing on under the robe.

“Matt,” she said, giving him a wide and genuine smile. “And right on time. I love my men filthy and punctual.”

“Well, I couldn't be late for this,” said Matt. “I mean, a one on one with you? Can't be tardy for that. And it's on the house. I was tempted to camp out in the lobby.”

“Well, I do like to keep my customers happy. A happy customer is one that returns, correct?”

“I see nothing but logic in that thought process.” Bella gave him a laugh and let him through the door. He took his jacket off and hung it on the coat rack. In Bella's view, he was still far too dressed up.

“Lose the rest of the clothes,” she said, her voice the perfect balance between sweet and authoritative.

“Isn't it kind of early for that?”

“I guess. I mean if you want to get in a nice hot bubble bath with me fully clothed, be my guest.”

“Point taken.” Matt began to strip far less chaotically than when he usually had a session with Bella. Instead of his clothes being strewn about the place or barely hanging on, they actually ended up neatly folded on one of her sofas.

Bella led him to the bathroom. It was spacious, all aglow with the candles she and Dove had lit earlier. The bath had already been drawn, hot and steaming with a pillowy bed of soapy suds sitting on top of the water.

In front of the tub there was a big, comfortable chair set up. It was almost a throne.

“Take a seat,” Bella said. “And hold on tight.”

Questions immediately came to Matt's mind, but he held off on them. This was Bella's show now.

“I could really go for a drink...how does chilled champagne sound? The good stuff.”

“By all means.”

“Excellent.” Bella grinned. Time for the big reveal. “Champagne, please.”

There was Dove's cue. In she came, decked out in the slutty schoolgirl dream outfit carrying a bucket of ice with perfectly chilled champagne in the center in one arm and a tray with three glasses in the other.

“Merry Christmas to me,” Matt said with a laugh.

“To all of us,” Dove smiled. She set the champagne bucket and tray on the side of the tub, the grabbed the bottle. Her eyes went from Bella to Matt, a smirk on her face all the while as she popped the cork expertly. “Not the first bottle I've popped.”

“Is that a euphemism?” Matt joked.

“Maybe.” Dove winked then poured them each a glass of the bubbly.  “If it is you could certainly testify to my abilities.”

“That is true.” he confirmed.

Bella looked at him, she could tell he was getting ready to join in. His cock was already hard. But that wasn't the plan, not yet at least.

“So, let's go through what we're going to do here Matt,” said Bella. “For a little bit, you're just gonna sit back and enjoy the show. Jack off a little if you want to.”

He sat back and took Bella's advice, eyes on her and Dove while his hand was on his cock.

The women's eyes locked. Dove's eyebrow arched. Bella licked her lips and went in for a kiss. And the fuse was lit.

Bella took the lead. The desire was hot between them but Bella was either a bit quicker or a bit more hungry. She pulled down the straps of Dove's bra and the cups then followed. With the blonde's tits free, Bella went for a taste.

“Mmmm yesss,” Dove hissed, pulling Bella's face closer into her cleavage as the redhead hungrily suckled her tits. Her tongue circled Dove's aroused nipples, coating the areolas in a light sheen of saliva before flicking the aroused tipping with her tongue and then finally biting them.

Bella hungrily descended down's Dove' body, licking her tight little tummy and them lifting her skirt to get to the prize beneath, a freshly shaved and glistening pussy.

“Ooohhhh,” moaned Dove, her hands scrambling for something to do as Bella began to feast on her cunt.

Dove's green pleated skirt was draped over Bella's head. The buxom blonde struggled with what to do with her hands while Bella's were at her ass, cheeks, gripping them tight while the redheads mouth did all the heavy lifting.

“Lose the skirt,” Bella said. She kissed Dove's inner thigh and began to unzip her boots while Dove ditched the skirt. “Good girl. Get in the tub.”

Dove did just that, Matt watching as the nude form of Dove Cameron descended in the sudsy waters. Bella then turned to might, a sensual smirk on her face as she saw him stroke his cock.

“Glad to see you're having a good time,” said Bella. “But don't cum just yet. I mean we're not gonna boot you out. You can shoot as much as you want. But...isn't it a lot more fun if we're the ones doing it instead of you?”

Bella moved forward, gently grasping his cock and pumping it a few times, precum oozing out and running down her hand. “Take it slow. We have the whole night.” She moved forward and kissed him, then pulled back. She faced him head on and began to strip. Rolling down those thigh high black stockings and removing her matching stilettos.

The black satin thong was next, sliding down those long and tone legs. She flung them at Matt like a slingshot, giggling a bit as he caught them and took a deep breath of her scent before dropping them to the ground. The bra was next. Once it was off, she dropped it to the ground from pinched fingers.

“Keep watching,” said Bella. “You'll know when to join in.” Bella turned her attention back to the hot bubble bath and Dove, square in the middle of it. She waded into the hot water, crawling her way to Dove.

“Mmm, about time you remembered memmphhh!” Dove said, her speech cut off by Bella's kiss. The blonde was moved to the side of the tub by the more dominant Bella. She spread Dove's legs and looked up at her, she was hanging on baited breath.

“Sit on the side of the tub,” Bella said, tracing her fingers up and down Dove's pussy lips.

Dove breathed deep, quivering as Bella teased. She rose from the pool and sat just as Bella had asked, her shapely legs still open.

The redheaded madame moved over. Her lips began kissing on Dove's knees, her tongue and fingers teaming up in moving ever closer to their desired target, all the while Dove waited with baited breath.

“Ooooh, Bella,” she moaned when Bella got to where they both wanted her. “Oh shit yes....”

Dove's back arched, her breasts glistening from the soapy water. Her hands scrambled for something to do, nerves run awry with feelings of pleasure wreaking havoc on any sense of logic.

Bella moved in closer. One hand caressed and eased Dove's leg and hip while the other worked with her tongue on Dove's cunt. Her meticulously manicured fingers worked themselves inside Dove with surgical precision, not move wasted. Cocks wasn't the only thing Bella knew how to work.

“More, more, more!” Dove whined. Her hand darted down and grabbed Bella by the head, holding her in place as she ground her pussy in her bosses face. She was right on that verge. And Bella could have pushed her over the edge is she wanted to. That wasn't part of the plan.

Bella rose up, giving Dove the most savage kiss the blonde could remember.

“My turn,” Bella said in a growling tone. She held Dove by the hair and pulled her to other side of the tub, the blond nymphette following Bella's lead with a grin on her face. “Eat my fucking cunt.” Bella gave Dove another hungry kiss before pushing the blonde between her legs.

Bella had set the tone, Dove merely followed it, attacking Bella's pussy with the kind of passion usually only money could buy..

“OH FUCK YES!” Bella yelled. Both her hands went to Dove's head, pushing her  into Bella's cunt. “Yeah...yeah fucking eat that fucking pussy... fucking taste it... don't you think about stopping for a single fucking millisecond...ooooh, dirty whore... just like me... mmmm, fucking suck my clit just like that baby... FUCK....”

There Dove was happily eating the pussy of Bella Thorne, her round ass in the air and swaying back and forth. The water made it glisten as loose soap suds glided down the curvature. Matt was done just watching. It was time to join in.

“OH FUCK!” Dove shouted when Matt rammed inside of her. She shot him a red hot look over her should. “Ooooh that's right, fuck that fucking cunt!” she demanded. Fuck it and hard!”

“Keep eating that pussy and we have a deal,” Matt grinned. Dove winked at him and returned her attention back to Bella's cunt. Matt gave her a firm smack on her round ass as payment before driving back into her.

Bella couldn't help but laugh, amusement mixed in with the pleasure. “Fuck her fucking cunt,” the redhead growled. “Fucking take... fucking use her... ohhh, fuck yes.... mmmm fuck her pussy good... show me how fucking good because that cock is going in me next...”

Matt grasped Dove's hips and gave it to her hard and fast, just as Bella had demanded. Dove was clearly in favor from her moans breaking up her meal of Bella's pussy.

“Ohh fuck Dove... yeah... oh fuck, baby take this fucking cock.... dirty little whore... mmmm, FUCK!”

“Fucking pull her hair!” Bella shouted. “Pull this slut's hair NOW!”

Matt grabbed a handful of Dove's platinum locks and yanked her back, eliciting a surprised grunt from Dove's mouth and a wide grin from Bella's.

Dove and Matt's eyes locked for a moment, and then their lips followed suit, the two in a deep kiss for a few moments before Bella decided she wanted in on the action. She pulled Dove away from Matt's embrace and back into hers, kissing her ravenously before taking her attention back to Matt.

“Fuck her harder,” Bella demanded. Matt nodded and pulled out of Dove, spinning her around as he sat down in the tub.  Dove mounted him, a sinfully decadent smile on her face.

“Oh fuck, Matt,” Dove moaned. His hands were on her ass, gripping her tight as he thrust up into her. The water splashed and sloshed about as they fucked, Dove's moans easily drowning it out, moans that only rose in tone when Matt got to Dove's plump tits, hungrily burying his face in her cleavage.

All the while as Dove and Matt enjoyed each other, Bella sat on the corner fo the bath and watched, fingering her wet cunt in time with Matt's thrusts. She was in lustful awe, her body burning with nuclear desire.

Matt and Dove's eyes locked. Beyond the bottomless lust, there was a connection both didn't want to admit to. Dove thought she saw it, trying to hide a bit fo a flattered smile. Moaning made that easy. Still, she didn't mind returning the affection, squeezing and milking his cock with her very experienced cunt.

“Fuuuck, Dove... oh fuck, baby...” Matt growled. He drove up into Dove harder in response, bringing his lips to her nipple and lightly biting and tugging on the little pink nub.

Dove through her head back and moaned out Matt's name, their pace increased, and now Bella was done sitting on the sidelines.

“My turn,” she smiled. Dove got up and Matt made his way towards Bella. She licked her lips as he waded over, grunting with approval as he thrust in. “Ooooh that's it baby...fucking pound that fucking cunt... fuck it hard... oooh, FUCK, that's it... give that fucking cock... nnng SHIT, YES!”

Matt gave Bella exactly what she demanded, the collision of their flesh mixing with her moans and the water splashing creating their own unique symphony. One of her tone legs wrapped around him while the other lay against his chest, her calf resting on his shoulder.

Matt reached forward, groping Bella's tit and he rammed her. Her face, seductive and teasing egged him on without a single word...but that didn't stop Bella from taking things further.

“My ass,” she demanded. “Fuck my ass.”

“Music to my ears,” Matt said, smirking. He pulled out, but before he could apply his slick to to Bella's backdoor, Dove swooped in sucking him into her mouth and tasting Bella's juices on him.

“Sorry, couldn't resist,” Dove said. “Now...fuck her ass.” She kissed Matt then moved to Bella, kissing her as well, her hand fingering the madame's pussy while Matt entered her ass.

“Ohhh, FUCK!” Bella growled. “Oh fuck... oh, fuck my ass... yes, fuck yes, YES!”

Matt growled from the gut, low and bellowed as he drove into Bella's tight asshole. It wasn't the first time he'd been down this path, but it was never anything short of amazing.

“Fuck her ass,” Dove said, entranced. From Bella's look of total ecstasy intoxication to the actual view of Matt's cock gong in and out of Ms. Thorne's ass Dove was even wetter, even hotter than she'd been before. She needed to treatment Bella was getting, if not a bit harder.

“Don't cum yet,” Dove pleaded. “No... no please, don't... don't cum until you've fucked my ass too...”

“You got it,” he replied, giving Bella few extra hard thrusts. “Bella just needs to give the green light...”

“Mmm, do it,” purred Bella. “I want to see you take her ass like you took mine...fuck her ass.”

Before Matt could even pull out of Bella Dove was bent over, wiggling her ass in anticipation.

“Yesssssss,” she hissed as Matt filled her ass with cock. He stayed still when he was balls deep in her, savoring the tight feel over her ass while Dove got used to the girth. It' wasn't the first time she'd had Matt up her ass either, but she liked how he felt up there, how he savored the moment before fucking her like the whore she was. She loved feeling so dirty.

“Ohhh fuck me...fuck my ass like a dirty fucking whore Matt...Mmm, FUCK harder...HARDER!!!”

“You heard her,” Bella said, now right behind Matt. Her arms wrapped around his front, her nails raking his chest. “Pound that tight little asshole... make it yours... fuck... use it and fucking cum... do it.. .it's what we're here for, baby...”

Max Leaned over, kissing Dove's neck and whispering in her ear, “Is that what you want baby? Want me to just fucking take your ass like it's mine?”

“YES! Dove cried. “Fuck yes! FUCK that as is yours..fucking take it... oh, fuck just take it... gonna fucking cum... fuck don't stop!”

He didn't. Who would. His hand were at  Dove's shoulders, gripping and pulling her towards him with every thrust. Every moment he went harder, and faster, much to Dove's delight and Bella's enjoyment.

And Bella spurred him on, words o filthy encouragement in his ear, driving him and Dove into a total frenzy, and frenzy that could only end one way.

“Oh fuck..oh Matt...I'm gonna cum...fuck I 'm cumming with your dick in my ass. Fuck YESSSS!!!”

“SHIT!” Matt exclaimed when Dove's asshole clamped down and clamped down hard on his cock. “Gonna fucking cum too!”

“Not yet you're not,” Bella declared. “You're gonna cum all over pretty little Dove's face and in her mouth...that's what you're gonna fucking do...isn't it Dove?”

“Mmmm hmmm.” The blonde replied, still riding high with a cock in her ass. “Mmmm wanna taste it...”

“You heard her big man...”

Matt and Bella kissed before her pulled out. He got to his feet, Bella right behind him as Dove moved to her front, on her knees waiting. Her mouth was open, her tongue waiting.

Before Matt could reach for his cock, Bella had grasped it. Her fist was a blur on it, aiming right for Dove's fuck drunk face.

“Shoot it... shoot it all over that pretty face,” Bella said, her tone direct and sultry. “Don't waste a drop... all of it on her... got it baby?”

“Yes... yes... YES!!!” Matt shouted as he erupted. Bella's aim was true as his cock covered the lovely blonde's face in cum, much of it in her mouth but enough of a splatter for a good show. Bella was nothing if not a perfectionist.

Matt was spent, but the women weren't done. Bella slunk from his back to the front, slithering to her knees and licking up every last stream of cum from Dove's face only to kiss it back into her mouth...then Dove did the same. They traded his load back and forth in deep kissing,tongue caressing each until finally, they swallowed.

“Wow...”a very dazed Matt said, causing both the women to giggle.

“I don't know about you Dove, but I think it's time we finish off that Champagne,” Bella laughed.”


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 05:49:00 PM

With their classes for the semester over Alison. Jake and Jose had only one thing to do during the day, and that was to get paid. After that, they all had their own plans for the holiday and the new year.

The entered the promoter's “office building”, an old warehouse where he had a gym and a ring for training hopeful wrestlers and meet with his current roster.

The line awaiting payment wasn't too long, just the typical last minute stragglers that this trio always found themselves a part of. Though when Evan, the booker of the company, caught sight of them, Jose could just tell he had a special request of them.

“He's gonna ask us to work the holiday,” Jose blurted out. “I fucking know it.”

“Well, that's too bad, because we both have plans.”

“Yeah... I don't know what they are yet but I certainly do have plans.”

“Well, I know what I'm doing, Mexico with Lili.... just have to tell her.”

“Good god you two are hopeless,” Alison said. “You'd be lost without me.”

“Oh yeah,” Jose said. “What are you doing over break?”

“Japan. Strictly for fun. Sushi and sake and messed up anime porn. If that doesn't scream holidays I don't know what does.”

“But what if they as us to work? Bribe us with free nachos and oodles of praise.”

“That's why we're here at the same time.” replied Jake. “Hold our ground.”

“More like why I'm here,” chimed Alison. “In my usual role as the backbone of our little group. Leave Evan to me.”

“How's my favorite faction?” Evan said, the smile and posture of a used car salesman coming over him like a possession.

“Just fine, Evan,” said Alison. “Going to be even better after me and my boys get paid.”

“Of course Alison, no need to rush.”

“Oh there won't be a rush, we'll take the time to count it.”

“Don't trust me, Brie?” Evan asked.

“You're a promoter, aren't you?” Evan handed the three their envelopes, then followed them as the trio went to count their money.

“It's all there, plus a bonus for the barb wire match last week, as promised.”

“Ah, Ben Franklin, the best salve for cuts and bruises,” Jose said, breathing in the scene to the money before embracing it like a Teddy Bear.

“And there's gonna me more where that came from next year,” Evan said. “I got a surprise for you guys.”

“What?” Jake said, more than a little nervous. Most of Evan's surprises ended with thumb tacks and lighter fluid for him and Jose.

“Is it candy?” asked Jose. “It's not black licorice, is it? I'll pass.”

“No...what? No. The surprise is you three are getting an old opponent to draw some cash. Demand was high, so I made some calls.”

“Who'd you call?” Alison asked. “The Bludd Brothers? Death From Above?”

“He called me,” a female voice said, one that sent shiver up the trio's spine, especially Jose's.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/34/102528519_80w9o9opol8ksulepxvk-m7qsgbpk82qzpuvdaphkx0.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/34/102528519_80w9o9opol8ksulepxvk-m7qsgbpk82qzpuvdaphkx0.jpg)

“No.... no, it can't be...” he said. But it was. Kira Kosarin, Jose's ex and a living nightmare with a body that could kill. She was wearing all the things that would garner Jose's attention. Jeans that were just a bit too tight, showing off her ass, a shirt a bit too short showing off her belly while cut low enough to give an amazing view of her cleavage. She was the best looking poison Jose had ever seen up until Camila.

“Uh-uh, no way,” Jake said. “We aren't working with her.”

“Yeah, you are,” Kira said. “Live with it, moron.”

Alison made her way to Kira, staring her eye to eye, “We're not working with you. Not after last time. End of discussion. But try and force the issue Kira...just try it. We'll see how long that smile lasts on your face before I scratch it off.”

“YES!” Evan said. “This is what I brought her here for. It feels so real!”

“Because I really fucking hate her!” Alison yelled. “You want a shit stirrer like this backstage?”

“No, he wants money. And that's what I am.” Kira pushed past Alison and took to Evan's side, but not before caressing Jose's chest. “Look, I'm here for the long haul whether you like it or not. Now, if you don't want to make the same kind of money we made in San Diego, please, keep working with the podunk jobbers and has-beens. But if you want a real pay day, you know you'll have to work with me. I can turn any tag team Evan here has into superstars overnight, and you know it. Go on...try to deny what I can do.”

The three were silent. Kira had a point. She was damn good at drawing heat. People hated her, they seethed when she talked even more than's Alison's promos. And she wasn't scared to bleed and get her comeuppance in an angle.

“We'll think about it,” Alison said. “No promises.”

“She's in.” Kira smirked, which set Alison ablaze.

“Listen, because I'm only going to say it once,” said Alison, nose to nose with Kira. “This is business. Remember that. Don't make it personal. For your own sake. Which means outside of this place, stay away from me and my boys, got it?”

“See you around Alison,” Kira said, the grin still on her face.

“Rrrrr,” Alison growled. “I'll be in the car. You two, give her the names of the teams you like here. And that's IT. Got it Jose?””

“Yeah.” he replied. Alison stormed off, leaving the tag team alone, Jose's eyes trying to look away from Kira.

“You good man?” Jake asked.

“Yeah..yeah of course. She's just an evil she-beast from the planet Ball Buster. Nothing I can't handle.”

“Okay, I'm going to go talk with Evan then, you give Kira the teams. I'd speak with her but...”

“She fucking hates your guts. And the feeling is mutual, I remember.” Jose too a deep breath and head face first into the fire.

“Hi Jose,” Kira said. “How've you been?”

“Look, let's cut the pleasantries, all right?” Jose asked. “The best teams here are The High Spots and the Haberdashers. Of the two, you'd probably fit right in with the High Spots, but meet them for yourself.” Jose turned to leave, and that's when Kira put her hand on his shoulder, turning him around.

“Is that all I get?”

“You're lucky I'm even talking to you! I mean Christ Kira, you fucking humiliated me like it was your favorite hobby!”

“Because it is.” she replied. “And don't act like you don't love it.”

“LOVE it? You...you're crazy! You've always been crazy! I swear to... no... no, no, no... not gonna let you do this to me. I don't have to put up with you like this anymore. I have an actual GOOD woman at my side now. One who isn't a total psychopath bent on my suffering.”

“Oh come now honey,” Kira said, stroking his hair from his face. “It wasn't all bad. I mean, I am an amazing fuck, give me that much.”

“Well, yeah but..”

“See? Was that so hard?” Kira moved in for a kiss, but Jose backed off.

“OH no, no no, I'm on to you. And I'm not going to be your emotional plaything. Go talk to those teams. See you whenever the match is gonna be. Until then, stay away.... far away... and best of luck finding someone new to grind under your boot heel.”

Jose walked a away as fast as he could, leaving Kira behind, but still smirking. “Talk all you want Jose...but we all know your favorite position is right under neath my boot...”


The last few weeks had been pretty damn good for Paul. He had a good business relationship going with Bella, which also happened to be the best sexual relationship he'd ever had. Plus, no strings. Add in the fact that he business was prostitution and being as close as he was to Bella mean he got his pick of the girls for free...well, things were good. Plus he somehow got all As for the semester which utterly gobsmacked him.

Another perk of his relationship with Bella was access to her penthouse. She was currently out and would be for a while. Running a successful business as she had, there were a lot of hands she had to shake, among other things, to keep the authorities off her back. But that didn't mean Paul was going to be alone.

He sat back on the couch and relaxed, sipping some of Bella's fine whiskey as he waited for his appointment. This one, out of all of Bella's girl, had a special reputation that he just had to experience for himself.

His cell phone hummed, he had a text. His appointment was here. He buzzed her up and walked to the door, ready to let her in on her first knock.

One knock, and Paul opened the door to see his appointment waiting in the hall.

“You must be Paul,” said Kelli Berglund. “I've heard about you from Bella. Not a lot, but enough to know.”


“Know what?”

“You want to be impressed.” Kelli smiled. She ran her finger along Paul's lips and brushed him aside. He watched as her ass move from side to side.

She poured herself a whiskey and sat on the couch, Paul joining her. She reclined in the corner, her legs crossed. She locked her gaze on Paul and sipped her whiskey. “So, Paul,” she said, gently placing the glass down. “I'm guessing I know why you called me in. You heard about me and my...special reputation.”

“Spot on.”

“Well, why delay things?” Kelli asked, her knowing tone matching the smile on her face. She finished off her drink and slid of the couch to her knees. She crawled to Paul's lap, playfully prying his legs apart and getting between them.


“You know, a lot of women would take being called a blowjob queen an insult,” she said. She ran her hands up and down his legs softly. She look at him and smiled, licking her lips. “Not me. Well, not really. I'd prefer blowjob goddess. But queen will do for the uninitiated.”

“Is that so?”

Kelli rose up between his legs getting right in Paul's face. She licked his lips and cocked her eyebrow. “You're about to find out.”

Kelli got back down and reached for Paul's belt, unbuckling it in an almost playful way. Then came the zipper, going down slowly, more of a tease than the belt.

“See, the thing with blowjobs is guys only think they know what they want,” said Kelli. “A hot mouth that's going to make them nut in a short amount of time. ESPECIALLY when they buy it. Not so.”

She grabbed Paul's pants and began to tug them down. He lifted his ass to aid her. One they were down around his knees ad his cock exposed to the air, it was game on. Kelli's hands slowly glided up his thighs, her nails tracing a trail upwards to his cock.

“What guys really want is pleasure. A pleasure so intense they don't know what to do with themselves. Now,  understand how the confusion starts. Men tend to be absolutely wiped out by even the most minor of orgasms...but the good ones...the BEST ones, that you remember.  That's where I come in.”

Kelli sandwiched Paul's cock gently between her hands, her soft palms slowly pumping up and down the shaft. Paul gasped a bit. Keli laughed a bit. Paul returned it with a smile. Then he arched his back a little when Kelli surprised him by tracing her index finger up her under side to the tip, teasing his banjo string softly with her nail.

“And believe me,” she said, playing with his rapidly hardening cock. “I can do that with any part of my body. I have never, ever gotten a single complaint in that area. But...there's something about sucking a dick that gives me a special thrill. It's the control really.”

“Control?” asked Paul.

“Mmm hmm,” replied Kelli, softly wrapping her hand around his now stiff cock. “Control. See, again, guys have a misconception. They think that since the woman is on her knees most of the time, they're in charge of the blowjob. Not so. See, I'm the one controlling the speed, the tempo. How mouth feels, what my tongue does...what my hands do. All me.”

Kelli held Paul's cock in her hands and moved her mouth over it. A trail of saliva drooled from her mouth, hitting the tip of his cock. As it rand down, Kelli began pumping his cock, working her spit as lube. She stopped for a brief moment, rubbing the underside of the crown with her thumb.

“That includes face fucking by the way,” added Kelli. “Admittedly, some control is given up but I pretty much keep it. I can make it stop whenever I want. I mean, I am right in a man's most...sensitive of areas. I prefer the option of pleasure, don't you? I mean, a lot of girls say they love giving head, but I think they're bullshitting. Me? I get really wet. Sometimes I even cum. I know, you're thinking that's bullshit...but I give my word as a blowjob goddess, it's true. That's what makes me a  goddess at this, I think. I'm getting off too.”

“Ohhh yes,” Paul groaned as Kelli took him in her mouth. Again, it was a slow start, just the head at first, but it was magnificent. It was just his head at first, Kelli's cheeks billowing as she sucked. Her hand fondled his balls softly, just a tease. It was very welcome.

She released him with a pop and went right back to caressing his rod with her free hand. “I really like your cock,” she said. “Not just saying it either. I know in my line of work the other girls, they throw that out like it's nothing. Not me. I don't say it unless I mean it. I respect cock too much for that.”

Kelli moved her mouth to the base of Paul's cock and kissed it, wet and sloppy, almost a French kiss with the amount of tongue involved. Then the other side.  Back and forth all the way to the top. Meanwhile her hand went from mere fondling to a full on massage of his balls.

She pursed her lips together and kissed the tip of his cock, pressing forward and slowly parting her lips. Inch my tantalizing inch, Kelli took Paul's in her mouth, her tongue snaking and caressing every but of flesh.

“Oh fucking wow,” Paul uttered when Kelli took him in her mouth to the root and held him there for longer than he could have expected. She released him with a gasp, smiling all while she regained her breath.

“Now we really get started...and I'm doing all the work,” said Kelli. “Only thing I want your hands doing is holding my hair back....mmmm, fuck let me have that cock again...”

That's when Kelli really got onto her things. Her pace was steady, not slow and not fast. But there was still sweet sensuality to it. How her hands delicately stroked his shaft as she sucked, how her lips and tongue seemed to almost massage with every pump.

And her eyes, those deep brown eyes.  Hypnotizing in in a haze of lust. Every time they locked eyes took a chunk out of Paul's stamina. And then Kelli quickened her pace. Her soft hands gripped his shaft just a bit harder, her wrist twisting and turning just a bit more, her sucking just a smudge more urgent.

Paul looked down, dutifully moving her hair back, getting a full view as Kelli lived up to her name of blowjob goddess. He arched back, almost thrusting into her mouth. It was involuntarily, but Kelli was ready for it, she seemed ready for everything his bod was doing in reaction to her work of art suck job.

“Kelli....unnng Kelli I'm gonna cum!”

Kelli pulled off his cock, that smile right back to her face, her fist now a blur on his cock.

“Gonna cum?” she asked. “Mmm good...I love it..I love cum. I love feeling a cock pumping hot, warm jizz in my mouth... ffuuuck it throbs... every fucking squirt... mmm, but I don't stop... I don't stop until you have nothing left to give me...because I fucking earned every drop...”

Kelli devoured his cock once more, full speed ahead and no mercy. Paul was well past the point of no return and was loving every single moment of it.

“Oh FUCK!” Paul yelled, giving Kelli a big mouthful of cum, a mouthful she happily and hungry swallowed. Every stream, every pulse she took, sliding down her throat and satisfying her own itch. And of course, Kelli kept her promise, she kept sucking past when the bursting dam slowed to a trickle, making Paul twitch and shudder. When he well was finally dry, she released his wilting member with a giggle.

As Paul breathed deep, recovering from the collision course with pleasure he'd just experience, Kelli hopped up on the couch, her legs crossed and a pleased and proud look on her face.

“So, Paul, would you say I'm a blowjob queen, or goddess?”

“Goddess, definitely.” he replied. “Holy fuck a goddess.”

“Thank you,” she grinned. “ I hope this little display of skills keeps you in mind for the business expansion.”

“Wait...what expansion?”

“The one Reggie told me about last night.”

Paul sat up straight, his mind jolted from his haze. “Tell, me, exactly what did Reggie tell you?”


It was the last day for many students to be on campus. While a few stragglers had the random final to take, most were already on their way home for the holidays. Peter was ready to be one of those people, but he had a few things to take care of.

He'd already said his goodbyes to Hailee and already couldn't wait to see her again when school began again. Later on, he was going to meet up with Sabrina to sign the final papers for the apartment they were getting and talk a little business. But right now, he was waiting to see an old friend, and not the kind who just called on him when they needed something.

Peter was sitting on a bench outside the library, sipping on hot chocolate when an all too familiar voice spoke behind him.

“You know this better be important, my time is valuable,” said Camila Mendes, her arms folded and a smirk on her face.

“If that's true why you've spent so much of it with me all these years?” Peter stood up and turned around, his eyebrow raised.

Cami feigned deep thought for a moment. “That's all too true.” Her face quickly broke in a smile as did Peter's before they both met in a friendly embrace. “I can't believe we've only seen each other twice this semester!”

“Yeah but at least the first time was at my kick ass birthday party.”

“That your girlfriend had to invite me to,” Camila said. “How'd she even get my number?”

“She asked my brother.” replied Peter. He and Camila sat on the bench. “She and Sabrina wanted  me to have some friends there, Hailee didn't know any of my old friends that I'd actually want there...blah blah blah...”

“Inviting your friends, she's a clever one. She even has my seal of approval. And you know how hard it is to get that.”

“Cami you're the only girlfriend of mine that actually had a seal of approval before Hailee.”

“See? High standards. You bring a coffee for me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Peter reached under for a second cup, this one with coffee, he'd got for Cami. “You really like her?”

“Oh god yes.” Cami replied. “She's wonderful. Funny, sweet, and damn man she's hot. I can give a lot of shit to some of your exes but Hailee...well done my friend. I've known you since pre-school and you finally did something smart...”

“Hey, I dated you, that wasn't smart?”

“Yeah but we broke up which makes it a wash,” she joked. “Seriously though, I'm really happy for you. You seem really into her. I like you seeing you happy.”

“Same to you Camz,” Peter said. “Your new guy...Joe?”

“Jose,” Cami said, her face lighting up saying his name. “I'm so glad you two got along. It'd be so weird if my oldest friend didn't get along with the guy I'm in love with.”

“Oooh, droppin' the big l?”

“Of course. I'm not afraid to say it. It's why I'm cutting time at your New Years party short. Me and Jose are going to New York for New Years. Then we're spending the rest of the vacation with my parents.”

“Already meeting the parents? That serious?”

“Yes...which reminds me, why are you doing your parents New Year's party instead of hanging out with your super hot, almost too good for you girlfriend? And PLEASE don't tell me it has to do with Selena. That girl next door pretty much torpedoed you and I being anything more than friends and I don't want to hear she's doing the same shit here.”

“No, Hailee's doing some thing with her parents. An annual thing they do every year. I probably could have gone but Selena...”

“Jesus fuck it's always her,” said Camila. “I thought the fact that she wasn't at your birthday meant you finally got it through your skull she only even bothers with you when she wants something.”

“Believe me, the spell's been broken. Kinda happens when you see your one time girl next door dream girl get her face covered like she's a porno queen.”

“Oh...shit, I'm sorry,” Cami said. “I mean, I REALLY don't like that girl and what she does to you and how she's always used you...but...wow . No one should have to see something like that.”

“Thanks, but I'm over it. The only reason I'm having anything to do with her on New Years is it's going to get her out of my hair for good. Just have to do the traditional 'pretend we're dating' thing in front of her parents then I'm free. Hell, Hailee brokered the deal...after Selena interrupted us in my dorm.”

“Wow, so she's now a full on cock blocker. Instead of ruining relationships just from her influence she now tries to do it up close and personal.” Camila got up, motioning for Peter to do the same. “Walk me to the dining commons, I got people to meet.”

“Oh, I didn't know I was dealing with a VIP.”

“Sweetheart, I've been VIP since preschool.” Camila replied. “You should know, you've reaped the benefits even back then.”

“Well, you always did have the best juice boxes.”


The two began to walked over the quickly emptying campus. Seeing it without even the hint of chaos would have been noticeable were they not so focused on catching up with each other.

“You know, I really do want to start hanging out more next semester,“ said Cami. “This, seeing you on your birthday. I'm really glad Hailee called. And since there's no jealousy with you and Jose, there's no issue there. I miss you.”

“Same here. “ he replied. “Still, we could have made time. So...next semester we will. Maybe even do a double date thing.”

“Maybe even make it a triple date and have Lili and her guy join in...have you met Lili? She's my roommate, best friend, super sweet girl. You two would get along great.”

“Oh, she's the best friend now?”

“Oh don't give me that. You're my oldest friend and we'll probably end up in the same old folks home and I love you to death and all that.”

“I'm just kidding...mostly.”

“I know, but I gotta keep you in line, remind you who's boss every once in a while.” They both laughed a little before stopping in front of the commons. “Seriously, you're going to like her. Then we'll all be best friends and braid each other's hair and talk about boys.”

“Oh I won't do that again. My hair's not meant for braids and I'd just spend the night gushing about my man crush on Kyle MacLachlan.”

“Oh, I'd pay to hear that,” said Cami. “Hey, you want to stick around for a few minutes, meet Lili and my other friend Madelaine?”

“I've gotta meet up with Sabrina, but thanks.”

“Well, in that case,” Camila said. She kissed Peter on the cheek and hugged him. “See you when I get into town.”

“See ya.” With Peter gone, Cami decided to head inside instead of wait out in the cold. However, on the way in Camila bumped into someone she genuinely did not want to see.

“Oh, hi Camila,” Selena Gomez said, the disdain clearly mutual between the two. “Haven't seen you for a while.”

“Yeah, that was great,” Cami said. “Let's keep going with that.”

“Sounds great to me. So if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find Peter and just finalize the New Year's plan.”

Selena pushed past Cami. Camila was almost ready to let it go...but she just couldn't resist.

“Can I ask you a question Selena?”

“I guess.” replied Selena, pausing her stride. “What is it?”

“Why do you do this to him? Why do you make him do this little act every damn year? It borders on cruel and its definitely cowardly. Just admit to your parents you're a living cliché. A “good girl with a bad boy fetish”. It's certainly better than using a guy who's nuts for you, or used to, just to avoid being honest with them. Pretending to be someone's friend and using them? That's just cold.”

“First off, I'm not using anyone...”


“...and secondly, Peter IS my friend and he's helping me out, like he always does.”

“Is he your friend? Really? Let me ask you a question.” Camila got very close to Selena, her breath becoming white vapor in the cold. It resembled smoke coming from a dragon's mouth. “If Peter's your friend...when is his birthday? Just off the top of your head, when is it?”

Selena took a moment to think...of course she knew it...but it wasn't coming. The one moment stretched into a second...the date was not coming to her head.

“It was two weeks ago. There was a party. I was just going to send him a text but his girlfriend threw a party and actually invited me. I came. My boyfriend did. All of his friends came. Even Taylor Swift came. I have my issues with her but I can't really say she's not Pete's friend. Hell they dated for three months so there's clearly some affection there that has nothing to do with you.”

“Wait, they dated?”

“Oh...you didn't know?” Camila sarcastically asked. “You didn't know your two best friends had a summer fling? Wow...guess they kept it from you...or, and this is what I'm banking on...you don't really care about what Peter or what he's doing unless you need him. Otherwise, well, you probably wouldn't have even needed an invite to his birthday party. You'd have been the one to throw it.”

Triumphant, Camila flashed a smile at stunned Selena before turning back to the commons. However, she did decide to leave some parting words. “You know, now that I think of it, when we were growing up I don't remember you being at any of his parties. Weird huh?”

With that, Camila was in the building and Selena was still stuck in place, mulling over everything that had been said. She wanted to be way more furious than she was. Those accusation...they weren't true...except...they might have been. And she couldn't shake that feeling that Camila not only had a point, but had her dead to rights.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 06:25:34 PM


“Ohhh fuck YES give that cock to me!” bellowed Scarlett Johansson, her baritone voice reaching a new level of raspy seduction. She was the dean of the college, the youngest one on record ni fact, and between those firm, young legs was Ben Tramer. He was a junior at the college and editor of the paper. She was also Scarlett's willing boy toy of the moment.

“That what you want Scarlett?” he asked, staring into her green eyes. “Want this cock to keep fucking you?” HE thrust into her, scooting the desk she was sitting on a bit with his movement. He was deep inside her, deeper with every thrust. Scarlett was in deep, deep lust.

“Oh yes...yess... mmm, fuck me Ben...” She breathed deep, the air hissing in through gritted teeth. Ben went for Scarlett's blouse, tearing it open and pulling down the cups of her black lace bra.

Scarlett's legs tightened around Ben's body as he worshiped her perfect tits. Sucking, licking, kissing, fondling. He was lost in the flesh with no desire to be found. Scarlett held him by the back of his head and holding him close to her chest. He had no intention of leaving yet, but Scarlett wasn't taking any chances.

“Yes! Yes! YES!” Scarlett yelped. Every thrust elicited a new noise of pleasure. This was a goodbye fuck before the next semester, and a damn good one.

Ben looked up into Scarlett's face, a dirty grin on his face. “I'm really gonna fuck you now,” he said. He pulled out of Scarlett and pulled her off the desk, only to spin her around and bend her over it.

“Oh fuck!” Scarlett moaned. The moment she was bent over, tits pressed tight against the elegant wood surface of her desk, Ben was back inside her. Her ran his hands up her stocking clad legs up to her ass, giving it a firm slaps before grasping it as he took her.

“Yeah... nnng fuck yeah Scarlett really fucking you now...fuck...fuck your fucking cunt is so tight!”

“Fuck it... fuck it... ohhhh, fuck...”Scarlett gripped the desk tight, Ben going harder, faster, deeper into her. He wasn't holding back. Why would he? That's not how he and Scarlett did things. Never was. And never has been for Scarlett, even before him.

Se could feel it building, Scarlett was going to cum. The fire was just starting, the sparks just now burning into an ember.

“Oh fuck...fuck I'm gonna cum...don't stop fucking me! Oh FUCK I'm gonna cum! Don't stop don't stop don't stop!”

“Yeah that's it... cum... cum, you dirty bitch... cum for me... cum on my cock!”

“Uh...ung...UUHHHH FUCCCKKKK!” She bellowed. Ben let out his own moan and Scarlett's orgasm rocked her body, her pussy clamping and milking his cock with it convulsion of pleasure. He was ready to cum, and normally would have dumped his load in her pussy...but he got a better idea.

Ben pulled out of Scarlett's pussy and rushed to her head. She was catching her breath, facing his cock as he got their just in time to cover her face, just as much cum getting on her desk as in her mouth and on her face. She shoved his cock in her mouth, letting her suck the last droplets out.

“Now lick up the mess,” he said as he removed his cock, aching in pleasure as Scarlett cleaned every drop of spilled cum from her desk, swallowing it with a cum drunk grin.

When the clean up job was done, the buxom blonde got her feet, kissing her lover. “See you next semester Ben.”

“That a promise?”

“It's a guarantee....now get going. Oh...and zip up.”

He looked down and noticed a very open window down below. He winked at Scarlett as he zipped up and headed out. The moment the door was shut, Scarlett's phone rang. She already knew who it was, that wasn't hard to figure out. Her  secretary knew the cue when Ben was around, especially when Scarlett had appointments.

She pressed down on the flashing button on the phone, then one more to go into speaker mode. “Yes Ms. Robbie?”

“Your 12:45 is here,” the secretary responded, her Australian accent adding a little extra degree of cute to a mundane conversation.

“And what time is it?”

“12:30, Ms. Johansson.”

“Then it looks like they're going to have to wait, doesn't it?”

“Of course, Ms. Johansson.” The call ended and Scarlett had fifteen minutes to get ready from being fucked cross-eyed. No problem. She'd done the same in five minutes time. Fifteen was nearly an eternity.

She removed her torn blouse and reached into her desk drawer, taking out a fresh and clean one, perfectly folded. Whenever she knew Ben was coming, Scarlett made it a point to have a spare blouse.

From their, it was just a matter of fixing her hair and making up a bit. In no time flat she was as good as she was before the heated fuck session of just a few minutes prior. She did a quick lemon-scented spray clean of the desk and lite a few scented candles to cover up any tell tale smells there might be. Given who the appointment was, it's not like they couldn't piece together what had just happened if they didn't already know. But still, present ability is key. All part of professionalism and having a good work ethic.

She was done in no time. Two minutes to spare. She got back behind her desk and took a seat in her big, comfortable leather chair. And shortly after, there was a knock.

“Come in,' Scarlett said. The door opened and there was Margot, big grin on her face, one that knew everything that had just occurred. Scarlett winked at her.

“Ms. Thorne and Ms. Bush are here,” said Margot. “Shall I send them in now?”

“Please do Margot. And once that's done feel free tot ake off for the rest fo the day. Getyour vacation started a bit early.”

“Yes, thanks Scarlett. Have a happy holiday.” The tone blonde ducked out and allowed Bella Thorne and Sophia Bush to enter.

“Ladies, please take a seat,” Scarlett said. She shook the hands of the two women and gave both a friendly kiss on the cheek. As they took their seats, Scarlett made sure the door was locked before returning to her own. “You know, I don't expect to get calls from both of you on the same day. Rarely ever happens, especially before a meeting we've already scheduled. The fact that it was about the same thing made it even more of a unique situation. So, who wants to go first?”

“Me,” Bella said. “The root of this problem started with my business and from what Sophia said in her wonderful ray of sunshine way it already seeped into hers.”

“Oh don't take that tone with me Bella,” Sophia said. “Look, I don't give a shit what kind of business you run. You serve a clientele, I serve a different one but we both have the same ideas for how our girls work. We don't have to like each other to agree that if they're gonna do what they're gonna do, they need to be smart and protected. Which is why I said you should have kicked Reggie to the curb a LONG time ago. But no, you didn't. And now he's trying to start his own business...AGAIN.”

“Okay girls, let's move back a few moments. What's going on. Bella, you volunteered to go first, and it has to do with Reggie, so you do the talking. And Sophia, let her talk, okay?”

Sophia nodded and sat back in her seat.

“Well, like Sophia said, Reggie is trying to break off on his own again. Spitting on the charity I allowed him in sticking around after the last tie he tried this. This time though, he tried recruiting the wrong girl. Did the same to one of Sophia's. See, Kelli, new girl of mine, Reggie books her for a freebie. I allow it. Turns out it was a talent scouting session. Fortunately, Kelli's a smart girl. And I found out. And as far as I'm concerned Reggie is dead. Not that I want him tht way though, but in this business? He's nothing. Persona non grata.”

“That's all well and good Bella, but it's not enough,” Sophia said. “He wouldn't do this unless he had backing. We have to find out who that is. Even being kicked out of this little business and being blacklisted, he still would have an in. We have to snuff that out. Also, you left out the worst part of it all. He already has a girl.”

“Does he now?” asked Scarlett.

“Eh, kind of.” Bella said. “She doesn't know it yet. But she's so gaga over him apparently she's been been sandwiched between Reggie and his unknown partner. Girl doesn't know that she's being primed to be Reggie's bottom bitch. From what the motor-mouthed dipshit told Kelli he's going to film some basic pron shit with this girl as a preview of what she can do. She doesn't know this of course. So there's a whole new kind of low for Reggie.”

“I see,” said Scarlett. She sat back in her chair, arms folded. “So, what are we going to do about it?”

“Oh, I have some thing REAL fun.” replied Bella. “He's done. I assure you. But one thing you could do, is any protections he might have due to his association with me? Over. So, feel free to hand out his picture to campus police as someone they're encouraged to randomly have reason to search. I'm sure they'll find something on him. In fact I can guarantee it if you tell me when one of these random searches will be. And I'll make it good.”

“All right, does that sounds good to you Sophia?”

“It works if Bella follows through. We don't need trash like Reggie threatening what we have here.”

“Oh, I'll follow through,” Bella said. “No one fucks me over twice. No one. And I'll do you one better. I'll find out who he's working with. The list of people dumb enough to go over the heads of their boss, the commissioner, Scarlett AND the mayor is pretty small.  I'm sure all those parties would just love to know who's trying to rock the boat.”

“I know I do.” Scarlett replied. “Is that all the urgent business?” The two madams nodded in response. “Good. Now then all that's left are the rent payments.”

“Of course,” Bella said, a sly grins on her face. She reached into her purse and took out a thick stack of money. She then got up from her sat and walked behind Scarlett's dress. She delicately placed the money on Scarlett's desk, then leaned over and kissed the buxom blonde deeply. “See you next semester Scarlett. IN fact... it'll be on the house.”

Bella then turned to leave, nodding at Sophia in acknowledgement.

“She knows how to make an exit, I'll give her that,” Sophia said.

“Oh she knows a lot more than that, trust me,” Scarlett said with a smirk. She got up from her seat and moved to the front of the desk, leaning back against it. “She's not all bad. She knows her stuff. She just has different tastes than you.”

“Well, we do agree on some things,” Sophia said. She got up from her seat and walked towards Scarlett, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “She does occasionally have impeccable taste.”

Scarlett slowly stuck her tongue out and licked Sophia's lips. “Keep that in mind when I get back from vacation. Maybe have a little three-way with Bella,” Scarlett said.

“I'll consider it.” replied Sophia. “Until then...” Sophia reached into her purse and took out her stack of cash and handed it to Scarlett. “You ever miss it? The life? I mean, it was pretty good, wasn't it?”

“OH, ti was. And still is I assume. You're doing a good job keeping Salma's business alive. She made the right choice in selling to you. I just can't believe you took the job, Ms. Hollywood.”

“Well, I wanted to give back,” Sophia said. “We both know how hard it can be. Being a student, alone and desperate, willing to do anything. The business was needed to protect those girls. And as much as I may not be a fan of Bella she protects her girls just like I do mine...maybe even more fiercely. Salma did it for us, now it's my turn to pay it forward, both here and as a teacher. But to be honest, kind of surprised you didn't take over.”

“Well, I think it all turned out for the best, don't you?”

“Pretty much,” Sophia smiled. She kissed Scarlett one more time,then turned around with a smirk, teasing the young dean. “Have fun on your vacation. See you next year.”

“Count on it, Soph.”



“Yeah...oh fuck yes Liz!,” Bruce cried out. He was loving every moment of over this. Liz Gillies, the hottest woman he'd ever seen, the epitome of sensual and seduction, a sex goddess on Earth was his girlfriend and her was ball deep in her. She was bent over his dresser, taking everything he had for the final fuck they'd have before winter break. He held a firm grip on her perfect hips as he took her.It couldn't get much better for him.

For Liz, it could be a lot better. It was a struggle for her not to yawn. Bruce wasn't a bad guy...just boring. She should have picked up on it when he directed her in their Basic Instinct scene for class...but she wanted to be fair.

Fast forward a few weeks of the most boring, unsatisfying sex ever and Liz was ready to movie on. This was the definition of a pity goodbye fuck. Most guy's could read between the lines and get that...but Bruce couldn't. He was utterly convinced he was a sex god, which mystified Liz as she never actually came close faking an orgasm, let alone having a real one with him. So if he was a sex god, he had to be a Greek one, given how that pantheon were known to be petty and self centered. There mere fact she could even think of the characteristics of Greek mythological figures was probably the biggest red flag that Bruce was a shit lay, now that she thought of it.

“Yeah, keep going babe,” she said, trying to add some pep into her monotone. “Give me that dick. Just like that.”

“Yeah...oh fuck is that what you need baby?” Bruce groaned. He moved his hand up to her its, squeezing them as he pumped faster and faster. He was close, wincing as the pleasure grew and grew.

“Wanna cum on my tits?” Liz asked, actually being able to put a bit of excitement in her voice with the knowledge he was close to cumming. She recognized that sound too well.

“Oh fuck...fuck yes Liz...oh fuck yes baby...gonna cover those tits...” Bruce pulled out of Liz and the raven-haired beauty went to her knees. She folded her arms under her tits, pushing them up and Bruce jerked himself to completion.

He groaned loud as stream after stream coated her tits. Liz had to give him this, he could cum like a firehouse. It was actually impressive. Not necessarily pleasurable for her, but impressive.

“That feel good?” Liz asked. “You get all that cum out?”

“Oh...oh fuck yes baby...so fucking good.”

“Great, hand me a towel.”

“Um...sure,” said Bruce. “You're not going to lick it up?”

“No,” Liz said, laughing a bit towards the end. She cleaned herself off then tossed the towel aside. “And this, my dear Bruce, si where we part ways. You're a nice guy, but it's not working for me. So....yeah, see ya.”

Liz brushed past him to grab her clothes getting redressed in front of her stunned now-former lover.


“Bruce, you're a nice guy. Really, you are. But...how do I put this....you're fucking boring. And you fuck like you learned everything about sex from watching porn. And not even good porn. The kind where they always wear a rubber and only pop on the girl's pussy.”


“Look, I don't want to be mean. And I know it's weird to say that considering I'm dumping you like this...but I thought it'd be far less cruel to lead you along over the break, right?”

“Well, yeah..”

“Good! So we're agreed.” Liz smiled at him and buttoned her blouse. She gave him a kiss goodbye on the cheek then slipped her jacket on. “Best of luck to you Bruce, I'm sure you'll meet the right girl. Been fun..I guess. Merry Christmas!”

Liz left Bruce alone in his room, utterly confused as to what happened. He thought he should feel bad...but at the same time, he just got laid, so not a total bummer.



(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102529518_55752381_picturepub_riverdale_fall2017_ew_ericraydavidson-2.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102529518_55752381_picturepub_riverdale_fall2017_ew_ericraydavidson-2.jpg) (https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102529521_19227815_272448286564278_2882974656883589120_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102529521_19227815_272448286564278_2882974656883589120_n.jpg)

“So, usual New Years plan?” Hailee asked. She was packing a few last minute items in her bag, ready to head home for the winter. Helping her in clearing up her room was an old friend of hers, Lili Reinhart.

“As always.” replied Lili. “I use my titanic make-up FX skills to turn from merely ungodly hot to beyond ungodly hot. Seriously Haiz, you don't even need me.”

“Of course I do,” Hailee said. “I mean, come on, I need my best bud in the world with me at that party to keep me sane. And catch up. This is the first time we've seen each other in months.”

“Well, we've both been busy haven't we?” Lili said. “I mean, you've been doing all the acting and stuff...”

“And you've been going to wrestling shows and making new best friends,” Hailee said, She pushed her bottom lip out all the way, mock pouting.

“Oh please, like you haven't,” Lili said smiling. “Besides, you're going to love Camila when you meet her. I still can't believe you didn't know her dad owns the hotel your parents work in.”

“I don't even go to the hotel except for the New Year's Party, how was I supposed to know a woman I've never met is my parents' boss' daughter?”

“Fair enough. And as to your other point, if it wasn't for those wrestling matches I never would have met Jake...” Lili breathed deep and smiled, blushing a bit as she thought of Jake.

“Wow, you've got the blushes,” Hailee said with a laugh. “He better be as good as you say he is or he and I will have words. Seriously, I can't believe you're dating a professional wrestler. Talk about wish fulfillment...except it's not The Rock.”

“Jake is amazing and you'll love him...just like I better love your guy...Paul, right? Also, for the record, my crush in high school was Jeff Hardy. Though Dwayne...wooo he is something else.”

“How foolish of me to forget. And his name is Peter,” Hailee said, grinning wide. “And he's great too.”

“Well, no look who's blushing,” teased Lili. “Tell you what, the moment we're all back here and settled in, double date. Then I get to pass judgement on your guy, you on mine...maybe even make it a triple date and have you meet Camila and her guy and then you get even MORE judgement to pass. You can't lose.”

“Deal.” The two shuck hands, the hugged each other. “We can't go this long without seeing each other again Lils. I didn't get through high school without you, I don't want to attempt college without you.”

“Same here, and we won't. We'll see each other after Christmas and really catch up. I promise.”

“Great!” Hailee picked her last bag up and slung it on her shoulder, then grabbed the handle of a wheeled suitcase. But before she and Lili left the dorm, she had one more question. “What are you doing for Christmas anyway?”

“Something with Jake...I don't know what yet...but it's going to be great. And on that note...I think we both have appointments to keep. See you you soon, Haiz.”

“Back at you Lils.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 06:45:05 PM

At any other time of the year, the university library would be packed. Even in the summer it would be a hub for activity. Even during the summer months there would be students about, making it crackle with activity.

During the winter break and the days just before it? Not remotely. In fact, with most of the students gone, the main library was officially shut down, with all students having to go to the smaller business library to return books and t study for those last minute finals thrown together by the intensely harsh professors. It was dead save for the janitorial crew who came in at night to make sure things remained clean and sanitary.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102529664_3b4d27955536234.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102529664_3b4d27955536234.jpg)

It was perfect for the immediate needs of Jesse and Peyton. During the semester, in addition to the job at knockers, Peyton had taken a job during the day at the school library just to give her wallet an extra little boost. This meant she had key cards to get and out of the building. Key cards that should been turned in last week when the main library was shut down. Peyton however had a very understanding boss though who knew of her second job, so when Peyton told her she wouldn't be able to turn them in until the day before she left for winter break, she was given a free pass.

The truth of course was that Peyton kept the keys for hers and Jesse's own use. For some reason, Peyton had always wanted to fuck in the book stacks from the day she started working there. It was a fantasy that Jesse had no problem helping her fulfill.

With one quick swipe of a key card, the main door unlocked and the two lovebirds were in the main lobby. And with the click of the door locking the two were all over each other, locked in embraced with lips pressed passionately together. Peyton led them both dead center of the library.

Peyton jump into his arms, wrapping her long legs around him before being set down on a table. Jesse went for Peyton's blue jeans, unbuttoning them and sliding his hand down them.

“Ohhhh, fuck... mmm, Jesse,” moaned Peyton. She licked his lips and then pulled her sweater off, tossing it away. Jesse went for her bra the moment he could, pulling the cups down like a hungry savage and licking and sucking her breasts.

“We gotta do something about those pants,” Jesse said, trying to tug Peyton's off.”

“Mmm, couldn't agree more baby... let me take care of that, and a little bit more.”

“More?” She nodded, kissing him before he backed off. Peyton slid off the table and grabbed her backpack.

“I'll be right back....and when I get back you better not have a stitch of clothing on.”

“Don't have to ask me twice.” Jesse quickly began stripping. Peyton winked at him and headed behind a stack of books.

The anticipation was driving Jesse crazy, his hard on somehow going beyond hard. He'd have to call it diamond just to be accurate.

Peyton added kindling to the fire by tossing her clothes as she removed them past the stacks. Once everything was off, Jesse expected Peyton to come out, but she didn't, not immediately at least. Jesse was practically salivating at this point. Exactly what Peyton wanted.

She stepped out, and while her old clothes were removed, she was now wearing a bikini. The extremely good heating of the library was another plus for her fantasy. Within the confines of the building, it was perfect, toasty bikini weather.

“Wow,” Jesse said, his hand going to his cock pretty much on instinct as he took Peyton in. “Just... wow.”

“You like?” Peyton asked, doing a quick catwalk twirl to show it off. “Got it for next semester.”

“Shopping for Spring Break already?” he asked.

“Well, kinda.” Peyton made her way over to Jesse, grasping his cock in her soft hand and starting to pump. “I need to tell you something.”

'Nnng... what is it babe?” he asked, trying not to get lost in Peyton's handjob.

“I...I signed up for semester at sea....so...when school begins next year...I'm gonna be in Europe for the semester.”


“Don't be mad...it's something I've always wanted to do...and I decided to go for it.”

“So...are we breaking up or?”

“No!” she assured him. “No. I'd say...we're just not going to be exclusive. I mean, I still want to call you...talk real dirty...send you pics of me...maybe send you some sexy videos if I hook up with any hot Euro girls...” She pumped him a bit faster and kissed him. “Jesse, you're not mad, are you?”

“No... but... oh fuck Pey...nnng.. I just thought we'd finally have some time where we're actually dating... just you and me...”

“Well, let's make the most of the time we have before I go...starting here...” She kissed him once more then sunk to her knees. What better way to heighten his mood than with a blowjob?

“Mmmm Peyton,” sighed Jesse, all the problems he had melting away as Peyton took his cock in her mouth. Her fingers tickled and danced on his balls while her luscious lips and tantalizing tongue worked his dick.

Soon his hands were mired in her golden locks of blonde hair, guiding her up and down as she sucked.

Peyton took His cock from her mouth and went to the root, planting wet kisses from base to tip before moving her mouth to his balls.

Jesse took a quick breath when Peyton tease his nuts with a quick, playful bite before licking them. After a good tongue both, she sucked them right in her mouth, pumping his hard cock with her soft hand.

She looked up at Jesse with a smirk, taking a few breaths before taking him back in her mouth, all the way in her throat.

“Oh... fuck... fuck Peyton.... fuck yes!” Peyton held herself for a few more seconds before releasing him one more. But before she could go back, Jesse pulled her up, kissing her and switching places with her. With Peyton now sitting on the table with Jesse on his knees, face planted happily between her legs.

“Mmmmm yeahhh,” she moaned. Jesse licked and flicked his tongue on her clit while his fingers worked inside of her. Peyton was white knuckled as she gripped the table while her face was flushed red. While she wasn't moaning like a banshee, she was breathing fast and deep and ready for far more than just a tongue and some digits.

Not that what Jesse was doing wasn't fun. He knew all the right moves to make Peyton starving for the next second of pleasure around the corner. How to make her simmer or bring her to full boil.

However, this was just the appetizer, they both really wanted a bit more. So when Jesse  got to his feet, any sense of disappointment Peyton might have had was overridden by the sheer anticipation of what was coming next.

She quickly shed her bikini and Jesse got a few sucks and kisses on her tits. Peyton wrapped one leg around his waste while the other was against his chest, her calf resting on his shoulder.

“Fuck me,” Peyton said. “Cone baby... fuck me...” She breathed deep, releasing it in a moan as Jesse's hard cock. “mmmm... just like that...”

Jesse reached forward, gripping Peyton's breasts as he started to fuck her, staring at her gorgeous face and watching the pleasure work over her. He kissed and softly bit her calf, gripping her leg tighter as he drove into her harder.

“Oh Pey...fuck baby...oh yes...you're fucking pussy...fuck baby...”

“Oooh fuck Jesse honey take it... take it... it's your... fuck your fucking pussy... ohh, FUCK keep going!”

And that's exactly what he did, his pace and speed increasing to the point the table they were one began to move with each powerful thrust.

Jesse's took Peyton's leg from around his waste and moved it against his chest as well. He leaned forward, his lips going for hers. The two paused only briefly for a deep kiss before the fucking resumed, the new position allowing Jesse to go even deeper.

They looked into each other's eyes, foreheads touching while Peyton released deep, bellowing moans with Jesse driving deeper and deeper.

“Ooooh....oh Peyton...oh....oh baby you perfect pussy...oh shit babe!”

“Oh if you think tha's perfect, how about you go into a little tighter fit?” Peyton asked, licking lips in between breaths. “Fuck my ass.”

Jesse kissed her again then pulled out. Peyton laughed as he brought her back to her feet then spun her around. She shook her ass in front of him, looking over her shoulder and giggling. “Take it,” she said. “It's yours baby.”

Jesse returned to his knees and buried his face in her ass, licking her tight little starfish, getting prepped for the big entrance. Peyton cooed at this, arching her back at the sensation.

Jesse got to his feet and re-entered Peyton's cunt, giving her a few more pumps before pulling out and going straight for the ass.

“Unnnnngfuuuuck,” growled Peyton. Jesse's cock was pressing against her rear entrance. Not too hard, just enough pressure to pushed forward. Slowly...slowly, and then the head popped past that tight ring.

The two held their breaths, getting used to the tight sensation from two very different perspectives. Jesse couldn't believe the amazing tightness and Peyton was shocked she was enjoying the intrusion so much. But after that initial entrance, slowly a steady, but hungry, rhythm was built.

“Holy shit!” Peyton yelled. “I'm being fucked up the ass and I love it! Ha! Oh fuck keep going...fuck...fuck I'm gonna cum with this cock in my ass...oh fuck baby go...don't stop Jesse!”

“Never...never gonna stop fucking your ass Peyton...fuck...oh fuck baby...YES! Gonna make you cum with my dick in your ass!” He softly but firmly put his hand on the small of Peyton's back, pushing her face down on to the table. Peyton gripped the edges, preparing to be taken hard and fast...almost aching for it.

Jesse's speed increased, as did their moans. The two were almost delirious in their pleasure, Peyton's gorgeous face completely red from blushing, a wide, opened mouth smile on her face as her moans echoed through the empty library, mixing with Jesse's own grunts of pleasure.

He gripped her hips and his cock was a blur as it thrust in and out of her ass. “More! More! MORE!” Peyton cried out, right on that last edge. Jesse slapped her ass, loud SMACKS being edited to the soundtrack of their lust. Then his smacking hand moved around to her clit, rubbing it an sending that last piece of the pleasure puzzle right into Peyton's head.

“OH FUCK I'm GONNA CUM! FUCK! FUCK ME! FUCK MEEEEE!!!” Peyton's voice trailed off into a hoarse moan as her orgasm rocked her body, her asshole clamping down and clamping down hard on Jesse's dick.

“Fuck Peyton!, FUUUCK!”

“Cum in my ass!” she said, her shouting voice taking on a sing-song quality in the midst of her pleasure haze. “Fill my ass with your fucking cum baby!”

“AAAGGGH FUCK!” Jesse yelled. With a few last ditch pumps, he froze as he emptied his balls up Peyton's ass, falling forward on top of her, shooting rope after rope of cum in her ass. “Oh...oh fuck baby...oh Pey....”

“Mmm, how's that for a parting gift?” she asked with a cheeky smirk.




“And that's that,” Sabrina said. “We are officially the proud renters of a spacious three bedroom, two bath apartment!” And with Peter's signature, that was true. The two high-fived. This was not just a living situation, but in a lot of ways their first official move as business partners, as that third bedroom would act as an all purpose office/editing suite for their production company. And the rent for a three bedroom apartment was the reason why they were celebrating it with the finest extra value meal eight bucks could buy. “And we are super lucky it's spacious, what with Hailee joining the party. You, me, Ben, Hailee, we're gonna be sittin' pretty and probably pay most of our bills.”

“Yeah, about that,” Peer said. “If she gets help from her parents or anything moving in and I haven't met them, the story is me and Ben are just helping you guys move in to your place.”

“And why is that the story?”

“Well, Hailee doesn't want her parents to know she's living with a boyfriend they've never met. And on top of that she figures even if they DID know about me, us living together so soon would kind of be a red flag for them.”

“Makes sense. What happens when they call and you answer the phone, in the unlikely event they use the landline and not her cell?”

“I just say I'm over visiting her or doing some work with you.”

“Aww, I'm your friend and your alibi,” Sabrina said. “I'm touched. This is a sign we're truly meant to be friends for life. I mean the next logical step is helping you cover for murder. We're that close.”

“Glad to know I've got your shovel, Sabs.” he replied. “You still swinging buy for New Years?”

“Of course.” she replied. “Can't let you play patsy for Selena alone, can I? Besides, I'm also your brother's date for the night and unlike you and Selena, we're actually dating so there's going to be some action....you might want to sleep on the couch. Just sayin'.”

“Thanks for the visual.”

“No problem, free of charge,” she laughed. “And thanks for the ride to my place by the way.”

“Eh, it's not even out of the way. You need me to pick you up for New Years?”

“Got it covered, but thanks though. I can always come early though if you need a little extra support.”

“Thanks, but I'm actually looking forward to be cut free. No support needed but it's appreciated.”

“Cool. And on that note, you ready to go and kiss the snack bar goodbye for a month?”

Before Peter could respond, Liz Gillies surprised them both, taking a seat right in the middle of them.


“Hello,” Liz said, her smile inviting and sultry.

“Hi,” said Sabrina. “Can we help you?”

“In a couple different ways actually. I heard through the grape vine you guys are actually looking to shoot a feature next semester. Some kind of horror/sci- fi anthology or something, correct?”

“Yeah...” replied Peter. “We haven't really advertised yet, how'd you find out?”

“Your girl Hailee told me about it when I lamented my poor choice in both directors and boyfriends this past semester. I said I wanted a fun time and a challenge, and she recommend you two for the acting part of that equation. So, you guys got a role I could read for?”

“Uh, yeah we might,” said Sabrina. “We'll email you some sides. I mean you'll still have to read for it.”

“Of course, no special treatment. We don't know each other aside from our work. Hailee can give you my email. Now, I also have another question.”

“And that would be?” asked Peter.

“Well, let me put it bluntly, Bruce was a bore in every sense of the word. You could tell in his work in the class, I'm sure. It was worse in the bedroom. So, I was wondering if you guys knew someone interesting. I mean, long shot I know but you two had the most interesting takes on the stuff we shot this semester, so I figured you could point me in the direction of someone who's first language isn't yawn.”

“Zero,” Sabrina said.

“Zero?” asked Peter.

“Yes, Zero.” Sabrina turned her attention to Liz. “His real name is Xavier Cochrane, but goes by Zero. Don't ask. The story will start off about his old punk band then trail off into some spirit quest he went on where he woke up in the bear habitat at the zoo. Really kind of a trippy guy. Not head in the clouds, just a weird way of thinking about things, so never a bore. He's our make-up FX guy, really good at it too. So he has a good eye for art and stuff. He's also fantastic in bed. Like...dear GOD he's amazing. I can give you his number.”

“You fucked Zero?”

“Yeah....what? I've got a lot of types.”

“He live in town?” Liz asked

“Yeah, goes to the school too,” said Sabrina. “Hates the idea of living in a dorm, so he just rents out a loft as both a studio space and apartment...there's so much fun you can have in a freight elevator....”

“Great,” the buxom brunette smiled. “I'll give him a call.”

Sabrina scribbled  Zero's information on her receipt and handed it off to Liz. “Just tell him you know us if you need an in. He can be kind of picky about who he talks to. Only reason he spoke to me was I knew Peter and Ben, who he's known since high school. I got into his pants thought with my own charm, grace, and cute butt.”

“Thank you.” Liz folded the paper up and slipped it between her cleavage. “See you guys next semester. Can't wait to read for you.”

After Liz had left, Peter looked at Sabrina, a bit of disbelief in his eyes.”

“What?” asked Sabrina.

“You really fucked Zero?”

“Yeah. I mean, we never dated. We just fucked like you and I did. And it was fun. This a problem?”

“No, not at all.” Peter replied. “Just...he looks like if Shaggy from Scooby Doo came to life and went to live in Twin Peaks.”

“And his appetite is just as bottomless...though not really for food. I can give you all the gorey details on the drive to my place.”

“...you're gonna give them to me regardless of whether or not I want to hear them, aren't you?”

“See, this is why we're such good friends. You REALLY know me.”



Though Peyton and Jesse had finished up, the library wasn't abandoned. Charlie, a janitor, was still there. He'd come in just as Peyton and Jese had left, and had no reason to think anyone else would be in. After all, Peyton had dropped off her key, hadn't she?

Well, the answer to the wasn't quite so simple. Yes, Peyton had dropped her key off...outside in a hiding spot. That hiding spot was where one of Peyton's co-workers at the library, Laura Marano, had picked it up. And unbeknownst to Charlie, Laura was there to see him.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102530304_tumblr_otam6isexh1vgcrtlo1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102530304_tumblr_otam6isexh1vgcrtlo1_1280.jpg)

Laura had a thing. It wasn't something people knew about. If they did, it would ruin the fun of it for her. Someone would tell for sure. And anonymity was the name of the game for Laura and her secret obsession, gloryholes. There were a few on campus, most of them she didn't have to make herself. And she used them as a way of saying thank you to people who she felt didn't get the right amount of respect. Whether it be an overly burdened TA, a flustered student barista or a janitorial worker, Laura always liked to give them a pick me up. She usually waited for holidays like Valentines or Christmas, but  would sometime do birthdays if she could find them out. Fortunately for Charlie, while it wasn't his birthday it was Christmas time, and Laura had one hell of a present in mind for him.

As for Charlie, he'd only heard rumors of the “Gloryhole Girl”. He didn't think it was real, but there was always one thought nagging in the back of his head; “It's college”. From being a young man himself once, Charlie was all too aware of how wild and free college students could get. So, in reality, a college co-ed going around giving people oral pleasure for festive gift wasn't completely out of the question. He just hadn't experienced it. Yet.

But that wasn't on his mind at the moment. Right now, he was focused on get started at work. The sooner he did, the sooner he could be out. Technically he was on overtime right now, working for a friend so he could have New Years off. Still, the bare minimum of overtime was all the school wanted to pay him, so he needed to get to it.

On the way into the locker room he saw the first of two things out of the ordinary. The first one brought a smile to his face. It was a Christmas basket full of cookies from the library staff, complete with a Christmas card signed by them all. He removed the cellophane and took one out, munching on it as he entered the locker room.

When he got to his locker, Charlie found the second gift. It was a red and green foil envelope taped to his locker. “To Charlie” was written on the front in gold ink. Another present was nice, but a bit overkill.

When he opened the envelope however, what was inside was of far more interest than cookies.

A hand written letter, exquisitely written folded out. It read:


You don't know me, but I know you. However, I think you've  probably heard of me. In my position, I've heard the hushed whispers and chats between the men I've had a little bit of fun with. I think they just call me something simple, The Gloryhole Girl.

That's fair. It's to the point, not insulting in the least. It's what I am. And I love it. It's fun for both of us. Besides, people like yourself and the other men I've been nice to don't tend to get a lot of thanks at their jobs. And you all do so very, very much for us on campus. Especially you. I heard about your overtime deal. That's what gave you the edge in receiving my gift.

By the time you find yourself reading this, I'll be waiting for you in the bathroom on the second floor, right next to the classic literature section. Middle stall in the men's bathroom. You enter the stall on the left. And please, come wearing your coveralls. It'll make me hot.”


You Know Who”

The message ended with a lip mark, the shade of red adding an extra bit of hear to it all. Before Charlie could even take in everything he'd read he was already out of his street clothes, in his work coveralls, and out the door.

In record time Charlie was in the rest room. The moment he saw that middle stall, he saw a pair of sexy legs kneeling on a blanket, waiting for him. He didn't know who it was, but Laura clearly knew him and couldn't wait to give him his well-deserved Christmas present.

“Hey baby,” Laura said. “Step in the stall. No need to wait, hun.”

Charlie certainly agreed. He rushed into the stall and pushed aside the toilet paper covers to revel the hole. And on the other side, an open mouth with a hot wet, pink tongue waiting for him.

He hurriedly fished his cock out and was ready for it, when he suddenly paused. This girl couldn't be older than twenty-five. He was much older. His dick was all ready to go, but his mind still held back. “You sure about this?”

“Mmm hmmm,” Laua said. “If you want proof though....” Laugh stood up and lifted her skirt, showing off her shaven pussy and presenting it to him through the hole. “Touch it. Feel how wet I am.”

Charlie reached forward with his hand, inserting his fingers inside her snatch. Laura moaned, feeling him explore her inner folds.

That was all the proof Charlie needed. He pulled his fingers out. Taking the cue, Laura dropped to her knees, mouth open and eager to take in his cock.

“Sweet fucking Christ!” Charlie moaned the moment Laura's mouth enclosed on his cock. It was just the head at first, her tongue swirling and whirling around while her hand reached under to tickle his heavy balls.

Laura however could take more, and she was going to. She always loved giving as much attention the the cock head. Pushing the man as far as he could go then slowing down. Rubbing her thumb just under the crowd and hearing the quiver in his bones as he moaned. Charlie wasn't going to be the only one getting off.

“Oh baby... suck it... mmmm, suck my dick honey... just like that sweet thing...”

“Oooh, he's a charmer,” Laura thought to herself. Her hand slipped under her skirt to work her clit while the other joined with Laura's mouth to team up on Charlie's throbbing rod. Her lips glided up and down his cock, leaving a trail of streaked deep red made glossy with her saliva.

Laura's backed her mouth off from Charlie's cock and moved to his balls, giving them a quick suck while her hand teasingly pumped his dick. She shook and shivered a little. It made her dripping wet.

“Oh fuck honey don't stop...fuck baby yes!”

“Wanna fuck my throat?” Laura asked, her tone revealing the answer was already very known to her. “Ram that wonderfully hard dick in my throat?” Laura pressed open mouth right against the hole, making a target too tantalizing for him to resist.

Charlie thrust his cock forward, bracing against the thin wall of the stall.

GLUG GLUG GLUG! The wet sounds Laura's throat being fucked echoed in the bathroom, a perverse symphony of Charlie's lust.

“Oh my fucking god yes! Oh fuck baby don't fucking stop...oh fuck baby I want more!” Charlei reluctantly pulled out, rubbing his cock in a circle on her lips before Laura pulled back as well.

“More?” she asked. “Mmm, sweetie all you had to do was ask.”

There was a shuffling on the other side of the thin partition separating the two. Charlie's eye was on the whole, watching as the mouth disappeared and was shortly after replaced with a glistening wet cunt.

“How's that for more?”

“Oh yes... mmm, such a good girl,” said Charlie, rubbing his cock against the entrance to her sweet pussy.

“Good girl? Does that mean you're gonna fuck me like a sweet girl? Or a dirty girl?”

“Why not both.” he responded, pushing forward, causing them both to moan.

“Oh shit Charlie!” Laura exclaimed. “Mmmm baby your cock feels even bigger in my pussy... oh, fuck me... fuck me and cum right in my pussy baby...”

“Oh.... oh, fuck girl.... mmmm, fuck yeah take this fucking dick....”

Charlie was pumping fast, Laura bent of in her stall completely, her arms stretched out and bracing against the other side. The entire structure that made up the stalls shook with every hard thrust.

“Mmm just like that baby,” moaned Laura. “Use me...use your Christmas present....mmm fuck me and fill me up... please.... mmm, don't worry about me just get off.... just fucking cum for me baby.... ohhhh god, yessssss...”

“Yeah... yeah gonna cum... gonna fucking fill you up baby... ohhh.... oh, fuuuck...”

He thrust faster and faster, their moans getting more intense and breathless. Finally, with on last desperate pump, he thrust all the way inside of Laura, going balls deep as he froze in place, unloading his cum in her pussy.

“Fuck yes!” he cried, pulsing with every stream he shot inside of Laura. “Oh baby, yes...”

“Mmmmm just like that honey...ohhh cum...give me every drop...mmmmyessss...”

Charlie took a few breath before stepping back. He leaned back, watching Laura's freshly fucked pussy dripping with his cum.

“Mmm thank you so much Charlie. Now, here's what you're going to do. You're going to zip up and head out to do your work. Start at the top floor. When you come back here I'll be gone... and no peeking. Don't worry the fun for everyone else.”

“Uh... yeah, sure,” Charlie said, zipping up. “Thanks for the present.”

“Oh no... thank you.” replied Laura. “And Merry Christmas, Charlie.”


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 07:01:35 PM

“You're going to Vegas for Christmas?” Camila asked. She, Lili and Madelaine had just finished with their last meal together of the semester and were off to get the last of their things, ready to depart. Well, Madelaine was. This was their last walk across campus together for the semester.

“Yeah,” said Madelaine. “Jared got a gig opening up for some comedian in Vegas. Part of the payment is a suite for the weekend. And it's pet friendly. So it's gonna be a lot of fun. Then back here for New Year's. Candles, champagne...and silk sheets.”

“Well, at least one of us has plan,” Lili said. “And before you say anything Cami, plans only count in this case if both parties know about it.”

“And I say it still counts because there's no chance of Jose saying no to a free trip to New York on a private jet.” replied Camila. “So you're the only one without a plan, and that's only because Jake hasn't said anything. Which he will. I mean, you haven't heard about them working New Year's have you?”

“No. As far as I know Callous Pain is taking New Year's off. But if you're that worried, you better tell Jose that you have something planned. And also that you're you know, Batman-rich.”

“Did one of you say Callous Pain?” a female voice chimed in, interrupting the three. When they turned around, Lili's jaw dropped.


“I see I've got a fan,” Kira Kosarin said. “I take it you're also fans of Callous Pain, right? Or you hate them, which is also understandable.”

“Oh, they're big fans all right,” Madelaine said. “More than that, they're dating them.”

“Is that a fact?” Kira walked past Madelaine and looked over Lili and Cami, the blonde and brunette exchanging odd glances. Kira stopped in front Lili, her grin widening as Lili's faded into a look of utter confusion.

“You're definitely dating Jake. You're so his type,” Kira said. “Girl next door, sweet smile, really great tits...and you're obviously a fan, meaning you two have a lot to talk about.”

Kira then shifted her attention to Camila. Her smirked gained a sinister air. “And you must be what Jose is slumming it with right now.”

“EXCUSE me?” Camila said. “Do I know you? Answer: no. So you have about ten seconds to walk away right now before you get real intimate with my foot when it's up your ass.”

“Ohhh, you're feisty,” laugh Kira. “I can see why he picked you. While your mark friend here gave you my ring name, allow me to give you my real one. Kira Kosarin. I'm Jose's once and future girlfriend and you're the temp.”

Kira extended her hand, sarcastically reaching out for a handshake which Camila expectedly slapped away.

“Oh, so you're the old model,” Cami said. “I can see why he ditched you.  I mean yeah, you're hot and all, but even Jose has a limit on the amount of cuntiness he's going to take. And you just broke the dial, bitch.”

“You're adorable. See...I've known him far longer than you. Maybe longer than anyone. I'm sure blondie here can vouch for that if she's as big a fan as I think she is. And if not, just ask him. Or Jake. Or Alison. They'll all tell you the same story. And it all ends with him back where he belongs...wherever I tell him to go.”

“Well, if that's the case you won't mind getting out of here before I break your face,” Madelaine said. “And believe me, that'll be the mercy. You don't want to know what Camila will do if you REALLY piss her off.”

“Ooooh, so scared,” Kira taunted, mock-shivering her hands towards the three. “But, I do think I should be going. See, I'm not just going to be working with Jose again, I'm going to be enrolled next semester here. So..looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of each other Camila.”

Kira walked away, a spring in her step from this unexpected confrontation. Camila on the other turned to Lili, with one thing on her mind.

“Tell me everything you know about that fucking bitch, Lili.”


(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102530934_7d6cda926216294.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102530934_7d6cda926216294.jpg) (https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102530940_52dab1926216254.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102530940_52dab1926216254.jpg) (https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102530945_432565926216224.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102530945_432565926216224.jpg)

“Thanks again for helping me move in to my new place,” said Taylor. She'd decided to move off campus. She'd decided that at the beginning of the year. The only change in that plan is that now, she was going to be alone in the apartment, after her nuclear break-up with Karlie Kloss. That, combined with her moving off campus, led Katy Perry to think Taylor was in a weak position. Taylor relished the chance to prove just how wrong Katy was.

“No problem,” said Norman. “Figured it's the least I could do after you putting my services on permanent retainer.” And it was a fair figure too. His client list for his particular set of computer skills was short, just Bella Thorne and Taylor Swift. It was shorter one name after the entire McKracken incident with Katy Perry, but his income didn't really shrink that much. Bella paid good and had amazing benefits and with Taylor, it was all benefits.

Though lately, he did find he and Taylor had been spending a lot of non-business time together. It's wasn't unpleasant. Norman would go so far as to say it was fun. He was there when she and Karlie had broken up and had even comforted Taylor. And now he was helping her move. Whatever relationship they had, it'd certainly just gone beyond business with benefits. Into what though, he could quite be certain.

“I know this place isn't much to look at now, but neither was the sorority house when I took it over. Pretty soon I'll have this place looking like it's worth of royalty. Or better, me.”

“Doesn't look too bad so far,” added Norman. “This huge couch is awesome. Big screen right in front of it is killer.”

“Looking at the important stuff, aren't we?” Taylor joked.

“Yeah, well it's not like there are any painting ups or anything.”

“Fair enough.” Taylor looked him over for a second and smiled. “You look thirsty. Want a water? Your reward for lifting all those heavy boxes.”

“Honestly yeah, I'm real thirsty.”

“Same here.” She winked at him then went to a box on the counter, taking out two small glasses. She then opened her fridge and bent over, Norman staring at her awesome ass encased in denim Daisy Dukes.

Once the water was poured she headed over to the sofa, inviting Norm to come along. Once they were both seated, she handed him his glass.

“I really do want to thank you,” she said. “You've been a big help. And I haven't had to blow you once in return so...you know...thanks.”

“Well if you want to I won't say no.” Norm gave her his best shit-eating grin, earning a sincere laugh from her.


“I'm serious. With everything that's gone on lately and with my best friend pretty much so far off in her pathetic bad boy fantasy to be of any use to anyone, it was nice to have some companionship that was there because...well...”

“Because what?”

“It's going to sound stupid.”

“Then please, do go on.”

“You're such a fucking jerk,” she said with a laugh. “Okay. Here's the thing. I know on campus, I have a horrible reputation. And fine. To some degree I've earned it. I'm all business a lot of the time and don't suffer fools lightly. Present company excepted, of course.”

“Of course.” he replied, the two clinking their glasses at Taylor's joke.

“But seriously, I get the vibe I put out, and most people, men and women, just want to fuck me. And I'm fine with that. I like sex too. A lot, actually. But, it's hard for me to make friends. I'm a harsh but fair judge of character. And, well...you like me for me, I think. So...thanks for doing that. You're more than a business partner in my book. And when I really needed it, too.”


“Well, always happy to do some pro bono work.” Norm sipped his water, locking eyes with Taylor for a moment. “You been all right with all this stuff? Is there still a war cry out on Katy?”

“Oh no, I solved that problem with a quick visit to McKracken. Showed him the video, and he and I made plans. See, I've heard Katy thinks with me leaving the house, she's won. What she doesn't know is...maybe her dues for the sorority house haven't been paid...or if they did, they might have gotten lost. Ooooops. How could that have happened I wonder?”


Taylor giggled, sending a rush through Norman that was unique to Taylor, especially after the past few weeks.

“See, I'm a total kitty cat unless you do something stupid or attempt to fuck me over. Then....well...slash and burn. With no mercy. Though I'm always happy to accept apologies.”

“Glad I've never been on you bad side.”

“Believe me, you'd know,” said Taylor. “First off, I”d stop blowing you completely.”

“Well, you haven't done that for a while, so I must be in the doghouse.”

“I wouldn't say that at all,” Taylor said, her voice soft and sweet. She set her glass down and looked directly at Norman. “Wanna change that?”

“Tay, I was just kidding, you don't have to.”

“I know,” she said. “That's why I'm going to do this.” She got up from the couch only to straddle Norm's lap. Her soft hands touched the sides of his face and kissed him. Softly at first, almost a peck on the lips before it slowly got deeper. And the deeper it got, the more passionate Norman got. He gave into the more primal, emotional attraction that had been developing between himself and Taylor. Her wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and closer.

His hands moved from her back to her ass, gripping it through her tight denim shorts. She moaned into the kiss, the grabbed his hands, moving them to her shirt. Norm got the picture. He frantically unbutton her shirt, Taylor tossing it away. It left the blonde in a simple bra, holding back her breasts. Norm just couldn't stand that.

As Taylor began to grin on him, he pulled the cups of her bra down, lovingly taking her breasts into his mouth.


“Oh fuck... mmm, suck my titties Normie... ooh, just like that...” Taylor pulled him close to her, burying his face even deeper in her tits, something Norman clearly didn't mind. He lovingly kissed and sucked at one tit, flicking his tongue over her erect nipple before sucking it in his mouth and gently squeezing it in his hand before moving on to the next. He had never experienced Taylor's body like this and he wanted the total package.

He rolled her over on to her back and kissed her, a smile on her face as it broke. Her deep blue eyes watched as he kissed his way down her body until he arrived at her shorts. He unbuttoned and then unzipped them.

Taylor lifted her perfect legs straight up, allowing Norman to peel them off with ease. Before she could lower them, he grabbed them, keeping them put.

Norm gave Taylor a look before he started kissing at her ankles, then to her calf. Taylor loved the attention, licking her lips in anticipation as his lips and tongue moved ever closer south.

By the time Norman was at her thighs, Taylor's legs had made contact with the couch once more, and they were open, inviting Norman to get ever closer to his intended target.

Norman looked up at Taylor, returning his gaze while she leaned back on the couch, waiting for his approached. She breathed heavily while he kissed his way up her thighs, his fingers doing a little dancing of their own on their own journey to the same destination.

Before too long he was there. He used his fingers  first, lightly running them on her pussy lips, making the blonde shiver a bit. He circled her clit with his middle fingers softly, so softly it was almost a tease.

“Unnnn yesss,” Taylor hissed, her eyes fluttering a bit when Norm's tongue entered the fray. While he wasn't a pussy eater to the same degree that Karlie was, Norman was no slouch in the least. And a lot of that was an obvious passion for eating pussy. With one arm he held Taylor in place, as he went head first, literally, into pleasuring her.

“Ah.. aaaah ... oooh, fuck... mmmm, right there... right fucking there....” Taylor moaned, her back arching when David's fingers went from working with his tongue in working her clit to inside of her, working their way in and out of her. When he grazed her g-spot, Taylor back arched, the golden haired vixen exhaling in a deep moan.

Norman sucked her clit, lightly grazing it with his teeth while he stroked it with her tongue. Her red nailed fingers ran through his black hair, holding his head in place as if Norman had anywhere else he wanted to be.

A lot could be said of Taylor as a lover. But greedy was never one of them. She grasped norm's hair and pulled him up to her lips, tasting herself on his when she kissed him. “Your turn now,” she said.

Norman took Taylor's old position, leaning back on the couch. His own clothes were gone in a flash and now Taylor was between his legs. Her nails gently raked his thighs as a blue fired burned behind her eyes.

She kissed up his thighs, trails of red lips marks working their way up to his cock. He took a quick breath in surprise when Taylor lightly bit the flesh of his inner thigh. The blonde vixen gave him a wink before returning to her kissing, occasionally throwing another soft bite in until she got is balls.

Norman's cock was hard, stranding straight up and ready for all the attention Taylor could give...but she went for his balls first.

Norman rolled his back, moaning as Taylor licked his balls. She teased a bit at first, quick swipes with her tongue while she fondled them with her hands before full on sucking the orbs into her mouth.

“Oh shit.... wow, Tay... mmmm,” Norm grunted. He'd had experiences with Taylor and he knee weakening blowjobs, but this one seemed to have a far more person touch. He couldn't quite pin down what she was doing different, all he knew was her felt it...and she hadn't even started sucking his dick yet.

With the warm up on his balls finished, Taylor slithered up to his cock, planting kisses all around until she softly grasped the rigid flesh in her warm, soft hand.

“Oooh, look at this,” she said. “Already so hard for me,” said Taylor. “That's what I've always liked about you. Ready and waiting. No warm up needed... but I always know it's appreciated.”

Taylor straightened both her hands out and placed the palms lightly on his ride and began to move them up and down, giving him the teasingest handjob he's ever had.

“Just a little touch at first,” she said, staring at his cock. “Not too much...that'll come later.” She ran her finger tips up and down the shaft before stopping at the head and rubbing circles around it. Taylor let out a mischievous giggle when this made Norman shiver. She'd never really gone all out for him. Though he probably thought she did. She was that good and she knew it. But now...it was time to show him what a real deal Taylor Swift blowjob felt like.

“Oh fuck,” he muttered as her red lips enclosed his cock head. Her hand pumped the shaft as her tongue swirled the mushroom tip. Then her lips moved down, taking him about halfway before dragging back up, her tongue snaking all around the flesh as she moved.

Then she did it again, a bit faster, her hand still pumping the shaft just a bit while the other one cradled and fondled his balls, even teasing his taint a bit with her nails.

Taylor released his cock and brought her lips to the base, kissing all around the roots, giving him just as much tender affection as wanton lust. This wasn't just a random fuck for either of them, or at least it didn't feel that way.

Taylor brought her mouth back to his cock and began to suck more fervently. Not too fast, but nothing close to slow. Just enough to drive him to that edge and hit the brakes before going over, just enough for the rush without the explosion. And judging from his moans, she was doing just that. And doing tat would lead to the main event that they both desperately wanted.

Taylor once again removed her mouth from his cock, a string of saliva connecting her lips. She crawled up his body, the tip of his cock leaving a trail of precum on her stomach. They kissed, lips locked deeply while Taylor got in position and mounted him. The two moaned and took a moment to look in each other's eyes.

“Wow,” Norman said. He ran his hands over Taylor's body, settling on her ass. “Just...wow...”

“Wow? So soon? I can't wait to hear what you think we we really get into it.” Taylor steadied herself, planting her hands on the back of the couch as she began to ride. “Mmm see? Already better. Mmmmmohhh... bet you wished you'd saved that wow, huh Normie?”

“Actually I don't know if wow would have fit this.” he replied. “Wow's  a bit underwhelming...” His hands took a firmer grip of Taylor's ass as his face to second trip to her breasts, taking a bit more to savor her taste.

“Oh.... oh, Norm ...mmm... been way too long.... way too long since I had a cock like this...” Taylor sped up, her eyes shut as she the pleasure was rushing through her body. It had been way too long since she'd had a cock in her pussy, let alone one she actually would have had their without it being a business deal. That part made it feel a little bit extra good.

Norm's hands moved from her ass to the small of her back, supporting her almost as Taylor leaned back, her back arching and her tits presented even better than they had been before.

The two were deep into the sex, very deep. So deep that Taylor had forgotten that her coffee table hadn't yet been put in front of the couch. When her arms reached back, leaning for the table to lean on, she found nothing but empty space. She and Norm would have tumbled over if he hadn't pulled her close, nose to nose.

“How about we try this?” said, sealing it with a kiss. He laid Taylor down on the couch. She gave him a surprisingly soft smile, the kind he'd never seen her give anyone before.

“I know I'm hot and all Norm, but less staring more fucking,” Taylor said. “But thanks, though.”

“No problem.” he replied, licking her lips before starting to drive into her again. Taylor moaned softly, licking her lips and loving how he was going deeper into her than before.

Her perfect legs wrapped around him,  his pace increased and they couldn't stop if they wanted to.

“Harder... mmmm, harder, Norm...come on baby...give it... oooh, fuck baby, just like that!”

All Norman could do is reply in moans and grunts, a romantic caveman of sorts enjoying the fruits that Taylor's body was offering up. His lips were at Taylor neck, her face moved just enough to whisper breathy bits of encouragement in between moans. She loved to encourage he lovers. Loved to think of things to say to make them go harder for her. Make them go crazy for her. Sure, for business deals it was always the over the top naughty girl dirty talk, but for a moment like this, sweet and sensual nothings mixed with her own moans of approval were the seductive symphony that worked best.

Norman slid his arms under Taylor's back, grasping her shoulders, holding her closer as his pace increased. “Tay....oh fuck Tay...shit. Baby...fuck....”

“Yeah.... mmmm, fuck I love it... love your sick in me baby... oh I want more though... and I wanna give you more.... you want more?”

“Ohfuck baby yes...oh fuck so much more...”

“Mmmm, then how about...oooh, fuck yes right there don't stop....h-how about you fuck my ass sweetie?”

“Wait what?” Norm asked, briefly pausing the action.

“Mmm don't worry...,” Taylor assured. “I want it... I want you in my ass.... you can have it...don't you want it?”

“Then pull out of my pussy and fuck my ass.” She sealed the statement with a smoldering confident smile.

Norman kissed her before pulling out and Taylor got on all fours, leaning over the couch arm and shaking her booty for him.

With such a dish presented in front of him, Norman dove right in, eating Taylor's ass like there was no tomorrow.

“Oh WOW!” Taylor exclaimed. She was far, far from an anal virgin, but when presented with what Norman just was. Most them didn't hesitate to push forward as it were. Norman though, he was a welcome change. How his tongue was licking and probing her back door sent a unique crop of goose pimples on her flesh and a new tingle up her spine to mix with all the other sensations.

But still, Norman was only a human...and Taylor's ass was an irresistible force to him. He put his cock back in her pussy for a few pumps more before pressing the head against her backdoor.

Taylor hissed, sucking in air through clenched teeth as Norm pressed forward. Her red nails were digging in tight to the couch, but the grip slowly loosened when he began to play with her clit. Getting it in was always the hard part, but once it was in, smooth sailing...or at least fun sailing.

“Mmmm fuck,” Norman growled, popping past the resistance. Taylor calmed down as well, flipping her blonde hair back and giving him a look over her shoulders.

“Oooh fuck that's tight,” she said, a smile on her face. “But don't stop baby.... I want to cum...I want to cum with your dick in my ass...then you cum in my ass.... but make me cum first baby... nnng make... ooooh, fuck.... make me cum....”

“MMM gonna make you cum Taylor... oh, fuck baby...” his free hand slapped her butt, gliding up from the impact point up the sweaty curve of her body, grabbing her shoulder again. He pulled her back with every thrust. The pace form the beginning was far from slow, neither of them wanted that, not for this.

Taylor slid a hand between her legs, joining his own at her clit. They both began to breath hard and fast, almost in beat with the increased tempo. And while Norman was going faster and damn near lust crazed by the blonde vixen he was with, he was conscious enough to pay attention her body, what made her moan, shiver and shake...what to do and not to do to make her feel good. If she didn't get off he wasn't going to...or at east he wouldn't want to.

With Taylor's hand at her clit, Norman moved his arm around her waste, hooking her and pulling her up, her back to his chest. His lips were at her ear, his hot breath and moans and grunts up close and personal for her listening pleasure.

“Say you love my cock in your ass Taylor...mmmm fuck... oh, fuck... say it, baby...”

“Mmmmm, oh fuck, Normie I love.... oh fuck just don't stop... don't fucking stop baby because I'm so close... oh please keeping going!” The two kissed, hungrily, tongue's seeking each other out as he drove hard and fast into her ass, his free hands holding and squeezing her tits. It was the final stretch...and Taylor was shockingly ahead of the curve, much further along than she thought.

“OH HOLY SHIT!!!” she cried out, her body freezing in position as her orgasm his her like a sonic boom, after shocks quaking her with every thrust Norm drove into her. And that of course was the domino that set off Norman.

“FUCK YES TAYLOR!!!” he yelled. He pulled her tight, burying his face in her hair and neck as he pumped her as full of his seed, her desperate grunts of pleasure mixing with her owns as the both fell backwards on the couch.

Norman though this was recovery time. He was wrong. Taylor got off of his cock and spun around, giving him a kiss that was right in the middle of romance and drunken lust.

“I'm not done with you,” she teased. She kissed his lips again, then his chin...his chest...his stomach, and then grabbed his cock, still pulsing and fresh from her ass.  “You're gonna give me more cum.”


“I want to taste your cum too... I'm greedy... and what Taylor wants, she gets... fresh from the source....” Taylor then inhaled his cock, giving him a fast and furious blowjob that was almost too much for his still sensitive prick to handle.

Taylor was in glee as she saw his back arch and his face contort in the oddest feeling of pleasure Norm had ever felt, a pleasure he both needed to stop and never end at the same time. It was too intense. Taylor showed him a slight mercy, removing her mouth for a second only to replace with her hands that had just about as much mercy as her mouth.

“I know you got more for me,” she said. “So gimme... gimme all of it baby... that's the deal...I give you everything I have I want everything you have..gimme... fucking give it to me!” Her mouth engulfed him again, ready to push him and push him until he couldn't take it anymore,. She was practically fucking him with her face, the pleasure was so intense he couldn't move.

The only movement he could make was a slight jerk of his hips, signalling is second orgasm in just a few minutes. No where near as big as the load that went up Taylor's mouth, but one big rope that went right on her tongue, making the blonde harlot go “Mmmm” around his cock. After that large robe, it quickly turned to a driblet and the well was dry.

Taylor released his cock and showed off her empty mouth before climbing back on the couch and cuddling with Norman. “Now we're done. Cuddle time.”

“Cuddle time?”

“Norm, you just came in my ass and In my mouth. So yeah, cuddle time.”

“I'm cool with that,” he said as he wrapped his arm around her. “I'm guessing I'm staying the night.”

“You guessed right.” replied Taylor. “And lucky for you, I'm no blanket hog.” She kissed his chest and looked up at him, resting her chin on the spot she had jut kissed. “I really like you. More than I should, probably...but I like you.”

On that note, Norm's phone rang. He tried to ignore it before Taylor grabbed it from his pants and handed it to him from the cushion in the couch it had fallen on.

“It's cool, you can take it. Just tell whoever it is you're In for the night...I'll make it very worth it.”

Norman smirked at her then saw the caller ID; Bella Thorne.

“Talk to me Bella,” he said. “Oh...oh really. No I didn't know that. He decided to not inform me. Of course...of course I'd love to help you on that matter. ON the house, actually...I don't like being denied details like that.”

The conversation seemed like normal business. Taylor was more than aware that  Norm did work for Bella Thorne. Taylor herself was quite familiar with Bella's business, having hired Bella and several of her girls for her parties throughout her college career. However, Bella seemed to say something to Norman to not only get his attention, but decide Taylor needed to be in on this.

He gave the phone to Taylor and she brought it to her ears. “Yes Bella?” she asked. “He was going to WHAT? Well,of COURSE I'm mad...oh, hell yes I'd love to help. Thanks for the invite.” Taylor handed the phone back to Norman, who ended the conversation with Bella.

“Well, that was certainly an informative call,” Norm said. He pulled Taylor closer. “Still cuddle time?”

“Mmm hmmm,” she responded. “Cuddles are pretty necessary when you're planning on utterly crushing someone. It's double the warm and fuzzies.”



Everything was going to plan for Reggie. He was going to get a piece of the pie being horded by Bella and that Sophia bitch. And he had his crown jewel of Selena Gomez wrapped around his finger. It wasn't going to take much to nudge her into the business, he could read that much about her a minute after meeting her. Now that he was in her pants, it was a done deal.

And Bella? She didn't have a damn clue. Reggie had been smart this time, not trying to recruit anyone known to be loyal to Bella.  He went for the ones who would want the same thing as he did: more.

Which made his payday from Bella even sweeter. Going up to her apartment, looking her in the eyes as she handed over the green he earned. The whore being the one to pay up...paying the guy who was about to take an even bigger chunk out of her income than the payday.

When the elevator door opened, he almost skipped from the joy. Nothing could go wrong. He reached for his key card only to find it wasn't working. But an electronics glitch wasn't going to bother him. He knocked on the door. Paul had opened the door.

“Bella wanted me to tell you that you're late,” Paul said. “I don't care personally because it's what, ten minutes, but you know her.”

“Oh yeah, very well.” Reggie said. “Before half the town had that body, I did. But enough reminiscing. Time for the green.”

Paul led Reggie in. Reggie was too distracted by his bright future that he didn't notice several things off. No background music.  Only a few lights in the hall were on. Usually, Reggie would recognize the alarms these things were, but he couldn't right now.

The pair entered the main room, Bella waiting in a large chair, legs crossed and her face cold. Paul went to her side. Reggie was now feeling a bit uneasy.  Bella rarely had a smile for him these days but this was a stone cold glare. Something was up.

“Ready for payday, Reg?” Bella asked, sipping from a glass of wine. “Ready for what you've earned?”

“I think so...” Reggie said. He took a few steps back from Bella, then thought better of it. He didn't know what was behind him, especially with all the lights dimmed.

“Good. But first, how about we bring out one for the new girls, hmm? Have you met all the new girls? Usually you're on top of all that. I know for SURE there's one you have met already. She already has such a good reputation. Repeat customers too.” Bella smiled at him, a smile that sent a shiver down Reggie's spine. “Why don't I introduce you two, just in case?” Bella looked at Paul and nodded. Paul left, only to return with Kelli in tow. The moment he saw Kelli, Reggie's heart sank.

“You know, Kelli is not just an amazing cocksucker,” Bella said. “She's smart. She can recognize a dumbass from about a mile away. Kelli, be a dear and tell Reggie what you told us.”

“Well Bella, I thought he had cleared his expansion with you. I mean, he asked me to join up with it. So naturally I needed to ask the boss what it was all about.”

“Clever girl, isn't she?” Bella asked.

“Bella, look, I can explain.”

“Don't bother. You're out. Done. I asked around, talked to Sophia. You REALLY fucked up this time. You've crossed way more people than just me. And on top of all that, you were warned already by someone outside the business...”

That's when Bruno walked in, accompanied by representatives from the Irish mob and the Eighth Street Bangers. All three men were as wide as a car on their own and pure muscle and none looked all too pleased.

“I warned you Reggie,” said Bruno. “I warned you.”

“You messed with me, you messed with Sophia, you messed with the cops, you messed with the fine bosses of these men,” Bella said. “And a few other people. Now, Reg, needless to say, any privileges you once had are revoked. You're done. Remember that with al the cops you've pissed off over the years. Now, we can lessen what else will happen to you...who're you partnering up with, and I don't mean your girl. Who's the rat betraying his boss?”

Reggie gulped. He was out. And probably in for a beating. He wasn't going to give up Ronnie. He could take the beating. But Ronnie would do much, much worse. Besides, with Ronnie he still had a shot.

“I don't know what you're talking about Bella.”

“That's what I thought,” Bella looked to the three gigantic men. “Grab him.”

They did before Reggie could even make a move to run. Two holding his arms and one with his arm around his neck, ready to squeeze. Bella looked at him, a half-smile and eyes full of anger mixed with joy.

“Don't talk. You lost that right and there's nothing you could say to change your mind.” She fiddled with the ring on her finger, the one with a large emerald in the center and turned it towards her palm. “You know what your biggest problem has always been? You think you're indispensable. Very wrong.”

That's when Matt walked in, right behind Paul. “You brought in your own replacement. And he's good with things you aren't as well. Numbers, laws...and he;s an amazing lay. Really everything you're not.”

“Never heard you complain,” Reggie said. Defiant to the absolute end.

Bella laughed for a moment before gearing back and slapping  Reggie across the face with her ring hand, the gemstone drawing blood. She then grabbed his face, her nails digging into his it.

“You listen to me you worthless little shit! You're done. Completely done. You try to take MY fucking livelihood away? MY FUCKING BUSINESS!” Two more hard slaps followed that. “Who do you think you're fucking with?!?” She kicked him in the groin, a move that finally wiped the grin from his face. Then her eyes turned to the three large muscle masses. “Do it. No broken limbs. He can walk out of wherever you dump him. But make sure he feels this for a good long while. And I want pictures.... oh, and boys, remember your payment... you all get to fuck me... one at a time or all at once. The better you do...the more I give you.”

The three men look at each other and smiled. The one with his arm around Reggie neck squeezed just hard and long enough to knock him out and the three then drug him out.

Bella lit a cigarette then motioned for Dove. “Bring me my phone dear, I have a call to make.”

The platinum blonde nodded and walked off and Paul walked towards Bella. “You think that did it?”

“Honey, the beating probably won't do it.” Bella replied. “But he's being given a chance, which is more than he deserves. You heard what Kelli said he was ready to do. Film some poor girl getting fucked by him and his nameless partner without her knowing. Launch a website selling her services. But Reggie...he's so eternally fucking stupid. He actually hired MY tech guy, thinking I wouldn't find out. I have him on retainer. Mainly for moments like this.”

Dove returned with Bella's phone and handed it off to her. Once it was unlocked, she found the name she was looking for, Norman. And this phone call was going to be a twofer. Reggie hadn't only messed with Bella, Sophia and several other “legitimate” business men. He had quite inadvertently crossed someone almost as spiteful as Bella herself when properly inspired with just about as much venom,if not more, when she struck. Bella recognized the girl Reggie had been with lately.. She knew Selena Gomez when she saw just from how often she'd been around her best friend Taylor Swift when ever Taylor hired Bella and her girls for a big party. And Norman was currently with Taylor, as he had been a lot for the last few weeks. She'd asked him to be hear for Reggie's little going away party, but Taylor had him otherwise occupied with helping her move into a new place.

If Reggie did the usual Reggie thing, he'd go forward with his plans. Bella couldn't have that. And who better to sabotage him in the worst way possible than Norman? And who better to make it hurt bad than Taylor Swift?

She hit dial. “Hello, Norman. Bella....”


The theme of the day was packing up. Getting the past semester all put away to get ready for the next one and the big things coming up. Like many students, Jake and Jose were going along with that theme, putting together the last of their things before getting ready to head out on their own holiday adventures.

“Kira select any tag team yet?” asked Jake. “Or are we in the dark until we come back?”

“PLEASE don't mention that name to me,” Jose said. He massaged the temples of his head, trying to drown at the pain that the mere mention of the annoyance of his life brought up. “I'm just fucking waiting to see how she finds a new way to ruin my life.”

Right one cue with that, there was a loud knock at the door. Jose opened it only to have Camila barge in yelling, “Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were working with your ex-fucking girlfriend?!?”

“Wait, what?” Jose asked. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Don't give me that! Your hot but in that trashy fucking way that of course you like ex fucking got in MY face and called me a fucking temporary substitute for her and she was about five seconds from me gouging out her god damn eyes! Lili had to hold me back...THEN she told me all about you two...how could you not fucking tell me that a woman you almost married is all of a sudden back in your life?”

Lili then sheepishly stepped in. “I'd just like to point out I only said what I heard from dirt sheets and prefaced it by saying I didn't know how true the reports were...and the general thread was she's a monstrous bitch, which has indeed proved to be true.”

“See? I fucking  knew it!” Jose said. “I knew that the moment she fucking showed up this morning that she'd find some way to wreck things for me, and now she's fucking with my girlfriend. How did she even find you?”

“Guess who's going to be on campus next semester?” Cami asked, her anger at the situation being another thing she had in common with Jose. “She was touring the campus and your tag team name got brought up and that bitch unleashed Hell. After Lili fan-girled out first, of course.”

“Hey, I didn't know she was a for real bitch when that happened!”

“Lili, Jake, could you guys do me a favor and leave Cami and me alone for a bit?”

“Yeah, sure pal,” said Jake, putting his arm around Lili and leading her out.

Now alone, Jose had Cami join him on the bed, sitting side by side. He softly went for her face, turning her gaze to him.

“You really didn't know until this morning?” she asked. “For real?”


“Hell no,” he said. “If I had known they were even thinking of bringing her in I would have been very damn vocal. I never, EVER want to see her again. But now she's here and we have to work with her...but  that's it. I promise. I love you and I just don't want anyone else. Notice the lack of jokes? She made my life a living Hell, you do the exact opposite.”

“Yeah...but you two were engaged...”

“No we weren't. She SAID we were, but I never bought her a ring, no matter how many times she told me to. Mainly because she was always fucking someone behind my back and let me know it. That's how that rumor got started. Kira is a lot of things. But she's not you. So you're always going to win...especially when you say things that get me all hot and bothered like threatening to gouge her eyes out.”

Cami laughed, then scooted just close enough to him to put her head on his shoulder. “So you're stuck with her?”

“For now.” he replied. “But she's nothing to worry about. You're the first woman I've ever told “I love you” and meant it. With her, it was always some kind of messed up game. I either said it or she found some new way to twist the knife.”

“Why did you waste your time with her then?”

“I thought the biggest thing in the world was having a hot girlfriend. That was the important thing. Didn't matter what she did or said. Now, I know a lot better.”

“Are you saying I'm not hot?” Cami asked, the humor in her tone finally returning.


“OH no, you're hotter than a Scotch bonnet and sweeter than...uh...something that's super sweet.”

“Nice, I can see why you're always the one with the mic.” She moved her lips to his kissing him. “I love you.”

“I love you too...and that's why. Well, one of the reasons. You bust my balls but you're not mean about it. Well, now that we're dating at least.”

“Hey, all those other mean things before we dated don't count because we were playing “I don't like you” to avoid admitting we in fact, did like each other. Now...I'm only joking with you. I don't want to actually hurt you...so I'm sorry I came in screaming like that. It's just...THAT BITCH.”

“Oh believe me, I know all about that bitch. She lives the gimmick. Fuck she'd even book me in the most fucked up and dangerous matches yo could think of without my permission or knowing about it. So there are definitely physical scars too.” The couple lied down on the bed, side by side holding hands. IT was time to change the subject to something more pleasant. “So...New Year's....got plans, Ms. Mendes?”

“I just might,” she smiled. “How would you like to join me on a private jet...with a bed and chilled champagne...to Manhattan on New Year's Eve. No Time's Square. That's no where near as fun as people think it is. But a nice Penthouse suite...just the two of us?”

“That sounds amazing babe....but I would need to check my bank account, to see if my Hulk Hogan-sized pay day has come in...”

“It's all on me.”

“What? Wait...how much do they pay you at the print shop?”

“I'm rich,” she said, just blurting it out. “My family is like, mega rich. My dad owns hotels. A lot of them. Good ones too. There are a couple in town. I...I didn't tell you because I thought you'd look at me different or something. I don't know. I don't really like to flaunt it that much. Lili and Madelaine are pretty much the only people I let know. And that was only after they knew me. And Peter knows but we grew up together so there's no way I could keep that from him. But...I just didn't want my money to influence how you felt about me, good or bad.”

“Okay...so...why do you work at the print shop?”

“Really? That's your one question?”

“I'm a simple man.”

“Obviously.” Camila climbed on top of him, kissing him again. “My dad. He told me the only way he'd pay for school was if I got a job. He wants me to learn responsibility, being where I'm supposed to be when people are counting on me, all of that. Fine by me. Daddy didn't raise a vapid rich bitch.”


“Really? That's it?”

“You're still you...just with a few more dollar signs than I thought.”

“So...is that a yes for New Year's?”

“Of course! Also we could visit Titan Towers! And the Hammerstein ballroom!”

“Those are all wrestling things, huh?” Cami asked.


“So...I'm gonna be distracting you with a lot of sex then while we're there...that cool?”

“Well, you could always start now...unless your limo driver is waiting, rich girl.”

“Oooh, you are sooo paying for that,” Camila laughed before taking off her shirt. “But, you know, later after the orgasms and cuddling.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 07:08:38 PM

“How long you think they'll be up there?” asked Lili.

“Long enough for to just start relaxing on this lumpy lobby couch.” replied Jake. “Maybe longer if they're already screwing.”

“Yeah, I don't see this being a fight moment.”

“So...they weren't engaged, just so you know. Dirt sheets were WAY off about that.”

“I know! I forget that Cami loves Jose but isn't a fan of the whole wrestling thing. She doesn't know that most of the time those guys are talking out their ass.”

“Well, this time they had good reason to say things. Kira was essentially going around saying it. Jose never asked, never wanted to. BY the time she was saying that he was already planning his exit.”

“Was she really that much a of nightmare? I mean, I have to say I'm a fan of her work but she was real...and pardon my language, cunt to Cami today.”

“Oh she's one of the most awful people I've ever met. Her attitude easily undoes anything physical about her by a long shot. But she can spot easy pesy and Jose can be the easiest of them. I mean, according to him no woman really even gave him the slightest look until Kira. Even if it was just to have her own personal emotional punching bag, he was game as long as he had some someone. But even he had a breaking point.”

“Wow, he doesn't let on. But I guess I really see why Cami fell so hard then. She really hates the usual guys she dealt with. Big money, bigger egos, small...you know. Thought they owned her. She's been burned too, but, you know, kind of the opposite way. Like, they thought they  owned her because she faked a few orgasms. The moment that happened, she dropped them like flies. So...yeah, those two make a lot more sense.”

“Like puzzle pieces.”

“See, with words like that I can't help but think you should get the mic more.” Lili scooted closer to Jake, who then wrapped his arm around her. “So, let's move on to us...”

“Well, I am a big fan of that subject.”

“Well, that's a relief,” Lili said. “So...are we doing anything for New Years? I know Cami is springing her plans on Jose right now. Probably unless things have really gone south.”

“Actually...I have a great plan.”

“I'm all ears.”

“Well, the last few time Jose and I worked in mexico, we did it for less than we usually would. The promoter said he'd owe us later, and it was good exposure. Anyway, last week I called in that favor.”

“Oooh, I like where this is going...go on.”

“Well, the promoter is in the hotel business, just like Cami's dad...and I called  in the favor...”

“And I am listening as intently as possible now...”

“I got us the honeymoon suite at an amazing hotel for six days. Free. We only pay for food and stuff. The room is on him.”

“Oh my god!” Lili said, jumping up from the couch. “You're kidding...Mexico? New Year's Day in Mexico! Home of Luche Libre and amazing beer? Yes! Oh my god, YES!”

“Well, New Year's Eve too but I'm glad you're as excited as I am.”

“Wait, Eve?”

“Well, yeah. See, I was thinking I pick you up at seven, we grab some food for the road...and I planned it just right so we'd be in the parking lot of the hotel right at midnight, and kiss as the fire works go off. You know what they say. First kiss of the new year is the person you're sharing that year with.”

“That...that sounds great.”

“It doesn't sound like you think it's great.” Jake got up and pulled Lili close to him. “What's wrong?”

“It's just, well...I kind of made plans for New Year's Eve. Not the day, but Eve...yeah.”

“How do you make plans for Eve but not the day?”

“I don't know! But I did...I didn't know you were planning something like this! And I love that you did...it's amazing, but I can't make plans with a friend and then ditch them.”

“I'm sure Cami will understand, Lils.”

“It's not Cami, she has her own plans, remember?  An older firend of mine I haven't seen in a while. We always spend New Year's Eve together, so...we're doing it again.”

“Okay, well this other friend will understand when you let them know what your boyfriend just sprung on you.”

“I don't think I can do that babe...it's, you know, tradition. Why can't we just go up early on New Year's Day? The room will still be there, right?”

“Because the moment will be gone.” He began to pace around the room. Not angry, just frustrated. “So...you're just flat out saying no?”

“If we just have to go on New Year's Eve...then yes. I...I'm not going to ditch Hailee. We do this every year.”

“Oh, I see...and we wouldn't be doing this every year is what you're saying.”

“No!” Lili began to walk towards him, trying to reassure him. “I..I just don't want to let anyone down baby. Come on, don't put  me on the spot like this.”

“I...I have to think on things,” Jake said.

“Jake...babe..come on...I'm sorry...” Jake didn't hear her, he was already out the door. Lili crashed down on the couch like she'd been gut punched. What a way to start Christmas vacation.


(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102531598_tumblr_paced2oaow1s9qb9lo1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102531598_tumblr_paced2oaow1s9qb9lo1_1280.jpg)

It had been a fairly eventful day for Kira Kosarin. Raised a little Hell, toured a campus, and now she was back at the office as it were, checking out her new gear in the mirror. The entire ensemble was mostly sparkly green, gold on matte black.

It wasn't much different from her usual gear really. Just now, green instead of red. And of course, the sparkly texture of the colors. It was still two piece, and both pieces showed off her assets very well.

She turned in the mirror to look at how her already amazing ass looked even better being hugged by the tight material of the shorts. She smiled at the reworked logo right on her butt; “KAOS” on a razor blade, dripping with blood. Went well with the bloody razors on her top as her razor blade earrings. She didn't mind putting money into it. The investment was always returned.

She then turned to the front. The top was tight, showed off her tits well too, but there was a new added edition. B-sides the top being low cut, there was a bit of a boob window, showing off even more cleavage.

“Beauty and the beast in one package,” she said to herself, smiling. That was her rep, both in the ring and out of it. And she prided herself on it.She loved being one of the hardest hitting, most violent wrestlers this side of Candice Le Rae. She also loved manipulating things behind the scenes to get exactly what she wanted by any means necessary. The razor blades meant something to Kira. It meant she was as cut throat s they come. And that was partly why she was there at the moment.

She had done a little make-up as well, essentially ring ready...or photo shoot ready. She tied her hair up in a pony tail and headed towards the boss' office. It was time for some fun.

After his little confrontation with Jose's current step down from her, Kira already knew everything about her. The main thing, the thing she was going to use, was the strong likelihood this girl was squeamish. She could tell just from talking to her and how she talked about Jose that she wasn't a fan. Meaning she probably didn't know how hurt they really could get in the ring.

All Kira, in her mind, had to do to get Jose back into her possession. And that was simple. She had to pt him in the most violent match she could imagine. A death match beyond imagination.

Now, there was a potential problem, Kira wasn't the booker. However, that never stopped Kira from putting Jose in that position before. She had fun ways of getting what she wanted.

She couldn't help but smile as she headed to Evan's office. He was probably there with Trent, getting ready for the big NYE show where she was set to debut. She was hoping they would be receptive to her ideas....and if not, she had all the best ways of making her case.

Kira knocked on the door and walked in. Trent and Evan were at a desk, looking over booking sheets and note books. “HI guys,” Kira said, her voice soft and seductive with a smile that matched. “How do I look?”

Kira twirled around, making sure the men got a good look at her ass and breasts along with every curve of her body. “You like?”

“Uhhh, yeah,” Trent said. “Looks great.”

“Really good.” answered Evan. “New?”

“Just came in. I picked it up and just had to come back here to try it on and then show it off.” She turned her back  to them and grabbed her firm, round ass. “See? The shorts are a little higher than my old gear. Shows off a bit more of the cheeks.”

Kira turned back around to face them. She could tell they were already under her spell, but still, she wanted to put the cherry on top before she moved forward. “And the top I had cut lower. Boob window too. I mean, I can out-wrestle most of the people you hire, male or female, but I also don't mind flaunting the sex appeal. Just means more money, right?”

“Can't disagree there,” Evan said. His smile gave away his intentions, which were Kira's intentions as well. “What can we do for you Kira?”

“Well, I was thinking about my debut for you guys. I want it to be huge. Insane huge.”

“Same here,” Trent said. “We're open to any ideas you may have.”

“Well, I'm thinking we open up the show with Callous Pain in the ring,” said Kira. She made her way to the desk and took a seat on it. “Alison yammers on about how no one is a challenge for the team, yadda yadda, my music hits...I kill it as always, and bring out the Haberdasher...that's the team I've picked by the way. Back and forth between us all on the mic...then we set up a death match for the main event. I'm talking barb wire, light tubs, the works. No mercy.”

“Whoa, a death match?” Evan asked. “As a debut? I don't know isn't that a bit much?”

“I have to side with the boss here. That's a feud capper, not the way to begin one.”

Oh come on boys, think of the hits you'd get. So many people flocking to the website just to stream that kind of match for free? It guarantees the PPV event will go over huge. They'll want to see how we top it. And believe me, we will. You've seen what it says on my t-shirts. Sex, Blood and Rock N Roll. I don't just wear that phrase, I live it.”

Kira gave them both a look that went right to their crotches. They knew what she was going to do to get what she wanted and didn't really have a problem with it. But they still needed to play the part.

“I don't think the other team will go for it. Especially the death match part.”

“Then don't ask Alison or Jake,” Kira said, sliding off the desk and onto her knees. “Go to Jose first. You know he can't ever say no to a promoter...so get him. And then you'll have your match.” Kira reached her hands out to both men's crotch, feeling their cocks through their pants. “Now, I think we've got a plan here gentlemen...but I could always do some more convincing if you want. All you have to do is stand up and drop the pants.”

Evan and Trent were up and pants down in the blink of an eye.

Kira grasped both hard cocks pointing right at her and started to gently pump. “Oh my god, look at these cocks,” she said. “So beautiful. I don't know where to start. They both look so good.”

She looked up at the men and licked her lips. Her mouth hovered over one, then the other, her hot breath making the rock hard members twitch. She couldn't hold the grin back any longer.

“How about this? I close my eyes and oyu boys decide who goes in first and we go from there, okay?” Kira closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She didn't have to wait long for a cock to take up residency in it. And from the sound of the moan, it was Evan. The boss gets first dibs, predictably.

Her brown eyes opened and Kira dutifully began to suck Evan's cock while her hand pumped on Trent's. Both men were very happy with the arrangement.

“Suck it girl,” Evan growled. “Take the fucking dick baby. Just like that.” His hands were on her head, guiding her along as she sucked him. Kira didn't mind. This was how she got what she wanted, by giving them what they wanted.  Besides, if they took too many liberties, she could do a lot of damage from where she was now.

Kira removed her mouth and brought her lips to the sides of Evan's dick, working them up and down almost like a paintbrush. Then her attention turned to Trent.

“Oh shit yeah!” he yelled as Kira sucked him into her mouth. “Mmm that's right baby... all you honey... all you...” She winked at him as Trent put his hands behind his back, letting her take control. Different strokes, literally.

Kira matched Trent and held her behind her back, letting her mouth do all the work on him. It was more than enough. Kira knew exactly what she was doing. Sucking his balls at first, his his hard cock rest and rubbing against her face as he worked over the healthy  orbs. It was an attentive action to be sure, but just a bit of kindling compared to the blaze Kira cold set off if she wanted to.

She licked the underside of Trent's cock from base to root, her mouth ready to take him in. And when she did, she went full tilt, no mercy. She was almost fucking him with her mouth, making it a near impossible struggle for Trent to not use his hands right then and there to fuck her face.

Kira pulled back with a loud slurp, replacing her mouth with her hand and giving them both an eager grin, saliva dripping from her mouth.

From there she went back and forth between the two poles, giving each man their own treatment. Even liked it a bitch rougher around the edges. Kira allowed him to face fuck her a few moments or teased he crown with her teeth. Evan didn't even mind a bit of a prostate massage. Kira took a mental note of this. He might be fun enough for a solo ride.

Kira got to her feet and the men were on her again. Trent grasped her tight top, pulling it over her head and tossing it aside while Evan was now on his knees, working on Kira's bottoms. With them off, his mouth went to her own well rounded and firm bottom, burying his face in it as he buried his fingers in her sopping pussy.

“Oh fuck...mmmm, yes boys, just like that,” Kira moaned. With Trent lovingly sucking her tits and Evan going for the whole lower torso, Kira was just about ready to let them take over...but that would mean it would all end too soon. Where was the fun in that?

“How about another game, boys?” Kira said. She hopped up n the desk and leaned back on her arms. “Same as the first one, kinda. See, I lay back, eyes closed, legs open, You choose who gets my pussy first...and then the other can have my mouth all to themselves...until we switch things around again,of course.”

Kira laid back, her eyes closed. She heard whispering, the men discussing in hushed tones who would go first. The element of surprise, she loved it.

The talking stopped and she heard the men take their places. She let out an eager moan as the cock entered her cunt. And the moment the dick's owner moaned, she knew Evan had won first dibs. Benefits of being the boss.

She opened her eyes and winked at a waiting Trent. He was hypnotized watching the flesh of her tits jiggle with every hard, hungry and urgent thrust.

Kira winked at Trent and extended her tongue, licking the tip of his cock right before she took it in her mouth, Trent's hands now on those amazing tits of hers. He pawed, squeezed, did everything hand could do to that flesh. And Kira was giving that dick the sucking of a life time, or the best she could from her position. All mouth and tongue, just the way Trent seemed to like it.

And Evan, of course, was loving it. Loving the feel of her hot and tight velvet box, how her fit body felt in his hand. Tight, yet just a bit of softness where it counts. Fucking her was not what got her the job. Kira herself was a draw. But if this was how she called in favors, creative or otherwise, Evan had no problem with Kira being part of the creative committee.

“Mmmmfuck...hey Evan,” Trent said, fighting through a haze of pleasure to form words. “Ready for that switch up?”

“Mmm, want my pussy now Trent?” asked Kira. “Ready to get what Evan's been loving?”

“Almost.” Trent replied with a grin. Evan pulled out and Trent climbed up on the desk and straddled Kira's chest, placing his cock between her breasts. “I get first crack.”

“Oh, I do love a breast man,” Kira said. She pressed her tits tight around his cock and Trent began to thrust. “Mmm fuck yeah baby... use those fucking tits honey... fuck them. FUCK. MY. TITS! Fuck yes I love it!”

“Yeah, oh fuck yes Kira...gonna fuck your fucking titties so good baby...oh shit yess...”

Kira was lying when she said she loved breast men. Something about being titfucked gave her a rush. Not a full on orgasm kind of experience, but a bit of sizzle on the steak, as it were. She figured, if she was blessed with such a perfect rack, why not have some fun with it...and when other felt the same, well...that was just magic.

She extended her tongue, licking at the head of Trent's dick with every thrust, peppering his prick pleasure to add to what her tits were doing. She swore she could feel him throbbing in the valley of her breasts.

And Evan? He waited. He enjoyed the show. He knew Trent wasn't going to finish with a tit fuck. That'd be a waste of the fruits the Kira's body was offering up. Besides...as lovely as those tits were, Kira had a lot more to have fun with.

Trent knew if he kept going between Kira's tits, it'd be over for him. He crawled off her and moved to the position Evan had been in. “Bend over,” he said.

“Mmm, no problem.” Kira switched position from flat on her back to bent over, her back arched, her cunt waiting to be filled.

“All the way,” Evan said as he re-entered the picture. “Flat on the desk...other wise how are you going to suck me?”

“Oh, two inside me at once?” Kira asked. “I'm a lucky girl.”

“You don't know the half of it.”Kira eyed him as he got in front of her face, her body lowering down completely, her mouth open.

The men entered her almost at once. Trent savored her feel, taking long but strong strokes inside of her, eyes shut tight as if her were memorizing the contours of her pussy with his hands at her ass, gripping her round cheeks hard.

Evan on the other hand was pretty much face-fucking her. Kira shrugged it off. It was his style. Taking what he wanted. She could admire that. Besides, it wasn't like she didn't have a soft spot for the rougher stuff.

As much as Trent loved to savor his surroundings, he couldn't help but sped up and match the boss' aggressiveness just a bit, giving Kira more than a few hard slaps on her apple ass. With every stroke his desire grew, just wondering where this could all go. Though it it ended here, he couldn't complain.

“Nnng fuck I meet need another crack at that cunt soon,” Evan sneered. He took is cock out, slapping it and rubbing it all over Kira's face, smearing her make-up.

“Yeah, that right?” asked Kira. “Another shot at my pussy when there's a whole new hole to have fun with?”

“Oh yeah?” asked Evan, to which Kira replied with a nod, smiling while she bit her lower lip. Trent pulled out without complaint, bringing his cock to Kira's lovely mouth and Evan went to Kira's ass, giving a bit of worship, kissing and licking that puckered opening before pressing his lobed up cock against her back door.

“Ooooh yesssss,” hissed Kira, a grin on her face. “Mmmmmm...” Evan's head popped through that tight ring. Her mouth opened, moaning loudly. That was when Trent decided to place his cock near her mouth, running it along those lips before Kira closed in on the head, sucking while her ass was being taken.

Once again, the difference in the men was apparent. Evan, far more insistent, take charge. Hard, demanding thrusts deep inside Kira's anal cavity. Every thrust smacked against her flesh, his balls hitting her pussy lips every single time.

Trent, he let Kira take as much control as she could, keeping her hair out of her eyes, making sure he got a full view of everything. Two styles working amazing together for Kira, and two she would be quite eager to revisit on a more one on one basis.

“Ohhhh fuck..yeah baby...fucking tight, round fucking ass...fuck yes best fucking ass I've ever had...YEAH!” Evan geared back, slapping her ass hard. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Kira loved it when they got into it. Made them far more open to try new things...and do exactly what she wanted later.

“Let me see those eyes,” Trent said. He put his hand under her chin, bringing her eyes t his. “I wanna see them... unnng, wanna see them while you suck me...”

She gave him everything she had with those eyes, joining together with Kira's mouth and hand in giving Trent the best blowjob possible while fucked up the ass, which if Trent was anything to go by pretty damn good.

Evan's hand gripped Kira's hips hard, refusing to lessen their death grip as he strokes got a bit long and deeper, slowing down a bit to change things up. His eyes went from her ass to her face, Kira having looked over her shoulder and giving him a hungry, hungry look.

“Switch it up,” Kira said, winking at Trent. “I think Trent here deserves a round up there.”

“What about me?” Evan asked, giving Kira a few extra hard pumps.”

“Nnngfuuuuck... well, I do have another hole... and I'm not talking about my mouth.”

“You serious?”

“Very serious, Evan.”

With that, Evan pulled out of the seductress' ass and his way over to the couch. Kira followed, wasting no time in lowering her pussy on to his cock. Then came Trent, the last piece of the puzzle, he kissed her shoulder as he pressed forward himself, his cock having a slightly easier time getting up her asshole after it's previous fucking.

“Ohhhh fuck, that's a lot of cock!” Kira exclaimed once both men were in to the hilt. “Oh shit!”

“But you fucking love it, don't you?” Evan said before taking one of her tits in her mouth, sucking and tugging on the nipple with his teeth.

“Mmmm, every fucking second baby.” she replied, leaning over and kissing him, biting down on his lower lip and drawing a smidgen of blood. “Sex, blood, and rock 'n' roll.”

All bets were off. It was fully tilt boogie time. The fucking from both men was hard and fast and Kira was dick drunk and craving more.

“Pull my fucking hair!” she screamed. “Grab that fucking ponytail and PULL, Trent... don't... oh fuck yes fuck me... don't hold back!”

Trent reached forward, wrapping her brown hair around his fist, and yanking back, making Kira howl in pleasure, His hand grasped her neck and turned her face to the side. The two kissed in a collision while Evan was having fun with Kira's amazing rack. Kira herself was lost in such a haze of carnal bliss she could have been talked into damn near anything at that point.

Trent's hands glided over Kira's sweat soaked skin, from her ass to her back to her front, grabbing her breasts for a brief moment, getting a feel of the globes before whispering into Kira's ear in between grunts, “I want that pussy again.”

“Mmm, I think that can be arranged. “ she replied. “Want my ass one more time Evan? Want to fuck my fucking asshole some more, you fucking pervert?

All Evan could manage was nod and a grunt. He stayed in position on the couch while Trent pulled out and Kira turned around, sinking her asshole down and his pole while Trent re-entered through the front.

The fucking resumed. Fast, furious, and no mercy. Kira would never have asked for any. Where was the fun in that?

Trent, as expected, gravitated once more for Kira's tits. He split his time burying in her breasts and at her face, showing a perverted sort of affection towards Kira, whispering absolute filth in her ear while kissing her deeply.

Evan, Evan was just enjoying himself. Not that she could blame him. If she could experience what he was she'd be more than a little tempted to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Kira could feel it in her gut. As the men were taking her faster and faster, she knew they were too. She was going to cum. And if she was close she knew the men had to be even closer. Time to earn her match.

“You boys gonna cum? Huh? My ass and pussy gonna make you cum? Well you fucking perverts better cover me with it... my tits... my face... make me a fucking cum whore... nnnng, FUCK, just for you!”

Trent pulled out of Kira's ass and she went to the floor, back to her knees. He and Evan were standing on either side of her, jacking there cocks while she rubbed her clit. Watching her moan and writhe on her knees got to be way too much for the men, both of them unloading and utterly covering Kira's face and tits with cum, making a sizable and sexy mess of the woman.

Getting a few extra stream out was viewing Kira cum, almost right when their jizz first made contact with her skin.

Soon, moans gave away to exhausted, but pleased, deep breathing. Not a one of them was clear headed, high on the orgasms that had run through each of them.

“So,” Kira said after a couple of minutes of recovery. “How about I go shower up, then we talk about my place on the booking committee?


(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102531637_nxwl0tta_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102531637_nxwl0tta_o.jpg)

It had been a fairly good first semester for Camila Cabello. She turned twenty-one, good grades, new friends, wouldn't have to live on campus next semester due to her new job, and her new job was actually a lot of fun. That surprised her, considering it was, for lack of a better term, prostitution.

Camila really, really wish there was a better term. Whore, hooker, prostitute, they all made it seem a lot worse than it was. It wasn't like she was on the street peddling her wares. She had a safe environment with men thoroughly vetted out and a boss who made it her business to watch out not just for Camila, but every woman who worked for her. Working for Sophia made the whole act seem classy because under her, it was.

She never would have imagined doing this for a living when she was younger, but now? It was just a job. A fun one, but just a job. It was sex, but not SEX sex. And it wasn't a forever thing by any means. In order to make it not a forever thing, she had to sometimes work the days no other woman would. It usually meant more money.

That's what lead Camila to take Sophia's call. Pretty much everyone had left the campus at this point. Only five more days until Christmas. Most of Sophia's girls were back home with their families or with the high paying clients, what few there were in the area. Camila was staying put though. It wasn't that she didn't have family or that she didn't want to see them. She just wanted to be on a bit more solid footing financially before taking on a full fledged Christmas break.

Sophia was still in her office on campus. It wasn't too hard to go see her, about this new appointment. All it took was a soft knock on her office door and Camila was welcomed in with a big hug and smile.

“Camila, thanks you so much for taking this job,” Sophia said, leading the Latina to a chair. “It's a first timer, but he was willing to pay the holiday price. And you... well, I think you're perfect for him.”

“Why's that?” asked Camila. “Not that I'm objecting or anything. Just, well, curious. Is it physical? Another ass man?”

“Honey no offense because that is some genuine talent you have back there, but if it was just that I wouldn't have gone for you. See, this guy, Owen, he's...I'm pretty sure he's a virgin. Or at least never had a girlfriend.”


“Yeah. He was too jittery even for me. Which made me think of you. You've got this really sweet disposition. I can't tell you how many candy grams and flowers get sent here by your regulars. Not even requesting another session, just to say hi. That's something special.”

“I got it,” Camila nodded. “He needs a soft touch. Maybe break him out of his shell without him realizing it. Don't ride him hard at all, well, unless he asks for it of course.”

“Exactly.” Sophia replied. “It should be fun. Give him the 100% girlfriend experience. I know that's kind of our exclusive thing here, ut you know what I mean. He wants a genuine girl, you're the most genuine one I've got.”

“I'm in,” Camila said, blushing a bit.

“Great,” said Sophia. “I'll email you the details. His phone number, where to meet him, all that. I think he's booked a suite for you two for after the date for, well, the second half. He's going all out. It's actually pretty cute.” Sophia's fingers danced on the keyboard, and after a few strokes, the info was in Camila's possession, signaled by a ding from her phone.

“When should I text him?”

“Id say this afternoon. And actually, call. Get a little preliminary stuff in first, so the conversation at dinner goes a lot smoother.”

“You got it,” said Camila. She headed towards the door, smiling a bit at what her specialty was in Sophia's business; the Nice Girl. A little naughty, but soft and sensual. Spicy, but more than a little sweet to go along with it.

And why not? None of these men had ever given her any reason to be anything but that. And at the end of the day, it was all business. Owen would be no different.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 07:42:44 PM


Selena Gomez was more than a little nervous. She still couldn't believe she agreed to this. Yeah, she had blown Reggie and his friend before. The idea made her a little wet. But actually fucking them both? She didn't know if she could go through with that.

However, there was also apart of her that was eager to try. It wasn't a strong part by any means, but it was there, and empowered by the fact that Selena had already agreed to it.

How could she have said no, though? The way he looked when he opened the door to his place, she knew why he called her that late at night. He looked like he'd been through fifty MMA matches in a row. Cuts, bruises, swollen face, he was beaten so badly, Selena would have said yes to anything.

And she did. And now she was looking in the mirror and breathing deeply. She looked at her hair and make-up and resolved this was going to be the only time. Besides, it could be fun. She didn't think she would enjoy anal when it was first brought up by an ex...but she turned out to actually like it a lot. Not an every day thing, but certainly a lot of fun.

Maybe tonight would be two. It better be, for the one and only time she was going to do it.


“She's really gonna do it?” Ronnie asked. “Seriously, she's down with it?”

“Yup,” Reggie said with a laugh. “Bella's parting gift of a beating actually helped seal the deal. And Norm checked out all the camera's all the hard drives and back-ups, set up the site. It's already to go live. Only thing missing is this.”

Reggie reached into his pocket and took out a glasses case and handed it to Ronnie. “Put 'em on.”

“I don't need glasses.”

“Good thing they don't have a prescription then ain't it?” Reggie took them out and put them on Ronnie's face. “Camera, dead center. Perfect POV shots.”

“Nice. She ready?”

“Yeah, I can call her in. Just, remember, like last time when she blew us, go easy on her, okay? Got to ease her in to all this. And that way, easier for all of us once we get this business rolling.”

“Speaking of business,” Ronnie said, stepping up to Reggie. “You didn't tell Bella  about me, did you? That could end very ad for you.”

“The fact that your kneecaps ain't broken should tell you Bella doesn't know shit.”

“Works for me. And that means it works for you.”

“Nice, great, we done posturing now, or anything else you want to do before we fuck Selena crosseyed?”

Ronnie nodded. Reggie headed towards his bedroom. When he returned, Selena was with him, strikingly beautiful. Ronnie couldn't wait to get her nice and filthy.

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102532248_017-121.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102532248_017-121.jpg) (https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102532252_018-115.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102532252_018-115.jpg) (https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102532262_019-110.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102532262_019-110.jpg)

She was in something so amazing simple, just a white t-shirt. But it showed off so much. Her legs, her hard nipples through it. And Ronnie could just about make out a small, dark patch of hair around her crotch.

“Hi Ronnie,” said Selena. “Nice to see you.”

“And it's very nice to see you as well Selena,” he said. “Every part of you.”

Selena felt a bit odd around Ronnie, but ti came across as cute. “So,” she said. “How...um..do we start this whole thing?”

“Well, I was thinking babe...how about you start...and I'm just going to be blunt instead of dancing around the issue, how about you start out sucking off Ronnie? I'll sit back and watch, then join in. That sound good?”

“Mmm hmm.” replied Selena. “Anything for you, baby.” The two kissed, then Reggie stepped back and took a seat. Then Selena turned her eyes towards Reggie and sucked up all her confidence. It was go time. Now or never.

Selena slid to her knees, her hands running down Ronnie's body, resting on his pants. She unhooked his belt, then down went the zipper, and soon the pants were completely down.

Her brown eyes gazed up at Ronnie while her hand fondled his cock. Her fingers traced up and down his rod, the length growing in her hand. Ronnie already began to breath deep when she teased him, and when her lips finally closed around him, it was pure ecstasy. And it was only going to get better for Ronnie.

Reggie sat back and watched with a smile on his face. She was made for this. Eye contacts was A +, and Reggie knew from personal experience that Selena could suck a golf ball through a plastic straw. Watching her, strictly from an observer's stand point was a whole new experience. Seeing the way her tongue came out, giving just a quick preview of the work it was doing when that mouth was closed. The amount of saliva coming through, leaving Ronnie's pole shiny and slick.

Of course, Ronnie couldn't complain as a participant. Everything Reggie was viewing felt even better. Selena was a perfect little cocksucker. Everything fit Looks and technique. Where she fell short in one area, another instantly made up for it. Experienced tongue, big beautiful eyes, perfectly manicured nails and soft hands. She was going to be a big money makers and was showing why.

Reggie by now had had enough of being on the sidelines. He got up and lost the pants. He stood next to Ronnie, his cock hard and ready  to go.

“Mmmm, someone's ready,” Selena said, her other hand grasping Reggie's cock.

“Very ready baby.” replied Reggie. “Put 'em both in at the same time. Get that mouth full of cock.”

“Sure baby.” If Selena had any reservations, she was hiding them pretty damn well, or that had all sine long faded away. She stuffed both cocks in her mouth, her lips closing over them, or attempting to, in a futile effort. Her tongue though still got in a few good licks.

“Oh fuck yeah,” growled Reggie. “Now just me baby...just my cock.” Selena eagerly complied, throwing everything she had into sucking Reggie and exactly the way he liked it. Fast, hard, almost fucking his cock with her mouth herself.

However, this wasn't a race to the finish for Reggie. Nothing could be further from the truth. The blowjob was just a primer. He pulled his cock out and rubbed it on Selena's face, the Latina sex kitten practically purring for him.

“You're gonna fucking ride me now baby...ride me and suck Ronnie. Gonna do that for me baby?”

She nodded, licking her lips as she was brought to her feet only to be taken off them once more.

Reggie sat back on the couch and held her by the hips, guiding her slick cunt down on to his cock. The couple moaned as she was filled up, her pussy fully sheathing his rod.

It little time Selena had built up a rhythm, completely lost in the moment. Her loud moans of passion echoed throughout the apartment. She was in heaven, utter heaven as was Reggie. Ronnie wanted back on that stairway as well. He placed his hard cock right at her full lips and without a word spoken Selena sucked him in.

“Oh fuck yeah, baby... suck that fucking dick while he fucks you!” Ronnie yelled. “Dirty little slut for us, aren't you... ohh, fuck YEAH!”

At almost any other time, Selena would have objected to this. The words, especially, but Ronnie being involved as well. But..she couldn't have really backed out, she'd already blown him for Reggie. And now...she was into it...the whole. She was almost ready to do anything.

Reggie's face was buried in Selena's back, grimacing from the pleasure. His hand roamed from her hips to her tits, grasping them as his pace increased inside of her. He wasn't close to blowing, but he couldn't help but want to ride that edge, no matter how dangerous the curves may be.

“I want some of that pussy now,” Ronnie demanded. “Need to fuck this hot piece of ass.”

“That can be arranged,” Reggie said. “Babe, get on your knees and suck your pussy off my cock. Ronnie's gonna get his turn now baby.”

Selena obeyed almost without thinking. She was far too eager to please, even she was aware of that now on some subconscious level. But still, she did.

Reggie stayed in place while Selena shifted her here, getting on her knees in front of the couch, he head already in Reggie's lap and sucking his cock while her ass shaking in front of Ronnie, her pussy glistening and waiting for him. He grasped her hip with one hand and his cock in the other, bringing it to her sopping pussy and pushing forward.

“Oh fuck baby you're still fucking tight,” Ronnie moaned, thrusting in all the way, filling Selena completely. “Oh yeah baby take it.. take all of it.. FUCKING HELL YEAH...”

Ronnie wasted no time. He went full blast. Hard, fast, like a beast. All the while, Selena was surprising herself by being into it. She moaned with every thrust, the vibrations adding an extra bit of spice to a very sloppy blowjob.

“Yeah... take our cocks baby,” Reggie said, urging her on. “Take both of them... so fucking had for you baby... ohhh, yeah every damn inch honey...” His hands reached for her head, holding it in place as he began to fuck her mouth. The two men exchanged glances. It was only the beginning and at this point, they knew Selena was up for anything.

Ronnie gave Selena a few more pumps before pulling out. When he did, Reggie got up himself and the two switched spots. Selena went right back to work, sucking Ronnie while Reggie took her pussy again... but Reggie had another part of the plan.

He withdrew his cock from Selena's snatch and placed the slick pole at her anus, not pressing forward, but not removing it either. The moment the contact was made, Selena's head shot straight up.

“Wanna give me a little more baby?” he asked, rubbing her shapely bum. “Make me feel a little better?”

Selena paused briefly. She wasn't exactly a stranger to anal, but it coming up now made her wonder for a split second what else was being going to happen tonight. But still...she just didn't want to say no.

“Do it, Reggie,” she said. “Take my ass...” She winked at him, and he took that as his green light. He pressed forward, the entire room going silent until he got through.

From there it was a few moments of slow thrusts, Selena breathing deeply with every one of them, Ronnie's cock still in her hand being jerked. As Reggie's pace increased, so did Selena's pumping. And the pumping soon gave way to the return of her mouth to Ronnie's prick.

Before too long, it was all back on again, Reggie going at a full pace with Selena's ass and her blowjob in full effect, or the best it could be while being rammed in the ass. Either way, a fun time...and the footage Reggie knew he was getting would bring him customers in no time. Selena was a natural whore.

“Oh fuck...Selena...damn girl your ass is perfect...so fucking good baby...oh shit yes...”

“My turn for a piece of that,” said Ronnie.

“Give me a few more minutes, then I'll get back to her pussy and you can take her ass, Reggie said, the full impact of it not reaching Selena's ears right away. “Ohhh, fuck yes baby... take my dick... fucking take it!”

Reggie sped up, drilling Selena as hard as he could, Ronnie's cock falling out of her mouth as her moans once more echoed in the room.

“FUCK YES FUCK MY FUCKING ASS!” she screamed. The words would have surprised even her if she was paying attention to them, but she was a bit too far gone in pleasure to realize that.

But Ronnie was his business partner. After a few more slow pumps, Reggie pulled out of Selena's ass and returned to the couch. He led Selena to him, facing him as she lowered down on this cock. She was starting to ride when Reggie stopped her.

“Let Ronnie get in first,” he said.

“Wait, what?” Selena asked. “Reggie, I don't know if I can do that...”

“Sweetie, I promise, it's going to be so much fun, feel so good. “ He brought his hand to her face, caressing it while turning on the charm. “Would I lie to you? Trust me.”

“O-okay. But...just go slow first, okay...really slow. I've never done this before...never even thought of it.”

“Oh, he'll be gentle, right Ronnie?”

“Of course,” said Ronnie, rubbing Selena's ass. “You can trust me too.”

Selena braced herself. She once again felt a cock pressed against her asshole and push it's way through. What was new was the sensation of just how filled up she was. It was something she had never even thought about before...and it didn't feel that bad, not at all.

True to their word, it began slow, a little bit too slow for Ronnie, but he played along. But the moment Selena began to push back just a little, get more and more into the thrusting of the men. The moment she did that, for Ronnie, all bets were off.

It didn't take long for the three to become a sweaty mass of lust. Reggie now got to fully  enjoy Selena's body in a way that taking her from behind simply didn't allow. With his cock fully embedded in her cunt, her sucked and pawed at her tits, the rounds mounds bouncing in time with the furious pace of her double fucking.

As for Ronnie, he was much more focused on the pleasure, the only part of Selena's body her was holding on to was her ass cheeks, squeezing them tight and he rammed her with wild abandoned, spurred on by Selena's enjoyment of it all.

And the enjoyment was far from false. Selena was much more into this then she ever thought she would be... being taken by two men... one in her pussy, the other in her ass... it was beyond belief for her. The sensation was a whole new feeling for her, and it was all good.

And it was far from over. The two men switched back and forth, Selena being full worn out, cumming several times, to the point she had lost count. She was so spent she could barely move, only moan with the a drunkard's smile on her face, still riding high from her series of orgasms.

But all good things must come to an end. She thought she heard through her pleasured haze to get on her knees, Reggie and Ronnie were going to cum. Them pulling out of her was just confirmation for what she had heard.

The sweaty and cock-high beauty was her knees, mouth open, tongue out and smiling, her hand hands out just under her chin, ready to catch every last drop the men were going to fire.

And it was quite and amount, both Ronnie and Reggie utterly coating her, painting her face white with jizz. When the streams slowed to a trickle, she took them both in her mouth, the two sensitive cocks making their owners twitch and wine as she got her few last drops from them.

It was a good night for all, and a surprising one for Selena. And even more surprises were due to come for her...



It's was just a short three days before Christmas, and all through the college town, almost everyone was stirring due to not having finished their Christmas shopping. One of the exceptions to this was Liz Gillies. She had something much better than shopping on her mind.

Among those things was the weather, back east in Jersey, she could have never gotten away with wearing a skirt during the holidays. Not because of any prudish assholes, but the freezing weather was a severe obstacle to wearing anything less than fours layers of clothing unless you wanted to be damn near frozen solid.

But in sunny California, that was far from an issue. Yes, it could get chilly, especially at night. But a lot of times she could show as much skin as possible. Today was a midway kind of day though. Just enough to set some intrigue when she met Zero.

She was fairly anxious. Not nervous, but genuinely intrigued. She'd spoken to Sabrina a bit more, and everything she told Liz about him just made him all the more appealing.

Also, thanks to Sabrina, she had the perfect pretense to see him. She was officially in whatever project Sabrina and Peter were doing. She'd convinced Peter that despite the director Liz had been paired with, she'd shown more than enough chops to be included in the cast without a reading. That combined with saving time with the auditions got her the spot. And since she was in the cast, she had to meet with Zero for the FX work. Both the truth and perfect cover.

She came upon the building, a rather non-descript one story building. It appeared to be a warehouse, albeit a very small one. But still,  it had a doorbell on it and the address was right.

One doorbell ring and a few moments later the door opened and Liz laid eyes on Zero for the first time. He looked like what would happen if David Tennant woke up one day and decided he was going to be Shaggy from Scooby Doo, but with green hair.

“Who're you?” he asked, not even hiding the fact he was looking Liz up and down.

“Liz, Liz Gillies.” she replied. “I believe Sabrina or Peter called you about me?”

“Oh yeah, the actress. Here for your FX body scan or something, right?”

“Something like that. I'm assuming I can't get it done from out here, right?”

“Yeah, sure.” Zero opened the door and Liz breezed past him. She looked at a mirror dead ahead of them to catch a view of Zero checking out her ass. He certainly wasn't shy.

The inner workings of the building were a hodgepodge of old gaming equipment and toys. None of it was put out for presentation, it all looked more like inventory.

“You collect games or something?”

“No, not really.” Zero replied. “I mean I got some stuff but this is all part of the other business. I sell a lot of this stuff. Kind of a spin-off from my dad's pawn shop. I'm catering to a more niche market. It pays the bills so I can do the fun stuff like blood and gore and shit.”

“Always nice to have a side hustle,” said Liz. The further they got into the place the less inventory there was slowly giving away to computers, styrofoam heads, tubs of latex and Plaster of Paris until they reach a wall with a door.

“It's open, go on through,” he said. “That's where I do most of the movie stuff.”

“I see you're a man who separates business and pleasure. Very professional.”

“Well, if you've spoken to Sabrina you'd know that not exactly true.”

“Fair point,” Liz said with a smile. The two walked through the door to an area that was almost all tech, only the furthest corner looked to be any kind of domicile. A bed, a TV  with a couch and chair on one side and on the other a small kitchenette. Everything else was pretty much an FX workshop, both CGI and practical from what Liz could see.

“Still have a taste for going classic?” Liz asked, running her fingers over some of his foam latex make-up monstrosities.

“Well, computers can make it easy, but honestly a little too easy. Nothing beats getting your hands dirty.” The shared a glance, dancing around and treading lightly with the innuendo. Sparks weren't quite flying, but it wasn't like there weren't a couple at that this point.

“So, how do we do this?” asked Liz. “I get in a chair, your cover my face, make some kind of mold, boom, make-up's all ready?”

“Oh no, nothing so uncomfortable. Come on.” Zero led Liz to part of his work area that seemed you just be a tube. Mostly glass, but with bits of metal in it, seeming to hold it together, though there was most likely an  additional purpose. “It's my 3D scanner. A lot easier than plaster and molds. It'll scan you from head to toe. Every curve, dimple, everything will be recorded into the computer. Then, my 3D printers will print out a bust and we're ready to go..”

“Think the printer can actually handle this bust?” Liz asked, motioning toward her own ample one.

“I think that's a risk we're going to have to take. Let me go get the whole system warmed up and we can get started.”

Zero left her side to one his many computers, turning his focus strictly on booting everything up proper.

“So, anything I need to no before going in? Should I shut my eyes or anything?”

“No, nothing like that.” responded, tapping away on the keyboard. “The laser scan isn't like that. Very low level intensity. Those baby blues will be fine.”

"He noticed my eye color,” she thought to herself. Another in the win column for him.

“Really the only thing you need to do is strip down. Same thing had to be done with Hailee. Only way to get everything precise. Just let me grab you a...” Zero never got to finish that though. The moment he turned around, Liz was already nude, placing her blouse on his coffee table.


“Lose the shoes too, right?” she asked, he tone never breaking once, no-selling the nudity. That didn't stop Zero from staring. “What?”

“Oh...nothing. Just, well, I had a bikini for you...that;s what Hailee used.”

“Oh don't worry. I'm fine. Nice and warm in here, actually. Downright toasty. Besides, we want an accurate scan, don't we?”

“Sure do,” said Zero, grinning. He liked this girl's gumption. He led her to the scanning booth and Liz stepped inside. “Okay, turn and face me. Have your feet about...six to eight inches apart for the best scan...arms up at about forty five degrees...posture's already perfect...”

“Thank you. Not everyday a man sees you bare ass naked and compliments your posture.”

“Well, far be it for me to be obvious,” he said, winking at her. “It should only take a few minutes. There's a robe in that closet next to the scanner. Hope white silk is all right.”

“I'll manage,” Liz said, smirking. Two sets of machines within the tube began to slowly move around Liz, scanning her with a green laser. Several revolutions were made, then they stopped. “That it?”

“Should be.” replied Zero. “Just gonna do a quick check, let everything load up. Gonna take a few minutes though. Care for some tea?”

“Sounds great.” Liz stepped out of the scanner and grabbed the robe and headed for the small kitchen. Zero put a kettle on as Liz took a seat on the couch, legs crossed. “What you have brewing?”

“Mint tea, nothing major. That okay?”

“Still sounds good to me,” said Liz. Zero leaned against the counter, scoping Liz out. “Something on your mind?”

“What exactly did Sabrina tell you about me?”

“All the fun stuff, for sure. Also that you're a bit of a free thinker.”

“Free thinker?”

“Simpler way of saying does a lot of peyote.”

“Fair enough,” he laughed. “That bother you? The peyote, shrooms, all that?”

“Not really, unless its more of a crutch then fun.”

Zero nodded and moved to a chair facing Liz. “And what is fun for you, Ms. Gillies?”

“That's appropriate for light conversation? Well, I'm a big karaoke fan, jazz clubs, classic rock, vinyl hunting and show tunes. And trashy reality TV but let's keep that between us.”

“No problem,” he said with a smile. “Now, what about the fun that's not suited for light conversation.”

Liz smiled. Not a big one, but just enough to let Zero know it was there. “Well, that's the big question, isn't it? Let's be honest, you're not stupid. Neither am I. I'm sure Sabrina told you there was more to my visit than just the film, correct?”

“Well, all Sabrina said is she might be playing Cupid, just a smudge though. You asked if she knew any interesting guys, my name got dropped, and here we are. Well, that and your ex was a dead fuck. Is that going too far?”

“Not at all. It's the truth. So, tell me. What are you thinking right now,with all this honesty laid out?”

“Well, if we're being honest....”

“We most definitely are.”

“Well, and I'm sure you can't blame me for this, the main thing I'm thinking right now is how much I wouldn't mind being face first between your legs. IF we're being honest.”

Liz arched her eyebrow and smirked. She liked her men direct. Besides, she did ask for honesty. She answered him and by undoing the belt of her robe and uncrossing her legs. Zero got the picture.

The two locked eyes as he got up from his seat and promptly returned to his knees right in front of her. His fingers traced up her legs, danced up her smooth calves to her thighs, slowly parting them. His hands then moved to her robe, pulling it completely apart and putting Liz's glorious form once again on full display.

He grabbed one of her legs and lifted it up, kissing from her ankle to her calf and her thigh, the hairs of his soul patch adding a little tickle to every movement. Liz looked down at him, licking her lips ad her got closer and closer to her pussy. She was almost aching for the contact.

He drew his tongue slowly up her tongue tightly, planting kisses along the way until the destination was arrived at. His fingers came into enjoy the party. His fingers lightly touched her clit, motioning in small circles around it. Liz's eyes began to flutter and a small moan escaped her lips. It was off to the races.

Zero brought his mouth to Liz's clit. His tongue came out first, softly caressing it before going in closer and sucking on the red button. Liz moaned, her back arching, tits pressing forward. She slid the robe completely off and licked her lips as Zero really started to get down to business.

His fingers entered her as her started to suck a bit harder on her clit, teasing her a bit with his teeth. Zero's free hand roamed up her body, feeling her tight stomach fluctuate with her heavy breaths before grabbing on to one of her full breasts, feeling the lovely tit flesh in his hands before Liz grabbed his hand to suck his fingers into her mouth.

She moaned around the fingers in her mouth as Zero absolutely buried his face in her cunt, lost in the act of oral pleasure. His tongue was writing novels on her clit in every language he knew, with a little Morse code thrown in for good measure.

Liz was more than a little shocked. Not that the two of them were fucking, that was essentially her goal for the day. Instead, it was how close she already was to cumming. She was practically smiling with every moan and breathless cry of passion. Her back arched as Liz cried out one last time, her first word of the act, “YESSSS!!!!”

Liz held Zero's head in place as her body quaked with an orgasm. Better wake-up call than a cup of coffee, in Liz's book. But even before she was done, Zero rose up her body, his face still slick her her juices. Their lips met in a hungry passion, ready for what was going to come next.

“I'm gonna fuck you, Zero said in a guttural growl. “Gonna fuck you so hard.” Her through his shirt away and and undid his pants, taking his hard cock out.

“How about you do it then and stop talking about it?” Liz asked, a sarcastic smile on her face. The question was given the obvious answer when he thrust his cock inside of her, bringing a big grin to both of their faces.

The lips met again, some where between a collision as a kiss, desperate groans being exchanged as their tongue became just as intertwined as the rest of their bodies. Zero wasn't going slow and Liz wouldn't think of asking him. That's not what this was. And both couldn't be happier for that.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling Liz close to his face and then burying himself in her tits. She couldn't blame him, she'd do the exact same. She cooed, eyes flitting when his teeth grabbed her nipple, pulling and tugging it as his hand savagely groped them.

She grabbed his face, making him stare her right n her icey blues. “Don't fucking stop...keeping fucking me and make me cum again!” demanded  Liz. She reached for his hand and brought it her neck. Zero got the point, slowly squeezing her neck. Not too hard, just enough to give Liz what she wanted.

“Yeah...yeah oh fuck yes just like that,” she said, her voice cracking. “Oh fuck I...fuck I can't believe I'm gonna cum again!”

“Yeah, gonna cum on my cock?” Zero asked,  darting his tongue out to meet hers. “Gonna my fucking hard dick... fucking do it... ohh fuck, cum for me!”

“Ggggffffuuuuck, yeaaaahhh!” Liz yelled, her cunt spasming and milking Zero's cock as he continued to thrust into her, not giving her a moments rest as Liz's orgasm rocked her like a typhoon. Her own storm was about capsize Zero's own vessel.

“Oh fuck I'm gonna cum!” he announced, moments away from the explosion.

“Fuck my tits!” Liz demanded. “Fuck them and fucking glaze them int hat cum...FUCKING DO IT!”

Zero pulled out of her pussy and Liz slid down on the couch, flicking her tongue at Zero as he got in position and placed his throbbing rod between Liz's perfect tits. She squeezed her tits and around his dick and Zero began to thrust. And Liz's tongue darted out to meet the head with every single motion until Zero had reached the end of his rope, exploded, Liz's tits and her lips and tongue being covered in his seed.

“Yesss. Gimme all that cum,” Liz demanded, grabbing his cock and jerking every last drop out on her pale skin. “Every drop... all of it... you have more... give me all of it....” She craned her neck up, giving him an extra jolt when she took his cocked head in her mouth, sucking and swirling her tongue around it until she knew for sure he was drained.

The two collapsed on the couch, breathing deep and laughing at a bit, both still riding that orgasmic high.

“So Zero,” Liz said, leaning back on her elbows. “What are you doing New Year's Eve?”


“Look man, you should just call her,” Jose said. “The longer you don't, the harder it's going to be for you to talk and the harder it's going get for me with Camila and Lili being friends.”

“She could always call me.” Jake replied. “Why's it on me? I'm not the one who didn't want to spend the holiday together.”

“Well, to be fair from what I understand it was just New Year's Eve, the rest of the time was fine.

“Oh come on, who's side are you on?”

“The side where I don't feel sandwiched between my girlfriend and my best friend! Besides, I think I should get some slack for taking Alison's couch while we're house-sitting for her.”

“Dude, we're crashing at her place because we don't have a place to live when we're not at school, let's not sugarcoat things.”

“But sugar tastes so good!”  There was a knock on the door, putting a pause on their conversation. Jose went to answer it and behind the door was Camila Mendes.

“Hi sweetie,” she said, kissing Jose on the cheek. She then looked at Jake. “Hi scumbag.”

“OH great, you couldn't just send me texts over the phone about this whole Lili thing?”

“Well I wasn't sure you knew how to use your phone, what with all the not calling Lili you've been doing lately.”

“That's what I've been saying,” Jose said, getting a roll of the eyes from Jake and a kiss on the cheek from Cami.

“But I'm not here to give Jake any additional shit. I was actually on the way to the bakery to pick up some of my dad's favorite cookies before Christmas. They're peanut butter chocolate chip things, little bit of mint, oh my God sweetheart you have to try them...but anyway, when I go in, I see something taped to their window....”

Camila reached into her purse and took out a flyers for Wildeheart Wrestling. What was on it made both Jake and Jose's jaws drop.

“What the fuck is this?” Jose said. “New Year's Eve Death Match? Light tubes, plate glass,barb wire...fuck Jake did you agree to this because Lili shot you down for Mexico?”

“First off, fuck you,” Jake said. “And secondly, I have no fucking clue why we're on this poster! Evan KNOWS we're not going to be here. And he also knows we're not doing this death match shit. Especially to begin a feud. Is he fucking nuts?”

“Oh thank god,” Cami said, sighing in relief as she took a seat on the couch. “I thought one of you set this up. In which case I was going to hurt Jake bad if it was him, or outright kill Jose for giving me a heart attack like this.”

“You know, it's obvious who's behind this,” Jose said. “She might as well have signed it and sold it with her overpriced 8x10s.”

“Kira?” Cami asked. “I thought she was just a wrestler. She writes the shows too?”

“No,” Jake said. “But she's not above fucking the bookers to get what she wants. And putting Jose into a situation where he's pretty much guaranteed to bleed...that's her all over.”

“Wow...okay seriously Jose, your taste in women before me fucking sucked.”

“Oh, believe me, I know.”

“So, who wants to call Evan to tell him the bad news?” Jake asked. “Coin flip for it?”

“Wait, we're not doing it?”

“What?!?” both Camila and Jake said simultaneously.

“Of course we're not doing it. You don't book a match like this and then have the performers find out by a fucking poster in a bakery window! Evan does this without so much as a fucking phone call? FUCK that.”

“I'm sure the phone call is on the way,” Jose said.

“And when it comes you're telling them no, right?” Cami said, getting silence and a shrug from Jose. “Oh you've gotta be kidding me.”

“I can't just say no!”

“Yes you fucking can! Jake is! God damn it Jose, you promised me.”

“Cami, we can fly to NY the next day.”

“I'm not talking about the trip. Fuck the trip!” Cami stood up, trying to contain her feelings by pacing. “You PROMISED me this is exactly the kind of shit you wouldn't do. You told me you would never do anything like this. Now you're just going to do it with no say in it?”

“Babe, I have to.” Jose got up, trying to pull Camila to him only for her to back away.

“No, you don't. I've seen the money people throw at you guys for shirts and those papers masks and stuff. You're bigger than some high school gym! He needs you more than you need him.”

“It's not that simple...”

“I'm with Camila,” Jake said. “It's totally that simple. You KNOW we've gotten offers to go elsewhere. ROH, Impact...we even got an offer to be jobbers on NXT! So no, we don't fucking need Evan. We're here because he asked us and named the right price.”

“Thank you Jake...wait aren't jobbers the guys who lose a lot?”

“Yeah but it's good pay and international exposure so it evens out. And they don't put us through glass.”


“Guys, if we don't do this, he could fucking bury us! One no show and we get the reputation of being difficult to work with and our careers are over!”

“Oh my god, Jake literally just said you had offers to go elsewhere. You could go anywhere else but you're just too chickenshit to say no.”

“Yeah, but I'm not,” said Jake. “In fact, I'm going to tell Evan personally I won't be there. You can do whatever.”

“Jake, come on man...”

“No, he's right. And you should go with him.”

“Sweetie, I can't,” Jose said, one last chance to plead his case. “It could ruin us.”

“Fine,” she said, anger mixing with hurt feelings. “Go ahead and break your promise. Do something that you don't even want to do. Bleed all over the place. But find someone else you help you patch up.”

She began to turn to leave. Jose grabbed her arm to stop her, but Cami brushed it off.

“Don't!” she said. “You don't get to do that. You made your choice. You chose bending over and taking it instead of keeping your promise to me. I love you Jose! I LOVE you. But if that's not enough for you to actually stand up for yourself, I'm not going to stick around.”

Cami left Jose speechless when she left the room. Then Jake chimed in.

“Do the smart thing for once in your life and tell Evan no. Keep her and give Kira the ultimate middle finger.”

“You sure you want to be handing me relationship advice?” Jose said, regretting it the moment it left his lips.

“Fine. Enjoy your bloodbath. I'm sure Kira will tell her boys to take it easy on you.”

And with that, Jake was out the door too. Jose was shell shocked. He slumped down on the couch, trying to figure out just how much he'd just lost...and if he could get it back.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 08:07:22 PM

(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102533685_z6idtue.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102533685_z6idtue.jpg)(https://t30.pixhost.to/thumbs/35/102533710_36795893_222871861879445_1271957485288161280_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/35/102533710_36795893_222871861879445_1271957485288161280_n.jpg)

“So, let us conclude the grand tour of the Farrano residence with, of course, my bedroom,” Ben said. He had just led Sabrina through the whole of the house while Peter and his parents were out shopping for the New Year's party in a few days. Sabrina had come by the day after Christmas and was technically Peter's guest. However, she wasn't dating Peter. Hence, the bedroom.

“Hmm, I wonder why we ended here,” Sabrina said, winking at him as she brushed by him, entering the room. It was typical teenage boy fair. Posters of films on the wall, a computer probably loaded to the limits with porn, a TV with a couple of game systems, all the usual. The only odd thing was the bed, just for it's sheer size. Both Ben and Peter, who's room Sabrina had seen when she dropped her stuff off in it, both had king size beds.

And upon seeing the second empty king-size bed of the day, Sabrina did the only logical thing, She hopped on, right in the middle. She leaned back, smiling at Ben. “What's with the big bed? You get that much use out of it you need so much space for the other people involved?”

“Nah, me and Pete just like our space...unless of course we're sharing it. Which in high school, we did not.” Ben walked over to his bed, sitting on it next to Sabrina. “Anything...extra-curricular got taken care of over by that computer.”

“Yeah, figured as much.” The two moved close to each other's face. Closer and closer until their lips met in a kiss.  “When is your family supposed to be home?”

“Not for a few hours.” Ben replied. His hand went to her shirt, going underneath it and feeling her tits in his hand. Sabrina's eyes flutter, a smile on her face.

“Close the door,” she said. “And lock it. Just in case.”

Ben nodded and shot up from his bed, locking his door so fast he might have set a new land speed record. When he turned back around, Sabrina was ready for him.


She was sitting on her knees, her top already tossed aside. She licked her lips and beckoned him to come to her with her finger. Of course, Ben found it impossible to resist.

When had got to his bed, Sabrina was on all fours. Her hands reached for his belt, deftly undoing any obstacle to her target. Once his cock was out, Sabrina sucked it into her mouth. He wasn't at full mast yet, which was something Sabrina liked. She always got off a little from feeling a cock harden in her mouth.

Ben' hands went to Sabrina's head, nesting in her long golden locks. He wasn't holding her head still, Sabrina was still in complete control. His hands just held her head while Ben himself enjoyed the sensations caused by her mouth and sensational tongue.


But the tongue wasn't the only tool in Sabrina's arsenal. Her soft fingers teased his balls, her nails and fingers tips sending little shudders of pleasure on the sensitive skin of his ball sack while her other hand jerked his cock while she sucked. It wasn't even so much a gripping hand. Her fingers glided up and down his shaft.

Ben's breathing was slow but steady. His eyes alternated between looking down at Sabrina and shutting his eyes and letting the feeling wash over him, focusing on every single snaking movement Sabrina's mouth made on his cock.

While Sabrina loved to give head, she also loved to get a little return on her investment. She pulled her mouth from his cock, still pumping it in her hand. “I think you're ready,” she said, winking at him. “I know I am.”

Ben answered by backing away, scrambling in an effort to shed his jeans. Sabrina laughed a bit, her tongue snaking out to lick her teeth. She leaned back and started doing the same just as the troublesome pants became a thing of the past.

Her short but shapely legs were in the air as she pulled her jeans off. There were at her knees when she felt Ben's mouth on her pussy.

“Oooh, hello,” Sabrina purred, settling back for a bit and let Ben take his turns. Goose pimples cropped up all over her skin as her alternated working her clit with his tongue and fingers, licking and caressing it as her legs hung in the air, her belt buckle dangling and making a clinking noise as it swung.

Ben then got to his knees, pulling her pants off the rest of the way. They were both more than ready.
Sabrina crawled over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She lowered herself down on to his rod, both of them shuddering a bit at first contact.

“Oooh fuck that's good,” Ben said, giving Sabrina a quick kiss.

“Mmm hmmm,” Sabrina said, her grin playful and smoldering. “And would ya believe it gets even better?” She giggled a bit before kissing him. As their lips locked, Sabrina began her ride.


Ben's hand gripped her shapely peach of an ass, pulling Sabrina nice and close as she bounced on his cock.

“Mmmm, smack my booty,” Sabrina said. “Spank it a little, Ben....”

It started a light little smack that made Sabrina coo. Then another, harder one that made her moan for more. Her legs tightened around Ben's waist as the pace increased.

Ben's hand moved up her her back and Sabrina leaned back, her head resting on the pillows as now Ben was in charge of the pace. She looked up at him, perspiration glimmering on her reddened face as he drove into her, Sabrina's eyes doing more talking than actual words could ever do. It was the best fuel for the fire.

Soon Sabrina went from leaning back to full on laying back, her blonde hair splayed out on the bed. Ben kissed her breasts, circling his tongue around each nipple before moving up to her neck and then once again finding refuge with her own lips.

They were nose to nose, matching smirks between them as Ben began to fuck her again. The smirks soon gave way to open mouths, breathing, panting, moaning. Sabrina's nails raked Ben's back, her moans almost melodic in tone.

Ben was almost hypnotized by this sexy sprite beneath him. Flirty, cute, sexy, all rolled into one and not afraid of showing off any of those features at the drop of the hat. And the sex easily lived up to the hype.

He pulled out of her and brought Sabrina to her knees, the sexy vixen wiggling that booty again, ready for the fun to continue. But before going back to the promised land, Ben got up close and personal with Sabrina's ass.

“Oooh, yessss,” she hissed as Ben buried his face in her ass, his tongue probing her starfish just for a few moments. He wasn't getting anything back there, not yet anyway. Still, he couldn't resist getting a little up close and personal with Sabrina's ass, and frankly, she couldn't blame. She wasn't conceited but she was more than aware of the shapely caboose her pixie body possessed.

After planting a quick peck on each ass cheek before re-entering her. “Mmm, there we go,” she purred. Sabrina looked over her shoulder at Ben, her golden blonde hair whipping to the side. “Gonna make me cum all over that cock? Is that the plan?”

“Well, I don't want to spoil a thing.” replied Ben, giving her an extra powerful thrust as punctuation.

“Mmm, good... but don't write checks your cock can't cash,” teased Sabrina. And that was the end of words, or at least sentences for the two. As he took her, all there was time for was moans, pleads of more.

Ben's hand moved over the curves of Sabrina's body, her round ass, over her hip to her clit, joining her hand already there. Ben leaned forward, burying himself deeper inside Sabrina, moving his face to her ears.

“Cum on my fucking cock Sabrina...you're so fucking close and I know...I am too...we wanted this so fucking bad since we met... haven't we?”

“Nnng yessss,” she said. Ben softly pressed down, not forcefully, almost in a questioning way. Sabrina went face down and ass up,  as Ben drove into her, deeper than ever. “Sooo close... oh, so close...”

“Then cum...cum on baby...let it happen...cum for me...and I'll cum for you...”

“OOOOHHHH SHIIIIIT!!!” Sabrina cried out before burying her face in a pillow to stifle her moans. Her body shook and and her pussy hugged and spasmed on his cock. Sabrina's knees gave out and Ben continued to drive into her prone form, her moans going into pleased purrs as she rode out the last few echoes of a good orgasm. And now it was Ben's turn. He was barley holding on as it was and his voice gave it away. The least she could do was give him a little encouragement.

“Mmm cum for me...you're turn Benny-Boy,” Sabrina said. “And I want it someplace..mmm someplace so special baby....I want it on my face...and I wanna taste it...taste that cum...help a girl out?”

“Oh yeah...yeah...YES!” Ben pulled out in a flash and Sabrina rolled over to face him. She leaned back on her elbows, her blue eyes piercing him, her mouth smiling and her tongue waiting as he swiftly pumped his cock until her unloaded on her face, covering her face and pink tongue in ropes of cum. Sabrina took Ben in her mouth, sucking the last few shots from his cock, then used his rod to scoop the rest of the cum from her face into her mouth.

“Holy shit,” Ben said. He slumped down next to Sabrina, both of them staring up at the ceiling in a drunkard's gaze.

“So, here's what I'm thinking,” said Sabrina. “One, wash your bedding, sheets and all. Two, shower while that's happening. Three, you help me unpack my crap in Peter's room.”

“Then we bang there,” Ben said.

“Eww, no,” Sabrina laughed. “Then we remake your bed, head to the living room and wait for the rest of your family to come home and act like we didn't just fuck each other silly.”

“Good plan.” Ben replied.

“Well, I am both the beauty and the brains of the operation,” said Sabrina, smiling wide.



“Okay, so what do you think, short skirt, or long with a leg slit up the side?” asked Hailee. She was going through her closet, preparing for big fancy NYE party at her parents' work. In theory, her friend Lili was there to help her. However, once Lili entered Hailee's bedroom, she had only looked at one of two thing, her phone and the wall.

“Lili, is everything okay?”

“What?” the blonde asked, snapping out of her daze. “I'm sorry, I haven't been paying attention. You pick out a dress?”

Hailee flopped down on the bed next to Lili. “What's the problem Lils? You've been out of it since you got home.”

“I...I'm just waiting for Jake to call. We haven't talked since the semester ended. We had a fight and....no call.”

:Well, how about you call him?”

“He needs to call me first and apologize.” The re was a gruff look on Lili's face now, but still with a twitch of sadness.

“Okay...” said Hailee. She paused for a moment. She had yet to meet Jake, but Lili was crazy about him. To see her so mad she didn't want to speak to him...she knew she was missing a piece of the puzzle. “What did you guys fight about?”

“New Year's plans.” replied Lili. “He booked this whole vacation to Mexico...honeymoon suite, hotel on the beach...everything...”

“That sounds amazing,” said Hailee, imagining herself and Peter doing something similar, tropical drinks in their hands. “How'd that turn into a fight?”

“Well, we were supposed to leave tomorrow, according to his plan.” Lili's voice got a little harsher. “I tried explaining to him that I had plans with you, what we always, do every year and how I hadn't even seen you this semester and...”

“Wait wait wait,” Hailee said as she turned onto her side. “ Are you saying you could be going to Mexico tomorrow but you chose to help me get dressed for a party I'm only going to because I have nothing else to do?”

“Yeah...I mean I wanted to hang out with you again. I missed you.”

“Lili, I missed you two...but I would have understood.”


“Look, you know I love you. Ever since first grade, you and me. And yeah, we haven't seen each other at all this semester and not that much last one. But, Lili, what have we been doing since we got out of school?”

“Well, hanging out.”

“Exactly. I don't even think we've slept in different rooms for the last week. Just one bg sleepover. And we would have done that anyway. If you'd told me about this, I would have been fine with it. I mean, if Peter was around right now Id want him here with me, maybe introduce you two or something...” Hailee paused, smiling a bit thinking about Peter. “He's great. I know you're gonna like him. Just like I know I'm going to like Jake. So...I would have totally understood if you wanted to skip out on helping me get ready for the party and going to the snooze fest.”

“Well, I wish I'd known that,” Lili said. “Oh god damn it...”

“Well, you never asked...I'm sorry...”

“Haiz, it's not your fault. It's on me and Jake. The fight escalated way too fast...which is why I still think he should call me....”

Before Hailee could say anything else, Lili hopped to her feet and headed to Hailee's closet. “Let's see what we have to work with here,” Lili said. “Sultry and classy I'm thinking. Just because you're attached doesn't mean we can't have the guys there wishing they had a shot...”

“Okay, we'll go back to the party...but only if you promise you'll at least text Jake.”

“I'll think about it.” Lili replied. “In the mean time, get ready for some modeling.”


Jose was in his van, gripping his steering wheel white-knuckle tight. He wasn't even driving. He was in the parking lot of the venue where Evan and the wrestlers were no doubt preparing for the next night's show, the NYE event that might have cost him Camila. He knew what he had to do.

He reached for the cooler and took out another Surge. In seconds he had downed it. It was his third. Nothing like cracking open decades old soda to strengthen one's resolve.

He tossed the can in the backseat and left the van. Now or never. Focused like a laser he strode. He went right through the front door. Kira looked at him with her usual sinister grin, but he no sold her. Evan and Trevor greeted him but he brushed them off. This made them follow him. Jose thought it would.

They followed him to the locker room and watched as he opened it up and started piling  his gear into his gym bag.

“Hey pal, just getting you gear cleaned before tonight?” Evan said. “I mean we had to change the match to a handicap match since Jake said no and Alison won't be here but you'll pull it off, right?”

“I quit,” Jose said. He zipped up his bag as the punctuation, the pushed back Evan and Trent and tried to exit. They blocked him again.

“You WHAT????” asked Evan. “You can't fucking do that to me!”

“Yes, I can. And I am. You fucking try to book me and my crew in a god damn DEATH MATCH without even running it by us? AFTER we put over your nephews? Really Evan? Fucking really?”

“Come on, you know we need a great way to introduce Kira.”

“Have her ambush someone. Do whatever you want. I'm fucking done.”

Jose once more pushed past them. Right before he hit the door, Evan got in front of him one more time. “You walk out that door, you're done. Not just here. But any where. Think about that Jose before you tell ME no. Remember, I got connections”

Jose breathed deep. Promo time. “Connections? Really? Well, let's see what those connections have to say when they find out how you do business.” HE gave Kira a look over Evan's shoulder, one Evan noticed. When Evan's eyes moved to what Jose had just gestured at, he began to sweat. “And you know they'll buy it. Some reputations in the dirt sheets aren't bullshit. So not only will these connection of yours know the kind of stuff you try to pull on your workers, they'll know how easy it is for them to get what they want. And imagine how the dirt sheets will spin it...that in order to even get a meeting with you, a woman has to sleep with you. So you could blacklist me and my crew, but not before I make sure you look like the shadiest motherfucker in the business.”

Evan stood there, stunned. This wasn't the spineless Jose Heyman that had to be protected by his friends, the one Kira promised him. “Fine, what do you want, more money?”

“What I want for you is to get out of my way,” Jose said, mustering every last bit of guts he had, trying to be the fearless bad ass he was in the mask. “If you want to talk in about a week and a half, you know where to reach Alison.”

With that, Jose pushed past Evan. Evan then motioned for Kira to go to Jose before looking at the rest of his crew. “What the fuck are you guys looking at???”

Jose was halfway back to his van before Kira grabbed him. “What the hell do you think you're doing??”

“Shitting all over your little plan is what I'm doing.” replied Jose. “And don't even attempt to play innocent. I know you way too fucking well at this point to fall for it. The moment I saw that flier I knew you were behind it. You being sent out here to wrangle me back? Just the final bit of proof. And if we were still dating, you could have done it. You could have lured me back with the added bonus of me thinking you fucking someone else was my fault. Not now. So congrats Kira, all you got out of this was fucking your way  to the middle.”

Jose turned and headed to his van, leaving Kira in shock. As his van drove away, shock gave to anger, and that anger gave way to one sentence. “Jose Heyman, I am going to crush you like a bug.”

Meanwhile in the van, Jose had a wide grin on his face. He'd finally grown a pair. And he knew that Evan was going to call him, Jake, and Alison, begging to come back. He could read that on the promoter's face. But just in case he didn't Jose already had back-up plans, calls to make. All in all, it was the easiest part of the next two days. The hard part was talking to Camila. At this point, he was sure she'd blocked his number after their fight. He had one last shot to make it right, and was ready to do it.

But before that could happen, he was finally feeling a violent rumble in his stomach.

“Oh shit, here comes that Surge!”


New Year's Eve had finally arrived, and Owen had butterflies in his stomach. Not just butterflies, but butterflies who'd spent their entire lives in a gym, bulking up so they could have a rumble in his gut.

He had reason to be nervous. This was his first time...well, approaching anything sexual. He had always been awkward. Awkward to an insane degree. He had no idea how to really talk to anyone, which growing up made him an easy bullying target, which in turn made him utterly terrified of talking to women, especially if he was attracted to them.

There was a tiny part of him that was trying to make him feel ashamed in addition to being nervous. But he was able to wash away that thought relatively quickly. He wasn't going to some massage parlor that dealt in trafficked women or going to a street walker that have up most of her money to some dipshit pimp.

He had gone to, essentially, a reputable service. Hell, it was run by one of the school's professor's who gave him all the assurances she could. None of the girls that worked for Sophia did it against their wills. They kept 80% of the money and the customers were always screened for both safety and more accurate match ups with the women. No one was their, customer or employee, that didn't choose to be.

Owen had calmed down after that, and any time guilt tried to rear it's ugly head he just kept remembering that...after of course going through all his nervous ticks, like running his hand through his sandy brown hair or cleaning his glasses of streaks that weren't there.

He must have stood out like a sore thumb in front of the sushi restaurant, all his ticks while looking for the girl that Sophia had set up for him. Camila Cabello was her name, and he had gotten a picture of what she looked like, of what to expect.

When he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see that same face from the photo, he had to admit he truly had no idea what to expect.


“Hi, are you Owen by any chance?” Camila said, her full lips in a sweet smile. That, and the rest of her gorgeous face took Owen's breath and ability to talk away for a fleeting few seconds, the reaction making Camila laugh a bit. Not in a taunting way, but in a flattered way. “I think you just answered my question.” She extended her hand and he gently grabbed it, not sure whether to shake or kiss it, so he did an awkward combination of both. She laughed again. “I'm Camila Cabello.”

“Ah.. haha... uh yeah, I think I figured that out too,” he said, his eyes drinking her in. “You look beautiful...”

“Thank you.” she replied. “You're looking very handsome yourself. “ Her brown eyes looks at the restaurant and those lips went into another smile. “Good choice. Great sushi and and wonderful sake selection. You ever come here before?”

“No. I mean I'm a big sushi fan but this semester has been really hectic...but I thought it looked great so I booked it for tonight.”

“Good thinking. Sushi and good company is a great way to spend New Year's Eve.” She winked at him, making him blush a little. It was cute. Camila had never done her job with someone she found outright disgusting or anything, she always found something endearing about her men, especially the repeat customers. Hence the repeating. Owen though...there was something unique about him she couldn't just place yet.

They entered the restaurants and were promptly seated. The restaurant was busy, but not hectic. Ready for the NYE rush. Busy, but not breaking the mood of the night.

The couple were sat in a nice corner booth, men presented before them, and then left alone to converse and peruse the restaurant's many selections.

“So, what do you study?” Camila asked. “Anything exciting?”

“Well, I'm attempting a double major in computer sciences and English Lit, so it's heavy classwork. I want to write though. Novels and stuff. Programming is a back up plan.”

“Oooh an author,” Camila said, legitimately intrigued. “I love creative people. Makes everything more fun. What kind of stuff do you write?”

“I don't know...I mean it's kinda nerdy...”

“Doesn't mean I don't want to hear it.” Camila reached forward, holding his hand re-assuredly. “Tell me.”


“Well...I write sci-fi. I want to do a novel series about time travelers who essentially solve time murders. Like, someone goes back in time to kill someone who was never meant to die, so they need to go back and find out who did it and then stop it from happening, set the wrong thing right...I know it sounds dumb...”

“NO, it really doesn't.” Camila smiled and leaned in closer. “I'm gonna tell you a secret. Something I don't really get to talk about doing, you know, this. My favorite TV show EVER...Quantum Leap.”

“No way...”

“Yep,” she nodded. “My dad had all the DVD's growing up and I just tore through them constantly. I loved the one where Sam leaped into Elvis, into himself as a kid, into his brother's Vietnam platoon, into Al...so many good episodes!”


“Yep. I'm so glad I'm talking about more than wine or fine art and stuff. Not that I don't like that stuff but usually my clients all seem to want to impress with how much they know about rich people stuff. This...is nice.”

“Thanks...it's nice to be here with you too.” Camila picked up her glass of water and clicked it with Owen's.

“Here's to tonight.” The two continued their small talk, finding it very easy to just converse. Camila enjoyed making Owen a lot more at ease and Owen just enjoyed talking to someone without feeling like the most awkward man in the room.

The server soon arrived. The pair ordered  a wide array of rolls, from California rolls to spicy tuna to Shrimp Tempura rolls.

“May I get you two anything to drink?” the server asked. “We have a wonderful sake selection.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful,” Camila said.  “You drink much sake?”

“Can't say that I do, but I'm game.”

“Great! So, let me order it.” Camila looked over the drink menu and set her eyes upon a selection rather quick. “This is a good one. Two bottles of this Junmai. One chilled wit the sushi, one warmed for after the meal...wait is that okay Owen? I don't want to push too much on you...”

“Oh no, it's fine.” he replied. “I...I didn't even know you could have it warm, so I'm intrigued....gonna get both sides of sake tonight.”

“Well, that's not all,” Camila said with a wink, making him blush. He was cute all right. And relaxed. Well, mostly. She was totally at ease now. Owen had really made her feel comfortable. But he still seemed a little on edge. Fortunately, Camila had a plan for that.

“You know, I think you might still be a little nervous,” she said. “Tell me the truth, are you?”

“Well, yeah, a little. I mean not as bad as before but you know, some habits die hard and my anxiety pretty much has a bunker it hides out in to stay safe.”

“Well, let's se  if we can change that,” she said with a laugh. “Do you trust me?”

“Well, yeah...I mean, I don't have much reason not to.”

“Good. So...how about this. You...just sit there. Relax...let Camila take over.” Before Owen could really even guess what Camila had in mind, she slid under the table and crawled over between his legs. When he felt her hands  run over his pants, Owen jumped a bit.

“Shhh,” Camila said. “It's okay baby. Just relax. Camila's got you.”


Owen was sweating, breathing deep. His eyes darted around the restaurant as she unzipped him. “Oh!” he blurted out when her hands reached in and grabbed his cock.

“Already getting hard for me huh?” Camila said, beginning to pump his cock. “I'm flattered. But keep it under control honey, as best you can. I just want you to relax, okay? No one's gonna know but us....”

Owen's eyes fluttered when Camila took him into her mouth. The sucking began softly at first, just letting his cock get hard in her hot and wet mouth before she went any further. She didn't have to wait long.

Above, Owen tried to find something for his hands to do, anything to make him look like nothing was going on. Meanwhile, Camila was going hands free, only working her mouth along his rod. She didn't mind showing off and Owen was clearly a big fan of it.

Camila pressed forward, her nose pressing against his pelvis, letting him in her throat for a few moments before she pulled back, giving the head a hard suck before releasing him completely. She looked at his cock, absolutely pulsing and his leg's tense. He was going to have a nice big release. Frankly, Camila couldn't wait to give it him.

Her hands finally joined the party, delicately tickling and teasing his balls with one and stroking his cock with the other before taking him back in her mouth. It was go time now.

“AH...oh wow,” Owen said, his voice almost breaking as Camila's pace sped up. Every single movement of her tongue, every little way she teased him, pushed his limits just a bit was another wall torn down. His resistance wasn't going to last much longer. But what could he do? His body was telling him to yell out what he was feeling, but his mind kept hammering that pesky common sense into his brain.

“Oh... oh... mmm... Camila... I'm... I'm gonna...” He said, desperately trying to stay in whisper.

“Mmm, hmmmm,” Camila responded. It was the all clear. She was ready, very ready for what he was going to unleash. And she wanted it. She wanted to make him feel good.

Her mouth left his cock for one more brief moment, just to flick her her tongue underneath the crown of his cock, her tongue moving almost like a wave. It began throb and Owen's legs began to straighten out. That was  a tell if she ever saw one. Her lips enclosed around his cock once more, ready to take him to paradise.

“Mmmm, mmmnnnngggfuck!” Owen let out. The tone was relatively quiet and he hoped no one heard the noise, which was very disproportionate to the amount of pleasure he was feeling in the moment, which was off the charts.

Camila wasn't feeling to shabby either, loving how his cock pulsed with every shot into her mouth, her motions to swallow milking a few extra streams out of him. She wasn't having her own orgasm, but she was definitely having fun.

Once Owen's tap was dry, she parted way with his cock with a kiss on the tip, politely zipped him back up, and resumed he place across from him in the booth.

“Well, I don't know about you cutie, I hope the food is here soon. I'm famished,” she said with a wink

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 08:40:44 PM

“Well, let's get this over with,” Peter said. Of all the things he'd want to do on New Year's Eve, faking being Selena's boyfriend to hide the fact she's dating a scumbag for yet another year in a row was dead last on the list.

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“Oh come on, it's not gonna be that bad,” Sabrina chimed in, looking herself over in the bedroom mirror, smoothing out her black gown that hugged her curves n a way that even made her go “wow”. “It's not like you have to be on her arm the whole night. And I'm your back up. And Cami said she'd slum it tonight before she had to do something for her dad. You're covered so you're not 100% going to be in abject misery.”

“Thanks Sabs.”

“Besides, if it gets too hectic you can facetime Hailee at that thing she's doing with her family and go “Oh baby, I miss, wish I was with you, kissy kissy!” Sabrina said, mocking Peter and laying it on thicker than peanut butter.

“You're a pal Sabrina.”

“And this is me sober, when I get some champagne in me, you're toast.”

“Is this going to be before or after you slur out all of Madonna's catalog from the 80's?”

“Like you didn't love it.” The pair headed down the stairs. Everything for the party was all set up. The bar was decked out, signs saying Happy New Year were hung all about, snacks ready to go along with assorted paper hats and noisemakers for the guests. Full on cheese, but considering the holiday, 100% expected. It was pretty much like living in Wisconsin, cheese guaranteed.

Sabrina grabbed one of the garish hats and tried one on, a particularly tacky purple top hat looking one, covered in glitter. “Too classy?”

“Very.” he replied. “Parents aren't back yet, so no one should be arriving yet.”

“They set all this up and just left?”

“Decided to get more alcohol,” Peter shrugged.

“Wow, I have a lot in common with your parents.”

“I think you can probably drink my dad under the table, honestly. With that said, feel free to make yourself something, they won't be hurting from a couple beers.”

Sabrina went behind the bar and poured herself a bit of vodka and added some cranberry juice, then hopped up on the bar to drink it, her legs crossed like a lounge singer just waiting for the piano player to start. “Where's Ben?”

“Itching for a quickie?”

“Well, if I was you can't provide that anymore,” she said with a wink. “Just wondering. I mean, is he testing me to see if you really would try to make a move on me? Some sort of weird competition between brothers?”

“No, he's just picking up the cake and stuff for the parents. But what you said would make a fucked up movie.”

“Duly noted,” Sabrina noted, typing the idea down on her phone. “So how long is it just going to be just you and me? Not that the company is bad at all but this isn't much of  party. I mean this isn't much different than campus except then I'm In sweats, we're drinking piss beer and playing Smash Brothers instead of working on our movies.”

That's when the door knocked. “I guess that answers your question.” Sabrina put her drink down and hopped off the bar, walking right behind Peter as he went to open the door.

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“Calm down everyone, the party has officially arrived,” Camila Mendes said with a grin. She walked right through the door, placing a quick peck on Peter's cheek and giving Sabrina a friendly hug. Then she looked around the empty house. “Either I'm early or this is the start of the worst kind of porno.”

“Party doesn't officially start for another hour.” Peter replied.

“And if this was a porno that fact that I'm in it means it can't be that bad,” added Sabrina.

“I like you,” Camila said to Sabrina.

“You're friend here is SUPER smart.”

“Shouldn't you be at your dad's hotel getting ready for that party? I thought it was work before fun then back to work.”

“Petey-boy, what am I going to do? The party already has planners and I'd rather spend time with my friend and his new pixie pal than be alone with my thoughts.” Camila's thoughts that she was trying to get away from went immediately to Jose. She thought again about unblocking his number...but then remembered he'd made his choice.

“Well, there's not much to do here except wait for the parents to arrive and the guests to follow suit.” he replied.

“I assume that also means your friend and mine Selena Gomez,” Camila said, her sarcastic smile matching her tone of voice at the mention of Selena's name.

“I take you're not a fan?” asked Sabrina.

“Peter and I dated in high school....and I kinda think Selena is the reason we stopped.”

“Oh...,” said Sabrina. “So did you guys...you know...”

“Oh of course, yes.” replied Camila. She moved closer to the tiny blonde. “I mean, it was kind of a build-up you know. I mean I've known Pete way longer than Selena. I'm talking pre-school. So yeah, kind of destined we were to be together until she messed with his head....wait...did you two...you know?”

“Yep,” Sabrina said. “Before him and Hailee got together. A one off.”

“Oh, we DO have a lot to talk about,” Camila said with a grin. “Is there a girl who you're friends with you haven't had sex with? And Selena doesn't count because I said FRIENDS...and I know you two never did anything.”

“Oh god this is my worst nightmare...” Peter said, and moments later his door had the sound of knocking upon it. When the door opened, this time Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift were behind it. “I stand corrected.”

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“Look, it's a splitting headache in two sizes,” said Camila. “Did your parents actually tell anyone the right time for this party, Pete?”

“I'm just here so he and I can essentially get out plan laid out for tonight.” replied Selena.

“And I'm here to keep her honest,” Taylor added. “And always a treat to see you too Camila. Like an apple on Halloween.”

“Any apple you'd hand out would have to come with a razor blade, blondie,” said Camila. “Hey Sabrina, how about we leave the devil women to their misdeeds and compare notes on our...mutual interest?”

Sabrina nodded, a big toothy grin on her face. She and Camila exited to the kitchen and Selena and Peter went to the living room, Taylor in tow.

“Your parents have really outdone themselves in the decorations,” said Selena, trying to break the tension. “I really like the colors.”

“What's different?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

“What's so different about this year that we need to go over some kind of plan? We've been doing this for years so you don't have to show off your shitty taste in men to your parents, I know the drill.”

“And on that note I think I'm going to go join those two in the kitchen,” Taylor said. “I might not be welcome there but it's gotta be more comfortable in their than it's gonna be in here.”

And with Taylor gone, that left Peter and Selena alone, just them and the fierce tension between them.

“Okay, what's your problem?” asked Selena. “Look, I know I blew you off this whole semester and I get you're mad...”

“This semester? Try our whole lives Sel!” Peter began to pace the room, trying not to blow up. “This is ALWAYS how it is when you mean your newest bad boy flavor of the month. I don't hear from you until you need something. Hell, I mostly don't even hear from you even without the assholes you attach yourself to!”

“Oh please, stop with the pity party. If you didn't want to help, you could have said no at any time. But you do it anyway. And you know why? You keep hoping that'll be the time you get in my pants, because that's all you're really interested in with me. Admit it! You want to imply that I'm not really your friend? Give yourself the same accusation when you're trying to dish out this friend zone bullshit to me.”

“You want me to be honest? Yeah, I always hoped that maybe, ONE day we could be more. Because stupid me, I was CRAZY about you! But I wasn't ever NOT your friend. Ever. I was their for you at the snap of your fingers and don't even try to deny you didn't take advantage of that more than a few times while you were slumming it.”

“Okay...I can admit that.” Selena responded, choosing to ignore the slumming comment. “And I'm sorry for that. I really am.” She took a breath, trying to calm down before speaking. “Look, let's just get through tonight, and we can talk about this other stuff, okay? If we're fighting, we will not get through this. Let's...let's just try to work together.”

“Fine,” he said. “Just get through tonight.”


New Year's Eve, it was a night of many types of parties. From the house party that Peter and his friends were at to the hotel party Hailee was going to be at. Those were the normal kind of parties. Fun, but typical. Liz Gillies wasn't in to typical tonight.

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She was with Zero, and they both had plans for that night. Plans that were formed in the aftermath of their tryst. Plans that solidified when they both named the same club that they would be spending the holiday.

They had both been to The Wet Bar before, separate of course. But now...there was a lot of couples fun to be had there....which was the entire point of the place.

The two went to the door and showed their Ids and membership cards. It was that kind of kinky sex club. The bouncer knew them both, Liz especially well. They were let in easily.

They were both on auto pilot when they reached the bar, and the bar tender went the same way when they saw them and got them their regular drinks in a flash. After leaving a hefty tip, the pair spun around, scanning the crowd as they sipped their drinks.

“So, spot anyone yet?” Zero asked. “Or are you getting some threesome cold feet?”

“Settle down, I only just started looking.” She replied. Her blue eyes scanned the room. Men only. She and Zero had agreed to that, or rather she convinced him. Not that he was bothered by sharing with another guy...he just would have preferred two women all over him. She couldn't blame him.

Liz's eyes landed on a man on the opposite end of the bar. Shaved head, full sleeve tats from what she could see as well. He didn't notice her gaze. Fortunately for him he'd been noticed by her.

“We got one,” Liz said, motioning her head towards the mark. “Go talk to him.”


“Yes, you. Look, I do it, he says on the spot, then when finally comes down for doing the devil's triad he might get a little nervous at not being the only horn in the room. You do it? Sure, it'll take some convincing but it's not as likely that he'll back out.”

Zero thought on this for a second. “Eh, why not?” He downed the rest of his drink and headed towards the man in question.

He took a seat next to him and dove right in. No need to beat around the bush. “Hey man, what' up?”

The man looked at Zero and smirked. “Sorry man,no offense, but I'm not here for other guys,” he said. “You do you though. The way this place is going, you ain't walking out of here alone.”

“No problem man, not looking for a dude myself, at least not in the way you're thinking.” Zero replied. “See that girl over there?”

He looked up to where Zero was pointing and locked eyes with Liz, who winked at him as she drank from her vodka cran.

“See, she wants a little double team action for NYE and I just can't bring myself to say no to the little lady, can you? Especially when she already has a private room at this club ready to go.”

“Well...I mean if she already has a room...”

“Exactly!” The two men shook hands, sealing the deal. “Name's Zero.”

“Bill,” the man replied. “And the lady?”


The two went back to Liz, the bust brunette smiling wide. “Well hello there,” she said, extending her hand. “My name's Liz.”

“Bill,” he said. “And Zero's already made both his introduction and told me about your plans for tonight.”

“Then I take it you're in.”

“I'm here, aren't I?” Liz smirked, then looked at Zero.

“Follow me gents.” Liz led the way, Zero in two with Bill just a bit far behind, getting a good view at Liz's amazing ass. She took them to an elevator. She flash them another bodyguard her card, this time it was scanned. From there it was on to the elevator. It took them down a few floors before the stainless steel box opened revealing a long, elegant looking hallway.

“Which room did you get?” Zero asked.

“My favorite one here, the black room.” The door way to it wasn't anything special. Behind the door was a room of striking contrast. Blacks and silvers. A couch, a bed, black and silver over and over. “I love the color. Goes with everything.”

Liz made her way to the couch and sat down, legs crossed. Bill, being the newbie, had at least one question. “SO...how are we doing this?”

“Zero, would you mind explaining this to our guest?”

“Well Bill,” Zero began. “We're gonna start with you and Liz...just go with the flow. I'll pick my entry point.”

“I'm assuming you mean tat literally.' Liz added.

“Oh believe me, you'll find out.”

“Okay then,” Bill said. He joined Liz on the couch and the two didn't take long to enter a heated embrace, hands roaming each other's body while their lips were doing some roaming of their own. Zero leaned against the wall and watched. He liked to watch. Being in the action was a lot more fun, but there was something to be said for being a spectator, just waiting for your time to jump in.

Bill attempted to go lower on Liz's body, his mouth taking the place of her hands at the top of her cleavage. To his minor shock, he was blocked. “Mmm, mmm,” Liz said, in smile.  “Sit back and relax. I'm going to have some fun with you first.”

She went from the couch to her knees, and Bill did the kindness of opening his legs and giving Liz a station for what she was going to do next.

Her hands moved up his legs, nails tracing up the black denim of his pants until they met at the button. Undone. Then one hand massaged his bulge as the other pulled down his zipper. Access.

“Nnnggg,” Bill uttered. Liz had reached into his pants and began to pump his cock to full attention. Perfect night to go commando.

Liz ran her tongue from base to tip of his cock, flicking it against to tip before taking it in her mouth for a brief, but hard suck. Bill shook a bit and Zero grinned. What a show.

Liz began to suck in earnest, but first making sure Bill kept his hands to himself. This was her fun time. No other hands on her toy, not even the person it technically belonged to. Bill didn't take issue with that, not one bit. Liz's experience was too goo for him to even try to direct.

While Bill was loving his first experience with the wonders of Elizabeth Gillies, Zero was hanging back, enjoying the show, and getting ready for his grand entrance. Looking at the way Liz's shapely ass was swaying and wiggling as she sucked on Bill. He found that opening.

He went into Liz's purse.They came prepared. They both knew where this threesome was going to go before they even entered the club. Thus, the lube. He walked over and knelt behind Liz.

The only pause she gave form her suck job on Bill was an “Mmmmm” when Zero knelt  behind her and began to feel up that wonderful bum. He bunched her skirt up a bit then ran his hands from her ass to her legs, stopping just at the beginning of her thigh high boots. He chuckled to himself when he remembered her picking them out earlier. Liz called them her only real pair of “fuck me” footwear. These were her official sex boots, for all intents and purposes. Perfectly fitting. It made someone who was a sex goddess even more holy.

He kissed her firm apple before peeling down those black satin panties she was wearing, letting them stay at her knees. He then leaned forward again and decided to have a taste of the thing he had his eyes on.

“Ohhhhh, fuuuUUUuuckkk,” Liz said, pausing her blowjob for a moment as she savored the sensations the meeting of Zero's tongue and her asshole brought about. She knew what he was aiming for, quite literally. She didn't mind. It was a foregone conclusion that before the clock struck midnight he was getting her ass. Hell, Bill would too. She actually found the idea of Zero going straight to the ass hot, it made her even wetter.

Zero rose back up and reached for the lube, Her squirted a dollop onto his hand and worked it in Liz's ass with his fingers, making her tense up just for a moment before she cooed at the sensation, actually pushing back on Zero's fingers.

All the while Zero was a captive audience, Liz was still working his shaft with her hand, but he couldn't help but be more than a little turned on at the view  of Liz being prepped for an ass fucking right before his eyes.

Zero removed his fingers and reached for the lube again. He undid his pants, letting them fall, then worked some lube onto his rod. Then, it was time for Zero to fully enter the action.

Liz stopped moving just for a moment, hissing in a breath while Zero pressed his cock against her asshole. “Oh fuuuuck yes...” She moaned when he finally got the head in. Bill was in awe as he watched Liz slowly get her asshole filled, all while she was on his knees in front of him, her mouth so close to sucking him again. He almost came on the spot.

Once Zero had worked himself in,he waited for a few seconds, letting Liz get very used to the intrusion. Then he began to thrust, just a bit. He was testing the waters. Then eh got the clear signal.

“Mmmm Zero just fuck my ass.... ohhh fuck, stop playing with me...”Green Light given. Zero began to go a bit faster and harder and Liz went right back to sucking Bill. She was still hands free, but more likely now because her hands were grasping at Bill's legs tightly, almost bracing herself and pushing herself back against Zero's thrusts.

“Ohhhh fuck yes Liz,” Zero said. “Don't you stop sucking his dick...no no...oh...mmm...keep doing it...fuck...with this dick up your ass...oh fuck baby..”

Liz could only answer with a moan. But even without words the sound had confidence and sultriness to it. It was gasoline on the fire. Zero was going much faster to the enjoyment of everyone involved. Liz loved being reminded why she liked being fucked in the ass. Such a unique experience...a whole different kind of pleasure, new sensations...same destination with a whole new set of landmarks.

“I think Bill could use a bit of a change, don't you Liz?” Zeroa asked, giving the pale sex goddess a firm smack on her ass. “And I think your tight little pussy could use a bit of company.”

“Oooh...oh that's good idea...mmm, fuck yes...” Liz replied. Zero pulled out and got to his feet, using the break in the action to strip completely. Liz did the same, and Bill followed suit. She was once again holding Bill close, hungrily kissing him before pushing him back down on the couch.

No words were needs. All Liz needed was a look of her eyes. She straddled Bill and impaled herself on his cock, her moan erupting into a scream of passion as she was filled with his girth. Then Zero resumed his place in her asshole.

“Mmmmm fuck, this is just about perfect,” said Liz, licking her lips as her men built up a firm and steady rhythm inside of her. Being filled like this was an experience she couldn't explain. Calling it pleasure undersold it. It was a component for sure...but it also fed her ego as well. Two men wanting her so much they just couldn't wait.

And the way they took her, thrusts that were both measured and desperate in their need added to it. And how they focused attention all over her body. Zero's hands on her ass, back and shoulders, his mouth at her neck and ears, whispering images of the most romantic filth imaginable.

And Bill did what was expected of him, which Liz couldn't blame him for. After all, with her admittedly amazing tits dangling in his face, how could he not bury his face in them. Kiss, lick, nibble, bury himself in the experience of her breasts...he was only human, after all.

The trio switched things up again. Bill stayed on the couch, but Liz turned her back to him, settling back down only now his was the cock up her ass. Zero's cock found a home in Liz's pussy, the two kissing deeply and the furious tempo built up once more.

Zero's forehead was against Liz's their eyes locked on each other. “Like that? Huh?” he asked as he drove into her, feeling Bill thrust as well in to her. “Both your holes filled up with cock? Exciting enough for ya? Huh? Say you fucking love it!”

“You already know I fucking do,” Liz teased, her beautiful smile contorting into a lustful snare. The two collided in a kiss again and the pace off three went faster and faster. The fireworks were getting ready to go off and Liz was about ready to cut those fuses even shorter.

“Take my fucking holes!” she yelled. “How they feel, huh?  My holes gonna make you fucking cum? Huh boys? My ass and pussy too fucking much for you? You boys better making cum! Cum on those fucking perfect dicks! DO IT!”

“Oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK!” Bill groaned, trying not to erupt inside of her. Zero was close too, but he wasn't showing his hand yet.

“Yeah cum on our fucking cocks...cum on Liz baby...do it...do it and we all cum...come on baby...”

“Ooooh...oh fuck I'm gonna cum...fuck Zero I'm gonna cum!” Liz declared mere seconds before her orgasm erupted in her, the volcano of pleasure coursing through her, the eruption taking it's toll Zero and Bill. And Liz could read it on Zero's face. “CUM IN ME! Both of you! Fill my ass and pussy with your fucking cum!!!”

And they did, their cries mixing with her and they pumped Liz's holes up with their hot, white cum, Zero leaning forward to kiss as he came down with Liz. As the crashing waves went to low tied, Liz looked in Zero's eyes, a fierce energy still behind her exhausted face.

“Happy New Year,” she said, licking his lips.



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“So, how does it look?” Hailee asked. She stepped out of her closet, showing off her dress and hair for the party. Lili, who was Hailee's audience, had helped her pick out the dress as well done her hair and make-up, but was also the only person Hailee really wanted to show off in front of. And to be fair Lili hadn't seen the entire ensemble put together.

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“You look great,” Lili said. And she meant it. But her heart wasn't totally into it, which was something Hailee picked up on immediately.

“Let me guess, he hasn't called yet.”

“Nope.” Hailee sat next to Lili on the bed. “And my next guess, you didn't call him.”

“No...because Jake should call me.”

“Lilz, I agree with that assessment totally. 100%. But...maybe give a little just in this case? And if you have to go after the call, I'm fine with that. We've had fun so far, and we'll have fun hanging out when school gets back in session. Just...just don't let someone you really care about go this easily. You'll regret it.”


“Lili I'm saying this as your friend. I've known you longer than I've known a lot of people and I'm telling you, I'm fine with you going. But please, just call him. I hate to see you like this.”

Lili took a moment. She was still really mad and hurt by Jake...but she'd also cooled off. She wished they'd talked more before this, maybe reached a better understanding. Maybe they'd even be on their way to Mexico right now. Then her blue eyes went to er purse, where her phone was.

“Are you sure you're fine with this?”

“Lils,” Hailee said, standing up from her seat. “I'm fine. I mean, yeah, it'd be fun with you there but even then...it's still a work party for my parents so it wouldn't be that much fun. The complimentary suite I get is probably the highlight and that's just for the free cookies and morning room service. Besides, a dress like yours kinda needs to be seen by someone who's going to really appreciate it.”

Lili smiled and almost leaped up from the bed and grabbed her purse. “Okay, but the DAY school gets back in session we're having lunch together.”

“Deal,” laughed Hailee. “Now, go get him. Have fun.”

Lili rushed to give Hailee a goodbye hug then went for her phone, already dialing as she left the bedroom. Hopefully Jake would pick up.


Sushi time was over and Owen and Camila were already at the hotel. Camila had done the impossible, melted pretty much all of Owen's nerves. He was still a bit awkward but Camila had no problem with that. She actually found it cute.

Cute...and a bit sexy. But that was mainly how well they got on during the food and sake fun of dinner. But now, at the hotel, it was about to be all about a new kind of fun.

She let Owen lead the way into the hotel. It was nice, extremely nice. Bellmen, chandeliers, and a concierge in a three piece suit. Before going to the elevator, Owen headed to the front desk.

“Excuse me,” he asked. The woman behind the counter looked at him and smiled.

“Yes sir, how can I help you?” she asked.

“I was wondering if it'd be possible for me to make a quick room service order and have it waiting for us at my room?”

“Of course sir, I just need the room number and your I.D.”

“Room 619.” he replied. He handed off his ID as well.

“All right Mr. Larshart, and what would you and your lady friend like?”

“Champagne. Um....Cristal?”

“Are you sure?” Camila asked. “Don't splurge for for me. I'm fine with whatever.” She squeezed his hand. Not hard, but in a sweet way. “Whatever you get will be great.”

“Cristal. And some strawberries....or is that too cliché?”

“It's fine.” replied Camila. “I love both of those things.”

“So, is that it Mr. Larshart?” the clerk asked.

“Yes, and just put it on the room.” She nodded in response and told the couple that their order will probably be there when they arrived, or shortly after.

“You didn't have to splurge like that...but thanks,” Camila said as the elevator doors closed. “What do you do for a living? I mean, and I don't want to pry, but all this looks kind of expensive.”

“I...uh..I do a lot programming stuff. It's mainly just that and school. I save any extra money from my jobs over so when I have free time I have some wiggle room. And since I don't have much free time, when I do have it I have a lot of wiggle room.”

“Oh, going to school for it and doing it?”

“I'm taking advanced courses. People hire me for basic stuff like web pages and stuff. Honestly having a degree is the valuable thing that will get eyes on me while I'm working on my novel.”

“Well, obviously working out for you,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. Camila was paying a lot of attention tonight. Owen was a lot more interesting than she thought he was going to be. Of course it helped that he was treating this thing like an actual date. It was endearing for her. So endearing she didn't notice herself acting something a bit more than professional herself.

The doors of the elevator opened and right when they turned to the suite, there was a room service attendant waiting with the order he'd placed. With the attendant tipped, the couple then entered the suite, and once more Camila's jaw dropped. It was big, damn near a penthouse.

“How much programming do you do?” she asked.

“Way too much,” he said. “But I try t make up for it with times like this.” He blushed once more, which made Camila do the same. “Want to see the view?”

Owen took her out to the balcony, champagne and strawberries in hand. He placed them on a little table on the balcony then went to the rail.

“Nice,” she said. “You wouldn't think it, but the view really is ice here. The blinking lights, even the cars and traffic lights...it's something to see.” He came up behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. She put hers on his,then turned around. He moved forward going for the kiss. She was waiting. Fireworks before midnight.

It broke, sweetly. More was to come. “Take a seat,” Camila said. Owen did so, sitting back on a reclining chair. She winked at him, then went for the champagne. “I'm sure you've seen them open champagne in movies and stuff. They always just pop the cork and the champagne explodes, sprays everywhere.  Sometimes to cork itself goes flying. The reality is...that's not how you're supposed to do it.”

She picked up the bottle from the bucket of ice it was in and ran her fingers along the neck. “See, the way it's supposed to be done with a lot more finesse. First there's the wire around the cork.” She placed one hand near the cork, pressing against it with her thumb while the other removed the foil around the neck. This exposed the wire cage, which she deftly undid.

“It's important to be careful. Don't rush. Going to quick will ruin anything. Like if I tried to pop the cork right now? Bottle might go flying. Still wet from the ice.” Her eyes locked on her attentive audience of one, licking her full lips as she went for a towel near the bucket, wiping down the bottle. “Now, one of the major mistakes people make is they always focus on the wrong part. Most people go right for the cork.”

She walked closer to Owen, a seductive smile forming on her face. “Always take your time. It'll pay off. Instead of pushing hard against that cork and ruining the bottle by going way too early, you have to take it slow.” She motioned for him to grab the bottom of the bottle.

“Not too hard,” she added. “Okay, now, gently pull and twist. Don't stop until you hear a pop.” He did exactly as she asked, being urged on by her comforting gaze. And soon POP went the cork. “Good job. Not a bit spilled.”

She poured them each a glass of champagne. Camila handed one off to Owen before heading back to the rail of balcony. “Come here,”she requested and Owen complied. He came to her  back, softly embracing her. It was a bit forward for him, but Camila didn't mind. He was getting comfortable. It was what they both needed. Camila sipped the champagne, and anticipated the next move Owen would make.


A gentle caress of her shoulder that soon gave a way to a gentle kiss. She sighed and licked her lips. Then came another sip of champagne.

“Unzip my dress,” Camila said. His hands traveled to the zipper and slowly pulled down. The dress slid off, and Camila wasn't wearing a thing under it and Owen was hypnotized by the site of her nude body. He was running on instinct as he dropped to his knees and began to kiss that rounded perfection.

“Oooooh yessss,” she sighed. There wasn't much finesse in what he was doing, but the passion, the hunger, that was all there and made up for any inexperience that Owen might have. She went along with him as he turned her around. He wanted to taste her and Camila had no problem with that.

She moaned once more as he began to taste her, his tongue and fingers gently probing her insides. No real technique, but again, passion makes up for a lot. He wanted to make her feel good and as a result, the effort was paying off. She wasn't going to cum from this treatment but the feeling itself was sweet, wonderful. Just what it was supposed to be.

“Stand up,” she said, smiling. When Owen was on his feet, she kissed him again, he tongue licking at his lips as it broke. “You know honey, it's kind of awkward for me to be the only one in their birthday suit out here.”

“Oh yeah...” Owen said before stripping off faster than any man Camila had ever seen. It made her laugh, but not in a cruel way. She really liked this guy. She almost forgot this was a job.

With Owen totally nude, the two embraced, skin to skin, lips to lip. His hard cock was against Camila's thigh, though soon her hand went between them, pumping his cock. Just feeling it in her hand, the size and shape of it...she honestly couldn't wait any longer.

She broke away from him and then leaned forward on the railing, her round booty presented right before Owen. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Take me,” she said. “Take me Owen.”

He got behind her, rubbing and caressing her ass with one hand while he guided her other to her pussy. Her breathed deep as he entered her for the first time, moaning “Oh my GOD!” when he was inside her. From the sound of Camila's own moans, the feeling was very mutual.

Owen began slow. He had too. Any faster than the pace he was at right now and the sex would be over before it really began. This was all right with Camila. She understood and took it as a compliment in a way. Besides, it didn't feel bad at all.

Her hand slid between her legs, softly working her clit. Her mouth was open wide, the corners upturned into a smile. “Mmm....oh Owen,” she moaned. “So good baby...just a little faster honey...oh fuck a little faster...doing so good...”

Owen did so, increasing his pace ever so slightly. He leaned closer to Camila, kissing the back of her neck and shoulders, pleased sighs and moans escaping her lips at the sweet attentiveness of his lips while his hands caressed her booty.

While all of this was wonderful, a great change of pace even from Camila's usual clientele, Camila new he might not be totally ready to be this much in control. Which was fine. Taking control of the situation had it's own kind of fun attached to it. She just had to take it carefully.

“Ooooh Owen baby, pull out for a second sweetie.”

He paused for a second, then did as she asked. “Is everything okay? AM I going too fast or...”

turned around and kissed him, both silencing him and soothing his doubts.

“No baby, you're doing great,” said Camila. Her hand reached out to pump Owens slick cock very softly. “I just wanted you to give me a ride...and have a better view.” She lead him to the reclining chair where Owen took a seat.

His eyes were glued to Camila. She downed the rest of her champagne and set the crystal glass down. She then grabbed one of the strawberries. Camila pulled off the green leaves of the berry the placed it in her mouth, her teeth softly sinking in before she walked over to Owen.

“Ohhhh Camila,” he moaned when she sunk down on his cock. She gently caressed his face before grabbing it, then moved forward, offering the strawberry to Owen, who egaerly ate it. The sweet snack of the fruit gave way to a kiss. And that when Camila began to rides his cock. The pace was hers, and Owen was more than fine with it.

“Oh...oh yeah baby...oh yeas...feels so good inside me...oh Owen...ohhh...ohhhh...” Camila's eye's fluttered. The pace was faster, but not too much. Owens was riding on that edge, right there in a state of pleasure before going over. Exactly where Camila wanted him.

She leaned forward, her face never far from his. They kissed repeated while Owen's hands roamed her back, from her shoulders to her round bottom where he gained a good grip.

“Oh!” Camila said a small laugh following it as Owen pulled her closer, his lips kissing and sucking her nipples for the first time. He was lost in the moment now. Mission accomplished.

Camila's pace began to sped up. The whole night was getting to her. The passion of it all, added to the fucking, she was just as close as Owen. It would have surprised her if her mind wasn't so focused on how good she was feeling at the time.

“O...Owen...oh baby I'm gonna cum... mmm but I need you to cum too... okay baby? You cum I cum...that a deal honey?”

“Yeah...oh yeah Camila,” Owen said, holding her tight against his own body. He was more than willing to do anything she asked of him at this point, which of course included reaching orgasm.

“Yeah... yeah just like that.. .hold me close baby... cum in me... cum for me and I'll cum for you....”

“Ahhhhh, fuuuuckk!” Owen said, trying his best to keep from yelling out into the night as he began to cum. Both actions made Camila smile.

“Yes baby....mmmm cum for me... fill me up... make.... ooooh, Owen... fuck you're making me cummmmmmm!” And Camila wasn't faking it. Her body quivered and quaked as pleasure now also wracked her, and she was holding Owen just as close as he was her. And as he began to come down, they kissed once more, her weight softly pressing him down onto the reclined chair, Camila now laying on top of him.

“Mmmm,” she said, kissing his chest. “You grab the strawberries, I'll get the champagne... and we'll meet in the bed,” she said dreamily.

“Okay....” Owen said, chipper but still a little dazed. He knew Camila wasn't done with him, and even as lost in the aftermath as he was right now, he was more than all right with that.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 08:54:28 PM

“So, when are you going to put a ring on my daughter's finger?” Mandy asked, nearly making Peter choke on his drink.

“Mom, come on,” Selena said. “We're still in college.”

“But you two have been together since what, Junior High?” Mandy looked stern, then broke out in laughter. “I'm just kidding around with you two... mostly. But still Peter, you better think about it. Selena's a catch, you never know who might grab her attention.”

“You're right there, Mandy.” Peter said with a grin. “But while I'd love to talk engagement rings with you, I think I might have to rescue my brother and Sabrina from being interrogated by my parents.”

“Of course,” Mandy said. “And I'm sure Selena is going to go and be your back-up. You two are just inseparable.”

“That's how it seems doesn't it?”

“We'll be right back mom,” Selena said. She then followed Peter out of the game room into the busy living room. The party was bustling at this point and Peter had been keeping up his deal with Selena. Everyone thought they were dating like they did every year, yet this was the first year Peter was getting increasingly annoyed with the concept. No one could tell of course. Except Selena.

“Don't worry, it's almost over,” she said.

“Well then I hope you don't mind if I take a break.”

“No, but come on...it's not all bad.”

“Not all bad?” Peter could not believe what he was hearing. “Your mom was joking about us getting engaged! Which means the question is REALLY in her mind.”

“Yeah, I know...and I'm going to tell her in February we're done but still friends...okay?”

“Sure.” He replied. “I really do have to have to see save Ben and Sabrina...possibly.”

“Right...at ths point your mom is probably trying to verify Sabrina's social security number and your dad runs her finger prints....why does Ben get the over protective treatment anyway?”

“Because he's the baby....by like five minutes, but still.”

'And on that note, I'm going to go check on Taylor, see if her new boy toy arrived.” The two went their separate ways, but before Peter could make his way to his brother, Camila caught him by the arm.

“Come with me,” she said. “We're getting a drink.”


“Because I'm guessing you need one right about now.”

“Eh, good guess.” The pair went to a kitchen counter covered in assorted booze. Camila reached for the first bottle that caught her attention.

“Tequila good for you?” she asked.

“Fine by me.” She poured them each a shot, clinked glasses and they bother down the shot, followed by the traditional tequila grimace.

“Whoa,” said Camila. “Good stuff.”

“Oh yeah.” Peter replied. “You heading out soon?”

“That depends, Selena done with you or are you still at her beck and call for the rest of the night?”

“I don't now honestly. I just got done being grilled by her mom, and right now she's talking with Taylor or something. I don't know.”

“Taylor huh? You know, I never would have thought we'd have anything to talk about, but she, and Sabrina all had a lot to say about you and your bedroom activities. Very educational.”

“Great. I need another shot.”

“Oh calm down, it was all VERY complimentary,” Cami said with a wink. “Besides, consider yourself lucky. I mean, how many other guys can say they have had three unbearably hot women in their beds with a fourth just around the corner? You dog, you.” The two laughed a bit, and Camila did indeed pour them each one more shot. “To friends.”

“To friends.” They both downed the tequila once more before heading off in search of his brother. Camila found herself heading to the backyard, wear she walked in on Selena and Taylor having a conversation.

“I still can't believe you're dating Norman,” Selena said. “I mean he's so...Norman.”

“He's nice, smart, great in bed, and very helpful,” said Taylor. “Like right now, he's just finishing up with a project I'm working with a couple other people. He's putting the finishing touches on it. It's why he's late.”

“What kind of project?”

“Oh, kind of a charity,” Taylor said with a laugh. “Sorry, inside joke. I'll let you know about it when it's ready.”

“Okay...” Selena then looked at her watch, then her phone expectedly.

“Waiting for something?”

“Yeah, Reggie should be here soon to pick me up. We're going to some party down town.”

“And then Peter is finally free.”

“Yeah, until February.” Camila came a little closer upon hearing this. Neither of the other women noticed.

“Are you sure about that?” asked Taylor. “I think his girlfriend might object to that.”

“Then I guess I'm going to have to make that not a problem.”

“What? Sel, no...that's fucked up.”

“Oh come on, like you haven't done the same.”

“I haven't.” she replied. “Sure, I tend to fuck with people who fuck with me first, but never my friends. And Peter is your friend, right?”

“Of course he is. I would just prefer him be with someone a little...better. I mean it's just like when he was dating Camila in high school. I had to end that and all it took was turning up the charm a little bit....”

“Oh my god,” Camila said, announcing her presence. “I always blamed you for Peter and I breaking up but holy shit, I never imagined you did it on purpose.”

“Great,” Selena said. “Just what I needed, more of the rich girl tonight.”

“I always knew you were bitch Selena, I just didn't figure you for a stone cold bitch.” Camila got right in Selena's face, neither was backing down. “I gave you the benefit of the doubt. That you didn't know what you were doing. Clearly my mistake. Though there is some slight validation in being right about you.”

“You don't know the first thing about me and you never have,” Selena said. “Which is why you're not good enough for Peter. He deserves better than some poor little rich girl cliché.”

“Selena, come on,” Taylor said. “This isn't the place for it.”

“No Taylor, I think it's the perfect place,” said Camila. “I'm actually glad you're here. That's a sentence I never thought I'd say, but it's true. See, you I get. I may not like what you do, but I understand it and Hell, I even respect your honesty about it.” Camila's eyes focused back on Selena, nearly burning a hole through her. “You...don't get it. Maybe it's the self-delusion part. I'm willing to bet on some level you actually think sabotaging Peter's relationships is somehow helping him. And the fact that it just aligns when you need some help from him, well that's just a bonus isn't it?”

Selena didn't answer. Camila smirked, looking at both Selena and what was behind her.

“Before I leave this party to get away from you, just tell me this; what's your issue with Hailee? I mean me, I get. Somehow me being rich that rubs you the wrong way. But Hailee? She's a nice girl. He's crazy about her. What's your problem there?”

“I don't need to explain myself to you.” Selena replied. “All you need to know is she's not good enough for him. They can have their fun, I'm not cruel...but when the time comes I'll make sure he ends the mistake.”

“And how is that going to happen exactly?” Peter said. He was right behind Selena, right where Camila had been looking. Selena turned around stunned, fumbling for words.

“Look, Pete...I know it sounds bad but I'm just looking out for you....”

“Yeah, whenever it seems to benefit you, right?”

“Look, let's just talk about all this, okay? It's not as bad as you think.”

“Look, just save it Selena. I'm too exhausted by lying for you to even attempt an argument or anything. Just...let's leave this whole thing at that, okay?” Peter walked off back into the house. Selena went to follow him, but Taylor stopped her.

“Sel, I know you want to fix this, but trust me, you're the last person he wants to see right now,” said Taylor. “Let me try to smooth things over.”

Selena nodded, then turned to Camila. “Did you bring him over to hear that?”

“Oh god no, that was just hilarious circumstance. That grave you're in right now? You dug it yourself.” Camila walked past Selena, then paused one more time. “It's bittersweet though. Because even though it was amazing to see you fall flat on your face exposing yourself...Pete's still hurt. But don't you worry, your pal is going to be feeling a lot better next time he sees Hailee. Until then...I don't know...chill out with your “drug dealer or whatever bad boy nonsense he does that makes you dumb” boyfriend. I'm sure he'll sate your hunger for bad decisions until you want someone even worse.”

While Cami was having her parting words with Selena, Taylor had caught up with Peter...but not for the reasons he expected when he spoke to her.

“Look, Taylor, just don't right now, okay. I don't think you could defend no matter how hard you try.”

“Oh, believe me Peter, I'm certainly not.” Taylor replied. “In fact I find Selena's attitude completely nasty to tell you the truth. And honestly, that's cold even for a girl like me. This is how she always is when she's with a fresh asshole though, their worst aspects rub off on her, and Reggie has ego and pride in using people as his chief flaws... among thousands.”

“Well, yeah,” Peter said.

“So, here's what I'm thinking. She's my best friend but Selena needs some consequences. Heartbreak doesn't do it. So, I suggest you go right up to her mom and tell her the whole truth. And not just about her current pimp boyfriend, all of them.”


“Or a drug dealer,” Taylor said, trying to cover up what she knew. “I mean he's definitely shady, right?”

“Yeah... you're right.”

“As always,” smiled Taylor. “You go talk to her, I'll be right behind you as back-up.” Peter nodded and headed for where Mandy was last. Before Taylor could start, she was stopped by Norman.

“Finally found you,” he said. The couple kissed, then Taylor was handed a computer tablet.

“It's all done?”

“Yep, the only copy of the video left is loaded up and ready to go as proof,” Norman said. “The virus I uploaded to the site took care of everything else. Wiped any hard drive connected to it clean, included Reggie's main PC. The whole deed he recorded with Selena is gone.”

“Excellent baby! And did you inform Bella?”

He nodded. “She's handling her end of it right now. She should be meeting us here fairly soon. Reggie is for sure coming?”

“Yes,” Taylor smiled. “Selena just confirmed it. All while sticking her foot in her mouth. Which to me proves we're doing the right thing, like I always do.” She looked at the tablet. “Just press play, huh?”

Taylor and Norman exchanged smiles then followed Peter. They had caught him just as he had found Selena's mother.

“The entire time?” Mandy said, he voice utterly flat. “You two have been lying the whole time?”

“Yes,” Peter said. “All to cover for Selena's choice in men she knew would get her in trouble. She has a bad boy thing. The new guy Reggie is probably a pimp or something.”

“I...I can't believe this,” said Mandy. “I need to hear this from Selena...”

“Sadly Ms. Teefy, I think she'd just lie again,” Taylor said, entering the room. “But... I have proof that Reggie is a pretty bad guy who's gotten Selena into something. Peter... you should go. I don't think you want to see this.”

He shrugged, nodded, then left. Whatever happened to Selena was out of his hands now, and after what he'd heard come from her mouth, he didn't really care. The one thing he knew was he didn't want to be at this party anymore. He wanted to do something different.

He quickly found Cami. “Can you get a limo here?”

“Yeah, I was going to take one to the hotel soon actually,why?”

“Well, it being a limo I assume it could fit more than you?”

“Why Mr. Farrano, are you actually going to shake up your routine this year?”

“Well, my parents get the invite every year, I'm included in that. So's Ben. We each get a plus one, so Sabrina is included.”

“And my dad's the owner so I don't need to be a plus one...and I just texted the driver. Get Sabrina and your brother. We're on our way to some real fun.... no offense to your parents. That sounded super rich bitch and really this is a great party but I was just trying to make leaving the part sound cool and you know...”

“Cami, it's okay,” Peter said “Totally got your point. So let's go get some free top shelf booze at your dad's hotel.”


Of all the ways Jake had hoped to spend this New Year's Eve, a solo drive to Mexico wasn't one of them. But the truck was loaded up, and it was time to go. He thought about grabbing his phone to call Lili... but at this point it was way too late. And she hadn't called him. Maybe the damage had been done.

“Hi Jake,” Lili said, making Jake jump in shock. He then turned around, and despite the terms in which they last parted, he couldn't help but smile a little. She was all decked out in a gorgeous gown covered by her favorite jacket, a denim one covered in wrestling patches, and carrying a full duffle bag.

“Hi.” he replied. “Um, how'd you know I was at Alison's?”

“Called her. She's on her way back from Japan actually. Arizona right now. I don't think the jet lag's hit her yet.”

“Right...so...you've been talking to Alison?”

“I...I had to talk to someone that knew us and was unbiased..well, to a degree. Cami wasn't going to be fair to you so she was kind of out. I love her to death but I needed a more level head.”

“Yeah...so, what are you doing here? I thought you had party to be at.”

“Jake...don't. Please. Look, I came here right from Hailee's to be with you, okay? I talked to her, she could tell my head was somewhere else... and look, she's fine with this. And she would have been fine with me leaving earlier. Hell I didn't even change out of my dress.”

“And you couldn't have asked her about this earlier?”

“God damn it Jake I don't want to fight!” she yelled. “Look, maybe I would have talked to her about it if you hadn't flipped out on me. But...damn it Jake I felt cornered and angry...why did you act like that?”

Jake took a breath. Not out of frustration or anger. More...acceptance. Acceptance he may have been a tool. “Look, Lili... I know I flipped out. And there's no real excuse for it. It' just...I wanted this to be something perfect. I don't get to do perfect and...I didn't want to disappoint you.So...I called in all those favors and put a lot of pressure on myself to impress you. And when I thought it was all for nothing... I acted like an asshole and overreacted. And I know I should have called...”

“Hey,” she said. She walked towards him and grabbed his hand and brought it to her face, place it on her cheek. “I could've called too. You weren't the only one who overreacted. We both could have acted better.”

“Yeah...but I'm sorry.” She forgave him with a soft and sweet kiss, followed by her signature smile, the one that had caught his attention the year before.

“So,” she said. “Think you have room for one more? Or is this trip still solo for you?”

“Throw your bag in the back.” He replied. “Gotta warn you though, passenger's seat is automatically the navigator.

“I think I can handle that.” She tossed the bag in the back of the truck. “And the only payment I require is a Double Double, animal style fries and a large Chocolate shake.”

“Two straws?” Jake joked.

“Hell no, get your own,” she laughed. “Come on, let's hit the road, cap'n.”

The couple soon got the required payment and were soon off, filling the time by catching up on lost time and planning the days in Mexico...most of which knew would most likely be spent in some form of undress in the suite.

The moment they hit the open road however, Lili decided she didn't want to wait for the Honeymoon suite. Her hand reached over to Jake's crotch going right for the zipper.

“Lils, what you doing?” Jake asked, already knowing the answer.

“What we've been doing.” she replied. She kissing his cheek then moved her lips to his ear. “Catching up on lost time.” She licked and nibbled on his ears while her hand was taking out his cock.

“Oooh... mmm, Lili... this... oohh... this really isn't conducive to save driving.”

“Mmmm, then maybe you should pull over for  a bit.”

Jake saw this as the best idea he had heard in a while and immediately pulled to the side of the road into the dirt of the desert. Both he and Lili were out of the car in a flash. The both met at the truck bed, Lili already in the middle of ditching her gown and Jake tossing his shirt in the back.

Lili hopped up on the bed, waiting with a smile as Jake scrambled to get out of his pants. Once that obstacle was cleared, the loved embraced, armed wrapped around each other and lips locked.

“There's a blanket in the gym bag behind you,” Jake said.

“Which one?” Lili asked.

“Red one.”

Lili grabbed for it and the blanket was laid out on the cold metal of the truck bed. With that done, Lili laid back and Jake crawled of her, licking his way up to her beautiful face. Up her stomach, his tongue flicking her navel before getting to her breasts, taking a little extra time there.Both parties appreciated this.

Jake then got to her face, placing a kiss on her lips, their eyes locking just as their lips had been. He guided himself to her entrance and pushed forward, both of them moaning at the sensation.

Lili wrapped her legs around Jake's body and pulled him close. Before long, the truck's shocks were getting a work out. Their was passion, heart and love in the act, but this was also some serious make-up sex. Anything else pent up was itching to be released.

“Ohhh...ooo yeah Jake,” Lili moaned. “Just like that...oh baby yes fuck me... oh, fuuuuck baby yes... faster... nnnnggg, faster baby, yesss....”

Lili's arms reached above her head, bracing herself against the truck as Jake did as she asked, driving into her harder and faster. They kissed again, bit fiercer, sucking on and licking at each other's tongues as it broke.

Jake looked above Lili at another bag. “Lift...nnng, baby... lift your head..”

Lili did so, and was surprised by a pillow being placed under her head.

“Better?” he asked.

“I love you,” said Lili, grabbing his face and pulling him in for a hard kiss.

“I love you too,” he said, placing his forehead against hers, building his rhythm up once more. The two were getting a sheen of sweat on their bodies, the chill of the night not even occurring to them, their body heat giving them more than enough to counter the cool night air.

He reached his arms under her, lifting Lili with him as her rose up. They were chest to chest, Lili holding on to both sides of the truck while Jake drove up into her. She moaned, eyes fluttering and goose pimples coming on her skin as his lips danced from her lips to her neck and back to her breasts. Her head rolled back, her sweat soaked blond hair matting on her as she flung forward once more. They were nose to nose, going hard and fast. Lost time and urges were being made up for.

Soon Jake was the one on his back and Lili was taking a ride. “You comfortable now?” she asked with a big grin. “Need that pillow?”

“Oh I'm fine,” said Jake, running his hand from her hips to her face, Lili sucking on his index finger when it grazed her lips. “Have a hell of a view right here.”

She leaned forward, their lips connected once more. Jake's hands roamed her back as Lili rode and ground herself on his cock. Her lips did what they did to initiate all this, went to his ear and whispered in his ears,” Cum in me baby...I want it....I want to feel you  throb and feel me up.... we'll cum together.... oh, Jake... mmmmm, fuck yessss....”

Lili rose up and leaned back, again using the truck to brace herself as she and Jake fucked to what they both knew was gong to be explosive. Jake's hand caressed from her hip to her thigh to her crotch, his thumb resting on Lili's clit. He began to rub it, the added stimulation being the match that lit Lili's fuse.

“Oooh....oh, fuck... Jake... Jake, cum with me... Jake ...Jake... AAHHHH!!!” The fuse exploded the dynamite and Lili fell forward, her moans of passion muffled by Jake's mouth. And after she went off, Jake did as well, moaning into Lili's mouth as he thrust into her while he shot everything he had into her.

Jake soon went soft and slipped out of Lili's pussy and Lili rolled off to the side, cuddling in Jake's arms. Her fingers traced circles on his chest and her lips kissed his shoulders. “When are we back on the road?” she asked.

“I'm thinking once we come down,” Jake said. “Actually notice how cold it is...then we slip on some sweats and we'll be in Mexico in time for breakfast and check in.”

“Mmmmmm, sounds wonderful,” she said dreamily. “I don't know if I packed sweats though. I was in such a hero it was mostly just jeans, sneakers, flip flops, skirts and stuff like that. Outside casual, not rainy day casual.”

“I have a couple in my bag. It's the black one. Just tighten the drawstring and we're good.”

“Are they Zubaz?”

“Yeah...how'd you know?”

“Honey, you're a wrestler,” Lili said, kissing him as she got up to crawl over to the bag. “It's international law  that you own at least six pairs of Zubas.” She winked at him as she rummaged through his bag for the pants. “What do you think? Electric Blue or Hot pink?”


“Not only have you been lying to me for years, but now you're dating a pimp?!?” Mandy screamed at Selena. She, Selena, Taylor and Norman had all gone next door to Mandy's home. Selena was in the den, surrounded by them and in a state at utter disbelief at what she'd found out.

At first she didn't want to believe it. That Reggie was a pimp, or at least a wannabe one and she was going to be his first...girl. That he had manipulated her into doing whatever eh wanted and had in fact recorded her doing several sexual acts. Acts she thought were private between them...and the other guy Reggie had brought in a couple times. She can't even say she wouldn't have gone along with it....she done a lot of dumb things at his suggestion. And Taylor had the proof on her tablet. She'd seen it.

“I swear I didn't know what he was doing!” Selena said. “Really, I didn't...how did you even find out?”

“Reggie hired Norman to build the website,” Taylor said. “When he found out what Reggie was doing, he let me know. Then he put a virus on the computer Reggie was using...and every external hard drive Reggie had with footage.” Taylor put her hand reassuringly on Selena's shoulder. “It's all gone. Everything. The webstie Reggie was going to put up, the footage...nothing is left. Norman took care of it all. Don't worry. All that's left is on this tablet and that'll be deleted too.”

It was a somewhat accurate version of the events. All the traces were in fact gone, Selena had nothing to worry about on that front. As for the rest of the story and the whole involvement of Bella Thorne... well, Selena didn't need to know about that.

“Oh I'm not worried,” Selena said. “I want to kill him...I want to hurt that fucking bastard! She shouted. “This...Jesus Christ I can't believe this...”

“Well young lady, while you're dealing with this, let me tell you this,” said Mandy. “You're an adult, and I can't ground you. And I want you to get through college, so I'm not yanking you out. But from now on...any money I was sending you is HALF. You're getting a job ASAP to cover your costs. And I want proof you've done it, because clearly you're not as mature as I thought you were. Also, those grades better pick up or else. Am I understood young lady?”

“Yes mom.” She replied.

“Good. Now, I'm going back over to the party and not ruin the rest of the night. It could have been much worse.” Mandy went over to Taylor and hugged her. “Thank you so much. You're such a good friend.”

Mandy left the room, giving Selena one last disappointed look before she shut the door.

“I really messed up this time,” Selena said. “Fell for the worst kind of person, messed up my oldest friendship and damn near became a hooker. Hell of a semester.”

“Yeah,” agreed Taylor. “You can make a comeback though... it's just.... Sel I hope you learned something from all this, what almost happened. You deserve a better class of man. You know, one that won't try to pimp you out.”

Before Selena could reply, her phone buzzed, signalling a text. “Speak of Satan himself,” she said. “Reggie's here, outside.” Selena headed for the door, anger radiating from every pore of her body. “I'm gonna give him a warm welcome.”

Taylor smiled and looked over to Norman. “Let's watch the show.”

Taylor and Norman followed Selena out of the house. The Latina saw Reggie, his smiling face just fanning the flames of her rage even more.

“Hey babe you ready to get the fuck outta..OWW!” Reggie yelled as Selena decked him, knocking him over.

“Did you really think you'd get away with it motherfucker?”Selena kicked him a few times on the ground, Reggie trying to crawl away. “Try to make me a whore?”

“What the fuck are you talking about you crazy bitch?”

“I KNOW Reggie!” Selena yelled. “I saw the video. I know about the website you son of a bitch!”


“That's my cue,” Taylor said smiling at Reggie, her smile causing a sickness in his stomach. “Selena, step back before you go a bit too far. Let me talk to this...thing.”

Selena nodded and stepped back as Taylor got closer to Reggie. “You're one dumb son of a bitch Reggie.”

“Go to Hell, she beast.”

“Maybe one day. But first...would you like to know where you went wrong? You used Normie...you know ,Bella's tech guy. Did you really think his loyalty would be with you? Really?”

Reggie's eyes darted all over the place, he struggled for words. “Let me guess. Websites gone. And all the video, right?”

Taylor smiled and nodded. “You're smarter than I thought.”

“And you're dumber than I thought....you got nothing on me with that gone.”

“Oh...Reggie...you'd be right if not for this.” Taylor showed off her tablet and started playing the video of him and Ronnie double teaming Selena. “And I could always show this to the police. But I won't. Not because you don't deserve it, but because I made a deal with someone. You're valuable. See, when you texted Selena...I texted someone. They'd been driving around the neighborhood for a bit, waiting for you. She knew you'd come.”

Reggie took a few moments to realize who Taylor meant. Then he turned around and saw a black limo pull up. Bella. “Ooohhhh shit.”

“HA! That's right. And she's seen the video. Said she wanted to find out who you weren't giving up.” The limo parked and the driver came out to open the very back seat, then looked at Reggie. “I think that's your cue, tough guy. Don't keep Bella waiting.”

Reggie looked back at the limo. The muscle men from his earlier beating were now standing outside it. He was pretty much cornered. He got up and headed to the limo, a dead man walking, a smile on Taylor's face as Reggie went to face the music.

“Reggie,” Bella said, smiling wide as soon as he came in view. “Come in. Sit. That's not a request, by the way.”

He slid in and sat opposite from Bella, the Madame smiling a smile that sent shivers up Reggie's spine.

“Let's not play around. I know your partner was Ronnie. Saw the video. You've been a very bad monkey. But you've had your punishment. Privileges revoked, all of that. But I just wanted to tell you, for old times sake, I'd avoid going into any Russian territory downtown, okay? Ronnie got demoted to essentially everyone's coffee bitch and he's looking for some payback. Probably won't be sated for a while. But he won't cross any agreed upon territories. Well, not yet anyway. I'd just thought you'd like to know how well and truly fucked you are. You're not dead to anyone...you have a target on your ass, in this town at least....catch my drift?”

“Yeah,” Reggie said. “Still, it was a good run, wasn't it?”

“Oh fuck no,” laughed Bella. “Reggie, sweetie, you're a moron. This is just all of it catching up to you. Now, get the fuck out of my limo and...well, after that I don't care. Just remember, you're beyond done here.”

Reggie nodded, biting his tongue from saying anything else that might eliminate the last bit of charity Bella had just shown him. He got out of the limo and it drove off. He looked one last time at the front yard where Selena and punched him out. He saw her face, furious, and Taylor and Norman, grinning. He would have loved to knock the smiles off both their faces...but at this point, he had bigger decisions to make. The first one was heading back to his place without Ronnie spotting him, then figure out what to do from there.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 07, 2019, 09:49:56 PM
“I sometimes forget just how big this place is,” Peter said. He, Camila, Ben and Sabrina had entered the grand hall of the hotel. Camila took the lead, taking them all to the second floor ballroom, where the party was taking place.

“Me too, and my dad owns the place.” Cami said. “When you get to the guy in front just give them your names.”

“Cami, I've been to parties before,” Ben said.

“Yeah but this is one you're actually invited to so how about you soak up all the perks of that experience?” she asked with a sarcastic smile. “Sabrina, you're pretty much anyone's plus one, so you're in no matter what.”

“As it should be.” replied Sabrina. The four made it through the doorman with no issue and entered the grand ballroom. Tables were set all around, two large bars on either side of the room. The chandeliers with gold and crystal, sparkling against the lights in the room. The sounds of people talking mixed with music. It wasn't a loud din, but t certainly filled the room.

“Welcome to the party, people,” Camila said. “Daddy throws one in all his hotels for the employees every year. Everything's on him.”

“What does that mean?” Sabrina asked.

“Cheap drinks and well beer.” Peter replied.

“And I thought Christmas was the most wonderful time of the year!” Sabrina tugged Ben towards one of the bar. “Come one, we're gettin' blitzed.

As the blonde sprite led Ben towards a night of reckless intoxication, Camila and Peter walked the party, people watching.

“I'm actually proud of you tonight, you know,” said Cami.

“Why's that?”

“You actually stood up to Selena's bullshit. I wish I had popcorn for it, honestly.”

“Let's just try and forget that whole thing and finish the night with some semblance of fun.”

“Fine by me. I think we could both use it. Drink?”

“Sure,” he said. Before he could say what he wanted, his eyes caught site of someone he recognized...but that couldn't be the case. “No way.....is that?”

“What?” asked Cami, looking where he was looking. “Hey, isn't that Hailee?”

Peter began to head in the direction of the person he saw, Cami behind him. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed Hailee. And then her eyes met his and a similar look of surprised recognition over came her face. She went to go closer as well.

When the two came face to face, there was no denying that they were indeed seeing who they thought they were. Camila was close behind, smiling when she saw it was Hailee. “Crazy how things work out”, she thought to herself.

“Hailee, what are you doing here?”

“This is the party I was telling you about, my dad works here,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

“My parents work here too, so I decided to ditch that house party and the whole Selena thing and come here.”

“Wait a second,” Camila said. “Both of your parents' work here?”

“Yeah, my dad runs the gym and is an on-call trainer and my mom runs registration,” said Hailee.

“My dad's in payroll and my mom is a buyer for retail.”

“So...to catch up. You guys grew up in the same town...parents all work in the same place...and you two didn't even know? Even after you've started dating? This is some romantic comedy nonsense right here. I mean me and Lili are just roommates and I know we came from the same town. Different high school though.”

“It never came up honestly,” said Hailee. “I'm guessing you and Peter went to Westlake High?”

“Yep,” Peter nodded.

“Which means you and Lili went to Williams Prep,” Cami guessed. Hailee nodded.

“Wasn't that that where your mom wanted to send you?” Peter asked.

“Yeah. Daddy didn't want that though. He insisted I get the kind of high school experience he got in New York and he didn't want me separated from my normal friends....not that Williams Prep isn't normal.”

“So,” Hailee said, her smile warm and welcoming as she reached out for Peter's hand. “What I'm hearing is we could have spent the whole break together if we'd known where we went to high school.”

“Yeah, we gotta get a lot better at this small talk stuff.” Peter replied.

“Well, no time like the present.” There lips got very close, until Hailee paused and looked at Camila. “I mean unless of course I'm interrupting you two...”

“No,” Camila said. “Absolutely not. You two...go have fun.”

“Could give us a second please?”

“Of course,” Hailee nodded. Peter took Cami aside for a second.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “I mean, I'd love to spend the rest of the night with Hailee but, you now...your new guy isn't here and you're alone because  Ben is with Sabrina and your guy isn't here right now and I'm not going to pry too much on that but...I don't want to ditch you.”

“This right here,” Cami said. “Is we we stayed friends after we broke up.” She kissed his cheek then caressed it. “Go be with your girl, I'll be fine. Okay?”

“You sure?”

“Do as I say or I'm going to slap you silly.” She gave Peter a hug then sent him off to be with Hailee. As the two disappeared into the crowd. Camila was fully prepared to be alone with her thoughts for the rest of the night, or at least until she had to make the speech her father wanted her to make for the crowd. However, she wouldn't be alone with her thought too long as a security guard came up to her.

“Excuse me, Ms. Mendes?” The guard asked.


“I have to disturb you ma'am, but there's a man at the front claiming he's with you. He's not causing trouble, he just asked for you to come and verify this. And well, it's not the first time a guest of yours has been late to an event like this.”

“Fair enough.” she replied. “Lead the way.” Camila was very curious. Not enough people she knew would name drop like this, especially to get into a party that was pretty much employees only. However, the moment she saw who it was, everything fell into place.

There he was, Jose Heyman decked out in a tuxedo complete with a leopard print jacket and holding a single white rose.

“Jose?” she asked, shocked and happy, but not quite ready to reveal the latter part of the emotion. “What are you doing here?”


“I quit,” he said.

“Wait, what?”

“I told Evan, Kira, everyone who was involved in that match to fuck off. I quit.”

Camila pulled him close and kissed him. It was deep and it was long and a gesture that Jose eagerly returned.

“Yeah, I'd say she knows him,” the guard says.

“Oh baby I missed you,” Cami said. “But...you didn't have to quit the company. I don't want you to stop going for your dream babe...”

“I'm not. I simply went in, told him if this is how he's treating people who come in and put their bodies on the line for him AND do his no talent family favors, then I'm out the door. And if he tried to ruin mine and Jake's rep I could just as easily ruin his. Then told him if he wants us back he can call Alison in about a week and half and maybe we'll come to an agreement. Then I drove away. Then I threw up. But that was mainly because I drank like five Surge's to psyche myself up for it.”

“Was it your old wrestling soda? The green can one with the wrestlers on it?”


“Sweetface that stuff almost twenty years old!” Camila said. “You said so. Why didn't you just have the new case I got you for Christmas?”

“....because I needed the power of the little Stingers coursing through my veins?”

“I don't know what that means but I love you.” They kissed again, Cami smiling wide as it broke. “Thank you. And I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you with the whole wrestling thing. I didn't want to seem like a bitch but...something about glass just makes me queasy and then I saw that that actor guy, David Arqutte, was in one of those Death Matches and actually almost died and I just got so worried and...”

“Cami, you were right, okay? And if I have to swear off rolling around in broken glass to keep you around, well, I might just be willing to give that up. But the career isn't over. You heard Jake yourself, we have enough offers elsewhere.”

“Great,” she smiled, absolutely beaming. “Well...I think I have my New Year's date now, don't I.”

“That you do. Though I think the whole New York thing is off the table at this point. I mean I'm guessing all the flights are booked and stuff.”

“Sweetface, don't you remember?” Cami said with a grin. “My family owns the plane. Not to brag, but that plane leaves when I say it does.”

“Well, in that case....”

“Not so fast. I have some business to take care of first. Keep it in your pants...but I promise at some point it will get out.”

Camila grabbed him by the hand and led Jose into the party. She whispered in his ear, “By the way, nice choice with the leopard print.” She pinched his ass then headed up towards the stage in the middle of the party.

She tapped the microphone on stage a few times to makes sure it was on, then went for the speech, just not the one her dad had planned.

“HI everyone,” she said, her voice upbeat and chipper. “I'm Camila Mendes. Some of you know me, but I'm sure you all know my father Roland, the man who owns this hotel. And obviously you're all here so you're familiar with the annual employee appreciation party we're at right now. From being in the crowd and now up on the stage I can see you all are having a good time.” The crowd applauded and Camila paused for a moment before speaking again. “Now, as I'm sure you all know, daddy likes to do a little tradition. A half hour before midnight, open bar is declared. Drinks on the house. This year though, I'm thinking why not do it a little different? So, right at the mark of 11:00, open bar. But on one condition. All of your tip those bartenders and servers well. They're using their New Years to make all of ours better, so please, show them some love. And with that said...happy new year!”

Camila walked off the stage to the sound of applause and quickly rejoined Jose. “Now I'm just gonna say good bye to my friends and we are off to the airport where you will be ravaged beyond comprehension.”

“Don't threaten me with a good time,” Jose instead. “You should probably use a knife or a barb wire baseball bat.”

Camila laughed then took Jose to a table that she saw from the stage where Hailee, Peter, Sabrina and Ben were all sitting. “”Guys, Jose showed up,” Camia said, the happiness radiating off her like sunlight. “So, we're going to get out of here. But that means my suite will not be in use...so...who wants it?”

“Peter and I are covered,” Hailee said. “The family got rooms for the night, and I got one of my own.” She looked over at Peter and winked. “Thanks though.”

“You two?” Cami asked, dangling the keys in front of Sabrina and Ben.

“Is the mini bar open?” Sabrina asked.

“Sure.” The blonde grabbed the key from Camila's hand and the deal was done.

“And with that my friends, I bid you all adieu. And you two,” Camila said, pointing at Hailee and Peter. “We're double dating when school's back in session, understood?”

“You got it.” Peter replied. The two smiled at each other, and then Camila and Jose were off. Then Peter looked over to Hailee. “So, when are we heading to the room?”

“Oh, after you meet the family,” said Hailee. “Gotta make you earn it, don't I?”


It wasn't that long a drive to get to the airport, or didn't seem so in the back of Camila's limousine. She tipped the driver well when they got out on the airfield where the private plane was waiting. This whole thing was a new experience for Jose, but Camila felt at home.

The plane itself was nothing short of jaw dropping. It had four big, cushy seat, a small kitchen area and in the back, as Camila had said, a big bed made for two.

“This is nice,” Jose said. “Real nice.”

“It is, isn't it?” Camila replied. “But it's just a very comfortable means to an end.” Once the a bin was sealed off and it was just her and him, Camila slowly removed her dress, leaving her in only her black lace underwear. “Get back there, on the bed. And lose the clothes. We won't be needing them.”


Jose made his way to the bed, clothes shed in a trail that Cami followed as her remaining garments joined Jose's on the floor. She crawled over him, the two embracing as their lips met. Cami kissed her way down his body before her mouth reached his cock, at which point she took Jose in her mouth.

“Oh... ohhhh fuck, baby,” Jose moaned. He looked down, watching as Cami sucked him. Slowly, softly but urgently. Not going hard enough to make him explode in her mouth, but enough to send chills through his body.

Camila pulled her mouth off with a pop, kissing the tip before she moved back up his body, lining her pussy up with her opening and slowly lowering herself onto his cock.

Or at least, that was the plan. However, that was also when the pilot decided to actually start the plane. The vehicle went into motion and jerked Cami forward then back, going all the way down on Jose's cock in motion.

“Oh shit!” he said,as Cami moaned at the sudden filling. “Oh gotta love physics.”

“Shut up,” she laughed before leaning forward to kiss him. As the plane gained speed and rose into the air, Camila began to rise and fall on Jose's cock, the motion of their passion getting a steady rhythm.

Jose rose up slightly taking Camila's nipple in his mouth, licking and sucking it. It made her eyes flutter. Jose rose up even more, sitting up now withCamil's legs wrapped around them.

Their eyes caught each other and lips collided. They moaned in their mouths as they worked in unison to make each other feel amazing. They simply ached for each other and this was the painkiller.

Camila leaned back, arching her back and Jose began to thrust into her, his face going to her chest.

“Oh... oh, Jose... mmm, damn baby, yes...”” she moaned. Her head rolled back, her long brunette hair swinging with every thrust. From leaning back she laid down, Jose now fully on top of her. “Give it to me... oh, give it all to me Sweetface... want you so much... oooooh fuck, I love you...”

“Love you too,” Jose grunted, going faster now. Their kisses with quick and hungry. His lips went to his ear, the heat of his breath and the sound of his gasps giving Camila an extra little rush.

“Mmmm baby pull out for a second,” she said. “I wanna give you something special.”

Jose did exactly that and watched with a grin as Camila got on to all fours, wiggling her ass before looking over her shoulder at him.

“Happy New Year,” she said. “Fuck my ass.”

“Clever, you've obviously been working on that.”

“Jose, less jokes, more sex.”

“Correct as usual.”

“And don't you forget it.” Camila's voice trailed into a moan when Jose went to her asshole, licking and probing it with his tongue for a bit before bringing his cock to her back door. He pressed forward, his rod still slick with her juices.

Camila tensed up, wincing and hissing as he pressed forward. “Slow slow slow,” she chanted. “Mmmm just go slow Sweetface... mmmm slow...” Their hands met at her clit at the same time, working together from the start working it as Jose worked himself into  her asshole.

“Oh wow,” Jose exclaimed once he worked himself in. “Oh...fuck Cami... oh wow baby...”

“Oh shit you're so big back there,” she said. “Mmmm, just take it slow... slow baby...”

“You sure you want to do this?”

“Yes,” she said. “I want it baby....just warm me up...keep playing with my clit...ohhh fuck my ass...fuck meeee...”

Jose built up his pace and Camila clawed at her sheets, gripping them tight as Jose worked more and more of his cock inside of her. Before too long, the grip on her sheets relaxed, the rhythm got steady and pleasure reigned over Camila body, any pain far, far in the background.

“Oh god baby this is so good!” Cami exclaimed. “Oh wow...oh my god yes!”

“Damn...of Hell Cami it's so fucking tight!” Jose's hand held firm on Camila's ass cheeks while the other still worked her clit. “Oh fucking Hell baby yes!”

“Fuck it better be tight,” she said with a laugh. “Not like anyone else has been back there....oohhh fuck...”

“Oh shit honey that's so hot!” Jose started thrusting faster. Not too much, but just enough to sate his excitement a bit more.

Cami was in utter heaven and shocked at it too. This clearly was not an everyday thing, but she was shocked at how much she enjoyed it, how intense it all felt and how close she was to cumming herself. She was more than ready to let go.

“Faster Sweetface...ohhh faster Jose,” Cami pleaded. “Mmm baby I need you to make me cum... make me cum honey... oh fuck, I want to cum with you inside me... ohhh please, baby, yesss.....”

Jose did as the lady of a lifetime asked, going faster and deeper into her as Cami went face first and ass up on her bed. Faster, harder, deeper thrusts into her ass propelled them both closer and closer to going over the edge.

“Oh shit...oh shit Cami...oh baby I'm gonna...oh fuck I'm gonna...”

“In me....oh Jose do it in me...” she moaned in response. Both of his hands gripped her hips as her own darted between her legs to continue working her clit. It didn't take long for Jose to cry out her name one last time before filling her asshole up with his load.

Camila was close behind him, crying out herself as he began to pump her full of his load. The lovers collapsed on the bed, drunk on the orgasms and very affectionate. Jose pulled out of Camila's ass and rolled on to his back and Camila scooted up to cuddle with him.

“Mmmm that was great,” he said. “Love you.”

“Mmmhmmmm,” she replied. “Love you too.”

“Sleep the rest of the flight?”

“Sounds good to me sweetface. Shower first though.”

“There's a shower in this thing?” he asked.

“Yes...big enough for two.”

“Sounds great. I think I can pull off round two.”

“Sweetface, you got my ass,” Camila said. “The only round your getting is giving me a back massage in the shower and then washing my hair.”


“Well, that went better than I thought it'd go,” Peter said. He and Hailee and just come from a long talk with her parents where Peter got the traditional parental grill. And also according to tradition, the first opening the couple had t get away, they took it, sneaking off to elevator and off to Hailee's hotel room.

“You did great,” Hailee said. “They like you. My dad only kind of squeezed your hand hard when you shook hands. It means he doesn't think you're that bad.”


“Trust me,” Hailee reassured. “You're good. I talked you up big time over break. You didn't disappoint.. But, since you did suffer through such a horrible ordeal...” Hailee winked at him and squeezed his hand. “I think you've earned a little respite.”

The elevator doors opened and Hailee led Peter to her room. But before she could open it, Peter turned her around and kissed her, pressed her against the door. His hands caressed her cheek and rand to her hair, letting it down and fall to her shoulders.

The kiss broke, and then Hailee opened the door. Once the two were in they were all over each other again. Peter picked Haille up in his arms and she wrapped her long, sexy legs around them, her high heels sliding off as her ankles locked.

They made they way to the bed and Peter laid Hailee down on it then rose up himself, stripping down while Hailee also quickly shed her dress.

“Now, last time we were in a position like this where were we?” Peter sarcastically. He smiled when he saw Hailee smiling at him, laying back and totally nude on a bed in front of him. “I think I got it.”

Peter crawled one the bed and parted Hailee's legs, kissing and licking from ankle to calf and from calf to thigh, from leg to another.

Hailee back arched and she cooed, the small, delicate sensations making her hungrier for something a bit stronger. Goose pimples on her flesh as her thighs were kissed and caressed.

“Oh Peter,” she hissed. His fingers lightly brushed his pussy lips, barely touching them but with just enough to give her a wonderful teasing sensation. Then his tongue joined the party and the fun really began.

“Ooh... ohhh, mmmm yes,” she hissed, writhing on the bed and her legs pressing against Peter's ears. He licked her clit, then took the little nub in her mouth, sucking on it as his fingers entered Hailee's pussy.

Hailee's flat stomach rose and fell with her breaths, her deep and desperate breaths. And they both knew it was only going to get better, no one was going to interrupt them.

“Mmmm oh Peter...oh baby,” Hailee said. “I...I want you...I want you inside me....”

He pulled his mouth away from her pussy, his fingers now working her clit. Peter then kissed her thighs and moved further up her, Hailee's legs locking around him once more as he guided himself inside her for the first time.

“Oh wow,” they both said. It was well worth the wait. Their lips met again as Peter already began building up speed. He couldn't help it and Hailee didn't mind in the least. They both had been wanting this for a while and it showed.

Peter's arms reached underneath Hailee, lifting her up while her got to his knees. Their eyes locked, her deep brown eyes completely entrancing him as Hailee began to grind on his cock while he thrust up into her.

“Oh fuck, Peter... oh baby... baby, yes.... mmmmm, I love it... I want you.... want you so bad.... mmmm don't stop....”

Peter had no plans on that. He kissed her full lips and then moved to her breasts, licking a circle around her nipple before sucking on it then moving to the other, the salty taste of her sweat acting like kerosene on a fire.

Peter's arms wrapped tighter around Haille and her legs tightened their grip around his waist. The two lovers were at a frenzied pace now, lost in the sensation and feeling of it all. Peter's hands moved to Hailee's firm ass gripping it tight.

Her looked Hailee dead in the eyes, a smile on his face. “Fuck I love you,” he said.

“Mmmm me too,” Hailee said. “Love you...oh baby yes...I love you...”

The two were on auto pilot now after saying the magic three words, giving 100% over to the lust in them. Hailee unlocked her legs and removed herself from Peter's cock. She crawled near the top of the ed on all fours, gripping the headboard tight. Peter got the message.

“Ohhh, FUCK yes!” she yelled as Peter re-entered her puss from behind. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her up so her back was against his chest.

The two were breathing hot and heavy now, mouths meeting in sloppy, animistic kisses as the point of no return was in sight for both of them.

“Peter,” Hailee moaned. “Oh baby I want you taste you..mmmmm, yesss... feel it in my mouth.... oh baby, cum in my mouth...”

“Oh... oh, Hailee... ooohhh, fuck baby, yes!” Peter pulled out of her and Hailee spun around, taking his cock in her mouth before the first spurt erupted, hitting the roof of her mouth. She hungrily sucked, swallowing every rope her shot in her mouth until the tap was dry. But this wasn't a time for relaxation. Just when he was done, Peter brought Haille back down, to laying on her back, his head once again between her legs.

“Ohhh...oh, Peter.... fuck yes baby make cum.. oh....”

And Peter was eagerly at work on that, more than happy to return the favor of oral pleasure on Hailee. And it wasn't going to take much, as she was already close. He sucked hard on her clit, his tongue furiously going at it, shock waves of pleasure setting off sparks in Hailee's eye before she finally came.

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” She cried out, the sound so loud the entire floor would have heard it. “Oh... oh, Peter yes I'm cumming!” He body moved in wave as the pleasure coursed through her, convulsing as every last bit of energy left her body after being rocked by an orgasm until finally, she was done, breathing deep and smiling.

Peter moved up her body, planting light kisses from her tummy to her lips. Then both their eyes looked over to the clock. 11:59 to 12:00.

Peter kissed Hailee. “Happy New Year,” he said.

“Happy New Year.” she replied.




Jose woke up to the smells of eggs and bacon and toast. Not the smells he expected on a plane. He got out of bed and slipped on his boxers, then headed to the front side of the plane. He found Camila in the small kitchen area, putting the finishing touches on two plates, each one with a big omelette on it along with some toast.

“Morning,” Camila said smiling. “Sleep well?”

“Big time,” he said. “What's this?”

“Breakfast, duh.” Camila picked up both plates and breezed past Jose, giving him a kiss before placing both plates down and taking her seat. “Sit down, eat.”

“You can cook?” Jose asked as he took his seat.

“Of course,” Cami said. “We never had a butler or anything, much to mom's chagrin. But me and my dad, we know our way around the kitchen. And yes, you lucked out big time. Now, eat.”

Jose dug in, the cheese and bacon filling of the omelette oozing out. He took a bite and the flavor exploded in his mouth. “WOW.”

“Thank you,” said Camila with a wink. “Four egg omelette with cheddar, sausage, spinach and bacon. Like I said, when I have great sex, I get REALLY hungry. Toast is multigrain in an effort to trick myself into thinking that balances out this gut buster.”

“Well if it's any help I think I can help you work all this off.”

“Keep it in your pants until we get to the hotel Sweetface,” said Cami. “And that won't be long. The plane is going to land in about thirty minutes....then we get a ride to our hotel...then we have just oodles of spare time until we meet my parents for dinner...just think of the things we could get up to.”

“Like seeing the Manhattan Center??”

“Well I was suggesting sex in the hot tub but hey, it's your first time in New York, I'll show you a good time Sweetface.”


Selena woke up in her bed, still in a miserable mood. She'd dodge a major bullet last night, but that didn't change much about how she felt. She didn't even stay up for the countdown to midnight.

She looked over at her clock. 12:00 PM. She'd slept for a while. And that was fine with her. She didn't want to see anyone. However, she also knew there was one person she absolutely needed to see if she really wanted to start making amends.

She quickly put on some jeans and a t-shirt and got ready to walk next door to Peter's house to apologize for the past semester. However, before she could even go out her bedroom door she looked out the window. A taxi cab pulled up in front of the house and out of it walked Ben, some short blonde girl, Peter, and then Hailee. They all looked as if they were still dressed for New Year's Eve...and Hailee and Peter were especially affectionate towards each other with both major and minor tell tale signs. Peter was actually happy.

That's when Selena had seconds thoughts about heading over. She genuinely did want to apologize to him, but seeing him like that, she knew it wasn't the right time. If there was one.

She then looked in the mirror. Maybe the new year should also mean a new leaf. And maybe it would. She knew she needed it.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on April 07, 2019, 11:58:14 PM
That was awesome best one yet. Well worth the wait. I thing l know how Selena should apologise. ;). Also l think Laura might be discovered by Charlie and has to keep her secret. Can’t wait for more
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Cadeauxxx on April 08, 2019, 12:34:32 AM
It was a pleasure and an honor getting to read over and edit this for you.  :)

My favorite girl in this series is Bella. I just love how she is a straight up, bad ass hustling girl, but I also really loved Scarlett's part. There is so much to like in these chapters, it's hard to pin down just one or two things.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on April 09, 2019, 08:44:00 PM
Definitely the best chapter yet!  Fantastic job!  So much to unpack.  The pacing of this story is spot on.  No scene drags on for too long, and the way you weave back and forth between sex/plot and so many different characters is truly amazing.  Thought the Taylor scene was the best, but I might be a little biased  ;). Looking forward to what comes next.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MiamiLyfe on April 16, 2019, 12:13:51 PM
I thought I had already posted my comment, but apparently I didn't, anyways I'm really loving the new chapter.  It I'm only ready a couple of scenes at a time because I am trying to make it last, but I've really enjoyed everything so far.  This is my favorite on-going series.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 02:45:14 AM
New chapter s about to be posted, so it's a quick bit of catch-up for new comers:

The series takes place in an alternate universe where,t he celebs, instead of being who they are to us, are all students and staff at a college.

Jesse Carr: A recovering hopeless romantic. After a bit of a struggle he finally got the girl, Peyton R. List only for her to go on a semester at sea, effectively ending the relationship. Currently working alongside Madelaine Petsch and Selena Gomez at the restaurant, Knockers. Acting student.

Matt Nelson: Former friend of Jesse and on thin ice with him. Currently still friends with Paul Simmons, though Paul's sliminess is starting to get become apparent. Currently works for Bella Thorne and is getting very close to her and her  number 1 girls, Dove Cameron. Law student.

Bella Thorne: Runs the PSE(porn star experience) brotherl on campus. Is the master of her own destiny. Can be sweet and sugar until she crossed. When that happens her vindictiveness and efficiency in eliminating the problem would rival Michael Corleone. Recently free from the baggage of Reggie, who attempted a coup. She might have to flex her muscles again. IS very fond of both Matt & Dove. Always on the lookout for new talent. Her rules for all employees: No drugs you snort or inject. The only thing you smoke is weed. And have an exit plan. Business student.

Dove Cameron: Bella's favorite and dirtiest girl. Loyal yet ambitious.Has a great amount of affection for both Matt and Bella. Undeclared student.

Victoria Justice: Matt fuck buddy and a total sexual fiend. Loves groups. The more the merrier. Computer science major.

Kelli Berglund: Bella's newest girl. Was instrumental in Reggie's takedown. Put on the rocketship for promotion to Bella's elite girls for her display of loyalty. Blowjob specialist. American History major.

Peter Farrano: Loyal to a fault, a little easily led along by a beautiful face. Best friend since childhood is Camila Mendes. Dating Hailee Steinfeld. Business partners and friends with Sabrina Carpenter. Responsible, attentive, if not a little dense at reading people. The opposite of a smooth operator. Film/director/screenwriting student.

Ben Farrano: Peter's brother and in some ways an opposite. A player and smooth operator. Can read a person like no one's business. COuld be a card shark if her wasn't so cocky. Can not keep it in his pants and thinks he can get away with anything, and usually does. Dating Sabrina. Film/editing student.

Hailee Steinfeld: Bubbly, always smiling, and energetic. Her happy go lucky nature hides a very thoughtful and calm person underneath. Dating Peter. Best friend since childhood is Lili Reinhart. Is way better at reading a situation than her beau.  Tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. Acting student.

Sabrina Carpenter: Sly, clever, sarcastic; Sabrina prides herself on being nobody's fool. Is very fond of an occasional drink. Tries to hide how deeply she cares for people to the point she can blind herself to what's actually going on. Probably closest to Peter. Dating Ben. Film/directing/editing student.

Jose Heyman: A motormouth to the point even Deadpool would ask him to chill. The ultimate case of someone who uses humor and sarcasm to deflect. A professional wrestler as well as a college student, he's far more willing to take risks than his girlfriend, Camila Mendes, would like. A veteran of being emotionally abused in relationship thanks to Kira Kosarin, he found real love with Camila, an irony considering how at their throats they were when they first met. Best friends/tag team partners with Jake. Undeclared student with an interest in electronics.

Jake Triton: Shy and reserved when not in a mask as wrestler Magnus Pain. Jake is a gigantic, mouscle bound teddy bear...unless someone goes a bit to far, which is when he goes into a full on grizzly. Jose's est friend and dating Lili Reinhart after a rather unique courtship. The calm and collected one of the the team, though at times he can blow his stack. Studying Sports medicine.

Camila Mendes: COnfident, sarcastic, and deceptively carin. Camila comes from a rich family but doesn't necessarily like to advertise it. BEst friends with Lili and Peter as well as Peter's high school girlfriend. Head over heels in love with Jose after an awkward courtship that involved them tirelessly insulting each other before they realized they were crazy about each other. Not a fan of Selena Gomez. Undeclared student.

Lili Reinhart: A complete and total sweethart with an addiction to hardcore wrestling. Lili Reinhart is a classic blonde girl next door who's at home watching things that are covered in blood. From horror movies to wrestling, she loves a bit of gore. Has an affinity for writing and FX make-up. Childhood best friend of Hailee's and current best friend of Camila Mendes.  Crazy about Jake despite the odd story of how they get together. English Major.

Madelaine Petsch: Friends with Lili and Cami, Madelaine has had a hard life. From being in the foster system, she learned to take care of herself and not allow anyone in. Tends to be very distant and up until recently was irresistibly drawn to the worst kind of person. Her current boyfriend Jared brought her out of her shell a bit. Head waitress at Knockers. Her main and only busser is Jesse. Studying hotel management.

Selena Gomez: A sweet and caring girl that has tendency to fall for the worst kind of person. Which recently almost brought her entire world crashing down on her. Her ex, a man named Reggie, was grooming her to try and turn her into his own private prostitute.  This was averted through the intervention of Taylor Swift(Selena's best friend) and Bella Thorne. But she may have come out the other side, she shattered her mother's trust in her and may have lost her old friend Peter Farrano forever. She's essentially starting from scratch, trying to rebuild things. Acting major

Taylor Swift: Sorority President. Strong, confident and powerful. It is not wise to mess with Taylor Swift. She acts fast and hold grudges. However, she holds her friends close and opens herself up to them...though she's not above manipulating them to make sure the right thing happens, in Taylor's judgement. Since meeting her new man, Norman, a new softness has begun to overtake her. Her new lover has brought something out of her she didn't really know she had. BEst friends with Taylor Swift and had a summertime fling with Peter. Undeclared.

Norman Dillon: Taylor's beau and computer maestro supreme. Has the same level of bad reputation as Taylor and becoming more than just the occasional business partner with benefits to Taylor has also unleashed a more altruistic side to him. Computer science major.

Scarlett Johansson: Dean of the college and the youngest one in the country. Worked her ass of to get to that position and has a unique background which made her understand exactly  how to keep the balance within the school. Fond of taking a couple samples of fun with the student body. Not entirely proud of her past, which she tires to keep buried.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 03:08:12 AM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Star College
by MaxwellLord w/special guest author Slyguy
(MF, MFF, MMF, FF, oral, anal, DP)
Chapter 5

Featured celebs: Hailee Steinfeld, Selena Gomez, Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Madelaine Petsch, Vanessa Morgan, Taylor Swift, Kelli Berglund, Dove Cameron, Lucy Hale, Jessica Chastain, Scarlett Johansson, Anna Kendrick, Victoria Justice, Camila Cabello, Hayley Atwell, Margot Robbie

It was a chilly January night, just a week and a half before school was set to begin. Most of the students and more than a few faculty members were spending those last few precious days of freedom for the most holiest of purposes, partying like there was no tomorrow.

Other people though had work to get done, like unpacking in a new apartment and setting up business websites. That was what Peter Farrano, Hailee Steinfeld and Sabrina Carpenter were doing, with the added accompaniment of Lili Reinhart.

Peter, Hailee, and Sabrina had just begun to settle in to their new apartment, one that they were also sharing with Peter's brother, Ben. Ben's things however, were completely packed up still, as he'd elected to stay behind at his parents' place to get a last few items.

This left his brother and both women a person short for helping to move in, which is where Lili came in. The young blonde was crashing on the couch while Camila was on winter vacation with Jose. And while Camila was back in town, the apartment they'd be sharing wasn't ready yet...and Lili's new mattress hadn't come in yet either. While no one flat out told her to help unpack, she figured it was only fair for the free room and board....and eating, completely by accident, Peter's left over pad thai.

It was a fair arrangement and it gave both Lili and Peter the chance to do something that made Hailee incredibly happy, and that was getting to know each other. It was incredibly important to her that her boyfriend and best friend got along and aside from the dreaded pad thai incident, that was exactly what had happened and Hailee was simply elated, which certainly took some of the pressure she was feeling off. She still had to deal with the fact she hadn't exactly told her parents that Sabrina wasn't her only roommate and didn't know what might happen if they found out about the other occupants of the apartment, particularly the one she was sharing a bed with.

Right now though, there was no bed being shared as the four were all in the small room that Peter and Sabrina were using as an office. Three were standing behind the desk, staring at the computer while Sabrina was proudly showing off the work that she and Peter had done in building websites for their production company and Hailee's acting.

It was Hailee and Lili's first time seeing them, as Peter and Sabrina had been working on the sites on and off between local commercial gigs, unpacking and finishing up the final draft of the feature they'd hoped to film over the course of the year. Now, it was time for judgement from the first two people to see the sites outside of the two who actually made them.

"So, what do you guys think?" Sabrina asked. "And please, there's no praise too small for the miracles I have worked. Oh, and Peter helped too. He can get the small praise."

"They look great!" Hailee exclaimed. "I really like you guys interviewed each other for your profile pages. And they each look like they fit you guys. And the reels you guys did of your works. And the miniature construction time lapse was amazing honey!" Hailee leaned over, kissing Peter on the cheek. "And my site is soo good too! It all looks so professional."

"I'm going to have to agree with the bubbly one," said Lili. "It looks great. I mean if I needed a website, I'd totally ask you guys for help. Of course that would require me having something worth advertising that I wanted to do 100% for sure besides maybe perhaps kind of writing a novel."

"Well if you ever decide we're more than willing maybe perhaps kind of and also most definitely take payment," said Sabrina. "At a discount, of course."

"Of course," Lili said with a laugh. "And as much as I'd like to go over everything amazing about the work you guys did pixel by pixel, I need to hit the couch. I have to be up early to open up the store."

"I thought you didn't have to go in until twelve," Hailee said.

"No, I need to go earlier so I can have lunch earlier and meet you and Cami. So really I'm making this ultimate sacrifice for my two best friends...true this also means I get off early so I can meet my man at his new place the moment he gets back in town."

"Honestly calling it an early night isn't such a bad idea," added Peter. "Sabs and I need to finish cutting the commercial for the Whisky Casket. Then we're going to start putting together our pitch for Camila...."

"Which I think is a waste of time," said Sabrina. "Seriously Pete, if you two are all nursery-mates and shit just ask her if she wants to back our movie."

"Sabrina, I pride myself on the fact I've never asked Camila for a dime. She doesn't like a big deal to made of her money, and asking her to fund our feature film debut would be making kind of a big deal about it."

"Honestly Sabrina's right," Lili said. "I mean, you know Camila just like I do. There won't be a problem. Making a big presentation out of it might just make it more difficult. Besides, growing up you probably got dropped off at school in her limo a couple times so its not like you haven't already reaped some benefits."

"Translation: grow a pair," said Sabrina. "Seriously, the worst she can say is no...or yes and she wants creative input."

"Haiz, help me out here."

"Um....I kind of agree?" Hailee said. "The most presentation you need to maybe show her the script and the proof of concept thing we shot."

"In other words your dear girlfriend is saying your power point presentation isn't needed," said Sabrina.

"Fine." Peter leaned against the wall, accepting defeat. "Still, we should finish that commercial ASAP."

"Agreed. I mean if we do that I'm going to have more time to yell at your idiot brother when he finally shows up for not returning a single one of my calls."

"And on that note, bedtime," Lili said, cutting right through the awkwardness. "See you guys in the morning. And Hailee, be seeing you and Cami at lunch tomorrow."

Lili got herself out of the room as quick as possible, and now Hailee was aiming to do the same.

"I'm next on the knockout list."

"You can say that again,” Peter said, getting a giggle from Hailee.

"That is the corniest thing I've ever heard," she said before giving him a quick kiss. "I'll see you in bed, mister. And Sabrina, I'm sure Ben has a good reason. I mean, maybe he's on the road and he can't answer the phone. Or his phone's dead."

"Uh-huh." Sabrina replied. "Night Haiz."

Hailee looked to Peter and shrugged, then exited the room herself.

"You know she's probably right," Peter said.

"Damn you're a bad liar," Sabrina said. "At least try to believe it yourself before you say it." Sabrina put the computer to sleep then stood up and leaned her back against the wall and her head against Peter's arm. "He's read every text. He's just choosing to not respond. Why is he such an asshole?"

"Years of practice." Peter replied. "But in all honesty, he's just bad with texts unless there's money or sex involved."

"Yeah, well after this he'll be lucky if I do any touching of his dick that's not kicking him directly in it for a while. I mean how hard is it to respond with a simple "k" or "see u soon" or anything?"

Peter put his arm around Sabrina, comforting his pint-sized pal. "You honestly get used to him being like that. It's not perfect but honestly it's probably the least of his bad habits."

"Oh boy, that journey of discovery is gonna be a hoot and a holler....I think I went WAY too fast with him. Moving in and stuff. You and Hailee? That works. It'd almost be sickeningly sweet if two weren't so genuinely in to each other. Me and Ben...I think I let my libido do way too much of my thinking."

"Well, on the bright side the only names on the lease for this place are yours and mine, so if worse comes to worse we can always kick Ben out."

"I'm going to hold you to that. As it is he's not sleeping in my bed for a while. And since Lili has the couch and has actually returned more texts to me than my fucking boyfriend, Ben gets the floor of the office. And fourth dibs on the restroom."

"...but we have two bathrooms," said Peter.

"I know...that's how far down the totem pole he is. He has to ask the neighbors if they have to shit first."


Ben Farrano felt very odd. It was mixture of guilt and nerves. But at least the texts had finally stopped. He didn't want to be an asshole to Sabrina. He liked her and she was amazing in bed. He just didn't know if he wanted to live with her...or be exclusive to her. That whole "one woman guy" thing was way more of his brother's thing than his.

It wasn't like he didn't like Sabrina. Hell, most of his drive back from his parents' place was spent trying to figure out how to clue Sabrina in on his idea of an open relationship and not get kicked out of the apartment.

There wasn't anything wrong with her. She was funny, like to party and was just plain awesome... if Ben was the settling down type. But he wasn't. And this was college. He pretty much only accepted the invite for the apartment under the assumption he'd get his own room.

Sure, he could respond to the texts, maybe even call Sabrina and just be honest...but then he might not get to sleep with her again, which he wasn't ready to say no to. Besides, maybe he could get into the whole "monogamy" thing at some point.

However, that could be thought of later. Right now, he was in the Whisky Casket, only two beers deep and flirting big time with the sexy little bartender. And he meant little, she couldn't have been that much over five feet tall. She was a petite number, but with a cute ass and gorgeous hazel eyes. They'd hit it off after the first beer, and not in the usual "hot bartender flirting to get a better tip." kind of way. With an ass like that she knew she was getting a good tip. The conversation wasn't deep or anything but the intent of every word was very, very clear to the point subtext felt like a total misnomer.

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/125859993_1e1b21b4014f10adce338c3f8b15725f.png) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/125859993_1e1b21b4014f10adce338c3f8b15725f.png) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/125860002_70386451_00.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/125860002_70386451_00.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/125860015_79553321_img_20180823_001407.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/125860015_79553321_img_20180823_001407.jpg)

Still, he didn't know her name or vice versa. Which could work out well if this just turned into a one night stand.

She looked over to him and gave him a smile as she finished giving a few patrons their drinks, then made her way back over to him.

"Another beer?" she asked, hand ready to serve.

"Actually, I was thinking something a little stronger."

"A believe that's English for Tequila," she said with a smirk, reaching for a bottle of a good reposado. Joining the bottle on the bar were a couple of slices of lime, a salt shaker, and two shot glasses.

"You joining in?"

"Of course," she smiled. "Your shot is on the house and my shot is on you."

"Sounds more like two for the price of one."

"It does, doesn't it?" The two exchanged looks as she filled both glasses. Her eyes were still locked on his when she grabbed his hand and licked the flesh between the index finger and thumb, then did the same to her own hand before sprinkling salt on them both.

"Bottom's up," she said, clinking her shot glass to Ben's before they both took the shot. They both followed the traditional tequila shot protocol of salt then lime before slamming those shot glasses down.

"Wooo!" Ben exclaimed as the tequila burned down his throat. "Good call."

"Well, there's more," she said with a smile. "All on the house, if you want."

"Well, what's the catch?"

"Well, I'm about to go on break and I don't want to drink alone..."

"Well, I don't usually go on breaks with strange bartenders I just met."

"Fair enough," she laughed. "The name's Lucy Hale."

"I'm Ben Farrano."

"Well, with that formality out of the way, care to join me for a couple more drinks and...whatever those drinks may lead to?" Lucy grabbed a few lime slices with one hand and out other and Ben took it. She lead him to a staircase in the corner, the door marked employees only. The pair entered after Lucy also grabbed the tequila bottle.

The staircase took them to the roof, where Ben saw a few tables and chairs alongside a big couch right up against the lip of the roof alongside a few lamps to add light to the area.

"Welcome to the break room," Lucy said. She lead Ben to the couch, offering him a seat while she grabbed a chair and set the tequila down on a table littered with a couple of shot glasses and a salt shaker as well as well. As he sat down, she spun the chair around, the back facing forward. Lucy then sat down at it, a sexy, confident smile on her face.

"So Benjamin," she said, "I'm guessing you're a college boy."

"Good guess. My guess would be you're a college girl."

"Ding ding. You study anything interesting?"

"Film with a focus on editing. An actual applicable skill. What about you?"

"You don't want to guess?"

"I could but it'd probably go into some cheesy line about how you should be a model."

Lucy laughed at the line that pretended to not be a line. "Little bit too short for that at five foot two. No, I'm in music. I want to be a singer, actually. Musical theatre. Very inapplicable skill. Hence the bar-tending. Typical Memphis girl, a guitar and a dream."

"Well, on the bright side I think the cowboy boots and tight cut-off will work with either career."

"Thanks," said Lucy. "Helps me get what I want. Tips...and the right kind of attention."

"What about the wrong kind of attention?" asked Ben.

"Well the green belt in Tai Kwan Do takes care of that. But don't worry, I'm gentle."

"I didn't know I should have been worrying." Lucy smirked at him and got up from the chair. She made the short walk over to the couch and straddled Ben, his hands going right to her ass, cupping it through the tight denim of her cut-offs.

"You might not be able to walk for a little bit afterwards," said Lucy, licking at Ben's lips, teasing him a bit before giving his a quick, electric kiss. "I'm thinking you're more than willing to take that risk."

Lucy leaned her lips over his, hovering and teasing him for a few more eternal seconds before finally giving him that contact he was already starving for. The spark erupted in a full-fledged fire storm. Lips and and tongues and a hurricane of lust.

The flurry of kisses broke and Lucy sunk to her knees. Her hands were quick and precise, undoing his fly and releasing his prick. Lucy's hazel eyes burned with a hit of hot fire that melted any form of logic in Ben's brain. It was all about pleasure now and both of them were more than ready to deliver.

"Oh FUCK," he growled. Lucy had essentially engulfed his cock in one swift gulp, taking him into her throat right off the bat. Ben's back arched in the surprise and pleasure of the moment, his head rolling back as he was held in her throat for an all too brief few seconds of pleasure.

Lucy jacked his cock,her first a slick and shiny blur while she regained her breath. She sucked and licked his balls, making them glisten with her saliva before returning her mouth to his cock.

The moment her lips made contact once more with the sensitive flesh of his prick Ben couldn't help but move his hands down and holding her brownish-blonde hair back while she sucked him, almost guiding her up and down his prick. Lucy didn't mind with the assist. He knew what he liked, and she certainly wasn't going to be quiet about what she liked, despite them being out in the open on the roof.

"Yeah...yeah just like that baby," he said. "Work that...work the fucking head...mmmm FUCK yeah just like that...."

Lucy's full lips were wrapped around the bulbous head of his cock, her tongue performing several acts of sinful worship on it while his shaft was pumped and teased by her soft and skilled hand. She was so wet, her body aching for his cock, to be filled. Keeping him on that razor's edge of pleasure was just the sizzle on the steak, making her hunger even more voracious.

Lucy pulled her mouth from his cock and got back to her feet. Ben was a rapt audience as the petite country girl shed her clothes, peeling off those oh so tight Daisy Dukes and throwing her yellow top aside. She kept the boots n though. She knew men loved it when she did that and Ben was no different.

She returned to a familiar position, straddling Ben on the couch. Lucy's eyes fluttered as she sunk down on his hard cock, goose pimples popping up on her flesh as he filled her inch by rigid inch.

"Oh fuck yeah Lucy," He said, his grip firm on her wonderful little peach of an ass. "Ride that cock, cowgirl."

"Oh is that what you want baby...me riding this hard fucking dick" she asked, her voice sultry, adding the slight southern twang she'd managed to all but abandon. She still found it useful it times like this. The cowgirl thing was predictable, but it turned her one. One of the many reasons she fucked in her boots.

The pace was furious. Any and all walking by the bar could have heard them, but neither Lucy or Ben cared. It all felts to good. How she moved on his cock, grinding onto him, working herself on his cock and making sure that rock solid cock hit every inch it could. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as his grip on her ass tightened.

"Oh fuck yes suck my titties," she hissed. Ben pulled her closer and sucked her pink nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue over the tender flesh. He felt Lucy's pussy milk and squeeze him a bit tighter from the extra bit of stimulation to he delightful little tits. He was deep in her pussy as well...but couldn't help but want to go a bit deeper.

As he held Lucy, Ben flipped her on to her back on the couch, moving her legs her knees were hooked on his shoulders. He rubbed and kissed her knee, looking into those hazel eyes with a cocked eyebrow as he began to drive into her once more, much deeper than before.

"Oh FUUUUUCK," bellowed Lucy. He was already hitting the spot, the perfect spot. "Fuck me...oh fucking take your fucking cowgirl...ohhhh FUCK!" Lucy braced her arms against the couch arm as Ben happily fulfilled her request.

He had her hard, fast and hungry, their lips in near constant contact,breaking only to moan, gasp, growl, beg for more from each other.

"You like this cock? Like this cock baby?" Ben asked, giving every question the punctuation mark of an extra hard thrust.

"Oh...mmmm just fuck me... fuck me with that nice fucking cock... oh, god damn it, YES!" The lamplight glistened on Lucy's sweat soaked skin, creating an almost ethereal sheen. She and Ben were right on that delicate and pleasurable edge between sinner and saint and didn't care on which side they fell at the moment.

"I... oh fuck, yes... I wanna ride you again ...ride...uh...ri---ugh... ride you till I cum...."

With a heavy kiss Ben pulled out of Lucy and sat back up. Lucy got back to her feet, then turned her back to him. This cowgirl was going to go in reverse.

Ben took hold of Lucy's lovely ass once more as she once more lowered her delectable cunt on his cock.

"Oooohhh, fuck, just perfect" she said. She leaned back, kissing Ben. She then braced her arms on his thighs and began a hard, fast and furious last ride. She rode and bucked her bronco, the two of them lustfully howling at the moon as pleasure coursed through their veins, the best drug giving them the best high.

While Lucy's hand gripped Ben's thighs, his hand went to her perky petite tits. Holding thing, cupping them, rolling her pink nipples in his fingers, savoring her flesh on his. With one hand still at Lucy's tits, the other trailed down to her clit, giving her an extra little jolt of pleasure to mix in with the rest of the recipe.

"YES!" Lucy cried. "Yeah... yeah, make me cum... fucking make me cum on your cock...make your fucking cowgirl cum!"

Lucy slowed her ride down to grind on his cock, making Ben shiver and swoon from the sensations. Soon enough though, she was back into her full swing, frantic pace. Anyone walking past the bar would have heard them, a sexual symphony of moans, groans, and colliding skin.

"Yes...yesss...YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA FUCK!" She came, still riding Ben's turgid member, albeit much more chaotically. She leaned back, kissing him, their tongues almost wrestling with each other as pleasure hit her like a tidal wave. And Ben was close too, they could both sense it....and Lucy had one more treat for him.

She hopped from his cock and back to his knees. With lightning speed she grabbed the shot glass, salt shaker and a lime slice then took his cock into her mouth, Lucy savoring her own flavor on his dick.

Oh...oh fuck...oh shit gonna cum...yeah that's it...oh fuck Lucy...just....just like...FUCK!"

Before the first stream to fill her mouth Lucy removed it and aimed Ben's pulsing in the shot glass.

"Yeah baby fill it up...gimme one last drink, just like that...." Lucy watched intently as Ben's cock throbbed, his cum shooting into the glass. Once it was done, every drop out, Lucy released his cock then went for the salt shaker, sprinkling on her hand. She looked at him with a smoldering gaze and knocked shot of cum back, then went for the lime, sucking the juice down with the cum.

"Holy shit," Ben said, in awe of Lucy's final  little bit of pleasure. "I guess that drink was on me."

"Very observant." she replied, reaching for her jean shorts. She took out a small notepad with a pencil through the metal ring binding. She scribbled down her phone number and handed to him "Here's your tip. Call me or you're actually going to pay for your drinks next time."
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 03:34:31 AM

"Sorry about the couch," Taylor said to Selena. She handed her friend the best pillow she had and a big comfy blanket. "It's all I've got right now. MY office isn't even set up and unless it's Norman I'm not really into sharing a bed with anyone."

"Taylor, it's no problem," Selena said. "I mean it's not like I can afford the dorms anymore with my mom cutting me off after the whole New Year's thing. Besides, it's a big couch."

"Mom's still mad huh?"

"To put it lightly." Selena took a seat on the couch, Taylor joining her. "I mean I get it. She was and is mad from the lying...then when my grades came in she was even angrier. I'm glad she's even paying for half my classes. I got myself into this and I'm getting myself out of it. With some help from a good friend, obviously."

"It is no problem," said Taylor, giving Selena a quick hug. "And you're already getting back on your feet with that new job."

"Yeah, at Knockers."

"Hey, a job is a job and you need the money. I mean you're here rent free but you're getting your own food and paying for your phone all on your own. And this couch isn't forever."

"I know. And thanks, again. It's just...I have a lot I need to make up for. And not just with my mom.  really need to make things right with Peter."

"Sweetie, I know you feel bad about it...and honestly you should," Taylor said as reassuringly as she could. "But worry about fixing yourself first before fixing a friendship, okay?"

"Tay, I blew it and I really hurt him."

"Yes, you did blow it. But you got hurt too with Reggie. Let that stuff heal, get your head straight, and then maybe you can rebuild that."

"Yeah..." Selena said, thinking back on all the mistakes she made, and not just recently. Her mind searched for something happier to speak o, rather than dwell in the doldrums. "So, you and Norman huh? How's that going?"

"Much better than i could have ever expected," Taylor said, smiling slyly. "If you had told me I'd be fucking Norm for anything other than business transactions last year I would have laughed in your face... but he's honestly sweeter than you'd think...and can be a total viper when necessary."

"Sounds familiar."

"It does, doesn't it?" laughed Taylor. "IT's so hard to find a partner who understands things like that, it really is. And melding with them so perfectly sexually...damn. Dirty and soft, dominant and submissive...fuck I'm kind of hankering for a booty call right now thinking about it."

"Well, I'm happy for you Tay," said Selena. "You deserve it. I know it's not always easy for you to make friends, let alone get involved with someone on a more than casual basis. He must be something special. I'm honestly kind of shocked he's not moving in with you instead of me."

"Oh girl please," Taylor said. "I like Norman, a lot, but I am ot ready to live with anyone, present company excluded obviously. Besides, he likes his privacy too. It's not like I don't have certain...plans next month for our first Valentines day."

"Care to dish?" Selena asked.

"Maybe," said Taylor, her red lips spreading into a knowing smile. "Let's just say Karlie is proving herself more useful to me after we've broken up than she ever did while we were together. She left all her Victoria's Secret gift cards in the sorority house when she went over to Katy. I reap the benefits of her idiocy. As I tend to do when i face idiots."

"Always so sentimental," Selena joked. "I'm sure Norman is going to love whatever you have in mind."

"Oh of course," Taylor said, pursing her lips. "I think it's going to be a real crowd pleaser."


For Matt Nelson, it had been a unique and fun experience working fro Bella. He was still just a law student, but he knew enough to make himself useful. And in addition to that, he had an amazing way with numbers. Who knew being a mathlete would pay off by working for a madame.

In a short time he'd climbed fairly high in Bella Thorne's ranks, and gained many privileges. Obviously his favorite was the free time with the girls. He'd discovered his favorites already, Dove and Bella herself. Bella had teased him about sucking up to the boss, which he tended to counter with another joke about her being far better at sucking up than he could be. It was a friendly little back and forth. He had his moments with Dove as well that didn't involve sex, just conversations about life and school of all things.

Still, he had his eye on trying other women under Bella's employ, including the rising star that was Kelli Berglund, who was just about to go through her own little employee review, as Bella put it, as well as a test to see if she was ready to become one of Bella's top earners.

Obviously other perks existed as well. Knowing Bella and being one of her guys or girls opened certain doors in town for you. Then there was the pay, taxi service on the house through Bella's preferred service. She didn't want any of her employees,  whether they be on their knees or not, caught driving under the influence and getting in trouble she couldn't get them out of.

Of course, these perks came from doing actual work for Bella. Ms. Thorne was not in the charity business. Pussy was never free. And Matt was busy getting some work done for Bella. He was going over her accounting books, two different sets actually. One Bella did by herself, one she had others do for her. She didn't tell Matt why she dd it this way, but it was easy to figure it out. It was an easy way to see if anyone was screwing her over. And with Bella being a bona fide business and accounting genius, she had never fucked a single on of her professors on those subjects or any related until after she was done with the classes, she'd probably caught on to something fishy. She just needed a fresh pair of eyes. And those eyes belonged to Matt.

She called him three days prior, still on her winter break to ask this favor of him, promising him the most amazing bonus if he could take the time out of his vacation schedule to double check  things for her. She even game him access to the secret safe where she kept her own ledgers.

That had been exactly what he'd been doing for the past three days in Bella's own massive office. Checking and double checking both ledgers. At this point it was a triple check, but it was the same conclusion repeatedly; someone was ripping off Bella. It was someone good. They hadn't been at it too long either but had come after her from so many different arenas. Enough where they could plausibly cover it up as an accounting error. But this many and across so many arenas of Bella's business, something was off. And he legitimately didn't know how to tell her. Was he a suspect? Is that why she asked him to look? Was there a right answer he could give her that wouldn't implicate him?

He was innocent of course. He liked his job and the perks and how much upward growth there could be being the personal attorney for someone like Bella once he graduated law school. As it was, he had a fairly good idea of who it was exactly. Two suspects, one PRIME suspect. But he didn't want to say it...or believe it in all honesty.

He closed both books and put his head in his hands, unsure of exactly what to do. That was when some relief walked into the office door.

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“Hey there sunshine,” Dove Cameron said, the smile on her face a combination of flirty and defiant. “You burn all that midnight oil, or there still some left over for me?”

Matt lifted his head, smile forming as an opportunity to work out all his anxiety was presenting itself to him “It's a possibility.”

“How about we make it a reality?” Dove went to the bar in Bella's office. She grabbed two glasses and poured a bit of vodka in both, the added just a bit of cranberry juice from the mini-fridge. “I could really use my favorite fuck right now. All I had today were a couple blowjobs and a two pump chump...well, not two pump because he came before his cock even got put inside me then cried. But paid in full plus a bit of a tip so whatever. Kinks are kinks, right?”

“Of course...and right now your kink is for a good cock inside you, isn't?”

“Mmmmm, you read my filthy fucking mind, Matty.” Dove licked her full, plump lips and walked toward the desk Matt sat behind. She leaned over the desk, placing the two glasses directly in front of Matt, then moved around to where he was sitting and got on her knees in front of him.

Dove brought her hand to his thighs, parting his legs and moving her delicate hands to his knees, rapping her nails on them. The two exchanged smiles that were a mix of endearing and smoldering to each other.

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/125862387_66617761_725903894511238_8714640311538514600_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/125862387_66617761_725903894511238_8714640311538514600_n.jpg)

“You know it's rare you find such a perfect sexual match n this business,” Dove said. “Especially if you're the one being paid to be on her back. Of course it doesn't hurt that you're not a fucking moron either who needs to be told he's the “best fuck ever” every five minutes.”

“I prefer such compliments to come naturally.” he relied grinning. “So, every six minutes is when I expect it.”

“Clever boy.” Dove's hands slid up his legs to his belt. They were like a surgeons hands with how quickly and skillfully they undid them. She began to pull his pants down to his ankles, exposing the bottom half his body to the air. His cock was pointing straight out, waiting for Dove to begin.

“That's another upside, you're always ready.” She looked at him and winked before grasping his cock. The anticipation was heavy for her to put his rock hard dick in her mouth, the seconds her waited stretching in ages in his mind. Dove made those ages last an amazing eternity.

She extended her tongue, licking and encircling the head at first before resting it right under the crown. From there, her magic tongue licked back and forth, lovingly slow to lustfully fast and back. The corners of her mouth upturned into a smile as Matt shivered and shook. Dove loved doing that to men...especially Matt recently.

“Mmmm damn Dove,” Matt groaned, a smile one his face. All the tension he had soon faded from his body as he leaned back and enjoyed the oral treats Dove was giving him.

She wasn't trying to make him cum. This was an appetizer blowjob, not a main course. Just enough to make him quiver and moan, to feel like he could blow at any minute but genuinly be miles away from that location. And Dove knew just who to do it. Tongue, pouty lips, ruby red-nailed fingers, and a gaze that could knock a man on his back if she so desired. A full tool box designed to keep Matt's tool on an eternal edge and keep the pump primed.

Sow and sensual sucking, furiously fast slurping, it was all in build up to what was coming next. Dove took Matt's cock from between those pillow lips and slapped it all over her face, moaning with every self-inflicted smack.

With his cock free, Matt was ready for something else, and from the heat behind Dove's eyes he could she was ready too.

“Get up and bend over the fucking desk Dove,” he demanded. “Now.”

“Ooh, you know it makes me wet when you get all demanding,” Dove said with a wink. She got to her feet and bent over right in front of him, the angle showing off to Matt that she had come very prepared, lacking any underwear.

He got up from his seat and stood right behind Dove. He grabbed her skirt and roughly hiked it up to the platinum blonde's waste, Dove laughing lustfully with every jerk of her tight skirt. She looked over her shoulder at him,her tongue our and curling up over her upper lip. Anticipation was a hell of a drug.

“Bent over a desk, that nice round ass in front of me...I think we both know what I want Dove,” Matt said, opening one of the top drawer's in Bella's desk.

“Damn right.” replied Dove. “I'd be disappointed if that wasn't the first thing on your mind...because frankly I've been in the mood for a good cock in my ass all fucking night.”

“I think I can oblige,” Matt said, adding some lube to his already slobber-covered cock. He put his hand on the small of Dove's back, pressing her forward until her upper half was prone on the surface of the desk. Then both hands went to the pale cheeks of her ass, prying them apart before moving one hand to his cock to guide it right towards his tight little target.

“Oh FUCK, yessssss,” hissed Dove. Matt's cock and pressed against and gone through her asshole. Soon his entire length found a tight and cozy home up her ass. There was no need for a build up or a grace period for Dove to get used to it. At this point she was quite familiar with how Matt's cock felt up his ass and how he liked it. And what luck...it was just how she liked it.

“Say it,” Matt said, his pace steady and hard. Savage, but with a tenderness, a caress over her skin with every savage thrust, leaning over for a kiss for every loud smack on her ass. “Say... say what you fucking love, Dove.”

“FUCK!” she yelled, slamming her hand down hard on the desk. “You...mmm...your..fuuuucking cock! I love how it feels..pussy...mouth...but especially my ass...mmmm so don't you fucking stop...go harder...faster...gimme that fucking dick!”

Matt's hands moved to her shoulder, getting a good grip and giving in to Dove's more than reasonable demand. Her howls approval were a more than worthy reward, a great bit of garnish to the sensation of being up her tight little asshole. Always so tight, despite her profession. It  might at one time have slightly surprised Matt, but at this point her just accept it as one of the many gifts Dove had to offer.

When her pull her up, her back now arched, he exposed another one of those gifts of her body and tore her blouse up  like he was opening a Christmas present. The buttons flew about the office as his hungry hands pawed and grabbed at her full tits.

Dove was loving every moment of it. The cock up her ass, hard and fast. All in the hunt for pleasure and release. It made her wet and put her right on the cliff of a gigantic orgasm. She knew she was one in a million in that way, how a guy could go straight for her ass and make her cum. Not just any guy could do it though. Sure, she had a few clients who could, and those were the A-Team that got her ass with no up charge after a while.

Obviously, Matt was among this elite...and then some. She'd probably have given it up for free to him without him being one of Bella's made guys. HE got it. He got her, and just what she wanted in the bed room. Someone who could fuck like an animal but still have some tenderness smoldering under the surface. There was a difference between having her, no matter how, and ravaging her...using her. Between calling her a whore and treating her like one.

She may have been a dirty, slutty little whore but that was her job. She still wanted to be treated like lady, and Matt can pull that off. All while fucking her up the ass like a man possessed.

So for such a special guy, Dove loved turning the heat up. The filth spewing from her mouth, pushing her ass back and meeting him thrust for thrust, squeezing her ass around his cock, all while gazing at him over her shoulder, her face never giving up it's look, daring him with a steaming intensity to never stop, to keep taking her harder, faster...to keep pushing until they both reached the limit.

“Yeah...oh fuck Matt yeah...fucking use that cock...best fucking cock I ever had...fucking show me how much you fucking want it...FUCK ME!!!”

“Yeah...gonna fuck you... gonna fucking cum up your ass... fucking... nnnngggmmmmfucking, fill you up!!!”

“DO it...I love it...fuckkkk...love it when you fill my ass with cum...that hard...throbbing cock...” Every pause in her speech as accentuated with a grind of her hips. “Ever pulse when it shoots... ohh, fuck.... mmmm, makes me want to fucking cum while your pump me full of yours....”

He slapped her ass hard, getting happy yelp from Dove's mouth. He took a grip on her hips once more, holding tight for what they both knew was going to be the last ride.

Dove's moans of passion got hungrier, deeper. She hung her head forward, her platinum locks swaying back and forth with every thrust. The colliding of flesh got harder and faster, both aching, begging for a release that was just within their grasp. It was always a photo finish with them.

“FUCK!” out Matt, freezing in place as he pumped Dove's ass full of his cum, only to be followed moments later by Dove's own cry of passion, the convulsions of her ass making his orgasm even greater. And the same was true for her as well, with every stream of his cum bringing her to new heights of pleasure. The warmth, his thick and pulsing member. The best way to end a night.

Matt fell back in his chair, Dove coming with him, his cock still embedded in her ass. She turned her head and kissed him, the collision of lips sensual and tired. Still with fire behind it though, a fire that grew a little with the intensity they had left as her wrapped his arms around her and held her in his arms until her went soft and slipped out of her ass.

“Mmmm, that hit the spot,” said Dove. “Now it's time for a nice, hot bath to get clean after all this filth.” She kissed Mike once more than got to her feet, shedding her clothes completely as she left the office. She stopped at the door and looked at him, her eyes beckoning him. “You joining me or not?”

Dove Cameron, enemy of anxiety.


