Celebrity Story Site
CSS General Chat => General Chat => Topic started by: extreme1 on January 03, 2023, 04:37:32 AM
So, I've been doing this for a bit on discord and I finally remembered to bring this onto the site (which Cade asked me to when I first started bringing the QOTN over to the CSS discord).
Every night I've been asking a question in hopes that it'll generate some conversation...which I will then read when I wake up.
So, let's get this started with your first question of the night: Favorite album of all time?
For me, it's probably either Evil Empire by Rage Against the Machine or London Calling by The Clash
Easy Def Leppard Hysteria
Into The Music - Van Morrison
KISS - Love Gun or KISS - Revenge
What movie/show/comic would you like to see get a video game and what type of game?
I'd love a Running Man game, not a one on one fighting game, but something along those lines, where you have to evade (or fight), the stalkers, one after the other.
What movie/show/comic would you like to see get a video game and what type of game?
I'd love a Running Man game, not a one on one fighting game, but something along those lines, where you have to evade (or fight), the stalkers, one after the other.
The Punisher in a sandbox, GTA style game. The same for Superman, but add different planets or at least cities on Earth.
Hellraiser in a point n click style game except you can actually die in it, not just get stuck.
A Simpsons game mixed with Simcity where you can build your own Springfield with all kinds of fun stuff
Best Album, Bat out of Hell, Meatloaf. But I could make a case for many others.
What movie/show/comic would you like to see get a video game and what type of game?
I'd love a Running Man game, not a one on one fighting game, but something along those lines, where you have to evade (or fight), the stalkers, one after the other.
Miami Vice. I think L.A. Noire would be a good base for an MV licensed game, with having the choices during dialogues and the cases changes depending on how you approach them.
Here's the question for the night: Have you ever thought about writing fanfiction of a fanfiction?
I've mentioned this in the past but there were certain stories that made me think "wow there are characters I'd love to see in this story" or "you know this plotline actually could have gone a different way...or it could have been fleshed out."
I recently found an old Hellcats story I did for the old site I've been meaning to post here just haven't had the time
Here's the question for the night: Have you ever thought about writing fanfiction of a fanfiction?
I've mentioned this in the past but there were certain stories that made me think "wow there are characters I'd love to see in this story" or "you know this plotline actually could have gone a different way...or it could have been fleshed out."
I have sometimes it's fun to play around with the familiar characters and settings, explore different periods, settings or things you might change or do different or just enjoy some fun with really.
Here's the question for the night: Have you ever thought about writing fanfiction of a fanfiction?
I've mentioned this in the past but there were certain stories that made me think "wow there are characters I'd love to see in this story" or "you know this plotline actually could have gone a different way...or it could have been fleshed out."
I have written fan fiction before and after establishing myself as an erotica writer.
I have this story I did for Sammycolt about L.A.'s Finest (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=3081.0) and a long time ago, I used to write fanfiction for Miami Vice. I used to be obsessed with season 5 of that show. Outside of the Burnett saga, there are many episodes with good writing that is just missing a few pieces from being great. I blame a lot of the inconsistency on the shuffling around of different show writers and always wanted to try and fix season 5.
Every now and then, I do consider writing fan fiction again, but I always stop myself cause I have more fun writing my own characters and series. The joy I get from something like BBB is that it's my own creation.
I think people misunderstood, what I meant was has there been a fanfiction story that has made you want to write something based in that story.
Like (to bring up an old examples) like if someone were to write a story where the X-Men (beyond Psylocke and Emma Frost) had showed up in "The Justice Club" or If someone had fleshed out any of the plot threads in De'Sares stories that just kinda come and go.
I see where your coming from at the rate franchises are getting there original Canon stuff rewritten and altered every 10-20 years seems pointless to hold on to some hope some studio won't come along and fuck with it ruining the main story
Oh yes, back when I used to read a lot of fanfiction (and write a little) I would often come across fics that tickled my imagination that way. Once, on my old Buffy the Vampire Slayer message board, I even asked permission of one of my fellow posters to rewrite one of her stories. She said it was OK with her, and when I showed her the result, she was pleased enough to tell me to post it.
I recently found an old Hellcats story I did for the old site I've been meaning to post here just haven't had the time
Yes! Looking forward to it. I still miss Hellcats.
Ok I'm booked for this month on stuff to do away from here but February I'll have more free time so I should have it up at some.point then i miss hellcats too 1 season wasn't enough
Here's the question for the night: Have you ever thought about writing fanfiction of a fanfiction?
I've mentioned this in the past but there were certain stories that made me think "wow there are characters I'd love to see in this story" or "you know this plotline actually could have gone a different way...or it could have been fleshed out."
Not really. There were series and stories I wished included women I liked but I didn't do anything in those worlds, I just made my own.
Alright, folks, here's your question of the night (courtesy of TheEmeraldWriter): Did you ever have a sexual awakening related to an animated character. If so which one?
I can't remember her name, but I remember thinking the Princess from Captain N was pretty hot.
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna try to get at least some of this story I'm working on polished up.
Probably need to go through it one or two more times.
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna try to get at least some of this story I'm working on polished up.
Probably need to go through it one or two more times.
Planning a new series.
Football then writing
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Free Space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite is it me or does Hailee Steinfeld seem a bit more ample chested than I remember? Can't put my finger on it but I think I'm right
Ok I'll bite is it me or does Hailee Steinfeld seem a bit more ample chested than I remember? Can't put my finger on it but I think I'm right
I haven't really noticed, but I think you might be right about that.
I've only seen Hailee in a few things over the years and hasn't hit the stop growing stage yet I'll check back on that when she's 25
I've only seen Hailee in a few things over the years and hasn't hit the stop growing stage yet I'll check back on that when she's 25
She's 26 now.
Well then my calendar is way off
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for this week?
I've got to keep working on this 90s CSS story, also got wrestling to watch and started getting into this game called Alchemy Garden, so probably gonna play that a bit as well.
Working on projects between doctor visits almost have summer camp story ready
Here's your question for the night: Who do you think would be popular in 80s CSS?
I refuse to believe there wouldn't be about a billion stories about Madonna!
Oh your not wrong there pretty sure there would be plenty for her I would think Lita Ford, Debbie Gibson, and Tiffany would have a following during that time with all kinds of wacky stuff
In the early 80's, Olivia Newton-John would certainly have been a favorite. Later, in the decade, yes, Madonna would have had lots of stories. And I at least would have loved stories starring Whitney Houston, Pat Benetar, and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Let's not forget the 80's girl group the Go-Go's who are on record in interview saying they were hormone driven sex addicts who could play instruments then take a random guy fan from the crowd for some backstage fun pretty sure that would have made it here in some respects if the internet existed then
Here's your question for the night: Who do you think would be popular in 80s CSS?
I refuse to believe there wouldn't be about a billion stories about Madonna!
Heather Locklear
Heather Langenkamp
Kathleen Turner
Sheena Easton
Sigourney Weaver
Michelle Pfeifer
Victoria Principal
Almost forgot the Bangles you know we would have had all kinds of pairings and story ideas for these girls pretty sure they would have been fixtures at the mansion in Malibu if Harem existed back then
Here's your question for the night: If you could go back and fix a movie that you liked but felt could be better, what movie would you pick?
I'd go with Disturbing Behavior, love the movie but the amount of slang it tried to invent was fucking painful.
Most of my choices come from the DC movie catalog since the head honchos axed the whole universe they saved me a bunch of time
Here's your question for the night: If you could go back and fix a movie that you liked but felt could be better, what movie would you pick?
I'd go with Disturbing Behavior, love the movie but the amount of slang it tried to invent was fucking painful.
Basic Instinct.
The ending brings up a lot of debates as people find it confusing. I can also add that the sex scene between Michael Douglas and Jeanne Tripplehorn is troubling. That scene is easily the biggest problem with the movie.
Another movie I would love to fix and we talked about it some time last year is Cruising.
Despite all the issues with the themes of that movie, I do think there is a good cop thriller with horror vibes in it. The movie at least had one awesome rocking soundtrack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnKSJrvncGY) that makes it worth trying to save for the music alone.
Here's your question for the night: If you could go back and fix a movie that you liked but felt could be better, what movie would you pick?
I'd go with Disturbing Behavior, love the movie but the amount of slang it tried to invent was fucking painful.
Spider-Man's entire arc in the MCU.
Cut the sidekick bullshit. Have him rebuff Stark at the end of Homecoming because of Stark's lack of faith in him and a realization he'd been manipulated. Make him the hard luck hero. No billionaire's safety net or arsenal, just a kid on a budget from Queens trying his damndest to live up to the example of someone who he let down when he ignored the great responsibility that came with his great power. Which of course means acknowledging Ben Parker.
Have him remain on Earth and not go with Stark due to Tony forcing him to stay. Then the snap doesn't take him, but it DOES take May, MJ and Ned. Through Parker guilt he convinces himself if he'd been there he'd have stopped it and blames Stark for it. So then by the time Endgame starts we're dealing with college age Peter who had to get there on his own. Again, hard luck hero.
Doesn't just make his story better but improves the MCU as a whole. When you're Spider-Man is off, everything is off.
I'm with you but I'm more like pick an MJ and stick with one don't spend 3 movies trying to spin a story to shoehorn everything together with 3 different MJs it gets confusing you either dig Kirsten Dunst, Emma Stone, or zendaya
Here's your question for the night: If you could bring back one cancelled TV show, what would it be?
To be honest, X-Men TAS would have been my first choice, but X-Men 97 is happening, so it's all good on that front.
Instead I'll go with Daria (which actually was rumored to have had a reboot in the works, although last anyone heard, it had morphed into a spin-off for the character of Jodie).
Here's your question for the night: If you could bring back one cancelled TV show, what would it be?
To be honest, X-Men TAS would have been my first choice, but X-Men 97 is happening, so it's all good on that front.
Instead I'll go with Daria (which actually was rumored to have had a reboot in the works, although last anyone heard, it had morphed into a spin-off for the character of Jodie).
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
Airwolf with all the next generation tech available a stealth helicopter run by the CIA would look amazing now the kit alone would blow your mind
The series I would love to have back are all gone too long to comfortably bring back with the performers so much older now. I always get a sour feeling from shows or movies that do it and try to wring laughs out of the characters being so obviously too old to still be doing the same thing they were years before. As much as I still miss "Firefly," I wouldn't want to see Mal and the crew still knocking around the 'verse dodging the authorities after all these years. And if the revolution hinted at at the end of the "Serenity" movie did come to pass, it would be nice to know they all settled down peacefully, but not terribly interesting.
On the other hand, I would watch a revived "Hellcats" as long as it showed us that Marti & Savannah were now a happily married couple! :D
I'm with you on the hellcats thing Marti and Savannah as the hot moms who's daughters are legacies at Lancer just a question of who they are my vote would be Kelli Berglund and Olivia Holt
It's Thursday so I'm gonna start stockpiling questions from the community for the Thursday Question of the Night, anyone got a question they want asked, shoot me a DM.
Here's your question for the night (from a legendary author by the name of Money): What is something that involves a celeb that makes you think "it's great being me right now"?
(Getting backstage passes, signed CD, being in same room)
Honestly, I'd love to just be in the same room as someone like Christina Hendricks or Katy Perry.
For my answer it would be a one night stand with Shakira normally I wouldn't do one night stands but if she offered I'm not turning that down
Here's your question for the night (from a legendary author by the name of Money): What is something that involves a celeb that makes you think "it's great being me right now"?
(Getting backstage passes, signed CD, being in same room)
Honestly, I'd love to just be in the same room as someone like Christina Hendricks or Katy Perry.
For me, it's getting to be there during Lucy Pinder's prime of the glamour magazines and then being there to experience her glorious comeback last year. As I've gotten older, I feel like you really have to appreciate being in the moment with things. In comparison to a lot of music from the past that I love that was before my generation, you never know if you're in a moment witnessing history.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna finish off the first run through of this story I'm working on!
Football and finishing up my summer camp story
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna finish off the first run through of this story I'm working on!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna finish off the first run through of this story I'm working on!
Working on my Lindsey Pelas story.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna finish off the first run through of this story I'm working on!
I'm working on my first Lucy Pinder story
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite how about spotlighting celebs that will be featured in upcoming projects
Got a nice little summer camp story I've been hyping up with Salma Hayek, Ariel winter, and Kelli Berglund to start with
A Jukebox collection story with Selena gomez
I'm looking at my to do list and it's long with plenty for everyone had a request for Demi Rose Mawby I just have to find the right story fit
I'm working on something with Tiffani Thiessen and then something with Diane Guerrero!
I have been using this time to plan out some future chapters of my various series. I was also thinking about writing a one-shot featuring Paris Berelc. It would be inspired by the car and bikini photoshoot she did last year.
I would totally read that when it's ready
Hell yes, Paris is incredibly hot!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I have spent the weekend doing nothing, so I'm gonna try to kick myself in the butt and actually get some work done!
Just finishing up my summer camp story gonna edit the thing together for posting this week stay tuned
Listening to star wars audiobook collection (Original canon)
Plus trolling Dallas fans come tuesday
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 80s video game?
Destiny of an Emperor was released in 1990 in the US, but 1989 in Japan, so I'm counting it.
Hell of a game!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 80s video game?
Destiny of an Emperor was released in 1990 in the US, but 1989 in Japan, so I'm counting it.
Hell of a game!
I guess Mega Man 2? I don't have the strongest memory of 80s games. That or something like Tapper, Burger Time or the original Donkey Kong. My memories of games are far more vivid in the 90s.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 90s video game?
Either one of the Shining Force games on the Genesis would be my answer, just an incredible franchise that should have had more entries after the 3rd game on the Saturn.
Any baseball title from the Playstation 1 really enjoyed those just to relax after long day
Oh almost forgot my personal favorite game hogs of War really wish they would update that one with new levels and fun kit nothing says bacon like using TNT to launch your enemy into the air
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 90s video game?
Either one of the Shining Force games on the Genesis would be my answer, just an incredible franchise that should have had more entries after the 3rd game on the Saturn.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 2000s video game?
Figured I might as well continue the trend.
For me I'd go with either GTA: San Andreas or NFL 2K5 (With Fire Pro Wrestling Returns right behind them, if it had a booker mode like the Japanese version of the second GBA game, that probably would have pushed it over the top).
Simcity just fun planning a city and seeing the computer put things in and watching it grow from nothing to a vast metropolis
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 2000s video game?
Figured I might as well continue the trend.
For me I'd go with either GTA: San Andreas or NFL 2K5 (With Fire Pro Wrestling Returns right behind them, if it had a booker mode like the Japanese version of the second GBA game, that probably would have pushed it over the top).
It could very well be WWF: No Mercy just in terms of how damn much it was played and the memories associated with it.
The only other contenders would be GTA: Vice City, Spider-Man(PS1), Metal Gear Solid 3: Substinence, Super Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. But in terms of PURE HOURS put in I feel the winner has to be No Mercy.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 2000s video game?
Figured I might as well continue the trend.
For me I'd go with either GTA: San Andreas or NFL 2K5 (With Fire Pro Wrestling Returns right behind them, if it had a booker mode like the Japanese version of the second GBA game, that probably would have pushed it over the top).
Sonic 2006
Here's your question for the night (From Money): Your stuck with a celeb stepmom and stepsister in the woods who are they?
Hmmm, I'd have to go with Christina Hendricks and...I dunno, probably Hunter King.
My version is Shakira for the stepmom and Sabrina carpenter for the stepsister I'll stand back in case your brain explodes from the awesome visual
Step mom - Christina Hendricks
Step sister - Kate Upton
Stealing an idea from Cade lol
Stepmom: Angela Gossow
Stepsister: Natalie Decker
Gah! Too many possibilities!
How about stepmother Anne Hathaway and, to avoid repetition (Sabrina Carpenter would be my first choice for stepsister, too. See my 20 Sexiest list), stepsister Jenna Ortega.
Stepmum would Be Kate Beckinsale
Step sister......Taylor Swift
Anne Hathaway and Sabrina Carpenter is a pretty solid choice yet Jenna Ortega does bring her own spicy flair to the mix no wrong answer here
Here's your topic for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I finally finished the first pass through of this 90s CSS story I'm working on, hopefully in February I can get it posted, don't want to start a site collab topic until I have the first story ready.
I'm gonna continue to polish it, but now I'm focusing on the other site collab idea I had: First timers.
Stories about women with no stories on the site!
Also gonna slowly start to get some prelim stuff done for the next chapter of Mrs. and Mrs. XXX and some non-CSS stuff!
Football, relaxing, and figuring out which of the 5 projects I'm involved with to focus on next got some really nice ones might run with my jukebox story with Selena Gomez
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's Saturday so it's free space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite what are some fan story requests you have gotten over the years where the story is solid but the cast is less than ideal for it?
For me I have a laundry list of those an example is a cringe worthy pregnancy story request with Paris Hilton, Pink, Nicky Minaj, and Dolly Parton
I can do pregnancy story material all day just not with them I still have nightmares of the fan pitching the idea
I probably have, but I have a goldfish brain, so, if I'm not interested, it's in one ear and out the other.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm doing the usual, writing and polishing!
Doctor visits so my writing schedule is Swiss cheese at this point
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm doing the usual, writing and polishing!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm doing the usual, writing and polishing!
Plans for this week are as always probably thrown away as soon as something comes up. But I've got some editing and changes to make to finish up a story and then probably work on anyone of the others I've got in the works if I don't get distracted by something else before hand because that happens often to.
Here's your question for the night: Might as well complete this particular line of questions: What was your favorite 2010s game?
Probably Fire Pro Wrestling World (with Skyrim, Saint's Row the Third and TEW 2016 shortly behind).
I was knee deep in writing so I really don't have one
Here's your question for the night: Might as well complete this particular line of questions: What was your favorite 2010s game?
Probably Fire Pro Wrestling World (with Skyrim, Saint's Row the Third and TEW 2016 shortly behind).
Skyrim I've spent a lot of time on. GTA V although not my favourite had a crazy amount of things to do, and both Red Dead Redemptions were fun as well.
Here's your question for the night: Might as well complete this particular line of questions: What was your favorite 2010s game?
Probably Fire Pro Wrestling World (with Skyrim, Saint's Row the Third and TEW 2016 shortly behind).
Mass Effect 2
Here's your question for the night: you're given the chance to go back in time and watch a famous concert (or festival performance) live, what concert/performance do you choose and how quickly do you ditch the show to go buy stock in a company that will make you rich as soon as you get back to the present day.
I'm going with David Bowie at Glastonbury in 2000 and I ditch the show before the first note is even played so I can buy as much Google stock as possible.
Mine would be 2004 Shakira tour in Boston then buyout Mark Zuckerberg and own Facebook while buying out everyone involved (evil laugh)
I would go to Live Aid in July 1985 (either the London or Philadelphia site, I'm not particular), then go buy as much Microsoft as I could (the IPO for Microsoft wasn't until early 1986, but, hey, this is my fantasy! 8) )
Here's your question for the night: What's your biggest pop culture blindspot?
Most reality shows completely pass me by.
I think the only ones I actually followed that left any impression on me were The Real World (until around 99, then I started checking out), Bands Reunited (although you could tell how it was gonna go based on how long it took for the main guy to contact every member of the band), and the Surreal Life (that show was pretty cool).
For the most part I can't stand reality shows I never paid them any attention till I started getting story requests for Kim Kardashian but even then I was only gathering body intel so I could get her dimensions correctly after she started having kids things went off the rails
Almost no reality shows for me, either. I remember watching the first season of The Real World for a few weeks before giving up on it. Later, my online friends talked so much about American Idol that I finally started watching in the 3rd season and liked it for a couple of seasons before losing interest. The only other one I watched was The Voice, but that was mostly for my girl Christina Aguilera. When she left, so did I.
I watch a lot of reality shows. TLC has become a goldmine for them. 90 Day Fiancé is hilarious.
I guess my blind spot is Marvel and superhero movies. Outside of a handful of them, they just pass me by. I end up watching them years after they were released, but I can count on one hand how many I actually remember from enjoyment.
I'm with you on the voice yet there are a number of pairing options between the female judges and story fodder between Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, Gwen Stefani, the new girl, I think Ariana Grande was in the mix
Any number of them could become pregnant and have to bow out for a season leading to some fun backstage hookups with the author just saying
Here's your question for the night: What's your biggest pop culture blindspot?
Most reality shows completely pass me by.
I think the only ones I actually followed that left any impression on me were The Real World (until around 99, then I started checking out), Bands Reunited (although you could tell how it was gonna go based on how long it took for the main guy to contact every member of the band), and the Surreal Life (that show was pretty cool).
Reality shows. Loathe them to the utter core.
I watch a lot of reality shows. TLC has become a goldmine for them. 90 Day Fiancé is hilarious.
I guess my blind spot is Marvel and superhero movies. Outside of a handful of them, they just pass me by. I end up watching them years after they were released, but I can count on one hand how many I actually remember from enjoyment.
This is me. I think I watched part of the very first thor over my dad's and that is literally the only one I've even seen. But then I don't really watch much tv or films these days and if I do it tends to be the older ones. Like I watched Last of the Mohicans a few weeks which is like early nineties. So a whole lot of culture goes way over my head as I avoid most of it.
Here's your question for the night (from the one and only Money): You end up in a shotgun wedding for some reason but the celeb isn't your first choice who is it?
I'd probably go with Vanessa Hudgens, she's hot but she wouldn't be my first choice!
As much as I wouldn't mind being the subject of a shotgun wedding to shakira I can't do that here my what were you thinking backup choice would be Olivia Holt mainly for the martial arts background during dispute where the cops are called in
Second choice: Zendaya
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm got some wrestling to watch and some stories to work on!
Football, writing, star wars audiobooks,
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm got some wrestling to watch and some stories to work on!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday free space, have fun talking about whatever.
I'll bite have you ever bumped into a celeb in real life but you couldn't talk to them because you were going somewhere else at that moment?
For me this happened in Vegas a few years ago on the strip I was heading back to my car to go home and nearly ran into WWE diva Ember Moon who was going to her hotel room for a live event that weekend she was petite but you couldn't deny she was strong
I'm not bragging I'm just really medicated right now
I've never been quite in that scenario.
I did, however, see Ember Moon when she did an appearance at a local indie show.
She is incredibly hot (also had a fucking great match with Swerve Strickland).
I wouldn't mind doing a story with Ember Moon just never got a fan request to make it happen
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably just gonna keep writing and polishing, I've got some momentum so I can't start slacking!
Got doctor visit this week so my writing will take a backseat for a short time
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably just gonna keep writing and polishing, I've got some momentum so I can't start slacking!
Depending on how busy work is and how much free time I have trying to finish up the next chapter of one of my series and get that posted. Outside of that probably chip away and a few other bits and pieces on different projects.
Here's your question for the night: what's a long gone part of the internet (be it a site or a forum or something downloadable like a game) that you remember fondly?
I remember the old Television without Pity forums, truthfully, I tended to stay away from the main forums, but I loved the miscellaneous stuff, like the "TV Moment's that never happened" thread, that thing was full of great info on stuff that was planned but never realized.
For me it will always be CSSA it's where I got my start writing in this genre and have met some great people both fans and authors that have since migrated here
I remember Television Without Pity well, posted regularly on its Six Feet Under board. But my favorite place back when I first came onto the net (back in the day of the dinosaur and the dial-up modem :) ) was the Yahoo message boards, specifically the Buffy and Angel boards. It was a great place. I still miss those people.
Here's your question for the night: No question, just wanted to check in on the writers on here, how's progress going on whatever you're working on?
I'm making progress, got a Diane Guerrero story thats coming along and, hopefully, will have the 90s CSS story done and posted before the end of February.
Well I'm working on 5 projects my jukebox collection story with Selena gomez
A Ronda Rousey story
A Kelli Berglund jukebox collection story
The other 2 went missing but they are somewhere here
I'm almost finished with the next Famous Women Go Dark: Bonus Episode with Kelli Berglund. If I can complete it today I will post it tomorrow.
Also in the works:
Brad Steele: Ch. 24 with Alison Brie & Kat McNamara
A Jukebox Collection story with Madison Pettis
Celebs Like It Big 25 with Anna Kendrick & Blake Lively
The last 2 stories
An Olivia Holt pregnancy story
And part 1 of my trapped in paradise mini series with Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kylie jenner
The second part of a chapter from my Escort's life series should be up at some point this week hopefully if I can power through the last of the editing and any other changes I want to make. It's kept me busy.
Here's your question for the night: First adult celeb story you remember reading?
I'll be honest, I can't really remember, it's been ages ago, I think it might have involved Trish Stratus, but it's all incredibly fuzzy.
Started with harem kind of mushroomed from there
The first story I read was MiamiLyfe's Splashing Around With Starlets. Then I found his Lucky Bastard series and discovered all these other great writers on the site and their stories.
Here's the question for the night (from Kat's Lover): Hogan's Heroes or MAS*H: Which is superior?
I'm going with MAS*H, I remember watching that show when it was on every day during dinner.
I'm on the fence for this I enjoyed both shows SGT Shultz was always hilarious not wanting people to find out he messed up and Klinger for trying to act crazy to get out
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna write and read and polish and watch wrestling!
Now that I have some time back I'll be writing to catch up on a few projects
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday free space, talk about whatever.
Ok I'll bite what is the main reason nobody here writes pregnancy stories? I get it if it's outside your wheelhouse or your not interested but I can't be the only author here who gets those requests
Even for the number of registered users here if 500 are authors no way am I the only one to field pregnancy story requests
Ok I'll bite what is the main reason nobody here writes pregnancy stories? I get it if it's outside your wheelhouse or your not interested but I can't be the only author here who gets those requests
Even for the number of registered users here if 500 are authors no way am I the only one to field pregnancy story requests
Truthfully, I've never had it requested (which is fine, because it's really not my scene) but that's because I rarely get requests!
I'm just curious why so many come just to me asking for them it would take some pressure off
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, hopefully gonna get more work done on some stories!
Still working on my Selena gomez jukebox story
I'm also looking into why one of my stories was taken down it didn't break any site rules that I know of
Well, I'm half way done with the finale of Suck It Hollywood. I just need to write the last four celebrities that will be part of it.
I'm also working on the next Celebs Like It Big with Natalie Portman. Later this week I'm going to plan and out and work on the next chapter of Brad Steele.
Got a project finished, looking forward to actual writing again rather than editing now for a spell which will be good.
Here's your question for the night: what's a lesser known video game console that you'd like to own?
I'd love to own a Amiga CD32, if for no other reason that to experience that weird controller.
My brother used to have an old spectrum with a joystick with a big red button. I have no idea what use it would be but the nostalgic part of me would like that just to see what it actually did as I was to young to remember much about it, apart from the noise it made running anything.
Here's your question for the night: what's a lesser known video game console that you'd like to own?
I'd love to own a Amiga CD32, if for no other reason that to experience that weird controller.
TurboGrafx-16 complete with TurboCD.
Here's your question for the night: There's a Nintendo Direct scheduled for today, what do you hope to see from it?
I'm hoping for more stuff added to NSO, give us Gamecube games!
Here's your question for the night: What's a TV show or movie that you vaguely remembered for years (bonus points if you weren't even sure it was real) and you can't find on youtube?
In the 90s, Showtime did an one off sketch comedy show called In Through the Out Door, the premise was that the entire cast was LGBT.
I don't remember it being good (the only skit that really stuck with me was a rather dark game show where people competed for AIDS medication), but it's always something I've wanted to watch again.
SNL skit with the rock as Nicotrel the anti smoking program
Me harming you a simple one step program that will make you stop smoking I guarantee it
Here's your question for the night: What's a TV show or movie that you vaguely remembered for years (bonus points if you weren't even sure it was real) and you can't find on youtube?
In the 90s, Showtime did an one off sketch comedy show called In Through the Out Door, the premise was that the entire cast was LGBT.
I don't remember it being good (the only skit that really stuck with me was a rather dark game show where people competed for AIDS medication), but it's always something I've wanted to watch again.
Bionic Six.
Here's your question for the night: What's a TV show or movie that you vaguely remembered for years (bonus points if you weren't even sure it was real) and you can't find on youtube?
In the 90s, Showtime did an one off sketch comedy show called In Through the Out Door, the premise was that the entire cast was LGBT.
I don't remember it being good (the only skit that really stuck with me was a rather dark game show where people competed for AIDS medication), but it's always something I've wanted to watch again.
Revelations that aired on NBC in 2005. It was a post-apocalyptic show about the end of days, tied in biblical themes and all that.
I looked it up and it was a mini series that had Bill Pullman. It was released on DVD, so I'm sure it's out there somewhere. I vaguely remember it coming and going though.
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Author has a celeb stalker but she's the fun kind of crazy nymphomaniac who is it?
I'm gonna go with Nicki Minaj, she'd probably be fun in that role.
For me it's Christina Aguilera see seems to have a devious dark side she hides real well
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Author has a celeb stalker but she's the fun kind of crazy nymphomaniac who is it?
Hmm... as long as you can assure me that she won't eventually go utterly insane and destroy every aspect of my life if she doesn't murder me (as happens in Every Single Movie Ever where this kind of character appears), ... then I'll pick Dove Cameron (not that, considering her declared sexual orientation, she'd be stalking me, but, hey, it's my fantasy. :D )
She won't trust me (unless your into that kind of thing then I say run for the hills)
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Author has a celeb stalker but she's the fun kind of crazy nymphomaniac who is it?
I'm gonna go with Nicki Minaj, she'd probably be fun in that role.
Madelaine Petsch
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna write and read and watch the Superbowl.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna write and read and watch the Superbowl.
I'm probably just going to work on some stories.
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Well with the big game tonight all I've heard all week is how Philly will walk all over my guys last time I heard this in 54 my guys just kicked in the door and took the trophy I'm not saying we will win I just like our chances going in and would prefer my guys to curb stomp Philly into pudding
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
I'm taking this time to remind the chat that Dick The Pimp is the GOAT and I'm sitting here swagged out with my big ass cock out posting on CSS.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm still polishing a story and working on another, if all goes well, I should be within striking distance of getting that first story polished and ready for publication.
Writing, Trolling Dallas fans and Brady homers and not exactly in that order
Here's your question for the night: Now that the Super Bowl is over, how was the season for your favorite NFL team?
My team has the #1 overall pick in the draft, so I'd say this season was a good one!
My team got the big prize so it's great being me right now haven't had much sleep since but it's worth it to troll Dallas fans and Brady homers the delusional side of my brain won't kick in till next year
Here's your question for the night: Now that the Super Bowl is over, how was the season for your favorite NFL team?
My team has the #1 overall pick in the draft, so I'd say this season was a good one!
My boss bought them for some bum who works in a nuclear power plant.
Which reminds me, I wonder what Cade’s take on the Payton hire is?
I’m already looking forward to next year, this past season was a train wreck.
But on the bright side, at least we got Ciara. I’d certainly ride that all night long. ;D
As a KC fan I like the view from the top the Raiders are garbage, chargers are rebuilding, and Denver was a disaster yet being realistic Denver doesn't have the draft picks to do much improvement and that big ass contract you gave Wilson will drag team down again just hope for 8 wins at least you will be headed in right direction if you don't make it
Here's your question for the night: Continuing the NFL theme, what are your hopes for your favorite teams offseason?
For me I just want the Bears to invest in their O-Line and trade down in the draft as many times as possible.
A repeat I want as many chips as Mahomes and the guys can get us before he gets really old
Here's the question for the night: What's something you got into after it ended (IE A TV show that was over with or a band that broke up) that you wish you'd gotten into when it was still going on?
I knew of Queen as the We Will Rock You band, but I didn't really get super into them until after Freddie had passed.
Some TV shows I've got into were what I grew up on that stayed in my brain till I got them on DVD or blu ray I still have a few to get if I can find them
Which reminds me, I wonder what Cade’s take on the Payton hire is?
I’m already looking forward to next year, this past season was a train wreck.
But on the bright side, at least we got Ciara. I’d certainly ride that all night long. ;D
Payton is a decent coach. I can't let my bitterness overlook that fact. He is more hands-on and detail oriented than other coaches, so expect key details to be a major focus. Run blocking and pass routes are key with him. His teams still commit a lot of penalties though. That was always something he couldn't clean up in NOLA.
Defense will take a step back. Payton teams usually are great on offense and mediocre at best on defense. Brees' prime was wasted in years they finished 7-9 with historically bad defenses. I have no doubt they probably could've competed for another SB between 2012 to 2016 if they had a better defense in those years. Brees was putting up 5,000+ yard seasons during that time and it was his peak years as a QB.
He and Mike McCarthy are pretty much the same coach. Both had a HOF QB and only won one ring and wasted their primes never getting back to the big game. My biggest beef with Payton is that he is like a rock star coach and is treated that way. You're seeing it now with how he keeps running to the media to talk to them and give stories. This is the kind of coach he is. He loves the spotlight.
With all that said, I hope things improve in Denver. It feels weird seeing them outside the playoff hunt year after year. I grew up hearing stories about the Elway teams and how often they made the playoffs. They're a historic franchise worthy of respect IMO.
Here's your question for the night: Continuing the NFL theme, what are your hopes for your favorite teams offseason?
For me I just want the Bears to invest in their O-Line and trade down in the draft as many times as possible.
My hope is the Saints some how get out of salary cap hell and start a rebuild. A rebuild that involves drafting a QB.
They won't. They are stupidly convinced that they're just a few pieces away from competing due to how bad the NFC South is. They'll probably overpay a washed up QB and drag out their cap hell situation even longer.
Here's the question for the night: What's something you got into after it ended (IE A TV show that was over with or a band that broke up) that you wish you'd gotten into when it was still going on?
I knew of Queen as the We Will Rock You band, but I didn't really get super into them until after Freddie had passed.
Many answers from me on this. I don't typically follow TV shows until after they're compete because I like to binge watch an entire season at once. I remember watching True Detective for the first time and I stayed up for an entire day to finish it LOL.
I'll say the Batman Arkham games though. Had I gotten into them back when they were being made, I probably would've pushed for a gaming PC back in 2014-2015. Arkham Knight is the most gorgeous high end game I've run on my new PC. I know the game had other issues that disappointed players, but the graphics were amazing and no one ever complains about how it looked. These games take so much practice to master the rhythm based combat, I wish I had played them sooner to get a head-start.
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of MaxwellLord): Hey guys, where's the bathroom?
I dunno, probably over there.
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of MaxwellLord): Hey guys, where's the bathroom?
I dunno, probably over there.
What does your heart tell you?
Well mine is screaming for a pizza but I think that's my stomach talking
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
It's the usual plans for me!
Doing what I can for my various projects
Working on a few different stories. Thinking about a couple of new series but not sure which one to do first. One would be Cptnstrwrs having sex with young twenty-something year old celebrities to give them sexual experience, the other would be Cptnstrwrs getting used by MILF celebrity women ;D. Any thoughts on which I should do first?
My 2 cents would be for the younger ones pick your top 5 options and compare hotness that should give you a good jump off point
For the other might I suggest fan favorites Salma Hayek or Kate upton and see where it goes
My vote would be the younger one so you can fine tune things before tackling the big fish
My 2 cents would be for the younger ones pick your top 5 options and compare hotness that should give you a good jump off point
For the other might I suggest fan favorites Salma Hayek or Kate upton and see where it goes
My vote would be the younger one so you can fine tune things before tackling the big fish
I was thinking Salma for the first MILF story, but I'm still narrowing down the top five for the younger celebrities ^-^
Let's see the top 5 young people in the hot 100 list are
Jenna Ortega
Selena gomez
Victoria Justice
Olivia Holt
Becky G
That should help
Let's see the top 5 young people in the hot 100 list are
Jenna Ortega
Selena gomez
Victoria Justice
Olivia Holt
Becky G
That should help
Actually, the highest-ranked twentysomething on the list is Sydney Sweeney (#2 - 25 years old). And Selena is 30 now and Victoria turns 30 tomorrow (where does the time go? :( )
Fair enough I'll admit I'm slightly off still most 20 somethings are around the bottom half of the list I was going off of who normally gets attention around here in that age bracket
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Found some intel on Victoria Justice where she may believe in aliens which would add another name to the growing list of celebs I'm tracking for these kind of stories
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Now that the XFL is back, I'm probably just going to spend every day continuing my letter writing campaign to bring back the Chicago Enforcers.
Plans for this week are work sadly hopefully squeeze in some writing before things get even more crazy next week and try to probably finish some projects and not get distracted by new ideas. Possible that may happen but you never know.
Jerry couldn't pay me enough to watch XFL I'll stick with writing
Jerry couldn't pay me enough to watch XFL I'll stick with writing
Given that they have both Martavis Bryant and Josh Gordon, I'm starting to think that the XFL is a just a place to contain Wide Receivers who smoke too much weed.
XFL gives a chance to washouts and troubled players for a cheap price Dallas signed the league MVP and barely made playoffs instead of taking the money and filling holes in defense
Working on a few different stories. Thinking about a couple of new series but not sure which one to do first. One would be Cptnstrwrs having sex with young twenty-something year old celebrities to give them sexual experience, the other would be Cptnstrwrs getting used by MILF celebrity women ;D. Any thoughts on which I should do first?
I like Money's suggestion of Salma Hayek and Kate Upton. Those were certainly blow up in views too.
I'd say to look at the top 100 for ideas. The ones in the top 26 in particular get high views on their stories. We certainly favor hot ladies on here, especially MILFs and glamour models. You can never go wrong with big tits and big ass.
For younger stars, you can never go wrong with Sydney Sweeney. I'd throw in Demi Rose. She is red fucking hot in popularity and only me, CHLP, Viri and Aarmax have been writing her. Jenna Ortega finished surprisingly well in our top 100 and I think she will be popular.
Let's see the top 5 young people in the hot 100 list are
Jenna Ortega
Selena gomez
Victoria Justice
Olivia Holt
Becky G
That should help
This must be by your opinion cause the only one you mentioned in this list that finished in the top 30 is Jenna Ortega. She's popular. The rest really aren't popular on here with the community of readers, but authors only.
Demi Rose has finished in the top 10 every year since we started running the top 100. I'd throw in Abigail Ratchford, Lindsey Pelas Dua Lipa, Devin Brugman, and Emily Ratajkowski.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Now that the XFL is back, I'm probably just going to spend every day continuing my letter writing campaign to bring back the Chicago Enforcers.
I'm juggling dentist appointments and trying to get some stories put up on Patreon to prepare for March. Hitting my 200th story was a big deal, but can't get hungover on that achievement lol. I have a lot coming soon.
Well I am slightly out of the loop on some celebs right after the site was started was when my health issues started and I've been on heavy meds ever since
I'll write about just about any celeb with a solid story plot I also have a giant stockpile of story ideas granted the top 5 I mentioned were just off the top of my head that I knew were in their 20s Selena and Victoria slipped in due to a nasty headache I had at the time
Well I am slightly out of the loop on some celebs right after the site was started was when my health issues started and I've been on heavy meds ever since
I feel your pain, living on heavy meds is not fun. I'm thankful your still with us. Your journey beyond the problems you've had has been something of an inspiration. Can't give up on the darkest days.
I apologize to Extreme, cause we've kinda hijacked his thread chatting LOL. Some of you need to get on our discord. It's easier to chat on there.
Don't apologize, the entire point of this is to give me stuff to read either when I wake up or when I get bored!
Here's your question for the night (On a side note I forgot to write down questions for the week, so I'm saying 'fuck it' and flying by the seat of my pants and typing up whatever comes to mind!): What is a piece of "what could have been" casting that you wished had happened?
Just for pure butterfly effect purposes, supposedly both Robert Townsend and Charlie Barnett (two legends in their own right) were ahead of Eddie Murphy in the auditioning process for SNL, with Barnett being almost over the finish line before he got cold feet and the show runner favoring Murphy while everyone else wanted Townsend.
Either one of them over Murphy would have changed the landscape of comedy forever (and might have kept Charlie alive as he eventually caught the AIDS virus and died in the 90s although, given that he was an addict, having access to that much wealth might have also sped up his demise), Townsend getting cast could have put him in an interesting position as he might not have been free to start doing his "Robert Townsend and Friends" shows that helped put some great black comedians (like David Allen Grier) on the map and would lead to In Living Color.
Adding to that, who knows where Murphy would have ended up, he probably still would have been famous, but I don't think he would have been nearly the star he became without SNL as his launching pad.
a pair that comes to mind for me are Scarlett Johansson getting the twins role in Freaky Friday instead of Lindsay Lohan where Scarlett would have been a big star way sooner and been part of the mouse empire around the same time and Britney and Christina which would have made for a rather interesting clubhouse of talent
The other was a rumor from that same time period during the casting for Padme in star wars I heard when George was going over options he was thinking of tapping Britney Spears instead of Natalie Portman but backed off when he found out the demands the mouse empire wanted him to give on
It is possible the prequel trilogy would have landed like Spaceballs 1 good movie leaving fans waiting for decades for the next one that never comes while the cast ages away
Here's your question for the night (On a side note I forgot to write down questions for the week, so I'm saying 'fuck it' and flying by the seat of my pants and typing up whatever comes to mind!): What is a piece of "what could have been" casting that you wished had happened?
Just for pure butterfly effect purposes, supposedly both Robert Townsend and Charlie Barnett (two legends in their own right) were ahead of Eddie Murphy in the auditioning process for SNL, with Barnett being almost over the finish line before he got cold feet and the show runner favoring Murphy while everyone else wanted Townsend.
Either one of them over Murphy would have changed the landscape of comedy forever (and might have kept Charlie alive as he eventually caught the AIDS virus and died in the 90s although, given that he was an addict, having access to that much wealth might have also sped up his demise), Townsend getting cast could have put him in an interesting position as he might not have been free to start doing his "Robert Townsend and Friends" shows that helped put some great black comedians (like David Allen Grier) on the map and would lead to In Living Color.
Adding to that, who knows where Murphy would have ended up, he probably still would have been famous, but I don't think he would have been nearly the star he became without SNL as his launching pad.
Great question. I have a few I can think of from the top of my head.
I recently learned that Bebe Rexha originally tried out for a role in Hustlers. It was the role that ended up given to that Riverdale girl with only 15 minutes in the movie. Cardi B had a small role similar to this. I like to imagine the possibilities of a story that involves J-Lo, Cardi and Bebe getting down and dirty. This little tidbit of info was used in the last BBB chapter. ;)
Britney Spears tried for the Notebook. It's interesting what could've happened for her if she gets that role after Crossroads. Before Ryan Gosling became known for his arthouse movie roles in the 2010s, he was often made fun of for being the clean cut guy from the Notebook. If this casting happens though, it's a Mickey Mouse reunion.
Ray Liotta was originally penned by David Chase to play in the Sopranos. He was picked for the character Ralphie. As much as I love Liotta, I'm glad this casting didn't happen. Ralphie is one of the most important characters from season 3 onward and I simply can't picture anyone else playing him besides Joe Pantoliano. Not casting Ray turned out to be a good decision since he was able to star in the Many Saints of Newark prequel movie. Love it or hate it, he's one of the better aspects of that film.
I remember reading that Steven Spielberg was interested in filming the Harry Potter books, with Haley Joel Osment as Harry. The catch was that Spielberg wanted to Americanize the whole thing, setting it in an American school. I assume that JK Rowling killed the whole idea, which certainly was for the best. Osment was a great child actor, but I always thought that the big appeal of the Potter series, even more than the magic/fantasy elements, was the whole setting of the British boarding school with its student houses and robed schoolmasters. Very different and exotic for us Americans.
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite thing in your favorite video game?
Probably any time the god damn bats in Shining Force keep putting people to sleep, it's deeply annoying!
Mine would be playing any game for too long and my TV shutting down in the middle of a firefight where I'm trying to survive really bad timing during a zombie game mission
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite thing in your favorite video game?
Probably any time the god damn bats in Shining Force keep putting people to sleep, it's deeply annoying!
Lost Souls in Doom.
These guys, if you don't know their name.
On casual runs of the original game and Doom 2, they aren't that bad. I give credit to some map designers like Sandy Petersen who knew how to use them effectively. They can be a serious pain in the ass in the larger maps. Mt. Erebus in the first game does a brilliant job using them in a wide open space to slow the player down.
You will hate them when attempting speedruns. Since their AI is programmed to run right into your face when they see or hear you, it's just another obstacle that can slow you down.
Interesting tidbit though; the original Doom did not count Lost Souls as a monster in the kill count. There are several sourceports that don't count them as a monster, and thus you don't have to spend your time hunting them down to finish a 100% run. I think ZDoom was the first sourceport to count them.
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite thing in your favorite video game?
Probably any time the god damn bats in Shining Force keep putting people to sleep, it's deeply annoying!
Bongo Bongo in Ocarina of Time. I just REALLY don't like that boss.
How Super Mario Bros 3 and the original version of Super Mario World never bothered with a weight difference between Mario and Luigi. Fucking infuriated me as a kid.
Which is why they invented cheat codes and kit like the GameShark
Here's your question for the night: Favorite song from a band that you're not a fan of?
I'm gonna go with Black Water by the Doobie Brothers, they have a few songs that I don't mind, so I wouldn't say I hate them, but they never really done much for me.
That being said, holy shit Black Water is a great song.
This is loaded question for me so I'll just save time and throw limp bizkit under the bus not for any one song they just watered down a genre of music they didn't need to be in and we have been suffering ever since
Here's your question for the night: Favorite song from a band that you're not a fan of?
I'm gonna go with Black Water by the Doobie Brothers, they have a few songs that I don't mind, so I wouldn't say I hate them, but they never really done much for me.
That being said, holy shit Black Water is a great song.
Elvis Presley's Hurt. I never got into his music. It's not my stuff, but that song totally shook me first time I heard it. Powerful, emotional song.
I'll throw in Soul Asylum's Runaway Train. They're not my kind of rock band, but another song with some power to it the first time you hear it.
I was never especially a fan of The Eagles, though I don't dislike them, either. But I love "I Can't Tell You Why." Beautiful song, with a gorgeous vocal by Timothy B. Schmit.
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice your just having fun doing things (skydiving, hot air balloon ride, picnic and such) after you walk away everything goes to hell yet you come away totally unscathed not really noticing the destruction in your wake, which celeb do you choose for such a date?
Hmmm, I think I'd choose Brie Larson, not sure why, but she'd be a fun choice.
For me Isabella Merced (Moner)
Sabrina Carpenter
Ok I would love to hear the story behind that choice
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice your just having fun doing things (skydiving, hot air balloon ride, picnic and such) after you walk away everything goes to hell yet you come away totally unscathed not really noticing the destruction in your wake, which celeb do you choose for such a date?
Hmmm, I think I'd choose Brie Larson, not sure why, but she'd be a fun choice.
I'm not quite sure I understand the question. Like how do things go to hell? What path of destruction. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm really not clear on this.
Here's your question of the night (Courtesy of Money): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice your just having fun doing things (skydiving, hot air balloon ride, picnic and such) after you walk away everything goes to hell yet you come away totally unscathed not really noticing the destruction in your wake, which celeb do you choose for such a date?
Hmmm, I think I'd choose Brie Larson, not sure why, but she'd be a fun choice.
I'm not quite sure I understand the question. Like how do things go to hell? What path of destruction. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm really not clear on this.
To be honest, I don't quite get the concept either. But the part I understood gives me the opportunity to imagine myself with Sabrina Carpenter, so I went with it. ;D
The best way to explain it is your out with your celeb of choice having fun (skydiving, hot air balloon ride and such ) and right after you jump out the plane it takes a dive but you don't notice till after you reach the ground wondering what happened not knowing you caused the mess
I got the idea from behind the music documentary with Motley Crue when they talked about what happened on a typical tour everything around them was total chaos and they walked through it without getting burned in any way wondering what caused it
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing the usual!
Gotta start packing for a doctor visit would prefer to do anything else other than that
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing the usual!
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite what is the funniest thing to happen to an author that you used as a story plot after changing a few details?
I've got a bunch of these just curious about what other authors use for inspiration
Ok I'll bite what is the funniest thing to happen to an author that you used as a story plot after changing a few details?
I've got a bunch of these just curious about what other authors use for inspiration
Good question, but I don't think I've ever used anything from my real life as inspiration!
I'll admit my life has been very interesting even before I started writing when I was learning the ropes under Kash his biggest advice was go with what you know that helped develop my writing style and gave me plenty of ideas to draw from including a little gem I slipped into my Lacey Chabert project downloadable fantasy
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably gonna keep writing and I'm also gonna try to finish the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Doctor visit then writing
Gotta finish the chapter I'm working on and brainstorm the next one
Here's your question for the night: I'm tired and I forgot to write the questions down again until it was too late to come up with the Monday question, so what's your favorite number between 1 and 10?
Ok I'll be that guy my favorite number falls between 6 and 9 (rimshot)
Here's your question for the night: It's time for the end of the month check in with writers, how'd the month go for you?
I wasn't able to finish the 90s CSS story, but I'm certain it'll be done before March is over, also made progress on the First timers story and on some choya stuff.
Working on my Selena gomez jukebox story I have the story sections done just need to do sex scenes and editing
Also working with Cade on a Kim Kardashian/Lucy pinder story should have those ready soon
My month was OK in terms of writing, not so much where health is related.