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 04:22:00 AM
Ben was still shaking off a hangover from Hell that even the complimentary nookie provided by Lucy Hale the night previous didn't numb in some magical, preventive care in the form of orgasm way.

He had gotten way too drunk to drive and ended up sleeping in his car the night before. Sabrina had stopped texting him long before he even got to the bar and she hadn't even attempted to contact him at all this morning. It was only seven o'clock...but she'd still gone silent. He was not looking forward to hearing what she had to say.

He stepped carefully down the hall to what he believed was going to be his new apartment. He was carrying a box full of assorted things from his old room, trying desperately to manage his pounding head.

He found the apartment, no. 75. He knocked on the door, not yet having gotten his own key.

When the door opened, a gorgeous blonde he didn't quite recognize opened the door, looking at him through the small space allowed by the security chain.


“Yeah...um...I think this is my apartment?” Ben said. “I'm Peter's brother.”

“Oh yeah,” the blonde said. She closed the door and reopened it, chain free. “Come in.” She held the door open and Ben stumbled in, dropping his box to the side. He then looked at her, flashing what he hoped was his most charming smile.  Lili wasn't having it. “So...you're Peter's brother...huh.”

“Yeah...and what about you?” Ben asked. “Side piece?”

“No, I'm Hailee's friend. You know, Hailee, right? Lives here too, Peter's girlfriend. I'm crashing here until I move into my place.” Lili sneered at Ben  and rolled her eyes. “Looks like Peter got the charm in the family.” she thought to herself. She could literally feeling him stripping her with his eyes.  She poured herself a cup of coffee and stood by the kitchen counter. “He and Sabrina are in the office finishing up the commercial they shot.”

“Yeah...how mad is Sabrina?”

“Well, I won't tell  her you just called me your brother's side piece and have been staring at my tits like they're jugs of water after a week in the Sahara so you'll have a chance at just being yelled at,” said Lili. “Also as a bonus I won't mention it to my boyfriend and just consider your douchieness so far  the result of still being a teeny bit drunk.”

“You're all heart...uh...what was your name?”


“Lovely name for such a warm woman.” Ben's voice was dripping with sarcasm. “Office huh?” Lili nodded. Ben sighed and got to his feet, ready to make the march to executioner's row. However, the door to the office opened and out came Peter and Sabrina, mid-conversation talking about what was the best melted-cheese shot to use in the restaurant commercial as well as setting up auditions for their film. All conversation stopped the moment Sabrina's bright eyes looked upon Ben. Happy went to stern as she breezed past him right into the kitchen.

“Is it cool if I get a cop of coffee Lils?” Sabrina asked, going for a mug.

“Sure, it's your place.” the  blonde responded, slowly backing away from the awkwardness building in the room.

Sabrina poured the coffee and took a sip, smiling at Lili. “This is damn fine coffee, and I'm not saying that just because I binge watched Twin Peaks last week with Peter and still have Kyle MacLachlan on the brain. Good job.” Then her eyes went to Ben, staring daggers of pure ice at him.

“What, no hello?” he said, trying to break the tension. He looked all around the room then to his brother for help. But no one was throwing him a rope on this one.

“So you chose to get drunk instead of respond to my texts,” said Sabrina.

“What? No...”

“Don't lie. I've had enough Jack in my time to have a private tour of the distillery any time I want, all expenses paid. I know when someone smells like a distillery and you smell like a distillery fucked a brewery then they both passed out in tequila puke.”

“What, you'd prefer I drive home drunk?”

“But you did. I can tell the difference between hung over and still drunk. You're slurring your words just a bit too much. Pausing just little bit to long. And your eyes are fucking glassed over. So you may not be black out drunk, but your still a bit more than buzzed. But you know what? I could forgive all that pretty easily. I'd call you a moron for driving drunk for sure and but we'd be fine after. No, see, here's what bothers me.”

Sabrina set her mug down and made her way over to Ben, staring right up at him, no fear in her at all. All the fear in the room seemed to have been sucked in to Peter and Lili, who had ended up together at the small kitchenette table. They were almost huddled together like frightened cave people, watching in awe as an apex predator was getting ready to tear apart much larger prey.

“You read everything I sent. All five of my texts...I got the notifications. Not a single damn response. Not a “be there soon” or a “got a drink, not good to drive” or even a fucking “k”. I got nothing but actual proof you were ignoring me. Now, I'd get it if I was just a one night stand but we fucked A LOT over Christmas and for Christ's sake we're living in the same apartment in the same god damn room so I guess I expect a little common respect, Ben!”

“Sabs, come on,” he said. “I messed up, I know. I was just a little stressed out you know. Big move  and all. My mind got all jumbled and then I started drinking and, well, you  know.”

“Uh huh,” she said, arms folded. “Here's how its going to go, okay? You are getting the honor of sleeping it off in bed today, got it? I'm not going to talk to you about this anymore until you're 100% sober and not trying to condescend to me and make me sound obsessed or anything. I'm not joking, I'm not going to be flattered. Understood?”

“Yeah,” he said, defeated...as well as a bit guilty. He didn't think he'd hurt her this much. Honestly Ben thought she'd be screaming her head off at him. But this? This was actual, full on anger and hurt. Barely a raised tone. He got up and headed to the bedroom he thought would be his. He was glad that she didn't also know about the dalliance with Lucy...or that he still had her number.

Once the door shut she turned her face to Peter and Lili and the stern look from before melted away into a more traditional smiling face that she was known for, but still not at full blast.

“Are you okay?” Peter asked.

“Yeah.” Sarina replied, taking her own seat. “Relieved I was able to do that without screaming...and surprised you didn't jump in for some brotherly protection, Pete.”

“Well, you were right,” Peter said, getting a shocked look from both women. “What? Sabrina's right and no one ever talks to him like that. He pretty much gets an ass pat from mom & dad or at worst a wag of the finger.”

“Oh he was one of those,” said Lili. “So why are you the good one?”

“Hey!” Sabrina said. “I still might be dating him so don't insinuate I got the bad one!”

“Sabs, before you even left the room he spent our entire introduction staring at my tits.”

“To be fair, so do I.”

“Yeah but that's because you only come up to my tits Sabrina.”

“True...but still they are REALLY good boobs,” Sabrina said with a much bigger smile.

“Fair enough,” Lili responded laughing as well. “There's also the matter that he thought I was Peter's side piece....”

“Oh good god,” said Peter. He hoped if he buried himself deep enough in his own hands he could disappear from existence via facepalm. “I'm so sorry Lili. First off I don't do the whole side piece thing and secondly you're way too out of the realm of being a sidepiece piece thing and thirdly I hope if I compliment you enough you won't mention he said that to Hailee and make it even MORE awkward than its going to be.”

“No problem...as long as we're even on the whole pad thai thing,” said Lili, holding her hand out to seal the agreement on a handshake, which Peter took. “However if he hits on me himself nothing si stopping from telling both Hailee and Jake.”

“If he does that he deserves it...wouldn't be the first stupid thing he's done he can't get himself out of.”

Before Peter could elaborate on the many tales of his brother Ben, Hailee came in the front door, bearing donuts.

“Breakfast is served,” she said smiling. She put the pink box of delicious donutty goodness on the table and leaned over to kiss Peter. “I miss anything? You guys done with the commercial?”

“Well, the commercial is one thing that happened,” Peter said.

“And the other is Ben finally showed up...drunk...and he's sleeping it off in the bed room.”

“Oh...is everything all right?”

“I'll tell you all about it on the way to work,” Lili said. She grabbed a couple of donuts, and got up from her seat. “It's a wonderful tale of awful first impressions and maybe the best unangry angry take down I've ever seen.”

“You're too kind,” Sabrina said. She then turned her attention to Peter. “You, the good brother, give your girlfriend the best kiss goodbye you can muster, grab all the Boston Creme filled donuts you can and the chocolate milk in the fridge, then join me so we can get that commercial ready so we can pay our bills.

“Well Haiz, you heard her,” Peter said, kissing Hailee goodbye, w gesture welcomed and reciprocated by the leggy brunette. “Knock 'em dead at the office.”

“I'll be the best damn part-time hotel phone operator/file clerk trainee there is, babe.” she replied, giving him a smile before exiting the apartment with Lili.

“All right partner, let's saddle up and get our work done so  then we can get even more work done! Isn't film-making glamorous?”

Sabrina turned to head back into the office when Peter stopped her softly grabbing her shoulder. “You sure you're okay?”

“Oh I'm not okay,” Sabrina said. “I'm furious.” She smiled wide, a big toothy grin. “But the thing is, I'm not going to let someone being an inconsiderate asshole ruin the day that we both finish our first commercial, but also secure the funding for for our first movie! There's a lot to smile about!”

“That's if Camila says yes.”

“Of course she will, just don't be a pussy about it.” Sabrina couldn't help but burst out laughing. “Now, come on. Get with the donuts and coco milk. Momma needs editing fuel.”


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For the students of the college, this pocket of time before returning to the campus' hallowed halls would be filled with some light stress. Ironing out their schedules, actually seeing how much the textbooks were going to cost along with all the additional fees, and having to deal with the very real possibility of running into several regretful one night stands. It was the kind of memories that at this point in her life Scarlett Johansson could actually find herself being wistful about. Now, with all the responsibilities of being the youngest Dean of Admissions in the school's history, male or female, she had actual real pressures to deal with. Budgets and approving them, going over every detail with a fine tooth comb of rule changes and proposals and all sorts of things that made her pine for the days of having five bucks in her bank account and having to feast on ramen noodles for a month.

It was only her Freshman year of college that she had to do that but still, more than than being a full-fledged adult with responsibilities. It was a real drag, but worth it. She worked hard to get where she was. The job was a big deal, paid well, and the perks far outweighed the negatives.

One of the perks was the...fun she had with members of the student body. Another was having the best help money could buy. The board of trustees of the college allowed her a fair enough budget so she could hire only the best secretaries. The workload wasn't light and Scarlett was never afraid to ask for help when she needed it. That's where secretary of the year five years and running Margot Robbie came in.

Margot truly was a god send. Organized and precise as a laser, Scarlett would be lost without her and was far from afraid to let Margot know just how appreciated she was. She was punctual, friendly, always warm to people and frankly a ray of sunshine in the high stress office environment the college could sometimes be.

In addition, there was also the perk that Margot was very open to enjoying some of the fun Scarlett would have with some of the members of the student body.

Needless to say, Margot had definitely earned her “Best Secretary Ever” coffee mug.

And the best secretary was busy at her own desk, creating a barrier between all comers to Scarlett's office. Flat out telling visitors she's too busy for them regardless of tenure or stature to simply creating future appointments for those a bit calmer about the subject of being blown off. Politeness counted, especially with Margot.

It was efficient and pleasant. Scarlett was a lot further ahead with all of the paperwork and phone calls she had to make than she thought possibly could be. Today she actually had time for an hour long lunch instead of fifteen minutes to scarf down an avocado wrap. And that vaunted break time was just around the corner.

Scarlett saved the file she was working on, almost as if she knew the knock was coming at her door.

“Come in,” she said, poised with a professional smile. Warm, welcoming and still just a bit disarming.

Margot walked through the door, tired but with a spring in her step. The Australian blonde couldn't help but bring a bit of sunshine where ever she roamed.

“Got some good news and bad news mixed together, boss,” she said. “You're clear for today and tomorrow, no calls, no meetings. So from today to the end of the week it's all about catching up just like you asked. Flip side of that is next week until the first day of classes you're booked to the gills with meetings and conference calls. Couldn't be helped but I think I organized them all in way to maximize your time.”

“You're a lifesaver Margot,” Scarlett said. “I'll gladly take the hit so I can have hour long lunches for the rest of the week.”

“And next week too,” added Margot. “Maximized your time, like I said.”

“You're a godsend.” Scarlett got up from her seat to the bar in her office. There was no alcohol in it. That would be a bit too questionable,in her books at least. Instead it was filled with her usual things; a water filter pitcher, juices, and a couple of her guilty pleasure of bubblegum-flavored soda. She didn't partake often, but when she was having an especially bad day, it was something that just hit the spot. She still remembered the first time she drank one of them with a smile. She bent over and opened the fridge. “You want anything Margot?”

“Not really, thanks.” she replied. “I did..well...I had a couple of questions.”

“Shoot,” said Scarlett, leaning back on the bar. She sipped from her cool glass of water, waiting for Margot to speak.

“Well first and foremost, well, you know that thing...”

“What thing?”

“Well, you know...” Margot was struggling with the words, blushing a bit. This obviously gave a huge tell as to exactly what she was talking about, but Scarlett was having fun watching her struggle with the words. Margot had to say it. “What we talked about for Valentine's Day. The thing with me and my fiance...and you.”

“Of course,” Scarlett said. “What about it? Cold feet of sharing your man with me...or maybe letting on how familiar we can get at work with each other.”

“Oh no. Quite the opposite with him actually. He's well aware and it honestly turns him on more than a little bit. But...well...I guess I'm just wondering if maybe, since we have a whole hour for lunch...have a little pre-game fun? I mean I did just save you a bunch of time and all and I'm not even asking for a raise.”

Scarlett smirked at her. She set her glass down and walked towards Margot. “Well, I can't argue your logic. And yes, we have a nice amount of free time. But, just so we're crystal clear...you're saying you want to fuck me. Right here in my office. Have a little more of that boss fucking the secretary fantasy. Is that correct, Ms. Robbie?”

“Yes, Ms. Johansson,” she said with a smile. “Very much so.”

“Well, then, I think I can make that happen.” Scarlett got nice and close to Margot. She reached around to Margot's hair, removing the clip and hair tie keeping it up and let her blonde locks flow down to her shoulders, then did the same to her own hair. Scarlett moved to Margot's lip and pressed her own plump one against hers. The secretary's lips parted, allowing their tongues to get in much more intimate contact with each other.

A lusty kiss went into a lusty embrace, the women's hands romaing over each others body's getting familiar once more with each other before stripping each other clean of the garb.

Scarlett broke the kiss and stepped back a bit. Her hands went to Margot's blouse, delicately unbuttoning it and letting it fall to the floor, leaving the Aussie beauty bare-chested before her.

“No bra?” Scarlett asked. “You naughty little tart you.”

Margot smiled, biting her lower lip a bit. Her eyes were on her busty boss, watching as Scarlett's mouth went to her tits.

“Ohhhh mmmmm,” said Margot. Scarlett's tongue and lips sensually danced on Margot's tits, lovingly, sweetly playing with her nipples while her hands simply cupped them. Scalrett was savoring the taste, the feel of Margot's flesh on her tongue. It was something she knew all to well, but always savored.

Once again Scarlett pulled back, then pointed to a chair right in front of Scarlett's desk. Big, almost over-sized, bolstered in a very professional looking black cloth. Freshly cleaned. It was going to need another one after this.

“Sit, Ms. Robbie,” Scarlett ordered. “Strip and sit.”

“Yes, Ms. Johansson.” Margot unzipped the back of her skirt, leaving her in just her panties, black stockings, and heels. She began the short trek over to the chairm stopping only to remove her panties. When she took her seat, she lifted her legs to start to remove the stockings, but Scarlett would have none of that.

“Leave them on,” she demanded. Margot smiled and obeyed. Scarlett walked over to the front of the chair and dropped to her knees. Her hands went to Margot's knees, softly pressing them apart, then slowly and sensuously roaming up the firm, tone stems. Then she went in for a closer look at that glistening pussy in the center.

“Oooh Scarlett,” Margot cooed. Scarlett's lips planted little kisses on her thighs, dragging her tongue from location to location before sealing each exit with a kiss. All while her hands and fingers still danced on the smooth skin of Margot's legs.

Margot looked down at Scarlett in breathless anticipation. She knew what she wanted, what she was aching for Scarlett to do...but she wouldn't demand it or even ask for it. Scarlett would get to it. The waiting was all part of the fun. It was the sizzle.

Scarlett's eyes moved to catch Margot's gaze, though her own couldn't have been more different. Where as Margot had a desperation wrapped up in desire, Scarlett's had lustful hunger. A lioness on the prowl, waiting for the right moment to pounce on her very, very willing prey.

“Mmm Scarlett yessss!” hissed Margot. Scarlett had pounced, bringing her mouth right to where they both wanted it to be. Margot moaned and arched her back in the chair while Scarlett began slowly and sweetly on her pussy, lapping gently then sucking softly at Margot's clit. Goose pimples covered the secretary's body when Scarlett's fingers went inside her, working in and out of her.

If it had been any day during an active semester Margot would have tried to restrain her moans. Biting her lip, covering her mouth with her hand. However, the campus was for all intents and purposes empty. The cleaning crew wouldn't be in until after both she and Scarlett were gone. They were both free to enjoy themselves to the fullest. That's exactly what both were aiming to do.

With Margot's passion growing, her moans on the boarder of being full blown screams of passion, Scarlett pushed that envelope even further. Her free arm wrapped around one of Margot's legs, pulling her closer to her while Scarlett's other hand and mouth turned up the heat on its own. She sucked harder on her clit, Scarlett's tongue doing gymnastic's on Margot's joy button while a third finger joined the party in her cunt.

“Oh Scarlett!” yelled Margot. “Oh yes...oh fuck yes please...gonna...oh you're making me cum!”

“Mmmm then cum Margot,” Scarlett said, her fingers taking the burden while her mouth poured more aural gasoline on the fire. “Cum all over my mouth...mmm don't you want to feel good? Then do it...mmmm I can't wait to taste your pleasure.”

“Ohhh...mmmmm yessss.” Margot writhed and whined on the chair, inching closer and closer to fulfilling her boss' request, especially once Scarlett's mouth went back to it's merry work. “Yes...yes....YESSSS!!!!”

Margot's cries signalled her orgasm. It came crashing down like an asteroid, a stardust trail of pleasure coursing through her veins as she shook and moaned while Scarlett hungrily lapped it all up.

Just as Margot's muscles started relaxing, the blonde like a puddle in the chair, Scarlett got to her feet and began to unbutton her blouse in front of a lust-drunk Margot. The blonde's eyes were glued to Scarlett's chest, waiting for her tits to once more be unveiled before her. Scarlett couldn't help but smile at that. She did love to be appreciated, whether it be from the virile male student body or the secretary she adored so.

Soon Scarlett's blouse was off, leaving her in a black lace bra. Still covering up the view that Margot coveted so. But before taking off that bra, she removed her skirt and heels, leaving her bare save for the black underwear she wore underneath.

“Please Scarlett...”Margot pleaded. “Please....”

“Please what, Ms. Robbie?”

“Let me see you...all of you...I want to see your tits...your...your pussy...please Ms. Johansson.”

“Well Ms. Robbie, since you asked so nicely.” Scarlett reached behind her to unhook her bra, letting the lacy garment fall to the ground. The moment her luscious tits were exposed to air, Margot was entranced. She'd seen them before and would again. It was always a treat to be savored though.

Then those eyes went south, watching with baited breath as Scarlett pulled those matching black panties down, leaving her totally nude. Margot's eyes continued to follow Scarlett and the busty boss sat on the edge of her desk, beckoning Margot to come to her with her fingers.

Margot did so, and just the way that Scarlett liked. She crawled on her knees over to Scarlett. When she made it over her, she began to kiss, lick and massage her legs now, almost worshiping them, a desperate need with every kiss and caress.

Scarlett looked down, licking her lips and smiling. Her gaze was afire, watching as Margot got closer and closer to the bulls-eye.

“Go on Margot,” Scarlett said. “No teasing...go to my pussy. Eat it...make me cum. Be the best secretary ever we both know you are.”

“Yes ma'am,” Margot said, winking as her mouth licked over to exactly where Scarlett had directed.

“Mmmmm good...very good Ms. Robbie,” Scarlett sighed. Her breath was throaty and lustful and her head hung back as Margot feasted on her cunt. And Margot knew after all this time exactly how Scarlett liked it. For Scarlett, the foreplay was making the other girl cum. It was all she needed to get ready. So by the time her lover moved on to her, the pump was very primed.

Scarlett got a handful of Margot's blonde locks, pushing her face further into her cunt. Scarlett ground in to it as Margot continued to dine. The tingles of pleasure, electric jolts she could almost see coursing throgh her with everything Margot was doing. Her breaths were quick and shallow. And even with a smokey voice, her cries were just as loud and passionate.

“Eat it...mmm eat that cunt Margot.... gonna be so good...mmm.. fuck keep going... make me fucking cum, baby... don't stop...ung...oh just..like...THAT!”

Even without the very welcome and erotic vocal encouragement that Scarlett was providing Margot would have focused on making Scarlett cum. She loved it. How her body shook, the sexy tones of her raspy voice crying out in pleasure, watching someone so in charge give control of herself over to utter bliss...sometimes it was enough to make Margot cum again just by seeing it.

“Oh...oh fuck...mmmmm, Margot....oh...oh..FUCK YES!!!!” Scarlett closed her thighs around Margot's head, holding her tight right on her crotch as she now experienced her own pleasure. She leaned back completely on her desk, giving every part of her over to the pure erotic bliss of the moment, writhing as Margot continued her masterful oral works until every last bit of energy in her faded awaye, her body going limp as a noodle as the pleasure set into a wonderful afterglow for her.

With her thighs now relaxed from the sides of Margot's head, the Secretary got up on the desk her self, kissing up Scarlett's body before landing at her full lips, the two sharing a kiss, tasting themselves on the other's lips.

Scarlett held Margot in the afterglow of their passion for a moment. “I do so love hour long lunch breaks,” she said, making Margot laugh a bit.

“Big fan of them myself,” the secretary replied. “But I always end up hungry by the end of them. Go figure.” With one more kiss Margot got off the desk and to her feet.

“Back to work?” Scarlett asked. “We do still have twenty minutes...”

“Which is just enough time for us to take a quick shower.” Margot replied. “Great move getting them to actually install one in your private restroom by the way.”

“Well I couldn't have done it without your help putting together the presentation Margot. Can';t wait to see what happens when we add your husband to the mix.”

Margot giggled. The two were about to head to the shower when Margot paused, remembering the other thing she had to tell Scarlett. “You got a more personal message today.”

“Really?” Scarlett asked. “What'd they say? Who was it?”

“I believe the fellow said his name was Chris. You two went to school together. Let's see...Chris from...Bio-Chem I believe he said? The gentleman said you'd know from that.”

And Scarlett did. When those memories came flooding back, she couldn't help but smile. Chris... “What did he say?”

“That he was going to be in town in February and was wondering if you two could meet up for dinner...should I go over your schedule for an opening?”

“Did he leave a number?”

“Yes, he did actually. It's on my desk.”

“Then you just give it to me and I'll take care of it. It's a bit of a personal matter. Something a little...private. But for now...shower time.”

“Yes, Ms. Johansson.” Margot gave her boss one more cheeky smile before they headed to that private shower. It was after all, still lunch time.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 04:36:42 AM

While Scarlett and Margot were having their own fun at lunchtime, another group of women were having a far more traditional lunch.

Camila, Lili and Hailee were in the cafe housed in the hotel that Cami's father owned. The hotel was also where Camila and Hailee were working this semester. Both had an in at the establishment, Hailee's parents both working there and Camila family owning the place. While Camila usually didn't like to flex her family's influence or monetary muscle, she did this time, securing both her and Hailee fairly nice part-time gigs in the accounting department. Just answering phones and filing things away, but it was better than what both could have had.

Another thing that was going to be done courtesy of Camila was the lunch was on her. While she wasn't the biggest fan of flaunting her influence and privilege she was far from shy about providing for her friends.

“I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to a club sandwich,” Lili said. “I mean there's a taco truck that comes by the store every day, I go nuts with all the amazing cheesy deliciousness but now all I'm craving is a Club on toasted wheat.”

“I think you might just be hungry for the free food.” Hailee replied.

“Hey, be fair,” Camila added. “Amazing free food. The kitchen actually baked all the bread in house themselves. Even the sandwich bread. It's nuts.”

“Wow, your dad really goes all out with this place, huh?” Hailee asked.

“Well, Daddy always says if you want the customers to come back, don't treat them like customers, treat them like the closest family you have. And that means home made all the way. Except for cold cuts because that'd just be insane....and yes, that's the actual full quote. Daddy's rather...specific at times.”

“Oh I know,” Lili said. “I still remember that time when your parents came to visit you when we first moved in together at the dorms. We all went out for dinner, he had very...specific requests for his food. Six asparagus spears, all equal in length, an a separate small plate away from the steak, same for the mashed potatoes. Each bit of food with the meal comes on its own plate.”

“You remember that?”

“Well it stuck out Cami. That and the ginormous tip he left. Kind of fused it into my head.”

“Well, Daddy knows his...unique...eating habits can be tough for the staff so he wants to make sure they know he appreciates it.”

“Do you have any odd eating habits Cami?” Hailee asked.

“Oh no, not like my father. I just have a huge appetite.”

“Especially where Jose is concerned I hear,” Lili said with a cheeky grin, making Camila blush.

“Well, looks like after that welcome home kiss the first thing Jose is getting from me is a smack to the back of the head.”

“Am I missing something?”

“Well according to Jose, via Jake, is that Cami's appetite grows exponentially after really good sex. Which honestly makes sense as the day you and Jose got to together you told me about it at the Asian buffet and put away seven plates.”

“Seven plates?” Hailee gulped. “That good?”

“Well, now that's my little quirk's out in the open, yes...that good. But...a lot of that is just...Jose. Besides, it's not like either of you don't have a little post sex quirk.”

Lili and Hailee exchanged glances, then looked at Cami, both giving a shrug conveying “not really”.

“Bullshit,” Cami said. She sipped at her water, wondering who to look to first. “Hailee, come on, nothing happens after you and Peter go at it? Nothing you just feel you need to do?”

“Well, no... I mean I sleep super late the next day. Just completely drained and need to rest.”

“Ha! That counts. And you Lili?”

“Well when we were in Mexico during winter break Jake and I really didn't leave our room so I don't know if I can really pick out one certain quirk either of us had.”

“Oooh, now that sounds like a good lunch conversation,” Cami said. “Details please.”

“I'm with Cami, I haven't heard a peep about that trip and you've been sleeping on my couch since you got back. So spill.”

“I don't know,” Lili said, now doing her own blushing. “I mean there's not much to tell. E didn't get to see much of the sights except driving to and from the hotel. Everything in between was just spent in the room. And I don't know how interesting it would be for me to think of all the ways I could describe the bed...or the couch...or the deck...the lounge chairs on the deck...the hot tub...the shower...the carpeting..”

“You dog you,” Cami laughed. “Downright insatiable. Was Jake in the mask a lot or something?”

“Oh my god Cami are you ever going to let the mask drop?”

“Would you?”

“...fair point,” Lili acknowledged with a smile.

“Wait, I think I'm missing an in-joke,” said Hailee. “What mask?”

“Oh my god she doesn't know?” Cami asked. “Lils you gotta tell her. It's the best story ever. And honestly kind of cute too. Sweet, romantic...and super funny.”

“I'll tell you abck at the apartment tonight Haiz,” Lili said. “Unless our gracious host just needs to hear it right now.”

“Oh not necessary, I lived through it with you. I have the first hand memories.” Cami smiled wide. Batting her eyes playfully.

“You guys are really close,” Hailee said. “Looks like I missed out on a good time.”

“Well, that's why I wanted you, both of you, here for lunch,” Cami said. “Look, Hailee, your Lili's oldest friend and Peter is my best friend in the world other than Lils. I'm kind of connected with you doubly so, I wanted us to be friends too. It's why I was happy to help you get the office job and all of this. You missed out on hanging out with Lili, I missed out on hanging out with my friend. I want all that to be a thing of the past. So..here we are, let's be friends instead of just being friendly. You're important to two very important people in my life, so...yeah. Did I just make it weird? Because I feel like I made it weird.”

“No!” Hailee said. “No, not at all. That was actually pretty sweet. Thank you. And you're right. I mean it's not like I don't feel the same way.  So...good idea.”

“Now this is adorable,” Lili said, not a single hint of sarcasm on any syllable. “My two best friends being friends is going to be so awesome.”

“Well Hailee looks like our work here is done, Lili is happy,” joked Cami. “Better pack it in, no more effort required.”

“What can I say? I'm easy to please.”

“You know what, I'm just going to leave that joke n the table,” Camila said. “Way too easy.”

“Can I actually ask you a question about yourself and Peter?” Hailee asked.

“Sure, what do you want to know?” Cami replied.

“Well, over break when I was spending a lot of time at his place, you came up and his parents said that you two dated...I was just wondering...well, I guess it's obvious what I was wondering...okay now I made it awkward. I'm so sorry if that's something you don't want to talk about.”

“No, not at all,” Camila said. She leaned over the table, resting her chin on her hand. “Yeah, Peter and I were a thing for about...four months sophomore year. Started the last month of summer before the school year began, actually. I mean it's such a cliché story. Known each other since kindergarten, Hell earlier than that even. So of course we were going to do the whole high school sweethearts thing. And yes, we did have sex. I'm just going to leave that at that. No offense but that kind of stuff I kind of want to keep personal.”

“No I totally get that,” Hailee said.

“Very understandable,” Lili added.

“Cool. So, yeah, anyway, things were going great...until Selena decided that Peter and I dating wasn't good for her. He was missing out on quality “Do what I want him to do” time with her. And she ALWAYS hated me. I don't know why and honestly I don't fucking care.” A quick flash of anger went over Cami's face with enough of a coldness to it to send chills up both Lili and Hailee's spines. “So in November of that year, he breaks up with me, does the whole spiel about we should still be friends but I'm not having it. I'm yelling, screaming...I'm hurt that he's breaking up with me and I know exactly who's putting it in his head that we shouldn't be together. No proof at the time but it was just in my bones, you know? So I'm yelling and I just flat out tell him to never, EVER speak to me again. And I kept to that. He tried, and I ignored him. Avoided him at school. Wanted nothing to do with him.”

“So, what changed?” Hailee asked. “How'd you guys get friendly again?”

“Christmas vacation that year,” Cami said. “I'm walking my dog at this park kind of out of the way from my house but Pepper, my dog, he loved it. I don't know what it was, but that was HIS park.” Cami began to get a bit choked up, but held it back. “So, he sees something.I don't even know what it was. A squirrel or a rat or something and he jerks out of my hand into the street and...bam. Hit and run. Car doesn't even stop. Just drives on. And....hmm...and Pepper's just lying there, still hanging on but he's...he's just messed up. I need to get him to a vet, but I don't have a car. I was only fifteen, I hadn't taken my driver's test or anything. But Peter's house was really close and he had a learner's permit. So I picked up Pepper and just booked it. And Peter, he didn't hesitate. All he had was a permit, he was breaking the law and I thought his parents swould kill him if they knew but he was my only option and he did it without question. We got to the vet and Pepper was still hanging on.”

“Did...did he make it?” Hailee asked.

Cami shook her head. “We could have been there a second after the car hit and it wouldn't have helped. I...I had to put him down. And Peter was there with me. I cried with him, and he drove me back to his place and just let me calm down and relax there. And he didn't get any heat from his parents, just a stern talking to. But they understood the situation and couldn't say he  made a bad choice. Which infuriated Ben to no ends as he essentially ratted on Peter about the whole thing before we could explain what happened. But the important thing was when I really needed him, he was there.” Cami paused, smiling a bit. “I'll never forget that. So I'm always going to be his friend. And be there for him like he was for me. Best friends again ever since...and now obviously that title is shared with Lili here.”

“That is so sweet,” Hailee said. “Sad too, but sweet. But how come you didn't see him for like, what a semester or something?”

“Oh, that's my mom.” replied Cami. “She wants me to rub elbows with the rich and brainless. Make connections. Only way I survived that was dragging Lili along with me. Then I got your text about his birthday party and...well the rest is history as your were there for that stuff.”

“Do you ever think...you know...what if you two hadn't broken up?”

“Oh no. No no no no. I mean no offense Hailee but even when we got friendly again I knew I couldn't get through the hold Selena had on him. You my friend, are a super hero for getting through that haze. Besides...Jose. It's hard to think about what might have been when you have exactly what you always wanted right in front of you.”

“Speaking of which, where exactly is he?” Lili asked. “I thought you two were coming back together.”

“That's the other thing I wanted to talk about,” Cami said, her tone of voice have a bit of nervous caution in it. “So, first off, our New York trip was great. Daddy LOVED Jose and mom...tolerated him. Which is the best I could have hoped for from her. But Daddy apparently was a huge Luche Leaper fan as a kid...”

“Luche libre,” Lili corrected.

“Yeah, that too,” Cami said, making  Hailee giggle. “Anyway when he found out Jose was a wrestler he flipped out and they just talked nonstop and when Jose started showing off how much of a handy man he was Daddy just loved him more. Called Jose the best guy I'd ever brought home...no offense to Peter, Hailee.”

“None taken.”

“So you wanted to tell me you had a great time on your vacation?” Lili asked.

“Well, kind of...see, Jose and I weren't really staying with my parents, we had an entire suite to ourselves for two weeks...and it worked really well. To the point where I asked Daddy if he would be opposed to the idea of me and Jose living together....and he gave us the okay...”

“Cami,” Lili said. “I thought we were getting an apartment together...”

“We are! We totally are! It's just going to be a bigger place...and Jose and I will be sharing a room...”

“Wow, really?” Lili said. “Isn't that kind of quick?”

“I know, I know it seems that way...but...Lili I love him. I'm head over heels for Jose. He's...he's it, he's the one and I don't want to be without him if I don't have to be. I know it sounds weird and crazy and way too soon...”

“Well, not really,” said Hailee. “I mean Peter and I have been dating a little less time than you and Jose have and we're already living together.”

“Thanks Hailee,” Cami said. “Lili I do not want to cut you out at all...I just need Jose. And he feels the same way.”

“Cami,” Lili said, holding her friends hand, reassuring her. “It looks like I'm getting a second roommate then, doesn't it?”

“Thank you for not being mad,” Cami said. “I know we were talking about this so much last semester but so much happened and...just thanks for understanding.”

“Of course...besides, free rent is free rent.”

“Well, I do know the way to your heart,” Cami laughed. “Yes, free rent. Daddy owns the apartment building so he's doing that favor for me as long as I balance the job and school and don't drop below a 3.5 GPA. Utilities though, that's not covered.”

“Should I brace myself for a good string of threesome jokes?” asked Lili.

“I'd get ready,” Camila nodded. “But aside from that it's going to be so much fun. That's where Jose is right now actually, getting some stuff from his parents place. He met up with Jake and Alison and should be back from that little road trip tonight, and we move in this weekend.”

“Oh, I'm gonna miss having you around the place,”  Hailee said. “But at least you're gonna get, you know, a real bed and a room of your own and not have to wait in line for the bathroom...”

“And stop devising ways to have sex on the couch without any of you catching on,” Lili added, getting looks from the other two. “What? You two aren't the only ones with needs. A woman's got to have options.”

“And on that note, I'm happy to say the food has arrived,” Cami said. “Lt's hope that club sandwich satisfies all your cravings Lils. I mean Jake's not going to be back in town for what, a couple hours?”

“Never underestimate the power of a full stomach.” replied Lili.

“Lili, you're talking to an orgasmic eater over here,” Hailee said with a big smile. “I'm pretty sure she knows all about the power of a full stomach.”

“Oh we're going to get along just fine Hailee,” Camila said with a laugh.


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While noon was traditionally considered lunch time, for Madelaine Petsch it had been lunch during the entirety of the winter break.

Usually during school her routine would be early classes, back home to nap for a few hours, shift at Knockers from seven to two, then back home for a few more hours sleep, rinse and repeat. During the break however, she was feeling a lot more well rested and happier. This was due both to getting a proper amount of sleep and the fact that Jared was sharing her bed with her.

Looking back it was hard to think she ever saw him as an annoyance of any kind. However, Madelaine had to admit she didn't want to give him a fair chance. He was far from her normal type. He hadn't even referred to her as a bitch once or tried to intimidate her. He was a total anomaly to the usual type of bad boy nonsense she had found herself drawn to until he came along. She was kind of surprised to see this was how a relationship was supposed to be, far more caring about each other and no screaming matches where you threw things at each other.

Of course one of the big advantages of dating Jared had been, oddly enough, Madelaine learning to be even more self-sufficient than she already was. She couldn't remember the last time she even bothered with take out unless she was dead tired beyond belief.

Most of the time, she cooked for herself, which was something she'd picked up from Jared, the memories of how always brought a smile to her face.

Which is where she was this “morning”, making vegan strawberries and cream pancakes for herself and the still-snoozing Jared. She loved it when he began staying over at her new apartment when he had days off of his own. It made the place feel safer to her. She hadn't found a roommate yet, and while she and Jared were nuts about each other, they weren't quite ready to move in together yet. Staying over a couple nights a week however was more than doable.

She'd made the strawberries in syrup the night before and was just heating them up in the stove top. Her attention was on the pancakes, both in preparing the batter and cooking them just right.

Before long the strawberries were warm and the pancakes were ready to go, a perfect breakfast. Madelaine poured the strawberries into a small bowl and the pancakes on a plate, stacked high and waiting to be split up for two. It was just time to prepare the vegan whipped cream. When Madelaine reached for her electric mixer however, she noticed Jared leaning against the doorway, watching her cook with a smile.

“Good morning,” she said. “Or noon or whatever.”

“Morning.” he replied.

“How long have you been up?”

“The moment the scent of hotcakes hit my nostrils.” He walked towards the counter and leaned on it, while she leaned forward on the other side, the two giving each other a good morning kiss. “What's going on these delicious treats?”

“Strawberries and cream.” she replied. “Vegan of course.”

“Need any help?”

“Wouldn't say no to it.”

“That's certainly a change.”

“One for the better,” she said. “Don't get too used to it though. I mean once I can do this all like a master, I don't know what use I'm going to have for you.”

“I could teach you card tricks,” Jared said, getting behind Madelaine. Before she could respond he brushed her red hair from her neck and kissed her pale skin.

“Mmmm you do know how to prove your worth,” she joked. Her hand set the mixed down and went to his head, caressing him as his lips pressed against her neck and shoulder. Madelaine cooed a bit when Jared's hands went to her hips, gently holding there.

There was just something about the way he made her feel. No rush. Even there first time, as spur of the moment as it was, there wasn't a rude urgency to it. There was always something more. Jared wanted to enjoy everything Madelaine was, and feeling that wanted felt knew to her. There wasn't a part of her body that went untouched with him.

That wasn't to say he didn't have his favorite spots. Her full lips went into a sexy smile when Madeleine felt his hands go to her tone and round ass.

“Oooh,” she said, licking her lips as he squeezed the peach. “You know...we keep going like this we may have to postpone breakfast...”

“As much as I love those pancakes, I think I'm having something a lot more delicious right now...” Jared stuck his tongue out, licking and flicking against Madelaine's earlobe.

He turned her around to face him and got his second taste of Madelaine's perfect lips of the day. Jared's hands went to her shirt, peeling it off Madelaine's body and allowing to become face to face with her pale globes once more.

He reached behind her, grabbing the bowl of strawberries and a spoon next to it. He looked at Madelaine's face, lips in a smile, anticipating everything he was going to do. He placed the spoon in the bowl and got a small spoonful of the strawberries and syrup then drizzled it on her tits, the bright red matching her fiery red hair.

Madelaine licked her lips, the sensation of the warm syrup on her skin giving her a small flurry of goose pimples. Though that population soon jumped up when the sticky sweet warmth of the syrup was joined by Jared mouth. Her eyes fluttered and he licked and sucked her flesh,savoring the taste of Madelaine mixed with the sweetness of the strawberries.

She wanted to grab his head, hold him close to the breasts her was worshiping but held herself back. She loved having him being in control like this, not having to tell him to slow down. Madelaine gave him the keys to the castle and loved it when he explored.

Jared drizzled more of the syrup on Madelaine's stomach, giving it the same tender taste test as her breasts. He looked up at her, standing completely straight against and pulling her close. They kissed, Madelaine getting her own taste of the strawberries before she got lifted up on the counter.

Jared dropped to his knees, syrup bowl in hand once more. He parted Madelaine's fit legs, opening them up and running his hands over her her smooth creamy skin. His hands went to the hem of the boy shorts she was wearing, tugging them off and throwing them over his shoulder into the living room.

He grabbed the bowl and created a trail of the red strawberry syrup, leading up to her glistening pussy, another taste he was craving, looking at her moist opening an the cute strip of red hair Madelaine had shaved it into.

“Oh baby,” she gasped. Jared licked his tongue up and down her thighs, making sure to get every drop of the sticky sweet before getting the main source of sticky sweet Jared was craving.

Madelaine shuddered a bit, holding tight to the counter when his mouth arrived at her pussy. A soft moan escaped her smiling flips as Jared began worshiping her pussy. Sucking and licking from his mouth with skilled caresses and working of his fingers made Madelaine's head roll and her body shiver. When his pace increased, so did her reactions. Soft moans became loud pleasured cries. Her body reacted, almost out of Madelaine's control. The lustful redhead began to grind against his face while one hand moved from its iron grip on the counter to the back of his head.

Still, there was always more to come. Jared once more got to his feet, removing the sweat pants he slept in on the way. He wrapped his arms around Madelaine's body, pulling her close and kissing her. His cock was at the entrance to her pussy. Their eyes were locked.

“Ung,” Madelaine grunted as he entered her. “Oh Jared,” she said. She pulled him even closer. “Take me.”

They both let moans escape their lips as they fucked. From decipherable sounds to each others name, each syllable was dripping with lust and passion for each other.

Madelaine's legs wrapped around him, her heels digging into his ass. They constricted around him tighter and tighter with every thrust, refusing to even entertain the possibility of letting Jared go.

Jared felt the same way in how he held her close as well. His hands ran down her spine, settling on the redheads round ass. His lips returned to her buxom chest, tasting the strawberry after taste on his tits and sucking her nipples tenderly. Jared moved his mouth to Madelaine's face kissing from her chin to her full lips, looking deeply in her eyes.

He pressed his forehead to hers, the lovers' eyes never leaving each other. “Mads,” her groaned. “Oh...oh bay you're so fucking good... mmmm, feels so perfect.”

“Oh...fuck me...oh fuck me Jared,” Her legs squeezed tighter and her tongue extended, licking at his face. “Take me to the couch...oh...take me there baby...”

Jared held her close and walked them both over to the couch. Once they were settled in, Madelaine kissed Jared again, sucking on his tongue. She placed her arms on the back of the couch, steadying herself for her ride.

“Ohhh shit, Madelaine,” he groaned, squeezing her ass hard  as she began. “Yes...fuck yeah just like that baby...”

“Yesss,” hissed Madelaine. “Gonna ride this dick... mmm, perfect cock...” Her eyes were closes and her open mouth in a smile as Madelaine began to bounce on Jared cock. Every moment was a bit more than the last. Faster, hotter, more urgent...then she would slow down to a grind, working her hips in a sensual circle on him.

Not that she was doing all the work. The feel of Jared's hands all over her bod, addicted to feeling every inch of her flesh. His hot and hungry kisses on her breasts and neck, his own thrusting into her when she slowed down. And she loved it all. She loved the control he let go of, how she was setting the pace now, getting what she wanted out of it, which was exactly what he wanted as well. The view wasn't bad either when she threw her head back, her red air getting an almost ethereal glow in the sunlight shining through the windows.

Of course, spontaneous was key as well, which is what Madelaine got next.

“Oh!” she yelped, which turned into a giggle of lustful glee when Jared grabbed and put her on her back on the couch. Her took one of her legs, kissing her calf before placing it on her shoulder.

“Gonna fuck me good huh?” she asked in a tease. “I want to cum on your cock Jared...baby make me cum on your cock...only for you...I only want to do it for you and your cock...ohhhh...”

If his fuse wasn't already lit, that certainly would have done it for Jared. Their lips collided again as he began to take her pussy once more, and with her leg on his shoulder, much deeper.

“Yesyeyesyesyes YES!” she cried. “Mmmm god yes Jared...oh my god you're gonna make me cum! Your cock is so fucking deep...OH FUCK YES!”

Jared grunted, taking breaths through gritted teeth. His cock felt amazing sheathed in her heavenly cunt, and the look on her face matched that. Framed by hair wet by sweet, her pale face was flushed red, her apex of pleasure rushing towards her and playing piano on her nerve endings. A symphony of pleasure being played out with her face and body.

“Huh...huh...OH GOD JARED YES!” Madelaine yelled, her voice somehow both angelic and bellowing as she came. Her back arched and her eyes rolled. Watching all this Jared couldn't resist kissing her again, a gesture welcomed by Madelaine as she held the back of his head as their lips embraced refusing to lose that contact until she was done with it.

When the kiss broke, Jared looked in to Madelaine's gorgeous eyes again, a hint of desperation in his eyes. “I'm gonna cum Mads...oh baby I'm gonna shoot...”

“And I want to taste you,' she said in between breaths. “Mmmm I want to taste your cum...right in my mouth...mmm please Jared...you made me cum now it's your turn...you pleasure...mmm is mine...”

“Oh shit,” he said, quickly pulling out of Madelaine's pussy. However, instead of going right to her mouth, He stopped at her tits, giving her amazing rack a quick titfuck.

Madelaine's reaction was a knowing, sexy little smile and a wink. He deserved it, he earned it in so many ways. She pressed her tits firmly around his cock, getting off a little watching how lost her got in even a few moments of pleasure between her globes, as that was all it took.

“Oh MADELAINE!” Jared cried out. He frantically removed his cock from between her tits and got it to her welcoming mouth just in time for the first stream of cum to shoot off, splattering against the roof of Madelaine's mouth.

“Mmm hmmmm,” she hummed her lips closing around his cock head. She softly sucked him, her tongue gently running underneath the crown of his cock and he came. And she swallowed ever stream with a sweet and sexy look on her face.

When the well ran dry Jared removed his wilting cock from her mouth, falling onto the armrest behind him on the couch.

“Holy shit,” he said. “I don't even remember what I did without you Mads.”

“Same thing I did without you,” she said, licking her lips as she sat up. “Slummed it. Pretty bad. You...probably way worse than I did.” She cralwed the short distance over to Jared side of the couch and kissed him, then began to cuddle in his arms. “So...I'm thinking pancakes, shower, then we regretfully part ways until tonight...you still picking me up from work?”

“Yep.” replied Jared. As the two got up from the couch to the kitchen, a thought occurred to him. “Really dreading school starting up again. Less opportunities to be together with our schedules.”

“We'll manage,” Madelaine said. “Besides, worse comes to worse we can always sneak off into Madchen's classroom again....”

“I'm detecting a kink or two,” Jared said, getting a wink from Madelaine. And all was right for them, kinks and all.


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 04:42:36 AM

“This is it!” said Jake. He dropped his final box of things right in the middle of his very own studio apartment. He smiled wide, beaming in pride at his first place he could live in alone. Jose and Alison were a little less impressed with his studio apartment.

“This is it?” Jose asked. “This is the place you've been gushing about?”

“Hey, it's my first place that I can afford by myself, no borrowing money, paid for by wrestling. It's perfect. And just the beginning with the new deal we got with Evan.”

“Yeah, well I think Jose's little stunt before New Year's made Evan so nervous we got a nice little pay increase,” Alison said. “So let's all thank Jose for growing a pair!”

“Hey, I always had a pair,” Jose said. “I just hid them very carefully, only for use at the right, precise time. You see, my testicles are like nukes...”

“In that unleashing them would cause an apocalyptic event, killing everyone in the immediate vicinity?” Alison sarcastically asked.

“Okay, I need to work on that analogy. But hey, more money, we all got our own places, and I got to see Kira be utterly CRUSHED by my balls of fury!”

“That must have been odd for her,” Jake said. “Usually she's the one crushing balls. And dreams.”

“Well, often my dreams are tied in with my balls.” Jose replied.

“Okay, enough with the balls talk my boys,” Alison said. “We need to get back to the business of unloading Jake's stuff so we can go unload Jose's stuff at a much slower pace in his super nice rich people apartment. Probably with a bidet and self-heating toilet seats.”

“Oh they definitely self-heat,” Jose added. “How many more boxes you got so we can all get the treat of warm porcelain on our butts at my place?”

“That's it, really. I got most of my stuff before I went back home to pick you and your stuff up today. Got my last box before I picked up Alison and we swung by your parents' place.”

“You know, you could always have more of your things here and not in storage if you and Jose just got a place together.”

“Well, first off I wouldn't have ditched Camila for that,” Jose said. “And secondly, I think me and Jake had our fill of living together after two semesters. I love you like a brother man, but good god I would I have accepted Cami offer if it was a cardboard box. And not even a big one. I'm talking cereal box.”

“Oh totally,” Jake said. “We would've killed each other. The dorm plus sharing motel rooms are the road, driving in the same car for hours, smelling each other's farts...”

“And guessing what the other ate, which I am still a champion of by the way.”

“...yeah, right. A champion with literally no competition. But anyway it's just better to live apart right now then finally snap on each other like in some bad sitcom.”

“Then, I don't know, maybe move in with Lili,” Alison suggested. “I mean really, lok at this place. It's not bad but your king size bed takes up, what, a good fifth of the space in here? Then the book shelves, the entertainment center, your weights....I don't know probably your toilet is in the closet...”

“It's not that small!”

“That's what she said,” Jose said with a grin, holding his open palm out to Alison. “Come on Brie, don't leave me hanging.”

“Fine,” Alison said, rolling her eyes as she gave him a high five. “But that was a pity five, you're better than that Jose.”

“Yeah but I couldn't just leave something that good lying there.”

“That's what she said.” Alison replied. She looked to Jose with a grin. “That's how you do it, by the way.”

“That's what she...you know what, never mind.”

“Good call.”

“Okay, with that little pissing match over,” Jake said. “Alison, I'm fine with the size. Once everything else is up, it's going to be more than enough for me right now. And as for why I'm not just getting a place with Lili...well first she's going to be crashing with Camila and Jose.”

“Probably.” Jose added. “I know Camila going to make the offer today.”

“And even beyond that...we actually talked about it a little bit in Mexico and...we're not ready for that. Especially me. I mean I love her but I just need to live alone for a while. Have privacy, real privacy. Besides she's going to get my spare key so she can come over whenever. I just..I need my own place, you know?”

“Hey, if you're happy, I'm happy,” Alison said. “And hey, at least you have a full kitchen. That's good. And the patio is no where near the dumpsters. So that's two pluses!”

“Look, all I need is a place to study, lift some weights, sleep...and when Lili's over more than sleep. I'm a simple guy. Simple needs.”

“If we're done with openly judging Jake's living choices let's switch to unpacking his stuff and silently judging them...” Alison said. “Then we can go to Jose's place, help him unpack his crap, and test out all the rich people stuff in that apartment.”


With lunch done it was back to grindstone for Lili, Camila and Hailee. And while Lili went back to her job outside of the hotel, Cami and Hailee returned to the office. And it could have been worse. They were in a nice, air conditioned space, reasonably comfy chairs, and a flexible schedule. The perfect college job.

And right now the work load was particularly light as they were still considered as being in training. Which meant all they really had to do was file a few bit of paper in the right places and enter the information in the computer. The'd have to do more as things went on, but at the moment the load was light. This left the two a bit more time to get to know each other, something both wanted.

Hailee stopped in Camila's cubicle, a folder in hand. “Hey Cami,” Hailee said. “Do the reports from the second half of yesterday go with the first of of today's or with the rest of yesterday's?”

“I think yesterday night's stuff, at least for retail and restaurant stuff.” Camila replied. “I'd check with Ms. McGuffin just to be sure though.”

“Sure thing.” Hailee turned to walk out, but Camila had one more thing she needed to talk with Hailee about.

“Hailee, hold on,” she said. “I need to ask you something. I couldn't ask it around Lili, because I think she would've just told me what I wanted to hear.”

“Sure.” replied Hailee. “Anything wrong?”

“Oh no! No...at least I don't thinks o. That's kind of the question. Look, let me preface it with this. I really do want us to be friends. A lot. And similarly, kind of for the same reasons, I want...”

“Lili and Peter to be friends,” Hailee said, finishing Cami's thought.

“Exactly. And since she was crashing with you...did they get along okay?  You were there and I think you have the same interest in this I do. I really want my two besties to get along, maybe even be friends themselves.”

“It was fine Cami,” Hailee said, her easily warmed heart once again warmed over. “I mean they aren't super close but that's mainly because Peter's been so busy with the commercial and...” Hailee paused, wondering if she should say anything about the movie before Peter and Sabrina got the chance.

“And what?”

“Um...okay, let me finish the Lili thought and I'll fill you in on the rest.” Cami nodded, so Hailee proceeded. “There's no conflict there. Honestly if they had a chance to just sit down and talk they'd get along super good over the horror movie fascination alone. If Lili had gotten a look at his horror movie collection, they'd still be talking shop over zombies and demonic serial killers.”

“Oh my god, did he bring the whole collection? It filled up half his room in Junior year!”

“That's been half his unpacking, and you know he won't let anyone touch it without...”

“Knowing the rules.” responded Camila, making the two of them laugh. “Believe me, I know the rules. I might still have a printed copy of them in my room at my parents' place in town.”

“But yeah, no problems.”

“Oh that's good,” Cami said. “I don't know why I'm so...weird about this, you know? I just...everything is so good now and I don't want anything to upset it. I just want this whole situation to be real smooth. No stupid drama, no nothing. I want my friends, I want my man, and...I don't know how to put it in words without being too sappy but I just want us all to get along.”

“We all are,” Hailee said. “And believe me, the effort is really appreciated.”

“Well, with that out of the way,” Cami said, shifting in her seat a bit, leaning forward on her desk. “What is the other thing you were getting at.”

“Oh...okay...I did say I'd finish the thought.” Hailee took a breath, sitting down finally on the chair in front of Cami. “Peter and Sabrina want to shoot the film they wrote over this next semester. They have me and an acting friend of ours named Liz in the cast. They're going to hold auditions the first week of class, start finding the crews, and shoot the Hell out of it  in February so it's done by March, or most of it is at least. We have a skeleton crew ready to go to work with us, so things should go really smooth.”

“That's great!” Camila said. “He's finally doing it. That's so awesome. I'm surprised he didn't tell me about it though.”

“Yeah, that's the thing,” Hailee said. “He's kind of nervous about that.”


“Well...because Sabrina thinks he should ask you to fund the movie and Peter does not want to make it look like he's using his friend just for her money or make it look like he's just your friend because of the money.”

“Oh my god, this shit again,” Cami said, her eyes rolling. “I swear to god this is the one thing that always infuriates me about him. Do you know how many times growing up we went to Disneyland on my dime, or my family's dime? Twice to DisneyWorld. And I always INVITED him, he never asked. I HATE it when he does this. Makes me feel so weird. I mean I like the fact he doesn't want to use me as a living ATM but then he goes all stupid nice guy and won't even ask me for help when he needs it.”

“So...does that mean you'll do it?”

“Of course Hailee!” Camila replied. “He's making his dream come true, I want to help. Done deal...but I still kinda wanna see him squirm now. No offense but this...GAH it just gets under my skin. I get it! My family has money...I mean I don't want to be a seen as a living mint but I don't want to be treated differently because f it regardless, especially from a friend.”

“Oh, I get it, I totally do.”

“Okay, I'm going to breathe, make this a little less awkward and throw out my next question...or suggestion. A question I guess.”

“What's that?”

“A triple date this weekend,” said Camila. “Your place preferably. Mine's still getting furniture moved in and I think Jake, Lili's boyfriend, has a studio apartment. You and Peter, me and Jose, Jake and Lili. Let Peter pick the movie...just have a chance for all of us to get together. Food's on me too.”

“Sounds great!” Hailee said. “Except...let me handle the food. You're paying fo the movie I'm in, the least I could do is pay for a couple pizzas.”

“Deal,” Cami said with a smile. “And...thanks. I know I'm being neurotic about all this. I must look like a TOTAL psycho over all this.”

“No, not at all.” Hailee replied. “I actually think it's kind of sweet. Just wanting everyone to be cool with each other. That's a good thing. And, it's what I want too. I mean, of course I want my boyfriend and my best friend to get along and I can't even explain how happy I am there's no weirdness here.”

“Me too,” Camila said with a confident smile. “And between new blossoming friends, do me a favor and don't tell Peter you already told me about the movie thing. Kinda want to see him sweat a little. I mean if he wants to be nervous about it who am I to say no to  him?”

“Of course,” Hailee said, giggling. “Just make sure you show me the video of it. He's cute when he's flustered.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 05:12:36 AM

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/125873596_dc8adyoevuyxn4mbor9tnbzp490prm3jjizhd44bee0.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/125873596_dc8adyoevuyxn4mbor9tnbzp490prm3jjizhd44bee0.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/125873599_f1gg8wkzejp5rvr4x8xgjmdogd-jveye91pqge_4c4s.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/125873599_f1gg8wkzejp5rvr4x8xgjmdogd-jveye91pqge_4c4s.jpg)

With such a short time until the college reopened, moving in was a common theme locally. That was true for Jesse, who had finally finished loading up the last of his belonging in his new place with the aid of his close pal, Victoria Justice. With everything but some books and other things left unpacked, the two decided to celebrate in the best way possible; raw, uninhibited sex.

“YES!” Victoria yelled. She was bent over Jesse's dressed, gripping it's edge's hard while his cock was thrusting hard up her ass. “HARDER! Fuck that tight little ass you love so much like you fucking mean it, Jesse!”

This wasn't an unusual scene for the two for the entirety of the winter break. Neither really had any plans for the break itself, especially with Jesse's girlfriend Peyton already gone, prepping for her semester in Europe which effectively ended their relationship. SO with nothing to do, the pair of fuck buddies did what had come naturally; they fucked.

“Ooooh fuck yes,” Victoria cooed. Jesse geared back, smacking the firm ass while his cock ravaged it. The two weren't dating. Neither of them saw what they were doing like that, and the only “d” word she was a big fan of was dick, and Jesse's was easily in her top five.

“Oh pull my fucking hair!” the ravishing brunette growled. “FUCKING yank it while you pound that asshole!” She let out a lustful laugh when Jesse did as she demanded. Every hard thrust, smack of her ass and now pull off her hair just made the fires inside burn hotter.

Raw, dirty sex was just what Jesse needed. Sure, he was in a somewhat good place. Steady employment, a roof over his head, the basics were covered. But when it came to women, it was pretty much a minefield. With both Demi and Peyton gone, he was completely done with relationships for a while. Thankfully, he and Victoria didn't want that... they just wanted to fuck. And Victoria was a big fan of anal.

Jesse grabbed a handful of Victoria's hair and yanked her back, the sex pot Latina hissing through a toothy smile. She absolutely loved it when the men just let go and give in t the lust. It was always a better fuck that way. And sine he was way past the point of coherent sentences, all the better. Victoria always liked to be the one doing the talking anyway.

Not being able to speak above caveman grunts and groans however didn't mean Jesse wasn't take an active role beyond jack hammering in Victoria's ass. His hand freed her hair then went to the small of her back and pushing her down, her face now against the flat wooden surface of the dresser.

“Yeah that's right,” she said, her voice both yearning and teasing. “Really fucking go deep up that ass...mmmm yeah just how I fucking like it Jesse...oh fuck YES!” She yelled out, slamming her hands hard on the surface of the dressed. Hard, deep...perfect.

Faster and faster he drilled, his mind and body laser focused on getting that last release of pleasure. He and Victoria were both on that precipice, it wouldn't take much to knock either over the line.

And Victoria wanted her cookie first. Her hand went right between her legs, working her clit like a mad woman all while demanding Jesse go even harder. No pausing..everything...and then some.

“FUCK IT!” she yelled. “FUCK MY ASS! Oh but when you cum...oh you better fucking shoot that dirty fucking cum right in my mouth...I want to taste my ass on that cock! Then get that hot fucking cum right inmy mouth...ngg...down my throat...fucking do it...fuck...gonna cum...fuck I'm gonna cum with that cock up my ass YESSSS!!!”

Victoria howled as her asshole clamped down hard on Jesse's still thrusting cock, her orgasm a rolling tide, crashing against every single nerve ending in her body. Heaven with the fire of Hell burning the edges. But it wasn't over yet...and Victoria was only to happen to give Jesse his happy ending.

“Ung cumming...gonna..fuck!” He pulled out of her ass and Victoria spun around to her knees, her hands and mouth getting to his cock before he could grab it to jack himself. Victoria liked being hands on.

The suckjob was nothing short of furious. Hard and fast, her hand pumping his shaft while the other worked those jizz filled balls of his until maximum overdrive was achieved.

He moaned out her named, pleasure racing throughout his body and exploding out of his cock, right into Victoria's hungry mouth, the happy little harlot greedily swallowing down every single bit she could. Waste not want not.

“Well, I think we've broken in your new place quite nicely,” Victoria said. She got to her feat and began to reach for their clothes, haphazardly tossed about the apartment. They were just a few stray gym clothes, as that was her destination before she and Jesse scratched their mutual itches. “And since I got my cardio ut of the way, I think I'll just do a few laps at the pool. Probably should shower first though, you mind?”


Jesse didn't. He joined her in fact. He had work to get ready for anyway, helping Madelaine train some new hires at Knockers so a shower combined with some post-sex fooling around was the perfect way to make sure he went to work In a good mood.

It did seem to do the trick as his good mood remained after Victoria had left. And as Jesse still had a few hours to kill, he decided to just sit back and watch some TV, but that plan was interrupted by a knock at his door. And when he answered his door, that mood went sour.

“What are you doing here Matt?” he asked, refusing to let his estranged friend in the door. “Nobody here but me, in case you were in need of someone else to run out of town.”

“Look, I know I'm the last person you want to see,” Matt said “And... I'm sorry about the whole Demi thing, I really am. But...I need to know something. And it involves her.”

“I'm not telling you where she went.”

“I don't deserve to know.” That comment shocked Jesse. He didn't expect to hear that from Matt. “Look...that night...the Halloween party when...when someone got Demi drunk and...”

“Pretty much raped her?”

“Yeah....it was Paul, wasn't it?”

Jesse hesitated. He didn't know what to do, or how Matt had figured this out. He needed to buy some time. “Why do you ask?”

“I know it sounds weird, but it's for my job...look, that's all I need to know. I'm not going to look for Demi or anything like that. That ship has sailed, even to just apologize to her. But that's what happened, right? And she made you promise not to tell.”

“Well I guess it's to telling if you figured it out.”

Matt nodded. “That makes what I have to do easier.”

“What exactly is it you have to do? Jesse asked.

“You don't need to know. Thanks Jesse. And...sorry. If you see or hear from Demi...tell her I'm sorry as well. Like she wouldn't believe. For what it's worth.”

“Yeah sure,” Jesse said. It'd been a while since he saw Matt act like he was anything but Paul, Jr., and this seemed like the guy he used to be. His friend and the guy Demi was madly in love with. Before Matt walked out the door, Jesse had one more question for him. “Did you know? That...you know...Paul did it?”

“I guess? I don't know. It doesn't matter now. Because he's into going to get to do it again. Or even attempt it.” And with that cryptic sentence, Matt walked out, leaving Jesse to wonder what exactly had just happened an what Paul had done to tip the scales like this.


Like many of the college's students, Norman was putting the finishing touches on his first apartment. Unlike many of them, including his own girlfriend Taylor Swift, he was done. Everything in it's proper place and ready to go, ready to work. Which was what he had been doing.

It was a simple enough gig, redesigning Bella's website, beefing up the security and encryption, securing everything to the Nth power. After some recent breach sin her personal trust Bella wanted a total do over of her security and was willing to pay a hefty price. And since Norm was no longer taking sexual favors from Bella or her girls, his asking price went up. Bella didn't mind. It was just business. As long as goods and services were paid for, that was what was important.

Norm sometimes still was amazed he would turn down sexual fantasies come true from an array of drop dead gorgeous women, they were a thing of the past for him. Now, there was only one woman...and ironically she also wasn't above paying him with sex for services at one time.

But that was in the past. Now, it wasn't business with Taylor Swift, it was very personal and Norman wouldn't have it any other way. He never thought he'd say that about him and Taylor, the whole thing had snuck up on them both and left them both with big smiles.

And when he really thought about it, their relationship did make all the sense in the world. They did what they had to do. Business was business and was to be taken as such. Fools were not to be tolerated. When someone made things personal, the retaliation must be legendary. She didn't judge what he did and he afforded her the same consideration. What a match.

Going over all the reason it worked like that made things sound clinical. It wasn't. Taylor had an incredible soft and sweet side to her, a tenderness she chose to keep away from most. And seeing how well that meshed with her more edgy side made her endlessly fascinating to him. He couldn't wait to see her again every time she left.

And one of those gains was going to be later today. She'd called ahead a few hours earlier to let Norm know she would be showing up in the afternoon. And since they had keys to each other's place, they could both come and go as they pleased.

It would have been nice if she let Norman know when she was coming by, but that wasn't a big deal. She knew he had work to get done so if she came by the in the middle of it, the issue wouldn't be much of one.

Norman was actually in the middle of finishing up, at least enough to give Bella a quick one over when she was back in town, when he heard the sound of his front door opening. Taylor was in the building.

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“Babe, you here?” he heard her ask, shutting the door behind her.

“Yeah, in my bedroom,” he said.

“That's nice and convenient,” Taylor said as she joined him. “Brought some food. Your favorite from Humberto's; Shrimps and queso burrito with lime-cilantor rice and queso blanco to go along with the gooey queso sauce in the burrito...and of course a side of black beans.”

“Perfect to the last detail.”

“Of course,” Taylor said with a grin. “Look who you're talking to.” She reached into the bag of food and handed him a Styrofoam container, then took her own out. “Care to guess what I've got?”

“Three fish tacos on a bed of rice, one extra lime and light on the cabbage and extra salsa verde.”

“Ding ding,” she said, opening her container. “You're not so bad yourself.” She closed her food up and kissed Norman. “You still have those Pacificos in the fridge?”

“Yeah...maybe we could put the food in there too, for now at least.”

“Why's that, aren't you hungry?”

“Yeah, but I was thinking maybe I take you out? Kind of been cooked up here all day...and you know...go out on the town with a beautiful woman on my arm...”

“Well, first of all thank you,” she said with a smile. “I don't know. I just thought it'd be better if we stayed in...cuddled with some Mexican food and beer... maybe more. Doesn't that sound fun?”

“Well yeah, of course it does.”

“Well then there we go.” She gave him that smile again. It wasn't intentional on her part. She didn't really know he couldn't say no to it. And even if she did, she was going to make things that much sweeter for him. “Besides, if we went out, then I wouldn't be able to do this right now.”

“Do what?”

“This.” Taylor winked at him then got to her knees. She tossed her shirt off, leaving her just in her bra and cut offs. Taylor looked up at him, her blue eyes almost glowing with the heat of what she was going to do. Her hands grabbed the gym shorts he was wearing. Being self-employed meant no dress code for Norman, which meant no wasted time with zippers and belts. It was off with those shorts and on to Taylor's appetizer.

“Mmm, this makes a girl feel wanted,” Taylor said. Her hands gently grasped his cock, already hard and ready for her. “I don't even have to touch it, do I? Not to get your hard at least. Just the thought of these red lips one your pole gets you hard, doesn't it? I've sucked you so many times and you're always ready, huh? And it doesn't bother you does it? That these lips have had so many other cocks...your girlfriend has been around...does it bother you baby?”

“No,” he said, his voice cracking a bit and she slowly and delicately began to pump his cock. “If...ohhh if anything I'm reaping the benefits...and I'm the only one now anyway...”

“One of the many reasons I like you Normie,” she said with a cute little smile. “Always smart...and smart is sexy.” It actually got Taylor a little more turned on than she already was hearing him say that. How her business transaction didn't phase him. And it was true...she hadn't been with anyone else since they started dating. Sex was no longer in her checkbook. It had never needed to be. She knew how to negotiate without it. But sex was also fun....and as it turned out, even more fun when it meant something more than a fair trade.

“Now...I think even before we got together as more than fuck associates you knew I LOVED sucking dick. Just...mmm just love it Normie. But you want to know why?”

“Why?” He was n the palm of her hand, figuratively and literally. While one hand softly pumped his dick, the other gently played on his thighs, razing up and down with her nails, sometimes her fingers tracing his and her names on the flesh surrounding his joy division. And her lips...those full red lips working in lustful tandem with those gorgeous blue eyes. She kissed his thigh, just above the knee, and left a red lip print on the flesh.

“I love how it feels in my mouth. How your beautiful cock pulses...how it twitches..how it flexes when you moan for me...and that...that something. That special way it throbs when you're about to cum for e. When I've pushed you to the point that holding back is just a fantasy and you give me all that delicious cum. Every last drop. That throbbing is like a calm before the storm....right before the rain hits. It's absolutely gorgeous.”

Her grip on his cock relaxed and Taylor's fingers teased the stalk before stopping the head. Taylor index finger took a single droplet of precum that had already began to form and swirled it delicately around the head. Norman shivered. He reach out for Taylor head, but she blocked him.

“No...let me do the work...all of it...this is for you Normie Baby...all for you...”

Those were Taylor's last words for a bit, as when that last word fell from her lips she wrapped those red lips around the head of his cock.

“Oh god Tay,” he said. “Oh baby...just like that..”

She sucked hard on his head, her tongue making love to his throbbing mushroom tip. Taylor wasn't going down any further, not just yet. She knew what Norman liked, how to give him just that right amount of unobtainable pleasure. Taking him all the way deep right now...well that would just ruin the flow.

She moved her lips from the very tip to the very root, planting kisses up and doown his hardness while her hands gently teased his balls. Her nails softly tickling them before cupping and massaging the orbs.

“And you know I never forget these bad boys,” said Taylor before bringing her mouth to his balls giving them a loving sucks and tongue bath, all while Norman sat white knuckled in his office chair.

One balls sucked on and rolled with her tongue, then the other, then both. Her hand slowly worked his cock and Taylor's eyes were still locked on his. She needed him to see it, that desire on her face, in her eyes. How much she enjoyed it, making him feel pleasure and the pleasure it brought her.

For Norman, it took all his will power not to touch her face, even to just brush her red-tipped blonde locks from her face. That was still a no go. Taylor wanted to do all the work, just let him enjoy it. And enjoy it he did.

That Enjoyment skyrocketed when her mouth went back to his cock, ready to go for the full experience. The full experience though never began at full speed. That wasn't Taylor's style. She wanted the moment savored and the act remembered. Too much pleasure at once and not only is over too soon, but all the build-up is worthless.

No, that never worked for Taylor, whether giving or receiving. Quickies had their lace, but that place wasn't there. Instead she took her time, altering her pace, keeping Norman guessing while being ever so methodical. Her tongue snaking, her hand teasing the tender flesh of his inner thighs while her other one had returned to his balls. The best part was something not a lot of men liked. It made them nervous, or in the worse case made them go soft. Norman? He loved it. He absolutely loved it when Taylor ever do slightly teased his cock with her teeth.

Not a bite. No, never that. A light grazing, sometimes. On the shaft,just at the most sensitive parts...and of course the crown, just at the ridge...and sometimes the underside. Just enough contact, just enough pressure to create goosebumps all over and have them return just at the memory.

“God Taylor...oh fuck baby...I...oh shit I can't believe how good you are...fuck...oh damn baby so fucking lucky...oh shit...”

“Mmm hmmm,” Taylor hummed in a sing song way. Encouragement was always welcome. Especially when it was delirious. Her pace sped up, the bright red of her lips fading now with every pass with red smears decorating Norman's cock. And all while never letting down with her technique, knowing just how to work her tongue, her fingers, everything. How to keep it at just that level without pushing him over the line. Norman cumming was up to her. And she had a few more things to say before that happened.

“I want to taste your cum honey,” Taylor said. Her hand had temporarily replaced her mouth, a blur on his hard dick. “I need a taste again...and I know you have so much for me...and that's the best part...it's all mine. Every last drop. So don't spill any...because that's not fair to me, is it...I earned every drop...so when you cum...I'm not going to stop sucking till I get every drop...you deserve it too...you';re so good to me...so I love being good to you...”

Norman could only reply with a grunt. He was still very conscious and in theory could form words, but with what Taylor was doing for him, words were useless. She understood. Her face told the tale with a smile and wink before her lips returned to his cock, ready to send him overboard.

Fast, furious and no mercy. She wanted him to cum, to feel that white hot liquid rocket out of the tip of his dick and splash against the roof of her mouth. One shot, to shots, everything he had to give her sliding down her throat like a warm drink.

Then it began, the end. She felt that delicate pulsing grow into something more chaotic, into a yearning throbbing, begging for release. She couldn't help but smile a bit with Norman's cock in her mouth, ready to explode. She loved the feeling. Almost as good as an orgasm of her own. She didn't worry about that though. She had faith Norman was going to provide that later on in the night.

“NnnNNGAAAH TAYLORRRRRRR!” Norman cried out, giving everything over to the pleasure Taylor was giving him. And Taylor was loving everything moment of it. Every shot of cum in her mouth, every gulp swallowing it down. How his dick throbbed and twitched as her mouth continued to milk it, giving him a case of full body shivers. She was true to her word as always, refusing to let him go until she got it all. It almost was an overdose of pleasure.

The moment his dick went limp, utterly sucked dry og life, Taylor released him, giggling a little when she saw the state he was in: slumped down the chair, soaked in sweat and desperate to catch his breath. And when his eyes caught hers again, that smile she'd grown to adore crossed his face.

“Oh baby,” he said. He reached for Taylor face, caressing it in his hand before leaning over to kiss her deeply. He didn't care that she'd just swallowed his cum. It didn't even cross his mind. He just needed to show his appreciation in some way.

“Mmmm,” Taylor said, blushing a little from the affection. “Well, now that is what I call an appetizer. No how about we move on to the main course?” She got to her feet and left the bedroom, only to return with the beers from the fridge. Taylor then laid on the bed, gesturing for Norman to join her. “Come on babe. I mean after all, nothing like dinner in bed...although I'm sure we could think of something.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 05:23:59 AM

“All right newbies, line up,” Madelaine said. She had ninety minutes to give these new Knockers recruits a crash course in handling the customers. Sure, they thought orientation was enough, but management knew better. Which was why Madelaine had arrived early, flanked by Jesse who had quickly become her exclusive busser. They were an amzing team and had never closed a night short of five hundred bucks since he started. Madelaine even used her influence as the lead server to get Jesse's work schedule to match with hers. That was the team and that's how it was.

Of course, the caveat to this was more responsibilities for Madelaine at the restaurant. Which she accepted. She saw it as managerial experience. So she had personally done the interview process for this new hires. All five of them from a pool of dozens. She had an eye for talent, and she had herself a loaded deck. With one sure fire Ace in the whole, Selena Gomez. She had it all. Cute and sexy, hot body, and a friendly demeanor. She could reel them in for sure. And the better the new hires, the bigger chance of her actually getting a manager position.

The women had lined up, Selena at the end of the line. Madelaine walked up and down this grouping. “It's pretty simple ladies,” she said. “Take the order with a smile. Be a slut and a saint, a good girl and a trollop all rolled into one. Then you get the easy money, right?” She stopped and stepped back to look at the all, smiling in a knowing way. “Wrong. You're all very, very wrong. This isn't some strip joint. Knockers sells sex, we absolutely do. But let's be frank ladies, if the customers just wanted tits and ass there's a strip club three blocks away. Not that much of a drive. So..why do they come here. What do we give that the strippers can't?”

She looked around, and Selena reluctantly raised her hand. “Gomez, speak.”

“Um, well we're there more than the strippers.” Selena answered. “I mean we check on them along with the bussers, get more contact with them, so we have to develop some kind of repair with them. I mean if they're seated they're paying no matter what so they're already spending money. So we give them something a little extra with their meal. Everyone wants to feel wanted. Not even just, you know, sexually. You pay attention to the customer, customize the experience so they don't feel like they're on a conveyor belt in a factory.”

“A little overlong but the sentiment is right.” Madealine gave Selena a smile then looked to the rest of the girls again. “Strippers can be nice to their customers. Even have regulars. But it's much more of a rehearsed routine in general. And what they're selling is quick. Once the customer gets the time they want with Peppermint or Dandelion or whatever stage name they use, the customer goes unles they're a full on stalker. We don't have that. These guys are putting away some serious food and they stay until they can walk again. So we  play a little nicer with them. We know them a little longer. Make it count and nine times out of ten you'll get a real nice tip. And know those faces, ladies. That way, when we get knew things on the menu, you know your regulars' faces and names and tastes. Makes ti feel more personal and, you guessed it, you get more money in your pocket.”

Madelaine saw the girls smiling.  Now it was time to bring them back down.

“I'm glad you guys like the sound of all that,” Madelaine said. “Here's the other part. Some of these guys are going to be drunk. Some of them are going to be creepers. Drunk ones at that. So...what do you do then?” Madelaine looked over to Jesse, signalling him over. “This is Jesse. He's my busser. Your busser is your best friend here. He helps keep your customers happy, joking around. He helps them fall hard for you. If you have a feature you like, you tell your busser to play that up for your customers. They clear the tables, bring the drinks, and help you sell. Jesse's the best, so he's always with me. You know what else they do? They get your creepers kicked out. The customers touch you inappropriately, you signal your busser, they go to the bouncer and then that is taken care of. Quick, efficient, and the rest of the customers don't get their night ruined by some drunk asshole.”

“What if they get extra...grabby?” Selena asked.

“Well then, that's when you can get just a little punchy,” Madelaine said. “The moment they get forceful, then you can get forceful right back. Now, with that being said, let's move on to something that will hopefully be a bit more of an positive thing then discussions over groping, the food testing. When you recommend daily specials, menu items, all of that, you better know what you're talking about. So, myself and Jesse here are going to go to the back, grab some food and bring out so you can all taste it. And yes, Vegan options included. While we're gone, study those menus.” Madelaine and Jesse turned to leave, then the redhead turned around once more. “Selena, we need a third. Come.”

Selena shrugged and got up, speed walking a bit to catch up with Madelaine. “Um...am I I trouble or something? For the questions?”

“No,” Madelaine said. “Quite the opposite. You had questions, you asked them. I don't like a quiet line-up. They don't tend to be the best workers. Half of those girls will probably last a couple weeks tops. They think it's all tits and ass. You, I like you. Liked you when I interviewed you. So that's why you'll be shadowing me tonight. And we're going to start a little early.”

The trio entered the kitchen to find trays full of food, fresh, hot and ready to go. Madelaine pointed out one of the trays to Selena. “Take that one out first,” she said. “All appetizers. Black plates are regular, white ones are the vegan options.  The tray holders are right by the door. And if you could please grab three. One for you, two for myself and Jesse.”

“Sure thing,” Selena said with a smile. She hefted her tray on one arm and grabbed three of the tray holder before heading out. She and Jesse exchanged a quick glance before she left. Now, to anyone else, that glance would simply come across as a simple nod. Nothing deeper. To someone like Madelaine however who could read a look in a millisecond, she understood totally.

“Keep it in your pants for now Jesse,” Madelaine joked. “At least give her a week before trying to get some of that.”

“What?” he asked. “I was just smiling at her.”

“Uh huh, sure. Look, when you do just don't fuck in the restaurant again like you did with Peyton.”

“Wait...how did you know about that?”

“We do have security cameras here, genius,” teased Madelaine. “Don't worry, no one saw it but me. I like to get here early and look at the security stuff sometimes. That tape went bye bye. That being said...nice job.”


“Look, I like you Jesse,” said Madelaine. “You're a good guy, you get the job done here, we make a lot of money. I consider you a friend, so let me just say slow it down a bit. You've been through what, two women in one semester? Both relationships, right? Or did I miss something over lunch break getting to know you sessions where you way overshare?”

“Well, yeah. But it's not like I jumped from one to another, they both left and all that.”

“And you went right from one relationship to another,” she said. She reached for a basket of fried pickles and brought them to Jesse. “Here, one of the perks of coming in early for this.”

He grabbed one of the fried pickles chips as did Madelaine. “So, where was I?” she said. “Oh yeah...don't go into this expecting true love or whatever. Just look for fun first. We don't need drama at this place, okay? I don't want it, neither do you.”

“Yeah, I read you.”

“But, to show I'm not a cock-blocker, she's like you. Looking to be an actor. So there's your in to get in. Especially if you see on campus.” The redhead tapped her pickle chip against Jesse's. “Cheers.”

“We going to finish this out there with the other girls?”

“Nah, let 'em sweat.” Madelaine replied. “This is probably the most stress free break we're going to get today.” She gave him a friendly wink as she chewed. It went well with what Jesse had to think on..he had kind of jumped from relationship to relationship...without really having fun...Victoria being the lone exception. Maybe it was time for some pure, non-committal fun.


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Matt was back at Bella's place. After speaking with Jesse, he knew there was o reason at all to protect Paul. He had come to the conclusion that Bella obviously had. Paul was skimming Bella's profits. Probably building some capital to do what Reggie attempted. And unlike Reggie, Paul was smart enough to know how to do it. Paul was a negotiator. He might have even been seeing some of Bella's business partners on his own. And since he was smarter than Reggie, Paul knew just how to skim to go undetected....if he wasn't dealing with someone like Bella. As smart as Paul was, his misogyny couldn't help itself. He couldn't think that a woman, especially one he fucked, could ever catch on to the things he was capable of.

He had never met a woman like Bella. And, to be honest, neither had Matt. That was clear with the influence Bella had had on him, as well as Dove. Sure, they were completely and totally filthy, slutty women. But they also had class. They were in control of themselves and their bodies. No one told them what to do or how to live. They did what they wanted and didn't really try to screw anyone outside of the bedroom. They both really changed Matt's view on a lot of things. They earned his loyalty. And with Matt accepting something he always suspected, Paul had lost his.

Still, there were nerves that twisted his stomach when it came to telling Bella about this. Would it blow back on him? He was friends with Paul way before he ever even met Bella or Dove. Would Bella question his loyalty? And, even with all this and what Paul had done to Demi, could he do it? What might he do in response?

Matt was hoping to have some more time to mull it over and do that over some of the vodka in Bella's office bar. Of course, that hope was crushed when he opened the door to see Bella behind the desk, going through some paperwork. She looked up at him and smiled. “Well hello Matt,” she said, taking her glasses off. “How are things?”

“Um...all right I guess,” he said. “I thought you wouldn't be back for a few more days.”

“I decided to change plans.” replied Bella. She got up from her seat and approached Matt, getting close to him and playing with his shirt a bit before kissing him “Didn't you miss me?” She smiled at him, her eyes knowing far more than her mouth was going to say. She knew Matt had something he had to say. It was just a waiting game.

“Well, yeah...I mean Dove has been amazing company as well...”

“Good...I like Dove too. We three...we make quite a little team, don't we?” Bella walked back to her desk, sitting on top of it. “So...you went through the books like I did, huh?”

He nodded.

“You came to the exact same conclusion I did, didn't you?”

“Yeah...I did.”

“Well, we'll talk about that later,” said Bella. “Right now, I have a job for you.” She got up from her desk again and walked to her bar, pouring herself a vodka then one for Matt. “Here.”

He walked over and grabbed the glass. “What do you need?”

“As you know, Kelli's audition is coming up. Tonight actually. Usually I wouldn't dream of putting such a new girl on the Elite payroll but frankly she was invaluable in the whole Reggie debacle and I think she's earned it. Besides, with what we've both discovered we might need to secure as many of our aces as possible.”
“Yeah, she really came through. Who's handling the audition?”

“You are,” said Bella. “You're going to get a taste of Kelli. See how far she can go. My Elite girls need to be able to run with me, with Dove. We need straight up filthy sluts but we also need a smart girl who can adapt and react to what their pervert has paid for. Sometimes an outright sex fiend can become a total pussycat at a moment's notice, from uttering filth you whispering sweet nothings. I know Kelli can suck a mean dick and I REALLY know she eats pussy like it's going out of style...” Bella looked at Matt and winked. “What I need to see is how she can deal with a man of...endless taste such as yourself. You can keep up with me and Dove. If Kelli can keep up with you, she's in.”

“Well, where do we begin the job interview?” Mat asked, any tension he once felt obliterated by his eagerness to “audition” Kelli. And that eagerness made Bella grin.

“There's a pre-furnished apartment on the tenth floor; 1075,” Bella said.  “Studio, nice. Mainly used for situations just like this. I have an agreement with the management here. Kelli's waiting there with a bottle of Belvedere and some vermouth. Have some martinis before you get really dirty.”

The two finished their vodka, then Bella kissed Matt again. “Have fun, babe.”

Matt made his way to the room, his mind more on the fact he was going to fuck Kelli Berglund in any dirty way his mind could think up rather than the words Bella had just spoken. He'd definitely have a lot to think of in that arena later, but right now, he had work to do and he was feeling every bit the workaholic right now.

One short elevator trip down and he entered the studio apartment, and there was Kelli at the kitchen area, dressing in a small red satin robe, open just enough to show off the underwear when wore underneath. She was just now finishing up mixing the martinis.

“Well hello there, she said, pouring him a glass to match the one she had made for herself. “Matt, isn't it?” She walked towards him, handing the drink to him.

“That it is” he said, taking the glass. “And you're obviously Kelli. Pleasure to finally meet you. IN a proper, intimate setting at least.”

“The pleasure's all mine.”

“Oh, I'm not so sure about that.” Kelli gave him a cheeky smile as she sipped from her drink. “I'm assuming you know the deal?”

“Of course,” Kelli aid. “There's an opening in Bella's cream of the crop. I'm interviewing for the position by showing you how many positions you can put me in. Spoiler alert...it's a lot.” Kelli slipped her tiny robe off and made her way to the bed, a surprisingly big and comfortable looking king size. She finished off her drink and set it aside. She looked up at Matt and reached her hands forward, pulling his pants down and freeing his semi-hard cock. “You know what they say about job interviews, right? Always start off with your strengths.”

“Suck that cock then,” Matt said. Kelli winked at him and put the head right between her lips, sucking it softly while she rolled her tongue over it in circles, moving under the head and slowly circling around it. “That's right...mmmm just like that.”

Matt held back,the only work he was doing was holding back strand of that lovely blonde hair from her face. He couldn't help but want to look down at that face, those luscious brown eyes while she sucked his cock. There was just something enticing about watching a master at work.

Kelli was certainly that, a master. No one could suck cock like she could, even Bella and Dove would admit that. They'd seen her in action. They'd joined in. Kelli just had a passion for it. A true craving for cock and nothing but. And a flat out ingrained need to make them feel good. Which is exactly what she was doing with Matt.

She was further down on his cock now. Not all the way, but at a halfway point. Kelli was building up to go full blast. To make him absolutely ache to cum. To drive him wild, make him go right into reckless abandon mode all in the quest to get his nut. That of course required more than her mouth. Sure, Kelli knew that was the featured player of the moment...but every star needs a great supporting cast. And Kelli's expertly manicured fingers played that part.

She didn't grasp at Matt's balls. That wasn't for now. Instead she lightly teased the sack, grazing them with just the tips of her fingers while his cock slowly sank deeper in her mouth with every pass. The delightful pace getting quicker...the sloshing sound of her sucking mixing amazingly with Matt's groans and grunts of approval.

Then, right at the perfect moment, Kelli took Matt's cock in to the root, all the way in her mouth and down her throat. “Ohhh fuckkkk Kelli,” he growled. “Hold it baby...fuck hold it right there...”

And she did. Kelli held his cock in her tight, warm throat before she had to pull away to gulp for air. She never looked distressed however, one bit. The only tell tale sign possible was a bit of her mascara running. And that was okay. It added to the visual.

When Kelli's breath returned, so did her mouth to Matt's cock. Now though, the build up was over. She slobbered her lips up and down his turgid dick, every throbbing vein getting covered in her saliva. Kelli moved her mouth to Matt's balls licking and sucking them while her hand pumped his dick with a speed and rhythm that would make Buddy Rich's jaw drop.

“Here's a not-so well guarded secret,” Kelli said. “I love cock. That's not just a company line either. I utterly love it. How dick looks...feels...smells..tastes...FUCK I just...just thinking about a hard dick makes my mouth water and my pussy wet. Mmmm this is such a nice cock too...and I want you to believe me Matt...you believe me right?”

“Mmm...y-yes....yes I do...”

“Good. It's true. I can cum with a girl but it's nothing like having a cock. Sucking one....having it in my pussy...or my ass. It's all so yummy...fuck I can't wait to have your cock everywhere. It's going to feel so fucking good....”
“How about you beg for it?” Matt suggested. “Beg for what you crave...”

“Mmm, please sir,” Kelli purred, a cheeky little smile on her face. “It's such a perfect cock...my mouths is watering so bad...fuck my throat...I want to show you how much I need it...please...fuck my throat like the whore I am....”

Kelli opened her mouth and laid out her pink tongue, waiting for Matt to place his cock upon it. She moaned a bit as he did, winking at him as she prepared for him. She placed her hands at his hips, bracing herself.

Matt grabbed a handful of Kelli's blonde hair, bunching it together as he began to ram her throat. The girl had no gag reflex. Matt still couldn't believe it. The word's couldn't have been in Kelli's lexicon. Kelli also seemed to have no limit. Between the wet, soothing sounds coming with every thrust into her mouth, Kelli managed to let out something that sounded like a desperately hungry moan out. And if Mat was able to feel her pussy, he'd feel how soaking wet she was. Kelli was a great many things, but a liar wasn't one of them. She loved every moment of this.

Matt was almost taken aback by how unfazed Kelli was at his hard and fast facefucking. Unfazed wasn't even the word for it...she almost seemed to fucking herself back on his cock, meeting him thrust for thrust. She was insatiable, and right now, so was Matt.

He yanked his cock from her mouth and slapped it on Kelli's face as she gulped for air. He stood back and removed his clothing, then looked at the sexpot on the bed, the grin she had returning to her face.

“Lay back,” said Matt. “I'm gonna have that pussy.”

“Oooh, tough talk,” Kelli said as she leaned back. “I think you can back it up too...just don't disappoint...”

HE was on her in seconds, stripped bare.  A surprised but confident chuckle escape her lips before being silenced by a ferocious kiss.  “I don't think there's going ot be much disappointment,” he said. Matt then reached between them and under her skirt, grabbing Kelli's pants and ripped them off with one tugs. Kelli's smile grew wilder.

“Now we're cooking,” she said. Matt answered by thrusting in to her sopping cunt, Kelli letting out a deep moan at being filled. And there was no slow build up. This was full breakneck speed fucking from the start Moans, and howls of pleasures mixing with the sounds of colliding flesh. Names like dirty little slut and filthy whore came pouring out of Matt's mouth directed at Kelli while she fired right back calling him a filthy fucking pervert and a disgusting and dirty motherfucker...and both loved every moment of it.

Every hard thrust got a delicious growl of lust from Kelli's mouth, never once breaking the lock of her gaze on his unless he hit just the right spot in just the way, making her have to shut her eyes and shiver, losing what control she was maintaining.

Matt pulled out of her and flipped Kelli over flat on her stomach.

“Ooooh yes baby, just like that you dirty fuck!” she howled when her was back inside of her, and on top of her, totally in control of her. Kelli held the sheets of the bed tight, gritting her teeth in a sinful grin as his cock was driving deeper into her. Deep, harder, faster, and in total control. “Fuck...take it...use that fucking pussy...just...ng...like...THAT!”

Matt slowed down just a bit, driving deeper into Kelli's cunt, grinding his hips with his cock buried deep inside of her.

“Nnnnyeah,” she sighed. “Let me really feel that beautiful cock...every rock hard inch...feel it throb in my cunt...oooh baby, I like it...just like this. You nkpw just what to do...”

If Matt was taking notes, he'd have given Kelli an A with an infinite amount of pluses. He talking game was on point. It wasn't just knowing what words to say, but how to say them, the tone of voice, the timing. And no matter what a little bit, or a lot, of truth in every word. No lying except on your back or stomach.

“I think I got a good idea Kelli,” Matt said, his gravely, lustful voice sending a few additional sparks up her already tingling spine. “I think that cock you love so much needs to go somewhere else...”

“Read my mind honey,” purred Kelli. “I'm aching for that cock in my ass.”

Matt gave her a few more pumps before pulling out and getting to his feet. Keli rolled onto her back and he pointed her towards the window. “Bend over the window sill. Anyone who passes by is going to see you getting fucked like a filthy little tramp.”

“Free advertising,” Kelli said with a grin. “I like it.” She stood up, removing her bra and showing off her cute, petite breasts, topped with wonderful pink nipples. Matt got a good look at him before she walked past him to the window, doing as he instructed and bending over it. The arch of her back was nothing sort of perfect, making that cute bottom of hers look even more delicious. “I know t's a nice view but that ass is so much better to fuck than it is to stare at.”

Kelli had a wonderful way with words. Matt got up behind her, smacking that ass before pressing his cock up against Kelli's delightful starfish. The resistance was minimal, and soon he was inside a whole new slice of heaven.

“Ahhh yesssss,” Kelli said, smiling wide as he ass was filled with cock. She braced her arms hard against the windowsill for what was coming next. “Take that asshole!” she demanded. “Make me your fucktoy Matt...because that'ts what I am and I love every fucking moment of it!”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and did just that, giving Kelli precisely the anal pounding she had asked for.

“Take it!” he yelled. “Take it you fucking slut!” Every...ung...fuck..mmming inch!”

“Yeah yeah yeah!” she squealed. “Mmm gimme that good dick...make sure I never forget it...pound that dirty asshole...mmmmm fuck make this slut yours!”

Matt was like a laser with his focused actions. Every single instinct was pure lust. Every driving thrust and drilling motion into her ass, every slap on her ass cheeks, a lustful bite on her shoulder, Matt was getting lost in everything Kelli was offering.

And Kelli? Kelli was just as ecstatic, just and punch-drunk in lust...but not quite as lost as Matt was. She was still giving him a lexicon of filth from her mouth while she threw a few sensational curve-balls at him, squeezing and flexing her ass while his cock continued to drill it, twerking herself on him, meeting him for every last filthy thrust he made.

Matt pulled out of Kelli's ass and spun her around, a confident yet dick drunk smile on her face.

“Lay on the ground, now,” he said. “I want to see that face while I take your ass...”

“Mmm, yes sir,” she said, winking at him. The moment she was down, he was back on her, kissing her like a depraved madman while his cock once aain returned home to her ass. And Kelli of course had a lot say about that.

“Yesss....oooh baby just like that...fucking hammer that ass..FUCK IT! Don't slow down...fucking use me to cum...fucking do it...use that slutty fuckhole...ohhhh fuck yessss!”

Matt was now wordless, his face watching Kelli's face intently. Every expression and micro-expression on her face, the lust, the hunger for more, how her lips curled with every profane thing she spit out at him was just more and fuel for the fire. When Kelli's hand shot down between them to rub her clit while he took her ass, Matt knew the end was approaching, and he was going to do what he could to bring it on faster.

“Rub that fucking clit,” he demanded. “Fucking pay with your pussy and cum with a dick in your ass...mmmm dirty little whore...fuck yeah..”

“Mmmm fuck yes...gonna cum with that nice dick up my ass...mmm that good dick...but you;'re gonna cum too...gonna give me that filthy fucking cum...disgusting...nnng pervert....shooting that dirty cum...but that's okay...mmm...because I'm dirty fucking whore and love it...”

And that did it for Matt, just as Kelli knew it would. She moaned as he grunted, feeling his cock pulse and begin to shoot his cum up her ass. It was enough to set of Kelli's orgasm, a delicious domino effect of pleasure.

As first waves of her orgasm ran through her, Matt removed his cock from Kelli's ass, moving open her face and firing the last few shots in her open mouth and face, leaving her the perfect slutty mess. Sweaty, covered in cum and in mid orgasm.

Once the two had caught their breath, Kelli rolled on her side, leaning on her elbow. She looked at Matt with a cocked eyebrow. “So boss...how'd I do?”

As Matt was giving his very in depth analysis,  Bella and Dove had coe to their own similar conclusion after watching the whole event unfold on Bella's computer from her office. Bella had installed a couple well placed hidden cameras when she decided to audition Kelli. Dove and Bella looked and each other and grinned. It was unanimous.

“She's in.” Bella said with a smile.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 05:34:05 AM

The weekend had finally arrived for the college town. Many of the remaining members of the student body were returning to town and prepare for the upcoming semester. Of course, many of the students had already returned and had started settling in once more.

Others who had come back earlier were already way past settling in and getting ready to relax and enjoy their last truly free weekend. Among this grouping were six people all located within Peter Farrano and Hailee Steinfeld's apartment. It was a night of movies and pizza, just hanging out. All just as Camila had hoped. Also like she was hoping for, everyone was getting along. Not that they hadn't before, but still, it was nice to see it continue.

On the sectional couch that had up until recently been Lili's makeshift bed. Right on her usual sleeping spot is where she sat with Jake, cuddled close together but with her attention 100% on the movie playing before them, Hellraiser. The film choice was Peter, and Lili couldn't have been happier.

Dead center on the middle section of the couch were Peter and Hailee, with Hailee in Peter's lap, her legs draped over the rest of couch and her head propped up an big cushion. A plate with a half-eaten slice of pizza was on her stomach rising and falling with her breath. Peter's hand was on her legs, caressing them while his other hand played with her hair. His eyes, much like Lili's were focused on the screen.

And on the final bit of the couch were Camila and Jose, similarly cuddled up as the others were, though Cami was more focused on Jose, who was frequently covering his eyes and burying his face in her shoulders at any sign of the gore the film had dripping from it. While this stuff wasn't exactly Camila's favorite, being friends with Peter had built her a bit of a resistance to all of the blood FX. This was something her friendship with Lili had only strengthened. Jose however had no such tolerance for this, which both surprised and humored Cami. Mr. Hardcore Wrestler himself couldn't take the fake blood and gore. She thought it was a nice little balance. She had to cover her eyes at his matches whenever he put himself at an unnecessary risk or decided he needed to bleed a river, he had trouble with foam rubber coated in corn syrup and red food dye.

The film was nearing it's climax. The villain of the piece was midway into being torn apart by Pinhead and his cohorts, his skin twisted and torn and Jose's eyes totally covered at the sight.

Resigned to his fate, the villain said his final words, “Jesus wept”, which Peter and Lili repeated in sync with the film. Then, the man exploded in a fountain of gore, bringing grins to gore-hounds faces as from the the film raced to its conclusion.

The moment the credits rolled, and Jose was able to see again, Lili began to rave. “I love this movie!” Lili said. “One of the best of all time!”

“I know, right?” Peter said.

“The FX are so good, the movie is so sexy, and gory and...oh so good, especially for a debut movie!”

“Aww, look, they made friends,” Cami said with a sarcastic tone and a genuine smile.

“Oh it's gonna get to be a real love fest when Lili sees your horror collection babe,” Hailee added.

“You've got a collection?” Lili asked. “I have a collection too! I mean back at home but it's pretty sizable.”

“I can vouch,” Hailee added. “Peter has one just as big. And we got most of it set up in the office. Some of it in the bed room.”

“What have you got?”

“OH, the early Movie Maniacs, normal and bloody variants, Tortured Souls...”

“Oh my GOD I have to see them!” Lili said. She turned to Jake like an excited school girl. “Please?  Please baby can we go see them?”

“Well, since we're in the apartment where they're located and not in a museum halfway across the world, sure.”

“Well, while you guys do that, Peter and I will be in the kitchen making a legendary cocktail of our own creation, the Ninja Knockout,” Camila said. “We discovered it freshman year of high school. Raided his parents liquor cabinet.”

“First question, why is it called the Ninja Knockout?” Jose asked. “And secondly WHY DO YOUR TOYS HAVE BLOOD ON THEM? The movies soaked in them aren't enough?”

“Oh come on,” Lili said. “You have a bloody Abdullah the Butcher toy.”

“That's different because Abdullah never made anyone's head explode!”

“No, he only stabbed people in the head with a fork,” Jake said.

“Don't try and use logic against me, it won't work.” replied Jose.

“And that's something I can vouch for,” Cami said. “And to answer the question, it's called Ninja Knockout because you can't taste the massive amounts of alcohol in the drink. Just one will get you way past buzzed. Two or three? You're blacked out and passed out.”

“You bring the nuclear green cherries?” Peter asked.

Camila reached for a small paper bag on the table in front of her, taking out the jar of the artificially colored cherries. “What do you think?”

“Awesome,” Peter said. “Haiz, you good with showing them the office collection?”

“You got it babe,” she said, giving Peter a quick kiss before getting to her feet. “Cami, should I bring a barf bag for Jose?”

“Oh come on, it's not that bad.”

“Dude, he has the Tortured Souls,” Lili said. “One of them has an exposed brain and another one is being hung by hooks and piercings.”

“...exposed brain?”

Hailee led Lili, Jake and Jose to the office while Camila and Peter headed to the kitchen.

“This is has been a lot of fun, huh?” Cami asked. “So glad we did it. And I'm rally happy we're all, you know, just cool. Getting along.”

“Definitely been fun.” Peter replied. “Hope this isn't the last time for all of this either. Been too long since we just hung out. No kind of drama surrounding it or getting to know you weirdness with new people. Just...laid back fun. Speaking of which, how did you eve know I had the ingredients for the Ninja Knockout?”

“I asked Hailee what kind of booze you guys had around the house and it all just clicked.” answered Cami. “Figured we give all them a little blast into our past. I think just one drink a piece though. No one needs to be black out drunk.”

“Oh I don't know, we could always end up making a movie like you and I did when we made the first batch.” Peter opened one of the cabinets in the kitchen and began to remove various bottles of liquor and liqueur.

“Oh my god we DID do that!” Cami remembered as she grabbed a few glasses. “Do you still have it?”

“Somewhere on one of my hard drive. It was the only film of mine you ever were in. Camera shy sober but when you're blitzed, an improv master.”

“Well, at least until I threw up on the couch,” she said. “But I did make that work, didn't I?”

The two began to laugh a bit before beginning the mixing of the cocktail, almost like a chef line in a restaurant. There was a science to this drink that only these two knew.

“Speaking of films,” Cami said. “Since I'm now part of yours and Sabrina's little venture, what sounds better to you, Executive Producer Camila Mendes or Producer. I'm leaning towards Executive myself. Feels like it has an extra bit of OOMPH to it...but Producer just sounds bad ass. Oh my god, THE PRODUCER IS HERE!!!”

“I think we'll sort that out when we get to making the credits,” said Peter. He paused what he was doing and turned to face Camila. “Thanks though. For the money. I know fifty grand is a lot but...”

“Hey, what did I say when you and Sabs came by to ask?” Cami asked. “It's okay. I'm not only happy to help, I want to. Yeah, it's a lot of money but I trust that you guys have budgeted this out and know what you're doing. Besides, it's your dream and you're my best friend. I'll help you in any way I can. The price tag doesn't matter. So, don't hesitate next time, okay? And no power point presentations, I'm not an executive or anything. I mean for Christ's sake I've seen you in your Batman underoos, we don't need to put on airs around each other. Could you hand me the Jager?”

“Oh, sure,” Peter said. He handed her to ice cold liqueur while he added some of his own ingredients to each glass. “I just don't want to use you for an ATM is all.”

“Yeah, thanks for that. But this isn't ATM use. But it's all good. We're working together, you get to execute your vision with Sabrina, I get to help, and I get to see you, Sabs, and Hailee in action. I can't wait. The script is really good too. I haven't been able to stop reading it. You guys have something special. I just have one tiny request.”

“Hey, it's your money, what do you need?”

“Well, I guess it's more like two. You've cast two of the female leads, but none of the male ones and there's still one more female role for the last story segment of the movie, right?”

“Yeah, we're going to do some casting stuff first weekend of the new semester. We got the Small theater from eight til four for auditions. Me, Sabrina and Hailee are going to be auditioning all comers.”

“Get a fourth chair,” Cami said. “I want in on that. If that's cool.”

“You got it. Anything else?”

“Well, now that you mention it, you said the guy who was doing the FX now just wants to do camera work, right?”

“Yeah. He's good too. We still have his designs but he's fine with us building on or changing them. He wouldn't mind consulting whoever we get to replace him.”

“Use Lili,” said Cami. “Seriously, she's good, really good. She did make-up stuff as a hobby in high school. Hailee's seen it. She's obsessed with horror and stuff like that just like you. I'm not asking you or Sabrina to do this sight on seen, but look at her portfolio, her designs, some of the amateur stuff she's done. She's good. She's a writer too so maybe she could go over the script as well. Again, if you're cool with that.”

“Hey, we got time before it all starts, so yeah, I'll check her stuff out. And if Sabrina's cool with it let her read the script.”

“Great!” Cami chirped, before giving Peter a quick but strong hug. “And that's it as far as my list of demands go. Now, let's focus on these drinks....slush or no slush...”

“Well, if we slush 'em then there's the possibilities someone is going to get an ice cream headache.”

“Slush style it is then,” Cami said with a giggle. Peter took out his blender and loaded it up with ice, followed by the alcoholic confection the two had been creating, then blended it into a smooth texture.

“You know, with all this talk about Sabrina, I didn't even ask where she was. I mean I know I suggested to Hailee a triple date kind of thing but she was always welcome...along with your brother of course.”

“She's actually out on a make-up date with him right now,” Peter said. “The make-up part on him.”

“Oh, I had no doubt about that,” Cami said. “Typical Ben. Finding a way to fuck up something good.” She took the pitcher from the blender and poured four glasses full of the drink, then she and Peter grabbed two of their own.

“Don't I know it,” Peter said. He lifted his glass and Cami lifted her, clinking them in agreement over his brother. “I think we nailed it.”

“Then just one more ingredient to go,” Cami said. She opened the jar of green cherries and placed on on top of each slushified drink in the glasses. “Cocktail hour has officially started.


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There was a huge amount of tension in Ben Ferrano's car. He had gotten Sabrina to go out with him, to try and make-up for not responding to her...and a little bit for fucking another woman which was something she had no clue about.

Getting her to agree to it had been no small feat, but there they were...and she was still giving him a bit of the silent treatment. Not completely, and she had laughed at some of his jokes and attempt to break the wall of ice she'd put up between them.

He was hoping a nice, relaxing dinner for two at the Whiskey Casket would calm things down. Nothing too fancy to pump up expectations from either of them, just something relaxing. Sabrina had agreed to it, mainly as the word whiskey was just a soothing word to her as it was one of her favorite things creation.

However, the closer the pair got to the location, the more a feeling of dread was coming over Ben. At this point he knew it wasn't Sabrina doing this. The tension wasn't that high between them. This was coming from within....and that's when it hit him. Lucy./. Lucy WORKED at the Casket. He couldn't take Sabrina there!

Now his mind raced for a way out of this. He was good at thinking on his feet, especially in positions like this. When it came to juggling women this wasn't his first rodeo.

At the next light he took a left instead of a right, changing direction from the intended route. Sabrina immediately noticed.

“What are you doing?” she asked. “Why are you going away from alcohol and mozzarella sticks?”

“Sabrina, would you agree I screwed up bad.”

“Yes. Yes I would.”

“Well, I think to start to fix that screw up...I..uh...should take you someplace really special, like that jazz club we went to after we moved in to the apartment.”

“You hate jazz.” Sabrina cooly replied. “You really hate jazz.”

“Yeah, but you love it, and I need to make things right, don't I?”

“Yeah, you do. But I don't want to spend the night in club where instead of listening to the music I'm paying more attention to you being visibly annoyed by the music not being “booty popping” enough for you.”

“It's not about me,” Ben said, trying to sound sincere, doing everything he could to convince Sabrina of how genuine he was being. “I promise I won't do that. And we'll get whatever you want to drink. On me. Just...let me make it up to you...”

Sabrina listened to him. Something was off. He sounded sincere, very sincere. But...something was off. She could feel it in her bones. Something had changed on the way to the Casket and Sabrina knew he wasn't going to willingly give over that info. Fortunately for Sabrina, she had ways of making him talk. Besides, even if it didn't work she'd have fun either way.

“Pull the car over,” she said. “Now.”

“Sabs, I'm not pulling over on the side of the road.” replied Ben.

“Fine. Then pull into that park coming up on the right.” Ben nodded and got ready to pull in. Once the car was park, he turned to her.

“What now?” he asked.

“Something's up,” Sabrina said. “You're hiding something. I know it. But I'm going to let it slide. Once. Just this once. If I find out what you're covering for, beyond your ignoring me, and it's something real bad? We're done. IN every way we can be.”

“Okay,” said Ben, his nerves audible. Sabrina had him.

“However, until then...yes. We'll go to the club, enjoy jazz and booze on your dime and you won't complain one bit.”

“Great! Thanks babe, I won't let you down.”

“Oh I know you won't. Nd you're going to prove that for me right now.” Sabrina got out of the car and Ben followed. She headed down a grassy path out of the parking lot into a picnic area of the park. Matt watch as Sabrina reached a cement table and bench. She took off her shoes and placed them aside, then her tight, skin-hugging jeans and panties.

Her bottom half bare, Sabrina got up on the table, shivering a moment as the cool cement surface touched her nude skin. She looked at Ben and waved him over to her as she opened her legs.

Ben began to walk over to her, unbuckling his belt on his way. Sabrina held her hand up, pausing him.

“Uh uh uh,” she said with a smirk. “Keep it in your pants and get on your knees.” Sabrina licked her lips and cocked her eyebrow. “You want to make things up to me? Here's your shot.”

“Well, if I must,” he grinned. He was on in his knees in front of this sexy little pixie. He ran his hands over her thighs, ready to take his time when his plans were once more changed for him.

“Don't tease,” she said. “Just get to it. Eat my pussy...eat it.”

What the lady wants, she gets. Sabrina inhaled deeply, her fingers curling as Ben did exactly as she asked. No tease, no slow savoring. He was at her clit eagerly sucking and licking, hoping he could translate what he knew of calligraphy with his tongue on her button. And of course, his fingers were part of the party as well from the get-go. Probing her warm folds, grazing her sensitive g-spot ever so often in the most delicious of ways.

Sabrina had to do everything she could to keep her moans under control. Even she wasn't so reckless that she'd go this wild in public without being cautious. Still, Ben's wondrous tongue and miracle fingers were making such a proposition very, very tough to follow through on.

Still, she managed to get her voice out their, urging Ben on in barely contained whisper-shouts.

“Yes...mmm just like that...oh...oh Ben....mmmm don't stop..fuck baby I love it...don't fucking stop...mmm not yet...keep going.”

This was all music to Ben's ears. Her throaty, quieted cries of passion, the moment where Sabrina's voice couldn't help but crack a few decibels higher. He buried his face deeper, his nose breathing in her scent while his mouth and fingers worked her over. Even if he didn't get anything more than his tongue and fingers to make contact, the night was already worth it. Eating a girl out was never a chore for him, it was always a fun time. Every woman responded a bit differently. It was like a collection, every experience he had. A collection that didn't need to end.

Sabrina could have been fine with the oral pleasures as well, but that was never her plan at all. She removed her shirt, throwing it to her neatly folded pants and leaving her naked and bathed in moonlight.

“Fuck me,” she said in a husky tone. “Take your cock out and fuck me Ben.”

This was another order Ben was only too happy to obey. His pants were around his ankles and his cock hard, ready to enter her. The head of his prick was pressed just against her opening. He looked at Sabrina's face, her sexy sneer of smile damn near overwhelming.

Sabrina wrapped her leg around him and spoke. “Do it.” she said. “Stick that cock in me.”

“Your wish, my command.” Bend replied. He pushed forward, his cock finding its home once more in the wonderful wet velvet tightness of Sabrina's pussy. She through he head back and moaned into the nigh, losing control for a brief moment. But wit how good that cock felt inside her it was a fair trade.

Sabrina leaned back on her arms, her back arched and her head rolling back. Ben bent over and began to kiss and suck Sabrina's petite tits, taking his sweet time with her nipples. His tongue licked and circled them before his lips closed around them, sucking and lightly nibbling the sensitive flesh. One and the other then back again. Sabrina was a sinner taking a respite in heaven.

“Yessss,” she said, her voice somewhere between a moan and whisper. “Fuck me...oh Ben yes take that pussy...fucking take it...shit yes....” Ben moved his hands to her ass, squeezing it while his lips traveled her neck, leaving a couple soft bites and a hickey in its wake.

Sabrina laid herself back, the cool surface of the cement no match for the sensual heat coursing through her veins. Even when she was mad at him, Sabrina couldn't deny that Ben knew how to fuck. He never just jack-hammered. He knew how to move and grind his hips, hit every inch of her inner walls. Just where to touch, where to spank, when to be rough and when to be soft...with a bit more of an emphasis on rough and dirty. Sabrina didn't mind that at all. If Peter was the hopeless romantic, Ben was the sex fiend. Which was okay with her, Sometimes you need the man who's middle name is “Filth”.

Ben grabbed one of Sabrina's legs, moving from around his waist to against his chest. His increased his pace inside of her as he began to kiss from her ankle to her calve, softly biting that tender flesh. Not too hard, just the perfect amount of pressure.

“Yeah...yeah...fuck yeah Ben...oh my god yesssssss,” she hissed. Sabrina's hands gripped the sides of the table white knuckle hard as Ben went harder, and faster. They were both starving for that release; a hunger like no other. Two matching houling of pleasure were ready to escape both their mouth, harmonizing in the night.

Ben, knowing this might be a huge leap to get out of the doghouse, ran his hand down Sabrina's leg to her pussy where his thumb began to work her clit as his cock pumped inside her paradise-like pussy.

“OH MY GOD!” Sabrina said, barely able to contain her voice. “Shit yes...just like that...oh my god oh my god!!!!”

“That's babe...nnng cum on my cock...fucking cum on my cock right out in the open...fucking dirty girl...”

“OooohhhhOHHHHHHH YES!!!!” she howled, her back arching again as she came. Her pussy spasmed and milked Ben's dick, pushing him off the planks as well as Sabrina knew it from the grunts and groans he was letting out. She propped herself on her elbows, staring at him with an intensity not at all dulled out by the orgasmic haze she was in.

“Don't cum in me,” she purred. “Don't you dare...you gotta earn that shit....mmm baby you're gonna cum n me...fuck...ng...pull out and shoot that fucking load on my body baby...”

“Oh shit!” Ben growled. He pulled out just in time as his cum started rocketing out of his cock, the first volley stretching from her pussy to the base of her neck. More and more shot from his cock, paining her tits and stomach in his spunk until it all slowed to a dribble on Sabrina's pubic hair/ Her leaned over her, kissing her deeply.

“So,” he said with a smile. “We good?”

“We're getting there,” said a smiling Sabrina. “But how abut we get all settled then you take me to that  jazz club. Then we'll see how well you're doing at the end of the night?”

“Sounds good to me.” Ben replied. IN short time, Sabrina hand cleaned herself of Ben's cum with her fingers and mouth and was redressed. They both headed back to the car. Ben however hung back. He told Sabrina that his phone had fallen out of his pants while they were fucking.

That wasn't the case though. He was very happy to have worked things out with Sabrina. He did like her a lot and would  definitely try to think of a way to completely make things up for her by Valentines day.

But  that was no reason to ignore Lucy. As he faked looking for his phone, he texted his Southern Belle sidepiece. Ben was definitely going to be having a fun week. Even if he had to go the jazz club first.


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 06:03:54 AM

The new semester had officially begun, and for Eric Shimp, it was something to really be excited for. He had been selected with handful of other hope and hungry screenwriting students to be part of a special, advanced screenwriting course. It was an early class at seven in the morning, but one he was excited and honored to be a part of.

It was being taught by Christina Hendricks, beautiful and buxom redhead who also happened to be a big deal writer, having worked on several high profile television series as well as being a well sought after script doctor in Tinseltown. She came to the school and personally chose her class from the best of the best writers, recommended to her by the film department heads.  To Eric's delight he and some of his friends had made the cut.

As he sat their in the classroom, his eyes weren't scanning for his friends. They were looking for someone he desperately wanted to get to know better, and he had since they were in the same screenwriting class the previous semester.

Soon enough, there she was; Vanessa Morgan. If there was a such a thing as a perfect woman, she was it in Eric's eyes. Yes, physically she was beautiful, damn near irresistable. Perfect curves and a mesmerizing face. But what stuck in Eric's head was how amazing she was at writing.

In the previous class, they all had to read each other's scripts and give notes. For Vanessa's script, it was a bit of a challenge. Her stuff was just so good. Her script was a buddy cop film of sorts, mixing Lethal Weapon with classical noir...and not only did it work, it excelled. Especially the dialogue. One simply could not mess with Vanessa's dialogue.

It's not to say things were perfect. She needed work on her action scenes and maybe tightening up he rpacing and Eric said as much in his notes...but even that felt like nitpicking.

Her notes on his script were similar. Extremely helpful, praising, but when there was something she thought could be better she was honest. The copy of the script she marked up in the notes was the only copy of his script he kept from the last semester. Eric knew that might have seemed weird, but in his head that was as close as he was going to get to Vanessa. A woman like that would in no way be caught dead with a schlub like him, especially not a chubby schlub like him. All he could do was admire her from afar.

“What's up Blimp,” said Chad Tyler, using the abolute least favorite nickname Eric had ever had. Which was bestowed upon him by Chad in the fourth grade. “You ready for our grand team-up?”

“Yeah, sure, I guess.”

“You guess?” Chad noticed what Eric was lookin at and grinned. “Oh my god, her again? Dude, accept one fact above all else...you will never, ever be allowed to talk to a girl like that. Ever. The laws of nature won't allow it. A woman like that? She wants a man, not a tub of goo. And I say that with love.”

“Yeah, sure you do.” Eric replied.

“Uh huh, whatever Bitch Blimp, just get your head together. We're working together and I don't need some mopey lovelorn loser. I need the Writing Machine.”

That was the unique thing about the class. Christina decided to focus on the idea of writing partners. No screenwriter was going to work alone. Instead, they would work in pairs. And Chad had already decided he was hitching on to Eric's wagon. Despite the constant shit he slung at his friend, he also knew how talented he was and Chad wanted to be on the winning team.

Before Chad could get out one last zinger at Eric's expense, Christina Hendricks entered the room and many a students head turned at the redhead teacher's dangerous curves.

Chrstina made her way to the front of the classroom and set her satchel down and the large table in front of her. She smiled at the reletively small class of sixteen, both as a greeting and in eleation of everyone being their, rbight and early. Everyone was on time and eager to learn.

“Hello class,” she said. “I'm Christina Hendricks and you all are the best screenwriters on campus.” Christina moved around to the front of the table, closer to the students. “But I'm sure you all knew that just by being here. I don't know any of you but I know your names and your work. That's why your hear. Over the break I read a lot of scripts, and each one fo yours got you hear. So, you've probably figured out this isn't just a normal screenwriting course, correct?”

The students answered in murumured affirmatives. Christina's smile was still strong. “You all already know about working on your own scripts. So, as most of you have heard, this is about working in a team. You never know who you're going to have to work with if you make it in this profession. You could end up on a television show, where team work is a must in the writer's room, or you could meet someone along the way that you just click with and write amazing scripts together. However, there's a randomness to it, and there is one here as well. If any of you already selected a partner for this class, well, I hate to break it to you but you don't get to decide. I do.”

Chad looked nervous. Eric couldn't help but smile a bit.

“That was something else I did on break,” Christina said. “I looked at your scripts over and voer again, looking to see who would compliment who if I paired you up. That's something a showrunner does sometimes. Same with agents. And that's what I did here. So...your pairs of been decided. By me. If there are any issue with this after two weeks, then we'll revisit your pairings on an individual basis during my office hours. But until then...here's how we're going to do this.” She grabbed her bag and took out a small jar filled with paper strips and undid the lid, placing it on the table. Then she pulled out a large pile of papers.

“The papers are your syllabi. The jar is full of the pairings I have selected. You come up here, get your syllabi, shake my hand and go off to talk with your partner for the semester. Get to know each other, brainstorm ideas, all of that. Understood? Good.”

Christina moved back around and sat behind the table. She began to draw names, and as she did, Eric's eyes kept going to Vanessa. He knew he'd never be paired with her. No way. With his luck he'd probably still get stuck with Chad.

But that's what happened. “Eric Shimp and Vanessa Morgan,” said Christina. Eric at first thought it was his mind playing tricks with him, but then he saw Vanessa stand up, scanning the crowd for the owner of the name Eric Shimp. It was real and he stood up and Chad rolled his eyes.

When he made it up front, Vanessa was the one to speak. “Nice to see you again,” she said smiling. She held out her hand and Eric shook it, hoping he was grasping it too hard or sweating like a politician in chruch.  They both grabbed their syllabi and started to head out. Eric didn't even notice Chad giving him the evil eye, not that it would have mattered.

“Want to grab breakfast?” asked Vanessa. “I honestly got off work at around three and got maybe three hours of sleep in. I'm more hungry than tired though. And there's nothing like getting to know someone over pancakes and coffee.”

“Yeah, sure thing,” Eric managed to get out.

“Awesome. There's actually a Pancake House behind the auditorium. Not like right behind it but just a walk through the parking lot and across the street. Short walk. Totally worth it. They have vegan food too, if that's your thing.”

“Y-yeah,” he gulped. “Lead the way.”

They walked to the restaurant in a surprsingly quick fashion. Traffic seemed to stop just at the perfect time at the crosswalk so there was not a moment to pause. When they got in, they were even sat quickly in a nice, big corner booth.

After the waitress took their drink orders and then they were left alone, scanning their menus.

“I am so damn hungry,” Vanessa said. “I haven't eaten since yesterday. So busy trying to get ready last minute for school, then work. Totally slipped my mind to actually feed myself. I feel like I could eat two of everything.”

“Well if there's anything left on my plate you're welcome to it,” Eric said, trying to make a joke and hoping desperately it didn't fall flat.

“I'll keep that in mind,” she said with asmile. She paused for a second, then something hit her like lightning. “I remember you now! I mean, well, I know your face and the name but we didn't talk much in class last semester...but you're the guy who had that awesome Western Noir murder mystewry script last year, aren't you?”

“Yeah, that's me,” he said.

“Oh my god that was such a good one! Probably my favorite of the semester. I mean you kind of gave away the ending early on for my tastes and it I think you actually held back too much on the brutality of the old West, but damn it was still amazing....I hope that didn't come across as insulting or anything either.”

“Oh no!” he replied. “Not at all. I mean you're right. You're notes were spot on then and they are now. I really took them to heart...and it looks like they got me to the class.”

“Nah, that's all you,” she said. “If I still remember it this clearly and vividly, it's all you. I might have just..added a bit of spice to it. You did the work. Though now that you mention it...I also took your notes seriously.”

“Y-you did?”

“Well, yeah,” said Vanessa. “Now that I have the face with the name, I remember those feedback sessions in class. I don't really like to admit when someone is right about a change...but you were. Of course, it could just be how you said it, you weren't a total asshole like some of the people with notes. There was this one guy in particular...blonde crewcut, terminally in a tanktop, looks naked without a Monster energy drink.”

“Chad.” Eric replied.

“Well yeah, that's probably his name based on his dudebro style,” Vanessa joked.

“Oh no, that's his name. I....I know the guy....pretty well actually. Sadly, sometimes. But he has his moments of not being too awful.”

“Oh...well, don't worry about it. I won't hold that connection against you.”

“Well that's a relief,” Eric said, very honestly. His relief was palpable. Vanessa picked up on that.

“Clearly,” she said. Before Eric could pick up on that completely, Vanessa quickly went back to the subject of food. “So, I know what I'm getting, triple stack of pancakes and a sausage vegan scramble. And the biggest glass of orange juice they have. What about you?”

“Uh, probably some oatmeal or something.”

“Really?” Vanessa asked. “That's it?”

“Well, yeah,” Eric said. He was a little self-conscious now. Was she thinking he should have ordered more because he was, well...big?

“Look, I appreciate the politeness but don't just order the only safe vegan thing you know to satisfy me,” said Vanessa. “I'm cool if you want to chow down on some actual sausage or eggs or something. I'm not super militant or anything. Just a choice.”

“Oh...oh..yeah,” he said. “Um, I guess I'm probably going to go for an omelette then. Load it up with cheese, sausage, mushrooms.”

“There we go,” she smiled. “I ain't gonna be the only one at the table packing it away. And I tell you what, if you want to try my scramble, I'll let you have a bite. Always looking to lure another to the dark side of a plant-based diet. If it's any bonus, our brownies taste WAY better than you'd think.”

She winked at him and his heart skipped a beat. “I might just do that,” he said.

“Well, with that decided, let's feast. Nothing like talking plot while stuffing your face.”


(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125875497_sdnn9p9o3b221.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125875497_sdnn9p9o3b221.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125875498_tumblr_o4hdsxrc5l1swxpwbo1_540.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125875498_tumblr_o4hdsxrc5l1swxpwbo1_540.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125875499_vll9dhwt4bc31.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125875499_vll9dhwt4bc31.jpg)

Some people live for mornings. Getting up with the sunrise, that certain unique smell of the morning air, when the blades of grass and flower petals are coated in dew and the birds are singing in a glorious symphony of nature.

For people like Liz Gillies, mornings were a thing of pure evil and must be avoided at all costs. Sometimes, wanting to be an actress, mornings were unavoidable and she accepted this. Which meant any time she could avoid the early worm she'd do it with glee and rarely would her body turn against her. None of her classes were scheduled any earlier than ten in the morning.

Unfortunately for Liz, sometimes her body betrayed her an insisted she waked up and the ungodly hour of six in the morning. And even worse, she wasn't groggy. She was wide awake and completely annoyed. Still, she could find things to do to kill that time, sometimes even tricking her body into letting her sleep for a couple more hours.

Which was what led Liz to her current plan. She was standing in the middle of Zero's warehouse, right in the living area. She was was leaning over a table, the script for Peter and Sabrina's movie in front of her as if she was reading it with a cup of hot coffee right next to it She wasn't. She knew it and her part backwards and forwards. It was just an exucse for her to be there. Be someplace where Zero could come by at any moment.

While Liz and Zero did share a great deal in common, especially sexually, the couple had a few differences. One of them being, as much as Liz was not a morning person and loved her sleep, Zero did not.

In fact there were times when he seemed adverse to it. She caught him in the occasional cat nap, but he could be up and ready to go at a moment's notice. It annoyed her to know end. But he was a good fuck and far from boring so it all evened out.

So there Liz was, waiting for Zero to emerge from whatever work he was doing. Then he would obviously have to come across her. Yes, he'd definitely have to stop and see her in her black bra, pumps, garter belt and stocking. With no panties. The present was partially unwrapped and Liz couldn't wait for him to get it. She might have had to stay awake, but at least she was going to have herself a real good time during those morning hours she hated so much.

Liz hummed to herself, waiting for the sound of the pitter patter of Zero's feet walking from his office space to the apartment side of his place to grab his coffee, and this morning a little bit of extra breakfast.

Liz's full lips upturned into a smile when the sound of footsteps came in range. She couldn't see him, but she knew when the steps stopped he had stopped, looking at her perfectly round, supple ass jutted out ever so deliciously out. She could almost see the grin coming on his face in her eyes. When the steps resuming, she breathed deep. She was ready and willing for whatever his delightfully dirty mind might come up with.

“Morning,” Zero said. He wrapped his arms around Liz's waist, pulling her close with her bare bottom pressed right up against his nude crotch, Liz's smile grew wider. She could feel how hard and ready he already was. “Someone's up early.”

“All dolled up with nowhere to go.” replied Liz.

“Nowhere to go? What about something to do?”

“Well I think we could certainly find something to do if we thought real hard about.” Liz added a bit of punctuation to that sentence, rolling that tone ass of hers on his groin, driving his hard dick wild with anticipation.

“Oh I believe we could think of something as well.” Zero unwrapped his hands from Liz's waist and brought them to her shoulder, turning her around. Her blue eyes met his green, gazes not breaking as his hands reached for her breasts.

Zero pulled down the cup of the black lace bra covering the legends that were Liz Gillies' tits. He noticed her snaking her tongue out, licking her lips and waiting for him to begin what he so clearly wanted to do. She didn't mind having him take charge sometimes. It was something she enjoyed a great deal about their sexual relationship. Sometimes she was the dominant one. She took control. She said what went on. However, times like this...Liz wanted to give herself over, knowing that Zero was going to give her exactly what she needed. It was one of the many things she liked about him. He wasn't afraid to give up control in the bedroom, and neither was she. It just made everything so much more fun.

“Mmm I like wear this is going,” Liz said. Zero's mouth went to her breasts, planting hungry kisses and nibbles all over the flesh and making his way to her nipples, giving Liz just enough of a bite to get her juices flowing even more than they already were.

While his face was buried in her tits Zero's hand slid down her stomach to her pussy. Her landing strip of pubic hair tickled his finger tips before he went down further and dipped his fingers into her sopping cunt.

“Ohhh fuck yessss,” Liz hissed. Her h was in an open smile and her hands were behind her, holding tight on the table behind her. Zero's mouth covered Liz's tits in sensual and hungry kisses before moving back up her neck to her lips. Then he looked right in those deep blue eyes.

“Turn around,” he said. “And bend over.”

“You got it,” Said Liz, extending her tongue to lick at his lips before giving into his demands. She breathed in expectantly, butterflies in her stomach as her rubbed her ass with his hands then slapped his hard cock on it. Her smile could have been defined as lust crazed when her felt the head of his rod simply teasing her opening. “Fuck me,” she demanded.

“You want this cock?” he asked. “Say EXACTLY that.”

“Mmm fuck...I want that cock...I want that hard fucking dick pounding my hungry fucking cunt!”

“That's more like it.” He held Liz by the shoulder and shoved himself in, getting a satisfied grunt from the buxom beauty. With one hand on her shoulder the other roamed from her rump up, unhooking the bra and letting it drop off her body.

Her slowly worked his cock deep into her cunt, wanting to feel every single inch of a pussy he had gotten very familiar with.

“Ohhh yeah baby, work that pussy,” she said. “Go deep...mmmm so deep...let me really feel that dick...”

“Yeah?” Zero asked, beginning to thrust harder. “Want to really feel this dick huh? Fucking love it..say you love it...” he smacked her ass hard, getting apleased yelp to escape Liz's lips.

“Yes!” she yelled.

“I need this fucking cock...need it to fucking tak me...ohhh fuck yes...yes...yes fucking take the pussy...make me yours...oh fuck Zero...”

He pressed down on Liz's back, pushing her flat against the table and nearly knocking over the coffee. Liz wouldn't have minded in the moment, but she was glad it was sttaying up. She gripped the edge of the table and Zero grabbed Liz's hips just as tightly.

Pleased growls and bellow of pleasure erupted from Liz's mouth. A barrage of “fuck mes” and “yes mores” echoed in Zero's home along with even more yearning profanities and Liz delighted in being rammed hard by Zero's cock. This was just what she needed. It made waking up as early as she did completely worth it.

Two more loud smacks on her ass were made,t he contact sounds joining Liz's voice in the symphony of sex. The only time Zero slowed his pace down as to once more savor Liz's hot pussy, working his hips into slower, but still hard, thrusts. This gave Liz a pause on her own to savor the sensations, the profanities slowing to long, pleasured moans.

“Mmm so good,” she moaned, her voice more like an angel than the sex demon she had been just moments earlier. “Oh fuck Zero...oh my god....”

He leaned over kissed up her spine to her neck, slowly lifting her back up and holding her close until her back was against his chest. Zero buried his face in her neck, breathing deep of Liz's scent as his pace built up again.


“Yeah...oh yeah hard again....mmm fuck me hard again, Zero,” Liz pleaded. “Mmmm...mmmmake me cum...make me cum on your cock...oh fuck yes...oh just like this...oh fuck....”

Harder and faster was the order of the day and Zero was all too eager to deliver. His own sounds of pleasure were being directly delivered into her ears as his cock drove into her pussy.

“Fuck...oh fuck yeah baby...gonna make cum with that pussy...fuck...oh shit yeah Liz...hot fucking cunt...”

“Yeah, you're gonna cum..I'm gonna cum for that cock...but...ohhh fuck wright there...I need to do me a favorrrr fuck....and...ohmigod....cum somewhere special for me...can you do that baby?”

“M-maybe,” he grunted. “If you're good.”

“Mmm I can be very good,” she moved her face to his and kissed him, Zero sucking her tongue before the kiss broke. From their his focused was lasered in on getting Liz off, making her cum on his cock and feeling how it made her body feel while he held her in his arms.

“Oh...oooh fuck...oh Zeroooo...Zeroooo,” she moaned. She found her hand and his working her clit, pushing closer and closer until she cried out his name in passion as her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave.

“FUCK YES!” he cried. “Cum on my fucking cock Liz!” He tried to hold back as she shook in his arms, her pussy milking him, begging to be filled...but he did make an agreement and Liz has been very good. “I'm gonna cum!” he yelled, pulling out of her.

Liz was quick, grabbing her coffee and spinning around to he knees, not spilling a drop.

“I need some cream for my coffee,” she said with a sex-crazed grin, still feeling the affects of an intense morning glory orgasm. “Already got some sugar...need a little something extra.”

“I...oh fuck...think I can handle that..”

“Good...let me see if I can get some of that cream out myself....” Liz set the coffee to the side and took Zero's dick in her mouth, frantically sucking his sensitive rod, teasing and pulling his balls and gently raking her front teeth at the tip of his mushroom head.

“Oh...oh fuck...oh Liz..Liz...FUCK LIZ!!!” Liz back off and quickly grabbed her coffee with one hand and his dick with the other, aiming that shooting snake perfectly as to not lose a drop of that precious cum or her precious coffee. Zero struggled to keep his knees strong, the pleasure flowing out of his cock into Liz's morning drinking beyond comparing. His hands were balled into tight fists as moaned escaped a wall of gritted teeth.

When the pump was dry Liz once again placed her coffee down and took the sensitive head of his prick between her full lips, sucking for any last droplets of the precious cream she could.

Liz got to her feet in front a smiling but dazed Zero. He watched as she took a stirrer from the table and started mixing her freshly flavored coffee, then a grin came to his face when she took her first sip.

“Mmm...perfect,” she seductively said. “A damn fine cup of coffee. Always the best part of waking up.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 06:26:15 AM

“Now that's breakfast,”, Vanessa said. She and Eric just finished up breakfast and were heading out, Vanessa for her apartment and Eric to his next class. “I think I might just fall flat on my couch and pass out. That scramble is putting me to sleep. Thanks for paying for it. Can;y believe I left my wallet in my car. I was way more out of it than I realized. So glad I don't have another class today. Just going to try and sleep through until I have to go to work.”

“Oh, no problem,” Eric said. “ You can pay for the next breakfast...if you want to to of course.”

“Definitely. Probably not tomorrow. Class. Which reminds me, we didn't really get our schedules down in their, did we?”

Eric shook his head. The didn't instead they just got lost discussing their favorite films...then my favorite music, then favorite books, shows...all of that. A lot of getting to know each other. “So, when are you free? When's the best time?

“Well I'm off Wednesday and Thursday, so Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning are prime times for me. You?”

“Thursday and Friday for me.”

“Well if that doesn't sound perfect I don't know what does,” she said. “Sounds like Thursday is a go. And I can do pretty much as late as we need to go. Night job, weird sleeping habits.”

“I guess...what is it you do?”

“Oh, you know,” Vanessa said. “Typical college stuff,just enough to get by. Same with you, right?”

“Yeah,” said Eric. “Wouldn't be doing pizza delivery and ride-sharing on the side otherwise.”

“See, we all gotta hustle a little,” Vanessa said with a smile. “And speaking of hustle, and no sleep makes for a bad one. But, before I go, could I see that receipt?”

Eric reached into his pocket and handed Vanessa the receipt from their meal and she scribbled her number on it before handing it back to him. “Now you've got my number,” she said. “Text me yours, circle's complete just like that.”

“Sure is,” Eric said.

“Well, it was lovely having breakfast with you Eric. Can't wait to really get to work on this script. I think we're going to do something amazing. But, until then...see ya.”

Vanessa gave him a wink and headed off, leaving Eric a smiling, heart-thumping mess. He talked to her. He talked to her! And without looking like a total moron. She engaged him, didn't for a moment act like he was below or or an idiot. Not the experience he was expecting. She actually seemed, well, nice. He wasn't used to nice.

It was just a quick little meal, Eric new that. But still, it felt good. Maybe they would make something amazing together.


Bella's apartment was quickly becoming a second home to Matt, if not his primary one. He actually had some stuff there in one of Bella's guest rooms and barely, if ever, saw the place he was actually renting. He honestly couldn't even remember if he had any of the utilities turned on.

Utilities though weren't much of a concern of his. It was the first day of school but his first classes weren't until the sun went down, which gave him plenty of free time. Which meant when Bella called, he had no problem responding.

He made his way to the upper balcony just outside of her bedroom. He knew the area,and the hot tub outside it, very, very well.

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877025_tumblr_oizh2qgsix1uigvd9o1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877025_tumblr_oizh2qgsix1uigvd9o1_1280.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877026_y96bsjjl32u21.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877026_y96bsjjl32u21.jpg)

“I see we're going casual today, aren't we Matt?” asked Bella. She was sitting in the corner of the tub, black bikini on her body and a blended drink in her hand. In the other hand a lit joint.

“Well, first day of school feels more like a jeans and t-shirt kind of affair.” he replied.

“Fair enough,” Bella smiled. “I mean who am I to talk, I'm in a bikini.” She took a drag from the joint and held it for a few moments before the smoke escaped. “Want a hit?”

“Sure, but looks like I'd have to get in the tub for that and didn't bring my bathing suit.”

“Then strip.” Bella curtly replied. “Not like you have anything I haven't seen and had before...many times.” She smiled and Matt returned it before stripping down and joining Bella. Once he was close enough she handed off the joint to let him get his hit.

“Now, I think you know I didn't ask you here just to see that scrumptious dick and get you high.”

“I kind of figured that,” said Matt. “So...what is it.”

“Well, I just wanted to thank you for your loyalty in this whole Paul affair. To be honest I thought you you might have even sided with him, old friends and all. Why pick me?”

“First reason, retaliation.” Matt answered honestly. “You have some dangerous connections he doesn't and I saw what happened to Reggie. I figured someone trying something similar so soon you'd really want to set an example.”

“Clever boy.”

“Then there's the fact that I like this business. I like the owner. You're good people Bella. Fair. You don't screw anyone that doesn't have it coming...or that hasn't paid for it.”

“Very true,” she laughed. “So a mix of business and personal is what you're saying.”

“Sounds about right.” replied

“Then you're going to like my next proposal,” said Bella.

“Propose away.” Matt took another hit, awaiting for what Bella was going to say.

“Have you ever heard of polyamory?” she asked. “A romantic relationship where it's more than just two people.”

“I'm familiar with the term.”

“Well, tat's my proposal. I like you. A lot. I also adore Dove in the same way. She likes me and you...and I assume you care about Dove and I the same way, correct?”

“Actually, yeah.” he replied. “Not a very professional thing to say but...you both have a lot more to you then being amazingly filthy.”

“Thanks you,” smiled Bella. She took another hit herself and moved over in the tub to kiss Matt, exhaling the smoke into his mouth. “I like you a lot...you're just what I need right now. You and Dove. People I can trust...” They kissed again then Bella broke it off, backing off just a little to take her bikini top off. “Get on the edge of the tub. Let's really seal the deal.”

Matt got up and sat on the edge of the tub while Bella waded towards him, her eyes lock on his and a sex smirk on her face. She took hold of his hardening cock once she got between his legs.

“You know the difference, the real difference between a shit hooker and a great whore?” she asked.

“Please...mmm...tell me,” Matt managed to get out as Bella slowly but firmly began to pump his dick.

“Hookers are shit actresses there for the money.” Bell replied curtly. “If all you're interested in is getting off, that's fine. But a guy who really wants to cum, and I mean weak in the knees, sweating, delirious orgasm? You need a great whore. And great whore love cock.”  Bella scooted forward even closer and sandwiched Matt's dick between her tits and began to titfuck him.

“Me...I'm a great whore. Always have been. Because I love dick. Don't get me wrong I love money too. And getting paid to fuck is perfection.” She kept looking at him,  cocky, knowing smile on her face as Matt began to thrust between that valley of flesh. “I wouldn't even consider doing it if I didn't just love cock...that's a requirement to work for me too. Dick addiction is a must...and what's not to love about them?”

She moved back again, freeing Matt's dick for a moment only to grasp it again and bring it to her face. Bella breathed deep, rubbing his hard cock all over her face and making Matt shudder a big.

“Fuck I love how it feels. Not just inside me,” said Bella. “Not just my pussy or ass...but all over. IN my hand, on my face...oooh Matt, I love cock. The way they grow, the way they throb...makes me so wet...”

Matt groaned, letting “Bella” melt out of his mouth as his dick was slapped and rubbed all over her face by the woman herself.

“There's nothing like it,” she said. “I love pussy too but for me, cock is it. The real deal too, no strap-ons. No warmth...the don't throb and yearn for attention like dick does. It doesn't leave lovely pre-cum strings on my face or cum inside me...real cock though... gives me all my protein needs.”

Bella kissed the tip of Max's dick before encompassing the head with her lips. He lifted his ass up a bit from the lip of the tub when Bella began to licks and tease the head. She sucked and twirled a twister of pleasure around the sensitive mushroom cap before venturing further down.

“Yeah...fucking worship the dick Bella,” Matt growled, watching the mistress of ministrations work her oral magic on his cock.

And this was a unique use of her skills, at least in Matt's experiences with Bella so far.Every other time there was a fiery nastiness to it. Dirty, sloppy filthy. Now...a lot slower, more sensual. Still, those brown eyes and talented tongue couldn't help but add a little filthy fuel to the fire.

Bella took his cock to the root, her nose resting  against his pelvis while her throat made a nice holster for his love gun. He could help but grasp her head, holding her in place as he fucked her throat for a few seconds.

“All the way Bella...ung...all the way deep...” he groaned. Matt released Bella's head and she gasped for breath, her face happy and devilish, a succubus in the flesh ready to suck the life out of him.

Bella kissed and licked her way to the base of Matt's cock, the licking under it to get to his balls. She sucked and licked at the orbs, essentially making out with that sack. Tender, sweet and making them ache and churn as the heat was inched up more and more and their sexual thermostat.

She released those delicious balls and moved back p to the tip, taking Matt's cock once more into her mouth and changing things up just a bit. The tempo was just a bg faster, sometimes she's tease the most sensitive parts of his stalk with her teeth dragging along his sensitive flesh and her hands teasing and massaging Matt's nuts. All that and she never wavered with her looks. Bella rarely broke her gaze, giving just as much heat with a look as she was with her actual physical motions. Bella craved every drop of cum Matt could give her. Ached for it. She was getting so turned on, aided by being positioned just right in front of one of the hot tubs. And her getting turned on just made Bella turn up the heat herself.

“Oh...oh my God...fuck...mmm Bella...gonna...oh shit I'm cumming!”

Bella smiled ad felt a nice warm, fluttery feeling in her stomach when the first stream of cum erupted right from the tip of Matt's cock into her mouth. Every shot at first splattered against the roof of her before slowing to a trickle on her tongue.

And she swallowed. Did Bella ever swallow the copious amount of cum that  Matt had unleashed. She was a happy girl with every warm, cream bit sliding down her throat.

When she had sucked everything Matt had out of his now softening cock, Bella moved back, showing off her empty mouth before rising up out of the hot tub just enough to kiss Matt, the softest yet hottest kiss they'd ever shared.

“So...you me, Dove...this is a thing now,” she said. “Agreed?”

“I'm very good with that.”

“Good. Dove's also going to be helping on business matters with us as well. She's smart.”

“Good plan.” Matt answered.

“One last thing,” she said, pulling him back into the hot tub with her. “I'm not going to stop forking myself. I like to fuck. That's never going to stop. I'm coming home to you and Dove every time but I don't want to stop being an active part of my company. Given you know what I like and how much I love to be the center of attention in the bedroom, do you have any issue with that?”

“Honestly, once I would have,” Matt said, feeling a bit of a sting within when he remembered how badly thing ended with him and Demi and how much of a monster he was when it came to her. “But...that's not me anymore. So...I'm around as long as you...and well, Dove too, will have me.”

“Good,” Bella said with a grin. “Stick around, we have a couple hours to kill before class.”

“I actually have more than a couple.” Matt replied.

“I don't,” Bella said. “I have advanced business ethics. And that's one class I actually want to be around for. You'd be surprised how often legitimate business practices can iron out issues in areas that are...less than legitimate. Plus having a genuine degree goes a long way to the appearance of legitimacy...and of course having my own lawyer in training very intimate with my business helps.”

“Well, in that case, however will we kill the time?”

“Oh, I don't know. Weed, champagne...a hot tub...” Bella reached under the bubbling water and came up with her bikini bottoms, dropping them to the side of the tub. “I'm sure we'll think of something, love.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 06:45:47 AM

Lili Reinhart was nervous. No intensely nervous. It wasn't end of the world level stuff. But it was something close to her heart.

She was in the dining commons at a table with Peter and Sabrina. They were looking over her FX ideas. Gore gags and make-up concepts she'd come up with after reading their script.  They were in need of someone on FX for their film, and Lili had experience. She had to be goaded into trying out for it by Camila, and now here she was, hoping they'd go for it.

Peter and Sabrina looked at each other. They been through all of Lili's designs and notes multiple designs. The decision had already been made. They looked at each other and nodded.

“Lili, these designs are great,” Sabrina said. “Honestly, they're perfect. Better than we could have hoped.”

The taller blonde smiled and nodded, but still felt a bit of apprehension. Sabrina's tone wasn't exactly reassuring. Was she just being buttered up to brace the fall of rejection. Her eyes went to Peter, waiting for his words.

“Sabrina's right on the money Lils,” he said. This is good stuff. The only question I have was answered when you stayed with us. You're a morning person so early days aren't a problem for you.”

“Wait,” Lili said, smiling. “Are...are you saying...”

“You're in,” said Sabrina. “But I just had to give you a bit of a scare.”

As Sabrina laughed as an overjoyed Lili jumped out of her seat and hugged the petite blonde pixie, lifting her form her seat.

“Oh my God this is awesome!” Lili said. “I always wanted to do something on a horror movie! Thank you guys so much!”

“Well how about you get to thanking Pete,” Sabrina got out in a croak through Lili's tight and over-excited hug. “So I can get back to omelette and breathing.”

“Oh yeah, sorry.” Lili said. She set down Sabrina and turned her attention towards Peter, who was already standing up.

“Decided to make it easier on both of us,” he joked. Lili immediately hugged him as well.

“It's going to be so much fun working with you guys,” Lili said sincerely. “I'm so glad I get to Hailee's stuff too. And Cami's helping produce it. I can't believe I'm working  with my two best friends on a movie! Dream come true.”

“Eh, don't be so quick on that, you haven't actually worked with me or Sabrina yet.”

“I tink I can handle it.” Lili gave Peter another big squeeze of a hug, which was right when they were joined by Camila, Hailee and Jake.

“What's with the celebration?” Jake asked at the site of Lili excitedly hugging Peter. Lili's smiling face then to turned to Jake. She jumped up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist in the middle of the busy cafeteria.

“I'm doing make-up for the movie!” Lili said, repeating her good news. “I'm doing blood and guts and all the fun stuff!” She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. “Isn't that great?”

Before Jake could respond Lili hopped off of him and turned to Hailee. “I can't wait to cover you in blood.”

“I'm sure it will be up you your usual horrifying standards,” Hailee smiled before continuing the hugfest. “I can't believe we're doing a movie together!”

“Yeah ya,” Camila added sluggishly. “Really happy for you Lils. But I have no caffeine in my system so I'll postpone the celebration until lunch.”

“Fair...but how about a hug?” Lili smiled, her arms open wind and hands drawing Camila in.

“Fine. Bring it in.”

The circle of hugs was then complete and Lili hung close to Jake. “Best first day of school EVER,” she said.

“How are you guys going to get this all done?” Jake asked as he took a seat. "Half of you have day jobs, plus school and now filming a movie?”

“Down to the minute planning,” Sabrina said. “With a schedule and back up plans reviewed by Ms. Big Wig Producer herself.” Sabrina gestured to Camila.

“They've got it covered, believe me,” she said. “Pete knows how to keep a schedule when he does this stuff and that's all I need.”

“Baby we've got it covered,” said Lili. “Pete and Sabrina already know my class schedule. Work will be easy too. I...I really want this and thats going to make it work. Isn't that how you and Jose started out? That same attitude?”

“So this is what it's like to have logic used against you,” Jake commented. “I actually can empathize with Jose.”

“I can do it. I know I can. Just...believe in me?”

“Oh babe of course I do,” he said. “More than anything.”

“Good. That's all I need.” She kissed him again, then looked directly in his eyes. “I love you.”

“Oh my gosh that's so sweet,” Hailee said.

“Yeah yeah, romance is grand,” Sabrina said.  “Everything is unicorns and rainbows.”

“You're such a ray of sunshine Sabs,” said Peter.

“I try,” she said with a sarcastic smile. “You guys sticking around for breakfast?”

“If there's caffeine I'm in.” answered Cami.

“Sure, why not?” added Jake. “Can't think of a better way to start the first day of the semester than breakfast with my girl.”

“Actually I've got to cut out,” said Lili. “Me and Peter have Japanese Folklore.”

“Japanese Folklore?” asked Jake.

“Yeah,” Peter said. “Mainly for story information. They have some MESSED scary stories. Like the creature that inspired Bowser from Mario? Water creature that ate kids.”

“It's going to be SOOO cool,” Lili said with a grin. “The moment Pete mentioned he was taking it I knew I had to join in too. But meet you for dinner instead? Your place?”

“Sounds great,” Jake said.

“See you then,” she said, kissing him on the cheek before leaving. And as Lili walked away with Peter, Jake looked at them with a mix of emotions, one of which was jealousy. He knew he shouldn't feel it. But Lili and Peter had a lot in common. He didn't want to be that kind of boyfriend. But he also couldn't shake the feeling.


(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877412_margotrobbie2.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877412_margotrobbie2.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877413_margotrobbie3.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877413_margotrobbie3.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877414_margotrobbie4.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877414_margotrobbie4.jpg)

It was only ten o'clock, but Margot Robbie was already on her lunch break. A two hour lunch break. Since Scarlett herself was taking a two hour lunch, she let Margot have one as well. “All's fair,” as Scarlett said.

Margot and Scarlett had a great working relationship. Beyond the occasional erotic interlude. They genuinely got along. A lot of that was due to Margot tendency to be very flexible and an intensely hard worker. In addition to being Scarlett's full time secretary, she was also an architecture grad student.

Being a student of architecture, Margot read a lot about the buildings on campus. Their history and even their plans. And the man offices where she and Scarlett worked were endless interesting. The building itself at one point also housed the Student Union in the lower levels and basement. It was odd to be sure, but it had worked for a while.

These days it was all used for storage if not used at all. However, everything in those levels had power to it. Margot discovered this one lunch break she decided to do a little exploring.

What she found, in addition to boxes upon boxes of old papers and files, was that the lower levels had become a little bit of a hideaway for staff and student alike. A lounge for the cleaning staff and a place to host private parties and gaming sessions. There somehow even good wi-fi down there. Some folks had there own rooms staked out as well. Like Margot had. Her own private little lunch room. Where she could take care of both her grad student work and her office work in total peace. No phone calls or anything.

Combined it was a heavy workload, but Margot could handle it. Her grades never came close to dipping low enough to lose her scholarship. Mainly because they never dipped. Financially and academically, she had it made.

That didn't mean parts of her life didn't suffer, namely her personal life. The moments she got to spend with her fiance, Jay, were so few and far between the term stealing a moment felt almost literal. It was like she had to outsmart time itself just to have dinner with him, and of course more intimate moments.

She loved Jay dearly. Every time they were together, every time they made love it was perfect. Sweet, slow, sensual. Everything a person could ask for from their lover. Margot was never anything short of satisfied.

Or, part of her was at least. Jay knew how to caress and touch her in all the right ways, but there was always a side of that wanted things a little...less gentle. Less soft. Margot always knew that side of her existed on some level, but this past Halloween, someone had woken it up. And that someone wasn't Jay.

She still remembered that night clear as crystal. A big party being held by one of the sororities at the student union. She dressed up as Harley Quinn, getting looks of desire from men and women alike as she strutted through the party. It was a wonderful thing to be desired. Jay sadly wasn't with her. If he was though, she might not have uncovered a new side of herself.

She was getting a drink when she met Rick. Vodka and cranberry. She could almost taste it now as she walked the downstairs hallway to her private area. She didn't even get one sip in when had showed up, dressed like a doctor. A psychiatrist to be exact, as she was told. It fit perfectly. Her all dolled up and crazy looking and him in a suit, save for the white lab coat he wore.

Margot got to her room, marked with a carved in red diamond and unlocked the door. She was in a bit of a rush. She felt herself getting turned on by the memory of that night, how she and Rick and flirted back and forth.

She sat on the couch and hurriedly removed her blouse and bra so neither would be torn later. Scarlett could afforded spares, but that was a bit out side of her budget.

Margot slid her hands down her pants, remembering what happened next that night. How Rick took her to one of the game rooms on the union's second floor. How he pulled those hot pants she wore down and bent over the the pool table and fucked her right there on the spot. Rough. Savage. Filthy. It was perfection. Everything she never knew she craved. All topped off with Rick covering her in cum, the hot white fluid dripping down her body, staining her tattered shirt. She felt like a whore. He called her one during the act. She wanted more.

She got more...so many times. The love of her life was her tender lover. The one who made the sweetest of love to her while Rick, her secret lover was dirty. Filthy. Unlocked a sexual monster within her that could not get enough.

Her fingers her wet pussy and played with her clit, remembering every dirty moment she and Rick had shared. She didn't even hear the door opening. She did however hear Rick's voice.

“Just couldn't wait, could you Margot?” he asked, that confident smirk on his face and the key she'd given him swirling on his finger. “Just had to play with that hungry pussy, didn't you?”

“Yes,” she said with a smile. She knew he'd gotten her text. She got the “read” response. But he never replied. Just seeing it was confirmation he was on his way. “So hot right now...I need it Rick. Just came over me.”

“That's how addictions work,” he said with a grin. He locked the door behind him and began to unzip his pants, taking out his hard cock, chuckling a bit when Margot licked her lips at the site of it. “You need this dick...crave it...would do anything to get fucked. Fuck right...fucked like the dirty little whore you are.”

“Yesssss,” she hissed, reluctantly removing her hand from her crotch, sucking herself from her fingers. Margot loved it when he said things like that. And it was only during the sex. During the build up. That was understood. Whatever fit the depraved mood they were in at the moment. “Let me have that cock...gimme....”

Rick's grin grew wider and he could have sworn his dick got somehow harder. That sexy accent of her drove him wild, especially with how she said cock. It was just utterly delightful.

The moment Rick was in Margot's orbit his cock was in her mouth, the Aussie blonde almost leaping at the rock hard member. He let out a satisfied groan, the brick walls of the room echoing in a way that made it sound like a dirty alleyway blowjob at the stroke of midnight.

“Suck it...just like that...mmmm fucking tramp....yeah....” Rick held his hands on his hips and rolled his head back as Margot worked her wonders on his dick. She was absolutely ruthless with it, which Rick appreciated. She slobbered and licked at his cock with nothing but passion and speed. Saliva splattered on the floor. She was an absolute maniac, almost rabid as she furiously worshiped his cock.

Rick wasn't just going to settle for her mouth. They both knew that. It wouldn't be enough to satisfy him or Margot. Still, he allowed her to continue her worship for a few more minutes until he finally pulled his cock away.

Margot whined a bit, trying to get her mouth closer to what it wanted. Then she looked up to his eyes and knew right then it was time for something a bit more fun.

She laughed as Rick pulled her up and pressed her against the cool brick wall of the room. He kissed her hungrily, Margot biting his lower lips as it broke. Rick then reached down under Margot's skirt and grabbed the hem of her panties.

“Ung!” she yelped when he tore the panties off.

“Won't be needing those now, will we?” he asked.

“Not in the least.” Margot replied. Her lips lunged for his, driving a kiss on his face. Rick grabbed her ass and lifted Margot up, pinned her against the wall. She moaned into his mouth as he drove into her, her eyes rolling back as her cunt was filled.

Rick wasted no time with savoring the moment. That's not what this had been between then. Not now, not ever and it was understood. It was raw, cheap and dirty. It was perfect.

“Take this fucking pussy,” Margot growled. “Fuck it...fuck me...oh fuck yeeeaahhh take this fucking pussy!”

Rick reached up and grabbed Margot's face, holding it while she gave him a taunting and seductive open mouth smile. Her smeared red lipstick added another layer to the desire.

“Yeah you been fucking dreaming out this all day haven't you?” he asked, giving her a particularly hard thrust at the end of the question. “Being pounded like a dirty skank...being used....happy to make that dream come true Margot....”

“Yeah...oh yesss,” she moaned. “Then...oh...oh fuck...how about you really fuck me?” she tauntingly asked. “Bend me over that fucking table and take me....fucking wreck me!” She slithered her tongue from her mouth, licking at his lips to but an exclamation point on the tease.

“Oh I'll fucking take you all right.” Rick replied. He pulled out of Margot's sopping cunt, taking a brief few moments to suck her tits before he pushed her over to a ping pong table Margot had found and set up in the room. Margot laughed at the motion. Her face  was radiating pure sexual energy, doing nothing but feeding the beast within Rick.

Rick was on her, he gave her one last furious kiss before he spun her around and bent her over. “FUCK!” Margot yelled when her well fucked cunt was refilled with Rick's cock once more. “Fuck...fuck yes...oh god damn it YES!”

Rick had no reply to Margot's passionate cries for more. He was far too focused on giving her what she wanted. He gripped tightly to her hips, slamming into her hard and fast. The table screeched forward sometimes and Margot gripped it white-knuckle hard.

Rick swiftly took off his shirt, the sweat from his body becoming too much. It dripped from his head to the small of Margot's back and ass, adding the the sheen of her own perpetration.

“Yes...yes...yes...fuck...that...pussy...” Margot grunted. She was in a sinner's heaven, living out the word fuck. Her mind was delirious, high on passion and sex. She pushed herself up, her back arched perfectly. She reached between her legs began to frantically work her clit, driving her even crazier with lust. And just as Margot turned up the heat for herself, Rick decided to crank it all the way up for the both of them.

“You know what a real slut likes?” Rick asked, his voice almost otherworldly in it's gruff, sinful tone.

“I think I know....” replied Margot the moment she felt a hard smack on her ass. “And I want it....mmm gimme that cock up my ass...deep...so deep...”

“Looks, brains, total cockslut... what a combo,” Rick said. He pumped her pussy hard twice more before pulling out of her hot cunt. He reached down to the ground where his pants bunched up around his ankles and reach into his pocket, pulling out a tube of lube. When it came to Margot, he was always prepared.

He squirted a dollop of the lube on his cock, working it in with her own pussy juices before aiming his hard rod at Margot's tight starfish.

The both let out low, growling groans as he pressed forward, Margot licking her lips as her ass was filled with Rick's fuckstick.

“Oh my fucking God YES!” she squealed. “Take that ass...fucking take it...oh fuck Rick just fucking use my asshole...”

Her hard grip on the table resumed as Rick gave her tight asshole the same hard and fast treatment he gave her pussy. Margot loved every single moment of it. Nothing felt like this. The filthy words, the hard treatment. It was pure lust and she was mainlining it.

Rick, obviously,was having fun as well, burying his rod balls deep in Margot's ass. He knew who she was at that party, he knew that she was the Dean's secretary...and he knew he wanted to fuck her. To find out how receptive she was to this...to being so dirty and filthy...it was nothing if not inspiring. Someone who just wanted the sexual pleasure and release and have it be as nasty as they could get it.

“Take it,” he grunted. “Take it deep in that asshole...oh fuck..oh fuck yeah Margot...” Rick grunted and groaned, but they were getting strained, desperate. He was close. Margot couldn't wait, but there was one thing she wanted before he filled her ass up with that lovely cum of his.

“Pull out,” demanded Margot. “Pull out and fucking let me suck that dick. I wanna taste my ass you dirty fucker!”

Rick laughed and did as she asked. Margot quickly spun around and dropped to her knees. She devoured Rick's cock directly from her ass, sucking it with yearning and desperation until she had him just on the edge of an oblivion of pleasure, then pulled back.

“Now...” she said. “You're gonna cum in my fucking ass...” She rose up and kissed him, then bent her self over the table.

“Damn right I am.” Rick shoved his dick back up her ass, ready to ride that trail off into the sunset.

He was fast and ruthless and Margot loved it. She worked her clit just as hard. The ride was almost over for them both and she wouldn't wait for the finish. And with a few desperate grunts and gasps, Rick's end was coming and Margot's smile of lust widened.

“Yeah...yeah cum...cum right up my ass...fill it up...” Margot teased. “Every last drop...”

“Uhhh...uhhh...FUUUUCK!” Rick thrust up into Margot's one last glorious time falling forward on her as he unleashed a tidal wave of cum up her ass. Feeling that scalding warmth in her canal set her off, her pleasure exploding and her asshole contracting around Rick's cock, milking a few more shots out of his throbbing and pulsing member.

Rick pulled out of Margot's ass, losing balance on wobbly knees and falling backwards onto the couch. Margot her self turned around and sat on the cool concrete floor of the the room, cum trickling out of her ass.

“You remember where the showers are down here?” Margot asked as she caught her breath.

“Yeah,” Rick said.

“Then go clean up,” Margot said. “I'll see you next time.”

“Sure thing,” Rick laughed. He put his shirt back on the pulled his pants up and left Margot.

The leggy blond then got to her feet herself. She'd wait a bit before she hit the showers herself. Part of her felt guilty for this. She always did. She had just had sex with someone that wasn't her man. She reasoned it away the way she always did. Right now, Jay wasn't giving her dirty side the attention it craved. She loved the sweet and tender...but she also loved the down and dirty. She wanted him to give her both. It was why Margot had set up her little Valentine's day “gift” with Scarlett. She hoped a threesome would bring a little bit of filth out of her man. And Scarlett could definitely draw it out of her.

But still, Margot had a smile on her face. She felt too good not to. That was the power of a good, dirty fuck.



Eleven in the morning was the perfect time for the first class of the day in Liz's mind. She was still riding high off her little fuck party with Zero earlier. That combined with a chai tea latte was enough to make her morning great as she walked through the theater doors to her class, Acting for the Stage and Screen.

She walked down the aisle towards the first few rows of seats where the other students were congregating. It was a nice group, some she recognized from the previous semester, some she didn't. That didn't influence her seating choice. It was always the same, just like if it was a play or a movie theater; thrid row center.

The moment Liz took her seat is when the professor took the stage. She was new to the school. Liz took note of her. She was striking. Curvy and very buxom. Nice ass as well. Liz always liked taking stock of her professors like this, male of female. Just for the possibility.

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/125877655_922529125680824.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/125877655_922529125680824.jpg)

“Hello class,” she said, her British accent entrancing the entire class. “My name is Hayley Atwell and we are going to act. I'm not going to teach you. If you're here, you all know how to act. Rather, I'm going to guide you, get to know you all. We're going to sharpen all your skills and hopefully have a good time doing it.”

Before Hayley could go any further, the theater doors opened again and in rushed Selena Gomez.

“Sorry, sorry!” she said as she blindly rushed to an empty seat. “Had to get my work schedule for the week.” Selena set her bags down and looked to her side to see Jesse sitting next to her.

“It's quite all right,” Hayley said. “I was just about to say what we'll be doing this semester. You see, most classes will throw books at you full of theories on acting and definitions of technique and all this long drawn out  boring nonsense. That is not conducive to creativity in my eyes. So, no books. The only thing you'll be reading for this class is the syllabus and the script for the play we will be performing this semester. Instead, this is a class that will be focused on acting exorcises. Improv, both comedic and dramatic. And every other week in the Shoebox Theater in this very building we be doing improv shows for anyone who wishes to show up from 1:00 to 2:00. Starting in two weeks, after a getting to know you period of course. This, since it is not during class time, will be totally voluntary but will be counted as extra credit for those who do. Now, as far as the getting to know you part goes, that's what this class will be about. In alphabetical order, I would like each of you to come meet me backstage for a bit, say five minutes. Pick up your syllabus and just chat. After that, just go back out to the class and get to know your fellow classmates. Pretty easy first day, yes? Well, let's get started with Adam Andrews. Please, follow me backstage.

An attractive young man stood up at the mention of his name. His hair was long toward the front, hanging a bit over his face. He gave Hayley a smile and walked up to join her on stage. The moment they were behind the curtains, the rest of the class began to talk.

“I didn't know you were an actor,” Selena said, turning towards Jesse.

“It's true, my desires go far beyond bringing alcohol to drunk frat boys,” said Peter.

“Same here.” she replied. “How long have you been at it?”

“Got interested in high school. How about you?”

“The moment I knew it was a thing,” Selena said with a big smile. “Kind of...got off track last semester. Barely got by. Hoping I can course correct this and a lot of things this time around.”

“I think you'll pull it off,” said Jesse. “I can't wait to see what you can do.”

“Sorry to interrupt you two,” Liz said, leaning over their seats. “I know you.” Liz gestured at Selena. “Recognize you,” nodding at Jesse. “Which means you two get these.” Liz handed Selena and Jesse flyers detailing audition times for Peter and Sabrina's movie.

“The start and stop times are non-negotiable,” Liz said. “If you miss out, you miss out. Hope to see you there. Sides will be provided there, so be prepared for a cold read.”

Just as quickly as she entered the conversation, Liz left it, spreading the flyers around. Both Jesse and Selena examined the flyers. Jesse felt a bit of a thrill. He'd never been on a legit audition like this before. Sounded exciting.

Selena on the other hand, while excited, felt a little weird. She never thought she'd have to audition for one of Peter's movies. But this also wasn't high school anymore and they still weren't on speaking terms. If she could land the part, not only would it be a sign of her getting it based on talent alone but maybe she could start repairing their fractured friendship.

While the audition flyers were being passed around up front, backstage Hayley and Adam were getting to know each other.

It was casual, friendly. Or at least that how it began. And when they would look back on how it all began neither one of them would pinpoint it. Maybe it was how the light backstage hit Hayley just right, her amazing cleavage and curves all making Adam go for the first move.

Maybe it was Adam's boy next door good looks and crisp green eyes that made Hayley make the first move. That moment was gone, replaced with the pair all over each other.

Their lips were locked in a passionate and furious kiss. Adam's hands ran up Hayley's stocking clad leg as she lifted it around him. His fingers traced along the dark material from calf to thigh, lifting her skirt resting there when his finger tips touched flesh. Then his moved his hand towards her crotch, palming her hot pussy.

“Oh my,” Hayley moaned, feeling his hand over her pantie covered crotch. She backed away momentarily to remove the garment, haphazardly throwing them over her shoulder. She made made her way back over to Adam, looking him dead in the eyes as her hands darting for his pants, undoing them and letting them fall to his knees.

The buxom Brit smirked at her instant lover and hoped up on the table where this little backstage fling had all began, the syllabic long since knocked off to make room for their passion.

If Hayley was remotely thinking straight, she'd have worries about this. Worries about a student asking her what she's doing, if they're next for their little introduction. But that was all far, far from her mind. In fact, the only thing remotely connected to class was keeping her voice under control when Adam's lovely cock filled up her cunt in a thrust.

“Dear God!” she said in a whisper-shout. Her hands gripped Adam's back tight and his hands gripped her plump and lovely ass. They looked at each other, mouths open and breathless as Adam began to thrust into her. Hard, quick pumps, but methodical. Not at all rapid. It was a challenge for either of them to not moan out in grand passion.

“Yes...oh yess,” Hayley said, breathing hard and heavy. Adam grinned a bit as her mouth hung open, her browns eyes almost aglow with desire. He sped up and Hayley leaned back, her large tits being pressed forward. It was a treat to tantalizing to resist.

His hands went from her ass to her chest, fondling her tits before going for the buttons and undoing them. He badly wanted to tear open that blouse and get to those amazing mounds, but was still cognizant enough to realize if he did that, those buttons might fly out on the stage, which would be a begin no no.

Soon enough those buttons were a worry of the past and Hayley's epic tits were free, save for a black lace bra. The bra was far less of an obstacle for Adam. He pulled the cups down and quickly covered that exposed flesh with his face, burying himself in that palace of skin.

“Oh...oh my...” she gasped, the soft whiskers of his five o'clock shadow tickling her tits while his lips and tongue danced. Adam sucked her nipple, licked them, jumped from one breast to the other, not knowing where to start or wear to begin with the them.

Her legs tightened around his waist, holding his thrusting pelvis in while his mouth sucked at her tits. Every sensation was blowing up in Hayley's mind. The spontaneous combustion of their lust singed every feeling she had with a desirable fire. A fire that was going to increase in volume. Hayley could only hold back so much.

She let out soft, longing moans when Adam began to work his hips, slowing down just a bit to feel even more of her from the inside, getting deeper and deeper. She bit her lip as he grazed nice, sensitive part, knowing with a few more strokes like that she'd be beyond that ability. Then her eyes fell on that old stalwart of backstage areas from colleges all over the world; the couch. The reliable, for use in any play couch.

“C-couch,” she gasped. “Take me to the couch.”

Adam nodded, her tit in his mouth. He released it with a small pop and picked Hayley up. She shuffled her over to the nearby couch and they both fell on it. Once they were settled, he resumed his thrusting, speeding up now as he took Hayley's heavenly cunt.

Hayley reached above her, squeezing the armrest of the couch tight as things got hotter and harder. The urgency of before was multiplied. The need to finish this sensual dalliance before getting caught crashed head on with the desire for that last rush of intense pleasure. It was a pleasure that wasn't going to be silenced. And while Adam could bury his face in Hayley's tits when he came, Hayley had nothing, not even a loose cushion to bury her face in.

“Bend me over,” she said. “Put me an all fours Adam...fuck me just like that...make me cum just like that...”

Adam grinned and pulled out of Hayley. He flipped her over, Hayley letting out a soft laugh then looking over he shoulder at him, giving him the most sensual look he'd ever seen. If that face didn't scream “do it” he didn't know what did.

“Ohhhhhh,” Hayley said when his cock made re-entry. She still kept her voice low but now it trembled, right on the verge of breaking. The every stroke, with every deep venture Adam's dick made inside of her she got closer to needing to shout out how much she needed it. How much the feeling of that hard, young cock inside her was making her crave even more.

Adam held tight to her full, round hips. He was going for broke, right on that brink of losing. All his nerves were on fire, waiting for that final climactic release. From how Hayley herself was trembling, how her voice cracked, Adam could tell she was in the same boat. When her hand went between her legs to play with her clit and her face buried itself in the cushioned arm of the couch, that was all the confirmation he needed.

Adam leaned over, among pressing Hayley down prone as they both hit that home stretch. Adam didn't know how much long he was going to last stroking into that perfect pink velvet box. His thrusts became quicker and shallower and Hayley's breaths did the same. They were so dangerously close they both just needed that extra little push to go over the edge.

Adam got her ears, grunting and growing directly into it. “I'm gonna cum....”

Those three words. Magic words that were music to Hayley's ears, making her tingle and goose pimple erupt on her body. Those three words formed the key that made Hayley careen to the point of no return. All she needed was the right way for that key to turn.

“In me,” she gasped. “Cum in me...oh yes...yes fill me up...oh yesssss....”

Adam buried is face in Hayley gorgeous hair, moaning as he began to pump his white hot load into her pussy. And that was when Hayley came, the British bombshell howling in delight, burying her face into the seat cushion of the couch. Her moans wee muffled but still oh so sexy to Adam.

After a few more pumps his love gun was out of ammo. He slid out of Hayley's cunt and leaned back on the couch, gasping for breath while Hayley rolled over and did the same. The looked at each other, dazed but smiling. Then the pair remembered where they were and scrambled to get their clothes back on, a slight bit of embarrassment rushing over them.

As he re-buckled his pants, Adam was the first to say something to break the ice that had formed around them. “...uh... ummm... you have office hours?” he asked. “You know... to... talk... about... this... and the class... and... um... stuff....”

“Oh...yes...they're at three to four...Wednesdays and Thursdays.” replied Hayley. She was fumbling with her buttons as she put her blouse back in place. “My office location is listed on the syllabus. Please pick one up...off the floor...” she laughed a bit, then quickly straightened back up. “Then please inform the next student to come up. I believe it's another Adam, Adam Apton. But...give me five minutes if you would luv.”

“Yeah, sure thing.”

“Oh, and one more thing before you go back out.”

“What's that?”

“Zip up please.”

Adam look down and quickly zipped up. He chuckled a little then headed back out.

It was certainly the most interesting first class either of them had ever experienced.


“So we for sure have the theater for the auditions this weekend?” Sabrina asked Camila They were in the middle of a busy lunch hour at the dining commons. Lili had managed to secure a booth for them.

“Whole day.” Camila replied with a nod. “The person in charge of all that stuff owed me a favor from when I worked in the print shop. We have it the whole day as long as we clean up afterwards. Which reminds me, anything I'm picking up besides coffee and bagels before we start?”

“I don't think so. Peter's going to bring a thermos of tea for himself and we'll probably just get a pizza or something if we even have lunch. Thanks though.”

“That's what producers are for,” Camila said. “Right? I'm still not sure exactly what my job is except throwing money at problems.”

“That's actually the gist of it.” Sabrina answered. “And maybe some input on the casting, stuff like that.”

The two slid in to the booth where Lili was already sitting, jotting and sketching things out in her notebook.

“Whatcha got there?” asked Camila.

“Oh!” Lili yelped, startled by their arrival. “Hi. Just sketching some idea for gore gags and make-up ideas. It's going to be a lot easier when I get the scans that zero made of the actors' heads though. But right now, just a rough idea. What do you think?”

Lili handed the notebook to Sabrina, who's smile got real wide when she flipped through the pages. “Daddy like,” she said, then handed the notebook over to Camila.

“Oooh, gross, bloody, totally unsuitable to see when you're about to eat,” said Camila. “You're definitely on the right track Lilz.”

“Yay!” Lili grinned. “Oh, when Jake comes out would you mind scooting out to let him sit next to me Cami?”

“No problem. Jose's going to be joining us too.”

And as it tended to happen on campus, Jose and Jake showed up, as if they had just been announced to the ring. Camila slid out of her seat to get up and greet her man with a kiss. When the kiss broke Jose looked down at the shirt Cami was wearing and was a little shocked, which Camila noticed immediately.

“What's wrong Sweetface?” she asked.

“Your shirt, where'd you get it?” he asked. Camila's shirt bore the image Jose and Jake in their wrestling gear. They were posed as if they were in some kind of old 70s horror movie. Very grindhouse, all on a black t-shirt.

“Oh, this? It came while you two were working this weekend. In a big box. I opened it, hope that's okay. Saw it was those shirts you guys ordered to sell at the next few shows. I thought the shirt looked cool and took one my size. Gave one to Lili too.”

Lili then perked up and showed the same shirt off on herself. “Looks awesome, huh?”

“Looks amazing,” Jake said, leaning over to kiss her. “Even better on you.”

“That's kind of the response I was hoping for,” said Cami. “So...what's wrong?”

“Oh...nothing. Just. I was just kind of shocked. I mean it's not every day my girl wears my stuff, you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“Kira refused to wear any of our shirts,” Jake said. “Said it hurt her brand. And what helped her brand was making Jose where HER stuff or she'd throw a fit.”

“Babe, really” Cami asked.

“Look, it wasn't that bad....kinda...yeah okay it was Hell.”

“Well, I'm not Kira...thank god. Besides, this is a cute shirt. I like it. And if I happen to be able to promote the love of my life, then that's cool too. Besides...it does look cute, right?”

Camila twirled around, making Jose chuckle a little.

“Oh it looks fucking awesome,” said Jose.

“Thanks,” she said. “You think I could have another though? I want one to hand of cut up a bit. Make a half shirt, cut the sleeves off...customize it a little.”

“Yeah sure, we have a couple extra in there anyway. We tend to over order so we can wear them to the ring and toss them out to the crowd.”

“Well, with that little hurdle handled how about you go grab your lunch so we can eat together?”

The two kissed and Jose went to get in the cafeteria line. Jake stayed behind, noticing a noticeable absence.

“Where's Peter?” he asked. “Thought you two had a class together.”

“We did. It was AWESOME. It's weird to have a textbook I can't wait to actually crack open. But after class he had...I think a class on Westerns and then he went to go pick up Hailee from her office gig, have lunch and bring her back to campus for her classes.”

“Oh, cool.” Jake said. “So it's just us?”

“Well, the people here?” Lili asked. “Yeah. Why?”

“Oh, no reason at all,” Jake said, trying to cover his emotional tracks as he slid in next to Lili. “What's in the notebook?”

“Designs and stuff for the movie. Getting really twisted. I can't wait to start and see all these things in the flesh.”

“Speaking of missing persons,” Camila said as she returned to her seat. “Where's your pet, Sabs?”

“Ben?” she asked. “He said he was feeling sick so he went back to the apartment to rest it off before his night class.”

“You two cool now?” Lili asked.

“Getting there,” Sabrina said. “Better than we were doing. He took me a jazz club I love to try and smooth it out. At least ”

“That's honestly a lot of progress for Ben,” said Camila. “No offense Sabs.”

“None taken. You know him better.”

“Look, if anyone can straighten him out, it's you.”

“There a history there I should know about?” asked Sabrina.

“No...well, not like that. I mean I only dated one of the brothers and that was the one I could trust.” Camila shifted in her seat a bit. “Look, Ben can be a great guy. He can be. And he's not a monster or abusive or anything like that. It's just...he's the baby of the family and is used to getting away with shit. Mr. Teflon, essentially. If you actually got him to accept some kind of consequences for fucking up, you're a miracle worker in my book.”

“Uh...thanks? I guess...”

“Sabrina, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about,” Lili said. “You said yourself the fight is starting to blow over, right?”


“So that's it. It's all good and if he wasn't sick he'd be here right now with you.”

“Yeah, you're right,” said Sabrina. “Besides, what's there to be down about when we're just a couple weeks away from covering people with blood and gore?”

“That's the spirit!” Lili said with a grin. “And I just know the gore budget is huge.” Lili looked at Camila, smiling wide.

“Oh, of course.” Camila answered. “I just can't say no to that face!”

“I think I have the same issue,” Jake said, kissing Lili sweetly. “Impossible.”

In that moment, and only for a second, Sabrina felt a little jealous. She thought of Ben and hoped he was feeling better. Maybe he'd join her for lunch tomorrow.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 07:10:06 AM

Ben was not at home. He was not resting. He was not sick.

He was just fine. He was at a bar. He was relaxing with a drink. At first he thought about the Whisky Casket, maybe have a little fun with Lucy there. Then he thought better of that. What if Sabrina decided to have lunch there? Too risky. Besides, he had plans with Lucy later on in the week. This was just for him. Away from anything that could possibly get him in anymore trouble than he was already in. While Lucy wasn't mad at him and Sabrina wasn't anymore, if they ever found out about each other he'd be dead. And that stress was getting to him.

Which was why he was at this bar a little bit away from the school. Not immensely far away, but just enough. No bands. No kitchen. Just booze, atmosphere and a jukebox. Not much trouble he could get into. Besides, this more of a teacher's bar. He saw more instructors here than anything.

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125880896_jessicachastaingqjan1302_gq_23nov12_pr_b_1445x878.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125880896_jessicachastaingqjan1302_gq_23nov12_pr_b_1445x878.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125880915_jessica-chastain-gq-uk-photshoot-2012-4.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125880915_jessica-chastain-gq-uk-photshoot-2012-4.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125880916_jessica-chastain-gq-uk-photshoot-2012-5.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125880916_jessica-chastain-gq-uk-photshoot-2012-5.jpg)

But the moment that redhead walked in the bar, any concerns about trouble walked out.  She was a gorgeous red head, gorgeous of the drop dead variety. Red hair, red lips, pale skin and black heel click-clacking on the hardwood floor. She had an otherworldly confidence about her. It showed in the confident stride of her walk and her total no sell of everyone dropping what there were doing and looking at her.

She sat down next to him, seemingly not even noticing Ben was alive. “Rye, double. Neat. Not even a chip of ice.”

The drink was in front of her in a flash. The lady knew how to get what she wanted. Ben could tell that about her. She was the boss no matter who she was talking to. And when her eyes came upon Ben, who's eyes were already on her, she took notice.

“Looking at something?” she asked.

“Someone, actually.” replied Ben.

“Cute. It knows basic grammar.” She swiveled her stool around to face him, a wry grin on her face. “What do I call you?”

“Ben Farrano. What do I call you?”

“Jessica Chastain,” she said, then sipped from her drink. “You're a little young to be an instructor, aren't you?”

“Yeah. Must be why I'm not one.”

“You know this is pretty much an instructor's bar right?” asked Jessica. “Tenure, grad students with their own classes...that's the clientele.”

“Are you asking me to leave?”

“Not at all.” She smiled at him. Jessica liked him. He wasn't intimated. It was made what would come later so much more fun. “What are you drinking.”

“Same as you but a single.”

“Good choice.” Crossed her legs, making a show of it. Ben couldn't help but look. “So, what brings you here instead of that place the students go? The Whisky something...”

“All I wanted was to relax and get a drink,” Ben said. “Can't really do that there. And you? First day back stressing you out?”

“Hardly,” said Jessica. “Just a tradition. A superstition if you will. As long as I get this exact drink at some point during the day, my semester goes smoothly. Never misses.” She took another sip, giving Ben a very inviting look. “What do you study?”

“Film. With a focus on editing. What do you teach?”

“Film department. Advanced Editing and a class on female film-makers.”

“Looks like we have something in common aside from our booze,” Ben said, raising his glass for a quick toast.

“So it does,” Jessica said, clinking her glass to his. As they both down the rest of their drinks. Jessica wondered to herself if now was the time to strike. She had no time for playing games He was cute enough and seemed to be, from the small tells she picked up, malleable to a degree. When it came to what she desired, she tended to be blunt first and explain herself later. That method had worked out for her so far. Besides, the sooner she went for it, the sooner another one of her yearly traditions would be checked off the list.

“You know what I don't like?” Jessica asked. “Both in my career and private life? Bullshit. I don't have time for it. How about you, Ben? What do you think about bullshit?”

“A useful tool that can be overused by the stupid.” he said bluntly. “Only to be used in the most dire of situations. I prefer getting straight to the point myself.”

“Fair enough.” Jessica turned to the bartender, signalling for him. “Give me another...and refill my friend here.”

“Thanks,” said Ben as his drink was topped off.

“No problem.” Jessica smiled, holding back on licking her lips. He'd do.”I have a proposal for you, Benjamin.”

“What would that be.”

“You want to go back to my place and fuck?”

“What?” he asked, chocking on the whisky.

“Did I stutter? I did say I don't like bullshit didn't I? Small talk is bullshit when you know what you want. That's what I came here for. A quick couple of drinks and finding someone suitable for an afternoon bit of fun. My other tradition. And you're cute enough. If you're not up for it say so. But make your answer quick. I have time, but it's finite. So, by the time I finish this, you either have an answer or I walk. Simple. No bullshit.”

Ben probably could have weighed his options. Most people would think their plates were full enough with two girls who thought he was being true. Most would decline and maybe regret it later. But those men thought with their brains and that just wasn't Ben's style.

“Your car or mine?”

The smirk on Jessica's face was the last thing he clearly remembered before he got to Jessica's place. It was big, expensive furniture and decorations adorned it all. Ben probably could have taken a more detailed view of it all, but the house was the furthest thing from his mind.

Jessica Chastain took up that rental space.  Savage kisses and hungry gropes were the chosen languages right now. Jessica kicked off her shoes and removed her clothing in a speedy fashion before tossing them aside as well.

Ben, being far more anxious was also far more chaotic in his stripping. It was clumsy enough to be endearing as opposed to annoying. Jessica just saw it as Ben being a very eager plaything for her. It made her even wetter.

It could have been anybody. Young or old, it never really mattered to Jessica when  picking her lover of the day. They just had to be old enough and interest her. She usually knew within seconds and somehow Ben passed that test.

He was lead into her bed room, spacial and elegant just as the rest of the house was. The bed itself was droned with a golden headboard and bedposts with red sheets and a black cover with pillows that kept up the red and black theme.

“Lay on the bed,” Jessica ordered. Ben did so, now fully nude. He tried not to be too quick and betray how turned on he already was, but Jessica wasn't blind or stupid.

“Gonna ride me?” he asked with an expectant grin.

“Eventually,” said Jessica, just a hint of a taunt in her response. “First...we're going to have to test that stamina.” Jessica took a confident posture as she removed her bra, exposing her breasts and her hard, pink nipples to view. Ben's cock twitched a little just looking at the pale, cherry topped globes.

Her confident stare burned into Ben, making him feel an odd bit of desire he'd never quite felt before, a desire that only burned brighter when she slid her panties down.
Jessica walked towards him, getting to her knees when she got to the edge of the bed. From there she slithered up on the bed and parted his legs. Her shiny black nailed dragged up his thighs to his cock, grasping it in a firm grip and umping it gently.

“Let's see your stamina Ben.” Ben could have had a retort for her if his mind had gone blank when Jessica's mouth engulfed his cock in oe gulp. Once that happened even a word like fuck struggled to come to mind. Instead, all that could escape his lips was a pleasured but garbled moan of appreciation. Jessica wasn't playing around, at least not in Ben's mind. For Jessica, that's exactly what it was. This was half the fun of college boys.

Her tongue snaked and slurped on his dick, getting every last centimeter of it coated in her saliva. Her sucking was hands free. Jessica's hands were far too busy playing with Ben's balls. Rolling them, tugging them, making him moan and twitch from the double team of her mouth and hands.

Ben struggled to watch. He loved a visual with the feeling, but it was honestly just a bit too much. Something about how Jessica was doing it all, the energy she was emanating seemed to be to electric for him to even be in full control of himself. His eyes shut tight and his head rolled back when he felt Jessica run her tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, her tongue sometimes lusciously licking the head and others darting and flicking it quickly. It was  a scramble of pleasure and he had no clue what to expect next.

Jessica wrapped her lips around his crown and sucked hard. No mercy. No quarter given. Ben's back arched at the hurricane of bliss that was housed inside Jessica's mouth. It wreaked the best kind of havoc on his cock before she cooled things down a bit by returning to a more traditional pace, bobbing her head up and down. Even within that though, Jessica added a few bits of spice with her tongue and teeth. Ben never knew what was coming next.

There was a rhythmic chaos at work with Jessica's blowjob. The only thing Ben could rely on being in that skilled, sensual sauna of a mouth was that Jessica was going to kept him guessing. For every slow and gentle caressing of her tongue there was a tongue tornado of saliva and pleasure. For every gentle suckle that there was a bit of pleasure tinged with pain when her teeth drug across his head. He was on the ropes. Which mean Ben was exactly where Jessica wanted him.

Jessica released Ben's cock from her mouth, a dominant grin on her face. “Three minutes are up.”

“That was only three minutes?” Ben asked.

“Mmm hmm.” Jessica replied.

“You...uh...want me to return the favor?”

“No,” she said. “Frankly I don't know if you can. But you lasted long enough to earn my pussy...don't disappoint there, Benjamin.”

As Jessica crawled up, Ben was actually a bit nervous. Going down on her would have given him just enough of a time to recharge from what her mouth just put his dick through. He was already on edge.

Jessica read his nerves on his face. It was the sizzle on the steak. That's when she released him. When he was two seconds away from too far gone. She gripped his cock tight, giving him just enough of a distraction to stave him off.

“We're going to fuck now unless you have any objections Benjamin,” she said, moving up his body. When Ben moved his hands to touch her however, he was stopped. “No. I touch you, not the other way around. Not until I say. You have to earn it, understand. And just yes or no. Nothing cute.”

“Yes,” he said. “I understand. He was completely under whatever spell Jessica was casting. As he would be. They always were. It was as predictable as the sunrise to Jessica.

“Good. Now..tell me more...what do you want?” Jessica said with a sexy and confident sneer. She began to rub her pussy against his cock, teasing his engorged member, refusing him the access he so clearly needed.

“I want it.”

“It? Be more specific or you're getting nothing.” She sped up the grindage on his cock, making him short of breath and even whimper a bit. “Tell me exactly what you want. Be clear...fucking tell me.”

“To fuck you!” he blurted out. “I need to have my cock in your cunt!”

“Hmm hmm hmmm,” she laughed. She leaned over and licked his face then brought her lips  to his ears. “I could dock you for profanity Benjamin...I'll let it slide though.”

Jessica nibbled his ear and reached between them, grabbing his cock before rising down and sinking down on this rock solid pole.

“Don't cum,” she ordered. “Don't you dare cum inside me...or early...you cum when and where I tell you, got it? You haven't earned either privilege yet.”

“Okay,” he said. Even if he had the ability to make some kind of retort, he wouldn't. Jessica had laid the rules out very damn clearly. All he could do was lay back and watch as Jessica Chastain took control.

And what a view it was. Sweat glistening off her pale skin, her tits bouncing and those cherry big nipples of hers aroused and pointing out. She had already made a steady pace. Her velvet vice miking and squeezing his cock with every pump. He may have hid the cock but Jessica was the one fucking Ben. He was just along for the ride.

“Mmmm...such a good dick...ohhh, fuck yes...” said Jessica, a smile on her face as the words came out in satin voice. “Mmm stay right there...don't move....gonna use your fucking dick...mmmmm...”

That's exactly what Jessica dick. Ben's cock was just a plaything for her to use just as she pleased. She loved it. Pushing him to that edge and making him stay there. Not even giving him a moment to breath.

Jessica leaned back on her arms and fucked Ben even fast than she was, her teeth clenched tight as she fiercely bounced on his dick. Once again, no mercy, no quarter given. And Ben was stuck between the bliss of Heaven and the agony of Hell.  The cliff side of pleasure he was dangling off of was now being struck by an earthquake. But still he held on. He didn't want the experience to end just yet...and he didn't want to see what would happen if he did a single thing without Jessica's permission. All he could do is lay back, observe, and be fucked by this gorgeous redheaded cougar.

The room was filled with a cacophony of sex. Moans, the sound of their flesh colliding all echoing within the four walls of Jessica's bedroom. She grinned wide when she saw how desperate for release. That didn't mean she was going to give it to him. But he did deserve a little reward for hanging on.

“You may touch me now,” she said, slowing her pace down a bit. “You want to feel me, don't you Benjamin?” She began to run her hands all over her body, caressing her stomach and tits, sucking on her fingers while she waited for the answer she already knew she was getting.

“Yes...yes I do.” He replied, but still held back.

“Then fucking do it,” she taunted. “Take some initiative.”

With that green light given, Ben did that. Still, it was tentative at first, runninghis hands up her fit legs to her waist, only taking a grip of them when her saw Jessica's pink tongue lick her red lips in anticipation.

Ben rose up, wrapping his arms tightly around Jessica's waist and pulling her tight. He had to go her tits first. Jessica didn't mind. It was predictable but fun for her as well, moaning softly as he sucked and nibbled on her nipples. Still she knew when she wanted more.

“Stop playing around and fuck me,” she said. She grabbed his hair and yanked his face away from his tits. “Fuck me...don't make me say it a third time, Benjamin.”

Ben took this warning seriously. He held Jessica tight began to thrust up into the lusty redhead, giving her a respite from all the work she'd been doing. Hard and fast, just as she had done him and without any concern for how close to the edge he was driving himself.

“YES!” cried out Jessica, her face in a harlequin's grin. She through her head back, that mane of red hair now matted with sweat flowing through the air and landing with a soft smack to her back. Ben was a good choice. He knew just what spots to hit...and he could  be easily led to be just what she wanted in the bed room. And right now all she wanted was a fuck machine. A living breathing fuck machine.

“Fucking take it!” she yelled. “Take my fucking pussy!” Her legs wrapped tightly around his waste like a constrictor And her hand at her back, nails digging and scratching him. She utterly delighted receiving everything he had to give.”Fuck it...fuck my pussy...come on now...don't fucking slow down...don't even fucking dream it...make me fucking cum and you get to cum...and don't you...ohhhh goodddd...don't you fucking thing about doing it before me!”

From there Jessica's voice trailed off into nothing but impassioned moans and growls. Still they were sounds that Ben translated perfectly. After all, Jessica had essentially given him a cipher.

He held her right as he flipped Jessica on to her back, giving him full control of the pace. Fortunately for Jessica, she already had him trained as to what she liked.

Ben gulped for air as he drove into's Jessica cunt with the same fierceness and hunger she'd instilled in him and she loved every moment of it. Moaning, groaning and begging for more.

“Come on!” she shouted. “Harder! FUCK ME! Don't you DARE fucking stop! But do't...ohhh don't you even think of cumming before I do...I don't fucking care...you haven't earned the right to cum yet and you won't until I do it first!”

Ben rose up to his knees lifting Jessica's lower half with him. Her legs still were wrapped around his waist while her shoulders and head were still on the bed. He watched he breath rise and fall in her stomached he drove his cock into her at top speed. And Jessica cried out for more, each moan and word coming from her mouth becoming more and more desperate for that last release, begging for it with out one actually bit of begging to fall from her lips.

Finally, Jessica drove headfirst off that delight ledge and didn't look back. She felt like her body exploded in pleasure, her moans echoing throughout her home as she came. And when her cunt's vice-like grip only tights and quivered on Ben's cock, that was Ben's ear as day sign he could cum now.

He released Jessica and pulled out, remembering her earlier words. He didn't even have to stroke himself. The moment he was free he exploded like a shotgun, spraying his load from Jessica's fire red patch of hair at her pussy to her chin and bottom lips, groaning and laughing with joy as every stream shot out of his pulsing cock.

Usually Jessica would play mad at someone for cumming on her face without permission, but with that rocket blast she couldn't. She'd gotten just what she wanted out of him. She had him in the palm of her hand. He'd be the perfect toy for the semester.

Another thing on the list checked.


Scarlett Johansson had butterflies in her stomach. That was putting it mildly, honestly.  She always thought of butterflies as delicate and graceful, dancing with their wings on gusts of air.

What was going on inside her felt more like angry wasps slam-dancing in her abdomen. Even then though, that seemed almost to negative. Her nerves were severe, but not all together negative. And it all started when Margot gave her that message about Chris. He was back in town. Of course Margot didn't know who he was. She didn't know that at one point, that man was the world to Scarlett...and she threw it all away.

Scarlett pushed those negative thoughts aside. They weren't welcome. This was a happy occasion. It had been ten years. She didn't want to think about how and why things ended. Scarlett was just glad Chris wanted to meet her.

So she sat there at a sidewalk cafe near the school with an iced tea, a smile, and a stomach full of some kind of metaphorical insects having a grand old time. All she could do was try to calm down and wait. She actually laughed at herself. Her being the one to wait on Chris. That was a change from ten years ago.

“Excuse me miss,” a familiar voice said, making Scarlett turn around. “Would you mind if I joined you for lunch?” When she heard that she darted up from her seat and spun around. Even if she had wanted to hide her smile, she couldn't have.

“Chris Evans!,” she said with a grin, greeting the muscular mine with a tight hug, a gesture that was quickly returned. “It's been way too long.”

“Way too long.” he replied. “I assume the the empty sea is mine?”

“Always were a clever boy, weren't you?” she teased as their embrace broke. “Please, take a seat.”

Chris sat down, looking at Scarlett with a warmth all too familiar to her. It both calmed and aroused that hornet's nest within.

“Nice place,” he said. “Didn't this used to be Bulldog's?”

“I see your memory is as good as ever.”

“Well, it kind of has to be as a historian.” he replied.

“Yeah, this was Bulldog's. Mr. Samson sold it...I think three years ago? Just decided to retire.”

“What's that saying about all good things again?” Chris asked.

“You tell me, Mr. Memory.” She sipped from her iced tea with a smile. “The inside looks pretty much the same. A lot cleaner though. And obviously a different menu.”

“I can see.” Chris flipped through it, scanning each page for a brief moment. “They killed the cheese sticks? Bulldog's had the BEST cheese sticks! Trust me, as someone who's traveled the world, no one could beat the cheese sticks this place had.”

“Yeah, that was sad day. But on the bright side I think the French Dip they have now is better than before. The au ju...simply outstanding.” Scarlett added a chef's kiss as an extra bit of punctuation.

“I might have to take your word on that.”

“You won't be sorry.” They looked at each other in a serene moment of silence before Scarlett spoke up again. “So how have you been? It's been so long since we even spoke.”

“Since I left, actually.” he responded.

“Yeah....that long.”

“Well, since you were at the graduation you know I got my PhD, which I guess makes me a doctor. You don't have to use the official title.”


“No problem. After that, well, I traveled. I lot. Researching stuff, even had a few articles published.”

“I read them,” Scarlett blurted out. “They were great. Really drew me in. And yo know I'm not a history buff.”

“Yeah, I know that,” he said with a smile. “So...why'd you read them?”

“Because you wrote them.” That sweet serene silence returned. This time Chris would be the one to break it.

“So...you've been doing well for yourself,” he said. “Dean of the college. The same one we went to. You're the woman in charge. Youngest one on record, correct?”

“Yes indeed,” she said with more than a little pride. “That's one bit of history I'm very familiar with. Worked my ass off to get the position.”

“I don't know about that Scar,” he said. “I came in from behind. That ass is still there.”

That made her blush. She got a thrill knowing he still looked at her like that. “Well, metaphors and all. Still, hard work paid of. And now I have even more hard work but it's worth it. The ship runs tight. The whole place is more like an ecosystem then I ever even paid attention to back then.”

“Nothing you'd change?”

“I...I don't know,” said Scarlett. “I don't know if I'd be where I am now without everything else. You?”

“Well, there's one thing. One thing for sure.” Chris leaned over the table, causing Scarlett to do the same. “I'd have you with me every step of the way...if you'd wanted to of course.”

“I'd have loved that,” she said, he voice cracking a little. But we both know why that wasn't going to happen.” She sat back, a little turmoil being added to those pesky hornet's.

“And I still disagree with the take you had on yourself.”

“You deserved better,” Scarlett said. “I did what I didto get through school. I didn't have a scholarship or rich parents...so...I did what I did. And you deserved better.”

Chris reached over and held her hand. “Shouldn't I have been the judge of that?”

“Chris, what are you here for exactly?” Scarlett asked. “I doubt you came back to town just to relive the past.” She moved her free hand over his, a half smile on her face.

“Well, two reasons.” Chris replied. “I got a job here. Heading up the World War 2 exhibit at the museum. Curating it, heading up the whole thing. All of that. But I don't think I'd have taken it if it wasn't for the person sitting across from me living in the same place.”

Scarlett was stunned just for a moment. He filled her with a tempest fo emotions all at once with that answer. “Chris..I...”

“Look, Scar, I'm not saying we pick up where we left off. We're older, different people now. We've been through a lot in ten years apart.” Chris leaned back in his seat, releasing Scarlett's hand and took a deep breath. “I never stopped thinking about you. Not once. And I pretty much took this position just for the chance we could try again. And yes, I know that feels like I'm putting pressure on you, I placed all my bets right on this happening. But...I had to. I just had to.”

Now it was Scarlett's turn to lean back and take it all in. A lot had changed for them both. She made her own money and mostly legitimately. She wasn't part of the business anymore, but she oversaw how ti worked on campus, with Sophia running her old “offices” these days. She wasn't the same young woman faking confidence.She ran the damn show now. And maybe this version of herself deserved a fresh start.

“Nothing like second chances I suppose,” she said smiling.

“Well, how about we start that second chance off right?” Chris asked. “How does Valentine's Day sound? Just around the corner but not so close we can't make good plans.”

“Well, that sounds great,” Scarlett said. “But I do have plans. I promised a friend I'd help her out that night and I don't want to cancel. It's beyond important to her.” Scarlett hated having to start this second chance by giving Chris any kind of rejection, even a soft one. But she did promise Margot a threesome with Margot's fiance that night and it was incredibly important to Margot it happen. Still, Scarlett had a counter offer. “They day after though, I'm all yours. Is that okay?”

“Of course,” he said. “All I want really is you to be there. The day doesn't matter. Though I have to admit a Valentine's day date would have been a pretty sick way to kick things off again.”

“I think we'll manage,” Scarlett grinned, opening her menu.


For some reason, the first day of a new semester always drained Taylor. She couldn't quite figure out what it was. Especially this past semester, as she'd essentially stepped down as the head of her sorority, choosing to focus more on herself, her studies and her relationships. She simply didn't have the time anymore for everything it required of her nor the idiotic feuds the position brought with it. While she'd always be a sister, she didn't really want those headaches.

Except when it came to getting one last little jab in and Katy Perry and Karlie Kloss. Despite being absolutely crazy about Norman, she still felt a little bit of the sting from Karlie's betrayal.

Taylor's solution? Do what she always did: out-party Katy. And this time it was going to be a challenge. Before, she'd always been able to somehow tie it with the school. But with stepping down from the sorority, that was no longer an option, at least not directly.

Because of course, Taylor had a plan. That plan? A wonderful, decadent Valentine's Day party for students and faculty alike. All were welcome. Even Katy and Karlie. Hell, it'd be a kick to see them there in a way. Just to see the look on their faces at it. Them attempting to not even sell their envy.

However, there was a rather large obstacle. And that was the location. What was in Taylor's head would simply not due for anything that was on campus at all. And even without taking that into account she was not fucking McKracken again. Not that he was a bad lay, but...Norman. She just couldn't play that game anymore. She didn't want to. He deserved better.

Which meant, in all likelihood, her best option was a ballroom in a hotel....and the best on at that. She shuddered at what she was going to have to do. Taylor had looked through all her options, and the one she wanted to do the least was the best option. Taylor was going to ask someone she didn't like very much for help.

While she was mulling over in her head how best to approach the subject he door opened and in came Selena and Norman. The sight of both her best friend and her boyfriend could do nothing but bring a smile to her face, and it did just that.

“Hi there lover,” she said, getting up to greet Norman with a kiss. “And hello to you as well, roomie.”

“Hi and bye Tay,” Selena said. “Just need to get changed for work. Gotta rush.” Selena gave Taylor a quick hg and rushed to her room, leaving Norman alone with Taylor.

He pulled Taylor close and kissed her again as they embraced. “You hungry?” he asked as it broke.

“I could definitely eat.”


“Mmm yes,” she said. Taylor took his hand and led him to the couch. “Stuffed crust. Pepperoni. Jalepno. Bacon. And cheesy bread on the side.”

“Everything okay?” Norman asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, you ordered the “I'm stressed” triple combo plus the cheesy bread.” he replied. “That kind of indulgence tends to happens when you're stressed over something.”

“You know me very well sir,,” she said with a smile, kissing him on the cheek. “It's just...Valentines. The party, planning it, realizing I have to go to someone I don't particularly care for to get help...and of course planning our first Valentine's together before the party. I just want it all to be perfect and...well it's just a lot to take in all while school just started up again.”

“Well, how about you take some of that stress off of you and hand it to me?” suggested Norman. “Let me handle our date.”

“Norman, thanks, but...”

“Tay, I know you like being in charge,” he said, interrupting her. For most others, that would be a lethal mistake with Taylor. Right now, Norman got a pass. “But, just once...let me take the wheel. Okay? I promise I won't disappoint. Just...just trust me.”

Taylor took a moment to think about it. And in that moment she got an absolutely, delightfully wicked idea. “You're on lover,” she said. “With ONE caveat. And that, is at the end of the night we end up back in my place. To exchange gifts...and more.”

“Deal,” Norman said. “And let's seal the deal with a pizza so large we're going to have trouble moving in the morning.”

“You do know the way to my, heart, don't you hon?”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 07:19:03 AM

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125881947_tumblr_p91ufpw5tx1wki820o1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125881947_tumblr_p91ufpw5tx1wki820o1_1280.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125881950_zqx4ietr.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125881950_zqx4ietr.jpg)

Thursdays were always a busy day for Bella. She didn't know what it was, but they were always the busiest days for her business both for her and her girls alike. With that being the case, she never scheduled classes for herself on that day. While that meant some Saturday morning classes, the money made more than made up for it.

And while she was dealing with business matters today, it was not the kind that usually ate up her Thursdays. Instead, it was putting the finishing touches on the whole Paul Affair. While the money situation had been handled, she now needed to deal with the potential connections Paul had made with the for heads of the crime families in town. These guys essentially ran the underbelly of things locally, along with Bella. Yes, Sophia ran the kind, gentler house of ill repute, but the only person she negotiated with was Scarlett.

Which made Bella the woman in charge of sins of the flesh locally. And at her age, that was quite an accomplishment. The others respected her enough to allow her to sit at their table. Her business sense and killer instinct had earned her a great amount of respect. The Four knew that Bella was like them. Good business person that you don't want to cross. Se'd proven it multiple times, Reggie being the most recent. Now with Paul, it was time another example of Bella's golden rule:

Don't fuck with the Boss Bitch.

They had agreed to meet on neutral ground, a hotel locally that they all had a bit of a “stake” in. The hotel was a hub for their services but owned by an outside party connected to a Vegas family. This means meeting were always a snap. A presidential suite reserved for far from presidential activities.

Bella was the first to arrive. She prized punctuality from others, so she'd be a hypocrite if she didn't practice what she preached. Besides, she preferred to make the space nice and comfortable for the the other Four. That amounted to preparing drinks from the bar provided. The room was posh enough,it just needed a little garnish.

Bella didn't mind preparing the drink. She had gotten there first. It was just good manners. Besides, they all knew each other very well. She'd fucked them all.

That wasn't how Bella got in with them. If she'd done that she knew she'd never have gotten their respect n mater how good she was. No, it was more of an exchange of goods, scratching each other's backs. If Bella wanted free or discounted weed, she'd fuck the right person for free or at a discount, or have one of her girls do it. It was business. And that was respected.

Right as he poured the last drink, a different one for each of her guests, the door to the suite opened and the Four headed in. First was Nikita Kolonov, the head of the Russian/European sect. He was a gigantic mass of muscle topped with a perfectly coiffed head of near platinum blonde hair. All wrapped up in a three piece suit with a red silk shirt and no tie. He wasn't the kind of man who wore a tie. The Russians handled some of the drugs in the city. Not all, per a treaty with the other heads, but some. He covered the hallucinogenics and coke. One hell of a combo with some gun running on the side.

After him was Tyson Dixon, the man who ran the African American contingent. It didn't matter what colors you held elsewhere, under Tyson, you were united or else. Bella didn't ever think what he did to get such a position. The only thing she figured was his current position was  a form a retirement for him. Heading things up in a quiet college town and living a life of luxury. What could be a better retirement plan for a gangster? The clothes he wore reflected a life of leisure. No where near as business-like and Nikita. Just slacks, a polo shirt, and a light leather jacket. Weed and banned goods(within reason and the rules) were his trade. You want some good Purple Haze of real deal absinthe? He was the man to see.

After him cam Michael McIntyre, the one who ran the Irish section. Business casual was the order of the day for him as well, sans a leather jacket. His group was the muscle. Protection,underground fights; anything physical was their game. He was the youngest of the group, having replaced his brother who got promoted and sent New York. Bella knew both brothers very intimately. If there was an Irish curse it certainly did not afflict either of them.

Rounding them out was Bobby Sanchez leading the Latinos. Much like Tyson, no matter your colors, in this town you answered to him and did it with a smile. They handled any and all smuggling to and from Mexico. Of course, again within the limits set by this council of Four, Five including Bella. Everything had to be weighed by risk versus reward. He was the hat trick of business casual, wearing a blazer over his polo.

“Gentlemen,” Bella said, holding her martini high in a one woman toast to the men. “Welcome to this little meeting I've called. Please, take your seats, I'll be with you shortly.”

The men walked in, each taking a seat from a row arranged in a semi circle, separated by a small table with a drink for each of them, still chilled and ready to go.

“Why did you call this meeting Bella?” Nikita asked. Straight to business, always his style. He hadn't even touched his scotch.

“Business of course my dear,” Bella said. She came around the hotel bar to the front side and leaned back on it, giving the group a good look at her dress. Blake of course, and hugged her body so wonderfully perfect.”Just a bit of an update.”

“Then what's the update?” Tyson asked.

“Paul's out. You guys know Paul right? He was working really close to me, his dad's in the music biz, and I'm pretty sure he was trying to be enterprising by talking to you for while attempting to take my business out from under me. That about sums it up.”

“You know Paul had been meeting with us?” Michael asked, getting a glare from Nikita. Michael was always shitty at hiding his hand.

“Of course dear.” replied Bella. “Once I saw he was siphoning funds from me, that would have been the next logical step, would it not?”

“Very smart,” Nikita said. “Always liked that about you Bella.”

“So that's what this is about?” Bobby asked. “Bring us hear to chastise us for investigating a new business opportunity?”

“Oh no no no Bobby-Boy. It's to tell you he's done. His capital is gone. He's not getting any of my girls without that. And the music connection through his daddy? Mine now. So if you want that music business, he execs and stars who want their hungers fed and thirsts quenched? That's through me now. Turns out they love hot pussy just as much as the rest of us and certainly value it over keeping the son of a music executive happy. Another thing Paul didn't think of. He never did ask me exactly what happens to my girls when they leave me. I mean you all know. Some of them go on to live normal lives and that's that. Others...well, we all know I've had some prime up and comers in porn recently work for me, graduating to the Performer of the Year category. Hell, some have even gone on to be legit celebs. And all can be called in for a favor or two if the price is right. That's loyalty, something you can't buy. Just ask Paul.”

“It was just business Bella, nothing personal,” Tyson said. “We had to hear his offer out.”

“Was it promising?”

“A little.” answered Nikita. “But he was fool. If I had been outvoted in taking him in, then I would have gone along with it. Paul...cocky fool. The kind that would have brought trouble. But still, must listen. Risk and reward.”

“Gentleman, I understand, it's business. However, I would have liked to think I garnered enough respect from you to at least get a heads up on all this. Not that I needed one obviously. I can handle my shit.” Bella sipped from her vodka cran. “And Paul has been handled. So, I thought it be only proper to tell you all, in person, his deal, whatever it was, is off the table. I have everything he could have offered you. And so much much more.”

“So what is this Bella, you want to renegotiate some terms or something? Little disrespect tax?”

“Not at all Michael. But I would like to maybe add one addendum. Which would be, anyone knew tries to “buy in”, we all get notified. Fair enough?”

The men nodded. Bella smiled and downed the rest of her drink.

“Good. Now, gentlemen, I do think it's time to...well...sign the contract. But let's do it with someone a lot more fun than pen and ink.”

The men all began to grin, and those grins got wider when Bella slid off her black blazer and undid her blouse, leaving her only in her skirt, heels, and a black satin bra. She got to her knees and began to crawl towards them.

“Gonna be going clockwise boys,” Bella said. “Sorry Bobby, that means Nikita is up first.” Bella looked up into the Russian's eyes, a sly little smirk coming to his usual stone face.  Bella had a cocky look on her face as she began to undo his fly, fishing his cock from his pants.

“Yes, good little shlyukha,” Nikita sighed. Bella new how he liked it, and that was with no wasted time. She started with a full on, no bullshit pace, working her mouth all over Nikita's engorged prong. Deep in her throat, then back to bobbing up and down. Running her tongue in quick little circles just under his glans, then back to bobbing p and down. It was dance, well choreographed at this point. When it came to getting head, Nikita lied it a very certain way. Almost a factory built blow job. It should have bored Bella. If not for Nikita's penchant of calling her a whore in Russian and spewing various Russian profanities at her. It made the blowjob a lot more unique for her and shlyukha was now her favorite Russian word.

She finished the blowjob with a sweet little kiss at the very tip, then turned her attention to Tyson, who's cock was already out and standing at attention. Ever the eager beaver. As she crawled over to Tyson, Bella already was prepping in her head the battle plan for Tyson's dick.

Tyson was a very visual lover. Sometimes how something looked mattered more than how it felt to him. Seeing is believing and all of that. So when Bella got to his cock, she was ready to give him a show full of sizzle and spectacle.

Her tongue began at his balls, the slowly dragged upward to the base of his chocolate cock, where she planted the first kiss before slithering up the length, stopping just before the head for another kiss before getting to to the tip where she flicked her tongue against the bulbous mushroom tip. All the while keeping eye contact with Tyson. Eye contact was beyond key with him.

He waited with baited breath, watching and waiting for Bell'as next move. When Bella blew him a kiss, he braced himself. She wrapped those luscious lips right around the onyx crown of his pole, sucking hard and attacking it with her tongue. Her cheeks billowed and Tyson groaned in approval.

She started to suck in earnest, eye contact never breaking and making a show of ever single moment of it, exaggerating everything just a bit more. She could have done even more, but that would have taken away from the show, which was now what Tyson wanted in the least. The visual was the experience.

Once Tyson had had enough of a show, Bella crawled over to Michael who was also ready for her.Michael, he had an edge to him, but not a cruel edge. Not even a dominant one. The only thing he wanted was for to match him. Unlike his older brother, he had no interest in domination. He wanted Bella to match him. Match his aggression, match his desire. Bella LOVED that. Equality among perverts.

She winked at him before giving his cock a quick smack other her hand, which made Michael chuckle. He then reached down and grabbed her by the back of her  head making Bella moan a bit. “Suck this fucking cock,” he demanded. “And do it now.”

She grinned at him before spitting right on the bishop's head. From there, she went right to work, sloppily sucking on his cock with a salacious amount of saliva and slobber. This was a hard and furious suckjob. No place for a slow pace. Bella's mouth bobbed up and down on his cock with a nasty fast pace that was everything Michael loved in a blowjob.

Michael's hands went to Bella's head, holding her steady as he began to fuck her throat. Hard, fast, hungry. A strong essence of urgency behind every thrust. And Bella loved it. Getting as good as she could give. And Michael new when to quit. When Bella's hands went to his thighs and squeezed just a bit hard, he stopped. They had a system. It was called respect.

Bella removed herself from Michael's cock and laughed as she caught her breath. She squeezed his cock with an extra bit of tightness, making Michael wriggle a bit from the snug squeeze.

“Too tight for you?” she teased before spitting on Michael's cock again. She pumped his dick so fast her fist was a blur. “Then how are you gonna handle this mouth?”

“I'll take my chances.” Michael answered. He reached for her head again, caressing her face in a surprisingly tender move before bringing her back to his cock, where Bella resumed her ravenous sucking of his prick.

Soon though, that sloppy suckjob was done, and it was Bobby's turn. Like Nikitia at the start, his cock was still under wraps. Bobby liked for Bella to do the work, to unwrap her present like it was Christmas morning.

That was Bobby's thing. Sensuality, almost a worshiping of sex. Which meant when it came to sucking him off, he wanted it to be cock worship. That was fine with Bella. She wasn't much for organized religion but sex could certainly be a holy experience.

She smiled up at him, her eyes full of lust and wonder. Bella's hands danced up Bobby's legs until they got to his zipper, slowly tugging it down. Then they moved up just a bit to his belt, meticulously undoing it, giving Bobby a show of his own. The anticipation was part of his menu.

With all obstacles gone, Bella opened up Bobby's pants, exposing his hard cinnamon stick. Her eyes sparkled a bit, eagerness all over her face and spreading like a virus to Bobby's.

Bella lovingly began to rub his cock all over her face, making sure that throbbing cock head made contact with every inch of her mug. She moaned, she cooed, nothing but sounds of immense pleasure escaped her lips as she rubbed his dick all over her face like a paintbrush, little streaks of pre-cum making it a perverted game of connect the dots.

Then she brought the cock to her lips, running the tip along them, moaning with every complete circle. Bobby could hear it in her voice, the cadence of every moan and groan. She needed that cock.

“Take it in,” he said. “Do it now mami...”

“Thank you,” she said, her smile sweeter than sin. She took Bobby's girth in her mouth, slowly taking more and more of him n on every stroke. And Bobby began to get his moans in too. The deeper she went, louder her got. Ever stroke down and up, her tongue almost made love to his dick, carefully caressing him with every suck, getting those spot on his dick he himself didn't even know were that sensitive. She do anything to please him. That was his desire, which made it hers in this moment.

When Bella began to take Bobby into her throat, she felt someone creep up behind her. She smiled a bit with that cock in her mouth. The real fun was starting. She felt her as-yet-unrevealed lover begin to unzip and remove her skirt while Bella held Bobby's cock in her throat.

When she released his cock an gulped for air, she gazed over her shoulder to see Michael as the culprit, his devilish grin wide as can be and nude as the day he was born. She moved her legs just a bit so the skirt could be completely removed, leaving her bare save for the pumps.

Before she got back t sucking Bobby, she looked at Nikita and Tyson, who had similarly undressed, Party time.

Bobby's cock once again found it's place of worship in Bella's mouth. And while it was going to church, Michael's dick decided to find refuge in its own den of sin as he thrust inside of Bella's cunt.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned, sending a wonderful little vibration through Bobby's cock. Michael began to pump her hard and fast, giving her everything they both wanted. Bella removed her mouth from Bobby's fuckstick just long enough to feed Michael the words of encouragement she knew he loved to hear.”

“Ohhh Mikey yes,” she moaned. “Just like that...use it baby...use that cunt....mmm,  fuck yeah...do it...'cause I'm using that cock....using it so fucking good baby....” Then Bella's mouth went back to Bobby's cock.

Bobby knew as Michael had a grand old time fucking Bella with the same fervour with which he took her mouth he wouldn't be getting the same treatment as before. After all, now Bella had a bit more stimuli to deal with. That was fine for him. They'd all get a turn. That was how business was done.

Bobby left his position and got in line to take her cunt, and with that open Nikita came in to take his place, shoving his hard fuckstick in her mouth and fucking her face as Michael took her from behind. All the time that magic word that made Bella wet fell from his lips in lustful desperation, “Shlyukha...”

Michael tagged out and let Tyson get in. His onyx obelisk filled her cunt and Bella's eyes fluttered a bit. She was far from a size queen but sometimes big just felt good and Tyson had some length on him.

His pace was hard too, though not quite what Michael was doing. And Bella knew why. Tyson was all about the visuals in fucking and well. He needed to get that perfect view for himself of his cock driving in and out of her cunt, watching how every flesh-to-felsh collision they made sent ripples through her ass. Bella gave him a sexy look over her shoulders, licking her lips before returning to Nikita's cock.

Tyson was leaned back ever so much as he kneeled, his eyes only leaving the view of his cock slamming her cunt for the views of her face when she would look over at him. No words, just looks and it was all he needed.

Still, Tyson wasn't greedy. That wouldn't have been right for a meeting like this. He looked to Nikita, and the Russian stood up, then bent over, grabbing Bella by the end and lifting her to her feet.

“Lay down on the couch,” he said. “No more floor.”

“You got it,” she said, giving him a kiss before heading to the nearby couch and doing as requested. Nikita then climbed on top of her, sucking her tits a bit before bringing his cock to her opening.

“Ung yesss,” Bella moaned when Nikita's cock entered her. And he was a completely different kind of big. Tyson had length, that was true, but Nikita? The Russian had girth. Her hands gripped the carpeting tight as his thick cock filled her up, quickly settling into a rhythm.

“Nnng shlutkha,” he growled. “Mmmmm yes....”

“Oh fuck it...fuck me...oh my god YES!” Bella cried out. He mouth was free for the first time, and now she could really let them all know how she was feeling. “More...more Nikita...don't stop...oh baby yes!”

Nikita grunted, his eyes looking at the beautiful harlot writhe beneath him as he fucked her. Factory standard but amazing at the same time. Those steely blue eyes of his went from her face to her bouncing tits. He brought his hand to her face, where Bella once more revealed her oral fixation and sucked his thumb into her mouth.

Hard and fast, guttural growls were the order with Nikita, but he knew when to stop. He wasn't ready to cum. Now it was Bobby's turn in her pussy. Which meant a position change once more for Bella.

As Nikita left Bella and the couch, Bobby took a seat on it. Bella grinned. It was time for a ride.

Bella had an eager smile on her face as she climbed on top of Bobby and let out a very satisfied groan as she sat down on his cock. “Ooooh, papi,” she moaned. “So good baby.”

“His hands moed to Bella's plump booty as she began to ride. She was in control, and built up the pace on her own, making that cock work for her, worshiping at the altar of lust for Pastor Sanchez.

Bobby was doing some worshiping of his own, sucking on Bella's delightful tits as her paced built while keeping him guessing. Sometimes she would grind him, other times she would speed up and work his dick like nobody else could. Squeeze him, milk him, pretty much massage him with her otherworldly cunt muscles. It was a sinner's Heaven and he'd lost track of who was preaching to who.

Tyson and Michael though wanted a bit more. As Bella rode Bobby, the two stood up on the couch,their cocks presented to her.

“Oh, Hello boys,” Bella said when she spotted  them. Since Michael had gotten first crack at her pussy, she sucked on Tyson's cock again, tasting a int of herself on him. Michael still got some attention, her delicate but experienced hand pumping him.

While three men were being please, there were four in the room, and Nikita quite literally saw his opening. He came up behind Bella and whispered in her ear,” Hold still shlyukha.”

She did with an anxious grin. She knew what was coming and was glad that it was Nikita to start it. His girth felt just right in her ass. Eternally tight. She hungered for it it in a way she did few other cocks up there.

Every one froze in place. Nikita had a tube of lube in his hand that he grabbed from the bar. Bella had known all along where things were going to lead. She knew them all too well. She knew this meeting would in like this, with Paul on the outs and the five united once more, as if they would have ever split. Nikita never would have gone along with someone like Paul. And Bella knew that...but she didn't need to hear it from his mouth. Doubt was always necessary. It made things like this so much more exciting.

He squirted a dolop of the lube on his cock and worked it in before pressing his cock against Bella's back door. Once he pushed through, he and Bella let out an audible sigh of relief.

Unlike before, Nikita took a bit of time building up a rhythm both because he was sharing her body with another and the location was a bit more sensitive. But with every pump both men took inside of Bella, the more she got used to it. It never took her long before her moans began to echo throughout the hotel room. She utterly loved being filled up completely like this, especially when the men knew exactly how to do it.

“Oh yes boys,” she moaned. “Oh my GOD I fucking love this...keep going...I won't fucking break...fuck me...both of you...Mikey and Ty..bring those cocks back over...my mouth hungry!”

Bella was a very busy girl from there on. Her mouth and hands busy with two of her favorite cocks and both of her holes filled with two more of her favorites. It wasn't bad for the men either.

Nikita had built up his pace to his usual piston-like rhythm, grunting with every stroke he gave her while Bobby stayed with sucking and mauling at her tits, letting loose a series of profanities from both sides of the border.

From there positions switched so seamlessly Bella didn't even know how it happened. Now her back was to Michael, who's cock was up her ass and she was facing Tyson, who was deep in her pussy. Showtime once more, though there was no need to exaggerate. She rarely got DP'ed and when she didn't, there was no hiding how much she loved it.

As Michael ravaged her ass and Tyson took her pussy, she looked right in Tyson's eyes, her own almost daring him to do more. And that look was soon back up her her own voice.

“Take it boys...fuck yes...harder...faster...fucking use me! I'm fucking using you to get off so let's make it fair! FUCK FUCK YESS FUCKING FUCK ME!”

Tyson leaned forward, kissing her and sucking Bella's tongue, his hands groping her tits. He and Michael began to go faster, their rhythm it total unison as they brought Bella higher and higher plains in the realms of pleasure.

Neither Bella nor the men knew how much time had passed. Positions had changed frequently to the point everyone was delirious and on the verge of orgasmic explosion.

When the first of the men said they were going to cum, it became a chorus of agreement. They all withdrew from Bella and allowed their harlot of a business partner to take her place in the center of the room on her knees and playing with her pussy.

“Sign on the dotted line boys,” Bella said, pointing at her face with her free hand. “Right...come on....seal the deal....cover me....right now...” her voice began to trail off as she felt the embers of her orgasm beginning tog row into a full fledged fire. All she needed was that one last bit of heat. And when the first shot of cum erupted from on of the cocks, she got it.

“Oh fuck YES!” she cried out, cumming as the Four came all over her face, covering and coating Bella's beautiful visage with layer of their cum. They shot more than expected, spurred on by watching their whore of a business partner shiver as she came while being utterly covering in cum.

By the time they were done, Bella was a sexy little mess. Her eyes were pasted shut and she was laughing a bit. “Wow,” she giggled. “Fuck that's a lot of cum... so warm... good job boys.”

“Don't mention it,” Michael joked.

“Which one of you shot last?” asked Bella.

“I think Mike,” Tyson said.

“Luck of the Irish,” Bella said. She began to scoop the cum from her face into her mouth, sucking her fingers clean and cleaning herself up enough to actually open her eyes. “Looks like you get to join me in the shower.” She then looked at the rest of the men all of whom were sitting down once more, wrecked. “How about you guys order some room service so we can talk a bit further about the future. Eggplant Parmesan for myself.”

With that Bella led Michael to the shower while the three remaining just laughed.

“We were never going to go with Paul for real, were we?” asked Tyson.

“Of course not,” Nikita said. “Use him up and spit him out. But Bella beat us too that.”

“So are you saying we just played Bella?” Bobby asked, which made Nikita laugh. Which in itself was an event so rare it actually disturbed Bobby a little.

“No. Bella knew exactly what was going to happen here tonight. You can't play Bella Thorne. If you thin you can, you're probably in the midst of being played by her.”

Eric could not remember the last time he'd been so happy on a Thursday of all days. But sitting with Vanessa Morgan in her apartment finalizing the ideas for their script had done just that. Then again, every time he had seen Vanessa since that first day of being teamed up had done that to him.

Of course Chad was always there to bring him back down to Earth or lower, reminding Eric that a girl like her would never waste her time with a guy like him unless she had to. Hot women didn't go for fat asses. The usual stuff to keep Eric in line.

It worked too. Right up until he saw Vanessa again and those feelings melted away the moment she smiled at him. He knew a guy like him could never be more than a friend to her, but that would be enough. Plus proving Chad wrong was an amazing bonus.

So, that's where they were, talking story ideas, eating chips and homemade guacamole in the comfort of Vanessa's one bedroom apartment and enjoying each other's company.

“You really think we should drop the noir stuff?” Vanessa asked. “I mean,we both do it so well. Seems like a slam dunk, you know?”

“Well, not completely ditch it,” Eric said. “But maybe look at ti from a different angle. I'm thinking a spy kind of thing. Same basic ingredients, just remixed a little. Emphasis on different things.”

“Okay, I could go with that... I'm still going to say with throw full on, Cyberpunk sci fi in their as a setting. I just can't let go of the Blade Runner thing. Just love it too much.”

“Blade Runner by way of James Bond sounds like a real good idea to me. Possibilities seem really endless. Maybe impossible to shoot, but that's not really a concern for the class is it?”

“This si going to be so much FUN!” Vanessa yelled, almost jumping up from the couch she was sharing with Eric. “The ideas are just rushing into my head right now. I can't wait to get started. A big intergalactic conspiracy, a handsome living weapon, ravishing women...Let's write the whole franchise!”

“I wouldn't mind, but then we'd probably be spending even more time together.”

“I don't know, that doesn't sound so bad to me.” Vanessa smiled at him, making one form on his own face as well. “I'm gonna clean this stuff up unless you want a bit more.”

“No, I'm good...but...you know, I could help with that.”

“Sure.” The two stood up, Vanessa holding the bowl that was once full of guacamole and Eric the bowl that had housed the chips. He followed her into the kitchen, where she turned around to grab his bowl as well, putting them both in her sink. “I wash, you dry.”

“I think we can handle two dishes with that system.”

She turned the water on and drizzled the dishes with soap. “This has been really fun,” Vanessa said. “Makes me wish we'd known each other last year, you know?”

“Yeah, that would've been great.”

“Well, how come you never said hi?”

“I..I wouldn't have wanted to bother you...”

“You wouldn't have.” she replied. “I mean...I don't know. I look at the stuff you and I like to write and it's different, but we hit a lot of the same notes. And we've had a lot to talk about since Monday. All of it good. You're funny when you're not being so quiet. At least to me. We could have had a lot of fun. Beyond just, you know, movie stuff.”

“Yeah...maybe I should have. I don't know. I get a little nervous sometimes...kind of prevents me from being social.”

“You don't say!” joked Vanessa, getting a laugh from him. “I get it. Nothing to be ashamed of. I mean...it's not like you're nervous now, right?”

“Not particularly. Great company helps.”

“Good.” Vanessa leaned her face over and pressed her lips to his. And after that initial shock, Eric pressed back. From there instinct took over and the pair embraced each other tightly.

“Couch,” Vanessa said, taking a brief respite from Eric's lips. She jumped into his arms and let him carry her over. Before he could lay her down, Vanessa got down and softly pushed Eric down on to the couch. Once her was seated, she straddled him, removing her shirt and leaving her in a white bra.

Vanessa grabbed Eric's hands and brought them to the skin of her stomach, guiding them up to cup her breasts. She smiled a bit. He was still hesitant, a bit nervous. She was going to fix that, cute as it was.

Vaness'a hands moved for his pants, beginning to undo them. However, she was a little surprised when the formerly enthusiastic Eric stopped her.

“Ww-ait, just hold on a second,” he said.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing it's just...I...I don't know what to do. I've never...done something like this...”

“Like what?” asked Vanessa.

“Like...this,” he said very sheepishly, which when it clicked for Vanessa.

“Oh...ohhhh,” she said, laying off. “You mean...”

“Yeah...and like an idiot I killed the mood. I'm sorry, i'll go.”

He began to get up, Vanessa rolling off of him. But before he got too far away, she stopped him.

“Whoa, hold on. I feel like we skipped a good portion of conversation,” she said.

“What's there to talk about?” he asked. “Big fat virgin loser made an ass of himself in front of the awesome woman he's been crazy about for a year. I'm so stupid!”

“No, you're not. Just because you haven't had sex yet doesn't make you stupid or anything like that!” She held his and softly and look him in his eyes, which was a bit of a challenge with Eric in this embarrassed state. “I might have come on a bit strong. But...I do like you. After Monday I reread your script and...I didn't want to say this because ti would have made me sound weird, but even after talking I thought I knew you from somewhere beyond the classes we had. So I looked up that short story anthology the English department had last year for the best writers in the department. You wrote the sweetest story in there. That story about the childhood crush? It actually made me tear up a little. And you're just...I can't even put into words because it makes it seem to analytical. I just like you. I mean I kissed you so that's got to count for something.”

“Yeah, it does.”

“Then, how about we just forget what just happened? Let things take a slower pace?” I'm cool with that. If something happens, it happens. I don't want one of my nights off to end like this.  I want what started off great to end great. Please?”

“I just...I don't want you to think I'm a loser.” Eric looked down at the ground, avoiding Vanessa's gaze. She wasn't having that. She lifted his chin up softly with her fingers and kissed him again.

“You're not. You're smart, sweet and pretty funny when you let your guard down a little.And I like that. Just because you haven't had sex yet doesn't make you less of anything, and  it you're not a loser because of it, okay? I was a little surprised, but it's not something to be ashamed of. Look, I like you. And I really do want to get to know you better. So, let's handle that. So, please stay?”

“Sure,” he said. “I overreacted. I'm so sorry about all this.”

“Don't be,” Vanessa said. “Just sit with me. Talk some more. I think we could probably actually get a few pages done by the time the sun comes up...I mean, neither of us have anything to do tomorrow, right?”

When she smiled at him, he knew there was only one answer he could give her. “Sure.”

And all that tension melted away.


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It's was 8:00 PM on campus.Not many classes were open and many of the buildings save for the dining commons and the food court of the student union were open. Students were still walking the campus, but at night there was a stillness to it. It was almost like no one was there, despite the groups of students going to get food and going back to their dorms or leaving recently finished classes and heading for the parking lot. But from the ground, it all seemed a ghost town.

However from the fifth floor of the business education building, all the activity was easily observable. That was Anna Kendrick's view as she waited for a very special guest.

She played with her work keycard with her fingers, shuffling it between them. She was was looking out on the surprisingly busy view. It wasn't prime time for people, but there were enough people for her liking. If any of them had looked up at the building they would have clearly seen Anna through glass, even with the minimal light of the two desk lights to either side of her.

The office she was in was dark apart from that.  Behind her was darkness. In front of her was the view below and her reflection in the mirror. It was all she needed. Well, almost all the she needed. She was still awaiting her guest. He wasn't late by any means, but Anna was just anxious for him to show up. And very wet.

Anna was part of a small group of women on campus; herself, Laura Marano and Alexandra Daddario who gave themselves a bit of a job. That job was essentially, relieve tension on campus in the most fun way possible: sex. They all saw it as a bit of charity. A way to good for people who they thought needed it. It was giving back. Of course Each of the girls had their own little niche in the realm of giving back.

Laura was the mysterious “Glory Hole Girl” on the campus. Her focus was mainly on  the often overlooked and overwhelmed grad student TA's and janitorial crew of the school. Alexandra like to focus on the outcasts, the ones who had a hard time fitting in at a new school. The Freshman Fucker.

Anna had, in her words, everyone else. Which was fine. That was part of the thrill she got out of it. The other part was something she shared with Laura somewhat. That was anonymity. Not so much for her, but for the men. She never, ever wanted to see their faces. They either fucked her from behind or wore ski masks. Anna loved that they knew who she was. That they wold see her in campus, maybe even in class. Either right next to her in the seats or up in front lecturing. Student or teacher, if they'd had her, they'd know her and she'd never know it. Something about that, just the idea of it, got her off.

The girls each had their own way of getting the word out at first for themselves and different ways to be reached, if that was there game. Laura played it differently than that. Anna and Alexandra had another way they got the word out and by this point their reputation did the advertising for them. As a result, anyone who needed them had the number of their burner phones.

They got no payment out of this aside from the experience. It was more than enough.

So there Anna was, awaiting the latest user of that phone number, her back to the unlocked door and her pet and bare. She had no use for underwear so she declined putting them on under the skirt she wore. Dressed as the perfect little fuck toy secretary. Now all she had to do was wait for him to be on time.

Five minutes later that seemed more like centuries, she heard that door click and a smile came to her face.  The door opened and the light in the hallway silhouetted her guest. He walked towards her but paused to say one thing. One word. It was a form of safety, so Anna new the person who was there was supposed to be there.

“Pumpernickel,” he said.

“Butter side up,” Anna said. And that was it. With one awkward little word it was opened. He unbuckled his pants and Anna hiked up her skirt, showing him her bare ass. She bent over, arching her back and pressing her hands against the glass window. She braced herself. “Fuck me.”

Anna grunted, a wicked grin on is face when the man held her hips firm and thrust his cock in her. No tenderness, just lust. Just what Anna wanted. As he sped up, moaning and grunting, Anna decided to talk. It was something she did outside of this. She was a sarcastic motormouth usually. Now that mouth of hers was going be busy spouting filth.

“Yes...oh give that dick baby...oh just take me...I want....just don't stop...just take...use that fat fucking cock...feels so good in my cunt...oh fuck yes that it!”

He was almost pulling Anna too him with every thrust, making every moan Anna made sound like she was in an earthquake. Her hands began to skid on the glass in front of her, making low squeaks on the surface as she moved with every slam of his pelvis.

The man's hands moved from her hips to her chest, grabbing a firm hold of her blouse and tearing it open, making Anna laugh through a moan. She loved when they did that. It gave her a extra bit a jolt with how hungry for her body the men were.

Her secret lover was no different. His hands ravenously pulled her bra down then grabbed and played with her tits. Anna rolled her head back when her began to tweek and pinch her nipples then go back immediately to his rough manhandling of them and back again. It was utter lustful chaos and she loved every moment of it.

He leaned forward, his breath hot in her eat but no words fell from his lips, just the growls and grunts of a caveman, his brain gone completely primitive for guilt-free pussy.

And still in the reflection Anna couldn't see him, just the outline of him, maybe his chin at most. But she did catch glimpses o what he was doing to her, how that pulsing cock pistoning in and out of her pussy was making her feel.

“Harder,” she growled. “Fuck me harder....FUCK ME HARDER!” He sped up, going faster into the danger zone. This was a hot and frenzied pace that he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up. But as turned on as he was, Anna was there as well but so much more intense.  She was ready for anything, especially if it meant surprising her mysterious lover.

“Mmmmm my pussy feels so good with your cock in it,” she said. “But you know where it might feel even better?”

“Where?”he whisper-growled. “Oh baby tell me where you want my cock!”

“Stick it my ass,” Anna said. “Fuck me till you cum....fill me up with cum...”

She couldn't help but smile when she heard that excited little moan from his mouth. She loved that sound. Every man she was with made it when she said she wanted it in the ass.

He pumped her pussy a few more times before pulling out and placing his slick cock right up against her tight starfish and beginning to press forward.

Anna grit her teeth and braced her arms against the window. That first thrust in was always her favorite part. The pressure, the anticipation and sudden feeling of being full. It was worth the entire act just for that moment. It was second only to the orgasm in her opinion.

Those first few getting to know you strokes were also right up there. The slower strokes as he got used to her tight canal and she got used to his lovely cock. It was a nice calm before the storm. Of course, the storm still hande to come.

And it did, just how Anna liked it. He pushed her up against the window, her tits and face pressing against it for all the world to see if they only bothered to look up. Which was another part of the thrill for Anna. She could be fucking just anyone and just anyone could be watching her get ass-fucked. It was a delight.

Her lover returned to being a man of few words but a varied amount of grunts and groans. He pounded her ass like he'd never get a chance again, growling like depraved madman with every pump

“Yes...fuck it..fuck my ass...oooohhh FUCK give it to me...just like that...mmmm and don't you fucking stop until you cum...shoot all that nasty cum up my ass....ohhh yes, FUCK!”

With that kind of encouragement the man went faster as Anna began to squeeze her ass together, making his fuckhole for the night even tighter. She loved knowing what she was doing to him, pushing him closer and closer to the point where he'd have to fill her ass up with every last drop of that wonderful cum.

His arms wrapped around her lower waist, holding Anna tight as he made his last desperate series of thrusts ending in the final explosion both he and Ann utterly craved.

“Ung...ung uuhhhhhgggh,” he grunted. It was music to Anna's ears. With one last might thrust the man froze as he unloaded a tidal wave of jizz up her ass. And that first scalding bolt of pleasure set Anna off as well, her asshole squeezing even tight on his cock as she moaned and groaned in pleasure.


As Anna's body convulsed and shook as the man released the last of his cum in her ass. He had no more to give, her ass made sure of that. All he had left as a satisfied sigh and a slap on the ass to Anna before he pulled out.

Anna was breathing deeply, a smiled on her face. “Have a good time?” she asked, gulping for air. He grunted in affirmative. “Great! So did I. Now how about you get out of here and let me clean up, hmm?”

The man got the hint. They always did. IN a few minutes Anna was alone and her grin got even bigger. She turned around and pressed her well fucked ass against the window before sliding down, cum still trickling out of it when she hit the carpeted floor.

“It's good to give back,” she said to herself, smiling.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 07:30:49 AM

Friday morning at Asteroid M, the college town's local comic shop, was usually slow. That's why Lili liked her shift there. She could catch up on a lot of things. Sure right now it was just reading, writing, sketching out FX ideas and prepping for the D&D session she had to do next Saturday for the store's club members.

No one really came in though, so essentially she was being paid to hang out in a store adorned with things of all natures of entertainment, including horror and wrestling, which made this working environment perfect for her.

That didn't mean people didn't come in on Firdays. Not everyone had morning classes. So when the jingle bells attached to the door rang, she didn't look up from her sketch pad. This didn't phase Peter one bit. He'd gotten used to it for the few weeks Lili was staying with himself, Hailee and Sabrina. At first he thought she was just brushing anyone off she didn't know. Then Hailee clued him in on the fact Lili tended to just get lost in her own head, it was nothing personal. And of course, Hailee was right on that.

“Hey Lils,” Peter said, getting the blonde to look up from the sketch pad.

“Hey Peter,” she said. “You got something for me?”

“Indeed I do.” He took off his backpack and took out a notebook, handing it to Lili. “The last of Zero's notes and designs.”

“Awesome!” she took the book and set it down next to her own. “I have a pretty good idea of where I want to go, but this is still going to be super helpful. Thanks for picking it up. Zero's been...hard to get a hold of. As in I maybe have spoken to him once. When I got the first notes. I'm pretty sure he thought I was a cop or a narc or something.”

“Eh, that's Zero for you. If you want I can pick up the bust of the actors he's scanned. We're going to try and get everyone scanned and printed out by Tuesday, so we can get them to you on Wednesday.”

“Thanks. You can just hand them off to Camila for me though and she'll drop them off in my room. Next Wednesday is going to be a little extra busy. Picking up an extra shift here.”

“No problem.” Peter gave a quick scan of the store, then turned back to Lili. “You know, for some reason I never would picture you working in a place like this.”

“Me neither. I'm not really in to the comic stuff. But I kept hearing people talk about this place as as the best place to get horror merch. So I came in, and they were right. This place has a genuine, used on set Jason hockey mask. SIGNED by Kane Hodder.”


“I know! Also, they had this.” Lili ducked behind the counter and brought up a box with a big plastic window to show of its contents, which blew Peter's mind, especially after he saw the signature on it.

“NO WAY!” he exclaimed. “Is that?”

“An 18 inch Pinhead complete with Doug Bradley's signature?” she tauntingly asked. “I do believe it is.” A victorious grin came across her face.

“How much?” asked Peter. “i am totally willing to sneak that on the movies budget. I need it.”

“Oh, don't worry your pretty little head over a thing like cost Petey. Because it's mine.” Lili stood up triumphantly, holding the large toy above her head like a trophy before setting it back down behind the counter. “And with a sizable employee discount.”

“Oh that's just cold,” Peter said.

“Live with it. Besides, I'm sure the 18 inch Ash you have signed by Bruce Campbell will console you.”

“Well, it doesn't hurt.”

“Also, an idea I had should salve that burn as well.” Lili came out from around the booth and got right next to Peter, getting her notebook and flipping through the pages. “You've seen the original Day of the Dead, right?”

“Look who you're talking to.”

“Of course,” she giggled. “Well, I was thinking of maybe doing something like Dr. Tongue, but on a person instead of it being a puppet. I sketched out some ideas for how that would work.”

While the two were huddled together, they didn't hear the door open, which meant neither of them turned around to see Jake, who once again felt a small bit of jealousy seeing Lili and Peter getting cozy.

“Hey Lils,” Jake said, announcing his presence. The moment she heard his voice, the bubbly blonde stood up, turned and smiled.

“Baby!” she said, walking over to him and greeting him with a kiss. “To what do I owe such a wonderful surprise?”

“Had a free period, decided I'd spend it with you,” he said, then looked to acknowledge Peter. “Hey Peter. What brought you by?”

“Dropping off the last of Zero's notes,” Peter said. “Then Lili taunted me with her Pinhead and was showing me some of her sketches for the movie. Lili you have any scans of the Dr. Tongue stuff to show Sabrina?”

“I can get some scans done tonight and send them her way.”

“Sweet, she's gonna flip!”

“Can I talk to you for a second?” Jake asked in a whisper. “In private?”

“Sure,” Lili said. “Hey Peter, I'm going to go check on figures, make sure they're priced right. You good?”

“Yeah, I'll just flip through the rest of the sketches if you don't mind.”

“Knock yourself out.” Lili replied. She took Jake's hand and lead him to a series of bookshelves. “What's up?”

“How long has he been here?” Jake asked.

“Peter? Probably about fifteen minutes before you got here.”

“And what has he been doing?”

“Exactly what he said we were both doing.” Lili replied, her voice getting a little hard.

“Is that all he was doing? Nothing else?”

“I don't think I like what you're insinuating,” Lili said. “Because it's layered, jealous bullshit.”

“What? No...”

“Don't give me that. Jake, I love you but I'm not in it for the jealous boyfriend act, okay? Especially when it's so insulting. Because let's unpack this. You assume somehow that despite the fact I'm in love with you, someone else is going to swoop in and sweep me off my feet. And that person is also dating my best friend. So then the logic you using is saying not only am I willing to hurt you to fuck someone, I'm willing to hurt one of my oldest and closest friends. Does that cover it?”

“No, of course not.” Jake answered.

“Then what am I missing?”

“Look, I just think, you know...it's just you two have a lot in common and he could always try something and...”

“And what, I'm going to slip and fall on his dick?”

“Look, I'm sorry okay? It's just-”

“No, let me finish this conversation. I don't appreciate the jealousy first of all, and secondly...” Lily reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a small plastic capsule. “See this? Know what's in it?”

“I'm guess you're going to tell me.”

Lili nodded, opening up the capsule and letting the contents fall into the palm of her hands. “These are my earplugs. I never had to have pair until I moved in with Hailee and Peter for a few weeks. Do you know why I needed them?” Jake shook his head. “Well, to try and say it with the smallest bit of decency, Hailee's a moaner. I found this out night after night.”

“Every night?” Jake asked, genuinely shocked.

“Yep.” replied Lili. “Hence, earplugs. Those two are crazy for each other. Peter and I just...get along. We have stuff in common, but so do you and I. He and I are friends but I LOVE you. No one is going to take that away, okay?”

“Yeah, I get,” Jake said sheepishly. “It's just.”

“No. No 'it's just'. How about you see for yourself, okay?”

Before Jake could ask what Lili meant, she had already taken his hand and lead him back to the front of the store where Peter was still looking through the notebook.

“Hey Pete, are you and Hailee free Saturday night?”

“Um, yeah,” he said. “Auditions are until four in the afternoon and after that she and Cami are going into the office for a couple of hours. She's done at around six. What's up?”

“The Greene Theater is having a double showing of The Hunger and Bram's Stoker's Dracula. Romantic vampire films and stuff. You want to double date it with me and Jake?”

“Sure, sounds awesome.” he replied. “Probably going to be the last real date she and I can have before production starts. Then it's going to be all work no play for a bit. I'll let her know when I see her. Which reminds me, I should get going to now. Meeting up with her and then we're going to class together. We decided to take that baking class you told us about. We're lab partners.”

“That's so cute!” Lili said. “See you later!”

Peter waved goodbye to Jake and Lili. The moment the door shut, she turned around to look at Jake, a confident smile on her face. “They are having a date day every week in class. And just in case that's not enough for you, you're going to see them in the wild. No group movie night in an apartment. All to calm those nerves that somehow despite all logic someone is going to make me shatter yours and Hailee's heart at the same time.”

“Okay, okay, I get it,” Jake said. “Jealous douchebag.”

“Jake, we love each other, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about. Except for one little thing.”

“What's that?” asked a very concerned Jake.

“Well, since I moved in with Camila and Jose, I've had to continue using the ear plugs. Jose's a big moaner.”

The words hit Jake like a vat of sour milk, the instant disgust at the thought of his best friend in mid coitus with anyone. “Oh god....WHY would you tell me that?”

“Well, one: as payback for the jealous boyfriend schitck. Two: because I think every couple should have a cursed image they have to share. Now we're going to share our dreams and our nightmares.  I don't know about you, but that sounds like romance to me.”

“Would it help if I apologized profusely about the jealousy to make sure such sharing never happens again?”

“Well, that and a carne asada burrito from Savio's couldn't hurt.”

“Skipped breakfast again?”

“Look, these earbuds may block out cursed sounds but the side effect is my alarm becomes a lot harder to hear. But if it's between waking up late and trying to sleep through Camila and Jose fucking like jack rabbits, I'll take the extra ten minutes of sleep in be in a rush.”

Jake shrugged. “I can't disagree with the logic.”


Camila Mendes was in a very good mood. She woke up with a smile on her face next to the man she loved, no work in the afternoon, the first part of the weekend being spent helping one of her best friends achieve his dream and on top of all that she was walking out of the one class she was worried about the entire semester with a new sense of confidence. If she felt that good about learning French, nothing was going to break her stride.

Or that's what she thought until she saw Taylor Swift standing in her path in the hallway.

“What are you doing here Taylor?” asked Cami. “I wasn't aware they had classes on how to be a hell spawn in this building.”

“Cute.” replied Taylor. “I assure you, this isn't personal, its business.”

“Isn't that your catchphrase?”

“Again, cute. Would you step outside with me? Sit down, at least listen to my proposal?”

“I have time to kill,” said Camila. “But I reserve the right to get up and leave at any time.”

“Duly noted.” The pair walked outside and sat down at a bench. Taylor laid her bag down on the table between herself and Camila. “I'm throwing a Valentine's day party.”


“Not on campus. Not this time. I've taken a step back from the sorority. I have no interest in doing just another student party. Even though I know for sure some of the staff showed up. Instead, I want to do something....bigger. Better. Everyone is welcome and far less restrictive than something held on campus.”

“I wasn't aware you allowed for restrictions at all.”

“Well, I could always get some of them waived if the mood struck me.”

“Nice,” Camila sarcastically said. “What does this have to do with me?”

“Well, your father owns the Blue Oasis Hotel, correct?”

“No,” Cami said curtly. “No way. You are not using any of my Daddy's hotel ballrooms for free. We're not friends. Our only connection is Peter. I don't like you.”

“First off, feeling is very mutual.” replied Taylor. “Second of all, who said anything about free? I'm willing to pay, at a discounted rate of course.”

“Why the Hell would I try to get you of all people a discount?”

“Well, for one, you're sitting down and talking to me. That tells me that I'm not the same level of dislike that you have for Selena. And don't worry, I don't hold that against you and honestly understand it after New Year's. I also feel that once you see the business plan I have for the party, you'll agree that a charity Valentine's ball is simply a wonderful thing for you, me, the school, and your dear daddy's hotel.”

Taylor reached into her bag and took out a notebook, handing it to Camila. “I spent a few days on this, I think you'll see things my way.”

Cami took the notebook and began to flip through it, just to see if there was anything she could laugh in Taylor's face over when she told the blonde no. Instead, it al seemed to be on the level. Camila knew these charities. They were for runaways, missing children, LGBTQ+; all things Cami actually agreed with. In addition to doing a lot of good,  most if not all of the expenses on both Taylor and the hotel's end would be tax deductible. Taylor had even come up with a discounted room rate for any guest of the party who wished to also stay at the hotel that night as well a designated driver volunteer service. This was well thought out, sensible, and smart. It was good business and it almost annoyed her that it was Taylor Swift who thought it up...and that Camila wanted to go for it.

“Look, Taylor,” Cami said. “This all looks great. I hate to say it, but this is all solid. I can hook you up with a discounted ballroom but nothing else is a guarantee. I'm going to need to fax this thing to my dad to get his final approval before going ahead on anything else.”

“Would this make it easier?” Taylor asked, whipping out a flash drive from the same bag.

“Just might.” Camila answered. “Even then, it's not a guarantee. I'm not going to sugarcoat it because I have no interest in sparing your feelings. There's no guarantee my dad is going to go along with this.  None at all. I can tell him it's a good idea and he'll comb over every detail ad nauseum before he gives me a final answer to give to you.”

“Well, when should that be?”

“I don't know, Monday at around noon?”

“That quick?”

“Taylor, daddy didn't make his money by thinking slow. He's going to have a fair answer for himself by the end of his second examination of your plan then go over it five more times to try and improve it, then give me the answer to give to you. And if he thinks of any improvements, you'll do them, okay? That's how daddy rolls.”

“That works for me,” Taylor said. She extended her hand to Camila's expecting a shake which she got. “A one time partnership.”

“One can only hope,” said Cami. “Now, if that's all, I'm meeting a friend for lunch.”

“You took time out for a little friendly lunch date for me? How sweet.”

“Don't flatter yourself Tay,” said Camila. “I thought I was just going to tell you no then be on my merry way.”

“I can see that,” Taylor laughed. “See you Monday then.”


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When Kelli Berglund became one of Bella's elite girls, it wasn't just top clients and a company credit card. Sure, those things were part of the deal, but so were a lot of new responsibilities. Such as she now had to stay in school, get a degree of some kind she could fall back on if the job ever dried up or she changed her mind. She also had to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA.

Outside of academia, another one of her duties was essentially being a talent scout. She had to keep her eyes and ears open for new recruits or just listen for rumors about certain girls. Some of them she knew not to go near. Anna Kendrick, Laura Marano and Alexandra Daddario were among these women. Not that the rumors weren't true, these three women, referred to by Bella s “The Charity Cases” had no interest in sex for profit. Beyond that, most of the rumors ended up being smoke and mirrors. Sometimes however, they panned out.

Kelli was hoping for a live on this Friday morning, which was why she was in the lower bowels of the gym. She was surprised at first to find out exactly how many of the older building at the school had basement levels that were somehow both forgotten about but kept in good condition by the school. The gym of course was one of them, having an extensive basement level with it's own basketball court, weight room, locker rooms and showers.

That's where Kelli was, that basement level. She was tracking down a rumor she'd heard about that, if true, wold mean the perfect girl to join up within Bella's rank. A true blue slut of all trades. Up for anything you could suggest along with some ideas you'd never dream of going along with until she had you right where she wanted you.

All Kelli had on this girl was a few things. One, she was fucking dirty. Just hearing the stuff she did made Kelli wet. The other was her location of choice...which was where Kelli was. Heading towards the exact spot actually, the unused men's locker room in the basement level.

The last thing Kelli knew was her name. It was name that was perfect for the job offer Kelli had. It had the right amount of class and sin to it. Victoria. She didn't have a last name, but Victoria was the kind of name that told a story and Kelli was always voracious reader.

She wasn't to silent steps inside the locker room when she already heard the sounds of passion. “Jackpot,” she said to herself. She followed the sounds until she came upon exactly what she was looking for.

The fit brunette had to be Victoria. And she was right in between two delicious and similarly fit men. She was exchanging kisses with them in between moans, both hers and theirs. Her hand was down one man's pants and paying with his cock while the other man's hand was down her tight gym pants, fingering her cunt. Kelli could see the wetness showing up on those pants. She licked her lips. This was going to be a good show.

Kelli hid herself just enough to be hidden from plain view. Still, if the three were paying attention to anything beyond themselves, they could have plainly seen her blonde head peaking around a corner. Even then, it would be doubtful that they would have cared.

Victoria pulled her mouth away from the men and looked at them both, a sexy smile of desire on her face. “Let's get down to business, boys,” she said before dropping to her knees, taking the pants of her playmates with her.

“Very nice gents,” she said, her fingers dancing on before closing around their engorged stalks. “You know how to make a girl feel wanted.” From the sweet and hot little taunt Victoria switched modes to full on sexual beast. Her mouth pounced on the cock of the man who was fingering her. It was only fair he be the first cock of the two she tasted. The other man wasn't so bad off. Even when distracted by sucking someone else off, Victoria Justice knew how to give a damn good handjob.

“Fucking suck bitch,” he said, putting his hands on Victoria's head. He wasn't holding her in place. Her brushed her hair from her face, holding it to give him a clear view as she blew him. Despite his words saying otherwise, there was no avoiding the fact Victoria was in charge. She didn't even need to say it. She radiated it. The fact that his cock was in her mouth was also a big part of it.

And what a part it was. Victoria's oral skills were off the charts, Kelli could even tell that from where she was. Maybe even comparable to her own. She could see Victoria knew the real secret to giving head to anyone. It was really the same across genders. Pay attention to your partner. Guy's aren't just talking shit when they say “yeah right there” or give a certain kind of moan when a tongue hits a certain spot or their cock or balls are caressed in a certain way. That's the difference between a blowjob and a god tier suckjob. Victoria seemed to know it. Moving her head and changing her pace in response to one of her lover's voices, knowing just where to move her hands and where to touch him. She knew her shit. Kelli smiled. She finally had a peer.

Victoria moved her mouth from one man to the other, giving him a wink before sucking him in.

“Oh fuck baby yes,” the new guy growled. He took a more laid back approach. He wanted to let Victoria do all the work. This, of course, was no problem for a master like Victoria. She bobbed on his cock a few times, a slow and sensual pace, her tongue making sweet caresses up and down his cock until on the last pump where she gave that sensitive throbbing crown a slow tongue massage before releasing it with a smile.

She kissed his cock, breathing deep in between every contact of her lips. She smiled at him, watching the look on his face and being happy he was pleased. Victoria was a giver. There was something about a guy who just let her work on him. Made her go a  little further for him. Both men would get all of her attention, but each one would get something just for them.

She went back and forth between the cocks, her styles changing effortlessly between them. The girl knew how to work a crowd. Kelli knew she had her first recruit for Bella, if of course Victoria wanted the job. Still, no need to walk away from such a hot show.

Victoria went back and forth between the two dicks, changing her styles between the two men and making a slobbery mess. When her mouth departed both cocks, saliva connect both men to her lips in a triangle of debauchery. It was time for something else.

Victoria got to her feet then promptly stripped her gym clothes off. She looked at her men with a smile, feeling their eyes on her. They might as well have been licking their chops.  Kelli certainly was from her vantage point.

“All right boys,” she said. “Pick a number between one and twenty. Now.”

“Um...13,” the aggressive one said.

“19?” said the gentleman.

“Sweet boy here got it right one the money,” said Victoria before kissing him. “You get my pussy first.” She turned her attention to other man. “But don't worry honey, you'll get some soon. Besides, I still have a mouth you can fuck until then.”

With that Victoria laid back on the beck, her legs open, mouth smiling, and her finger waving come hither to Mr. Nice Guy. He wasted no time finding a place between he legs. He kissed Victoria as his cock entered her. She liked that. A little romance with her lust, some sugar with the spice.

When his lips left hers they ventured down to her tits, licking and sucking on her dark nipples as he began to thrust into her, moaning at the heavenly sensation of her velvet folds surrounding his cock.

When he moaned, Victoria did as well. But before she could give him any other words of encouragement beyond huskily saying “Good boy,” he mouth was filled with her other lover's cock. Her head her head just enough to keep her steady as her started to fuck her mouth, almost matching his buddy's pace in her pussy. Almost. Mr. nice Guy was a bit slowly, really doing more than just pounding her pussy. He sidled his hips, really working his cock inside Victoria's pussy. This was all something Victoria appreciated. She was a fan of being fucked hard, being utterly ravaged.That didn't mean Victoria didn't appreciate a bit of a lighter touch, someone taking a bit more time to enjoy her body.

And that's exactly what he did. While her mouth was being fucked, the man in her pussy gave her so many more reasons to moan aside from his superb cock in her snatch..His hands ran over her toned body up to her tits, holding one in his hand as his pace sped up. But none of his attention to detail on her body was lost. With one hand on her tits, the other was at her clit, his thumb rubbing her clit while his cock filled her pussy. This man was the sugar, the sweetness of this sexual cocktail.

As much as Victoria was loving this, the more aggressive of her lovers wanted more. He wasn't in the best position to get the full benefits of Victoria's mouth, and watching his buddy have her pussy and how much Victoria visibly loved his cock made the aggressive fellow want his turn.

“I want a piece of that,” he said. His buddy nodded, working his cock into Victoria a few more times, slow and deep and bringing a big smile to the sexy Puerto Rican's face. He then pulled out. Then Victoria took some initiative of her own. Wile Mr. Nice Guy wanted that face to face from her, to see her eyes and know how good he was making her feel, the other man was a different beast entirely. This wasn't an issue for Victoria. Far from it. She loved it. It'd been far too long since she'd had more than one man at a time. Having it again reminded her why she vastly preferred a group setting.

Victoria got up from the bench and bent over now, Mr. Aggression taking his place behind her while the gentler side of lust took his place in front of her.

As she expected, her rougher lover entered her from behind in one thrust, making Victoria grunt with a smile on her face. Once inside of her velvet underground he didn;t let up. As opposed to his friend this man wasted no time getting to know the inside of Victoria Justice too intimately. He was inside her. That was enough.

Victoria didn't mind. While she sucked her gentle lover she adored the harder, rougher treatment she got from behind in her pussy. This was the spice to the sugar. He gripped her hips tight, only letting go to smack that round peach of an ass of hers.

Every hard and savage pump he made into Victoria's cunt made her go down on the Sweethearts dick. She didn't even need to bob her head, the momentum did it for her. Yet despite this she managed to add a little bit of sensuality to the blowjob. Not much, especially as the man inside her sped up, but it was just the right amount to make Mr. Nice Guy happy.

“Oh yeah...mmm... fucking slut...taking two fucking cocks...take it hard...oh fuck yes!” the man behind her growled, slapping her has again before moving his hands to her shoulders, pulling her back to meet him for every thrust.

“YESSS!” howled Victoria. “Oh god fucking damn it yes! Fucking take me boys! Oh my GOD I love cock!”

“Looks like you came to the right guys then,” the man behind her said before pulling her up and turning her face to his, kissing her in a pussy drunk haze. “We have all the your filthy fucking needs.”

“Is that a fact” Victoria asked, a teasing smile on her face. “Then how about you stick that cock up my ass and show me?”

“No problem slut.” The man kissed her again, the bent her back over. A few more pumps in her pussy and he pulled out and moved to her ass, pressing the head against her back door.

Victoria reached forward for her gentle lover, holding and gripping his body as her asshole was filled up. Her leaned down, brushing the hair from her face and kissed her tenderly, an action Victoria reciprocated. A moment of romance while behind her utter depravity was building up.

Once the kiss broke all of that tenderness was pushed out by words of utter filth rolling from her mouth. “OH FUCK YES!!!!!!!” she cried out. “God yes! Take it! Take that asshole! OH FUcK YES YES YES!!!”

“Yeah...real good baby...you're a fucking pro huh?” he grunted, his pace already hard and fast. “Tight fucking ass for slut...oh yeah...oh fuck...”

As her ass was being ravaged in the best way possible she howled and moaned. He mouth was open, empty and free. As gentle as Mr. Romance had been before, that mouth was warm, wet, open and inviting. He grabbed Victoria by the head and slid his cock back home, fucking her face. She didn't mind. She'd do the same thing if she were in his position. Besides, it was fun for all.

Kelli was loving every moment of this. She had given in to her on lust, fingering herself to the sex show unfolding in front of her eyes. Part of her ached to join in. But she stifled that voice. Besides, if Victoria took her offer the odds of the two of them having fun like this on the job were very good.

The man in Victoria's mouth, as good a time as he was having, couldn't help but look at his buddy burying hiself balls deep in her ass and want that for himself. And Victoria, removing herself from his cock for a moment, looked up and noticed.

“You want that huh?” she asked between grunts. “You... umm... want my ass to? My hot and tight ass... ohhhh... huh? You want it?”

“Yes,” her said. “I want...I want to fuck your ass...”

“Mmmm, that's the kind of thing a girl loves to hear.” The man behind her gave Victoria last few, hard pumps before pulling out. But before the switch was complete,Victoria turned to her savage lover and gave him order. “Lay on the ground. I'm having you both.”

The friends look at each other. They wanted to high five but held off, deciding it was probably better to get in exactly the position Victoria wanted them in. One scrambled to lay down on the tile  floor of the gym and Victoria sunk down on his rock hard fuckstick

“Oh god yes....,” she hissed. Then Victoria leaned over and look over her shoulder at her gentle lover. His cock was hard, throbbing and ready. “Come sweety...stick that cock up my ass...fill me up...all the way up...”

He got behind her, soflty gripping her shoulder as he pressed his cock forward. Victoria's eyes fluttered as she moaned softly freezing in spot once both men were inside her holes completely. She always loved savoring this moment. That first sensation of being so completely filled with real, flesh and blood dick was something nothing could come close to. She'd been Dped by strap ons before. While fun, plastic had nothing on the real thing.

Still, a moment was just that, a moment. Victoria had her and the men had there moment of being amazed at sharing her body the way that they were. With the savoring done, now was the time for action and both men began to thrust into her fuck holes.

“Oh yess boys,” she hiss, eyes shut tight. “Mmmm fuck I love this....oh my god one of the best feelings ever...oh such good cocks...such a lucky girl...”

As Victoria got lost in a fog of lust, the men's pace building up, so did Kelli's. He top was off,one hand fondling her tits while she was still fingering herself. It took every last bit of willpower she had to bite er lip and stifle her own cries of pleasure, especially with her perfect view of the action. Watching both men enjoy the sexual wonders of Victoria's body. The way their muscles moved with every thrust, how the one in her ass twitched a bit with every other thrust. The grimaces of pleasure on their faces.

And Victoria herself, it was really like watching a sex goddess being worshiped by her followers. She was hot, and sweaty, a sheen of perspiration on her skin. Most women would look a mess. But her? She somehow seemed more in her element than ever. Sex, pleasure, and everything in between was her realm and she found nothing but delight and comfort in reigning in them.

The men began to speed up, much to Victoria's delight. Still even with that speed Mr. Nice Guy tried to throw a bit of tenderness along with the filth. He kissed her shoulder and caressed her back, all while ravaging her ass.

The more savage man between her kept up his habits too. He leaned up to suck on her tits, sucking and nibbling on her nipples, thrusting up into her, deciding the pace for all three of them. It couldn't get much better....but Victoria wanted that one last cherry on top.

M you like my ass huh?” she cooed. “You like making me feel good, don't you baby?”

“Uh huh!” he said, his voice desperate, hungry and totally lost in pleasure. “So fucking good. Wanna make you feel good baby...”

“Then there's...ooohhhhh....one thing I need from you...I need you bth to do one thing for me....”

“Anything,” he said, going faster at the thought of the possibilities of what Victoria could desire now. Victoria liked the speed increase, moaning as he fucked her ass harder.

“oooh baby...oh fuck baby...I need...mmm...I need you both in my cunt...I want you to fill my pussy all the way up...please baby...I need it...”

Before the the gentleman in her ass could even take a moment to consider things, the rough and tumble man in Victoria's pussy chimed in.

“Fucking do it dude!” he said. “I don't give a shit. Let's fucking stretch her out! Make it even tighter!”               

“YES!” Victoria moaned, the cock in her ass going especially deep. “Do it...stretch my fucking cunt...use it...oh baby make me cum with two cocks in my pussy....”

That was all the nice guy needed. In the state he was in, he was ready to do whatever Victoria asked. He pulled out of her ass and moved his cock down ever so slightly at her already occupied pussy.

Kelli watched with baited breath, the two fingers in her own cunt expanding to three. She licked her lips, her eyes locked on Victoria's face, looking at her moment by moment as her pussy was filled with two cocks. Kelli REALLY liked this gal.

“Oh my god.....” Victoria whispered in a high pitch. Both dicks were in her to the hilt. This is was it. It did not get better for her. This is what the ultimate pleasure for her was. One on one were always fun, but sharing is caring...and always a guaranteed orgasm in her experience.

Once more there was a small period of all three getting used to the new arrangement. That didn't last long at all. Son the men were pistoning in and out of her cunt together, a fast rhythm built up and setting Victoria on fire in a way she rarely got to experience. Fireworks went off all over her body, her two lovers working together to throw her off the edge of the cliff, falling into an ocean of pleasure.

“Oh...fuck me... FUCK ME!” she cried. “Oh my god don't stop...faster...oh shit...oh shit yes... mmm faster, faster, faster, FASTER!” Victoria was absolutely delirious now and her men weren't too far behind her. Sharing her cunt was way too much for them to handle. Victoria was way too much for them to handle. Neither man knew how long they were going to last.

As close as they were, Victoria was even closer. Nothing got her off like two cocks in her pussy. Not a thing in the world.

“Oh fuck...gonna cum...oh my FUCKING GOD I'm gonna cum on your fucking cocks! YESSSSSS!” She screamed those words and in seconds it all happened, both men thrusting through Victoria's orgasm, her pussy hugging and squeezing them even tighter inside of her. It was amazing, perfect as it always was. All Victoria needed was the cherry on top.

“CUM ON ME!” she demanded, her voice hoarse but happy. “Fucking COVER me!”   

The man behind her pulled out of her in a rush and Victoria climbed off the anchor cock before getting to her knees. Both men were on either side of her, jerking their dicks while she stared up at them, her mouth open and tongue out.

“Cum... cum for me... fucking cover.... all that... all that cum is mine... gimme.... gimme it all....”

Both men began to rain their hot cum all over her, covering their sexy little harlot in their white hot lust and Victoria loving every last moment of it. She cooed and moaned as every rope splattered on her face and tongue.

Of course when both men erupted Kelli did too, sliding down the locker she was leaning against, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure as she came all over her hand and didn't stooping fingering herself until the well ran dry for both of Victoria's lovers.

Kelli watched intently from her hiding spot, joining in the audience with the men as they watched in a dumbfounded orgasmic haze as Victoria cleaned her face off, licking up the cum, scooping it up with her fingers and swallowing every drop she could get down, though some streaks still remained in her hair.

“Thanks boys,” she said, he voice that of a confident drunk. “Now how about you hit the showers and let me do the same?”

The men chuckled a bit and grabbed their clothes then headed out towards their showers. They got the message. Their time was up. This wasn't anything but a fling. And the fling was over.

With them out of the room Victoria headed to the showers. This was Kelli's opportunity. The moment she heard the shower turn on, she stripped down and walked in behind Victoria.

She took the shower next to her, turning it on. They exchanged looks, Victoria still having a seductive gaze to her eyes. One that Kelli could match.

“I thought I felt someone watching me,” She said as wet her hair under the hot jets of water. “Enjoy the show?”

“Very much.” replied Kelli, letting the water cascade over her as well. “It was really hot.”

“You cum for me too?”

“Yes I did.” Kelli slicked her blonde hair back, then turned to Victoria. “My name's Kelli, Kelli Berglund.”

“Victoria Justice.”

“Nice last name,” said Kelli.

“Thanks.” Victoria ran her hands over her body. Kelli couldn't tell if this was a show or just Victoria's usual shower routine. She was that level of pure sex. “So, what brings you to the show, Kelli Berglund?”

“I wanted to offer you an opportunity,” Kelli said.

“At what exactly?” Victoria asked, curious.

“Well, we'll get to that after I take an opportunity for myself.” Kelli then moved on Victoria, embraced the sexy brunette and kissing her hungrily. Victoria grinned at this, then returned the gesture.

Kelli REALLY liked Victoria.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 07:49:38 AM

It was a an hour before Knockers reopened for the swing shift and all the servers and bussers were were prepping for a busy Friday night. That of course included Madelaine. She sat at a big corner booth alone, wrapping up silverware in napkins. She had a lot on her mind, and at the point all the girls knew when she wasn't in the best of moods. She wasn't overly mean or cruel during this times. She was however much shorter, much more curt. Everyone but the new girls new this. Which meant of course, the approaching and very bubbly Selena Gomez had no clue of Madelaine's mood.

“Hi Madelaine,” said Selena, a spring in her step. The redhead looked up and noticed Selena was holding a very familiar flyer, the same one she had posted in every classroom building, the dining commons and the student union.

“Hello Selena.” Madelaine coolly replied. “What's in your hand?”

“What I needed to talk to you about.” Selena unfolded the bright neon pink paper and held it out. “This is you right? You're the Madelaine that the add says to email about the room for rent?”

“Yes I am.” she replied coolly. “Are you interested?”

“Ohmigod, yes!” Selena slid into the booth next to Madelaine. “I'm staying with my best friend right now, but she only has a one bedroom so I'm stuck on the couch. I really need a room of my own and I thought since we worked together that might give me an in...”

“Can you afford the rent?” Madelaine asked. “And utilities? That's literally the only concern.”

“That's the thing...I don't have the money for rent yet. Utilities I can cover but I was going to have to save for a while to even hope to get my own place and...”

“Will you have four hundred dollars for rent in two months?”

“Yes.” Selena replied. “I guarantee it.”

“Then you're in,” said Madelaine. “The rent for the place is covered for two months already thanks to the lingerie night for the Super Bowl. Paid in full until April. You have the rent money by then or you're out. And you have to cover your half of utilities no matter what. That sound fair?”

“Yes!” Selena nodded excitedly.

“Then we're good. You can move in whenever you like.”

“Oh my god thanks!” Selena said, rushing to give Madelaine a surprise hug.

“You can let go any time.”

“Oh, yeah, of course.” Selena backed up and got out. “Thanks, I really needed this. I can be by with my stuff tomorrow. Most of it anyway. I don't have a lot with me right now.”

“Don't come by any earlier than one o'clock,” Madelaine said. “I plan on sleeping late tomorrow. Understood?”

“Totally.” Selena got up from the bench and headed off to get started on her prep work, the spring in her step even greater. That actually brought a small smile to Madelaine's face, but not a big one.

While everyone went back to saying away from Madelaine, that didn't include Jesse who'd just finished his prep work. He'd noticed something was off with Madelaine when they both clocked in and was a little surprised no one asked her what was wrong out of some sort of intimidation factor. To him that made no sense. In his eyes It was plain to see she wasn't angry. There was something bothering her. There was sadness on that face.

“What's up?” he asked sliding in the booth. “You okay?”

“I'm fine.” she replied, lying. “Just fine.”

“Yeah, that was a believable read.”

Madelaine set the silverware in hand down and stared at him. He wasn't going to go away, she knew that by now.

“If you must know, I got a call today concerning my boyfriend. He's going be out of town on Valentine's Day. He got a gig he can't pass up. And I don't begrudge him that. But...it's Valentine's Day. It would have been our first together...and it fucking sucks we're not going to have that.”

“I'm sorry Madelaine,” said Jesse. “Sounds shitty, but hopeful, you know? I mean if he's getting all these magic gigs that's awesome for both of you right? He's got that, and you're primed for the assistant manager position here. Sounds like, you know, it's a bad chapter in a good book. Still kind of sucky though.”

“Very sucky,” said wit a small little smirk at the corner of her red lips. “It's just...for once I was thinking about a Valentine's Day with someone I wasn't furious with because he fucked one of my friends or got mad I didn't hook him up with a threesome because being bi means I'm always up for that kind of thing and I have a little black book full of nymphos ready to help me scratch my sapphic itch...” Madelaine cut herself off before she went any further, realizing what she just said. “...I just told you I was bi, didn't I?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Doesn't phase you? Most guys either get creeped out or creep me out by putting on a stranger danger grin the moment I say it.”

“Mads, that's your business. Whatever works for you works for you. Be happy and be with who you want.”

“Thanks,” she said, that smile getting a little bigger. “Anyway, I just wanted a REAL Valentine's Day. Now that plan's shot. So I'm stuck working a full shift here on Valentine's Day because why go for an early out jut to go home to my pets and now a new roommate...”

“Well if it makes you feel any better yo're stuck with me that night too,” said Jesse. “So the Fried Pickles are on me.”

“You're a prince.” Madelaine replied. “How about you continue to make my day better and help me finish with the silverware?”

“That's what friends are for, right?” he replied, reaching for a set of utensils. “And honestly at this point you're one of two I actually have anymore.”

“I'm honored,” Madelaine said with a sarcastic tease. “You might even get an acceptance speech out of me.”


Saturday morning had finally come. For a lot of the student body, that meant sleeping off the partying of Friday night. But for a small group of student located in the smallest theater on campus it meant audition time.

In the front row, a table in front of them sat Peter, Hailee, Sabrina and Camila. In front of them were blank sheets of paper for notes and copies of the script sides so they could read with the eager auditioneers.

Backstage was the line up of hopefuls. In that line included Selena, Jesse, and Lucy Hale. And while Lucy was too busy studying the sides to be too communicative Peter and Selena had struck up a conversation.

“I can't believe I'm actually up this early,” he said, taking another swig from his DEAR LORD THAT IS HUGE gas station coffee. “I have triple the lethal dose of caffeine in my veins and I can still barely move. As soon as I bomb this audition I am sleeping until the last possible moment I have to before going to work.”

“You won't bomb,” Selena said. “I wasn't in class much last semester but I saw the shorts you did at the film festival before Thanksgiving break. You're good. I think you'll nail it. I should be the one that's worried. I have a bit of...history with the people making this movie. Not all good. I'm hoping I can get past that. I really need to put things back on track and this would be a great first step. Besides, I'e always wanted to play a vampire. Very sexy role.”

“Well, I do thin you have that aspect covered,” Peter replied. Selena gave him a knowing smile. It had been a back and forth bit of flirting between them since she started at Knockers. If anything was going to happen between them, she needed to make it clear that for now, she was not looking for any real relationship, not after the nightmare and wake-up call rolled into one called Reggie. That didn't prohibit her from having a little fun however.

Meanwhile out front, the four behind the table made sure they were ready for the actors.

“Anyone want to top off their coffee before we start?” Camila asked. “Or tea for you Princess Pete?”

“Green tea's just fine court jester,” Peter fired back. “You good with your stuff babe?”

“Oh I'm fine,” Hailee said. “Slept really good last night.” She squeezed his thigh under the table then sipped from her cup. “Coffee is just a bonus.”

“Well with the requisite joking and flirting out of the way, let's get this sideshow started,” said Sabrina. “Let's bring them out.” Sabrina got up from her seat and climbed off the stage. “Number 1, you're up. You know the drill; hand us your head shot and resume, give us your name and the part you're reading for, we'll take care of the rest.”

Sabrina hopped off the stage and waited for the first actor. As luck would have it, that first actor was Selena. She handed her head shot and resume to Sabrina then looked at the people in front of her, faces she recognized and none of them happy to see her. But on the bright side, they also didn't look mad, not even Camila. But especially happy Peter didn't seem mad.

“Hi. As you guys know I'm Selena Gomez and I'm hear to read for the part of Adrienne. And...I hope that's okay and nothing personal that's gone on between all of us will get in the way. If that's the case I'll just step off this stage right now and not waist any of our time.”

There was a few moments of silence before, out of everyone, Camila was the one to speak up. To speak up. “Look Selena, you're going to be judged on your ability, nothing more, nothing less. I'm not putting anything person in my decision,” said Camila. “In fact, I'm going to be reading with you. Anything personal isn't the concern here. So let's get this started.” The rest of the table nodded in agreement.

Selena nodded and breathed deep. She had to take Camila at her word. There was no other choice.

For the next few minutes Selena tried her damnedest. She put everything she had into the cold read. Camila was even helping her, probably without realizing it. She wasn't getting a blank, lifeless reading from her, but some emotion. Not a lot, Camila wasn't an actress and never trained. But it was something Selena could use.

By the end of the whole event, Selena felt good. She came in with a disadvantage of all the personal drama that had gone down between her and Pete and despite all of that, she made the best of the chance she was given. She knew in her heart she had just given the audition of her young life.

As she basked in the afterglow of that, the four at the table had huddled together. Selena looked at them, ready to take whatever they had to say. Usually at this point in an audition she'd have left. However, that hadn't happened this time. Instead, they all talked to each other right in front of her.

“Selena, could you come over to us?” said Peter. She did so, approaching the table, a slight bit of nerves coming over her. This was very out of the ordinary.

“You did great,” Hailee said. Her saying this surprised her, considering the terms they were on when they last spoke in Peter's old dorm room. “And, well, in all our opinions...this is your part. If you want it.”

“You'll need to give us your work schedule class schedule, all of that,” added Camila. “We need that ASAP for shooting schedules.”

“No problem, I can email you tonight.”

“Good. You'll also be expected to print out a hard copy of the script for the table read this Monday. If you have a class, skip it. Half of us are. It's the only time we can pull it off. You'll be reimbursed for the cost of the script if you get it at the print shop. If you print it out on your own, then no reimbursement. Agreed?”

“Completely Camila. And thanks so much. This...this means a lot to me, you have no idea.”

“You nailed it,” Peter finally said. “And I know from experience on sets you're professional and their to work. You got this because you earned it. “He extended his hand, a gesture followed by Sabrina, Hailee and even Camila. Selena eagerly shook them all, barely being able to contain her happiness. “See you Monday. And d not mention any of this to the others. We still want to read everyone, just to see if there's anyone we should keep an eye on for future projects. Okay?”

“You got it, no problem.” replied Selena. “Just...give me a few seconds.” Selena took a moment, breathed deep, and managed to calm down. With one last nod to the people at the table, she got back on stage and walked out, her face and demeanor neutral.

“Yeah, okay she is good,” Hailee said. “She's the one for that part. It's like it was written for him...it wasn't written for her, right?”

“Nope,” said Peter. “Adrienne vignette is all Sabrina.”

“So if you guys want to blame anyone blame me,” joked Sabrina. “Seriously though, yeah, she nailed it.”

“Well, with that out of the way,” Cami said. “Let's bring out the rest of the happy hopefuls. We have a long day ahead of us and I'd rather not spend it continually praising Selena Gomez. She got the part, good for her. She'll do great.”

With that, they moved on. They were a lot of hopefuls waiting for their shot and only a finite amount of hours to get it done. Just because they had one part cast didn't mean the rest of the day was going to go easy.

But still, despite the fact it was Selena, who all but Sabrina still had personal issues with, the part was cast with the best person possible. The day had started off in the best possible way.


After a long but fruitful day of audition Camila was heading home. True all she had done was sit and read aloud a few times, but it was a chore at times just because of the skills, or lack there of, of some of the hopefuls. Still, they found the actors they needed, and now she was on her way home to put her feet up for an hour before she had to head to her jobs. A little extra cuddle time with Jose wasn't going to hurt either.

As she walked into the lobby of her building she bumped into best friend and roommate once more Lili Reinhart, also fresh of off work and utterly shocked that being a Dungeon Mastercould be remotely exhausting.

“What happened to you?” Lili asked, noticing how tired Camila seemed.

“Seven hours of bad acting.” she replied. “You?”

“Halfings and barbarians who are far wilier than I expected in poking holes to their advantage in  carefully crafted narrative,” said Lili.

“Congratulations, you discovered something I actually understand less than wrestling.”

“I try.” The pair headed into elevator, both to exhausted for small talk. Being as close as they were however, neither took the silence as anything else than a blessing.

Of course when the elevator door opened, one questions managed to come to Camila's mind. “You're totally off work now, right?”

“Yep,” Lili said, stepping out of the elevator. “Jealous?”

“You have no idea. What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“Go in and nap until it' time for Jake and I's double date with Hailee and Peter. You want to come? It's gonna be fun.”

“Sounds nice but the only thing I want to do when I'm free from office work is kick off my heels, put on my sweat pants, eat horribly unhealthy food and snuggle with Jose while playing Mario Kart.”

“Which of course is somehow a step above Dungeons and Dragons.”

“Lili my friend, D&D is a game. Mario Kart...that's a lifestyle.”

Before Lili could form a reply, something caught both of their attention. A smell, a delicious smell down the hallway. The pair followed the scent until it became obvious it was in fact coming from their own apartment.

“What is that?” asked Lili.

“I don't know,” Cami said. “Jose's home though. Maybe he got some take out or something.”

“This smells way better than anything I've ever seen him or Jake order from a restaurant. It smells like something you made. Left overs?”

“No, I haven't had time to really do anything. All take out and frozen stuff.” The pair shrugged and Cami unlocked thedoor to find Jose at the apartment's large kitchen. It went with the rest of the place. It wasn't a penthouse by any stretch of the imagination, but the size of it still surprised Lili. But not quite as much as Jose in an apron placing food out on several plates. Freshly made food at that.

“Hey babe,” Cami said in a curious tone. “What's going on here?”

“Cami!” he said. “You're just in time.” He came from around the counter to give his love a big kiss before acknowledging Lili. “Glad to see you too Lili but, you know...she's the woman of my dreams and all that.”

“Understood,” she laughed. “I do have the same question though, what's all this?”

“Oh...I made empanadas. And some wontons...and I have something chilling in the fridge.”

“So I'm not the only chef under this roof, huh Sweetface?”

“Well, I wouldn't say that. You're the gourmet, I'm short order...and the baker. I'm really good at baking. My mom insisted on me learning some basic cooking skills. So...that somehow turned into deep fried dumplings and baked goods.”

“One day you and Lils should have a bake off,” Cami said, kissing him on the cheek before making her way over to the counter to look at the buffet before her, Lili in tow. “So what do we have on display, chef?”

Jose scurried to the other side of the counter. “ First three plates are pretty basic. Beef and cheese, diced chicken and Jack cheese, then a mixed seafood one wit more of a buttery sauce than a creamy cheese one.”

“Very nice,” Cami nodded. “Got my mouth watering. Plating is average but the food looks great so far. What next?”

“Next one is a lobster set...”

“Lobster?!?” Lili asked. “He's got my vote.”

“And then the last three are all desert ones. Chocolate, Vanilla, then the red plate is chocolate and diced strawberries. And the wontons are pretty much just your basic pork mix. But the folded crescent ones are crab rangoon.”

“Okay, you went all out...may we taste test?” asked Cami.

“Be my guest.” The two women gave each other a look before taking from the plates. One bite in and they were stunned.

“Oh my god!” Cami said with a mouth half-full. “This is incredible! My taste buds are having an orgasm!”

“Holy shit Jose!” Lili added. “You're a brawling luchadore who can cook something like this? Cami, put a fucking ring on that finger.”

“Okay, I get it, not that good. Laying it on kind of thick guys...”

“Baby I'm not joking.” Cami assured. “This is fucking incredible. The dough is crispy, the cheese melty, but not stretchy...and the spice...oh god it's just...wow...I need more. I need this for lunch at the office. I need this every day.”


“Yes...oh my god yes.... Lili, let's try some of the desert ones...”

They rushed over to to the other side of the counter and had similar reactions to the sweet as they did to the savory, the whole time Jose feeling a little confused.

“Baby what made you do all this?” Camila asked. “Oh my god this is mocha!”

“Well, I don't know I was feeling kind of stressed and weirded out this week...did this to kind of relax. Turned into this whole thing.”

“What did you have in the oven?” Lili.

“Oh that reminds me, I need to get it out of the fridge.” answered Jose, rushing  past them.

“You need to go to the fridge for what you have in the oven?” asked Cami, her mouth full of chocolaty goodness. “You sure you know how baking works hun?”

“Yes...I mean I think so. It's the hot box where goo goes in and comes out cake, right?”

“Well he's got the basics,” said Cami. “So why's the baked good in the fridge?”

“Well, the gaunache had to chill,” he said, bringing out something that was Camila's favorite dessert; a Boston Cream Pie.

“Baby I LOVE you,” Cami said. “Oh my god that looks amazing...you did all this?”


“You're about two seconds from jumping his bones, aren't you?” Lili asked.

“That's a conservative estimate.” answered Camila.

“Well in that case, I'm going to get a plateful of everything, some water, and go to my room and prepare my ear plugs.”

Lili did as she said, leaving the two lovers alone. Camila got up wrapping her arms loosely around Jose's neck and kissing him.

“You really liked it?”

“Yes,” she said nodded, her smile soft. “Seriously. It was delicious and I can't wait for a slice of the pie...that's a cake...Boston cream pie is really confusing. But yeah, it was all so good. Why do you keep asking me that?”

“It's just...I'm not used to having any kind of...positive reinforcement like this. I don't know how to react. It's kind of new to me.”

Jose hung his head down a bit. Cami reached her hand under his chin, lifting his eyes to hers. “You're with me now. I'm with you. I love you. I'm never going to bullshit you. I never have either. So when I tell you you did good, you did good. This is one of those many, many times that we've been together that you've done good. It hurts me knowing that people made you feel like this, questioning every time you get a compliment. But it's not going to stop me from telling you all the good things about you you don't want to believe. Because they're all true. Except if anyone tells you can sing because I still remember our karaoke date...yikes babe. Yikes.”

“I'll have you know that I have it on good authority no one can belt out Styx's greatest hits quite like me.”

“That's true,” Cami said. “But not in the way you think it is.”

“Technically true, the best kind!” Camila laughed, then held his hands pulling him close to her once more.

“This whole place is us,” she said. “I don't want people when they come in not to see you all over the place. I want them to know it's not just me. It's you. It's us. That's why I want your things up just like mine. Not just the paintings and pictures. I want your stuff on the wall. And yes, that includes your replica championship belts, though I still think they'd look better in the hallway than over the fire place. I mean they're thin rectangles and that space needs more of a wide poster size thing or a square. But they're there because this isn't a home unless it's for the both of us.”

“I know...and you also can't tell me that all that gold above the fire place isn't awesome.”

“Well, let's table that for now. I just want you know...I'm never going to be ashamed of you. And also I expect comps of every shirt you guys make from now on. I know it's not going to be an overnight thing. Just know that.”

“Okay but what if I have a stomach virus and like puke or crap myself in the ring? That's happened! Out to me, but you know, totally possible.”

“Well,” she said, taking his hand and leading him to their couch and taking a seat. “I'll love and be proud of you. I'll probably just have a solid three or four months of jokes about the subject.”

“That's fair.”

“Also...that really happens?”

“That's the business.” Jose said. “Wanna hear some of the really famous stories?”

“As much fun as scatological wrestling trivia sounds, I think I'm just going to spend the rest of my brief respite from the office world laying on this couch with the most handsome man in existence.”

“You know The Rock?” Jose asked, holding Camila as the both let the couch consume them into a world of comfort.

“If I did then I might actually be suspicious of an affair between you two.”


“Which of the movies is showing first?” Hailee asked. She, Peter, Lili and Jake were all heading into the theatre, her hand in Peter's.

“Someone's anxious to see their movie crush,” Lili teased. She looked to Peter and explained. “Hailee digs Gary Oldman.”

“As a talented actor, yes.” replied Hailee.

“Hmm, that must be why you had a big picture of him from this very movie put up right on your wall above your bed. Acting talent admiration.”

“Oh, do I need to tell Jake how Jeff Hardy was plastered all over your room?”

“He already knows.”

“Does he know what you did with the action figures?” Hailee asked with a smile.

“Don't you DARE,” Lili laughed. “If it will calm the storm within, I think Dracula is the first one up. Happy?”

“Very,” said Hailee, kissing Peter on the cheek. “A very very happy girl.”   

The four headed to their seats, Lili and Jake hanging back a bit.

“Okay, I get it,” Jake said. “HE's barely paying attention to anyone but her, she's nuts about him. I get it. I'm sorry I got so weirded out.”

“That's great hun,” Lili said. “We're still watching the movies. Besides, I want you to see exactly what I see to basically rattle the life out of any doubts you still have, okay? Besides I like these movies. But if you're a good boy we can leave once Dracula is over.”

“Okay,” he said. “I mean I want to be here with you, don't get me wrong. I just...I don't want it to be some kind of lesson. I was being stupid, I get that.”

“Jake, just relax and enjoy the movie. This isn't all about teaching you a lesson or whatever. I just want to have a fun night out with friends and my man before everything gets hectic. This is pretty much going to be my last free night until Valentine's Day, and I want to spend it with having fun.”

“Okay, I'll be cool,” Jake said, giving her a kiss. “What are we doing for Valentine's Day? I mean me and Jose are going to be in Las Vegas for a match. I know he's planning on cutting out the moment we're done to be with Camila, but I didn't know what your plans were.”

“They're with you,” Lili sweetie said. “I want to come with you actually. Do the whole road thing with you. Help sell the merch before the show, sleep in the cheap motel room, eat grease burgers for fuel on the way back. I really want to live just one day of that life with you.”

“I think that can be arranged.”

“Are you guys coming to sit down or what?” Peter asked.

“I think they're going for the cool kids section baby,” Hailee teased. “Leaving the geeks in the dust.”

“On our way kids,” Lili said, taking Jake's hand and leading them to where Peter and Hailee were sitting. Once everyone was settled in the theater went dark and the film began play.

The first scene wasn't even over when Hailee and Peter started getting closer to each other, something Lili made sure Jake saw. Hailee's head on Peter's shoulder, holding each others hands, stealing kisses. Which soon evolved into kisses. Which ten transformed into many make-up sessions in between coming up for air.

“Jesus,” Jake whispered to Lili. “Are they even watching the movie?”

“For now,” Lili replied. While Jake wondered what that meant, the movie when on and so did Hailee and Peter. Thing continued to build between them, any attention the movie was getting dropping by the minute. The fact that this was going to be their last date night for a month added a bit more gasoline to the fire that already burned between them.

Hailee's lips went to Peter's ear, whispering something to him and giggled. From there their hands unclasped and Peter's went between Hailee's legs, making her have to stifle a moan as he penetrated her. Right on cue on screen when Dracula sees Mina on the street, Peter's fingers were working over Hailee's pussy and making his love softly bite on her cheek to silence herself.

They usually weren't like this on dates. They were affectionate, very PDA heavy. But right now there was an extra little spark. The combination of this being an oasis before a drought during the filming of their movie combined with seeing one of of the most erotic and romantic monster movies ever with Hailee's movie crush opened the vault and letting all their desires free.

Of course, this was all in few view of  Lili and Jake, no matter how stealthy the amorous couple were trying to be. While Lili pretty much just giggled, jake was shocked at how into each other the two were. Yeah, they were kssing, holding each other in the car on the way over but this was just plain over the top.

Hailee whispered into Peter's ear again, he looked at her and nodded. Then he leaned over to Lili  and Jake. “Hey, um, me and Hailee are going to go get some snacks and stuff, we'll be right back.”

The couple went out and left, trying to hide the rush. Lili leaned over to Jake. “You have a stopwatch thing on your phone?”

“Yeah.” he replied. “Why?”

“Start it now.”


(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125884431_79048108_img_20180818_152112.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125884431_79048108_img_20180818_152112.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/125884439_fgpavdpc_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/125884439_fgpavdpc_o.jpg)

Hailee and Peter knew this theater very well. It was to the point they knew the owner. It was their favorite date spot. They'd even get allowed in early if the owner got an old school 35mm print of a classic film. The whole theater to themselves.

They knew it in an out, including the old projector room where the 35mm were played. However, prints were only stored there during special events when they were played. Right now, it was pretty much empty save for a bean bag chair and the projector itself as well as most likely being unlocked.

The two make their way to this room, barely able to contain themselves. The moment they were in and the door shut and now locked, it was go time. Hailee looked at him with a smoldering smile, a look Peter matched. She hiked up her skirt to pull off her panties and Peter took of his shirt and jacket, then dropped his pants.

With all those obstacles gone, Peter lifted Hailee up into his arms, the beautiful brunette wrapping her legs around his waist.

“I've wanted this since I got off work,” Hailee said, hungrily kissing her man for that extra bit of punctuation. “So bad.”

“I love you,” Peter said, brushing her brunette locks from her face.

“Love you too.” she relied. They kissed once more as Peter carried her over to the sink in the room. Never before had the pair been so happy the owner of the theater was a neat freak.

They took a brief, breathless moment to look at each other before Peter thrust inside of, Hailee letting out a soft moan as he filled her tight pussy. She really had been thinking about this all day. Maybe not just like this, but after a long day with the auditions and a few hours filled with an unusually large barrage of calls from rude and angry guests Hailee had only one thing on her mind and that was being with her man and making all their stress melt away in each other's arms.

Of course she thought that would be after the double date with Lili and Jake and in hers and Peter's bed. But something just came over her, over them. Sure, maybe the movie did have something to do with it, but they had already been all over each other the moment she got home, to the point they almost skipped out on the whole thing.

Sure, she wasn't in her nice comfy bed, but the company was all that mattered.

“Ahhh yess,” she moaned, her long legs pulling Peter deeper into her, every thrust taking them higher and higher. Hailee slid her denim jacket off and removed the shirt underneath, leaving her bare save for her hiked-up skirt.

Peter's mouth went to her tits, his tongue lovingly circling her nipple before closing around it. Hailee moaned softly, her backed arched and head leaning against the mirror behind her. It was only beginning and it was already so good.

While Hailee savored the attention being showered on her Peter, continued to explore Hailee's body. They'd been together long enough for hi to know every curve of her body, but he always enjoyed another tour. His hands ran against the smooth, soft skin of her perfect legs before getting her ass and gripping the tight peach.

His mouth moved between the real estate of Hailee's breasts to her full, sensuous lips. He took a few detours to her nicks, worshiping her with kisses.

All while his cock filled her. Thrust after thrust he filled her, savoring that feeling on his cock. Fast then slow, working his hips. No matter how many times he experienced her, he was never bored. She was his one in a million.

“Oh good yes...or Peter yes baby!” she moaned, her voice echoing in the enclosed room. Even if the 35mm theatre was being used, she wouldn't have been able too keep quiet, not when she was feeling so good. Every lovely inch of Peter's cock working in and out of her wet velvet folds. How he felt, how he moved, how he sounded, the taste of his lips on hes, tongue to tongue...it's was all an intoxicating cocktail she knew she was addicted to.

“More more more,” she whined. “Don't stop Peter...oh baby please keep going...mmmm...” Her moans got even louder. If anyone walked by the room they'd have been discovered for sure. At that moment neither of them cared.

As her legs pulled him even deeper into her, making his strokes into her faster, deeper, and harder. Hailee's mouth turned up in a smile, her lips pursed together and she moaned.

Peter couldn't tear his eyes away from her face as the pleasure was taking over her mind. “You're so fucking beautiful,” he said. “Wish you could see it...see how beautiful you are.”

“Well there's a mirror behind me, babe,” she said, a sexy little smile on her face. “Got any ideas?”

“A few.” He replied, kissing her again. Hailee released him from the heaven;y grip of her legs and Peter pulled out. The moment Hailee was on her feet again Peter pulled her close, holding her in a deep embrace and kissing her once more before spinning her around and bending her over, getting an excited laugh to escape from Hailee's mouth.

“I wonder what idea you got?” she teased as she bent over the sink. She looked over she shoulder, flipping her dark hair. “Come on baby....mmmm, been waiting all day for this... we're not stopping now.”

She shook her ass in front of him, the single best green light he'd ever seen in his life.

The pair moaned in harmony as Peter re-entered her pussy. It never stopped feeling amazing. After that moment of savoring her was over, Peter's pace returned to what I had been, much to Hailee's delight.

“Ohhh my godddd,” she hissed. She gripped the porcelain of the sink as Peter started to give her all he had. He held her by the hip with one hand while the other glided up the flesh of her back, the kind of almost-there touch designed to give a person goosebumps.

Once that pace was built up, Pete'r hand moved from her hip to Hailee's pussy, plaing with her clit while his cock took her pussy.

 “Ohhhh yes...mmm don't stop...make me cum Peter...cum with you...I want to cum with you...”

Hailee rose up, her back to Peter's chest. She turned her head to the side, kissing him tenderly. Tender, but with heat behind it. Affection with searing heat. She breathed deep, licking her lips as moans fell from her lips, her brown eyes desperate, wanting a simultaneous release for them both.

“Mmmm Hailee...oh god baby...so close...I want you...always...oh...oh my god....”

“Yes..yes...uh uh....do it...cum with me...” Hailee's moans were getting more hungry and desperate as well. His free arm wrapped around he waist holding her close, his head her  shoulder and her arm circling it. Her words of encouragement continued, their dual moans of pleasure intensified. They were getting closer and closer to that one last explosion of pleasure together.

“Oh my GOD!!” Hailee yelled, a big smile on her face as her orgasm hit her like crashing wave. Her body undulated and shook in Peter's arm, a tsunami of absolute pleasure rocking her.

That was it for Peter as well. He struggled to hang for just a few more moments, but it wasn't to be. He kissed Hailee, moaning into her mouth as he filled her up with his cum, his voice shaking with every pulse.

“Mmmm, yessss,” Hailee cooed with a smile, a dreamy look on her face. “Mmmm baby just like that...all of it....”

Peter pulled out of heaven, his cock spent and wilted. His legs wobbly, he tried to step back a bit, tripping over his pants at his ankles and falling into the bean bag chair. Hailee giggled a bit, the crawled beside him, laying down and resting her head on his chest.

“That was amazing,” she said. “As usual.”

“We're not getting stale, are we?”

“Never.” she replied, kissing his chest. “I love you.”

“Love you too Haiz.” He replied, kissing her forehead. “Think we should get back to the movie?”

“Mmm, just hold me a few more minutes. Then popcorn...then we go back.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Once Hailee and Peter returned to their seats, a thirty-five minute wait according to Lili's time keeping, the two were still incredibly affectionate towards each other, further driving home Lili's point.

The four had decided to leave after Dracula was over, all heading out to an empty concessions stand with the overbearing scent of fresh popcorn.

“I thought you guys said the popcorn machine was broken,” Lili said with a knowing smile.

“Um...well,it was when we went,” Peter answered. “Right babe?”

“Totally.” nodded Hailee. “And...well you're not gonna get soda without popcorn, am I right? Huh?”

“And there was the HUGE bathroom line...for both of them,” added Peter.

“Uh huh,” Lili said, giving Jake a look which made him chuckle. “Any other tales to tell or are we going for some food?”

“I could definitely eat.” Hailee replied.

“Because the popcorn machine was broken, right?” Lil asked, that crooked smile turning into a full on toothy grin. “You're getting a Cami-style appetite, timing and all.”

Hailee's eyes got wide, remembering exactly what triggered Cami's big appetite. And Peter soon followed suit in that, as having dated Camila in high school he caught on to what Lili was hinting at.

“Uhhh...well...you know...” Hailee sputtered out, with Peter also trying to get some kind of retort out.

“Guys, calm down,” Lili said. “I'm just messing with you. It's honestly kinda cute, isn't it Jake?”

“Oh, totally adorable,” he agreed. “Like a basket full of puppies.”

“How about you lovebirds head out to the car first, relax a little, stop blushing,” Lili suggested. “Me and Jake here will talk to the staff, asked how that popcorn machine magically fixed itself and spit out so much popcorn so fast.”

“I think we'll take that offer,” Hailee said, taking Peter by the hand hurriedly leading him out of the theater lobby. With them gone, Lili turned to Jake. The two of them were smiling wide.

“So....point made?”

“Yeah, completely is.” Jake replied. “Were you expecting all that?”

“All of it? No.” Lili took Jake by the hand and began to walk with him out of the theater. “I have known Hailee almost all my life and her having sex in a movie theater is not something I'd ever guess. So, surprises abound. I proved my point to me and I was never in doubt.” When they stepped outside Lili turned to face Jake, looking up into his eyes. “So, are you officially retiring the jealous boyfriend gimmick? Going back to my preferred loving sweetheart?”

“Totally retired.” he replied, kissing her forehead. “But in my defense, you're you and just...wow. That's the only word, wow.”

“You know you could have tried flattery from the start,” she said. “I mean I probably would have missed out on embarrassing Haiz but I think I would have managed.”

“Well, since I don't think I said it before all this, I did want say this,” he held her hand, kissing it. “I am so proud of everything you're doing right now. The make-up jobs for Peter's movie, balancing that with school and work and your writing as well. I'm endlessly impressed.”

“Baby...” Lili said, tearing up a little. Her lips touched his softly and sweetly. “Thank you. I mean it's not getting thumbtacks in my back nightly, but I had to let go of that dream long ago. See I discovered lonely like watching that and not actually doing it. Though I have gotten a bit of a soft spot for picking tacks out of your back after a match, I have to admit.”

“So yo're saying you're looking forward to Valentine's Day.”

“Yes.” replied Lili. “And dinner. I actually am pretty hungry.”

“Well then...your chariot awaits.” The two headed towards the parking lot, Jake's arm around Lili. “You're totally going to keep going at Hailee and Peter in the car, huh?”

“Oh of course. Your lesson is learned but I can still have some fun. Besides, it balances out the ear plugs.”


Eric was not a fan of strip clubs. It wasn't that he didn't like them completely. He had no moral stance against them at all. A person's body is theirs to do what they want with. That had always been his stance. There was no grandstanding there. He wasn't remotely too good to go to one either.

His issue was far more personal. They tended to make him uncomfortable. They had a smell to them. Not necessarily bad. It was a mix of hospital sterility, expensive perfume and cologne with a lot of bargain bin spray on deodorant. It put him ill at ease.

He was sure the women were nice enough, just doing a job and hopefully enjoying it for what it was, especially with all the sure fire dipshits they had to deal with, which was the other half of why he didn't necessarily like the place. The assholes who loved to take things too far.

“Come on Blimp it's time to see titties,” Chad said, the living example of those assholes. But he was an a amazing talker, a born salesman. He had convinced Eric and their other two friends, Michael and Carter, to go to the local strip club to celebrate the beginning of the school year and celebrate how far he and Eric had come with their screenplays.

Of course for Chad by celebrate he also threw in reminding Eric repeatedly about what he thought of Vanessa Morgan.

“Dude, just listen to me alright?” he said as they walked through the door of the Last Resort Cabaret. The signs shined with a pink and violet sign reading it's name, showing a bikini-clad girls dancing back and fourth in a herky jerky animation. The inside was bathed in a mixtures of violet, blue and pink lights. If the furniture was any other color, Eric couldn't tell. The only exception was the stage area. The lighting was more muted so the featured girl on stage could be more easily seen. There was still a small tint of color, but the real person could still be seen underneath.

 “You guys are like ten pages from finishing?” Chad asked. “Great. She kissed you? Cool. You got further than I thought. But listen to me when I say this. A girl like that will never genuinely want someone like you.”

“Yeah, you've told me this several times Chad,” Eric said, trying to contain himself. “How abut you move on to something new?” He looked to Michael and Carter for help, but to no avail. They didn't agree with Chad. No one agreed with Chad unless somehow he stumbled on to a very basic position that it was impossible to argue. But everyone followed him. And it had nothing to do with Chad's size. Despite is propensity for tank tops and other sleeveless attires, Chad had the guns of a pacifists armory; nonexistent.

He could, however, talk. Talk talk talk talk talk. He never got tired of it. Everyone was honestly surprised he didn't attempt to become a lawyer due to his ability to win arguments simply by exhausting the opposition, which was how he managed to keep everyone in line. So, Eric was alone in Chad's line of fire.

“Because I see a little bit of hope in your eyes and buddy, I just don't want to see you hurt when this bitch dumps you the moment you get a passing grade. Which is exactly what will happen. Girls don't like fat dudes. Blunt? Yes. But also true. Women like the alpha types. The lean mean FUCKING machines like myself. When they want dough, they'll order a pizza, okay pal?”

“Fuck you Chad,” Eric said, his boiling point getting reached. “I don't know what's going on between Vanessa and I and you don't know her. I know it's something I want to explore. I like her.”

“Uh huh.” Chad replied, finding a set of seats close to the stage. “I don't know her? Newsflesh lunchbox, neither do you. So you made out with her? Awesome. You know about as much about her as I do. Meaning you know jack shit.”

Before Eric could respond, Carter butted in to soothe the tensions. “Guys, how about we just drop this subject, chill out and enjoy the titties?”

“Finally, someone other than me says something smart,” said Chad. The group sat down, Carter and Michael between Chad and Eric.

Eric settled in the surprisingly comfortable chair and simmered a bit while Chad and the others were swept away into the magical world of ass and titties. They hooted, they hollered, they spouted profanities(mainly Chad) and threw dollars at the beautiful and very flexible young blonde working the stripper pole.