I guess you could say I had a bit of a hangover after hitting my 200th story milestone. That was a big deal and it still feels a bit unreal. I remember when I hit 150, I immediately was thinking about 200. But this time, I'm not thinking about hitting a higher number. Like Extreme's 90s project, I want to do something similar but centered around a single celeb. I have a big plan, but not sure when I'll be able to pull it off between Patreon stories I owe.
And yes, Money is right, we have something fun coming. :))
Here's the question for the night: Writers, what, if anything are you hoping to achieve this month?
I'm gonna try to get this damn 90s CSS story finished and maybe get some stuff on choya actually completed, I still owe a few requests from last December, so I think I can get one done and get some good forward progress on the other.
Finishing up my Selena gomez jukebox story almost there
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of MaxLord):
Okay, who farted?
Not me!
Now before I got to bed, I would like to put out the call for another round of questions for the community, Money has been an absolute MVP in this category, but he can't do it alone, so don't be afraid to PM me questions for the Thursday question.
The more the merrier, both in terms of the questions you send in and in the amount of people sending them in!
One of my many talents around here
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm getting close to beating The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, so I'm hoping to get that done, also gonna do some writing!
Knocking out the sex scenes for my Selena gomez jukebox story
Here's the question for the night: It's the Saturday Night Free space, so talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite what is the best movie or TV kit you wished existed for real for me it would be the imperial guard uniforms from ROTJ the red cloaks just look so intimidating and those helmets were great wish I had one
I wish there was a Bubsy the Bobcat kit.
Yes it was a video game, but there was a failed tv pilot, so I'm counting it!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Getting closer and closer to having a story finished, so I gotta do that, also have to finish A Link to the past.
Still working on my Selena gomez jukebox story
Have a story itch for something with vintage lindsay lohan don't have a plot yet but am open to ideas
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie?
I'm going with the Running Man, mainly because of Richard Dawson's performance.
Also it had one of Arnold's best lines "Here is Sub-Zero...Now Plain Zero!".
I'll go with Commando seeing one guy wreck an army with all kinds of kit works for anyone who's had a rough day
Second place would be Kindergarten cop "There is no bathroom "
I'll go with Commando seeing one guy wreck an army with all kinds of kit works for anyone who's had a rough day
Second place would be Kindergarten cop "There is no bathroom "
Yep, those are the first two I thought of, too.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie?
I'm going with the Running Man, mainly because of Richard Dawson's performance.
Also it had one of Arnold's best lines "Here is Sub-Zero...Now Plain Zero!".
From the "it's just a damn good movie" standpoint the clear answer is Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It's a damn near perfect movie.
But from an Ahnuld standpoint it's probably either Commando or Total Recall. Conan The Barbarian is in the conversation as well.
Here's the question for the night: What's a something pop culture related that happened before you were born that you wished you could go back to see?
For me, I'd probably go with the wrestling show where Chris Colt dropped acid before a steel cage match and became convinced that spiders were climbing the cage which led to him throwing chairs at the imaginary spiders which sparked a riot, I bet that show would have been fun to be at.
If I had to go back there are only a select few events that went on for me it would be the original Woodstock
Pretty much any show from the late 60s and early 70s at the Fillmore venues. Fillmore East especially was a place where a lot of landmark rock shows happened.
Here's your question for the night: Hollywood has finally come calling and they're giving you the chance to make one of your stories into either a movie or a tv show, what story are you picking and will it be a movie or a show?
I'd go with The Escort, I think that could make for an interesting show, the different branches could be seasons (IE one season is the Katy Perry Branch, another season is the Disney Branch, then the Taylor Swift one).
I'd have to go with trapped in paradise even though there is only one story out there I plan on more in the future so it would be a series
That question has been asked in the past by someone else I think.
I'm going to go with none of mine. Film should be an art form, and writing smut stories is a different medium. You would have to tweak a lot of things and make serious cuts to get it down to a 2 and a half hour run time. Not to mention things like lighting and cinematography would play a key role.
Here's your question for the night: Hollywood has finally come calling and they're giving you the chance to make one of your stories into either a movie or a tv show, what story are you picking and will it be a movie or a show?
I'd go with The Escort, I think that could make for an interesting show, the different branches could be seasons (IE one season is the Katy Perry Branch, another season is the Disney Branch, then the Taylor Swift one).
All Star College. And it's a show.
Here's your question for the night (from Money!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice but her sister throws herself at you since she keeps quiet about dating you who is it?
The celeb would be Vanessa Hudgens and the sister would be Stella, mainly because Stella is hot!
For me it would be Aly michalka for the dating sister and AJ Michalka throwing herself at me
I like this question. Hooked up with Bella Thorne and her sister Dani throws herself at me.
I can't believe Dani Thorne slipped my mind, that woman is incredibly hot!
Even better there is another sister
On a side note, their mom is scorching hot as well!
Here's your question for the night (from Money!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice but her sister throws herself at you since she keeps quiet about dating you who is it?
The celeb would be Vanessa Hudgens and the sister would be Stella, mainly because Stella is hot!
Alexandra Daddario would be prime date material, plus her just as hot sister Catherine on top.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably just gonna be chilling, got a story finished and sent off for editing, so I'll probably do some writing, but not too much.
Got a nasty case of writers block I'm working on it
Here's the topic for the night: Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever!
Well I did snap out of my writers block I'll see where this goes
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'll probably do some writing, but it's not gonna be a focus because I just got finished with that 90s CSS story (which can be read right now!).
Still working on a few projects
As a rule after I'm done with a story I take a small writing break for a few days to reset my brain before doing the next one
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'll probably do some writing, but it's not gonna be a focus because I just got finished with that 90s CSS story (which can be read right now!).
I had a rough weekend, especially last night. My oldest dog suffered a seizure. At first, it seemed like a stroke and panicked thinking he wasn't going to make it. He's recovered this morning and acting like his usual self. I managed to finish a story that's on Patreon this morning.
This week though, I have some work coming with CHLP, Money and another story on Patreon. Trying to find that bright spot in what has so far been a crappy year with bad things happening that I have no control over.
I'll be watching a lot of basketball and tossing my brackets either at the TV, out the window or in the garbage can.
Here's your question for the night: What's your favorite Stallone movie?
Probably either Rocky 4 (best training montages in film history) or Over The Top (it had Robert Loggia and Terry Funk!).
Here's your question for the night: What's your favorite Stallone movie?
Probably either Rocky 4 (best training montages in film history) or Over The Top (it had Robert Loggia and Terry Funk!).
Rambo: First Blood II, Cobra, Rocky 3, Tango & Cash and Demolition Man.
It has to be the original "Rocky" for me. I think when you've watched the whole thing, you can appreciate it has a romance movie with boxing in it. Also, the opening trumpets to "Gonna Fly Now" always hit hard and the shot of him running the "Rocky Steps" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the best film history.
Don't get me wrong those are all great movies I wouldn't mind on any movie night yet my pick is more recent I'm rolling with expendables 3 you have an all star roster of ass kickers along with an in her prime Ronda Rousey as a former bouncer turned mercenary working with the CIA what's not to love?
Here's your question for the night: What's your favorite Stallone movie?
Probably either Rocky 4 (best training montages in film history) or Over The Top (it had Robert Loggia and Terry Funk!).
The original Rocky and the original First Blood. No contest.
Here's the question for the night: favorite foreign (for wherever you are) sport?
I'd go with soccer (finally starting to get back into the Bundesliga), really enjoyed rugby whenever I watched it, but it hasn't been available to me lately.
This might work better for Olympic games mine would be gymnastics it's how I was introduced to Shawn Johnson and crew a nice mix of cute, petite, and flexible
Here's the question for the night: favorite foreign (for wherever you are) sport?
I'd go with soccer (finally starting to get back into the Bundesliga), really enjoyed rugby whenever I watched it, but it hasn't been available to me lately.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna (hopefully) keep recovering from whatever the hell I've been dealing with!
Trying to write something so. I'll be busy between meds
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite how about a spotlight on celeb pairings that sound great for a harem chapter but for some reason they don't fly I've got tons of these it took me years to get around to figuring out how to make it fit in a different setting between Debby Ryan and shakira
Just curious if other authors have had this problem who knows with the right plot they could become classic stories anyway
I'm working on my first Jenna Ortega story. It should be done in the next couple of days
Ok I'll bite how about a spotlight on celeb pairings that sound great for a harem chapter but for some reason they don't fly I've got tons of these it took me years to get around to figuring out how to make it fit in a different setting between Debby Ryan and shakira
Just curious if other authors have had this problem who knows with the right plot they could become classic stories anyway
Debby Ryan and Shakira is quite an interesting pairing.
Not sure I've ever really had a big problem along those lines, though.
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've got some writing to do!
Working on 3 projects at once not to worry I've been doing this for years just writing scenes and fitting them in the right spots
Here's your question for the night: What's a appearance by an actor/actress in a show or movie that totally caught you off guard when you saw it after they got famous?
I've mentioned it before, but it's weird to see Christina Hendricks play a teenage girl on a few episodes of MTV's Undressed (mainly it's weird because Christina is kind of the epitome of the ideal "mature" woman).
For me it was The other Boelyn girl I had always been a history buff and a Natalie Portman fan she was between star wars episodes yet I didn't know who Scarlett Johansson was at the time so that was a fun hello and where have you been hiding? moment
And this was years before the MCU would be a thing and we get to see a very young version of the original Hulk, black widow and Jane Foster in the same film
Seeing young Mae Whitman in Independence Day and an episode of Friends is weird. Plus, not an on screen role of course, but the knowledge that she's the voice of Katara in Avatar the Last Airbender is just a weird but cool fact.
And while I first ever saw Rose McIver in Power Rangers RPM so it doesn't catch me off guard or anything, it's still kind of surreal to see how big she's gotten and knowing she used to run around in yellow spandex with a number 3 with bear eyes on her chest.
The first to come to mind is recognizing Amy Adams in a season 5 episode during my umpteenth rewatching of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Here's your question for the night: For writers: how long do you usually take to recharge yourself after finishing a story?
I usually feel like it's a week or two before I'm ready to really start writing again, how about you?
For me normally it falls around a week and see where I'm at if I'm not feeling anything from my binders on inspiration I'll take a month off
Well, it's been 7-1/2 years since I wrote a story, so I suppose I'm pretty well recharged by now. ;D
That's an interesting question. I think it can vary. For me writing often isn't the hard part so much as editing a story and going back over it to draft, re draft make any changes and correct any mistakes that I see. Some stories I really enjoyed if I have the time and I have other ideas in mind quite often I'll jump into those and just continue on. Other times it may depend on work and the time I have free as that can affect things as well.
Here's your question for the night: What's an old video game franchise that you wished would return?
I'm going with the Shining Force franchise, those games were fucking awesome.
Here's your question of the Night (From DanielO, thanks!): Name the celeb female you thought only you found attractive, then were surprised to find you weren't alone. Someone who's name showed up on somebody else's Hottest list and you thought "Hey, I thought it was just me!"
Hmmm, off the top of my head, I was surprised when I found others who thought that Taylor Momsen is hot.
For me it was Arianny Celeste after my old stories were transfered from the old site to here and comments started flowing I had no idea so many fans followed her
Here's your question of the Night (From DanielO, thanks!): Name the celeb female you thought only you found attractive, then were surprised to find you weren't alone. Someone who's name showed up on somebody else's Hottest list and you thought "Hey, I thought it was just me!"
Hmmm, off the top of my head, I was surprised when I found others who thought that Taylor Momsen is hot.
Thanks for using my question! The one I was thinking of when I posed it was Kira Kosarin. Always thought she was hot but didn't realize anyone else did.
I know I've got something around here with Kira in it I'll have to dig in my story binders can't remember if it was something like a wardrobe malfunction thing or something with aliens that was like 5 years ago
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna try to get back into the writing groove!
Here's the question of the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Ok I'll bite after poking around the boards I saw a thread talking about the CSSA series what if celebs were pornstars and how great it was well after talking with Co creator DarklordZ I have been given the green light to bring it back here with new chapters i already have the checklist so no need for requests at this time I will be posting the trailers in the coming attractions thread soon enough not to worry there are plenty of fan favorites to go around
Here's your question for the night: got plans for the week?
I think this week I'm gonna start playing that Game Boy Legend of Zelda game, I took a bit of a break after beating the SNES one.
Working on a story collab with Calibur009 just about have my scene ready then I'll edit together what we have so far keep an eye out for the trailer
Here's your question for the night: Favorite movie soundtrack?
I'm gonna go with Judgement Night, the whole thing had the concept of Rock bands and Rappers collaborating, this was years before stuff like Nu-Metal and it led to some great songs like Me, Myself and My Microphone (Living Colour and Run DMC) and Disorder (Ice T and Slayer).
Don't have one but I've heard plenty of good stuff from movies over the years but if I had to pick one it would be Star wars soundtrack from the original canon film don't get me started on the recent stuff seems hardcore fans hate it with a passion
Here's your question for the night: What album do you think would make for a great film/play?
I think something based off of Funkentelechy vs. the Placebo Syndrome would be a lot of fun.
Def Leppard Hysteria
It's nearly a greatest hits album by itself
Interesting question. What about Taylor Swift's recent albums? I can see someone, maybe Taylor herself, creating stories, then screenplays, out of them, especially Folklore.
If Taylor's willing to wear those tour outfits for the film versions I'm all for it
Here's your question for the night: What album do you think would make for a great film/play?
I think something based off of Funkentelechy vs. the Placebo Syndrome would be a lot of fun.
Operation Mindcrime by Queensryche
Music From The Elder by KISS
folklore by Taylor Swift
Holy Diver by Dio
Welcome To My Nightmare by Alice Cooper
I mainly list The Elder because I badly need to know what the fuck the actual album concept is supposed to be about.
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check-in.
How are things going?
Got any upcoming stories you wanna hype?
I'm getting back into the writing groove so we'll see where this takes me!
Ok I'll bite I'm working with Calibur009 and Cade on 2 different stories I haven't posted the trailers for them yet but I will when they are nearly finished
For Cade it's a fun romp with Kim Kardashian and Lucy Pinder can't give away too much but it will be worth the read
For Calibur009 it's a hotel story we're still working out the scenes but the cast is worth a look let's see Aly and AJ Michalka, Hayley Atwell, Olivia Holt, Becky G, Arianny Celeste, Selena gomez, and Taylor swift
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money): Your stuck with 4 celebs in a carpool but 2 of them are frisky sitting next to you who are they?
Hmmm, I'm gonna go old school with this: Lucy Pinder, Michelle Marsh, Jennifer Ellison and Keeley Hazel (with Marsh and Pinder being the ones getting frisky.)
Hmmm, I can't remember what my choices were so I'll go fresh
Salma Hayek
Isabella Merced
Taylor swift
Christina Hendricks
With Salma and Taylor being the frisky ones
Sabrina Carpenter
Sydney Sweeney
Aly Michalka
Sabrina and Sydney would be frisky.
Frisky in bold
Lili Reinhart
Taylor Swift
Camila Mendes
Madelaine Petsch
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing and catching up on all the wrestling shows that I've missed.
Still working on projects getting done what I can
Here's the question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Ok I'll bite has anyone done a celeb 6 degrees tree just for kicks to see who comes up?
I've done a few and it's crazy some of them that slip in on the plus side it helps with story pairing ideas
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm getting back into the writing groove, also still have a bunch of wrestling to catch up on.
Got a doctor visit so my writing schedule is Swiss cheese for now got some good stuff coming up
Here's your question for the night: hotter Street Fighter character: Chun-Li or Cammy?
I'm going with Chun-Li!
Not really my thing it boils down to if you enjoy stacked blondes or Asian girls if I had to pick I would say Cammy
Here's your question for the night: If you could collect the entire game and accessories library of one video game console (and the console, itself, if you don't have one) which console would you choose?
I'd go with the Sega Saturn, because I missed that one for Playstation, I do kinda have this fascination with it.
I would go with the Playstation really miss hogs of war
Here's your question for the night: If you could collect the entire game and accessories library of one video game console (and the console, itself, if you don't have one) which console would you choose?
I'd go with the Sega Saturn, because I missed that one for Playstation, I do kinda have this fascination with it.
TurboGrafx 16.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite opening song to an album?
I'd have to go with "London Calling" (from the Clash's album of the same title) but special mention to Liz Phair's "6'1" (From Exile in Guyville), Dead Kennedys' "Kill the Poor" (Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables) and Our Prayer/Gee/Heroes and Villains (I'm counting them as one song because they fit so perfectly) from The Beach Boy's Smile.
For me it has been rock you like a hurricane from the Scorpions when they did the album with the Berlin symphony seems that started a trend that's still going today with Metallica doing 2 albums and Def Leppard about to release their own album next month among others
Bruce Springsteen's Thunder Road (from Born To Run), closely followed by You are the Sunshine of my Life (Stevie Wonder - Talking Book) and What's Goin' On (Marvin Gaye - What's Goin' On).
Battery from Master of Puppets (Metallica), We Die Young from Facelift (Alice in Chains), C'Mon from All for One (The Screaming Jets), Roll Away the Stone from Roll Away the Stone (Kelly Joe Phelps), Time's Up from Time's Up (Living Colour), Straight Outta Compton from Straight Outta Compton (N.W.A.)
Here's your question for the night: Favorite opening song to an album?
I'd have to go with "London Calling" (from the Clash's album of the same title) but special mention to Liz Phair's "6'1" (From Exile in Guyville), Dead Kennedys' "Kill the Poor" (Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables) and Our Prayer/Gee/Heroes and Villains (I'm counting them as one song because they fit so perfectly) from The Beach Boy's Smile.
Rip It Out from Ace Frehley's first solo album or State of Grace from Taylor Swift's Red.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Kat's Lover): Felicia Hardy is robbing you. Do you try and fail to stop her, let her go but complain to Peter Parker, let her go but complain to Gwen Stacy, or watch as she takes everything?
I'd watch her, mainly because she's probably right next to Wonder Woman for my biggest (Outside of any of the X-Women) superheroine crush and letting her do whatever might gain favor with her.
Since it's the first Thursday of the month, I'm putting out a new call for more questions from the community, I've got enough from Money (and he's still giving me gold) that if I can get a healthy number of replies for this (and probably for next months call), we'll have enough questions for the whole year!
This is a tough one for me it would have to do with the fact I have a rather sizeable collection of stuff most of which can be replaced I'd set out my decoy stuff and let her take that leaving my prized stuff hidden in other places Felisha has been a great character even though I'm more of a DC guy Marvel always seems to bring the fun mixed with action
During Halloween last year Kelli Berglund went out as Black cat and killed the look you can thank me later
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably just gonna listen to 90s Alternative music the whole weekend.
Still editing and writing scenes for the hotel story collab I'm doing with Calibur009 it may take me all weekend but it will be worth the wait
Here's your question of the night: no question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space, have fun!
Ok I'll bite has anyone considered putting Easter eggs in projects like little quotes or reimagined scenes from movies or TV shows? Granted I've done that in a few over the years but recently I've been thinking do it again and add some spice of if a reader finds it they can get a custom story from me (within reason of my skill set) but limit it to the first person to find it
Ok I'll bite has anyone considered putting Easter eggs in projects like little quotes or reimagined scenes from movies or TV shows? Granted I've done that in a few over the years but recently I've been thinking do it again and add some spice of if a reader finds it they can get a custom story from me (within reason of my skill set) but limit it to the first person to find it
I've though about it, but I've never actually gone through with it.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
My plans are writing and playing Link's awakening.
Still working on hotel story
Here's your question for the night: What's a lesser known video game that you love?
For me, I'm going with Tecmo World Wrestling, probably the best wrestling game on the NES (although Pro Wrestling isn't a bad pick either).
Playstation 1 hogs of war
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Anime?
I'm not a big expert on Anime, but I really dug both Lupin the Third and Case Closed.
My intro into anime was the classic Robotech finally found it on blu ray
Here's your question for the night: What's the last movie you saw in a theater?
I saw X-Men: Dark Phoenix, truly the greatest film of all time.
For me it was Rise of Skywalker and that helped start my health issues
The Irishman.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money): You lose a bet and have to crash an awards after party (whichever Grammy's, Oscars, Tony's) you run into a celeb in a case of mistaken ID she's up for a one night stand who is it?
My answer would be Katy Perry...although I'd make sure to let her know who I really am.
I'd crash the Oscars and Salma Hayek
However if I crashed the Grammy awards I'd go with Taylor swift pretty sure she would be up for anything with a fresh awards haul
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Anime?
I'm not a big expert on Anime, but I really dug both Lupin the Third and Case Closed.
Mobile Suit Gundam
I'd crash the Oscars and Salma Hayek
However if I crashed the Grammy awards I'd go with Taylor swift pretty sure she would be up for anything with a fresh awards haul
Seeing as Taylor has left her alone and gone off with Money, that allows me to step in and console Sabrina Carpenter. 8)
Now that's funny lol
Now that's funny lol
Heh. I got the idea from the last music award show I watched, where Sabrina was sitting next to Taylor and hugged her after every award. Made me think of them hanging out together at the afterparty.
Looks like an Amazon next to a munchkin
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got the usual planned: writing, video games and watching wrestling!
I've got a few things that supersede writing that I can't get out of so writing will have to wait till Monday
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Night everyone.
Ok I'll bite I'm not sure what triggered it but I had a celeb jump in my brain not sure if I have a story idea to use if there are fans of Elvira or her alter ego Cassandra Peterson I might be able to do something
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
The usual for me, hopefully though, I can at least catch up on some of the wrestling I missed.
Working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 just about done with a scene then I'll jump on my scene with Hayley Atwell and go from there
Question of the night: What is your opinion on the availability of shiny Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet?
Don't have one never saw the appeal of it
Never had a lot of experience with Pokemon, always liked what I've played of those games, what are shiny Pokemon?
Here's the question for the night: Directly ripping off an earlier conversation on the CSS discord...Which tv show cast had (or has) the hottest cast?
You know I'm going with Golden Girls, all day every day!
That is messed up even for you (cringe)
This is a generational question depending on when fans grew up answers could be anything from the mid 70s all the way to this year which is half a century some shows that fans love I've never seen
For me I'll go with something a little more recent Arrow granted it ran its course but you had a truckload of hot girls across the board and the cross-over episodes added more eye candy so I call that a win
The original trio on Charmed.
A non-original answer, but can't go wrong with the casts of Buffy & Angel
Here's the question for the night: Directly ripping off an earlier conversation on the CSS discord...Which tv show cast had (or has) the hottest cast?
You know I'm going with Golden Girls, all day every day!
Riverdale followed closely by One Tree Hill.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite obscure/Lesser known song?
I'm going with Food Stamps and Drink Tickets by Hickey.
Absolute banger of a track.
There are any number of songs I could name, but I'll say Van Morrison's "Listen to the Lion" from Saint Dominic's Preview (1972).
Ask me tomorrow and I'll probably say something else.
Fractured love by Def Leppard off retro active the lyrics are a bit haunting with the drums hard to believe it's being done by someone with one arm
Here's your question for the night: If you could give one celebrity a big comeback (ala Brendan Frasier), who would it be?
I'm gonna go with Tia Carrere because she's still hot.
I'd pick Ariana Richards
For me I'd go with Carmen Electra
It's been 25 years since "The Miseducation of ... ", but I still wonder if Lauryn Hill has more great music in her.
Not likely saw a where are they now thing and she's busy raising kids after burning out on music didn't help boy bands and such stole her thunder before she made a long career
I've said it before: If I could have bet on who would have been the next big thing in music in 98, I would have put good money on Lauryn.
Unfortunately for everyone, she got with one of the Marleys and had about 12 trillion kids, there was also a sketchy spiritual guru involved.
She's notorious for arriving to shows incredibly late and the last song she released hit with a thud because of some sketchy lyrics (IIRC, it was vague homophobia).
She had every opportunity to be the biggest star in music, but she didn't seem to give a damn.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Cadeauxxx, thanks, Cade!): What is a celeb who passed away whom you would have wanted to write?
For me, it's probably Anna Nicole Smith, I had her in a story before she passed, but I never made much progress on it.
Naya Rivera is at the top of my list with Brittany Murphy running a very close second. Both were so incredibly multi-talented and gorgeous beyond description, only to return to the Lord way too soon.
For me it was the duo of Yurizan Beltran and shyla stylez I still plan on finishing it at some point since it was a fan request
Naya Rivera is at the top of my list with Brittany Murphy running a very close second. Both were so incredibly multi-talented and gorgeous beyond description, only to return to the Lord way too soon.
Man, Naya Rivera may be one of the most tragic celeb deaths of my lifetime. She used the very last iota her strength, of her life, to save her son. She put her son on the boat and was washed away. It's something any parent would do, but my god. What a "great" thing for someone's last act on Earth to be, but Jesus it's so sad.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
It's the usual for me, although I am also gonna try to watch the USFL this weekend.
My entire week is Swiss cheese now I'm trying to write but I won't have much time plus my mini draft vacation will take the rest of the week
We actually have had a minor Sarah Michelle Gellar comeback in the 2020s
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free space, talk about whatever.
With it being draft week I'm curious when the Rodgers trade will go through seems like dude is a control freak wanting to control the narrative and bully the packers into what he wants
As a Bears fan, I hope it doesn't, I want this ride to continue for as long as possible!
Knowing my luck this thing will drag on till training camp
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna do things and stuff!
Got a doctor visit then a draft vacation
RE: Aaron Rodgers, it's done.
RE: Aaron Rodgers, it's done.
The Packers refuse to give me even a little joy.
Just do what i do every year hope all my division rivals and teams I can't stand (Dallas) pick busts then I can laugh when they fail
Here's the question for the night: Best closing song to an album?
I'm going with Train In Vain from The Clash's London Calling, just a fantastic song also honorable mention to Year of tha Boomerang from Rage Against The Machine's Evil Empire.
Battery from Metallica off the first S & M album great way to go out for a live concert
It's All in the Game/You Know What They're Writing About - Into The Music, Van Morrison
Here's the question for the night: Best closing song to an album?
I'm going with Train In Vain from The Clash's London Calling, just a fantastic song also honorable mention to Year of tha Boomerang from Rage Against The Machine's Evil Empire.
Here's your question for the night: Earliest memories of being on the internet?
I wanna say my first time on the internet was 96 or 97 and I remember searching for ECW and landing on an ICP fanpage that linked to the ECW homepage.
Also remember I vividly remember going to the Marvel homepage at some point and they were promoting X-Men: Ravages of the Apocalypse a total conversion of Quake.
Mine was about 96 but limited since I had to share with 5 people mainly focused on family history stuff till I got my first laptop around 2005
It would have been early 2001. I remember finding a music site arguing over some recently posted list of 100 Greatest Albums, and another place discussing the just-released movie Hannibal. I joined in at both and haven't stopped since. 8)
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in.
How have things been going and what have you been working on?
I've been writing a lot, but it's mainly been for Choya, probably gonna spend next month working on a story for a site collab idea (stories for women who don't have any stories on the site).
My writing schedule is Swiss cheese right now I'm working with Calibur009 on our hotel story
Also have a pair of jukebox stories in the works with Selena gomez and demi lovato
Still mapping out my trapped in paradise mini series starting with the Kardashian/jenner crew
Got doctor visits and travel I can't weasel my way out of so most of next week is toast
Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Money): You end up in a shotgun wedding for some reason but the celeb isn't your first choice who is it?
I'm going with Vanessa Hudgens, I think it'd be an interesting spot to be in with her.
Cool I wanted a mulligan on this one
I'll go with Kim Kardashian just for kicks
Taylor Swift. It's a no-lose situation. If it works out, that would be heavenly. If not, I'm given a settlement and get to be immortalized in a great song.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Gonna write and watch the last day of the draft!
I literally haven't left my house since Wednesday but yeah been thinking of new projects between picks and wanting to throw stuff at my flat-screen
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite what movie franchise would you love to.be part of I'm not talking cosplay stuff I'm saying the real deal for me it would be star wars I've wanted to fly an X wing for years I'm thinking slide me in just after the new jedi order series
Ok I'll bite what movie franchise would you love to.be part of I'm not talking cosplay stuff I'm saying the real deal for me it would be star wars I've wanted to fly an X wing for years I'm thinking slide me in just after the new jedi order series
Fun question!
I'd go with either the MCU or Fast and Furious...whichever one got me closer to Brie Larson.
Ok I'll bite what movie franchise would you love to.be part of I'm not talking cosplay stuff I'm saying the real deal for me it would be star wars I've wanted to fly an X wing for years I'm thinking slide me in just after the new jedi order series
Star Trek in the era after Kirk's disappearance but before the Enterprise C was destroyed. No Kirk or Picard but a lot of unmapped territory.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm just gonna play it by ear and hope it doesn't suck!
Travel and doctors visit so my week pretty much toast
Here's your question for the night: NFL Fans, how are you feeling about your teams draft this year?
The Bears appear to be trying to keep Justin Fields alive, so I'm pretty happy!
KC did very well reloading with some defensive players and depth in a few places
The Eagles did everything right. ;D
Here's your question for the night: What is your favorite piece of celebrity trivia?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger feigned interest in Stop or My Mom will Shoot (which he thought was one of the worst scripts he'd ever read) knowing that Stallone would do anything to undercut him and, sure enough, Stallone managed to convince the producers to hire him over Arnie by asking for less and the rest is history.
Not sure if this qualifies as trivia but I find it hilarious that demi and Dallas Lovato believe in aliens so much demi has sworn off human males and is ready to go nuts with alien studs she's even gone on talk shows and admitted it on air
Here's your question for the night: What is your favorite piece of celebrity trivia?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger feigned interest in Stop or My Mom will Shoot (which he thought was one of the worst scripts he'd ever read) knowing that Stallone would do anything to undercut him and, sure enough, Stallone managed to convince the producers to hire him over Arnie by asking for less and the rest is history.
That Hulk Hogan's job before entering wrestling was being a session bass player, which means he's actually good at that and amaong the best of the best at one time.
And if he had done that he wouldn't have killed Andre the Giant on three different occasions, twice after Andre had already died. :'(
Here's your question for the night: What is an unreleased/cancelled video game that you'd like to leak out into the general public?
There was a planned New Japan Pro Wrestling game for the Virtual Boy that got far enough along that there were screenshots in magazines, I need to know what the hell that thing played like, given how utterly weird the Virtual Boy was, I imagine it would have been a very painful experience.
Can't think of one I just got home
Here's your question for the night: What is an unreleased/cancelled video game that you'd like to leak out into the general public?
There was a planned New Japan Pro Wrestling game for the Virtual Boy that got far enough along that there were screenshots in magazines, I need to know what the hell that thing played like, given how utterly weird the Virtual Boy was, I imagine it would have been a very painful experience.
Green Lantern for the SNES and the open world The Flash game from Bottle Rocket and Superman from Factor 5.
Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Kat's Lover!): You have been given 1,461 days (weekends and holidays inclusive) to write one (1) celebrity sex story. It must have a coherent and cohesive plot, no spelling or grammar mistakes, and be no more and no less than two and a half million words excluding titles, bylines, footnotes, disclaimers, etc. Who stars and what is the plot?
Honestly, if the story is gonna be that big, than the cast should be pretty big as well, so I'd go with a story about an Illuminati type society, like how the society works, behind the scenes politics and stuff like that.
To be honest, I'm still surprised at how un-mined this concept is.
That said, given the concept, I'd probably focus on people like Selena Gomez, Beyonce, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.
Before I go to bed, this is also the monthly call for questions from the community.
Not only did I not get a strong push of questions last month, I only got one new question (not counting Money's questions, he's been as reliable as ever), so we're actually in a bit of a bind.
If you've got anything you wanna ask, shoot me a dm.
Oh man this is almost my hot 100 epic all over again
For me I would do something where I would be the villain of the story and the celebs be my minions where through them I control the whole industry from movie studios and TV shows
Of course everything in the society would be working as it should without interference from Rouge states or other wing nuts trying to bring me down
For the cast this sounds like a very extensive all star cast on a global scale after some thought I would say my cast would be around 50 celebs given the scope of the project (probably small potatoes compared to a multi chapter harem story arc)
Let's see
Shakira, Selena gomez, Taylor swift, Gigi hadid, Aly and AJ Michalka, Lucy pinder, Kim Kardashian, Kylie jenner, Emma Watson, Jessica Alba, Mila Kunis, Christina Aguilera, Britney spears, Avril Lavigne, Christina Hendricks, Ronda Rousey, Trish Stratus, Kelli Berglund, Megan fox, Lacey Chabert, Lindsay lohan, Hayley Atwell, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Victoria Justice, Kelly Clarkson, Rihanna, Zendaya, Bella thorne, Maisie Williams, Yurizan Beltran, shyla stylez, bree Olsen, Maia Mitchell, Debby Ryan, Kate upton, natalie Portman, Kat Dennings, natalie Alyn Lind, Dove Cameron, Ariel winter, Salma Hayek , gal Gadot, Joy Taylor, Erin Andrews, Katy perry, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lopez, Dolly Parton,
Assuming I'd be insane enough to attempt this (two and a half million words??? That's 10 times longer than Moby Dick!), I suppose the best approach would be a picaresque, following our hero/antihero as he navigates his way up, down, and through show business and the many and various women he, ... ah, ... encounters :D . The cast would have to include Zendaya, Bella Thorne (and her sister Danni), Sydney Sweeney, Sabrina Carpenter, Miley Cyrus (and her sister Noah), Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Olivia Rodrigo, Aly Michalka (and her sister AJ. I seem to have stumbled onto a motif), Anne Hathaway, Becky G, Christina Aguilera, Dove Cameron, Dua Lipa, etc. etc. etc. (2.5 million words!)
A Walking Dead type series involving Celebrities in a Zombie Apocalypse. Celebrities I'd pick to write about are Sydney Sweeney, Rita Ora, Jessica Nigri, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson as the core five. With others in minor roles.
Hey John I actually have something like that around here somewhere my version only had 10 celebs I don't have the list in front of me but natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson were in the cast among others
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna spend the weekend writing, hopefully I can make some progress on that front.
Now with my schedule clear for the month I'm working on my hotel story with Calibur009 I'll post the trailer soon
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
Ok I'll bite anyone want to hype upcoming projects? Now that my schedule is clear for a month I should have my hotel collab with Calibur009 somewhere near finished the cast alone will be worth a look
I'm working on a Diane Guerrero story which, if all goes well, should be part of a new Site Collab and then I've got the next chapter of Mr. and Mrs. XXX to work on!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing, hopefully I can make a lot of progress this week.
Gotta make a pit stop for a doctor visit later but I'll be hard charging on the hotel story when I get back
I'm working on a Domino Era Keira Knightley story where she is futa.
Here's your question for the night: Who is the first celeb you wrote about (doesn't matter if the story got finished, btw)
I'm not 100 percent sure, because that story got cannibalized and deleted ages ago, but I'm pretty sure it was Britney Spears, I think she was in the first chapter of a story I never finished.
I actually did 2 but the first one I finished was with Kelly Clarkson using the 2003 version
Alyson Michalka and Ashley Tisdale.
Here's your question for the night: Who is the first celeb you wrote about (doesn't matter if the story got finished, btw)
I'm not 100 percent sure, because that story got cannibalized and deleted ages ago, but I'm pretty sure it was Britney Spears, I think she was in the first chapter of a story I never finished.
Kelli Berglund & Paris Berelc
Here's your question for the night: Favorite cosplayer?
I'm gonna go with Jessica Nigri, she's just too damn hot!
This is outside my skill set of knowledge so I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: What's the last album you listened to?
I recently listened through the Ben Folds Five's Whatever and Ever Amen for about the millionth time, just a fantastic album.
Midnights - Taylor Swift
The story so far Def Leppard greatest hits
Gearing up for new symphony album
Here's your question for the night: What's the last album you listened to?
I recently listened through the Ben Folds Five's Whatever and Ever Amen for about the millionth time, just a fantastic album.
Faith No More - The Real Thing
Taylor Swift - Lover
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money!): Your about to get engaged to a celeb yet she spills the beans at a dinner party before you tell your family who is it?
I feel like that's something that's a scenario Katy Perry would find herself in after a few too many...also that would me I'm about to be engaged to Katy Perry, so she's my pick!
For me this has Taylor swift written all over it I would be in full crisis mode trying to explain this to my family my siblings would be cool with it my parents I might get a lecture still saying Taylor is your sister in law would be cool
I’d have it be Phoebe Bridgers that I get engaged to in this scenario!!!
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm back in the writing groove, so I'm gonna try to make as much progress as I can.
Just about done with my hotel scene I'm making progress
Here's your question for the night: no question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
I'll get things started by stating that I'm thinking about doing a thing for the question of the night where one question a month will be an idea dump.
So if you have an idea that you like, but you either couldn't get it to work or don't think it's quite right for you then that'd be a way to get it out there to see if anyone is interested in taking it on.
That sounds great I've got stuff from years ago that has been mocking me from my idea binders that sounded good at the time
Here's your question for the night: no question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever.
I'll get things started by stating that I'm thinking about doing a thing for the question of the night where one question a month will be an idea dump.
So if you have an idea that you like, but you either couldn't get it to work or don't think it's quite right for you then that'd be a way to get it out there to see if anyone is interested in taking it on.
That sounds good. Even if nobody decides to pick up on an idea, it would still be interesting just to hear them.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm making some progress on a story, so I'm hopefully gonna spend the week putting work in on that.
Here's your question for the night: What song do you associate with a video game despite it not being on the soundtrack?
I once had this Dreamcast game called Trickstyle, the first time I played it, I muted the game audio and played Countdown to Extinction instead, so I tend to associate Skin o' My Teeth with that game.
Don't have one but that is interesting
Here's your question for the night: Favorite (non-political) podcast?
Used to be the Giant Beastcast, but once that ended it became the Giant Bombcast, Giant Bomb has taken a beating since the pandemic in terms of people leaving (or being fired), but I think they've finally managed to stabilize again recently.
Don't have one
The only one I listen to regularly is political, so :-X
Here's your question for the night: First video game crush (not counting licensed characters)?
My answer is Chun-Li, she was the first video game character who I thought was hot.
Don't have one
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): If you could make a spin-off show around a TV character, who would it be and why? (You could also make this about movies, video games etc)
If I could have my way, then X-Men 97 would lead to a Rogue and Gambit spinoff where they take control of the Thieves Guild.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): If you could make a spin-off show around a TV character, who would it be and why? (You could also make this about movies, video games etc)
If I could have my way, then X-Men 97 would lead to a Rogue and Gambit spinoff where they take control of the Thieves Guild.
I would go with a Sitcom that follows the adventures of Duke Nukem after DNF as he tries to adjust to being a normal person in the world. Pilot episode would open with him mad at Walgreens for not having any Snapple stocked. Episode ends with him getting his massive forearm stuck in a can of Pringles and asking for help.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): If you could make a spin-off show around a TV character, who would it be and why? (You could also make this about movies, video games etc)
If I could have my way, then X-Men 97 would lead to a Rogue and Gambit spinoff where they take control of the Thieves Guild.
Spence (The King of Queens) in some sort of fantasy/swords and sorcery crossover thing. Or Spence the Time Traveller.
I can't think of one but Cade's thing is hilarious
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): If you could make a spin-off show around a TV character, who would it be and why? (You could also make this about movies, video games etc)
If I could have my way, then X-Men 97 would lead to a Rogue and Gambit spinoff where they take control of the Thieves Guild.
I'm sorry Buffy the Vampire Slayer didn't spin off Faith into her own series. Since Faith had escaped from prison in the final season of BtVS, I imagined it could be like a supernatural version of The Fugitive, with Faith traveling from town to town, fighting vamps and demons while still having to stay ahead of the cops on her trail.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): If you could make a spin-off show around a TV character, who would it be and why? (You could also make this about movies, video games etc)
If I could have my way, then X-Men 97 would lead to a Rogue and Gambit spinoff where they take control of the Thieves Guild.
I'm sorry Buffy the Vampire Slayer didn't spin off Faith into her own series. Since Faith had escaped from prison in the final season of BtVS, I imagined it could be like a supernatural version of The Fugitive, with Faith traveling from town to town, fighting vamps and demons while still having to stay ahead of the cops on her trail.
I couldn't agree more with this. Faith should've been the successor to Buffy. Her prison break is one of the very few highlights in the last season.
Here's the question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
In between the usual writing, I've actually got a pretty busy weekend coming up, so hopefully everything will go smoothly!
Still working on hotel story
I'm annoying Cade to release a new story on here
Here's your question of the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free space, so have fun.
If I had the chance to go to ComicCon for an autograph and picture of my choice I would go with Gal Gadot
Anybody else have a wishlist item like that?
I'd probably go with Brie Larson or Hayley Atwell.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm hoping to get a little writing done, this week, probably not too much though.
Finished my hotel scene with Hayley Atwell now on to editing it in this is going to take a while
Here's your question for the night: Trish Stratus or Lita?
There's no wrong answer here, but I've gotta go with Trish, she was (and still is) unspeakably hot!
Here's your question for the night: The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
I'm going with the Rolling Stones, they gave the world that awesome music video for Love Is Strong.
On a side note: I'm going on vacation, so I'll see you all next week!
The Beatles gave the best rock albums of the 60s. Still used as blueprints for basic pop rock.
The Stones prime run beginning at Beggars Banquet up to Goat Head Soup makes me pick them. Mick Taylor was the missing piece to that band to put them on top.
For me this is a tough one both bands are iconic with very few living members left on one side you have Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr the other you have Mick Jagger and Keith Richards if there are more band members I'm not aware
I think it comes down to the bands catalogs both have been around for decades with timeless classics out the ass
For me it was more the Beatles may have been first but the stones did it better for longer
The Beatles.
Which of these women-attracted people with the initials JB is the best singer:
A. JB(Kpop)
B. Justin Bieber
C Julien Baker
Bieber is the only one I've actually listened to and...I wasn't impressed but I could get why girls would like him, so I guess he's the pick.
Here's your question for the Night: Best Solo Beatles career?
I'm going with George Harrison, some absolute gems from that one.
Excellent and difficult question. With John you have "Whatever Gets You Through The Night," "Mind Games," and "Number Nine Dream." With Paul there's "Maybe I'm Amazed" and 'Silly Love Songs." I'll give the edge to Paul, if only for "Coming Up," not only the song, but the music video, which I never tire of:
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writers check-in.
How are things going for you all?
Feel like you've been making progress on stories or got anything upcoming that you'd like to hype up?
I've been working on stuff, got a story that I'm hoping to have finished before the end of Summer!
Just finished the Taylor swift section of my hotel collab with Calibur009 I'm editing together what I can before my trip Sunday after I return I'll finish it up before we hammer out the big orgy finale scene that will take some time
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money): you find yourself in bed sandwiched between 2 celebs with the same first name yet you have no idea how you got there who are the pair of celebs?
I'm going with Taylor Momsen and Taylor Swift, mainly because it'd be interesting to see just how the three of us would end up in a situation like that!
As always, with the first Thursday of the Month, I'm putting out the call for questions from the community, if you have something you think would be an interesting question to ask, don't hesitate to dm me the question!
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money): you find yourself in bed sandwiched between 2 celebs with the same first name yet you have no idea how you got there who are the pair of celebs?
I'm going with Taylor Momsen and Taylor Swift, mainly because it'd be interesting to see just how the three of us would end up in a situation like that!
As always, with the first Thursday of the Month, I'm putting out the call for questions from the community, if you have something you think would be an interesting question to ask, don't hesitate to dm me the question!
Carrie Brownstein’s and Carrie Underwood. I know Brownstein likes women so we’d be sharing Underwood
Bieber is the only one I've actually listened to and...I wasn't impressed but I could get why girls would like him, so I guess he's the pick.
I take Julien as my pick.
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Money): you find yourself in bed sandwiched between 2 celebs with the same first name yet you have no idea how you got there who are the pair of celebs?
I'm going with Taylor Momsen and Taylor Swift, mainly because it'd be interesting to see just how the three of us would end up in a situation like that!
As always, with the first Thursday of the Month, I'm putting out the call for questions from the community, if you have something you think would be an interesting question to ask, don't hesitate to dm me the question!
I'd have to pick Ariana Richards and Ariana Grande. If it was last name instead of the same first name I'd go with Ariana Richards and Denise Richards. Hopefully we'd be able to reenact that scene from Wild Things with Ariana taking the place of Neve Campbell ;D
I remember this one when I was coming up with I got a nasty headache from the sheer number of directions it could go
For my version I would say Christina Hendricks and Christina Aguilera one tall one petite but both have huge boobs not sure how I got there but I'm good with the results
Zoe Kravitz and Zoe Saldana.
I'll take Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Ass and titties combined. ;)
I'm amazed nobody picked natalie Portman and natalie Alyn Lind for this in that case I will
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing some writing, hopefully gonna make some progress.
Gotta travel so I'm gone till Tuesday
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing some writing, hopefully gonna make some progress.
I worked more of my collab with Money. And I've started writing the next chapter of my Brad Steele series.
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever.
Well among my solo projects I have coming up will be my jukebox collection story with Selena gomez
Here's the question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna try to write, but who the hell knows!
Here's your question for the night: favorite Adult Swim show?
I loved Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so I'll go with either that or the Eric Andre Show.
Does "Home Movies" count as part of Adult Swim? I always liked that.
I'd count it!
Here's your question for the night: favorite NES game?
I'm going with Destiny of an Emperor, great game that really doesn't get the respect it should.
Here's your question for the night: favorite NES game?
I'm going with Destiny of an Emperor, great game that really doesn't get the respect it should.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Here's your question for the night: favorite SNES game?
Despite having a limited amount of experience with the SNES, I always loved Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium.
Also Mario RPG is a fantastic game.
Ok I'm back from extended hospital stay that wasn't planned unfortunately I have to go back Monday for another procedure so writing taking a back seat for now
For me favorite adult swim show has been select robot chicken episodes some of the funniest have featured bitch pudding in all manner of hilarious shorts
Here's your question for the night: favorite SNES game?
Despite having a limited amount of experience with the SNES, I always loved Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium.
Also Mario RPG is a fantastic game.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Dax!): What's a food/meal that you absolutely cannot stand/try to avoid at all costs?
Eggs, I hate eggs as a food, I hated them when I was little and, when I tried them as an adult, I still hate them.
I can handle them as ingredients in things, but whoo boy eating actual eggs is something I refuse to do.
Hands down liver and onions can't stand the smell and can't be near it
Brussels sprouts. Doesn't matter how you prepare them, they always taste terrible to me.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
Gotta travel so no writing till at least Tuesday
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, so talk about whatever.
Ok I'll bite after my last procedure I had to take a new med for the first time good thing it was limited to just twice due to the pain I'm doing good now but when that stuff hit me the first time I felt like getting in the ring with Tyson and he sucker punched the back of my skull while I was in the ropes and I don't remember anything for the next 6 hours the nurses thought I was dead because I wasn't moving or snorring so one of them tapped my foot all I remember is her saying oh good your not dead the doctor would have been pissed
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
For me, I'm gonna try to get some writing done!
I'm back from my trip give me a day to reset and I'm back writing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite fast food pizza place?
I'm partial to Little Caesars, the Detroit style is perfect!
I have a Domino's only a 2 minute walk from my house, so that's my major pizza source.
For me I have various options given I live in the city so depends on how far I travel to get it the closest is a place called Old Chicago
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I know I usually ask this on Sunday, but since I haven't had the chance to ask it for the past few weeks might as well kick off the QOTN's return with this one!
As for me, I'm just trying to get back into the writing groove.
Still working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 have most of it done just need to write 3 more scenes for it
Here's your question for the night: no question, I've mentioned wanting to do this as a monthly thing, so might as well start now.
If you have an idea that you've abandoned but you think someone else can still get some use out of, then here's your chance to throw it out there.
I've mentioned this one a few times, but I've always wanted a story about someone finding out that the Illuminati (or some such similar group) is real and blackmails his way into getting a small harem of their favorite celebs.
In my hands, I'm pretty sure that such an idea would become very unwieldy very quickly if I tried to write it, but I still think there's something there.
I might take a Crack at that down the road when I have some other stuff out of the way I'd be good with 8 celebs with a short list of 4 celebs mentioned in subplots and other scenes for flashbacks and such
For me I'll have to check my story binders and see what I have hanging around
Good to see you back! :)
I recently saw the news that Taylor Swift has enlisted Sabrina Carpenter as the opening act for the international part of her Eras tour. If I still wrote stories, the idea of those two together would certainly inspire me! I know this board isn't as big on f/f stories as the old one, but if someone would prefer to write it as a 3-way with some lucky roadie or musician in the middle that would be more than satisfactory too.
Ok for my version of this I have a celeb on a photoshoot with an elephant the author is the animal handler and the elephant rips off the celebs dress she thinks the author trained it to do that after a mild standoff it turns into a no harm no foul thing with the author getting some apology sex it was open for anyone from Salma Hayek to Lucy pinder or Kim Kardashian to Christina Hendricks yet I was leaning towards Margot Robbie
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check-in!
How have things been progressing with whatever you've been working on?
All things considered, I'm sure as hell hoping that I do better in July than I did in June.