Honestly, Eric knew he should have been enjoying himself more. Despite his feelings on places like this he loved tits. He loved women. But Chad's bullshit brought up every insecurity he had once more concerning Vanessa. He knew he should trust his instincts and his instincts told him that, as usual, Chad was full of shit. He was just being Chad, trying to force his warped view on reality on the world and trying his best to make the world agree with him.

“All right gents, that was Candi getting some love but I hope you have some left over for our next girl she is a popular one doing her last show of the night!” yelled the club's DJ. “She will be doing a few more private dances so if you like what you see let her know in the way only you guys can! Give warm, warm welcome to...TOPAZ!!!!”

The lights on the stage started glowing pink and red and the spotlight went on. Men in the crowd began to go nuts. Whoever she was Topaz certainly was a favorite.

When Cream by Prince came on, that's when she burst on the stage. She was curvy, her skin smooth and mocha. She was dressed in a very hot black number, leather and lace meeting somewhere between Transylvania and Salem.

The way she moved was nothing short of sensual and a miracle on those heels she wore. They didn't look like the cliché stripper shoes that Eric had always pictured; clear plastic with nothing but height. Theist were glittering black, more boots than anything else. But she moved, swayed and worked her body like she was walking on her. 

All this behind a small domino mask, black and glittering just like her heeled boots. There was something familiar about her. Something in her face. And if Eric wasn't so completely distracted by her beauty and her moves he certainly could have put it together. However, he was under Topaz's trance she hadn't even gotten to where he was near the front, she was still working the beginning of it.

Her hands caressed her own body, teasing the removing of clothing. First came the lacy, barely there skirt covering her bodice, removing it and tossing it aside, leaving her  exposed flesh now bare. She bent over, slapping that round bottom before working her body back up, er back arching on the return.

That was when Eric could have sworn she saw him and smiled. He dismissed it as bullshit immediately. Just the magic of the strip club. This was what they did, how they made their money. He was begrudging it but he also wasn't falling for it.

However, Chad and the boys were. They were screaming for her attention, raining ones on the dancing floor, she smiled and got on all floors crawling to them, her booty bouncing in beat with the song. When she got to the pile of bills she slithered down forward first, pressing the money against her cleavage. She looked at Chad and the boys with a smile then flashed Eric a big grin and a wink. They didn't notice anything odd, but Eric did. That wasn't something he just imagined....and getting a closer look at those lips, puzzle pieces were beginning to come together.

Topaz rose to her knees, rubbing the money over her body, rolling her head, whipping her hair back and forth. Then her hands let the money slip back to the floor and she began to unbutton that top she was wearing. The crowd roared at a fever pitch.

One button. Money thrown at her. Two buttons. Even more...then she stopped at at the last one and got to her feet, her starving audience willing to throw their assorted bank accounts at her for one peek at her ample tits.

Topaz leaped on the pole on the sage, swirling around hen hanging upside down, her hair hanging down and her eyes on Eric one more. Did she know him?


Topaz went for her mask then hesitated. That was her dance. Tease the tits, lose the mask, then show her tits. Her regular knew that, it worked for her, but looking at Eric she hesitated. And it wasn't so much because of him, but because of who he was with. However, any hesitation she had lost out to the fact that her regulars liked her routine. They were the ones throwing fives and twenties at her. So off with the mask it was.


The moment it fell, Chad did a double take then looked at Eric and started to point and laugh. It was what Topaz thought would happen.

As for Eric, he wasn't paying attention to Chad. He sat there, jaw dropped at the fact that Topaz was Vanessa...HIS Vanessa.

Vanessa however couldn't take any moments to react to Chad's assholery or read Eric's reaction. She still had a job to do. So, with a smile on her face she continued her dance. Popping her booty, humping the ground. She let her body go with the music, let the money fly at her and blocked out anything else.


Then, with her back to the crowd, she popped that final button and let her top drop to the floor. Vanessa then turned around, her arm covering her lovely tits, giving the audience one last tease before they got what they came to see.

She removed her arms, making each second last an enticing eternity. The moment her chest was left totally bare for all to see, the crowd went wild, all except Eric, who covered his eyes then got up.

Vanessa was hurt, confused, but couldn't show it. And when she saw Chad laughing his ass off at it all, all that got mixed in with anger. But all with her perfect smile.

Vanessa continued dancing for a few more minutes before leaving the stage, giving her audience a wink before disappearing behind the glittered curtain to the backstage.

Eric was at the bar, enjoying a club soda and lime on the house. The one good thing he could say about the strip club was if you were the designated driver, you got free non-alcoholic drinks. Doing their part to end splattered brains on the pavement. Before he could even finish it off though, Chad came a-knocking, out of breath from laughter with Carter and Michael on his sides. However neither of them were laughing.

“Does that count as an I told you so moment Blimp?” Chad asked. “Because I think it does.” He took a seat next to Eric. Chad was locked and loaded, ready to riff. “I think that proves my point about her, doesn't it?”

“How?” Eric asked.

“Well, to put it simply, she's definitely using you. That's what strippers do! That's literally their job you dumb bastard!” Chad was laughing while Carter and Michael got more and more uncomfortable. “Oh I love to be right. Girls like that REALLY don't go for guys like you. Unless its to get formula for their sixth kid or bail money for their boyfriend or some shit.”

“Shut up Chad,” Eric said, getting angrier. It wasn't like Chad heard that in is voice or would have cared, he was on a role.

“I'll give her this though, AMAZING tits. Think she'll give me a private dance? Bet you it wouldn't take much.”

“It'd take more than you have,” Vanessa said. She was back in her gear from before, totally covered up. “Hi Eric. Can we talk?”

“Um, maybe later babe,” Chad said, getting right in front of Vanessa. He took out two one hundred dollar bills and waved them in her face. “How much for a private dance?”

“Sorry Chad, I'm on break.”

“Oh, so you know my name?”

“Yeah, Eric was telling me about his “friend” who overcompensates for his lack of a cock by being condescending and insulting. I'm guessing that's you.”

“Oooh, the lady can bite!” Chad exclaimed. “I like it. Let's make it two hundred fifty.”

Vanessa pushed past him and got to the bar.

“Hey, Bruno,” she said to the bartender.The friendly hulk of a man walked over  to her. “Tell Lou I'm going on break. Only one I've had all night. Is it cool if I take it out front and talk with my friend here?” Vanessa's hand touched Eric's shoulder, squeezing it softly.

“Yeah, sure thing Nessa,” he said with a deep Jersey accent. “Ain't you almost done for the night anyway?”

“Yeah, just another ninety minutes.”

“Yeah, I'll let Lou know.”

“Um, wait a minute,”Chad said. “What about my private dance.”

“Maybe you didn't hear the lady, Stickboy. She's on her break. Talking to her friend. Which means you stay away from them both no matter how much money you got. Capiche?”

“UH...yeah...sure,” Chad said, cowering. “I'll just talk to the blonde that was on before you.She was way hotter anyway.”

“Whatever,” Vanessa said.  She took the seat vacated by Chad and grabbed Eric's hand. “Let's talk.” Her voice was sweet, and soothing. “Out front?”

“Y-yeah, sure.” he replied.

The two headed outside of the club, just within view of the bouncer. Vanessa gave him a nod, letting him know Eric was cool.

“So...thanks for visiting me at work,” Vanessa joked. She was actually shocked it got a laugh from Eric. “Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just, well. It's not easy to tell someone you like that you show your tits for money. That's like...like...”

“Telling someone you like you're a virgin.” he answered.

“Yeah,” she said wit a soft laugh. “I was going to tell you. You know, if we became more than a maybe. It's just....well, loo at your buddy. Some guys are not the guys you tell you're a stripper. They just assume you'e a whore or you're dumb. That you're dirty, easy, shameful...”

“It's not,” said Eric. “It's just a job.”

“Yeah, exactly. You're actually taking this a lot better than I thought you were. I mean you looked pretty pissed.”

“Because of Chad.”

“Okay...but you covered your eyes when, well...you know.”

“Oh...oh shit.” Eric began to pace, nerves overtaking him. “I'm sorry. It's just...it's weird, okay? But...I don't know. It just felt like...I shouldn't see that? I know it sounds crazy. This is a strip club and all that...but it didn't feel right, you know? I don't know, it just felt weird to be seeing your body like that for the first time in public. I know..I'm crazy.”

“Well, a little,” Vanessa said. “But I think it's cute.” She paused, reaching her hand out for his, grabbing it when he lifted his own to join her. “You're really fine with this, right? I like you...but if this bothers you I need to know.”

“I'm fine, really,” he said, squeezing her hand softly. “Chad was the problem, not you. As usual. It's just a job. A jb with a lot of cardio...and balance. Seriously how do you dance in those behemoths?”

“Practice,” she laughed before moving into to kiss him. “Want to go for breakfast after my shift? Just about on hour and I'm off.”

“I would but I'm giving Chad and the others a ride. Designated driver.”

“Well, let them get a free ride back then,” Vanessa said. “The school has that sober driver volunteer program for a reason.”

“SO...just wait at the bar?”

“Uh huh...just as my ride now,” she said. “Save me the ride's share money.”

“All right.” he replied. “Anymore stagetime?”

“Not tonight. Just some...well...private dances. Part of the job.”

“I get it. Totally. Just...can you...not...with Chad and the guys?”

“Oh god no,” Vanessa said. “ESPECIALLY for Chad. He even asks me again I'll have Bruno kick his ass to the curb.”

“Well when you say that you make me hope he asks.”

“Why do you hang around with someone like that?” asked Vanessa. “You're better than that.”

“Bad habit.” Eric replied. He took a breath and looked around the parking lot trying to gather his thoughts. “You ever know someone that you just end up stuck to no matter what? That's Chad. I mean I used to be able to excuse it with moments of him being a decent person, but that's so long ago it might as well be a myth.”

“I don't like the way he treats you. I overhear the names and stuff. I really, really don't like that.”

“Can I ask you kind of a similar question?”

“Sure,” Vanessa said.

“Why me? I mean...you're...you. I'm..well...know what you said about being better than someone?”

“Don't you dare say that,” Vanessa said, getting closer to him. “I'm not hearing it.” She held both his hands softly in hers. “Look...at this job I see all kinds of guys. I've dated the usual type. The movie star looks, the bad boy musicians...all of that. But because of my job, they think they get to treat me different than they would any other girl. I must be a slut because I take my clothes off for money. Which means I'm the threesome girl or I'm going to fuck them on the first date. That just seeing a dick is going to make me drop my pants and bend over for them. My favorite though is they all think I'm stupid pretty much. You work at a titty bar? You're an idiot. Only stupid people sell their body in any way. You...don't do any of that. Even now that you know what I do for a living, you don't look at me any different. It's in your eyes. I can see it. And when we first started talking before that for the class...it was just nice to talk to someone who saw me as an equal...and who could talk to me about more than how good my tits are.”

“Well you are an equal.” Eric answered. “You're an amazing writer. Probably better than me. There's a lot more tot talk about than your breasts... though they are nice, don't get me wrong... from what I've seen of them...”

“Thanks,” she laughed. Kissing his cheek. “Why you? I like you. That's all that matters.”

“Okay.” There was a small moment of silence before Eric spoke again. “So...break over?”

“Just about,” said Vanessa. “Only about an hour left on the clock. So...meet you at the bar in an hour? Then breakfast? I'm buying.”

“Sounds amazing,” Eric said. Then he went on instinct. He moved is lips to hers slowly, giving her enough time to back away if she wished. She didn't. Their lips met in a kiss again, but it was also all new. It wasn't the first time their lips had met. It had happened many times before. This though was different. Sweeter, softer, longer. His arms wrapped around her body and her his, holding each other tight until it broke.

“Wow,” Vanessa said, her eyes closed, she opened them slowly, seeing a similar look to the one she knew she was wearing on Eric's face. “We gotta do this more often.”

“Big yes from me too.”

“Come on, let's head back inside.” She took his hand an led back in the club, the paid having a matching set of dreamy, happy smiles on their faces.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 08:16:01 AM

“YES!” Lucy moaned. One more she was riding Ben like the cowgirl she was deep down, buck her bronco while he sucked and kissed her hard pink nipples. Her arms were leaned back, bracing against the heavy table behind her, Lucy's chest stuck out for easier access to her bare breasts.

They were in a library study room, one far, far away from the main section on the third floor of the college's library. Even then, they would have normally been far more cautious about making such noise...but this was a Sunday. A Sunday morning. No one came to the library on Sunday mornings, at least not in a great number. Which was how the library at this time became known for such activities. Whether it be Bella's girls having clients there or people who just wanted time away from their dorm mates, somehow the library on Sunday became fuck central.

And the study rooms were the best places for it. Far more sanitary than a sleazy motel room and also surprisingly sound proof. You could scream in one and not even be heard on the main lobby of the third floor and definitely not above or below it, which allowed Lucy and Ben to be as loud as they wanted.

“Ride it cowgirl,” Ben growled in between tastes of Lucy's tits. His hand cupped her cute little ass, guiding her a bit as she worked his cock feverishly. She was an intense fuck, a lot like Sabrina, but with a country girl flair to it all that made her an experience all her own.

Lucy was a rowdy girl. He  had fucked her in every position since meeting her, but the girl loved her rides and news how to work magic like few others on top of him. Whether he was laying down or sitting down as he was right now on the vinyl cushioning of the study room bench. Lucy knew how to work that position. Southern charm and Tennessee heat.

“Oh riding...oh fuck baby riding that dick,” she gasped when he gave her a few quick thrusts. “Mmm,  more of that... just a little... mmm fuck me....oh fuuuck, yesss.”

He had to smile. He loved it when she couldn't help but slip into a little it of a Southern drawl. He held her tight by her hips as Lucy gave him control for a fleeting few moments giving her the power she asked for.”

“Ohhh GODDDDD!,” she howled through a cracked voice. Her petite tits and shoulder-length hair bounced with the force of his penetration. Every yelp and groan of pleasure escaping a mouth that couldn't help but have its corners turned up in an pleasured smile.

“More... oh Ben, just like that... just like that.... oooooooooooo.”

He chuckled to himself. He had no idea a call from last night would end up like this. He thought we was going to have to be running errands today for the movie production, buying gift cards for the actors to print out their scripts. But then Lucy called last night, said she wanted to celebrate something. And the moment she mentioned where to meet her he knew exactly what kind of celebration it was going to be.  He couldn't say no to a fuck like Lucy.

No that Sabrina was bad in the sack. Quite the opposite. And Jessica...that was just a whole new level. If you're at a buffet, why settle for one dish.

Lucy moved her arms to Ben's shoulders, stopping him. She leaned forward and kissed him, biting his lower lips playfully as it broke. “My turn now... gonna cum on your cock...then you can have me however you want me.”

And with that Lucy was back in control. Her body began to rise and fall on him once more, her body rolling and swaying once more as if she were at rodeo and Ben her bull. And Ben just sat back and let her do all the work. His hands went back to her ass, holding those sexy buns, but he wasn't even going to pretend he was in control anymore. His sexy little cowgirl was running the show and he was just going to sit back and enjoy the feast for the senses Lucy Hale was giving him.

And it was a feast. Her body in motion was a sight to see, the absolute erotic chaos of it all. Every move looked random but it certainly didn't feel that way. Lucy knew exactly what she was doing with every motion made on his cock. Up and down, grinding, back and forth; it's tight, wet velveteen grip was something that was near beyond description. He may have been getting something out of it as well, but Lucy was the one using him to work herself up into a frenzy, building up to a crescendo she's been hungry for since the night previous.

Still, Ben could only be driven so crazy before her had to give it back to her every bit as she was giving it to him. He began to pump up into her, meeting her at every motion she made, tasting the flesh of her chest once more, now very wet with his saliva and her sweat. The finish line was in Lucy's site and she rode her bronco hard and fast, her steed talking her on this fund hard ride until that line was crossed.

“Nnnnggggaaaayesssss!” she cried, her body going frigid then loose. Ben had to hold her up as she came, a delirious smile on her face as her body shook and her cunt spasmed on his cock, milking him desperately, though Ben wasn't quite finished yet. He had something on his mind for himself to finish this little celebration.

“Mmmm, Bennnn,” she said, her voice making her sound a little sloshed. “Made me cum so good....” She was still moving on his cock, albeit a bit slower. She wasn't letting him go just yet. “You cum for me? You give your cowgirl some hot cum?”

“Just about, baby,” he said, licking at her smiling lips. “I just want give it to you someplace special.”

“Where's that?” she teasingly asked. She had a good idea of where he wanted to do this. He'd been wanting a taste of it from the first time they were together. And right now, she was in such a  good mood, now doubled by her own orgasm, she was going to give to him. But still, he had to say it. She wanted those words first.

“I want you bent over that table there so I can take that ass,” he said smacking her ass. “Fuck your ass till I cum, cowgirl.”

Well I'd be happy to help with that,” she said, a twinkle in her hazel eyes. She got up and then did as he wanted, shaking her ass a bit as she bent over the table.

Ben got up with a wide grin on his face. He gave that cute little peach a quick smack before spreading her cheeks and exposing her tight little brown eye.

“Much obliged Lucy,” He said, placing his slick cock right against her back door. They both breathed deep as he pressed forward, moaning in relief once that bulbous head popped through. “Very much obliged.”

Lucy's fist clenched and she sla,med it own on the table. “YES!” she growled. “All the way deep...don't stop...I want to feel it...I want to feel your cum...”

“Well how could I refuse an off er like that?” he asked, bending over to kiss her shoulder.

Inch by wonderful inch he pressed forward, then pulled back,loosening up her asshole until he was finally in to the hilt. From there, e knew it was already almost over. Just getting into her ass and getting to this point had sapped him of any reserves he had left in terms of stamina. Now it was just time for him to enjoy riding her.

“Ohhhh god yesss yes yes!” Lucy whined. “Faster... don't stop... ohhh yes Ben, right there... so good... just cum for me baby... right in my ass... cum for your dirty little cowgirl...” The dirty talk was perfect. She was purposefully adding that drawl now. She knew what it did to Ben. Lucy was well used to the anal intrusion by now and was reveling in it, getting off again to what he was doing and what she was doing to him. She was going to make him cum. He had no choice in the matter. His thrusts were desperate for release just as his grunts were, it was only a matter of time for this celebration to reach its climax and Lucy couldn't wait.

“Come on...so close aren't you Ben...faster...just like that...come on now...” Lucy was grimacing in delight as Ben was doing all of that. He was going faster and harder in her ass, a cocktail of pleasure with a tiniest bit of pain keeping her intoxicated in a purple haze of lust. It was  fog that only grew thicker when she began to play with her clit. Then her moans began to break just as his were. She wasn't going to cum again, she knew that. But it was just a nice little cherry on top. Sweetener for the tea.

“Oh..oh fuck Lucy,” Ben moaned. “Gonna cum...gonna shoot in your ass baby!”

“Mmm fuck yeah,” she laughed. “Music to my ears!” She pushed back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust and throwing him off the cliff he was already racing towards.

“OH SHIT!” Ben yelled, throwing his head back in total passion as he began to pump Lucy's rump full of cum. He froze in place, his cock pumping rope after rope of his hot inside her rectum, all to the delight of a cooing Lucy.

“Mmm, just like that baby, just liked that,” she sweetly said, a relaxed smile on her face. She really did love it. There was just something about the feeling of a man coming inside her. She couldn't explain it other than it was a full body warmth that that hot cum started. It was the perfect way to end their little celebration.

AN utterly wrecked Ben pulled his wilted dick from Lucy's ass. He sat back down on the bench, catching his breath and trying to remember how to stand again. Lucy slid off the table and went to the carpeted floor like a puddle, laying down and looking up at the ceiling in a orgasmic dream state.

“Fuck Ben,” she said. “Mmmm that was so good. This has been the best weekend ever.”

“I do think that should be the official only way to celebrate anything ever,” said Ben, who then surprisingly had a relevant thought enter his head, which was a rarity for anyone this early in post-coital bliss. “What exactly were we celebrating?”

“Oh shit, I forgot to tell you!” she exclaimed, sitting up with a grin on her face. “So I had an audition on Saturday morning. Some students are actually going all out to film a real movie on campus and around town this semester. All of February. So...I read for it. I mean I'm studying music but I also want to act, you know. And it 's a horror movie and I love those.”

A feeling of dread began to overtake Ben. This sounded dangerously familiar to him.

“So yeah,I auditioned, and I didn't get the part I read forgot offered another part that's almost as big. I'm playing Gwendolyne, Servant to the Oldest Vampire Sister Lilith. Pretty cool, huh?”

“Yeah babe, awesome,” eh said nervously. Who was now beyond worried. He was just waiting for the other shoe to drop and confirm what he already knew in is gut. “How did you find out about this?”

“Oh, well there's this girl in my Women in Film history class, the one taught by Professor Chastain? Well she's not in the class she's in Jessica's editing class but Jessica allowed her to pass out flyers in the history class for it. She's one of the movie's directors. Sabrina something.”

And there was the nail n the coffin. Sabrina. Sabrina Carpenter. His girlfriend. Who was going to be directing his side-chick Lucy Hale in a film he was going to be assisting with the editing on. And they BOTH were students of Jessica. All of a sudden he went from the smart little pig in the brickhouse to the idiot future pork roast in a straw hut.

“Babe?” Lucy asked. “You okay?”

“Huh?” he said, snapping out of the visions of utter Hell he saw in his future. “Oh, yeah. Just kind f, you know, coming down and all that.”

“It was pretty amazing wasn't it,” she said with a smile. She got to her feet and began to gather her clothes, then kissed him. “You should come with me to the Whisky Casket before I start my shift. Lunch is on me.”

“Sure,” he said. Sabrina would be in the editing lab with his brother all day finishing up their last commercial job before the first day of shooting, so he was in the clear on that front. And Jessica wouldn't be caught dead in the Casket.

“Well, how we both get cleaned first...or as best we can in the library bathrooms.”

“Good plan,” he said. He began to gather his clothes, but waited for Lucy to leave the room before he went to his pants, taking out his phone to check for any mixed texts for Sabrina. Nothing. He breathed a sigh of relief. Today was going to be fine. But he was about to enter a minefield. He could maybe, conceivably end this now. Pick one girl and stick with her.

Then again, Ben just loved buffets too much.


“In the projection room?” Cami asked, bursting out with laughter. She, Hailee and Lili were in the living room of Hailee's apartment multitasking between work for the film, studying and just generally having one last bit of social interaction before it became all business.

“I had no idea she was so frisky,” Lili teased. “In all the years I've known you. You dirty girl.”

“It's not that out there,” Hailee said, no embarrassment in her voice the slightest bit. “I mean...it just kind of happened. I mean it's not like you guys ave never done anything like that? I mean, you have, right?”

“Well, yeah,” Cami said. “I mean Jose and I, the first time? It was a storage room at the school print shop. Then a bunch of times in his van. Like a LOT in the van honestly.”

“At work?” Lili asked. “You two are insatiable.”

“Oh don't look at me and Hailee like that Ms. Mask,” Cami teased.

“Okay one of you guys is going to need to explain to me this whole mask think because I'm definitely missing out on a story.”

“Well Lils?” Cami asked with a knowing grin. “Anything you want to tell good old Hailee?”

“Fine.” replied Lili, tapping out on the whole affair. “Okay, so I told you that Jake and I knew each other for a while before started dating, right?”

“Mmm hmm,” Hailee nodded. “Lab partners or something.”

“Yeah. And he was all the things he is now. Handsome, sweet, gentle, all of that. But I wasn't looking and he was too tongue tied to say anything to me. So a semester goes by, and in this time I get into a tag team called Callous Pain and think the big one of the two is super hot.”

“Isn't that Jake's team with Jose?” Hailee asked.

“Don't skip ahead and spoil things for yourself,” Cami said. “You'll ruin the surprise.”

“As I was saying,” Lili continued. “I was into the big guy, Magnus Pain. A lot. They would wrestle around me but I could never get to a show where they were at. So then next semester I bump into Jake again, and Cami also met Jose.”

“And sparks flew immediately”

“Uh huh,” Lili said. “I was lookng, Jake was still into me...but then I finally got to see Magnus Pain in the flesh and...well...”

“What Lili is trying to get at is she blew Jake in the bathroom without knowing it was him under the mask.”


“What? It's true.”

“Oh my GOD!” Hailee laughed. “Seriously?”

“Yes...that's what happened. Join in the laughter. Even I think it's funny at this point.”

“I still think it gets funnier when you realize you doubled down and fucked him on Halloween and still didn't know it was Jake,” Cami added.

“Wait wait wait,” Hailee said. “Why didn't Jake say anything?”

“He thought I was only into the wrestler. No interest in the guy behind the mask. Which, yes, was true. BUT I thought he felt the same way. Meanwhile I'm falling for Jake outside of the wrestling stuff and he's feeling even weirder because of the position we put ourselves in. But...all worked out for the best.”

“I still think you take the cake for weird sex story Lil,” Cami said. “Though I gotta give you points Hailee. I never in all the years I've know Pete would ever think he'd go for something like that.”

“Well, what was it like when you two dated?” Hailee asked. “You know, if your comfortable with that.”

“Well, it was high school. You don't really have time for weird locations. Half the time you're just hoping your parents don't bust in the room so your eyes are on the door or the window to see the car pull in.”

“True.” replied Hailee.

“Where is Pete anyway?” Lili asked. "I thought you guys had the entire filming schedule ready to go. Isn't that why we're here?”

“Well, I have it,” Cami said. “I just wanted us all to meet here. And to go over it with Peter and Sabrina the make sure I got everything nailed.”

“Peter left to go grab coffee and a couple groceries like ten minutes before you guys got here. Sabrina is passed out in the office. They were editing all night.”

“Wait, Peter's getting coffee?” Lili asked.

“Yeah, that what he said. He sent me a text like twenty minutes ago saying he was in line about to order. Why?”

“Well, when Lili first got her Ben was rushing out. He said he was going to grab some coffee.”

“Huh.” Hailee replied. “Maybe they're meeting up? It's a big order and Peter was getting some groceries too.”

Using that as his entrance, Peter entered his apartment carrying a bag of groceries in one arm and a cardboard box with a handle full of coffee in the other.

“Morning folks,” he said. He put both the bag and the box on the dinner table behind him then went to Haillee, kissing her forehead. “Hey babe.”

“Hi,” she said. “You got my caffeine fix?”

He nodded then went to the box and pulled out a cup holder of six drinks. He pulled on out and brought it over. “One iced mochachino with an a shot of espresso and almond milk.”

He returned to the cup holder and then handed a drink to Lili. “Iced Chai tea latte, also with almond milk.”

“How did you know?”

“Hailee texted me saying you were here, I texted her back asking what kind of drink you liked.”

“And obviously didn't ask for me because....” Cami said, her hand out expecting her own cup of caffeinated goodness.

“Large black coffee, two splendas and one of those honey stick things.”

“Correct,” she said, happy as can be when the warm cup and stick of sweet goo filled her hand. “It's good to have friends.”

“Why didn't Ben tell you we were here?” Lili asked

“Why would he?”

“Wasn't he with you at the coffee shop?”

“No, I haven't seen him since I finally went to sleep at four last night. Why?”

“Oh, just Be being Ben again.” Cami replied. “With all that entails.”

“Sounds fun,” Peter said. “Haiz, is Sabrina up? Gut her something too.”

“I think she's still asleep on the office couch.”

“I'll just put the ice coffee in the fridge then.”

As Peter put groceries and coffee away, the questions about Ben resumed. “What did you mean about Ben? “ Hailee asked.

“Oh, you know...” Cami said. “Look, I like Ben. He can be a nice guy...but, look Peter and his brother are two very, very different people. Peter's the one who has your back, doesn't cheat, all of that. Loyal to a fault honestly. Ben...not so much. I'm sure he can be a great friend and a good brother but...let's just say there's a reason your man has been my longest standing friend.”

“He's not that bad Camila,” Peter said from the kitchen.”Just...his own person.”

“Look I'm not trying to trash talk him. I don't hate him or anything. But if he wasn't your brother I would never give him the benefit of the doubt and not at least warn Sabrina what she might be getting into.”

“Well, with that gossip section of the day done with,” Lili said. “How about we see those schedules?”

“Hold up,” Peter said, grabbing his cup of hot chocolate and taking a seat next to Hailee on the couch. “Okay, let's see what Producer Lady has for us.”

“That's MS. Producer Lady,” Camila joked. She reached into her back pack and handed out a packet of pepper to each of them. “I did some revisions on the basic structure you and Sabrina laid out taking into account everyone's work and class schedules as well as the classes people think they can miss if we need for something unexpected coming up. I was up pretty late too. Didn't get to sleep until two. First with the schedule from about 50 to midnight... then... well... let's just say I had a big breakfast this morning and Jose is still asleep.”

“It was an earplug night,” Lili said. “Almost a double one.”

“What's an earplug night?” Hailee asked.

“The schedule looks great,” Peter said. “You even put a premier date down for June?”

“Tentative.” Cami replied. “I mean we'd have to determine whether or not we want to premiere on campus or do something at a local theater.”

“Hailee and I know the guy who owns the place we went to last night. Could talk to him if it would help.”

“Well, let's not get too far ahead,” said Cami. “There's a lot to do. Shooting, editing, all of that. Once we hammer that out, we can definitely use that connection. One condition though.”

“What's that?” asked Peter.

“Well, at the premiere you're going to have to do your absolute best to stay in your seat and not go desecrating projection rooms. Pinky swear?”

“Ahhhh...huh...” Peter said, turning beet red and struggling for words while Hailee buried her face in her hand. Lili on the other hand burst out laughing with an extra bit of joy from the joke not being made at the expense of her lucha libre experience.

“Oh settle down dearest Petey, just a joke. It'd be your premiere do whatever you want then just be back in time for the Q & A.”

“I hate you,” laughed Peter.

“Love you too,” Cami said with a wink.


“We actually did it,” Eric said. “Completely and totally.”

“I told you it was going to be a breeze. Feels good to have it behind you now, doesn't it?”

“Totally. I can't believe we finished a full length screenplay under a week!” The happy pair were exiting their class after having turned in their screenplay a full week early. It was ready for their scheduled reading time for the Monday after Valentine's day. It was finished and they were confident in it.

“Well, we had a great idea and two people very passionate about it.” Vanessa replied before stopping Eric and pulling him to her for a kiss. “Very passionate.”

They walked hand in hand out of the school building and into the parking lot, deciding on what to do next.

“How about we go by my place and celebrate?” suggested Vanessa. “I mean...you know...if you're ready for that kind of thing.”

“Very ready.” replied Eric. But before the pair could flirt further, Chad decided to enter in, once more flanked by Michael and Carter.

“Hold up,” Chad said. “You two really finished?”

“Yes,” Eric said. “First draft at least.”

“Cool, then you can come help me with mine,” Chad said. “Follow me Blimp.”

“Don't call him that,” Vanessa said. “That's not his name.”

“Lady, you can drop the act, all right? The script is done. You can stop the act now.”

“What act is that?”

“Acting like you give a shit about tubby there.” Chad answered. “You can drop it. You got the script, he probably did all the heavy lifting anyway.”

Vanessa had had enough. She got in Chad's face, ready to throw down. “Listen good shit heel because I'm only saying this once. I'm not faking a damn thing when it comes to Eric. I like him. A lot more than anyone would ever like a little slug like yourself. And secondly, I've read your writing. You have no room to call anyone lazy.”

“Look bitch, this isn't your business. Your business is giving gross guys lap dances.”

“See, you're wrong again. Gross guys. Didn't give one to you, did I?”

Michael and Carter cracked, both letting out muffled chuckles. Chad did not like that one bit.

“Hey, you do shit for money right?” Chad said reaching into his pocket and throwing a ten at Vanessa's face. “Be a good whore and fuck off OOMPH!”

Chad was silenced by Eric's fist to his face, knocking him down and out.

“Holy shit,” Vanessa said.

“Nice punch, McFly!” Carter said with a laugh.

“That was AWESOME!” Michael said. “Oh my GOD that was cool.”

“Uh...thanks?” Eric said, very unsure. He turned to Vanessa, ready to apologize when she ambushed him with a kiss.

“Usually I hate violence but thank you SO much for that,” she said. “Is your hand okay?”

“Yeah, I think....oh man I'm going to be in trouble when he wakes up.”

“Nah, don't worry about it dude,” Carter said. “If he starts talking lawyers or anything we'll do some convincing to get him to drop it and beg you for forgiveness.”


“Dude you just did what we've all wanted to do since sixth grade,” Michael said. “I want to fucking hug you man!”

“Oh...cool.” Eric looked to Vanessa. “You want to get out of here?”

She smiled, then dropped down to pick up the ten. “How about coffee on Chad?”


Hayley Atwell paced back and forth in her office. She felt the urge to bite her nails, a habit she'd kicked years ago. But her nerves were overtaking her. Ever since her first class and what occurred with Adam Andrews.

She still couldn't quite piece together what happened. How she just let all that lust overtake and have her do something as insane as having sex with a student.

It made no sense to her. Why? Adam was an intensely handsome lad. That sandy blonde hair, the bluer than blue eyes. Muscles. Movie star good looks all around. He even reminded Hayley of her ex-fiance.

Was that it? Was that what overrode all of her senses? What sent her sanity into remission? Hayley couldn't help but smile a bit at the thought of going from zero to a hundred kilometers an hour with him though. It was so unlike her. But it all clicked.

But smiling at it did not mean she planned on It happening again. She loved her job and did not want to lose it as well as her whole career over a fling. And while the classes since had been going well enough, it was still a little awkward whenever her eyes met his. And she could tell he was a little bit confused by it all as well. Her dodging him during her usual office hours didn't help matters.

However, the dodging was done. They had agreed to meet now. Not her usual office hours at all but that would also mean no one would interrupt them so they could hash it all out and end whatever weirdness their little fling had created.

Yet here Hayley was, pacing back and forth in her small office wondering about the litany of things that could go wrong.

Before those thoughts could dwell with her a moment longer, there was a knock at her office door. He was here. Hayley took a moment and a breath. Time to straighten this all out.

“Come in,” she said, sitting on the edge of her desk. The door opened and in walked Adam, and once more Hayley felt a draw to him. However, this time she was able to control herself.

Adam was under control as well, despite the incredible draw Hayley had over him.

“Hello Adam,” she said. “I'm...glad we were finally able to to meet to discuss...well, you know.”

“Yeah, of course.” he replied. “I mean...I don't know what to say really.”

“Well, I understand that. It's certainly a rather unique situation we find ourselves in.” She got up and began to pace again, but not as nervously. She was able to contain that a bit. Of course that was helped by Hayley feeling Adam's eyes on her. She couldn't but get a little bit of seduction in her walk. It was a reflex.

“I really didn't mean for it to happen,” Adam assured. “I don't know what came over me.”

“I think we both lost control,” Hayley said. “Nothing to be ashamed of. I mean it wasn't like it was bad. Just rushed.” She could feel a little heat within her build. She tried stifling it. “It of course can never happen again. Ever.” She turned to face him, letting him see it in her face she meant it. She hoped that's what her face was saying.

“Oh yeah,” Adam agreed, finding himself getting closer to Hayley. “I totally agree Ms. Atwell.”

“Call me Hayley,” she let slip. She tried to tell herself she regretted. “It's just gong to make thing easier. It was just one time.” She stepped closer to Adam.

“Yeah. On really good time.” He got closer as well. “It's just too bad.”

“What's too bad?”

“It was so rushed. I mean we had to, I get it...would have been nice to have more time.”

“Well, yes I can see that,” Hayley nervously said. The two were dangerously close now. Sparks were flying and it wouldn't take much to set off the gunpowder. “It was an amazing few minutes... but.. it just can't happen again.”

They got closer still. Any objections from either were becoming simply a show. They were both becoming aware of how their quick rendezvous happened in the first place. Pure animal attraction. It was an explosion. They both just wanted it.... and they still did.

“You're right of course...this would be the perfect place and time for it, wouldn't it?”

“Oh yes.” Hayley answered. “No one would come knocking in my door as these aren't my normal hours. No window on the door is also a good thing for privacy. Walls are... surprisingly thick.

Adam got closer to her, backing Hayley against a bookcase. “I would think almost it'd be a waste to not take advantage of it....you know...to really get he full experience...”

Their lips were incing closer and closer to each other, all resistance gone. “I'd...I'd have to agree...but this would be the last time...the absolute last time.”

“Totally agreed there.” The damn burst and the two were all over each other. Lips and tongues colliding , hands frantically all over each other' bodies.

“Lock the door,” Hayley said when she got a moment. “And drop your pants.”

Adam nodded and rushed to the door while Hayley did her own work and lost her panties and hopped up on the desk. When Adam turned back around, his hands unbuckling his belt, he saw Hayley Atwel, sitting on her desk with stocking-clad legs open.

“Come here,” she said, red lips smiling. “If we're going to take our time this time...let's really enjoy it.”

“Couldn't agree more Hayley,” With how she was mpositioned, those lusciously thicc legs open and inviting, he knew what she wanted. If they were going to take their time this time there was no reason not to go for it.

Soon he was on his knees and under her skirt. “Oh my word yes,” Hayley moaned. She closed her brown eyes and licked her lips, letting herself fall completely into the pleasure being delivered to her pussy from his mouth.

And Adam was very eager to deliver. He hadn't stopped fantasizing about Hayley since that day, of all the things he wished he culd have done with her.  Eating her out? That was right on the top of his list. He loved doing that to a woman and in the case of Hayley Atwell, the reality was turning out to be better than the fantasy.

He moans and her cries of pleasure were so much sexier than he could have imagined. “More...oh yes...oh my god Adam,” all sounded even more erotic with her accent than he could have possibly imagined. Sophistication and seduction. Upper crust and the red light district. The perfect mix.

Hayley's legs pressed against Adam's head. She was gulping for for air, hissing it from between clenched teeth, and hanging her head back while his tongue worked magic on her cunt. Sucking on it, writing novels in various languages on her clit with his tongue.

“Mmmmm...yes...more...more just like that, Adam....oh my word, yes...”

With that he doubled down on his effort, going faster, inserting his fingers inside of her and working hem in out and all around. Hayley got louder. Her hand grabbed the back of his head as she began to hump his face. She was getting hot, heating coursing through her body. It would have been a good orgasm. But good was not enough. Hayley wanted more. And for Hayley nothing beat getting off on a real flesh and blood cock.

“Adam..get up..and fuck me,” she gasped. “I need that cock...”

Just the way she said cock...the way the “o” sounded and the “k”...irresistible. He got to his feet and dropped his loosened pants down to his ankles. But before he entered her sensual cavern, he went for her blouse, unbuttoning it. When the last one was undone Hayley slid it and her jacket off, leaving her in a black lace bra.

She looked at Adam's face, a sexy little smile as she reached behind and unhooked her bra, letting her wonderfully full, massive tits free for Adam to feast on. Which he did, after a quick and sloppy kiss to her lips. Before bringing his mouth to her wondrous globes.

Then, with his face buried wonderfully in the flesh of Hayley Atwell's tits, Ada thrust his cock back into her wonderful wet and tight cunt, moaning into her breasts as she did into the air.

“Oh....oh Adam yes!” she cried. “Oh...have it...suck my tits...fuck my pussy....oh dear...oh yes...yes yes....”

Adam would have replied but his mouth was having far too much fun worshiping her stupendous tits. Squeezing them with his hands, kissng and sucking; tasting every inch of her tit flesh. His tongue softly circled her nipple before his lips closed around the, sucking them hard. Being between her tits was perfect. Very few things could top it. Save for also being balls deep in her amazing cunt.

Hayley not only had the single best tits Adam had ever experienced, her pussy was beyond compare. It took some major league willpower to to just lose control and and go full blast inside her velvet wonderland. Adam kept it together though. Hayley wasn't making it easy.

She looked like a ex goddess as he took his cock, leaning back, tits jiggling with every thrust. The way her face looked as they fucked. She was on the greatest high of her life. Her moans, her smile...it was all a feast for the eyes and ears. Hayley herself was a treat for all of his senses.

“Harder,” she gasped. “More Adam...give me more...” Hayley laid all the way back on her desk, giving herself over completely to Adam's lust. She wanted to be taken. She craved it. But only from him.

With Hayley laying back, Adam took the signal she was given very, very clear. His pace went full throttle, giving in to the lust, the desire that wracked his body and mind. And Hayley loved it. Loved every moment and every inch of his cock.

“Oooohhhhh yes!” she cried. “Just like this...just like this...don't fucking stop...oh Adam make me cum on your cock....do it...make me cum right on that perfect cock!”

He went hard and hast, focused on her demands. His eyes kept scanning her Hayley's body. Watching her stomach rise and fall rapidly with every desperately gasped breath, her tits bounce and jiggle with every hard and hungry thrust he gave her and her face perpetually lost in a haze of pleasure.

Adam reached forward, bringing one hand to her pussy and playing with her clit and the other to her tits, grasping it tight as he fucked he with wild abandon.

“Hayley...oh fuck yeah baby...cum...just fucking cum for me...I want to see it!”

“Oh yes...oh my...oh my Adam....ADAM!” That was it for her. She was on edge already but the moment her clit got that extra bit of attention then hearing Adam's demand, Hayley lost it.

Adam kept pumping into her through it all. The sight of her thrashing through her orgasm, how her pussy clamped and milked his dick in an arousingly chaotic manner. And through it all he staved off in her paradise of a pussy. He quite literally had his eyes on another prize.

“I want to cum on your tits,” he growled. “Gonna fuck your tits.”

“Mmm do it Adam” she said,her voice soft, tired, but still full of desire. “I want your cum on my skin... I want to see you cum for me.”

Adam pulled out of Hayley's well-fucked twat and climbed up on the desk. He placed his rock hard rod in the valley of her tits and she gave him a wink as she pressed her tits around him.

“Fuck my titties,” Hayley said, the proper tone of her British accent making his cock twitch. “Fuck my tits and cum all over them...”

And Adam began to thrust. Fast and desperate. He was already so close and now between this heavenly valley he wasn't even going to attempt to hold back. He wanted his release and so did Hayley.

“Yeah..yeah fuck them...just like that Adam...nice and fast...give me your hot cum...want ti on my skin so bad.”

That sentence was the last straw for Adam. With a few more thrusts, a bit slower to savor the feeling of being wrapped in Hayley Atwell's tits, Adam finally came upon his last motion forward.

“Oh fuck!” he grunted as his cum began to rocket out of the tip of his cock and on Hayley's neck chin, pulling his cock out of that valley of paradise to get a few ropes on her perfect tits.

Mmmmm perfect,” she said dreamily. The lusty pair basked in the afterglow for a bit, certain this would be the last time they ever had a tryst....until the next last time.


“That went great babe!” Hailee said. The table read had just wrapped up. It was the last bit of work that they had to do before they started shooting on Wednesday night. And, as Hailee said, it had gone amazingly well. The chemistry between the actors was perfect, the laughs were hitting and the scares created silent tension and gasps for those who hadn't read the whole thing. “This is going to be great.”

She stopped him just as they exited the student union and embraced him, giving him a sweet kiss. “I'm glad we're doing this. Our first movie ever...and it's together.  I mean duh, it's together but you know...it's you and me. I love it. I love you.”

“I feel the same way Haiz,” he said. “This is my dream...and now...you being a part of it makes it better. You're going to kill it. We all are.” The two leaned into each other for a kiss, but it was about to be paused by a surprising voice.

“Hi guys,” Selena said softly and cautiously. “I'm sorry to interrupt, really I am.”

“What's up?” Peter asked, Hailee still holding him but moving to the side, giving her attention to Selena as well.

“I just wanted to say thanks,” Selena earnestly said. “I...I really needed this. You have no idea. And I know things aren't right between us Pete. They may never be right between us. So...thanks for taking a chance on this with me. I won't let you down. Not with this anyway.”

“I know you won't,” said Peter. “Like Cami said, you got the part because you're the best person for it. Nothing else.”

“You were great in the table read to,” Hailee added. “I'm..I'm really looking forward to working with you. I think we clicked. So, thank you for that.”

Selena smiled at them both. A real, genuine one. “I appreciate that. And, sorr I interrupted you two. Again. See you Wednesday.” With that Selena was off leaving Hailee and Peter alone once more.

“That was not as awkward as the last time he interrupted us,” Peter said.

“Well yeah,” said Hailee. “I mean we're in public, fully clothed and your head isn't between my legs. It's kind of hard to out-awkward that.” Hailee got back in front of Peter. “I think she's going to be great. I wasn't lying either. It just kind of clicked with her and Liz.”

“You three did come across as sisters pretty damn well,” Peter admitted. “I just hope she can really keep it all together.”

“I don't know exactly what went on between you two,but she seems okay to me,” Hailee said. “I don't know, maybe she's trying to turn things around? Give her the benefit of the doubt.”

“I am. Just...cautiously.”

“Well, how about something you don't need to be cautious about?” Hailee asked, that sweet little smile of hers having a bit of spice behind it. “I mean we both have a lot of time today. We skipped class for the table read. I don't have to be at work for a couple hours...”

“What exactly did you have in mind Ms. Steinfeld?”

“Well...I was thinking we go back to ours place...” Hailee began to walk her fingers up his chest. “Get into the bed room...” When she reached his neck she slowly drug her finger up to his chin... “Then maybe do a little private costume fitting for you..you know...that scene in theater...backstage...”

“Oh, you mean the totally not-gratuitous lingerie scene.”

“Uh huh,” she nodded, biting on her lower lips.  “That is unless you have some better use of our spare time.”

“That sounds like the best and most efficient use of the rest of the morning.”


Paul Simmons was not having the best of days. He hadn't had the best of weeks, now that he thought of it. School wasn't the issue, not this early in the new semester. Instead,it was business. He couldn't access his credit cards he had through Bella or the company bank account. He also found his “special” bank account he was putting together mysteriously empty of the recent deposits he'd made.

He already had a pretty good idea about what had happened. Bella was not subtle. However, he knew he could talk his way out of it. He wasn't an idiot like Reggie. Bella would have to listen to reason, especially with the connections he'd made with other heads of the town's vice scene.

He got into her a[apartment with no problems. She hadn't changed the lock just yet, but that didn't mean anything. Reggie could still get in before he was formally kicked out. Bella liked doing that kind of thing face to face.

He went straight for her office and there she was, sitting behind her desk, going through paper work with a joint in an ashtray to her left. She seemed to not notice her came in.

“Don't bother knocking,” she said, stopping him from doing just that.

“Was I expected?” Paul asked.

“Sooner or later.” she replied. Then she looked up from her papers at him, her face stone cold. “Let me guess, you're locked out of your accounts and your secret one seems lighter than it should be. Am I right?”

He nodded. “So you know about the account?”

“Do you think I'm stupid Paul? Do you think I just fucked my way into all this? I know my business. And I know when I'm being stolen from. I'm not one for poetry and prose but I know my numbers. And I can read people. I'll give you credit though, you went about it a lot smarter than Reggie did. You're trying to put together the capital and local connection before trying to poach my girls. But it's over now. All over. And the money you took is back where ti belongs, with interest.”

“Bella, I don't know what you think is going on but...”

“Save it.” Bella said, taking a drag of her joint. “I talked with the other four. I made my case. You're out. And not just with me, but with them too. Not as severe as Reggie's punishment. You cans till use the services in town. The moment you try to start on your own here, you're out.”

“You're good Bella,” Paul laughed. He walked forward and took the seat in front of her desk. “A little too cocky though. I want in and those guys, they want me. They want my connections. You got no say.”

“Really?” Bella said with her own laugh. “I built this business up from nothing. I started when I was seventeen years old damn it. You think I haven't seen idiots like you come and go? Connections? HA! They're mine now.”


“Really? Let me pose a question to you Paul. What would you prefer? Being fucked out of your money on a daily basis and having to play nice with the son of the guy doing it...or is it paying money fair and square to fuck your choice of the finest pussy on the planet? I got co-eds. I got vets...I have porn stars. You haven't even seen my velvet book. You don't know the girls I have access to, who owes me a favor. Who's just plain loyal. So, what would you prefer, getting fucked or being the one doing the fucking?”

Paul nodded. Bella was right. A lot of his dad's clients that e brought to Bella...they only tolerated him at best. They didn't want to piss off his dad. But Bella wasn't remotely scared.

“I'll take your silence as agreement. Your pull doesn't mean a god damn thing. What are you going to tell your daddy? “Hey pops, the woman I was fucking and becoming business partners with before trying to fuck her over by freezing her out of her escort business screwed me back twice as hard!” Good luck with that.”

“Bella,” he said. “We can talk about this like adults.”

“Oh, this is a very adult conversation in my book,” she said with a smirk. “And you're on the verge of crying like a baby.

Paul got up. He was angry now. “You don't want to discuss it? Fine. There are others ways to handle this since you won't listen to reason. And I'd like to point out, since we're talking about smarts, how truly dumb it was to let me come in here with you being alone. Anything could happen to you.”

“Like an idiot threatening me with violence?” Bella suggested before pulling a gun out. It was small, but that didn't matter much to someone who wasn't wearing kevlar. “Motherfucker do you know what I've been through? You think I haven't seen worse cocksuckers than you in my lifetime? And you come into my house, I welcome you, then you try to burn it down and fucking threaten ME? I'M BELLA FUCKING THORNE and I don't suffer idiots like you if I don't have to. You're should be kissing my feet you're allowed to even look at my girls in this town let alone fuck them. You're lucky you have any privileges left. And you have the gall to threaten ME?”

“Now come on Bella,” Paul said, backing away just a bit. “How about we all calm down.”

“I am calm.” she replied. “You're just so used to flirty, giggly Bella that when you see the other side, you don't know how to react. You think I'm just a whore. Even after seeing what happened with Reggie. You never stopped to ask how I got in this position. Why I got the respect. It's not all about the pussy. You gotta have balls. And you? You don't. You're an opportunist, I'll give you that. But you don't know what it is to earn a god damn thing. So, how about you do the smart thing, get out of this office, stop trying to play Scarface or Godfather or whatever the fuck movie you have in your head and go back to school and troll for empty-headed Freshmen girls.”

“And if I don't?”

“Then I blow your fucking kneecaps ff for starters. Then if you don't crawl out the next bullet is a coin flip. Now, since I know you aren't Reggie-dumb, I know you're going to take this loss and walk out with some kind of dignity. This wasn't personal until you made it that way. Now go. And do not even think about calling here unless you got the money and the means to pay for pussy. Now, see yourself out. Unless you want security to.”

Paul nodded. She had him. She had him bad.  And he wasn't an idiot like Reggie. He wanted into Bella's circle, he wanted it bad. He wanted to have her business. Hell, he wanted to have her under him as both an employee and someone to fuck.

But he knew this was a loss he had to take. Besides, like his dad always said, there's always free pussy in the music business.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 08:29:20 AM

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“You can't keep running from everything,” Jesse said, chasing after Selena. “I swear, your more scared than I am.”

“Then maybe that should tip you off!” Selena yelled. “You think I want this? That I want to walk away from what we have?”

“You could have fooled me.”

Selena's face was over come with fury, the moonlight betraying a dark fury behind her brown eyes.  “How dare you?! I'm doing this for you. If my sisters find out about you...they're not like me. They're still predators. They like it that way.”

Jesse got closer to her. Selena wanted to start leaving again, but she culdn't She began to walked toward him, the pair falling into each other's arms. “They'll kill you,” she said. “And that's if they're nice about it.”

“You're worth the risk.” Jesse replied. Their lips go closer and closer together until finally they met in a long, deep kiss.

“CUT!” Peter said. He then turned to Sabrina. “You good on that one or we ready to move on to close-ups?”

“Moving on's fine with me.” she replied.

“Moving on!” Peter said. “We really should have gotten an assistant director.”

“Too late for that now,” Sabrina said. She then turned to Zero. “Close up on Selena then we're going to get it on Jesse.”

“Got it,” said Zero.

“I'll take Selena, you go with Jesse unless you want to switch it up,” said Peter.

“Directing arrangement has worked so far, let's keep going with it.”

The pair broke off and Peter headed towards Selena. She was at the craft able, drinking a water and snacking on a granola bar. “Hey Sel,” Peter said. “Your close-up's next. Just setting up the shot now.”

“You need me at my one?” Selena asked.

“Not yet. Just...this kiss...it's the last warning. For you and him. Got it? It's the goodbye you can't tell him.”

Her eyes lit up. It clicked for her. She understood the scene before, but now it all fit together. Peter always had that knack in directing her, saving the best bit for her close-up, if she didn't already have it already.

“Got it,” she nodded.

“Great. Now, go to your one and we can get you and Jesse out and wrap for the night.” Selena headed back, Jesse behind her after having talked with Sabrina. The pair of directors then looked at the monitor while Zero set up the shot. From there it was a few minutes of rehearsing the blocking and then it was go time.

And Selena nailed it in two takes. That was it. Peter and Sabrina were more than satisfied. Even Camila who had been siting back and letting the two director direct had to admit Selena delivered.

From there, the reverse shot was set up for Jesse's close up. Like Selena, he got his done in a short amount of time, three takes. However, what sunk the last take was even a line, it was that kiss.

Every kiss before had lit something in Jesse and Selena until finally, on that last kiss it all went beyond performance into reality. Where they flirted with each other while they worked, both at Knockers and on set. And that last kiss went way longer than anyone expected.

The time was endless was Selena and Jesse. They were far too into the feel of each other's lips. For everyone else, there was just silence. Zero looked back to Peter and Sabrina, motioning and mouthing the question of whether ot not he should cut. Both shook their heads. This was great stuff. This was pure, real. It was just what they wanted.

“Cut!” Sabrina yelled a few seconds after Peter and Jesse stopped kissing. They were silent at what had just happened, but for slightly different reasons than everyone else.

“And we are wrapped on night one folks!” Peter said, getting a round of applause from the crew and two cast members remaining. “We came, we saw, we kicked ass. And let's give an extra loud round to our actors Selena and Jesse!”

Another round came and the actors jokingly took their bows then headed towards the craft table. Sabrina and Peter came up to them, Camila in tow.

“You guys did great,” Peter said. “We're off to an amazing start.”

“Fuck yeah we are!” Sabrina added. “We're going to crush it every night. You guys set an incredibly high bar.”

“Thanks,” Jesse said, a bit embarrassed at the praise. “Felt...good. Natural.”

“Obviously,” Camila said with a sly smile.

“Yeah..um...I gotta go get ready for work,” said Jese. “Still giving you ride Selena?”

“Yeah, sure thing,” she said. “I'll meet you at your car.” Jesse nodded and headed off to the parking lot. “Thanks again you guys. I feel...really good about this.”

“Thank you for kicking ass,” Sabrina said. “You're killing it. You both did.”

“And I double on those platitudes and would even triple them if Sabrina and I didn't have to go and start dumping the footage on our hard drives,” said Peter. “But, duty calls. Have a good night.”

Sabrina and Peter headed off, leaving Selena alone with Camila. It was not a position Selena wanted to be in.

“You know, I need to reiterate this, “ Camila said. “You're the right woman for this job. This is the first time in all the years I've known you I've actually seen you with your head straight.”

“Is this supposed to be a compliment?” asked Selena.

“Yeah, it is actually. Don't worry I'm not used to it either when ti comes to you and I.” Camila got a it closer, trying to thaw out her demeanor towards Selena. “Look, I'm not going to pretend we've ever been friends. We've barely been cordial to each other. But...I'm glad to see you turning things around. Your new roomie Madelaine? She's a friend of mine. And she's also your boss in addition to all of that. I was almost tempted to give her a warning about you. But she told me...well...you're actually being responsible. Showing up to work early or on time, actually made your bill payments in time, volunteering to cover shifts for other people...you'e doing good and I wanted to congratulate you on that. No sarcasm. I'm glad to see you're doing better than you were.”

“Thanks Camila,” Selena said. “I appreciate that. New Year's was a huge wake-up call for me. And I'm trying to turn it all around. I'm just glad I'm getting the chance to.”

“So...truce?” Camila asked, extending her hand. “I'm not saying we'll be friends or anything. But I'm not going to actively dislike you or anything. Just...acquaintances. Friendly acquaintances.”

Selena took Camila hand, shaking it. “I can live with that.”

“Good.” replied Camila. “I think I'm gonna go over with Peter and Sabrina. Check what they have. Have a good night Selena.”

“You too.” As Camila left, Selena smiled. Despite the history they shared, that actually felt good. She never expected to make peace with Camila. She honestly didn't even know if she fully did just now. But it was a good start.

Of course as she walked to the parking lot to meet up with Jesse, she couldn't help but smile. Not just from that experience with Camila, not even from the praise given to her by Peter and Sabrina. Selena was smiling off the high from the kiss. Turns out there was something more than flirting between the two. Or at least that was what Selena was hoping. She wasn't looking for a relationship, not right now at least. She was however, looking for fun. She hadn't had sex since the last time she was with Reggie and was craving a touch that wasn't her own. Jesse was the prime candidate. The only question was when. Selena also had an idea about that. She was all smiles as she approached his car, Jesse leaning against it.

“Ready?” Jesse asked.

“Definitely,” she said. Once she was in the passenger's seat they were off to Knockers with time to spare.

“You didn't want to change on set?” Jesse asked.

“No, I'll just use the backroom at the restaurant.” replied Selena. “Why, were you hoping to sneak a peak?”

“No. Besides, I can also do that at the restaurant.”

“Touche.” She wasn't taken aback by this. They flirted like this all the time at work. She wouldn't have allowed him to say anything she didn't think was funny or she was uncomfortable with. After Reggie, Selena was determined to stand up for herself. Jesse was just fun. And cute. And an amazing kisser.

“SO...what did you think of the shoot tonight?”

“I think it went great,” Selena said. “I feel so good about this project. I couldn't have a better romantic interest either.”

“Thanks. You're not so bad yourself. Pretty good actually. Like amazing.”

“Amazing?” Selena asked with a laugh. The perfect time had just arrived. They had time to spare. It was 6:30. Neither of their shifts started until 8:00. “That's just acting. Amazing...I think that'd be more akin to the real thing.”

“I guess I'll have to take your word on that.”

“Why's that?” Selena asked with a sexy smile and a slight purr in her voice. Jesse looked at her, curious. Into the idea, but very curious.

“Are you serious?”

Selena moved her hand to his crotch, giving it a squeeze. “Very,” she said. “All my life, I've been looking for a relationship. I don't want anything like that right now. Sex? Just causal, fun sex with someone that is cute, funny, a great kisser....and is also apparently packing some serious heat.” She squeezed Jesse's cock through his jeans, making him cough in surprise.

“So..um...what do you suggest we do?”

“I suggest you pull over under those tree coming up...I think we can figure it out from there.” She added punctuation to her idea buy beginning to unbuckle his belt. After that it was almost autopilot that got him to park exactly where Selena had directed him. The moon shining just enough to give them light, especially on her and the trees covered them enough to hide them from any onlookers from the road.

Once the car was in place the seat belts came off about as quick as Jesse's regular belt did. Selena and Jesse's mouths met in a hot collision of lips and tongue, breaking only so Selena could remove her underwear, tossing them in the backseat. She moved over to the driver's side, straddling him and resuming their passionate kissing.

Selena had a sly smile on her face as the kiss broke. She reached down between them and unzipped Jesse's fly. She grasped his cock, her beautiful brown eyes locking on his as she rose up only to slowly sink down on his manhood.

“Oooh shitttt,” hissed Selena. “Fuck it's been way too long.”

“God damn,” Jesse said in agreement. His eyes rolled in the back of his head at the feeling of her snatch. Warm, wet and tight. Perfect fit.

As they both savored the moment, Selena took the opportunity to remove her shirt and bra. Jesse was very happy with the reveal of those tits, so happy he simply couldn't wait to get a taste.

While Jesse got familiar with her tits, Selena took charge herself, starting to ride his rod.

“Oh...yeah baby,” she said. “Mmmm just like that...suck those tits...oh damn...I fuck your cock feels so good....oh I needed this so bad...”

“Oh fuck Selena,” Jesse moaned. His hand held her hips as she began to speed up. The car's shocked were being put to a real test; Selena was showing no mercy. “Damn girl...oh shit....”

“Yeah...yeah....mmmm such good dick...oh fuck Jesse...shoudl have done this way sooner...”

“No...ohhhh no argument here....”

“Mmm fuck me...” Selena said... “Gimme that cock...”

Selena braced herself against the ceiling of the car as Jesse began to thrust up into her dripping snatch, doing his own testing of the shocks. Listening to her moan and beg for more of his hard cock, the look of excitement and ecstasy on Selena's face and how her tits bounced and jiggled with every motion. A sexual feast for the senses.

Jesse took on of his hands and moved to to the level next to his seat, lowering it all the way so he was laying down. More room to play. Selena took this opportunity, slowing the pace just enough to grind move her hips, her cunt almost swirling around his cock. Slow at first, letting him feel every inch of her wet pussy. She began to build up speed but never not giving every inch of his throbbing fuckstick the right amount of attention. She wanted to set those sensitive nerve ending afire with pleasure.

Selena leaned over the reclined Jesse, grabbing his hands from her hips and pinning them above them “Don't move,” she said, licking his lips. “Just watch...”

Jesse nodded. He had a basic rule, when a beautiful woman was riding your cock, you do what she asks. It was a rule that had yet to fail him.

Jesse nodded. He had a basic rule, when a beautiful woman was riding your cock, you do what she asks. It was a rule that had yet to fail him.

He kept his hands above her head as Selena began to speed up, keeping that confident smile on her face before it gave away to moans. Her body moved and swayed to a rhythm only Selena could hear and dance to but one that Jesse could easily feel through her.

“Mmmm you have such great cock Jesse...you fuck me so good....mmm you like my pussy? Feel good on your cock?”

“Ohh...oh god yes Selena...holy shit it's so good...so damn good...”

“Yeah...oh yeah...oh gonna cum on your cock...gonna feel so good....but you have to cum in me...I want to feel it...every drop ust for me...ohhh....ohhh Jesse....”

They were both lost now, going on instinct. Going for the sins fo the flesh and the good that came with it. The fire burnt bright. Jesse rose up, and puled Selena close, chest to chest with her aroused nipples rubbing against the fabric of his shirt. It was time for that sweet release for the both of them, Selena giving Jesse everything she had and vice versa.

“Yes..yes..yes....just like...oh my. God...oh y...YESSSS JESSE!!!!!” Selena through her head back and screamed his name with a passion she hadn't had n months. This was pure lust. Something she decided was going to happen. Not being led around by anyone...it was pure pleasure and it was beyond amazing.

Selena's dive into pleasure triggered Jesse's, pulling her even tighter as he came inside of her, grunting in her ear as pulse after pulse of cum filled her hungry pussy, a smile on Selena's face as she felt the warmth enter her.

Jesse fell back in his seat with Selena on top of them, the pair on cloud nine.

“Wow,” Selena said. “That...I really, really needed that. You have no idea.”

“I think I have a fair one.” he replied. “Nothing like casual sex to clear your head...”

“Definitely.” Selena agreed. “So we're clear on that...this is just casual. I'm not even remotely looking for that right now. You good with that?”

“Depends,” he said. “We gonna fuck again?”

“Oh god yes.”

“Then we have an agreement Ms. Gomez. Nothing but friends who fuck. No attachment beyond that.”

“Awesome,” she gave him a quick kiss on his cheek then maneuvered her way back to her seat. “Well, let's get back on the road. Duty calls.”

“Gotta get those drunks their wings,” Jesse said, zipping his pants up.

“Hey, be nice. Those drunks are going to give me a twelve hour workday pay for just five hours work.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Jesse, you've seen what I where to work. You do the math.”


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The first week of shooting went great. The entire week went well for the whole school beyond just the film crew. It was February by that point, the week of Valentine's day. Love was in their for almost everyone.

Included in that was Taylor Swift and Norm Dillon. They had to reschedule their date for the day before Valentine's day, but it wasn't too much of a hassle to get the reservation changed. It was a small miracle. But now they were heading home, just as was planned.

Taylor’s heart pounded like a drum in her chest as she fiddled with the keys to her apartment. Standing only inches behind hem, Norman's hot breath tickled the back of her neck as the seconds stretched into what seemed like an eternity. Both of them were excited. Excited for what lay behind that door. Dinner had been nothing short of perfection. The steak seared to pink perfection. The wine a dark red savory blend of tart and sweet flavors. The conversation playful and flirty.  Glances were stolen. Sly grins exchanged. Thighs rubbed beneath tablecloths.  It was a romance in full bloom. Dessert was a hurried affair of saliva-inducing tiramisu. But the real treat? The real treat was yet to come. Norman didn’t know it yet, but Taylor was about to make his wildest Valentine’s Day dreams come true.

The notion had come to her after one of their many romps in the sack. They lay there, naked and sweaty on the mattress, his cum still spilling out between her legs. He had lipstick marks from neck to groin. It had started off innocently enough. Taylor was curious. Any fantasies?  Fetishes?  Kinks?  Norman had been reticent at first, but after some “persuasion” he had spilled the beans. Taylor decided right then and there to leap at the chance to please her new beau. And now they were here. About to do it. Norman was quite pleased with himself as well. He had a surprise for her too, albeit one of a less erotic nature. 

Taylor loved control. Dominating the situation, especially a sexual one, gave her a high like little else. It made her feel powerful.  Norman had experienced this all too often in the past few months of their relationship.  But tonight… tonight was going to go a little differently. Even with nerves sparking like frayed wires and butterflies flittering around her stomach, it still felt right. Norman made everything feel alright.

The lock clicked and she opened the door, the pair of them tumbling inside.  Taylor’s heels clicked on the floor as she took the lead. With one finger she indicated the couch and he sat down watching her hips sway as she strutted into the kitchen. A minute later, she remerged with two highball glasses and a bottle of expensive bourbon.


“Course’ Tay.”

Her hands shook slightly as she poured them both a healthy amount. Handing him a glass, she raised hers up. Clinking the raised pair, they gazed lovingly at one another.   

“To us.”

“To us.”
Both knocked back the amber colored liquid with practiced ease, feeling the familiar and welcome burn as it trailed down their throats, warmth blossoming in their chests.  Both set the glasses down on the coffee table. Taylor’s bore the remnants of her trademark red lips.

“So, do I get my present now?”  She asked, adopting a pouting look and tone. 

Norman smiled, nodding as he hurried into his room.  He returned a minute later with a wrapped package.  Gingerly he placed it on the table next to their glasses.  Staring, her eyes two round azure spheres, she gasped at the cutest wrapping paper she’d ever seen.  Tiny kittens with piercing blue eyes dotted the pastel pink paper.

“Ohhh Normie!  What is it?”  She asked, taking the package into her hands and giving it a tentative shake.

“Open it and find out.”  He replied nervously. 

Taylor grinned and tore into the wrapping paper.  Inside the box, she pulled out an ornate golden and crimson frame, contained within it, a blank electronic screen.  She looked quizzically at it.

“There’s a button on the back.”  Norman said, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

Her spindly fingers found it and the screen lit up.  It was a picture of her and Norman, arms wrapped around each other as they stared affectionately at one another.  It was from a few weeks back.  She looked up at him.  Then the picture changed.  It was one of her and Selena, heads thrown back and laughing.  It flashed again.  It was her Halloween party, her surveying the scene with a satisfied look on her face, the party raging around her.   

“I modified it myself.  When you want to add new pictures, you just need to airdrop them from your phone.  Really simple and easy.  Do you…do you like it?”

Wetness beaded the corners of her eyes.  She loved it.  No boyfriend had ever given her anything like this before.  They always went for flash.  Never substance.  Placing it gently on the coffee table, she pulled him in for a hug and kissed him something fierce.  Not often lost for words, she was able to convey all her feelings in that kiss alone.  And when she finally released him, he was pink in the face and grinning sheepishly. 

“Norman…I love it…I love…I love you.” 

He looked at her, surprised.  They hadn’t said the L-word yet.  “I…I love you too Taylor.”

They kissed again.  And then Taylor sat up straight, if possible even more excited for what she was about to do.  With that same shaking hand, she topped off both their glasses. 

“Ok, now it’s time for your present.  Finish that glass and when you’re done, come into the bedroom.”  Standing up slowly, she grabbed the bottle and walked away, feeling his eyes upon her.  Stopping at the door to his bedroom, she looked back.  “And Norman?  Make sure you take it slow.  Really savor it.”  Disappearing into the bedroom, she closed the door with a snap.

Norman sat there, his leg bouncing up and down, his pants tight as he did his best not chug down the liquor like a man dying of thirst. Instead he sipped, swirling the contents of the glass until the last of it had disappeared down his gullet. Hoping enough time had passed he stood up and walked over to the bedroom. He knocked on the door hesitantly.

“Taylor? Ok, to come in?”

“Of course, come in lover…”  She called back, her voice pure sex as she purred like a kitten.

Norman opened the door. What he saw might have outright killed a lesser man. Taylor Swift was spread out on the bed in front of him, wrapped up in the most expensive and slutty lingerie Victoria Secrets could buy. But that wasn’t all. Laying atop the sheets, attached to the four corners of bed, were velvet ropes, sleek and shiny even in the glimmer of the dozen or so candles placed around the room.  The handle of bourbon sat on the nightstand, lipstick marks coating the rim.

“How do I look Normie?”

Words failed him as he mouthed wordlessly, staring at her, his prick ready to burst right out of his trousers. 

Giggling, she said, “I’ll take that as a good sign. Well, what are you waiting for babe?  Get in here and take me. Take me however you want. Tonight, I am yours to do anything with.”

Gulping, he stepped inside, unsure where to look first. Should he drool over her mile-long toned legs, covered from hip to toe in sheer red stockings? Or maybe her toned torso, barely concealed with a matching crimson teddy?  Perhaps her chest, currently push-up to epic proportions by a lacy bra, her stiff nipples visibly poking through the delicate lace?  Norman moved over to the side of the bed slowly, unbelieving of his most secret of fantasies laid out in front of him, ready and waiting.

“Are…are you sure about this, Tay?”

“Yes Norman. I want do this. For you.”

Nodding, he wrapped the velvet shackles around her wrists and ankles, trembling the entire time. With a pull he tightened to them to a secure, but comfortable level. As Taylor felt the restraints constrict her limbs, she couldn’t help but shiver with excitement.  She’d been nervous before, but now in the moment, the whole experience was intoxicating. Being that vulnerable. Exposed. Total trust in your partner.  It was something she had never experienced before. And it was already driving her wild. Norman stripped slowly, each article of clothing tossed carelessly to the side until he was naked.

Harder than a rock, he ran his hands along her body, starting at the tips of her toes.  Lightly he traced along her legs, brushing her inner thighs before sweeping past it up to her stomach. Swirling around her belly button, he moved further upwards, directly between her already heaving breasts. He traced her collarbone, neck and chin before coming to rest on her cheek, flush with arousal. Her body quivered with anticipation, her panties already soaked through. Pressing his hands into her flesh more firmly, one groped at her breasts kneading the soft flesh through the bra, her nipples harder than bullets. The other rubbed across her wet panties, teasing her velvety twat beneath and soaking them even further. Taylor writhed beneath his attentions. She wanted to reach out, grab him, throw him down and ride him until the sun came up, but she was tied up tight. Her arms pulled against the bonds, showcasing her time spent in the gym quite nicely. Norman smiled as he watched her tug. Her pearly white front teeth dug into her scarlet lower lip as she bit down the sensation of his fingers driving her positively insane.

“Hhmhhhmmm...oh God! Norman don’t tease me anymore! Give me the real thing! Please!”

Smiling, he removed his hands from her body. She blinked at the sudden loss of feeling.

“I’m charge tonight Taylor. I’ll take as long as I want.”

Norman grabbed hold of the bottle of bourbon. Tilting it ever so slightly, he splashed a few drops of the amber colored liquid along her collarbone. Placing his tongue against her fevered skin, he licked it up with one quick swoop. If possible, Taylor trembled even harder. He smiled and moved lower.  Dribbling more out of the bottle directly on her breastbone, between the two heaving mountains of flesh that were her breasts, he watched it trickled down her body before licking that up too with several firm, tongue filled kisses. The ropes strained as Taylor pulled at them, gasping out loud from the sensation.

“Shhhh…” Norman whispered.

Taylor’s eyes were rolling into the back of her head as she shut her mouth tight, trying to not let any words or sounds escape. Norman moved even lower and poured one final shot of bourbon into her belly button. Bringing his lips close, he encircled her navel with kisses, moving ever closer to the alcohol-filled orifice.  Closing his lips around it, he sucked it down in one fell swoop. It was too much.  Taylor couldn’t take it anymore. 

“NORMAN!!!!” She cried out, actually feeling the budding bloom of an orgasm, albeit a small one, burst into life between her legs. 

Eyelids fluttering, she barely comprehended how he could make her cum by barely touching her. No one had ever been able to do that before. Feeling a strong finger placed between her ruby lips, she opened her eyes looking at him. Sliding the finger in deeper, she closed those red beauties around the digit, tasting the merest hint of her own arousal upon it.  Slowly pulling the finger out, he looked at the at the lipstick upon it.

“Let’s have you wrap those lips around something a little bigger.”

“Oh God yes!  Please!  Let me suck that cock of yours. I wanna suck it so bad.”

Norman climbed up onto the bed, straddling her lingerie-clad form.  For a moment, his cock was nestled snugly between her boobs. A wonderfully delicious sight.  Then he slid upwards, bringing his pulsating, throbbing member directly to her mouth. Lifting her head up off the mattress, she opened wide. Sliding inside, her lips sealed him in tight. Groaning as the warm, wet orifice engulfed his cock, her tongue worked overtime, swirling and curling around the shaft.

“Ohhh…Tay…”  Norman moaned out.  “That’s it…yea. Suck that cock. Fucking suck my dick.”

Moaning appreciatively, she bobbed along the shaft. Looming high above her, his balls rested comfortably on her collarbone as she sucked him off. Her eyes stared up at him, never blinking or breaking eye contact as she partook in her most favorite of pastimes. Even with the many, many blowjobs she’d given over the years, this was a whole new experience for her.  Unconsciously, her wrists strained against the soft fabric, itching to take hold of the shaft.  To play with his balls. Grab his ass. Dig her nails into his thighs. Anything!  But she couldn’t. So, instead she pressed her lips even tighter, tongue tickling the veiny underbelly as he inched forward. Placing both hands firmly on the top of her blonde head, he held it still.  Norman pushed the remaining exposed inches between those smearing crimson lips. Halfway down her throat, her cheeks bulged, her lips pressed his groin before he pulled back and released her. Thick strands of slobbery red-tinged saliva connected them.  It dripped down onto her chest as she blinked up at him.  A cough cleared her esophagus.

“Babe?”  She asked. “Do you wanna fuck my pretty little mouth?”

Norman didn’t respond.  Instead he grabbed hold of her head again, a little more roughly this time and shoved his cock back in with swift speed. Taylor gagged and spluttered as the entirety of her maw was suddenly stuffed full of Norman’s fat, girthy, throbbing manmeat.   

“HMHMMMHMM!!!” She gurgled out, eyes popping.

He just held her head there as her lips and tongue worked to pleasure the cock stuck way more than halfway down her throat. Releasing her, she gulped down air.  Then he plunged back in as she gagged again. Taylor couldn’t even get a word in as he really starting going at it. He fucked her mouth, building up to such speed that his balls bounced off her chin as the grip on her head grew ever tighter, tugging at the roots. Taylor took it all like a pro. Sure, she had done facefucking before, but it was always on her terms. Now, with her hands tied and head held in place, Norman was using her mouth like no man had ever dared before.  It made the furnace between her legs roar even hotter. Black tears beaded in the corners of her baby blues, ruining the perfectly applied mascara. The red lipstick, long since smeared all over his cock and groin was gone. Spit leaked down her chin, a sloppy mess as her face grew redder and redder until it matched her crimson lingerie.

Pulling out of her throat, he fisted his spit-soaked prick. Taylor drew in great gulps of air as the saliva strands connecting them drooped lower and lower until they broke, added to the already wet fabric of the red teddy she wore. Grabbing hold of his prick, he rubbed the slimy cock head against one of her cheeks, across the trail of black tears there.  Smiling at him, he did the same to the other cheek. With a little extra force, he smacked it into her cheek, sending spit flying. Beating it harder, she pursed her lips for him. Doing the same thing, he slapped the head of his cock against her red-tinged puckered lips before he fit it between them and slid back inside until his balls were once again resting on her chin.

“Do you want me to continue?” He asked, his voice stern and serious.

“MMMMHHHMMM!!!” Taylor mumbled cheerily.

Norman continued humping her face for another few minutes until her was face was truly a slobbery mess. And when he finally pulled out, Taylor blinked out through red-rimmed tearful eyes. He got off her chest and knelt on the bed next to her, his fingers running along her lingerie clad body.

“How do I look babe?” Taylor asked, her voice hoarse after the long session of face-fucking. “Still pretty?”

“Beautiful Tay.” He said and he took hold of the red teddy and with an almighty pull tore the garment clean off of her.

“OOHHH!!!” Taylor shuddered at the sudden force.

Reaching underneath her, he popped off the bra and wrenched it off of her, exposing her tits to the open air. It was like unwrapping a present on Christmas morning. Only better. He grabbed handfuls of the perky titflesh, squeezing it tightly and feeling the hard nubs of her nipples rub against the palms of his hand. Taylor squirmed beneath his touch, every nerve her in body on fire as she struggled against her bonds, desperate to reach out and touch him, to grab hold of his fleshy member and have her way with it. His hands moved down her body, inching ever closer to her dripping twat. As his fingers came to rest on the soaked and ruined fabric, he grinned at her.

“Is this all for me Tay?” 

She let out of a loud puff of air. “Yes Normie!  It’s all for you!  This pussy belongs to you! Use it however you want!”

Norman grinned wider and slid down the panties until they were stretched taunt between her smooth long legs. Then he hopped up onto the bed and leaned over her, lining up his cock with her wet, burning cunt. Taylor was shaking was from head to toe with the anticipation.

“Please Norm. Stick it in. Please-please-please. Oh gawd. Put it in. Put it in. PUT IT IN!”

Norm was taken aback, never could he have imagined Taylor begging so eagerly and sincerely for cock. Normally went she wanted it, she took it. Without further ado he pushed his mushroom head between her slippery, soft folds and slipped inside. Groaning as Taylor screamed, he filled her up completely. Arms holding him aloft, he began thrusting, a slow and steady pace. His lips lowered to find her smeared ones and they swapped spit, tongues twisting like a knot. The steady rhythmic smack of flesh on flesh sounded throughout the candle-lit room as his lips moved lower, sucking hard on the flesh of her slender neck.  Picking up the pace, his member thrust into her harder and harder, taking every inch with each roll of his hips. Taylor wanted to wrap her legs around him, dig her nails into his back and urge him to go deeper.  Instead she was spread eagled. He was too much. His lips on her body. His hot, heavy form on top of her.  His fat, girthy fuck-stick thrusting in and out of her. They had only just started and she was already cumming. Again. He kept the same pace as her cries intensified.

“OH GOD!  NORMAN! FUCK! I’M CUMMING! I’M CUMMMMING!  FFFFUUCCCKKK!!!” She squealed as every muscle in her lean form tensed up before the orgasm hit her with the force of a truck.

Norman kept on fucking her through the orgasm, moving to his knees and grabbing her by the waist as her back arched. Humping her with a frenzied, fevered pace, he extended the orgasm with each crash of his pelvis. His grunts became heavier, quick as he reached his peak, her hot cunt wrapped so tightly around his throbbing prick, he couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Taylor.  Gonna cum!  Cumming!  CUMMING!”

All she could do was scream as she felt him swell inside of her before he unloaded. Hot, thick creamy cum pumped out his twitching cock deep into her steaming snatch. His prick jerked inside of her.  Once. Twice. Thrice. Depositing what felt like more cum than he ever had before in their entire relationship.

“Yes Norman!  Oh fuck yes!” She yelled, as he finished and pulled a wet slurp. He was on his knees, cum still dripping swollen his piss slit onto the sheets. “Ohhhh honey, that was soooo good.  Are we all done?” She asked in the sweetest of tones.

“Not by a long shot.”

She smiled. The answer she wanted. Not ready for his fantasy to be over and deciding it was time for something a bit different, he untied her from the bed. 

“Thank you for untying me. Now just lay back and I’m going to go bananas all over you until the sun comes up.”

“Uh-uh.” He said, holding up one finger. “Turn over and lay on your stomach.”

Shivering at the authority in his voice, she complied with his instructions. Taking one of the velvet ropes, he tied her hands together in front of her and then to the headboard. He then retied her legs so she was spread wide again. He admired the curve of her ass, she had been killing it in the gym recently. The hint of his pearly white load still oozed out of her freshly fucked pussy. 

“What are doing now?” She asked.

In response, he pulled those plump butt cheeks apart and stuck his tongue into her backdoor. Taylor cursed as her felt him tongue-fuck her most exclusive of holes.

“You wanna fuck this ass?  Hmmm, just like you fucked my pussy? You treat me so good. Please fuck my asshole. Won’t you, dear?”

He pulled his tongue out of her butt and pressed her head down into the sheets with one strong hand. The other lubed himself up and pressed against her puckered backdoor. Taylor let out a puff of air as she felt him poking it. That exhalation of breath quickly turned into a scream as her sphincter stretched to accommodate his thick prick.


There was no gradual build up. It was full steam ahead. With her snug sphincter wrapped tight around his dick, he fucked her good and hard. The symphony of orgasmic shrieks and groans emanating from her only encouraged him to go harder. Something tickled his toes and he turned to see Taylor’s wet and discarded panties. Snatching them up, he dangled them in front of her face as he slammed into her backside with booty-rippling force.

“Bite down.” He said, the heart-red undergarments soaked through.

Without hesitation Taylor chomped down on the panties, the fabric muffling her cries somewhat as he continued his butt-fucking. Hooking his fingers into either side of the g-string, he pulled back as Taylor bit down harder. Pulling further and further backwards, she found herself neck arching backwards as the fabric stretched, digging into the corners of her mouth. Norman was like a mad-man pounding her rear. Her arms stretched out in front and tied together, legs spread wide and a mouthful of underwear, Taylor could only succumb to the pleasure of completely releasing control. 

“You like that Taylor?” He growled between thrusts. “You like it up the ass? You like taking this fucking cock? I’m gonna use this asshole all night long. Tell me who’s asshole this is! Tell me!” 

“Issss yyyyuuurrrss!!! FCCCKKK!!!!”

Her headed nodded, despite its wrenched back position and as her body contorted, she could feel herself on the verge of another orgasm. No words were discernible. Only pleasure. Pure carnal pleasure. 

“AAHHHHHHH!!!!” She shrieked as Norman thrusted into her ass one final time, about blow himself.

Their orgasms hit simultaneously. Taylor felt her pussy quiver before unleashing a torrent of spray across his mattress. Norman felt her sphincter lock his cock in an iron grip as he blasted out a load, just as thick, copious and virile as the first up her rectum. Living out your wildest fantasy with a woman as hot as Taylor tended to have that effect. Spurt after spurt of hot cum up her butt matched the torrent of spray squirting out of her pussy.  Collapsing on top of her, both just rested for a minute as he kissed her back gently, and panties fell from her mouth.  But he still had one surprise left for her.  He pulled it cock from her butthole with a wet, sticky plop. The jizz from her asshole dripped down to mix with the cum from her pussy.  Shuffling up next to her head, he presented the member to her open and drooling mouth.

“Clean it for me Tay.  Suck your ass off my cock.” He said, his member twitching in anticipation. 

“Is that what you want Normie?” She asked, her eyes still glazed over from having both holes fucked so well.  “You want me to be your ass-to-mouth slut?” 

“Yes. I want to watch as you lick my cock clean.”

Flashing one eyebrow at him and she opened wide, accepting the flaccid member into her mouth. She recoiled at first, the taste of her own asshole overwhelming her taste-buds. She’d never been a huge fan of ass-to-mouth. But as she dutifully slurped away, she found herself actually enjoying it, watching the expression on Norman’s face as she spent a full two minutes sucking him clean. Releasing him only once she satisfied, his cock was cleaner then when they had started. 

“Good girl.” Norman said, utterly spent and finally reaching down to untie her.

Stretching her limbs, she reached for the bottle of bourbon.Taking a quick swig, she gargled with it, rinsing her mouth before swallowing it down. Norman flopped down next to her and pair snuggled underneath the damp sheets. Neither could be happier. 

“Happy Valentine’s day.” She whispered to him.

"Mhhmmm…happy Valentine’s Day indeed.” He replied sleepily.


It was Valentine's day morning, and in the parking garage of Cami and Jose's apartment building there was some activity. Jose was packing up his van with his gear for the day and saying goodbye to Camila while Jake and Lili waited near his car.

“I promise I'll be back before the day ends,” he said. “I'm not missing our first Valentine's together.”

“Babe, don't worry about it,” she assured him. “Don't rush home or anything like that, okay?  A speeding ticker or a car crash is not a present I want. I want you back safe and sound. Well, as safe and sound as you can be with the kind of matches you put on.”

“I'm not doing that tonight. That's my other present to you.”

“Better be careful with present like that. A girl could get used to it.” She kissed him and hugged him tight. “Just be careful baby. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“That is so sweet,” said Lili. She and Jake were watching the two other lovebirds say their farewells. “I'm actually choking up a little.” Lili reached into her purse and took out a tissue to dab a bit of the tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

“Well, I just hope our Valentine's Day can match up after seeing this.” Jake replied.

“It's you and me so the answer is yes,” Lili said. She kissed his cheek then rested her head on his shoulder. “I've always wanted to do this. Go on the road like a wrestler does. I don't know...always seemed so cool. Even the fleabag motels seemed awesome. Like a rock star but with thumb tacs. And...I'm doing it with boyfriend who's a wrestler. This is the best Valentine's gift a girl could ask for. And the flowers this morning were awesome too.”

“Well I felt I had to get you something tangible.”

“I would have been happy with dinner and Joey Ryan t-shirt.” replied Lili. “But I love the classics too. Doesn't get more classic than red roses.”

“Well I almost went with a bouquet of actual lilies,” he said. “Then I thought that might be a bit too predictable so I went with the non-cheesy choice.”

“Good call...but I'd have been happy either way.”

Jose then walked up to them, having said his farewell for the day to Camila. “You guys ready to hit the road?” he asked.

“Yep,” Jake said. “Alison should meet us there. She has some stuff to take care of, then I think is leaving even earlier than you. First match on the card then back on the road for her so we're doing the meet and greets ASAP.”

“Got it,” Jose said. “Why is she cutting out early too?”

“All she said was it was personal stuff, nothing serious. Just a favor for someone.”

“Works for me,” Jose said with a shrug. “Let's hit the road.”


To say the semester so far had been kind to Eric Shimp would be underselling things in his view. He was in an elite screenwriting class, doing amazing in it...and even more important he had met a woman. Vanessa Morgan. Just her name brought a smile to his face. And she was his girlfriend. Not just that, but his first girlfriend. She liked him every bit as much as her liked her.

She laughed with him. Thought he was funny. Kissed him. She just liked being around him. And he thought all that of her and more. He didn't think things could get much better. Sure, they hadn't had sex yet. It wasn't for lack of trying at this point. He had to pick up more shifts at the pizza joint with a couple people quitting and Vanessa already had a full schedule with her job. But still, they found time to get together...and have phone sex as well. It wasn't the same as touching her, but hearing her voice guiding him as he stroked, hearing her get hot and moan....it was something he'd never experience before. He was walking on clouds everyday.

However the moment he saw Chad walking towards him while Eric was heading to his American History class, it became a cloudless path and he fell right back down to Earth.

“What do you want Chad?” he asked.

“Look man...I don't want any trouble,” said Chad. He was still sporting the remnants of the shiner that Eric had given. “I...fuck I can't believe I'm doing this....but I just wanted to say...sorry for the shit with your girl, okay?”

“Really?” Eric asked in utter disbelief.

“Yes, really. Look man, I was read to fucking sue your ass for that shit...but Michael and Carter did two things. First off, they asked me if I'd take that kind of talkif anyone talked about my woman like that. Which, you know...would be a gigantic no. Not ever. The other thing was they said if I even thought about suing they'd just say I threw the first punch...so...yeah. Sorry man.”

“Anything to avoid litigation, right?”

"Well yeah, but I mean it.. I took shit too far. Treat you like shit way too often. So...sorry. We cool?”

“It's a start,” said Eric. “And I doubt Vanessa is going to be so easy to apologize to.”

“Yeah, well I'll worry about that later.” They paused for a moment, then went their separate ways. There was a better understanding between them now. Or at least that's what Eric hoped. He'd hate to have to go through that again with Chad.

As he pondered this, he got a call from Vanessa.

“Hey Ness,” he said. “It's kind of early for you to be up, isn't it?”

“Mmm don't remind me hun,” she said, audibly groggy. “Totally forgot I set an alarm last night to call you. Going right back to sleep after we're done.”

“What's up?”

“I was hoping you could come pick me up about an hour early tonight at the club?”

“Sure, anything up?”

“Nothing bad bae. I just wanted to spend a little extra time with you. Valentine's Day. You know it's weird, it's honestly really slow on Valentine's you'd think the opposite would be true. So...extra you and me time.”

“Sounds great. I'll see you at 10:30 then?”

“Perfect.” she answered. “Bye.”

First Valentine's Day date. It'd been one heck of a year.


Before heading to her cubicle Camila decided to go the ballroom Taylor had rented for the evening. Just to check on things. She'd sold the idea to her father but that also meant her name was attached to it. It had to be more than Taylor's usual college rangers. While fun, they didn't fit the hotel.

The moment she stepped through the doors, her fears were surprisingly put to rest. The colors that adorned the room were pastels of pink and blue and yellow as opposed to the garish red she was expecting.

Red did make an appearance, but for more subtly in the form of rose pettles sprinkled on the buffet tables set up, and even they were mixed in with white and pink pettles.

Even the scent  Taylor somehow got to cover the room was impressive. Vanilla mixed with the roses themselves.

“So, what do you think?” Taylor said, startling Cami a bit. “Everything is set up just right. All we need is the food and drink.”

“The banquet staff is preparing it all as we speak.” Cami replied, turning to face her. “I have to admit Taylor, I'm impressed. Looks very classy. “

“Well this isn't a kegger,” Taylor said. “Like I said, I'm trying something new. And I'm booked to capacity as well. Which means big a charitable donation which is good for everyone. A saintly side of partying. Virtue with just the right amount of vice.”

“I like it. Good job.”

“You're being suspiciously nice,” Taylor said. “Well, to me at least.”

“Taylor...I have a lot of positive changes in my life recently,“ She said, smiling a bit at the thought of Jose. “The kind of positivity that makes me...it makes me want to just cut bait with the bullshit and resentment. So...while I don't see us ever approaching friends it doesn't mean I have to be mean or sarcastic if you did good. Which, let's face it, you did.”

“I'll take it,” Taylor said. “I mean you're right, we're not built to be friends with each other but honestly I have enough enemies. I'd be more than happy to lose one.”

“Then, I guess that's that.” Cami nodded and smiled at Taylor and began to leave before turning around to say one last thing. “I'll be at the party tonight. For about an hour. Just to make appearances, photo ops. Another one of the catches Daddy insisted upon. Will that be an issue?”

“Not at all. It'll be good press.”

“Exactly,” Cami said. “Good luck.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 08:41:34 AM

(https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/125890284_70073470_496615-689d4-107359804-ud9137.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/125890284_70073470_496615-689d4-107359804-ud9137.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/125890285_arjbftmgzb221.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/125890285_arjbftmgzb221.jpg) (https://t36.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/125890286_tumblr_pgaicnt2x91wl803zo1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/125890286_tumblr_pgaicnt2x91wl803zo1_1280.jpg)

The day had gone by all too quick for Jake and Lili. The road trip up to match was an amazing four hours of singing along to a playlist he made for her then one she made for him, stuffing their faces with popcorn and power bars, just getting some time together before she was going to have to share him with more than few rabid fans.

That went amazing as well. There was something amazing for Lili in being on the other side of the mirror for this, seeing people waiting in line to meet her man and Jose. It made her proud, excited...and a little nostalgic somehow. She was never really going to be on that side of the equation anymore. She wasn't a wrestler by any means, but she wasn't just a normal fan anymore.

The match itself was off the charts. She'd rarely seen Jake and Jose play the part of the good guy, but they pulled it off well. Lili also had rarely seen Jake be the one to take most of the damage. Jose was keeping his word to Camila for sure. However, it wasn't that bad for Jake. A few chair shots to the back and a dozen wacks with a kendo stick. A light night for them. The other team ended up taking most of the damage. All of that wrapped up in the sound of a roaring crowd and smoke that she was confident wasn't all tobacco.

After the match was done, Jose kept up to the other aspect of his agreement, rushing out with a quick goodbye to Lili and Jake before getting on the road back to Camila. Lili sat at the merch table, handling the cash and taking photos for the fans who wanted to meet Magnus Pain.  All that plus she got a picture with Joey Ryan!

Finally the night ended at a cheap, but not sleazy, motel. Four walls, a shower and a bed. It was all they needed aside from each other.

“This is the best Valentine's ever!” Lili yelled, sitting on the bed with a bounce. “The car ride, the the fans, the violence of course...and all with you.”

“Nothing like gas station hot dogs and and violence to bring a couple together.” replied Jake.

"So what's the damage?” she asked. “Let's see?” Jake took over his shirt and turned his back to Lili. Her hand ran over his muscular back, her tender touch feeling so soft and sweet on some of the more tender flesh after the match.

“They got you good with that kendo stick,” she said. “No bad welts though. Just some bruises that are gonna stick around a while.” She kissed on of the marks  before backing up. “And I have to say, it's good to not have to pick thumb tacks from your skin for a night. This truly is the greatest gift you could give me on Valentine's day. Some of those suckers get in DEEP.”

“You're telling me,” he said. He turned around and looked at her. Even in the mediocre light mixture of a couple of lamps on a nightstand and a fluorescent bulb she looked every bit as angelic as the first day he saw her. The blue eyes and that cute little crooked smile of hers always made his heart melt...among other reactions. “So, what's next doc? Closer examination?”

“Maybe,” she said with a wink. “First, I prescribe a shower. Just to clean those marks up just in case there was something I didn't see. So, you strip down while I get the shower running...and take your time. I love the fleabag aesthetic but that water might take a bit to get ready.”

Lili headed in the bathroom. Right when he heard the echoes of shower water splashing on the tile he began to remove the rest of his clothes. He felt certain aches and pains he wasn't selling in front of Lili. He didn't want to worry her. It wasn't anything new for him. Aching knees, a nagging back pain. It was par for the course for him. He didn't even want to think of the nagging injuries Jose had to have after the crazy shit he did. A hot shower was just what the doctor ordered.

Once he was stripped down he turned back around to the bathroom only to see the single best sight he'd seen all day. There Lili was, standing in the doorway, stripped bare as well.

“You didn't think you were getting in there alone, did you?” she asked. She walked towards him and embraced, nude flesh against nude flesh. “I mean if I'm gonna help with all those war wounds I have to get up close and personal, don't I?”

“Logic is the one thing I refuse to argue with.” Jake replied. The lovers kissed before Lili led him to the shower. Jake stepped in first, Lili behind him. She began at his chest, running, the water cascading down both their naked bodies while she ran her hands over red marks on his chest.

“These actually look worse than the marks on your back,” she said, kissing the red welts softly. “They hurt more?”

“Well, they certainly feel better now,” said Jake. “People always underestimate the power of a good knife edge chop.”

“You know, treatment isn't always something delivered from me to you,” she said smiling. Lili softly grabbed his hand and borught to her breast, moaning when he softly began to squeeze. “That's it...you can go a little further...”

Jake leaned forward, his head getting the full brunt of the warm water blast from the shower head as he went to kiss and worship Lili's delcious breasts. She moaned, softly holding him close while his face found a home in the valley of her breasts. It was so sweet, so tender that is was a pity it had to end. But Lili had other pieces of flesh on Jake's body she needed to make better.

She maneuvered to his back, once more looking at the red mark on his back, kissing each one sweetly while her hands reached around and softly caressed his abs. Then she went a little further down and took hold of his cock in her hand, getting a surprised moan from Jake.

“I think this might take away any other aches and pains you might have,” Lili said before giving him a soft love bit on his back. “Still, you tell me if you need a bit more.”

“Oh I think I might definitely need a bit more babe.”

“I thought as much,” said Lili, kissing his back once more before releasing him frm her touch, but just for a moment. “Physical therapy is always a bit more...intensive once you get to something that works.”

Jake turned around to face Lili once again, giving her a deep kiss before gently turning her back to him. Lili got the picture immediately, bending over slighty and placing her hands firmly against the wet tile of the shower. Her leaned for ward, kissing from her shoulder to her neck, stopping at her ear.

“I think I might want to try something to ease the pain a bit,” he said, running the head of his cock over her pussy lips. “If you approve, of course.”

“Well, I think we could give it a try,” Lili said before moaning when Jake entered her from behind. “For what it's worth I think this is goig to work out great...”

Jake had one hand on Lili's hip and the other on her shoulder as he took her cunt. His started slowly at first. No matter how many times he'd been with Lili, he always started slow to savor every single sensation she sent through him. He waited so long to be with her, every moment counted.

This was a treatment Lili didn't mind at all. How he caressed her body, hitting all her sweetest spots. He never pushed her beyond what she wanted. He just knew what was right for her. He wasn't psychic or anything. He just paid attention. That made all the difference. It never felt less than superb.

Which meant he knew just when to speed up just a bit. How she moaned his name, they cadence in her voice. The way her stomach felt against his hand as she took in air. Her body was sending out signals only he had the cipher for.

“Mmmm...Jake...oh yes...yesss,” Lili moaned, far beyond any pretense of a fantasy. Whatever characters they were playing had faded way to the raw and real them. Her back arched more as her went deeper. Faster, harder, but he never lost the tenderness. Stroking her neck, sweet kisses of fire and whispers of passion in her in addition to his own cries for passion that always included. Her name. Lili's back arched when his wandering hand moved to her clit, giving her another reason the cry his name.

She leaned backwards, her back to his chest and resting her head on her shoulder. Lili's blue eyes locked with his, giving him a open mouth smile, more cries of passion escaping her mouth. Then Jake saw it. A little bit of blue flame in those eyes. Lili was thinking about something fun. He saw a lot of that look during their Mexico trip.

“Jake...baby...I...mmm...I want try something...just for you...I want to do it...only with you....”

He maneuvered his lips to hers, kissing her before asking, “What is it? Tell me...you've got it...anything...”

“I...I want to take you...in my ass,” she said.

“Whoa...you sure?”

“Mmm hmmm,” she nodded. “Never done...but...I trust you...I want this with you...mmm...just...oh...take it slow...”

He nodded, kissing her lovely lips one more time before pulling out of her pussy and moving his cock towards her virgin asshole. Before he pressed forward, her took her hand and brought it between her legs. “It's gonna help, trust me.”

Lili nodded and began to play with her clit. With her busy with that Jake got ready behind her, his cock still slick from her pussy. The shower itself had also provided a fair bit of moisture.

Lili tensed up instinctively when she felt him press forward. He hadn't made it through the breach just yet, but the pressure was intense.

Jake noticed her wincing. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, rubbing her shoulder. “I'm fine if you don't. It's not important.”

“I'm fine baby,” she reassured him. “Nice and slow though, okay?” She kissed his cheek and looked in his eyes. Loving and trusting. He nodded as she turned forward again, bracing herself.

He pressed forward, his hand joining hers between her legs. Finally, his head popped in, both of them letting out a sigh of release.

“Oh fuck,” he said. “Oh my god Lili...you're so amazing...so good...”

“Nnng...Jake...oh my god it's tight...so fucking tight...”

“You okay?”

“Mmm hmmm,” she nodded. “Just...different...hurts a little...but it's okay...keep going...slow...nice and easy...”

Lili brushed her wet hair back, her eyes shut as inch by inch Jake worked his cock into her asshole. His moans worked in tandem with her hand working her clit, aural and tactile sensations creating a cocktail of pleasure in her body. She loved being able to give this to him. Something no one else ever got from her. And Jake wasn't going crazy or overboard. No hard and needy thrusts into her backside. He was following her lead, giving her the time she needed to get used to the intrusion. Listening to her gasps and winces become moans of pleasure. Loving her.

“Little faster,” Lili said, surprising him a little. “Just a bit...starting...mmm starting to feel good...I like it...”

“Sure...mmm Lili...”, His free hand glided down to her hip, getting a soft but firm grip as his pace increased.

The water crashed won on them both. If it had gone cold, neither of them had noticed by virtue of being far too focused on each other.

“Yes....faster now...so close...I can't believe I'm close...holy shit....” Lili moaned and gasped. The look on her face was a mix pleasure and shock. Anal was never going to be a regular thing....but it was definitely always on the docket for a special occasion.

“Lili...I'm...oh my god where do you want me to...” Jake got out.

“In me,” she said. “Do it in me baby...”

“Uuuunnngg LILI!” Jake cried out, thrusting inside her ass one more time before unloading. And that sudden feeling of liquid warmth ina new place set Lili off, her cries of pleasure joining Jake's in a chorus of indulgence, her tightening ass milking  a few more streams from his throbbing cock.

Jake slowly pulled out and turned Lili around to face once more, giving her a tired and passionate kiss. “You're incredible,” he said. “Holy...wow.”

“You too,” she said dreamily, kissing him on the chin. “I...I don't think I can move my legs...all jelly.”

“Well, I think the holiday...and circumstances, call for me to carry you to bed.”

“Who am I to argue with that?” Jake turned the shower off and scooped Lili up in his arms, carefully carrying her out and on to the bed. After that, it was a quick trip under the covers and they were off to dreamland in each other's arms.


“Point of no return, eh?” Margot asked. The night had finally come. Threesome night. The night she been looking forward to. The night she'd hoped would open her fiance Jay  up to be a bit more wild in the bed. She stood in the bedroom, dolled up in red and black lingerie and heels. Jay's favorite. Margot wasn't exactly nervous, but a little anxious. She had no idea if this was going to work. Jay loved the idea of a threesome, especially when he found out it'd be with Scarlett, who was in the room with as well dressed in basic black lace lingerie. Bra, panties, garter belt and stockings. Classic sexy.

“You ready?” Scarlett asked, her smoky voice tinged with a devilish bit of glee.

“Ready,, definitely.” replied Margot. “I just...I really want this to bring something out of him. I want...I want to be dirty every once in a while, you know?”

“Of curse,” Scarlett said, giving her a quick kiss. “And that's what we'll do. Just...how about I take the lead, hmm?”

“Yes...I think I'd like that,” said Margot.

“Then my first little bit of direction...lose everything except for the stockings and wait in the bathroom. Door open. I'll bring you in. Okay?”

Margot nodded, stripping down and giving Scarlett another look at her nude body. She'd both seen it and experienced several times but never got tired of it. Margot had such a fit, tight body. It was always a joy to play with her. Throwing a cock in the mix just made it all the more fun.

With Margot waiting in the restroom, Scarlett took center stage on the large bed adorned with elegant silk sheets and the most comfortable down blanket she'd ever laid upon. It was something out of Lady Chatterly. Regal but just waiting for a little bit of the red light district.

Scarlett positioned herself just right on the bed. Inviting for sure, showing off all her wares for the waiting Jay. But just the right posture to show she was going to be the lead. He and Margot would be following her. Margot wanted a different side of her man unleashed and Scarlett knew just how to get it out of him.

“Come in, Jay,” Scarlett said. The door opened and the guest of honor entered his own bed room. He was somewhat ready for action, his shirt removed which left him in his slacks. He was a thin man, but not without tone. A swimmer's build. He definitely kept himself in shape and that swimmer's build just screamed stamina. And his face screamed what he was feeling; he had just hit the jackpot.

“Wow,” he said, jaw agape. “You...you look amazing.”

“Thank you,” said Scarlett, running her hands up her stocking-clad legs. She licked her lips as his eyes scanned her body then the room itself.

“Where's Margot?”

“Oh, she's just around the corner,” Scarlett said. “Do you want to see her?” He nodded. “Margot dear, would you come out please?”

Margot stepped out, clad only in those black stockings. She blushed a bit when Jay's eyes came upon her. It wasn't the first time he'd seen her naked, but somehow he never seemed tired of it. And now, like this, there was something more behind his glare. It turned her on more than she had been in a while. What was about to happen was going to be amazing no matter what came next.

“Well, she certainly came ready to play,” Scarlett said, grinning. “In fact Ja, I think you're a little bit overdressed. How about you take care of that for us?”

Scarlett noted how good Jay took orders. In no time his pants were a thing of the past.

“Good. Now here's how we're going to do this. Sit down in that chair over there. Nice and comfy like. Just...watch first. Watch me and your wife fuck in front of you. Jack off if you want. Cum.  But just know you're expected to last through the night. So pace yourself honey. Understood?”

“Yes,” he said taking the assigned seat, his eyes darting between Scarlett and Margot.

“Now Jay, you have a very big decision to make,” said Scarlett. “What do you want to happen first? Do you want your lovely fiance to work me over first...or do I get a little taste of Margot?”

“I want you to eat her out,” Jay blurted. “I want to see that so bad.”

“I love man who knows what he wants,” said Scarlett. The buxom woman turned her head to her lithe compatriot. “You heard your man...come here.”

Margot smiled and nodded, winking at Jay as she made her way to the bed. She crawled on it, her ass in perfect view of Jay as she made her way to Scarlett. The moment Scarlett's lips met Margot's Jay's hand was on his cock, slowly pumping as the night's festivities truly began.

Scarlett sucked on Margot tongue, caressing her tanned skin before rolling the leggy blond onto her back. Jay had a perfect side view as Scarlett laid on top of his love, kissing her lips before moving down her tone body. Teasing her nipples, licking her flesh before getting down to the ground zero between her legs.

“Ooooh...oh,” Margot's moaned. Scarlett got right to work on her pussy. IF they were alone it'd have been a different story but this wasn't all about them. That was both the fun and the drawback of a threesome. New rules. It still felt amazing, all the same.

Scarlet, for her part, adored eating pussy. She loved sex with women. It was a completely different experience from men, but not just in the parts department. A man was like a raging storm. Strong, power movements, and explosive finish. Both parties ending up wonderfully wrecked. Scarlett loved that. Women were more of a slow build. Ripples in a pond that built up to a tidal wave. Step by step raising things higher and higher until it all boiled over. It was a process. And Scarlett loved that.

She sucked hard on Margot's clit, giving the blonde several jolts of pleasure while her fingers deftly worked inside her. She teased Margot, just barely brushing her g-spot.

“Ohh...oh Scarlett!” she gasped. “Oh yesss...yes!”

Jay sat, watched and stroked his cock. He was hypnotized by the site. His wife-to-be, writhing and moaning as her curvaceous boss feasted on her pussy. The paler skin of Scarlett clashing with the bronzed tan Margot had. And Scarlett had no interest in slowing down.

However, Scarlett did take a brief pause, rising up to remove his bra and drop it on the floor. Then she slithered up Margot body and kissed her, the submissive blonde tasting her pussy on Scarlett's lips, her smaller tits now skin to skin with Scarlett's D-cups.

With Scarlett's lips pressed lustfully against Margot's her fingers were still in her sopping pussy, pushing Margot closer and closer over the edge.

“You're going to cum for me Margot,” Scarlett said, licking at her secretary's face. “Cum on my fucking hand right in front of your man...give him a show...fucking cum...cum for me...cum for me!”

“Oh...oh....ohhh my god yess!!!” Margot screamed. Her pelvis bucked against Scarlett's hand while her mouth was smothered by Scarlett's kiss. All while Jay jerked himself like mad, trying to hold back while his beautiful bride to be came from her hot boss fucking her. It was the kind of challenge that would have made Hercules blink.

Scarlett's gaze went back to Jay. “You cum yet?” she asked.

“No,” he said with a head shake.

“Good, you earned yourself another choice then.” Scarlett got to her feet, losing the underwear and making a show of peeling her stockings off. She looked at him, fully nude and hands on her hips. “Who do you want to fuck first? Your one true love? Get her fresh off her first orgasm of the night? Or wander into new territory and fuck my cunt?”

“Margot,” he said. “I want her first...so fucking bad.”

“Making me wait huh?” teased Scarlett. “I'm fine with that...just be warned...I get kind of ravenous if I have to wait, huh Margot?”

“Very ravenous,” smiled Margot. Then her gaze went to her man, a lust-crazed grin on her face. “Come here and fuck me.”

Jay was like a flash of lighting from his chair to in between Margot's legs. They moaned in unison as he filled her up with his cock.

“Ooh, I like 'em eager,” Scarlett teased. “Now fuck her like she told you.”

Once more Jay proved to be very eager to please. It didn't take much to unleash that beast inside of his. Just what Margot wanted. He gavve it to her with that roughness she was hungry for. And Scarlett could see it in her eyes, on her face; Margot was definitely pleased.

“Fuck...oh  fuck me harder...harder Jay...fucking pound that cunt!” she yelled, the corners of her mouth upturned in a smile. Scarlett licked her full lips then crawled in position behind Jay, still thrusting like a madman inside of Margot's tight pussy.

Scarlett pressed her chest against against her back, sandwich her tits between them. “Give it her,” she said, her head peeking down at Margot over his shoulder. “Hard....fuck her like a slut...that's how she wants it...give your woman what she craves...do it....doing so good...so fucking hot, both of you.”

“That true?” Jay said, giving Margot a couple of extra hard thrusts. “You want me to fuck you like a cheap whore?”

“Mmm hmmm,” she said as she bit her lower lip. “Fuck me dirty...fuck me like a trollop...oh yes baby just like that.”

“Told ya so,” Scarlett said, licking Jay's face as she moved to the other side, laying down right next to Margot. She looked up at Jay and smiled before beginning to kiss his sex drunk wife.

“Oh my god....” he grunted, speeding up at the sight. It was one thing to stroke himself to Margot and Scarlett together, but to be inside of Margot while the two made out was another matter altogether. “Shit...oh my god...”

“You gonna cum honey?” Scarlett asked in a sexy knowing voice. “You gonna fill up your woman's pussy with some hot cum? Would you like that Margot? Have him fill you up?”

“Yes...I want it so bad....”

“There's your green light,” Scarlett grinned. “But that doesn't mean your done, remember that.”

“Yes...yes......oh FUCK!” Jay cried. He buried his cock to the hilt inside of Margot and came so hard he almost collapsed on top of her.

“Mmm baby yesss,” Margot cooed, loving every pump of cum she felt slash inside of her. “So good...every drop...mmmm...”

Jay gulped for air, savoring the afterglow for a few brief moments before Scarlett once more took charge.

“Pull out,” she said. “Pull out and get on your knees.”

Jay pulled out of a still delirious but happy Margot and turned to Scarlett groaning out loud when she pounced on his cock with her mouth.

“Oh...oh fuck...shit...too much,” he stuttered. His cock was still extremely sensitive, Scarlett loved that. It was so hot doing that. She'd been with men before like this, who popped and wanted more. And she was always happy to oblige...under her conditions of course. And that condition was they never got the chance to be soft. And seeing them twitch and moan at her mercy as she sucked them was treat unto itself...with the added bonus of sucking off a mix of Jay's cum and Margot's pussy from his cock.

This wasn't a focused, “make-him cum” blowjob. It was just enough to keep him ready for what she wanted to do next...which he was sure was something both of her lovers for the night would enjoy.

“You're gonna get a real treat now Jay,” she said, still pumping his now recharged cock. “This is how it's going to go. I'm going to bend over and snack on Margot's well-fucked cunt, get a little taste of you two together. While I'm doing that, you're going to fuck me up the ass with that lovely cock of yours. Got it?”

“Hell yeah,” Jay said with a grin. The animal was uncaged. Scarlett freed his cock, the hard throbbing rod slick with saliva, then got into just the position she described. The moment Margot moaned once more, Scarlett was back to work on her pussy, doing some clean-up duty as well.

Jay's view was perfect. His woman, his Margot one again in the throws of passion. Her pussy was filled with his cum and Scarlett was bent over in front of him, wiggling her ass as she snacked on Margot's cum-filled pussy. And then there was Scarlett's tight little asshole. He literally saw his entrance.

Scarlett's body froze, a smile forming on her face and she felt him press against her backdoor. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes smoldering. “Do it,” she said. “Don't tease, don't wait...fuck my ass.”

“Sure thing,” he said, pressing forward and inserting his cock through that tight barrier.

“Oh my god YES!” Scarlett growled. “DO it....fuck it hard...give it to me Jay....take it hard and fast and make me fucking cum...”

Once again, Jay proved amazing at taking orders. He went hard and fast, pumping his dick with a ferocity that brought a lusty grin to Scarlett's face. She'd never get tired of moment like this. It wasn't the first time she was in a position like this. She loved back then in college and she loved it now. Nothing beat a hard dick burrowing deep inside her asshole. It pure and dirty.

Margot was now playing the part of the audience, Scarlett still trying to eat her pussy but being far too distracted by the obviously wonderful feeling of a dick in her ass. She fingered her pussy while she watched her fuck her boss up the ass. The look of pleasure on there faces, the moans...it was everything she wanted, everything she craved. And she hoped just the beginning of what she and Jay were going to do together.

“Mmmm...yeah Jay...take it...take that ass,” Scarlett grunted. “Little bit harder honey...just let fucking go...do what you want...use that asshole...use me...”

The train was well off the rails and Jay was ready to start acting like it. He grabbed a handful of Scarlett's hair and pulled her up. With her back to his chest his hands reached around to squeeze and maul her tits. He thrust up into her with everything he had. He was beyond words at this point, but that was fine with Scarlett. She'd learned a while ago the only thing hotter than a good shit talker was someone so lost in lust they were reduced to cavement in the realm of language. Grunts and hot breath hit her neck.

They continued like this, Margot a rapt audience while Scarlett was jack-hammered by Jay. Her tits bouncing, her face contorted in a pleasure beyond belief. “Yes Jay,” cried Scarlett. “That fucking cock is gonna make me cum...you hear that...your making me cum with a cock up my ass...such a good boy, isn't he Margot?”

“Oh yes,” Margot said smiling. “So good...that's why he's mine....fuck her Jay...I want to see her cum because of you....do it...make Scarlett cum...do it for me...” Margot scurried to her knees, sandwiching Scarlett against her man, kissing her and rubbing Scarlett's clit.

The added attention was all Scarlett needed. She moaned loudly into Margot's mouth, her asshole clamping down on Jay's rock hard dick. It felt amazing, but he wasn't ready to cum...he had other plans...and Scarlett was ready.

He pulled out and barked an order. “Lay down,” he said. “I'm gonna fuck your tits.”

“Mmm sure thing,” Scarlett said. Margot released Scarlett form their embrace and Scarlett laid down, grabbing playing with her tits. “Come on Jay...don't leave me waiting too long.”

“Margot, lay next to her,” he said. “You're gonna watch.”

“You got it babe,” she said, giving him a surprisingly sweet and tender kiss before getting in position. From there, Jay got in position was well, straddling Scarlett's chest and placing his cock right in between her magnificent melons.

“That's right,” Scarlett said. “You've been thinking about these since dinner ahven't you? My fat fucking titties...sucking them...kissing them...fucking them...so...fuck my tits....and cum all over them...cum on my face...I want it all...”

Scarlett squeezed her tits around his cock and that was all Jay needed. He moaned and Scarlett did along with him. Margot's eyes were entranced as she saw her man's pulsing penis glide between Scarlett's luscious tits, the bulbous head poking out from between the valley with every thrust.

“Cum...cum baby,” Margot said, her voice a perfect mix of dirty and sweet that Margot had perfected. Her eyes were pleading while while her smile was seductively depraved. “Fucking paint her tits...paints her face...please baby...let me see it...”

Jay began to moan louder, thrusting faster and faster between Scarlett's tits, the night's activities finally taking their toll on him. With one final thrust her exploded, coating Scarlett's neck and chin with the first blast before pulling out and glazing her face and tits in his hot white spunk.

“Mmmm yesss,” Scarlett hissed, writhing underneath him as the warm liquid covered her from tits to face. All while Margot licked her lips at the scene.

Drained and wrecked, Jay fell back on the bed, ina daze but still aware enough to watch as Margot licked every drop up then deposited that precious fluid in Scarlett's mouth giving it to her in a messy cum kiss.

The two women did this back and forth a few more times before swallowing their share of his cum.

“H-holy shit,” Jay said with a laugh.

“I think he had a good time,” Scarlett said.

“He's not the only one,” Margot said, kissing Scarlett one more time. “Better than a box of chocolates.”


Jose was almost out of breath by the time he made it to the door. It was 11:30. He made it just in time. He kept his promise. He wouldn't have had to sweat it if he didn't stop by his and Cami's favorite sandwich shop to get Camila he favorite gut buster sandwich as a Valentine's gift. Some girls liked chocolate, his girl like a twelve inch hero with the works...and chocolate which is why he also stopped by the grocery store to pick up her favorite ice cream.

And still he made it. With a half hour to spare. He opened the door, a big grin on his face. The grin of course turned into a dropped jaw when he saw Cami waiting for him.

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The lights were off, the entire area lit with candles. A lot of candles. The living and dining rooms were lit perfectly. And in the middle of it all, waiting for him was Cami. The candlelight somehow made her even more a dream to him. She was clad in nothing but a t-shirt...one of his...the same one she had been wearing lately of his and Jake's tag team. It was larger though, hanging lose, stopping barely at her thighs.

“Hey Sweetface,” Cami said. “Happy Valentine's Day.”

“Ahh...ummm...wow...okay...,” he said, trying to form words. “Got you a sandwich.”

“So thoughtful,” she said, walking towards him. Camila grabbed the bags, then looked in. “And chocolate ice cream?”

“Double chocolate with a brownie core.”

“You're so sweet.”Camila softly grabbed his face and kissed him. “You're a little of breath...I hope you didn't rush home for me.”

“No...kept that promise too,” he said. “But...I just felt I had to get you something...so that took some time...still made it. I mean I know it dumb...just a sandwich but.”

“No, it's my favorite. Which you know. You didn't have to get anything. You being back here was your present. That's all I wanted. Still, this sandwich is definitely going to come in handy in about an hour.”

“Heheh, wow, okay...so...is this my gift?”

“Part of it,” she smiled. “Let me show you something.” Cami put the bags on the dining room table and led Jose to the living room. Where his championship belt replicas were once hung now hung a medium sized frame. Or that's what he assumed. It was covered with a tarp with a small bit of nylon rope attached.

“What's that?”

“Your present. I had to move the belt to the hallway...where they look better I might add. I think your present looks better here anyway.”

Jose didn't know what to say. He thought she wanted to keep the belts where they were, The whole “this is place is us” speech. And now it was replaced with something. Maybe a big photo of them both? A painting. He was a bit nervous about it. He had no clue why. He also knew he'd be more than alittle hurt if all the him in the apartment was wiped out to make it more presentable to Cami friends and family,who probably weren't all as open as her dad was to the idea of him being a professional wrestler.

When Cami pulled the tarp off however, Jose was surprised in a completely different way.

“DO you like it?” she asked. “I asked Alison for help in getting it. That's why she cut out so early.”

“Where did you even find this?”

“Alison, like I said. I asked her if there was any promotional stuff, like those posters you have in the hallways of all those wrestling events. But, you know, with you. And she had one.”

Jose couldn't believe it, but there it was, framed and on prominent display: a poster of the first wrestling show he and Jake ever headlined. The promoter had gone all out too, using real poster paper and everything to promote it. He didn't think any had survived that night though. The crowd was appreciative but rough. He didn't see any kind paper that had been stuck to the wall survive the night. But there it was.

“So...do you like it?”

“Oh my god yes,” Jose said, trying to keep it together. “I..oh my god I love you.” He went to Camila puled her close and kissed her. “Love you so much.”

“Like I said before, I want this place to be ours. But I also want anyone who comes in here to know I'm proud of you. And what you do. I don't understand it but that doesn't mean I'm not proud. So whenever anyone comes in I want them to know who you are, and what you do just like they would me. And I think that poster does it better than belts someone else won. But those are still up, didn't get rid of them. Just moved them. They really do look so much better on the hallway wall. It's just so symmetrically pleasing.”

“Cami, fuck the belts. This is so much better. Wow. And all I got you was a sandwich and ice cream.”

“And you,” Cami said, giving his butt a quick squeeze. “That's all I wanted. But I have to admit the sandwich and ice cream, AWESOME little cherries on top. But there is one thing you can do for me in the future?”


“Two free t-shirts with every order you guys make for a new design.”

“Cami, you seriously don't have to do that.”

“Yes I do.” she replied. “Same principle as the poster. Except not orange. Really not my color. But literally any other color. Oh! Yellow. I love yellow. Make some yellow stuff.”

“Damn, that's a shame because we just got a deal on nothing but blank orange shirts. Big Halloween overstock, couldn't resist.”

“I think I might have a proposal to counter that offer,” Camila said before kissing him. Jose wrapped his arms tightly around her, lifting her up. Camila wrapped her legs around him before breaking their kiss for a brief moment. “Bedroom.”

“You got it.” replied Jose. He held her tight, walking her through the hallway to their  bedroom, stopping in the half for brief moment when he saw the new location of his belts. “Huh, they actually do look better here.”

“Thanks,” she laughed. “Now, can we get back to the sexy stuff?”

“Definitely,” he said. The pair went through the threshold to the bedroom and fell on the bed in a deep embrace. Clothes were shed as quickly as they could they could and soon the lovers were flesh to flesh.

Camila was on her back, Jose on top of her. His hands roamed her body while his lips passionately met hers. He then began to work his way down her heavenly body, the candlelight in the room giving her an angelic glow.

Camila's moans were music to his ears as his mouth made trip down her neck to her check, then kissed a trail down her stomach and rode the waves of her breath to his final destination. All the while his hands joined him, caressing her smooth skin as they came down as well.

“Oh...mmm Jose...baby don't stop...” Camila said. He kissed her thighs while he softly caressed her pussy, his touch almost a whisper to her sensitive skin. Tracing his fingers up and down her pussy lips before finally pressing them forward inside of her. “Ohhh....mmmm perfect....just like that.

Jose kissed both of her thighs one last time before his mouth decided to join the party. While his fingers worked their way in and out of Camila's pussy his mouth began to lightly work her clit. Softly sucking and teasing with his tongue.

“Oh shit!” Camila said. “Oh god Jose...mmmm...doing so fucking good...” She rolled her head, back arching from the pleasure. Love by candlelight. The perfect Valentine's day.

Little by little Jose turned it up for Camila. Her moans, the way she called out his name was nothing but fuel for the fire. His fingers were deep in her, grazing her g-spot with every other thrust and turn inside of her while with his tongue he signed his autograph on her clit over and over again. While he signed his name she kept crying it out.

“Jose...oh holy shit...get up....fuck me...I want you now...”

Jose moved back up Camila's body, kissing her before saying, “One fo these days you're going to let me finish the job down there.”

“You almost did,” she said. “I just was a little hungry for the real thing.” She licked at his lips. “So how about we get down to that, okay Sweetface?”

“Well don't twist my arm or anything,” eh said, kissing her as her reach down between them. He guided his cock to her moist slit and thrust forward, Camila releasing a pleased groan as she was filled.

“Mmmm just right,” she said. “Come on...do it baby...oohh yes...” Camila's eyes fluttered  as Jose began to thrust. He knew just how to hit those sweet spots in her. He knew her body so well. Just were to kiss, when where to slow down and work his hips. His lips, his hands to just where to touch and caress on the outside while his cock took care of her on the inside.

Jose took hold of Camila's leg, lifting it up around his waist where she soon hooked it around his hip. He kissed her again, sliding his arms underneath her back and pulling her up as he sat up. Jose held her tight, looking at her beautiful face,amazed she was with him.

She brushed some hair frm his face before kissing him during this brief pause in their action. In mid-kiss she moaned in his mouth as Jose began to thrust into her again. A little faster, more insistent now. But never without the tenderness.

Jose's mouth was at Camila's neck, then as Camila began to lean back, he lowered to her breasts, planting sweet kisses all over her bare chest. Her hand gripped his head and pressed im close to her chest.

Camila also began to work her hips. She loved letting Jose be in control. He knew just what to do...but that didn't mean she liked being 100% passive. She began to work her hips, Jose squeezing her ass when she began to move.

“Mmmm yeah...you like that...like how I move on your cock?” she asked. “I love it...how you feel inside me...so good...ohhh Jose...oh my god....”

Jose held her tighter with his arms and Camila's legs wrapped tighter around his waist as they went harder, faster. Their mutual climax in in sight but still wonderfully distant.

Camila pressed her lips to Jose's again slowly pushing him down. With Jose fully reclined, Camila fully took charge. She ran her nails over her chest before bracing them there, wokring her hips, rising an falling on his cock.

“Oh...shit...Cami...oh damn baby...” Jose groaned. His hands held her hips loosely , running them up to her tummy and around her ass she she moved. “So close for you honey...”

“Yeah...mmmmme too...oh yes...Jose...” Cami started moving faster and faster, fucking his cock with her pussy. Her hands left his chest and moved to her own body, running up her stomach and breast, fondling herself. She loved giving Jose a little bit of a show when she rode him. Something about watching her caress her own body drove him wild, once again proven when her held her tightly at the hips and thrust up into her hard.

“Oh...oh my god....I'm gonna cum...Jose...gonna cum..gonna cum for you...please...cum in me...cum for me...ooohhh yessss!” Camila bucked wildy for a few moments then froze, screaming out his name as she came on his cock, falling forward onto him.

When she did that, Jose held her tight once more, thrusting into her spasming pussy, racing to give Cami exactly what she pleaded for.

“Yes...yes Jose...do it...,” she whispered in his ear. “I love you.”

“Oh fuuck, CAMI!” Jose growled, thrusting one last time and unloading inside of her. “Oh shit yes baby...”

“Mmmm good...thank you Sweetface...perfect Valentine's present.” Camila softly kissed his lips and rolled off the the side, kissing his shoulder and cuddling close.

“I love you too,” Jose said with a dreamy smile on his face. “So fucking much.”

“You better.” she replied. “You know what I'm thinking?”

“Gutbuster sandwich time?”

Camila paused then smiled. “You know what? Hell yeah. Good thinking Sweetface.”

“Thanks.” he replied. Then he paused. “Shit!”

“What's wrong?”

“I forgot to put the ice cream in the freezer.”

“No problem. I  like it kinda gooey anyway.”

“I think I'm just going to leave the gooey joke on the table,” said Jose.

“Aww, and I set it up so perfect,” Cami said in a mock pout.

“Good lord you're perfect.”

“Thanks for the compliment. Now...feed me that sammich.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 08:48:26 AM

Before Jose had made it home for his Valentine's rendezvous with Camila, she had been at Taylor's Valentine's day party. She'd left by ten, just long enough to make the rounds, take pictures, make announcement of how much had been made for charity, then left. She'd left by ten o'clock.

The early exit didn't bother Taylor. She knew exactly why Camila came and appreciated it. No snide comments directed at each other or any such childish thing. The night was truly going perfectly. People were having fun, money going to a good cause, her best friend on one side and her magnetic force of man on the other. Though right now it was only Norman with her, slow dancing on the dance floor.

“You did amazing baby,”Norman said. “Really, this is amazing. And it's only ten o'clock. Party's only just starting.”

“Thank you Normie,” she said. “I'm...I'm actually proud too. It's weird. I liked the fact I could throw a sick college party. Something like this though....it feels different. Good different. I think...I think I want to do more of this.”

"Finally found your calling?”

“Maybe...I mean I found you...why not find the other thing I'm meant for in the same few months?The pair kissed again, staying on the floor for a few moments after the song ended.

They then headed to table, Norm pulling a seat out for Taylor. “You want a drink?”

“Yep. Want to guess?”

“Bourbon, neat...and since it's just after ten I'm going to say make it a double.”

“You're getting a very special reward when we get back to my place,” Taylor said, confirming his guess with a kiss. “Oh, and if you see her, could you get Selena to come over here? I haven't seen her in a bit.”

“Sure thing.” Norman replied. With a quick kiss to her cheek, Norman was off with his mission. With him gone, Taylor's mind drifted to Selena. She wasn't worried or anything. Far from it. She'd been...different lately. A bit happier, far more confident. Freeer than she'd been in a while.

Still, even then Taylor knew that at her core, Selena was a hopeless romantic. She needed someone watching her back or else she might fall back into old habits.

As to where Selena was, she was busy doing what she'd been doing all semester...having fun.

What was that fun? Currently it consisted of Selena bent over in the men's bathroom and being fucked by some guy she had met fifteen minutes prior.

“YES!” she cried out, her hands planted firmly against the mirror in front of her. The top half of her dress was down and her breasts were out and bouncing with every thrust of her lover. They were still covered in a light sheen of saliva from his mouth.

His name was George...or Gerald. That didn't matter much to Selena. All that mattered was he was cute and had a hard cock. And that cock was buried deep in her tight, hot cunt.

“Yeah...of fuck yes baby....mmmm fuck my cunt...fuck me...make me fucking cum on that dirty fucking dick...oh YES!!” Selena looked in the mirror at her temporary loved.She licked her lips as he gripped her hips and drove into her harder, faster. He was every bit as desperate to get off as she was.

This was new thing for Selena. Purely raw, casual sex. And she loved it. No hunting for that Mr. Right, no relationship hopping. Just the fun bits. After last semester, all she wanted was the pleasure, and George(or Gerald) was giving her exactly that.

“Yes....come on...give it me...better make cum...aahhh mmmmm,”she said, her eyes closing as he started to strike gold, every pump of his cock like a pickax uncovering a new vein of pleasure.

“Oooh naughty fucking boy.” Selena teased when Gerald(or George) slapped her round ass. He was pretty silent except for his grunt and groans. Selena didn't mind. Took all kind and as long as the dick was hard she could do without the words.

She'd lost track of time. She didn't know how long they'd been fucking. Timekeeping wasn't important when she was having so much fun. And when she felt the first rumblings of an orgasm begin to form in her.

“Mmmm yes....make me cum...make me cum,” Selena said, almost chanting it. “Don't cum in me...not in my pussy...I want to taste your cum...can you do that baby? Let me taste your cummmmmyeeeeESSS!!!!” And that's when her orgasm hit her like a car crash, wrecking her in the most delightful way.

“Ohhh shit gonna cum too,” her mystery man finally said. He did as was asked and pulled out of her pussy. Selena kept her word as well, spinning around, dizzy and delightfully delrious from her orgasm.

He presented his cock to her and the horny Latina opened her mouth dutifully, sucking him off to a wonderful explosion of pleasure and cum in her mouth, swallowing it all down as quick as he shot it, refusing to let go until she got the final drop.

Exhausted, he pulled out of her mouth, stumbling forward for the sink to stabilize him. Selena swallowed the last remnants of his cum then got up too, beginning to put herself back in order.

“That was fun,” Selena said, grabbing her purse and touching up her make-up. “How about you give me a bit of privacy to lean up cutie?”

“Huh?” he asked, still a little loopy from what had just happened. “Oh...yeah...sure. Will I see you again?”

“If you're lucky,” she said with a wink, blowing him a kiss as he stumbled out. This whole free and clear thing was turning out to be pretty fun. Once she looked good enough to eat once more Selena stepped out of the men's room and began to head back t the party. As she turned the first corner she saw a familiar, if not friendly face. It wasn't that she didn't like Ben Farrano, but her feelings on him was one of the few things that she found herself agreeing with Camila Mendes on...Ben was trouble.

Despite that, Selena still thought it'd be nice to say hello. I mean if she could play nice with him, maybe she could get back in better with Peter himself. However that was soon halted when Selena saw him with a woman. An older one at that, but still beyond gorgeous. A fit and hot looking redhead that seemed very familiar to Selena, though she couldn't place where she'd seen the woman.

When the pair headed into an open supply closet, Selena figured giving him a quick hello was far from the best option, especially considering she knew that was his girlfriend. With that course of action blocked, she headed back to the party only to see a few more familiar faces at the bar. Those faces belonged to Sabrina Carpenter and Lucy Hale. While she knew Sabrina somewhat well from being directed by her for the film, Lucy she'd only met in passing. She still seemed nice enough though.

“Hi guys,” Selena said. “What brings you by the party?”

“Hello Selena,” said Sabrina. “You know Lucy, right?”

“We met briefly at the table read, where she did great.” Selena said, extending her hand. “Nice to see you again.”

“You too.” replied Lucy. “And thanks.”

“As for what we're doing here, well I can't speak for Lucy but the moment I heard “open bar with Premium ticket purchase” I took the bait. Peter and Hailee ae back at the apartment, and my man got tied up with something about his editing project at school. But hey, the free tequila is numbing that.”

“And I'm supposed to be here with my boyfriend, but I don't see him anywhere here, yet at least,” Lucy said. “He sent me a text saying he was here though.”

“I'm sure you'll find him.” Selena answered. She then turned to Sabrina. What she had said confused her. Last she heard, Ben was dating her. “What exactly is Ben doing again?”

Before Sabrina could reply, Lucy answered. “I said he was here but I didn't know where.”

Selena and Sabrina looked at her, utterly confused. “She was asking me,” Sabrina said. “My boyfriend's name is Ben.”

Lucy paused. She began to feel a bit queasy. “So's mine.”

“Um, Sabrina...did you tell Ben you were going to be here tonight?”

“No...I figured he had his own thing and I'd meet him back at the apartment.”

Selena breathed deep. She weighed her options. She wasn't going to say anything when she saw Ben with that woman originally. But now...it felt like the right thing. And ever since what went down with her and ready, she was more willing to do the right thing. Because she'd want to know if she was being cheated on.

“Um...I have something to show both of you, I think.”

Selena led Sabrina and Lucy out of the party and back to the supply closet. “Just open it,” she said. “I think you guys will find what you're looking for...and I'm sorry in advance.”

Sabrina and Lucy walked closer to the door and Sabrina took the initiative and opened the door. And that's when they saw it. Ben. And he was balls deep in Jessica Chastain. Sabrina knew who that was since she was one of her professors.

“You son of a BITCH!” Lucy screamed, tears flowing from the first word from her mouth. Sabrina was silent, shaking with anger. Still, she had her own share of tears flowing.

“Holy shit!” Ben said, pulling out of a similarly surprised Jessica. “Lucy AND Sabrina? What the fuck?”

“You FUCKING asshole!” Sabrina yelled. “I knew it...I fucking knew it!” That was all she had to say before walking off, trying to keep her composure, Lucy following Sabrina.

“I'm so sorry!” Lucy said through a veil of tears. “Sabrina I swear I didn't know, he didn't tell me...I'm so sorry!”

“It's not your fault,” Sabrina said with a shaky voice. “I believe you. You didn't know...so I'm not mad at you...not really....but I need to just go home right now...”

“I get it...I'm just...sorry,” Lucy paused, then walked ahead of Sabrina in a rush, embarrassed and angry. Sabrina however, was just angry. Hurt...but it all crackled with anger.

“You guys okay?” Selena asked, catching up.

“No, I'm really not.” replied Sabrina. “I want to fucking kick his ass. I feel so fucking dumb. I KNEW something was off...but I pushed it to the back of my head. I trusted the motherfucker. I'm just glad I know.”

“I know we don't know each other too well, but you need anything?”

“I think I'm just going to head home. But thanks.” Selena breathed deep as Sabrina walked away. Part of her felt guilty. She knew telling Sabrina was the right thing to do, but seeing anyone hurt like that, it didn't feel good.

Still, it wasn't her fault. It was all on Ben. Which was usually how it went with the man.


Ten o'clock in the strip club and Eric was marveling at how right Vanessa was. Valentine's day was surprisingly dead. The girls were all there but the only people there for them were the hardcore faithful.

He'd arrived early. Better that than late. At this point the bartender knew who he was, and since he was with Vanessa the drinks were free, as long as they weren't alcoholic. That wasn't much of an issue for Eric. He wasn't really a fan of alcohol. Club soda with lime worked fine for him.

“Slow down baby,” Vanessa said, sneaking up behind her man and kissing him on the cheek. “Gonna need you to have a clear head.”

“You're right,” said Eric. “If I got for a third Club and lime I'm just going to become an animal.”

“Is that a promise?” she smiled. “You're early.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, not at all...might be better actually. Didn't take a break all night...probably because, as you an see, my whole shift has pretty much been a break. So this last hour IS my break. Not like it matters tonight though.

“Yeah I saw. You weren't kidding about it being dead. This is a whole different level of it.”

“I know. Still made a little of off tips but tonight dinner's on you.”

“Well, if that's the case, want to cut out early?” he asked.

“Not quite yet,” Vanessa said with a cute little smile. “I have a present for you.”

“I have one for you too,” He said. “ts in the car. What about mine?”

“Well...follow me.” Vanessa led him away from the bar and up the stairs to a room cordoned off by a velvet rope and a large, mountain of a man.

“Hey Luther,” Vanessa said to the burly man. “I'm looking for a little privacy with my man here in the champagne room?”

“No can do Ness,” he said. “You know the rules. Private dances, not private time.”

“Well, I have three reasons why you're going to let us in and close the door.”

“I'm listening.”

“Well, one, I got fifty dollars with your name on it,” Vanessa said, taking a fifty out from between her tits. “Two, it's dead. No one has even come up here for what, an hour?”

“Hour and a half.” Luther replied.

“And three: We wouldn't want the boss finding out you did the exact same thing with Nicki and Lindsey WHILE they were on the clock on Tuesday?”

“Seriously Nessa?” Luther said.

“Well? How's that fifty sound?” Luther held his hand out and took the money then handed Vanessa a key. He was about to walk away when she stopped him. “This is the playlist I want. Let the DJ know. And this is for him.” Vanessa slipped the list and a ten dollar bill to Luther. “We cool?”

“As a cucumber.” Luther replied. He walked past Eric. “You a lucky man, you know that?”

With Luther gone, Vanessa led Eric into the private dance room. Like the rest of the place, it was a mix of trashy and high class, just a bit cozier. The lights were mainly red and violet and moving a little bit slower than they were on the main floor.

“What's going on?” Eric asked.

“Your present,” Vanessa said with a smile. She led him to a big red couch, the legs and frame of it colored gold. As he sat down she kissed him, sucking his tongue a bit as it broke. “I think you know what it is by now, don't you baby?”

“I'm starting to piece it together, yeah.”

“You want to?” she asked. “I mean, are you comfortable with it?”

Eric answered her question by getting up and kissing her holding her close, his hands roaming her body like they never had before. “Very comfortable,” he said.

“I can see,” she said with a laugh. “Then sit down baby. The fun's going to start any minute.”

Right when Eric sat down, the speaker's started blaring, starting with a scream. That scream led into a song and Vanessa began to dance just for him. A few lyrics in, he recognized the song as Kiss, by Prince. However, any thoughts of what music he was listening to faded to the background when Vanessa really began to move.

She had taken a few steps away from him. Firstly to lock the door behind them, But the moment the scream came on she turned to him. She worked and sashayed her hip in beat with the music, strutting her way to Eric. She tried to keep in her smile. He was making that very hard with how he was looking at her. It was almost like how the customers did, but barely. There was lot more than lust behind those eyes.

Vanessa was no more than a foot from him when she stopped right in a break in the song, spinning around and bending over, jutting her ass out in front of him. When the beat picked up she smacked her ass before flipping her hair over her shoulder, licking her lips as she stared him out.

She slowly got upright again, grooving her booty to the music and grinding her hips. She turned back around and bent over once more, giving him a peak at the valley beneath her cleavage, rising up once more and running her hands up her legs, over her crotch. Then her toned stomach and her breasts, throwing her hair back and moaning as her body moved with the music.

And Eric was speechless throughout it, utterly hypnotized by this goddess of a woman dancing for him. How she rolled her head, her eyes shut, running her hands over her body. A body he was hungering to feel again. One touch was all it took to make him totally addicted.

The song ended but gave way to another. If Eric was paying attention the the music in any tangible way he'd be able to tell it was Darling Nikki, once more by Prince. What he did notice was the dance getting slower, a bit sexier and raunchier.

Eric watched as Vanessa brought her hand to her mouth, sucking on her middle and index finger before sliding them down her body and under her thong. She began to undulate her body, moving like a wave. She moaned softly  before removing her hand then brought her fingers to Eric who sucked on them eagerly. For a first timer he knew enough the moves to keep the dance going.

When the song got really heavy Vanessa whipped her hair side to side and reached behind to unhook her bra, discarding the garment right into Eric's lap. While she couldn't see his eyes on her bare tits for the first time, Vanessa swore she could feel it. She knew what it was like to have eyes on her and his had been having a road trip on all of her curves.

Before the song ended she was finally on Eric's lap, riding him without riding him. But she could definitely feel his hard cock through his jeans. As the song broke down, she moved faster and faster, rubbing her tits in a very appreciative Eric's face. He couldn't resist, he had to give back a little of what he was being given.

He began to lick and kiss Vanessa's breasts, holding them in his hands. Vanessa stopped moving for a bit, savoring the attention and moaning. He really was ready. But still, she wanted to give him more.

As the song faded out she turned her back to him, sitting in his lap and grinding her stupendous ass into his crotch, pushing the limits of stamina for his virgin cock. Refusing to make things easier for him, she grabbed his hands and brought them back to her breasts, having him hold them once more.

“You like this baby?” she asked. “Because it's all for you...all of it....I'm yours...this is all for you...”

“Love it,” he grunted, trying to keep it together. “Oh shit Vanessa...oh fuck...I can't believe this...”

“Believe it.” she replied. “Because it's only getting better for you baby. For us.”

Darling Nikki faded out and gave way to another Prince jam, If I Was Your Girlfriend. With this new song came a new trick for Vanessa. No dancing this time. She got up from his lap and turned around and dropped to her knees. She crawled towards him, bopping her butt to the beat until she got back to him. She grabbed his knees and slowly parted his legs.

Eric was stunned silent as he watched Vanessa look up at him, a sexy smile on her face while her hands ran softly up and down his thighs before going to his fly, unzipping it and pulling his pants down. He raised ass up for a moment to help her and soon he raging hard cock was out.

“Oh Eric,” she said, gently touch and caressing his dick with his fingers. “You cock is so nice. Good size. Not too thick...but enough to have some fun with...”

“Ohhhh wow,” he stuttered. She was really making things difficult now. And Vanessa new it. She liked seeing him like this, putty in her hands. They both knew what was coming next. Neither could wait either. And in Vanessa's mind, it was a necessary step. She knew he wasn't going to last long in her mouth...that just meant when it was time for the deed to be done he'd have a lot more of that same stamina for her.

“OH, my god!” Eric groaned when she took him in her mouth. This was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. Ever. Nothing could match it, or so he though. Still, it was magic. Her lips, her tongue, all of it performing a miracle of pleasure on his mouth. Teasing and pleasing. Playing with him. Making him feel pleasure he didn't know he could feel.

Vanessa was having a good time too, getting off on what she was doing to him. So appreciative, sweet nothings combined with filthy gibberish. He was utterly stunned as he tongue licked and teased his glans, when her nails lightly tickled and teased his balls. When Vanessa took him all the way to her throat, she thought he might have shot on the spot. Somehow Eric kept it together. But that wouldn't last. And that was fine with her. He didn't need to last through a blow job anyway.

“You can cum in my mouth,” Vanessa said. “Don't be scared...it's okay...just do it....I want you to baby...”

“Oh god Vanessa!” he cried out the moment her mouth returned to his cock. He filled her mouth up several times over, Vanessa working overtime in gulping down what he had to give her. It seemed endless until finally it all slowed to a dribble.

“Wow,” she said, wiping her mouth.  “That was...a lot more than I expected.”

“S-sorry, he said. “I didn't know and I....”

“Shhhh,” she hushed him. “It's fine.Just a surprise. Not a bad one...okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” he replied. “Good...because we're not done yet.” The song was still playing as she got on top of him again. His cock had gone semi-soft, but that was no issue. She'd get him ready again.

“What do you want to do to me babe?” she asked, grinding on his cock. “Tell me...I'm yours tonight...what do you need?”

“I....oh Vanessa..I...”

“Yesss baby...” she was grinding harder now feeling his cock go rigid once more. She was ready for what he was going to say.

“I want to eat your pussy,” he said. Vanessa wasn't ready for that, and Eric could tell. “If that's all right?”

“Oh, it's great,” she replied. “Just wasn't ready for that. But...I'm definitely taking that offer.”

Vanessa got up turned around beckoning Eric to joined her. When he was up she kissed him, jacking his cock while their tongues met in each other's mouths. Vanessa then stepped back slowly removing her thong as the song changed to another Prince classic, U Got The Look.

In moments Vanessa was bare save for the boots she wore. “You like?”

“Dear lord yes,” Eric said,dumbfounded.

Vanessa waked by him and laid down on the couch, her legs open and inviting. “Come on baby,” she said. “I'm ready for you.”

Eric surprised her again when he went for her boots, unzipping them and dropping them to the side, leaving her fully bare, not a stitch on. From there he started at her ankle, lovingly kiss up to her thigh, tasting every inch of her leg before getting to her pussy.

“Mmmm I like that,” she said. Another thing she wasn't expecting was the time he was taking. She appreciated it, but she honestly though he'd go right for the honey pot. Eric was just full of surprises.

He worked his way up to her thighs, taking a little extra time there before he finally got to his destination, his hands rubbing her toned thighs before moving forward. He was a bit nervous. Failing at this could make him look like a total dope to her, ruin the night. But he asked for it and he wanted it.

“Mmmmm Eric....” Vanessa moaned. He went right to her clit, unsure of what else to do. It seemed to be the right move as she was clearly enjoying it. He moved his fingers inside of her, fingering her while he sucked on her clit. He hoped he wasn't coming off as a clumsy oaf.

According to Vanessa he was anything but. He wasn't the best she'd ever had downstairs, but he was definitely eager, which make up for a lot. Doesn't matter how good a guy was at eating pussy if he treated it like a chore. Effort counted. All that and he was getting the job done. Her motor was running big time now. She didn't need much, not this time. She'd been wanting this for weeks.

Still, she wanted more than his mouth. “Eric baby,” she said. “I want you in me...now...fuck me...”

This was a request Eric was all too happy to grant. He quickly moved up her body, their lips meeting again as his hard cock waited at her opening, hesitant to go in. When her eyes met his, that was all he needed.

“Oh fuck Vanessa,” he groaned. “Oh wow...oh my....wow...”

“Same here honey,” she said, caressing his shocked face. “Take it slow at first, okay? No rush...we're both going to enjoy this...no rush.” She leaned p to kiss him and he began to thrust.

Just as Vanessa said, it was slow and deep at first, Vanessa holding him close as he pushed deep inside of her, trying feel every bit of her from the inside. She moaned in his ears, encouraging him. “That's it baby....mmmm just like that....so good....you're doing so good...”

She wasn't bullshitting him either. Effort once again went a long way. He was paying attention to it all, trying not to get blinded by his own pleasure. Listened to how she moaned when he moved a certain way, What made her body move, her breathing go faster. She might have said this was his present but in the moment was for them both.

Eric began to move faster now, going from Vanessa's lips to her tits once more, fully enjoying the glorious globes with a passion he hadn't been able to only a short while earlier. And Vanessa was loving every moment of it. She hadn't had a man like this in a long while. Any inexperience he had was no longer a concern. His hunger for her was just what the doctor ordered. She could feel the heat build in her. The fire started with the sparks from his mouth and was being brought to a full blaze with his cock.

“Oh my god yes...just like that...” she cried. “Oh god yessss! Mmmm...keep going...don't stop....don't ever stop....oh god Eric!”

It was music to his ears. Her cries of passion, every sound she was making. It was enough to make him lose it, but he held it all together. He went a bit faster now in her velvet box, trying to stay under control but losing himself to lust.

Vanessa was surprisingly close. She really thought the night was going to be about Eric. And she was fine with it. That was his present after all. But he just knew what do. He knew how to move. Not perfectly, but it was more than enough to really get her going. Even now when he was going full blast, he wasn't ramming her mercilessly. And he always went back to looking at her face. They kept kissing each other. Lust wasn't even the right word in her head, this was passion.

The song switched one last time to a tune called Gett Off, which was exactly what the pair of lovers was aiming to do. Vanessa was now on all fours on the couch, gripping the armrest tight as Eric took her. IT was only a matter of time now.

“Oh!” she yelped with a laugh when he hooked his arms around her and pulled her up. His confidence was through the roof now. That got her off. She liked already. She wouldn't be dating him if she didn't. But adding a little confidence to the mix...that was magic.

He unhooked his arms and ran them over her body, a sheen of sweat making her glow in red and violet lighting of the champagne room. Her skin was electric to him just as his touch was to her. Vanessa moved her face to the side to meet his lips once more. It was the endgame.

“I'm gonna cum,” Vanessa said, happiness glowing in her voice. “Oh my god baby I'm gonna cum...but I need you to cum too...mmm don't pull out...fill me...I want feel you inside me...thrusting..pumping...everything...please....oh fuck Eric...oh my GOD!”

Vanessa came, her cunt becoming a vice on his still thrusting cock. He tried to last longer, desperately, but Vanessa was too much, especially now. So Eric came, and  hard groaning in a pleasure he'd never felt before.

“Yesss...mmm baby just like that,” Vanessa cooed. “mmmm keep fucking me...every drop...mmm yesss....”

Eric tried thrusting through the pleasure until he had nothing left to give, pulling his wilted and exhausted cock from her heavenly pussy and falling back on the couch. Vanessa turned around, sweaty and smiling and crawled up on his chest kissing him as she settled down on him.

“Wow,” she said. “Okay, seriously, not bulshtting, that was hot. Real damn hot.”

“Really?” he asked. “I mean I wasn't...”

“You were great,” Vanessa said. “No lie, no pep-talk to make you feel good. Truth. Oooh boy, I can still feel it.”

“Wow,” he said. “You were amazing too.”

“Well thanks,” she said, pecking his cheek.She reached for his hand, grabbing it. “So...best Valentine's day gift ever? Scale of one to ten?”

“Oh ten all the way.” he replied. “Really blows my gift for you out of the water.”

“What'd you get me?”

“Well, I kind of got the idea you liked Prince, so I got you an vinyl of his. Purple Rain I think? Cliche, I know but...”

“I love it,” she said. “The one I have is all warped. So I needed a new one. That's a ten in my book.”

“So....you still hungry?” Eric asked.

“Mmmm hmmm,” Vanessa grinned. “Let's get it to go and head back to my place. Nothing like post-sex breakfast in bed. That and and I think we both need a shower to get all the glitter off of us.”


Back to eleven, although a different apartment now. The TV was mere background noise for Peter and Hailee. The pair were on the couch, Peter on top of her, arms wrapped around each other and lips in constant contact. His hand slid up her long, smooth leg.

“What a way to end Valentine's Day,” Peter said.

“Mmmm hmmm.” agreed Hailee. “But how about less talking more celebrating?”

The couple were about to consummate their Valentine's Date when they were broken from their loving trance by Sabrina bursting through the door.

The pair jumped up wit a start when she came in, slamming the door behind her. They could both tell she was upset, furious with tears streaming down her cheek.

“Sabrina what's wrong?” Peter asked.

“You're FUCKING cheating liar of a mother fucker brother is what's wrong!” she yelled. “He's out! OUT! Of everything! The movie, the apartment, MY FUCKING LIFE!”

That was when Ben came in, scrambling and embarrassed. “Sabrina, just let me explain?”

“Which part?” she asked. “The part where you were fucking two women who didn't know about each other? The part where you added a third, MY FUCKING EDITING PROFESSOR NO LESS? Or the last part, where girls A & B catch you FUCKING said professor and you finish up with her before trying to catch up with me?”

“...you choose.”

“Don't you fucking DARE try and be cute on this bullshit!” Sabrina yelled. She started to come towards Ben, causing Peter and Hailee to get between them.

“What the fuck is going on?” Peter asked.

“I pretty much laid it out Pete.” Sabrina replied. “Ask him. Ask you're fucking asshole of a brother if I'm lying!”

“Ben...did you do all that?” asked Peter.

“Look, it's a lot more complex than what she's saying.”

“I'm listening.”

Ben paused. “Okay, it's pretty accurate but it's not that bad!”

“Not that BAD?” Sabrina said. “TWO WOMEN! You cheated on me with TWO women and it's not that bad?”


“Shut the FUCK up Ben. Get your shit out of my room and get the fuck out of the apartment!”

“What?” asked Ben incredulously. “You're not kicking me out of my apartment.”

“Really asshole?” Sabrina asked. “Your name isn't on the lease.  Mine and Peter's are. So GET OUT!”

“Ben maybe it'd be smart if you just left for the night at least,” said Hailee. “SO everyone can calm down.”

“Hey, say out of this unless you can bring something useful to the table,” Ben said.

“Hey, asshole,” Peter said, getting in his brother's face. This was a move that Ben wasn't expecting. “Don't you fucking talk to her like that, understand?”

“Oh, I see how it is, Ben said. He began to back a few steps away from Peter. “Of course you two are being all cozy over this. I mean guess I should have guessed with how close you two are. Hey Hailee, want to know how close your man and my girl are? They fucked, that's how comfortable.”

“What?” asked Hailee, confused. Then a well of different emotions began to stir. Sabrina turned to Hailee, looking the taller brunette in her eyes.

“Let me defuse this bomb before it explodes,” Sabrina said. “It was a month before you two started dating. One afternoon, thirty minutes tops. Never again. It was a college fling is all. I had and have no interest in Peter romantically. And I'd never hurt a friend. I promise you Hailee, okay?”

Hailee nodded, then Sabrina turned to Ben, a confident smirk on his face. That just made it worse for him. “How FUCKING dare you? Weaponize my sex life? Something I told you in confidence because you asked? You mother fucker!”

Sabrina shocked everyone, rushing Ben and slapping him in the face hard enough to make him stagger.

“Whoa hold on!” Peter said holding her back. “Hailee could you grab her please?”

Hailee did so, pushing the revelation she just heard to the back of her head. She took hold of Sabrina and pulled her back a bit.

“You crazy fucking bitch!” Ben said.

“You should leave,” Peter said. “Now.”

“What? Seriously bro? She smacks me and I'm the one who leaves?”

“You cheated on her, just tried to embarrass her and me with our one afternoon stand and insulted the woman I love. Like Sabrina said, only two names are on the lease and you're not one of them. And both of those people want you out.”

“Fine.But before I go, I have question brother of mine. What happens if I call our parents and let them know you kicked me out of the apartment...the one in which you share a bedroom with your girlfriend?”

“I tell them you fucked your girlfriend's editing professor.” Peter responded. “How well do you think that is going to go over? You screwing around with college staff. After that I wouldn't worry about much considering they don't pay my bills anymore.”

“Fair enough. But you do know if I call mom and dad, they'll probably also tell Hailee's parents about it. Didn't she mention something before moving in about wanting to keep the living arrangement hush hush?”

“Won't affect me one bit.” Hailee chimed in. “I'm not going anywhere asshole. You are.”

Peter looked behind him, smiling at Hailee, she nodded at him then they all turned their gaze to Ben. Ben was actually surprised by this. His bluff had been called.

“Fine,” Ben said. “I'll leave. I don't give a shit. Arguing isn't worth it with you folks.”

Ben had thrown in the towel. Under a triad of watchful eyes he packed his stuff and left the apartment. Shortly after her left Sabrina sat down on her bed, exhausted, depressed and defeated.

“I think I'm just gonna lie down now,” Sabrina said. “thanks for backing me up.”

“No problem,” Hailee said. “I'm so sorry Sabrina.”

“I'm sorry for all the shit he pulled. Sorry if anything I and Peter did before you got together hurt you...I just wanna go away.  I just need to sleep or something.”

“Just call if you need anything,” Peter added before closing the door. With that, Sabrina hit her bed like a ton of bricks and Hailee and Peter were left alone in the hallway, the silence between them awkward and uncomfortable.

“You two really did have sex, didn't you?” Hailee asked.

“Yeah, we did.” answered Peter. “But it's just like Sabrina said. One time. Before we started dating. That's it. Never came up again. Never tried anything with her. We met...and it was just you from there. I promise.”

He held her hand, but Hailee softly pulled it away. “I...I think I'm going to go to bed.” Hailee turned around and headed to the bedroom, shutting her door as well.

“The couch it is,” Peter said, sighing deep as he walked out of the hallway and flopped down face first on the couch. What a way to end Valentine's Day.


Two in the morning at Knockers meant closing time. Valentine's Day was over and nothing could have made Madelaine happier. She never considered herself a holiday grump. While she wasn't exactly cheery the rest of the time, holidays cheered her up.

Valentine's Day this year had been an exception. Jared was away living his dream and she was at Knockers feeding chicken wings to drunks. She'd already resigned herself to it, but she didn't have to like it.

What she did like however were the massive tips she made. A lot of guys just looking for some kind of attention to go with their deep fried food tonight. It was weird, she'd thought for sure it'd be dead, all of the usual at the local strip club. However, that wasn't her concern, the near nine hundred bucks AFTER giving Jesse his cut was.

Now Madelaine was sitting in the kitchen, ready to eat her first meal of the night. She had the cooks make her vegan wings, the sauce was the nuclear option. All with a side of fried pickles. She was addicted to the fried pickles. After this, it would be one last look around before locking up for the night.

“Just finished cleaning the soda machine spouts,” said Jesse, walking into the kitchen. “Need any help with your side work?”

“Thanks, but finished mine a while ago,” she said. “Care to join me? The wings are all mine but you can have some of the pickles if you want.”

“Sure,” he said. Jesse wasn't really hungry, but as he sat across from Madelaine in the kitchen, he couldn't think of anywhere else he wanted to be. She was still clearly bummed over how her Valentine's had panned out. “You don't all right?”

“I'm almost a thousand bucks richer tonight so I think I'm doing okay,” she said.

“Yeah, that payday was nice. But, I'm talking more about...”

“I know what you're talking about,” she said cutting him off. “And I'm dealing with it. It's not the end of the world or anything. It's just... I guess I wasn't expecting this? I mean Jared's a magician not a rock star.... wow that sounded bitchy. Even for me.”

“Nah, I get it,” Jesse said. “I mean I know I never thought of magicians as a touring thing. It's always Vegas or local stuff.”

“I know right?” Madelaine asked. “But I guess it makes sense. You need to get experience somehow in any field. Still... I don't know if I was prepared for that. I just wanted...you know...someone around. Pretty selfish, I think so at least. He's living his dream and I just want a Valentine's date.”

“Sounds normal to me. But if you're gonna beat yourself up over, maybe satisfy your sweet tooth first.”

Madelaine looked at him with a smile, wondering what exactly he meant. Jesse hopped up from his seat and went to the coat where he had hung his jacket and backpack. He reached inside the backpack then came  out, tossing something wrapped in red cellophane to her.

“What's this?” she asked as she caught it.

“I went to a candy store today. One of those places that has all those weird candies you don't see anymore and just tubs and tubs of gummies and salt water taffy. They had some vegan peanut butter cups there. Figured I'd pick you up something while I got a grab bag of taffy.”

“Thanks,” she said unwrapping it. She was a little shocked to find it was heart shaped and even more shocked to see that it made her smile. “Aww, cute.”

“It was all they had in vegan, so I hope the shape isn't a problem.”

“Not at all,” she said before taking a big bite from the candy. “Thanks. It's really good actually.”

“Aren't sweet usually reserved for dessert?” he asked.

“My meal, my rules.” She winked at him before finishing it off. “I like talking to you. It's weird, but I don't really know who I can talk to about this. I mean I have other friends but...I feel like I'm intruding on all the good they have going on with my whiny problems.”

“It's not whiny,” he said. He sat back down n front of her. “Look, you said ti yourself, he's the first decent guy you've ever been with. So you want him around. Simple as that.”

“Well, not that simple,” she said. “It's almost like....I miss having someone around more than I do the actual person.” Even as it rolled out of her mouth saying that sounded bad...but it was true. “I don't like being alone. Never have. I'm used to it. I don't trust easy so I'm used to being alone. I mean I'm trying to break that habit with a roommate...but I almost feel like I'm more in love with idea of having someone than it mattering who that someone is. Even if they're great.”

“Doesn't make you a bad person.” Jesse answered. “I mean, personally I think you're the opposite of that. You're probably a lot more honest with yourself than most people would be. Hell, not just with yourself. Blunt but fair. Never cruel. At least not in my limited experience with you.”

“Thanks.” Madelaine then leaned over the table to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek. But before she pulled back,, she hesitated, very close to Jesse lips. She felt something. Something pulling her to go one step further.

Jesse was initially shocked when she pressed her full, luscious lips to his. The kiss she gave him was surprising in it's deepness and passion. Jesse hit back, giving Madelaine the same back.

When the surprise kiss finally broke, both were silently shocked. Jesse shocked that it even happened, and Madelaine shocked that she didn't feel guilty about it. That the kiss felt right.

This kiss was another thing that was going to keep her up at night.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on November 01, 2019, 08:51:25 AM

“Wow,” Camila said. “Ben really fucked things up beyond anything I thought he was capable of.”

“Is he really that bad?” Hailee asked. The two were alone in the office of cubicles, talking in the coffee room. The entire place was essentially abandoned save for them picking up a few extra hours as they both took time off for Valentine's Day.

“This level? Not in my experience. But I guess if you keep escaping consequences you think you're bulletproof. I feel so bad for Sabrina though. I don't know how I'd react to all that. But you're telling me she slapped him and Peter actually got in his face when Ben yelled at you?”

“Yeah,” Hailee nodded. “And all that other stuff.”

“That's really bothering you?” Cami asked.

“A little. I mean I didn't sleep in the same bed with him last night. That was more his choice than mine but I didn't stop him.”

“Are you mad at Peter or Sabrina?”

“Well, no. Hailee said, starting to pace a bit. “It's just. It felt weird to hear that just blurted out. “Hey, your boyfriend fucked your other roommate!”. How am I supposed to take that?”

“Hailee, sit down with me,” Cami said, pulling out a seat at the break room table. The pair sat down and Camila breathed deep. “They both said it was before you started dating Pete, right?”

“Well, yeah.”

“And they weren't dating.”

“Correct, but...”

“Let me finish please. Not to be rude or anything.”

“Okay,” Hailee nodded.

“DO you feel weird around me?” asked Camila. “I full on dated him. I'd say we were in love, if you know, you can be in high school We were definitely intimate. So...does that make you feel weird?”

“That's different though. That was years ago.”

“And those two screwed months ago.” Cami replied. “Look, I'm not trying to cover for Peter because honestly, there's nothing to cover for. The guy is crazy for you and if there's one thing Peter isn't, it's a cheater.”

“I know,” Hailee said. “And the weird thing is I'm not even putting anything on Sabrina in all this. And I'm going to be fine. I know I overreacted.” Hailee took a moment, then stood up. “I'm going to call him. See if we can have dinner out tonight. Just to talk with him. Let him know it's not him. It was just the moment.”

“Cool. I'd skip the call though.”


“He's literally right behind you in the doorway.”

Hailee turned around and sure enough, Camila was right. Peter was there holding a paper bag that exuded the smell of cheeseburgers, Hailee's favorite food.

“Hi,” he said. “Brought you lunch.”

“Great timing Pete,” Cami said. “Haiz and I were just talking about lunch as I'm sure you heard us talk about that and not something else.”

“Riiiight.” Peter replied.

“Lunch huh?” Hailee said with a smile. She then turned to Camila. “You mind?”

“I insist,” said Cami, she reached into her pocket and took out a keycard. “Meeting room 62a. “Biggest table, comfiest chairs an the best air conditioning of all the meeting rooms in the land.”

Camila lace the keycard in Hailee's hand, then Hailee turned back around to face Peter. “Come on, follow me,” she said.

Hailee led the way but before Peter could follow her Cami said, “ Hey Pete?”


“You really call Ben an asshole?”


“Is there video?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Aw shit. Good luck in there anyway.”

Peter nodded, then followed Hailee out of the office down a separate Hallway. She stopped in front of a locked door and with a card swipe it opened and the couple entered the large meeting room.

“So what's in the bag?” Hailee asked as the door closed behind them.

“Cheeseburger from the Whisky Casket,” he said. “Pepperjack, cheddar, guacamole, tomatoes on a pretzel bun...shaped like a heart.”

“Oh baby,” she said with an insanely cute smile. “That's adorable.”

“Yeah, I thought it'd make a good peace offering.”

“There's no need for a peace offering,” said Hailee. “It was just weird hearing all that last night. A very awkward situation made even weirder by your brother dragging you into it. I was  thrown off by the situation. It's just....I really love you. It's not just a flash in the pan kind of feeling. I know it's real. I wouldn't be doing all the stuff I'm doing with you if it wasn't real. I was just shocked and a little weirded out. I'm not mad. At you or Sabrina. Kinda mad at your brother to be honest.”

“I know that feeling all too well,” Peter said.

“Oh I saw that last night.” Hailee smiled, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck. “It was kinda romantic, you protecting my honor and all of that.”

Peter his arms around her, his hands resting at the small of her back. “No one messes with my girl. Not even my brother.”

“I'm still your girl?”

“Oh it'll take a lot more than whatever happened last night to change that.”

“Good to know.” Hailee brought her lips to Peter's kissing him. That small kiss grew to a bigger one, the loving couple pulling each other closer and tighter. “How about we we put the burgers on hold for a while?”

“And do what?” Peter knowingly asked.

“How about you sit down in that chair at the end and we get to picking up where we left off last night before that unfortunate interruption.”

“I could definitely go for that.” Peter took Hailee's request and sat down while she  hiked up her skirt just a bit to grab the hem of her underwear, tugging it down. When they reached her knees, she hopped up on the meeting table, making a little show out of pulling them the rest of the way off of her legs.

She got back to her feet and began to walk towards Peter, unbuttoning her blouse one button for every step. She was in fuull seductress mode now. A vixen with a sugar coating. She didn't bring this side out for anyone but him. There was acting of course, but this was all too real and all for him.

“Are you hard yet?” she asked, shedding the blouse, standing only in her bra, the skirt and a pair heels. “Hard for me?”

“Yeah,” he said, his throat feeling parched. “Yeah I am.”

“Take it out,” she said. “I want to see your hard cock.”

Peter undid his pants, standing up just enough o drop them to his ankles. He wasn't lying about the state of his erection.

“You never disappoint,” said Hailee, climbing on the chair and straddling him. “That's a good habit to have.” She delicately grabbed his face and kissed him while lowering herself onto his cock. Hailee moaned into his mouth as she was slowly filled up, sucking his tongue softly before the kiss broke. “I think we're a little further than where we left off last night.”

“Is that a problem?” Peter asked, running his hands up and down the flesh of her back, stopping at the strap of her bra.

“Far from it,” she said said, licking her teeth. When his hand moved down to her ass,c upping it through her skirt, Hailee reached behind her to unhook her bra, tossing it aside. She delicately caressed her face as she began to ride him. Achingly slow at first, wanting every moment to last a long as it could.

“Oh damn it,” Peter said, his hands squeezing Hailee's ass. “Oh yes baby just like that...oh god damn it yeah....”

Hailee hung her head back a bit as she rose and fell on his cock, her long brown hair sometimes getting in her face. He took his hand her her face, brushing the hair from it and caressing her cheek. Hailee kissed the palm of his hand then sucked his them into her mouth, softly biting it before releasing it.

Hailee moved faster on his cock now, holding the back of the chair tight to keep balance. Peter's hands broke apart, one holding her by the small of her back and the other on her long leg, caressing it up and down.

His lips went to her chest, lovingly kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples into his mouth one at a time, caressing the sensitive nubs with his tongue.

“Oh...Peter...oh...Oh baby...I love you...oh god you feel so good inside me...ohhhh yesss baby yess...”

“I love you too,” Peter said. “No one else...just you...oh my god Hailee...oh damn love you so much...”

The chair was really getting pushed to its limit, the  intoxicating brunette moving faster now but every move no less loving and sensual. She licked her lips, eyes shut tight as she moved faster and faster, the feeling of Peter's cock going deeper and deeper with every stroke inside of her. The pleasure was almost radiating off of her,

Peter pulled Hailee tight as they reached Zenith. Moans and gasps for air the only sounds escaping their mouth. They were far too into the moment and each other to say anything with their voice that their bodies weren't already screaming,

Hailee moved her hands to his back, her nails digging in. She felt that fire start to burn. She was close, very close.

“I'm gonna cum!” she shouted. “Gonna cum for you baby...on your cock...all for you Peter....just for you...ohhh godddd.....” Haille began to breath fast, hyperventilating as her ride was going to come to an amazing crash landing of an end.

She leaned back, bracing her arms against the conference table behind her. Her head hung back for a bit before whipping back forward. Her eyes locked on Peter's. Her stomach  expanded and contracted as she gulped for air.  Hailee worked her hips and in sexy swirl, kicking off Peter's own unstoppable ride to orgasm.

Hailee still hit hers first, crying out “PETER!!!” so loud Camila for sure heard it...and was most likely laughing her ass off. People hearing them however, was far form either Hailee or Peter's mind.

A wide and delirious smile was on Hailee's face as she quivered and shook through the pleasure coursing through her body. It was a site to see, and the site was that last little kick that sent Peter over.

“Oh god Hailee!” he shouted. “Cumming!”

“Hold that thought,” Hailee said. The slim brunette scrambled to her knees. “I want to taste you...swallow you...”

Hailee sucked him into her mouth, her head bobbing fast and hard, urging him to a release he was more than ready to give her. Within a minute Peter groaned out her name and filled Hailee's mouth with his cum, the angelic beauty moaning as she swallowed every stream down.

She released his cock from her mouth with a pop, showing off her empty mouth before grabbing his hand, gently pulling Peter to the floor with her as she caught breath.

He was on top of her, softly kissing her while running his hand up her smooth, long legs. “Happy Valentine's Day...again.”

“Right back at you,” she said, softly smiling. “Couldn't think of a better person to spend it with. I don't know how this could get any better.”

“You still have a cheeseburger waiting to be eating on the table.”

“This weekend just keep getting better and better,” she laughed.


Sabrina sat alone in a corner booth at the Whiskey Casket. Peter had dropped her off their at her request. E was worried she was going to drink her pain away. That wasn't Sabrina's style. She wasn't an angry drinker or a sad drinker. And even ignoring all of that, it was way too early to start drinking. Four in the afternoon was the earliest she let alcohol touch her lips...Spring Break excluded, obviously.

She had however smoked a ton of weed since the moment she woke up and that made her voraciously hungry. So she decided to solve at least one of her problems with a massive amount of food.

So there she sat, stoned, alone and a little bummed with a gigantic platter of shrimp nachos in front of her and carne asada fries right behind it. And she was going to blast through it all. Not the best way to spend both Valentine's Day weekend and the last weekend before the most brutal shooting schedule known to humankind, but it was something more than sitting in bed feeling sorry for herself and being tempted to call her scumbag ex.

She was making her first real dent in the nacho platter when she saw a familiar face enter the bar, Lucy Hale. The other woman and Ben's other victim. Sabrina tried to hide behind the food. She wasn't really mad at Lucy. But she also didn't really want to see her. Lucy didn't know that however, so the moment the petite brunette saw the petite blonde, she made a bee line over to her.

“Sabrina?” she asked.

“Hi Lucy,” Sabrina said. “What are you doing here?”

“I work here.” She replied. “It's where I met, well, the asshole who shall not be named. Oh my god, I just want to say again how sorry I am about what happened. I swear to GOD I didn't know he was seeing anyone, and certainly not you.”

“I know. And I believe you. It's just...do you feel as dumb as I do about all this? Falling for his bullshit? Suspecting something but ignoring because well...you know how he can be.”

“Yeah, I do. And I feel pretty dumb and used and all of that. Can you believe that asshole actually called me for a place to stay after you kicked him out?”

“Sounds about right. I can believe that just as easy as I can him fucking my editing professor.”

“Jessica's YOUR professor too?”

“Get the fuck out of here.”

“No, I'm serious,” Lucy said. “History of Women in Film.”

“You'd have to laugh at the coincidence if ti wasn't so fucked,” Sabrina says.

“I am sorry though.”

“Look, Lucy, don't worry about it. I'm fine, you're fine. We're better off without him and you're not off the movie.”

“I wasn't even thinking of the movie. I just... I just wanted you to know I'm not that kind of person.”

“Well, if you want you can join me for this.”

“You're alone?”

“Yeah... and SUPER stoned, Sabrina said. “Still I can handle most of this on my own but I'm not greedy.”

“Thanks,” Lucy said with smile. “But I have to lock in. How about a free drink though? On me?”

“Maybe a little later.” Sabrina said.

“Sure thing.” Lucy got up and went to go clock in, leaving Sabrina alone. Again.

Still, it wasn't all bad. She may have gotten played by an asshole, but she also had people at her back. And she was working on making her dream come true, working with those same people right by her side.

Plus, a mountain of nachos and fries in front of her covered in surf and turf. Things weren't all bad at all.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on November 01, 2019, 01:16:50 PM
That awesome l read page 3 and it was awesome but it didn’t feel like an ending. Then realised their was another page. Can’t wait to see we’re it goes from here but really looking forward to Halloween again.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on November 03, 2019, 04:10:23 PM
An absolute masterpiece.  Weaving narrative and sex.  An enormous cast of characters, balanced so well.  I love everything about this story, and I'm so invested in each and every story line.  Thank you for letting me be a part of this truly epic narrative.  As always, I cannot wait to see where you take this next, but first take a well deserved rest. 
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Cadeauxxx on November 03, 2019, 04:20:43 PM
Really enjoyed the parts with Scarlett and Hayley, you did a fantastic job!
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on January 04, 2020, 07:38:14 PM
I was reading this again and l hope the next chapter. Involves Owen and camilla
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 01:36:16 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Star College 6 – Spring Break
(MF, MFF, MFM, FF, Oral, Anal, DP, ATM, Swallow)
By MaxwellLord w/special guest author Slyguy
Starring: Hailee Steinfeld, Selena Gomez, Camila Mendes, Lili Reinhart, Madelaine Petsch, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johansson, Kate Beckinsale, Margot Robbie, Katy Perry, Alexandra Daddario, Vanessa Morgan, Vanessa Hudgens, Joey King, Sabrina Carpenter, Camila Cabello, Taylor Swift, Victoria Justice, Ashley Benson, Ana de Armas, Christina Hendricks, Chris Evans

At the Whisky Casket, Fridays were always a busy night. However, on the last Friday before Spring Break, the final night of midterms? It was a HUGE party spot, filled to the brim with students celebrating the end of one of the most tense times of the year.

And it wasn't a normal party night. For the past few years, ever since the then new ownership took over, the last Friday before Spring Break had made the Casket THE place to be. A hundred bucks got you in for an open buffet of the best in bar food and free domestic beer, draft or bottle. The imports were discounted as were the spirits. Raffles held for bottles of good booze among other prizes like grocery store gift cards and other assorted must-haves for the college crowd.

The current owner of the Whisky Casket had a knack for knowing what the students wanted. Of course, it helped that Jennifer Love Hewitt was a student at the college once herself. A more timid and reserved one, though she did have her fair share of parties, especially as her college career went on. She knew what the wallflowers wanted and what the party-hards wanted. That was the secret to her success.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/76/150854369_jlh.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/76/150854369_jlh.jpg)

She stood in the doorway of her office, smiling as she saw a packed house, full of familiar faces from all across the board. Everyone from every possible social group rubbing elbows, having fun and gorging themselves on nachos, cheese sticks and sliders along with rivers of booze. Yeah, it was a college bar, but it was something she was proud of. And its massive profitability didn't hurt anything either.

Jennifer's eyes went from the crowd to her watch. 10:59 PM. It was time for one of the many traditions she partook in during this time of year. She made her way to the bar, the moment she came in the view of the students who knew her a roar of applause came around, making her grin and blush a bit. She never got used to this.

Jennifer got behind the bar, grinning then putting on a faux modest face as she signaled with her hands to lower the applause, on to raise them to increase it before finally cutting it off with a laugh.

"Welcome and congratulations students for surviving ANOTHER round of midterms!" Jennifer shouted, getting a roar of applause as a response. "And now, before the absolute debauchery I'm sure I'm going to hear about in some form when you're all back here nursing a beer, some nachos or whatever floats your boats, let's begin Spring Break with a BANG!"

Another round of applause rang out throughout the bar.

"Now, as you can see, my lovely bartenders who I'm sure you all are going to tip very well have lined up shots of my personal favorite tequila for everyone at the bar and some equally lovely servers are coming around with trays full of those lovely shots as well. So, nice we all have that magical elixir ready to go, we down it on the count of three and with that famous chant we all know. And as for my beautiful saintly designated drivers out there, raise your free burgers up in the air and thanks for doing the Lord’s work for all of us ready to get tanked!"

Laughter came from the crowd and in a few minutes all the shots were passed out and ready to go.

"All right," Jennifer said with a grin. "One...two...THREE! FUCK MIDTERMS!"

"FUCK MIDTERMS!" The students yelled in uproarious agreement as they joined Love in downing their shots, screaming out a loud "WOOOOOOOOO!" in unison that would make Ric Flair proud.

Jennifer looked back at the crowd and her employees and smiled her usual warm and happy smile. She never, ever could have predicted this would be her life. Single mom, owner of two bars and a hero to students across the campus. From bookworm girl next door to the cool pub owner.

Things were perfect.

And that didn't just go for Jennifer. In a corner booth of the bar Vanessa Morgan and her boyfriend Eric were cuddled together, nice and cozy with a pair of margaritas. At the buffet Anna Kendrick saw the face of several...acquaintances. She didn't know who they were but the minute they saw her she was more than aware they were far more intimate than most. That was a perfect little bit of joy for her. And over in one of the private rooms another celebration was going on.

The three private party rooms were expansions Love had decided to add for events like bachelor parties or birthdays. Some folks saw this it as crazy to advertise to a college crowd for bachelor parties, but Love knew all too well how headstrong couples went right towards the chapel with often disastrous results. It may have been a bit cynical but she figured if it ended up being a bad decision for the couple, then some good should come out of it. That good being a little bit of cash her way so the groom, or bride for that matter, could have one Hell of a goodbye to the single life.

However, for party nights like this, she usually left those rooms open for maximum occupancy. And two of those rooms were indeed free to all. The third however was indeed occupied by a more private party. Jennifer would have said no to the request but the student paid for more than a few parties passes as gifts plus a little extra to get the room to her guests. Camila Mendes didn't like to throw money around too much, but when she did it was rarely for herself. Not entirely. And this was one of those occasions.

Not only was it the blow off to Midterm season, the final Friday before a much-needed Spring Break, it was also the wrap party for the horror film Cami had produced alongside the film's writers and directors. Those being her best friend from childhood, Peter Farrano and Sabrina Carpenter. Things went surpassingly smooth. A few bumps in the road but for a first time...everything on that set, Camila, Peter and Sabrina were all more than a little proud of how smooth it all went. And with that and seeing the workprint the pair had assembled, Camila felt a big blowout to both end the filming and midterms was more than worth the cash.

And there it was, the wrap party was at the Whisky Casket and it was full of very happy, but doubly exhausted, students. Maybe none more exhausted than Peter, Sabrina and the main cast of Hailee Steinfeld, Selena Gomez, and Liz Gillies. Selena and Liz though seemed a little less fatigued with Liz on her man Zero's arm and Selena being a social butterfly. Hailee though was just as exhausted as Sabrina and Peter having taken on a few behind the camera roles as well. Still, even the ultra-exhausted were having a good time. It was a great cap to Camila first, and most likely only, production gig.

"I love this change of pace," Peter said. He was clearly a little groggy, but livelier than Camila had seen him off set in a while, especially with a similarly tired Hailee sitting next to him on couch. Anytime on campus or in the few classes they shared, he looked like the walking dead, as did Hailee. "This was a better after party than I could have put together. Thanks"

"No problem." Camila replied. "Honestly we all deserved it."

"I hear that," Sabrina said, downing another beer in the chair next to Camila. "Throwing myself into work to drown my sorrows, midterms to overtake my heartbreak and now alcohol to wipe them all out. Just what the doctor ordered."

"Good to see you're enjoying yourself," Cami said. "You doing okay though? After all the stuff with Ben?"

"Well, I still feel like an idiot for trusting him," said Sabrina before taking another swig from her beer. "But…fuck him. Honestly Once I booted him out, blocked his number and just went full on cold turkey on him it was easy accept alongside listening to every heartbreak song I know of. He really went after Pete for siding with me."

"Oh no what did he do?" Cami asked.

"I called his bluff," Peter said. "So, he followed through on his threat and told my parents Hailee and I were living together."

"Which of course meant then my parents got called," Hailee added, followed by a big drink from her Moscow Mule. "That was a lovely conversation."

"Dust settled though," said Peter. "Especially after I told my parents why I threw Ben out. You know...the whole sleeping with a professor thing. The cheating was bad, but the professor? Let's just say our living arrangement was quickly forgotten about."

"Cheers for that," Sabrina said, clinking her beer bottle to his. "And I actually spoke to Hailee's parents and convinced them things weren't what they thought they were." Sabrina took another long drink of her beer. "Even though, you know...it totally is."

"Sabrina come on," Hailee said. "My parents thought me and Peter were sex addicted fiends having sex constantly. I'm pretty sure my dad’s still pissed despite you calming them down."

"Haiz, come on. You two banged in a projector room and an office conference room. You could easily be mistaken for sex fiends."

"And what is it called when you have sex on a public park bench Sabrina?' Hailee asked, making Sabrina freeze, then nod and chuckle.

"Fair enough," Sabrina said. "Never said I wasn't a little wild."

"Wow, all of a sudden a romp in a storage room looks rather pedestrian," joked Camila. "You ladies really know how to raise the stakes on a girl."

"Speaking of high stakes sex, where is Lili tonight?" Hailee asked.

"She's at Jake and Jose's last match for a couple weeks." Cami replied.

"Why aren't you there?" asked Peter.

"Because Jose told me ahead of time they were doing an injury story or whatever so it was going to be really brutal and he was to be bleeding and thrown on ladders and through tables and I have no desire to see that. So, I get to hang with my other bestie and join in on the wrap party festivities as kind of an appetizer before for the real fun of our week-long party in Lake Havasu for Spring Break. Speaking of which, I have a little surprise for you regarding that Pete."

"Should I be nervous?" he asked.

"No…because before the party I just got confirmation from a guest that just said he could come."


"Oh...just Brodie."

"Get the fuck outta here!" said Peter. "Brodie's coming in?"

"Yep, he's meeting us at my parents' lake house."

"Catch the uninformed up," said Hailee. "Who's Brodie?"

"Well, if I'm Peter's best friend in the whole entire world, Brodie’s a fairly close second." Camila replied. "We were all pretty tight. And Brodie was the person who was always the male lead opposite Selena in Peter's high school movies. He probably would have been in The Three Sisters instead of Jesse if he hadn’t decided to go to New York to study acting. But I was able to get him to come down for a little Spring Break reunion. Of course, the women in bikinis at Lake Havasu probably helped."

"Is there going to be enough room at the house for another person?" asked Hailee.

"Babe, trust me, even with everyone coming along this house could probably fit twice as many," said Peter. "It's huge."

"Hailee, there's room," Camila said. "But Pete, it's not that big."

"Cami, I've been in it."

"Yeah, when we were twelve. Of course, it's going to be big to a twelve-year-old."

"When was the last time you were there?" asked Peter.

"Well...when we were twelve. Look, I kind of got tired of going to the same place every year. Mom and Daddy went there a bunch but I just opted to stay home at home or crash with Peter for all of Spring Break after a while. But now...I figured it'd be fun to go back. And since, you know, we're all adults and it's a bunch of couples and stuff, totally different experience."

"I can't wait," Hailee said. "Movie done, Spring Break with my man and good friends. And sleep. Dear god the sleep!"

"Just a couple days babe," said Peter before kissing her on the forehead. "Making the movie was great but holy shit that and everything else was way more exhausting than I expected."

"Well, then eat, drink, be merry and get ready for the most relaxing party week of your life my friend," said Camila. "We all earned it."


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While the entire student body, and some many of the staff, were celebrating that night, not everyone was at the local bar. Some people preferred to have a more personal celebration were Camila Cabello and Owen Larshart. They had begun in his studio apartment on the bed. There was supposed to be a meal but the only thing the two were hungry for were each other.

It began with a kiss and before either really knew what was going on both of them were topless with Owen lovingly kissing and sucking on her hard, aroused nipples. From there Camila and Owen wound up in the bathroom, the shower specifically. For having a studio apartment, Owen's bathroom was sizable. Especially his shower, which was something the couple was very experienced in.

Camila had found that Owen had a thing for fucking in the shower. Something about seeing her wet. They had fucked once in the rain as well. Both of those were done without payment. Owen wasn't really a customer anymore and hadn't been since they started eating lunch together on campus. After one last paid date between them, it was all a lot more...romantic between them. Neither was exactly sure what they were and Camila was still working for Sophia, but now under the hot water cascading down their embraced nude bodies neither were too focused in putting words on to what they were.

"Oooowennnnnn," Camila moaned. She was sitting on a bench molded into the wall of the small shower, one leg splayed out while the other was draped over Owen's shoulder while the subject of Camila's lustful moan had buried his face in her pussy. "Right there baby...oh yes eat it..."

Even if Camila hadn't made a request, Owen would have continued. Hearing the moans of Camila mixed with the cascading streams of water was the perfect kindling to keep the fire within him burning. Feeling how Camila's body reacted and moved as he sucked on her sweet little clit. His hands weren't slacking either, one caressing the Cuban's lovely thigh while the fingers on the other probed her velvety depths. Every stroke of his tongue and every nimble movement of his fingers drew moans and shivers from Camila.

Camila's toes curled and her back arched right when Owen's fingers began to hit her g-spot. He had waited, lightly brushing it, teasing her before going in for the kill on that cluster of nerves.

"Oh FUCK!" Camila cried. A jolt went through her body. It was a demanding feeling. She wanted more. She pulled Owen up to kissing her, the taste of her own pussy on Owen's lips an addictive nectar that drove her wild.

There were no words now. At this point everything was on instinct with them, especially at a heated moment such as this. Camila rose up and was quickly pressed against the glass door of the shower by Owen, her round, full, beautiful booty squeezed delectably against the firm glass.

She stared him out, a smile on her face that only grew more seductive when Owen grabbed her leg, raising it with one hand while the other reached down and aimed his cock at her wet and ready opening.

They moaned in unison when he thrust inside of her, Camila rolling her head back as she cried out. When it came full circle, her brown eyes locked onto his green and he began to pull out, only to go back in deep. Every stroke elicited a satisfied yet hungry moan from Camila's lips, and that gaze never broke.

Slowly the pace built up. As Owen's cock sawed in and out of Camila's paradise of a pussy his lips made several stops. Her lips, her necks, her tits, all while the hot water of the shower ran over their bodies and steamed up the room. They couldn't last like this, not for long in this position. But Owen always needed to see her face when they fucked. She moaned and cried his name with her lips achingly close to his ear. It made even the dirtiest tryst they'd had feel the tiniest bit pure. Camila had dubbed it filthy romance and she couldn't get enough of it. It made her feel special.

"Yes...oh Owen....mmm...fuck me," she moaned, lips to his ear just as he craved. "I want you so bad...I love it when you fuck me...I love it when you taste me…now take me baby...I'm all yours..."

That was the signal. It wasn't ever explicitly said, but it was something that Owen just sensed. When those three words, "I'm all yours" were said, Camila was ready to turn control over to him. Let Owen have her body, take her and make her his. With a deep kiss on her lips, he let her know the message was received loud and clear, a P.S. added with sucking on her tongue.

Owen pulled out of her and spun her around. From there Camila knew just what Owen wanted, sticking her big round ass and wiggling it, arching back just so. It certainly did the trick for Owen. He slapped his cock on her ass, twice on each luscious cheek before plunging back into her pussy with a hearty grunt.

"Oh...oh yesss," Owen groaned, his pace resuming inside the tight caverns of Camila's cunt. He gripped her round hip as he rapidly slammed into her. He wasn't being selfish with it either as one hand went from her hip to her clit, working the hot button just as her fucked her.

Camila loved the pace, every breath asking for more in tone if not those magical words. She gave him both just as freely and happily as she did her body, bracing her hands against the glass and pushing back, meeting him for every thrust her took inside of her. She loved this with Owen. He could be all wine and roses, but she also knew how to get that sexual beast from him, what he was giving her right now. It turned her on beyond belief knowing what she could get from him. Pure desire and lust. A far cry from the nervous man she met on New Year’s Eve, but still not too far removed.

Owen pressed forward, sandwiching Camila between himself and the glass of the shower door. His thrusts became deep and slow, lifting the petite Cuban cutie off her feet a few times. Owen groaned and grunted in her ear, moaning "Cami!", repeatedly before hungrily kissing her neck.

Camila reached back and softly grasped the back of Owen's neck. Her grip tightened as his pace began to increase once more, both with his thrusts and his fingers breakdancing on her clit. Her eyelids began to flutter and her moans grew loud, her cadence desperate and decadent. Every sound making her lover hungrier and hungrier for that last moment of intense bliss. It was a carrot Camila was chasing too, and she tantalizingly close to it.

"Oh...oh baby...you're going to make me cum Owen," cooed Camila. "Gonna cum right on that cock...feels so good…don't stop...faster...HARDER...FUCK ME!"

Owen held Camila tight with his free arm and gave her everything he had. Full speed, no holding back just as she wanted. He buried his face in her neck, his grunts of pleasure morphing into intense, desperate guttural whines as he sped to his own point of no return. It was the perfect aural aphrodisiac for Camila and that last piece of the puzzle for her.

"Oohhhh yesssss!" Camila moaned, her body quaking and quivering like she was a living fault line. She cooed and licked her lips, savoring the sweet sensations exploding in every cell of her body. Every moment was prolonged by Owen's thrusts, especially as they grew more insistent. He was close now too. And there was one way this fuck session was ending.

"Gonna cum baby?" Camila teased. "Gonna shoot all that cum for me? Then you better shoot it all over my face. Can you do that for me baby? Cover my pretty little face..."

The words coming out of Camila's mouth turned her on almost as much as they clearly turned Owen on. This wasn't one of their sweeter, more romantic times together where he'd cum inside her or she'd swallow him. No, this was a whole different kind of fun. There was always a little thrill when she felt that cum pulse up from his cock and land on her face and body. A dirty little thrill.

Owen pulled out of Camila's pussy and the Latina dropped to her knees. Her gorgeous face was awaiting the cum soon to be rocketing out of his pulsing cock, the water of the shower totally blocked by Owen's body.

"Do it baby," Camila urged. "Cover me."

"Camila!" Owen said in a growl. His vocal expulsion was followed by a more physical one as his cum began shoot from the mushroom tip of his dick to cover Camila's face.

"Mmm yessss," she said. "Just like that." Camila loved the feeling as every stream of that warm, gooey warmth splattered on her face. It wasn't for show. Something about that liquid heat on her face drove her wild and made her hungry for even more. The accompanying grunts of pleasure with every bolt of cum were a great soundtrack as her face was coated with jizz.

When Owen's tap began to run dry, Camila grabbed his cock to suck out the last few dribbles of that precious fluid into her mouth.

Owen pulled his softening cock from Camila's heavenly mouth, breathing deep as he recovered from the orgasm. Camila looked up at him with a sexy, cum covered grin. She began to clean her face up, licking around her mouth and sucking the cum from her fingers.

"So, back to the wine?" Camila said with a cheeky smile.

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Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 02:13:08 PM


While many people were indeed at the Whisky Casket, no everyone could go. For them, there were other destinations. One of them being Knockers, who was having the start of their Spring Break Bikini Week promotion which was the follow up to the Pre-Party Bikini Week for Spring Break. It was an event that Madelaine Petsch had conflicting feelings about. On the one hand, she wasn't necessarily a fan of how many more customers tried to take a quick little feel of her body now that she was in a bikini. It was never any of her regulars, they knew better. But still, it was annoying beyond belief. And that was only for the pre-Spring Break promotion. She didn't want to imagine what would have happened when the actual Spring Break week really began and all the girls, herself included, were going to be in thongs.

On the other hand, the tips were astronomical. It made Madelaine really appreciate her physical attributes almost as much as her customers did. All those squats were paying off, literally.

Still, her feelings about the events this year were the furthest things from her mind, especially considering this was the only night she was working at Knockers for the actual Spring Break promotion. She'd saved up more than enough time to take off for an entire month if she wanted to, but this year she'd elected to take off for Spring Break. She'd been invited by Camila Mendes to join her and some other people on a trip to Lake Havasu for the time off of school. Madelaine and a plus one.

Trouble was Madelaine didn't even know if she had a plus one anymore. She'd hadn't been face-to-face with Jared in months. He had essentially dropped out of school because his magician career had really taken off. It had taken them both by surprise. She was proud to be sure. But she missed him.

At first.

That was the problem. It'd been so long since she'd seen him, that she had actually stopped missing him. And she didn't feel guilty about it.

Another thing she didn't feel guilty about was the kiss she'd shared with Jesse Carr. Not a hint of guilt. She actually felt guiltier about not feeling guilty about that kiss. But, it felt right. She thought about that one kiss a lot lately, a lot more than she had thought about Jared.

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The fact was that she saw Jesse a lot more than she'd seen Jared lately. And there was definitely an attraction, even before the kiss. Madelaine had just written it off as workplace flirtation. That was always something that was going to happen in a restaurant environment. Then...the kiss. And Madelaine couldn't help it, she wanted more. She wanted to be touched and held and she could tell that despite avoiding the subject of that kiss with Jesse, those sparks were still flying. The flirtation had gone from a jokey work thing to something with more substance than either her or Jesse would want to admit.

And of course, after a week of wearing a bikini as her work uniform, it had all reached a new heat between them. Madelaine loved the attention. It felt really, really good to be wanted like that by someone who was more than just a phone screen.

Still, she wasn't ready to take that step. There was still Jared to think about and also the fact that Jesse was kind of seeing Madelaine's roommate, Selena Gomez. Who ALSO worked with them at Knockers which had the potential to make things extremely awkward.

While both Selena and Jesse had insisted it was pretty much a casual sex thing, Madelaine still saw it as a solid excuse for not bringing up the kiss with Jesse. Though the more they had flirted this week especially, the more that stance eroded.

Those thoughts overtook her more on her break, where Madelaine was pretty much going to get to be alone with her thoughts for an hour in the break room. As she took a seat at the green Formica table next to the fridge, she was ready to do just that when Jesse entered the room. It was his break time as well.

In he came wearing the same kind of loud Hawaiian shirt as the other male bussers and bartenders with a pair of board shorts. His shirt was blue, which really brought out his eyes. Noticing this made Madelaine mad at herself. The other thing she noticed was that he was carrying two take out boxes. She knew Jesse had an appetite, but with the portions at Knockers two meals was a little much, even for him.

"What's with that?" Madelaine asked as the door shut behind Jesse. "You looking for a massive heart attack?"

"Nah, just a minor one." he replied. He sat down at the Formica table opposite Madelaine and laid down both boxes. He opened up one and breathed in deep. "The quadruple cheese grilled cheese with spicy sweet potato fries and the coleslaw. And in box number two, the Vegan wings with the Caribbean jerk sauce."

"You know just because something is vegan doesn't mean it's healthy," Madelaine responded. "So, I'm thinking it'll be a lot more than minor."

"The wings are for you."


"Eh, you've had probably the most traffic tonight. Two parties of ten especially rowdy frat boys along with your usual crowd. Figured you'd need a break."

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Was he flirting with her now? Madelaine honestly couldn't piece ti together. It was far from the first time they'd bought each other food, but now Madelaine was second guessing even that.

"Something wrong?"

"I need to talk to you about something," she said. "It's been on my mind...for a while."

"Sure, what's up?"

"It's about when we kissed," said Madelaine. "I…I've been thinking about it. A lot honestly."


"You're not alone in that Mads," admitted Jesse. "Been on my mind a lot too." Jesse shifted in his seat a bit, trying to find a bit of comfort before he started to speak. "And, since we're being honest, I think you're beautiful. Just...just fucking beautiful. And honestly your attitude is awesome. You don't need anyone to protect you from some of those grabby assholes and you can put anyone who mouths off to you in their place in about two sentences which is weirdly hot to see. You're really fun to talk to and I don't regret that kiss for second."

"Wow," Madelaine said. She hadn't expected Jesse to be so upfront about it...and be on her wavelength. The wavelength that the kiss wasn't anything to feel guilty over. "I…I don't what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting that."

"You wanted to talk about it," he shrugged. "The only reason I didn't say anything was I thought the ball was in your court. I didn't really want to press things because of, well, your whole thing with your guy."

"I don't even know if there is a thing between me and him," Madelaine said, only mildly shocked she let that out. "I feel a lot of the same things you do. The fact that you're the only busser I've ever worked with that didn't try to hit on me within the first week of working here helps. Most of the time they stare at my tits and ass just like all the customers. More so honestly."

"Oh, I still do that I'm just very discreet about it."

"Not as discreet as you think." Madelaine said with a smart little smile. "I'm just saying...we're on the same page. I think."

"What's there to think about?" Jesse asked.

"Well...you and Selena."

"Madelaine, I've said and I'm pretty sure I've overheard Selena say it. Essentially, we're just fucking. Having fun too, but nothing too deep. Which was your advice to me, if you remember."

"I do," Madelaine said, a spark behind her eyes as her red lips widened into a grin. "Lock the door."


Jesse nodded with a grin to match Madelaine's own and went to the door. Madelaine loved that management had taken her suggestion to put a lock on the breakroom door. Too many drunk and horny customers had tried their luck and getting in the back and it was a nice deterrent. Plus, it gave her and Jesse a great degree of privacy for what she wanted to do. The green light was given, as far as she was concerned. No guilt, nor a need for it. Spring Break started now for her.


By the time Jesse had locked the door and turned around, Madelaine had already moved on to the couch. There she was, Pale skin and red hair. Those full tits housed in a wonderful pink bikini top and he couldn't wait to see what was hidden behind those matching bottoms.

"Get over here," Madelaine said, more confident in what she was doing than she'd been in a while. "And let's follow that advice I gave you."

Jesse gave a little chuckle before making his way over. The moment the pair were in each other's orbit their lips collided with animal instinct. It was a kiss full of heat. The passion raw, white hot. They were forehead to forehead as the kiss broke, breathing heavily as Madelaine frantically unbuttoned Jesse's shirt and he reached to her back and undid her bikini. They backed off each other just long enough to remove both garments.

With both now bereft of top, Jesse returned to Madelaine’s plump lips, savoring them with a few more kisses and giving her bottom lips a soft bite before moving down to savor her pale breasts.

Madelaine smiled, moaning with every kiss and lick from her neck to her tits. She missed this, someone touching her like this. With desire. There was a certain heat in the way Jesse kissed her, with how he held her tits, palming them, giving them a squeeze. Not too hard, but not that lightly either. And when his lips finally went to her pink nipples it was that same tender roughness. Licking circles around the puffed-up areolas before planting a kiss, then lightly tugging the tender, sensitive flesh with his teeth. It wasn't fast but there was an urgency, a hunger behind everything Jesse did that Madelaine shared. She hadn't felt like this in far too long.

As much as Madelaine's tits were a paradise Jesse had long wanted to visit, he pried his face away from them and continued his voyage down.

“Mmm yeah...keep going...just...fuck keep going just like that...” Madelaine said. She licked her lips and began to rub and fondle her own breasts, tweaking and pulling her nipples. Jesse's lips kissed and grazed down Madelaine's body, softly biting the flesh of her stomach and placing a sweet little kiss right of her navel. When he got to the barrier that were the bikini bottoms. Once he hooked his hands around the fabric Madelaine raised her bountiful bottom so Jesse could peel them off. And once they were taken from her long legs, there was nothing more to hold Jesse back.

“Mmmm FUCK yeah!” Madelaine growled. She bit her lower lip again and ran her hands over her body as Jesse started on her. He gripped her hips with his hands while his face was buried in her pussy. Jesse's nose was buried in Madelaine's patch of bright red just above her slit.

Jesse started slowly, licking and sucking on her labia, only occasionally moving it to caress her clit. He worked his tongue all around her pussy, barely teasing the aroused nub. Madelaine shivered and groaned. The little waves of pleasure softly raking her. Then he went right for her clit, sucking hard and ravishing it with his tongue. Her back arched and a hiss of air was breathed in through Madelaine's teeth.

Just as suddenly as he started though, stopped and slowed down once more. Madelaine couldn't help but laugh a little. She loved it when a guy would do that. Tease her just the littlest bit, almost over load her then pull back completely. It made everything else so much more intense and unleashed something in her she hadn't let out in a while.

“Ahhh...yes...right there...just like that,” she said. Jesse continued. Slowly bringing Madelaine to a burn. He broke his contact with her pussy only to place a few butterfly kisses on her pale thighs, then went back to go after her clit again. Another overload and then...stoppage...then a return to that sweet slow burn. It gave Madelaine a serious craving.

“Stand up,” Madelaine said. “Right now.”

Jesse got to his feet. The moment he was upright Madelaine sat up, her face level with his crotch. The redhead looked up at him with a smirk as she undid his belt and fly in the blink of an eye. From their gravity took over and his shorts fell to the ground and Jesse's hard cock was free.

Madelaine's eyes were still locked on Jesse's a wicked gaze she hadn't let free in far too long giving only the slightest clue as to what she had in store for Jesse. While he could gather he was going to get his cock sucked, that was barely even the tip of the iceberg in Madelaine's mind.

Madelaine's hand soft grasped Jesse's dick, gently gliding up and down, giving him a slight taste of the tease, he had provided with his mouth.

“Already hard for me,” Madelaine said. “I like that. I love it when a man gets off on pleasuring me. Makes me all too eager to return the favor. Knowing you loved how I tasted...how every moan I made was yours...made you hot didn't it?”

“Y-yes,” Jesse croaked. “Like you wouldn't believe.”

“Oh, I think I believe it.” Madelaine's eyebrow cocked, a sensual confidence growing stronger and stronger. She hadn't felt like this in a while. She hadn’t been like this in a while. The sexual beast inside her was rattling the cages. With Jared she'd always been sweet and soft. And she liked letting that side of her play. The sex was far from bad with him. She had just...never let her other side out. The kind that picked up guys in rock bars and fucked them senseless in the bathroom. That Madelaine was a wild child who was just as famous for her bad choices in men as her sexual romps.

But this wasn't a boyfriend thing. This was a Spring Break romp...so that cage was unlocked the moment her full lips wrapped around the head of Jesse's cock.

“Damn...” Jesse said, his voice raspy and dry as the hot and wet mouth of Madelaine Petsch ventured down on his cock. And Madelaine wasn't playing around. Her pace started out hard and hungry, Jesse's knees shaking. Her hands held firm at Jesse's hips while Madelaine essentially fucked him with her mouth. A loud, wet slurping noise went with her urgent pace, taking him into her throat a few times to the shock and delight of Jesse. And somewhat to Madelaine. She still had it.

Just as swiftly as Madelaine had started, she stopped, pulling off Jesse's dick with a gulp of breath and a strand of saliva stick connect his member to her mouth.

She looked up at him, her gaze as commanding as her tone was to be. “Lay down on the couch. Now.”

Madelaine got to her feet and Jesse laid back on the couch. The redheaded seductress looked down at her eager lover, his cock hard and ready for everything their bodies were craving.

Madelaine returned to couch, crawling up from between Jesse's legs. She was alike siren out of a myth, her nails lightly running up his thighs before her hand grasped his hard cock.

“You're going to fuck my tits,” Madelaine said, softly pumping his turgid cock. “Here's the catch...don't take your eyes off of me. Not for a second. You're going to watch me and what I do to you every single second I do it.”

Jesse didn't even get a chance to respond. It wasn't negotiation. Madelaine told him what was going to happen. And then it did. She wrapped her pale globes around his diamond-hard rod and began to pump his dick.

“Mmmm there we go,” Madelaine said. “Feels good, doesn't it? That hot, hard cock sliding between my soft tits...I love it myself...nothing like a nice cock between my tits. A few things better though...”

Madelaine paused her titfuck to suck on his cock head, making Jesse groan, writhe and grimace from the pleasure of her skilled tongue on his cock while his shaft was encased by her tits. And the added challenge of keeping his gaze on her, not closing his eyes, not allowing his head to move added a wonderful intangible to what was going on.

“Speechless huh?” Madelaine teasingly asked. “Understandable. It's got to be so hot...being titfucked by me...feeling your cock in my mouth...hearing me say all of this too you. All with the knowledge that it's going to get better...you just have no idea how much better.”

With that Madelaine released Jesse's dick from its delightful containment and moved up his body, her wet and waiting pussy just centimeters away from his cock. She reached down and grabbed his cock, rubbing the tip against her wet slit, up and down like a paintbrush.

“Feel that Jesse?” she asked. “My pussy's so wet for you...wants you inside. Can’t wait to feel how that cock feels inside of me.” She slapped his cock against her pussy a few more times and shifted herself just a bit, placing him right at the entrance.

Jesse looked up, licking his lips. They both took in a deep breath as she sunk down on his cock. Jesse's hand went to grasp Madelaine's spectacular ass and held tight as Madelaine began to bump, grind, buck and ride him.

“Oooh yessss,” Madelaine said, a wide smile on her face. “That's what I fucking needed...mmm fuck me Jesse...fuck me with that good fucking cock...”

Madelaine's moans and demands were the perfect garnish for Jesse. Hearing those demands of him as she rode him, as she was in control was an extra jolt of pleasure. Everything was a treat of pleasures. How she moved on him, how it felt. How she looked. There was a raw, almost sinister sexuality with every movement of her body. Grace and filth and beauty as her tits jiggled and swayed, her face went through a range of emotions as pleasures Madelaine hadn't felt in far too long all came back full force.

Madelaine was in heaven. The action may have been fast and furious, sinfully sweet and straight from Hell but the pleasure was nothing short of diving. The feel of his hand gripping her ass and every animal-like grunt coming from Jesse were thing she didn't even know she missed. The way pure lust felt.

“Get up,” Madelaine moaned. “Get up and suck my tits while you fuck me Jesse.” He moved into a sitting position and buried his face in that buxom chest just as Madelaine demanded. And while his mouth got even more familiar with her breasts, Jesse’s hands went from gripping her bubble butt to sliding up the smooth, soft skin of back before stopping at her shoulders, taking a firm grip as he began to thrust up into her hungry, waiting cunt.

“Ohhhh shit yEEEEESS!” squealed Madelaine, her voice being rocked by every rapid thrust made inside her pussy. Once Jesse's pace slowed again, Madelaine grabbed his face and held it in place as she kissed him, biting his lower lip before the kiss broke. Madelaine's movements slowed to a sensual, dirty grind, working his cock and making both of them shiver.

With Madelaine calling all the shots so far, Jesse decided to throw his hat into that arena. He lifted Madelaine off of him and maneuvered behind her, Madelaine getting on all fours. She knew what he wanted, how he wanted her. She was fine with that. Here was something so hot about a man just bending her over and having her. So raw and real.

It brought back a memory for her from before she and Jared started dating. When Jesse's hand roamed her as, massaging her round cheeks she could see the man of the memory as clear as day. Some bass player at a bar down town. She didn't know the band and didn't care for the music...but he was hot. She wanted him. And within fifteen minutes of speaking to him he was fucking her in the band's tour van. Pure fucking. It led to one of her shittier relationships but the sex, especially that first time, was otherworldly at times.

Madelaine gripped the armrest of the couch, arching her back and pointing her ass out just right. Jesse eagerly drank in this view, then she looked over her shoulder at him.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked. “Stick that fucking cock back in me.”

Which is exactly what he did. It wasn't like there was any other choice. And the moment his cock entered her all felt perfect again. This was going to be a wonderful new memory. Unique to itself. Even as he drove into her with wild abandon, new wrinkles joined this experience as Jesse leaned over, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her shoulder. A touch of sweet tenderness to go along with the act of sex in a break room.

“Madelaine,” he growled, his cock making quick and shallow strokes in her wet, hot pussy. “Oh fuck baby...god damn...”

“That's right Jesse baby,” Madelaine cooed. “Fuck me...just like that...it feels so good...love how your cock feels inside me...every inch...mmmm make me cum on your cock...I want you inside me when I cum...” Madelaine moved her face to the side, her lips again touching Jesse's in a kiss, but a much more affectionate one. Still hot and lustful, but with just as much tenderness as he'd started to show her.

Jesse held close to Madelaine, his cock slowly down, going long and deep inside of her, working his hips with every thrust. He moaned her name and she moaned his. She was close now and there was no turning back. She could feel that starlight burn build in her. She could even almost feel her pale skin flush pink.

“Oh, shit now cumming now!” Madelaine moaned, gripping the armrest tight as her body rocked like an earthquake. Every sensation was heightened as she came, Jesse still thrusting inside her all the way through it, gritting his teeth and holding on for dear life to not cum.

Madelaine was still a daze, little orgasmic aftershocks still coursing through her veins as she started to come down. Jesse was still fucking her, a little slower, rubbing and kissing her neck and shoulder.

“You cum?” she asked, her voice light airy but still with some heat behind it.

“No,” Jesse grunted. “D-didn't know...fuck...didn't know where...”

“Mmm, such a gentleman,” she said in a purr. She grinned as an idea struck her. A particularly naughty idea that he both wouldn't expect and had definitely earned. “And for being such a gentleman...fuck my ass...fuck my ass until you cum.”

“Whoa...Mads...you sure?”

“Mmm very sure.” She reached around and grabbed his head, stroking his hair gently. “Take me...fuck my ass...” She kissed him, and that was the last assurance he needed. Jesse pumped her pussy a few more time then pulled out. But before he brought his cock to her back door, he had to do one last thing.

“Oooh!” Madelaine said with a jolt. She felt Jesse's tongue lick and tongue her ass, burying his face between her cheeks. It wasn't for too long though, just enough to satisfy an itch that he had and Madelaine never knew she had. From there, it was time for something a bit bigger than a tongue to be up Madelaine's ass.

With one hand on his cock, placing it at her tight little balloon not, the other reached around and began to play with her clit.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said. “I'm totally fine with that.”

“No problem,” Madelaine said. “But I don't see that happening.”

Madelaine breathed deep, freezing in place when Jesse began to push forward. It'd been a long time since she'd taken a cock up the ass, and Jesse was more than a worthy candidate. She felt...something with how he was treating her. The sex was spur of the moment and raw, but every so often there was a little sweet to go with the heat. And right now, with Jesse playing with her clit as his cock slowly filled up her asshole.

“Ohhh fuck yes...” Madelaine said breathlessly. “You like that Jesse? Like how tight my ass is on your cock?”

“Unnng yessss Mads!” he cried. “Oh...holy...wow...mmmm baby you're so damn good...oh fuck...”

Madelaine grinned, taking deep gulps of breath as Jesse's pace increased.

“Feels so perfect,” she said with a grin. “Oh, fuck baby use that asshole and cum for me...show me how hot I made you...how much I turn you on everyday...how much you've wanted to fuck me...mmmm give me every drop right up my ass....”

Jesse's thrust in deep, going to the hilt inside of Madelaine then slowly pulled out, only to saw back in, his rhythm building up in speed as more and more dirty talk spilled out of Madelaine's mouth. All he could respond with were moans and thrusts. He was close, so very very close and they both knew it.

“Yeah baby...fuck my ass…just like that...cum for me Jesse…cum...cum…CUM FOR ME!”

With a desperate yet satisfied groan Jesse leaned and wrapped his free arm around Madelaine once more. He held her tight and went balls deep into her ass once more before released his seed inside of her.

“Yesssssss,” she hissed smiling at the sound of his satisfied moans and grunts and the slower, more labored thrusts as he emptied is balls into her ass. “Every last drop baby...feels so good.”

When the last drop dribbled from his cock Jesse pulled out of Madelaine's ass and tumbled back on to the couch, gulping for air and seeing stars. Madelaine joined him, laying on his chest and kissing his cheek.

It had been far too long since Madelaine let her more...playful side out. And Jesse was the perfect guy to try it with. And he was just the first. This was going to be the best Spring Break she ever had.



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While most folks were out letting off all the pent-up steam from the semester so far, there were still some on campus at work, and one of them was Christina Hendricks. She was the last one in the film department offices and going over her last bit of work before she could relax.

Christina was very pleased with how her advanced screenwriting class had turned out. All the scripts were great and the student’s team had produced some great results. The only problem was the Midterm wasn't so much a test for them as it was for her. Their assignment was to use the notes received in the class to punch up their script for a second draft. That was the easy part. All the scripts were turned in, some ahead of time. The hard part was all on Christina. Now it was her turn to read the scripts and provide her notes for the final exam, where they'd take her notes and repeat the process.

And while she hadn't gone through all the scripts tonight, which would have been a beyond Herculean task, she had gone through a few with her trusty red pin. A couple notes here and there with a nice big page of red text in perfect handwriting on the blank back page she had requested on every script from her students.

Though right now, she wasn't reading anything for the class. Not technically at least. Right now, she was doing a bit more of a personal job for one of her students by the name of Andrew Byrne. He preferred to go by Andy but she would always tell him Andrew sounded like a writer's name. Andy was a performer. And though with his scruffy shoulder length hair and matinee idol smile he certainly had an actor's look about him, his skills as a writer were where his future lay. He had a real passion for whatever he wrote and it shined through. From the samples of his writing Christina had seen before selecting him for the class to the screenplay he and his partner had turned in, Christina could see the real talent in him.

Christina also saw a bit more than that in him. She had no issue admitting to herself that she found him handsome, sexy even. Looks and talent always knocked her for a loop. And of course, there was the flirting that had started between them. It was nothing serious, Christina was sure of it. He was just that way and it came out of her when they were together talking their favorite films or writers. They had gotten shockingly close for a student, but it wasn't something Christina had remotely considered as inappropriate. She was still friends with some of her college and grad school professors. She had never flirted with them...and definitely never had sexual fantasies about them like had happened with Andrew. But still, it wasn't something she dwelt on much.

Though if she were to give second thoughts to it, it would definitely be while she was reading Andrew's latest script. It was an erotic thriller, and a very erotic one at that. Andrew had a way with everything she'd read for him. His action scripts? Tight with quick dialogue and nail-biting thrills. His mysteries were brain teasers of the highest order and now, his more adult-themed work? Well, they definitely had Christina's full attention. This was actually her second time going through it.

The characters were rich, the words building a story dripping with sex. And those sex scenes themselves? Scorching. They were hotter than any she'd read before. She actually felt herself getting wet reading them the first time she went through. The same thing happened now, though now it felt more intense. Her hand drifted down her body, almost subconsciously.

Her brain was painting far more intense pictures now than they had before. Andrew fucking her on a bed completely with a canopy and red satin sheets. Another thought of him bending her over a kitchen counter and taking her hard and fast before finishing inside of her. Another where her face is against a brick wall as he fucked her from behind. With every sex scene she read Christina placed herself in the female role and Andrew in the male.

She licked her lips and a small smile came across her lips. It was a naughty idea that had just entered her head, but one she saw no reason not to go forward with. Not even the janitorial staff were in the building right now. So as Christina's hand went up her skirt and under her panties, she knew she had all the privacy in the world to relieve all the tension Andrew's script was creating within her.

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“Ohhhh,” moaned Christina as her first finger dipped into her pussy. It was slow at first. She wanted to work herself up, make that moment of bliss she was destined for Earth shattering. Christina's eyes fluttered as her imagination began to take over. Soft moans escaped her mouth when she began to think of Andrew's head between her leg, hungrily eating her cunt like it was the only thing on Earth he wanted to do.

When Christina's fingers began to work her clit, the fantasies got more intense. Andrew's face was replaced by his cock and Christina was laid back on a kitchen counter. Her legs were wrapped around his waist her top pulled down. Her tits were being sucked on by Andrew. She could almost feel every touch he made on her body.

“Oh my god....” she whined. Her fingers began to work fast on her cock and she slumped down in her seat. Christina's legs were up and wide open, her feet resting on the desk. Her free hand went to her buxom breasts, almost tearing open her own blouse to get to her melons. She writher and moaned, her hand a blur on her clit.

Christina's mind changed scenes again. She was bent over the lip of a hot tub, Andrew pounding into her cunt from behind. Her fingers had now returning to filling her up, three inside of her, working in and out and all around inside her. If anyone else was on the floor, or at this point just in the building, they would have heard Christina's loud moans as her fantasies grew more and more intense. And as much fun as she was having using her fingers, her pussy craved something a little more rigid.

Her eyes opened, scanning her deck for the tool she knew she needed. They soon landed on just what she was looking for. It was a long, rounded cylindrical crystal paper weight. It was the perfect size and shape to help her along with her fantasies.

Her cries went to a deeper tone as her new improvised toy entered her pussy. And then Christina's mind took her to a wholly original place not inspired by the script she was reading. It was a cliché city alleyway. Fire escapes, neon lights, steam from the grates and pouring rain. She was in a white dress, soaked to the bone from the precipitation. The skirt was bunched up around Christina's waste and she was facing a wall with Andrew fucking her from behind again. It was rougher. Love bites, smack on her ass. He pulled her hair and she begged for more.

She was in a hot sweat, Christina's pale skin flush as she fucked herself deeper and deeper into her dirty dreams. She frantically removed her panties and shifted in her seat a bit until she was on her side in just the slightest. She moved a hand from her breasts to her bare ass, her middle finger fingering her ass whole and plunging it in. Within second the insertion made the curvy professor shiver. She worked her makeshift dildo in and out of her pussy in rhythm with the finger in her ass. Though now, with that added stimulation her fantasy got more explicit.

Now in that dreamily dirty alleyway Andrew was taking his cock from Christina's pussy and taking it to her ass. In the real world she took the paper weight from her cunt and sucked herself off of it, then put it in her other hand. She started working her clit again as she began to insert the smooth crystal into her ass.

“Fuuuuck. Fuck yes....” she moaned. She was in another world now. Fire and ice at war in her body. Every stroke of Andrew's cock in her ass in the daydream was repeated with the toy in Christina's ass. Her hand was a blur on her clit. She was so close, and though Christina was making herself cum, the name she was going to cry out was the one who brought all of this on.

“ANDREW!!!!!” she cried out, cumming hard and nearly falling out of her seat. She was being rocked like a screen door in a hurricane was loving every second of it. Every single fantasy came crashing in on her, an implosion of pleasure.

When she finally came to her senses she dropped the toy to the floor and breathed deep. She was still a bit light-headed and seeing stars. She actually had to laugh at it all. Being so turned on by a script...and the person who wrote it. It was almost the perfect cliché, the sexy teacher and her young student beau. It's not like anything would come of it.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 02:48:58 PM

“Hendricks does NOT want to fuck you,” Chad said. “No way.”

“I hate to agree with Chad because it’s kind of makes me queasy,” said Vanessa Morgan. She was sitting in Eric's lap, a beer in one hand and her legs draped over the chair's arm. The couple were at the Whisky Casket bash, and currently centered around a foosball table, where Adam had just dropped his bombshell. “But I'm sorry, I doubt our screenwriting professor wants to fuck you. No offense.”

“Look guys, I'm not saying we will fuck,” Andrew clarified. “But I am saying...I think she totally wants to bang me. I get the vibe CONSTANTLY whenever we talk or have a student teacher meeting.”

“Are you sure that's just not your intense desire to fuck her that you're just projecting on to her?” Eric asked. “Not that I'm judging.”

“Eric's right,” Chad said. “You want to fuck her so bad you think she wants to fuck you. And nothing wrong with wanting to bang Hendricks, I would.”

“And again, I find myself agreeing with Chad,” added Vanessa. She grabbed Eric's hand and pressed it to her forehead. “Do I have a fever?”

“No, but you’re super-hot babe,” Eric said, kissing her. “And thanks for the image of you and Christina together.”

“You better put yourself there too babe,” Vanessa said. “If I landed that, you're coming along for the party.”

“Look, would I fuck her?” Andrew asked. “Of course. Hell, I want to fuck her. All I'm saying is she totally wants to fuck me too. So, it wouldn't take much.”

“Guys, can it be official that I'm no longer the one who's so self-obsessed he's delusional?” asked Chad. “Andrew might have just taken the belt.”


Meanwhile at the Casket, Hailee and Camila were playing a game of pool together. Peter and Sabrina were going around the room, thanking everyone there who had helped make the film, so Hailee and Camila decided to kill some time before it was their turn to make the same rounds.

Right now, it was Camila's shot, and she was lining it up as best she could after a few cocktails. She pulled back with the cue and took her shot, sinking the 8 Ball....and losing as it was the first ball she'd actually sunk.

“Well, drunk or sober I suck at pool,” Cami said, setting her cue stick aside and replacing it in her hand with her last drink of the night. “I'd suggest darts next but I think I'd want us both to take a breathalyzer before we decided to throw anything sharp and pointy.”

“Air hockey?” Hailee suggested.

“Nah, let's just sit down and enjoy the downtime before the real fun begins.” The pair left the billiards table behind and took a couple seat facing each other.

They sat in silence for a few second before Camila breathed deep, saying with a smile as she exhaled, “I can't believe we made a fucking movie. A real deal, full blow movie. And what looks to be a GOOD one if the workprint is anything to go by. And look at me, using the word workprint like I'm a real producer.”

“You are now,” said Hailee. “You have yourself an official credit. But yeah...I never thought I'd do something like this so early. Like, I don't even know if I really have an acting career but here I am in my first movie. And I co-produced it! And dating the one of the directors!”

“And you would not believe how much that director and I talked about this kind of stuff when we were younger. Not about me being involved, just about all the cool stuff he wanted to do. I got to help that dream come true. That...that's just cool.”

“What kind of stuff did you want to do when you were a kid?” Hailee asked. “I mean Peter wanted to make movies all his life...what about you?”

“Nothing my parents really approved of.” Camila answered. “Which is why I'm working at the family business right now.” Camila took a noticeable pause, followed by another sip of her drink. It was enough of a signal to let Hailee know to stay away from that subject for the time being. “Speaking of the office, soooo not going to miss that place for a week.”

“I'm still shocked we got that time off.”

“Don't be. When I asked Daddy personally for the time off, I mentioned the fact that both you and I took on extra shifts and filled in or anyone who was sick, including during the weeks leading up the midterm and he saw that as a deed worthy of a week off for the both of us. Daddy's a big fan of rewarding hard work.”


“Don't mention it,” said Camila. “You're not just dating my best friend, you're one of MY friends now. So…I do favors for my friends. Regardless you're welcome. You and Pete really need this. At least I got some kind of regular sleep. What was he surviving on, two or three hours a night?”

“If he was lucky. He and Sabrina actually started sleeping in shifts to get through editing along the way. I got maybe a half hour more sleep. I'm surprised we made it honestly. I'm honestly shocked I was able to spell my name on any of the midterms let alone walk away from those tests confident. I swear the movie was the most fun and challenging thing I've ever done but I'm SO glad it's over and things to get back to normal. I'm all kinds of antsy.”

“Antsy? About what?”

“Well...with work and school and the movie and all of that...well Peter and I haven't...you know...since the day after Valentine's Day. So…a bit of a dry spell. We've just been so exhausted and…I just REALLY want some time alone with him and this vacation is just the doctor ordered.”

“Well I'm happy to let you know the walls of the bedrooms in the lake house are SUPER thick so...have at it,” Camila said, getting a laugh out of Hailee. “I'm actually feeling kind of bad about Peter driving one of the vans now. I mean I could do it too, no problem.”

“Hey, plead your case to the driver. I don't think a four hour plus drive is the best idea but he thinks he can handle it. And I'll be upfront making sure he doesn't conk out, crash into Jake's van and send us careening to our deaths.”

“Well, on that note I think I might have to get one more drink,” Camila said, making them both laugh. “A week away from it all. No work, no school, no pressure.”

“Here's to that,” Hailee said, raising her glass to Camila's who met it with a friendly clink. Spring Break was off to a good start.


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“Now this is how you cap off midterms,” said Taylor Swift. She and Norman were relaxing on the couch in her living room, celebrating the night in their own way. There was a good red wine on the table alongside a miniature chocolate fountain, a platter of fruit and cubed up pound cake next to it. Her legs were draped over his lap and the pair clinked glasses and sipped in celebration of the beginning of Spring Break.


“And In under a day we'll be on a plane to Mexico for a week.” Norman added.

“Couldn't think of a person I'd rather spend it with more,” said Taylor. The pair kissed, sending a war sensation through them both. Taylor had never been in a relationship like this. Not even Karlie. She was actually in love. Real love. And Norman felt the same way. They'd already said those words to each other, but Taylor wanted to say even more and she was getting ready to tonight.

“Same here.” answered Norman. “Plus, chocolate melted over fruits and cake...always a good call.”

“And a delicious one. And though I do love our current positions on the couch, how about we move it to the floor before we dig in. Spilled chocolate is a lot easier to get out of wood paneling than the fabric of the couch.”

They got up and moved around to the front of the table, near the fireplace. Taylor and Norman set their wine glasses down and leaned towards each other for a kiss.

“So, what do you want to try first?” asked Taylor. “Strawberry, banana, piece of cake? I'm thinking a strawberry for me.” Taylor picked up a nice, big and juicy strawberry, holding it with her fingers and held it under one of the streams of the chocolate fountain, covering the bright red surface in dark chocolate and getting a bit on her fingers.

“Isn't that hot?” he asked.


“Not really. Just nice and warm, just enough to keep it melty.” Taylor put the strawberry down on a coaster then dipped her finger into the liquid chocolate. “See?” She then brought the chocolate covered digit to Norman's mouth where he happily sucked it clean. “How'd that taste?”

“Delicious, as you said.” Norman stuck his finger in the chocolate now too, bringing it to Taylor's collarbone and smearing it there. He then began to lick the bittersweet liquid up, and possibly do more when Taylor stopped him. “Something wrong?”

“Far from it, lover,” she said. “It's just. I need to tell you something.”

“What's that?”

“How...how happy I am we're together. I mean, knowing my history and yours, it wouldn't seem like we even should be together. I mean let's be honest, I fucked you for favors more than a few times and most of my relationships have been based more on...well. I don't know what to call it but it wasn't love. I wasn't in love with Karlie. It was fun fucking her. And honestly, I could have treated her better. I don't miss her though. Or the constant feud with Katy Perry and the other sorority. Or any of the sorority stuff for that matter. But being with you, I know what she and I had wasn't love. I'm…I'm really happy I'm not that person anymore with you. Even though if I'm going to be honest, had a lot of great sex and a lot of fun. But this...I think I like this more. Thank you for loving me.”


Taylor reached for Norman's hand, holding it tight.

“I think I should be thanking you,” he said. “I mean you're not the only one who did shady things. And if I'm going to be honest, I can't say I saw myself ending up with you. I'm glad that's how it turned out. I like who I am with you. Still shady...but a lot less sleazy.”


Taylor laughed a bit. “Well, I don't know...I kind of like having that sleaze all to myself now. Again, full honesty...you’re one of the few people who I fucked to make things happened I actually enjoyed it. And now that we're together...I think I get even more out of you. As well as give you and only you every last dirty thing I have...unless of course we decide that maybe three isn't really crowd.”

“Is that a green light for a threesome? Because I can get really sleazy in triplicate.”

“You're going to have to show me that sometime Normie,” she said, the soft smile she was wearing taking on a more sensual turn. “But until then, how about I get all of that sleazy side to myself?” Taylor removed the t-shirt she was wearing and went to unbutton the top of her cut off shorts. “I think you can handle the rest babe.”

Norman gladly took up that challenge. He placed his hands on her ankles, moving his hands up her gorgeous legs, parting them ever so slightly until Norman finally reached Taylor's thighs. Taylor felt a hot chill as his palms glided over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs to the outer and returned to moving upward to her jeans. He gave Taylor a wink before taking a firm grip of those Daisy Dukes, also taking the helm of her panties. He pulled them down, Taylor lifting her ass up from the floor to help. Her legs soon followed, Taylor raising them up as Norman pulled them off and set them aside. He rested her calves on her shoulder. He turned his head, kissing both legs as he started to lie down and take position between her legs.

Taylor follow suit, laying back and leaning on her elbows. She watched as Norman moved between her legs, planting a trail of the sweetest kisses up her legs. He went past her waiting pussy and kissed Taylor stomach up to her breasts, still covered by her blue satin bra. Norman reached around and unhooked the stitch of clothing that remained on Taylor.

Taylor's breath was baited, watching Norman's every move. He reached back toward the chocolate and dipped his fingers in. He drizzled it from her chest down, stopping just before her pubes began. The warm liquid chocolate tickled Taylor's skin and let out a giggle. That sexy little giggle gave way to a moan when Norman began to take care of all that chocolate.

Norman's hands cupped her breasts, pressing them together as his tongue licked the bittersweet treat from her flesh. He sucked her pink nipple into his mouth, the suction pulling the tender flesh into before releasing it with a soft pop.

Norman's hands followed his mouth down Taylor's body. They moved from her breasts to her abdomen, gently resting there as he kissed his way down to her stomach, licking the chocolate up where it had pooled a bit at her navel.

And all while Norman had a dessert buffet on her body Taylor looked on at him, her mouth open and smiling. Her stomach rose and fell with every tender caress of his tongue. The lower his mouth went, the more she felt the anticipation building inside her. And when his tongue finally hit that sweet spot she was waiting for between her legs.

“Mmm yessss,” she hissed. Taylor's hands balled up tight when Norman began kissing around her slit. Sweet little phantom kisses, contact with a ghost of a tease. Every touch of his mouth to her glistening pussy was a flash of color in Taylor's head. Blue, pink, and a burning red when the heat was all the way up. Her breaths gave way to moans as her hips began to move independently of her. With every wave of pleasure, they made their own way, swaying and bucking in response to Norman's oral skills. Normally she hands would be on the back of his head, grasping at his hair, almost guiding him along. But ever since their Valentine's Day date, she'd been a lot more willing to give up some control to him. The benefits could be simply delicious.

A quake went through Taylor body when he began softly sucking and caressing her clit with his tongue. Norman's hands still held her by the hips, but gave her more than enough give to move with the waves of pleasure.

Taylor would have happily taken this treatment all night, but there would be time for that in Cabo. Now, she had a mighty need for something a bit firmer than a tongue.

“Mmm. Normie...Normie stand up,” she said. After placing one last kiss on her pussy, he did just that. The moment he was on his feet, Taylor was on her knees, her hands taking care of his zipper and tugging his pants down like she was in a race. “Take your shirt off too...step out of the pants... all of it off.”

Norman grinned, pulling his shirt off and stepping out of his pants. He was now as bare and her and Taylor took immediate advantage. Most of the time when she sucked his cock, she loved taking her time, working him up to an eruption that would make Old Faithful look like a dollar store squirt gun.

However, at that moment, she attacked his cock, taking him in to the root at the first swipe.

“Oh shit!” Norman said. Now it was his turn to balls his hands up into fists. Taylor's hands gripped his ass, holding him in place as she held his cock in her throat. After a few moments she released him, gleaming streams of saliva connecting his pole to her lips. She gasped for air as her hands pumped his slick cock. Then, without a word, she went back to his cock, sucking him off with a pace, fury and skill that Norman had rarely seen. Even before dating her he knew Taylor could suck a dick like few others, but when she was in full on beast mode, it was a whole other level. There was no tease, it's was all action.

Taylor could feel herself getting wetter with every pass of her mouth. Every bob of her head on Norman's cock making her want him inside her more and more. She removed her mouth from his cock and looked up at him. “Fuck me Normie,” she said. Nothing more. Nothing else was needed.

Taylor laid back down, he legs open and waiting for her lover. Norman took his spot, kissing Taylor's full lips as his cock entered her. Her tongue massaged his as her legs wrapped around his waist. Norman's arms followed suit, wrapping around Taylor and holding her up from touching the ground.

Norman sat up, pulling Taylor up with him. Their eyes locked, matching lusty smiles on their faces. Taylor held her hands behind her back, once more giving the keys to the kingdom to Norman. “Fuck me,” she said once more. “No more waiting.”

Holding Taylor tight, he kissed her tits and began to thrust up inside her, Taylor breathing deep as he began giving her what she wanted. Norman squeezed her peach of an ass as he drove into Taylor's velvet cavern, grunting and growling as she moaned and cooed for him.

Taylor's head hung back, her golden locks almost glowing in the firelight. Her face was angelic in the reddish orange glow, every thrust making her moan in a new pitch, a quick smile to flash over her face. And as Norman looked at that erotic sight, his eyes once more fell upon the chocolate fountain. His hand went from Taylor's ass and to the fountain dipping deep and bringing it back to her chest, almost panting her skin with the rich dark chocolate and bringing the last remaining bit to her lips, the blonde sucking it from her lover's fingers while his tongue cleaned up the mess he'd just made on her tits.

“Taylor!” Norman groaned. He was going full speed inside of her, her chocolate smeared tits bouncing with the force of his thrusts. He laid her back down on the floor, laying on top of her. Taylor's ankles locked around his waist.

“Ohh...mmm fuck me Normie! Gonna cum…make me cum…fucking make me cum baby!” Taylor’s voice echoed in her apartment. Her pleads to be fucked soon morphed into loud moans. Her arms joined her legs, wrapping around her lover and gripped him tight. Her nails dug into his back as Norman made quick, shallow thrusts inside of her.

Taylor's moans were soon muffled by Normans lips, pressing against her in a series of sloppy, hungry kisses, the pair still tasting hints of the bittersweet dark chocolate on each other.

“I love you,” Norman whisper-grunted in Taylor's ear. He slowed down a bit, giving her a few slow, deep pumps of his cock. “Cum for me.” He traced his fingers around her lips, Taylor's pink tongue extending to lick the digits. “Cum on my cock...just for me.”

“Oh...mmm...unnnngg...yes....yessss,” Taylor whined, her eyes shut tight as the fuse was lit. With every hard, deliberate stroke inside of her Taylor was pushed closer and closer to the cliff until finally she was thrown over into the crashing waves of pleasure below.

“NORMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Taylor yelled before crashing hers lips into his once more. She hungrily sucked on his tongue and held him tight as pleasure quaked through her body, her nails leaving marks on his back as her body.

After a time that felt like both eternity and all too brief, Taylor's body relaxed, releasing Norman from her sweet embrace. But she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. Because he hadn't reached his finishing point. Taylor rose up, a devilish grin on her face and pushed Norman back. She then reached for the chocolate fountain herself and got between his legs. She started jacking his cock, mixing the dark chocolate with her own juices before bringing her lips forward.

Her burning blue eyes looked at him before kissing the tip. She then gingerly licked it, savoring the taste she had created, licking her lips after every swipe. Norman again balled his fists, trying to keep his eyes wide open and watching as Taylor worked her magic.

She gave him a wink as she moved to the base of his cock. She gave his balls a few licks before kissing the orbs and licking her back up to the tip and then back down. She kissed and licked all around his poled, licking the chocolate-Swift mix-up before finally taking Norman into her mouth.

She was slower this time. Not iceberg slow but not the rapid pace of before. Every trace of her tongue was like a laser show in Norman's head. Just the right amount of tease. Releasing his cock with a pop and blowing her hot breath on the saliva covered tip, making him shiver from the cool yet hot breath. Taylor tickled his balls and licked the tip of his dick like an ice cream cone.

Norman voice croaked out a moan. Now he was up against that same cliff, being pushed over hard and fast by his blonde sex devil of a girlfriend. Every bob of her head made him lose a couple more inches until he was finally at the edge of the cliff as well.

“T-taylor...CUMMING!” he shouted, Taylor having pushed him over with a tongue tornado on his crown. With a loud series of grunts, he shot his load in her mouth, Taylor happily moaning with every stream of hot white cum Norman shot in her mouth.

Finally, when his cock began to soften, Norman fell back on the floor. He craned his head up, seeing Taylor playing with her last mouthful of jizz before swallowing it, licking her lips with a satisfied, “Mmmmm.” She then crawled up Norman's body, kissing her way to his lips, giving him a deep passionate kiss before snuggling in beside him. Cabo was going to be fun.



While the Whisky Casket was buzzing with students letting off weeks of pent up steam, Love's other bar was busy as well. The faculty bar was where the professors and instructors were doing some celebrating of their own, and at a corner booth Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie were sharing a couple drinks and laughs.

“To the midpoint,” said Scarlett, raising her vodka cranberry to clink with Margot's martini. The glasses met and the ladies each took a sip from their glasses. “This semester has been way more eventful than I could have guessed.”

“Big time,” Margot said. “I never would have imagined that my boss, who I have had sex with many a time, would join me in a threesome with my fiancé all while I'm having...other fun.” Margot giggled, blushing a bit. “And it all made things so much better for my relationship, which was honestly a big and wonderful surprise.”

“Well glad to know all that fun was also helpful.” replied Scarlett. “Nice to hear things are going great for you two.”

“Better than great. I mean he wouldn't mind a sequel to that. Honestly neither would I. Then I started telling him about...you and me. Turned him on even more. I even told him about...another man I've been fucking. And Jay was so turned on. I think he want to double team me with Rick. I can't believe it. I do believe we created a monster Scarlett.”

“Sounds like fun monster though. Wouldn't mind making that new threesome you and Jay are planning a foursome.”

“You're more than welcome of course,” said Margot. “Though I thought you getting friendly with that Chris fellow might prohibit such fun.”

“That's...complicated,” Scarlett said, sipping from her drink. “Mostly on my end. There's a lot of baggage. Mostly on my end. We're just taking things slow. A getting to know you again kind of grace period. I'm hopeful. Doesn't mean I can't have some fun of my own.”

“Good to know. You plan on seeing him any time soon?”

“Tomorrow actually. Going for a jog together. Getting hot and sweaty, just not in my usual way.”

“Hey, it's something,” Margot said. “Besides, who knows what's going to happen when you have to hit the showers.”

“Cheers to that,” said Scarlett, clinking her glass against Margot's once more. “And one more thing about your next planned three way.”

“What's that boss?”

“Go for the DP,” Scarlett said with a wicked grin. “May be a bit challenging at first, but trust me Margot, So worth it.”


With both of the bars Love owned being huge successes, sometimes she didn't get to sleep in her own home. Work had to be done. Fortunately, most of the concerns a single mother would have with that situation were taken care of. She had plenty of people to she could rely on to watch her young son, including an ex-husband who she had a surprisingly good relationship with.

The other aspect one would think she’d have to worry about was sleeping. Historically speaking, no one favored sleeping on the couch save for drunks and dogs. Fortunately, Jennifer had put a solution to that in her place of business as well. Her office was less of an office and more of a big studio apartment. Halfway to a loft, she did have a traditional desk set up with a couple of chairs and a couch. She also had a small mini fridge, bathroom and a king-sized bed for when she had to work late and needed a place to sleep.

Of course, there was another, less official purpose for the room. It was another one of Love's traditions. It hadn't started out that way. The first time she had one of these post-midterm celebrations, she'd end up sleeping with one of the patrons. A student at the school. Then it happened again at the next big event. Before too long Love accepted the fact that she had become a cougar on the prowl. And she didn't mind it one bit.

Tonight, was no exception. Love had found a new lover for the night. All she had was a name, Jason. That was all she really needed. She at least wanted a name to moan out. Though when they burst through the door of her office/bedroom combo, her mouth was too muffled by his lips and tongue to do much verbalizing.

Jason kicked the door shut behind them and Jennifer had spun them so he was against her desk. The kiss broke and Love entranced him with her sparkling brown eyes.

“You're a very lucky man Jason,” she said. “I don't mean to too my own horn, but we're both going to have a wonderful time.” Jennifer pulled back and peeled off her shirt, Jason being a completely attentive audience. That attention only got more focused when she removed her bra as well, leaving the student's jaw wide open.


“You know, you can touch them,” she said with a grin, fondling and squeezing her own tits in front of the stunned lad. “And do a lot more than that. I didn't take the girls out to be just a display piece.”

With the invitation received, Jason went forward and did what instinct demanded with those tits, making Jennifer gasp in delight as his mouth covered her breasts in kisses and caresses of his tongue. There was an insistence behind everything he was doing with her tits. One of pure lust that always drove Love crazy. She knew she had amazing tits and loved when they were appreciated, especially with such gusto.

Jennifer pull his face up to her, kissing him, sucking on his tongue as she moved him back against her desk. “You've seen some of me,” she said. “My turn to see some of you.”

She squatted down until her face was level with Jason's crotch. Jennifer looked up at him, a look of sexy cockiness on her face as she removed his hard dick from its denim confines. “Very nice Jason. This is going to be more fun that I thought.”

“Thanks,” he clumsily said, words struggling to come to his mouth as Jennifer began to stroke him. It was gentle at first, just enough to send shivers up his. Jennifer loved starting out like this, watching the man's face start to lost in a haze of pleasure, not even fully aware that haze was going to turn into a full-blown London fog.

“Oh wow,” Jason croaked. Love had started to take him in her mouth. Just like when she stroked him, it was soft at first, just wrapping her lips around the head and gently rolling her tongue around the sensitive tip. Her eyes were closed but the picture was painted in her mind of him, his face fading into a look of pleasure, his hands white knuckled while they gripped the edge of her desk. It's what she loved about the whole cougar schtick. True, men a bit closer to her age knew a lot more about how to please her just from experience. But she just got a thrill like no other with these college men. Young, virile, like a wild stallion that need to be tamed.

If Jennifer had been looking at Jason she would have seen that the picture she had in her head was spot on. Jason stared down at her as the brunette bombshell began to suck him deep into her mouth, her well-manicured nails softly tickling his balls. It was really a site to see. His brain couldn't even fully comprehend it as it was happening. Something like this happening to him, the beautiful bar maid that every guy on campus wanted to fuck was sucking him off in her office. And she had made the move on him. He was completely in the palm of her hand, watching his cock get covered in her saliva as Love's head bobbed back and forth on his dick. He made little grunts and groans as her tongue worked him over. Snaking all around his shaft, licking furious at his glans. It was like she had a blue print to his cock and knew just how to work him.

Finally, Jennifer opened her eyes to get a glimpse at her boytoy. His head was rolling back as she once more focused solely on his mushroom tip, making out with the tender flesh. She felt him tremble a bit at her tongue’s sensual movements. Jennifer loved toying with her men like this. At this moment she knew he was probably thinking it could get much better than this. But it was, for both of them.

Love released his cock with a pop then stood up, her hand gently grasped Jason's cock and led him to her bed, releasing his dick only to softly push him down on it. “Now for the real fun,” she said. Once more his eyes were glued to Jennifer, watching as her jeans and panties went the way of her shirt and bra, being discarded and leaving her totally nude. “Looks like you're overdressed...you should do something about that.”


Jason broke from his daze long enough to throw off his jack and shirt while Love did the deed of removing his pants completely, his shoes coming off in the process.

“Now we're talking,” Love said with a sexy grin. She began to crawl on the bed, tapping her nails on the flesh of Jason’s thighs as she worked up his body. She gave his cock a long, slow lick as she moved up still, leaving a sweet kiss on the tip before her lips moved up his stomach to his chest.

Finally loved reached Jason's face, licking his lips before planting a kiss on them. She rubbed her wet cunt against his cock, teasing them both and making her ache to be filled and him to fill her.

“Tell me you want to fuck me,” she said. Love lifted her crotch up a little and reach down to grab Jason's dick, rubbing his sensitive head against her lips. “Say it....and say my name.”

“I…oh fuck...I want to fuck you Jennifer...mmm I want to so bad...” sputtered Jason.

“Do you need it?” teased Jennifer, almost pressing his cock against her opening. “Do you need this pussy?”

“Yessss,” he growled. “I fucking need it.”

“Good.” replied Love. She slowly slid down on his cock, breathing deep as he sunk deeper and deeper inside of her.

“FUCK yes,” Jason said. He moved his hands to Love's legs, gripping them as he filled her to the hilt.

“Mm…your cock feels so good inside me baby,” Love said, her voice sensual and tender. “Has anyone ever told you that before? How good you cock feels? How amazing it is to be filled by you?”

“No,” he said. Jennifer had to laugh a bit. There was no better truth serum than pussy. “You feel amazing...oh shit your pussy is perfect.”

“Mmm baby you haven't felt anything yet.” Love began a slow ride on Jason's cock, working and grinding hips very softly with every rise and fall. “Nice and slow...just like that honey. I want to feel every inch of that cock in me.”

“Oh shit...oh holy hell.” Jason's hands moved to grip Love's butt, squeezing her cheeks while his cock experienced the wonder of Jennifer Love Hewitt's exquisite pussy. It hugged him tight, the warm and wet caverns almost milking him as she rode him. His back would arch when she moved a certain way, Love knowing exactly how to make him squirm beneath her. Just knowing what she was doing to him was an aphrodisiac, turning her on even more.

And the more she got turned on, the faster she moved on him. And as Love moved faster, her tits swayed and jiggled. The beautiful funbags became even more irresistible to Jason. He finally moved, sitting up so he could once more suckle on those magnificent boobs.

“Yes, suck those titties Jason....fuck me...and suck those tits...” Love pulled Jason closer to her, burying his face in her tits and giving him a bit more control. Keeping one hand on her tits, her moved the other back to Jennifer's ass, gripping it tight as he began to thrust into her. “FUCK...oh yes baby...just like that...feels so good...harder...just little...mmmmyeah....”

Love let out a big, happy moan as he drove into her. Every fast, desperate stroke into her driving her wild. That was one of the many things she loved about younger men. So eager to please and hungry. They followed her lead, paid attention because they just wanted to make her cum, like they had something to prove.

Jason lifted love up just a bit only to lay her back down. He moved her legs, hooking them on his shoulders, letting him drive even deeper into Love's pussy, a proposition that made the experienced woman's eyes roll in the back of her head.

“Oh YES!” she cried. “So fucking deep! Faster Jason...give it to me baby...nice and deep!”

The pair kissed again as Jason gave into every one of Jennifer's demands. They were forehead to forehead, eyes locked as his cock slammed into her. Jennifer kept talking urging Jason on, every word making him go crazier with lust.

“Yeah...yeah just like that...fuck it...fuck my pussy baby...don't stop...gimme that perfect cock honey...every inch...don't stop...don't even think about it....”

Jason had so many thoughts going through his head that words wouldn't come. And they weren't needed. Love didn't want his words, she had it perfectly clear the only thing she wanted was his cock. And little by little, JLH gave him more control. Not too much though. Jason was all too aware who was in charge.

“Bend me over,” Love gasped. “Put me on all fours and fuck me...make me cum…I want to cream all over that hot cock of yours baby...”

With one more rough kiss, Jason pulled out of Jennifer, watching as the vixen sexily crawled to the head of the bed. She grabbed the bars of her head board and arched her back, all the while Jason watched, stroking his cock at the site. Love looked over her shoulder, and inviting gaze on her face. “Get over here and fuck me Jason...make me cum.”

Jennifer turned her face forward and waited just a few seconds for Jason's rock-hard dick to fill her once more. She felt him slowly kiss his way up her spine, starting from the beginning of the crack of her ass to her shoulders which got peppered with quick kisses and soft love bites before Jason began to resume his hard pace. Jennifer loved it like this. She always wanted to start off slow, let the embers burn just enough before it turned into a full blaze. And as Jason held her hips tight, taking her cunt with breakneck speed Love felt the heat burning all around her.

Jason slowed down just in the slightest, burying his cock to the hilt in Love and wrapping his arms around her waist. He made slow, shallow pumps inside of her, his moans and grunts growing desperate in her ear. He moved one of his hands to her pussy and began to play with her clit while his pace increased once more.

“Fuck...oh my god yesss!” hissed Jennifer. “Just like that...oh...oh Jason right there...mmm honey I'm gonna cum....make me cum…yes yes yes YES!” Jennifer cried out, her body shaking with intense pleasure. Her voice shook along with her body, a smile on her face as sounds of pleasure poured out like a waterfall.

Her pussy convulsed, grabbing hold of Jason's cock even tighter. And he kept fucking her through it all, holding tight to her hips for dear life as he tried to hold off from unleashing in her womb.

When Love began to come down, she was almost on the verge again when she noticed Jason hadn't just not cum, but he hadn't slowed down. Younger men, so much energy! And such energy and stamina deserved a special reward in her eyes.

“How would you like to fuck my tits Jason?” Love asked as he continued in her pussy. “Wrap my big tits around that cock and fuck 'em till you cum?”

“Fuck yes,” Jason said, answering the question Love already knew the answer to. Jason gave her few more pumps before pulling out of her perfect pussy and Love rolled over on her back, calling him forward with her index finger.

“Mmm take those titties Jason,” moaned Love. “Gimme that cum…all over them.”

Jason followed that order with gusto, climbing up Love's body and sliding his throbbing prick between her massive mounds. Love gave him a wink as she squeezed those tits around him. That wink was the last bit of invitation Jason need as he began thrusting in the valley of flesh that was Jennifer Love Hewitt's tits.

“Oh, baby yeah,” Jennifer said. “Just like that honey...oooh love how that cock feels, throbbing...ready to pop. And I want it all over my body baby. Neck, tits...I even want a taste...fuck my tits...fast...hard...cum for me!”

At this point all Jason could do was moan in response. The words she was spitting out were the perfect garnish to feel of her flesh. And that feel was joined by the occasional lick of his prick head by Love's tongue. Sometimes she'd even stop him for a bit to give that head a quick suck.

“Yeah...just like that baby...so close, aren't you?”

“Nnngh...fuck...yes...really close Love...”

“Then don't stop...cum…shoot it honey...every last drop...” Jason groaned at those words, speeding up, crying out her name as his cock exploded, rope after rope of cum hitting all the spots Jennifer asked for. Some splattering on her chin, more of it pooling on her neck and more than enough covering her amazing tits.

Jason didn't think things could get much better. Jennifer proved him wrong, propping herself up on her elbow and sucking him dry the rest of the way, a few precious streams of his jizz covering her tongue before being swallowed down.

His balls empty, Jason stumbled back on the bed. He was laying back, smiling and gasping for breath and every bit as satisfied as Love herself. And his cock hadn't gone totally soft. When Love saw this, she smiled. The night wasn't over just yet.

She loved her college men.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/150860535_f617d303c9fc8e1690c8178062fc3ad9.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/150860535_f617d303c9fc8e1690c8178062fc3ad9.jpg)

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 03:27:11 PM

Jesse's night could not have gotten better. That's what he told himself. As usual, he and Madelaine had made huge bank by the end of the night. That wasn't unusual. But the fact that they fucked in the break room was. It was also just mind-blowing to him. Had he been attracted to her since day one? Yes. Had they joke-flirted? Every day. But apparently things went far deeper than either of them realized. It wasn't love, Jesse knew that right off the bat. But the attraction was intense enough for Madelaine to throw her relationship to the wind. If she even had one anymore.

They had promised to talk about it after Spring Break was over, with Madelaine going out of town with friends keeping them from talking about it further. But they both agreed that what happened in the break room was nothing more than an extremely good time right now. Not a commitment. Which freed them both up for Spring Break fun.

All that was running through Jesse's head as he pulled into his parking space at his apartment complex. He was still mulling it over as he walked through the glass doors of his apartment building and into the elevator. The only thing that stopped those thoughts was who he saw waiting for him at his door, Selena Gomez.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/150861313_cf0ggj7prtr41.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/150861313_cf0ggj7prtr41.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/150861315_er9wfrlwkakkukm-jpeg.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/150861315_er9wfrlwkakkukm-jpeg.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/77/150861318_img_20200216_154339.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/77/150861318_img_20200216_154339.jpg)

“Hi Jess,” she said with a sexy and sweet smile. “Good night?”

“I think I have this and next month's rent.” he replied. “Drunks love their bikini girls and tip bigger than usual for them.”

“Makes me wish I didn't have the week off,” Selena said. “But I'll keep in mind during the summer.”

“That'll be a sight to see for sure.”

“You've seen a lot more of me.” Selena smiled at him, leaning back on his door. “You're probably going to be seeing a lot of me as soon as we open the door.”

“Am I now?” Jesse asked. He walked up to her and placed a kiss on her plump lips. His hand moved up her shirt as their lips pressed together, tongues entering each other's mouths and caressing each other. His hand glided up her stomach to her breasts and cupped one of them, softly squeezing it in his hand. “Why wait for the door?”

“Not that I don't mind putting on a show...” Selena said. Jesse's mouth was at her neck, kissing her while his hands began to pull up her shirt exposing her tits to the air. His lips then went down to her tits, sucking on her nipples and making the Latina moan a bit before continuing her thought. “...but I think your neighbors might complain if they see you ravaging me instead of just hearing it through the walls...ooooh right there....”

Jesse had slid one of his hands down Selena's pants, inserting his fingers in her wet snatch as he continued to suck on her tits. Selena smiled then bit her lips softly as Jesse's fingers probed inside of her. She ran her fingers through his hair and rested her head on his door. She could easily get lost in this. However, when they both heard the elevator down the hall open up, Jesse scrambled for his keys and took Selena's suggestion.


Once they were both inside and the door closed behind them, they resumed, Selena once more against the door while Jesse took a passionate tour of her body. He began with areas he'd just traversed, tasting her lips again then moving to the flesh of her neck. After that quick familiarization, he pulled back and grabbed the hem of Selena's t-shirt and began to pull it up. Selena lifted her arms up, allowing Jesse to completely remove it.

Selena's chest now bare, Jesse returned his attention to it, kissing and sucking her tits. Selena smiled, a soft moan escaped her. She brought her hand to Jesse's head, stroking his hair as he softly bit on her nipple, tugging it a bit before releasing It and going for the other. From there Jesse began to kiss his way down her stomach. She let out a few giggles as he licked the more sensitive, ticklish parts of her abdomen, licking her navel and blowing on it.

Selena loved it like this. It was one of the reasons Jesse was the first name on her booty call list. She loved the time he took with her body. He never seemed to be in a rush, which was something Selena wished more of her recent lovers had in common with Jesse. Though to be fair, most of those little rendezvous didn't really lend themselves to taking time as they occurred in hotel restrooms or stairwells. Still, a girl liked to be appreciated.

Jesse had gotten to his knees. He looked up at Selena as he began to undo her jeans, tugging them and her underwear down to her knees. He kissed her thighs, his nose breathing in her scent. Jesse brought his finger back to her pussy, but now only tracing his fingers around the wet opening.


Selena shivered, waiting for what would come next. Jesse surprised her a little with that, but it was a good surprise. She let out and excited “Oh!” when Jesse stood up and spun her around, her ass facing him and her face at the door. She peeked over her shoulder and watched Jesse remove his Hawaiian shirt and let his own pants drop to his ankles. He was already hard. No need to wait. Her tongue curled around her teeth as she turned her face back to the door and arched her ass out.

“Take me,” Selena said. “Been thinking about this all night...ooooh!” Selena said. Her voiced trailed into a moan when Jesse filled her tight, hot opening with his hard rod. “There we go...mmm just like that...”

He held on to her hips, slowly sawing into her. “Didn't find...mmm...anyone at your party?” Jesse asked.


“NooOOoo...no...no one really...caught my attention...lucky you...” Selena let out grunt through gritted teeth. Her cheek was pressed against the wooden door, her arms above her and her hands pressed flat as well. Jesse's hands moved up her body to her breasts, squeezing them as he gave her a few hard yet slow thrusts. He went deep in her, to the hilt, then slowly pulled out and repeated it. Every deep thrust making her gasp on moan. “Mmm less talking Jesse...just fuck me...feels so good...”

“No problem Sel,” he said, leaning over and kissing her shoulder. He moved his from her breasts to her waist, wrapping them around her and pulling Selena close as his pace increased. Jesse's buried his face in Selena's neck, every lust-filled noise escaping his mouth going right into Selena's ear and driving her wilder.

“Ah...ah...ah!” Every noise that escaped Selena's mouth came from smiling lips. She took a deep breath when Jesse went deep once again, working his hips while every inch of him was inside her. He was going deep, feeling every bit of Selena's pleasure canal. The Latina pushed back against him, trying to get Jesse's cock even deeper inside of her.

“Bed,” Selena said. “Take me to the bed.” She was having a great time being fucked against the doorway, but right now Selena wanted something a bit comfier.

Jesse complied, giving Selena one more deep thrust before pulling out. She turned back around and was met with another kiss. Jesse and Selena both frantically stepped out of their pants, almost stumbling on their way to the bed. Their kiss was broken up at the laughter at the pair's lustful klutziness.

After that quick stumble they made it to the bed, Jesse laying down and Selena one top of him. They kissed again while Selena reached between them. She grasped his cock and in short order, Jesse's cock was inside her again.


“Oh, fuck yes,” Selena moaned. She rose up, grabbing Jesse's hands and placing them at her hips. Once he took grip, Selena started moving on top of him. Her body moved like a wave, rolling and grinding on top of him. “Mmm feels good huh? I love this cock Jesse....so good...”

“Oh...mmm Selena,” Jesse moaned. They were the only words that would come to his head. The feeling of Selena's pussy one his cock combined with the visual of her riding him took all communicative ability from him. It was a struggle to find the words that would match the act.

Selena braced her hands against Jesse's chest, increasing her speed, riding him faster. His grip moved from her hips to her ass, holding her apple bottom tight. Selena tits shook and jiggled with her increased motion. Her eyes shut, tongue licking her lips. Selena leaned back, her long brown hair brushing against Jesse's legs.

“Oh my GOSH yes!” she howled. “Right there...oh fuck yes Jesse right there!” Jesse had begun to thrust up, Selena letting him take the lead in the dance again. Her voice began to crack as she moaned, the sound coming out like she was on a bumpy ride. Selena's moans then gave away to another surprised yelp as Jesse sat up and gripped her, their lips meeting once more as he flipped Selena on her back.

They stared at each other, sinful smiles on both their faces as Jesse began to drive into her, Selena moaning with every deep thrust.

“Yes...yes...YES!” she cried. “Oh, fuck yes...Jesse...mmm don't stop...feels so fucking good...harder...harder...”

Jesse began to give her just that, going from his longer, deeper thrusts to quick and shallow. Selena moaned her appreciation, grabbing the head board as it began to bang against the wall. Just when she thought the pace was too fast, Jesse would slow down, going deep in her. Never too much of one or the other and just enough to keep her guessing. Selena loved that. But now, it was time to give Jesse a surprise.

“Mmm Jesse...oh baby...,” she said in a gasp. “H-how...would you like something a little different?”

“How different?” he asked before bringing his lips back one of her tits, sucking the nipple as he waited for a reply.

“Well...mmm to be blunt...want to fuck my ass?”

Jesse released her tit with a slight pop, still making his slower thrusts in her pussy. “You serious?”

“Wouldn't suggest it otherwise...” A sly, sexy little smile came over Selena's face. The smile was infectious, as it soon spread to Jesse. He pulled his cock out of her pussy and moved it to the tight opening of her ass. He brought his hand to her crotch and began to rub her clit softly in circles with his thumb.

Selena took a deep breath as she felt his dick begin to press forward. The pressure was definitely relieved a bit by Jesse playing with her clit. Selena's own hand soon joined him. The more he pressed forward, the more a low moan began to emanate from the lusty Latina. When the cock pressed, her eyes shot open and a loud moan of “Yessss!” came from her mouth, ending in a satisfied hiss.

“Ready?” he asked, waiting for a green light from this brown-eyed girl.

“Mmm hmm,” she said, her sexy smile almost glowing. “Take my ass...make us both cum baby.” Selena's lovely legs wrapped around his waist. They both let out moans as he began to work his throbbing cock inside her ass.


The burn was slow at first. Jesse worked his cock in and out of Selena's tight butthole, inching more of himself inside with every thrust, going faster minute by minute.

“Oh..oh...GOD!” Selena cried. “So good....so damn good...oh wow...such good dick...oh Jesse...” Her back arched underneath him, Selena's breasts presenting themselves once more in such away Jesse could not resist them. His returning oral stimulation of her tits brought even more firepower to the party.

“Fuck...oh my God Selena,” Jesse said. His face grimaced as he fought hard to stave off his orgasm. Considering her had Selena Gomez moaning and groaning beneath him, writhing in pleasure with his cock up her ass. Needless to say, it was a titanic challenge.

Selena was on her own edge as well. That familiar heat was over taking her body. A clash of atomic fire and arctic ice colliding and sending flashes of heat through her body and chills up her spine. “Oh my...oh don't stop...faster Jesse...faster...gonna cum....”

Jesse sped up. He went as fast as he could, a move which pushed him past the point of no return.

“SELENA!” he cried out, his cock exploding in her asshole. He kept trying to thrust through it, filling her starfish up with his cum. And the moment that hot liquid splashed her insides Selena came as well, moaning out for Jesse as her asshole clamped down hard on his cock, freezing her lover in place while the last of his jizz was squeezed from his cock.

With his clip empty, Jesse collapsed forward on Selena, kissing from her breasts to her neck as he caught his breath. Selena was in the same boat now, just as wrecked as him and with a big grin on her face.

They were both speechless, but knew what was going to happen next. They'd get up, shower, and Selena would leave. There was no anger over this, that was the agreement they had about this thing of theirs. And neither were ready to make any change in a direction towards commitment. They were having too much fun.

Besides, with Spring Break, neither one of them wanted to be tied down. There was just too much fun to be had.


A nice soak in the tub was just what Madelaine needed after a hectic shift at work. Sure, she had some fun with Jesse in the break room, but the rest of the night was hard work. Serving drunks and dodging their pawing hands was the best cardio workout she'd had in a while.

Still....fucking Jesse was a highlight. Her hands ran over her wet body, caressing her breasts before descending under the water. A smile crept over her face, remembering each and every moment of their sexual encounter. She actually began to blush at all the thoughts. She let him have her ass! She chuckled a bit at it. She almost couldn't believe it...almost. The fact was, she'd been drawn to Jesse for a while. Maybe it was her own boyfriend's prolonged absence playing into it, but still, there was a spark there that was going to start a fire sooner or later. It just so happened to ignite tonight. Or was it this morning? That was one of the many things Madelaine did not like about her job. Since it stretched into the wee morning hours, it always messed up her sense of time.

But even that constant annoyance faded from her mind. Madelaine was just in too good of a mood. Jesse made her feel wanted again and it was exhilarating. Every kiss was something she could still feel. The orgasm was damn near burned into her mind. It made her want to see a lot more of Jesse.

Then Madelaine's thoughts turned back to Jared. She wasn't even bothered by the lack of guilt anymore. She knew it was over between them. Honestly it had been. She wasn't mad. She still cared about him and didn't want to break his heart. But she needed someone. Madelaine needed to feel wanted. And as their calls and facetime got fewer and far between, her heart and body wanted more. The elephant in the room between her and Jared had become avoiding talking about the problem of being apart. While her career was soaring, their young relationship had begun to unravel.

That was something to concern herself with later. Now it was all about the hot water easing her aching legs and getting ready for a week with friends. She absolutely couldn't wait to go to Lake Havasu with Camila, Lili and their friends. A week away from chicken wings and ass-grabbing. A week to cut loose and just have fun again. No responsibilities.

Her only issue was the lack of a plus one. Without Jared, there was no one to bring along. It felt unfortunate, but finding someone to take Jared's spot was too short notice. Jesse was working the entire week and besides, beyond the amazing sex she wasn't sure where they stood.

Madelaine put that thought out of her mind as well as she began to play with her pussy. She wasn't trying to get off, it was almost just to kill time in the warm tub. And like always, time seemed to melt away. When she had gotten in it was two and now it was almost three in the morning. As Madelaine didn't want to fall asleep in the bath tub, she got out, dried off and slid on her robe.

Just as she had stepped out of the bathroom, her roommate, Selena Gomez, entered the apartment, a smile just as big as hers was on her face. A sure sign that she'd had some fun with Jesse tonight as well. To Madelaine's surprise, there wasn't a hint of jealousy. Jesse wasn't dating either of them. It was all sex.

“Someone's in a good mood,” Madelaine said, pausing from her beeline to her bedroom to lean on the kitchen counter. “Good party?”

“It was all right.” Selena replied. She took a seat on the couch, Madelaine joining her. “I think the after party was FAR more fun and eventful.”

“Care to give any details?” asked Madelaine. “I had a pretty exciting night as well...wouldn't mind swapping stories.”

“Maybe in the morning...or...you know, later this morning. I swear working at Knockers has REALLY messed up my sense of time.”

“Tell me about it,” Madelaine said with a smile. “Off to bed then?”

“Shower first, but yeah. Why?”

“I was wondering what your Spring Break plans were? You got the same week off I did.”

“Thanks for that by the way.”

“I didn't have that much to do with it. You pulled off triple shifts in addition to all the school and acting stuff. You showed serious commitment and it paid off.”

“Thanks for that too. But...I think I might just be lazy for a bit. I mean I know there are a bunch of parties next week but...I don't know. I feel kind of over college parties right now. Knockers is like a frat party I have to clock in for.”

“How about some parties far away from here?” asked Madelaine. She did still have a plus one invite from Camila.

“I'm listening...”

“Well, how about you join me on my trip? I can bring a plus one. I'm sure they were expecting my boyfriend, but I don't think I have one right now. So…you in? Free of charge. Except for you know, restaurants and stuff like that. We have a place to stay and everything.”

“Sounds fun actually. I wouldn't mind a change of scenery. When do we leave?”


The morning after the Whisky Casket blowout meant pretty much everyone was asleep at eight in the morning on Saturday. But not everyone. Some people had to work. Luckily for one of those workers, Victoria Justice, she loved her job.

After her little tryst in the gym...followed by another scrumptious tryst with her new pal Kelli Berglund, Victoria had found herself in the employ of Bella Thorne. It was a pitch she couldn't resist. Having dirty, dirty sex and getting paid for it? It sounded like the perfect pairing of work and play for Victoria. It was a very easy yes.

She had already gotten several rave reviews, and was on her way to a new customer. And from his specific instruction, he was going to be fun. He was a professor by the name of Jacob Winfield, though Victoria's instructions were to either call him Mr. Winfield or Professor. Nothing in between. She wasn't one of her instructors, which was against Bella's rules, but she'd seen him a few times on campus. He looked tame enough, but with the instructions he'd given Victoria was expecting a healthy bit of dirtiness.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150863925_51617886_victoria-justice_fouad-jreige-ps-2017-001.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150863925_51617886_victoria-justice_fouad-jreige-ps-2017-001.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150863926_51617887_victoria-justice_fouad-jreige-ps-2017-002.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150863926_51617887_victoria-justice_fouad-jreige-ps-2017-002.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150863948_103233440_v-1.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150863948_103233440_v-1.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150863955_103233441_v-2.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150863955_103233441_v-2.jpg)

She was dressed to his specifications. Super short skirt and a button up blouse. Glasses too, thick, black rimmed. She was also wearing knee high boots. That was where Winfield had been lenient with his request of either thigh high or knee high. Victoria went with what she thought worked best with her outfit. And underneath It was a simple white bra and panty set. Though the instructions on the panties were very specific, they had to be white cotton.

She walked up to the building where Winfield held his history class and swept a keycard through it. One of the perks of the job. She had his room memorized, 32B. The instructions were clear. She was to knock on the door and wait for him to welcome her in. Play in the part of an innocent student willing to do anything for the grade. Cliché? Yes. But the money was good...and according to Kelli so was the dick.

Victoria knocked on the door and sheepishly opened it. She took a deep breath and then got into character. “M-Mr. Winfield?” she asked, her voice jittery and nervous. “May I come in?”

“Yes Victoria,” he replied, his voice authoritative but tired. “I'm quite busy, but I think I can spare the time for a student in your predicament.”

“My predicament?” Victoria asked. She was fully immersed in the character, letting Winfield take the lead and reacting to him. Feeding him. “W-what do you mean?”


“Take a seat, Ms. Justice,” Winfield said, getting up from behind his desk and walking towards the slender sexpot. Victoria followed the order, sitting the front row of the classroom. She watched Winfield approach her, keeping that timid state going while admitting to herself he was turning her on. She liked the authority he was putting on. Made him confident. She couldn't help but feel a strong desire to see what's next.

Winfield paced back and forth in front of her, his hands behind his back. Finally, he paused in front of her. “I'm sure you're aware of your current academic position in the class. Dead last. Not even a curve could help you honestly.”

“Really?” Victoria asked. “I didn't know it was that bad...it's just, well history isn't my strong suit...”

“Believe me Ms. Justice, I've noticed.”

“But I try! I do try...please Mr. Winfield, let me try harder. I need to pass this class to keep my scholarship.”

“I'm well aware of both of those fact. The fact I see you trying so hard is the only reason I agreed to meet you.” A sinister smile crossed his face. It cut through the facade of the roleplay and turned Victoria on. She hid it well, but her eyes gave it away. Luckily Winfield liked that very much. They were going to have some serious fun.

“I'm going to make you an offer Ms. Justice. While it is true that no grading curve can really help you, a little more of a…personal touch might. I might even be willing to help some of those pesky test scores and be a bit more...lenient with your essay assignments.”

“Would you?” Victoria asked, hopeful but nervous.

“Of course.” he replied. “For a price of course.” The moment that sentence ended his hands went for his belt, unbuckling it. Victoria wanted to smile. The fun part was actually here. Sure, playing the part added a bit of spice to it all, but at the end of the day she was doing this for dick just as much as she was money. But still...he was the customer.

“If...if it'll help sir,” she said. “What do you want me to do?”

“Get on your knees,” Winfield demanded. “And open that sexy little mouth of yours. I want to see that tongue.”

Victoria nodded, adding a gulp to it to spice it all up. Give Winfield a little sizzle with the steak. She stood in front of him then descended to her knees. She looked up at him, putting on a face of innocence, her brown eyes sensual and pleading. She opened her mouth, letting the pink tongue within hang out ever so slightly.

“Good girl, just like that.” With his belt unbuckled Winfield unzipped and let his pants fall to his ankles, his boxer shorts following. He held his cock and Victoria's eyes went wide. It was grand, one of the best she'd seen since she started with Bella. Nice and thick. Winfield was really giving her a treat.

“Keep that mouth open Ms. Justice,” he said, stroking his throbbing prick. “I'm going to fuck your face. You don't have a problem with that, do you?”

“N-no sir,” said Victoria. “If it will help my grade, I'm more than happy to.”

“Good girl,” he said. Second after her slid his cock into her mouth and grabbed the lovely Latina's head and shoved himself in, going right into her throat on the first swipe. It shocked Victoria, but she wasn't that phased.

Winfield already knew he liked this girl as he held himself in her throat for a bit. With Victoria's nose buried in his trimmed nest of pubic hairs, he made a mental note to put her on his call back list the next time he had a hunger for one of Bella's special ladies.

Winfield grunted when he pulled his cock out of Victoria's mouth. The sexy little whore gulped for air while Winfield smacked his cock all over face, loving how his hard meat bounced of her perfect cheekbones and the mix of thick saliva and precum stained those glasses.

Once Victoria had caught her breath, she dutifully looked up at him and opened her mouth again. Winfield grinned at her and took his cock right back into her mouth, giving that sexy face the kind of fucking her just knew it demanded.


The sound of sloshing slobber filled the room as Winfield's cock ravaged the beauty's mouth. He was filthy, a total pervert. Winfield was right up Victoria's alley. She couldn't help but break character just a little and slide her hand under her panties to finger herself while Winfield had his skullfucking fun.

When Victoria let out a soft moan, Winfield grinned. He loved it when his paid-for partners loved the action just as much as he did. And when he saw Victoria's hand down her skirt, working herself Winfield knew that pussy deserved something a bit more substantial than a couple of fingers.

Winfield pulled out of Victoria's well fucked mouth and signaled for her to get up, which she did shortly. “Lift your skirt, Ms. Justice.” Victoria nodded and did so, pinching the bottom of her skirt and lifting it to her stomach. Winfield dropped to his knees, looking with glee hidden by a stern face at the granted request of cotton panties. A lot of men loved the look of lace or satin, but the simplicity of white cotton could not be beaten in his eyes. Especially when it came to giving away exactly how wet his lovers were. And Victoria's arousal could not be denied. He pulled them down to Victoria's ankles and stood up.

“Go over and sit on the desk, now.” Victoria nodded, stepping out of her discarded underwear and got in position on the desk, but with her knees so close together they could hold up an aspirin. “Open your legs and keep that skirt lifted, Ms. Justice.”

Victoria once more followed orders. Her skirt was up and her legs were open. Winfield made his way over to her, his cock grazing against her inner thigh. She looked at him, her eyes still doing their best to project innocence with a hint of caution while he bodies demands were quite something else. Winfield began to unbutton Victoria's blouse from bottom to top. His eyes were glued to the work of his hands. Her licked his lips, his own cravings increasing as he saw more and more of Victoria's bare flesh.

Soon it was just a peak of her stomach, then that gave way to the whole tight package...then the chest was revealed, her breasts covered by a bra. He slid the blouse off of her, Victoria letting it fall from her shoulders on to Winfield's desk.


“Show me your tits Ms. Justice,” he demanded. Once more Victoria followed his order, unhooking her bra and letting it lie alongside the blouse. Winfield let the serious demeanor fade when he got a gander of those fabulous breasts. Perky and perfectly proportioned. No sag or droop. Absolutely delicious with wonderful dark nipples.

“Ohhh Professor,” Victoria moaned. His mouth was on her breasts, covering them with saliva. She hissed, her lips curling into a sneer while he bit down on her nipple. Not too hard, but with just enough force to give her a jolt. Especially when he tugged.

While Victoria was reveling in the tough treatment of her breasts with Winfield’s love bites and tugs and his hand roughly pawing and squeezing them, he used his other hand to direct his dick into her tight folds. Victoria rolled her head back, letting out a low cry of pleasure as she was filled to the brim in one swift thrust.

“There we go,” Winfield said. “That's right...cock right in your tight young pussy...oh yessss...tell me what you want Victoria...”

Winfield reached for the back of Victoria's head pulled her forward, bringing her eyes to his once again. “Fuck me...fuck my pussy...I'll do anything you want...anything...ohhhhhh Professor Winfield....”


Every word that came from Victoria's mouth was dripping with that same sweet innocence as before. She was taming herself, keeping character for what her customer needed. But she was having an amazing time. Kelli was right, this was some quality dick. Victoria loved it when a man knew what he was doing and how to do it. He was rough, course but didn't mistake that for cruel. He fucked her hard, ruthless even, but never did he crossover to sadistic. Hard, rough, pure lust. Pure fucking. His cock pistoning in and out of her sopping cunt. She was being fucked senseless and loved it.

“FUCK ME!” she yelled. “Don't stop...please…oh please Mr. Winfield...I need your cock...don't stop fucking me...make me earn those grades! I want an A so badly...”

“You're earning one...mmm such a delightful tramp you are....” Winfield yanked her face to is, giving her the first kiss on her lips of their fuck session. It was just as savage as their sex, Victoria now biting his lip. She couldn't help but let her inner sex fiend out. She was a hooker, not an actress and she was on the precipice of having too much fun to care about role playing. Fortunately, Winfield was okay with that. She was keeping it up enough to give him what he needed. “Tell me what you are...what are you Ms. Justice?!?”

“A…a tramp!” she bellowed. “A tramp...such a dirty girl...oh fuck...so dirty...”

“Very...” he replied before kissing her again, sucking on that sweet pink tongue of hers. Victoria moaned into his mouth while her hands grabbed his ass, trying desperately to pull him closer to her. “You want more Ms. Justice? You like this don't you, really earning your A?”

“Mmmm yesss!” she said. “Just don't stop! Please don't stop fucking me professor!”

Winfield grinned as he gave into Victoria's demands, his thick cock a blur as he went full blast inside of her. The room was filled with the sounds of their sex. Flesh colliding, moans, grunts and cries of pleasure and the sound of Winfield's desk squeaking against the linoleum floor. Winfield's view wasn’t bad either. The view of Victoria's tits bouncing back and forth with every hard thrust and the look on her face was nothing short of pure bliss. Fucking her was a treat for all the senses, and it was about to get a lot dirtier.

He pulled out of Victoria, surprising her then spun her around, bending her over his desk. He ran his hands over her perfect each before slapping his cock on it a few times on each cheek. “You know what's better than an A my dear?” he asked.

“N-no sir.” replied Victoria, playing along. She knew where he was going with this and she couldn't be happier. He couldn't see the smile she wore through the act in her voice. Her body was more than ready.

“An A+ of course,” Winfield said. He grabbed his cock and let it lay in the crack of her ass, thrusting it slowly up and down. “You want an A+, don't you Ms. Justice?”

“Yes sir,” she said, his smile now beaming, her pussy throbbing, waiting for him to get the theatrics over with and give in to what they both wanted. “B-but how?”

“Simple...for an A+, I have to take your A...” Winfield moved his cock to Victoria's waiting backdoor. The Puerto Rican seductress bit her lower lips and gripped the edge of desk tight as Winfield took her asshole. And it was just right. Not too hard or fast. He was rough but he wasn't cruel. Yet it wasn't too tender. This wasn't sweethearts making love. This was fucking, and service rendered at that. It was just dirty enough. He didn't waste time and went balls deep on the first stroke.

“OH MY GOD!” Victoria yelled with delight. “Oh fuck...oh professor yes!” Victoria's delight could no longer be contained, her tone of voice matching the huge grin on her face. Her love for anal could not care less about role playing. And at this point, balls deep in her ass, keeping up the game was not the first priority on Winfield's mind at all.

Winfield gripped Victoria's ass tight, spreading her cheeks and staring as he ravaged her tight cavity with his flesh staff. Hard and fast, every thrust getting a yelp to escape from the brunette's lips. A demand of harder or faster or just a simple crying out of his name.

Then came a few hard smacks on her ass, much to Victoria’s delight. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Each one leaving a red handprint on her tan ass and making her howl for more.

“YES! Oh fuck...Mr. Winfield...don't stop...I wanna cum…I wanna cum with that cock up my ass! Fuck my asshole! Smack my ass...fucking MAKE ME CUM!!! PLEASE!!! MAKE ME EARN THAT A+!”

Winfield was blinded by lust. This girl had his number down like they'd fucked for months. He reached forward, grabbing and handing of her long brown hair, now slick with sweat. He pulled her up, yanking hard. Victoria loved it. His hands reach to her chest, squeezing her tits and he continued ramming her ass. His hot breath in her ears sent shivers up her spine. It was perfect and she was well one her way to the promised land.

“Do it Ms. Justice,” he growled directly in her ear. “Earn that A+ and cum with my cock buried up your fucking ass.” Winfield slammed into her ass extra hard to end the sentence. He could feel her start to quiver in his arms, completely giving herself over to the pleasure. The roleplay was over for her. It all felt too good to keep up a character.

“Yes!” she yelled. “Yes! YES! YES!” Each yell for in reply to another hard thrust of his flesh pillar up her ass. Every time she got closer and closer until finally, slamming her fists down on the desk it happened. Victoria came, her body writhing and constricting as she shouted out her lover's name.

That would have been it for Winfield...but he just couldn't let those glasses she was wearing go to waste.

“On your knees Ms. Justice,” he said as he pulled out of her ass. Victoria was on her knees in as flash. Without a second command she took his cock into her mouth, sucking hard as if she was trying to suck everything within him out through his dick. The taste of her ass on his cock was just dirty enough to keep her orgasmic high going as she sucked him off, waiting for her creamy reward.

She wouldn't have to wait long. The first couple of streams coated her tongue, making the cum-starved harlot moan in delight. Winfield pulled out of mouth, moaning loud as he covering her face with the rest of his cum, making sure to coat those glasses, making the entire fantasy complete.

He stepped away from Victoria, looked on in perverted awe at her utterly coated in cum. Now the smile was in face.

“Scoop it up with your fingers now Ms. Justice,” he said. “Suck them clean and swallow all the cum down. Glasses too. Lick them clean.”

“Anything for the grade Prof,” Victoria said. Her tone was now far more her own, far more seductive. Winfield didn't mind. He watched intently, perverted glee in his heart as Victoria swallowed all the cum she could get off of herself and he felt a special twinge of pleasure when she licked the glasses clean. It was everything he asked for. She was Five Star in the whore department.

“So,” said Victoria, getting to her feet. “I earn that A+?”

“Indeed, you did Ms. Justice.” Winfield replied. “You also earned every penny of this.” He pulled his pants back up and reached into his pocket, taking out a thick wad of cash and tossed it to Victoria. “You earned every penny.”

Victoria thumbed through it, doing a quick count. “This is more than we agreed on.”

“Keep it. Like I said, you earned every penny. And I'll be happy to give you more...I'm sure I could think of so many fun things we could do together.”

“Thanks,” she said with a smile. She walked up to him and licked his lips, sealing the whole affair with a kiss. “Just the thought of round two already making me ready again. But until then...see ya.”

With that, Victoria gathered her things, got dressed and walked out, winking at Professor Winfield and blowing him a kiss.

She was a natural at the job.


No matter what, the Whisky Casket opened at eleven in the morning on the weekends. It stayed open later but also opened later. However, sometimes weekend deliveries needed to be made. These were times when Love would have to be there, so she'd stay the night in her office. She had a buzzer installed for the deliveries. When they'd arrive, the delivery person would just press button, alerting her to their presence so she could come in, inspect and sign for the deliveries.

This Saturday however was not one of those days. Love was sleeping hard after her tryst with the college hunk the night before, only to be rudely awakened by the buzzer. Even being freshly woken up by the loud buzzing, Love was not so groggy she'd forget her delivery schedule. She'd run this business too long to not know these things like clockwork. Someone else was using the buzzer and this made Love a very not-so-happy camper.

She stumbled out of her bed and made her way over to her desk where she opened her laptop to check the security camera feed. What she saw just soured her mood even more.

“Great, just who I wanted to see to wake me up,” said Love, closing her laptop. “Jessica Alba.”

As love put on her jeans and shirt, she couldn't help but think on all the sour memories she had of Jessica and the rivalry they had in college. A rivalry where Alba seemed to instigate everything and Love had no clue why, even after Alba seemed to have had all the fun possible. Love knew she wasn't innocent in it all, but she still likened it more to self-defense. It all stopped after Alba stole Love's man, but that obviously left a bitter taste in Love's mouth, one that never went away.

Which was why she had no problem making Jessica wait while she brushed her teeth and made herself some coffee. When she was finally ready, she opened the door and greeted Jessica with the warmest greeting she could muster.

“What do you want Jessica?” Jennifer asked. “We're not open yet. Come back in two hours so I can tell you again to go away.”

“Still have that awful sense of humor I see,” retorted Alba, pushing past Love and heading into the bar. “Where is he Hewitt? Where is he?”

“Where's who?” asked Love. She let the door shut behind her and got behind the bar to pour herself some more coffee. “If you're going to come into my place of business before the hours of operation for a manhunt I need to know the target.”

“Don't act so fucking smug. Where's Cade?”

“How the hell would I know? I haven't talked to him much since he dumped me for you. And even then, it's in passing. I don't have much to say to him. I haven't been his keeper in fourteen years. You made sure of that, remember? Though if I remember right, you haven't been his keeper for what, five years?” Love gave Jessica a shar smile before taking a big sip of her coffee.

Jessica was not amused. “I take it back. Your sense of humor has gotten worse.” Jessica went to the bar and took a seat. “I had a date last night. First one I've had in months. Been so busy with the boys. Cade agreed to watch them for the weekend. They were so excited. They rarely every get to spend time with their dad...” Jessica's anger gave way to a bit of sadness, but then that anger came boiling back to the surface. “He never showed up! Didn't even call! And of course, we both know what he was doing, don't we Love?”

“Balls deep in a coed probably,” Love said matter-of-factly. “Probably blonde. DEFINITELY with huge tits. He has a type.”

“I thought maybe you'd see him in case he came her looking to get laid. Not by you of course because he has standards but like you said, some big titted twenty-year old willing to give him every hole on her body without even knowing his name. But you didn't see him, did you?”

“Nope,” Love shook her head. “If he came to any of my places he went to the Sphinx. That's where the staff tend to go. And I wasn't there last night. Too busy here.”

“Fine. If you do see him, tell him I'm looking for him. He doesn't answer my calls.”

“Hard to believe he doesn't want to talk to an ex-wife with a personality as winning as yours,” said Love.

Jessica sneered at her. “He's going to regret this. I'll make sure of that. He doesn't get to ditch his kids and ruin my night. Instead of being wined and dined by a single lawyer I had to calm down my crying kids and promise them a pizza party today just to get them to smile and get some sleep.”

“Sounds shitty,” Love said. “But also sounds like Cade to a T, pussy above all else.” Love took another sip of her coffee in preparation for what was sure to be her favorite part of any conversation with Jessica, the end. “And on that note, get out of my bar.”

“Still mad after all these years, huh?” smiled Jessica. “Just can't get over he wanted me more.”

Love started laughing. Real, genuine laughter, which perplexed Jessica. “Good god no!” Love said as she stifled the chuckles. “I'm a successful business owner and mother to the most beautiful five-year-old boy in the world! What do I have to be mad about? I just don't like you Jessica. I think it's shitty that Cade skipped out on his kids to get pussy but I don't remotely feel bad for you not getting to go on your dream date with a rich guy and instead having to watch your kids like a responsible adult.”

“Oh, really barmaid? You want to go there? Where's your kid then, Mom of the Year?”

“With his father. This is their annual Disney trip. It's the best time for them to get together because of all the business that hits the bar. And unlike you, I have a good relationship with my ex, so I'm going to facetime them both right around lunch time. See, that how this whole “divorced parents” thing is supposed to work. You and the ex-working together so the kid is happy. You both should try it.” Love sipped from her coffee cup again, which was about all Jessica could take.

“Look, if you or any of your employees see Cade, let him know his kids' weekend was ruined and MAYBE he'll get to see them if he can even remember when their birthdays are. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.”

“Yeah, just let me jot that down.”

“Fuck off,” said Alba as she stormed out.

Love had to laugh. Truth be told, she did feel bad for her kids. But Jessica was just so unbearable, she couldn't find it in herself to feel bad for her. Besides, she knew Jessica well enough to know sympathy wasn't necessary for her. When she was this mad, revenge was in the cards and whatever she cooked up was going to cook Cade's goose as well.

Cade Deveraux. That was a name she hadn't even thought of in a while. It had some good memories attached to it. And a lot of painful ones too. Hearing that he was still running around unable to keep his dick in his pants was no great shock to her. Still, she would have liked to think he grew up a little after breaking her heart. Almost everyone else they knew back their college days did.

Sure, he was a professor at the school now with a lot of responsibilities, but in a lot of ways he never bothered growing up. It was the kind of thing that made Love glad her heart got broken.

With one last sip of her coffee mug headed back up to her office to take care of some order forms. Despite the fun she had last night, Spring Break was really just another work week for her, so it was time to make sure she was prepared for the madness to come.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 04:04:11 PM

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150865761_grhivbrw_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150865761_grhivbrw_o.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150865763_tay.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150865763_tay.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150865764_tumblr_inline_pn92l07wje1sz91mc_540.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150865764_tumblr_inline_pn92l07wje1sz91mc_540.jpg)

After a hot night of lust and chocolate, Taylor and Norman had no problems getting to sleep after getting cleaned up. They were up bright and early, bag pre-packed and pre-checked. They were all ready to get on board the plane to Mexico and enjoy a week of Spring Break debauchery together.

They both were excited, especially Taylor. They had planned almost everything together. It was a big deal and they both wanted to make sure they both got everything they wanted out of it.

However, there were the parts Taylor had planned all by herself that she just knew Norman was going to love it...and he didn't have to wait for the plane to land to get started.

Because of all their preparation beforehand, getting on to the actual plane, first class no less, was quick and easy. The longest wait was going to be for the plane to take off, and even then, both were confident it was just going to breeze by because they were together.

“This is going to be great!” Taylor said. “Just you, me and all the margaritas we can stand...and I have plenty of other ideas for what can happen after the margaritas.”

“I can't wait to see what you have in mind babe,” Norman said. He grasped her hand, lifting to his lips to kiss it. “I can only imagine it's suitably dirty.”

“Oh honey you have not seen dirty with me yet.” Taylor winked at him. Shortly after Taylor spoke those words, the final process for take-off began. The flight attendant spoke all the usual things. Exits, flotation devices, emergency exits, all the greatest hits of safety speeches.

Shortly after that the plane was in the air and Taylor's mind was already working on giving Norman his first surprise. In wasn't a question of how to give it to him. She'd already figured that out. It was when. The timing had to be perfect to attract the least amount of attention. She had a good instinct for these things. She always had. Her blues eyes scanned the plane for a few minutes as she chatted with Norman. She took note of the flight attendants and their routes. Once she had a handle on them all, it was time.

“Normie, I have a little favor to ask you,” she said.

“Sure Tay,” he said. “What do you need?”

“Meet me in the first-class bathroom in five minutes.” She said with a knowing smirk. “Surely, I don't need to spell out what comes next, do I?”

“I doubt it.” Norman replied. They shared a quick kiss and Tay got up from her seat and headed directly do the restroom, Norman taking note of exactly which door she took. Then came the waiting game, where five minutes felt like five days. His mind raced with the possibilities of what Taylor had planned for him in the Mile-High Clubhouse.

Finally, after an eternity in his own mind the prescribed time had come and he rose from his seat and followed Taylor's path to the bathroom, taking a glance both ways before knocking on the door. The door opened just enough for him to slide in and it was shut and locked soon after.

Norman was more than a little shocked at the size of the bathroom. It was still an airline bathroom but unlike the kind he'd normally always seen in coach and economy, this one could comfortably fit two.

Though once he processed the size, his eyes and thoughts went right back to Taylor, who looked at him with that same confident and sexy smirk as before, though now her shirt and bra were off.

“Time for your first Spring Break treat Lover,” she said. Taylor turned around and bent over the sink. Her turned her head, looking at Norman as she hiked up her skirt. Seeing that beautiful bum gave Norman two revelations.

One was that Taylor was underwear-free, probably having taken them off the moment she entered the restroom. The second revelation was that Taylor was using a buttplug.

“When did that toy join the party?” He asked.

“While we waited to board.” Taylor reached around and grabbed the end of the crystalline purple toy. She slowly pulled it out then brought it to her mouth, seductively sucking on it before releasing it with a pop. “How about you fill the toy's void Normie?”


“Well, if you insist...” he grinned. He got close behind her, his cock free from the confines of his pants in a flash. He grabbed Taylor's sweet face and kissed her. She reached into her purse on the bathroom counter and took out a smile jar of Vaseline. Norman got the hint, opening it the jar and lubing up. “Right to the ass?”

“Of course,” she grinned. “Fuck my ass lover.”

The next noise that escaped either of their lips were low moans as Norman's cock began to probe the depths of Taylor's asshole. The buttplug had done a good job of loosening up Taylor's terrific tush and with the added lubrication of the petroleum jelly, Norman's cock entered her ass like a hot knife through butter.

“Oh baby yes...” Taylor said, whisper-moaning. She planted her hands firmly on the mirror, bracing herself for her next demand of Norman. “Fuck me...fuck me till you cum baby...that's what I want...”

Norman grinned, kissing her shoulder before gripping it, the other hand at her hip. Norman was ready to give Taylor exactly what she'd demanded of him.

“Fuck yes,” he growled, taking her ass with a flurry of fast thrusts. Taylor yelped with every thrust, her blue eyes shut tight while she concentrated on every stroke his delightful dick made in her sweet starfish.

“Yessss,” she hissed. Her hand darted between her legs, working her clit while her ass was ravaged. This was quick and dirty, just like the situation demanded it. Norman's growls and grunts being stifled to sinful whispers that made Taylor tingle all over.


Those whispers though grew desperate with every passing moment. This was never meant to be a long and sensual lovemaking session. Taylor was fine with that. She just wanted her man to um for her, fill her up with his love cream.

Norman was close and Taylor loved that. His whispers of filth had degenerated into groans of desperation. Along with the percussive sounds of his pelvis slapping against the firm flesh of her ass it was symphony of sex and Taylor was ready to add her own lyrics to it to push her man over the edge.

“Yeah...your cock feels so good in my ass...you know that baby?” Taylor said. She was breathless and satisfied, those red lips smiling as every word dripped from her mouth. “Keep going honey...faster...give it to me...and I need that cum deep in my ass...mmm fuck yes...do it for e baby...all of it...not a drop spared...all of...mmmm yes...all of it in my ass...”

“Oh fuck...oh my god Tay...” gasped Norman. He was beyond close now. The point of no return was just a distant memory in his rearview mirror. “Gonna cum...oh fuck baby!”

“Yes, yes yes...do it Normie...fill my ass up with your love...yes sweetie...”

Both of Norman's hands went to Taylor's hips, gripping them tight as he gave her every last bit he had left. Her tight ass squeezing his cock tight, the fast, heated thrusts, Taylor's words and the location all got too much for him.

“Fuck!” Norman growled, thrusting into Taylor's ass on last time. It was hard and impactful, and with that final push he exploded his white hot jizz up her ass. The feeling was so intense her buried his face in her back, moaning and gasping into her flesh while his cock pulsed and spewed his cum inside of her.

“Mmm good baby,” Taylor cooed sweetly. “SO fucking good...love you so much...”

Norman weakly moved his face up from Taylor's back to her shoulder. Taylor soon turned her head just enough to kiss him tenderly. When he finally pulled his softening cock from her ass, she turned around completely and kissed him even deeper, brushing her hand against his cheek.

“So…back to our seats?” Norman asked, totally out of breath.

“You first Lover,” Taylor said. “Give me a few minutes. And think about this little bit of information...this was just the start of our little sordid trip. Want you to think of what I'm going to do to once I get you all alone.”

Taylor gave him a wink and a kiss on the cheek before he zipped up and left the restroom. She then turned back to the mirrors and began to put her clothes back in order. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face. Whatever Norman was imagining, she knew it couldn't match exactly what she had planned.

Romance was fun.


“We need a check list or anything?” Lili asked. She was in the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of coffee while Camila sat at the counter sipping her own cup. “Booze, food...”

“I called ahead to the caretaker,” Camila said. “We're all stocked on alcohol and food. If you want weed bring it yourself...or just use Sabrina's supply. Snacks for the road, that's also on you guys.”

“Fair enough.” Lili replied. “What's the travel plan?”

“All of us are crashing here except for Madelaine. We're going buy to pick her up at around four in the morning. So, early night for us all. You and Jake have your room, Pete, Hailee and Sabrina have the couches and Jose obviously joins me in a cuddle-friendly environment.”

“And in the morning, me and Jake lead with Jose's van and Peter and Hailee follow behind with Pete's SUV, much coffee will be consumed before we make to the lake house.”

“You got it all covered Lils,” said Cami. “Right now, it's just about waiting for everyone.”

“Well, Jake's still sleeping off the match from last night,” said Lili. “He'll be here in a couple hours. I'm guessing Jose is in a similar position?”

“Bingo. And as for the rest of our intrepid party, they should be here any minute. They had to stop at the bank to drop off their hard drives with the movie on it.”

“I thought you had the drives here?”

“One set, yeah.” Camila got up and led Lili to her office. She moved a painting aside to reveal a wall safe. “Cliché, I know, but that where they are. Peter decided for the sake of safety to have multiple backups if anything went wrong, especially with the hissy fit his brother has been throwing.”

“Ben's that vindictive?” asked Lili.

“Well, even I think it’s a bit too far but I totally understand the paranoia. Ben can be petty as Hell. I don't think he'd go so far as to destroy the movie but...brothers and all that stuff.”

Before Lili could respond, there was a knock at the front door.

“And the rest of the party has arrived.”

The duo left the office and headed back out to open the door to find Camila's statement was correct. Hailee, Sabrina and Peter were at her front door, suitcases, gym and grocery bags filled.

“Hope you have a comfy couch,” Sabrina said, making her way in ahead of everyone else. “Because I'm calling it. The lovebirds can have the love seat. The way smaller love seat.”

“I think we'll just use the air mattress I brought,” Peter said.

“Yeah, the big comfy one,” added Hailee. “So, have fun with the couch Sabs.”

“Kids kids,” Cami said. “You're all equally awful and are going to get the same great amount of sleep...well, Sabrina honestly more since Pete's waking up early to pack everything in the cars with me and Jose. So…still no eight hours for you just yet pal.”

“Then looks like I'm helping out too,” said Hailee. “Wouldn't want to leave you out in the cold babe.”

“And I'm sleeping late on a nice big cushy couch all cuddled up like cinnamon roll,” Sabrina said, grinning wide as she flopped down on her chosen slumber location.

“You're a true pal,” Peter said.

“Hey, I brought the weed. And a wide variety too. And no charge to anyone but me, I might add…” she responded. “So yes, I'm a wonderful and generous true pal.”

“Can't argue with that logic,” Lili said. “We need wrapping papers or a pipe or anything?”

“I got it covered on all fronts.”

“And I also brought a little something as well,” Peter added. He set down his duffle bag and unzipped one of the smaller pockets. He reached in and tossed out an N64 game cartridge to Cami who caught it in one hand. “Nice.”

“I've had years of practice,” Cami said with a wink. “Now what did you bring...holy shit GOLDENEYE?”

“Well you did mention that you had a 64 hooked up...I figured that means Mario Kart is there...”

“Well, it will be. I have it in my purse.”

“What is all this about?” Hailee asked.

“When we were kids Petey and I would play games all the time. And while I would totally dominate his candy ass in Mario Kart...”

“While Cami would be lucky to kill me once in GoldenEye.”

“Oh please, you weren't that good.” Cami said.

“Am I allowed to use proximity mines?”

“Oh fuck no.” Cami replied.

“I rest my case.”

“How many games do you have up there?” Lili asked. “I want in on this blood feud.”

“Just collector stuff mostly,” Camila said. “I actually have a complete 64 collection but I keep my favorites on me. I also have some GameCube stuff I was bringing because I know all about your predilections towards Luigi and his mansion.”

“Well not to brag but I can get through that game without taking a single hit and get the biggest mansion,” Lili said, a big confident grin on her face. “Hailee's seen it.”

“Multiple times,” Hailee said, “Many times in lieu of sleep...or, you know, fun.”

“You loved it,” retorted Lili.

“With all this talk about games I should probably let you know my bud from high school is going to be up there as well,” Sabrina said. “She's a huge gamer...like she wants to do it professionally. Sounds like she's gonna have a lot of fun with your nerds.”

“The nerd line is a bit rich from someone who has every single Kaiju movie from Godzilla to Gamera memorized,” Peter said. “Both the original Japanese AND the US dubs.”

“Hey, we're all nerds...it's just that giant city destroying monsters are way cooler than Italian plumbers and hedgehogs.”

Right when that comment made his eyes roll, they also caught all the frames hung up on Camila's walls. Posters and paintings, then several very familiar images came into his view.

“Are those your photos Cami?” he asked.

“Well they're up on the wall, why wouldn't they be hers?” Sabrina sarcastically responded.

“No, that's not what I mean. She used to take photos all the time in junior high and high school. You were really good at it too Cami.”

“You never told me that,” said Lili.

“Because it was a long time ago and silly hobby.”

“I don't know, you were great at it,” Peter said. “I thought you wanted to do it for a living honestly.”

“They do look amazing,” Hailee added. “I love the colors on that beach...and the silhouettes of the people...just beautiful.”

“Thanks,” Cami said, her voice sounding far from thankful. “Let's change the subject, shall we? To something not stupid.”

“Sure,” Peter said, his look of surprise matching everyone else's.

“Awesome. How about you guys take a seat and I go grab a list of all the stuff going on while we're down there, make some preliminary plans?” Before they could respond Camila was up and out of the room, heading back to her office.

“What was that about?” Hailee asked. They all looked to Peter, like he had some unique insight to Camila's slight loss of temper.

“I have no idea,” he said. “She used to love photography. So, the idea that it pisses her off is weirder to me than it is to you.”

“I should have brought more weed,” said Sabrina as she slowly sank into the big fluffy pillows of Camila's couch.


(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/78/150866856_alexandra-daddario-002.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/78/150866856_alexandra-daddario-002.jpg)

While many students and faculty left the university during the break period, not everyone did. The faculty who stayed behind were busy planning the second half of the semester. The staff such as janitors really didn't do spring break.

As for the students, not all of them could afford to travel for the occasion. Instead, they partied locally, many staying on campus in their dorms. One of those who stayed behind was Alexandra Daddario. Though money had nothing to do with her chosen option.

Alexandra had...a hobby. A hobby she liked to dress up as a duty. She and two of her friends, Anna Kendrick and Laura Marano, liked to provide a little relief and fun to the people they thought needed it the most. Though Anna and Laura both liked a hint of secrecy, both very different reasons, Alex didn't mind if her lovers saw her face. She got off on it. She loved catching a glance at one of her consorts, both of them sharing a quick smile knowing the dirty deeds they had done. Student, instructor, support staff...anyone who seemed like they needed the clarity and pleasure of an intense orgasm was up for consideration.

The shared glances weren't all that did it for her though. Alex loved the reaction of her lovers. Looking them in the face as they came. Seeing that mix of pleasure alongside the shock and gratitude of getting the chance for such perfect release really got her off like no other. It's was an orgasm x10 for Alexandra. The ultimate high. And sitting in the Student Union, watching the remaining students get some quick nourishment, Alex was looking for that next hit.

Her big blue eyes didn't have the scan the scene for too long. In a few moments she saw him, fresh from the line at the Panda Express. His hair was blue judging from the clothes he wore he was a punk rock guy. No piercings but nothing that through Alex off. No huge gauges or anything in the septum. Low on the tats too. There were a few but nothing glaring. He looked like he could be a fun ride.

“I this seat taken?” Alex asked. She'd made her way over to the table and startled the man. He looked around noticing plenty of empty seats before settling back on Alex and her big, beautiful pair of eyes...and her sensational rack of course.

“Uh...well...no…not really,” he said.

“Thanks.” Alex replied. She took the seat she asked for and sat right in front of him, taking just the right position to bring even more of his attention to her tits. “I'm Alex. Alexandra if you want to be proper. Though I question exactly how much fun being proper is during Spring Break. What about you?”

“Am I proper?” he asked.

“More like your name.” Alex replied with a laugh. “We can figure out all that proper stuff later.”


“Oh...uh…I'm Chuck.”

“Chuck…I like it,” Alex said. “Simple, direct, right to the point. Easy to remember.”


“Well, I'm not exactly a mind reader but I can tell you're a bit confused. So, instead of going through some playful spiel I usually do, I'm going to be direct. I have three questions Chuck. You mind answering them?”

“Uh…yeah. Sure.”

“Okay,” Alex said with a grin. “Question number one. Do you live on campus?”

“Yes.” he replied.

“Good. Next, is it just you in the room?”

“Well, not usually,” said Chuck. “But the roommate is off in Florida I think for Spring Break, so it is just me right now.”

“Now that's just excellent to hear,” Alex said. Even Chuck could pick up the excitement in her voice. “Final question. This one is really important. This is one that actually has a right answer and a wrong answer. You ready?”

“I think.”

“Well...Chuck...” Alex leaned over even further, fully showing off the valley of her cleavage. “Do you want to fuck me? Right now, in your ever so conveniently empty dorm room? You look like you could us a little bit of fun...and I definitely could use a good fuck. So…fuck me?”

Chuck's answer was predictably yes. From there it was a quick romp over to his very empty dorm room. Once they were in and his takeout set aside, Alexandra started to give Chuck a little direction.

“Go and sit on your bed Chuck,” she said. “Facing me. Got it?”

“Yep,” he replied simply. He had no problem doing exactly as she asked. With the promise of sex from this voluptuous brunette, he'd be willing to do almost anything.


“Good.” She smiled at him with an added wink of her sapphire eyes. Alex then peeled of her very tight t-shirt, setting it aside, her bra joining it soon after. Her already big grin only grew wider, letting a small laugh slip through when she noticed how utterly gob struck Chuck was upon seeing her bare tits. It was a common reaction, but one that Alexandra very rarely got tired of. She could only hope the look on his face when he came would be just as good if not better. They usually were.


“You want to suck them, don't you?” asked Alex. She began to slowly run her hands over her breast. Gently squeezing and fondling the massive globes. “Kiss these titties, suck these hard nipples...maybe even give them a little bite...that's what you want, isn't it Chuck?”

“Oh God yes,” he said. Chuck was utterly entranced by the sound of her voice and its seductive tone combined with the visual of Alexandra playing with her perfect tits.

“Good. Because you're going to get that. But first...first I think I'm going to be doing some sucking of my own.”

Alex got on all fours and began to crawl over to a very stunned but very happy Chuck. This was getting ready to be the best Spring Break ever.

It didn't take Alexandra too long to make it to her destination. She loved the look in Chuck's eyes as he watched her. He was already a rapt and very appreciative audience and she hadn't even touched him. She swore she felt him twitch a bit when she put her hands on his knees and pressed his legs apart. With the new space, Alex got that much closer.

She extended her tongue and licked the bulge of his khaki shorts. She could feel a slight shiver from Chuck and it made her wet. Alex wanted to jump his bones now, foreplay and teasing be damned. She was able to stop herself however. She didn't like her steak rare.

However, that didn't mean she had to take her time with everything. All Chuck had to do was blink once and his cock was free from the confines of his shorts and in the expert hands of Alexandra.

Now this...this was where she could take her time. She extended her tongue and gave the head of his quivering cock a long, slow and sensual lick, making Chuck croak out a groan. A devilish grin came across Alex's face, complete with her tongue curling around and licking her canines.

Alexandra wrapped her lips around the head, once more focusing all attention on his sensitive bell end. Chuck gripped the sheets on his bad tight as Alex started applying suction. Softly at first, then the heat slowly got turned up, her talented swirling around and working the glans. The suction increased until she released the tip of his pole with an audible pop. It wasn't left unattended however, as her hand began to pump his rod.

“I already have an answer from the look on your face, but I'm going to ask anyway,” said Alex, her tone confident and teasing. “That felt good didn't it? Tell me.”

“Fuck yes,” Chuck said.

“You want more?”

“Yes,” he said in a desperate growl.

“Well then, better go back to using this pretty mouth in a much more fun way, huh?”

Sure, Alex could have teased him, but that wasn't her game, at least not here. She was in more of a giving mood. She didn't hesitate in taking him back into her mouth. Though now she began to venture down a bit further. Taking more of his rock-solid girth in his mouth. Chuck had an average length, but a wonderful girth. It made both her mouth water and panties wet. She couldn't wait to have him inside of her pussy. But right now...she wanted a longer taste.

“Oh woooow....” Chuck groaned. Alex's pace was deliberate, taking her time whenever she got a really audible reaction from him. Every time her tongue worked is cock in just such the right way. She tested the waters with chuck, teasing the very edge of his cockhead by lightly dragging her front teeth across it. He liked it. He was gonna be a fun ride.

Alexandra began to speed up, using everything she had in her arsenal and what she knew was driving Chuck wild. It was a nonstop barrage of pleasure and t was almost too much from him to handle. She could feel it on her tongue as his cock began to throb and pulse. It'd be all too easy to let him go on her mouth. That was why she pulled off his cock and got to his feet.

Alex grinned wide at the look on Chuck's face; a mix of ecstasy and confusion. “Take it off,” she said as she started to remove the rest of her clothes. “All of it.”

While Chuck hurriedly began to remove his clothes Alex continued to distract him. His eyes kept darting towards her as she kicked off her shoes and began to peel off her jeans. She turned her back to him, bending over as she pulled her pants down. She could only imagine the look on his face when he got a view of her pale, round ass and just a peak of her glistening slit. Though when she turned back around and began to make her way over to him, she got a hint of that look as it faded away to anticipation.


“Lay back,” ordered Alex as she straddled him. His pants were still on, though now around his knees. She liked that. It turned her on to know he was so turned on he couldn't even get undressed correctly. Alex loved it when her men were so into it their brains began to get scrambled.

Alex placed her hand on his bare chest and gently began to push him back. When Chuck had completely reclined, she moved herself into position. She was on her knees above his crotch, her sopping pussy more than ready to sink down on his pole.


“Gonna ride your cock,” Alex said. She grasped his cock and began to pump it softly, teasing the head. “You want that? Feel this hot pussy surrounding this nice thick cock of yours?”

“O-oh fuck yes,” croaked Chuck.

“Nice to see we're on the same page Chuck.” The next sound to come from either of them were low moans as Alex sunk down on his cock.

“Mmmm perfect fit Chucky,” Alex said in a velvet-toned voice. She started to grind on his dick, working her hips while she played with her tits. Chuck was speechless at both the sight and the sensations. The look on Alex's face and how her own hands massaged and played with her breasts, pinching and tugging at her owns nipples created a pleasure cocktail when mixed with how her cunt felt on his dick.

“How's it feel?” asked Alex. “Tell me how good it feels...I'll tell you...I fucking love this cock...so thick...mmm it’s so goooood...”

Alexandra sped up, pausing Chuck's answer as he paused and gulped for breath. “So fucking good Alex,” he managed to eek out. “Oh fuck....” On instinct Chuck reached forward and grabbed Alex's hips and began to thrust up in her, his eyes locked on her luscious tits as they bounced from the motion.

“FUCK YEAH!” Alex yelled. “That's it Chuck...fuck that pussy...fuck it and tell me how good it feels...show me how good it feels...FUCKING TAKE IT!”

Alex grabbed his hands, motioning how she wanted them to move up her body, an instruction Chuck eagerly followed until he soon held her magnificent globes in her hand. But holding them wasn't enough. Chuck rose, sitting as Alex began to lean back. She braced her arms against the end of his bed, gripping the end post and pushing back against his thrusting cock and he began to suck and completely worship her stupendous tits. It was a reaction Alex was used to. She was more than aware of what her body had to offer. However, being used it didn't make it feel any less amazing. The kisses, the licks, the sucking...it always felt good in a whole new way. So far, no man lusted for her tits the same way. As for Chuck, he had a little bit of a wild streak in him. She hissed as her took her nipples between his teeth as he sucked on it, tugging it until he released and moved on to the next.

“Yess baby...fucking suck those tits...just like that...doing do good Chuckie...so fucking good....” Alex decided to let him take even more direct control, and Chuck let his animal out, pulling out Alex only to turn her around and bend her over on all fours. With one thrust followed by savage grunt he was inside her once more, much to Alex's delight.

“Fuck...nng yeah...fuck baby your pussy's fucking perfect...holy shit!”

“Mmm then don't you dare fucking stop...fuck me! Fuck...slap my ass...fucking SMACK it!” Chuck did just that, gearing back and laying a firm spank on Alex's ass, hard enough to leave a red handprint on her pale ass. And it drove Alex crazy, the brunette sex fiend letting out a loud cry of “FUCK YES!” with that smack and every one that followed it.

Alex may have loved seeing the look on her lovers' faces, but there was just something she loved about being on all fours. Being bent over and fucked...it was pure and primal, every hard thrust a hungry one that rocked her world. Her hand darted between her legs to play with her clit, adding to the incredible feeling Chuck's cock was already bringing her.

Every pump he made in Alex's cunt turned up the heat. She would squeeze and milk it even at this frenzied pace at just the right time. Her gripped her by the shoulders and gave her a series of fast, quick thrusts, making his own grunts reach a higher pitch. Faster and faster he took her paradisal pussy, if he went any faster he'd pop right away. Fortunately for them both Chuck wasn't so lost he didn't realize this.

“Mmmm I like that....” Alex cooed when his pace slowed. He was in her to the hilt, grinding and thrusting in her, going as deep as his thick cock could get. It was enough for those sapphire eyes of Alex's to roll in the back of her head. “Nnng deeper...oh fuck baby deeper.

Chuck pressed Alex down until she was flat against the bed, her massive tits pressed against the cheap mattress of his dorm room bed. It was the perfect position for him to give Alex what she wanted, for him to go deeper.

“Nnngggh yess baby...just like that,” she urged him. “Make me cum on that delicious fat cock of yours...I'm so close baby...you fuck me so fucking good Chuckie....”

As Alex moaned Chuck gave in to her demand, working his cock in and out of her succulent slit, going deep as he could. He would pull out almost all the way, unsheathing until just the head was left in her velvet folds before driving back in hard. Each motion like this drew a happy, dick drunk yelp from Alex's mouth. Those yelps got closer together as his pace increased. Every stroke got her closer and closer until her own end was just over the horizon.

“Ohhh fuck...fuck yeah Chuckie...gonna cum…right on your cock...” she gasped. “But you gotta do me a favor baby...you gotta fuck my tits baby...I want them fucking covered in your spunk…make me cum and you get to do that...make...me...oh fuuucckkkkk...”

With every word she had spoken Alex had spurred on Chuck just as she'd planned. He was more than willing to give in to her demand to get the reward she had just promised him. Fortunately for him and Alex both, the bust brunette wasn't far off.

“FUCK YES!!!” Alex cried out in a yell dripping with pleasure. As her cunt squeezed around Chuck's cock he continued driving into her, making Alex squeal even longer in delight. Then, just when he was about to hit that sweet point of no return he pulled out. Alex knew what time it was, and a promise is a promise.

She flipped onto her back and just as fast Chuck had straddled her chest. She gave him a wink before wrapping her massive breasts around his cock. With all the pieces in place it was time for the grand finale, and Chuck wasted no time, thrusts fast between that valley of flesh that was now slick with her own juices from his cock.

“Yeah...fuck those titties!” she urged. “Use them to make you cum...and I want it all...every last drop. Don't you dare fucking tease...I want everything you have Chuck...I earned it...fucking COVER ME!”

“HOLY SHIIIIIT!” yelled Chuck right as his cock erupted his white-hot love lava. Alex giggled with devilish glee as the first rope rocketed out of his cock to hit her face. She continued to stroke him with her tits and more and more of his hot white cum covered her mounds. When she noticed the tap was running dry she grabbed Chuck's sensitive prick and brought it to her mouth, sucking the last few drops clean. All while looking at the look of utter satisfaction on Chuck's face. The perfect view.

Chuck pulled away, leaning against his head board as he watched Alex making a show of scooping up his sperm and swallow it down.

And Alex did it all with a smile. Why wouldn't she? Chuck was just the first party date of her Spring Break.


Scarlett checked her watch. She was in the middle of the park, dressed in form-fitting workout gear that hugged all her curves in just the right way and was ready for a run. She wasn't quite ready to run yet. She was waiting for someone. Scarlett knew they wouldn't be late. One of Chris' many qualities always being on time.

“I'm not late, am I?” Chris Evans asked right as Scarlett looked away from her watch. Right on time.

“Far from it.” replied Scarlett. She got up and greeted him with a hug. He'd been back for a month but they were still in a weird limbo of getting to know each other again. It was mostly on Scarlett. There was still a lot of nerves there. Her mind kept going to the past no matter how many times the present looked so much more appealing. “You ready?”

“Pretty much,” he said. “What are we running?”

“I was thinking a couple miles, nothing too serious. Few laps around the park should do it. Start off slow, kind of buildup.”

“We are running right?” Chris jokingly asked. “I mean what you just said could easily apply elsewhere if I remember right.”

“Well, how about we get the heart pumping with a run first and see where the day takes us?” Scarlett gave him a wink as the both started stretching. This was how it had been since Chris returned to her life. Fun time spent together with light flirting or little else. Every day she hoped she could get herself over the barrier she'd put up between them and every day she felt she got closer...but it still felt miles away.

Once the mandatory stretching was done, the two began their laps with a light jog. Chris took a few quick glances at Scarlett's bouncing jugs. Scarlett knew, but didn't remotely mind.

“So, how does it feel to be the big dog on campus?” Chris asked.

“A lot of work.” Scarlett replied in between breaths. “But very worth it. I'd like to think I've made the school better for everyone.”

“Well from what I've seen that seems to be the case.”

“You've been other places than my office Mr. Evans?”

“Well when I got back I did take a little tour around the old stomping grounds.” Chris answered. “I saw nothing but good things. It definitely looked to be a better place than when we went here. Not that it was a slum or anything...but there were some issues.”

“You'd be surprised how quickly those issues fade away when you apply some original thinking and effort.”

“You've always had those in abundance...along with other perks.” Scarlett blushed a bit at the compliment. After all these yearshe was still the only guy who could give her butterflies with just a few words.

They continued talking for a few laps before taking a quick breather, checking their heart rates.

“You have any plans while the students are away?” Chris asked. “Or does the work never end for the dean?”

“There's still work to be done,” said Scarlett. “But I do have a lot more free time, if there's a suggestion for a dinner for two in the next thing you're going to say.”

“Still a mind reader,” he joked.

“Then that's a big yes from me. Thursday good?”


“Well...with that settled how about we finish up this run? Or are you tired of the view already?”

“You noticed?” he asked with an innocent, slightly embarrassed smile.

“Of course.” replied Scarlett. “I expected it. Why else would I suggest a jog date?” She winked at him and started running again, giving Chris a moment to take in a view of that ass in tight spandex before joining her once more.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 04:37:42 PM

Cade Deveraux was groggy. His eyelids were heavy as he awoke in a room he wasn't familiar with. For a moment he thought he was hungover until he realized the total lack of a pounding head and cotton mouth. He quickly realized it was his own bedroom nor Kate Upton, where he'd been waking up occasionally. But this wasn't his T.A.'s bedroom. When he looked over behind him to see a jet-black head of hair attached to the curvy body next to him. If he had to take a guess, it was one of his advanced music history students, Katy Perry. The moment that clicked in his head, the night before came back and he felt a stirring for a certain kind of breakfast in bed.

While ruminating on that possibility, the amorous music professor gingerly stepped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. After that quick turn her returned the bedroom to see a very awake Katy Perry sitting up in bed, her bluish-grey eyes almost as inviting as her delectable tits.


“Morning Professor,” she said, adding a little sultry sizzle to the title of Professor. “You were certainly the best option for a pre-Spring Break bash.”

“Well, how could I refuse my favorite student?” he grinned. He slid back into bed and planted a kiss on her lips. “You think maybe your favorite Professor could convince you for one more romp before you hit the road, Ms. Perry?”

“Maybe not a full-fledged fuck...but I think after a hat trick of orgasms last night you deserve a little bit of a breakfast treat.” Katy licked at his lips before throwing the sheets off her body and laying back. “How about you take that talented cock of yours and fuck my tits? Give me some cream before I have my coffee?”

“Now how could I refuse an invite like that?” Cade said, and his dick agreed with him, hardening already with the invitation. Only moments after Katy had gotten position Cade followed. He slapped his cock on her supple tits while Katy reached over to her nightstand to grab the lube the two had used on her ass the previous night. She rubbed some of the clear gel in the valley between her tits. The moment she was done was the green light for Cade.


He placed his hands on hers as his cock began to glides between her now-slick titties.

“Mmmm, fits like a glove, doesn't it professor?” Katy asked. “That nice hard cock slamming between these titties. Feels right at home, doesn't it?”

“Oh definitely,” Cade groaned. He slid his tool between her lovely mounds. Slow at first. It was hardly the first time he'd sampled any part of Katy's body, least of all her tits. Nevertheless, the feeling of being between Katy Perry's tits was one Cade always liked to savor a bit before building up his pace.

As for Katy, while getting titfucked wasn't exactly the yellow brick road to an orgasm, she'd be lying if she said it didn't get her off just a bit. There was just something about the feeling of a cock in her cleavage. The pumping, sometimes desperate. Feeling it glide and throb between her melons and how wild it drove men gave her more than a few tingles down below. She knew she had amazing tits and both seeing and feeling the way men felt about them drove her wild and Professor Deveraux was giving her a full show showing why she loved it.


He was so in love with the sensation of fucking her tits he was beyond words. That was fine. Katy had more than enough words for the moment.

“Mmmm fuck those big tits with that nice cock...fuck yes professor...I don't know where I like it better....my pussy...between my tits...up my ass...in my mouth...oh fuck baby it all feels so fucking good. Your cock is AMAZING professor....and I want the cum you're going to shoot for me...all over...I want it on my face...all over these titties...all of it baby.”

Cade's only response were grunts of affirmation. He pumped between her funbags faster and faster, his voice getting more on edge as Katy cheered him on.

“My tits make you feel good baby? Make you wanna cum? Shoot all over professor...mmm baby I need it...I need your cum!”

“Oh fuck...fuck...KATY!!!” cried the Professor, his grunt and growls coming in unison with every rope of cum rocketing out from the tip of his cock and covering Katy just where and how she asked for it.


Katy was actually reveling it. The warmth of the cum on her tits and face, the taste of it on her outstretched pink tongue. It was a delicious wakeup call made even more so as Cade brought his still sensitive cock to her mouth where Katy closed her lips around it, sucking the last few streams and dribbles from his dick.

“How was my extra credit professor?” Katy asked cheekily. “I make the grade?”

“And then some Ms. Perry,” said Cade. “And then some.”

“Well, with that kind of sendoff surely you wouldn't mind if I took a brief break to the shower?” Katy asked, licking the remaining cum up off her fingers. Cade nodded, sliding off of Katy and allowing the sexpot brunette.

While Katy took care of her own needs in the bathroom and getting her morning shower, Cade began to put his clothes back on. He'd go and shower at home, maybe call Kate up afterwards to see if she'd want to partake in some afternoon delight.

He thought he'd text her now, only to have his high brought down as he saw more than a dozen missed calls, all from his ex-wife Jessica Alba. He didn't even have to listen to the voicemails to figure out what the problem was. It was his week to have the boys. He was supposed to pick them up last night until Katy Perry made a very convincing argument as to why his focus should be on her.

Besides, the boys were resilient. They could handle him being a day late. Jessica however was definitely going to give him an earful though. All the more reason he was hoping Kate had some free time later.



Jake Triton was a few things. College student, pro wrestler and gym rat. While the first two had brought him a lot in his life so far, far from the least being his girl Lili Reinhart, the third one had brought had brought about a unique super power. He knew the perfect time to hit the gym.

Jake liked working out as solo as he could get. While he loved crowds while he was working, when he was working out a crowd was the last thing he wanted. It threw off his focus and made his workout suffer to see that many people around him. He didn't know why that would happen at the gym, but it just did. So, a sixth sense developed to determine when the best time to hit a gym would be to get the least amount of people.

At Bluto's the local gym off campus, that time was around eleven in the morning. For some reason locally, it was a near ghost town. And right now, with everyone leaving for beaches and lake houses for the spring vacation, he got one last extra private workout before he himself left for Lake Havasu with his crew.

There were maybe a handful of people in along with him. Two were on the pool floor doing laps, as he could see through the weight/cardio window. The other guy was in the steam room. The last person was someone that Jake was trying to keep his mind off of, as that was another problems gym could often cause him.

The other person who sharing a floor with him was a woman. A beautiful woman. Jake had seen her here a lot, checking him out just as he had her, always drinking in her sexy, fit body and her deep brown eyes. But that's all it was, checking out. Jake didn't need that kind of trouble in his life anymore. So far that, that hadn't been an issue.

And though he didn't think it would be, Jake's eyes kept creeping towards her in this even more empty gym. Their eyes had met more than a few times. Whether she was on the elliptical machine or doing butterfly presses, they just kept going to each other with their gazes.

But that's all it was and Jake wanted to keep it that way. He had Lili. He had a dream girl. He wasn't going to screw that up like he had with others in the past. But looking was still okay.

Of course, the woman didn't get the just looking memo that Jake had drawn up. While her was doing curls, she came by the weight bench and start to load it up. It was quite a lot for someone of her frame to lift. It was about a 100 lbs. He almost wanted to say something. She beat him to it.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150868750_ana-de-armas.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150868750_ana-de-armas.jpg)

“Can you spot me?” she asked, a hint of a Spanish accent. Another shot at his defenses. “I think that is right term...where you help with lifting. You look big enough for it, yes?”

“You sure you're big enough?” Jake replied, finally giving in to doing more than just looking. “No offense, but that's a lot of weight.”

“I am stronger than I look,” she said, her smile very sensual. “So, you will be helping?”

“Sure.” The woman laid down after she smiled at him with her full, plump lips. Jake got in position at the head of the bench. She took a grip of the bar. “How many reps?”

“Five I think. Three sets? Unless you have objection?” The sarcasm in her tone had a sexiness to it, almost coming out like a tease.


“Works for me.” The woman licked her lips and got ready. Jake was ready as well, primed to grab that weight bar the moment she lost control or balance. She didn't however. Though every press was slow, she made it. Every rep. Every set. Jake was almost useless. It was a struggle but only the same kind he'd have if he was just challenging himself. This woman really was stronger than she looked.

“Nice work,” said Jake.

“Gracias.” she replied. She caught Jake's looking over her gleaming body as she toweled off.  She did some looking of her own, though she was for more willing to admit her thoughts to herself. “Impressed, yes?”

“Definitely,” said Jake. And it was certainly about more than the weights.

“I've seen you here many times,” the woman said. “Pretty strong. Fast too. Great cardio. Not too many estupidos here respect the cardio. All about building the muscle. Shit stamina.”

“Well in my business I can't really afford not to have good cardio.”

“What business is that?”

“Professional wrestler.” Jake stated.

“You are on TV like the...what was his name...the Stone Cold?”

“Well not like Stone Cold Steve Austin just yet. Still doing the bingo halls and school gyms.”

“Start at the bottom, yes?” the woman said. “What Is your name?”

“In ring or right now?”

“True name, por favor.”

“I think I'll need an equal exchange,” Jake said, the name “Lili” seeming to be a distant memory.

“Ana,” she said. “Ana De Armas. Now your turn Mr. Luchadore.”

“Jake Triton.”

“I said your real name.”

“That is.”

“Aye, I can only imagine what your wrestler name is Jake.” Ana picked up her towel and slung it on her shoulder. “I'll be seeing you I think.”

“Most likely,” Jake said, not even realizing he was stepping into the same bad habits he had before Lili. He was barely aware of it and brushed it off. All it was conversation. A little flirting? Sure. But flirting wasn't an issue.

It was however, usually the beginning of the issue.

The rest of his workout went just as planned, the encounter with Ana faded to the back of his mind as he got in as much of a workout as he could before a week off. He was laser focused and before he knew it, it was time to hit the showers.

Once he was in the shower room he noticed his luck was good for once in that area as the water came out nice and hot. The hot water felt good on the muscles he knew were going to ache later. At the very least this might soothe it a bit. Relax him some more.

However, while his pulse was finally starting to cool down completely his heart rate shot way back up when her felt a hand grasp his cock from behind, followed by the feeling of breasts pressed against his back.

“What the hell?” he asked with a start.

“Relax Jason,” Ana said, running her hand over his tone back while the other softly worked his hardening cock. “It is just me.”

“What are you doing?”

“Returning the favor...giving you a spot, yes?” Ana grinned as she felt his dick grow in her hands. “Caramba, from the size of this I think you might need a little help with the heavy lifting.”

“Well, not needed,” he grunted. “But very appreciated.” With every stroke Ana led him back down a path Jake knew all too well. And every stroke was skilled, Ana going nice and slow at first, stropping at the tip and running her thumb in a circle on the glans. Jake began to shiver from the pleasured heat Ana was providing.

“Good...very good,” Ana said, she took a quick love bite on the back, Licking the toned muscle as the flesh was beneath her teeth. She reached her other hand around, playing with his balls as she expertly stroked his rod. “But I'm thinking you might like something a bit...more?”

Ana released her heavenly grip and put her hands-on Jake's side, signaling him to turn around. Jake followed the direction well, seeing Ana in her full form. If his cock wasn't already worked to full mast the view of that perfect nude body would have done it. Her breasts were perky, nipples hard. Perfectly delicious and more than handful.


“Like what you see, yes?”

“I think that answer's obvious.” Jake was about to go forward to show Ana just how much he liked it but she paused him.

“Not just yet.” Before Jake could even gather to question this, he got the picture when Ana got to her knees. She was face level with his cock now. She once more reached for his cock. Ana softly ran her hands up and down the rock-hard flesh pole. It had such a nice feel in her hand, and she was more than ready explore where else it might feel even better,

“Mmmmm,” hummed Jake. Ana had her mouth open near the crown, running her tongue circles around it. Just a preview of what was to come. The Latina lover opened up a bit more and took Jake's cock into her mouth, getting a much rowdier groan to bellow from his mouth.

Ana wasn't going fast. She wanted this to build. But she was also well aware that despite the gym being almost completely deserted, it wasn't abandoned. She went wright into a medium pace, working her head as she gave him one hell of a getting to know you suckjob.

“God damn girl,” Jake growled. Ana had him in between her lips and on the ropes and her was loving it. He tried to avoid looking down at her. Somehow, she knew when he would do it and would always give him a look so sexily lethal that if he gazed to long he would blow right on the spot. Even without the visual input the tactile influence of her talented tongue was more than enough to light the fuse. It was almost aggressive, building him up, slithering right up until he couldn't take it any more then backing off, flicking her tongue rapidly on his cockhead before returning to business.

Ana could have made him cum if she wanted. She knew how to get it out of a man. Her record was twenty seconds. It was a point of pride for Ana and one of a little bit of shame for her male partner at the time. But Ana didn't quite want her luchadore lover to cum just yet.

Ana got to her feet, a confident closed-mouth smile on her face. Her hand was still on Jake's cock. Ana's lips parted slightly, her tongue licking around her lips. Jake grunted as she rubbed the head of his cock against her opening, the slickness of her slit feeling almost electric on him. And the spark from that electricity lit that fuse.

Jake lifted Ana up, his grip on her ass and pinned her to the wall.


“What are you waiting for Luchadore?” she said, tying the noose that Jake had put around his own neck. “Fuck me.”

With Ana pinned tightly against the wall Jake thrust his cock inside her and it felt better than he could have imagined. Hot, tight and a slice of heaven by way of Hell. Water ran down their bodies while Ana's pussy was filled to the bring with Jake's cock. It was hard, heavy, fast and just like Ana wanted it. Tenderness was her thing. She liked her sex hot and rough. The affection was the heat, and the point was cumming. She didn't have boyfriends, she had fuck partners.

Jake was showing heavy appreciation for being the latest of them, his mouth sampling the buffet of her body. Her full lips, her skilled tongue, and of course those intensely captivating breasts of hers. His hands weren't taking it easy either. Ana had one legs still wrapped around Jake's waist while the other was planted back down on the floor of the shower, providing a bit more balance and actually allowing Jake to go even deeper in her love canal. He kept one hand on her heavenly ass while the other ran up her toned back. His eyes were locked on her. Ana's face was pure passion, a mix of English and Spanish falling from her lips and all with the clear message of “fuck me”. But she never broke her gaze. Jake's ears weren't the only thing getting the message.

Jake pulled out of Ana and spun her around, her back arched and firm ass staring back at him. He gave her a hard smack on those firm buttocks before reentering her. Now between them the balance was perfect. Ana was braced against the wall and her legs on the floor. Jake gave into her, driving hard and fast into her hungry cunt.

“Madre di dios...oh yes...fuck me...fuck me so good baby,” Ana whined. Jack was pleased to do exactly as she asked. He held hard on to Ana's hips and drove into her with reckless abandon. The wet collision of their bodies meeting echoed off the shower walls along with their moans. Ana loved it like this. What she could get from a man with so little.

That was her little kink, getting the men that were spoken for. Married men, engaged, just attached. Ana already thought of Jake as a very attractive man. She'd seen him at the gym enough to think about approaching. But then we she saw a beautiful blonde one day dropping him off with a big kiss, she knew she had to have him.

It took so little for her to get him. He didn't even pretend to fight it off. That gave Ana and extra thrill with every powerful pump he gave her.

With one thrust Jake went extra deep, sandwiching her between him and the wall of the shower room.

“Mm harder,” she said, knowing all too well exactly what her accent was doing to him. “I won't break...fuck me...faster...come on now...fuck me so I cum for you...cum on that cock...harder now...HARDER CABRON!”

Jake had no problem complying with that request. Ana could feel his hot breath on her neck as he drove into her with hard, quick strokes. He was racing towards the finish line but Ana already had a solid lead on him. After all, a taken man was her thrill. Her drug. And she was riding high about to catch that dragon.

“FUUUUCK YES!” Ana said, slamming her fists against the wall. “FUCKING YES! OH SHIT!”

“Yeah, fucking cum for me Ana...cum right on this...fucking…cock!” yelled Jake, those last three words being punctuated by three very deep thrusts into her. The way her body quivered and shook against his just drove him to continue through her orgasm, each thrust highlighting the sensations in Ana's body.

That wasn't to say that her orgasm had no effect on his. She'd taken everything out of him with her own climax, forcing his front and center.

“Gonna cum!” Jake yelled.

“Pull out!” ordered Ana. “My face...all of it!”

Jake pulled out of her and Ana spun around, on her knees by the time she finished. Her nails lightly ran up and down his thighs while her face looked up at him, absolutely dick drunk and begging for his load.

“GOD DAMN IT!” bellowed Jake. Cock in hand, it erupted like volcano all over Ana's face, making the horny Latina moan in pleasure as the white-hot ooze covered her.

“Mmm si baby...all of it...every drop of cum...”

Jake was giving her just that, Ana’s face covered in white streaks of jizz. She stuck her tongue out and he placed his cock right on it as the last few droplets drizzled out from his dick. Ana gave it one last, sweet suck before getting to her feet. She licked some of the cum from around her lips then went under the spout of the shower, rinsing the few remains down the drain.

“Gracias for the good time Jake,” she said. “Now I think I will be having my own shower. ” She waved at him and stepped out of the shower, leaving Jake to finish up his actual shower.


He began to do that, washing up and thinking about the week ahead. The only thing not on his mind was guilt. He felt none of it. And why should he? It was just one time. It didn't count as cheating on Lili.

And history began to repeat itself, and just like every time before Jake wasn’t too concerned about it.


One would think the local brothels would be booming during Spring Break. That wasn't the case. Most of their customer base left town for the week. This was hard on Bella's girls, but they all were mainly made up of the student body as well. It was a slump Bella was always prepared for and had essentially designated for her girls as an official unofficial vacation week.

Sophia Bush's softer side of selling sex however saw a slight dip, but her solution was essentially business as usual. Quite a lot of her patronage tended to stay behind. She also mostly skewed to the older crowd, which was mainly professors. They stuck around and partook in the services Sophia and her girls provided.

So unlike Bella, Sophia was still in her at home office, taking care of paperwork and other such boring but necessary business for the business. It was the best time for her employees to get a hold of her. So, when she heard a knock at her door she wasn't remotely startled. Business as usual.

“Come in,” said Sophia, putting her pen down and bringing her attention to the door. In walked Camila Cabello, her usual bubbly self. But still, Sophia could see there was something on the Cuban cuties mind. “Take a seat Camila.”

“Thanks,” said Camila, taking the seat directly in front of Sophia's desk. “How's your day?”

“Peaceful and long.” replied Sophia. “And busy too. So, if you don't mind the shortness Camila, please tell me what's on your mind and how I can fix it.”

“Okay.” Camila took a deep breath. How could she tell Sophia she wanted out? That she met someone and just wanted to be for him. As the question of how to get the statement out she could see Sophia was getting tired of waiting. “I want to stop,” she finally blurted. “I…I don't want to do this anymore. I met someone...and…I only want to be with him. He hasn't put the choice on me...hasn't even mentioned it. I just...I don't think I can do this job and be with someone at the same time.”

“Is that all?” Sophia asked. “Done.”

“Wait, really?”

“Camila, listen,” Sophia said. She took off her glasses and walked to the front of the desk, sitting on the edge and looking right at the younger woman in front of her. “Me and my competition don't agree on much, but we do agree no one should be doing this unless they want to. So, if someone wants out, they're out.”

“It's that easy?” Camila asked.

“That easy,” Sophia said. “The only thing I ask of you is you finish your one, last booked job. He called this morning, one of your usual’s. Already booked him.”

“Who is it?”

“Mr. Scott,” Sophia said.

“Done,” Camila said. Mr. Scott, or Ted as he preferred to be called, was a call girl's dream. He paid top dollar like he was getting a girl's ass for just a blowjob. Sometimes it'd be more, like a lap dance to get him hard. A little strip tease, then some head. Swallow and you're done. And he was one of the nicer ones. Not that any of the clients she'd ever had were anything but that, Sophia screened well, but she definitely noticed there was a bit more kindness to him even amongst a pool of fairly polite perverts. “He have any special requests?”

“Just that you wear something really sexy. I'm thinking he wants a bit of a strip before the suck.”

“I can do that,” said Camila. “After that...back to the nine to five for me.”

“About that,” Sophia said. “I need a new assistant. Someone to take of all the appointments and such. Get my lunch, things like that. Kat just got an office job that honestly did pay better...so, since I know you're in need of gainful and slightly more legitimate employment, you in?”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.” Sophia replied. “And I already know your references are impeccable. You start after Spring Break. And don't worry about your class schedule. I'm sure your old boss will provide it.” Sophia gave her a wink and a smile to seal the deal.

“Thanks Soph,” Camila said, getting up to hug her old and new boss. “I really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” Sophia reached for a piece of paper from her desk and handed it to Camila. “Here's Mr. Scott's info. After that, it's week off then back to the working week. Just with more clothes.”


It had been a bad few weeks for Ben Farano. He lost his girl, his apartment and had just recently been cut off by his parents. To be honest he didn't expect his brother Peter to follow through with his threat after Ben ratted him out for living with his girlfriend.

Needless to say, when his parents found out he slept with one of the professors on campus none of the tricks he knew to calm them down were going to work. He was in it deep. And as much as he would have loved to blame Peter, he knew it was on him. Ben's cockiness had gotten him in this mess. He probably could have juggled Sabrina and Lucy, no problem. But adding in Chastain was the straw that broke the camel's back.

On the bright side, at least Jessica was more than willing to fuck him and give him a place to crash still. She wasn't into him as much as she was the sex. And since he wasn't one of HER students, there was really nothing she could get in trouble for.

While he appreciated a place to stay, he knew it wasn't a romance thing. Jessica hammered that aspect home when she left for Spring Break with a Post-It note explaining he was pretty much on his own and to not bring anyone over to her place and not to touch the food or the booze.

So, he had a roof over his head but not so much in the way of food. He was still making money with editing gigs on the side, but it'd be a lot easier if he didn't have to pay for everything by himself.

Which was what brought him to a bar. It wasn't the Casket. He didn't want to risk bumping in to Lucy just yet. It was downtown and not quite as upbeat as any of the places ear campus were. Not that he needed that while he was nursing his beer.

Though just because his attention was focus on his beer and his troubles didn't mean Ben was completely out of whack. He immediately took notice of the stacked brunette who took a seat next to him. She ordered a scotch, double and was ignorant of him. She seemed to have her own issues that needed to be drowned out via inebriation.

“Looks like you're having a worse time than I am,” Ben said to the woman. “That's pretty heavy duty.”

“And it's only the first.” she replied. “Been a rough time lately.”

“I hear that.”

“It's just…you ever just put together something so perfect and flawless, fool proof even only to realize that since a fool made the plan, it was always going to fail?”

“Kinda,” said Ben. “There's a difference between confidence and pride. Pride fucks you way harder.”

“I heard that,” the lady said, smirking at Ben. She held up her glass to his beer bottle. Ben took the hint and clinked it together. “What's your name wise man?”

“Ben Farrano,” he replied. “You?”

“Kira Kosarin.”


(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150869538_91545489_151680572840011_6538475370208122605_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150869538_91545489_151680572840011_6538475370208122605_n.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150869540_91559780_678048946358461_2722745331625477340_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150869540_91559780_678048946358461_2722745331625477340_n.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150869542_91572098_803507960059676_4573174874479504543_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150869542_91572098_803507960059676_4573174874479504543_n.jpg)

It may have been one in the afternoon, but to Vanessa Morgan the sun shining on her face felt just as warm and fresh as it would have at the crack of dawn. She turned over and saw Eric sleeping next to her. They'd both had a long, hot night and he was still recovering in dreamland.

Vanessa decided to let him rest a bit more. She slid out of bed, still as bare naked as she was when she and Eric finally hit the sheets. Ever since they started dating they couldn't keep off of each other. Spring Break would be no different.

Well, a little different. She had some special plans for them both during the strip club's Spring Break car wash promotion. The hottest women in the sexiest bikinis getting sudsy and wet. It was easy money. All the profits went to some local charity, a tax write-off for the owners to be sure. But the women got to keep the tips, and Vanessa was working every shift of it. She figured she'd make more money and actually get to see the sun for more than a few hours. Plus, her nights could pretty much just be her and Eric which had a lot of appeal to them.

Vanessa made her way to her bathroom and started up a shower. The water was so hot it began to steam up the bathroom almost immediately. Just how Vanessa liked it.


She slid the glass door open and stepped inside. The shower was large, much larger than the rest of the apartment to the people who'd seen it. The shower wasn't a he, luxurious affair, but it was certainly big enough for fun with one or more.

Right as those memoires flooded her senses and the hot water hit her skin, Vanessa made a promise to herself to make some memories with Eric in the shower sometime soon.

Of course, the moment she felt her hair get brushed away and felt a kiss on her neck Vanessa knew that promise was about to be fulfilled.

“I wake you?” she asked, reaching behind her to grab and pump Eric's cock.

“Yeah...probably should thank you for that,” Eric said. “I like to get an early start on my day.”

“It's one in the afternoon.” Vanessa replied. She breathed in deep as Eric's hands started to roam her body. Moving softly up her back and over her shoulders, giving her a quick massage before holding and cupping her breasts.

“Close enough.” He kissed her shoulder and neck again while his hands played and massaged her tits. Vanessa had been his first everything. First girlfriend, first sexual partner and even first love...though he didn't quite know how to tell her that. She showed a lot of patience towards him and his inexperience, never once making him feel inadequate. And every time they had sex, he got a bit more confident. Now? Now he knew exactly how to work her body. And Vanessa loved his new-found confidence.

“Mmmm baby,” she moaned, letting the hot water run down her body just as his hands did. She leaned her head back on his shoulder when her rolled her nipples between his fingertips. Eric wasn't her first, but it didn't make him any less special. He had something about him that just drew Vanessa in. She'd hate to use a cliché term as soul of a poet...but his heart kept her coming back. His eagerness in the bedroom didn't hurt either. At this point he knew just how to make Vanessa putty in his hands, something he was well on his way to doing.

“Ohhhhh Eric!” Vanessa wined when his fingers began to probe her slit. “Nnnn right there honey...oh yes....” While Eric was making Vanessa a very comfortable girl, she hadn't forgotten about him at all, his cock having grown rock hard in her skilled hand. And while she didn't mind Eric taking the lead by joining her in the shower, Vanessa felt now was the time best for her to take charge.

She released her tantalizing grip on his cock and turned to face him. Vanessa pressed her lips to Eric's, giving him a smile that was just for him, burning sexy and loving. Her smile grew wider when she saw Eric breath in deep when her hand once more gripped his dick, now focusing on the crown.

“Nice and hard for me,” she said. “I love that. Makes me feel so good that you want me so bad Eric. You know what? I want you even more. Feel you...hold you...taste you...”

Vanessa kissed him again, this time breaking it as she went to his knees, kissing a trail down his body until she got eye-level with his cock. She took hold of Eric's hard member with both hands, gliding her palms up and down it. “So hard…so ready for me. I like that. Love how it feels.” She brushed her face against his cock, her cheeks tenderly caressing the solid muscle. “So good. And all for me. Just like every inch of me is yours. Every. Inch.”

“Vanessa....” Eric said, his voice somewhere between a moan and a whisper.

“Mmm I like that. The way you say my name. You need it just as much I do. So I'm gonna give us what we both want.” Vanessa kissed his thigh and looked up at him. “I can't wait to taste you again baby.”

“Oh wow,” Eric groaned. This was far from the first time Vanessa had blown him but it never stopped feeling amazing. She always started with just the head, almost making love to that sensitive bundle of nerves with her mouth while her hand deftly played with his balls and the other nonchalantly pumped his shaft. It was just for that added bit of feeling, a supporting stroke or two for the main event that was her mouth.

Vanessa's tongue sensually rolled around the mushroom tip, taking a random pause to lick his glans like an ice cream cone. She could hear the shiver run up his spine and out his mouth in a moan. Desperate and appreciative. That was her signal to go a bit deeper.

Her hands moved up his body, resting at his stomach where his own hand joined them. Now it was all on Vanessa's mouth to do the heavy lifting. Not that she minded. She loved to give pleasure just as much as receive it, and as her pace increased.

Eric squeezed her hands tighter as Vanessa gave it her all, her tongue swiping across all the right places in just the right way, a snake slithering a trail of fire. She could have finished him right there. Eric knew Vanessa well enough by now. He knew she was just keeping him on the edge, just on the verge of that final high. The only thing keeping her from that was she wanted it to. They were going to share that passionate high together.

Vanessa released Eric's cock, getting to her feet. The entire room seemed even hotter now, the misty view of the steam adding a new layer to thinks. It was almost like the smokiness of the strip club where she worked, but cleaner, more pure. Fitting.

She gripped his cock again and ran the engorged head over her slit. The hot water from the shower nozzles sprayed and rand down her back as she continued to softly pump his dick. “I want you inside me...this perfect fucking cock...your cock...I want you inside me...you always feel so good in me Eric.”

Vanessa released his cock and blew Eric a kiss. Eric responded, pulling Vanessa close and pinning her against the white tile of the shower. They stared each other out, Eric holding her thigh as her lifted her leg up. With the other hand, he positioned his piston on her wet and waiting opening.

“Oh Eric....” Vanessa moaned as he entered her. He always took a moment to savor how she felt around him. Even with a quickie. It got Vanessa off more than a little, she couldn't deny. But the moment he began to pick up was always a lot more fun. When Eric began to pick up the pace, Vanessa melted completely into him, moaning and crying his name.

It didn't take too long for the pair to get frenzied. Hungry kisses and licks to each other. Lips to neck to chest, though Eric couldn't resist taking a little time to give her tits their due. It was a move Vanessa loved, holding and pressing his face in the bounty of her cleavage.

“Mmm yes suck my tits...I want to feel how much you want me...take these titties Eric...oh just like that honey....” Vanessa's eyes shut and a big open mouth smile came over her face while Eric feasted on her tits, sucking her sensitive nipples into his mouth one after the other.

And while Eric's mouth was very busy, his cock was working even harder inside of Vanessa's cunt. Working his hips, driving himself in deep and slow. Eric was finally able to pull his attention away from Vanessa's tits to look at his face. It was in a state of erotic bliss, every moan and cry driving him to go harder, deeper inside her. Vanessa stuck out her tongue and Eric followed, the two licking at each other before meeting in a savage kiss.

Vanessa had led the dance between them so far, but now Eric wanted to take the lead. He pulled out of Vanessa, kissing her again before spinning her around in the shower, facing the sliding glass door.

“Gonna take me dirty huh baby?” Vanessa said, gulping a bit when Eric started playing with her clit before re-entering her. “Gonna bend me over and make me cum? I'm such a lucky dirty girl...only for you though...just for you...”

That last word trailed off into a low moan when Eric's dick re-entered her. It was a bit harder, faster this time. And Vanessa was pushing back at him, her arms braced against the glass.

“Fuck me baby...nnngh right there Eric...oh baby...oh baby right there...just like that...” The words dripped from Vanessa's mouth right as a new idea creeped in. “Mmmm how about we do something a little different baby? Just for me?”

“Anything...oh fuck anything for you Ness....”

“It's for you too baby,” said Vanessa. “Fuck my ass. I want you to feel all of me...I want that cock up my ass...please...I want to feel you there...deep inside...”

“Are you sure?” Eric said.

Vanessa rose up and looked at him over her shoulder. She caressed his cheek with her hand and softly kissed him. “Very.”

Eric gave Vanessa a few more pumps before pulling out, bringing his slick cock up to her tight, puckered whole. Vanessa bent back over, looking over her shoulder. She locked eyes with her man, ready to give him two magic words. “Do it.”

Vanessa grimaced a bit as Eric pressed forward, her hand working her clit as Eric pushed slowly, easing himself inside of her tight hole. They both inhaled deep when his cock finally popped in.

“Oh wow,” Vanessa said. “That's...mmm. Fuck that's big...fucking tight.”

“Too much?”

“Not for you baby,” Vanessa reassured. “Keep going.”

Eric held tight on Vanessa's full hips, slowly working his cock in her ass inch by inch. The pace was slow. No matter how many green lights Vanessa gave him Eric wasn't going to go full jackhammer in her ass for both of their sake.

Vanessa appreciated the gentle touch, slowly acclimating to Eric's girth up her ass. Vanessa knew her man was packing heat. It was a nice bonus to go along with him being so wonderful to her. The sweetheart of her dreams packing a dick that could make her dirtier dreams come true...and often did that.

“Oh god baby...oh…holy shit Eric...fuck this is so good baby...you feel good no matter where you are...oh fuck...harder now sweetie...fuck me just a bit harder...oh fuck I'll cum for you...all for you...damn...damn damn...”

Eric, far beyond words right now, simply took the direction Vanessa gave, thrusting just a bit harder and just a bit faster, it brought a smile to Vanessa's face as her moans grew more and more intense. Soon she was pressed against the glass wall of the shower, the mocha breasts squished tight as Eric's pace built up, his breaths as fast and short as his pumps.

He thrust deep into her, Vanessa crying out, “YES!” She was close, teetering so close. Every slow, deep thrust Eric was making up her tightest of tight holes driving her crazier and crazier. He was close too. Vanessa wanted him to feel every last bit of the pleasure she was feeling.

“Gonna...oh shit baby...Eric...nnngh gonna make me cum...cum with your perfect cock in my ass...,” Vanessa said. “I want you to cum...in me...I want to feel your dick shoot...all of it...all for me...just for me...ohhh baby yesss...”

Vanessa's body quaked as a growling moan bellowed from her lips. She came, her asshole squeezing Eric's cock snug and tight as he continued to thrust. It wasn't too many thrusts though as soon he emptied his balls up her ass, Vanessa urging every hot stream of cum out of his dick with the squeezing of her ass and her velvet words.

“Yessss oh baby every drop...every single drop...all for me...just for me...all of it...please...”

Eric did just that, his mouth releasing hot breaths against her neck as he gave her every last bit he had before pulling his exhausted prick from her ass. He moved until his back was against the tile of the shower and Vanessa turned around her back to the glass of the shower door. They locked eyes, laughed in the orgasmic high.

“Wow,” Vanessa said.

“Wow?” Eric asked.

“Big time wow.” Vanessa moved toward him and he her, the pair meeting on their knees in the shower for a kiss.

“Not to seem like I'm rushing things but I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with you,” Vanessa said, any filter she may have had blown off by her orgasm.

“Well, considering I'm in love with you, I don't think it's too much of a rush.”

“Perfect.” Vanessa got to her feet and right back under the show spout. “Now how about we make it official by finishing up in the shower? I think I might be a little dirtier now than when I got in.”



The last bit of preparation for the long drive to Lake Havasu had become. The vans had been packed by all, though Jake and Jose and had done a lot of the heavy lifting. Right now, it was the last-minute check of anything left behind.

Sabrina had her pipe and some of her favorite strain ready, Hailee almost forgot her phone, but everything was clear and everyone was ready, save for Camila and Peter. Camila was frantically searching for her earbuds. Sure, she could always by another pair but it was just annoying she couldn't find the case. She didn't know what Peter was still looking for since it was unusual for him to forget anything. Then again with the lack of sleep he'd had in the past few weeks she could see something finally slipping his mind at this point.

She'd just bout given up hope when she finally broke down and decided to actually look in the cushions of the couch. It was too cliché to even consider, but sure enough, that's right where they were.

“Of fucking course,” she said. “Because I really need my life to be a sitcom.”

“Find them?” Peter asked, coming from around the corner.

“Yeah.” replied Cami. “You find...wait, what exactly were you looking for?”

“Well, technically my camera but honestly nothing,” he admitted. “I wanted to ask you something and I thought the best way to get a straight answer out of you was in private.”

“Okay....what did you need to ask me?”

“Well, what was all that yesterday when I brought up the photos on the wall being yours?”

“Oh...look...you know me. Probably better than anyone honestly. I don't want to be mad or short, especially to my friends, to the people I love. But stuff like that is a soft spot for me. I love those photos, that's why they're there. I just...I don't really want to talk about them being mine.”

“Why though? You're great. Or you were.”

“It's my dad. And mom. Hell, it's one of the few things they agree on. They are really, really focused on me being a lot more...business oriented. To the point where if I went forward with the whole photography thing as a career, I'd be cut off. No money for anything, on my own. So...executive decision time. No more photography. Hence, not wanting to talk about it.” Camila slouched on the couch, Peter soon taking a seat beside her.

“Well, you're talking about it now.”

“You're you. I could talk to you about anything. Like that time I threw up at my cousins wedding where I was the flower girl? You were the first person I told. Because I knew you wouldn't tell anyone. Just like I don't want you telling anyone this. And before you ask why, it's because I don't need everyone giving me some kind of pep talk to follow my dreams and all that. I just want to have fun this week, okay?” Camila slumped back in the couch, giving her patented “I'm done with this conversation” pose.

“You got it. But in return, I need a favor.”

“There's always a catch,” Camila said, a soft smile on her lips. “What's that?”

“Well, after essentially burning every candle in the world at both ends on the movie, I kind of don't even want to even think about looking at a camera.”

“Yet you brought yours,” she knowingly said, eyebrow cocked.

“Yep, the one we bought for filming. Does a good job with both video and stills too.”

“My annoying best friend-sense is tingling.”

“Then you'll say yes to being my surrogate photographer for the trip?” Peter grinned a big goofy grin and held out the camera to Cami, which she took with a comedic huff of her breath.

“Fine,” she said. “Just because it's you. But don't think this is going to be some magical growing experience where I decide to reclaim my artistic passion.”

“I won't...but that does sound like it'd be a decent Netflix original.”

“Well, just remember my name when it comes time for royalties,” said Camila before getting up. “And with that pseudo heart to heart out of the way, time to hit the road to lovely Lake Havasu.”


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 05:06:33 PM

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150871046_margotglasses.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150871046_margotglasses.jpg)

The first time Margot Robbie walked into the local smut store, she was nervous. She was there to pick up somethings just to spice up her marriage. A vibrator, some flavored lube, fuzzy handcuffs. Stuff that the vanilla girl she was then thought was risqué. She was absolutely sweating bullets, debating in the car for half an hour to even go in, worried that students or staff from the college would see her there and ruin her job as Scarlett's secretary.

But that was then. Back before Scarlett awoke something in her. Back before that night at the Halloween party. Back before her man got in on the dirtiness, reveling in it just as much as Margot had.

Now when Margot walked into the store there was a confidence. She didn't care who knew. She didn't mind that the people at the register knew her name. And she certainly didn't care if someone recognized her. Why would that matter? They were eager to see her. They knew she was going to suck their cock, and that was at the very least.


That was definitely on her agenda tonight. But there was also a purpose to it, He original extra dancing partner for the night of filth she and her hubby had planned had backed out. And by backing out he had decided to head to San Diego for break.

However, Margot wasn't fazed by that, not one bit. She always had an ace up her sleeve when it came to getting off. And she would play that card tonight at his usual haunt.

He was a student. Attractive enough. He wouldn't turn heads on first look. That wasn't his style. Margot learned what his style was one night when she came to the store to suck a few dicks and got fucked in ways she didn't know on the hood of his car. She was ravaged by him and she returned the favor. He got a name with a star next to it in her phonebook. Bobby with a star. No last name. That'd make it a bit too personal. It didn't matter if he knew hers. She knew what he looked like and it wouldn't be good for either if the world knew they got dirty in a dirty movie theater. It was the same deal with any of the staff and students she saw there. It created a code of mutual silence.

As Margot made her way to the private porno booths she was already soaking wet. It would have dampened her panties if she'd decided to wear some. Margot decided against that. They'd just get in the way. Right before she walked in she made eye contact with Bobby. That was all the signal he needed. He'd been waiting for her. Arrived just when she told him to, fifteen minutes before her. His job, aside from providing some dick on request to the Aussie blonde was to spread the word that if anyone wanted some fun to follow him to the sexiest blonde on two legs any of them had ever seen. When the men looked at her, they were not disappointed.


Margot walked in, taking in a wall displaying the DVD's shown in the booth. They were displayed on a big wall right in the entrance and again in the back. Both walls were lit with lewd neon signs. The perfect lighting for sleaze.

Sluts with big tits, small tits, fat asses all around the most delicious looking cocks and pussies Margot had ever seen, not counting of course the ones she'd seen in person. These were professional privates and made her mouth water. She was going to need that.

Margot walked to the end of the wall dropped her purse and turned around, facing the entrance and planting her palms against the dirty walls of the house of filth. Her grin got wide when Bobby came towards her. Behind him were the men he had told to follow. About seven, all regular samplers of Margot's wares. They followed directions well, hanging back and forming a queue as Bobby made the first approach.

“Hello there Bobby,” Margot said, her already inviting voice becoming more enticing with her accent. “So glad you accepted my invitation.”

“Have I ever turned one down?” Bobby asked. He was so close to Margot he could almost feel the heat radiating off her body. “Then again, I doubt I could resist it.” He proved his words too true when he brought his hand forward, running it up Margot's thigh and under her skirt.

Margot moaned and writhed against the ragged wall when Bobby's fingers entered her, going for her sweetest of sweet spots inside the moment he could. He wasn't one for teasing. Margot liked that. Teasing was fine and all, but there was a time and a place for it. Getting ready to fuck in a porn theater was neither the time or the place.

“Mmm good boy,” Margot said. “See how wet I am just thinking about tonight?”

“Just what is one the menu?”

“Well first dear Bobby,” she said, her accent making those words drop down to a different tune. “You're going to fuck my face. Fuck my throat. From there...well...let's just see if you make it to what comes next...”

Margot slid down the wall as Bobby snickered through a confident sneer. He did the honors of unbuckling and unzipping and Margot yanked those 501s down to his knees. She grabbed his cock, running her thumb on the underside of the crown. She looked up at Bobby, ready to give the direction he didn't need but was ding to hear from her.

“Fuck my face,” said Margot, opening her mouth up wide and waiting for his hard meat rod to take shelter in the wet cavern of her mouth.

“Mmmmm fuck that's my favorite slut,” Bobby growled when his dick was engulfed by Margot mouth. The moment she grabbed his hips and braced herself, that was the signal she was ready.

There was no build up. No sweet and slow to fast and furiously skull fucking. It was full blast from the get go. Margot demanded nothing less and it was just what Bobby asked for. The sloshy sounds of his cock ramming her mouth and the “GACK GACK GACK” sounds Margot made was the perfect soundtrack of filth, blending in perfectly to the symphony of sex on film and people masturbating to the view. The percussion of fapping as the seven men in line watched and waited for their shot with the blonde siren.

After a solid minute of throat ravaging Bobby pulled his cock out, saliva splatting to the ground as Margot gasped for air. With his cock free, Bobby slapped his wet rod all over Margot's face, Margot rubbing her mug all over and moaning like a depraved sex fiend.

“Yessss gimme that fucking cock,” Margot growled. “Fuck my face like my cunt...USE ME!”

Bobby wordlessly complied, returning his member to her mouth and resuming the ravaging. He growled and grunted, sliding his cock between her smeared red lips balls deep, filling her throat.

“All the way deep baby...all the fucking way deep...take it...mmm fuuuuckkkk...” Bobby groaned. Margot was just the kind of woman he liked and needed right now. No strings and dirty sex. It didn't get much better. They understood exactly what they wanted from the other.

Bobby pulled out again, pumping his cock. Margot surprised him a bit by getting to her knees.

“Want to have a little bit more fun Bobby?” she asked, putting a bit of tease on his name.

“What kind of fun?”

Margot answered him wordlessly. She hiked up her skirt, showing of her bare bald pussy and reached behind her. She grunted a bit then returned her hand to her front, holding a clear butt plug in her hand. With Bobby as her completely entranced audience, she sucked the toy fresh from her ass before squatting down and placing it in her purse, returning with a small bottle of lube which she placed in his hand. From there Margot licked his lips and spun around, arching her ass out, putting an exclamation point on her wordless sentence.

A hyena-like grin crossed Bobby's face. He smacked Margot's ass hard. She hissed between clenched teeth. She wordlessly waited as Bobby applied to proper lubrication. The moment she felt that lovely cock pushing against her tight but ready asshole, Margot was ready to roll.

“FUCK!” she yelled in a low moaned, slamming her first against the wall as Bobby's head popped inside. From there, it was that sweet painful pleasure as he worked his cock in her slowly, her ass becoming accustomed once more to his dick. Margot had him like this before. Every time his girth both shocked and delighted her.

“Mmm yeah Bobby-Boy...take that ass...fuck it...hard...fast...make me scream when I cum...don’t stop...right there...like that...”

Now it was Bobby's turn to speak wordlessly. He held tight to Margot's hip with one hand while the other grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking her back as he quickly built up a fast and hard pace. This was how Margot liked it. There was no other way to fuck in an environment like this Dirty. Nasty. Perfect.

“YESSSSS!” Margot yelled, her fist slamming against the wall once more. “Harder! Harder Bobby! Don't stop! Fucking deeper!”

Bobby released his grip on Margot's blonde locks and moved both his hands to her shoulders, pulling Margot back to meet every deep and savage thrust he made into her tight cavity. He dropped the speed and went for pure power, balls deep with every thrust, just what the doctor ordered for them both.

“Fuuuuuck,” Margot gasped, her face now pressed against the wall. “So fucking deep...so tight and big...gonna cum....love cumming with a dick up my ass...mmmm but you can cum baby...you wanna know...ngggfuck...why? Because I want to taste you...I want to taste...ohhhhhhhyessss...taste my ass on your cock...then your dirty cum...mmm fuck...make me cum...so deep...shiiiiiiiiit.....”

Bobby moved his hand from her shoulders, gliding them under her arms to grabs her tits, inching her nipples as his cock gave in to every last demand she had. Margot began to writhe, now squeezed tight between Bobby and the wall. His cock was completely buried up her ass, quick, hard thrusts being the order of the day. Every single pump made in her ass driving her wild with lust. It was getting to be too much in the most wonderful way. Every thrust was a sweet, lustful burn that lit a fuse. And the bomb that fuse was connected to was fixing to explode.

Or rather an implosion would be more apt, as when Margot came her asshole squeezed and constricted around Bobby's thrusting and pulsing dick, making it quite the challenge for him to keep his promise with this holiest of holes becoming even tighter when he was treated to watching this blonde bombshell get hit by her orgasm like it was a ten ton speeding comet.

“Mmm fuck yeah baby,” a pleasure-drunk Margot said. “Made me cum...now it's your turn...pull out and let me suck that fucking cock again.”

Bobby pulled out and Margot was on her knees in a flash. She sucked his cock in her mouth with no issue, making the already worn-down stallion feel even weaker. Seeing the blue fire behind her eyes as she sucked her ass from his cock, it was delightful torture as we waited for that point of no return.

“I'm such dirty pervert aren't I Bobby?” asked Margot, licking his cocked head when she finished the question. “Getting fucked up the ass in a porno theater and sucking the dick right from it...such a filthy pervert...”

Margot jammed his cock back in her mouth, her tongue utterly attacking that throbbing mushroom tip. Bobby went from teetering on the edge to just about ready to jump off it himself.

“One last thing,” said Margot as she pumped his dick like a woman possessed. “I want to see that cock shoot. I want to feel that cum cover my tongue...cum on my face...splatter my tongue...fucking make me dirty!”

Bobby grunted in affirmative, taking his cock and giving it a few pumps before his jizz rocketed out of his cock. Ropes of hot cum covered Margot lustfully laughing face, drenching it. He placed the head of his cock right on Margot's outstretched tongue, the last few streams shooting out before she wrapped her lips around it sucking down every last bit before Bobby was spent.

“Have fun?” asked Margot. She had cleaned her face with her fingers, sucking the cum down before getting to her feet.

“Not as much as you?” Bobby joked.

“Want to have some more?”

“Don't I have to go to the back of the line?” he replied, getting a laugh from Margot.

“Cute. I mean at later date,” she said. “Tell me Bobby, have you ever shared a woman with another man like you've seen in these dirty movies? One in the pussy, one in the ass? Because that's the invite I'm giving you.”


“I'll let you know. Until then...I think your friends are waiting.”

Bobby nodded and pulled up his pants then walked out. Margot's gaze went to the waiting men.

“All right boys, who's next?”


Madelaine and Selena were outside waiting for a ride. It was 2:30 in the morning and they were packed and ready to go on their Spring Break vacation. Madelaine was very glad Selena had taken her up on the offer to join. She didn't want to go alone and just be reminded of the mess her love life was.

Selena was happy just to have something to do. The only thing was Madelaine wasn't exactly clear on who the friends were that were coming to pick them up. Outside of the restaurant Selena really didn't know who Madelaine's friends were. It didn't matter much. She liked meeting new people and couldn't wait for a week away from everything, especially with her new outlook on life.

As Selena was thinking about the possibilities Madelaine snapped her out of it.

“Our ride is here,” the redhead said, and when Selena caught view of the cars they were very, very familiar. When they pulled up and emptied out Selena was surprised to see nothing but familiar faces. Those faces were just as surprised to see her.

“Selena?” said Peter. He was the driver of one of the vehicles. Right next to him was Hailee with Camila and her boyfriend, Selena had never gotten his name, behind her.

“You didn't tell me these were your friends,” Selena said to Madelaine. “I know them too.”

“Your tone isn't too promising.” Madelaine replied. “Is there going to be an issue?”

“Hardly,” Camila said, taking the lead. “Sorry to barge in like this, but I couldn't help but overhear that tone of concern. But...you're more than welcome Selena. I take it Jared's out then?”

“Right on the money,” said Madelaine. “His loss.”

“Couldn't agree more.” Cami replied. “You two are in the other van that Jake is driving. You'd be with us, but....”

“Sabrina is passed the fuck out in the middle seat,” Hailee said. “The new strain she bought was a little bit too strong for the Short Stack.”

“Let me get the bags for you guys,” Peter said. “Traveling light. Many thanks.”

“You're welcome,” Selena said with a smile. “And thanks for being cool with me coming.”

As the others got to packing up Madelaine and Selena's stuff, Selena took Camila aside.

“Are you really cool with me coming?” Selena asked.

“Of course,” said Camila. “Look, when I said I wanted to start over with you, I meant it. So…you're welcome to join us. In fact, I want you to. I don't have any problem if you don't.”

“No problem here.”

“Then it's settled. See you in Lake Havasu.”

On that note, the cars were once more filled up and the road had officially been hit. In one van there was Jake and Lili in the front seat with Madelaine and Selena in the middle and back while the other the driver and shotgun positions were held by Peter and Hailee with Sabrina sleeping in the middle and Cami and Jose in the back seat and getting very comfortable.

“You know you could conk out like Sabrina,” Peter said to Hailee. “It won't bother me.”

“Nuh-uh, we're in this together babe,” Hailee said, her warm smile working better than a shot of espresso in keeping Peter up. “Most rest I'm getting on this drive is probably resting my head on your shoulder. Mainly because it's a lot more comfortable than leaning against the glass.”

While they continued their couples’, cutie talk and Sabrina was passed out in a cannabis induced dreamland, Camila and Jose were in the very back and Camila had something very interesting on her mind.

“You know what I'm thinking babe?” Camila asked.

“Is it about how they never gave that cop show with Roddy Piper and Jesse Ventura a fair shake?” he asked.

“No, it's about something I actually have a frame of reference for.” she replied, her nimble fingers dancing up his thigh to his crotch. “I hope I don't have to spell it out further than this.”

“Babe, it's not that I don't agree with your ideas and want to sign up for your newsletter,” said Jose. Cami was listening but not as she began to undo his pants. “My one objection is we're in a crowded car and don't have the reputation of being quiet.”


“Then I guess you're gonna have to concentrate really hard on breaking that habit.” Those were Cami's final words on the subject, as her mouth soon found itself rather busy with Jose's hard dick.

The very surprised boyfriend sucked in his lips, trying to seal his mouth and make it sound proof. The skilled licks and caresses of Camila's tongue were in direct conflict of Jose's will to be silent. Tip to base and back again, slobbering up his pole before taking him all the way in. The sizzle on the steak right now was her extensively manicured fingers teasing his balls.

Jose was barely able to cover up a gasp as Camila finally took him in her mouth. And she wasn't being discrete or slow about it. That wasn't in Camila's play book right now. The rather public setting was going to do the work of a slower build up. Right now, she was just focused on using her gliding lips and tactful tongue making Jose squirm in her seat.

Squirming was the least of Jose's issues. It was taking all his willpower to not make a single peep, to not look like anything untoward was going on. He counted his lucky stars the happy couple in front were too focused on each other and the road to notice Camila's delightful torture of him and Sabrina being knocked out was just another small bit of fortune.

But when Camila pulled back, focusing just on the head he realized he had the luckiest case of bad luck he'd ever had. She slowly dragged her tongue up down and all around the engorged crown. She was making him go white knuckled. Though he might have been able to hide his movements from the other in the van, he couldn't from Camila.

Jose trembled and shivered with every movement of her mouth. Delicate, deliberate, light as a feather or heavy as a boulder; Camila was giving him the best suckjob she could in the position they were n. And given the utter paradise of pleasure Jose was finding himself in, it was a damn good one.

Another thing had to be thankful for was the loudness of the radio playing, as it muffled the louder sounds of Camila's blowjob as she started to go faster. Wet slobbering and squelching sounds when she took Jose all the way in, holding him in his throat before letting him go. Loud drums and bass ran over her gasps for air and gave Jose some kind of pass to let out his own sounds of pleasure. Measured, not too loud, but some kind of pressure got released.

A lot more of the pressure was fixing to get released as well. Camila could feel it as his cock began to throb and pulse in her mouth. Camila encouraged this eventual eruption, massaging and rubbing his balls and increasing her skilled work on his cock. Every skilled lick and sweet caress was another jolt of erotic electricity until it got to be too much to hold back.

Jose let out a stifled grunt as he began to flood Camila's perfect mouth. And Camila hungrily swallowed every stream, a satisfied “Mmmmmm,” coming from her lips, but nothing else. Not even a drop.

Camila finally pulled up from an empty spout, showing off an empty mouth before sealing her lips with a sly grin. She kissed Jose on the cheek and brought her head back to his lap, putting away his package before laying her head down his lap.

“Wake me when we get there babe,” Camila said before settling in for a nap. She had just suckered him in to alarm clock duty. Though from the look on Jose's face, he wouldn't have minded be suckered in more often.



After what seemed like a drive that would never end for Peter and Hailee, the vans had finally pulled up to the Mendes family lake house. Upon getting out, Camila was the first one to open her mouth.

“Okay Pete, I admit it,” she said. “The place is huge.” She then turned around to face her party, giving details on the living arrangements for the week. “Okay, Peter and Hailee, your room is up the stairs to the right. Jake and Lili, you got the one to the left. Myself and Jose have the master bedroom right in the middle. Madelaine, you have the bedroom next to the staircase. Selena, you have the on right next to it. You two are sharing a bathroom that connects the rooms. And Selena, the room isn't made up because I thought Madelaine was bringing her boyfr...well, you know. Nothing personal but there's a linen closest right at the end of the hall.”

“No problem.” Selena replied.

“Awesome. And Sabrina, you have the bedroom next to the garage. Don't worry, when mom and daddy had this place built they did make sure to take care of any potential sound issues in that room.”

“Cool,” Sabrina said. “There a smoke detector or do I go outside if I want to spark up?”

“On the outside deck is fine.” Camila then turned to Peter and Hailee. “Now, you two sleep deprived lovebirds head straight up to your room. We have two big strong wrestler-types who can bring in most of the stuff.”

“Thanks Cami,” Peter said. “Total lifesaver.” Peter took Hailee's hand and with the other they each grabbed their gym bags full of clothing and headed into the house.

“Hey, I drove the other car, shouldn't I get a nap pass?” Jake said.

“Oh lighten up. Right now, all we have to do is bring in our bags. The only heavy lifting you and Jose are going to do is in about an hour when the deliveries start coming. You know the booze and BBQ stuff, with vegan options of course.”

“Thank you,” said Madelaine.

“No problem. So, let's get in and start this vacation officially, shall we?” The rest agreed, grabbing their bags and heading in. However, as Jake was grabbing his and Lili's thing, he looked over to the next house. It was a fair distance away, so he couldn't be sure what he was seeing. However, the woman nude sunbathing looked very familiar. If he didn't know better he could have sworn it was Ana from the gym. But the odds of that being the case were astronomical. Then the moment Lili came by to help with the bags, the thought was almost out of his head.

While everyone else was just entering the place, Peter and Hailee had just begun making themselves at home in their room, stripping down to their underwear the moment they came in the room.

“So…a room with a nice, big comfy bed all to ourselves,” Hailee said. “Whatever are we to do?”

“Well, I'm open for suggestion Ms. Steinfeld.” he replied.

“Well, how about we get nice and cozy and sleep for about eight to ten hours?”

“Oh I love you,” said Peter before giving her a sweet kiss before they both conked out under the covers.


Camila Cabello checked her make up one last time in the mirrored wall of the elevator. It was perfect, just like the over the top school girl outfit she wore. That was how Ted liked it. He wasn't one for the school girl fantasy, but a stripper school girl outfit did it for him. Stripper out fits in general, but the school girl one especially. He one time described it to her, after the job, as aesthetic. The perfect combination of seemingly random patterns and styles into one delicious package. But he was strict on one aspect of that package. No pigtails. That made it more of a school girl thing than a stripper thing in his eyes. Free flowing hair, ponytail, generally anything but pigtails.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150872175_1ed254497d269fda745072b2e2cffb0e9bf6d300.gif) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150872175_1ed254497d269fda745072b2e2cffb0e9bf6d300.gif) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150872181_973814ca8ccba44ab4aa9b2842cb0f05.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150872181_973814ca8ccba44ab4aa9b2842cb0f05.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/79/150872192_enyghnuxuaezkms.png) (https://pixhost.to/show/79/150872192_enyghnuxuaezkms.png)

So that was what he was going to get on this, her final job. Camila was really glad it was him. She didn't have any bad customers per se, but she didn't know if he wanted her last ride to be someone with a bit more of a hefty appetite. Ted wanted a strip and suck, maybe a bit of a quickie thrown in there too. That was fine enough for her. Sometimes he honestly just liked to cum for the lap dance. Camila had to admit there was an odd thrill she got when she felt that moist warmed against her skin from the fabric of his slacks.

And he'd still be hard enough for a blowjob. She knew that was on the menu no matter what. It's why she took special attention to her lip gloss. But when the elevator bell ran, signaling she was on the right floor the make-up test ended and it was showtime.

Camila exited the elevator with a spring in her step. It wasn't an act, not 100% percent She might as well have been walking on sunshine. And when Ted opened the door to his hotel room Camila was happy to see he was feeling the same,

“Camila!” He said, greeting his favorite girl with a hug. “So wonderful to see you. Please, come in.”

“Thank you, Mr. Scott,” she said. The room was his usual style, a big, comfy suite. Lots of room to move, or in Camila's case, dance in.

“Please, call me Ted.”

“I know. I just like having you remind me.” Ted replied to Camila's cheeky nature by giving her a playful smack on her own, lightly slapping her plump ass.

“May I offer you a drink? A Scotch? Maybe some wine?”

“Not today, but thank you.”

“Well, if not today than never,” he said, pouring himself a drink before taking a seat he had placed in the center of the room, the center of the action-to-be. “Sophia informed me this is to be our last time together.”

“Yes, it is,” Camila said. “I guess we all move on. Can I tell you a secret?”

“All ears, love.”

“I'm very glad my last gig is going to be with you,” Camila said. “Not just saying that. It's a good feeling to know your last day of work is going to be a fun one.”

“Well, in that case let the fun begin,” said Ted. “The blue tooth speaker is set up. I'll let you choose the music. You know best how to get your wonderful body moving.”

Camila smiled and nodded. She had a song already in mind. Slow, sensual...but with a strong beat to it. The kind of music perfect for a striptease. The song was called After Dark and it was smooth and sexy, the order of the day.


From the moment she pressed play she was in motion. The suite was so advanced it had a dimmer that Mr. Scott control by remote, so now the room lighting fit the mood as well.


Camila didn't have to do much to get his attention off the bat. Her eyes locked on his, their longing, lustful gaze giving the perfect look as her body began to move and sway to the music. Nothing too fast, nothing too extreme at first. The opening bars of the song were all just the foundation.

Her hands began at her thighs, running up them and lifting her skirt just enough for a quick peak underneath. Not too much but a perfect tease accented with a wink before those hands moved up her toned tummy, past her chest and up her neck, her face moving back with her lips looking as if they had just released a silent moan.

That was when the first bit of clothing fell off. Nothing too much, but just enough more skin to be seen to make Ted a happy man. And all that took was a drop over her jacket, just showing off her bare shoulder and a bit more skin. And any skin from the front was soon obscured as Camila turned her back to him, her hips swayed with the movement, working in a slow grind. Camila looked over her shoulder. She didn't need to visual confirmation, but it did give her a little thrill to see how locked Ted's eyes were on her.


Ted's eyes were indeed glued to Camila, the attraction only growing as he witnessed her hands reaching behind her to undo her top. Camila kept her hips moving while her fingers peeled the zipper down. Once it was completely unzipped Camila let to top fall to the ground, her upper half completely bare, but only the back visible to Ted. She turned back around, her breasts being covered by her hands. Her cute, almost innocent had an intense heat to it that almost melted the glass of scotch Mr. Scott was nursing.

Camila's bra didn't last too long. Very much to Ted's liking she hands slid from her tits down her stomach to her skirt. Ted didn't know where to focus his eyes, on her petite breasts, nipples hard and just dying for attention or her hands as they went under her skirt. Now the lift was complete, showing off the pair of pink panties underneath the pleated plaid skirt.

The Cuban Cutie hooked her thumbs underneath the elastic band of her underwear, slowly tugging it down just enough to give Ted a peak of her dark pubic hair. And just like that Camila spun around, her ass facing him. And that wonderfully round butt only got more accented as she bent over while peeling those panties the rest of the way off. Ted licked his chops at the sight of her glistening slit. The song wasn't even halfway over and he was ready for action.

However, just because he was ready didn't mean it was time for action yet. Camila face him once more, left only her skirt and walked over to where Ted was sitting and took her own seat, face him sitting on his lap.

“Strip club rules as usual sweetie,” Camila said, grinding her pussy against his very hard dick. “I can touch you...you can't touch me. But I might bend those rules if you're a good boy.”

Camila's hands gripped the back of the seat, leaning back and swaying to the tune of the song, a suite of seduction. It took everything Ted had not to touch her body. It always did. It's what helped get him off. Of course, having Camila's sweet pussy grinding against him didn't hurt.

“Mmmm papi,” she said. “I bet you want to feel my pussy, don't you? Bet you'd kill just to feel my hands on your cock, wouldn't you?” Ted could only grunt in response. He was having a lot of fun. “Not just yet though...not just yet.”

The song started its second playthrough and Camila moved, her back to his chest and her ass grinding on his cock. Camila grabbed his hand and brought them under her skirt.

“I want you to touch me now papi,” she said. “Feel those fingers inside of me baby...please make me cum for you.” Ted eagerly took that invite, running his hands over her legs and bringing his fingers inside her. The moment his digits penetrated her Camila moaned loud and deep. He ass ground harder into Ted's crotch, every time he brought her pleasure she returned the favor.

With anyone else Camila was sure the man would cum first. Hell, it had happened to Ted a few times. This was his thing, what got him off. But sometimes, at times like this Ted loved to remind his women that he wasn't just a passive party in their mutual pleasure.

Ted's skilled fingers delved deep inside of Camila, caressing her g-spot on the inside while her clit got all sorts of delightful attention. It was a maelstrom of pleasure for Camila, and one that was about to capsize her boat.

“Oh YES!” Camila said as her grinding paused to make way for the waves of pleasure emanating through her body, delivered from Ted's masterful fingers. But before she could enjoy it too much, she slid off Ted body and turned around. She spread his legs apart at the knees and licked his cock through the slack, tasting a hint of herself on the fabric. “Your turn papi.”

Ted shifted in his seat as Camila undid his pants, pulling them down and freeing his rock hard and throbbing cock. That devilish smile returned to Camila face as Tom winced and moaned at her touch.

“Got you right on that edge, huh baby?” Camila said. “Mmm so glad I get one last taste of you...all that hot cum ready to bust in my mouth....”

“Oh Mila,” Ted growled. Her perfectly pursed lips wrapped around his cock and the fast and frothy blowjob began. Camila's lap dance had done the hard work and now her mouth was going to get the prize.

Ted's face warped into a toothy grimace, grunting and growling as Camila's mouth took him on one hell of a farewell tour. Every searing movement of her tongue was being seared into his memory. He felt his balls churning, his blood boiling as the cum began to rush up his cock and erupt in Camila's mouth.

“Mmmm!” Camila exclaimed, a little surprised as the first stream of Ted's cum hit the roof of her mouth. The surprise was fleeting though as the seasoned pro quickly adapted, swallowing the copious seed with ease. It almost seemed never ending, the pleasure erupting in waves. However, all good things must end, and soon as Ted's cock went limp, Camila's final job was over. She got to her feet, redressed, and kissed a very tired but happy Ted goodbye before receiving her final payment, with a little extra.

Camila Cabello's new beginning had officially started and she couldn't wait to celebrate with Owen. She had a special treat in mind for him. Something he hadn't had from her yet. It was going to be a night to remember.



The Whiskey Casket had been officially open for business. It was a little bit busier than usual. Bartenders and servers weren't swamped, but they were certainly busy. This meant that Jennifer didn't have to take some tables or serve any drinks herself, leaving her to office work. And after the visit from Jessica Alba earlier in the day, Love could think of nothing better to calm her nerves than office work. She actually found it relaxing. Going over the finer points of her business, order forms, sales projections, even running payroll. Love always loved numbers. It was very soothing to her.

That soothing activity was intruded upon by a knock on her office door. Love got up from the bed where was doing her relaxing work and headed to the door, behind it one of her best bartenders, Lucy Hale.

“What's up Goose?” Love asked, referring to Lucy by her nickname. “What emergency has waken me from my slumber?”

“Oh, just someone downstairs looking for you. Kind of older than the usual crowd for her, says you two went to school together.”

“Oh, not again,” Jennifer said, thinking it was a second round of annoyance provided by Jessica. Still, just nutting up and confronting her would get it done quicker than avoiding her. “Get back downstairs and tell her I'll be right down.”

Lucy nodded while Love slipped on her shoes, black steel-toed boots. Working in a bar, heavy cases of booze falling on your feet was a real concern, and the slick resistant sole made them practical must haves. Plus, she thought she looked super-hot in them. She wasn't wrong.

All dressed up, Jennifer had someplace to go, walking down the stairs and bracing herself for round two with Jessica. What she got instead was round one with a much more familiar, and friendly, face.

“Well, nice to see you got all dolled up for me?” Elisha Cuthbert said. She had a seat at a bar, a club soda and a slice of lime in her hand.

“Elisha?” Love said before rushing to greet her old friend with a big hug. “It’s been so long!”

“We talked last week on Skype,” Elisha said as the hug broke.

“That doesn't count and you know it. I have seen you face to face in ten years! Come on, sit down with me. Lucy, is the corner booth near the jukebox taken?”

“Wide open boss.” replied the petite bartender. From there Elisha was led to the destination which provided a bit of privacy for the pair.

“How's Rick? The boys? What are you even doing here?”

“Well, in order,” Elisha said. “Rick is great. Still going strong, fifteen years strong to be precise. The boys are similarly great. Connor just hit thirteen and has decided he hates us both, but equally so there's that. William has decided that as an eight-year-old he must be a Kung Fu master by the age of ten and Timmy is four years old and reading at a ten-year old's level. Three boys, one teenager, and not a grey hair on my head. Rick though stays clean shaven because his beard is all salt and peppery. I think it's hot but I kind ripped him on it pretty hard so now I don't get him all sexy n' scruffy. As for why I'm here...we're thinking of moving back. And by thinking of it I'm here to sign the last bit of paperwork and pick up the keys. Needless to say, moving is one of the reasons that according to Connor we're the worst parents ever.”

“That's great! But you couldn't sign the papers back in Philly? Not that it isn't great to see you.”

“Well, for the house we did. Still preferred picking up the keys in person. Actually, getting everything, all set up for when Rick and the boys come down. Power, internet, all of that. The thing I wanted to sign for in person for is, well...I'm expanding my business. A new restaurant, right here in town. More of a college kind of thing, the kind of place I would have loved. Tex-Mex, barbecue with a focus on fresh seafood. And of course, ribs. I still LOVE ribs.”

“I'd expect nothing less.” Love replied. “Big Food Network star chef Elisha Cuthbert coming back to her college town for a new venture. I can see that in the paper already.”

“The marketing does kind of create itself, doesn't it?” Elisha asked. “The rest of my little brood is coming in next week. Rick and I thought it might be best to give them one last break with their friends before moving them here. Fortunately, with his job he can stay at home and home school them the rest of the semester while I get busy with all the hiring work.”

“Need any help with that?” Love asked. “I have a knack for finding the right people.”

“So do I.” Elisha replied. “But you can help me. I was hoping I could put some flyers up in here, maybe give some to a couple of your bartenders and servers to pass around on campus. I'm not looking to do any raids on you but I need some people and what better place than a college campus?”

“That was my thinking too. Am I helping my competition?” Jennifer grinned, joking around with her Canadian compatriot.

“I think we can co-exist peacefully. I may not have lived here for a while but even with Connor was three you were already making the Casket an even bigger party spot than it was when we came here and you were just the manager back then. I'm more of a sit back and enjoy the nuances of my homemade sauces and fresh baked bread. Different markets that can possibly live together in symbiosis with some kind of coupon deal or something. So, no competition. Just your best friend in the whole wide world moving back to town.” Elisha gave Love a friendly wink as she finished off her club soda.

“Missed you Leesh,” Love said.

“Same to you Love. Same to you.”

“Well, I hope I'm not keeping you too long.”

“Oh no,” Elisha said. “I don't have my appointment with the real estate agent  to do the final paperwork until tomorrow. Just wanted to…well, and I'm saying this without a hint of sarcasm which as you know is intensely hard for me, I just wanted to see my best friend face to face again.”

“Well, in that case, may I offer you a meal on the house? It's not expensive but we make a really good bacon guacamole  burger with pepper jack.”

“Tell you what, I'll take you up on that offer with a catch. You let me go in your kitchen make lunch for you and the staff. And me. On me. Start up a tab. Food only though. We both know alcohol is where they really get ya.”

“You have a deal, blondie.” The pair got up from the booth and head back towards the kitchen, Elisha pausing to take some pictures with a few students who recognized her from her Food Network show. From Alba to Elisha. The day had just gotten a lot better for Love.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 05:36:02 PM


The day had gone nothing short of absolutely rotten for Jessica Alba. Rotten to the core. But up until fifteen minutes ago she was not in payback mode. But the moment she picked up her phone to speak with Cade and hear his excuse for blowing off their kids. It was the usual bullshit that translated into “sorry Jess, I just needed to get my dick wet with a co-ed.”

A screaming match ensued. No one could get under her skin quite like her ex-husband could. That was half the reason she started dating him in the first place. He could be incredibly sweet and charming. He just followed his dick far more than he followed his heart.

Jessica also tended to come up with her best ideas when spurned. And when her newest idea came into her head, any trace of a frown melted away into a sweetly sinful smile.

Despite having moved out long ago, Cade still kept some of his records at the home they once shared together on those nights he actually chose to watch the kids at the house. His records included contact information for some of his teachers aids, including the ones he wasn’t likely to fuck. They were far more interested in what Jessica had to offer. Or rather, they would be.

She'd met them all when they were at first his very favorite students. She never imagined she'd have a use for them the way he had for the coeds with big tits. But she did remember their names. Especially the two on her mind.

It didn't take long for Jessica to find the names of the lucky men she had in mind. Brad and Victor, to of Cade's former students turned his handpicked TA’s, along with the big-titted blonde he had selected. If she remembered right Victor preferred being called Vic. She liked that. Short, easy to remember and easy to call out. She only hoped their cocks would live up to her growing desire.

If Cade wanted to fuck some co-eds instead of be a parent, she was fine with that. Because now it was her turn....and the dicks in waiting being his own trusted TA's was just icing on the cake.

It didn't take long for Jessica to round them up. She'd had this plan in the back of her head for a bit. The kid was taken care of, being watched by his grandparents. Which just left Jessica with a quick refresh of her story. While both men would lose any sense of why they originally came the moment they'd see her body stripped bare for them.

It would be a quick trip down. The moment she hung up the phone she stripped down and put only a small white towel. Easy to put on and even easier to take off. Jessica poured herself a small glass of wine and waited on the couch, sipping away for her delivery to arrive.

It didn't take long, the typical dingdong of the doorbell the sweetest music she'd heard in a while. Jessica downed the rest of the wine and made her way to the door. She got a little thrill when she saw the look on the faces of Brad and Vic when they saw her in a towel. They were just as hot as she remembered, though Brad and shaved his head to shiny smoothness.


“Did we get here too early?” Vic said. “You need a minute to get dressed.”

“Not at all.” Jessica replied. “Right on time as a matter of fact. Please, come in.”

The men walked, eyes on Jessica Alba as she led them in. While they got a view of her backside they missed the view of her face and the gigantic grin on it. She liked her men like she liked her desserts; chocolate and vanilla. Brad and Vic were going to give her sweet tooth just the fix it needed.

Once the men were in, doors shut and locked behind them, Jessica turned around, confident and on the prowl.

“Boys I need to be honest with you. I didn't call you here to move any of Cade's files to his campus office. Far from it. You're here to help me.” Jessica dropped her towel and the men dropped their jaws. “Do I need to be verbally blunt, or was the towel enough to get my point across?”

Jessica half-expected some kind of pause from them. One of or both saying they couldn't do that to their mentor. Such a pause didn't come and both men tossed their shirts away and took their pants off at what she could only call lightspeed. She still had it. Hell, Jessica never lost it. She had the kind of body most twenty-year olds could only dream of having.

“Well well well,” Jessica said, circling her playthings, running her fingers over their chests and backs as she circled them. “Where to begin boys? Where to begin...I mean I want to be fair. I want to fuck you both equally. You know what? I got it.”

Jessica went to an end table next to her couch, reaching into the change dish on it and picking up a quarter. She turned to face the men, both Brad and Vic a little confused.

“Call It in the air,” Jessica said before flipping the coin.

“Tails!” Vic said as Jessica caught it. He was an eager boy. Jessica liked that. But as eager as he was both men waited with baited breath for Jessica to reveal how the coin had fallen, their sexual fate literally in the palm of her hand.

“Heads,” Jessica said, revealing the hand fate had dealt. “But don't worry Victor...you're guaranteed some fun. But first....” Jessica went to her knees, her eyes on brad and her hand grasping his onyx pole. Brad moaned at the sensation of Jessica's hand running the length of his pole. Down to the base and back up, but stopping just short of the crown. That she licked and flicked with her tongue, making her chocolate treat shake just the slightest bit.

“You like that huh?” Jessica said. “Let me tell you something...I like it too. Not every girl does. Me? It's just so much damn fun to play with a cock or two. Just so many things to do. Like this.” Jessica brought her other hand to Brad's balls, lightly raking them with her red nails, giving him a shiver once more from the tease. “See that? It takes so little. So wonderfully little to create some major pleasure. And that makes me wet. So wet. You guys are gonna find that out of course...but first, how about I make you squirm just a bit more?”


Jessica didn't give Brad a moment to answer, taking the bulbous head of his mahogany pole into his mouth and sucking hard. His knees buckled, all those sensitive nerves being hit with bolts of pleasure at once was a near overload for his mind. Fortunately, Jessica was a merciful sex goddess and stopped just as he felt himself almost going done. Her tongue slowed down, sweetly licking and rolling over the glans before her mouth began to venture down his impressive length.

And while it was impressive, it wasn't much of a challenge for Jessica. She knew her way around a cock. Any size, any color, any girth, any time was once her motto. She had a lot of fun in college before settling down and right now Brad was getting up close and personal with all that experience.

Vic wasn’t getting quite such a personal touch as yet, but he didn't mind getting a full view of the show, stroking himself while watching Jessica's skilled mouth glide up and down the dark pole of Brad.

Knowing she was being watched and the watcher being so close added a spark to Jessica's enjoyment as well. The three were in a sexual symbiosis, feeding off each other. Of course, Brad might have been the one getting the most out of it, being the one being sucked off and all. And as Jessica effortlessly took his sizable cock down her throat, any doubt of that was wiped clean.

“Damn girl!” he growled as Jessica held him there for a while, long enough to surprise him. Right when he thought he couldn't take another second of that throat around his cock he was released, his hard cock slick with saliva and Jessica gasping for air.

It didn't take long for that second win to be gained, and Jessica turned her attention towards the very eager Vic, who cock was already diamond hard and ready for her.

“Mmm, hello,” Jessica purred, her brown eyes on the alabaster cock before her. She caressed the stalk with her cheek and moving down to his balls. Victor croaked a sound that could only be taken as encouragement when Jessica began to suck on his balls. The croak became a full-blown moan, Jessica's tongue lovingly rolling over those orbs, sucking them into her mouth and coating them in the same sweet sheen of saliva Brad's cock was covered in.

But balls weren't all she wanted to suck on Vic. She released his balls and kissed her way back up to his tip. Vic watched in stunned silence, a deer in the headlights of Jessica's brown-eyed gaze. That stunned silence was broken with a moan as Jessica licked on Vic's tip like an ice cream cone, making it nice and breath before breathing her hot breath on it, the hot chill it made on his cock a uniquely sweet sensation before Jessica wrapped her full and luscious lips around the head.

The slow and sensual tornado of tongue continued on his cock tip, making Vic ball up his fists. Jessica though had other things to do with her hands. Her mouth skillfully ventured down on his cock while one of her hands played with her pussy and the other went to pump Brad's cock. Not quite skillfully, but a warm hand pumping his cock wasn't something he was going to bat away. The fact she was distracted while sucking a cock in front of him was a damn good excuse in his summation.

Up and down Jessica's mouth went, a fast, furious rhythm that tortured Vic in the most amazing way. He would be all to ready to pop if he didn't have his eyes on a much bigger prize. But Alba's intensely hot and skilled mouth was making it a challenge. That just made his eventual goal that much sweeter.

Jessica pulled off of Vic's dick and looked up at him with a sinfully delicious smile. “Well my dear, since Bradley there got first crack at these pretty lips, I think it's only fair if you got first dibs on my pussy. So wet and tight and ready for you.”

“I think I'm gonna let my buddy Brad get first again...I think I might take dibs on something else, Jessica.”

That reaction surprised Jessica. It was forward. Vic wasn't hiding what he wanted for a second, just assuming it was part of the deal. She liked that a lot.

“Fair enough,” she said, turning her attention to Brad. “You should thank your buddy. Very generous.” Jessica got to her feet and walked to the couch. She leaned back on the couch arm, legs open and inviting. “What are you waiting for Brad? I didn't print up any invites...”

Brad moved forward, mounting the temptress and thrusting deep into her sweetly snug cunt.

“Mmmm baby....” Jessica moaned, arching her back as his girth filled her. Brad grabbed one of her legs, lifting it up against his chest as he began to fuck her. Deep, hard, fast. No build up. None was needed. Jessica's tits, bounced and jiggled with every powerful thrust of his cock. She shrieked with glee with every delightfully savage pump of his piston. Then came just a bit of tenderness when she felt his mouth began to lick and kiss her feet. She wasn't really one for foot fetishes but also not opposed. Besides, if it made him fuck her good Brad could suck on her toes all he wanted.

As Jessica writhed, her back arching with every delightful motion of Brad's dick in her cunt, she caught view of a waiting Vic. She licked her lips, smiling at him. “Bring that dick over her,” she said. “Gonna suck it some more.”

Vic couldn't turn down an invite like that. Soon enough Jessica was once more slobbering on his knob. A bit rougher, more than a little distracting but it was more than enough to keep Vic placated while he waited for his opening.

Brad though wanted a bit more of Jessica. He leaned forward, scooping the MILFy beauty up into his arms and sat back on the couch.

“Ride my fucking cock,” he said, roughly massaging her tits. “Fucking ride it.”

With his cock already lodged inside her, it was an easy request for Jessica to grant. Still, she had to make him drool just a little bit.

“You me to ride this fucking cock?” she asked, grinding her hips. “Ride you like a fucking bull? Fuck me like a rag doll and bounce on that cock?”

“Fuck yes,” he said before grabbing Jessica by the head and roughly pulling her lips to his. While their lips were locked her gripped her hips hard, holding her in place as the thrust up into her pussy.

“FFFUuuuUUCKKKKKK!” Jessica howled. She let Brad have a few moments of total control, letting her head hang back as her pussy was absolutely ravaged. Hungry, demanding and rough. Jessica definitely still had it and Brad was proving it with every enticing thrust.

Still, Brad didn't want to be done so soon, and he was pushing himself. He slowed down and Jessica leaned forward. His mouth went to her tits, sucking on her nipple while Jessica's gaze went to Vic, who was now ready and willing to join in as his opening had finally presented itself, quite literally.

“Top...mmm...drawer,” she said to him. “nnnnnext to the hall.” Vic's eyes went to the chest of drawers she had pointed to, opening what Jessica had described. A tube of lube. She had read his mind.

Jessica's motions had slowed down to a crawl. Her eyes however were still on Vic, watching with an intense hunger as he lubed his cock up. He then set aside the tube and made his way behind Jessica, pushing aside her mane of sweaty, matted hair to kissed her neck as he pressed his cock against her rear entrance.

“Nnnnghhh yesss,” Jessica hissed when Vic's cock entered her asshole. Now with both men in place the real fun would begin. Jessica finally let go, giving her body completely to both her young lovers. The pace was determined by Brad and Vic. And they weren't in the mood for slow and sensual. Jessica couldn't have been happier.


“Yeah...dirty...dirty fucking girl...,” Vic said, smacking her tan ass hard, front hand to back hand and driving his cock deep up her terrifically tight asshole. “Two cocks enough for you? You want more?”

“Mmm I can handle anything you could throw at me and then some,” she teased. She reached behind her, grabbing Vic hard and pulling his face to hers for a kiss. “Harder...FUCKING HARDER! Both of you! HARDER!”

The men took he borders well. Brad squeezed her tits hard thrusting into her cunt and Vic had just as tight a grip on her ass. Both men were going hard and deep into, their swords sheathed to the hilt in their respective holes. It was paradise. Revenge was never quite as sweet as when mixed with lust.

The men soon switched things up, switching holes on Jessica and sandwiching her between them as they stood up.

“Oh my GOD!” Jessica howled, gravity doing a great job in driving those divine cocks even deeper into her pussy and asshole. She was sandwiched tight between them. Her arms held tight around Vic neck and his arms hooked under her knees and gripping her thighs while Brad has a firm grip on her ass cheeks, keeping her nice and open for them to probe her depths.

“Like that huh?” Vic said. “Bet you could take even more, ain't that right Jessica? I don't really think two is enough for you...”

“Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find out on day.” she replied, licking his lips. “Now get back to fucking me!”

The men did that, though in a matter of minutes they returned to the couch, Vic's cock once more of the lovely Ms. Alba's ass with the lovely lady riding him while face Brad, who's cock had once more found a cozy home in her cunt.

“Fuck yeah...just like that boys...nnnn-FUCK nice and hard...take those fucking slutty holes...take them...but don't cum...unh uh....because you're gonna cover me...fucking paint me with your fucking loads....got it? Give me that hot white cum all over my body! FUCKING SHOOT FOR ME!”

“SHIT YEAH!” Brad bellowed, pulling out of her cunt. Jessica slid to the floor with a smile, Vic getting up two. The men were on either side of her, ready to give the seductive vixen exactly what she had asked for.

Jessica didn't know who came first and she didn't care, she was furiously rubbing her clit, eyes shut tight. The moment she felt that liquid warmth splat against her skin, that was the final straw, throwing her head back and screaming in ecstasy as the men groaned, covering her in their thick gooey seed.

The pleasure seemed to both last forever and be over for two soon. An exhausted Jessica opened her eyes, her face and tits painted like a Jackson Pollock in the cum of Bard and Vic. And while she was definitely dick drunk, she still remembered why she had them over. She reached for her phone on the nearby end table and took a selfie, covered in cum with the spent cocks right next to her cheeks. Smiling and covered in cum she snapped a picture.

The men didn't even register it, falling on to the couch shortly after, they earned their rest. Hell, she was probably going to take a long nap after a shower. Then...she was sending the pic to Cade. She only wished she could see his face when he got it. He would never be able to prove it was his two former students. But he'd know and that would be his lesson learned.

Until the next time...then she might have up the number to three.



By the time Peter and Hailee woke up, the sun was already down and he evening sky was just starting to allow itself to be peppered with stars, the last remnants of the day fading upwards from pink the midnight blue.

First it was Peter he opened his eyes first, his hands fumbling for the lamp the night stand. The noises from that stirred Hailee, her eyes opening as the lamp's light filled the room.

“Morning,” said a groggy Peter. “Or is evening a better term?”

“Either works for me,” Hailee said. She moved over, kissing Peter. “That was the best sleep I have had in weeks.”

“Same here.” Peter replied. He threw the covers off of them both, getting another good glimpse of Hailee in her underwear before pulling her close to him, holding her tight against him. “You know there's something else we haven't done in a few weeks.” He ran his hand down her back to her lovely ass, grasping a good handful of that flesh.

“That's right, isn't it?” she knowingly asked. “But there's something else on my mind. Take a whiff of the air, I think you'll guess.”

Peter took Hailee's suggestion, breathing in deep. Aside from her own lovely scent, another one filled his nostrils. Faint, but there. “Pizza?”

“That's what I'm thinking.” she replied. “And while I wouldn't mind a little bit more of an intimate bedtime experience...I'm pretty hungry.”

“Then let's get fed.” The pair got out of bed, Hailee putting on some sweats and an old ratty t-shirt and Peter sliding on some gym shorts. Dressed to do anything but impress, the freshly awakened couple walked down the stairs, following the scent of pizza and the sound of a commotion. By the time they hit the lounge where Camila had her game collection, they could make out the commotion a bit better.

“I can NOT believe you'd do that to me Jose!” Camila said. Jose was on the couch, utterly lost. “You don't do that to your girlfriend! It's just wrong!”

“I thought it was okay!” Jose replied. “Could someone please back me up that it was okay?”

“What's going on?” Peter asked.

“I'll tell you what's going on,” Camila said. “Jose BLUE SHELLED me! He used a blue shell on me when he was in seventh place. He didn't even have a shot at winning and he blue shelled me!”

That was when Peter and Hailee noticed the N64 was out and Mario Kart was on the screen. And it all fell into place.

“Wait...you don't blue shell your girlfriend,” Peter said.

“Thank you!” Camila said. “Take the loss and do better next time! A green shell I could at least respect, but a BLUE SHELL?”

“That's not a rule though!” Jose insisted. “If you're not supposed to use a blue shell then WHY is it there?”

“For assholes and amateurs.” Camila replied. Camila turned back to face the TV, a new determination in her eyes and a hunger for vengeance in the pit of her stomach. “Game on bitch.”

“Should I be getting turned on by this?” Jose said.

“Well, I'd be kind of concerned if you weren't,” Camila said, her face softening a bit. “But still, kind of have to murder you in the grand game of kart racing. It's more of a respect thing. If you come for the queen you better hit her and all that.” Camila sat back on the couch, taking a sip of her beer before one more grabbing her own controller.

“Well if we're going to be technical, I didn't miss.” Jose joked, getting a cool glare from Camila. “I'm just making it worse for myself, aren't I?”

“That you are my friend,” Jake said, patting him on the shoulder.

“Joey is going to fit right in here,” Sabrina said, before licking and sealing a fresh blunt. She was sitting behind the bar, making it a veritable buffet of weed and wrapping papers. “Jake, your order is ready.” She tossed him the blunt, then turned her attention to Peter and Hailee. “And for the lovely couple? Or would you rather dine on the finest delivery pizza before partaking in a bit of extra herbage?”

“Pizza first,” Peter said. “Then I think I'll partake...then in likelihood scarf down ever more pizza. What about you Haiz?”

“Same plan for me. I'm starving.”

“Cool cool,” said Sabrina. “I just set aside some Swishers for you in preparation.”

Right before her boyfriend death match began and her and Hailee grabbed their grub, Camila halted him, a fiendishly friendly look in her eye. ”You know, you might want to pause all that and take a look at your surprise.”

“What surprise?” Peter asked before he felt a hand on his back, he turned around to see a very familiar face.

“Would it have been better if I jumped naked out of a cake?” Brodie Quint said before pulling Peter in for a big damn bro hug. “The fuck have you been?”

“Great man,” Peter said, eagerly returning the gesture.

“Isn't that adorable?” Cami said. “Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it.”

“Oh, don't play like that Cams,” Brodie said. “You were grinning big when I knocked on the door. Maybe even a little misty-eyed.”

“Sorry, can't talk now, killing my boyfriend in Mario Kart to avenge myself.

“When did you get in?” Peter asked.

“Ah, a few hours ago while you and your lovely lady were still zonked out.” Brodie replied. “Speaking of which,” he said, turning his attention to Hailee. “I'm Brodie. Figured I'd introduce myself since your man is obviously too in awe of my awesomeness to do it.”

“Hailee.” she replied. “And he does get tongue tied, doesn't he?”

“Eh, he's still not half bad,” Brodie said. “Pizza and weed, with a dash of Camila flipping her shit over Mario Kart. This is a flashback and a half.”

“Laugh it up bitch, you're next,” Camila said. “And you're not going to get the mercy I'm showing my man.”

“THIS is mercy?” Jose asked. “I'm in seventh and it's only the first lap!”

Just as Jose was getting used to his eventual video demise, the glass door behind them slid open and the giggling and stoned pair of Madelaine and Selena walked in from the deck.

“That is some good stuff Sabrina,” Selena said, her eyes bloodshot and her lips in a grin. “I think I'm done for the night. “And Pete's up...and Hailee...and Brodie...and Camila seems to have a serious Mario Kart grudge match going on...I'm also really hungry again.”

With that Selena made her way to the table full of pizza while Madelaine sat on the couch, her seductively stoned gaze going to Brodie. They'd talked a lot before Peter woke up. It was getting very interesting. Madelaine could always tell when a guy was checking her out. Or when anyone was checking her out really. As long as they were able to ogle her ass and keep track of the conversation, that was a win in her book. While he'd also been talking a lot with Sabrina, Madelaine didn't feel jealous. She didn't mind sharing.

“Hey Brodie,” Madelaine said. “Would you care to continue what we were talking about earlier? I'd love to hear more about New York.”

“Well, duty calls,” Brodie says. “We'll catch up more later. I mean, well...when a hot redhead calls a hero's gotta answer, right?”

Brodie headed over, taking Madelaine getting up and walking to the backyard with Brodie to converse...or that was the story at least. But with the deck free, Jake got up, ready to have his turn to smoke a blunt outside.

“Care to join me baby?” he asked Lili.

“Thanks, but I think I'm tapping out for the night,” said the blonde. “Besides, I'm kind of invested in seeing Camila utterly terrorize Jose. She's pretty much just toying with him now.”

“No, she's not,” Jose said.

“Yes, I am,” retorted Cami.

“Well, if you need me,” right outside.”

“Sure thing.” Lili replied, kissing him before he stepped out.

The moment he was out he lit the blunt and leaned on the railing, breathing in deep, letting the night breeze hit him. He looked over the lake. The glow of lights reflected in the calm waters. Oranges and purples and reds. It was relaxing, really adding to the effect of weed he was smoking.

His eyes drifted from the lake to the house next door. He didn't admit it to himself, but his eyes had been scanning that place ever since they arrived, seeing if what he saw earlier was real. But it couldn't have been. The odds of Ana being here were astronomical. It couldn't have been her.

Then his eyes confirmed what they had seen earlier. There Ana was, on the deck of that other house. A fire pit behind her illuminated her. His mouth suddenly went dry and it wasn't cottonmouth from the weed. Then she saw him and a smile crossed her face. Then she erupted in laughter as he began to cough hard, choking on the smoke in his lung from the shock of seeing her.

“You okay?” Lili said, cause another shock to hit him and increase his coughing. He turned around, hoping her next question wasn't going to be who he was looking at. “Weed a bit too strong for you?”

“Nah,” he said. “You just startled me a bit.”

“You were coughing before I came outside.

“Yeah, but I heard the door slide open,” he lied.

“Oh, well whatever. I'm actually going to hit the hay. The day finally caught up with me. I figured I might see if my big, strapping sex machine boyfriend might want to join me?”

“Yeah, sure.” he replied. “I'll be right up.”

“Cool.” Lili turned to leave, then paused. “Are you sure you're okay?”

“Yeah, just gotta catch my breath.”

“Okay,” she said, returning to kiss his cheek before heading back in and up to bed. With Lili gone his eyes went back to wear he saw Ana. She was still looking at him, doing a bit of “shame shame” on him with her fingers and laughing before going inside herself.

Jake shook his head. So, what if Ana's here as well? He asked himself. It wasn't like he was going to do anything with her. Even though he did kind of want to...


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While Jake was feeling not-so-guilty, Madelaine and Brodie were making small talk in the backyard area of the lake house. Though calling it a yard was a bit of a misnomer. There wasn't a yard really, no big patch of grass surrounded by a fence. Rather there was a big cement deck. The furniture was typical yard fair, though much more comfortable. An awning for shade, a built-in bar, a big grill that was just waiting to be used and a pool so big it'd make an Olympic-sized one feel inadequate.

Madelaine and Brodie sat next to the pool facing each other in comfy deck chairs, the lights from the bar and to blue light emanating from the pool setting a certain unique mood. The two knew for sure something was getting ready to happen, but just what that was neither was sure of.

Well, Madelaine had an idea. Despite being unsure of where she stood with anyone, Jared, Jesse or otherwise. She was liking this visitation of her wilder side minus the usual assholes that brought with it. An older, wiser wild child. That was the kind of danger anyone would just find delicious.

“So, where are some good places to dine in NY?” Madelaine asked, somehow managing to make an abbreviation sound sexy. “Like I said, I always wanted to go, so could always use a friendly hand in trying not to be a typical tourist.”

“Well, I don't know if you're going to like that answer.” Brodie replied. “It's not what a lot of people want to hear.”

“Lucky for us both I'm not a lot of people,” retorted Madelaine.

“Well, see, a lot of people? They want that expensive restaurant thing. The kind of stuff where you get served a baby plate with a half an inch of grits, two asparagus spears and a rainbow of sauces designed in the shape of your zodiac sign. Those places are far from the best.”

“Then what are the good places?”

“Well, the holes in the wall. Street vendors and the not so fancy places most folks would turn their nose up at for not matching their bag or whatever. And don't worry, they come in the vegan variety too.”

“Thanks for remembering,” Madelaine said, crossing her legs. She could feel his eyes on her. She couldn't blame him. She was making sure to sit in just the right way to show off what she had. She walked ahead of him in heading to the pool, just to give Brodie a prolonged look at her ass. Madelaine had to admit, she did like being desired. It was one of the perks of working at Knockers she didn't like to admit. While she hated the drunk and grabby customers, a little bit of undressing her with their eyes wasn't an issue.

“Well, let me fill you in on a secret that I think you know...I just want to let you know I'm in on it.”

“Madelaine leaned forward in her chair, accentuating her pail cleavage. “Do tell.”

“Well, you always remember what a beautiful woman tells you in conversation. Not only is it just polite, it usually always pays off in the end.”

“Is that right?”

“It's philosophy that's has yet to be proven wrong.” he replied.

“Well, guess you still haven't taken a loss yet,” Madelaine said. She got up from her chair and earned in to press her full red lips against his. While their lips were locked Madelaine showed off the skill her hands held, unbuckling his pants and pulling the zipper down with just one. When that deed was done she pulled back from his mouth, full seduction mode on her face and in her voice.

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“So, here's the deal Brodie,” she said. “We're not going to fuck, at least not right now. Probably in the future. Not that a mind a public setting but I want to choose the setting rather than just run the chance of someone coming in to catch us in the act. What I am going to do is suck your cock. I like doing that. Probably the best part of foreplay is a blowjob. Don't get me wrong, I love someone eat my sweet pussy, for them to make writhe and grind and moan out their name...but there's just such a unique thrill I get with a man's cock in my mouth. All that control. A man will agree to just about anything if it means getting that sweet moment of bliss. A hot, wet tongue rolling all over his dick...sucking his balls...hungry for all his delicious cum...makes him clay in a woman's hand, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Oh, I definitely agree Madelaine,” he said, his breathing already a little haggard. Madelaine had taken his cock out and was playing with it. Not exactly jerking it, it felt better than that actually. Her delicate grip almost made it feel as though her fingers were dancing a seductive ballet on the stage that was his cock.

“You like that don’t you?” she asked knowingly. “That's not even the tip of the iceberg. See, you're luckier than you know. Cami's family had this whole mar area lined with this rubber stuff. Makes it a lot easier to get on my knees. Not going to scratch them up at all. And when that happens...” Madelaine backed off momentarily, getting on her knees and reaching to undo her bikini top. She let it fall, revealing her beautiful breasts with diamond cutter hard pink nipples. “Well, I think you can already piece together what's going to happen. I haven't been very subtle.”


Madelaine moved her head towards his cock, hovering just above it while she tugged his pants down just enough to give her complete access. From there she took his hard rod in her hand. She didn't pump him however. Rather, she had her thumb right under his glans, running her thumb tip around in a slow circle. He grimaced, Madelaine giggled.

“Come on baby…that's not even the best part.” Madelaine let a stream of saliva drool down and hit the tip of his cock. That was when she began to pump him, but slowly. She worked her wrist and watched as he completely melted into chair.

When Brodie could open his eyes again he went right back to watching this redheaded vixen work him over. He groaned while she wrapped her tits around his cocks, jacking him with her orbs of flesh.

“I like doing this too,” Madelaine says. “It doesn't make me cum or anything, but it makes that moment even better when it happens. Just seeing what I'm putting you through.” She smiled, her red lips turning up ever so slightly.


Up and down her breasts slid over his cock. Not fast. That would be too risky. She just wanted him aching, begging with his eyes to cum. If she went too fast, he wouldn't have a chance. It'd be over. Besides, he wasn't quite ready for her mouth yet.

Madelaine looked down though and was quite pleased with what she saw. “Look at that,” she said. “First little drop of precum.” And there it was, right on the eye of his cock, dribbling down. “I think you're ready.”

She released his cock from the sweet embrace of her breasts and grasped it, once more playing with the underside of the crown with her thumb. “Now...now we're going to have some real fun. I'm going to lay down a couple rules though...that okay? I mean I could just stop if you have a problem.”

“No no no,” said Brodie. “Rules are good.”

“Mmm they certainly can be,” purred the redhead. “Now, rule one. You can do whatever you want with your hands, but you don't fuck my face. Got it? You can run those fingers through my hair, hold it back to see my face while I suck this wonderful dick...but no facefucking. Am I clear?”


“Good. Rule number two...I think this is an easy one.” Madelaine giggled, just the tone of it making another moan escape from Brodie's mouth. “You're going to cum in mouth. Every last drop. Nothing on my face. I'm going to swallow you until there's nothing left. I want to taste every drop of that hot cream.”

“That's not gonna be an issue.”

“It never is,” Madelaine said with a fiendish grin. “Still...I think it's only fair to ask. And now...with that out of the way...”

Madelaine ended her sentence wrapping her full red lips around Brodie's turgid member. He through his head back, verbalizing his pleasure as sucked on the crown so sinfully soft. Her hand still worked his shaft, slowly pumping while her mouth worshipped his cock head. Soon though that pumping hand gave way for Madelaine's mouth as it ventured down on his pole. Her tongue snaked and licked all the way down and back up again, getting every last hotspot he had. All while her other hand skillfully teased and played with his balls.


Brodie needed something for his hands to do aside from grip the arms of the deck chair tight. He reaching down, holding back Madelaine's fiery mane to get a clearer view of his face as she feasted on his cock. It was an entrancing view, seeing her cheeks billow from her suction and the smeared red lipstick staining his cock. When she released his cocked with a slight pop it the view changed a bit as she licked his cock like a sweet ice cream cone on a hot day. All while those light brown eyes burned a hole right through him.

“Feels so good in my mouth,” said Madelaine. “Something tells me it probably feels a whole lot better for you, huh?”

“Feels fucking amazing.” Brodie answered. “Holy shit you're amazing.”

“Thank you.” Madelaine tortured him a bit more, wrapping her hand around the top half of his cock and working it around the head. “I think I'm going to finish you off soon. And while I do that...I want you to think of things. Think of how good my pussy would feel around this dick. How tight my ass would feel...you were looking at it earlier...so now think about that...fucking all my wholes while you cum in my throat.”

“Oh fuuuuuck,” Brodie said. “Madelaine.”

“Mmmm, I always love it when men say my name like that. So, fucking yummy.” Once more her sentence was ended by a return of her mouth to his dick. He pace was focused now. She was sucking the life out of him, massaging his balls with one hand while the other worked in unison with her hungry mouth to work every drop of cum Brodie had to give her right down her gullet.


“Oh...nnng…Madelaine,” Brodie growled. “Gonna cum...gonna cum...”

“Mmm give to me baby,” Madelaine said, taking a quick break to give him some aural encouragement before following it up with one last push of oral encouragement. “All of it...let me taste it.”

Madelaine's head bobbed faster now on his cock. She could feel that wonderful feeling of a dick throbbing in her mouth, begging for release alongside the growls from Brodie. She pulled back to the head once more, her mouth and tongue attacking the sensitive flesh furiously while her hand jacked the shaft furiously.

“Ohhhh damn....” Brodie groaned, his cock firing off in Madelaine's mouth, the redhead giving him a satisfied “Mmmmhmmmm” as she swallowed everything he had to give her. His cock twitched as Madelaine continued working on him, never giving him a moment to breathe. She worked and milked every drop of cum from his cock until it went totally limped. Madelaine had literally sucked the life out of it.

Brodie was a wreck. His-shirt soaked through with sweat and he was feeling a little lightheaded. He looked and Madelaine, showing off her empty mouth before getting to her feet. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“I don't know about you but I'm exhausted,” she said. “See you in the morning.” Madelaine then picked up her bikini top, put it back on, and walked back inside, leaving Brodie in one hell of a wonderful daze.

And this was just day one of his vacation.


Normally Christina would never dream of accepting a meeting with a student during a break period. It was just as much a vacation for staff as it was for students. The fact of the matter was that the student in question showed a lot of promise. So, she decided to meet him, hoping to help refine some of his rougher edges. She loved the idea of helping a promising young screenwriter, maybe helping to catapult his career.

At least that was the story Christina told herself. That was the reason she was seeing Andrew. It certainly had nothing to do with how she had fingered herself to orgasm, moaning his name.

It was simply coffee, some notes, and answering questions he had and asking some of her own. Purely professional. She stuck to that story as she saw him approach her. His t-shirt somehow being both loose and tight on him. He had a good body on him and that scruffy hair and stubble look he had going on certainly didn't hurt. It was right up Christina's alley...which was something that had no bearing on this meeting. It had to be true. That's why she just had to keep telling herself that.

Her eyes stayed on his as he ordered her coffee. He waved at her as he waited. She waved back. Perfectly civil. Even though her underlying thoughts might not have been.

Andrew didn't have such an issue with underlying thoughts. His thoughts were very upfront. He knew Christina wanted to fuck him. He wasn't crazy. He was dead on. And he was going to prove it. What kind of professor agrees to meet a student for coffee during break? One that wants some extra extra-curricular occurrences to happen.

It wasn't like he could tell anyone who'd believe him. Eric, Vanessa, Chad, none of them would believe it. But that didn't matter if he actually achieved it. And is he whiffed it, well then who'd know? But he knew he wasn't off on this. He could feel it. Sure, that was probably just his hard on talking but that was a risk he was more than willing to take.

“Hi Ms. Hendricks,” he said, sliding into the seat opposite her.

“Hello Andrew.” she replied, shaking his hand after he set his coffee down. “And please, I really do prefer being called by my first name.”

“All right then...Christina.”

“Thank you. Now, what was it you wanted to speak with me about?”

“Well, I just wanted to really get more detailed notes on my script,” he said. “As well as the fresher ones for that other one I wanted you to look at. Thanks for taking the time to even look at that one by the way.”

“It's not problem. I honestly wish more students would take that kind of initiative. It shows a lot character. Always nice to see such...”

“Desire?” he said. Time to lay the tracks.

“I was looking for ambition, but that works too.” Christina replied. She couldn't help but smile a little. There was just something about him drawing her in. The man matched his writing in a way. “Now, as for the notes, what was it you wanted to clear up?”

This was where Andrew was going in for the kill. He was going to real her in. He knew it. It was all in her notes as well. Because the notes all centered around one thing, the sex scenes. Both scripts were loaded to them. Erotic thrillers very heavy on the erotic side.

“Well, I was confused concerning the notes on the sex scenes honestly,” he said. “You said you thought they were done well, but could present a problem in the long run.”

“Ah, yes,” Christina said. She cleared her throat as she collected her thoughts. She had a feeling this was where he was going. That's where she had focused with his work. The pictures were painted very...vividly. It had gotten to the point where she projected herself and Andrew into the scenes, regardless of the context. “Well, as I said, you paint a very vivid picture. Clear, easy to understand, but not sanitized. Not robotic. There's sensuality on the page. That's very hard to do in the typical screenwriting format. But the issue does lie in getting such a script made. Most Hollywood execs shudder from things that are, well, that risqué. It's not the 1980s anymore.”

“Who says I have to go through Hollywood?” he countered. His confidence sent a warm jolt through Christina. “I mean nothing I wrote demands a huge budget.”

“True, but you also have to think of investors. Are they going to be comfortable with a very graphic sex scene or two? I mean you have to be ready to pick what you're willing to fight for. How hard are you willing to fight for a scene where two people fuck on a car in a parking garage? If that's a hill you're willing to die on?”

“Well, I think I'd just have to ask you if you can imagine the script without it,” he said. “The really make you think of that image, how it comes alive in your head.”

Christina gulped. She hid it well but Andrew had frankly stumbled on to exactly what she she'd been doing. Truth be told she only had the barest thread of the plot in her head. But these sex scenes were screamingly vivid. Especially with how Christina's mind recreated them.

“I mean, is it exploitative at all? You've read my stuff. Everything just builds and builds and builds until there's nothing else to be done. To cut it down or make it by the numbers done would just be an insult to everything that makes that stuff good. From the story to the pure animal passion of it.”

“Animal passion is one way to put it,” Christina said. She took a sip of her iced green tea, hoping the cool liquid would cool down her hot desires. “I'm not saying they weren't good. They were...amazing. The work better than I think you know.”

“Why, they turn you on?” Andrew asked. It was time for some verbal blunt force trauma. It was time to go all in.

“Well, yes,” Christina said. She stopped herself there, tried to regroup. But the bait had already been taken. “I mean that's the point, isn't it? The titillation is inherent in any genre laced with such...intense eroticism.” Christina licked her lips and went for the iced tea once more. She knew it was getting hotter in the on-campus coffee shop but it had nothing to do with the thermostat.

“It sounds like there's a lot more ground we could cover on this subject Christina...”

“Uh huh....”

“Then I think we should maybe find a place a bit more private to get into detail about these notes.” he suggested. He had her. He knew it. He fucking knew it. Not that it would matter much in terms of bragging. But one look at those tits just waiting to spill out and being obvious became a distant concern.

“I think I have the place,” Christina said. She had to do it. She just had to. True, Andrew was laying it on kind of thick but the fact was, seeing him face to face combined with the rather intense memory flashes of reading those sex scenes was too much for her. She had already wanted to fuck him. Her fingers had been enough beforehand. But now? They wouldn't be able to scratch this itch. “Follow me.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 05:51:03 PM
“Hi Cade!” said Kate Upton. She jumped up from her seat at the sidewalk cafe, her tits jiggling and immediately getting the good professor's attention. She gave him a big embrace, one Cade eagerly returned, loving the feeling of those big flesh balloons being pressed against his chest. “I've got great news. At least I think it's great.”

“I could definitely, use some of that right now,” Cade said. He had gotten a text from his ex, and Jessica had sent him a very interesting picture. First, he was furious. Which soon faded. This was just how it went between the two of them. He sometimes wondered how they ever got together in the first place. Then he would take another look at the latest round of photos she'd sent him and remember right away what it was.

Kate though made those thoughts go away. She was maybe the best fun time he'd had in a while. And given that he was still in somewhat of a sour mood, he was hoping he could steer this lunch into something a bit more eventful.

“Well, what is the news exactly?” Cade asked, settling into his seat.

“Well, remember last month? When we got a little frisky in your hot tub?”

“Quite clearly.”

“Well, it kind of has to do with that.”

“Okay...you're leaving some serious bread crumbs babe but I don't quite follow.” The waitress came by and brought Cade a water and a menu, then left them to privacy. “Let me have it,” Cade said, bringing the ice-cold glass to his lips.

“Well, okay...you're right, best to just blurt it out...I'm late. You know...LATE late.”

“What?” Cade said, coughing up the ice-cold refreshment.

“I know, it's a bit of a shock, and honestly it's only been a day so that's nothing...but I feel good about it. I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow...but if all goes well...I'm gonna be a mommy! And you're going to be a dad again! Isn't that great???”

Cade was stunned. Utterly stunned. He could have sworn Kate was on the pill. Thoughts were racing through his head so fast he could barely process them. One that kept coming to his head was “Not again”. This was a replay of exactly what happened with Jessica and what spurred him to propose to her. He was irresponsible and paid for it with a marriage built on lust instead of love that devolved into spite. He loved his kid but at the same time he didn't know if he ever wanted to be a dad again.

He must have spaced out for a bit. The last thing he remembered before coming out of his haze was Kate's snapping fingers.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah...just...shocked I guess.”

“I know. It's a big new adventure we're going on. I'm just glad to share it with you. But now...how about lunch? I honestly am so hungry I think I might be eating for two now.”

Cade wasn't sure the word “adventure” was what he'd use. He picked up the menu and feigned looking through it. He was at a loss and had no idea where to turn.

That wasn't entirely true. A name came to his head as someone he could trust...the only problem was he was pretty sure he'd burnt that bridge long ago.



The moment the door to the broom closet closed, Andrew and Christina were all over each other, quickly going into the caffeine reserves gained at the coffee shop. The instant the two were in synch with their desires Christina took the initiative and led I’m to the Fine Arts building where her office was. At this point she knew that building like the back of her hand, including the main janitor's closet. It was big, storing most of the goods required for their cleaning and even a locker to two. It wasn't spacious, but it was certainly big enough for Christina and her random nicotine needs...and easily big enough for two people to have a tawdry fuck session.

With their lips currently preoccupied with each other their hands did the work. Christina took a firm grip on Andrew ass, while his migrated from her plump rump to her bountiful bosom. It was a popular destination among every man Christina had been with. That was A-Okay with her. She loved tourists.

Andrew's hungry lips broke from hers and move down to the bountiful cleavage Christina had exposed with her t-shirt. It was tight, she was almost spilling out of it. She moaned approval as he anxiously pulled her shirt off. If he thought her tits were almost pouring out of the V-neck of her shirt then her massive tits were fixing to explode out of the white bra she was wearing.

Christina opted to take care of the bra herself. And once those massive mammaries were exposed Andrew was questioning for the first time whether or not this might just be the most elaborate dream his brain had ever concocted for himself. These were tits you could actually smother yourself with, and that's exactly what he did. Andrew dove in to the breast buffet Christina was offering up.

Christina hissed, a smiling sneer coming her face as she felt those oh-so-familiar sensations. It was coincidence she tended to attract breast men and she loved the attention. Andrew was only too happy to feed her that attention.

Her moans and coos of encouragement drove him on as he savored every inch of her tit flesh, and there was a lot of area to cover. He could barely grasp those melons in his hands. It was a much more freestyle kind of worship, barely holding himself back from motorboating her titties. Thankfully class won out and he went to sucking on her lovely nipples.

“Nnnng yeah baby...suck that titty...oh...mmmm bite it…bite it just bit...not too hard...nnngggghh,” Christina said, drifting in and out of a wonderful lust -filled fog in her head.

Christina's direction was the light Andrew in needed in his own fog, taking that sensitive nipple between his teeth, biting down ever so much and pulling back as he sucked.

“Ohhh GOD yes!” Christina said, pressing his head harder against her chest. She could have smothered him like that right there and Andrew would have died happy. Thankfully for them both, death was not on the card.

Though Andrew was perfectly content with Christina's titanic tits, content was never good enough for him. He pulled his face away from the gravitational pull they had on his face and spun a surprised Christina around. He bent her over until she braced herself up against the wall in front of her. It was right in front of a sink with a mirror in front of it. A quick place for the janitor to spruce up or wash his hands was no being used to give her a view of her being fucked.

Andrew reached around her, undoing her jeans and yanking them down to her ankles along with her panties. While he was knelt down behind her he could resist getting a quick taste of Christina's pussy. His hand gripped her supple, thicc ass and his mouth went for that glistening slit, making Christina's eye's flutter and a bit of drool come from her mouth. It was a full on, intense round of pussy-eating, he just wanted a taste. That taste though was done with a gourmet's skill.

Though the taste was just as sweet as he'd thought, perhaps even better, Andrew's hunger was for a bit more. He wasted no time when he returned to standing upright. He entered Christina with one urgent thrust, making her yelp in shock which melted away to a satisfied moan.

“Fuck yes baby,” Andrew said, sawing into her cunt while his hands gripped her booty. He stared ahead, looking at the mirror. The view he had of himself fucking Christina was great. Watching he tits sway and jiggle with every thrust and the absolute lustful look of utter passion and satisfaction would be enough to make him hard if he was a diamond already. He thrust harder, watching her face watching her tits. Needless to say, it was a hypnotic view.

Christina's hands moved from the wall to the sink, gripping the sides hard and pushing back against every deep thrust he made inside of her. Scandal be damned, this was hot. This was better than her fantasy, better than what he wrote. It was hot, it was real and she wanted more. His thrusts became faster, she pushed back harder. He smacked her ass, she cried out “MORE! FUCK ME HARDER!” knowing full well anyone on the floor could hear her if there were, in fact, anyone there. It didn't matter. Andrew's cock was just too good, hitting all those right spots that needed that electric rush of pleasure.

Andrew's hands migrated from Christina's ass to her tits, gripping the squeezable melons and pulling her close to him.

“Uh...uh...uh fuck!” Christina shouted. His thrusts were getting faster. Her red hair was hanging in her face, swaying like her breasts with the motion of their lust. She bit her lips when her rolled her nipples between her fingers and threw her head back and moaned when he began to work and grind his cock inside her. The sexy sound of those moans was muffled by Andrew's own mouth, hungry for her taste once more. Though Christina might have hunger more, sucking on his tongue as their lips connected once more.

“Cum...” She moaned. “Gonna cum...cum with me...oh Andrew fuck me...oh FUCK YES!”

Christina slid a hand between her legs, frigging her clit as Andrew drove his cock home to the promised land. Every stroke and pump brought her closer and closer. Then Andrew had that final thing to get her over the hump.

“Look in the mirror Christina,” directed Andrew. “Look how fucking hot you are...getting fucked in a broom closer. So dirty too. Proper lady, an academic getting fucked nice and dirty...” His thrusts slowed down, substituting the speed built up for hard and deep once more, making her grunt and moan with every spine-tingling thrust. “Look at your face when you cum on my cock Christina...look at it...come on baby...”

“Oh my...nnnnnngfuuuck!!!!” Christina cried. She shook and quivered, becoming a moaning and babbling mound of satisfied flesh in Andrews hands. He continued fucking her through her orgasm, grimacing as her sweet cunt milked his cock. But he had his eye on another prize. He wouldn't be the first, but Christina was used to it. She almost knew the exact words he was going to say as he pulled out of her.

“Turn around,” he croaked. “Gonna cum on those tits baby.”

The words were slightly different, but the message was always the same and on Christina was always happy to oblige too. Even she could get the need to fuck her tits. She was more than aware of how amazing they were. That wasn't ego to her but common sense.

Christina turned around and dropped to her knees. She leaned back against the wall, watching with a tired but cocky grin on her face as Andrew got in position and slid his cock between her tits, lubricated will with her own orgasm.

“Gimme cum,” she said, almost in a chant. She pressed her hands against her tits, tightly sandwiching his dick between her mounds. “Cum...cum for me baby...cover them...cover my titties...Andrew...mmmm fuck them till you cum....”

Andre was already dancing on the edge of the horizon before her intoxicating word. He was thrusting hard and fast in the valley of Christina's tits, the tip of his cock peeking out from them like a perverted game of whack-a-mole before he exploded, erupting all over her chin, neck and tits.

“Mmm just like that,” Christina urged as Andrew frantically moaned with every amazing pleasured pulse of his cock. Streams of his hot cream covered Christina's titanic tits like a warm glaze. When he was done Andrew stumbled backwards, barely holding himself up by grabbing the top of a nearby locker. His orgasm-drunk clumsiness got a giggle out of Christina, who followed up by giving him one last visual treat of her bringing one of her tits to her face and licking up his cum from the warm flesh.

After seeing that visual, after the whole experience, Andrew only had one last thing to say.

“So…about those script notes....”



“Okay troops here's the battle plan,” Camila said. The group had headed out from the lake house into town. They were currently in a strip mall parking lot, making a quick plan for the rest of the day. “Since not everything got delivered and the caretaker is off on their own little break, finishing the job is up to us. Jake and Jose?”

“Yes, my most beautiful commanding officer?” Jose replied, laying the sarcasm on as thick as the compliment within.

“You two big and burly strong men are taking care of the alcohol. Picking up the two kegs and the tequila. Buy a few extra chasers too, I underestimated how much our little group could put away. “She handed Jose some cash then turned her attention Peter and Lili. “And for my two dearest friends who ever existed, you get to pick up some BBQ supplies I neglected to to list. Namely fancy pants buns for the burgers and dogs. And some sides since those are better fresh. Cole slaw, potato salad, that kind of thing.”

“Gotcha Cami,” Peter said.

“Good. I don't have to tape a list to your shirts or anything, I hope?”

“Nope,” Lili said, grabbing the money. “We're good at brain stuff like...damn it...what's that word...for when you don't forget?”

“Remember?” Peter jokingly asked.

“Well if I could remember I wouldn't be asking, would I?”

“Very funny,” Cami said. “Now, that just leaves the rest of us girls...and Brodie. We're picking up Sabrina's friend at...where did you say it was again Sabrina?”

“Peach's,” she said. “And no, it's not like Knockers or something. First off I don't think they're famous for their wings or super-hot waitresses or anything.”

“Thanks,” Madelaine and Selena said in unison.

“Don't mention it...unless it'll get me free wings and a beer then mention it all you want.”

“I'll consider it,” Madelaine said.

“Good enough for me. Anyway, Peach's is a couple blocks down.”

“And that's where your friend is?” Hailee asked.

“Yep. Joey's probably already midway through the semis of her competition.”

“Excellent,” Cami said. “We're going to get a couple drinks and grab the good lady. While that's going down, you troops load up the vans then come pick us up.”

“We got it,” Peter said.

The groups began to disperse, Peter giving Hailee a quick kiss goodbye and Jose following suit. Jake and Lili however didn't get that. They had both already gotten in their respective vans, waiting for their drivers.

Once one group had split into three, the mission of the day had begun.


“Short list,” Peter said. He and Lili were walking the aisles of the supermarket with Lili guiding the cart while Peter performed as the eyes and scanned around for the goods. “Brioche buns pretzel buns, vegan buns, regular sesame seed buns, New England style hot dog buns...no corn dog mix? Camila is leaving the buffet light.”

“Yeah,” Lili said, her voice drab.

“You okay?” Peter asked, tossing some buns in the cart. “You seemed downright bubbly earlier.”

“Yeah, I'm fine,” she said. “Jake and I...well we had kind of a fight this morning. Kind of because there was no yelling or anything. He's just been...weird. It's been for a couple days but he kind of gets lost in his head sometimes anyway but it got really bad last night.”

“What happened?”

“It's just, a feeling I guess. He was really jumpy last night after you and Hailee woke up. Then just plain irritable today. He was on the deck right, just drinking coffee and looking out of the lake and the other houses. I give him a hug, kiss him on shoulder and he just jumps and seems really annoyed rather than, you know, remotely happy to see me and maybe fool around a little. He snapped at me and then flat out lied and said nothing was bothering him. I don't know, I'm just not a happy camper with him right now.”

“That sucks.” Peter replied. “I don't what to say beyond that. I mean...sorry that's going on at all. No clue what set him off?”

“Nope. And you know what? It's not my problem to find out. He can always choose to be an adult and actually talk to me. That being said if you had any insight I wouldn't mind hearing it.”

“Me?” Peter asked. “I mean...look, I don't have a problem with Jake but we're not exactly buddy buddy. Pleasant acquaintances is probably more apt.”

“Yeah, I figured.” Lili said. “Sorry to unload like that. It's been bugging me and I couldn't exactly spill to Cami or Hailee in the car. That would just start a big old mess that would ruin the mood.”

“Eh, no problem. I'm actually used to it. Growing with Selena and Camila I tended to get an earful about, and I quote 'stupid dumb boys'. It's kind of a skill of mine. Not actually applicable to much, but it's in my back pocket.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” said Lili. “Really though, thanks. I felt like I was going to burst. So...with that said, let's finish up with the shopping list and meet up with everyone.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Peter replied. “And for the other stuff, it'll work out. The drive probably just finally caught up with him. He probably feels shitty about it now. I know I would.”


Meanwhile at the liquor store, Jose and Jake had split up. Jose was with the clerks transporting the kegs while Jake was busy picking up the few stray chasers and assorted alcoholic goodies one the list. He wasn't so deep in this activity that he didn't recognize the voice that called out to him.

“I knew it was you Jake,” Ana said, startling Jake enough that he almost dropped the list. “I never forget a face. Or anything else on someone as fun as you.”

“What are you doing here?” Jake asked, not exactly disappointed to have Ana's presence confirmed.

“The same thing you are I think,” she said, getting closer to him. “You're here for the Spring Break, no?”

“Well yes.”

“Perfecto,” Ana said. “We can have ourselves little private party maybe?”

“Not that I necessarily would say no, but I'm kind of preoccupied.”

“Si, si...but I think you are a smart one...you could probably find some way to get away from your friends just as I have.”

“Well that's certainly a challenge I would like to take.”

“Then let me make it easier on you,” Ana said, reaching into her purse and taking out a flyer. “I got this on the main street. It's a nightclub. I'll be there tomorrow night. Find a way there yourself. Then we can have a little bit more fun, yes?”

“Yo Jake you finish out that list Jake?” asked Jose, interrupting the unfaithful reunion. “Keg is loaded up and it's time to pay.” He turned the corner and saw Ana and Jake together. They were apart, but not the safe kind of apart. Fortunately for Jake Jose didn't see the folded up the flyer and slid it in his pocket. “Who're you?”

“I am Jake's...gym friend, yes?” Ana said. “We work together sometimes. Trying to...improve my strength training. He spots me. A great help. Just wanted to say hello. See you both around.”

And with that Ana exited at stage left. Jake watched that amazing body go and Jose was there to snap him out of it, his usual jovial tone long gone.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Oh, just what she said,” Jake answered. “Workout buddy.”

“Yeah...looks like you and her did a bit more cardio than weight training.”

“What are you implying?”

“You know what I'm implying. Just say you didn't do it and that'll be the end of it. But look me in the eye.”

Jake locked eyes on Jose. “I didn't have sex with her.”

“You're lying.”

“No I'm not!”

“Yes you are dude!” he answered. “You're a shit liar with have a dozen tells. That's why me and Alison handle the mic work and you don't say jack shit 90% of the time.”

Jose began to pace back and forth. “You always fucking do this. Always. You fall hard for a girl, fool around a bit and all of a sudden, your dick wants greener pastures. It's bad enough when that shit makes our jobs more difficult because you're dipping your pin in several different company inkwells but this? Lili is Cami's best friend! Your fucking around could REALLY do some serious damage this time around.”

“Then I guess it's good that's not what's going on,” Jake reassured. “Relax. I love Lili.”

“Uh huh. Look man, straight talk? Lili's easily the best girl you've dated. Easily. Don't blow this. Keep your dick in your pants and your eyes from wandering. For both our sake.”


(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/150877126_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_217.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/150877126_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_217.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/150877136_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_218.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/150877136_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_218.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/150877142_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_219.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/150877142_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_219.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/80/150877145_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_220.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/80/150877145_scarlett-johansson_20-03-14_dfsdaw_220.jpg)

It was just supposed to be a simple, friendly lunch. Just one more step on the pathway to perhaps something more.

That’s what was supposed to happen. Instead, before Scarlett and Chris even entered the pub for a couple pints and some baskets of fish & chips. However, once the pair met up on the outside of the pub and their eyes met, something happened and their hunger morphed into a desire for something else.

Maybe it was the time of year. Maybe it was the weather. Or maybe it was just exhaustion on both their parts on continuing to go at a snail's pace, an exhaustion that had finally grown to overpower any insecurities Scarlett had.

The drive from the pub to Scarlett's home seemed both eternal and instantaneous. The two sprint-walked to the door, Chris embracing Scarlett from behind, his hands squeezing her melons through her shirt while Scarlett's hand fumbled for the keys.

The door opened and the two tumbled in, nearly falling on the floor. Scarlett broke the embrace just to kick her door shut. She looked at Chris with a wickedly delicious smile.

“Bedroom. Now. Follow me.” As that last word left Scarlett's mouth she led Chris to her spacious bedroom. Lots of room to maneuver, though right now the two were only focused on her king-size bed.

Chris was nearly tossed onto the bed. He leaned back, watching as Scarlet stripped her top bare. It'd been a long time since he saw those miraculous tits in person and the real thing absolutely slaughtered the memory. Sometimes reality was in fact better.

He started to move himself up. Scarlett nipped that in the bud the moment she saw the upward movement.

“Stay right there,” Scarlett ordered. She began to walk towards him, kneeling down as she approached his crotch. She was near the edge of the bed, her lovely and sensual gaze staring Chris out as she undid hi pants and pulled them off, tossing them aside.

Her red nails ran up his legs and her mouth hovered over Chris' stiffening prick.

“It's been so long,” Scarlett said. She daintily wrapped her fist around his prick, finger by finger. “I'm going to fucking wreck you.”

Chris could look on, too focused on what Scarlett was doing and was preparing to do to him to think of any good response. When she let a long stream of spittle drool out from between his lips and hit the tip of his bell-end Chris knew words weren't going to do him a damn bit of good.

Scarlett pumped his shaft and worked her saliva into his skin. Slow and rhythmic pumping, circling her thumb achingly slow, the wonderful fiction heat on that bundle of nerves already making him groan just a bit.

“Look at you,” the smoky-voiced siren said. “Just the smallest touch...that's all it takes. Some things never change, but let me tell you this baby...” Scarlett moved up and took his member between her mammaries. “Things certainly do get better.”

“Oh Scarlett,” Chris moaned. “Oh god...” He breathed deep, almost choking on his own spit as Scarlett worked her tits on his cock. The pace wasn't too urgent. That wasn't what Scarlett wanted. This wasn't going to be a sprint if she could help it. Chris wasn't disagreeing with it.

“Look at it,” Scarlett said. “Look at your perfectly hard cock sliding between these tits. I can feel you throb. It makes me so...fucking...wet.” Scarlett extended her tongue as his cock poked through the top of her cleavage, flicking it against the aroused mushroom tip. “Looks like it’s doing the trick for you too.”

Chris' growls confirmed it. He followed Scarlett's direction, staring like a man hypnotized as she jerked his dick with her fantastic funbags. She kept going, jacking and teasing him with her titflesh until she backed off completely. But she wasn't done with having a little bit of personal time with his cock.

Scarlett took his cock into her mouth to the hilt. Hands and tits free. Chris winced as she took him into her throat. It was a crash course reminder at all the skills Scarlett had and how eager she was to show them off.

Scarlett released his cock, breathed deep, and feasted upon his cock. Fast, slobbery, and absolutely starving for cock was Scarlett’s suckjob style. And despite that fact that dirty little devil once again remained in the detail. Even at the speed of perversion she knew just out to treat a cock, especially a familiar one.

She released his cock with a pop only to lewdly lick Chris pole up and down before the lips wrapped around the head. Scarlett’s cheeks billowed as she sucked hard. And with her mouth busy there her hands skillfully massaged and worked his balls. It was driving Chris utterly insane. And right at the height of that overload, as her tongue attacked with samurai-like skill, Scarlett backed off once more.

She then got to her feet and removed her skirt and panties, soon following up by kicking off her heels.

Chris took her familiar form in. Every curve of her body a road that he'd travelled many a time in the past. Just a beautiful as ever, though with a few new landmarks.

“New ink?” he asked, pointing out the new tattoos that now adorned her delectable form. They weren't too distracting and they fit that lovely body perfectly.

“You like?” Scarlet asked, running her hands over them.

“So far, though I think I might need to get a little closer look to make a final judgement.”

“I think I can make that happen.” Scarlett answered. “But first, ditch the shirt. Let me make sure all your tats are still in the same places.”

Chris removed his shirt as Scarlett made her approach. The moment that shirt was off she was on him, flesh to flesh. Their lips met first, the kiss breaking and Scarlett's plump lips curled into a snarl. Chris' lips didn't take a break however going directly from her lips to her tits. It was a reunion he'd been thinking of since before he left town. Every time he'd since Scarlett since returning, his eyes would always take a peek at her legendary cleavage and remember the old days and how she tasted and felt. Once more, reality was better than memory.

“Fuck yeah just like that baby,” Scarlett said. “Mmmm fucking bite that nipple...just how I like it Chris...just like that...”

Scarlett shivered as Chris followed her demands, his teeth giving just the perfect amount of pressure he knew Scarlett liked, pleasure spiked with pain. She trembled and hissed in air with a smile.

“Yesss....just like that...fucking just like that...” She allowed him a few more moments of tits worship before she moved down. She gripped his cock and grinded her pussy against it. Chris' eyes rolled in the back of his head as Scarlett teased his throbbing pole. It was enough to almost make him burst right then and there if he didn't know Scarlett had so much more to offer. Once her amazing torture was done, lowered herself on to him. “Oh my GOD it still so fucking good...mmmm I've wanted this since the first day you were back...so fucking bad...”

Before Chris could reply he was silenced by Scarlett's lips. The kiss was hungrier now and far more savage. She sucked on his tongue as if it were a sweet treat the broke the kiss with a love bite on Chris' lower lip. And that's when Scarlett began to move on his cock.

It was surprisingly slow at first, both of them having flashbacks of their younger years. Slowly Scarlett rose and fell on his dick, running her hands over her body, playing with her own breasts and giving Chris quite the view to go with the sweet sensations. Then Scarlett moved and swayed, the erotically fiendish look on her face. It was like everything he missed about her and then some.

Chris however wasn't content with being a passive participant. He never was. His hands had been reintroduced to Scarlett's tits, now it was time for her amazing ass to get a visit.

Scarlett moaned with sinful glee when she felt his strong grip on her cheeks. She handed some control over to him when he gave the secret knock of three hard smacks on her ass.

When Scarlett threw her head back Chris' grip on her ass tightened and he thrust up hard and couch, ravaging the familiar warmth of Scarlett's pussy. It was a treatment that sent jolts of hot pleasure up her spine and words to come bellowing out of her mouth.

“FUCK YES!” Scarlett growled. “Take it...take that fucking cunt baby...fucking take it! It's yours! TAKE IT! FUCKING USE IT!”

Plenty of men Scarlett had fucked always tried to follow her in the dirty talk department. With how sensual even the filthiest of dirty talk sounded coming from that smoky voice they just felt the need to go back and forth with her.

Chris knew better.

It wasn't that Scarlett minded the verbal back and forth. But actions not only spoke louder than words, they sure as fuck felt better. Chris was very familiar with how Scarlett felt about taking action. His thrusts got the power of a wrecking ball, every collision of their flesh sending Scarlett higher and higher.

It wasn't all high impact though. The devil is in the details and Scarlett let out a sinful shriek when she felt her asshole get invaded by Chris' middle finger.

“FUCK BABY!” she yelled. “Fuck my ass with that finger...fuck yes baby take both of my fucking dirty slutholes...fuck yesssss....”

Her hissing last word was replaced with a surprised yelp as Chris took a tight grip on her hips and flipped them over. With Scarlett on her back Chris knelt up, gripping Scarlett tight and taking her pussy hard and fast. His hands ran over her smooth kin, gliding over the new to him ink she had on his body. He left a trail of goose bumps with his touch

Scarlett moaned as she braced herself on her ornately carved wooden headboard. She looked up to Chris, their eyes locking, though he couldn't help but take a few extra views at her rapidly jiggling tits. Though every so often temptation would get the better of Chris, making him lean over to get himself another taste of Scarlett.

“Yeah watch those fucking tits bounce baby,” Scarlett said. “Suck them...fuck me...fuck and don't stop...don't ever fucking stop...” The headboard made a steady thumping beat, hitting the wall with ever deep thrust Chris took, sheathing his sword in her velvet box.

“Ohh…ungh...fuuuck Chris...,” Scarlett moaned. “Cum in me...fill my fucking cunt...make me cum...every drop of you in me...fuck baby, FUCK!!!”

Chris once more gave in to Scarlett's wonderful demands. His thrust were full tilt now, Scarlett pressing against her head board and pushing back. Chris could feel Scarlett squeezing her pussy around his cock, her thirsty cunt begging for his cum with every pump.

Ever the strong and silent type, Chris let out a grunt as he gave her one last thrust before filling her up with his jizz.

“YESSSSSS!” Scarlett cried out, the pulsing of Chris' cock and the hot liquid cum splashing inside her setting off an orgasm that felt like years in the making. Her legs tightened around Chris' waist, making sure he couldn't move away until she let him, as if he would do such a thing.

Chris continued to thrust through his orgasm and Scarlett's, pulling her up to his chest and holding her tight as the flame of pleasure slowly turned to glowing embers. It was definitely better than they remembered.


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:04:26 PM
Once Cami's group stepped into Peach's the naming of the bar & grill became readily apparent. It was adorned from floor to ceiling with gaming memorabilia. Posters, prints of box art, standee of characters and the bars even had MAME mini cabinets and some of the booths had game systems attached. And the store's sign had a drawing of a princess on it that seemed to be just different enough to skirt a lawsuit,  but it was crystal clear just exactly who the namesake of the bar was.

“I like it,” Cami said. “This is definitely a barhop destination tomorrow.”

“Would you mind if I skipped out on that part then?” Madelaine asked. “No offense but on vacation I want to steer clear of pubs as much as necessary. Drinking and dancing on the other hand, I'm very game for.”

“No problemo Mads,” Camila said. “Just have fun and be safe.”

“Always do and always am.” the redhead replied. “I'm guessing the girl is over there?” Madelaine pointed towards a crowd. Lively, but that orderly kind of lively. Definitely rowdy but in the same way the guys at Knockers were. In other words, the kind of excitement Madelaine preferred. Same high level of tips but more sweet-natured, nervous flirting from the customers and no ass grabbing.

“That'd be it,” Sabrina said. The crowd though made it kind of difficult to get close and see. “Probably right in the middle of slaughtering people in Smash Bros. And since even if we were up close I'd need a boost to see the action, let's get to the second floor for a good view, just to make sure she made it this far.”

The party followed Sabrina's lead, getting a perfect vantage point of the action from the second floor. Brodie stayed back a bit, getting a nice view of all the bottoms on display. Sure, some were spoken for but there was no law against looking. And most of them weren't spoken for, in which case looking was big help in decisions. Of course, he couldn't look without getting caught by Madelaine, who'd developed a sixth sense for when she was being partially undressed. She didn't chastise him though. Her only response was a playful wink before turning her attention back to the crowd.

Right in the center of the crowd sat a large TV set with four people in front of it. Two of them had game controllers at their feet. From their inactivity it could only be assumed they were knocked out. The only two people left were a young man with long and nearly neon green hair and a young, busty yet petite brunette. This was Joey. And she had a mouth on her.

“I'm gonna Donkey Konga your FUCKING head for that!” she yelled. “And shove this barrel right up your turtle-stomping plumber ass!”

“Yeah right,” the green-haired player said. “Maybe if you spent more time actually playing the games instead of posing for pin-ups for your dweeb fans to wank to I'd be sweating.”

“Is that a fact?” Joey asked, he last words before going into a near trance like state.

“Oh this is gonna be good,” Sabrina said. “Check this out. It's some serious ninja shit.” The group focused as Joey proceeded to mop the floor with her opponent. She was already halfway gone. He had been nowhere close. But in a matter of minutes she tore him apart. Then again. Then once more until he was out of lives.

The green-haired guy dropped his controller and put his face in his palms while Joey got up and bowed to the cheering crowd, Sabrina being the loudest among them. Then Joey signaled a waitress over.

“Excuse me, but could you bring a drink for my fallen opponent here?” she asked. “Something strong too. He needs to wash the taste of my dick out of his mouth!”

The green-haired guy laughed and nodded. She had him. And she had whupped him good. He got up and shook Joey's hand. “Good form…better insult,” he said.

“You weren't half bad yourself Jimmy,” Joey said, giving a name to her nemesis. “Be seeing you in June for the Mortal Kombat Kompetition?”

“You bet...and I'm working on a new character.”

“I do love it when a man keeps be guessing.” Joey gave him a flirtatious wink before finally turning her attention to the one familiar voice she heard in the crowd. “What's up asshole?”

“Nothing just watching some nerd play pong or something,” Sabrina replied back down.

“Why don't you come down here and say that to my face Shortstack.” Joey answered back. Sabrina took the invitation, coming down the stairs and the two friends greeted each other with a big hug just outside of the now-dissipating crowd.

“You kicked ASS my friend,” Sabrina said. “I swear you get off on playing people like that.”

“Well it's what my people want.” Joey grinned then got a view of the rest of the group filling up behind Sabrina. “And let me see if I can figure out who is who. Sorry folks I'm bad with names so excuse me.” Joey's blue eyes went to Hailee and Selena first. “The two hot actress ladies.”

“Thanks,” Selena said. 'Name's Selena.”

“And I'm Hailee,” she said. The two extended their hands, Joey shaking both of them.

“Hailee, you're the one dating the cute director guy, right?”

“Yep, that's my Peter,” said Hailee.

Joey then went to Camila. “Hot producer lady.”

“Camila, but I have to follow suit in thanking you for the description.” The two shook hands, then Joey's eye went to Madelaine and Brodie.

“You two I don't know. Never seen you on Shortstack's Insta so my cheat sheet has some holes in it.”

“Madelaine,” the redhead said. “I'm just going to assume I'd get the hot description as well.”

“Good guess.” Joey answered.

“I guess that leaves me,” said Brodie. “Name's Brodie. Also an actor, presumably dashing handsome. Just not on Sabrina's Instagram.”

“Yet,” Sabrina chimed in. “You'll make your way there.”

Brodie gave Sabrina a grin. With Madelaine and now this, he was looking to be pretty busy on this little reunion trip.

“So, what's the plan?” Joey asked. “We grabbing some food here?”

“Nope,” Sabrina said. “The rest of our little fellowship is getting the last supplies then is barbecue time at the Lakehouse.”

“Which you're more than welcome to also crash at,” Camila added.

“Thanks but I got a hotel room already.” Joey replied. “But one eternal lesson I've learned is never turn down free food.”


It was well before Jesse's shift at Knockers. He was there for an interview. Not for himself, but Madelaine. She had listed him as one of her co-workers as a reference for her managerial promotion. It was going to be a quick interview, or so he hoped. The general manager just was going to probably just ask him a few questions about what it was like to work with Madelaine, how she operated, if he thought she was ready for the position, all that stuff. Just character reference.

That's what he hoped. It wasn't like he was in a rush to do anything. Jesse's only hope for tonight would be serious tip money for said date.

“Yo, Jess,” said Carlos, the current manager. “The GM is ready for you.”

Jess got up from the barstool he'd been sitting at and headed into the meeting room where the GM had set up. He'd never seen her before, but the GM had a rep. She was hot and a total cougar according to anything and everything he'd ever heard about her. As with most rumors though, Jesse chalked it up to rumor and innuendo, to things in which he did not deal.

Once he entered the room, he noted it was empty save for a chest full of bottled waters and sodas. At one end of the meeting table there were papers and a laptop. It didn't take much to figure out that was the GM's seat, so he took the one directly opposite of her.

Jesse wasn’t sitting alone for too long. The moment he opened his water the door opened and in came the GM. And what a sight she was. Black heels with matching stockings. The shirt was so short he could tell these weren't hose, but stockings complete with garter belt. Her hair was up and glasses on her face.

And what a face. A cute little nose and luscious lips. He could help but drink in every inch of this beautiful woman.


“Hello,” she said, a British accent continuing to make Jesse's heart beat like a drum. “I'm Kate Beckinsale. You must be Jesse, correct?” Kate extended her hand and Jesse took it, giving her a quick shake before sitting back down.

“What can I do for you Ms. Beckinsale?” asked Jesse. If Mads' promotion depended on this, he was going to be as professional as he could be.

“Please, call me Kate,” she responded. “This is Knockers, not the Four Seasons.”

“All right.” Jesse replied.

“As for what a lad like you can do for me,” Kate said. Her tone had a bit of cheekiness in it, or that's what Jesse heard. But it could have easily just been her unspeakable hotness playing tricks with his ears. “Let’s start with you giving me your thoughts on Madelaine Petsch. As I'm sure she's told you she's up for the manager position and while it's impressive for someone so young balancing college, well, impressive doesn't always get the job done.”

“Okay, so what specifically do you want to know?”

“Well, your thoughts on her,” Kate said, bringing her feet to the table. She was leaning back in the chair and giving Jesse quite the leg show. She was more than aware of his eyes on her. She didn't sell it though. If she had the grin on her face would be simply devious. “Professionally, personally. How does she fill out the uniform even. How does she handle some of our...rowdier customers? Anything that would show me she's the right woman for the job.”

“Well as far as the outfit, few fit it quite like Mads does,” Jesse said. “She definitely knows how to work her body and talk to the customers. She handles the rowdy ones pretty well. And she is definitely a good teacher to the new recruits on how to do all that.”

“Wonderful,” Kate said, typing onto her laptop which was now, appropriately in her lap. “I was aware of her sale figures. The girl definitely is a saleswoman. A bloody good one at that considering some of the crap cocktails we push sometimes. Her being able to teach that is also wonderful. Signs of a good leader.”

“She has a great eye for talent too,” added Jesse.

“Does she now?” The smile was beginning to work its way to Kate's face. “We have something in common then. I too have a rather...unique way of sizing up talent. Never fails.”

“Is...uh...that a fact?”

“Mmm hmmm,” Kate said. “You can't be a woman in a position of power these days and not know talent when you see it. Now, please, go on. Tell me more.”

“Well,” Jesse said, clearing his throat a bit. He was getting a little hot under the collar and Kate was the searing Summer sun. “Madelaine is just easy to work with. She's direct for sure, knows what she wants and gets it.”

“Have you fucked her?”

“Wait what?” That nearly had him choke on his water, which made Kate laugh.

“You're singing her praises with the kind of candor that says a lot more than co-worker and a smidge more than friends luv,” Kate said. “I mean you don't have to tell me but I wouldn't be surprised. Honestly restaurant staff to tend to fuck a lot. Have you had any experience in that?”

“Well, I...”

“That's a yes if I've ever heard one,” said Kate. “Would you like another?”


“Don't worry. If you say no, that's it. I'm not some cunt who's gonna kick you to the curb if you don't want a little. But honestly...you're the tenth bloody person I’ve interviewed today because of this open position. Same questions. It gets so damn repetitive. I'm sure you've experienced it on the job here. Overhearing the same tits and ass jokes made about the waitress’s ad nauseum.”

“Well, yeah.”

“That's what these interviews have been like. The same things over and over again about the same people. Honestly, I already made my mind up about halfway through all of this. I already spoke with the candidates, already spoke with the references. Honestly I was just hoping for someone to come along that might have the possibility to be a little fun.”

“And that's me?”

“Like I said luv, I have an eye for talent.” Kate got up from her seat, a cougar on the prowl making her way to Jesse. “Now, if you don't want a go with me, you can get up and walk out. No harm, no foul. I'll find someone else for a little fun...but I will be a little disappointed I didn't get to test that talent.” She walked past him, light brushing against his shoulder as she went for the door. “Now do I open the door for you to leave or shall we lock up for privacy?”

“Well, I'd hate to disappoint the boss.”

“Lovely.” Kate locked the door. Jesse made the start of a movement to get out of the chair but Kate stopped. “No need. I extended the invitation. The least I could do is prove to you how wise the decision you've just made is.”

Kate approached the chair the got to her knees. She was already in the leader position, cementing it further by taking the freeing of her cock into her very skilled hands. His pants were pulled down with near surgical precision and her hand cradled and caressed his hardening girth.

“I do so love it when I have something to work with,” purred Kate. Softly she stroked him, the slightest bit of a tease before rubbing his dick against her face, the slight touch of her moist lips a simple preview of what was going to come.

Kate continued to give a tease, kissing Jesse thighs and his groin, touching everything except for his cock, which by now had grown to full mast. Kate licked the head softly, giving it a generous coating of her saliva and leaving the knob with a delectable sheen.

Kate looked up at Jesse, eyebrow cocked as she breathed hot breath on the slick bell end, the sudden cool almost making Jesse jump from his seat a bit. Before he could even fully react to that Kate wrapped her lips around the head. He groaned, reaching down and running his fingers through her brown locks., eventually freeing her long man and allowing it to hang free.

Kate's hands were busy too, fondling Jesse's full balls with one while the other worked his shaft as her tongue circled and rolled around his cock head. Soon though that sweet and hot tongue bath expanded when Kate ventured further down on his cock. Every motion of her mouth brought more of his cock in. Slurping sensually up and down until Jesse's meat as taken inside that sexual sauna.

Kate knew it wouldn't take much to finish him up and taste that hot cum in her mouth. Feel that warm ooze collecting on her tongue and slide down her throat. She'd like that. It might even have gotten her off, just a little. But Kate wanted a lot.

She sucked for a bit more, dragging her teeth ever-so softly over this sensitive crown which actual did make him leave his seat, even if it was only for a few centimeters. That reaction gave Kate a wonderfully warm feeling between her legs. That was her signal she was ready for something a bit more substantial than just a warm feeling between her legs.

Kate rose up from her position and took a slow backwards step to the wall behind her. She started to undo her blouse, dropping it to the ground and showing off her bare chest.

The site of her bare breasts, nipple hard and aroused made Jesse's hunger grow. But he stayed in his seat. He was waiting for that green light Kate was going to give him. She was running this show and he knew it.

Kate's back finally hit the wall. With her arrival set, she hiked up her already short skirt, showing off the complete picture of the garter belt situation before peeling of her black satin panties, showing of a bald pussy, ready to be filled with cock.


“Up,” Kate ordered. “I think once you get here you can guess what else I want from you.”

Jesse hit the gas and made his way over to Kate. The distance was short but still not fast enough. It all began to with a kiss, one that was especially fierce on Kate's part. Just make the message loud and clear as to what she wanted. The moment she felt him lift one of her legs up around his waist and his cock fill up her hungry cunt.

“Oh fuck,” Jesse said. “Holy shit Kate....”

“Feel good here too, luv,” said Kate. “Now how about you do less talking and more fucking, hmmm?”

Jesse followed those order's to T, ramping up the power and speed of his thrusts into Kate's sopping pussy.

“Fuck yes...that's...right there...” gasped Kate. “So good...yes darling...” She stuck her chest out, Jesse taking the bait and worshiping at that that altar. She wasn't as gifted as other when it came to the breast area, but she never heard, or felt, a single complaint. Especially not from young stallions like Jesse. They were always her preference. While there was definitely something to be said about an older, more experienced hand, Kate just couldn't get enough of the unbridled enthusiasm of youth. Any lack of skill they might have had was made up for by a raw, pure need to please. And with every hard-dynamic thrust made into her waiting pussy Jesse was showing he was full of exactly what Kate ached to be filled with.

He lifted the sexy Brit's other legs, and pinned her hard against the wall. Kate held back a howl as he began hammering her cunt, biting on her lips while her legs squeezed tightly around his waist. His hand gripped around Kate's back, taking her from the wall to the table, laying the sexpot back in almost a slam on the table and pressing the back of her legs against his chest. He had the leverage now and he was using it to go as deep as he could into the lovely Londoner.

“Oh GOD yes!” Kate yelled. “Mmm such a lovely fucking cock...oh go harder luv...oh fuck...oh so fucking deep....”

Her words were silenced with Jesse lips. She ensured a continued silenced by grabbed his head pulling it even tighter. Even when the kiss broke they were face to face and staring each other out with sex-crazed stares.

Kat's head thrashed about, side to side with words of filth and encouragement. And with every stroke Jesse made inside of her pussy, the more Kate craved something more. It was something Jesse would have no problem giving her.

“You want to give me something really good luv?” Kate asked. “Something I fucking need right now?”

“Fuck yeah,” Jesse croaked. “Gonna give you every inch of what you fucking want.”

“Good boy.” Kate smiled out him through a sneer. “Now how about you take that lovely dick of your and fuck my arse?”

“I can do that,” Jesse said with a grin. He gave Kate a few more deep thrusts before pulling out and flipping her over, the tart flat against the surface of the table.


“Mmm, yes lick that arsehole,” Kate said, smiling as she felt Jesse's tongue probe her anus. She always loved it when her rump got some attention, big or small. It was another reason she loved the younger men. They were always a bit more appreciative and eager when she offered up her ass. It blindsided them in the most wonderful way. That, and they were far more likely to eat ass to prep her. With Jesse's face buried in her ass, Kate could only smile as the mere thought of what was coming next overtook her.

Jesse got up and placed his cock against Kate's tight little backdoor.

“Do it luv,” Kate said, giving him a searing look over her shoulder. “Take my fucking arse. Take it fucking deep and hard.”

Jesse ran his hand over her fit bottom, giving it a light, play slap before taking a firm grip driving his cock in.

“Yessss!” Kate said, somewhere between a shout and a whisper. Just as she requested, Jesse wasted no time. His thrusts were hard and fast, just as Kate wanted and she was madly in lust with every moment of the anal pounding.

“Yes....right there...right there luv...fuck my arse hard...fuck that dirty little arsehole...” She slammed her fists down on the table hard, barely able to contain herself when he went in to the hilt.

“FUCK Kate!” he yelled, smacking her ass. “God damn your ass feels so damn good...fuck baby....”

“Mmm you like that arse don't you?” Kate asked. “How about now luv?” Kate squeezed her ass around Jesse's thrusting log, making him sputter his words and shiver at the heightened tightness of her holiest of holes.

“Oh fucking hell!” he cried.

“Don't bloody stop!” Kate demanded. “Keep going...don't stop. Make me cum with that fucking big cock up my arse! So close...make my arse cum!!”

Jesse's thrusts got fast. He kept a tight focus on the goal despite the devilish squeezing of her anus around him. He could tell from her own haggard moans that she was close...yet he was still closer. And every pump of his penis inside that asshole and it didn't take too long before his defenses were worn completely down.

“Oh Kate Kate KATE!” he yelled, with the last utterance of her name signaling his last, mighty thrust into her backdoor.

“Mmmm fuck right up my arssssse,” Kate whined as the first scalding shot of jism erupted into her asshole. That lusty liquid heat triggered Kate to go off, her asshole clamping uncontrollably tight. Jesse stopped moving, savoring the last embers of his orgasm up the snug confines of Kate's asshole before they were both totally spent.

Kate turned around and got to her feet, her knees still wobbly and a big grin on her face as she watched a similarly wrecked Jesse tug his pants up.

“So...um...Kate,” Jesse finally got out just as he zipped his fly. “Any more questions?”

“I think I have all my info,” Kate replied, winking at him. “Thank for your time luv. Oh, and on your way out be sure to tell everyone to leave me be for about forty-five minutes if you could.”

Jesse nodded and left Kate alone to clean up and make her final decision on the position. She always had a much clearer head after sex. But it was also a bit like Chinese food. She was always hungry again sooner than she thought...maybe all she'd need was twenty minutes alone...



It had been a long time since Ben had been intimidated by a date. He wasn't remotely intimidated by Sabrina or Lucy. Jessica had done it a little but he never really went on a date with her. They mainly fucked each other's brains out.

Kira though was a different beast altogether. Her confidence was almost unnerving. She didn't flinch one bit when he told her about her juggling situation with Sabrina and Lucy. Rather, she actually seemed impressed by just the attempt. That threw Ben off in a way he wasn't expecting. It was clear signal to him if this was to become more of a first date that he would not be able to get away with that with Kira. If she was fine with hearing about that happening to someone else, the hammer was going to come down hard on anyone who'd try that on her.

Of course, the stories she'd told about herself to him during their meeting at the bar didn't scare him off either. She left nothing out and he didn't flinch. The same message was sent to her, or so he hoped.

Now there he was, sitting in some local sushi bar waiting for his date to arrive. And when she did arrive...well, the word va-va-va-VOOM came to mind, especially when I came to how what Kira was wearing showed off all her assets.

The host led Kira the table, but Ben was the one to pull out the chair for her.

“Thank you,” Kira said. “Nice and gentlemanly.”

“In certain circumstances.” Ben replied.

“I should hope,” Kira said. “Sometimes it's more fun to be downright ungentlemanly.”

“Could I get you anything to drink?” the host said. “Wine, saki? I can tell your server before they arrive.”

“I think water is fine for now,” Kira said. “I want to decide on what I'm eating before I pair a wine with it.”

“Very good ma'am.” The host exited, leaving the two alone.”

“When are those times?” Ben asked.


“Those times where you'd prefer a man to be ungentlemanly.”

“Oh...I'd say when there are less clothes involved. That's a good rule of thumb.” Kira cocked an eyebrow and sipped at her water. “Wouldn't you agree that at that point the time for please and thank you is over?”

“Well, unless the please in question is “please, don't stop”. I think that's a fair exception.”

“Touché.” Kira replied. “It's nice to have someone who can keep up with me. I mean I've dated guys who could talk...just not around me.”

“Well I can do a lot with my mouth.”

“So can I. The rest of my body is pretty nifty too.”

“Well I bet with all the wrestling stuff you can get yourself into some nice positions,”

“Oh I get in even better ones with just a bit of help.” Kira and Ben shared a knowing glance then each went for a menu. “I might go for all you can eat. Feeling very...starved.”

“Me too,” Ben said. “Better sate the appetite.”

“Good plan.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:24:03 PM
With Spring being in the air, the days had grown longer, the sun being out at later days, it's slowed descent into night creating amazing lighting. And Camila Mendes was using that lighting to the fullest, taking nature shots at first, but it soon turned into taking pin-up shots of Selena Gomez. They were having a little barbecue that went from the deck of the lake house. The cooking was being done on the deck on two grills, one for the meat and one for the vegans in the group. Down on the beach Camila was getting more and more familiar with her old passion.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150878958_d2qjl0h0_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150878958_d2qjl0h0_o.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150878960_selena-gomez-sexy-2.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150878960_selena-gomez-sexy-2.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150878961_selena-gomez-sexy-3.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150878961_selena-gomez-sexy-3.jpg)

“You're doing great Sel,” Camila said. “Give me some Baywatch without the cheese. All the heat. Melt the lens of the camera.”

Selena posed on the shore, going with Camila's main direction, what felt right to her. What felt sexy to her. And given Camila's reaction Selena was right on the money. In the beginning it felt a little weird being so friendly with her given their history. Now though she was more than glad that their relationship had melted all that ice.

“Selena you've got see these shots,” Cami said. “ And grab one of the bacon cheeseburgers...oh my GOD they're good. Both the shot and the burgers in case that wasn't clear enough. But only one is stuffed with queso.”

Selena left the shore and came to where Cami was. Camila showed off the shots on the camera's viewscreen, stunning Selena. They did look good. There was no bounce board or anything really to control the light. But the shots looked damn good. Just like the scenic shots Cami had been taken that got Selena's attention.

“Oh my GOSH thank you Cami,” Selena said. “I…I can use these. Glamour shots and all that.”

“Oh no problem. I needed to kind of brush up anyway. Don't tell Peter this but he was actually right. I missed this a lot.”

“I mean it. Even with the decent tips I don't really make enough for headshots and stuff like that-”

“Oh let's do the headshots at my place. I can dress up a corner to look like a studio and get some really nice lighting going on. We can do a bunch of different outfits too, make-up styles, make a day of it.”


“Of course,” Camila smiled.

“Oh wow. That helps. A lot. I…I really like us not hating each other.”

“This IS more fun isn't it?” The two laughed a bit before going back to the photos. “I think right now though it's time to stuff our faces. The smell of the burgers is really getting to me.”

“Cool, probably just going to do a quick rinse though,” Selena said. “Really just for my hair from the pool shots we did before we headed down here.”

“Food will be here as well as a good assortment of spirits to get you sloshed.” Selena headed into the house and Camila made her way to the food on the deck. And the deck was a hub of activity. Jose was manning both grills while Peter was behind the bar alongside Hailee and Lili performing as makeshift cocktail waitresses for the rest of the group all conversing, with Sabrina and Brodie getting a bit extra familiar with each other.

Though to be fair Sabrina was just the latest to get a little close with Brodie. Camila knew something went on with him and Madelaine and Selena certainly weren’t being shy about her flirtations with him. Her old friend was proving pretty popular with the single among the group.

“All right chef,” Camila said to Jose. “Gimme a double bacon cheeseburger, pretzel bun. Medium.”

“You know for just a dollar more it can be a triple,” Jose said. “Though as chef I am more than willing to discuss alternate forms of payment.”

“I'll get back to you on that,” said Cami before kissing his cheek. Her eyes then looked to Jake alone at his corner of the table. He was somehow making eating a solo activity. He'd been acting weird for a while. Which in turn was making Lili act weird. Cami wasn't a fan of this. “What's with Jake?”

Jose struggled to give an answer just by virtue he wasn't sure how to give it. While he was pretty sure he knew exactly what was up with Jake, he didn't know for sure. He desperately wanted to believe his friend wasn't dipping back into his old bad habit of fucking around behind a girlfriend's back. But he also knew Jake's history. It didn't matter how head over heels he was for a girl, his dick tended to be the boss over his heart or brain.

“I'm really not sure,” Jose finally got out. “I...I really have no idea.”

“I don't like the sound of that.”

“Look, Cami if I knew something for sure I'd tell you. I don't. So if I told you anything it might be 100% wrong. I hope I'm not...but I don't want to say if I don't know.”

“Okay,” Cami said. “I think I'm reading between the lines though. But I respect that you don't want to say anything you aren't sure of. Because of course you know the monster you could possibly unleash that lies beyond these beautiful brown eyes.”

“You chill me as well arouse me my dear.”

“And on that note, I'm going to get myself a little cocktail while you whip up my burger,” said Cami. “You know, to settle the savage yet protective beast within.”

While Cami went to get her drink on Brodie excused himself from the conversation with Sabrina.

“If you'll pardon me ma'am,” said Brodie. “Gonna get dressed to add the pool to the party.”

“Should have come prepared like me,” Sabrina said.

“And I do thank you for that. Loving every view...might have to give the edge to the rear one.”

“You wouldn't be the first.”

“You do have one nice caboose Sabrina,” Madelaine added. “Working at Knockers, I see a lot of moneymakers and you have a pretty good jackpot behind you.”

“Given what you have going on Red, I'm honored.” Sabrina raised her Long Island to Madelaine's Mojito, the glasses clinking in celebration of their astronomically amazing asses. Brodie nodded to them both and entered the house.

“Not that I don't appreciate the caboose conversation,” Joey said. “But I was told that there were games here...and a host who believes herself to be able to take me down at Mario Kart 64?”

“And that's my cue to take a seat,” Cami said as she took a seat opposite from Joey. “If you want to challenge the queen in her castle, then you have to answer one simple question for me.”

“Shoot.” Joey replied.

“If you're playing your partner in a game of Mario Kart and you get a blue shell, do you use it if they're in first?”

“Oh god no. You don't blue shell the person you're dating. It's just not done.”

“Sabrina, I love your friend,” Cami said. “Jose, you could learn a few things about Kart racing etiquette from her.”

As the gaming conversation went on the outside Brodie made it to his room. Though when he opened the door, he quickly saw he wasn't alone as Selena Gomez, still in her red bathing suit, was laying on his bed in waiting.

“Took you long enough,” Selena said.

“Well I had to think a bit on that offer you made before you went off for your impromptu photoshoot,” said Brodie. “Kind of blindsided me, to be honest.”

“Now why's that?”

“Well, if you remember our entire tenure of knowing each other you've never really gone for, well, guys like myself. And while I admit my sexiness has only grown exponentially since then...still a shock.”

“That's fair.” Selena got up from the bed. She slid the swimsuit off and began the quick walk over to Brodie. “I am a very changed woman though. I went through...a rather transformative experience recently. I mean you've seen how buddy buddy me and Camila have become.”

“Yeah and I wasn't aware hell had frozen over.”

“Well, things change. So do people, if you just give them a chance. So...with that said...you're very cute. And I'm really just looking for fun right now. And I remember you being a lot of fun...” Selena was close to him now, her bare body pressed against his clothed. Her hand reached down to his crotch, squeezing his package. “I'm just looking for something a little bit more...adult. And finding out just what I was missing back then.”

This was not a position Brodie expected himself in. He definitely found Selena hot, there was no way around it. Hell, he had a thing for her back in the day as well. He never made a move on her though because of the insanely huge crush Peter had on her back then. He'd wanted to badly though, even if he would have just gotten shot down in favor of one of her old types. It wasn't like with Camila, where she was just walled off because it seemed wrong him to even approach her romantically. Too tied with Peter and it was a line he wouldn't cross even now if she was single. It was still a bit weird to see either of those two being so lovey-dovey with other people.

Selena though...there was nothing in his way. Whatever fling he and Madelaine had was just that. Same with Sabrina in all honesty. They didn't even live in the same state.

“Well, I can't promise you anything like what you'd have gotten back then,” Brodie said as reached his hand between Selena's legs. The Latina's eye fluttered as his fingers entered her wet folds. “Mainly because, you know...I'm actually good at sex now.”

“Well...I guess I'll be the judge of that.” Selena collided her lips against his, the two lighting the fuse that Selena had just brought out. “Take off you clothes and get on the bed,” she said.

“What about you?”

“I'm going to lock the door for some privacy. Then, you know, ravage you a little.”

Brodie striped down, giving Selena a view of his fit body and a nice package. He was giving her something to really look forward to. She quickly locked the door then turned her attention back to Brodie, who was in position and waiting with a grin that lived somewhere between sarcasm and sexual just like the man who was displaying it.

“Nice ink,” Selena said. “Really like the lack of tribal tats. Usually a good tell if someone’s a douchebag. And I have the experience to back that up.”

“Why do you think I avoided them?”

“Very clever.” Selena crawled onto the bed, slinking in between Brodie's legs before laying down, her tits pressing against the sheets. Her brown eyes gazed at him as her lips kissed his thighs. Though her lips weren't working solo, her delicate fingers teased and scratched up and down that tender flesh.

Kiss by kiss she made her way up to Brodie's very hard dick. “I think this is just a formality at this point,” she said. She grasped his dick and kissed the base just to the side. “But I think I'm going to indulge us both in a little fun.”

“Indulge away Sel,” Brodie said. The next sound to come from his mouth was a satisfied sigh. Selena extended her tongue and slowly licked all the way to the top of his cock then all the way back down, kisses bookending each swipe. Up and down each time, lathering up his cock.

“Your cock is really nice Brodie,” Selena said. “I have to admit, I like what you're packing. I’m going to have fun.”

“Well, I hate to brag.”

“In this case I'd allow it.” Selena said before taking his rod into her hungry mouth. Brodie moaned in approval, Selena going somewhere between tease and total domination of his dick. She had taken him halfway down, working her mouth with everything she had. A snaking tongue working like a sword wielded by a samurai. Swift and skilled swipes all in the wonderful wet sauna between her lips. Her hand worked his meat that wasn't in her mouth, but with every stroke of her lips her hand lost more and more real estate.

“Holy shit Sel,” Brodie gasped. He was honestly astonished. He had more than a few times gotten through a lonely night imagining what it'd be like to be with Sel and the woman was destroying the dream and it wasn't even a comparison. The feeling of that miraculous mouth and talented tongue. The little moans she'd throw in alongside those sloppy slurps of her mouth were the perfect bit of sexual seasoning to go with every skilled sensual movement she made.

The visual wasn't bad either. Brodie had reached down, holding her wet brown locks back to give him a clear view of her sucking. Selena liked that, knowing the man she was pleasing was watching her, taking in everything she was doing. If she wasn't already wet feeling and seeing his gaze would have done the trick.

Selena continued feasting on his cock, the sensitive stalk of flesh never short of attention. Whenever she removed her mouth, Selena still went after it with her tongue, licking, teasing with a surgeon’s skill.

As much fun as the both of them were having, this rendezvous wasn't about a quick blowjob. Though she'd gone way past the quick part a bit ago, they both knew there was a lot more they each had to offer.

Brodie's cock fell from Selena's mouth as the lusty lovely moved up his body and rubbed against her body before she straddled him. Selena ran her tongue over her lips and gazed down at Brodie. He was still a little stunned by it all. Selena liked that. She could work with that to make things so much more fun.

“Like what you see?” Selena said. The answer was so obvious she didn't let him answer. Instead Selena grabbed his hands. “Touch me...touch my body Brodie. All over. My breasts...my stomach...my wet pussy...” She ground her cunt against his hard rod. He wasn't inside her, his pole lying hard and flat against it.

With Selena guiding him, Brodie's hands roamed her body, caressing every curve. “Your hands feel so good,” she said. “So does your cock...can't wait to feel it inside of me. How do I feel?”

“I don't know if there are words for that Sel,” Brodie said. He was already as short for breath as he was for words, just letting Selena give him a guiding tour of her body while wearing nothing but the sexist smile he'd ever seen.

“Oh no words?” she asked. “More of a man of action huh?” Selena leaned over, chest to chest with Brodie and kissed him. With her hands now free, she reached down between them, grasping his cock and finally letting him enter her.

“Holy shit, Sel!” he yelled. “God damn!”

“Mmm now you have something to say,” Selena joked. She began to move on him, working her cunt on his cock. “How about some of that action?”

Selena leaned up just a bit, letting her tits hang tantalizingly over Brodie's face. He extended his tongue now, barely licking the flesh while his hands took a grip of Selena's ass. From then, the game was on.

“Yeah...ohhh....oh shit Brodie,” Selena moaned. Her voice was light and breathless, but still a bit of needful volume was behind every syllable. More moans and pleads for more escaped her succulent lips while Brodie's own mouth finally got a better taste of her tits. He'd craned his head up just enough to get up close and personal with her breasts. “Yess...mmm suck my tits...oh god yes...”

The bed began to squeak in just the slightest way as the pair sped up, Selena moving and grinding on Brodie's wonderful cock, then he would take control and thrust up into her. When Brodie did that he marveled at her bouncing boobs. He moved his hands from squeezing her peach to her breasts, grabbing them and leaning up to get even more personal with her funbags.

“More...gimme more,” Selena said. “That's it...oh fuck Brodie just like that...oh gosh yes baby...”

His hands went back to her ass, grasping her tight as he started going harder into her. Selena leaned back and gave the wheel to him completely. Now she was just along to enjoy the ride. She leaned back, bouncing happily on Brodie's cock. He wasn't having a bad time either.

Selena's good time only got better from there. Brodie move a hand to her crotch, playing with her clit while stuffing her pussy with his cock.

“Oh FUCK!” Selena croaked, her stomach contracting as the added stimulation sent sparks flying through her body. “Oh gosh you're gonna make me cum...oh gosh yes....mmm don't stop till you make me cum...”

“Nnnngh wasn't planning on it,” Brodie said. The pace didn't slow down, it didn't increase. They hit that perfect sweet spot in Selena's sweetest of spots and both were riding to an explosive finish.

“There,” moaned Selena. “Just like that just like that oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh right there there there oh gosh Brodie. Gonna cum!”

Selena fell forward, her lips pressed again to Brodie's and moaning into his mouth as they kissed. His arms held Selena tight, her tits pressed tightly against his chest. Brodie could feel her body begin to quiver before her cunt began to spasm on his cock. Their kiss muffled her moans of pleasure before it broke, her sounds of passion too great to be ignored.

“Oh my...gooooossssshhhh!” Selena wined. “Don't stop...keep fucking me...oh gosh this so fucking good...YESSSSS!!!”

Selena writhed in Brodie's embrace, her face locked in ecstasy as Brodie continued, faster now, so close to his own release, a wonderful desperation behind every thrust.

“Oh...mmm Selena...gonna...I'm gonna …”

“Mmm hmm, let me take care of you...” Selena licked his lips and removed herself from his cock, returning between his legs with his cock in her mouth. She hummed at the taste of her pleasure on his cock, sucking him mercilessly. “Cum for me,” Selena said, every syllable dripping with sex while her fist was a blur on his dick. “Right on my pretty face...I know you thought about it so much didn't you...make that dream come true Brodie...fucking cum for me....”

Oh SHIT!” he growled, his cum rocketing out of his cock like geyser and splatting on Selena's grinning face and landing back on his crotch and lower abdomen.

“Oh fuck yeah,” Selena said. “So much fucking cum and all for me...keep going baby...gimme more...every drop...” Selena milked his dick for every drop until that geyser slowed to a dribble. She wrapped her lips around the head, her tongue playing with his dickhole just a bit before departing his cock and licking the cum cup from his body, making a sexy show out of it for her momentary lover.

While Brodie was catching his breath, Selena kissed her way up his body, giving one last soft butterfly kiss to his lips before rolling out of bed. “I'll see down by the pool,” she said, sliding the bathing suit back on. “I don't know about you but I'm starving.”

“Yeah, I could eat.” replied Brodie.

“Well, I guess I'll find out if that's true later.” Selena winked at him and left the room. Brodie could only look up at the ceiling with a big grin. First Madelaine sucked him off, not Selena...and probably a little action with Sabrina in his future. This was looking to be the best Spring Break.


Cade was standing outside of the one place he never thought he'd go again after the old owner sold it. But after Kate's announcement over lunch he needed someone to talk to...and one name just came to his head over and over again, despite not talking to her for years.

He stepped through the door of the Whisky Casket, ready to eat a bit of crow from the owner as long as she'd hear him out.

He walked inside the bar, busy with the stragglers left behind. His eyes looked all around, but they missed the approaching curvaceous brunette.

“Oh god what is this, a reunion that no one told me about?” Love said, annoyance loud and clear in her voice. “First Alba, then, Elisha which was actually nice, now you which I'm not quite as happy about.”

“Hi Love,” Cade said. “Can we talk?”

“About what exactly? It's been fifteen years since we spoke to each other. What could you possibly have to talk to me about? I mean it's a little late for an apology.”

“Love...please.” Love was taken aback. He was actually in need and despite what went down between them, all the cheating and heartbreak she still didn't like seeing him like this.

“Fine. Break room. Follow me.” Love lead the desperate man to the empty break room, locking it. “I'm guessing you want some privacy.”

“Couldn't hurt.”

Cade took a seat at the table and Jennifer leaned against the locked door, arms folded. “So what is it? What's eating at your soul to the point I'm your only hope?”

“I think I knocked up one of my TA's.” Cade said. It was so matter of fact it could have been comical. But Love wasn't laughing.

“You WHAT?” Jennifer asked, approaching the table again.

“Well, Kate...one of my TA's,” Cade said. “We've been fucking for a while. Probably the most regular thing I have going. It's almost a relationship.”

“I'm guessing it's a lot more than almost on her end,” Love added. “God damn it Cade, really? You knocked someone else up? Am I in a time warp? Isn't this EXACTLY what happened with Jessica to a T? You don't pull out in time and then you had to put a ring on it? I mean this time you're not exactly breaking Jessica's heart like you did mine but still...you never learn!”

“Love, come on.”

“No no no...you wanted to talk. So we're talking.” Jennifer pulled out a seat, her eyes on Cade's and dead serious. “We're not college kids anymore Cade. We're adults. Responsible ones. I mean you're a professor! One of the youngest on campus. And most respected. The kids actually love your classes and you still risk it all for pussy? Do you even like this girl for more than fucking?”

“Yeah...pretty much. I mean we have a good time. It always ends up in bed but still Kate's the most regular woman I have. So...pretty much.”

“Pretty much?!?” Love shook her head. “I need a fucking drink...okay. You say you, what, fuck her more than others. You do anything beyond sex? She fuck other people?”

“Well, yeah on both counts. But not for a couple months on the latter.”

“I see...you haven't changed. I thought having the first two kids would do it.”

“That's not fair Love...from what I hear you're not exactly above fucking the student body either. So why don't you just hang back on judging me for my sexual choices?”

“Really?” she asked incredulously. “Yeah, I have had some fun with the student body. The differences? They're one-night stands and understood as such and I'M NOT A PROFESSOR!!! I am not an authority figure and I'm not treating these guys like props to be juggled. How many girls are you fucking or have you lost count?”

“It's not that many and it never was. It's Kelly, Kate, sometimes Jennie, Katy every once in a while, when I 100% don't want any conversation...”

“You know, I'm not even shocked. Nor am I mad. Frustrated is probably more accurate. Why are you even coming to me about this? I'm not going to absolve you. It's not my place even if I wanted it.”

“Because there's no one else!” Cade exclaimed. “You think Jess is going to be helpful? Do you think I can speak level-headedly with Kate when she's not even sure she is pregnant with how excited she is at the possibility over how much I DON'T want to be a dad again? I love my boys but...I don't want anymore. And then feeling that way makes me feel like a fucking monster.”

“You might not have a choice Cade,” Love said, her voice softening. “But you’re not a monster. I get it. Another kid is a big deal, especially with someone, well, that you don't know is going to be the real deal. It's not monstrous. It's normal. And as for Kate, she's an adult. Treat her like one. Talk to HER about how you feel. You know how to do that. I remember that much. It's when you decide to not talk that you get yourself in deep shit. That's all the advice I can give you. And I think you already knew that was what you had to do. You...just wanted to vent. Am I right?”

“You always were.” Cade said. “That's something else that hasn't changed.”

“I wouldn't say always,” Jennifer said with a smile. “But don't tell my son that. Might impact the Christmas coupons. He makes good ones. Always worth cashing in.”

“I bet,” Cade said with a laugh. “Damn Love I really don't know what I'm going to do if Kate's pregnant.”

“How about just stand by her regardless of how things end up between you two? Support what decision she made and brace yourself. Because that's all you can do. Also...maybe prioritize the kids you already have too. Pick them over getting laid.”

“How'd you hear about that?” Cade asked.

“Got a visit from Jess a few days ago. It was about as pleasant as you can imagine.”


“Look, Cade,” Love said, grabbing his hand for the first time in a long time. “You're a good guy. You just don't think enough with your heart or your brain. Your dick needs to be knocked down a few notches in the chain of command. But the fact that you're worried over what to do and what will happen with Kate...that's proof your heart's trying to get in the right place. Just...let it.”

“Thanks Love,” Cade said. “I guess it wouldn't be so bad to be a dad again. With someone a bit more...stable than Jess.”

“That shouldn't be too hard.” Love replied, getting a laugh from the both. “Don't make me regret saying this, but I wouldn't. Mind seeing you around here a bit more often. You know, just to make sure you stay in line.”

“I think I can pull that off,” said Cade, a warm smile on his face. “I think I should go talk to Kate before I do anything else though.”

“Probably a good plan,” said Love. “I'll walk you out, all friendly-like.”

As the pair walked out in front, Cade felt a stirring of something hadn't felt in a while. That stirring increased every time he stole a gaze at Love.

He was definitely going to follow her advice on everything for Kate to coming in more often.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:28:10 PM


Margot was relaxing in a nice hot bubble bath. Her hands were running over her fit form; caressing her petite tits and playing with her aroused pussy. She could not wait for it. Tonight was the night. Two men at once. Two cocks for all of her holes. She was almost ready to cum from the thought.

The bubble bath wasn't even really needed. It was to build anticipation for her men. Her husband Jay and her porn store love Bobby (she'd finally gotten the name down) were waiting for her. Waiting for the green light to come in and take her, to start fucking her like the pussy hungry sex fiends they were. The longer the men waited, the more they wanted her and Margot wanted them to be a pack of wolves.

Though the longer they waited also meant she waited longer. Longer and longer without scratching the itch Margot had set up for herself. She'd had enough. Margot stepped out of the tub, the soapy suds dripping from her tight body and walked to the double doors of the bathroom.

The men were waiting, tense and ready to pounce. They snapped their heads in unison as argot threw the doors open and stood in the doorway, nude save for the few stray suds left.

“Hello gents,” Margot said. “Surprised your still clothed. Shoes and everything thing.”

“Just waiting for you dear,” Jay said, his grin perverted and sweet at the same time.

“And thinking of all the wonderful things we're gonna do to you,” added Bobby.

“Sounds utterly delightful,” Margot said, her radiant smile burning white hot. “Now...here's how we're gonna play it. You boys are going to get those delicious dicks out for me to play with. Then I'm going to suck them...from there...well...I think it's going to be oodles more fun to surprise you. Any problems?”

“None at all,” Bobby said. He was ahead of Margot's hubby when it came to get prepared. He stripped down at the speed of light, totally nude and his pulsing cock ready for action before Margot's knees hit the carpeted floor. Jay wasn't too far behind.

“Oh look my lovely toys,” Margot said with glee. She gripped both cocks, salivating at the site of the rock-hard flesh. “So many things I could with them...where to begin...hmmmm...” Margot overplayed thinking it over and feigned absent-mindedly playing with the cocks. She jacked them at first, teasing the heads in particular before she turned up the dial in a way that surprised both men, rubbing their sensitive cock heads together.

Shocked gasps turned to moans. Just the cue Margot needed to continue her little game. “Now there's an idea. Why choose who to begin with when I could just start with both?” Margot exchanged glances with her boy toys before wrapping her lips around both bell ends.

Both men moaned, any apprehension felt melting away with swipes of Margot's tender tongue. And though the glee she got from this was nothing short of heavenly, it was only a side to the main course. As much as she enjoyed them both being in her mouth, she couldn't give either a proper slobjob.

She went to Bobby first, which ended up being a treat for Jay anyway. Since she brought him into this dirtier sexual world, he'd discovered a fondness for watching her. Watching Margot masturbate, watching Margot with Scarlett, and sometimes even watching her get fucked by strangers at the porn store. She could hear him beating his dick while Bobby fucked her face with the same filthy ferocity he always gave her. Fucking his cock between her lips, slapping his rod all over her face. The added sound of Jay's rhythmic stroking was just an added bonus to the lovingly rough treatment from Billy.

But still, there was always more to come. Margot pushed Bobby off of her and got her feet, her attention now 100% on her man. Her mouth however wasn't quite on that same mark.

“Jay, dearest,” Margot said, tickling his balls with her fingers. “Why don't you take a seat right on the edge of the tub in there?” She pointed to the exact spot in the spacious bathroom and he followed, quickly getting in position for his turn with her skilled mouth.

“What about me?” asked Bobby. Margot headed into the bathroom, but paused only slightly to answer him.

“Well, I guess you'll just have to find something to do while I'm bent over with a dick in my mouth, Bobby-Boy.” Margot gave him a wink before she went to work on her man. This wasn't a facefuck. That wasn't Jay's style. He vastly preferred Margot using her skills on him. To see those beautiful blue eyes, he fell in love with shoe everything he loved about her that was sweet and loving alongside all the filth and dirt that had entered their sex lives. Everything since that night that Scarlett joined them brought them closer together. And the sex became hotter.

“Fuck yeah Margot,” Jay said. “Oh my love yes....”

Her tongue flicked at his cock. Sometimes licking it sweetly like an ice cream cone and starving to taste every last bit of its flavor, other times flicking and lashing at it quickly before sucking it in her mouth like a lollipop.

And it only grew from there, Margot taking more of Jay into her mouth, giving him every last bit of her mouth, everything she knew he liked. Just hearing him moan in appreciation made Margot crave whatever Bobby was going to do behind her. She thought she had a good idea of that. And while she did, Margot still ended up being surprised.

“OH FUCK!” Margot yelped when she felt Bobby's cock pop inside of her asshole. She'd expected him to go up that way at some point, just not so soon. Not that she minded though. Margot adapted quickly. “Yesss Bobby-Boy...fuck that asshole...”

“Yeah, fuck her ass,” Jay said, getting a seductive smile from his bride to be.

“You like that baby?” Margot asked Her voice broke a little with every stroke Bobby made up her asshole, deeper and deeper with every pump. “Because I love it...I love having a cock up my ass while I suck you...turns you on...I can feel it in your cock...makes you so fucking hard seeing me be fucked like a dirty tramp...”

“Oh fuck yes,” Jay answered, both to Margot's seductive questioning and the return of her mouth to his cock. Her sucking was as electric as ever, now going along to hard rhythm of Bobby's rough thrusts up his lady's ass. The perverted student held tight to Margot's hips, driving harder and deeper into her. At this point Bobby was balls deep in his ass, his balls in fact slapping against her hungry cunt.

“Harder,” Jay said, the mumbled moans of Margot music to his ears. “Fuck my girl’s ass harder!”

“No problem my man,” Bobby said with a grin, smacking Margot's ass hard.

“Oh FUCK!!!” Margot screamed. Bobby was going hard and fast, just what she wanted. When she looked into Jay's eyes it felt even better. The fact that something like this only made them closer, bonding in their dirty fantasies together. There's no one else she could have ever imagined doing this with. It was an odd place for romance, but this was where they found it. And when that began to pull at her heart strings Margot just got a bit hungrier.

“I need you,” Margot said, her sentence being cut off from the exquisite intensity of Bobby's thrusts. “I need you in my fucking pussy baby.”

Jay leaned over, kissing Margot. “Anything you want, sweet.”

“Mmmm perfect.” Margot's eyes went to an ottoman they had set up in the bathroom. It was a place one of them would sit if the other was soaking in the tub, just relaxing after a long day. Its use was mainly just for chit chat between the couple. Now it was going to be used for something much more fun.

“Go sit on that baby,” Margot said, directing Jay. He moved from the edge of the tub to the far more comfortable cushioned surface of the ottoman. Bobby pulled out of Margot's asshole, slapping his cock on her butt cheeks a bit before she moved.

Once more the loving couple gazed at each other, hearts filled with love and lust. “I want to feel that perfect cock fill my cunt,” Margot said with a grin. “Fill every fucking inch of it.” She mounted Jay, kissing him deeply as she sunk down on his cock. Once he was in, Margot looked over her shoulder at Bobby, his cock still hard and throbbing. “What the fuck are you waiting for? Get that cock back in my ass!”

Billy chuckled to himself. He liked that about Margot. When she was horny she didn't mince words. She knew exactly what she wanted and knew exactly how to direct traffic.

“FUCK YEAH!” screamed Margot. “FUCK ME! Both of you! FUCK ME NOW!” Margot's cries of passions were momentarily muffled by Jay's lips to hers. He pulled her face to his as both men began happily giving in to her demands. They alternated in and out. One thrust in, the other pulled out. Soon a rhythm was set and all of them were very happy campers.

Though Margot obviously was having the most fun. The moment her lips broke from Jay's her louds shouts and moans of pleasure resumed.

“YES! Oh fuck...fuck yeah...take that ass...fuck both of you...oh fuck I'm so fucking filled...god damn it YES! Oh fuck baby take my pussy...oh fuck fuck FUCK!!!”

As Margot howled in delight at her holes being ravaged Jay took his attention to other areas of his love's body, sucking her nipple in his mouth and giving it a bite. The sensation sent a jot up Margot's spine.

“Oh baby yes...oh Jay more...fuck my pussy harder...suck my titties...give more...MORE!” Then Margot looked over her back once more, her eyes almost crazed with lust. “And you! HARDER! Fuck my ass HARDER! DEEPER! FUCK!! FUCK YESSSS!”

Margot got wilder, somehow still in charge despite being even more desperate for satisfaction, feeling it just on the horizon as her pussy and ass were filled with dick hard just for her. Fucking her, taking her harder and deeper than she could have imagined.

Things got changed up from there. Jay wanted a turn in his woman's ass and Margot wanted a different feel up that way as well. Bobby didn't mind. He had a preference for a bit of sodomy but Margot was something special. Her pussy was a different candy of sweet, one that he loved having a good bit of.

He now laid flat on his back. Once more Margot mounted a cock in her pussy. She rode Bobby a bit solo at first, licking her lips as the rhythm built. But they both knew this wasn't going to be enough.

Once more Margot looked over her shoulder, though her tone was once more much different when dealing with Jay. “Come on baby,” she said. “Take my ass...fill it...fill me up...I want my favorite cock in me again...feels so good...come on love...do it for me...”

Margot needn't have asked, though hearing the pleading for dick was nothing short of perfection for Jay to hear. He came up behind her and his lips pressed against Margot's once more as his cock entered her well fucked asshole, their tongues caressing each other as her ass got accustomed to his girth. Bobby may have had the length, buy Jay had the girth.

Once that was done, the heated, passionate frenzy continued. Margot's howls echoed throughout the house as the men were at full speed, slamming fast into her holes. All three were on a collision course with pleasure, though Margot might have had an unbeatable lead. The stimulation was too much. The absolute unbridled lust of Bobby mixed with the love she felt for Jay and the flair for filth they all shared made that finish line all too easy for Margot to cross.

“YESSSSS!” Margot screamed. “FUCKING CUMMING! OH FUCK!!!!”

“Yeah baby cum for me,” Jay said, his mouth close to his woman's ear. “Cum on our cocks...fucking cum being filled up like this...” With every word and shiver and shake of her body the men continued taking her, her pussy and ass contractions making it an true endurance test for the both of them. A test they both failed soon after Margot sabotaged them in the most amazing way.


“FUCK YES MARGOOOOTTTT!” Jay bellowed, thrusting one last, mighty time up her rectum and dropping his load. Bobby folly soon after, though his scream lacked Margot's name. Both cocks pulsed with every jet they fired into the beautiful blonde bombshell.

Balls drained, bobby laid back completely, his cock finally softening in Margot's pussy. Jay on the other hand was tenderly caressing her, kissing her shoulder until Margot turned her head, using the last bit of energy she had left to kiss him.

“Love you,” Jay said. “So fucking much.”

“Love you too babe,” Margot said. Then her attention shifted to Bobby. “And you mister...I'll see you around if you're lucky. But for now...bye.”

Jay pulled out of Margot and helped his love to her feet, her knees still wobbly from the orgasm. Billy soon grabbed his clothes and took his leave. He'd fulfilled his purpose there. No hard feeling felt at all. Margot? She was a good fuck, no doubt about it. But that's all it was, and the time for fucking had just expired.

Besides, who was he to stand in the way of true love? He may have been pervert but even he had a heart.



The next morning at the lake house the smell of the previous day's barbecue still hung in the air. Some of the house's guest were still fast asleep, namely Sabrina whose feats of doing tequila shots amazed everyone while leaving them curious about the hangover she was destined to have the next morning.

Aside from the hibernating Sabrina, most of the inhabitants were finding ways to kill time. Camila was at her laptop, going over the various shots she had gotten over the course of their stay. Hailee was beside her, looking along as well.

“Cami these are amazing!” Hailee said. “And you have done any color correction or anything?”

“Not yet.” Camila replied. “Just right timing and positioning. Especially when I have an actual human subject.”

“Those Selena shots are great. You think...you could do that for me? I mean I could really use some photos too. Headshots, the glamor stuff....

“No problem there Haiz,” Camila said. “Suit up in that lovely pink bikini of yours and meet me on the shore. Headshots will be the same for Selena. I'll work out a little corner in my place, Lili can do the make-up. I got you covered.”

“Speaking of Lils, have you seen her?” Hailee asked. “She's been acting weird. And it's been oddly hard trying to get anything out of her lately.”

“I think she's in the game room with Selena and Peter. Horror movies.”

“Wouldn't want to interrupt the gore,” joked Hailee. “Which means bikini time.”

“Oh, Peter is going be sorry he missed that. Hey...how's that whole…dry spell thing going?”

“Well, changing tonight I can tell you that much,” Hailee said, her cheeks blushing. “It's been a whole different kind of busy here. More fun. But I have plans.”

“Care to divulge?” Cami asked.

“Not just yet but I'm sure you'll hear all about it over lunch at some point.”

“Fair enough.” Cami replied. She grabbed the camera and headed outside. “Time for some bikini shots.”

“I'll be right down,” Hailee said.

As the second impromptu photoshoot of the vacation began on the beach, the movie Peter, Lili and Selena were watching was wrapping up, but the marathon wasn't quite over. With the credits rolling over Camp Crystal Lake, it was time for another fearfest.

“You know they really should have done a full-on Spring Break Jason movie,” Lili said. “I mean it's always the same. Killing big-boobed bikini girls at night with dim lighting. You can't enjoy the tits or the blood.”

“Clearly they weren't the visionary you are Lili,” Peter said. “How about our next movie we just do new Jason movie. Secure the rights with the billions this one is going to make.”

“Can I be the final girl?” Selena asked. “I mean I'm fine being covered in blood and running around in a bikini.”

“Well, let's think on all this,” Lili said. “You know with billions we have so many options. We have options right now, like what's next on the film docket.”

“Got any ideas?” Peter asked.

“I think another movie about partying young people being lead to the slaughter is in order,” said the blonde. Lili got to her feet and started to head out. “You said you brought Night of the Demons, right?”

“Yep.” Peter replied.

“Then I guess I'm going up to yours and Hailee's room to grab it. The black briefcase, right?”

“That's the one.”

“Awesome. Be right back.”

“On the way back, you could invite others to join us if you want,” Selena said.

“Well, Madelaine went into town to grab a coffee, do a little shopping for tonight. Sabs is still asleep from drinking all of the tequila in the state last night. Joey went back to her hotel. I think Brodie is just plain sleeping in. Jose went for a run. Don't know about Cami and Hailee so if I see them I'll ask.”

“What about Jake?” asked Peter.

“Yeah, what about him?” Lili replied. “I have no clue. He wasn't here when I woke up. I'm guessing he's with Jose but I'm kind of done with figuring out what he's doing right now.” There was a moment of awkward silence, then Lili squashed it, a smile coming back over her face. “Should I get any drinks? Water or something?”

“Sure,” Peter said. “Grab whatever.” Lili nodded and headed out, leaving Selena and Peter alone in the room.

“That was awkward,” Selena said. “Everything okay with her?”

“Relationship stuff. Not prying too much. Best thing I think we can do is just sit back and watch the movies. Relax with her.”

“I can do that,” Selena said. She and Peter were on the same couch in the center of the room, right in front of the gigantic TV. They were sitting on opposite ends. When Peter got up, Selena followed. “I'm really liking this.”

“Yeah, it has been a fun trip hasn't it?” Peter said, looking through Camila's game collection. “No way, she still has Eternal Darkness?”

“Not just the trip, watching the movie with you. I missed doing that.” Selena came up beside him. “I want to say I'm sorry. Again. For all that stuff that went on.”

“Selena, you don't have to...”

“I think I do.” Selena moved, taking a seat on a nearby stool. “I want to apologize for everything. I fully admit, I always knew you had a thing for me. And I used that to my advantage a few times. And I'm sorry about that. You have no idea how much. Even back then I knew it was wrong. But...dumb teenager bullshit. But I always thought of you as my friend. I really did. I still do. So, and I promise this is the last time but I just need to say it, I am truly, truly sorry for hurting you. Not just with Reggie, but all the times. Especially last summer. Reggie was bad but...I honestly wouldn't have blamed you if you stopped talking to me back then.”

“Sel...thanks. I mean obviously you're forgiven. Otherwise you wouldn't be here. I didn't make things any easier though.”

“I made things worse. But thanks. I really need friends right now.” Selena got up and walked behind the bar in the room. “I mean things are good. Still have a long way to 100% earning back my mom's trust. So...it’s nice to have people who have my back. Even with people who by all accounts would be right to write me off.”

Peter walked over and put his hand on Selena's. “No problem,” he said. “Besides there's too many miles on the gauge to cut ties completely.”

“Got the movie and some company updates,” said Lili, re-entering the room. Her eyes fell on the bar and Peter's hand on Selena's. “Would you guys like to maybe provide me with an update as well?”

“Eh, just some amends making,” shrugged Selena. “I mean it's not exactly low key but I have kind of a history as fuck up towards my friends. Just...making sure the air is clear once and for all I guess. That's it. Nothing more.”

“Oh...oh…yea...sorry,” Lili said. “Just...things have my brain working a certain way right now. Really...just...not good to say the least.”

“No biggie.” Selena replied. “So, are we being joined or is the trio sticking?”

“Sabs is still out cold; no sign of Jose and Jake and Brodie must have gone with Madelaine because he's gone. Cami and Hailee are doing a quick bikini photoshoot. You might have started a trend Selena.”

“Did you mention Hailee and a bikini?” peter asked. “Maybe I should go investigate.”

“Calm down and keep it in your pants,” Lili said. “Looks like it's professional time. And didn't you want Cami to get back into the photography thing? Let them be and enjoy the 80s cheese of Night of the Demons. Besides, there's still whatever Cami has planned for tonight in town for you and Haiz to get into some shenanigans.”

“Fair enough.” Peter replied. “Let the demonic bloodletting begin.”

“Hey hey hey,” Lili said, placing the movie in the Blu-ray player. “Let's not forget the gratuitous sex and nudity.”


Camila Cabello had a lot of experience with sex at every time of day. From the crack of dawn to the middle of the night, she'd done it at every hour. Some people would say the hour didn't matter as much the passion in play. And while Camila could never argue against the power of passion, she did find the hours of the day did have an effect on things.

Which is why she had a favorable attitude towards a little afternoon delight. There was something about it, especially early in the afternoon, that gave Camila a little extra thrill. It was a bit more tender, no matter the act. Relaxing like an afternoon just before summer breaks. The sun on her skin, even if just from a window and the smell of the air, it just added something to the activities.

Which was why she was going to celebrate the end of her time as an escort with Owen in the afternoon. She was in his bedroom, laying on his bed and decked out in lingerie of the white lace variety.

It was going to be a surprise. They'd grown close enough to exchange keys to each other's places and now Owen was going to reap some rewards from that trust after his early shift at work was done. Camila couldn't wait. Just the thought of where she was going to take him had her wet.

She knew she wouldn't have to wait too long. She had it timed perfectly. The lighting was already perfect in her eyes. The sun in the sky in just the right way. No need for candles or dimmed light. The most preparation Camila had needed to do was getting into the lingerie. From there it was a waiting game.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879306_117ff87c2cb1c6dfaf38c5a0fe54402c.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879306_117ff87c2cb1c6dfaf38c5a0fe54402c.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879307_21427784-7721423-wonder_in_white_in_addition_to_the_duet_and_joining_taylor_cami.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879307_21427784-7721423-wonder_in_white_in_addition_to_the_duet_and_joining_taylor_cami.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879309_e12117b8d4178727d63a6a52779a08ff.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879309_e12117b8d4178727d63a6a52779a08ff.jpg) (https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879311_8d3387024a70d29e5f7af920fc38a5e8.png) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879311_8d3387024a70d29e5f7af920fc38a5e8.png)

The moment Camila's keen ears heard the front door unlock, she knew go-time was mere minutes away. The door opened and shut, Camila finding the perfect, most seductive and inviting way to lay on the bed.

From Owen's reaction when his eyes fell on her when we he walked in to his bedroom, Camila had picked the perfect position.

“Mila?” Owen asked. “What's going on?”

“A little surprise party Owie,” the Cuban cuties said. “And the last guest just arrived.”

Camila rose from the bed and stepped over to Owen. She loosely wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a soft, sweet kiss on Owen's lips.

“What's the occasion?” he asked.

“End of my old job,” Camila grinned. “I'm officially all yours baby. Only yours.”

“That's great!” he exclaimed. “But...I didn’t make you…did I? I mean you doing that wasn't really an issue...”

“I know...but it's something I wanted. And I'm happy with it. And you know how...fun I can be when I'm happy.” To put an exclamation, point on that statement, Camila sunk to her knees. Owen quickly dropped his eyes on the Latina love goddess as she made a quick yet seductive show and taking his pants down to his ankles.

She guided him to step out of the pants. He wasn't really going to need them.

“OH Mila....,” groaned Owen. Camila didn't bother with buildup. She loved surprising him. He ever really knew what he was going to get from her. It was never just one mode with Mila. Never just soft, there was always and roughness to it. Never strictly nasty since every kiss had a sugar gloss behind it. So the moment she began sucking Owen, the fact that she dove right into a heated pace didn't throw Owen off one bit. The unexpected was 100% expected with Camila's sexual appetite.

Owen winced when Camila took him into the root, getting a little extra edge to that grunt as her pink tongue extended ever so slightly out of the seal her lips had made around his meat. She held him there for few moments before pulling back, gulping for air with a sweetly sinful smile on her face.

Camila wrapped her lips around just the head twirling her tongue around the crown just enough to make Owen's hairs stand on it before pulling off with a pop. She then got to her feet and began to remove the lingerie, slowly revealing her body to him.

“Um, Mila?” he said.

“What baby?”

“Could you...um...keep the stockings on?”

“Oooh, do you like them?” Camila asked, teasing him ever so slightly with her tone. She ran her hands over the stockings. “Stopping just at the right spot on the thigh...bringing your eyes right home to where you want to be so much.”

Owens eyes followed the trail Camila's fingers made up her calves, over her thighs and right over her bare pussy. If he wasn't already sporting wood that would have made him go mahogany.

Camila's hands went from caressing herself to luring her lover in a bit closer, crooking her finger to bring him closer as she got back on to the bed. “Come to me...come on Owen...I'm all yours...only yours...show me how happy that makes you. Every...last...inch of me is yours.”

Camila laid back on the bed and Owen soon following, licking his way up her body to her lips and kissing them as their bodies pressed together. She could feel his hardness resting against her thigh, aching to be inside of her.

“Take me baby,” Camila whispered. “Fuck me Owie.”

“Nnnngohh shit,” he growled, thrusting his cock inside of Camila. It was something he was very familiar with. He was pretty much addicted at this point, pushing inside of his pusher. He couldn't think of a better drug to take than Camila Cabello.

Camila didn't mind the high she got out of the deal either. She hissed in a deep breath between her teeth. Her ankles locked around his waist, securing Owen in place as if he had anywhere else he'd rather be. “Mmm yesssss Owie...gimme that dick....my favorite...only want I want.”

Camila let out a soft little moan with every thrust Owen made in her. Soft, sweet, tender and deep. He savored every last feeling of being inside her velvet box with every stroke. Camila was doing her own savoring, her breaths getting deeper.

“Right there papi...right there...yes papi...” Camila dug her nails into Owens back, gripping hard as he covered her neck and shoulder with kisses.

Owen's bed was getting a work out. Minute by minute he went fast inside of her, the look on Camila's face as he filled her. Those beautiful lips part ad she moaned gulped for air, the look in her eyes and how they fluttered when he just the right spot inside of her.

“Aye....oh papi take it...make it yours papi,” she said, almost like a chant. “All yours papi...all yours...”

Owen slid his arms under Camila's back, gripping her smooth shoulder and pulling her up as he sat up on the bed. He gazed into her eyes, brushing some stray curls from her face before returning his grip on her shoulders.

He began to thrust into her a bit harder, a bit faster. The new pace was very much to Camila's liking, the brunette beauty howling out his name.

“OWIE!” she cried out. “Oh harder papi...harder...mmm baby you know how to make me feel so good....” Her thighs were pressed tightly around Owen's waist, further securing her perfect spot as he pounded her pussy. He had savored, now it was time for a bit of rough and tumble.

“Mmm Mila,” he growled. “Oh fuck girl...so fucking perfect baby...doesn't get better...oh my god...”

“Mmmm si papi,” Camila purred. “So good...mmm fee that pussy hug you cock so tight...perfect fit...” She squeezed her cunt around Owen's cock, stopping his powerful thrusts for a bit. With his pause in the action, Camila took over, almost dancing on his with her sensual body movements.

Owen's hands traveled down her back to her ass, grabbing that big beautiful booty and squeezing tight as Camila rode his cock like a wild Texan cowgirl, complete with yee-ha's and bucking like he was a bronco. And Camila wasn't done with him, not by a long shot. She and Owen had had sex many times in many different ways. One was always held back. Camila was aiming to change that.

“Mmm Owie...want to have some real fun papi?”

“It gets better than this baby?”

“Mmm it can always get better.” Camila ground on his cock, licking her lips. Time to drop the bomb. “Like...let's say you fucked my ass...”

“You serious?”

“Mmmhmmm,” Camila nodded. “Lube's in the nightstand.” Camila got up and then back down on all fours, waving that bountiful booty in his face. She looked over her shoulder with a sinfully sweet smile. That smile grew larger in anticipation as she witnessed Owen grab the tube of lube. He worked a dollop onto his cock, then squirted more onto his finger and went to her ass.

“Mmmm fuck baby yesss,” hissed Mila. Her ass was getting probed and lubed by his fingers. The touch was gentle, but just enough to prime her. She loved it. Though this was her first time with Owen being the man up her ass, Camila was no stranger to anal herself.

Owen moved forward and pressed his lubed-up cock against her backdoor, popping past the resist in short order, making them both gasp. Camila's hands gripped the sheets hard, her mouth open in a silent moan as more and more of Owen's cock filled her up.

“Fuck...oh baby yes,” she moaned. “All the way papi...”

Owen did just that, pausing a bit once he was in to the hilt to take a view at the scene. The stockings on Camil's legs, her bare back, her long, wild hair and ow the golden sunlight illuminated her in just the right way. As his eyes drank her in his pelvis began to work, slowing pulling in and out of her tight asshole.

“Oh mmmm FUCK!” Camila shouted. “SO FUCKING big...oh my god baby...oh my god go harder honey...don't stop...oh holy shit I LOVE this...”

“OH fuck Mila,” Owen said. “Fuck...so...shit baby this is so fucking...ohhhh damn it yes!”

Owen soon got into full speed, holding that amazing ass tight as he drove into it. From fast and hard to slow and deep Camila's hair waved with every thrust. She didn’t think she'd be so close so soon. The anticipation of it all, the joy of just being his and no one else was a strong aphrodisiac and took a lot out of her stamina. Every stroke of Owen's cock into her ass brought them both closer to the end, though to her shock Camila was much, much closer, she could feel it in her bones.

“Oh SHIT!” Camila screamed. “Owie...ooh fuck...fuck fuck fuck...oh shit I'm gonna cum!!!” She could feel it beginning to rush through her body. Soon her knees gave out as the final cry of “FUUUUUCK YESSSS PAPI!!!!” and she fell prone on the bed. With her slightly new position Owen was able to really go hard and deep into that plump booty, giving Camila and extra thrill as her intense orgasm wracked her body. And her body's reaction to that pleasure took their toll on him as well, her convulsing asshole milking his cock to that final release.

“OH baby Camila,” Owen cried. “Where...where do you-”

“Fucking cum in my ass!” Camila ordered. “Every...nnng...last...dddrrop....fuuuckkkkk...”

As the last few embers of her pleasure began to burn out, Owen threw a bit of kerosene on those embers, giving Camila one last, sweet burn when his cum rocketed up her well fucked asshole. He collapsed on her, still thrusting, albeit weakly, with every last pulse of cum until her was empty and withered.

Camila smiled, drunk off pleasure and her skin tingling from his hot breath as Owen gulped for air near her ear. They were both sweaty, exhausted and utterly mindless happy. It was a great new start.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:30:04 PM
Despite being far away from his gym, Jake was able to get a halfway decent work out. No weights, but he and Jose had gotten some good cardio in, Besides the swimming in the lake also did more than enough to make his muscles sore. Now it was time to get a bit of a nap to be fully energized for the night ahead on the town.

He was walking back alone. Jose decided to cut out early and maybe get some afternoon delight with his lady. When Jake walked into the lake house, he didn't see or hear a single soul. He figured they were probably on the beach, maybe even in town for lunch. That was fine by him. He was too exhausted for any kind of interactivity with anyone.

He headed up the stairs, the image of that big comfortable bed was burning in his mind. He was ready to fall face first into it. However, that plan was interrupted when he came upon Lili in there, getting dressed for a beach run of her own.

“Hey,” Jake said. Once more there was a bit of weirdness between them. Jake was hoping they could brush it off again so he could go to sleep and continue acting like he hadn't done anything wrong, but Lili wasn't having it. She'd been brushed off enough.

“I'd ask you if you want to join me at the beach but something tells me you're just going to say no. And that's if I'm lucky.”

“Not now Lili,” Jake said. He sat on the bed, ready for the barrage to come. “Please, we can talk about this later.”

“Oh, we're talking now, are we?” Lili turned around and shut the door. “Because you've barely said a damn thing to me the whole time we've been here. So, before I concede a little bit about letting this go, tell me if I did something. We're alone. Everyone else is out of the house. Just fucking talk to me! What's wrong?”

“Nothing!” Jake got up and started to pace near the window, away from Lili. That was body language the blonde could read loud and clear.

“Oh, well is nothing also the reason you've also barely touched me in days? What the hell is going on? This is supposed to be a fun vacation and I've spent more times with l people I barely know than my own boyfriend! Hell, I feel closer to Selena right now than I do you!”

“Then maybe you should go outside and talk to her if I'm such a downer and let me get some goddamn rest!”

“Fuck you Jake.” Lili replied. “I'm trying. I'm letting a lot of stuff slide but you are hiding something from me. You're not talking to me. So, you know what? How about instead of just leaving you alone right now, I do it in general? Hmm? Take all my stuff out, maybe room with Selena so we could have a bunch of conversations and I'm actually with someone who doesn't make me feel like a burden.”

“Look, Lili, just relax,” Jake said, trying to collect himself. “I'm just...even away from it I'm stressed over work...”

“You've never been so stressed you ignored me like this. NEVER. Shit Jake you're treating me like I'm an annoyance to you. I haven't smiled ONCE when I'm around you this whole time. I feel like you don't even want me around.”

Jake began to walk towards her. It was something he had done in the past with other women, but this time he meant every word and motion he was making. He told himself that so it had to be true.

He pulled Lili close and held her. “I'm sorry, okay? It's just I've got some things going on and I didn't want to lay them all on you and ruin your vacation. Looks like that didn't help.”

Lili leaned into the embrace, pulling Jake closer. “Okay. But just...just tell me things, okay? Don't try and hide things from me or lie. I'd rather hear that kind of stuff than be deceived.”

“Got it.” Jake replied, caressing her hair. “But right now, I just want my post work-out nap. Then we focus on nothing but fun for the rest of the trip. Starting tonight at the club.”

“Sounds good,” Lili said, that sweet crooked smile returning to her face. She placed a quick kiss on Jake's lips before grabbing her towel and getting ready to head out. “You sure I can't convince you join me on the beach? You get to ogle me in a bikini...”

“Tempting...but I think I'm still gonna go for that nap. How about I ogle you wearing nothing later on?”

“You got it.” Lili left the room a lot more upbeat than she was when Jake had entered it. Jake was happier too. He could finally get some sleep. He was going to need his rest tonight at the club. He was going to meet Ana there, get away for a bit for some fun wither, then break the dalliance off. One more bit of fun, and then it was all Lili. It was the perfect plan.


Cade was nervous. Not as much as he had been. His reaction to Kate's news of what might be in their future actually had calmed down a bit since speaking with Love. He was in a more positive place. Even when Kate called him, saying she had an update to everything.

While he was still unsure of things, the nerves had been halved. He was going to talk to Kate. A real, serious talk. About everything. Their future, their present. Regardless of them having a kid or not, it needed to be referenced.

He heard the doorbell ring and downed the rest of his water. He was going in this without even trying to take the edge off. Full speed ahead.

“Hi Cade!” Kate said. Whatever the news she got was, she was chipped as ever, giving him a big hug where her big tits squeezed against his chest. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” Cade said. “I mean I've been expecting you.”

“I know, I just like being polite!” she said. That chipper demeanor disguised an intense sexual beast. It was one of the many things about Kate that drew Cade in. She walked past him and stopped at the couch. “May I?” Cade nodded and Kate took the seat. Cade followed, returning to his lounge chair.

“So,” he said, unsure of how to proceed. “You got some news?”

“Well....yeah.” Kate fidgeted with her hands a bit. “So...I went to the doctor. Nothing's wrong, just a follow-up to the pregnancy test.”

“What happened?”

“Well...turns out I'm not pregnant after all.”

“Oh.” Cade tried to remain neutral, he couldn't read how Kate felt about this but inside his mind he was bounding all over the room, hooting and howling in victory like Daffy Duck.

“Yeah,” Kate said. “And....I don't know how you feel so I'm sorry in advance...I'm glad I'm not. I mean I was excited at the idea at first but then after I told you, I started thinking, you know? I'm really young with so much left to do. Having a kid...well let's just say right now it's not for me. I don't even have my Master's degree yet. I haven't even traveled to Europe! I'm...I'm honestly glad. Is that bad thing?”

“No Kate,” he said, barely able to contain his excitement. “Far from it. It's only natural. When you’re ready, you'll know.”

“Thanks,” Kate said with a grin. She got up from the couch and walked over to where cade was sitting and took her own seat in his lap. “So...since we're now a little more...free...” Kate reached for Cade's crotch and squeezing it lightly. “How about we have some Spring Break fun? Night time on the beach. A bottle of wine, fire place and a teeny-weeny bikini that you can take off with your teeth...how's that sound?”

Cade took a brief moment to think on this. He knew the smart thing to do before any kind of fun would to sit down and have a good, long talk with Kate about their relationship and their possible future together. But as Kate worked his cock through his pants and his eyes ping-ponged between her eyes and her tits, he figured such serious matters could be saved for after Kate swallowed every drop of him down her throat...and the rest dripping on those tits.

“Sounds downright perfect to me Kate,” he said with a grin. “But...maybe skip the bikini. Spring Break tradition and all.”

Kate smiled, giggling a bit before she kissed Cade. They both were thinking the same things. They both dodged a bullet they weren't ready for. It was time to celebrate...and fuck each other's brains out.


The moon was high, round and shining brightly. It was a clear cloudless night, countless stars twinkling in the twilight. The glow of the pale celestial orb was more than enough for the trio to work their way along the deserted beach. The smell of salt filled their nostrils, the gentle crash of wave upon wave echoing in their ears. In the lead was Taylor Swift, a hand gripped around both men trailing behind her. One hand was held a little tighter as she threw a sly glance back towards Norman, unable to contain her excitement.

Her other hand was locked around Rahul Patel, a friend of a friend. Norman’s cousin’s former roommate who went to another school, or something like that. They’d hung out whenever he visited his cousin. The word around the grapevine was that there were a lot of fruit contained within those looms. A text here, a picture from Taylor there and he was more than game to meet for a night of clubbing…and also for what came afterwards. At first, he played more than a little coy, dancing and flirting with any and every woman he could find. It was only when Taylor reeled him in, bumping and grinding hard against him that he finally focused all his attention on the playful blonde. Taylor was a happy camper after that, partying alongside countless spring breakers just like themselves. All her inhibitions and worries gone, Taylor spent the rest of the night joyously sandwiched between two hunky slabs of beef. One who she loved dearly and one who she just wanted to fuck. A steaming spicy bowl of Indian curry, just for her. Now his chocolate brown eyes were glued to her perky backside, concealed only by a dental floss width of bikini string.

The secluded spot she had scoped out earlier was just around the bend. It was a cove, tucked out of the way, off the beaten path of the beach. At this hour it was unlikely anyone would come across them…but there was still always the chance. Taylor didn’t care in. In fact, that was exactly why she picked it.

She’d been nervous to say the least, bringing the idea up to Norman. She wasn’t sure how he would take it. She didn’t want to him feel like he wasn’t enough for her. This was just…something she’d always wanted to try. Something that required two men. Thankfully, he’d been surprisingly game for it. And now, here on spring break, was the perfect opportunity to try it.

“Here we are boys.” She said as they came upon the picturesque scene. Unfurling the blanket with a flourish, Norman flattened it out on the cool sand. “Thanks babe. Now, I can’t wait any longer. Shorts off fellas.”

Exchanging a brief glance, the two men stripped as the beautiful bombshell gracefully sank to her knees, the sand a lovely cushion for the carnal activities about to take place. Hunger was etched on her features, brilliantly illuminated by the moonlight. Semi-hard cocks flopped forward as each took a position on either side of Taylor. Licking her full lips, her hands rose, wrapping around the members, one cut familiar pink one, the other an equally large uncut brown one. It was perfect. All according to plan. The slightest flick of her wrists quickly brought both of them up to their full impressive lengths. Staring from her lover’s face to the stranger’s, she bit her lower lip, unsure which to start with.

“Look at these big hard treats. So much. Just for me?” She pouted innocently. “Which should I taste first?”

The choice was made for her as Rahul stepped forward, wielding his prick like a spear, and pressing his fat cockhead against her ruby red lips, eager to feel them wrapped around him. Graciously accepting the invitation, she peeled back his foreskin with her lips, nibbling gently on the crown before taking it down properly. Letting out a loud low grunt, Rahul inhaled before throwing his head back and yelling out into the night.

“Fuck yea! That’s it. Suck it…suck it. Suck that big fuckin dick for me baby!”

Fixating back on Taylor, he placed a hand on the back of her head, bunching up the curtain of blonde locks in his fist. Gentle, but firm encouragement for Taylor to take the last couple of inches. Blue eyes widening in surprise, Taylor nevertheless opened her jaw wide, lips stretching and dug her button nose into his well-maintained groin, making him fully vanish from view. Fist tightening around Norman, she squeezed his crown feeling a dollop of precum ooze forth. As Taylor gurgled loudly, Rahul held her there tightly, feeling her esophagus undulate around the entirety of his cock and eyeing the bulge in her neck. It was unbelievable. No girl had ever taken him whole on the first pass. But eventually, even Taylor needed a breath, coughing and spluttering as she retreated along the thick slab. Coming free, a couple thick strings of spittle clung stubbornly to her lips.

Blinking to clear the tears from her eyes, she glanced up at Rahul and said, “Just relax. I’ll handle everything. Here. Watch.”

Turning to Norman, his slippery bellend slid right between puckered lips pressed tight as her cheeks caved inwards. Norman’s breath cut off as she traveled slowly but surely down the entire length, eyes flicking to Rahul as if to say, “See? I told you.” Those familiar set of big saggy balls rested comfortably against her chin, burning blue eyes facing Norman and blinking with all the feigned innocence in the world. The slosh of spit swirling and throaty gurgles had Norman trembling from head to toe. Without breaking the seal, Taylor trailed backwards, barely leaving a shimmer of spit to glint in the moonlight as she went. Releasing him with a loud clean *POP* and kissing the tip, she winked at Norman who swayed dazedly.

“And I’m just getting started.”

Turning back to swallow Rahul, she was true to her word, performing the same disappearing act on his schlong. Stock still, his fists clenched tightly but whether with pleasure or restraint, Taylor wasn’t sure. With his cock stuffed down her throat, she was pretty sure it was pleasure. Picking up the pace, she began swapping back and forth between them, precision slipping in favor of sloppiness. Slobber dribbled down her chin as soon a spiderweb of drool connected all three of them. Another string added each time Taylor impaled her throat with a sizable serving of long, hard manmeat. This was an oral display that would have made lesser men lose their loads within a minute, but she had chosen her partners well.

Leaning back and wiping a bit at her saliva-soaked chin, she said, “I think I’ve done enough work for the moment. How about I let you boys enjoy this as much as you want.” She opened her mouth wide, impossibly wide, her tonsils easily visible.

Leaping into action, Rahul slammed his cock into the gaping orifice, forcing it all the way down and humping her face in a fevered frenzy that had his big balls bouncing off her chin like tennis balls on a court. Tears trailing down her face, but that same loving gaze still present, the gurgling throaty squelches echoed across the abandoned beach, louder than even the crash of waves.

“Throat-feels-so-fucking-good!” Rahul groaned as his dark fingers dug into her blonde scalp and face-fucked her harder. “Goddamn your talented! Fuck!”

Allowing him another minute or so of savage pleasure, a slap to his ass quickly dislodged him as Taylor took a great gulp of air, a waterfall of spit hanging from her chin. Blinking free the tears from red-rimmed eyes, she opened wide for Norman.

“Come on lover. Fuck my face.”

“You got it Tay.”

Comfortably fitting his cock into her mouth, he pushed passed her tonsils into her throat proper, appreciating the bulge in her neck as her lips straddled the root of his flesh pillar. Then he started to thrust, whispering the occasional incomprehensible word of satisfaction. Taylor had a hand between her legs, teasing her sopping wet snatch as she took every inch, the impact of his groin on her forehead a familiar slapping sensation. Her self-fingering increased, matching Norman’s pace. She couldn’t take anymore. She needed them inside of her. Now.

Releasing Norman with a great spray of spittle, she took a moment to compose herself before looking up at the pair of them, “I’ve got a couple of other holes for you boys to fill. Help me out?”

The words were barely out of her mouth when Rahul was eagerly groping at the backside. Knelt on all fours, Rahul crouched down and peeled the pencil thin g-string from her gooey slit and had his slobbery cock in hand, ready to split her velvety fold in twain.

“I’m gonna have you creaming all over this fat fuckin’ dick in two minutes. You’ll see.” He said confidently. “You’ll be begging me for more.”

Taylor stopped him with a waggle of her finger, “If you’re going first, you’ve gotta use your tongue. Also. Norman here gets first dibs on my ass. And no cumming inside. That’s for him only. Got it?”

Rahul nodded, barely listening as he somewhat begrudgingly lowered his face to her divinely plump rear and placed his tongue against her hot box, lathering his tongue in the leaking arousal. The rough scruff of his beard scraped across her impossibly smooth skin as he took a deep dive into her labia. With Rahul at one end, Taylor returned the oral pleasure tenfold, her mouth open in a low steady moan which Norman proceeded to fill. Remaining still, he let Taylor work her lips across every inch sucking, licking, slurping and spluttering on her all-time favorite cock. Still, Rahul was impatient, so before long Taylor felt his tongue free itself from her hungry cunt and then the tell-tale feel of a throbbing dickhead prodding her taint. Jabbing blindly, he seemed unable to properly locate her love canal. Reaching a hand between her legs, she grabbed hold of it, gave it a firm squeeze and guided him inside.

The moment he felt velvet softness against his bellend, he thrusted with all his might, sheathing himself in an instant. Giving out a surprised squeal, Taylor didn’t mind it one bit as every goddamn inch of thick pipe was shoved into her. Wasting no time, he rammed away like his very life depended on it. The force of his thrusts rippled through her body, making her ass jiggle and tits sway. Reaching down, Norman undid her top, the skimpy fabric fluttering away. Each frantic thrust pushed Taylor forward, squashing her nose even more against Norman’s groin as the spit-roasted blonde rocked back and forth, stuffed full on both ends.

“Yea! Yea! You like that fuckin’ cock babe? Hnngh! Take it! Take it! Take it!” Rahul grunted out, pounding her from behind like a madman and giving her plump ass a hearty smack for good measure.

Even with a mouth stuffed full of cock, she managed to give Norman a sarcastic raise of an eyebrow. Dislodging from him once more from her gullet she turned her head behind her.

“Oi, wonderboy. Rhythmic thrusts. Don’t just jackhammer away.” Rahul was barely listening, as he continued at ramming speed. Rolling her eyes, a combination of a little bit of satisfaction and exasperation at what came next. “Here like this.”

Pushing him off, she grabbed him and threw him down onto the blanket. Somewhat surprised, his dick waved, standing tall in the air. The blonde bombshell straddled him as she lined it up just right and dropped back down in one fluid motion.

“I’m gonna take you on the ride of a lifetime.” She said, grinning as she towered above him and began to rock her hips.

Placing a hand on each hip, he nevertheless let Taylor gyrate and bounce every which way, his cock a fleshy joystick for her pleasure. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. It only got better as Norman sidled up behind her and pulled her clapping cheeks apart, lubing up her rear with a single swipe of his finger. Then his own throbbing cockhead was pressing against her puckered sphincter. Thinking of their mile-high club adventure once more, he pushed inside with relative ease. Still, with a pussy full of dick, it was tighter than it had ever felt before. The same was true for Rahul, who felt her pussy noticeably contract as her backdoor was stuffed full.

“Tay…you feel so fucking good baby…” Norman hissed.

“Seriously. Shit, girl. Your pussy’s like a vice.” Rahul added, gritting his teeth.

“Ohhhh boys…that feels so good!” She responded with eyes shut tight.

Laughter filled at the air, joyous, blissful as Taylor felt full like never before and slowly rotated her hips as the two men took the initiative, thrusting into her. Alternating, they drove home to the base each time. Fat saggy sacks bloated with cum slapped against her taint, one after another as Taylor opened her smeared red lips skywards in a silent howl of pleasure to the full moon. Settling into a rhythm, the pace picked up. Faster and faster they pummeled both of her holes. 

“That’s it boys! That’s it!” She cried, finding her voice, loud and clear ringing into the night.

“We got her man!” Rahul cried out, bucking his hips even faster, breaking the rhythmic stabs of cock into her.

Taylor’s eyes snapped open in an instant, her hands flying to Rahul’s chest and digging her nails into his chiseled pecs.

“Not faster. Keep doing what your fucking doing. Just like that.” She snarled, her lip curling.

Recovering quickly from his blunder, Rahul refocused his efforts. The slapping sound of flesh on flesh on flesh sounded louder and louder. Taylor was going to cum. That much was clear.

“I’m gonna…I’m gonna…CUM! Make me cum on those cocks…both of you…make me fucking CUM!” The drilling continued, a perfect well-oiled machine delivering indescribable pleasure with each blow. “I’m…I’m…CCCUUMMMIIINNNGGG!!!!”

Crying out at the top of her impressive lungs, she screamed orgasmic exhalations to the otherwise silent beach. Both holes tightened around their respective pricks, as the men faltered in their thrusts, barely able to continue. As Taylor’s body jerked and spasmed as she slipped off both of them, legs trembling something silly.

“Let me get a feel for that asshole baby.” Rahul said, standing tall and stepping off the blanket to dig his feet into the cool sand.

“Mhmm…what?!?” She groaned from her position on the blanket.

Using his impressive musculature, he lifted Taylor’s quivering form off the sand. Squealing with surprise, her trembling arms scrabbled for support with a thick arm under each of leg, spreading them wide. Her entire groin stretched as wide as possible as he angled his throbbing prick against her puckered butthole, something he had no trouble finding. To be fair, it wasn’t exactly a small target at the moment. Dropping her down upon it, a bleary-eyed Taylor shrieked out as her asshole went from entirely vacated to very full once more, all in one second flat.

“FUCK!” She cried as he started to bounce her up and down, still held aloft. The sudden anal penetration shocked her back into coherency, her body craving more of the type of pleasure only two men could bring. “Get over here Normie and fill me up with that cock I love so much.”

Rahul held her still just long enough for Norman to fulfill her request, pussy stretching accommodate her lover’s dick. Then Rahul resumed his exertions, dropping her rectum down upon his prick, only this time the depths of both her holes were filled with to capacity with thick manmeat. Once more sandwiched between two hunky men, Taylor reached her arms around Norman, clinging to him as she was slung back and forth between them. Her cries of pleasure sounded louder and louder, building once more towards sweet blissful orgasmic relief.

“Follow my lead.” Norman said, taking a wide power stance and loosening his grip on Taylor just a bit.

As she sank down to the base once more both men started thrusting into her hard. In tandem this time, neither caring as balls slapped against each other driving up hard into her holes.

“Fuck…fuck…FUCK!” Taylor screamed out, her nails digging hard into Norman’s back, enough to leave claw marks. “FUCK! You’re gonna make me cum! FUCK YES! GAWD! I’m cumming-I’m cumming! I’m-cumming AGAIN!”

And cum she did, shrieking her head off and nearly spasming out of their grip as they rocketed both cocks into her tight orifices. Stepping back, still holding Taylor, Norman descended, lying flat on his back as Rahul stood there with cock in hand. Taylor’s blue eyes looked into Norman’s asking the silent question of what they had talked about before. It was now or never. He nodded.

“Hey man. There’s room in here for two.” Norman said, as Taylor laid fully on top of him and spread her legs wide, getting ready.

“What?” Rahul asked, looking slightly put off.

“You heard him.” Taylor said, the honey back in her voice. “You aren’t chickening out now, are you? I thought you really knew how to please a woman. I guess I was wrong.” Rahul hesitated with his hand still wrapped around his prick. “Come on. Won’t you stuff my twat full. Stretch it out with your big hard cock? If you do, I’ll let you cum all over this pretty face.” She shamelessly batted her eyelashes at him and licked her lips.

It was useless, men were putty in her hands. Rahul said with some grit, “Fuck it. Fine. Make room for this big fucking dick babe. I’m gonna wreck you. You’re gonna regret tomorrow begging for it.”

She highly doubted that as he knelt down and pressed his cock up against her already full snatch and pushed forward. There was insane resistance, way more so than even her snug butthole. But gradually it gave way as Taylor screamed out, as he wormed his way into her pussy. Biting down on Norman’s shoulder, gasps and swears were the only vocalizations she could muster. This was unbelievable.

The range of motion was limited, but gradually both men reached a pace where they could slide their cocks in and out in alternating fashion. Grunts sounded each time they did so. Taylor alternated looks and kisses down to Norman, and turning back to face Rahul a look of pure carnal desire on her delicate face. Already she could feel another orgasm blooming. They were too much for her. And they knew it too.

“You gonna cum again, ain’t you love?” Rahul said with a grin. “You gonna cum all over these huge fuckin’ dicks?”

“Yes…yes!” She mumbled out through numb lips.

“Do it Tay. Cum for us. Cum for me.” Norman whispered in her ear as his lips brushed her sweaty neck.

It was all she needed to hear, her third orgasm of the night ringing out just as loudly across the beach as the others. Only this time, her pussy squeezed both of them so tight that Rahul popped right out. Norman nearly lost it right then and there but managed to hold on by a thread.

Still, looking at him through hazy cockdrunk eyes, she saw the grit on Norman’s face and knew he couldn’t possibly last. “Oh, fill me up baby. Don’t make me wait any longer. Please pump me full of your thick creamy cum.”

Rahul stepped back and fisted his prick, damn near to bursting himself. Taylor adjusted, squeezing Norman tight beneath her with her meaty thighs.

“Yes…baby, oh Tay! Tay!.” He cried as he bucked his hips frantically a few times and came, unloading a torrent of thick jism deep into her pussy, dick twitching spray wave after wave of the creamy seed.

Barely having the time to register the bloom of warmth that nearly made her cum again, Rahul loomed tall over both of them, presenting his cock for Taylor to take down to the balls, which she promptly did, even as the juicy load oozed from her pussy. It took almost no time at for Rahul to cum too.

“HGGHHHNNHHH! GONNA CUM!” He roared and pulled out, one hand jerking his cock, the other pulling Taylor’s head back to achieve maximum coverage over it.

And maximum coverage he did achieved. The throbbing head spurted volley after volley of cum streaking across her features, painting her face in lines of sticky whiteness from hairline to chin and nearly blinding her in the process. He moaned the whole time, each jerk of his cock layering another wave of semen across her grinning face until finally there was nothing left in the tank.

Staggering backwards, he nearly collapsed, light headed and dizzy. Norman likewise groaned from underneath her. A distant cheer made all three of them look up. It emanated from a group of watchers, no doubt attracted by the orgasmic shrieking. Wolf-whistling and jeering, they clapped and applauded at the spectacular finish. Licking the cum from her lips, she wiped her semen-laded lashes and casually flipped off the onlookers.

“Come on let’s clean off.” She said, standing up on trembling legs as cum dripped down her inner thighs and sashayed her way towards the crashing waves.

Rahul gave a wild cheer and rushed headlong into the water, diving in without a second thought. The couple followed him, the water warm even despite the lack of sunshine. Sinking beneath the salty waves, when they came up Taylor and Norman were locked in a deep embrace, lips pressing against each other’s.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:42:17 PM
“I never cease to be amazed at how well you clean up,” Cami said. She, Peter and Brodie were on the living room couch, waiting for the rest of their group to join them. They were all dressed up, ready to hit the town for some serious clubbing, with Camila particularly taken aback by Peter's attire, which she was very familiar with. “Even if I'm the one who helped you pick the stuff out, I'm eternally shocked.”

“You do look particularly styling my man, I must admit,” Brodie said. “Smoother than smooth.”

“I think he owes me a couple drinks tonight,” said Cami. “Hailee is not going to be able to keep her hands off of you. I mean look at how that jacket brings out those eyes. Your blues are practically GLOWING. I'm a genius in fashion AND photography.”

“All that and you're modest.” Peter replied.

“Come on, let me celebrate a little. You? No effort. Just a “here, wear this you'll look cute. Jose? I have to BEG him not wear his leopard print jacket. It's not even that I don't like it, I've just never seen it washed. It SMELLS like the jungle.”

“Excuse me, that's just my irresistible musk baby,” Jose said, entering the scene along with the rest of the crowd. “Come on, check it out. The tiger print smells the same way.”

“I'll pass sweetface.” Cami replied. She, Peter and Brodie got up from the couch, a better view of the rest of the party ready to go out on the prowl. When Peter's eyes fell on Hailee any attention he ha split for others was immediately taken up 100% by her, Hailee wearing a very short, formfitting black dress ad sexy thigh-high boots.

“Wow,” he said, taking hold of her hands. “You look so beautiful.”

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879861_gh6rvtb0_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879861_gh6rvtb0_o.jpg)(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879862_vuhsgn8w_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879862_vuhsgn8w_o.jpg)

“Thanks,” Hailee said with sweet smile. “You too. Very, very handsome.”

“You know...we could always skip the club,” Peter suggest, bringing his lips closer to Hailee's. “Catch up a bit more in private.”

“Tempting, but I kind of want to get you on the dance floor. A little opening act.”

“I can live with that.”

“Well, me and Selena are going to duck out,” Madelaine said. “Brodie, Sabrina and Joey too.”

“You are?” Camila asked. “What's going on?”

“When we were in town earlier we bumped into that girl who runs the weed shop back home. Vanessa something or other. She was here with some blonde friend. I think Ashley something? Look doesn't matter. There's some motel party they're going to, sounded like fun. And Cami you know I'm not big on clubs anyway. And Selena and Brodie are coming along for strength in numbers, just in case things get out of hand.”

“The moment Madelaine mentioned an open bar my fate was sealed,” Sabrina added.

“No probs Mads,” Cami said. “But you two are aware of course that if any trouble gets started, Mads might just be the one who starts it, right.”

“But I always guarantee fun trouble,” Madelaine added. “Any other takers?”

“I think we're all good with the club tonight,” Jake said. “Of course, I'm biased because I picked it.” Jake grinned, squeezing Lili's hand excitedly. This brought a smile to the Blonde's face. It was the most affection he'd shown her in days. Maybe whatever he was going through was over with.

“You're right to be biased if the flier you showed me is accurate,” Camila said. “Where did you get it again?”

“The liquor store.” Jake answered. “They were handing them out.”

“I didn't see any fliers,” Jose said.

“Well, you probably pissed them when you were getting the kegs and paying.” Jake's tone had a tone to it that Jose knew all too well. The discussion was closed.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Jose replied. He had a bad feeling about tonight. Still, he hoped he was wrong. Then again Jose always hoped he was wrong on this subject. Yet with Jake's history, he tended to be right.


Upon departing the lake house, Madelaine's crew had two simple stops for their Uber to make. The first one was Joey's hotel to pick her up. She'd won her game tournament and after an expletive filled celebration at the bar she was ready for something a bit less charged.

From there the group was taken to the address that Madelaine had gotten from Vanessa. As they pulled up seeing the motel in question was somewhat of a relief. It wasn't a cheap chain that looked to be filled with meth heads. Instead it looked to be a locally owned place, complete with its own attached coffee shop. Nothing big, just a place to grab a quick meal if you were a guest.

With such a downright homey place in front of them, Madelaine had no problem leading the group out and towards the little cafe with Brodie by her side for a little bit of extra security.

As the group approached the cafe, making small talk with each other, Vanessa Hudgens had walked out of the cafe with her busty blonde companion nearby. They were both dressed to impress, Vanessa is a sort black jumper with thigh high boots, and Ashley in little more than a bikini with cut-off shorts.

“You made it,” Vanessa said upon noticing Madelaine and her group. “For those that don't know among you, I'm Vanessa Hudgens for those of you who don't toke and this is my friend Ashley Benson.”

“Hello,” the blonde said. Her tone had shown off that she'd had a little bit of the product Vanessa brought with her from the dispensary. “You guys ready to party?”

“What about this party?” Brodie asked. “It's at the pool, and?”

“And, you delicious little boytoy,” Vanessa said. “It's by invite only. Some frat boys or something pretty much rented out the motel. Most of them went out on the town. The rest...well they decided to make their own fun...then I heard about that fun and just had to invite you, Mads my dear.”

“Well how about you two lead the way and let me be the judge of the fun?”

Vanessa and Ashley led the way into the interior of the motel area, right to the pool. So far it was a sausage fest, eight guys standing and sitting around the pool, bullshitting away. The moment they all entered the pool area, Madelaine let them all know that a lot more than talking was about to go down.

“Gentlemen, never fear,” the redhead said with a smile. “The party is here.” Her eyes went over the men. Every flavor was present. Vanilla, chocolate, enough to sate even Madelaine's appetite.

“The party was always here Madelaine,” Vanessa said, staking a seat on a table in front of the crowd. “I just would've felt awful about really getting into the swing of things without a full house. Isn't that right Ashley?”

The blonde nodded and smiled and walked over to Vanessa. She went from crossed legs to open ones, allowing Ashley in close before the two kissed. From that moment, the crowd knew exactly what this party was. Still, a few had to ask questions. Question they knew the answers to but still just needed to vocalize.

“So, what exactly going on?” Joey asked. “I mean...I'm down...I think, but what am I watching?”

“A party, my dear Watson,” Sabrina said with a grin. “And from the looks of things, a really really fun one.”

The rest of the group agreed, but with their silence. They were all focused on the party starting in front of them. Ashley and Vanessa's lips were still locked, their tongue's getting some action as well. Ashley pulled back first, a sexy smirk on her face. She grabbed the zipper on Vanessa's jumper and pulled it down, exposing the perky tits of the sexy tart.

While the group watched as Ashley began to have some up close and personal fun with Vanessa's tits, Madelaine felt the need to get some fun for herself. She looked to her right, a tall, muscular hunk of chocolate stood beside her and Madelaine decided it was time to sate her sweet tooth.

She reached over to his crotch, unzipping his shorts and reaching in to grab his cock. He looked over to her with a grin. “Aren't we going to exchange names first?”

“You already have my name,” Madelaine smiled as she stroked his length. “And I don't think I need yours with your cock in my mouth. But I promise I'll ask it when I need a name to moan out.”

The man agreed to her terms with nod as Madelaine got in front of him and dropped to her knees.

Now eyes were split between Ashley, Vanessa and Madelaine. Chuckles came from the audience as Madelaine looked up at him, her pale hand stroking his onyx length. Up and down, slowly working him. He was almost breathless when tongue came out, swirling around the tip of his cock before wrapping her plump lips around it.

“Fuck yeah girl,” he said. “Suck that dick.”

As Madelaine gladly did what was requested of her, gliding her lips up and down his pole, the others could only watch...though that was getting ready to change.

“You've got some wacky friends Sabrina,” Joey said, her eyes watching Madelaine suck her the meaty cock. “Fun, but wacky.”

Before that conversation could continue, Joey was approached on both sides by two men. “You want to have some fun baby?” one of them said. His name was Ted and his lips were on Joey's neck, the petite brunette moaning lightly from the touch of his lips.

“Some real fun?” added Carl, a handsome man with a crewcut and green eyes. He began to kiss on her chest, licking along her cleavage. All Joey could answer with was a moan, but it was that moan that signaled the dam bursting.

Sabrina was picked up by Brodie, her dress already off and tossed aside. He pressed her against the wall of the clubhouse in the pool area. He had a firm grip on her perky little bubble but, moving only slightly so he could slide his palms under the fabric of her panties to feel the flesh of her peach.

Selena had gotten two men of her own, Bob and Alex. Their shirts were off and on the floor. Selena kissed both of their ripped chests, going between them until she rested her knees upon the discarded shirts. Their pants were down and cocks freed in short order.

Selena took Alex in her mouth first. Not for preference, it was random. While she sucked him with the skill and speed of a pornstar, she stroked off Bob. This wasn't something done with finesse. It was all instinct and lust as her mouth went between the two prongs.

The two men left over, Michael and Bill, felt their eyes go back towards Vanessa and Ashley. By now both women were stripped clean. Ashley's face was buried between Vanessa's legs, eating her pussy and making her moan loud enough they were sure to gather a crowd if the hotel wasn't pretty much empty save for them. Still, the clerks at the lobby came out to watch. Entertainment for a slow night.

Vanessa saw the two men left out. They were wanking their cocks, looking for an opening and hoping that when Vanessa saw them the opening, or openings, would arrive. And Vanessa was never one to stamp out hope.

“Come here boys,” she said, pausing a little with a moan as Ashley got a really nice spot. “Mmmm how about you keep me and Ashley company...how's that sound Ash?”

“The more the merrier Ness,” Ashley said. The blue-eyed vixen looked to Michael. “How about you fuck my pussy while I work on Vanessa, hmm?”

Mike quickly shed his clothes and got behind Ashley. With a thrust from him and a silent grunt from Ashley he was inside her. His rhythm was hard and steady. Ashley had a preference to pussy, but sometimes cock was just what the doctor ordered. Right now, the prescription was perfect. Mike may not have been playing sensitive and sweet but that wasn't the mood. The mood was a bit dirtier. Her was slamming her cunt with some force, but with skill as well. Admirable and just perfect for Ashley as she returned her head to Vanessa's pussy.

Vanessa licked her lips and waved Bill over with her finger. “I'm gonna suck your fucking cock.” Much like Michael before, Bill shed his clothes and his cock soon found a nice warm home in Vanessa's mouth. It wasn't the best blowjob, but Vanessa was still able to give him more than enough attention to make the horndog happy.

Madelaine was still sucking the cock in front of her, though at this point both her and her man had followed the trend and stripped themselves bare. The blue, warped reflection of the pool shimmered against Madelaine’s pale skin, giving her an ethereal, otherworldly hue on her skin while he was watched her suck.

She held her hands behind her back, using only her mouth on his hard pole. Even without her hands, Madelaine's skill was undeniable. Not one single wasted movement. Her eyes oozed the dirty talk her full mouth couldn't articulate.

All the man could do was look down at the skilled suckjob Madelaine was providing. He kept his hands at his side, balled up tightly into fists. He may have wanted to get a bit more involved, but Madelaine put out an aura that told him one thing: she was the one in charge and she'd let him know when she needed a little attention or help.

Not that Madelaine needed it. She was more than able to show she knew what she was doing and happy to do so. She got off more than just a little bit showing off her skill. Taking him all the way into her throat and holding him there, teasing him right on the rim of the mushroom tip with her teeth just barely grazing the sensitive flesh.

Madelaine pulled back and let his cock fall from her lips. She ducked down just a bit, lifting the cock up with her face and finally letting her hands join the party. She tugged at his balls and stroked his cock. Madelaine looked up at him, licking her lips and smiling.

“Ready for some real fun?” Madelaine asked. He nodded. “Great!” Madelaine rose to her feet. Her hand was still ripping the man's cock and led him to an empty table. She tugged and stroke his cock softly, making him moan.

“I feel like moaning now,” Madelaine said. “So I guess I need your name.”

“Darius,” he said.

“Well then Darius,” Madelaine said, sitting up on the smooth cement surface of the circular table. “Fuck me.” Madelaine opened her legs and Darius moved in. One of Madelaine's long, shapely legs wrapped around him while Darius grabbed the other, lifting it up and placing it against his chiseled chest. Darius kissed from Madelaine's ankle to her calf, working slowly up her leg.

“Mmmmm yeah baby,” Madelaine moaned. “You like those long legs, don't you?”

“Damn right I do baby,” Darius said as he massaged her calf. “Perfect legs in my eyes.”

“Thank you, Darius. Do you know what I like? Your cock. So how about you put that lovely dick somewhere that I can really appreciate it?” The pair exchanged glances and Darius did as Madelaine asked. “Mmm fuck yes!” Madelaine grunted as he filled her.

Darius followed the tone of the party. No need for slow and sweet, he held Madelaine's leg close to his chest and drove into her. If the table hadn't been so heavy the force word have moved it an inch or two.

“Nnnnngh fuck yes Darrius,” Madelaine growled. “Mmmm just like that...fucking perfect with that dick baby! Fuck...fuck...fuck it deep!”

While Madelaine was getting down with the swirl, Sabrina was riding Brodie’s cock. Her bra and panties had joined her dress and now she was riding and writhing on Brodie. Her hands were behind her head, her hips doing all the work.

It wasn't a bad view at all for Brodie, watching this sexy sprite bounce on his cock, moan out name and get all hot and sweaty fucking him. The view obviously wasn't the main draw, it was just nice addition to the feeling of Sabrina's insanely tight pussy.

“Oh...shit...oh so fucking big,” Sabrina said. “Oh...oh wow...shit Brodie...oooooooo....”

Brodie placed his hands-on Sabrina's hips, feeling her swivel and grind on him. The feeling of her sweat-sheened body in his palms was otherworldly. Another spectacular bonus to fucking her.

Being shared by two men was honestly something that had never crossed Joey King's mind. She was hardly a virgin and had a reputation for being quite adventurous. Being the center of the amorous attention of two men was a new experience.

Now though, with her blouse off, skirt hiked up and Ted's cock in her pussy while Carl sucked on her tits, she wondered how it had only just now happened. That was, of course, when her mind wasn't focused on how good it all felt.

She was still in the same position she was in as when the two men started on her. Her panties were long gone, their current location unknown and of no concern to Joey or her men. Carl was bent over just slightly, his lips going from her spectacular tits to her equally amazing plump lips.

Ted was holding Joey by her arms. Not hard, but just firmly enough keep his grip while he hammered her hungry cunt from behind. Ted's mind was blown by this, fucking a girl he'd never met until just a few minutes prior whose pussy was just a slice of paradise.

Joey's wasn't having too shabby of a time either. Ted was a skilled swordsman and Carl had just happened to fall upon a woman who loved getting her tits worshipped almost as much as he loved worshipping them.

From a woman who was getting her first taste of a group environment to a vet, Selena was riding much like Sabrina was. Bob was laying back on one of the deck chairs, his hand on Selena's ass as she rode him, facing forward. Alex and moved over to Madelaine, the redhead no bent over and sucking his cock while Darius still rammed her pussy.

Selena didn't mind the removal of one cock. She could have even more fun just concentrating on the one. From the sound of things, Bob's cock was one fun ride.

“You like that?” Selena asked, grinding on Bob's cock. She leaned backwards, bringing her back to his chest. Selena's head turned to the side, extended her tongue to lick at lips. “Mmm you feel so fucking good...oh gosh...mmmm little harder though...just a little bit harder.”

Selena moved back up, leaning forward now. Bob followed her suggestion and right away Selena loved it.

“Yeeeeessss!” she cried out. “Oh my gosh...or fuck...oh holy shit just like that...mmmmm....” Selena moaned and cried out desperately in pleasure. Her hands gripped Bob's knees, squeezing tight at every pump. Bob wasn't much of a talker; all his pleasure was sounded out by pleased growls and grunts. That didn't faze Selena. Conversation as saved for people she liked, not casual encounters.

“Oohhh FUCK yes!” Vanessa cried out. She'd long since moved past just sucking Bill's cock. She was bent over now just like Ashley and taking Bill's dick, and Bill was every bit as eager as Mike was. She was gripping the table tightly, cheering the cock inside her for more, all while being even more turned on by looking at Ashley, face to Face while Bill gave her the fucking of a life time. Then something wonderful wandered into Vanessa's mind.”

“Mmmm...mmmm. Ashley...,” she said. “Tell him to fuck me...tell my man to fuck me...tell him how you want him to...oh my god...fuck me...”

A wicked grin came across Ashley's face. She loved it when Vanessa got like this. A fire behind those brown eyes and baby doll voice.

“Mmm....whaaaa-what's your name?” Ashley asked the man plowing Vanessa as she herself was getting rammed.

“B-bill,” he said.

“Well...Billy...I want you...fuck...you and Vanessa to give...mmm...give me a show...slap that ass of hers...make Nessa squeal. Hard....rough...that's how...how she likes it....so give it to her Bill....”

Ashley's words melted in moans. She pressed herself up, back to Mike's chest. She turned her head to kiss him then whisper “Watch them fuck while you fuck me...fuck me harder while we watch...take me...” Ashley and her lover of the moment looked to Vanessa.

SMACK! Bill's hand cracked against Vanessa's ass. Vanessa cried out “YES!” and Ashley moaned when Mike's thrust hit right when the next smack did. It was harder, deeper and exactly what Ashley wanted when she was in the mood for cock.

While Ashley was enjoying the show, Madelaine got herself ready for something new as well. Not brand new, it was sensation she'd had before and was ready to get reacquainted with now.

She was on top of Alex now, his cock surrounded by Madelaine's hot cunt. She rode him slowly, working her hips, keeping him right on edge as they both waited for what was to come next. Because while Darius as seceded her pussy, there was another area that Madelaine was quite eager for him to get into.

Darius stood behind Madelaine, jacking his cock while she was on Alex's. He eyes went from watching his cock enter her slit to the absolute utter perfection of Madelaine's ass at that oh-so inviting looking anus.

Madelaine turned her head, flipping her fiery locks over her shoulder. She was done waiting. “Come on Darius...I'm waiting...stick that cock up my ass.”

“Well, if you insist.” Darius grinned. He came up behind Madelaine, who had slowed Alex to standstill. He pressed his lips against hers just as he pressed his cockhead against her ass. Madelaine yelped when his cock pushed in, the sound muffled by the kiss.

Madelaine continued staying statue-still, Darius going easy on her as he slowly worked himself inside her ass.

“Fuuuuck it's so big....” Madelaine said. “Stuffed with two big fucking cocks...I'm a lucky girl.” She kissed Darius once more then went down to do the same to Alex. Darius took that as the go sign. He grabbed her perfectly round apple of an ass and started to building up speed. As he did Madelaine moaned, first into Alex's mouth and then into the night air.

“Fuck yes....mmmm yes...fuck my holes...FUCK THEM!” Madelaine moans become more like an animal growls and grunts as the men inside her increased their pace. They gave her alternating strokes. Alex goes into her pussy, Darius pulls out of her ass and vice versa. Back and forth, in and out, gasoline on the fire.

While a fire was burning inside her, Madelaine's body was getting wonderful attention on the outside. Darius feeling up her ass and kissing her neck and shoulders, Alex leaning up to play with and suck on her tits. She in the middle of two men who in that moment wanted nothing else but her.

Madelaine began thrash her head about, stopping only when her eyes fell on Selena, who was in the middle of a similar situation. The Latina was getting fucked up the ass by Bob while Ted, who had left Carl have his way with a very vocal Joey, was laying back with his cock up Selena's slit.

The view was amazing for Madelaine, watching the look on Selena's body as it was ravaged by the men. The passion on her face, her moans mixing with the desperate grunts of the men fucking her. It only got better when Selena's eyes locked on Madelaine's. They both were getting a kick out of the show.

“Harder,” Selena demanded. “Take me harder!” The men obliged and Selena cried out in pleasure, her eyes still on Madelaine...but then the moved slightly to the left. Madelaine's eyes followed and saw another double team.

Brodie was now in a deck chair, Sabrina riding his cock with her ass. But much like Madelaine and Selena, one hole being filled wasn't enough. Billy had left Ashley and took up residence in Sabrina's cunt. Both men worked their dicks inside of her a bit slower, the pixie of a girl looking to need a more delicate touch.

“Ooohhhh holy shiiit I can't believe I'm doing this!” Sabrina said. “And, mmmm, fuck it feels so good...mmmm damn it...”

Brodie started to thrust a bit harder, kissing her back just before he started. Sabrina squealed in approval, a sound that got only louder as Billy increased his pace as well. It was a sight to see, and both Madelaine and Selena soaked up every second. Just viewing it was like adding Sabrina's pleasure to their own. Then when Sabrina noticed was being watched, that shared pleasure only tripled.

Joey herself was being spectacularly fucked. She was fully bent over now, her tits pressed against the table while Carl took every stroke he had in her pussy like it was her last. Joey really didn't have any words for what she was feeling, like a tropical storm was going on inside her. Words were escaping her to explain how good she was felling what she was watching. She never, ever would have thought she'd ever see Sabrina having sex, let alone getting a dick in each of her wholes. Joey also never in a million years would have thought she'd find it hot.

Joey and Carl were the only coupling currently going down, but the last threesome had the numbers reversed from the others. Ashley, Michael and Vanessa were having a grand old time on their own. Ashley was happily being serviced by Vanessa, who's feasting on the blonde's cunt was urged on with every thrust Michael made in hers. And just like everyone else, Ashley was enjoying the view along with the pleasures of the flesh. Watching Vanessa suck on her clit while Michael pounded away in her cunt, sweating bullets while his cock was a blur. Watching the three DP’s, watching Joey get utterly wrecked ad the sounds of it all mixing in her head, an aural cocktail of moans and colliding flesh.

“FUCK YESSSSSS!” Ashley screamed, her passionate cries so loud people could hear it for blocks. “CUMMING! FUCK YES NESSA!!!!” Ashley quivered on the table, Vanessa's continually munching on her cunt while Ashley came. Just as Ashley hit her crescendo Vanessa hit her, squeezing Ashley's thigh and sparks flew for her. That's when the last domino of that trio fell, with Vanessa triggering Michael's own. Before he could even get a moan out, Ashley recognized that look on his face all too well, the telltale way he began breathing. Man or woman, she could spot an orgasm from a mile away. And man or woman, she loved giving the person having one a little extra oomph. Besides, Michael's cock and felt pretty damn good inside her. Any man who knew how to use his piece deserved and treat.

“Nessa, get on your knees,” Ashley said as she did the same. Nessa got in formation right next to Ashley, making a show of making out with the blonde as Michael jacked his cock off near their face.

“Cum on our fucking face's Michael,” Ashley demanded. “You earned it...we earned that cum...fucking cover us baby...don't you want to see it? You hot cum dripping off our faces?”

“YESSSSS!” Michael growled, happily giving in to Ashley's request. The blonde and brunette held their tongues out of a pair of smiling mouths waiting for Michael's paint job. They didn't have too long to wake, as seconds after his lion's roar he unloaded on both of them, coating their faces and tongues and his jizz. Ashley and Vanessa kissed passionately, exchanging the cum they received as Michael's streams slowed.

That sight created a new domino effect, putting Madelaine so close to the edge and giving her a wicked idea.

“Hey boys,” she said. “How'd you all like to cum on our faces...all of you...all of us...mmm. Me...Selena...Sabrina...Joey...fucking...c-cover us....see us cum while covered in yours...”

“Oh fuck yes Madelaine!” Darius roared. “Gonna fucking cum on all of you! Fuck!” Darius pulled out then Madelaine dropped to her knees, letting Alex get up too. The natural leader she is, just a look from Madelaine got Selena, Sabrina and Joey to follow suit. It wasn't a cruel look by any means, but definitely one that just screamed at the other women they had to get in line.

Soon it was a lineup of beautiful women, passionately kissing each other, licking, playing with each other's pussies and pleasuring each other in front of an all too eager firing squad.

Joey was the first to cum, her loud cry muffled by Sabrina's kiss. Another surprise for Joey but one she welcome. Seeing that sight sent the first of the men going off, Brodie firing off one Sabrina and Joey. Sabrina turned her attention to Brodie and wrapped her lips around his firing cock.

From there it was all over for all of them. Madelaine came with Selena's hand between her legs Selena with Madelaine’s hand, their dual orgasm only heightened by the streams of cum being fired upon them from the sexual firing squad lined up before them.

Sweat, cum and moans was all of reality for a few moments, ecstasy the only sensation. But soon reality came creeping in, though not unaltered by the sexual high they'd all just experienced. Sabrina fell back, giggling like a stoner and repeating “Wow,” over and over again. Joey was stunned into silence. Vanesa and Ashley were still passionately kissing. Madelaine and Selena simply exchanged knowing glances. They weren't exactly done...but they were for the night.

Madelaine got to her feet and made her way to the rinsing shower of the pool to wash off what cum she hadn't licked from her body. From there, she made her way to the diving board.

“Anyone for a dip?” she said smiling. “After all, nothing's quite as relaxing after an orgy as a midnight swim.”


“I've got to hand it to you Jake, this is a nice spot,” Cami said. They had been able to get a nice booth in the club. It was on the second floor, close to the bar but far enough away from the dance floor so everyone could hear each other talk. “I actually kind of wish we had some place like this back home.”

“Thanks,” Jake said. “Glad we're all having a good time. That's the point of the whole Spring Break thing, right?”

“As long as it's not too much,” Jose said, getting a quick look from Jake, but not so quick Camila didn't also catch it.

“I don't think I've quite had enough fun just yet,” Lili said. “So I think I'm long overdue. Drinking, get my dance on...” Lili squeezed Jake's arm and he turned to kiss her on the forehead. Any tension there was between them seemed to be gone. And if her friends were happy, Cami was happy.

“And speaking of dancing, are, Hailee and Peter still on the floor?” Cami asked.

“I didn't see them come back up.” Lili answered. The two couples went to the edge of the floor and looked over the railing to the floor below. Among the mass of people, they soon fell upon Peter and Hailee dancing together, Hailee pulling out all the stops. Rubbing up against him, grinding into his crotch. The heat was turned all the way up. “They look like they're having fun. And it's just starting.”

“I'm actually shocked he's actually gotten worse as a dancer since high school,” Cami said. “I gotta get this on video for Selena and Brodie. Friends are supposed to share in the laughter.” She took out her phone and quickly began to record.

“He's not that bad,” Jake said.

“No, he is,” Lili said. “But it's cute though. He doesn't care and Hailee kind of makes up for it. He's really just kind of a stripper pole right now...without rhythm.”

“Leave it to Lili to find the positive in any negative,” Cami said. “Aside from the obvious laughter this is inspiring. Speaking of which....” Cami clicked the stop button, having gotten her footage, then went to check on the wi-fi status. When she saw those wonderful bars of strength she smiled. “This really is the perfect club. Good drink deals, good music and super strong free wi-fi.”

While Camila got to spreading the laughter, down on the dance floor Hailee and Peter got a little closer as the music moved to a slower groove. This was the first time in far too long they'd had any kind of time where it was just them. Despite them being in the middle of a packed dance floor they felt like the only two people there. The feeling only increased as their bodies got closer.

“This is officially the highlight of the trip,” Peter said. His hands were on Hailee's ass, holding her close as they danced. “Last few months, honestly.”

“I can get behind that.” she replied with a smiled. She kissed him softly, then her lips went to his ears. “But I think we can make it better.”

“You want to head back to the house?”

“Nuh-uh,” Hailee said. Her leg was between Peter and she moved just so to run the flesh against his groin. “I can't wait that long and from the feel of it neither can you.”

“You have a better idea I take it?”

Hailee nodded. “Follow me.” They stopped dancing and Hailee led him to a hallway. It led to the restrooms, and at first glance that's all it did. But the hallway led down a little further to a basement, but the stairwell to it was closed off for maintenance.

“We going in there?” Peter asked.

“Nope,” said Hailee. “I've been thinking about this since we got here babe....so I came down here...remember when I went to the restroom? Did a little scouting...and voila. No one is going to come this far. I scoped it out for twenty minutes. So, with that being said...” Hailee hiked up her skirt, revealing that there wasn't a stitch of clothing underneath, just the inviting view of Hailee's pussy. “Do I need to send a written invitation?”

Peter's reply to her was sealed with a kiss as he pulled the leggy brunette tight to him. Their hands were all over each other, weeks and weeks of pent up desire finally exploding.

“Wohohoa!” Hailee laughed. Peter spun her around, facing the wall of the hallway. The joyful laugh morphed into a moan when his hungry mouth began to kiss at her neck and his fingers went to her pussy, probing her depths. “nnnngh yes baby yes.” She stuck her ass into his crotch. Another moan escaped her lips as she felt the hard through his pants on her ass. That moan was joined with his as Hailee ground against him.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150879863_yuo1d1p0cc221.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150879863_yuo1d1p0cc221.jpg)

That grinding was enough to make Peter tire of the confines of his pants. His hand left Hailee's pussy, dragging them across her lips with Hailee's tongue darting out to taste herself before bringing them to his pants.

In seconds his cock was out and soon the lovers were moaning as he entered Hailee. “Oooh baby yes,” Hailee moaned. “Mmm I need it...fuck me Peter...”

Peter held her close as he gave into Hailee's demand and both of their desires. Her back was still arched, pressed her ass out towards him. With Peter's hands around her waist he could feel every deep gasp and moan. And every one of those to escape Hailee's pouty lips was a response to his touch. How her held her close as he thrust into her.

“Mmm…nnngh...baby,” she groaned. She bit softly down on her lower lip. They were far away enough from the dance floor for the music to simply be background noise as they fed off each other.

“Oh…oh my god Haiz...oh shit.” Peter said. It was about all he could articulate, growling the words in Hailee's ears. It was she needed to hear. She pressed her arms against the wall, meeting him for thrust after thrust. Peter returned that favor by moving his hand down south to give his cock a little aid in making the woman he loved feel amazing.

“Ohhhh oh fuck...oh shit Peter...mmmm. I can't believe how close...how close I am...” That was just a few words of encouragement. The dancing had already lit Hailee's fuse. Finally getting the physical attention she'd been craving for weeks had her far ready for more action, ready for pleasure then she could have imagined. The creeping thoughts of the other idea she had in mind also added a little bit extra to it all.

Hailee was the only one enjoying the fun. Peter's strokes in her pussy were deep. Not hard or fast, but deep, every single thrust savoring the feeling of Hailee, a velveteen treat he hadn't felt it what now felt like an eternity in hindsight. He held her close, breathing in deep the scent of her perfume with his face buried in her hair. It didn't even occur to him it was odd to be savoring her like this in something that was very much a public place. That wasn't going to make him speed up at all with the tight, wet confines of Hailee’s pussy was so perfect.

The moment he heard her say she was close...that made him speed up a little. Peter couldn’t help it. They'd been dating for months and just the thought of getting Hailee off still made him go crazy with lust.

When Peter increased his pace, Hailee’s increased her. Her hand joined his between her legs while she began to grind on him just like she had on the dance floor. Of course, this time being a bit closer contact made it a lot more fun for them both.

“Oh...mmm Peter baby,” Hailee moaned, “Cum with me...inside me...cum when I cum...mmm. I'm close and it's...it's all for you...all for you...”

“Oh shit Haiz...oh Hailee,” he growled. “Cum for me baby...I'll cum with you...just cum for me...”

Hailee’s moans cracked with Peter speeding up with his strokes and playing her clit. The corners of her open mouth upturned into a smile as she approached her climax, and the sound of Peter's words desperate moans telling her he was hand in hand with her only mad everything feel that much better.

“Yes yes yes PETER YESSSS!!!” Hailee slammed her free hand against the wall as a fist. Her orgasm ran up her spine like an electric current up a wire. She panted and groaned as pleasure screamed throughout her body. The volume was turned up when she felt Peter cum inside her, along with a bit of romantic warmth as he held her tight. He brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck softly while his cock pumped her pussy full of his cum.

A few more thrusts and Peter had to pull out, stumbling against the opposite wall and sliding down with a laugh. Hailee stumbled around to her front, smiling at her man as she also slid down.

“Oh my god I needed that,” Hailee said. She crawled over and kissed Peter before sitting next to. She rested her head on his shoulder and took his hand in hers. “So...more dancing or you ready for a drink?”

“Drink.” answered Peter. The couple kissed and returned to their feet. Once Peter’s trousers with zipped up and Hailee's skirt was pulled back down they began to make their way back. When they crossed the restrooms again, Hailee paused.

“You go ahead,” Hailee said. “I'm going to hit the bathroom first. Meet you upstairs. At the booth.”

Before Peter could respond the ladies, room door blew open and Lili came rushing out of it crying, with Jake close behind.

“What the fuck was that?” Peter said, looking to Hailee who was just as confused as well as concerned.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:44:25 PM
While Cami was busy sending Selena and Brodie endless burn fuel to be used on Peter, Jake got a buzz on his phone. He stepped away a bit and grinned when he saw it was from Ana. The text read:

Hola Jake. So glad to see you wanted to join me. Saw you from the dance floor. If you want to get a bit more personal meet me near the restroom.


Jake looked over his shoulder and at the group's booth. All their drinks were low. That was his opening. Even with Lili right in front of him his bad habits couldn't be deterred. The allure of Ana, or someone new was too much. Besides, it was just for Spring Break. When they got back home it'd go back to normal...despite the fact this started before they left.

Jake walked up to the booth, plan already formed. “I'm gonna go down to the bar, grab some more drinks, you guys want anything?” he asked.

“Why don't you just get them up here?” Jose asked. Before Jake could give him a dirty look Cami, swooped in.

“Because our tab is at the downstairs bar with my card,” Cami answered. “Jake, could you asked them to send the card to the second floor after you get the drinks? If they need me just text me and I'll come down.”

“Sure thing.” Jake then turned to Lili. “Refill, something new?”

“Honestly, I think I'm good. Just some ice water.”

“You got it babe.” he answered, giving her a quick kiss. With that Jake turned around and headed downstairs. Given how busy the bar was he knew he'd bought himself plenty of time to have a little bit of fun with Ana. The Cuban cutie was the only thing on his mind. Any reassurances of really loving Lili and this was just a bit of fun left his head, or at least the one about the waist.

Jake reached the ground floor, walking past the crowd dancing and towards the rest room. In the doorway leading to the restrooms he saw Ana waiting, and remaining voices of guilt in his head faded away.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150880076_ana.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150880076_ana.jpg)

“Hola,” Ana said, her smile seductive. “Finally, we meet again.”

“That we do.” Jake answered. “And I believe you said something about getting more personal?”

“Si,” she nodded. “Follow me.” Ana led Jake to the women's restroom. Before the pair entered Jake could have sworn he heard something just around the corner. It sounded like two people having the same kind of fun he was going to have. He almost tried get Ana to join him in taking a look, but then realized privacy was not only fun in this instance, but safer.

The ladies' room was surprisingly vacant, but that didn't mean it'd be that way for long. The door had no kind of lock and no way to jam up the door. With that being the case Ana led him to a stall. It was a big one designed for the disabled. It comfortably fit them both.

Ana closed the stall door, her fingers running over the lock but just barely missing locking it. She then walked towards him. Seduction mode was on full blast, despite the job already being done. She could see in Jake's eyes the only thing on his mind. That was the thrill she got from getting taken men. A victory every time.

“So, I think we have limited time, yes?” she moved her face to his, licking his lips and going in for a kiss. Ana grabbed him by his shirt and turned him around so his back was facing the door. “So...I think I will be giving you a little treat…leave you wanting more...”

Ana took a seat on the toilet and reached out to grab Jake by the belt. She tugged him over and the moment her was in range the belt was undone and his zipper zoon followed. Ana looked up at him, smirking while she ran her fingers over his cock. She ran her thumb in a circle on his glans for a brief moment before taking his cock in her mouth.

“Oh shit yeah Ana,” Jake growled. “Suck me...all the way now...every last inch...” Jake words fell out of his mouth with no hesitation. Ana had been on his mind since the alcohol run. It was the only reason he suggested this bar, knowing she'd be here. He thought he'd just meet up with her to find a time and place to fuck one more time. Needless to say, having his cock in her mouth was even better.

Ana wasn't having a bad time either. Blowjobs gave her a very specific thrill. She couldn't cum from sucking a cock by any means but they turned her on, made her wet and hungry for the next step.

She also vastly loved finishing to completion and swallowing cum as opposed to stopping short. The feel of the cock in her mouth, it's taste on her tongue. Feeling it pulse and throb as she sucked until the man had no other choice but to give her his sperm, every last drop of it. Men pretty much had no choice with Ana when she put her mind to it. IF she wanted to fuck them, then it happened. If she wanted to swallow, she got it.

Jake moaned when Ana took him in deep. He heard the door open to the restroom but at this point no longer cared. It wasn't like Ana was being too quiet either. She sloppily sucked up and down, the obscene sounds of the suckjob actually echoing in the bathroom. Another noise was heard, something that sounded like a giggle. Jake couldn't deny it, having an audience was a turn on, even if they could only hear him and Ana and vice versa.

Ana's hand had slipped up her dress and under her panties. She played with her pussy while her mouth worshipped Jake's cock. Her tongue rolled over it, tasting and savoring every inch before going in deep and taking him into her throat. Her nose was buried in his crotch as Ana held herself there, amazing Jake and making him moan out “ANA!, the verbal praise only making Ana working him even harder, like his cum was the most precious, delicious fluid she could ever have.

She sucked and pumped him faster. Ana had him right where she wanted him. Now it was time for a little dirty talk to get him over that edge.

“Come Jake, don't make me wait,” she said, her hand little more than a blur on his dick. “Every drop, that's what I want...give it to me...every drop of your esperma...all on my tongue...swallow every drop...”

“Oh fuck Ana YES!” Jake yelled. Ana's tongue was out as his cock began to rain down his hot seed on her. Ana began to moan as well, every stream and droplet of that warm white gold making her hotter and hotter. They were both so wrapped up in the moment neither heard someone opening the door behind them...


“Is it just me or has Jake been gone a long time?” Lili asked.

“Well, it is kind of crowded down there,” Cami said. “Probably just in line. Maybe even went to look for Hailee and Pete to see if they wanted new drinks.”

“Yeah, that's it,” Jose said, hoping he sold that as even remotely believable. He had a damn good feeling he'd seen this movie before. He was tense and Cami could sense, grabbing his hand and turning to him.

“Is everything okay Sweetface?” she asked.

“Yeah, just...I don't know. Not a club guy.”

“Okay. Maybe when get home you can tell me what's really bothering you.” Cami kissed him on the cheek then turned back towards Lili, who kept turning back to look at the stairs.

“You know, I'm going down stairs to see if he needs help with the drinks or something.” Lili got up from her seat and made her way down the stairs. She looked to the bar but didn't see Jake anywhere. However, the bar was so crowded she didn't even know if she could have made him out anyway. It was almost as packed as the dance floor, and it wasn't like she could see Hailee or Peter.

She walked around the area, her eyes open for her man. She couldn't make him out among the crowd. The blaring music didn't help either. She was starting to feel like both her senses needed a bit of a reboot.

Lili saw a sign for the restrooms and made her way over to it. Maybe Jake was in the bathroom. And even if he was, she could just use a few moments away from the neon lights and sounds of the club to reorient herself.

As Lili headed towards the ladies' room she heard the sound of something for more intense than dancing going on just around the corner. She laughed to herself, shaking her head as she entered the empty ladies' room.

She walked to the sinks and massaged her temples. She didn't quite have a headache but she could feel one coming on. She reached into her purse and took out a couple aspirin, downing them with the aid of water from the tap.

As Lili knocked the pills back she soon realized she wasn't alone. She could hear moans and slurping noises from the stall behind her, the handicapped one. Someone was having a very good time.

She leaned down a bit just for visual confirmation. Two pairs of legs, one of them with their pants bunched up around their ankles and the other wearing a really nice-looking pair of heels.

Lili laughed a little. Of all the things she was expecting on this trip, a free sex show wasn't part of it. Still, it was hot. Really hot. Maybe when she found Jake they could get a little similar thing going on when the stall was available.

Lili's hands ran over her breasts, her skin tingling a little. She was actually turned on by the couple in the stall. They were giving her all kinds of ideas. But those ideas were all wiped clean the moment she heard a voice, and a familiar one at that, moan out the name Ana.

“Couldn't be,” she whispered to herself. “He wouldn't.” Lili began to approach the stall. She could hear another voice. This was a female one, probably the Ana that was just referred to. There was an accent attached to I. Spanish, or something like that. And every word she spoke was dirty, filthy. It would have been a major turn on if Lili wasn't started to have a bad feeling about who she was with.

The female voice dropped a familiar name mixed with the dirty talk. The woman said Jake. Any doubts Lili had were quickly being vanquished. Her hand reached for the door, hesitating to pull it open. Jake was a common name. And she didn't really know for sure how familiar that voice was.

All doubts were obliterated when she heard the male voice yell “Oh fuck Ana YES!”, it confirmed every bad feeling she felt. Lili grabbed the door and yanked it open. He froze in place, pain and disgust overcoming her as she saw her boyfriend cum all over the face of some woman she'd never seen before.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” she screamed, getting the attention of Jake and Ana, though only Jake seemed concerned. Ana came on the spot. The thrill of actually being caught combined with the cum on her face bringing some of the most intense pleasure to her body she'd ever experienced.

“Lili?” Jake asked. Any other words he had were silenced with the hardest slap he had ever felt striking him.

“YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!” she screamed, tears streaming down her face. When Lili's eyes went to Ana's face, covered in cum and grinning Lili ran out of the restroom. As she ran out she sped past Hailee and Peter, who both only grew more confused when Jake came rushing after her out of the ladies' room.

All the while Ana smiled, licking the cum from her face. That was the ultimate thrill. Getting caught.

And while Ana was smiling, not everyone was. Camila and Jose heard the commotion from above. Both were confused, going to the railing. As soon as they caught sight of Lili storming out with Jake in tow, it was all spelled out.

“God damn it Jake,” Jose said.

While the rest of the gathering regrouped, Lili was storming away from the club with Jake behind her calling her name.

“Lili!” he yelled. “Lils come on, just talk to me!” He jogged to catch up with her. Jake placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her, when Lili turned around, pushing him off.

“Don't you FUCKING touch me!” she screamed. “You don't get to lay a god damn finger on me!”


“DON'T! Don't you dare. How long? Was this even the first time?”

Jake was trying to think of what to say. He avoided her gaze, trying to find himself a moment to come up with something that could get him out of the mess he'd made for himself. It was a skill he'd developed. Lili however wasn't having any of it.

“Look me in the fucking eyes Jake and tell me the truth.” Even with tears streaming and make-up running, Lili was giving him a clear and simple message that now was not the time to fuck with her.

“It hasn't been that long,” he admitted.

“Oh my god...so it wasn't the first time. Let me guess...she picked this place. And we came so you could get a blowjob, right? Then maybe fuck her again. Because of it was going to be again, wasn't it? She followed you here from town?”

“No, it was just coincidence.”

“Oh, well that's good to know. It'd REALLY hurt if you had planned to fuck her behind my back her instead of it just being an accident.” The statement was sarcastic but dripping with anger and hurt. “So...just so we're crystal clear? We're done. I don't want your apologies. I'll take a LOT of shit but I won't take this. I don't care if you leave the lake house or I do. I really fucking don't. But I don't even want to know you exist. Am I understood?”


“No buts. Go fuck yourself Jake.” Lili turned to go just as everyone else arrived on the scene. Camila, Hailee and Peter went to Lili while Jose was left with Jake.

“I FUCKING knew it,” Jose said. “Again, AGAIN with this bullshit!”

“Not now Jose,” Jake said.

“Oh no, it's now.” Jose said. He paced back and forth, almost as furious as Lili. “I fucking covered for you. I mean I didn't know for sure but I still backed you when Camila asked. Do you know that? Do you? I mean fuck Jake who do you think you are Ric Flair? Look how that shit ended up for him.”

“I know I fucked up,” Jake said.

“I don't think you do! This is verbatim what you say every time this shit happens. Alison bought it. I'm not.” Jose took a moment, trying to calm down. “Dude you're my brother, my partner...but I can't side with you on this and you know it.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured.” Jake replied.

“So you're gonna leave and head back home tonight, right?” Jose asked.

“Looks like it. So…I'll see you in town.” The pair shook hands in agreement and Jake walked away while Jose went with the rest of the group. All of a sudden, the vacation felt very much over.


Back at the house Hailee and Lili were in deep conversation together. Lili talked and cried, Hailee listened and consoled. Jake and had already packed his things and left to head back home via bus. In the main bedroom, Camila and Jose were alone together. The car ride home had been silent in the rideshare. Jose was more than a little concerned with what Camila might have to say to him now that they were alone.

Instead of getting any kind of anger from her he got silence. Not even angry silence. Just normal silence as she changed into her sleeping clothes, a t-shirt and pajama shorts she'd cut off herself. She went to the mirror and started to remove her make-up when she noticed Jose's od demeanor in the mirror.

“What's wrong Sweetface?” Camila asked.

“Nothing,” he said. “Well, I just thought...you know...you'd be mad at me. For tonight.”

“Why? It's like you held Jake at gun point and told him to cheat on Lili. You didn't know. At least not for sure. And if you don't know for sure you don't know. So, you couldn’t really do anything. It's not your fault.”

“Yeah...but what about...”

Camila turned around and joined him on the bed taking his hand “Look, I know he's still your friend and partner and all that. I just don't want to see him. At all. Are we good with that?”

“Yeah...are you sure you're okay?”

“Oh of course I'm not okay. I'm furious. One of my best friends got cheated on and actually saw it happen. If she hadn't walked away I might have scratched his eyes out. But I'm not mad at you. In fact you're kind of sating my anger so you're going to come down stairs with me to keep me level headed while we all console Lili.”

“I'll take that deal.”

With the agreement made, Camila got up from the bed, Jose's hand in hers and lead him down to the entertainment room where Lili and Hailee were. They were one bottle in and the tears seemed to have finally slowed down.

When Camila and Jose entered Lili's eyes went to them, Camila rushing over to hug her while Jose nodded, unsure of exactly what to-do. His gut and brain were coming to an agreement that being quiet was his best course of action. Just be there.

While the Jose was doing his due diligence and being Camila's back up Peter entered the scene with a movie in hand. “Lili, I think I found a temporary cure to your blues.”

“Babe I don't know if now if the right time for a horror movie,” said Hailee.

“Let me see,” Lili said, sniffling a bit. Peter handed her the movie and Lili looked confused at first. “Halloween 4? Why this one?”

“Well I thought a movie where Michael Myers kills a cheating boyfriend by crushing his skull with his bare hands would be an appropriate mood lifter.”

“Put it in,” Lili said with the first smile she'd worn in an hour. Camila picked up the Blu-ray and headed for the player while Hailee went to join Peter and kiss him sweetly.

“Good call babe,” said Hailee. “You got any other movies up your sleeves with heavy punishment for infidelity?”


The next morning lead to a groggy group of people. The rest of the group had returned to the lake house long after the rest had gone to sleep. When everyone stirred for the last big day, everyone was informed of what had gone down the night previous. Lili received more than a few additional shoulders to cry on. While she appreciated this, she was already feeling the need to move on and finish the trip on the highest note she could manage.

That meant putting on a swimsuit and boarding Cami's family boat to take out on the lake into a specific cove she'd found years ago one summer with Peter. Once the sizable boat hit the open water the events of the previous night was pushed to the back of everyone's mind. It was time for bikini bodies and partying.

There were only three men now, outnumbered by the six women. And of those three men, only one of them was single. That meant Brodie got to be a bit of an active spectator...though by this point he had pretty much nailed all the available women. But it didn’t mean he could go for a round two with any of them.

While Brodie was making his choice, one of those available lady’s was taken for a moment by Camila. She had gotten Selena's attention and the two went to the side of the boat to talk in private.

“What's up?” asked Selena.

“I have a question,” Camila said. “And, well...since we seem to be past all that hating each other stuff...I just need to ask it.”

“Okay....” Selena said. “What's the question?”

“Why exactly did you hate me? I didn't get it. I still don't. I never really understood why...what I did. I just kind of fell into the whole thing of hating each other. I just didn't know why.”

Selena nodded, then turned around and leaned against the railing. Camila followed the movement, taking the same position next to her.

“It's simple and silly.” Selena answered. “It was because you were rich. I'm not proud of that but...when I was really little I barely had a home. My mom would work whatever job she could and we'd stay where we could afford. Motels mostly. It wasn't until she met my stepdad that I actually got a real home. And that was right next door to Peter. And he was essentially my first friend. So…I get a little possessive when he introduces me to this cute girl one weekend who just got back from some vacation. And she's wearing all these cool looking things and she comes right up and introduces herself of Peter's girlfriend, which kind of bruised my seven-year-old ego because I thought that was me...”

“Oh my god did I actually introduce myself as his girlfriend back then?” Camila asked, a little horrified. “Good god that's disgustingly ostentatious. I'D hate me.”

Selena laughed. “It wasn't that bad. It was just little kid stuff. It was just...I had been so used to struggling and having rich kids treat me like dirt for not having the cool clothes I just thought anyone with money was, you know, kind of scummy. And when I saw you, I just saw all of those mean kids. They were bitches, so were you. In my head at least. It doesn't make a lot of sense. But it's how it was.”

Camila put her hand on Selena's shoulder, pulling her in for a hug, which surprised them both. “It makes sense,” Camila said. “I'd like to hope I never knowingly did that stuff. But I wasn't exactly nice to you either.”

“I really didn't give you much of a choice,” Selena said as their hug broke.

“Yeah,” nodded Camila. “Thanks for being honest. Let's see if we can kind of make-up for lost time with more photos.”

“You brought the camera?”

“Yep. Half the reason we're going to the cove is for some nature shots I want to get. Figured we could squeeze in a few more glamour shots. Same with Hailee.”

While Selena and Camila planned out a new impromptu photoshoot, on the other side of the boat Lili and Hailee were in a deep conversation, sitting on a bench with a couple of beers.

“You sure you okay?” Hailee said. “You’re not just putting on some kind of front for everyone else's sake?”

“Hailee, I'm doing as good as I can be.” Lili answered. “I'm...I'm still really hurting but I'm surrounded by friends. Hell, I'm surrounded by people I didn't even know as good friends. Your man really came through last night. I mean it's just a dumb horror movie but it did take my mind off things for a while.”

“Yeah, Pete's great at that. Knowing just what to do to lighten the mood.”

“And not treat me like glass, like I'm going to break. Thanks for not doing that too much. Just enough to let me know you care.” Lili reached for the bottle of beer next to her and took a sip. “I at least want to end this whole trip on somewhat of a high note.”

Well, that was an opening if Hailee had ever heard one. She had an idea. One that had been in the back of her mind since they first got to Lake Havasu. And with Lili suddenly single, it all of a sudden became an idea she could see coming to fruition.

“You know there's kind of a sure-fire way to end things on a high note,” Hailee said. Lili reacted, a bit confused but very curious, especially considering the nerves Hailee was displaying. This could either be the most fun ever or the worst idea in the world. With Hailee like this there was rarely any in-between.

“I'm listening.”

“Well...um...and don't freak out when I mention this...because I'll explain it, I swear...”

“Well I can't flip out if I don't hear the idea.”

“Join me and Peter in the bedroom for a threesome,” Hailee blurted out. Predictably, Lili choked on her beer.

“Are you NUTS?” Lili said. “Really Haiz? Is this why Peter was so nice to me this whole week?”

“No! He doesn't even know. This is my idea! Just...let me explain.”

“Okay, explain away. Can't wait to hear this logic.”

“Okay...look, I didn't want to spring this on you like this, okay? But I couldn't think of any other way to bring it up. I've....well, I wanted to blow Peter's mind this week. You know, make up for the lost time from the movie shoot. And nothing would do it like this. And I wasn't even going to ask you. But, well, you're single now...”

“And that makes me the prime candidate how?” Lili asked. She leaned her head back against the wall of the boat.

“Because there's no weirdness. I was going to ask Sabrina, but that would be weird because I know they've already had sex. And It's not a real issue but I know it would be if I watched them go at it, even if I was involved. Selena's out of the question because of the baggage. Camila is out for a litany of reasons obviously. And so were you...until, well, Jake was a gigantic tool that's lucky me and Camila didn't kick his ass.”

“Look...Hailee, I can appreciate the need to go wild. I totally can. See how Jake and I even started dating as exhibit A. But this...this is something I don't even think you've thought of. There's a whole different set of issues here you're not even thinking of.”

“I trust you,” Hailee said. “That's the only reason I asked you. I know you won't try to do anything. You'll just...join us for fun. Besides, didn't you say Jake thought you were going to cheat on him with Peter or something?”

“Well, yeah.”

“Wouldn’t this be the ultimate fuck you to him? He cheats on you. You never wavered, so time to kind stick it to him doing exactly what he was paranoid about!” Hailee smiled wide at her suggestion, hoping that it would be just the nudge Lili needed.

“That is the worst logic I have ever heard in my life,” Lili said. “Seriously, don't give a fuck about what Jake thinks. He'd never even find out about this.” Lili took another swig of her beer, swishing it in her mouth before swallowing it down. “One night only, right?”

“Totally. 100%.”

“And this isn't Peter's idea.”

“100% from my mind.” Hailee assured,

“Fine,” Lili shrugged. “Sounds like a good time. Spring Break, only live once, blah blah blah. BUT I want to go on record that this is a bad idea, and I take no blame for consequences. Also, I highly recommend you call this off.”

“Awesome!” Hailee said, clapping her hands in celebration. “And duly noted.”

“Good. And keep in mind I implore you to change your mind. But if you don't...I've got your back. NO matter how bad and weird and ill-advised your idea is.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 05, 2020, 06:49:27 PM
Once they had reached their destination, the boat was anchored close to shore. Once they reach the shore the big boat was further secured by being tied to a tree. With everything secured, Camila once more took the lead.

“Okay, I have a confession to make folks,” Camila said. “This part of our trip is a bit more...business like. Still fun though, as Jose can display with a cooler full of wonderfully intoxicating concoctions. But we're going to go on a little tour of the most scenic places from this area and I'm going to be taking some pictures. If you ever get bored, please lay blame at Petey's feet, since without hi I never would have been so inspired to pick up a camera again. Oh, and anyone of you delightful bikini girls who would like to be involved in a photoshoot at this grotto I know of are more than free to jump in to aid me in building up my portfolio. And the rest can of course watch and drink and stuff.”

“Bikini girls frolicking in a grotto?” Brodie asked. “And it's not even my birthday.”

“Somehow I knew you'd be keen Brodie,” Camila said. “That’s why you get to blow up the pool toys and stuff. Consider it an entrance fee.”

Jose walked over to Brodie and gave him a big gym bag filled with beach balls, inner tubes and inflatable rafts, patting him on the back before he walked away.

“Fair trade,” Brodie said nodding. “Manual labor and in return I get to ogle bikini girls. I feel like I'm coming out ahead.”

“That's the Brodie I know and tolerate,” Cami said. “Come on, we still have sunlight for a while but let's get the most of it.”

The headed up the trail, following both Camila and Peter's lead, Peter taking charge as Camila would take infrequent nature shots as they traveled. The walk wasn't too long though as they got to their first location, the afore mentioned grotto.

It was gorgeous. Crystal clear water surrender bay and arch of rock. It was almost a cave, but several large holes in the rocky surface let the sunlight come in. There was an opening on the other side as well. It was a perfectly lit slice of heaven in an area that already looked like paradise.

Camila had everyone hang back while she got shots of the place from every angle she safely could. Within it, getting the water worn interior and climbing just a bit to get shots of the crystal-clear water and what lay beneath. The outside from all sides. BY the time she was done, all the pool toys were inflated.

“All right ladies, well those who want to join in, hop on in, the water's fine.”

Madelaine, Selena and Hailee all got in the water.

“Mads?” Cami asked, a little surprised.

“What?” Asked the redhead. “You need a little bit more for your portfolio and it'd honestly be a waste for this bikini body to not be blessed by your eye. Besides, anything for a friend.”

Cami smirked and nodded. “Okay ladies we're going to do some solo shots first, then group things, mix and match and all that. You game?”

The women concurred and the shoot was on. All solo stuff at first. Wet hair, leaning against the scenery, backs arched and all their curves on display. Camila was guiding them well, happy with every shot she was getting.

Hailee looked over to Peter, his eyes glued to her every movement. She whipped her long, wet hair back for a pose and gave him a wink.

“NICE!” Camila said. “Loved that wink Haiz. Cute, sexy...AWESOME.”

“Can't disagree,” Pete added, getting a laugh from his girl that Camila also caught.

Peter wasn't the only one getting attention from the models. Both Madelaine and Selena were giving Brodie glances...then again, the pair was exchanging glances with each other as well.

“Okay you guys, time for some group shots,” Cami said. “Just some standard cheesecake shots then get more fun as we go.” Cami turned around to the others. “Lils, Sabrina, you sure you don’t want to hop in?”

“I'm good,” Sabrina said. “I'm more of a behind the camera kind of girl.”

“Cami, I love you like a sister but I'm gonna side with Sabs on this one,” Lili answered.

“No problem.” Cami replied. “And Jose, this your one chance to ogle other women while I'm around and get no repercussions.”

“Gotcha boss!” Jose jokingly replied. And though there was humorous intent in his reply, that didn't mean he wasn't going to take the opportunity given.

With that settled, the photoshoot went on. The girls all knew the drill. Posing together suggestively. Lips just barely not-touching, bedroom eyes, hands touching each other in a very personal matter. 100% pure eye candy. Going from pure searing sexual heat to more playful, splashing each other and playing with the pool toys. Tossing the ball around, floating on the inflatable tube and rafts with drinks in their hands. Camila was having them run the whole gamut. Everything she could think of with a trio.

From their it was paring them off. Selena with Hailee, a coupling that got special attention from Peter. Back to back, embracing face to face, back to chest. Anything that could be suggestive was covered.

Then it went to Selena and Madelaine. Same drill, only a bit more hands on. The two were far more willing to get more suggestive. The eye contact between them was so intense everyone observing could have sworn they saw sparks fly. There was real heat there. The orgy from the previous night had suddenly made them both a bit more curious and ready to explore. Madelaine couldn't deny that her orgasm had been a bit more heat to it by seeing Selena cum. Selena could say the same. The intensity was palpable, everyone could feel it and see it.

One of the poses had Selena's back to Madelaine's chest. In between shots Madelaine whispered to Selena, “Meet me back here as soon as we can get away.”

Selena answered yes in between poses as they went on and switched up to Madelaine and Hailee, who also got some very hot shots, but no invitation. Madelaine didn't fuck with taken people. Just hearing what happened to Lili made her want to track down Jake and unleash some of her bar room brawler side on him.

“Well, after you three nearly melted my camera I think we need to move on a bit,” Camila said. “Mainly just some nature shots. Though if I see a rock that just needs a sexy woman draped all over it I'll let you three know.”

Camila led them to a big pond of sorts. Lush green and flowers were all about. Camila grinned wide and got in position to start snapping.

“Shit, I think I forgot my sunglasses back there,” Madelaine said. “Be right back.” Madelaine winked at Selena before she left, a clearer signal Selena had never seen.

Soon after Madelaine made her exit, Selena snuck away as well. The party had already started enough so that no one, not even in this smaller crowd, would notice her getting away.

Selena made her way back to the grotto quickly and came upon Madelaine. Her bikini was laid out on a flat rock just at the shore while the pale ginger waded fully nude in the water of the grotto.

“About time you got here,” Madelaine said. She moved closer the shore, a fiery siren drawing Selena closer. “You going to join me or do you want me to say something witty and cute?”

“I'll let you figure that out,” Selena said. She removed her bikini as well, placing it next to Madelaine's before wading in. Soon the ladies were close, face to face again. This time though there was no camera to hold them back from a kiss.

Both ladies embraced each other as their lips touched. Breasts pressed together, hands running over their slick backs and pulling each other close before the lips broke. Despite the kiss being over, their faces so very, very close to each other.

“It was so hot watching you get fucked last night,” Madelaine said. Her hand traced from Selena's back to the front. Her nails lightly traced in circles on the Latina's abdomen. “Seeing you take those cocks...made me so wet. Made me want my men to fuck me even harder....and they did...so hard. All because of how hot you made me.”

“Mmmmm shit,” Selena moaned. She licked her lips as Madelaine's digits entered her. The skilled fingers worked inside her, knowing just where to move, just where to stroke, just enough to make the embers start to glow.

“You're so wet,” Madelaine said in a whispery voice. “I bet you taste amazing. Your kiss did. Licking the cum off you face...your tits...tasted so good.” She pressed her lips to Selena's again, their tongues slowly wrestling with each other. “Even hotter after having seen the cum cover you.”

Madelaine kissed Selena again, backing her into the grotto, deeper into the water until it came midway up their bodies. Within the cave there was a bank of rock, and that was where Madelaine laid Selena down.

Selena looked up at Madelaine, the redhead smirking as she began to work her fingers more inside of Selena. The brunette moaned and arched her back, the sound echoing in the small enclosed space. The moans grew in number when Madelaine took a taste of Selena's tits. Starting tenderly at first, swirling her tongue around one nipple before sucking on it before moving to the next.

“Oh my gosh...” Selena said, her voice was almost breathless but the smile on her lips was louder than words. It sent a clear signal to Madelaine. The redhead brought her hand from Selena's pussy her mouth, sucking the digits and savoring the taste of Selena.

“I was right,” Madelaine said. “You taste so fucking good.” The pale woman reached back down Selena's legs and re-inserted her fingers, bringing them back up and to Selena's lips. “See for yourself.”

Selena hungrily sucked on Madelaine’s fingers, licking them clean of her own juices. Her moans were enough of an agreement for Madelaine. She kissed Selena's lips then went to her ears. “I think I'm going to get a little bit more up close with the source.

The leggy redhead moved down Selena's body. She played with her tits moved, kissing each melon before going down just a bit further where she swirled her tongue around Selena's navel before getting to the end of the line; Selena's glistening slit.

Madelaine delicately ran her fingers up and down Selena's pussy lips, now only grazing the tender flesh as the sexy tart looked down, anticipation on every breath she took. Madelaine got a nice look from where was below the equator.

“Mmmm it wouldn't take much, would it?” Madelaine asked as she teased Selena's pussy. “I could probably just make you cum right now...you're so close too. But where's the fun in that? Where's the fun in just untying that knot?” Madelaine moved her free hand to Selena's stomach, softly caressing the flesh from there to her hips. “It feels so much better when you just tug and twist and tighten it until you think you'll go mad unless it's all untied in one second...that's when it's the best.”

Madelaine followed up her sexual manifesto with some action. Selena hissed in a gulp of air and arched her back as Madelaine brought her mouth to Selena's pussy. The fiery-locked vixen used her tongue to work on Selena's clit, lightly dragging across. Back and forth, up and down. Just slow and sweet laps while her hands held Selena softly at the hips.

Selena could feel that knot inside get tighter and tighter inside of her. The gentle and tender caress of Madelaine's soft hands and the building intensity of her tongue mixed with the echoing sound of Selena's own moan all made that not get tighter and tighter. When Selena craned her neck up to see the redhead head between her legs the visual just completed the package.

Madelaine's hand would migrate from Selena's hips to her stomach and back again. Slowly gliding and feeling the deeper and deeper breaths the Latina took. She also started to lap at Selena's pussy faster now, sucker harder on her clit, overloading her to the bring then backing off with a laugh. Teasing someone right at the brink and stopping. It was fun no matter what equipment she was working with. And her partners never complained...and were always very eager to repay Madelaine's skill.

“Mads...ohhh Madelaine...make cum...oh gosh...oh my gosh. I'm gonna cum...fuck gonna cum!” Selena's body began to quiver and shake. It wasn't a matter of time now. Madelaine could have extended that, make Selena squirm a bit more. But she also knew she wanted to have a little fun herself. If she took any longer everyone might come looking for them and end the fun and games.

Madelaine went full blast now, holding Selena' tight at the hips, almost pulling her closer as her tongue attacked her clit. Faster, harder and Selena moaned louder and louder. The crescendo was heading towards her at lightspeed and she couldn't avoid it if she wanted to.

“MADELAINE YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!” Selena screamed, the cry of passions extending by the echoes bouncing of the grotto’s walls. Despite Selena being neck deep in pleasure, Madelaine wasn't backing off, continuing her oral work as Selena came and covered her face in a glistening sheen.

Just as Selena started to regain her bearings Madelaine slid up her body and kiss Selena, the brunette sucking on Madelaine's tongue, savoring her own taste on the red head's lips.

With Selena still basking in the afterglow Madelaine rolled them both over. With Selena on top now, the Latina knew exactly what Madelaine wanted. To Mads' surprise however, she'd just made Selena a little wilder. She kissed Madelaine with a new fierceness, a fierceness that followed those plump lips down Madelaine's tight body.

“Ohhh fuck yeah,” Madelaine moaned with a laugh. The hunger Selena was displaying was delightfully surprising. The gusto with which she sucked on her tits, slightly biting on her pink nipples and pulling just slightly.

Selena's hunger continued as she moved into position between Madelaine’s long legs. Madelaine cried out “SELENA!!!” the moment the Latina started on her cunt. For some reason the idea of Selena being so quick to join in on some Sapphic loving was strange to Madelaine. She was never so happy to be wrong.

The redhead writhed and moaned as Selena took on her wet slit like a woman possessed. Where Madelaine went hands free, Selena dove in, her tongue and fingers working as a tagteam on Madelaine's delicious pussy. Stroking her g-spot and teasing her clit, Selena was a wild child between Madelaine's legs. She hooked her arms around those same legs, Madelaine's calves resting on Selena's back.

“Oh MY GOD!” Madelaine whined. Selena surprised her, sliding her index finger of Mads' ass. A movie like that was one of those things that made Madelaine LOVE surprises. Double the stimulation meant Madelaine's own knot tightened much quicker than anticipated.

“Yeah...yeah Sel...eat it...eat my fucking cunt,” Madelaine growled. “I want to cum...I want to cum on your fucking tongue...mmmm right that finger up my ass...finger fuck my ass...put in another on...fuuuuuckk just make me cummmm....”

Selena took every suggestion Madelaine gave her, a second finger entering Madelaine's tight anal chamber while her fingers inside her cunt increased their pace. Sucking harder on her clit being added to the mix made the lusty sex goddess redhead thrash about on the rock, chanting Selena's name alongside cries of “OH GOD YES!”

It wasn't going to be much longer now. Madelaine was tensing up, her back arching and her hands caressing her own body, cupping her breasts and pinching her sensitive nipples.

Selena climbed up a bit, her fingers still inside of Madelaine, working hard and fast inside of her. A wet, sloshing sound soon joined the symphony of sex as Madelaine's moans got higher and higher. Though soon those were muffled by a deep kiss from Selena. And as amazing as those lips felt Selena couldn't resist retuning to Madelaine's tits, sucking them hard as she fingered the lustful lovely to completion

“SELENAAAAA!” Madelaine cried, her voice echoing just as Selena had earlier. Selena marveled at the site of the shapely woman quivering and shaking as pleasure tore through her toned body, glistening with water and sweat.

Madelaine's body soon relaxed, her limbs falling down like wet noodles and drained of all energy. Selena released her tit and moved back to Madelaine's mouth, planting a soft and sweet kiss on her lips. Madelaine licked those lips right after, getting a taste of herself.

The pair took a few quick breaths in the afterglow, letting the sun warm them up a bit before they both return the water and waded to their swimsuits, putting them back on.

“Well, that was fun,” Madelaine said. “And, you know, that's all it was. We on the same page there?

“Certainly, a fun change of pace.” Selena replied. “And definitely on the same page.”

“Wonderful.” Madelaine answered. “I think we should head back now. They're definitely suspicious by now.”

“And Brodie is probably volunteering the lead the solo search party,” Selena said. “Which could be fun if we let him “catch” us.”

“Ooh, I love the way you think. But I might just have to consider such a thing once we get back to house.”


“Jose, I'm about to show you the ultimate loophole to beating Camila at Mario Kart,” Peter said. He, Cami, Jose, Madelaine, Selena, Sabrina and Brodie were all in the entertainment center. Peter had just taken a seat next to Camila on the floor right in front of the TV.

“Please Petey-dear, don't give my man false hope,” Cami teased. “It only breaks his spirit further.”

“What's the secret?” Jose asked eagerly. “How do I beat her in a race with no blue shell?”

“I never said anything about beating her in a race,” said Peter. The moment he said that, a look of total dread washed over Cami's confident face.

“Peter Bruce Farrano, don't you DARE!” Cami said. “That's not fair!”