Still editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 I'm doing what I can until I have to leave for a doctor visit next week
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Vile, thanks!): What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
I like chocolate, which I have been unable to find lately!
With my diet change I only recently got chocolate back on the menu I was allowed white chocolate but had to stay away from the dark chocolate anything for about 2 years (and it was torture)
Even now I have to limit my chocolate intake but that's ok it keeps unwanted weight off if i need an alternative I'll do butter pecan
Definitely chocolate. Chocolate is one of the greatest creations of civilization.
Got any plans for the week?
Hopefully I'm just gonna continue to recover from whatever the hell hit me on Friday.
Gotta travel so I'll be back Thursday writing on hold
Here's your question for the night: this being the first weekday of the month, it's time to give the writers a chance to discuss any goals and plans they have for this month.
Given my recent troubles, I'm just hoping to get back in the groove of writing this month, if all goes well, best case scenario is that I can at least do some work on a few stories.
Here's your question for the night: Most Annoying Video game level
Battletoads, not the famous level everyone talks about, there's one where your on this cycle trying to escape some sort of wheel (IIRC), it took me forever to get past that stage because you had to have it memorized, it drove me nuts.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Level in a video game?
Off the top of my head, I've always been partial to the school in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, granted just about every level in THPS is fantastic, but I've always enjoying just skating around that place.
Good question I just got back but I don't have any answers for those
Here's your question for the night (From Money): Your a mover on the job getting a celebs house loaded up when you find a secret closet with all kinds of role playing outfits hanging up the celeb offers a one night stand to keep you quiet about it who is it?
I'm going with Christina Hendricks here, I like the idea that she's a closet freak!
Now, since it's the first Thursday of the Month, it's time for that monthly appeal for more questions from the community.
Dax and Money have sent in enough questions that I have two Thursday's every month covered.
Now we're just six questions away from having enough for the full year, if you've got a question to ask, please send it in!
Everyone has done a great job so far, so let's do this!
I've always thought Kim Kardashian would have something like this in her place hiding her catholic schoolgirl outfit from prying eyes so she wouldn't throw it away by mistake and some unsavory individual would sell it off or keep it
I'd have to pick Ariana Richards. She probably kept her Catwoman costume from Halloween to use on "special occasions" with her husband ;D. I also feel like Britney Spears would still have some of her costumes from her music videos and squeeze into them on date night :))
Great now I'm going to have wardrobe malfunction fantasies
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna try to do at least a little writing.
Now that I'm back I'll get back on my hotel collab with Calibur009
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday night free space, so talk about whatever!
It is now official 2 weeks till training camps I'm pumped
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I actually made a bit of progress this weekend, so hopefully I can keep that going, if not then it's all good either way.
Still working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 but I'm taking today off for my birthday
Happy Birthday!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sketch comedy show?
I'm going with Mr. Show, it was a hugely formative show for modern comedy and there's plenty of skits that hold up great.
Honorable mention for the first few seasons of Mad TV, In Living Color, The State and the Will Ferrell era of SNL.
For me it was in living color the sheer volume of hilarious bits and characters was great from fire Marshall Bill burns to Wanda the ugly woman you see the talents of future Oscar and Grammy winners Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx, and Jennifer Lopez which has inspired me in my writing style to add fun to a number of stories in my career and even influences me today depending on what I have in mind
Monty Python's Flying Circus. For me nothing else compares.
"Saturday Night Live" hands down, but as a child of the '90s, I'll always have a soft place in my heart for "All That".
Here's your question for the night: Piggybacking off of last nights questions, what if your favorite skit?
For me, No Adults Allowed is the pinnacle of Bob Odenkirk's career!
Also, if you're wonder why the video ends abruptly, it's because every Mr. Show skit would lead into the next one, so this turns into a bit about slackers being discriminated against, which turns into a bit about the KKK rebranding themselves as an inclusive anti-slacker group which leads to an advertising awards show and so on and so forth until it ends with a Jesus Christ Superstar parody starring Jack Black.
Also special mention for any Cephus and Reesie Mayweather skit from In Living Color, SNL's Wake Up and Smile and Porcupine Racetrack from The State.
For me it's a 3 way tie between any skits with Fire Marshall Bill burns, Wanda the ugly woman, and Hommie D. Clown from in living color how those people got through a live broadcast without laughing is beyond me
So many great Python sketches to chose from: The Piranha Brothers, The Funniest Joke in the World, The Argument Clinic, The Upper-Class Twit of the Year. But I have to pick The Dead Parrot:
For me it's a 3 way tie between any skits with Fire Marshall Bill burns, Wanda the ugly woman, and Hommie D. Clown from in living color how those people got through a live broadcast without laughing is beyond me
Loved Homie D. Clown!
Fun fact: There was a Homie D. Clown video game for computers back in the day.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sketch comedy show?
I'm going with Mr. Show, it was a hugely formative show for modern comedy and there's plenty of skits that hold up great.
Honorable mention for the first few seasons of Mad TV, In Living Color, The State and the Will Ferrell era of SNL.
The Kids In The Hall
Here's your question for the night: Piggybacking off of last nights questions, what if your favorite skit?
For me, No Adults Allowed is the pinnacle of Bob Odenkirk's career!
Also, if you're wonder why the video ends abruptly, it's because every Mr. Show skit would lead into the next one, so this turns into a bit about slackers being discriminated against, which turns into a bit about the KKK rebranding themselves as an inclusive anti-slacker group which leads to an advertising awards show and so on and so forth until it ends with a Jesus Christ Superstar parody starring Jack Black.
Also special mention for any Cephus and Reesie Mayweather skit from In Living Color, SNL's Wake Up and Smile and Porcupine Racetrack from The State.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite movie from 1990?
I looked at a list of notable films from 1990 and I gotta go with Die Hard 2 an absolutely fantastic sequel!
Special mentions go to Pump Up the Volume , Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Longtime Companion, House Party, Kindergarten Cop, Shrimp on the Barbie (which I'm 100 percent sure doesn't hold up and I only liked it because it starred Cheech and was on HBO every day).
I don't think I'm leaving anything off this list...
I'll go with kindergarten cop still enjoy it yet 1990 was kinda thin on movies after the blockbuster summer of 89
The 1990 film I keep coming back to is The Grifters, with John Cusack and Anjelica Huston as son and mother antagonists. There's also Sidney Lumet's Q&A, with a memorable Nick Nolte as a brutal cop, and one of Clint Eastwood's least-known great movies, White Hunter Black Heart, where he plays a movie director based on John Huston. And for something really obscure, I love Metropolitan, a little comedy about upper-class New Yorkers.
I had to look which movies from 1990 I have seen and there were some great ones. My votes are going to go to "Goodfellas" and "Dances with Wolves" with honorable mentions "Die Hard 2", "Ghost" and "Home Alone".
Here's your question for the night (From Dax!): What's your guilty pleasure fast food/junk food to enjoy?
My guilty pleasure is the impossible whopper, it's great, but whoo boy does it take a toll on me!
With my revamped diet I can have most of my old menu just have to limit the sodium but when I can get them I roll with moonpies I have to go lemon flavored to keep my brother out of my stash he devoured chocolate
The onion rings at Burger King. Haven't indulged in a long while, which is probably a good thing.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm hopefully gonna get some writing done!
Still hammering out my hotel collab with Calibur009
I plan to see Barbie next weekend.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Saturday Night Free Space!
Ok I'll bite if you could crash a celebs birthday party buy not get busted who would it be?
For my version I'm going with Christina Hendricks on the outside chance she has a midlife crisis and wants a fling
Ok I'll bite if you could crash a celebs birthday party buy not get busted who would it be?
For my version I'm going with Christina Hendricks on the outside chance she has a midlife crisis and wants a fling
I'd pick Mae Martin so I could Karaoke Tegan and Sara songs with them.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm hoping I can get back to Link's Awakening and finish it this week.
Still working on hotel story with Calibur009
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Obscure album?
The Beth Hart Band's Immortal, just a fantastic album and it's a shame that was their entire output.
Can't remember the album title but it was put out by dream theater great band that reminds me of Aerosmith with a mix of blues and classical
Belle - Al Green
He had stopped having hit records by this time, having begun his religious experience (he would soon become Rev. Al Green). None of his familiar radio hits are on it, but it's a great album, one of my favorites by anybody.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Obscure Movie
There was this fantastic film called Six String Samurai that was released in 98, great movie about post-apocalyptic USA where a Buddy Holly type tries to get to Lost Vegas after the death of Elvis so he can become the new King of Rock and Roll...of course he has to deal with Death (who is clearly modeled off of Slash) and various other things as he does so.
Technically I don't have one
I could give you, no exaggeration, hundreds of answers to this question. I'll give you the first that popped into my head (ask me tomorrow I'll give you something else): "Scarecrow"(1973), starring Al Pacino and Gene Hackman as drifters who meet and travel across the country together. It was Pacino's first film after The Godfather, but nobody (NOBODY!) went to see it and it was immediately forgotten. I've always liked it.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Obscure video game?
Going back to an old favorite, I'm going with Destiny of an Emperor, it was, from what I gather, a bit of a franchise in Japan, but in the US we got the first game and that was it and then it fell into obscurity here.
I'm still a hogs of war fan as the Playstation came along with new versions I waited for a new updated version of the game but never got it
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of Rynoman78, thanks!): Would you rather have unlimited games but no bacon, or games, unlimited games, but no games?
Unlimited games but no bacon, I have no use for bacon!
I'll say unlimited games
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna keep writing, hit a bit of a roadblock but I think I can get through it!
Plans are up in the air I'll do what I can
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite does anyone want to hype their next projects? Here's your chance if your posting something in the near future
For me I'm currently stuck editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 it's nearly done just have a few scenes to go
I'm working on a few stories right now. One of them is an Ariana Richards story. I realized it's been more than a year that I've been on the site and writing about Ariana and other celebrities so I decided to write a story reflecting that :)
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing, hoping I can get some serious momentum this week.
Here's your question for the night: Best video game featuring The Noid?
Avoid the Noid is good, but Yo! Noid is a classic so I'm going with that one!
Not really my thing so I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Have you ever seen a movie in Imax?
I have not!
I don't remember it's been that long
Yes, I saw The Dark Knight at an Imax theater.
Yes, several.
Here's your question for the night: It's time of the monthly abandoned idea dump, basically if you have an ideas that you think would make a good story, but, for whatever reason, you don't think would work if you wrote it, then toss one of them out to see if anyone bites.
For me, I've really like the idea of Gambit talking Rogue into starting an onlyfans account with him.
If there was any couple in the Marvel Universe that would do such a thing, it'd be them!
My biggest issue is, like other ideas, I don't think I could keep it confined to just a few chapters, I'd start wanting to get other X-Men involved real quick and a story like that would never be finished!
I don't have anything currently along those lines normally the crazy ideas come after my meds I've had some wacky ones over the years I'll have to check my idea binders
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of DanielO, thanks!): If you're stranded on an island for a long time, who do you want with you?
I'd probably go with Lucy Pinder, who wouldn't want to be stuck on an Island with her???
DanielO may hate me for this since extreme1 beat me to it but I'll go with Sabrina carpenter
DanielO may hate me for this since extreme1 beat me to it but I'll go with Sabrina carpenter
Oh well, that's what happens when you check in late.
I'll just have to settle for being marooned with Bella Thorne. ;)
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of DanielO, thanks!): If you're stranded on an island for a long time, who do you want with you?
I'd probably go with Lucy Pinder, who wouldn't want to be stuck on an Island with her???
Camila Mendes
Well DanielO Bella will be wanting to make fresh onlyfans content to escape the soul crushing boredom and your center ring its a win win
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got some writing to do, hopefully I can make real progress this weekend!
Still working on hotel story with Calibur009 I'm getting there
Also have fun little side project that is almost done fans should enjoy I'm doing with Calibur009 featuring Dove Cameron, Kelli Berglund, and Sabrina carpenter
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite you find yourself in a cooking competition with a celeb and she is cooking things in some cases you never heard of but you know if you win you not only get bragging rights you get something extra who's the celeb
For my version I'm going with Emma Watson just to sample some French style cuisine
I'm going with Hayley Atwell and I'm hoping that she's a terrible cook so I can win!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna try to both get some writing done and get some progress made on Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening!
Still hammering out hotel story with Calibur009 I'm getting there
I'm going with Hayley Atwell and I'm hoping that she's a terrible cook so I can win!
She’s British, lol
I'm going with Hayley Atwell and I'm hoping that she's a terrible cook so I can win!
She’s British, lol
True, I could probably make pop tarts and win!
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did things go for you this month?
For me I'm almost done with the first draft of the Diane Guerrero story, been doing some work on the next chapter of Mr and Mrs. XXX and have made some progress on some stuff for Choya!
Still working on hotel story this thing is a BEAST
Here's your question for the night: You're given your own wrestling promotion, who is the first person you hire?
For me, I'm going with Maki Itoh, she's got everything you'd want in a star.
Even though he's retired from the ring, I'll go Triple H because his passion for pro wrestling is unquestionable and his creative skills behind the curtain have proven to be second to none.
I'll go with trish stratus
Here's your question for the night: You're given your own wrestling promotion, who is the first person you hire?
For me, I'm going with Maki Itoh, she's got everything you'd want in a star.
CM Punk, star and booker.
Mick Foley. That would be fun.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite vintage pornstar?
I'm going with Christy Canyon, untouchably hot in her prime.
Shoutout to Kay Parker, Holly Body (the 90s are now vintage, suckers!) and Domonique Simone!
Shoutout to Kay Parker, Holly Body (the 90s are now vintage, suckers!) and Domonique Simone!
Thanks for making me feel old, asshole! ;)
In all seriousness, if the '90s are now vintage, I'll answer with Juli Ashton, Jenna Jameson, Jenteal (RIP) and Raylene.
I'm right there with you 313 I'm going Jenna Jameson just so I can sleep
Here's your question for the night: Favorite vintage pornstar?
I'm going with Christy Canyon, untouchably hot in her prime.
Shoutout to Kay Parker, Holly Body (the 90s are now vintage, suckers!) and Domonique Simone!
Sydnee Steele
Here's your question for the night (From Money!): You have the chance to build your own orgy with 5 celebs and you the catch is you can't use your top 20 list
Who's left?
My answer is...
1. Debby Ryan
2. Joey King
3. Hunter King
4. Alex Morgan
5. Leila Grey
Before I go, as always, this is the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions from the community.
Don't hesitate to send your questions in if there's one burning a hole in your brain!
Night everyone.
I don't remember my picks for this so I'll go fresh
Bella thorne
Gigi hadid
Trish stratus
Olivia Holt
Here's your question for the night (From Money!): You have the chance to build your own orgy with 5 celebs and you the catch is you can't use your top 20 list
Who's left?
My answer is...
1. Debby Ryan
2. Joey King
3. Hunter King
4. Alex Morgan
5. Leila Grey
Before I go, as always, this is the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions from the community.
Don't hesitate to send your questions in if there's one burning a hole in your brain!
Night everyone.
I like this question, helps me expand my fantasy horizon. ;D
1. Dani Thorne
2. Penny Lane
3. Olivia Holt
4. Katherine McNamara
Isabella Merced (Moner)
1. Paige Spiranac
2. Hunter King
3. Joey Fisher
4. Hayley Atwell
5. Amouranth
Dani Thorne is so fucking hot!
I don't remember my picks for this so I'll go fresh
Bella thorne
Gigi hadid
Trish stratus
Olivia Holt
All pornstars
Scarlett Alexis
Asa Akira
Jenna Haze
Lisa Ann
Tori Black
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
Gotta pack for my trip and travel so I'll be gone from Sunday to Tuesday
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the Saturday Night Free Space, so talk about whatever!
I'm packing for my trip so I got nothing so someone else can take this and I'll see you guys in a few days
Dani Thorne is so fucking hot!
Mmmm-hmmm! I don't know why I haven't had her on my Top 20 list. I'll definitely correct that next time!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna keep writing, can't let the hot streak end here!
Going to celebrate my dad's birthday. I got him a watch that my mom and sister think he'll absolutely love.
Recovering from my trip so I'll be a few days
Here's your question for the night: If you could make a video game for an old console that fills a need on that console (IE: An RPG on a system with either no or very few RPGs) what genre would it be and what console would it be for?
I'd make either a wrestling game for the Vectrex or a tactical RPG for the Atari Jaguar (I wanna see how they utilize the number pad for a tactical RPG).
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Total Extreme Wrestling or Promotion Wars?
TEW gives me the option to give myself a shit ton of money during the game, so that's my pick!
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: What's your favorite amusement park ride?
I always liked the Falling Star, that was a fun one.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night (from Dax!): What's a country/location you'd love to visit and why?
It's cliché, but I'd love to go to Japan and just go on a tour of the different wrestling promotions, getting to see shows from places like Big Japan, Gatoh Move, Stardom, Marvelous and, of course, Triple Six would be a dream come true.
I would say England since my family goes back there around 17th century should be interesting to see cousins I didn't know existed
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna get back to writing, took a few days off and I'm ready to really get back to it!
Family coming in for vacation so I'm back in childhood survival mode writing with have to take a backseat for a week
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
With my schedule I've got nothing to debate here
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm getting closer and closer to having a story done, so that's gonna be my focus this week!
To survive my older siblings the rivalry is real people
Here's your question for the night: In honor of this years tournament wrapping up, favorite NJPW G1 Climax match of all time?
Shinya Hashimoto Vs. Genichiro Tenryu from 1998.
An incredible match with two heavyweights beating the shit out of each other, the most pure version of Strong Style that I've ever seen!
Here's your question for the night: In honor of this years tournament wrapping up, favorite NJPW G1 Climax match of all time?
Shinya Hashimoto Vs. Genichiro Tenryu from 1998.
An incredible match with two heavyweights beating the shit out of each other, the most pure version of Strong Style that I've ever seen!
None of them because they don't feature the extreme1 recognized greatest wrestler of all time, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.
Huh, I forgot to ask the question last night, sorry about that.
So I guess we're having a rare question of the day instead!
Favorite Mortal Kombat babe?
I'm going with Sonya Blade.
She's always been smoking hot!
Yeah Sonja would be my pick as well
Here's your question for the night: You're hired to create a music festival and, thanks to time travel, you can have anyone you want (in their prime) preform at it, who are the first 5 acts you sign on?
I would probably sign The Clash, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Queen and, just for a real curveball, Poison Idea.
Oh now this is a tough one but my version would be
Def Leppard
Jimmy Hendrix
And the curveball act Debbie Gibson
Here's your question for the night: You're hired to create a music festival and, thanks to time travel, you can have anyone you want (in their prime) preform at it, who are the first 5 acts you sign on?
I would probably sign The Clash, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Queen and, just for a real curveball, Poison Idea.
I love this question, so I had to think it through. My first thought was The Beatles, but their full greatness was as much in the studio as it was live in concert. And for a festival you need something big, so more intimate acts like Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris or the original Bill Evans Trio (Bill Evans, Scott LeFaro, Paul Motian) might get lost. So my lineup would be:
Elvis -1956. No explanation necessary.
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, late 1970's-early 1980's. Bruce at his peak IMO, and we get to reunite him with the now departed Danny Federici and Clarence Clemons.
The Miles Davis Sextet, 1959, the lineup that recorded "Kind Of Blue": Miles on trumpet, John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderly - saxophone, Bill Evans - piano, Paul Chambers - bass, Jimmy Cobb - drums.
Bob Dylan & The Band, 1965-66, the Dylan Goes Electric tour.
Marvin Gaye - anytime. Marvin was never not great. 8)
Here's your question for the night (courtesy of GAV): If you could have sex with any one of the Disney Animated characters, who would it be?
Probably Maleficent, she's alright.
I'd go with Belle from beauty and the beast maybe even pull off threesome with Emma Watson from live action version total win/win
I was going to say Kim Possible, but since animated characters don't age, she's still not legal. So I'll go with She-go.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing and polishing!
Had something planned but it got canceled I'm going back to the drawing board
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
I had a question for this but I'm still wording it right so I'll just throw out favorite snack food option for me it's chips and salsa since I inhale Mexican food it's my go to for a quick filler
Chips and bean dip for me!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm hoping to get this damn story that's almost finished worked on, if all goes well, I should be able to start getting it into shape by the end of the week.
Got some health stuff to handle before my trip so I'll see what happens
Here's your question for the night: Favorite story you've written?
It's not a full story, but I didn't hate the first chapter of Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
I have written so many fan favorites and instant classics I have no idea where to begin for this I always felt each could stand on its own but if I had to choose I would say my hot 100 adventure so many fan favorites jammed into one story with multiple layers and one guy trying to keep a lid on a hotel full of lovely ladies that want to bang his brains out
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite story you've written?
I'm going with the 90s CSS story I wrote, it was pretty bad.
Technically I can't think of any I'm aware I have written some less than stellar projects over the years a number of stories were written with very little sleep
Here's your question for the night: Most neutral story that you've written?
I'm going with The Lottery Winner, it wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just sorta there.
For me it has to be Sleepover shenanigans with Jamie Lynn Spears it was a fan request that looked good on paper and I did write it how it needed to look seems it never caught on but those things happen in this genre even if the celeb is Britney's sister
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite story you've written?
I'm going with the 90s CSS story I wrote, it was pretty bad.
More like use of certain celebs I regret using in scenes. I was using women not so much because I was into them but for the sake of other people being into them. The scenes read to me as completely lukewarm and there just to take up space. I'd edit them out but honestly it's too much effort. The stories are what they are.
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, Thanks!): If, sometime between early 2010 and early 2015, Taylor Swift had come out as a submissive lesbian in a Dom/sub relationship, what would you have done when this relationship lasted like none of hers ever seem to do?
I would be happy for her!
I'd be all for this wonder if Selena gomez was her other half and find out how I could sandwich my way into being useful for both of them so I could hang around
Here's your question: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite what about you have a free ticket to anywhere to meet your celeb of choice who is it I would say send me to London to meet Emma Watson always wanted to visit there and Emma would be a great guide
Good question, I'd have to go with...going to my front room to meet Lucy Pinder, because I'm incredibly lazy!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I plan on hopefully doing things...or not.
I'm all over the map but I can still get a few things done on writing
Here's your question for the night: How many fingers am I holding up?
I'll leave this one for you folks!
2 fingers
Now we just need a 3 stooges bit to go with it
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you've got an idea you like, but don't think is right for you, share it here!
I've always liked the idea of Jean Grey and Polaris bonding over what shitty guys the Summers are and somehow that ends with them in a threesome with Gambit (another character who, at times, can be defined by writers as simply "the other half of a more important character" or, in Jean's case, "someone who is better off dead because her SO is way better and more important without her around")
For me I've been so busy with real life, writing, and personal stuff that I have this great idea I can't do anything with it boils down to you are hooked up with your celeb of choice your getting married yet she wants to document the honeymoon in all its glory on the internet
Who's the celeb and do you agree to go through with it?
For me this screams Emma Watson
Here's your question for the night: It's time for the monthly writer check in.
How did things go this month?
Did you meet any goals you set for yourself?
Things went alright for me until I got sick Thursday, that kept me from writing, ah well, hopefully I can get that Diane Guerrero story done next month.
August was a slight trainwreck with a few bright spots didn't get as much writing done as I wanted but I'm still going
Here's your question for the night (From JConn, thanks!): What is your favorite game original soundtrack of all time?
For me, I'm going with Destiny of an Emperor, just a fantastic OST that doesn't get enough love.
Don't have one
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna keep working on this damn story!
Gotta pack for my trip so writing will take backseat for a few days
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
With football season just a few days away i wonder how everyone thinks their team will do
Being the defending Champs I know KC has a big target on their backs I expect to do well but I'll take it a game at a time
I think the Bears will go undefeated now that they have Nathan Peterman back!
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm trying to finish the first polish of this story, also will try to get back into writing stuff for December.
I've got my doctor visit so I'll be out of action for most of the week with testing I'll see where I am on the weekend
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Movie?
The Outsiders is my answer, just a fantastic film all around.
Mine will always be return of the jedi don't get me started on the new stuff I'm old school canon
Duck Soup (1933). The Marx Brothers.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Movie?
The Outsiders is my answer, just a fantastic film all around.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite album?
It's a question that's kind of tough for me, but, off the top of my head, I'm going with London Calling by the Clash, top to bottom an incredible album.
Terribly hard question. I'll go with Aja by Steely Dan, just ahead of Into The Music - Van Morrison.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Video Game?
For me, it's a tie between the two Shining Force games for the Sega Genesis.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Video Game?
For me, it's a tie between the two Shining Force games for the Sega Genesis.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros. 3
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your invited to a celeb birthday party and are offered a threesome with the birthday girl and a guest who are they?
I'm going with Taylor Swift as the birthday girl and Selena Gomez as the guest!
As always, here's the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions from the community, if you've got anything send them in!
It's Sydney Sweeney's birthday and Zendaya is the guest.
Favorite album Def Leppard Hysteria
For the birthday threesome I forgot who I had so I'll go fresh with shakira as the birthday girl and Shawn Johnson as the guest since they are both flexible total win win
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your invited to a celeb birthday party and are offered a threesome with the birthday girl and a guest who are they?
I'm going with Taylor Swift as the birthday girl and Selena Gomez as the guest!
As always, here's the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions from the community, if you've got anything send them in!
Camila Mendes' birthday and the special guest is Victoria Justice.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm working on stories!
I'm relaxing after my trip can't write just yet with a heart procedure where they went through my wrist thankfully it wasn't my writing hand but it is sore I'll see where I am Sunday
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun.
I think this would count as a question of the night so here goes
You have a shot at marrying your celeb of choice all you have to do is take your shot who is it?
For my version I'll go with Emma Watson she seems like the kind of girl that would be a real catch and want kids so I would totally step up to the plate for that just so I can say I tried
I'm going with Sydney Sweeney, mainly because she's been on my mind quite a bit lately.
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna work on this story!
Now that I'm back from hospital stay I'm getting back to hotel collab with Calibur009
Honestly, I’d probably marry someone who is casual and low key. I wouldn’t mind being in Ben McKenzie’s shoes given his wife is Morena Baccarin.
I think this would count as a question of the night so here goes
You have a shot at marrying your celeb of choice all you have to do is take your shot who is it?
For my version I'll go with Emma Watson she seems like the kind of girl that would be a real catch and want kids so I would totally step up to the plate for that just so I can say I tried
Camila Mendes
Here's your question for the night: going in the opposite direction of last week...Least favorite movie?
My brain has probably shut off memories of really bad shit, but, in terms of recent stuff I can remember, I'm going with Marriage Story, it's astounding that the movie sucked, despite having such a great cast.
Oh the sheer volume of box office bombs that exist that could fill this space so many cringe worthy options for me I would go with 21 jump street why it exists I have no idea but someone spent money to make it
Natural Born Killers, the only movie I've ever seen that I actively hated, that left me feeling morally offended.
Here's your question for the night: most disliked album?
Cut the Crap by the Clash, it was an astounding fall for one of the best bands ever.
Even though I don't have this album it is still considered a career low point for the artist I don't remember the name of the album but it was made back in the 70s during the disco era Elton John disco cover songs with a classic piano twist someone must have been high on something to talk Elton John into this he still hates it exists
The only album I ever threw away was The Ramones' "Rocket To Russia." It just repulsed me at the time. I should probably give it a second chance.
Here's your question for the night: going in the opposite direction of last week...Least favorite movie?
My brain has probably shut off memories of really bad shit, but, in terms of recent stuff I can remember, I'm going with Marriage Story, it's astounding that the movie sucked, despite having such a great cast.
DePalma's Scarface. There is no limit to my hatred for that movie.
First off, don't like De Palma as a director. He has, at BEST two movies I like and Scarface ain't shit compared to any of them. To my complete and utter core I hate Scarface on every level as a movie.
Here's your question for the night: Most Disliked Video Game?
I'm going with Simpsons Wrestling for the PlayStation, it took 2 things I loved and turned them into a fucking garbage game.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Dax, thanks!): What's an event/national occasion in another country that you'd like to witness/take part in.
I'd love to go to Mexico to see a CMLL Aniversario show.
I'll go with Yom Kippur in Isreal just so I can see for myself what goes on
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm got some writing to do!
I'm still writing got a bunch of catching up to do my trip was a giant monkey wrench in my plans
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Ok I'll bite it's week 2 of football I see some teams that need a win others that need to continue success for me KC should curb stomp jags into pudding we shall see
Here’s my question: anyone just find Leigh Nash of Sixpence fame a good singer?
Here’s my question: anyone just find Leigh Nash of Sixpence fame a good singer?
I mainly just remember that Kiss Me song.
It was pretty good.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
For me it's writing, writing and more writing!
Trying to write amid real life stuff a little hit and miss currently I'm working on it
Here's your question for the night: Best concert you've ever been to?
I'm gonna take festivals out of the equation for this one (feel free to answer with one if you want to, that was just a self imposed rule), so, off the top of my head, I'm going with Rob Zombie and Ozzy Osbourne in 2001.
Just an incredible show.
I've got nothing
Springsteen, Born in the USA tour, 1984.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Pornstar?
I'm going with either Gianna Michaels or Hitomi Tanaka, both incredibly hot and great performers!
I'd have to say either Dani Daniels or Aurora Snow
This is like pulling teeth I don't have one but a number bring different things to the table so here's mine in no particular order
Shyla stylez, Hitomi tanaka, Gianna Michaels, Lisa ann, Yurizan Beltran, Riley Reid, Natasha nice, Jenna Jameson,
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Pornstar?
I'm going with either Gianna Michaels or Hitomi Tanaka, both incredibly hot and great performers!
Jenna Haze or Lisa Ann
Here's your question for the night: Favorite male pornstar?
It's a toss up between Peter North and Juan El Caballo Loco
I don't have one my ego won't let me get passed myself in my own mind
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly_So, thanks!): What are the top three greatest TV theme songs/intros of all time? (bonus points if the show sucks but the intro is good)?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with Roc (the God Bless The Child intro), In Living Color (the first version of the theme) and The Simpsons (it's iconic for a reason)
Special mention to the theme from 21 Jump Street, it still whips ass.
Hmmm I've heard so many TV themes over the years a few do stand out
The Simpsons is still iconic
Family guy is still going
The A team still brings back some fun memories for me
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm incredibly close to being done with the first pass through for a story I'm working on, so I'm gonna try to get that done!
I'm back on my hotel collab with Calibur009 just about done with the scene I've spent the summer trying to finish
Trying to finish up the first chapter of my new series Lustfully Yours. I still have one more sex scene to write. Then I have to proofread and edit it.
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever.
Ok I'll bite anyone want to hype up a project they have?
After a very crazy summer for me I'm finishing up my hotel story collab with Calibur009 I just have to do my sections for the finale scene
After that I'm getting back on my jukebox collection story with Selena gomez
I'm almost done with the first pass through of this Diane Guerrero story and I'm doing work on the next chapter of Mr. and Mrs. XXX, which is looking promising!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I finished the first pass through of the Diane Guerrero story, so I'm probably gonna work on that here and there and continue to work on Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
Finally moving myself enough to edit something which is always one of my least favourite jobs especially when it's like 20,000 words to get through.
Got a few things to handle between a short trip out of town
Here's your question for the night: First celebrity you remember wanting to write a story about?
It's been ages, so I'm not sure I can actually remember, but I think it was probably Britney Spears, because she was in the first chapter of the first celeb story I ever started writing.
Oh this is easy for me I wrote my first 2 stories with very specific celebs in mind my first project had Kelly Clarkson in it and my first rehab from hell series chapter had the redheaded party girl of the early 2000s Lindsay Lohan in a rather spacious rehab cell
Aly Michalka and Ashley Tisdale , inspired by Hellcats.
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly_So, thanks!): What are the top three greatest TV theme songs/intros of all time? (bonus points if the show sucks but the intro is good)?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with Roc (the God Bless The Child intro), In Living Color (the first version of the theme) and The Simpsons (it's iconic for a reason)
Special mention to the theme from 21 Jump Street, it still whips ass.
How did I miss this? I love this question!
The Jeffersons (to me, the best theme song, no question)
Top Cat
Miami Vice
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's that time of the month where you can post an abandoned idea to see if anyone is interested in picking it up.
I've recently remembered an old idea that was centered around a group of celebs having a night out on the town with each one eventually breaking away from the group and having some kind of crazy adventure.
Not sure who would have been in the group or just what they would have been up to, but I always liked idea that each girl would go through a more absurd situation than the last.
That's a great idea I can see a fee things happening if I had a better idea of how many celebs were involved before getting a cast together I might take a Crack at this
For my abandoned idea I had something where it was a section of story left out of trapped in paradise where the author is manhandled by celeb where he can't get away as she is rather aggressive wanting sex kind of like a married with children outtake with AL and Peg only with a different cast
That's a great idea I can see a fee things happening if I had a better idea of how many celebs were involved before getting a cast together I might take a Crack at this
For my abandoned idea I had something where it was a section of story left out of trapped in paradise where the author is manhandled by celeb where he can't get away as she is rather aggressive wanting sex kind of like a married with children outtake with AL and Peg only with a different cast
The size of the cast was always the thing that tripped me up, I could never figure out if it should be a big cast or something smaller.
Also, great idea, sounds like something a writer could have fun with.
Well it could work with no more than 6 celebs so it wouldn't take forever to write just a question of who would be in it are we talking older celebs like Salma Hayek and shakira or the younger set with Sabrina carpenter and Hailee Steinfeld
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in.
How did things go for you this month?
I made a lot of progress on the Diane Guerrero story, hopefully it'll be early October when it's fully finished and released.
I've also been doing quite a bit for the next chapter of Mr and Mrs. XXX, so far it's coming together nicely!
Well for me between travels, limited writing time, and a crazy ongoing thing in my personal life I finally finished editing the Selena gomez scene in my hotel collab with Calibur009 now I'm down to my 3 sections of the orgy finale thankfully Calibur009 already has his parts finished now I just need to finish mine this will take some time given the details of the scene
Here's your question of the night (from GAV, thanks!): Who are your favorite love triangle in comics/cartoons?
I dunno, most love triangles aren't great, Black Cat/Mary Jane/Spider-Man would probably be my answer.
Nuts beat me to it
My version would be Batman, Talia al Ghul, and Selina Kyle
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Just gonna be working on stories!
I'll see what I can do for writing with the long week I had will mainly rest but am currently mapping out my sections of hotel orgy
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever.
Okay I'll bite with all the series reboots which one just makes you think they should have left it alone?
For me Futurama is right up there you had a decade of classic episodes mixed in with animated movies before they wrapped up I refuse to watch the new stuff since it seems to smack of streaming money grab mixed with the voice actors desperate for a check after the pandemic of course you can't get the legend Phil Hartman as Zapp Branagan I loved those episodes
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing for me!
Okay I'll bite with all the series reboots which one just makes you think they should have left it alone?
For me Futurama is right up there you had a decade of classic episodes mixed in with animated movies before they wrapped up I refuse to watch the new stuff since it seems to smack of streaming money grab mixed with the voice actors desperate for a check after the pandemic of course you can't get the legend Phil Hartman as Zapp Branagan I loved those episodes
I forgot to answer this question, but that's a great question, yeah, it'd probably be Futurama for me as well.
Got some testing later today so I'll be out of action today and maybe most of this week I'll do what I can during recovery
Here's your question for the night: No question, if you've got an upcoming story that you'd like to hype up, the go for it!
If all goes well, the Diane Guerrero story should be ready this month, I think it's been coming along quite well.
I'm still working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 got my new sections mapped out just need time to write them
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night: Favorite commercial?
For me, it's this one.
Absolutely captures the spirit of the game.
Night everyone.
I don't have one
Here's your question for the night: Favorite PSA?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with this one, I watched it a lot when I was watched the Pryde of the X-Men Video tape as a kid.
Don't have one
Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Money, thanks!): You're caught in a riot while on vacation that a celeb starts and you're stuck at the same hotel with them who is it?
Cardi B, that seems like something she'd do.
It's the first Thursday of the month, so it's time for my monthly appeal to the community for questions, if you've got something you'd like asked for the Thursday Night question, send them to me, my PM's are always open.
Oh man this one takes me back I forgot who I had so I'll go fresh
I'll take shakira pretty sure she can cause a riot somewhere I see myself standing at the hotel room window with her seeing the chaos and saying "you just had to wear that outfit today"
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be working on stories!
I'm all over the map on personal matters I'll see what I can get done it's bone numbing cold out there
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever.
With the weather turning cold for a lot of us what is the best way you stay warm?
For me it will be breaking out my space heater and electric blanket wrapping myself and my fiancé up for a nice cuddle
Reading stories on this site!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've got a lot of writing to do!
Don't have much going on this week so I'll be writing for most of it
Anyone thing there should be more FF stories?? Plenty of famous queer women out there who really want to fuck other women’s brains out.
I do, the more types of story the better!
Here's your question for the night: Least Favorite PSA?
The Ted Nugent Rock Against Drugs PSA.
Ted, I know enough about your life to know that you don't have shit to say to anyone about anything.
I don't have one
Anyone thing there should be more FF stories?? Plenty of famous queer women out there who really want to fuck other women’s brains out.
Here's your question for the night: Least Favorite Commercial?
For me it's any of those 90s commercials where people acted like assholes for no reason, the best example is that is probably the game.com commercial where the dude acts like everyone is stupid for asking questions (before they bum rush him).
Don't have one the sheer volume of them would turn your brain to pudding
Here's your question for the night: Best tv show starring Lyle Alzado and featuring the stars of the National Wrestling Alliance?
There are a lot of great choices, but I'm going with Learning the Ropes!
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night courtesy of Dax (Thanks!): Are you worried about the rise of AI art and writing tools, or are you indifferent about it compared to proper writing?
I've been messing around quite a bit with AI Art and Writing sites and, the truth is I have a lot of thoughts on this subject.
Short answer is, at the moment, I don't have any worries about AI art or Writing tools, at this point, they're simply toys, no more no less.
I've pretty treated them as places to experiment with, seeing how it would react to various things I'd throw at it, including some pretty grody stuff (nothing that would involve the phrase "Legal Grey Area" but the point remains, that it's not stuff you'd see on CSS.
I grew kinda bored with AI Art because I'm not sure what it can do at the moment.
It can't draw Rogue, it draws Storm as a white woman and I've tried to get it to draw me pictures of Nightwing and Wonder Woman (Not even fucking, just pictures of them hanging out and shit) and it's done this weird thing where it puts what appears to be a fucked up version of Wonder Woman's symbol on their foreheads.
AI writing is incredibly tough to deal with, because you have to really hammer home points with it.
For instance, you can't hint that something is wrong with Character X (to plant the seeds for a later reveal) you have to repeatedly have scenes where the story reiterates that Character X is secretly evil.
This is to say, of course, nothing of the ethical issue of people having their works used without permission.
I've had it randomly post the tagline for a tumblr blog, multiple times it's posted the title for a totally different story, an issue of a comic book and, at one point, what I'm 99 percent sure was a literotica comment.
At the end of the day there might be a time in about 10 or so years where you can load up a program tell it "I want a story about Sabertooth seducing Rogue set in the X-Men the Animated Series universe, it should be 5 chapters and here's a rough outline and the main character beats you need to hit on" and it'll get you what you want.
Then you load up an art program and tell it to make you comic based on that story and you'll, once again, get what you want.
But it's gonna take a lot of effort to get there, it's gonna take people spending years training those programs, getting them familiar with concepts.
Make no mistake, corporations are gonna abuse the shit out of AI, it's in their nature, but, end of the day, it's a simple program on a computer.
And I just can't see it being all that dangerous in it's current form.
They'll try to replace humans with AI as soon as they can, but it just isn't gonna work.
I don't see AI taking the place of a talented yet twisted minded writer with a skill set anytime soon my brother back in the day was an artist he could draw just about anything free hand I still have a picture of a weapons vault he drew with a custom war ax when he was 14 we even designed a steam punk style tank and a 31st century bomber for kicks while he was in middle school
I have seen a bunch of AI art on social media most of the celeb stuff that pops up are of women like Gal Gadot, JLaw and others that don't really catch the subtle beauty they have I saw a lingerie pic with Emma Watson and her chest was way bigger than I'm sure she has in reality those things were easily 45DD's
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
As always, I've gotta get some writing done.
My weekend is toast I have to clear out my storage unit Saturday and have stuff going on all day Sunday I'll see what I can do Monday
Make this recipe
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever.
Anybody want to hype an upcoming project? I'm still stuck on the orgy finale for my hotel collab with Calibur009 my week is taken but I'm doing what I can with the free time I get
If all goes well, I plan on starting a new site collab this month, the gist of the idea is that it's stories about women who don't have any stories on the site.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be trying to get this damn story finally finished!
My week is crazy my plate is full of stuff gotta take little bites to get it all down writing is a side dish right now I'll see what I can do
I might have a new Julien story when I have time. Don’t worry, there won’t be any sex with guys in the story. She’ll be gay.
Here's your question for the night: What's something you'd like to see more of in celeb stories?
Honestly, I'd like to see more diversity in stories.
Stuff like more stories about black women and stories about LGBTQ celebs.
I wouldn't mind writing about black celebs I just never seem to get those kinds of story requests from my fan base I am writing something with Dove Cameron that is almost ready with my personal life and the holiday season coming up my writing time is limited
Here's your question for the night: What's something you'd like to see more of in celeb stories?
Honestly, I'd like to see more diversity in stories.
Stuff like more stories about black women and stories about LGBTQ celebs.
More female/female stories would be welcome. And they need not be limited to LGBTQ celebs. After all, this is fiction, not necessary that reality intrude.
I mean, you’ve got a lot of hot women who chase women like Kristen Stewart, Ruby Rose, and Julien Baker.
Here's your question for the night: If you could make a video game about an old school wrestling territory, which one would it be?
I'd probably go with Mid-South, it's a cliche but their roster in 84 was pretty incredible with guys like the Junkyard Dog (Before he left in the Summer), Ted DiBiase, Butch Reed and Magnum TA.
Here's your question for the night: If you could make a video game about an old school wrestling territory, which one would it be?
I'd probably go with Mid-South, it's a cliche but their roster in 84 was pretty incredible with guys like the Junkyard Dog (Before he left in the Summer), Ted DiBiase, Butch Reed and Magnum TA.
Herb Abrams' UWF
I got nothing
How do you like the idea of trying to initiate accents??? I am talking about like Sofia Vergara.
How do you like the idea of trying to initiate accents??? I am talking about like Sofia Vergara.
For the most parts, accents tend to be rough to get down, especially for someone like Sofia, it can go very wrong if people aren't careful.
Here's your question for the night: Cancelled Video Game Console you wish had been released?
Probably the Panasonic M2.
It was supposed to be the follow up to the 3D0, but it ended up getting sold to a different company, who sold it to Konami who used the tech for a few arcade games.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): Who is the better pussy licker: Lily James or Lily Collins?
I have no clue!
I would say the one with the lick her license but if I had to pick Lily Collins would be my vote
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing, also gonna watch wrestling!
I'm all over the map but I'm making progress on my hotel collab with Calibur009 when I have time
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever.
Okay I'll bite anyone want to hype a project in the works? I've got a few but everyone knows about them already just need to find time to get them done I'll see what I can do during the games today
If all goes well, I should have the Diane Guerrero story done before the end of the month.
I’ll have another Julien Baker story up at some point.
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm hoping I'll be able to get this story done before the end of the week!
I'll see what I can do on my projects
Here's your question for the night: Lucy Pinder or Michelle Marsh?
I liked Marsh quite a bit when she was active, but I'm going with Lucy!
I'm going with Lucy too, though hope to eventually write a Marsh story outside of Mr. Disco.
I'll have to go with Lucy as well not to say Michelle doesn't have a certain charm Lucy is more well known
Lucy it is.
Here's your question for the night: If CSS was turned into an amusement park and each member was given a section, what would the theme of your section?
Given my stories, it'd probably be disappointment also the section would always take forever to be built!
Hmmm since I'm all over the map anyway my section would be RFH land with a small section devoted to my collabs with other authors
I don't get to choose, the great Hana Moon has spoken for me on discord about a wild ride on Cad's big tiddy bumper cars ;D
Here's your question for the night: First wrestling match you remember watching?
My memory is fucking terrible, but I still remember watching Ricky Steamboat Vs. Randy Savage from Wrestlemania 3, don't remember much else about the card (other than, of course, Steamboat-Savage and the main event) but that match was one I'll always remember.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: First wrestling match you remember watching?
My memory is fucking terrible, but I still remember watching Ricky Steamboat Vs. Randy Savage from Wrestlemania 3, don't remember much else about the card (other than, of course, Steamboat-Savage and the main event) but that match was one I'll always remember.
Probably Triple H versus Cactus Jack in a Street Fight at Royal Rumble years back
Here's your question for the night: First wrestling match you remember watching?
My memory is fucking terrible, but I still remember watching Ricky Steamboat Vs. Randy Savage from Wrestlemania 3, don't remember much else about the card (other than, of course, Steamboat-Savage and the main event) but that match was one I'll always remember.
Probably Savage Vs. Steamboat or Savage Vs. Hogan.
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly_So, thanks!): What are the top three worst TV theme songs/intros of all time? (bonus points if the show itself is good but the intro sucks)
Off the top of my head:
1. WWE's ECW revival ('Bodies' by Drowning Pool)
2. Friends (A song that perfectly reflects how bad the show is)
3. Mad TV (great show in the early years, but whoo boy that theme was bad).
I'm sure there are many examples out there the 90s flash is a good example solid show that helped usher in the Arrowverse version years later but we only got 1 season
King of the hill is another one I never saw the appeal and the theme just screamed trailer park to me
The last one would be Friends yes I wasn't a fan at all so I never understood the obsession with Aniston I was too busy with life at the time
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm close to getting this story done, pretty sure I'll have it finished before the end of the weekend!
Trying to get back on track with hotel story had a slight crisis in personal life but got that handled I'll see what I can do during football games
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite does anyone have a project they can't do anything with say you want to write it but the only thing stopping you is you don't want a certain someone to know you wrote it?
There should be more stories with queer people. Think Hunter Schaffer, Brianna Hildebrand, Julien Baker, Janelle Monae.
There should be more stories with queer people. Think Hunter Schaffer, Brianna Hildebrand, Julien Baker, Janelle Monae.
Okay I'll bite does anyone have a project they can't do anything with say you want to write it but the only thing stopping you is you don't want a certain someone to know you wrote it?
Good question, but I can't say I've ever been in that situation.
Well I've got a little something I'd rather my fiance didn't know I had plans for since the intel is pretty specific I'd rather not have my name attached
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Gotta keep writing, even with the Diane Guerrero story done, got a lot of work to do!
My plate is pretty full this week I'm still trying to unload that one project
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the Monthly abandoned idea dump, so, if you've got an idea you'd like to see someone take a crack at, post it here!
I've had this idea for a bit of one of the X-Women becoming frustrated with the team and going to a villain (Usually I think it would be Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire Club) and allowing herself to be seduced by him.
I think that could be fun for someone like Polaris or Psylocke.
Well for my story idea dump it's less of a dump and more and I don't want my fiance to find this thing
The main thing is she's a big Harry Potter fan and Emma Watson fan in a rather interesting conversation that has taken 3 months to piece together from various rabbit trails she has wanted to see a story (could even be a small section of a harem chapter if KMB wants to slip something in a free space) featuring Emma with a few plot staples among them Emma has to be pregnant by the end of the story along with sex scenes in the following locations in no particular order shower, kitchen, dining room, living room, pool, swimming naked, beach house, ocean, hotel room (she loves Vegas), bedroom with an electric blanket.
For the most part I can't write this mainly because I don't want my name attached since my fiance doesn't know I write fan fiction and this would kill the relationship dead anyone willing to take this on I'll be grateful my fiance is too important to lose over this
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writers check in!
How did things go for you in October and did you reach whatever goals you set up for yourself?
I finally finished that Diane Guerrero story, and, once that gets edited, it'll be posted, so I'm pretty happy with myself right now!
I'm making progress on my hotel collab with Calibur009 I'm still not where I want to be writing wise but I'm getting there
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly hype post.
If you wanna hype a story you're working on, do it here!
Probably won't be getting much up this month, outside of the already finished DG story, because I'm gonna be hard at work for December!
Well for my story idea dump it's less of a dump and more and I don't want my fiance to find this thing
The main thing is she's a big Harry Potter fan and Emma Watson fan in a rather interesting conversation that has taken 3 months to piece together from various rabbit trails she has wanted to see a story (could even be a small section of a harem chapter if KMB wants to slip something in a free space) featuring Emma with a few plot staples among them Emma has to be pregnant by the end of the story along with sex scenes in the following locations in no particular order shower, kitchen, dining room, living room, pool, swimming naked, beach house, ocean, hotel room (she loves Vegas), bedroom with an electric blanket.
For the most part I can't write this mainly because I don't want my name attached since my fiance doesn't know I write fan fiction and this would kill the relationship dead anyone willing to take this on I'll be grateful my fiance is too important to lose over this
She’d look pretty cute pregnant tbh.
Let's see I have a rather sizeable pile of unfinished projects if I had to pick one I'm splitting time between my hotel collab with Calibur009 and a fun multi celeb pregnancy story with Shakira, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, and Gwen Stefani during a season of the voice
Here's your question for the night (from Money, Thanks!): Your out on date night with your celeb of choice everything is going great when you go to snap a selfie with her another celeb photo bombs the pic who are they?
My celeb of choice is Megan Thee Stallion and we get photobombed by Cardi B.
Also, since this is the first Thursday of the Month, it's time for the Monthly appeal for questions from the community, if you've got a question (or a lot of questions) for the Thursday question of the night, send them to me via PM!
I remember this one my version would be on a dinner date with Lucy Pinder and we get photobombed by Christina Hendricks
Here's your question for the night: Got any Plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I've got a doctor thing on Monday so I'll be down for a little bit and my schedule is packed next week so not sure how much writing I'll get done
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever you want!
I'll bite has anyone come up with an idea that involves the daylight savings time angle where your going out on date night with a celeb but it's the night of the time change so you show up an hour early or worse an hour late depending on what the plans are?
I don't have something like this in the works but it does sound like a fun plot twist for a story but a dinner date with Selena Gomez would be interesting given the time switch
I haven't, but that's an idea someone could really run with.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I have so much writing to do, but it'll get done (hopefully).
My week is pretty busy so I'll do what I can with my hotel collab finally making some good progress
Here's your question for the night: Back in the 2000s there was a tv show called Bands Reunited where VH1 would try to get bands that had broken up to reunite, you could usually tell what was gonna happen based on how far along the host was in getting the band to reunite and how much time was left in the episode.
So, inspired by a recently conversation on CSS: What band would you like to see on a revived Bands Reunited?
For me it would be Black Flag...entirely because I want to see which band member(s) would sign on with the singular purpose of finally getting the chance to be close enough to strangle Greg Ginn.
I remember a few episodes of that for my version it would be the all girl group the Bangles even if they just did one show the chance at a full blown catfight on stage or a mini lesbian orgy just sounds too good to not consider a story for it
On the flip side I do remember one episode the host had gotten everything working he just needed that last member to sign on and the guy said no he was perfectly happy working in a collision repair place stocking tires really wish I could find the picture of the hosts face
Here's your question for the night: Failed console you wish had been a hit?
I'm going with the Turbografix-16, it was a really underrated console and it would have been interesting to see how the Turbografix CD (a CD add on) would have shaken out if the console had been a hit in the first place.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: What Movie/Video Game/TV Show would you like to try to write fanfiction for, but you're not familiar enough with that Movie/Video Game/TV Show to feel comfortable trying it?
At the moment, I'm making my way through the show Good Girls and there's a lot of potential there, but I'm only on the first season, so I'm not all that confident I can really make something worthwhile at the moment.
Of all the movies I have seen over the years I'm not a Harry Potter superfan so I'm not really invested with the franchise as deep as some people get so I'm not sure how my limited knowledge would translate with some of the later films if I tried writing a story
I don’t think I’d be comfortable writing Yellowjackets fanfiction to be honest. Even Last of Us would be more comfortable (as long as it is 2 and she’s older and it’s Ellie/ Dina).
Here's your question for the night (From Dax, thanks!): If you had infinite money, would you ever take a flight into outer space (like on one of those tourist flights to the atmosphere or beyond)?
Nah, I think I'd probably lose my mind if I tried to do something like that.
Yes I would that would be the ultimate trip from this angle
You get to claim to be the only members of the orbit club having sex in space in the vacuum sealed toilet stall at 85k mph overlooking the great wall and the polar ice caps at the same time and I'm taking Lucy Pinder with me
Here's your question for the night: Got any Plans for the Weekend?
Writing, writing and more writing!
With it being veterans day I'm taking the weekend off and with doctor visits next week I'm stuck till Wednesday
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
With the holidays now ramping up to turkey day are there any holiday related stories coming from the author group? I've been so busy this summer I haven't had time to finish the holiday stories I've had nearly finished for 5 years among them a Kardashian Christmas adventure, a Christmas gag gift story with Sabrina Carpenter, and a few more that went missing buried in my idea binders
Not working on any holiday themed stories at the moment, but I've been working on a few stories at the same time for a few weeks now. Hoping to finish at least a couple in the next few days.
No Holiday stories from me, but eager to see what people come up with this year!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing!
Writing mixed with doctor visits
Writing about Demi Rose's butt.
Here's your question for the night: The Beatles or the Shaggs?
Frank Zappa was right, the Shaggs were better than The Beatles (Granted that story might not be true, but I choose to believe it).
Norwegian Wood was a great song, but it's no My Pal Foot Foot!
I'll go with what I know and say Beatles
Here's your question for the night: What is the weirdest song cover you've ever heard (real covers only, no AI or anything like that)?
For me, it's Robert Palmer one of the guys who really epitomized the image of a slick 80s singer covering Husker Du's New Day Rising, one of the heaviest songs of the 80s, the lyrics are just the songs title being screamed over and over again.
Baffling but I love how weird it is.
This isn't exactly in the weird column but I do remember Wilson Phillips back in the day (hard to believe it's been 30 years) covering "A reason to believe" from Rod Stewart his version was great but it was interesting to hear a trio of female voices giving it new life with a modern at the time vibe
Bob Dylan's "Shadows in the Night" album, where he covers songs made famous by Frank Sinatra. Most of them aren't bad, but, yes, very weird.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Chris Farley film?
I'm going with Tommy Boy, an absolute classic film!
Oh man so many funny movies in a short time I'll go with black sheep simply for the visual of him hanging from a plane while it's taking off
Musically: Chvrches or Paramore? The singers are both hot but this is about the music.
I like that one Paramore song, so they're my answer!
Here's your question for the night (Courtesy of Timelessly_So, thanks!): Which celeb do you think is most misunderstood by celeb erotica writers and/or frequently written in a way that is not true to their real personality?
Hmmm, this is a great question, the thing is that we don't really know a celebs real personality, just what they feed us, so an erotica writer might actually be getting closer to the truth or they might be as far away as you can get, we won't know until long after whenever they were at the height of their fame.
If we base it on the image they project then I'm not really sure I can answer that question because I tend to now really follow celebs in that manner (IE Following their social media), I mainly look for stuff on gossip sites and the like.
Through those channels, you find a lot of fascinating stuff.
Jennifer Lopez and Nicki Minaj, for example, are two celebs that I don't think I've heard a single good thing about on a personal level, so they tend to be more even keeled and kinder than what people have said, but those rumors usually come with agendas.
Ultimately, I'm not really sure I feel comfortable answering this because I'm realizing, as I write this, just how little I focus on the "official" image they project.
I'm eager to see everyone's answer to this one.
I'll take a swing at this since I've been spending the summer data mining interviews from Emma Watson for a project I'm working on that I will insert what I find inside the plot and dialog so far I've got a ton of stuff to work with so picking what will go in the story is a little daunting but I'll admit it paints a really kinky picture if the stuff is accurate I'd like to think she's open about sex much like Shakira and wants to try all kinds of stuff I'm still trying to find something on if Emma would do a threesome but I haven't found that yet
I see where your coming from I've spent my writing career building an intel vault on most celebs even finding little details for other authors to use as plot twists or diversions in their stories if they needed something the best thing is to pay attention during the interviews instead of focusing on the outfit or the face maybe she will say something off the top of her head to get the host to react and he misses the cue trying to make her laugh
Social media is a goldmine for this but also talk shows during press tours now with the writers and actors strike over we should get more material to work with
I always found it interesting that Christina Aguilera was so often written as an indiscriminate nympho, when her actual history shows only a few relationships, all monogamous for years-long periods.
That's part of the fun I'm sure Christina would cut loose if you let her I remember an interview with the Go-Go's where they said what parent would let their daughters come to a show if they knew we were sex crazed lunatics backstage after a show while performing happy love songs on stage during a 3 hour set before that
Christina is well documented in her support of being free to express yourself and yes she has been in relationships for various reasons 1 for sure to have a baby at one point yet there is that behind closed doors version we don't get to see that holds the greatest mystery unless we see it for ourselves we will never know
I like that one Paramore song, so they're my answer!
Which song?
I like that one Paramore song, so they're my answer!
Which song?
It's a pretty good song!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Still writing!
Helping prep for Thanksgiving dinner the hard part is over but we still have to carve the thing
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Also, I'm still looking for someone to edit this Diane Guerrero story, so if you're interested, shoot me a DM, thanks!
Okay I'll bite what's your favorite holiday story? I'm sure during the holidays we all have that one story we go to from an author we enjoy granted the pool is limited but there are some out there that makes us smile for me I have a few but I do enjoy the Christmas stories in Harem granted they are small sections but I'll take what I can get
Okay I'll bite what's your favorite holiday story? I'm sure during the holidays we all have that one story we go to from an author we enjoy granted the pool is limited but there are some out there that makes us smile for me I have a few but I do enjoy the Christmas stories in Harem granted they are small sections but I'll take what I can get
Good question, don't really have an answer at the moment, but that's because I have a memory made of cheese, lol.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Writing, getting closer and closer to hitting my goal, so there's that!
Since it's turkey week my plans are to stay warm, eat turkey, watch football, and write when I have time
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night: Favorite song title from Andre 3000's new album "New Blue Sun"?
For me it's "The Slang Word P(*)ssy Rolls Off the Tongue with Far Better Ease Than the Proper Word Vagina. Do You Agree?"
Truly a great song title and an interesting theory!
Night everyone.
I got nothing
Dreams Once Buried Beneath The Dungeon Floor Slowly Sprout Into Undying Gardens.
I haven't listened to any of the album, but that's an inspiring song title.
Anyone listen to Boygenius?
Anyone listen to Boygenius?
Never heard their music, but heard of them, what does their music sound like?
Here's your question for the night: Favorite porn scene?
Off the top of my head, I really liked that scene with Christy Marks and...fuck I can't remember his name, he's the Latin dude with a massive dick.
They had really good chemistry.
Hmmm, I don't watch porn much anymore other than to get an idea of how to write a scene I'm working on my favorite scenes are all vintage since they involve the late greats Shyla Stylez and Yurizan Beltran granted i have others on my list but those 2 always had fun on set no matter what was happening I still miss them
Facial Overload with Anissa Kate and Winston Burbank.
I wrote an entire story based (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=2992.0) on that scene and have made so many gifs from it.
Anyone listen to Boygenius?
Never heard their music, but heard of them, what does their music sound like?
Sad girl indie rock.
Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus
Here's your question for the night: First porn scene you remember watching?
I'm pretty sure it was a scene with Jenna Jameson, it's been a long time, but I vaguely remember looking her up when I first got a computer of my own.
It was one of Aurora Show's first scenes. It was a lesbian scene
Hmmm if I remember right I forget which one it was but I know it had Shyla Stylez in it
Here's your question for the Night (From DanielO, thanks!): What much-praised movie (or movies) didn't do it for you? Something your friends insisted you had to see, but once you did it left you cold? Something that made a billion dollars, but you thought "meh?" Something that got all the critics' praise and won all the awards, but you just didn't like? Something that was praised as an all-time classic, but when you finally saw it you thought "what's the big deal with this?"
Forest Gump, not to say there weren't any good performances (Gary Sinise in particular), but it just left me cold, I think of it less as a watershed film (although, to give it it's due, it really was the film that solidified Tom Hanks as the movie star American families could love) and more of a launching point for about a million parodies (and only about 3 of them were funny).
The big one for me is "2001: A Space Odyssey." After reading about it for years, I finally got to see it (in a theater, not on TV). The opening sequence, about the dawn of man, had me riveted. The next 2+ hours had me fighting to stay awake. I've tried to watch it a couple of times since with the same result.
Another was "There's Something About Mary." I remember that when it was released all I read and heard was that it was hilariously funny, one of the funniest movies ever made, etc. When i saw it, I chuckled a few times, didn't hate it, but left wondering what all the excitement was for.
For me the biggest thorn in my side to date comes from star wars I have no issue with anything that George Lucas approved before he sold the franchise to the mouse empire
What I have an issue with is all the new stuff that has been put out since the sale they have simply taken parts of the original canon and swiss cheesed it almost in a "George may have done it this way and made money but I'll do this my way and make a killing" and the stuff keeps bombing no matter what paint job they put on it
Case and point is Kylo Ren he's supposed to be an original character but he's not for those that have read the original canon books the creative team dipped into the established timeline and pulled a number of characters from that there was a Ben but his last name was Skywalker in the original books Ben Solo was reworked from Jacen Solo aka Darth Cadeus who was the actual son of Han and Leia and the twin brother of Jaina Solo who as far as I can tell is the base model for Rey which is a slap in the face for hardcore star wars fans like myself
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Still writing, still trying to get everything ready for December!
Still recovering from Thanksgiving so I think I'll take a small writing break for the weekend
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly freespace, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite do any authors have projects that they really want to do but the cast just doesn't sound right for it?
I've had this problem more often than you think the story ideas work I'm just terrible with casting unless I'm doing something very specific with someone in mind
An example is I've wanted to do a giantess story I have the concept down and some of the story plot hammered out I'm just having trouble picking who goes in it my brain is all over the map from Natalie Portman and Emma Watson to Salma Hayek and Christina Hendricks I can't decide
I just find it hard to put celebrities in queer situations unless they are queer in real life. Taylor Swift doing a woman is harder to picture than Julien Baker doing so. She’s a cute petite woman who has the same thoughts about ladies most guys have.
I get where your coming from I have a gay cousin and he doesn't get the queer label either he can't stand it that someone just made another thing that makes the gay and lesbian thing more confusing to people
I'm all for writing female celebs who are bi at least that I can work with where they can flip a switch between guys and girls and who turns them on more in a story setting I've got something in the works with Dove Cameron
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Writing and a lot of it!
I'm doing what I can for my hotel collab with calibur009 I finished my section with Arianny Celeste now I'm on the Selena Gomez section
Here's your question for the night: Do you think the MCU can turn it around?
Given recent events, it seems like a lot of people are predicting doom and gloom for the MCU, it's been diminishing returns since Endgame and, even it Captain Marvel isn't a bad movie, it still failed at the box office.
Personally, I'm not all that sure about it, unless they really pull back on the tv stuff, which, I think, is a big source of the burnout.
It seems like the mutliverse stuff has left a bad taste in people's mouths.
Granted audience tastes change and nothing lasts forever, but the point stands.
That said, I do think there will be a bump in interest when the X-Men and Fantastic Four formally get involved, but it could be a short term thing, especially if the next F4 movie continues the proud tradition of Fantastic Four movies being fucking terrible.
You might be on to something here I see the burnout where fans enjoyed the MCU films but the actors want to do something different and not be stuck in a role for a decade or longer where they have to stay in shape even though they age anyway I don't see Scarlett Johansson in that black bodysuit at 50
I think they overstretched with the tv shows flooding the market so soon after the films giving the actors a chance to shine in their own stuff only to get hit by poor ratings and bad writing which I believe helped bring the strike along to begin with
The fantastic 4 started out great we got spoiled with Jessica Alba in 2 films so I can see why the reboot bombed with Kate Mara and crew we got used to Jessica Alba being the invisible girl of our dreams for 10 years
With all the money the mouse empire is losing between the MCU, star wars, and streaming subscriptions falling off I'm sure things will balance out maybe they will wise up and hand star wars back to George Lucas so he can restore the original canon and we can forget about Kylo Ren and all that new bull jive they have been pushing the original canon stuff was way cooler anyway
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump.
If you've got an idea that you like, but you don't think will work, post it here!
I've always liked the idea of a "normal celebrity" (Someone who has done a good job of cultivating the image that they're actually as close to normal as a celebrity can get) being a complete psycho behind the scenes, like getting up to all kinds of wild and sketchy shit and hooking up with a normal guy and drawing him into the insanity that is their life.
Not bad I might take a swing at that just a question of who
This isn't an abandoned idea I just can't do anything with it I had this hilarious idea where it's a lesbian pregnancy thing where the celebs have sex yet they keep getting pregnant no matter what they do I had a specific cast in place but they could be switched out if another author wanted to take it my version had Shakira, Christina Aguilera, Zendaya, Bella Thorne, and Kim Kardashian
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did November go?
Did you reach whatever goals you set for yourself?
I managed to find someone to edit the Diane Guerrero story and I've pretty much reached my goal for December so I can say that November was alright!
For me November was one long wait fortunately my fiance should be here for Christmas so I count that as a win
Here's your question for the night (From RYNOman78, thanks!): Who's a comedian you wish you could have seen live?
For me, I'm going with Bill Hicks, in his prime there were few as funny and insightful as he was.
For me it was Sam Kinison just so I could hear that trademark scream in person dude was crazy
The only one who came to mind was George Carlin, who I actually did see live! 8) It was many years ago, before he went full-on curmudgeon, in my old home town, and he was hilariously funny.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing and Polishing, that's pretty much my weekend...and my December.
Well I'm writing as much as I can this weekend I just heard from my fiance and she's flying in on the 15rh so I'll be ...busy till Christmas
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite have you ever been on heavy meds that made you feel better however the thoughts in your head were a bit off an example I was talking with my fiance after I took my meds and for some reason I thought I was late for a dinner date with her in London and since I can't travel out of the country yet she had some fun at my expense
An added knife twist is she's a dead ringer for Emma Watson
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still working on these chapters!
Thankfully I don't have anywhere I have to be so I can focus on getting the house ready for Christmas with my family and my fiance coming in
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer hype post!
If you've got something that you're working on that you want to hype up, go for it!
Heck, not even just hype, if you're looking for collaborators, want to bounce ideas off of the board or need editors post it here!
It's December, so I'm getting a chapter a day done for chain stories and the like, if all goes well (which it's looking like it will), I'll be keeping my streak alive this year!
Hmmm, Well I did have this one story idea that required 2 authors where they are hanging out in Hollywood during spring break from college and the first one is trying to check something off his bucket list of being hooked up with a celeb for 24 hours just for fun the other author could write his own adventure with a celeb of his choice and add it in
My original writing partner for this backed out so I've had most of my section written for the last 5 years I'm just short the sex scene it had originally featured Aly & AJ Michalka for me and Victoria Justice for my writing partner but they can be switched out if I can get this thing going again with a mild edit
Here's your question for the night: McDonald's or Burger King?
I'm a Burger King guy though and through!
Since my diet has changed I can't have burgers as often as I used to but I have to go with burger king as well mainly because of the change in the cheese formula they use your better off getting what you want with no cheese and adding your own a whopper with swiss is actually pretty good
Burger King, for the onion rings.
Here's your question for the night: More historically important work of art: 1986 BBC Sitcom Brush Strokes or 1989 Belgian Techno anthem Pump Up The Jam?
Honestly, they're both way too tied into so many important historical events for me to pick one, I'm leaving this up to you!
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your hanging out with a female friend and you talk her into entering a celeb look alike contest and she wins even though the real celeb came in second who is it?
I'm going with Taylor Swift, I think it'd be funny for one of the most recognizable women in the world to come in second like that.
Also, this is the first Thursday of the month, so here's your monthly appeal for more questions, if you got them, send them in!
For my version this screams Salma Hayek just for the shocked look on her face to see who beat her at looking like her that Latin blood would be boiling
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna keep doing what I've been doing: Writing and polishing!
I've got to start packing for my trip and doctor visit I've got some writing done on my hotel collab with Calibur009 the Selena Gomez scene is looking very good so far
I'm busy jacking off to videos of Kelly Madison. She's hot and her boobs are HUGE!!!!!!!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space talk about whatever!
Anyone find Amanda Shires hot?
Hmmm I saw what she looks like not bad I see a catfight between her and Mia Asano over who gets on stage first since Mia is touring and plays the electric violin and the author has to play ref
Anyone find Amanda Shires hot?
Never heard of her before...but she's on my radar now!
Anyone else find Oprah hot?
Anyone else find Oprah hot?
The fact that she has yet to top CSS' sexiest 100 list is the greatest shame in history!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've been on a bit of a roll so far, so I'm hoping to keep that momentum going!
Well I'm packed for my trip so I'll do what I can writing till I leave I should get a few scenes done
Here's your question for the night: Best Final Fantasy protagonist?
I liked the one from Tactics...then again that's the only one I've ever seriously played.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Unjammer Lammy or Parappa the Rappa?
I think the music from Lammy is better, but the first level of Parappa is iconic, so I'm giving that one the edge!
Those games make me cringe every kid in my neighborhood had both so I'll crawl under a rock for now
Here's your question for the night: David Lee Roth, Gary Cherone or Sammy Hagar?
I'm going with Diamond Dave, There are only a handful of people who better represent the idea of a rock band frontman and Running With the Devil is Halen's best song!
Oh it's on now for me I'm split between Roth and Sammy don't even bother with Gary running is a good song but there are so many classics they did all with Eddie and Alex in the mix even Family guy has done episodes with a number of song references from hot for teacher, jump, panama, dreams, and who knows what they will pull next for a cutaway gag for me it's dreams with Eddie Van Halen now gone to the pantheon of the greats it seems fitting he did a great guitar solo for that I can just see Eddie and Jimmy Hendricks in a guitar throw down for the ages
David Lee Roth 8)
Here's your question for the night (from Dax, thanks!): Do you recall any 'Jump The Shark' moment that made you stop watching a particular TV show etc?
I stopped watching General Hospital around the time the original Lucky left the show, IIRC the character died in a fire or something stupid, they brought him back later, but it wasn't the same.
For me that comes from the voice and the revolving doors of judges give me Shakira in a nice outfit and I'll listen to the show at least I always mute the performances but seeing Shakira dance in her chair in a sweet dress or form fitting casual and I'm good
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Same as always, still writing and polishing.
Gotta travel on Monday so I'll do what I can on writing till then between staging my travel bags and doing a final check
Here's your question for the night: David Lee Roth, Gary Cherone or Sammy Hagar?
I'm going with Diamond Dave, There are only a handful of people who better represent the idea of a rock band frontman and Running With the Devil is Halen's best song!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun!
Okay I'll bite it's Christmas morning and you find a celeb under your tree from Santa with a note Merry Christmas you lucky bastard who's the celeb ?
For me this screams Lucy Pinder
Fun question, I'm going with Christina Hendricks!
Here's your question for the night, got any plans for the week?
Writing...polishing...probably gonna listen to music...maybe eat something.
Okay I'll bite it's Christmas morning and you find a celeb under your tree from Santa with a note Merry Christmas you lucky bastard who's the celeb ?
For me this screams Lucy Pinder
Sabrina Carpenter
Here's your question for the night: The rest of the questions (outside of the usual weekend ones and the Thursdays question from the community) are all booked up, so for today and tomorrow, I've decided to mentally check out, which means the first 2 matches of the "If you're seeing this then I've either run out of questions or I've mentally checked out" 256 woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 1: Salma Hayek or Sofia Vergara?
I'm letting you folks pick this one, voting ends whenever the hell I wake up and log back on!.
Here's your question for the night: The rest of the questions (outside of the usual weekend ones and the Thursdays question from the community) are all booked up, so for today and tomorrow, I've decided to mentally check out, which means the first 2 matches of the "If you're seeing this then I've either run out of questions or I've mentally checked out" 256 woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 1: Salma Hayek or Sofia Vergara?
I'm letting you folks pick this one, voting ends whenever the hell I wake up and log back on!.
Sofia Vergara
After counting the votes, Sofia and Salma have 3 votes each, which means they go to a draw and have both been eliminated!
Awww man I was out of town I could have broken the tie with my vote Salma Hayek
Here's your question for the night: It's time for the second match!
Round 1 Match 2: Jessica Alba or Jessica Simpson?
Vote or don't!
This should be a one sided vote but I'll go with Jessica Simpson since we share the same biirthday but I'm older
Rebecca Romijn or Jennifer Lawrence??
Here's your question for the night: It's time for the second match!
Round 1 Match 2: Jessica Alba or Jessica Simpson?
Vote or don't!
Jessica Alba
Rebecca Romijn or Jennifer Lawrence??
Rebecca Romijn
It was close....but with a vote of 10 - 2 Jessica Alba advances (and receives a bye due to the draw)!
Here's your question for the night: Looking back, what's a pop culture moment that has stayed with you the most this year?
For me, it was probably the fact that AEW held it's biggest show ever and the main thing people remember was that it was the night that CM Punk got himself fired after attacking a co-worker and his boss.
Fucking wild and something tells me we're gonna deal with the fallout of that for a long time.
I've been far too busy this year to focus on anything pop culture related outside of writing but if I had to pick one it would be that burn track Shakira did on her ex with the help of her son that had to be brutal hearing it over and over again knowing it was about him and it wouldn't go away plus she made a mint off of it
Here's your question from the night (From Timlessly_So, thanks!):
If all the girls on your Top 10 List were paired off into 5 lesbian couples, what would the pairings be?
Going off my top 10 for CSS' 100 Sexiest:
Megan Thee Stallion and Jojo
Diane Guerrero and Kira Kosarin
Selena Gomez and Mina Shirakawa
Karen Fukuhara and Christina Hendricks
Jessica Nigri and Lucy Pinder
Good question!
Starting with the obvious ones:
Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez
Bella Thorne and Zendaya
Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo (either a hatefuck, or a revelation that the so-called feud was a deception to hide a passionate romance)
Sydney Sweeney and Miley Cyrus
Aly Michalka and Dove Cameron
For my version I'm pretty sure we can all agree on the pairings
Shakira/Michelle Rodriguez
Natalie Portman/Aly Michalka
Natalie Alyn Lind/ Christina Hendricks
Christina Aguilera/ Kate Upton
Lucy Pinder/ Kim Kardashian
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the Weekend?
Polishing....endless polishing.
Setting up for Christmas finally got the tree up now that I'm not traveling anywhere gonna relax and enjoy the one time of year where I can kick back watch football and let the snow fall where I can't leave for a few days
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite what is the most unrealistic story pairing a fan has ever asked you to write about?
I have tons of these things some still haunt me to this day and a few times I still cringe during a random thought the worst one was a foursome between Dolly Parton, Salma Hayek, Christina Hendricks, and Hayley Atwell I'm sure each of them on their own is great in some way I just couldn't bring myself to try something that bold and ruin a story with a less than stellar effort
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Pain...misery...probably some video gaming!
Cleaning up the disaster that is the aftermath of Christmas got all the wrapping paper up just need to finish the living room and prep for decoration demolition on the 1st
Here's your question for the night: Pop Culture Predictions for 2024?
As few or as many as you want, btw.
My predictions are...
1. Revival of Grunge (if I say it every year, it's bound to happen...ok, it won't but still, I'm obliged to try!).
2. Things go fine for CM Punk, but fractures start to show at some point, setting up the inevitable blow up.
3. Deadpool does ok at the box office and everyone is confused as to what that means for the future of the MCU.
4. X-Men 97 helps get the younger generation interested in the X-Men, setting the stage for their MCU debuts.
5. Speaking of comics...Gambit will continue to be mishandled by Marvel, with only brief flashes of something worthwhile.
6. A lot of celebs are gonna embarrass themselves over the upcoming election.
7. An old form of media (I'm betting DVDs or something totally surprising like the radio) make a comeback.
8. AEW sign more wrestlers, causing people to get angry at them.
9. Selena Gomez faces a real backlash, seems like it's been building this year, wouldn't be surprised if it takes off next year.
10. The Bears will use the first pick for a QB that fails miserably...because that's how things are with The Bears.
and now, 1 post 2024 prediction.
1. If Travis and Taylor stay together, Travis eventually proposes to her on the 50 yard line after winning the Super Bowl.
My predictions:
1. Streaming services will continue to decline and be overpriced deals. This has already been happening the past few years. With news about raising prices on it and the decline in viewership, it's only going to get worse.
2. Marvel will continue their downward spiral at the box office. Deadpool will do OK, but fails to break even. We will be stuck another year having to hear debates as if superhero stuff is the only thing that exists in movies, and the usual back-and-forth arguing over why they're now failing.
3. Hollywood desperately searches for a new franchise to milk dry. It'll be something awesome like a product line or even board game cinematic universe. Who's playing the Monopoly man is the real question.
4. Britney Spears posts some hot nudes online and another year of debating if she should be allowed to show her body and hoping she joins OnyFans.
5. The world finally gets sick to death of hearing about Taylor Swift everyday in the news. She and Travis break up and she will begin writing a new album of slam songs while the fatigue makes it even more annoying hearing about her constantly.
7. Jennifer Lopez's new album and movie ends up being a 2000s throwback. It will do well with her fans, but some like me will be wanting another booty music video and we won't get it.
8. Twitter continues to be a hellhole online, but there won't be a proper alternative to it. This year will be even worse due to the election. If you want to stay sane, avoid it at all costs.
9. Something controversial happens in the NFL playoffs leading to people blaming the refs and wanting rules changed. Again.
10. The Saints pass on drafting Jayden Daniels, keep Dennis Allen at coach and Carr at QB, and alienate half the fanbase.
Oh this is fun I've got a few predictions
1 Britney Spears will finally wise up and stop paying K-Fed those child support checks (it's expensive to live in Hawaii anyway)
2 KC wins the super bowl and I do a happy dance
3 I still troll Dallas fans after the super bowl since they will come out of woodwork saying we are coming back next year as always
4 Emma Watson comes out of hiding and marries some random guy we've never heard of
5 Aquaman gets a 3rd movie after they recast Mira with Emilia Clarke and issue a public apology for shit show movie #2
6 Disney never recovers from tragic misuse of star wars franchise and stock ends up in bargain bins
7 Disney admits they messed up not knowing what to do with the Star Wars franchise handing it back to Lucas where he restores the original canon
8 MCU gets sold off after disaster year and fires all "woke" employees just to get away from it
9 New Harry Potter reboot found to be a bad idea and they stop production before they lose their shirts over it
10 Writers get back to work after strike but they smoke way more weed than they need to to balance out the bad scripts that came out before the strike hit leading to more layoffs again
1. People stop whining about too much Taylor Swift and accept her utter omnipresence. Taylor, realizing she's proved her point, announces she'll stop touring and recording and reveals that she and Selena Gomez have been secretly married for 9 years. Selena then admits that the Justin Bieber relationship was a complete fake, that, in fact, Justin Bieber never existed, he was CGI. Haley Bieber issues a terse "no comment" and goes into hiding. Travis Kelce refuses to appear in public, not even for Chiefs games, resulting in KC losing in the AFC playoffs to the Buffalo Bills.
2. Marvel announces they are getting out of the movie business. A Marvel spokesman says "The only one in the company who ever wanted to make films was Stan (Lee). The rest of us just went along with it because it made him so happy. Now we're going back to what we always wanted to do: publishing comic books."
3. With both cable and streaming services losing popularity, the hot trend becomes over-the-air broadcasting. Millions desperately descend on their parents and grandparents' basements and attics in search of rabbit ears antennae.
1. People stop whining about too much Taylor Swift and accept her utter omnipresence. Taylor, realizing she's proved her point, announces she'll stop touring and recording and reveals that she and Selena Gomez have been secretly married for 9 years. Selena then admits that the Justin Bieber relationship was a complete fake, that, in fact, Justin Bieber never existed, he was CGI. Haley Bieber issues a terse "no comment" and goes into hiding. Travis Kelce refuses to appear in public, not even for Chiefs games, resulting in KC losing in the AFC playoffs to the Buffalo Bills.
2. Marvel announces they are getting out of the movie business. A Marvel spokesman says "The only one in the company who ever wanted to make films was Stan (Lee). The rest of us just went along with it because it made him so happy. Now we're going back to what we always wanted to do: publishing comic books."
3. With both cable and streaming services losing popularity, the hot trend becomes over-the-air broadcasting. Millions desperately descend on their parents and grandparents' basements and attics in search of rabbit ears antennae.
Hell yes!!!
Also I could unironically see 3 happening at some point in the future.
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea thread, if you've got an idea that you like but you either think it's not something you feel you can make work or you're not a writer, than post it here!
My idea for this month is this one: Carol Danvers decides to get her revenge on Rogue by stealing Gambit.
Was never really sure how to get her to the point of wanting revenge that she'd do something like that, I always figured the move to make would be a short bit with her encountering some new villain that would get her back to hating Rogue and lowering her morals, but I could never really get her there.
Well for me I have been a fan of the pirate stories from the old site and thought I might be able to do something with my own pirate fleet here but it never really came together the fun part was naming the ships among them was the stacked deck, the treasured chest, and a few others I forgot all crewed by celebs that have plenty of sex before an adventure I still think it could work as a site collab but I wasn't sure if interest was there
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly (in this case, yearly) writer check in!
How did this year go for you?
Did you get everything done that you wanted?
Anything you've written in particular that you want to brag about?
Need a little encouragement?
For me, it's been an ok year.
I managed got get 2 stories done, both of which are the start of site collabs on CSS!
The first was a Tiffani Amber Thiessen story that kicked off the 90s CSS collab...which failed miserably (it was a pretty bad story) and the second is a Diane Guerrero story that is will be posted as soon as the editor gets it back to me!
I'm actually kind proud of that one, it's as close as I've ever been to being creative.
Also December has been pretty good to me as well, got more than a few new followers and likes on Choya, so I'm happy with how that's been going as well!
Well for my year I've been all over the map between writing and traveling to doctor visits I've managed to fit in an engagement in August wedding bells haven't been ringing yet still have to make it official with paperwork but it's a good finish to a long year of travel
I didn't get as many stories done as I had planned but I'll keep going
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): You are gifted the right to make a harem of women. There are two rules: they must all have a unique name (so if you choose Taylor Momsen, you cannot choose Taylor Swift), and once you've chosen a celebrity, no other celebrity with a name that starts with the same letter can be chosen (so choosing Emma Watson rules out Erin Moriarty, Emilia Clark, Elizabeth Olsen, etc). Who is in your harem?
Whoo boy, this is an incredible question, so here is my answer (in alphabetical order):
Alexandra Daddario
Brenda Song
Christina Hendricks
Diane Guerrero
Elizabeth Olsen
Gemma Chan
Hailey Atwell
Joey Fisher
Kira Kosarin
Lucy Pinder
Mina Shirakawa
Natalie Alyn Lind
Olivia Taylor Dudley
Paris Berelc
Sydney Sweeney
Taylor Momsen
Vanessa Hudgens
Winona Ryder
Xia Li
Yaya Han
Here's my version 24 out of 26 letters
Aly Michalka
Bella Thorne
Christina Aguilera
Debby Ryan
Emma Watson
Florence Pugh
Gal Gadot
Hitomi Tanaka
Iggy Azalea
Jenna Ortega
Kelli Berglund
Lucy Pinder
Maisie Williams
Natalie Portman
Olivia Holt
Peyton Roi List
Taylor Swift
Uma Thurman
Victoria Justice
Willa Holland
Yurizan Beltran
This was brutally difficult! I have some letters with 2, 3, even 4 names I would love to include while others I had to skip. But I'm quite happy with my result:
Anne Hathaway
Bella Thorne
Caity Lotz
Dua Lipa
Emilia Clarke
Gal Gadot
Halston Sage
Isabella Merced (Moner)
Jenna Ortega
Kira Kosarin
Miley Cyrus
Olivia Rodrigo
Peyton Roi List
Sabrina Carpenter
Taylor Swift
Victoria Justice
Almost got every letter :)
Ariana Richards
Bianca Lawson
Charisma Carpenter
Daniella Pineda
Eliza Dushku
Felicia Day
Gemma Arterton
Hayley Atwell
Inde Navarrette
Jessica Parker Kennedy
Katherine Heigl
Lake Bell
Melonie Diaz
Natalie Portman
Olivia Taylor Dudley
Poppy Drayton
Rachel Wilson
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Tila Tequila
Uma Thurman
Vanessa Ferlito
Willa Holland
Yvette Monreal
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm almost finished with my December post-a-thon, things have been going good for me, so hopefully everything goes well!
Football and staying warm along with some writing mixed in
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
What is your opinion of Eiza Gonzalez? I think she's got.
What is your opinion of Eiza Gonzalez? I think she's got.
She's pretty hot. I wouldn't say no to a night with her ;D
I'd be good with her if my fiance would let me
What is your opinion of Eiza Gonzalez? I think she's got.
I haven't seen a lot with her in it, but she's certainly easy on the eyes!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm hopeful that I can just take this week easy and not do too much!
Bills paid and writing this trip gotta throw in a grocery run but that's life
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer hype post!
If you're working on something you'd like to hype, then talk about it here!
I'm pretty much taking January easy, will probably do some work on Mr. And Mrs. XXX and will get some stuff that wasn't posted in December up, but beyond that, I'm gonna let myself recharge!
Well as everyone knows I've been working on a hotel collab with Calibur009 between all my travels, doctor visits, engagement, and bad weather it has taken me most of the summer and all winter to finish my sections to get it ready for the final edit stage and put everything together for posting here I just have the small anal threesome scene with my character, Olivia Holt, and Becky G in a pool orgy and it will be done this thing was an absolute beast but well worth the effort myself and Calibur009 really hope fans enjoy the story there is plenty for everyone
I'm working on writing Part 2 of my story with Ariana Richards and Lake Bell while also writing Part 2 of my Brec Bassinger story. At some point this month I also want to finish a Britney Spears story I've been working on as well
Here's your question for the night: I'm checking out of the week, so here's the first of 2 more tournament matches: Round 1 Match 3: Blake Lively or Leighton Meester?
I leave this one up to you!
Blake Lively for me
With a vote of 5 to 0....Blake Lively wins and advances to the second round!
Here's your question for the night: Round 1 Match 4: Trish Stratus or Lita?
This is gonna be a tough one!
For me Trish Stratus
I thought it was gonna be closer to 5-1, but that's the vote count as Trish Stratus advances!
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): You have a legit chance of landing your celeb of choice yet to seal the deal you have to do something you really don't want to ( punch out her ex boyfriend, crash her exes wedding, meet her dad who's a gun fanatic, ect.) who is it and what is the thing you won't do?
My celeb of choice is Lana Condor and the thing I won't do is watch Marriage Story again!
Since it's the first Thursday of the Month (and first Thursday of the Year) it's time for the first Thursday question appeal!
It's a leap year so we probably need an extra question but the point remains: there's about 52 or 53 Thursdays this year, take out 12 (because Money, being an absolute MVP, has enough for a question every month!) and you're down to 41/42.
Then the non-Money questions take us down to 30/31.
It's seems like a daunting task, but it's really not!
If you've got a question you'd like asked for the Thursday question,PM me them without hesitation, you never know what question might spark an actual conversation I can read whenever I wake up (which, to remind you, is the whole point of the Question of the Night!).
Oh man I forgot about this one so I'll go fresh my celeb of choice is Victoria Justice and the thing I would never do again is being talked into going to a friends wedding where my date is the grooms ex and all she does during the reception is talk about him and where things went wrong since she's not the bride involved (NEVER AGAIN)
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing some gaming!!!!
Football and food
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever.
Well this is good timing while I was editing together the hotel collab I'm doing with Calibur009 I ran across an old unfinished project that went missing in my binders years ago the idea was solid where the author is dragged into a "Can you top this contest?" with a pair of celebs but the cast doesn't inspire me like they did when I thought of the idea so I'm looking to recast them with different celebs I'm open to suggestions of only 2 celebs to fit the bill so feel free to brainstorm who sounds good and I'll pick the best pairing I'll keep the polls open till extreme1 posts the next question sometime tomorrow any help would be great thanks in advance
Well this is good timing while I was editing together the hotel collab I'm doing with Calibur009 I ran across an old unfinished project that went missing in my binders years ago the idea was solid where the author is dragged into a "Can you top this contest?" with a pair of celebs but the cast doesn't inspire me like they did when I thought of the idea so I'm looking to recast them with different celebs I'm open to suggestions of only 2 celebs to fit the bill so feel free to brainstorm who sounds good and I'll pick the best pairing I'll keep the polls open till extreme1 posts the next question sometime tomorrow any help would be great thanks in advance
Hmmm, only person that I can think of is Paris Berelc, not sure who the other one would be.
Oh man I've been looking for something to put Paris Berelc in the other celeb could be anyone yet pairing her with Paris I did find some worthy options I wouldn't mind writing about you can pick
Kelli Berglund
Olivia Holt
Becky G
Selena Gomez
Madison Pettis
Victoria Justice
Jenna Ortega
Demi Lovato
Bella Thorne
Oh man I've been looking for something to put Paris Berelc in the other celeb could be anyone yet pairing her with Paris I did find some worthy options I wouldn't mind writing about you can pick
Kelli Berglund
Olivia Holt
Becky G
Selena Gomez
Madison Pettis
Victoria Justice
Jenna Ortega
Demi Lovato
Bella Thorne
I'll have to mull this list over!
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be chilling and not doing much!
Me too mainly due to freezing weather where I can't really go anywhere so I'll do more editing on the hotel story
Here's your question for the night: Are you interested in VR gaming headsets?
I'm 99 percent sure me trying one of those things would immediately result in me being in serious pain, so no, I am not!
I'll pass those VR sets are similar to what the military has for the night vision goggles if your helmet isn't setup to handle them you have to use something called the skull crusher (yes I've worn one and it was terrible)
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
I'm a Michelangelo guy, he's a party dude, after all.
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
I'm gonna say Raphael, had a little bit too much attitude for my liking!
For me it was Michelangelo a loose cannon who barely focused on anything but pizza unless he really had to
Here's your question for the night (From Dax, thanks!): What's one of your favourite crackshipping/random pairing of fandom characters?
I've enjoyed the few times Gambit and Black Cat have interacted and thought they'd make a great paring.
It's a shame there isn't more fanfic or fanart of them together.
For me I'm all over the map on this reading both DC and Marvel back in the day so if we are talking crossovers I would think Mr Fantastic and Rouge would be interesting on one side yet Wonder Woman and Flash does have a fun element
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Hopefully gonna spend my weekend staying warm and gaming!
staying warm and football
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite for the last few years I've been getting back into fantasy RPG's and funny enough I found a design flaw in the star wars D20 system so I've been figuring out how to retool it to make the game faster and less tedious during character creation and combat along with using my author skills to come up with great adventure hooks
I'm just curious if others here at the site have played the other versions
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Trying to stay warm...also gaming!
My plan is a story with Kim Kardashian.
For me staying warm is a must got some medical stuff to handle first but I'll continue to edit the hotel scenes I'm doing with Calibur009
Here's your question for the night: the Halo games or the Call of Duty games?
I'm going with Halo, I don't hate CoD, enjoyed the ones I've played, but Halo is pretty fucking great as a series...well for the most part.
I would say Halo is better mainly because we got a hilarious comedy series out of it called "Red vs Blue" that has been going on for years
Here's your question for the night: Aliens or Predators?
As much as I like (some of) the Alien films, I've gotta give the Predators this one!
For me both franchises have been around longer than the internet so my take would be more which alien species would you prefer to be stalked by with the alien your on edge all the time looking around corners and checking air vents with the Predator you would never see him coming with that optic prism body armor and he would be quick about it for me I'd go Predator
Here's your question for the night: Timon or Pumbaa?
I'm going with Pumbaa, he was always funnier to me!
I think this depends on how you feel about big game hunting and how hungry you are in the wild you have a choice of boar or the other
Timon. I generally enjoy the fast-talking lead comic more. (Groucho is my favorite Marx Brother).
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night (from Timelessly_So, thanks!): What is the worst social media site/app and why?
Currently, it's facebook, what a terrible place full of bad opinions and little other than that, all time it's Myspace, that's the site that ruined everything!
Night everyone.
Twitter and it's not even close.
For me I'm only on social media very little it helps me keep in touch with family across the country and it also helped me find my fiance so it's not all bad I get there are people out there that use it to rant about things that don't matter to everyone yet they won't lift a finger to change anything in some cases it's just a bad idea to venture into cyberspace so just be careful
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be trying to stay warm.
Same here and watching football
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite out of all the celebs we drool over who's the one that you would never admit to having a one night stand with given the chance for whatever reason? For me I would have to go with Elizabeth Gillies don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a great girl she just has this bad girl vibe that creeps me out if things go wrong she might throw something at my head
Okay I'll bite out of all the celebs we drool over who's the one that you would never admit to having a one night stand with given the chance for whatever reason? For me I would have to go with Elizabeth Gillies don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a great girl she just has this bad girl vibe that creeps me out if things go wrong she might throw something at my head
I would not hook up with Brianna Hildebrand because she’s gay.
Okay I'll bite out of all the celebs we drool over who's the one that you would never admit to having a one night stand with given the chance for whatever reason? For me I would have to go with Elizabeth Gillies don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a great girl she just has this bad girl vibe that creeps me out if things go wrong she might throw something at my head
Even though I'm working on a story about her I'm going to go with Kim Kardashian. Between the paparazzi that follow her around and the fact that I don't think she's ever said no to a guy, who knows what diseases she has ;D
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm feeling the urge to get back into the writing groove!
Still hammering out the hotel story I'm doing with Calibur009 just about done with a threesome scene next will be a MF scene with Taylor Swift
Here's your question for the night: Saturday Night Live Or Mad TV?
SNL barely edges out Mad for me, mainly because it had Phil Hartman.
Okay I'll bite out of all the celebs we drool over who's the one that you would never admit to having a one night stand with given the chance for whatever reason? For me I would have to go with Elizabeth Gillies don't get me wrong I'm sure she's a great girl she just has this bad girl vibe that creeps me out if things go wrong she might throw something at my head
Even though I'm working on a story about her I'm going to go with Kim Kardashian. Between the paparazzi that follow her around and the fact that I don't think she's ever said no to a guy, who knows what diseases she has ;D
She has the same disease as me: sex addiction. I'm working on a Kim story too. I'd love to break my cock off in that ass.
For me it's SNL so many comics came from that show that are still big names today I can't hear a golf reference without thinking of Happy Gilmore the lunatic with the club
SNL. I haven't been a regular watcher for years, and there have been long periods when it wasn't worth watching, but at its best it's been classic.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite SNL Cast member?
as much as I do love Hartman, I'm going with Will Ferrell, he starred in so many incredible skits.
Adam Sandler
Now this is a tough one so many great comics had so many funny characters I'll go with Chris Farley who can forget Matt Foley motivational speaker the only man who was tired of living in a van down by the river and was willing to take any job just to get away from it
Going back to the original cast, I pick Dan Aykroyd. He was never funnier than he was those first few seasons.
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite SNL Cast Member?
I'm going with Chris Kattan, sitting through his characters (like Mango and Mr. Peepers) was rough.
You're not wrong there he was my pick
Here's your question for the night (from RTM, thanks!): Who is the sexiest joshi (Japanese Women's Wrestler)?
For me I'm going with Mina Shirakawa, there's a lot of competition, but good lord she's incredibly hot.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got stuff to write and wrestling to watch!
Let's see writing, football, food, and a Harry Potter marathon to get my Emma Watson fix while I write
I'm writing a Sydney Sweeney story since my Kim story is finally done. If you want to check it out, here you go (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5235.0).
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite predictions for super bowl my vote is KC/Detroit
I'll wait until the AFC and NFC championship games are done before I'll predict who will win the AFC and NFC championships!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm getting my writing mojo back, so I'm getting back to working on stories!
Still hammering out the Selena Gomez scene in my hotel collab with Calibur009 had to take a break for football but I'm back on track
Here's your question for the night: it's the next match in the 'if you're seeing this then I'm out of ideas' tournament!
Round 1 Match 5: Madelaine Petsch or Vanessa Morgan?
As always, I leave the voting up to you!
Vanessa Morgan.
In the final tally...Petsch and Morgan draw at 2 votes each.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump, so if you have and idea that you feel like, for whatever reason, you wouldn't be able to make work, post it here!
I had this idea ages ago that, during the Utopia era, Scott goes mad and has to be taken down by Rogue and Gambit, leading them to take over as the leaders of the X-Men, shortly after that Gambit has an erotic dream about Emma Frost and he soon becomes corrupted by his newfound power with Emma either being behind the dream or somehow finding out about it and eagerly being a corrupting force in her own right ( I made a go of it, but feature creep quickly sunk in and I couldn't get too far into it before burning out).
Well I did have this one thing years ago from the old site I was working on with HunterD before he vanished from writing it was a road rally story with the authors (me and him) in a comical race similar to Cannonball run where we try and win the race while having celebs along for the ride my sections would deal with frisky celebs while I'm trying to drive and stay ahead while he would be doing the same and visiting tourist traps along the route at the time anyone was fair game we had a laundry list of hotties from Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson to Kim Kardashian and Christina Hendricks the pairings were all over the map who knows if this will ever come back as a site collab or something I had some fun pairings I wanted to try
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly writer check in!
How did this month go for you, did you accomplish what you wanted for this month?
It's been a pretty good month for me, I took some of it off and still managed to get back into the swing of things rather quickly, also I managed to get 3 things up in one day!
January started off a little rough for me but I'm doing good now the cold weather is going away soon and we are nearly to spring just 20 more days till pitchers and catchers report to spring training in Florida and Arizona which signals the official end of winter 2023
I'm still writing and had a fun alien story idea jump in my brain just giving a few things a test run to see what I can do with it if anything
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): You crash an after party walk up to 10 celebs get their numbers 5 of them are really into you for various reasons but they aren't on your top 20 list who are they?
Going by my most recent top 20 list, I'm going with Katy Perry, Cardi B, Britney Spears, Dani Thorne and Brie Larson!