“It's totally fair! You see Jose, the way you beat Camila at Mario Kart is changing the battlefield. Literally.” Jose's eyes went to the TV screen, watching as Battle Mode was selected. “See, Cami's a BEAST when it comes to racing. As you saw, even a pro-gamer like Joey couldn't touch her in that arena. But you do battle mode against her, she becomes a mere mortal.”

“Oh I am going to fuck you up Peter,” Cami said. “Don't forget I can still take you out in this and make it hurt.”

“True...but no shortcuts because there's no race to get ahead in. Just a knock down drag out fight. That, Jose, is the equalizer.”

“Trust me Mads,” Selena said. “This is going to be pure entertainment.” She and Madelaine we sitting on the couch, watching it all unfold.

“Oh I'm watching.” Madelaine replied. “And with this and the video game competition scene...I think I'm seeing dollar signs...and a sure-fire way to secure that manager position when I pitch gaming contests to the owner.

“Holy shit it's like Freshman year all over again,” Brodie said to Sabrina. The two were sitting at the bar, sipping on some whiskey as they watched the games begin “The only difference is now is I'm pretty sure it won't end in Camila trying to smother Pete with a cushion.”

“Don't hold your breath Brodie,” Camila said. “Classics don't go out of style.”

“Now that's friendship,” Sabrina said. “If you can’t threaten your friends with physical violence over a video game can you really even be friends?”

“Sabrina gets it,” Cami said with a smile.

“She certainly does,” Brodie agreed, focusing his attention back on the petite blonde. “Speaking of getting it...”

“Well now I see why you're an actor,” Sabrina said with sly grin. “Because you certainly can't write flirting dialogue that on the nose.”

“True, but it's endearing isn't it?”

“Debatable.” Sabrina reached for her whiskey, taking a small sip. “So...I'm going to play psychic a little.”

“Going to read my mind I take it?”

“Yep. Should be about as simple as Green Eggs And Ham.” Sabrina looked into Brodie's eyes, making an exaggerated show out of “reading his mind”. “You're thinking about maybe getting a solo replay of that little adventure at the motel last night. Having me all to yourself. Am I close?”

“Dead bang.”

“Well, let me give the honest truth.” Sabrina placed her drink down. “Probably not tonight. You're a lot of fun Brodie. And that's really all I'm looking for right now. But also...you live on the other side of the country. I like my fun...but I also like the option for that fun to maybe be a little closer than that. For return trips and the possibility of something more.”

“I see.”

“But if it cheers you up the other reason I'm saying no tonight is you fucked me pretty much into weeklong satisfaction. I'm feeling fortunate I can even walk right.”

“Hmmm.” he replied, nodding. “Well, in that case, here's to walking right.”

While those festivities were going on, with rising insults and swearing erupting from Camila's mouth, Lili and Hailee were in the kitchen having a private discussion about their own little private party.

“You're absolutely sure you want to do this?” Lili asked. “Last chance to back out before I change into something a bit more visually appealing than sweatpants and a wife-beater. Because once that effort happens there's no turning back.”

“Lils, I'm sure.” Hailee replied. “It's going to be fun. I know it is. It might be a little weird at first. But that's what tequila shots are for.”

“I'm being serious. This isn't just some kind of happy go lucky fantasy.”

“Lili, I know. I understand it the first time you told me. Let's just...have fun, okay?”

“Okay. I'm going to go to my room and get ready. That leaves you to get him ready.”

Hailee nodded and the huddle broke. Lili headed upstairs and Hailee to the game room where Peter and Camila were still in heated competition. Any other time Hailee would hang back and let the competition play out, but she had another game she was sure Peter would love to play.

Hailee knelt behind Peter and whispered in his ear, “I have something a lot more fun for you to play with if you want. Meet me in the bedroom in ten minutes.” She licked his earlobe and kissed his cheek before getting up and heading up the stairs herself.

“Got something else you'd rather be doing, old pal?” Cami teased. “I'd be willing to let you forfeit and not give you too much shit. You know, because you'd be abandoning the game for a noble cause.”

“I'll take that offer,” Peter said before dropping his controller and high tailing it out of the room.

“Oh come on man, you had her!” Jose exclaimed, earning him a look that screamed WTF.

“Were you actually rooting against me?”

“Well, yeah but in my defense,  I just wanted to see if it could be done.”


Before he ventured into the bedroom Peter stopped into the bathroom first. He swished around some mouthwash, getting ready for some action with some minty fresh breath.

Once he was satisfied that the Spearmint had thoroughly done its job he went to the bedroom. He knocked on the door and waited.

“Come in Peter,” Hailee said through the door. Peter grinned. He took a breath and walked through the door. As he shut it behind him, he noticed that the bed was empty, and the lights were dimmed. Then he looked to his left and Peter's jaw dropped at what he saw.

There Hailee was, better than he had expected, decked out in a simple but seductive lingerie set. Black lace bra and panties complete with garter belts and stocking. That would have been enough to make him do a double take. But then right next to Hailee was Lili in lingerie of her own, also of the black lace variety, though hers was a black bodice instead the bra and no stockings on her shapely legs.


“Surprise baby,” Hailee said. She and Lili began to walk toward Peter, maneuvering him on to the bed, which he stumbled backwards on to. “I know I could've waited for your birthday...but that just didn't seem quite as fun.”

“Um...you sure about this?” Peter asked. “Both of you?”

“Oh we discussed it Peter,” Lili said. “And we both figure...why not? Just have some fun. And as much as watching old slasher movies is fun...I kind of want something more to take my mind off of things.” Though Lili was putting on a bit for show, there truth behind what she said. Despite her protests to Hailee, she was looking forward to this more than she'd like to admit. Hailee's touch was turning up the heat more than she expected....and she couldn't deny there was also a thrill involved with Peter as well.

“So...have fun babe,” Hailee said. “We certainly are.” Hailee moved behind Lili. The blonde whipped her hair to one side, Hailee's head coming over her bare shoulder, lightly kissing it and running her hands over Lili's curves. “It's okay if you want to look at her babe. I mean you're pretty much going to have to.”

Peter licked his lips, too stupefied to respond. The utter stupefaction only increased as he watched Hailee's hand run over Lili's body, the blonde moaning ever-so-softly from the caress.

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150880068_63025237_hailee-steinfeld-bloodpop-capital-letters-358.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150880068_63025237_hailee-steinfeld-bloodpop-capital-letters-358.jpg)

“I can see it in your eyes Peter,” Hailee said. “How you're watching my hands all over her body, running over her every curve.” Hailee's hands moved up to Lili's tits, cupping them in her hands and making the blonde  moan even more. “Especially here. Look at her breasts. Full...supple...even I have to give them an extra-long look sometimes.”

“DO you like them?” Lili asked, adding to the moment. “Do you want to see more?”

“Yes,” he managed to get out. “So much more.”

“Mmm, I think we should oblige him Haiz, what about you?”

“Works for me Lils.” Hailee's hands moved to the straps on Lili's bodice, slowly sliding them off then slid the fabric down. With that taken down Lili's breasts were bared to Peter. The look on his face was enough. Lili had to admit, she liked that. After what happened with Jake, being so fresh from it, it was nice to know she was still desirable. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

“They look, nice, don't they Peter?” Hailee asked. The lithe brunette delicately ran her hands over Lili's tits, caressing the flesh and tracing circles around her nipples. “They feel even better than they look. You're going find that out soon.”

Hailee released Lili's tits and moved to the front. She looked at Peter, a sexy half smile on her face before she did something that surprised both Peter and Lili.

Hailee brought her mouth to Lili's breasts, licking and sucking on them for a few moments. Lili moaned in response. The move surprised her but she wasn't about to stop it. Hailee pulled off, moving her lips to Lili's and planting a kiss on them. Lili pulled Hailee in a little close and savored that kiss. Hailee then turned her attention back to Peter, undoing her bra and dropping it to the floor. Lili followed suit, removing the bodice completely.

Both women looked at Peter with Sahara-like heat.

“Now Hailee, is it just me or does your man look a little overdressed?” Lili asked.

“You know Lils, I do believe you're right,” said Pete's lady. “How about I help him with the top half, you with the bottom.”

“Team work. Sounds good.” Hailee moved forward, kissing Peter before moving behind him on the bed. She grabbed the hem of his shirt tugged it off and throwing it away. She turned his head to face hers and kissing him once again while Lili worked on his pants, Unbuttoning and unzipping was no problem. But that's where she stopped.

“Hey Haiz,” said Lili. “How about you helped me down here? I think I might need and extra pair of hands.”

“No problem.” Hailee slithered down to the blonde’s side. They both began to tug at his pants, tugging them down along with his underwear an off completely, discarding them just as his shirt was. Now Peter was underdressed compared to his companions, his hard cock exposed to them both.

“Hailee you lucky, lucky girl,” Lili said. She was the first grab Peter's cock, gently stroking the girth in her hands. “No wonder you're a moaner. I'm impressed.”

That actually made Hailee blush a bit, pausing her for a few seconds. She shook it off quickly though, getting back into the mood in a matter of moments.

“Good to know you're going to have just as much fun as I will,” Hailee said. While Lili began to stroke Peter, Hailee brought her hands to his balls. It didn't take much of that treatment to make Peter moan. The sound was almost unrecognizable, his brain confused as to who's name he should actually cry out. Hailee and Lili were about to make it a lot more difficult to make that decision.

Hailee's eyes fell on Lili's a silent agreement made between them. Both of their hands left their stations, causing Peter to look down. Lili and Hailee were on either side of his cock. Before he could piece together the logical thing they were going to do, they did it. Their lips met in a sloppy, hungry kiss, the head of his cock between them.

“Ooooh fuck,” he bellowed as his bellend was caught in a very enviable situation. The ladies' tongues wrestled each other with his cockhead right in the middle. Every sweet stroke was doubled. Swirling and sucking in stereo, Peter grunts and groans of approval were the perfect signal to go even further. The licked and kissed up his length, stopping for another oral collision whenever their lips would meet. Lili would lick to the base and Hailee would suck the head in his mouth, then the reverse would happen. They traded him back and forth until Hailee decided to pull back completely. She got back up on the bed behind Peter, resting her head on his shoulders.

“I want to see her suck you,” Hailee said. “I want to see your cock in her mouth.”

Lili extended her tongue, flicking it against his cockhead before taking Peter into her mouth. She only took him halfway at first. Slow and a little sweet. With the solo time Lili gently ran her tongue over his length, sending perfect chills up his spine.

“Mmm that looks so hot baby,” Hailee whispered into Peter's ear. “Bet it feels even better, doesn't it? You can tell me. And I'm sure Lili would love the encouragement.”

“It's so fucking good,” Peter blurted out. “Holy shit Lili it's so fucking good. Fuck keep going.”

(https://t43.pixhost.to/thumbs/81/150880088_riverdale_us_s02e08_1080p_kissthemgoodbye_net_5011.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/81/150880088_riverdale_us_s02e08_1080p_kissthemgoodbye_net_5011.jpg)

“Thanks for the compliment,” Lili said in a flirtatious tone. “I can't wait to get a bit more...personal with you too. But I think Hailee's going to have first dibs on that.” The blonde winked at Hailee and the brunette got to her feet, getting Peter's attention as Lili took his cock back into her mouth.

Hailee licked her luscious lips while Peter watched her peel her panties off. She dipped her fingers inside, fingering herself to Peter being sucked off by Lili. This was hotter than Hailee could have imagined. This may have started out as a treat for Peter, but now it was just as much a treat for her.

“Lils, would you mind if I got a little bit of that?” Hailee asked.

“Oh not at all Haiz.” Lili replied. She placed one last kiss on the crown before backing up. The moment the blonde bombshell got to her feet she removed the rest of the lingerie, leaving her stripped just as bare as Peter.

The lucky fellow took a few moments to drink in that visual before Hailee pushed him back on the bed. They scooted up just a bit so his legs were completely on the mattress. With a firm base established, Hailee climbed on top of him. She leaned over, planting a sweet kiss on his mouth before pulling up. She rubbed her pussy up and down his rigid member, teasing him before giving in to both of their desires and sinking down on it.

“Ooooh baby yessss,” hissed Hailee. “Mmmm already hitting the spot, Peter...fuck yes baby...” Hailee slowly began to ride on his cock. She hung her hair back, her long brown hair swaying with every rhythmic movement.

Hailee's mouth hung open, little tender moans and gasps escaping from her mouth before being silenced by Lili. The golden-haired beauty got on the bed, kneeling behind her sexy friend and kissing her. Lili's hands were now the ones doing the caressing, running over Hailee's body. Starting at her tits then gliding down to her stomach, then entering down even further.

All the while Hailee was still riding Peter's dick, the man himself completely under the dual trance of Lili and Hailee. Their lips locking, their hands touching and caressing each other, with Lili's creeping ever closer to Hailee's pussy to join his cock in pleasing her. When Lili's flashed him a quick look, he knew that they were on the same page.

“Oh my GOD!” Hailee yelled. Lili's fingers had joined the party, working her clit while Peter's cock plundered her pussy. Hailee began to move fast now, slowly realizing all of a sudden, she had become the center of attention. Peter had taken hold of her hips, thrusting up fast while Lili's fingers danced on and worked over her clit.

“Take a look at her Peter,” Lili said, kissing Hailee's neck. “Look at your girlfriend. We're making her feel so good. And she's gonna cum right on your cock. Don't you want to see that?”

“Nnngh yeah...fuck yeah I want to see that.”

“Then fuck her,” Lili said. The sudden authority in her voice both surprised and turned Hailee on even more. To see Lili get so into the act, it created something Hailee wasn't expecting. The dual stimulation from both Peter and Lili was getting to be too much.

Peter sat up, hooking his arms up and around Hailee's shoulders, holding her in place as he took the wheel. Lili had now moved behind him, watching things from a new point of view and giving Peter some more personal encouragement.

“Make her cum,” Lili whispered in his ear. “Take her and make her cum...but don't you cum...don't even think about it...because...because I want you to fuck me...” Saying that, hearing the words fall from her own lips surprised Lili. She couldn't deny the truth in it though. She was just so swept up in the moment. That was all it was...or at least what she was willing to admit to herself in the moment. “And even then...don't cum...hold back for both of us...”

“Nnngh, shit yes,” Peter growled. More words were to follow before he was surprised with a kiss from Lili, one he eagerly returned. And once that broke his focus, as well as Lili's was all on Hailee we who had been swept up in a tsunami of lust. She swiveled her hips, grinding on Peter's cock as she raced faster and faster at her orgasm.

“Cum for him Hailee...cum on Peter's cock. I want to see it...he wants to see it...just yourself go Haiz...”

“Ohhh goooooood yesssss!” Hailee squealed. Peter was always entranced completely watching his girlfriend cum. The way she smiled when she shook, how her chin shivered a bit and her eyes fluttered. It was only increased knowing that over his shoulder Lili was watching too.

“Oooh fuuuuuck,” Hailee said with a laugh, sliding off his cock and laying on her back on the bed. She was in the middle of a giggle fit, drunk on dick as she uttered her next sentence. “Baby I think it's time you fuck Lili. I really want to see that.”

Peter was more than a little unsure. Despite how active Lili had been during this, actually fucking her was a different level. Even if Lili had even said that was what she wanted as well. But before he could think on it any more Lili had surprised him, pulling his face to her for a deep kiss once more. This one though had more heat behind it, more passion...and just a hint of tenderness.

Hailee watched with baited breath as Peter laid Lili down on the bed. His lips pressed to hers her then moved down her neck her tis, taking his time getting familiar with her luscious melons. Lili whispered words encouragement, biting her lips to hold it in. Watching them both like this was a turn on like Hailee never could imagined. She never would have thought in a million years watching her boyfriend suck on her best friends tits would be so entrancing. Her eyes were being opened to so much she didn't know.

The same could be said for Lili and Peter. The two had almost forgotten anyone else was in the room. “P-peter,” Lili gasped. “Mmm fuck me...fuck me now.”

He released her nipple from his mouth with a slight pop and moved back up her body. His cock was hard and ready to enter new territory. Hailee grasped his prick, aiming it at Lili's opening.

“Fuck her baby,” Hailee sad, licking his cheek before kissing it. “Make her cum like I did.”

With the best encouragement a man could get Peter thrust forward into Lili's pussy and both parties were more than happy with the results. Lili leg's wrapped tightly around Peter's waist, her moan deep as Peter already began to build up a strong rhythm inside of her. Her mouth was wide open, moaning for more in between being silenced by Peter's lips and sometimes by Hailee's as well.

The brunette’s almond eyes could not be removed from watching the scene unfold. Watching her man's cock enter someone else and being so turned on by it, she couldn't think of words to describe it. There was so much she had yet to experience. But right now, she focused on the here and now.

Lili looked up to see Peter's face, grimacing and contorted with pleasure as his staff ventured deep into her cavern. She brushed the longer strands of hair from his face, locking eyes with him, moaning just for him as he hit all the right spots in just the right way. Any thoughts of protest she had tried to convey to Hailee melted away to the searing pleasure she was feeling right now. She hadn’t felt anything this good in a long time.

“Are you gonna cum Lili?” Hailee asked with a devilish tone in her voice. “Cum on his cock? I want to see it...make her cum for you Peter...right on your cock...”

The encouragement from Hailee sent a wonderful chill up Peter's spine, as did the kisses and caresses she supplied to his back. Lili was doing some of that on her own, brushing her palm against his faced and pulling him towards her for another kiss. Softer, sweeter and full of passion.

The passion grew hotter still for Lili when she felt Peter's hands start to caress her thighs. His cock, Hailee's words, and everything she had seen and felt so far had taken a large toll on Lili, one she wasn't expecting to deal with.

“Gonna cum,” she said, almost like chant. “Gonna cum...oh god Peter...cumming....cummming...oh my god yesssss cumminggggg!!!”

Peter drove in all the way, holding himself still as Lili fell to her orgasm. Both he and Hailee looked down as her sweat-soaked blonde locked thrashed from side to side, moaning with a big smile on her open mouth. “Ohhh fuuuuckkk that was good.”

“I can tell,” said Hailee, leaning over to kiss Lili. “But now...how about we give Peter a little of the sweet release.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Lili replied. “It’s only fair.” Lili's gaze burned a hole right through him and Hailee made it even wider. The both gently pushed him off of the blonde and the women slid off the bed, crawling to the foot of it and kneeling. Both women wagged him over with the index fingers. Once he was in proper range, they both attacked his cock. Taking turns on his cocks, sandwiching it between their lips. It was the final push to get him to erupt and Peter knew he wasn't going to be able to hold back the explosion.

“Wanna cum don't you?” asked Lili. “Cover us both in that hot spunk...”

“Don't hold back baby,” Hailee added. “Not for a moment. Not for a second...cover us...please...we'll even seal it with a kiss...” Both pairs of eyes, blue and brown, looked up at Peter, jacking his cock as he watched the two lovelies sloppily kiss, tongues out and just begging for Peter to shoot on their faces. They wouldn't have to beg for long.

Peter grunted in pure pleasure as the first bolt of cum erupted from his cock, splattering both of the women’s' faces diagonally. As more of it the hot cream began to spew out, Hailee and Lili turned their faces directly towards him, moaning in satisfaction as his warm seed covered their faces.

But the women weren't passive, far from it. As every rope splattered on their face they hungrily licked it from each other's faces, getting more to come out of him than Peter expected. At the first sign of the stream slowing Lili leapt forward, sucking the last few drop from Peter's cock and leaking it from his lips onto Hailee's tongue, and that turned into a hungry kiss where the pair exchanged the cum back and forth.

Not a single one of them could fully believe what had just occurred. They were too completely lost in a haze of lust and exhaustion. The only place left to go for any of them was to sleep.


The sun was barely up but Peter couldn't go back to sleep. Shortly after everyone had come to their senses and taken a quick shower together, Lili had returned to her bedroom and he and Hailee had retreated to theirs.

There had been no issue getting to sleep. Both he and Hailee and gone to sleep almost instantly with no problem. Waking up however proved to be a lot easier for Peter than his girlfriend. She wanted to sleep in and Peter saw no reason to stop her.

He got out of bed and slid on a pair of gym shorts before heading downstairs. On the docket was a cup of tea and relaxing in the hot tub, the one area of Cami's place he hadn't taken advantage of yet: the hot tub.

Once the tea was done he headed outside only to see it was already occupied by Cami herself, a mug of coffee to one side of her and her laptop on the other, safely away from the water of course.

“I'm surprised you're up,” Camila said.

“Why do you say that?” asked Peter getting in the hot tub on the opposite side.

Camila looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Are you serious?” She turned her attention away from the computer to face her oldest friend. “Ignoring the fact that neither you nor Hailee are known for being the quiet type, I was kind of tipped off when I saw Lili exit your bedroom wearing one of Victoria's dirtiest secrets. Threeways can be exhausting. Believe me, I know.”

“How do you know it was a threesome?”

“Beside you being you and therefore not going near Lils like that unless it was Hailee's idea to extend an invite? You, Hailee and Lili all disappeared at the same time. It's not that hard to piece together. And before you ask, not mad or anything. First off what you do with your sex life is your business. And secondly, since you clearly showed Lili a good time I'm more than okay. That girl had a horrible time this week and deserved to have some kind of fun.”

“Okay. Cool.”

“Besides you're hardly the only person who got lucky. I'm pretty sure Brodie got himself a taste of Selena, Mads and Sabrina.”

“Really? A hat trick?”

“Swear to god.” Camila replied. “Aside from the bullshit with Jake, this has been a good trip. I should thank you a lot for that. And not just for you and Hailee putting a gigantic grin on Lili's face.”

“Okay, why do I deserve thanks?” Peter asked, setting his tea down.

“Because you reminded me of something I loved and got me to try it again.” Camila motioned Peter to come over and look at her computer. He stepped out and looked at the screen, which was filled with many of the photos Camila had taken during the trip. “I really felt something getting this stuff. The scenery, the night lights...even the bikini stuff. It made feel...good. Fulfilled even. So...looks like I'm taking some photography classes next semester.”

“What about your dad?”

“Let me worry about that. In the meantime, thoughts on what I got? Kind of playing with the colors, especially on the bikini stuff and night shots. You were always good with this stuff.”

“Let me see.” Peter grabbed his tea and got close to Camila, going through each photo and seeing her smile wider than she had in a while, even hearing it in her voice.

Despite the heartbreak that had occurred, Spring Break seemed to have not just been a good time, but a new beginning in a lot of ways. As to what exactly was beginning, none of them could say. They could only hope for the best.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on June 05, 2020, 07:53:14 PM
This was awesome well worth the wait. Especially Cabello thank you for that
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MiamiLyfe on June 05, 2020, 11:56:45 PM
It will take me a while to go through this.  Just going to savor it and read different parts to make it last.  As I said in my "Meet The Author" interview, this is the series that blows my mind and I am continually amazed by.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 06, 2020, 06:36:17 AM
Thanks for the compliment Miami. Heavily appreciated.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on June 06, 2020, 10:07:36 AM
Thank you again for letting me play a small part in this epic story.  It's scale cannot be matched, and it's execution perfect. 
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 06, 2020, 03:13:02 PM
Thanks Sly, though I should honestly be thanking you for your off the charts addition to the story.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on June 06, 2020, 04:26:41 PM
I read this in one go. I thought it was short but kept getting email after email. Saying more and more was being added. So l kept refreshing when l got to the end until nothing more appeared. This is the best story on the site in my opinion. Just when you don’t think it can’t better or think you know were it’s going. Their is a new twist. Thank you for your hard work to all involved
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Cadeauxxx on June 10, 2020, 10:08:40 PM
Loved this, thanks for writing me in your story, that was pretty funny. The stuff with JLH and Alba was a real blast. You put a lot of work into this and it came out brilliant.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MiamiLyfe on June 14, 2020, 10:49:15 PM
Finally finished the story.  Surprised the threesome was with Lili.  Kind of thought there might be a Hailee/Peter/Sabrina roommate threesome at some point if Hailee was going to get involved in one.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 15, 2020, 03:13:07 AM
Finally finished the story.  Surprised the threesome was with Lili.  Kind of thought there might be a Hailee/Peter/Sabrina roommate threesome at some point if Hailee was going to get involved in one.

That was actually how I originally planned it a bit ago, then a couple months ago I got an idea I thought would work better in the long run. Still got some plans for Sabrina though.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: TLMorgan on July 07, 2020, 04:10:20 PM
Authors like you, MiamiLyfe, and Cade inspiring me to write a long series with many chapters.

Excellent work on Christina! Some really hot fucking and good use of her enormous jugs  =P~
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: thechemist on July 08, 2020, 09:33:34 AM
Maxwell Lord, you never disappoint. This story is so good I did a full re-read of it before starting this latest chapter. To echo some of the other of rightly-earned praise heaped at you thus far, this story is amazing. Having written a story of similar concept, I can appreciate how talented you are. The way you juggle multiple storylines while making each character seem unique is simply stellar. Each chapter is better than the last , and by no means is that a slight on your earlier stuff as each chapter is of high quality. By far is this the most ambitious story I've ever read, but it delivers on all that promise. Not only that, I'm sure if they conducted a poll of everyone's favorite scenes, you'd get so many different votes for the epic pairings you do.

In case that wasn't enough, I wanted to praise certain aspects of the chapter/series that I found of particular brilliance:

1) In the latest chapter, I loved the link between Madelaine and Selena. You set it up a few chapters ago with them starting to work together then roommates. Now the fact they were sleeping with the same guy (twice) was great. I thought it was building towards a threesome between them and Brodie, instead you pivoted and did an epic orgy followed by a one-on-one at the pool. Simply amazing!

2) Ever since the beginning of your story, every single Taylor Swift scene is insanely hot. How you portray her is perfect. Can't pick a favorite scene of hers.

3) Love the slow burn you have done with a clear fav of yours, Hailie Steinfeld. Makes whenever you include her so much hotter. Also love how it includes usually public sex or a threesome!

4) Didn't see the Jake-Lili blowout coming but that makes for some interesting dynamics with the rest of the group.

5) The meeting between the two chaos beings in Kira and Peter was perfect

I think that's enough praise for now. I could go on for a lot longer. Didn't even get to your stuff with Peyton R. List or Victoria Justice! Great stuff. Keep up the great work
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 02:13:28 PM
 All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Star College 7
(MF, MMF, DP, DVP, DAP MFF, Oral, FF, Anal, Titfuck)
By MaxwellLord
Starring: Lili Reinhart, Halsey, Hailee Steinfeld, Camila Mendes, Madelaine Petsch, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Kelly Brook, Elisha Cuthbert, Victoria Justice, Sabrina Carpenter, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Kelli Berglund, Ariana Grande, Blake Lively, Kira Kosarin, Samara Weaving, Zendaya, Kiernan Shipka, Margot Robbie, Natalie Alyn Lind, Jennifer Love Hewitt

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/112/190351083_fuvb7arp_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/112/190351083_fuvb7arp_o.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/112/190351088_iwhlwjqh_o.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/112/190351088_iwhlwjqh_o.jpg)

"This is such bullshit!" yelled Madelaine. She was pacing back and forth in her bedroom, her normally pale face almost as red as her hair with anger. And she wasn't alone, Jesse Carr was sitting on her bed, listening to her unload her fury.

Madelaine's anger wasn't directed at him. Jesse was one of the few good things to happen to her since she got back from Spring Break. She and Jesse had decided to give being a bit more than fuck pals a try. That was the good thing. A good thing made even better as she didn't even have to worry about a break-up with Jared. That boat had long since sailed and after her wild time in Lake Havasu she was ready for something with a lot more affection and a person who was actually there for her.

The bad thing was she had been passed over for the job of manager at Knockers. That level of bad was compounded by the fact that she'd been passed over for the GM's daughter...a person with no restaurant experience.

"I'm done, I swear to god I'm fucking done. I give that place WAY more fucking time than they deserve, we are constantly the single HIGHEST in alcohol sales in the tri-state region because of ME and how I train these girls. You think it just takes a great set of tits and an amazing ass?"

"No, I do not," Jesse said.

"You're damn right!" Madelaine fell back on the bed and laid her head in Jesse's lap, looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "You're making it really hard for me to be furious and being metaphorically buttfucked," she said with a mock pout.

"Sorry," Jesse said.

"Don’t be," Madelaine said with a reluctant smile. She rose up only to rest her head on Jesse's shoulder. "It's just, I really wanted that. I thought I proved myself. I put so much into that place. I put up with drunks playing grabass with me and for what? Nepotism. Pure and simple."

"Then take your talents elsewhere," suggested Jesse. "You've seen the flyers on campus about that new restaurant. The one from that Food Network chick."

"Start all over as a waitress at a new place? An unproven place?" Madelaine looked to Jesse with an incredulous look. "I can't afford to do that."

"No, apply as a manager." he replied.

"Are you serious?" Madelaine got up and walked to her dresser at the foot of her bed, sitting on the edge. "I have no practical experience in that and you expect someone like Elisha Cuthbert to hire me? She's like Gordon Ramsey-famous. She’s not going to do that."


"Mads, you have plenty of experience." He stood up and walked to her, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. "Whenever Carlos isn't there, that is pretty much your position alongside being head server. You come up with the schedules when someone takes time off, hell you come up with half of the schedules anyway. You do all the training, you come up with drink specials. You might as well be a manager. And you had Carlos' support, so you have him as a reference. And of course, you can say you'd bring two of the best workers with you."

"I'm guessing you mean yourself and Selena?" Madelaine asked, her tone very knowing.

"Well, it's true. Aside from you, Selena's the best at Knocker's and she's definitely loyal to you. And I think it's confirmed I am. That'd be a bit of an edge you bring to the interview, a guarantee of having strong, experienced staff coming with you. Then wrap it up with your whole e-sports proposal which I know you aren't bringing to Knockers-"

"Damn right I'm not." the redhead confirmed.

"So you apply and bring every single last thing you can to the table," Jesse said. "We both know you can make one hell of a compelling argument. You could be a lawyer if not for that pesky conscience."

"You really think I could do it?" she asked, her face going from angry and frustrated to soft and hopeful.


"Oh, I know you can." He leaned forward to plant a kiss on her bee-stung lips.

"Correct answer," Madelaine said, her far more familiar confident and calculated smile returning to her face. "And don't you know what happens to good boys who get the right answer?"

"I believe so but I think you're about to give me a bit of confirmation on that just to be sure."

"Oooh, another correct answer," Madelaine said with a grin. "You're on a roll." The fiery woman playfully pushed Jesse back on the bed and crawled on his body, straddling him at the crotch. She looked down at him barely able to hold back a sexy smile behind pursed lips. There were a lot of advantages to dating a guy who could keep up with her desires. Soft and sweet, hot nasty and everything in between. A shoulder to cry on and a cock to ride.

"Mmm, someone's ready," Madelaine said, grinding her crotch over Jesse's hardness, she loved feeling how hard he was through his own sweatpants and the shorts she was wearing. Feeling how much he wanted her made her want to tear both their clothes off. However, the anticipation always made the high feel better.  When she noticed his eyes darting from her face to her chest, Madelaine decided to take that as his vote as to wear to go next.

"I never get tired of this," Jesse said as Madelaine pulled her shirt off, revealing her tits to him. Jesse had become very familiar with them. Their feel, their taste. Just the way to touch them, how to make her swoon just by stroking her pink nipples in just the right way. He'd become a scholar in the realm of Madelaine's body.

Jesse decided to use that scholarly knowledge when he rose up and planted his face right in the middle of Madelaine's bare cleavage. He licked and suckled at her pale mounds, giving tender affection to those tender pink tips.

“Mmm Jesse baby,” Madelaine said, her mouth a wide grin. “Just like that honey...just fucking like that.” The fire-haired femme fatale pulled her man closer while she ground against his crotch. Just feeling that hard cock straining against something as loose as sweatpants and dying to be set free all because of her made Madelaine absolutely soaked. He was clearly ready for the main event and she had gotten there as well. She'd started out ready but now it had become a full-on frenzy.

Madelaine pulled away from her man an got to her feet. Jesse's eyes were glued to her as she removed her shorts. Once they were removed her attention when back to Jesse, noticing he still had his pants on.

“Take your fucking pants off,” she said with a smirk, tossing her shorts to the side. Jesse didn't even get off the bed to follow her command, his scramble to be free of his sweats being enough to get a chuckle out of Madelaine. Once his cock was out and ready that elation gave way to a seductive smile.

Madelaine pounced on him, a tigress who had her prey. Prowling up his body and pressing her full lips up his legs until getting to his hard prick. In one swipe she had taken Jesse's cock balls deep, getting a loud cry of “Oh shiiit!” to erupt from Jesse's mouth.

His hands went to Madelaine's fiery red mane. He knew the rules. She wasn't one for face-fucking. But she didn't mind the feeling of fingers coursing through her hair a little bit of direction when she hit on something that felt right. It actually turned her on more than a little.

The lewd sound of Madelaine's sloshing suckjob filled the room. She was fast, driving him to the brink of that climax. His eyes felt like the reels of a slot machine with how they were rolling into the back of his skull. The lack of technique was the technique. She could have worked him over until her was melting like a candle, but then where would the fun be for her? This wasn't a lunchbreak quickie at Knocker's.

With the same quickness in which she swallowed his cock Madelaine moved up his body, leaving a few love bites on Jesse's chest before sinking down on his rigid rod.

“Fuuuuck YES!” Madelaine growled. Jesse's hand went to her ass like a magnet and just as when the cock was in her mouth, Madelaine started out full speed. With Jesse's hand taking a firm grip on her perfect peach of a rear she rode him hard, giving the springs of her mattress a hard work out.

“Oh, fuck yeah baby,” Jesse bellowed. “Fucking ride my cock Mads...fucking ride it!”

“Yes yes yes yes!” she cried. “Fucking give me that cock baby....my fucking cock...all fucking mine right now.” Jesse's eyes darted between Madelaine's face, a sex-starved sneer on it and her tits bouncing with every movement she made.  A treat for his eyes while his cock, buried in her tight, wet lust cavern had it's on tactile treats.

Madelaine made a quick movement, grabbing Jesse's hands on her round bottom and bringing them above his head, pinning them there by the wrists as she took full control.

“Keep your hands there,” she said. “Don't you fucking move them until I say so.” Jesse nodded and Madelaine leaned forward, licking his lips before rising back up. He was more than willing to take things bit easier.

She held his hands in place as she began to twerk her pussy on his cock, bouncing up and down. “Mmmm fuck your cock is fucking good....” Madelaine said, biting her lower lip. “So good in my tight cunt...nnng fuck yessss!”

Madelaine released his grip on his hands and brought her hands to his face. Jesse eagerly sucked her fingers into his mouth, caressing the digits with his tongue. It was a unique delight for Madelaine. It wasn't something she could get off of but there was a depraved tenderness to it. He needed her taste so bad, but the suckling on her fingers was delicate and longing.

“This is my fucking cock,” Madelaine moaned through that big toothy smile. It was almost a chant she repeated, until she locked eyes with Jesse. “Fucking say it Jesse...who's fucking cock is this?”

“Oh fuuuckkk,” he groaned trying to form the right thoughts to even form words. That was making Madelaine a little impatient.

“Say it!” she demanded, that smile on her face not disappearing but becoming a bit more sinister. “Fucking say whose cock this is!”

“Fuck it's your Mads!” Jesse yelled. “FUCKING YOURS!”

“FUCK YESS!!” She cried out, ecstatic over the hot pleasure running through her veins. When she felt his hands return to ass it only increased. His desire had overridden any kind of “orders” she'd implied to him. That was perfectly fine with Madelaine.  Better than fine. Passion didn't really follow rules. And when he pulled himself up to make contact once more with her lips and the flesh of her breasts, she couldn't fault him for wanting another taste.

As Madelaine's scorching demands melted back into moans Jesse was getting a thrill on fronts. Smell, taste, sound and of course touch. The site of Madelaine mid-coitus was also a visual treat. It was true when he was laying back, watching her ide him. Seeing the sweat start to glisten on her fit body and make her scarlet hair start to get matted. Watching as his cock was rocked by her pussy was a sight to behold.

Now that he was up now, he had a whole new view as he sucked on her tit. His eye caught their reflection in the mirror at Madelaine's dresser. The view of her as they fucked, bouncing on his cock. Her gripped her peach thrusting up into her. Madelaine cried out for more. His eyes looked to her face then to the mirror. That's when an idea hit his brain.

“Oh fuuuck!” Madelaine said with a laugh as she was suddenly removed from Jesse's cock and put on all fours, facing that mirror. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, looking at Jesse and wiggling her supple ass. “Gimme back my cock.”

Jesse grabbed a handful of her red locks and wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her up with a laugh. Madelaine turned and kissed her man before he turned her face to the mirror. She moaned as he played with her tit, a moan that grew in volume as he re-entered her pussy.

“Look at us Mads,” Jesse said, kissing her neck. “Look at you...how fucking hot you are...how fucking good it feels to be fucked by me...”

“Mmm so fucking good,” she grinned. “Don’t fucking stop...really fuck me now...take it...”

“Take what?” he asked before pushing her down until she was back on all fours. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Take my fucking pussy.”

“But if I did that who's pussy is it?”

Madelaine laughed. Sex with Jesse was so much fun. They switched between dominance so many times, both willing to submit to the other and then take control. No cues, all instinct. She had her round of running things. It was his turn and she couldn't wait.

“Yours,” she said, staring him out through the mirror. “So, take your fucking pussy...OH FUCK!” Jesse happily granted her request. A loud crack echoed in the room when Jesse slapped her ass, leaving a bright pink handprint on her cheek.

“Fucking slap it baby!” Madelaine howled. She was clawing at her blankets as her depths were plunged by Jesse's delightful dick. Every nerve ending was on fire and they were both gulping for air with every powerfully deep thrust he made inside of her. They were both growling and moaning. Filthy words and each other's names.

“My fucking pussy,” Jesse said. “Gonna make my pussy cum....you want that baby? Can't wait to make you cum.”

“So close...oh my...Jesse baby...oh making feel so good...fuck baby yes...oh oh…don't stop please just make me cum!” Her gaze reflected back in the mirror fueled him on. And the more he went, the heavier she returned the favor, pushing back to meet his thrusts and adding more spice to her vocabulary.

“Make me cum...fucking do it Jesse...take this cunt and make it cum...then...mmm don't you fucking cum inside me....I want it on my face...my tongue...cover me in your hot fucking cream!”

“Oh fuck Mads...gonna give it to you...all...fucking hell all of it!” His hand held tight to her hips as he went full blast inside of her, giving her everything he had. All the power, all the passion, everything she brought out in him.

“Yes...yes...YES...YEEESSSSSSS!!!” Madelaine broke through that pleasure threshold and reveled in it. Her brains felt every kind of pleasure, every kind of high as her scream went silent, the noises croaking out of her throat. Her fists clenched tight as Jesse desperately fucked her through her orgasm, each stroke sending little aftershocks of pleasure through her body.

And despite all that...Madelaine knew what she had promised him she pulled away and turned around, sucking her orgasm remnants off of Jesse's throbbing cock. He was ready to burst and she was ready for a taste.

Madelaine let her hand take over, freeing her mouth up to spit a little fire. “Cum for me,” she said. “Cum…all over this pretty face...let me feel every drop on my face...taste it on my tongue...every...last...drop....”

“Fuck Mads, cumming!” Jesse shouted.


“Yesss!” Madelaine exclaimed as cum started to rain down on her face from her boyfriend's rod. A look of complete and total satisfaction covered his face just as his hot sticky jizz covered Madelaine's beautiful face, some of it pooling on her tongue before she sucked the remainder from his spent cock.

“Fuck Maddie,” Jesse said, still sex-dazed. Her looked down at his sinful little angel and brought his hand to her face, tracing his cum in between her lips, where she promptly sucked on his fingers as he had hers.

“Mmmm, stress relieved,” she purred. “You're a keeper.”



“How the hell are you understanding this?” Peter said, completely exasperated. He, Sabrina, and Camila were at the dining room table in his apartment. Even though finals were far enough away that most of the student body were holding off any serious study to the point they were going to be pulling their hair out during Red Bull-fueled all-nighters, the trio had decided to start studying a bit early due to the finishing up of the film. Peter and Sabrina were busy on color correction and trimming down the run time and Camila was busy booking a premiere at a local theater. Small time stuff for sure, but still a bigger effort than she thought it would be.

With all of that on their plates, they agreed it might be for the best if they also threw some studying into the mix, seeing as how it was looking more and more like the movie was going to monopolize their time. And the first to break was Peter. And it was a break Camila had been very familiar with going all the way back to eighth grade where he was concerned, Peter's old enemy of mathematics.

“Let me see,” Cami said, instantly sliding into her old role from growing up alongside him. He knew his way around every kind of issue she every had with Language Arts and essays, and Camila was the numbers girl. She scanned the problems he was tackling and his stalled attempts to solve them. “You're not even trying to break down the problem. You still don't understand the order of operations?”

“Letters and punctuation don't belong in math problems and never have!” He said.

“Uh huh,” Cami said, rolling her eyes ever so slightly. “Look, just watch me, okay? Watch me break it down and solve it. Step by step. You know, the same way we've been doing this since we were thirteen.”

“Are you gonna tie his shoes too?” Sabrina joked.

“Big talk from someone who told me she thought the Nazi's started World War I,” Peter replied.

“Okay but in my defense there's like two World War I movies and fifty bajillion World War II movies. The mix-up is understandable.”

“Keep telling yourself that Sabs.”

Sabrina responded with a jovial middle finger before getting back to her European history studies.

“So, where's Hailee?” Cami asked while she worked out the problem for Peter. “Haven't seen her at any of these little study-buddy sessions.”

“Some other folks from her math class I think,” Peter said. “I get it too. As we've seen, I'm still pretty much useless when it comes to anything above long division. I think she made the right call.”

“Well, here's a little spoiler I think you've long since figured out,” Camila said, finishing the problem up. “If you know enough to do your taxes you know enough math. Unless you want to be a rocket scientist or something.”

“Then why are you so good at it?”

“Because I was born into numbers thanks to daddy. And in case you haven't noticed I'm TOTALLY a genius. Thought you would have figured that out after all these years.” The two shared a smile before continuing. “Now, let me show you again every single step to take so you can at LEAST get a C on your final and then be done with mathematics forever. After that you have classes you’re actually good at, right?”

“Yep. Which brings me to our other conspicuous absence, where's Lili? We're both in that Japanese folklore class, thought we might try and get some studying in on that. I mean it's a fun class but still, want to be sharp.”

“She's....she's out having some fun,” Cami said, holding a bit back. While Lili had gotten a lot closer with everyone following her break-up with Jake, but there were still some things she knew Lili would rather reveal in her own way. It wasn’t Cami's place to tell people that Lili was bisexual. “Which I think she deserves.”

“I don't know,” Sabrina said, cracking open a fresh beer. “From what I understand she ended up having a LOT of fun right before we left the lake house.”

“How'd you find out about that?” Peter asked.

“Well, you know those sweet, beautiful pillowy lips on your girlfriend? Turns out they're also fairly loose.”

“Don't be embarrassed Pete,” Cami said.  “I mean, in my opinion that was a god-tier threesome.”

“Thanks...I just, you know...wouldn't mind some things being private.”

“Okay,” Cami said with a smile that signaled to Pete she was preparing for a follow-up to his privacy request. “But, quick privacy survey. Everyone at this table who has seen Peter's cock, please raise your hand.”

Sabrina and Cami both raised their hands. Peter buried his head in his hands.

“Oh, don't take it so hard,” Cami said. “I mean yeah, almost everyone you know is VERY familiar with you in a carnal fashion but that just says to me you have phenomenal taste.”

“Can we just get back to me being confused by algebraic equations?”

Before Cami could answer her phone buzzed. She picked it up, noting a  text from Jose. “While I'd just LOVE to continue both teaching and torturing my dearest friend, my man apparently desperately needs to talk with me.”

“Everything okay?” Peter asked.

“It's nothing serious. If it was, he’d have called. Still, duty calls.” Cami gave a quick hug to Peter and waved farewell to Sabrina before making her exit.

“She's right though,” Sabrina says. “You do have amazing taste in what you do with what you're packing.”

“You're going to spend the rest of the night making me uncomfortable, aren't you?”

“Like you wouldn't believe.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 02:41:40 PM

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/112/190353163_hqgoodlordlili.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/112/190353163_hqgoodlordlili.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/112/190353167_105-6.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/112/190353167_105-6.jpg)

Lili Reinhart had been a lot of unique positions in the last few months. Most humorous in retrospect. One decidedly not. The one she was currently in was a new one for her, but completely relaxing.

Lili was laid out on a mattress, her long blonde locks perfectly place running over her shoulders. She was leaning on one arm with the other behind her back and the hand palming the base of her skull while her legs were somewhat draped with the silken sheet on the bed. One leg laid bare, the other covered in the slightest. And aside from that, she was totally nude.

She was in her girlfriend's apartment. Though calling Ashley that was a stretch, they'd both admit. They were dating, as they had been since they met at one of Ashley's shows. She was an aspiring musician and artist who went by the stage name Halsey. No recording contracts but a good local buzz was doing her well so far. Good enough to get Lili's attention to get her to go to a show to take her mind off the recent troubles with her ex, Jake.

After the show met at the bar of the club she was playing and hit up a conversation, mainly detailing Halsey's own wild upbringing in New Jersey and Brooklyn and what led her west to the college. Lili honestly didn't mind just sitting back and listening. There was nothing much then she felt like adding to the conversation, worried that anything she said would lead right back into her recent heartbreak.

Those concerns faded when that same night she found herself in Ashley's bed with the woman in question setting up shop in between Lili's legs. It had been a long while since Lili had been with a woman, at least like that. The recent threesome didn't count too much in her head. While there was a little thrill when Hailee had touched her and in touching Hailee, the focus had been on Peter...another thing Lili was far from minding. Something that gave Lili a bigger rush than she had wanted to admit to herself.

They'd seen each other a lot in the weeks that followed, but neither one would even remotely say it was a relationship. They were seeing each other, and there was a difference. Relationship implied something long-term and after how she had rushed into things with Jake, Lili was more than a little cautious at the thought of repeating the same mistake.

Besides, dating meant all your friends knew, which was not the case. The only ones who knew were also the only ones who knew Lili was bisexual, Camila and Hailee. It wasn't that Lili was ashamed by any stretch of the imagination. It was just something she didn't like sharing with someone unless she was positive they wouldn't react poorly.

Though how others would react was the last thing on Lili's mind at the moment. Right now, she was playing model for Ashley. The artist was working on a nude of and had unsurprisingly chosen Lili as her model. It was a form Ashley had become very familiar with.

“How's it looking Halsey?” Lili asked, trying to stay as still as possible. Ashley was behind a large canvas, her brush working magic on the charcoal sketch that had provided the base. She wasn't too much more dressed than Lili, wearing only a pair of paint-stained overalls. The entire area was covered with a large and thick white sheet, similarly paint-stained. It was just the center of the loft apartment in which she lived.

“Great,” she answered. “Though honestly not quite as good as the model. And Lils, please, stick with Ashley. Halsey's the band and the girl on stage...and how I sign the art…okay I can see the confusion.”

“Think I could get a look?”

“Just a few more seconds....” Ashley replied. The painting, in her estimation, was about 75% done. Enough where Lili could actually not be there for when it was finished. Really her part was done, it was what to surround her with, as the backdrop of her loft wasn't exactly what the young artist would consider visually appealing, especially compared to the bare and buxom beautiful blonde that was her current muse.

“Okay, come on over,” Ashley said. Lili rose up from the bed and made her way over to the paint-stained tarp. “Check it out. I'm thinking I got something here.”

Lili looked at the canvas, blushing and smiling at the site. There she was, nude through the eyes of Ashley. The scene around her wasn't too defined but it seemed to be built around her body. More of an environment built on feeling. Whatever was going to be around her was going be the within the realm of reds and purples. Colors of lust. It was flattering...and exciting.


“It looks great Ashley,” Lili said. “Just...I mean what else is there to say but wow?”

“And it's not even done yet.” Ashley put her around Lili's waist and pulled her a bit closer. She turned her head to kiss her, lips pressing against the side of Lili's torso. “And I think I might be done with the model aspect of it all.”

“So does that mean I can stop stripping down when I enter your apartment?” Lili playfully asked.

“Well, I wouldn't go that far,” Halsey said with a smirk. She stood up from her stool and put her arms around Lili proper before going in for a kiss. Tender, sweet and full of heat. Ashley's hands roamed Lili's back to her bottom, squeezing the cheeks as Lili did the same, though the denim cover her lover's flesh was a bit annoying.

“Seems you have an advantage or two over me,” Lili said. “You have a little more in way of clothing to my not stitch...and so far, you don't really have any paint on you, at least aside from your hands. You're the only one getting to make a mark.”

“I think I can solve both those problems.” Ashley stepped back just a bit and unhooked both straps of the overalls. The loose garment soon fell to the ground and the painter stepped out of them, leaving her body just as beautifully bare as Lili's. “Now, for that paint issue.”

Halsey picked up a container of the paint she was using. She was using a palette for her canvas, but for the big mural she was also doing she required a bit more than what that small surface could provide. Hence, open paint cans. And now that paint was going to become a bit more than an artistic medium.

In her hands Ashley held two smallish cans of paint, small enough to balance perfectly in the palm of her hands. One red, one white. Lili dipped her hands in the cans just enough to cover her fingers. When she withdrew them, Ashley placed the cans back down. When she rose back up to face Lili, the blonde ran the red paint-covered hand over her cheek and the white over Halsey's breasts. Abstract strokes of her fingers on the canvas of Ashley's skin. Bright colors to go alongside the tattoos.

From there Lili's hands went to Ashley's face, pulling to her for a kiss. And with that deep kiss, the fun had truly begun. One kiss turned into more, tongue intertwining and their bodies soon followed suit. Ashley led Lili further onto the tarp, knocking over the two paint cans as well as a few more, a small rainbow of colors beginning to cover the tarp. She'd need to replace them, but right now that was the last concern Ashley had.

The pair walked through the paint, a small trail of footprints until Ashley laid down, Lili following her down until the blonde was on top. They were still in a passionate embrace, lips and tongues colliding and caressing in a series of hungry kisses. Lili's hands softly traced down Ashley's body, taking a bit of extra time right around her ribs. It was a spot that did a little something special for her, sending a shiver up her spine.

When their lips parted Ashley let out a soft moan, it was soon followed by another as Lili softly kissed down to Ashley's breasts. Light little butterfly kisses on the flesh were up before Lili got to the nipple. The blonde's pink tongue extended, licking sweet circles around the sensitive flesh and giving Halsey more cause to moan.

Lili spent serious time in between Ashley's tits, her tongue moving like a constrictor, slithering over the skin. Her check brushing against the flesh, getting some of the white paint she herself had smeared on it transferred over.

While Ashley's breasts were a fun time, they weren't the target.  Lili crept down her body while her fingers creeped up further to Ashley's face. She caressed her cheeks, staining her fingers once more with the red paint she had spread on Ashley's face.

Ashley suck Lili's thumb into her mouth for a brief moment before she dragged her fingers down as well, a fingertip trail of red tracing from Halsey's cheek down her neck and to her breasts, mixing with the white paint.

The trail of paint was an erotic road map of sorts marking all of her sweet spots. That sensitive patch of skin on her rib cages? Check, complete with streaks of red and white paint around the gun she had tattooed there. Right down the middle to just above her navel? Well-traveled by Lili in the weeks they'd been dating.

And the further Lili went down Ashley's body, the more her own took a dip in the tumbled over mess of the paint cans. Blue and purple began to stain her legs. Lili either didn't notice or didn't care. What she was doing right now was much more important to her than a little paint staining.

While Lili was busy taking the grand tour, Ashley was being far from quiet. “Lili yesssss,” she hissed, breaking up the chorus of soft moans as the blonde's luscious lips left their mark on her body. Little temporary tattoos that only she could feel. And when they fell upon her actual tattoos there was an extra bit of spice. They weren't erogenous zones or anything. Her tats weren't a map on her body to all of her pleasure points. But she always did notice that whatever lover she took, male or female, they always liked to take their times over those inked areas. It was a common thread but everyone did it differently. No two people were the same and Lili continued that grand tradition as she made her own trail down Ashley's fit legs.

A kiss, a lick, a small little nibble on her thigh, Lili was taking her time before returning back up to get that glistening sweet spot housed in between Ashley's legs. Lili taking a taste of every inch of those toned legs, caressing with her tongue just as much as her hands before finally making the trip back up both women were eagerly awaiting.

“Ooohhh shit,” Ashley yelped, her jaw chattering slightly when Lili made first contact with her slit. The lightest of brushes with her tongue, it was almost a breeze as Lili did it. Teasing and tantalizing. There was a part of Ashley that wanted to hurry Lili along, have her jump right into what the body was already aching for. She ignored that voice. Lili knew what she was doing.

Lili further displayed this to Ashley's pleasure, her fingers spreading those lower lips apart to give the bombshell a clear view of Halsey's clit, engorged and longing for attention. Attention that Lili was more than willing to supply.

“Yessssss,” Ashley hissed. Lili's mouth had landed and the aftershocks were coursing through Ashley in the most tantalizing ways. And while Lili softly worked the clit with her tongue, her hands continued to supply a sensual touch to Ashley's legs, roaming up them until they took a soft and firm grip on her hips.

“Ohhh just like that baby...mmm just like that,” said Ashley. Her voice cracked a bit as Lili picked up the pace. It wasn't by much, but it was enough to get Ashley sweating. All while Lili's hands stayed on Halsey's body, gently caressing and tracing nonsense shapes; invisible tattoos made in sweat.

Sweat was dripping from Ashley's hair, falling in droplets from the very tips of her short hair onto her face and breasts. The heat was being turned on and it was all by the very hungry blonde between her legs. It was an odd thing, if Ashley could even think about anything but her current pleasure, but usually it took a bit more than a talented tongue to get her motor running. A little finger action at the least was required. Sometimes the situation called for something a bit more substantial in the form of plastic or flesh. Lili though, she had a little something special. The touch of her fingers on Ashley's skin as she hungry lapped at her pussy was like pure energy, something out of one of those plasma balls from cheesy science fiction movies. One orb in the center with purplish-pink bolts of electricity crackling within a sphere...then fingers touched the glass and all that energy went to them. That was the closest thing she could use a description for how this felt. She was a human ball of energy and Lili was making her crackle and surge.

Lili could only feel herself getting lost in the haze of sex. Every loud moan of pleasure and encouragement that escaped her singing lover's lips drove her on. Her grip on Ashley's hips tightened, almost pulling her closer to Lili's face. She could also feel herself getting wetter, needing her own attention. Serving Ashley, making her writhe and sweat with just her mouth was pushing Lili halfway to cumming herself, but she needed a bit more of a personal touch.

“Yes....ohhh Lili yess...so good baby...just a bit...nnnng bit more...ohhhh good...good god baby....” Ashley’s moans lived in a realm between loud as a sonic boom and soft as a whisper, like she was being torn in two different directions and was loving every moment of it.

As the stars in Halsey's eyes started to melt into hyperspace Lili tongue worked swift and with skill.  It was the sword and she was the samurai. With every skilled lick she hacked away at any walls holding back the flood of pleasure waiting to burst forth from Ashley.

“OH MY...YESSSSS LILIIIIII!!!!” Ashley cried. The dam had just burst and the waves of pleasure were coursing through Halsey's body and covering Lili's face. And the blonde wouldn't stop until Ashley went limp, gulping for air as she recovered. That was Lili's cue to move up from between Ashley's legs, her mouth glistening in a sheen of the artists cum. As she moved the spilled paint that had gotten on her legs transferred on to Ashley as well.

The kiss was welcomed, Ashley savoring her taste from Lili's lips before embracing her and rolling her over onto her back, the pair once more coming into contact with the spilled paint.

“Your turn,” Ashley said with a wink. She planted a passionate kiss on Lili's lips then took her own journey down. Like Lili had with herm Ashley's path down the blonde's body as a path laid with kisses. Ashley however had a bit of a wilder side to her passion.

Also, like Lili, Ashley took a little extra time at the breasts. She really did love a great pair of tits and she certainly had no problem understanding why men or women would sneak a look at her own. And Lili...well, she certainly did have a pair. And when her tongue was applied, making swift, wet circles around the half-dollar sized nips, Lili made her own blue musical chorus of sensual moans, calling out Ashley's name and pleading for more.

It was a request that she couldn't help but take, kissing each of those melons before continuing downward. And as Ashley moved down, more of the paint from Lili’s body rubbed off and the dark-haired beauty found herself getting in her own puddles of liquid rainbow.

With only one small break to plant a soft butterfly kiss on her navel, Ashley made it quickly between Lili's legs. She was ready to get to work and wasted no time and bringing her mouth to Lili's pussy, sucking hard on her clit.

Lili hissed a deep breath through clenched teeth and arched her back. Ashley knew just what buttons, or in this case button, to press and just how to push it. Her ecstasy rose and fell like the air in her stomach. Ashley's skilled mouth worked her up to the peak and let her fall the way back down. It made Lili both want to cum on the spot and for it go on forever.

Lili's wish only grew stronger when Ashley brought her fingers to the party, pulling her mouth away only for a moment to softly trace a circle on Lili's clit before plunging her fingers in the moaning woman's wet pussy. Soon after Ashley returned her mouth to the party...but not for too much longer. While Ashley certainly loved getting a taste her true skills lied in her finger work.

While Ashley's fingers continued to play inside of Lili's heavenly hole, deftly hitting every sweet and secret spot, her mouth moved back up her body. She sweat she could feel Lili's goosebumps on her tongue as she made the trip back up. Paint continued to mix with paint as just with Lili before, paint from Ashley transferred on to Lili. The pairs skin was quickly becoming an abstract canvas for their lust.

Soon Ashley's made it back to Lili's face, the pair hungrily kissing, Lili's moans stifled as her tongue became a bit preoccupied with her girlfriend's. And that was just the beginning of Ashley’s favorite part. She was big on faces. Seeing the look on her lovers' faces when they came. How good they felt and how it was her doing it. Men, women, it didn't matter. The look of utter lust and satisfaction on their face as they came was almost ethereal. The sounds that came from their mouths. The look in their eyes or their eyes shut tight. Every single person was unique and intoxicating their own way.

“Cum for me baby,” Halsey said, moving quickly to kiss Lili's neck. “I want to see how good you feel...tell me...tell me you want to cum for me.”

“Yes!” cried Lili. “So close...oh my god I'm so close...”

“Then do it Lili...just for me...let me see you cum...” Ashley watched as a buffet of emotions ran over Lili's face. It was the sexiest thing she'd scene. Every damn time on every person. There was a magic in it and a magic that was literally in her hands. Soon the only sounds filling the room were Lili's moans and the sound of wet sloshing as Ashley's hand worked Lili to the point of explosion.

“Yes that's it girl...cum...” Ashley said with a wide grin as those first few telltale signs signaled what was about to come for Lili.

“YESSSSSSSS!” Lili cried out, her pussy gushing on Ashley's hand as her orgasm his her like a meteorite colliding with a planet. Earth-rattling and mind-numbing and seemingly never ending as her lover's fingers didn't seem to stop working within her. It was so hot it almost made Ashley cum as she watched.

When the pleasure died to down to an afterglow the pair lay down on the paint and cum stained canvas, both smiling, sweaty and more than a little delirious.

“Would you look at that?” Ashley said, her voice sounding a little tipsy.


“Looks like we made a mess. Think we better hit the showers.”

“You're on.” Lili replied, giving Ashley a quick kiss before they both got on their feet and headed off to clean up. This was definitely a step up from being cheated on.

(https://i.imgur.com/9U0EKYz.gif) (https://i.imgur.com/3Za3OHh.gif)

For some reason what Jose had texted her for was the last thing on Cami's mind. She knew it had to be important, but not so important he couldn't just call. It definitely didn't seem like an emergency. Which was why she decided to pick up some Chinese take-out before getting back to the apartment. Singapore noodles for two, hot and some crab Rangoon. A favorite of theirs ever since they first discovered the Jade Tiger on one of their earliest dates.

The only thing on Camila's mind was the thought of getting the dinner-to-be in her mouth, the smell of it making her mouth water. When the elevator doors opened that continued to be the only thing on her mind. This continued as she inserted the key and unlocked the apartment door.

“Sorry I'm late babe,” Cami said upon entering. She saw Jose sitting at the table. She thought he must have figured she was grabbing dinner. “As you can see, decided to grab some food.” When she set the take-out on the kitchen counter, she noticed Jose was still silent. Silence was not one of his hallmarks. “Sweetface? What's wrong?”

“I…I have one of those things that's...it's good news and bad news all rolled into one.” He replied.

From silence to talking without a hint of sarcasm…something was up. She pulled out the seat next to him, taking his hand in hers. “Jose...what's wrong?”

“So...um...me and…you know…”

“Baby you can say his name. I think Jake's scum but I accepted he's part of your life.”

“Yeah, well...we got an offer. A big offer. From a real company,” Jose said. He wasn't exactly happy about it. This just confused Camila. This was his dream...what was wrong?”

“Babe, that's great!” she exclaimed. “It's what you guys have been working for! I'm so proud of you!” Cami moved to kiss, him, but didn't get much of a response beyond a weak kiss back. “Okay...tell me why that's not great.”

“The company is DDT Pro.”


“They're in Japan.”

And that's when the elephant in the room blew his trunk.

“Oh,” said Camila.

“Yeah. Oh. I mean...I honestly thought we'd get some kind of offer from a US company. Now we're going to Japan....”

“So, you took the deal?”

“Didn't hesitate. It's like you said, everything me and Jake have been working for. It's just...it's only now that it's hitting me. The big changes. Culture shock. All of that.”

“I…I can only imagine. At least you and Jake will be able to lean on each other.”

“Well, yeah...and I'll have you.” Jose replied. And he could already tell by the look in Cami's eyes that the idea of her going to Japan was something that had never crossed her mind. “Won't I?”

“Sweetface..I-I...” Camila struggled for the words. “I don't want to go to Japan.”

“What?” Jose asked. “Wait...is it money? I mean I wasn't expecting you to pay for anything but I kind of thought you could afford it.”

“It's not the money.” Cami got up from the seat, trying to hold her composure. “I don't want to leave here.  I don't want to leave home.”

“I thought you said you wouldn't ever make me choose between you and my career.” Now Jose was up. Neither of them was angry, at least not yet. Tensions rising though. “Now, when I have this in my grasp, now is when you change your mind?”

“How dare you?” Cami asked, a flame being lit in her. Shock was turning to anger with a hint of hurt. “Do you have any idea what I go through? When I know you're going to be doing something so dangerous I can't comprehend? That I don't sleep sometimes worrying about you until you get home? And never once, NOT ONCE have I asked you to stop. I've never said pick me or your dream! And you have the gall to try and throw that accusation in my face?!?”

“Then what would you call this Cami?”

“ME TELLING YOU TO GO!” She yelled. Jose was not prepared for that. He'd seen Camila angry, but her eyes were watery, a dam ready burst forth with tears and the look on her face was rage and sadness, volatile like a blaze. “I love you! I love you so damn much...and I need you to be happy. I need you to have this. But I cannot come with you. I…I just can't.”

“Why?” Jose asked. He approached her, so badly wanting to console her. He knew she'd react bad...but he didn't expect this. “Why is this the choice?”

“Because I'd be alone!” Cami said. “I need my friends Jose. I need...I need people I can talk to when I am worried sick about you. I need someone to lean on when you come home in stitches. I can't unload to you because I don't want to make you feel guilty.” The tears were flowing now, unstoppably. “I go to Japan...I have no one. And then every last nightmare I have of you getting crippled or worse…I have no one to talk to...and I know me way too well. I wouldn't want to but I would take it out on you…I don't want that. I want you to be so fucking happy...and that can't happen if I go with you. I need my friends. Jose...I've have never felt like this about anyone. As much as I love you...and as much as I need you...I need you to be happy even more.”

“Yeah...well it doesn't really feel like it. In fact, it feels like bullshit.”

“Bullshit? Really? How would you react if EVERY NIGHT I did nothing but tell you how worried I was? Tell you about the intricate details of the nightmares I have? You want to hear the one where you're a quadriplegic? How about the one where you're just dead? I mean good god Jose, is that what you want to hear in Japan? The only reason you never heard it before is I have people to talk to!”

Jose was taken aback. He'd known Camila wasn't the biggest fan of what he did, but he had no idea she was this scared and worried. Still, he wanted her to come with him, to be with him. He wasn't backing down.

“Baby I get it...I also think you're overreacting just a little,” said Jose. “This was always part of the deal and I think it's weird NOW you're telling me all this. And like I said, I think it's bullshit.”

“I didn't tell you because it'd be like I'm nagging or telling you to stop. I didn't want to do that to you. It's bullshit to you but it doesn't make it any less true. I will never stand in your way, even if it kills me. And if I went with you, that's exactly what I'd be doing.” That was the last thing Camila said, and the last thing said between them for bit as the sound of Camila's soft sobs were the only things filling the apartment. Just when the silence became deafening, Jose spoke up once more.

“So…I think I'm going to crash at Jake's place.”

“I…I thought as much” Camila nodded, wiping her eyes. “When...when do you leave?”

“Friday,” said Jose.

“That soon?” Camila asked, somewhat shocked. “Seriously?”

“They really want us...I'll…I'll try and pack my things when you're not here.”

“Jose, don't be like that...”

“It's fine...it's for the best.” Jose nodded, wiping his own eyes. He turned to the door and walked out. Camila, completely alone in her apartment, went back to the table and sat down, her brown eyes-stained red from tears looking down at the bare table. Silence filled the room. Not even a sob to be heard.
Lili was walking on air as she headed towards the elevator. No drama, no bullshit…just...just being wanted. Being satisfied. It was a new experience for from where things had been with Jake. Ashley was a new experience. No hang-ups, all fun. Lili didn't even know where it was all going. She just knew it felt good. When she was with Ashley, she could push other things out of her mind. Jake being the big thing, though there were other things she didn't want to dwell on too much.

None of those thoughts were running through her head when she pressed the button to her floor and got out her apartment key. She was all smiles. Those smiles continued when the doors opened and she headed towards the door. She couldn't wait to talk to Cami. It felt really good to be able to do something beyond crying when they spoke. To have them both be elated in.

The smiles lived still when she first entered the door. That's when the pause came. The living room was darkened, only one light on at the end table near the couch. And on that couch Lili saw Camila, clearly distraught. She'd been crying, her mascara running and eyes turned red. The smiles faded.

“Cami?” Lili said, dropping her backpack and heading right to her distressed friend. “What's wrong?”

“It's over,” Cami weakly said, sniffling a bit. “I-it's over.”

“What is?” Lili asked, having a feeling but not wanting to say the words. “What happened?”

Cami wanted to unload. To tell Lili. To have them try and think of a way to fix what had happened with Jose. But the words wouldn't come. What did come was another onset of tears. Once the sobbing started again, she reached out for Lili who held her in a comforting embracing.

“It's okay,” Lili said, trying her best to console her weeping friend. “Let it out...shhhh...it's okay.” Lili knew more than anyone that all Cami needed right now was just someone to be there. Not to listen, not to talk, just be there. That was exactly what she was going to do.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 02:51:24 PM
(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190355336_69748398_1344441205720282_3692137851237932549_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190355336_69748398_1344441205720282_3692137851237932549_n.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190355339_70451287_506424306586872_5415351113143599257_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190355339_70451287_506424306586872_5415351113143599257_n.jpg)

Kelli Berglund was a blowjob goddess. Whether it be in comparison to the other women on Bella's roster of talent or just in general. She liked sucking cock and thus, did it a lot. It actually got her off a little, so the incentive to become amazing at it was there from the start. Seeing the new heights she could bring to a man. She could make a man with a voice deeper than the deepest ocean scream her name with a pleasure-induced soprano and give them Jell-O knees hours after she's swallowed their load.

Sure, she fucked like a beast. One, two, three or more...but the blowjob...that was where she couldn't be touched. A master of the craft. She was the only girl on the payroll that actually requested to be brought in for a blowbang.

She also didn't mind being busy. She balanced her studies with the job well, as was expected of any of working girls on campus whether they worked for Bella or Sophia. A 4.0 GPA was just as good as a five-star rating from the John. Just like it had been with midterms, as finals approached, she got busy. And on that particular Monday morning Kelli wasn't walking to class, she was walking to work, the sashay in her hips one of excitement. She'd already had her coffee, now she was going to get her cream.

It turned out, unsurprisingly, that students weren't the only ones to get severe nerves from the rigors of finals season. It was still a few weeks away, but both staff and students were going nuts. Students were sweating bullets over their toughest of classes and instructors doing the same over the creation of the tests.

And the type of instructor didn't matter. Grad students teaching a class swore they had it worse than the actual professors as they had a lot more riding on a fuck-up. No tenure to protect them and all of that. Professors would say tenure could be a double-bladed sword and that a lot of bad could happen if their tests were too tough or too easy. Class sizes drop too much and a lot of their value would need to be reassessed.

Kelli hoped she wouldn't hear one word about that on this job. She got more than an earful during midterms. Still, it was quickly silenced one their cocks were in her mouth, pussy or if they paid extra and got that special bonus in the back.

Today she had herself a grad student by the name of Arthur. He'd given his last name but it slipped her mind. She found that the grad student teachers didn't have the same care for the “reverence” of their last names like a tenured professor did. Hence, just by force of habit she only remembered the first name. They never seemed to mind, just like the professor's didn't seem to care when their first names slipped her mind. At the end of the day, she found her name nobody ever forgot. And that wasn't ego talking, that was pure reputation.  All she needed from the men was the name they wanted moaned out.

The campus was sparsely populated. Not deserted like Spring Break had made it, but this early in the morning very few people had classes. Kelli took note of this as she crossed the courtyard to the education building, where future educators were molded. Or that was the idea. This morning it was going to be where she was blowing some educational hopeful mind by blowing their cock.

She gave herself one last check in the dark reflective glass of the doors to the building. The tight jeans were just right, leaving just enough to the imagination. Her blonde locks perfectly framed her face and with a quick up-close look with her compact, her lips were perfectly colored with a dark shade of violet.

“Showtime,” she said, snapping the compact shut. Room 304 was her destination. As she rode the elevator up and walked the halls, she was actually surprised at how empty the education building was. After all, anyone studying for a career in education would probably need to be used to some early classes. However, the first floor was almost dead and the third was absolutely deserted. Kelli was figuring out why Arthur wanted his appointment at 7:30 AM. What better way to start the day than cumming in her mouth?

After quickly solved mishap with direction, Kelli had made it to room 304. She knocked lightly and heard a male voice, most likely Arthur's, say “Come in.” Kelli did it. The moment her boots clicked on the linoleum floor Arthur's face shot up from the table he was sitting at, going through the notes for his upcoming class.

“You must be Kelli,” Arthur said, unable to contain an excited smile. “I'm Arthur.”

“I gathered,” Kelli said. “I'm Kelli.” He got up from his seat to greet her with a quick hug. Surprisingly earnest. He didn't even go for an ass squeeze. She smiled when she realized she was going to wreck this man. “So, and I do hate to be up front about it but in my experience it's for the best...payment up front.”

“Oh! Of course.” Arthur went to his jacket; hung on the back of the chair he was sitting at and took out a stack of hundred dollar bills five-high.

“Excellent.” Kelli took the crisp bills and slid them into her purse which she then laid down on one of the desks. “Now, with the business out of the way...how about we get to the pleasure?”

“No small talk needed huh?” Arthur asked, scratching the back of his head nervously.

“No, not unless you want to. It is your money. I just figured with the high pressure that comes with what you're doing, you wouldn't want to. And believe me I don't mind. I actually love sucking dick. I know that's a line but I think once I've got that lovely piece of meet your hiding in my mouth, I'm confident you'll see the truth.”

“High pressure?”

“Well, yeah.” Kelli smiled and slowly walked over to him, backing him up against the table like a tigress cornering her prey. “First off, we're inching ever closer to finals. Your position as a student teacher has unique pressure to it. That and the job you're going for? Noble. All the pressure, parents breathing down your neck and for peanuts. Actually makes me feel guilty over what I'm studying.”

“And what's that?” Arthur asked. He felt his mouth go dry like a flash drought. Kelli was still at least a foot away from him and he could feel the Sahara-like heat coming off of her.

“Sports medicine.” Kelli replied. She was so close to him now, placing her arms on either side of the table he was backed into. “I used to be a gymnast. Stopped. Messed my knee up. Still pretty flexible though. Comes in a handy.” Kelli gave him a wink. “But I figured if I couldn't do that, I could specialize in treating those kinds of injuries.”

“That's not noble?”

“Arthur, I'd be essentially working exclusively with millionaires and paid very, very well. So…not as noble as educating the future of the world for peanuts. It's kind of bullshit when you think about it…which is why I look forward so much to blowing your fucking mind. That's hard-earned money you gave me. Probably means a lot of ramen noodle dinners for you. So…I think it's only fair to earn that money just as hard. Dontcha think?”

Kelli placed a soft kiss on Arthur's lips before he could answer while her hands moved from the table to his pants. With the deft skills of a surgeon his belt and zipper were eliminated as a barrier and his pants fell victim to gravity.

Kelli looked him in the eyes, her eyebrow cocked when his hard dick sprang forward, the tip poking against her denim-clad thigh.

“Well,” she said. “Someone's ready. I mean I kind of like making a man hard in my mouth. Feel him get rock hard in seconds...but there's also a lot of satisfaction in seeing such...eagerness.”

Arthur's only reply was a satisfied moan. Kelli had wasted no time in getting to her knees and taking his cock in her mouth. Just the tip first, almost a passionate French kiss before pulling off and licking at the mushroom head like an ice cream cone on a hot day.

If Arthur was any judge of things, Kelli had a major craving for his cream. Kelli was hands free, holding her hands behind her back as her skilled mouth moved up and down his veiny member. Every detail was electric from the strokes of her tongue to the barely-there teasing of her teeth on his crown. His fists balled up and went white-knuckled.

While she was still pretty much all mouth on his cock, Kelli's hands began to enter the picture. Soft raking his tender thighs with her nails up and down before those skilled fingers danced their way to his balls. His moan of satisfaction when she started playing with the churning orbs was pure music. It was also a little bit of aural gasoline, lighting the fire in her to burn even brighter.

Arthur's own blaze grew into a full blow firestorm when Kelli took him in to the root. He wasn't expecting a deep throat deal. The blowjob itself was almost too sweet for it. However, Kelli threw a bit of cayenne in with the sugar as she held him in her throat and blew his mind just short of him blowing his load. He held on, but that deep-throating was nothing short of the definition of pleasure.

Kelli pulled off, taking a few deep breaths, but not without looking up at him with sparkles in her eyes and a sweet smile surrounding by the shimmering glare of saliva. That quick but very satisfying view was soon replaced by the visual and tactile sensations of Kelli returning her mouth to Arthur's cock.

She was a bit faster now, more determined to make him explode, fill her mouth up with his pleasure pudding. She loved it after all. The way a man's voice hit a certain pitch when they came and came big. The way the cock pulsed and throbbed as rope after rope of cum was fired into her mouth. It might have been better than the money.

That moment was coming. Kelli knew the signs. Leg twitches, cracks in a deep voice like he was going through puberty again. The flood was coming and Kelli couldn't wait. She showed this in a way that made Arthur a very happy camper, sucking harder and faster on his cock. She wanted his nut nectar and he desperately wanted to release it.

“Oh....oh shit yes...oh Kelli...gonna...wow...here it comes!!!”

Kelli pulled back, working over time on the cockhead while her hand pumped the shaft. She could feel the pulsing and rush as the jizz rocketed out of the tip of his cock and into her waiting mouth.

The loud moan Kelli released sounded more like a hum with her mouth filled with cock and cum, but the vibrations on Arthur's rigid member felt all the same, pleasure beyond rightful description. The blowjob goddess had struck again.

When she was sure the tap had run dry, Kelli pulled back, showing the last shot of cum in her mouth the Arthur before swallowing it down with a satisfied “Ah”.

“Thanks for a wonderful time Arthur,” Kelli said as she got to her feet. “I hope that takes care of any tension you had. But if there’s more on the way I'm just a phone call away.”

With one quick peck to the exhausted instructor's cheek, Kelli walked out, money in her pocket and smiling from a job well done.


Peter was in a an odd mood, and of all things in the world Hailee was the issue.  Even the math issues along with the editing on the film among all the other things going on weren't bothering him like thing between them were. Her absences were beginning to wear on him. Peter was on his way to meetup with Camila and Lili for breakfast. However, once he saw Lili outside the student union, he could tell something was off just from the look on her face.

“Hey Lils,” he said. “What's up?”

“It's Cami.” Lili replied. And that was all Peter needed to hear.

“Let's go.”

“Really? That's it?” Lili said, coming up to him.

“It's Cami. That's all I need to hear.”

“Great,” Lili said with a soft smile. “Let's take my car.” Peter nodded and Lili took the lead to her car. It wasn't too far off and in a few minutes they were inside.

“What's wrong?” Peter asked, buckling his seatbelt.

“I think it's best if you hear it from Camila,” said Lili. “You want to wait around for Hailee? Wasn't she supposed to be eating breakfast?”

“She's at work. Got called in. Probably because Cami called off.”

“Makes sense to me.”

“We should probably swing by the burger place Cami loves.”

“The kind where they're so greasy it's you could rub one against a brick wall and make it clear like on The Simpsons?”

“That's the one. Pick up a few gut busters. And nice Simpsons reference.”

“What can I say? I'm a woman of many talents and interests.”

“Oh, I'm well aware,” Peter said, getting a chuckle from Lili. She started the car and off they went.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 03:20:22 PM

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190357820_flaeo03cjpg-535949e4e00c2.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190357820_flaeo03cjpg-535949e4e00c2.jpg)

Elizabeth Olsen, unlike a great many of her fellow students, was nowhere near stressed. No matter how the days on the calendar faded away, closer to final exams she simply couldn't be bothered to worry.

Why would she? Besides the fact she was confident in her abilities in all her classes to pass with a B at least and not even try, she had several relaxation techniques she'd picked up from her studies. Since she was heading into the field of therapy, both mental and physical, she knew several breathing techniques, stretches and mental techniques to calm herself down.

It also didn't hurt that one major thing in the life of many of her fellow students that caused them worry was never an issue for her, or at least hadn't been for a while. As one of Sophia's girls, she was pretty much financially set. She had plenty of money put back for herself and enough to treat herself more than just a few times a year.

Also like the rest of Sophia's girls, Lizzie had herself a safe and fun place to work. It wasn't like the more…edgy business run by Bella Thorne. Outcalls were very rare and only for the most trusted of clients. And not just trusted by Sophia, but by the woman herself.

Lizzie rarely did outcalls. It wasn't because of a lack of trustworthy clients. The clients preferred Lizzie's “office” to any hotel room. And wouldn’t they? Lizzie prided herself on how welcoming yet efficient her working quarters were.

The massage table took up some real estate in the room, but not as much as one would think. There was still room for a couch, a big comfortable chair and some nightstands and a book case. And even with all that, it still seemed spacious. There was even enough room for a counter with an electric burner, a sink and a mini fridge.

It was also connected to something that had ended up paying for itself many times over. It was a hard sell when Lizzie pitched it to Sophia, but the steam room had proven very useful for both business and recreation.

Of course, the clientele Lizzie drew in also helped. While she did have the occasional student, most the men who came to see her were of the older variety and nearly all staff. Her mix of therapy, physical or otherwise, alongside the more...sensual aspects of her job kept her in high demand, especially around midterms and finals. This season was no exception. And on that particular moment she had one her favorite clients coming around.

Professor Henry Jones was THE archaeology professor/ancient history expert one campus and he had heard all the jokes about his name. Lizzie was the only one he'd tolerate it from anymore. In her defense, she couldn't help herself. She might have been able to stop, but the fact that he had more than a passing resemblance to Harrison Ford nixed that idea. It wasn't all bad though. Considering how sexy she found Ford to be in his prime, it made their session extra fun when they got down to being down and dirty.

Lizzie had lit the last of the candles, put a kettle on and took a deep breath of the soothing aromas the melting wax emitted. She looked herself over in a mirror to the side of the door to her “office”. She wasn't wearing much, just a short, revealing red silk robe. One small tug of the robe's belt and it'd be open and on the floor. It was perfect.

She moved to the chair she had set up in the corner of the room and picked up a book of photography. It was mainly just for show, the intricate leather cover fitting in very nicely with the décor she added to the room, but she enjoyed looking through it. Her clients had other things to do with their eyes and hands. It was only a few moments after she began to thumb through the book of photographs that there was a knock on the door. The good professor, right on time. Punctuality was another thing Lizzie liked about him.

“Come in,” Lizzie said. She put the book down and shifted just enough to look just that extra bit of inviting. Crossing her legs just to show off that little extra bit of thigh, making sure her robe showed off her deep cleavage in just the perfect way. A feast for the eyes first...then every other sense would get to enjoy.


Jones let himself in, his previously gruff face melting away when he saw the beautiful dish sitting in front of him. The dish named Elizabeth soon stood up and made her towards Henry, a sweet smile on her face as she gave him a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“So good to see you,” she said. “And ever punctual. I don't think enough people know how sexy that actually is.”

“Wouldn't want to keep such a lovely creature waiting.” Henry replied.

“Flatterer.” Lizzie helped him with his jacket, hanging it up and locking the door behind him. “Would you like some tea? It's special, a relaxing blend I put together myself.”

“That'd be lovely.” Lizzie headed over to the counter to pour them both a cup of tea. Henry continued to disrobe, folding each piece of clothing it and setting it on a nearby end table. When Lizzie turned around with the tea, he was already sitting on the massage table, a towel over his legs.

She handed him his tea and took a sip of her own before speaking again. “Well, it does appear as though I'm overdressed. I don't think that's a situation I can let stand.”

“I have no objections,” Henry said before sipping from his tea.

Lizzie gave him a sexy little smile as she undid the belt to her robe, letting the red silk garment fall to the ground. After taking a quick sip of the tea with his mouth, the good doctor drank in the curvy, womanly form of Elizabeth Olsen with his eyes. Those immaculate legs, supple breasts...on a campus full of insanely gorgeous women from students to staff, Lizzie was simply the total package. She could even hold a conversation with him. Time spent with her was more eye-opening and stress relieving than a regular round with a normal therapist, and not just for the obvious reasons.

He finished up the tea and handed the cup off to Lizzie, who set it down. “You know the drill Henry; lay face down. I'll get my gels ready, then it's just time to relax and tell me all about what's bothering you.”

Henry performed the well-practiced routine just as Elizabeth asked. While he got in position, Lizzie took a bottle of herb-infused gel and brought it over to the massage table. She vastly preferred using this to any kind of oils. Clean-up was easier. Pores remained unclogged. Lizzie drizzled a line of the warm gel down Henry’s spine and got to work. Right away, she was shocked by how wound up he was.

“Good grief, it's like massaging a steel bar!” She exclaimed. “What's wrong?”

“You know, just the usual things that come along with finals. You students aren't the only ones who get stressed out.”

“I don't remember you being this wound-up last semester.” she replied. “You were even oddly tense during midterms. So, what's going on?”

“It's just...look, I'll be blunt. Sometimes I think the kids are getting dumber. And yes, I know that's an awful thing to say, but I can't help but feel it's true. I swear it's going to be expected I wipe their noses next semester because they aren’t able to.”

“Has the average grade in your class dipped severely these past few semesters?”


“Has your course gotten easier?”

“Well, no.”

“Then Henry, what are the standards you're putting your students under where you're comfortable calling them dumb?” Lizzie asked.

“Just a feeling,” he gruffly replied. “All the questions.”

“Ah, I see.” Lizzie's hands moved up to Jones' shoulder. It's where all his weight seemed be stored, a gordian knot of stress. “May I make an observation?”

“That's why I'm here.”

“Well, one reason,” Lizzie said with a laugh, which Henry returned. “When was the last time you had a vacation? And I mean a real one. Not one where you go to visit a museum to compare notes with peers or check out a dig site or handle artifacts. I mean a real true-blue vacation where it's you, the beach and a tropical drink.”

“I think I know where you're going with this Elizabeth, but to answer your question it has been quite a while.”

“Well, if you see where I'm going then I think you'd have to agree that maybe it's exactly what you need and that's the problem, not the students.” Lizzie's hands worked down his back to his legs where she once more found muscles wound up tighter than a pocket watch. “So, maybe take off a semester or two. Live for yourself for a bit. Summer session and the fall semester. I'm sure if you let Scarlett know now she'd have more than enough time to find a temporary replacement.”

“While that's a lovely idea Elizabeth, I can't just up and leave.”

“I didn’t suggest you up and leave.” Lizzie retorted. “I said give the dean some notice. It's not like you can get fired or anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you do have tenure here, right?”

“Yes, that'd be correct.” Jones shuffled a bit on the table. Lizzie's hands were working their magic. All the tension was melting away, or was being redirected rather, right to his joy division. It was to be expected. It was her final way of getting all that negativity out in one amazingly fun burst. The way her tits rubbed against his back as her hands worked their magic helped a lot as well.

“Then there's no issue. You've gone so long just ignoring your needs or at least giving them the most minimum of attentions that you're burning out. You're blaming the burnout on your students instead of, well, yourself.  You need to recharge. It's not your student’s fault you're exhausted and irritable and it's not their responsibility to handle it. That ball is in your court. So...do something about it. Take some time for yourself. The world won't fall apart if Henry Jones enjoys himself. I think our little sessions are proof of that. Besides, you can't tell me of all the places you've been there isn't one you'd just like to visit for fun.”

“I can think of a few,” Henry said. “It's to the point where that'd be a new source of stress, picking out a place to relax. Ridiculous, isn't it?”

“Before we worry about any new stress and tension, how about we get rid of what you already have?” Asked Elizabeth, her tone flirty and knowing. “Turn over, on your back.”

Jones did as he was asked and the moment her flipped over; his rock-hard cock stood at attention. Elizabeth smirked at the site. Always punctual. Jones let out a soft moan, barely audible, as she took a gentle grip of his cock. Her hands were already pre-lubed from the massage gel so there was no need to delay. She slowly pumped his shaft and watched and read his body for reaction.

“Look at that...all the tension localized in one spot,” Lizzie said. “It never fails, does it? From your shoulders to your toes, massaging every last bit of that nasty stress into one area. And isn't it wonderful how that one area is so much fun to get relaxed?”

“Very wonderful my dear.” Henry managed to reply. It was a struggle, Elizabeth had very, very skilled hands. He could feel it from what she did to his shoulder and now how she was working his cock.

A flick of the wrist as her delicate hand slid down and up again on his pole, taking special care at the crown. Running her thumbs in circles under the crown or just doing quick little pumps on the bellend, all kinds of tactile treats to drive Henry wild.

Driving him wild might have been putting it mildly. Those delightful hands and that warm gel were always a deadly combination. This time out though was especially so. He really did just need that relief, that one instant to send him to another plane for just a brief moment. He just didn't want it yet. His body though had its own thoughts.

Those thoughts were transparent. Elizabeth could feel the pulsing of his cock and when that first tear of precum leaked out onto her fingers, she knew it was time to give him a brief moment to recharge and then move on to something even more relaxing...yet very vigorous. Climbing on up of him, her juicy cunt hovered over his cock. Henry took another brief moment to drink in Lizzie's form from this new angle. That moment was interrupted wonderfully when his engorged member was sheathed within her heavenly crevasse.

The pair moaned in unison as she was filled to the brim. Her eyes caught a quick view of his hands, balling up as she rode him. She could actually see them quiver just a bit. And while that quick little view was fun, there was so much more to do.

Henry's fists came apart and his hands went to grasp the masseuse's hips as Lizzie lowered down, her tits against his chest. Their lips met and Henry's hands began to roam her body, getting familiar once more with every delicate curve all while Lizzie continued her massage, working his cock over with her masterful pussy.

Lizzie listened close to the raspy growls of pleasure that slipped from Henry's lips. It was addictive, a drug she couldn't get enough of that in way she was supplying to herself. She worked his cock, almost milking it with her pussy, swirling and grinding on his dick. And that all felt much, much too good for him to stay too silent, and thus Elizabeth got those sweet sounds of sin dancing into her ears.

Of course, silence wasn't the only thing out the window for Henry. His hands weren't staying stationary at Lizzie's heavenly hips. They moved up and down her back before taking big handfuls of her lovely apple ass. He was nowhere near as skilled as she was when it came to the artistry of massage, but he certainly gave it what he could working that beautiful peach.

“Oooh Henry,” Lizzie bellowed. She wasn't what anyone would refer to as an ass-woman. She wasn't opposed to some derriere attention; it just wasn't first and foremost on her mind. However, some men just had the magic touch, and Henry was one of them. While there was no backdoor exploration on the menu today, the little bit of teasing Henry was providing sent a wonderful jolt up Lizzie's spine.

The jolt was enough to send Lizzie up and in charge. She looked down at Henry, a few strands of her golden locks dangling in front of her face. Elizabeth grasped his hands at the wrist and moved them up her body while starting to move on his cock again.

Her hips twirled and Lizzie brought the professor's hands up to her tits. She let out a soft moan as he began to squeeze her melons. “Mmm just like that Henry...feels so good...”

Elizabeth grabbed one his hands once more bringing up to her mouth and sucking on his digits. When she let his fingers drop from her mouths, Lizzie gave control of those hands back to their owner. Everything else, that was under her command.

“Feels so good, doesn't it Dr. Jones?” Lizzie asked. Her pace increased, working him just a bit more within her paradisiacal pussy. “Let it all melt away...all that tension. That's what you hired me for baby...just focus on me....my skin…my pussy. All yours, right now in the moment...let it all wash over you...”

All Henry could do was moan in response. Answering her vocally would be foolhardy. Fortunately, his hands were not so pleasure stricken. They glided over her supernaturally sexy body. Tits, waist, hips, ass and back again. All the while Lizzie's pace just got harder, faster. But the sensation never lost a bit of its strength. Every single moment just raised the stakes.

Faster and harder Lizzie went. If the bench was a bed the squeaking sound of springs would be filling the room as opposed to the sounds of sex. But of the noise of their love-making was the music, then Lizzie had some more lyrics to add.

“You want to cum, don't you?” Lizzie asked. “Not just yet my sweet professor…not just yet…mmmm you know how good you feel in me? Fits just like a puzzle piece...gonna cum…the…mmm baby gonna make it so special for you...make all those worries melt away....”

Once more Lizzie gazed down at Henry, making sure she had his attention, though she could at this point accept it not being undivided. Still Henry managed to bring eyes to her, shutting them quickly again when she ground and swirled on him once more.

Once Henry was able to see again, he was treated to the vision of Elizabeth sucking on her own fingers then slowly drawing them out. He watched as she dragged those fingers down her body, licking her lips as they got lower and lower until they were between Lizzie's legs.

“Ohh...oh fuck...” Elizabeth grunted as she began to play with her clit, just the added bit of stimulation she was craving. As for her other hand, well, soon Henry found out about that when Lizzie reached behind her, teasing his churning nuts for the briefest of moments.

“Gonna....oh damn...gonna...mmmm gonna cum for you Henry...just for you...then you get to cum...and you know how good you'll feel...just wait...mmm...baby just wait for me...”

Henry tried desperately do as she asked, trying to take the focus from the sensational view of her riding him to orgasm and the reckless passion and abandon on Elizabeth's face as the pleasure took over. He tried push to the back of his head how amazing her spasming pussy felt on his cock as the orgasm hit her full on. He even tried to distract himself from the siren like cries of pleasure that exploded from her mouth.

Somehow, despite that triple play of temptation, Henry held on from exploding inside of Lizzie. That earned him a smile from her and a bonus in relief.  Lizzie climbed off of him, her knees still wobbly. Fortunately for her she wasn't going to be standing. She was on her knees. She lowered the massage table with a quick pull of a lever on the piece of furniture and it sunk low. When it hit the lowest setting, Henry shot up and spun around to face Lizzie.

The masseuse moved between his legs and grabbed his cock, absolutely soaked with her own cum. She sucked him into her mouth, licking every inch of her essence off him before leading him to that final countdown. Henry waited with baited breath, watching while Lizzie stared at him right back. All while she wrapped her bosom around his turgid rod.

“Mmmm I'm so relaxed honey...but now it's your turn...you get to cum…right between my tits. I want you to watch...watch as every last bit of stress and tension is drained from your body...watch...”

And watch he did, entranced, his cock slid between her tits. He felt almost cotton mouth as those glorious globes began to jack him. No slow build-up. It was right to the point now.

“That's good...so good,” Lizzie said in a breathy tone. “Just let it go baby...let it go and shoot for me...you'll feel so much better...”

Ever second, every moment and every thrust was just proving her right as he got more and more ready. There was no countdown. It was time.

“Elizabeth!” he grunted right as his cum began to rocket out of his cock, coating the bountiful breasts of Elizabeth Olsen.

“That's it baby,” Lizzie cheered, still working the geyser-like cock for every drop he had. “Let it out...let all that tension out and all the pleasure in.”

He did just that as more and more cum shot from his cock. It was like a full-on kaleidoscope of pleasure. Every color in the book and it was making him more than a little dizzy.

Soon her was spent, gasping for air as he fell back on the table. Lizzie smirked and got to her feet, the wobbly knees a thing of the past. She scooped up some of the cum from her tits and swallowed it down, but wiped the rest away with a warm and wet towel. She wasn't opposed to swallowing but Henry had shot so much that kind of clean-up would have taken up more time than either of them had.

“Feeling better?” she asked, pouring herself another cup of tea.

“Oh yeah,” Henry said, his voice having the tenor of a confident drunk.

“Good. Are you also going to take my advice?”

“I'll inform Scarlett ASAP.”

“Good,” Lizzie said. “One more question before you get to your senses and head out.”

“What's that?”

“More tea?” Lizzie said with a grin. “Or maybe a nice relaxing shower...just to be sure you're good.”

Henry grinned. He was gonna miss Lizzie.



Camila felt a romcom cliché. Sitting on her couch, a half-eaten carton of Ben & Jerry's on the table in front of her and cold-half eaten Chinese take-out on the kitchen table. Some random soap opera was on the TV but all she could pay attention to were the thoughts of what happened the previous night replaying in her head.

Maybe she could have said something different. Maybe she should have sucked it up and made plans for a new continent. She also knew where that path would have taken her and Jose. What they were going through now hurt, but it wasn't spiteful. Going with him and bottling up all her nerves and fears would lead just to that. As much as she loved Jose, she couldn't follow him on this. The only way he could really be happy and make his dreams come true would be to do it without her. It hurt more than anything she could imagine, but she accepted it.

And that was going to be her day, stewing alone in her apartment, just Cami and her loneliness. She was so lost in it she barely heard the knock at the door. She didn't remember ordering anything, but in the state, she was in Cami knew she could have easily forgotten. With a sigh she got up and headed to the door. When she opened it, she saw no delivery person. Instead, she saw what she really needed but didn't call for, her two closest friends.

Lili she'd expected to see. She was, after all, Camila's roommate. The other friend, Peter, was a surprise. And when her eyes fell on him, she did the only thing that felt right. She wrapped her arms around him, buried her face in his chest and began crying, the tears flowing once more.

Peter held Camila tight, caressing her head. “It's okay Cami,” he said, trying to sooth her. “It's okay.”

It moved Lili a little to see this. She'd already been well aware how long the two had known each other and their closeness, but this was something else. She was watching Camila let herself be vulnerable. None of the shields of humor or sarcasm Cami usually put up. While Camila had indeed opened up like this to Lili, it was weird to observe it with someone else. However, it did touch her a bit. She always was a bit of a softie. It really was sweet.

Soon the soft sobs stopped and Cami looked up to Peter. “What are you waiting for, a written invite?” She asked, wiping her eyes. She forced a cute smile to her face, trying to put Peter more at ease. She could tell he did not like seeing her like this one bit. “Come on, get in.”

Peter walked in, then Cami turned her attention to Lili, who then got her big hug, this time without the sobs.

“Thank you,” Cami said. She looked up at Lili's face. “Really, thanks.”

“I just didn't think you should be alone right now.” Lili replied. “So, I called in the big guns.”

“Well, thanks. I wouldn't have even asked him. Wouldn't want to be a burden or anything.”

“Well, that's why I did it.” Lili said, then placing a kiss on her friend's forehead. “And you're not a burden to anyone, okay?”

Cami nodded, then saw the greasy brown paper bag in Lili's hands. She then inhaled deeply, getting a whiff of the unhealthy magic of the most decadent and delicious cheeseburgers she'd ever stumbled upon. “You really did bring the big guns.”

“The burgers were his idea.”

“Well, you get equal credit because I love you both.” Cami grabbed the sack from Lili's hand and the duo went to the dining room table where Peter had taken a seat. Cami sat on the other end and Lili beside him.

Cami tore through the bag voraciously, tossing the other two burgers to her pals while she took the Big Monster Double Bacon all for herself. It did after all have her name on it, written clearly in black marker that was still visible through the grease stains.

“Before you dig in maybe you can do me a favor,” said Peter.

“What's that, my dearest Petey?”

“What were you crying about?”

“Lili didn't tell you?”

“I thought it'd be better if you did,” said Lili. “It felt...weird talking about it for some reason.”

“Well, it's probably smart you didn't,” said Cami. She then focused her attention back to Peter and let him in on what happened, and what had been going on.

“Cami why didn't you let me know any of this? The nightmares and the worrying and all of that?”

“Because I know you and you would have overreacted and done something stupid despite NONE of this being Jose's fault.”

“I wouldn't have done anything stupid.” Peter retorted.

“Oh really?” Cami sarcastically asked. “Two words: Steve. Jameson.”

“Good grief,” Peter said, facepalming while Lili looked between them, confused.

“Whose Steve Jameson?” She asked. “The name's a little familiar.”

“Total prototypical jock who went to me and Pete's school. Asshole, anger issues, misogynistic and probably more than a little racist. He probably led our team against yours in football or whatever. But he was a real jackass.”

“So, what's the story there?”

“You want to tell Lili, or should I?” Asked Cami, a smirk so confident on her face it made Peter both happy and feel full of dread at the same time.

“You're going to have way more fun telling it, so be my guest.” Replied Peter.

“Well Lili dear, it's Junior year of high school. Peter and I, after the sophomore blunder that was our attempt at romance, are closer than ever. No one messes with him and gets away with it while I'm around and vice versa. So, Steve decides to throw some big party at his house. I think for winning some championship or something? I don't know. And almost everyone is invited. I am. Selena was. Taylor. Ben. Everyone but Peter here. Steve had a real distaste for him, which made me have an even bigger disdain for Steve. No one messes with my Petey.”

“Thanks,” Peter said with a nod.

“You're welcome.” Replied Cami with a wink. “So, Peter comes as my plus one. Because I don’t care, I didn't even want to go but I did it just to ruffle that asshole's feathers. I mean both Taylor and Selena knew better than to show up. I may not have been friendly with Selena back then but the girl knew who to stay away from. There was her usual type and then way below that was Steve.”

“You know the more you talk about him the more I think I remember him,” Lili said. “I think he was being a bit handsy with our school's cheerleaders.”

“Sounds like him. And that night, when he wasn't making a death glare at Pete, he kept making eyes at me. And the moment Peter isn't at my side, Steve slimes his way over to me like a slug in heat.”

“Wait, do slugs even get in heat?” Peter asked.

“Hush dear, you're ruining the image,” Cami said. “So, Steve, he's flirting with me, badly. So badly you'd swear he was drunk but there wasn't even the smell of alcohol on him, but he was just a really shitty talker. And an asshole. Obviously, I'm not receptive and try to walk away. So, he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him, trying to be all intimidating. Talking about how it was his house and his rules.”

“What happened next?”

“Peter how about you handle this and then I'll tell what actually happened?”

“Look, I didn't like seeing him grab you like that,” Peter said. “So, I came up to him and told him to stop.”

“You're leaving out the part where you grabbed his hand and pushed him first. To a guy who had at a foot and fifty pounds of muscle on you.”

“Oh no,” Lili said. “How big was the hospital bill?”

“Well, it would have been covered by my dad, but there wasn't one,” Camila said. “While Steve did in fact pick Peter up by his collar and was ready to tear him apart, what Steve didn't see was me climb on the table behind him. It came as quite a shock to him when I jumped on his back and put him in a…I think it was a headlock?” Cami then mimed what it was she did, her arms wrapping around an imaginary head.

“That's it.” Lili answered.

“Yeah, so he's freaking out like a bull at a rodeo. He drops Peter and throws me off his back on to the couch. Then angrily screams for us to get out. Like it's a punishment or something. Still, I felt we needed to balance things out so when we got back to Pete's place, we called the cops on the party.”

“You really almost got your ass kicked.?”

“No one messes with my Petey. No one. And before you jump in, Petey-dear I know the feeling is mutual. Which is why I never told you about all the nightmares and stress over Jose hurting himself.” She reached over and grabbed his hand, then did the same to Lili. “And I'd do the same for you Lils. I love you guys. So, and without an ounce of sarcasm…thanks. Both of you.”

“Is this when we do the group hug?” Peter asked.

“I think so,” Lili agreed. “One of those really cheesy ones like at the end of an 80s sitcom. Faces all smooshed together for that perfect ending shot as the laugh track plays and the credits roll.”

Peter jokingly cracked his knuckles and stretched out. “Good to see we're on the same page Lils.”

As Lili started to make the same movements, plus a subtle smile at the suggestion of being on the same page that not even she noticed, Cami put a stop to the faux hug-prep.

“Better idea: how about we eat these gut-busters, watch something together and then MAYBE we'll circle back around to the whole “sitcom hug” thing.”

“That sounds fair,” Lili said. “Peter?”

“I'll agree to it.” Peter answered. “First though I think I might just need to use the bathroom. If you'll excuse me.”

Peter got up from the table, leaving the ladies alone for the moment.

“Thanks, Lils,” Cami said. “I needed something.”

“Don't thank me. We both know you would have done the same and more.  Mainly because you did after the whole thing with Jake. Peter was pretty helpful with that too.”

“I bet he was,” Cami said with a grin.

“Not like that!” Lili said. “I'm talking about the movie nights and stuff when we got back. It wasn’t JUST the threesome. And that was Hailee's whole deal.”

“I see. So, it was just a favor to a friend. No enjoyment at all.”

“I didn't say that,” Lili said, hoping there wasn't a bit of blushing going on. “I'm just saying it wasn't my idea. And a one-time thing. It was however...very enjoyable. Very...very enjoyable...but that's it!”

“Gotcha,” laughed Cami. “Speaking of Haiz, where's she?”

“She went in to work early or something. Covering your shift, I think.”

“What?” Cami asked. That was a confusing swerve. “That's kind of impossible.”


“Because I'm just skipping class today. My work week begins tomorrow. And just a few hours because of finals so I wouldn't need to be covered.”

“Oh. I guess she just took on an extra shift or something.”

“Yeah, probably.” With that it was settled, but something was bugging her. The department in the hotel that she and Hailee worked in did not open any earlier than, well, at that moment once Cami actually noticed the time.

It didn't mean anything. Sometimes people were called in really early during special event planning, but she couldn't think of a time part-timer were among them. Once Peter returned to the room, she pushed the thoughts from her head. After all, it was probably nothing.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 03:59:06 PM
(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190361461_margotglasses.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190361461_margotglasses.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190361467_377688561_sjes11_122_126lo.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190361467_377688561_sjes11_122_126lo.jpg)

Lunchtime was always the part of the work day Margot Robbie absolutely adored. There was a myriad of reasons for that. One of them was that her fiancé Jay was an amazing cook s she always had a superb lunch to look forward to. Another was her own little private party room in the basement floor of the building. A dirty, filthy orgasm with a gourmet lunch always made the blonde smile extra wide. The third was somewhat tied in with the second...the office lunches she shared with her boss, the good dean Scarlett Johansson. Sometimes they were just good conversation, the kind of thing that made Scarlett more than a boss, but a friend.

Other times it was much more, intense. Which definitely made Scarlett more than just a boss. And it was that kind of lunch break Margot was having. She was on Scarlet's desk, leaning back. Her skirt was hiked up and her sexy, fit legs were wide open with Scarlett's lovely head right in the middle. Today Scarlett's lunch was going to be on the Aussie bombshell.

Margot was in heaven, but even in paradise she knew the rules. Despite the fact Scarlett was the one doing the servicing today, the rules, or rule rather, was very simple...Margot could not touch Scarlett. If Scarlett was going to get on her knees, then she was doing all the work. Margot had to sit back and enjoy.

The rule seemed simple enough...until Margot felt those urges to grab hold of Scarlett's head and run her fingers through her golden locks, to pull her face up to kiss her and taste her own juices on Scarlett's lips. But all that was barred. The most Margot could to was grind her sopping pussy into Scarlett's hungry face.

Hungry might have been putting it lightly. Voracious was far more apt to describe the treatment she was giving Margot's wet Aussie cunt. Her hands gripped the blonde tight butt under her already hiked up skirt while Scarlett's mouth was a one-woman army on her clit. With delicate sweeping motions akin to calligraphy to the fast rapid speed of Morse code.

Margot croaked out moans and pleads of more as Scarlett lashed her clit with her tongue, turning any butterflies in her stomach into a swarm of wasps, nearly pushing her into a climactic climax only to back off and leave that kettle just short of a boil. From there it was all so much more tender. Long, loving licks on her labia to backing off completely and giving soft kisses and love bites on the tender flesh of Margot's inner thigh.

When the near-boiling over soothed back down to a sensual simmer Scarlett returned to Margot's clit. She started up again slow. She sucked softly, her tongue tracing what felt like Shakespearean sonnets on the pleasure button. The slow build up began once more.

While Margot couldn't touch Scarlett, it didn't mean she was a total passenger in all this. She managed to get out pleads of “More!” and rhythmic chants “Yes...Scarlett yes!” Margot's hands weren't exactly taking a backseat either. One was holding her up, Margot leaning on it while the other went to her own chest, pinching and pulling on her own nipples. Scarlett had started there, opening her secretary's blouse and taking a taste of those tits, sucking the nipples hard and teasing them with her teeth.

As Margot added a little spice to the soup with the attention, she was giving herself, Scarlett was bringing it all back up to that final boil. The sonnets were slowly turning into punk songs. She making Margot dance on the edge, each new step getting her dangerously close to going over. Margot began to grind her cunt into Scarlett's face which just fueled Scarlett to push and press on.

“Yes....yes...Scarlett...Scarlett...SCARLETT!!!!” Margot's body shook like Richter scale-breaking earthquake. Her arm gave out and she fell back on Scarlett's desk, writhing as pleasure tore through her like hurricane, and that hurricane's name was Scarlett.

As the blonde's body went totally limp Scarlett finally departed her pussy, her face shimmering with Margot cum. She moved up her body to deliver one last kiss Margot's lips. The blonde on bottom savored it, licking her nectar off of Scarlett’s face as the kiss broke and Scarlett fell back on her chair. And with Scarlett back behind the desk, it was business as usual. Margot got to her fit and put her clothes back in order. Then turned to face Scarlett.

“Any further business Margot?” Scarlett asked. “Not that I would object to a bit more pleasure but we do have work to do.”

“Well boss, you did get a call from Professor Jones just before you had lunch” Margot replied with a smirk “He wanted to schedule a meeting with you, I told him the soonest her could get squeezed in was tomorrow. I know that makes things a bit heavy for you but I also know that Wednesday would have been even worse due to your lunch with Chris. And I'm guessing given you're rather...intense appetite you wouldn't want that date reshuffled.”

“Good call,” Scarlett said with a wink. “I'll work with it. Thanks Margot.”

“No, thank you,” Margot said with a grin before exiting. Scarlett laughed to herself a bit and sat back in her chair. It'd been a good few weeks. Chris was astonishingly understanding of her tastes. She'd cut off the boytoys. The only dick for her right now was his, except under certain circumstances. Pussy however, was less of an issue, which meant more fun times with her favorite Aussie.

It was an amazing arrangement, and one with many possibilities. And as Scarlett began touching herself thinking about them, her hand went for the phone to call Margot in for seconds...


“So, what do you think?” Asked Elisha Cuthbert. She and Jennifer Love Hewitt were taking a tour through Elisha's soon to be restaurant. Everything was almost all set up. The bar, the tables, the carpeting. Even the Top-of-the-line kitchen was ready to go. And according to Elisha, most of the staff was hired, save for a good manager and some stray server positions.

“It looks great Leesh.” Jennifer responded. “The carpets are amazing; I LOVE the bar and the kitchen is just...it's beautiful. Only thing missing is the sign outside. What's this place going to be called again?”

“Sauced.” Elisha answered. “You know, well, we both do from way too much experience, college kids love their alcohol and I ADORE barbecue sauce...so...cocktails and a wide variety of different Barbecue sauces from all across this great food-obsessed nation we call home.”

“Cocktails huh? Should I be worried?” Love asked with a grin.

“Oh god no. When I saw cocktails, I mean over the top weekly specials and well beers. Possibly with goofy novelty glasses. The food is the star. The alcohol, that's a party favor.”

“Gotcha. One question though.”

“What's that?”

“What are you going to do with that big space on the second floor?”

“That's the question I'm hoping to answer,” said a voice very familiar to both women, though Jennifer was the only one surprised to hear it. That surprise grew into joy when she saw a familiar person to connect with the familiar voice.

“Rick!” Jennifer exclaimed with glee. He descended he stairs, a healthy-looking man with a full beard with the faintest bit of salt-and-pepper coloring in it. The moment he hit the ground Love rushed to him and gave him a big welcoming hug. “Oh my gosh when did you get in?”

“Saturday,” he said. “Me and the boys are still settling In and Connor has finally been pacified thanks to online gaming.”

“Yeah, screaming obscenities that even I haven't heard of is really being pacified,” Elisha said, making her way over to her husband.

“Well, he's no longer spending every moment going on about how much he hates us.”

Elisha thought on this for a moment before nodding in agreement. “That is something,” she said. “Now, if you'll just let me get in-between this....” Elisha gently broke up the hug and slid into Rick's embrace and kissed him. “You know if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were getting too handsy with my man.”

“Look, if a woman can't hug her former roommate then we're living in an insane world.” Love replied. “By the way, love the salt & pepper thing you have going on.”

“Glad someone does.”

“Oh my GOD babe it was a joke!” Elisha exclaimed. “It's very sexy and I think I showed you how sexy I found it when you came in.”

“That you did,” Rick said, squeezing his Canadian cutie right on her backside. “Now, the subject Jennifer brought up, the second floor.”

“What am I working with babe?” Elisha asked.

“Well, keep in mind I'd wait until you have an electrician checking that out as opposed to, you know, a comic book artist. All I do is draw the cool space ships. But if I had to take a guess, just from the sheer number of outlets up there and the way the area is shaped, I'm guessing it was some kind of DJ booth. Didn't this place do a club night or something before it was sold?”

“Something like that,” Elisha said. “I mean I don't know anything about the previous owners. No one had even used this place in a year and a half according to the realtor. You think we could get another bar up there?”

“I wouldn't,” Love added. “Too small, even for a restaurant bar. It'd be a waste of money.”

“Then what should go up there?” Elisha asked. “GOD, I hate this. It's always something!”

“Leaf, just breath,” Rick said, calling her by his nickname for her, taken from her favorite hockey team, the Maple Leaf’s. “Something great is going to go up there. It's built to deal with a lot of electronics. So, we have at least some kind of trail to follow.”

“I know...I just hate having any loose ends this close to opening. Drives me NUTS.”

“On that note, I'm going to go mitigate something else designed to drive you nuts; a household full of antsy young boys. Two on a sugar high by this point and the third smackdab in his moody teenager phase.”

“You're a saint,” she said, kissing him one more time before he departed. “How exactly are you going to keep Connor calm?”

“Gonna buy him a PSN card or something. That should buy us a couple evenings of politeness.”

“See Love? This is why I stay with the man. Always thinking. That and the magic penis. M-A-G-I-C, I swear. And I can still make him blush just by mentioning it.”

“See ya Love,” Rick said, giving his old roomie one last hug. He turned back to his wife once more. “I'll be back in a few hours though. Still need your faithful in-house taste tester, right?”

“Always will.” Elisha responded. The pair kissed one more time. “I love you.”

“Love you too, Leaf.” Rick headed out leaving a blushing Elisha and a grinning Love behind.

“It never ceases to amaze me,” Jennifer said. “I've known the both of you longer than I've known anyone else. I never would have imagined you two together. And you're the single most loving and stable relationship I've EVER seen. How the heck do you do it?”

“I don't know, we love each other,” Elisha said, her tone matter-of-fact. “I mean I get the shock kind of. His parents are still so shocked we eloped they still barely speak to us or have seen their grandkids. I know we weren't exactly, you know, love at first sight. But when it all fell into place...it just didn't break. Wouldn't change a thing, not even the rougher stuff before...you know...the fun stuff.”

“I just think it's sweet.”

“All right, I get it. But let's skip the cavity fuel, I want you to give me a close inspection of my bar. It's not a beauty like yours but I could use some tips. It's always been kind of a drag factor in both my places back east. I usually just hand the reigns to the bartender.”

“That's probably a smart move.” Love agreed. “It's always wisest to put someone who knows what they're doing in charge of the area you have a blind spot in.”

“You're welcome to apply,” Elisha joked. “Twenty percent discount on meals.”

“Oooh, tempting,” Jennifer laughed in response. This felt good. Almost like old times. Better even. Lessons learned, age and wisdom. All the plusses of the past and very little of the minuses.


To an outsider, it would look like things couldn't be worse for Cade Devereaux, at least as far as his personal life went. After a pregnancy scare, he felt like he was on good footing with Kate Upton. He even thought of asking the tantalizing TA to move in with him.

That was dashed when Kate revealed she'd been seeing someone else. One of her dalliances, much like the ones he himself had, managed to steal her heart. And just like it was over. This left Cade distressed. Distressed, but not over her leaving him for another man. Rather, he was initially distressed that he wasn't bothered that much by it. He couldn't get it. He adored Kate, and had honestly mistaken that for love.

It was then he was a bit more honest with himself...he just loved fucking a kinky and adventurous blonde beach bunny. She was fun to be around in other situations for sure, but he honestly had a tough time remembering any time they were together that didn't end up in sex, aside from the whole pregnancy scare thing.

He was actually glad Kate found someone that made her feel amazing all over and wished her the best. In the meantime, he was going to have his own fun. And tonight, that fun involved one of the school's photography instructors, Kelly Brook. She was a curvy Brit who was just as popular with her students as she was the staff for a myriad of reasons, one of them was exactly the reason Cade was meeting her at her apartment/photo studio.

When he called her looking for a time to get together, Kelly knew exactly what he meant and knew it'd been far too long since she’d had his cock. She even heard the poorly-hidden excitement in his voice when she revealed she had a free day off campus. No classes, no student meetings, just a day to herself. The joy in his voice reminded her of her younger, more studious conquests from her classes.

There was no real pomp and circumstance for Cade's arrival. The tent in his pants at the thought of getting inside all of Kelly's private areas and Kelly's wetness from the thought of an experienced cock ready to go was more than enough. Still there was the entire factor of getting through the door. It wasn't exactly a grueling action. A few raps on the door was all it took. Minimum effort, but when that door opened Cade saw his maximum reward in the form of Kelly decked out in some of the hottest lingerie he'd ever seen; black satin bra and panties, stockings and garters and at the bottom of those shapely legs a pair of stiletto heels.

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190362479_3383ef1292117994.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190362479_3383ef1292117994.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190362485_69331761_kelly-brook-01.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190362485_69331761_kelly-brook-01.jpg)

“Hello there, Professor Deveraux,” she said, her accent making the sentence ooze with more sex than he would have thought possible despite the many times the pair had fucked. “Please come in. Take a seat on the sofa.”

He nodded and made his way in, hearing the door shut behind him and the click-clack of her heels walking behind him, taking a seat on the lounge chair opposite him. In between them was a coffee table, a loaded tea platter on it.

“Care for a cup, or shall we get down to why you're here and have ourselves little fun?”

“Why am I here Kelly?” he asked with a grin. He liked a bit of back and forth with Kelly. She kept it short, but fun. Action spoke louder with her, but a few words served purpose as well.

“We're going to play that game, are we?” She asked smiling. “You're going to fuck me. I know this routine very well considering how often I've had that simply delightful dick. I was honestly hoping we'd skip the guessing game this time. Not that it's a bad thing, but considering the drought I've had lately with all this finals nonsense I need a serious deep dicking. Not in the mood for a tease, my dearest professor.”

“You don't even want to play this guessing game?” He asked with a grin. Kelly watched with her own grin while Cade unzipped his pants to take out his cock, diamond hard and ready for action. “Guess what I want you to do with this.”

“Well, there are several answers to that question Cade,” said Kelly. She got up and make the quick trek to the other side of the coffee table and knelt down in front of Cade. She spread his legs apart on the couch then yanked his pants down to his ankles. No finesse. Finesse wasn't going to happen between them today.

Cade gasped a bit when Kelly's firm grip came to his cock. “Here's the first answer,” she said, following the sentence up by drooling on his dick. Cade watched with sinful awe as the saliva rolled down the tip and down the stalk, only for it to be worked into the hard flesh by Kelly's pumping.

His gaze went black for a moment when Kelly wrapped her lips around his cock. Right from the start Kelly got to work. Her tongue ran a cyclone around his bell end, a hot chill running up down and back up his spine. Only twenty seconds in and Kelly was already making a slobbering mess.

She cupped Cade's balls while her mouth slobbered all over his nob. Kelly was working fast and hard, almost fucking her face onto her cock. Just when Cade thought he was going to get overloaded she pulled off his cock with a gasp, throwing her hair back before looking back at him, a sexually sinister smile on her face. The buxom Brit's hand became a slick blur on his cock while her mouth went to his balls to give them the same spit wash.

“Fuck yes Kelly...fucking suck those balls,” he said. “Nut sucking tart...”

“Mmmmmm!” Kelly hummed. She LOVED it when she was called a tart. Not slut, not whore, but TART. It drove her wild. Those other words, they were a match stick. Tart was propane. Explosions went off in her head and her hand darted under panties, playing with her clit while the testicular tongue bath continued.

Cade just sat back and watched a master at work. Kelly could eat a man alive who wasn't ready for her. In a way he almost pitied the students she took to bed. Almost. After all, they still got to fuck her. Not much to pity about that.

But still, watching as she combined both frenetic speed with master's skill. There was no chaos in the works she was doing as she bounced from his balls to his cock. Fast? Yes, the sound of the wet sloshing of her cock-devouring. But then that sound faded, replaced by the wet *FAP FAP FAP*, of her jacking his dick.

“Then…I think my second answer would be this.” Kelly briefly released his cock to reach behind her, un hooking her bra and letting it fall to the ground. She winked at him then replaced the warms of her hand with that of her full, luscious tits and wrapped them both around his petrified pecker.

“Look at you,” Kelly said, her tone taunting him. “So anxious...so ready. You really love these big, luscious titties wrapped around your fucking cock, don't you? Practically begging for it, you dirty fucking wanker...practically though isn't what I want...I want you to actually do it...so come on...beg to fuck these tits.”

“Please...” Cade managed to blurt out. Even being stationary, just being between those bodacious breasts was enough to get him sweating bullets.

“Please what?”

“Please...I want to fuck your tits...come on Kelly...please.”

“Close enough this time, but I want to see improvement in the future.” She said with a cheeky grin. Kelly then began to pump her tits on Cade's dick, the music professor's eyes rolling like the dials on a slot machine as the fabulous funbags worked his dick.

“Mmm feels so damn good, doesn't it? Kelly purred, her accent making every syllable drip with lust. “It's so simple...two nice tits wrapped around one cock...but look at all the fun it causes.”

Cade could both clearly see and feel all that fun. There wasn't a sight quite like the one he had right now of Kelly's magnificent melons covering his cock, the bulbous head poking through the cleavage. It looked amazing and even then, how it looked could not match up to how it felt to have those massive tits smother his rod.  Sitting back and enjoying it all, he was being a bit too passive in Kelly's view.

“Oooh, do you think you can just sit back while I do all the work? Not bloody likely.” Kelly's movements stopped and she looked at Cade. “Fucking thrust. Fuck those tits Cade...and tell me how fucking good it feels or you can walk right out that door.”

Cade rushed down to grab her tits after Kelly released them, keeping them squeezed around her tits. From there he began to thrust up like a man possessed. He was pounding hard into her cleavage, getting a big grin to cross Kelly's face.

“There we fucking go,” she cheered. “That's right...mmmm can even feel that precum starting...making it all nice and slick...how about I help?” Kelly followed up that question by flicking her tongue at the head of Cade's schlong every time it rose through boob valley and sometimes just outright sucking on it.

“Ooooh my fucking GOD Kelly!” Cade yelled. “Don't fucking stop.”

“Same to you luv,” she said. “Don't you even think of stopping fucking these titties until I say so!”

And that thought never crossed his mind. So, he continued taking her tits with the frenzy of a feral man. The look of Kelly on her knees, the sound of her dominant filthy talk and the feeling of her flesh on flesh was a kaleidoscope of sensual senses.

Kelly was beyond wet. Some women saw tit-fucking as niche to pull out on occasion, faking that they liked it. They didn't get it. Kelly did. The feeling of a man just losing control from a certain part of you. Being titfucked made her wet. It was the same for handjobs and blowjobs. Just the act and what it did to a man made her melt like butter on a skillet.

However, to Kelly things weren't quite hot enough to melt...Cade looked to be on a different path. That pre-ecstasy gasp always made her tingle a little downstairs. Shame it had to end. Kelly pulled her tits away from Cade, shocking the tit-loving teacher.

“You looked a little too close to edge luv,” Kelly said. “And I don't think you want this to end too early, do you?” Cade shook his head in response. “Good boy.  Now...how about you take some initiative?”

Kelly got up and turned her back to Cade, making as if she was going to lead him somewhere new. That wasn't going to happen, both of them new it.

“Yesssss!” Kelly said, growling when she felt Cade leap up from the couch and grab her. His arms wrapped and he gripped Kelly's tits in his hand, pulling the cups of her bra down and letting them spill out. She moaned as his hard cock rubbed against her legs, ready get a little more snug in the heaven between them.

“That's you dirty fuck,” Kelly sneered. “Take what you want and make us both very happy.”

“Read my mind,” Cade said before pulling Kelly's lips to his for a kiss every bit as raunchy as the room demanded.

With a loud *RRRIIIIPP* Cade tore those black panties off to the delight of Kelly. She LOVED that. Love when a man went straight up savage with his desire for her. Torn open blouse and ripped panties for her, torn apart shirts and ties to bind them to the headboard for them.

“Someone's very fucking wet,” Cade said, running his cock up and down her sopping slit.

“Then you best take advantage of it.” Kelly's sentence was followed by happy laugh as Cade took more control. He grabbed her leg and lifted it up on coffee table then bent her over. That laugh turned into a deep groan of “Fuuuuuuuck YES!” erupting from Kelly's mouth. Cade had slammed his cock in and was getting ready to do a lot more.

“Fucking ram it!” Kelly demanded. “Ram that fucking big cock in my cunt...fuck me hard!” Kelly was letting Cade take the steering wheel. She didn't really have much control over it. She was bent over, getting that lovely cock rammed into her from behind, but nothing to brace herself against to push back against him. Not that there was any need. Every stroke of his log hit hard, deep, and deliciously. Pushing back would have just been the sizzle on the steak.

Cade yanked Kelly up by hooking his arms around her shoulders. The big-titted Brit laughed and laid her head on his shoulder. She leaned her face over to receive a savage and sloppy kiss. While his lips and tongue wrestled with Kelly's own, Cade's hands went to her tits, roughly mauling them with his hands just as the lady loved. Any idea he had about that changing in the time since they last fucked was obliterated when Kelly sucked on his tongue in response and then breaking the kiss with a loud moan when he began to play with her nipples. All while her pussy got the pounding it had been craving.

“This what you wanted huh?” Cade asked, hammering his cock into her pussy. “What you wanted the moment...fuck...the moment I called? All fucking, no bullshit, you fucking tart?”

“Mmmmm hmmmm fuck yes,” Kelly moaned, her voice rattling from every thrust Cade was giving her. “Was wet the moment I knew what you wanted...didn't even play with my pussy waiting for you...it's all yours today everything is as long you keep fucking me!”

Kelly had no worry in that department. Cade didn't even answer her verbally, preferring to let his disco stick to the talking. Though her could feel the funbags in his hands, jiggling like Jell-O at the San Andreas fault, he couldn't help be a little forlorn he couldn't see them. Though that feeling was almost infinitesimally small compared to the godlike feeling of being skin to skin and balls deep in the curvy English harlot.

As good as his cock felt slamming into the warm and & wet paradise of a pussy Kelly Brook possessed, his legs were only human. He lifted her up in his arms, making her laugh and kick her stiletto heels off. He fell backwards on to the couch, Kelly following.

When Cade had lifted her up, his cock had slipped out of her cunt and was now sandwiched between himself and Kelly's plump rump. She ground her ass against it before getting in position to take it back in her horny, hungry cunt.

She climbed back on to Cade's now-sitting form, her back to him. Her dripping fuckhole hovering just above his throbbing prong. Kelly grabbed his cock and held it in place as she lowered her pussy back down on his cock. Once that sword was sheathed again Cade's hands went to her hips, ready for the ride.

The ride didn't begin immediately however. Kelly's cunt didn't start bouncing just yet. Kelly chose instead to grind on that thick, meaty pole, making the music professor shiver like the pile of jelly she turned him into. Still, that kind of thing was only going to last so long. There was a time to savor and a time to act and before long Kelly was back in action, bouncing on his cock.

“Ahhh YES!” Kelly shouted. “Fuck I love this dick! Mmmm take that fucking pussy...ahhhh yes take this fucking tart's cunt!”

His hands gripped her round hips hard, moving along with them as Kelly bounced hard on his cock. He wasn't thrusting up into her, right now this was Kelly's show and with how she worked his cock he saw no reason to take control, at least not yet. And with Kelly as the master of ceremonies for this fuckfest, she knew just what she wanted from him as she bounced on his pole.

“Fuck it! Fuck that twat!” She growled. Her feet were planted firm on the couch, giving her a surprising firm base for her leg strength to dictate the pace. She threw her head back as Cade buried his face in her back, biting on the flesh in between her shoulders. Her pussy clamped on his cock while she froze. He remembered her sweet spot. Soon after the hottest set of chills she ever felt Kelly resumed, only now a lot mouthier.

“Trying to make me cum, eh?” Kelly said, working her hips in a slow grind before fully resuming the ride. “Mmmm if that's the case then you must…ah yes..... feel pretty damn confident...fuck...oh fuck...so you don't get to cum until I do...fair, isn't it?”

“Very.” Cade replied. His grip on her hips tightened and he began to thrust up into her sopping snatch. Kelly cried out for more, her voice cracking and her big beautiful tits bouncing roughly and wildly from Cade's hard pounding.

That was, of course, just the beginning. After a few more glorious moments of his power pounding Cade pulled out of Kelly and threw her onto her back on the couch. It wasn't a hard or far toss, considering they were there, but the savage effort was appreciated.

Now that Kelly was on her back, Cade got an excellent view of those otherworldly titties. The size, the shape...it was all far too perfect to be appreciated by only his eyes. Her grabbed them and dove in face first, licking kissing and sucking on them to Kelly's delight. Goosebumps popped up all over her body as his tongue circled and suckled on her nipples. More popped up on the first set when Cade gave her hard nipples a bite and started to pull and tug along with sucking on them. Kelly howled in delight.

“Feels good, doesn't it?” he growled, letting the titty pop from his mouth. “Gonna make you cum...and I know just how.”

“Do you now?” Kelly knowingly asked.

He answered her with a physical action that satisfied her. Kelly moaned when she felt his bulbous bellend press against her asshole. His face locked on hers. While he would have loved to have just bent her over again and taken her hard, Cade wanted to see the look on her face as her asshole was filled to the brim with his cock.

“Oh, fuuuuck yes Caaade,” Kelly grunted. Inch by inch his pussy-slicked cock entered her asshole. Kelly was a woman well versed in the pleasures of anal sex, so there was no real struggle getting Cade's girth in. Soon he was all in the snug and tight rear entrance.

While he savored that familiar pleasure, Kelly was already raring to go for something a bit more. “Fuck that arse,” Kelly demanded. “None of this slow nonsense...just take that fucking asshole...RAVAGE IT!”

“What the lady wants, she gets,” Cade said, giving her one hard thrust to start off the anal fun. From there, no more savoring. Nothing slow and sweet. Kelly wanted her asshole pounded by Cade and that's what she got.

“YEEEESSSS!!!!” She cried out. “Oh, you dirty fuck...fuck that ass...every fucking inch...fuuuuck!” Cade watched as the passion exploded from Kelly face. How she hissed in the air from teeth clenched in a sex-crazed grin. He watched as her melons bounced and jiggled like they were in an earthquake. She was well past her point of no return and it was time to throw more fuel on that fire.

He grabbed a hold of Kelly's stocking-clad less, her thicc thighs pressed against his chest and calves resting on his shoulder. Kelly's tongue curled up and out of her mouth, licking her lips as she waited for that dick to go even deeper in her ass and really make her cum.

“Ooooh yesssss,” she hissed when she got exactly what she wanted. The hiss grew in a full blown scream of pleasure as the hard, pounding rhythm Cade had already built up returned with a vengeance.

“Yeah...oh your ass is so fucking good...tight ass for such a well-fucked tart like you...gonna cum just from have a cock up your ass, aren't you?”

“Mmmm fuck yes...FUCK YES!” Kelly yelled back.  “Don't stop...fucking harder...deeper...FUCKING HELL YES!!!”

With those last three words echoing throughout her home, the verbiage died, giving way to intense grunts and groans as Cade hammered her asshole. Every stroke into that cavern drove Kelly wilder and wilder.  It wasn't a matter of minutes for Kelly, it was a matter of seconds.

“Yes...YES...YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kelly's voiced released its last few words for a time, her assgasm embracing her like a long-lost old friend. Warm, intense and had been away for far too long. And as Cade's schlong continued ravaging her ass, that warmth got white hot.

The fact that Cade hadn't fired like a shotgun up Kelly's ass at this point was a small miracle. The cavity had clamped own tight around him, the effort to stave off his own orgasm almost Herculean, but he had a different ending in mind for this afternoon delight with Kelly Brook.

When Kelly's body relaxed, the high finally reaching the afterglow stage, Cade pulled out of her well-fucked asshole and maneuvered up to her tits, placing his cock right back in that valley. He grabbed the full funbags and once again wrapped them around his cock, pumping between them fast, ready to get that nut.

“Oooh someone wants to make a dirty little mess of me, don't they?” Kelly teased. “Then do it...you got all my holes...now fucking paint this trashy tart white...NOW!”

“Ohh...oh shit...shit...” Cade was now the one gritting his teeth, trying to stave it off, get a few more seconds of that titflesh surrounding him...but it was for naught.

“FUUCKING HELL KELLY!”  He yelled as his cock started erupted.

“Yessss,” Kelly squealed in delight. “Fucking cover me!”

And he did. The first few ropes splattered her gargantuan globes, but her still had more than enough to coat her face in the copious cum. Stream after stream launched like rockets from the tip of dick, seemingly endless until finally, it all petered out and Cade fell back on the couch.

“Good show there,” Kelly said, cleaning the cum from her face and tits and sucking it from her fingers.

“Not so bad yourself,” he said. “God damn, not bad at all.”

As the two slowly regained their sense, there were no thoughts of students or tests or anything of the sort on their minds. In fact, the only one with a clear thought in the haze of pleasure they were both still in the middle of was Cade. And that thought could be filtered out to three letters:




With the greaseburgers long since finished, Lili, Camila and Peter had migrated to the couch. Lili sat near the right arm, Peter at the left with Camila in the center. Well, technically in the center. She had really bundled herself close to Peter, resting her head on his shoulder. This site should have set Lili off, or so she thought. Peter was her best friend's boyfriend, but Cami was not that particular best friend. However, Lili also didn't see any sparks of romance in what was happening. Camila wasn't nuzzling at his neck, nor was Peter pulling her closer. Cami was just looking for some familiar comfort and Peter was providing it. There was no need for a negative reaction. Lili honestly found it, once again, sweet.

 At first, they were watching some of Cami's favorite films. But then when they happened upon one of them, it inspired another idea in her. Unfortunately for Peter, that film was Dirty Dancing, and he knew exactly what old DVD Cami went to her room to fish for.

“What's with the face?” Lili asked, clearly seeing the eyes roll as Peter braced himself.

“I know what she's getting and I'm shocked she still has it.” Peter replied.

“And why wouldn't I have it, Petey dear?” Camila asked with a grin. She'd returned to the room, a DVD on her finger. The label-side read, Talent Show, Jr. Year. “I mean, it's just my favorite thing to watch ever when I'm super sad.”

“What is it?” Lili asked, intrigued. Her smile was getting as big as Cami's the more Peter's face filled with dread. Not bad dread, but funny dread.

“Well, this was also Junior Year,” Cami said. She removed the Dirty Dancing Blu-ray from the player and put the DVD in its place. “You see, I always managed to get Peter involved in some way in something I did. This...this was the crowning achievement. We practiced for WEEKS. In the end, we nailed it. Perfectly.”

“Nailed what?”

“What else Lils?” Cami asked, returning to her seat and leaning into Peter. “The last dance sequence from Dirty Dancing. Including the part where Baby jumps into Patrick Swayze's arms and her lifts her up.”

“No way!” Lili replied. “You got him to dance? Like THAT? In front of people??”

“No one's more shocked than I am at what she talks me into.”

“Like it’s even a challenge.” Cami added. “I give you the puppy dog eyes and ask please and remind you that I always help out when you’re shooting something whether I'm holding a microphone or throwing a bucket of stage blood on Brodie or Selena. Also, I invoke the best friend privileges.”

“But I've seen him dance,” Lili said. “We all have. And calling it dancing is being generous. No offense Peter.”

“I can't take offense if you're right.” He answered, making Lili laugh.

“Just you wait,” Cami said. “Wait and be amazed at what weeks of practice and patience can do.” With that, Cami pressed play and a gigantic grin instantly came to her face, transplanted to simpler times while also very much in the present where she took quick glances of her oldest friend being beyond embarrassed by the Patrick Swayze cosplay, she got him to wear.

“Oh my GOD she even got you to do your hair like his!” Lili said with a laugh. “You better have won every reward for this just based on that alone.”

“The hair is just the tip of the iceberg,” Cami said.

“The amount of hairspray it took to get it like that probably melted an iceberg.” Peter added, getting a laugh from both of the women.

Then the music hit and Lili was actually astonished at what she saw. It was Peter and Cami, dancing. Not half-assing it, not Cami doing all the work...but actually dancing. He was in rhythm. He was actually moving.

“Okay, I'm impressed,” said Lili. “You're officially a miracle worker.”

“You haven't seen a miracle yet,” Cami said. “Just watch.”

And Lili's eyes went back to the screen, but not before getting another glimpse of Peter watching it through his fingers, trying to hide his face but laughing all the same. Then those blue-green eyes went back to him on the screen to see him leaping from the stage onto the ground, landing perfectly on the ground just like in the film.

“Holy SHIT how did you do that?”

“Cami stole some airplane bottles of vodka from her dad's hotel.”

“It wasn't stealing!” Cami insisted. “I left cash in the mini-bar I snuck into to cover it. And you only got one and a half.”

“Yeah, but I was limping for the weekend.”

“Oh, poor baby,” Cami said. “That really got in the way of all your reading and video games.”

The attention went back to the screen as the second feat that made Lili's jaw drop once more was when the pair re-enacted the arm-lift, just as Swayze had done with Jennifer Grey in the film.

“Stronger than he looks huh?” Cami asked.

“And you were worried he couldn't handle a football player?”

“I'm more of a lover than a fighter,” Peter said.

“Yes, we all know,” Cami joked. “Personal experience from both of us.” Cami knowing, she just hit them both with a little jab. Nothing serious, no offense, but enough to make the two blush…and give each other a look that Cami missed.

After that, it was barely a minute and the video was over, dance routine completed and the DVD back at the home menu. A slow clap was started by Lili, who then gave an over-the-top standing ovation.

“Encore!” She shouted. “Bring on more of this Dirty Dancing!”

“I'm game,” said with a grin. “How about you, Pete?”

“Cami, I love you...but show me some mercy.”

“Very well...but just because I think I may have actually reached my limit in embarrassing my bestie...without even attempting to embarrass my other bestie to even remotely the same degree.” Cami then took a quick look at a nearby clock. “Holy shit, I think I might have kept you guys here a lot longer than you expected.”

“Holy crap it's already seven???” Lili said. “Oh man I'm going to be late.”

“For what?” Peter asked.

Before Lili could be flustered to long, trying to explain both her date and who it was with, Cami chimed in. “Need me to give Pete a ride back to his car?”

“No, I got it.” Lili answered. “Not a problem at all.”

“Well, in that case,” Cami said, getting up from the couch alongside her two compatriots. She turned to Lili first. “Thank you. I needed this. I really did.” She hugged her then turned her attention towards Peter, almost repeating the embrace she gave him when she saw him at the door, only this time no tears.  “And thank you too. So much. I really do love you. Despite you being a gigantic goober.”

“Well then next time call the gigantic goober when something like this happens,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Deal?”

“Deal.” Cami replied.

“Hey Goober!” Lili said, immediately getting Peter's attention and tossing him her car keys. “How about you get the engine running and I'll meet you in the car?”

“No problem,” he said, giving Camila one last hug before heading for the door. He paused just before exited and looked to Lili. “You're not gonna tell Hailee I responded to goober, are you?”

“Probably not,” Lili said with a smirk.

“I'll take it.” Peter exited the apartment, leaving the roommates alone for a few moments.

“Thanks for the quick cover,” Lili said.

“No problem.” Cami replied. “But you know you can trust him, right? Peter doesn't give a shit if you're bi. That's not him and if it was, I wouldn't have spent twenty years of my life hanging out with him.”

“I know...it's just...I'm really selective about it. It's personal to me. I know it wouldn't be a big deal to a real friend or anything. I didn't even tell Jake, which now that I think of it should have been a red flag for that whole relationship. And I don't even know what it is me and Ashley have.”

“Well, it's only been a few weeks, isn't that kind of early to call it?”

“Yeah, it's just...look she's fun, and we get along...I just don't know if she's that fond of monogamy. She’s very...bohemian. Fronting a band, poet, artist...it's the kind of thing that calls for a lot of fun and…I don't know am I just a fling? Is she?”

“Lils, anyone who's sane would not let someone like you slip through their fingers. If you don't know for sure what it is, just ask her.”

Lili nodded, then shook her head. “I can't believe I'm unloading on you with everything you have going on.”

“Eh, you earned it today,” Said Camila, her tone as soft as her smile. “Besides, that's what friends are for and all those other cliches. Just know I'm here for you. Always will be. Now, you go drop my other bestie off and then hopefully go get laid! I'll be fine. You two...you really helped.”

A last hug between the two friends and Lili left the apartment and headed towards her car, which was already running and Peter in the passenger’s seat.

“Thanks,” Lili said as she put the car in drive and began to head out of the parking garage.

“No problem, just turned the key.” Peter replied.

“Not for that. Well, not so much. But for this. Being there for her with me.”

“It's Cami,” Peter said. It was the only answer he could give.

“I know. Still, thanks for coming along...and also being there for me. After Jake and all of that. You didn't have to do that. I mean I know we're kind of friends and all that because of the people we know...”

“I didn't do it for Hailee or Cami. I did it because it was bullshit what happened to you and I didn't want you to dwell on some asshole who didn't see what he had and took you for granted. I don't care how we met, we're friends.”

“Thanks,” Lili said, the smile on her face earnest and sweet. “And also…thanks for not being weird...you know...about that thing we did after the whole Jake thing.”

“Oh yeah...that.” The both were blushing a bit, just below beet red. “I mean, why would I be weird and make anyone feel awkward for that? That's what we have Cami for.”

“Very true,” Lili laughed. “Still, let's just be out with it. We had sex. We had a threesome. You. Me. Hailee. It was good. It was great, honestly. We've seen each other naked, tasted each other, made each other cum. No shame. No embarrassment. Three adults having consensual fun with each other. That's it.”

“Agreed. Though...did you say great? I mean, I totally concur...just, you now, wanted to make sure I heard you right. Between friends and all that.”

“Oh, of course,” Lili said. “What's a little ego stroking between friends? Friends that have been very intimate with each other…this is getting awkward isn't it”

“Lili, you just saw me at sixteen dressed as Patrick Swayze mimicking a dance routine he performed before either of us were born with pants tighter than a python's embrace. You really think the fact we've had sex is going to be any more awkward than revisiting that?”

“Fair enough,” she said with a soft giggle. “Also, love the python visual.”


“And you didn't look too shabby in those tight pants,” Lili said. “But the hair...yeah, that was kind of brutal. Looks better the way it is now. The whole shaggy thing. Looks good.”

“Oh...thanks.” Things then got a bit awkward with the silence. They could both feel it. Not bad awkward, but it was still in the air.

“How exactly did Cami convince you to do that anyway?” Lili asked, trying to kill the tension.

“Take a wild guess,” Peter said.

“Puppy dog eyes, the barely there hint of a pout followed by 'Pleeease?” then she fluttered her eyes, knowing going so comically over the top is going to seal the deal.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 04:27:01 PM


Elisha Cuthbert LOVED the restaurant business. Sure, it was high stress, but being a chef was what she always wanted. Owning her own restaurant went along with that. The whole celebrity angle just kind of happened. It was never her real passion. Still, it did more than pay the bills so it wasn't a real annoyance.

Elisha also HATED the restaurant business. The high stress could be a nightmare that made her lifelong dream a waking nightmare. Even then though, she'd admit a lot of that stress was self-induced, such as the stress she was putting herself through now, on top of everything else that went along with opening a new eatery.

She knew the deal. She went to college in the area. It was a Cali college scene and it had gone down the traditional Cali path. It meant brining in a new clientele, hopefully. It was one she didn't have much experience with, even during her time at the school, but Elisha was going to welcome vegans in with open arms.

She'd done well with her menu items so far. Her avocado fries were utterly gobbled up by her youngest kids, both of whom were still very much locked in the “vegetables are the tools of Satan” stages of their lives. She'd made amazing meatless burgers and believed she'd landed on the perfect meatless “chicken wing”. The actual entree weren't the issues. The sauces were.

Elisha was obsessed with sauces, especially those of the barbecue variety. She'd made her bones mastering the art of barbecue. Sauces to rubs, smoking to grilling and everything in between. Mastering all of that however turned her into a perfectionist, and that could be very, very stressful.

Right now, the source of all the stress was laid out in front of her, experiments she was still tinkering with alongside some of her surefire hits. The habanero BBQ, the Honey Ghost Pepper, the basics of a Cuthbert restaurant. Those were the safety net. The others were things she wasn't sure about. An avocado-based vegan ranch being the ring leader of it all.

Deep inside she knew she probably didn't need to worry. She knew her stuff and had over a decade's worth of success to tell her that her instincts were right. There was still that voice in her head that fucked with her, trying to make her doubt herself, to trip herself up. Luckily, she had back up and it had just walked in the front door of her soon-to-be-opened restaurant.

“Leaf?” Rick said, locking the door behind him. “Still here?”

“Kitchen babe,” she replied. Rick made his way to the kitchen. The moment he opened the door, Elisha turned around, putting on a smile when her husband walked in the room. Though the smile warmed him, being with her for over fifteen years made it easy for him to spot when she was perturbed.

“Those dastardly sauces keeping you on edge?” He jokingly asked.

“Don't tease,” she pouted finding solace in his arms. “Only I may tease you when I'm like this. Those are the rules.”

“Gotcha, don't know how that keeps slipping my mind.” He held her close and caressed her blonde locks. “So, what's on the taste test docket?”

Elisha turned around, her back to his chest and arms still around her. “Smoked chipotle cheese sauce. Vegetarian, not vegan so I feel a little secure. The cheese base is mainly smoked gouda but the smallest bit of sharp cheddar in there. I just think it added something. ALWAYS must be served hot with the Bavarian Beast soft pretzel. Either alongside the spicy honey mustard or with a double order of mustard. Also, more vegetarian but it might be vegan because I don't know where vegans stand with honey because some say it's fine but then others will just go one this whole, LONG tirade and its...”


“I went to the weird place huh?” she asked before clearing her throat. “Then we have what I hope is going to be the all-star of the newbies the 100% avocado ranch, in both basic and chipotle varieties.”

“And to dip?”

“Sliced some artisan bread into strips and toasted them. I thought it better to have the sauces as straight as they could be without dipping your fingers in.”

“Time to dig in.” Elisha moved aside and let Rick move towards the food. Before he took the first toasted piece of bread, she paused him.

“Be honest,” she requested. “Brutally honest.”

“Gotcha.” Replied Rick. “Anything I should go for first?”

“The vegan ranch,” Elisha said. “Those sons of bitches are what's going to give me an ulcer. Get them out of the way.”

“You got it boss,” Rick said. She handed him a bottle of water to cleanse the palette in between bites. He could feel her beautiful baby blues on him the whole time, nervously watching every move and waiting for the first sign of something negative.

Rick caught view of that. It was something he found both cute and displeasing. There were definitely times her perfectionism drove hi up the wall, mainly when it got so bad, she started taking it out on herself. Most of the time that self-doubt was always centered around new creations and ten out of ten times the self-doubt was 100% unfounded.

As he took that first taste of the regular avocado ranch and no sold it. Despite the dislike of exactly how much stress the opening of the restaurant was giving her, keeping her on edge just the slightest bit was something eh got a kick out of. It was fair, a way to balance out Elisha's silver-tongue.

“Well?” she asked as he sipped the water. “What's wrong? It's awful isn't it?”

“I just want to try the chipotle one next. Compare them directly.”

“Oh...yeah,” said Elisha. “Okay...continue.”

Rick nodded and dipped a fresh bit of toasted bread into the spicier of the two sauces and once more kept his wife on the razor's edge. This was the real test. Rick had his tastes expanded from date one with Elisha, but he was not known as a lover of spicy the same way she was in the sense of he didn't like anything beyond mild.

From the first, loud crunch of him biting into the toast this time to the muffled crunches of the chewing, Elisha felt the urge to bite her nails, anything to curb the nerves. When the swallow finally happened, she felt as though she could barely speak, her mouth being as dry a salt mine.

Once he washed it all down with a swig of water, he turned to her, seeing her waiting on his next words. “Well, this might surprise you.”

“Oh no,” she said. “It's bad isn't it. Because that'd be you surprising me...fuck fuck fuck I have to start all over....”

“Babe...breath,” Rick said, softly grasping Elisha's shoulder to calm her down. “The vegan ranch was great.”

“It was?”

“Yes. And the surprising part was I actually preferred the chipotle one.”

“You did?” She asked, more than a little dubious. “You sweat in the grocery store when we pass bell peppers and you like the chipotle one?”

“The smokiness really worked. I mean I could feel the heat but it wasn't overwhelming at all.”

“That's AWESOME!” Elisha said, almost squealing before jumping in the air in victory. “Fuck yes!” That was followed up by her grabbing Rick's bearded face and pulling it to hers for a kiss, a deep, hungry kiss.

It was almost like clockwork at this point. The moment the weight of whatever stress she had on her shoulders was lifted, her mood shifted from doom and gloom to something much more fun. This kind of fun was also something she needed Rick for.

The couple embraced, hands all over each other. Elisha released a sexy laugh as Rick backed her against one of the prep tables and lifted her up on it. Any trace of anxiety fades away as a small, sexy smile came over face. It grew into a full-grown grin when Rick began the undo her jeans. Elisha raised her legs just a so, allowing them and her shoes to be pulled off and dropped to the tile floor.

Now came for a breathless second or two as Elisha waited to see what her man would do next. The options were few, but every option absolutely fun. When Rick began to get to his knees, Elisha saw that he just wanted a taste of something different...an old favorite.

He began where Elisha expected him to, planting twin kisses on both of her ankles while his hands rubbed her calves. It was a routine Elisha knew all too well. That wasn't a bad thing at all. She knew what Rick was going to do and he knew her body. More than fifteen years together will do that to people. Every kiss he made on her legs was part of a path Rick had traveled many times over the years. The two had done several things in the past to keep their love life fresh and exciting, but right now all Elisha wanted was some comfort food...though Rick was going to be the one eating.

Elisha's moans and sighs began to fill the room. They were soft, the rumblings of what was to come. There were a few of her sexy giggles thrown in too, with her husband's beard tickling the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs as his kisses led him closer to the promised land ahead.

“Mmmmm yessss,” the cooking Canadian sighed. Rick's tongue was busy setting the stages, running up her pussy lips like a flat paint brush, giving himself just a taste before pushing things a bit further. His taste was also Elisha's, the first contact just giving her a hint of that old favorite she was craving.

The appetizer though was short and sweet. Rick brought his fingers in as well. He delicately traced his fingers up, down and all around the gate to Elisha's garden. When her pressed forward, Elisha gulped in a deep breath, letting it out in a deep moan as Rick's fingers began to work magic inside of her.

“Oh my god Rick...” Said Elisha. Her arms scrambled against the stainless steel surface of the prep station. It was a lot easier to reach out for something to grasp on to when she was in her bed where the oak headboard was always in reach.

Right now, however her arms were almost flailing as Rick's skilled digits diligently worked inside her, just brushing against that elusive bundle of nerves within while his mouth buried itself in the berry patch sucking one the sweetest red berry of them all.

The moans that came from his wife's ears were like Rick's favorite song...but way dirtier when Elisha's f-bombs came dropping. And just like any good song, there were highs and lows and right now Rick was the conductor. With his fingers in the pie and his tongue lovingly lapping the cherry on top, he built Elisha's body up to a crescendo, her mouth releasing an opera of passionate cries...that soon faded into a grateful sigh as the music slowed down ever so softly. Bringing her to a boil then letting her go back down to a simmer. It was something he loved to do to her, each time making that high so tempting to go off of, then letting it get even further apart.

“Right there Ricky....fuck you know...oh damn you know so well...” Elisha way with words was fading as Rick played with her pussy and teased her the edge time and time again. Her knew all the right spots to hit with her, and not just the ones within. She always felt a special warm go through her when he gently caressed her surprisingly special spot right on her abdomen, just where her navel began a happy trail downward. Rick had been the only man to really notice that spot. Sure, other men had hit it by accident but never took note. Rick definitely took note. He took notes off all those sweet spots on her. A little nibble on the left ear lobe, lightly scratching the back of her calves. He found all the spots marked X on the map of her body...and added a few more of his own.

All the amorous affection of her longtime lover was making Elisha hot in both senses of the word. She rose up just a bit and took off her shirt and bra, leaving her bare before Rick. She grinned a big toothy one when she saw his eyes light up and seeing her beautiful breasts on display. That smile gave way as she opened her mouth once more to moan out “Rick!”

Elisha was going crazy on the rollercoaster Rick was taking her on. Up down and upside down. Her stomach was twisting and turning in knots and every moment was better than the last. His mouth, his hands...everything was getting ready to set her ablaze. However, both longtime lovers knew that this was going to be a lot more than just Rick's head between her legs.

With a satisfied and expectant “Mmmmm,” escaping Elisha's mouth, Rick rose up and began to strip himself. “Baby, you're making me wish I had some singles to throw at you with a show like this,” joked Elisha.

“I'm sure you'll find some way to tip me,” Rick retorted.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” Rick moved in between Elisha's lovely legs, thrusting in and kissing her deeply at the same time. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close as she moaned into his mouth from the feeling of his cock filling her up. Rick kept still for a moment, looking into the ocean blue eyes of his love while she looked back. She wrapped her legs around him, locking at the ankles.

“You gonna stare all day cowboy?” Elisha asked. “Or are we going to ride?”

Elisha got her answer when Rick began to pump into her. The sexy, teasing words and sensual smile gave way to less intelligible signs of pleasure. Those were soon muffled when the couple’s lips met. Their tongues wrestled with each other and their hands were also busy. Elisha's ran up and down her husband's back, nails raking down and up with her nails before digging in and gripping his ass.

Rick's hands weren't up too much different, feeling every supple curve of his lover's body, cupping her butt. However, he couldn't keep his mind off of what Elisha had on display up front. Both his hands and lips moved from their previous stations down to her tits, Elisha moaning with the added stimulation. Just like every other sweet spot on her body, Rick knew just how to give Elisha that extra jolt. How he sucked and licked her nipples, how his hands fondled and massaged her melons. All while he gave her a much more direct level of pleasure with his rod buried deep within her.

Grunts and moans echoed in the kitchen. Rick backed off his breast worship for a moment, looking deep into Elisha's ocean blue eyes as he took hold of her left leg, lifting it so her calf was on his shoulder. Rick pressed his lips against her ankle and calf.

“Mmm Rick...oh baby just like that...oh!” Elisha's cooing turned into a surprised yet happy yelp when Rick pressed into her deeper. The couple kissed again, Rick now driving harder into his beloved.

If either of them was thinking about anything other than the pleasure of each other, they'd have thought about how what they were doing in the kitchen matched up to first time they ever had sex years ago. They were both working at the school's student union late at night...and the moment happened. After months of near-misses and interrupted moments, after their first kiss it all exploded in a night of passion and never really stopped.

“Fuck...oh Rick,” Elisha moaned, her moan betraying a desperation for more. “I…I love you fucking much....”

“Nnn...love...mmm...love you too Leaf...” He replied, pausing his movements for tender kiss, breaking up the action for a moment of affection. As it broke, Elisha decided to the heat all the way back up.

“Mmm...good to know...now get back to fucking me.”

“Is that what you want?” Rick playfully asked, punctuating the question with a hard thrust, earning a satisfied grunt from his blonde bombshell. She nodded; the smile that stole his heart given a sinful edge. “Then that's what you get.”

Rick kissed her again, then pulled out of Elisha. For the briefest of moment Elisha was confused. That confusion was squelched when Rick spun her around and bent her over. That message was loud and clear, no room for confusion.

“YES!” she howled as Rick re-entered her from behind. “Damn right this is what I want...mmm baby I fucking love you!” Elisha also loved Rick's nonverbal response, smacking her on the ass as he revved up to really give his Canadian goddess her favorite ride.

Once more Elisha's hands searched for something to grasp, to hold onto tightly as her pussy was pummeled. In her scramble she turned the nearby sink on before finally settling on the wall in front of her.

“Unh...uh....oh fuck...harder...harder Rick....mmmm baby fucking take me....” Elisha's request was right on the verge of a yell, a sexy, seductive plea for more and more from Rick to sate her nerves and hunger.

Fortunately for Elisha her husband was an eager lover and good listener. He didn't just hear her words; she listened the tone...and how her voice cracked when he caressed another one of her spots. The spot between her shoulder blades, the one on the small of her back. Each one of part of the final recipe for a satisfied wife.

Elisha released a moan that trailed off into a laugh when Rick pulled her up, her back to his chest. She craned her neck to kiss him, but that lick lock ended quick as her jaw went agape and she moaned, “Oh holy shit!”

That response was thanks to Rick diddling Elisha clit as her hammered her cunt with his dick. He brought his lips to her ears and spoke, “I need you to do something for me baby.”

“Mmm...anything...anything for you...”

“Cum on my cock...cum on my cock Leaf...”

“Mmm is that all?” She joked, licking his cheek before doing some work of her own on his cock. “Cum on this cock...my own private sex sextoy...is that what you want hon?”

“Mmmm fuck yes,” Rick grunted, his eyes slamming shut at some of the tricks Elisha had found about him over the years. She squeezed and milked his cock as he pumped her, throwing her own spices into the mix.

“I'll be...mmm...happy to...but you've gotta help baby...”

“Be happy to...”

Elisha smiled, her tongue curling upward. And though that mischievous smile soon melted, it simply melted away into pleasure. Rick had rooks Elisha arms with his and allowed her to bend forward, now almost hanging from his arms.

The chef's moans cracked and croaked with every hard, rapid thrust Rick made into her. Elisha was close to exploding, the fuse had been lit long ago. It wasn't going to be much longer. She both didn't want the sex to end and couldn't wait for that orgasm.

“Yes....yes...YES! YES! RICK OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!” Elisha's screamed. She’d reached the end of her journey, cumming hard and milking her man closer and closer to his edge. To Rick's credit, that didn't slow him down as he still hammered her pussy, extending Elisha's trip through the pleasure zone for a few precious moments more.

Just as Elisha was coming down, her husband was reaching his breaking point. She knew that unique pitch in his voice all too well at this point. She wrested her arms free, pulled off of Rick's cock and spun around to her knees in front of him.

“Your turn,” she said, that beautiful face effectively dooming him to exquisite pleasure. “Now you...cum for me...give me a taste of your sauce honey...it's only fair....”

“No problemmmm, ooohhh damn,” Rick moaned. Elisha wrapped her lips around his meatpole and began to drive him towards his absolute explosion. Her tongue strummed his banjo string every so often, her mouth really focusing on the crown while her hand pumped his shaft.

“Gimme every drop baby,” Elisha said doing a small suckjob hiatus. “All of it...come on...right on this face...right on my tongue...come on...gimme...”

With that kind of encouragement, the blonde beauty got her wish. Rick pulled away from her mouth, she had requested a plastering after all, and stroked himself a few times before finally exploding.

“ELISHA!!!” He cried out as the first volley of cum exploded from the tip of his cock. Just like Elisha had wanted, it ran across her face, and the next glob landed right on her tongue. The next shots were a bit more random but nonetheless pleasurable. Elisha put her lips back around his rod to suck the last few drops out.

Rick looked down at his cum covered love and marveled at how beautiful she was, even covered in his cum and licking it from her own face.

“Well...that's still good as ever,” she joked. “Come on, let's hit the shower.”

“There's a shower here?”

“Yep,” Elisha said as she got to her feet. “It was Love's idea. She has one in her bar for when she has to stay overnight. It's a good idea, as this little bit of fun clearly shows. Besides, I'm pretty sure you shot a bit in my hair. Can't exactly lick that off my fingers.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” said Rick, noticing a few streaks of white liquid white in Elisha's golden locks.

“Don't be. Hazard of the job. A fun one too.”

“We going to finish that taste test?”

“Eh, I was really only worried about the vegan stuff. You liked it, you made me cum…I'm flying high. The rest will be our dinner. Maybe a couple burgers too. After we clean up then triple sanitize the work station, of course.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Rick held his hand out and Elisha took it, then lead him to her office, where much like Love's bar, the shower was located. As they walked totally nude and hand in hand to take a post sex shower, it almost made Rick wish Elisha would get nervous more often. The again, neither of them would get any work done in that case.



It was about 7:45 when Peter finally made it back to his place. There was a bit more traffic than either he or Lili had expected. It wasn't too much of a delay, but he also never let Hailee know that he was going to be late...or that he had skipped all his classes.

She also hadn't texted him all day, so he didn't think he'd be in it too deep, if at all. When he walked in the door, he didn't see his girlfriend at all. What he did see was his roommate and business partner, Sabrina Carpenter, laying on the couch with a half-eaten container of red curry chicken on the coffee table in front of her.

“It's almost eight,” said Sabrina. “And you missed the American folklore class too.”

“I know. There was kind of an emergency.”

“What happened?” Sabrina said, a bit of concerning in her tone...but not so much it distracted from her nightly Netflix ritual of excruciatingly bad ghost hunting “documentaries”.

“Camila and Jose broke up.”

“Holeee shit,” Sabrina said, actually rising up to sit. She needed to actually look at Peter's face for this one. “Did I hear you right? What happened to the fairy tale couple?”

“Jose got a great offer to go to Japan. It's a huge thing for his career. And Cami doesn't want to go. It's a whole...thing. Short of it is she needs some kind of support system because of her nerves over Jose's job, she doesn't want to take it out on him or stand in the way of his dreams...so...yeah.”

Peter flopped down on the couch as well, leaning his head against its backboard. Sabrina reached for her food and put another forkful in her mouth, chewing as she soaked in the info.

“She doing okay?” Sabrina asked. “I mean you saw her and not Jose I'm guessing, what with you knowing her your whole life and all.”

“Good assumption.”

“I try.”

“Cami's doing...well as can be expected considering she broke up with the love of her life. So when Lili told me about what was going on…well, I kind of had to be there. Best friend duty and all of that.”

“Gotcha.” Sabrina replied. “I have another question.”


“You know where the air fryer is? I was gonna make some wings but I couldn't find it and I'll be damned if I'm actually going to heat up a vat of grease. Hence the curry.”

“No clue…wait, why didn't you just ORDER wings?”

Sabrina opened her mouth as if the answer was ready to roll off her tongue. Instead nothing came out as she paused to think if she even had one.

“Well...huh. Shit. You got me.”

“Before you ruminate on the conundrum you've put yourself in, I have a question for you.”

“Shoot,” the sprite said.

“Is Hailee home? And if she is, is she pissed at how late I am getting home.”

“She's here.” Sabrina replied. “And I doubt she's pissed. She got home like fifteen minutes before you.”

“Oh...was she okay?” Peter asked. “I haven't talked to her all day.”

“What? She was on the phone when she came in. I thought it was with you. Anyway, she's in your bedroom. Probably still on the phone.”

Peter rose from the couch and headed to the bedroom he shared with Hailee. He could hear through the door she was still in conversation, a friendly one from the sound of t. It wasn't his business, but he also at least wanted to crash on his own bed instead of watch Sabrina laugh her ass off as amateur ghost hunters. After the sixty-ninth time it stopped being funny. At least until Sabs took out the bong.

He opened the door and surprised Hailee, the leggy beauty jumping a bit when she saw him. She covered the receiving end of the phone and mouthed “Just a minute, sorry.”

Peter nodded and laid down on the bed, getting the tail end of Hailee's phone conversation.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” she said. “Look, I've gotta go. We'll handle that tomorrow. Yeah...yep, that's right. Okay. Tomorrow. Bye.” The call ended and Hailee blew a strand of hair from her face and turned to Peter. “Sorry about that. Work stuff.”

She walked over and straddled him on the bed, kissing him as he laid down on the bed. “Trouble at the office?” Peter asked.

“No, not really. Just...well it's just triple checking on stuff that was done before it even reached my desk. And even then, if it's on mine or Camila's desk it can't be that important. What about your day?”

Peter then told her about what had occurred with Camila, and her jaw dropped.

“Oh my god is she okay?” Hailee asked, sliding off of Peter. “No wonder she wasn't at work today.”

“Yeah, but...I needed to be there for her, you know? Me and Lili spent pretty much the whole day with her, just trying to make it all easier on her. I don't like seeing her like that.”

“I understand,” Hailee said. “Believe me. She going to be on campus tomorrow?”

“I think so.”

“Hope I'll see her,” Hailee said, getting up from the bed. She began to take off her clothes, preparing for a shower.

“Why wouldn't you be able to?” Peter asked. “You don't have morning classes tomorrow so you could meet up with her for breakfast at the D.C.”

“Yeah, but I'm still doing some study dates,” Hailee replied, tossing her blouse into the hamper. “Then after that at lunch there's the work thing. But the afternoon, I promise I'll try and talk to her. This kind of thing...no one should go through it alone.”

Hailee paused for a moment, her eyes darting to the phone and back. Peter didn't really catch it. They'd been together for more than a couple months and had sex many, many times. Peter though was still enamored as he watched Hailee undressed. And Hailee still loved feeling those eyes on her. Her looked to him while her lips delivered a smile.

“You look like you could use a shower too babe,” she said. “How about we save on the water bill? You wash my back, I'll wash yours...and maybe a bit more?”

“Well, it does make economic sense,” Peter said with a grin to match Hailee's. He jumped up from the bed and began to strip himself, Hailee whistling as his clothes dropped. The whistle became wild laughter when he lifted her up and took her into the bathroom.

Peter wished all long days could end like this.



Sometimes locations mattered. They set the mood. Romance could be found anywhere, but something about candlelight just made it better. Sex also had a trademark location, which was the bedroom. Kira Kosarin and Ben Farrano however had picked an entirely different location.

It was spur of the moment to a degree. It had been building since that first date. The two flooded each other with innuendo and flirtation. They also tried their best tricks on the other. While none of Kira's tricks worked on Ben and vice versa, they couldn't help but respect the game each other had.

So, it went on their next few dates. The sexual tension mounted and mounted. They were drawn to each other; they knew that much. Neither Kira nor Ben had met a person so close to who they were. It was hard to figure out how to play it, what front to put up.

By the time they reached date number five, any attempt at fronts were gone. It was just Kira and Ben...and the insurmountable sexual tension that was between them. So insurmountable in fact that soon after their food arrived, they asked for it to go. The food was put into Styrofoam containers and double wrapped in plastic bags. And they were placed a nearby crate as Kira and Ben fucked in the alleyway behind the restaurant.

Kira was facing the wall, her arms braced against the wall and her tight black dress hiked up to her waist and the top half pulled down and her tits bared in the night. She hadn't bothered with underwear. Kira had a sixth sense about her.

Ben was right behind her, hands on her round hips and cock buried deep in her sopping cunt. Right now, there just moans and snarls between them. However just minutes before they were a lot more verbal.

The moment they had stepped out of the restaurant and Kira lead Ben into the alley, it was already a foregone they were going to fuck. Kira didn't need to say, “You're going to fuck me. Right now.” However, Ben sure was glad she did.

“Ahhhh yes!” Kira moaned, her sensual vocal eruption echoing in the alleyway. She was pleasantly surprised at Ben. She didn't know he had this side to him. No direction needed. He read Kira's desire in her eyes. That was something she hadn't experienced before. The other thing that was a surprise at how he took charge of the situation. Spinning her around and hiking her skirt up before she said a word, his hands running over her fit body. Right from the start Ben had let her know she was going to get truly fucked and a few minutes in Kira knew he wasn't lying.

Still, now that he had a few minutes of total control, Kira saw fit to remind Ben just who's idea this spur of the moment screw session was...and clue him in on exactly who his cock was driving into.

“Fuck it...fuck that cunt Ben...don't fucking waste my time...FUCK ME!” Kira's voice was a dominant and sensual growl, and her words were driven home when she pushed back on Ben, fucking herself with his cock. “Come on Beny Boy....am I gonna fuck you or are you gonna fuck me?!?”

She looked back on him, a confident and teasing smirk on her face, though that soon gave way to another erotically charge moan. That was more than enough to get Ben really revved up.

“Take a wild guess Kira,” Ben said, giving his own tactile answer by smacking Kira's hard on her firm ass, leaving a bright red mark. She yelped in surprise, and her voice trailed off as Ben got ready to give her exactly what she demanded. He kept one hand on her hip, gripping deliciously tight while the other slid up her body, taking a rough squeeze of her tits before settling at Kira's smooth shoulder, where he took another firm grip.

“YEEeeeEEEEsssSSS!!!” Kira cried out, her voice cracking with every powerful pound he made. This was AMAZING...everything. The dirty alleyway, not giving a shit who heard them, and a man who knew how to really fuck her....it was something Kira didn't really expect. No one to lead around and tell how to do things right...and a man who knew how to use what the good lord gave to make her squeal in delight.

“Fuck me...come on motherfucker...ohhh my god...fuck me till I cum on that fucking dick of yours...don't stop...oh fucking hell don't even think about it!”

“Wasn't...wasn't planning on it!” Ben growled. He gave Kira a few hard, fast jabs into her puss, the wild woman grunting in delight. She was more than a little ditzy at the moment. Feeling tingly and warm all over, she knew she was close, waiting for that last gust of wind to bowl her over. It came in a surprise way, when Kira felt his thumb tease her starfish, just a little bit of pressure against her asshole and it was over Kira...and it gave Ben ideas for their next round.

“Fuck YES!” She yelled, gasping for air as her body insane from pleasure. Her nerves endings were fire and ice at once. And it all went so much higher when Kira was sandwiched between the wall and Ben. He was buried to the hilt inside of her, making quick, hard thrusts into her pussy, giving her ride a few lovely bumps in the road.

Ben had made her cum, and much quicker than she anticipated. Best of all, especially for Ben, Kira had a special treat in mind for him. He couldn't cum inside her, not yet anyway. But still, she knew something that also made men happy, especially when they heard her say it.

“Cum on my face!” Kira said, authority in her tone. “I earned it...so that’s where I want it...I want to fucking swallowing cum…have it slide down my throat...”

The words were silky smooth, worming their way into his ears and breaking down his last barrier.

“Holy shit!” Ben cried out. The moment he disengaged from the velvet embrace of Kira's cunt she was already squat down in front of him. The saucy brunette took his cock into her mouth, sloppily sucking his knob force him to explode in her mouth.

Kira swallowed the first two blobs with glee, moaning as the cum oozed down her throat. Those were the biggest shot and she knew it. She loved swallowing, so it worked for her anyway. Besides, she didn't want to get any cum on her dress. However, it wasn't like the rest of the shots were simple dribbles. Kira's happily got her face glazed with Ben's batter, she even let some of it drip down on to her tits, cupping them at the bottom to protect her dress.

“Good job Ben,” Kira said, licking her hand. “You might get to fuck me again.”

“I'm honored.” He replied with a grin.

“You should be. Now zip it up and take me home. I need to get up early tomorrow.”

“No problem,” Ben said. In a few short minutes they were dressed and heading back to Kira's apartment. There was no more sex on the menu for tonight, but both Kira and Ben knew they had only scratched the surface of what they wanted to do to each other.


“Don't call her man,” Jake said.  He and Jose were in Jake's apartment, finishing up the packing for their big move to the land of the rising son.

“Yeah, I bet you'd really love it if I called and convinced Cami to come with me,” Jose said. The tag team had been having this discussion ever since Jose's break-up. Jake was letting a lot of stuff slide. He knew what Camila meant to Jose. But his friend also needed some logic.

“Jose, I’m not going to pretend like I'm Cami's biggest fan. She's probably the biggest reason Lili wouldn't even talk to me after Spring Break.”

“Dude I'm thinking that's more likely about you fucking someone else behind her back while not even touching her.”

“Whatever. I'm just going to say, I agree with her on this. Dude she even came crying to me a couple times about those nightmares. She was worried sick constantly. Especially when you said it was going to be a big match. She figured that's when you were going to do the really dangerous stuff. Which, honestly, she's right. Half the time when I've been telling you to scale the craziness back it's on her behalf as well as mine. So…Cami's right. Either you two break-up and you resent her, or she comes with, has no one to talk to and begins to take it out on you. You know she's right.”

“Yeah...it doesn't mean it doesn't suck though. I thought this would be the best thing to ever happen to me...it doesn't feel that way without her.”

“You need help getting the last of your stuff in a couple days?”

“No…it’s best to do it alone. Fuck I hate that the one thing you and her ended up agreeing on is she and I breaking up.”

“Me too man,” Jake said earnestly. “Seriously.”

And Jake meant that. He may have had his issues with Camila over the whole Spring Break affair, but she did make Jose not just feel happy, but like he mattered. This was going to be a rough, bumpy ride to Japan and the future.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 04:56:13 PM

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190365842_aff39e1130068534.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190365842_aff39e1130068534.jpg)(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190365894_eyj3o92ucaa5x-d.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190365894_eyj3o92ucaa5x-d.jpg)(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190365900_positions003.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190365900_positions003.jpg)

It was a routine Ariana Grande had gotten used to. To a degree. Ariana was currently in a cover band she formed herself. She placed an ad in the college paper and left flyers up all-around campus for multi-instrumentalists to perform with her.

They were all talented of course, more than worthy enough in Ari's eyes to join her in this little venture. On the surface, it was a way to make some pocket money, which they had done in spades to everyone's surprise. The band meshes extremely well with Ari's voice and stage presence.

Of course, under the surface, it was to get Ariana noticed, to be her big break into the music business. The boys in the band were all wonderful to be around and talented, but they were also a means to an end. She wasn't cruel about it or anything. In fact, the guys knew it and were fine with it. They got paid and they if anything saw this as them in as well. Session musicians can make bank.

In fact, the only issue that was ever had between Ari and her boys was Ari's perfectionism...and her tendency to change the set list on them at the last possible moment. As good as the band was, even they stressed at having to learn six new songs that Ariana had decided fit better the day of a show. And tonight, was one of those nights when Ari changed the script on them and the three guns for hire weren't too pleased.

Vinnie, one of her guitar players who was also a keyboard wizard, was usually the one most vocal in his annoyance. He was followed by the drummer, Eric, in that regard. Usually her dual-wielding guitarist/bass player Bruce was a little more level-headed, but this time even he was more than a little distraught.

It didn't even phase Ariana. This wasn't remotely the first time this had happened. Not even close. The tension was always squashed. Ariana had the perfect way to ease tensions and each one of them knew what it was. They all acted like they didn't, they were just waiting for her to make her move.

“Six songs Ari?” Vinnie said, pacing back and forth with Bruce and Eric on either side of him standing still. “You want us to learn six NEW songs before eight o'clock tomorrow, get perfectly in sync with them...all of that BY TOMORROW? During finals? Are you nuts?”

“Not at all Vincent,” Ari said, uncrossing and crossing her petite and perfect legs, her six-inch stiletto heels adding even more to the visual buffet she was putting on display. “Quite the opposite. I just have faith in how amazing each one of you are.”

“Ariana, please,” Bruce said, his tone calm with a hint of stress behind it. He nervously pushed the long hairs hanging over his face back before speaking again. “While it's awesome you think that highly of us, we're also only human. We all have some major league finals that we can't study for while also cramming to learn these new songs. And they aren't simple at all.”

“Yep,” said Eric. He was a man of few words. Ari liked that. Direct and to the point. It made it easy for her. She didn't have to wait through another barrage of complaints before she got to silencing them.

Ariana had a wonderful way of keeping the peace. Now that all three men had said their piece, it was her turn for rebuttal, and it was going to be a familiar argument. One she'd had with them all. Alone or in pairs, it was a familiar pattern all brought about by her own perfectionism. But it was always worth it, both for the final result and Ariana's own special brand of conflict resolution. First however, she had to assert among these lions exactly who the queen of this little jungle was.

“Gentlemen,” Ariana said, getting to her feet. She had to look up at the taller gentlemen, even with her heels aiding her height. However, the moment she was up there was no denying who was now in control of the situation. “While I know you're all very serious with your concerns, I know for a fact that it will all workout. It always does.”

“Yeah, but Ari” Bruce said. Ari gently shushed him, pressing her tattooed index finger to his lips.

“I have the floor.” She winked at him and began pace back and forth in front of the three bandmates. “This isn't the first time any of you have taken issue with me. Or even two of you at a time. But three…well...how about we solve the problem the same way we always do it?”

The men looked at each other, feigning ignorance but being very real with their nerves.

“Oh, don't feign ignorance boys. I can lay out the deeds, the locations and the perpetrators if you'd like.”

The men were still silent. Ariana's knowing smile grew.

“Very well.” The petite lioness walked over to Bruce, her brown eyes looking deep into his hazel orbs.  “Bruce my dear...sweet Bruce. You fucked me on my bed over there.” Ariana pointed behind the men to the other side over her loft. There was a big, king-size bed, adorned in pinks and reds in the blankets. “Actually, that's rather crude. You made love to me there. Didn't even try to cum until you made me cum. And you did...so hard...and twice. While it seems unfair you only got your nut once...I think the way it felt when you came in my mouth, watching me swallow every drop of you…bet that felt better than three orgasms in one.”

Ariana then walked over to Vinnie. “And you...you talk as fast as you play. You move even faster. You fucked my ass on this couch behind me, filling me up when you were done...And again, made me cum. Gold star in that category for you too. Certainly, seemed to calm your nerves as well.”

Vinnie grinned at her, snickering as he nodded. Then Ariana turned her attention to Eric, running her fingers through the wild streak of blonde in his dark hair.

“And you...you're very to the point. Admirable. You showed that to me in the shower. Pressing me tight against the glass of my shower...pressing my titties and face against it. Makes me wish I had a camera running so I could see it...bet you'd want a screening too, huh?”

Eric gave her a slight smile and nodded.

“Then you finished up my giving me a nice hot facial, straight from the source,” Ari said. “And I showed you my appreciation by swallowing every last drop...and with that went all your troubles too.”

Ariana stepped back a bit from them. “Then there were the threesomes when two of you had an issue. I loved being filled up like that...nothing like it in the world. I'd say the only thing better is being on stage...but let's test that theory. I've had two at a time...and while three is a lovely crowd I can't ignore one of you...so gents...how about a little Four on the Floor?”

Ariana reached behind herself, unzipping her dress in front of the stunned gentlemen. Well, two were. Eric just shook his head and chuckled. He was very aware, maybe more so than anyone, of what Ariana was capable of.

The petite sex pot slid her dress down to the floor, leaving her bare before the bots, save for her pumps. She liked keeping them on during sex...especially really dirty sex. She could almost get off on their glare at her. It was almost as good as being on stage and knowing everyone in the room wanted to fuck her. Not just from her body...she seduced them with her voice. Everything else was just icing to be licked.

“Boys, are you cold or something?” Ariana asked, a knowing and expectant tone in her voice. “Because if not, I'm not going to be the only one naked. That's not how this works.

If the men were dumb enough to miss that hint Ariana probably wouldn't have bothered with them. Fortunately, all three men knew when to listen to their head, regardless of which one it was on them. Ariana licked her lips. She always enjoyed seeing familiar friends, especially when they were so...ready for an up-close hello.

Once more she paced back and forth in front of the three men, only this time it was much more playful. Her fingers grazed their cocks, almost as if she was doing a white glove test on the furniture, and from how they felt all three cocks were some sturdy samples of wood. Her pacing stopped at Bruce. She was always going to start with him. He was the most fun of the three to tease and push to the edge.

“You're up first,” Ariana said. Bruce gulped a bit when she felt her hand grasp his cock, softly, teasingly pumping him. Then her gaze turned to Vinnie and Eric. “You boys can watch, wank...whatever. Just don't go soft...or cum…but especially don't go soft.” Ariana turned her attention back to Bruce. “And that no cumming thing goes triple for you. Because...” Ari sensually licked her lips, “Well, you know why.”

He nodded as Ari went to her knees. She grasped his dick gently. Bruce needed a delicate touch. It wasn't that he couldn't get dirty, not at all. In fact, he'd fucked her cross-eyed more than a few times. But to make Bruce go ablaze the first spark had to be blown just a bit to get that ember aflame.

Her palms flatten on either side of Bruce's stalk, softly gliding against his rigid member. She stopped at the crown, one hand leaving while the other grasping him. Ari wasn't pumping him anymore. She was simply holding the guitarist's dick in place as her hot, wet and very open mouth closed around the crown.

“Uhhhhh,” Bruce groaned. Ari always started on him the same. He didn't mind. If something always felt so reliably mind blowing it never got old. His hands went to fists as Ariana's work began. At first, she kept her mouth strictly on the engorged crown, sweetly sucking it like a popsicle, getting the creamy center ready for delivery. Not a speedy delivery, thankfully.

Bruce was lost in the pleasure of it all as Ariana's tongue rolled over his tongue, massaging it while his shaft was gently stroked by her sweet caress. He managed to open his eyes, previously shut tight from Ari's exquisite sucking, and look down on her. He caught her doe eyes, trying to look innocent with his wood in her mouth. It created an irresistible sense of perversion that only increased as those pink lips took more of his rigid cock between her lips.

Vinnie and Eric had to admire Ariana's oral artistry. She wasn't paying attention to them, though she knew they were there. All of her energy was focused on working Bruce's dick with her mouth. The other two bandmates had to respect what they were seeing as they waited for their own turn.

Ariana's beautiful eyes gave Bruce a wonderful bit of spice to her sweet and sensual suckjob. Her nails teased and glided on his balls before her hand began to massage them. Orally speaking, it couldn't get much better for Bruce without it being over. Aria knew that, which was why she stopped. She gave him a wink and blew him a kiss before setting her sights on the next lad in line, Vinnie.

Vinnie was a very, very different case when compared to Bruce. They were both guitarists, multi-instrumentalists really. However, whereas Bruce was quiet, choosing to go for what felt and sounded right over showing off, Vinnie was the opposite. He was a born show off, always trying to prove how much of a guitar virtuoso he was. At times it was impressive...and other times it utterly bored Ariana. Speed wasn't everything...which was the next layer underneath Vinnie's need to prove himself. Underneath all the bluster and desire to be a guitar god was a true master of songwriting and melodic playing. And that of course transferred over to his sexual prowess.

Vinnie was all about hard and fast. That didn't bother Ariana too much. Sometimes that's exactly what she was in the mood for, especially when it came to anal. It just felt better that way. However, whenever he did decide to slow things down, Ariana found it to be a wonderful treat. However, when it came to a suckjob, Vinnie went back to being 99.9999% about speed. Ari didn't mind that either. Her oral talents were just as varied in blowjobs as they were with vocals.

Ariana was on her knees in front of him. The innocent sweetness on her face that she had for Bruce had given way to a more confident, almost defiant sexuality. The smile on her face told the tale of a thousand songs about sex. Vinnie was taking after Bruce in the moment, watching as Ariana did something a bit different.

Ariana reached down between her legs and slid her middle finger into her dripping cunt, working it in just for few moments before withdrawing the now slick digit. All three men watched as Ari brought her finger to the throbbing purple head of Vinnie's cock and smeared it with her juice, running the tip of her finger in circles around the engorged head.

“Shit!” Vinnie said in a whispered shout. Ariana ran her finger all around the crown, giving his cock her own flavor. Ariana knew the moment her lips wrapped around his pole she'd be getting face fucked and she was fine with that. But first she wanted to give him a tease, just enough to remind him who was in charge.

Vinnie shivered and moaned again with Ari’s tongue extended and flicked against the tip of his cock like she was lapping at like a cherry popsicle on a hot day. The message was delivered and received. And then Ariana wrapped her lips around his cock and relaxed her throat. It was time for a speedball jam.

“GLUK GLUK GLUK!” were the new sounds filling the room, the fast rhythm of Ariana Grande being face fucked, the squelching sound of her throat being ravaged echoed throughout her loft.

“Yeah....oh fuck yes Ari,” Vinnie ground. His hands held her head still as he thrust into her mouth. There was no intricacy to this, no attention to detail that made Bruce flip his lid. That wasn't Vinnie's style, especially with Ariana. He was using her, and it felt right. For Vinnie knew very well the relationship they all had with Ariana. She used them...this was just a bit of balance. He knew he wouldn't be able to get away with it if Ari wasn't fine with it. Sexually, Ariana was a woman of many tastes. She used him, he used her. There was a respect to that.

Still, without Ari taking the wheel as she had with Bruce, it wasn't going to be quite as long. Though the visual being made of spittle and long strands of saliva leaking from the petite sex fiend's mouth was a very pleasing visual for the two other men.

However, at the speed he was going if he didn't stop, he'd explode soon too. Vinnie pulled out of her mouth and slapped and rubbed his raging rod all over Ariana's face as she gulped for air, the sexy sprite still found the time to grasp the now-free fuckstick and slobber all over it.

And with that Vinnie's time with Ariana's mouth was done, and her sights were now set on Eric. And much like Vinnie was to Bruce, Eric was a different beast all together. Eric wasn't one for over-the-top softness and sweetness. But he also wasn't one to fuckstart a woman's head. When I came to a blowjob, Eric was very much a meat and potatoes guy. Nothing fancy, just suck his cock and he's a happy camper. It was something Ariana could admire. Sometimes French champagne didn't hit the spot and you really needed was a Pabst blue ribbon.

She grasped his cock, her thumb running circle under the crown and making Eric twitch.

“Ooh, already too much for you?” Ariana teased. That was the one bit of garnish Eric liked. He loved hearing Ari shit talk...to hear her let filth mix with confidence and wear down his defenses. “You think you're gonna be able to handle these pretty pink lips sucking you? Keep from filling my mouth with your hot milk?”

“Only one way to find out, isn't there?” Eric pointed out, a crocodile grin on his face.

“Can't disagree with you there.” Ari moved her hand, pumping his cock. Just as she got into rhythm with that, her mouth covered him. No build up as Eric didn't expect or want it. He wanted to get right to the action. Ari could relate. She loved sucking cock but she couldn't get wait to get the meat of her plans for the men tonight.

The sound of slurping filled the room. Nowhere near as rushed or rapid as the face fucking Vinnie gave her, but the rhythm was steady and just the right amount of sloppy.

Eric groaned as Ari happily sucked his schlong. Back and forth, up and down, it was a wonderful and hot tongue bath from the songstress. He held his hands behind his back, simply enjoying Ariana's with all the senses her suckjob set ff. There was the obvious touch, her masterful mouth and terrific tongue doing their usual amazing job and driving him bonkers. Not a movement was wasted. Ari knew the moves, like letting her teeth graze against the ridge of the crown ever so slightly. It always made Eric's knees buckle and sent shivers up his spine.

The view wasn't bad either. He couldn't think of many better views than Ariana on her knees in front of him slurping his dick...though her bent over in front of him with her cunt filled up with his hard prick might just be one of them. Though right now Ariana's was making a hard case for the blowjob view by adding the vision of fingering herself as she sucked

Then the sounds...those were almost equal to Ariana's singing voice. Sloppy slurping mixed with muffled moans and the percussion of Ari fingerfucking herself. It was an enchanting elixir of sensations that Eric had been treated to many times before.

Ariana loved serving it all up to him, in doses of course. She liked how Eric let her lead this dance. He knew that she knew just was   to make him flip his lid and make him into sex-crazed lunatic for just the right amount of time. Just the right way to suck, just the perfect time to tease...tongue, eyes, fingers...all working together to drive him wild and in doing so, drive herself wild.

However, much fun a triple suck session could be, it wasn't the final destination. Much like with the previous two men, right when Eric was turning that corner to the point no return, Ariana broke free from his pulsing member, though this time instead of crawling to another cock to suck, she got to her feet and walked over to Bruce.

“Guess who gets first sweetie?” she asked. Ariana reached won, grasping his cock and giving it a few tugs. “Lay down Brucie...I want a ride. And you two...all good things...all good things.”

Bruce laid down on the soft, ornate rug in the center of this area. The floor of Ariana's loft apartment was hard wood, which ensured the incoming moans were going to have some serious echo. Still, almost randomly a rug popped up to break up the monotony of the hardwood.

It wasn't something anyone questioned, especially Bruce. Besides, it was far better than laying back on a hardwood floor. Though laying on a bed of nails would probably be oaky with him if he knew it meant he was going to get to fuck Ariana.

“Fuuuuck Ari....” Bruce growled as she lowered herself on to his cock. She moaned out his name too once she had sunk down completely on him. Her rans his hands over her body, from her tone leg up to her breasts.

While Ariana and Bruce settled in to their solo act Vinnie and Eric hung back. It wasn't that they didn’t enjoy private time with Ariana as well, they'd both had her one on one. But Eric and Vinnie vastly preferred the wild side Ariana let out when she had more than one dick to contend with. Still, there was something special about when she only had one to focus on, which is what Bruce loved. Either way, the show Eric and Vinnie were about to get was going to be simply superb.

As superb as it was going to be to watch, it was going to feel even better for Bruce. He gripped Ari's tight little bum tight, guiding her as she rode his throbbing rod. The view from below was amazing, watching her gorgeous face reacting to his dick. It never got old.

“Ohhh...mmmm Brucie...so tender....” Ari moaned, her voice barely above a whisper. She was enjoying herself just as much as Brian, and had her own view that fueled her fire. While it wasn't of Brian, though that was just quick and delightful look down, right now her eyes were glued to the two other men, just waiting for their invitation in. But they knew they'd have to wait for her okay. Still, her eyes lit up and her tongue wet her lips. She couldn't wait to have all her cocks at once.

In the meantime, however, she was going to enjoy Bruce. While he had indeed participated in more than a couple threesomes with Ari, she always noted he gave a little bit more when he had her all to himself. He was undeniably a team player...but he also loved his solo time.

That became even more crystal clear when Bruce pulled himself up. He needed to taste Ari just as much as he was feeling her pussy squeeze him as they fuck. He kissed Arian's neck, tasting her sweat-slicked skin...and leaving a few soft bite marks as he did. The neck got a similar treatment, every single searing kiss making her moan a little more.

Of course, Bruce couldn't resist Ari's petite but perky tits. He pulled her close and soon Ari moaned out loud, “BRUCIE!” echoing in the loft. He sucked hard on her nipples, his teeth pulling in just the slightest. Not too hard, that wasn't his style and Ari liked that. A gentler side to debauchery.

Though his kiss and caress may have been tender, there was a rougher side to Bruce and it was ready to gain some traction. His hands slid up Ari's back and gripped her shoulders. It was a firm grip, but not hard. More than enough to allow Bruce a bit more control as he hammered up into Ari's cunt, the sweet siren crying out passionately in response.

“YES!” she screamed. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Oh yes Brucie fuck that pussy...oh...oh fuck....” Every word Ari said came from a sneering mouth, her lip curling as jolt after jolt of pleasure was slammed into her from Bruce's superb cock. Then all that lovely attention as his mouth took a tour of her titties...it was making Ariana craving even more, especially as she eyed the two throbbing cocks waiting for their turn.

Ariana moved down, forcing Bruce back down to the carpet. She kissed him, sucking his tongue as it broke. “Time to share Brucie,” she said. One last Kiss and she rose up. Bruce's hands gripped her hips, giving Ari a bit of stabilization as her attention turned to Eric and Vinnie. She waved them over with her index fingers, both raised up.  The green light was lit.

The two very ready rockers walked over, Ari expectantly waiting while Bruce continued working his cock into her. Heavy, expectant breathing mixed with moans and it made everything feel even hotter than it already was.

“Welcome...uhhh...welcome to the party, boys,” Ari said, her voice cracking from the lovely cock ride she was taking. With Bruce's grip on her hips holding her steady while her own hands reached out for the two additional hard cocks she'd been craving.

This wasn't going to be a particularly skilled suckjob, not like before. Eric and Vinnie didn't particularly care. This was just about keeping them prepped for what came next. After all, Ariana still had a vacant hole. Still, neither man was going to turn down a second round at those sinfully sweet lips.

It was chaotic and sloppy as the two took turns in Ariana's mouth. They were pretty much taking turns fucking her throat, the added vibrations of her moans and groans from Bruce's own work down below gave them both a thrill that sometimes skill couldn't match.

Back and forth she went between them, giving each cock a few brief moments of a tongue back. Sometimes though she had to pause to let out a loud scream of pleasure when Bruce really hit a stride in her cunt. It was all quite wonderfully chaotic, and only got more so when the men began to double stuff her mouth with their cocks, Ari’s tongue trying desperately to cover the allied powers in her mouth.

And while such an arrangement had proven fun, everyone knew things were going to get more fun. Ariana's brown eyes locked on Vinnie like a laser sight.

“You...mmmm...n-now,” demanded Ari. Vinnie knew exactly what she wanted. There wasn't much room for interpretation however. Her pussy was already occupied, and as Ari's movement’s Bruce's dick slowed, he had an opening to get deep inside Ariana's own opening.

“Mmm fuuuuck yesssss,” Ari said. She was almost frozen solid, save for the trembling of her body, a reaction to her ass being filled with Vinnie's love gun. Vinnie was a tried-and-true ass man. If it was one on one, he'd always get a bit of Ariana's pussy, then go for the thing he had his eyes on. However, in a group setting, it was always straight to Ari's ass.

“Yeah...mmm fill my ass all the way up Vin,” Ari growled. She loved this, loved being absolutely filled with cock. Nothing else quite matched...though she had a few ideas on what could surpass it. At the moment however, feeling Vinnie and Bruce take her holes to the hilt.

After a few moments for all three to settle, the men began to give Ariane the grande double fucking she craved. A rhythm was soon landed on, when one man thrust in, the other pulled out. It was a slow build, and as the two men went harder and faster in increments her moans became hungrier and more full of desire.

It wasn't too long before the men were going full blast with their double penetration. Bruce even added a touch extra, working her clit with his them as her pussy and asshole were plundered. And while Ariana loved all this attention, she saw someone who wanted some attention of his own. Her affirmative smile was all Eric needed. He walked over with his raging hard-on in hand and guided into Ariana's open and waiting mouth, her tongue slowly flicking, waiting for his arrival.

Ariana's moaned around Eric's cock. He held her head still, now taking the opportunity to give her a good skull fuck. And Ariana was just outside the pearly gates of pleasure. Cock in every hole, every last vestige of attention the men had was on her and she loved every moment of it. It made the cock in her ass feel even more amazing and the treatment of Bruce's cock in her cunt feel even more energized. She swore she could hear Bruce's heartbeat as his cock throbbed in her mouth.

Ariana clearly wasn't the only one have a good time however, the grunts and growls and moaning of her name were fairly clear indicators all of her men were having a good time. Especially Bruce, and that good time was beginning to wear one him. He had been fucking her the longest. Ariana, despite being in her own fantastic fever dream, took note of the strained look on Bruce's face.

“Need a break honey?” Ari said, giving him a lick on his lips. Bruce could only nod in response. “You got it...take a breather sugar.”

The action paused for a brief moment as Bruce removed himself to take a breather. That left an opening for Eric to finally get his piece of the action. But he also wanted it in his own way.

“Pick her up Vinnie,” Eric directed. “So, she's facing me.”

Vinnie grinned and placed his hands an Ariana, lifting her up by the waist and pressing his hard cock between them.

“Really gonna give it to me, huh?” Ariana asked, her tone both full of lust and defiance.

“Girl, I don't think you're prepared for this.”

“Right back atcha,” Ari said with a knowing wink. He really had no idea.

Once Ari was sandwiched between the two standing men they got a good grip on her as they entered her. Vinnie once more finding a home for his cock in her ass while Eric took his preferred home sweet home in her sopping pussy.

“Ohhh FUCK!” Ariana said with lustful laugh. There was no alternating rhythm now. Gravity would have no part of that. Now the cocks were taking her at the same time. Double the thrust, deeper than before and a little rougher with Vinnie giving her love bites on her shoulder. Eric wasn't exactly static either, managing to get one hand to her tits to tweak her nipples. It couldn't get any better than this to the men, double fucking this petite sexual songstress, having her tight body and her tight holes...it couldn't get much better.

Ariana however had her own ideas about that. And Eric could see something brewing behind that coffee-colored eyes of hers. He couldn't quite read what it was, the sex-gaze over her eyes was too great. Whatever it was, it was going to knock all three of them for a loop and they'd love every moment of it.

Eric read Ariana's poker face right. She did have a plan, and was to execute it. She knew Eric wasn't a big fan of anal. He was a pussy man. She also wanted to mix things up, but Bruce was definitely not ready come back in yet. Fortunately, Ari had something in mind. One of two tricks she wanted to perform.

“Fucking fill my pussy,” Ariana said. “Fucking both of you...I want you both in my cunt...”

The request shocked Vinnie dead in his tracks. Eric however, wasn't going to pass up on this opportunity.

“What the fuck are you waiting for man?” Eric asked. “Give her what she fucking wants.

“Yeah Vinnie,” Ari teased, looking at him over her shoulder. “Fucking take my pussy with him...unless you're a pussy, of course...”

Vinnie grinned at the teasing. “You got it,” he said, giving her asshole one last pump before withdrawing. He then brought his cock to Ariana's already crowded cunt, squeezing himself in.

“Oh, my FUCKING GOD!” Ariana shouted. She was filled to the brim, her pussy doubled stuffed with two amazing cocks. “Oh, shit shit shit that's good. FUCK! Oh my god that's so much fucking dick!”

The men decided to not give Ariana too much time to acclimate to the sudden crowd inside her. They soon started up once more, bouncing her on their cocks, and Ari writhed and shouted at the sensations.

“Hohhooohooooly shit!” she cried. “Dontstopdontstpodontstop DON'T FUCKING STOP!!!!” Her arms gripped Eric's shoulder tight and her lags flailed to get around him.  This was insane...she didn't think it could get better...until she remembered the last thing, she wanted from her men to settle their setlist jitters.

Vinnie and Eric were having a blast as well, any awkwardness to be had and sharing space soon faded to the pleasure of it all. Still, despite such pleasure they were only human and their legs were getting tired. Carefully they maneuvered, never giving up the real estate inside their petite fuckdoll.

Soon enough Vinnie and Ariana were in a familiar position. He was behind her and Ari was laying on someone else. Of course, now that other man was Eric and it was her pussy that was getting all the attention.

This change in position gave everyone involved a new burst of energy. The men really rammed their cocks into her, giving it to her hard fast. Ariana's moans cracked, her eyes rolling in the back over her head as she nearly overdosed on pleasure. The men were showing no mercy and she didn't want it in the first place. Nothing quite felt like this and she wanted even more. And when she saw a very well-rested and rebooted Bruce ready to go, she knew just what she wanted from him. Bruce was going to check the last idea on Ariana's attempt at keeping the peace with her band.

“My ass,” she wordlessly mouth, the only sounds escaping those perfect lips grunts. “Take it Brucie.”

He nodded, not remotely apprehensive at Ariana was suggesting. He was utterly under her spell. He didn't just want to cum, he wanted Ariana to make him cum...and she had never ever let him down in that arena in the past.

The moment Bruce got up from the couch and lubed his cock up, Vinnie and Eric knew what was up. And neither had any issue. They'd gone too far to give a shit about anything but fucking Ariana Grande. And if she wanted one more cock, she was going to get it.

Bruce got in position, in front of Vinnie and behind Ari. He navigated his cock to her already loosened asshole, plunging deep. And with that final bit of fulfilment, Ariana once more froze, her mouth open wide in a silent howl of pleasure. This time her men gave her a moment to adjust. But when they actually felt Ariana push back, or make the attempt to, against them they knew she was ready. That silent howl grew to be very audible as the men began to work on Ariana, her double stuffed pussy plus Bruce in her asshole was it. There was no stopping her rapidly approaching orgasm.

“Oh...yes...yesyesyesyes....nnggg....” Airana squealed. “Gonna cum....make me cum…come on guys fuck me.....don't stop...oh...ohh...ohhh my GODDDDDDD!”

That was it, the battle, if there ever was one, was over. As all three of her lovers totally ravaged her with reckless abandon, her tight body made even tighter by the three cocks occupying her.

Ariana screamed out “FUCKING YESSSS!!!!” as her behemoth of an orgasm rocked her pixie-body. And all through it the men continued fucking her, making it all last for her as long as possible. And it was glorious...but still Ariana wanted more, that last moment to make it all perfect. Greedy? Maybe. But it was going to be fun.

“Cum...” Ari said, her voice meek. But that meekness wouldn't last for long. “Cum…I want your fucking cum COVERING me...every...mmmm every last drop....”

“You…nnngg...you heard her boys,” Eric growled. The other men nodded. A few more magic thrusts and one by one the men pull out. Once she was devoid of their cocks, Ariana got to her knees as the men circled up on her, their throbbing cocks ready to explode.

“Come on...fucking cum,” Ari said, her voice now forceful, demanded. “All over me...all of it...every last drop...come on...I earned it...so gimme....”

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190365935_x-pvu6j0kc7coirx6y91wudteygz7c3vsh6b1hltks8.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190365935_x-pvu6j0kc7coirx6y91wudteygz7c3vsh6b1hltks8.jpg)

Seeing Ariana begging for cum and robbing her sweat-slicked and freshly fucked body was the last straw for all three men, though it hit Bruce first. A rope of his hot jizz rocketed from the tip of his cock to splatter Ariana's face diagonally, the lovely lady moaning in delight as the first ropes of cum began to paint her face.


“Mmmm more...more cum...” Ariana purred. That request was quickly granted as Vinnie and Eric shot off next, continuing the messy paint job Bruce had started. By the time all three men were finished, Ariana's was left a dripping mess, the white jism sliding down her face, sloshing along her torso and dripping onto her legs.

The me were speechless and out of breath, their cocks deflating as the pleasure began to slowly fade to the background.

“So, gentleman,” Ari said with a cum covered smile. “Rehearsal at nine in the morning tomorrow, cool? We have some songs to learn.”



Morning came for Camila Mendes and she tried to make it as normal as possible for herself, to move past the heartbreak and just try to function as a human being, or at least fake her way through the day.

Getting out of bed with a groan and slight feeling of dread towards finals season was definitely normal. The hot shower followed by cold brew coffee was also part of the norm. Breakfast at the dining commons was another part of the norm, as was sharing that meal with Sabrina Carpenter. However, the one thing missing from this morning meal was Jose, which made the act all the more difficult.

“You sure you're up for being amongst the living right now?” Sabrina asked, her mouth half-full of bacon egg and cheese biscuit. “You’re kind of drifting off a bit.”

“Was I?” Cami said, picking at her pancakes. “Sorry...what were we talking about?”

“Ghosts and shit.” Sabrina took a big swig of her gigantic glass of orange juice. “I think...I might still be a little stoned so I might not be the most reliable narrator right now. But I'm pretty sure I was trying to talk you into a ghost hunt as a way to sooth the nerves.”

“Because nothing calms the nerves like rustling around in abandoned and condemned buildings.” Cami replied, finally cutting in to her syrup-logged pancakes. “Look, I'm fine. I'm not okay. But I'm fine. It's just...I can't let how bad I'm feeling right now dominate me. So, I'm going to just live my life as normally as I can during the day, go home and have a cry, rinse and repeat until the cry part is replaced by “binge watch”. Might take a while but I've got a goal set.”

“Suit yourself,” Sabrina shrugged. “I'm just saying nothing could chase those break-up blues away like encountering a class 6 full torso apparition.”

Camila paused, wheel turning in her head. “Are you just quoting Ghostbusters?”

Now it was Sabrina's turn to pause. “I think...maybe?”

As Sabrina was trying to organize her thoughts, Selena Gomez approached the table, a bit of trepidation. Despite being reassured several times on Spring Break and since that Camila and her were cool, Selena still couldn’t help but be a little cautious knowing their history.

“Mind if I take a seat?” Selena asked.

“All friends welcome,” Cami said. Selena gladly sat down in between the pair, but quickly noted something was off with Camila.

“You okay?” asked Selena.

“Not really,” Cami asked. “I'll give you the short version. I don't feel like going over the details again...not yet. Maybe over coffee or something. But the gist is Jose and I broke up. He's going to Japan for work and I'm not going with him.”

“Oh my gosh Cami,” Selena said. “I'm so sorry. I mean...is there anything I can do?  Like there's even anything I can do...”

“Thanks,” Cami said, a soft smile on her face. “Just asking, honestly, is a big help. I'm doing a little better though. It's just been a couple days...well, like a day and a half. Pete and Lili helped a lot initially. Good to know I have someone else on my side.”

“No problem. Fresh starts and all that. Anything you need, I'll try and help...you know, if it's from me.”

“Well, hate to leave this Hallmark moment right in the middle,” Sabrina said, finishing off her orange juice as she rose from her seat. “But I have to bail. Studying so I can hopefully survive World History this semester.”

“See ya,” Cami said. With Sabrina gone, that left Selena and Camila alone, and in a scene that would have shocked their teenage selves, not trying to tear each other apart verbally and physically. In fact, Selena was trying to build Cami back up.

“Break-up and during finals,” Selena said. “Ouch.”

“You're telling me.” replied Cami. “It's just...gah I don't even know what it “just” is, that's how mixed up I am right now.”

“That's normal,” Selena assured. “I mean, that's what love does. It's not always going to feel great but it makes you not know up from down. Confusion is assured.”

“Yeah,” Cami laughed. “It's like...I want to be furious about it. And I kind of am. Then I feel like that's selfish because it's not like he cheated on me or left me for some kind of bullshit reason. He's just going after his dream. So, then I feel guilty for being angry then I get mad at myself and…it's all like a blender.”

“Cami...I can't say anything but what you already know. You'll get through it, and it won't be fun. But I'm here to listen to it all. No filter or anything. Just let it flow. As long as you don't mind me chowing down on this breakfast burrito. I'm starving.”

“No problem,” she said, her laugh a bit more comfortable now. “I should have gotten that. These flapjacks are dreadful. Just syrup sponges.”

“I'll split it if you want.”

“Oh no, I think I'm good with the toast I can actually eat. Besides, going to save room for tonight.”

“What's tonight?” Selena asked.

“Big study session...that Lili convinced me to make a bit of a social gathering. A lot of pizzas, closest friends.” Camila looked at Selena for a brief moment, grinning. “And I want you there.”

“Really?” Selena said through a mouth full of eggs, cheese and bacon. “I don't know though. I mean I think things are still weird between me and Pete.”

“Well then it's a good thing I'm inviting you.” Cami squeezed Selena's hand as Selena had done hers minutes ago. “I'm past our past Sel. And you and Pete need to get past yours. It's not going to be an overnight thing, but just being around each other more in a totally laid back, not making movies way is the best way to do it. Besides, it's not really for him. It's kinda for me. So, I get a say in who comes. I want you there.”

“Cool!” Selena replied with a smile. “Should I bring anything?”

“I got it covered. Food of the night is pizza, nothing heavier than soda because of finals for me, but for drinks you can bring something.”

“I'll think on that.”

“Well, in the meantime, let's switch things to you. Like for example, those bikini pics I took during spring break. I can't wait to show them to you. AMAZING.”

“That's 's awesome! Seriously, thank you so much for doing that and helping with my headshots.”

“No problem. But you have to come over and see the shots. So gorgeous and sexy...the camera LOVES you girl. And I'm sure Pete didn't mind those dual shots you did with Hailee. Or honestly Madelaine for that matter.”

“Yeah,” Selena said with a soft, semi-nervous laugh. “You think he and I will ever be good again? Really?”

“Yes. Selena, you and I are good. That's almost a sign of Hell freezing over. But...you need to take that first step. And I think coming over to his place tonight for that little study session would be a huge step. And I vouch for you if anyone asks.  That's what friends do, and we, in my summation, are officially friends. But, just to be clear, don't count on me being too friendly to Taylor. You and I are beyond cool...but her and I, we just clash.”

“Totally understandable,” said Selena. “And…yeah. I'll come. I think I better show up with you though.”

“No problem.” replied Camila. “I got your back.”

Selena nodded and smiled. “This really is better, isn't it? Not being at each other's throats for dumb, teenage bullshit reasons.”

“Well, we may have lost a verbal sparring partner but I think I prefer having someone to, you know, talk to. Not that I don't have a great support system already, but the more the merrier.”

“Yeah, that is a good advantage.”

“Besides,” Cami said, “since we're friends, I can finally start to borrow your clothes. I mean good lord Sel, your sense of style? That deserves the biggest most sincere chef's kiss. I've felt that ever since...well...forever. But couldn't say so because, you know, I hated your guts and vice versa. And the same is fine with me.”

“Cool,” Selena said with a smile.

“Oh, another thing, you want to grab lunch with me later? Like around 11:30? I'm going to be meeting up with Pete at the Whisky Casket. I'm probably just going to have a salad. Like I said, pizza heaven is my destination so it's mostly bestie bonding time.”

“I'd love to but it's a massive review day for Bio-Chem. I definitely have pulled my grades up and I know I'll pass that class, but I want to pass with more than C. Really show my mom how much I've turned it around.

“Totally understandable.” Camila replied. She then got up from the table, grabbing her bag and Selena followed suit, grabbing her tin foil-wrapped burrito and can of soda. “I'm going to head to class. So…see you later. Hopefully at the little study sesh?”

“You got it,” Selena said. “It...it would be a good idea.”

“We are going to be amazing friends,” Cami said, walking to Selena. She put her arm around her and led her out. “I mean do you know how many times I need to make a point to Peter before he agrees that I have a good point?”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 05:14:25 PM


Zendaya paced back and forth in the empty lecture hall. It was odd in a lot of ways. While most of the professors and instructors used podiums and plain tables in their rooms, this one had a full-on desk. While it wasn't as fancy or ornate as the one he had in his office, Professor Mark Peffercorn did have an affection for the metal desk.

Even for what looked to be little more, at its core, than a standard issue metal office desk. But it still looked a bit more than that. The metal wasn't some boring beige or pea-soup green, it was semi-shiny black. Not entirely flat, but it didn't sparkle either. It stood at and everyone who came into the lecture hall noticed it.

However, after having the class for the entire semester Zendaya didn't even notice it. It was just Mark's desk. And her description of it was a problem. Not that it wasn't accurate. There was no one else who used the room and it'd be taken out the last day as he didn't teach Summer course.

No, what the issue was that she referred to it as “Mark's desk” and not as “Professor Peffercorn's desk”. She couldn't help it...calling him Professor Peffercorn during sex would have been intensely weird.

Sometimes she still couldn't believe it. Zendaya Coleman: College Co-Ed Cliche would be the tile of her autobiography up to this point. She was actually secretly dating her professor. The only thing that would have made it more paint by numbers would have been if Mark was married and she was the other woman.

Thank fully I wasn't that bad. But so much more was. Their usual special spot being his office, where Zendaya had become very well acquainted with his lovely oak desk, until they almost got caught. Since then, they were taking every moment they could for trysts.

And now that was all over. It had to be. And Zendaya had made sure of it by signing up for a semester in Europe next semester. As fun as it all had been, as much as her physics professor turned her on and drove her wild, she knew it was time to cut ties. He knew what this was, a tryst...but Zendaya was getting too sentimental for her own liking.

She'd asked him to meet her here after class. In response he canceled the class to have a bit more private time with her. It was no big deal, it was just going to be a review day, one of many leading up to the final exam. This threw the tiniest of wrenches in Zendaya's plan. She wanted a quick goodbye, just a few moments to tell them their time was done. Now that they had the entire room, alone, for a substantial amount of time, she knew they'd have one last little session...and Zendaya didn't mind one bit. Which was all part of why she was leaving in the first place.

All that led up to her nervously pacing back and forth. Though calling it nervous might not have been the best way to describe it...she was far too eager and excited for it to just be nerves. Her blood was pumping so hard Zendaya could hear her heart beating in her ears. She almost thought her blood couldn't pump much harder. However, when her eyes saw the stainless-steel doorknob turn at the door, she was facing that was proven wrong.

He had barely closed the door when Zendaya was on him. On reflex, learned during their many times in his office, he deftly shut the door to the auditorium and locked it. Well, fumbled for the lock. All the doors had computerized locks; they locked the moment the door shut. There was no time for a hello and any question about what Zendaya had wanted was answered with an exclamation point as her tongue wrestled his. Soon a post-script was added when Zendaya's lips broke from his, a sinfully sweet smile on her face.

The slim sinner loosened his tie, pulling it through his collar and tossing it away. From their her fingers deftly unbuttoned his shirt. It was all muscle memory at this point. Quick and efficient, yet not machine-like at all, not with those eyes.

With Mark's shirt open, his fit chest and abdomen laid bare, Zendaya went in for her first taste. Her nails gently raked his chest before her lips made contact. Mark let out a soft growl of a grunt when Zendaya’s tongue licked his nipple as the lithe lovely got down to her knees.

Once Zendaya had dropped to her knees Mark's pants were vanquished in the same way his shirt was and now laid bunched down at his ankles. With them down, the object of her desire was in sight; Mark's raging hard-on. Sometimes it still surprised Zendaya how much she loved sucking him. She was never the kind of woman who got wet over just the thought of sucking dick...but Mark did something to her. Maybe it was the whole forbidden fruit thing...which would have made this whole mess even more cliché.

But still, forbidden fruit or not, Zendaya wanted a taste. But first she was going to tease Mark...as well as her own salivating mouth. She brushing the throbbing rod against her skin, feeling it throb and pulse from the contact.

“Ohhhh,” Mark shuddered.  Zendaya's soft and sweet little tease was inspiring. Lightly brushing the head against her cheeks and her lips while her fingers danced on it was just enough to get his motor running. Things went from zero to a hundred the moment those beautiful lips wrapped around the head of his cock.

Mark's moans were music to Zendaya's ears as she began to suck him. Her tongue sensually circled the crown, making a slow and swift whirlwind of pleasure start on it. Then the storm began to fully rage when she rapidly licked the underside, a cold heat making his eyes roll back into his head.

The professor gripped the doorhandle tight as his mocha-skinned lover began to venture further down his cock. Zendaya's mouth was a warm and wet cavern of erotic wonders. Up and down, she went on his cock, her tongue leaving tantalizing trails of pleasure all over his penis while her hands worked a similar magic on his balls.

Soft and sweet sounds of slurping filled the room along with a mix of moans. She was pushing him for sure, but Zendaya had no intention of simply letting him cum in her mouth. This was no simple blowjob. After all, if this was going to be her last time with the good professor before she left for a semester in Europe, she was going to get the complete experience.

Zendaya pulled off his cock with a pop and got to her feet. She walked back into his desk, stripping free of her dress. In mere moments there she was, Professor Peffercorn's co-ed dream, long legs spread and ready to welcome him home. Homecoming was amazing, Zendaya letting out a loud moan when Mark entered her. The moans were soon muffled with a kiss and her long legs wrapped around him. The kiss soon broke and his lips went to her ears, nibbling in between his caveman grunts.

“Yeah...mmm Mark,” Zendaya said, each work radiating from a smiling mouth. “Fuck...fuck me...just like that...nnngg that's right...oohh dam baby...”

Zendaya's slim but muscular legs pulled him even tighter to her. Mark had no where he could really go. Not that he would have. Mark couldn't think of anyplace he'd rather be than balls deep in Zendaya. He had no problem showing that affection, kissing every stitch of her skin as his cock delved deep into her velvet goldmine.

Mark's arms held Zendaya tight, his mouth was loving every inch of her skin it could taste and her pussy was being filled to the brim with rock hard passion. With Mark taking more and more initiative, Zendaya decided it was time to just lay back and enjoy herself.

She brought her arms behind her, gripping the desk as she leaned back on them. With her neck now out of reach, Mark moved his mouth down to Zendaya's petite tits, lovingly sucking and licking her chocolate kiss nipples as her took her pussy a bit slower now, it was time to savor the moment for the both of them.

“Oooh fuck baby,” Zendaya said, goosepimples popping up on goosepimples. Mark was really working, now, grinding his hips with every pump into her. All those special spots were getting reached and it was everything the limber co-ed could have asked for in a sendoff. “Work that cock...fucking work it...”

“Mmmmm,” was Mark's only reply. Since he was busy sucking on one of Zendaya's nipples, his informal reply could be forgiven. He made up for his lack of dialogue by giving the delicious co-ed everything he had. His mouth, the soft caress of his hands and the rhythmic driving force of his cock.

And still, he had a bit more to offer. Mark paused his thrusting for the briefest of moments, grabbing hold of Zendaya's stems. He moved them, pressing them against her chest, her calves hanging over his shoulders Mark then moved Zendaya up a bit on the desk, crawling on top of it as she laid back.

“OH...OH MY GODDDD!” Zendaya cried out. One change in position changed it all. With a whole new angle and gravity joining in the fun, Mark was hitting the bullseye with ever thrust. It was intense, fireworks were going off in her brain. Sparks and sizzles on every last nerve ending as every thrust into her yearning cunt brought her closer and closer to the finish line. While this wasn’t the long passionate session she had in her head, Zendaya herself had made sure of that, it was still just as pleasurable as she'd imagined.

“Make me cum,” she gasped, hungry for air and pleasure. “Make me cum baby...yeah...yeah...just like that...gimme that good dick...fuck...fuuuUUUUUCK!”

Zendaya felt the current of heat travel up her spine and spread out to every tip over body. Mark's magic wand was casting the spell and it was going to be a big one.

“Oh....oh...of fuck...fuck. FUCK! YESSSS!” Zendaya’s head thrashed left and right as she shouted out in passion, announcing the orgasm that hit her like a knockout punch. And watching his delectable student thrash about in pleasure was enough to send him over the edge too. And, as he had no desire to be a father again, he pulled out of Zendaya.

Zendaya, acting almost on instinct slid off the disk and got to her knees in front of her older lover. Her mouth was open and her tongue was out, waiting for his white-hot liquid lust and her jerked his cock.

“Oh fuck...yeah...mmmm yeah Zendaya...NNNGGGG FUCK!”

Cum rocketed out of Mark's cock and splatted right on Zendaya's happy face, coating her skin and tongue with ropes of sticky jizz. Before he could finish the devilish woman wrapped her lips around his cock once more, sucking the rest of his precious fluid down her hungry gullet.

Zendaya released his cock from her mouth with a pop, the tap run dry. Soon the only sound filling the room was the pair of them struggling to catch their breaths...and Zendaya cleaning the cum off of her.

“So,” Mark said, struggling to pull his pants up. “Was...there anything else Zendaya? I mean, if you just wanted to fool around, we could have done it someplace a bit more...private.”

“Yeah, there was.” she replied, still a little sex high. “Um...so...I'm going to Europe next semester. This...last goodbye.”

“Oh...well...enjoy yourself.” Mark said. The “oh well” tone of that would have made Zendaya a bit hurt if she still wasn't high on cock. But, since she was, she shrugged it off, put her clothes back on, kissed him on the cheek and walked out, a freshly-fucked smile on her face, now clean from the cum.

One last goodbye and a big wave hello to the future...and Europe.


It was noon and there was no place Lili would rather be than her job. Sure, it was behind the counter at comic and hobby store, which itself wasn't the worst thing. It could have been ACTUAL retail with people who didn't have some sense of manners. And while her utter lack of experience in the endless debates that went on as to who could beat who or who was the best “fill in the blank” sometimes drove her to the brink it was a much easier thing to swallow than dealing with normal customers. Her head was now full of names like Barry Allen and Jim Corrigan but she'd be damned if she could assign a four-color face to any of them.

Sometimes she even was able to jump in on the debates when they went into the realm of horror. That was how she earned comradery with the customers. She had her own realm of geekery she laid claim to, which was really the only crest anyone was expected to wear in the store. The badge of geekery.

Though today was a slow day. No one was coming in t chat or browse save for one regular. That was another thing that couldn't really be classified as bad. With as hectic as things had been for her, both in her personal life and student life it was nice to just be able to stand back and breath, even if it was the musty air of yellowing paper and plug-in air fresheners.

Best of all for Lili, she wasn't doing it alone. Ashley was with her. It was a surprise for Lili to see her new girlfriend show up in the store. However, as Ashley had said when she walked in, “I could spend my free periods bumming around on campus and occasionally answering to my stage name or I could hang out with my current dish.”

Lili chuckled at that. It was the first time anyone had called her that, and she preferred to think of it as a term of affection. The couple chatted for a bit. Nothing earth-shattering, just small talk. Finals, band practice, store stuff...just to pass the time. Nothing to deep, it never was really. Just some light banter with the occasional bout of flirting thrown in. Lili had actually lost track of time a bit. Halsey had come in at eleven, and it was noon when she finally noticed the clock.

“Noon already,” Lili said.

“What babe?” Ashley said, looking from a random comic she was flipping through while sitting on one of the stores couches.

“The time,” Lili said. “That hour just breezed by.”

“You expecting someone?” asked Ashley.

“Well, Kiernan is supposed to be in too.” Answered Lili. “She starting her shift early to organize some of the back issues and organize the new toys we got in.”

“Soo, what you're saying is it's just you and me right now?” Ashley put down the comic and walked over to the counter, leaning over it on one side just as Lili was the other. They were nose to nose and sparks were flying. “All alone?”

“Tempting as your insinuation is, the answer is no,” Lili said. “On a few counts. Namely that we aren't alone. Roland is around here somewhere...”

“Someone say my name?” Roland, perplexed fanboy, asked. He popped his head out from some book cases, his bushy head of scarlet-black hair being tossed up.

“Just making sure you were awake.” Lili replied. “We don't want you falling asleep and getting locked in overnight again, do we?”

“Fair.” With that Roland moved back to the bookcases while Ashley and Lili's attentions turned back to each other.

“And beyond that, we're still open for business and I can't close up.” Lili leaned forward, giving her songstress girlfriend a sweet kiss. “But I'd like to thank you for keeping me in your dirty thoughts.”

“No problem.” Halsey punctuated by serving a kiss right back at the blonde. However midway through this second liplock broke midway through when the sound of the jingling bell of the glass door of the store rang and a customer walked in. Or so she thought.

Lili was shocked to see Peter there. And was even more shocked when he said nothing about catching her mid-liplock with another woman. Though he wasn't completely silent. He did give Lili a friendly “Hi Lils.”

“Oh...hey Peter, Lili said, hoping she wasn't blushing or anything. “Um, this is my girlfriend Ashley...you might know he as Halsey. Kind of a local musician-artist thing.”

“Nice to meet you,” Peter said. “I actually think I've seen some of your posters on campus and around town.” He extended his hand to the singer, who shook it.

“That's nice and all, but have you heard me yet?” Ashley asked. “I think in my case hearing is believing. Though a nice visual helps, hence the posters. Drew those myself.”

“Nice. I might have. Things have been so hectic this year that I don't even know if I've been to a show in months.”

“Heavy class load?” Halsey asked. As the pair talked Lili was still a bit shocked that this hadn't phased him. She hadn't expected him to freak out, but maybe a little shock? Then she felt bad for thinking someone should make a big deal out of her being bi. Cami did say he wouldn't care, and his no-selling confirmed that.

“Not really,” Peter said. “I mean that didn't help. Didn't Lili tell you about the movie she worked on?”

“You're the director guy!” Ashley said, her eyes lighting up. “The dude who actually can go head-to-head to her at horror trivia as the Casket!”

“Yeah, thanks for helping build the legend Lils.”

“No problem Pete,” Lili said, finally relaxing. “What brings you by? Still back-issue surfing for some Friday the 13th comics?”

“Not so much,” Peter said, bringing his backpack over to the counter. “I figure with you I have an inside source to give me the heads up. What I am here for though is kind of in our mutual orbit.”

Peter took out his laptop and opened it, revealing a desktop that had a picture of Jason Voorhees' hockey mask with a bloody knife in the eye set against the color black.

“Oooh, a Friday part IV background,” Lili said. “I approve.”

“Thanks.” Peter replied.  He opened up the wi-fi options and selected the store. “If you could Ms. Reinhart, please input the Wi-Fi code.”

“Sure thing.”

“Whatcha got to show us?” Ashley asked, moving to the other side of the counter to both get closer to Lili and get a better view. “Funny cat video?”

“Good god I wish my stuff could get those views.” Peter replied. “See, me and my roommate Sabrina, we do a lot of things to pay the rent. We shoot and edit commercials locally and we do the occasional bit of web design for hire. We made a website for my girlfriend, one for that retro game store a block down, and we also were doing one for Lili, free of charge. Kind of as some kind of extra payment for doing the FX work on the movie.”

“I didn't do it all,” Lili said, trying not to take all the credit. “I worked from some of Zero's designs and I had people helping to apply.”

“Yeah, and you made those designs better then outdid that with your own stuff,” Peter retorted. “And some of those gags are genius. I'm pretty sure you recreated the crushed head.”

“You do make-up?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah,” Lili said. “I could have sworn I told you…You've seen my sketchpad, right?”

“You have a sketchpad?”

“Well, if you want to see something better than some sketches,” Peter said, getting on his web browser and typing in a couple passwords as he navigated to his web destination. “Simply check out Lili's page.”

Both Lili and Ashley's jaws dropped at the sight. It was black, mainly...but drips of blood could be seen just barely in the background, until of course they were highlighted. The drips then became trails that lead to bright white text that matched the headline of the page:
Lili Reinhart: FX Artist/Make-Up Artist/Poet

The first bit with Lili's name went across to top in big, white letters. The font as subtly ghoulish, like something out of a Gothic horror film. Underneath it was a thin red line shaped like blood trailing off, almost like a signature from a quill. Then underneath that was the rest of the text.

“You do poetry too?” Halsey asked.

“How have I not told you this?”

“Guess we're busy doing other things.” Ashley kissed Lili on the cheek. “Any of the poetry up on the site?”

“Not yet,” Peter said. “I wanted Lili's permission first. Adding the poet thing was kind of a last-minute thought I wanted to run by her.”

“I love it,” Lili said. “Thanks...I just...I never thought of really publicizing that. I always thought of it as private until I submitted one for the English department's quarterly magazine.”

“You want it gone?” Peter asked.

“No! I…I'll give you some of my shorter stuff first. Just to test the waters.”

“So, what is one here that we can see?” asked Halsey. “I want to see what kind of wonders my girl unleashed.”

“Well, Camila shot a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff when we were shooting, especially in the make-up department and when Lili was on set observing the FX being put into action. So…when you click on the video link, you're going to see a quick little compilation I put together. And Sabrina helped too. Like when I passed out in front of the computer while editing…I miss sleep.”

With a quick couple of clicks, the video was loaded and ready to go. Ashley smiled wide as she witnessed the sketches go from page to full on sculpted model. Horrors and piles of gore all with the lovely, smiling face of a beautiful blonde making corny jokes and showing pride in every aspect of what she was doing.

Lili couldn't help but blush at it. Seeing her girlfriend smile wide at her passion, or one of them. And then that smile grew just a bit wider when Peter was also watching intently. Despite having spent hours no putting it together, most likely, he was still intently watching. That gave Lili a bit of a feeling of warmth. She didn't question it, but she did try to ignore it. Just like how he'd ignored the fact Sabrina's “help” in editing boiled down to waking him up and making sure he saved.

“That's AWESOME!” Lili exclaimed. “Thank you so much...wow…okay, now I'm actually going to be looking for those back issues instead of just saying I am....just kidding…or am I?” Lili gave Peter a quick wink, then turned the attention back to the website. “What this part right here, where it says tutorials?”

“That was an idea I wanted to pitch to you,” Peter said. “A YouTube page where you give kind of...how-to lessons on easy FX work. Or more complex. Or even just stage make-up tutorials. Another way to get your name out there...if you want to that way. Just an idea.”

“Honestly Lili it's a good one,” Ashley said. “One thing I definitely know if networking yourself and something like would be an amazing idea for it.”

“Well, maybe I will do that.” Lili answered. “I just...I want to think on it. So…maybe hold back on that? We can always add it after it goes live.”

“You got it,” Peter said, closing his laptop. As he did that, Lili came around the counter and gave him a gigantic hug, surprising him...but not in a bad way.

“Thank you so much!” Lili said, releasing her grip. “You have no idea how much this means to me. You and Sabrina really went the extra mile and I do owe you.”

“Well, remember that next time you see any comic with a hockey-mask wearing maniac brandishing a machete,” Peter said. “And until that day comes, I have to head out. Meeting someone for lunch.”

“Oh yeah, Hailee, right?” Lili said.

“No, Camila...and I think Selena. Hailee said she had some work thing. But she'll be at the pseudo study thing tonight at my place.” Peter's attention turned Ashley. “You two are coming to that, right?”

“I didn't even know it was going on,” the pixie-haired beauty replied.

“Really?” Lili asked. “I could have sworn I told you.”

“Eh, it's no big deal,” Halsey said with a shrug. “I can't make it anyways. Band stuff. And business…it all ends up the same in the end I guess though.”

“Well, in that case hope to see you again,” said Peter. “Maybe a double date thing. Until then though, nice to meet you Ashley and I'll see you later Lils.”

“Nice to meet you too!” Ashley replied.

“See ya Pete,” Lili said. With one last wave, Peter had left the building. She turned around, pausing a moment before heading back behind the register. Halsey noticed the look on Lili's face. There was something on her mind and she didn't quite like it.

“What's wrong?” asked Ashley.

“It's just what he said about lunch.”

“What? Lunch with friends, right? You said he and Camila were like bestest friends forever.”

“Not that...it's just...Hailee came in before you did today. I asked her if she wanted to stick around for a few hours and she said she had a lunch date. I just assumed it was with Peter.”

“Oh...well...is it really that weird? Probably just part of the work thing he mentioned.”

“Yeah, probably.” Before Lili could ruminate on it further, the door opened again, the jingling bells signaling the entrance of once Kiernan Shipka, Lili's co-worker and a very excitable one at that. The petite blonde sprite skid in, doing her best Kramer impression.

“Lili, how could you NOT tell me?” Kiernan asked, excited and out of breath.

“Tell you what?”

“About how superstar writer and artist Rick DeLaurentus moved to town?”

“Well Kiernan, I probably would have if I knew who that was.”

“You don't know who Rick DeLaurentus is?” Roland asked, once again emerging from the depths of the back issue bins. Which he seemed to do whenever Kiernan was around. He was almost Kiernan's sidekick with how often they spoke about 90% of the stuff that went over Lili's head.

“Thank you, Roland,” Kiernan said before turning her attention back to Lili. “Rick DeLaurentus is only the creator of the best-selling sci-fi series Stardancer and one of the all-time best Flash writers EVER. And now he lives in OUR town!”

“Get the fuck out of here!” Roland said, rushing quickly to Kiernan’s side.

“I certainly won't because I'm telling the truth.”

“How do you even know?” Lili asked. “It's not like comic writers announce their addresses online.”

“They don't have to when they're married to a celebrity chef.” Kiernan retorted.

“Wait, this comic guy is married to Elisha Cuthbert?” Halsey asked, everything clicking. Lili looked at her confused, serving up Ashley to give her an explanation. “Elisha Cuthbert, you've seen her show, right?”


“Well, she's opening a new restaurant in town. Local girl, former student does good kind of thing. And she's married to this comic guy is what you're saying?”

“Indeed!” Kiernan said with a grin. “I mean it's not like he hides it. He's been on her cooking show and he based a character in his book on her.”

“Okay okay,” Lili said, leaning against the wall behind the register. “What does this have to do with the store?”

“At the grand opening of her knew place, I'm going to secure him for a store signing,” Kiernan proudly declared. “I'll be the hero of the day and Lou will finally give me access to all those wonderful original art pages he has and I can FINALLY buy that Crisis on Infinite Earths page where The Flash dies! It's my holy grail, as you know.”

“Yes, you only say it daily.” Lili replied.

“Can I help?” Roland asked, happily volunteering for whatever shenanigans Kiernan was already cooking up.

“Maybe you can,” Kiernan said. “Quickly Roland, to the stockroom!”

Kiernan and Roland dashed off to plot and scheme, leaving Lili and Ashley alone once more.

“You work with a unique bunch,” Ashley said. “Fortunately, due to my own unique bunch I'm rather acquainted with weird.”

“Well, I guess that explains me, doesn't it?” Lili jokingly asked before receiving a kiss from Ashley.

“It's the most logical answer,” said Ashley. “Sadly, on that note I need to head out myself and get ready for my plans for the night.”

“Okay...sure I can talk you into swinging by the study shindig?”

“Tell you what, if I get done early, you got me.” Halsey opened the door and blew Lili a kiss before leaving.

Now with her girlfriend gone and her co-worker and lone customer of the day out of the front of the store, Lili's thought turned to what Peter had said about Hailee. It didn't make any sense. Even with Ashley reassurance, it just felt off. She couldn't put her finger on it either, which bothered her even more.


(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190367951_377675742_sjes8_122_195lo.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190367951_377675742_sjes8_122_195lo.jpg)(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190367954_tumblr_ohywm57ts91vc2vwro1_1280.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190367954_tumblr_ohywm57ts91vc2vwro1_1280.jpg)

“FUCK!” Scarlett shouted in a tone so loud dripping with sex she was glad she had the office sound proofed. It was just another Tuesday for her and Chris. It had begun somewhat innocently as a shared lunch for the re-acquainted lovers...lunch that always ended in sweaty, passionate sex. Then after a while the food was saved for after the orgasms, right after they both dropped the big L, love, to each other.

Once that happened, all bets were off, even more so than when they were students at the college together and fucked like rabbits. They still did that, but only now it was much more well-traveled rabbits.

Even with the pretense of food gone, there was still some pretense to be had. When Chris had first walked into the room, Scarlett was at her desk, going over some paper work. Her hair was tied up, glasses on, and she seemed to be a bit more in concentration than usual. However, once he greeted her with “Hey Sweet,” Scarlett's demeanor changed. Any remnants of the stressed frown she had melted away.

It was a short walk into Chris' arms. The kiss was hungry and fierce, their tongues wrestler about in their mouths while their hands wandered. From there the couple stumbled over to the mini bar Scarlett had in her bar. The kiss broke, Scarlett gave Chris a look that needed to no words. A laugh escaped her lips as she was spun around and bent over. The laugh turned into an appreciative moan when the buxom blonde bombshell felt his hand run up her-stocking clad legs. Black silk of course, stopping just at the thigh. Chris' favorite. She knew he was coming and she had dressed for their new Wednesday tradition.

A smile crossed her red lips when she heard the sound of a belt buckle clinking and a zipper unzipping. The next sound to emerge came from her, the aforementioned “FUCK!” dripping with passion from the top of her lungs as Chris entered the sweet velvety confines of her pussy.

“Mmm yes...just what I needed baby,” Scarlett said, giving him in gaze through her black-rimmed glasses. “Exactly what I needed.” Scarlett made that point further when she pushed back at Chris, urging him to continue making her worries go away. It was a direction Chris simply could not refuse.

His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her tight against him as he began to make more forceful strokes into her, the sound of utter satisfaction coming from Scarlett's mouth the perfect sign she was enjoying the ride. And though his cock buried in her cunt was definitely a big part of that, his caress could not be over looked, nor his hot breath and kisses on the flesh of her neck.

Up her abdomen his hands roamed, gilding over the soft cloth of the black blouse under her black pinstripe blazer. Her groped her tremendous tits through the garment, squeezing them before roughly ripping the shirt open. In the reflection he saw that those wonderful tits were incased in a bra that matched her stockings. It probably would have matched underwear as well if Scarlett was wearing any. She hadn't been of course. She came prepared for lunch.

“Mmmm Chris...take me...fuck me real good...” Scarlett cooed, licking at him while her buried in face in her neck. “Make me fucking scream baby...scream your name...”

The words were coal in a furnace, burning the blaze within him even brighter. Chris gripped the cups of Scarlett's bra and pulled them down, exposing those perfect breasts to the air. Soon his hands replaced the bra, holding those magnificent melons. Once more Chris made Scarlett a very happy girl...while the feeling of lace against her skin of wonderful, nothing beat flesh to flesh.

Scarlett howled out “YES!” as Chris increased his speed inside her, jackhammering her box. Scarlett's arms reached behind her to grab on to him in some way, to hold him close so he could never leave her pussy, never stop fucking her. She didn't know how she lived without this treatment for the years they spent apart. The student fun was one thing and Margot was spectacular but he had the key to her heart...and the rest of her body.

The golden-haired sex goddess hissed through clenched teeth when she was suddenly bent forward again by the good Mr. Evans. He pulled off her blazer and tossed it aside. What remained of Scarlett's blouse fell to the floor. All that remained was her skirt, stockings and the bra that had been savagely pulled down.

He grabbed her hips and Scarlett braced her arms against the shelving of the bar. Scarlett looked over her shoulder at him, her golden hair whipping over. “Whatcha waiting for big boy?” she said, her smokey voice and pin-up face almost doing him in on the spot.

“Good point,” he grunted, giving Scarlett a deep, hard thrust that made her purr in pleasure. He slowly withdrew and slammed it home again. Scarlett coos and gasps once more grew into full moans as those deep and powerful thrusts slowly sped back up, then slowed back down.

“Mmm fuck Chris don't stop!” Scarlett said as he slowed down again, teasing her hungry pussy. “Fuck me...come on...please I fucking need it so bad! You're not getting spent already?”

“Not at all,” he said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “In fact, I could do this all day.”

“Mmm, I might hold you to that.”  He sped up once more and Scarlett hung her head low, guttural grunts erupting from her mouth as the sound of colliding flesh filled her ostentatious office.

Chris' grip tightened on Scarlett's round hips as he started pulling her to him to meet his hard thrusts, the new movement making them both howl like wolves in the moonlight. Scarlett wanted to make his howls even louder. Little did she know Chris had the same idea.

He pulled out of her pussy, slapping the rod on the pale skin of her ass before pressing it right against her backdoor entrance.

“Oooh,” she cooed. “You read my mind baby.” His only reply was a grunt and a thrust as he entered her anus. Scarlett winced, hissing as she began to take his girth. She loved what her All American boy could give her. Sweet and tender loving and a good hard pounding in the ass, pleasure spiked with pain.

“Yeah...oh fuck baby...take...take my ass...nice...mmmm so nice and fucking deep....” She balled her hand into a fist, slamming it on the wooden shelf she was braced against. She got another few jolts from a series of loud smacks to her ass, delivered by the strong hand of Mr. Evans.

“Fuck....oh Scarlett...baby...” Chris wined; his eyes shut tight as he savored the sensations from Scarlett's tight rectum. Sensations that went ablaze when Scarlett began to twerk her ass as he fucked her, causing him to freeze in place from the sensation.

“Mmmm you like that huh?” Scarlett said, the seductress cutting through her own desperate cries for pleasure. “Can't get enough of that ass...dirty, dirty man...don't you dare fucking stop. D-don't even think it. I want to fucking cum with that perfect dick up my ass!”

“Anything for you Scarlett,” he growled with a sinful grin on his face, the kind of look that drove Scarlett even wilder when she saw it reflected back to her in the reflective wall of the bar. Her pulled her up to his chest again and spun her around. The pair stumbled, his cock still lodged up her ass, to the middle of the room. Once there, Chris pushed Scarlett down to the carpet, face down and ass up.

“Mmm, I've always loved that about you Chris,” she said, her smokey voice making him damn near melt. “You always go for what you want...and it also happens to be what I want...ohhhh fuck!”

Those last two words signaled the continuation of the anal drilling he now needed to give her. A cock drunk smile was on Scarlett's face as his cock delved deeper and deeper into her asshole, satisfied moans and grunts escaping those luscious lips.

The fire was burning deep within them both now. Chris was somehow being moth merciless and tender as her pounded her ass. He gave her every last bit of strength in every one of his powerful thrusts into her backdoor while diddling her clit.

“Yes,” Scarlett cried. “Yes, yes yes yes make me cum baby make me cum....” She was so close she could taste it. No one knew her body like he did. Not Margot, not any of her few student lovers, none of her clients in her days as a student...Chris had her body and heart memorized…and yet still found new ways to make her feel amazing.

Soon Scarlett went from all four to flat on the floor, getting her asshole plowed prone. And Chris was right on top of her, lips to her ear as he drove them both home. It was going to be a photo finish for sure.

“Unng...come on...come on baby,” Scarlett said, doing her part to push him just a bit further than he had pushed her. “Fill me up...let it all out...empty those fucking balls in my asshole honey...mmm show me how good I feel on that fucking cock...cum for me and I'll cum for you...”

“Oh shit...oh Scarlett,” Chris growled. He always did have a weakness for her dirty talk. Romantic filth from her husky voice was his Kryptonite. His thrusts became quick and desperate, Scarlett still cheering him on until his one last thrust, Harder and deeper than the last, he groaned as his cum rocketed out of his spitting snake.

With every scalding stream shot into her bowels, Scarlett pushed further and further past her own threshold until that glass shattered and she scream out “YES!” in a voice so loud no sound-proofing could contain it. He asshole contracted, milking a few more drops out of Chris' cock before he rolled off of her, his cum trickling out of Scarlett's well-fucked asshole.

The two caught their breath in silence for a few moments before Scarlett opened her mouth. “You have no idea how much I needed that baby,” she said, her head still a little foggy from pleasure. “It's been a day.”

“What happened?” Chris said, managing to get up enough to sit up.

“Professor Jones happened.” Scarlett rolled onto her back and Chris scooted next to her for a little post-coital snuggle. “He told me today he's going to be taking two semesters off. He's burnt out, all that. And having tenure, he's of course allowed such a thing.”

“But…” Chris said, prodding Scarlett for more.

“But, this close to the end of the semester and leading into the Summer schedule, it does leave me scrambling for someone to fill his spots while he's gone.”

“Well, does it need to be a professor?” Chris asked.

“Most likely not.” Scarlett replied. “You have a suggestion?”

“I just might.” Chris pulled her close and Scarlett rested her head on his chest. “A few months ago, I was in England, doing some research on that World War II book I've been working on. I ran into a very, very talented grad student from Oxford who was studying the same thing. And she'd had more articles and papers published than I did. She was also teaching a few classes for the undergrads.”

“This wunderkind have a name?” Scarlett asked.

“Florence Pugh. And she's actually holding some speaking engagements around the country. We became fairly friendly during my studies.”

“How friendly?” Scarlett teasingly asked.

“Not that friendly. Just sharing information. Any dinners we had were pretty much business. Friendly business, but business. That being said I actually sat in on some of the classes she taught and I think she could be what you need. I could check in on her, see if she's in California right now, or looking for another teaching position.”

“That'd be lovely,” Scarlett said, kissing his chest. “You give her my info; I'll give her the details.”

“I'll get on it once we eat...I'm starving.”

“Mmm me too.” Scarlett replied. “There's something about getting fucked up the ass by the man I love that just makes me hungry.”


Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 05:41:21 PM

Taylor Swift was not the hugest fan of being kept waiting. At best she tolerated it. However, when it was an appointment someone else made to see her, Taylor expected them to be on time. Maybe a minute leeway. She didn't ask to see them, they asked to see her.

It was even worse when money was involved, as this time was. Taylor had gotten a good reputation from her previous parties, both when she was heading up the sorority and the one thrown at Camila's father's hotel. Since then, she'd been approached by a few people and actually booked herself up to a point where she felt comfortable.

It wasn't a career for her, but it was a nice way to get a few extra dollars. She wasn't hurting for it, but it was always nice to fluff up her savings account on her own.

Most of the people who called her were strangers, and as long as the check cleared, she was happy to help them. However, one familiar name had come up, Wayne Algar. He was an old flame from her freshman year at the school. Good for an amazing fuck but not much else. However, he did know the value of a good party. Which was why he called her.

However, things didn't end all too well between them. That was decided the moment Taylor caught him balls deep in Katy Perry, which sparked off their little war. Still, for the sake of good time and mind-blowing orgasms of the past, she decided to give him the time of day...just to say no to him.

And now she'd been waiting ten minutes. Wayne strikes again. She was about ready to get up out of the empty study room in the student union when in her walked, all smile sand confident swagger. Just like she remembered him. Five o'clock shadow and expertly coifed chestnut hair, topped off with emerald green eyes. It actually annoyed her how handsome he was. Despite their past she couldn't get over that pure, carnal attraction she had, which was only increased with the memories of sex. Wayne was nowhere near as good, or as open to experiment, as Norman. Still, she'd be lying if she said they hadn't had some good times together.

“You're late,” Taylor said flatly. Not cold, not mean, but just enough to let Wayne know she wasn't pleased.

“Sorry.” He replied. “Car trouble.”

“I'm sure.”

“Icy,” Wayne said. Typical of him. Anything that was too critical of him was icy or mean. He took the seat on the other side of the table and sat in front of Taylor. “Been a long time Tay.”

“That it has. And since you were the one to set this whole meeting up, how can I help you and your party needs?”

“Hmm, right to the point, huh?”

“I see no reason to delay it.”

“Well, to put it simply me and my boys want to do a post-finals blowout. Let off some steam. Not on campus at all, so fewer restrictions obviously. We're thinking of renting a lake house or something along those lines. And wouldn't you know it, right when we get this idea, your name starts popping up all over campus as some kinda party liaison.”

Taylor smiled. It was the kind of smile she hadn't had in too long a time. Sweet...but with the slightest dash of sinister. She couldn't wait to tell him no. That she was booked through June and couldn't possibly squeeze another soul in even if she wanted to. Then she'd get to see the look on his face, crushed as he begged her to reconsider. It wasn't much to balance the scales between them, but it was something.

“Well, I'm sure the party will be amazing Wayne,” Taylor said, winding up. “But the answer is no. I'm just flat out booked up until at least June. And since this is a side hustle more than anything, I don't really feel like doing that much work.”

“Come on Tay,” Wayne said. She knew this side of him well too. Trying to charm, to flirt his way into the answer he wanted. “For old time's sake?”

“Don't you remember how those old times ended?” Taylor sarcastically asked.

“Of course, I do,” he said. “But you can't deny there were a lot of good times...like right in the middle of the arena. When I snuck us when it was closed and we fucked right in the middle of the basketball court. You sounded so hot yelling at me to fuck you harder, all of it echoing. Still...you looked even better.”

Taylor did remember that, and the memory got her at least a little hot. It was an amazing time. Still, didn't erase how it ended.

“True as that may be, I can't just bump paying customers away just because you made me cum a few times two years ago.”

“I'm not suggesting you do. All I'm asking is you squeeze me in...and if it helps...maybe we could do a little stroll down memory lane. I ain't promising another day at the basketball court but I'm certain we could find something else just as exciting...if you can squeeze me in.”

“A-are you serious?” Taylor asked. What Wayne was suggesting was a shock on two fronts. One that he had the balls to suggest it, followed by suggesting it.

“I know, I know. Usually in a situation like this, the woman makes that kind of offer. But hey, what can I say? I'm quite progressive. And I can tell you're at least mulling it over.”

“I'm just kind surprised at that kind of offer.” Taylor replied.

“Well, since I am so generous and actually sorry about how things ended, I'll give you a couple days to mull it over. And remember, I'm not asking for a discount. Hell, you can charge me double if you want. I'm just asking for...a favor. And in exchange I do you one as well.”

“Okay,” Taylor said, her voice giving away how she still couldn't quite believe what she'd heard. “See you in a few days.”

Wayne nodded and made his exit, leaving Taylor to think. She couldn't believe she was seriously considering his offer. Sure, a part of her wanted to laugh in his face and say no. Tell Wayne right to his face she had a better man in every way of the word on speed dial. Someone she actually loved and that loved her back.

Then another part wanted one more ride. Almost out of spite. A fuck to show him what he threw away the day he let Katy Perry touch him. And in most relationships giving in to that side of her would be impossible.

But then she remembered the spring break salaciousness she had shared with Norman...what they did on the beach with his friend. Clearly their sexual relationship wasn't the traditional form of monogamy...could a little dalliance fit in as well?

It was something she'd have to approach him with carefully, very carefully. As much as her body might have hungered for one more round with Wayne, she didn't know if she could even consider doing something to cost her the love of her life.


While most of the student body was focused on studying, Norman Dillion also had work to contend with. He was hardly alone in that ordeal, though he would say that what he usually did required a little more concentration than the tradition college job.

Often times his jobs were either legit, like creating a website for someone, doing a virus sweep on computer so thorough he should have bought it dinner first, things like that. A one-man Geek Squad. Then there were the pricey jobs where there was more risk put on him. Raising someone's grade just a bit higher, finding test answers for online courses. The ones that really paid his rent.

The job he was working on now for Jennifer Lopez was more along the lines of the former, but a unique task that made him have to take the entire day off of classes. The money however, was very much worth it.

Jennifer was one of the many, many obscenely hot professors at the school. When Norman first stared, he was taken aback at the sheer amount of hotness on the staff. At this point though, he'd actually gotten used to it. It didn't make Jennifer any less gorgeous, but the hotness no longer shocked him. It didn't mean he didn't take a few extra looks at her out of this world ass while he worked.

As for what he was working on for the good professor, that was unique. Jennifer had gotten the idea from watching her kids and nephews play with some full body motion control video game. Norman knew she was talking about the Kinect camera for the Xbox, but to Jennifer it was just some game machine. She came from the generation where the only two players in the game were Nintendo and Sega, anything else was just game stuff.

But the camera intrigued her, so she did some research and found how it had been repurposed for several things outside of gaming. The Kinect had even been used for ghost hunting of all things. And that's what gave her the idea.

Jennifer taught dance at the school. Many different types of dance. From ballroom, to hip hop to jazz, Jennifer Lopez was a dance empress on campus. If you wanted a career in dance, you'd know her and be on a waiting list for her class.

Jennifer's idea for the Kinect? Use it to record dance routines to show her class. Mainly for if she felt under the weather and didn't want to strain herself, but also for her students to study at home via some kind of streaming set up. Most likely some private YouTube channel. That hadn't been decided yet. What would have to come first is actually setting up this idea. That was where Norman came in.

When Ms. Lopez had explained the idea to him over the phone, he thought it was original to be sure, but not necessarily a challenge. He had a friend who did ghost hunts and had actually reprogrammed his Kinect camera for those purposes with a few extra bonuses. Doing it for something he actually knew was real, like Jennifer, would be a snap.

Relatively speaking of course. There was still a fair amount of work involved, hence why he had to take all day and had been at her house since nine in the morning. It was already almost three and the finishing touches were about to be put on. Really all that was going to be needed was a test of the camera to see if any movements recorded on it would be 1:1.

“Okay Jen,” he said, having gotten somewhat familiar with her throughout the day. “Just step in front of the camera and move. Nothing fancy, you don't even need to dance or anything. Just a test.”

“You got it Norm,” Jennifer said. She got in position in front of the camera. It was pointed straight at a wall that had been cleared earlier in the day. “When can I move?”

“Now.” The camera had taken her in and the program had assigned a very rudimentary polygonal representation of Jennifer. It looked like a human, but missed all those drool-worthy curves and that insane ass she had on. While Norman was definitely head over heels for Taylor, it didn't mean he couldn't admire a beautiful body.

Norman wasn't the only one doing some admiring. Though Jennifer was nowhere near as brazen as some of her fellow staff members, Kelly Brook in particular sprung to mind, she did occasionally partake in some of the student body. Unlike the delectable Ms. Brook, Jennifer NEVER took a dip in her own pool of students. That'd just be reckless. Still, when she got the desire, there were so many options to choose from...and Norman might just be the next up to satisfy her craving.

While she thought of the best way to approach, she began to move as he asked. Just waving her arms and pacing back and forth. “How's it look?” She asked.

“Just about perfect,” Norman said, referring to both the input of her movement and her body itself. Even in a pair of jeans and t-shirt her fuckability was off the charts. “There's a delay but it's so minute you wouldn't notice unless you were looking for it. Like a fraction of a second.”

“That's great!” Jennifer said. “So, that's it?”

“Well, honestly I'd give it a few days. Try it, and if there are any bugs they should show up in that amount of time. I'll swing by again just to check that out. That's when I'll also expect payment. No money until I'm sure the job is done.”

“That sounds fair.” Jennifer gave him a smile, light on the sugar and heavy on the spice. “You know, I've been thinking since you've been in all day...maybe there's a bonus I could give you for all your dedicated, hard work.” The lustful Latina made her to where he was sitting at the computer and placed her hand on his shoulder and slithered it down his body. “How does that sound?”

Norman stammered for a second, struggling for the words. He of course would never, EVER cheat on Taylor. He couldn't hurt her like that. He also remembered when there was a time, he'd be all over what Jennifer Lopez was offering...but this...he was stumped.

However, he also remembered what he and Taylor had done on the beach at Spring Break, and that certainly was strictly monogamous...maybe there was a way to have his cake and eat it too, and getting a look at the good dance teacher he suddenly had a very big appetite for cake.

“Not that I wouldn't love to,” Norman said. “But....how about we table the discussion of bonuses until we actually know if this worked. I mean...I'd hate to think you paid me for something I didn't earn.”

“Fair enough,” Jennifer said with a seductive tone. “I'm sure your work will be very worth your payment...and then some.

Norman knew she was right. If he did go through with it. That was something he'd have to talk about with Taylor. The only question was: How?



As the sun started to set on the campus, most of the student body made their way home. That was not the case for those with night classes, like Samara Weaving. Though her major was in art history and had her mind set on being a painter herself, she found herself fin a film class, covering the cinema of the eighties into the nineties.

Samara loved movies and made sure her class load had at least three classes where she studied the artform. Of those three, the Eighties/Nineties Class was her favorite. There was just something about the film from that time. From the comedy to the drama...it was unique. Especially when the decade began to transition. Always a feast for the eyes and mind. That was her summation at least.

When people first saw Samara, her being in any way artistic came as a shock to them. Of course, the image she projected helped a lot in that, rolling into school on her Harley Davidson, always with her black leather jacket in tow. The first time most people saw her, they were intimidated, even after she took her helmet off to reveal her beautiful face, blue eyes and long, golden blonde hair.

There was one person however who wasn't intimidated at all by her, at least not in the traditional sense, and that was Bradley Jannit. And his lack of intimidation at her was what made him her film buddy.

However, it wasn't a total lack of intimidation. He just had the guts to talk to her. Which surprised some people, including Samara, given Bradley's usual pastimes of Dungeons and Dragons and chess, of which he was actually in on the competitive level. For some reason people in leather and on motorcycles didn't faze him at all.

He was however more than a little taken in by the sheer beauty of Samara, from the physical to everything he'd gotten to know about her...which including her rule of no committed relationships. Samara had a wild streak, and that wild streak entailed no commitments. College was about having fun and going wild, which was something she'd gotten an early start on during her high school years in Adelaide. Samara had traveled so much growing up that when she finally returned to her birthplace in Australia, rebellion was the only option, and it never really stopped, not even when moving to the US to go to college.

And part of that rebellion, as Bradley had found out, was there so no chance of commitment from Samara. He wasn't even sure how the subject had come up, but it came after they were grabbing a quick dinner together after having watched When Harry Met Sally...in class.

Bradley took that as a clear message of “we're just friends.” That wasn't what Samara had meant. At all. The truth was, she found herself drawn to the chess master. He had a way with words and was far from the traditional nerd type that she'd grown up seeing in films. He was pretty handsome. Lean, but handsome. Completely different from her usual bed mates. He didn't drive a hot rod or a Harley, he drove a Toyota. He was never one for a five o'clock shadow, Bradley preferred being clean shaven.

But still...there was something there where she wouldn't have minded a ride or two. However, both were fine with just being friends.

Or that was the case up until the final film of the year. On the screen was Basic Instinct, a neo noir film as told to them by the professor, and an erotic thriller. And the eroticism was dripping from the film and could be seen all the way in the back of the auditorium. That's where Samara and Bradley always was sat; at the top and in the back. Close to the exits and no one else really congregated there. The moment class was over, they'd take a walk across campus and get some cheesesteaks, shoot the shit and just hang out.

That was the plan for today as it was every class...until the movie started. While this was a movie both had heard of, neither Samara or Bradley were quite ready for the level of eroticism at play. The star of the film, Sharon Stone, dripped sex. Every word, every movement was pure arousal.

The pair were taken in by her completely. Every moment she had on screen electrified them. Of course, that didn't stop Samara from wanting to talk to Bradley during the film. That was the other reason why they sat in the back, so they could whisper to each other. Not to make fun of the films, but to talk about them in a unique detail that the rest of the class didn't seem interested in.

That was what the usual plan was, however when Samara leaned her head over to speak with him, she noticed the visible outline in his pants of his hard cock. And it was a sizable outline. Samara didn't consider herself a size queen but she still had to admire what her buddy was packing.

Seeing that brought a devilish grin to Samara's face, her big beautiful smile a hint to her plans to anyone who was paying attention. Luckily, no one was, not even the man she had her eyes on. Now, she couldn't straight on fuck him, not now anyway. That didn't mean she couldn't have some fun with Bradley. He'd have some as well.

He shifted a bit in his seat when Samara leaned her hand over, gripping the bulge in his pants. Not too hard, but just enough to get his attention and let him know her intent.

“Sam,” he said, trying to keep his voice to a whisper.  “What are you doing?”

“Well, looks like we're both enjoying the movie,” Samara said, her wicked grin becoming even hotter with the Aussie accent coming from it. “I was thinking...how about we enjoy it a little more?” With one hand Samara unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, loving the warm heft in her hand. “Unless of course, you'd rather just watch the film.”

“Well...I can't really disagree with your idea is the thing...” He couldn't believe this was happening. In all the fantasies he'd had after meeting Samara at the beginning of the semester, this wasn't one of them. Reality was becoming a lot better than fantasy for Bradley.

He watched, his mouth agape and dry, as Samara licked  the hand that had fished his rod out of his pants and made it nice and slick with her saliva.

“Now Bradley, here's how it's going to go,” Samara said, grasping his cock and giving it a slight tug. “You're going to watch the film, pay close attention...and me? Well, how about you let me surprise you a bit?”

She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “Lucky you...looks like they're about to fuck.”

Samara was correct in her observation. Sharon Stone was about to get dirty with her male lead, and given the build-up her femme fatale character had so far, it was going to be intense.

“Ahhhh,” Bradley grunted, stifling the bellow that wanted to come out, Samara licked and nibbled on his ear lobe as her hand began to stroke him. The rhythm was steady, but with a clear attention to detail. She was giving him a good fap, nothing slow about it, but that didn't mean the blonde Aussie wasn't making this an experience only Bradley would have with her.

“Look at her breasts...bet you just want to suck them, don't you Brad? Bet you wish you were the actor with her. Tasting her, feeling her body. Have you thought about me like that Brad? Have you had dirty little thoughts about me? And don't be afraid to be honest. I find your honestly very admirable, so don't abandon it now.”

“I can't say I haven't,” he said, breathing deep. Samara had stopped his jacking but wasn't done with him. Her thumb rand in a circle on his glans, making him almost break the arms of his seat from the intense grip. The thumb was just the beginning however, as soon the entire crown got some loving care from Samara.

Bradley began to involuntarily thrust into Samara's hand, making the blonde biker laugh softly.

“Your cock feels so good in my hand Bradley,” she seductively whispered, kissing his cheek. “I love how it's throbbing while I jack you. Mean I'm doing a good job, doesn't it?”

“An amazing job,” he grunted.

“Oh, amazing? I like that a lot. And that's just my hand...how much better do you think my pussy would feel?” She punctuated that by speeding up on his cock, using his precum as lube.  “Hot....tight around that monster between your legs...stretching me out...just thinking of taking that beast is making me wet...”

“Oh....uhhh...fuck...” She chuckled, licking her lips. Despite Samara's lack of carnal knowledge where Bradley was concerned, she knew the telltale signs of the male orgasm when she saw them. And once more, her smile spread on her face.

“Mmm someone's about to cum, huh?” Samara asked. Her blue eyes went to the screen where sex had taken over, even if for just a few minutes. “Don't hold back...it’s a handjob Brad...no one's expected to be a marathon man with them...so cum for me...I want you to shoot every drop for me.” The slim blonde reached behind her and got her empty soda cup. She reached it over to his cock, ready to catch every last stream he was to shoot. “Cum for me...do it....”

“Ohhh...gonna...gonna cum!” He said, choking to keep his voice a whisper as Samara's hand wanked and milked his cock. Right when had that final pulse, Samara liplocked him, kissing him and muffling his moans as his cum shot out of his pulsing dick and filled her cup.

“Good boy,” Samara said as the kiss broke. Samara was enthralled watching Bradley's cock twitch and throb as it emptied of his sperm. When things slow to a drip, she ran her finger over his peehole to get the last dollop of cup and smear it on the inner surface of her cup.

“Now, watch,” she said, planting one last kiss on his cheek before she brought the cup to her lips, drinking his cum like a shot of whiskey. Samara licked her lips afterward and placed her cup back in its holder. She then reached over, putting Bradley's spent cock back in its khaki den.

Bradley was speechless. He couldn't quite process the whole thing. Samara though was very level-headed, thinking clear and straight. And she had the one, perfect thing to say to follow up what had just occurred.

“So, we still doing cheesesteaks after class?” she asked, flashing him a wink and a smile.



Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 06:08:55 PM

“Isn't eight pizzas kind of a lot?” asked Sabrina.

“That's an odd statement coming from the shortstack that put away two forty-eight-inch New York styles,” Cami said.

“Well, first of all I was super, super stoned on a brand-new strain.” Sabrina replied. “And secondly, I paid for that the next day, as I couldn't get out of bed from the sheer amount of cheeses and meats resting in my belly.”

“Well, don't you worry your little waistline,” Camila said. “It's you, me, Peter, Lili, Hailee, Selena, Madelaine, Maddie's boyfriend and two of his friends. You're not going to overdose on faux Italian cuisine. Though since they are all from Antonio's you might be tempted to. Peter and Lili should be here with the food soon. I sent Lili a text to go help Peter with the pies.”

“Fair enough.” Sabrina went to the fridge and grabbed herself a soda. “When are the guests arriving? And why isn't this at your spacious abode?”

“Any minute,” Camila said. “And…I don't want to be their while Jose is there packing his stuff.” Camila took a brief pause then another sip from her drink.

“Oh, crap I'm sorry Cami...slipped my mind for a second.”

“It's okay, it really is. That's part of what tonight is for. Just...trying to get some kind of normalcy in place.” Before Camila could say anything else, a knocking arrived at the door. “And we have our first arrivals.”

Camila got up to answer the door, only to see not any of the people who should be there, but a familiar face that lite her own up like fireworks on the fourth of July.

The person was a tall, leggy blonde in tight jeans, a maroon floral blouse, and black boots. She had sunglasses, but they were resting on her head, nestled in her long main of blonde hair. There was also a sizable suitcase by her side.

The other thing she was wearing was a big smile, on that only grew when she also recognized the face that opened the door.

“Cami???” the tall blonde said.

“Blake????” Cami returned. From there the two squealed with joy, hugging each other tight. “Oh my god it's been way too long,” Cami said when the joyous friendly hug broke.

“I know!” Blake replied. “At least two years.”

“Um, hi,” Sabrina said, finally coming to the door from the kitchen. “Hate to interrupt, but since this is my apartment and all, I think I should know who you're being so familiar with.”

“Oh, this is Blake,” Cami said. “Blake Lively. Peter's sister.”

“Hi,” Blake said, holding her hand out for a shake. “You must be Sabrina, right? The roommate?”

Sabrina took her hand for the shaking, still a little bit confused. “Pete has a sister?”

“He does,” Blake said. “People can usually tell with the eyes. We both have our mom's eyes.” Blake leaned down to Sabrina's eye level, giving her a good look at her own baby blues.

“Huh, I'll be damned,” Sabrina said. “There it is. Also, you don't look a thing like Ben, which is a bonus.”

“Yep, you sure dated the other brother.” Blake replied. Sabrina chuckled when she noticed the tone.

“Not a fan of Ben either?”

“Well...look. I love both of them. As the sister, kind of have to...but not being a parent, I get to play favorites and, well...Ben's the little brother. Peter's my baby brother.”

“Wait, what are you even doing here?” Cami asked. “I thought you lived in San Francisco.”

“I do. Or, well, I did. May I come in Sabrina?”

“Oh, shit,” Sabrina said, noticing that Blake was still in the doorway. “Of course.”

“Thanks.” Blake wheeled the large suitcase in and took a seat on the couch, followed by Cami, who sat with her, and Sabrina who took the lounge chair. “So, a couple months back I get a call from the dean at your school. Scarlett, I think her name was. I'll definitely know on Thursday when I meet with her. Anyway, she said that the school is expanding the art department a bit, and they needed an instructor for a fashion design class.”

“I knew I knew that name!” Sabrina said. “You're Blake Lively the designer!”

“You know fashion design?” Cami asked, a little shocked at the revelation.

“Hey, just because my wardrobe is about 90% t-shirts doesn't mean I don't know fashion.”

“Well, yeah, that's me.” Blake replied. “I didn't think I was that well known.  I mean my boutique does pretty well in San Fran, but I didn't think I was really known outside of it. Fortunately, my business partner is still doing the day-to-day business stuff and I can handle most of what's left remotely. The pay for the teaching job was too good to pass up…and I missed my baby brother. And I guess Ben.”

“It's so weird Peter never mentions you. No pictures or anything.”

“Huh?” Cami said. “There's at least three pictures on that shelf next to the TV.”

Sabrina looked over and did indeed see what looked like a much younger Blake, from pre-teen to a little younger than she was now, in each of them with a very young Peter that got progressively older.

“Huh,” Sabrina said, looking at the photos then at Blake. “I just thought Peter had a really hot babysitter.”

“Well, that's kinda true,” Blake said. “Not to toot my own horn anything. And speaking of my dearest baby bro, where is he? I just don't feel right being in his place without embarrassing him in front of his girlfriend in a way only I can pull off. What's her name again? Harriet?”

“Hailee,” Cami said. “You're going to love her. As for Peter, he's picking up the pizzas. We're kind of having a bit of a study get together tonight. And of course, you're invited. Unless you're too cool Ms. Former Fashion Model.”

“Cami, you need to know one thing about life to really survive it,” Blake said. “You're never too cool for pizza. There will be a Chicago style deep dish among them though, correct?”

“Of course,” Cami said. “It was the only way I could convince Peter to go pick them up.”


Even though Camila had placed the order in advance, eight pizzas was a lot, especially when one was a Chicago-style. That was why Peter was sitting in a corner booth, waiting for the announcement of the food's arrival with a large Styrofoam cup fill with a drink exclusive to Antonio's, at least in terms of quality, a strawberry Coke. However, he wasn't simply absent-mindedly waiting, he was also doing the national pastime of dicking around on his phone. In between quick looks on YouTube and Facebook, Peter was also waiting on a fresh text from his girlfriend.

That wasn't usually something he did, but he hadn't heard from Hailee since he saw her in the morning. He didn't go overboard with texting her or anything. Just once at lunch...and nothing all day. And the text had been read. He could see that. He was actually getting worried about her at this point. Anytime that worry set it though, he found some way to distract himself, currently with Vine compilations.

“Seat taken?” a female voice said, a very familiar one. Peter set his phone down to look up, seeing the owner of the voice was Lili.

“Looks empty to me.” he replied. Lili slid into the seat opposite from him. “This a chance meeting?”

“Nah, Cami texted me to come by and help you with the food,” Lili said. “Eight pizzas are a tall order for a man who left his car at his apartment's garage.”

“I brought my handy dandy collapsible canvas wagon.” Peter lifted it up, in its collapsed form, right next to him.

“Yeah, well now you have an even handier, dandier automobile to help.”

“Much appreciated. Will Ashley be joining us for the quote/unquote studying?”

“No, she had a band thing. Thanks for being so welcoming though.”

“No problem,” Peter said. “I'd be kind of a dick if I barred your girlfriend for no reason. Jake? He's barred.”

“I won't file an appeal for that decision.” Lili smiled at him as he took another sip of his drink. Then she noticed a red tint to the brown cola through the clear plastic straw. “Did you order a strawberry Coke?”

“Indeed, I did.” Peter replied. “Want a sip?”

“Oh god yes,” Lili said, taking the Styrofoam cup and taking a big sip through the straw. The moment the artificial fruity flavors hit her tongue it was like a religious experience in her mouth. “Good lord. I am not a soda person. Not really. I don't care about Coke Vs. Pepsi or any of that...but this right here? Drink of the gods. I swear the strawberry syrup they use might just be heroin and they use the version of Coke with actual cocaine in it.”

“Once again we find ourselves in agreement.”

“Great minds,” Lili said, taking another sip. “Have you have had the Strawberry Coke float here? Just some French vanilla ice cream but it totally changes the game.”

“That sounds insanely good.”

“Then how about Friday after the Japanese folklore class we swing by here and I buy you one?” Lili suggested. “Consider it a payback for the website and stuff. Maybe even bring Hailee. I'll bring Ashley and it'll be a whole double date kind of thing.”

“You don't have to pay me back for anything,” Peter said. “I was happy to do it. I mean, Sabrina and I both were. As far as the double date thing goes, first I have to actually see Hailee to ask if she's free. Which is becoming a tricky situation.”

“What do you mean?” Lili asked, the familiar sour turn in her stomach from earlier when she saw Peter returning.

“Well, it's just...it's not like I haven't seen her or anything, you know? And she's not cold to me. She's definitely been distant though. It's weird but it feels like she's dodging me sometimes. Like today, I haven't seen her since we left the apartment.  Sent her a text and she read it, but no response. Just weird being ghosted by your own girlfriend. You have any ideas?”

Lili was stumped, but that sinking feeling her stomach was becoming a black hole. She definitely felt like she should tell him about seeing Hailee before he came into the store earlier. But before she could get one syllable out, the food was ready to go.

“Ferrano!” The clerk bellowed. “Order up!”

Peter got up, Lili in tow. They approached the counter where the pizzas were waiting, one in an especially large box.

“Okay, so we got one supreme, one double pepperoni, one double sausage, one Hawaiian, one double cheese, one meatball, one vegan pacific veggie and one meat lovers Chicago-style,” the clerk said. “That right?”

“One hundred percent.” Peter replied. He handed him the money and waited for his change, though Lili wasn't about to keep things silent.

“Chicago style?” Lili asked. “That's not pizza, that's a casserole.”

“And I let you sip my soda,” Peter said with faux-disbelief. “I'll have you know Chicago style is the pizza of the gods.”

“Yeah, but like the scrub gods.”

“Well, you don't have to have any.”

“Let's not be harsh. Nothing wrong with pizza casserole except the denial.”

Peter laughed a bit, got his change, then picked up the pizzas. “Care to be my seeing eye blonde?” he asked, his view obscured by the pile of pies.

“Sure thing.” Lili led him out of the restaurant to her car parked just out front and helped him load the food in. From there he once again entered her passenger seat.

Before Lili could turn the key, Peter had to ask her something. “Do you think you could talk to Hailee? Ask if anything is going on? I mean you don't have to. I feel like I'm invading some serious privacy by asking that.”

“Hey, it's okay,” Lili said. “I get it. And…I will ask her. It's no big deal.”

“Thanks. I just didn't want to, you know, make you feel uncomfortable. Or violate her trust or anything. I just feel out of the loop in my own apartment. And the fact shit is going missing too is just adding to it.”

“Wait, what?”

“Yeah, Sabrina pointed it out. The air fryer is missing. So's the blender and a couple other things. It's just weird.”

“Very. I don't know if I can help there, but with Hailee, no problem.” That was easy for Lili to say. There was a problem. She felt like she'd lived this movie on Spring Break and was now watching the remake.

But this was Hailee. Hailee was her oldest friend. She didn't want to think that. There had to be some other kind of explanation. She had to find out, not only for Peter, but to satisfy her own shaken nerves.



The sun was almost completely set on the campus. And while there were indeed some students and staff still on campus, its population had gone down greatly. Signs of it were all around. A very vacant student union, clear courtyards and semi-empty class buildings.

Of course, that also meant that the parking garages were similarly sparsely populated. Most of the cars had emptied out save for a few scattered on each floor. And that was especially true of the East parking garage, right next to the law building. There were very few classes in that building at night, at least early in the week, and that was a fact Margot Robbie was going to use to the fullest.

With the garage as empty as it was, she could hear the whispers of the two men behind her. She couldn't make out what exactly they were saying, but she could imagine. After all, she did invite them here to fuck. There wasn't much else they could be talking about.

They were cute enough guys. One of them was a regular fucktoy of hers by the name of Sean, and he brought a friend named Conner. Margot didn't mind the company. Quite the opposite in fact. While she did encourage a bit of discretion among her boy toys due to her position on campus, she didn't mind if they told other potential playmates. The more the merrier.

She smiled as she led them to the corner where her car was parked. The Eastern garage made it a long walk to the office for her, but it was worth it. The garage was very low traffic, which meant it had become a regular fuck spot for Margot and her lovers. Though this would be the first time she attempted two in such a public place...well, a public place that wasn’t a porno shop.

She could feel her bald cunt getting wet at the thought of Sean and Conner undressing her, both with their eyes as they were now and for real in just few, maddening moments. There was just something about multiple lovers that gave her a thrill that no one person could. Most of the time at least. Both Scarlett and Jay knew exactly how to flip her switches.

It didn't take long to get to the corner of the garage's third floor where her car was parked. It was the furthest away from both the elevator and any of the stairway options, a perfect spot for some pubic yet discreet fucking. Margot got to her car and turned around, leaning on the hood of her car and looked her boy toys over. They didn't even attempt to hide their eagerness. That was good. Neither did she. It was one her face just as much as it was theirs. And of course, there were the bulges in their pants, straining to get out. She was fairly sure that as they licked their chops looking at her legs, the men could see just a hint of the wetness between her legs leaving a moist trail on her thighs,

“Well lads, here we are,” said Margot, setting her briefcase down. “And I know I don't have to tell you what we're here for. Which is good. A little less conversation never hurt anyone. However, let's just skip that and get to the action, shall we?”

The men nodded and Margot gave them a sexy little smile. She then stood up straight again and lifted her tight black skirt up, showing that her tan legs weren't the only thing bare. Conner and Sean almost wanted to wring their hands at the sight of that bald, glistening slit.

“Well boys, I've showed you mine,” said Margot. “How about you get to showing me yours?”

The duo looked at each other then all around the garage. The coast was clear. They then unbuckled and freed their pythons, making the randy blonde lick her lips at the sight of the two wonderful cocks.  Sean's she was quite familiar with, his bishop with a very bulbous head was something she was very eager for another taste of. Conner was giving her a bit of fresh meat, and what a slab it was, a wonderful rocket she couldn't wait for a ride on.

“Very nice Conner,” Margot said. “You're gonna be fun.” Margot slid her blazer off, laying it behind her on the car hood. She then began to unbutton her red blouse, placing it behind her and leaving the men staring at her petite breaths, wolves once more. The made their approach, but Margot held up her hand to pause them.

“Boys, I appreciate how anxious you are, but give me a moment to prepare.” She grinned and went for her briefcase, unsnapping the fasteners and popping it open. Inside were no papers, no laptop, not a single thing business related. Instead, there was a small cushion she placed on the ground in front of her.

“You see, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that if you're going to suck cock in a garage while wearing a skirt, make sure you protect your knees.”

Before the men couldn’t question that statement, if they even wanted to, Margot was on her knees, waving them both over with her finger. The pair made their way to her, their pants fallen all the way down by the time they arrived within her grasp.

“Now, here's my conundrum gents,” Margot said, her soft and warm hands grasping both rods. “Who goes first? I mean both of you are getting some fun, but do I go Sean, who I know how to tease and please like the back of my hand? Or maybe give the new meat a taste?”

“Suck Conner first,” Sean said. “I want to see you suck him off.”

“How generous of you,” Margot said, a knowing look in her eyes. Those lovely sapphire eyes turned to Conner. Her hands soon followed, releasing her grip on Sean's cock to cup and fondle Conner's balls while the other hand slowly pumped is meat missile. “And now...to you. I don't know if I properly introduced myself Conner. I'm Margot Robbie...and right now, I'm about to suck your cock.”

“Ohhhh shit,” was the only reply Conner could give Margot. No one could blame him. That was about the best one could say with Margot's magic lips wrapped around his dick. Margot was determined to give him a good first impression, gently sucking on the tip, swirling her talented tongue around and pausing just for the briefest of moment to tease him with a swirl on the underside of the crown. He shivered, he moaned and it was music to Margot's ears.

Though his cock wasn't in Margot's marvelous mouth, Sean couldn't say he wasn't enjoying what he was watching. He pumped his dick in rhythm with Margot's blowjob, watching intently as she expertly moved up and down his cock, leaving red lipstick streaks on Conner's fleshy pole. And as always with Margot, details mattered and it was something else to see the sexy devil at work with them.

Taking her mouth off to slither her tongue along his pole, giving him just the right amount of tease from her teeth on the ridge of the crown, tugging his balls before giving them a tongue bath of their own. And then there was the sloppy, sloshy sound that echoed just a bit within the concrete confines of the garage. Being so up close to the action, seeing Margot's artistry of lust was almost enough. Almost.

“My turn,” said Sean. He grabbed Margot's head and turned her attention to him, his cock throbbing and hungry for some attention.

“Mmm, someone's eager,” Margot just before Sean stuffed his member into her mouth. There was no protest, not even an inkling of surprise. Margot simply moaned as Sean fucked her mouth. She knew what he liked. He liked using her, at least when it came to her mouth. He fucked her lips like she was a sex toy and it made her absolutely sopping between her legs. He was only like that with oral...any other hole on her and it was like night and day...but the mouth...it made him a bit more of a wildman.

The squelching sound of facefucking and fapping filled the garage now, peppered with muffled moans from the blonde sex machine and much more open ones from Sean. A very large part of him wanted to unleash his baby batter in her mouth and have her swallow every drop down. However, Margot had shown them both her intent when she plashed her bald pussy. The dual blowjob was just the appetizer.

However, that didn't mean the appetizer was over. Soon both men were stuffing their sausages in Margot's mouth at the same time, then alternating. Neither wanted the suckjob to end but also craved something more. Finally, Margot took matters in her own hands. It was time for other parts of her body to get some attention.

She pulled back from the swordsmen and singled out Sean. Her eyes locked on his as she got back to her feet than hopped back on her car, leaning back on the hood with her legs open, waiting for Sean's approach.

“Fuck me,” she demanded. It was an order Sean happily followed, finding port between her fit legs, running his hands over her thigh before taking grip at her hips and thrusting in completely.

“Nnnngg FUCK just like that!” Margot yelled. “Oh, fuck I missed this cock.” Sean leaned forward, kissing her like a proper savage then moving his lips down to her tits, sucking and licking on her nipples while he quickly built up a fast rhythm within Margot's hungry pussy. It was far from the first-time he'd fucked her and definitely this was far from the first time in public or multiples. The moment Margot told him to meet her in the garage and bring a friend, he knew exactly what kind of fuck session she wanted, and with his hard, rapid thrusts into her velvet box Margot's loud words of encouragement proved he was right on the money.

“Yeah...oh fucking fuck it...harder…fucking harder!” Margot ordered and Sean obeyed. He was hunched over her now, hi mouth never far away from sucking her tits or kissing her shoulders. As for his shoulder, Margot was looking over Sean's, her eyes piercing into him. “Ahhh...ahhh...like what you see huh? Bet you wish it was you, don't you Conner...mmmm...well it will be...you're gonna fave a turn soon…mmmm baby...so soon.”

Her tone of voice and the look on the Aussie's face nearly tore down Conner's wall, bringing out the animal in him and making him want to pull Sean away and get his turn. But something told him if he waited his turn Margot would make it worth his while.

He was right of course...but Sean wasn't quite ready to give up his prime positioning just yet. He rose up, Margot still leaning back on the hood and propping herself up with her elbows. His grip tightened on her hips as he began to hammer her hard, the car violently rocking

“Yeah...oh fuck yeah...gimme that cock...fucking spear me Sean...oh fuck yeah work that cock...oh FUCK yes!” Margot said, her voice treading the line between animal and woman. A sexy sneer and growl combined with the amazing feel of sheathing his sword within her was doing a lot of damage to his stamina.

“Fuck...fuckfuckfuck,” said Sean, using the four-letter word as a mantra to keep the end at bay without pulling out of her. However, but the view and the feeling made that a losing battle. Sean had to pull out, breathing hard as he leaned against the concrete wall of the garage trying to recharge.

“Looks like you're up Conner,” Margot said. By now her golden hair was a mess, but still made a gorgeous frame for her perfect face. And her smile, so welcoming and sinful. “Come on, don't be shy.”

Margot licked her as Conner approached her open legs. As this was his first time with Margot, he entered that tight, wet paradise slower, savoring every succulent inch as her buried his cock deep.

“Fuuuuck,” he groaned. “Damn this is the best pussy I've ever had.”

“Mmm thank you for the kind words,” Margot said, letting herself savor the new cock as well. “And not to brag, but it gets so much better when you actually get down to fucking me.” That lit up his eyes. Margot loved that. She loved being able to let that domme side out. Most of the time, she was much more submissive, letting her men...and Scarlett, dictate the pace. However, every so often she came across someone where she could give a little dictation, like now. A change of pace was always nice.

Conner grabbed Margot’s left leg, lifting up and worshipping it from the ankle to the calf.

“Mmm that's baby...enjoy it...enjoy me,” Margot said, her voice a purr that became the roar of a tigress as Conner began to get a bit more comfortable being wild. Soon he was given the car's shocks just as much of workout as Sean had, if not slightly more. And Margot craved more. “That's it...there we go...really fuck me now...fucking take it...yeah you fucking love it huh?”

“Oh, fuck yeah...fuck...holy shit baby...” Margot grinned wide, her newest lover was at the incoherent babbling stage. Always endearing. With her left leg occupied, Margot wrapped her right around him, pulling him closer. Conner got the hint, hammering his cock into her eager and waiting cunt and making the blonde sexpot cry out his name.

Conner leaned over her, searching for her lips. Margot met him halfway, their mouths meeting in a lewd kiss.

“Ah...ah...AHHHH!” Margot cried out. Conner was tugging one of her nipples with his teeth as she thrashed her head back and forth. It was a site to behold, as Sean could testify, waiting for his moment to return to the velvety hot confines of Margot's pussy.

So engrossed the three were with the sex act they paid no mind to the car driving past them from the fourth floor, the high beam illuminating the lusty act before exiting the floor.

“I want some more,” Sean said, tapping Conner on the shoulder. After a few quick thrusts Conner pulled out and Sean resumed his rougher more feral treatment with Margot. It was a howling success, quite literally as the blonde's howls of pleasure filled the floor.

That's how it went for a bit, the two men trading off in Margot's pussy, each one giving her a slight variation on wanton lust. Sean was the reliable pervert, going for the pure fuck of it. Conner had just as much raw energy, but he couldn't help drinking in the essence of Margot. A stolen kiss between thrusts, a taste of the flesh on her shoulder or her breasts. He wanted to whole package, every inch of her.

It was only fitting then that he was the one to make her cum. Sean had of course helped get her there, but tonight Conner was the one with the magic touch, emanating from both his wonderful wand and his fingers, the thumb specifically playing with her clit as he plundered her pussy.

Her breathing got more ragged, it was time, for her at least. And Margot needed to make the announcement herself. She propped herself up by the elbows and looked at Conner, then to Sean. “Yeah...keep fucking my cunt...make me cum,” she said to them both before focusing on Conner. “Make me cum on that dirty fucking dick....do it...make...make...make me cum! Fuck me! Harder!”

Conner did that, silencing the next words from Margot with his mouth, kissing her as he jackhammered her. The blonde screamed like a banshee as she came, her pussy convulsing as it milked his still pounding cock. It was almost too much for Conner and her pulled out of her...his eyes were on a different prize, the same one he kept looking at as he followed Margot into the garage.

Margot's pussy wasn't vacant for too long however, Sean taking the vacant hole and hungrily fucking her still-spasming slit.

“Fuck yeah baby,” Sean growled. “Hot fucking pussy...nnggg...”

“Oooh, wanna cum, huh Sean?” Margot said, her voice a little delirious but still seductive. “You know where I want it, don't you? Dripping...dripping off my fucking face...ever last drop...fucking cover it...”

“Fuck yes!” Sean cried out. He pulled out of Margot and like a well-choreographed dance Margot slid off the car and squatted, her sweaty, hungry face waiting for the hot cream to erupt from the tip of Sean's prick.

“Come on...come baby,” Margot said as her nails lightly raked the tender flesh of his thighs. “Cover me...every drop, every single bit of that delicious sperm...right now...I want to feel it…fucking taste it....”

Sean listened to Margot's words and looked down at her, entranced at her gaze. He beat his cock rapidly, every stroke pushing him harder and harder over the edge until he couldn't hold back a second longer. His face contorted, letting out a near silent scream as he exploded all over a happy Margot.

“Yes!” Margot cheered. Seconds later, the first thick string of cum splattered on her face, followed by another and another. “Fuck yes! Fucking more...GIMME MORE...fuck yeah...oh god it's so warm...so fucking hot...more...gimme gimme...”

And he did that, volley after volley of hot white goo covered the fit blondes face and tits, leaving her a sex and slutty sight, and it wasn't over. She looked over to Conner, still hard and stroking his cock, still shimmering from her cum.

“Well Conner, you earned yourself a choice,” she said. “You made me cum...so now you get to pick where you cum…want to finish the paint job your friend started, or go somewhere uncharted?”

Conner responded by pulling Margot to her feet and spinning her around, bending her over the hood of her car. He knew what he wanted and Margot was very happy to give it to him...she just wanted to hear the words.

“I want your ass,” Conner said, pressing his slick cockhead against her rear entrance.

“Then fucking take it,” Margot said, looking over her shoulder at him with her cum-covered visage. “Cum in my fucking ass.”

Conner pressed forward, popping his rocket into her asshole. Margot grimaced at first, but soon her well-versed ass relaxed and took his cock. This was where the animal in Conner truly came out. Her gripped her hard, almost pulling her onto his rod.

“YES!” Margot cried, slamming her first down hard on the card hood as her rectum was ravaged. “Fuck it...fuck cum…I know you fucking need to...and I need it...I need hot cum in my fucking ass you dirty fuck! Come on!”

Margot pressed herself up and pushed back hard, completely defeating the purpose of his grip. There was something about sodomy that brought something extra out in Margot. She always adapted to her men as well, and could tell in this moment Conner needed a randy and eager asswhore and that was what he got.

While Margot was being assfucked like the sexfiend she was, Sean had been stroking his cock back to full mast. He had the perfect view, watching his friends cock sink into her amazing Aussie ass and the look of absolute perverted ecstasy on Margot face. He was close to shooting again.

Conner however, was much closer. “Fuck...M-Margot...gonna...gonna...”

“Fuck yes...fucking say it!” she demanded. “Fucking say it!”

“GONNA CUM!” He screamed, his cock exploding in white hot lava and filling Margot's ass to the brim. He was frozen in space as his cock throbbed and pulsed with every fresh stream of cum splattering Margot's bowels.

“Mmmm fuck yes....” Margot hissed. For a split second she thought the fun was over...until Sean waddled over, his spitting snake ready to cover her face once more after that hot show.

“Fucking cover me again,” Margot said, her tone sultry. “Come on...give...me...your...cum.”

“Unghhh!” Sean cried, giving her one last large bolt of cum to her face, the rest dribbling down onto her tongue. She gave the sensitive bell end one last, sweet suck.

With that, all three were very satisfied. The men especially stumbled like drunks as they recovered from hurricane Margot. Margot however had a much-cleared head, especially considering she was both filled and covered with cum and still on an orgasmic high. Despite that, she was still able to make some mental notes. Chief among them? Put Conner in her regular rotation of playmates.



It was six o'clock and the sunset had brought with it a sky of golds and violets. In the apartment shared by Peter, Hailee and Sabrina, the planned gathering was almost in full swing, save for the pizza and the absent, Peter, Lili and Hailee.

That didn't mean things were dead. Those gathered were having a good time. As predicted, the studying part was forgotten in lew of simply hanging out. And also, for Peter's older sister Blake, it was a chance to both get to know some of her dearest brother's friend as well as reconnect with older ones, such as Selena Gomez.

“It's really good to hear you're doing so good Selena,” Blake said. The pair were sitting together on the large couch, each with an ice-cold glass of water in their hands. “I heard you were kind of in a tough spot for a while.”

“Really?” Selena asked. “How'd you hear about that?”

“Peter.” Blake replied. “He really didn't give me any details. He said he was worried about you over something that happened on New Year’s. He said it wasn't his place to say what it was, but just, you know, he was worried.”

“He did?” Selena said, a little surprised. “He was worried?”

“Well, yeah. Why, should he not have been?”

“Well...it's just that...what happened was kind of between us and I…I thought he was mad. Like really mad. Friendship ending mad.”

“Well, he wasn't happy,” Blake elaborated. “But he was still worried. But, you know, you two are pretty close. About as close as he and Cami, right? And, by the way, very happy to see you and Cami are actually pretty friendly with each other. And it didn't take Peter almost dying to do it!”

“Well...things change...and people do. I was just glad to be given a chance.”

“And you excelled at that chance new friend,” Cami said, jumping into the conversation and taking her seat on the lounge chair. “I just want that teenage drama nonsense buried in the past.”

“May I suggest in an unmarked grave?” Selena asked with a smile. “You know, so no one can find it and dig it up.”

“Good idea Sel.” Cami replied. “Also, love the metaphor. Much more of a visual person but I love a good turn of phrase.”

“I really like this,” Blake said. “You have no idea how weird it was to see my brother's two best friends always at each other's throats. And now, how about you two old friends finish introducing me to the new ones?”

“Of course,” Cami said, leading the way to the dining room, where everyone else was centered. “Blake, you already know Sabrina.” The blonde pixie waved before taking another sip of her iced tea. Camila then gestured towards the ravishing redhead. “This is Madelaine and her boyfriend Jesse. Jesse was the lead in the movie we just finished and Maddie's a friend of mine but I'm fairly sure he doesn't hate your brother.”

“Far from it,” Madelaine said, shaking Blake's hand. “He's okay by me after helping Lili the way he did.”

“Who's Lili?” Blake asked.

“Oh, that's my other best friend,” Cami said. “Pete's sharing the title these days. But on Spring Break, her boyfriend cheated on her...and she walked in on it.”

“Oh my god I'm sorry.” Blake replied. “What an asshole.”

“Yeah, we all did what we could to bust her out of the funk. And Peter helped a lot in that. He seemed to just what horror movies had the most gory and painful punishments for infidelity. Put a smile right back on that face.”

“Sounds like a very “Peter” way to solve the problem.” Blake returned her attention to Madelaine. “Very nice meeting you both.”

Cami continued down the line to one of Jesse's friends, Eric Shimp.

“Blake, this is Eric. He's a friend of Jesse's. This is my first time meeting him, but he certainly seems nice.”

“Thanks Camila,” Eric said with a nervous smile. He then greeted Blake with a polite “Hi. It would have been one more than me, but Vanessa, my girlfriend, she decided to take an extra shift at work. She's planning on quitting soon but wants to get as much money as she can as a buffer between jobs.”

“Smart woman.” Blake replied.

“So, looks like we're going to have some extra pizza,” Selena said. “When it arrives of course. Where is Pete?”

“Downstairs apparently,” Sabrina said, looking up from her recently buzzing cell phone. “I'm gonna buzz him in, should be no time after that.” Sabrina went to the door and unlocked it after letting Peter in through the intercom.

“Where's a good place to hide?” Blake asked. “I want to surprise him.”

“Office,” Cami said. “First door on the right.”

“Thanks.” Blake slunk off to the office, awaiting the arrival of her brother and the perfect moment to scare the crap out of him.

She wouldn't have to wait long. Soon after she got into the office, there was a knock at the door. It sounded more like quick couple of kicks towards the bottom, but the message was the same nonetheless.

Camila went for the door while Selena stood lookout for Blake, ready to give the signal for the sister's shock.

With the door open Peter and Lili entered the room, four pizzas a piece being carried by them. “Dinner's served,” Peter said, he and Lili making their way to the kitchen counter to lay out the delicious discs of dough. “Madelaine, vegan pie is on the top.”

“Thanks for the consideration,” Madelaine said. She then turned to Jesse. “Ready to dig in?”

“Isn't it kind of public for that Mads?” Jesse said with a car salesman grin.

“Pervert,” she laughed.

“You love it.”

“Never said I didn't.” she replied, kissing him sweetly. Once those two surrounded the pizza, Eric joined in. Cami however hung back, ready to set Peter up for Blake.

“So, Pete, you remembered the Chicago style, right?” she asked.

“Are you serious?” Peter asked, almost offended. “It's not pizza night without the deep dish.”

Cami nodded, signaling Selena, who then knocked on the office door. That was the last step of the human-Rube Goldberg device the three women made up, as Blake turned the corner.

“I hope that means there's enough for another Deep-Dish fan to devour,” Blake said, stepping out and making Peter's jaw drop.

“Blake?!?” He said before rushing over to greet his big sister with a gigantic hug that lifted her off her feet. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, right now I'm about to eat some deep dish with my favorite brother ever. As for in general, I'm going to be in town...for a while. I'll get into more detail but the short of it is yes, I do have an apartment. I have the keys, the power is set up, wi-fi is good to go, everything a modern woman needs...except for my bed and the rest of the stuff. And I figured, why sleep on an air mattress for three days if I don't have to because my beloved baby brother as a big comfy couch? So…wanna be temporary roomies?”

“Like you even have to ask, of course!” Peter replied. “I mean, if it's okay with...”

“Your sister's cool with me,” Sabrina said, answering the question before it could be asked. “And that's two out of three votes so we don't REALLY need to ask Hailee.”

“Well, you guys could if you wanted to right now,” Blake said before approaching Lili. “Hi, as you know now, I'm Blake Lively, Peter's sister. And since you're the live-in girlfriend, the third vote is still yours.”

“What?” Lili said. “Oh...oh! No...no no no. I'm not the girlfriend.” Peter facepalmed while Cami and Selena snickered.

“You're not?” Blake said. “You're not the mysterious Hailee?”

“No, I'm Lili. Hailee's not here. But we're really close friends though...but not that close...”

“Well...” Cami said before being shushed by Peter.

“Oh my god I'm so sorry!” Blake said, covering her mouth in embarrassment. “It's just, well, you two came in together and you're wearing matching shirts. Came off like a couple thing.”

“We are?” Lili said before noticing Pete was also wearing a Freddy Krueger emblazoned shirt. “Huh. We are.”

“Huh,” Peter said in surprised agreement. “Well, they're from different movies at least.”

“Well, I think I've embarrassed myself enough tonight,” Blake said. “I need some deep dish, stat.” As Blake went to dig in herself, Camila and Selena walked up, both barely containing their laughter, Camila however broke first.

“It's not that funny,” Lili said.

“It's kinda funny,” Cami said. “Especially with mine and Selena's added context.

“You know too?” Peter said.

“You think Cami was the only one who saw Lili slink back to her room?” Selena asked. “I was going to get some cold pizza and there goes one very satisfied blonde.”

“Oh my god,” Lili said, facepalming herself. “Does anyone NOT know at this point?”

“Blake,” said Cami matter-of-factly. “And while I think doing the opposite would be hilarious, I think it's fine if she stays in the dark.”

“You're too kind,” Peter sarcastically said.

“I am a benevolent empress,” Cami said with a smirk. “Honestly though, if I didn't know you two, I would have made the same mistake.”

“Where's Hailee?” Lili said, changing the subject. Not intentionally, she had only just now noticed her friend's absence. “I thought she was going to be here.”

“She said she was going to be late,” Cami said. “Some work thing.”

“It's always a work thing lately,” Peter said before heading back into the kitchen to finally feast and catch up with his sister. But his words hung in both Lili and Camila's ears.

For Camila, it was more of a sense of distress at hearing the hurt and annoyance in Peter's tone. It told her this wasn't even close to the first time this had happened. It probably wasn't even the tenth once she thought back to a few nights ago.

For Lili, the words once more stirred up the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. She didn't even want to think that way about her best friend, especially not after Spring Break. However, the question remained, where was Hailee?


(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190373924_1aepkwttzuh61.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190373924_1aepkwttzuh61.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/113/190373926_zf53srjhwih61.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/113/190373926_zf53srjhwih61.jpg)

Of all the things that could have been on Hailee's mind, a study session wasn't one of them. Studying hadn't been on her itinerary for a while. She did it of course, it'd be insane not to during finals season. However, many of those sessions she was doing what she was doing right now...having a dangerous liaison with George, her co-worker...or boss from a certain point of view.

She had never imagined that she'd be doing this with a man nearing his fifties. It wasn't like he was married. He was divorced with kids. Newly divorced and single. And Hailee...was not. But for some reason in these moments, it didn't matter.

After coming back from Lake Havasu, after the threesome, there was something in her that was hungry. And that part of her fell very hard for George. Not in love, far from it. But...lust. It seemed to go from simple flirtation to fucking in his car. Then in cheap hotel rooms...his office. It was so cliché that Hailee didn't expect anything but fun out of it. It had...heat. And edge to it that she hadn't felt since her three-way with Peter and Lili.

Hailee had no illusions about what she was to George, just a symptom of his mid-life crisis. She hoped he had no illusions about what he was to her, which was simply a new taste...and a realization she both wanted to face but dreaded at the exact same time.

However, none of that was on her mind at the moment. And she could imagine George was in a similar situation. The only thing on their minds was the now, their passionate liplock and embrace in the stairway of the hotel that they worked at.

It was pure passion, just like their first rendezvous. Hailee was so anxious she pulled him in through the doorway by the tie before almost leaping on him with her kiss. But now she was pinned to the wall, George taking charge.

His lips moved to her neck, Hailee gasping as he kissed and nibbled on her neck while his hand glided up her thigh and under her skirt. The gasp went into a full-blown moan when George pushed the crotch of her panties aside and inserted his fingers into her slit.

“Ohhh god,” Hailee said. Her eyes fluttered a bit before opening wide, looking up at George. The look of desire burning in his eyes heated her up even more. She grabbed his face pulled it to her, kissing him savagely and sucking his tongue into her mouth.

For a brief moment the pair's embrace ended. George frantically undid his pants letting them fall to the ground and his cock spring free while Hailee just as frantically peeled her panties off, tossing them in the corner.

Silently, knowingly the looked at each other, matching smirks on their faces. George approached her and Hailee hiked her red skirt up to her waste. He grabbed her left leg, lifting it and pinning her to the wall.

“Mmmm yeah,” Hailee said. George had entered her, slowly filling up her carnal cavity.

“Someone likes that,” George said. “Want more?”

“Stop asking questions you already know the answer to,” Hailee coyly said. “More action.”

That was something George had loved since day one about these times with Hailee, her eagerness. She had no interest in taking it too slow. That was part of the thrill of it for her. And in turn, it thrilled him to no end.

Still though, he wasn't quite going to go full blast inside of her. Not until he got more of a taste of the wonders of Hailee's wonderfully fit body. His cock still inside her, his hands went to her blouse carefully but quickly unbuttoning it. Once it was loose, Hailee slid it off, letting it fall to the floor. This left her upper body clad only in a simple black bra. George didn't even bother to reach around to unhook her bra. Instead, he opted to simply pull the cups down, feeing her petite tits and leaving them open for George's mouth.

“Mmmmyeah,” Hailee moaned as George's mouth made contact with her breasts. It was an odd combination of tenderness and lust. There was no romance, not really, between the two but still, Hailee had the kind of body that demanded to be enjoyed. And who was George to refuse such a demand.

His tongue swirled around her nipples, going from one to the other. Hailee's hands gripped his head, pressing him even tighter into her bosom. Every skilled swipe of his tongue on the tender, sensitive flesh of her nipples was just more gasoline on the kindling, a fire waiting to be set ablaze.

George's lips moved up Hailee's neck to her lips, kissing her as he began to thrust faster into her eager cunt. Her arms pulled him tight as his cock began to drive into her. And there was something unique about it all as he took her. That flat out need for it. The disregard for anything but the pleasure. Even their location didn't matter. Any caution they may have had being in the office stairway soon evaporated as how good it all felt overtook them both.

“Yes!” Hailee cried out.  George had lifted her up completely, pinning against the wall while her other leg wrapped around him. “Oh...fuck…come on George...mmmm I need it...needed it all day...”

“Needed what?” He asked, punctuating that question with a particularly deep thrust into her tunnel of love. “Say the words Hailee...say them...”

“Nnnng,” was all she could muster at first, her full lips quivering and her eyes fluttering as he thrust in to the hilt, pulled out almost all the way, then went right back in. “Oh my...oh fuck....”

“Say it Hailee...or I can always stop...”

“Nooooo...” she moaned, pleading with him. “Y-your cock…I…I needed you cock all day...been thinking about fucking you...just you...I needed it inside me...”

“Good girl,” he said with a sneer. He slowly began to build up his pace, much to Hailee's delight. Her moans began to echo up and down the empty stairwell, her only concern being achieving that sweet moment of pleasure. It was in the distance...but still not too close.

“Fuck me...oh my god...just fuck me...make cum on your cock...make me fucking cum for you!” George's arm hooked under her left leg and reached to grab her ass tight as he sped up. “YES! Harder...HARDER!”

This was a fresh side of Hailee; one she was just now exploring. Nothing beyond lust in the moment. Just the pure pleasure of fucking, of being fucked. She locked eyes with George as his lips hovered over her, their breath intermingling as they looked for a moment to lock again.  The lusty duo's tongues licked at each other for a brief few moments before the lips collided once more.

“That all you got?” Hailee said in between grunts. “I want it...I want you to really...mmmm…really fuck me...come on...fucking give me that damn cock!”

“You want it?” George asked. “You got it!” He pulled out of the leggy brunette and turned her towards the railing of the stairs. George then bent her over, giving Hailee a view of the floors below. Her hands gripped the bannister hard and arched her back, popping her lovely ass in the process, twerking it just slightly.

She gasped and giggled when George smacked her ass, leaving a red handprint on her firm behind. Goosepimples popped up on her flesh when she felt his hot breath against her neck. “Really gonna fuck you now babe,” George growled.

“Mmm hmmmm,” she said. “I hear a lot of talking but don't feel a lot of doing Georgie.”

George chuckled a bit before sliding his cock back inside her, making them both moan. He filled her up to the hilt and retracted, slowly building a rhythm inside of her, every new stroke pushing them both further down the line.

“Just like that baby,” Hailee whined. “Oh...oh fuck just like that....” She licked her lips as slowly but surely George's pace increased.  Her grin got even wider as his fingers dug deep in her skin, his hands gripping her hips firmly as he fucked her. And she was loving every last moment of it. Every hard pump, every spank of her ass, every filthy word that spilled out of George's mouth was fuel for the new fire that burned within her.

All that was going through Hailee's mind was pleasure. And she was truthful, she'd been thinking about fucking George all day. When she woke up next to Peter then kissed him before leaving the apartment, she knew what she'd end up doing. And part of her felt guilty. But that part of her wasn't present now. It probably wwasn't going to show up again until she saw him back at the apartment. But at that moment? It was all about pleasure, pleasure that only increased when her began to play with her clit as her pussy was plundered.

“Yeah...you like this pussy huh?” Hailee teasingly asked. “Love this hot fucking college pussy, don't you?” She began to twerk on his cock, making George freeze in place for a moment as Hailee gave him a different kind of rush. He never could have imagined when this sweet little co-ed first showed up at the office, with the boss' daughter no less, that this would happen...or that she could be so dirty...so eager. It made him feel like he was in college again. It gave him a stamina he didn't think he had anymore after 10 years of wedded bliss and five of matrimonial hell. Then of course, being ball deep in a woman as beautiful and dirty as Hailee was showing herself to be could be enough to raise the dead.

“Oh, FUCK Hailee!” George growled, throwing his head back as the rumblings of his eruption began to stirs in his balls. “Mmmdamn baby girl you're gonna make me cum!”

“Mmm fuck yeah,” Haile moaned. “You better make me cum first...come on Georgie...I know you can do it...never failed me before....”

George yanked Hailee up and held her close to him, moaning and grunting in her ear as he went full blast into her now, much to her pleasure.

“YES!” She cried. “Fuck me! Just like that...fuck me...make me cum on that cock...of goddamn it! FUCK!” Hailee let out a silent scream as she quivered in his arms, an earthquake of intense pleasure destroying her internal Richter scale. “OH FUCK it feels so good!”

Hailee wasn't just saying that to boost the older man's ego, although it did. It did feel good, amazing even. It was almost close to the pleasure she got from the threesome. She'd come so close to recapturing that high that nothing else mattered...which also made her realize something. Those thoughts however weren't on her mind. To be fair, NOTHING was except how good everything in her body felt from head to toes. And just as she began to come down, George's time was up.

“Oh shit cumming!” he groaned, pulling out of Hailee while she dutifully turned around and squatted before him. She grasped the metal spokes of the railing and looked up at him, innocence on her face washed over with pure unadulterated lust.

“Cum,” she demanded. “On my face...all over it...in my mouth...on my tongue...I promise I won't waste a drop...I want to feel and taste it all...every...last...drop...gimme...gimme please...”

It was her pleading for his cum that did him in. It'd have done anyone in, quite frankly. There was no shame as he moaned out her name, the sound echoing loudly as the cum rocketed out of his cock to splatter on Hailee's gorgeous face, completely covering the cuteness with the wonderful sin.

“Yesss!” She hissed with glee. “Mmm baby every drop...please please please...gimme...” Hailee soon stopped the pleading and took thing in her own hands...then her own mouth, sucking the last few streams straight from the source and right down her gullet. It made George light-headed and weak in the knees. When she finally released his cock with an audible pop, he stumbled backwards, catching himself on the wall behind to keep from falling flat on his ass.

“Damn baby,” he said. “God damn.”

“Same to you,” she said with a sweet smile and a sinful wink.

“Well then...guess I'll see you tomorrow.” George zipped himself up and headed back into the office floor the rushed in from, leaving Hailee cum covered and still buzzing from the sex. She cleaned the cum from her face, licking it off with her fingers before grabbing her clothes and putting them back on. The then reached for her purse, dropped haphazardly in the midst of their passion, to grab her compact to reapply her make up. And once she did that, looking herself in the small mirror to cover up what she'd done, the guilt slowly crept back into her mind.

She began to feel horrible right in the pit of her stomach...but she wanted to feel worse. She wanted feel guiltier about cheating. The trouble was...a lot of what she was doing felt right to her...and she had a hard time feeling bad about that.



Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 07:00:52 PM
“That just about does it,” Brie Larson said to her cat, Samus. She was her roommate in this sizeable one-bedroom condo. Technically it was a two bedroom but the secondary one was her
art studio/office. Which was the room she filled up first in her two-day session of moving in. At the moment she was finishing up her figure display in the living room, putting her prized possession, an imported Samus Aran in the Gravity suit as the centerpiece of her video game figure collection front and center on the middle of the shelf, the shelf everyone would look at. She smiled when she saw her favorite bounty hunter, as well as namesake of her orange tabby, stand front and center with the likes of Link, Mario & Luigi, and both versions of Commander Sheppard behind her. It was already feeling like how after two days.

While this was her second day in the college town, in a whole new state even, she wasn't going to count her first night out exploring as night three...or four as the case would most likely be. Tomorrow was going to be a quick meeting with the campus' dean, Scarlett about the new position in the art department at school.

She smiled at her new place. All put together by herself. A solo cross country road trip to her first teaching job, and it was with one of the best art departments not just on the west coast, but in the entire US. And she had TWO disciplines to teach. She got to teach painting and photography. She got to be immersed in two of her biggest passions and be paid for it! Nothing could beat that. The fact that the town had an amazing gaming scene as well as one of the best comics stores, she'd ever been in her life was just icing on the cake. She couldn't wait to do a bit more exploring in the next few days, checking out both the day and night life of the town.

Now however, after two full days of unloading furniture and clothes and appliances, then putting it all together, it was finally time for a good, long night's sleep. She wanted to be totally refreshed for her meeting with Scarlett.

“C'mon Samus, time for bed,” said Brie. She led the cat to her bed room, where she promptly drifted to sleep the moment her head hit the pillow, dreams of the new world of possibility filling
her head.


It had been a long day all around for Norman. In addition to the interesting conundrum presented to him by Jennifer Lopez, he did have some studying to contend with as well as other tech calls. Luckily those were all very simple compared to everything thrown at him by Jennifer Lopez. Still, it was a long day that bled into the night and now the one thing on his mind was seeing Taylor.

That was exactly what he got once he walked through the front door of their apartment. What he didn’t expect was Taylor's presentation. She was sitting on the couch in the smallest of silk robes, barely covering her thighs. Her legs were curled up next to her and on the coffee table in front there was a chilled bottle of white wine, the bottle fogged with condensation, and two glasses.

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/114/190380163_pic1.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/114/190380163_pic1.jpg) (https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/114/190380165_t2bihx7y3ay31.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/114/190380165_t2bihx7y3ay31.jpg)

“Welcome home Normie,” she said, her red lips curving into a sexy smile. “I think it's pretty obvious I've been waiting for you.”

“Obvious is fair,” Norman said as he hung his jacket up. “What's the occasion?”

“You'll see, lover.” Taylor stood up and pulled the belt on her robe, undoing it then letting the small garment slide off. Her beautiful nude body was once more revealed to him, and Norm looked at all those lovely landmarks he couldn't wait to revisit.

“Come along,” Taylor said, picking up the bottle and two glasses. “We're taking a nice, hot bubble bath.” She didn't wait for confirmation from him. It was understood. He wasn't going to turn it down. Taylor walked past him with a confident strut. She heard the jingle jangle of his belt and the shuffling of cloth as he stripped down. She could feel his eyes on her backside as well. He still hungered for her as she did him. That was going to make her little idea so much easier to pitch.

The restroom, while not candlelit was very much mood lit. The standard fluorescent lighting was off, and only the dimmer was on. Taylor had insisted on two things in the apartment she and Norman would live in: dimmer switches in every room and a tub like the one she saw before her. It was big and round, more than enough for a loving couple very ready to show off that love. It also had a few jets in it, making it a nice little hot tub alternative for if they didn't want to use the communal one within the building.

Taylor bent over to turn on the water, adjusting it so it was just the right amount of heat. Taylor and Norman liked their baths hot. Once that was achieved, the stop was plugged into the drain and the wonderful chamomile scented bubble bath was added.

Norman came into just as Taylor was midway through adding the bubble bath, getting a view of her wonderful ass and her pussy, noticing she was already wet well before getting into the bathtub. He came up behind her and palmed her ass rubbing it and making her purr. She got up and turned around to face him. Her lips met his in a hungry kiss while her hand reached down to grasp his cock, diamond hard and ready to go. His hands and lips backed up that readiness, the kiss getting more intense and his hands wandering. He almost turned Taylor to the sink, thinking he was going to lift her up and have her right there. That wasn't Taylor's plan.

“Uh uh,” she said. “I didn't draw a bath so we could fuck on the sink.”

“Good point,” he said. “Well made.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and led him to their sizable tub, all bubbly and steaming hot. They entered together on other ends of the tub, Taylor near the reflective spout that had unleashed the steamy goodness and Norman on the other end.

Also near Taylor was the wine and two glasses. She poured them each a glass and handed one off to Norman. They clink the in a toast and both took a sip, though Norman was more than a little curious. He was pretty sure this was nowhere close to an anniversary of any kind for them.

“What's wrong?” Asked Taylor. She saw the hamster wheel turning in his mind.

“Nothing,” he said. “It's just...well, not that I ever will turn down an opportunity to get all hot and steamy with you my dear...it's just...is there an occasion?”

“Not particularly,” she said. “It's just...I love you. I really do. I was just thinking about it today. After my little business meeting in between classes.  How...how the sex is amazing not just because, well, we're us and we know what the fuck we're doing-”

“Cheers to that.”

“Of course,” Taylor laughed. “But it's because of love. It goes beyond lust. I…I trust you with my dirtiest fantasies. Like on the beach during Spring Break. That you not only did that with me, but provided the second guy and didn't hesitate...it's weird that taking you and another guy in my pussy at the same time really brought home how much I love you. And that it goes beyond sex. Yet definitely encompasses sex.”

“I love you too.” Norman answered. “Never even remotely felt like this before.”

“There's no one else but you I want to go to sleep with or wake up with every morning. And I love that bringing someone else into our sex life didn't change it. I've...I've never had that before. Which brings me to an idea I had.”

Taylor breathed deep, smiling a bit as she gathered a bit more courage through the chardonnay. She was trying to read Norman's face. He was curious, she could read that. But there was something else she couldn't quite decipher. Damned side effects of liquid courage.

“When it comes to my heart Normie, you own it,” Taylor said. “No one else comes close.   That being said...sometimes...sometimes I want to join my eyes in wandering. And it's not disappointment in out sex life at all. It's not just my heart you own, I'll tell you that for sure. It's just sometimes I really want to sate my curiosity. And this isn't me saying we should see other people. I don't want to share like that. But...maybe every so often we COULD...you know...fuck another person. Like a hall pass kind of thing. One a year. Each. And of course, we could both find ways to earn more passes during the year.”

Once more Taylor tried to read his face in the few brief moments before he could respond. There was a lot of different emotions she could read, and Taylor smiled. Of all those emotions, not a one of them was anger. Now she just needed to hear his words.

“It's so weird you saying that,” he said with a laugh, but not one that made Taylor feel ill-at-ease. It was welcoming. “I was...I was going to suggest the same thing Been trying to piece together a way that wouldn't hurt you.”

“Okay, this is way more than and great minds kind of thing,” Taylor, smiling happily as she moved over to Norm. “What made you start thinking this?”

“You first. You brought it up.”

“Right you are,” Taylor smiled. “Remember my ex, Wayne? The guy who kind of started the whole...thing I had with Katy Perry.”

“Yeah, sounded like a real, genuine asshole instead of just a scamp like myself.”

“Exactly,” she said with a wink. “Well, the person I met with was him. And while as a person he's pure garbage. He was a good fuck...and he made a pass. I shot him down of course...mainly because I wanted to run it by you. Because I really want to fuck him. Not just because he's a good fuck...no. That's not enough. I want to show him...I want to show him I’m SO much better now. And he's never going to even get the best of what I can do. I want to leave him begging for more.”

“Is it weird you're turning me on with that talk?”

“Oh, I wouldn't think so.” Taylor's hand went beneath the sudsy water grasped his cock. It was indeed hardening. “I mean, all I'm telling you is how I want to leave another man a total wreck, begging for more and knowing he'll never get makes him fiend like a junkie. And meanwhile you have a never-ending supply of that sweet high.”

“Well, when you say it like that...”

“Your turn...what made that idea enter your handsome head?”

“Well, the person who I did that install on the motion camera for....it was Jennifer Lopez...and she kind of brought the idea up to me...in a very personal fashion. Nothing happened...but she certainly left that door open.”

“No way!” Taylor said, jaw agape. “The hot dance professor? With the AMAZING ass? Baby!” Taylor moved forward and kissed him. “You turned her down for me? I mean if you'd gone for it, I might not even be mad as long I got the details! Though now I'm going to expect an invite for round two.”

“So…I take it we're all good on the hall pass thing?” Norman said. “Especially since yours seems motivated purely by vengeance and GOOD LORD that's hot.”

“Well, how about to celebrate we fuck each beyond comprehension in this nice, hot bubble bath?”

“You always have the best ideas,” Norman said before his lips were muffled by the ruby red kisser of his beloved. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Taylor shifted a bit as she mounted him, his hard cock resting between them in the hot water. She smiled, licking her lips as she once more submerged her hand and took hold of Norman's scepter. She rose up, hypnotizing him with her lustful gaze before sinking down on him.

“Mmmmm fuck,” Taylor said. “Jennifer better thank me for loaning you out.” She bit her plump lower lips when she felt Norman take hold of her ass. With that Taylor began to move on his cock, the bubbly wonderland slowly becoming a sexual tempest.

“Fuuuck Tay,” Norman said, pulling his blonde bombshell closer. “God damn girl, you're amazing.”

“Mmm...gotta make sure...sure I leave a good impression...don't want you to forget little old me.”

“Never happen,” Norman said, bringing his face closer to her breasts. “Never in a million years.”

“Mmmm better not,” Taylor said, gasping softly as his mouth started lovingly worshipping her breasts. Of course, his mouth wasn't the only part of his body active. Taylor returned his tight embrace as he began to thrust into her.

“Yess...Norman…oh fuck me Normie...oh baby...” His wonderful rod was working her into a frenzy along with the tough of his talented tongue gliding on her breasts. Kissing them, licking them, loving them. His kisses felt hotter than the steamy water the pair was submerged in.

Taylor began to give just as much as Norman was giving her, gyrating her hips, grinding into him, moaning his name in just that right tone that she knew set him ablaze.

“Normie....” she purred. “Mmmm always making me feel so good...”

“Gotta make sure to keep you coming back for more,” He said, any cocky face he could have had on melted away before it could even set. He was too hard at work working on the sex goddess riding his cock.

“Oh, don't think for a second I'm going to let you go,” she said. “Never gonna let go of my perfectly good bad boy...” She kissed him again, harder, more urgently. And with the added pressure from her lips, Taylor turned the pressure up more all over. She took the control back from Norman, pressing him against the back of the tub with her hands as she began to riding him like he was a bucking bull at the rodeo. The blonde leaned back, holding on to the sides of the tub and she rode his rocket on her way out of orbit.

“Fuck...mmmm baby...I'm always gonna come back for more of this...this perfect...fucking...cock!” Norman's only reply was a wandering groan, going up and down like a rollercoaster while Taylor's cunt milked and squeezed his throbbing snake.

Norman used the size of the tub to his advantage, reaffirming his grip on Taylor and rolling them in the tub. They were in the middle now, Taylor leaning back with her legs wrapped around a kneeling Norman. Her blue eyes begged him...pleaded with him to give in to what both their bodies wanted. It wasn't a hard argument to make.

“FUCK YES!” Taylor whined. The tempest they had made grew into a full-blown tidal wave, water sloshing in response to Norman's turn at the wheel. Deep, powerful thrusts were the order of the day now, though not jackhammering. He wanted Taylor to feel every inch of his cock with each thrust.

It was a feeling Taylor was delighted, as always to feel. It wasn't just a simple thrust. It never was with Norman. He knew just what he could hit inside her, making her squeal and squirm as her most delicious of sweet spots got aggressive, yet loving attention.

“Right there...oh honey,” Taylor said. “Don't stop...oh fuck yes baby...fucking just like that...” Her words were far from just show, though Taylor knew they were music to Norman's ears. They were all the proof she could give Norman that the planned bit of sex with Wayne was nothing he had to worry about...and given how good she was getting fucked it was obvious his confidence was pretty damn high.

(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/114/190380378_qg8yqq6la8i31.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/114/190380378_qg8yqq6la8i31.jpg)

And deservedly so, Taylor had never had to fake it with him, and she wasn't about to start now. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach, butterflies slam dancing as she felt them ready explode out of her.

“Oh...oh Normie...fuck...oh god I fucking love you! FUCK!” Norman's paced increased as Taylor raced to her own finish line. She'd underestimated just how badly she needed this...and how much it turned her own to know all the new possibilities she and Norman would have in the bedroom...tonight was the first night in the future of their sex life and Taylor was more than ready.

Her legs rose out of the water and wrapped around him, pulling Norman deeper into her. His thrusts sped up a bit now, but not full blast. He wanted Taylor to ride this out for as long as she could. Taylor head rolled from side to side while her hands tried to grip at the slippery source of the tub. She was lost in the woods now, ready to scramble at the light ahead. The water splashed about heavily now as Norman brought Taylor on home, the sensations of her quivering cunt chipping away at his armor as well.

“NOOOOOORMIEEEEE!” Taylor screamed, her orgasm hitting her like the crashing of a tidal wave. The sensation covered her from head to toe, her body almost glowing. And all the while Norman kept fucking her, though he slowed down almost completely, giving his love sweet, tender thrusts, extending her pleasure.

When Taylor began to be able to think through the fog of pleasure, she looked at a Norman, a confident grin on his face. “Didn't cum?” she asked, both of them knowing where this would most likely lead.

“Can't say I did baby.” Norman replied. “I think I might need...a little something extra.”

“That can be arranged.” Norman pulled out and Taylor moved past him in the tub, leaning forward, leaning over the tub with her ass just barely emerging from the water. She looked over her shoulder at him, a knowing smile on her face. “Come on...fuck my ass.”

Norman approached her, leaning over to plant a series of big kisses on her rump, Taylor giggling at the content. The kisses went up her back before stopping just at the nape of her neck. Norman then brought his lips to her ear as he began to press his cock against her starfish.

“Say it again,” Norman said in a husky whisper. “I want to hear it again.”

“Fuck my ass Normie,” Taylor said. “Don't...don't stop till you cum…pump my ass full of your cum...”

The next sound to come from Taylor's mouth was a quick yelp when the bulbous head of Norman's cock popped past her sphincter. He inched his way into her tightest of holes. It wasn't the first time he'd been down this road with Taylor, but he never stopped being amazed by how perfect her ass felt constricting around his cock.

Taylor moaned and grunted while Norman loving took her ass. Strong, powerful thrusts combined with soft caresses on the curves of her body. It was exquisite and was only going to get better. She moved her hand to a small control bad near the water spout and pressed down on a red button. The air jets in the tub were activated, and Taylor's pussy was in just the right trajectory to get 100% of that wonderful, continuous burst of air.

“Oooooh shit!” Taylor said. “Fuck...fuck yes!” The air jets added a whole new dimension to it. The hard thrusts in her ass from her lover and the delicious airflow aimed right at her clit making her skin tingle. Double attacks of pleasure from both ends...and still Taylor wanted more.

“Holy shit!” Norman groaned. He had to freeze for a moment as Taylor pushed back against him, squeezing her ass even tighter, begging for all the cum in his balls to rocket out and explode into her bowels.

“Mmmm too much for you Normie?” Taylor teased as her ass began to dominate his cock. “Mmm it's okay if you cum....you lasted so long for me baby...and you gave me such a wonderful treat...your cock is so perfect in my ass...now how about you give me that cum? Every drop...right in my asshole...”

“Yeah” Norman said, thrusting back in response to Taylor body and words. “You want my cum? Nnggg....my fucking cum…all in your ass?”

“Fuck yes!” Taylor said, grinning wide. Norman could hear that grin an wished he could see it. Whenever he took her from behind, he tried to have a mirror just to see that face. That sexy sneer she wore when she was on the verge and knew she had him there as well. It was almost better than the sex itself. “Gimme...oh fuck...gimme that fucking cum!”

Norman set out to do just that, his pace making his cock a blur as Taylor took it with a grin. She was on the verge of cumming again, the stimulation in her ass and the powerful air current on her pussy sending her over the edge...but she knew Norman would go first...and then the first blast of his hot semen in her ass would light her second fuse...and fortunately for her it was a short one.

“FUCK TAAAAYYYYYY!!!!” Norman cried out, thrusting in her one last time before finally losing his load and filling her ass with his hot cum. His howl was soon joined by her own, Taylor's body rocked with pleasure for the second time in the night, her body quivering as pulse after pulse of her lover's cum filled up her rear entrance.

Norman laid on top of her for a few moments, loving kissing her shoulder and neck before pulling his wilted willie from her backside. He returned to his side of the tub and Taylor rolled back to her. They were both dazed, looked up at the ceiling before their eyes landed upon each other.

“And that is why my little grudge fuck is just a blip,” Taylor said with a laugh. “You my love, are in a class all your own. But...I do have one request for your little dalliance with Ms. Lopez.”

“What's that babe?” Norman asked.

“You better impress her...because if there’s a round two and I'm not invited I'm going to be very disappointed.”



Back at Peter's the study in the study session had long since been forgotten, especially as the party in disguise moved to the roof. Eric, Jesse, Madelaine, Lili and Blake had all taken seats at a table set up by other residents as a communal get together sort of thing. Selena and Sabrina were just a bit away from them, sharing a blunt of an especially potent strain of Mary Jane.

Meanwhile, Peter and Camila were having a more private moment. This was at Camila's insistence, as she'd noticed something was very wrong with Peter and actually kicked herself for not noticing it before.

They were at the corner furthest away from everyone else, sitting down with a couple of bottles of Coke. And since tact meant little to Cami, especially when she sensed a problem, she didn't hold back and went straight for the main question.

“What's up with you and Hailee?” she asked, putting her bottle down and looking directly at him. It wasn't a harsh gaze at all, but Peter knew even with his friend's caring eyes she meant business.

“What do you mean?” he asked, trying to buy time.

“What I mean is every time she's been brought up tonight, or her whereabouts you can't help but mention how this isn't anything new. Which is news to me because I thought you two were doing everything with each other far past the end of the honeymoon phase, so...what's wrong?”

“Look Cami...”

“Tell me.”

Peter shifted in his seat a bit. He did want to tell her, but he couldn't. “Look, you know I'd let you know any other time, but right now with what's happening with you, I won't burden you with my bullshit.”

“Okay, full stop right there,” Cami said. “Let's get one thing straight. And I thought you already knew this.” Cami got up and signaled for Peter to follow. She led him to the edge of the roof. “You...I love you. You know that and I've never been shy about saying it. Calling you my best friend is underselling it. So, don't you dare ever think of what you're going through as a burden. Was I burdening you yesterday?”

“No, of course not. I love you too.”

“Then why would you ever think that your problems aren't important, especially to me? Don't bottle it up and I swear if you ever call yourself a burden in my earshot again, I'm going to smack the crap out of you. Out of a place of love of course, but still. So, just tell me what's wrong so you don't have to carry it around by yourself.” She held his hand, giving it a soft squeeze.

“It's just...” Peter said, trying to think of a way to say it without coming across as too paranoid. “For the past few weeks, I feel like she's dodging me. We barely talk. We've still had sex but...it's almost like sometimes she's not really there, you know? Like she's just going through the motions.” He got up and began to pace. Camila didn't like that one bit. Nervous pacing, for him, was a serious sign. Something was wrong and he might have been underselling it. “Sometimes it's like she's all there. But that's the exception. I don't know, it's just like I feel like I'm not even wanted in my own place sometimes. It's nothing outward either, just...it's like me being there is something that doesn't register. Like I'm just being humored. Then I feel guilty about thinking that because what if something's wrong? I ask her, she says everything's fine, and not in a passive aggressive way. But it still feels like there's something off. Then I double down on my own shitty feeling by essentially berating myself for not trusting her.”

“Hey,” Cami said, getting up and softly grabbing his shoulders to stop his pacing. “It's okay. All right? Having those questions isn't anything you should feel guilty about. Nothing you've described me to me makes you sound like the bad guy. It sounds perfectly natural.”

“It does?”

“Of course.” She sat on the ledge, patting the spot next to her where Peter soon took his seat. “Look, something could be going on with her, but it's not bad. I mean it's a high stress time right now. That could distract anyone. Finals are a bitch, especially if you're on a scholarship and need to keep a certain GPA to keep it.  It could be as simple as that. Don't think the worse about her or yourself. Especially yourself. No one talks shit about my Petey, and that does include you. You’re not being an asshole or anything. You're just feeling ignored and worried. Which is normal. Just try to bring it up to her.”

“I've tried. She clams up or changes the subject. Or conveniently gets a text.”

“Then I'll talk to her.”

“Cami,” Peter said with a cautious tone.

“Calm down,” reassured Cami. “This is Hailee. She's earned the benefit of the doubt. I'll just talk to her at lunch. And try not to be too blunt. But as you know I'm not really good at that.”

“Oh, I'm well versed in that particular Cami-quirk,” Pete replied, getting a soft but genuine laugh from her.

“Yeah, tends to be the first one a person gets a resistance for.” Camila leaned over and hugged him, Peter returning the gesture. “You'll get through it. We both will.  And if you ever call yourself a burden within earshot of me again, I will kick the shit out of you. Again, purely out of love.”

“Thanks.” Camila kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. The two shared a bit of comfortable silence when Blake and Lili approached.

“I hope we aren't interrupting anything,” Blake said.

“Far from it, just talking some sense into your brother,” said Cami. “You know, like usual.”

“So, you wouldn't mind if you guys got some company?” Lili asked. “The cloud of pot smoke got a bit too thick for myself.”

“Same here,” Blake agreed.

“Take the seats,” Peter said. “Cam and I will stick to the ledge.”

Blake nodded and she and Lili got the chairs Peter and Cami had been in and pulled them closer to the ledge.

“So, since Cami spoke with you, I hope I don't have to,” Blake said.

“About what?” asked Peter.

“Please, sisters always know. Is it handled?”

“As good as it can be,” Cami confirmed.

“Well, in that case, let me make things a bit lighter by saying you have some great friends Peter. Really fun. Sabrina might be a bit too into the herb but she's nice. And Lili's great. I mean I'm sorry if I embarrassed either of you by assuming you two were dating, but honestly, easy mistake to make. Especially after talking to her more.”

“Blake...” Peter said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“What?” Blake said. “Cami, be honest, if you didn't know better wouldn't you say it?”

“Maybe?” Cami said.

“Cami!” Lili asked. “Seriously? I mean not that it's a bad thing or anything but...seriously. That's not an area we need to go to.”

“Well, most of the time,” Cami said with a knowing smile that made Peter and Lili blush.

“You know what I mean though right?” Blake said, letting the blushing slide. “It's like when Peter dated that girl in high school. Like...Freshman year, I think? What was her name? Sissie...Cindy...”

“Sydney,” Cami answered. “Sydney Sweeney.”

“Yeah, her! How you could just tell those two were dating. They didn't have to say it. Same thing here. Except I was way off but still, easy to see the confusion. I mean, matching shirts! But still, I'm sorry about that. I prefer to leave the heavy duty embarrassment of Peter to Cami, the truest pro of the art form I've ever seen.”

“It's a gift,” Cami said with a grin. “One that simply must be refueled with one last slice of pepperoni. Care to accompany me Lils?”

“Sure,” the blonde said, shrugging before getting up to follow Cami to the pizza.

“Lils, can I ask you something?” Cami asked, perusing over the remaining pies.

“Sure, what's up?”

“Is anything weird up with Hailee?” Cami asked, going blunt once more. She really couldn't help it.

“W-what do you mean?” Lili asked. The pit her stomach reopened.

“Well, I was just wondering because something is going between her and Peter and it's making him really, really nervous. Paranoid. Long story short is he's not in the best way and I don't like that. And right now, I'm very much not in the mood for him to be hurting. So, I'm asking if you've noticed anything. If it's too personal and you don't want to tell anything, or you don't know anything, fine.”

“Well, I don't know anything,” Lili said. “Well, not exactly.”


“Look, it's just something that happened earlier today. Peter came in to the store to show me some stuff about the movie and a website he and Sabrina had made for me.  He left and said he had lunch. I asked if it was with Hailee and it wasn't, but it was with you...and I think he said Selena.”

“Selena couldn't make it,” Cami said. “Had to study. But what does that have to do with Hailee?”

“Hailee came by earlier. Said she had a lunch thing too. I just assumed it was with Peter....but it clearly wasn't. It just stood out to me, that's all. She said she had a lunch date, so I assume-”

“You assume it's with her boyfriend,” Cami finished. “Huh...that is weird. Hailee told me she was going to be at the office all day. Cramming for finals while doing busy-work at the office. She even volunteered to take my shift for the extra hours.”

“Wait, she did?” Lili said. “Okay this is just weird now.”

“What do you think it means?” Cami asked.

“I don't know if I'm fit to answer right now,” Lili said. “I'm still kind of fresh from the Jake stuff, so there's a good chance I'm kind of projecting some stuff on this situation. I can't imagine it's anything that bad.”

“Neither can I,” Cami said. “I…I just do not like seeing him in even the slightest bit of hurt, so I just wanted to know if you knew anything so I can at least try to help him. And I don't want to make you feel weird or like I'm pumping you for dirt. It's just hardwired into my brain. You mess with someone I love, if they're hurt then I go into total war mode.”

“Oh, believe me, I know,” Lili said. “I'm still shocked you managed to NOT try to kick Jake's ass that night.”

“Oh, believe me if it wasn't for Jose I probably would have. No one messes with you either or they get the claws.” Cami wrapped her nails against the picnic table the pizzas were set on. “Besides I may not have cut him but I kicked his ass out of the house. Had to vent somehow after all.”

“I swear if I knew anything for sure I'd tell you. I'd tell Peter honestly. But I have nothing but an instinct I can't trust right now on this subject.”

“No problem,” Cami said. “Besides, this is meant to be a fun night. So, let's just have fun, all right?”

“Definitely,” Lili said with a nod. “And, for the record...I need to thank you too. For being there for me. And…not pushing the subject.”

“Of course. And right now? Proof you are in fact doing the same for me. I love you Lils. Only other person I'm as close to is Peter, so you both get equal protection. Don't know what I'd do without either of you.”

“Not have great sources and targets for sarcasm?” Lili said.

“Well, for starters...” Cami shrugged.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:00:15 PM

Dove breathed deep, looking over the town at night. Building's lit up, cars moving along the streets. Bella's apartment had quite the view.

Well, it was more Dove's place now. It was a temporary thing, at least that's what Bella said. Her red-haired boss had told her all about the changes coming after her Spring Break appointments.

The long and short of it was Bella was expanding, setting up a satellite. The location was Las Vegas. The glitz and sleaze capital of the world seemed to be the perfect place to do a bit of expansion. And by all reports the local scene was very open to the idea, especially given Bella's contacts in porn valley. She could get a plethora of porn starlets to help her open up...and one to fill her spot on the roster alongside Dove. That would be Abella Danger.

However, even when Abella arrived, she'd just be taking Bella's roster spot, not her place in the company. That position would be filled by Dove. And while Bella knew her second in command could easily handle the position while she was away, Dove wasn't so sure herself. It was one thing to assist...but to be running the show? That was a bit much,

It wasn't like Dove would be alone. Matt was going to stay behind as well. He was of more use here either way. In Vegas, Bella needed a real lawyer, not a law student. Dove also already had the backers of the other vice lords in town. Right now, she was just finalizing the news with the police force and local government.

Chief Sam Gordon and Mayor Jim Turpin were to be her guests for the night. Purely professional, but when the business was pleasure, anything was possible.

Dove looked at the clock after taking a sip from her scotch. Nine o’clock. Any minute at that point. No butterflies were in her stomach. She was far more eager for new cock. While she'd had sex with almost the entire department, treats for the boys to keep them happy and away from Bella's business, the chief had eluded her. The Mayor had never called upon her services either. Sure, the purpose of the meeting was business...that didn't mean there couldn't be room for fun after the formalities.

When the doorbell rang, it was show time. She finished her drink off and set the glass down on the bar. Dove confidently strode towards, the door, her dress flowing behind her. She undid Bella’s many locks and opened the door to find her guests waiting for her with big grins on both of their faces.

The chief was the taller of the two and built like a truck. He'd seen his fair share of action and couldn't wait to see how well this older man could stand up to her pressure. The Mayor, while shorter, somehow seemed like more of a tank than the chief. Broad shoulders, a thick neck combined with his bowling ball head made him a different kind of appealing. Bald guys, in her experience, knew how to fuck...and could easily be persuaded into experimenting.

“Chief Gordon, Mayor Turpin, please come in,” Dove said, moving aside to allow her guests in. “Please, take a seat in the den. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Grey Goose is you have it,” the chief said, taking a seat on one of the big chairs in the den while Turpin took the other.

“Gin & Tonic for me, Ms. Cameron.,” said the mayor.

“Of course.” Dove replied, already getting the drinks ready. “And please, Dove is preferred...unless the whole “Ms” thing gets you off. Then by all means.”

The drinks didn't take too long, even with the added time of Dove refilling her glass from earlier. She handed off the beverages to the men then sat down on the seat across from them, sipping her drink.

“So, gentlemen, Bella's told you how things are going to be for a bit, correct?” Both men nodded. “Wonderful. And I'm meeting with you to give you the same reassurances I gave all of our other business associates. Nothing is going to change. Now, unlike those previous meetings...I think we're going to be having a lot more contact than just handshakes and nods.”

“That sounds wonderful Dove,” Sam said, setting his drink down on the coffee table in front of him.” But what if...we want a bit of a change?”

“Sam....” The Mayor said. “We discussed this.”

“Yeah Jimmy, and now we're doing it again with the third party.” Dove smirked. Somehow, she expected this. And she was prepared.

“Gentlemen, deals were already made before I took this position,” Dove said. “Bella's not here.”

“But you are,” Sam pointed out. “And since you're in charge now...maybe we can get a special agreement going...after all, who knows when Bella will be back?”

“You're right Chief, I am in charge...but this is still her business.  Deals will be honored. And if you have a problem with this, either of you, then we could call the other pillars of our little community. Or maybe run this by Sophia. We all know she and Bella weren't remotely friends, but she respects the business and has a temper. Also, she and I got along just swimmingly today when I met with her. So...do you really want to pursue this whole “new deal” thing, or do you want to wait like everyone else does for negotiations?”

“Point taken Blondie,” he said, sipping his vodka again. Dove's reputation had preceded her and so far, it was pretty damn accurate. Doll face, tigress heart. Now it was getting time to find out if that “Pussy from another world” part of it was also true. “So…business as usual?”

“Mmmmhmmm,” Dove said, gulping the rest of her scotch down. “Well....maybe some differences. Would you boys care to see some of those very, very subtleties of how I do business compared to our mutual acquaintance...though boys I can tell you I do love how Bella did business…very fun.”

“I would love to see those differences,” Mayor Turpin said.

“Good. Then both of you get up then drop those pants. And if you need a little more motivation than that...” Dove rose up from her seat and slid off the top half of her breasts, giving her admirers for the night an unobstructed view of her milky mounds, topped with the sweetest little pink cherry bings for nipples.

Not that the men needed any additional inspiration. Still...it was a very welcome sight that did make the men move a bit quicker, almost jumping from their seats and throwing their pants down. It all brought a sensual little smile to Dove's face. She loved eager men. It was enough to have had made her wet if the anticipation hadn't already left her sopping.

As their pants went down, so did Dove, the platinum blonde bombshell dropping to her knees on the soft rug beneath. She looked at both men, throbbing and ready to go. Her mouth was watering as she led them over with her index finger.

The men approached, cocks in hands and leaving Dove with a decision to make...a wonderfully-sized vanilla candle from the chief or a thick chocolate log from the mayor. Both would be wonderful options that were going to feel nothing short of amazing inside of her, so it wasn't going to be a taste thing. Dove was very much down with the swirl after all. However, the mayor didn't attempt to alter their business deal in anyway. That earned him round one with her mouth.

Her hand reached out and wrapped around his dick, softly jacking his thick onyx wand. There were no words to fall from Dove's lips, just a wickedly seductive look in her eyes as she wrapped her DSLs around the bulbous bell-end.

The mayor moaned softly as Dove sensually suckled on his cock head. Her tongue gently licked under the crown before doing a slow swirl around it. It was just the beginning and Dove had him weak in the knees. Even a simple observer like Sam could appreciate the technique Dove was putting on display. It was even more of a sight as she took more and more of the ebony staff into her mouth before the entirety was sheathed in her throat.

Jim groaned as Dove held herself there, hands free, for a few moments before pulling back. After a few quick breaths, she repeated the process, a little faster this time, a steadier rhythm. Every stroke of her mouth was another test and tease for the older man, seeing how far Dove could push him.

She didn't want the mayor to cum, at least not yet. While Dove was far from a cum dodger, she did know that given the ages of both the mayor and Chief Gordon that the odds of them being able to go two rounds with her was a pipe dream at best.

The moment Dove began hearing what seemed to be a universal tone in voice that signaled a man's orgasm, she pulled off of the mayor's cock with a pop. “Mmmm, how about you take a breather...get ready for the main event, your honor.”

Jim nodded, backing off as Dove turned her attention to the chief. Her eyes went over his body, taking extra time at both his cock and his face. Of course, his face told a far more complete story than his dick. She knew that look; she'd seen it on enough of his men. In response, Dove dutifully opened her mouth, waiting for what she knew the chief was going to do.

Sam did as was expected, guiding his cock into Dove's mouth and taking a grip on her head. Soon the sloshing, frothy sound of a proper facefucking filled the room and the chief was impressed at the harlot's ability. The woman damn near had no gag reflex. This would have floored him if he wasn't so concentrated on ravaging her mouth.

“Fuck yeah...dirty fucking bitch,” he growled. “Boy...nnng at the fucking precinct were right about you...damn you might be a better fuck than Bella....”

Dove loved hearing that. While she didn't know if she was necessarily a better fuck than Bella, she was confident she was much, much dirtier. That was going to be a fact she knew both men would appreciate but Chief Gordon would absolutely love. It was going to be fun to push them to see how far they were willing to go.

The sloshing and “GLUK GLUK GLUK” of Dove's facefucking was soon joining by muffled moans while Dove played with her clit. It was all so much to take in that the chief pulled out of his cock, grunting as he slapped his cock all over Dove's face. He wasn't close to cumming, he just wanted a new hole to fuck.

“On the fucking couch slut,” he said.

“Whore,” Dove corrected. “If can call you chief, you can use my title as well.”

“Fair enough,” he grinned. “Get on the couch, whore.”

“That's more like it.” Dove got to her feet, sliding the rest of her dress of before lying back on the bed. Gordon took his desired spot between her legs and thrust in to her sopping snatch.

“FUCK yes!” Dove yelled. “Give this whore the fucking she deserves!” Her eyes were ablaze with lust as the chief wasted no time in building up a jackhammer-like rhythm in pounding her cunt. “Every inch of that fucking dick...don't you hold back you fuck...don't...mmmm don't even fucking think it!”

Thoughts like that weren't even in the chief's head, rather his mind was on Dove's bouncing boobs, moving in reaction to the manic motion of his fuckstick. The moment she unveiled those delicious tits, he knew he needed a taste.

“Mmmm hmmm fucking suck those titties...,” Dove cooed. “Lick'em...suck 'em...bite 'em...fucking use them...use ME you fucking pervert!”

The instructions were music to his ears, but not remotely needed. He was going to do it anyway. And while her glorious globes were getting mauled, Dove's eyes looked towards the mayor, waiting for his opening to jump in.

“You know your honor,” Dove said. “My mouth is once again open for business.”

Jim took the invite, rushing to the side of Dove's head and once more allowing the blonde fuckdoll to take his cock in her mouth. While it wouldn't be anywhere near as focused as his last trip in there, it didn't mean it felt bad at all.

“Just can't get enough cock, can you?” Sam said. “A cock in your pussy, sucking on another one...dirty fucking bitch...”

“You think this is dirty?” Dove teased. “You ain't seen nothing yet...OHHH FUCK!” The last expletive was Dove's reaction to an especially deep thrust into her by Sam. Then another, then another, a rapid succession of her deepest corners being penetrated by the dirty cop.

As patient as the mayor was, and as wonderful a place to rest his cock Dove's mouth was, it was time for Jim to get his turn with that pussy.

“Move,” the mayor said, getting up. “It's my turn.”

“By...all...means,” the chief said, giving Dove a final few thrusts before he made his withdrawal.

“I've been waiting for a round with that monster,” Dove said, licking her chops while staring at the lovely chocolate cock of the mayor.

“All fours,” the mayor demanded. “Now.”

“Oooh,is that how you're gonna fuck me daddy? Bend me over like the whore I am? Good. It's how I need to be fucked. It's the only way to fuck a dirty tramp like me....”

Dove got in position on the couch, wiggling her ass as she awaited the mayor's pole. With a loud crack on her ass from his hand, Dove stopped moving...but didn't stop talking.

“Yea...that's right...smack that whore ass...make me say your fucking name...”

“Say it NOW!” Jim bellowed, ramming his thick beast into her. “Fucking say it you god damn slut!”

“YES!” Dove cried. “Oh, fuck me...fuck me Mayor Turpin....fuck this slut…mmmm earn my fucking vote!”

That made him smile. That smile gave way to the return of caveman lust as he began to hammer her cunt, gripping her hips tight.

“YES! Yes, yes yes yes! Fuck me...every inch...fuck don't stop...oh god YES!” Dove was cock drunk now, and when she finally opened her green eyes, she saw Chief Gordon in front of her, cock hard and aimed right at her mouth.

“Fuck my face,” she demanded. “Fucking use my throat...come on...I'm not asking I'm fucking TELLING.”

Once more Dove's depravity made the chief smile. If anything, the boys at the station were underselling the insatiable Ms. Cameron. Her mouth opened to him once more and in mere moments Dove was getting fucked from both ends, one cock claiming her cunt while the other found pleasure deep in her throat. She would be moaning in ecstasy if her mouth wasn't stuffed full of cop cock. In spite of that though, her muffled moans were more than a sure sign of the fun she was having.

Before long her face as beet red as her ass from the continued spanks the mayor had delivered to her cheeks. Every knew one made that pale little peach rippled a bit more, and every single one of his deep thrusts with his thick meat did much the same. All the focus he was putting on her ass made him want to move to a much tighter area.

The moment he pulled out; Dove knew what the mayor wanted. She couldn't blame him; it was a very popular destination. The chief pulled out of her mouth, wanting to savor the moment, he wanted to see her face as that monster invaded her backdoor. However, once more Dove threw a curveball.

“Yeah....mmmm fuck that's it,” Dove said, popping her booty when she felt Mayor Turpin's bulbous bell-end press against her back door. “Don't even think about teasing...just fuck my ass...don't make me wait...”

Once more the mayor was taking orders from the whore, pressing forward into her anus. Dove seized up, freezing as the great girth of the mayor took up residence in her rectum. The chief watch with aplomb, nary seeing a look of distress on her. Rather the opposite. The more of the mayor's meat she took in her ass, the wider the grin got. When he was in to the hilt, she looked up at Sam and winked.

“Resume your position,” she said. The mayor wasn't the only one taking orders from the harlot as the chief soon restuffed his cock into the slutty mouth of Dove Cameron.

If Dove was in whore heaven before, she was another a whole new level of paradise. She LOVED anal sex. She might actually have preferred to normal sex. It was dirtier...filthier...made her feel like a true, sex addicted cumslut...and that was a feeling nothing else matched.

With her preferred hole being used, her suckjob on the good chief of police wasn't quite as focused, or as focused as skullfucking could get. Repeatedly his cock would fall from her lips. However, what she was using her mouth for more than made up for it.

“Yeah...fuck that ass daddy...fuck that ass! Make me fucking scream for it you dirty fuck!”

These were orders the mayor had no issue following. He began to give Dove everything he had, every thrust more Earth-shattering than the last. The squeals of joy that escaped from Dove's mouth was enough for the chief to know the facefucking was over. It just wasn't what a filthy whore demanded.

Dove saw him get him and knew exactly what was on his mind. “I'm thinking it's time I got something a bit more than your mouth,” said the chief, all but confirming the chief's intentions. However, those weren't her intentions. Not exactly. And she couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she threw in this monkey wrench.

“Mr. Mayor, how about you have this whore ride your cock in her ass?” The chief said, standing in front of the couch.

“Yeah, let me ride that fucking cock,” agreed Dove. Jim wrapped his arms around Dove, his cock still buried in her butt. He rolled her over so she was on top of him now, back still facing him. He thrust softly into her ass, keeping her loose as Gordon made his approach.

Her saw that bald, pink slit, just waiting for some attention. Then the chief saw the look on Dove's face, and that devilish grin told him there was something else on her mind.

“Hold that thought,” Dove said. “I want something...something a little dirtier. I want to be the best whore you've ever had...so...how about you stick that cock up my ass too?”


“Very....unless of course you're a pussy...in which case do the boring route by all means. But if you the kind of filthy pervert I hope you are you're not going to mind sharing space for a shot at my ass.”

The chief couldn't deny she had a point. It really wasn't much of an obstacle. He also just wanted to see how filthy this slut could get.

Before the mayor could throw in his two cents Sam was already pressing forward. All three groaned as in a few wonderful moments Dove's asshole was double-stuffed with dick.

“Ohhhh FUCK!” Dove screamed with glee. “Yeah....oh fuck yeah...I love it like this...fuck me…both of you! FUCK MY ASS!!!”

Once more the men found themselves following the woman’s direction, ramming her asshole in tandem. Neither one thought too much of the shared space aspect and more on the simply insane pleasure of it all. And of course, Dove's way with words made it a lot easier to accept.

“Fucking real men right here,” she growled, her smiling face still driving the chief wild. “Real men will to fucking rub their dicks together just to get a shot in my ass...fucking right you are...fucking stretch my fuckmeat ass out...fuck...fuck yeah...make me fucking cum with those dicks up my ass.”

All the men could do was runt in response, the chief thrusting a little faster now within her. The end was in sight...now it was time for Dove to lay down the last law.

“Gonna cum, huh boys?” she teasingly asked. “Now as much as I would love to taste those lovely cocks, fresh from my ass...I'd much rather have my ass pumped with two doses of HOT fucking cum....and neither of you pull out...I want them both at the same time...fucking do it...do it and make this whore fucking cum.”

“Fuck you're a goddamn whore!” The chief said, hardly able to believe what she'd said. “God damn girl.”

“I'll take that as a yes,” she laughed. “Come on...come on...faster...harder...fill that ass up with cum...yesssss...”

That was the focus now, all three focused on that last, amazing moment of pure bliss. It was impossible to know which of the men came first, as they both seemed to grunt and moan simultaneously to signal their end.

“Oh, fuck I can feel it!” Dove said of the dual pulsing cocks, basting her bowels with huge blasts of searing hot sperm. “Fuck...fuck....FUUUUCKKKKKK!!!”

With that scream Dove's orgasm overtook her, the sensational slut’s stretched out asshole constricting tight against the cocks within it. She shivered, shook, and finally went limp. When the men disengaged Dove rolled off of them, the cum cocktail trickling out of her well fucked asshole.

She laid one her back on the rug, cock drunk smile on her face.

“So, gentlemen, she said. “Business as usual. Agreed?”

She could get the hang of this whole “boss” thing.


The pizza was long gone and the night was coming to a close at Peter's apartment. Sabrina had hit the sack already, the new strain she got for tonight taking her out the equation early. Eric had left to pick up his girlfriend at work and Madelaine and Jesse were also on their way out, with Camila giving her red-haired compatriot a fond farewell.

“Thanks for the free pizza...and making sure it was vegan,” Madelaine said, giving Camila a farewell embrace. “You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a decent vegan pie in this town.”

“Anything for my favorite firebrand,” Cami said. “And kill that job interview tomorrow. I know you will, but I figure a little bit of extra encouragement couldn't hurt.”

“Thank you. And if you're starting to feel a little increase in the blues, call up the Red, got it?” Madelaine retorted, to which Cami laughed and nodded. “Good. See ya.”

The door closed and Madelaine and Jesse left, leaving Peter, Lili, Blake and Cami alone in the living room. Blake and Cami were sharing one end of the couch with Lili and Peter at the other end, Cami and Peter being where both pairs met.

“Nothing ends a day of travel and moving in furniture like some deep dish” said Blake. “Good conversation just made it a perfect chef's kiss kind of night.”

“Speaking of good conversation, I have a question for you,” Lili said.

“Lay it on me.” Blake replied.

“Okay, so...Pete's sister. Ben's siter. Both named Ferrano...but you have Lively. Is it like a branding thing? Because it's super catchy.”

“Kinda sorta?” Blake said. “It's our mom's maiden name. I definitely didn't want my birth dad's last name because who wants to be connected to an alcoholic abusive asshole? But when my actual dad, the guy who raised me who also happens be the guy who raised them, adopted me he asked me if I wanted to take his name. I said I wanted my mom's name. So, Pops took the word of a three-year-old, no questions asked. I mean I asked him when I was older a couple of times if he was mad about it and all he said was it just showed how much I loved my mom and he was proud of me and all of that. You know, the kind of stuff that someone who's supposed to be a dad says. So, Lively it was and is with no skin of of Dad's nose. You know...because he's actually a good father and man.”

“You really don't have to get into the stuff with Mom's first husband,” Peter said.

“Please, it's nothing.” Blake replied. “I mean me and mom got away and got something way better. I don't regret that and it's nothing I'm ashamed of.”

“Well, still, let me ask something else,” Lili said. “Fashion design, how'd you get into it?”

“That's Dad's influence,” Blake said. “He doodles as a hobby. Honestly calling it doodling is underselling, he's really good. And it just rubbed off on me. Then that led to the modeling....”

“You modeled?” Lili asked.

“A little. Mostly ad campaigns, catalogs, a few of those teen mags like Teen Vogue and stuff. A few national campaigns. Pretty much stopped after I graduated high school. I did a couple Victoria's Secret things but that was it. It was just a mean to an end. Paying for college, starting up a boutique. Played the stock market a bit too, which is much more of Mom's influence.”

“So which parent gave Peter the filmmaking bug?”

“Neither,” Blake said.

“That's all Blake's fault,” Cami said. “Believe me, I was there.”

“God, I must have been what...thirteen?” Blake asked. “Which means you two would've been eight...anyway, I was babysitting them. Cami was staying over and Peter wanted to watch Dawn of the Dead on TV. And I figure if it’s on TV, it's gotta be edited. You know, like how when they put Die Hard on TV, they turn motherfucker into Mr. Falcon? But, I was having a major league blonde moment and it slipped my mind he might have meant on HBO, which has no such restrictions. About an hour in I'm doing homework and I hear Cami screaming ad I run into the living room to see her hiding behind a couch fort and Peter enthralled by the site of zombies getting their heads blown off and eating people.”

“It's all Blake's fault,” Peter said. “Warped my fragile developing brain.”

“Does that entitle me to a cut of the billions you're going to make on this movie you guys made? Of which I demand to see as the person who planted the seed in your noggin?”

“You and me both,” Cami agreed.

“As soon as Sabrina and I get a picture lock in we'll be golden,” Peter said. “But we still have to see what we can trim, get it lean and mean.”

“Well, maybe to keep me occupied in the interim I could finally meet the mysterious Hailee Steinfeld,” Blake said. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but you did say she lived here too, right? Which Mom and Dad must have been absolutely thrilled about.”

“She does,” Peter said. “Though honestly I’m starting to believe that's a myth sometimes.”

“Peter, give her a chance,” Lili said, hoping her own doubt son her own friend was disguised. “She took on an extra shift at the hotel and is studying.”

“And apparently too busy to answer a text after looking at it.” he added. “Look, I'm a grumpass about it. And tired. I'm ready for bed. Maybe it'd be best if we did the whole introduction thing in the morning, Blake.”

“Petey dear, I'm with Lili on this,” Cami said. “Give Hailee a little more time.”

“I think I have a compromise,” Blake said, rising up from the couch. “I'm going to go get changed for bed and if she's here when I get back, introduction time. If not, time for bed. And I have to admit, I'm actually looking forward to sleeping on this couch. I almost conked out a few times already. So damn comfy.”

With that, Blake smiled and reached into her suitcase quickly, grabbing a pile of clothes from one of the many zippered compartments and headed for the bathroom.

With Blake gone, Cami rested her head on Peter's shoulder. “It's okay Pete,” Cami said. “I get being anxious and all that, but it's probably nothing.”

“Probably still implies the possibility of something.” Peter retorted.

“Well, when you put it like that you can make anything sound bad,” Cami said, taking a soft hold of his hand. “Just...just chill. Let the whole finals thing ride out, hang out with Blake...it'll all be cool and before you know it all be rainbow and unicorns for you and Hailee again.”

Lili was about to add something in as well when the door opened and Hailee came in. Right at the same time Blake came out of the rest room in her sleeping gear; a button up shirt, boy shorts and a pair of knee-high white socks.

“Hey guys,” Hailee said. “Sorry I'm late...quick question though. Who's the sexy blonde in next to nothing in the hallway?”

“Oh, I'm the sister,” Blake said, stepping forward to introduce herself. “Blake Lively.”

“Oh, you're Blake!” Hailee said, the revelation hitting her like a ton of bricks. “I should have recognized you from the pictures Peter has. Sorry. I'm just frazzled.”

“Seems to be the condition of the day,” Blake said. “Don't worry about it. We can get to know each other a lot better in the morning when I take you and Peter out for breakfast. That's something I'm insisting on, by the way. I know he doesn't have any classes until eleven and I'm sure you could be a little late to work. Me and Pete, we have an in with your boss' daughter.”

“Well fortunately you won't have to use it,” Hailee said. “I'm off tomorrow. Free and clear.”

“No study sessions?” Peter asked.

“Nope. All yours.”

“Well, with that settled, I'm ready to finally get some sleep. Big day of meetings and going to my apartment and waiting for my furniture to arrive. Actually, being able to sit and sleep in my own place is going to be wonderful.”

“Well, on that note, good night folks,” Camila said. She got up from the couch, kissing Peter on the cheek. “Thanks for indulging me in this distraction from my own personal Hell. I love you.” She then turned to Blake and gave the tall blonde a big, python-esque hug. “I love you too and we HAVE to catch up sometimes this week. No excuses.”

“None will be given,” Blake said as the friendly embrace broke. “How about lunch on Thursday? And please, bring Lili. I think I have to make up for that embarrassing little faux pas from earlier.”

“Oh, it's no big deal,” Lili said. “Easy mistake and hardly an offensive one. But if the invite is still valid, I'm game.”

“Looks like my dance card is getting filled up!” Blake said with a smile. “Looks like I need all the rest I can get. But before I do that...” Blake turned to her brother and pulled him up from his seat for a good night hug. “I missed you sooo much. Skyping doesn't equate to a quality baby brother hug...and anything you with breakfast tomorrow. Including all you can eat pancakes. Which raises the question is there a place around here that does that? Because now that's what I want.”

“There's a pancake house near the school,” Peter laughed. “They have it and all you can eat waffles.”

“Ooh, how cosmopolitan!” Blake said with a grin. “Sounds like this town's a winner.”

“And on that note, Lili and I will make our exits.” After a final round of goodbyes, Lili and Cami were out the door and, on their way, back home, though in different cars. The pair had arrived separately after all.

While the ride home was quick for Camila, for Lili, she had a lot going on in her mind.  Yes, there was the concern over Hailee. She hated thinking what she was thinking about her oldest friend and kept trying to convince herself it was after effect from what happened with Jake.

Then there was Peter. Lili was bothered by how she felt for him. It wasn't pity. She flat out didn't like seeing him as hurt as he was. It was a thought process that was making her uncomfortable.

No....that wasn't it. She wasn't uncomfortable about feeling that way...and that's what made her feel weird. That what she was feeling didn't give her a moment's pause. And that was something she didn't know what do with.


It was eight in the morning outside of The Whisky Casket. The rising sun brought a real sense of history to the brick building. Which was funny, as the building was constructed in the 1970s but looked like it was something from the 1770s. It was a weird kind of retro upkeep the Love had perfected since owning the place.

She'd done a great job with it in Cade's eyes. And he'd had quite a bit of time to take it all in. He'd been in the parking lot, sitting in his car and psyching himself up. It was very similar to the last time her had spoken to her, but also worlds away. He had quite a different purpose for being there this time. And as he took the last gulp of his coffee he was determined to get in there and say his piece to Jennifer. There was something that he had to say, just to get it out of his head and heart.

He exited his car and made his way to the door. It was locked, and he knew that. But he also knew Love was in there. Her car gave that information away. He pressed the buzzer, used mainly for delivery purposes.

While he waited, he felt like a high school kid waiting for his first date, butterflies about in his gut. He hoped he didn't have a similar goofy grin on his face. However, if he did, it was soon wiped hen Jennifer opened the door.

After a few latches being done that he could hear, the door was opened and there she was; tight jeans, a flannel shirt tied at the waist and a white tank top. She was holding a clipboard and wore a disinterested look on her face when she saw it was him.

“Sorry, I didn't order any bullshit,” Jennifer said. “Just booze and pretzels.” She was about to close the door when Cade stopped her. “Look, Cade, I'm not your relationship counselor, okay? I really don't care about how things are going with your newest baby mama.”

“She's actually not my newest baby mama,” Cade corrected. “False alarm.”

“Well, good for you. Bullet dodged.” She tried to close the door again, but Cade was insistent.

“Look, can I just talk? I promise it won't take up too much of your time.”

“Fine,” she said, her annoyance apparent but thankfully mild. “I'm doing inventory and my phone's charging so no podcasts right now. Keep my ears busy in the basement storage.”

“No problem.” Cade replied. With that, she allowed him in and locked the door behind. Cade waited for Love to lead him to the basement and when the last latch was locked, she did just that, leading him behind the bar to doorway. Behind the door was a miniature storage room of sorts. It housed straws, napkins, all sorts of things of that nature. It also housed a door to the basement.

“Door's low, watch your head,” said Love as she headed down the flight of stairs to the basement. Cade took her advice and continued to follow her down until they were both in a large room. It was lit very well, a necessity to keep track of all the alcohol. And there was a lot.

Kegs of domestic and imported beer, wine, spirits and liqueurs on shelves and in crates. And that was just out in the open, there was an entire indoor cooler he hadn't seen the inside of. There was also a large cargo elevator.

“Why didn't we take that?” asked Cade, pointing it out.

“Because that's connected to the loading area, and that's locked.” Love answered. “I never open it unless we get new stock in and I only use the elevator for business like that or restocking the bar. Was it really that exhausting?”

“No, just curious.”

“Great,” Love said. She took a pen from her back pocket and clicked it, readying to start checking he stock. “Now satisfy my curiosity Cade. Why are you here this time?”

“Well, maybe I should start with some updates.”

“Fine with me,” Love said, counting bottle of Merlot in her head while she listened.

“Well, Kate and I are kind of done.”

“Is this because she's not your baby mama?”

“Kind of I guess,” Cade said. “She met someone else and as it turns out...the break-up didn't really break me up at all.”

“That's interesting,” Love said, moving on to the Pinot Noir.

“It is?” Cade said.

“Considering you were close to blubbering last time, yeah. Unless that was just a severe aversion to another kid.”

“I mistook the fun I was having for something deeper.”

“That old chestnut,” laughed Jennifer.

“I wasn't the only one.” Cade replied. He leaned on one of the crates. “She felt the same. We both thought really intense sex was something more. But...here I am.”

“Yes, here you are.” Love turned around, setting her clipboard on the shelf behind. “Why exactly? To let me know you're done with your latest co-ed conquest? How did I earn this honor over your ex-wife?”

“Well, there was something I needed to talk you about that, frankly I have no reason to with Jessica.”

“And what's that?”

“Well...I am single...and so are you...”

Love's eyes went wide when she put together his point. “No!” Love said. “No. No no no. No. No. No way.”

“Love, it's just that after we spoke last...I haven't been able to stop thinking of you. At all.”

“Maybe that's because you're in the middle of a break-up and are feeling nostalgic.” Love curtly answered, moving to a cube of crates in the middle of the room, Cade following close behind.

“Oh, come on Love, it's move than that,” he said to the back of her head. “Also...you've never wondered what it'd be like if we never broke up?”

“No,” she said, turning around. “I haven't because then I wouldn't have my kid. And you wouldn't have yours!” She set her clipboard down and took a breath. “Look, I'm not that same woman anymore! How we broke up changed me. And for the better. So, while I appreciate the thought and know firsthand about how shitty it is being dumped for someone else, I'm not going to be a nostalgia fuck.”

“I'm not asking for that.” he replied, leaning against the crates behind him. “Okay...you haven't thought about if we never broke up. Fair enough. But...ever thought about us now?”


“Well...you're different, and so am I. Plus, well, years of new experience for us both. How about a fresh start? Drinks, maybe dinner...see where that takes us? I mean come on, that you must have thought about...you and me now.”

There was a quick pause as Love took in his suggestion completely. She had an amazing poker face, Cade being unable to read a thing from her reaction. It was a trait she'd picked up as both a business woman and single mom. If he could read her mind however, he'd see some interesting thoughts.

Cade wasn't wrong, she had been thinking about him. Though not as long as he might have been thinking of her. She was telling the truth; she hadn't thought about him before that day he came in. Well, it was when Jessica had come in. Though Cade actually hammered it home. And since then, he had been on her mind. And the question had crossed her mind...especially when it came to sex. He'd always been fun, but to still be pulling down college co-eds said a lot about his skills as a swordsman.

Not that Love was a slouch either. She'd definitely blossomed from the wallflower she was and had her own fair share of college boy toys. Sure, Jennifer was a bit more selective than Cade but she was also a killer cougar, always leaving her prey with a smile.

“Let's get one thing straight,” Love said, removing her flannel shirt and t-shirt. “We're just going to fuck. All right? Anything after that? We're not even putting that on the table. Agreed?”



“Good.” Love followed that with a kiss on Cade's waiting lips. Though Cade kissed back, Love was the one bringing the heat. This certainly wasn’t the same demure woman from his college days, the woman who always demanded that gentle touch. Now, as he felt her suck on his tongue and bite his lip as their liplock broke, he was dealing with a whole new sexual beast in a very familiar and beautiful package.

What was a new wildness for Cade was simply normal for Love now. As the professor's hand groped and mauled at her full breasts through her bra her hands were working on both of their pants. She took care of her hers first, taking them down just enough before gravity finished the job. When the jeans hit the ground, she stepped out with one leg then moved right to Cade's pants, giving them a similar treatment. With the fabric barriers removed, Jennifer hopped on the crate behind her. She looked at her old lover's eyes as his went from her own to her tits.

“Some things never change huh?” Love said with a grin. She unhooked her bra and placed it with her other clothes. Her bare beautiful breasts were exposed to Cade and they somehow looked better than memory. He couldn't resist their call and soon buried his face in that bountiful valley of flesh.

Before Love could direct the traffic to another part of her body, Cade silenced the demand before it could be made. With his face buried in her chest, his cock soon followed, burying itself fin her hot pussy.

“Oooh fuck yes,” Love said. Cade would have joined in on the chorus but his mouth was far too busy worshipping a perfect set of tits. It was a definite pleasure getting re-acquainted with them.

Jennifer was doing some re-acquainting of her own with Cade's cock. She'd forgotten how perfect of a fit he was and how he knew all the right spots to hit. She moaned a little louder every thrust he made into her.

“Moore...come on...fuck me...don't be shy Cade...come on....” Love said in little, desperate gasps. It was just as good as it had been before, if not better. And he hadn't even found all the new spots she'd discovered over the years.

However, when he gave one of her nipples a tender, testing little bite he found he'd stumbled on one, Love's hissing of the word “Yesssss” giving him a rather big clue on what he ex-lover had been up two in the intervening years.

Cade's lips finally left her terrific tits to go back to her face. The sweet caring face of the past was replaced with a confident cougar, staring him out with a lust he had never seen on her face before. And the surprises were just beginning.

“Fasterrr,” Love growled. “Come on...ohhhh...don't...don't have all day...make me cum.”

Cade may have been slightly stunned into silence, but her hand no problem following through with Love's demand. The jingling and clanging of her belt buckle increasing in tempo as he went full blast inside of her. The hot, wet tightness of her pussy just feeding the fire they'd both started.

Love moaned, hanging her head back. Her long brown hair swayed with every powerful thrust made in her. “So close...come...come on baby...fuck...oh wow...fuck...little bit more...just...a bit...more....nnnggggg....”

Cade saw her eyes begin to flutter and her teeth biting down in her lower lip. It was just one of the many tell-tale signs she gave off of her impending orgasm. And it was always a sight to see, and now, even better. The light in the room, on the brighter side of dim, the crates and the smell of the different spirits all added to the wonderful view of her face in the throes of passion and her bouncing tits.

“Ahhh....mmmm...yes...oh...oh...OHHHHHHHHHH!” Love cried out as her cunt began to constrict and squeeze Cade's dick. Her orgasm was completely overtaking her and taken down any remaining stamina Cade had left. Both the feel and the site of Jennifer in the throes of orgasm was too much.

“Oh my god LOVE!” Cade cried.

“Swallow!” Love croaked. “Wanna swallow your cum.”

Cade pulled out of her spasming pussy and Love went from the crate to her knees sucking his cock into her hungry mouth. Now it was Cade's to howl.

“Yes...oh god...yes...LOOOOOVE!!!” Cade cried as his cum filled filling Jennifer's hungry mouth, the barkeep MILF gulping down his semen with every rope shot into her mouth. His knees shook as what felt like gallons of cum emptied into her gullet from his balls.

When the final drop oozed out and was swallowed down, Love released Cade's dick from her lips with a pop, then got to her feet, pulling her pants back up.

“Well, that was fun,” she said with a smile.

“To put it mildly,” Cade said.

“If you say so.” Love grabbed the rest of her clothes and quickly redressed. “I wouldn't mind a bit more, but I have work to do.”

“Yeah, of course,” Cade said, still in the haze of the orgasm but still able to be a little surprised, in a good way, at Love's attitude. She really had changed, and for the better. “So…when would the next time be.”

“Call me,” she said as she buckled her belt.

“I don't have your number.”

“Well, I guess you'll have to earn that.” Love said with a wink. And Cade couldn't wait to think of the best way to do that.



Lili was just about to leave the comic store. She would come back of course but she had a class to attend to and one she couldn't afford to miss even this late into the semester. Fortunately, the store's owner was very understanding of the needs of a student worker, so Lili would be back at it in about ninety minutes.

She had just enough time to swing by the taco truck to pick a quick lunch, but then the bell above the door rang, nixing that plan. She was under the counter zipping up her book bag so all she initially saw was an amazing pair of legs in high heels. However, not a tattoo in sight so Ashley was out.

When Lili’s head rose above the counter, she saw who the magnificent stems belonged to: Blake Lively.

“Blake?” Lili asked, a little surprised.

“Oh hi,” the leggy blonde said. “You work here?”

“Gotta pay the bills somehow.” Lili replied. “What brings you by? I thought you were having breakfast with Pete and Hailee.”

“I did...which is why I'm here.”

“I don't follow.”

“Well, the breakfast was lovely,” Blake said, setting her purse down on the counter. “I always love getting some times with my baby bro. And Hailee was wonderful....”

“But?” Lili said, feeling that knot in her stomach start to re-tie itself.

“Look, it's a given that of the people I've seen since getting in last night Peter and Cami are the only ones I actually know. You certainly seem lovely as did all your friends last night. And as I said, so did Hailee. But...is there something going on their that's more than happy couple stuff? I can't put my finger on it, but do you know anything? It felt kind of icy there.”

“Did...did you come here to ask me if I know anything?”

“Oh no! No no no. I came here to buy Peter something. The shop got great yelp reviews and one of those reviews said there was a lot of horror movie stuff. I mean he didn't look like he was mad or anything but I know when something's off. You being here was just an accident. I mean I was surprised to see you here.”

“Yeah...yeah of course.” Lili relaxed a bit...but not too much. “You're not the first to ask me. Cami did it too. And I swear if I knew anything for sure I'd let you know. But I don't for sure...so I don't know anything.”

“Figured Cami would get to it first,” Blake said. “Well, on to something you can help me with. See, while I am well aware of Pete's predilection for the macabre...I'm not 100% percent sure one exactly what things he likes. And since you two were a matching set last night and you work here, guide me.”

Lili smiled a bit at the matching set comment, and unlike Cami, Blake caught it. She stayed quiet on it though.

“Well, lately he's been waiting for some old Jason Voorhees comics to come in,” Lili said, coming around the counter and leading Blake away. “No luck. But something did come in recently I put back. I was going to buy it for him myself but I think it'd be fine if the big sis passed it off.”

“What's that?” Blake asked. Lili led her to the entry way to the stock room. Lili paused her while the clerk went in the back to grab it. In seconds Lili returned with a box emblazoned with the fictional Crystal Lake Killer on it, albeit a bit digitized.

“This is the NES edition Jason Voorhees action figure,” Lili said. “I remember he said he's been looking for it for ages so when it showed up, I couldn't resist putting it back for him. Couldn't wait to see his face when he got it.”

“Is that a fact?” Blake said with a smirk.

“Well, yeah...I mean...you know...that's the fun part of giving gifts, right?” Lili said, hoping her voice didn't sound to off or nervous.

“Eighty bucks is a pretty high price to pay to see a friend freak out,” Blake said, pointing out the price on the box.

“Well with my employee discount it's more like fifty and some change.” Lili said in correction.

“Still, seems kind of expensive.” The smile was still there and Lili could see it and read it like a neon sign.

“Well...uh...then maybe you should be the one to give it to him? I mean it's probably better something like that coming from the sister, right?”

“Yeah, sounds about right. Ring me up.” Lili did that, heading to the counter while Blake once more followed her. She found the younger blonde's nervousness cute and what it was over even more adorable. While she was going to let the subject drop for now, she was starting to think maybe her initial guess from the previous night wasn't too far off.



Today was going to be a first for Victoria Justice. Since taking a job with Bella's service, all her clients had been very rough and tumble men who fucked her in every hole she had and she loved every moment of fucking, sucking and swallowing.

Today though was a bit different, as today was her first female client. And it was going to be an experience she was going to savor. No classes today and as Victoria was not a clock watcher with her clients, she had all the time in the world.

And she couldn't wait to take her time with the client. The moment she saw the name, she was wet and drooling. It was someone she was very familiar with and couldn't wait to dive.

She actually had a tinge of nervousness in her, that was how badly she'd wanted to fuck this woman since they shared classes the last few semesters at the college. Bury her face in those full breasts, smack that perfect ass and just have her every which way. And now she was getting PAID for it. That was what blew Victoria's mind...that a woman of this caliber would have to PAY for sex.

Still, it wasn't that odd when she thought about it. She'd fucked plenty of men since taking this job that didn't have to...but the payment was part of the thrill. Made it all seem a little filthier. It did the same for her as well.

Victoria didn't have to buzz in for the apartment as someone was exiting when she came up. Victoria slid through the door and to the elevator. The customer was waiting for her and she knew exactly what floor and what apartment to hit.

Victoria got off on the third floor and headed to apartment 13. She knocked three times and second after that third collision the door opened up and Victoria grinned as she saw her customer; Liz Gillies.


“Well, looks like it's true,” Liz said with a grin. “Could hardly believe it when I saw you on that website.”

“You're not the only one who was pleasantly surprised.” Victoria replied. “May I come in?”

“Sure. It'd be kind of awkward to do this in the hallway.” Victoria stepped through the doorway and Liz locked it. The busty brunette's apartment had a very retro feel to it, like an amalgamation of the 60s and 70s. Nothing psychedelic, at least on the surface. It was all a general feel. And smell too. Musty old books and vintage vinyl. “Please, take a seat.”

“So, since we're inside this groovy little time capsule that means this won't be awkward, correct?” asked Victoria, lounging comfortable on the big, comfy maroon couch.

“Well, it was never going to be awkward Vic,” Liz said, approaching the tempting tart before her and sitting just as comfortably next to her. “It's just I'm astonished that you're doing this. Kind of shocking. Lucky me though, with the desire and the means.”

“Know what's funny Liz?” asked Victoria, sliding her shoes off.

“What's that?”

“You could have had this for free. I wouldn't have said no.”

“Does that mean this is free?” Liz joked.

“Oh no,” said a cheeky Victoria. “One of the many perks of the job. I get paid doing what I love.”

“That's very important.” Liz replied, her sultry tone bringing the va va to the voom. “I probably would have but I was with someone back then. A dead fuck. Then I met someone else. Not a dead fuck. And rather open mind and receptive to my tastes. He's DP’d me with a total stranger, which was BEYOND hot.”

“I bet.”

“And he's given me the freedom to have some sweet sapphic fun if I so desire. Which brings me to you. And I couldn't resist making this appointment. You're just too...yummy.”

“How do you know that?” Victoria said. “You haven't even tasted me yet.”

“Well, let's fix that,” Liz said before unbuttoning and sliding off her blouse, revealing her massive tits, straining against her black satin bra's integrity. Victoria's eyes went right to the tits. Predictable. She hadn't met a person whose eyes weren't drawn in by the gravitational pull of her breasts. She wasn't offended though. After all, even Liz had to admit she had amazing tits. “You next.”

Victoria smirked, leaving her in the same situation. That wasn't suitable for Liz.

“All the way,” the busty brunette directed. Victoria followed the request, losing her bra and exposing her bare tits to the lovely Ms. Gillies...and Liz was very impressed. Wonderful handfuls of flesh with the most luscious dark nipples she'd ever seen.

“You next.”

“Mmm, eventually Ms. Justice,” Liz said, her face getting ready to make contact with the lovely tanned tits of Victoria Justice. “But first...that taste I wanted.” Liz made her way to the delicious flesh in front of her. As she leaned forward, Victoria leaned back until she was laying on the couch. Moments after Victoria hit the couch's cushions Liz's lips met Victoria's.

The sexy Puerto Rican moaned, arching her tits out while Liz went to work. The busty vixen's tongue lightly licked around Victoria's dark nipple, placing a kiss on it before moving to the other breasts. But neither were wanting for attention, with a gentle yet hot caress coming from Liz's soft hands. Those hands cupped and fondled Victoria's tits while the magnificent mouth of Liz suckled on them.

Of course, there was more of Victoria to experience and Liz wanted to make sure she got her money's worth. Victoria shuddered and side as those tender kisses and sweet caresses moved down her body. Every kiss from Liz's full lips sizzled on Victoria's flat tummy. Of course, this happy trail was blocked by Victoria's jeans.

It wasn't much of a barrier however. Liz unbuttoned and unzipped, then peeled the tight denim from Victoria, her black satin panties in the grip as well.

“How's it taste so far?” Victoria asked as Liz tossed the final bit of clothing away.

“Mmm pretty good,” Liz said, rubbing the slender sexpot's calves and kissing her ankle. “But let's be honest...I haven't even gotten to the best parts.” Liz winked and then began to kiss her way down Victoria's stems and to the honey pot.

Victoria leaned back, smiling softly as those expert lips made another sizzling trail to her slit. Liz jumped from legs to leg, licking, kissing and soft biting. From ankle to calf and from calf to thigh. Victoria was breathless the moment she felt the first contact of Liz's finger's delicately tracing her fingers on her pussy lips. They were slick and ready to be parted, and as those fingers began to penetrate her.

“Ohhh my god Lizzzz,” Victoria moaned. Her mouth felt dry as the Sahara while her pussy was sopping wet. Victoria took deep breaths as Liz's fingers flipped every switch within her on with the gentlest teasing caresses within her. It seemed like it was all too soon with Elizabeth withdrew her digits and brought them to her mouth, sucking Victoria's essence off of them with an audible “mmmmm”.

“Taste pretty damn good,” Liz said. “But...time to go right to the source.”

With those words Liz set off another slot machine jackpot in Victoria's head, her mouth even more electrifying than it was before. The call girl let herself go to Liz's oral mastery, writhing on the small surface area of the couch. Even if there was more room, she wasn't going to wriggle out of Liz's erotic embrace.

The pale woman’s hands caressed Victoria's toned legs, moving up to her round ass and softly palming it with both hands. That was all light stuff, just the little touches to make the embers burn brighter. The treatment going on between Victoria's legs was the real flamethrower.

Victoria had a lot of clients who were big fans of downtown dining, and some were very good at it...but none of them approached the women she experienced. Except for Wendell. She never would have guessed the guy with a full chess scholarship would be a next level fuck and god tier at eating pussy but when she came cross-eyed, she was never so happy to be surprised.

Liz was in that god-tier. Just ahead of Wendell and just behind Kelli. Though Liz was making a quite a case for closing the gap between herself and Kelli on the list.

Victoria began to move her hips, grinding and humping against Liz's face as the buxom beauty was getting ready to send her into the stratosphere. The rollercoaster was about to reach its peak and Victoria was ready scream as she hit that loop-the-loop. That was when Liz pulled back.

“My turn,” Liz said, getting up from the couch. “Bed room. Now.”

Liz walked away, stripping her clothes off as she moved. It was almost a bit of sleight of hand as she did it, every last stitch off in mere moments, giving the happy hooker on the couch an unobstructed view over every inch of that curvy, porcelain-tinted body.

When Victoria got to Liz's face, she saw that sexy smile, that delicious and knowing smile. Victoria's eyes then went to Liz's round apple bottom when she turned her back and walked to her bedroom. Victoria got up, following her sexy client to her bed room.

The bedroom had a similar feel to the rest of the apartment, very retro with its concernt and film posters up. All of the furniture even seemed taken from the past just as it was in the living room. However, all the colors were much darker. Almost monotone. And some of these posters moved into the 80s. The Cure went right along with The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. It was the same with the films, The Godfather sharing real estate with Psycho and Beetlejuice.

The only remotely modern things Victoria could identify were the big flat screen on the wall above the dresser and Liz herself, her pale form standing out even more on the bed covered with a jet-black blanket.

“So…what are you thinking? Liz knowingly asked.

“I'm thinking...now it's my turn for a taste.” Victoria replied. She then descended on the porcelain sex goddess, moving between her perfectly sculpted legs until she was face to face. A hungry kiss was planted on Liz's plump lips, Victoria sucking on her tongue and getting a few extra tastes of her own pussy on it.

Victoria's mouth made a few quick pitstops on the way down, kissing and lust-biting her neck and shoulder. However, though were just quick stops. Victoria's first big objective were Liz's magnificent mammaries. Liz hissed in a breath of air the moment Victoria went in on her funbags. Was it predictable? Of course. That didn’t mean it didn't feel good. And when it came to tit worship Victoria was among the elite. Sweetly sucking on her nipples, griping tenderly squeezing her breasts with both hands.

Though soon it was only one hand. Liz felt the well-manicured nailed of Victoria's left hand move down her body, tickling and grazing her tummy as they moved down to her moist, wet, and waiting opening.

“Mmmm do it...come on Vic....” pleaded Liz. “Give me those fingers...”

“You want that, huh?” Victoria said, teasing Liz's sensitive opening with her fingers. She let them lightly paintbrush up and down, sending shivers up the actress' body. “You want me to get inside you...play with this hot little pussy?”

“Mmmm hmmm,” Liz got out between licking her plump lips. “Yessss....”

Victoria planted a kiss on Elizabeth's stomach, just above her well-groomed patch of pubes. “I think I can do that...and so much more.” Victoria's fingers slid inside the wet depths of Liz's cunt, working and probing inside those velvety depths.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:14:04 PM
Liz whined and moaned at the expert dance Victoria's digits were doing inside her. Barely grazing or teasing her g-spot. She knew what she was doing. It was leaving Liz begging for more. And Liz was not too proud to beg.

“More...fuck Tori....give me more...oh yeah...fucking eat that cunt.”

Just as Liz was not too proud to beg, Victoria was far from above taking orders from a well-paying client, especially one as drop dead gorgeous as Liz. So, it was Victoria's pleasure to bring her mouth to the party. The moment her professional tongue began to tease and work Liz's clit, the fuse was lit.

“Oooohhhhh shit,” Liz moaned from a smiling mouth. She arched her back and began to fondle her own breast. Her skin was hot and tingling as she became t in the skilled hands, and mouth of Victoria Justice. Liz pinched her nipples tugging on them as Victoria's tongue attacked her clit with the skill of a swordsman. Not a movement was wasted, everything was done to drive Liz crazy. 

Her stomach rose and fell with every deep breath Liz made. It was her turn on the rollercoaster now and Victoria was taking on every turn. Bringing her to the utmost heights then letting her fall, to pleasure overload to a sensual cooldown. It was enough to make Liz forget everything in the world existed except the pleasure she was feeling.  

Victoria could have easily made Liz cum right then and there...but there was so much more fun to be had. Tori's mouth departed its location between Liz's leg and moved back up to her mouth, this time giving the client a taste of herself.

“Let's do each other,” Victoria suggested...or demanded rather. Liz agreed to her terms. Victoria shifted her position, putting her and Liz in the sixty-nine position, both of them ready for a mouthful.

With such beautiful pussies in front of both of them, neither could wait for a taste. Soon muffled moans filled the bedroom, both women hard at work both receiving and getting pleasure. Both the skills of the women were dulled from the distraction of their own pleasure, but that didn't seem to affect how good it was all feeling nor either one's style.

Victoria was still proving the be a maestro of the mouth, conducting a symphony of pleasure with her tongue and fingers. Liz was playing much more of a rock show. Steady rhythm, delicate melody, and all leading to an explosive finish. Liz had her eyes on something. The way most people looked at her tits was how she had always looked at Victoria's ass. And now it was right in her face, along with that lovely little starfish.

“Ohhhh fuck!” Victoria moaned, taking her mouth away from Liz's cunt for a few moments. “Mmmm that's right...finger fuck my fucking ass...oh god...” Victoria took a few moments to absorb the added pleasure, her eyes shut, frozen in time as she savored it. She went back to Liz's pussy soon though. She still had a wonderful job to do.

They women continued. Neither knew for how long. Time didn't exist in their bubble of carnal pleasures. The pleasure began to rise and rise, no more drops, no more teasing. More and more frequently their moans became unmuffled as they needed to cry out loudly, the pleasure demanded nothing less. Both of them were going to cum and it would be a photo finish.

It was impossible to tell who came first, as both women cried out the other's name almost in tandem with each other. Both of their faces were covered in the other's cum as they shook like on earthquake entangled in others arms and legs.

Eventually Victoria rolled off Liz's body. They were both drained, their limbs cooked spaghetti and gigantic, happy grins on their faces.

“I love my job.” Victoria said dreamily.


Madelaine couldn't remember the last time she had been this nervous. There was no cold sweat, no butterflies in her stomach, not even a visible nervous tick. But inside her head it was total chaos. But one thought was ringing out in her head to corral it all. “You can do this.”

They were the words Jesse said to her before she went in. Along with how much he believed in her and how she had this job interview in the bag. That no one could out hustle her. And the biggest thing, what had absolutely melted her heart was that he believed in her. Madelaine really wasn't used to such talk. Growing up in the foster system didn't lend that kind of kindness too often. 

Hearing it from Jesse, it felt different. It was sincere, full of affection. And he meant every word of it. She felt something for him, and it was more than just...whatever they were acting like it was. The words had made her feel so amazing the two actually had a quickie before she left to have the interview with Elisha Cuthbert. Though it wasn't hard and fast. It was sweet, tender and loving.

With all of that, despite the chaos in her head, she felt a knew strength. There was no stuttering or stammering in her head as she was given the grand tour of the soon-to-be opened restaurant. She wasn't known for nervousness, but this wasn't some restaurant that sold their food based on tits. This was Elisha Cuthbert. But....Jesse believed in her. She was able to stifle down all those negative thoughts. They weren't gone, but they certainly weren't in charge.

It also helped that Elisha was much friendlier and casual than any other interviewer she'd had. Madelaine had found it odd at first that the head chef and owner of the restaurant, known as Sauced, if the newly installed sign outside was accurate, was doing the interviews. But she'd soon find out Elisha's attitude of “if you can do it yourself, why not?” was the name of the game around the place.

After the tour came the sit-down interview. Elisha was behind her desk, dressed in jeans and a Weezer t-shirt while Madelaine was considerably more dressed up in her cream-colored business suit with matching pumps.

“Well Ms. Petsch, let's get down to business,” Elisha said, scooting her seat in. “This is probably a first for you. A job interview where you're dressed a lot better than the interviewer.”

“Well, Ms. Cuthbert, it is your business.” Madelaine replied calmly. “Your place, your rules.”

“Well in that case, call me Elisha. Only formal name I like is chef, and since we're not in the kitchen we can drop all formalities Madelaine.”

“Excellent,” said Madelaine with smile. She could feel Elisha studying her, waiting for some kind of reaction. Maybe a bit of fangirling or being flustered. Madelaine showed nothing. That earned a smirk.

“Well Madelaine, I have to admit when I got your application, I was a little surprised. Mainly by your age. I also assume you're taking a full class load?”

“That's correct.”

“And you think you can handle that as well as manage restaurant?”

“Yes, I do.” The redhead replied. “And if you contact my references, they'll back me up.”

“Well, I did,” Elisha announced. “And they did. You're a downright Supergirl. But managing diners and wing shacks is a bit different than what I'm doing. I'm not trying to be egotistical but, well, I am kind of famous. I know what I'm doing when I run a restaurant and part of that is knowing who to hire. So, tell me, what's so special about you where I should just go out on a limb for someone who's never held a position like this before in any official capacity?”

“Well aside from my years of experience in the restaurant business, there's this,” the ginger said. She reached into the briefcase she'd brought and pulled out a manila folder, laying it on the desk, directly in front of Elisha. “If you want a place here that caters to the college town that provides something truly different to bring them in to eat, that's the plan.”

“And that plan is?” Elisha asked, picking up the folder and opening it.

“Gaming.” Madelaine replied, her tone confident. “Arcade games, competitive gaming, retro consoles. It's the perfect fit for something new. And after the tour you took me no, I'm even more confident of the idea. All that extra space on the second floor, it's perfect for it. Whether it be people playing Pac-Man or Mario Brothers or competing in the latest FPS game, you've got it covered, and they'll need something to eat for it. And if it helps, I included the contact information for one of the country's up and coming players in the competitive gaming scene. If you ever decide to host a competition, she'd be the first person I'd invite.”

“Joey King?”

“You know her?” Madelaine asked.

“My son does. So That means she's a name for sure. But I have a question about this, intriguing as it sounds. What about the guests who don't want to play? They're there for a romantic night out and don't need to hear the sounds of intergalactic war.”

“Well, I do cover that in my pitch, but now that I've seen the place, I know for sure you can actually install sound proofing, cutting off the gaming area. Everywhere else, headphone jack and blue tooth speakers for the tables with consoles, if you choose to use that aspect. But it's an easy and cheap problem to fix.”

“I see,” Elisha said, flipping through the pitch. She was browsing it, but some of the pages kept her attention, which made Madelaine very hopeful. Then there was silence, which was a bit maddening. But at least the blonde chef was now taking more and more time looking at Madelaine's proposal. “This is very detailed considering this place isn't opening yet.”

“I did my research on barcades.”

“Clearly.” Elisha set the folder down and tapped her fingers on the desk. “We're set to open next week. Would you be able to train an entire staff by that point?”

“I've done more with less time,” Madelaine answered honestly. “However, I do have something that could make such hypothetical training go a lot easier.” Madelaine once more reached into her briefcase and polled out two separate stacks of paper, handing those to Elisha.

“What are these?”

“Those are application for the two best workers at Knockers who aren't me. If you want a solid foundation, with or without me in management, I'd take a look at them.”

“Regardless of whether or not I hire you?”

“Yes,” Madelaine said.

“Well, guess it's a good thing I am,” Elisha said, surprising Madelaine. “Welcome aboard.” She reached her hand across to Madelaine and the happy redhead eagerly shook it. “For the record, I'm not cutting you any slack beyond giving you a chance, understood?”

“Completely,” nodded Madelaine. “I can do a lot with a chance.”

“So can I.” Elisha replied with a grin. “Hence, me hosting three cooking shows and owning three restaurants. And the line of cookware. And cookbooks. The only thing I need from you is your absolute best. And your class schedule. I'm not so far removed from college that forgot this is finals season.”

“I'll get that to you as soon as I can.” Madelaine replied, trying her best to hold in her excitement.

“Excellent,” Elisha said. “Now, do you have a few hours? I'd like to show you around here a bit more, get more in depth on what I'm looking for and what I expect from you.”

“Of course,” Madelaine said. Elisha got up from her seat and Madelaine soon followed.

“Follow me. First stop, kitchen. You mentioned being a vegan, and I'd like you to sample some of the vegan options I've come up with. Not really fully confident in them. I mean my husband tried them and calmed me down...but I think I need an unbiased taster. And who better than my new manager?”

“Of course!” With a smile that would have lit up the most overcast of skies, this was it...this was her first chance. And a real chance to prove herself. She knew she could do it to. She'd knew she was going to be amazing.

And she couldn't wait to see Jesse later that night to share how happy she was with him.


(https://t51.pixhost.to/thumbs/115/190390905_1bjavpukcff21.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/115/190390905_1bjavpukcff21.jpg)

When it came to stress relief for finals, everyone assumed that Sabrina would go to her old reliables in weed and booze. But that wasn't how Sabrina rolled with this kind of stress. In her view, those things were strictly for recreation. And more of a reliable option.

When it came to the kind of unique panic that finals brought, the way that Sabrina sought to unwind was from a different kind of high, sex.

Was it a bit predictable? Maybe. But it was fun. And her surprise boy of the moment always made the predictable unpredictable. Some were very soft and sweet, other were rough and tumble and Sabrina found so much fun with them all.
Today's monsieur du jour, Danny, was giving her a bit of passionate roughness. He was in her European history class and Sabrina had been scoping him out for a bit, flirting, trying to get just enough from him to see if he'd meet her mark just enough to earn a shot in bed.

Since she was in the middle of a searing liplock, his hands roaming her body while she fumbled for the key to her apartment, Danny had easily passed Sabrina's personality test. And his touch was passing a whole new battery of tests.

Her back was facing him now, Sabrina tired of trying to unlock the door blind. Danny decided to go for a little extra credit on his touch test. Sabrina moaned softly when Danny slid his hand down the front of her jeans. She bit her lips when she felt his fingers dip inside of her tight wetness.

“Mmm very nice,” Sabrina said, her voice smokey and lustful. She pushed her ass into his denim-covered crotch, giving him a little preview just as the door opened. 

The pair almost spilled in the room. Their desire was almost uncontrollable. Sabrina however, still had a little logic standing its ground.

“Bedroom,” she said.

“There's a couch right here.” Danny replied.

“Yeah, and I have roommates. I'm not exactly in the mood voyeurism...well, not today at least.”

That settled things in Sabrina's mind, as well as Danny's. After all, it was either the bedroom or nothing. It was an easy decision. Once the bedroom door was shut, the clothes came off. Before too long Sabrina was in her birthday suit, laying back on her elbows right on the bed. Her look said it all, but her voice decided to chime in just in case Danny had missed the point.

“You're not going to leave me waiting all day, are you?”

“Guess not.” he replied, tossing his pants aside, leaving his hard cock jutting forward. According his sundial it was high noon and they were both ready to duel.

In moments he was on top of her, their lips clashing once more while his hard cock rest between her legs. Once more Sabrina let her face do the talking, her beautiful blues giving him all the permission he needed.  In a moment he was inside her, both of them audibly satisfied with the results.

Danny didn't take any time to savor the moment. There were times for that, but this clearly wasn't it. It only took him a few seconds to really get into it, and he wasn't the only one. He felt Sabrina's shapely legs lock around him and hold him snug as he thrust.

“Yeah...holy shit did I need this,” Sabrina said. “Come on Danny...oh...little bit harder baby...”

“No problem,” he grunted, giving his thrusts a bit more thrust. Sabrina appreciated it, giving him a good, husky crying out of his name...but still, there was a bit more she wanted.

Sabrina maneuvered a bit, getting a good grip on the bed with her hands. Danny rose up a bit as well, holding on to her hips as he continued to thrust...but he was no longer doing all the work. He almost froze when Sabrina began to work her hips, giving Danny a very personal experience with what two semesters of belly dancing class could do.

“Ooh, someone likes that huh?” Sabrina coyly said. “Like me working my pussy on you, don't you? Mmm feel good here too...oh fuck your cock...just what I needed...damn Danny...”

After a few moments of being stunned by pleasure Sabrina's words got into Danny's head, working her just as much as she was working him. Was meeting him thrust for thrust, the mischievous look on her face only fueling him more, which of course fueled Sabrina right back. Danny leaned forward, giving Sabrina another hungry, albeit quick, kiss before moving to her petite breasts, taking a taste of them much to the blonde pixie's delight.

“Oh yes,” Sabrina said, licking her lips. “Suck my titties...oh fuck that's good...we need to do this much more often!”

Danny agreed with the sentiment, showing this with a few powerful thrusts that made blonde's voice crack as she cried out. Sabrina showed her appreciation by pushing back at him, giving his cock the most fun workout it had ever had.

Their positions shifted again, putting Sabrina an all fours. A sure-fire crowd pleaser and Sabrina's genuine favorite position. All the right spots always got hit. The moment she was in position she didn't have to wait a second for Danny to re-enter her, and only a few more moments for that sweet rhythm to be discovered once more. 

“Ohhhh god yes fuck me,” Sabrina said, the words flowing from her lips like a waterfall. “Mmmmm just like that come one more...fucking more...”

Sabrina pushed back against him, twerking one his cock, which made Danny freeze up once more, giving the wheel over completely to the petite sex goddess. She worked his cock like no other woman had before. Danny had thought Sabrina was hot on day one of the class, but even in his hottest fantasies he couldn’t have imagined her pussy feeling this good. Tight, hot, wet and enough to make him week in the knees on first contact. And everything she was doing was making him weaker in a lot of other places than the knees.

Her twerking was just part of it. She was moving her hips like Shakira, a feast for his eyes as well as his cock. She squeezed and milked him with her velvet cavern, almost making him lose it on the spot. Through a small personal miracle, he managed to hang on, but it wasn't going to be for much longer. And Sabrina could hear it in his voice and feel it in his touch, Danny's grip on her hips tightened, his pace increased and she was just about ready to push him over the edge. Might as well, she was close herself.

“Come on...come on Danny....you wanna cum…then cum…but not in me...I want to feel your hot cum on my face...every drop...mmmm but make me cum first baby…I want you to feel how good you're making my pussy feel right on your cock…then...mmmm you can cover my face in that hot yummy cum...”

“Ohhh god Sabrina...” Danny croaked. He was already close, but heroically he persevered, giving into Sabrina's demands, each knew, satisfied moan and groan coming from her mouth, each new crying out of “YES!”, “MORE!” and “DANNY” pushed him further and further. They were both lost in a white-hot haze of pleasure. But that heat hit Sabrina, first.

“Ohhhhh GGGGODDDDDDD!!!!” Sabrina howled. Her arm gave out, putting face down and that lovely little apple ass up. She was cumming, her chaotically spasming pussy all the evidence Danny needed of that. Mission accomplished. Now it was time for his own explosive finish.

Danny pulled out of Sabrina and the blonde rolled on to her back, waving her scrambling boy toy over to her. He knelt by her head, beating his cock furiously as Sabrina cheered him on.

“Cum...fucking cum for me Danny,” Sabrina said, rubbing her still throbbing pussy a she waited for his hot load. “Every drop...every last drop baby...mmm, I want it...my face...my little pink tongue...come on...cum for me!”

“Uggggghhhh Sabrina!” Danny cried, rocketing his jizz onto Sabrina's face and waiting tongue.

“Oh, baby yessss,” Sabrina said, swallowing what had landed on her tongue before opening her mouth for more. She got a little thrill with each thick rope of cum that splattered on her face. It was a reward, each hot and warm load of cum. When the well ran dry she felt Danny slapping his softening cock on her tongue before falling back on the bed beside her, out of breath and wrecked.

And just like that, all that finals stress was gone.


Despite only having to do two hours in the office, for Camila Mendes the day was already grating on her nerves. It wasn't just work. She'd been around the hotel business since she was in diapers. It was that combined with school and of course her break-up with Jose still looming. She felt like she was liable to snap on someone at any given moment, so the moment she clocked out she decided to head back home. She didn't intend on skipping any classes; Camila just needed a quick recharge.

Of course, when she opened the door to see Jose standing there with the last of his boxes, any chance at a recharge quickly went up in a puff of smoke.

“Jose,” she said, surprised. “I…I really didn't expect you here.”

“Same here,” Jose admitted. “I…I wanted to wait until you wouldn’t be here to get the last of my stuff. I thought you'd be at work.”

“No such luck.” Cami replied. “Short work day. Finals. So…here we are.”

“Yeah...I sure do know how to pick the worst moment, huh?” Jose asked, trying to get Cami to crack a smile.

“You have your moments,” Camila said, her mouth rewarding his smile-hunting effort. “So…that's the last of it?” Camila asked, gesturing at the box.

“Yep,” Jose said,” Last few trinkets. Mainly going into storage. Traveling light.”

“Well...you're going to kill it,” Camila said, holding back a flood of tears. “You deserve it.”

“You know you could still see it up close,” Jose said, trying one last time to keep the inevitable from occurring. “I can cut back on the crazy stuff. I'll stop all together. Just...just come with me.”

“Weren't those death-defying moves the reason this company signed you?”

“Yeah, but the contract is signed. I can scale back, change it all you.

“No, you won’t” Camila said. “I love you too much to wreck the chance of your lifetime.” Camila walked over to Jose. She caressed his face and kissed him, deeper than ever before. The final goodbye and it was bittersweet. “I'll always love you. And that will never change. And…if I made you do something that would cost you your dreams...then I wouldn't be in love with you. And…I love you. You'll always have my heart.”

“Yeah,” he said, kissing Cami's forehead as one tear made it through and rolled down her cheek. “Love you too.”

They both took a deep breath, then Jose picked up the last box and headed for the door. Before he exited, he turned to Camila one more time. “See ya around.”

“Count on it, Sweetface,” Cami said, wiping the lone tear away. And with that Jose walked out of the apartment and Cami flopped back on her couch. She was choking up, trying to stifle the tears from rushing through. She took some deep breaths. She knew she wouldn't have to go through this alone. Far from it.

Still, the love of her life just walked out the door. Tears were going to be a companion for a while.

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It was lunchtime and Jesse was living the good life on his day off. He was done with classes for the day, he was off from Knockers and he was lounging in his bed, eating take-out Chinese in his sweatpants.

He was having a good time, but he wasn't totally vegging out as he was used to. Instead, Madelaine was on his mind. With every bite he just kept wondering how she did in her interview. She wanted that new job so much, and he wanted it for her. He just wanted to see her happy, genuinely happy.

It wasn't that he hadn't felt like this before. He always loved seeing Peyton or Demi smile. But Madelaine...it gave him something extra to see her walls come down and to actually share herself with him beyond just her body. She deserved this job, to show the world what she was capable. At the very least the chance to do so.

He was actually nervous for her. It was weird to be happy about nerves, but he was ready to accept it. That's what Madelaine did to him and he loved every moment.

He was lost in his haze of knockout redheads and lo-mein when a rhythmic knock came to his door.

“Who is it?” He asked.

“It's Madelaine,” the woman of the hour replied, her tone very happy, which in turn made Jesse crack a smile. He closed up his food and set it on his night stand as he went to the door, opening to see his favorite redhead with a smile more radiant than the sun.

“I got it!” She said, jumping into his arms for a celebratory embrace. She squeezed him just as much as he did her, though Madelaine was the one who was lifted from her feet. “I actually got the job!”

“I knew you would!” Jesse replied, kissing Madelaine as he set her back down. “Never had a doubt.”

“You didn't, did you?” She asked, her smile going to close lips but remaining every bit as warm. 

“Why would I? I know you. You were determined, you went in, kicked ass and got what you wanted. Just like I knew you would.”

That same flutter in her heart from earlier returned, but stronger. There were all kinds of words colliding in her brain, each one wanting to spill out from her mouth to tell Jesse how she was feeling right now. Instead, she went for another option with her mouth, pressing her full, pouty lips to his and kissing him.

As they kissed, he embraced her again, sliding her inside his abode and closing the door behind them. He led her towards the bed, their tongue caressing each other before the kiss broke. Now Madelaine took the lead, gentle pushing him down onto the bed as she began to strip.

“Be patient babe,” she said, seeing the desire in his eyes. “I've got a little bit more to take off than you do.”

Jesse sat back and admired every inch of his girl. His eyes ran up her legs, up her body and over her chest, resting on her gorgeous face. Maddie's smile changed form once more, becoming more sensual, searingly hot as she began to remove her jacker, slowly unbuttoning it for her apt audience. Soon the cream-colored jacket fell to the ground, and her white blouse soon followed, leaving her top half simply clad in a light pink bra. Now while Jesse didn't exactly want to take the lead away from Madelaine, he couldn't resist reaching out for her.

“Mmmmm,” she contently hummed when Jesse led her to his lap, his hands softly gripping her supple ass. The humming turned into a soft moan when she felt his lips plants a layer of kisses on her cleavage. 

“Just like that,” Madelaine said. She reached to the hook of her bra, unhooking it and letting the garment fall where it may. With her tis exposed, Jesse took full advantage of the bear flesh, expanding his sweet kisses to cover the delectable mounds of flesh.

Madelaine whipped her red hair back and ran her hands down Jesse's back, pulling him closer to her chest a her sucked one of her puffy, pink nipples into his mouth, his tongue lovingly circling them and he went from tit to tit. It was different from how they usually went about it. Soft, more tender...but the heat was there just as strong, if not stronger. Judging from the feeling of his hard cock pressing against her thigh from behind his sweatpants the temperature was going to do nothing but rise.

Madelaine softly pushed Jesse from her, her sweet face telling hinting to him what was to come. He leaned back and watched as she slid off her white high heels and her short skirt and panties. She was laid bare before him. It was a sight Jesse had seen many times before, and he never got tired of it. The curves on her fit porcelain body, the little triangular tuft of red pubic hair on her pussy. He wanted me so much at that moment. Still, the steering wheel was in Madelaine's hands right now and he knew she probably had something just as fun in mind.

“Looks like you're overdressed,” Madelaine said. “Let's fix that.” The vivacious vixen leaned over, gripping his sweatpants by the elastic hem and pulled them down, soon leaving him just as bare and with his cock rock hard and ready for her.

Jesse watched, licking his lips while his throat got parched. Madelaine got on her knees and parted his legs at the knees. She grasped his cock, softly pumping it while her mouth went it his balls, tenderly sucking the sensitive orbs.

“Oh damn...Mads....” Jesse gasped, letting his head fall back while the ravishing redhead gave his balls the tongue bath of a lifetime. Every loving brush of her tongue painted them with passion, warming him up for what was to cum, along with the soft and rhythmic jacking she was providing.

Madelaine's mouth soon departed from Jesse's sack. Those nuts were just an appetizer as the pale beauty had a much bigger meal on her mind. The lucky man moaned her name the moment those luscious red lips wrapped around the head of his cock. More moans followed as her tongue slowly licked and swirled around the sensitive mushroom cap.

The slow suckjob Maddie was providing only got better. Inch by tantalizing inch she took more of him into her mouth. And each one of those inches got the same level of TLC. She wanted to make him feel as good as possible. To beg for more, to beg for release and to beg for it all to never end all at once.

Jesse could have sworn he went cross-eyed when Madelaine took him in to the root. She held him there in sweet bliss for a few moments. They felt both tantalizingly long and all too short. She withdrew, taking a few breaths, breathing warm air on his saliva-slick cock, the sensation making his member twitch. Still Madelaine didn't give herself too much of a breather as soon she was back to his cock, sensually slurping up and down his rigid rod. She was a bit faster now, but her tone was no less tender.

Jesse propped himself up on his elbows watching his ginger knockout orally service him. Those gorgeous cheeks billowing, stands of that gorgeous, fiery red hair hanging over her face. He reached down, holding her hair back to get a better view. When she shot him a look of intense cuteness and desire rolled into one, he knew he needed more than just her mouth.

Madelaine wanted that too, and having slept with Jesse enough to recognize all his little tells, and they were going off like a pinball machine as she made love to him with her mouth. It was time for something a bit more...substantial. She released his cock, giving the crown one last sweet suckle before climbing onto the bed on top of her lover.

Madelaine kissed her way up Jesse's body, starting just above his rock-hard rod, up his toned stomach, past his chest and finally meeting his lips again, Jesse wrapping his arms around her and pulling Madelaine close at that contact. Her pussy, soaking wet, was right on top of his cock. He ached to be inside her and she needed him inside just as bad...that didn't mean however that Madelaine wasn't going to give him a tease.

“I need you in me,” Madelaine said, grinding herself on his cock. “You're so hard...do you need me too baby? Do you Jesse?”

gging and scratching into his back added a bit of spice to the pleasure.

“You're...you're so damn beautiful,” Jesse said, slowing his pace down just in the slightest bit. “I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you since day one...”

“Me too...oh Jesse me too!” Lips collided and the pace increased once more. They were lost in each other with no need for a map. It was all instinct now, what felt right and good to them.

Positions shifted again and now Madelaine was being spooned by Jesse. He held her leg up as he drove into her, all the while whispering sweet nothings and dirty thoughts into her ear. 

“Rub your clit,” Jesse demanded. “Rub it while I fuck you...cum for me...cum on my cock...” His other hand slid under her and started massaging her tits as Madelaine’s own hand darted to her pleasure button, rubbing it as her pussy was taken.

“Oh god...Jesse...oh baby…oh...oh my...cum in me...oh fuck baby...I...holy shit baby I love you!”

“Oh god!” Jesse groaned, burying his face in her red hair. “Mads...oh...oh god I love you too! Oh baby...I'm...gonna...”

“In me!” Madelaine shouted. “Please...in me!”

“Madelaine!!!!!” He moaned, the sound a sweet symphony to Madelaine's ears. She gasped as he thrust into her one last time, filling her up with his cum and setting her own orgasm off as well. Both pushed each far past anything they'd felt before. Every pulse of his cock, every convulsion of her pussy, each pushed the other far beyond the limit until the both were exhausted, sweaty heaps.

Jesse held Madelaine close as his cock slipped out of her, a trail of their mixed cum trickling out as well. She weakly turned her face to his and they kissed.

“Did you mean it?” Madelaine said, just a hint of caution. “You know...what you said...or was it one of those in the heat of the moment things?”

“I meant it,” Jesse said, kissing her shoulder and pulling even tighter. “I love you.”

“Oh Jesse,” Madelaine said, turning over to plant the softest but most intense kiss she could muster on his lips. “I…I love you too. I…oh god I love you.”

The pair got comfortable in each other's arms. Then Madelaine smelled the sweet and savory smell of Chinese cuisine.

“You got lunch?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah.” Jesse replied. “Eggplant and tofu stir-fry. Vegetable lo-mein. Go two plates.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. To celebrate you getting the job. I knew you'd get it.”

“Oh baby,” she said, kissing his cheek. “An orgasm and a free lunch. You sure do know the way to a girl's heart.”


Ashley had amazing news, or at least that's what she was telling Lili. It was so amazing she hadn't quite taken it all in and she needed a bit of time to even form the words on how to tell Lili. However, she still felt like celebrating, which is what brought the couple to the Whisky Casket. In Ashley's mind there was no better way to celebrate good news than with the best burgers in town and Lili couldn't disagree.

The pair were seated in a corner booth. They ordered immediately, sweet potato fries for Ashley and Lili's usual BBQ bacon burger. 

“You know, it's kind of odd to be celebrating something when I don't know exactly what it is,” Lili pointed out.

“I know, I know,” Halsey said. “It's just...it's so big I'm just now barely wrapping my head around it. I promise when I can fully fathom it, I'll tell you. Let's just, you know, celebrate the intense happiness I'm feeling.”

“Works for me.” Lili replied.

“Excellent. Now, before this happy little get together can begin, I need to make a quick pit stop. If you'll excuse me.” Halsey gave Lili a quick kiss before excusing herself to the restroom.

Being left alone for the moment, Lili's eyes scanned the tavern, people watching. Nothing special, just students drinking, eating, playing darts and pinball...then her greenish-blue eyes fell on a sight she was hoping to not see. A sight that made that feeling in her stomach speak, and it was screaming “I told you so”.

There it was, in a corner booth as well, just on the other side of the bar; Hailee Steinfeld cuddling close with a man...just not her boyfriend. He had Peter beat in the age department by a good twenty years. They were both dressed in office attire...this was someone she'd met at work.

Lili was furious, a lot angrier than she'd thought she'd be. She knew she'd be disappointed, but confirming her gut instinct actually made her furious at her longtime friend. How could she do this? How could she after what Lili had gone through with Jake?

That anger was what was in the driver's seat as Lili got up to confront Hailee. She knew there was no other explanation, especially after she saw Hailee and her older paramour kiss. It was the anger that had Lili get up from her seat to approach Hailee, who didn't notice her friend's arrival until Lili spoke up.

“Hi Hailee,” Lili said, her sarcastically upbeat tone doing nothing to hide her anger. She stood their arms folded watching as Hailee's face went from surprise to dread.

“Oh...hi Lili,” Hailee said, trying to straighten up. “Uhhh, what are you doing here?”

“Having lunch with Ashley. What are you doing here? And who's your apparently very close friend?”

“I'm George,” the older gentleman said, extending his hand out to Lili. Lili responded with a look so cold it sent chills through him and told him exactly how welcome his handshake offer was.

“You know what’s confusing Hailee? You being on a lunch date and Peter isn't here. I mean he has a free period. You couldn't give your boyfriend a ring?”

Before George could say anything, else Hailee stood up. “Can we talk alone?” She asked.

“I thought you'd never ask.” Hailee led Lili to a quiet corner of the bar where it'd just be them. Privacy was a necessity for this conversation.

“What the hell Hailee?” Lili asked. 

“Lils, I can explain,” the brunette assured. “But...why are you so mad?”

“Hmmm, let me think...oh, that’s right, you're doing to Peter what Jake did to me! Is that not supposed to trigger me?”

“I know, but....”

“Look, explain it to me Hailee. No excuses. No buts. Just an explanation.”

“Okay,” said Hailee. She took a deep breath, then began. “Okay, remember at Spring Break...when we...you know. The threesome?”

“Yes, it's kind of hard to forget that since it seems everyone knows about it.”

“Okay. Well, it's just that after that...I started to realize that...look, I have a lot ahead of me. And I don't want to be, you know, tied down.  I want to explore things. Myself and my sexuality. And I don't think I can do that with Peter.”

“Why?” Lili asked. “Why exactly can't you do all this sexual exploration with your ACTUAL boyfriend who's nuts about you?”

“Because I don't know if I love him!” Hailee blurted out. “I know...I know I've said I do. I said it to his face. And I thought I did. But if I'm feeling like this...if I want to be with another man or sleep with another woman...then I don't know if it's actual love. And if I'm doubting...then it’s not.”

“Then why not tell him before you fuck your boss from work?” Lili asked.

“First of all, George is in another department so he's not my boss,” Hailee corrected, trying to get a smile from Lili. It didn't work. “And secondly...it's just happened. We went for drinks and....it happened in the back seat of his car in the parking lot. And…look I still care about Peter. And I don't want to hurt him.”

“And cheating on him and breaking up with him isn't going to hurt him more than just ending it?” Lili said. “Let me tell you from experience, the cheating hurts a lot more than the actual breaking up.”

“Look, I get that this is bringing up a lot of stuff from what happened with you and Jake but why are you THIS mad about it? Honestly if you hadn't said yes to the whole three-way this might not have happened so why not be mad at yourself a little?”

“How dare you?” Lili said. “I told you, I TOLD you it was a bad idea. But I went along with it against my better judgement because you assured me it'd be fine. And now you're blaming me for not having the guts to break up with your man before fucking a co-worker?”

“Okay, okay...I'm sorry,” Hailee said. “You're right too. And I promise I'll end it with Peter soon. But you can't tell him. Please. Let me do it.”

“Fine. I won't tell him. But I also won't lie for you. If he asks me point blank, I'm telling him.”

“Okay,” Hailee said, knowing she and her best friend were on shaky ground. “I'm sorry Lils. This just...it happened. I'm not exactly proud of it.”

“You shouldn't be.” Lili curtly replied. “Go back, finish your little tryst. Me and Ashley will head out.”

“Lili, come on,” Hailee said. “Don't be like that.”

“If I'm helping you hide this in anyway, I'll be like that if I want to.”

Hailee nodded and turned to walk back to George. She wanted to say more to Lili, but also knew better than to talk to her when she was this angry. The blonde's mind was made up and that was that. Hailee did know she could trust Lili at her word, that she wouldn't tell Peter...unless he asked.

Lili walked back to her table to see Halsey waiting on her. “Where'd you go?” She asked.

“Just had to have a talk with someone real quick,” Lili said. The blonde however did not take her seat. “Look, Ash, is it okay if we just got this to go. I don't really want to be in here right now.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Sure...just...look I'll tell you in the car. Let's just get the food and go, all right?”

“Yeah, sure,” Ashley nodded. “I'll go to the bar and place the order.”

That left Lili alone to really stew in her feelings, unfiltered for the first time. She was furious at Hailee for putting her in this position. For cheating. And she, in that moment, no longer had any issue admitting to herself that a lot of that anger came from seeing how just the suspicion was making Peter feel. Of course, when she calmed down, she wouldn't admit this to herself...but for now, she just accepted it.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:20:01 PM
Norman could not believe he was actually doing this. He was actually scheduling a fuck date with Jennifer Lopez in her office like it was some kind of professional meeting. It was an absurd situation on a couple different levels. Still, one look at that killer body and any level of absurdity was a small price to pay for a chance to have every inch of the good dance instructor's form.

“This week I'm pretty full for finals,” Jennifer said, going over her schedule. “I don't really get any wiggle room for fun until Wednesday next week...but I want to do a lot more than wiggle.” She gave Norman a wink, then brought her eyes back to the computer screen. “However, it does look like next Thursday is the when I'll have the most free time. That work for you?”

“Like a charm,” Norman said. “You're place, right?”

“Correct.” JLo replied. “Let's say around...1:00.”

“Perfect,” Norman said. “I hope I don't sound too eager, but I'm definitely looking forward to this.”

“Nothing wrong with a little eagerness, Mr. Dillon,” Jennifer said. “It tends to translate into a lot of fun in my experience. And trust me when I say, this will be an experience.”

“Of that, I have no doubt.”

“I bet you don't.” Jennifer leaned over her desk and gave Norman a short but searing kiss. “Consider that an appetizer. Now, not to be too short, but I think you better go. I have a lot of classes I need to prep for. Which right now amounts to loading up my oversized thermos with the strongest coffee imaginable.”

“Sure thing,” Norman said. He got up from his seat and exited her office, a spring in his step. This was going to be a lot of fun...and he was in no danger of losing Tay over it. This new arrangement they had was truly the thing of dreams...if they could pull it off.


Taylor sat in the same room in which she had met with Wayne the first time. This time however, Wayne was making her wait. The moment she called him up Taylor had an inkling he may try this, make some kind of show of dominance towards her. And when they were initially dating, that might have worked.

But that was the old Taylor. The new Taylor that was born from Wayne's infidelity and overconfidence played the game a different way. That was something Wayne was about to find out two-fold.

After fifteen minutes he finally showed up, a cocky grin on his face. Taylor was going to make him pay for that.

“About time,” Taylor said.

“What?” He asked with that shit-eating grin. “I got held up.”

“Sure you did.” Taylor could feel one eye on her already, scoping her body out, especially her legs. It's why she made sure to wear a short skirt. She knew how to get a direct hit with him. “Sit on that chair right there.”

Wayne looked to a chair in the corner directly in front of Taylor, then to one much close to himself. “Why not this one?” he asked, pointing to the closer chair.

“Because I said the that one.” Taylor replied. “You either do it or I leave and any business we potentially have ends because of a chair.”

Wayne nodded then took the seat Taylor had pointed out.

“Good choice,” Taylor said. She then got up from her seat, dragging it to the room's door to block it from being opened. “Now, here's how this deal is going to play out. Next Thursday. The Marina Hotel. Room 1989. 12:13 sharp. Got it?”

“What if I have somewhere else in mind?” He asked. Wayne didn't of course. Taylor knew him well enough to know that. He was just saying it to be difficult. Now it was time for the fun part of this meeting. Taylor knew he'd pull this. Now it was her turn to pull something on him.

“If you have somewhere else in mind, go there,” Taylor said, walking over to Wayne's seat. His eyes followed her until she was in front of them. They continued to do so when she got on her knees and took his cock from his pants. “But you won't get any of this.”

Any retort Wayne might have had went out the window when the legendary lips of his ex-lover wrapped around his cock. The only thing he was capable of was a moan. He wasn't hard yet, but that changed in moments within Taylor's delectable sauna of a mouth.

Taylor got off on it too. While she did indeed love a hard cock, there was just something magical about a cock going from soft to hard in her mouth. One of life's little carnal pleasures. Just the feeling of it almost evolving in her mouth to full, throbbing hardness made her wet. Norman was in for one hell of a night when the sun went down.

Taylor was doing everything she could to him, sending him through an oral obstacle course that Wayne knew, and was happy to know, he wouldn't get through. He was going to fail this endurance test. This suckjob was draining him quick. He was almost shocked by how Taylor was somehow better at this than when they had dated. She was always an oral goddess but now she went well past that.

The view was amazing too. Something about those red lips wrapped around his cock and those blue eyes looking up at him. He cheeks billowing, the soft moans and the occasional sight of her red nails lightly scratching his thighs. It was a visual treat just as much as one he could feel.

It hadn’t even been five minutes and he could feel the end on its way, his cum beginning to bubble up and explode from into her mouth. Taylor could tell. She hadn't forgotten Wayne's signs. Her mouth left his cock to be replaced by her hand, swiftly jacking his rod while she began to vocally urge him.

“Gonna cum Wayne?” She asked. “Gonna cum just for me...bet you just need to see it, that hot white cum overing my face...getting some on my tongue and seeing me gulp it all down. You want that don't you?”

“Ohhh fuck yeah...yes Taylor,” He said, his voice trailing off into a moan. “Soooo close.”

“I can tell...fucking throbbing in my hand...you're about to fucking erupt just for me and it's going to feel so good!”


“Well....not quite,” Taylor said, removing her hand from his member and backing him off, leaving him hanging.

“What?” he asked. “Why'd you stop?”

“I never said I was going to make you cum here,” Taylor said. “This was all about scheduling. If you want me to make you cum, you know the place and time. As for now...well, you have hands. You figure it out.”

With that, Taylor left, reapplying her lipstick as the door shut. Wayne couldn't believe this, but he wasn't exactly mad. It just made him more eager for next Thursday blue balls or not.


To say things had been going well for Vanessa Morgan and her boyfriend Eric Shimp would be putting it lightly. They were breezing through finals, getting an A and rave reviews on the script the co-wrote for class. She'd quit her job at the strip club and gotten hired at the new restaurant opening up in town. And the biggest part...they were in love. True blue and all of that. She could see it in his eyes and feel it in his touch.

It was the little things as well, like what they were doing at the moment. No classes. No work responsibilities. With an open and free day Eric took Vanessa out for a picnic in a spot he'd picked just outside of town. It was a slightly wooded area. Not quite a forest but not quite a meadow. Somewhere in between. It was however located next to a little spring, complete with a water fall. The smell of nature, just on the cusp of the summer made the day even more romantic. And it was pretty heavily romantic, as he'd catered their little lunch with food from Vanessa's favorite vegan eatery. It was all for her to celebrate their recent successes.

“This...this is perfect baby,” Vanessa said, soaking in the sunshine and sipping on her seltzer, also provided by Eric. “Thank you. The perfect end to the semester. Made even better because of who I met.”

“Who'd that be?” Eric said, making a small joke.

“I think you'd like him. He's the most handsome, sweet and level headed person I've ever met...and he's one hell of a lay.”

“Sounds like a keeper.”

“He definitely is.” Vanessa leaned over, giving Eric a gentle kiss. “This spot is really beautiful babe. How'd you even find it?”

“I like to drive the day after it rains out this way. Everything just smells nice. And there's a unique look to the sky most of the time. Both bright and overcast at the same time somehow. Then I'll walk around...just kind of happened on it. It turned out to be the perfect quiet spot too.”

“it is very serene.” Vanessa agreed. “Want to take a closer look at the spring?”

“Sure.” Eric got up first, reaching out for Vanessa's hand before they both went to the spring. The water was crystal clear, the couple easily seeing their reflection in the water, albeit a little rippled from the tiny waterfall just above. The plants that surrounded it all sprouted beautiful flowers of all different colors surrounded by lush green leaves and grass.

“Wow,” Vanessa said. “The water looks so clean. You ever gotten in?”

“Well, no, not really. I just kind of look at it.”

“Well, in that case,” Vanessa said, taking off her t-shirt. “Want to?”

“Well, um...isn't it kind of...out in the open? Besides, I didn't bring a swimsuit.”

“Neither did I,” Vanessa said with a wink, removing her bra as well. “Besides, this is actually a lot less public than the place where we first had sex. And also, probably a lot cleaner. I'd actually feel comfortable scanning this place with a black light.”

Vanessa continued to strip down until she was bare to the world. She put one foot in the spring before she turned back to Eric. “Come on, you're not going to make me do this solo, are you?”

One look at that face, as well as the rest of Vanessa's perfect body, led Eric to the only answer that made sense to give her. Soon he was stripped down and in the spring with her.

“This is really nice, isn't it babe?” Vanessa said, wading in the crystal-clear water. “So close to nature. Nothing between us and it.”

“It's definitely something,” he said, watching Vanessa's beautiful body get slick with the water. It was making him really hot, a state that Vanessa easily noticed due to the magic of nudity,

“That it is,” Vanessa said, her eyes on his cock going from six to midnight in the spring. She waded over to him, kissing him while grasping his cock once he was in range. “You feel like really celebrating things baby?”

“I think you're convincing me.” Eric replied with a smile. The pair then kissed again, embracing each other tight. Vanessa backed him on the stone edge. Eric got the picture, sitting on it while Vanessa got between his legs.

She looked up at him before submerging a bit more in the water. Her nails lightly raked his legs while she kissed his thighs, working up to his cock. Still hands free, Vanessa rubbed her cheeks against his hardness, the head even brushing against her lips.

Her eyes connected to his one more time before she took the head between her lips, giving it a loving French kiss, heavy on the tongue. Eric moaned, the green light for Vanessa to take him in deeper. She wasn't looking to make him cum, not yet at least, she just wanted to drive him wild so when the time came, they'd both be seeing stars.

Eric found himself ready for countdown as Vanessa took more of him in her mouth. The sweet and soft sucking and the skillful caresses and licks of her tongue were putting him on the highway to heaven. And of course, looking down to see the most beautiful face on Earth in his summation doing this to him just made it all the better.

Just when Eric thought things couldn't get better, Vanessa's mouth departed from his dick. She moved back from him to, but her eyes beckoned him to follow her. He waded back into the spring, moving towards Vanessa as she moved towards the waterfall. Every step he made towards her, she stepped back until she had gone underneath the tumbling water, backing up against the wall of stone behind her.

Eric soon walked through the falling water, his prize waiting for him. Once more the loving couple embraced, though this time Eric picked up Vanessa, holding her amazing ass in his hands as he softly pinned her against the wall. Now the moment was his to seize.

It was Vanessa's turn to moan out his name as her entered her. It fit like a glove and always had. Eric wasn’t the first man she'd been with like she was the first woman for him...but she had never been with someone who fit ever part of her, and not just physically. That made every movement inside her feel so much more. More pleasureful, more tender, more loving. It was just plain better.

“Yes...oh yes baby,” Vanessa softly cried out. She nibbled his ear lobe while her arms and legs squeezed him tighter. His thrust got deeper, slowing himself down a bit just to experience her even longer. Ever kiss from her lips to her shoulder was sweet and tender. He needed her to know with every movement of his lovemaking how he felt about her.

With Vanessa holding on tight, Eric held and moved her from under the cascading watered to another edge to the spring. It was the perfect height for him to set her down and keep good footing below the clear water.

With his footing secured, Eric resumed his movements, though now with Vanessa in a bit more of a comfortable position for them both he could sample more of what his loving girlfriend had to offer.

Vanessa cooed, leaned back and offered up her supple tits to her man, every loving kiss and lick combining with his skilled thrusts inside her to push her closer and closer to her end. He knew her body so well at this point. All the right spots and all the right moves made her putty in his hands when Eric wanted to do it...and he very much wanted to right now.

But he was also taking his time. Any worry about being caught melted away as they melted into each other. Making each other feel good was the only thing that mattered in the moment, and it was a moment both wanted to last beyond reason.

Still, that didn't mean Vanessa couldn't throw a little gasoline on the fire. She rose her head up and brought her hand to Eric's facing, making sure he was looking at her.

“Doing me so good baby,” she said. “Always make me feel like a queen...mmmm right there honey...”

“Fuck...Vanessa...you are my queen baby,” Eric grunt, kissing her breasts.

“Mmm make your queen cum baby...mmmm yeah baby....” Vanessa leaned all the way back, framing herself on the green grass, highlighted by a smattering of flowers. The vision of Vanessa made Eric begin to move in her harder, the water he was in beginning to splash. His hands roamed her body, one sticking below the equator and the other moving all the way of her body. Her massaged her tits and caressed her face, Vanessa sucking on his fingers n between gasps and moans.

Meanwhile below the proverbial belt Eric played with her clit, making Vanessa's back arch from the contact. The two were careening towards an explosion of their passion, and both were urging the other on. Eric took a more subtle approach with his words.

“Oh my god...you're perfect...fuck Vanessa...baby I fucking love you so much...oh my god baby I love you!”

His words warmed her heart and made the lust in her burn brighter and bright with every sweet word the fell from his mouth. Her words however, were a bit more direct.

“Give it to me...just that baby,” Vanessa said, tender moans turning into savage growls. “Oh god yes...give me that perfect cock...oh my god yes...cum in me...cum for me and I'll do it for you...oh God cum with me baby...fill me...fill me!”

It was the twilight of their current tryst. Eric rose a bit out of the water, now completely on top of his love. The two were totally entwined with each other. Flesh to flesh, gaze to gaze, both rushing towards a shared crescendo.

“Vanessa!” Eric cried out before planting his lips on her, pumping her pussy full of his seed as the both moaned in unison. The first hot splash of his cum inside her set Vanessa off as well, the two tumbling into a sea of pleasure together, melding into one for what seemed like an age. When they both came back to Earth, Eric rolled off of Vanessa, lying next to her in the sun, basking the in the afterglow. 

It was easily the best picnic either had ever had.


After a long day of work and classes and a brief respite interrupted by her prolonged break-up with someone who was most likely the love of her life, Camila was tapped out. She was finally ready to relax. Nothing was getting in her way.

She was in her sweats, on her couch, streaming some of her favorite junk food TV and all topped with a big bowl of instant ramen. Nothing was going to derail her relaxation plans. How could anything else do it.

Right when she was about to take that first bite, Lili came in, and just one look at the blonde's face as she was heading towards her told Camila that yes, her plans for relaxation were once more torpedoed.

“I need to talk to you,” Lili said, her voice simply adding to the distress on her face. “It's urgent.”

“Yeah, I figured,” Camila sighed, setting her food down on the coffee table in front of her. “If I was standing up would you tell me I need to sit down?”


“Okay. Maybe you should sit down as well.”

“Can't...trust me.”

“Okay,” Camila said any traces of cool she had left in her fading the moment she saw how concerned and angry. “What's wrong.”

“Okay...so...remember how I told you if I knew anything about what's going on with Hailee, I'd tell you?”


“Okay...so...I know something.”

With those words, the floodgates opened and Lili spilled everything she'd found out. As Camila listened, her face of concern slowly morphed into a level of rage Lili hadn't seen since the Jake Incident. Lili could have sworn she even saw the brunette's hands, now clasped into fists, shaking.

When Lili was done, she waited for the anger she could see on Camila's face explode like a nuke. Instead, she saw her calmly reach for a hair tie on the coffee table and tie her long dark hair back. Then Cami got up from the couch.

“Cami, where are you going?” Lili asked.

“My room,” Cami said. “I'm going to get some of the weed Sabrina gave me, smoke every bit of it and see if it calms me down just enough to the point I don't go down to that apartment RIGHT NOW to kick the shit out of that cheating bitch!”

“Cami, slow down,” Lili said. “I know you're angry. And I get it. I'm...I'm angry too. I'm furious honestly. How am I supposed too not be?”

Lili flopped down one the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “I hate having to cover for her on this. I hate that she put me in this position. She KNOWS what I went through. Now I'm covering for a cheater. And Peter...I really hate doing this to him. He's...he's a real friend, you know? Not just because I'm friends with you and his girlfriend. Or soon to be ex. He was really, really there for me after what happened. And not just with Spring break. It's not even weird. You know, because of the threesome thing. He's just...he's really sweet and I feel like I'm stabbing him in the back by doing this but I also want to give Hailee the benefit of the doubt that she'll tell him...either way I feel like I'm being...you know, just awful.”

Camila took a breath then went over to the couch. She lifted up Lili's legs, took a seat, and let them fall back on her lap. 

“Look, Lils, you're in a tough spot. And I'm not going to make it worse. So…I'm keeping my mouth shut too. But if Peter asks me...I'm going to tell him.”

“So will I.” Lili said. “I said as much to Hailee.”


“Yeah. I'll cover for her but I won't lie for her. Not about this and not to someone who's really helped me through a tough time. I'm not built like that.”

“I know you're not,” Cami said, grasping on to Lili's hand. “You wouldn't be my sister from another mister if you were.”


“You know what?” Cami asked.

“What?” Lili asked in response.

“I think we could both use some of Sabrina's magic herb,” Cami observed.

“Oh GOD yes,” Lili agreed. “Where does she get it from anyway?”

“Some guy she calls Gandalf. But I think his real name is Tim. Has a wizard beard though.”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:24:08 PM
While a lot of things had indeed changed in Bella's business with her desire for expansion, most things stayed the same. Including Matt's taking new hires for a test drive, especially in their specialties.

While he'd had a surprising amount of fun with Victoria, despite their earlier difference, a shared love for anal sex squashed that beef. And now he was awaiting another new recruit Kelli Berglund had found. A wonderfully busty blonde by the name of Natalie Alyn Lind.

She was a cheerleader at the school, on a scholarship no less. She didn't really need the money, at least from a financial standpoint. From a sexual standpoint, from how Kelli told it, it was a definite need. Some women just got off on the idea of being a whore. A prostitute. And while Matt didn't exactly love the word “whore”, except for with the Dove just because of how much she LOVED the term, if that was what got the woman off who was he to judge?

Natalie was one of those women by all reports, and in just three weeks on the job she'd proven insanely popular among clients both old and new. Sure, some of it was her winning personality, her voracious sexual appetite and yes, her being a cheerleader. And a lot of it was her tits. Natalie had an amazing body all around, but her tits were the things of dreams to some men, Matt included. She could probably pay for her tuition three times over based on her titjobs alone.

Which was what Matt was going to be testing out. He'd have time for the rest of her body later on down the line, but even her couldn't resist the draw of her d-cups. He was already hard awaiting her arrival.

The knock at the office door, or the room he used for an office in Bella's place, signaled Natalie's arrival.

“Come in,” he said, and she did. To say she looked gorgeous would be underselling it. She was dolled up perfectly in tight fitting jeans and top that more resembled something from Victoria's secret than a t-shirt from Target. Denim and black lace, a lovely and lethal combination as it turned out.

“Mr. Nelson, I presume,” The bombshell said, taking her first steps inside.

“You presume correct.” Matt replied. With that confirmation, Natalie entered completely. “You are certainly quite the looker Ms. Lind.”

“Thanks,” she said. “And please, make it Natalie. I'm not much for the domme stuff.”

“You got it Natalie.” Matt got up from the behind the desk and stood up. “I guess you know why you're here.”

“Of course. One of the bosses wants a sample. And I'm more than happy to show you the goods I sell.”

“Well then by all means, show me.”

Natalie nodded with a smirk and pulled her top down, exposing her fantastic funbags to Matt. They were indeed something to behold. He hadn't ever seen quite so perfect a set of tits. Perfect shape, wonderful pointy pink nipples and just the right amount of hang. 

He approached her, eager for a more close-up inspection of her melons. “May I?” He asked once he got close enough to touch.”

“By all means,” Natalie urged. “They're not just there for show.”

Matt's hands held her tits. They were easily more than a handful but just the right size to play with. They were also much more than a mouth full, but that didn't prevent the law students from bringing his mouth to the party.

“Ohhhh yeah,” Natalie said, her tone absolutely giddy. “Suck my titties...mmm just like that...fuck that's good....”

Matt was a bit surprised; he'd barely gotten started on her breasts as she was already quivering. Either she was going over the top in performance or she was genuinely getting turned on. Given the reputation she had among her loyal customers, Matt was going to side with the latter.

“Someone likes having their titties played with,” Matt said.

“Mmm hmm,” Nat moaned. “My favorite asset is my favorite weakness. Funny...fuck...how it goes.”

“How would those tits love a bit more attention?” Matt knowingly asked.

“Guess it makes sense for one the bosses to know my M.O., huh?” Natalie cheekily replied. “To be blunt, I'd love it if you fucked my tits. Again, not just for decoration.”

“Excellent. Lay on the couch.” Matt gestured towards the large couch in the corner of Bella's office. Big enough for two people to comfortable lay on. Needless to say, he, Bella and Dove had gotten a lot of mileage out of this superior sofa.

“Of course,” Natalie said. “Wishes, commands and all that.” The busty blonde made her way over to the couch, Matt close behind and undoing his pants. By the time Natalie had gotten on the couch and laid back, his pants were long gone and his raging hard-on was ready to go.

“Nice,” Natalie said. “And I'm not just saying that because you're the boss Mr. Nelson...that is one nice piece of meat you're packing.”

“Thanks,” Matt said as he straddled her. He pawed those magnificent breasts one more time before prepping his pipe for contact.

“Not to tell you how to use that thing,” Natalie said. “But what ae you waiting for? Fuck these titties.”

Matt LOVED hearing invites like that. That's why these girls were pros. They knew what to do with everything, body and words. Natalie doubled down on her request, pushing those full funbags together. 

Matt was just about ready to dive in, but his cock was dry, and that wouldn't make for the fun kind of friction. Fortunately, Bella's business meant a lot of lube was handing. A quick reach over to a nearby lampstand handled that issue. He squirted a dollop of clear gel on to her tits and Natalie eager spread it around, making those boobs nice and slick. The table now completely set, Matt's dick dived into her cleavages, Natalie instantly pressing the melons around him.

“Oh wow,” Matt said. “Damn.”

“Feels good huh baby?” Natalie said. “These fat fucking tits jacking your cock off...making you want to cum…tell me how good it feels!”

“Shit! It's so damn good!” Matt said. And he wasn't lying. This girl knew how to use her assets to make fucking those breasts next level. Jacking him with them, her searing words and her blazing eyes making it all feel so much better. He was surprised her was already so close.

But it wasn't just the flesh...it was the view as well. Not just those blazing brown eyes, but those titis, shiny from the lube and his cock peeking out at the very top with every mind-blowing thrust. Her nipples hard enough to cut glass and her face lustful enough to topple empires.

“Fuck, I can feel you throbbing,” Natalie groaned. “That's so hot...nothing...NOTHING better than a hard, throbbing cock between my titties...except when it cums...that's the best. That hot, white man magma, covering them. Mmm lets me know I did a good job. And it tastes so yummy too. You got some for me, dontcha? Some hot, gooey cum…some frosting just for me?”

“Oh...oh fuck...oh Natalie...” Matt groaned, his thrusts getting quicker, more erratic.

“I'll take that as a yes,” she said with a wicked giggle. “Don't hold back...come on...this is all for you...and a little for me to be honest. Give me that cum. Give. Me. That. Cum!”

Matt looked down again, forcing his eyelids open in a Herculean effort, looked down at Natalie. The brown-eyed beauty's face was total lust. She might as well have been Aphrodite with how purely sexual it was. A sneer, eyes still ablaze and sticking her tongue out, flicking it at him and begging for his cum without saying a word. That combined with her words and the lovely visual and tactile sensation of her lovely tits around his pole was going to make this all end in record time for him.

“Oh FUCK!” Matt said, his thrusting stopping as his cock erupted.

“YES!” Natalie shouted with genuine glee. “Every drop baby! All of it!”

Matt was happy to give Natalie just what she asked for, his first shot from between her colossal cleavage leaving a gooey streak across her face. A small pool of jizz formed on her neck from the next few shots. He then pulled his cock from the valley of flesh to jerk out the rest of his cum into a white glaze one her globes before falling back on the couch. He was of course able to lift himself up enough to watch Natalie make a show of cleaning his cum up, slowing every stream down as it was scooped up with her fingers.

“That was FUN,” Natalie said with another giggle, this time a bit sweeter. “Can't wait for round two Mr. Nelson.”

“Me neither.” he replied, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Those are magnificent tits...but you have so many more magnificent things to peruse.”

“Thank you. Mind if I use the shower?”

“Of course,” he said. “Down the main hall to the right. Oh, and Natalie?”


“Next time, bring the cheerleader outfit.”

“Of course.” Natalie winked at him then headed out towards the shower, a superstar employee in the making. Matt laid back and sighed. Bella may have been gone for the time being, but the job was still a lot of fun.

“All right people, we're two days away from opening,” Madelaine said. It'd been one week since Elisha hired her, and in that time, she'd trained a full staff of servers and bussers on limited time. And now was the time for the big pep talk to get them psyched.

They were all in front of her, sitting at the tables while she stood at the bar, Selena to her right as her head server and Jesse behind the bar. He'd gotten hired as a bartender. It turned out flair bartending as one of his skills on his resume. As long as he was there with her, Madelaine felt secure.

“I know we've had a short amount of time to get ready,” Madelaine said. “We've had to crunch. We've had to really work hard to get into the groove. And the good news is, I think we've done it. In fact, I know we have. We're going to do great. But we won't be perfect. And that's okay. We're a new restaurant and a new staff just learning to work together. Here's something though most managers won't tell you; no restaurant is perfect. Not by a long shot. Every night mistakes are made. The goal is never to be perfect. The goal is to be great. And part of being great is owning up to the mistakes you'll make and trying your best to fix them. And we've done an amazing job of that. Some of you are around my age, so I know you've done this while contending with finals. It's not easy. So, that why we're here, today. This is not a training day. This is a fun day. Our wonderful cooking staff which our illustrious restaurant owner Elisha has trained, has made us a small feast of all our menu items. So, when I'm done yapping, feel free to dig in, converse, and please thank them for the effort they put into this for us. We're a team, so let's treat each other as such. So, on that note, have at it. Oh, and table on the left is all our vegan options. The avocado fries are superb, if my opinion holds any weight.”

The workers went to the food and began to dig in. Selena and Jesse stayed back with Madelaine for a bit.

“Did that sound okay?” Madelaine asked them both, taking a seat at the bar. “Was I too wordy? Too corny?”

“Babe, you were great,” Jesse said, caressing her hand. “Amazing even.”

“Jesse's right,” Selena agreed. “You're made for this Mads. We're going to kill on Friday. We're a machine.”

“Thanks, you guys,” Madelaine said. “It's just...this isn't Knockers, thank god, but still...it's a bigger deal. My knees are kind of shaky. I can't screw this up.”

“Well, how about you scarf down one of those veggie burgers to numb those nerves?” Jesse suggested. I'll join you with some wings.

“Sounds great,” Madelaine said, leaning over and giving her man a sweet kiss. Just as Madelaine turned to get up from the barstool, she was faced with one of the servers. It was a person she'd hired, Vanessa Morgan. “HI Vanessa, did you have a question?”

“No,” Vanessa said. “Just wanted to thank you for this opportunity. Especially considering my old job.”

“Oh, no problem.” Madelaine answered. “Honestly, your old job was why I decided to give you the thumbs up.”

“Really? Why's that?”

“Vanessa, as a stripper you wore what, ten-inch heels and swirled around on a steel pole?”

“Well, more like nine inches but yeah.” Vanessa answered.

“Well, if you can do that and maintain perfect balance then holding trays of food should be a breeze. Besides, that's a people job. And if you can deal with some of those more...abrasive customers then you can deal with anything a place like this can throw at you.”


“No problem,” Madelaine said. “Now, dig and enjoy the food. Today is for us. Tomorrow, we really prep for opening.”

“Cool. Thanks again though. Really.” With that Vanessa went back to the mass of workers, conversing, eating and laughing. The very sight made Madelaine smile wide. Then she felt Jesse's hand on her shoulder and a kiss from him on her cheek.

“Selena's right. You are made for this. Feels good, huh?”

“Feels amazing...and you being here makes it even better.”

“You know what's going to push it over the top?” Jesse asked.


“Some of those chipotle BBQ vegan wings.”

“When you're right, you're right.” Madelaine agreed as the pair headed towards the tables of food. For the first time in a long time, everything felt right to her, even the pressure. This was the first step for everything that would come next.


The office was filled with the sounds of hushed grunts, groans and moans. Hailee could barely contain herself. She was on George’s desk, her blouse open, breasts out, leg's spread and George's cock deep inside of her.

Neither could get as loud as they were in the middle of the work day, just before lunch. That always meant it was busy with people trying to get as much stuff done to have a stress-free lunch hour. But they just couldn't contain themselves. It was the draw of maybe getting caught. That was a weakness Hailee had even with Peter, and it was one George found very appealing as well.

“George...mmm yeah...right there,” Hailee whisper-growled. She was leaning back letting George completely set the pace. “Oh yessssssss...mmmm please make me cum...”

George replied with a caveman grin, increasing his pace inside of Hailee's heavenly pussy. The only thing on her mind was pleasure. Nothing more. Just the moment. Not any loyalties or promises made. Those were nowhere to be found when she was feeling this hot, with George's cock hitting every sweet spot she had and her eyes constantly at the door, staring at the knob to see if it would turn.

The sex-crazed pair weren't crazy. The blinds were down...but the door was not locked. Otherwise, what fun would that be?

“Tell me what you want,” George said, giving Hailee a few hard pumps as he awaited her answer. “Tell me what you need.”

“I…ahhh...I need your cock,” she managed to get out, her voice just as hazy as her face. “I…oh god I need your cum!”

“That's a girl,” he said, sealing their secret tryst with a kiss. Hailee laid all the way back on the desk now, papers and pens rolling to the carpeted floor while her legs went up, rest on his shoulders and letting George drive into her deep, drive all the way home.

“Cum for me baby,” he demanded. “Cum…I want to see how good this cock makes you feel.”

“Oh...mmm fuck yes...so close...oh my....” Hailee's eyes began to flutter along with her heart. She was closer and getting close as George moved faster inside her. It'd be a losing battle if she was fighting at all. Instead, she willingly gave herself over to the pleasure.

She bit her lips, trying as hard as she could to suppress the cries of passion that were demanding to be freed. It was like trying to contain and nuclear explosion with a trashcan lid.

“Yesss!” She said, not exactly quietly but far from the scream that was begging to be released. Either way it was a signal of her orgasm, alongside the much more obvious feeling of her cunt spasming around George's cock. Of course, all these stimuli were just the right combination to send him off the deep end as well.

“Yeah, cum for me baby,” he grunted, thrusting a few more times, all his willpower focused on not blowing inside of her. “You want my cum baby? Still want it?”

“Oh yes...mmm please,” Hailee said, more than a little dick drunk and still in the lovely fog of orgasmic pleasure. She slid off the desk onto her knees when George pulled out of her. Her mouth was open and her tongue out. She knew the drill...and she loved it.

“Oh yeah...just like that baby,” George said, sweating bullet as he beat his cock, aiming it right at Hailee's tongue. “Right on your tongue...gonna shoot...right...on that...NNGGGGG!!!”

Hailee moaned when the first rope of jism hit her outstretched tongue. Most of his hot man magma landed on her tongue, but a few stray shots got on her face. Hailee didn't care. It was all such a turn on that it didn't matter in the moment. And for George, he was just loving the picture he was painting. 

“Don't swallow it yet,” he said. “Play with it.”

Hailee did as he asked, rolling the jism around her tongue for a few seconds before swallowing it with a big gulp then opening her mouth to show off its emptiness.

“Good girl,” he said before slumping back down in his seat. “I don't know about you, but I'm ready for lunch.”

“I could definitely eat,” Hailee said dreamily. She got back to her feet and grabbed her panties from the rug, sliding them back on and buttoning her bouse back up. “But I have to get to class. Finals.”

“Oh, I still have vivid memories of that,” George said. “We still on for Friday night?”

“Definitely. But, until then, see you around the office.” 

Hailee exited George's office and looked around. The coast was clear. The leggy brunette then noticed that there was still a bit of cum around her lips. She quickly wiped it away with her finger, sucking it down before leaving the office.

Hailee however did not notice everything. She did not notice Camila just around the corner who saw her little exit. But if she had seen Cami, she would have seen a face of anger like none she'd ever seen before.


“I'm pretty sure we're definitely going to be getting a lot of questions about the deeper meaning behind the kaiju stuff,” Peter said, going over his class notes with Lili. They were seated at their usual table. There wasn't the usual crowd. Camila and Hailee were still at their job, and the same was true of Madelaine and Selena as well. Right now, it was just the two of them.

“What about Japanese ghost stories?” Lili asked, her seat very close to Peter's as they looked over their shared notes. “I know that was more midterm stuff but still, it's still being peppered throughout the class.”

“Maybe a few, like an extra credit thing but I can't see it being as big. At least not the ancient stories. More modern folklore we have to be on the lookout for.”

“Agreed.” The pair didn't realize how close their heads were, their faces were to each other until they looked up from their notes. “Sorry,” Lili said. “Little too close for comfort.”

“I don't know,” Peter said, the words just falling out of his mouth. “I'm not uncomfortable at all.”

“Me neither,” Lili admitted. When she realized what she was admitting to, she quickly changed the subject. “So, remember that game we were talking about last week at lunch? The Gamecube one?”

“Yeah, Eternal Darkness. What about it?”

“Well, I called my mom...and she said she and my dad were cleaning out the garage and found of box of some of my old games...and look what they sent me.”

Lili smiled wide when she reached into her backpack, showing the very same game off.

“Awesome!” Peter said. “When are we playing it?”

“Ooh, someone's eager,” the blonde jokingly teased. “I'll tell you what, next week I'm doing some overnight inventory and I'm going to need some company to stay sane. Swing by the store. We'll play the game a bit and watch the characters go insane instead of me.”

“Awesome. Me and Hailee will be there.”

“Yeah, Hailee,” Lili said, her voice trailing off at the mention of her long-time friend's name. “Has she...talked to you lately?”

“About what?” he asked. That froze Lili for a moment. She hadn't thought about the line of questioning this far through. Hell, didn't even really know why she asked the question.

“Well, it's just that you guys have seemed...off a bit and I was wondering if things were okay.”

“It's that obvious?” Peter asked. “I don't know. I'm just going to chalk it up to everyone being tense of the end of the semester and that's the issue. But we haven't had any real conversations aside from good morning, see you later, and the most frequent one “I have to take this call.”

Again, Lili was left speechless. She was disappointed, deeply disappointed in Hailee for not following through. It made Lili want to tell him what she knew...but she also didn't feel right about breaking her promise. Her resolve on that however was fading quicker and quicker. Before it could fade completely, Camila joined the club, still in her office clothes and with a dour look on her face that Peter instantly picked up on before the lovely brunette could start in on her lunch.

“What's wrong” he asked. And Camila couldn't answer, at least not honestly. Which infuriated her after what she saw at the office. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so angry. However, she wasn't showing it, at least not too much.

“Nothing Petey dear,” Cami said. “I'm fine.”

“You don't sound fine. You sure everything is okay?”

Cami gave him a smile after flashing a quick but knowing look to Lili that she hoped he didn't pick up. Time to cover for someone she didn't think was worth it.

“Peter, I'm fine. Aside from still reeling a bit from Jose, I'm fine. Just...shit day at the office combined with a couple final exams today.”

“Okay...but if that changes, let me know.”

“You got it.” Cami replied.

“I'm going to grab some dessert then,” Peter said. “You guys want anything?”

“I would kill for one of the brownies. I don't know what it is about this place but those are the best brownies I've ever had that aren't home made.”

“I think I'm going to finish off this grilled cheese before I even consider anything sugary,” Cami said.

“So, one brownie and…whatever I'm getting,” Peter said. “Be right back.”

Lili had a smile on her face as she watched him walk away. Cami picked up on it, but it quickly faded when memories of what she observed not even an hour ago came back to the forefront of her mind.

“We need to talk,” she said to Lili. “Now.”

“Oh no,” Lili said, her smile fading. “What happened?”

“I'm guessing Hailee didn't tell Peter about her wandering vagina,” Cami said. “Or if she did, she's still fucking George because that's what I caught the tail end of as she wiped her lips clean of him when she left his office.”

“Goddamn it!” Lili said, trying to keep her voice contained. It barely worked. “I knew it! I fucking knew it. Damn it.”

“You're taking this a lot worse than I thought you would,” Cami said.

“I trusted her! I trusted her to do the right thing and she lies to me! I've known her since kindergarten and she lies to me like this. And has me lie for her...I can't keep doing this.”

“Join the club.” Cami replied. “She has until this Saturday in my books. I won't do it past that point. I didn't make a promise to her. I made one to you. And frankly if you’re gonna crack I'll be happy to do it first and take the heat off of you.”

“You know what? Fine. I wash my hands of it. I'm not doing any more covering up. I feel awful about it.”

“About what?” a new voice said. And that voice belonged to Madelaine, fresh from her little getting to know you party at The Pit.

“Some extremely stressful bullshit,” Cami said as Madelaine stood behind her. “Joining us for lunch?”

“Nope, just came by to post some flyers for the restaurant opening. Last minute push to spread the word and all that.  I also have something for the both of you.”

Madelaine handed the pair three envelopes.

“Invites to the grand opening,” Madelaine said answering the question the two were about to ask. “Cami, your extra one is for your friend. He's nice. I like him and he gave Jesse his first acting gig. So, he gets in too.”

“Thanks, Mads,” Cami said. She then looked at the invite within the envelope. “7:00 on Friday?”

“Correct. Personally, I'd show up a bit earlier. I can guarantee you a table but I can't guarantee you'll be rushed through a long line. I can also guarantee you our best server, Selena.”

“That guarantees us a personal touch,” Lili said.

“And she does have an amazing one at that,” Madelaine said with a flirtatious smile. “Well, lovely seeing you ladies as always, but I do have to get these flyers up and make it to my statistics final.”

“See ya Mads,” Cami said. Lili gave her farewell soon after. “Well, looks like we have plans for Friday. And me without a plus one. You bringing Ashley?”

“Probably.” Lili answered. “And Peter's probably bringing Hailee...I don't know if I can't keep quiet.”

“Neither can I. Fortunately, that why God invented whisky.”

“Cami, alcohol makes you super talkative. I've seen it.”

“Oh yeah...this is going to be a challenge.”


The days leading up to this moment for Norman both seemed to breeze by and take forever all at the same time, but the day was finally here and it was set to be one of the single best Thursdays in the history of calendars.

He still couldn't quite believe what was happening. Not just that one of the single hottest women he'd ever seen with an ass that was so perfect calling it perfect was an understatement wanted to fuck him...but that his girlfriend, the single most perfect match for himself he'd ever known wasn't only fine with it, she wanted details afterwards.

And here he was, outside Jennifer Lopez's front door, psyching himself up knock, somewhat worried that the moment she answered the door he'd wake up and this whole thing would have been a dream. If it was a dream, it seemed to be becoming reality with every passing second. Norman knocked on the door and in moments Jennifer answered the door, wearing nothing but a small robe. One tug of the belt and he'd see everything. He liked what he saw and Jennifer knew it.

“Right on time,” she said.

“Can you blame me?” Norman replied.

“Honestly? Not for a second. Come in.” Norman passed through and with the click of the front door's lock Jennifer dropped her robe. She cleared her throat, getting him to turn to look and then drop his jaw at all the nude, curvy goodness.

“Holeee shit,” Norman said.

“Well, not exactly smooth but I do appreciate the honesty,” Jennifer said. “Let's get to the bed room.”

“You, don't want to have a like a drink or something first?”

“No. Do you?”


“Then, like I said, bedroom.” Jennifer gestured down the hall and Norman shrugged and followed. Jennifer opened the door at the end of the hallway, allowing Norman into her chambers.

The bedroom screamed comfort. A bed that pushed the boundaries of king-size, covered in pillows and blankets in black and red. The darker colors matched the rest of the room. It wasn't quite dour, there was some life to it all. Elegant was more of the proper word...with a little something wild underneath.

While Norman absorbed this in, Jennifer leaned again the bedroom door, imagining just how she was going to wreck this computer science student. He did after all do his job with flying colors. He deserved something a bit more than the greenbacks he received and lot more than just an orgasm. Again, she was going to wreck him.

“Clothes off,” she said. “This is going to be kind of hard if I'm the only one naked.”

“Point taken.” In what had to be a land speed record his clothes were shed and Jennifer liked what she saw. Judging by the heat he was packing they were both about to be devastated in the most fun ways imaginable.

“Sit on the bed,” Jennifer ordered and Norman obeyed happily. Usually what was on Jennifer's mind would just be a formality, but her mouth was absolutely watering at the sight of his cock. It was the blueprint of penile perfection in her eyes. She was going to have that wonderful rod in every way she could think of...but first she had a bit of a hunger she needed to sate.

Norman watched, grinning like a hyena as the luscious Latina got on all fours and began to crawl towards him. Any disbelief he had been feeling earlier was replaced by eagerness, eagerness that grew as she made her way to him inch by wonderful inch.

His eyes darted from J.Lo's face to her wonderful rump, thoughts of the possibilities making his very ready rod twitch in excitement. And that sight gave Jennifer her own animalistic grin.

She ran her fingers up his calves and over his thighs, teasing yet not wasting time in getting her hands on that cock. She heard a small moan escape his lips when her warm, soft hands grabbed his cock. Not too tight, not too soft, but just right. She didn't stroke him for too long, but for the amount of time she did, she gave him much more than just her hand.

“This is one hell of a cock you have here Norman,” Jennifer said, stroking his pole. “Not too sound too slutty, but I've seen and had more than a few...and a specimen, believe you me...let's see how it rides though.”

“Oh wow,” Norman gasped when her mouth wrapped around his dick. “Shit.” The dancing diva wasted not even a second working on him, slurping his cock into her mouth and sucking like a Hoover. He leaned back on his arms and soaked it all in, closing his eyes and just letting him feel ever skilled suck and talented twirl of the tongue.

Jennifer wasn't trying to get him off, she was just having fun and she was one of those rare women who saw a blowjob as a fun activity. It wouldn't get her off by any means, but seeing, hearing and feeling what she could do to a man with just her mouth and hands. Softly rubbing and playing with his balls and sensually sucking on his meat was all it took to make Norman clay in her hands.

And the way he looked at her, completely under the spell of her lust as he watched his cock slide in and out of her mouth, going down her throat. It was a thrill and they both knew it was only going to get better from there. Jennifer withdrew her mouth from his dick and straddled him where he sat. She never broke her gaze from Norman's as she reached between them and lined his throbbing dick up with her sopping slit, and when she sunk down on his cock it was the first step on the stairway to heaven.

“Mmm damn Norman,” Jennifer said. “Fits like a glove.”

Norman took a few moments to savor the fresh sensation of Jennifer Lopez's experienced pussy. His hands migrated to her amazing ass. It was predictable but it wasn't like J.Lo could blame him. She’d do the exact same in his position. With his hands firmly gripping a cheek in each hand the two really began, and much like with the blowjob Jennifer saw no reason to start slow. She wanted his cock and she wanted it now.

“Mmm that's it...damn you know how to fuck baby,” Jennifer said “Mmmm...fuck...gimme that good fucking dick!”

She bucked in his lap like she was in a rodeo. Main difference being was Norman had no intention of throwing her off his saddle. Why would he. She used her dancer’s body in all the right way. Grinding and working, swirling her hips and twerking all on his cock. He may have gotten a few thrusts in but there was no mistaking who was in charge at the moment.

“Holy fucking shit!” Norman yelled. “Fucking ride that cock...yeah...yeah Jennifer...FUCK!” He was fortunate to get even get those words out of his mouth, his brain a scrambled haze of words and thoughts jumbled be the intense and erotic pleasure Jennifer was providing.

J.Lo's control became complete when she pressed Norman completely down on the bed. She grabbed his wrists and placed his hands above his head. The message was clear; he couldn't move them until she said so...or was having so much fun she didn't really care anymore. They were playing it by ear...and the passionate music coming from their mouths was nothing short of an aural feast.

Jennifer also gave Norman a visual treat. With him laying back and letting her do all of the work the lucky computer science student had an amazing view of Jennifer's body as she worked his cock like few others could. She was essentially using him as a living breathing sex toy right now, bouncing and grinding on his cock, showing off what Kegels could do.

It was also a show for Jennifer, the passionate Puerto Rican getting hotter and hotter just watching his body react to her perfect pussy. How his hands and arms were tense, wanting desperately to feel her but knowing the time wasn't right yet, the flurry of emotions hitting his face all at once in a swarm of sexual pleasure. It was intoxicating to say the least.

Words were out the window as the moment as the two were strictly in the realm of animal-like fucking, building to a gigantic explosion, but it was too far away and there was one place left that that Norman just had to visit.

Jennifer let out a surprised yelp followed by a sexy laugh when Norman grabbed her hips and rolled them over. He wasn't on top for too long however. He pulled out of her, flipped Jennifer over and pulled her up on to all fours. When she felt his slick, hard rod slap on her round ass she knew what was coming...but she desperately wanted to hear the words from his mouth.

“Gonna fuck your ass Jen,” he said, smacking her ass and watching the ripping. “You want that? A nice young stud's cock up your ass?”

“I fucking live for it baby,” she said, arching her back in a cat like way that accentuated her already amazing ass. “Don't leave me waiting.”

Norman had no such plans for that kind of insanity. He pressed his cock against her starfish, already nice and slick from her pussy. He pressed forward with ease; Jennifer was very familiar with the erotic anal arts. Despite the ease of entry, it was still a wonderfully tight fit.

“Mmm fuck yeah baby,” Jennifer said. “Fuck I love it in the ass...” Jennifer gave him a jolt as she began to push back at him, a clearer sign that she was ready for a good assfuck than anything he'd ever seen before.

His hands went to her shoulders, gripping tight as he began to hammer her ass. Just as when she was riding him, he didn't start slow or sweet and Jennifer loved every moment of it.

“FUCK!” she cried. “Pound it...pound that asshole...oh god make me feel it...make me beg for that fucking cock...FUCK!”

Jennifer's hands gripped her blankets tight, the exquisite anal pounding she was receiving was the perfect way to end this little tryst and more than enough to keep Norman in her little black book at the top of list of her favorite boy toys. His hard, deep strokes, taking it slow and making sure every last inch of his cock was buried in her anus to the hilt. Then his fast and furious pounding and knowing went to mix it up switch it up changing...it all made her moan and squeal with glee. Not enough men, regardless of age, really knew how to fuck a woman's ass and Norman was going to get a nice gold star next to his name.

“Fuck,” was about as complicated a word as Norman could muster at the moment, he was sweating bullets now, drops of his perspiration falling from his brow and hitting J.Lo's bountiful booty, his eyes almost hypnotized by the rippled flesh with every powerful thrust he made. And those thrusts became quicker and harder along with his breath getting shallower and quicker with every desperate gulp of air. He was close to the end and Jennifer wasn't too far off.

“Fuck...Jenn...Jennifer…gonna shoot...fuck I'm gonna cum in your ass!”

“Yeah...mmmm fucking do it,” Jennifer demanded. “Fill that ass up...don't pull out till your balls are fucking empty...fuck yeah...” Jennifer added a bit of weight to her words by squeezing her ass tight around his cock, urging the pulsing prick to explode inside her. “Come on…nothing makes me cum hard than hot man milk up my ass...FUCKING CUM NORMAN!!!”

With a roar that sounded more like something from a caveman than a modern one Norman slammed once more into Jennifer Lopez's ass and flooded her bowels with his cum. Just as she promised, his hot jizz filling her up set her off. As Jennifer came her legs gave out from beneath, making the curvy queen go prone on the bed, making Norman lie directing on top of her, jackhammering his cock into her ass for a few seconds more before finally stopping, totally drained.

J.Lo stayed on her stomach as Norman rolled of her, both of them wrecked by the tryst. Norman couldn't believe what had just happened. And he also couldn't wait to tell Taylor all about it. Who knows what kind of things it could inspire within her...

Wayne was in the elevator ready to get to the room Taylor had told him about. It was noon when he arrived at the Marina hotel and he had followed all of Taylor's directions to a T, including the last one which she texted him about what name to ask for at the front desk and what name to give.

It was fairly simple. He was going to ask for Betty and his name was Nils. Totally superficial but it was the kind of thing he remembered Taylor having an affinity for such subterfuge. Some things just didn't change.

Many things did however, and Wayne was about to find out all Taylor's changes.

It was 12:12 when he arrived at room 1989. He had a few more minutes. When Taylor said 12:13 she meant 12:13. The moment the minute moved over her knocked. After about thirty seconds Taylor answered, crem-colored lingerie on with a matching satin robe.

“Right on time,” Taylor said. 

“I remember punctuality being a turn-on for you,” Wayne said. “Hell of a kink.”

“It's not a kink,” Taylor corrected. “I just like professionalism.”

“Can I come in?”

“Well, it'd be pretty boring if I was doing this all by myself.” Wayne snickered and Taylor held the door open for him. The moment he was in and the door shut, Wayne found himself pressed against the hotel room's wall by Taylor. 

Her full, red lips were mere centimeters away from his while her hand left nothing but the fabric of his pants between his cock and her touch.

“Someone's ready,” she said. “What a coincidence, so am I.”

Wayne tried to get a word in, but Taylor wasn't having it. He wasn't in charge, no matter how much he thought he'd be. That was just made more apparent when Taylor yanked his pants down to his ankles. Any other words that might have escaped his lips were sealed away by Taylor’s lips sealing around his cock. In fact, a loud groan was all he could muster once this blowjob queen began her reign.

One of the most crystal-clear memories Wayne had of his time with Taylor was her oral mastery. She could take her time, bringing him to the heights of ecstasy several times before eruption and take him to the edge in seconds and at the moment she was certainly aiming for the latter it seemed.

Frothy slurping sounds filled the room as Taylor went hands free on his cock, giving him a crash refresher's course in just what he gave up so long ago. He had to admit, no one, not even Katy, could match up to a Tay blowjob no matter the tempo.

The tempo was indeed furious now, Taylor fucking his cock with her mouth at this point. She had a hard grip on his thighs, steadying herself as she forced her head onto his pole time after time. Strings of a saliva drooled from her mouth as the rhythmic squelching sound of her self-face fucking made Wayne throb and Taylor herself sopping wet.

This wasn't Taylor’s usual, sensual styling. It was something rougher, more feral. Still, there were details she remembered Wayne loving such as the light scraping her front teeth against his sensitive head. The moment that happened he shivered a bit. This wasn't a blowjob only event though. Taylor reserved that for men she actually gave a damn about. Only they got the full service suckjob. From Wayne, she expected more and he was going to give it to her. Wayne wasn't aware of this and didn't even try to hold back. The moment Taylor felt even the hint of that familiar throb, she pulled off, smacking his cock with a grin to bring him back to Earth.

“You didn't think it was going to be THAT easy, did you?” Taylor said with a grin, her red lipstick faded and smeared.  She rose up and began to walk towards the full bed in the middle of the hotel room. It was standard, beige all around. A lot better than an interstate motel but not a suite. Not that such a thing was needed. The bed was the key component.

Step by step as Taylor made the short trek to the bed more and more of what little she was wearing came off. By the time she hit the sheets she was totally nude. The leggy blonde laid back on the bed, her eyes set right on Wayne and her legs spread. She stuck her middle finger in her mouth, sucking hard on it before reaching between her legs and inserting it into her pussy.

“What's the holdup Wayne?” Taylor asked. “Or am I just going to have to make myself cum?”

Wayne was not one to leave a naked and horny woman hanging, especially with a taunt like that. He shed the rest of his clothes like snake skin and slithered up between Taylor's legs, his hands gliding from calves to thighs before he was face to face with the blonde seductress. The crown of his scepter was waiting at her gates, waiting to go in.

“Well, what are you waiting for” Taylor asked. “It's not like we're here for conversation.”

Not even a kiss, straight to the action. This was indeed a new Taylor...and Wayne kind of liked it. They both moaned as he pushed himself inside her wet velvet walls with on thrust. He held himself there for a moment, reminiscing in the feeling of being inside his ex once more. Despite what happened between them and the current circumstances of this little rendezvous, he could never deny she was an amazing fuck.

“Come on...fuck me,” Taylor demanded. She wrapped her legs of pure perfection around his waist, pulling him closer to her. “Fuck me Wayne!”

She was certainly more anxious to get started than she’d ever been before. With that last demand made of him, Wayne really got started, driving his desire home inside her perfectly tight cunt.

“Mmmm fuck yessss,” Taylor hissed. “That's what I was waiting for!” She may not have had much is any love Wayne, but dear lord did he know how to use what the good lord had given him. He was not her Norman, not by any stretch. Norman knew every inch of her inside and out and how to make her cum on a dime.

Still, a man with a good cock and full knowledge on how to use it was something to be appreciated given how rare it was in her experience. And with every deep, penetrating stroke Wayne made inside of her Wayne was making this an experience to remember.

“Oh, FUCK yes...yeah Wayne...mmmm baby right there...fucking YES!” Taylor cried. Her arms were writhing, looking for something to grip, some to do as erotic electricity zapped through her body. From gripping the sheets to pressing her palms against the bed's headboard, her movements were becoming chaotic from the masterful woodwork of her lover of the moment. Taylor's mind however was still razor sharp, even in the kaleidoscopic fog of lust.

With her leg’s python-tight around his waist, Taylor managed to flip them both over, Taylor on top and taking the wheel from Wayne.

“My turn,” she said, smiling a cheeky smile with her tongue between her teeth. Wayne braced himself for a hell of a ride as he gripped Taylor's hips. And the moment that contact was made, Taylor's hips got into some serious business.

“Oh shiiiit,” Wayne said, the sweet sauna of Taylor's pussy rising and falling and swirling around his rod. Taylor was giving him everything she had. The blonde had certainly leveled up since their last encounter.

“Perfect pussy isn't it?” Taylor said, placing her hands on either side of Wayne's head and lowering herself down. “Best pussy you ever had and you wanted something more...” Wayne groaned in response and she licked his face. “Admit it Wayne...admit how good this pussy is.”

“Fuck Taylor,” he yelled as she began to work her pussy faster and harder on him. If he wasn't before, he was totally at her mercy as she swirled her pussy around him. “Easily the best fuck!”

“Heh heh, close enough,” she said. She moved her lips to his ears, licking them before starting to whisper. “Here's how it's going to go...I'm going to use your cock to cum…but you don't cum until I say so, got it? And you don't cum inside me. Deal?”

“Ung...fuck,” he said as Taylor began to milk him with her cunt. “Y-yes...fuck...but you're not making it easy.”

“Honey who ever said something good was supposed to be easy?” With that Taylor rose up and leaned back, placing her hand on his knees for leverage as she began to build towards her crescendo.

It was quite a site to see for Wayne. Taylor's body, glistening with sweet as she rode his cock. Her hips gyrating, her long golden locks swaying in the rhythm of her hips. The view of her face in ecstasy and his cock in her pussy. Her darker blonde pubic hair so perfectly trimmed into a triangle. 

His hands moved from her hips up to just under her breasts. She had really filled out and he was loving it. She was sexy before but now...damn. He needed to get more of a taste. He pulled himself up, burying his face in her chest. He licked and kissed at her tits, tasting the flesh and the lust-stained sweat on her body.

The last rush of attention delighted Taylor. It was just more proof he couldn't resist her and she couldn't blame him. Her hands went from Wayne's knees to her shoulder, bracing herself again as she gave him the same treatment, only now much more up close and personal.

“Feel that Wayne?” Taylor said. “That's the feeling of the best fucking pussy you've ever had milking you dry...say it...say this is the finest pussy you've ever had and ever will have!”

“Fuck yes, it is!” Wayne admitted. “Goddamn Tay! Fuck!”

“That's fucking right,” Taylor said, followed with a sound that was somewhere in between a laugh and a moan. Now it was time to use him just enough to get off. She pushed him back down and leaned back again, gripping his legs tight as she was ready to get every single buck out of this bronco.

“Ohhh...oh fuck yeah,” Taylor moaned, almost as if it were a chant. “Gonna cum…right...fuck....right on your cock Wayne...fuuuck...”

Wayne himself was rendered speechless, Taylor's pussy almost going to war on his dick. And she had only one mission in the war and it was very, very close to being accomplished.

“Fuck...fuck...FUCK!!!!” Taylor said, almost leaning all the way back on the bed in an amazing display of flexibility as she came. The blonde moaned loud enough for the entire floor to hear as well as the ones above and below.

The orgasm was intense, it was no Normie special but it was more than enough for Taylor to get her rocks off. And to Wayne's credit, he had managed to weather the storm, his cock somehow not blowing it's top inside the sexy co-ed's cunt while she was in the throes of orgasm. But now he would get his cookie too.

The moment Taylor had some sense of mind left, she leapt off his cock and got between his legs, sucking him up in moments. This was his ending, exploding via Taylor's expert mouth. And if he thought she'd been ravenous before; he hadn't seen anything yet. She was working his with everything, hitting him with so much sensation Wayne could be bothered to remember his name if asked.

“Cum” Taylor demanded, her fist a blur on his dick. “Cum for me...on my face...my tongue...give me the fucking cum I fucking earned!”

“TAYLOR!” He shouted as the first rope zoomed out of his cock and splattered on Taylor face. The blonde harlot moaned in approval as more of his seed spilled out, most of it on her face and the last few streams in her mouth, swallowing all his protein shake with a smile.

As Wayne lay comatose, recovering from his world being rocked, Taylor had already gotten to her feet, recovered and over with the whole affair. She went to her purse and pulled out a red silk scarf. She turned back to Wayne. “You were always good for a twofer.  Still got it in you?  Or are you a one and done chump now?” Taylor asked with a grin.

“Definitely ready to go another round. Big time.” Wayne replied, after a lengthy delay, his brain still playing catchup.

The leggy blonde straddled him, heat radiating off of her hot slit as she pressed his re-energizing cock against it. The wet arousal of her previous orgasm making him slick as she rubbed back and forth. 

“Hands up,” Taylor ordered. Wayne obeyed in an instant, before he’d even realized what he’d done, bringing his hands to the headboard only to have them swiftly and expertly tied up. “Can't get, loose can you?”

Wayne tugged.  Then he tugged harder.  He was truly and surely stuck in place, his cock stiff as a board from it all. “Not a bit.”

“Wonderful.” Taylor said as she climbed off of him and walked to the pile of clothing, they'd thrown off themselves. She gathered up his clothes and tossed them to him on the bed.

“We're done here,” she said to a very surprised Wayne as he watched Taylor get redressed.

“Don't we have some other business?” Wayne asked, reminding her of their agreement. “Besides, you're not really going to leave me like this, are you?”  His tone was joking.  Surely, she was as well.

“Oh right,” Taylor said with a sarcastic smile. “Your little party. I did say I'd think about it. And I thought about it. The answer is no. You'll have to wait. Just like you'll have to wait for the cleaning staff to help you out with that scarf.”

“But Taylor...”

“But what? You really going to complain about what just happened? I considered your offer, and I'm saying no. Now get comfortable, you're going to be here for a couple hours.”

“Our deal...”

“Has been fulfilled,” Taylor said. “And it was fun. Now fun time is over. And I do have to get back on campus. Its finals don't you know.”

“Taylor!  Hey Taylor!  Come on!  Are you serious?”  He yelled, beginning to think this maybe wasn’t a joke. 
“A pleasure doing business with you Wayne,” Taylor said as she slid her shoes back on. “But don't call me, I'll call you. Well, I probably won't. Anyway, have fun. And be sure to tip the maid.”

With that Taylor left him, tied to the bed with a throbbing hardon and with no real way out except to wait for the maid. Hardly the way he saw things going.  He would have liked to say he couldn't believe it, but deep down, past the showy bravado, that'd be a lie. This kind of thing is what drew him to Taylor in the first place. She never was one to be trifled with. And as he heard the hotel room door click shut, he realized he probably should have seen something like this coming.  Tugging at his restraints again, he twisting and wriggled, but to no avail. 

Still, not an entirely wasted lunch break.


Lili didn't really know why Ashley had told her it was urgent to meet her at the singer's loft apartment mid-day on Thursday. It wasn't inconvenient. She didn't have another class until 5 P.M. And no shift at the comic shop so she was free. But it was the whole “urgent” thing that threw her a bit.

Still, Lili wasn't exactly what anyone would call nervous, just curious. It was a feeling that stayed with her as she entered the building and got in the elevator. It continued when the door open and she saw Ashley curled up on the couch with a sketch pad.

“You rang?” Lili said, exiting the elevator.

“Hey!” Ashley said. She put her sketch pad down to get up and greet Lili with a sweet kiss.

“So, what was this very urgent matter you needed to see me about?” Lili said with a cute smile. She was really hoping “urgent” wasn't code for “bad”.

“Right to the point, huh?” Ashley replied. She guided the blonde beauty over to the couch where they both sat down. “So, starting next week…I'm going on tour. My first tour. Up and down the coast, two Midwest dates and five on the east coast.”

“That's great Ash!” Lili exclaimed. The pair hugged, Lili squeezing tight before it broke. “This is amazing! Was this the thing you wanted to tell me last week?”

“Yeah, and we're going to get to the part that explains why I hesitated.”


“Yeah...so here's the thing. And I don't want to seem selfish...but this is my first real tour. Like I've played some shows a little bit outside of town and sometimes go back to Jersey for a couple shows, but this is a big deal. I still can't believe my EP got this big. But, yeah, anyway. I…I kind of want the whole tour life...and at this age in my life I don't know if monogamy works for what I want to do on tour.”

“Oh...OH!” Lili said when what Halsey was saying hit her.

“Yeah. And I wanted to tell you up front because of well, what you told me about your last relationship. I wanted to be up front. And also, just be honest with what I see us as...and that's as just dating. I mean I'm not seeing anyone else but I don't know if this whole thing is something that's long term. Honestly this whole conversation would say otherwise. But I like you, a lot. Obviously, I like you. And I respect you, which is why I wanted to be honest.”

Lili was soaking this in as Ashley said all this. And she wasn't mad at all.

“I…I think I'm fine with that,” Lili said. “I mean you're not wrong about any of this. I like you too, but it's the same thing. I mean if it were more at this point, I think…I think I should be crushed by this. But I'm not. No offense.”

“None taken.” Ashley assured. “So…we're cool then?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lili said, her warm smile reassuring Ashley. It was a genuine smile as well. There was not a note of deception between either of them. Neither were crushed. Lili could barely call it a break-up.

Ashley leaned in for a goodbye kiss. It was a gesture Lili welcomed. It was deep, but quick.

“You want to, ah, maybe have one for the road?” Ashley asked.

“Tempting,” Lili said. “Very tempting. But then the break might be so clean.”

“Fair point.” Ashley said with a nod and smile. “Conditional rain check?”


Lili got up from the couch with one last kiss and no regrets, at least not with Ashley. There were a million other conflicting feelings going on in her head revolving around Hailee and Peter. It was nice to have at least one thing go right in the last few weeks.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:31:33 PM
It had taken a bit longer than she had liked, but Blake Lively's apartment was now pretty much filled. The spacious place certainly felt like home. Her big comfy couch and easy chair looked perfect in the living room along with her coffee table. It was something she'd gotten from her grandmother when she got her first place. It was fancy by any means. Blake wasn't even sure what wood it was made out of and the knockers on either side, purely for decoration, were simply brass. Though they looked great all shined up.

All around the apartment were all the things Blake needed to make it feel like home pretty much. Her favorite flowers in the vase Peter had made for her at Summer camp when he was eight. Misshapen as it was, she adored it. Then there were the prints of paintings she had framed, her favorite books on the shelves, so many of her things. The crown jewel of it all was her bed. After far too long she finally had her own place again.

She didn't really mind crashing with Peter, but a couch can only due for so long. Besides, as much she loved her baby brother, she needed her own space.

Still, as much as her new apartment did indeed feel like home, it was missing something, and to her the shelves were glaring from the absence. What was missing? Her pictures. Memories with family and friends. Picture of the day her parents brought Peter and Ben home for the first time and she got to hold her knew brothers. Picture of her graduation day. Picture of her sorority days. Pictures in France, birthdays, Christmases. All precious and all currently missing.

She had insurance on them, sure...but that didn't cover the absence. Still the moving company was confident the box would be found and she'd be notified personally of its discovery.

Still, that left Blake with nothing to but wait for that event. And if she was going to wait, she was going to do it comfortably. There was no work to be done in setting up the opening of her boutique and her next meeting with Scarlett to plan for her own class didn't start until after finals were done.

This left Blake with a free couple of days, so she spent them in the favorite way, vegging on the couch. Sure, it was after an early morning workout, but as the afternoon began to take form, she found herself on her couch with a bottle of mineral water and reading a true crime book while wearing a button up shirt and ankle socks. Sweatpants would also be part of the relaxation ensemble but it had been an unusually hot day and after her two-mile run Blake had no more interest in sweating.

Blake was barely into the early years of the maniacal subject of her current book when there was a knock at her door. “Who is it?” She asked, setting her book down.

“Mercury Moving,” the male voice said from behind the door. “I'm here about the package. We found it.”

“Really?” Blake shot up from the couch and headed to the door. She stopped at the peephole. Blake may have been anxious to get back her picture but she wasn't dumb. One peek through it did seem to confirm the man's story. He wore the same coveralls as the movers did. “Could you show me your work I.D.? Up to the peephole?”

“Sure,” he replied. Blake watched as he reached into one of his pockets and showed it to her through the lens. “You can call the office if you want, no problem.”

Blake undid the chain on her door and unlocked it. “The I.D. Is good enough, Blake said as she opened the door. “Besides, I think I could take you, no offense.”

“Uh, none taken,” the delivery man said, his throat suddenly going dry when he got a good look at the leggy blonde in what little she was wearing. When she cleared her throat, he was brought back to Earth. “Oh yeah, your box, I got it. It was still in the warehouse for some reason. Loading area. Don't know how we missed it.”

He went out of view of Blake for a brief second to a nearby table in the hall that held a lamp as well as Blake's missing box, once it came into view of the blonde, she was ecstatic.

“Oh my gosh yes!” Blake said. “Please, come in! This is wonderful!”

The gentleman came in shutting the door behind him and handing the box off to Blake.

“Thank you so much!” Blake said. “I was so worried I'd never see these again.”

“No problem, just part of the job.”

“Well delivering them yourself is certainly going above and beyond...uh...I'm sorry what was your name again? I only got a quick look.”

“Oh, um, Travis.”

“Travis,” Blake said nodding. “I like it. Can I get you something to drink or anything? I'm just so happy to have that back and feel like thanking you in some way.” The leggy blonde when to the kitchen to get him his own bottle of water.

“Oh, it's really no problem. Just need you to sign for it.”

When he said that that was when two realizations hit Blake. One of them was how her was looking at her and the other as to what she was wearing. Then a whole new series of thoughts entered her head. It had been a while since Blake had known the company of a man, and Travis was certainly striking enough to get her juices flowing.

Was it a bit of a cliché to “thank” someone for helping her out with a roll in the hay? Sure. That didn't make it NOT a fun idea. And she was certainly dressed for the cliché just as much as he was. A switch flipped in her mind. This was going to happen...as long as Travis was receptive, of course.

“Are you positive there's nothing I could do to thank you?” Blake asked, going into full seduction mode. It was all in her voice. It went a little deeper. That was the pebble that caused ripples in the pond. The voice brought on a look in the eyes and a movement in her legs as she walked. All of it from just a subtle vocal change.

“Um...look it's really no problem,” Travis said. Looking at Blake approach, he felt like he'd been transported to some cheesy porn video on the internet. This shit just did not happen in real life. But as the tall blonde got ever closer to him the reality of it all settled in and he could only feel himself getting more nervous.

“You really did help though,” Blake said. She was face to face with him now. She couldn't hide the smile when she saw the rush of thoughts and emotions running through his mind showing on his face. “I mean I could have just gotten a phone call to come pick it up. But you...you decided to bring it to me…decided to give it a personal touch. So…how about in return I give you a personal touch?”

“Look, Ms…uh...”

“Blake,” she replied. “Blake Lively.”

“Well, Ms. Lively...Blake, not that I wouldn't love to but don't you think I could get in some serious trouble?”

“Why?  Do you have a wife or girlfriend or anything?”

“Well, no.”

“And are you the only making moves?”

“Also no.”

“Then it looks like there's no issue, correct?” Travis couldn't answer. “That's what I thought.” Blake leaned her face forward kissing him. And with that kiss, any cautious resistance Travis had gave way to something a lot more fun.  He fully embraced the moment as well as Blake.

She led the eager deliveryman to the couch where they both soon fell, Travis on top of her. His mouth went from her lips to her neck then took a surprising leap down between her legs. Any shock at that move were soon quelled by tender caresses and sweet kisses on her calves and thighs. She knew where he was working towards and had no issue with it. In fact, she admired his eagerness to get to her sweet spot but still wanting to take a bit of extra time. Considering what he went for, Blake had to guess her was a leg man.

She was of course correct in that assessment, and Travis was taking his time with every inch of her stupendous stems. The ankle sock she had on just made the visuals even better, but the visual was just the garnish to the taste and feel of Blake's legs.  So tone and firm…but the skin so soft and smooth.

It wasn't the first time Blake had such a focus on her legs. She understood and even got a kick out of it, especially with Travis. The whiskers of his five o’clock shadow gave her a slight tickle, especially as her moved his face in between her thighs.

Blake lifted her ass up off the couch slightly as Travis pulled her cotton panties off and flung them behind him. Then his trail of desire inched closer to her glistening slit. Kisses became licks as his tongue finally arrived at the gates of paradise.

A sweet and soft moan escape Blake's mouth when Travis' tongue began to lick her pussy lips. She arched her back ever so slightly while he slowly began to work her over. His strong hands held her hips in a slight grip, caressing her slightly as his mouth inched ever closer to her clit. The moment his lips were on it, that sweet and soft moan grew in volume and intensity.

"Right there Travis!” yelled the blonde. She began to undo the bottoms of her shirt, letting it fall behind her to give her new friend access to everything when things moved to the next level.

At the moment though, Travis was enjoying his taste of the lovely Ms. Lively and going a little further with things. He kept one hand on her hip while her brought the other down to join his mouth. While he sucked and played with her clit his fingers began to work themselves inside her velvet walls, giving her g-spot a lovely little tease.

“Holy cow!” Blake said. “Mmm damn...damn that's nice!” Nice was underselling. Blake was never good with talk during sex. However, she rarely thought about it, she just went with the flow. And right now, the flow was telling her it was time for something a bit more substantial.

“Mmm Travis...fuck me...fuck me now...” her voice was sweet and pleading and Travis had no choice but to give in to the request. He got up and undid his coveralls, pushing them down to his knees. Blake liked what she saw, and not just the broadsword her knight was packing. He was pretty fit and the tattoos he had on his chest and arms were nice and colorful.

Of course, she only had a fraction of a moment to take that it in before her was on her. Travis pressed his lips against hers and Blake's arm pulled him tight. He reached between them for his cock, aiming the rigid rod at her waiting hole and thrust in.

“Ohhhh my...yesss,” Blake said, smiling as she was filled. She already knew it but once more she could confirm that flesh and blood felt so much better than hard plastic. Travis' cock felt right at home in her welcoming pussy and the mutual moans of the instant couple proved that.

Moans were all Travis was capable of at first. The shock of this all happening with a knockout on the level Blake, or at all really, threw him for a loop along with the insane sensation of being inside of her. However, the more he got into it the more he was able to put words to the action.

“Oh, damn baby,” he said. “So damn hot...fucking beautiful.” His voiced cracked and croaked a bit with every pump inside her. When he wasn't talking however his lips were busy elsewhere, whether against Blake's own or at her neck, shoulder and with some slight maneuvering, taking a taste of her exquisite breasts. He wanted to take in as much of his lovely and generous client as he could.

Blake was certainly a fan of the attention. She didn't consider herself high maintenance by any stretch of the imagination. Still, she couldn't deny she loved it when even a little one-night stand or tryst partner gave her little details. Caresses and kisses all over her body, leaving a stream of goosebumps in their wake.

“Oh GOSH right there!” She howled when he took a series particularly long, deep strokes inside of her. Travis was taking his time now, burning memories of this moment in his head and Blake loved every moment of it alongside him.

Slow and deep turned to quick and shallow and back again, the blonde constantly left guessing what the man of the moment was going to do next. She was putty in his hands...and it was time to turn that idea on its head. Her strong legs locked around him and Blake got him to roll over. Now he was sitting on the couch with the beautiful blonde straddling him and in control.

The action had stopped momentarily for Blake to leans down to grab his face, giving him a tender kiss followed by a wink. He now knew he was in for the ride of a lifetime. Blake began to move her hips, building up her rhythm while Travis' hands roamed the corves of her body. Over her hips, running over her stomach, cupping and massaging her breasts before moving his mouth forward to suckle on them.

“Oh...mmm Travis,” a smiling Blake said. Every single touch and kiss her made riled her up. It was a subtle build up but before too long she was riding his cock like a seasoned cowgirl and every moan might as well have been a “YEE HAW!”

Soon Travis' hand settled on Blake's hips and ass, gripping her hard as she fucked his cock just as hard. He began to move with her, squeezing her flesh tightly when she hit a spot that made him quiver.

“You....oh Travis you feel so damn good honey,” Blake said. “Mmm do you want me to cum for you? Cum on your cock? I want to so bad...do you want me to?”

“OH god yes!” Travis said. “I want to see you cum…oh fuck yes I need to see it...”

“Then help me baby...fuck me...make me cum....then I'll swallow yours...”

“Fuck yes!” Travis gripped her hips hard, but not before smacking Blake's ass, making the blonde moan and ask for more. A few loud spanks later and her was driving up into her. They were feeding each other now, working into an absolute frenzy to the point the couch was squeaking across the floor a few inches.

“Ahahhhhh god...oh...oh yes...mmm Travis...just...oh myyyyyy....” Blake was there, right on that edge ready to fall off. The thing that sent her over would have surprised Blake had she been able to have a coherent though. Travis finger just barely brushed against her asshole, and that was all she wrote for Blake.

Her mouth screamed a silent scream as the dam burst and waves upon waves of pleasure rock her body. She didn't stop moving though, she couldn't, though her ride was now far more chaotic on Travis' cock, which was pushing him past to point of no return in addition to the view of an orgasmic Blake Lively writhing on him. The look on her face, the glorious sounds of passion emitting from her mouth, it was too much for any man to take.

“G-gonna cum!” He warned and that message cut through and got Blake's attention. She gave him a quick kiss before removing herself from his cock and sliding down between his legs. In moment his cock was in Blake's mouth and she was sucking him off, waiting for her creamy reward.

“Mmmm,” Blake hummed when the first shot rocketed in her mouth. Not a bit of hesitation or gagging happened and Blake swallowed every stream down, melting into his soul when their eyes met as the last few streams shot into her mouth.

Blake finally released his deflated cock and crawled back up on the couch next to a similarly exhausted Travis. That had been just what they both needed.

“So,” Blake breathlessly said. “You said I have to sign for the package?”


It was a rare lunch period for Camila. While it wasn't unusual for Peter, Lili or anyone else to be absence, what was unusual was Jose not being there. It was something she was going to have to get used to but it was far too soon for that.

Luckily, Cami had a lot of other things to occupy her mind. Or unluckily. She couldn't quite decide. Would she rather think nonstop about losing the love of her life or think about how her best friend was being cheated on and she couldn't tell him due to a promise to her other best friend all while working with the offender and not ripping her face off for EVER hurting her Peter.

It was a conundrum she was currently trying to bury in a French Dip sandwich and studying for her calculus final. It wasn't much but numbers did tend to take her mind off of things. Not quite the same as taking photos but her mind was too erratic to relax like that at the moment. She needed to relax too. It was Friday after all, and she was going to the restaurant opening of the place Madelaine and Selena were working at. She could use a little fun with friends.

However, relaxation was not what the day had in store for Camila.

“Well, if it isn't the Replacement Girl,” a voice said, and it was a voice Camila had hoped to never hear again. She looked up to confirm that it was, in fact, Kira Kosarin. She took a seat, just as uninvited as her comment. “And as it turns out, you're not even good at that.”

“What do you want?” Cami said, already far past her last nerve. “You know what, I don't care. Make yourself scarce.”

“Awww, is someone down in the dumps? Also, it's funny you mention not caring. Turns out I'm not the only thing you don't care about.”

“What are you talking about?” Camila asked, regretfully having to give the supreme annoyance that Kira was her full attention. She figured it would be the best way to be rid of her sooner rather than later.

“See, people call me heartless,” Kira said, reaching over to grab one of the French fries from Cami's plate. “Not true. I can be a very caring person. I really do care about my current guy. And despite what most people think, I cared about Jose, unlike you.”

“Shut up Kira.”

“What? Did you think I wouldn't find out?” Kira mockingly asked. “I mean good for Jake and Jose. I'm actually a little jealous. I thought I'd get a call like that before those two. But that's not how it goes. But the wonderful bonus I got was knowing I was right. You two were never going to last.”

“I said shut the fuck up,” Cami said, fighting a losing battle to bottle up what she was feeling.

“I heard you. But I'm not going to do it. But don't worry, I'll leave soon. I just had a question. I was actually curious. Is it you that don’t love him? Or Jose that doesn't love you? I'm betting on the latter. I mean if he really loved you, wouldn't he have stayed? But then again, if you really loved him, wouldn't you be going with him Rich Girl?”

Cami shot up from her seat, ready for a fight. It made Kira laugh.

“Ohhh, were those fighting words? Just remember, I was right. You two didn't last. So…how about you ask yourself...did you two even really love each other? Because, as cheesy as it sounds, I thought love conquered all. I mean I didn't love him but he was fun. You? I thought it was genuine. Guess I was wrong.” Kira took one last fry and waved goodbye with a giggle. When she was gone, Camila sat back down. She pushed her food away, ready to throw up.

Kira had shaken her, and shaken her bad.


It was opening night at Sauced and the place was bustling. While the upstairs arcade area wasn't quite complete, the actual eating area itself was. Besides, several of the game set-ups there were ready to go and being used. So far, Madelaine's contributions being put into action were a roaring success, especially when it came to alcohol sales. It was a sight that made both Madelaine and Elisha very happy campers.

Another thing that made the redhead smile was seeing her boyfriend excel behind the bar and make some real money. The same was true of her roommate Selena Gomez, who must have already pulled in two months’ worth of rent from a couple of big parties.

And of course, seeing her friends have fun as well. While she may not have known Peter that well, he seemed nice enough and trusted Lili and Cami as good judges of character. They too seemed to be having fun as well as Sabrina, who she hadn't seen much of since their little bit of fun during Spring Break.

Madelaine thought it might be nice to check in on them, to make sure they were getting the best service possible, but she also knew they were sat specifically so Selena could do just that as their server. Besides, she had work to do herself. She'd check in on them later.

Meanwhile, at that table, which was actually a corner booth, Selena was just bringing the food to the table.

“All right guys,” she said, setting the tray down on a stand, “Dinner is served. Pete, here's you roasted garlic chicken sandwich, Lili we have your BBQ bacon burger, Cami with the stuffed lobster and Sabrina going straight for desert with the fudge sundae. Everything looking good?”

“Perfect Sel,” Cami said. “And the wait time, not bad at all. Kind of surprised with the crowd. It seems like everyone's here. I think I saw that girl you work with Lili.”

“Well, not everyone's here,” Peter said. “But I'm getting used to that.”

“I take it you still don't want me to get a menu for Hailee?” Selena asked.

“Not necessary.” Peter replied. “To the surprise of no one.”

At this point all Lili and Cami could do was exchange looks. For Cami, it was especially hard. She was still reeling from her earlier confrontation with Kira so her desire to keep covering for Hailee was deader than Elvis.

It was getting to Lili too, but they still managed to do it. They also just saw no reason to defend her absences anymore. Sabrina however, who was still in the dark saw no reason to not provide some words of comfort.

“Lighten up Ferrano,” Sabrina said. “Finals aren't over yet. She's obviously way more stressed than any of realize, right?” No answer came, which did strike Sabrina as awkard, but she shrugged and let it slide.

“Well, on that note I still hope you guys have a wonderful night and if you need anything, just give me a wave!” Selena gave the table a smile and moved on to more customers.

“She seems happy,” Peter said.

“She deserves it,” Cami said. “Besides, I'd be too if I got a new job where I wasn't dodging games of grab ass with the drunk customers.”

“I say we pay tribute to her by digging in,” Lili said. “Besides I'm starving and this looks beyond delicious.”

“Sounds good to me,” Peter said. “But first, I think I need to hit the restroom. Feel free to dig in without me ladies.”

“Don't worry Petey dear, we were planning on it without your permission,” Cami said with a smile. Or at least the best one she could put on at the moment.

Peter nodded with a sarcastic grin before getting up. The restaurant was so busy the walls seemed almost alive with people moving about, both customers and servers. It was nothing like the club in Lake Havasu, but it would be easy to miss seeing someone or catch someone he hadn't seen before. It'd happened a few times tonight. Seeing professors and other students just when someone shifted out of place for a moment.

He'd guess the same was true of the restroom, but he wasn't actually looking around. Just business, flush, hand washing and leave. However, when he came out of the restroom, people had shifted and he got the view of a little corner table for two and saw something that stopped him in his tracks.

“What the fuck?” He asked himself. He couldn’t believe his eyes, but there it was. Hailee. His Hailee. And she wasn't studying or doing any office work by any stretch. She was with another man, an older man. They were very close together and getting closer by the minute, especially where their lips were concerned.

He was on autopilot at that point, making his way over to the table.

“Hailee?” He asked when he arrived at the table. Her name from his mouth startled her and brought her attention away from the man and to Peter.

“Peter? What...what are you doing here?”

“I could ask the exact same question along with a side of who the fuck is this?”

“Who the fuck are you?” The guy said, getting defensive.

“I'm the boyfriend asshole!”

“Peter, please, don’t make a scene....”

By this time some people could hear a commotion. Peter’s table was one of them. When Lili and Cami looked over to see what it was, their hearts sank.

“Oh no,” Lili said. “Shit.”

“Goddamn it!” Cami said.

“...is that Hailee?” Sabrina said, still lost as to what exactly was going on.

Camila and Lili got up, leaving Sabrina befuddled.

“What the hell is going on Hailee?”

“Peter, we can talk about this at home? You know, not in public.”

Before he could respond, Lili and Cami showed up.

“Petey dear, I hate to agree with Hailee right now, but she's right,” Cami said. “Hi George. Guess lunchbreaks just don't satisfy you two anymore, huh?” The pair looked at her with fake shock and a bit of shame at getting caught. If Peter already knew Camila saw no reason in holding back, especially not after her day. She then turned Peter to face her. “Here's the plan, my dearest of dear friends. We'll get the food to go, all on me. We'll take you home and you can talk to Hailee when she's done playing secretary for Georgie here.”

“Cami come on,” Hailee said.

“No.” Cami replied, a stern look on her face. “You do not get to talk to me like you know me. Not anymore. Lili, the floor is yours, I'm going to go get Selena and the check.”

Before Cami dragged him away, Peter looked at George one more time. “You and me aren't finished,” he said.

“Yes, you two are,” Cami countered. “Let's go.”

Camila managed to pull Peter away, leaving Lili behind to give a final word to the stunned Hailee.

“You just couldn't tell him?” Lili said. “I trusted you too Haiz. You made me part of this...and you…”

“Lili it's not that easy...”

“I'm sure...I think Jake made that excuse too.” Hailee tried to respond but nothing came out. Lili nodded, pursing her lips. She then walked away. The words were absent for everyone at that moment.


Things went pretty much as planned, though not exactly. Sabrina made sure Peter got home while Lili and Camila went back to their apartment. But even after being away from the restaurant, both women were still fuming, Cami in particular who was pacing back and forth in the apartment while Lili sat on the couch and stewed.

“I can't believe I held him back,” Cami said. “I should have let him tear George apart. I know he doesn't look it but Pete's wily. Then maybe I'd get a few shots in on Hailee. Sure, it'd be a night in jail but damn it'd be worth it!”

“No, it wouldn't,” Lili said. “It wouldn’t even make you feel good for long. Peter would feel guilty then you would plus legal fees. Which yeah, you could cover but then you'd have to explain it to your and his parents.”

“Yeah...but for those first few hours, MAN it'd feel good.” Cami flopped down on the easy chair near the couch. “Did you see his face?”

“Yeah,” Lili replied. “It made me sick.”

“I need to see him.” Cami got up and grabbed her coat and purse. “I've got to be with him.”

“Need back-up?” Lili asked. “I owe Pete.”

“I'll call if I do. But thanks.” She went to the door and opened to find Hailee waiting on the other side.


“You sure you don't want me to stick around?” Asked Sabrina. She was putting away their untouched food from the restaurant after pulling Peter away from a sure-fire fight. Well, Camila and Lili had pulled him away, she didn't even find out what was going on until she was in the car with Peter. “It's no problem.”

“No,” he said. “I…I kind of just want to be alone now. But thanks.”

“Okay.” Sabrina shrugged. “If you need me, I'll be at the Casket.” She picked up her things and left Peter to absorb what he had just seen, what had happened. He was furious, heartbroken, depressed...all of it swirling in a whirlpool inside of him. He just wanted to be alone. But things obviously are never that easy. Just after the door closed on Sabrina it opened again and Hailee had walked right through it. Peter saw her, somewhat disbelieving she was here.

“Please let me explain,” Hailee said.

“What's there to explain Hailee?” Peter said as the door shut. “Wait, I know! How long have you been fucking him? And don't try to tell me that hasn't happened yet. Don't fucking lie to me anymore.”

“Okay...” Hailee said, taking a moment. “About...about a week after we got back from Spring Break.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!?” Peter yelled. “That long???”

“Please, just calm down,” Hailee pleaded. “Look, this isn't how I wanted this to end.”

“But you DID want it to end, right?”

That shook Hailee, mainly because he was right. She shook it off. “Look...okay, after what happened at the lake house...you know, with Lili...I…I wanted to do more stuff like that. I wanted...I wanted to be a little wilder...and…not tied down.”

“That wasn't even my idea! You sprung it on me! And tie you down? Really? Did you even think about asking me if maybe I'd be there with you?”

“It's not just that!” Hailee finally yelled back. She took another breath. “Look...even before that happened, that thought was crossing my mind. The thought that...maybe we jumped into all of this, everything too fast. The threesome was kind of me trying to, I don't know save it?”

“So…let me see if I understand this. Instead of just talking to me, you do everything but and think stunts will do it then decide to fuck someone else? Do I have the sequence of events pretty laid out?”

Hailee looked sullen, crestfallen. She was struggling for words. The same ones just kept coming to her mouth. “It's not like that. Not exactly.”

“I'm guessing you have a place to stay?” Peter asked. “Because think we can both agree living together right now just isn't going to work.”

“Yeah, I figured that a while ago,” Hailee nodded. “I…I kind of already got my own place.”

“Fucking hell...”

“I've been slowly moving out. Taking my stuff...I'm actually almost done except for most of my clothes.”

“That would explain the missing appliances,” Peter said, actually chuckling. “Guess you're staying there tonight, huh?”

“Looks like that's the plan now.” Hailee answered. She tried to approach him, to comfort him. Peter backed away, shaking his head. “I…I guess I should go now.”

Peter didn't respond. Hailee took that for what it was and left.


“What the fuck are you doing here?” Cami said.

“Cami, I get that you're mad,” Hailee said.

“I don't think you do. I'm a lot more than mad. I've been stewing in anger for a while. Going to work knowing exactly what the hell you were doing with George. I stayed quiet because Lili had some faith, you'd tell Peter. You didn't. And it's taking every last bit of willpower not to really tear into you right now. But neither Peter or Lili would like that. And I'd do anything for my friends. Which, by the way, you're not anymore. I'm not going to make things hard at work. I'm not unprofessional. But don't expect any more special treatment. Understood?”

“Look, please just let me talk,”

“No!” Cami exclaimed. “You can't talk. You can't explain. I don't want to hear it. Not interested. You...you have no idea how much Peter means to me. You really don't. No one ever, EVER gets to hurt him. I don't give a good god damn about your bullshit excuses. Now get out of my way or I guarantee you I will make you.”

Hailee nodded and moved aside, allowing Cami to brush past her. That left Lili and Hailee alone.

“You TOLD her?” Hailee said.

“Yes,” Lili said. “You made me promise not to tell Peter, and I did that. But I couldn't hold that in and you knew I couldn't! Not after what happened with Jake!”

“Well, you did a great job of not telling him,” Hailee said. “He went RIGHT for my table Lili.”

“Whoa whoa whoa, I didn’t tell him! Am I supposed to have Peter on a leash so you can freely go fuck around? How was I even supposed to know you'd be there? I'm not going to babysit someone just so you can cheat on them instead of own up to your bullshit Hailee!”

“I'm tired of everyone jumping down my throat about this! I came here to just...I need someone to talk to not make me feel worse.”

“Then maybe you should have just broken up with him and you know, not cheated with a co-worker.”

“Look, I just wanted to talk. But I don't think that's happening tonight, is it?”

Lili nodded. “Hailee, this is a fucked-up situation, you know that right? And you put me in a position that, fuck you know I'd never put you in. You know that! So…I think we all just need to cool down, okay?”

“Yeah. Hell of a night, huh?”

“That's one way of putting it,” Lili said. “I guess I see you when I see you Hailee.”

“Yeah,” Hailee paused, wanting to say something else, but there wasn't anything else to be said, at least not at the moment. She left the apartment leaving Lili alone and the blonde fell back on the couch.

Lili knew this wasn't over by a long shot. There was going to be fallout. And she wasn't even thinking of the fallout directly involved with Hailee. She was thinking about how she was even going to be able to talk to Peter again after all this.


Peter was on the roof of his apartment building, just trying to cool off in the fresh air of the night. It was a valiant effort, but he had just found out his girlfriend had been cheated on him for weeks. The woman he could have sworn he was in love with and that she felt the same way.

“You doing okay?” Cami asked. Peter turned around to see her, waiting against the closed door of the roof entrance, a six pack of Mexican Coke in her hand. “I know...dumb question...but feels like I need to ask.”

“Well, my girlfriend's been cheating on my and secretly moving out,” Peter said. “Other than that, kind of stressed.”

Camila put the Cokes down and walked over to him. “Come here.” She embraced him, holding him tight. “It's okay. It sucks. It sucks bad...but it's okay.” The hug broke and she looked up at him. “So…vent. I'm here and I am more than prepared to vent and agree with every last angry thing to have to say.”

“I'm honestly too tired and exhausted to be angry.”

“Then I'm there with you too.” She took his hand then picked up the soda and walked with him to some of the chairs up on the roof. “You remember when we were kids and we'd always go to the fridge, sneak some of your dad's Mexican Cokes out and sit out on the roof on Fridays? Just you and me, bullshitting. Anything that was bothering kind of melted away with that magical mix of sugar water and the stars. We'd talk about anything. And I stress anything.”

“Of course.” Peter answered.

“Then let's kind of adapt that right now.” Camila took out one of the bottles and popped the top off with her keychain bottle opener then handed it to Peter then got one for herself. “Talk to me. Anything that's on your mind. Including the obvious.”

“I guess I should have seen it coming,” Peter said. “I mean it tracks, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm pretty much a starter boyfriend, aren't I? I mean, fuck, look at me compared to him. Guy has a nice suit, probably shoes more expensive than my tuition. Probably has a like a Mercedes or something.”

“Pete, don't,” Cami said, reaching her hand to his, gently holding it. “Don't say that. You not some starter kit. And trust me, George is barely a competent husband. You...you're great and anyone who doesn't see it was never worth your time in the first place.”

“Must be why Hailee couldn't resist. I'm a real winner.” He sipped from the bottle of cola, wishing the Coke had a bit of Jack with it. “Couldn't even tell what was going on. Total fucking dumbass is what I am.”

“Hey, no one says that about my best friend, not even my best friend. Stop it. You...you're a great guy. And that sounds like a line, I know it does. And I'm very biased, I know that too. You...you're the best person I know. And you know I'm a very harsh judge of character. So, you...you're not the problem in this equation. I mean you're a better partner then me.”

Cami began to choke up a little, which set off Peter into support mode.

“Cami, come on...what's wrong?”

“Hey, this isn't about me,” the brunette said, trying to keep it together.

“It is now.”

Camila got up and walked to the edge of the roof, leaning on the edge.

“Did I do the right thing Peter? Letting Jose go? Was I being selfish? I mean if I loved, him, really loved him...wouldn't I have gone with him?” Peter came up beside her, putting his arm around her shoulder. “I mean...I could have gotten over the nightmares and stuff, right? I could have taken it if I loved him...”

“Cami, anyone who saw you two together knew how much you loved him,” Peter said. “Do you think you did the right thing?”

“I thought I did...but then...fuck...Kira, you know, Jose's ex? She came up to me today and…that bitch, she knows where to get me...had me questioning that. And…I could have sucked it up...but...then I think what if I couldn't and just made him miserable...fuck! I came here to make sure you were okay and I'm falling apart. I'm sorry...”

“Hey, don't be,” Peter said, turning Camila to face him. “Looks we're both kind of messed up right now.”

“Yeah, to say the least.”

“And since you gave me a pep talk, here's yours. I can't imagine a more caring person than you. I mean, the fact you and Selena are friends now is proof of that. You're bitingly sarcastic. You rip me mercilessly, but you've got the best heart. So, you did what you thought was the right thing so the man you loved could be happy. And besides, FUCK Kira. She's lucky you didn't choke her out.”

“Damn right she is,” Cami laughed, wiping her eyes. “Thanks.”

There was a moment between them, Camila looking at Peter and Peter back at her. In that moment there only one thing either could do.

Neither were quite sure who made the first move, but before either knew it the pair were locked in a deep kiss, holding each tight as their tongue began to wrestling with each other. Their lips only separated for short bursts and resumed right on with their close contact. The pair's hands began to roam as well, Peter's settling and Camila's round rump while she went for his pants unbuckling his belt. Before it could go any further, Peter paused them.

“What's wrong?” Asked Cami.

“Nothing,” Peter said. “Just...this would probably be better on my bed.”

“Good call.” The rushed downstairs and were in Peter's bedroom in record time. Camila shut the bedroom door behind them. Peter was already most stripped, left only in his black boxer briefs. Camila however was still very much clothed. She remedied that however, dropping her dress and leaving her in just her bra and panties.


From there she climbed on top of Peter, kissing him again. This was pure desire, pure need. Her lips went from his to his chin to his chest, down to his stomach. Peter hands stroked her hair as she worked her way down to her crotch. Camila slowly peeled the elastic band of his under where down, looking up at him with a look of sweet fire as she kissed every new inch of flesh she revealed until the garments were removed.

Since turnabout is fair play, Camila shed her underwear too. The pair both admired what the other had to offer. They'd been with each other before, but it had been a long time since high school.

Camila crawled back on the bed, lying flat on the area between Peter's legs. She took his dick her in her hand, stroking it while she played with his balls.

“Oh Cami,” Peter moaned.

She winked at him then extended her tongue, licking from the base to the tip before wrapping her lips around the crown. Camila swirled her tongue around him, getting a little shiver from him that gave her a little tingle of her own. With that she ventured further down on his cock.

Peter's hands were still on her head, but he wasn't holding her in place or even guiding her. He was just following her amazing path up and down on his cock. Her previous knowledge of him in the bedroom combined with her experience after was giving Peter a lot of what he needed in that moment.

This wasn't an all-oral event however; they both knew this. Camila released his cock from her lips and moved up his body, licking a trail back up to his lips. Soon she was faced to face with her lifelong friend again, both of them ready for things to escalate.

“You ready?” Cami said.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” Peter replied, holding her tight. She gave his chin a quick kiss again before reaching between them both, grasping his cock and guiding Peter's prick in.


“Ohhhh fuck,” Cami said with a joyful laugh. “Mmmmm Petey...” She leaned down, kissing him tenderly while Peter held her close and thrust up into her. They were forehead to forehead, moaning and gasping for air.

Camila brought her hands to Peter's chest, pressing her palms against his chest. Peter got the picture and released his hold around her, moving his hands to Camila's you ass as she rose to ride his cock.

Camila moved a hand to Peter's face, caressing it as her hips began to move. The buildup wasn't slow, the desire they both felt wouldn't allow it. The mattress was going to get a heavy-duty workout.

“Ohhh...Peter...oh my lord....” Cami shut her eyes, licking her lips as she let the feeling of him deep inside of her take over. That was all she wanted to feel...she just wanted to feel good. And Peter was making sure that was happening.

His touch was tender, but the grip was firm. He held her ass cheeks tight, but not in a death grip. Just enough to let her know how good she felt inside and out. Obviously, that wasn't all his hands were capable of either, and Peter was very eager to show Camila that.

“Oh! Oh yessss,” she said, her voice almost sing-song when Peter began to play with her clit, caressing circles on the lovely little button with his thumb. “Mmmmm right there...oh...oh god right there and just like that....”

Camila writhing in pleasure on his cock was certainly a sight to see and Peter was glad to play even a small part in bringing that to her. He was so enamored by it he needed an even closer look. He moved both hands back to her ass and slid them up the smooth skin of her back, rising up himself as he did so.

Face to face one more, neither on could resist another round of tonsil hockey. After that it was now time for Peter's lips to wander down, planting his face firmly in in her bosom.

“Yes...yes yes yes Peter YES!” Camila cried out. Peter held her tight, suckling on her tits while holding her tight, thrusting into her once more. His hands were at her shoulders, gripping her as he pushed into her, only taking his face away from her chest to look at her face as she basked in every knew moment.

Camila let out another joyous laugh when Peter held her tight and rolled her onto her back on the bed. He gave her a few more pumps between pulling out and doing a little body exploration of his own, kissing down Camila's body just as she had him. His dragged his tongue down her body, tasting her sweat before settling his face between her thighs.

“Oh…ohhhh mmm,” Cami said. While the sudden vacancy in her pussy wasn't optimal, Peter's mouth was doing and admirable job making her forget that absence, as well as any others she may have been thinking about.

Much like he had done with her, her hands were at his head, running her fingers through his shaggy hair as he orally serviced her, making her back arch and tense up and her toes curl.

“Oh....oh...right...right there...fuck baby...oh my god Peter...” Words flowed out of her mouth, most of them even making sense. Her thighs had closed around Peter's head though, muffling anything but her loudest moans. Those legs almost became like a vice when his fingers began to aid his mouth.

“Oh...oh oh oh fuck Peter...fuck me again...fuck!” She began to tug on his head and Peter got the signal moving back up her body and returning his cock into her waiting pussy.

Cami grabbed his face, kissing him before saying, “Make me cum...make me feel good...please...just make me feel good...” She brushed the hanging hair from his face and he did the same for the few strands of her dark brown locks in her face. This wasn't going to last much longer, but every moment they had left was going to be mind-blowing.

Peter's right hand moved down, grabbing Camila's leg by the thigh and pulling it up as he began to take them both home. Slow, deep thrusts began it, each one making then both grunt and grasp, but now their eyes never left each other's face, save for the moments when the pleasure made them shut tight.

Slow and deep built to faster and harder, Peter studying Cami's face to make sure she never felt anything less than amazing. The joyous look on her face combined with her mischievous smile confirmed all he needed to know. He rested his forehead against her as Cami's moans got higher in pitch, her legs wrapping around his waist and keeping him close,

“Don't stop...don't stop...don't ever stop...close, close close close…oh my god...OH MY GOD!!!”

Peter watched as Cami came, her pussy squeezing and spasming around his cock as he continued to drive into her. Watching her cum, it was something else, one of the many things he desperately needed that night. The other was something Camila was ready to take care of herself the moment the ability to form sentences returned to her pleasure-addled brain.

“I…Peter...I want to swallow...I want to swallow you...cum...my mouth...cum in my mouth...” Cami released the death grip her legs had around his waist and let him roll off of her while the very-pleased brunette returned between his legs, more than ready and willing to return the favor to her very loving friend.

It wasn't going to take long; she'd pretty much broken down his walls. It was barely a minute before Peter cried out, “Camila!!!” and unloaded in her mouth, the first shot splatting against the roof of her mouth. Camila couldn't deny she got a thrill watching him writhe, almost overdosing on his orgasm as she refused to stop working his throbbing rod until there was nothing left for him to give her.

She released his cock with a pop and showed off her empty mouth. Then, one more time, she kissed her way up his body. They were both tired. They felt amazing, but were exhausted and passed out cuddling in moments.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:35:08 PM
“WE FUCKING DID IT!” Kiernan shouted in the Pit’s parking lot, giving Roland a high five. They were elated, as they accomplished their mission of getting Rick DeLaurentus to sign at the comic shop. “We landed the fucking signing! That Flash art is as god as mine once Jurnee hears the news.”

“You really did do it,” Roland said, smiling at Kiernan's cheer. “You...you really know how to talk to people.”

“It wasn't all me. You backed me up. I…I know I couldn't have done it without you there.” They both looked at each other, blushed, then looked away quickly. “I can, you know, see if I can get something else from Jurnee. You know, for you.”

“I…I was just glad to help, since I guess I did.”

“Really?” Kiernan laughed, a bit flattered...and nervous. Not bad nervous. She liked it. “We should celebrate. How about...um...you know...maybe have dinner at my place tomorrow? Nothing fancy or anything. Just pizza...maybe watch some movies or play something.”

“Really?” Roland asking, not quite believing what he was hearing.

“Of course! Unless, you know...you don't want to. Which is fine. I'd get it.”

“No…I mean yes.  I mean that'd be great. What time?”

“Um...how about...like six?” Kiernan suggested, grinning wide.

“Perfect.” Roland replied. “Absolutely perfect.”

“Excellent!” The two walked until they reached Kiernan's car, making small talk. “Well, thanks for walking me to my car. I…I'll see you tomorrow night!”

“Yeah. Can’t wait...you know...um...because it sounds like fun.”

“Oh of course! Looking forward to it too!” They both had nervous smiles, not quite sure how to end it. Kiernan gave him a quick cute, if not awkward hug, got in her car and drove off. 

As Roland walked to his car, he had the same wide smile on his face Kiernan did as she drove away.
Peter was awoken to the sound of the shower in the connecting bathroom running. With Camila not at his side, it wasn't too hard to figure out who was in it. He got up and walked in, indeed seeing Camila's nude form behind the glass doors of the shower.

He slid open the door and stepped in, getting Camila to look over her shoulder at him.

“Mind if I join you?”

“It's your apartment,” Camila said with a smile. “Knock yourself out.”

He slid the door shut behind him and approached Camila, kissing her shoulder and rubbing her back. Camila sighed contently, but stopped him from going further.

“Before we do anything else, we need to talk,” she said, turning around to face him. 

“Sure,” Peter said. 

“It's about last night,” Cami said.

“Oh no, did I do something? Did you not want to or…”

“No! No no no no no no, nothing like that Petey! I promise. Last night happened...and I wanted it. Clearly you did too. Nothing wrong happened. It was...it was great! Like...oh my god that was so far beyond us in high school I can't even describe it. I mean honestly feel like I should send a fruit basket to all your exes after that.”

“Thanks,” Peter laughed. “You kinda rocked my world too.”

“So, it's mutual,” Cami said with a grin. “But...I want to be clear on what it was. And let me preface it by saying this: I love you. I know I say that a lot, but it's true. You're...I can’t say you're like a brother because, well...last night. But...you’re definitely the person I'm closest too in the world. I mean the only other competition is Lili and sorry to burst any fantasy bubbles you may have but there's never been any sex there. But I want to make it crystal clear before I say anything else that I love you...but it's not romance. I'm not IN love with you. It's just last night...I really needed someone. I needed to just not feel like shit...feel awful and guilty. I just wanted to feel good. And…you were there...and I think you needed it too. So...it was two people, two extremely close friends who just needed that...needed each other. And I don't want to hurt you, especially not after what's happened with Hailee but I think anything else but the truth would be worse. Just...don't be mad. Don't hate me. I couldn't take losing you too.”

She hugged him, putting her face against his chest. He pulled her off, looking at her with a smile.

“Would you believe I kind of wanted to say the same thing?” Peter asked. “I mean, I love you too Cami. But...like I know you're beautiful. I'm attracted to you obviously...but...I don't know...I don't see us that way. And I thought I was going to hurt you if I said anything like that. I actually didn't get much sleep over it. I love you too. But it's not the kind of love where I see us walking down the aisle. It's the kind where I see us making fun of each other in the old folks home.”

“Well, you'll try to make fun of me then I'll just overcome you with my wit,” Camila joked, her smile calming him. “So, same page, I guess. We...we just needed each other last night. And I've been thinking.” Camila's hand reached down to Peter cock, stroking it to hardness.

“About what?” Peter said, breathing a little heavier.

“Well...what if we need each other again like that? How about...we don't necessarily stop this fooling around? At least not yet. Say...till the end of finals? I mean, it's such a stressful time...might be nice to have some stress relief that's reliable. Which you are in so many ways. And no commitment, aside from the usual if anyone messes with you, they have to deal with me. If you get a date, no jealousy and vice versa. I just...I'm not a casual sex girl. Tried it, not a fan. You...it's not casual. It's with someone I trust more than anyone in the world. Deal?”

Peter gently pressed Camila against the tiled wall of the shower and lifted her right leg up with one hand and lined his cock up with her slit with the other. “I think I can agree to that,” he said.

“Looks like we have a deal, Petey dearest,” Cami said before the two made the shower get extra steamy.


Saturday morning mornings. At one time in Elisha's life, it was all about cramming her face with Lucky Charms and watching hours of cartoons she was told were rot her brain just as the marshmallows were sure to be rotting her teeth.

Twenty years later she had a keen business mind and a perfect set of chompers, though the breakfast had changed to flapjacks and sausage and instead of cartoons she was watching Epic Fail compilations on YouTube in her office. Also, it was a much later morning since she no longer had to wake up extra early for fear of missing the good stuff and just watching one of those live action dance shows after the toons.

It was ten and she had decided to head to her restaurant, one night removed from a very successful opening night. Sure, that success needed to continue, but a good opening night still felt great. The added bonus of her husband also getting a signing gig locally was just a cherry on top. Elisha knew that in order for any relationship to be successful, you had to share in the success of your partner...which they did repeatedly last night. Which is why Rick was still asleep in bed and she was at the restaurant, getting an early start on prepping for night number two. But first, syrupy sweetness and some country sausage goodness.

Before she could dig in however, she got a text on her phone. It was from Love, and she was outside. “Huh...so this is how she feels when I do it,” Elisha said to herself.

She got up from her breakfast and left her office to let her brunette buddy in, and Jen had a big damn smile on her face.

“I have some news!” Love said, and she was just bursting at the seams to tell Elisha.

“Then please, join me for breakfast,” Elisha said. “You're having coffee and a muffin.”

The blonde led the brunette to her office, poured her a cup of coffee and tossed her a plastic-wrapped blueberry muffin, fresh from the gas station. Love caught it and took the seat on the other side of Elisha's desk.

“So, get with the news,” the blonde said, returning to her breakfast.

“Well, it's good you're sitting down.” Love replied. “So, last week, I'm doing inventory and Cade comes by again...and we kind of fooled around.”

“Any reason you needed to tell me about a hook-up with the ex who fucking crushed your heart?” Elisha said. “Kind of surprised though. Didn’t you say he knocked up one of his students or something? Which honestly isn't that surprising considering how he was when we went there.”

“It wasn't his student, it was his TA,” Jennifer corrected. “And they aren't together anymore. She kind of left him.”

“I'm crying,” Elisha said sarcastically between bites of pancake. “Still, guilt-free nookie, I'd give you a high five if it didn't interrupt the most important meal of the day.”

“Well, it might not be just sex,” said Love, sipping from the cup of coffee she'd poured for herself. “We've...we've been talking.”

“Jesus Christ Love,” Elisha said, dropping her fork on the plate. “Don't you remember how this movie ends?”

“Elisha, just hold on,” Love said, trying to neutralize things, to get a word in before Elisha began to go off.

“Because I do. I remember how when he cheated on you with Alba. It crushed you. Worse than I've ever seen anyone get their heart broken. I'm still surprised you passed that semester given how little you even came out of your bed after that. And you're ready for a replay?”

“Leash, come on. It's not going to be like that. If we even go down that path. We're just...talking. And even if we do decide to start up again, we're older. I'm not that girl anymore and if he messes up...well, let's just say I can handle myself.”

“Fine,” Elisha said in a huff, blowing some of her blonde locks from her eyes. “But just for the record I'm against and he stinks and I don't like him.”

“Fair enough. But you will be civil if things go well and we show up at your restaurant or invite you over for dinner? Or vice versa?”

“I guess,” Elisha said. “I'm actually pretty good at pretending I like people. I mean how do you think I got good at the celebrity part of celebrity chef?”

“Good point,” Love said with a laugh. She got up from her seat, muffin in hand “I think I'm going to finish this on the road. I do have my own business to run.”

“See ya,” Elisha said. “And seriously, good luck with Cade. Also, know if it goes sour, I reserve the right to be the one to kick his ass.”

“Don't worry. If it comes to that I'll give you the velvet rope treatment.”

“Damn right.” The friends said their farewells and Elisha was left alone with her breakfast, finally. While she might not have been crazy about the news Love had to give her, it wasn't like there was much Elisha could do about it. Love was her own woman and a far cry from the timid wallflower she used to be. That at least gave her some consolation that she wasn't going into this whole thing on nostalgia alone.

Still, with how much her own family told her things with Rick would never last and how she was being stupid for getting married so young...they'd proven all the naysayers wrong. Elisha knew first hand that was possible.

Considering how the previous night had gone with insanely low times with something slightly up later, Peter was in an all-right mood. Everything with Hailee had crushed him, but she did at least agree to finish getting her stuff when he wasn't around, which meant her wouldn't be seeing her today.

Then there was Camila and what happened. That was definitely a good thing, and that went beyond the sex. After their talk in the shower about where they stood, they just talked more. Talked about all the heartbreak, made each other laugh, and were just there for each other. What friends do.

Alas, that had to end, as Camila did have to do some time at the office, which left him alone with his thoughts, which thanks to her weren't exactly all dark. He was actually enjoying the alone time. Sure, Sabrina was back at this point but she was sleeping off the previous night, zonked out on a few too many shots.

Fortunately, that was what Peter kind of wanted at the moment. A little bit of peace. Just laying back on the couch with the TV as background noise, thinking about the grandest topic of all, nothing.

However, deep thoughts on nothing weren't quite the only thing the day had on order for Peter, as a series of knocks at the door signaled, snapping him out of his happily blank trance. He rolled off the couch and went to the door to find his sister behind the door, holding a gift bag.

“What's up?” Peter asked.

“Nothing much, just thought I might take you and your lovely lady out for a second round of breakfast...hopefully one where you're more talkative.” Blake replied.

“That's going to be kind of difficult considering we broke up.” Peter opened the door wider

“What?” Blake asked, walking in. “What happened?” Peter proceeded to tell her the all too fresh story. Fresh enough for him to not be exactly clinical about it, so after repeating it he returned to the couch, falling face first on it. Blake soon joined him, though in a bit more orderly manner, lifting his legs up just enough to take a seat. “Get up, come on.”

“No.” He replied, muffled by the cushions. 

“Peter...” Blake said, reaching over and gently grabbing his shoulder to guide him up into a normal sitting position, then gave him a reassuring hug. “That's awful. I'm sorry. But you know...this stuff happens. You're not the only one in this room who's been on the worse side of infidelity. Bright side...you’ll get over it.”

“Yeah, I know. Still sucks right now.”

“Well of course. But I do have something that just might cheer you up. I mean it ain't a cure all but it's a bright spot...hopefully.” Blake got up and went for the gift bag she left at the door. It was oddly mis-seasoned, covered in black with orange highlights, the very epitome of Halloween in a gift bag. She handed it to him. “Go on. I was going to give it to you anyway. Just cause’.”

Peter reached into the bag to pull out one of his holy grails; the NES color edition of Jason Voorhees. And it was indeed a bright spot for him.

“Holy shit Blake where did you find this?” Peter asked, momentarily stunned enough to forget the heartbreak. “It's so hard to find...well, you know, for a sane price.”

“Went to that comic store your friend Lili works at,” Blake said, happy to see a smile on her baby bother’s face. “She actually had been holding on to it to give it to you herself. She really wanted to see the look on your face when you saw it.”

“Really?” Peter said, pausing a bit. Blake thought she saw something on his face after what she told him, but didn't press it.

“So, are you going to open that sucker up and put it on display or what?” Blake asked. “I want to see your new set-up anyway.”

“You do?” Peter replied, more than a little disbelief.

“Of course! Besides, I bought most of those macabre little pieces of plastic for your over the years. I think that gives me visitation rights.”

The two siblings got up, but before they could leave the living room, the second knock on the door of the day came and Peter went to answer it, this time the door revealing Selena Gomez behind it as the mystery knocker.

“Hi Pete,” she said, then noticed Blake. “Oh, and hi to you too Blake. Wait, are you busy?”

“No, he's not,” Blake said. “I was just on my way out anyway way. I have to work my energy for a rather Herculean task myself.”

“What's that?” Peter asked.

“Telling Ben, I'm in town.” Blake answered.

“You still haven't done that?”

“Well, you know how it is with me and him,” Blake said. “It's not easy like you and me Peter. But, can't avoid it forever. So, see you around baby bro. And wonderful to see you again Selena.”

“You too,” Selena said as the tall blonde walked past her out the apartment as Selena stepped in. “Wait, it's okay if I come in, right?”

“Sure,” Peter said. “Not like I'm doing much today.” He returned to the couch and Selena followed.

“I just came by to say in person I'm sorry about what happened,” Selena said. “Cami told me about it. When you guys were leaving. How are you doing?”

“Good as I can be, I guess.” He replied. “Oh, and sorry if there was a scene. Hope it didn't ruin your night or anything.”

“I'm just sorry I didn't see her. Guess that's another arena I've been a shitty friend in.”

“Selena, don't. It's not your fault, not even by a long shot. Was Hailee even in your section?”


“Then how would you have even seen her?” Peter asked, trying to reassure her. “Besides...you're not a shitty friend. I mean you're still one of my best ones. We just...we just had a huge thing happen. And I'm not even remotely free of blame on that. I mean you were right. I put a lot of expectations on you that weren't fair. I was never 100% up front with you about how I felt.”

“You didn’t need to be.” Selena added. “I knew. I at least had an inkling. And I used that to my advantage more than a few times. And I really am sorry about that.”

“I know...and…I forgave you a while ago. Just felt weird even bringing it up...which I think made it more awkward.”

“Yeah,” Selena agreed. “You....you really forgive me though?”

“Yeah. We've known each other too long and frankly right now I'm tired of losing people.” The pair hugged; Selena very elated. 

“We should celebrate this little victory,” Selena suggested as the friendly embrace broke. “And, you know, take your mind off the recent bullshit thrown your way.”

“What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Just let me take you out.” Selena replied. “Totally my treat. I've...well to be blunt I've made a shit ton of cash waitressing both at Knockers and at the Pit and I don't mind making it rain for a friend. Which you are again.”

“I never wasn't, not really.” Selena smiled and laughed. There was a quick silence between them before Peter spoke up again. “So, you and Cami are friends now.”

“Yeah, never saw that coming. It's nice though.”

Silence again, then Peter had another suggestion. “Want to smoke some of the weed Sabrina gave me in her quest to cheer me up? I was actually thinking about lighting up before Blake got here. Thought crossed my mind to ask her but...there's just something weird about getting high with your older sister.”

“I can imagine,” Selena said with a smile. “I'm glad that doesn't transfer to me because I would LOVE to. Then though, gotta go home and get ready to take you for a night on the town.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”


Roland was a bundle of nerves. He had a bottle of red wine in one hand and a cookies & crème cake in a bag in another. He hoped he wasn't going to mess this up and as he walked down the hallway to the door to Kiernan's apartment, he felt his anxiety radiating off him like a lighthouse blinking on a foggy night. When he got to her apartment, he tried to snuff out that light before he knocked. He felt he was successful, but once he saw her behind the door as she answered, he felt as though someone flipped the switch.

“Roland!” She said with a smile just as bright as that lighthouse bulb. “You came!”

“Well, yeah,” he said nervously. “You invited me. Am I late?”

“No, not at all. Pizza just arrived. Decided to play it safe and just got pepperoni and sausage...and some cheese bread. Is that cool?”

“Can't go wrong with that.” Replied Roland. “I, uh, brought wine and a cake. I don't know much about wine so I hope I didn't mess up.”

“Oh, that's cool,” said Kiernan. “I'm not much of a drinker...”


“No, it's okay! It was a nice thought. Doesn't ruin anything. And also, cake is ALWAYS a winner.”

“That's a relief,” Roland said. When Kiernan opened the door for him, the smile grew even wider. 

Roland walked in and took in the awesomeness of Kiernan's abode. Posters adorned the walls ranging from Star Trek to Star Wars and of course her favorite, the Flash. Posters, framed comics, original comic pages hung up as well. Then there were action figures and statues; Kiernan wasn't shy about showing off her passions.

“This place is awesome!” Roland said. “Are the posters....”

“Originals?” Kiernan asked, finishing Roland's sentence. “Some. Empire and Jedi for sure and some of the Star Trek posters. The figures though, those are all vintage. Especially the ones in the glass case.”

Roland went up to the glass case, looking at the Megos and vintage Star Wars figures behind it. “Wow....”

“I know,” Kiernan said, beamed with pride. “You'd be surprised what you can find in good condition and cheap at flea markets and estate sales.”

“You're telling me. You should see my NES collection.”

“I'd love to.” Kiernan came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. “One of the many things we can talk about over mozzarella melted over tomato sauce and bread.”

The blonde led Roland over to the sofa, where the pizza and a twelve pack of lemon-lime sparkling water sat on a coffee table in front of them. Once they sat down Kiernan handed him a plate and the victory feast began.

They toasted their slices like wine glasses and dug in. “Can't think of a better way to celebrate a victory then some cheesy goodness,” Kiernan said with a mouthful of pizza. 

“You deserve it,” Roland said. “You had a silver tongue with Rick. I think you hooked him from the start.”

“Couldn’t have done it without you though.”

“I was strictly support.”

“I don't think you know how much support means to me.” Kiernan set her plate down. “Look, I…I don't have a lot of friends here. Lili's nice and all but...she doesn't get the things you and I talk about. And I don't really see anyone on campus outside of class or anything. You...you're really my only friend in this town. And that means a lot. I love how we can just talk about geeky shit and hang out while I'm stocking or doing inventory. I…I like that you have time for me. And I like making time for you. Like right now.”

Roland was flattered, as Kiernan could tell by his blushing. He was also speechless, but as the platinum blonde pixie examined his face, she didn't think that was a bad thing. It was go-time for her. She breathed deep and lunged forward, gently grabbing Roland by the face and kissing him. Her dashing dork was stunned again, not knowing how to take it despite the obvious signals, but also more than willing to go with the flow as the sexy blonde gently pressed him back until he was lying on the couch.

With Roland on his back, Kiernan rose up, straddling him. She had a very attentive audience as she peeled her shirt and threw it over the back of her futon. Her bra soon followed and she doubled down on stunning Roland into silence with the view of her tits. Nice little handfuls of pale flesh, decorated with pink nipples the shade of strawberry candy. And since strawberry being his favorite flavor, he couldn't resist getting a taste.

“There we go,” Kiernan swooned, sighing as Roland got past being stunned and found himself more in the moments with her nipples between his lips. Back and forth Roland went between Kiernan's breasts, getting a taste far better than any candy on his tongue.

That was just the warm up Kiernan thought that needed. She pulled his face away from her tits and kissed him, then got up, she pulled off her jeans and panties, leaving her nude and Roland flabbergasted, but not quite motionless. He began to strip as well, scrambling to take his clothes off so fast he didn't even bother getting up from his seat. It was enough to elicit a giggle from the sexy clerk, but when she saw what he was packing the laughing stopped and she bit her lower lip a bit in anticipation.

“So...um...do you have a bedroom or...” Roland asked.

“Not really. It's pretty much a studio.” Kiernan replied. “But...” She got on her knees near the futon and pulled the frame just a bit, letting it down and revealing where she slept. “Ta da!”

“One heck of a trick,” Roland joked.

“Well wait until you see what's next,” Kiernan said as she crawled onto the futon. “That's going to be real magic.”

Roland lips met Kiernan's again, this time he was the one laying her down. Kiernan was a-okay with this, even more so as her maneuvered himself between her lovely legs and his cock hard, right at her entrance and awaiting that green light.

“You sure?” He asked.

“I doubt I'd be naked on my bed with on top of me if I wasn't,” Kiernan said.

“Good point, well made.” He replied before kissing her, and just as his lips touched hers his cock passed through her heavenly gates and they were both very, very happy with the results.

“Wow Roland,” Kiernan said. “Oh....oh yes....” She hadn't quite known what to expect from Roland, but what he was giving her was better than she could have imagined. It wasn't fancy. It wasn't some amazing feat of sexual acrobatics. It was tender. Butterfly kisses and slow, loving strokes into her yearning pussy.

Her legs wrapped around him, hugging his waist and he ran his fingertips over her thighs. There weren't words coming to either of their mouths as their minds were to focused on the moment. Roland couldn't believe this was happening and to a degree, neither could Kiernan. It just felt right. There was no sense of surprise. Just pleasure. The pace increased and Kiernan’s legs pulled him tighter, both of them breathing a little harder. Finally, Kiernan got the will to speak again between the moans.

“I...my god Roland...oh...I…want to cum with you...cum for you...mmm keep going...oh my...oh wow....”

Roland was still beyond words, but he answered her calls with a kiss and began to go faster. The end was just around the corner for them both, and to Kiernan's shock she was pretty sure it was going to be her going off first. It had been far, far too long for and just having his flesh and blood cock inside of her was enchanting beyond words.

“Yes...yes...oh...yes...Roland...oh...yesssss!!!” Her screams of passion came from a silent mouth as she gave into the pleasure. It shocked Roland a bit, it felt as though they'd just gotten started. But seeing Kiernan's gorgeous face as her orgasm hit her and feeling her body react around him. She may have cum first but it was a photo finish with how soon Roland followed.

He pulled out of her watching as Kiernan took deep breathes of air and the pleasure still coursing through her veins. Stroking himself for a few moments, he’d exploded on her pussy and stomach, his cum splatting on her stomach and her dark patch of pubes. With every drop wrung out he fell on the mattress next to her, just as dazed as she was.

“So,” Roland said. “Is it safe to assume we're more than friends?”

“Big time.” Kiernan. “That cool?”

“Very. You still hungry?”

“Very. Night's still young. Round two later?”

“Hell yeah.” Roland replied.


“Cami's right,” Selena said as she got out of her Uber to meet Peter in front of the club. “You do clean up nice.”

It was a rare sight. Selena in all her years of knowing him had only ever seen him all jazzed up on rare occasions. Usually, Peter was all jeans and t-shirts. But when he went for it, he was a regular GQ cover boy as he was now. Black shows, black pants, a dark blue button up shirt and even a black jacket. Even his hair, still in its usual longer state, fit in hanging just ever so slightly over his face. 

“I can easily say the same for you Sel.” He replied. “So…why this club?”

“Well for starters the DJ is killer and always picks the best songs to dance to. But more importantly, I know the bartender and we're getting cheap drinks.”

“Part of any college students well-balanced diet.”

“You always did catch on quick Peter.” Selena grabbed his hand as soon as she was close enough.  “Come on.”

Selena led Peter past the line. The bouncer clearly knew her as well and had no problem letting her through. “You have a lot of connection here, huh?”

“You'd be surprised what a free plate of wings at Knockers will get a girl in this town,” Selena said with a wink. “Even if I'm not there anymore, I earned myself a few favors that I don't mind using for us tonight.”

Selena led Peter to a table near the bar and just a step away from the dance floor which was packed.

“So, question Sel,” Peter said. 

“I’ll have an answer,” she said with a smile.

“Given my history with dancing, why a dance club?”

“Just to have fun.” Selena replied. “I'm not expecting a Dirty Dancing talent show moment or anything. Just have some fun with me. And if it tanks there's a lot of other things we could do. I mean we're both overdressed but I think there's half price bowling tonight.”

“You remember that?”

“Of course. It's nothing short of a miracle that Cami got you to step in rhythm and give that pompadour. But, enough about the past, let's focus on the present and getting you on that dance floor. Need a drink first or are we doing round one stone cold sober?”

“I feel like jumping without a net,” said Peter.

“Sober it is,” Selena said with a smile, once more taking his hand and leading him, this time to the crowded dance floor. Though with a woman as beautiful as Selena leading the way, a movable path seemed to open before them.

“Okay, just follow the rhythm,” Selena said. “Watch me.” And he did. Peter eagerly watched as she moved those hips. Hell, he had her whole bod in view as she moved and swayed in sensual rhythm to the music.

“Don't just look, move,” she sweetly urged. “Just follow me.”

Peter began to move, trying to match Selena's moves, which please his dance partner. 

“There we go Pete!” she said. “Don't even really think about it. Move with me...dance with me.” Selena moved closer, turning around quick, her long brown hair whipping as she did so, making sure she looked at him over her shoulder. She back into him, her ass against his crotch, grinding ever so softly. Selena's hands reached behind for his, grabbing them by the wrists and bringing them to her hips. She wanted them moving together.

“See?” She asked with a knowing tone, her hand moving up to his face. “Fun.” Her fingers ran through the longer bits of his hair. Their lips got close, very close. They were a breath away from a kiss when Selena pulled away, turning to face him. They both wanted it, but it was right, not yet.

Their bodies were still close now, Selena still guiding him as they were now face to face, eye to eye...and due to Selena's insistence, crotch to crotch. Peter didn't mind that one bit. His arm held her by the hips while hers looped around the back of his neck.

Selena was very happy to see a smile on Peter's face. It was a gesture she returned. The moment where they were about to get much closer felt like it was just around the corner...and then the song ended and the pulled apart.

“So…drink?” Selena asked. When she said that though, a slower song came on.

“Actually, let's stay on the floor.” Peter replied.

“Sure thing.” She laughed a bit and they got closer. Her hands returned to his shoulders and his to Selena's hip. They almost made a V-shape with their bodies, their crotches close together, hips moving in a circular grind while their bodies grew further apart. Their eyes however were locked on each other.

“You look amazing,” Peter said. “Seriously...drop dead gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” said Selena, moving her upper half a bit closer to him. “And I think I've already established my thoughts on your looks tonight...very handsome.”

The more the song went on, the closer the two got to each other. And the closer their bodies got, the closer their lips got until finally contact was made. It was a kiss Peter had waited a long time for and it was very, very worth it. Her soft lips, her wet tongue on his...damn good was underselling it.

“I can't believe this,” a sarcastic, grating voice said. It was a voice all too familiar to Selena. The couple broke their kiss only to see a sight from Selena's past she was hoping to never see again, her ex-boyfriend Reggie.

“What the fuck do you want Reggie?” Selena said.

“Nothing but a laugh,” he replied. “And Selena, baby, I knew you'd be slumming after me, but this loser? Honey, you could do better.”

“If I was dating Peter it'd be better than you by default.” Selena retorted. “I mean he's a real man not some pathetic stunted little boy.”

“Oh, pathetic? Not so pathetic I couldn't get you to do every dirty thing I wanted you to.” Reggie got closer to Selena, who wasn't backing down. “Just like any other dime store piece of gutter trash. At least I could have made you famous.”

Before Reggie could get even closer, Peter stepped in between them.

“Oh, ho ho, we have ourselves a knight in shining armor over here,” Reggie said before getting right up in Peter's face. “You gonna do somethin'?”

“Not really,” Peter said. “Except ask you a question. Is it true the last time Selena saw you she kicked your ass?”

“It's true,” Selena said with a cocky smile, standing behind Peter. “Glass Jaw Reggie.”

“Damn, wish I could have seen that.”

“You're about to see something a lot more graphic if you don't move,” Reggie said, shoving Peter, sending him back a little but the force was enough to knock Selena down, which made Reggie chuckle. “Right where she belongs, on her back. How about next you get on all fours like the proper slut you are?”

“Don't talk to her like that.” Peter sternly demanded. “Walk away now.”

“Ohhh so scared. She's a whore. A tramp. A slut. And you can't do nothing about it. So, I'll call her all that and more. I know what she is. A rotten, filthy fucking-”

Before the sentence could be finished, Reggie was silenced by a solid fist to his face from Peter. A fist full of the past few days anger, rage and hurt all being let out at once on the face of the asshole in front of him. The punch sent Reggie spinning, knocking him into a waitress, spilling her drinks on him and finally into another table getting more alcohol soaking him. He didn't feel much of this however. The punch had knocked him out on his feet.

“Holy shit,” Selena said as she got to her feet. “Nice.”

“You were right about the glass jaw.” Peter said. Before the two could celebrate, the bouncers were on their way.

“We should get out of here,” Selena said. “I don't have that many favors to cash in.”

The two hurried out the back exit and ran about half a block away, laughing the whole time. Peter's car was parked in a garage nearby and Selena told him she knew a shortcut. However, when she took him down an alleyway that ended not with an easy pathway but a chain-link fence, Peter knew she had something else in mind before they got to his car.

She backed herself into a corner where the fence met the brick wall of the building next to it. Selena had a sexy smile on her face as she beckoned him over with her finger. Peter saw no issue with giving into her demands.

As he got closer Selena got herself ready. She set her purse down on the ground and removed her panties, placing them in the purse. With that gesture, Peter followed up, unbuckling his pants and unzipping his fly. By the time he was in Selena's orbit his hard on was out and Selena saw what she'd been missing.

Peter put his arms around her, cupping her ass under her skirt before getting a good grip and lifting her up. His lips met hers again as he pinned her against the cool surface of the wall. The brick was actually smooth, weathered by years of rain. His hard cock was just at her moist entrance, ready to sink in.

“You sure about this?” Peter said, needing that last bit of approval.

“More than anything.” Selena replied. The next sound from her mouth was a deep, satisfied moan as Peter entered her. The two of them both had shut eyes as the moment was savored. His size, her tightness, the sensual wet warmth. Still, they could only savor for so long. They were in a rather open spot doing their sinning.

Her ankles locked around his waist as Peter began to go right into a steady rhythm. This wasn't the place for tender lovemaking and they were both just fine with that. Alleyways didn't really call for that kind of sex.

Selena gripped the chain-link fence with one hand while the other held Peter by the back of his neck. She needed her to see his face, to give him all the message she couldn't verbally. All she could allow herself were suppressed moans and whispered grunts. Fortunately, Selena's face told the complete erotic story, every thrust inside of her a page turned, every stroke getting closer to the end of the current chapter.

Peter’s face had to tell Selena a story as well. Neither of them were so lost in the sex that they forgot where they were, though it did add a certain something to it. His cock throbbed and pulsed inside of her, every thrust had a little more heat knowing anyone could peek out the window and catch them in the act. It made it all the sweeter.

With Selena securing her grip a bit more on him on the fence, Peter moved one of his hands up to her shoulder, pushing the strap of her dress down and exposing one of her breasts. It wasn't exposed for too long however, Peter covered it with his mouth, tasting a bit more of Selena Gomez. The pace soon got frantic, desperate gasps for air and moans that just couldn’t be muffled anymore. The look on Selena's face told Peter a whole new story when he left her tit. That smile, the look in those chocolate brown eyes. It all screamed what her voice couldn't right now, she was going to cum, and it was all for him.

Peter brought his lips to Selena's ears, whispering to her, asking her to do what was well on the way. “Cum for me,” he softly said, his hot breath giving her ear a little tickle. It was a sweet little spark that lit her already short fuse. Selena's thighs tightened around him and her eyes burned through him before she pulled his face to her to kiss him, muffling the moan she couldn't suppress as she came.

Her tongue darted into his mouth and Peter sucked on the pink muscle while her pussy squeezed his cock, begging him to join her in release. Then Selena turned the last page on that chapter.

“I'm gonna swallow you,” she said, giving as much lust to her voice as possible. No whisper, just a straight declarative statement. “I want your cock in my mouth...shooting your cum down my throat Peter...”

That did it. “Ohhh fuck!” Peter said, barely containing a yell. Selena released her legs and squatted down in front of him, slurping Peter's cock into her mouth and following through on her words. It only took a few moments of being inside of Selena's sensational mouth for Peter to lose it, the first jet of cum rocketing out of the tip of his cock and splattering against the roof of her mouth. More streams followed and Selena slurped and swallowed each one down with no issue, moaning in satisfaction as the hot cream slid down her throat.

She released his softening cock with a pop and stood up to show Peter her empty mouth, licking her lips as she shut it with a smile. Selena then leaned forward, sweetly kissing him.

“Just for the record,” said Selena. “Our night? Not even close to being over.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:38:43 PM
Blake was outside the door to Ben's place. She had gotten the address from her parents, along with their urge to meet with both of her younger brothers. They just didn't get how hard it was. It wasn't like they didn't know that she and Peter had a strong, special bond between them that just wasn't there between her and Ben. That happened. They knew she loved him. What they just couldn't get was how awkward it was between them. Their personalities just clashed and Blake was never quite sure where he got it from. It certainly didn't come from mom or dad, or at least how she knew them. She was honestly shocked that Ben even wanted to get in the same business as Peter. She sometimes hated to admit it but she always thought he'd be an ambulance chaser like that lawyer from The Simpsons.

She loved Ben, but there was a reason why Peter was her baby brother and Ben was the little brother. It may not have been something she liked admitting, but it was true. Despite all that though, Ben was her brother and he did deserve to know she was going to be living in the same town as him for the foreseeable future and if he needed her, really needed her, she'd be there for him. With that in mind, Blake took a breath and knocked on the door. In moments her knock was answered by Ben in a pair of sweats and a ratty old t-shirt. The look on his face, surprise but not exactly pleasant, or unpleasant.

“Blake?” He asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Hey Ben,” Blake said. “Looking relaxed.”

“Girlfriend's working tonight,” he said. “So just being lazy.”

“Real change for you huh?” She joked.

“Starting in already?”

“Sorry, just a little joke. Look, I just came by to let you know I'm going to be in town for a bit. I'm opening up a second boutique and I've been invited to teach a class in the fall.”

“Cool.” Ben replied nonchalantly, almost like it was just the polite thing to say. “When did you get into town anyway?”

“Coming up on two weeks.” Blake answered.

“Let me guess,” Ben said. “You've been seeing Peter a lot in that time, huh?”

“Look, Ben, I didn't come here to start anything. I came to let you know I was here and to give you my landline number to call in case of an emergency or if you really needed something.”

“I could use twenty bucks,” he said with a smile. Blake looked at him, a bit dumbfounded but not exactly shocked. It wasn't exactly unexpected. She reached into her purse and took out a twenty and handed to him along with the phone number. 

“I'll see you around Ben,” Blake said before leaving. Ben smiled and closed the door. Blake turned and began to walk out. “Went better than expected.”


One of the advantages to being friends with Camila Mendes was it didn't take much to get a room at one of her family's hotels, which is exactly what Peter and Selena did after their alleyway tryst. It wasn't a suite or anything special. It was just a normal room with a king size bed, which was all they needed. The door opened and shut. Clothes were shed and Selena laid back completely nude on the bed.

With her in such an inviting position, Peter followed up, sliding up the Latina's legs. Selena softly sighed his name as she felt his fingers and mouth work up her legs. From her ankle to her calf, gentle and sweet touches. Strokes of his fingers, butterfly kisses from Peter's lips and gentle licks from his tongue.

Selena got a little nervous as Peter moved up to her thighs. Her right leg was where she had her scar from her kidney transplant. It was something she was sensitive about. It was a raw nerve area for her that sometimes would put lovers off. Reggie wasn't a fan. He'd always avoided that part of her. That wasn't an issue for Peter, tenderly kissing the flesh there as he did any other part of her. His fingers dancing along the scar. It didn't faze him in the least. It was all part of her and he'd been waiting so very, very long to be in this position.

Relief turned to pleasure when Peter got to her slit. Selena shivered a bit when his tongue began to paintbrush her lips. His hands were being far from lazy however, gently rubbing her thighs until the glided to her hip. He held his grip there, soft but firm, just the slightest bit of pressure as he teased her with his tongue.

Selena's eyes fluttered. She licked her plump lips as Peter got a bit more in depth between her legs. His right hand moved down, his finger circling her engorged clit, soon to be joined by his mouth. He began to suck on her button, making Selena writhe on the bed from the new sensation.

With Peter's mouth taking clit duty, his hand went a little lower probing her velvet depths and flipping all the right switches. He took his time, taking note of every move Selena made in response to every move he made. He didn't want her pleasure to end, he wanted it to build.

He was getting what he wanted, and the more the fire he was kindling built within this long-lusted after lover. And that fire was starting to want some fuel that was a bit more solid than a tongue and fingers, as skilled as they were.

“P-Peter,” she said with a desperate tone. “Inside me...I want you back inside me...”

“How can I resist an invite like that? Peter asked, moving up her body. Not before giving one last kiss on her thigh, right where her scar was. It made Selena feel a little extra warm and her heart skipped a beat.

The kisses continued up her stomach, licking a circle on her navel, lovingly burying himself between her breasts for a few more moments. Selena had to grab his head softly, pushing him against her chest before guiding Peter up to her face. 

Their eyes locked again in a very familiar fashion. She moaned again as Peter's cock filled her for the second time of the night. This time though, they had a room all to themselves. Four walls, a bed and no potential for unwanted eyes or ears.

“Fuck me,” Selena said, the words pouring from her lips, an intoxicating brew of syllables better than any spirit that Peter had consumed. He'd waited years to hear those words from her and they were even better than he could have imagined. Everything had been tonight.

His hand caressed her face while the other reach down, grabbing her left leg and hitch it up as began to thrust into her. Unlike in that alleyway, Peter started out a bit slower now, his cock getting more and more familiar with her tight cavern.  Every single tantalizing centimeter he wanted burned into his mind.

Selena was very much in the same savoring mood. She was memorizing the look on his face as Peter made every one of those first deep and slow strokes inside of her, which were also being committed to memory. This was something they both wanted to remember.

Peter's hand moved up her leg, caressing all of the delectable curves of her body. It was almost as if he was a blind mind reading brail with how his fingers danced on her skin. Peter's other hand soon joined in the reading, both getting to her breasts, cupping them, softly squeezing and massaging the melons before his fingers circled her dark nipples. He sealed each movement on those with a kiss. Moans soon filled the room, pouring out like lava from a volcano. They made up for all the words of encouragement they couldn't make earlier, more and more coming out as things heated up.

“Oh god...fuck Selena,” Peter said. “Oh my...wow...”

“Give it to me baby,” Selena said. “Just like that...right there Peter...fuck you're good...damn...real good....”

His hands slid under her body, gliding between the sweat-slick skin of her back and the sheets and gripped her shoulders. With a quick movement he pulled Selena up so she was now on top, straddling his lap with his cock still buried deep inside of her.

Selena looked at him with a smile as he brushed her dark locks from her face. She locked her ankles around his waist again as she began to pick the pace, and it wasn't quite as slow as Peter had taken it. She wanted more, faster and Peter was all too ready to give it to her.

His hands moved from Selena's shoulder to her ass, taking a good grip on the peach he had admired over the years. He held on tight as Selena began to bounce and ride his did. His hands moved with her ass and hips, Selena working his cock and making him see stars.

“How's it feel baby?” She asked, caressing his face. “How do I feel?”

“More than worth the wait.” Peter replied. “Shit Selena...so damn amazing...”

“Ditto,” she said, licking his lips. She then leaned back, her hands gripping the sheets as she braced her arms. She moved liked a snake, her body moving like a wave on him, then moving on him fast and hard like an earthquake. Both of them released loud series of moans. Obscenities and each other's names formed those moans, though Selena's soon turned into the pleasured cries of a banshee as Peter gripped her hips once more, thrusting hard into her.

Selena's eyes rolled into the back of her skull, the word “FuuuUUUuuuCK,” croaking out of her mouth. After those few brief moments of jackhammering, Peter pulled out and turned Selena around. She was on her knees and kneeling up.

“Ooohhhh,” she gasped when Peter re-entered her from behind.  He brushed her hair from her shoulder and neck, kissing her as he resumed their sexual encounter. He held Selena tight, his arms wrapping around her, cupping her tits.

Peter was thrusting into her full blast, now, both racing to their second explosive finish. Selena’s reach behind her, gripping his thigh and digging her nails in as she got closer and closer. Soon Selena was flat on her stomach with Peter on top of her. It was close for them both now and neither could think of any place they'd rather be. None of the stress of the last few days, just pure pleasure.

Peter's breathing was becoming ragged and fast, just as Selena's was. She could hear every desperate grunt of pleasure and gulp of air. It was time to give him that one last push so he'd give Selena her own last push.

“Cum…cum in me Peter,” Selena growled. “Please...let me feel it...fell how much you want this...want me...I'll cum for you...just cum for me first...”

“Oh...nnng…Selena!” Peter gasped before his one last thrust inside her brought his orgasm.
He moaned in Selena's ear as he filled her pussy with his cum. The hot, warm feeling within, the sound of his pleasure right in her ear, and his embrace as Peter held her close as he emptied inside of her. It was more than enough to send Selena off for the second time as well, her spasming pussy milking a few more streams from his cock before he was spent. The two rolled on to the backs, and Selena rest her head on Peter's chest. They were exhausted, sweaty and out of breath.

“So,” Peter said. “How about that drink?”


“Twice?” Taylor asked with a smile and a slightly shocked tone. She and Selena were sharing a quick cup of coffee and had a nice, somewhat secluded table at the local coffee shop. “And once in an alleyway? And on top of all that, he knocked out Reggie with ONE PUNCH?”

“Yes, all true,” Selena said with a giggle before sipping her latte. “And it was...wow. It was so 100% wow. And technically, if I'm being honest it was more like three times. When we woke up, we went to breakfast and kind of fooled around in his car before we ate. So...yeah...wow.”

“Obviously,” Taylor said with a smirk. And that smirk was tinged the blonde's own experiences with Peter. “So, what are you thinking?”

“About what?”

“Well, where does this leave you two?”

“Well, I'd say all sins are definitely forgiven on both sides. But, it’s not anything more than what it was. Amazing sex. We're friends and I think we're in a better place than we've been in a while. Anything more? That's not happening. Not now anyway. I mean he's still fresh from a break-up and if anything, was going to happen with him I'd need some kind of guarantee I'm not a rebound girl. Besides...I'm kind of enjoying the single life. Just...having fun, not trying to have someone in my life like that. I love him...but not that way. Not right now. And we talked about that anyway over breakfast. He's in the same place, mostly. I mean what happened with Hailee was only a couple days ago. No one's going to jump into a relationship that quick.”

“I get the logic,” Taylor said. “And you both had fun. Pity it had to happen because of a round of infidelity. Peter deserves better. I should talk to him too. He's nice. I always liked him.”

“You could always meet us for breakfast tomorrow,” suggested Selena. “Only problem is we're eating with Camila and I know you two aren't exactly besties...”

“I’ll pick my moment,” Taylor smiled. “While I'm glad the two of you made amends and I can at least be cordial with her now, I don't think Camila Mendes and I will ever be friends.”

“Fair enough,” Selena nodded. “Either way, I'm sure Peter will appreciate it. He's putting on a good front but I can tell it's still getting him.”

“Well, that's what friends are for, correct?” Taylor asked rhetorically. “Taking the edge off of the bad times and making the good so much more fun.”  Taylor smiled before taking a sip of her coffee.” She had some definite ideas on how to take the edge off.


It was the perfect time of day in Lili's mind. 11:00 A.M., just before high noon. The sun shone just right and it was the perfect time to take her lunch break in the park. Jurnee gave her an hour each work day and most days Lili spent it inside with something she brought from home.

Sundays were a different story. Sundays she went to her favorite food truck, got herself a gigantic carne asada burrito with sides of rice and beans and went to go get herself a strawberry Coke from the pizza place to wash it all down and ate it in the park. 

She rarely ate with anyone. Even when she was dating Jake or Ashley she usually just took in the sights and sounds on her own. However, when she arrived at her usual bench, she knew her usual routine was out the window when she saw Peter sitting there eating his own lunch. She wasn't remotely mad at this coincidence. Quite the opposite. She was smiling from ear to ear.

“Fancy running into you here,” Lili said as she took a seat opposite Peter. “Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all.” he replied, putting down his meatball sub. “Just trying to avoid...well, everything recently. Which is why I'm here instead of my place where...Hailee is getting the rest of her stuff and that'll be that.”

“Understandable,” Lili said. She opened her Styrofoam container, ready to dig in, but paused. “I need to tell you something.”


“I…I knew what Hailee was doing. I found out, well let's just say I knew for a while. Not that long but a week before all this happened. I felt horrible keeping it from you but I promised her I wouldn't tell you. Of course, she promised me she'd be honest with you. I'm...I'm sorry. And I'm double sorry for saying this when you're trying to avoid it but...I feel horrible.”

“Don't,” Peter said. “If I'm going to be honest, I probably would do the same for Cami. I get it.”

“I know but...look you've been amazing. You know, just helping me through the whole thing with Jake like a real friend.”

“Well, you are a real friend.” Peter's hand went to hers, his thumb softly stroking hers. It brought a warm smile to her face. “So, don't feel bad. I mean you telling me now says a lot.”

“Thanks,” she said. “So, let's change the subject to something a bit more palatable to lunch.”

“Fine by me.”

“Well, we've hung out a lot recently. We know all about our movie likes and stuff. I know that…I just like being around you.”

“Feeling's mutual.”

“Thanks once more. But, let's kind of explore other things. Like music. Favorite band? Give it to me.”

“That's easy. Styx. But only with Dennis DeYoung.”

“Styx? Someone's into dad rock.” Lili replied. 

“Album oriented rock thank you very much,” Peter said. “I know. Not exactly the coolest choice but I like what I like.”

“No shame in that.”

“What about you?

“Not exactly a band but I'm a huge Lady Gaga fan. She just...speaks to me, you know? It might be pretty cliché considering how popular she is, but it's the truth. I can belt out Paparazzi at karaoke like no one's business. Might take a few drinks but I'm told I hit most of the notes.”

“That sounds like a sight to see...or hear.”

“I'm sure you'll get a chance at the experience.” 

“Tell you what, you sing for me and I'll belt out some Styx for you.”

“Sounds like a deal to me,” Lili laughed. “Can't wait for that. And speaking of deals, you ready for our game night? I spoke with Jurnee and we're all set to go on Wednesday night. She's cool with you helping out. I mean Roland is always in the back with Kiernan so me asking for help is no big deal. And the back room has a HUGE flat screen. Our night of GameCube is at hand.”

“So, it's going to be in crystal clear HD when my mansion is bigger than yours by the end of Luigi's Mansion?” Peter jokingly asked.

“Oh, I am going to make you eat those words,” Lili said. “And it's going to go down a lot rougher than your sub.”

The conversation continued to be friendly between them. Small talk grew slightly deeper. Family, future plans, all kind of things until the food was gone for both of them. Peter offered to walk Lili back to her job and Lili accepted the offer of company for the short trek. They walked through the park on the short trek back, continuing their talk. Making each other laugh, as if no one else was around. That was so much case it was a bit of a surprise when they were stopped by someone with a sketchpad.

“Any chance I could interest the lovely couple in a quick sketch?” The artist asked. “It'll look amazing framed.”

“Oh, we're not a couple,” Peter said.

“Just friends,” Lili agreed.

“Huh? Then why are you holding hands?”

The pair looked down and were surprised to see that was the case. The grip was released and both were flustered.

“I…I'm sorry about that,” Peter said.

“No, don't be.” Lili replied. “It just...happened. No problem.”

“I hope I didn’t make you feel weird.”

“It didn't. Not at all.”

“Still, I'd totally get it if wanted to just head back to your job alone.”

“I don't,” Lili said very honestly. “Besides, it's not that far. Come on, I want to hear more about your Styx karaoke playlist.”

“Well, it's not just Styx,” Peter said, calming down. “There's some ska mixed in their as too.”

“Nice,” Lili said as their walk resumed. “I'm a big fan of variety.  You should hear some of my non-Gaga selections.”


“How am I the asshole?!?” Hailee asked. It wasn’t her usual Monday morning routine. Usually it was a nice breakfast, but the circle of friends she shared that with were currently not on option.

She had other friends though, like Elizabeth Olsen. They were near the courtyard in front of the theater building, sitting on a bench next to an elaborate fountain that was just ostentatious enough to be in front of the epicenter of the acting crowd on campus.

“I didn't say you were an asshole Hailee,” Lizzie said. “What I did say I was I'm shocked you can't see why almost everyone is mad at you. I mean I totally get the need to hide what you were doing. But that also shows you knew it was wrong. But that was part of why you liked it, I'm guessing.”

“I didn't want it this way,” Hailee said. “I mean I figured Peter would be hurt. I knew he would. Which means Cami would be angry. But Lili?”

“How are you surprised by that?” Lizzie asked. “I'm not exactly close with Lili but you put her in an awful position. I mean you wanted her to cover up your cheating after she was cheated on. That's not a good position to put anyone in.”

“I know,” the brunette admitted. “It's just...I wanted to wait until finals were over. No added stress. I thought it would be better...and yeah, way wrong on that.”

“Look, Haiz I'm not trying to make you feel guilty,” Lizzie said, scooting close to her friend. “But you wanted my honest, professional-in-training opinion. And I get where you're coming from on that need for something more exciting and not wanting to be tied down right now and everything else. But I completely understand them too. The clean rip of the band-aid would have been a lot cleaner and you know it.”

“I know...I really didn't want anyone to get hurt...now everything is just a mess. Think I can fix it?”

“Well not instantly,” Liz said. “But you did a movie with all these guys right? And you've known Lili forever...it's just going to take some time. I wouldn't count on being besties with your ex or anything though.”

Hailee sighed in frustration, hanging her head back. “Work is going to be interesting for a bit.”


Taylor Swift had picked her moment. It took a surprising amount of time to have the perfect moment. When the idea struck her, shortly after her little coffee date with Selena, she had to talk it over with Norman. It was kind of like talking to him about what happened with Wayne after she was told of his very, very hot time with Jennifer Lopez. Though that was to get a laugh from her beau, which he did, especially the ending of leaving him hanging.

Norman didn't take issue with her plan, especially after she earned her second free pass in a very fun way. From the way Norman said it, she might have earned an annual pass. Of course, it also helped that what happened with Wayne had a very revenge-based hint to it and what this was, well, it could easily be considered better than revenge.

“How long as this place been here?” Peter asked her as Taylor led him through the lower levels of the student union. Taylor smirked. Of course, he wouldn't know about this place. Very few people did, some of which surprised Taylor. She was still a little shocked whenever she saw the dean's secretary down there with her own special room no less.

Taylor had a room of her own. She claimed it the moment she found it. Installed the lock herself. She used to use it when the Sorority house was a bit too crowded for Taylor's brand of negotiations. Since she and Norman had been exclusive it hadn't been used for much behind some silent study sessions and some on-campus quickies between herself and her lover. It's use on this particular Monday was far more in line with the more classical uses Taylor had for it.

“It's been here for as long as we've been at the college.” Taylor replied. “It's just a bunch of old classrooms. Supposed to be just storage but, well...let's just say there's an arrangement between the custodial staff and student body to keep it a bit more social. It's kind of an open secret. If you know, you know and don't advertise. But you can invite whoever you want, hence why I invited you here for lunch on this fine Monday.”

“Okay, so what exactly are we doing down here?”

Taylor just answered his question with a smile, a knowing smile that he recognized from their brief summer romance a couple of years ago. She led him to a door. It was red, of course, with a shiny brass knob. Taylor put a key in the knob, unlocking it and leading Peter inside.

The room was definitely Taylor. A red table, a red couch. There was even a cabinet that was being used as a make-shift bar with a few bottles of whiskey. Nothing too high end, just some Jack Daniels and Jim Beam. A few other signatures of Taylor littered the room; cat-themed decorations and a mini-fridge that was probably stocked to the brim with both regular and Diet Cokes.

“Take a seat,” Taylor said. Peter turned around to see her close and lock the door.

“Taylor, what exactly is going on here?”

“A little fun,” she said, sliding her shoes off with one foot then the other.

“Ah...I am gonna have to say no to that,” Peter said. “Taylor, I've been on the wrong side of infidelity and you have a boyfriend so...”

“Peter, relax.” Taylor said. “While I appreciate the gesture there's no need. Me and Normie...we have an understanding. He has a hall pass. As do I. Which means, if he gets in an absolutely delicious position, as long as he lets me know first, he gets to have some extra-curricular fun. Same here. So, he knows. Besides, I had a bit of revenge sex recently. It was fun...but not quite so fulfilling. I thought, why not have some fun with someone who deserves it. And I know from experience you're a very worthy recipient. That cover all the bases? Any more objections?”

Peter paused for a moment, running everything through his head before answering. “You know, can't think of a single one anymore.”

“Good. Then sit down.” It was a direct order, but with more of a playful tone. After all, this wasn't Wayne she was dealing with. She and Peter ended their summer of lust on very good terms, so he got the royal treatment as opposed to being treated like a royal pain in the ass.

Peter took the seat on the couch as Taylor stripped herself bare. She didn't try any striptease, nor did she have to. Just the view was enough. That was just Taylor. Somehow, she even made the folding of her clothes drip with eroticism.

The beautiful blonde vixen walked towards her prey. He hadn't taken a stitch off. He remembered how much Taylor liked to unwrap her treats when she was in this mood. She walked across the red shag rug she'd brought in and got her knees on the soft surface.

“Been a while since we've done this,” Taylor said. She ran her hands up his trousers to the button of his jeans, unfastening it before moving to his zipper. “I don't think it'll be too rough getting back in step.”

The zipper went down and Taylor’s hands went in, fishing out Peter's cock. He was already hard. He was always quick to be ready and Taylor loved that...mainly because that was all he was quick at.

“Well, hello again,” she said, her blue eyes going from Peter's prick to his face. Her pink tongue extended from her mouth, passing over her red lips and licking his pole from base to tip. She flicked her tongue on the bell end before pressing her lips against it for a kiss. But then Taylor began to press her lips forward, taking his bishop in her mouth and getting the festivities truly started.

“Oh wow,” Pete said. It was definitely underselling the moment but that was the effect Taylor's mouth had. She was a goddess of oral, it was just understood. Even just starting out she was already working what could only be described as magic. Her tongue hit all the right spots as if she had a treasure map and every spot was an X. All while her nails, painted in the same shade of red as her lips teased the sensitive skin of his ball sack.

Taylor took his cock to the root for a few brief moments before pulling back up. It wasn't a quick release either. Taylor took her time, her tongue slowly dragging up before the hard flesh was exposed to the air. Their eyes met again, but no words escaped Taylor's lips this time. Rather, she brought them down to his balls sucking on the orbs while she worked his cock with his hand. Stroking it but giving the crown a special treatment every so often, forming a small grip on it and moving her palm around it like she was chalking up a pool cue.

Peter hissed in a breath between clenched teeth, making Taylor deliver to him that giggle of hers, the perfect balance of innocent and naughty in a laugh. It was a quick hit of aural pleasure before Taylor returned to the oral pleasure with his balls in her mouth. It was a nice little tongue bath, soaking his jewels in saliva, but his throbbing pole was still the main thing in Taylor's sights. She couldn't help but bring her mouth back to it, sloppily kissing and licking it before once more sucking the throbbing member back in her mouth.

Though Taylor worked her mouth harder now, faster, she still couldn't shake her attention to detail. She was hands free at this point, her fingers dancing on Peter's thighs while she slobbered on his knob. Frothy, loud and lewd sounds of slurping filled the small rooms. It was almost a beat, a rhythm to go along with the myriad of pleasured sounds to escape Peter's mouth. This wasn't strictly a BJ session though. Taylor had signaled that the moment she stripped down to nothing.

She pulled off his cock again and began to pull his pants off completely. “How about you take care of the top half,” she said. “I'm not the only one who's going to be naked for this.”

While Taylor stripped him south of the equator Peter did the north. The two were wearing matching birthday suits Taylor slithered on to the couch and the pair were soon liplocked, Peter pressing the blonde down on the red fabric of the couch.

“Mmmm Peter,” Taylor moaned, a warm smile on her face. His lips were all over her. Her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. Peter would have even gone lower, getting a taste of her pussy in his quest to get reacquainted with her body. And while most times Taylor would never dream of turning down some oral reciprocation, right now she had the urge to be filled.

“Fuck me,” she said, grabbing his head, her blue eyes piercing his. “I want your cock. Now.”

Peter's trip south was halted and with a quick position shift his battering ram was at the gates. He pushed forward and both of them were made very happy campers.

“Mm. Still fits like a glove,” Taylor said with satisfaction. “Tell me...I want to hear the words...tell me how good it feels to fuck this pussy again.”

“Can't...shit...can't find the words Tay,” Peter said honestly. “Just...holy shit.”

“I'll take it.” Taylor gave him a sexy grin before pulling his face to her again. Her long, perfect legs wrapped around him and held him close while Peter began to build his rhythm. “There we go...right there...take it...take my pussy...ohhhh yesss.”

“Taylor...oh my...oh baby,” Peter grunted. While his mouth tastes hers and his cock explored her depths Peter let his hands go on a trek over her body. Of course, her legs got a great deal of attention, but he certainly didn’t ignore any other part of her beautiful body.

“Mmm...that's it...oh fuck you're so good,” Taylor said. “You know how to fuck a girl don't you? Make her feel good...mmmmyeah...really fuck me now...give it to me...I want everything you fucking have!”

“Oh yeah?” Peter said, slowing down only to give Taylor a long, deep and hard thrust. “Like that? That what you want?”

“Mmmm hmmm,” Taylor nodded with a smile. She always enjoyed that about him. How she brought something a bit rougher out of Peter. Someone who followed her lead with no bullshit posturing. It was rare. “Maybe a little harder if you have it in you...NNGGGG YES!”

That last exclamation was Taylor's happy reaction to Peter giving her exactly what she wanted. Every penetrating thrust made the blonde howl and her toes curl. This really had been one of her better ideas...and it was only going to get better.

“Fuck...you want this cock Tay? You want to get fucked nice and hard?”

“I thought that was evident,” she joked before her voice trailed off into a moan.

“Then let's get serious about it.” Peter pulled out of Taylor and flipped her over, the leggy beauty getting on all fours.

Her pussy wasn't vacant for too long, and Taylor moaned out “Yesssss!” when he re-entered her. Just as promised, the new position was just the thing for Peter to give Taylor exactly what she wanted. Her hands gripped the armrest tight as Peter began to plow into her pussy.

“Oh yeah...mmmm...yeah Taylor...this what you wanted?”

“Fuck yes!” She yelled. “Oh my god yes...fuck you haven’t missed a goddamn beat!” Taylor added a bit of a physical exclamation point by pushing her ass back against him. Her hunger for his cock was off the charts now. They were both absolutely rabid beasts, hungry for each other and the pleasure they were giving each other.

Peter's eyes scanned Taylor's body as her fucked her. The ripples on her ass from every impact, the curves of her body and the back of her blonde head. He then looked directly ahead, finally noticing she had a mirror set up. He did a quick look over his shoulder and saw another on the other wall on the other side of the couch.

“Thanks for the extra view,” Peter said, leaning over to kiss her neck. “Just couldn't resist, could you?”

“You know me,” she said in grunts. “Ever the show woman.”

Peter chuckled a bit, watching the look on her face with every stroke he made into her...then his eyes went to her ass...and another idea entered his head as her began to rub those lovely cheeks. Taylor caught the look on his face in the mirror and smiled. She knew what was crossing Peter's mind and she was ready for it.

His hand glided over the crack of her ass and his thumb circled around her asshole. “You have any objections to getting really familiar again?” Peter asked.

Taylor looked at him through the mirror, her tongue curling out over teeth and a smile on those red lips. “Thought you'd never ask,” she said, her tone deliciously naughty. She moaned a bit as Peter gave her one last especially deep stroke before pulling out of her, his cock nice and slick.

“Mmmmm fuuuuck,” Taylor purred. She gripped the armrest tight as Peter pressed his pecker forward against her asshole. There was little resistance as the head of his bishop made it through the threshold of the fresh tightness.

He worked his cock into her inch by inch. He wasn't going to hammer her ass, not yet. He wasn't a savage and he knew from experience with Taylor that taking his time paid off big time. And from the happy moans escaping from her red lips, the experience was going to be one to remember.

“Come on Peter,” Taylor growled. “Little harder now...you're...mmm...you're not gonna break me baby.” She gave him a little extra encouragement beyond the words by pushing back against him. She was ready, he was willing and they were both able.

His hands on Taylor hips, Peter gave in to her reasonable demands and increased his speed. This made Taylor a very happy girl.

“Mmmm yeah...yeah...oh that's so good...mmmm feels good, huh? That nice hard dick in my ass...tell me...fucking tell me...”

“Holy shit Tay...god damn,” Peter said, his stroke now going balls deep up her ass. “It's...so fucking...oh fuck..so damn good...”

Peter's hands moved up her body to her shoulders and began to pull her arms back. Taylor knew what he wanted. She didn't trust too many people enough to give up this kind of control, but Peter fell into that category. He wasn't going to take any liberties Taylor wasn't comfortable with. He held her wrists together behind her back with one hand while the other stayed at her shoulder, pulled her back and holding her up as his thrusts into her asshole sped up.

“YES!” Taylor howled. “Yesyesyesyesyes! Fuck it...fuck my ass...harder...harder Peter...come on...come on...OOOH YES! Just like that!”

“Time for you...to tell me how good it feels Taylor,” Peter said. “Tell me how good my cock feels up your asshole!”

“Ahh...oh shit better than I remember,” Taylor said, grinning for him through the mirror. “And…mmmm gonna make it even better for you...”

Taylor did just that, squeezing her ass tight around his cock, hugging his dick tight with her holiest of holes. The reaction was instant, the lover of the moment freezing as Taylor pushed him a little harder than he'd been expecting.

“What's wrong?” Taylor teased. “Not too much for you I hope...because you better not cum up my ass...mmm not that I don't like it...I just have something I like even more in mind...your cum fucking covering my face...getting on my tongue...tasting my ass on your cock as I suck everything out of you...think you can swing that? Or is this ass just...FUCK...too much for you?”

“Not just yet,” Peter said. “And that isn't happening...not until I know you've cum…cum just for me...fuck just for me...”

“Mmmm that's what I want to hear...fuck...just what I wanted to hear!”

Peter let go of Taylor's wrists, slapping her hard on her ass before gripping it. One hand remained at her shoulder while Taylor's digits on busy, furiously working her clit and slamming on the gas to pass the finish line before Peter. Not a word that came from her red lips was a lie, and she was determined to get what she wanted. It wasn't like Peter hadn't brought her most of the way. He'd done an amazing job, going well past her memory of their three-month fling, she was just taking the wheel to get them both to their destination faster.

“Oh...yeah..oh Peter...gonna cum...gonna cum with that fucking cock in my ass...YESSSSSS!!!!”

Taylor howled with pleasure, her skin tingling and glistening with sweat as she came. Peter continued to fuck her ass, his perfect pounding giving Taylor's orgasm a bit more staying power. Then came a change in the tone of his moans...a hint of desperation...a climax. And Taylor was ready to show what Peter was well-versed with: she was a woman of her word.

She scrambled to her knees and Peter stood over her. There was no direction to be given, Taylor dutifully and happily sucked his cock into her mouth straight from her ass. No hesitation. That just wouldn't be right in her books. It was hot and savage, no mercy. No slow build up. Taylor wanted an eruption and for Peter's white-hot magma to cover her face. She flat out needed it. This wouldn't be a complete act without it.

“Cum,” she demanded, her fist a blur on his prick. “Give it all to me...every fucking drop. I'm greedy...so greedy...I want that hot jizz covering me...I want to see what my ass did to you...don't hold back...all of it...”

If fucking Taylor Swift up the ass wasn't enough to get Peter to lose any pretense of wanting to hold back her being on his knees sucking him off and begging for his load right after did.

“Taylor!!!!” He yelled, taking his cock from her grip into his own just as he began to erupt. White hot volleys of cum went right to their intended target, her gorgeous face. Rope after rope slapped against her, one of them sealing her eye shut, another striking across her face and some even getting in her golden locks. The lustful blonde extended her tongue, making sure it got just as coated in his cream.

Taylor wrapped her red lips around the crown, sucking his cock head and furiously running her tongue under it, sucking the last few streams from him before letting him go with a fiendishly sexy giggle to top it all off.

“Cami was right,” Peter thought to himself. “She should send Taylor a fruit basket.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:41:58 PM
In an effort to avoid further run-ins with Kira, Camila had elected to take her Monday lunch in the student union's food court. She stood before the row of eateries, taking a moment to decide what exactly she was craving on the sliding scale of fast-food burgers to fast food Asian cuisine.

As her eyes scanned the menus from afar, they also caught view of Selena Gomez.

“Selena!” Cami said, getting the other woman's attention. Selena heard and made her way over. 

“What's up?” Selena asked.

“Just lunch.” Camila replied. “Don't feeling like dining alone. Care to join me?”

“Sure! What're you having?”

“Haven't decided yet,” Camila said, her eyes still hopping between the menus. “You have any suggestions?”

“Well, pizza never really fails. And bonus, it's not Sbarro's.”

Cami thought it over, nodding her head as she came to agreement. “Sound logic.” They walked over to the pizza destination when Cami paused them for a moment.

“Something wrong?” Selena asked.

“No, not at all,” Camila replied. “I actually wanted to ask you something and thought it might be best before we eat.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well,” Camila began. “Next week finals end and to put it lightly it's been extra stressful for myself and Peter so I was going to surprise him with a little Vegas trip right after his last test. Thursday to Monday. I was going invite Lili too but she's taking on more hours at her job to help pay for some convention she's going to in July and now here's your invite. Not the full load I was expecting but the penthouse suite can still accommodate.”

“Are you serious?” Selena asked, a smile slowly creeping to her face.

“Well, yeah. Wouldn't have said it otherwise.” After her reply Camila was surprised with a big hug from an absolutely giddy Selena. Cami returned the gesture, a bit surprised at the extreme positivity of the response. “Okay, not that I don't appreciate the PDA but a yes would have sufficed.”

“Not it's just...I'm happy!” Selena said. “It's like...I really feel that I've turned things around. My mom seems a lot calmer with me, I'm making good money at work, my grades are up...and I'm pretty confident me and Peter are good again.”

“That's great!” Cami said. “You can tell me all about it when we get some food. And while I thank you for the pizza recommendation, I finally caught a whiff of some shrimp fried rice. I think I know my lunch destiny.”

Camila got her lunch, Selena got hers and the two selected a seat near the glass window, the sunshining in just the right way so not to get in their eyes.

“So, this is one of those moment where I love to say I told you so,” Cami said, unraveling her plastic silverware. “But I did tell you things would be good between you and Pete again.”

“Well...they might be more than good,” Selena said, a coy smile crossing her lips that Camila caught.

“Spill,” Camila demanded. “I think you have some details you wanna share. You know, just between us girls.”

“Well, because off the shit that happened at the restaurant, I invited Peter out dancing. Which we did, and we talked before that. And that's ALL it was going to be in my mind.”

“Uh-huh...” Cami said, invested in every word Selena said.

“And true, we were getting very close, and that happens when you dance.”

“Of course.” Cami agreed.

“Exactly. And then my ex comes in...and I'd rather not go into too many details about what went on between us to make him the ex.” Selena looked a bit embarrassed just remembering she'd ever been with Reggie.

“You don't have to. I know some of the details. Enough to know he's a bastard.”

“And he proved it. Came up to me, really tore into me. Pushed Peter, which knocked me down...so in response Peter knocked him out.”

“Get out!” Camila said. “Peter punched him? Damn I wish I could've seen that. You get it on your phone?”

“I wish,” Selena joked. “And after that, we kind of had to leave the club...and things happened that were a little more intense than dancing if you catch my drift.”

“The drift is very much caught. When exactly was this, if you don't mind me asking?”

“Saturday night...and some of Sunday morning.” Selena replied. “Why?”

“That rapscallion,” Cami said with a grin, biting the straw of her soda between her teeth. “Peter's been very busy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well sweet Selena, who do you think he was with on Friday?” Cami cheekily replied. “And a little of Saturday morning.”

“Oh my gosh!” Selena said, covering her mouth as she laughed. She suddenly got very serious. “Wait, are you two...I mean I didn't...”

“Oh no!” Cami assured. “No no no no. We had a long discussion about that. And what happened was I had just gone through someone reopening all of my Jose wounds that hadn't even totally healed up. Then the whole Hailee thing. We just needed some comfort, and we both went for something familiar. But that's all. You didn't do anything wrong. It was just...friends comforting each other in a very intimate way.”

“Okay,” Selena said, calming down a bit. “I just... I just didn't want to wreck things for him again. Or you.”

“Well, you didn't,” Cami said. “But thanks for the concern...and the idea.”

“Idea?” Selena asked.

“Well...like I told Peter our little comfort fest can't last forever,” Cami said. “So…here's my thinking. Vegas is that grand old send-off.”

“You want me to get a different room?”

“Not at all.”

“Oh.” Then it his Selena. “Ooohhhhhhhh. Are...are you suggesting that...”

“Unless you don't want to,” Cami said. “But yes, the suggestion has been made. But no pressure if you're not into it.”

“It's not that. It's just kind of a surprise. But...not opposed to the idea at all. You're sure?”

“Absolutely.” Camila confidently replied. “I mean why not? That's what college is for, right? Now, all we need to do is come up with just the right way to put this idea in motion...”


“And that does it,” Lili said. She'd just finished hooking her GameCube up to the comic stores huge HD TV in the back room. It was a treat the owner, Jurnee Smollett, thought would be a good idea for her workers. Lili was happy and surprised her retro game system worked on a more modern TV without an adapter. Jurnee bristled at the idea of a GameCube being called retro.

“You sure you don't mind me doing this?” Lili asked.

“It's not problem,” Jurnee said. “It's not like I don't know that Kiernan binges Next Generation and Clone Wars back here. I mean for one she actually brings the hard copies and leaves them out in the open. And usually, it's right alongside Roland so this isn't a big deal. Just get the work done and anything else is smooth sailing.”

“No problem.” Lili replied.

“When is the free help supposed to arrive?” The boss asked. She opened the backdoor, checking on the sky for the third time since she saw the weather forecast earlier in the day. “Those clouds are getting fit to burst.”

“It's almost closing,” Lili said, checking her phone for the time, which was 4:55. “Should be any minute.”

Almost on cue with the last word of her sentence the jingle jangle of the front door opened. Lili and Jurnee got up to see it was indeed the awaited free help in the form of Peter Ferrano, and he was holding a bag full of take-out.

“Just in the nick of time,” Lili said. “Very appropriate for a store that deals in four color heroes.”

“Would have been here a bit earlier but, takeout.” He replied. He set the bags down as Jurnee approached, extended her hand.

“Hi, I'm Jurnee, store owner and Lili's boss,” she said. “I hope she laid out the laws of the land since you'll be giving her a little help.”

“Crystal clear,” Peter said. “After eight, no more cocaine and strictly numerical books are grouped separately from others.”

“Yep, you've been briefed,” Jurnee said with a laugh. “And with you here I can head out and lock up for the night. See you both later.”

Jurnee bowed out and locked up just as she said, leaving Lili and Peter alone. The blonde approached him, curious as to what he'd brought. “What's on the menu?”

“I know you love a good burger,” Peter said.

“Guilty as charged.”

“Knowing that I stuck to the beef, but just in a different form; Philly cheesesteaks. And a double order of fries for us to split.”

“Very daring move Mr. Ferrano,” Lili said, leaning back against the store's counter. “Sweet peppers?”

“Of course. The works. Sweet peppers, hot peppers, onions and mushrooms.”

“Then that just leaves the ultimate question: Cheese Whiz or provolone?”

“One twelve-inch each,” Peter said. “Your choice is 100% of one or the other or a 50% split.”

“You really did cover all the bases,” Lili said with a smile.

“Yeah, and it's that kind of quick thinking that's going to put me ahead in our little Mansion of before we step into some Eternal Darkness.”

“Well, before I make you eat those words alongside dinner, we do have some work to do,” Lili said. “Just some back issue organizing, like said. No real new product to put out or take into inventory. Most of that comes in Tuesday and we get it done that night and on Wednesday morning. Tonight, we're taking care of the X-Men stuff. That alone is honestly a couple of weekends worth of work. There are like seventy different comics just named X-Men alone. Got that drilled into me via Kiernan on day one.”

“Nerd bootcamp.”

“Pretty much,” Lili laughed. “So, let's get started.” She picked up one of the plastic bags. “What's in this one?”

“Dessert. Oreo cheesecake.”

“Cheesesteaks and cheesecake, how decadent.” They headed into the backroom. The TV was set up as were the two gigantic stacks of comics and several long white boxes marked with the respective titles destined to be pack in them.

“Okay, it's pretty simple,” she said once they got to the books. “Numerical order, always group the variant covers right next to the normal editions. Backing board in the bag first, then the comic, one strip of tape on the back to keep it closed. Rinse and repeat.”

The each sat down next to their respective piles and got to work. It was a relatively simple thing. The only thing that made it daunting were the sheer numbers involved. Lili wasn’t joking at the abundance of books with the X-prefix.

“You do this a lot?” Asked Peter, carefully inspecting each issue.

“Part of the job.” Lili answered. “I usually don't have company doing it. Not complaining about that either. Sometimes there's Kiernan but then she'll go int depth on some storyline and gets really passionate and that's fun but I think I just look like a deer in headlights because she kind of stops when I look up. I think I come off as like a snob or something. It's just...a bit overwhelming. Then again I think I've seen the same look on her face when I get into the continuity mess that is the Halloween franchise so it evens out.”

“Well, now that I know that I can talk about my theory as to how Halloween III actually DOES fit into the Myers timeline the topics of conversation become truly endless...like the number of timelines themselves in that franchise.”

“Well before we delve that deep how about some music while we work?” Lili took out her phone and after a few swipes of her finger Styx's “Renegade” started to blast from the blue tooth speakers on a nearby table.

“You made a playlist?”

“Of course. I mean I had to do something with the music conversation we had. We got some Styx; we got some Gaga...and a couple of surprises along the way.”

“Thanks,” Peter said. “Should make this go by a lot quicker so we can dig in and fire up some games.”

“Yep. And to lull you into a false sense of security so I can utterly decimate you on MY playthrough's mansion.”

“Always with the ulterior motive,” Peter joked. The music filled a few moments before Peter spoke again. “Can I…uh…ask you a question? I mean if you want to dodge it, I totally get it.”

“About what?”

“Well...it's just...when you found out about Hailee…did she bring up the threesome? As like some kind of reason?”

“Honestly...yeah,” Lili said, nodding her head. “She did...and it pissed me off. I mean...it's not like it was my idea and it felt like she was trying to blame me for what she was doing.”

“She did the same thing with me.” Peter admitted. “I'm guessing the same words for us both.”

“Yeah. I guess that leads to a question of my own. I know I asked before and we talked about it...but that was before that whole...thing. Do you regret it now?”

Peter took a moment to think. However, once his eyes landed on Lili again the answer was obvious. “No. For the same reasons. And…if we hadn't maybe we wouldn't be as close as we are right now. I mean totally still would have been there for you after the trip. But...well to put it bluntly if you're still friends with someone after sex and you don't get closer than either the sex wasn't that good or you aren't that close. And I think we're close...and it was good.”

“Can't disagree on either part,” Lili said. Before what was said could sink in for either of them, Lili switched the subject. “You know what? Let's put the work on the back burner. I'm hungry and I feel like exploring a haunted mansion with an Italian plumber.”

They migrated to the couch. Lili turned on the game system and Peter brought over the food, taking out the sandwiches, fries and a small Styrofoam bowl.

“What's in that?” she asked.

“Gravy.” He replied, getting a perplexed look from the blonde. “You ever see a movie called Diner?”

Lili shook her head.

“It's great, we gotta watch it sometime. Anyway, most of it takes place in a diner, and one of the dishes ordered is Fries with gravy. Kind of like that Canadian thing, poutine, without the cheese. It's pretty good, but I also brought some ketchup packets if you wanted to play it safe.”

“Well, far be it from me to ever shy away from a little bit of experimentation.” There was a tone of flirtatiousness in Lili's voice that Peter caught and enjoyed. 

The startup screen for the game started and Lili dimmed the lights. Just as she did that, a loud thundercrack was heard. The two went out to the front of the store to see it absolutely pouring outside.

“Where'd you park?” she asked Peter.

“My car’s still at my place,” he said. “I pretty much walked here. “What about you?”

“Parking garage across the street. Third floor. My car's going to be dry as a bone but I'm not going to go through that or wade through the aftermath. Looks like it'll be a while too.”

“Well fortunately we have some gigantic sandwiches, games and a store full of reading material to keep us busy while we spend the night together.” Peter answered.

Lili smiled when it occurred to her that was what they were going to end up doing. And she couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be at that moment, rain or shine.


After a hat trick of days where Camila got to avoid the office and therefore Hailee, Thursday brought on no such luck. That didn't mean that she didn't have some kind of luck. For example, she had no classes that day. The few she did were cancelled to the students a free study day. That was a big win in her book. The other win was that she had a lunch time guest in Peter Ferrano.

While lunch was indeed on the itinerary, Peter had picked up some Chinese take-out, they both had something else on their minds when she met him in the hotel lobby. It was something they both knew would make her very hungry. She led him to the second floor where all the conventions and gatherings were usually held in the hotel. It was dead currently, there weren't going to be any gatherings until the end of the month. The cleaning staff, the day crew at least, had long since finished their sweep of the floor.

All of that added up to a bit of privacy. That privacy led to the two locking themselves in a bathroom on the far end of the floor, away from the elevators. With that done, the first hungry kisses came, and that led to Camila being bent over at the waist over the sink in the restroom, her skirt hiked up and her panties around her ankles. Peter's cock was buried inside of her very hungry pussy.

“Oh God Peter,” Cami grunted. “You have no idea how much I needed this right now!”

“I think I might have a good idea.” He replied. He leaned over and kissed Camila's neck, his cock driving into her sopping cunt at a heated pace from the very start. His hot breath as he moaned for her made goosebumps pop up all over her body.

Camila's hands were planted firmly against the mirror in front of them while Peter's moved down legs. First, they began at his hips, but he just had to allow them to wander down. Down to Camila's thigh and lower. When her skin gave way to the intricately stitched hem of her black stockings.

“Oh my god!” Peter said. “Camila...” He felt himself drive into her faster. Something about stockings just drove him mad and Cami loved the results.

“Mmm hmm,” she said, grinning. “Just like that...mmmm Petey right there...give it...ohhhh....”

The two were in perfect synch with each other. Cami pushed back, meeting him thrust for thrust, every word spoken by one urged the other on and ever touch like electric fire. This wasn't like their bedroom romp; this was a bit of afternoon delight. Though it may have been a bit of a quicker pace, it wasn't any less enjoyable. They just knew how to work each other up.

Peter knew just how to move inside her to hit those sweet spots and Cami had the same knowledge of him, working her body and saying just the right words in just the right way to make him ready to melt. His eyes went between the amazing view of his eyes entering Cami from behind and to the mirror to her face and the look of ultimate enjoyment on her face. Free of troubles and nothing but the pleasure on her mind. And while the reflection was nice, Peter wanted to be a bit more up close with her. He pulled out and spun Camila around. The brunette got the picture, stepping out of her underwear. She laughed with glee when she felt Peter's hands grip her ass and lift her onto the sink behind her. One leg dangled loosely while the other wrapped around his hip.

Cami kissed him, her tongue sliding into Peter's mouth just as his cock slid right back into the warm depths of her pussy. “Needed a better a view huh?” she asked.

“Can you blame me?”

“Not really.”  She got a smile out of both their lips meshed together again. From there it was more of his heavy breathing in her ear. He was focused on her and nothing but. Cami was focused as well, but she managed to get a few words out.

“Peter,” she said in a gasp. “This time...mmmm...mmm cum in me...cum with me...it's okay...you've got the green light Petey...just do it...don't worry...”

Camila's voice was dreamy and full of desire. She gave Peter the go ahead to drive them to the end. Marathons had their place, but right now they both needed a quick fix of each other and were both ready to drive off that cliff together.

“OH GOD...oh Cami...oh my god...” Peter said, thrusting into her faster and faster now. It was any moment for him and any moment for her.

“That's right Petey,” she said. Camila grabbed his face, forcing him to look her in the face. “Don't stop...don't even think it...cum…cum with me...come on...”

Her pleads wore him down, it was too much for him to take. One last thrust and one last kiss and Peter filled Camila up, flooding her with his hot cum. That last thrust and explosion set the lovely Latina off a swell. The moaned into each other's mouths, softly sucking on each other's tongues as they slowly came down. The kiss broke and they both laughed softly. Peter pulled out and Camila slid off the sink and back to her feet.

“Nothing like a little lunch time rendezvous,” Cami said as she pulled her skirt down. “And what did you bring for food?”

“Singapore noodles for you, double order.” Peter answered.

“It's scary how well you know me. So, here's the rest of the lunch hour we're eating in Conference Hall B. I'm going to go clean up a bit more, pick up some drinks in the gift shop and then we feast. What are you feeling?”

“Honestly just some sparkling water's good for me,” he said, zipping his pants up. “Also...love those stockings.”

“I thought you might,” Cami said with a smirk. “I mean face it Peter, look at your history. Sydney, Taylor, Selena, Hailee...and obviously me...you're a leg man. And leg men tend to love some stockings.”

“Can't deny that.”

“Oh, and one more thing!” Cami said before he left to the prescribed room. “I have a suggestion for you. And by suggestion, I mean we're pretty much doing it.”

“It's you so of course my fate's been decided for me.”

“That's what I love you about you Petey dearest,” Cami said. “You don't question the inevitability of my amazing ideas. But anyway. Next Thursday after your last final you, me and Selena are going to Las Vegas. Got a penthouse suite. Three friends having fun...like I will openly admit we should have in high school if I hadn't been so abrasive to Selena, and vice versa to be fair. And also...to kind of have a last hurrah with you. No offense at all Petey...because that was one hell of a quickie...but this was never going to be a long-lasting thing. Fuck I'm being so callous, aren't I?”

“No, you're not,” Peter said. He put his hand on his shoulder to assure her. 

“Look...it's not that the sex isn't great. But it's just that...Peter if we keep doing this it's going make things way too blurry between us and I don't want that. Right now? We're just helping each other through a really, really rough time...and I think that has to end.”

“Camila, I totally understand.” He replied, giving her a quick but deep hug. “And I agree.”

“Good. And now that we have that out of the way...let me tell you one thing for sure about this little Vegas trip. In between all the sight-seeing and gambling...I'm going to rock your world.” She kissed him; her lips full of fire. “Holy shit you're such a good kisser.”

“You're not bad yourself.”

“Not bad?” Cami said half-seriously. “I am gonna make you pay for that.”

“I can only imagine how. For a week at least.”

It was a lazy Sunday for Lili. Cami was at work, Hailee was still avoiding her, Sabrina and Peter were busy with the movie, which left Lili alone. And of all those names she wished one was with her the most. And that was why she'd called Madelaine to come by. She needed someone to talk to, and that someone needed to be neutral, especially about what was on her mind. While Lili was anxious, she was far from down in the dumps. She just needed a sounding board and there were few better in her life than Madelaine Petsch. And while she waited, she watched YouTube FX clips for ideas. However, that ended when the knock came to her door. The blonde got up from the couch and opened the door, letting Madelaine over the thresh hold.

“Your councilor has arrived,” Madelaine said, brushing past Lili after a quick hug hello. She took a seat on the couch and waited for Lili to join her.

“Nice to see you too Mads,” Lili said as she sat down.

“Never been one for small talk,” Madelaine said. “Which I'm sure you're aware of. Doesn't mean I don't care. What's the problem you needed to talk to me about? How can I apply my wisdom?”

“Laying it on a bit think, aren't you?”

“Maybe,” the redhead said. “But there must be some reason I'm here. So, let's get to it Lils.”

“Okay...Mads...what would you say the rules on a friend's ex?”

“Come again?” Madelaine asked.

“Okay...just...let's keep this between you and me.” Madelaine nodded. Lili sighed, breathing deep before she spoke again. “I think I like Peter...and that I've been falling for him for a while. And no, it's not all from the threesome...you did know about that, right?”

“Of course.” Madelaine replied.

“Well, that confirms everyone knows,” said Lili. “But yeah. Him, Hailee and myself. It wasn't my idea and it wasn't his. It was all on Hailee. And it was…it was so good. Looking back there were times I kind of forgot Hailee was there...but it's not just about the sex. We started to hang out a lot after that. Get to know each other more and…look it just happened. I just kind of fell for him. I think he feels the same but we didn't do anything, I swear. I never made a single move on him while he was with Hailee or me with Ashley. You have to believe me on that.”

“Of course, I do,” Madelaine said, her tone soft and friendly. “Lili, I know you and I know you'd never do that.”

“Thanks...and we haven't done anything yet. I mean we spent the night together on Wednesday-

“You what?”

Lili paused, then realized what she said. “Oh no not like that! It was just storming bad that night and it just wasn't a good time to go home. We were both at the store because he was helping me out. We were playing some games too and we fell asleep...and we woke up holding each other.”

“How did he react? How did you react?”

“We both kind of no sold it,” Lili admitted. “I don't know how to do this because...he's Hailee's ex and I don't know what to do with that. That's probably part of his mindset too right now. You know, in addition to being cheated on. But should I even try? Am I crossing a line by even wanting this?”

“Quick question,” Madelaine said. “For a little background that I thought I was clear on but now, from your tone of voice, not too clear.”


“Hailee cheated on him, right? And he found out. Like he didn't catch them fucking or anything but caught them together.”

“That's pretty much it, yeah.”

“I see,” Madelaine said. She got up, making a show of pacing back and forth, the overexaggerated musing look on Madelaine's face making Lili crack a smile. “I've reached a conclusion, and that conclusion is: Who gives a fuck what Hailee thinks? She cheated so she loses the right to tell anyone to stay away from her ex. Fucking go for it. Guilt free. You wanted my take and that's my take. No deliberation needed. It's open season if that's what he wants too. Suck it up buttercup. Get shit done.”

“Really? I'm not being a bad friend or anything?”

“Lili, you're the last person anyone with any sense would accuse of being a bad friend. A bad friend is someone who avoids you and blames you for doing the right thing.”

“Awww, thanks Mads,” Lili said.

“I'm just telling you the truth. Now, are we going to continue this therapy session or are we getting to some Animal Crossing and vegan nachos as promised?”

“Of course. I mean if I welched that be a bad friend thing to do.”
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 18, 2021, 08:44:30 PM
After weeks of finals and heartbreak followed by hours on the road driving himself, Camila and Selena to Vegas the only thing Peter wanted to do was sleep. It wasn't that the trip was long or annoying. It was actually rather nice to see up close and personal how friendly his two closest friends had gotten after years of being ready to scratch each other's eyes out. And Camila had kept her end of the agreement, they were ready to go the moment he got out of his last final, which he felt very confident about. She and Selena were carrying bags of snacks with Selena even pulling pushing a collapsible cart that held cases of water, both still and sparkling.

Alcohol would be a concern for later, and Camila insisted on it being on her tab and by this point Peter knew when not to argue with her. She had a certain tone of voice where he knew it was just better to roll over and let her have her way. They arrived in Vegas at around ten in the morning. Once everything was loaded in the room the women had plans of their own for a little sight-seeing while Peter hit one of the beds in the suite face first. It could have been any of them but he just went for the closest one. While this did cost him the view of the women getting undressed and redressed in front of him, it was a happy toll to pay on the way to slumberland.

He woke up a couple hours later. Given the silence in the suite Peter guessed he was alone in the apartment. Since he fell asleep in his clothes, not even othering to take his shoes off, Peter figure the best way to feel less grimy was with a shower. He opened his suitcase and took out his own soap, shampoo and towel; he was never really a fan of using the stuff the hotels provided; and headed for the master bathroom of the penthouse.

While knowing a hotel heiress like Camila meant he'd seen many a sizable luxury bathroom, this one was certainly a site to behold. A big, round tub with golden handles he wasn't entirely sure weren’t the real twenty-four karat thing, a gigantic mirror and a shower that easily lived up to the gigantic proportions of the rest of the room.

Peter slid the glass door open and stepped inside the shower. It almost seemed bigger on the inside. Still, any wonder at size was soon washed away by the hot water being jetted out of the sower spout. He let the water run over him, the warm H20 keeping any negative thoughts at bay through force of sheer relaxation. Right not, there was nothing else in the world but himself and the shower.

The world was about to get bigger.

The shower door slid open and there Selena was, just as bare as he was and looking at him with a smirk. “Hope you don't mind some company.” The moment Selena stepped into join him and let the water wash over her body she got her answer.

It was nonverbal. Peter didn't think the moment needed any words and Selena found herself inclined to agree. They were on each other in moments hand roaming and groping each other's bodies while they started a round of tonsil hockey. Though the first round of the game was a bit short as Peter began to move his lips down Selena's neck.

“Looks like this part started without me,” Camila said, surprising Peter. Selena, not so much. Cami stepping right beside Selena. She smiled slyly at the look of utter shock on Peter face. “Why Petey dearest, whatever's wrong?”

“I don't know if anything is wrong perse...” He replied. “Just a little...surprised.”

“Good or bad?” Camila asked, wetting her hair.

“Good...to say the least.”

“Wonderful. I'd hate to think kicking off this little weekend like this would be bad surprise.”

“How else do you think we can surprise him Cami?” Selena asked, moving from Peter's side to Camila's, kissing her shoulder and giving him a preview of the surprises, they had in store.

“We'll get to that, but I'm a bit curious about something Selena.”

“What would that be Cami?”

“Who's the best kisser in the shower.” The two lovely Latinas turned to face each other, giving Peter a quick sexy side-eye before meeting in their own liplock. It was heavy on the tongue, both women pulling each other tight as the kiss grew more and more intense.

Peter watched, jaw agape as he could have sworn the shower got hotter. He washed every tongue movement, every caress each woman made on the other before the kiss broke and both of them made eyes at him.

“Hmmm, very nice,' Cami aid to Selena. “Now Peter my dear, you're turn.” Both women moved closer to him in the spacious shower. Camila was on his left and Selena on his right. Cami grabbed his face softly and pulled it to her, giving him the same kind of hungry and deep kiss, she'd just given Selena. Tender but savage.

The moment that kiss broke it was Selena's turn. For a moment he thought he was going to be ping-ponged back and forth between the women. Then he felt Cami's hand stroking his cock and he knew that there was a lot more still to come.

“I think we might be at a stalemate with the kissing Camila,” Selena said, her hand playing with Peter's balls while Cami stroked him off.

“I have to agree Sel…but I think just to be sure we might have to kiss Peter somewhere else.”

The ladies were going full blast into the act, laying it on thick and Peter didn't mind at all. He just felt like he should be doing more. Though as both sunk to their knees, he was more than willing to let them do their thing and pay them back in full later.

They kissed his legs and caressed his thighs. The women exchanged a look and brought their faces closer to his cock. Peter looked down at them, a fantasy he never even knew he had coming to life before his eyes. Selena started at the base of his prick, her lips kissing up slowly Camila started at his tip, lusciously licking and flicking her tongue against the sensitive crown before wrapping her lips to give it a few soft sucks.

“Holy shit,” Peter said. That sentiment only grew as both women moved until their lips met with his cock in the middle. Soon this intense liplock met at his head, their tongues caressing his dick while they wrestled with each other.

Up and down his pole the two pairs of lips slid, their twin tongues also a very important part of the party. And while the sensation was beyond compare, there was only so much this style of double teaming could do. Which of course mean the women started taking turns. Selena was first in taking on his cock solo. Cami wasn't too far away however, taking point just behind Selena, kissing her shoulder as she watched her begin to devour Peter's cock.

“That's it Selena,” Camila urged. “Fuck that's so hot Sel…bet it feels even better, doesn't it Peter?”

“Uhh huh,” he croaked out, his voice cracking. It made Cami laugh. Selena however was to focused. Her tongue swirled around the tip then slithered down as she took more of his manhood in her mouth. If Peter was in the frame of mind to really think, he would have caught a few tricks Taylor taught Selena. Their styles were similar. Selena picked up on cues from his body and voice, listening for where to get him, how to move her tongue. But there was a much more personal touch as well. Not just the look she gave him with those big brown eyes of hers. It was how her palms softly caressed him, not just stopping at his legs but going up to his waist, trying to feel as much of him as she could in her position.

“Mind if I get a turn?” Camila playfully asked.

“Not at all.” Selena replied. The two kissed again before Camila got in position. She too looked up into Peter's eyes, though her brown eyes had a far more knowing look. A bit sassier and spicier. 

Camila pushed his cock up against his stomach, her mouth first going to his balls and giving them a bit of TLC with her tongue before moving to the root of his cock. She held the hard love muscle in her hand, lowering it to let her tongue move up to the tip. Camila gave Peter a wink before wrapping her lips around the head.

“Oh my gosh Cami that's so sexy,” Selena said, taking up the cheerleading role now. She also had her hand against the back of Camila's head, slowly guiding her as she sucked off Peter. It was both a sensation and a sight to behold. Camila moans weren't anything to slouch at either, especially once Selena's hand slid around Camila's body and down to her crotch,

“Ooooh fuck!” Cami said, letting Peter's prick fall from her lips. Her chin shook, lips locked in a smile as Selena's fingers played with her pussy while her shoulders were treated to kisses from Selena's full lips.

Soon Camila was able to go back to her suckjob with a new fire behind her courtesy of Selena. Taking Peter to the root, slurping and sucking his pole and pushing him dangerously close to the edge...which was right when Camila pulled back.

“Little too close to the edge, huh Petey? She asked playfully. “How about this, you take a breather while I show the lovely lady behind me some appreciation. I think you'll have some fun with that too.”

Peter took his breather as the mercy it was and kept his eyes on the lovely ladies before him. Sure, the water from the shower was hot but it was obvious it was these two who were really steaming up the glass. The moment Camila and Selena were face to face Camila took charge, pull Selena close for a kiss. She then began to press Selena backwards until she was lying on the floor of the shower with Cami on top. Peter stared in awe at these two beauties writhing on the floor together. His eyes were in denial at the vision they saw of Camila and Selena passionately kissing, hands all over each other. Selena in particular didn't seem able to keep her hands to herself.

However, Selena's grip wasn't so intense that Camila didn't have some room to maneuver, which she did as she began to move down Selena's body. Camila savored every taste of Selena's flesh she got. Lips to her neck down to her simply amazing breasts and still further down. Taking her time, but not too much time. There was a destination Camila had in mind after all.

“Ohhhhhh,” Selena moaned. Camila had reached her target between Selena's legs and ready to make her new found friend see stars. And for someone who didn't have much of a sexual interest in women, Camila didn't show a lack of experience as she feasted on Selena's cunt.

Selena writhed on the shower floor, her hands squeezing her own tits as Camila started a fire down below. The water may have been hot but the talented tongue of Ms. Mendes sent wonderful chills throughout Selena's body. There was a savage tenderness to it all. Sweet licks of her tongue and the soft caress of her fingers went to furious sucking on her clit and pointed finger-fucking, getting all those sweet spots within. And all of this while Peter watch, his second wind growing. When Camila started wiggling her ass in front of him, he knew it was time to get back in. He knelt behind Camila, running his hand over her ass, which made the busy Latina stop her work on Selena for a moment.

“Was wondering when you'd come back to the party,” Camila said, looking at Peter from over her shoulder. “I guess watching two beautiful women all over each other is an amazing recharge. Who'd have thunk? And before you attempt a reply, how about we just skip that and you start fucking me?”

Peter followed Cami's advice and slid his cock inside of her, making the brunette beauty freeze in place as she was filled to the hilt. When he began to pull out and press back in, Camila went back to Selena's pussy, still bringing the pleasure...albeit a little distracted. Not that Selena was noticing. She just felt things get better and better, hotter and hotter. And now with the view of Camila getting fucked by Peter it was pushing her to her limit.

“Oh...oh gosh...Cami...I'm...you're gonna make me....”

“That's right Sel,” Cami urged. “Just do it...cum…I want to see you cum! We both do, don't we Peter?”

“Yes!” he grunted, giving Camila a deep thrust. “So much...”

“Let me help you give the people what they want Sel...” Camila's mouth returned to its post, pushing Selena closer and closer to her first orgasm of the trip. It didn't take too long, Selena's moans echoing off the bathroom walls, overpowering the rhythmic collision of Peter's pelvis to Camila ass.

“Camila!” Selena gasped. She began to cum and Camila refused to let up, attacking her clit and making Selena feel like a living firework show. When her body was limp, the beauty giggling and basking in the buzz of her orgasm, Cami turned around to Peter.

“Let's hit the pause button and finish this little adventure in bed.” Said Camila. Peter nodded, pulling out of her and turning the water off. While Peter did that, Camila crawled back up Selena's body, placing a kiss on her full lips before whispering in her ear, “Hope you don't think you're done after one round Gomez.”

“Of course not,” Selena said, her voice still a little hazy. “Just catching my breath.”

In moment the trio were out of the shower and into the bed Peter had conked out in. The women playfully pushed Peter back on the bed. With him laying back, Selena made her approach. Slithering up his body until she was face to face with him. She placed both her hands on his face as she kissed him while Camila grasped Peter’s cock, guiding it into Selena's waiting pussy.

“Team work makes the dream work people,” Cami said as Selena was filled.  She moved up the bed, watching as Selena began to ride Peter's dick. “Oh, this is so fucking hot.”

Camila thought “hot” might underselling it. Watching Selena work Peter cock, listening to the noises coming from them both. Selena being fresh from the shower and her long, dark hair sticking to her body, her breasts...it just made it even hotter. While Cami wanted to be part of the action, she also wanted to feel her own anticipation reach insane levels.

Peter couldn't help but pull himself up, getting up close and personal with Selena's breasts. His hands were on her ass, running over her cheeks, up her back and back down again. It was white hot passion between them and Camila felt the need to get herself back in arrive much sooner than she expected.

She pressed Peter back down and straddled his face, Camila herself face Selena. Peter's hand held Camila, gripping her ass while he ate her pussy. Camila took her position to kiss Selena as she was fucked. It was a wonderful sexual triangle and not a single one of them could think of a better place to be in that moment.

While it was an appealing position, it wasn't one that lasted along, especially when Selena got an idea of her own. She pulled Camila close, whispering it to her. Camila nodded and climbed off of Peter's face. Selena bucked the bronco for a few more moments before leaning down.

“You know what I really want to see now Peter?” Selena asked. “If you're up for it?”


“I....I want to see you fuck Camila's ass.”

“I....I think that's more up to Camila than me.” Peter replied.

“I'm so very, very fine with that idea,” Camila said, planting a soft kiss on Peter's lips and tasting herself.