Before I go, it's the first Thursday of the month, so here's your first Thursday of the month appeal for questions from the community, if you've got a question you want the community to answer, don't hesitate to PM it to me so I can put it on the list!
For me, Lucy Pinder wasn't on my list and I hope to write her eventually.
Oh man I forgot who I had for my list so I'll go fresh
AJ Michalka
Olivia Holt
Florence Pugh
Paris Berelc
Sydney Sweeney
Penny Lane
Emma Stone
Olivia Holt
Katherine McNamara
Christina Aguilera
Forgot to post the question of the night here, before I went to bed, my bad!
Either way here's your for (last) night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got some writing to do!
I'm writing as well trying to play catch up after a few days of errands
For me, Lucy Pinder wasn't on my list and I hope to write her eventually.
I like your writing in what stories you've published so far. I would love to see what you do with Lucy.
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite this is more of a curiosity thing if you could talk a celeb out of her clothes who would it be?
For me it would be Emma Watson she seems like the kind of woman that could get a kick out of the effort of someone trying to seduce her that way
For me, I'd go with Christina Hendricks...I think we all know why!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably gonna do things...and stuff!
normal stuff of bills mixed with writing seeing what I can get done before Sunday
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer hype thread, if you've got a story upcoming that you want to hype up, post about it here!
Still working on the Selena Gomez scene in my hotel collab with Calibur009 this thing is a beast 20 pages in and I'm still not to the orgy finale yet
I wrote a story with Sydney Sweeney and another with Lucy Pinder this past weekend.
Sydney Sweeney's Agent (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5283.0)
Angel (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5288.0)
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Mad TV Cast Member?
I'm going with David Herman, that dude was funny as hell in every skit he was in.
I've got nothing I was way too busy with life at the time
Why wasn't Christina Hendricks on Mad TV?
Maybe she was the sane one of the cast and got voted off the island
Here's your question for the night: Least Favorite Mad TV cast member?
I can't think of a skit where I found Alex Borstein funny, so I'm going with her.
Alex was better in family guy
Maybe she was in another Mad show
Here's your question for the night (From Dax, thanks!): Do you have a notable TV etc advert or one that stands out for reasons good or bad?
For me it's this advertisement for the game Crossfire:
That game looked like the most badass thing ever and the song ruled!
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna try to keep writing!
Non football related errands will be handled starting today for I will be unavailable on Sunday for obvious reasons since I don't drink not sure what I'll do to substitute the feeling of a hangover I'm supposed to have Monday I'll find something
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite this is less of a question and more an open invite for story casting options while editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 I ran across an old story idea I was meaning to get hammered out as a rainy day project during the summer when I couldn't go outside the problem I had was the idea was solid but the cast didn't work so here goes
The idea was the author would be at home chilling out while his celeb girlfriend is gone on a girls night out with 2 friends yet she calls him saying she was going to be late coming home (somewhere around breakfast time 9am ish) the kicker would be her 2 friends she's out with are with him at home and the excuse is total bullshit yet he lets it slide knowing he will have the upper hand in the morning and would be having sex shortly with the 2 friends
the cast for this can be just about anyone within reason I'm mainly looking for a cast that sounds believable but has some good background rivalries to play with as subplots as the story evolves
Feel free to PM me or post responses here I'm good either way but it would help me out if the choices were celebs I know very well vs people I have to look up or have them be explained to me
Okay I'll bite this is less of a question and more an open invite for story casting options while editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 I ran across an old story idea I was meaning to get hammered out as a rainy day project during the summer when I couldn't go outside the problem I had was the idea was solid but the cast didn't work so here goes
The idea was the author would be at home chilling out while his celeb girlfriend is gone on a girls night out with 2 friends yet she calls him saying she was going to be late coming home (somewhere around breakfast time 9am ish) the kicker would be her 2 friends she's out with are with him at home and the excuse is total bullshit yet he lets it slide knowing he will have the upper hand in the morning and would be having sex shortly with the 2 friends
the cast for this can be just about anyone within reason I'm mainly looking for a cast that sounds believable but has some good background rivalries to play with as subplots as the story evolves
Feel free to PM me or post responses here I'm good either way but it would help me out if the choices were celebs I know very well vs people I have to look up or have them be explained to me
The first combo that occurred to me was Zendaya as the celeb girlfriend and Bella Thorne and Sydney Sweeney (both her former castmates) as the two friends.
You could have Taylor Swift as the girlfriend, with Selena Gomez and Sabrina Carpenter as the friends (guess you'd have to write that from Travis K's POV). Or you could have Sabrina and Olivia Rodrigo as the friends (lots of drama there!). Or you could have Olivia as the absent girlfriend with Taylor and Sabrina as the visitors.
Christina Aguilera and Becky G have worked together, and I'd certainly enjoy a 3-way story with them as the stars, but I don't know who you might use as the absent girlfriend.
Hmmm, those are some solid choices I've made a note that I'll sleep on them tonight and see how they look in the morning even if I don't use some of them for the story I may have some projects with no cast I can slip a few in mix and match style depending on what I'm after
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Outside of the usual (writing, gaming and watching wrestling) not much!
My plan is to post more stories on here.
Next up on my list is probably Britney Spears. She could use a visit from me seeing as she keeps making hot videos on Instagram.
I probably will write Sydney Sweeney again, cause why the hell not? She won the top 100, so might as well keep writing about those tits.
Still editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 so will pick up where I left off
Britney Spears is pretty popular around here you should make a number of fans happy with that project
Britney Spears is pretty popular around here you should make a number of fans happy with that project
I got a lot planned for her. Just finished with a Shyla Stylez tribute project. She deserved a story RIP
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Super Bowl ad?
I dunno, this year nothing really hit me (to be fair, I did miss a chunk of commercials), outside of the one with Aubrey Plaza and that was mainly because Jade Cargill was in it for like a second.
From what I've been hearing elsewhere on the interwebs the big game was the only thing worthwhile watching on sunday most of the commercials fell flat and the halftime show was among the worst ever I mean how bad of a show can you put on for what was paid out to be considered worse than a show starring "Up with people" decades ago?
I hate this whole con of getting us to pay special attention to the Super Bowl ads. It started at some point in the 1980's or maybe 90's, when there were a so many Super Bowls that were uninteresting blowouts. Some morning radio shows, having nothing to talk about concerning the game, noted how much companies paid for ads, and that they would use the game to launch new commercials. This led to discussions of which were the best ads, leading to the myth that people only watched the game to see the commercials. Madison Avenue ran with this and managed to turn it into a self-fulfilling tradition. I HATE it! I don't care about the ads, and I hate that now I'm expected to pay special attention to them and I'll be out of touch if I don't.
(end of rant) :)
That said, the only one that stuck in my mind was the Christopher Walken one with everyone doing Walken imitations while talking to him. I enjoyed that.
I also liked the aforementioned Baja Blast ad. Also on my list were Christopher Walken, Arnold Schwarzenegger with State Farm, Lionel Messi with Michelob Ultra, the Budweiser Clydesdales and the Kia ad with the girl re-creating her figure skating routine for her homebound grandfather.
Here's your question for the night: Sega Genesis CD or Turbografix CD?
I like Bonk...but I'm going with Sega because they had a Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch game!
Gotta go Sega for this had the hardest time keeping my brother from playing Sonic all day had to hide the game more than once
I also liked the aforementioned Baja Blast ad. Also on my list were Christopher Walken, Arnold Schwarzenegger with State Farm, Lionel Messi with Michelob Ultra, the Budweiser Clydesdales and the Kia ad with the girl re-creating her figure skating routine for her homebound grandfather.
I was mainly concerned about the safety of that girl, there was no way they had enough time to test the ice enough to know that it could hold her.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Super Bowl ad?
I dunno, this year nothing really hit me (to be fair, I did miss a chunk of commercials), outside of the one with Aubrey Plaza and that was mainly because Jade Cargill was in it for like a second.
Speaking of Aubrey, she is so hot!!!
Here's your question for the night: Now that the Super Bowl is over, how do you feel your teams season went?
The Bears had a really weird year, for a while it felt like they might actually end up with the first 2 picks of the draft, then they get Montez Sweat and they suddenly start winning.
I'm feeling optimistic about next season, tbh!
Well being the defending, defending champs now I'm looking at a 3 peat like DA BULLS but I'm being realistic first will it happen as I want I have no idea it's way too early to tell I just like our chances going in
I'm keeping an eye out for division rivals as well going into the draft process will Denver, Raiders, and Chargers grab up some much needed help or reach for guys that will be bigger busts that would make Christina Hendricks jealous we shall see
I'm also looking at who was bitten by the injury bug last year ready to make a splash with the team on a mulligan tour about to torch anything on the field given the chance and let's not forget the rookie draft class and who goes where a number of teams could draft their way to a playoff spot or just as easily trade themselves right into last place who will that be we don't know yet but the answer is always entertaining to watch seeing them go down in flames after an off season of high expectations
I still haven't seen the new schedule yet but I want a rematch with Detroit there was no reason to go to Arrowhead on opening night and use the stadium as a litter box after the banner drop I'll let you know when I'm over that but I'm still not over Atlanta losing the "91 world series on that bull jive homer that shouldn't have happened okay rant over
Couldn’t have felt prouder to be a Lions fan in 2023. Winning a division title for the first time in 30 years was like a huge sigh of relief and then to finally get two playoff wins was like getting an albatross off the back. The first one was great because it was against Matthew Stafford, one of the all-time great Lions, while the crowd got completely behind Jared Goff as the new leader of the pride as he beat the team that he led to the Super Bowl. The second really got the whole fan base believing this would be the year the Lions finally make the Super Bowl, an impossible scenario to most of us. Though they fell short, there’s a lot be excited for 2024. I think extending Goff should be key as he is free agent after this season and, whether it’s through the draft, trades and/or free agency, find a way to shore up the secondary.
Here's your question for the night (From Timlessly_So, thanks!): What is your ultimate fantasy outfit that you would like to see the girl who is currently #1 on your list wear? Post a photo of both the girl and the outfit if possible.
I would love to see Sydney Sweeney in one of those Baywatch swimsuits, I think she'd look great in that.
I don't have access to my pic stash but I would love to see her in a Hogwarts robe just for kicks I'll stand back in case anyone's brain explodes from the awesome visual
I can't imagine Sabrina Carpenter looking more beautiful than she does here:
:* :*
Though sometimes my imagination goes in a different direction:
=P~ =P~
Money's thumbs here his brain didn't meltdown from those pics but he doesn't remember any of the holidays from Halloween to Valentine's day thanks to these not to worry he just needs to talk to his fiance' to get him back on track
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing...and trying to hold on to my sanity!
Still hammering out my hotel collab with Calibur009
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite your hooked up with your celeb of choice she's hooked up to a lie detector for a relationship quiz but there is one thing you don't want out there who's the celeb and what's the one hidden thing?
For me this screams Dove Cameron and the one hidden thing would be how often we have sex since it would be a few times a day at minimum and admitting how often might make her look like a sex addict
I'm going with Katy Perry and she reveals that my favorite tv show is actually test patterns!
Amanda Shires and she thinks I have a thing for the butts of female country singers.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm, gonna be doing some writing!
Still working on hotel story
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Atari 2600 game?
I loved Yars' Revenge, a fantastic game!
Oh this takes me back it was Asteroids
Here's your question for the night: Thoughts on the X-Men 97 trailer?
I was beyond thrilled with it, the bit with Gambit and Wolverine was perfect!
At this point, I really think this show is gonna be something special!
I still remember the original series not sure what to think of this new one with all the woke disaster projects that have hit recently it might go down in flames like the rest of them sometimes the trailers are the best bits of a project from something that is terrible as a whole Madame web has been hyped for weeks all over yet the theaters around here are mostly empty
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Atari 5200 Game?
I have don't have a lot of experience with the 5200, that said, I'm going with Wizard of Wor, that game rules.
I got nothing
What do you think of Sleater Kinney’s newest album?
What do you think of Sleater Kinney’s newest album?
Couldn't bring myself to listen to Sleater Kinney after Janet Weiss left the band.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea that, for whatever reason, you haven't been able to make work and would like to give others the chance to write it, post it here!
In honor of X-Men 97...I remembered a scene from the original show where an insane Archangel demands that Rogue pledge herself to him, which she does.
It's never brought up again and was mainly just to show that Warren was in a crazed state dealing with wanting to get revenge on Apocalypse, but it gave me the idea of Archangel, after the episode, holding Rogue to her word and basically keeping Rogue as a sidepeice, like Rogue would live her normal live, but she'd get the call from Warren and she'd have to drop everything so she could go and fuck him, she'd be fine with it because, you know he'd figure a way around her powers.
Interesting concept
For my abandoned idea I had this thing running around in my head that I could never seem to find a plot for outside of the celebs cornering the author at a party of some kind he tries to talk his way out of a no win situation even with sex involved they would have worn him out very quickly the cast was worth at least an attempt with Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Bella Thorne, Danni Thorne, Aly Michalka, AJ Michalka, Victoria Justice, and Madison Reed Justice
With my current situation I don't see how I can write this without my fiance finding it before I finish it so if someone wants to give it a go have at it
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check-in!
How did February go for you, did you reach your goals?
Need any encouragement?
Just wanna vent?
This is the place to do it!
For me this month was alright, didn't do as much as I wanted, but it's fine, hopefully next month I can really get back into the groove.
February has been pretty good to me. Managed to finally finish a story I had been re-writing and re-writing for dozens of times over more than a year, did a very small story after that to just write something different. And I am already 8k words into a new story and it seems to be a big one as this is still only the intro.
I had a pretty good month not exactly stellar but it worked on the story front I'm still working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 this thing is such a beast I need an elephant rifle and sedative darts to get it under control
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, thanks!): What's a video game that broke your spirit to the point you had to give up on playing it with hopes of returning later.
Battletoads, the level where you have to outrun this spinning wheel thing.
It was brutal on a level that few other games I've ever experienced have been.
I don't have one but my brother has plenty of these horror stories that's why he invested in a little helper called the game shark to keep his sanity nothing says screw you to a first level boss like when you break out the most destructive thing in the arsenal to take him down
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
Still recovering and writing!
bills and writing for me
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever.
Okay I'll bite I've been recently getting on YouTube to find ideas for story plots and star wars audiobooks when I ran across star wars fan films I was blown away by the production values of a number of them thinking how did you pull this off making these props in your garage?
Granted they couldn't do stuff like ILM or Jim Henson's creature shop but I saw a dude in a Rodian mask and he looked so authentic I could have sworn he was a real alien
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing, hopefully gonna get some stuff done this week!
Still writing getting some stuff done
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writers hype thread.
If you got a story that you want to hype up, talk about it here!
I'm slowly but surely getting the next part of Mr. and Mrs. XXX done, so, hopefully, I'll be able to get it within striking distance of having a first draft done by the end of the month.
Well everyone knows about my hotel collab with Calibur009 for my own solo projects I have so many I'm not sure where to begin I'll check my story binders and see what I have
Here's your question for the night: it's the next part of the "if you're seeing this then I'm either out of ides or too lazy to think of an answer for one of my other questions" tournament!
Round 1 Match 6: Lili Reinhart or Camila Mendes?
I'll leave this one for you, whoever wins gets a bye to the third round!
With a vote of 3-0 Lili Reinhart wins and advances to the 3rd round!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Atari 7800 Game?
In my very small experience with the system, I took a liking to a game called Dark Chambers, which is a port of Dandy, the game that inspired Gauntlet.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): You have the chance to clone your celeb of choice but the rules are you can't use your top 20 list and you only get 1 who is it?
Fun question, I'm going with Normani for my answer!
As always, it's time for the first Thursday of the Month appeal for Questions from the community!
Things are going alright, but we could always do better, so if you've got any questions for the Thursday question, don't hesitate to send them in!
Penny Lane
=P~ =P~ =P~
I knew I'd shoot myself in the foot with this one for my version I'll go with Gal Gadot
Avril Lavigne
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
For me it's the usual of writing and catching up on any wrestling that I've missed!
Writing while surviving the tough weather coming through really wish spring would get here
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Has any author ever had a great story idea jump in your brain right as you sleep only to forget everything when you wake up trying to remember what it was?
I've had this problem more than once I'm just curious what kinds of story ideas have been running around other authors' brains lately
Has any author ever had a great story idea jump in your brain right as you sleep only to forget everything when you wake up trying to remember what it was?
I've had this problem more than once I'm just curious what kinds of story ideas have been running around other authors' brains lately
I usually have the opposite problem. I have a bunch of ideas, go to type up a quick outline for the story and come up with an idea for another, completely different story. ;D
Has any author ever had a great story idea jump in your brain right as you sleep only to forget everything when you wake up trying to remember what it was?
I've had this problem more than once I'm just curious what kinds of story ideas have been running around other authors' brains lately
It probably did happen to me once or twice, I usually come up with ideas right at bedtime, so I probably have lost a few ideas thanks to sleep!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing!
I'm still going on my hotel story with Calibur009 making some progress
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Intellivision Game?
I had one of those plug and play controllers that had a bunch of Intellivision games on them, there was a snake game called Snafu that I got really into.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite pro wrestling announcer?
For me, it's probably Lance Russell, he was the announcer for the Memphis territory and he was an incredible announcer, a huge reason why that territory stuck around into the 90s.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Wrestling Color Commentator?
For my money, it's Bobby Heenan, he had probably the quickest wit of anyone in wrestling.
Okay now we have a slight beef for my version I'll say Jerry the king Lawler dude had such a rapid fire delivery on subtle humor during a divas match if you weren't paying attention you would miss it and the wacky one liners and double meanings always made for a fun show
Here's your question for the night (From timelessly_so, thanks!): When you stop listening to a podcast, what are usually your main reasons for doing so? Cite examples if possible.
Usually the main reason I give up on a podcast is run time.
There was a wrestling podcast I used to listen to that ended up having the show balloon to as long as six hours.
It was insane and, as interesting as I think the podcast could be, it was just way too much to digest.
Well for me my podcasts are mainly audiobooks on Youtube run time really isn't an issue since most of what I watch is only at minimum 10 minutes the bigger stuff maxes out at around an hour the really long stuff is about 10 hours but I fall asleep at some point during those but it's not a problem
Any podcast that starts talking politics I avoid like a fucking plague.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'm writing too and just finished a Jessica Alba story for everyone.
Paid The Cost To Fuck The Boss (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5469.0)
Still writing
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
What is your opinion of Beyonce doing country music?
I haven't listened to it because the only new music I listen to made after 2002 are JPEGMafia and Death Grips, but I think it's neat.
Big name artists stepping out of their wheelhouse and trying something new is always cool.
I don't mind artists who try doing different styles of music for something fresh to bring to fans yet in some cases it's just a bad idea when you have a talented artist that gets paired with a writer/producer who's a notorious control freak just to sell albums or keep their name out there
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Writing and gaming!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Magnavox Odyssey 2 game?
I really dug that K.C. Munchkin game, it was like Pac-Man but it did a lot of really interesting things like the maze itself would move.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Cancelled movie you wish had happened?
For me, it's the Gambit movie.
Yeah I know Tatum might not have been the best choice for the role, but I still wanted it to happen.
For me it's obvious the only star wars trilogy that existed before episodes 1-3 was the epic Thrawn trilogy starting with Heir to the empire which would have given us the solo twins Jacen and Jaina but instead we get a giant pile of canon books made irrelevant but the mouse empire still draws characters from them to piece together a Frankenstein monster trilogy that everyone hates now and the actors involved with them won't even put them on their resumes going forward or come back to the franchise to reprise their roles leaving everything to burn in a giant blaze even bigger than the funeral pyre set by Luke at the end of episode 6 okay rant over
According to legend, there were many Orson Welles movies that were left on the drawing board, or started then abandoned. The one I would have wanted to see is his version of Don Quixote.
Also, there's a great documentary titled "The Epic That Never Was," about a 1930's effort to film "I, Claudius," directed by Joseph von Sternberg with Charles Laughton as Claudius. It had to be abandoned after only a few weeks filming when leading lady Merle Oberon was hurt in a car accident. Seeing the handful of scenes with Laughton that survive make me wish for the whole thing.
Here's your question for the night: Planned tv show that you wish had happened?
I remember hearing about a planned Daria spin off based around the band Mystik Spiral.
That's something I would have watched in a heartbeat!
With all the tv shows getting planned then cancelled almost in the same day it seems pointless to try and think of something that sounds good then goes away when someone doesn't want to spend much money or can't find backers to get a pilot done and some of the recent stuff just sounds awful
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff "Ripper" was something I was looking forward to.
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, thanks!): Have you ever seen a random movie that Samuel L Jackson appears in and what was it?
There were a lot of random Sam Jackson appearances in the 90s, the one that comes to mind, for me, was as Caine's dad in Menace II Society.
It's always weirdly surprising for me to see him in that movie, for some reason.
It can be pretty jarring to see him in smaller roles before Pulp Fiction.
Oh man I have so many of his movies it isn't even funny love his work but for this I'll have to go with Jurassic Park I thought he would survive then I remembered he was a background character so ended up a dino munchie on the plus side at least he didn't die on the toilet like the lawyer
Kill Bill Vol 2. I had no idea he was in it, and it's only a single scene (the wedding), and it wasn't until I saw the credits that I realized it was him.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'll do what I can for writing to get further along with my hotel collab with Calibur009 but come Monday I'll be offline till late Tuesday maybe Wednesday because of my trip keep sending me feedback on things and I'll get to them when I return
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite while I was working on my hotel collab with Calibur009 I found an old story idea that has been missing for about the last 5 years the concept was solid being a murder mystery along the lines of a Perry Mason movie kind of vibe or something similar for fans of those kind of things the cast is a bit dated since I had come up with the idea around 2011 so I'm looking at recasting it with a better cast I had planned on it being a 2 author gig so the writing could be split in half with 8 celebs yet everyone is suspect including the authors with a solid motive for doing the deed I'm all for casting ideas it would help if I knew who they were and not just random hot women from who knows where I've seen the hot 100 ballots so I know a number of certain women will be submitted for this if your interested PM me and lets see what happens
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Hopefully gonna do a lot of writing!
I'm out the door in about an hour so I'll be offline until about Wednesday writing will take a backseat till then
Here's your question for the night: It's time for the next part of the unnecessarily long tournament that I came up with because sometimes I can't be bothered to come up with an answer to any of the Questions of the Night!
Round 1 Match 7: Melissa Benoist or Helen Slater?
Vote...or don't!
With a vote of 4 to 1, Melissa Benoist advances over Helen Slater.
Congrats Melissa, personally, I prefer Helen, but I refuse to influence the vote...for now!
Which British Brunette is hotter, Keira Knightley or Emma Watson?
For my vote it has to be Emma Watson and not because my fiance looks like her and I might get hit with a lamp if I vote the other way, I'm not being held hostage against my will (help) or having sex withheld over this (she's crazy) but clearly Emma is the right choice for this (I might not survive another night of sex with her she bounces back too fast)
My vote is for Emma!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea you've had but you've never been able to make it work and want to see if someone is willing to take it, then don't be afraid to post it!
I'll be honest, I forgot this was the plan for tonight, so I forgot to look up old ideas I never used.
Hopefully next month I'll be better prepared.
This isn't exactly an abandoned idea I just can't find the paperwork to pick up where I left off the idea was solid where 2 celebs decided to have a threesome with the author but wanted to surprise him when they showed up he was busy with a project but they weren't taking no for an answer so chased him around the apartment with an elephant rifle and sedative darts trying to land him like some big game hunters before sex I'm looking at recasting this anyway I would prefer celebs that are well known to some degree for fans who want to submit options feel free to PM me I'll leave the voting open until extreme1 posts the next question of the night tomorrow
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did March go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you set?
If you need any encouragement or you need to vent about something writing related, this is the place to do it!
March went ok for me, I'm making progress on the next part of Mr. and Mrs. XXX, hopefully it'll be done sooner rather than later!
March was good for me I didn't get as far along in editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 as I planned but I'm getting there
Here's your question for the night (From RTM, thanks!): Is there a story of your own you would change?
Pretty much all of them except for Mr. and Mrs. XXX and Untitled Diane Guerrero story.
Both of those were pretty strong.
All of my other output, however, there's a lot that I'd love to change about those stories.
Well for me I know the story itself was a fan request and I did what was asked of me but after seeing the documentary I really wish I could switch out Jamie Lynn Spears with someone else the story itself was solid dude was just hung up on her and really wanted something with her in it
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be working on stuff!
Still recovering from my rough trip I'll see where I am sunday
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever.
Okay I'll bite with it being Easter Sunday in most places I have a question of all the female celebs out there we drool over which ones do you think could have sex like a rabbit (multiple times in a short period) before getting tired for my version I would think Shakira and Emma Watson would fit this but I'm curious what other authors think so feel free to chime in on this maybe we could get some fun story ideas out of the deal
If we're talking real life I'd say Kim Kardashian or Britney Spears. If we're going with one of my stories I'd hope it would be Ariana Richards ;D
Whatever floats your boat my friend Kim and Britney do have an interesting story vibe with the right plot Ariana can fit in anywhere these don't have to be realistic but it's more of a fun what if
Britney is a great choice!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
The usual writing!
Writing and trying to figure out a subplot for a possible multi author story that has a cannonball run style vibe to it
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the first of the month writer hype post.
If you've got any upcoming story you want to hype up, here's the place to do it!
I'm going through the first polish of Mr. and Mrs. XXX, hopefully it'll be done sooner rather than later!
I've got nothing to hype this trip I'll make a better effort for next month
Who do you think has a nicer butt: Jennifer Lawrence or Hayley Williams?
I'm going with Jennifer Lawrence!
My vote JLaw all day
Here's your question for the night: Planned Album that you wish had happened?
Before D. Boon died, The Minutemen were planning a triple album that would have consisted of 3 sides of new material and 3 sides of live songs that would be voted on by the fans.
I really think it would have been an incredible album.
For me this goes back a ways to the early 90's when Def Leppard did the album Adrenalize after the death of guitarist Steve Clarke they had to take a few weeks to remove all his guitar parts off the master recordings at that point and had guitarist Phil Collen play them in Steve's signature style which I'm sure was daunting enough then they had to bring in a replacement for the stadium tour and teach him the entire band catalog from scratch which is where Vivian Campbell has been to this day I'm curious if Steve was still around what would the music sound like and what songs don't exist without him being there? I'm loving the songs that Vivian has written over the years with the band and the solid direction the band continues to be on strange it has been nearly 40 years since Steve died yet the music he helped create seems to not age and stacks up with the current music out now
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice but you have to live in a camper van for a year off grid with them and she's not the outdoorsy type who is it?
I'm going with Katy Perry for this one, she just seems to fit the bill for this one.
It's time for the first Thursday of the Month appeal for questions from the community.
We're about 12 questions away from having enough questions for the whole year, so please send in any questions you'd like asked for the Thursday question!
Also, I thought I had posted the Wednesday question on here, but I think I actually forgot, so sorry about that.
The question was: Planned Video Game you wish had happened?
My answer was an X-Women game for the Sega Genesis that was being worked on when Sega shuttered work on Genesis games.
There's footage of it online and it looks like it would have been a great sequel to the 2 X-Men games on the Genesis.
For my version I'll say Bella Thorne I've heard plenty of horror stories about Gen Z curling up into a ball if you take their phone away so being offline for a year would be catastrophic for some where Bella would have to find fun alternatives to pass the time in a van
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing...also got a lot of wrestling to watch!
Still editing hotel story making good progress
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever.
Okay I'll bite I was working on a side project using a comic book encyclopedia from DC and Marvel and in a number of entries for the female heroines and villains they are described as having genius level educations in a number of fields yet the outfits in the pictures are drawn from the 90's era in a number of cases an example is Catwoman I can tell the reference pic is from the cover of Catwoman #1 from around mid 1995ish where the fabric on the catsuit is stretched to near what Kim Kardashian would consider an evening gown with a little extra to work with in the trunk
There are plenty of entries like this I nearly tripped over myself when I saw Power girl good thing I don't have stairs at my place I'm aware the characters are written smart but the outfits beg the question what look were they going for I don't see a criminal being afraid of a female heroine nearly exploding out of her outfit if she lands wrong
For Power Girl, it's because she never found a symbol that would go where her boob window is.
I don't think the symbol would have fit in there no matter what it was
Very true.
In general, thought, it's hard to take most superheros seriously, they all look ridiculous.
But you can't deny a number of them could pull off the outfits at least
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Writing and catching up on wrestling!
Still editing my hotel collab with Calibur009 it's nearly ready for the orgy finale I'm up to the fun threesome scene with Calibur009's character, Olivia Holt, and Becky G for those interested
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Colecovision Game?
I always liked Antarctic Adventure, this sort of racing game where you'd have to jump over pits, it was a lot of fun.
I've got nothing plus I feel old just reading the question
Here's your question for the night: Favorite NFL Player of all time?
For me, it's Walter Payton.
Sweetness was a one of a kind running back and I still go back and watch highlights of him on youtube.
For me it's DE Bucky Buchanan got to meet his nephew really nice guy and hard-core KC fan
Linebacker Lawrence Taylor. I'm not even a Giants fan, but he was the greatest I've ever seen.
Here's your question for the night: Domino's or Pizza Hut?
For me, it's Domino's, they've made a lot of money off of me over the years.
The one Pizza Hut in my local place has made a lot of money from me over the years lol.
I can literally throw a rock in the air and hit 3 different pizza joints within a block of my house I've had them all including Pizza Hut and Domino's for this question I'll go with Domino's since Pizza Hut changed the pizza sauce it doesn't taste like I remember from years ago
I'm just a 2 minute walk from a Domino's, so they've served me well over the years.
Here's your question for the night (from Timelessly So, thanks!): What is the most distractingly bad performance by an actor or actress in an otherwise good TV show or movie?
Oh man, South Central, the leader of the white supremacist group is overacting like a mother fucker and he talks real weird as well.
A large chunk of that cast come off like people who want everyone to know they're acting, but that dude takes the cake.
Sheena Easton in Miami Vice. Some of the fans argue she was the worst thing to ever happen to that show.
They introduced her in a panic as a reaction to the show jumping the shark with the infamous UFO episode (the one with James Brown). The backlash to that one episode was so bad, they figured the only solution was to introduce a new character and have her as a love interest to Crockett.
Among MV fans, Easton's character Caitlin has been debated to death. I don't care that she's a pop singer and it's unrealistic that a vice squad detective would be dating her. The show already required suspension of disbelief with how Crockett is never figured out as a cop by the Miami underworld after so many successful busts of major drug dealers using his undercover Burnett persona. I also have to bring up that this happened in season 4, which is the worst season of the show. It starts off poorly and there's plenty of bad episodes that don't involve Easton, so I don't think it's fair to blame the show's decline on her at all.
The main problem is the complete lack of chemistry Easton had with Don Johnson. She's just a poor actress in general. There's this one episode with her where Crockett is undercover searching for a female serial killer played by legendary supermodel Iman (David Bowie's wife), and she has way better chemistry with Johnson and put in a memorable performance as a villain.
There was one good thing though. Easton's character gets killed off and that being the catalyst for one of the best story arcs of the entire series with the Burnett Saga, and starts season 5 off on a big high.
Okay I'll be that guy who throws Johnny Depp under the bus for Pirates 3 the first 2 were good and held everything together the 3rd one not so much the dump trucks full of money must have been running 24/7 for someone to green light this thing it had to be about pushing toys like Batman in the mid-late 90's but the bomb that it was didn't stop Depp from taking a portion of the gate and DVD sales yet those were some small checks for such a huge performance
In the 1992 "Dracula," directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker is genuinely terrible. Not just the painful attempt at a British accent, but everything he does. It's not my favorite version of Dracula, but I think I might have been able to enjoy it if I hadn't been cringing at Reeves.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
Okay I'll be that guy who throws Johnny Depp under the bus for Pirates 3 the first 2 were good and held everything together the 3rd one not so much the dump trucks full of money must have been running 24/7 for someone to green light this thing it had to be about pushing toys like Batman in the mid-late 90's but the bomb that it was didn't stop Depp from taking a portion of the gate and DVD sales yet those were some small checks for such a huge performance
Few people really want to admit this, and it's why he lost his deal with Disney. Depp had several massive bombs in the 2010s. Lone Ranger and Dark Hallows are two that immediately come to mind. He was the highest paid actor in Hollywood at the time despite his age and being well passed his prime. The last Pirates movie also didn't make as much money as the previous ones.
I also believe his friendship with director Tim Burton didn't help in a few cases yes they worked well together but Tim has been odd since the 90s
Got a birthday party Sunday so I'll be taking a writing break I'll start fresh Monday
I am slowly writing a story featuring Tegan and Sara and Hayley Kiyoko. Might be up next weekend.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite since it's my niece's birthday today and fiance's birthday tomorrow what 2 celebs would you like to have back to back birthdays if it could work? for me I would have to go with Sabrina Carpenter and Shakira just to see what would happen when they go off the rails because it's a 2 day party in their honor
Hmm, that's a good question, I'll go with Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B, because I'm sure a double birthday party with them would be wild.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Hopefully I can get a lot of writing done!
I'll get back to writing after my fiance's birthday
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Vectrex Game?
I liked that Star Trek game.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite NBA Player of all time?
Cliche as it may be, I'm going with Michael Jordan, it was a truly special thing to live through his prime.
I've got nothing
It's Julius Erving, but not for his play in the NBA. You have to have seen him play for the NY Nets in the ABA to know how truly amazing he was. The Erving that played for the 76ers was the toned-down version. The one that played in the ABA was the true Dr. J.
So here's your question for the night: Favorite Sid Meier game?
Civilization 6 is probably my favorite, to be honest, it's tough as hell to actually pick a Civ game, so I went with the most recent.
Oh man so many of these I can't remember them all best part of being an adult is having the time to just build your own city in SimCity yet Civilization does have it's own charm for me I can't pick one the whole city simulator genre has always had a special spot for me the only game glitch would be the limited amount of starting money and having to wait for days for the funding to build things up plus you had the lingering problem of a rolling blackout that could wipe out weeks of work
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, thanks!): Which is the better album of a double release: Guns N Roses Use Your Illusions 1 or 2?
I'm going with 2, because it has my all time favorite GnR song (You could be mine) and it has Get In The Ring, which is one of the most insane songs ever recorded, seriously look up the lyrics, it's fucking wild.
Now this is a tough one both albums are great you get plenty of music for the money with classic songs that still stand up today be it the cover "Live and let die" or the epic "November rain" along with a number of others from the original GNR lineup I think it depends on which songs float your boat for those in that age bracket that grew up on them for me I can't remember which is which so I'll just roll with the whole album
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'll do as much writing as I can until Thursday when I'll be doing my annual draft weekend trolling with an old friend
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite has any author had a solid story idea with a cast in mind of 3 celebs that would make for fantastic pairings yet the only hangup is it might fall flat when it's released keeping it on the idea board? I've had this problem more times than I care to count the last really good one I had was a weekend beach house idea that turns into a wacky romp with the celeb neighbors the cast worked but I couldn't find the main plot devices to pull everything together and I had such great sex scene ideas for Zendaya, Ariel Winter, and Victoria Justice I'm sure there are other authors that have this problem feel free to vent
Okay I'll bite has any author had a solid story idea with a cast in mind of 3 celebs that would make for fantastic pairings yet the only hangup is it might fall flat when it's released keeping it on the idea board? I've had this problem more times than I care to count the last really good one I had was a weekend beach house idea that turns into a wacky romp with the celeb neighbors the cast worked but I couldn't find the main plot devices to pull everything together and I had such great sex scene ideas for Zendaya, Ariel Winter, and Victoria Justice I'm sure there are other authors that have this problem feel free to vent
What's there to vent about? Just write it if you want to.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing!
I'm writing as much as I can till Thursday then it's draft time till Sunday
So here's your question for the night: Favorite Sega Master System Game?
The first Phantasy Star game was a true classic so that's my pick!
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MLB Player of all time?
It's been ages since I've watched baseball, when I watched regularly, it was Sammy Sosa.
Back in the day, I loved watching that dude.
Oh man this is a loaded question for me since I've met quite a few guys who live in Cooperstown all of them were happy to interact with the fans but a few stood out for me
3B Brooks Robinson
OF Reggie Jackson
OF Frank Robinson
SS Cal Ripken Jr,
1B Frank Thomas
3B Chipper Jones
OF Al Kaline
2B Joe Morgan
2B Tony Perez
OF Pete Rose
C Craig Biggio
SS Ozzie Smith
1B Wade Boggs
OF Andre Dawson
OF Eddie Murray
OF Robin Yount
OF Rickey Henderson
OF Dave Winfield
SS Dave Conception
SS Alan Trammell
OF Darryl Strawberry
OF Kenny Lofton
OF Dale Murphy
OF Fred Lynn
OF Deion "Primetime" Sanders
P Rollie Fingers
P Goose Gossage
P Gaylord Perry
P Bob Gibson
P Jack Morris
P Tom Glavine
I do miss Brooks Robinson he was a real class act it was an honor to meet them all and I would take this lineup against any hot shot roster out there now just to see the "Oh shit" looks on the other teams faces knowing these guys could make it a very long day
Here's your question for the night: The NFL draft is tomorrow, what are you hoping your team does this year?
I'm a Bears fan, so drafting Caleb Williams is inevitable, that said, a part of me also hopes they swing for the fences and somehow put together a trade package to get Marvin Harrison Jr. as well.
What I'm hearing right now with the draft 13 hours away is da bears could draft WR Rome Odunze at #9 but that is still rumor
For my guys in KC I'd be happy with some WR help or a nice CB at #32 all the top talent should be off the board but I'm sure a really nice 2nd round round guy could slip in and shock everyone
Probably have my Kiyoko/Tegan and Sara story up this weekend.
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): Which celebrity would you most like to give a disappointing orgasm to?
For me, I'm going with Lana Condor, I bet my lack of skills would really make her regret ever giving me a chance!
Probably any of the Kardashians. With all the guys they've been with I feel like most men probably disappoint them. ;D
You're not wrong there for my version I'd have to go with Taylor Swift due to her long list of exes before now you know some of them didn't measure up and had to disappoint after talking some good game no matter how talented they were in whatever area I wouldn't mind being added to that list
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing and watching the rest of the NFL draft!
My new story is up.
Might write another story later(a non futa fanfic story where Buffy is spanked is one of my ideas, I've had Jeff spank Britta before).
Anyone ever consider a Camilla Cabello story where she gets her Cuban ass spannked?
Draft still taking priority for me having a blast so far
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite with the draft now over how do you think your team did?
I can see KC filled a number of needs with some solid picks granted we traded away a few for various reasons but I think we get a few extra next year so I'm good
I was gonna ask this Monday, but I can crap something else out tomorrow for this place.
I think the Bears did great, they managed to get the best player in the entire draft: Tory Taylor!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be writing and gaming.
Still recovering from the draft I'll rest today and see where I'm at tomorrow I'll get back to editing hotel story
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump.
If you have an idea you like, but you feel isn't right for you, then don't be afraid to post it here!
Ages ago I started work on a story about Dani Thorne getting fucked in front of a bunch of people at an EDM festival, at some point I lost control of the story and decided to let it go, but I still think there's something there.
Well I can't do anything with this one so whoever wants it go for it
I had this idea jump in my brain where the author is learning French for a very nice job offer overseas he can read and write it but he has to learn to speak it as well yet he's the only male in the room where he's stuck with Dove Cameron as the other student and Emma Watson as the teacher it was planned with 4 sex scenes in mind including a lesbian scene but I don't have any time for the next few months to get it going
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did April go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you set?
If you need any encouragement or you need to vent about something writing related, this is the place to do it!
I didn't get nearly enough done this month, not sure why, just was a weirdly slow month.
Well my month didn't exactly go to plan but I made the best of it still working on hotel story
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the first of the month writer hype post.
If you've got any upcoming story you want to hype up, here's the place to do it!
I'm really hoping I can get at least one thing up this month, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I'm really busy this month with real life things so I can't really hype anything new
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice she has a pet and is all nice a adorable around her but acts like Cujo when your by yourself with it who's the celeb?
I'm going with Keke Palmer, I think it'd be funny if she had no clue that her dog hated me.
It's the first Thursday of the Month appeal for more questions from the community.
We need questions, folks, so don't hesitate to send them in via pm so they can get asked!
For my version this screams Selena Gomez I knew an old family friend who had a pet toy dog I forget the breed but the little bugger was like a living chainsaw if you got too close I always hoped the emergency vehicles were never called out while I was around the little guy hated the sirens
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be doing some writing!
Same here I'm really behind but good thing it's a star wars marathon to keep me focused
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite with it being Cinco de mayo what Spanish speaking celeb would you have a one night stand with but she only speaks Spanish during sex? for me this screams Salma Hayek I'd love to just know she's loving the attention and hearing words I'm not familiar with where she's not mad at me
That's a great question, I'll go with Salma as well.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing!
I'm doing as much writing as I can between doctor visits and getting ready for my trip
Okay I'll bite with it being Cinco de mayo what Spanish speaking celeb would you have a one night stand with but she only speaks Spanish during sex? for me this screams Salma Hayek I'd love to just know she's loving the attention and hearing words I'm not familiar with where she's not mad at me
Becky G
Here's your question for the night: It's the return of the "If you're seeing this, I've run out of ideas" Tournament!
Round 1 Match 8: Jade Kush or Ava Devine?
If there was ever a testament to how most of the tournament was off the top of my head, it's the fact that whoever wins this will face Melissa Benoist in the next round, so have fun picking a winner!
Ava Devine advances after winning 3 - 0.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite TurboGrafx-16 Game?
The original Bomberman game ruled!
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Crosby, Stills, Nash or Young?
I'm going with Neil Young, because This Note's For You, is one of the best songs to come out of the 80s.
I've got nothing
Absolutely Neil Young. Not even close.
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): What is something (or someone) that the internet finds cringe or bad that you unironically think is great?
About 10 years ago, I would have said Gambit (from the X-Men) but these days he's the hottest he's been since the 90s.
Also I'm painfully unaware of what the internet likes or hates, do they still hate Friday the 13th for the NES?
Cause if they do than that's my answer.
I'm not exactly sure how to answer this one since a few things over the years started out with high expectations only to be treated like Kryptonite a few months later since a number of people want to be on "the right side of history" instead of just seeing something coming and reacting the way they need to dealing with it
I'm not exactly sure how to answer this one since a few things over the years started out with high expectations only to be treated like Kryptonite a few months later since a number of people want to be on "the right side of history" instead of just seeing something coming and reacting the way they need to dealing with it
Those people basically run every major site on the internet now (except Twitter) and use their ideological beliefs to have a moral high ground over the people they dislike. If you have differing opinions and don't believe in censorship, then you're a bigot according to them.
It's just the latest form puritanism.
Anyone impressed by St. Vincent's newest album??? Yes, she loves ladies, but she's built to fuck other ladies.
I am planning to write a Paramore fanfic with Hayley being knocked up by her boyfriend.
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): What is something (or someone) that the internet finds cringe or bad that you unironically think is great?
About 10 years ago, I would have said Gambit (from the X-Men) but these days he's the hottest he's been since the 90s.
Also I'm painfully unaware of what the internet likes or hates, do they still hate Friday the 13th for the NES?
Cause if they do than that's my answer.
The internet hates every game with the little LJN rainbow of glory.
Except Spider-Man Maximum Carnage
Is Taylor Swift still considered cringe? I thought all of that had been finally buried in the past few years, but lately I've noticed the same music-snobby comments about her, so I guess my considering her brilliantly talented still makes me sufficiently uncool. ::)
I've got a family member in the entertainment industry who has a friend that's a Grammy voter and he does his best to vote for the right artists every year but every year somebody comes at him saying all kinds of stuff and gets ripped on if he votes for Taylor in any category so yeah politics do exist in the industry which explains Kanye
Anyone impressed by St. Vincent's newest album??? Yes, she loves ladies, but she's built to fuck other ladies.
I am planning to write a Paramore fanfic with Hayley being knocked up by her boyfriend.
Haven't heard it yet, but I do enjoy what I've heard from her.
Saw David Byrne and St. Vincent live years back and was blown away by them, hopefully they can work together again in the future.
I've got a family member in the entertainment industry who has a friend that's a Grammy voter and he does his best to vote for the right artists every year but every year somebody comes at him saying all kinds of stuff and gets ripped on if he votes for Taylor in any category so yeah politics do exist in the industry which explains Kanye
Poor poor Taylor Swift not winning more awards. Someone will need to write an article about how she's a helpless victim. I must've missed the news where Kanye has become relevant again.
I forgot to answer the question earlier.
I hate the use of the terms overrated and underrated on the internet. Overrated is far more used.
They're so overused the actual definition of the words have been lost, much like other words that get overused.
The word 'overrated' gets thrown around so much in a negative sense to declare something bad without the nuance of it. I think it's more accurate to call something you enjoy as 'overrated', rather than using the word negatively. For example; I like Judas Priest's Painkiller album quite a lot, but I'd say it's slightly overrated compared to their other great albums.
Since games were mentioned, one thing that bugs me on internet discourse over games is when one new installment of a series disappoints the fans, and then there's this revisionism to declare the previous game "actually underrated". Batman Arkham Knight disappointed people, so then Arkham Origins was declared great. This has happened with every single Zelda title going back to Majora's Mask. The entire reason MM became beloved on the internet was out of disappointment to Windwaker. Then the same thing happened for WW after Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword disappointed some fans.
I also find it weird how certain big game titles have become hated by the popular opinion of internet majority. Quake 2 was a critically acclaimed game when it first came out, and was rightfully praised for it's graphics and gameplay. Now it's laughed at and often called "Id Software's worst game". Even the most dedicated Q2 fans now call it 'underrated' regardless the irony of it being a major game that people run out and upgrade their computers to play. It feels weird calling Unreal 'underrated' given it's critical acclaim and importance in PC gaming, but the way it's been forgotten and almost lost in time, makes it that.
Or Taylor can be a guest voice on South Park where they do another episode on a social media rebrand where she can claim to be a victim among other things just saying
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna be writing!
Still editing and resting
Well I noticed it's the two year anniversary of me being on the site. I already posted a special Ariana Richards story to celebrate, but I want to try and get a couple other stories done too
Well I noticed it's the two year anniversary of me being on the site. I already posted a special Ariana Richards story to celebrate, but I want to try and get a couple other stories done too
Hell yes, the site is better because you're on it!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite this is a random thought you come home to a house party started by your celeb girlfriend the place isn't destroyed but it's a giant mess when you find her she's in the middle of a lesbian threesome and willing to cut you in if you don't end the party who's in the celeb threesome and do you stop the party?
For me this is a toss up I'd consider stopping the party so the house doesn't come crashing down around me but seeing a lesbian threesome of Victoria Justice, Hailee Steinfeld and Emma Watson I might have to let it slide
For me it would be Ariana Richards, Eliza Dushku and Britney Spears
I'd go with Keke Palmer, Brenda Song and Kat Dennings and there's no way I'm stopping this party!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, might do something....might not.
I'm having to pack for my trip so writing will have to stop for a few days when I'm gone I'll do what I can after dinner till then
Those women would be:
Evan Rachel Wood, Phoebe Bridgers, and Aubrey Plaza
BTW: my Hayley Williams Story is up
Okay I'll bite this is a random thought you come home to a house party started by your celeb girlfriend the place isn't destroyed but it's a giant mess when you find her she's in the middle of a lesbian threesome and willing to cut you in if you don't end the party who's in the celeb threesome and do you stop the party?
For me this is a toss up I'd consider stopping the party so the house doesn't come crashing down around me but seeing a lesbian threesome of Victoria Justice, Hailee Steinfeld and Emma Watson I might have to let it slide
My first thought: Dua Lipa, Sydney Sweeney, and Zendaya. If I get to be part of that, the rest of the party can go on as long as they like.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sega Genesis Game?
For me, it's the first Shining Force game, an incredible tactical RPG!
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MMA Fighter of all time?
I'm going with Mirko Cro Cop, that dude was one of the baddest MMA fighters I've ever seen and it was always fun watching him knock people on their ass with his kick (except for one time...where he inadvertently almost killed New Japan Pro Wrestling).
Ronda Rousey not even a contest
Favorite queer female celebrity? I am talking people like Cara Develegine, Tegan and Sara, Kristen Stewart, Samira Wiley and other actually queer celebs.
Favorite queer female celebrity? I am talking people like Cara Develegine, Tegan and Sara, Kristen Stewart, Samira Wiley and other actually queer celebs.
Extreme asks the questions here, not anyone else.
Ronda Rousey not even a contest
I'll second that. She can put as many holds on me as she wants ;D
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Roger Corman film?
That dude made so many films that I don't think I can pick one, but shout out to The Fantastic Four for being the best silver screen adaption of Marvel's first family.
Favorite queer female celebrity? I am talking people like Cara Develegine, Tegan and Sara, Kristen Stewart, Samira Wiley and other actually queer celebs.
Extreme asks the questions here, not anyone else.
My mistake. I will make my own thread for this.