“That settles it then.” Selena got off of his cock and Peter sat up a bit as Camila got in place.
With one hand he grabbed on to her hip while the other held his slick cock in place while Camila slowly lowered herself down. It'd been a while since anyone had used the back entrance, so she took her time sinking down on his cock. Peter moved his hand from her hip to her clit, rubbing Camila's button in circles until he was buried into her asshole. They were still for a moment, but soon Cami began to move on his cock, slowly rising and falling on his rock-hard rod.

“Oh....oh my god,” Cami whined. “So fucking big up there...fuck...”

“Too much,” Peter asked, kissing her back.

“Mmmm no…just take it slow, yeah?”

“I do believe this is where I chime in to help,” Selena said, crawling between Camila's legs and returning the favor from the shower.

“That hits the spot,” Cami freely admitted. With Peter's hands holding her hips tight and her feet planted firmly on the bed Cami began to move. Slowly still, though Selena's talented tongue helped her get pass the initial discomfort and began to happily revel in the pleasure of anal sex.

“Oh...oh my GOD yes!” Cami howled. “Oh...oh Peter...mmmm that feels so good! You...oh my God...you two Sel…fuck don't either of you stop...please just don't fucking stop!”

Stopping was not on the agenda for either Selena or Peter and definitely not even on Camila's radar. The more she got comfortable with Peter's cock in her ass the more she began to tease him, make him feel just as lost the erotic pleasure as she was. She grinded her ass on him, squeezed it tight around his cock. It was the most tantalizing torture he'd experienced and his moans of pleasure signaled he wanted more.

However, Camila might not be able to provide that. She wasn't just getting attention from one lover but too and Selena's was driving her home just Camila had done to her. Cami couldn't complain though. It was all just too much fun to even consider that.

“Oh god Peter...Selena...oh shit you're both making me...making me...CUMMMMMMM!!!” It hit Camila like a crashing tidal wave, washing over her while neither of her partners in crime let up, which just made it more intense, an arctic fire hitting every nerve as it ran up her spine. Soon she was just like Selena had been in the shower, loose as a noodle. She had just enough strength to pull off of Peter's cock and flop down on the bed next to him in a happy heap.

“Looks like it's my turn now,” Selena said, her smile a deadly combination of seductive and sweet. She got on all fours and crawled a bit on the king-sized bed to where Cami was. Selena's face was looking down on the exhausted brunette, giving her a sweet kiss. Then her gaze went back to Peter. “Fuck my ass Peter....by my count you're last one who hasn't gotten their cookie.

“You sure about this too?”

“Definitely...now don't leave me waiting.”

Peter didn't. He got on his knees and crawled just a bit until her was right behind Selena. He gave her ass a playful slap and was ready to press his cock against her bac door when Cami paused him.

“Let me make sure that missile's ready for launch,” Cami said, her voice still a little dick drunk. She took Peter's cock into her mouth, sucking him for a few moments before letting him free. “You're good.”

“Mmmm yes he is,” Selena moaned, Peter's cockhead popping past her sphincter. Just like he had with Cami, he took it slow, working inch by inch of his cock inside her tight hole. And Cami of course had to help out her new pal just as Selena had her. She slid under Selena and began to lick her pussy while Peter filled up Selena's ass.

“Holy shit,” Peter said. Troubles were the furthest thing from his mind as his cock began to saw in and out of Selena's rump. It was a bit faster than he had been with Cami. It didn't bother Selena though. She'd kind of insisted on it by pushing back against his cock. “Oh Selena...oh fuck...”

“Oh gosh...Peter yes,” Selena whined. “Fuck it feels so good...feels so good in my ass...fuck...” He began to thrust harder, holding Selena by the hips and pulling her back to meet him thrust for thrust, all the while Cami had her fun below, licking and sucking on Selena's clit and every so often giving Peter's full balls some TLC.

Time lost more than a little meaning while the three of them went out it. Far too much fun was being had to even acknowledge the existence of clocks. However, both Selena and Camila had to acknowledge the change in tone of Peter's voice. Even though words had long waved him bye-bye, both knew from how he sounded the end was near.

Of course, Cami couldn't just let that happen without a bit of fanfare. She got out from beneath Selena and moved behind her, bringing her lips to Peter's ears.

“I know you want to cum Peter...we all want you to...but right now...I want you to cum on our faces...decorate us with that hot cum…I want it...and so does Selena...isn't that right Sel?”

“Mmm...yes....oh gosh yes....” Selena whined, gripping the sheets tight as her asshole was plundered. “Cum for us Peter....oh fuck baby please...”

“Oh...oh my God....”

“You gonna do it?” Cami asked, excited. “Cum…come on then...cum for us!”

Peter pulled out of Selena's ass and both women scrambled to the floor. They were on their knees kissing each other once more and making a show of it, breaking the lip lock only to vocally urge him on more.

“Cum...cum Peter,” Selena said. “Please...please....”

“You heard her Petey,” Cami said. “Don't disappoint.”

“Ah...ahhh fuck,” Peter groaned, his cock aimed at the lovely ladies as it was ready to burst. “FUCK!” he yelled. Cum zoomed out of his cock and began to splatter on the women's face. Both of them had their mouths open and tongues out as ropes of his hot white goo rained down on them. They moaned in approval begging for more until he simply had nothing left to give.

When the well ran dry the women resumed kissing, though now it was much slopier, Selena and Cami each licking the other's face clean of Peter's cum, the stunned man speechless at the sight. Once the cum was completely swallowed down Peter fell backwards on the bed and was soon joined on either side by Camila and Selena. Camila was the first to speak.

“I'm thinking we each take a real shower, get dressed and head down to the buffet,” she said. “Because after that I'm pretty sure I could eat them out of business.”
The rest of the days of the vacation had more than a few rendezvous between the three, either in groups or paired off. Though by Saturday it had slowed do, especially between Peter and Camila. There was no bad blood, it was just what they'd talked about before. This was the last hurrah of this fuck buddies’ stage of their friendship. There was still love there but as both knew, that didn't mean there was romance. The same was true of Peter and Selena...though while hiking at Red Rock their pair had snuck off for a quick out in the desert air.

As Sunday came around though, it was all strictly friendship for all three as the day began at the breakfast buffet at the hotel. Peter and Selena had gotten their food first while Cami was still wondering the different culinary offerings.

“Selena, can I ask you something?” Peter said before digging in.

“Sure,” said Selena. “What's on your mind?”

“How soon is too soon after a break-up? You know…to start dating again?”

“I think that's up to you. Why?”

“It's just that...I think there's someone.  I don't know for sure because if I did this whole weekend wouldn't have happened.”

“Obviously.” Selena replied. 

“And, I don't know if you or Cami noticed but I've been texting this girl and…I don't know. It's weird to say this considering what exactly happened almost every day of this trip but I was thinking about her. And yeah, texting her a lot. We'd been hanging out more and more lately. Even before what happened with Hailee. Nothing happened...I mean I wouldn't do that.”

“I know you wouldn't...but you met someone, liked them and now...you want to see what that could lead to.” Selena brought hand to his and held it. “Go for it. The only one who knows if you're ready to date again is you. I mean I'm the last person in the world who should give anyone dating advice, but since you asked for it...and if you think you're ready, then don't hesitate. The moment we get back in town, find her and tell her.”

“You sure?” He asked.

“That doesn't matter. All that matters is if you're sure.”

Peter let that sink in for a few moments. Before the conversation cold continue Camila came back with a very loaded plate.

“Did you get lucky last night?” Peter asked. “Because god damn Cami!”

“Oh please, this is nothing compared to Friday's breakfast,” she said. “Besides, all I had yesterday was a granola bar, a THC gummy and a couple whiskey sours. I'm starving.”

“Fair enough.”

“So, what was the deep conversation you two were having?” Cami asked as she cut in to her waffles. “Anything I can chime in on?”

“No really,” Peter said. “Just about what we're doing when we get back to town tomorrow.”

“Well, let's worry about tomorrow when it comes,” Cami said. “Right now, I'm thinking on our last day we take it easy. Maye just walk the strip a bit, few cocktails and call it an early night so we can hit the road early.”

“Sounds good to me,” Selena said. “Even if I am going to be working two weeks straight without a day off. But it was worth it to get the days off to be with you guys. It really feels good.”

“Well, you're welcome to any gathering I put together Selena,” Cami said. “Though we probably will just be hanging out and not the more intimate stuff. Not that it wasn't fun. But, time and place and all that.”

“That's just what I was talking to Peter about before you got to the table. Time and place and when to pick one for yourself.”

“You have to pick it for yourself,” Camila agreed. “You can't just sit around and wait for something good to happen.”

“You're right,” Peter said with a nod and quick smile to Selena.

“Oh GOD how I love those two words,” Camila said. “Especially when they come from your mouth Petey dearest.”
It was 11:00 in the morning on Monday and Peter had just dropped Camila and Selena off at their apartments. And now he was on his way to see Lili. He'd picked his time, which was that moment, and his place, which was her job.

He parked his car across the street from the comic store and saw Lili heading in, fresh from getting her usual lunch from the food truck in the park. He began to approach her and the moment he got within her view a big smile came across her face.

“Hey Peter,” she said, stopping just outside the door to the shop. “How was Vegas?”

“Well, I'm pretty sure you got the general idea of that when we were texting.”

“Well, yeah but that doesn’t mean I don't want hear it in person.”

“True....I wish...I wish you'd been there with me though.”

“Yeah, would’ve been nice,” Lili agreed. “I…I really would have liked to be there with you...and you know Camila and Selena. But...you especially. Because...it's just fun hanging out with you, you know?”

He gulped. “Lili, I have something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?” Lili asked, a small bit of nerves in her voice.

“It's just...I…I really like being with you. I feel...it's just...” He looked at her face and any nerves he thought he heard from her voice weren't present on her face. Instead, all he saw was that welcoming smile and her beautiful blue-green eyes. She was waiting for something, for something from him. He just didn't have the words. But he had something else. His gut was telling him to go with that.

“The hell with it,” he said before kissing her. While it initially shocked Lili, she returned the gesture, the pair embracing tight before it was released.

“Okay I know that was abrupt,” Peter said. “It's just I've wanted to do that for a while and I just really want to be with you and if I pushed it too far, I'm sorry but I just needed to kiss you and-”



“Shut up and kiss me again,” Lili said. And he did. There was no place either of them would rather be in that moment, rain or shine.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on February 18, 2021, 09:38:02 PM
The scope of this story is unmatched, yet there are so many little details, intricate character moments interspersed amongst all the incredibly (and numerous) smoking hot sex scenes.  It's a perfect blend of plot and sex.  I feel honored to have been trusted to edit this chapter.  And while this remains true with every successive chapter, I still can't wait to see what's in store next.  But for now, rest and relax, knowing you have crafted an erotica masterpiece here.  It probably doesn't need to be said, but I absolutely loved the Taylor portions of this chapter the best, especially the scene with Wayne  ;)
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on February 18, 2021, 10:39:10 PM
That was well worth the wait. I did not see were many things were heading, loved the ending and that Peter finally got some time with Selena. Don’t know how you will top yourself but each new chapter is better than the last.

The story and the sex scenes seem to intertwine perfectly
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 20, 2021, 08:55:42 PM
Just to give people a heads up on what's coming next:

Two smaller, mini chapters to bridge the gap at the end of this chapter and the next. This chapter is essentially the end of "Season 1" and chapter eight will be the beginning of "Season 2".
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on February 20, 2021, 09:00:04 PM
I thought you were already putting the next chapter up their, I mean l know you are good but no one is that good
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on February 20, 2021, 09:03:48 PM
I thought you were already putting the next chapter up their, I mean l know you are good but no one is that good

Not just yet, butthe summer chapters, both called All Star College: Summer Session, will be about one celeb in particular in each respective chapter. Two perspectives on the same summer.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: thechemist on February 22, 2021, 12:54:23 PM
I'll be echoing a lot of what people like RT Minotaur, Craz and Slyguy have already said - amazing. Each chapter is fantastic and somehow getting better.

How you give each character their own personalities is admirably, but I think its the strength of your writing that allows everyone to enjoy both the steamy sex scenes and interesting non-sex scenes.

I was surprised with the heel turn by the normally so sweet Hailee, but can't feel too bad for Peter after that Big Dick week he got as a result. Love that of all the girls, it's Taylor Swift that has the most stable relationship.

Great work again, and can't wait for more!
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on April 25, 2021, 10:01:07 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

Okay, so this is a bit of a unique thing. It's a bit of a transition chapter, or chapters before the "second season" of All Star. Kind of setting a lot of things up so when that first chapter of season 2 hits, it hits the ground running.

This is the first of the two chapters. A little snippet of what's to come. Hope you enjoy:

All Star College: Summer Session: Lili Reinhart
MF, Oral, Cons, Roleplay
by MaxwellLord

(https://t54.pixhost.to/thumbs/48/204035986_writerras_1615675540_159526951_525927645056362_8156827358380075290_n.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/48/204035986_writerras_1615675540_159526951_525927645056362_8156827358380075290_n.jpg)

In the weeks that followed their first kiss, Lili and Peter were together daily  There was no reason to even pretend they didn't feel what they felt anymore, so they didn't.  He would visit her at the comic shop, she'd go to his place when he was editing.

They didn't really go out much. They felt the need to hide things...mainly from Hailee. There was a bit of apprehension with letting Camila know as well, though after she went out of town for a couple weeks in the beginning of June, that soon faded.

With all that being the case, most night were spent in just being with each other. Talking, hanging out, and of course, watching movies. Since the summer took Lili to a more full time schedule at the store, she had set days off which were Friday and Saturday. That made the Friday of her work week, Thursday, their nightly movie night. Rain or shine, his place or hers, they always watched a film. And on this particular Thursday, the movie they agreed on was a mutual favorite.

Pizza and two strawberry cokes were on the coffee table in front of them while Back To The Future was on the screen. The lights were down low and tonight they were all alone in the apartment Lili shared with Camila. It was near the end of the film, at the Enchantment Under The Sea dance. Lili rested her head on Peter's shoulder while on the screen Marty McFly played with Marvin Berry and the Starlighters.

"This is one of those perfect movies," Lili said. "I can't think of a flaw. Funny, good action, great music...and romantic."

"Can't think of a single flaw either Lils," Peter said, kissing her forehead. "Good call."

"Well it can't always be blood and guts." She playfully squeezed his knee and snuggled closer to him. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this comfortable with someone. She hoped it wasn't just the fabled Honeymoon phase of the relationship. It was only a few weeks in and they still hadn't had sex yet.

Well, that wasn't technically true. They'd had sex. The threesome with Hailee. Lili didn't really count that though. Neither did Peter. Still...they both knew what the other one was capable of and had a strong desire to have all that focused just between them. And something about that night...something felt different. Good different.

The band in the film was playing and Marty was fading away, waiting for his parents to kiss.

"...the vision of your happiness..." sung from the film. Then George McFly kissed Lorraine.

"Earth Angel, Earth Angel...please be miiine, my darling dear, love you for all time...."

When the couple on screen kissed, a switch flipped in Lili. She reached forward and grabbed the remote, shutting the movie off. When Peter turned to look at her, he knew better than to question it. Her eyes told the whole story, though her lips had a bit of an epilogue to add to it.

Her lips pressed against his and the heat was on. Lili laid back on the couch with Peter on top of her. Their hands roamed each other, desperate for that skin to skin touch. Lili grasped the help of Peter's t-shirt and he did the same to hers once his was gone.

"You sure about this?" Peter asked.

"Babe I stopped the movie before Doc said "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads". I'm very sure."

"Good point." The two resumed, now skin to skin as well as lips to lips except for below the belt. Still, when her hands reached down she could feel his hard bulge through his jeans. Peter took that little venture as a sign to go further and began to undo his pants. And while his instinct was right on the money, it was quite the place, not yet. So Lili paused him.

“What's wrong?” Peter asked. “You...um...don't want to now? I do something wrong?”

“No, not at all,” Lili said, giving him a reassuring kiss. “It's just...this is Cami's couch...and...I don't want to get the cleaning bill.”

“Once again, good point.” Peter replied.

“Besides,” Lili added. “I have a nice, big comfy king-size in my room....lot more spacious than a couch.” Lili gave him a smile, the same one that always made him melt, and gathered her shirt. Peter got up and did the same and followed Lili into her bedroom.

She closed the door and the two went right back, embracing and lip locked as they hit the dark blue comforter of her bed.  Lili was on top and with a sweet kiss on the tip of Peter's nose before rising up, straddling his crotch. That smile returned to her face, a sly sexiness added as she reached behind her back to unhook her bra. She made a cute little show of tossing it off the bed, twirling it on her  finger a bit combined with a sexy giggle as it left her finger.

The entire sight was all too inviting for Peter to continue laying back. He pulled himself up and the moment he was in range of her hands they were on his cheeks. She gently held him there while her lips moved to his. It was a slow and passionate kiss, tongues caressing each other like long-lost lovers.

Peter's hands were at Lili's back, sliding up from the hem of her pants and gently moving up her spine, the gentle caress making her moan into Peter's mouth. She pulled back, her blue-green eyes with gentle desire behind them.

Peter's eyes stayed on Lili's while his mouth went to her breasts. She sighed contentedly when Peter's lips and tongue began to make contact with her breasts. He had been to these landmarks before, but this time he was taking his time, making sure her got familiar with not just her tits, but every delicious curve on Lili's body. His mouth was on tandem duty with his hands.

Lili held him, softly yet firm, against her chest. Every kiss was electric. They were losing themselves in each other, giving in to what their bodies wanted after weeks of holding back. She began to grind against his crotch as she straddled him. They both wanted more and it was time to jump fully beyond whatever threshold the pair had put forth.

Lili pulled away from Peter, but the look on her face let him know things were only beginning.  His eyes were glued to the blonde Earth Angel before him as she stripped herself of everything below the belt along with the belt itself.  She actually blushed a little as Peter took in her naked body. He'd seen it and so much more before. This was different. At least it felt different. He actually had more than a few moments to admire the beauty in front of him. Peter moved to do the same while on her bed, but Lili stopped him, shaking her head with a sweetly mischievous smile on her face.

“I think I'll take care of that too,” she said. Lili got back on the bed, crawling up Peter's body, stopping when her face was level with his crotch, s eh looked up at him and planted a kiss on his stomach before undoing his belt, pulling it from the loops on his jeans then taking care of the button and zipper, pulling that down with her teeth.

After that the effort to take Peter's trousers and underwear off was minimal, and after a few moments of her own admiration of his body, Lili once more got on top of him.

“Oh!” she said with a laugh when Peter wrapped his arms around her and rolled them both over. His hard rod rested against her thigh. Lili's smiling mouth let out a soft moan as he suckled softly at her tits before planting another kiss on  her lips.

“You ready?”

“Peter, we're both naked in my bed and you're on top of me...ready is an understatement.”

“Got me there,” Peter said as her reached between them and aimed his cock at her glistening slit. “And I've got you here...”

“Yessss,” Lili moaned as he entered her. She swallowed with an empty mouth as Peter looked deeply into her eyes, slowly thrusting inside of her. She moved her arms to his shoulders and ran them down his back to just the small of his back then back up, her nails digging in when Peter struck a lovely bundle of nerves within her.

Everything he was doing was oh so right. While the experience with each was there, this was something far different, far better. All of his energy of was on Lili and all of hers on Peter.

“Right there...oh fuck...Peter...,” the blonde said. Her moaning mouth was in an ever present smile as Peter worked inside of her. Soon Lili's arms weren't the only thing holding him close as her legs put their own death grip around her man. She held him tight, refusing to let him go anywhere but where he was, despite the fact he had no plans of leaving Lili high and dry.

Peter ran his hands up her body, starting to thrust faster while his fingers danced up her thigh to her face, caressing her cheek. When his thumb brushed against her lips Lili sucked it in her mouth, winking at him when she let it out.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Peter said, sealing the words with a kiss as he built up the pace. Lili's nails left scratches on his back, the blonde letting out a moan so loud once their lips parted that they'd be glad they were alone in the apartment if that thought was even close to crossing either of their minds.

 Peter rose up a little bit, getting a fuller view of the blonde bombshell below. Though there were certain advantages to being more up close with Lili, he just needed a fuller view of her. His eyes couldn't decide where to focus, Lili's face or her bountiful breasts, bouncing with every thrust he made into her.

Lili could feel herself getting pleasure drunk. The touch of his hands and mouth, his gaze drinking her in and his cock delightfully filling her. One thing kept coming back to her every time she opened her eyes, and that was just how intoxicated Peter looked with his eyes on her. Eyes full of desire...and she wanted to give him even more.

With her legs locked tight around him and her arms pulling him tight once more, Lili took her own turn rolling them over, the beautiful blonde now on on top. Peter tried to rise up, reaching to her but Lili stopped him, that sexy smirk telling the story.

“Not yet,” Lili said, directing his hands to her hips. “Just let me take over...watch me...watch me fuck you...”

Peter did just that, his eyes taking her in while the rest of the body was more than ready to absorb all the pleasure she was set to deliver. His hands stayed at her hips as Lili had requested while his eyes scanned her form up and down. As good as the view was from the top, from the bottom it was even better. And better got much better as Lili began to move. It was almost almost like the strip club Sabrina dragged him to in her effort to help him after the whole Hailee debacle. It was much better though as none of the women could hold a candle to the blonde goddess riding his dick in the looks department...or in any department. She definitely knew how to work her hips, her whole body as she rode him.

“Mmmm Peter,” she moaned, licking her lips.  Her hands started on his then ran up her own body. Over her tummy, gliding over her full tits and through her hair, tossing the blonde locks and shaking it out as she rose and fell on his rod. “Fuck we should have been doing this for weeks....feels so good...mmmm....perfect baby...so perfect...”

As Lili gave him a show and had some fun of her own, Peter began to move his hands a bit. Not too much, just a bit around the corner to grab her lovely ass cheeks. He was testing the waters and when all he got from Lili was a smile he waded a bit deep, moving to the front and circling her clit with his thumb.

“Oooooh,” Lili said, her chin quivering from the added stimulation. “Mmm damn...oh yes...oh god Peter just don't stop...please...don't stop!”

She gave him a bit of motivation to do just that, leaning over and kissing him, hungrily sucking on his tongue. Peter was still working her clit as she worked his cock. It was a little bit harder with Lili directly on top of him as she was now, but so worth the effort just for the look on her face. The words she spoke next just made that all the more true.

“I want to cum for you,” she said. “Just for you...only for you...oh my god Peter make me cum...”

He gripped Lili's ass and shifted them just a bit. They were close to the edge of the bed, Peter now essentially sitting on the edge of the bed, Lili in his lap, her luscious legs wrapped around him once more while her hands loosely gripped his shoulders.

“Nnnnmmmm yesss,” she moaned, her head rolling back as Peter began to thrust up into her. “Gonna cum baby...oh Peter...making feel so good...oh my...oh baby...” When Lili lifted her head up her eyes were full of fierce lust, but invited Peter to go further. He kissed her lips again, Lili biting his lower lip playfully as their mouths parted.

Peter gave her a quick kiss on her chin as he moved down, a few on her neck, a tender love bite on her shoulder then returned to her breasts tasting her on his tongue as he licked the valley between her breasts before bringing his attention once more to Lili's glorious globes. All while his cock was making all the right moves inside her tunnel of love.

Lili began to lean back, Peter holding her up as they both raced to their edge. Lili's moaned were just intoxicating as her touch, the way she felt inside and out  And seeing her, her body reacting to every movement he made inside of her, moaning and almost glowing from the perspiration from their amorous activity.

“You're so fucking beautiful,” Peter said, bluntly honest with the compliment. Despite the bluntness, the words made Lili feel even warmer all over. “most....most beautiful...oh my god Lili!”

“Peter pulled her back up, holding her tight as he thrust up into her hard and fast, Lili moaning and yelling out “Yes!” as she was driven further and further towards her point of no return. “Don't...oh don't fucking stop! Peter...PETER!”

Lili's embrace with all her limbs tightened, pulling her and Peter tighter as she came. Her heavy, hot breaths hit his ear and put goosebumps on his neck. Her body shook in their shared mbraced her spasming pussy was milking his cock, driving Peter to the brink. Lili had a few final words for Peter that set him off.

“I want to swallow you,” she whispered, licking his ear. “Every drop...I need to taste you...all of you....just tell me when....”

“Now!” Peter groaned. “Oh Lili now...right now...”

She gave him one last kiss before removing herself from his cock, sliding to her knees and sucking his dick into her mouth. The lust blonde got a post-orgasm thrill, tasting her orgasm on Peter's cock while pushing him to his own explosive finish.

“Aggghhhh LILI!” Peter cried out as the eruption finally happened, seeing a kaleidoscope of passionate colors while he came in Lili's mouth. The beautiful blonde hummed around his cock, satisfying sound. She hungrily swallowed most of his cum, leaving on a little in her mouth.

Lili let his prick slip from her lips and looked up at Peter. She opened her mouth, showing her very appreciative lover the cum still in her mouth, a white pool on her tongue. She played with it a bit, making a show of it before swallowing the sperm down.

Lili was a bit surprised, and not in a bad way, at Peter's reaction. He pulled her up to his face deeply kissed Lili, their tongues making contact once more as Peter pulled them both back on her bed. He had no hesitation regardless of what she'd just swallowed. He just wanted Lili to know just how much he wanted her still. Needless to say, Lili appreciated the gesture.

They laid back on the bed, Lili running her fingers gently over his chest while he caressed her shoulder, snuggling and cuddling in the aftermath.

“So,” Lili said. “That was all kinds of wow.”

“Big time wow,” agreed Peter. “We should do this more often.”

“That can definitely be arranged Mr. Ferrano,” Lili said with a soft giggle, gently pulling his face to hers for a goodnight kiss. “First though...I'm thinking we should rest up. Kind of exhausted now. And we can sleep late. Cami won't be back until eight.”

“Sounds like the perfect plan,” Peter said.

With a plan agreed upon, the two got comfortable under the blankets and drifted off to sleep, still all cuddled up.

When morning came however, Peter awoke to see his arm flat against the bed and Lili nowhere in site. However his nose was met a wonderful aroma that demanded he rise.

After a quick trip to the restroom to take care of business and brush his teeth and then headed out, following his nose to the kitchen where he Lili in a t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts. She was killing time on the phone and leaning on the counter next to the oven and on the other end of the kitchen were several cooking tools out, some in the sink.

Lili seemed to sense she was no longer alone. She looked up from her phone and set it down, looking at Peter with a smile.

“Morning,” she said, walking over to kiss him. “Minty fresh kisses. Always a plus.”

“I knew it was a good idea to bring my toothbrush,” Peter said.

“Very confident move.”

“Well, I think it's better to be prepared than face the possibility of kissing your girlfriend and have morning breath while doing it. Especially pizza-tinged morning breath.”

“We did make it official didn't we?” Lili said. “My boyfriend.” She squeezed his hand. “I like that. My boyfriend Peter Ferrano. Has a nice ring to it.”

“Well I was going to introduce you as my most amazing special girlfriend but then I thought that might be a little ostentatious.”

“Probably a good call but I still admire the potential effort.”

“So, what's in the oven?” Peter asked. “Smell played a big part in waking me up.”

“Oh, just making some orange and cranberry muffins.” she replied. “It's weird, but I kind of love baking. When I was a kid, I had an E-Z Bake oven but I also had trays to make those Creepy Crawler things. One moment I'm baking brownies by lightbulb then it's multi-colored scorpions and spiders.”

“A refined palette,” Peter said with a smirk.

“Very. It just kind of stuck. My first semester here for an elective I took a baking class. Learned a lot there and kind of met my mentor. Her name's Madchen. I know it's weird that I don't have someone like that from my English classes or anything but we just clicked. She's so great to talk to and a wonderful sounding board for my poems and short stories and even the make-up designs. I can't wait for you to meet her...and my parents...am I moving too fast? I know not everyone wants to talk about that so soon.”

“Sounds about the right pace to me,” Peter said. “I mean I can't wait to bring you home either. Don't really have a mentor for you to meet but my grandma is a lot of fun.”

“That's a relief,” Lili said. “It's just...looking back I'm starting to think one of the big mistakes I've always made is moving too fast. And I don't want to make the same old mistakes with you. I just don't.”

“Here's to all new mistakes,” Peter joked, getting a laugh from the blonde beauty before him. “I think we're doing great so far. Still a little early...but I think we have a good pace going.”

An egg timer went off and Lili spun around. “Muffins are done!” she said.  She slid on a pair of oven mitts and pulled them out, setting the muffin tray down on the counter to cool off. “They need to sit for ten minutes minimum. I usually like to wait fifteen.”

“Fifteen minutes?” Peter asked. “That gives me just enough time to add to the feast.”

Peter walked into the kitchen, getting a raised eyebrow from Lili.

“You sure about that?” Lili asked. “Not to discourage you, but Cami has told me some stories about your cooking...like it's the kind of stuff that created The Toxic Avenger.”

“So she told you about the Meat Loaf incident.” Peter replied. “She ever make you an omelet?”

“Yeah, a couple times. Why?”

“Who do you think taught her that? I mean I openly admit, with most things I wouldn't trust me in the kitchen. But I know my eggs. So...you trust me?”

“Yes,” she said, smiling warmly. She then watched as he gathered his tools and ingredients in place.

He twirled a medium sized pan in his hand before setting it on stove, turning a burner on. He cracked four eggs she'd left out from her muffin making in to a bowl. “Room temperature,” he said. “Perfect. So much easier to work with.” He melted a sizable pat of butter on the pan and whisked the eggs together with a fork.

Lili was actually a little impressed watching him work. He genuinely seemed know what he was doing and before too long a bacon, cheese and spinach omelet was in front of her, and a big one. One made for two. He hand her a fork.

“Dig in,” he said. “Muffins should be good now, huh?”

“I think so.” He reached over and carefully grabbed one. “We'll try at the same time, okay?”

Lili nodded and cut into the omelet and pierced a bite, putting it in her mouth just as Peter bit into the top of the moment. The couple “Mmmm”'d in unison.

“Babe this is great,” Lili said. “I'm not just saying that...this is phenomenal!”

“When it comes to eggs I am actually functional in the kitchen. Though I think I might just gorge myself on these muffins.”

“You know what?” Lili asked. “We should take a cooking class together next semester. A couples thing. I...I think it'd be fun.”

“Sounds like a blast, but you think we'll be able to be a bit more public with this?”

“I can't believe I almost forgot,” Lili said, a defeated look overcoming her. “That's the only part about this that sucks. I hate all this sneaking around. I mean I'm glad we don't have to hide it from everyone, but still tip-toeing around to keep it from Hailee and Camila...it's awful. It makes me feel guilty about something that feels so amazing.”

Peter moved back around the counter. He put his hands on Lili's shoulder and gently spun the stool she was on around to face him.

“I feel the same way...but we're going to get part of that out the way when Cami comes in tonight,” Peter said, lifting her chin up, a smile already returning to her face. “I don't think she's going to be an issue anyway.”

“I know. Cami's not the real concern,” Lili said. “We both know who that is.”

“How about we change the subject?” Peter asked. “How about...how about we do something to take our mind off that...aside from two delciious breakfasts courses?”

“Well what exactly did you have in mind?” Lili asked, grabbing his hand and kissing the palm.

“Well, remember last night?”

“Vague memories,” she joked. “I think there was some pizza involved?”

“Well, there's something about last night I want to revisit...”

“You want to finish the movie?” A sly, knowing smile on her face.

“Well, considering how last night ended,” Peter said, his hand caressing her face, running down her neck and body until finally it slid down the front of her boy shorts. “Maybe return the favor?”

“I...nngg,” Lili grunted, his fingers already making her weak in the knees. “I can't think of a reason to say no to that offer.”

Lips met once more before Peter went to his knees. He pulled Lili's shorts down, kissing the flesh of her thighs once they were bare. He legs parted and his face moved closer.

“Mmm Peter,” she sighed,  her fingers running through his long hair as butterfly kisses began to litter her thighs. She hissed in a deep breath when his tongue began to paintbrush her pussy lips before going a bit further when his fingers began to join in on the fun. “Mmmm god yes...”

There wasn't too much teasing to be done. Peter wanted to get right to the sweet spot and Lili was primed to agree. There were far worse ways to spend a Saturday morning then having your boyfriend service you orally.

Lili managed to pull off her shirt as Peter pumped the temperature up.  He sucked sweetly on her clit, hooking her legs in place with his arms. Still, as the heat wave began to expand all over Lili's body she felt that the stool she was sitting on wasn't exactly the most stable place to be.

“Mind a quick change?” Lili asked with a gulp of air. “Feel like I'm gonna slip off this thing.”

“No problem,” said Peter. He got to his feet and went to the couch and grabbed a big cushion, laying it down on the hardwood floor in front of her. “I mean it's wood...clean up won't be hard,” he explained. “Besides, I REALLY want to get back to what I was doing.”

“Well, How could I refuse such a handsome face?” Lili said. She laid down in front of him, resting her head on the pillow. She was then greeted by a kiss, laced with her own flavor. Once more that kiss ended with Peter moving down her body, this time placing a few kisses on her breasts and stomach before returning to her pussy. Once he was back to work Lili was back on the bullet train to heaven.

Her breath rose and fell in her stomach, almost in time with how Peter was bringing her to edge and back again. He was 100% focused on her, listening to Lili's voice and feeling her body, going with her energy. Every second pushed her forward and then pulled her a step back, almost making the bombshell beg for the release that seemed to be hiding just around the corner.

“Peter...baby...want to cum...make me cum,” Lili said, her voice on the edge of delirium and desire. “Oh my GOD I'm gonna cum....” The tempest built up to the breaking point, Peter was pushing her hard and fast into giving him a taste of her pleasure.

The pair were so wrapped up in each other their didn't hear the sound of the front door unlocking and when Lili cried out “PETER!!!” so loud it echoed throughout the  apartment the sound of the door opening was also so far away it might as well have been on Mars.

However, even in her orgasmic daze Lili recognized her roommate standing in front of her.

“Cami!” Lili said, sitting up with a start and covering herself with the cushion. Peter's reaction was just as swift, turning around to see his best friend. Though there was a look of shock on Camila's face, she wasn't remotely mad.

“You know, I don't know what I expected when I came home,” Cami said with a laugh, setting her suitcase down. “But I certainly couldn't have predicted this.”


As awkward as Camila's walk-in had been, Peter and Lili felt that ten-fold as They scrambled to get dressed. At the earliest available opportunity, Peter headed out, hoping to be spared any further awkwardness at his best friend's hands. That wasn't going to happen and he knew it the moment he walked out of Lili's bedroom after a pep talk and goodbye kiss.

The moment he stepped out he saw Camila sitting back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table and a muffin. And the moment Cami spotted him, a grin appeared.

“Hope you don't mind me having a bit of nosh,” she said. “I mean I certainly didn't want to be the only one not getting a bite to eat.”

“Look, Cami,” Peter said, only to be hushed when Camila held up her hand, pausing his speech.

“Not just yet Petey dearest,” she said. “I think I'll let you simmer for a bit. Right now I think it's time for talk just between us girls.”

Peter nodded and exited the apartment, looking forward to nothing more than getting him and using some of Sabrina's best stuff to calm down. Which left Cami alone, waiting for Lili to emerge from her room where she'd been with Peter before he made his exit.

Lili finally made her appearance, redressed and walking towards the easy chair next to the couch. She too looked embarrassed, which would have made Camila ready to riff if not for the huge amount of worry and dread on her face.

“Lils, what's wrong?” Cami asked.

“I just don't want you to be mad.” Lili replied.

“About what? I mean sure that was a unique way to come home but you guys cleaned up and there were fresh muffins waiting so I'm a pretty happy camper.”

“I thought, well we both did, you might be mad. About...you know...me and Peter.”


“Well, I don't know. It's just...we both didn't know how to tell you. We were going to do it when you got in tonight....why are you home so early?”

“I'm not. I never said I was coming in at night. I said eight o'clock. I walked through that door at 8:30.”

“Well, now I just feel stupid.”

“Eh, no big deal. We have more pressing matters at hand. Example, you telling me when this whole thing started.”

“Officially? When You guys got back from Vegas....but if I'm going to be honest it probably started a little before that. Not seriously or anything, but that first kiss wasn't a surprise.”

“You were the person he was texting that weekend, huh?” asked Cami.

“Yeah,” Lili admitted with a smile. “It's just, we'd been hanging out so much I was missing him. God this is so sappy.”

“Hey, you deserve some sappy. So does Peter.”

“So, you're really not mad or anything?”

“Again, why would I be mad about this?” Camila asked. “My two best friends getting together, I honestly can't think of two people who deserve it more.”

“That is such a relief,” Lili said. She got up from the chair and got on the couch next to Camila. “Only one other person to worry about, and she's probably not going to be as amiable as you.”

“Ah, you speak of she who shall not be named,” Camila said. “Given what she did to my Petey I think we both know my opinion on her feelings, but just to hammer it home, fuck her and her feelings.”

“It's not that easy for me Cami,” Lili said, slumping down in the couch. “Hailee's still my friend. And this is going to make things way more complicated if she ever decides to start talking to me again.”

“I know Lili,” Cami said, giving her friend a quick and reassuring hug. “But, bright side...you've really upgraded from Jake.”

“Tell me about it,” Lili said, he smile returning. “I mean, we've had to sneak around; not from everyone you know, but there are times where Peter...he just doesn't care and he wants  to take me out. You know, a real date. Dinner, sometimes just a walk. And it's so great. Like we were at the coffee shop around the corner one night and we just talked until closing. Then we came back here and we continued where we left off. It's...I don't know. It feels a lot more normal than starting things off by blowing him in a locker room while he's wearing a lucha libre mask.”

“A lot of things are more normal than that Lils,” Cami said with a laugh. “But I get it. And I'm very happy for you both. So, you said I'm not the only one who knows. Who else is in this exclusive club?”

“Well, Blake and Sabrina know. Selena too. Madelaine and her boyfriend. So that's about it right now. And, while I know you wouldn't, when you get back to work be extra quiet around Hailee.”

“Oh I wouldn't worry about that, she doesn't work there anymore.” Cami replied.

“What? What happened?”

“I swear I don't know,” Cami said. “After what happened I pretty much stayed away from her. I think she quit because George got back with his wife or something. I don't know or care that much. Not to sound cold or anything.”

“Maybe I should call her,” Lili said.

“I won't stop you, but before that I think there's something I need to tell you. Just to get it out with this new status quo I've discovered.”

“What is it?”

Camila got up and started pacing, taking a deep breath as she did so. “Okay...I need you to promise not to be mad. But I think you need to know this.”

“Cami you're kind of freaking me out,,” Lili said.

“I'm sorry...but you're my best friend...Peter's my best friend and I just think it'd be better if everything was out in the open.” Cami took another breath. “Peter and I slept together.”

“Yeah, I'm aware,” Lili said. “That's why I thought he and I dating might be a little weird but it was in high school so I was nowhere near as worried as he was.”

“Well...the reason he was worried was we had sex last month...a lot.” Cami rushed back to the couch, close to Lili. “I was just hurting so bad over Jose and one day Kira made it so much worse...and then that night Peter found out about Hailee and later...it just happened and we needed each other. Then it happened a couple more times...and a lot in Vegas...with Selena. And I know that sounds bad but PLEASE don't be mad, especially at Peter. I get why he'd avoid the subject but I needed you to know ahead of time. Just in case it ever came up or it slipped out during someone having a few too many cocktails.”

“Okay some of that is new information,” Lili admitted. “But I'm not mad. He and I weren't even together when that went on.”

“Not at all, I swear. And I'd never do that to you.”

“Okay,” Lili said, very calm.


“Yeah. I mean Cami, I'm not exactly a prude. I have my own history. I mean let's be real, Peter and I have a weird history if you really think about it what with Spring Break and all. I'm not about to judge him or you over some flings to deal with things. I get it. But thanks for the honesty. But whatever he did before we really got together was just that, before. I mean if I really had an issue with that I'd kind of want Sabrina out of their apartment.”

“That's a relief,” Cami sighed, melting into the couch. “Now I can focus all my energies on making Peter as uncomfortable as possible before I let him know I'm fine with this.”

“Take it easy on him,” Lili said. “As the girlfriend, I feel like I should kind of plead his case since he's way more nervous about you knowing than I was.”

“Fine,” Cami said. “I'll only use a fraction of my immense power.”

“Thanks,” Lili said with a laugh. “GOD it's going to feel so great not having to hide things from another person. One less bit of sneaking around to do,  which by the way has really made me need that convention now.”

“The one in July, right?” Cami asked.

“Yep. Turns out Peter's going as well. So...I cancelled my room and we're just going to be staying in his.  Five days of being open. Being together and not having to look over our shoulders.”

“And five days alone in a wonderful hotel room with a nice king-size bed doesn't hurt either,” Cami added.

“Yes, there's that, which will be fun. And also...Just having fun out of town. Doing something we both love together. Peter's really excited. He's even dressing up like Captain Kirk from Star Trek.”

“Oh god has he started you on that yet?” Cami said. “Just nod and smile. It'll make it seem like you're invested.”

“Oh come on, it won't be that bad. I mean he's trying to watch wrestling with me. I want to balance it out.”

“Well I do like the one where the guy with the ears has a goatee,” Cami admitted. “Kinda sexy.”

“I'm looking forward to it. Finding something we both enjoy. I'm going to be jumping in head first on the trip, actually.” Lili then couldn't but give a little knowing smile which Camila caught immediately.

“Care to let me in on what you're obviously planning?” Cami asked.

“No...this is one secret I'm enjoying keeping,” Lili said, putting her feet up on the table. “I'm sure you'll hear about it anyway.”


(https://t54.pixhost.to/thumbs/48/204035975_byrdie.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/48/204035975_byrdie.jpg) (https://t54.pixhost.to/thumbs/48/204035980_vejockagynv51.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/48/204035980_vejockagynv51.jpg)

The first day of the convention was bustling. Vendors, artists, celebrities and fans congested the place. And among them Lili and Peter were having an amazing time. They both had brokn their mutual agreement to not buy anything, whether it be for themselves or each other, on the first day. A con rule shared by many and broken by all. Lili had gotten herself a few trinkets then had found a booth that happened to have a bundle of all the Friday the 13th comics Peter had been looking for. She couldn't resist snatching them up.

On the other side of the con, Peter had a very similar experience, only with Lili it was for an old school wrestling figure. A small little cartoonish replica of Roddy Piper, one of the few names he knew.

Once they met back up at the snack bar, both surprised the other with the gifts, taking their seat at a nearby bench.

“Oh my god Peter...he's perfect!” Lili said. “The paint's intact, no damage anywhere. Like it just came out of the package! I hope you didn't spend too much...these Hasbros go for a ton.”

“Oh I know. I saw more than a couple in the triple digits. This one...I'll just say wasn't triple digits.”

“Well...I was thinking of you too,” said Lili. “ She smiled as she reach into her canvas sack and pulled out the bundle of blood-soaked mayhem in printed form, the smile growing wider as Peter recognized what was in that bundle.

“No way.”

“Oh,  have to say there was most definitely a way.” Lili's smile stayed with her as Peter carefully removed the tape keeping the individually bagged books together.

“Holy shit Lils this even has the awful Jason Vs. Leatherface and the even worse Jason Goes to Hell adaptation!”

“Well, the guy did say complete.”  Peter leaned over to kiss her, a gesture she eagerly returned as she was ready to do the exact same thing. The fact that neither had to worry about who might be around the corner to burst their bubble.

“It's a good thing the con is closing for the day because I don't think anything could top this,” Peter said. “At least today. That and I honestly can't wait to get out of this uniform. I've taken way too many pictures with Klingons and Romulans today.”

“Well it's your own fault for looking so sexy in uniform,”  said. “Even a fictional one. That and the details are really good. It actually looks like a Captain's uniform from the show. Even those gold wrist thingies are right. It could be a screen used uniform. Sex appeal and and accuracy equals "picture please?” Babe.”

“Thanks, but I'm glad to be getting back to normal clothes tomorrow,” he said. “What do you want to do for dinner?”

“How about some take-out from that Greek place down the street from the hotel?” Lili suggested. “I have a serious gyro craving. How about you pick it up and meet me in the room?”

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, giving Lili a quick kiss before he got up. “See you at the room.”

“You too baby,” Lili said. She was happy he didn't ask her to join him at the restaurant. She had one more surprise for him, and needed some time to set it up. She couldn't wait to see Peter's face, and the rest of him, when he saw what she had in mind.

The line at the diner for take-out was surprisingly long which was a bit of a bore to Peter. It was perfect for Lili however. The moment she got the text about the long line she knew she'd have more than enough time to get everything perfect. The hair, the dress, the boots...she wanted it all to be as perfect as possible. Even the placement of the hotel furniture needed to be just right in her mind.

Once she was satisfied she sat in the chair she set facing the door and crossed her legs. She held her iPad in her hand, the silver-gray finish facing forward. Now she just had to wait for her man.

Lili didn't have to wait that long. The moment she her the sound of the magnetic lock clicking to Peter's key card she shifted into character.

“Okay, long time coming, I know,” said Peter, his eyes still not on Lili yet. “But the food's hot and I got us a big order of fries to split and some extra ketchup and tzatziki sauce in case we wanted to split...”

His words stopped the moment his eyes finally hit their target. There Lili was, sitting on the chair decked out in a full on 60s Star Trek uniform. A red one-piece dress with a short skirt, the calf-high leather boots, black hose. She was even using her iPad as if it were some Starfleet device, complete with the Starfleet symbol covering the apples as a sticker. Her hair was down instead of up but frankly, he did not give a good god damn. It took everything he had to not drop the food. It was a small miracle he was able to set it down.


“I'm sorry I surprised you Captain Ferrano,” Lili said, setting her tablet down. “I know this is highly irregular, in fact I'm probably breaking several regulations, but I just had to see you.”

“It's all right,” Peter said, shifting into character mode as well. “What's your name again...Lieutenant-”

“Ensign,” Lili corrected, holding up her sleeve to show her rank. She went in deep on this and that just made Peter crave her more. “Ensign Lili Reinhart. I'm new on board...and your knew yeoman.”

Lili got up from her seat and approached Peter. “I know it's rather unusual for an ensign to take that position-”

“It can be, yes.”

“But not out of bounds by any means. So...here I am. In your quarters...delivering duty rosters for you to sign off on...which I know I could have done on the bridge. But I needed to see you in private. I probably broke so many regulations. My hair being down alone has to be worth a demerit alone.”

“Well I think we can overlook all of that,” Peter said, getting closer to her as well.  “As long as you tell me exactly why you're here.”

“Well...that might cause some issues as well,” Lili said, softly biting her lower lip. “I mean, there are also rules against fraternization with the crew, aren't there? And...I came in here to do something along those lines...though it might go a bit beyond that. In fact...I feel like I could get thrown off the ship just for admitting it.”

“I don't know if I'd worry about that,” Peter said, bringing his arms to her waist and pulling her close. “I think something like that would only happen if your captain took issue with it. And as your captain, I don't.”

“Lucky me.” Lili replied, their lips moving closer together.

“Lucky me as well, Ensign.” Their lips finally seal the deal. His hands slid up the fabric of her dress, massaging her breasts before his lips went down to kiss them through the fabric. They were just a pit stop however on Peter's journey's down. Soon he was on his knees and his hands ran up Lili's legs, bunching her skirt up to reveal the hosiery of chose tonight were stockings with a matching set of black panties.

“I hope I didn't break anymore regulations with my stockings,” Lili said.

“I think we're way past worrying about demerits at this point Ensign Peter said. “What was your name again? I think it's only proper to know, considering our...fraternizing.”

“Reinhart sir.” answered Lili. “Lili Reinhart.”

“Well then Lili...how about you lay back and we can get started on this little lesson in fraternization?”

“Yes sir.” Lili got on the bed and laid back. She propped herself up on her arms and saw Peter remove his “uniform" before crawling on the bed between her legs. She sighed when she felt his lips and tongue through the fabric of her stockings. The good vibes continued as he moved up, Peter bunching her skirt up as he got closer to home.

Peter grasped on to her panties and began to slide them down. He rose up to his knees on the bed, Lili lifting her legs as the black lace garment was removed. Once the barrier was gone Peter moved right back between her thighs.

A familiar smile crossed her face as a familiar touch met the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs. Lips, tongue and fingers dancing ever closer to her slit. She knew the steps by this point but they always felt so fresh. Then she felt his tongue on her lips, the sensation combined with the anticipation made Lili's toes curl in her boots. Then when she felt  his fingers begin to circle her clit, soon join be tender swipes of Peter's tongue, it was time for blast off.

“Mmmm...Captain...”Lili moaned, still in her head enough to stay in the role. “Right there...ohh right there...” Happy laughs littered her moans and words. The pleasure was soothing, relaxing. A slow build up for sure, soft sucking and licks on her clit, Peter's fingers almost toying with her as they gently probed her folds.

Though her moans and gasps were soft, they were just what Peter loved to hear, especially as they had their own gradual build up.

Of course this was all helped by the fact they knew 100% that no one was going to walk in on them while Peter was perfectly pleased with his head between his girlfriend's thighs.

But as much fun as they were having, Lili wanted just a bit more. She licked her lips and breathed, focusing her thoughts enough to speak and stay in character for as long as she could.

“C-captain,” she said in a gasp. “Would mind helping me remove my uniform?”

Peter parted ways with Lili's pussy, kissing her thigh before he responded. “I'd be happy to Ensign.”

Lili got up, standing on her knees then turning around to give Peter access to the zipper on the back of her dress.

Peter rose up behind her, also on his knees. He kissed her neck as he pulled the zipper down. He whispered in her ear, “Keep the boots on.”

“Mmmm, aye aye captain.” Lili replied. As her zipper went down Lili reached behind to Peter's to make sure the same was happening. It was a valiant effort from the blonde, Peter used his free hand to get it down the rest of the way, going even further by pushing his black trousers down to his knees and letting his hard rod spring forth.

With the dress unzipped Peter pulled it over Lili's hair, taking a moment to admire her from the back as her golden hair fell back down on her shoulders  He brushed it it just enough to kissed the small of her neck as he approached her. Peter's hands reached around, grabbing Lili's breasts and squeezing them. She turned her face to his his, kissing his lips.

“Are you going to fuck me captain?” she asked.

“Yes...unless there was another reason you came into my quarters.” Peter replied.

“Not at all...sir.” One more kiss and Peter put his hand against her back, softly pushing Lili forward. Soo she was face down and ass up and Peter took a moment to soak in the incredible view. He massaged Lili's rump a bit before lining up with her slit and thrusting his cock inside.

“Oooh god yes,” Lili groaned. “Mmmm yes baby...”

Peter held her softly by the hips, working himself inside her. A dirty smile crossed the blonde's face before she bit her lower lip, gripping the sheets tight as his cock lovingly drove into. Slow and deep was the order right now, and Lili had no objections. Every stroke felt so good and she had to admit there was a certain thrill she got from being savored by her lover.

“Nngggg perfect...oh my god...keep going,” she croaked. “So good...so fucking good...”

Lili released one of her hands' grip on the shit and moved it between her legs. She alternated her fingers from lightly teasing Peter's thrusting shaft and playing with her clit. She gulped for air, shutting her eyes as her pleasure grew.

Peter's pace began to increase, his deep strokes becoming faster, the sound of their flesh becoming a lot louder but nowhere near their moans volume. Peter leaned over, his hands moving upp her smooth skin to her shoulder. He softly pulled on them, Lili getting the picture and rose up, her to his chest and his lips once more at her ear.

“Let me help you with that Ensign,” Peter said, sliding his hand down to her pussy, joining in one working her clit. “How's that feel?”

“Heavenly,” Lili said before kissing him. “Don't stop...make me cum for you...”

“That's the plan,” Peter said, one hand massaging her breasts while the other worked her clit. Lili leaned her head back on his shoulder, moaning as Peter captained the ship.

While the hand at her clit and the cock driving into her played a big role in the pleasure coursing through her veins, the caresses and touch of his free hand couldn't be undersold. Gently toying with her tits, brushing the hair from her neck so his lips could deliver his addictive kisses, gently caressing her stomach and legs.

It all felt so good that the roleplay was getting hard to stay in character for. “P-peter...mm fuck,” she said, their eyes meeting. Her face looked desperate, her lip quivering. “I'm...gonna cum...cum because f you...baby...mmmmmmm...”

“Then I need to see that up close.” He replied, kissing her before pulling out. He turned Lili around to face him and laid her back on the bed, getting on top of her and returning his dick to the warm confines of her pussy. They were face to face again and soon lip to lip. “Perfect,” he said, brushing a few strands of hair from her face.

They continued where there left off, Lili's legs wrapped tightly around Peter as his tempo was working to bring her home. His lips were all over her, from Lili's own to her neck, shoulders and the top of her breasts. He was close too, holding back as best her could while still  giving Lili what she needed. He was sweating bullets and it looked like all that work was about to pay off, especially for Lili.

“Peter...PETER! YESSSS!!!!!” Lili shouted, her orgasm hitting her like a sucker punch. She knew it was coming but wasn't quite prepared when it did. Sparks flew and she held Peter tight, not wanting to relinquish him, needing to feel the pleasure with him.

That of course took a toll on Peter. The sights, sound and feel of Lili in orgasm flat out destroyed any resistance he had. The moment Lili started coming down and released the death grip her legs had on him pulled out and came, his load firing like a cannonball out of his cock. The first rope reach p to her tits, the rest making a map of Hawaii on her stomach with the last few drops staining the triangle of pubic hair on her pussy.

Totally drained, he collapsed next to her on the bed, both of them out of breath.

“Sorry about the mess,” Peter said, giving her a soft kiss. “I...I didn't know where you wanted me to, so...”

“It's okay Babe,” Lili said. “Easy clean-up.” She displayed this by scooping up some of the cum, fresh from the tap and swallowing it down. “No problem at all.”

The pair laid back, satisfied and ready to sleep from the knockout sex. All in all, not a bad first night at the convention.


(https://t54.pixhost.to/thumbs/48/204035984_wowzerslili.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/48/204035984_wowzerslili.jpg)

Day two of the convention saw the two choosing to avoid it for the first few hours of opening. Neither had anything they particularly wanted to see, so they decided to take a walk on the nearby boardwalk and beach. They both agreed that there was a lot more they wanted to do while out of town. Having the freedom to move around without having to rush to hide every time either one thought they saw Hailee was an opportunity they weren't passing up.

It was ten in the morning, and the wind was light. Neither the beach or boardwalk was too crowded, leaving them to walk it hand in hand, checking out the sights and wares being sold.

Lili was in a black one piece swimsuit, wearing a sarong and carrying a big canvas bag and sunglasses  raised up to her head. Peter was wearing things Lili had never actually seen him wear; a shirt that was not only sleeveless, but not black as well as shorts that also had other colors on the spectrum than dark ones.

“You know I wouldn't object if you added a bit more color to your wardrobe,” Lili said. “I love the horror shirts but the red? Really suits you. And I'm a sucker for tropical print swim trunks on a  handsome man.”

“I'll make a note of that,” Peter joked. “Girlfriend loves you looking like a dork.”

She laughed a bit, then went back to her point, a sweet tone in her voice. “I'm serious though. It really looks good on you...like if I was just some single lady on the boardwalk right now and saw you walking by I'd be thinking you're were one sexy devil and I would just have to ask you if you wanted to swing by and watch Return of the Living Dead with me some night.”

“How could anyone resist that?” Peter said, lifting her hand up to kiss it. His eyes then went to a small shop behind her. “Feel like ice cream?”

Lili turned around and took notice of the ice cream shop as well, then turned back to reply, “Sounds like the perfect breakfast to me.”

They walked up and got in line to order. “So, what're you craving Lils?”

“Tuti Fruti,” she said.

“Nice choice.”

“Oooh, you're a fan? That's a rarity in my experience.”

“Top five easily. Right behind Butter Pecan and Mint & Chip but ahead of Strawberry, Rocky Road and Cookies & Cream.”

“I knew there was a reason we got together,” she said with a grin. When their turn in line came up the order was swift. They took a seat at a table with a pair of chairs right at the edge of the boardwalk with a perfect view of the beach.

“So...very fun trip so far huh?” Lili asked.

“I think I can agree with that and a lot more.” Peter replied.

“Well...I hope I don't ruin the mood but I have a question about last night.”

“I hope I have a good answer.”

“This is going to sound weird...but you liked it, right?” she asked. “I mean...the whole roleplaying thing. I know it might seem weird, especially the whole surprise aspect of it...but it was good, right?”

“Good's an understatement.” Peter replied, laughing a bit. “I...I had so much fun. I twas...it was really...great. And I think I'm underselling it at that.”

“That's a relief. I mean...I was pretty sure you enjoyed it.”

“I mean how could I not? Lili, you even got the ranking stitching right. Holy shit, you wouldn't think that would do much but it did.”

“Well, I go all out when it matters. I love that you noticed. I hoped you would. I mean I wanted it to be as authentic for you as I could despite we were very clearly in a hotel room.”

“It worked.”

“Good,” she said, a little relieved. “I know the question might have been weird but...look, when I was with Jake a big part of our issue was we didn't really communicate that well. We'd fight a lot because of it. There was a lack of honesty, of openness and I don't want that for us. I want us to open with each other. Sexually and emotionally. So, one of the things I really like is roleplaying. I don't know, it just really turns me on. I get into it.”

“Oh, I could tell,” Peter said. “It was subtle but the message was received.”

“Smartass,” she laughed. “I didn't know how else to bring it up to you...so I just dove in the deep end.”

“Well, thanks for the swimming lesson.”

“So, what about you Babe?” Lili asked. “What are you into? You know, that might be a bit out of the ordinary?”

“I...I don't know,” he said, a little unsure of what to say.

“Come on,” Lili said, giving his hands a reassuring squeeze. “Just be honest. I'm not judging. I want to know.”

Peter took a few deep breaths. He didn't know why he was so nervous. Especially after the previous night.

“Look, what you said about openness? That applies to me and Hailee too. And I don't want a repeat of that. I really don't. So...I kind of like somewhat public sex. Not in a way that we'd get caught, but that possibility is always there. It's a thing that just...it works for me.”

“So was getting caught by Cami last month kind of hot to you?” Lili asked, half-joking and very intrigued at the answer.

“Not really,” Peter laughed. “It's more of the thrill of what could happen. I don't know how to explain it. Sometimes the fantasies get really vivid.”

“I think I get it. I mean just that idea of maybe getting caught is there. But the real possibility of it kind of kills it.”

“Yes! Exactly.”

“Okay...and as for those vivid fantasies...got any specifics? You never know what could inspire a girl.”

“Well...I have kind of a specific one with you.” he admitted.

“Well, now I just have to insist you continue.”

“Well,” he said, clearing his throat and gathering his courage. “We're in a parking garage. Very late at night. It's almost deserted. And we...we fuck on the car. You bent over on the hood, both of us on the hood or in the back. And one thing that's so specific is your voice. You moaning and it echoing in the garage. Sometime we hear people coming and then we finish in the stairwell, your moans are still echoing.”

“Wow,” Lili said. “That...that's certainly very detailed. And really hot. Wow. Need some Tuti Fruti to cool me down.”

“You're not weirded out?”

“By that?” Lili asked incredulously. “Of course not sweetie. That's...oh my god I can see it now. Just...that's so hot. I think you fried my brain. In a good way.” Lili then looked out on the the beach and smiled before turning back to Peter. “Let's walk on the beach. I've got something to show you.”

“Sure,” Peter said. “Any clues or is this another total surprise?”

“Well, when you were out cold yesterday after we checked in I decided to take a little walk of my own,” Lili said as the walked down the small set of stairs on to the sandy beach. “I found the most beautiful little cove, just a bit down that way. Nice and private. Just you and me, some ice cream and the view.”

Lili led him to the spot, resting her head on his shoulder. She wasn't wrong when she said it was a little private. It was a small bit of climbing over some rock to get there. Not too much though and once Peter saw it, he once again couldn't disagree with Lili's take. It was a perfect little place for two. Hidden enough no one would findit unless they were looking and the surrounding rock created a certain move.

“You like?” Lili asked.

“Very,” Peter said. “Great view...and the ocean looks nice too.”

“Awww, I love it when you get cheesy,” Lili said. She set down he ice cream cup and her canvas bag. “Babe, could you stand back just a little against the rock? I want to lay out the blanket.”

Peter nodded, backing against the rock, setting his own cup on a bit of the stone that was jutting up next to his stomach as a make-shift table. His eyes then went back to Lili as she laid the blanket down. It was a bit rumpled, but Lili was on the case, smoothing out the blanket.

The edge of the blanket rolled out to the Peter feet and Lili smoothed it out to the edge.

“Almost ready?” Peter asked.

“Almost,” Lili said, reaching to grab her ice cream and bringing it closer. She then smoothed out the edges. “Just one more thing...”

Lili answered the question Peter was about to ask by grabbing this trunks and pulled them down to his ankles, kissing his thighs as soon as they were bared to the world.

“Lils,” he said. “What are you-?”

(https://t54.pixhost.to/thumbs/48/204035979_tohngc5w2ww51.jpg) (https://pixhost.to/show/48/204035979_tohngc5w2ww51.jpg)

“Oh come on, Peter, you can't tell me a fantasy like that and not expect a little indulgence.” She gently ran her hands up his legs to his stomach, pushing under his shirt. “Besides...I wanted to let you know I like the idea. I wasn't just giving you lip service. Right now though...I think some lip service is exactly what's on the schedule.

“Lili...” Peter moaned. Her soft lips circled his hardening cock, softly sucking him and running her tongue in circles around it. She moaned as he did, loving the feeling of him getting completely hard in her mouth. The harder he got, the more of his cock Lili took in her mouth.

“Oh my god,” Peter said. Everything felt amazing. The sea air, the sounds, the wind and the location made what she was doing to him even better. Lili was of course the biggest part of it, so his eyes drifted back down to the beautiful blonde sucking him off, her blue-green eyes melting him.

When their eyes met an Lili saw the delirium mixed with desire in his eyes she released him for a few moments when a wonderful idea entered her mind.

She slid the straps of her swimsuit off her shoulder and pulled it down enough to expose her breasts. “To even it out,” Lili said before kissing his waist. “And improve the view.”

She then grabbed her ice cream and took a big spoonful in her mouth, licking her lips as it went down then immediately brought her mouth back to his cock, the cold sensation of her mouth sending immediate chills up Peter's spine.

“Holy shit!” he shouted, grunting as he tried to stifle any additional outburst. “Oh my god Lili!”

“Mmm hmm,” she moaned, satisfied at his reaction.  She was giving him everything she could with her mouth, but still taking her time. Lili learned one of the things Peter genuinely loved was being played with. Being pushed just a bit, keeping him just from slipping over the edge. It wasn't all mouth work either. It was eye contact and touch. He hands didn't just aid her in oral activities. They roamed over every bit of his body she could, feeling him with so much more than her mouth.

She pulled off him once again then reached for his own ice cream. “Let's see what other flavors you taste good with,” she said. She took a bite of his Butter Pecan and repeated the process, both of them getting a cold treat when he mouth returned to his cock.

To say Lili was driving him wild would be an understatement. The only thing keeping him from gripping the rock behind him was the though he'd turned the roc into powder with how hard he'd squeeze them. Still, Peter found something valuable for his hands to do in brushing any hair away from her face. He wanted an unobstructed view of her as she sucked him. He didn't just want it, he needed to see Lili's face.

Lili's looked up while only the helmet was in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before letting it go. “I bet all thirty-one flavors would go great with you babe,” she said.. “Can't wait to try them all...but now...just I want yours...come on Peter...baby...I need your cream...I want to taste you again.”

Peter could only reply with a cracked moan. She was pushing him and pushing until finally Lili got one more word out of him, her own name.

“Lili!!!!” he cried out as as his cock began to pulse. It was the only warning he cold give her but the blonde beauty was ready, sweetly swallowing his sperm as each shot rocketed into her mouth. And it was a lot, a little bit leaking out of the corner of her mouth by the time it was all done.

Finally she pulled back, his emptied cock exhausted as the man it belonged to. Lili gulped down the remaining semen, licking the trickling away as well.

Once more Peter showed no hesitation in kissing her, bringing her up to him before even bothering to pull up his own pants.

“Now,” he said, resting his forehead against hers. “How am I going to pay you back for that?”

“I think we can think of something,” Lili said. “Once we get back to the room of course. I mean I love the beach but you always need a shower afterwards. I'm sure we could cook something up while we're cleaning each off you could offer as payback.”


“Sounds like a fun trip,” Camila said as she looked at Selena through her camera lens. “Better than the Mexico one with he who shall not be named?”

“By a mile,” Lili said. “While I can't deny it was fun to just be so ravenous for each other that Jake and I never left the room, I had a lot more time just being with Peter. It's...I don't know if there are words.”

“Sounds like it was the best time then,” Selena said. She was sitting on a desk in Camila's newly redecorated office area, all glammed up like a Femme Fatale from a Sam Spade film. Hair, dress, heels, they all made it seem like Selena had just stepped out of a time machine.

What had begun as a simple appointment for Camila to shoot some headshots for Selena had morphed in the weeks leading up to it into a full blown photoshoot. Camila had fallen head over heels back in love with photography. Her dad wouldn't have approved but it was doing wonders in taking her mind off Jose. She now had something to focus on. Selena was of course along for the ride, happy to help use these images herself for her hopeful acting career. Lili was on hand too, giving Selena a little birthday present of free hair and make-up for however long the shoot was to go. With multiple costume changes, it was going to be a while.

It wasn't like Lili would charge anyway. She did however take the time off work for it.

“It really was.” Lili agreed.

“Lili, what do you think of this?” Cami asked, bringing the blonde over to the camera. She hit a button, turning the framed image of Selena on the camera screen. “Think we need anything else. Like on the desk? Maybe like a fedora? Detective wear fedoras in those movies right?”

“Yeah, but do you even have a fedora?” asked Lili.

“Of course.” Cami replied. “Top shelf of my closet, left side. Could you grab it for me please?”

“You got it,” Lili said, exiting the office and making a quick dash to Camila's bed room.

“Selena, seriously, you look PHENOMINAL,” Camila said. “Thank you so much for doing this. I know this is taking a lot out of your days off and it was supposed to just be some headshots but I got inspired.”

“Oh it's no problem,” Selena said. “I it's not like I'm not getting anything out of the deal. Besides, I LOVE getting glammed up.”

“The only bad part is when Peter sees all this I'm going to hear an I told you so. He KNOWS that's my thing.”

“Let him have it,” Selena laughed. “I mean seeing you like this is the first time I've seen you smile non-stop in a bit.”

“Yeah,” Cami grinned. “It just...it feels good you know? I forgot how much this means to me. I actually can't wait for the Fall semester to start.”

“Okay so I found a black one with a grey band and a white one with a black band,” Lili said as she walked back in. “You want to do some samples with both?”

“Sure,” Cami said. “Probably going to have to do that with each gown change though.”

“I also found this,” Lili said, holding out a small rectangular shape wrapped in sparking pink wrapping paper, a bow on it with a card that said “To Selena.”

“What's that?” Selena said, instantly noticing the shiny item with her name literally on it.

“Well, I was going to save it for after the shoot...but eh, what the Hell.” Cami took the object from Lili's hand and placed it in Selena's. “Happy birthday.”

“Really?” Selena said. Once Cami gave the nod, she tore into then wrapping paper to reveal an electronic frame. Selena turned it on and a digitized photo showing herself, Camila and Peter in front of a busy beach when they were much younger. “Oh my god I remember this!”

“Yeah, I found that photo when I was looking for some of my old photography books. From one of the rare times we weren't toally obsessed with hating each other. I think it was just at the start of middle school.”

“Yep,” Selena confirmed. “The Disney World trip.”

“And if you press that button on the left...”

Selena did so, showing a much more recent photo of the three of them from the Vegas trip at a very busy pool party in Vegas. “This is so sweet...thank you.”

“Well, I thought it was nice. Past and present...a much better present. And hopefully an even better future.”

"Just so you know that future includes a present for you," Selena said. "You know....one it's actually delivered."

"I wait with baited breath."

“You guys actually took PG photos in Vegas? “Lili joked, looking at the electronic frame.

“I don't know if you get to really comment Ms. Beach Bunny Blowjob,” Cami retorted with a laugh.

“I'll gladly take that if it means we put all references to mask fucking to rest.”


“Okay, I get the blowjob reference but what's with the mask thing?” asked Selena.

“The mask thing...is a dead joke connected to bad memories. I'm focusing on new memories with my dear Captain.”

“Oh please tell me that's not your cutesy pet name for him,” Camila said. “Oh god he's going to call you Lieutenant or something. Please, I beg of you...I love you both to death but spare me that.”

That got both Lili and Selena laughing before Lili was able to give her bestie some reassuring news.

“Don't worry, he's only my Captain when he's in uniform, which he looks absolutely dashing in by the way. Every other time he's my Babe.”

“Really?” Cami said. “I mean it's cute but, I don't know, I was waiting for something a bit more sugary.”

“It's not with a lower case Cami,” Lili explained. “It's because...well, third date we went to this Karaoke bar we knew was safe and he sung me that Styx song....and  I don't know...I just wanted to call him that. My Babe.”

“That's so sweet!” Selena said, giving a cute little pout. “You guys are so cute. What does he call you?”

“Lately it's been Sweet,” Lili said. “I like it.”

“Well, as much as I love hearing about my nearest and dearest getting very near and dear with each other, I want to get as much out of this afternoon as possible.,” said Cami getting everyone back in the game. “Oh shit that didn't come out too harsh did it?”

“No,” Lili said. “We should get this going. I think Selena's good for now, no real touch-ups needed. How're you feeling Sel?”

“Ready to go.” she replied.

“That's what I want to hear,” Cami said. “Okay, lean back a little on the desk and just turn your head towards me just a bit...perfect...now...make this camera melt. Just go with what you feel in that position.”

Selena did as directed, a very happy Cami loving every shot. “Perfect! I love it! Now draw your legs up just a little, let that slit on the dress show off some thigh, but not too much...make the private eye work for it.”

More snapshots were taken and Cami took a short break. “Okay, another brain storm...different decades. Different styles. Man I wish I had shot those still for the movie because I really want you all gothed up again.”

“Well I own the clothes,” Selena said. “Wouldn't be too much trouble.”


As the photoshoot went on, Lili was reminded of a problem that still very much existed. The upcoming premiere of their movie. It was going to be at the local theatre...and Hailee WOULD be there. There'd be no avoiding it...unless she and Peter went back into hiding for a night. And she didn't want that.

However, she also didn't see a good way to let Hailee on who exactly her new boyfriend was. No matter how exciting things were getting, how good she felt that cloud still loomed over her large and Lili saw no way to get shelter form that storm.


The middle of August meant a lot of things to the college town. Business started getting a bit busier again, both students and staff began to repopulate the area as a whole new beginning was just around the corner.

Of course for Peter and the cast and crew of his and Sabrina's small horror film The Sisters, there was a bit of added stress because the premiere was now upon them.

It wasn't a huge affair. It was only a small blip even on the local level. But still, it was a movie he had made, alongside Sabrina, being put on the big screen. While most of those nerves were happy, there was still one major  source of stress that he and his girlfriend Lili shared...seeing his ex Hailee at the premiere.

There was no avoiding it as she was one of the leads in the film. It was all done before their acrimonious split. And well before he and Lili started seeing each other on a much more than friends basis.

He hid it well, at least from everyone who wasn't Lili who shared the fear. And of course on the night of the premiere he had plenty of other things to help cover his nerves. At the moment, wardrobe was doing a good job covering up his nerves.

“Are you guys sure about this?” he asked his audience and his stylists for the night, Camila and his sister Blake.

“What do you mean?” Blake said. “You look really handsome. I thought Cami and I outdid ourselves Baby Bro.”

“Yeah, what's the issue Petey dearest?” asked Camila.

“It's just, I don't know, this is a movie premiere. Shouldn't I be wearing a tux?”

“Oh Petey Petey Petey,” Cami said getting up from the bed that she and Blake were sitting on to join him at the mirror. “I love you to bits and I am SO proud of the movie I got to help you and Sabrina make....but this ain't the Oscars. This is...this is FUN. This isn't stuffy, this is a cool, independent horror movie. Tuxes are far too boring for this. A cool tuxedo jacket with a t-shirt and black jeans? That works.”

“And I did jazz that shirt up in a wonderful way Pete.” Added Blake. And he couldn't deny she did a great job. It was a take on his favorite Friday the 13th shirt, the one that recreated the poster of the fourth movie. However the blood on and around Jason's mask where covered in red Swaharvski crystals. “Just the right bit of dazzle. And the Freddy Krueger belt buckle Cami suggested?” Blake finished her statement with a chef's kiss.

“Long story short my nearest and dearest is that you look great. Dashing, blah blah blah and all that jazz. You're gonna kill it.”

“Yeah,” he said, softly agreeing. “But you don't think-”

“Not at all.” Cami said. “Whatever you were going to say, nope. You look perfect stop stressing. Take a shot of tequila or something. I mean you're not driving tonight.”

A knock at the door could be heard. Blake volunteered to answer it, leaving Cami and Peter alone.

“Besides, the shot could probably cool your nerves about what you're really nervous about,” said Cami. “While there's a small possibility to tricked Blake into thinking your nerves are all about style, you can't trick me. This is going to be the first time you've seen Hailee since the break-up and I get it. Especially with you and Lili. And you know this has to be getting her too, right?”

“Yeah, I know. And I feel like shit for it. I know it's not my fault but it kind of is.”

“First of all, no it's not and never say that in my presence again because I have no time to hear that kind of talk from you and you shouldn't have any time to say it. Secondly, since I know it's futile to tell you to do it for yourself, keep it together for Lili. She's really going to need you tonight. And if I can suppress my desire to really get in Hailee's face you can play nice with her for a few hours. Lili needs it. I know there's a lot of pressure on you both and it sucks to be running around like you two being together is some kind of sin. But just one more night minimum, okay?”

“Yeah,” Peter said. “I can do that.”

“Your date for the evening has arrived,” Blake said, re-entering the bedroom with Lil in two. She was wearing a simple, casual but still breathtaking black floraly dress with her hair down.

“You look beautiful Sweet,” he said.

“And you look as dashing as I've ever seen,” she said, approaching him for a quick peck on the lips.

“More so than Cody Rhodes?”

“Ohhh Babe you're learning wrestling!” Lili said. “That's so sweet.” She then back up a bit and got a good look at his shirt and the blonde's eyes lit up. “That is SO cool! Where did you get it?”

“Blake made it.” Peter answered.

“That's so amazing Blake,” Lili said.  “Oh I wish had this for one of my Hellraiser shirts.”

“It'd be no problem to make you one,” Blake said. “Just send me an image of the shirt, I'll get a copy of it and it'll be in your hands in no time.”

“Really?” Lili asked, Blake nodding in return. “Thank you! That's so cool. A Blake Lively original. But tonight it's all about a Ferrano/Carpenter original and I can't wait to support it.”

“Well you're gonna support yourself too,” Peter said. “You're going to be part of the Q & A Ms. F/X.”

“Yeah...that's going to be a first,” Lili said. “Um...that kind of reminds me, with us all being up front and all of that...how are we handling the seating arrangements? I mean, I really want to sit right next you when it's going on, but you know, Hailee.”

“Never fear, Camila's here to once more solve everyone's problems,” Cami said, putting a reassuring hand on Lili's shoulder to get her attention. “Me, Sabrina and Selena worked it out. The actors are all going to sit together, then production. So the row of actors ends with Selena, then it goes to me all the way to Lili, then Peter, then Sabrina. So you two can be nice and cozy as you want to be.”

“Thanks Cami,” Lili said.

“No problem. Anything for my two favorite people in the world.”

While that had indeed calmed both of them down to the point they got to the theater, once Lili's eyes fell on Hailee her stomach retied itself in knots. And worst of all with Hailee so close she and Peter had to keep their distance, to act like they weren't what they were now.

Lili felt alone in a crowd. It was a crowd filled with people she knew from campus. Even Madchen was there. She still felt utterly alone.

Things just kept getting worse as Hailee was still avoiding her, trying to make Lili feel guilty, somehow trying to blame her for how things ended between Hailee and Peter. As if it was Lili's fault. She kept looking at her phone, counting down the minutes until they were ushered in to the theater so she could be close to Peter again.

One of those times she didn't notice Hailee finally approach her, so when the blonde looked up she was quite shocked to finally see her oldest friend this close to her again.

“Hi,” Hailee said, her tone revealing she was just as nervous as Lili. “Been a while.”

“Yeah,” Lili acknowledged. “Yeah it has.”

“I-I'm sorry I didn't call or anything,” Hailee said. “I've been going through some stuff. Doing a lot of thinking. And making some changes. And, look, it's a lot to go into. Do you want to talk after this at the the after party?”

“Sure!” Lili ecstatically replied. “That sounds great.”

“Cool,” Hailee said with a smile. “See you then.” The brunette returned to the crowd to mingle and Lili actually felt good about things with her oldest friend for the first time in a while.

Shortly after it was showtime and Lili was soon next to Peter, making her feel even warmer  inside than she already did. They held hands for two hours, sneaking quick kisses and give each other's hands soft squeezes during the film. They were both nervous about this. Sabrina wasn't, as she had smoked a gigantic bowl to take of of the jitters. For Peter and Lili though, this was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

The Q&A was a bit better. Everyone got their share of the jitters, even Camila. But what Lili was really looking forward to was the after party. One the ride over Lili had told Peter about her quick talk with Hailee. They'd both hoped it'd be the first step to them being a bit more free to be open about their relationship in town and on campus.

When Lili parked the car she told Peter she would be in soon after. She needed to speak with Hailee ASAP and it would probably be best outside where they'd actually be able to hear each other.

“Good luck Sweet,” Peter said, caressing her cheek.

“Thanks,” she said. He leaned forward to give her a good luck kiss. It was a bit of a misfire, but not through any fault of the two lovers.

“What the Hell is going on?” Hailee asked. The pair broke the kiss with a start and looked at her, heart sunk and totally surprised.

“Peter,” Lili said. “Go inside.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Babe, I can handle this.” Peter nodded and walked in, leaving the two women alone in the parking lot.

“Babe?” Hailee asked, approaching Lili and she was not remotely happy. “How long has this been going on Lili?”

“Little over two months.” Lili replied. “Not until after you two split.”

“So that makes it okay?”

“Considering how it happened...a little.” Lili was surprised with the fact she'd even said that. It was honestly, shockingly honest. “Look, Hailee neither of us really knew what was happening. But I swear we didn't do anything while you were together.”

“Why should I believe you?” Hailee said. “I mean didn't you tell me how silly you thought it was that Jake thought you and Peter were going to hook up?” Hailee got closer, getting in Lili's face. “You know what? I'm betting that why he fucked that other woman. Figured it was fair play.”

“Haiz, don't,” said Lili. “That's not how it is, I swear to you.”

“And I'm supposed to believe you? I couldn't even trust you to keep your mouth shut while I tried to figure things out. You couldn't do that for me. You know what? Maybe you wanted Peter to find out. That actually makes sense. He finds out and then you two don't have to sneak around anymore.”

“God damn it Hailee we weren't cheating on you! Why the Hell do you care anyway who he's dating now? You were fucking around on him and were ready to dump him like he didn't mean damn thing to you! And you come at me like I'M the one who fucked up?”

“What if I had wanted to get back with him?” Hailee asked. “What if once everything ended with George I had wanted to try again?”

“Good god Hailee he's not an emergency back-up boyfriend! He's a person and cared about you and you broke his heart and I know what that's like. I know what it's like to be crazy about someone and get fucked over for it! And then you try to make me feel like shit for helping you cover it up? You try and blame me because you didn't have the guts to tell him to his face it was over. And then what? He's your back up plan? Do you have idea how fucked up that is? And the worst part? Just like Jake...it was for a fling. You fucked someone else for a fling. So don't even try to play innocent on this. Don't try to make me feel guilty for finding someone who makes me happy.  Because I'm not. I am sorry he got hurt by you. I never would have gone this far with him if you two were together. But you're not. And that's not my fault. It's not Peter's fault. That's on you.”

Hailee was fuming. Lili at this point didn't care. Hailee however was not going to let Lili have the final word.

“And here's what's on you. Jake deserved better than you and he got it. And Peter will want better than you too. And I deserve a better friend. Do not speak to me again. We're done.”

Hailee left Lili alone and drove away just as Camila pulled in. She got out of her car and walked to Lili, concern in every step.

“You okay?” Cami asked. “What happened?”

“She found out. And I know where she and I stand now.”

“Lils what did she say?”

“I'll tell you later,” Lili said. “I promise. Just...could you go inside and get Peter?”

“Sure, right away.” Cami gave her a quick hug then went inside the Whisky Casket. Moments later Peter was out.

“You okay?” Peter asked, gently grabbing her arms. “Cami told me, but she didn't know what happened and-”

Peter was silenced by Lili's lips pressing against his. Her arms wrapped around him and pulled him tight.

“Take me back to your place,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder. “I'm sorry if it ruins the night but I need to go.”

“Nothing's ruined,” he said. “But you're going need to drive. I kinda had a few shots already. Sabrina insisted.”

“I think I can accommodate that.” She replied. “You sure you're fine?”

“For you? Definitely.”

On the ride back to Peter's apartment Lili filled Peter in on what exactly was said between herself and Hailee.  Lili kept it together but it gave Peter some things to think on.

When they got in Lili grabbed the overnight bag she'd left and went to the bathroom to change. Peter changed in the bedroom, getting into a pair of baggy gym shorts and a plain black t-shirt. He waited for Lili to come out of the bathroom. She was similarly dressed down, a pair of boy shorts and a half-cut t-shirt which fit her wonderfully.

He was waiting for her at the kitchen table where she joined him, taking a seat across.

“Lils I'm so sorry about what happened,” Peter said.

“Don't be.” she replied. “It wasn't your fault. That's how it was always going to go down I guess.”

“It's just...I feel like I ruined your friendship. Like it's all my fault. I mean honestly I'd get it if you wanted to end it right now.”

“That is NOT happening.” Lili said, authority in her tone. “She doesn't get to dictate us. It hurts...but not the kind of hurt worth giving this up.” The more she spoke the softer her voice went. “I'm not going to apologize for what's happened between us or how I feel. I don't want you to either.”

“I don't think I'll be doing that.”

“Good,” she said with a smile, the first genuine she'd had since the confrontation. “And with that settled as good as it can be, I do want to apologize for cutting the night short. And before you say there's nothing to apologize for, just allow me to give you a hint on how I plan on making it up to you.”


Lili got up from her seat and Peter followed suit. Their met and lips soon followed.

“Bedroom,” she said in a low breath before taking his land and leading him towards their destination. Once they were inside they closed the door, Lili locking it as she pressed her back against it. She removed her shirt, exposing her luscious breasts. Peter took the invite, bringing his lustfully hungry mouth.

“Mmmmm Babe,” Lili sighed, a smile born of affection and lust on her face as Peter's mouth and hands loved her chest.

Well, one did. The other was a bit busier journeying south, sliding over her stomach as air was inhaled and exhaled and down her short. Lili's smiling lips parted to moan as Peter's digits entered her wet folds.

The music of her moans were briefly silenced by Peter's kiss. Lili swore she could feel the percussion of his heartbeat as they locked lips. As his lips moved down her neck and shoulders, returning to her breasts Lili's hands went to the waist band of his shorts, tugging them down just enough to let gravity take control.

As his gym shorts fell his hard cock rose, the throbbing flesh pole rubbing against Lili's thigh.

Eyes locked again as Peter's hands followed Lili's lead, tugging her shorts down. Once gravity once more did the job Lili was lifted up by Peter, pinned against the door.

“Mmmmm,” she hummed, satisfied when Peter's cock filled her up. Her legs wrapped around him tight as he began to fuck her. Forehead to forehead was how they were at first, grunting and whispering sweet and dirty words to each other.

“Fuck me...Peter...Babe...give it to me...more...just a bit more baby...your cock feels so good!”

“Want you so bad....always want you,” he growled, hot breath making a population of goose bumps pop up all over. “Mmmm Lili...holy shit...”

He held her tight as he took her from the door to the bed, Peter falling back on the mattress and letting Lili take the wheel. While the blonde was more than ready to take charge, she didn't want Peter lying back. She guided him back up, pulling him close as she rode his cock are. She didn't just want his sex, Lili wanted him as close as he could be. She needed him that close.

Peter was happy to give her exactly what she was asking for. His arms wrapped, pulling her tight, her tits pressed against his chest.

“I love how you make me cum,” She said. “How you make my body feel...make my heart beat...only you...oh Peter...Babe...haaaaaa-ahhhhh...” Lili licked her lips, sucking in air as the ride got bumpier and bumpier in the best way possible.

Her golden hair hung back as Lili rolled her head, while Peter's hands made sparks fly as his hands slid from her ass up to her shoulders and back down again. The fire burning within them both was growing into a full blown blaze.

From gliding over her skin to holding her tight, Peter moved things along again, placing Lili down on the bed. He pulled out of of her and gently moved Lili flat on her stomach. He got on top of her, his lips at her ears, moaning in unison with her as his cock filled her up.

“Babe...oh Babe,” Lili said as he began to drive into her for the last ride. “Gonna cum...h my god...”

She was getting lit up like a pinball machine, and his cock wasn't the only thing sending her over the edge. His touch on the outside was melting her just as much as on the inside. Lili felt a trail of erotic fire as Peter's hands slid from her shoulders' down of the top of her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers as they both held on tight for the explosive finish.

“Cum in me,” Lili demanded. “Please Babe...cum in me...I want to feel it...I want to feel our desire in me...oh my god Peter...cum...cum with me...cum for me...”

“You want it Sweet?” he asked in a grunt. “I'm gonna...oh god Lili gonna cum...oh my..NNNNGGG!”

He gave her one last thrust, groaning out her name as cum rocketed out of his cock and into her hungry pussy. And once that first contact was made it was time for Lili's own blast off.

“PETER! YESSS!” she yelled, her pussy convulsing and clamping on his cock she her fired rope after rope into her. His cock continued with a few more thrsts before he ad to pull out, rolling off of her. Lili scooted closer to him, kissing his chest and finding an wonderful place to share in the afterglow in his arms.


The next morning Lili was awoken by the smell of something beyond delicious. It definitely had the smell of some kind of omelet. Eggs were for sure part of it. The aroma that rousted her from slumber also had heavy bits of ham, sausage and cheese to it with other wonderful herbs and spices.

She took a quick shower and put on the clothes she had stripped herself of the previous night to see Peter in the kitchen, a cast iron skillet on the stove.

“A frittata?” she asked, walking next to him and kissing his cheek.

“Like I said, I know my eggs.” Peter replied. “Almost done. Cheddar cheese, sausage, ham and spinach. Also started some coffee for you. Made myself some tea.”

“Thanks. Can I help?”

“Well, it's mostly done but I wouldn't mind a little company while it cools. It's not meant to be served right out off the flame.”

“I'm aware,” she said. She poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter. “Where's Sabrina?”

“Well she definitely came home because there's a new take-out box in the fridge,” Peter said. “My guess is sleeping off some margaritas. Made some extra for her . Frittatas are a Great hangover food it turns out.”

“So...last night,” Lili said with a smile. “That...that was exactly what I needed.”

“I'm really glad to hear that,” Peter said. “You...you know what I thought might happen?”


“I...I though t that you might have rethought things and....well...squashed this..”

“Babe, that is the last thing I want.” Lili assured him. “Especially now. She, well, she said some stuff. Stuff I don't want to get back into because I'm actually in a good mood right now. But I do not what we have to end, especially because of something like that.” She approached him, kissing him sweetly on the lips. “Hailee made her choice. I'm more than confident in mine. I'm confident in us. So I am not giving this up.”

“Rain or shine,” Peter said.

“Rain or shine?”

“Oh, like at the comic shop when I was helping you with the back issues that night. You know, with the storm? Stayed through that and through the morning to actually finish the job. Showed up late to a final but...it was worth it for you. So we're rain or shine.”

“I like it,” she smiled. “Very accurate. Though you did leave out the part where my mansion after the Luigi's Mansion playthrough was WAY bigger than yours.”

“Did I? Must have slipped my mind.”

“Sure it did,” she grinned. “Tell you what, how about you audition to be the butler at my huge mansion? Slice me up a piece of that frittata and meet me at the table. And please Jeeves, do remember the utensil placement.”

“What happened to helping in the kitchen?” Peter asked with a laugh. “Besides, we could always save the Butler thing for the bed room down the line. I mean it would give me a good reason to buy a tux.”

Lili set her coffee down and loosely wrapped her arms around Peter, kissing him softly one more time. “Sounds like the perfect plan Babe. But for now...let's get used to working together in the kitchen. That way we'll have an edge for that cooking class we're taking when school starts.”

The pair knew the upcoming semester was going to be an interesting one, but together, it was going to be one to remember for all the right reasons.


Next up:

Summer Session: Hailee Steinfeld

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on April 26, 2021, 03:05:08 PM
I was half expecting to see Jose with her when she surprised them. great as always, wonder who hails will run into after this
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on April 27, 2021, 04:50:48 PM
What a fantastic and lovely look at newly formed couple!  I'm sure we will see many more adventures with these two in the future!
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: barryflash on June 05, 2021, 08:39:18 PM
A great series, I really like the plots and characters as well as their personalities, especially Peter. I like Peter and Lily's partner even though I thought that after he broke up with Hailee he would be hanging out with other girls for a while. I hope to see new characters and read the next chapter soon. Great job.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on June 24, 2021, 03:44:53 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Star College: Summer Session starring Hailee Steinfeld
(MF, MFF, MMF, DP, Anal, IR, Oral, Creampie)
by MaxwellLord

Also featuring: Margot Robbie

"The whole summer????" Hailee asked in disbelief. "You're going to be in Europe the ENTIRE summer?"

"Well, yeah." replied Elizabeth Olsen. "That about sums it up. I didn't think you'd react like this."

"Lizzie, you're pretty much the only friend I have left," Hailee said, flopping face first down on Lizzie's couch. "And if you're gone, I've got nobody."

Elizabeth sat on the end of the couch and got Hailee to sit up as well. "It's not that bad and you know it. Lili will be here."

"I am NOT talking to her," Hailee said sternly. "She sold me out."

"Hailee, with all do respect, don't be so dramatic. You know that's not the case. From everything you told me, she didn't let out a peep despite the position she got put in. A position that you know wasn't comfortable for her. So...talk to her. Squash this before it spins out of control."

Hailee leaned back on the couch, arms folded and frustration radiating off her face. Lizzie was right and she knew it. She wasn't even really mad at Lili, she was mad the situation and it was situation Hailee had created for herself. She was in a deep hole and needed to climb out.

"I take your silence as agreement?" Elizabeth said with a reassuring smile.

"Yes," admitted Hailee. "But begrudgingly. Still, it's a step. I mean I don't expect to be friends with Peter again. And definitely not with Camila. Though i don't really have to worry running into after getting fired."

"You got fired???" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah, and it wasn't because of her. I'm 90% sure it was George who ended up getting back with his wife. I mean I'm not heartbroken over that but I kind of needed the job. And I can't really do anything about it because it was done supposedly to save money. One thing I can say from knowing Cami is that was probably bullshit."

"I'm so sorry Haiz, you got enough cash?"

"Yeah, I can make rent. I got a another job pretty quick. Not exactly appealing but it keeps the lights on."

"What is it?"

Hailee rolled her eyes. It embarrassed her to say it. "I'm working the register at the porn shop."

"Kinky," joked Elizabeth.

"It's not perfect but it pays the bills. Surprisingly well actually. I think I might actually be getting more than normal. I think the manager thinks having a hot co-ed work the register in front of all the perverts will bring in more cash." Hailee struck faux sex poses as she spoke on this, getting a laugh from lizzie, which made her feel better about  the position she was in. "I'm looking for something better already, but I need to keep the lights on."

"Hey, no judgement from me," Lizzie said, thinking of her own job as one of Sophia's girls that Hailee was in the dark about. "Work's work. Doesn't need to be glamorous. Besides, once you make it big as an actress you'll have one hell of a story to tell on talk shows."


While it might one day  in the future lead to hilarious stories to tell in interviews, right now working the register at a smut shop was surprisingly boring for Hailee after a week. Nothing really phased her anymore. Not the theater, not the gloryholes that didn't "officially" exist nor the people who used them. It was all so pedestrian so quick. Very little really stood out and made her look up from her book or laptop.

However, that wasn't always the case. There was always something or someone to get her attention for a few moments or more. On the more side was someone who had come in every day night. At first she stuck out like a sore thumb. She was a beautiful blonde with killer legs and blue eyes so bright even the shades she sometimes wore weren't enough to block them.

What really got to Hailee was the blonde wasn't trying to block them. She wasn't trying to hide anything. And she was recognized. She was greeted by several happy gentlemen who always seemed to be waiting for her arrival. Even Hailee seemed to recognize her, though she couldn't quite place where.

It wasn't like Hailee had a name to go with the face. The blonde was never shy about showing her face, but Hailee at least had never gotten a name. She always paid in cash. The only clue she had, aside from the face, was the Australian accent. All that did really was cement the fact Hailee knew her from somewhere, but couldn't place her still.

The mystery of the beautiful blonde wasn't dying out as came in right on time. It didn't matter what the day was, she was always at the shop at 10:30 PM. That was another layer to all of this as was the mood she created when she walked in. There was an excitement, all the perverts seemed to sense her and she flashed them all a welcoming smile that seemed to light a fire in them.

That fire was contagious as the blonde turned her attention to Hailee. The rest of the usual routine was about to commence. The blonde made her way over to Hailee. She was going to chit chat a bit, buy a pass to the theater and booths and do a little bit of playful flirting. The blonde seemed to not have much an issue with who she paid attention to, she was an equal opportunity flirter. Hailee didn't mind one bit.

"Hello again," the blonde said. "I bet I don't even have to tell you what I want." The blonde handed Hailee seventeen dollars, the exact amount for her pass to the perverted promised land.

"No you don't." answered Hailee, a friendly smile on her face. She'd printed out the pass the moment the blonde walked in and handed it off to her. "Here are the keys to the castle."

"Thank you Hailee," the blonde said. She was about to leave, then paused. "You know it's a bit unfair."

"What is?" Hailee asked.

"Because of that name tag I know your name. You don't know mine and everyone else in this lovely little establishment does. So, how about I change that?" She went over and took Hailee's hand in hers, softly shaking it and looking into Hailee's almond eyes with her ocean blues. her smile was seductive as her lips parted. "I'm Margot."

"Nice to meet you," Hailee said, the tone surprisingly friendly and soft for a smut store.

Margot nodded, then turned to the men in the store, her pass in hand. "And as for you boys...I'm thinking I'll definitely be seeing each one of you sooner rather than later." Margot turned on her heels and headed to the private booths first. The moment she disappeared into the shadows a line formed of the men in the store, each buying the same thing she did. Hailee knew exactly was going to happen but this was always the biggest surge of her shift, which meant the owner told her to look the other way.

Ten minutes and eight hundred bucks in the till later, the men all followed Margot leaving Hailee alone on the floor. She checked her phone. 10:27. Close enough to her break. This was another bonus of a Margot night, Hailee could close the store for 90s minutes and not lift a finger. No one in the back was coming out for a while and no one else was coming in. Every one came early to make sure they'd get their shot with Margot.

Hailee locked the entrance then went to the breakroom fridge to grab her lunch and back the register. She almost reached into her backpack to take out her laptop. However, another idea reached into her head. It was the kind of idea that made her plump lips break out into a smile that was right on the border of sweet and sinister.

There were security cameras all over the porn shop. Mainly where the sex toys and lingerie were on display. Those were the big ticket items and the main money makers along with the arcade and theater and that's where most of the cameras were centered.

Most, but not all. There was one near the register pointed towards the customers. There was another couple at the DVDs and one at the entrance to the theater and arcade.

The rest were in the arcade booths themselves. These weren't really for security though. Officially they were of course but their actual use was a bit more...unique. Mainly they were there for entertainment. Namely the staff. It was something that at first was just a novelty for Hailee, just seeing people so desperate to get off it didn't matter who was on the other side of the gloryholes cut into every booth. It occasionally turned her on, but it was just a novelty.

At least until Blonde Nights.

Of course now they'd be known as Margot Nights. And it was a something Hailee didn't expect to happen, but wasn't surprised at. She got a little hint of voyeurism during her Spring Break threesome. While the memory had some conflicting memories attached to it now Hailee couldn't deny how good it was. How hot every moment was...especially the times when she got to watch Lili with Peter. Then that thought led to her remembering how just watching the both of them made her join them once more, throwing my gasoline on the fire.

With feelings like that it was only natural Hailee would pull up the security feed on the register's computer. And she knew which one to go to, lucky number 13. That was where Margot went every time.

First Hailee checked the camera in the hallway. There was a line of men on either side of Margot's booth, waiting for her arrival to go into either 12 or 14. Margot entered the crowd, Queen of the Perverts and they were all ready to kneel for her. While that wasn't going to happen, Margot did allow one of the men to open the door for her. The moment she stepped inside, Hailee switched the feed.

Hailee felt instantly parched, drinking from her steel bottle as she watched Margot. Her eyes focused on the blonde as she did even the most mundane of things, like sliding her badge through a slot and activating the movies to start playing, which in turn lit up the "occupied" light bulb hanging outside. She was open for business.

The brunette voyeur felt a smile cross her face. She watched as the moment the movies started two hard cocks jutted into the scene from hole on the wall. Throbbing dicks ready to go on either side of her.

Margot got a smile of her own at that point licking her lips as her blue eyes darted between the rods. She took off her jacket and folded it, gently placing it on the ground next to her purse. Before she got up however her hand reach in to the purse and pulled out a coin. It was big one, Hailee could tell that even from the security feed. Margot flipped it and caught it in the air. She then looked at her palm and look to the left at the winner of the coin flip. She scooted the folded jacket over closer to the lucky winner.

Hailee licked her own lips the moment Margot's wrapped around the waiting cock. She could almost hear the satisfied moans; Margot's muffled from the mouthful of cock and the stranger on left's of utter satisfaction and hunger.

If Hailee had stopped to think about it she might have been surprised by what she was doing, especially as her hand slipped under her jeans and underwear. But what was there to be surprised about? This was what she wanted. It was why she did what she with George...she'd tasted blood and wanted more...proverbially speaking of course.

She watched Margot suck the strange cock, sensuality combining with depraved lust. Hailee could see saliva slick the flesh of the pole and drip from the blonde's mouth. The quick flashes of her skilled tongue polishing the knob of flesh in her mouth made Hailee's fingers conduct a symphony on her own clit.

The brunette co-ed began to moan softly, still aware of her surroundings but also very aware that no one was around. They were all waiting for their turn with Margot. The door was also closed. That meant Hailee had a bit more freedom to get frisky, so she took it.

"Ohhh yessss," she said, smiling slightly as she played with her pussy. her eyes fluttered a bit but she regained focus on the scene before her. She noticed the cock to Margot right had retreated in the hole, its owner most likely watching just as intently as Hailee was. Meanwhile Margot was absolutely devouring the other cock, slurping and slobbering all over it in a proudly obscene way. She'd never seen someone so happy to have a dick in their mouth.

Hailee paused her masturbation for a moment, sliding off her on jacket. She was feeling hot, sweating from her activities. It was just the first of the clothes she was going to end up removing that night.

With the jacket removed Hailee sucked on her fingers before returning them to her pussy. Her eyes went back to Margot and flashes of watching Lili suck Peter off entered her head and she went a little harder. In a way this went back to her ex....and further than the threesome. She got her first taste of what she craved when they fucked in the projection room at the movie theater. They were just so hungry for each other and the suggestion of not waiting to get back to their place was something Hailee was all too willing to try.

That was the first domino to fall. She wasn't blaming Peter for anything that happened. That was all her choice. But there was a line in the sand in her head between what he wanted and what she was craving. That's how drinks with George became a restroom tryst...and then everything else that happened.

That however soon faded from her mind as her eyes once more became focused on the scene on the screen. Margot sucking stopped and Hailee could tell the cock in the blonde's mouth was about to explode. The brunette swore she could see every pulse that filled the Aussie's mouth and hear Margot's satisfied moan as every rope of sperm splattered in her mouth.

Hailee can feel her teetering on the edge of paradise as Margot swallowed down the last of the cum, the wilted cock retreating out of her mouth and back into the darkness of the gloryhole. With baited breath the brunette watched Margot turn around to the hole on her right, the cock from before poking back out, ready for its turn.

Then Margot did something, one little thing that set a whole new line-up of dominos tumbling down. She looked to the camera and winked. She knew it was there and knew she was being watched. It was more than just a wink as well, or say Hailee believed. It was an invitation. Or was it? Maybe Margot just liked to be watched and to let the watcher know it. It made Hailee's hunger grow, her moans louder. Then Margot doubled down.

The blonde bombshell grasped on to the cock in the righthand hole and stroked it with one hand then turned to the camera one more time and waved Hailee to her, crooking her finger in the international sign of "come hither".

Hailee's mouth went dry. Moments felt like eternities as she mulled it over. Could she do what Margot was suggesting? Those blue eyes and seductive smile did a number on her for sure...but so did the sight of the hard cocks, throbbing and waiting for satisfaction. That desire grew tenfold as one peaked through the hole on the left.

The decision was made. It was easy after all, she was feeling that same sense of desire she had when George bent her over that sink at the Whisky Casket for the first time. That same hunger...no not the same. Far more feral. Far more needy.

She got up to check the entrance one more time. Still locked from there the sex-hungry co-ed made her way to the to arcade. She walked in and all the men turned to look at her, a newbie among them. While Hailee was aware of their stares, she paid them no mind. She wasn't interested in their faces.

The brunette made her way to booth 13 and knocked.

"Come in," said Margot through the door. Hailee opened the black-painted door and crossed the threshold. The door clicked shut and her eyes went to Margot, happy as can be with her mouthful of cock. Hailee's eyes quickly darted to the waiting cock behind Margot.

"Well hello," Margot said, slightly out of breath and stroking the cock in front of her. "Welcome to the party. I don't usually send out such a VIP invite...but you looked like so much fun."

"So do you," Hailee said, hoping she didn't stumble over those words. She licked her lips, eyes ping-ponging between Margot and the hard, hot cock in her hands. Margot noticed and grinned. "Want a taste? I don't mind sharing."

Hailee nodded, going on auto-pilot. She knelt down next to Margot, ready to let her steer things.

Margot was all too happy to be Hailee's guide. With her free hand she gently grabbed Hailee's right hand and brought it to the cock, Margot's grip being replaced with Hailee's. "Go on," the dominant blonde said. "Take the stick."

Hailee smiled and nodded then began to stroke the cock, the sound of the man moaning through the gloryhole better than she could have imagined. As Hailee continued to pump, Margot pull back, getting right behind Hailee.

The leggy brunette sighed softer when she felt Margot hands on her, running over her flat stomach and up her t-shirt. Margot had noticed Hailee lacked a bra and happily took advantage of the situation. She circled her fingers around Hailee's very erect nipples, delighting at the sudden hiss of air in between the young woman's full lips at the lovely contact.

Margot moved her mouth to Hailee's ears and whispered. "You want to suck him don't you?"

"Uh huh," Hailee replied, her voiced cracking a bit. She was finding it hard to answer with Margot moving one of her hands from her tits to her pussy, gliding under hand to resume the work Hailee herself had begun at the register.

"Then what exactly are you waiting for sweetie?"

Hailee had nothing to wait for. She stopped pumping the dick in her hands and instead to a good grip, holding it in place as she leaned her head forward and wrapped her lips around it. Despite the noise of the smut played on the television, her own moans and the hot and heavy breath of Margot behind her, Hailee could hear moans of pleasure from the other side of the wall, moans that only increased as she jumped head first into sucking him.

Hailee moaned on the stranger's cock as she slurped. Everything was making her body feel absolutely electric. While the lioness' share of that responsibility lied with Marigot's masterful motions on her pussy, the surrounding and sounds were certainly a lovely seasoning.

"Feels so good doesn't it?" Margot said. She brushed aside Hailee's long brown locks to kiss her neck. "Just letting go...letting your desires take hold...all kind of fun isn't it?"

"Mmmm hmmm," Hailee said, humming on the cock and making it's own feel some good vibrations.

While Margot was very focused on having some fun with her new friend, it didn't mean she was quite so dumbstruck by that to not pay attention to her environment, and that included the knocking on the wall behind her. Margot turned to look and noticed the hard cock that had been waiting for her mouth.

"Time to spread the fun," she whispered in Hailee's ear before kissing her neck. She withdrew from Hailee's tasting the brunette's essence on her fingers before crawling over to her own waiting cock. The devilish blonde took little time with inhaling the waiting cock.

It didn't take long for Margot to become laser focused on pleasuring her newest anonymous lover, and from his loud moans on the other side of the partition she was once more off to raucous start with her second cock of the night. The only downside Margot could think of was she couldn't watch her new friend with the dick she gave her.

If she could see Hailee, she see someone having a very good time. Without the delightful distraction Margot was providing Hailee gleefully leaped into the depravity of the moment. She savagely slurped on the pole before her. She took it to the root, released it and rubbed it all over her face before returning it to her mouth. In the flickering light of the filth-displaying monitor of the private arcade booth the sheen of her saliva on the cock illuminated the flesh with an electric blue aura.

Hailee really didn't stop to think about anything but how amazing the moment felt. There was no time for regret in this delicious depravity. There was just a desire for more...and to make the man on the other side explode.

"We want the same thing," Hailee growled at the man behind the wall. She beat his cock fast, the sound of her fist jacking his slick "I want you to cum...you want to cum...so do it...for both of us..."

The man's groans made Hailee smile. It was better than any words of confirmation he could have mustered. She only wished she could have seen the look on his face. The man felt the same, though all things considered that sensual smoldering gaze upon Hailee's face at the moment would have ended him before she took him in her mouth the first time. As he re-entered her mouth for the second time, he knew his time was already up.

With the mystery cock back in her mouth Hailee through everything at him, slithering and slurping on his pole and showing him no mercy, much to his delight. Even at the frenzied pace Bailee was going, with strands of spittle drooling from her mouth, she could still feel the familiar throbbing and pulsing of a cock ready to unload in her mouth.

The roar of the man was so loud and savage it could have easily been mistaken for a wild animal. It was so intoxicating Margot had to release her to get a good view of the moment of truth.

She kissed the tip of her second lover's cock and whispered through the hole, "Be right back sweetie...with a lot more than my mouth."

That promise sated the man and Margot returned to Hailee once more, resuming her position with her lips at her ears and hand back at her pussy.

"That's right," Margot urged. "Make him cum Hailee....and then swallow him...swallow what you know you fucking crave....let slide down your throat...then we can have the real fun.

The real fun. Those words rung in Hailee ear and just added to Margot's touch and the throbbing of the prick in her mouth. That pulsing, that throbbing only got stronger and stronger until another animal-like roar signaled the eruption of semen into Hailee's mouth. Hot, white love lava splattered the roof of her mouth before she swallowed rope after rope down, refused to release the spurting cock free if she had any say.

Finally the overload of pleasure caused the man to pull himself free from paradise, causing some of the precious fluid to leak from her lips. Before too much of it could be spilt Margot pulled Hailee's face to hers and kissed the brunette, taking some of the hard-earned cum into her own mouth.

The lip to lip contact made Hailee more ravenous, pulling Margot closer, sucking on the older blondes tongue as the traded the cum back and forth until they had both swallowed a fair share. Margot added on last bit of punctuation to the moment.

"You don't think we're done, do you?" Margot asked.

"No." Hailee replied a sly half smile on her face as she hung on Margot's every word.

"That's a girl." Margot stood up and began to strip herself bare. "See my friend behind me...I promised him a bit more than my mouth so I could come over here and see that wonderful display you just put on. And I was thinking...maybe you should present that same offer to the next lucky fellow on your side. No pressure of course. I just thought maybe...just maybe we might have the same kind of...craving. If not, well, you can either continue to suck them off or leave. No problem either way. I can handle all them myself."

Once more this was something that at one point Hailee would have thought about. Now? She'd already jumped in to the deep end. No, that wasn't right. She'd been wading this way for a while and she knew it. So she gave Margot the only answer there was as far as the brunette was concerned. Hailee rose to her feet and began to strip just as Margot had done, which made the blonde opposite her grin with manic lust. It'd been a while since she'd had a partners in crime, and with all due respect to her previous perverted porn-shop pals Hailee was on a whole different level. She was the kind of woman she'd recommend for a little tryst with Scarlett. Now though, this delicious brunette was all hers. Well, all hers and the waiting men.

Hailee watched Margot intently, waiting for a bit more guidance into this new world. Margot was all too happy to provide this. The horny co-ed was a captive audience as she watched the tanned, toned nude form of Margot make its way back to the other side of the small booth. Close yet far.

The first few steps of the journey kept Hailee captivated. Once Margot returned to the hole in the wall she gripped the waiting cock, jerking it a few times, all while looking at Hailee. Margot's blue eyes radiated a feeling, and when added to her smiles it sent to most delightful shiver up Hailee's spine.

Those shivers rattled her to the core when Margot turned around and bent over, her pussy over the hole. Despite feeling like a drooling fool Hailee almost felt cotton-mouthed as Margot reached between her legs and grabbed the waiting cock. She moaned as Margot did, the blonde's face washing over in ecstasy as the throbbing piece of man-meat filled her tunnel of love.

"Really...mmmm hits the spot," Margot seductively said. "Your turn."

Hailee nodded, making the same movements, Margot's blue-eyed gaze burning a white hot fire through her heart. It reminded of of the feeling of the Spring Break threesome once more, only now the feeling of Lili watching her and Peter. Though this was much, much dirtier and Hailee had to admit...much hotter. This was all new to her but felt so familiar and right.

"O-oh my goddddd," Hailee stuttered as she sheathed the fresh cock with her cunt.

"Yessss," Margot hissed, pleased with both the penis pumping her pussy and the view that killed of Hailee being satisfied just the same. She imagined the look on Hailee's face was similar to the look on her own the first time Margot had crossed that line, the first time the sexual beast Scarlett had unleashed finally got to really come out and be unchained. A look of sweet surprise was on the younger woman's face, every push she made back on the hardness within made the surprise fade while the satisfaction simply grew and grew.

"Fuck him," Margot said as she did the same to her faceless lover. "Make him weak...make him scream...make him forget anything but how good your pussy feels..."

Hailee nodded. It wasn't that she was incapable of speech, it was more like words at the moment had very little use. Actions on the other seemed much more appealing. Hailee began working her hips, showing off years of dancing. Grinding, twerking, squeezing her pussy like a velvet vice; all of it mixed together into a cocktail that gave her man the knees of a drunkard. The moans he released might as well had come from a drunk, his loud and mumbled ramblings of pleasure intoxicating to Hailee in its own unique way.

The walls on either side began to shake as the men began to take more of an active role in the sex. Thrusting through the holes and against the cheaply painted walls. The woman bent over and let the men have at it. As they bent over, both Margot and Hailee realized how close they actually were in this tight booth. Facer to face...very close.

Margot was a little surprised, but happily so, as Hailee reached for her face, pulling her close enough to kiss. The women moaned in each other's mouths, tongues wrestling each other as both of them were treated to the sensation of being fucked for nothing more than pure, animal lust.

While the kiss was seeringly hot, both women still needed to breath. In those breaths Margot had something to say.

"C'mon boys," she said. "Fuck us both...make these walls shake to the fucking ground...fill our cunts with you damn sperm...we want it...ain't that right?"

"Y-yes....." Hailee admitted with a hiss. She began to push back against the wall again. "Come on...cum for me...fill me up....come on..."

Both men hammered their respective pussies, their moans getting more and more desperate. The women were there too, Hailee more so. While this was Margot's sexual bread and butter, it was all new to Hailee and it was pushing her way past the fever pitch.

The first shot of cum inside of Hailee's pussy was signaled by a desperate moan muffled by plywood and the sound of pornography through blasted speakers. That first rope of liquid warmth basting her cunt set Hailee off, the leggy brunette crying out in nameless passion for her nameless lover as the most intense orgasm she'd had in recent memory rocked her from head to toe.

It was quite a site and when combined with the hard dick buried with Margot, it set the Australian seductress off herself and her orgasm made her man blast off inside of her. The normal high of that shared orgasm was only intensified by Margot's view of Hailee, bent over and lost in pleasure with a strange cock embedded in her.

When the cocks had emptied themselves  and retreated both women went to their knees. Hailee was delirious with pleasure, laughing and moaning, somewhat in shock of everything that had happened and was still happening all while craving more. She and Margot were sweaty heap, full of cum and crawling towards eachother. The blonde embraced Hailee and kissed her hungrily yet tenderly.

"Hope you're not too tired," Margot said. "I think our night's just begun."


As June turned into July, Hailee found those post break-up blues to be mere echoes. A lot of that had to do with her newfound friendship with Margot. It really filled the void left by the vacationing Elizabeth and Lili. It was nice to have someone to talk to, especially someone a little older to give her a different point of view on things. Hearing Margot's take on what happened between her and Peter was something Hailee needed to hear.

Margot had a unique perspective on things. She could sympathize a lot with Hailee's emerging wild streak. That didn't mean she let Hailee off the hook, as the Aussie mentioned her own fiancé and how if the two of them weren't on the same page on her desires she would never go as far as she did. Which made Hailee realize how badly she handled the end of things with Peter.

It wasn't a guilt trip however. It was just reality dealt out by someone with enough experience to not make it seem like she was being talked down to. Margot seemed to know exactly what journey Hailee was going on and was very happy to help...and participate. While the golden-haired sexpot was very glad to be someone's guide on a journey very similar to her own and spare her the same levels of confusion and fear of embarrassment she went through, she couldn't admit she got off on being so hands on as a guide.

Hailee knew this and had no problem with it. It wasn't like the pleasure was a one way street. The main thing was she was feeling far less frazzled than she had been. She was actually calm. Which ended up helping her as she stepped foot on campus for the first day of her one and only Summer course. It was an art cart, but not life drawing. The description of it intrigued her as it was labeled not as a life drawing class. Instead it was listed as "Interpreting Life Illustration" class.

The name had intrigued Hailee, who had always found drawing relaxing. The instructor was a new name...at least she thought so. While she hadn't really scanned the art department a lot she'd never actually seen the name Brie Larson in any of the course catalogs before.

New instructors though weren't something Hailee concerned herself with. This was college after all. Almost every new class had a new instructor. The only somewhat regular instructor she had was Hayley Atwell in her acting courses.

One thing Hailee did have experience with was recurring classmates, but after the break-up with Peter that wasn't a thing anymore. She and Peter definitely weren't taking classes together by choices and she knew he wouldn't be taking any Summer courses. She also knew no one except for Lili really had any interest in drawing, or at least taking classes for it. and Lili would be doubling down at work over the Summer for money. All this mean a lot of fresh faces that had no clue who Hailee was. This was fine with her. After all, after the past few weeks Hailee had discovered she could have a great deal of fun in the company of strangers.

Strangers were exactly what she got the moment she entered the class. The class itself was rather spacious, the walls decorated with a wide variety of artwork, some Hailee wasn't expecting to see. There was Japanese Manga art, even Anime cells framed alongside what appeared to be original comic art pages from the sixties and seventies. She'd dated a huge comic fan in high school so she was familiar enough to identify the art. And all of this right alongside Renaissance legends and impressionists.

Smattered all over the room were her classmates. They were grouped together, already in cliques either established or formed in the moment. There were a few stragglers like Hailee however, so Hailee took a seat next to one of them.

He didn't seem to notice Hailee as he was too focused on his sketchpad. She however noticed him. Hailee wasn't checking him out by any means, but she did notice him. The bright green dyed hair was certainly attention drawing. He had a few tattoos but not a sleeve or even have of one. She could even see some of the artwork from the walls on his arms, in particular two of the comic character she actually knew the names of because of her high school ex; Green Lantern and The Silver Surfer.

The shirt he wore told Hailee more tales. While only some of his tattoos were recognizable to her Hailee recognized the band shirt right away and smiled. She was a fan of blink-182 as well so if she and this stranger were going to talk they'd have some common ground. She wasn't a die hard fan but Hailee had more than a few of their songs on her playlist.

That was if they talked. It wasn't on Hailee's to do list just as it wasn't likely on his. He was fairly focused on his sketchpad. Not even looking around at anything, or at least not that Hailee could tell. Anything he was putting to paper was coming right from his mind. The brunette was curious to see it but didn't want to interrupt.

Before that thought could go any further the sound of plastic wheels turning and clacking on the linoleum floor got Hailee's attention, as well as the rest of the class. The noise came from a pulled bag, which was being pulled by a woman with long, chaotic sandy blonde hair. Even when pulled back into a pony tale it was a little out of control. A white t-shit and paint-stained overalls completed the look along side the portfolio bag she carried in her other arm.

She pulled to the head of the class, which signaled to everyone in the room she was most likely the instructor, Brie Larson. As she quickly set up her desk it simply became more apparent.

"Looks like I have a full house," Brie said with a smile. "So, um, let's make this whole thing official.  This is Interpreting Life Illustration and I'm your instructor Brie Larson. I'm starting a bit early...wasn't really supposed to have a class until the fall semester but a slot opened up, and , well here I am filling in! Which...um...I guess doesn't mean much as we don't know each other."

Brie laughed nervously then pulled out a sheet of paper from a notebook. "So I have roll sheet here and I'm just going to send this around. It's not going to be a regular thing. I figure the people who decided to show up are going to be regulars for a summer class. So please pass that around and I'll start explaining what exactly this class is."

The sheet went from student to student until it eventually reached Hailee and her classroom neighbor. He finally put down his sketchpad and Hailee got a better view of his face, no longer covered by the two-some of the sketch pad and his semi-long, green-dyed hair hanging over it.

Whoever he was, he was a handsome sort, especially is eyes. They were the bluest blue Hailee had ever seen, even more so than Margot's. She was also relieved his face was piercing free. She wasn't opposed to it, but it also wasn't something that drew her in.

Hailee didn't know exactly why she was checking him out so intently. She was far from interested in getting back into the dating pool. After all, she was having far too much fun just feeling things out for herself with Margot as her gorgeous guide. Still, it was never a bad thing to get to know someone new, especially someone as handsome as the blue-eyed boy next to her.

He handed the sheet off to her, unaware of the lookover he just got from Hailee. Her eyes went from his to the sheet where she sought out his name. Her eyes didn't have to scroll for long until she came upon it. Mr. Blue Eyes went by the much more digestible name of Walt Kirby.

With the information gathered Hailee signed her name, which unbeknownst to her Walt took a gander at. Hailee wasn't the only one who liked what she saw.

As the sheet was passed around, Brie began to describe exactly what the class was.

"Now I know the class name is a little weird," Brie said. "I mean I came up with it and I still think it's kind of word salad." The sandy blonde laughed nervously, then continued. "Essentially, this class is all about interpreting something real through your own lens." She took a banana out of her bag, part of her lunch. "Like this. If we were to do something 100% true to life, I'm fairly sure we'd all get the same yellow banana with the most individuality being the size and shapes of the occasional brown spot and the shade from your own perspectives. No offense to classes like that. I'm teaching that kind of class in the fall. This? this is much more...experimental. I don't want to see a banana. I want to see YOUR banana...and I just realized that could be seen as an innuendo...anyway I don't want to see what I see. I want to see what you see. So that's what we're doing today. Just draw freely. Whatever comes to mind. Several sketches, one super detailed one. Whatever comes to mind. Then, when you're done, give them to me with your signature and you're done. This is my version of a getting to know you speech. And more fun. Next class, we'll get to something a bit more structured. But for now...let's get to it."

With that Brie smiled at the class , grabbed her own sketchpad and sat behind her desk. The class followed suit, doodling and sketching. Walt was focused on his sketchpad once more, taking brief glances at his neighbor every so often. The more he looked at Hailee the more he wanted another look. This continued until one fateful stolen look was met with Hailee's own look, her brown eyes locking on to his blues.

"Hey," she said with a magnetic smile.

"Hi." he replied. Being caught in the act of checking her out, he formally introduced himself. "I'm Walt."

"So I read," Hailee said. "On the sign in sheet. I'm Hailee. And...I might be your model?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean you kept looking at me while you were drawing. Not that I mind but that's the conclusion I came too."

"Oh, no. Not that I wouldn't but I was...well...just looking. Drawing something...very different."

"Okay," Hailee said with a friendly laugh. "May I see? You can look at mine if you want."

"Sure." The two exchanged sketch pads. On Hailee's there was a hyper cute sketch of a tiny dog. Almost a living pile of hair with a pair of big Disney-like eyes and a big bow on the top of its head.

What Hailee saw on Walt's sketchpad wasn't exactly as brimming with cuteness but it was impressive nonetheless. It was a humanoid figure, but not quite human. It was in space, crackling with energy, some kind of fusion of man, machine and more. Not quite friend and not quite foe. It was a lot to put into a simple sketch.

"Wow," said Hailee. "This is really, really good. You did this in fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah," Walt said. "I mean it's not much, just an idea." he handed Hailee her pad back and took his. "Yours is good too. Looks like something right out of a Disney movie form back in the day."

"Thanks." They exchanged smiles before Hailee decided to press further. "I like your tattoos. I actually recognize some of them. Well, the Surfer and the Green Lantern symbol. I dated a guy in high school who was really into that stuff but I don't recognize all the guys in green."

"Oh that could take a while, you really that interested?"

"Yeah," Hailee said. "I mean, if you're willing to get them permanently placed on your body there has to be some kind of story there. Besides...I like hearing people talking about things they're passionate about. It's never boring. And it's been a great icebreaker."

"It has hasn't it?" Walt nodded. "Well, I kind of want to finish this up...but how do you feel about lunch after class? You know that taco place by the used book store?"

"Sounds awesome."


The class was just what Hailee needed from a summer course, at least just judging by the first day. it was relaxing and enlightening. The sketch she ended up with ended up being her little ball of fur dog lounging around with a martini next to her. It was cute, eye catching and got a smile from Brie when she took a peak.

Walt's sketch, which he even gave a title which was "Music of the Spheres", just got more and more complex with planets and comets and twinkling stars surrounding his otherworldly character. It earned him a "Very nice," from Brie.

At the moment though, after a walk across the street they were seated at an outside table, chips and salsa keeping them occupied while their meals were being prepared.

"So, which ones do you recognize?" Walt asked. "You said you didn't know all the Emerald Knights, so which ones do you know?"

Well, I know the white guy with the brown hair and mask is named Hal...I think. The black guy with no mask is John. The dark haired one with the big face mask is Kyle. Kind of blanking on the others."

"Not bad. Kind of surprised you got Kyle."

"Well, the high school ex was really passionate about it. When people are passionate about a thing, they make it memorable. Besides...I kind of like the concept. I mean magic ring that can create anything, soaring through space? That's all kinds of cool. Plus with costumes like that I'd look pretty good."

"I don't think the ring would be doing that much."

Hailee flashed him a smile and blushed at the compliment. "Thanks."

"No problem. Just telling the truth. And yeah, a little flirting. But honest."

"Well honesty is the best policy," she said. "This stuff really influences you, doesn't it? Like with that sketch from class."

"Yeah. I guess...I like the idea of being up their you know. Either part of a group or just flying solo like surfer. The serenity of it amidst all the chaos. Just trying to get some level of peace. That really appeals to me. Life...it can get pretty messy sometimes and you're just begging for some kind of peace."

"I can relate," Hailee said, taking a quick munch of a chip and thinking quickly back to the chaos of just a few weeks ago.

"What about you? Don't mean to monopolize this "getting to know you" session."

"Well, I'm an actress. Or I want to be."

"Cool, what kind of stuff you done? Like plays, commercials?"

"A couple of local commercials, yeah," she nodded. "Some short films. Did a feature this past semester."

"Wait...the one shot on campus?" he asked.

"You heard about it?"

"Everyone did. No one knew for sure where it was being shot. I mean with how big the film program is it's hard to pick out all the different crew running around. I probably saw you without knowing it."

"Yeah, it was fun," Hailee said, good memories dancing about on the edges of her mind.

"Is it finished?"

"On the way last time I checked. I haven't really kept in contact with the crew but I think there's going to be some kind of premiere in August."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, it was," She said with a smile. And it wasn't just words, it was fun. Still, with that fun being tinged by how it ended Hailee went to change the subject. "You do anything beyond those amazing drawings?"

"I'm in a band," he admitted. "I sing and play guitar. We're kind of a pop punk thing with a dash of eighties glam metal."

"Intriguing. What's the name?"

"The People Under The Stairs," Walt said. "We were high one night watching a horror movie and that was the name, we liked it and here we are."

"I like it too," Hailee said. "Have any shows coming up?"

"In a couple weeks down at Deep Moby. It's kind of a traveling club. It's traveling to a beach house that week. You want to come? I can get you on the crew list."

"Sure! Sounds fun."


"Sounds fun doesn't it?" Margot said. She was leaning on the counter in front of the register. The moment she had come in Hailee knew something was different. The men didn't wait for her to enter the back area with the theater and arcade. Instead they did it themselves the moment she walked through the door.

That feeling of something being up only continued when Margot focused in on her, that sensual smile on her face as she approached. Then Margot laid out the plan, and Hailee knew it was just the kind of trouble she could get into.

As Margot explained it in her amazing Aussie accent Hailee couldn't imagine saying not to the idea. Fortunately every word Margot described was just what Hailee was looking for. That kind of adventure she'd craved so much and was only now just getting a taste of. It was a step beyond the gloryhole. Just four men, sure...but she'd see them now.

Hailee would get two and so would Margot. The men were selected by Margot, at least for participation. Once they got in the theater the women would choose their own dance partners.

So to answer Margot's question, Hailee had a one word answer, "Very."

Hailee locked up the register and the front door as had become routine. However, as Margot led her to the theater she knew what was coming next would be anything but routine.

The room was lit, the lights on. A rarity. It wasn't Hailee's doing so she could only guess somehow Margot was behind it as well as the lack of anything playing on the shoddy screen where smut was usually playing.

There was a crowd of twenty men sat in the seats, all except for the front row. That did catch Hailee's attention, but as much as the wonderful selection of men waiting for her and Margot at the front of the room. Four handsome specimen hand-picked by the golden-haired guide. It was an international buffet of sorts. Latino, Asian, Caucasian and Black. A variety pack  of pleasure.

"I'd introduce you to them but their names aren't too important," Margot said as she brought Hailee up. "No offense gentlemen." The gentlemen took it in stride. After all, they knew what was in store. Hailee did too, mostly. Margot however was ready to fill in the blanks.

"Though I think once we get started what's on board will become more apparent, here are the basics. You get two, I get two. And we have whatever kind of dirty fun we can in front of an adoring crowd. I've already chosen my toys." Margot put her arms around the shoulder of the Latino and the Asian. "Hope you don't mind I picked first."

Hailee's eyes gave her men a longer lookover. She grinned. "No problem at all."

The women started in on their boy toys, Margot allowing her men to make the first moves while Hailee took Margot's usual role of aggressor. She pulled Mr. Vanilla's face to hers for a kiss while her other hand went down Mr. Chocolate's pants to grab his hefty pole. She wasn't calling them these names, not aloud anyway. She didn't want to know their names, that would make it less fun, less exciting. So instead she gave them Reservoir Dogs names in her head.

Of course just because Hailee took charge didn't mean her playthings were passive. Mr. Vanilla got right in the mix of things, sliding his hand over Hailee's tight tummy down her jeans and making the bawdy brunette moan in his mouth as his digits entered her wet snatch.

While Hailee could have been quite content to let her partners lead this dance, she was far from in the mood for that. That didn't stop her from allowing them to take things a few steps further before she yanked the wheel back. Soon she was topless, the men's' hands on her lost somewhere between a caressing and mauling. The softest roughness she'd ever felt. From there it didn't take long for more skin to be show both for Hailee and the men.

The brown-haired co-ed could hear  rustling from the audience followed by moans from the men behind her, moans mixed with the sound of moist squelching. A quick look behind her confirmed Hailee's suspicions. Margot was playing a slightly more submissive role tonight, allowing her men to begin their festivities by taking turns fucking her throat.

While that was definitely a pleasurable visual for Hailee as well as a mighty fine idea, Hailee had something else in mind. She turned back to her boy toys, a sex smirk on her face. She slowly fell to her knees and as she did Hailee heard a chorus of zippers coming down with her.

Her deep brown eyes looked up at the men as her hands wrapped around their thick stocks. She was pleased they were both giving her something substantial to play with. Hailee's gaze went between the men. They were lost in anticipation.

"Pick a number between one and twenty," Hailee said as she softly stroked. The men looked confused. "Pick a number between one and twenty."

"Um...fifteen?" Mr. Vanilla said. His confusion was wonderful. Then Hailee looked on to Mr. Chocolate.


"You sure?" she said playfully.


"You win," said Hailee. "I'm going to suck you first." She turned to her other playmate. "But don't worry...we're all going to have some fun."

The lucky man grinned, though that soon faded as his mouth opened to release a low groan. Hailee extended her tongue, licking it around the head of his bishop like a sweet treat on a hot summer day. She swirled her skilled tongue around the mushroom cap a few more time before wrapping her lips around it. The tongue tornado continued, now with a wonderful bit of suction applied.

While Hailee's work on his pole so far was hands free, it didn't mean that her hands were idle. Mr. Chocolate's thigh's were lightly scratch by her nails, his balls cradled and massaged all while her mouth deftly devoured his dick. And within that mouth, the she-devil was in the details.

Hailee's pace wasn't slow but it was certainly methodical. While she was certainly focused on pleasuring his pole Hailee was also paying attention to him. How his body reacted when she did something, the noises he made; she took note of it all and adapted. A certain swipe of her tongue here, a light racking of her teeth on the ridge of his crown. He was a quaking mound on two legs.

From Mr. Vanilla's perspective it looked almost as good as it no doubt felt. It was a treat watching Hailee get so nasty. When he first saw her in the store he simply assumed she was the cute girl next door-type who was working the only job she could get. However, since she started participating in the fun like Margot and now pushing it to a new limit, stripped down, on her knees performing in an impromptu sex show in front of a bunch of jerking perverts. She wasn't so much sugar and spice as she was sugar and pure capsaicin.

Hailee was also a rather skilled show woman. She knew she was being watched and gave a bit of flair. She made eye contact with both her men. She moaned a little louder and took bit longer with every sweet move she made. It was the cutest filth these perverts had seen.

Of course that wasn't the only sight to be seen or sound to be heard. Margot was having her own fun as well, still being face fucked on now she was up on her feet and bent over. Behind her the Latino lover was pounding away. However he wasn't in her pussy...he'd opted to go right for her ass. Margot certainly wasn't complaining and neither was anyone in the audience.

Vanilla's eyes darted between Margot's anal adventure and Hailee's suckjob, one fueling the desire for the other. Hailee, seeming to have a sixth sense for sex, removed her mouth from the onyx pole, kissing the tip before turning her attention to the lighter man.

"Oh shit," he winced. Hailee started a bit different on her second round, pressing his hard pole up against his own stomach as she licked and suckled on his balls. Her tongue slowly paint-brushed over each orb before letting them free from her mouth, a glossy sheen before she took his marble scepter into her hot, wet mouth.

Hailee gave the lighter cocks a similar treatment and the magic of her mouth predictably felt even better than it looked. Still, Hailee was just enhancing her own itch, as was Margot. Though she couldn't here what the Aussie was doing, she could hear it and it just made Hailee all the more wet.

She began to pull off of Mr. Vanilla's cock, removing herself from the head with a pop. She looked up and gave him a sexy grin as she stroked just his sensitive head before getting to her feet. Her hand still on his cock, she led him to the first row, finally realizing why it was completely empty.

Hailee released his hard pole and sat on the first chair she saw. It was remarkably comfortable, though that shock son gave way to far more pressing matters. Her almond eyes looked at the fairer skinned of her two playmates with an inviting vibe being given off. things just got more welcoming as Hailee opened her legs, her glistening, hungry pussy a sight that made both of her men salivate.

"He got my mouth first," Hailee said, warding Mr. Vanilla over with her index finger. "You get something else." The Caucasian cocksman looked at his co=pilot in riding this brunette and got a nod. it was only fair. And besides, it wasn't like she wouldn't get another taste of of chocolate in a bit.

"Mmm fuck yes," Hailee said. She moaned, eyes fluttering as the lucky man got between her legs, the long limbs wrapping around him as he slowly filled her up. Soon Hailee's ears were getting just as filled as her tight cunt. Filled with the moans of the audience in the row behind her as well as the man right in front of her as  her thrusted his throbbing member inside her. And those mixed with the maddening moans from Margot mouth as her dynamic duo traded places on her, going between her pussy and ass while they all watched Hailee finally get fucked.

It was quite a show, but much like the blowjob nothing felt better than the actual deed itself, which both Hailee and her current lover could testify to. Her pussy was the warmest, tightest thing he'd ever. He was using slow, deep strokes, trying to memorize everything about this heavenly cunt as well as the woman who owned it. How she looked, how she sounded, how the outside of her felt just as much as the inside.

Hailee gave him a treat for the senses, writhing on the chair and moaning for him. Both the direct sensation of his wand working magic with her as well as the touch of his hands on her skin. Sweet caresses and firm grips, all over her body. From her legs to her hips and up her breasts until finally at Hailee's mouth. His thumb circled her smiling lips before Hailee sucked it in.

Seeing that bit of oral action made the other man ready to get back in the action. Though not at Hailee's pussy, not yet. He knelt on the empty chair to Hailee's left, slapping the tip of his onyx scepter on her shoulder. Hailee got the hint and sucked the head into her mouth. It wasn't the perfection he'd gotten when the brunette was on her knees, but the added excitement coursing through Hailee's body in the moment transferred directly into his cock. Quick, chaotic swipes of her tongue lit his nerve endings afire just as the cock driving with her was doing to Hailee herself.

Watching Hailee go completely wild was inspiring to Margot, as well arousing. It added so much more to her own deep dicking...and made he crave more than just have the two men take turns on her.

"You know boys, you don't have to take turns," Margot said between grunts and gasps. The men didn't need more guidance than that. The Asian laid down and Margot quickly got on top, securing his cock within her pussy and making sure she had a nice clear view of Hailee and her lovers. The only thing missing was her Latin lover's cock up her ass. "There we go...."

It didn't take long for the men to build up a hard and frenzied pace in both her holes. After all the men had already made sure both of Margot's fuckholes were well worn in, though the view of the co-ed getting fucked all three had just made their own sex so much harder. Thrusts, pulling on Margot's blonde locks and saying the filthiest words directly into her ear and Margot volleying those sentiments right back.

Just as Hailee was fueling Margot the blonde was doing the same to Hailee. Her long, luscious legs wrapped around her current man's waist while the piece of dark meat fell from her lips for a moment. She gripped the armrests white knuckle tight and began to let something out of her mouth beyond moans of perverted desperation as she pushed back on the thrusting cock.

"Yes...fuck it...fuck that pussy," Hailee growled, burning a hole through the man fucking her like a madman. "Harder...come on...you're not gonna break me...I want....I want that cock...." A shiver ran up Hailee's spine as he drove faster into her, groaning and sweating bullets while she heard on of the men in the audience groan in a different tone. The pitch of his voice let her know that her own dirty talk set someone off, the sounds of his orgasm becoming gasoline on the fire.

Hailee's attention quickly focused to her black lover, her searing smile just a preview of what was about to come from her mouth.

"You're next," she said. "Can't wait can you...get inside me...really fuck me...have me...make me yours...say it...say that's what you want...."

"Fuck yes girl," he growled, stroking himself as Hailee got fucked. His eyes didn't know where to look, her petite bouncing tits or her face of a sexual queen. There was simply no wrong answer. "I want that fucking pussy so damn bad...so fucking bad. How's it feel man?"

"Best pussy I've ever fucking had," Mr. Vanilla said in an honest grunt. "Best...fucking...pussy..."

"Mmmm fuck yess...." hissed Hailee, her eyes fluttering for a moment as she simply enjoyed every treat her senses received. Then, she came right back to directing the action. "Time to share baby." The man inside her got the picture, giving her a few more thrusts before leaning forward to deliver a hungry kiss to her before pulling out. The other man was ready to get in position when Hailee was he hand to pause him. "Sit down," she said, pointing to the seat he'd been kneeling on. He had no problem taking that order.

He sat down and Hailee moved over. She smirked at him as her freshly fucked and sopping pussy hovered over his cock, she reached down and grasped his cock, running the throbbing head up and down her lips. He let out sound somewhere between grunts and whimpers as she teased him. Hailee moaned a bit herself as his hands roamed from her legs to her ass, rubbing her peach cheeks.

Hailee could almost feel the men in her orbit waiting on her next move with bated breath from the Vanilla skinned pervert hanging back, recharging his cock to the audience watching the man she was on top op, desperate to feel her from the inside.

"Ooooh gooooooddddd," Hailee whined as she sunk down on the hard cock, filling herself up to the hilt. She froze on her new lover, licking her lips as his strong hands squeezed her ass and his mouth began to suck and play with her very aroused nipples. New goosebumps grew on her already well established goosebumps.

Her dark lover looked up at her, his chin lifted up by Hailee's finger. She wanted him to watch as she began to fuck him. Watch as she rode his throbbing cock. And he did. He watched as Hailee leaned back, bracing herself at his knees as she began to ride him.

"Oh god damn that's so good," Hailee said. "Such a lucky girl...two amazing cocks just for me..."

Her lover's response was only a pleased grunt, at least verbally. Physically he was giving her so much more. He initially had no problem being a bit more passive. It didn't just feel amazing, the visual was superb. Watching her stomach rise and fall as Hailee moaned and gulped for air, her hips as she worked them and bounced on his cock as if she were a rodeo cowgirl. The sight of her body moving like a wave whenever she decided to slow the pace.

While all that was superb, he could only just be passive for so long. He gripped Hailee tight and pulled her close, getting a lusty laugh from the starlet as he took the wheel.

"Gonna fuck me?" Hailee asked. "Huh? gonna really fucking give it to me?"

"Oh fuck yeah baby girl," he growled, slapping her butt. "Really gonna give to you."

"Lucky me." Haliee gave a sexy little laugh and pulled forward to kiss him, sucking on his tongue and moaning into his mouth as his throbbing pole drove up into him. The added heat set another man in the audience off, more music to her ears.

It was a feast for the eyes and ears, and not just for their audience and Margot but for the the third member of this lustful trio. Mr. Vanilla was recharged and still in possession of a raging hard-on. He was ready to get back in the game, and saw an opening both literally and physically. He pumped his cock slowly and walked toward Hailee and Mr. Chocolate, his eyes laser focused on her ass.

"Oh...oh fuck yes," Margot grunted, but in response to the cocks within her and watching Mr. Vanilla's approach. She was hoping Hailee would cross that threshold.

Hailee herself could sense him coming up behind her. She didn't slow down at all, she was far too into the weeds now, too addicted to the feeling of being filled and filthy. That was fine with Mr. Vanilla. How could he complain about the view of a beautiful twenty-something bouncing on cock? All he could do was give the note of maybe two was better than one.

Hailee slowed down the moment she felt Vanilla's hand on her shoulder. Then she felt his hot breath on her shoulders. It made her moan, alongside Chocolate's mouth going back to her breasts.

Though she had an inkling of what Vanilla wanted, she just wanted to hear him say it. And as he leaned towards her ear, the feeling of his hot breath was a precursor to those words she was waiting for with baited breath.

"Room for one more?" he asked, softly slapping his rod on Hailee's firm ass.

"Do it," she said. Hailee was done with guessing games and playing around. It was time to get down to the business of pleasure. She'd never done this before, not with two men. At that moment however she couldn't think of anything she wanted more. "Put that cock in my ass."

The two men exchanged an ocular high five as Hailee's movements came to a momentary stope. Mr. Chocolate started rubbing her clit while Vanilla began to press his cock against her back door. Hailee breathed in deep, gasping as it popped through. The gasp became a moan, and that moan became a smile when another audience member came in response, signaling it with his own moan.

After a few brief moments of stillness the two men began to slowly give Hailee the double fuck she didn't even know she'd been craving. They took their time, working into some kind of rhythm while Hailee moaned softly, savoring the whole new world of sensations. She'd never felt like this...so full. Her brain felt like it was being shaken like a secret agent's martini while still getting all stirred up.

The men watching were almost as worked up as Margot, though they were just playing with themselves. Margot had better toys who were having just as much fun as she was. Well, almost as much fun, by Margot's count. Hailee just kept surprising her in the best ways imaginable.

Soon the men began to speed up and Hailee was ever so happy they did. "Uhhh...ahh...oh god...right there...fuck me...both of you...oh god this...never like this...so...oh my god it's so motherfucking good!"

Hailee let the men have their way, fucking her wholes and feeling everything intensified. Not just their driving cocks. Two sets of hands, one set roaming from her shoulders down her back to her ass and back up again and the other playing with her clit and roughly handling her tits. Two mouths, one working with hands at her tits and the other kissing and biting on her shoulders. The only thing on her mind was the pleasure of it all, how beyond words it all was.

That wasn't entirely true. There was one other thing on her mind as her ass and pussy were being plundered. She was wishing Peter was doing this with here. None of the negativity of how they ended, just the desire that he was their in either of her current lover's positions. Someone who knew her body like the back of their hand. While her lovers were indeed making her feel things she'd never felt before, she wouldn't have minded if one of them got that special spot right around where her shoulder met her neck at just the right time in the just the right way. She loved the roughness, but also ached for a just a bit of honey to go with the heat.

That wasn't to say she didn't appreciate her current lovers. Far from it. They were sending her right down path to pure pleasure. The two men shared a glance. They could read each other's mind, as if being balls deep within Hailee Steinfeld had unlocked unknown powers of the mind. One wrapped his arms around her waist and the other gripped her ass firm and stood up.

Now Hailee was very much sandwiched between her two lovers with gravity doing a great deal of the work in bouncing her on their rigid rods and both men reached new depths in both a literal and metaphysical level.

Hailee managed to open her eyes and caught Margot's gaze. Brown eyes locked on blue as passion radiated between them. Both had an amazing view of the other being deliciously double-teamed. Their moans, mixed with everyone else's in the theater, only grew in intensity. Cries of "more" and "harder" provided lyrics to the music of moans and groans.

There was a brief pause as Hailee's men switched positions. Margot's men did the same, except instead of trading holes both of Margot's men doubled up  in her pussy. He passionate cry was almost enough to break Hailee right then and there and definitely sent a few men in the audience off to paradise.

Hailee's body was covered in sweat, her hair soaked and matter to her skin, which was flushed she was close and in a state of mind beyond words. Fortunately for her, the men were not.

"Gonna cum huh?" Mr. Vanilla said, looking her eyes as Hailee nodded, whimpers and moans escaping her sweet lips. "Gonna cum while stuffed full of cock...dirty fucking girl, huh?"

"Y-yessss...so fucking dirty...such a dirty girl..."

"Yeah baby girl," the man in her ass said. "Cum on these fucking cocks...fucking show us how much you love it."

"Unnnnnggg yeah...." Hailee whined. Her lips ping-ponged between her two lovers, kissing the lips in front of her then moving over her shoulders to get the other pair. "Cum in me," she pleaded, nodding her head head as she moaned. "I want to feel you both cum in me..."

"I think we can make that happen," Mr. Chocolate said with a grin. "Ain't that right buddy?"

"Definitely." Vanilla replied, kissing Hailee deeply and savagely sucking her tongue as both men began to drive into her hard, rushing head first to the finish line.

It was a site to see for everyone, Margot included. She was beyond words for the most part. With her cunt double stuffed and watching the hottest co-ed she'd ever had get double fucked Margot's nerves were going into overdrive and it was going to hit her like a nuclear bomb, and Hailee wasn't too far off. Between the two women, it was going to be a photo finish.

However, that wasn't true for the men. As Margot's cries got more desperate, her pair of swordsmen double down on desperation and Margot picks up on it.

"Oh yeah boys, that's it," she said with her signature wild, sex-crazed grin. "I can fucking feel those fuckers inside me throb...so fucking cum...both of you...FUCKING CUM NOW!!!"

Margot couldn't tell who shot off hurt. The grunts were just as simultaneous as the throbbing of both cocks as they both exploded in her hungry pussy at the same time. Neither man pulled out and Margot was loving every second of it.

The sight of that was the the final straw for Hailee, a croaking scream erupted from her mouth as she came, her body quaking in the arms of her lovers and their cocks getting clamped in her pussy and ass. The men both let out desperate last grunts as Hailee's body almost summoned the cum to erupt from their cocks, filling her to the brim with sperm as they experienced a kaleidoscopic cacophony of pleasure together, essences merging and mixing as they got lost in the haze.

As the men began to soften they slipped out of Hailee and set her back down, the exhausted Brunette unable to get to her feet and leaning on the floor, cum trickling from her well fucked holes. She looked over to Margot who  was in a similar position. They were both tired, sweaty and very satisfied. Then they crawled to each other, getting face to face, lips getting ready for a kiss. However, before their lips met Margot's eyes went to the audience...many of the men were not done...yet.

"Come on boys," Margot said. "How about you get a closer view?" That opened the floodgates, the sound of shuffling feet and clinking belt buckles got closer as Hailee and Margot began to kiss. Lips to lips, tongue to tongue. Tongues licking and grabbing and rubbing as the men circled around them.

While both women were aware of them being the center of a circle jerk, neither Margot nor Hailee were paying it too much mind. It was just wonderful background noise. The fapping sounds, the deep breaths and groans. Then the warm, white rain began. Hailee and Margot began to get covered in rope after rope of cum,  the hot cream making them sizzle even more, the perfect shower to end the raunchy nice.

Hailee didn't know long the men took to finish, some might have even had to rounds in them, but eventually they were done. Eventually they all zipped up and exited, leaving Hailee and Margot together, softly kissing now, covered in sweat and cum.

"Hailee my dear," Margot said, stroking the brunette's face. "You simply MUST meet Scarlett."


That night, after a quick little bit of clean-up with Margot, Hailee slept like a rock and woke up newly energized. Which was a good thing, with the massive satisfaction she still felt giving her laser-like focus for the task she had to do for the day?

The task? A job interview. Part-time. She couldn't afford to leave the book store but she also couldn't afford to work only there. Fortunately there was a perfect part time opening. Waitressing on her days off from the store. The tricky part, it was at Sauced. The same restaurant where she and Peter had essentially broken up. Not only was that aspect awkward, but the fact that if she did get the job the odds of her bumping into Peter or someone else who might not be too happy to see her were greatly increased.

However, Hailee also need to pay the rent. It was a risk she was willing to take and she wasn't about to let her fears overtake her. That's what the laser focus was for. That laser focus however couldn't block her from one thing that was returning to her mind from the previous night.

She had wanted Peter there. Hailee was almost craving it at the time. And she didn't know what to do with that feeling. But as she looked in the mirror, making sure she was ready for her interview at least from a visual perspective, she decided to table it. Dwelling on thing thought while she was dick drunk wasn't going to do her any good.

After that last once over she was out the door and on her way. It would have been a surprise to her if she thought about the fact she wasn't the least bit nervous. The previous night had cleared all those bouncing butterflies out. She was all confidence the moments she came to the backdoor of the restaurant, Sauced. With a quick, confident breath she pressed the buzzer. In moments the door opened and behind it was Madelaine Petsch. She hadn't seen her since the Spring Break trip, at least in not in any major way.

"Right on time," Madelaine said. She held the door open for Hailee and once the brunette was through the door the red head lead her to the main floor. Hailee hadn't been here since that night where everything with Peter fell apart. Everything was finished up and it looked very impressive the more she took everything in.

"Please, take a seat," said Madelaine, gesturing towards the corner booth. Hailee scooted in and Madelaine joined her on the opposite side. "Let me be frank, I really don't have time for an interview. And no, it has nothing to do with Lili. Don't know, don't care. Lili's my friend and I like you well enough but any personal stuff is left at the door. It has no influence on this job and thus the interview. Understood?"

"Yes," nodded Hailee.

"Good." Madelaine cleared her throat and tapped her fingers on the piece of paper in front of her. it was Hailee's application. "Hailee, you know me well enough to know I despise wasting time. So, let me be clear: you have the position. This whole formality was literally just to make sure you'd be punctual. Come in next week, same day at around two. Selena will train you then the week after, you start. Part-time, possibly room for advancement, yadda yadda, you get the drift, right?"

"That I do," Hailee said with a smile, relief washing over her as she realized rent would not longer be much of an issue.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me I have some work schedules to draw up. Any question, ask Selena. She's in the kitchen doing some prep before opening." Madelaine shook Hailee's hand and exited the booth, leaving Hailee with a task she didn't think was going to be as Herculean as it now appeared.

She didn't really have an issue with Selena, not anymore. Or at least that was her thinking up until the break-up with Peter. Now? She had no clue what to expect. "No time like the present," she said to herself as she headed towards Selena, sat at a table just a short distance

When Selena spotted Hailee coming towards her, she did something that surprised the slightly nervous brunette. Selena gave her a welcoming smile.

"Hi Hailee," Selena said as she folded silverware. "It's been a while."

"Yeah," Hailee nervously nodded. "And I think you know the reasons."

"I heard," Selena said with a nod.

"And you still want to talk to me?"

Selena looked up at Hailee, the friendly smile still on her face. "Take a seat." Hailee did so, a curious look on her face. "Look Hailee, I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't bother me with how things with you and Peter ended. However it'd also be a lie to say I haven't also made more than a few mistakes, so I don't think I have any room to judge. That's why I volunteered to train you. I figured at a time like this you might need a friend, or at least someone to listen to you."

"Thanks," Hailee said. "I...I really appreciate that."

"No problem. I know what it's like being on the outside. But I'm not saying I'm some magical door back in."

"Not expecting that." Hailee replied. "But am very happy to have an open ear."


While it was indeed good to be able to talk to someone with some kind of frame of reference for what she was going to, a deeper conversation with Selena was going to have to wait. It wasn't anything personal, Hailee just had already made plans for her last fully free weekend.

Walt had invited her to a party at a beach house where his band was playing and it sounded like a good idea to Hailee. Something no pressure. Something relatively PG or at the very least R-rated. As much fun as the porn store had been her last encounter with Margot had scratched her XXX itch for a bit. This was going to be just a night to chill and meet new people.

With that being the case, Hailee was dressed casually...but not too casually. Just enough to still be relaxed, but also enough effort to give her an extra bit of oomph. She may have been trying to bury it deep but she did want to look good for Walt and tight jeans and a cut-off tank top that showed off just a hint of her flat tummy would do the trick.

Despite it being a party at a beach house, Hailee was wearing boots. If she was going to go on the sand she's just slide them off and roll her jeans up anyway. The boots just went too good with what she was wearing...not that it mattered, or at least that's what she told herself.

The plan was to meet Walt there about an hour or so before the show and just hang out. She knew she'd probably meet the rest of the band and hopefully a whole bunch of new faces.

Unlike at the job interview, the butterflies were bouncing off the walls a bit in her stomach. The caterpillar's had emerged from their cocoon. Hailee didn't want to think of why she was feeling this way, but at least what nerves she had were far from bad.

One quick Uber ride later and Hailee was their right one time. Though she was early for the show that did not mean the party had not yet started. The beach house wasn't overflowing but there was already a bit of a crowd, and in that crowd she spotted Walt and he spotted her right back from an upstairs balcony.

Hailee headed for the door but didn't have to open it. Walt had sprinted down to open the door for her. Hailee gave him a sweet smile as he said, "Hi!" in an out of breath voice. "Glad you could make it."

"Glad you invited me." Hailee replied. "It's been a while since I just, well, relaxed."

"Well, glad I can be of service," he said, his smile gentle with a hint of nerves. He reached into his back pocket and handed Hailee a lanyard. Within it was a card that said "With the band". "That pretty much gives you an open bar. Person who owns the house has a cover charge but I got you on the crew list so...open bar if you want."

"Nice, I'll have to check it out." Hailee's eyes looked around the room at the crowd, people watching and doing  a quick scan for familiar faces beyond Walt. There were none, which was a small relief to Hailee. "So where's your band?"

"Oh, outside on the stage, just doing some last minute checks. Want to meet them?"

"Sounds cool." Walt led Hailee through the rising sea of people to the spacious backyard. It was almost as big as her apartment's front parking lot. And entire stage was set up and there was still room for a crowd, which was forming.

On the stage were four people; a blonde woman on the keyboard but also with a guitar at her side, a neon green-haired man behind the drum kit, a brunette with long curly hair with another guitar and a tall Asian man with long hair that went down halfway to his back on the bass.

Walt brought Hailee up on stage and began to introduce. "Hailee, these are my band mates," he said. "On keyboards and occasional guitar my writing partner and co-founder of The People Under The Stairs; Olivia Holt."

"Hi," the blonde waved.

"On drums is my oldest friend, Tommy Criss." The drummer did a rimshot and pointed his sticks and Hailee and winked as his greeting.

"On rhythm guitar Madison Pettis." The curly-haired brunette took a bow.

"And on bass Michael Kwan."

"Yo," the bass player said.

"Guys, this is my friend Hailee from my art class," Walt said.

"Nice to meet you guys," said Hailee. "Can't wait to hear your stuff."

"Wait, you have been to our Bandcamp?" Olivia asked.

"I..I might not have told her we have one," Walt sheepishly said.

"There's our fearless leader," Madison said. "Steel trap mind crossed with a colander."

"Well, brightside, her first exposure to our music is also us live so then when we're beyond awesome she can tell all her friends about it," Tommy said, going in for the save.

"When do you guys start?" Hailee asked.

"About half and hour." Mike replied. "Which means we need to take our front man for a few if that's cool....or not. it's kind of necessary regardless."

Walt turned to Hailee. "You want to stick around ?'

"I think I'll give you guys some privacy," Hailee said. "Besides, I'll have the best seat in the house when it's show time." She showed off the pass given to her earlier.

"See you later," Walt said.

"Can't wait." Hailee replied. The pair shared a smile and Hailee headed off stage an into the crowd and from there into the large beach house. The sheer size of it took Hailee aback for a moment. It was easily large enough to belong to Camila. Fortunately she knew her former friend had no connection to the house which was an instant weight off of her shoulder. However the goal of not seeing anyone she knew would soon be shattered as she made her way to one of the party's many food spreads.

Hailee wasn't quite ready yet for any kind of cocktail, so she opted for a soda. She reached in to a bucket filled with ice and aluminum cans of pop and collided with another hand. Startled she looked to see who the hand was connected to and got well and truly nervous for the first time in a long time.

"Hailee?" Sabrina Carpenter said, surprised but not angry at the sight of the brunette.

"Sabrina, hi," Hailee nervously said. "How are you?"

"Good. Damn, it's been a while. I mean understandably considering what happened but...yeah, been a minute."

"I'm just glad I'm seeing one of you guys without you screaming at me."

"Well, while what happened was shitty I'm not going to tear into you. I mean Pete's my friend but so are you. I've known you both around the same amount of time. I mean I'm not saying what you did wasn't shitty and I do feel for him...but you're still my friend."

"Thanks," Hailee said with a sigh of relief. "I mean I know this whole thing hasn't remotely been easy."

"That's putting it lightly." Sabrina replied. "But, can't last forever...unless you're Cami."

'Very true," Hailee said with a laugh. "So, you here with anyone or..."

"Don't worry, you're safe. Pretty much. Peter's....busy. Cami. Selena is working and Lili is...well, busy as well."

"So it's just you? Sounds good to me. It'll be nice to catch up."

"Well, that's the thing...it's not JUST me."

After Sabrina said that Hailee got the surprise of the night when she looked towards where the blonde sprite was pointing. It was Ben Ferrano, Peter's brother as well as Sabrina's ex. And that was a split for more acrimonious that what had happened between her or Peter, or at least it seemed so to Hailee.

Sabrina, seeing the confusion on Hailee's face swung into action with the explanation. "We're not back together or anything like that. We just talked. Settled things. I'm not getting into bed with him and I sure as shit don't completely trust him...but he has his uses. We have an understanding. No sex, no romance but anything else is fine."

"You're astonishingly forgiving," Hailee said. "I mean I'm one to talk but you looked like you wanted to kill him when things went down."

"Well, I did. That faded, we talked and came to the conclusion maybe nothing would have happened if we didn't move at warp speed...ugh...I'm using Star Trek talk. Living with Pete is really effecting me. Anyway, just because we're friend doesn't excuse any of the shit he pulled, he accepts that and viola I have a drinking buddy."

"I hope some of that forgiveness rubs off on Peter," Hailee said.

"Well, maybe that all starts at the premiere next month," Sabrina said. "You're still going, right?"

"I don't know...maybe?" Hailee replied.

"You totally should. I mean, you are one of the stars of it. I don't think it'd be near as bad as you're thinking. I guarantee you Cami would play nice and maybe this could be the start of you and Pete at least talking again."

"Yeah...I mean on some fronts I should probably take the first step...like with Lili. God I miss talking to her. How's she been?"

"Um...well...heh, funny you should bring that up," Sabrina said, scrambling for words. Luckily Be unknowingly came in for the save.

"Sabs that line is WAY too long to get anything so I'm just going to hang back and..." that was when Ben noticed Hailee was there. "Oh heeeyyy," he nervously said. "This...this is seems kind of awkward on several levels."

"It does doesn't it?" Hailee said.

"Hey, I've got a crazy idea on that," Sabrina said. "You two work all that out while I head over to that lovely gentleman over there who looks to be one of my weed guys nd see if I can score a little herbage."

Before either of them could stop her Sabrina was off, barely dodging having to answer a question that could lead to spilling the beans about Peter and Lili. She owed Ben and he didn't even know it.

"So...um...," Ben said, struggling for words more so than Hailee was. He knew what he had to say, but those particular words were always a bit difficult. "Look, even tough you and my brother aren't together anymore I want to apologize for what went down during the whole Sabrina thing. It was a dick move and I'm sorry about it."

"Oh," Hailee said, a bit shocked. "Um...thanks. I mean you don't have to or anything..."

"Nah, I do. It's kind of a cycle. I fuck up, alienate myself and you know have to be brought back to Earth in some kind of harsh fashion. In this case, it was breaking up with my girlfriend."

"What happened?"

"Well....I may not be Cami's favorite between me and Peter and we not always get along but I think purposefully making her cry is not something I appreciate. Which is what Kira did then bragged to me about. Huge fight ensues and it's over  and I couldn't be happier about the result. I mean she was a sensational fuck but...Cami's practically family so that's that. So the cycle began anew."

"I could probably use something like that," Hailee said. She took a seat on a nearby couch and Ben joined her.  "It'd be nice to just get a fresh start."

"Yeah, I've been through this enough I'm kind of numb to a lot of it. It sounds bad but it's almost going through the motions at this point."

"Why do it?"

"I kind of just like seeing how far I can push things you know? I mean I don't really want to antagonize anyone but it ends up that way. Still, I can't deny it can be a lot of fun. You know, as long as it isn't too serious."

Ben grinned a bit and that smile lit something up in Hailee she didn't want to admit. Though he and Peter weren't identical twins but rather fraternal, Hailee saw so much of Peter in the smile. It made her feel something for the briefest of moments.

That moment ended when a blonde with a leather jacket and an Aussie accent yelled, "All right people, the band is ready!"

"Well, that's my cue," Hailee said. "I'm with the band." She jangled the makeshift avatar, giving Ben a cute smile, her tongue between her teeth. It was something Ben found irresistibly cute. "See you around."

Hailee got up and Ben watched her leave, a seed already planted for the future, one he wanted to see the fruits of sooner rather than later.

Hailee made her way to the stage at the house's backyard, though she still had a hard time equating something that large with the word "yard". It was fairly packed already, full of people. Walt's band had a surprisingly large following. Fortunately Hailee had the best view in the house, showing her pass to the people passing as security and got very close to the stage. Not quite in the back and not quite in the front but the perfect view of the action in her eyes.

The lights went completely down and the crowd's excitement went up. Electricity was in the air as the crowd chattered among themselves. Then the P.A. system crackled a bit before a booming voice spoke.

"ALL RIGHT PEOPLE," the voice said. Hailee instantly recognized it as Walt's, only much deeper with a heavily put on level of gravel. "YOU WANTED THE BEST BUT YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO SETTLE FOR....THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS!!!!"

The lights went up, the band made the stage and the crowd roared for them. From their they went right into it and had everyone's attention. Hailee was especially drawn in, and while a great deal of it was the music; including a surprisingly good pop punk rendition of Journey's Separate Ways"; her attention belonged to Walt. And yes, that was his job as the frontman but the way he would shoot her looks, smiles...it made the butterflies in Hailee's stomach flutter instead of slamdance. It was warm and sweet.

The show was fun, just what Hailee needed. A reset of sorts. Though faints thoughts of Peter, which in turn were brought about by Ben, were pushed to the back of her head as she tried not to make her swooning for Walt too obvious. After the third song in the encore the show was over, the band took their bows and Walt met up with Hailee.

After a few pleasantries about how great the show was Walt & Hailee found themselves locked in a passionate embrace in one of the bedrooms of the house. That was part of the payment; fifty bucks for each band member, unlimited drinks and a place for each of them to sleep it off. Walt took the fifty, skipped the booze and opted to share the bedroom with Hailee.

The door shut and Walt's back was against it. He had one hand on Hailee's ass and the other on the doors lock, turning it as his and Hailee's tongue's wrestled and hands roamed each other's body's.

Hailee took her hand to his crotch, grasping at his bulge through his shorts before unzipping his fly and reaching in for his cock. He was already hard and moaned into Hailee's mouth at her touch. She broke the kiss and looked at Walt with a smirk as she withdrew her hand from his pants.

With that same hand she unbuckled his belt. Hailee then kissed him once more and sunk to her knees, his shorts hitting the ground just as they did. Her hands delicately roamed up and down his legs, lightly raking  the flesh of this legs. She discovered some new tattoos as well, more space on his skin taken up by celestial space.

Hailee's nails and fingers were soon joined by her lips and tongue, tasting the cosmos on Walt's flesh. His soft grunts and sighs becoming just as much music to her ears as the songs he had played were. Those grunts melted into a grateful moans as those lips parted to take his cock into her mouth and then that tongue lovningly snaked around it.

Hailee's first target was the mushroom capped head, swirling her tongue around the tender flesh and making Walt balls up his fists. Her hands were a bit too pre-occupied to do that. Hailee was still caressing his bare flesh, traveling through the maps of space and time he'd had painted on his body. He nails still gently raked the skin of his thighs, though for one hand that morphed into the caressing and cradling of his churning balls.

"Oh god Hailee," Walt said, the words coming out of his mouth in a vapor of lust and longing. The tactile sensation was amazing and when Walt looked down he got a wonderful treat for the eyes as well. The site of Hailee sucking him, her cheeks billowing as she slowly devoured his cock. Then those eyes, those lovely brown eyes looking back up at him, sugar and spice with a dash of sin burning a hole through him as she took more and more his his meat in her mouth.

"Mmmmmm," Hailee hummed, giving him some  good vibrations as she pushed thing further, taking him deeper in her mouth, stroking water part of him that wasn't in her mouth with one hand while rubbing his balls with the other.

Walt wanted run his fingers through her gorgeous brunette's locks, but first he took off and tossed his shirt away. He knew Hailee's headjob wasn't going to be the only thing going on in that bedroom. He got to have that small wish granted, bringing his hands down to Hailee's head, tangling his fingers in her brunette locks and guiding her ever so slightly as she worked his pole.

Hailee wasn't sucking his cock like the men at the bookstore gloryhole. She was in no rush to taste his essence. She wanted him to last. The full-lipped beauty was fulfilling his needs while keeping that final explosion at bay.

Hailee took him fully down her throat for a few moments, making him throw his head back, lightly hitting his head on the door he was leaning on. He felt his control slipping as her throat hugged his rod. Just as it was on the road to becoming too much. Just as that was close to becoming a reality Hailee pulled off.

Smiling as she regained her breath, Hailee got to her feet, sliding her shoes off before going in for a another kiss with Walt, passing the baton to him and letting the rocker take the steering wheel.

Walt's lips pressed against Hailee's and his hands roamed her body, once more settling on her ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Locked in a romantic embrace, Walt backed Hailee onto the bed behind her, laying her down on the soft blankets and getting rid of the pants that remained around his ankles.

Hailee opened her jean-clad legs and Walt found safe harbor in between them. His touch sizzled like the surface of a star, reaching under her shirt and touching the soft skin of her tits. All of a sudden the room got way too hot to be clothed. She rose up just a bit, her lips barley breaking contact with Walt's, though soon it became a necessity.

Walt backed off and that sensually sweet little smirk return to Hailee's face as she rose up. Walt's gaze went from her almond eyes to her body as Hailee began to strip. First went the jacket, tossed to the floor in a quick and carless manner. Then came the shirt. That removal was a bit slower, a tiny bit of tease before every stitch of skin above the belt was shown.

Hailee's smile grew wider seeing the hunger in Walt's waiting eyes. If he was one of her store playthings she'd hit him with a healthy dose of filthy talk. But he wasn't...so he got something a lot better, at least in her book. She grabbed his hands and brought them to her belt. No words were needs, the brunette's eyes told the tale. Lips collided on more as Walt began to undo her belt, pulling it from the loops then beginning on the top button and zipper.

Hailee broke the kiss, laying back and letting Walt peel the tight jeans from her perfectly tone legs, her panties coming along with them. Now Hailee was just as stripped down as he was. She gave him a wink as he caressed her smooth legs from ankle to calf and back again, starting to kiss them not long after. She licked her lips and closed her eyes, moaning softly at the sensation of him worshipping her legs with his mouth. Walt's lips and tongue created a trail to the promised land. Ankle to calf to thigh, jumping in between her legs, his fingers dancing along the path until they met up with his mouth at her glistening slit.

"Mmmmm god yes," moaned Hailee, licking her upper lips while Walt began on the ones in the southern hemisphere. His arms hooked around her legs, getting a grip while his mouth was focused in on what lay between. Every swipe and lick of his tongue sent a new, vibrant sensation through Hailee. She shut her eyes and could see fresh new colors. His tongue was a paint brush and he was painting a whole new kind of picture with all the care and detail he'd shown Hailee he was capable of.

His gr grip on her hips was firm, but not hard. There was the same kind of purposeful tenderness there as there was with his tongue. Moving with her hips as Hailee gave in to the rhythm the pleasure demanded of her, a dreamy dance of her own while Walt's tongue danced the body electric.

She gasped and moaned and her eyes fluttered. Hailee's stomach rose and fell with those gulps of air. The moonlight shining through the window hit the light sheen of sweat on her skin, giving her a celestial glow.

"W-alt...oh...there...mmmm right there...." Hailee writhed on the bed, singing Walt's praises as her played her body with the same skill that he played his guitar. His tongue and fingers hitting new notes and bringing her to new heights. Just when Hailee thought she was going to crash into a planet of pleasure Walt pulled his mouth back and began to move up her gasping body, taste her flesh as he kissed and licked his way up her body, suckling her tits for a few extra moments before finally reuniting with her luscious lips.

With his lips pressed against Hailee's, Walt pressed his hardness forward, moving inside the wonderful warmth of Hailee's pussy. She moaned into Walt's mouth, the welcome feeling of being filled giving the beautiful brunette feelings nothing short of heaven. Those sensations got peppered with hints of paradise when she felt his hand run up her legs as she wrapped it around him. From thigh to calf he caressed her stems, all the while working his rod inside her depths.

Hailee was speechless, her eyes shut. She pulled Walt close, wrapping both her arms and legs around him. This was different in everyway from the kind of sex she'd been having for the last few weeks. Not better, not worse, but different. Walt's kisses, his touch and the motions he mad inside of her scratched another itch Hailee had almost forgotten about after indulging in more risque tastes. Tenderness and affection...it was absolutely otherworldly. Hailee forgot how good this side of passion felt.

With Hailee's legs locked tight around him, Walt reach under her, his back gliding over the sweat-slicked skin of her back and pulled Hailee up. She gave him a lust-drunk smile, kissing him as he thrust up into her. Walt's skilled hands moved to her ass gripping it and allowing Hailee to lean back. She did so, propping herself up with her arms and ready to give back everything Walt was giving her.

"Oh...oh baby yes," Hailee moaned, working her hips on Walt's cock as he thrusted forward. Her movements made him moan as well, a duet of desire occurring between the pair.

"Oh shit...oh Hailee," he said, his voice croaking a bit as she worked him over. "Oh my god...holy...oh fuck..." Their rhythm increased now. Walt's grip on Hailee's prime peach tightened and her leaned forward, tasting the flesh of her chest again and giving special attention to those diamond-hard nipples.

Hailee shivered for him, moaning with a delightfully devilish smile forming on her lips after the sound escaped them. Her head rolled back, crying out his named with a sweet giggle at the tail end. "More," she growled. "Come on baby...I can take it...oh yesss."

Walt once more pulled Hailee close. The action stopped for the briefest of moments. He stared her out, her beautiful brown eyes each being portals to world he wanted to visit all the time. He brushed the sweat-matted locks of hair from her face, tasting her lips and sucking on her pink tongue once more before their love-making resumed.

Hailee had no issue with how Walt had steered them so far, but as they got closer and closer to pure pleasure she decided to take the wheel. She managed to roll them over, that sweet sinner giggle of hers emerging once more as she was now the the person on top. She stood still on top of him now, his rock hard cock throbbing within her.

"Touch me," she said. "Feel me." Walt took that direction very well. His hands once more roamed the well traveled path it had made up Hailee's legs and over the rest of her body. Slower now, truly taking the time to feel it and how Hailee's body reacted to her touch. The sweet spots he hit and how her body fluttered in reaction to the contact.

Hailee grasped his right hand, guiding it to her lips. They part and the sexy sweetheart started to suck on his fingers, her tongue running over each digit before releasing them. Walt may have been speechless but her knew where to direct his hands. Those deep brown eyes of the goddess on top of him confirmed it. He glided them do to her hips, his tender but firm grip once more taking hold as Hailee took the wheel and began to ride.

"Oh god yes!" Walt growled as Hailee began to move. All the build-up work had been already, which meant Hailee could get right to it. She bucked and ground her hips, never allowing eye contact to broken. She hissed in air between clenched teeth, chanting "Walt" and Yes!" and she rode his cock and drove him crazy. "You...oh damn...feel so fucking good Walt...oh baby...oh yes..."

The mattress was getting a real work out now as Hailee and Walt were well past the point of no return. The destination for them both was well in sight. Hailee bucked and grinded on Walt, faster and harder working them both into a whirlwind of lust as they came crashing down hard.

"Oh god...oh Walt yes...oh fuck..." Hailee growled those words as Walt began to play with her clit with his thumb. Now she was letting it out, that dirtier side. Not too much, but just enough to turn up the heat past the breaking point. Her breath got short as did Walt's. It was almost all over for her at least, but she wasn't ready for Walt to fire off, not just yet.

"Don't cum," she said breathlessly. "Not yet...not yet baby...but make me cum Walt...ohhh fuck lease make me cum for you..."

Hailee leaned back, lost in the feeling and Walt griped her hip harder with his free hand, thrusting up hard while he still worked her clit with the other. It was moments away for her and feeling her from the inside and watching her was making it really hard for Walt to follow her request.

"Yes...yes...," she moaned, repeating it over and over against as she bucked on his cock. Moment by moment, stroke by stroke until she cried out his name in absolute pleasure, "WAAAAALTTTT!!!!"

As his name burst forth from her lips Hailee's face froze, contorting in pleasure as her body writhed on his cock, milking and constricting around his swollen member and making it increasingly hard for him to keep his unspoken word to her. The more she moved and moaned his name the more his resistance was worn down. Before too long any and all resistance was futile.

"Fuck...oh Hailee...shit gonna cum!"

Those words woke Hailee from her orgasmic haze, though she was still neck deep in the fog of pleasure. Still, she pulled off of him and nestled her head between his legs, swallowing his cock and sucking her own juices from his pole. Still he held one, gripping tight to the blankets. Hailee decided to deploy a little bit more to where him down and let him give in.

"Cum for me now Walt...please..in my mouth...I want to taste it...taste how good I made you feel...cum on.." she spoke these words as her fist was a blur on his prick before once more covering the head with her mouth. She swirled his tongue around the tip, sucking hard and urging him to empty everything he had into her hungry and waiting mouth.

With a grunt he launched his seed into her mouth, Hailee's mouth hungrily swallowing every thick stream with great enthusiasm. His body strained as the pleasure rocketed out of him into a very eager orifice until he had nothing left to give. Soon his piece went limps in Hailee's mouth, giving the brunette a little sense of pride at how good she got him...just as good as he had gotten her.

Hailee released his dick from her mouth, one last bit of cum still on her pink tongue. Walt weakly lifted his head up look at her as Hailee made a show of gulping down that last shot. She then kissed her way back up his body before settling at his die before they both drifted off to sleep, exhausted but very content.

The sleep was sound and in the morning, golden rays of sun shining through the window onto the pair as they began to stir. Hailee was the first to completely open her eyes and start to rise, though Walt wasn't too far behind.

"Morning," he said. Hailee turned over, propping herself up on her elbow to give him the same greeting, followed by a kiss.

"That was certainly something," she said. "Would that be considered an encore for you?"

"I guess...I just prefer to think of it as an opening act between us."

"I can definitely see that." She replied. "But..."

"But?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she assured. "I just....this is weird but I need to make sure you understand this. Last night was amazing and I don't want to stop seeing you or hanging out with you. And I definitely not saying no to more of last night. The "but" part is...I'm not looking for anything exclusive right now. I'm not ready for it. That doesn't mean that's how it always will be and I definitely want to see as much of you as I can...I just.."

"Hey, i get it," he said, kissing her forehead. "It's...it's no problem."


"Yeah...I mean as long as I still get to see you..."

"Of course! I mean, we still have fun...and more," Hailee held his hand. "It's just...there's so much going on right now for me and I don't know if I can handle the extra bit of starting a new, serious relationship. I want to...just take things slow. You're great and I still want to see you...just not exclusively. I promise you though if we make plans I will not break them for anything short of an Earth-shattering emergency. Or like a dental appointment or something." She smiled, hoping she'd get at least smile from him

"Of course, dental health is very important." He cracked a smile and laughed, which did the same for her.

"So...with all that said...how would you feel about breakfast for two?" Hailee asked.

"I think that's very doable after quick shower." he replied. "You know...that could easily be made for two."

"Hmmm, I think we might need to test that hypothesis." The pair got up at the same time, Walt leading Hailee to the bathroom for steamy rendezvous. She could get used to this...if she wanted to.


"He sounds great," said Selena. She and Hailee were sitting at a corner booth at the restaurant doing prep work before it opened. It was Hailee's first day and as promised, Selena was showing her the ropes and part of that was helping her roll silverware. Rather than do it in silence, they skipped such needless awkwardness.

"He is," Hailee smiled. "I mean, so far. We're still kind of getting to know each other. But Walt...I like Walt. I just don't want to rush in to anything, you know?"

"Oh completely. But...don't mull it over forever. The good ones, they're diamonds in the rough. Someone else might. Believe me, I know."

"You're right," Hailee agreed. "I'm just, well cautious I guess. I moved way too fast with Peter and I don't want that rerun. I don't know when I'm going to be done satisfying the wild side."

"Well, there's no reason you have to do that without someone with you," Selena added. "Look Hailee, I don't want to put my nose where it doesn't belong. It's just...I feel like I've been where you are. Hell, might still be there. Just..be careful, okay?"

"It's fine," Hailee said. "And thanks. I appreciate it. I just...I don't know it feels like so much stuff is going on that's something I didn't expect I need to take extra time to think on all of it to the point I wish it was just overthinking."

"Well, let's change the subject to avoid that danger," Selena said with a smile. "You ready for tonight?"

"As I'll ever be. I mean I know three tables isn't a lot but still...first night jitters."

"Don't worry Haiz, I've got your back. And it's as light as I could make it. You biggest table is a corner booth, the other two are couples' tables. Gotta learn the ropes, right?"

"Yeah...and thanks. You know, for being so...nice and welcoming."

"No problem. I mean we all need friends, right?"

Hailee smiled and nodded. Talk went for more casual fare and the pile of rolled up silverware grew and grew until it was time to spread the wealth before opening.

When opening came, Hailee was met head-on with a full house. While it wasn't a busy night, it wasn't exactly what anyone would call slow. However, Hailee was handling it well enough. Not a single drink spilled and only one order mistake in the first three hours.

There was even a very small wait to get a seat, and amongst those waiting was Ben Ferrano, and he knew exactly what seat he wanted. He even slipped the hostess a ten to ensure he'd get it, the corner booth in Hailee's min-section.

He hadn't been able to stop thinking over her since their brief encounter at the concert, and now that he was here he saw no reason to not make the attempt to get to know her a bit better.

Soon the booth was free and he was sat down. The busser took his drink order and soon Hailee was there with his Iced Tea.

"Oh, hi Ben," Hailee said. "Nice to see you."

"Same to you." He replied. "I know what I want, so that should make the order easy."

"That tend to be the case." She took out her notepad. "What'll it be?"

"I really have a hankering for the crab cakes. Love the kick they have."

"Sure thing, anything else?"

"Well, i do have a question," Ben said before sipping his drink.

"Well let's see if I have an answer." Hailee replied.

"Are you going to the Three Sisters premiere?" he asked, which seemed to stun Hailee silent. She hadn't thought about that in a while.

"I...uh...I don't know actually. Are you?"

"Can't, have another job. But I was invited, by Peter no less which was a shock but I guess everything has smoothed out again. Figured, you know, might be the same for you, so I asked."

"Well, I've been invited, yeah. Kind of a formal thing they, like they had to."

"Still counts. You should go though. I mean you're all over the movie so it'd be weird if you weren't."

"You really think?" Hailee said. She was considering, he could tell. There was one last carrot to dangle. "Lili would probably want to see you. I mean from what little I've spoken with her, which trust me isn't a lot, she's anxious about it, like you."

"Really?" Hailee said, a hint of hope in her questioning tone. She did miss Lili and didn't want the whole George Affair to be the end of their friendship. She could take being around Cami if it meant she could talk to her oldest friend again. "Maybe I will. Can't hide forever, right?"

"I can't help but agree," Ben said.

"Well, I'll be right back with your crab cakes," Hailee said while grinning. She was about to turn to leave when she paused. "Thanks."

"No problem." Hailee went to go put in the order and Ben smirked to himself. Maybe he should have told her the detail of about how the last time her spoke to either his brother or Lili he found out they were dating. He almost wished he could be there to see it. Though something told him this wouldn't be the last he'd see of Hailee.


The premiere went well. It wasn't some huge Hollywood affair but for a local celebration for a homegrown movie made by group of college it was more than decent. Hailee would have loved to compliment Camila on it if they were on speaking terms.

She even got a quick chance to talk to Lili. She had avoided her at first, nervous to talk to the blonde and terrified it would devolve into a fight. It didn't, but they also didn't have a lot of time to talk before the movie started, but agreed to speak at the after party.

Hailee was elated by this, a feeling that only got bigger as she watched the movie and saw it wasn't a total flop. It was rough around the edges but it was good. Maybe this was her in to get someone cordial with Peter again.

She was still walking on sunshine as she pulled into the parking lot of the Whisky Casket, where the party was. A huge weight was lifted from her shoulder. She didn't think things could get better. Then she saw something that proved that thought right.

She parked her car and that's when Hailee saw it. Right there, in the middle of the parking lot. Lili and Peter. They were kissing and that hit Hailee hard and filled her with a deep anger she wasn't quite familiar with. She was on autopilot as she got out of her car, slamming the door hard and making a bee-line towards the newly-discovered couple.

"What the Hell is going on?" Hailee asked, getting the attention of the pair.

They were stunned for a moment before Lili spoke. "Peter, go inside," she said.

"Are you sure?" asked Peter.

"Yes. Babe, I can handle this." Peter nodded and left the two women alone, Hailee absolutely steaming.

"Babe?" Hailee asked, her anger boiling over. "How long has this been going on Lili?" Lili said two months and gave some line about it being after she and Peter broke up, like that was somethin Hailee could even believe. All of a sudden Jake's suspicions from months ago made all the sense in the world.

"So that makes it okay?"

"Considering how it happened, a little." Lili replied. The reply just added fuel to Hailee's fiery rage. “Look, Hailee neither of us really knew what was happening. But I swear we didn't do anything while you were together.”

"Why should I believe you? I mean didn't you tell me how silly you thought it was that Jake thought you and Peter were going to hook up?” Hailee got closer, getting in Lili's face. “You know what? I'm betting that why he fucked that other woman. Figured it was fair play.” Hailee was out for blood and she was going for every cut she could.

"Haiz, don't," Lili said. That comment had hurt her and at that moment Hailee did not care. "That's not how it is, I swear to you."

Not how it is? Was she being serious. Did she think Hailee was stupid? Hailee knew better. “And I'm supposed to believe you? I couldn't even trust you to keep your mouth shut while I tried to figure things out. You couldn't do that for me. You know what? Maybe you wanted Peter to find out. That actually makes sense. He finds out and then you two don't have to sneak around anymore.”

That one hit and Lili decided to defend herself a bit harder.

“God damn it Hailee we weren't cheating on you!" Lili yelled. "Why the Hell do you care anyway who he's dating now? You were fucking around on him and were ready to dump him like he didn't mean damn thing to you! And you come at me like I'M the one who fucked up?”

It was a fair question, but one Hailee had an answer for that at least made sense to her.

“What if I had wanted to get back with him?” Hailee asked. “What if once everything ended with George I had wanted to try again?”

Hailee could tell by the way that landed Lili wasn't having it.

"Good god Hailee he's not an emergency back-up boyfriend! He's a person and cared about you and you broke his heart and I know what that's like. I know what it's like to be crazy about someone and get fucked over for it! And then you try to make me feel like shit for helping you cover it up? You try and blame me because you didn't have the guts to tell him to his face it was over. And then what? He's your back up plan? Do you have idea how fucked up that is? And the worst part? Just like Jake...it was for a fling. You fucked someone else for a fling. So don't even try to play innocent on this. Don't try to make me feel guilty for finding someone who makes me happy.  Because I'm not. I am sorry he got hurt by you. I never would have gone this far with him if you two were together. But you're not. And that's not my fault. It's not Peter's fault. That's on you.”

That struck Hailee hard...but she knew she could hit harder and at the moment she wasn't thinking about the consequences. She was mainly interested in breaking Lili.

“And here's what's on you," Hailee said. "Jake deserved better than you and he got it. And Peter will want better than you too. And I deserve a better friend. Do not speak to me again. We're done.”

Hailee didn't even bother to see Lili's reaction hit her face, her eyes told the story. Instead she headed back to her car and speeded off. There were no tears within her waiting to burst forth. Rather an anger raging and she didn't really care to stop and think of why. Instead he attention focused on Peter and a desire to get even, and that gave her an idea and dug up a desire she thought Walt had washed away.


"Oh fuuuuuuck," Hailee said. She was facing the brick wall behind the porn store, her arms bracing against the rough surface, pushing back against her lover behind her. Her skirt was bunched up, her underwear tossed aside. The man behind her had his hands up the rest of her dress, groping her tits as he  took her ass.

"Harder....come....fuck me!" Hailee pleaded to her lover. As for his identity? Ben Ferrano. It was the first name that came to her mind to cut the sting of her anger and give her some sense balance in response to Peter and Lili. Ben had no issue with the idea when she just suggested to him. He was grinning. He'd wanted to get in Hailee's pants and hoped his brother's current romantic endeavor would speed up the process. Though he couldn't quite believe how quick it happened and how far Hailee had wanted to go.

The moment he had met her behind the store she was on him, kissing him like a lioness and whispering to words that made him putty in her hands, "Fuck me."

She had led him to the wall and bent over. Ben got behind her and bunched her skirt up. Hailee smiled when she heard him unzip, moan as he began to play with her throbbing clit, but halted him when she felt his hard prick ready to enter her pussy. That wasn't what she wanted, not tonight. Ben was getting a part of her Peter never got.

He almost couldn't believe it, he was going straight to her ass.

That was five minutes earlier. Now, Ben was well past being happily surprised, especially with how prepared Hailee was for it by providing him with lube. Surprise was passé, he was for too focused on enjoying being balls deep in Hailee Steinfeld's ass.

"Yes...mmm Ben...deeper,' she groaned. "Oh god take my ass deep..." She bit her lower lip, savoring every feeling from the physical to emotional. This was far from her first rush with anal sex. It wasn't even the first time in August. But this felt...better. Beyond her just liking being fucked in the ass, the fact that Peter never got that taste but Ben, his brother she barely knew was...that felt so damn good to her in the moment. Everything did. The cock in the ass, where she was being fucked and how the only lights were flickering LED's above the backdoor and the headlights of Ben's car. The idea that could be seen like this, bent over behind a porn store with a dick up her ass filled her with the familiar excitement she first felt in the theater with Margot.

"Nggg...oh god Hailee," Ben growled, pumping her ass hard and fast. "Oh my...fuck..."

"Mmm yess baby," she purred. "Use my ass...make me cum with you cock....you cock in my ass...harder...harder now baby....yes!!!!"

Hailee dropped a hand between to lags, playing with her clit while Ben's cock plowed her ass.  She through head back, choking on a moan as she plummeted towards a quick but intense climax. Everything wrong about what was happening was what made it all so right. The was just one thing...she wanted to feel Ben cum first.

"Cum in my ass," Hailee demanded, getting an audible shudder from him, pausing for a moment and working his hips while balls deep in her. "I want every drop...unnnn....I want it right there...all of it...come on..."

"Yeah, you want me to pump this perfect ass with cum?" He sneered, spanking her asscheek hard enough to leave a hand print. "Say it again Hailee....say it so I fucking remember it!"

"Fill my fucking ass withy our filthy cum!" she growled. "NOW! FUCK ME AND CUM!!!"

Hailee's wish was Ben's demand in this case. He gripped her hips and gave her everything he had, hammering her ass as Hailee pushed back just as hard. They kept driving each further and further until Hailee shoved Ben past the finish line first, squeezing her ass tight around his driving pole.

"Oh fuck!" Ben yelped. one last thrust and he unleashed, filling Hailee's ass with his hot white spunk.

"Yesssssss," Hailee hissed. The sensation was sublime. His throbbing cock, the wet warmth within as her bowels were plastered in jizz. The short fuse was lit and in moments Hailee exploded, squeezing his spitting snake even tighter as an intense orgasm rocked her to the core.

"FUUUUUUCKKKK YESSSS!" Hailee yelled to the heavens, no caring if anyone could here, a part of her deeply hoping she did in fact have an audience.

In the aftermath she was both energized and exhausted and definitely relieved Margot was otherwise occupied tonight so she wouldn't have any other extraneous yet fun activities. Hailee breathed deep as Ben unsheathed from her ass and stumbled a bit as he pulled his pants up.

"SO, um..." he said, his brain rebooting. "You want to...."

"Not really," Hailee said, putting herself back in order. "I'm just going to head home. Sleep hard. But if I do want to, you might be one of the first to know." She winked at him before starting to walk towards her car. Ben had to laugh. This was going to be fun.

Hailee didn't quite know what to feel. Regret never crossed her mind. She enjoyed every moment of what happened. She just didn't know what that meant for the future. When she got in her car she check her phone. There were a few texts from Walt. That made her smile, yet also added a but more confusion as to where everything was going to go.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MoscowCalling on June 24, 2021, 03:59:56 PM
I do have to say this is probably one of the best ongoing celebrity series I have ever read. The great balance struck between the plot and the sex scenes, the hot descriptions and the way you manage to juggle such a vast cast of characters and place them in perfect situations is just amazing. Top-notch stuff, indeed.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on June 24, 2021, 06:09:27 PM
The way you use dirty hot sex not only as a plot point, but actually progressing the plot forward with it in an interesting, exciting and gripping way is nothing short of masterful for this genre.  I can't think of higher praise to give than that.  I am always excited to see what comes next, but that has never been more true after reading this last part. 
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on June 24, 2021, 06:20:26 PM
Amazing as always, cannot believe halie’s response to Peter and Lila now. She was fucking other guys already. Looking forward to Olivia and madison Pettis included hopefully, in the new series
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on December 05, 2021, 01:41:51 PM
I hope we won’t have to wait much longer
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on December 05, 2021, 09:12:04 PM
I hope we won’t have to wait much longer

Still working on it. It's on the way for sure though.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Fanboy88 on March 10, 2022, 04:25:29 PM
Any updates on the next part?
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on March 16, 2022, 06:05:22 PM
Any updates on the next part?

In the middle of it. Finished one of the major sex scenes actually.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on May 13, 2022, 08:00:28 AM
Should be any day now
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Blocboy VC on May 15, 2022, 02:43:05 PM
One thing I noticed. In chapter 7 (I'm pretty sure it's chapter 7), Liz Gillies does have a scene with Victoria Justice, but she's not listed in the celebs that appear in the chapter. Unless I'm fucking up, and she is listed and I got the chapter wrong. If that does need fixing and I'm not tripping, could you fix it at some point if you have time?
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: twman09 on May 23, 2022, 07:19:31 PM
One thing I noticed. In chapter 7 (I'm pretty sure it's chapter 7), Liz Gillies does have a scene with Victoria Justice, but she's not listed in the celebs that appear in the chapter. Unless I'm fucking up, and she is listed and I got the chapter wrong. If that does need fixing and I'm not tripping, could you fix it at some point if you have time?

The Victoria/Liz scene was amazing. That pairing is always welcome.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: rockyjuly1976 on May 23, 2022, 08:45:24 PM
new chapter updates soon
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Ronny on November 20, 2022, 03:12:55 PM
Will the new chapter be out soon?
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on November 20, 2022, 07:03:27 PM
You got my hopes up l thought you were the new stories
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on March 01, 2023, 05:08:30 PM
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

All Star College Chapter 8
By MaxwellLord & Slyguy
(MF, FF, Anal, Blowbang, Oral, Cons, Roleplay)

Featured Celebs: Lili Reinhart, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld, Madchen Amick, Camila Mendes, Jurnee Smollett, Olivia Holt, Madelaine Petsch, Florence Pugh, Kelli Berglund, Amy Adams, Blake Lively, Kelly Brook, Margot Robbie, Samara Weaving, Tori Black, Emma Stone, Elizabeth Olsen, Camila Cabello, Ariana Grande, Kiernan Shipka, Zoe Kravitz, Peyton List

“Yessssss,” Lili moaned. Her nude body was glimmering with sweat. The feeling her lover was delivering to her, head buried squarely in her pussy. Eye fluttering, back arching and her hands gripping the silken sheets she laid upon. She didn’t quite know how she got where she was and she didn’t care. Everything just felt too good to care.

Her lover’s mouth seemed to somehow be everywhere at once, lighting her skin on fire with kisses, licks from her tongue and caresses from her hands while also giving all that love to her pussy at the same time. It was impossibly amazing.

Lili looked down at her dream lover, running her fingers through her long, dirty blonde locks. Then those eyes, those big blue eyes hit her own and Lili felt a laser show go off through her whole body. Flashes of every color on the spectrum lit up as Lili’s eyes shut tight. Her lover was going harder now, her hands holding her hips in place. Lili couldn’t move, even if she wanted to. She was too drunk on pleasure that getting held in place was just an added bonus. She’d be lucky if by the end of this she’d be able to walk on her noodle-loose legs.

“Please…” she said, forcing the word out through a moan that was desperate to escape her mouth. “M-make me cum….”

“Mmmm,” the lover said, giving Lili’s engorged clit one last blast of attention before separating her mouth from it. “You want to cum, is that it?”

“Uh-huh.” Lili said to the familiar voice, pinching and tugging her own nipples. “I need it...so bad..so fucking bad!”

“Well in that case,” she said, kissing Lili’s thighs between words. “I want to see the look on your face when I make you cum.”

Lili moaned in, sucking in air as that mouth moved up her body, her hungry pussy now being given attention by very skilled hands. The more the mouth moved up the excited blonde, swirling her tongue around Lili’s navel, lusciously licking and sucking her tits, leaving her mark on her neck until she was face to face with the begging blonde.

“Cum for me,” Lili’s lover said. “Cum for Blake.”

Any response Lili had was muffled by Blake Lively’s lips pressing against her’s, the dominant dirty blonde sucking on Lili’s tongue as her fingers worked pure magic in Lili’s sopping pussy. A fire was lit within Lili, her crotch humping against Blake's fingers as her own arms wrapped around her, pulling the assertive lover closer. Lili was so close and desperately needed to be pushed over the edge. The kiss broke as Blake looked down and Lili moaned to the sloshing beat created by Blake’s fingers. Lili’s body writhed beneath Blake, back arching with teeth gritted as the inevitable conclusion was getting closer and closer by the second.

“Yesssss,” Lili hissed. “Yes...Blake..gonna cum...yesss…. Yes…”

“YESSSS!” Lili cried out so loud it woke her. Her blue-green eyes darted open from the dreamy orgasm she’d just had. Back in familiar settings, she was sweating in the best way. Slowly her senses returned to her. “Wow...that was intense.” She smiled to herself for a bit, then her eyes went to a framed set of photos, all with her boyfriend, Peter..the brother of the woman she’d just had an intense sex dream about.

She picked up the frame and looked at the photos of her and Peter together. Funny faces made, cuddling, kissing, her head on his shoulder. It made her smile, but then a tinge of guilt came along in relation to her dream.

“Well, this is going to be interesting,” said to herself before flopping back down on the bed.


“Babe, not to sound all judgey,” Taylor said, understandably confused. “But this is your surprise?” Norman had said he had something he just had to show her. The excitement was palpable. She really felt that it must be big.

Then they arrived at a house. It was a nice house, sure, but Taylor didn’t get it if this was what the excitement was all for. But Norman still had that look on his face, something was up.

“Not entirely. This is my uncle’s place and he asked me to house sit for a couple weeks. Which means he’s allowed me full access to everything in the house.”

“Babe, that’s great. I know we just have an apartment, but it’s a big one. And no offense but we’re not fucking in your uncle’s bed. Just...ew. No.”

“Understood. That’s not what I’m talking about.” And with that, Norman made his big reveal, pressing a fob on his keychain, opening the garage door in front of them. As it rose, Taylor’s jaw dropped at what lurked behind the aluminum door.

It was a candy apple red Corvette convertible. Just the sight of it was starting to make her wet. She wasn’t a gearhead by any means, but something about that particular car in that particular color made her crazy. She’d always wanted one, and it simply had to be candy apple red.

“Okay, Normie I am steadfast about that whole uncle’s bed thing but I kind of demand we fuck in the car.”

“All in due time my love,” he said, kissing her in the passenger seat. “We don’t have full access until tomorrow when he leaves. But when he does I think we can definitely get down to fulfilling that demand.”


“So let me get this straight,” Connor Queen said. “You travel all over the world for your job, are so respected you’ve spoken at museums and had papers published and you’re still a grad student? And now, for some reason you’re taking a job here, in this town?”

“You make it sound so much more adventurous than it really is,” the woman said. When she hit the town that night to familiarize herself with her new home, Florence Pugh hadn’t expected to be sipping scotch and talking all about her life. She’d expected small talk about the beach or cooking or even some cheesy one-liners. But something about this charming lad sitting next to her at the bar got her on a tangent. A fellow student of history, he was of the undergrad variety. He still knew his stuff, and combined with a pair of dreamy hazel eyes it all just came pouring out. Well, most of it.

“It sounds pretty fun.”

“Yes but the excitement in your voice makes it all sound like I’m Indiana Jones. Though I think I can pull off a fedora I have yet to have the pleasure of punching a Nazi over an Earth-threatening artifact. Mainly just pushing papers at a desk.”

“You’re still figuring stuff out,” he said. “Even behind a desk that has to be exciting.”

“Well, it certainly can be.” Florence admitted. “It does have a flare of mystery to it. And of course when you love the subject, discovering new things about it, confirming theories...it’s quite a rush.” She sipped at her drink again, savoring the burn just a bit more. She liked this lad. And this was her first night out...and had been a long flight. Besides, there was no confirmation as to exactly how open Chris’ relationship was with this Scarlett person. And Connor was definitely cute and could prove worthy of a revisit. It was time to plant a few seeds for the deed.

“So, I take it from what you’ve said, your real passion is like Scandinavian stuff? Maybe some Norse mythology?”

“To a degree I suppose.” Florence answered. “But really, I adore Rome. Especially when it comes to debunking commonly held myths about the society of Ancient Rome.”

“Like what?”

“Well, for example, did you know the idea of a Roman orgy is almost entirely fictional? There are no verifiable recorded accounts of such a thing ever occurring. Not even second hand accounts. The best evidence found of them are insults during political debates. Even in a society as sexually open as Rome was, an orgy was considered quite taboo.

“So no one did them?”

“I’m not saying that. All I’m saying is if they did they were more secretive about than even we are in modern times. However I’m not saying they were prudes. Far from it. They were far more comfortable with sexuality than we are. More upfront. It’s just, well, some things seem to be an eternal taboo. At least publicly speaking.”

“Then how exactly were they more upfront?” Connor asked. And it was sincere. Not a hit of flirting, which made Florence smile. It was going to make what she was going to say next so much more fulfilling.

“They didn’t shy away from what they wanted. Far from prudes. I think we could learn a lot about how to just...live from their example.”

“I can see that. Being just more...honest with yourself.”

“Exactly,” Florence said with a smile, downing the rest of her scotch. “I think we could all use that, don’t you? Just being a little bit more blunt with what we want from a person. For example, with you being such a forward thinking lad I can’t imagine you’d even flinch if I suggested that we pay for these drinks then go ‘round back so I can suck your cock.”

Florence watched with a knowingly sexy smile. To Connor’s credit, he didn’t flinch but to call the pause as the wheels turned in head pregnant would be underselling things.

“Um, so I'm getting the tab, right?” Connor said, gulping down the rest of his drink.

“Such a gentleman.”

They set their empty glasses down. Connor paid and Florence led him out the back exit. He didn’t even think to question this. Florence was far too hot to do such a thing. As for her, this wasn’t out of the ordinary. If she would have had her way 100%, they’d go full force, fucking against the wall. However, she was on a schedule so drinks and a blowjob would have to suffice to scratch her international date line itch.

The curvy blonde pushed Connor against the brick wall and kissed hard, forcing her tongue into his mouth and demanding a round of tonsil hockey. Once the kiss broke she backed off, looking at him with a sly grin and a cocked eyebrow.

“I’m sure you’ve heard this before and never bought it,” Florence said, sliding her hand down Connor’s pants and grabbing his hardening prick. “But I do love to suck cock. Now I, of course, understand why you wouldn’t believe that. And it’s because it’s bloody rubbish most of the time. There are just some poor souls out there, men and women, who think oral is a chore. It’s not. It’s a treat. It’s a skill. And nothing makes me wetter than showing off that skill. Hearing that tone in a man’s voice when you take the time to find every spot, from head to base, that makes him one second away from eruption. That’s the fun you see...hearing, feeling, seeing and tasting what I’m doing to you. A real feast for the senses.”

The Brit bombshell licked his chin before squatting down, yanking Connor’s pants down with her. With one hand she cradled his balls while the other tenderly stroked his rod.

“Now this is a cock,” Florence said. “A wonderful missile. Looks like it could fit just about anywhere wonderfully. I want you to think about that luv. I want you to think about all the things I might want this wonderful cock to do to me when next we meet.”

Connor’s only reply was a grateful groan as Florence’s tongue entered the picture. Flicking against the tip first, she trailed down to the base like she was chasing the drippings of a popsicle on a hot summer day and then licked all the way back up. She let her tongue coat his pole in a light sheen of saliva before wrapping her lips around his crown. Fist’s balled up, he looked down for the first time to get a visual on the tactile sensations and sounds sensually slobbering on his knob. The visual nearly knocked him down. Seeing Florence’s lips gliding up and down his rod, her cheeks billowing from a hard suck before releasing his head with a pop. There was a look of delicious delivery in her brown eyes before her mouth returned to do Aphrodite’s work.

Which wasn’t to say she was hands free. No. With one hand working in unison with her mouth, she stroked that throbbing shaft while the other massaged and teased Connor’s heavy balls. Florence was going all out. For a brief moment however, he hands took on a different duty, gripping Connor’s hips as she began to push herself further on to his throbbing prong, taking all eight inches deep into her throat.

“Holy shit!” Connor yelled, words finally forming in his mouth to perfectly tell Florence what she was doing to him. It was music to her ears. And then the percussion of Connor beginning to thrust into the tight confines of her esophagus made the symphony complete.

Despite being the one without the wand, Florence was the conductor and it was time to add some vocals. Pulling off of his cock with a gasp, she gulped for air as her hands went right back to stroking his cock and fondling his balls.

“Mmmm, Connor I can feel it just as much as you can. Throbbing my hand and in moments my mouth once more. You want to cum. So here’s your green light. Cum. Fill my mouth with that hot creamy spunk...because that's the best part of it for us both, isn’t it? The last sweet moment of release. Euphoric pleasure...so just give in luv...just give in. But let me know so I can get ready to taste every lovely drop.”

“Oh god, yes Florence,” he said as her mouth returned to take them both home. Now it was working solo, her stroking hand now under her skirt, playing with her sopping pussy. All of this had gotten Florence worked up and she hadn’t even touched herself. Now it was time for a little additional self satisfaction.

Groans and the sloppy sound of sucking emanated from the back alley, which for the college town wasn’t anything too new. Neither were the words coming from Connor’s mouth.

“Right...ngg right there...oh fuck...Florence...gonna...oh shit...gonna cum...oh baby swallow it...fuck. Please swallow it all...ohh...ahh...ahhhh...AHHHHH!!!!!!!!”

It hit the roof of Florence’s mouth like a shotgun, the first barrage of cum. More and more splashed in her mouth, the bawdy Brit moaning at the taste as she gulped down stream after stream. The wet warmth, the pulsing cock, gave Florence her own small, but still satisfying orgasm, shaking through it as she swallowed the large load and diddled herself silly.

Slowly Connor withdrew his deflated sword, a tiny trickle of cum leaking from the corner of Florence’s mouth. Grabbing his cock and pressing the head to the last bit of cum, he pushed it up to Florence’s lips, the grateful blonde sucking the cum from his still sensitive head before it was all over.

“You have my number, right?” Florence said. Connor nodded. “Good. Because I can’t wait to see what we can do with a bit more time.”


“Is it just me or is a photography textbook the silliest thing?” Camila asked. She and Peter were in the campus bookstore, stocking up for the upcoming semester. “I mean really shouldn’t the only textbook be the instruction manual for the camera?”

“Probably,” Peter admitted. “At least it’s only one book. My silent film course is making me get three different books. How much do you want to bet at most we use only one?”

“Don’t worry about that Petey dearest, I’ve got you covered.”

“No you don’t.” He said. “I can cover my own books.”

“Of course you CAN. It doesn’t mean you will though. Remember, no one draws their credit card faster than me. But if it makes you feel any better you can buy lunch.”

“A little bit.”

“Good. I mean honestly, it’s no big deal. Consider it my way of thanking you for both getting me back in touch with my photography passion and not really saying I told you so about it.”

“I know better than that.” Cami chuckled and they walked down the aisles, shelves of books on either side of them. “You’re doing good, right?”

“Of course,” Cami said. “I mean daddy wasn’t thrilled when he saw the photography classes on my schedule but when mom melted down over it he went into overprotective dad mode and gave me all the blessings.”

“Yeah, but also…”

“Petey, I know what you’re going to get at,” Cami said, stopping them in between rows. “I’m over Jose, I really am. And I know you’re just checking up on me and I can never tell you how much I love you for doing that but I’m fine. In fact...look, you remember that little trip to San Fran I took? Remember, the one where when I came home I saw you with your head between Lili’s legs on my apartment floor?”

“How could I forget?” Peter replied, blushing.

“Yeah, it was quite a visual,” she said, grinning at his embarrassment. “But I didn’t really tell you what happened on that trip.” She took him to a couple of chairs nearby and sat down with him. “When I was there, I ran into Jose.”

“Huh? I thought he moved to Japan.”

“He did. But the company he works for I guess has some working relationship with a company in the US and he was like a talent trade or something. I don’t know, I never really learned the terms while we were dating so now that I’m single I somehow extra-don’t know. Anyway, we bumped into each other...kinda fooled around a bit and I decided to go to the show. And it was everything I had a nightmare about, aside from him getting seriously hurt. I’m talking broken glass, razor wire, and just so much blood. He didn’t even give me a heads up. And that was the final nail. It would never work. And that time...I was fine with it. So...I texted him goodbye, best of luck and walked out and went back to my room and just partied the rest of the week. But I’m fine. It’s just...I guess I really just had to see it, you know? And it confirmed what I feared and that’s that. The fact he didn’t even give me a warning also helped me get over things.”

“But you’re okay?” Peter asked.

“Yes,” she said with a reassuring smile, holding his hand and patting the top. “And so much of that is you. And not just the...you know what? Fuck it, I’ll just say it, the great sex last semester. You are always there for me. You and Lili and now even Selena. And while you don’t need to keep asking me if I’m fine, I hope you never stop asking. Because I am never going to stop doing the same for you, you gigantic dork.”

“I think I can swing that. I mean you are buying my books after all.”

“Good answer,” Cami said, getting up and kissing Peter’s cheek. “Now, how about we get the rest of these very expensive future paperweights, go get some grub, and dread the oncoming semester like normal college students? Maybe invite Lili too? She was already out of the apartment by the time I woke up. Would really love a double bestie lunch.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Well of course it does Petey dearest,” Cami said. “I mean I think it’s well documented I have the best ideas.”


“Not as sleazy as I was expecting.” Kelli said. She was in the parking lot of the local strip club and ready to interview for her new job. Truth be told, despite leaving the employ of Bella and Dove as the business was officially Vegas bound, she didn’t need a job. During her short time as one of Bella’s girls she’d made more than enough to cover rent and more for two years before she’d even have to stress. Her being a blowjob goddess with very generous clients made sure of that.

Still, having more money in her pocket wasn’t a bad thing. And with her former employment being what it was, Kelli certainly had no issue with baring all or a little bit of grinding on the customers. Best of all was if she got a little frisky, it’d just be a bonus. There was something freeing to sex not being a service sold. It made it better. While she didn’t hate her previous job and in fact liked it quite a bit, she wasn’t exactly going to miss it.

She rang the buzzer at the entrance. Right above it was the usual “21 & Over'' warning. The tinted black glass door opened and what Kelli guessed was the club’s manager. He wasn’t bad. Kelli had seen far worse. Fortunately, they were the clients of others. Though Kelli didn’t really discriminate, especially with a paying customer. She did however have preferences and the manager fit most of them. Longish hair but nothing too extreme nor a mullet. The five o’clock shadow gave him the right amount of sleaze, balanced out by his emerald green eyes.

“You Kelli?” He asked.

“Right on the first guess.” The blonde replied.

“And you’re right on time.” He opened the door further. “Come in.”

“Thanks.” Kelli entered. It was always an odd sight to see, a strip club during the off hours. The neon and low lights were replaced by, well, normalcy. It was a perversion of the perverse and something she at least found interesting. It was however not what she wanted, especially during the talent portion of the interview.

The manager led her to the stage where he sat on a chair near the edge and Kelli jumped up on the edge, her legs hanging over the side.

“What do I call you?” Kelli asked. “Because just using sir seems kind of impersonal.”

“Lou.” He replied.

“I like it,” Kelli said. It was the truth too. It was the perfect level of cliche in her opinion. “And you're the boss, correct?”

“Right under the owner,” he replied. “Sometimes directly under if the mood strikes her.”

“Nice. So, I’m going to guess since you called me in, everything on the resume checks out so what you want is a close up inspection of my skills.”

“Pretty much. I mean it all checks out, references and that shit. But then you go and list gymnastics as a skill. Honestly, not even remotely the first time I’ve seen that from a girl trying to get a job here. But you know what is rare? That not being a gigantic load of shit a girl writes down thinking it’s gonna get her a job.”

“I can guarantee you it’s not bullshit.”

“Then prove it,” said Lou. “You got your gear?”

“That I do.”Kelli replied.

“Then go in the back and suit up. Whole nine yards. I want you up on that stage showing me what you got and if there was even a hint of bullshit on your application. You got a preferred song to shake your ass too?”

“No Diggity,” Kelli said.

“No Diggity?”

“Yeah, No Diggity,” Kelli reaffirmed. “Is that a problem?”

“No, just...isn’t that a bit before your time?”

“It would be but wouldn’t you know it? These days they can digitize ANY song, not just ones made now which makes them widely available via this amazing invention called the internet. And while I’m guessing you mainly use it for porn I assure all the songs ever recorded are widely available for listening to by people of all ages.”

“You’ve got a mouth on ya,” Lou said. “You’ll definitely fit in here, if you ain’t bullshitting me. Get dressed and I’ll cue you up.”

Kelli nodded, taking her bag as she headed backstage. Lou gave her a bit of time before asking if she was ready.

“You in a hurry?” She asked.

“Nah, not really,” he answered back. “Just got, you know, a business to run. No rush.”

“Look, just give me ten then hit the music and take a seat.”

“No problem.” He set things up at the DJ station. The song was prepped with a ten second delay before taking a seat at the end of the stage. The song kicked in and Kelli came out from behind the curtain, all dolled up and ready to show her skills.

The outfit itself was something he’d seen before, the sexy nurse. However the blonde had done her own thing with it. While the usual red bits were in place, especially the medical cross, the rest was black, giving the whole thing a bit of a dominatrix aura to it. The boots however were the typical stripper fair. They were knee-high and red with black laces and the usual five-inch platforms. As expected, Kelli walked on them in perfect balance, a bounce in her step in the rhythm to the song.

Kelli was in full work mode now. Sex-hungry eyes and seductive smiles, all focused on Lou. If this was the real deal she’d be spreading the pay-for-play love around, but she wasn’t going to waste her energy on empty chairs. This was all about showing Lou her whole deal.

Lou’s attention was hers completely. He was both a happy spectator and watchful critic. He was taking note of every move she was making. It may sound weird to anyone not in the business but dancing was important to this gig. While looking good naked was a gigantic part of the gig for the girls it wasn’t the whole package. Ninety-five percent, yeah, but not the whole thing. That five percent of actually having some rhythm was important. Sure, guys were going to throw singles, maybe a couple of fivers, at a nude body with a smiling face. However, most of the time that set of tits wasn’t who they wanted a lapdance from. They wanted those girls who could grind. The ones who could move. They wanted those asses grinding on their crotches and working the kind of magic the other girls showed no sign of possessing.

And those girls got the big tips. And some of that always got kicked back to the house. Nothing obscene, just fifteen percent that went right back into the club itself. Neither Lou or Riri got a cent of it. The only obscenity came from the girls sometimes. They never, or at least so rarely it seemed like never, fucked the customers in the private rooms. However they pushed it as far as they could. More than a few guys and gals left the backroom post private dance attempting to cover a fresh wet spot on the crotch of their pants. Those nights the guilty girls usually got the biggest tips.

Kelli was destined to be one of those big tip girls. She sank that the moment she got to the pole at the front of the stage. She faced Lou, giving him a sexy little smile that would set the stage for twenties to be thrown at her from a given target if this was the real deal. Instead it simply just put Lou at half mast.

The blonde pursed her lips together, blowing a slutty little kiss with her back to the pole. She dropped to a squat, her knees together and aimed right at Lou’s gaze. A wink precipitated her opening those legs, showing off the underwear beneath her outfit. It was black of course with the medical cross dead center on her crotch, letting anyone who saw know exactly where the medicine was located.

Kelli ran her black-nailed fingers from her knees to her thighs, grazing her own fit flesh before rising back up and turning her back to her audience of one. Predictably she bent over. Predictable, but far from bad as Lou got a view of that caboose. First of course it was obstructed by the underwear, though Kelli would soon remedy that.

The naughty not-nurse rose up just for a moment and reached under her shorter-than-short skirt to hook her thumbs around her underwear and began to pull them down, bending back over as the garment came down. When they were gone that delectable derriere was on full display, along with something just as sweet with a nice view of Kelli’s slit. Lou’s half mast went to full.

Shaking her rump, Kelli spun back around and focused her eyes back on Lou. Licking her lips, she began to unzip the dress itself, revealing her tits and soon everything else too. With the suit being one piece there wasn’t much of an opportunity for a tease. However, Kelli never had much use for teasing, or at least not too much.

With the full body on display Lou was ready to tell Kelli to pick a locker. Those legs, the bald pussy and those nice and perky tits looked nothing short of money. But Kelli wasn’t done. She ran her hands over her body, swaying to the music as she did before getting to her knees and crawling towards Lou. She did it in that exaggerated way only strippers do, like a prowling cat.

The would-be stripper reached the edge of the stage and leaned over where her mark stand-in sat. Kelli extended her tongue as she brought her face to his, licking the air just centimeters from his face before giggling and pulling back. But before breaking contact completely she placed her nurse's hat on his head. A nice personal touch that’d have her picking up the bills on a real night as well as a guaranteed private dance client later on.

It was finally time for Kelli to show off her pole work and that she did. Grabbing the slim metal pillar. She became like a serpent now, writhing on the shiny piece of metal and giving into every phallic dream that could be cooked up in the head of any man watching.

Grinding, writhing and slithering on the pole was nice but then Kelli began to ride it, showing off all she knew how to do. Twirling on it now, she was hanging from her legs, climbing to the top and sliding down, hanging upside down and rubbing her body, undulating on the pole and moaning just enough to be heard with the music, as if it had been mixed with it. Kelli knew the song by heart and knew when it was wrapping up. She got off the pole and returned to her knees, crawling over once more to Lou. She grabbed her hat and brought her mouth to Lou’s ear.

“Care for a private dance sweetie?” She asked, her breath hot on his neck. She moved back slightly, smiling sinfully at him before pulling back completely to the stage and walking out as the song ended, the curtain closing behind her as the perfect end.

Lou grinned, standing up with his hard-on visible in his jeans. Kelli walked out and approached him on the floor, still nude but now with the hat gone.

“Welcome to the club,” Lou said. “You’re in. Let me go grab you a locker key from the office.”

“Well hold on,” Kelli said, a whole new kind of look on her face. This wasn’t stage sexy, this was the real deal. “What about that private dance?”

“You got the job Kelli,” Lou said. “Besides, that’s not part of the interview anyway.”

“Who said anything about the interview?”

“Well,” Lou said, letting his other head take over. “If you insist, please follow me.”

Kelli did so. She hadn’t expected to do this but the dancing turned her on, her exhibitionist side providing some kindling to make her want to get a little more full contact than just pole-dancing. Odds were it was going to get even more up close than just a lap dance and Lou would be fine with it.

There were two different options for private dances. One was somewhat of a “public” private dance room with several different rounded and corner sofas in the room with just enough space for a customer and a dance to get a little bit closer. The other was a series of rooms where one on one meant one on one. They cost a bit more and were only used for regular, trusted customers. Even then, every one of those four rooms had a panic button just in case. They were never used, but it was better to have them and not need them, as it were. For Kelli and Lou’s purposes, it didn’t matter. They were the only two in the building at the moment anyway so they went to the more spacious public take on the champagne room.

“You need any specific song for this?” Lou asked, stopping at the sound system.

“Any slow jam will work for this.” Kelli replied. Lou nodded and picked something himself before taking a seat in the center of the room.

The music hit and his eyes locked on Kelli. He had to resist rubbing his hands together in anticipation as the nude blonde made his way over to him. Even with this being her idea he wasn’t going to take any chances. Kelli was calling the shots until she said otherwise.

“I’m sure, being the manager of this place and all, you’re well aware of the classic law of the lapdance,” Kelli said, moving her hips to the slow jam. Her hands ran up her body, over her tits and through her hair, lifting the golden locks up before letting them fall back down to her shoulders. “That law being of course, I can touch you and you can’t touch me.”

“I’m familiar.”

Kelli turned around, giving Lou a good look at her ass. “Then you also know about the asterisk at the very end of that law.” She bent over in front of him, spreading her cheek to give him a very intimate view of her starfish. “That asterisk would lead you to the hole in that law. That hole being once I start touching you the law becomes much more of a recommendation as opposed to hard rule.”

Kelli spun back around and mounted Lou, playing with his tie in her hands. “However...how about you follow that recommendation until I give you the okay?” He nodded and the game was on.

The blonde stripteaser put her hands on Lou’s shoulder and began to move. It was like a full body wave, Kelli’s hair swaying with her head. She moved and grooved her hips in a slow circular motion, grinding on Lou’s already hard cock. It brought a smile to her face. The job was already halfway done.

That didn’t mean Kelli was going to jump right on his cock however. This wasn’t her old job and she could take her time. Not too much time though. She was well aware she was on a timer. The club had to open at some point. Still, she wanted her soon-to-be manager nice and worked up so she could get everything from him.

‘’Someone’s hard,” Kelli said, winking at him as she moved. “I know...occupational hazard…but is it really a hazard if it turns me on?”

“That does sound slightly inaccurate,” he said, impressing Kelli with his ability to talk with a writhing co-ed in his lap.

“Impressive. It’s always nice when blood rushing to one head doesn’t leave the other without it.”

Kelli gave him a visual preview of riding him, her very wet pussy leaving it’s mark on his slacks. “My pussy’s so wet,” she said. “Wanna see?”

Lou nodded and Kelli got up from her seat. She then lifted her leg and placed it on the top of the couch, balancing all on the one leg left on the ground. Lou’s eye’s followed her hand as it roamed up that outstretched leg from to thigh to her glistening slit.

“Look at it,” she said, running her fingers over her pussy lips. “ Look how wet I am.”

“Oh believe me, I am.”

Kelli grinned at that, then slipped two fingers inside, fingering herself slowly in front of him for the briefest of moments before pulling out. She offered her fingers to him. “Want a taste?”

Lou sucked her fingers into his mouth as an answer, savoring the sample she’d given him before those fingers withdrew.

“Want more than a taste?” She asked, taking her leg off the couch and standing before him.

“Damn straight.” He replied.

“Then drop those pants, I’m too wet to dry hump.”

Lou, most likely breaking a world record in terms of speed, had his pants down to his ankles in the blink of an eye. Then Kelli got a nice view of what exactly was straining underneath that fabric. It certainly was a sight, thick and rock hard in all its glory. Lou’s cock was average in length, but the thickness...this was going to be fun. Kelli was salivating...but she’d scratch that itch later. Right now she wanted that lovely piece of meat in between her legs.

“God damn it, yesssss,” Kelli hissed. She had lowered herself onto Lou’s rigid rod and was immediately thankful for that action. “Fuck this is a good cock...not just saying that because you just hired me either…”

“I should hope not,” he said, taking hold over Kelli’s hips as she began to give him the goods. “Fuck ride that dick baby...fucking ride it…”

And ride Kelli did. No slow build up was wanted or needed and she was riding Lou like he was the wildest bronco in the rodeo. And Lou’s pelvis wasn’t the only part of him getting in on the action. While he was thrusting up and returning everything Kelli was giving him with her pussy he also pulled Kelli close suck on her tits, nibbling and licking her pink nipples like they were strawberry candy.

“Suck those fucking titties,” Kelli demanded, taking the steering wheel 100% as Lou tasted her breasts. “Just...mmmm...just like that.”  She slammed her cunt hard and fast down on his cock, making him grunt and almost whimper at how much she was taking out of him.

“Mmmm you like that huh,” she said, teasing him with her voice as she pleased him with her pussy. “This hot, tight fuckhole milking your prick dry. Best pussy you’ve had in a while huh?” She worked her hips on him, grinding and growling while Lou’s body tensed and his voice croaked in reaction.   

Kelli grabbed his hands and led them to her ass, Lou instinctively gripping tight. Kelli sped up again, leaning back as her rodeo ride went full body. “FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” She shouted. “MAKE ME FUCKING CUM!!!”

“Yeah?” Lou said, pulling Kelli back on him as he pounded her. “You want to cum for this dick? You want it? Or do you fucking need it???”

“Mmmmmm fucking need it.” Kelli replied, pulling herself up. “Need to cum on that dick.”

“Who’s dick?” he asked, spanking Kelli’s ass with a hard *CRACK*. “Tell me!”

“YOURS!” Kelli yelled back. “I NEED TO CUM ON YOUR COCK!!!!”

“Then fucking do it.” Lou brought his hand to Kelli’s crotch and frigged her clit as his prick plundered her pussy. The reaction in Kelli was immediate. She clenched her teeth, hissing gulps of air between them. Every thrust of his cock and movement of her own was another step in the direction of pleasure and bliss for Kelli.

“Yes….yes…” She said, a dreamy haze in her voice and a glimmer of it in her eyes. “Gonna…gonna cum…yesss…YESSSS!”

That last word led to a howl that would make most wolves pause. The blonde’s voice cracked as pleasure pounded her body, radiating from her cunt which was still getting all of Lou’s attention at full blast. Every thrust turned the dial past ten, even past eleven. As wonderfully dazed with orgasmic bliss as Kelli was however, she still had enough of her professional instinct from her old job to recognize the signs a man was about to pop. His voice and breaths became ragged, his thrusts far more chaotic and his face in a weird collision of pure pleasure and strain to keep it from happening. Now it was time for Kelli to show off the tricks that made her the blowjob goddess.

“Now look who needs to cum,” she said with a sweetly-sinister grin. “Let me take care of that.” She removed herself from his cock and got on her knees. Before Lou got the chance to say a word Kelli used her magic mouth to cast a spell that turned those words in the wordless gibberish of a man ready to let loose.

While Kelli loved the slow build-up to a man blowing off in her mouth that wasn’t going to happen. Her pussy made sure of that. Still, that didn’t mean she couldn’t blow his stack like a burst pipe. The beautiful blonde voraciously slurped his prick, her tongue making sensual surgical licks and strikes on the sensitive stick while she played his balls to perfection, the churning orbs absolutely aching to empty themselves between her lips.

“Fuck girl…oh shit…YESSSS!” Now it was Lou’s turn to make like a lycanthrope as his volcanic erectile eruption started, instantly filling Kelli’s mouth with cum. However, like any respectable blowjob goddess she didn’t miss a beat or let a drop of her favorite fluid drip from her lips. Every thick rope he shot in her mouth went right down her throat, gulp after gulp until Lou felt little more than a puddle, sitting down like a sack of laundry as his limp and spent prick slipped from Kelli lips. The blonde then licked those same lips, hoping to find a few droplets she might have missed. She never did, but the hope was always there.       

“So,” she said, getting back to her feet. “About that locker key…”


“This looks really great Jurnee,” Lili said to her boss. “The other lot looks like it’s always been here.”

“Thanks Lili,” the beaming boss replied. “A lot of hard work but I’m banking it’ll be worth it.

Over the summer Lili’s boss, Jurnee Smollett, had expanded her comic shop to take up the empty store lot next door. It had taken the entirety of the summer, but it was finished. And with new space came new business. Jurnee aimed to make her shop geek central. While she already had comics and toys covered, as well as enough tabletop gaming to have regular D&D nights at the store as it had been, the new area of the store would be even more gaming focused. Retro and modern video games, card games, board games and new nights for new games. It was everything she dreamed of doing and hopefully something that would pay for itself within a year. Everything a happy nerd could want in one shop. And as Lili took a look around while stocking a new shipment of toys on their pegs she had to admit she was impressed.

“Do you think we have enough people to cover it all?” Lili asked.

“I think so,” Jurnee said. “I mean the new girl seems kind of spacey sometimes but definitely into the place and Roland pretty much lived here already so it’s not like he needs to be trained. Besides, he and Kiernan work well together.”

“Really well from my understanding,” Lili added. Which got a look from Jurnee. “What?”

“Lili, from boss to employee let me just tell you, girl I don’t know if you have room to be talking about that with the morning after the big storm a couple months ago.”

“Jurnee, I keep telling you we just actually slept together. Emphasis on sleeping! Nothing else happened. Well, at least not until a few weeks later.”

“Uh huh,” Jurnee said with a knowing smile. Then the ding of the door opening sounded and Jurnee’s eyes went to the door then right back to Lili. “How about you get your story straight with your man over there.”

Lili turned to see Peter and Camila walk in, her eyes lighting up as they approached. There was still a little weirdness leftover from her rather explicit dream; it wasn't enough to make her less happy to see her man and her best friend.

“Excuse me,” Peter said as he and Cami pulled up. “I’m looking for a certain something but I insist that only the sexiest person in the store help me so are you available?”

“For you?” Lili asked, playing along. “I think I just might be.” The pair kissed for a few moments before Camila spoke up.

“Not to be too harsh in breaking up the cavity-causing love fest,” the brunette said. “But I’d like to get my hello in as well. Except mine will be without all the tonsil hockey, which I’m sure is very much to my dearest Petey’s dismay.”

“What brings you guys by the store?” Lili asked as Peter stood next to her, arm around her back.

“Lunch.” Camila answered. “You, me and Petey make three at the diner around the corner.”

“Sounds great. I just need to finish hanging up these toys and wait for Kiernan to get back from break. You guys can look around the store till then. Won’t be too long.”

Peter and Cami nodded and looked around while Lili went to the back to grab the last box of toys, Peter taking notice of the painted art on the wall that seamlessly blended from DC to Marvel to fantasy to horror to sci-fi and back again. It was a gorgeous bit of decoration.

“That looks awesome, Jurnee,” he said to the owner. “It’s so seamless. Like they all live in the same world.”

“Thanks,” the proud store owner said. “I figured if this store is going to be nerd central it better look the part from floor to ceiling. Got a local artist to do it too.”

“That’d be me!” A perky voice said. It belonged to a friendly looking blonde in jeans, a black shirt littered with Nintendo characters, and red Chucks on her feet. “I did this. It was really fun. Oh...I’m Brie Larson by the way. Kind of new in town. I mean I’ve been here a few months but still learning my way around. Teaching art at the school this semester.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Camila.” Camila said, shaking her hand. “I’m going to be stepping into the art department this year actually. Taking some photography courses.”

“Oh, nice!” Brie’s eyes then fell on Peter and a spark of recognition lit up. “Don’t I know you?”

“I don’t think so?”

Brie was confused for a moment. She was sure she’d seen him before. Then when Lili returned with the box of toys it hit her hard.

“I do know you! And her too! You two are the not-couple!”

“We’re the what now?” Lili asked.

“When I first got to town back in May I would go to the park and just sketch people. I remember going up to you two and asking if you wanted to be drawn and called you a couple. You denied it and I pointed out you were holding hands and you still denied it? Ringing any bells?”

“That was you?” Lili asked, and Brie nodded in response. “Huh. Well, I’m Lili and he’s Peter and...I guess you were right because we are. Well, now we are.”

“It’s that artist’s eye,” Brie said. “Or you know...just a lucky guess.”

“I take it you’re here for the rest of your payment?” Jurnee asked.

“That’d be a big ten-four,” Brie said. Jurnee nodded and went to the videogame section of the store and Brie’s excitement reached palpable levels.

“What exactly are you getting?” Peter asked.

“A sealed, never-been-opened copy of Super Metroid.” She replied. “I LOVE Metroid. I even named my cat Samus and Super Metroid is the best of them all. I already have a loose copy and a boxed copy that I can open to look through the manual and two matching Japanese copies as counterparts. But this? Never been opened...it’s my holy grail.”

“Then it feels like I should have a chorus singing while I hand you this,” Jurnee said upon her return. And in her hand was the prize Brie had waited for, all factory-sealed and never touched by the outside world.

“Yes!” Brie said, almost jumping with joy as the box of electronic goodness was placed in her hands. “I already have the display set up for it. And since I am very bad with delaying personal gratification I’m going to say goodbye and Jurnee, you’ll be seeing me a lot.”

“I bet I will,” Jurnee said. With a quick wave and a nod of her head Brie made her exit. Jurnee then turned to Lili and her friends. “Lili just head with your friends when you’re done with the last of them even if Kiernan isn’t back. I think Anya and I can handle it until then.”

“Thanks Jurnee,” Lili said.

“No problem. In fact I’ll hit the register now.” Jurnee said her farewell and went directly to the front register.

“Well looks like you have me sooner than expected,” Lili said, giving Peter a sexy smile. Before a reply would come his phone went off.

“It’s Sabrina,” he said. “Probably something about booking the movie for a convention showing or something. I’ll be right back.” He went to a corner of the store leaving Camila and Lili alone.

“And once those two are done talking I’m going to have to throw my two cents in,” Camila said. “The adventurous life of a one-time and one-time only movie producer.”

“Sounds harrowing,” Lili joked. The blonde then took a breath. With Peter gone momentarily, she could get something off her chest to Camila. “I need to tell you something.”

“I’m listening.”

“Well, I had a dream last night,” Lili said, hanging up the remaining toys as she spoke. “A rather...explicit dream.”

“Do I need to hear this?”

“Well, I need to tell someone because of who it was about.”

“Oookay,” Cami said, intrigued. “Go on.”

“Well...by explicit I mean a sex dream.”

“I gathered.”

“And…it was about Blake…you know, Peter’s sister.” Lili looked at Cami's face ready for a look of total shock or something that was different from what she saw, which was total neutrality. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah, you had a sex dream about Blake.” Camila replied bluntly. “Join the club.”

“Wait what?”

“Lils...how do I put this....Peter and Ben have an insanely hot sister. She’s not just gorgeous, but she’s nice, polite, all of that jazz. However part of that is, well, people are going to want to fuck her. I mean once we all hit middle school they started hearing it so that by eighth grade they were kind of numb to it. Especially since everyone had at least one sex dream about Blake. Me included.”

“Yeah, but it’s different…”

“Why?” asked Camila. “Because you’re dating Peter? So did I. Let me put it this way, you planning on dumping him for a shot at Blake?”

“No! Of course not.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I had a dream where I ate out my boyfriend’s sister! That’s weird!”

“Eh,” Cami said with a shrug. “If it’s bugging you that much, tell him.”

“How do you say that to someone you’re dating Cami?”

“I dunno. Has to be better than feeling all weird about it. And I can guarantee he won’t be anything close to mad. Trust me, he knows he has a hot sister. He and Ben have resistance to pretty much anything connected to that.”

Before Lili could answer back Peter returned, giving Lili a hug and kiss on the cheek from behind.

“What was the call about babe?” Lili asked.

“Same old, same old pretty much.” He replied. “Only new detail is that I'm doing script research at the library tonight solo. Something came up for Sabrina.”

“Aww hun, I wish I could join you,” Lili said. “I’d love to keep you company but I have D&D duty tonight.”

“And I’d keep you company but...I just don’t want to,” Cami added. “I mean I got shows to binge, you understand.”

“Completely,” Peter laughed. “It’s no big thing. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“You know he doesn’t have to go alone,” said the third new voice of the day. This voice belonged to one of Jurnee’s new hires, Anya Taylor-Joy. She was certainly a fit for the store with her big brown eyes, long blonde hair and high cheekbones making her seem like she came from the Tolkien-esque realm of fantasy and the slight hint of an accent added to it.

“Peter, Cami, this is Anya,” Lili said. “She’s new and also in on the Dungeons & Dragons stuff Which means she knows it’s my night to DM. It’s on the schedule.”

“True but I’ve been positively dying to get a chance. And I’ve been keeping notes on your game so I could fill in for tonight or even start my own quest.”

“Okay, I mean I’m fine with that,” Lili said. “We can ask Jurnee when I’m back from lunch.”

“Wonderful!” Anya said. “Simply wonderful. I’m going to grab my Staff of Ancient Truth from the car just in case!” The spirited blonde ran off and Lili giggled at her enthusiasm.

“She really likes it here,” Lili said.

“Really?” Cami sarcastically asked. “Never noticed. Must be weakness from being famished. So let’s get our eat on.”


“Ohhh fuckkkkk,” Hailee moaned. While others were having lunch she was having a different kind of hunger sated. She rode Ben’s cock, eyes fluttering with every motion she made. And she was making all the motions. When she had first gotten to his apartment it was a tug of war between her and the bad boy of the Ferrano brothers for control of the sexual activities. Seconds after meeting for this planned bit of afternoon delight they were all over each other. No words. Words would imply that there was more to all of this than pure lust.

Rough embraces and savage kisses replaced syllables and sentences. First Ben’s shirt left, then Hailee’s. Then his lips went from hers to her tits, pressing the leggy brunette against the walls and sucking them before Hailee pushed him off and then pulled him by the collar to his bed. Then Ben pulled back control, getting on top of her and peeling her jeans from her long legs.

Soon all clothes were shed and Ben’s cock was deep inside of Hailee’s luxurious pussy and both were off to the races. It was hard, fast and just what they wanted from each other. There was also a thrill they could only get from each other, and while Ben was perhaps a little oblivious about it Hailee was not. She got a huge thrill from fucking the brother of her ex. There were the differences of course. Ben was far more rough around the edges. There was far less tenderness than what she had experienced with Peter. However, considering the first time she and Ben had fucked she took his cock up her ass behind the porn store where she used to work, tenderness wasn’t really what she was looking for from Ben. Instead she got nothing but pure, concentrated lust...and a bit of the thrill of revenge. She might not have been proud of that aspect of it all but Hailee was too self-aware to not know it was there.

However as she rode his cock that concern was the furthest thing from her mind as pleasure was taking up that real estate. And with the control now squarely with her Hailee was going to optimize it. With serpentine movements she used his prick for pleasure, moans escaping through full and smiling lips.

Everything was a sweet burn right now. Her body glistened with sweat, her long brown locks matting to her body. That same body was poetry in motion. Every breath in, every last shiver and jolt of ever pleasure to powerful to be ignored was a visual treat for Ben to go along with the tactile sensations Hailee was providing. With treatment like this he was more than comfortable letting the lithe beauty keep the control she’d taken. After all, the only thing he had to do was lay back, relax, grab Hailee’s perfect ass and let her do all the work.

Since Hailee was doing all the work at the moment it was all up to her how to do it and in her summation it was time to speed up this ride. With Ben’s hands gripping her ass tight, Hailee leaned back, her hands grabbing his knees to brace herself even better.

“Oh god damn!” Ben exclaimed. His muscles tensed up as Hailee’s pussy slammed hard and fast on his cock, the rapid rhythmic movements a typhoon of tantalizing sensations on his prick. Her warm, tight cunt savagely milked him, daring him to wrest control back from the brunette beauty. However, that wasn’t going to happen just yet. Ben was enjoying himself far too much to let it go so soon.

“Mmmm say that again,” Hailee growled. “Say how this pussy makes you feel!” There was a grin on her face as she said this, one tinged with lust and madness. While she didn’t work at the porn store anymore, she was still a frequent visitor alongside Margot. And that had unleashed a new side of her that kept finding its way out and made her much more verbal than she had been before. “Say it!”

“God damn…damn it’s so damn good baby!” said Ben, giving Hailee’s ass a hard smack as an exclamation point. “Keep...keep going...ride that dick...fucking ride it…”

Hear those words gave Hailee a jolt, giggling as she stopped her rapid ride just to grind into his cock. The look on her face made the entire sight.even more intoxicating cocktail. A soft upturn at the corner of her lips, her tongue snaking out ever so slightly. While he was still drinking in that and the sinfully delicious feel of her pussy milking his cock, Ben decided he wanted another shot.

“Oh!” Hailee yelped as she was rolled on to her back. But that was just the first of Ben’s actions. He withdrew from her pussy, a task of immense willpower. It was of course for the greater good as he guided Hailee onto all fours. Once the position was assumed, Ben’s cock returned to the waiting warmth of Hailee’s pussy.

“That’s right,” She said, her voice right on the border of a whisper. “Mmmm, fuck me Ben…fuck me…” Actions followed Hailee’s words as she began to push back against her secret lover, trying to jumpstart him into scratching her itch.

The jumpstart worked like a charm. Ben grasped Hailee by the hips and began to thrust in her, deep and hard. The lust-lost brunette choked on her moans, gripping the sheets tight as Ben drove into her. “Fuck me! FUCK ME!” The words fell from her mouth like a chant and every word was summoning the ultimate pleasure.

Ben was of course doing his part. Slow, deep and hard thrusts, fast and shallow, all of them keeping Hailee on her toes and those toes curled in pleasure. Her mouth hung open, grunts and groans tumbling from her lips with every rhythmic pump Ben made inside of her. Groans turned to howls when he began to play with her clit. And those howls were the sign of Hailee’s mind being lit afire. She was so close. And if she was close Ben sure as hell was. That meant it was time to push him. Push him to push her until they both got that last blissful moment.

“Come on...come on Ben…you can do better...really fuck me….make me cum!” She pressed her left hand on the wall before her and pushed back, meeting him thrust for thrust in a lewd collision of flesh. “Give it to me! Just like that...right there…YESSSS!”

Ben may have been the one in the control position but he took every direction Hailee was given him. At this point he’d figured out that always led to a very happy ending. He pushed Haille down prone and gave her everything he had and from the joyous squeals escaping her mouth she was pleased.

“Deep,” croaked Hailee. “Fuck…so fucking deep…mmmmm don’t stop…don’t stop…nnnnnnn-YESSSSSSS CUMMING!!!!” The leggy brunette shivered, eyes wide open as waves of pleasure crashed all over her body. Every new thrust made drove her to new heights, and those new heights began to take their toll on what was left of Ben’s stamina.

“Hailee…shit...shit...g-gonna...gonna shoot…” Ben said, his thrusts becoming more rapid and chaotic.

“Face!” Hailee said. “I want it all over my face!”

He grunted a confirmation and pulled out of Hailee’s sopping cunt while she rolled onto her back. He straddled her chest and pumped his cock a few times before he exploded ropes of cum all over Hailee’s face, her mouth open and tongue out. He gasped and groaned with every volley while the beauty gladly took each splat, licking around her lips as the tap ran dry before outright leaning up to suck any last drips from his dick before Ben was totally spent.

With the well dry he fell over on the bed and Hailee picked up her clothes and went to the bathroom to clean up what her tongue had missed. It wasn’t being rude, not in her mind. One of the many way Ben was different from Peter was he wasn’t much of a talker post-sex. Or at all really. Which suited her fine for what this was between her and him.

Once she was redressed and out the door it looked as though Ben’s senses had returned to him, as now he was sitting up in his bed, seemingly waiting for her to emerge.

“Ready for round two?”

“Not particularly.” Hailee replied. “No offense. That was great but I have a lunch date then I have to do a quick little meeting on campus then I have work.”

“A lunch date? Should I be jealous?” The shit eating grin told Hailee he was joking, but still she had to make things clear.

“Not really, because we don’t do anything but fuck.” She put it bluntly as it was the only thing that seemed to really get through to him. “Which is what we agreed this was. You’re a fun time Ben but I am not looking for a boyfriend and something tells me with you it might be more trouble than it’s worth. No offense.”

“None taken,” he said. “I mean you aren’t wrong. But I hope you don’t mind me asking when we can do this again.”

“I don’t know,” she said, sitting down on his couch to pull on her boots. “You call me, I’ll call you. How we always do it.” With that she got up, grabbed her bag and walked out the door with a wave goodbye.

Ben snickered a bit. He never would have guessed this from the few interactions he’d had with Hailee while she was dating his brother. Though he was starting to see what Peter had seen in her. Hailee was rather addictive and he couldn’t wait for his next hit.


One of the traditions Jennifer Lopez had picked up during her time at the school was her annual lunch with a few fellow instructors at the school a week before the semester started. It was a small group and one that some might see as unlikely but somehow, they clicked. It just made sense, to them at least.

They had their usual corner booth at the Whiskey Casket, this group made up of Jennifer Lopez, Kelly Brook and Gal Gadot. To the people who knew them it was an odd trio. They worked in very different departments; Kelly teaching photography, Jennifer taught dance and Gal was a professor of mythology. On the surface, it seemed these three women had nothing in common. However, there was a common thread between them; they all enjoyed fucking the males that comprised the student bodies.

It wasn’t all they had and they were always careful never to take a dip into their own student pool, with the exception of Kelly of course. She didn’t see the use in putting even a fraction of the available stallions in the stable.

“I must say, it’s always such a lovely time of year when the new crop comes rolling in,”
 Kelly said, her eyes taking in the fresh meat among some old favorites. “Looks to be a rather stimulating semester ladies.”

“Look at her,” said Gal. “We haven’t even had our orders taken yet and she’s already thirsting for dessert.”

“Sweetie darling, don’t blame a girl for having a healthy appetite. Besides, it pays to stay on top of matters...though there is something to be said about being bent over…”

“Good lord I’m surprised that even twenty-somethings can keep up with you,” said Jennifer. “I think you put the old art professor in the hospital for dehydration.”

“That’s simply just not true,” Kelly said with mock offense. “He threw his back out. My word Jennifer if you’re going to gossip to my face and at least be accurate.”

“My mistake.” Jennifer replied, returning Kelly's wry smile. “Still thought, maybe it wouldn’t be too outrageous to wait until at least the first week is over instead of licking your chops before the first second.”

“What can I say?” Kelly asked with a playful shrug. “It’s like going to the market...hard to resist all the samples before you decide on a purchase.”

“You never stop sampling Kelly,” Gal said.

“Guilty,” the buxom Brit cheekily admitted. “I mean it’s barely even a hunt when they offer it up so freely. But then again with us, what red-blooded male wouldn’t? Especially with such an abundance now that Love went on the straight and narrow monogamous route.”

“And you know what?” Jennifer asked. “Good for her. If she and Deveraux want to give that romance a second shot, more power to them. Wish we all could get a redo like that. Maybe not with my ex-husband but there are some contenders that deserve a second crack.”

“The past is the past,” Kelly said. “I’m sure Gal would agree with me on that.”

“To a point.” Gal confirmed. “Still, reminiscing isn’t all together that bad. What could have been doesn’t have to be full of regret.”

“Strictly straight-forward for me ladies,” Kelly said. “No time to mope over absent mates or excellent cock no longer available. I’m looking forward to more undiscovered countries.” As that sentence ended Kelly’s eyes fell upon uncharted land.

He was bussing a nearby table, cleaning it with a rag. While from her view he wasn’t a granite sculpture of pure muscle, he was certainly fit. Most likely a swimmer or runner. That meant stamina and it brought a smile to the busty bombshell’s face. The tattoos on his dark chocolate skin were also a wonderful touch. It may have been cliché in this day and age but she liked the small hint of rebellion tattoos were identified with.

“If you’ll excuse me ladies, I have to go and conquer an undiscovered country.” Kelly excused herself and went on the prowl.

“And history repeats,” Gal said. “No judgment either but restraint and Kelly Brook just do not go hand in hand.”

“Not necessarily a bad thing,” Jennifer said, her mind going back to a few times in the past when she and Kelly had a night of sharing. After that, it was time for a subject change. “You hear anything about the new owner?”

“Just that she’s the former silent partner.” Gal replied. “With Love taking the silent position she’s going to be a bit more upfront. That’s all I really know though.”

As Gal and Jennifer continued their conversation, Kelly locked on to her target. He’d moved to another table, a booth this time. He was on one side, scrubbing it up and she slid in to the next, leaning over the moment she was in and giving him an avalanche of cleavage to look at when she caught his attention.

“Excuse me,” Kelly said. The lad turned his head and the moment his eyes met hers they immediately went down to Kelly’s heaving tits then back up again. That made Kelly smile. She did so love it when her attributes worked so quickly.

“Uh, y-yes,” the bus boy said with a slight gulp. “How can I help you?”

“I have a question.” Kelly licked her lips and gave him a smile so hot it could fry an egg. “It’s simple really. There’s only one answer. When is your break, sweetie?”

“Well I just started and--

“Tut tut tut,” Kelly said, shaking her head. “That’s incorrect. The correct answer is right now. And I think I have a couple obvious reasons right in front of your eyes that tell you I’m right.” She leaned over the table, her lips millimeters away from his. She extended her tongue slightly, licking his lips. “And so many more reasons that you only get to see if you follow me. Understood?”

He nodded, set things down at this station and followed Kelly. Long before Love took her little honeymoon sabbatical she and Kelly had shared enough good times for the beautiful brunette to get herself a set of keys. Not a full set, but just a few select ones, the ones that would unlock the big event rooms Love had set aside for big nights and private parties. Kelly was such a good time for Love she got herself a permanent private party pass and the bus boy was on the VIP list.

The room was empty. Kelly figured as much. The room was very much still with nothing but the most basic of cleaning done in it recently. That meant most likely there wouldn’t even be a knock on the door. Kelly locked the door behind the lucky lady then walked ahead of him, spinning around to face him with just force to make the skirt of her floral dress float up to give him a peak of her red satin panties.

“You certainly are a handsome lad, aren’t you?” she asked, looking him over. “Do you have a name or is lad good enough?”

“Casey.” He replied.

“Excellent. I’m Kelly.”  She confidently strode over to him, backing Casey against the locked door. “Very nice to meet you. And with those pleasantries out of the way, shall we get to the good part?” He nodded. “Wonderful.”

Casey was still in a state of confusion despite his agreement, though that soon faded when Kelly dropped to her knees, taking his jeans down with him. He gasped when her hands took a delicate grip of his cock, sweetly pumping and fondling the hardening dark meat missile.

“Very nice Casey,” Kelly said. “Do you get many compliments on your cock?”

“Well...not really…”

“Pity that...I quite like it. Just the right size to be very versatile.” Kelly followed that up by extending the tongue and giving the bulbous head of his bishop a long lick, circling it with her tongue and making him meekly moan. The lick led to a series of kisses from tip to base and back again, getting herself very personal with Casey’s joy division. She could tell he was getting resigned to the slow pace...which meant it was going to be so much fun when Kelly turned things up to her preferred pace.

“Oh holy cow!” Casey said as the pace went from one to eleven in an instant. His eyes shout tights as Kelly hungrily slobbered on his scepter, her sloppy and frothy blowjob lighting his brain up like the Las Vegas strip. When he finally garnered the willpower to force his eyelids open, he looked down at Kelly and it was a sight almost as sensational as the feeling her mouth was bringing to his cock. Her skill was off the charts. Despite the furious speed she was going there was so much detail in the damage being done to his stamina. All that topped off with her brown eyes staring him out, almost daring him to pop in her mouth. He didn’t though, but he decided to make things a bit more difficult for himself by holding Kelly's hair back to get a better view of her bombastic blowjob.

Hearing his content moans and feeling his fingers grasping her hair sent the loveliest little shivers up Kelly’s spine. She loved the sound of a man getting off because of her. The sound, the pitch and knowing it was all because of her. And while Casey was probably thinking it couldn’t be better, Kelly was more than ready to show him how wrong he was.

Kelly pulled off his cock, a strand of saliva connecting the tip to her lips for the briefest of moments before snapping. The voluptuous vixen looked up at his bewildered face, her wicked smile disarming the unarmed Casey even more.

His eyes were already wide from watching her suck his cock and his mouth got just as wide when Kelly pushed down the top of her dress, releasing her huge, luscious tits to the air.

“Good huh?” Kelly said, and once more all Casey could manage was a nod. Kelly giggled. “Stunned into silence. Always a good sign. Let’s see what else I can do, shall we? Let’s see if I can just melt what's left of your precious little brain...fuck my titties. That’s a demand, not a request by the way.”

“Oh...yeah,” he said, squatting down just enough to be level with her beyond ample cleavage and slid his spit-soaked cock between the valley of wonders that existed between her titanic tits. “H-holy shit.”

“Mmmm feels so good doesn’t sweetie?” Kelly asked, squeezing her boobs around his prong. “These nice fat titties hugging that dick so tight. It’s a little slice of heaven….and if you can last long enough you’ll get to dive head first into paradise.”

“Ohhhh shit,” Casey moaned, starting to thrust. His tone and the way it cracked made Kelly laugh.

“Yes...feels so good having that hard dick right there...fucking these fat tits...mmmm don’t stop...but don’t cum baby...if you can manage of course…”

Casey took that challenge, placing his hands atop of Kelly’s and pressing her tits tighter together around his pole. Sweat began beading down his body as his saliva-slathered cocks slid rapidly between the heaven that existed in that cleavage. He knew opportunities like this didn’t come along often, if ever, and he was going to relish every last moment of it. And of course, Kelly had some aural encouragement to provide in addition to the visual treat of his mahogany staff plunging between her tits.

“Mmm I fucking love how a cock feels fucking these titties,” she said through a cheshire grin. “Makes me so fucking wet...seeing that mushroom cap pop out with every thrust...hearing you, seeinghow good it feels on your face...makes me so damn hot…”

“Ohh holy shit…holy fucking shit,” Casey moaned, his voice desperate which made Kelly laugh.

“Oooh, such a mouth on you,” she teased. “Still, good to know you’re having a good time. How about we make it even better?”

Kelly released her tits and stood up. She walked to a nearby table and turned to face Casey, waiting for his next opening. Kelly was only too happy to provide it. She hiked up the skirt of her dress and pulled down those red satin panties, now absolutely sopping wet with arousal. She set them aside then crooked her finger “come hither” towards Casey. He did with a speed and grace that belied the clumsiness that usually came with having your pants and underwear bunched up around your ankles.

Casey was stunned motionless for a second, being so up front with such a full and luscious body and a gorgeous face giving him the most seductive “fuck me” stare he’d ever experienced. That was only for a moment, much to Kelly’s pleasure. She was a teacher by profession and while it could be fun sometimes to lead a man around to hit all the right spots, more often than not she preferred her one on one encounters to be a bit more forward.

His hands went to her tits, the fleshy mounds over flowing in his grip and his mouth went to hers, kissing her deeply and hungrily. Their tongues wrestled like wild animals while Kelly’s hands decided to get as busy as both of Casey’s. She reached down between them and grasped his rod, pumping him and keeping it primed. He was ready for action. Ready, but however there was a destination he wanted to hit first. It was predictable to be sure, but that didn’t mean Kelly didn’t understand. She knew her tits were magnificent and it would just be flat out odd if Casey didn’t go for a taste.

“Mmmmm there we go sweetie,” she said as he dove in. His kisses to her tits were very similar to what he gave to her lips. Hungry and animalistic, his lips and tongue slathered her globes while his hands still pawed and squeezed. His tongue painted a trail to her right nipple where his lips made a seal as he began to suck and nibble. As his teeth began to tug on them, gleeful laughs escaped her smiling face and her hand stroked him faster. It was only a matter of time before he was inside of her with the only question being who would make that move, her or him?

Casey answered that question when he suddenly pulled himself away from her tits, spun her around and bent Kelly over the table.

“Mmmmmm just what I wanted,” Kelly purred. Then she gazed at him over her shoulder. “Well...almost at least...fuck me.”

“Fuuuuckkk,” Casey groaned in unison with Kelly as he entered her. His grip on her hips was tight as he entered her.

“Yessssss,” she hissed. “Fill that fucking pussy up Casey...it’s all your...fucking use it like that…mmmm…”

Though Kelly wasn’t a singer by any means that was music to Casey’s ears and a VIP pass to give in to what his body desired. Still holding her round hips with a white knuckle grip he began to slam into Kelly with wild abandon, Deep, hard, impactful thrusts rocked the curvy Brit, lighting up her body like the sky on the Fourth of July.

“Fuck yes...fuck that cunt...fuck it just that...FUCK!” Kelly's voice was guttural, a sneer on her face as Casey fucked her so hard the table she was on moved forward inch-by inch with every thrust. She howled with delight when he released his grip with one hand only to deliver a loud *SMACK* to her bum. He was hypnotized at how the flesh of her rump moved with that impact and every pulsing movement he made inside of her.

“Fuck...oh holy shit I can’t fucking believe this,” Casey said. “Holy shit.” He grabbed both of Kelly's arms and put them behind her, binding her wrists with his grip and pulling her back to meet his every thrust.

“Yes…FUCK that’s bloody spirit!” Kelly said. “Mmmm I love it when a man REALLY knows how to fuck me right…and you are...with that lovely cock of yours...so DON’T...FUCKING...STOP! Make me cum on that rod! Use me till I cum and FUCK ME HARDER!”

Of all the orders Casey had taken in his life, that one was the easiest to follow. He slammed harder and faster into Kelly, the filth she spoke burning into him even hotter because of her accent. He pulled Kelly up by her arms until her back was to his chest then released them only to grab those massive tits and squeeze them tight as he gave her every last bit he had in him.

“Mmmm that’s fucking good...just how I like it baby...make me cum...right on that filthy fucking prick…” Kelly’s sinful voice asked and Casey’s dick delivered, jackhammering her cunt right into a perfect lunch-time orgasm. “Ahhhhh YES!!!” Kelly moaned, her body tensing as she came while her pussy was continually pounded, making flashes of neon pleasure happen under her shut-tight eyes.

The delightful constricting of Kelly’s cunt did the final work on Casey. He pulled out of Kelly and spun her to face him. “Lay on the table,” he said. “I’m gonna cum on your titties.”

“Of course,” she said. “Only too happy.” Kelly laid back on the table and Casey kicked off his pants and climbed on with her, straddling her and placing his cock back between her massive mammaries. Once more their hands met at her tits, squeezing them together around his thrusting, pulsing member.

“Fucking glaze them,” Kelly demanded of Casey. “Fuck these tits until you drain those big, full balls all over me. Every. Last. Fucking. Drop. Understand?”

All Caey could do was groan in agreement, which was enough for Kelly. It was something she loved watching; a man on the verge of orgasm. It was the most fun part of getting tit-fucked. She was part of the show and a spectator. She got to add to it all, sucking on the head every so often when it popped out from between her cleavage. It was only a matter of time now and she wanted him teetering on the edge until that very last stroke.

“FuuuUUUUCKKK!” Casey said, his voice waning as his hot white cum shot out like a cannon from the tip of his throbbing midnight member, the first streams hitting a very happy Kelly’s face as the rest coated her neck and tits, the last driblets pooling there as well.

“Mmmm felt good, didn’t it?” Kelly asked. She looked at him as she licked up the cum, lifting her tits up and getting what she could before picking up the rest with her fingers.

On wobbly legs Casey climbed off of Kelly and the table, sitting on one of the chairs nearby as Kelly got to her feet. She gave him a grin then looked to the table to see some stray shots of cum that missed her and landed on the table.

“Well, I can't send you back to work having made such a mess, can I?” She playfully asked. Then Kelly bent over and licked the cum from the table, slurping it up with a loud and proud “Mmmmmm.” and licking her lips when she was done. “That was simply delightful Casey. However, I think your break is over. But before you pull up those pants, take this.” Kelly grabbed a pencil from a nearby table and a piece of paper from a karaoke request list to write down her number. “Give me a ring when you clock out. Until then, how about you be a dear and go get someone to take my table’s order?”


“This is the best lunch I’ve had in the last few weeks,” Walt said. And for him it was very much the truth. Though he’d only known Hailee for about a month and a half he’d found any time he got to spend with her tended to be the best parts of whatever day it happened to be. And it wasn’t just because of the sex they’d sometimes have. Everything about her lit up the room. Her smile, her laugh, her cheesy jokes. The only negative was her hesitation to actually make the jump into dating him.

However not even that could put a damper on lunch with her with Hailee sitting directly in front of him in his favorite Chinese restaurant. A plate of Singapore noodles in front of him and the radiant lady across from him. Once more a day had hit the high point.

“You know after sampling this stir fry I can’t help but agree,” said Hailee, taking one of the plump prawns into her mouth from a pair of chopsticks. “Though the company helps of course.”

That made Walt feel good, just the slightest bit of confirmation they shared some kind of the same feelings.

“Ready for classes to start up?” He asked. “Not too long now.”

“Tell me about it,” she said. “I mean, I guess I’m as prepared as you ever can be. I have the books, memorized my schedule and actually have classes to look forward to beyond the required courses. Thanks by the way for taking a couple art classes with me.”

“There are worse ways to spend Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons.” That got a sweet smile from Hailee and the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks. “What else are you taking?”

“Usual load. Math, a history course, the basics. A new acting class and a dance course too.” As she spoke Hailee played with her food, thinking about how she owed Selena for letting her know what classes Peter and Lili were taking to improve her chances of avoiding them both completely. “Last math class I have to take for my degree so that’s a positive attached to a negative.”

“Well if you need more positives to look forward to, my band is doing another show this weekend. Last one before everyone goes back to the grind. Interested?”

“Of course,” she said instantly, with that magnetic smile on her face. “When and where?”

“Saturday, at the indoor skatepark,” he replied. “Doors open at 7 but we’ll be there at like 5:30 if you want to come early too.”

“Is this a friendly invite or do you guys just want a free roadie?”

“Friendly. But to be fair most of our friends end up volunteering regardless.”

“Yeah, sure…’volunteering’,” she teased. “Well, since you were so honest about it I guess I’ll be there early.”

“Great,” he said. “And keeping on our schedules…you want to come to practice after lunch?”

“I’d love to but I have to meet a friend on campus,” Hailee said. “But I promise I will be there for the show.”

“Well, looks like I have a lot more to look forward to this week,” said Walt.

“You and me both,” Hailee agreed, taking another bite of her food.


“I…I just can’t believe it,” Madelaine said. She was flustered, stunned from the phone call she’d just gotten from her boss, Elisha. She was sitting at her kitchen table, her boyfriend Jesse leaning against the fridge. “I mean…shocked.”

“You know for someone who just got an ungodly praiseful employee review you’re taking it like someone just torched your car,” he said, trying to read the redhead.

“It’s just…I’m not used to this kind of praise…trying to process it.” It wasn’t as if Madelaine wasn’t used to praise. Jesse was a big booster of her and she’d learned to take that positivity without any doubt. She loved him and trusted him and he wasn’t going to bullshit her.

With strangers she had a harder time thinking they weren’t trying to pull something on her. Despite being her boss, Madelaine didn’t know Elisha well enough for her suspicions she tended to hold against everyone she didn’t know to just fade away on their own.

Fortunately though the pessimistic beauty also had logic, and her logic was screaming at her that Elisha would have nothing to gain from trying to prop her up with false praise and a raise only four months into the job. Instead, it was more likely she was simply being thanked for being a huge part of Sauce’s success. Once logic began to counter her anxiety, a feeling of elation came over to her. Elation like she felt when she got the job and the first person she needed to tell was Jesse. Like how she rushed to his apartment right afterward.

The memory of the rest of that wonderful day came back to her when she felt his hand touch her shoulder reassuringly. It got even more radiant when she looked up at him and he asked  “How can I help?” And while she was far from crisis mode she could think of one way he could help her, and that was in celebrating her raise.

Jesse was surprised when Madelaine shot up from the kitchen chair and kissed him, pushing him back into her kitchen sink. Surprise soon faded as he got in the same rhythm as Madelaine, kissing and licking her lips, his hands roaming her tight body just as hers were roaming over his. Turning them around, Madelaine was now backed into the sink. His lips left hers and went down her neck, Madelaine holding his head there as he lovingly kissed her flesh. Jesse’s hands went to his lady’s skirt, pulling it up to grab the hem of her underwear. He pulled them down and Madelaine stepped out of them in quick fashion.

Madelaine’s hands left Jesse’s hand and moved to his crotch. Grasping his bulge through his gym shorts, she pulled them down, taking care of them just as he had her underwear. She looked up at him, licking her lips before kissing him just as Jesse gripped her perfectly peachy backside and lifted her up onto the lip of the sink.

“Ohhh Jesse!” Madelaine groaned as his throbbing member entered her sopping cunt. Jesse was in her to the hilt, the perfect fit always making them both feel electric. As his cock savored her sweet slit, Madelaine pulled off her shirt and let her perky tits hit the free air. She laughed a bit as Jesse licked his lips while looking from her beautiful brown eyes down to her puffy pink nipples. The laugh turned into a soft moan when he began to squeeze and play with her tits, bringing his mouth down to them. Flicking his tongue against her right nipple before sucking on it, he began to pump inside of Madelaine.

“Oh god…right there…mmmm,” Madelaine moaned, closing her eyes as she savored her lover’s touch. His tongue circled as he sucked on her nipple, his hands running over every inch of her pale body and his cock hitting every sweet spot deep inside of her. Whether they had an afternoon together in bed or a fifteen minute quickie Jesse always got her off like no one else.

Madelaine’s stupendous stems were wrapped around her man’s waist, heels digging into his ass as he sped up the thrusting. Moans and groans escaped their lips when they weren’t muffled by liplocks. Reaching behind and bracing herself against the sink, she instinctively grabbing the knobs as Jesse fucked her harder.

“More baby more more more…” Madelaine groaned, leaning her head back. “Don’t stop…fuck me...make me cum…cum in me…please…baby just like that…oh fuck I love you!”

Jesse brought his face to her flushed one. Madelaine was breathing deep, the faintest hint of a smile on her open lips. He brushed a few stray strands of her fiery hair from her face before putting his forehead against yours.

“Love you too,” he grunted as he pumped her pussy a bit slower now. “Gonna make you cum…cum for me…” Jesse kissed her softly, Madelaine softly whining. He was so very deep in her now, but she wanted that speed back…but she loved the slower touch. The sweet, tender caresses. She wanted it hot and sweet and everything else she and Jesse shared.

“Do it,” she said in a dreamy voice. “I want it…mmmm I want it like only you can give me baby…” They kissed again and his pace slowly began to build up. Madelaine broke the kiss, moaning his name out so loud there was no way the neighbors didn’t hear. She didn’t care.

Her grip on the sink knobs got so tight she turned them, water rocketing from the spout and splashing against the stainless steel sink and ricocheting on her round ass. They both were knocking on heaven’s door now, so close to blissful release. Madelaine was completely lost in pleasure, any anxiety long since faded away as her body gave in to what she and Jesse both desperately wanted. So lost in the moment was she that the orgasm almost snuck up on her, breathing growing shallower and legs constrictor-tight around Jesse’s waist. With a silent scream Madelaine came, her muscles seeming to tense and relax at the exact same time.

Basking in all of it, a kaleidoscope explosion in her mind that only got better when she felt Jesse finally explode within her, his hot white cum painting her cunt with lustful love while he breathed her name into her ear, “Madelaine.” The hot breath gave her goosebumps goosebumps.

They were still for a few moments before they began to tenderly and sloppily kiss.

“So,” Jesse said, caressing her cheek. “Did I help?”


When prepping for a meeting, Scarlett Johansson always had a few tricks up her sleeve that she found helped her beforehand. Of course there was dressing appropriately. She was full on boss mode today in an all black number, complete with a jacket. She still wore a skirt, knee length. The buxom blonde didn’t have an issue with pantsuits however in one on one meetings she always thought they made her look like she was desperate to be taken more seriously. The traditional skirt ensemble didn’t have this Achilles heel for her.

Her hair was up, though it was up most days in the office. She just liked how it looked. Comfort was key. The last bit which was more for show than anything were the glasses. She wasn’t wearing them just for the look, it might have been a low-prescription but she still needed them at times, but she did go with frames which fit the mood; stern, black rimmed frames. It was a small cosmetic touch to a required item that added to the mood that she was in charge. Even when interviewing someone for a position, the Alpha needed to be made clear.

Some might consider such a level of preparation a bit heavy-handed. Those were the same people who did not get as high up as Scarlett had at so young an age or done the things she was willing to do just to survive. Nothing she was ashamed of but she knew what others would think if they knew she paid her way through college by working at the campus’ secret brothel. No one talked about it, everyone knew about it and it was accepted because it was on the hush hush, especially after Bella Thorne’s recent departure. Scarlett was years removed from that life but she still had connections as the university’s dean. She had to. No shame involved either. Not for her or the women who chose it.

Still, it made her both tough and expert at reading people and knowing how to shift any conversation in her favor. It also made her a rather voracious sexual beast but that most likely wasn’t going to be a factor when interviewing Florence Pugh.

With Professor Jones’ extended leave of absence, Scarlett had need of someone to fill in for his professorial duties. Her boyfriend Chris had suggested Florence Pugh, which had surprised Scarlett in a few ways. Chief among those ways was her youth; Florence herself was still a grad student. Chris had met her while he was curating an exhibit at the British Museum, assuming she was a student. He was just as surprised as Scarlett had been upon finding out that while she was indeed a student, she was also an instructor teaching undergraduate courses in history at Oxford. The twenty-six year-old even had a few articles and research papers published on her specialty, ancient Rome.

It was quite a resume and also a great opportunity for both Scarlett and Florence. For Scarlett to get such a white-hot academic star onto her staff, even if only temporarily, it would look amazing on Florence’s resume to fill in for a professor of Henry Jones’ reputation. It would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. But first, the interview.

It was a formality to a degree. Scarlett had already pretty much decided that Florence had the job but still, this was a necessary test. How the ingenue acted under pressure was something she needed to see. Teaching on this level at one of the most prestigious universities in the United States was not something for just anyone and despite Florence’s experience and references, a test was needed. She was no different than any other potential hire for Scarlett.

Scarlett looked at her desk clock. 12:56 PM. Florence would be here in four minutes, or she should have been at least. That was, of course, her first test. A minor but important one. Just as the time changed to 12:57 Scarlett’s phone rang and from the flashing button she could see it was her secretary Margot Robbie.

“Yes Margot?” Scarlett asked, pressing the speakerphone button.

“Two things,” Margot replied. “One: your one o’clock is here. Two: Unless you need something else I’ll be taking my lunch now. Is that all right?”

“Sure thing Margot, just see Ms. Pugh in.” No sooner was the call ended than the door opened and in walked Florence and judging by her own clothing she had the same idea as Scarlett, which the dean saw as a good sign, alongside the rather chic briefcase being carried in.

Once Florence was shown in and Margot showed herself out, the meeting officially began. Scarlett offered Florence a seat and took her own behind her desk. “So nice to finally meet you in person Ms. Pugh,” Scarlett said with a friendly but professional smile. “I hope you’ve found our college town friendly.”

“Very,” Florence said. “I haven’t had the most time to familiarize myself with the local attractions but what I’ve experienced, I’ve enjoyed. The local cuisine is especially mouth-watering. But there was rather important work to be done so sight-seeing simply had to be delayed.”

“And that work?”

“Well I’m sure Christopher told you I’m rather diligent when it comes to work preparation,” Florence said, placing her briefcase on the empty chair next to her and opening it up. “I read the notes you sent concerning Dr. Jones’ usual lesson plans and drew up some of my own.” Florence took out a large folder and placed it on Scarlett’s desk along with a thumb drive. “Hard copy and a PowerPoint for convenience.”

“Very thorough,” Scarlett said. “You’re going to fit in rather nicely around here.”

“Well, nothing I like more than a perfect fit,” Florence said with a cheeky smirk.


While Scarlett and Florence had their professional meeting Margot was busy with her lunch break. On the menu? Hailee Steinfeld, and by the time Margot got to her private “office” in the area underneath the student union the snack herself had been delivered.

No sooner had the door been slammed than the two new friends were getting extra close. It was far from the first time they’d gotten so wonderfully intimate, whether it be just the two of them or if a cock or three joined them. What Margot liked most, hell, LOVED most was how eager Hailee was, almost like she had something to prove. It reminded the Aussie of herself from just a short time ago. Fortunately for them both, Margot’s fire for desire had yet to fade so Hailee got back everything she gave in droves.

Every kiss shared between the two was setting like the sun on the Sahara desert and Hailee’s passion led the younger woman to take charge. In mere minutes Margot was on the shag rug she’d brought to her room, Hailee’s hands and lips all over her.

Heavy breathing and heavier moaning escaped Margot’s lips when they weren’t sealed with Hailee’s. The brunette was all over the sun-kissed blonde. From lips to neck and back again Hailee was wild with lust. Soon though those full lips began to travel down Margot’s neck.

Hailee’s mouth was doing the heavy lifting so far however the work wasn’t solo. While her lips tasted the tan Aussie her hands were busy deftly unbuttoning her dark black blouse and revealing her bare tits as gravity did the rest of the job in letting the blouse fall to the sides of Margot.

With the blonde’s bosom exposed, Hailee shifted her attention further south, but now taking a bit more time. She traced absentmindedly with her tongue, random shapes ended intermittently with kisses until she finally descended on Margot’s aroused nipples. The left one was first up and Hailee lovingly suckled on it, circling it with her tongue before biting down with just the perfect amount of pressure to pull on the sensitive skin and make Margot writhe.

“Fuck!” The secretary screamed. “Mmmm just like that Hailee…bite it…oh fucking bite it…”

Hailee did so, jumping to the right nipple and biting just a smidge harder and making Margot’s toes curl in her black pumps. Every muscle tensed under Hailee’s handiwork. The tender touch of her tongue and the roughness of the tugs on her nipples sent goose pimples all over Margot’s tan skin.

Hailee’s southern trip continued, playing with Margot’s navel briefly with her tongue before rising up just enough to pull the knee-length skirt from Margot’s legs, leaving her just in stocking and panties, though the black lace underwear soon went the way of the skirt. With all that unwrapping Hailee finally saw the gift beneath; Margot’s perfectly shaven pussy in all its mouthwatering glory. Though the temptation to dive right into the tasty snack before her was there, Hailee decided for some appetizers first.

The leggy brunette laid on her stomach, head in Margot’s crotch with the blonde’s stocking-clad thighs on either side of her. Hailee scooted closer, letting those thighs rest lightly against her shoulders. Margot squirmed as a hint of Hailee’s hot breath hit her wet pussy lips. The heat just got hotter the closer Hailee got, her fingers dancing and teasing Margot’s legs from calves to thighs before resting her hands at her hips and letting her lips do more work, kissing those tone thighs.

“Mmmm yessss,”  Margot groaned. Hailee hadn’t even really started yet and Margot was all too happy to yield to her. Tender kisses where skin met black lace began it with soft touches to the blonde’s hips and ass. Kiss by kiss, moment by moment Hailee got closer to the honey pot and those moments felt like forever as Margot shivered in antici…..pation.

“Say it,” Hailee said, her tone bubbly which somehow made it even more sinful.

“Say what?” Asked Margot.

“Say what you want me to do. Just to make sure I understand.” The sexy, almost cocky smile and sparkle in Hailee’s brown eyes delivered the message first class to Margot.

“Eat…eat my pussy…taste me…”

“Is that all?” Hailee mischievously asked. Her focus went to Margot’s beautiful bald and glistening cunt. She moved her left hand towards her clit while the right was still on her hip delivering soft and sweet touches.

The gentle caress of her right hand was slowly becoming a counterpoint to the deeds of the left. It started out slowly, Hailee’s index finger working Margot’s clit like she was winding a watch. Slowly her index finger circled Margot’s button, drawing out a long and slow moan from the bombshell’s mouth. Clockwise first, then counter clockwise. Playing with Margot, she simply watched the kindling start to spark. However, sparks led to flames and the fire was long overdue.

“Oh Hailee, YES!” The fire ignited as Hailee’s mouth took over the attention to Margot’s clit. The delicate dance of her digits was replaced with a much more intense oral attack. Licking and sucking Margot’s aroused clit, Hailee hungered for a taste of Australian essence. Her tongue moved with the seemingly random grace of an artist’s paintbrush. With her tongue she was painting a Renaissance masterpiece of pleasure while in Margot’s brain she saw a dayglo, technicolor Jackson Pollock when she closed her eyes.

Margot’s body began to act of its own free will, giving in to what she wanted but couldn’t direct it to do. She writhed on the floor, arching her back and grinding her pussy in Hailee’’s hungry face. When her voice couldn’t plead any more he body did the begging, begging for Hailee to make her cum.

Hailee was well on her way to it with her fingers plunging the depths of Margot. While her index, middle and ring fingers mined her velvet depths while her pinky found its way into her asshole. Margot went cross-eyed and her mouth spouted filthy gibberish as her body overdosed on the pleasure Hailee was bringing her.

“YES!!!” Margot growled. “Fucking yes yes yes eat that cunt fuck me yes yes yes FUUUCCK!!!!”

Golden hair flew through the air as Margot’s head thrashed from side to side. Hailee had brought her to the brink and fast, showing exactly how much more experienced and skilled the brunette had gotten since forming her friendship with benefits with Margot. How quickly she found she could dominate the situation by paying attention and knowing where to hit Margot to make her melt in her mouth and her hands. And in a few moments the melting would be done and Margot would be as well.

“Don’t stop don’t don’t don't fuck cumming cumming HAILEE GOD YES CUMMING NOW!!!!!”

Margot froze, her body in a position right out of a pin-up painting; back arched, head back and lips parted as she gasped on last mighty gasp as she came, though Hailee wasn’t letting up on her. The brunette wanted Margot to be a sweaty, smiling heap and hept that vision in mind as she hungrily lapped up the gorgeous golden Aussie’s cum.

Soon all of Margot’s muscles relaxed as all the energy left her body. She lay on the floor, sweaty and breathing deep as she recharged. Hailee gave Margot her moment to bask in the afterglow, taking it to get to her feet and strip down completely herself. No striptease, just losing the clothes. This wasn’t one of those encounters where a tease was remotely on the menu. She and Margot came in hot and the temperature wasn’t going down just yet…though Margot would be soon.

Hailee made her way over to the couch, taking a seat with her long legs wide up. Margot watched as she moved, rolling on to her stomach as she drank in the sight of the perfection of the brunette’s nude form. Hailee then looked at Margot, smirking as she waved the pleasure-drunk blonde her way with her index finger.

Getting to her knees, Margot crawled over. If Margot were to really think about anything aside from planting her face between Hailee’s thighs she’d have thought how funny it was that now she was the one being so submissive. True, it came naturally to her but when she and Hailee first met in that dirty porno booth the roles were very much reversed. But now, a few months later Hailee was very comfortable directing traffic and right now Margot was being given a green light.

Hailee softly sighed as Margot’s lips made contact with her skin. It started at the ankle first, Margot licking up and over Hailee’s perfect, smooth calf, kissing the tender skin under her knee. Margot’s tongue continued to snake up past Hailee’s thighs until she found herself getting closer and closer to the tunnel of love.

“Oooh god that’s it,” Hailee said, resting her head against the back of the  couch while Margot began her own oral delights. The blonde went right into it, sucking and lavishing Hailee’s clit with hungry attention. Of course that tongue wasn’t alone as Margot’s index and middle fingers were immediate members of the party and exploring the velvet depths within.

Shallow breaths escaped Hailee’s lips along with light moans. She ran her fingers through Margot's golden locks, pressing her head closer to her wet pussy. “Margot…don’t stop…oh fuck…oh my god make me fucking cume…mmm suck that fucking clit…FUCK!”

The sexy blonde loved hearing that tone of voice, when passion overtook a lover and only expletives could come to mind. They never sounded the way they did in other conversations, they were always tinged with a certain heat. There was an animalism in the words, almost a growl in vowels along with a yearning. Margot decided to give Hailee even more to yearn for.

“Ohhhhhhh god damn…,” Hailee moaned, somehow feeling as loose as a noodle and tense as steel cable. The talented tongue and fantastic fingerwork of Margot was already doing a number on her. The room felt ten degrees hotter and Hailee's hair began to get soaked with sweat, matting to her sweat-shined nuded body as she melted into the couch. She was becoming one with the pleasure Margot was delivering. A sensual rollercoaster of oral and digital delights was sending her though steep drops and loop-to-loops and finally the rollercoaster ride was hitting the apex. Hailee hit the pleasure zone and all the air left her body like a punch to the gut. Her eyes shut tight as a light show went off in her head.

“FuuuUUuuck Margot yesss!!!!” she cried, humping the awesome Australian’s face as she gave her the same treatment Margot had given her with the blonde lapping it all up just as happily as Hailee had.

Once the rollercoaster had ended Margot slithered up Hailee’s exhausted body, tasting the sweat on her tongue before planting a passionate if not exhausted kiss before they both laid together on the couch in a loose embrace.


“Why didn’t you just head to the library with Pete?” Cami asked, shutting the apartment door behind herself and Lili. “I mean you have the rest of the day off of work so I don’t know what you came back here for, not that I’m objecting to some bestie time.” Cami flopped down on the couch, putting her feet up on the arm as she awaited an answer from Lili, who went to the fridge to grab a water.

“Because he said he was going to take a nap for an hour before he left.” Lili replied before taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

“So? It’s not like you couldn’t have joined him for a nap…unless the Blake thing has you so weirded out you don’t want to get in bed with him.”

“As weird as the dream was, it's not so bad I’d avoid sharing a bed with my man. It’s just…well there’s a fair chance there wouldn’t be much napping going on. Besides…I need to get my surprise ready for him. Didn’t even think of it until we were halfway through lunch but now…well...let’s just say he’s going to need his rest.”

“You hound you,” Camila joked. “And speaking of surprises, I have one of my own. Well, technically.”


“Well, it’s not mine per se, just something someone else wanted me to keep secret so THEY could surprise Peter. I’m just a very willing accomplice.”

“Is it meant to be kept secret from everyone or just my boyfriend?”

“Well, since you’re here you’re going to find out anyway. Any second now actually.”

On cue to the point Camila almost expected a sitcom-esque laughtrack to follow it, a knock came at the door. Lili moved to get it, but was halted by Cami who sprung to her feet to reveal the person behind the door.

“As always, your timing is a unique combination of impeccable and creepy,” Cami said to an entering Brodie Quint. “Lili, I believe you know Mr. Quint.”

“Nice to see you again Brodie,” Lili said. “Isn’t it kind of close to the beginning of the semester for a visit?”

“Well that’d be true if I was just visiting,” he said. “But it’s more of a permanent thing.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, my parents are splitting up. Dad left mom for a younger woman so I'm moving in with her at her new place to just kind of help out. Not the best circumstances to come back to but I just don’t want her to be alone.”

“That sucks,” Lili said. “I’m sorry.”

“Eh, I mean it’s not okay but it’ll be okay eventually. Thanks though. I’m wondering if it might just be something in the water here. Infidelity seems to be going around.”

“Well from that I’m guessing you’ve heard about what’s been going on around here.” Lili replied.
“Cami gave me the update. Long story short is Hailee went elsewhere and forgot to tell Pete and you’re the girlfriend of my pal of pals now.”

“Well that is a remarkably condensed version of events but accurate.”

“Hey I’ve got an idea,” Cami said, getting ready to close the door. “How about you come in, take a seat, we’ll catch up and then discuss the best way to surprise Peter for both maximum smiles and maximum embarrassment.”

“Well, let’s pause that for a second,” Brodie said. “Because your surprise has a surprise of his own.”

“Why wasn’t I informed?” Cami said, her eyes squinting. “You better not be trying to get me before we get Peter.”

“Hey, I didn’t know until I saw her on the plane,” Brodie said. “She’d be here as less of a surprise right now but she went to that convenience store next to your apartment building to get a drink.”

“Okay, can we drop the pronouns and go for the proper nouns?” Cami asked. “Give me a name.”

“How does Sydney sound?” A female voice asked, and the person it belonged to came into view as Brodie stepped aside. She was a stunning, busty blonde who was dressed just as fashionable as Camila was, designer clothes from head to toe while in her hand she held a bottle of fruit punch Gatorade.

While aside from looking gorgeous Lili didn’t have a clue who this was. Camila on the other hand knew very well, or did at one point. The two hadn’t seen each other in at least ten years.

“Sydney Sweeney?” Cami said, happily shocked at the sight of her old friend. The two embraced tightly as the name rang a bell in Lili’s head, but she couldn’t quite place it.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Camila.

“Kind of the same as Brodie, though without the divorce and cheating and stuff,” Sydney said. “My grandma died a few years back and Mom inherited her house and it was just kind of sitting there until she and Dad decided to spruce it up and make it a legit bed & breakfast. Not one of those Air BNBs, but a real one. So they’re fixing it up and we’re all back here ready to open it. I opted to just come back here instead of shell out money. I didn’t have enough for a New York apartment. So, it looks like you’ll be seeing me on campus.”

“Okay, now that all the surprises are done, we can take a seat,” Brodie said. The door shut and seats were taken, with Sydney joining Camila on the couch and Brodie taking the recliner.

“How did you not know Sydney was on the plane?” Cami asked. “I mean you said it was a surprise when you bumped into her.”

“Cami, I’m kind of in the same boat as you as I hadn’t seen her in years and it’s not like we went to the same school back east. For all I knew she didn’t even live there anymore.”

“Pure luck,” Sydney followed up. Then her eyes fell on Lili. “I’m so sorry, I’ve just been so flustered I don’t think I introduced myself.” She got up and walked over to the counter where Lili was sitting and extended her hand, which Lili took. “You probably heard the name more than a few times in the last ten minutes but I’m Sydney Sweeney.”

“I’m Lili,” she said. “Lili Reinhart. And I think I might have even heard your name before today honestly. I can’t pin down where though.”

“Probably Blake,” Cami said.

“What?” Sydney asked Cami. “Blake’s here too?”

Cami nodded. “And to give you the context my dearest Lili didn’t, Lili’s my bestie. Sharing the title with Peter.”

“Oh, well nice to meet you,” Sydney said, her tone friendly and inviting.

“The feeling is mutual.”

“Cami, quick question,” Sydney said upon returning to the sofa. “In what context exactly was I being mentioned?”

“I think she was talking about how you and Peter dated.” Cami answered, which made a lightbulb go off in Lili’s head.

“Wait, you’re THAT Sydney?”

“I-I guess,” the buxom blonde replied. “I mean we were fifteen and like maybe made out a couple times. Does that count?”

“Enough for me to hope this moment is as deliciously awkward as I’m hoping,” Cami said. “Sydney, Lili isn’t just my bestie supreme…she’s also Peter’s lady supreme as well. First girlfriend, meet current girlfriend.”

“Oh!” Sydney said. “Well, I mean it probably doesn’t count then…I guess?”

“Sorry to burst your bubble Cami but there’s no awkwardness on my end,” Lili said. “I mean Sydney is gorgeous-”

“Thanks,” Sydney replied.

“But that was ten years ago and it was a freshman year thing. I mean I have a lot of insecurities but right now me and Peter are not even close to being one. He…he’s very much the opposite honestly.”

“That’s so sweet,” Sydney sincerely said. “I have to say though, Peter’s taste continues to be impeccable.

“Well now I have to thank you,” Lili said with a laugh. “And I’d love to actually join in on this conversation but I should start getting ready to meet up with the man in question.”

“Oh, is it a date night?” Sydney asked.

“Kinda. Going to the library but I’m bringing my overnight bag.”

“I thought you said Pete was napping for like an hour or something before going,” Cami said.

“Oh he is. I just have to prepare. I’m a rather…intensive studier.” With that and a wink Lili departed for her room.

“You know maybe it’s just me and my overly-sexualized male mind,” Brodie said. “But I think she has something other than studying on her agenda.”


One of the advantages of the dual store set-up Jurnee now had going on was at least four times the storage. While she got the backroom from the new store which would have doubled her storage, she also got its downstairs basement storage that was almost big enough to match the combined stores above. Instead of simply doubling her inventory, it had quadrupled at the very least. Up stairs were things that were ready to be put out on the floor but down in the basement were things not quite ready. Organized, but not graded, or not cleaned or in some other way not ready for sale.

Cleaning was one of the major things for toys and video games. There was a desk set aside for that along with the side hustle Roland had brought along with customizing miniatures for the D&D crowd for a price. However, that was always by appointment and in bulk. Most of the time it was inventory and awaiting deliveries by the alleyway entrance, which is what Jurnee was doing now. The store owner had just wrapped up checking on a delivery of He-Man toys both new and vintage and was now waiting for a delivery on video games and old school game manuals.

Getting in on the retro game business was a gamble for Jurnee. While she enjoyed playing them when she was younger she wasn’t quite as gung-ho about it as she was other things. Her experience was pretty much limited to The Legend of Zelda, Sonic The Hedgehog and a few random RPGs. Aside from that, she was clueless. Clueless to the point she never would have gotten into the retro market if not for Scott Perez.

Scott Perez was a man who owned a large retro game store in the next town over called “World -1” and hit all the local conventions with his own both just like Jurnee had. By weird coincidence, their booths always ended up near each other, either right across or side by side.

They did what business owners did at these conventions. They talked shop, bullshitted, all of that. However, Jurnee and Scott had also done something outside of those confines and hooked up a few times. It was nothing serious, just fun. There was also business between them. Most of what Jurnee began with for the retro game aspect of her shop’s expansion came from some of his own overstock she purchased from him at a steal.

Now she was waiting for him to come by her shop and deliver her half of a lot of gaming stuff they had gone in on together. She wasn’t waiting too long. He actually wasn’t supposed to be there for fifteen minutes, Jurnee had just finished her other tasks first, the curse of being efficient.

She flipped through a paperback she had down there to kill the time until a buzzer sounded off near the back cellar entrance, the one that opened up to the alleyway. Jurnee set the book down to let Scott in. There was no doubt about who it was. Most deliveries used entrances on the ground floor, so those that used the basement were on such a limited list that there were only so many it could be, especially at this time of day.

Sure enough, Jurnee was right and behind the door was Scott, dressed in a weathered leather biker jacket (despite the fact he’d never even been on a moped, let alone a Harley), a Contra t-shirt and his shoulder length black hair tied back in a ponytail. If not for the shirt Jurnee would have mistaken him for one of the Cobra Kai bullies from the first Karate Kid. Not even Johnny, but one of his flunkies.

Regardless, he had his charm otherwise he never would have gotten in her pants. However, that charm was secondary today. Scott was making a delivery; her half of the big lot of retro gaming stuff. Four big plastic totes and a couple of boxed systems were coming her way.

“Hey Scott,” she said, arms folded but her demeanor welcoming. “I hope you brought me what's mine and not just your scraps. I’ve a checklist of what we split and what’s coming to me.”

“A checklist Jurnee?” He asked with faux offense. “I thought we had a connection.”

“Oh we do. But it doesn’t matter how good the dick is, I’m making sure what’s mine is mine.”

“Fair enough,” he said with a snicker. “You gonna help me carry this stuff down the stairs or am I going to exhaust myself before we get to the real fun.”

“Someone’s presumptuous.”

“Nah, I just know my history.” That made Jurnee chuckle.

“Yeah, just let me get the dolly,” she said. It didn’t take long for the shop owner to grab the dolly and load it up with the totes. They ended up having to do it twice to take care of the boxed consoles but it was rather quick business before it was done and all of Jurnee’s share of the take was in the basement.

The delivery was taken to a section of the basement that wasn’t simply rows of shelves stacked high with assorted toys, games and books. It was big enough for a couch, an easy chair, a table, a fridge and a desk with a coffee table in the middle. It was essentially a secondary break room but designed for anyone who was working a shift down there.

“Before I open up these boxes, do you have the special order?” Jurnee asked as she leaned against the desk.

“Depends on what kind of delivery you’re looking for Jurnee,” Scott said. To most this would be overplaying his card but for Scott, in Jurnee’s experience with him, this was just his version of mild-flirting.

“The games, Scott.”

“No prob.” He reached for a much smaller box on top of one of the larger boxes and handed it to Jurnee before slumping down on the couch. Jurnee quickly but neatly opened it up to reveal a box of four games.

She took each out of the box closely, examining them to make sure the shrink wrap they were still in was genuine and not added after the fact. “World Tour, Revenge, Mania 2000 and No Mercy,” she said.

“That’s it, right?” Scott asked. “All the N64 AKI games.”

“Right on the money.”

“Speaking of money,” he said. “How much are you thinking of getting for them?”

“One seventy.” Jurnee replied.

“That seems low,” Scott said. “Especially if you like to drain them dry like me.”

“Well, I don’t and it’s for an employee who already paid. And, since Lili is the only major wrestling fan I know it’s pretty much a guaranteed sale. I mean considering the potential of what I could make with all this stuff, this is just a drop in the bucket. I can afford the minor hit, if there even is one. Besides, she asked, said please and already paid in full. Just because I can be a scumbag doesn’t mean I will be. Loyal customers are happy customers and happy customers come back.”

“So you’re telling me all I have to do is ask really nicely and I get what I want?” Scott asked, getting up and approaching Jurnee, who couldn’t help but chuckle at him.

“You know you’re usually a bit more clever than this when you want to get in my pants,” she said before pulling off her shirt and tossing it on the couch. “I guess all the blood rushed down to your other head, robbing you of your usual Middle School-level wit you use to get laid.”

“Well you’re the one with her shirt off.” He replied, losing his shirt in a flash and moving down to unbuckle and unzip his pants.

“What can I say?” Jurnee jokingly asked, a sex smile on her face as she lost her pants, both over and under before tossing the bra as well. “Sometimes I’m not one for words, I’m far more a woman of action. So how about you join me and get in on this action?”

“Action is good.” Scott continued his approach as Jurnee hopped up and sat on the desk, legs open and inviting. “Action is very good.”

Soon he was close enough to Jurnee for her lovely legs to wrap around and gently pull him in closer. And closer he was, his lips achingly close to her and his hard dick waiting to get past the velvet rope and on to the dance floor.

His eyes drifted up to a poster on the wall of Green Arrow and some blonde in a leather jacket. From the sheer amount of times he’d seen Jurnee at conventions wearing something connected to that character Scott knew she was at least a little fond.

“I’ve seen that show,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “Right now it’s kind of like I’m your Oliver Queen and you’re my Felicity Smoak.” Scott went to kiss her lips and Jurnee stopped him, grasping his chin.

“Let’s get one thing straight as an arrow…we do not speak of trash in this store, hence we do not speak of Arrow. Also, there’s only one woman who’s a match for Oliver Queen and her name is Dinah Lance, aka the Black Canary so if I am anyone I am her. Now that we have that all straightened out how about you stop trying to relate to me in my arena of geekdom and start fucking me?”

“Can do.” He replied, kissing her hungrily as his cock entered her yearning cunt. Moaning into his mouth, their tongues collided, wrestling with one another as Scott quickly built up a hard and fast pace within the shop owner.

The kiss broke and Jurnee let Scott know loud and clear that he was finally on the right track. He tended to be when he stopped trying to be charming and once she already had her pants off. He rarely knew when to quit when he was ahead. Fortunately for them both, he was well on the way to proving his worth once more.

“Yeah…that’s it boy,” she said, grinning a sex-mad smile at him. “Gimme that dick…fuck me…oh yeah…right there!”

Scott was hitting the mark every time from every angle. His hands moved up her thighs to her calves and back up again, roaming the smooth caramel skin. Every stroke within her sent parks flying and memories flooding back to them both. Scott fucking her bent over the hood of his car in a hotel parking lot at two in the morning. Riding him in her hotel room’s jacuzzi at that one convention where she decided to splurge on a suite. The quickie in the elevator when it unexpectedly stopped. For two people not interested in a relationship they had fucked each other an inordinate amount. Though as Jurnee swore to the heavens in pleasure at Scott’s throbbing cock within her and he reveled in the taste of her flesh as he sucked on her breasts they never bothered to question it.

Jurnee’s legs locked tight around Scott’s waist as she felt him grip her ass hard, followed by lifting her off the desk and moving her over to the easy chair.

“Nnng, already tired?” Jurnee asked with a smile, slowly grinding on his cock.

“Hey,” he grunted, giving her a little thrust up. “I had to…mmm…load all that into my truck alone. Takes a toll on the back…besides I was feeling a little lazy today.”

Jurnee snickered before leaning over to kiss him, sucking and licking his tongue. “You’re so lucky I don’t mind taking the wheel. She leaned back, gripping his knees and began to buck her bronco proper.

“Holy shit Jurnee!” He gasped. “God damn!”

“Yeah have that pussy, boy,” she said with a sneer. Jurnee loved hearing that from him. He could complain about his back and knees but she knew what really made him weak and she owned it just like right now she was owning his cock. “Gimme that dick…oh my god…fuck…perfect fucking cock baby…yes!”

Jurnee’s body became like a serpentine river, flowing with a liquid rhythm while riding his cock. It was perfection to feel and the best thing to watch. Body glistening with sweat, a seductive face smiling in the midst of pleasure and of course the effects gravity had on tits when a woman went hard on top during sex were a potent cocktail that made Scott wish he lived a little closer to get those more regularly.

Jurnee leapt forward on him, bringing her breasts back to his mouth. Scott took the opportunity to bury his face in the mocha mounds before him while his hands once again went for that beyond mortal rump, taking a good squeeze before slapping each cheek.

“Tell me how much you love this pussy,” demanded Jurnee, licking his cheek before sealing it with a starving kiss on his lips. “Fucking tell me this is the best fucking pussy you ever had….nnnng say it!”

“You want me to tell you what you already know?” He asked back, grabbing her face and pulling her lips to his. “This is the best damn pussy I’ve ever had…perfect match for the best fucking dick you’ve ever had.” Scott gripped Jurnee’s hips tight and thrust up into her hard and fast, the moans of delight cracking like she was on a bumpy road. “And you’re gonna cum for this fucking dick aren’t you?”

“YES!” She screamed. “Yes yes yes yes FUCK ME! RIGHT THERE! JUST LIKE THAT!” Both were in beast mode now, Jurnee bouncing and thrashing on his cock, working that joystick while he was pressing all the right buttons. Every second that passed was another high until his arrow hit the bullseye and Jurnee screamed in pleasure, “SCOTTT! CUMMMMMINNNNGGGG!!!!”

Jurnee moved her cunt fast on him, her movements beyond her control as every ounce of built up pressure hit her all at one, a flurry of jabs punctuated with a haymaker as she finally fell forward, spent but not done…because Scott wasn’t either.

“Give me that cum,” she said, licking his ear as she slither down his body, kissing her way down until she was on her knees and Scott’s cock was in her mouth. “Give me that fucking nut boy…I earned it…and so did you…”

“Yeah…suck it…swallow…all in your mouth yes, JURNEEE!” Scott cried out. It didn’t take much and they both knew it wouldn’t. Jurnee’s hungry mouth was satisfied as Scott launched a thick volley of cum into it. Gulping it down, she sucked every stream she could out of his cock until it was just as spent as its owner. Scott was stunned silent. That made Jurnee feel great on three levels. One was of course her own post-coital bliss. The next was of course seeing what she did to Scott. She never got tired of that. The third that might have been just as enjoyable as the orgasm was the fact that for a few minutes after the world-rocking orgasms she gave to Scott, he’d actually shut up for a while…or at least not talk like a jackass.

All in all, it’d been a good delivery.


“This place looks pretty busy,” said Sydney. She got out of Camila’s car alongside Brodie and Sabrina Carpenter, another new person to her in Camila’s current circle of friends. “Are you sure you can get us a table?”

“Of course,” Cami said. “And not just because of money. I have a couple of connections.” Camila led them through the doors of Sauced and right to the host podium where Vanessa Morgan was standing behind. “Hi Nessa.”

“Hey Cami,” Vanessa said. “I’m guessing you’re the reason the table for four has been off limits in Sel’s section?”

“Guilty as charged.”

“Follow me,” the hostess said, grabbing four menus and leading them to a nice big table where they all took a seat. However, before sitting down Sydney had a question for Brodie.

“Did she say Selena?” she asked in a whisper while taking her seat. “As in-”

“Selena!” Cami said as Selena Gomez approached, greeting her friend with a hug that was returned. This gesture completely shocked Sydney, who knew both women up until her move to New York. Fortunately, Brodie was able to fill her in.

“Oh yeah, they’re good now,” he said. “All buddy buddy.”

“Really?” Sydney asked. “Them? I had to pull them apart during a fight in seventh grade!”

“I know, it’s weird, right? It’s like seeing Superman and Lex Luthor hug.”

“And just who is who in this scenario Mister Quint?” Camila asked, turning her attention to him as her greeting to Selena broke. Her eyebrow was raised which created a pit in his stomach he attempted to fill with an audible grunt. Then Camila kept digging that pit. “Need I remind you that despite knowing very little about your favorite man in tights I know enough to know that would make one of us an evil megalomaniac with a predilection towards cruelty. Having said that, I will give the option to edit your comment on myself and Selena’s newfound friendship compared to our previous status as just simply being weird.”

“I’ll take it.” He replied.

“Good choice,” Sydney said before turning her attention to Camila. “This is just…new. How exactly was the hatchet buried?”

Before that question could be answered, Selena had one of her own. “Not to be rude, but who are you? You look so familiar…”

“That’s Sydney Sweeney, Sel.” Camila said. Then Selena’s eyes went wide.

“Holy cow!” She said, walking over to greet the buxom blonde. “I’m so sorry it’s just…well, it’s been like ten years or something and you’ve really…grown.”

“Yeah, mainly in the chest area,” Sydney joked. “I’d also like to think I’m a bit more well-rounded…both physically and intellectually of course. But I can see you not recognizing me. I mean I also lost the braces and have contacts now.”

“Well, welcome back. Visiting?”

“Staying. Long story but I think you’ll get filled in throughout the meal. While I get filled in on this surprising development.”

“Come on guys, is it really that surprising that Selena and I are friends now?”

“Dude I’ve known you the least amount of time of everyone here and it surprised the shit out of me,” Sabrina said.

“So,” Sydney said. “Friends. You two. How?”

“Same as your tits,” Cami said as she took her seat. “We grew up. I mean it was rough, real rough. But…fuck it, I’m too old to hold grudges, I’m guessing Selena feels the same…”

“Indeed I do.”

“So…past is past and I got a good friend out of it so…yeah. That’s the story.”

“And with storytime out of the way, at least for now, can I get your order? Or do you want to wait for Pete and Lili?”

“They will be in absentia tonight,” Camila said. “Pete’s doing a bit of research on a script he and Sabs are working on and Lili is joining him to be his study buddy.”

“Uh huh,” Selena said with a smirk. “She pack her overnight bag?”

“You know it.”


Peter had just shut the latest book of urban legends he’d been looking through since he arrived at the library a few hours ago. If he wasn’t in the double digits as far as books went he was close. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, trying to waive off the tiredness. He still hadn’t found anything, or rather the right kind of anything, that would work for the script. Though he and Sabrina hadn’t exactly solely decided on what they were looking for they had an understanding it was something that they’d know when they saw. That being said he had set aside a couple that might be worth checking out but now it was time to venture once more into the stacks.

Before he got up his phone vibrated. Looking at it he saw a text from Lili which read:

Hey Babe, need company?

He replied:

Wouldn’t say no ;)

What floor you on?

Third floor. Have a table at the east corner.

Cool. See you there.

That made the book search feel like it was going to be a lot easier. Even if it was a slow process, at least Peter now had company and exceptional company at that. Now the return to the stacks was imminent. He took a quick walk over to the shelves he had been taking books from, once more looking for anything that grabbed his eyes.

Perusing the shelves, his fingers ran over books whose dust covers were in laminated plastic and others which were hardcovers with a cloth-type furnishing on them. There were even a few leather bound books in this library’s collection. After finding a few more that looked interesting, he grabbed them and headed back to the table. When he turned the corner right in front of the table was Lili and just from what she was wearing Peter could tell studying was the last thing on his girlfriend’s mind.

Her long blonde locks were tied back into a ponytail and she had her glasses on. Below the neck she was wearing a light pink blouse and black skirt that stopped just at the knees. Her legs were bare, save for her shoes which were black high heels. Not too high, just about four inches, made for the office.

“Hey Sweet-”, Peter said, but before he could finish Lili brought her finger to her lips.

“Shhh,” she said, confirming Peter’s suspicion at her current look and her intent. “I know it’s easy to get engrossed in a good book,” she whispered. “But this is still a library sir.”

“I completely understand, Miss…”

“Lili Reinhart. And while you say you understand I wouldn’t be here if we hadn’t gotten enough complaints to send someone up here.” She walked towards him slowly, running her fingers over the books on the table.

Peter looked around. He and Lili seemed to be the only ones on the floor. Anyone else would have to be on the other side completely. Not that he was looking to see who complained. He knew they didn’t exist. However, it did benefit him and Lili to know that had some amount of privacy.

“I…I don’t see anyone who would have complained,” he whispered.

“Rest assured, they exist,” Lili said, continuing her walk towards him, seduction in her step and authority in her eyes. She playfully backed Peter back into the book stacks and up against one of the bookshelves. “However I’m not a fan of kicking out people who are in search of knowledge and from the number books on that table you certainly are a knowledge seeker. So I’m going to give you a chance.”

Her greenish-blue eyes locked on his as her hands began to undo his belt and zipper.

“What is this going to entail?” Peter asked.

“Well, I’m going to suck your cock,” Lili answered with a smile. “And if you keep nice and quiet for let’s say….ten minutes, then you get to stay…and have a bit more fun. That work for you?”

“Yeah,” he said in a whisper that turned into a soft gasp when he felt Lili’s soft lips wrap around the head of his cock. He restricted any noises he released to the softest moans and grunts he could imagine. This may have all been a game Lili had cooked up for them both but he was going to be just as committed to the role as his lady was.

That commitment of course also meant Lili had no intention of making things easy for him. Not that Peter minded. Lili’s soft and sensual sucking made it a struggle worth undertaking. She was going hands free at the moment, her grip on the hem of his pants instead of his shaft. Not that her hands were needed, the blonde beauty before him was giving him quite the time with just her oral skills. She licked and sucked like she was trying to get to the end of a gobstopper while savoring every new layer of flavor on the way.

Peter had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning too much when Lili took his cock in her mouth to her hilt, her nose pressing against his pelvis. Throat massaging his cock, hands pulled her lover’s pants down to his thighs. Then her mouth came off of his cock. Her eyebrow-cocked gaze combined with the glasses was a visual that made Peter’s cock twitch. The good times continued when Lili used her hands’ recent freedom to slowly jack him off. Putting her wrist into it, she only stopped to tease his already sensitive tip with her thumb, circling the underside before stroking just that sensitive crown. It took everything he had not to let out a single sound outside of a gasp and Lili noticed.

“You’re doing pretty good so far,” she said, her stroking picking up the pace. “Let’s see you keep nice and quiet for just a few more minutes.” She kissed his thigh before bringing her mouth back to his cock, eagerly taking him in. The pace was faster now, with her hands joining the party. Her right worked in conjunction with her mouth, jacking the saliva slick dick whenever it was free from Lili’s loving mouth. The left teased and tickled his balls. Lili swore she could feel how much he wanted her, how far she was driving him. Then she got some confirmation.

“Play with yourself,” Peter managed to get out in a gruff whisper. “Play with your pussy while you suck me.”

Lili loved it when he got like this; just the tone of voice revealed a slightly saucier side to her man and it turned her on to no end that she brought it out of him. However, whenever he first started to really percolate it always made Lili turn up the heat even more as she did as he asked.  A hand disappeared beneath her skirt, two fingers shifting her panties aside and sinking into her deliciously pink pussy.  The two digits hurriedly swallowed up by the famished sex organ.

Once more she removed her mouth from his cock, this time getting to her feet as well, she walked a little bit past Peter and turned a corner to the last bookcase in the row, this one embedded into the wall with a little display platform built into the bottom. Peter quickly followed, the jingling of his belt buckle the only sound amongst the shelves.

When he saw Lili leaning back against the bookcase, there was a sexy smile on her face and seduction in her eyes. He saw his fantasy girl come-true lift her black skirt, revealing a pair of white cotton panties that had a visible damp spot. Lili pulled them down, stepping out of them and setting them on the wooden platform beside her.

“I think I have an even better idea than just playing with my pussy,” she whispered. “And…to be honest I lost track of time while I was sucking you…so…let’s say you passed the quiet test. Now…just in case it wasn’t obvious…come over here and fuck me…but don’t be too loud…this is a library, after all.”

With a smile on his sealed lips, he approached Lili, her legs spreading wider with every step he took. When Peter got close enough to her however, his throbbing cock wasn’t what entered her velvet depths. Instead two of Peter’s fingers crossed the threshold, working gently inside his library lover, making Lili choke on her moans as she began to melt.

While that hand was busy the other worked on unbuttoning her blouse. It was a task Lili helped him in and as soon as that last button was undone the blouse slid off leaving Lili just in a bra and her skirt. Soon though, that wouldn’t matter.

Peter withdrew his fingers and brought them to Lili’s lips. She opened her mouth to take them in, though her lips were then met by Peter’s in a sloppy kiss as they both tasted her pussy from her fingers. While they sucked the digits clean of her essence, Peter’s other hand went behind Lili’s back to undo her bra. The snaps were done in quick order and soon that garment gave way to gravity as well. With Lili’s bra gone and Peter’s fingers sucked clean, it was time for the real fun.

“Mmmmm,” Lili hummed as Peter entered her. “Right there…oh Peter.” Her voice was still as soft as she could manage, sticking to the role in the game she cooked up for herself and Peter while also whispering his name. The volume may have been low but the passion with which she spoke it was loud as could be.

One kiss to Lili’s lips lead to a trail down her neck and over her shoulder to her breasts. Peter squeezed them gently in his hands, sticking out his tongue flicking her right nipple with it before licking a circle around the areola.

“Nnnng,” Lili grunted when Peter sucked the sensitive flesh of her nipple in his mouth, his hands still holding her breast while he suckled on it. From right to left and back again Lili’s man buried himself in her breasts while he slowly thrust into her hungry pussy.

Just as Lili had put her wrist into the blowjob Peter was putting his hips into his thrusts, taking his time and savoring the moment and the sensations. Every thrust he made into Lili was deep and to the hilt, both of them having trouble choking down moans of pleasure.

Lili’s hands reached behind her, hands roaming over the rows of books aimlessly, trying to just find something for her hands to do as energy seemed to radiate through her body. The energy increased when Peter’s face left her breasts and returned to hers. He rested his forehead on hers, staring at Lili’s eyes through her glasses. She could feel his hot breath on her lips and he felt hers. So close, so hot, so intense; it was enough to make Lili forget her own rules.

“Oh my god…oh god,” she said in a tone just above a whisper. Before more words could be spoken they were preemptively silenced when Peter’s lips pressed against hers.

“Mmmmm-mmmm,” he said as the kiss broke. “We’re…nng…we’re in a library remember?” He said, both his tone and the look on his face making Lili grin and giggle sexily.

“Mmmm thanks for the reminder,” she said, her voice back to a sexy whisper. “Nnnnow…now how about we make this test a bit harder for us both? I mean…oh god…whaaaat…kind of librarian can’t keep quiet herself? Oh…oh god Peter….fuck me…harder now…ohhh god…”

Peter was all too eager to follow that direction, speeding his thrusts up while he pulled her closer. His fingers ran up her spine, turning the heat up for her like he was turning up the volume on a stereo.

Lili’s hands left the bookcase, one pulling Peter closer to her as he was doing to him. Her full breasts squeezed tight against his chest while the other pressed against a piece of wall behind her, just to the left of the bookcase behind her. She used it to try and push and meet Peter for every thrust. While not 100% effective there was an noticeable change that proved a bit of a chink in Peter’s armor.