Would it be cheating to say "The Godfather Part 2" (He was one of the panel of senators questioning Michael Corleone. Francis Coppola, like thousands of others, got his start working for Corman)?
Otherwise, I'll pick "X: The Man With The X-Ray Eyes."
R.I.P. Roger.
I wasn't familiar with his work until you said Fantastic 4 so I'll go with that
Here's your question for the night (From GAV, thanks!): Which of the Resident Evil babes would you want to fuck?
For me, I'm going with Sheva Alomar, I always thought she was the hottest.
My version is from the film series so I'd go with Michelle Rodriguez I can't remember her character name I wasn't as big a fan of the video games as my brother was
I'd have to go with Jill Valentine.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
For me it's gonna be a weekend of writing and gaming!
I'm going to try and get some writing done. I just posted the first story of a new series I'm doing and want to keep it going.
Packing for my trip I should be gone for lunch tomorrow and won't be back for a week so writing won't be happening
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Somebody else can take this I'm about to leave
It’s my birthday!
It’s my birthday!
Happy birthday, I hope it's a great one!
It’s my birthday!
Happy birthday, I hope it's a great one!
It has been. Anytime I spend with my family is fun.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Gonna try and get through a backlog of wrestling...also gonna be writing.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite SNES game?
I'm going with A Link to the Past, an incredible game, also special shout out to that WCW game that has the wrestlers pop up and do little soundbites on the character select screen.
The actual game isn't good, but that always amuses me.
It’s my birthday!
A belated happy birthday to you my friend, I hope you are having a good week.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite NHL Player of all time?
I followed the NHL very casually over the years and I have the memory of a goldfish, so I don't actually have an answer for this one.
I'd probably come up with someone if I really put some thought into it, but that's life!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite member of the Jackson family?
I'm going with Janet, Rhythm Nation is an amazing song and, to be honest, it feels like she never really gets her due as an influential artist (seriously go back and watch old Britney, you can see Janet's influence all over her).
Janet is the correct answer.
It’s my birthday!
A belated happy birthday to you my friend, I hope you are having a good week.
I love that gif! Thank you, Cade!
As for the favorite Jackson, it’s a close one, but Janet’s influence on pop and R&B babes who came after her prime helped fuel many of my crushes. To be honest, Michael would’ve been my answer because of his overall impact on pop culture, but he’s not because he was, shall we say, problematic.
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, thanks!): Which is the better album of a double release: Metallica Load or Reload?
I'm going with Load because it's a great album overall, but Reload did have Low Man's Lyric on it and that's one of their best songs.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing, lots of writing!
Same here
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, probably gonna be writing.
Here's your question for the night: It's the next match in that long ass tournament!
Round 1 Match 9: Skylar Vox or Angela White?
I leave the voting up to you.
I'm back and my vote is Angela White for this
Ahem...with a vote of 5 to 0, to the surprise of no one, Angela White advances past Skylar Vox.
In answer to the questions I missed while I was gone
Favorite SNES game I got nothing
Plans for the week survive a road trip with my family
Favorite hockey player Mark Messier
Plans for the weekend survive my siblings being in the same room with me while we rip on each other over stupid things we did as kids
Best Metallica album I'll go with load since it's the first album after the monster black album
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea that you like, but you don't think is right for you, put it here and, you never know, someone might pick it up.
My idea, for this month, is this: There's a (from what I gather) little known X-Men dropped plot point from ages ago.
At some point in time, Rogue attempted to absorb Mephisto via a kiss, that kiss ended up giving Rogue his ability to take people's souls (for Mephisto) at the cost of her own soul.
There was never anything stating that she got her soul back from Mephisto, so the idea is that Mephisto has let her be a sleeper agent on his behalf and now he's ready to call her in and make her his.
For me I had something where Natalie Portman was on the set of her movie Mr. Magorium's wonder emporium but someone had replaced the magic props with shelves of sex toys yet the concept was the same where they would come alive and Natalie would get railed every night after shooting wrapped but she would get just enough sleep so it wouldn't show she was tired
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did May go for you?
Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself?
Want to just vent about something writing related?
I did alright for myself this month, made some progress on a few things, would have like to have done much more, however, but that's life, hopefully next month will be better.
May was good for me got a few things out of the way so summer will continue now back to writing
Here's your question for the night (From Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): Who is your favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.?
I'm assuming this is the TV show, if so then my answer is Overton, him and Synclaire were a great couple and he was always fun to watch.
Jokes aside, I have no clue as I watched a handful of episodes and it never really made an impression on me (much like Seinfeld).
Though I don't know why it's still such an obsession, I admit I watched it faithfully back in the day. My favorite was Chandler (Matthew Perry). He always had the best lines.
I'll admit I'm the guy who never watched that show so I never understood the appeal of the female cast I was far too busy with other things
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Hopefully gonna get some more writing done!
Catching up on resting from my trip and watching Arrow from the beginning
I'm author of the month, so I plan on smoking a fat one and guzzling down some fine liquor to celebrate.
I'm author of the month, so I plan on smoking a fat one and guzzling down some fine liquor to celebrate.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite has anyone ever thought of a really good story idea yet the celeb that is perfect for it is one you would never write about ever?
I've had a number of these pop up during my writing career thankfully a number have worked out with the right casting choice but every now and then something will come along and the voice in my head suggests Paris Hilton for some reason the closest I ever came to writing about Paris was a cameo in my RFH series
Okay I'll bite has anyone ever thought of a really good story idea yet the celeb that is perfect for it is one you would never write about ever?
I've had a number of these pop up during my writing career thankfully a number have worked out with the right casting choice but every now and then something will come along and the voice in my head suggests Paris Hilton for some reason the closest I ever came to writing about Paris was a cameo in my RFH series
Interesting question.
To be honest, when it comes to celebs that I'm not into, I tend to pay them no mind, so I don't think I've come up for an idea for a celeb I don't want to write about.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be writing, got some stuff that needs to get done very soon!
I'll be writing between some errands and paying bills
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer hype post!
If you're working on a story you wanna hype up, here's the place to do it!
Not much to hype up at the moment, but hopefully I'll make some real progress this month!
With my current schedule I don't have anything to hype yet once I get past my current project I may field ideas on which way to go for my next one
Just working on the next few chapters of my Mandingo series and a couple of other stories
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Boxer of all time?
Ali, he was every bit as great as he said he was!
For me it has to be Mike Tyson I actually met him nice guy but still intimidating up close you couldn't pay me enough to get in the ring with him
I've not gone around to the idea, but I've always wanted to write a story where Reese Witherspoon ends up screwing her own daughter Ava Philippe. I just find it hard to get a story around the idea.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite member of the Wayans family?
Kennan Ivory Wayans gave us In Living Color and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, so I'm going with him, shout out to Shawn and Marlon, though, for giving us Don't be A Menace and The Wayans Brothers Show.
For me it was Damon so many iconic characters from In living color Hommie D. Clown, Men on Film, Homeboy shopping network, Anton Jackson the homeless guy, Handiman, and his film work was pretty solid The last boy scout, Blankman, Major Payne and his stand up material was great
It's Damon. The other siblings could be funny, but when you looked in Damon's eyes you could see he was the true comic madman.
Marlon did find a solid acting role with the Scary movie franchise I can't watch a horror movie without hearing that one line in my head "run bitch run" no matter what's going on
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice but you have to live in a camper van for a year off grid with them and she's not the outdoorsy type who is it?
I'm going with Bebe Rexha, mainly because she's been on my mind a bit lately and I figure she'd fit the bill.
It's time for the First Thursday of the Month appeal for questions from the community.
If you have any questions, please send them in, we're getting close to having enough for the full year, so, hopefully, we can get a nice little flood of questions this month.
I remember this one last time I had some fun this trip this screams Kim Kardashian living off grid she might go a little crazy with boredom
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Gonna be writing!
Still editing the hotel story got a few real life things to handle between them
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite and this saves a question for later it's the end of the world you're hooked up with your celeb of choice for some last minute happiness before you go out who's the celeb?
For my version I'd go with Emma Watson pretty sure she would go for broke knowing the sex would be epic
Lana Condor, because that would mean that she wouldn't have time to regret it!
I’d probably fuck Hayley Williams. She’s so fucking hot!!!
I fucked Lucy Pinder!!! Come read about it by clicking RIGHT HERE (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5716.0)!!!!!!!!!!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be writing and, hopefully, I'll finally finish Link's Awakening, it's been an incredible game and I can't wait to see how it ends.
Still editing
I fucked Lucy Pinder!!! Come read about it by clicking RIGHT HERE (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5716.0)!!!!!!!!!!
Get a load of this guy right here. He's a fucking champ lmao
Here's your question for the night: Favorite TurboGrafx CD game?
I don't have a lot of experience here, but I really liked that Fire Pro Joshi game.
I got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Soccer player of all time?
Much like Hockey, I'm a very casual soccer follower, always meaning to get into it, but nothing more than a game or two every year....so my answer is Pele because he's the first name I could remember off the top of my head!
After Shakira roasted her ex I'm not sure I can answer this one
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Member of the Baldwin Family?
For me it's Daniel Baldwin because Homicide Life on the Streets was one of the best shows of all time and his short stint on Celebrity Rehab was hilarious!
I forget which one it was but he did a hilarious movie with Salma Hayek as a couple who got took in a scam but they wanted to keep the lies going while the daughter was home from college
I forget which one it was but he did a hilarious movie with Salma Hayek as a couple who got took in a scam but they wanted to keep the lies going while the daughter was home from college
The one who is the most obnoxious on SNL, but oddly is the most talented one.
After Shakira roasted her ex I'm not sure I can answer this one
I don't understand why someone would cheat on Shakira or Natalie Portman. It seems really, really dumb.
Well your not wrong
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly_So, thanks!): What is something (or someone) that the internet LOVES that you think sucks?
Scooby-Doo, I fucking hate Scooby-Doo, I liked some of the celebrity crossover stuff (like with Don Knotts and Jerry Reed), but that show always annoyed me and now it's incredible how fucking extra people are about that Velma show.
I'm sure it sucks but holy shit, her and Daphne were nothing to write home about.
The best thing about Scooby-Doo was a pretty good adventure game on the Genesis and that fucked up Aqua Teen Hunger Force parody.
Granted I like a lot of questionable shit, so you can and should discount everything I just said.
Also my original answer for this was Leia's Slave Bikini outfit, but I chalk that one up to never really being into Carrie Fisher, I've seen a few people look hot in that outfit.
Then I started thinking about Scooby-Doo and yeah, that one takes the cake!
For me this screams any star wars project done by the mouse empire in the last 2 years the latest thing cost a number of people their jobs with the lower than a snakes belly ratings yet they still want to hype it up and the actors refuse to put it on their resumes wanting as far away from it as possible
For me this screams any star wars project done by the mouse empire in the last 2 years the latest thing cost a number of people their jobs with the lower than a snakes belly ratings yet they still want to hype it up and the actors refuse to put it on their resumes wanting as far away from it as possible
I'm curious where you lurk to find people that actually like Disney Star Wars. Everything Disney has made with it has been hated so much it has people now claiming the prequels are some masterpieces.
I don't get what the internet loves about Leonardo DiCaprio. He's an OK actor at best who gets outshined by more talented people in just about every movie he's in.
Well your not wrong on the star wars thing
For Leo I'm still wondering that myself but he has produced some great history channel shows behind the camera
As for lurking places you really don't want to know
I think, in the case of Leo, it's because he kind of filled in the spot that Johnny Depp and River Phoenix had been in before him: The Teen Idol that 'deep' girls could like.
He didn't take 'light' roles and, in interviews, he could string together a sentence (which put him ahead of people like Joey Lawrence), so the media fawned over him as being the guy who was more than his contemporaries.
He clearly knows how to pick scripts as he's been in some really good stuff over the years, but (and this is just my opinion) his best role was in Revolutionary Road and even then, he was overshadowed by Michael Shannon.
On the subject of Star Wars: I'm not attached to Star Wars as much as others, so I tend to pay the newer stuff no mind...but they did give us Kelly Marie Tran, so they're, by far, the best trilogy!
For me this screams any star wars project done by the mouse empire in the last 2 years the latest thing cost a number of people their jobs with the lower than a snakes belly ratings yet they still want to hype it up and the actors refuse to put it on their resumes wanting as far away from it as possible
Just the last two years??? LOL
The internet has hated everything Disney has put out with Star Wars except for Rogue One (which is just fan service visuals), and before that, the prequels were rightfully seen by the majority of the internet as terrible movies.
I agree with Viri. We didn't start seeing these "actually, the prequels are great" arguments until after Disney bought the franchise.
As for their shows, I am convinced no one is watching them except Youtubers who need to do reviews and make fun of it to please their own followers.
Fair enough yet I've been a bit busy the last 3 years so I may have missed a few things
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna recover from having to walk up and down so many stairs to get to my seat at the AEW show I went to!
I'm packing for my doctor visit I'll be gone Monday but I should be back sometime tuesday
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite who is a celeb you really want to write about but you can never find the time for me it's Mila Kunis I have so many different story ideas to slide her in but I just haven't had the time lately I'll get there right now she is my unicorn and I need to find my elephant rifle to make sure I bag this one
Okay I'll bite who is a celeb you really want to write about but you can never find the time for me it's Mila Kunis I have so many different story ideas to slide her in but I just haven't had the time lately I'll get there right now she is my unicorn and I need to find my elephant rifle to make sure I bag this one
Can never find the time to write it or the time to message everyone asking them to write it for you?
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Writing...and probably getting started on Ocarina of time.
I'm off for a doctor visit so I'll be offline until Wednesday depending on test results
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sega CD Game?
I'm going with this game called Third World War.
It's a game where you take control of a nation and try to guide it through worldwide instability.
Always had fun with it (even if there was a point where I'd be screwed because the US would get pissy about me invading other countries and I'd suddenly find myself getting my ass handed to me by them).
Sonic CD. It was the best Sonic game
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Rugby Player?
I really don't know any rugby players other than Jonah Lomu (RIP), so he's my default answer, I've watched quite a few youtube videos of his highlights and they're always fun to watch.
I've got nothing
I had plans to write about Margot Robbie but they fell through.
I had plans to write about Margot Robbie but they fell through.
Not sure what that has to do with Extreme's question, but ok.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite boxing match of all time?
For me, I'm going with Marvin Hagler Vs. Tommy Hearns.
It's nicknamed "The War" For good reason, especially Round 1 which is the single greatest round of Boxing I've ever seen.
Anything with Mike Tyson just looked brutal and one sided you couldn't pay me enough to get in the ring with him even now
Here's your question for the night: Favorite boxing match of all time?
For me, I'm going with Marvin Hagler Vs. Tommy Hearns.
It's nicknamed "The War" For good reason, especially Round 1 which is the single greatest round of Boxing I've ever seen.
That's a great choice.
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, Thanks!): Favorite Nine Inch Nails album?
For me, it's The Downward Spiral, a great album that I listened to a lot, back in the day.
I've got nothing
I pick Downward Spiral too. It has a special place in my heart. First time hearing it, the album totally blew my mind. There was and still is nothing else out there like it.
With Teeth has several songs I go back to, same with PHM.
Cade wrote a good review of the Fragile in his server some months back better than I could.
I really like Pretty Hate Machine, but The Downward Spiral is probably their most complete work.
The Fragile is my favorite, after some careful consideration.
It has everything I want from an NIN album. The power chord driven angsty rock songs, plenty of keyboards and full of instrumentals bleeding with atmosphere.
Some call the instrumentals filler, but I like that stuff. I like when Trent highlights his skill at crafting ambient music.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got some writing to do, but probably won't be as much as usual, trying to keep myself from burning out.
I'm still editing my hotel story with Calibur009 just about done with the Selena Gomez scene
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Well for me I'll just update fans on my hotel collab with Calibur009 I finally finished editing the Selena Gomez scene it's taken me ages to finish now I'm down to the orgy finale since we did it in sections I have to find my paperwork for it it's not far but it looks to be about 15-20 pages ish long we shall see when the grammar sections are corrected to try and get that number down to maybe 13 pages still it looks great read through what's there now and fans should really enjoy this if you love a long read this is for you
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing!
Night everyone.
Got a quick trip to handle a few things I'll start editing the hotel story when I get back I found my story sections now I know how it will look completed
Got a quick trip to handle a few things I'll start editing the hotel story when I get back I found my story sections now I know how it will look completed
You can make a thread on the this board (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?board=43.0) where you can post your daily updates.
Here's your question for the night: It's the next match in the "If you see this, I'm out of ideas" tournament!
Round 1 Match 10: Violet Myers or Anissa Kate?
Have fun voting!
Violet is the closest woman to Demi Rose in porn, so I pick her.
The Violet Myers/Anissa Kate match was a draw with 2 votes each, meaning that Angela White gets a bye to the 3rd round.
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly abandoned idea dump
If you've got an idea that you like, but don't think is right for you, then post it here!
I really like the idea of someone discovering how to time travel and uses that power to have sex with celebs in their prime.
To be honest, I would be surprised if there isn't a story out there like this, but I can't remember encountering a story like it.
Great minds think alike I had something along those lines around here but it went missing during a move my biggest problem was it was like the car being chased by the dog every time it caught the tire it would see a different shiny car and go after it I had so many celebs options I could never get it going
For my abandoned idea I had this thing where the author is hooked up with a celeb but he has to break up with her after her step mom gets busted having sex with him because they are having too much sex when all he needs is a threesome to check off a bucket list item the cast is open for this one so no wrong answers but my version was going to have Shakira and Sabrina Carpenter
HAWK TUAH: The story
Spit on that thang
I had an idea for that based off the old TV show Voyagers! An aged up Jeffrey Jones uses the Omni to travel back in time fixing historical issues related to hot celebrity women and then banging them. Not only did Phineas Bogg teach him about time travel, but also how to become a ladies man.
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did June go for you?
Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself?
Want to just vent about something writing related?
This month was pretty good, will miss my target of publishing a chapter for Choya, but that's because I realize that I need to add some stuff to the particular chapter that I was working on and it's probably gonna take me another month to actually get what I want to do done with that.
Well things didn't go exactly to plan for me it was hit and miss in a few spots where I couldn't finish my hotel story with Calibur009 now that I have more free time I'll see if I can get it done during the heat wave that should be here next week
Writing a story about the love and joy of Hawk Tuah. Christina Hendricks never forgets to spit on that thang.
Well things didn't go exactly to plan for me it was hit and miss in a few spots where I couldn't finish my hotel story with Calibur009 now that I have more free time I'll see if I can get it done during the heat wave that should be here next week
You've been giving us near daily updates on this for several months. Just make a thread on Authors Discussion forum so people can click it if we really want an update on it.
Writing a story about the love and joy of Hawk Tuah. Christina Hendricks never forgets to spit on that thang.
Well things didn't go exactly to plan for me it was hit and miss in a few spots where I couldn't finish my hotel story with Calibur009 now that I have more free time I'll see if I can get it done during the heat wave that should be here next week
You've been giving us near daily updates on this for several months. Just make a thread on Authors Discussion forum so people can click it if we really want an update on it.
In fairness to Money, I've only seen him talk about it when the question was about people having plans (IE Plans for the weekend, plans for the week) or the monthly author check in.
Here's your question for the night (from DanielO, thanks!): You are granted a night with the Number One woman on your list, but you must agree to one of these conditions:
1. Every minute of it is recorded in high-def for a sex tape which will immediately be put online where it will certainly go viral within 48 hours,
2. It will all take place in absolute secrecy and you will be forbidden to say a word about it to anyone on pain of lawsuit or jail or both.
Which would you pick?
I'd go with Number 2, no point in bragging that I hooked up with a celeb, no one would ever believe me and that's a much better route than a deeply amusing (on my part) sex tape!
#1, The sextape. That way she can never deny that you hooked up with her ;D ;D
Now this is torture for me since Emma Watson doesn't have a sextape everyone on the planet would be pissed at me for violating (according to them) their favorite Harry Potter hottie in such a way since it wouldn't be them in the sextape
Option 2 isn't much better yes I get to have sex with Emma Watson but I can't say anything about how great she is or elaborate on what she really likes to make future stories better for other authors but I can keep a secret
If I had to choose I'll go with option #2 at least her fans won't hunt me down to put a series of various curses on me since they won't know who I am
I choose Option 2 absolutely. The important thing is that it happened. I don't need anyone else to know.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
For me I'm gonna keep writing and making progress!
Making progress on my hotel story with Calibur009 just finished the scene with Arianny Celeste and am moving on to the threesome between Aly & AJ Michalka with Calibur009's character this may take some time it's pretty long
Just posted my first Bella Thorne story. Now it's back to my other stories. I've been trying to do more Meet Mandingo stories while also working on a few new stories with the Kardashians
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever!
Just posted my first Bella Thorne story. Now it's back to my other stories. I've been trying to do more Meet Mandingo stories while also working on a few new stories with the Kardashians
Awesome. Love reading about the Kardashians doing dirty stuff.
For the free space I'm busy with real life stuff so I'm drawing a blank but I may recast an old story idea I found in a binder that has been sitting for about 5 years most of it is already done I'm just short the sex scenes but I'm not really feeling the cast it has a body mod angle to it but that's the only major thing
The main plot was the author was married to a celeb but had to appear in public with a different celeb as part of a shame cooked up by the studio/label it will make more sense when I hammer out a few details and clean up some missing elements I've been poking around the boards on my other stories and last years hot 100 ballots to see who stands out for what I need I'm all for suggestions to get this resolved
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna try to get some writing done....hopefully.
Gotta handle bills today and a few other things so writing might take a backseat till about Wednesday but I'll see how things look after lunch if I can find some free time to edit something
Here's your question for the night: it's the monthly writer hype post!
If you've got any projects that you want to hype up, go for it!
I don't think I've got anything that's really close to being published so I got nothing to hype.
Well everyone knows about my hotel story with Calibur009 when I get that finished I'm looking at my jukebox collection story with Selena Gomez most of it is ready just need to hammer out the sex scenes
I just uploaded the newest Big Booty Bitches chapter on Patreon. You can read it here if you join (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=4702.msg117770#msg117770).
It has my biggest lineup of a story yet, featuring Jennifer Lopez, Vida Guerra, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Demi Rose.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Cricket Player?
I know nothing about this subject, so I have no answer!
I've got nothing
My Top 5 are:
1. Ian Botham
2. Freddie Flintoff
3. Shane Warne
4. Brian Lara
5. Curtley Ambrose
I just uploaded the newest Big Booty Bitches chapter on Patreon. You can read it here if you join (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=4702.msg117770#msg117770).
It has my biggest lineup of a story yet, featuring Jennifer Lopez, Vida Guerra, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Demi Rose.
Would you ever put Camilla in another story? She's got a hot ass.
I just uploaded the newest Big Booty Bitches chapter on Patreon. You can read it here if you join (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=4702.msg117770#msg117770).
It has my biggest lineup of a story yet, featuring Jennifer Lopez, Vida Guerra, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Demi Rose.
Would you ever put Camilla in another story? She's got a hot ass.
I don't know who Camilla is or when I have ever written her.
This is Extreme's thread. You should messages if you have questions. This is unrelated to the topic.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite match from this years AEW Forbidden Door?
This one is a tough one, they had so many great matches on the show.
That main event was incredible and Stephanie Vaquer became a star....still my answer is Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa because Mina was in it and that makes it the best match of the show.
I just uploaded the newest Big Booty Bitches chapter on Patreon. You can read it here if you join (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=4702.msg117770#msg117770).
It has my biggest lineup of a story yet, featuring Jennifer Lopez, Vida Guerra, Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Demi Rose.
Would you ever put Camilla in another story? She's got a hot ass.
I don't know who Camilla is or when I have ever written her.
This is Extreme's thread. You should messages if you have questions. This is unrelated to the topic.
My mistake. I meant Cabello and her thick Cuban ass. I apologize for my mistake.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your in a threesome with your celebs of choice but there is another celeb filming it with a camera before she joins in.
The catch is you can only pick from your top 10 list who are they?
I'm going with Sydney Sweeney and Lana Condor, with Keke Palmer holding the camera (and joining in later).
Before I go, it's time for the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions for the community.
If you've got a question for the community, send it in via DM.
If my math is right then we're just 5 questions away from having enough questions for the whole year, so we can hopefully get it done this month.
Yeah I remember this one I can't remember my version so I'll go fresh with Shakira and Kelli Berglund while Zendaya holds the camera and joins in later
I'll start with Bella Thorne and Zendaya, and Sabrina Carpenter joining in.
I would totally read that story if DanielO wrote it
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'm not sure I got a number of things going on at the same time so my writing schedule might take a hit for a few days
Mostly going to try and work on a few stories
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, talk about whatever.
Okay I'll bite your favorite comic books who's into what for me I've been a Superman fan for a while then branched out into Star wars (original canon stuff not the recent mouse empire stuff)
Okay I'll bite your favorite comic books who's into what for me I've been a Superman fan for a while then branched out into Star wars (original canon stuff not the recent mouse empire stuff)
I'm an X-Men fan!
In particular, Gambit is, by far, my favorite character of all time...so it's been a rough handful of years since Krakoa became a thing.
Also like Power Girl and Wonder Woman.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing!
I'll do what I can on writing till Wednesday between my birthday not sure about the rest of the week
Here's your question for the night: Favorite 3DO Game?
I'm going with Guardian War, a really fun Tactical RPG that went under everyone's radar.
I've got nothing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Australian Rules Football Player?
That one Collingwood player who got in a fight with an umpire and a fan, have no clue who he is, but he's my answer (unless he did something truly terrible, then I rescind my pick)!
I got nothing
I'm going old school. Peter Daicos who played for Collingwood. Although, Michael Long and Gary Ablett were also great too. But I supported the Magpies, so Daicos it is.
The guy you are looking for @extreme1 is John Bourke. He got a ten year ban for assaulting the umpire and then punching a fan. In a reserve game!
To Money:
Going back to the very first post in this thread, I have counted 36 times you have posted I/I've got nothing in here. 39 times 'got nothing' in a post.
If you don't have anything to say, you don't have constantly post. I know you have a strange obsession with being the last person to post in every single thread you post in and it gets annoying. You're essentially spamming and not adding anything to the discussion.
This is Extreme's thread. Other people can contribute who have answers to his questions that not everyone has.
If you've got nothing to say, then don't post. Next time, I am going to start deleting your posts since it's just a waste.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker movie?
For me, it's Airplane!, everyone is firing on all cylinders in that one.
Although the first Naked Gun movie is a close second!
Airplane! for me as well, although The Naked Gun is a close second place.
For me this is a tie I love Airplane but there is just something about a bumbling cop that solves cases while barely paying attention to anything around him really funny the one liners alone are classics Airplane 2 was just as fun it was nice to have a time when poking fun at things was normal and showed the world had a sense of humor and didn't take itself so seriously I still miss Leslie Nielsen the man was a legend
Naked Gun
Airplane 2
and the rest
It's Airplane! for me, too. I recently saw a YT reaction to it with a reactor who was certainly too young to get all the references, or realize the genius of the casting of actors who were self-parodying, but she still howled with laughter. It's just that great.
Also, a nod to the origin TV series for the Naked Gun, Police Squad. Only 6 episodes, but absolutely classic!
Question for the night (from timelessly so, thanks!): Best multi-part celeb erotica series?
That's a tough one, because holy shit there are a lot of great ones, but I'm going with Big Booty Bitches by Cadeauxxx, it's a fucking incredible story.
Special shout out to Bang(Bus)ing The Indies by Dax, some of the best smut about wrestling babes ever!
There are four for me: BBB, Nailing the Tracks, Lucky Bastard, and Era Erotica
Since I won't vote for my own stuff I'll give props to DarklordZ's "What if celebs were porn stars" granted it stopped a while back but those were some fun stories giving us a fun alternate view of Hollywood
Big Booty Bitches
The Brevity series brought in people writing for the first time.
BBB is an obvious choice. Christina's UK Odyssey deserves a shout out
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
A lot of writing for me!
I am about 2k or 3k words into a story with Lily Collins and Kat McNamara that I hope to finish before the weekend is over. Still got lots to do though, so it might not work out.
I'm taking the weekend off my hump day birthday bash was a bit more crazy than I thought so I'm wiped out I'll see where I am on Monday
Here's your question for the night: no question, it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!
With all the memes online I'm surprised we haven't seen any stories with the Hawk Tuah girl, either teaching some other female celebrity how to give better blowjobs or herself hooking up with a male celebrity wanting to see if she can put her money where her mouth is ;D ;D
Yeah, it is a little surprising, but I wouldn't be shocked if we started seeing stories about her soon.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing for me!
Okay now that I'm rested and recharged I'll see what I can do for my hotel story with Calibur009 I left off with a rather extensive threesome featuring his character with Aly & AJ Michalka
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing for me!
I'm fighting the good fight to make Cade write about Christina Hendricks and 50 Cent.
He knows he has to do it with Many Men trending again.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Phillips CD-I Game?
It's far too hard to choose between any of the Legend of Zelda games, the franchise has never been able to reach those lofty heights again.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Die Hard Movie?
I waffle back and forth between 1 and 2, but, right now, I'm going with 2, the first one is incredible and Hans Gruber is a great villain, but whoo boy, 2 amps everything up in the best way.
This is a tough one for me I can't really pick the whole series is great I really can't watch them without hearing the Family guy Christmas song in my head set to Silent night which is hilarious
The first one. The classics are classics for a reason ;D
The first one. Best Christmas movie ever.
The first one. The classics are classics for a reason ;D
Exactly right!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Dead Kennedy's album?
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables is an incredible album, classic after classic (my favorite cut on the album being Your Emotions).
Shout out, though, to Frankenchrist for having the DK's best song: This Could Be Anywhere.
Fresh Fruit.
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): You get the chance to fuck a celebrity in her husband's car, but she's not in your top twenty. Who are you banging?
Given her recent comeback, I'm going with Kate Upton, she's as hot as ever!
Probably either Bella Thorne or Christina Hendricks
For me this screams Mandy Moore
Scarlett Johansson. I'm sure Colin Jost can afford a nice roomy car. ;)
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): You get the chance to fuck a celebrity in her husband's car, but she's not in your top twenty. Who are you banging?
Given her recent comeback, I'm going with Kate Upton, she's as hot as ever!
I'd pick Carrie Underwood. I've always thought she was weirdly beautiful.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Still writing!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Still writing!
I'm making sure Cade gets a 50 Cent video sent to him every day until he gives us what we want with Fiddy x Christina Hendricks romance story
I'll be writing what I can but I have a meeting I can't miss on Sunday so I'll see how things go
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
How about we spotlight the last 3 stories we read on the site showing the authors some love
For me I've been reading some harem chapters from KMB trying to get inspired for some upcoming solo stories I'm doing after my hotel project with Calibur009
Went back through big booty bitches by Cade to understand his obsession with Jennifer Lopez I haven't got there yet but a few things are making sense so far
I'm also starting at the beginning on Famous women go dark by Calibur009 since I have a few interracial projects in the works I need as much insight as I can find to do the scenes correctly
I like this post!
For me the last 3 were:
CHRISTINA HENDRICKS HAS HUGE BOOBS by Viri (Viri rules, what a great story!)
The most recent chapter for Big Booty Bitches by Cade (Cade did it again, one of the best writers ever)
And I went back and re-read the Mei Suruga chapter of Dax's Bang(Bus)ing The Indies, (I'm beyond thankful a writer as great as Dax is around to show hot Joshi babes like Mei some love!)
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'll be writing between some real life stuff
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Atari Jaguar Game?
There's only one choice for me...White Men Can't Jump!
The game sucks, but it's funny that they actually made a game based off that movie.
I honestly didn't know that came along I must have been busy with real life at the time my brother was a bigger gamer than I was
Here's your question for the night: Favorite American Football video game?
NFL 2K5 is an incredible game, everything about it works perfectly.
Damn shame EA killed the series by getting exclusive rights to the NFL, but at least it went out on a high note.
2K5 still holds up today.
You can never go wrong with Madden in any year creating a player is always fun while having the option of playing a drafted rookie that ends up being a real life bust is hilarious in a what went wrong story line
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Rage Against the Machine song?
I gotta go with People of The Sun, for me it's one of the best songs of the 90s.
Wake Up, Take the Power Back and Their cover of How I Could Just Kill A Man get a special mention as great songs as well...I mean I can't think of a bad Rage song, but those are the real standouts for me.
Here's your question for the night (From SnackAttack, thanks!): You're on a celebrity quick dating event and three of your favorite celebs get to spend 10 minutes with you each. But right before the event starts you get an anonymous text from one of them with a link to an app that controls the hidden vibrator she wears under her clothes. Who would these celebs be, how would you go about finding out who sent you the text and which of the three wears the hidden device?
This is a fun one!
The three celebs are: Lindsey Pelas, Bella Thorne and Bebe Rexha.
I go about finding out who sent the text by saying "Yo, did you send me a text with a link to an app that I can use to control the vibrator that's under your clothes?"
And Bebe is the one who wears the hidden device!
My three would be Sabrina Carpenter, Zendaya, and Madison Beer. I wouldn't try to find out, since I would assume Sabrina sent me the message (it's so much the kind of thing she would do). And I would be right, Sabrina would be wearing the device.
Edit: Just thought of a better alternate ending. Sabrina did send me the message, but it turns out that Madison is wearing the device when I try it. Sabrina knew Madison was wearing it and, naughty girl that she is, thought it would be fun for me (and her. And Madison.) to set it off. :)
For my version I''l go with Zendaya, Kelli Berglund, and Victoria Justice I'm actually torn wanting all 3 to wear the device but if I had to choose I would have Zendaya send me the text while Kelli Berglund wears the device with enough stimulation where she rips her clothes off when it's going with Victoria watching the whole thing
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Got plenty of writing to do, so it's gonna be that!
I'm in the same boat I'll write what I can
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever.
So looking at the stories posted here a lot of people are fans of bigger breasted women. Who are some of your smaller sized women? For me I'd say either Jenna Ortega or Brew Bassinger.
So looking at the stories posted here a lot of people are fans of bigger breasted women. Who are some of your smaller sized women? For me I'd say either Jenna Ortega or Brew Bassinger.
We love our big tits, don't we folks? ;)
To answer your question; I like Natalie Portman, Kate Mara, Eva Green and Shakira.
We love our big tits, don't we folks? ;)
To answer your question; I like Natalie Portman, Kate Mara, Eva Green and Shakira.
Nothing against women with big tits but small girls need love too. Great choice btw ;D ;D
Petite women do need some love around here so I'll go with Emma Watson
Petite women do need some love around here so I'll go with Emma Watson
So long as you write her yourself and don't hound others to do it for you.
So I just did some updates on the index here and wanted to post some findings from the index.
Do women with big tits get all the attention on CSS?
There are 16 celebs with 50 or more stories. Of that list, only 7 of those 16 can get the 'big tits' label - Lucy Pinder, Christina Hendricks, Britney Spears, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Scarlett Johansson, Salma Hayek and Michelle Marsh.
Emma Watson has 63 stories; the 11th most on the site. That's a lot.
Lucy Pinder ranks 3rd with 152 stories. After her, there's a big drop off down to JLH and Christina Hendricks who are in the 80s range.
What this tells me is that CSS has a pretty big variety of stories in choice of celebs, and it's not all just one body type. Big tits aren't the only thing; there's big asses too (and JLo is the only one over 50 in that range), and if we really want to break it down with categories, MILFs and young actresses tend to rate high too.
Authors are free to write whoever they want. Looking at the top story counts and how diverse the list is, I think is evidence of that. I think the variety on this site deserves to be celebrated, or at least I will praise it, as proof we have a bunch of different authors and contributors who bring different stuff to the table.
If authors do not want to write your ideas though, there's no point in wasting their time by sending them ideas they don't want. The ideas board can be used for that, as people do browse it and read on there even if they don't post. This goes for asking them to write someone they don't have any interest in. That's all, enjoy your Sunday.
I agree with Cade, I like the diversity of celebrities that are written about on the site. Big/small tits, Big asses, Milf or younger celebrities, all of them have inspired to write about celebrities I wouldn't have normally though of. :)
So looking at the stories posted here a lot of people are fans of bigger breasted women. Who are some of your smaller sized women? For me I'd say either Jenna Ortega or Brew Bassinger.
Taylor Momsen is, without a doubt, my first pick in that particular category.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
If all goes well, it's gonna be a week of writing and gaming!
I'll get as much writing done as I can with the new month in play gotta take care of a few major items
Writing for me. I have too many stories I want to write and never enough time
Here's your question for the night: it's the next part of the "If you're seeing this I'm out of ideas (or it's the last Monday of the month) tournament so here we go.
Round 1 Match 11: Ana De Armas or Gwenyth Paltrow?
Have fun voting!
Ana De Armas
In one of the closest votes ever...Ana De Armas wins 6-0!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you've got an idea that you felt like would be better suited for someone else, then post it here to see if there's any interest!
I've mulled over the idea of an 80s based story about a deeply untalented hair metal singer who, despite sucking as both a singer and a person, bangs a bunch of hot celebs from that era.
I think it would be a funny as hell story.
Well for me I had this thing where the author is in a zombie proof bunker with a ton of female celebs he does his job defending the place and keeping zombies at bay yet the celebs are wanting to breed and bring humanities numbers back up from the brink and he has to choose which is more important the cast could be any celeb female the author can think of from Christina Hendricks and Kim Kardashian to Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo or whoever their top 20 list is
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did July go for you?
Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself?
Want to just vent about something writing related?
July went alright for me, managed to make progress on stuff and, hopefully, will be able to continue the trend in August!
I'm trying to find some extra time to write however since I get a small mulligan for my birthday party I might not have much
July was hit and miss but I'm on the right track for August when I get a few doctor visits handled I'll see what I can do
Working on a few things, including the next installment of Meet Mandingo. Hopefully I'll be finished with it by the end of the weekend
Thank you to whoever selected me as author of the month.
I am working on new stories with Jessica Alba and Kim Kardashian.
Thank you to whoever selected me as author of the month.
I am working on new stories with Jessica Alba and Kim Kardashian.
It's well deserved, you're a great writer!
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your hooked up with your celeb of choice your stuck in a groundhog day situation your fine with it until you realize sex night is the next day you get out of it eventually but who's the celeb?
I'm going with Kate Upton for this one, she's been on my mind lately!
And now it's time for the first Thursday of the month appeal for more questions from community.
We're close as hell to having enough questions for the rest of the year, so I think you can meet that challenge this month!
If you've got a question for the community, then dm me to send it in!
Oh man I remember this one so many choices but for this I'll go with Zendaya
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got a lot of wrestling to catch up on, hopefully I'll be able to do that!
I've got a lot going on this weekend so writing will have to wait I'll see where I am monday
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite name your favorite movies for Salma Hayek, Natalie Portman, and Margot Robbie
For me I have a lot of options but my favorites are
Salma Hayek Desperado
Natalie Portman Star wars 1, 2, and 3 (they aren't that bad)
Margot Robbie Suicide squad
Granted if your not a fan of them slip in your favorite 3 no wrong answers
Salma Hayek - From Dusk til Dawn
Natalie Portman - (not including Star Wars) Black Swan
Margot Robbie - Wolf of Wall Street
Salma Hayek - Dogma
Natalie Portman - Garden State
Margot Robbie - Once Upon A Time ... in Hollywood
Salma - Grown Ups
Natalie - Attack of the clones
Robbie - Suicide Squad
Only thing memorable from these movies.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing for me!
Same for me I'll do what I can with the heatwave I should be staying inside for a while
Just posted my newest Meet Mandingo story featuring Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza so I'm going to try and finish some of the other stories I've been working on
Just posted my newest Meet Mandingo story featuring Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza so I'm going to try and finish some of the other stories I've been working on
is Margot on that list?
Just posted my newest Meet Mandingo story featuring Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza so I'm going to try and finish some of the other stories I've been working on
is Margot on that list?
Does she have to be?
Go read it and find out.
Just posted my newest Meet Mandingo story featuring Anna Kendrick and Aubrey Plaza so I'm going to try and finish some of the other stories I've been working on
is Margot on that list?
She can be. I have a few other women on the list to meet Mandingo. It would be a few more stories before it's her turn though
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer hype post: Got any stories you want to hype up?
I'm still working on things and stuff..
Hopefully something will eventually see the light of day...but don't bet on it.
I still can't decide which solo project I'll be hyping I did have a Christmas story with Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kylie Jenner around here somewhere it was just short the sex scenes it might be in the closet or in a binder in a storage tub between my bedroom or the garage
I haven't posted anything new in a while.
Today I have 2 new stories for you all.
Wake Up and Fuck Me (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5878.0) with Kim Kardashian
Gift of Love (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5879.0) with Jessica Alba
Hope some people enjoy my writing. Feedback is welcomed, but it's ok if you don't want to leave any.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Basketball Video Game?
For me, It's probably NBA Jam, I have a lot of great memories of playing that game with my cousin, so it's probably the one that means the most to me.
NBA 2k11
NBA 2k11
If that's the one with MJ on the cover, then yes.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Twitch Streamer?
I'll be honest, I don't really watch twitch streamers, so I'll leave this question without an answer!
So here's your question for the night (From Timelessly_So, thanks!): Name three celebs or models you think are sexually submissive and three celebs or models you think are sexually dominant.
This was a tough one for me, but based on vibes here's my answers:
Submissive: Kate Upton, Zendaya and Selena Gomez
Dominant: Christina Hendricks, Bella Thorne and Taylor Swift
Submissive: Jessica Alba, Britney Spears, Scarlett Johansson
Dominant: Salma Hayek, Christina Aguilera, Sofia Vergara
Submissive Gigi Hadid, Jenna Ortega, Selena Gomez
Dominant Shakira, Zendaya, Kim Kardashian
Submissive - Sydney Sweeney, Emma Watson, Anna Kendrick
Dominant - Jennifer Lawrence, Aubrey Plaza, Brie Larson
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
If all goes well, I have an exciting weekend of writing and watching wrestling ahead of me!
Got a lot going on so I think I'll be on a writing break till Monday
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space so talk about whatever!
Anyone else ever find themselves temporarily drawn to a particular celebrity, even if she's not in your top 10? I have one I'm writing about now who I'm not normally interested in
If I had a dime for every time this happened to me I'd have a pretty big bag of dimes the last time that happened it was Daisy Ridley no story idea came from it so she was more of a mild fling compared to who I normally write about
Anyone else ever find themselves temporarily drawn to a particular celebrity, even if she's not in your top 10? I have one I'm writing about now who I'm not normally interested in
Yes, but I honestly can't remember the last time it's happened.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still writing!
I'll try and get more writing done
Anyone else ever find themselves temporarily drawn to a particular celebrity, even if she's not in your top 10? I have one I'm writing about now who I'm not normally interested in
I find Maya Hawke pretty sexy, especially in a Stranger Things context.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sega 32X Game?
The 32X version of WWF Raw had Kwang as a hidden character, so my answer could only be that game!
So here's your question for the night: Favorite Hockey Video Game?
For me it's NHL '94 for the Genesis, a classic that I played a lot of.
Here's your question for the night: You're allowed to time travel back to sometime before the year 2000...what do you bring with you to let them know that the future sucks (optional: What year or decade would you go back to)
I'd go back to the 70s (the decade right before the worst decade: the 80s) and I'm bringing with me a copy of the film Marriage Story, that should be enough to show people that we're going down the wrong path and that we need to save ourselves before it's too late.
Marriage Story is a great film. Be in a relationship with one person for a long time and you see how relatable it is.
I'm taking a stack of capeshit movies, Marvel and the like, to show filmmakers of the 70s what is ruling the box office, and a warning on what happens when we move away from visionary directors and artists in exchange for letting studios go wild with IPs and building franchises out of anything possible (Monopoly movie series when?).
We really need a new era of mature writing to come back, and to stop the black and white logic of good guys and bad guys. Real people can be heroic without needing super powers. I hope we get a return of cop movies in the future, cause those can be well written around everyday people in a relatable sense with real issues. I'd rather watch something about an average joe doing good things, than needing a superhero to save the day. Bring back criminal based villains too. They actually exist in the real world, unlike the spandex wearing supervillain who just wants to fight the cape wearing good guy. Thanks for reading my opinions on modern movies LOL.
I'm with Cade but my version is going back to the 70's with a list of every box office bomb till 2025 (including anything by Disney star wars) and down play the relevance of streaming services in any decade plus a stern from the future lecture on the woke culture and how to avoid it to save everyone's sanity
I'd go back to approximately 1990, or whenever MTV's The Real World was about to debut, and bring back copies of any number of reality-tv shows (any of the Real Housewives series would probably do). I would tell people "here is what this leads to," and hope the warning might work.
Here's your question for the night (From Snackattack, thanks!): If a celeb were to challenge you to wearing a chastity device for one full month (or to be completely abstinent for that time, no masturbation at all), offering to fuck you in whatever way you want should you last for that time, would you do it? And who would that celeb be?
I would do it in a heartbeat and the celeb that challenges me would be...Brenda Song!
I totally could
I've done 2 years straight like that while I was overseas the only thing I could do was work and sleep until it was over for my version of this question I'll go with Lucy Pinder just so I can mark that off my bucket list
Absolutely! Sabrina Carpenter.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm writing!
Got a lot on my plate through Monday I'll get done what I can on writing
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite you're having shower sex with your celeb of choice who is it?
For my version this screams Emma Watson she seems like the kind of woman that would cut loose given the chance to get dirty while getting clean
Probably either Eliza Dushku or Ariana Richards for me
First thought: Zendaya.
After thinking about it, I'm going with Demi Rose Mawby!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I plan on writing and probably doing other stuff.
Well I get a birthday mulligan so that's my plan
Just posted the newest chapter of Captain's Log. Hoping to work on some other stories this week
Here's your question for the night (From Snackattack, thanks!): If a celeb were to challenge you to wearing a chastity device for one full month (or to be completely abstinent for that time, no masturbation at all), offering to fuck you in whatever way you want should you last for that time, would you do it? And who would that celeb be?
I would do it in a heartbeat and the celeb that challenges me would be...Brenda Song!
Maybe: I'd have Lauren Mayberry be the celebrity
Here's your question for the night (From Snackattack, thanks!): If a celeb were to challenge you to wearing a chastity device for one full month (or to be completely abstinent for that time, no masturbation at all), offering to fuck you in whatever way you want should you last for that time, would you do it? And who would that celeb be?
I would do it in a heartbeat and the celeb that challenges me would be...Brenda Song!
Maybe: I'd have Lauren Mayberry be the celebrity
Question from 3 days ago no longer valid.
My answer to today's question of the day
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I plan on writing and probably doing other stuff.
My birthday is tomorrow. Just hoping to have a good time offline with the soon to be Mrs. She has something planned that I don't know about yet.
I already got the best birthday presents this month that I didn't ask for with Doom getting a new sourceport and those new Manson songs that were surprisingly great.
Online I have a story I've been working on as a present to all my readers and anyone else who likes Sydney Sweeney and J-Lo's booty. I really hope I can post it tomorrow night, but if not, you won't have to wait but a few days. Normally this would be a Patreon exclusive for a while, but I feel like everyone deserves this story.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Playstation Game?
There are a lot of games I could probably put on here, but I think Final Fantasy Tactics is the one that I love the most.
I love Tactical RPGs, and this one was the first Playstation game I played when we finally got one.
OMG you sound like my brother but that's a good thing for my pick I'll have to go with hogs of war
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Soccer Video Game?
If I had to pick a single game, it'd probably be Football Manager 2016, that's the one I have the most amount of time playing!
Special shout out to FIFA 11, that game was awesome and I loved that soundtrack.
Here's your question for the night: I had a question planned but given recent events, I've decided to move up this months "If you're reading this I've run out of ideas" tournament match to today (although there will still be another one Monday).
So, with that in mind, here we go.
Round 1 Match 12: Jennifer Lopez or Jennifer Garner?
Have fun voting!
J-Lo! You know you expected me to say that!
The one with the huge ass
After counting the votes: In a huge shocker, Jennifer Lopez wins 7-1.
Which means next round she goes against Ana de Armas.
Here's your question for the night (From Cptnstrwrs, thanks!): What 'hot' celebrity do you think is overrated?
For me, It's Miley Cyrus, just not my scene at all.
Remember, be cool about how you answer this one, no need to be confrontational in you answer and don't take it personal if someone answers with a celeb you like!
For me it's probably Zendaya. I feel like she ruined those Spider-Man movies.
For me it has to be Jennifer Lopez granted she has been around since the 90's and put together a solid career but overall what is she known for that stands out?
Emma Watson
The appeal of the Kardashian family is lost on me.
Hailee Steinfeld.
Selena Gomez
I NEVER found Megan Fox that attractive. Anna Kendrick OOTH, is actually sexy.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Writing and maybe watching AEW All In.
I'll do what I can on writing got a few things to deal with first
I have an itch to write Megan Fox after reading this thread. I doubt I'm the only person who finds her more attractive than not.
I wrote 3 stories this week.
Single as Fuck (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5926.0) with Britney Spears
Brat Summer (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5931.0) with Charli XCX
Off The Floor (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=5932.0) with Megan Thee Stallion and JLo
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space so have fun talking about whatever!
Okay I'll bite
Your hanging out with your celeb of choice she wants to explore a haunted house with the carrot of having sex when it's over even though it's being watched by security you don't get busted but your still traumatized for a month for it who's the celeb?
For my version I would say Natalie Portman she seems like the adventurous type that could talk me into doing something like this
I'd go with Lindsey Pelas, she seems like she'd fit this.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
More writing, hopefully will be able to get something posted somewhere this week!
I'm all over the map this week I'll see what I can get done writing
Here's your question for the night: Round 1 Match 13: Joey Fisher or Melissa Debling?
Have fun voting!
I'm calling it, with a vote of 5 to 4....Melissa Debling wins!
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea that you like, but don't think you can make work, than post it here!
My idea is a story about a celeb that seems to be set up like a non-con with all the usual set up tropes, but things soon get turned on their head (For example: The celebs car breaks down in the middle of the night and a rather sinister seeming guy offers to help her...but it turns out he really is a nice dude who actually helps her and, later on, she takes him on a date as a thanks and one thing leads to another and they have sex).
Not a bad idea I just might take that and do something with it if I can find the right celeb for it
For my abandoned idea I had to select from the 300+ story ideas hanging around in my binders for this trip I found one where the author goes to bed after a long day and when he wakes up he's shocked to find his celeb of choice next to him talking about going on vacation and if he packed his bag for the trip yet he has no idea what's happening or how he landed in this alternate reality that seems totally normal to everyone but him he goes along with it where they have sex during the trip though by the end of it he can't decide if he wants to stay or go back
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did August go for you?
Did you achieve the goals you set for yourself?
Want to just vent about something writing related?
August wasn't as great as I hoped it would have been, didn't get to make as much progress as I really wanted on Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
Hopefully next month will be better.
I finally finished my Ariana Richards and Kim Kardashian threesome story which finishes up my "Kardashian trilogy". Now I'm trying to finish up a few other stories I've been working on
August had its ups and downs for me I'll try and make the next month better I really wished I could have made more progress on writing yet real life kept getting in the way
August was fine. I've got some Whip-it Smut(Futa) coming up. Drew Barrymore in roller derby gear is hot. I just tend to think female athletes in general look very fuckable.
Here's your question for the night (From GAV, thanks!): You have to hunker down in a bunker with five fictional ladies for the end of the world... Which five do you chose?
I'm going with She-Hulk, Storm, Chun-LI, Rogue and Wonder Woman.
If it's really the end, then might as well have some fun before I go, if not then I've got 5 bodyguards for whatever comes after!
Lara Croft, Princess Mariana (from the Barbarian games), Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Arianne Martell
I'm taking Lara Croft and Bastilla Shan.
Winnifred Burkle, Veronica Mars, Delphine Cormier, April Ludgate, Poppy Li.
My version
Killer Frost ( The Flash)
Hermione Granger
Lois Lane (Smallville version)
Thea Queen (Arrow)
Mary Jane Watson (Zendaya version)
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Probably not gonna do much but try to get caught up on some wrestling!
I've got to handle bills first from there I'll see what I can do on writing this weekend is a bit busy for me
Working on the next installment of the Captain's Log series. Hopefully everyone will like it. I'm finally getting around to a celebrity I've never written before ;D
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space so talk about whatever!
When it comes to stories or online porn BBC is a popular theme. Anyone else into anything else like that? For me personally I've watched a lot of AMWF where white girls hook up with Asian men. I'm also kind of surprised that white women hooking up with Latino men isn't a larger porn category
For me I've seen so many interracial stories with hung black guys it seems to have lost some of the impact it used to have even in the porn industry not to say they aren't fun to see what happens along the way
It's the main reason I created my custom character Dozer years ago a big white guy who was rather tall going through Hollywood hotties at break neck speed leaving a trail of pounded holes in his wake it just depended on who the celeb was
I've considered doing different versions of Dozer for certain projects but they didn't seem to fly given my Intel for certain cultural aspects are lacking and I'd rather not offend with a less than stellar effort
When it comes to stories or online porn BBC is a popular theme. Anyone else into anything else like that? For me personally I've watched a lot of AMWF where white girls hook up with Asian men. I'm also kind of surprised that white women hooking up with Latino men isn't a larger porn category
As a Latino, I always appreciate whenever someone makes the main character a Latino.
It's something I tend to do with my stories, so I can always do better when it comes to adding more diversity.
In general, I think there could be a lot more diversity when it comes to stories, so I really appreciate the people who do make and effort to try and make stories look as diverse as the world we live in!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna be writing!
When it comes to stories or online porn BBC is a popular theme. Anyone else into anything else like that? For me personally I've watched a lot of AMWF where white girls hook up with Asian men. I'm also kind of surprised that white women hooking up with Latino men isn't a larger porn category
As a Latino, I always appreciate whenever someone makes the main character a Latino.
It's something I tend to do with my stories, so I can always do better when it comes to adding more diversity.
In general, I think there could be a lot more diversity when it comes to stories, so I really appreciate the people who do make and effort to try and make stories look as diverse as the world we live in!
I like that idea too. I'd love to see white women getting in bed with Latino men more here.
Got some medical stuff to handle I'll see what I can get done before that
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer hype post: Got any stories you want to hype up?
I'm still working on Mr. And Mrs. XXX, hopefully I'll have something to show for it at some point!
When I'm done editing my current project with Calibur009 I'll be moving onto my Trapped in Paradise mini series the first episode will feature Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner in a pregnancy story where Kim wants a baby and is willing to dangle her sisters in front of the author to get what she wants
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Rugby Video Game?
I played a lot of that demo for the Rugby World Cup game on the 360, so I'm going with that one!
Codemasters International Rugby Simulator for the Amstrad.
Here's your question for the night: Best track from JPEGMafia/Danny Brown album Scaring The Hoes?
I gotta go with Kingdom Hearts Key, yeah the title track and Lean Beef Patty are both great (as is Steppa Pig and...well really everything on the album), but Kingdom Hearts Key is, for me, the real standout!
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your in college and the student body wants to put on a celeb auction fund raising effort for a new building somehow you get roped into it yet you end up as the focus of a bidding war between 5 celebs you end up having sex with the winner but still enjoy the attention leading up to it who are the 5 celebs?
For my answer I'm going with Zendaya, Sydney Sweeny, Bella Thorne, Sofia Gomez and Becky G.
It's time for the First Thursday of the month appeal for more questions, so here we go!
It was recently my birthday so, if you want to get me a belated birthday gift...I want questions!
If you've got a question (or, even better, questions, first person to send in 4 questions gets to join Timlessly So and Money by having their own Thursday slot every month for the rest of the year!) you want asked for the question of the night, please send them to me via PM.
Oh man I remember this one with so many options for my version I'll go with Selena Gomez, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Lucy Pinder, and Shakira
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Probably gonna be the usual weekend of gaming and writing!
For me its a mix of football and star wars even with my guys already playing on Thursday it will be fun to listen to other teams sweat bullets over another KC run
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
With the success of Cowgirl, Missionary, and Doggy Style I was thinking of starting another new game. How do people feel about Swallow, Creampie, Tit Shot as a new game?
I'm game it gives me a chance to try various pairings for projects to see if something can work or if it just doesn't look right
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've still got more writing to do, hopefully gonna get back to Ocarina of Time, as well.
Trying to fit writing in between another round of bills and packing for my doctor visit next week I'd rather not go but I can't weasel my way out of this since my health is at stake if I don't
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Sega Saturn game?
Fire Pro Wrestling S Six Man Scramble is, imo, not only the best Saturn game, but also one of the best Fire Pro games, which really says a lot.
Doom on the Saturn introduced completely new sound effects and ambient music replacement that would go on to be a staple of PSX Doom.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Cricket Video Game?
Hmmm, I can't think of a cricket game I've played long enough to really get an impression of it, I've played some Brian Lara Cricket, so I guess that one.
Here's your question for the night: Who was the most popular celeb in terms of stories written about them when you started reading/writing?
It's been a long fucking time, but I'm pretty sure it was Britney Spears, there's a reason she had her own section of CSSA.
Taylor Swift. Glad those days are over. There's way more variety on CSS than it had the day I joined.
Probably Lucy Pinder or Demi Rose
For me it was 2007 so you had a nice mix of hot celebs to choose from but the bulk of them was about Britney Spears for some reason
For me it was 2007 so you had a nice mix of hot celebs to choose from but the bulk of them was about Britney Spears for some reason
And you wrote about her too lol
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): This is more of a game than a question, but anyway: Reorder the Top 10 List above you in the order you would put them if they were your top 10 (OP will need to post their Top 10 for this to work). After you have done posted the reordered list, post your own Top 10 list for the next person to reorder.
My top ten was:
1. Sydney Sweeney
2. Christina Hendricks
3. Tasha Young
4. Megan Thee Stallion
5. Keke Palmer
6. Lana Condor
7. Mina Shirakawa
8. Joey Fisher
9. Brenda Song
10. Diane Guerrero
So have fun with that one!
1. Christina Hendricks
2. Megan Thee Stallion
3. Sydney Sweeney
4. Keke Palmer
5. Joey Fisher
6. Tasha Young
7. Brenda Song
8. Diane Guerrero
9. Lana Condor
10. Mina Shirakawa
My top 10 is based on who all I have been writing this year.
1. Jennifer Lopez
2. Demi Rose
3. Beyonce
4. Nicola Cavanis
5. Leni Klum
6. Christina Hendricks
7. Khloe Kardashian
8. Vida Guerra
10. Kim Kardashian
I did what I could with the 9 entries listed
1 Kim Kardashian
2 Christina Hendricks
3 Beyonce
4 Leni Klum
5 Demi Rose
6 Vida Guerra
7 Nicola Cavanis
8 Khloe Kardashian
9 Jennifer Lopez
My top 10
1 Emma Watson
2 Shakira
3 Natalie Portman
4 Christina Hendricks
5 Christina Aguilera
6 Aly Michalka
7 Kelli Berglund
8 Lucy Pinder
9 Zendaya
10 Bella Thorne
1. Zendaya
2. Bella Thorne
3. Aly Michalka
4. Christina Aguilera
5. Natalie Portman
6. Kelli Berglund
7. Christina Hendricks
8. Shakira
9. Lucy Pinder
10. Emma Watson
My top 10 has undergone some recent rearrangement and some new additions:
1. Sabrina Carpenter
2. Zendaya
3. Madison Beer
4. Megan Thee Stallion
5. Sydney Sweeney
6. Dua Lipa
7. Bella Thorne
8. Anne Hathaway
9. Taylor Swift
10. Jenna Ortega
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
For me, it's gonna be the usual of writing and gaming!
I'm prepping my bags for my doctor visit so writing will have to take a backseat I'll see if I can do something before I go
This weekend, i wrote a new Julien Baker story.
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite if you were able to meet your celeb of choice and ask her one question what would it be?
For my version I'd go with Shakira with all the questions I have for her I'm not sure what I would ask her but I'd make sure whatever it was didn't end up in a song as a spicy lyric that burns someone
I would want to meet Brenda Song so I could ask her something I've wondered about for years: Trace Cyrus...really???
I'd ask Cara Develegine what it is like for her to date a fellow Brit(Leah Mason) after years of dating American women?
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I just finished a season of NBA 2k21, so I'm probably finally gonna go back to Ocarina of Time!
Well I'm off and running soon for my doctor visits so I'll catch up when I get back sometime Tuesday
Might write another story. I am surprised nobody has had a story where Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart hook up. Yes, I know the age gap, but there isn't a single heterosexual thought between the two of them.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite N64 Game?
Cliche as it may be, I'm going with WWF No Mercy, one of the best wrestling games ever.
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.
They don't make games like that anymore that use different play styles per levels. The opening level was so well received, it led to the development of the Rogue Squadron series.
Most of the game is a third person shooter with massive levels based around exploration and gunfights with stormtroopers.
The game utilized the N64's joystick for shooting, and was clearly designed around that awkward controller. The level design was ambitious too. There's one level where you're on a moving train and have to navigate it between tracks, and a signature sewer level (back when every game had one). The best level is Gall Spaceport where the jetback is introduced. There's a boss fight with Boba Fett where you have to deal with him and his ship.
There's also a level on a speeder that sticks out. All the vehicle levels were different.
They don't make games like that anymore. Even if you don't like it, you can see where the devs were trying to do multiple things. I respect the ambition, and it did work to an extent since Rogue Squadron was built out of it.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Lacrosse Video Game?
Blast Lacrosse for the PS1, never played it but I watched it get played on a demo disk once and, since I know it exists, it wins by default!
Here's your question for the night: OG Lara Croft or Reboot Lara Croft?
I'm going with OG Lara, because I have more familiarity with her than Reboot Lara!.
There's only one real Lara Croft and it's the OG one with her huge boobs.
Reboot Lara is a sexless avatar that perfectly represents the lack of sexiness and boring plain janes in much of Gen Z media.
Here's your question for the night (From Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): Who would be your best friend in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
I'd go with Thanos, he seems like a pretty nice dude!
For me it would be Black Widow I wouldn't mind getting tossed around like a rag doll for training if she did it
Hmm, let's see... Tony Stark has too much going on to pal around with. Bruce Banner is too smart for me to keep up with. Steve Rogers is a little too serious and straight arrow. So is Black Panther, as well as being a king. The Guardians all have too many personal issues.
I'd say Thor. Despite also being royal, not to mention a god, he doesn't seem to lord it over people.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I dunno, probably just gonna play this weekend by ear!
Still recovering from my doctor visit I can't drive till Tuesday since they had to go into my wrist for a procedure I'll be okay my hand is really sore right now good thing pain meds are helping
I can still think of some good story scenes and get them worked out before I start writing again
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Anyone think the "Elle" Magazine with Anna Kendrick showing her belly button is pure sexiness??? That cutie showing skin is awesome.
Anyone think the "Elle" Magazine with Anna Kendrick showing her belly button is pure sexiness???
Not really. But I guess if you've never seen a belly button before.
I'll take up a question for the community.
Who is the GOAT of internet meme rappers?
I'm taking Slim Jesus. He is the mother fucking GOAT.
Slim Jesus walked so Lil Windex could run.
IceJJFish is my answer.
Would have given it to Mighty Casey, but he only had one song (But what a song it was: White Girls).
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
It's probably gonna be the usual of writing and gaming for me!
Well I'm still recovering from my trip I should be good to go Tuesday on driving my wrist is doing much better I'll see what I can do writing around Wednesday
Ramona Flowers smut might be in the cards for the future or even by the end of the week.
What's up people.
Guess what? I met and fucked Miss. Hawk Tuah. I also got a titwank from Sydney Sweeney along the way, cause I'm just that cool.
READ MY AWESOME SCANDALOUS STORY (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6005.0). I got an appointment booked for the Talk Tuah podcast. If you have a question you want me to ask the new blowjob queen, send it to me in messages. Or don't. I don't care either way, I just know I'm banging her again cause she's hot.
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the "If you're seeing this then I'm out of ideas (or it's close to the end of the month and I'm on cruise control) tournament.
Round 1 Match 14: Hailee Steinfeld or Sydney Sweeney?
Have fun voting!
Sydney Sweeney
Sydney is actually hot.
Sydney Sweeney
With the incredibly close final vote count of 10 to 2, Sydney wins!
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the "If you're seeing this then I'm out of ideas (or it's close to the end of the month and I'm on cruise control) tournament (yes, I copied and pasted that from yesterday!):
Round 1 Match 15: Dove Cameron Or Chloe Bennett?
With the final tally of 7-5...Chloe Bennett wins!
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea that you like, but don't think you can make work, than post it here!
I had this rather weird idea of a modern day popstar getting (somehow) hooked on the show Behind The Music, that (inexplicably) gives her the idea that she wants to live the old rockstar lifestyle...especially the parts about banging groupies.
So she decides to reinvent herself as a 70s style sex, drugs and rock and roll type, eagerly jumping into all of it and being very open about it as well (and being open about fucking both male and female groupies).
Tried to find someone who I thought could fit this idea, but never really settled on it, so I figured I'd throw it out here.
For me that screams Britney Spears since she seems to be reinventing herself on social media this would be perfect for an author to grab given the 70's vibe I'm sure something could be done
For my abandoned idea out of the 400+ projects in my binders I had something way back about 5 years ago where the author and a celeb would crash a prom posing as the adult supervisors then disappear into the principals office for sex I wanted to use Emma Watson but could never get the right vibe I was going for since my health issues started around that time and my heavy meds kept wiping out any solid scenes I was working on between sleep where I couldn't focus
Here's your question for the night (From Cade, thanks!): who is your one band that only you like, that all your friends can't stand?
Hmmm, I was pretty open about liking some pop music when I was a teenager, despite mainly being friends with the punk kids and I remember some jokes thrown my way about liking The Spice Girls music, so that's probably the answer, that was probably the worst I ever got.
For me it's Def Leppard I've always loved the harmony aspect of 5 guys being able to sing great without having to scream everything they have outlasted so many "next big thing" artists it's funny to see who goes down next before they call it a career
I have a couple.
The Grateful Dead are my big one. None of my friends like them and I live with someone who hates their music so much I'm forbidden from blasting it from the stereo when she's home. I didn't like them for most of my life, and then something just clicked when I heard them live a few years ago.
Jerry Garcia was a genius and one of the best guitar players to ever live. That said, I can understand why people dislike them. Most of their studio albums have them playing the bare minimum of their potential. Casey Jones sounded better played live than it does on the radio. The Dead have such a massive archive of live shows, you have to really dig in to find what you're looking for. Besides that, I think they are also a musician's band. If you play music, you have more of an appreciation for them and how they were able to endlessly jam (then again, a lot of guitar players on the internet seem to really hate Jerry for some reason).
I like their 1970-1972 period the most. They sound like a mixture of Blues, 50s Rock, Country, Folk and Americana all rolled together.
Europe '72 is really the only Dead album worth checking out to know if you want to give them a shot. Don't go by what you heard on the radio, this album is the litmus test if you want to dig into their music or not.
For all their live shows, if I had to recommend just one, the Hollywood Palladium show from August 6th 1971 is my pick. Jerry played a Les Paul on that show and sounds heavier than he usually does. There's a blistering version of Bertha and Casey Jones, and the best version of Brokedown Palace with a slow blues solo.
I knew my love of Steely Dan, even when they were at their 1970's peak, put me in the minority vs. all those who dismissed them as fake-jazz too-smooth not-rock etc. And when their comeback album Two Against Nature won the 2001 Album of the Year Grammy ahead of Radiohead and Eminem people got mad at them all over again. I still love Steely Dan.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I dunno, probably gonna do things...and stuff.
Other than football I don't have much planned maybe a movie marathon
I knew my love of Steely Dan, even when they were at their 1970's peak, put me in the minority vs. all those who dismissed them as fake-jazz too-smooth not-rock etc. And when their comeback album Two Against Nature won the 2001 Album of the Year Grammy ahead of Radiohead and Eminem people got mad at them all over again. I still love Steely Dan.
Steely Dan are like the Grateful Dead, in that people either love 'or or hate 'em.
Larry Carlton helped keep the ES-335 guitar popular beyond Jazz in the 70s, so he deserves a thumbs up for that.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite I've always been amazed at some female celebs that would get into a red carpet catfight with each other over anything the question is who would you play ref for if you got caught in the middle of one?
For me it would have to be Hayley Atwell and Scarlett Johansson I wouldn't even care what set them off but I'm sure I would hear hissing and see claw marks on dresses
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Hopefully gonna make some serious progress on writing!
I've got a lot on my plate this week starting today I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write I'll try and find it somehow
Just published a new Tegan Quin story. IDK what I'll do next, but I might do more PP because Anna Kendrick is such a cutie.
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did September go for you?
Did you accomplish any goals you set for yourself?
Want to vent or ask for some encouragement, then here's the place to do!
September didn't go as well as I would have hoped, got some progress made, but it felt like I can't stop slipping behind schedule.
Ah well, that's life.
Night everyone.
I'm in the same boat and had one little thing go wrong and it derailed my month good thing I can fix that in the next few days October is going to be great I just know it is wrapping up with candy day better known as Halloween or celeb dress up day to see who can outdo each other fingers crossed for some award winning outfits just curious how many cat ladies we will get and who will be cursed with a wardrobe malfunction caught on camera
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Member of the Four Horsemen of wrestling?
I mean, in overall terms, I loved Brian Pillman from the first match I saw him in, but he wasn't in the Horsemen for all that long, so I'm going with Arn Anderson, dude was an all time great wrestler and he was probably the guy I most think of when it comes to the group (yes, even more than Ric Flair).
Alright now we can have words for me it will always be Ric Flair no matter what he was doing he always brought the show and let's not forget the legendary beefs he had with a laundry list of hall of famers that caused so much property damage in and out of the ring and when the Four Horsemen were running with him just pray you weren't the target
Here's your question for the night: Least Favorite member of the Four Horsemen of wrestling?
For me, I'm going with Ole Anderson, he always stuck out like a sore thumb to me.
With the revolving door of all the wrestlers to claim to be in the 4 horsemen if memory serves me right (but I'm heavily medicated at the moment) I believe at one point Hulk Hogan was in the mix and all I could think was why are you doing this?
With the revolving door of all the wrestlers to claim to be in the 4 horsemen if memory serves me right (but I'm heavily medicated at the moment) I believe at one point Hulk Hogan was in the mix and all I could think was why are you doing this?
Hogan was never in the Horsemen, but I get how people thought he could have been.
Fair enough I figured I might be wrong since I was thinking about purple unicorns and rainbows while I was on my meds those things are strong this trip
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): You lose a bet to a celeb where you have to crash a big event (oscars, Grammy awards, Emmy's, golden globes ect,) if you succeed in not getting thrown out before the event ends you get a one night stand but if you fail you get nothing
Who's the celeb and event?
For me, I'm going with Selena Gomez for the Celeb and the MTV Movie awards for the event, mainly because that one would be the easiest to crash.
It's time for the first Thursday of the Month appeal for questions from the community, I've got enough for the rest of the year, so no pressure for anyone, but I could always use more questions (it'd be nice to enter next year with enough questions to not sound desperate when I'm doing these), so if you've got a question (or, even better, questions) you want to ask the community, don't hesitate to send em into me via DM.
I remember this one so many options I forgot my original answer for this so I'll go fresh with Sabrina Carpenter and I'm crashing the Grammy's
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna try to get caught up on wrestling!
I've got a lot on my plate this weekend I'm not sure if writing will be done at all I'll see what I can do
I remember this one so many options I forgot my original answer for this so I'll go fresh with Sabrina Carpenter and I'm crashing the Grammy's
I expect Sabrina will be pretty busy at the Grammys, so good luck on that :D , but I'll crash the Grammys, too, for Taylor Swift (assuming this takes place in early February, the Chiefs are still in the playoffs, meaning Travis K is far far away ;D ).
Here's your question for the night: Favorite PS2 game?
There are a lot of great choices, but I'm going with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
The game was so well done that I could spend hours not even playing the main missions, just doing side quests or driving around while listening to the radio.
Any of the SimCity games really enjoyed those
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Australian Rules Football Video Game?
I played an Aussie rules game for the NES once, it was pretty cool, so I'm going with that one.
Here's your question for the night: If Jane has 6 apples and gives Karen 3 apples, gives Amanda 2 apples and then receives 901 apples from Billy before selling 523 of them, how many apples does Jane have at the end?
I'll let you figure out this incredibly easy question because you all have calculators on your computers!
I say forget the apples and what happens in that foursome? I want details
I say forget the apples and what happens in that foursome? I want details
Yeah, what did Karen and Amanda do for Jane that she's giving them apples, huh? And what did Jane do for Billy to give her 901 (!) ? This deserves further thought.
Oh, and it's 379.
I have some theories but they are all based on sex
Here's your question for the night (from timelessly so, thanks!): Favorite historical era/historical era you find most interesting?
I'm going with the post-world war one era, like there are so many things that could have changed if people had just had even the slightest amount of common sense.
Everyone looked at the horror of global war and said 'more of that, please'.
For me it's ancient Egypt right about the time they finished the pyramids with the limestone blocks all in place looking pretty
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna do some writing!
Still recovering from my trip I'll see where I am Monday
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Well I'm watching out for some Halloween stories I see some new stuff popping up from authors so I'll give them a look when I have time
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Sadly, I'm still trying to catch up on writing, going to have to force myself to get some stuff done this week.
Got snake bit by another doctor visit I can't get away from so I'll see how that goes
Just posted a Jennifer Garner story where Violet gets her little white butt spanked.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite FMW Wrestler
For me, it's gotta be Hayabusa, he was one of the guys who revolutionized Junior Heavyweight wrestling in the 90s and he had a cameo in a movie that starred the Black power ranger and Bree Turner!
Here's your question for the night: Least favorite FMW wrestler?
For me (counting only ring work) it's gotta be Willie Williams, dude was barely in the promotion, but I can't think of a good match that came out of that run.
Here's your question for the night: Most neutral FMW Wrestler?
For me, it's Ricky Fuji, he was just sorta always there, at least Flying Kid Ichihara had a cool name.
He was never so terrible that you wanted to turn the match off, but I can't really think of a match where he added a lot to it.
The only real match I can remember is the one time where he refed a match involving Flying Kid Ichihara teaming with a pornstar to wrestle Gedo (who was also teaming with a pornstar), I mainly remember that the whole thing somehow ended with Fuji singing his theme song.
Here's your question for the night (from Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): What is the Taylor Swift song you relate to most?
I can't really think of a Taylor Swift song, I've heard Shake it Off a few times, so I guess that one wins by default.
Well for me this is a loaded question so I'll give 2 answers since my fiance is a big Taylor Swift fan hers is Bad blood she hasn't explained the why part to me but given the lyrics and the dark vibe I can see a rather sultry side to my fiance I didn't know was there before
My song would be Tim McGraw since it reflects my time growing up near Nashville where Taylor started her career and I can relate to most of the lyrics involved
Exile, from the Folklore album.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm hoping to get some stuff written before the end of the weekend...other than that it's a case of play it by ear.
I finally posted my new Lucy Pinder story I've been working on, so I think now I'm just going to be working on a few other stories this weekend
I've got a few things to handle I'll see what I can do on writing
I finally posted my new Lucy Pinder story I've been working on, so I think now I'm just going to be working on a few other stories this weekend
Another grand slam. Your recent JLo story is my favorite, but still love to see you working with Lucy.
Just put up a new Carrie Brownstein story. That lady's smile is so hot and she looks like a lady who gets her fair share of pussy.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite since this is probably the last season of the Simpsons show some love for your top 3 episodes with nearly 700 episodes to pick from I'm sure there are some classic episodes that still make us laugh no matter how old they are
for me it has to be the first episode that started it all who can forget Bart's first lines being Jingle bells Batman smells Robin laid an egg
second place goes to the episode where they lampoon Behind the music with all the crazy behind the scenes stuff and outtakes
and the Bronze medal goes to Frank Grimes for being the character to die off screen because Homer drove him insane with his stupidity only to have Homer fall asleep at the funeral and groan change the channel Marge because he's bored
For me, I'll go with Last Exit to Springfield for my top pick, just an incredible episode top to bottom.
Two Bad Neighbors for my second pick because it's hilarious and it introduced us to Disco Stu.
And Finally Marge Vs. The Monorail, the writing on that episode is tight as hell and Phil Hartman is incredible as the salesman.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna try to keep up the writing momentum!
Well I can kill some time waiting for the world series even though my team isn't in it I'm pulling for the dodgers to win even though I hate them slightly less than the Yankees
I'll get something done on writing
Go Yankees!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Gamecube game?
I'm not all that familiar with the Gamecube, so, after looking at a list, I'm saying Legends of Wrestling because that's the funniest answer.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MTV show from the 1980s?
For me, it was 120 Minutes, granted, I don't think I watched it in the 80s, but it was a huge part of my teenage years.
For me it was the top 20 video countdown where you could track all the stuff you heard on the radio and have a heads up for new artists coming up during the transition period between hair metal and the shift to R&B that dominated the 90's before it was rebranded in the early 2000's as TRL giving us a steady diet of teen stars that have since hit their 40's and gone on to do other things as TRL aired it's final episodes will there be another show like that I don't know the novelty seems to have worn off now you have the undead beast that is reality tv and few people seem to care
Here's your question for the night: Do you believe in Joe Hendry?
I've been meaning to ask this question for ages, so, at this point, it's pretty much inevitable that he'd gonna move from TNA to WWE as soon as his contract is up, if they play their cards right, they are gonna have a huge star on their hands, so my answer is: yes, I believe!
Here's your question for the night (from RTM, thanks!): Which celebrity would you like to use that you've never done?
There are a lot (especially given how slow of a writer I am.
But I think I'll go with Beyonce, always wanted to write her, but I've never really sat down to figure out something for her.
For me it would be Elizabeth Olsen thought I had a story plot to fit her in recently but came up blank no matter how hard I tried
Probably either Katy Perry or Christina Aguilera
Kacey Musgraves: anal sex would be needed, given she has a cute butt
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay I'll bite with it being Halloween week name a celeb you wouldn't mind seeing in a costume you get a one night stand but you have to keep the costume in place no matter what?
For me I wouldn't mind seeing Scarlett Johansson as Marvel's Black cat I know she's known as Black Widow but you can't deny she would look good in the Black cat outfit you can thank me later
Okay I'll bite with it being Halloween week name a celeb you wouldn't mind seeing in a costume you get a one night stand but you have to keep the costume in place no matter what?
For me I wouldn't mind seeing Scarlett Johansson as Marvel's Black cat I know she's known as Black Widow but you can't deny she would look good in the Black cat outfit you can thank me later
That would be cool, I'll go with Alexandra Daddario dressed as Rogue.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm gonna keep writing, might be close to getting something done, if all goes well!
I'm writing some new stuff now but I'll take a break after lunch to get the Halloween candy bags sorted and ready I expect an invasion around thursday
I plan to write an Annie/Britta story at some point. Poor Annie will get spanked.
Here's your question for the night: it's the next match in that 256 women tournament!
Round 1 Match 16: Zendaya or Hunter Schafer?
Have fun voting!
With a vote of 4 to 2...Zendaya wins!
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump!
If you have an idea that you like, but don't think you can make work, than post it here!
I've had this idea about A lower level celebrity and some kind of influencer filming themselves having a threesome in order to 'accidentally' leak the tape to the public, in hopes that they can both catch some publicity off of it.
I could never really make the idea work because it was always a problem settling on both the celeb and the influencer, and this is also the kind of idea that would 100 percent go off the rails if I really tried to write it.
I might just take a crack at that I know that Shakira has an influencer she hangs with so it wouldn't be tough to make this work I'd just need more info on Lele Pons before I could do something
For my abandoned idea I had been trying to find a celeb cast to fit a CSS version of the board game Clue I had mapped out some fan favorites in the original draft but the sex scenes just didn't look right and the pairings were a nightmare since I couldn't focus with real life getting in the way
the original cast could be switched out for anyone willing to try this if they so choose but I thought the female cast was worth a look at Natalie Portman, Lucy Pinder, Kat McNamara, Christina Hendricks, Salma Hayek, Scarlett Johansson or whoever the author finds hot have at it
I couldn't get this idea to work, but I wanted to write a story where a bunch of Chvrches fans jerk off in front of Lauren Mayberry and get semen on her dress.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer check in!
How did October go for you?
Did you accomplish any goals you set for yourself?
Want to vent or ask for some encouragement, then here's the place to do!
I made some serious progress this month, I'm confident that the next part of Mr. and Mrs. XXX is coming sooner rather than later!
For me things went better than expected I'm currently writing 5 different projects among them I'm editing my hotel story I'm doing with Calibur009 now that the holidays are kicking in I'll have more time to spend writing once the snow arrives and I can't leave the house
Here's your question for the night (From Rynoman78, thanks!): What song do you use to make sure your earphones/headphones are working?
I use Mr. Brownstone by Guns 'n' Roses, I only get half the instruments if one of my earphones isn't working, so that's a pretty good way to tell if it's my headphones or if something else is giving me a problem!
I use the Metallica album S&M (the first one) I can always tell when they are correct when I hear the opening riff for Master of puppets
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be working on a story, hopefully it won't be too long before it's done.
The struggle is real people my weekend is taken with dealing with my older siblings if you need me I'll be banging my head on a table for the next 72 hours
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever.
Okay for my open forum question I'm looking into writing about celebs I haven't spotlighted yet I have 3 I would really like to try out but with 400+ plot ideas I can't narrow them down easily so for now I'll just stick with the 3 celebs I'm looking at
Hayden Panettiere
Kat Dennings
Elizabeth Olsen
If you want to spotlight 3 celebs you haven't written about before but want to see what fans think feel free to throw them out there no wrong answers
For me: I would like to write Natalie Portman, Amanda Shires and Chloe Mortez(w/Kate Harris of course: to represent her actual orientation).
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still trying to get things done, hope springs eternal!
Still hanging onto keeping alive after 3 tornadoes in 7 days in my area I'm okay once the bad weather is over around Thursday the temps will drop to low 50's so I won't be going anywhere anytime soon and can edit the hotel story I've been working on
Just published the Annie/Britta thing. I might write some other ideas. One idea I have(alongside an idea with Shane with the L word) is a Chloe Moretz/Cate Blanchett idea where they both have 8#=D and are together.
Hey everyone, I just published a new chapter of Definitely Miami. It's over 15k words and a love triangle between Lucy Pinder and Kelly Brook. Here it is (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6106.0) if you want to read some big titty fun!
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer hype post: Got any stories you want to hype up?
I'm at the finish line for the next chapter of Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
If all goes well, it should be out by the end of this month!
For my hype post with the nearly 400+ ideas and projects in various stages of completion I'll narrow it down to one I'm just about done with a substitute teacher story with Anna Kendrick & Victoria Justice I'm just short the ending and the sex scenes which won't take long once I map them out currently it doesn't have a title so I'm open to suggestions of what to call this thing this is my first time writing about Anna Kendrick so I hope fans enjoy it
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MTV show from the 1990s?
There were a lot of really good ones, but nothing really topped Daria for me, the show managed to eclipse the show it spun off from (Beavis and Butthead) in terms of quality!
The only ones I remember from that time period since it was the transition mark between rock and R&B were Top 20 countdown, Yo Mtv raps, and Headbangers ball at the time I was taking a break from music so when I returned in the mid 90's I was assaulted by one hit wonders & boy bands and it never stopped
Daria was a classic!
For my hype post with the nearly 400+ ideas and projects in various stages of completion I'll narrow it down to one I'm just about done with a substitute teacher story with Anna Kendrick & Victoria Justice I'm just short the ending and the sex scenes which won't take long once I map them out currently it doesn't have a title so I'm open to suggestions of what to call this thing this is my first time writing about Anna Kendrick so I hope fans enjoy it
That chick is cute. Especially her face, her voice and her petite-ness(I like tiny women).
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Muppet?
I think I always liked Animal the most, with Gonzo a close second, they both always made me laugh, shout out to Statler and Waldorf as well!
For me it was animal It was a funny thing he was voiced by Frank Oz the same guy who gave us Yoda which as a star wars fan makes me wonder what alien species animal is since he seems to be a hyper thing the polar opposite of Yoda's calm and chill vibes
Swedish Chef
Fozzie Bear, with Dr. Teeth & the Electric Mayhem second. I also always enjoyed the too-rare appearances of Sam the American Eagle.
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): A celeb reads you the phone book and your so smitten you nearly pass out before you have sex the catch is she's not in your top 20 who is it?
Off the top of my head, I'm going with Beyonce, granted being that close to her, I would probably still pass out, but the point remains.
Also, I almost forgot the first Thursday of the month appeal for questions from the community, if you've got a question you want to ask, don't hesitate to send them to me via DM.
For my version I'll go with Margot Robbie just the accent alone might put me in a coma
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Still writing and polishing!
With it being Veterans day weekend around my neck of the woods I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write I'll see what I can do
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay this is an open debate where you can pick 6 celebs to have over for Thanksgiving dinner with the holiday so close not to worry you will be having sex after the meal but lets start with the guest list for my version it looks like this
Emma Watson
Natalie Portman
Christina Hendricks
Salma Hayek
Bella Thorne
Sabrina Carpenter
Meagan Thee Stallion
Madison Beer
Olivia Rodrigo
Sydney Sweeney
I've been working on a story with Michelle Rodriguez and Ariana Richards. After that I'm writing my second Demi Rose story.
Michelle Rodriguez needs more attention around here
Might write a story involving a regular Natalie Portman and her cute (*) being used. If I had a chance to fuck her, I'd have anal with her.
Okay this is an open debate where you can pick 6 celebs to have over for Thanksgiving dinner with the holiday so close not to worry you will be having sex after the meal but lets start with the guest list for my version it looks like this
Emma Watson
Natalie Portman
Christina Hendricks
Salma Hayek
Bella Thorne
Selena Gomez
Tasha Young
Megan Thee Stallion
Christina Hendricks
Mina Shirakawa
Sydney Sweeney
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
The usual of writing, watching wrestling and gaming!
After Veterans day I'll see what I can do still have to start prep work for Thanksgiving good thing a number of details are already handled just have to figure out what method to roast that giant bird with might have to smoke it to be safe
Here's your question for the night: Favorite XBox Game?
I'll be honest, I didn't spend a lot of time with it when it was first out, so I mainly know it through the backwards compatible games I ended up getting after I got a 360, so I'm going with Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic, it's one of the best Star Wars games ever, so it was a bit of a no-brainer for me!
Shout out to Sid Meier's Pirates, a great reboot of a classic and Buffy The Vampire Slayer, the first Xbox game I played, don't remember it being all that great, but still, you always remember your first!
Halo or Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
I'll go with Star Wars Knights of the old Republic it gave us so many iconic characters that have survived the mouse empire reign and are still better than the characters that are being redone now I'd almost swear Kylo Ren is a ripoff of Jacen Solo and Darth Revan put together the face masks are almost similar in design
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MTV show from the 2000s?
Clone High!
It was probably their last great show, in my opinion!
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 'it's the last Monday of the month or I didn't think of a good enough answer for tonight's planned question' tournament!
Round 1 Match 18: Ice Spice or Latto?
Have fun voting for this one!
Ice Spice
With the final count of 3 - 2...Latto wins and advances to the next round!
I'm off to bed, so here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): You get to pick three celebs to be the 2024 versions of 2006 Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. They will be partying together regularly for the next six month in super messy fashion and frequently flashing their pussies to the paparazzi cameras as they drunkenly stumble out of cars with no panties on while on their way to various Hollywood nightclubs. Which three girls are you picking to nobly play these slutty roles?
My answer: I'd go with Megan Thee Stallion, Sydney Sweeney and Bebe Rexha, I think they'd be a fun trio.
Night everyone.
The New York Post infamously called that night 'The Bimbos of the Apocalypse'.
I'm picking some real bimbos and someone who's not that innocent...
Amanda Nicole in place of Paris.
Demi Rose in place of Britney.
And oh what the hell, let's take Abigail Ratchford in place of Lindsay.
Oh the chaos those 3 caused over that stretch of time may never be equaled unless someone really tried
For my version of this I had to do some research
Emma Watson as Paris
Natalie Dormer as Lindsay
Shakira as Britney
I'm going to go with the obvious choice: Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian ;D
Britney: Lucy Dacus
Paris:Julien Baker
Lindsay:Phoebe Bridgers
I can't think of any current celebs that would get the paps out like they did that night. It was back when Britney would get swarmed by dudes with camera (and too bad I wasn't one, but hey, I got to bang her in Vegas several times so I ain't complaining) and she couldn't go anywhere without being followed
For my 3, I am picking Kate Upton (Paris), Sydney Sweeney (Britney), and Tate McRae (Lindsay)
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
I'm writing this weekend and just hoping that my computer is fixed. The past 2 weeks have been a bit of a nightmare of trying to diagnosis a very specific issue, while having good days of it working and then bad days when the problem resurfaces.
Nursing a twisted ankle before my doctor visit I'll be fine this is just a normal checkup I have some time to write I'll see what I can get done on my hotel collab
I'll probably be writing. There are a few stories I want to work on or finish this weekend.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay with the holidays in full swing now I'm curious what's the best holiday film any site members have seen it could be an old classic like Miracle on 34th Street to Hocus Pocus or anything in between for me I always enjoy "Mickey's Christmas Carol" just something about a blend of animation mixed with Charles Dickens that is perfect for when it's snowing outside and a nice warm fire
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably gonna keep on writing, getting closer and closer to being done with this chapter I'm working on!
I finished the new Demi Rose story I was working on
I'm in early stage prep for Thanksgiving mainly trying to decide on what the turkey will be can't do BBQ, roasted might take longer than I want, same problem with smoked writing time will be at a premium this week I'll see what I can do
I finished the new Demi Rose story I was working on
Looking forward to reading this tomorrow.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Wii Game?
I'm going with Wii Sports, I didn't have a Wii for that long, but hands down it was the most fun I had with the system.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MTV show from the 2010s?
I stopped watching MTV by this point, so I'm curious to see your answers.
I'm with you I stopped watching around that time the main thing that drove me away was Jersey Shore to this day I still don't understand the appeal of Snookie South Park ripped on them hard enough they should have gone away
The appeal of Jersey Shore is the same appeal for TLC shows. A bunch of idiots running around town being stupid. They had personality and could be funny at times. It was basically a parody of itself.
Teen Wolf was the last MTV show I watched, and I think it was the last big one.
Here's your question for the night: What film surprised you by being better than you thought it was be?
I thought the Cable Guy was gonna be another wacky Jim Carrey movie, when it turned out to be a fantastic dark comedy that explored some pretty intense themes, I was surprised as hell.
For me it was "The other Boleyn girl" with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson I'm a bit of a world history nerd which my fiance loves about me so this was better than I thought giving some background on Henry VIII and some less than stellar life altering decisions he made for himself and England plus you had Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson as a pair of Queen's long before Freddie Mercury came along (rimshot)
Pretty Woman turned out to be more than the squishy romantic comedy I was expecting. Not that I have anything against romantic comedy. I like good romantic comedy, but there are so many mediocre ones made, it was a happy surprise to find one with genuine feeling and personality.
Here's your question for the night (From Kat's Lover, thanks!): Which is your least favourite Tonberry?
I'm not nearly familiar enough to answer this one, the only FF game I've ever really gotten into was Tactics!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
Gotta pull the frozen turkey out for holiday prep so begins another feast season I'll write what I can as I go
I'm working on a few stories, one is the next chapter of Meet Mandingo starring Hawk Tuah girl Hailey Welch and the next Captain's Log with Scarlett Johansson
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space so have fun talking about whatever.
So how do all of you decide when a story is long enough? I tend to go back and forth debating with myself if the stories I'm posting are too short or in some instances too long. Just wondering how other authors decide
Well in my case I like giving each sex scene type a moment to shine so that's a minimum of 3 scenes with about 4 pages of story building it up between scenes sometimes I have to go 6 pages or more depending on how elaborate the story will be overall and the number of celebs involved which is why it took 18 months to finish my hot 100 epic the pairings were the hard part I knew certain ones I really wanted which only accounted for 6 scenes the rest I asked my fans for ideas who they wanted to see and it filled in nicely the ones I couldn't use I still have in story ideas in my binders waiting to be finished even after 6 years
For the most part it's just a question of does the author want to write a quickie one scene wham bam thank you mam one off or are they going for something big that is nearly harem like in scope but more elaborate series packed into a single story vibe I like bouncing between series one offs and solo projects with the occasional multi author collab mixed in when we can agree on who does what for the story
So how do all of you decide when a story is long enough? I tend to go back and forth debating with myself if the stories I'm posting are too short or in some instances too long. Just wondering how other authors decide
For me, it's always a real problem, I never really feel like I've gotten a story at the length it should be as I always think it could be longer, but I reach a complete wall and I realize I can't go any further, so I have to just put it out once I hit that point.
So how do all of you decide when a story is long enough? I tend to go back and forth debating with myself if the stories I'm posting are too short or in some instances too long. Just wondering how other authors decide
Do not worry about length. If you're sitting there looking at word count, you're never going to finish a story. That's when you'll start having doubts and second guessing yourself.
Some people have said my stories are too long. But that is a little handful of people who don't make up the majority, and certainly not my fans.
Never listen to critics. There are no rules to writing. You make your own rules.
I will write until I feel completely satisfied, regardless the length of the story. The last one I published went over 15,000 words. I have some BBB chapters that get up to 20k words. I don't think nothing about it. If the story needs more length to tell the ending, then it's worth the extra effort.
I like to compare it to the Grateful Dead. Sometimes their live shows would drag out from all the jamming they did. Sometimes they just felt like taking a song and playing it for 20+ minutes. Other times, Jerry needed more space to do a soulful guitar solo. They didn't care about the critics. The fans who followed them made it all worth it. Do something long enough and good enough, you eventually will gain fans.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've got a lot of writing to do and, of course, enjoying a thanksgiving meal!
Same here as well as a driver for a doctor visit thankfully it isn't me they want this time
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 women tournament!
Round 1 Match 19: Nicki Minaj or Megan Thee Stallion
I somehow managed to screw up by posting the Ice Spice/Latto match first, this was actually supposed to be last months match, but it's fine.
Have fun voting!
I'm officially calling it, with a final tally of 7-0...Megan Thee Stallion walks away with this one!
Your question for the night: No question it's the monthly abandoned idea dump, if you have an idea that you think could be interesting but you can't make work, then dump it here.
I had this idea of actor who discovers that his co-star (a big time celeb) is in a PR relationship and decides to pursue her.
I could never figure out who to use for this one, but I always thought there was something there.
Sydney Sweeney is the most obvious answer. The only real big time female star right now that is under 30.
Ana de Armas had a PR relationship with Ben Affleck before he turned into Miserable Ben (Hey, you'd be miserable too married to JLo while she spends all her time giving Cade lapdances and blowjobs.)
Sydney Sweeney is the most obvious answer. The only real big time female star right now that is under 30.
Ana de Armas had a PR relationship with Ben Affleck before he turned into Miserable Ben (Hey, you'd be miserable too married to JLo while she spends all her time giving Cade lapdances and blowjobs.)
No JLo time for you!
Celebs in their 40's are just as wild as the younger ones if I did take a crack at that idea I'd totally use Shakira for it yet around here if Salma Hayek showed up in that story nobody would blink an eye wondering why she's a sex crazed maniac in her 50's doing off the wall things to a college junior
For my abandoned idea I had to dig in my binders for this where the author was a camera operator on location with a female sports reporter for an interview with another celeb the interview keeps getting delayed and pushed back later when they finally crack wanting to have some fun while they wait and they get busted by the celeb right as the author finishes and it turns into a threesome if I was going to do this I had planned on Alex Curry as the sports reporter and Danica Patrick as the other celeb but I could never get the locations to look right
Sydney Sweeney is the most obvious answer. The only real big time female star right now that is under 30.
Ana de Armas had a PR relationship with Ben Affleck before he turned into Miserable Ben (Hey, you'd be miserable too married to JLo while she spends all her time giving Cade lapdances and blowjobs.)
No JLo time for you!
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in.
How did November go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you'd set for yourself?
I did alright this month, I have enough chapters for my annual December post a thon and I'm at the finish line for the prologue and the first part of chapter 1 of Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
So, right now, I'm feeling pretty good!
November was hit and miss I didn't get as much done as I had planned with doctor visits popping up along with the holidays in full swing now I'll see what I can get done with the temps dropping in the next few days where I can't leave the house
I’ve written 3 new stories.
Here's your question for the night (from Cptnstrwrs, thanks!): What celebrity do you think is underrated when it comes to their attractiveness?
I think it would probably be Caitlin Clark, she might not be a bombshell, but there's something about her that I find to be attractive.
Khloe Kardashian.
She is hotter than Kim now and has a bigger booty (it is one of the best asses in the world right now).
I love Khloe's face for how she's went all-in with the bimbo look. It's always ironic to me how people complain about cosmetics and plastic surgery, but turn around and don't have an issue with a woman doing it who's last name isn't Kardashian. Khloe's looks stack up well with Abigail Ratchford, and even a real bimbo like Amanda Nicole, so she's a fit for me.
My answer is obviously Ariana Richards ;D. I know she's not super model hot, but she has that girl next door thing going on. That, and the fact that she didn't end up like so many other child actors makes me think that she's able to contain her inner freak until she's behind closed doors >:D
Madison Beer isn't brought up nearly enough when talking about the most beautiful pop singers.
I would say Zendaya she seems to be overlooked in a few places but I think she could really do something amazing given the chance
Here's your question for the night, Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be writing!
Same here. It was a crazy week and I REALLY need to finish the couple of stories I've been working on
I'll try and write what I can but with the snow starting to fall I might be digging myself out soon enough sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a Simpsons cartoon
Here's your question for the night: No question it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!
Well for me I've wondered if you made an insane bet with a female celeb of a weekend of sex if you won a drag race against her who would it be?
For my version I would go with Sabrina Carpenter just so I could see her try to look over the dashboard of a muscle car in a bucket seat being so short going about 120 mph on main street
To me, that sounds like something Sydney Sweeney would fit.
I would totally read that if you wrote it
Here's your question for the night: got any plans for the week?
It's gonna be writing for me, it's December, so I got a lot on my plate!