“Oh god Lili!” He said, now joining her in breaking the whisper. Both her hands then went to his face, holding him in place as she stared at him.

“Shhhhhh shh shh,” she said. “Come on…whisper…not too loud…you feel so good….keep going.” She kissed him again, biting his lip softly before speaking again. “Make me cum…right here…”

Lili’s eyes fluttered and her lips quivered as Peter rededicated himself to just that, the two of them going so hard now the books on the shelves behind Lili began to rattle and shake. Gasps and grunts were the only things escaping the lovers’ mouths at this point, each pushing the other further and further down the lines.

Kisses, licks, thrusts and longing glances began to wear them both down. Both Peter and Lili were covered in a sheen of sweat and while they had lost track of time, neither could forget where they were. After all, it added to the game Lili had thought up for them both. Sure, the library was almost empty at that moment and they seemed to be the only people on the third floor. Still…anyone could have come along and Lili wasn’t a real librarian, not that it would have helped much if she was. That thrill was electric and had them both on edge, though Lili was just a hair closer to the finish line. She’d come into it ready to go and this was the wonderful side effect.

“Gonna…Peter…gonna cum…on your cock,” she said, barely choking back a moan so loud that if it were let out people would hear her for blocks around the library. “Don’t stop…make…make me cum..oh god…” Lili’s teeth clenched, her face turned red and her body shook as she began to get overcome by the pleasure she was begging Peter for. He’d slowed his thrusts down, now going hard and deep before speeding back up and keeping Lili on her toes until it all came toppling down like a house of cards.

She pulled Peter close and held him tight as she kissed him once more, unleashing a moan that could not be contained otherwise into his mouth, muffling it as her orgasm rocked her body and sent Peter careening towards his own as her cunt squeezed and convulsed on his pole.

The kiss broke and Lili looked at his face with a sexy, open-mouthed grin. The look in her eyes just got hotter under her glasses. She knew it drove him wild and Lili was all too happy to turn that particular screw…and bring it to a new level.

“Mmmmm you did so good…came so good for you,” said Lili in a dreamy tone. “You make me feel so good…now your turn…but not in me baby…even though it always feels so good to have you cum in me…” The character was gone, melted away by Lili’s orgasm. Now she was back on Earth and needing her man to cum for her and only her as he thrust within her. “I want it on my face….please…let me feel that cum…dripping…dripping all over…”

“Oh Lili!” he said, barely able to hold on to the whisper. “Gonna…gonna….”

“Face baby,” she whispered. “Do it…”

Peter pulled out and Lili slid from the shelf onto her knees, waiting only seconds as Peter stroked his cock at a furious rate before exploding onto her face. His voice croaked as he stifled a roar of pleasure. Looking down in a daze of pleasure and lust, the thick ropes of his white hot cum splattered across her face and onto outstretched hungry tongue. Her glasses were the first things covered, as though he’d been aiming for them.  White splashes of jizz streaking across the lens until she couldn’t see out of them. It made her laugh, even as she felt a few far flung ropes land amongst the golden blonde of her tied back hair.  The last spray of it hosed down her writhing pink tongue, before she closed her lips around the mushroom head and sucked the last few dribbles straight from the tap.

Peter was out of breath and speechless as Lili got to her feet. Words continued to evade him as he watched her slowly remove the jizz-laden lenses.  Her blueish green eyes were fixed on his face as she licked her glasses clean, one tantalizingly slow lick at a time.  She followed it up by scooping the remaining spunk from her thoroughly drenched face, and swallowing that down too. When that deed was done Peter had finally recovered enough to move once more, and surprised Lili with a deep kiss, his tongue tenderly running over hers and not caring how recently she’d swallowed his cum. Though the immediate kiss was a slight surprise it melted away as she embraced him lovingly..

“You are…beyond words,” he said. “And considering we’re in a library that’s quite a feat.”

“Well you’re pretty damn amazing too,” Lili said.

“Sorry I got some in your hair.  I was very excited.”

“No problem. I mean the bathroom’s right over there.” Lili said as she grabbed her bra and blouse while Peter pulled his pants back up. “You really were great. I know I sprung this on you but I’ve been thinking about this for a week and was tired of waiting for a special occasion to try and surprise you. So when you said you were going to the library…I couldn't resist.”

“Feel free to spring more on me,” said Peter before giving her another quick peck on the lips. “So…what do you want to do now?”

“Well, after I clean up I was thinking we pick out the best books of what you’ve got so far, check them out, and go back to your place for the rest of the night. I didn’t bring my overnight bag for nothing, Babe.”


“You guys want to go over a few more songs or are we done for the night?” Walt asked the rest of his band, The People Under The Stairs. They’d spent the last two hours practicing non-stop in preparation for their upcoming “Back To The Grind” show before classes started up again and for some reason they were each particularly anxious about this show. There was a reason for it though. It was going to be their first time headlining. Usually they were opening for bigger bands who needed a local band to warm the crowd up for them or the mid-tier band that was touring with them and that’s who the PUTS were. Then there were other shows where they were either a glorified cover band (when the local bars couldn’t get Ariana Grande and her back-up band) or the house parties where they actually made a fair amount of green.

This time though? They were headlining above another local band. Sure, on the surface it seemed like the usual party stuff they were hired for but there were going to be actual vendors beyond their friends selling merch for them when they were on the stage. This was a sponsored show and they were headlining it based on local word of mouth. It was both a cause for celebration and a cause for anxiety and the band had been practicing like never before.

However, they did have lives outside of the band.

“I know I’m done,” said Olivia Holt as she began to take down her keyboard set-up. “For tonight at least. Besides, I’ve got plans.”

“Same here,” Michael Kwan, bass player and man of few words said. “Late shift at work. Might be late already, actually.”

“Well, unless anyone has any objections,” Walt said as the rest of the band shook their heads. “That’s it for the night. And still early enough to see if Hailee wants to hang out.”

“Here we go again,” Madison Pettis said as she unplugged her guitar.

“Here we go,” Olivia said.

“What’s that mean?” Walt asked.

“Allow me to intercede on this before we get a dose of classic, Olivia-style blunt honesty,” Madison said. “Look, Walt, Hailee is great but, and please do correct me if I’m wrong, despite the fact that you two have had more than a few rolls in the hay…she’s not really into being more than friends.”

“Yeah, and?”

“Well…your tone of voice whenever she comes up…which is usually because of you,” Madison said. “It’s…it’s almost like you think they're the words more than in front of friends in this situation.”

“What my roomie here is trying to get at is, make sure this is what you think it is because we already have like three albums worth of love songs and we don’t need anymore without getting into a studio first,” Olivia said. “Besides I could have sworn I saw her getting super-friendly with someone who was decidedly NOT you, which I told you about as a way for you to, you know, get a clue free of charge.”

“Ahh, come on Liv,” Walt said, snapping the latches on his guitar case closed. “It’s not like that. I know what it is…but I also see that smile of hers and…look. I’m good.”

“Dude all this over a smile?” Drummer Tommy Criss asked. “I mean Olivia has a smile that’s cute as hell and we all know the debauchery blondie gets up to.”

“Accurate,” the keyboardist said with a grin.

“Look, I appreciate the concern but…I think I have a good idea where me and Haiz are going. And I know for sure she will be going to the show this weekend, which is where the focus should be and not my potential love life. Agreed?”

“Sure sure,” Olivia said, collapsing her keyboard stand. “A show, we will, in fact, kill. But for tonight my friends and compatriots, I’m out for a little bit of mischief. Care to join me Maddie?”

“Oh god no. I love you Liv but when you full on admit you’re looking for a little trouble then I for sure wake up with a hangover and occasionally with a guy who’s name I can’t remember. I’m good with a bubble bath and a book.”

“Your loss.” Olivia then turned to Michael and Tommy. “Gentlemen?”

“Like I said, work.” Michael replied.

“Sounds fun Liv,” Tommy said. “But I’ve been up since four in the morning.”

“‘Kay,” the blonde said with a shrug. “I guess you’ll just have to hear about my shenanigans second-hand.”


“Should just about do it,’ Samara Weaving said to herself. It was time for the regular tune-up of her motorcycle, the last regular one she’d be able to do before school began and she’d have to balance a full class load and work which meant bike-upkeep would have to become tertiary unless absolutely necessary.

Getting to her feet, she went to the sink in the garage, washing her hands clean of the grime collected during her work. And while she was simply in a black tanktop and jeans she wasn’t a fan of trying to get automotive filth out in the laundry.

The sink she was using was something that could be called industrial. It was stainless steel with a deep reservoir, like something seen in a janitor’s closet or a chemistry lab on campus. As a result the sound made by the combination of the water flowing through the faucet and hitting the deep and hollow pool of the sink at times could make it difficult to hear. That of course prevented her from hearing her movie buddy and quite possibly only actual friend she’d made in the US, Bradley Jannit, enter through her open garage door. Samara hadn’t heard him say “Hello”, so when she turned around to grab a towel to dry her hands she was startled.

“Holy shit!” She exclaimed, jumping a bit before instantly calming down upon recognizing him. “Bradley? Shit, what time is it?”

“Six-thirty.” He replied. “I know I’m early but I thought we could get some pizza or something before the movie and save a couple bucks instead of dropping an entire paycheck for snacks in the actual theater.”

“Good call.” Samara slapped her jean pockets from front to back and discovered her wallet wasn’t there. “Shit.”

“What’s wrong?”

“My wallet,” Samara said. “Could have sworn it was my jean pocket.” She patted the pocket on the front left of her very tight jeans, getting a laugh from Brad. “What’s funny?”

“The idea that you could forget you had anything else squeezed in those tight pants.” Brad replied.

Samara smirked. “Nice to know you noticed. Although I wouldn’t bet on that. Play your cards right and you might find yourself getting in these pants.” That line froze Bradley up and Samara noticed it immediately. His posture went from relaxed to nervous and tense in a heartbeat. “What is up with you lately?”

“W-what do you mean?” Asked Bradley, trying and failing to be oblivious.

“Sometimes you just have a stick up your ass,” she responded. “You get all weird and shit when I’m just playing around. Ever since…wait a second…is this about that handjob I gave you during finals last semester?”

“Uhh…I mean…”

“Oh come on Brad, it was just a bit of fun,” Samara said as she grabbed her leather jacket, in which she found her wallet. “Score. Look, back home I was seen as rebellious. For good reason. But honestly I couldn’t really get into any fun trouble there. I mean yeah, I fucked a lot but it was all so…vanilla. And don’t get me wrong, vanilla gets a bad rap. Vanilla is delicious. However, sometimes a girl just wants some Rocky Road.”

Samara began to walk towards him, the same look in her blue eyes that Bradley saw in the classroom months ago. Even in the dark though blue eyes shone like a spotlight. It looked like the Aussie blonde had some of that fun trouble on her mind now.

“So when I came here, I decided to just…well, have as much fun as possible,” Samara said. “Which, given the total yawners I have to live with, otherwise my parents wouldn’t have gone for this whole “school in the US” thing, is a bit of a challenge. I swear when I first showed up here they’d only just moved in and I actually heard BOTH of them pining for a white picket fence in the yard. Can you believe it?”

“For THAT yard?” Bradley asked. He took a quick gander out to the yard. “I mean I don’t know much about landscaping but that just seems a little bit much.”

“I was just talking about how corny it is but that’s also a valid point.” Samara sent a wink in his direction and continued her approach. Now Bradley was walking backwards, towards the motorcycle. “Honestly the snoozefest of my living conditions has probably just ratcheted up the wild streak a couple of notches. I mean you know that first hand don’t you?”

Bradley gulped the big amount of nothing he had in his Sahara-dry mouth.

“Why so nervous? I’m not even flirting, well, not completely. I mean…it was fun and just that. I like you and all that Brad but I don’t need love for a little carnal contact. I’ve fucked quite a few people I consider friends so it’s not a hang-up for me. I can tell it might be for you though. Not a big one though is it? I mean I hang out with you probably more than anyone. Is that it? Afraid of ruining a good thing with another good thing?”

“Well, I-,” was all Bradley managed to get out. He had been backed completely into the motorcycle and Samara was very close to him, close enough to press her finger to his lips to shush him.

“So I’ve got an idea,” she said, reaching down with her free hand to his crotch and finding a hardening bulge in his pants. “Something tells me you’re going to like it. Since I don’t quite think you’re ready to get in these tight pants you were eyeing, I think we can get there with baby steps. I like you Brad. You’re cute and you look like you could be even more fun than you already are if you cut loose a little. So, if the handjob was step one…” Samara unzipped his fly and fished his hard cock out. “Then a little bit of oral action would seem to be a damn fine second step.”

There was no argument Bradley could make against the idea and as such he let Samara seal the deal with a soft peck on his lips before squatting down in front of him. She yanked his pants down to his ankles and gently grasped his hard cock, admiring while softly stroking him.

“You know, despite jerking you off I never did get a good look at this delightful cock of yours,” she said. “Perfectly shaped missile. Good size but this head of yours…” Samara extended her pink tongue to lick the tip and send quakes throughout Bradler’s body. “Just the right shape to make sure it fits anywhere.” The blonde’s hand glided up to the tip where she wrapped her palm around the tip of his torpedo and gave it a quick jack. “But we’ll get to that later, won’t we?”

Bradley nodded, then looked to the still wide-open garage door. “You…uh…wanna close that or-”

“Nah,” she said. “Trust me, I know this neighborhood at this point. No one is going to walk by right now. And if they do…well…how about we make them jealous?”

This was a situation that Bradley might have had an argument against but the moment Samara wrapped her luscious lips around his crown all that was wiped clean. That was where the rebellious blonde focused her oral attention at first, all on his cockhead. Tongue swirling wildly, the obscene sloppy slobbering noises echoed out of the garage and into the dusk-colored street. Despite the roof over his head Bradley was already seeing stars thanks to Samara, and those stars were getting ready to go supernova as soon as her lips began to venture further down.

Much like with the handjob, Samara knew all the right moves to get a rise from Bradley. However, unlike that handjob, there weren’t any real time constraints. The movie? That could wait. This? This was in the moment. So she took it moment by moment, her tongue slithering and snaking every inch of Brad’s sensitive staff while her left hands gently played with his balls. Not too aggressive, but just enough to make him even weaker in the knees.

Bradley’s eyes wandered the room in a daze as Samara skilly sucked him. It was an ocular drunkard’s walk before they finally settled on the best view in the house, her between his legs sucking him off. His cock stuffed in her mouth, slick with her saliva before those lips passed over that bit of flesh then back again. And her eyes, those deep blue eyes that seemed to radiate a soothing and sensual message, just have fun.

Samara increased her pace, moaning on Bradley’s cock as the entire experience was making her wet as well. She knew they weren’t going to fuck just yet but that didn’t mean this wasn’t fun for her as well. She could almost feel all of his apprehension melt away with every pass of her lips, every skilled swipe of her tongue. She’d almost say he was putty in her hands if he wasn’t hard as a steel rod in her mouth.

As wet as her pussy was getting Samara’s mouth was a full on typhoon, strings of saliva dripping from her mouth and splatting on the concrete floor of the garage as she sped up. She moaned, and he moaned in response. Bradley’s cock pulsed and throbbed in her mouth and Samara simply turned everything up to eleven, at this point fucking her face onto his cock. Her hands were all over him now, from stroking him while focusing on the head once more to playing with his heavy balls to raking his thighs with her nails. She looked up at him, his eyes shut tight from the pleasure being delivered. His brow was sweaty. He was trying desperately to hold off. He desperately needed to cum but was holding back. That was something Samara simply couldn’t abide.

“Cum NOW,” Samara demanded. She wasn’t staring daggers at him, she was staring full on broadswords. Her fist was a blur on his cock, only slowing down to put a little English on it to make it harder for him to resist her order. “Cum on…right on this pretty pink tongue…I want to taste you…right from the tap this time…just fucking give it to me!”

“Samara!” Bradley groaned. He took hold of his cock from her skilled hands to aim it right at her gullet as he fired off. The first shot went right in her mouth, covering her tongue and the next few followed suit. The next few shots glazed her chin and Samara sucked the remaining seed from his cock and down her throat before releasing his dick with a pop. Looking up, she saw a gasping, sweaty mess and couldn’t help but giggle mischievously.

“Better pull your pants up before we go to the movie,” she said. “Just give me a second, I need to grab my phone. Charging in the kitchen.”

As she got to her feet, Bradley said something in between deep breaths. “Samara…on your chin…you know…the cum…”

“Oh don’t worry about that,” she said. “I’ll lick it off once I come back in. I just want to have Margot see it. Maybe shock Ms. Prim And Proper into her own wild streak.”


In Peter Ferrano’s bedroom it was near pitch black. He found early on that was the best way he could find sleep and Lili certainly didn’t mind it. He slept facing her, body slightly contorted between being flat on his stomach and on his side while her legs were draped over his and her arms underneath the folded pillows beneath her head. The librarian uniform was long gone and folded up nicely in her bag, replaced with a pair of gray, low cut gym shorts and a very well-worn and holey wrestling t-shirt she’d had since high school.

Peter was in a similar situation in an old Star Trek t-shirt and sweatpants. And they were both still asleep, deeply so, in the near completely dark room. The only source of light were the few cracks of sunshine coming in through the curtains. However those miniscule light sources were soon joined by another as the bedroom door cracked open. The ever so soft squeak of the hinges made Lili stir a little, burying her face a bit into Peter’s chest.

“Take it easy,” Camila whispered to Brodie. “You’re a bit too eager.”

“Sorry,” he said. “I’m more of a pop out of the corner and say boo kind of scare guy.”

“Well, allow me to show you how the masters do it.”

“You sure it wouldn’t be better to just let them wake up?” Sydney asked.

“Still the sweetheart,” Cami said. “On three…one…two…three.”

The door flew open and Brodie dashed for the curtains, opening them and immediately flooding the room with sunlight while Camila plagued the part of the alarm clock to the fullest, loudly mimicking the sound of an alarm clock before adding at a similar volume. “WAKEY WAKEY LOVEBIRDS!!!”

“What the fuck!?!?” Peter said, rising up with a start. Lili wasn’t too far behind as both shielded their eyes from the unforgiving morning sun while also trying to cover their ears from the incessant banging.

Once Camila was satisfied the two were awake she stopped the banging and Brodie left the blinds open completely.

“‘Morning my collective sunshine,'' Camila said. “Breakfast is on the table. I brought bagels and coffee. And don’t worry Peter dearest, there’s hot tea for you. Now up.”

“Nnnn…gotta shower first,” Peter said.

“Me too,” Lili said, her voice just as groggy and sleep-slurred.

“Well hurry up and help each other get to all those hard to reach places,” Cami said, leading Brodie and Sydney out to the kitchen table where Sabrina was already a bagel and a half deep into her breakfast.

“Thanks for the free grub,” Sabrina mumbled with a mouthful.

“And thank you for letting us in so early,” Cami said as she took a seat. “They should be out in a few.”

“Think they’ll have a shower round?” Sabrina asked. “I say 50/50 odds.”

“Nah, too groggy,” Camila said. “Though I do admit Pete can get revved to go at the flip of a switch.”

“I think we might be getting into TMI Land,” Sydney said.

“Sorry,” Cami said. “I mean, was that weird? Not just me saying that about, well, knowing what Pete’s like in bed but seeing him and Lili?”

“The former yes,” Sydney said. “The latter no. And it’s weird just because, well, I’m out of the loop so it’s almost like hearing how a stranger is in the sack but not really because I kind of know him.”

“You might not want to hear the full details of how they got together then,” Brodie said before taking a big bite of a freshly-schmeared bagel.

“Jesus Christ, is there anyone who doesn’t know the exact details of that night?” Peter said as he and Lili walked out of the hall, fresh from the shower and fully dressed.

“So far not many,” Cami said with a grin before tossing Peter a bagel, followed by one for Lili.

“More questions,” Peter said. “One, what’s Brodie doing here? Two, who’s she?”

“Well, let’s answer that second one first,” Camila suggested. “Take a close look at that face. Believe me, anything below the neck is just going to make it more of a mystery.”

Peter held his bagel in his mouth and wiped the last of the sleep from his eyes before taking a close look at the strange blonde’s face. It took a few seconds then it hit him. “Sydney Sweeney?” He asked after removing the bagel.

“Right on the first guess,” Sydney said, getting up from her seat. The two hugged, albeit awkwardly due to both the food in their hands and Peter still not being fully awake. “Been a while.”

“Yeah it has,” Peter said. “Let me introduce you to my girlfriend-”

“We met yesterday,” Lili said. “Briefly. I was already on my way to the library.”

“How did that go by the way?” Asked Sydney.

“Um…we…got a lot done,” Lili said.

“Yeah, I’ll bet you did,” Cami said with a smirk before taking a big gulp of coffee. “Brodie, you’re up with your answer for dearest Peter.”

And Brodie answered followed by Sydney's own explanation for why she was there. It was quite a bit to take in so early in the morning but the free bagels and tea helped.

“Sorry about your parents, man,” Peter said. “How’s your mom?”

“Surprisingly good,” said Brodie. “I mean she could be putting on a front for me or she’s in full on “FUCK HIM” mode. Seems to be happy to have me home though. Of course the bad part is right now I have to be the intermediary between them so I get the honor of dropping off the last few boxes of my dad’s crap at his new place. Good news is that I get to wait a day before I do all that since I’m doing the whole campus tour thing today.”

“Same here,” said Sydney. “Not together though.”

“Yeah, I’m not going until like noon. One of the official ones.”

“I’m giving Sydney a little tour of the campus after this little get together,” Cami said. “Selena will be joining us. Thought I’d also extend the invite to you and Lili.”

“I’ve got to pass,” Lili said. “I need to be at the store. Helping Kiernan organize some used games Jurnee was supposed to get in yesterday.”

“Acceptable.” Cami then turned her gaze to Peter. “And you, my dearest of friends?”

“Sabs, screenplay?”

“I’m going to need some time to go through those books you and Lili picked up from the library so we’re good until tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I can do it.” Peter looked to Lili. “Need a ride to work?”

“No, I got it,” she said before giving him a quick kiss. “Thanks though. You guys can come by the store afterwards if you want.”

“Well, looks like we have ourselves a plan,” Cami said. “First off though…Peter, please, do put on something passable. And comb your hair. You know what, let me just pick your clothes out.”

“Well, some things haven’t changed,” Sydney said.


“How’s it look?” Professor Henry Jones asked. He had just completed moving into his new office on campus, just before the new semester had begun. While he wasn’t going to jump right back into teaching, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to be on campus at all. He still had some input to give on the current curriculum. He also saw nothing but a great advantage to having all the tools of the university at his disposal while writing his book. While the vacation had given him the recharge needed and provided him with a great first few chapters of a first draft, Henry knew he needed an environment that was a bit more structured to get on a roll.

The vacation however wasn’t the only thing that had inspired him. The other major inspiration was of course the woman who had joined him on it as well as the one who was in his office right now, Elizabeth Olsen. Despite being a student on the campus (Not one of his. That wasn’t a game he was interested in playing.), she was very well read and had some genuinely good insights to his writing. It was a delightful cherry on top to the other pluses the young beauty had going for her.

That young beauty was putting together the words to describe the office of her older lover. There was a regalness to it with all the old style carved wood from his oak desk to the ornate bookcases filled with leather bound tomes among a few dog-eared paperbacks. Among the books were various Scottish artifacts and trinkets, ancient Scotland being the other area of expertise Jones had aside from Rome. He even had a genuine Claymore sword mounted on the wall. The only thing out of place was an Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom poster on his wall, which was the one thing Lizzie would have to call out.

“Isn't the poster a bit much?” she asked, pointing it out.

“Well I get the Indy joke so much I’ve decided to just roll with it,” he said. “I mean why fight it at this point?”

“I suppose. I mean it wouldn’t be the only thing that sticks out a bit in the office.”

“What else sticks out my dear?”

“Well, me,” Lizzie said with a smile. “I mean look at me. I’m underdressed. I almost feel like I should be wearing a gown or something else appropriate for a museum gala.”

Looking over Lizzie, as he took any opportunity to do, did confirm what she was saying, at last to a degree. The loose button up black dress that was cut just low enough to show off the deep red of the bra she wore underneath, red hoodie,  knee high black stockings and boots combo certainly weren’t gala material but in his mind he wasn’t wearing anything special.

“You fit in about as well as I do,” he assured her. “I mean this is hardly a tuxedo I’m in.”

“True, but you just can’t help but be dashing,” Lizzie said. “After all for you, casual ended up being sandals and khaki shorts. Shirts were always buttoned up. Which is fine as those were always so much fun to take off, especially on shorts-days.”

“Why then?”

“Well, shorts-days you tended to be particularly frisky. Frisky means fun, especially with you. Something tells me we’re going to have a fun day today.”

Elizabeth got up from the seat she’d been sitting in and walked around to the other side of the desk where Henry was standing.

“Whatever gives you that idea Ms. Olsen?”

“Two big giveaways. First one, the office is pretty empty. No one is going to hear a thing. Two, you locked the door behind me. If anyone did hear they weren’t going to come barging in. And three…no tie.” She ran her hand over his shirt, fingers already undoing the buttons as it went down. “No tie is also a sure-fire sign of friskiness.”

“Guilty as charged Elizabeth.”

“No problem with me. I’m fine with ulterior motives. Well, as long as I approve, of course.”

Henry’s next move was definitely something Elizabeth approved of. Pulling her close, he hungrily kissed her. Lizzie’s tongue slithered into his mouth in response, savagely wrestling with his own as she felt his hands squeeze and grope her luscious curves. Pressing close to her, the hardness in his pants pushed against her thigh before he pulled back just enough to start unbuttoning the top of her dress, revealing her bust still contained by her bra. Mouth darting from her lips to her tits, he kissed the top of her cleavage before roughly pulling the cups of them down to get a complete taste of those magical melons.

“Yesss…mmm suck them…suck my tits Henry…” Elizabeth loved when he went lust-mad like this. While most of the time the good professor was more than fine with taking it slow and letting Elizabeth bring things to a beguiling boil, sometimes there was a fire within him. She saw it a few times when she was his client while Lizzie still worked for Sophia and many more times during their summer together.

Elizabeth’s moans of sweet satisfaction were like music being carried on the summer wind to Henry’s ears, the song of a siren that drove him mad with desire. The moans turned into a surprised yelp when he gripped her ass and set her down on the top of his desk. Fortunately it was the only part of his office not set up so there was nothing to shove off in the heat of the moment.

Once the lovely Ms. Olsen was set atop the oak desk, Henry went right to her knees, Lizzie opening her legs in time with his descent. Once down, he bunched up her skirt and grabbed her panties, pulling them down and forcing those long, gorgeous legs closed for a brief moment just to pull them completely off her perfect stems. With those gone, the gates to heaven opened once more and Henry made his way forward.

“Hmmmm,” Lizzie hummed, breathing in at the hot kiss of his lips as the bristle of his beard both against the tender flesh of her thighs. Bouncing between both legs until he finally got to the leggy co-ed’s glistening slit. The sight made his mouth water, but he held off from taking a taste just yet. Instead his hands went first.

Gently tracing his fingers over her aroused and glistening lips, a roguish smirk on his face, he heard short gasps and deep breaths from his touch. His right hand moved slightly upward to her clit, pulling the hood back just so before his mouth entered the equation. He traced the tip around it, like a brush dusting away at something just waiting to be unearthed. Not too much pressure or it would all be ruined but not so light he wouldn’t make a difference.

“Oh…oh…” Lizzie croaked, hanging her head back. Her long, blonde locks hung down to touch the surface of the desk. Back arched, every muscle in her body tensed when Henry’s mouth fully locked on to her clit and sucked it hungrily. Tongue still working feverishly, it was like writing the manuscript of his book out long hand, or in this case long tongue. Though it was working alone however, his fingers had joined the battle, plunging into Lizzie’s velvet depths.

Her eyes were closed tight and Elizabeth licked her lips as if trying to seal them like an envelope. That seal was broken every single time she moaned “Henry!” and “YES!”, which was quite frequently in between shallow breaths. “Right….oh god you’ve got it…right there…oh my god yesssss…”

Henry felt Lizzie’s hand grab him by the back of the head, taking a handful of his salt and pepper hair and push his face deeper as she ground her cunt against him, the added tickling of his beard bringing a new electricity to the act. His beard was definitely a keeper.

“Cum…gonna…make me cum…Henry…Henry…OH HENRYYYY AAAAAAHHHYESSSS!!!” she cried, giving him his much earned rewards which he hungrily lapped up. However, Lizzie didn’t have time to bask too much in her afterglow.

Henry was on his feet in seconds and she was brought back to her feet, spun around and bent over the desk in just as quick a fashion. Smiling, she bit her lip when she heard the very familiar sounds of a belt unbuckling and a zipper being unzipped.

“Unnnmmmm,” she grunted as Henry’s hard cock entered her sopping pussy. His arms wrapped around her waist and the archaeology professor brushed her hair from her left shoulder to the right, kissing it and breathing heavily in Lizzie’s ear as he began to pump. “Yes…yes that’s right Henry…fuck me…cum in me…I want it…don’t…don’t stop…”

“Ooohh Lizzie…” He grunted, fucking her heavenly cunt. Her skirt was around her waist now, being held firmly there by Henry’s left arm wrapped around her while the other alternated between smacking her ass as he pummeled her pussy and hungrily pawed at her tits. His thrusts were desperate, so close to that ultimate release and Lizzie could hear it. It turned her on wildly. That hunger, that desire in a man’s voice was an aphrodisiac second-to-none. It was all but a guarantee this wouldn’t be their only romp of the day.

Henry went harder, faster. Desire turned to straight up need. He imagined taking Lizzie on the Scottish highlands, on the green grass as if he were a Highlander lord of a castle and she was his lady in waiting, which would end up giving the term a whole new meaning. It was fitting as her pussy redefined lustful perfection in his experience.

“Cum in me,” she said as his lovely dick sent sparks flying within her with every thrust, every thrust desperate to be the one to end in that wonderful velvet explosion. “Henry please…fill me up…I need it…baby…mmmm…” A devilish glint shone in Lizzie’s green eyes. “Mmm Professor…do it…”

“Ohhhh LIZZIE!!!” Henry bellowed, slamming into her one last time and unleashing a torrent of semen inside the beautiful bomshell’s pussy, Elizabeth herself letting out a satisfied moan as she felt stream after stream of hot cum fill her to the brim.

Panting, Henry pulled out of Elizabeth and fell back on the chair while Elizabeth turned back around and sat back up on the desk, dress still bunched up, legs lewdly open with cum trickling from her freshly fucked pussy. Her hair was a wonderful mess and she had a sex drunk smile on her face.

“So, I do like what you’ve done with the office,” she said with the slightest of slur to her voice.


Brodie found himself wandering around the Student Union, a little in awe of its size. It wasn’t the biggest he’d ever seen, that would have been his old university in New York. Still, for some reason the idea of one being just as large and housing just as many different kinds of meeting rooms, eateries and trinket shops. The only thing that reigned him in was his own innate desire to not look like some bumpkin fresh off the bus.

Still, he couldn’t stop looking around completely. He was, after all, looking for the spot where he was to meet up with his campus tour guide. The location was the front of the Jamba Juice, which he was looking for from his first step into the building. He made his way to the back where he finally saw it, but didn’t see any kind of crowd in front of it. The only person he saw who seemed to be waiting was an African-American man sitting on a bench. He looked to be his age, tall and somewhere between lanky and stocky, headphones around his neck and dressed casually in jeans and t-shirt, looking around for someone just as Brodie had been looking for a location. He decided to approach.

“Hey,” Brodie said, getting the young man’s attention. “You here for the campus tour?”

“Yeah,” he responded. “You the guide or-”

“Just another tourist,” Brodie said. “Mind if I sit here too?”

“Nah, go ahead.”

Brodie sat down and joined his benchmate in looking around. “Name’s Brodie by the way. Brodie Quint.”

“Virgil McDuffie,” the man responded. Brodie outstretched his hand for a quick shake which Virgil accepted.

“So Virgil, is anyone else around or is it just us? On the tour at least.”

“No one till you showed up,” he replied. “Maybe some people are inside sipping a healthy, sugar-overloaded smoothie but I didn’t see anyone standing out.”

Like it was her cue to come walking in, someone who did stand out approached. Both Virgil and Brodie instantly took notice of her. She was a knockout in a pixie haircut and mocha skin, tattoos smattering her body. Her clothes were simple but sexy. A plain white cotton t-shirt, cut off just enough to give a hint of the tummy beneath. Her jeans were worn low, low enough to tell there wasn’t anything underneath the denim.

“Hey there, stragglers,” she said to them. “Guess you’re the tour group. I’m Zoe Kravitz and I’ll be your guide.”


Victoria Justice wandered somewhat aimlessly across campus. Somewhat because it wasn’t as if she’d just randomly happened upon the school while out and about. The university was in fact her destination. It was a wonderful place for a relaxing walk. The grass was well maintained, sculptures were peppered throughout. Even the buildings were a visual treat from the art building that looked like something right from a German Expressionist film with its odd angles and off-kilter aura to the somewhat spherical engineering building. It was a fun little walk to take.

Once she got there though, that was when the aimlessness set in. There was no real set destination, just a lot of wandering on the campus. There were more options now though. During the summer most of these wandering walks were outside only, unless of course she had a client through Bella who had access to the buildings.

Bella was gone now. That was fine with Victoria. She’d made a nice little chunk of change getting paid to do dirty little things she would have happily done for free. She’d paid for her tuition and rent for the rest of the year and still had enough left over to be more than a little comfortable. Now it was back to sex strictly for fun and praceful walks. Not so bad for the timid little wallflower people thought she was in high school.

Today’s walk, since it was so close to the beginning of the next semester, meant all the buildings were open. Mainly for the last few trou groups of oncoming students but that also meant anyone who wanted to could wander around in the air-conditioned halls of any building they pleased.

Victoria still wasn’t walking anywhere in particular, though the Earth Sciences building caught her eye. That was the one with a terrarium that could be walked through. It always smelled like fresh rain. It also had displays on reptiles and other animals that would be an interesting way to kill time. Besides, there was enough foot traffic where if she were so inclined she could find a lucky someone to have an even better time-killing session within one of the empty classrooms.

Victoria was about to head into the building when she heard a familiar voice call her name.


The brunette turned around to see the familiar face that matched with that familiar voice.

“Peyton List?” Victoria asked upon seeing the leggy blonde make her approach.

“I thought that was you!” The leggy blonde came up to her former roommate and the two greeted each other with a big hug.

“What are you doing here?” Victoria asked as the two’s embrace ended. “I thought you were in Europe or something.”

“Yeah, for a semester,” she said. “France actually. Then when that was over I backpacked all over for the summer. The Netherlands are amazing by the way.”

“Awesome. When did you get in?”

“A couple days ago. Had to sign my apartment lease and all that, interview for a job. You’re looking at a new waitress at the Whisky Casket.”

“Not a bad gig. I wish you’d told me you were back though. You coulda stayed with me.”

“Thanks but honestly after the semester in Paris and all the hostels over the summer I kind of need some solitude.”

“Gotcha.” Victoria replied. “So what else you have planned?”

“Well,” Peyton said smiling, “I was thinking of looking up Jesse. Maybe pick up exactly where we left off.”


11:35 AM. Michael Kwan knew if you had an appointment with one of Sophia’s girls you were expected to be on time and he was. He was penciled in for 11:45 and it was far better to be ten minutes early than ten minutes late.

He walked into the exquisite looking house. It was almost like something out of a movie, the cliche high class brothel. The exterior was something classic that dripped old money and the interior was no different, though there was a bit more of a modern touch to it all within. He’d seen the big screen TV’s in the den where the bar was and the wi-fi was superb in it. But it still felt like something out of a noir movie at times with the women who worked here fitting that classic femme fatale look with a few His Girl Fridays mixed in for good measure.

He pressed the golden button near the waiting room couch and very soon he heard the familiar sound of high heel pumps click-clacking on the hardwood floor. However as those heels approached he saw a very different owner than Sophia, who he was expecting.

The woman who walked in to greet him was a lean, fair-skinned brunette . A woman who looked to be around Sophia’s age, a cougar on the prowl to be sure. She wore black stockings and a knee length skirt. Her long sleeved blouse was black leopard print, all of it bringing out the slight tan of her skin and her brown eyes, which were wonderfully framed by her brown hair.

“You must be Michael,” she said, extending her hand. He hesitantly accepted it. That, combined with the confused look on his face led the woman to fully introduce herself. “I’m Tori. Tori Black.  And by the look on your face you were clearly expecting Sophia Bush, correct?”

“Well, yeah,” he said with a slight gulp. “No offense.”

“None taken. To put it simply, Sophia is taking a bit of a step back. I guess with all she has going on it slipped her mind to let you know that I’d be taking some of her appointments. I’m also taking on a lot of other responsibilities. Of course, my prime responsibility at the moment is making sure you get your money’s worth. And Michael…I think I might just give you a few dollars more than that.” She gave him a wink and began to walk away. She looked over her shoulder at him and motioned with her head for Michael to follow her, which he of course did.

Tori led him up the stairs and down the hallway to a double-doored room at the very end. The Madame produced a key and unlocked the door. “Please, come in,” she said to Michael.

He stepped in and looked at the spacious room. It was a mix between a boudoir and a boardroom. An ornate bed, couch, chairs, and other accouterments filled most of the room while at the end there was a desk with a computer and file cabinets and other similar office stand-bys.

“Sophia tended to keep her office separate from her, well, other office,” Tori said with a smile. “Myself? I think having it all in one adds a unique flavor to everything. As well as more…options for play.” She turned around and gave Michael a smile. It was still friendly, though now the fire burned. There was a bit more authority in it as well as her gaze. “Sit.” She directed him at the couch. Michael took the seat.

Tori paced back and forth without a hint of nerves. She was more of a tigress studying her prey. She saw the faintest hint of sweat on his brow and intimidation in his eyes. This was why she loved pouncing on civilians rather than pros. The next step she waited for was a look of recognition in his eyes once he finally recognized Tori for who she was, aside from the woman about to rock his world.

“Wait,” he said. There it was. Tori’s lips turned up into a smile. “You’re…”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m THAT Tori Black. The one you search for on Google on lonely nights when you need that one final release to knock you out.” She smirked at him as she began to disrobe. The top came off first, showing nothing covering her breast. They were far from the biggest he’d seen, especially for a porn star. However, Michael simply could not imagine them being any bigger. Bolt-ons would destroy the perfection of her svelte form.

The skirt fell next, showing the only thing underneath was the thigh-high stockings. He had a full view of her pussy, her whole body really. Her star tattoo on the lower right of her abdomen and just below it her perfectly manicured triangle of brown pubic hair right above the gates to heaven.

“You know this is going to be kind of hard if I’m the only one that’s naked,” Tori pointed out, followed by a more direct order. “Your clothes. Lose ‘em.”

Michael did so, quickly standing up and hurriedly removing his jacket and shirt, before he dropped his pants though, Tori paused him.

“I hate to ruin the mood…or you might be into this part, who knows. Money first.”

“Oh, yeah,” he said, fishing into his pocket and pulling out a roll of cash and handing it to Tori, who unfurled it and counted the roll of twenties and fifties.

“Mmmm,” she said before rolling it back up in its rubber band and tossing the cash on the nearby chair. “You are definitely going to be getting more than your money’s worth once you drop those pants Mr. Kwan.”

The pants were dropped and a memory soon after those words fell from the pornstar madame’s mouth. The brunette sex bomb placed her hand on Michael’s abdomen and pushed him down on the couch then got to her knees. Her hands took gentle hold of his knees and pressed his legs apart, allowing her to slither between them. Tori’s tongue continued slithering, licking up his thigh, her fingers tracing the wet path just behind, until she got to his semi-erect cock. She grasped her client’s cock, gently running her fingers over the hardening, fleshy organ. The brunette licked her lips when she heard him inhale deep. She could say something, throw a bit more kindling on the fire. Tori opted for a propane tank by wrapping her lips around his meaty stalk.

“Yeah….yeah suck it,” Michael said. The initial shock of getting blown by a porn legend in lieu of one of the sexiest professors on campus melted away as the fun of the wish fulfillment factor took over his mind. His hands were being kept to himself, savoring the hard work Tori was doing on his hard cock.

While Tori flat out loved hearing a positive reaction, whether it be from a fellow pro or a civilian like her current lover of the moment, there was just something about being with a normal joe. Especially when it came to sucking cock. The fact of the matter was a lot of them just didn’t get AAA blowjobs, or that seemed to be in her experience. There was a different cadence in Michael’s voice as her mouth slurped and slobbered on his cock. Her tongue tracing all over, hitting all the sweet spot and making Michael twitch in her professional mouth. A deeper appreciation of her skills. Of course, Tori had other skills her mouth could provide.

“You’re already thinking about it aren’t you baby?” she asked after pulling off his cock. Her fist wrapped around his slick member, jacking it furiously as she spit white hot filth out at him. “Thought about it for a while from seeing my scenes…thinking about shooting that hot fucking cum all over this pretty little face….not yet…not yet though…you need to fuck my tight fucking pussy first…”

Tori’s mouth went from one skill back to the other, engulfing Michael’s hard cock just as he decided to get a bit active in the action. He took hold of Tori’s head and began to thrust up into her mouth and soon a squelching sound of *GLUK GLUK GLUK* filled the room. Drool and spittle flowed from the courtesan’s mouth as she was facefucked. She’d unlocked a much more eager lover now that the shock had melted away and it was time to see just how eager he was.

Her mouth departed Michael’s cock as Tori got to her feet. She wasn’t on them long though. Soon she joined Michael on the couch, her knees on either side of his legs and her pussy right in his face. Soon Tori felt Michael’s hands grip her ass, pulling her delectable pussy closer to her face. While Tori always appreciated a man being hungry to return the favor, right now her cunt wanted something a bit different that Michael could provide.

“You want this fucking pussy huh?” Tori asked with a sneer. “This dirty fucking cunt? THen take it…fuck this pussy!”

Michael’s grip went from pulling her pussy to her face to pulling her down on his cock.

“Fuuuuck yesss,” growled Tori as she was filled with his hard cock. “Fuck me…fuck me hard! GIVE IT TO ME!”

“Gonna fuck you hard!” Michael yelled, squeezing her ass as he drove up into her. “Fuck I’ve been dreaming of this…god damn…”

“Now you’re dream’s come true…fucking show me how much you love it! Gimme that fucking cock…fuck me!” Tori’s voice were from verbage to voracious moaning as Michael showed just what kind of cream dreams Tori’s work had given him. From his thick cock sifully stretching out her pussy to his mouth leaving a sheen of saliva mixed with Tori’s sweat on her chest as her tasted her tits.

Tori’s eye rolled back like a slot machine. Michael was giving her everything he had and making Tori even more sure of her decision to step into this line of work back at her old alma mater. Though now it was time to give back to Michael as good as she was getting.

She put her hands firmly on his shoulders, gripping tight. That, combined with the fierce look in her brown eyes, gave Michael the clear signal that now Tori was taking the reins. Once those reins were taken Tori wasted no time in bucking her bronco.

“Yeah, yeah you like that?” She asked. “You like that fucking pussy? Making your cock feel good huh?” His moans were her affirmative answer. She almost laughed until that gave way to her own frantic moans. She slammed her pussy down on cock hard and fast, almost making him go numb from the pleasure…almost. The way her professional pussy expertly squeezed and milked his cock even with such frantic action blew his mind. And when she slowed down, grinding her her hips and swirling her sex around him it almost made him blow something else.

Michael managed to keep it together though, which impressed Tori. She showed no mercy. She never did. She didn’t blame a guy if he blew early, as long as she got a warning but when they could keep up with her…well they either got her number or in Michael’s case a discount for their upcoming rematch.

Though things had slowed down Michael was once more taking the wheel. He pulled Tori off of him and bent her over, the sexual legends taking hold of the couch’s arm rest before looking over her shoulder at him.

“Yeah, fuck me like a dirty girl…dirty fucking girl of your dreams…fuck me!” The next sound to escape her lips was a satisfied groan as his cock once more filled her tunnel of love. Her nails dug into the fabric of the sofa as Michael savagely drove into her, his pelvis loudly smacking against her with loud, rhythmic sounds that provided the perfect passionate percussion that echoed in the room.

Michael’s hands moved from gripping Tori by the hips to her shoulders, pulling her back to meet each and every one of his fierce and savage thrusts.

“YES!” Cried Tori. “FUCK! Take that fucking cunt…use it…use it….yes yes yes YES!!!!”

Tori slid a hand between her legs, furiously playing with her clit while her pussy was plundered by Michael. It was utter perfection for her first client and Michael certainly wasn’t complaining either, what with being balls deep in porn legend turned campus madame Tori Black and all.

“Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah I’m gonna cum,” Tori whined. “Gonna cum gonna cum gonna cum FUCKKKKKKK!!!!!” Tori froze, Michael’s dick still driving into her as her pussy spasmed and came on his cock. The only thing missing for Tori was the sizzle on the steak that was being watched by a crew of people and knowing she was going to be watched by millions more. Stil, the steak was mouth watering. She was actually drooling as she came, and her mouth became a waterfall when she heard the next words to explode from his mouth…far from the last explosion he’d provide.

“Fuck I’m gonna cum…gonna fucking cum!” Michael yelled.

“Yeah?” Tori asked, still the vixen despite being very dick drunk. “Gonna cum? Gonna paint this pretty fucking face? Live out thiose dirty fucking fantasies you filthy boy? Do it…FUCKING CUM IN MY MOUTH! COVER ME!”

Michael was more than ready to fulfill her command. He pulled out of her dripping snatch and Tori went to her knees. She knew her role all too well at this point. He furiously pumped his cock while Tori was on her knees, mouth open, tongue out and waiting for her creamy treat.

“FUCK!!” With that expletive Mike came, shooting out ropes of hot cum to splatter all over Tori’s face and tongue. The brunette moaned in ecstasy as globs of cum slapped across her face, coating her in a way that would make some of her former co-stars jealous. The first few shots were a bit wild, hitting her forehead in white magma lines. Michael soon got better aim, firing the rest of his viscous load right into her mouth, the overflow drooling out and glazing her chin and tits. 

In the aftermath both were delightfully dazed, with only thoughts of their own pleasure on their minds. Though both had one other thought going through both of their heads, and that was booking another appointment with each other.

“Not a bad first day,” Tori thought to herself.


After the previous day’s many, many exhausting but wonderful encounters Hailee decided to take the current day a lot easier. Not many things were easier than a stroll downtown. The correct part of downtown too, the part that kept her away from the store where Lili worked, which would keep her away from all the people she did not want any part of anymore. That aided a lot in taking it easy, just as the cup of cold brew she was sipping at a coffee shop she was taking a quick breather at.

Hailee was sitting at a table outside of the shop. It was to better see if anyone she didn’t want to see would be approaching so she could make a quick exit. However, if she saw someone who she was either eager to see at best or ambivalent towards she stayed sipping. Fortunately the latter showed up, though he was more on the ambivalent end despite being on her regular “fuck buddy” list in Ben Ferrano.

“This seat taken?” he asked with his used car salesman's smile.

“Not currently,” Hailee said. “You’re free if you want.”

Ben took the seat opposite of her and was ready to put on one hell of a sales pitch with the product being himself. However Hailee paused him before he could start the roll out.

“Before you start, let me be clear, I'm not looking to see the inside of your apartment and not really in the mood to have you in mine today. No offense.”

“None taken,” he said. “Don’t need to remind me what this is. I was just wondering what your weekend plan is. Last one before classes start again.”

“Going to the People Under The Stairs show,” she answered. “Why?”

“Well, that’s a coincidence, I was going to ask if you wanted to go with me.”

“Sure,” Hailee said. “Who knows…maybe I’ll be in the mood for a little bit more than just the show.” She said that with a heavy dose of flirtatiousness. Sure, Walt would be there. He knew the rules however. They weren’t dating. Right now all Hailee wanted was fun and Ben had shown he was a unique brand of fun.

“Cool,” Ben said, getting up. “Should I pick you up or meet you there?”

“Probably meet you there,” Hailee said. “We set?”

“Like an alarm…probably not the best turn of phrase, huh?”

“Not really,” Hailee said with a giggle. Ben laughed at himself and waved goodbye before making his exit. As he left Hailee continued to sip her coffee. There was always a thought that bounced around in her head as to why she kept hanging out with Ben. Not because he was some sort of awful person. The first impression he’d made was horrible and she still didn’t think of him as 100% trustworthy but he wasn’t a drag.

However she couldn’t figure out why she’d fucked him in the first place. Not that he was bad by any stretch of the imagination. If he was he wouldn’t have had any additional bouts with her. But initially…he wasn’t her type. Not really. Was it really just because he was Peter’s brother? Someway she could say she got one up on him for going out with Lili?

Hailee didn’t want to think of herself as being so shallow…but it made sense. Rather than dwell on it she got up from her seat and continued her walk, hoping the walk back to her apartment would bring other things to mind than existential dread.


“Ohhhh yessss,” Emma Stone moaned. She had a lot of work to do and was hoping to actually get it finished that day. It was on her schedule and everything and she really felt that part of taking on the responsibility. And now she was on her back on her folded out futon, holding her legs back while her skirt was hiked up and a delivery man was eating her out. The redhead felt like she was living in a porno scene.

She didn’t quite know what led to this; being fucked, or in the foreplay level of it at least. Maybe it was the office itself. Emma didn’t believe in ghosts or any of that nonsense but she did know what was done in this office before she set up. She knew there was a bed where her futon was now. It was what inspired her decision to put it there. It simply made sense if she had to stay overnight to do inventory or anything else related to the bar. She also knew what had gone on in that bed, what her predecessor had done.

And now there she was, pleasure before business with a delivery man who’s name she wasn’t quite sure of but that didn’t matter because whatever his name was he could eat pussy. Her toes were curling and goosebumps popped up on goosebumps as her lover’s digits and tongue drove out all thought of order forms and invoices.

“Oh god right there,” she said, her already smoky voice getting raspier. “Come on…oh god….” Emma’s eyes shut tight and she saw water ripples of color in the darkness, ripples that pulsed like a neon sign with every new jolt of pleasure the man of the moment was delivering between her legs. And every new pleasure pulse made Emma desire something a bit more concrete than oral action.

The man seemed to read her mind. With his mouth still happily lapping at Emma’s cunt her hands took hold of the cheeks of her ass and lifted her up, the redhead now on her shoulders while her legs hooked on his shoulders. While Emma held herself there with her legs the man moved his hands from her ass to his pants, undoing his belt and zipper and freeing his raging hard-on. He took hold of Emma’s stems again, placing her calves against his chest  and leaning forward, sheathing his cock within her.

“God damn yes…” Emma purred. He wasted no time in filling her to the hilt only to pull back and thrust in slow and deep once more. Each new pump drew a deeper, smokier growl-smother groan to escape her lips. And with her current position, legs hooked over his shoulders and him being on top, every stroke within her velvet goldmine hit a new jackpot.

The moment the delivery man paused for a moment to keep himself from losing it all much too soon, Emma made a play. She pushed him onto his back and sunk down on his cock once more. The man rolled with the moment, taking a firm grip on her hips while Emma reached behind her back to unzip her dress and slip the top half down to expose her breasts while the entirety of her dress was now bunched up around her waist like an emerald cummerbund.

Emma leaned forward, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head. She couldn’t make him keep his hands there but the pressure she was applying made it clear to the gentleman that for the moment he was keeping his hands right there, Emma was going to do all the work.

Emma’s hands departed his wrists, her nails lightly dragging down both of the limbs until she reached his chest. She raked her nails across his flesh as she began to work her cunt hard on his cock. Rapidly slamming herself on him, slowing down only to squeeze and milk him, showing the wonders of kegels to her anonymous lover.

He croaked and groaned, words failing to describe the sensations sent by Emma’s skilled pussy. This was unlike anything he’d ever felt. It almost didn’t seem possible, like her pussy was molded just for him. Squeezing him tight and relaxing around him. At times there was an almost virginal vice grip on his dick and others he was stunned to silence by the fierce, savage pace with which she rode his cock.

The site of Emma doing it all too was quite a site. Her red hair matted and stuck to her skin with sweat, eyes squeezed shut with pleasure, and when they were open, her big blue eyes made her seem like a woman possessed. It was true in a way, she was utterly possessed by the pleasure she was feeling. Her eyes weren’t the only tip off to that either. The broken moans of her smoky voice and the way she moved, swaying and swiveling on his cock like a trained dancer using her full body to tell a tale. Of course he didn’t know Emma actually was a trained dancer but he wouldn’t be surprised to find out she was after seeing and feeling what her body could do.

Emma began to lean back, back arched and her hands gripping the futon mattress tight as her pace increased, riding his stick fast and hard. “Fuck yea, fuck yeah, fuck yeah, gimme that dick, gimme that fucking dick,” she said, almost chanting as opposed to just speaking the words. She licked her lips and gulped for air, still chanting “Fuck yeah…fuck fuck…ahhhhhhh…”

As Emma let herself go and her man of the moment got a bit bold. He finally moved his hands from where Emma had placed them and once more took a firm grip of the tender flesh of her hips. He mostly continued to let Emma do what she was doing, though occasionally he managed to get her to slow down sometimes and do some wonderful writhing before going back to full blast.

A loud *SMACK* echoed in the room as Emma felt a hard spank on her ass and it sent the most wonderful jolts of pleasurable pain through every nerve of her body.

“AGAIN!” She screamed, “Fucking slap that ass again!” *SMACK SMACK SMACK* Three more spanks in rapid succession, colliding on one ass cheek then the other until both sides of her pale bottom were candy pink from the rough contact.

He grew bolder still, pulling himself up, finally getting a quick taste of Emma tits before bringing one last position change to the party. In a flurry of movements that landed in description somewhere between graceful and chaotic Emma was on all fours, face down and ass up with her mystery man’s cock embedded deep in her pussy and already going to town.

“Make…make me cum on that cock,” Emma demanded, her hand slipping between her legs to frig her clit. And it was a demand. There was no begging in her voice. It was a straight up, lust-fueled demand that he was going to be sure to be carrying out.

“Right there…fuck yes, right there…” Emma said, her voice see-sawing in volume as she got closer and closer to the edge. She needed that one final thing. It was an x-factor sometimes but she knew right now, in the moment exactly what “X” equaled.

“Cum in me,” she said, her husky voice in full on sex-goddess mode. “Gimme that fucking cum…fucking fill me up and make it drip out of my pussy…cum in me!!!”

“You want it?” He asked, just hearing those words in that tone of voice made his own tone take on a level of cockiness. “You want this cock to fucking fill your up with cum?”

“Yeessssssss,” she hissed. “Fucking do it…cum cum cum CUM!”

“Ahhhhh cummmminnnnng yesssssss!” He went full blast inside her, jackhammering away while Emma’s voice sounded like she was on a storm-tossed ship; up, down and all around. Finally the man’s own words of pleasure croaked and formed into broken grunts to match his erratic thrusts as he began to shoot into her, each new volley of cum coming with a deep thrust all its own.

That first hot blast of jizz splashing into her was the one sensation Emma needed, cumming at the white hot sensation of his cum coating her from within.

“Oh yessss…fuck….” Each pulsing shot of cum extended the feeling for Emma, moaning softly as she felt the semen start to trickle down her thigh, more once he pulled out. She was definitely going to have to have the sheets cleaned pronto.

Emma fell to her stomach then rolled over as the man got to his feet and began to pull his pants back on and look a bit more professional. As he did this Emma took the time to finally take note of the name sewed on the front of his shirt: Edgar. Just in case it came up.

“So, uh, Ms. Stone,” he said, trying to compose himself. “I guess all I need is your signature on the invoice.”

“Yeah, sure,” she said, signaling for him to come closer with a sloppy wave. He did, ready to get her signature. Once he got it, he set a copy on her nearby desk. He nodded and began to walk towards the way he’d entered before Emma paused him. “Not that way. The back way.” She didn’t need any knowing glances from the bartenders on her first official day as the manager and official active owner of the Whisky Casket.


“And we’re back where we began,” Zoe said. “Two hours of a by-the-book campus tour mixed with a heavy dose of the stuff you actually want to hear about.” I

It was a fun two hours at that, which was a surprise to both Brodie and Virgil. The two had understandably assumed the entire thing was going to be a very clinical experience and their guide would pretty much be a human map. However, Zoe proved herself to be so much more. Sweetly sarcastic and laid back, she made the tour a lot more than simply academic. Since the only people on the tour were Brodie and Virgil and not a parent in sight, Zoe gave them the total lowdown on the campus. All the secrets newbies usually had to stumble on totally by accident or muddled word of mouth. The last brothel left standing? Zoe gave them the info. The one sorority where one of the hazing rituals was seeing who could suck the most cock in an hour? She gave them the address and the Greek letters to look for. And of course, she told them all about the secret of the Student Union.

“I still can’t believe the stuff you said about that basement level of the student union,” said Virgil. “I mean, is it true? How do you even get in?”

“Oh it’s true,” Zoe said, leaning against a nearby bulletin board in the middle of a brick wall. “You just need to know someone who can get in. That’s the only way you know what doors to take. By invite only.”

“Anyway, you could maybe share an invite?” Brodie asked with a smile. The odds were against him but he figured he might as well shoot his shot with the laid back knockout.

“Pretty bold of you Brodie,” she said. “Only known me for two hours, I don’t even know your last name and you’re asking if I can take you to an area pretty much designated for casual sex?”

“Yeah,” he said with a shrug, trying to keep the bold facade he had. Any cracks in the armor and what small chance he had was going to be blown.

“Well, I can’t say I’m willing to do that,” Zoe said before adding, “Yet.” She took a pen out from her back pocket along with a scrap piece of paper. She bared down on the wall behind her and scribbled her number down. “But here’s a start. Here's my number. Call me and let’s get a burger or something before we get to the Eyes Wide Shut stuff.”

“That’s a deal,” he said as he took the paper. Virgil just looked on, a little amazed by what just went on.

“Then I guess I’ll talk to you later.” Zoe smirked then said her goodbyes. One Virgil and Brodie were left alone, the dam broke for Virgil as they both took a seat at a nearby table.

“Man, how the hell did you do that?” Asked Brodie’s confused compatriot.

“Do what?”

“Get Zoe’s number! I mean…you just got it from her! How does that even work?”

“I don’t know dude. I mean I figured why not go for it? I mean what’s she going to do, insult me and say no? Been there, wrote the screenplay, and will be starring in the movie this summer. I mean I want to be an actor so I better be prepared to make an ass of myself for a shot at the big time.”

“You might be getting shot number two,” Virgil said, his eyes on someone behind Brodie.

“What’s she like?” the actor queried.

“Total MILF and ten out of ten might be underselling it. Some thiccness too. And redheads are always top tier in my book.”

“Wait…red hair?” A light went on in Brodie’s head. He just remembered something…that his mother was coming by campus to see him. He turned around and there she was…red hair being worn down and wearing a blue sundress. “That’s my mom.”

“Oh shit,” Virgil said, burying his face in his hands as Brodie’s mom approached.

“Hi mom,” Brodie said, getting up to greet his mother with a hug she was already open-armed for. Even though he stood a good six inches above her, his mother gave him an anaconda-like embrace that even lifted him off the ground for a few moments.

“Hi sweetie,” she said as she released her embrace. “How was the tour?”

“Not bad,” he said. “I’m pretty sure I won’t get lost in the wilderness next week.”

“I should hope not. Who else is going to help me clear the rest of your father’s things out of the house.” Her eyes fell on a sitting and thoroughly embarrassed Virgil. “You make a new friend?”

“Yeah,” Brodie said. “Mom, this is Virgil. He was the only other person on the tour and he’s studying game design.”

Virgil took that as his cue to swallow the embarrassment and stand up for a proper introduction.

“Virgil, this is my mom, Amy Adams.” Virgil stood up and nervously approached Amy and shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you Virgil,” Amy said. “Game design? Good money, if you can get in it. I wish Brodie had gone into a field like that but he got the acting bug from me. Hopefully he’s luckier than I was and graduates beyond local theater.”

“And as I’ve said a million times, I don’t regret it one bit,” Brodie said before noticing the stack of papers in his mother’s arm. “What are those?”

“Well you know how I’m turning your father’s office into kind of a game room? Well since he’s taking all of that awful Saints stuff with him,” Amy then looked to Virgil quickly and said, “I’m a Colorado girl, go Broncos,” then returned to her original train of thought with her son. “So I have an extra room just sitting there on the first floor so I figured why not make a little extra money? So I made these flyers and figured I’d put them up here before we went to lunch.”

“Can I see one of those?” Virgil asked.

“Sure.” Amy handed him one of the papers before setting the rest down on the table the two men had been sitting at. “Looking for a place to stay?”

“Kind of. I’m staying at one of those long-stay motels.”

“Oh those are awful,” said Amy. “So not worth the price.”

“They aren’t that bad,” Brodie said. “Which one are you staying at?”

“Castleton Suites.” Virgil answered.

“You’re staying at the Whore Motel???” Brodie asked.

“Language!” Amy said.

“Mom, that’s what it is though! Unless something changed while I was at NYU.”

“No, but it’s just that word. The W-Word. Sounds so mean-spirited. Unless we’re talking about any woman your father is seeing now.”

“How much is the rent?” Virgil asked. “For the room?”

“I don’t know, I was thinking four hundred a month? I’m not looking to gouge anyone, especially a student. I know how expensive this stuff is. If my boy here didn’t get a scholarship that was also flexible enough to be applied to two different schools across the country then he probably wouldn’t have met you on what I’m sure was an exciting campus tour.”

“Considering I was budgeted for typical Cali prices, that's an amazing price.”

“Great. How about you come by today to check it out? After I take Brodie out for lunch. I’d invite you but with all the commotion of him moving back and…other things we haven’t had much family time. So maybe meet me at two? Just text the number for the address.”

“Yeah, sure,” Virgil said. “Thanks.”

“And that’s perfect for me because while we were on the tour I got a text from Pete’s roommate,” Brodie said. “They’re already working on a new script and she has a part that she says I’m the perfect fit for. I’m swinging by their place after lunch.”

“Well, sounds like we both have a full afternoon so let’s squeeze in some mother-son time while we can.” Amy once more turned to Virgil. “And I guess I’ll be seeing you later, Virgil. Have a great day!” With one last smile Amy was off with her son and Virgil admired the rear view easier than he had the front view and without any of the embarrassment. He wouldn’t mind waking up and seeing that every morning, regardless of whether she was next to him in bed or not.

He brushed the thought off though. It was pure fantasy. The amount of money he could save though was much more important. Though he did decide to revisit that fantasy in private later.


When Camila Cabello was still one on the active roster at the Not-So-Secret Brothel on campus she prided herself on her nerves of steel. The Cuban cutie never once had a client that had given her so much as one butterfly fluttering around in her stomach.

However on this particular day she felt as if she had an entire colony of angry wasps furiously buzzing away in her abdomen. There was no client. There hadn’t been in a long time, not since Wendell. She’d been working as Sophia’s assistant all these months. Now, however, it was time to meet the new boss, and she was decidedly not the same as the old boss and Camila knew that the moment she heard the name Tori Black. She knew who she was and knew of her work. Something about being around a woman that sexually profficient and internationally desired made Camila nervous. Not that Sophia wasn’t a knockout as well, perhaps even more beautiful than Tori. However something about Tori, even just through a computer screen, was almost magical. A sinister, seductive kind of magic, but magic nonetheless.

As she walked up the stairs to the office a man sprinted down past her, giving Camila a quick “Excuse me” as he rushed down the stairs, more in a hurry like he was late for something than any kind of embarrassment. She recognized him as one of Sophia’s regulars; Michael or something. Though now it would appear he was one of Tori’s regulars. Camila knew the new boss was here but was somewhat surprised she had already finished settling in.

With that in mind she continued up the stairs and down the hall to the office. A series of three light knocks and Tori responded, speaking loud enough to get through the wooden doors but without a drop of harshness to it for Camila to come in.

She stepped through the doors to find the office looking pretty much the same. She didn’t know why she thought that just because Sophia was no longer in the same position that it would look completely different but it did feel different with another woman behind the desk. Not bad, but just different. For one, Sophia would never be doing paperwork dressed in Frederick’s of Hollywood instead of something slightly more office appropriate.

Not that it was bad or anything. Technically a sheer black robe over a matching bra, panties and stockings was office appropriate for a brothel. Sure, for Camila, the stockings were a guess but a pretty educated one.

“You must be Camila,” Tori said, getting up and confirming the stockings for Camila. She walked over to shake hands with the co-ed. “I’m Tori Black. But please, just call me Tori. No Ms. Black. That’s reserved for the clientele that’s into that.”

“”No problem.” Camila replied. “I’m guessing Sophia gave you all my info?”

“Yes she did.” Tori took a seat on the couch, patting a section next to her for Camila to join her on. “You’re pretty much an administrative assistant and one of the former courtesans here. Made the switch over because of the classic drain on our profession, true love, correct.”

“Kinda,” Camila shrugged. “Wasn’t exactly true. We broke up a month ago. Nothing serious. We just…grew apart.”

“Hmmm, interesting.”

“Why’s that?”

“Sophia didn’t mention anything. Not that she would or anything but I would assume that would put you back in the game and if I’m taking over the day to day I’d love to know who’s on staff…well, front of the house staff.”

“I didn’t tell her. I don’t know. I was kind of wondering if I wanted to or not. I mean, I miss the money…and how much fun it could be. But I don’t know if I want to go full time…or at all.”

“How about dipping your toes in the water?” Asked Tori. “See, I have another client today but…let’s just say an eager college boy can be surprisingly energetic. And from what I understand, it might be someone you enjoy.”

“How would you know that?”

“Well, when I told him I might have to back out but would gladly offer a substitute for a discount he said no discount was necessary if he could have one of three women. You’re the only one available…if of course you say yes.”

“Who’s the customer?” Camila asked.

“I was told by Sophia he prefers to be referred to as The Colonel.”

That name got Camila’s attention. It also got a smile and quick flash of memories of life before she stepped off the active roster. No one knew his name save for Sophia, and presumably now Tori, which was the reason he rarely booked time with them. Anonymity was part of what got him off. The Colonel had very specific tastes, tastes which Camila remembered having wonderful times providing.

“I take it from the look on your face you’re considering it,” said Tori. “If it helps sweeten the deal you get to keep the entire fee for yourself. Nothing off the top since you’d be doing me a favor in a pinch.”

“I think I can agree to that arrangement,” Camila said, rising to her feet. “Is he in his usual room?”

“I guess. I mean he made this appointment last month apparently.”

“Well, he’s a stickler for detail so I’m taking that as a yes. Which also means I should go get ready.”

“Before you go, one question.”

“What’s that?”

“Why is he called the Colonel?” Tori asked.

“I don’t know. Sophia said it was something to do with Elvis? Like he’s a really big fan or something. I guess hearing that accent kind of makes sense but I don’t know a thing about Elvis. I’d ask but we tend to have other things on our minds during our sessions.”

“Fair enough. Have fun.”

“I will.” Camila exited the office and headed for the dressing room. It was exactly what it sounded like, a big community dressing loom like something seen in a theater. Racks and closets full of clothes and shoes for every sexual desire a client could have. For someone who was just having her first time with the Colonel it could take a while to find something they would imagine he’d like. For Camila however, it took minutes.

The first step was picking out the clothing. No shoes. It wasn’t a foot fetish thing, it was part of the overall look. The only two other pieces in this outfit were a plain white sleeveless tee shirt and white cotton panties. The last piece required her to sit in front of the row of mirrors in the room.

She sat down and began to put her hair in sidetails. Most would call them pigtails but Camila learned from her own experiences with the Colonel to never call it that. And also when tying the hair into the two tails on either side of her head to never use anything but normal hair ties. No berets, no scrunchies, no ribbons. Those, to him, played too young. He didn’t want that. He just wanted the long hair tied into tails on either side of her head. Camila never asked but based on the southern accent he was putting on it was some kind of farmer’s daughter fantasy…but the farmer definitely has an adult daughter.

Before she left the room she remembered one last piece of the outfit, one that wouldn’t be seen until the Colonel got up close and personal. It was a quick addition and once it was done Camila pulled the cotton panties back up and exited the dressing room with her mind set on the Colonel’s room.

It wasn’t too far away from Tori’s office which made the walk brief. Three knocks were made dead center on the wooden door. Muffled through the solid oak Camila was still able to make out a familiar voice beckoning her to come in. She turned the knob and stepped forward.

The lights were low, almost like a midnight sky. There were some lights, but just enough so Camila could see where to step and of course be seen herself by the Colonel.

That was the other thing about him…none of the girls, save Sophia and now Tori once more, knew what he looked like. They knew the sound of his voice, the scent of his cologne and his tenderly rough touch. Camila surmised he had to be in the film department just by how good he was able to light the room every time she had him. It wasn’t just the dimmer switch he was working with, there were extra lights set up and she couldn’t see them. However, they did illuminate him…except for his face. That’s how it was every time and tonight was no different.

There he was, his face cloaked in shadow while the rest of his body was seen. He was fully clothed; a light-colored shirt that was either white or a very light blue (Camila couldn’t quite make it out), black pants with well-shined black shoes. The shine was so good that if Camila really looked she swore she might have finally seen his face in the reflection.

“Camila,” the Colonel said, his Southern accent making a smile come to Camila’s face. “It’s been a while.”

“That it has,” said Camila, standing just where the bed ended. “I hope I’m a good substitute. I’m sure if not Tori could find someone more to your liking.”

“Camila my dear, if I’d known you were an option I’d be fine with paying triple.”

“Why thank you,” she said. “I have to say of all the people I could have for my first time back I am so very glad it’s you.” She gave him a flirtatious smile and despite the fact she could not see his response she could almost feel him give one in return. “So, if I remember right, I do this next.” She walked to the wall and faced it. Camila then raised her hands and planted them firmly on the wall in front of her. She didn’t have to see the Colonel to know he was getting up, the sound of the leather chair creaking just the slightest bit gave that away.

Soon he was behind her, his hot breath on Camila’s neck making her skin tingle and her pussy soaking. The Colonel’s breath was soon followed by his hands, fondling Camila’s petite breasts through the thin cotton material of the shirt and then down the front of the underwear, barely dipping his fingers into her wet snatch before yanking the panties down.

Camila dutifully stepped out of them and stood with her legs open. While she was still on her feet the Colonel had squatted down until his face was level with Camila Cabello’s perfectly round as. He spread her cheeks and was prepared to start eating when he saw little obstruction to that as well as what would come right after.

Camila had a garish buttplug embedded in her asshole. It was bejeweled with a red cubic zirconia, doing its best in being a bad imitation of a ruby and even better at being the perfect slutty sex toy it was destined to be.

“Ahhhh,” Camila sighed as the plug was slowly removed from her rectum. From there it was sexual symphony ringing in her ears as she heard the sound of him licking and sucking the plug before setting it aside. Camila felt him rise up, then heard the jingle bell sound of the buckle of his belt as it was being undone then the sound of a zipped being pulled down. It all ended with a soft bit of percussion as the pants hit the ground. It was time.

His hot breath returned to her neck, joined by a soft growl as he began to press forward against her tight asshole. The Colonel was strictly an ass man. Judging from the ring on his finger, he was married so Camila had always surmised the wife just didn’t give up the booty, didn’t satisfy this one craving he had. Not that Camila judged. This was between consenting adults. She was just ready for the ride.

“Oh god,” she said in a whisper-soft shout as the bulbous head of his prick popped past the tight entrance of her ass. Inch by inch he worked himself in, thrusting a few inches in before pulling out and thrusting in again to squeeze in a few more. It was a wonderful feeling for both of them and for Camila the whole process was just like riding a bike, though when the Colonel’s hand reached around to play with her clit he ended up being the one to ring Camila’s bell.

“Right…right there…oh yes fucking sir,” Camila said, grinning as his pace increased. He was mostly quiet save for the grunts, but just the tone change she heard in them from how she spoke to him as he began to really pound her peach.

“Come on…missed this cock…remind me why,” Camila said, every single syllable urging him to push further. “Missed it all…go deep…I want every inch in my ass…”

“Ung…fuck…oh my god…” the Colonel said, the only words that would come to mind. Everything else was like a caveman’s love letter; grunts and growls but layered with lust and desire.

“Yeah,” Camila grunted, biting her lip as completely sheathed his sword in her ass. “Hold it just like that…'' The Colonel did so only to get weak in the knees when Camila squeezed her as constrictor-tight around his cock. “Keep going…come on Colonel…really give it to me!”

He did, thrusting harder as Camila squeezed his cock tight. Camila howled in satisfaction, her right hand balling up into a fist and slamming against the wall in front of her as the pleasure rose to unbelievable levels with her. With every pump of his cock within her Camila got reminded why she liked this job so much to begin with. And a big part of that was the big finish, which was catching up to them both at this point. Camila was ready to floor it.

“Come on…right there,” she said as her lover hit ludicrous speed. “Yes…yes fucking cum in my ass…fill me up…give it me like you always have…show me what the fuck I was missing Colonel…right there…all the way…empty those fucking balls!”

“AHHHH YES!!!!!” He said, his brain finally emptying out more words as his balls began to empty up what Camila was after. He was balls deep in her holiest of holes, twitching and grunting as rope after rope of his hot cum baisted her rectum. The sensation and everything else was more than enough to push Camila over as well, her own shaking and moaning and chaotic constrictions of her asshole and his cock milking out even more before he was finally spent.

All in all, it was a great unofficial first session back.


Thursdays were never really too busy at the comic store and this particular one was no exception and whenever things were slow Lili would peruse the stacks of graphic novels to keep a tab on what might need to be restocked or re-ordered. It wasn’t necessary as that stuff was usually taken care of every time a customer was being rung up but it was still something to occupy her mind once flipping through books or looking at her phone at the register while waiting for a customer got boring.

So while Anya stayed at the register Lili found herself among the bookshelves for a second time during the week, though nowhere near as fun as the library was. This was all work, albeit optional busy work.

And while it was optional, it was distracting enough for Lili to get lost in it. So lost she didn’t hear Peter approaching her from behind, though she was alerted when his hands grabbed her by the waist, giving Lili a quick fright before she turned around to see her man behind her.

“Geez babe,” she said. “Give a girl a bit of a warning next time.”

“Kind of defeats the purpose of a surprise,” he said before giving her a kiss.

“Fair point. So, how was the campus tour? Sydney know her way around?”

“I guess,” Peter shrugged. “I mean Camila was kind of leading the charge on that, which meant it went about as far away from academia as it could get. Fun time but not exactly serving the purpose.”

“Yeah, sounds about right. Wanna join me back at the register? Just going to check and see if this little bit of impromptu inventory checks out.”

“Sounds riveting.”

“You never know babe, I might catch an irregularity. Perhaps even a spelling error!” The two headed back to register where Anya Taylor-Joy was taking advantage of the slow day by studying a book. As they got closer, Peter noticed something that Lili had grown used to since Anya started working there.

“Are…are you talking to yourself?” Peter asked.

“Huh?” Anya responded, broken from whatever spell the book had her under. “Oh, this. I’m just brushing up on my Elvish. It really adds a certain something to my D&D sessions.”

“Anya and I are going to be alternating DMing for D&D sessions when school starts again,” Lili said. “Our own campaigns.”

“Oh, well congrats.”

“Thanks,” Anya said with a big grin. “Can’t wait. I have so many campaign ideas.”

As Anya gushed about all the possibilities of goblins, gods and men, Lili scootched past her to the register. Once the screen saver was wiped away by the slightest bit of activity, Lili saw the time and had a question for her boyfriend.

“Hey Pete,” Lili said. “Not that I don’t love any extra time I get with you but it’s like barely 12:30. Isn’t this a bit early for even an unofficial, Cami-led and therefore chaotic campus tour to end?”

“Ah, I forgot to mention I ducked out early,” he replied.

“Did anything happen?” asked Lili.

“I just got kind of anxious.” Peter took a seat at the couch near the register. “Cami and Sydney were just talking and your birthday came up and Camila invited Sydney and I’m fine with that I just got really nervous and shaky.”

“Okay,” Lili said, walking around from the counter and sitting next to him on the couch. “And while I’m really glad Sydney being there isn’t what gave you a light anxiety attack, what about my birthday exactly triggered it?”

“It’s not your birthday or the party…it’s more along the lines of who else is going to be there.”

Lili knew immediately what he was getting at . “Baby it’s okay,” she said, holding his hand before bringing it to her lips to kiss. “I was just half-joking about watching out for my dad. I mean yeah he’s protective but he’s not going to hate you. I mean you’re not my ex. Jake, my parents hate. I mean bad first impression and an even worse last impression. You, they’re going to love. I know it.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I-,” Lili said, her tongue stopping just short of the “L” sound. “Because I just know. I mean how could they not? So please, just breathe for me, okay?” She kissed him softly and ran her fingers through his hair. “It’s going to be fine.”

“Yeah..I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“You know, for going on like this.”

“Babe, this is what I want. I want us to be able to be upfront with each other. Talk to each other. Be honest and open. That’s what we said when we started this and I love that we’ve kept to that. So don’t apologize.”

“Okay. I have another question though.”

“What’s that?” asked Lili.

“Would Jurnee mind too much if I just kind of hung out here until you got off work? Sabrina texted me during the tour and said she needed the apartment to herself. Said she had some kind of idea she wanted to work on and needed to do it 100% solo.”

“Yeah sure. Till when?”

“She said don’t even call till around seven.”

“Okay,” Lili said. “My shift ends at four but we can always head back to my apartment. I’m sure we could find something to do to kill the time.”

“Like play Luigi’s Mansion where I will finally beat your score?” Peter suggested earning a laugh from Lili.

“Baby, if you’re going to give me a miracle at least save it for my birthday present.”

“Did one of you say birthday?” Kiernan Shipka said, skidding in from out of nowhere, very much like her favorite hero who bore the lightning bolt emblem on her t-shirt.

“Yeah,” Lili said, getting up. “My birthday party. Remember? I invited you, going on in a couple weeks, ring a bell?”

“Of course I remember,” she replied. “It just jogged my memory. I meant to ask you and Anya something pretty much this whole week.”

“What’s that Kiernan?” Anya asked.

“You guys know that desk down in the basement where Roland does all the miniature painting?” Both women nodded. “You guys know where the key to the drawer is?”

“Yeah,” Lili said. “Jurnee has one and Roland does. Since it’s a side hustle between those two they’re the only ones with the keys to it. Why?”

“Because I need to get into it to see what is in the drawer because that’s where I know he hid my birthday present. I already looked all around his apartment and even mine to see if he was being extra sneaky.”

“Kiernan correct me if I’m wrong,” Lili said. “But your birthday isn’t even until November. You’re already sneaking around looking for presents?”

“I can’t help it!” She answered, leaning against the glass counter. “I’m like Wolverine. Once I get a sniff of something weird I’m not giving up until I track it down. And we’re also the same height. You see, Wolverine’s actually five foot two, which the movies have COMPLETELY disregarded along with Logan being fluent in Japanese culture. It’s actually kind of insulting when you think about it.”

“Why don’t you just wait then?” Anya asked. “November isn’t that far away.”

“Because what if I buy what he bought me by mistake? I mean that’ll be the tenth time that’s happened to me in my life. My parents just send me gift cards at this point, that’s how much it happens. I need to get in that drawer downstairs.”

“Huh, and now you’ve reminded me of something,” Lili said, once more turning her attention to her man. “Next Tuesday I’m staying a little later to set up for new comic Wednesday. I could always use the help. Interested?”

“I think I can swing that,” Peter said, standing up to meet Lili’s face. “Should I bring dinner?”

“I’d say that’s a safe bet,” she nodded before going to his ear to whisper, “I’d also bring a blanket for the couch downstairs.” She ended the sentence with the exclamation point of her tongue discreetly licking his earlobe. “In the meantime I’m going to go to a couple trade-in checks on some of the video game stuff. Also going to test some homebrew games some locals have brought in.”

Peter followed Lili to the video game section of the store and Anya returned to her Elvish dictionary, pronouncing the words to herself while Kiernan took a seat on the recently vacated couch, formulating a plan to get that desk drawer open.


The moment Brodie got the text from Sabrina he knew what was going down. Namely, Sabrina. He’d been eager to see her again once he knew for sure he was moving back out west. And not for her winning personality, though in a way that was definitely part of it. He wanted some alone time with her after getting just a taste during that spring break orgy just a few months ago.

Sabrina had the same kind of craving and the moment she opened the apartment door and he walked through she was on him, leaping with a sensual kiss while the force made him back onto the door, shutting it.

He held her up with his hands on her ass, Sabrina’s short but shapely legs wrapping around his waist as their tongues furiously wrestled with each other. For a brief moment as tongue retreated to neutral corners Sabrina whispered hoarsely in Brodie’s ear, “Couch, lay down.”

It was an order who took without hesitation, stumbling somewhat blindly over to the large couch and laying back on it, Sabrina now on top of him. The seductive sprite slithered her down his body until her head hovered between his thighs. She delivered him an impish grin as her hands deftly undid the barriers to his cock. The last one Brodie had to help her with, lifting his ass up just enough so the petite pixie could pull his pants down and set his cock free.

He gasped softly as Sabrina’s soft and warm hands took hold, softly stroking it and letting her fingers deftly dance on the sensitive flesh pole.

“Just you and me,” Sabrina said, a wide grin on her face. “Hope you can handle it.”

Usually Brodie always had a quip ready to go, however the moment Sabrina wrapped her lips around the head of his prick she sucked them out, forcing him to let out a loud groan of approval.

The groans and moans kept coming as Sabrina toyed with his crown. Her tongue swerved and licked the tip, a master painter with ethereal brushstrokes. Releasing the crown with a pop, her hot breath on the wet flesh giving him chills. She looked up at him, grinning as he writhed in her skilled grip. His muscles tensed further as her thumb circle the underside of his cock head before swiftly jacking it and pulling off.

“Too close for comfort?” Sabrina teased before extending her nimble tongue to lick the single teardrop of precum leaking from the tip of his spear. “Keep it together Quint. I’m not close to being done with you.”

Once more the part of his brain that would have answered her went dark with the blinding light of lust as his cock returned to the warm, wet sauna of Sabrina Carpenter’s mouth. Though this started out with the slow, tantalizing licks of her first swipe it quickly went into a full on tongue tempest with Sabrina’ rapidly bobbing her head up and down his cock. Frothy slurps and squelching sucks joined the loud moans coming from Brodie’s mouth. Words were lost on him at this point, his mind was too flabbergasted by the succulent skills of Sabrina Carpenter as she was pushing him to limits he didn’t even know he had.

Sabrina was indeed skilled, and part of being skilled was knowing when to pull back and considering she could feel Brodie’s prick prepping to pop. Fortunately the only pop there was going to be, at least so far, was the sound of Sabrina’s lips once more popping off his cock, followed by Sabrina getting off the couch.

Brodie leaned up and watched the sprite beckon him to follow her, Sabrina leaving a trail of what little clothes she was wearing acting like bread crumbs to her bedroom. Crumb one; white cotton panties with a noticeable dampness to them left right at the corner of the sofa. The next one was her tank top, just at the doorway to her bedroom.

Brodie followed, leaving his own trail of breadcrumbs until he was naked and in Sabrina’s doorway. Sabrina was also naked, but she however was on her bed. With one hand she lazily traced her fingers all over her fit body like a game show spokesmodel showing off the fabulous prize the contestant had one. The other beckoned him to join her one the bed.

It was a lot for his hungry eyes to take in. The seductive look on Sabrina’s face, how she was laying down with her legs open and wet, waiting pussy on display, every inch of her was an open invitation to the wonders she held and this time it was all exclusively for Brodie.

He leapt on the bed and on Sabrina as well, licking and kissing from her tight tummy to her still hungry mouth. The salacious vixen sucked on his tongue and nibbled his lips as they exchanged savagely lustful kisses. She could feel his hardness on her stomach. He was so ready, almost as much as she was.

“Mmm how about you take that thing a little down south,” Sabrina said with a smirk. “I think you can find the perfect place for it.”

“I think you might be on to something Sabrina,” Brodie said. He maneuvered slightly and thrust forward, his entrance into her tight, hot cunt making them both moan.

“Mmmmmm all mine right now,” Sabrina said. “Fuck me.”

Brodie did, wasting little time in getting a hard rhythm as Sabrina screamed like a banshee for more. When combined with the rapid thumps of the headboard against the wall the room was filled with lewd soundtrack of flesh, moans and sex. The pair was a knot of skin, limbs intertwined and releasing every other second. Bodies covered with saliva and sweating as it got more and more intense.

Sabrina soon found herself on top and in control. Brodie’s hands were at her surprisingly plump rump, squeezing and spanking the firm cheeks. Sabrina’s hands gripping his shoulders back to the point it would appear to a perverted spider on the wall that she was pinning him down. Sabrina rapidly worked her sopping pussy on his cock, fucking Brodie’s pole and making every nerve in both their bodies scream out for more. It was a desire expressed verbally by both.

“Yeah…oh fuck ride it…ride it Sabrina…fuck…keep fucking going…god damn…” said Brodie, grunting and taking every breath he could between words. His mind was at war with itself, one side wanted to give into everything Sabrina was giving him while the other fought hard to sample even more.

“Yes…yes…oh god…mmmm this cock is even better when it’s just us,” Sabrina said. “Ahhhh yessssssss!” She sunk down on his cock again and swirled her hips, working his stick and making Brodie babble a hodgepodge of assorted swear words. The sentences were nonsense but the meaning was clear, especially with the exclamation point. The grammar in question was Brodie’s middle finger finding its way inside Sabrina’s tight little asshole.

“Oooohhhh,” she said before leaning forward and face to face with Brodie. Her long golden locks formed a canopy of sorts around his face. Sabrina licked his lips and followed it up with a kiss before speaking again. “Something tells me you want my ass,” she said as she still ground herself on his cock. “But I want to hear the words.”

“Of course I want fuck that ass,” Brodie said, removing his finger to grasp her hips and thrust up. Sabrina moaned at it. He did it again and got another moan. This was followed by a rapid jackhammering of her cunt, her voice and cries of pleasure bouncing just as she had before he rolled her back over, Brodie on top once more. “I want to see that face when I fill your ass up with my cock.”

“Then by all means,” she said with a sexy chuckle. The laugh gave way to a lustful and deep moan as Brodie gave her pussy a few more slow and deep thrusts before pulling out and moving his cock just a few inches and pressing forward. It was slow at first, his cock slowly pushing against the tightness. Just as he said, Brodie’s eyes were locked on Sabrina’s face. The smile never left her face, even as she open-mouth moaned and bit her lips as he pressed through. Her eyes fluttered ever so slightly. Both seemed to be holding their breaths until the head of cock passed through the threshold.

“Oh holy shit,” Brodie said, holding himself still and reveling in the vice-like grip of Sabrina’s asshole. “Holy shit I forgot how tight you were…oh god.”

“D-don’t stop,” Sabrina stuttered. “Mmmm…oh damn that cock is good…more…gimme more.”

Brodie did so, but slowly. It didn’t matter how much the woman wanted more, you go slow at first when you’re dealing with the ass. Slowly but surely he worked himself to the hilt. One inch in then pulling out. A couple more, pulling it. A slow back and forth that would lead to the pot boiling over.

“Mmmore,” Sabrina purred. “Deeper…harder… come on Brodie…you got me, now fuck me!” Her legs wrapped around him and ankles locked tight while Sabrina’s arms did the same, nails digging in tight as Brodie’s tempo sped up to a degree that even Buddy Rich would have trouble keeping up with. Once more the headboard acted as percussion for the symphony of lust.

Brodie rose to his knees, his hands on the small of Sabrina’s back, lifting her up at an angle with her head and shoulders still on the mattress. Deeper her drove his dick into her ass, both of them lust mad and utterly lost in it. Peter, Lili, everyone they knew could walk through the front door of the apartment and they wouldn’t have cared until after both hit their peak. That moment was close and only got closer as one of Brodie’s hands glided from Sabrina’s lower back to her pussy where he proceeded to play with her clit while he plowed her ass.

“Oh…my…GOD!!!!” Sabrina squealed. “Oh god…poh god dont stop…keep fucking that ass..deep…so…so fucking deep….oh my god I’m gonna cum with that fucking cock right up my ass!!!!”

Minutes after this decadent declaration Sabrina’s body and mind gave in, the pure and primal pleasure of an orgasm taking her over like fire eating up a piece of paper. Eyes shut tight and head shaking back and forth while she sang the praises of Brodie’s cock in tongues never before heard.

The sight of Sabrina and the sensation of the vice-tight asshole on Brodie’s cock did him in. He quickly pulled out of Sabrina and came. Large, thick ropes of white hot cum splattered the whole of her petite body. Some thick sprays reached up to slap her face and enter her open and smiling mouth and covered her breasts in a creamy white liquid mesh. A majority of it ended up on her stomach, some of it pooling in her navel with the last few dribbles ending up on her trimmed patch of pubic hair.

Satisfied silence filled the entire room and expanded through the apartment. Brodie still had more sights to drink in as Sabrina cleaned the cum from her face and body with her fingers, sucking them clean.

“So,” she said, finally breaking the silence. “Let me tell you about a script idea I’ve been working on with Pete. Would love some input…well, figurative input this time.”


“That’s about all of it,” Amy said to Virgil. She was showing him around the room she had for rent. He’d shown up precisely on time and Amy was a charming host to say the least.  “The bathroom is right across the hall, you buy your own groceries and rent would be due, by the latest, by the fifth of the month. Obviously you’re a grown man so no curfew but please keep in mind you wouldn’t be living here alone so…maybe keep it down a notch if you don’t come home alone.” She gave him a cute little wink that made a bunch of butterflies awaken in his stomach. “And rent, like I said, is four hundred a month. So…interested?”

“I think the best way to answer that is by asking when I can move in,” Virgil answered.

“Whenever you get your stuff,” Amy said. “And while you do that I’m going to go get a copy of the key made. And also, since I forgot to cover it, I’m totally fine with weed in the house if you partake. I know Brodie does and honestly since the divorce it really helps with my anxiety.”

“Good to know,” Virgil said. “So…what time should I be back then?”

“Uh, how about an hour?”

“Works for me. And thanks.”

“No, thank you,” Amy said. “I’m just glad someone is going to be able to get a use out of this room that’s more than storage. And the company is always appreciated.” Amy flashed a friendly grin that almost made Virgil’s knee buckle. He gulped as subtly as he could before speaking again.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you in about an hour.”

“Wonderful! And by then Brodie should be home to help you bring in your stuff. If you need it of course.”

With that Virgil made his exit. As he got in his car to head to his current residence to prepare his exit, he couldn’t help but be excited. A better room for WAY less money…and the room and board was with an exceptionally foxy MILF.

It was mainly a visual and psychological pleasure, he knew that. Not only would it make things extremely awkward with Brodie who was about to be his new roomie, it might just be weird period in the post-coital period.

And the most important thing Virgil remembered was Amy wasn’t flirting, she was just being extremely friendly. She just seemed to be very bubbly. Anything he saw as flirting was just a side effect of that. He knew that for a fact.

…for the most part, at least.


The afternoon sky had begun to turn into shades of gold and violet. The entire idea had been just too perfectly romantic for Taylor to resist. One last, stress-free romantic night before classes resumed. An afternoon drive to the countryside in the candy-apple red car that made her swoon just as much as Norman himself did, especially when he unfurled the plan.

The location was an old, abandoned drive in. The screen was still up, but tattered with age. The same could be said of the old refreshment stand and speaker boxes, all weather worn and rusted. The pavement somehow looked both freshly lain and worn, green grass and floral weeds growing through the cracks. On its own it looked depressing and drab but the surrounding green added something to it.

Lush grass and colorful wildflowers of bright reds and yellows and blue as bright as Taylor’s eyes. That when combined with the what once was of the drive-in created something wistful and nostalgic. It was something right out of folklore you’d hear from the lifers of the town or look up in libraries.

It was pitched as a romantic picnic as the sun went down. Wine, artisan sandwiches alongside good old bagged potato chips and few cans of soda pop in glass bottles. A couple of apples, a baget to share between them. A romantic dinner between lovers as the sun went down.

That was the pitch but both Taylor and Norman knew that there was going to be a lot more going on than just that. As the sun began to go down, so did Taylor.

Norman was leaning almost all the way back, his back up at a slight angle being propped up with his arms. His pants had been pulled down to his thighs and Taylor’s mouth was wrapped around his cock. Full, plump and as red as the convertible that had gotten them there, they felt just as much like pure heaven as they always did. The setting sun maid her tied back, golden locks glow, an aura of desire around her. And while Normal always loved seeing those ocean blue eyes looking up at him while her mouth sucked and slurped on his pole, seeing the faintest hint of her gaze through the dark lenses of the sunglasses Taylor wore was its own little slice of sin. Adding to it all was the way Taylor slowly kicked her legs back and forth as she sucked him, somehow made hotter by the simple ankle-high canvas sneakers she wore.

Her hands rested on Norman’s bare thighs, red nails lightly scratching as her mouth worked solo. There was a soft humming coming from her mouth as her lips glided up and down Norman’s shaft, her slithering tongue making every spot it hit light up like the fourth of July.

Slowly, Taylor dragged her lips back, sucking so hard her cheeks billowed before finally her mouth popped off. She breathed deeply, smirking at her lover while her right hand left his thigh the slowly stroke cock.

“Oh god Taylor,” Norman groaned. “You’re…you’re just too…”

“No need to find the right word Normie,” she said, daintily licking his sensitive cockhead. “Frankly I find the loss of words so much more accurate to what I’m doing to you.” To prove her point further, Taylor’s lips wrapped around the very tip of her favorite prick and swirled her tongue around. Slow to fast, reversing it as if she was frantically trying to get to the center of her favorite blow pop. The hand that had been stroking Norman moved to his heavy, churning balls, playfully fondling them and lightly squeezing. Not too hard, this wasn’t whips and chains time after all. Just enough to make him squirm even more than her tongue tempest was.

And the tempest was intense, tossing his mind to and fro like a ship on stormy seas. The movements were so simple. It was, at the end of the day, simply her tongue tantalizingly twirling around the tip of his cock. The action itself wasn’t a big deal, despite how amazing it felt. It was all the technique. The amount of saliva, the alternating speeds, changing direction, and sometimes just licking that mushroom tip like a piece of candy; the perfect combination of everything that felt good put in the perfect order all in one woman’s unforgettable, singular way that never went out of style to Norman.

Instead of venturing further down on his cock again, Taylor opted for his balls, quickly coating the orbs in a tongue bath while her hand once more played with his pole. It almost seemed like the handjob was a reflex until her skilled fingers entered the picture at the crown. Seductively teasing and taunting and getting a bit more pre to leak out like a tear of joy.

Taylor’s grasp went from active to somewhat passive, simply holding the throbbing cock up as her tongue went from his sack to the stalk. Base to tip was painted by her tongue, while washing his flesh with her spit before taking him once more fully into her mouth.

Norman used every bit of his will power to watch as his golden-aura goddess blow him in the setting summer sun. The colors and the subject made it seem like a painting, a masterpiece of lust. However, if Taylor was the painter of such a portrait this was just her priming her paint.

Again Taylor’s mouth departed from his cock. This time though, the rest of her body followed suit. The bombshell got to her feet and began to strip her clothes off. First came the blue denim top. Button by button, second by second and Norman could not take his eyes off of her. It was far from the first time he’d seen her nude form but it was never enough for him. Addiction may have been putting it lightly.

Once the last button was taken care of, Taylor let the top fall to the ground, resting on the picnic blanket. It was the black denim shorts that went next, falling down her stupendous stems revealing the blonde had not been wearing a stitch beneath either her top or her bottoms. Taylor stepped out of those shorts and stood before her love, now only wearing the sunglasses and ankle-high sneakers.

Norman laid back, watching her entire nude body seem to glow gold in the setting sun, expecting her to mount him. However, Taylor had another idea, an idea that’d been on her mind nonstop since she was told by Norman about his house sitting gig.

Without a word she walked from the blanket to the green, green grass onto the dark gray of the pavement. She walked over faded painted lines that at one point designated parking spots and the rusted-out car speakers to the candy apple red car. All the while Norman watched her walk, the purposeful sashaying of her hips almost hypnotizing him as his eyes fixed on her ass.

Soon though that bootyful view was replaced with one just as striking and even more inviting. Taylor turned around and got up on the hood of the car, passenger’s side. She sat on the edge, her open legs just as inviting as the smile on her face and look in her eyes.

“Are you gonna make me wait all day?” Taylor asked with a sweet giggle. “Come on, Normie, the sun’s almost set. Not that I’d mine some moonlit love making but this sunshine is simply too delish to let go to waste.”

Norman nodded, getting to his feet. He tossed all his clothes, albeit far less gracefully than his lady had. Also, instead of a slow, sensual walk to her the lustful lover was making a quick bee-line for her with a look on her face that made her laugh. Nothing was better than an eager Norman Dillon in the eyes of Taylor Swift.

The laugh was soon happily silenced by a passionate kiss. Hungry and longing their tongues intertwined, wrestling with each other until the sensual seal was broken and Norman’s mouth began to move down. Kisses, licks and nibbles trailed down the blonde’s body. He took time to savor every area from neck to breasts to stomach but Norman was very hungry indeed. After all, if one were to look in the picnic basket they’d see the half-eaten meal and a bottle of wine barely touched. Norman was still hungry and he knew just what he wanted to eat.

“Ooohhh!” Taylor whined with a smile. She leaned back, her left leg on Norman’s shoulder while the right hung a freer off the hood. She smeared and grunted, breathing and almost saying “Yes,” as Norman ate her pussy. He savored her flavor, he always did, just as he always gave her everything he had, regardless of what part of his body was being used.

Taylor was always appreciative of his efforts. Norman was never lazy when it came to making her feel good, carnally or not. Making her laugh, smile and scream profanities as her fucked her better than she ever thought possible were all part of his job description as her boyfriend.

“There…right there…ohhh Normie…”, Taylor softly moaned. She wasn’t trying to hold back either, it was just how it came out. Soft waves of pleasure rippled through her as Norman’s tongue worked on her clit. It was sweet heat, soothing and relaxing her even more than she had been. Her limbs were loose as noodles and she felt like melting candy, tasting just as sweet to Norman.

The sweat forming on Taylor’s body shimmered lightly in the sun, or what was left of it as it set. The soft and sweet moans rose in volume and so did her cravings. “Fuck me,” she said. She reached down and grabbed her hungry lover gently by the head, guiding him up to face her. When the two were eye to eye. A devilish grin made her perfectly plump red lips part as her legs embraced Norman, pulling him in so they could both finally feast.

“Fuck!” Taylor grunted as the wonderfully familiar sensation of Norman’s cock filling her to the hilt. “That’s it baby,” she said as he began to thrust. “Give it to me…fuck me…just how I like it…yes!”

The red car began to rock, the suspensions getting a test. While fucking on the car might have been something that Taylor desired more it wasn’t remotely a turn-off for Norman. Nothing involving her was. Taylor was leaning back still, her breasts bouncing with his powerful thrusts. Their enchanting movements made him lean forward, taking hold of her tits and sucking them.

“Mmmm suck those titties…oh fuck I’m all yours Normie baby…alll yours…just don’t stop!”

He did the exact opposite of stop, he went harder, faster. Passion boiled over into chaotic lust as Taylor laid completely back on the hood of the car. Her legs, no longer wrapped around Norman’s abdomen and were now against his chest, the lustful madman covering her calves in kisses and love bites as he jackhammered her. Taylor thrashed her head side to side, blonde, sweat-matted hair flailing in the air with the movement. All the motion stopped when Norman’s rapid, shallow thrusts suddenly went slow and deep. Her once tightly shut eyes shot open and her back arched when Norman’s cock went so deep it touched her soul.

“Ohhhhh god baby…,” Taylor moaned. “Take me…have me…I’m yours always…”

It was music to his ears. Norman was very used to having a more dominant version of Taylor in the bedroom but sometimes, when she let that melt away to give herself to him completely, he got a treat. He took the wheel and relished it. Taylor didn’t seem to have any complaints either.

With that in mind, Norman released her legs and pulled out for the briefest of moments. During that time he pulled Taylor up, spun her around and bent her over. The moment her breasts made contact with the metal hood of the car his cock sunk back into her tunnel of love.

“YES!” Cried Taylor. “Oh my god yes…fuck me…just like this…oh Normie…just like this!” And he did with fervor. The fantasy was now fulfilled in Taylor's mind. Being fucked on the car was part one but the ultimate was being bent over. The visual had permanent real estate in her mind and now she was living the dream.

Norman worked his dick in her slowly at first in this new position. Taylor’s hands laid flat on the hood of the car, her face pressed down and Norman’s hands gripped her ass, his eyes watching her flesh ripple as he thrust in her.

“Babe..oh Tay…oh fuck yes take my cock…take it fucking deep!” Norman said, slowly building up speed. “Every…every fucking inch!” *CRACK* He spanked her ass hard, making her squeal in pleasure. *CRACK CRACK* Two more, pink handprints forming on her ass. His hands moved up her body and grabbed her upper arms and yanked her up.

“Oooh yeah?” Taylor said. “Getting ready to really fuck me huh?” That dominant streak was returning, ironically right when Norman was in peak control. However, Taylor had no plans to take the wheel but she didn’t mind providing the navigation since they were both very close to home. “Then do it…fuck me, fuck me on this car and my this pussy cum for your cock…don’t stop…come on…I want it just like that baby…FUCK ME!”

And Norman did just that, lopping his arms around her and pulling her up his chest. His hot breath on her neck gave her the chills and his desperate grounds added more fuel to her own fire. She was on the verge and he was too. She just needed to hit the point of no return before he did and she knew Norman would do whatever he could to stave it off so Taylor could get into the cookie jar first.

“Cum on that cock…cum for ME,” he bellowed, the authority in his voice sending a delightful jolt up his spine. When the mood was right there was nothing like him taking all control, barking out orders. “Cum NOW Taylor!”

Taylor felt it approaching then, her mouth struggling to form the words so only choked moans came out. She managed to wrangle a hand free to play with her clit, stepping on the gas to speed past the finish.

“HOLY HELL YES!!!!” Taylor cried, her voice loud but quivering just as her body was. As her body quaked Norman continued, pushing himself further and further. Of course Taylor was there for that little extra push.

“Cum…fucking cum,” she sneered. “But not inside me…no…mmmmm no no no no….feed me that cum…I want to taste…want to feel it on my skin…you know what I want baby….gimme that cum!”

“T-taylorrrrrr! TAYLOR!” He yelled, his voice echoing in the wilderness just as hers had. As if it were a choreographed dance Norman pulled out of Taylor’s pussy and she spun around, squatting down. She looked up at him, blonde hair sticking to her forehead and cheeks, blue eyes glimmering like sapphires and her mouth open, ready for the sticky treat that was only seconds away.

With a heavy grunt, volleys of cum began to shoot out of Norman’s cock. Like missiles they fired right into Taylor’s open mouth, a mess of molten white forming on her tongue before melding into a lewd puddle. She swallowed that down with a smile, licking her lips as more shots covered her face.

“Mmmmm, so fucking warm,” she said before wrapping her lips around his cock to swallow to last few rivlets straight down her throat. When Norman finally went soft he withdrew from Taylor’s mouth and took a few steps back. Taylor as well got to her feet, winking at him as she cleaned her face off and sucked her fingers clean. Her eyes went to the car as well, noticing some of the white cum had hit the red car. She bent over and licked it up before turning back to Norman. “Don’t worry lover. I’ll spring for the complete car wash too.”


It had been a long day for Camila Mendes. Not necessarily hard, just long, so while she was tired it was a far more tolerable kind of tired. The fact that she’d opted for jeans and sneakers as opposed to heels of any kind very much helped with that.

The day had essentially turned into a girls day out with Sydney after touring her around campus after Peter went off to see Lili. Just Camila, Sydney and Selena reconnecting on campus which turned into a few drinks later at the Whisky Casket. It was fun but by the time the sun began its descent Camila found herself exhausted. She would have gone right home from the bar if she didn’t get a text from Blake.

One quick rideshare later and she was in front of the leggy blonde’s soon-to-be-opened boutique. The door was open, or Blake said as much in the text. As promised, the glass door pushed open with ease, despite the “Closed” sign on the front. Right in front of Camila was Blake, slightly bent over a counter, her laptop open with some papers slightly strewn about alongside what appeared to be pita chips and hummus.

The sound of the door opening caused the former model to look up and greet Camila with a smile. She got up from her position and walked around the counter to greet her old friend with a big, cozy hug.

“Hey girl,” Blake said. “So glad you could come by. Hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

“Oh no, I was just wrapping the day up honestly,” Camila replied. “First half showing Sydney around campus with Pete and Selena, second half a couple drinks with Selena and Sydney and after this little rendezvous I’m probably going to fall face first on my bed and sleep until noon tomorrow.”

“Sydney who?” asked Blake.


“Really? She’s back in town? I haven’t seen her in years.”

“Well she’s grown. Quite a bit in some areas, actually. It was actually like meeting a new person in a way. I mean she’s still Sydney but we haven’t seen her for a looong time. I mean she’s still into cars and all of that and some of the same stuff but then there’s this whole “New York Girl” side of her.”

“Was Peter okay seeing her? Like, was it weird?”

“Oh no, he’s fine. He’s way too crazy for Lili for another woman to register like that. He even ducked out halfway through to hang out with her. They have it BAD for each other. Which is good by me. My two besties having the best of times with each other.”

“Well, I kind of did call it, didn’t I?” Blake asked. “I mean, sure, they weren’t dating then but come on…totally saw it coming. I know my baby bro.”

“I’ll give you that honor. Which reminds me, you still on for Lili’s birthday bash?”

“Couldn’t keep me away,” Blake said with a smile.

“Cool. But something tells me I’m not here for party planning.”

“Correct. Follow me.” Blake walked back behind the counter, Camila close behind. She took position by her laptop once more with the younger beauty on her right. “Help yourself to some chips and hummus.”

“Thanks, I’m starving. Somehow managed to skip actual food today. Been pretty much getting by on a couple bagels.”

Cami took a chip and some dip as she got a view of the screen. Dresses, gorgeous ones, along with other items of clothing were on the laptops.

“That’s the fall line,” Blake said.

“They look gorgeous,” Camila said. “Care to throw a couple freebies to a family friend?”

“In a way. That’s kind of why I asked you over her.” Blake backed off of the laptop and turned to Camila. “Pete tells me you're taking up photography again. Bet your dad is in love with that idea.”

“He’s adapting,” said Camila. “But yeah. And I’ll even let my dearest Peter take credit for it. Taking a few classes this semester to kind of refresh myself on it.”

“From the shots he showed me that you took on Spring Break and the glamor shots of Selena I don’t know how much refreshing you need. You’re a natural Cami. Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of photographers and not all of them have the eye, they just have the connections. And you have both. The connection being me, if you were unclear on that.”

“No, I got it.”

“”Good,” Blake said. “So here’s my proposal; I want you to take pictures of people modeling these clothes. Tell me your ideas, I’ll tell you mine and we’ll get stuff together for each season’s catalog. You’ll pretty much be my staff photographer. Sound good?”

“Seriously?” Cami excitedly asked. “That’s awesome!” The Brazilian beauty gave the leggy blonde a big, friendly hug. She then looked up at Blake. “You’re not just doing this as a favor to Petey, are you?”

“No,” Blake said as the hug broke. “I’d do anything for my baby brother and you by extension but this is…this is big for me. This whole boutique is a bit of a risk and if I’m asking you to be on something as big as the visuals it’s because I’m confident in your skill. Not only in taking the shots but in picking the models.”

“I promise, I got you covered on both.”

“Never had any doubt.” Blake smiled at Cami. “Now, for those freebies…let’s take a look at the stock in the back. Still in the plastic.”

“Well I think I can manage that before heading home,” said Camila. “Nothing like the smell of fresh fashion in the evening,”


The skate park was abuzz with activity. Several merch booths were up and active, the opening bands peddling their wares while The People Under The Stairs got ready to take the stage. And while Hailee had spent most of the night with the band, mainly Walt, now she was mingling among the crowd and eventually bumping into someone she’d seen a lot of lately, Ben Farrano.

“Well hello there pretty lady,” he said, moving in for a very intimate greeting. Hailee didn’t seem to mind, doing her part to make it happen with a very deep kiss, the kind she’d been sharing with Walt earlier. Though by his very nature Ben added a bit more spice, grabbing Hailee’s ass and pulling her a bit closer. She responded by playfully biting down on his bottom lip as the kiss ended. “How long have you been here?”

“A little bit before opening,” Hailee responded. “Came in with the band.”

“Am I dealing with a VIP?”

“No, but it’s kind of easy to get certain privileges when people don’t think you’re constantly pulling something on them. You should try it.”

“Ohhhh,” he said, pursing his lips. “Went right to the bone on that one. And not in the fun way.”

“Well, the night’s still young,” Hailee said, laying the flirt on thick. “Come on, let’s head towards the stage so we can get a good spot.” Hailee turned and walked towards the stage and Ben followed, his eyes mainly on her caboose as she led the way.

While Hailee and Ben made their way towards the stage behind the scenes and behind the building the band itself was just minutes from taking the stage. They were ready, none of them really had stage fright. They were a well oiled machine. Though only one of them was elated, that being Walter. Simply being around Hailee earlier and how close they’d gotten to sneaking off somewhere for a quickie was making his heart flutter and blood pump. He was as ready as ever and hearing the growing murmur of the gathering crowd only increased that.

“Liv,” said Walt. “Text them to play us out, please.”

“Music to my ears,” she said with a grin before sending the text. Moments after that they all heard the opening notes of Where Eagles Dare by The Misfits.

“That’s our cue,” Madison Pettis said as they took the stage. The lights were down first, the audience only seeing silhouettes of the band taking the stage and their instruments. Applause roared that made each of them grin wide in anticipation for it to grow. Of course Walter was trying to single out the sound of Hailee. It should have been easy, since he knew that voice very intimately but pesky logic kind of nixed that as the crowd noise was a blended din of positive affirmation.

The first few notes of their first song came through on the keyboards and the lights came up and the show began. Walt’s eyes scanned the cheering crowd as he sang and played in harmony with Madison Pettis. The beat was fast and the band knew what they were doing. It was a high unlike any other. Unfortunately for Walt that high was about to get an anvil attached to it.

His eyes finally found Hailee and while seeing her usually was one of the best times of the day, now it was the buzzkill of a lifetime. Just an hour before she was in his arms in a way that went beyond friendship. Or that was what he thought, just as he thought their more intimate embraces they’d shared also meant more. However, as she was being held in such a way by another man it all hit him at once how wrongly he’d viewed what they had vs. what he thought they shared.

And if all that wasn’t enough Olivia was right. He hated when she was right. Now he had to push that level of dread down alongside the Hailee factor to get through the show.


The Sunday before the first week of classes meant a lot of things to a lot of different people, students and instructors alike. Some were as chill as a sno-cone, others were as jittery as a chihuahua after a pot of coffee. The ones with the nerves tended to be the students more so and they all had their own way of soothing their nerves just enough to get some kind of rest.

For Camila Mendes and her friends, it was the steam room in her apartment building. Joining her were Lili, Selena, Madelaine, and Sydney. One last, stress free girls’ night out without all the pesky going out. No heels, mini-skirts and make-up, just bare feet, towels and sweat.

“I had no idea how much I needed this,” Madelaine said, leaning her head against the wooden wall of the sauna. “I mean Jesse’s been…wonderful. Understanding, all of that. But I’ve just felt so…shaky lately.”

“Something at work Mads?” Lili asked.

“Not anything unusual…except getting recognized for I guess performing above expectations. I don’t know, stuff like that can trigger me sometimes. I try to hide it but sometimes…no good. Right now though, it feels good to relax. Especially considering everything being added to my plate starting tomorrow.”

“Glad I could be of some assistance my dear Maddie,” Camila said. “Though probably not as much assistance as Jesse.”

“Cami I just want to be relaxed, not so content I’m having giggle fits with loose noodle limbs. Which is relaxing, true, but this is just what I needed right now.”

“Your boyfriend have a brother?” Sydney asked. “I may be a bit new in town on a technicality but I wouldn’t mind that brand of relaxation, especially when midterms hit.”

“Sorry, my Jesse is one of a kind. Though honestly I’m not totally opposed to sharing.” Madelaine flashed Sydney a smile, the buxom blonde not quite sure if that smile was a signal it was all in jest or a bit more on the flirtatious side. Having only just met Madelaine, she wasn’t quite sure what to make of her. “When you find that someone, hold tight. Not just for the sex either. For everything, the stuff that I won’t share. That's all for me.”

“I know exactly how you feel,” Lili said. “Like, he doesn’t want to fix your problems when you talk about them. He knows just when to listen. And not taking every single conversation as some kind of attack or criticism against him. And he doesn’t feel weird or insecure in telling you how he feels. No pressure, just…it’s just what it needs to be.”

“That sums it up,” Madelaine said. “Sounds like you’re doing just as well as I am.”

“Maybe,” Lili said with a smile on her face. “I mean it’s not all smooth sailing but it’s also not walking on eggshells or on a mine field I guess. Which is a lot different from my last boyfriend.”

“How exactly did you and Peter meet anyway?” Sydney asked. “I mean I haven’t seen you two together much and given, my experience with him is very dated but you two seem very in tune.”

Before Lili could come up with a way to explain the situation without dropping the more x-rated details Camila chimed in with the save.

“Guilty,” she said. “Didn’t see a romance coming out of it, my dear Sydney. My dearest Petey and Lili were both with people who quite frankly ended up not being worth the time so it wasn’t like I was trying to play matchmaker. I mean if I’m going to have two besties they’re going to have to get to know each other eventually, right?” Cami gave Lili a quick wink. “But even when i’m not trying, turns out I can work miracles.”

“You know Sydney I have a birthday thing coming up,” said Lili. “I want you to come. If you want to of course. I just thought it’d be, you know, nice.  Mingle, meet new people, all of that.”

“Sounds cool,” Sydney replied. “Count me in.”

“You know even though it cost me some delicious awkwardness I have to say I really do like the lack of animosity between you too,” said Camila.

“Why, because of Peter?” Sydney said. “It was ten years ago, Cami. Me and Pete are completely different people now. Besides, even then it wasn’t like it was star crossed or anything. It was just, you know, high school stuff. I mean the Earth-shattering thing that I’m still not used to is you and Selena being in the same room without an attempted murder happening.”

“That too, was high school stuff,” Selena said. “It just took till…you know…college to squash it.”

“It’s always better to have friends than enemies,” said Camila. “I mean the party possibilities alone make it worth it.”

Sydney got up from her seat to pour a little bit more water on the searingly hot rocks in the room then turned to Cami. “So exactly how different are things? I mean this is now a world of Mendes-Gomez alliances. Like is Peter all about sports now? Is Ben trustworthy? Sky still blue?”

“Oh don’t worry Peter and sports is still as antithetical as Ben is with not making a used car salesman look ethical. Though by all accounts his cardio? Through the roof.”

“I can testify to that,” Lili said with a blush. “I grew up around here too. Just a different school. Most of the stuff is still here. Several awesome new sushi spots and more venues for wrestling. If you’re into that…I’m kind of a big wrestling fan.”

“Yes, what Star Trek is to Pete, wrestling is to Lili,” Camila said.

“Well I think I’ll get the rest of the town low down in the morning,” Sydney said. “I think I’m getting ready to hit the sheets.”

“I think I’m going to cut out as well,” Madelaine said. “Showers are to the right, correct?”

“Sure are,” Cami nodded.

“I think I’ll hit them as well,” Lili said. “Just the ones in the apartment though. See you guys in the morning.”

The two blondes and the redhead left the steam room, leaving only Selena and Camila behind.

“Something on your mind Sel?” Camila asked. “You were kind of quiet. Everything cool?”

“Yeah, I was just thinking about something.”

“What’s that?” Cami said. “Everything all right? Anyone I need to kill?”

“No, but thanks,” Selena said. She stood up from the bench she was sitting on and went to the door. She subtly checked to see if the door was locked, a feature Camila had mentioned of the sauna. “Just happy thoughts.”

“That’s good. It means I don’t have to kill anybody and get Peter to hide the body which can be SUCH a chore.”

“Oh totally, but at least you’d get to use all the knowledge accumulated from streaming every episode of Forensic Files.”

“One day,” Cami said with a smile. “So, what are those happy thoughts that kept you on the silent side of things?”

“Well, Vegas.” Selena smiled a smile so sweet and sexy even Camila was caught a little breathless. “I was just kind of thinking after every you and I and Peter did that long weekend how not weird it is, you know. I mean no weirdness despite the several very fun things we did. And not just between us three, but with Lili. I don’t know, I thought it would be weird to be around her once she and Peter started dating so soon after Vegas, you know?”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Camila said. “It was one of the reasons I told when I found out about them. Just to have it out in the open. And yeah…we did do quite a bit, didn’t we? Fun memories to look back on. Most of it sex, true, but the Grand Canyon helicopter tour was kind of fun. Fremont was a trip too. I don’t know if it’s weird but I’m glad it’s not weird. I’m glad that me and Peter can just…ravage each other and it doesn’t impact our friendship. Same with you, I’m guessing.”

“Oh of course,” Selena agreed. “But I also started to wonder if that was universal.”

“Come again?”

“Well, not that our mutual lifelong compadre wasn’t absolutely essential to some mind-altering orgasms for us both…I kind of got this thought in my head about a month ago that wouldn’t leave. And that was…what if you and I had some of that ourselves? Just sex. Would it make things weird? Was it being a triplicate situation the thing that made it easier? I mean I’d get if you say no and I’m so sorry if this itself is awkward, it’s just…you did ask what was on my mind and I believe honesty is key between good friends.”

“It is,” Camila said, a whirlwind of thoughts going through her mind. Fortunately for Selena, not one of them was negative, shown by the growing smile on Cami’s face. “Well, I have to say I’m not even a little opposed to this idea. I mean I wouldn’t have even invited you on the trip if I didn’t think…well, you know. And I’m sure you wouldn’t have accepted likewise. But, it’s just sex you’re talking about, right?”

“Oh yeah,” assured Selena. “Not that I’d be opposed to dating a woman and certainly nothing against you personally because I don’t want us to go back into that bullshit but I personally just don’t want a relationship and I would just feel horrible if you-”

“Selena, I get it,” Camila laughed. “We’re cool. I’m not really looking for romance right now either, regardless of gender. Sex though? Sex is fine…especially if I know the other person can definitely get me off.” Cami winked at Selena, which made it her time to blush. “So, I gladly accept your proposal. The only question I have is when?”

“Well, considering after this week we’re all going to be a lot busier,” Selena said before dropping the towel that was acting as her clothing to the floor. “No time like the present.”

Selena made her approach as Camila made quick work of her towel as well. The pair looked each other over, Camila laying down and getting her view of Selena’s glistening body. The curves, her supple breasts and her long hair, now set free from the bun it had been held up in.

Selena was getting her view as well, drinking the image of Camila nude body like a fine wine. Her perfectly toned legs, her seductive gaze with a smile that could both melt hearts and bodies with the heat of desire. Her tight tummy rose and fell as she breathed, leaning back on her elbows and waiting for Selena to take a taste.

She wouldn’t have to wait too long. Though the walk couldn’t have been more than five seconds it somehow felt so much longer, to the point when Selena was on top of Camila, their nude bodies pressing together as their lips met in a steamy kiss. Camila’s arms embraced Selena, pulling her tight as their tongue slowly licked at her other briefly before they met once again in a kiss, rolling over and massaging each other. Soon though Selena’s tongue had other terrain to explore.

Camila moaned softly, feeling the most subtle but delightful chill run up her spine when Selena’s lips began to move south. They weren’t alone. Her fingers caressed Cami’s slick flesh, knowing just what spots to hit from that long weekend before. That little area behind her ear where the lobe met her head, where the lightest of caresses made Camila’s toes curl, kissing her in just the right way on the just the right spot on her shoulder which gave her a sexy case of the giggles. Further and further down Selena went, hitting all the sweet spots on Camila’s body she’d learned about when Peter was the tour guide. At this point though, Sel was an explorer in her own right and wanted to see these landmarks in her own light.

“Ohhh Sel,” Cami cooed. “Oh fuck, you…so good…god damn…” The beautiful Brazilian licked her lips. Somehow she felt absolutely parched and cotton mouthed while being on the verge of becoming a drooling mess. Selena's deft digits joined her talented tongue, delicately tracing paths the wet muscle would follow. Across her tattoos, around in circles on her hard nipples before giving each a playful bite followed by a suck.

Kisses courtesy of Selena traveled down Camila’s stomach, paused on when the Latina’s tongue swirled around Cami’s navel before getting closer to the equator. After a deep breath Selena had scooted all the way down, her head between Camila’s lewdly spread legs; one on the bench just above the one they were laying on and the other over the side where her foot lazily rested on the tile floor.

“Selena…” Camila moaned, backing arching ever so slightly. Selena’s breath cooled against the sweat on her friend’s thighs, though the heat quickly returned with butterfly kisses and quick brushes of her tongue. Phantom traces of her fingers as they danced with elegance and grace on the sensitive skin. Teasing and pleasing Camila and making Selena even more anxious to push things even further. But still she held herself back…just the teensiest bit.

Still, holding didn’t mean staying static. Selena got closer to Camila’s promised land, her fingers making first contact by gently paintbrushing her labia before going a bit deeper.

“Nnng fuck!” Camila grunted. “Please…please keep going…come on Selena…”

Selena smiled to herself. “No time like the present,” she said once more, though now more to herself. With one hand ready to go a bit further inside the other moved slightly upward, pulling back the clitoral hood. Once that button was exposed Selena couldn’t resist the urge to push. Though with her hands otherwise occupied, that left it up to her tongue.

“Ohhhh…oh Sel…right th-there…” Camila gasped. She moaned contently as Selena got fully reacquainted with her most intimate areas. As Selena’s fingers plunged deeper, slowly working her index and middle fingers with the skill of an artist. Each purposeful movement and touch within sent flashes of color through Camila’s closed eyes. Neon rainbows flooded through her brain like a liquid kaleidoscope, waves of technicolor pleasure that went all the way up to 4K resolution as the tempting touch of Selena’s tongue added to the mix.

“Don’t…don’t fucking stop…nnng fuck…yes…yesssssss feels so fucking good!” Camila whipped her head side to side, her sweat soaked hair colliding against the wood of the bench in wet slaps. The temperature had stayed the same in the sauna but Camila just felt hotter, Selena turning the dial all the way up. The chills returned and Camila felt like a blazing bonfire in Antarctica. Fire hot and ice cold at the same time, sweating and shivering and all because of the gorgeous woman between her legs working magic with her mouth and hands.

Magic was an appropriate term, especially with Selena’s fingers as she worked and moved them with the skill of a sleight-of-hand artist. Every second the enchantment grew as Selena hungry ate Camila pussy, the moans getting so loud that if Madelaine and Sydney were still in the shower they would have had to have heard and it was of no concern to either. It felt too good to give a shit, as Camila happily showed she began to scream with passion as her orgasm was summoned by Selena.

“NnnnggggyyyyyESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!” Camila cried. Her body tensed up, back arched, toes curled and hands desperately looking for somewhere to grasp. Things were so intense both women took a tumble to the ground. Fortunately it was a small tumble and no one was hurt, not that Cami would have felt anything but intense pleasure.

Selena found herself on her back, Camila’s cum glistening on her mouth. Her brown eyes met Cami’s own, though she could swear they were almost glowing with fiery passion. The brunette bombshell was still in the midst of it, her skin still freezing afire and she was ready to return the favor to Selena.

Camila lept on her Latina lover of the moment, getting on top and pressing her down as their lips locked once more. The kiss was hungry, Cami licking and savoring her own flavor from Selena’s mouth. Sucking her tongue and lapping at her lips like a parched tigress when the kiss broke, Camila was in a mode Selena had only seen and experienced in Vegas when she and Peter and received a mutual ravaging. Being the sole focus of Camila Mendes’ burning hot lust however was enough to melt Selena into a puddle.

Cami brought her right hand to her mouth, sucking in her middle and index fingers before plunging them deep into Selena’s cunt, making the lusty Latina release a deep moan that quickly went into a high pitched squeal as Camila’s fingers started working their own magic. It was less sleight of hand and more explosions and bright lights. If Selena’s handiwork was a Monet then Camila was delivering a Jackson Pollock. Seemingly random streaks and strokes but all delivering something that could only be felt, not properly described. Her fingers were performing a Mozart opera in Selena’s pussy and Selena sang every note that was being jolted into her mind.

More tactile sensations made Selena’s heart flutter when Camila’s free hand glided up her tummy roughly groped and squeezed her tits while her fingers conducted their chaotic and sinful symphony within, sloshing wet percussion echoing just as Selena’s moans were. The sudden increase in tempo was only temporary. Camila removed her fingers from Selena’s cunt and brought them to her own mouth, sucking them clean and savoring a flavor she hadn’t had in months, just as delicious as it had been during the tryst at the jacuzzi in the hotel. The suite had an outdoor deck with a small bar and a jacuzzi, right out in the open. The memory of Peter fucking her hard from behind in the hot tub while Camila’s face was buried in Selena’s sopping pussy. The only hotter memory of that particular x-rated romp in a long weekend full of them was Peter had cum inside Selena’s pussy and Camila once more dove in face first, tasting the delicious mixture of the two. And though she wouldn’t necessarily have minded that cocktail right now, Selena solo was still a taste so delicious she had to go in for more.

“SHIT!” Selena screamed the moment Camila began to snack on her kitty. “Oh god…fuck yes…damn Cami!” The words of encouragement were appreciated, fuel that just made Cami’s own lust burn even brighters. Once more, where Selena had the finesse and delicate touch of master painter Cami had the rough and ragged brush strokes of someone a bit more abstract but no less skilled. The gentlest rake of teeth, sweet and slow strokes mixed with quick swipes all while Camila;s fingers once more joined the session.

Selena had already worked herself up from her own actions between Camila’s legs. The desire was only amplified byt the taste, touch and sound Camila becoming clay in her hands and now that Selena was the one being molded into an object of lust she was well on the way to the sculpting being complete.

“Cum…gonna cum,” Selena said. “Cami…oh my god…make me cum…so fucking close!”

Camila of course was all too ready to give her friend exactly what she wanted…she just wanted to see that beautiful face as pure pleasure coursed through her veins. She moved up her body, mouth regretfully now away from the Gomez honeypot. All wasn’t lost however, as Camila was still using her fingers to play her friend like a harp from Hell.

Once her lips were in range Camila once more deeply kissed Selena, tongues wrestling around, desperate to share the moment and the taste of Selena with each other. When the kiss broke Camila started to spit fire so hot the thermostat needle might have started spinning in circles.

“Cum…fucking cum for me Selena,” Cami demanded. “You’re close…so fucking close aren’t you? Tell me!”

“YES!” Selena cried. “So close…so fucking close…need it…Cami please make me fucking cum!!!!”

“No problem,” Camila said, a sexy sneer on her face as she kissed Selena again, now resting her forehead against Selena's, staring her out as her fingers turned the dial up to ten…and Selena was still on that precipice. Then another thought occurred about the long weekend in Vegas…a taste in something both women discovered they shared.

“You want something in your ass don’t you?” Cami asked, her voice almost teasing Selena. “Say it…say what you want…”

“Uh…ohhh…uh huh…yes…” was all Selena managed to get out.

“Close enough,” Camila said. She licked Selena's tongue and then sealed her lips on her one more time and sucked on her tongue as the beautiful Brazilian gave Selena a bit of a shock when Camila’s pinky went into Selena’s asshole. The moment that last bit of penetration was made the fuse was lit and Selena moaned into Camila's mouth. The kiss broke and Selena was chanting gibberish as the short fuse burned.

“Yes…cum…fucking cum for me Sel…I want to see it…cum for me like I came for you…”

“CAMI YESSS!!! FUCK YESSSS!” Selena screamed, her body going limp, letting the tidal wave of pleasure completely cover her as Cami kept pressing her further down the velvet road. When Selena found herself giggling on the high of the sex Cami removed her hand and laid down next to Selena on the floor, bringing her fingers between the two of them so the lovely pair could suck Selena’s cum from Camila’s fingers in between sensual and sloppy kisses.

“So, hit the showers?” Cami asked with an exhausted but sexy smile.


The first day of the new semester was the beginning of everything new for Hailee Steinfeld. Her wild summer was simply the prologue to everything good coming her way. Free of the weight of the previous semester she felt as though she was walking on air with the golden rays of the morning sun warming her over. The smiling brunette almost felt like dancing as she walked to class, the “kssh kssh” of the sprinklers doing their thing and giving her a wonderful rhythm.

The day was starting on a high note and only getting higher as her new friend Walt Kirby entered her view. He was walking to class, headphones on, unaware of her presence and aching for an early morning surprise in Hailee’s judgment.

Her friendship with benefits with him had brought her a bunch of moments that were already cherished memories, both of the PG and X-rated variety. At a time when she needed it, he was a good friend…and potentially something more when and if she was ready for such a thing. And when she was around him, she felt that time was coming sooner rather than later.

She made her approach, not even attempting to be quiet about as any sounds she would have made were blocked out by his earbuds and whatever he was listening to. Step by step, inch by inch she got closer to him until the young co-ed was ready to pounce.

“Ha!” Hailee said, jumping behind Walt and grasping his shoulders. The action had the desired effect making him jolt and obviously startling him.

“What the fuck?” He said before he turned around to see what the fuck was actually going on. There he saw Hailee, smiling wide and his small startle. However, her enjoyment slowly drained away when Walt did not seem to be exactly happy to see her. “Oh, hi Hailee,” he said, his tone flat and uninterested to put it mildly.

“Everything okay?” Hailee asked.

“Yeah, just heading to class,” replied Walt. “So, if you’ll excuse me.”

He began to walk away and Hailee quickly joined him, keeping up with his quick stride; a stride that was making it obvious he was trying to get away from her. Hailee wanted to know why exactly that was.

“Okay, so you want to avoid me, care to tell me how I got your bad side?”

Walt breathed deep and stopped. Hailee could see from his face he was trying to put something together.

“Look, if you want companionship or something, why don’t you go hang out with that dude who was all over you at the show this weekend?” He asked. “You two seemed pretty friendly and I’m sure he’d be a lot more receptive than I am right now.”

“Is that what you’re mad about?” Hailee asked. “Look, Walt..”

“I know, we aren’t dating. You’re not ready, we’re just friends who fuck on occasion, all of that. So it’s on me I was starting to feel more. None of it’s on you, I get that. But honestly…I just can’t be around you right now, okay? Sorry if that hurts, it hurts me too but…I just don’t know what else to say.”

Walt walked away, leaving Hailee in silence. She was surprised it was cutting her this deep. The stunned beauty took a seat on a nearby bench to collect herself. Maybe she was feeling more like Walt was than she wanted to admit. However before she could think too much on that her phone began to buzz. With a quick look to her phone her mood was lifted a bit to see Ben had sent a text to see if she was up for a lunch time hook-up later. Hailee replied back in the affirmative. After all, she wasn’t tied down.


Ariana Grande wanted cock. There was no way around it. She had woken up horny, taken a shower horny, masturbated in said shower which did little to curb that horniness and by the time she was dressed for the first day back on campus she was in a much more aroused state and her clothes showed it. A strikingly short skirt to show off her legs, a tight little top and baby pink lipstick just make it loud and clear what she was looking for, despite it not even being nine in the morning by the time she set foot on university grounds.

There she was, sitting in the middle of the dining commons, picking at her food while scanning the area for someone who had the potential to satisfy her true hunger. Her eyes first fell upon a group of big strong men of every shade and size in letterman jackets. Athletes for sure and while Ariana did love the stamina they tended to have, she also wasn’t in the mood to be submissive. Those doe eyes next went to a table of men she instantly identified as musicians from the gigantic cups of coffee right from 7/11 and the scruffy hairstyles and facial hair. That and the circles on their eyes were the dead give aways and while all were cute if Ari wanted to fuck musicians she could just call her band and frankly it was too early in the morning for a gangbang, in her summation at least.

Then, about two tables away right in front of her she landed on a handsome Latino. He was sitting alone but he wasn’t a loner, judging from the people departing. The current object of her lustful affections was dressed casually in jeans and a Star Wars t-shirt but they fit him so well. The fact that the Force was with him was just icing on the cake for the sexy sci-fi sprite. He seemed to just be finishing up his own breakfast, moments away from rising up and dropping his tray off. That would be Ariana’s attack point, pouncing on him in the line. Figuratively of course. The actual literal pouncing would be for when she was about to get that dick inside of her.

She made her approach, walking surprisingly fast in her five inch platform heels to approach him. The moment she dumped the remainders of her waffles she approached him, soon coming up on his left.

“Nice shirt,” she said to him. “The original poster art was so good back then.”

“Hello, what have we here,” he said to her, giving her a perfect Lando as he drank in Ariana’s sexy form. While it was far from rare to know a girl who dug Star Wars, it was rare they were such knockouts.

“Nice,” Ari said. “I’m Ariana. Do you have a name? And don’t say Lando. No offense but only one man is that smooth and it’s Billy Dee Williams.”

“None taken,” he said. “The name’s Luis. And usually I’m the one with the dorky opening line.”

“What can I say, I’m a girl who likes to switch it up a little.”

“Well I’d love to hear all about that on the walk to class, if you don’t mind coming along.”

“Not at all.” The pair walked out side by side and step one of Ariana’s seduction was complete, and since she had class in about an hour she decided to go all in on step two.

“I’ve got a question for you Luis,” she said.

“Shoot. I mean this walk would be awkward if we were dead silent.”

“When someone asks you something, on the way that they want something from you, do you like it when they beat around the bush? Or would you prefer pure bluntness, regardless of the request?”

“Blunt,” he said. “Who has time for bullshit? Just give me the facts.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Ari said, smirking.

“Why’s that?”

“Because I have a request and now I know to be blunt about it.”

“Well, we’ve only just met but shoot your shot Ari.”

“Wanna fuck me?”

And Luis froze in place. His stunned face gave Ari the opening, just in case he needed some convincing. She began to pace in front of him, adding a little sashay in her step as she did so and hammed her movements up just a smidge.

“I woke up this morning and to say I was horny might be underselling it,” Ari explained, adding a bit of valley girl to her tone. Not too much, but just enough to add to the verbal cocktail she was working on. “And, like, I tried to handle it myself and that didn’t work so I just decided to start things right before my first class with the right guy. You’re cute and your shirt pushed you into the spotlight. Of course if you say no I’ll go elsewhere but I really wish you wouldn’t. I mean I want as long as possible with you.” Ariana got very close to Luis, almost body to body and he could feel the heat. She gently grabbed the collar of his sher and pulled him to her, Luis having to bend down a bit despite the height provided by Ari’s heels. “You have class in forty five minutes. Me in an hour. We can be getting nice and dirty in five minutes if you say yes. Not a trick. Not looking to roll you. At most looking to ride you. And I know just the place.”

“Hell yes,” Luis blurted out to the delight of Ariana. She grabbed his hand and led him to her spot. Ari knew of several. The spot on the first floor of the library, the student union’s lower levels and so many others. But at the moment, all of them were too far away for her liking. Today she was going to the science building. She’d discovered this spot the previous semester. It was on the fifth floor, a balcony where teachers and students used to go smoke until an actual lounge was built. Then it became abandoned. Ari herself only happened upon it by accident, bumping into an empty bookcase that happened to be in front of the door. Since then, and a bit of clean up for which the the custodian was paid in ways money just didn’t measure up to, it was her favorite fuck spot on campus.

She’d furnished it a bit, adding a nice big reclining pool chair, big and strong enough for a duo involved in strenuous cardio, complete with a nice comfy cushion. There was also a table with a notepad and pen with various little lyrics and doodles written on it. It wasn’t just a place to fuck, it was a place to think…but mainly to fuck.

Luis walked through the door and immediately heard it shut behind him. He turned around to see Ariana, the look on her face taking on the look of a fierce femme fatale. Every step she made forward he took a step backward until Luis was backed into the metal railing. It was then he realized they were technically outside on a balcony. One where it was hard to get a view of them from below and the other balconies were too crowded for any potential viewers, but still rather public. Before he could point out something Ariana was all too aware of, the petite seductress closing the gap and running her hands down his chest to his crotch, feeling the growing bulge hidden behind a denim wall she couldn’t wait to breach. When her lips touched his, any concerns the logical side of his brain had went up in a puff of smoke.

Tongue rolled over each other like a stormy sea as Ari’s hands masterfully handled Luis’s belt and zipper, and once that piece of metal could be dragged down to the end Ariana squatted down, her face level with Luis’s crotch. The anxious man looked down as the bold beauty pulled his pants down until they were at his ankle.

Ari giggled at Luis’s reaction to the touch of her soft hands on his cock on balls, the heavy breathing and the whisper soft moans.. The left cradle those aching balls while her hand loosely gripped his growing rod, stroking it gently and delicately. She licked her lips and said, “Finally…breakfast.”

The soft moans rose in volume, creating a small echo as Ariana’s full lips wrapped around the head of Luis’s cock. She sucked on the crown like a lollipop, tongue rolling over the flesh like it was candy coated. The sucking was soft and gentle, tense tease that only got more intense as she slowly pulled off, gently raking the top with her front teeth. Not too hard, just enough to make a spark like flint on granite.

The seductive sprite removed her mouth with a pop that echoed just like Luis’s moan. It brought a devilish giggle from her mouth, the last thing to escape before she brought it back to Luis’s dick, taking a bit more into his mouth. What was once a lollipop became a candy cane as Ariana’s lips and tongue covered his cock completely, every pass of her head having her try her best to suck the candy layers away.

Luis shivered, “Fucking hell,” he growled, his hands instinctively going to Ari’s head, fingers in her light brown locks. She felt his loose grip grow tight when she took him to the root, her tongue sticking out to tickle his balls. Feeling her throat around his rod made Luis’s knees wobble. A few seconds more and he might have lost it had Ari not pulled back to catch her breath.

As she took in those breaths, she saw the effect she was already having on him and smiled. Once her breath was retrieved the petite powerhouse grasped his penis, jacking it so fast the fist was a blur. Just as suddenly as she had grasped it, almost overwhelming her very willing recipient she slowed back down and strenuously slowly worked just the head in her hand.

“A-ariana,” he gasped, choking on his words with beads of sweat falling down his forehead.

“That’s right…say my name…and then fuck my mouth.” Her mouth returned to his cock and his hands to her head. Ariana gripped his hips, steadying herself as Luis began to jackhammer her mouth, a loud series of “*GLAG GLAG GLAG* echoing down, making a few confused passerbys look-up and see nothing. However if they could, they’d see a lust-lost man and ropes of spittle and drool falling from Ariana Grande’s mouth as her lover of the moment’s cock was driven in it repeatedly. When Luis felt a certain squeeze on his thighs, he got the picture. He pulled out of her mouth, Ari once more catching her breath but this time rising back up. She took half a step back before reaching around to catch the zipper of her dress. In a flash gravity had done its work and most of Ariana’s bare body was on display.

Luis’s eyes looked her up and down from her shapely legs to her petite and perfect tits. Usually he wasn’t one for tattoos but Ari’s didn’t seem to have any negative effect on his raging hard on. His eyes then landed on her face, a sexy smile on her face as she bent forward slightly just enough to aid her in pulling her panties down. Once more gravity tapped in and Ari stepped out of him and somehow Luis was struck even more dumbfounded by the beauteous vision of Ariana Grande’s shaved pussy.

“Want to pet the kitty?” She asked, a hint of corrupted innocence in her voice. He nodded. “Then take a seat.”

Ariana gestured towards the pool chair behind her and Luis scrambled his way over, laying back on the chair with his saliva slick and hard cock standing at high noon.

However soon that high noon was eclipsed and Luis couldn’t have been happier. “Fuuuuuuckkkkk,” he groaned as Ariana sank down, her unbelievably tight cunt already encasing his staff like a python on a tree branch.

“Ohhh damn that’s some good dick,” Ariana moaned. She let herself get acclimated to Luis’s girth before beginning to move. “Mmmmn yeah…fuck yes…” She planted her hand on his chest, feeling the Lothario’s heartbeat through his chest. That thump-thump percussion increased ever so slightly with every move Ari made on his cock. Slowly rising and falling, moving her hips like a slow tide rolling in. She smiled, lip quivering as she watched him. It was always something she liked doing with any man she fucked, looking at their ticks while she rode their rods. Some rolled their eyes in the back of their head like she was a gambler pulling a slot machine’s lever. Others almost seemed like they were being exorcized by her pussy’s heavenly velvet grip. Others seemed to lick their lips, like trying to catch the phantom taste of a meal they can barely remember, or in the current case hadn’t had yet. Luis, he was a licker. So much so that Ariana vowed he’d get a taste the next time they fucked. And there would be a next time, one where they’d have more time.

In the moment however, Ariana chose to speed things up, going from a pleasant rowboat ride to a raging rapid on Luis’s dick. She took his hands, which had been at her him up to her tits, hoping he’d get the hint it was time to get a little more active in the fucking. In this position Ariana didn’t mind doing most of the work but she wanted some participation or that definite return engagement was going to be reconsidered.

Fortunately for him Luis got the message, finally taking full notice of the body on top of him. The gorgeous face, those delightfully perky tits with pierced nippels. He tugged at them with his teeth, making Ari swoon at the pleasureful pain before he tasted her flesh mixed with metal.

“Ah…ah…ah yeah” Ari moaned. “Just like that…fuck…suck them…mmmmm…” She moved faster on his rod now, his kisses spreading all over her body like wildfire, with the occasional love bite like gasoline spreading the blaze. Ariana moaned, the echos again reaching down below to a befuddled round of passersby. “Fuck me…FUCK ME!!!”

Luis’s hands moved to Ari’s petite peach, gripping tight as he thrust up in her, giving her the best bumpy ride she’d ever had. “Yes yes yes yes fuck that fucking cunt fuck me!!!!” As much as Ari loved her group encounters there was always something about going one on one that made her a lot more vocal. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that there was no one shoving their cock between her DSLs, which she had to admit she missed. But still, there was a unique connection that almost made her a different woman, a dangerous woman. However, that dangerous woman still had many of the same tastes, tastes that rushed to the forefront of her sex-crazed mind when she felt Luis’s middle finger sneaking around her anus.

She looked down and grabbed his face, kissing him hungrily and biting his lip as it broke. “Do it…fucking stick it in my ass…then go for something bigger.” There was a fire behind those doe eyes, one that seemed to glow so intensely it made his eyes grow wide as he looked into them and realized fully what she meant.

“YES!” Ariana yelled at the digital intrusion. “Mmmm fuck yeah…get that ass ready something bigger!” She pushed him back down hard on the chair, taking full control again and riding him, bouncing hard and rough on his dick for a few more minutes before pulling herself off. Once more those platform heels hit the concrete floor of the balcony for a few brief moments before she got to the railing. Of course that was when Ariana bent over, presenting her waiting ass to Luis.

The vixen looked over her shoulder, flipping her hair as she made the motion. “Get up and fuck my ass,” Ari demanded. “Make me cum with that cock up my ass.”

Luis rushed to his feet, showing surprisingly agility for a man with his pants around his ankle being led around by his cock. Soon that cock led him to the ass of Ariana. He ran his hands over that delicious looking peach, kneading the tight assflesh before rearing back with his left hand and going in for a hard *SPANK*, making Ari yelp.

“Oooh, mommy like,” she purred. “But not as much as she’d like that cock in her asshole.”

Luis pressed his bishop’s crown right against that tight opening. Ariana bit her lower lip as Luis broke through the barrier with minimum resistance. If it didn’t feel so good he might have wondered how an ass so tight would welcome his cock so easily. But it did feel that good. He shook, his moan quivering as it escaped his mouth. Ari moaned in harmony with him, gripping the railing tight as her anus was taking inch by wonderful inch.

“Mmm baby,” she said, almost growling. Luis was up to the hilt and standing still. He was savoring the sinfully perfect feeling of Ariana’s deliciously tight ass hugging his cock tight. “Now really give to me…fucking take it…fuck me hard…use me…”

A sensual smile crossed those baby pink lips as she pulled back onl;y to thrust back in hard. And again. And again. Hard powerful pounding of her ass began and she grunted with every delightful movement of Luis’s cock.

“That’s it…you won’t break me…harder…harder!!!” Ariana asked and Luis delivered, gripping her hips hard as he went faster into her asshole. The salacious singer moaned, mouth hanging open so words wouldn’t flow out. However, that didn’t mean Ariana was complacently enjoying her anal ravaging. Using her firm grip on the railing, she pushed back against Luis and met him for every hard thrust. She wasn’t even going to give him the option of slowing down.

“Come on…make me cum…use that asshole till I cum…then fucking shoot on my face!”

“Oooooh my fucking goddddd,” he said, forming his actual first words of their furious fuck session. Which inspired Ari, still thinking despite being desperate for her erotic release.

“Mmm that’s what you want, isn’t it?” She teasingly asked, her voice like velvet. She began to squeeze her ass tight around his rod, almost making him stop dead in his tracks until Ari said otherwise. “Don’t you fucking dare…keep fucking me..and think about this pretty little face drenched in that hot load…mmm…harder…dripping…aaah-ahh-off my face…my lips…all over me…”

“Oh god damn it Ari…” He began to go harder, just what the vixen was craving.

“Yesss….make me cum with the big fucking dick,” growled Ariana through clenched teeth. It was close now…the heat and the chills colliding from her head to her toes. “More…harder…fuck that ass…ahhhh…ahhhhhh…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

Ariana’s voice went higher and higher, the salacious starlet uncontrollably unleashing her vocal prowess as the powerhouse of pleasure burning within her all at once. Her body shook wildly, almost twerking with Luis’s cock still lodged in her asshole, which was now vice-tight tight and desperately milking him. He almost lost it if not for holding onto that hope of hosing down Ariana’s face with his baby batter.

“Gonna…fuck…fuck fuck fuck FUCK GONNA CUM!!” He yelled, adding to the echoing chorus.

“Gimme that cum!” Ari growled. Luis pulled himself from her well-fucked backdoor and the minx spun around and returned to squatting, looking up at him with her mouth open, pink tongue out and big brown eyes looking up at him, wordlessly begging for his cum as he furiously pounded his cock.

“NnggggAAAAAA!!!” He grunted as white ropes of cum rocketed from the tip of his cock to splatter on Ariana’s waiting face.

“Uh huh,” she moaned as the white hot lust lava rained down on her. Diagonal ropes connected her dimpled cheeks to her forehead and her pink tongue quickly got a lake of white in the middle of it. Moment after moment he painted her face until it was just as she had described to him, though in this instance reality was better than the fantasy as looked down to see her swallow the seed on her tongue down, licking her lips while the rest of the jizz dripped down her face and joined other rivulets that had landed on her petite form.

“Fuuuuck,” he grunted as she wrapped her lips around the mushroom cap one last time, her tongue rolling around it in a slow circle before releasing it with a pop.

“Now, before you go running off to class,” said Ariana as she rose to her feet. “Imagine what we could do with no time limit. And when you’re done thinking about it, call me so we can get to doing it.”


There was something about the first class of the semester that always gave Lili butterflies, nervous, anxious butterflies. It didn’t matter what the course was, it happened. Calculus II? Butterflies. History of the Horror Film? Butterflies. And on this day, Poetry Throughout Time? Wouldn’t you know it, the butterflies just finished signing the sign-in sheet.

She arrived in class a good ten minutes before class was due to begin. So far there was no one else in the room so she picked a seat in the middle of the room. The classroom didn’t have desks in it, rather a series of long, black-topped tables that fit two people behind them. She set her book bag on the smooth surface of the table and took out her laptop, deciding to waste a bit of time on the internet before class. She would have texted Peter or Cami but by this point both were midway through their own classes.

Right as her screen lit up she was joined in class. The click clack of high heels walking through the door drew the blonde’s attention and she saw another blonde, and it was one she knew, but simply by reputation.

Taylor Swift took a quick look around the classroom and her eyes landed on the only other person in the class at the moment. She made her way to where Lili was sitting and stood next to the empty seat.

“Would you mind if I sat here?” Taylor asked. “I’d rather take the safe seat next to someone I know instead of doing a crap shoot with a stranger and I kind of know you since you’re dating Peter and really friendly with Selena which gets you a lot of points in my book.”

“Yeah, of course,” Lili said. Taylor put her bag down as well and took the seat. “I mean, it’s not going to be weird at all is it?”

“Why would it be weird? Peter and I only dated for a summer a couple of years ago, no biggie.”

“I was talking more about Camila being my best friend…”

“Oh that?” Taylor asked. “Ms. Mendes and I are on amicable terms these days. We’re adults and not on the cheerleading squad anymore. Bad blood is just water under the bridge…and, you did know about that whole summer thing, right?”

“Probably,” Lili said with a shrug. “I mean it doesn’t bother me. I’m best friends with Camila and Selena’s kind of joined our little circle so the past is past for me. Too focused on the present. Which, to be honest, is simply amazing.”

“That’s a healthy mindset I can subscribe to,” Taylor grinned. “And a fellow poet, or at least a poetry fan I take it?”

“Yeah. Pretty interesting mix; poetry, horror movies and professional wrestling; I’m the nexus point at which they meet.”

“Well I’m sure I’ll find out all about this semester,” Taylor said. “And, just be sure, not awkward at all. I'm an ex of your man? The last thing I need is more drama. I swear, it’s like drama loves me sometimes.”

“No, but thanks for asking. I’m…I’m very confident in what he and I have. Or you know, are putting together. It’s only been a few months but a great few months. Now, do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Might as well I guess, we got time.”

“So, you grew up around Peter so I assume you know his family…which means you know Blake.”

“Well, yeah a little,” Taylor answered. “I mean Selena was way closer but I knew of Blake. Why?”

“Well, let me just come out with it,” Lili said, taking a deep breath before the question. “Did you ever fantasize about her?”

Before Taylor could reply they were joined by another woman, a cute brunette with shoulder length brown hair. Instead she placed her things on the desk at the head of the class before noticing the two blondes.

“Oh, hello there,” the woman said with a warm smile and a British accent. She approached the pair and shook their hands. “Looks like I have some early birds, always a delight to see. I’m your instructor for the semester, well, at least for this class. I’m Jenna Coleman. Pleasure to meet you.”


Whenever Olivia Holt put together a class schedule at the end of each semester, she always made sure on Monday the class load ended at noon. Most people would do the reverse, after having used the weekend for heavy duty partying to sleep it off most of Monday and then have afternoon and night classes. To Olivia, that was the stupid way. Sure she may have had to suffer through a few hours with a hangover sometimes but she also had the rest of the day to sleep it off once it was done. Or, in her case, something a lot more fun.

Olivia had a bit of a tradition that had existed ever since she formed The People Under The Stairs with Walt. The end of every break was capped off with a huge show, as had just happened. During such shows, Olivia put together a little private fan club celebration. Mainly just for the male fans but on occasion there was a ladies’ night. This was not going to be one of those nights. Partly because it was around lunchtime. That’s how she knew the boys would be available.

Of course the confirmation was the buzz she heard in her bedroom. Well, technically it was an office but she’d made it her bedroom. Her dad owned a shipping business, one successful enough to have a spare warehouse, albeit a small one. That spare warehouse was the band’s practice area and also where Olivia lived along with bandmate Madison Pettis. Madison, however, had a loaded Monday which just made Olivia’s planned activities a whole lot easier.

She took a peek at the security monitor and sure enough, there were all five lucky fanboys she talked to at that house party. A couple of them, like Tall Boy, were people she’d played with before. Two were newbies. Of course Tall Boy was grinning ear to ear; he’d been a regular one on one playmate for Olivia, though she personally would have given the five foot four punk rocker a non-ironic nickname like “The Beer Can” but at the end of the day it didn’t matter much when it came down to business.

She left her room and went for the door, dressed for the occasion. It was an outfit she stumbled on somewhat by accident. It was what she wore to bed for the most part; a cut-off tight fitting white tank top, very short light gray sweat shorts and the only thing she didn’t usually wear to bed, a pair if white ankle socks. She was surprised when she and the band performed at a local event called The Punk Rock Pajama Party when just as many of the male audience were focused on her as they were Madison, who was full-on dolled up in lingerie. When the Pajama Party became a regular thing, that was her de facto look. And whenever she wore it for fun she never heard any complaints.

She undid each of the three locks on the front door and opened it up, letting the men in with Tall Boy leading the pack, like the short crime boss in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons but with purple hair instead of a big fedora and far more charm. Behind him were the remaining four. The tallest among them was Jerry, a pale punker with a devilock haircut, full sleeve tattoos and a sleeveless Misfits shirt to go along with the name and the hair. Behind him was a guy named Mike. he was one of the newbies to Olivia and he was as basic as it could be with a crewcut, a white shirt and jeans. Next to him was another newbie to this activity but Olivia was somewhat familiar with him. He was another actual tall boy, though not quite as tall as Jerry. Alex, however, was maybe only two inches shorter. The handsome black gentleman was topped with green hair, which fit with his ensemble of leather jacket covered in patches of assorted bands and jeans so tight she knew she was going to be dealing with a mouth full beyond Tall Boy. Rounding them all out was Danny, the first fan she ever had that graduated to a groupie.

“So glad you boys could make it,” Olivia said with a smile. Once all her guests were in she shut and locked the door behind them, then led them to the playground. The moment she was in front of them she could feel their eyes scoping her out, wolves licking their chops. This was fine. She liked the attention and everyone there knew who the she-wolf in charge was.

Soon the group of eager men was led to a place that was bare save for a nice big blanket.

“Spoiler alert guys, that’s for me,” Said Olivia, standing in the middle of it. “Maybe it’s just me being soft but I’m not really interested in kneeling on hard concrete for too long with bare knees.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time in this position for you,would it?” Tall Boy knowingly asked.

“Manners, Tall Boy. After all, you don’t want to be blacklisted from Midterm Mayhem, do you?”

“Oh, I’ll be good,” He said, hands up with a sarcastic grin on his face.

“You better.” She gave him a wink and she moved to the center of the blanket. “Now boys, don’t drop ‘em just yet. After all, I do love putting on a show.”

The men all looked at each other, hyena grins on their faces. When they turned their gazes back to the bombastic blonde she was already on her knees, tank top gone. All eyes were on her and Olivia ran her hands up her body, over the tan skin of her liege, up her tight tummy and to her breasts. She pursed her lips into an “o” shape and started to play with her hard nipples, circling around the areolas before pulling on them. She gave them all a seductive look, biting her lower lip before releasing her nips.

The guys felt themselves begin to strain against their fabric containment, cocks getting hard watching Olivia’s opening act. She slid her right middle finger into her mouth, sucking it slowly before pulling it out with a pop. All eyes remained on her as she slid that middle finger under her shorts and into her surely soaking wet pussy. She moaned and their cocks all twitched. THeir desire only grew as they watched the shape of Olivia’s masturbation through her shorts, dampness forming the harder she worked herself.

She writhed and moaned before them, almost on the precipice herself before she showed immense willpower and stopped herself. Olivia withdrew her hand and time slowed down, her middle finger glistening in the warehouse lights before she sucked it clean.

“Well boys, I don’t know about you but I’m ready.” She gave them a filthy little smile before saying, ”Drop them.”

One by one gravity took care of the pants and what was on display, both familiar and strange, pleased keyboardist. Of course when her eyes landed on Tall Boy she was reminded why he wasn’t just called beer can…he had the length to go with the width to be called “Tall Boy” and she was damn sure at this point he got that nickname from friends with benefits more so than just friends.

“Now, before we begin boys, ground rules,” She said, reaching out and grabbing Alex’s cock first. After all, he was a newbie to all of this. “Mouth and hands only, got it?”

“Understood,” Tall Boy replied, the rest nodding in agreement.

“Good, and to start this all off I think it’s only best to properly greet new friends.” Olivia looked to Alex and waved him over with her index finger. Fortunately he was already dead center in the group so there wasn’t much maneuvering on either party’s part, just a scoot forward a bit for Olivia and a small shuffle forward for Alex.

Olivia grasped his cock, gently stroking the dark shaft in her hands. She felt him tense up just the slightest bit as she teased his glans with her thumb.

“Keep it together hot shot,” she said, licking her lips. “You don’t want this to end too soon, do you?”

“Uh…no,” he replied. “Not at all.”

“Good…but to be fair I’ll take it easy on ya at first.” Alex was about to find out Olivia had a unique definition of taking it easy on someone. The teasing her thumb was doing was replaced by the gentle wetness of her tongue caressing the underside of his crown as if the blonde was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. This treat wasn’t melting, yet. However that was the end goal, a goal that only got immensely tougher when her mouth completely covered the head of his cock. With that, it was off to the races, though Olivia was more in pace with the tortoise than the hare at first.

Alex grunted, words failing him while Olvia’s tongue swirled the tip of his hard-on, his hands bunching up into fists in reaction to sensation. It was almost methodical, less of a tornado and far more like she was painting with her tongue and while he was no art critic it certainly felt like a masterpiece to Alex.

“Oooh Olivia,” he moaned as the blonde began to go further down on his onyx scepter. His moans grew louder and were soon joined by the percussion of the other for stroking their cocks at Olivia’s oral demonstration. It was music to the musician’s ears.

The bombshell sped up, sloppily sucking and slurping his stick, the spittle drooling from her lips and splatting against her knees and the concrete floor. It was an obscene sight that was making the men watching even more hungry for their round. As for the two actually engaging in it, they were both pretty much lost in the moment though. Alex was gone, enjoying every sweet moment of Olivia’s sucking. Olivia, while enjoying the moment herself and the effect she was having on the semi-circle of hard cocks in front of her, was also paying very close attention to the current object of her lustful affections. The way he was throbbing, the pitch of his moans. He was close, which meant it was time for a temporary departure from his cock.

Olivia gave one last, long slurp before pulling off of Alex and turning her attention to Mike. A slight adjustment of her knees and she was now facing him. Now his cock knew the tender grip of her hand and soon after the feel of her lips as she kissed and licked up and down his rod, making harmonica-like motions on both sides before wrapping her lips around the head. The pace for him was a bit faster. He was the other newbie but she remembered watching from stage left while another, more aggressive band played. She saw him in the pit, moshing and slam dancing and figured a faster pace was more his speed. That and she was just getting worked up herself, sliding her left hand down her shorts to play once more with her sopping pussy. This added visual along with the sounds of her moan lit the men on fire, their stroking matching her quick pace on Mike’s cock.

She continued down the line. Next was Jerry, who got the first taste of deep throating from Olivia, making her have to pause for air in between his stays in her throat. Then on to Danny, he had the green light to fuck her face along with a bit of deep throating thrown in. Seniority got certain privileges. Tall Boy, for the initial run, was last and Olivia was up for the challenge of taking his tall boy into the root as well.

Once all the boys got their turn the cycle started anew, back to Alex. From there though, it got random and much much louder. Loud and happy gasps for air escaped Olivia’s lips when her mouth wasn’t stuffed with cock, sometimes two or three at a time. During those times muffled moans and obscene slurping filled the air along with deep male moans and grunts of “Fuck yes” and “Damn” and “Just like that”.

Soon those words turned into grateful but desperate moans, and Tall Boy turned his moans into an urgent declaration. “Gonna shoot Olivia!” he grunted as she sucked him. The moment the last word leapt from his mouth. And just like that, his cock was free from her mouth but not the expert grasps of her right hand, which was now a blur on his beer can.

“Don’t be all talk Tall Boy,” she teased. “Fucking do it…right on my face…come on…cum on my face!”

Her command was his wish cum true as the beer can finally exploded in Olivia’s hand, covering her eager and smiling face with his cum. Ropes streaks across her face in a white liquid mesh, Tall Boy making sure the last few drops went on her outstretched tongue. Before he was done however, Jerry unleashed as well, rushing over so quickly the sound of his belt buckle clanking against the concrete floor added to the echoes in the warehouse.

Olivia began to giggle as more cum flooded her face, Jerry getting a lot on her forehead and streaks in her long blonde hair. Danny was next, mainly glazing Olivia’s chin, making a wonderfully gooey mess that dripped down her body. Alex came last, most of his rocketing right into mouth,Olivia wrapping her cummy lips around his head to swallow his seed down mixed with that of the other mixed together in a wonderfully warm cocktail.

The men were sweaty, clothes sticking to their body. Still, they weren’t quite as dirty as Olivia, who was both sweaty and absolutely cum coated.

“All right boys, zip ‘em up,” she said before sucking some cum dripping from her fingers into her mouth. “And I’ll see some of you at midterms. Except you Alex. How about you stay to help me clean up in the shower? Give you a proper welcome to the fan club?”


“Well, the food at least looks edible,” Sydney Sweeney said. She had just been led through the line at the dining commons cafeteria by the grouping of Peter, Camila, Selena and Madelaine with each of them pointing out what was safe to ingest with ratings ranging from “edible” to “god-like”. Once plates were filled they walked to a table and sat down, which was where Sydney uttered her words.

“And actual suitable vegan options,” Madelaine said. “A rarity, believe me.”

“And the mozzarella sticks might be the best in town,” said Peter, lifting his up and bringing it to the middle of the table facing Camila. “Cheese stick toast?”

“Of course Petey dearest,” Camila said, raising her own and dinking it with Peter’s like it was a champagne flute. They then crisscrossed to the dipping sauce both had on their side. They were the same, marinara and ranch, but for that first bite Peter dipped his in Cami’s marinara first and she in his ranch before dipping in their own opposite sauce and pulling the first bite to stretch out the cheese.

“Being relatively new to all this,” Madelaine said, twirling her pasta on her fork, “Have they always been like this?”

“Yes,” both Selena and Sydney said simultaneously.

“And what’s wrong with that?”” Cami asked. “Some people have a secret handshake with their besties. Me and Petey just have an edible version.”

“Hmmm,” Madelaine replied. “Not too odd I suppose. I mean I’ve seen more childish things from frat boys when I worked at Knockers.”

“How is the new job going?” asked Cami. “Settled in? I mean the way you’ve been talking lately I thought, you know, the sailing wasn’t so smooth.”

“Elisha loves the job I’m doing and has given me Employee of the Month,” Madelaine said, her tone somehow matter of fact but devoid of pride. Rather, there was a tension in her voice, a tension that was easy to pick up.

“Um, isn’t that a good thing?” Peter asked.

“I’m not used to positive reinforcement,” Madelaine said. “I tend to think it’s bullshit, like somewhat setting me up just to knock me down. Or I’m going to knock myself down. A very healthily unhealthy mix of paranoia and imposter syndrome. Jesse helps, a lot. But that’s the thing about deep seeded mental trauma, it just doesn’t quit. So neither do I. I just have breakdowns.”

“You do a GREAT job Mads,” Selena said, putting her hand on her friend’s. “I mean I haven’t had many jobs but as far as the managers I have had you’re at the top of the list. And you’re doing the full time student thing. And if Elisha is willing to work with you on that, it means something, doesn’t it?”

“And if that pep talk doesn’t help I think Sabrina has a good anti-anxiety strain she’s working on,” Peter said.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Madelaine said with a sly smile. “Oh, before I forget…” Madelaine picked up her backpack and placed it on the table. She unzipped one of the small pockets and took out a flash drive and handed it to Peter. “I still don’t get why I can’t just put this in the cloud or whatever but since it’s for Lili’s birthday I’ll go along.”

“Madelaine brings up a good point,” Cami said, pulling her own flashdrive out of her purse. “I mean it’d be easier.”

“Yeah, but also easier for Lili to catch on to what I’m doing,” Peter said. He took both thumb drives then turned his attention to Selena. “You have yours?”

“I finished it but left it at the apartment,” Selena said. “I can drop it off after I’m done with classes though.”

“Sure, I might not be there though but Sabrina will. Just leave it in my room.”

“Cool,” Selena replied.

“What are the flash drives for?” Sydney asked.

“Peter’s super cute birthday present for Lili,” Cami said.

“I guess if super cute is code for cheap,” Peter said.

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Madelaine said. “I think the idea is absolutely genius. And sweet. You’ve officially earned my approval. Which isn’t that easy to get.”

“Mads is telling you the truth Petey,” Cami said. “On both counts. Lili is going to love this.”

“I just wish I knew that it would work on her parents.”

“Not everyone has my parents, my dearest friend,” Cami said. “I know Lili’s. They will LOVE you. Hell, they’ll at least have to admit you’re an upgrade from Jake. And if they do any interrogations of her friends you’re not going to get a negative review. Again, if you impressed Madelaine you’re golden. She’s a way tougher judge than Lili’s dad.”

“Where is Lili?” Sydney asked. “I thought she’d join us for lunch.”

“Still in her poetry class,” Peter said. “And when she arrives I have to leave for a film noir class. Which is why all I got were the cheese sticks.”

“Looks like the class is over,” Cami said, spotting Lili entering the dining commons behind him. “I guess you're taking the rest of those to go.”

Peter got up from his seat and turned to just as she made it to the table. The two greeted each other with a kiss before Lili said, “Glad I caught you before class.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” he replied. “You still want me to come by the shop tomorrow after class to help you set up for Wednesday?”

“Definitely. We still on for dinner at the food truck tonight?”

“Already know what I’m getting.” He kissed her one last time before saying his goodbyes and with Peter gone, Lili took his seat.

“Anyone else have to cut out early?”

They all shook their heads, with Sydney adding, “I don’t have class for another hour, but I might leave in about thirty minutes just to make sure if I get lost I don’t lose too much time.”

“What building is it?” Selena asked.

“The technical building? I don’t know the name for it but it’s the place with the automotive repair classes and stuff. Taking a course for that. Kind of my easy course. Cars are kind of my life.”

“Do you still have that obscenely large Hot Wheels collection?” Camila asked.

“Yep,” Sydney nodded. “And Micro Machines. Mint and loose. And the playsets. Still waiting for that lime green lambo with hot pink tinted windows…the dream car.”

“Yeah, that one did kind of cross the line into being so garish it’s cute,” Camila said.

“My next class is that way,” Madelaine said. “I can lead you.”

“Thanks,” Sydney said.

“So, since I doubt Peter’s gonna say it to me and it’s getting closer to my birthday, is he any calmer about meeting my parents?”

“Well, he’s about as calm about that as you are about that dream you had,” Cami answered. “Which reminds me, Sydney, I have a question for you.”

“Cami come on,” Lili said. “I get the point.”

“What’s the question?” asked Sydney.

“Before you moved, did you ever have a sex dream about Blake?”

“Like Peter’s sister?” Sydney paused for a moment, shrugged and then said. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t be asking if the answer was meant to be embarrassing, so…yeah, obviously. She’s gorgeous.”

“Toldja,” Cami said with a grin. “Nothing to feel weird about.”

“Okay, okay,” Lili said. “It’d be nice if there was a way to calm Peter down about my parents, even a fraction that was just as easy. I mean is my dad going to be really, really picky about him considering how things went with Jake? Yes. But, I know they’re going to love him. I just don’t want him to be so awkward but then I feel guilty about feeling that and-

“Lils, breathe,” Madelaine said. “It’s your birthday party, no stressing. Cami and I won’t let a thing go wrong. Because if they do I’ll rain holy hell down on everything. Scorched Earth.”

“Well, if Madelaine threatening the apocalypse doesn’t relax you I don’t know what will,” said Camila, which got a chuckle out of her blonde bestie.

“I appreciate it, Mads. I know I’m probably anxious over nothing but anxiety is one of my several natural states. It’s just I know they’re on full alert after the Jake fiasco and I thought maybe joking around about it with Peter would both prepare him and chill him out. Was way off on that one.”

“Look if you really want him to relax I’m sure Sabrina could give him a good relaxing strain to puff on before the party,” suggested Selena.

“Oh no, I don’t need my parents seeing my new boyfriend stoned out of his mind on their first meeting. Good thinking though.”

“Look I don’t know much about what’s going on,” Sydney said. “But maybe just roll with the punches. I mean, I barely know you Lili and I sure don’t know your ex but just from your tone it doesn’t sound like he was much and while I haven’t even talked to Peter in over a decade until now I can’t imagine he’d do anything to flub things up that badly.”

“Sydney’s right, I mean of the two brothers he’s not known for his fuck-ups quite as much,” Cami added. “But, you both need to chill out. Let things play out and until then just let it roll with each other. And either way, I can guarantee you that you will have an awesome birthday with all your friends and your man and all this worrying will just fade away. I guarantee it.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Lili agreed…for the most part. One friend wouldn’t be there though. When Lili thought about it however, Hailee probably didn’t consider herself the friend of anyone at that table anymore. Still, Lili would have liked to have the chance to actually talk with her, just to see how she was doing.


There were a few things Hailee Steinfeld believed in regarding showers. One of them was that midday showers were very underrated. When the day just makes a person tense beyond all reason, nothing else did the trick quite like it. Even if you were already kind of relaxed from an amazing fuck session.

The other one that came to mind was directly related to that line of thinking with the sex; showers were always better with another person, and her company currently was someone she’d been spending a great amount of time with in Ben Ferrano. If there was any weirdness over him being the brother of her ex or this being about in some way getting back at Peter it was long gone. Now it was all fun. Care-free fun.

With the hot water running down her beautiful form, another pair of hands joined hers. While Hailee managed the front of her body Ben was handling those hard to reach places, as well as planting a few kisses on her neck and shoulders.

“Think we have time for another round?” Ben asked as he caressed her ass.

“Not if we want to make it to our afternoon classes,” Hailee replied. “Which I know isn’t too big of a concern for you but I want to stay on top of things.”

“Fair enough. How about dinner?”

“I don’t know if I can do take-out in bed again.”

“Well, how about we skip the bed and take out and just do a restaurant?” He suggested to Hailee’s surprise. The leggy brunette turned around and faced her fuck buddy.

“Are you asking me out on a date date?” Hailee asked, wiping some water from her face.

“Yeah,” replied Ben. “I mean obviously we’re not going to go to a place where we’d be seen by certain parties but…I don’t know, I thought it might be fun.”

Hailee thought for a moment. She was intrigued by the possibility. Hailee did say she wasn’t interested in a relationship…but a dinner date didn’t mean that. Besides, Ben was a fun time in bed so it wouldn’t be too far to guess he’d be a fun time out of it. And while it wasn’t remotely weird anymore to be sleeping with her ex’s brother there was a little thrill to it. A date might add more to that thrill, a thrill that her continuing adventures with Margot couldn’t bring her.

“Sure,” she said. “Just text me the place and time and we’re good.”

“Great,” Ben said, a grin on his face. “How about we skip class and celebrate in bed?”

“Strike two, Ben,” Hailee said, turning around to turn the shower off. “My advice? Quit while you’re ahead. You got the date and you got the sex already.”

“Fair enough,” Ben said before kissing her, a gesture Hailee returned. “I’ll text you later after I’ve picked a place”

“Cool,” Hailee said before opening the shower door and stepping out. “But right now, gotta dry off and head to class. I’m guessing that might not be your situation?”

“Eh, haven’t decided yet. I think I might just take a nap.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Oh you should Haiz, you definitely should.”


When Madchen Amick was going to culinary school she never would have guessed not only would she end up being an instructor at her alma mater but that she’d have such fun with it. She loved teaching these young and hopeful would-be chefs the basics and letting them find their footing, to send them off on their culinary quest after providing them the basic tools. Some of them she’d see again in more advanced classes and some elective courses as well. She’d built some genuine relationships with some of these students, becoming a mentor to some.

Then there was the other kind of fun stuff. The kind of fun being in an open marriage on a campus full of wonderful candidates to take full advantage of that openness can bring. Sure, some might call it unethical to sleep with students. Madchen would have agreed to a point. That point was the point of deception. If you lead a student along with promises of more than sex, of a full blown relationship, then you were a scumbag. That wasn’t the game she played.

Madchen was very much upfront with her selection and, well, selective. She always had someone picked out the first day, that was true. It was all about observation. The baking beauty had always been a looker; the term aged like fine wine might as well have been created for her. So she knew more than a few of her male students as well as females would be checking her out. And for most, that’s where it would end. Then among them she had her pool of potential talent, the young men who’s wheels were turning in their head. Their brains creating all sorts of lewd and lascivious scenarios for the different ways in which they’d fuck her. After all her years at the school she’d learned to recognize the signs.

From there Madchen mentally whittled it down to one. One single man in the entire class that had that x-factor. A look on their face, something that just screamed and shouted lust and a need to release it. That was all she was looking for and she always found it on day one of every semester and this was no different. Now, as the sun set she sat in the theater sized classroom by the installed kitchen counter, waiting for her selection to arrive.

Walt Kirby was the usual non-culinary student at first glance. He probably saw the class as an easy elective and to a degree Madchen would have to agree. It was easy to at least pass her class and a challenge to excel. What caught her eye though was obviously how handsome the lad was. He wasn’t musclebound like her last semester-long dalliance, it was more of a swimmer’s build that Walt had. As fun as beefcake could be, sometimes the muscleheads lacked good cardio and stamina. Loving her workouts, Madchen knew the value of having a strong core.

Of course there was the way he looked at her, with a bit of something extra that Madchen recognized on first sight. There was a look in his eyes when they met hers during her introductory lecture. Was there sexual desire there? Yes. She’d caught him more than a few times scanning her body, thinking thoughts that would make her blush but not say no. However there was an extra bit of heat to it, something rough around the edges. It was a look she’d seen in her own eyes when she was a student as well. Looking in the mirror the morning after her first real case of heartbreak. From there she’d gone on a tear of sex and pleasure just to prove to herself she was still desirable. The rashness of youth led to nights she still got wet thinking about. She knew the look that was in his eyes. The tantalizing teacher wished she could have read his mind and seen all the things he was thinking. She might have agreed to all of them. Still, winging it was going to be fun.

Bringing Walt in wasn’t a challenge. It rarely was. College boys were so wonderfully eager in Madchen’s experience. Of course that brokenhearted look in his eyes made him agree even quicker. All she did was ask him to stay after class, ask him, and give him the time to return when he instantly agreed. Eagerness, lust and heartbreak. They were going to have fun.

Right on schedule there was a knock at the double doors of the auditorium classroom. Madchen walked up and pushed them open and unsurprisingly, there was Walt. He was looking a bit more chipper, but then she couldn’t blame him. Knowing you’re about to get laid tends to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

“So glad you could join me Walter,” Madchen said, her voice like satin.

“I can’t think of anyone who’d turn down that kind of invite.”

“You know, I can’t say it’s happened once.” She gave him a smile, warm and seductive as he walked in. The door shut and locked behind them with an electronic click. Madchen pulled ahead and led him to the large counter and stove top in the front and center of the room. He set his book bag down, his sketchpad visible which Madchen noticed.

“Art major?” she asked.

“Yeah, and a comp science one too.”

“Ooh, double major? That takes focus. Focus is good.” She walked around the back of the counter to where the cabinets and fridge were. She turned to him. “Care for a drink? It’s not exactly a loaded bar but they allow me to stock wine in here for recipes.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“Merlot okay?”

“Yeah, I mean I don’t know much about wine so I’m good with whatever.”

“Merlot it is.” Madchen took out a bottle from a cabinet and two glasses from another. It didn’t take too long to open it, being a screw top. Not that they were on a schedule but Madchen didn’t want to delay the fun and she couldn’t imagine Walt did either.

With glasses poured she handed him his and clinked her glass against his before taking a sip, a move he followed.

“You don’t seem too tense,” she said. “That’s good. Being too tense can sometimes mean a quick draw.”

“Honestly I don’t know if I have much in me to be tense right now. All I want is…”

“Fun,” she said, completing his thought. “You got burned, don’t like the heartache and have sworn off anything deeper than an intense orgasm.” She took a sip of the wine and walked around the counter to Walt. “I hit the bullseye?”

“Dead on,” he replied.

“We’ve all been there,” she assured. “And if you ask me this method is the best way of dealing with it. I mean why try to find relief in the bottom of a bottle? Why wax poetic about it? Why not just indulge yourself in some guilt free, no strings sex? Well, some strings. Very few. One of them is that I’m not a therapist so I’m not here to help you sort out your feelings. I’m here for fun. The other is, this isn’t anything but a casual relationship. I’m married. Don’t worry, it’s open. I’m sure he’s already selected his semester sex partner. Don’t expect a love letter or anything like that. Some hot sexts? That’s very possible.” She winked at him before getting wonderfully close to him, her perfume wafting up his nostrils. “So…all that understood?”

“Understood and appreciated.”

“Good.” She smiled at him then went for his crotch, her hand tenderly squeezing his bulge and making him grunt softly. “I hope you don’t mind if we skip the small talk just this once. Not that I’m opposed but I think that’s better served for when there’s a bed involved. When it’s more…in the open I think skipping to the action is far more appropriate.”

The next thing Madchen did was plant a seductive kiss on Walt’s lips and all thoughts of his troubles with Hailee faded as he pulled the older blonde close in an embrace. Tongue’s wrestled each other and she bit his bottom lip softly as their mouths separated. Though that was far from the only thing her mouth was going to be doing.

Blue eyes locked on green and stayed that way as Madchen descended to her knees, her sapphire irises only breaking away when she turned her face to his crotch. Soon Walt’s pants joined Madchen’s knees on the floor and his cock was hardening in her hands. It didn’t take long, which the cougar grinned at. That was the universal upside of prowling the college boys, it didn’t take much except the promise of sex to get them going. Of course, that was just the start.

“Oh wow,” Walt said. Madchen had wrapped her lips around he cock and just went for it. No build-up, no teasing, just a full tilt boogie blowjob. Tongue slithering, hands working on his shaft and balls and decades of experience in the carnal arts. Moaning and slurping sounds so lewd that it would make pornstars blush and skill that would make them jealous were put on display by Madchen. Sapphire met emerald once more when she looked up at him, cock in her mouth and lust glittering in her eyes.

She slowed down a bit, making it his own private sex show. A flick of the wrist, moving her head and twisting her tongue. Madchen took him in to the root, holding him in her throat. He was struck speechless and breathless. Walt's hands found themselves on her head, fingers getting tangled in Madchen’s blonde locks.

She pulled back, rubbing his cock all over her face as her breath returned to her. As Madchen took her breaths the motion of the air on his slick and soaking cock sent shivers through Walt’s body. Madchen couldn’t hold in her smile before parting her lips to return his cock to her mouth.

Her lips stopped where his crown ended, focused her attention on his sensitive head and almost wrecked him on the spot. A tornado of sensual swipes hit him hard, knees buckling from the feeling. At this point she was toying with him, but even toying with him could have pushed him to the brink. When his voice cracked mid moan right in unison with that familiar throbbing of his cock, Madchen knew it was time to pull off.

No sooner was Walt’s dick free from Madchen’s mouth than the blonde beauty was on her feet. She gave him a moment to collect himself, but not a moment totally free from her wiles. Madchen took half a step back until her rump touched the edge of the counter. She seductively unbuttoned her blouse, placing it and her bra on the counter and revealing her breasts, still perky after all these years. It was enough to make a man drool like a Tex Avery toon.

Madchen then doubled down, lifting up her skirt, showing off her lace panties just before pulling them down her legs, kicking them a few inches to the side. With the barriers to her goodies gone, she sat up on the counter, legs lewdly spread. She raised her right arm and crooked her finger towards him, beckoning Walt to come to her.

It was an instruction he had no problem going through with. In moments he was between her legs, hands bunching up her skirt before guiding his rod towards the waiting slit. With one push he was in, the sudden girth making Madchen moan.

“Oooooh yeah,” she said. “Mmmmm there we go…feel good, so good…but don’t just stand there Walter, fuck me.”

Heavy breathing soon filled the room as Walt did just that, slowly pulling out of the culinary cutie before pushing back into the hilt. She moaned once more for him, leaning back on her arms and giving herself to him. As his pace slowly began to pick up, Walt also took advantage of Madchen’s new position, tasting the flesh of her neck and shoulders, slowly licking and kissing his way to her breasts.

“Yessss,” said Madchen. “Take all of it…ooooo suck those tits…yessss…”

Walt tasted her, his tongue circling around her areola before sucking her nipple into his mouth completely. The teacher’s eyes rolled, Madchen had hit gold as always. Walt was thrusting into her just right, changing his angle of attack every so often and throwing a little more fuel on the fire. It was enough for her to give herself over completely and laid back totally on the counter.

It was a sight to be seen for sure, especially when coupled with the amazing feeling of thrusting into her. Seeing the look of lust on her face and she moved in time with his thrusts, her breasts jiggling from the inertia.

Walt grabbed her legs, lifted them up and pressed them tight together and against his chest, wrapping his arms around them to hold them there…“Fuck,” he gasped at the new tightness, slowling his thrusts both to savor it and to prolong the mutual pleasure.

“Mmmm just…ooh right there…all the way…so deep,” Madchen moaned, spitting out sentence fragments as they flashed in her mind. She made note before she was too lost in the moment to have their next meeting take place in a hotel room. Not that she minded the counter too much but she did miss having sheets to grasp on to whenever he hit the right spots in the right way.

Walt’s pace began to pick up once more, letting his grip on her legs slide as he leaned forward. Madchen’s legs once more draped loosely lewd around his waist as they kissed, sloppily and hungrily.

“Feels…so good,” Madchen says. “Mmm your cock is so good…fuck me harder…fuck me like you want…cum for me…fuck me!”

Walt heard those words “Fuck me like you want!” and went for it. He pulled out of Madchen and brought her to her feet only to spin her around and bend her over the counter.

“Mmmm fuck yes,” Madchen said to him, giving him a smoldering look from over he shoulder. “You want it? You want to use this pussy to cum? Good. I want to use that dick for the same reason Walter…so stop delaying-” She started to sway her ass at him, beckoning him. “Put that cock back in me.”

Madchen pressed herself up against the body-warmed marble counter, licking her lips and softly moaning as his cock re-entered her, this time the sheathing of the sword a little slower. Inch by perfect inch he eased in until he was balls deep in the beautiful MILF. Walt’s hands began at her hips, holding her firm as he pushed into her velvety depths. He gasped, gripping her tighter when he began to feel constricting ripples surrounding his cock, almost like a massage.

“Experience is a hell of a thing, huh sweetheart?” Madchen said with a tenderly teasing tone. “You learn about all kinds of things your body can do…nnng…” She began to push back against him, urging him to increase his pace. “And things…hmmm…you learn to do with your partner.”

“You gonna teach me?” He asked, adding an exclamation to the question mark with a hard and deep thrust, earning him a pleasured yelp that morphed into a laugh from Madchen’s mouth.

“Ahhhh fuck you catch on quick…now…harder honey…come on…you won’t be the first…I can take it…because that’s how I like it.”

Walt’s hand moved up Madchen’s body, gripping her shoulder with his left hand while the right held tight to her hip. Another hard thrust from him, causing them both to moan deeply in unison. Again, grinding his hips once he was in completely. Madchen’s jaw quivered. The deep thrusts began to get quicker and quicker until the moans from the beautiful blue-eyed blonde sounded like she was driving on a bumpy trail. And every thrust led to new heights for them both, though Walt was getting prepared to light a fire to cause Madchen to scurry up the ladder just a bit faster.

“Mmmm fuck yeah right there,” Madchen cooed when she felt his hand slide to to play with her clit. “Make me cum…right on that fucking cock…oh fuck…fuck yeah!” She balled up her hand into a fist and slammed it on the counter, making the metal tools and containers on it rattle a bit. “Fuck me…harder…harder…HARDER!”

And harder is exactly how she got it, the light sheen of sweat on them both skyrocketing into a full cardio soak as rivets of sweat from his head dripped down onto Madchen’s ass as her own sweat rained down on the counter she was bent over.

“Make me cum make me cum make me cum,” she said, almost like a prayer. “So…damn…close…nngggyessss…”

Her voice began to hiss like a gas leak as her body went limp, now laying completely on the counter, face against the cool surface while Walt had her, every second, every record scratch on her clit and ever thrust driving her closer to the goal of the night.

“AaaaaaAAAAAAH YES!” she squealed as it hit her all at once, Madchen’s body seizing up, as the pleasure exploded through every inch of her body. And Walt never stopped, each new thrust sending new jolts of pleasure, neon fireworks exploding in her brain as he steeled himself for his own explosion.

“Gonna cum,” he announced urgently.

“In me,” Madchen said. “Let me feel what I made you do…cum…cum in me now!”

One last, desperate gasp combined with a final thrust signaled Walt’s eruption, cumming so hard it almost hurt.

“Mmmm fuck yes,” Madchen purred, smiling at the liquid warmth filling her from within. “Every…every last drop…ooohhhh…”

Walt held himself inside of her until the eruption turned into a trickle before finally pulling out, dumbfounded by the pleasure of it all.

“Well,” Madchen said, trying to stand on wobbly legs. “After that, I think you need my personal number…because I do think this isn’t going to be a one night thing.”


Virgil was glad his Tuesdays were clear of classes. He had planned it to give him some spare time to brainstorm and maybe even start working on that one in a million indie game idea sure to make him the next indie developer superstar. However, the current Tuesday would not be the magical one as he was officially moving into his room at the Adams house. He didn’t have too much, enough to fit in the back of his pickup truck in a suitcase and a couple of big plastic totes he could move around on his own. He just didn’t expect to be doing it alone.

He knew Brodie had class and didn’t expect him but the absence of his mother, Amy, was odd. He was sure she’d be here, despite having already given him a key without him even giving her the first month’s rent. Still, it wouldn’t be too much work. It wasn’t like he had his entire life with him, just a few important things that would be in and organized in his new room by the end of the day. So he didn’t dwell on the empty house too much as he opened the hatch on the back of his truck and got up in it, grabbing his dolly and setting it on the sidewalk. Soon enough that dolly was stacked with the plastic totes and on its way to the front door. Thankfully there was only one small step he’d have to pull the dolly up, but first he unlocked the door and entered the code Amy had given him into the security system.

Once he was in, totes and all, Virgil was immediately glad the room was on the first floor because one thing he didn’t want to do was carry everything up the flight of stairs. He was very thankful to instead push the dolly down the hall to the second room on the right.

Behind the door was a surprisingly spacious room, especially when compared to where he’d been. Amy had already provided a bed and a king size one at that. A dresser and even a desk were provided. The bed had no sheets of course, he’d be providing those himself. But there was some kind of fabric on there with a piece of paper on top. He picked it up to find it was a note from Amy. The basics of it was a nice welcome note and information that the fabric was in fact black out curtains in case he needed total darkness to fall asleep. She really was thinking of everything.

Virgil had as well. While he had no trouble unpacking on his own, he wasn’t going to do it in silence. He put in his air pods and turned on some music, mostly chiptune stuff, along with a few covers of the best video game themes of all in his opinion at least. He wasn’t even halfway through the first box when the need to go to the restroom began to stir. While there was one on the first floor, Amy had warned him to not use it until the following week after the plumber had come to repair the leaky shower and running toilet, which left the bathroom upstairs. He made his way up the stairs, past all the family pictures and his ears completely cut off from anything but the music in his ears. However, if he had access to any other sounds, he might have saved himself from the embarrassment he was soon to face.

He came to the bathroom door and opened it only to find out he wasn’t in fact, alone in the house. Virgil had found Amy, and she was just stepping out of the shower when he got an eyeful of her. The few seconds he got were frozen in his mind, her red hair up, skin shining from the water and below the waist all the proof he’d need that Amy was indeed a natural redhead.  That and the fact that it looked like she had the body of a woman half her age. Of course in those few seconds total surprise took over them both.

“Holy shit!” Virgil yelled, instantly turning his back on Amy and taking his air pods out.

Simultaneously Amy yelped, “Virgil!” in total shock, grabbing a towel quick to cover up. “Didn’t you hear the shower?”

“I had my earbuds in,” he explained with embarrassment dripping from every word. “I thought I was alone in the house too.”

“Oh…well, okay,” Amy said. “Accidents happen and this is the only bathroom working right now so…let’s just overlook this, okay?”

“Sure sure okay,” he said. “I’m probably just going to go into my room and die of embarrassment for a couple hours. See you later.” He shut the door and hurried down the stairs, ready to faceplant himself on his bed…after taking a bit of time out to use some of the visual stimuli for a bit of self love.

Little did Virgil know that Amy had a similar idea, refolding the towel and returning to the shower and changing the massage settings on the spout. Soon she was all smiles and more as her mind slipped into dirty daydreams of what else could have happened with Virgil while it was just the two of them in the house.

The only person living in the house that was on neither Amy or Virgil’s mind was Brodie. Of course, Brodie had his own business to attend to, as well as pleasure.


Graduate students tended to have a lot more on their plate than undergrads, and not just from the perspective of a class workload. Many of them taught their own classes. Mainly introductory courses, but still with the same responsibilities as the professors they were working under, and sometimes a bit more as grading papers could sometimes fall on them with the extra workload of being a TA. This meant they got offices.

Now, these weren’t the kind of offices teaching staff would get, especially not those with tenure. These were either shared offices or spare storage rooms. Where once stood a mop and cleaning supplies or stacks of boxes of extra printer paper and toner now stood a desk, chairs, a lamp and some file cabinets. And of course, some much needed privacy when the pressures of everything got to be a bit too much. Privacy of course was what Zoe Kravitz was using at the moment.

“Right there,” she gasped, trying to control the volume of her voice as Brodie drove into her. She was laid back on her desk, tank top strewn on the floor and jeans hanging off her ankle. The charming Brodie was on top of her, kissing her neck, breathing heavily into her ear and driving his spectacular staff in her velvet box and hitting all the right spots with all the right moves. Of course, that was making it a challenge for Zoe to keep her voice down. Though no one could see what they were doing, neither the door or walls of her office were renowned for being sound-proof.

Brodie had just the cure for that, place his lips on hers, a hard kiss allowing her a muffled moan as their tongue dualed with each other. Her black painted nails raked his back as she managed to pull her lips away to whisper in his ears. “Now really fuck me…come on…I didn’t text you to not give me everything you have.”

“I thought you wanted to keep quiet though?” He grunted, a grin on her face that he gave a bit of English to with an extra deep and hard thrust.

“I’ll risk it.” She licked at his lips and he did the same, tongues grazing each other before they sealed.

Brodie began to move faster and harder,the metal legs of the desk squeaking against the linoleum floor. It was a loud sound, but one that was outdone by Zoe’s own grunt “FUCK!” in response to the new pace. Her legs wrapped around him, the cold metal of her belt buckle making him shiver and he worked his hips as he thrusted.

“I think…nnngh have an idea on how to keep people from opening the door,” Brodie said.

“Aahhhhhh! I’m all ears,” Zoe replied. Brodie then picked her up and walked her the short distance to the door, pinning the grad student against it and quickly resuming his heavy pace. “FUCK! Good thinking!”

“I thought you wanted to keep quiet?”

“Mmmm, at this point I just wanna cum,” Zoe admitted. “So get back to fucking me.”

He stared her out, giving her a series of slow, deep and hard thrusts, each one making her gasp and rithe against his body and the wooden surface of the door. Neither of them would break the stare, though Zoe tried to get him to at least blink and hopefully full on grimace from pleasure.

“Come on…fuck me…fuck. ME. Don’t stop…don’t slow down and gimme that dick…use that fuckstick to make me cum…uh huh…just…just like that…”

If anybody had walked by the office they would swear someone was knocking to get out on the other side, and knocking frantically. The power of Brodie’s desire shook the door so much it could have knocked it off the hinges and Zoe was there for every moment of it.

“Unnngg close….so fucking close…oh my god just fuck me till I cum…”

Brodie sped up, sucking her pierced nipple  into her mouth and tugging on it with his teeth, that sweet pain sending just the right signal to her brain at just the right time to unlock the floodgates of pleasure. Zoe grabbed the back of Brodie’s head and pulled him to her face just in time to muffle the banshee-like wail trying to escape her lips as she came. It wasn’t the strongest she’d ever had but considering it was the result of an on the spot, spur of the moment twenty-minute booty call she had no complaints. Once the moan was out of her system she only had one other thing to say in the afterglow.

“You made me cum with that cock,” she said breathily. “Now I want that cock to cum in my mouth.”

Brodie simply nodded, moving back from the door just enough to let Zoe dismount and slide to her knees and from there she took the wheel, or rather the stick. She wrapped her lips around his cock and began to slurp and suck like her life depended on it, urging him to feed her his special sauce.

Brodie’s face went red as he suppressed a loud wail of absolute pleasure into a grunt, cumming in Zoe’s mouth while the sexy grad student gulped down pulse after pulse of his population pudding until there was nothing left but a cold sweat for the hot moment.

Zoe gave him a wink as she swallowed the last bit he’d given her. She got to her feet and slid her pants back on then bent over to grab her tank top before sliding it back on. “We should do this again sometime,” she suggested. “No time limit, or volume limit.”

Brodie, dazed for a moment, then followed suit, pulling his pants back up and scrambling for his shirt. “Sounds good to me,” he replied. “How’s Thursday look for you?”

“Got plans. How about I text you and we work backwards from there? Hopefully, not in a cramped office with a cold desk.”

“To be fair it was your idea.”

“Yeah, and I’ll think of a better one next time,” said Zoe. “Until then, I have a class to teach…and you probably have one to go to.”

“Yeah,” Brodie said before looking at his watch. “Holy shit! I’m gonna be late!”

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: MaxwellLord on March 01, 2023, 05:08:56 PM

“Nervous about the first day”?” Peter asked. He was walking Camila to her first photography class in years, figuring she might need the moral support, no matter how much she might have vehemently denied it.

“If I admit to it will you stop asking?” She replied. “Yes, I am. I mean it’s day one and they asked us to bring a portfolio.” She stopped them in the middle of the halfway turning to him. “Peter I didn’t even have a bounce board when I shot those bikini pics! And yeah, Selena’s noir photoshoot looks great but it’s in black and white and what if the professor gives me shit for that and mmmpph!”

Camila’s airing of nerves was silence when Peter pressed his finger against her lips to shush her, a move she quickly responded to by brushing it away with a raised eyebrow.

“You know, you could just say “Cami, calm down, everything’s going to be fine,” she said.

“I thought that was implied.”  He then put his hand on her shoulder, a much more welcome gesture, though not as humorous to him. “Cami, you know you’re good. Anyone who’s seen your pictures will tell you that so you know it’s not just best friend bias. And I get your nerves, I’ve had them too before showing my stuff. And, might I add, you tend to give me the same kind of peptalk.”

“You just can’t let me be nerve-wracked, can you?” She sarcastically asked before taking a deep breath. “Okay…just act calm. Fake it till I make it.”

“You’ll do great. It’s the first day. I mean the worst is yet to come.”

“You have such a way with words, Petey dearest,” Cami said. “A horrible way, but a way nonetheless.” She kissed him on the cheek before saying, “I think I have it from here. Maybe catch you for dinner?”

“Can’t, I’m going right to the comic shop when it closes to help Lili set up for Wednesday.”

“I did forget it was one of those nights where you help her at work but all the sweating is done on the couch.” Cami grinned, watching the slightest bit of embarrassment cross her friend’s face. “And that was for the finger-shushing.”


“And that’s why I love you my darling Peter,” Cami said. “You know how to take your licks.”

“Kind of had to learn with you as the best friend.”

“And on that note, I will see you later. Thanks for walking me to class.”

“Why break a tradition that we’ve had since we were five?”

“One of the best we’ve got.” Peter began to walk away before turning around one more time to reiterate, “You got this.”

Cami nodded and waved goodbye before turning a corner and entering the first door on her right. Within the class were walls adorned with photographs, many she recognized as important pieces of work and others not so much. She figured it was just ignorance on her part or the work of the instructor.

The heiress took a seat in the middle, settling in quickly but trying to force all her nervous ticks into her hand, fiddling with the flash drive holding her portfolio. She scanned the room and saw what she had feared the most; arty people who were ready to eat her alive. She didn’t want to pass that kind of judgment on them without talking to them but they checked every stereotype off, right down to the shirt of bands so underground the person wearing the shirt probably hadn’t even heard of them. If that wasn’t enough nearly all the men in the class had beards that went down to their chest with curly mustaches like cliche silent movie villains. Camila thought she was going to be all alone in the class until a familiar face skidded in.

“I’m not late?” Brodie asked. “That’s both a relief and a disappointment.” He then saw Cami and headed towards her familiar face.

“You just get done at the gym?” She asked as he took the seat next to her.


“You look kind of flushed, sweaty. So either you were exercising or you booked it halfway across campus from one of the parking garages.”

“Little bit from column A, little from column B,” Brodie answered.

“Well, you probably should have taken a bit from column C and hopped in a shower for a quick rinse at the very least. You smell like Ben’s high school hamper.”

Brodie took a quick sniff of himself, trying to be discreet about it before agreeing with Camila with a simple, “Point taken.”

After a few more students entered to fill out the remaining seats an older man made his way to the desk in the front of the room. He was a tall man, almost rail thin with a thick head of silver hair. He had a blazer on but underneath a black concert t-shirt of some glam band from the 80s, the brightly colored images on the front wearing down and cracked through years of faithful wearing. He set down an insulated mug of coffee, one of those huge mugs that Camila had always thought were just gags; as if the very idea of anyone having that much coffee in one day was beyond the realm of possibility. He also had a bag with him that he set on the desk with far less care than he had the coffee. With that done he turned to the class, his eyes somehow both absolutely wired from the Godzilla-sized cup of coffee but exhausted.

“I’m Professor Charles, this is Photography whatever,” he said. “Not that I don’t care, I just don’t care about the number. I care about teaching you folks a bit more about photography than you already know. I’m not going to go over the syllabus. You’re all big girls and boys and I assume if you’ve gotten this far you can read so I’m skipping that and making the assumption you read the PDF yourself in the email you all received this weekend before class. Which means you should all have a portfolio or something that passes for it ready to go on a flash drive, correct?”

A murmur of positive reactions mixed together in a cacophony of the affirmative. The lone exception being Brodie.

“Why am I not surprised?” Cami said, giving him a sarcastic smirk.

“Hey, I had a busy weekend,” Brodie said in his defense. “I didn’t have time to read a multi-page syllabus.”

“It was literally two pages.”

“Two still counts as multi.” Cami rolled her eyes and chuckled before bringing her attention back to Professor Charles.

“Well seeing as most of you seem to know how to read,” said Professor Charles, “How about a few of you volunteer to show me what I’m working with?”

With that, Camila took a breath and decided to jump in completely, her arm shooting up to volunteer, but missing being the first by the smallest of margins, beaten to the punch by the stylish and artsy brunette in front of her.

“All right, we have two right off the bat,” the professor said, pointing at Camila before saying. “Your name?”

“Oh, um, Camila Mendes.”

“Okay Ms. Mendes, fork over the drive.” Cami got up from her seat, quickly passing the drive before getting back in her seat. His attention then turned to the other student. “You’re next, and I expect your name too.”

“Charlotte Aitchison,” she said with a sexy British accent. “Charlie’ll do fine though.”

“All right Charlie, how about that drive?”

“Of course.” She stood up, revealing the writing on the back of her leather jacket to be a stylized combination of three letters as if it were a brand, XCX. She reached into the pocket of that same jacket to take out her own drive and handed it to the professor.

“Great, now if you’ll allow me the time I’m going to set up the projector.”

“Glad you aren’t going first?” Brodie whispered to Cami.

“A little,” she replied. “Of course she could be amazing.”

The lights went down and the projector went on. Soon after Charlie’s photos were projected onto a screen. They were artsy, almost to the point of cliche in Brodie’s opinion. She was the focus of them all, in black and white, surrounded by backgrounds that were hardly surprising. Cemeteries, empty factories and warehouses and forests; especially around dead and rotting trees. Then there were the odd props like a thrift store painting of a sad clown, a french horn, the kind of random nonsense people would call Lynchian without realizing that thought proves how little they knew of the director’s work. It was laughable to Brodie but he stayed as silent as the rest of the class. He did notice Camila was staring intently.

“Well, that was interesting,” Professor Charles said. “You, what was your name again?” he asked Cami.

“Camila Mendes,” she reminded him.

“Yeah, you’re up.” The lights went down once more and Camila’s photos began to fill the screen.

The pin-up shots she took during spring break, the headshots of Selena that turned into a full-fledged film noir-inspired photoshoot, all of it. Camila felt her stomach roll, nerves afire. And while some of it might have come from using the photos with Hailee in them, most of it was general nerves. She could almost feel a cramp coming on, and seeing Charlie stifle laughs didn’t help. Of course the laughs elicited a bit of anger from Brodie. Once the last picture, this one of Selena from the noir set. It was black and white, save for her lips. She was curled up on a desk, her stocking-clad legs being shown off with a gun holstered in the garter.

The lights came up and Professor Charles stood up. “All right, comments and questions, who’s first?”

To the shock of no one, Charlie’s hand shot up immediately. The moment the professor acknowledged her she was ready to go.

“Look, I’m sorry, no offense, but I thought this was a photography class not Softcore Porn 101,” Charlie said to Camila.

“Ya know, it’s funny you say that,” Brodie said and before Camila could get him to be quiet he had already started. “I too thought this was a photography class and not just somebody’s Instagram feed. I mean honestly Charlie all you’re missing is the duckface and #blessed.”

“Well, I was just saying-” she got out, but Brodie wasn’t going to allow it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to give the impression I was done. Because if you’re going to throw stones you better make sure you’ve got shelter. You want to rip on Camila’s stuff for what? Her subjects being in bikinis and stuff? Look at what she did with natural lighting. That’s all her by the way. An impromptu shoot. And the noir stuff? I know it’s not an abandoned Spyrograph factory or a cemetery that’s close enough to looking like it’s in New Orleans but it has some panache and passion. And a clear direction beyond “Ain’t I great?” so maybe hold in the criticism until you start to learn how to use shadows and light more than filters and the weird shit section at the local flea market.”

The entire class was silent, but no one’s silence was louder than Charlie’s whose mouth was agape. Camila sunk down in her chair, face buried in her palm and Professor Charles was trying to stifle his own laugh now.

The rest of the class after Brodie’s takedown of Charlie/defense of Camila was uneventful until the end. When class was dismissed Charlie made a bee-line out the door, making no eye contact with anyone save for Camila and Brodie, daggers stared so sharp at them they’d slice skin and draw blood. Once she was out of view the rest of the class left, a few of them complimenting Camila’s work. The professor did as well, in addition to offering some actual fair criticism compared to what Charlie had done in the beginning.

“I don’t know whether to kill you or buy you dinner,” Camila said as she and Brodie walked out of the class building. “What the hell got into you?”

“I don’t know,” Brodie said. “She went for the easy low blow, we’re friends and someone’s gotta be ready to strike when Pete’s not around.”

“Thanks, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it after that softcore comment, but that could have gone very differently.”


“Don’t be. I think I’ve landed firmly on the dinner side as opposed to the murder side. But I’m picking the place.”

“I think I might have to call in a raincheck. I’m being dragged to dinner with my dad and his new girl and I don’t want to do it but mom is insisting because she wants me to still have a good relationship with him and blah blah blah.”

“Ouch,” Camila said. “Almost makes me want to give you the restaurant choice. Almost. But I tell you what, walk me to my car and I’ll consider it.”


Coming home for her semester abroad was supposed to be a warm homecoming for Peyton List, or that’s what she thought. Seeing her family again, in the flesh at least, was one of the  major things she was looking forward to. And that was great, especially the part where she got to sleep in her own bed. Having her own apartment too was also something she was looking forward to. An anchor point.

However, she was also looking forward to picking things up again with her one-time almost boyfriend Jesse Carr. However, she found that wasn’t going to be the case. Or so she was told by her friend Victoria Justice. Jesse had met someone else and by Victoria’s account was absolutely crazy about her.

To say the least, that news bummed Peyton out. She didn’t expect him to not fool around while she was gone. They’d agreed on that much. But she didn’t expect to come back and find him in love with someone else. The leggy blonde almost couldn’t believe it. Peyton almost wanted to go to where they worked together just to see for herself but knew deep down how insanely bad of an idea that was. So she found herself at the Whisky Casket to get a few drinks and take in a few new faces as well. She wasn’t looking to get black out drunk or even a little sloshed. All Peyton wanted was a bit of a buzz to ease her rougher than expected landing.

Still, it wasn’t all bad. Lucy Hale was still the bartender and she made amazing drinks and some of the new faces were definitely the kind she could see herself waking up next to if the night worked out well enough.

One of those faces belonged to a lovely Latin lad. Clean shaven and judging from the jersey he wore he was a baseball fan, the Diamondbacks to be precise. Not that Peyton really knew much about the team or the sport but it was something worth note for a conversation that could very well lead to a much better buzz than any booze could provide.

“Hey Goose,” Peyton said, referring to bartender Lucy Hale, who made her way over to the leggy blonde.

“‘Sup?” She asked. “Wanted another Blue Hawaiian?”

“Not exactly,” she replied before taking another sip. “Not that I’d mind but how about alongside it you send that lovely lad down there another of whatever he’s having?”

“No problem,” said Lucy, preparing Peyton’s cocktail before sending a beer down the guy’s way. “You know it’d be a bit easier to just talk to him.”

“Maybe,” admitted the blonde. “This way is more fun. I got a taste for reeling them in while I was in Paris.”

“You got it.” In short order Peyton was handed her drink and Lucy went down to give him his beer followed up by pointing out to the man in question who was responsible for his refill. The pair exchanged glances and Peyton gestured him over with a nod of her head.

The handsome young man took his beer and got up to sit next to her. “So, just who am I thanking?” he asked.

“I’ll tell you that when you tell me who I just bought a beer for.”

He smirked at her before answering. “Lee Lopez. Your turn now.”

“Peyton List,” she answered. “Fresh from a semester abroad and looking to reacquaint myself with this place. I hope you don’t mind but I kind of volunteered you to be my tour guide. Up for the task?”

“Depends on where you want to start.”

“How about in the back lot of the bar?” Peyton sipped from her straw, giving him a wink.

Lee paused for a moment, trying to read her as he took a big gulp of his beer. Once that was down, the decision was made. “I think I can manage that.”

They both took one more drink before excusing themselves. “I’ll be back to pay the tab in a few,” she assured Lucy, the only response she got was Lucy laughing to herself and shaking her head.

The newly-minted pairing didn’t take too long to get to the back. The first thing they saw, lit by the pink and green neon lights that rimmed around the bar as well as the flickering street light in the corner of the back parking lot was Peyton’s car, a candy apple red Mustang. An expensive car and one she worked hard to pay for, but it was all hers. Four years of saving and it was all hers and she got to do whatever she wanted with it and after months of not being behind the wheel of it she wanted one thing…to be fucked right on the hood of it.

Peyton led Lee to the passenger side of the car and leaned back against the hood next to him.

“Like it?” she asked, running her finger over the smooth red surface. “Took me three years of saving, crap jobs and banking on big birthday card checks from the grandparents but this beauty is all mine.”

“It’s awesome,” said matter-of-factly. “I know I’d be flexing too if this was my ride.”

“Well, it’s not just a flex,” Peyton said, moving from leaning back against the car to leaning forward on Lee. “It’s to let you know that as far as this little rendezvous is going to go, I’m behind the wheel. That work for you?”

“I’d be a fool if it didn’t.”

“Wise call.” Her light brown eyes looked into his, a smirk on her face. The leggy blonde brought her lips close to his, hovering over them while her hands made quick work of his fly. When that barrier was cracked she placed a light kiss on his lips. “Better hold on, Lee,” she said. “Dangerous curves ahead.

Peyton sunk down, taking Lee’s pants with her as she squatted down before him. Gently, she took he cock in her hand. He wasn’t quite hard yet, a situation Peyton was going to fix.

“A little gun shy?” She asked, stroking his shaft. “Let’s see if I can fix that.”

“Whooooaa shit,” Lee said, voice quivering as Peyton’s tongue made first contact with his cock. The wet mouth muscle circle the tip of his hardening cock lick it was getting its first taste of ice cream on a hot summer day. Slow and deliberate, she was turning up the heat before she encased the entire crown in her lips. And by the time that had happened softness was a thing of the past for Mr. Lopez’s rod.

Peyton began to take more of Lee’s dick into her mouth, the further she took him in her mouth the more Lee’s head craned up to look at the darkening night. He knew if his eyes shifted away from the amber-shaded clouds and back down to the gorgeous blonde slurping on his scepter she was going to get a mouthful to swallow and he might not be able to give her a chaser.

And Peyton could tell. She’d be grinning wide if her mouth wasn’t busy driving Lee’s cock wild. The breaths, the moans, the halfway sentences and words that never were slipping from his mouth as she sucked and teased with her lips and tongue. The blonde beauty could even feel a slight shiver in his legs as she gently caressed and raked her nails up and down them. Then there were the quick views she could of his hands. Whenever she pulled back and left just the tip of his wand in her mouth she would look at his hands, hands that gripped her car for dear life; as if she were to let go of his legs then he’d join her at eye level. It made her sopping wet and ready for more. BUt the pump still needed more priming, but Peyton would admit that was more for her own amusement.

The priming came as she began to play with the foreskin of his dick. Her time in Paris had given her an admiration for uncut cocks and how sensitive they were, it made playing with men so much more interesting and Lee was no exception. Once the tease really set in he felt like his cock was more akin to a Roman candle whose fuse was dangerously close to the fire.

Peyton removed Lee’s cock from her mouth but didn’t lose contact with it. Instead she ran her mouth up and down the side, almost like she was playing it like a harmonica save from her tongue slithering around it. Drool leaked from her now dark red smeared lips, her lipstick a well made mess. The blonde pulled back from his cock, watching it twitch as a cool breeze hit his spit-soaked prong.

Peyton rose up, locking eyes with him once more. She lifted her short leather skirt off to show off her panties, red with a decidedly scarlet-colored spot that seemed to be growing as the blonde got more aroused.  She peeled them off, placing them in her purse before making her approach. Her sly grin became a toothy one when she saw Lee’s eye go wide at the site of her clean-shaven cunt, glistening and wanting him.

She and Lee switched places, the blonde sitting on the hood of her car, skirt hiked up and legs spread. But Lee wasn’t going in yet; those brown eyes had yet to give him the green light. Still, as she began to remove her top to reveal the bare naked beauty underneath Lee knew he sure as Hell wasn’t going to get a red.

When Peyton’s top was gone Lee was almost stunned by her beautiful breasts. He’d been so distracted by the sheer perfection of Peyton’s legs that he didn’t notice the entire package was a delight. Her breasts weren;t huge but there weren’t anything he’d call petite either. He reached for them to tactilely confirm that they were indeed wonderful handfuls of flesh that perfectly suited Peyton’s frame. Of course, feeling them was just one thing.

“Oohhhh there we go,” Peyton said, smiling as she began to breath just a bit faster. “Mmmm kiss my titties Lee…I like it…let me feel how much you like it too.”

And enjoy he did, delicately squeezing her melons as he covered them in saliva as she had done on his cock, to a small degree returning the favor. His tongue flicked her nipples  before he sucked them on, one then the other and back again.

All the attention, as well as the location, was making all of Peyton’s trouble melt away quicker than a few more cocktails ever would have. Of course, Lee was providing a bit of that intoxication. Now, it was time for it to become mutual.

Peyton paused him from his breast worship and guided his face to look at hers. And though one hand was on his chin to act as a physical guide for his gaze, the other went down between the two of them to act as a guide for another part of his body.

Leegrunted softly when he felt Peyton’s hand take a soft but firm grip of his cock. She stroked it for a few moments as she shifted herself on the hood a bit before pulling him closer.

“”Fuck me, Lee,” she said. “Don’t be shy. I mean at this point what’s there to be shy about…so give it to me.”

Hesitation disappeared as not just a word from Lee's vocabulary, but as a concept from his mind. He pushed forward, sinking into Peyton’s pussy and shivering at the heavenly feeling of his sinful embrace.

The feeling was mutual, Peyton moaning her approval for Lee’s cock. “That’s it,” she said, her tongue moistening her lips in between breaths. “That cock…mmm…so good. Just what…ooooo needed…”

Her long legs wrapped around his waist and Peyton leaned back on her arms, relaxing and melting into the moment. It was all about enjoying the hook-up of the moment. Sure it wasn’t being quite at the same level as being fucking underneath the trains in Paris under a full moon with steam rising from the grates, but there was a different charm all its own of being fucked on a car hood.

Lee had no basis for comparison, though even if he did just the feeling of fucking a woman like Peyton would wipe any thought of debate out of his mind. Instead he’d be focused on exactly what it was at the moment, making it go on and get better.

As he built up speed in her his mouth and hands continued to roam her body. No skin was left untouched if he could help it. Burying his face in her breasts again while his hands ran over her legs and grabbed her ass, then up her tone stomach to join his mouth at her own breasts. It was almost a frenzy; controlled chaos, especially as he sped up.

“Ah…ah…ah,” Peyton yelped as the shocks on the car were getting a workout. Now instead of simply leaning back on her arms they were bracing her against the hood as she took a more active role. She began to match him move for move, thrust for thrust and all the while staring him out with that same sexy grin on her face.

“Just…just like that,” Peyton said. “Come on…ohhh just like that…don’t stop…more…more…mmmmm…”

Lee let out his own groan as Peyton started making her request a lot harder to fulfill. Lee began to feel something he hadn’t ever before, like her pussy had become a massaging whirlwind. Saying she had become like a vice wouldn’t be wholly accurate. His cock wasn’t in a death grip but things felt tighter, but in waves. Lee was shaking and shivering, he had to slow down and witnessing it made Peyton giggle. Of course, that sound in that moment didn’t help and neither wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

“No no no,” Peyton said in a teasingly sweet tone. “You don’t get to slow down…keep fucking me…harder…give me what you have…every…last bit…I know you can do it…come on and fuck me!”

With a deep breath and a kiss to her lips Lee did just that. His forehead rested against Peyton’s as he brought his pace back up to par which brought nothing but good vibes to Peyton’s body and made echoing moans escape from her lips. And of course those moans only got louder when Lee began to play with her clit.

“YES!” She yelled. “Mmm fuck yeah…yeah…oh my god just like that…make me fucking cum…fucking do it! Get me dick drunk damn it!”

Lee could just grunt in response, sweat dripping from his body onto Peyton’s. She began to lay back completely on the hood giving Lee complete control. He lifted her right leg against his chest while the left still remained loosely around his waist. Just enough of a change to plunge her velvet depths ever further and make her eyes roll like the slot machines in Monte Carlo and her toes curl just like the night she spent on the beach with a porter who worked at the casino.

“Yes…close…oh god yes just like that…cum…make…cum…oh yes Lee…so good…such a good dick…fuck me…”

“Ohhhhh fuck,” Lee said, his free hand moving up to squeeze on of her bouncing breasts. “Peyton…P-peyton yessss…”

“Now…” Peyton said. “Now…now gonna cum now now now more more YESSSS!”

The controlled chaos of Peyton’s pussy became outright chaos. Twelve tidal waves and tempests of pleasure hit her body all at once and the buzzing neon lights and the flickering street lights became a technicolor hyperspace of pleasure. Of course, hearing, seeing and most of all feeling this took its toll on Lee. The sound of Peyton’s orgasm and the look of her fit, sweat-glistened body combined with the feeling all on his cock how her body was reacting caused its own reaction in him.

In a flash Lee pulled out of her pussy and shot his load, rockets of cum shooting up her body to her chin. Thick and long white ropes of pleasure coated her body as Lee’s cock pulsed and twitched. Peyton reveled in it, the warmth on her skin making it all feel that much better. And even that feeling increased when she began to rub it into her skin and licking the bits on her chin up.

“Holy shit,” Lee said in a daze. Peyton could only laugh, but not one with any kind of malice, but laughs of pleasure, laughs that only come from the high of carnal pleasure.

Lee had given her just what she needed. Not just an orgasm, not just a good time, but a confidence boost. Maybe she just might end up paying Jesse a visit after all.


Normally the thought of doing inventory, organization and product arrangement without monetary compensation wouldn’t necessarily be something to put a spring in their step. However not all of those people were like Peter Ferrano with a girlfriend like Lili Reinhart, who he would be doing such retail-related activities. Mainly because there was the guarantee of them doing a lot more than just business. There was in fact, going to be some pleasure involved.

Of course, carnal appetites weren’t going to be the only thing satisfied, which was what led Peter to hit Sauced first before heading to the comic store. Dinner for two in styrofoam containers on a couch in the basement. Who needed candlelight?

“Perfect timing,” said Madelaine Petsch the moment he stepped through the doors. The redhead was standing behind the host podium, perfectly stoic and cool as usual save for the tapping of her fingers on it. “Your order just came up. I’ll have Vanessa bring it out.”

Madelaine shot a quick text, once more her face giving off her usual cool and collected demeanor but her hands shook. She swore to herself a few times, deleting characters before finally sending it out. “Just a couple minutes.”

“Thanks,” said Peter, getting closer to the podium. Once more he noticed Madelaine’s fingers, the black-painted nails tapping once more on the podium. “Everything all right?”

“Yes,” she said, a bit more curtly than usual. “Why? Don’t I seem all right? I mean I’m the star employee here, the youngest manager the owner has ever hired and I have the kind of relationship I always dreamed of. Why?”

“Well when you put it like that…”

“I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop is all.” The worried redhead took a deep breath. “Honestly, this is me calmed down a lot from where I was a few days ago. It’s just…I found out Jesse’s ex is back. Not from him. I don’t even know if he knows but I know people and I just kind of heard it. And she leggy, blonde and beautiful and they were so close to really getting to that next level and then she left and I came along and now I’m just thinking of all the other assholes in my life up until Jesse and how they always left when things we getting good and now that combining with my imposter syndrome here and…well, this.”

“Okay,” Peter responded. “If it’s any consolation you hide it pretty well. I just thought you might have had a few asshole customers.”

“No, then I’d be smiling,” she said. “I use them as free punching bags, metaphorically speaking. For the most part. At Knockers, sometimes it was quite literal.” Madelaine tried to force a smile to her face but it just wouldn’t break, like trying to shutter granite with a rubber mallet. “Did you know her at all? Jesse’s ex?”

“I guess? I mean I think she auditioned for the movie but she didn’t make too much of an impression. And honestly, speaking from a purely caveman point of view I wouldn’t worry about his ex. I mean from what I remember the main impression she made was of her legs. You make a much bigger impact, both physically and with personality. Honestly Jesse would be kind of nuts to let you go. I doubt he even knows or cares to know she’s back.”

“Is that a fact?” Madelaine said, a genuine smile coming to her face as she raised her eyebrow, a combination of moves that made Peter gulp. “And just what is it physically you could be talking about?”

“I mean…well…umm…okay…just...”

“Calm down,” Madelaine said with a smirk. “I’m just messing with you a little. Turned out to be just the pick me up I needed. Thanks for the kind words and being too nervous to be a liar. I’m not really used to the former and way to used to the latter. You know a lot of women would find that kind of annoying unless it came with a British accent. Me? I like it. If a man is stumbling over his words that means he can’t think quick enough to be convincingly deceitful. Keeps them honest. And I like knowing one of my best friends has an honest man. As well as one who’s such a good listener…as well as being good at other things. Or so I hear of course.”

Right as Peter began to sweat a little Vanessa Morgan arrived with a couple of plastic bags. She expressed brief pleasantries before heading back to her section of the restaurant.

“You paid before picking up, right?” Madelaine said, her eyes scanning the register in front of her.

“Yeah, why?”

“No reason, just makes it a bit easier to comp you a dessert…there we go. Hold on a second.”

Peter waited,a bit confused as Madelaine left him alone for a few seconds, returning with another bag, albeit a smaller one that held its own styrofoam container.

“There you go, one extremely large sight of our vegan Cookies & Cream Krunch flourless cake, on the house. One pick me up deserves another.”

“Thanks, but I don’t want to get you in trouble or anything.”

“You won't. I'm surprisingly under my limit for the free food Elisha offers for the employees. Perks of being a vegan. Besides, you could have just taken your stuff and not said a word. I’m kind of getting used to the idea of having people who aren’t Lili and Camila to listen to me. And not just having Jesse, but Selena as my roommate. So…cake.”

“Okay, thanks. I don’t mind though. I mean, I’m kind of hoping me and Lili are in for the long haul and that means her friends are my friends. But, free cake is nice.”

“I’ve never gotten any complaints,” she said. “Well, have fun with…whatever it is you and Lili do alone overnight in the backrooms of the comic store. Probably going to be a whole lot yummier than the cake.”


It was time for Kiernan Shipka to put her years of reading Batman and playing Metal Gear to good use. Was it the best idea to sneakily stay behind at her job? No…but she had to know what Roland was going to give her and every last bit of logic she could muster told her it had to be in the basement in the drawer of his figurine-painting desk. While it was locked, she managed to slip the key off him when they had breakfast so it would be easy to get in and get out without anyone knowing. Then she’d go home to practice her surprised face.

Right now she was in the shadowy corners of the basement, slinking about among the shelves full of plastic totes and longboxes for comics. This was mainly to get her in the mood. She needed to get in and get out. The petite blonde had waited down there long enough. The last customer was gone and at the moment she was waiting for the jingle of the security system to let her know that Lili had locked up and left before she made her move. However, while Kiernan soon got that noise, it wasn’t alone.

The security system jingle echoed in her ears, but her heart sank then began to beat like a Buddy Rich solo when she heard footsteps above her, footsteps that should not have been. Lili should have been leaving…then it hit her. Kiernan scrambled to take out her phone and the moment the screen lit up her eyes almost bugged out. It was Tuesday…and Lili was up to get the store ready for tomorrow, New Comics Day.

“Shit!” She exclaimed in a whisper-shout. “Damn it!” The cussing continued, hushed as it was until Kiernan heard the basement door opened. She silenced herself and stayed in her shadowy corner as she saw not only Lili come down but her boyfriend as well. And he was carrying food. They were here for the long haul. She swore to herself again then quickly slapped her hand over her mouth.

The couple settled in the center of the room where the break area was, setting the food down on the coffee table before anything else, followed by a blanket Peter had pulled from his backpack, laying it out on the couch.

“So, where do we begin?” Peter asked, but there was something Kiernan picked up from both his tone and face, even from the shadows behind the shelves where she was hiding. It was like the question was a formality, almost a joke. It was like they both knew what they were actually going to do. “Food?”

“Something tells me we’re going to be a lot hungrier by the end of the night,” Lili said with the same kind of tone and smile.  She put her arms around his shoulder and his around her waist and pulled each other closer.

“So we’re starting out with organization?” Peter asked. “Alphabetical or the letter you have the most of?”

“Well in that case I think we should start with X.”

“Like X-Men?” Kiernan watched as Peter began to undo the button and zipper on Lili’s jeans, jaw agape.

“More like triple X.” Lili removed her top, leaving her only in a lavender bra and her jeans, though Kiernan could guess that soon those would go the way of her shirt. The concealed blonde couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Sure, everyone had made the jokes that this was what happened when it was Lili’s turn to set up the store for Wednesday but Kiernan had gotten the jokes herself with Roland and the most they did was make out, and that was just the one time.

There was a part of Kiernan’s mind that told her to announce her presence so she could get out of there because she knew she wasn’t going to be able to sneak by the pair of lovers. However, as soon as Lili had laid back on the couch with Peter on top of her, the rest of her outvoted that one voice as the decision was made to watch it all unfold.

Lili laid back on the couch, bra gone and luscious breasts out. Peter had already begun with her miraculous breasts, hands and face seemingly drawn to them like a magnet. From her position she couldn’t really see any details aside from the fact that going by the look on her blonde co-worker’s face, Lili was already having a wonderful time. Keirnan felt she was getting ready to have a good time of her own as her hand began to move down her own body.

When it came to Lili’s body Peter was the one moving down it. The button and zipper combo was already taken care of, so when he began to pull her jeans off there was no real barrier, especially considering his lovely lady had already slipped her shoes off.

The blonde clerk lifted her ass just enough to help with the removal of her now-superfluous jeans and pointless panties. With them gone Peter soon found the perfect place for his face and the look of pleasure on Lili's face only got more intense, accompanied by moans from her lips.

“Oh my…damn…Peter…” she whined, squeezing her breast and tweaking her nipples while he tasted her. And Lili wasn’t the only one enjoying Peter’s oral work.

Kiernan struggled not to moan, her hand down the front of her pants, playing with her pussy while Peter dined on Lili’s. The hidden blonde licked her lips and stifled small moans while her eyes drifted from Peter being tender yet diligent in his oral endeavors. His hands tenderly ran over her body. Over her rising and falling stomach, over the tender flesh of her thighs before the right began to work with his mouth while the left continued its tender and loving trek over her body, while Lili’s own body reacted. Her toes curled, one of them laying loosely over the edge of the couch and touching the floor and the other against the back of the couch, dragging those curled toes up and down his back.

And still Kiernan watched, tugging her pants down with her free hand just enough to give her more active one a bit more room. The more she watched the less concerned with the shadows she became and far more focused on the action at hand. While the nerdy nymphette didn’t have the best view of Peter, only seeing the back of his head. Still, while she could see the details of what wonderful work his mouth and fingers were doing she could see he would change it up. Kiernan could tell there were moments where his mouth moved from Lili’s glistening slit to her thighs. Licking and sucking at her clit became caring kisses. From a boil to simmer and back again.

And from what Kiernan could clearly see, Lili was loving every single moment of it. Her greenish-blue eyes fluttered and her left hand moved down and ran its fingers through Peter’s hair, taking it from where it had been right on the border of shaggy and styled to firmly in shaggy disarray. Her right hand still roamed her body, which was now slowly getting covered in a sheen of sex-fueled sweat.

The eroticaly charged blonde moaned softly, unable to keep silent. She called for her lover, “Peter! Yesssss,” pleading for him to continue. It was a trick of the eyes and Kiernan on some level knew it but she could swear she saw goosebumps pop up all over Lili’s body when Peter did something that made her back arch like she’d been struck by lightning, the leg against the couch shooting straight up.

As Lili’s moans filled the basement break room, so loud they could be heard throughout the rest of the store. It was more than enough to cover any sound Kiernan was making, especially combined with how focused Lili was on her man and the magic he was making. An idea entered her head.

Carefully Kiernan reached into her back pocket for her phone then into her left front one for her ear pods. Once she got them on the same bluetooth frequency she tried to facetime Roland. Two rings in and he answered.

“Kiernan?” He asked, his voice loud and clear but silent to anyone but Kiernan due to the earpods. He noticed his girlfriend was breathing heavily and sweating.

“Just…,” she whispered, her mouth feeling parched despite the fact she was on the verge of drooling. “Just watch me.” She then panned her phone's camera down, showing him exactly what she was doing.

“Holy…” Roland replied, his hand instinctively going to his crotch and his already hardening cock.

“Take it out,” Kiernan continued, barely able to remain whisper quiet. “Do it…do it with me. Let me see you while you see me.”

Kiernan set the phone down on a shelf in front of her, leaning it so Roland could get a full view of her and she could get both him and the view of the show that had inspired this erotic rendezvous.

Meanwhile on the couch Peter was now the one on his back. His clothes were now shed, the only thing covering him being his girlfriend. He was inside, Lili working her hips while she pressed herself close to him, aided by Peter’s own embrace.

“Peter…oh yes…so good…so fucking good,” she said before kissing him. As the kiss broke Lili rose up, Peter hands moving from her shoulders down to her hips. He held her as Lili bounced and swirled on his rod, his eyes only breaking away from hers when she threw her head back and side to side. When Lili reached up to grip the back of the couch he moved his hands, roaming her bouncing body. Squeezing and slapping her ass, running over her legs before moving up to play with her breasts. He badly wanted to sit up to taste her flesh, a look on his face Kiernan could read like a book. He held himself back, choosing to drink in the beauteous sight of his buxom blonde bombshell girlfriend riding him to her heart and body’s content.

Kiernan had to bite her lip to keep from moaning loud enough to get the lovers’ attention, her hand moving furiously now within her. Her eyes went down to her phone’s screen, watching Roland stroking himself off as he watched her and being more turned on hearing him desperately moan her name.

“Just like that baby,” she whispered into the mic on her earbuds. “Stroke for me…and just keep watching.”

When her gaze returned to the couch Kiernan found that Peter had given into his hunger. He was now sitting up, holding Lili close as their pace slowed though not by much. She could see Lili’s full breasts glistening with sweat and saliva as Peter’s lips repeated a sensual and sloppy path between her cleavage and her luscious lips. Lili, for her part, made the access wonderfully easy, leaning back on the couch with her arms bracing her up. The lovely and lusty blond was pressing her tits forward and her man couldn’t resist the invite.

And as hot as that visual was for Kiernan, what made her turn up the heat on herself and on Roland by proxy was when Peter quickly pulled Lili up, eliciting a light laugh that was muffled when their lips met. As his arms wrapped around her back tight, Lili's legs wrapped around Peter like an anaconda. A hard fast pace resumed again, both grunting and groaning, almost like a whine as they both craved more and more of each other. If they were on a bed the squeak and creak of springs and a bed frame would be echoing in the basement along with the couples’ moans.

Soon Lili was completely on her back. Peter’s hand moved up her right leg, catching it at the thigh and moving it up, letting Lili show off a bit of her flexibility as he placed it against his chest, holding her by it while the left remained wrapped around him. The green-eyed beauty writhed on the cushions of the couch, her hand going wild from mauling her own tits to gripping tight on whatever pieces of the couch she could grab and she cried out for more, her tone going from a tigress’ growl to an angelic plea. Combined with the chaotic bouncing of her breasts in reaction to her lover’s own hungry touch it was quite a sight to see, whether you were the one bringing the pleasure to the sweet siren or an observer as Kiernan was.

Kiernan’s brown eyes once more drifted to her phone. Roland’s pants were completely down now, giving her a complete and full view of the cock she was craving now, a craving so great at that moment she was jealous of him just for him being able to touch it.

“Roland,” she said, her whisper soft voice quaking from the heat scorching it. “Cum with me…I want to see it…but….uunnn…not yet…cum…cum when I cum…so close…just…ahhhh-a little longer…”

Kiernan heard him mutter a grunted agreement, turned on by how thin of a thread he was holding on by while she was dancing on the razor’s edge. Of course when her eyes returned to the couple on the couch that dance went from strictly ballroom to interpretive jazz.

Now the sight on the couch seemed to be the final one, if not for Lili and Peter than for Kiernan. Lili was kneeling on the couch now, her back to Peter’s chest. Her hands were reaching behind her, grasping his ass as he continued thrust into her horny cunt. She didn’t want him anywhere else and he didn’t want to be anywhere else.

While his pelvis was busy, so was the rest of Peter. His lips kissed at his woman’s neck, taking brief breaks when the blushing beauty would turn her face to give him lips as a target. One hand roamed the front of her body, squeezing her breasts, caressing her stomach and legs and back up again while the other played with her clit while he thrust into her slice of heaven.

His pumps were slow, deep and deliberate, his hips moving slow, moving and driving into her tenderly and savoring every treasure within. Lili’s face was turned to him, tender kisses being exchanged. The blonde took her left hand up to gently stroke his face, passion drunk looks in both their eyes as they looked at each other.

“Do it in me,” Lili said, lips quivering as she nodded her head. “I…I want all you…do it for me…because I’m gonna do it for you baby…Peter…need it…need you…”

The agreement was sealed with a kiss and her hand went from her cheek to join his own at her clit. Lili leaned forward a bit now, her arm steady on the couch’s while Peter’s thrusts began to get more insistant.

“Yes…oh…oh Peter please…yes…I want it in me…don’t stop…do it…I need you to cum for me…oh my god so close…close with you…mmmm…”

Lili’s moans were somehow both soft and booming, her mouth agape and breasts bouncing with every passionate pump Peter made. He moved his hips like he was working a hula hoop in slow motion, slowing down briefly before once more picking up the pace until eventually they were both on a bullet train to pure bliss.

“Lili…Lili…LILI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Peter cried out his lover’s name as he entered her completely, his cock exploding his lust into her, white hot cum covering Lili’s walls, the heat one making her own orgasm, hitting shortly after Peter filled her with his passion.

“Yes!” She said, the word coming out with a slight laugh and a smile face. “Oh god YES!” She shivered, letting the pleasure radiate over her and still managing to increase Peter for a few more seconds, popping her hips and grinding against him, making sure she got everything he had to offer her.

He pulled out and fell backward on the couch and Lili soon found a place in his arms, the two kissing passionately in the post coital bliss.

From post coital to current coital bliss, Kieran came, muffling herself with her free hand. The heat of the moment went nova hot when she both saw and heard from her phone Roland cumming as well, his cock making a white hot mess of love lava as he watched Kiernan’s passion bear fruit.

Kieran was in a haze, everything looking faded, fuzzy but crystal clear in terms of pure sensation. Her eyes fluttered a bit as she saw Peter and Lili get redressed, teasing and kissing each other the whole time before they went up the stairs, presumably to actually start the set up for the next day. They took the food up with them, which even Kiernan knew in her pleasure-stoned state meant she was in the clear to take the rear basement exit, all the while with ideas springing forth from what just happened forming clear as day in her head.


“Look Cami, not that I don’t appreciate you volunteering to join me for dinner with my dad and his divorce reasoning,” Brodie said, opening the passenger door of his car Camila. “But the awkwardness in store might even be too much for you to handle.

“Thanks for the warning but it’s no problem,” said Cami. “I mean there seems to be a cheating maelstrom around here lately and I’ve been in the eye of it. And no offense but I don’t know if this situation is going to be anymore awkward than the one with Hailee. And probably far less feelings of uncontrollable rage on my end. Besides, everything goes down a bit easier with pizza. And from an actual pizzeria that doesn’t have a cartoon mascot no less.”

“Yeah, more proof he’s desperate. My favorite food at my favorite restaurant in town and all on his bill.”

“Look,” Cami said, pausing their stroll from the parking lot into the pizza place. “I’m not one to give anyone a pass on infidelity but…he is your dad and I’m not saying get ultra-friendly with the new girl but try to play nice. It’s not like you’re betraying your mom by doing that.”

“Was that actually sincere advice without a drop of sarcasm? I thought only Peter was worthy of such treatment.”

“Must be the scent of garlic and melted mozzarella,” Cami joked. “It’s enough to make a girl get all sweet and angelic.”

Brodie opened the doors of the restaurant and he and Cami walked in. No sooner had they done that than Brodie’s father, Carter Quint, at a table dead center in the restaurant.

“Brodie!” he said, urging his son over.

“Hi Dad,” Brodie said, hugging his dad and trying to keep every bit of resentment out of his tone and body language.

“And Camila! So great to see you!”

“Nice to see you too Mr. Quint,” Cami replied. “Hope it’s okay I came along.”

“Oh of course. To be honest I was expecting Brodie to bring someone. Just thought it might be Peter.”

“He’s helping his girl out with some work stuff right now,” said Brodie.

“Oh, that’s good. Well, how about we all take a seat?” Carter sat back down while Brodie pulled out a seat for Camila.

“Thanks,” the brunette said, a little surprised.

“No problem,” Brodie said, taking his seat next to her. He then turned his attention back to his father. “So, it looks like we’re one person short.”

“Oh yeah, she’s in the restroom right now,” said Carter. “And, son, I get this is a weird situation but please just give her a chance.”

Before Brodie could respond he saw a familiar face start to approach the table. As this face got closer to the table, dread started to fill in Brodie’s gut. And then when his dad turned around, face lighting up it overflowed in his gut and spilled out onto his face making the young, would-be actor gulp.

“You okay?” Camila whispered, noticing the change in mood on Brodie’s face. And again, something cut off Brodie’s response, this time what his father had to say alongside the person who’d just shown up at the table.

“Brodie, I’d like you to meet my current girlfriend, Zoe Kravitz.”


A crash jerked Virgil out of his focused trance-like state. Closing the textbook with a snap, he rubbed his eyes and glanced over at the clock. It read 11:07 PM.  On a Friday no less and here he was studying in his room. Alone. That noise was probably just Brodie coming home. Stretching his arms and yawning, he cracked his neck and figured he would at least say hello. Brodie had been cool ever since they’d met on the tour. Dare he say they were even becoming good friends? Guess it helped that they both were living in his mother’s house, so they saw a lot of each other.

Poking his head out of his room, he ventured into the kitchen and saw that it was not in fact Brodie, but instead his mother. The one and only, Amy Adams. His new landlord and, if he was being honest with himself, the subject of more than a couple of his masturbatory fantasies ever since he’d moved in, despite his best efforts to the contrary. Amy was in the kitchen, picking up the remains of what looked like a glass she had broken. More than that, she was wearing a stunning dress that highlighted her figure, which looked like it belonged to someone about twenty years younger than herself. Her hair was done up, her makeup expertly applied.   

“Everything alright Mrs. Adams?” Virgil asked in a helpful tone.

She looked up inquisitively, a perfect white smile breaking across her perfect face as she beheld her newest tenant lingering cautiously in the doorway. A thousand and one thoughts burst into her brain, nearly all of them dirty. It happened to her just about every time she saw him. This tall drink of chocolate milk she’d rented the spare room too had been in her masturbatory fantasies ever since he’d moved in. The new vibrator she’d bought after the divorce was already well and truly broken in. It didn’t matter that it was wrong. He was her son’s age after all. She just couldn’t help it. She’d spent so long in a marriage repressing sexual desire and feeling unfulfilled that now, it was like all those feelings were exploding with the hormones of her long ago teenage years.
“Oh yes Virgil, sweetie. I’m fine. Just a clutz is all.” She said, practically fucking him with her baby blue eyes.  “And it’s just Amy. Or at least Miss. No Missus. Remember?” She pointed to the absence of a ring on her finger.
“Right. Sorry about that Ms…Amy.” He mumbled, finding it difficult to meet her eyes.
Amy checked her watch. “It’s Friday night. Shouldn’t you be headed out to a party or something? I’m sure a handsome young man like yourself has a couple of lady friends he could be entertaining this evening.”
“Nope. None for me. Studying is all. Gotta keep my grades up for my scholarship.” He said, finally mustering the courage to keep eye contact with her. Was there a hint of something there? A spark of lust waiting to ignite? Clearing his throat and feeling just a wee bit emboldened by what he thought he might have seen there, he then said, “How about you? You must be coming from a date with how good you look in that dress. Did it go well?”
Amy laughed before sighing, “Unfortunately no. Total dud. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here all by my lonesome.” She winked and then paused. “Although, I suppose I’m not alone. You’re here after all…”
“And Brodie too.” Virgil said, his mouth suddenly rather dry, one interpretation of words settled firmly in his head.
“Actually, he’s out. Will be all night. Texted me to say so.”
“So…it’s just…just the two of us then.” Virgil said, his heart pounding in his chest, although he couldn’t quite say exactly why.
“I guess so.” Amy said quietly. “How about a nightcap with me?”
“I don’t know Ms. A. I’ve got books to get back too.”
“Oh come on. Don’t make an old lady drink alone.”
“You definitely aren’t old. Hell you look better than half the girls at school.”
Amy blushed something fierce at that, “Let’s have that drink then.”
She poured them each a glass of expensive scotch. Not the kind you’d find on a college campus. It burned going down Virgil’s throat, but they didn’t call it liquid courage for no reason. And it soon became perfectly clear that the drink was just an excuse, because before long, the glasses were empty and they were sitting there at the kitchen table, staring at each other.  It seemed like each one was daring the other to make the first move. And upon recollection, neither could recall who did. All they knew was that one second they were just sitting there and the next they were all over one another. Lips crashing together, hands roaming over each other’s bodies. Virgil lifted her up and placed her on the kitchen table with a jolt and a squeak as their lips collided, tongues wrestling with one another.
Now that the dam had cracked, it was like a flood breaking loose and Amy wasted no time pulling him by the hand and pushing him down into a chair. She sank to her knees, hands framing the all too evident cock through his loose basketball shorts. Virgil froze at the sight of the red-headed MILF on her knees in front of him, all his masturbatory fantasies about to come true. With an intense hunger, Amy’s hands tugged downwards exposing his cock to the air, which sprang up like a tower.  A meaty tall tower of dick that Amy stared at with open-mouthed wonder.
“Wow…that’s a nice…a really nice cock.”  She mumbled, stumbling over her words,  “My ex…let’s just say he couldn’t compete with this.”
“Thanks…” Virgil said rather lamely.  He wasn’t used to this sort of enraptured female attention.  Especially not when it was so intensely focused on his pecker.
Gripping the base tightly with her fingers, she aimed it towards her mouth before wrapping her lips around the broad expansive mushroom cap. Groaning as her lips touched him, those blue eyes burning with lust up at him, she sucked down the first couple of inches. As if testing the waters, she bobbed, slow and steady, making sure to keep plenty of eye contact as she sucked his cock. Each pass of her warm wet mouth swallowed a little more each and every time.

“A-A-Amy. Oh my god…” He moaned out.

Her technique was incredible. Something that only decades of experience could bring apparently because he’d never had head like this before. Hot, tight, wet suction with sealed lips. One hand juggling his increasingly churning balls, the other twisting around the saliva slick shaft anywhere her mouth wasn’t. She moaned loudly, sending vibrations throughout the entirety of his groin. And she was only speeding up, the red head bobbing with ever increasing speed on his lap, as his hands gripped the edge of the chair tightly.
“Mrs. Adams! Fuck! If you keep doin’ that, I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Virgil blurted out, his head spinning.
There was a momentary pause as Amy fixed him with a stare, mouth stuffed to the brim with his member. Then she was back at it, with renewed vigor. Double the speed, double the suction, double the desire. Virgil was too far gone to possibly hold back.
“Shit!” He yelled as his cock pulsed powerfully before spraying forth inside her mouth, drowning her tonsils in a cannonblast of white sticky cum.
Amy’s eyes bulged, as did her cheeks with the sheer force, volume and thickness of the youthful co-ed’s seed. No one had cum for her like this in decades. She almost had to spit it out to avoid suffocating, but no. She wanted, no, she needed to savor this creamy delicious reward. Instead she gulped and gulped and gulped until it was all down the hatch. It tasted like nothing else in the world, and satisfied a hunger in her that had been brewing since long before she’d signed divorce papers.
Breathing heavily she let him fall from her mouth and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She felt him take her hand now, and following his lead they moved down the hall back to his room. With some assistance, she removed her dress, where it fell to the floor, a wrinkled mess. He undid her bra, letting her pale ample alabaster bosom fall free. And that’s where he started, planting kisses all over her tits. But it didn’t take him long to move south, where he removed her soaking wet panties revealing a bright red landing strip above her slick pink lips. Taking up camp between her ivory thighs, he did something no one had down to her in years. He ate her out.

“Ohhhh my…” Now it was her turn to be speechless as she marveled at the feeling and skill of this young man and his talented tongue.
In what seemed no time at all, he swiftly brought her to the most powerful orgasm she’d had in years. One where she blacked out, where her back arched fully off the mattress and she cried out so loudly the neighbors probably heard her. It was all a wild and hazy blur to her. With those hazy and heavy eyelids, she peered down and saw something to cut through it.
“Oh my gosh!” She said, staring pointedly down at Virgil’s crotch, his cock stiff once more and swinging around ready to go. “You’re hard…again?!?”  She asked in sheer disbelief.
“Well, yea.” He said rather sheepishly, wiping her juices from his chin.
“To be young again…get over here and stick that big thing inside of me.” She said. It was practically an order.

Virgil didn't need to be told twice. Positioning himself above her, she lined up his cock up with her dripping wet snatch. As he pushed her pink lips aside, his rather well endowed cock filled up her pussy like no dildo she’d had taken over the years ever could. Wet as she was, he practically slipped in and by the time his hips were flush with hers she was squirming with pleasure beneath him. Starting to build up momentum, the gentle thump of him on top of her was enough to already put her on cloud nine. She was making him feel things she’d never felt before.

“Fuck me! Yes! That’s it! Really give it to me! You don’t know how much I need it! Fuck me like one of those co-ed sluts! Pound this fucking pussy!” She blurted out, not even knowing where talk like that came from. It certainly hadn’t been from anytime with her ex-husband.

Emboldened by her words, Virgil propped himself up above and really began to put some force behind his thrusts. Soon the bed was creaking and the headboard rattling as he crashed into Amy over and over again.

“Yes Amy! Oh fuck!” He yelled. “You feel incredible! So damn good!”

He really couldn’t believe how good she felt. How tight really. He’d never been with an older woman before and wasn't sure what to expect, but he hadn’t expected anything like this.  She was taking it all and screaming for more.  It was unbelievable.

“Keep going! Ngh! Ugh! Yes! I’m cumming! Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” Amy screamed out, cumming hard again and yelling just as loudly as before.

He felt her tighten around him as a rush of fresh arousal flooded her already dribbly pussy as she twitched and writhed beneath him. It was too much.

“Gonna-gonna cum.” He grunted, unable to hold back any longer and locking eyes with her.

In a surprising display of flexibility, Amy locked her legs around him and with a deadly serious tone she said, “Blow that big fuckin’ load inside me. Right now.”

And with a mighty roar of his own, Virgil did just that. A couple of more erratic pumps and he came. Hard. He emptied the contents of his balls into a woman twice his age with the force of a TNT explosion. When he was finished and pulled out, he collapsed backwards and watched the pearly white substance leak from her.

Flopping down with exhaustion, both lay panting wondering what should happen next. Now that the lust was sated, the reality was beginning to set it. Virgil’s phone buzzed. He saw a text from Brodie and was immediately flooded with guilt as he looked over at Amy.

Fuck.  What have I done?  He thought to himself.

Lisa Manoban was well-traveled. At the age of twenty-five she’d been to so many places around the world. From her birthplace of Thailand, to South Korea to her stepfather’s home of Switzerland and all around Europe, the woman had seen a lot in her twenty-five years and learned a great many things. She was fluent in four languages; Thai, Korean, English and Japanese; an accomplished dancer and had a music collection of such a size even the most pretentious of record store employees would be impressed. CDs, cassettes, vinyls, she had anything she could get her hands on stretching across every genre. Which made it no small surprise she had hope of musical super stardom dancing in her head with an impeccable sense of rhythm.

That desire led her to a college in California where, to no one’s surprise, she studied music and met like-minded individuals, some of which she worked with on making the tunes in her head a reality; tracks she could sing and rap over. One of them, Alan Domingo, she’d grown very close with. So close in fact she found herself on top of him in a hidden away back corner of one of the three performance theaters on campus. As this one was in the music building, the access was easier and it was far more private, the foot traffic being nowhere near as severe as it would be in the other theaters.

Despite its relative lack of activity, the theater was stocked with props and furniture for the few productions put on there that weren’t just concert performances and fortunately for Lisa and Alan one of those pieces of furniture was a surprisingly comfortable king size bed.

The Thai tart was straddling him by the waist, her lips pressed against his while Alan’s hands moved down her body to grasp Lisa’s butt through her cut off shorts. When their lips unsealed Lisa rose up and Alan’s hands switched things up, moving to her front to run up her tight tummy, touching more of her skin as Lisa ditched her patch-covered jean jacket and pulled off the plain white tee underneath. This left her only in a bra, which she also soon made short work of as she felt Alan’s hands glide up the skin of her abdomen. By the time he’d reached her petite tits there was no barrier to the sensation of her bare flesh.

“Ahhh that’s right,” she said as he tenderly cupped and played with her tits, grinning lightly as his fingertips circled her areola. The fingers were simply the beginning though as Alan rose up, wrapping his arms around the Asian beauty’s slight frame and pulled her close. Lisa’s moaning of his name was music to his ears as he kissed and suckled her mounds, savoring the flavor and he moved up to her shoulders, neck and once more met her at the mouth while his hands moved down the smooth skin of her back to once more grasp her sweet little behind.

His hands went from a squeeze to a full on grip as Alan rolled them both over, now on top of Lisa. He started to get in the business of getting undressed, tossing his shirt and jacket away while Lisa worked on his pants. With his zipper and belt no longer an issue he began the process of peeling those oh-so-wonderfully tight shorts off of her taking her underwear with them.

“Ohhhhhh fuck yes,” Lisa said, eyes fluttering as Alan guided his raging rod into her tight carnal cavern. He was still kneeling, looking down at the writhing  beauty. He drank in her form from her face as she moaned and licked her lips to how her lithe body was reacting to his touch, both inside and out.

Alan’s hands continued to roam her body as he slowly thrust into her, Lisa’s hands grabbing on and guiding them to all the must see spots on the tour of her body. The longer the tour went on the closer Alan got to her body before her was flesh to flesh with her, and being up close and personal, more so at least, with her. Hungry grunts, licks and kisses became the order of the moment as Alan picked up speed. Lisa’s fit, dancer’s body was ablaze with heat as her depths were explored, eyes jumped from sealed tight to wide open as she moaned his name and yelled expletives in her native tongue.

Needless to say, it was quite the intoxicating mix from the little minx and it made Alan have to pause, pause a bit more than just a slower pace. He pulled out of paradise, knowing if he’d stayed in any longer without a pause there would have been an eruption. However, before Lisa could even make a surprised yelp at the sudden vacating of her pussy the attention provided was quickly shifted from Alan’s cock to his mouth.

“Yesss Alan,” Lisa said before her pleasure-riddled mind began saying all sorts of different cries of pleasure and filth in every language she knew, perfectly fluent or otherwise. In a flurry of international filth the hopeful songstress voiced her pleasure to her audience at once, writhing and thrashing about on the bed while Alan worked her cunt like a virtuoso worked their instrument. His tongue and fingers worked together like a symphony. Percussion, winds and strings all within his mouth and digits and Lisa could feel the music being conducted deep inside where a tempest was swirling and growing within.

Lisa’s body arched and slithered in place, curving like smoke in the air depending on how big the wave of pleasure was she caught. Low tide, high tide and a big kahuna on the rise. The sea was about to get a lot more choppy as Alan had regained his stamina.

“Ohhhh FUCK!” Lisa yelled out, back arching when Alan hit just the right spot to make the bass drop. It switched a light on within the slim beauty and she rolled over on the bed, now on top of her Latin lover.

“Oh god damn!” Alan said, taking over vocals from Lisa. Not that Lisa wasn’t going to add a bit to the chorus, but now it was all about her moves. Of course, Lisa, having trained as a dancer since she could walk, knew a lot about how to work her body to maximum effect and in the case of carnality it was to the benefit of both her and her partner.

Both she and Alan were getting utterly drunk by the effect of her movements on his cock. Swirling, grinding, rising and falling, the would-be rapper manipulated Alan’s shaft in her, always hitting the perfect spot in the perfect way to send sub-zero chills up her deliciously hot body. And of course all that movement felt just like heaven to Alan. He was stunned, almost frozen in place as Lisa did all the work. The only thing he could do was hold on tight to her hips, his hands moving as she rocked and rolled on him. He could of course watch too and it was hard to figure out which view was hotter; Lisa writhing and moaning in pleasure beneath him or watching her ride him, ecstasy written all over her face and punctuated with strands of her black hair that stuck to her face and she shook it back forth and all around. Of course the rest of her body was a sight and a half as well, every inch of her naked flesh shimmering from a sheen of sweat.

His hands began to roam her body again, Alan needing to feel more of her body in the palms of his hands.

“Yes…yes…oh want that nice cock,” Lisa said, whirling her hips into a whirlwind. “Want to cum…going to cum…”

“Yeah baby…I want to see it…cum!” Alan said. He dashed his hands back to Lisa’s hips, gripping them as he began to thrust up into her, giving her that last few pushes before she cried out in pure ecstasy.

“Ahhhhhh yes yes YESSSS!!!” Lisa moaned, the words trailing off into a string of sing song filth in all the tongues she knew. She removed herself from his cock, laying on her back in the afterglow while Alan got to his knees, kneeling near her head as stroking his cock as the Asian beauty caught her breath. She also caught what he was doing in the corner of her eye and decided to encourage it.

“Cum…I want that cum…just for me,” she said, her tone sweet and cool as ice cream. When  she extended her pink tongue out and gave the tip of his engorged member a single lick that was it. With a desperate and satisfied groan he erupted all over her face, covering the cutie in his hot, white cream. While most got in her eager mouth it was an uneven shot with streaks of liquid white covering her lips and the bridge of her nose. As it all slowed to a trickle Lisa lifted her head up ever so softly to suck the last few drops out.

When he collapsed in pleasure next to her, it was clear to Lisa why the two got along so well, they had the best duets.


11:30 was the start of a few things at the comic shop for Lili. The main thing was she only had ninety more minutes on the clock. It was one of the advantages of staying late on Tuesdays to get the store ready for New Book Wednesday…that and the extra bit of fun she and Peter had when he was “volunteering” at the store with her. That bit of extra time meant a half-day on the busiest day of the week.

One of the other advantages, one that the blonde was happily taking advantage of, was that for some reason things died down right around eleven thirty and didn’t pick back up until she was already on her way out of the store. The first rush lasted from opening at nine until about fifteen minutes after eleven. Now the store was mostly empty with maybe a few browsers looking through the assorted wares from books to gaming. That left her to sketch and doodle in her sketchbook, eat Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and sip Mountain Dew.

She had just settled into the routine of grasping the small, deep fried and spicy corn fritters with a pair of chopsticks and depositing them in her mouth when the next guest in the store nearly made her choke.

“Hey Lili,” said Blake Lively, a smile on her face and spring in her step. The door shut with the same jingle that it opened with as the tall blonde made her way toward the dumbstruck one. “I just came by to chat.”

“Really?” Lili said, taking a quick gulp of her soda. “About what?”

“I just wanted to check in about my brother and you, see how things are going.”

“Oh what? I mean, uh…is anything wrong or are you-”

“Oh my gosh no!” Blake said, running her hands through her hair and out of her face in a way that reminded Lili of her boyfriend. It was something he definitely would do, along with a kot of Blake’s body language at the moment. “I mean…man…wow…okay I boned this up. Nothing like that.” Blake sighed, both hands at her temples and rubbing circles in them, another affectation she’d seen Peter have when stressed out or embarrassed.

“Then what?” asked Lili, feeling more relaxed.

“It’s just, you know, when Peter was in high school he didn’t really date except for Camila because Sydney didn’t really count or that’s what he says you know and I wasn’t really going to grill her and oh my god grilling is the wrong phrase and I really just wanted to see how things are going and now I’m rambling.”

“Peter does that too,” Lili said. “I’m used to it. I think it’s kind of cute honestly.”

“That’s so sweet,” Blake said. “Yeah, he and I share more than eyes. It’s weird; me, mom and Peter share a lot of these quirks. Ben too but he really tries to overcome them. It’s a twin thing I guess, wanting to be different.”

“Well there's a clear difference,” Lili confirmed. “No offense.”

“None taken. I’d probably agree. I love Ben but he makes it difficult to be friends with him sometimes.”

“Yeah. And things are great. Between Peter and me.”

“That’s wonderful. I’m so glad you two found each other in all that mess with Hailee. And I did kind of call it when I first met you. By accident, but it counts.”

“I’ll grant you that,” Lili said with a smile, a beaming one at that.

“Thanks,” Blake said, before taking a breath. “Look, I didn’t come here to do anything but, well, kind of establish more of a relationship with you. I mean this shouldn’t be a shock to you but he’s crazy about you. To the point where even if he didn’t tell me I could tell. Don’t let him know I told you but that boy has a shitty poker face.”

“I’ll keep it between us,” Lili laughed.

“Good to know,” Blake said, returning the laugh. “I guess what I’m saying is I’d love for you to think of me as a friend because, well, something tells me I’m going to be seeing a lot of you for a while and I’d think it’d be wise to get to know each other more. And not to make you too cocky but with Peter being totally nutso for you half the battle is already won.”

“That sounds great actually,” Lili said, feeling calm. The butterflies that were ready to start a riot in her stomach now completely sedated. “I’m really glad you came by. I needed to hear that I guess. I’ve been kind of jittery lately.”

“Well let that be the first official act of friendship then, curing the jitters.”

“I think that’s acceptable.”

“Well, with that business attended to, I also came by to double check on your birthday party, still this weekend at yours and Camila’s place?”

“Yep, starting at 7:30. And even though he says he’s fine, I still think Peter’s nervous about meeting my parents.”

“Ah, let me handle that,” Blake said with a wink, another gesture that was both sexy and a reminder of her man. “A little sisterly peptalk should help him out.” She then noticed Lili’s open bag of spicy snacks. “May I?”

“Go ahead,” Lili replied.

Blake grabbed a couple of the red Cheetos between her fingers and took them in her mouth with a crunch. She then tried to suck the bright red powder remains from her fingers with minimal success.

“You know I love these things but I hate the stains they leave behind,” Blake said. “You have a bathroom I can use?”

“Sure, I’ll show you the way,” Lili said, walking from behind the counter. “You know you might want to try chopsticks. I pretty much have to use them here. No one wants to buy cheese-dust encrusted collectibles. Fortunately at home I can use my fingers…and Peter’s favorite snack is Cheetos so you know…”

“Okay, still the big sister here and that’s TMI,” Blake laughed.


Jesse Carr was lost in his own world. A world consisting of an Italian hoagie, a play he was getting ready to audition for and waiting for the arrival of his favorite redhead in the world. His world however was about to be invaded by a specter from the past, a specter with blonde hair and legs to die for.

“Jesse!” Peyton List said, rousing him from the play and nearly making him choke on cheese and salami. “I was wondering when I’d run into you again.”

“Peyton?” He asked, swallowing down the near-lethal bite of sandwich as he regained his bearings. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, eating lunch before class, for one thing,” she said. “And saying hi to a familiar face I’ve been trying to pin down. Mind if I take a seat?”

“Well I-” Was all Jesse managed to get out before Peyton took the seat across from him. “Be my guest.


“So, I thought you were in Europe? You know, a semester abroad?”

“Yeah, and that semester is over. I wasn’t moving there permanently. I had my fun, learned a lot and now I’m back. I was hoping we could catch up. You know, over drinks, maybe dinner.” She smiled as her hand slithered over the table and onto his. Jesse politely pulled away.

“Look, if this was a few months ago I would have leapt for it but things are very different for me now. I’m seeing someone and I’m…Pey I’m in love and I’m sorry but if we can’t catch up here, nice and casually, then I’m going to have to pass.”

“You sure Jesse? You should remember how persuasive I can be.”

As Peyton continued her advances and Jesse continued to rebuff them as politely as he could without high-tailing out of there, which he would also attempt to do as politely as possible, they were being watched. The watcher was of course the person Jesse had been waiting for, the loving girlfriend he’d mentioned to Peyton, Madelaine Petsch. And if there was one thing the fiery redhead wasn’t feeling while watching, it was anger. Nor was jealousy. Rather, she had a warm feeling inside, smiling as Jesse kept the blonde seductress at bay.

This must be the infamous Peyton. She thought to herself. Not bad. Not bad might have been underselling it, even Madelaine would have to admit that to herself. However, that wasn’t an issue. The issue was rather the audacity the blonde had, being so brazen as to just go for it like this. And yet seeing Jesse not having it…the sight ignited something in Madelaine. The embers of the confidence that had been waning in her as of late with her waiting for something awful to go wrong to balance out all the good luck she’d been having recently. However, this whole scene was throwing tinder on the fire because this woman…no woman…no one…was taking anything from her. She was Madelaine Fucking Petsch and it was time to remind the world what that meant, starting with Peyton.

Madelaine made her way to the table, the confidence in her stride 100% all natural. She came up behind Jesse, startling him by putting her hands on his shoulder and greeting him with a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi baby,” Madelaine said, rubbing his chest softly as she stepped to his side only to take a seat in his lap. Before Jesse could respond, Madelaine turned her attention to Peyton, still taking in the sight of the foxy redhead with her long and pale legs covered by black hose, under a red plaid skirt and topped with a black top that hugged her just the right way. The blonde was trying to keep a straight face but cracks in the armor were apparent and just waiting for Madelaine to break them wide open. “And you must be the infamous Peyton List. The ex, right?” Madelaine added an extra bit of oomph to the word ex as she extended her hand for an unfriendly-friendly shake to Peyton, who returned the gesture.

“Guilty,” Peyton replied.

“I’m sure.”

“Mads, we were just talking,” Jesse said. “I told her we were together, I swear.”

“Oh don’t worry honey, I believe you. Just like I believe your ex was about to put the “ex” in exit.”  She kissed the tip of Jesse’s nose before once more looking at Peyton, a confident smirk on her face as the perfect exclamation point.

“I’ll see you around Jesse,” Peyton said, accepting the defeat, for the moment. “And SO nice to meet you.”

“Charmed, I’m sure.” With smiles exchanged that proudly showed off mutual contempt Peyton walked off and Madelaine returned her focus to Jesse.

“Mads, I swear I wasn’t flirting or anything but telling her I was already with someone.”

“I believe you,” Madelaine reassured him. “I saw it as I was coming over and let me tell you something sweetie seeing you retract your hand the moment she touched it really makes the right girl feel wanted.” The vivacious ginger then reached down and grabbed his crotch through his khaki shorts. “Now, how about this very grateful girl who feels so wanted shows you just how much she wants you?”

Those words and the squeeze on his cock put Jesse into something just below autopilot, allowing Madelaine to take him to a place where she could properly reward him.

In her first few semesters the redhead co-ed practically lived in the business building. Almost every single class she had was there and she knew the building, and the traffic in certain areas, by heart. Therefore she knew the building was especially busy during lunch…save for one area.

There was a mock restaurant in the building, and when Madelaine had been a student there. Real food was served and real people were served. It was almost a real restaurant and close enough to accurately simulate a dinner rush hour to see how students worked under pressure, both culinary and business. However, it was only in use on certain days; some kind of health department rule. It didn’t matter to Madelaine. All that mattered was it was empty and that Madelaine knew how to get in and out of it.

The couple burst through the door the moment Madelaine had managed to unlock it. The door shut tight but not quite as tight as the lustful embrace the lovers found themselves in. The autopilot Jesse was on when back to manual as he hungrily kissed and groped his fire-maned lover, hands gripping roaming her delicious curves and his lips seared an imprint on her heart through her own bee stung pair.

In a whirlwind of hungry, urgent lust the couple found themselves in the middle of the faux restaurant, blinds on the windows all down as they were when no one was using the facility. The tables were set perfectly with wine glasses waiting to be filled and dinnerware wrapped in gold-colored napkins and it was all set on a scarlet tablecloth. The decor hadn’t changed and Madelaine had always found it absolutely repellent. However table decoration was the furthest thing from her or Jesse’s mind. Their nearly non-stop round of kissing stopped as she pushed him against a big round table in the center of the dining room. He wasn’t alone against it for too long though, as soon Madelaine was on him, her tight and fit body against his.

She looked at him, a smile crossing her plump, red-smudged lips as her eyebrow cocked. “I’m about to remind you why there is no one like me…and just how lucky you are to have me and how smart you are to stick by me.” Madelaine playfully chomped her teeth together. She removed her top, dropping it on the ground. The ginger wasn't wearing a stitch underneath and her pale breasts were exposed to the cool air of the room, her candy pink nipples hardening and Jesse’s mouth watering. Before he could make a move Madelaine reached down to unbuckle his belt, pulling it completely from the loop and through it towards the hostess podium.

“Oh I’m well aware but you know me, I always like a good reminder.”

“More than happy to oblige.” Madelaine went to her knees and with her came Jesse’s pants. She looked up at him, sin all over her face and radiating like a supernova from her smile. She lightly raked her red nails against the sensitive flesh of his bare thighs for just a few moments, the touch haunting him for a few moments until she made contact with his joy division. The sex kitten purred as she cradled Jesse’s balls, delicately rolling them in her soft hand while the other pinned his hard rod up and against his stomach. Then the red hot harlot extended her wet, pink tongue and began to lick Jesse’s cock from base to tip, slowly like she was savoring an ice cold ice pop on a blistering July day. And though his cock was being treated like an ice cold treat, Jesse was feeling nothing but the heat.

Once Madelaine brought her tongue up to the tip, licking the crown and trying to get to that creamy center. Wet, lustful circles were made with her tongue, Jesse gripping the table cloth tightly in his fist as her tongue flicked against his helmet. He was ready to feel Mads’ lips wrap around him, even though there was a good chance that would end him. Unfortunately for his sense of instant gratification but fortunately for them both in the long term, Madelaine knew better. She simply gave his throbbing bishop a kiss right on the very tip before licking back down to the base and sucking his balls into her mouth.

“Oh holy…wow,” Jesse managed to croak while his balls were given a saliva bath by his beloved. However the reaction was a combined one as Madelaine showed off how skilled her hand was. She stroked him, working his cue like a pool shark, putting a bit of English on every stroke she made and never forgetting to chalk the top just a bit. And as good as it all felt it did let him go from a near boil-over to a simmer. Which meant the heat could be turned up, just a smidge.

Madelaine paintbrushed her tongue back up his stalk to the tip. This time there was a slight pause, enough for the redhead to get Jesse to do exactly what she wanted him to do, look down. With a cocked eyebrow the porcelain-skinned seductress opened her mouth and wrapped those lips around the head of his cock, beginning to give Jesse the beginning of what he was aching for. With the sensual seal made her tongue twirled around the crown, a typhoon all concentrated on that sensitive bundle of flesh and nerves. That tempest caused a quake that Jesse felt right down to his bones. Then she began to take more of him in.

“Mad…Madelaine,” he gratefully moaned. His hand released their death grip on the scarlet cloth and brought them to her scarlet hair, tenderly stroking his fingers through it and pushing it out of her face as she sucked him. Madelaine repaid his gentle touch with an endearingly searing look from her brown eyes to him, making Jesse’s knees buckle a bit and damn near give out as she took him into her throat while keeping that eye contact.

When the ginger seductress’s eyes began to water she pulled back, stringy ropes of saliva connecting her mouth to his shiny slick cock before breaking with her gulps of air. The break didn’t last too long and in moments Madelaine gripped his rod and returned it to her hungry mouth, sloppily slurping on his prong and making him see stars behind his closed eyes.

Jesse’s hands once more went through Madelaine’s red hair, now grasping her head and holding it back simultaneously, guiding her up and down his cock, his desperate breaths and grunts of lustful appreciation guiding her along a path she knew oh so well and exactly how to travel it. However, at the moment, she wasn’t looking to get to the end of the road just yet. Madelaine was going to take Jesse on the scenic route. And she could tell just by the tone of his voice he was ready to take that on-ramp.

Jesse pulled out of his girlfriend’s mouth then pulled her up. They switched spots and he gripped Madelaine by her round ass and lifted her onto the table. He once more looked into her gaze; she was smiling and licking her lips, her brown eyes watching and waiting for his next move.

That next move was sudden. Jesse hiked up Madelaine’s skirt then reached for the crotch of her black pantyhose and tore them at the seam and quickly brought his cock to her glistening slit, looking at her as he took a few moments before entering her.

“Come on baby,” Madelaine said, her inviting tone seductive, like audio velvet. “I need it…and clearly so do you.”

Of course, Madelaine was correct. This was proven as Jesse pushed forward, entering the warm, wet and tight confines of the redhead’s perfect pussy.

“Fuck,” he grunted. “Oh god Madelaine…baby…”

“”Nnng fuck yeah just say it,” she said in growl as he began to build up a pace. “That’s…nnngufkc…the best pussy you’ve ever had because…ah ah ah…this is the best dick I’ve ever fucking had!”
“So….good,” he grunted, his pace slow, body moving like the tide as he thrust. “Yes…the best…no one better…fuck I love you Mads…”

“L-fuck….love you too…oh god damn Jesse I love you too!” Madelaine shot up like a rocket, wrapping her long legs around him, pulling him into her complete embrace as she kissed him, hot with passion as their tongue lovingly and hungrily wrestled and collided. As it broke she had a few more words for him. “Now really fuck me.”

The red head leaned back on the table as Jesse prepared to fulfill her demand. He took her right leg and placed it against his chest while the left remained around his waist, albeit loosely. That small change was enough to allow him to drive deeper into her, the first stroke making Madelaine’s eyes roll in the back of her head.

“Oh my GOD FUCK YES!” She yelled. “Give it to me…just like that baby. I want it…give it…give it to me…” Strawberry blonde hair rose and fell into the air as Madelaine’s head thrashed and turned as pleasure radiated through her body. Passionate cries and dirty words fell from her mouth like a sinful hymn, a hymn that sped up as Jesse’s thrusts did.

“Fuck me…fuckmefuckmefuckme,” Madelaine panted, the porcelain skin of her face flushed pink and glistening with sweat. “Ohhhh god Jesse YES!”

Jesse could almost be mistaken for a machine with how he was fucking his love, but the passionate lust behind his stare was something no machine could replicate. From watching his cock glide into her sopping cunt to watching her pale mounds bounce in the chaotic rhythm of their sex to her cries of passion and the looks on her face it was impossible for him to forget just how potent intimacy with her could be. Once more he found himself dangerously close to the end, but instead of pulling out he chose to just slow the pace down from the table moving pace he was at.

Jesse leaned over, releasing Madelaine’s leg from the tight grip he had on it, the redhead’s limb joining the other in wrapping around her man. He kissed the ginger vixen deeply and lovingly, tongues massaging each other as he continued to slowly pump in her. His hips moved in circular motions, getting all those hard to reach spots and making Madelaine melt in his embrace.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered in his ear, her hot breath sending a chill down his spine. “Never stop…never stop fucking me…loving me…oh Jesse…”

Their eyes locked again, Madelaine nodded, pleading “Yes” as once more Jesse’s pace began to pick up. Her voice grew louder as she rose up again. Once more he grabbed her legs, now pressing both against his chest as once more the force of his thrusts began to make the table Madelaine was on move, now far away from where her shirt had been dropped.

Deep, hard, and fast; that was how Madelaine was being taken and there was a part of her that would have been all too happy to let Jesse continue to navigate them both to paradise. After all, he knew exactly how to bring her there and all the different paths to take. However, he also knew that sometimes that just wasn’t Madelaine’s style. She leaned up on her elbows, pure seduction on her face once more. The only different thing about her face at the moment was the flush of pink on it, the sweat dripping from her face and the wet matting of her scarlet locks. If anything it just made her fierce look fiercer and her words even more piercing.

“Ah yeah…mmm no one has ever fucked me like you Jesse…no one…so….mmmm so good…know my body…fuck…you love me…you love making me cum don’t you?”

“Yes,” Jesse said, gulping in air with the word. “Love you…love seeing you cum…oh fuck…Mads…love it…can’t get enough.” He thrust in extra hard and deep, staying still as his throbbing rod embedded itself deep inside the red head, making her release a deep groan two steps away from a growl.

That growl turned into a hiss of “Yesss” when Jesse finally gave some attention to her breasts, tenderly licking, circling the candy pink flesh on each breasts before lightly biting one between his teeth, sucking and pulling it to his lover’s delight. “Suck them…oh fuck…harder…just a bit…just like that!”

As good as it felt, Madelaine stopped him, pulling Jesse’s face up to look. “You want to cum baby? Cum for me? Cum with me?” He nodded. “Mmmm that’s what I like to hear baby….just not yet. You fuck me…so good…no one does it better…at…nng every part of it…making me yours…so baby…I want that perfect dick of yours in my ass. I want you cum in my ass. Fuck me in the ass and make us both cum.”

The deal was sealed with a kiss. Jesse pulled his cock from the heaven that was Madelaine’s pussy, ready to go to a different kind of paradise. He helped Madelaine off the table onto her feet only to spin her around and bend her over it, making his girl  laugh a sexy laugh that turned into a quivering coo of pleasure when she felt his hand on her ass. The tear that allowed him access to her pussy also gave him access to her asshole, but he wanted a better view. Another round of ripping occurred, leaving the hosiery little more than black sheer rags and Madelaine perfect peach exposed to her man.

Madelaine licked her lips, those same lips turning into a smile when she felt Jesse paw and rub her ass, massaging her bubble butt then gearing back for a loud smack on it, making the ginger yelp “Oh!” followed by “Mmmm more please.”

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Soon Madelaine’s ass cheeks were just as pink as the ones on her face. And that smile on her face from the stinging pleasure/pain from the spanking was soon replaced by the pure bliss of feeling Jesse’s cock, still slick from her pussy, pressing against and breaking through her asshole. It was hardly the first time he’d fucked her ass but he knew just the way to do it. It didn’t matter if it was home lit by candles or something more tawdry like their current location, he always took this hole slow at first. Inch by inch he worked himself on, Madelaine’s eyes shut tight, mouth hung open as he filled her. She savored every moment, the both did. It was no surprise to anyone that with an ass like Madelaine’s that she was no stranger to anal sex. However, the kind of man who knew how to properly do it, to not just start blasting away like he was in a porno. Slow with tender touches, letting her get used to his girth and him get used to the tightness of her holiest of holes. And then, once he was up to the hilt, he moved a hand down between her legs and began to play with her clit, adding a bit more kindling to the fire that was already burning within them both.

“Ohhhhh Jesse,” Madelaine said in a moan that was almost a whine, pleading, “You…you feeling so fucking good inside me…fuck…I love you…cum with me…cum only with me…fuck my ass…cum…cum…”

With one hand at Madelaine’s clit and the other tenderly holding her by the hip Jesse’s pace slowly, ever so slowly, began to speed up. At first he pulled back ever so slightly to push back in, a melody of low moans escaping her lips with every push forward. Minute by minute he drew a bit more and pushed back in a little deeper, a little harder. Madelaine gripped the edge of the table, eyes shut as the pace increased.

“YES!” She growled, eyes open wide as she looked over her shoulder at Jesse. “Give it to me…so close baby…and so are you…I can feel it in that hot, throbbing cock…ahhh harder…come on…I can take it…I’m ready for it…ready for everything…that hard cock…and all the cum in those balls…fuck me…so close…cum…fucking cum with me!”

Madelaine pushed herself up on her arms and braced herself against the table. Then the red haired vixen began to push back against her lover, meeting his every thrust. She also squeezed her ass tight around his dick, squeezing him like a vice and begging him to erupt.

“Cum baby,” she pleaded, now twerking on his cock. “So close…you cum…I cum…cum with me!” Madelaine shouted, slamming her fist on the table as the pleasure began to overtake her. The fire she felt spread wildly, pleasure lighting her up like the sky on the fourth of July.

“Oh fuck gonna cum!” Jesse bellowed, his body responding to Madelaine’s. Her passionate cries and her exquisite ass going drum tight on him was the last straw as he pushed balls deep into her and began to unload. “FUCKKK!!!”

“YES!” Madelaine cried, joining Jesse’s own exclamation in a chorus of sin. “That’s it fill it up…fill that ass up with your cum! Yes yes yes yesyesyes every fucking drop baby yessssss…”

The pleasure seemed to be everlasting, pulse after pulse of scalding jism filled Madelaine’s ass, the heat glowing orange behind closed eyes until the throbbing stopped and the afterglow for them both began. Jesse pulled his wilted cock from her well-fucked ass, a trickle of his cum leaking out and mixing with the passion dribbling down her own thighs from her pussy. He found himself on wobbly knees and soon went to the ground willingly before the pleasure drunkenness he felt overtook his sense of balance.

Madelaine felt the same, sliding from the table to her knees, feeling like she was almost formless. She crawled over to Jesse and kissed his cheek. “Love you,” she said.

“Love you too,” he replied. “Want to head back to my place? I mean it’s not much but a bed’s gotta be better than the floor.”

“Mmm hmm,” she said with a smile.

“You think anyone heard us?”

“Don’t really care,” Madelaine said honestly. “If they did, hope they’re jealous.” And she meant that. After all, she was Madelaine Fucking Petsch. She had the perfect man and everything was going her way. She’d earned it and was going to keep it.


Loretta’s Surf N Turf was a staple of the college town despite being a few miles outside of it. It was a road trip destination on the way in as well as on the way out in addition to being someplace party-hardened students would wind up to get some food in them to hopefully lessen the damage already done by their quest for inebriation. Of course, weekends were where the establishment made the most money. That was true again on the particular Saturday that Ben took Hailee there on their date-date. Fortunately for them both, no one they would have to worry about seeing them together was present. Hailee had a good idea where they were at, considering she would have been at Lili’s birthday party as well if they were on speaking terms.

“I know it’s not the Ritz or anything but the burgers here are amazing,” Ben said as he and Hailee settled into their seats. “Killer crab cakes as well.”

“I’m familiar,” Hailee said. “This place isn’t too far from my old job. Used to build up quite an appetite there and this place always hit the spot.”

“So me and the restaurant have something in common,” Ben joked, the knowing cheesiness of the comment eliciting a groaning chuckle from his date. Grinning at the response he said, “Strap yourself in, that's just the beginning of my wit.”

“Oh I’m sure this is just the beginning of something,” Hailee responded. “Wit? That’s debatable.”

“You wound me Ms. Steinfeld. I’ll have you know that in some circles I’m considered rather charming. Mainly in dimly lit bars but the point still stands.” That earned him a genuine laugh. “See a nice normal date wasn’t such a bad idea, was it?”

“So far so good,” Hailee agreed. And then came a starter of uncomfortable silence. After a few moments Hailee broke the silence by saying, “And there I go jinxing it.”

“Well to be fair when we get together usually there isn’t much talking and when there is it’s usually stuff you can’t say in public.”

“It’s just been a while since I’ve done an actual date, you know? Is it always this weird and I’m just conveniently remembering the smooth moments and blacking out the horror stories?”

“Probably always this weird. And that weirdness is probably heightened considering your whole ex situation and how we’re brothers and all.”

“Please, do not remind me of any of that,” Hailee said. “Those people are the last thing I want on my mind when I’m out to have fun.”

“Oh, you think we’re going to have fun?” He joked. “That’s a lot of pressure, thanks.”

“You have a fair track record for it,” Hailee said, a smile returning to her face. “Though with far less clothing.”

“Well if you want to go to that safe spot we could always hit the restroom for a quickie,” he half joked.

“Once again proving you’re the romantic brother,” she replied, once more with a laugh.

“That and we have a little conversation going now, don’t we?”

“I can’t disagree with that.” And she couldn’t. The conversation was flowing, and it felt natural. It almost made her forget where she’d been every other year on that day.


Lili’s birthday party was in full swing. While it wasn’t quite a rager considering her parents and a professor from the school, Madchen Amick, were there, it was still a fun time put together by roommate and bestie Camila Mendes. All of Lili’s friends were there, in fact there was only one absence of note. That absence? Lili’s boyfriend.

In most cases, this would of course make the birthday girl nervous. However, due to the magic of technology she knew exactly where he was; running late from picking up her present and getting constant updates as she made her way around the party. However, the blonde needed a quick break from both being a social butterfly and calming down her parents, mainly her father, from her man’s absence. She did what anyone would do; she grabbed the arm of her best friend and dragged her into the kitchen and pawned off her parents to someone else, in this case Peter’s sister, Blake.

“I need a drink,” Lili said. “Dad is going full Psycho-Protective mode. Leftovers from Jake and nothing is going to cool him down unless Peter gets here and even then the battle is going to be nothing but uphill.”

“Well you must be pretty worried if you left Blake with them,” Cami said.

“What? Why?”

“I just thought you’d have a tough time talking to her and stuff. You know, that big dream and everything.”

“Oh, that? Yeah, me and Blake talked. Not about that but it’s all good now. No big deal, you were right, blah blah blah.”

“Hey, you can’t just tell me I’m right and then blah blah blah it. I like to savor these moments.”


“Okay, okay I’ll savor it later. But still, told ya so. So, any new updates from Peter?”

“Yeah, about five minutes ago. Texted me about the road work on Fifth then had some very creative use of foul language to describe the road work and the other drivers and then when someone cut him off I think he created new swears.”

“That’s my bestie,” Cami said. “Ever the writer. How close is he?”

“He says he can see the Starbucks around the corner from the parking garage. And that was ten minutes ago.”

“Which means he’s almost here.” Cami looked over to Lili’s parents and the job Blake was doing charming them. While Lili’s mother was enamored by Blake’s natural charm and gift of gab her dad was still annoyed, though far less. Blake the miracle worker, Cami thought to herself. “I think Blake has about five more minutes though judging by your dad’s face, give or take.”

“Ugh! Give me a shot!” Lili demanded, pointing to the Jose Cuervo.

“Of Tequila? You? What did you all of a sudden decide you didn’t want to remember tonight?”

“Okay, how about a White Claw or something?”

“There we go,” Cami said. “No need to go red alert.” Just as Cami went to the fridge to grab Lili’s drink Brodie slid in her way, handing her a rum and coke.

“Here you go,” he said, handing it off. “Thought the host of this little shindig could use a little something to take the edge off.”

“Thanks,” Cami said. “Before you go could you open the fridge and get Lili one of the White Claws to take care of her edge?”

“No problem.” Brodie did just that, handing off the drink to Lili before asking, “Any updates on Pete?”

“Traffic, swearing, apologizing despite the fact I told him it’s okay about seven times already.”

“Oh, so everything’s normal.” With that Brodie left Lili and Camila alone in the kitchen, Lili taking note of Camila’s eyes following him for a split second before returning and noticing Lili’s look.

“What?” asked Cami.

“What was that about?” Lili asked.

“He gave me a drink because he noticed I finished mine. Friends do nice things for each other, like throwing them parties.”

“And that look you gave watching him walk back on the floor?”

Before Camila could even formulate an answer there was a knock at the door. “Impeccable timing, that man of yours.” She handed Lili the cie cold can of booze seltzer and then went to answer the door. As she predicted, Peter was behind it, and very out of breath. “Did you run up here?”

“Yeah,” he said, gulping for air. “Well, to the elevator, then from the elevator.”

“And you’re winded? Petey dearest, it might be time to take up jogging.” Before Peter could retort Lili came to the door, greeting him with a kiss.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” he said when their lips parted. “You gift took a little longer than expected to put together and then the road work and-”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Lili said. “I mean it’s not like you weren’t keeping me updated. Honestly I was getting kind of worried with you texting so much while driving.”

“Babe, believe me, in that traffic I was barely driving.”

“Well, now that you’re here, time to meet the parents. I had Blake run some interference, but now I’ll go warm them up.”

Lili walked over to pep her parents and Peter looked to Cami. “Is it all set up?” He asked.

“Ready to go,” she replied. “Sabrina and I triple checked it…then she hooked up the Surround Sound which I thought might be a bit extra but she said it’s going to be in 4K and anything less would just be uncivilized. But yeah, ready to go as long as you have the disk.”

Peter reached into his jacket pocket and removed a slim jewel case with a disk inside, simply marked “Lili”, and handed it off to Camila.

“Let’s go,” he said, looking at Lili and her parents, the blonde beauty waving for him to join them. “Wish me luck.”

“Ah, you’ll do great. I mean you survived growing up with MY dad not liking you so Lili’s parents should be a piece of cake. Now you go run off and be the good little beau and I’ll set up your gift.”

Peter nodded and made his way over while Cami went to her media center to start the set up. She openly admitted to Peter the idea he had for Lili’s gift was genius and she’d love it more than anything he could have bought and it wasn’t to make him feel better for being low on cash. He’d always had a knack for that, and she knew it. A lot of the gifts he’d gotten for Camila herself over the years of birthdays and Christmases she still had and treasured just because they showed how much he knew her. Yet he always felt bad because he couldn’t afford to put more actual money in it, despite the obvious. Of course it wouldn't be any different with Lili. Probably was the same with Hailee, in all honesty. It probably was even more intense with Lili. However, Camila had a good feeling that the moment Lili saw it she might do a better job of convincing him than she could.

Before the brunette called for everyone’s attention she visually checked to see how Peter was doing. Like Blake, he’d won over Lili’s mother quickly enough. However dear old dad’s mood was still a bit stone cold. True, after how things had gone with Jake he couldn’t blame him for being overprotective and very judgy for any potential suitor for his little girl. However, Cami also couldn’t think of a better person for Lili and it was time for her to get his present and show Daddy Dearest what kind of guy his daughter was with.

“May I please have everyone’s attention?” Camila said, shortly after getting exactly that. “As you’re all aware, we’re all gathered here to celebrate the birth of someone very important to all of us; my bestie, my sister from another mister, Lili Reinhart.” Camila paused for a round of cheers that made the blonde blush, giving her a wink and smile after Peter hugged her close. “Now, as is customary for birthdays, many of us have gotten this lovely lady a gift of some sort. However, and this is just my prediction, I think we’re all about to be dwarfed by what her beau and my other best friend Peter Farrano has managed to put together for her.  And with that, let’s watch.” Before Camila could press play, Sabrina came up to her and whispered something in her ear. Cami nodded and rolled her eyes before speaking again. “Watch, in all its 4K glory. That good?” Sabrina nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Before too long a menu popped up on Camila’s gigantic screen TV. It looked like something that would be seen on a normal film release filled with special features. There was a bar on the bottom with options like play and audio features and all of that was on top of clips from the film. However instead of a movie they were video clips of Lili herself, laughing, smiling, good times with all her friends. It was every piece of footage Peter could get without showing his hand.

Camila used the remote to scroll through the options to get to play, each option being highlighted in yellow. Along the way she caught something odd; the number eighty-eight being highlighted as well but with no black text showing it first. It was hidden. Peter had put in an Easter egg. She grinned, but went ahead with the regularly scheduled programming for the moment.

The screen quickly went to the backdrop that Lili recognized as the makeshift office that Peter and Sabrina had in their apartment. The seat was empty, a framed poster of the movie “Blue Velvet” on the wall and a chair in front of that. Soon the chair was filled by Peter.

“Hey Babe,” he said through the TV. “Even though I’ve probably said it in person and in the future, happy birthday! And it being your birthday, gifts are required and, well, I had a bit of a time trying to figure out what to get you. I mean, it's your first birthday with us together and yeah, there’s some pressure. And while I wish i could get you the kind of things you deserve my bank account isn’t that big yet-”

“Peter, what is this?” Lili whispered in his ear, very curious.

“Keep watching,” he replied, trying to hide the nerves he felt about how she’d react.

“-what I decided to put together,” the TV Peter continued, “was something to not only let you know how I feel, but everyone who knows you. How much you mean to us all. And since I’m on camera and the one who’s idea this was I’m gonna fall on the sword first. So…”

Lili was watched intently, gently squeezing Peter’s hand as the vision of him on the screen continued.

“It’s hard for me to really describe everything I feel when I'm around you. We didn’t have the most normal of paths of being friends to, well, a lot more. I like to think that’s a lot of why we’re working so well together and how it’s just going to get better. I really don’t know where to begin. I mean there’s the physical stuff sure, especially your killer smile. I think that’s what shines the brightest of who you are. Your kindness, your honesty and just how damn funny you can be. And creative, whether it’s your poetry or the complete and utter mastery of making heads explode in gory glory with your FX work. Honestly I could be here all day going on and on about all the ways in which I’m crazy about you, probably to the point it’d fill up this disc completely. But I’m not the only one who wants to talk. So, let’s begin.”

The scene went from the office to the very living room every one was in, though empty save for Camila on the couch.

“Lili is honestly like the sister I never had. I only say “like” because honestly, I feel like we’re closer. It’s really really rare you meet someone who you just click with and balances you but to meet two in your life like I have? Unheard of. So in a very real way Lili is a miracle of a friend and honestly my life is a lot better having known her, let alone being close to her as I am.”

Once more the scene shifted, this time to a different apartment and couch, this time with Madelaine being the one in the camera’s eye.

“I’m not exactly someone who people get along with that easily,” the redhead said. “It’s not how I grew up. I’m naturally stand-offish and distrustful. It’s not necessarily a trait I’m proud of but it is what it is and I’m getting better with it. One of the big reasons is just being friends with you Lili. I mean it’s kind of hard to be a bummer around you. You’ve got my back and have shown it a lot in the time we’ve known each other. I love you and I’m glad you’re around.”

And it continued. Selena, Sabrina, Madchen, it seemed like Peter had gotten a hold of everyone Lili knew shy of her family. Camila looked behind her once more to the couple. Lili resting her head on Peter’s shoulder, almost on the verge of happy tears. As for her parents, Mom was overjoyed. Dear Old Dad had moved from annoyance to a barely there smile. However, Camila knew as Peter returned to the screen for the sign off that he needed a bit more. Then she remembered that highlighted 88.

She walked over to where Peter and Lili were and tapped him on the shoulder. “May I borrow just for a quick sec in the kitchen?”

“Lils, is that cool?” Peter asked, kissing her on the head.

“Mmmm hmmm,” she said with a smile, sniffling a bit. “Come right back though.”

Camila led him to the kitchen. “Looks like it went over well,” she said. “Lili has the only kind of tears I ever want to see on those cheeks, the happy kind, her mom is over the moon and her dad doesn’t look beyond annoyed and ready to smack you around for the first transgression anymore. But, still he needs a little bit more of a push.”

“Okay, what would you recommend?”

“Well, in addition to your natural charm my dear friend, how about whatever is on that little hidden “88” thingamajig you have on the menu?”

“Cami, no. That’s…that’s just for Lili.”

“What, you show your dick and talk dirty in it or something?”

“What? No, nothing like that.”

“Then it’s fair game Petey,” Cami said, patting him on the shoulder. “You can thank me later.” The Brazilian beauty made her way back to the front of the crowd with Lili joining Peter in the kitchen.

“What was that little conference about?” Lili said, once again taking his hand.

“Well, I think you’re about to find out,” Peter replied, breathing deep and bracing himself.

Meanwhile back in front of the TV, Camila gathered the attention of the crowd once more. “Well, was that a romantic gift or what?” Cami said, the crowd agreeing with some applause. “And would you believe Peter, that old romantic soul, had even more he wanted to say?” Cami highlighted the “88”.

“88?” Lili asked. “Why 88?”

“You’re about to find out,” Peter said, bracing himself as once more he appeared on the screen.

“Okay Lils, I think I forgot something in the main feature, but hey, that’s what special features are for right?” TV Pete said. “And at this point I’ve probably shown you to access this bit, otherwise I’m recording this for no reason. Anyway, you know how special Back To The Future is to us of course.” A grin came across Peter’s face on the screen that was sweet to everyone but Lili, who found a little heat with that sweet.

“Very special as I remember,” she said, whispering in his ear. “That explains the 88. As in 88 miles per hour.”

“So, with that said, I thought I might revisit a song during that film for you. During a certain scene. And no, Huey Lewis had nothing to do with it.”

“He’s not,” Brodie said, coming up behind Camila and ready to burst out laughing.

“Oh he absolutely is,” Cami said, a genuine smile crossing her face. “And if I so much as hear a chuckle out of you I’m dumping your drink down your pants.”


Meanwhile back at the kitchen, Lili was having a similar reaction. “You didn’t!” she said with a grin. “Baby, really?”

Peter answered in the affirmative through the TV as the recorded version of him on display begins to sing along to Earth Angel, backing music track and all.

“Oh my god,” Lili said. “Sweetie, is that the actual music from the scene?”

“Yeah, I isolated it from a recording of just the song I found,” he said. “I am so sorry if this is embarrassing for you, I meant it to just be for you but Cami thought-”

Peter was silenced by a kiss from Lili before he could finish the sentence, a kiss he returned with an added embrace. When it broke Lili moved her lips to his ear to whisper. “Just for the record you’re totally staying over tonight.”


“I think that might have just been the best birthday ever,” Lili said. She and Peter were in her bedroom, the party having been over for an hour. She was in a pair of very short gray shorts and a white, well-worn t-shirt that read “Miskatonic University” on it with an overly cartoony doodle of Cthulhu in the center of it while Peter was laying back in his boxers and a plain black tee.

While the party had been over for a bit, she was still absolutely crackling with happy energy to the point she was almost dancing as she walked around the room getting ready for bed.

“Not a single thing went wrong and, the biggest thing,” she said before getting on the bed, straddling Peter and kissing him. “My parent’s LOVED you.”

“Even your dad?” Peter asked.

“Mmmm hmmm,” she nodded. “Which is such a huge relief. I know I was telling you not to worry but I was, just a little. Jake really left a bad mark and I thought he’d have some left over overprotectiveness to whoever I dated next. It makes me glad he never met Halsey honestly. But the moment he saw that gift and that little bonus content you were golden. I don’t think he would have invited you to join us for lunch tomorrow otherwise.”

“And was he the only one that liked it?”

“Peter I loved it,” Lili confirmed. “I…I can’t even put into words baby. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten anything like that. I mean I guess birthday cards, some of those can be pretty thoughtful but that was just so…special. I’ll always want to see it. It means so much.”

“Thanks. I was really nervous honestly. I felt kind of bad I couldn’t get you something, you know, a bit shiny. Like a necklace or something.”

Lili shook her head. “Peter, let me tell you something. When I was seeing Jake sometimes he’d give me some expensive gift to wow me, to show off how big some of the pay off he’d get a night were. And it did impress me. I’m not going to lie. But I didn’t keep any of those after we broke up. They all felt hollow and meaningless, especially considering how it ended. So I sold them off and I don’t even think about them. This? I’m always going to think about it.” She grabbed his hand and brought it to her face, kissing his palm. “Honestly you might have screwed yourself because now the bar is just insanely high.”

Lili’s hands were on his chest and his on her ass, squeezing her cheeks. “So...invited to lunch,” Peter said. “Meaning we can sleep in a little.”

“Yes,” she replied with a giggle. “Which is very fortunate since I’m not remotely tired yet.”

“Well that is a coincidence my dear, because I’m afflicted with the same condition. But I may have a possible solution if you’d like to hear such a proposal.”

“I’m all ears,” Lili said, beginning to take off her shirt before pausing. “But first…I need to tell you something.”


Lili took a breath and got up from straddling him and knelt in front of him on the bed. Even though any weirdness she had felt about her dream had faded after her conversation with Blake, she still felt like she had to follow through with Camila’s advice.

“I want to tell you about a dream I had,” she said. “Not in any great detail, but I think I need to tell you.

“Okay…what was this dream?”

“I…I had a sex dream. Like a really vivid one. And it was about your sister.”

“Oh, okay,” he said. “Is that it?”

“Yeah,” she said with a sigh as the last bit of weight was lifted from her shoulders. “So, you’re not weirded out or anything?”

“No. I mean it’s not the first time I’ve heard that but honestly it is one of the few that's not done in a mocking tone. I’m kind of numb to it. I mean when you grow up with a sister who’s a model you get those cracks a lot to the point you get a teflon coating to it.”

“And the fact that, you know, I’m bisexual doesn’t make it a bit more…I don’t know, real or something?”

“Wait, are you asking if I’m mad, which I’m not, because you’re bi and I think you’d rather have my sister than me or something?”

“A little,” she said sheepishly. “It’s just, aside from you and Ashley, I’ve never been open with someone I dated about being bi. I was always worried that dumb stuff would happen like all of a sudden he’d assume it’d be okay to hit me up and suggest threesomes whenever or he’d get really jealous of me sleeping and flirting with any of my friends or just stuff that stressed me out. I hid a part of myself and I want to be open with you and, I don’t know. I just want you to trust me and not feel like I’d do something like that to you. And not just with Blake, but with anyone, male or female or whatever. I want you. So that dream just made me feel weird and then I talked with Blake. Not about the dream but just her being nice and being so welcoming and wanting to be friends and I felt better but I still needed to tell you. I want us both to be honest with each other.”

“Lili, of course I trust you,” Peter replied. “And you being bi, I mean it’d be weird to say it doesn’t factor in, but not in the way you’d think or fear. It’s just who you are and I-,” he paused just short of dropping the “L” word. “I’m crazy about you. It’s part of who you are and I trust all of you. I know you wouldn’t do that. And I’m fairly sure Blake wouldn’t. But I don’t know, she can be very crafty when playing Monopoly. Might have to keep an eye on her.”

“So, we’re good?” Lili asked.

“Never better.”

“Good, because I had a thought.”

“What’s that?”

“Well hun,” Lili began. ”I figured since I told you about a sex dream; a fantasy; that I had about someone close to you…maybe you could do the same. Tell me about someone I know that you had a sex dream about. And it can’t be someone I already know that, well, you’ve had sex with. Which honestly does narrow it down a lot.”

“Babe, are you sure?” Peter nervously asked.

“Sweetie, I'm fine. You know all that you just went on about with trust? It goes both ways. Otherwise I’d have a meltdown with Sabrina being your roommate.”

“Point taken. It’s just, I don’t know, it’s kind of weird telling your girlfriend you’ve had sex dreams about one of her friends.”

“Any weirder than someone telling their boyfriend they had a sex dream about his sister?” Lili arched her eyebrow as she asked.

“Okay,” Peter said, taking a breath. Lili laid beside him, intently listening. “If we’re strictly talking about women that I haven’t…been with…then it’s Madelaine. But I want to make it clear that it is just dreams. No flirting or anything. Just all up in my weird little mind.”

“Mads huh?” Lili said, intrigued. “I can’t say I disagree. She’s so hot. Sexy. Her ass is just next level. When did it start?”

“The fantasies?”


“That Spring Break,” Peter replied. “You know, with the whole threesome thing.”

“Oh I remember,” Lili said with a smile. “About the only good thing that happened that Spring Break. And it led to where we are now. Hard road but worth it in my summation.” The two shared a quick smile before continuing. “It was the photoshoot Cami did, wasn’t it? Where she, Selena and Hailee were all over each other. Madelaine in her bikini…that porcelain skin, red hair…curves all out in the open.”

The blonde’s voice went into seduction mode and Peter felt her right hand go to his boxers, sliding through the front hole to grab his cock.

“Her and Selena I thought were an extra-spicy combo, seeing them together like that…” Lili free hands slid under her own shorts as she began to play with her pussy in time with her stroking of Peter’s rod. “They’ve fucked, you know. When we went ahead. I forget the excuse they made but they had each other…mmmm…right in that little grotto…ohhhh….”

“Nnnng fuck,” Peter hissed, Lili’s thumb running slow circles under the crown of his cock. “They…oh god Lils, they did?”

“Mmmm hmmm,” she purred. Mads told me…and so…ohh…,” Lili moaned, nearly making herself lose the plot. “So did Selena…can’t you just see it baby. Porcelain skin writhing on caramel flesh, Selena tasting Madelaine, their moans echoing in the little grotto getaway.”


“And Madelaine tastes so good…feels so good…sounds so good…you now how I know?” Lili asked, her green eyes burning as she looked over at her lover.

“How?” Peter barely managed to get out, concentrating hard to keep from popping off.

“I had sex with her,” Lili blurted out. “Before we met…after a break-up I had…she had one too…and…oh god…she tastes so good…made me cum…I made her cum…Peter…it was so good…”

She began to work them both faster, Peter breathing heavy and sweating bullets as images of his girlfriend and her red-haired fuck friend filled his head. Madelaine eating Lili’s pussy, then Lili doing the same to Madelaine. Back and forth seeing them slither and glide over each other’s sweaty bodies, it was getting to be too much.

“The…mmmm…the only thing…that would have made it better…and it was so fucking good…would be you there…mmmm baby…feeling your cock in me while tasting Maddies’ sweet pussy…both of you all over me and setting me ablaze…watching..ah ah ah…watching you fuck her…feeling your cum on our faces and kissing it back and forth between us…”

Before the blonde could verbally finish her thought the desire within took the wheel. In a flash her shorts were gone, tossed across the room and the next piece of clothing sent flying was Peter’s boxers. As her man was busy working on removal of his own shirt Lili got busy sinking down on his raging hard-on, both of them releasing guttural groans as Peter’s rod filled her up. However this was no time to savor the feeling, both were too riled up by Lili’s stories and the blonde wasted no time starting her ride.

“Peter! YES! PETER!” She yelled, bouncing on her beau’s cock. Peter rose up, refusing to be passive in the action and simply lay back. His hand gripped her ass tight, pulling her close, moving with her hips when she began to ride and grind. “YES! Give it to me…give me everything baby…oh my GOD yes!”

Peter thrust up into her, making the blonde’s voice bounce like she was on an off road car ride. He slowed down just for a moment, long enough for Lili to remove her shirt and finally leave the both of them completely naked.

“Mmm yeah suck them, suck my tits,” Lili cooed when Peter buried his face in her bust. He passionately covered her breasts with his tongue and lips as if driven mad by lust for her. She smiled, mouth open, moaning softly as he went beast mode, but still with just the right hint of tenderness.

Soon Lili’s rhythm while riding built up once more. She leaned back, propping herself  up with her arms and working herself on Peter’s cock.

“Tell me,” Lili said. “Tell me how good I feel…mmm because you…you feel so good…nothing better baby…no one better…Peter…oh my god…”

“Oh fuck Lils…fuck…can’t…word…oh god so good..just you…fuck…all you…”

“Mmmmm yessss,” Lili moaned through a smile. She threw herself back forward, slowing the motion of the ocean to pull him close for a deep kiss. Peter’s tongue slid into her mouth and Lili caressed it with her own before sucking on it. When the lips parted Lili gently pushed Peter back down onto the bed. She licked her lips as she changed position just a bit, her back to Peter now.

Lili began to move again, rising and falling on Peter’s cock, though this time a bit more slowly. His hand again found a home holding on to her hips, taking a few breaks from that to give some good smacks to her ass.

“Nnnnng,” Lili growled. “Again…feels good…mmmm…” Lili leaned all the way forward, gripping her covers tight while she started twerking on Peter’s cock. She could hear and feel the effect immediately, from his tightening grip on her hips to his desperate groans. They had both had a head start and at this point Lili was slamming the gas for them both.

The blonde released her grip on the covers with one hand and slid it beneath her. First her fingertips felt the perfect pleasure of Peter’s prick thrusting into her, making her see stars with every plunge. She was about to move to her clit, and second before she did Peter had something to say.

“Do it babe,” he said. “Play with your pussy…cum on my cock and tell me how good it feels.”

“So…so good baby,” Lili breathlessly said. “Oh I’m gonna cum…oh my god yes…yes…YESSSS!!!” One last downward slam onto Peter’s rod and it was over. The blonde’s beautiful body began to quiver and shake. Her face went cherry red and she cried out in pure passionate pleasure as she came. “FUUCK YES PETER YES BABY!!!”

As Lili writhed on his rod her convulsing cunt was working hard to milk his cock of everything it had and in short order Peter was ready to pop.

“Gonna cum oh shit LilI!!!!”

Despite the fact her pleasure-wracked body felt her limbs weighed tons, Lili managed to move off her lover's cock in a flash. She was now laying flat on the bed, her legs kicking up in the air as she grabbed Peter’s cock. She stroked him at light-speed, her green eyes piercing him like an emerald-tipped arrow.

“Shoot it for me baby,” Lili said, licking to tip like a lollipop. “Come on…give the birthday girl another present. Cum..cum…CUM!”

“LILI!!!” Peter shouted as his cock had an eruption that would make Vesuvius jealous. Rockets of white shot forth in the arc, some of it landing on Lili’s face and outstretched tongue but most of it landing on his own abdomen and chest.

“Come on, more,” she said, working her wrist and milking every last drop of his love lava out. Once the blonde was sure his balls were empty she wrapped her mouth around the tip, humming as she sucked and cleaned the tip and swallowed the cum down. But Lili’s clean-up job wasn’t done. She slithered up his body, licking up the glob of cum that were all over her lover’s body, leaving a trail until she got the last one.

After her clean-up she was face to face with her man. Lili opened her mouth, showing Peter how much she loved the present he’d just given her, playing with it on her tongue before swallowing it down and proudly showing off the empty mouth. Peter put his arms around and pulled Lili on top of him and kissed her deeply. Soone she rolled off to the side and raped her arm around his chest and rested her head on his shoulder.

“You know, I have a lot to think about now sweetie,” she said, kissing his chest.

“Like what?”

“Well, what I’m getting you for your birthday for starters.”


“Cheers to the ultimate hostess,” Brodie said, clinking his beer bottle with Camila’s. They both decided for a little after-party round once they finished cleaning up after Lili’s party. They were in a corner booth at the Whisky Casket, a decision made to give Lili and Peter a little privacy.

“Thank you,” she said with a smile before taking a swig. “Though right now I’d wager Lili is giving Peter a lot of thanks. Loudly with lots of squeaking springs and the headboard acting like a kickdrum.”

“They get pretty active?”

“Yeah, but it’s not like I’m not a loud one too. Probably louder.”

“Now that’s some info I never thought I’d find out about you.”

“Well I’m willing to answer most questions, Mr. Quint. I mean that’s kind of how conversations go, unless you just intended to chug a couple beers with me then head home.”

“Not unless I get a really interesting counter offer.”

“Good to know I rank that highly,” laughed Cami.

“You know I do have a question now that I think of it.”


“Why’d you hold me back from joking around after Peter’s little karaoke surprise?” Brodie asked. “I figured you would have said something first.”

“Because it was Lili’s day and it was making her happy,” Cami said. “I mean is it fun to embarrass Petey? Of course. But there are rules to it. You just can;t do it anytime and that was not the time. If I or anyone had made one joke at the moment it would have ruined it for Lili and I will not have that.”

“I see.”

“Now, in a few months down the line? Fair game. But for now, it’s too sweet a moment.” Cami took another sip from the bottle. “Now, I have a question for you.”

“Go ahead.”

“Back at that dinner with your dad you reacted really weird when his girlfriend showed up. And I mean more than just shock at the age thing.”

“Well, um,” Brodie stuttered, trying to search for anything but the all too weird truth. “It’s just that when I got here I had a tour guide around campus and then I saw her again with my dad.”

“Oh that is pretty weird,” Cami said. “It’s like all this drama with your parents is now leaking into school and stuff. Yuck.”

“Yeah. Thanks for sticking that out with me by the way.”

“Oh, I owe you for the whole photography class thing. Besides, I like being there for people I care about.”

There were a few moments of silence between the two and later on neither could clearly say who made the first move, but soon both Camila and Bordie’s face drifted close together until they met in a kiss. When it broke they both were shocked, wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Then they both said the same thing.

Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Slyguy on March 02, 2023, 04:36:29 PM
It was my great honor to contribute to this in my very small way, but you are just at the top of your game here with this one.  I think it may be the best one yet, and that is certainly saying something!  Cheers my friend!
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: Craz on March 03, 2023, 04:11:08 AM
That was great did not see a lot of that coming.
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: alamar2000 on June 08, 2023, 11:54:42 PM
Loving this story,

wouldn't mind seeing Victoria Justice and Anna kendrick get gangbanged in a scene together. Perhaps Anya Taylor Joy as well
Title: Re: All-Star College
Post by: petrichor on June 29, 2024, 08:46:10 PM
Hey. Just wanted to jump in here and say this is incredibly well done. Great writing (rare to find with these types of stories) and all of that. Hope there’s more to come!