I'll see how much writing I can get done between cold temps and snow falling thankfully nothing has fallen out of the sky yet but I may be digging myself out of a snow drift by the end of the month
For Britney Spears birthday I posted my longest story yet.
Cade helped me write this. I hope someone likes it besides us :))
Arresting Britney Spears (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6137.0)
I posted my new Scarlett Johansson story and now I'm going to work on some other stories.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer hype thread!
If you're working on something you wanna hype up, talk about it here!
I'm at the finish line with Mr. and Mrs XXX Chapter 1 (part 1), I just gotta send it to an editor.
Also, it's December and I have enough chain story chapters to post a chapter a day, so be on the lookout for that as well!
Well when I have time to finish it my latest solo project will be a substitute teacher story featuring Anna Kendrick and Victoria Justice it was a fan request that sounded too good to pass up
I don't know what I will do next, but I'd like to write a Natalie Portman story at some point, preferably involving anal sex(where she is getting her cute Jewish butt used)
(where she is getting her cute Jewish butt used)
You could just say butt. You don't have to bring race into it.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite MTV show from the 2020s?
Much like the 2010s, I stopped watching MTV by this point, so I'm curious to see your answers.
From the looks of it they only run 4 shows now and most of it is reality tv I haven't watched Mtv in years so this is a sad end to a channel that started out as the next big thing
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Adam Sandler comedy?
It's been ages since I've watched a Sandler comedy but, as cliche as it is, I'm going with Happy Gilmore, it's probably the most fun I have when it comes to watching a Sandler comedy.
So many choices but I'll have to go with Click granted not as well known as the others he's done but you get to see a very young Kate Beckinsale in her prime right after her debut in Pearl Harbor the mom role got me since she didn't have kids at the time it was a solid date night movie the girl I was dating at the time had a really twisted sense of humor about what she would do with a universal remote that controlled everything I still get unnerved by the memory of the devious grin on her face when she was going over the to do list in her brain I only slightly felt like a piece of meat then
I guess my pick is Little Nicky.
Rodney Dangerfield commanding to shove a pineapple up Hitler's ass.
Harvey Keitel as the devil.
Ozzy's cameo.
Playing the Chicago vinyl backwards for a subliminal message... "Woah, Chicago kicks ass!"
The Wedding Singer cuz LOVE STINKS
Here's your question for the night (from Money, thanks!): Your birthday is coming up and a celeb wants to hang out with you to celebrate it eventually turns to sex and she can't get enough who's the celeb?
Joey Fisher has been on my mind a lot lately (Thanks, JConn!) so I'm going with her!
For my version I'll go with Shakira she seems like the fun type that would fit this perfectly
Sydney Sweeney @@
Sabrina Carpenter
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I've got more writing to do!
I'm doing what I can for writing finally have some free time to finish up the scene in my hotel collab
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
For my free space I found an old story idea I've been meaning to finish now that I'm engaged it's only fitting I do a bachelor party lampoon with some lovely ladies if I remember correctly the cast was Emilia Clarke as the fiance and the guest list was Sabrina Carpenter, Hayden Panettiere, Shawn Johnson, Salma Hayek, and Shakira the story was simple enough where the author was allowed a bachelor party the night before yet Emilia wouldn't allow it unsupervised so she has the others keep an eye on him but he still has fun along the way being his last night single the big problem was the pairings I had so many going through my brain I couldn't focus
This will take some time feel free to suggest pairings by PM and I'll try to work them in I'm willing to write 6 sex scenes and 7 overall with a big orgy finale for those interested
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm still working on stuff, December is always busy!
I've got some plans, but it'll be a bit. I also have plans to write about the singer Courtney Barnett at some point. I also plan to do some stuff with Portman(maybe even do one with BOTH Keira and Natalie) at some point. All I know is that I will have Natalie Portman be in a story at some point
I've got a few things on my plate so writing may be bumped back to the weekend
Here's your question for the night: Favorite PS3 Game?
I never had a PS3, so I'm eager to see the answers of the people that did!
Granted I didn't have a PS3 I really wanted one but couldn't get it yet the best game I remember from that system was War for Cybertron the graphics alone were sick
Here's your question for the night: I had a question, but I couldn't think of a good answer for it or for what I had planned for tomorrow's question, so fuck it, here's the next match in the "It's the last Monday of the month or I have no questions for the night" tournament!
Round 1 Match 20: Kelly Rowland or Beyonce?
Have fun voting!
I'll vote for Beyonce' but I'm pretty sure this is going to be a one sided landslide
Kelly. Not a fan of either but people seem to overlook her.
After a vote of 7 - 2...Beyonce wins!
Here's your question for the night: It's the next match in that tournament I do whenever I don't have a good answer for what I wanted to ask.
Round 1 Match 21: Hitomi Tanaka or Anri Okita?
Have fun voting.
Hitomi Tanaka
With a vote of 3 to 0...Hitomi Tanaka defeats Anri Okita and advances to the next round!
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): What is a YouTube channel you love and would recommend to others that people may not have heard about?
In terms of channels I can talk about, I've really gotten into All Things Lost, one of the better lost media channels because it doesn't really delve into "lost nickelodeon bumpers" stuff, the channel focuses on stuff that is actually interesting.
I also like the fact that it doesn't try to go the route where it treats lost media like some incredibly creepy thing, it's a much more lively channel.
Well for me I have a few since I'm into Star Wars original canon audiobooks I enjoy YJK audiobooks I find the ones I have in my collection and listen along to them before I send the books to my niece for her collection funny story while I was listening to an audiobook I fell asleep and when I woke up I heard the song Dream on from Aerosmith but it was a cover version by Alyona Yarushina since I was half awake I thought Steven Tyler sounded a bit off before I realized what was happening that I had been listening to Youtube for about 5 hours
I'm a dedicated viewer of Cinema Cities, which takes old movies seriously and with great knowledge and intelligence. The commenters are likewise smart and serious.
If there was ever a Youtuber who deserved fortune and fame, but kindly said no to it....
I give you Shitcase Cinema (https://www.youtube.com/@shitcasecinema).
Shitcase started on Youtube around 2008. They never got the views compared to what movie channels get today.
The review of Zardoz kinda made them famous for a bit.
I love this channel and am grateful it's still active, despite it never having a huge fanbase. Jonny is a cool guy and I'm glad I was there at the beginning and was watching his stuff on Youtube before I went to college. I regret not having spoken to him in many years, but I always admired him and try to draw some attention to him.
Shitcase mainly reviewed horror movies, low budget stuff, and other cheesy movies from the 80s and 90s. The movies you grew up seeing on cable channels.
Shitcase Cinema are responsible for making Godfrey Ho's Ninja movies popular on Youtube for a few years. Other channels with bigger fan followings took this stuff and made all kinds of content out of it, but Jonny was the one reviewing these movies first, and went as as far as to interview one of the actors.
This was the best one IMO
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm knee deep in story stuff and it's gonna stay that way!.
Getting ready for Christmas prep the tree is the only thing going up due to space issue that should be resolved by next year
All I am doing lately is writing. I'm ready for Christmas, so I spending all my time working on stuff.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!
Okay I'll bite you end up in a one night stand after losing a bet and your friend finds out who it was instead of giving you props for the feat they rip on you with a what were you thinking lecture?
For my version this screams Selena Gomez given her recent engagement I'm pretty sure I would be hunted down if the fiance found out
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
For me, it's more writing!
Same here. I'm pretty much done with Christmas stuff so I can get back to writing
Same here. I'm pretty much done with Christmas stuff so I can get back to writing
Just posted a new story with Julien Baker in it. It is obviously gay(that singer is cute, but she just looks like she's thirsted for lady-flesh her whole life).
Here's your question for the night: Favorite XBox 360 Game?
There are a lot of great choices, but I gotta go with Skyrim, I spent so much fucking time in that game.
Special shout outs to Madden 25, Avatar Quest and Sleeping Dogs.
Red Dead Redemption.
Cue Cade complaining that they still won't release a PC port.
For me it's a tie between any of the Halo games for 360 and the Fallout games
Red Dead Redemption.
Cue Cade complaining that they still won't release a PC port.
After how badly they handled the GTA remasters, I wouldn't trust them to handle a reissue of GTA1 and 2.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Rob Schneider film?
That one movie...the one where he does the thing...
That is a very tough question given the kind of movies he was in.
My first thought was Judge Dredd, which he outright ruins that movie as the comedic relief. There's other issues with that movie, but I generally thought Armand Assante was good in it as the villain. Assante is one of those actors you can put in any kind of role and he's entertaining, whereas Schneider is the opposite.
I guess I will go with Deuce Bigalow just cause one of the sequels cast Kelly Brook in a scene.
Hats off to Adam Sandler. Whether you like his movies or not, he has always taken care of his friends and never forgot the people he worked with in the beginning of his career. All his failed SNL friends have been able to get movies and enjoy comfortable careers in Happy Madison productions. Even if you don't like these movies or the actors, it's respectable what he does for them.
I'll second the Deuce Bigalow pick for the sheer hilarious plot of doing whatever you have to to pay for a problem you caused even if the solution is less than ideal and you will hate yourself for it
However for the Judge Dredd one it seems Stallone keeps Schneider around for kicks as well who else would put him in a movie with advice on how to avoid getting killed in crossfire by jumping out a window 40 stories to his death it might not be the best advice....but it's legal
Here's your question for the night: Is there a celeb that you wanted to write, but for whatever reason (IE: Death or something in their personal life ruining your interest in them) never got around to writing, and, if so, who is that celeb?
I've mentioned before that, when I first started writing, the first celeb story I worked on (before I scrapped it and used it for another story) had Anna Nicole Smith in it, I really wanted to write her, but...you know how that went.
For my answer on this it's Pink don't get me wrong she is one of the most up front celebs out there I just can't bring myself to write about her since she talks to an old friend of mine that I've known most of my life and I refuse to ask what they talk about for the most part it's none of my business but a small part of my brain wishes I was a fly on the wall but I was forced to put her on my do not write list I'm sure I could have written plenty of fun stuff with her
I've started writing a femdom story about Demi Lovato after chatting with someone and she had the they/them pronouns back then, which I tried to honor. But it felt really clunky and I had a hard time writing in a way that didn't feel artificial and distant to me so I didn't get very far. I think she went back to she/her officially now though.
I have 5.
Aubrey O'Day - One of my first stories I ever wrote had her in it. She has one of the best Playboy spreads ever, from back in 2009 and I followed her from Danity Kane. Had plans to write something with her again in 2016 or 2017. I dropped her entirely when the story came out that she slept with Trump Jr. It just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, and this story dragged on for a few years that it became what she's more known for now rather than her music work. (There was a time when it looked like she could've made it as a pop singer. Diddy made sure Danity Kane didn't get far.)
Katy Perry - Tried writing her a few times, but I don't like her. She is meanspirited and says hateful things that is a big turn off. Other authors have done a better job than I could with her. That said, she did end up in my SSE series somewhere, so I did try to write her. I have plenty of other girls with big tits I can focus on besides her.
Amber Rose - Wanted to write her years ago... then she got that stupid forehead tattoo. I don't have to elaborate further.
Charlotte McKinney - One of the hottest women in the world for a year or two before she turned into a skinny popsicle stick. I'm glad I at least got to write 2 stories with her before she ruined herself.
Nicki Minaj - One of my most requested celebs. She was in BBB somewhere, so I did write her at least once. The problem with writing her outside that series is that there are so many hotter Hip Hop girls out there that can twerk and make those cheeks clap. Nicki turns me off too with all her feuds with other rappers, many of which make absolutely no sense at all except to be spiteful.
Here's your question for the night (From Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): What's your favorite horror movie?
My answer: I'm probably gonna surprise people but, off the top of my head, it's Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, I saw it a lot when I was younger and it really stuck with me.
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
For me it's Army of darkness no matter how crazy Bruce Campbell can be nothing beats a good chainsaw hand
Maybe The Exorcist. Or The VVitch, I really liked that one too.
They Live
Roddy Piper RIP
Night of the Living Dead
I Walked with a Zombie (1943). Ignore the silly title, it's actually Jane Eyre set in the West Indies with voodoo. Wonderful movie.
I'm not a Horror guy by any means. If not for capeshit, it would be my least liked genre.
I think of horror like comedy. What one person finds humorous, another might not. Same for the subject of what frightens us.
That said, if I had to make a pick, I'll take Jacob's Ladder. Psychological horror does more for me opposed to monsters and this is a story that gets under the skin. This movie kept me thinking about it weeks after I had watched it (how I judge if a movie is good or not). It touches on psychological trauma and the things we don't forget, past pain that haunts us years down the line. It's inspired by the biblical story where the title is from, metaphorically retelling the story even though the ending feels a bit out of place (much of the Vietnam subplot in general could be cut out and make the movie better).
Bruce Joel Rubin wrote Jacob's Ladder. I think he's more known for writing Ghost, which was Patrick Swayze's best movie. He would go on to write another horror movie 'Deep Impact', that I think was the start of the disaster movie phenomenon going into the 2000s.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
The plans say it's more writing for me.
I'm reading all the new stories about Sydney Sweeney's HUGE BOOBS!!!!!!!!
I'm on heavy pain killers till further notice with a slightly dislocated shoulder on my writing side I'll do what I can but I should be good by Monday
Just posted my new Sydney story. Based on how many Sydney stories have been posted the last few days, it looks like everyone wants to stuff Sydney's stocking this Christmas ;D. Other than that I'll probably be doing more writing
Just posted my new Sydney story. Based on how many Sydney stories have been posted the last few days, it looks like everyone wants to stuff Sydney's stocking this Christmas ;D. Other than that I'll probably be doing more writing
She's winning the top 100 next month and deservedly so.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever!
Okay I'll bite how about authors explain their craziest threesome story pairing they wish they could write without laughing
for me it's Zendaya and Christina Hendricks not only are the body types vastly different and a rather large age gap I just can't bring myself to do something because I have the visual of Christina's rather ample chest nearly knocking Zendaya on the floor after an orgasm and it makes me smile
I'd rather talk about Beyonce's BIG... BLACK... TITTIES
Are these not awesome or what!?
Okay I'll bite how about authors explain their craziest threesome story pairing they wish they could write without laughing
for me it's Zendaya and Christina Hendricks not only are the body types vastly different and a rather large age gap I just can't bring myself to do something because I have the visual of Christina's rather ample chest nearly knocking Zendaya on the floor after an orgasm and it makes me smile
I like the interracial element of this story too!!!
Okay I'll bite how about authors explain their craziest threesome story pairing they wish they could write without laughing
for me it's Zendaya and Christina Hendricks not only are the body types vastly different and a rather large age gap I just can't bring myself to do something because I have the visual of Christina's rather ample chest nearly knocking Zendaya on the floor after an orgasm and it makes me smile
Honestly that sounds like a fun pair.
I'd rather talk about Beyonce's BIG... BLACK... TITTIES
Are these not awesome or what!?
She has an amazing rack!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, probably gonna keep writing, thankfully there are no major holidays coming up, so I can focus on writing...
With it being Christmas week I'm pretty sure not much is going to happen in real life so writing will be a nice escape from family if you're not traveling somewhere however if you have family coming over for the holidays be sure and hide your projects from eyes that shouldn't see them
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 22: Mina Or Jihyo?
Have fun picking between two of the hottest women in K-Pop!
It's taken me hours to count all the votes, but I managed to get it done!
Mina defeats Jihyo by the vote count of 1-0
Congrats to Mina and congrats to shanem86 for proving that every vote counts!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly idea dump, so if you have an idea that you've never been able to make work, dump it here and see if anyone is interested in it.
For this month I'm putting this idea out there: Catwoman attempts to steal something...only to run into The Black Cat and Gambit (one right after the other), obviously they both want to steal the same thing she does.
Naturally one things leads to another and they have a threesome.
I've wanted to write this idea for ages, but never really got around to it.
To me, the biggest surprise is that this (to the best of my memory) hasn't been done before.
Hmmm that does look rather interesting I don't know if I'll have time to take a crack at it but the concept is solid
For my idea dump I haven't had much time to do anything since the summer but I had this idea running around in my head where Shakira is on a shopping trip to South Korea but it's also a business trip where Rose from Blackpink is going to ask permission to cover one of Shakira's songs but she has to do it face to face Shakira will say yes at some point but she makes Rose work for it with a little hip action thrown in
Here's your question for the night: It's the yearly writer check in.
How did 2024 go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you'd set for yourself?
It's been an ok year, I got a new story done and used it to start a site collab that quickly died on the vine.
I also got the first part of the next chapter of Mr. and Mrs. XXX done, hopefully that will be out some time next year.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with the quality of my stand alone stories output this year.
For me 2024 has been hit and miss I had a number of good things happen mixed with a few close calls for my fiance which butchered my writing timetable I'll be getting those things corrected soon enough where I can return to writing with Christmas in the books now I'm looking forward to the new year and a fresh start
I wrote 15 stories this year.
Among them was a variety of all different celebs with a heavy focus on models from my Patreon readers.
I had plans to write 30. That got derailed back in May with what I am now calling 'the incident' regarding my mouth that nearly killed me. My battles with health related things have completely changed how I look at life as a whole. Despite nearly dying, I'd consider this a good year of growing pains. I learned more about myself than I have in many years. Now in my 30s, my life priorities are beginning to be change and I feel this in many different ways. It will be interesting to see how my writing evolves going forward now that I'm getting older.
For me 2024 has been hit and miss I had a number of good things happen mixed with a few close calls for my fiance which butchered my writing timetable I'll be getting those things corrected soon enough where I can return to writing with Christmas in the books now I'm looking forward to the new year and a fresh start
You know, if you worked on your writing as much as you post on this forum, you probably would've finished that Hotel story you've been talking about for going on 15 months.
Here's your question for the night (From SnackAttack, thanks!): Times are tough and rent is high, so you gotta get some roomies. Three different celebs, to be exact.
- One of them is very flirty and cuddly with you but strictly keeps you friend-zoned. Sometimes she'll be in your lap as you watch a movie, but then she'll call over one of her boytoys and you listen to her get fucked just one room over.
- One of them had a really bad relationship and for now just isn't interested in getting into another one. But clearly she has needs so she offers you a no-strings-attached fuckbuddy situationship. She'll withdraw and bluntly point out her boundaries every time you get close or make it emotional though.
- And the last likes to get kinky. Yes, sex with her is in the cards. But for her it's almost like a struggle for power. She only enjoys it if either she is clearly in control or you dominate her. Vanilla love-making is strictly forbidden.
Pick a celeb for each of the roomies. And point out who your favorite is.
The flirty and cuddly roomate would be Kira Kosarin, the one who isn't interested in a relationship is Aubrey Plaza and the kinky one is Bella Thorne.
And my favorite would probably be Kira.
For my version this was like pulling teeth and very tough
For the forever friend zoned celeb I'll go with Natalie Portman getting a cuddle session with her would be interesting
For the fuckbuddy celeb this screams Shakira to me if things go a little off target expect that Latin blood to boil and burn deep depending on how bad you fucked up
The kinky celeb is Sabrina Carpenter think about it she's on a world tour and one of the stage props is a giant sign that lights up and says "HORNY" on it so who knows what backstage antics she gets into I would gladly wreck her 6 ways from Sunday given the chance
And yes Sabrina would mirror my fiance so that's my pick gotta love a girl that knows what she wants and is willing to do whatever she has to to make us happy
Here's your question for the night (From SnackAttack, thanks!): Times are tough and rent is high, so you gotta get some roomies. Three different celebs, to be exact.
- One of them is very flirty and cuddly with you but strictly keeps you friend-zoned. Sometimes she'll be in your lap as you watch a movie, but then she'll call over one of her boytoys and you listen to her get fucked just one room over.
- One of them had a really bad relationship and for now just isn't interested in getting into another one. But clearly she has needs so she offers you a no-strings-attached fuckbuddy situationship. She'll withdraw and bluntly point out her boundaries every time you get close or make it emotional though.
- And the last likes to get kinky. Yes, sex with her is in the cards. But for her it's almost like a struggle for power. She only enjoys it if either she is clearly in control or you dominate her. Vanilla love-making is strictly forbidden.
Pick a celeb for each of the roomies. And point out who your favorite is.
The flirty and cuddly roomate would be Kira Kosarin, the one who isn't interested in a relationship is Aubrey Plaza and the kinky one is Bella Thorne.
And my favorite would probably be Kira.
1. FZ: Julien Baker because she's obviously gay
2.Fuckbuddy: Angourie Rice, especially given it wouldn't be hard to find a blonde Aussie chick hot
3. Kinky: Ana De Armas: as she's Cuban and a trained dancer
I'd pick Ana as my partner.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
More writing for me!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
More writing for me!
Same here
I've got plans to write a story where Katee Sachoff and Tricia Helfer hook up.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever!
What was your favorite stories posted on CSS this year?
Cade don't seem proud of his 2024 output, which I guess makes sense to him since he almost died. He beat the grim reaper to live on and deliver 2 of my favs this year.
Money Power Respect with Christina Hendricks and 50 Cent - Only he could make you laugh your ass off while being horny as fuck with these two. Christina deserves a fucking Oscar for that ending. She is the only person who can make a G-Unit reunion happen.
Shake That with JLo and Sydney Sweeney - Is there anyone else on this site who knows JLo's ass better than Cade? I don't think so.
Other stories I liked:
Thewildcard wrote many good ones. Fresh Meat, Arresting Britney Spears and Stuck In NY with Kate Upton are my picks.
Ellessio with Sun Kissed Surrender. He pairs Lucy Pinder with Demi Rose and it was hot as fuck.
My three favorite stories of the year are probably
Carved Perfection by Cade
Ariana Richards Fucked by James Scandalous with Kim Kardashian
And, After the Script by Wildcard
Hopefully 2025 will bring some other authors besides myself writing some Ariana Richards stories ;D
What was your favorite stories posted on CSS this year?
Cade don't seem proud of his 2024 output, which I guess makes sense to him since he almost died. He beat the grim reaper to live on and deliver 2 of my favs this year.
Money Power Respect with Christina Hendricks and 50 Cent - Only he could make you laugh your ass off while being horny as fuck with these two. Christina deserves a fucking Oscar for that ending. She is the only person who can make a G-Unit reunion happen.
Shake That with JLo and Sydney Sweeney - Is there anyone else on this site who knows JLo's ass better than Cade? I don't think so.
Other stories I liked:
Thewildcard wrote many good ones. Fresh Meat, Arresting Britney Spears and Stuck In NY with Kate Upton are my picks.
Ellessio with Sun Kissed Surrender. He pairs Lucy Pinder with Demi Rose and it was hot as fuck.
Good question!
Off the top of my head, Money Power Respect is a great choice, Cade pulled off the impossible and made a hell of a story with the weirdest possible paring.
Arresting Britney Spears by thewildcard is another highlight as well, also gotta shout out Ordinary Office Worker as well.
Really Enjoyed Meet Mandingo: Lucy Pinder By Cptnstrwrs
Demon's Delight: Entry Two By the Sword of Frost and Flame is an incredible story.
Overall it's been a damn good year for stories!
For me my 3 stories were
Meet Mandingo : Shakira by Cptnstrwrs
Christina Hendricks needs an 18 year old boy by HER_ABHORED_SHEARS
Wake up and fuck me Kim Kardashian by thewildcard
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm at the finish line for my annual December 'post a chapter a day' thing, so I'm focusing on that, hopefully I don't hit any snags!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm at the finish line for my annual December 'post a chapter a day' thing, so I'm focusing on that, hopefully I don't hit any snags!
Just posted a new story
Here's your question for the night: How did your Pop Culture Predictions for 2024 go?
Looking back at mine, it was a mixed bag: CM Punk is doing alright, no blow ups with anyone in WWE, Gambit's being treated pretty alright in the comics so the "marvel will continue to mess him up" prediction didn't come true, Selena Gomez is just sorta there now, the heat on her seems to have really died down.
I was, however, right about DVDs coming back and I was wrong about Deadpool, but only in the sense that I thought superhero fatigue would set in a bit, in reality it fucking crushed it at the box office, so there's still some juice left in there, apparently.
Not a lot of signings from AEW, but the Okada and Mone ones certainly pissed people off.
I did see a lot of new X-Fans thanks to X-Men 97, so there's that.
For my predictions a few came true but the jury is still out on a few
Britney Spears doing away with child support remains to be seen if that happens
KC won the super bowl so I got that right
I'm still trolling Dallas fans but I'm not doing it here after the shit show season they had I've got plenty to work with
Emma Watson seems to have disappeared off the planet not sure what to think of this (to be continued....)
Aquaman 3 movie likely cancelled and no apology from studio for #2
Disney stock does take nosedive after disaster star wars projects tank hard
Disney does admit they made mistakes with certain projects and George Lucas in talks to get the franchise back after head honcho willing to sell it
MCU on life support with Deadpool/Wolverine after disaster year elsewhere
Harry Potter reboot not happening after studio brass wise up and pull the plug saving millions
Writers back to work after strike we shall see how the scripts will bounce back after a rough year
I called Bennifer 2.0 ending! Unfortunately I'm not single this time around for JLo to hook up with me!
The one thing that no one called was Marilyn Manson having a comeback. I never dreamed I'd see him playing at a high level again after what a complete mess he was throughout the 2010s. Manson's comeback was my favorite thing to happen in 2024.
Britney Spears doing away with child support remains to be seen if that happens
She hasn't paid child support since her youngest turned 18.
Disney does admit they made mistakes with certain projects and George Lucas in talks to get the franchise back after head honcho willing to sell it
LMAO neither of those things are happening. The Lucas story is pure comedy, cause there is nothing pointing to him even wanting to return. People seem to forget that he sold it to Disney in the first place (how he gets zero blame for this is beyond me). Outside of a small minority of dedicated fans, Star Wars is nothing more these days than a battleground for internet culture warriors and grifters.
Here's your question for the night: What are your 2025 Pop Culture predictions?
I've got 10:
1. Grunge Music makes a comeback (I'm predicting it every year, even if it will never happen).
2. Sydney Sweeney or Selena Gomez end their engagement while the other walks down the aisle.
3. Superman is a hit and the new DC Cinematic universe gets off to a nice start.
4. Wrestling fans somehow become even more insufferable.
5. Sticking with wrestling... Mei Suruga finally gets signed by a major promotion.
6. The former X-Men 97 Showrunner continues to refuse to learn the value of shutting the fuck up and more and more people turn against him.
7. Continuing on with X-Men 97: The long wait causes the show to cool down and people become more talkative about season 2 (and 3) storylines to keep interest up.
8. The Switch 2 absolutely crushes the competition, especially when EA get on board with Madden.
9. Rock music makes a small scale comeback, building to a larger return in the future.
10. The Video game has another down year but, due to how long it takes to make games, the industry won't be able to rapidly pivot.
It won't be a straight up crash, or anything like that, but (outside of the Switch 2, because Nintendo is it's own thing), layoffs and the like are gonna continue and it's gonna get uglier and uglier in 2025.
I'm avoiding pop culture predictions this year to focus on personal ones.
I predict that I hit 250 total stories this year.
JLo will surpass Lucy Pinder as my most written celeb.
My New Years Resolution is just 2 words for myself - Write More. I want to have a strong year.
I'm actually very excited for 2025. I feel much better about this year than I did the last few years where things have just felt off. Something about this year makes me incredibly optimistic going forward.
10. The Video game has another down year but, due to how long it takes to make games, the industry won't be able to rapidly pivot.
It won't be a straight up crash, or anything like that, but (outside of the Switch 2, because Nintendo is it's own thing), layoffs and the like are gonna continue and it's gonna get uglier and uglier in 2025.
That's the case for AAA gaming. Those companies did this to themselves with massively bloated budgets to make games that no one wants. The AAA industry has a problem with making games that are best described as 'one size fits all'. By trying to be so inclusive and create a product for everyone in specific demographics of marketing, you end up with something that nobody wants. Just look at Concord for example; it had the most ugly character designs I ever seen in a game. Who was that made for? Then add in that it cost over $250+ million and spent 8-9 years in development. Sony and Ubisoft have put themselves in deep holes with overspending and being so out of touch with the consumer base (Same problem with Hollywood and how they don't see that viewers are rejecting modern writing).
The most likely scenario is that the AAA industry continues to destroy itself while AA studios replace them as the big jobs. Smaller studios are already the more desirable jobs cause they offer more freedoms to creatives. Baldur's Gate 3 is a sign going forward. That game was a massive success. Saber is one of those studios who is smaller scale, lower budgets and making games that people actually want.
I personally am excited for AI to change the landscape of gaming. We're almost at the point where the average joe can create their own animations and graphics in AI. Studios are already using AI tools to enhance graphics and do upscaling, they just aren't publicly saying it aloud. We're probably a year or two away from small teams making passion projects and not having to deal with publishing studios; HR departments or any of the hassles with getting their game out there. The next big thing isn't going to come from these old studios. It will be some random person or group of people utilizing the full power of AI tools to make their game, and then they'll say 'fuck the game industry, I made this without them'.
I don't have many this year I'm being optimistic for a few of them
KC wins their three peat and every hater on the planet shuts the hell up and gives them their respect
Victoria Justice does a project that brings her back into the public eye without a reference to her teen years
Bella Thorne finally stops teasing the planet and just does porn to get it over with
Detroit finally makes the super bowl so I can win an insane bet with an old friend of mine right now it's between wearing an Aaron Rodgers Packers throwback to work during casual Friday or a Dick Butkus jersey and posting it on social media I haven't decided yet if he wins it will be just as brutal and hilarious but he's not telling me anything yet
Here's your question for the night: Got any New Years Resolutions?
The main one is that I'm gonna try and get more stories written, not an easy task, but it's mainly a matter of reminding myself not to obsess over sections of stories that I think could be better.
For me getting my fiance out of the hospital will take top priority this year the wedding is still on the table so who knows when that will happen but we will be happy
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your in a staring contest with a celeb if you win you get a weekend of sex with them if you lose you get nothing the drawback is it takes 6 hours
Who's the celeb?
I'm going with Alexandra Daddario, I feel like I could spend six hours in a staring contest with her.
Before I go, it's time for the first Thursday of the Month appeal for more questions from the community, it's a new year, so it's time to start sending in some questions.
My hope is that I'll have enough questions for the full year by September.
It's gonna be tough, but I know you guys are creative enough to do it!
Oh man I remember this one so many options for my version I'll go with Kelli Berglund she doesn't get much attention around here so looking at her for 6 hours seems like a nice trade off if I win the contest
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): Your in a staring contest with a celeb if you win you get a weekend of sex with them if you lose you get nothing the drawback is it takes 6 hours
Who's the celeb?
I'm going with Alexandra Daddario, I feel like I could spend six hours in a staring contest with her.
Before I go, it's time for the first Thursday of the Month appeal for more questions from the community, it's a new year, so it's time to start sending in some questions.
My hope is that I'll have enough questions for the full year by September.
It's gonna be tough, but I know you guys are creative enough to do it!
I'd have Anna Kendrick be said celebrity. She's cute enough to look at.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm still recovering from December, so I'm probably not gonna do a lot of writing!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm still recovering from December, so I'm probably not gonna do a lot of writing!
Maybe do some writing. I might write more Julien Baker. I just think that cutie needs more stories, especially ones where she acts on her sapphic instincts. Of course, she's gay, but then again, I'm attracted to women anyway and can easily imagine what goes on in her head sexually.
My plan is to annoy Cade about writing something with Demi Rose's big ass.
Maybe do some writing. I might write more Julien Baker. I just think that cutie needs more stories, especially ones where she acts on her sapphic instincts. Of course, she's gay, but then again, I'm attracted to women anyway and can easily imagine what goes on in her head sexually.
Of course you have to remind us this in every post you make.
Name obscure celeb "oh, and they're gay". Trademark Sign54 post.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!
Okay I'll bite for my free space I'll spotlight some ladies I wouldn't mind seeing in stories this year from other authors who want to write them the overall plot can be anything they choose be it comedy, drama, anything goes, threesomes what have you so here goes
Gigi Hadid
Ronda Rousey
Victoria Justice
Bella Thorne
Kate Upton
Okay I'll bite for my free space I'll spotlight some ladies I wouldn't mind seeing in stories this year from other authors who want to write them the overall plot can be anything they choose be it comedy, drama, anything goes, threesomes what have you so here goes
Gigi Hadid
Ronda Rousey
Victoria Justice
Bella Thorne
Kate Upton
Why don't you write them yourself? If other authors don't want to write them, that's not their problem.
No other author on this site posts this stuff but you. I don't know what's preventing you from writing your own stories, but that's the solution.
I feel sad for Aubrey Plaza.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I've gotta watch Wrestle Dynasty, was going to today, but didn't.
Also, probably gonna do a little writing, but not much.
Might write up a new story myself. IDK yet, but I might write a hetero story this time, especially with someone with a cute butt like Reese Witherspoon or Kacey Musgraves.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite WiiU game?
I have no experience with that console, so I'm interested in hearing what others pick.
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is supposed to be really good. Sadly, not many people got a chance to play it.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite "Hidden Gem" Song?
There's an incredible song from Rancid called Brad Logan that was for the South Park Chef Aid album, it's a great song that I go back to a lot but I don't think it's as well known because they only released it on that album and they (to the best of my knowledge) only played it live one.
For my hidden gem I'm going back to 1996 I heard this on a deluxe version of Def Leppard's "Slang" album an unreleased b-side was added to the second album the song was "Move with me slowly" a blues inspired light hearted slow burn track perfect for a trip across the dance floor with plenty of guitar riffs for fans of that kind of music with Joe's trademark vocals and the balanced harmonies the band is known for I think it would have been a solid song if it was released as a single to the world still a great song most people haven't heard before
If you mean hidden songs that aren't listed on the track list, Sepultura put this 13 minute drum jam at the end of the Roots album. I don't really like Roots and prefer Chaos A.D., but always thought this instrumental was cool.
Here's your question for the night: GI Joe or Transformers?
I was always more of a Transformers person, big robots were cool and the 1986 movie (at least when I was a kid) was mind blowing.
I'm on the fence about this and I can give a valid perspective for both
G.I.Joe coming from a military family that stretches all the way back to Valley Forge I could see a number of family members in certain characters and understand the military mindset I saw first hand in talking with family members who served before me
Transformers growing up with my brother taking apart most things in the house to figure out how they worked without being certified as a mechanic at age 11 it helped having a show about giant robots where he could learn about stuff well beyond what he knew and not monkey with something in the garage trying to build something he saw I still remember our room smelling of grease and engine parts before he moved out
I didn't see the 1986 movie till years later but I remember hearing about the mass of kids that ran out of the theater screaming because their favorite character was gunned down on the big screen that they still do YouTube videos about
Here's your question for the night (From Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): How would you respond to being fired by a good boss?
I'd be baffled at the fact that anyone hired me in the first place!
Funny story from my military days my old boss was one of the best while we were deployed to South Korea if you ever messed up on his watch really bad he had 2 options send you to the unit closest to the DMZ where you had to finish the deployment there counting down the days till you left or you were thrown out of the unit escorted to the plane home
I never messed up bad enough for option one but I know a guy that was thrown out for doing the most stupid thing (I can't say but it was rough watching it go down) dude couldn't even get a job in fast food because of it and that's saying something
It don't matter if your boss is nice or not.
You get fired for doing a poor job. That's just life. You respond by going out and getting another job.
It don't matter if your boss is nice or not.
You get fired for doing a poor job. That's just life. You respond by going out and getting another job.
Counterpoint: What if someone got hired to do a poor job???
It don't matter if your boss is nice or not.
You get fired for doing a poor job. That's just life. You respond by going out and getting another job.
Counterpoint: What if someone got hired to do a poor job???
That's not much of a counterpoint.
It don't matter if your boss is nice or not.
You get fired for doing a poor job. That's just life. You respond by going out and getting another job.
Counterpoint: What if someone got hired to do a poor job???
That's not much of a counterpoint.
Counterpoint: You're right, it isn't!
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm probably gonna do something...or nothing!
I'm going to do more writing. I just posted my newest Jennifer Lopez story a couple days ago so I want to finish my Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera story
12 days into the new year and I already have 2 stories done!
I am posting everything on Patreon, while site releases have to wait.
If you like Demi Rose, here's something I wrote of her that involves romance and some kinky stuff. Pleasure Principle (https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-story-119825227?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link)
I have more commissioned stories coming up soon, and one non-commissioned story that involves JLo.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever!
Have you ever been surprised by the feedback on a story you've posted? There have been a few stories I've posted that I thought were just okay and it seems like every user on the site thanked me, and then other stories that I was sure were going to be hits and they disappear into the ether ;D. Not complaining, I've just always found stuff like that to be funny. ;D
Or another thing I've noticed is that while I use the same process of outlining a story before I write it, some just seemed to flow out of me when it's time to write them while other stories drag out. That ever happened to anyone else?
That's happened to me plenty over the years on both my hot 100 epic was a huge hit bigger than I expected I think it had to do with the volume of lovely ladies that appeared in it with a number of fan favorites then I did the fan request with Jamie Lynn Spears and crickets galore for me the feedback is a good judge on what I did right vs adding something that doesn't fit the narrative
I just felt unusually horny writing my 8=D Courtney Barnett story. I mean, she's Australian(hot accent), gay, and an incredibly talented indie rocker. Her fantasizing about being blown by her (female) horny-ass fans was so easy to get hard thinking about. I just think that chick has a nice smile and nice blue eyes.
I felt more passion writing this than writing many of my other stories and put more detail into it.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, I'm probably gonna do a little writing here and there, probably get caught up on New Japan.
Have you ever been surprised by the feedback on a story you've posted? There have been a few stories I've posted that I thought were just okay and it seems like every user on the site thanked me, and then other stories that I was sure were going to be hits and they disappear into the ether ;D. Not complaining, I've just always found stuff like that to be funny. ;D
Or another thing I've noticed is that while I use the same process of outlining a story before I write it, some just seemed to flow out of me when it's time to write them while other stories drag out. That ever happened to anyone else?
Feedback is a two way street.
Write popular women who's stories get a lot of views, and the feedback will be more common. The results of the top 100 is a good way of gauging who's popular on this site and who isn't. There are certain girls who just don't get views or feedback cause few people care about them outside of authors. Since Jamie Lynn Spears was mentioned, she's a good example of someone that only a tiny minority of people care about. There's some girls on here who have dozens of stories that fail to clock views.
On the other hand, a lot of people don't like to leave feedback and that has been the case going back to the early 2000s. There were stories on CSSA that didn't get feedback to authors. For many people, it's easier to just hit the thanks button.
All that said, I don't think it's worth chasing feedback. Write whoever and whatever you want. If you're trying to gain fans, the key is to interact with them and answer back their feedback messages. Ignoring them or acting like they are beneath you, won't keep them coming back. Do something long enough and keep consistent quality and fans will come around.
Have you ever been surprised by the feedback on a story you've posted? There have been a few stories I've posted that I thought were just okay and it seems like every user on the site thanked me, and then other stories that I was sure were going to be hits and they disappear into the ether ;D. Not complaining, I've just always found stuff like that to be funny. ;D
Or another thing I've noticed is that while I use the same process of outlining a story before I write it, some just seemed to flow out of me when it's time to write them while other stories drag out. That ever happened to anyone else?
Feedback is a two way street.
Write popular women who's stories get a lot of views, and the feedback will be more common. The results of the top 100 is a good way of gauging who's popular on this site and who isn't. There are certain girls who just don't get views or feedback cause few people care about them outside of authors. Since Jamie Lynn Spears was mentioned, she's a good example of someone that only a tiny minority of people care about. There's some girls on here who have dozens of stories that fail to clock views.
On the other hand, a lot of people don't like to leave feedback and that has been the case going back to the early 2000s. There were stories on CSSA that didn't get feedback to authors. For many people, it's easier to just hit the thanks button.
All that said, I don't think it's worth chasing feedback. Write whoever and whatever you want. If you're trying to gain fans, the key is to interact with them and answer back their feedback messages. Ignoring them or acting like they are beneath you, won't keep them coming back. Do something long enough and keep consistent quality and fans will come around.
I hear ya. Just surprised because my last story featured J-Lo. She's becoming one of my new favorites to write. ;D
Have you ever been surprised by the feedback on a story you've posted? There have been a few stories I've posted that I thought were just okay and it seems like every user on the site thanked me, and then other stories that I was sure were going to be hits and they disappear into the ether ;D. Not complaining, I've just always found stuff like that to be funny. ;D
Or another thing I've noticed is that while I use the same process of outlining a story before I write it, some just seemed to flow out of me when it's time to write them while other stories drag out. That ever happened to anyone else?
Feedback is a two way street.
Write popular women who's stories get a lot of views, and the feedback will be more common. The results of the top 100 is a good way of gauging who's popular on this site and who isn't. There are certain girls who just don't get views or feedback cause few people care about them outside of authors. Since Jamie Lynn Spears was mentioned, she's a good example of someone that only a tiny minority of people care about. There's some girls on here who have dozens of stories that fail to clock views.
On the other hand, a lot of people don't like to leave feedback and that has been the case going back to the early 2000s. There were stories on CSSA that didn't get feedback to authors. For many people, it's easier to just hit the thanks button.
All that said, I don't think it's worth chasing feedback. Write whoever and whatever you want. If you're trying to gain fans, the key is to interact with them and answer back their feedback messages. Ignoring them or acting like they are beneath you, won't keep them coming back. Do something long enough and keep consistent quality and fans will come around.
I hear ya. Just surprised because my last story featured J-Lo. She's becoming one of my new favorites to write. ;D
JLo is my 2nd most written celeb, and the one I have the most fun writing. There have been days where I have done more than 7,000 words when I'm writing her. That's why I put her at #1 on my top 20 this year. She earned that spot.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite PS4 Game?
This is another one that totally passed me by. So I'm eager to see people's answers.
For me it's MLB the show it doesn't matter what year it's in I have played that game so often I'm amazed the disks still work granted I had to take a 3 year break when my health problems started and I had to wait another year before I was allowed off doctor restrictions to play yet I have noticed some of my meds have caused some issues with my hands among them depleted calcium in my right hand so holding the controller is a little tricky
For me it's Uncharted 4.
What a fitting end for Nathan story.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite "Hidden Gem" Movie?
Hmm, I'm going with Six String Samurai, been a while since I watched it, but it was a real fun post-apocalyptic alternate reality action movie about a Buddy Holly type of guy who tries to get to Las Vegas after Elvis dies to become the new King.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember really loving it when I would catch it on cable.
Carlito's Way.
Forget Scarface for a minute. Al Pacino made another gangster film with director Brian DePalma that was set in the 70s in Harlem NYC and written around a character who is the polar opposite of Tony Montana.
The final 15 minutes of the movie with the whole chase sequence in the NY subway is one of the more overlooked action scenes in a movie you'll find. It don't get talked about much at all, yet it should. I won't spoil it. Those that have seen it before know what I'm talking about where Pacino is chased in the subway cars and leading up to the escalator.
I'm guessing Carlito's Way don't get noticed by most people cause it didn't have the flashy glamour of Scarface or the Giorgio Moroder soundtrack. I think it's the better movie of the two. Pacino is much more relatable and easy to root for in Carlito's Way.
I've long liked A Simple Favor as a movie. It just so weird and messed up but it has Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively play interesting characters(both are obviously attractive women). They also kiss at one point and A03 ships their characters.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite song by The Clash?
For me, I'm going with Clampdown, it's Joe Strummer at his absolute best when it comes to lyrics and the music fits so perfectly, it's one of the best bands of all times firing on all cylinders!
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): Which girl you would most like to see wearing an ultra-revealing slingshot bikini or micro bikini? You cannot pick a girl who has already worn something like that before. (ie you cannot pick someone like Melissa Debling or Joey Fisher or any other girl who has already worn a micro bikini or a slingshot bikini) Post pics of the type of outfit you would like to see your chosen girl wearing if possible.
Lana Condor has never worn one, so she'd be my answer.
Couldn't find the type of outfit, but it'd be black and see through!
I'd have to go with Ariana Richards or Eliza Dushku
Here's your question for the night (From Timelessly So, thanks!): Which girl you would most like to see wearing an ultra-revealing slingshot bikini or micro bikini? You cannot pick a girl who has already worn something like that before. (ie you cannot pick someone like Melissa Debling or Joey Fisher or any other girl who has already worn a micro bikini or a slingshot bikini) Post pics of the type of outfit you would like to see your chosen girl wearing if possible.
Lana Condor has never worn one, so she'd be my answer.
Couldn't find the type of outfit, but it'd be black and see through!
I want Amanda Shires(the country singer) to wear this. I mean, that chick is a smokeshow.
For my version of this my brain hurts from the sheer awesome visuals storming through it right now
In answer to the question I don't have access to my pic stash but have seen most of my top 20 in said attire I passed out seeing the pic of Emma Watson in a micro while on vacation somewhere a few years ago I think she was around 25ish at the time still great look
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, probably gonna be doing something...or nothing!
I'm focused on football till the end of the month I'll see what writing I can get done
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever!
For my version of this I'm thinking of 3 films Scarlett Johansson was in that I really wish had a nude scene in it just for a change of pace from the art house stuff to the MCU I'm sure she has had plenty of roles where some extra skin would have been nice
#1 The other Boleyn girl
Even though she was pregnant for part of it we all know she had to put out for the king so why not show the goods?
#2 Rough night
Seriously a political comedy where the soon to be elected official is trying to hide a male strippers body would have been better if Scarlett gave a striptease to the guy to get him motivated before he was offed
#3 Black Widow
Yes I saved the most obvious for last since her outfit normally fell apart after a few takes during the first Avengers movie I would have been fine with a wardrobe malfunction they left in by accident
If someone else wants to add their own top 3 with whoever they want be my guest
Natalie Portman
1. No Strings Attached
2. Black Swan
3. The Other Boleyn Girl
All three of those movies would have been much better if Natalie had shown more skin ;D
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Probably gonna, slowly but surely, set things up to start writing, been getting the urge again!
Hey Extreme, I got a story for you to check out. My first of the year ;D
Ring The Bell (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6221)
Hey Extreme, I got a story for you to check out. My first of the year ;D
Ring The Bell (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6221)
Hell yes, I'm gonna have to check that one out!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite X-Box One game?
Same as last week, no experience with it beyond buying Retro Replay for someone as a gift...so maybe that by default.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite "Hidden Gem" TV show?
I'm going with Austin Stories, it was a sitcom on MTV in the 90s about a trio of slackers in Austin, Texas and it ruled.
It felt like a continuation of that great Richard Linklater film 'Slacker'.
Damn shame it's barely remembered these days.
For me it was Hellcats you had Aly Michalka and Ashley Tisdale in their prime with so much potential and they had to walk around in cheerleader outfits all day what's not to love? Shame we only got 1 season out of the concept it was the best thing coming on after Smallville where I was digging for story material
For me it was Hellcats you had Aly Michalka and Ashley Tisdale in their prime with so much potential and they had to walk around in cheerleader outfits all day what's not to love? Shame we only got 1 season out of the concept it was the best thing coming on after Smallville where I was digging for story material
Ah, Hellcats! The last show I was moved to write fan-fic for. In my mind Marti (Aly) and Savannah (Ashley) finally acted on their incredibly obvious attraction to each other and are still together, the hottest lesbian should-have-been couple in TV history.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Megadeth Song?
There are a lot of great ones, but, for me, it's Skin o' My Teeth.
It's an incredible song and one best album openers ever!
It really sets the tone for how awesome Countdown to Extinction is going to be.
Some of my favorite Megadeth songs.
Ashes In Your Mouth - Dave and Marty's finest hour of riffing. They go back and forth in this song with great riffs, building off each other's style. Everything about this song is perfect, especially the rhythm from the drums that carry it. The best Megadeth songs usually have a lyric that stands out, and this one has it in the simple saying of "God have mercy".
Holy Wars - The most accurate song ever written about the middle east. Jam packed with solid riffs from stop to finish. Half way through, it turns into almost an atmospheric horror trip. A case can be made for Holy Wars being the greatest Metal song of all time.
Hook In Mouth - Relevant song after nearly a decade of ideologues trying to re-write history, entertainment and impose their Orwellian beliefs on everyone. This song was written about the PMRC, yet accurately describes journalists and propagandists of a certain secular religion that has infested everything in our culture pushing censorship. You might not agree with Dave Mustaine on everything, but you need guys like him who aren't afraid to raise a voice against censorship.
In My Darkest Hour - Dave's best attempt at writing a ballad in the only way he knows how. A dark song in lyrics that uses the music to go into the light towards the end. There's a key change in the solos that brightens up the mood and is like a sun shining down on the band.
Peace Sells - The most accurate song written mocking the U.N. for the joke it is. Solid riffs and easy to play along to on guitar make this a classic Megadeth song.
She-Wolf - Tucked away on the Cryptic Writings is one of Megadeth's best songs. It's the heaviest offering from that album and has that signature double-guitar harmony from Dave and Marty that was well missed in the 2000s. The later half of the song with the harmonies could pass for something on their classic albums.
Looking Down the Cross - From Megadeth's first album in 1985. Dave showcases his talent for writing horror lyrics with a touch of Christianity. The lyrics reflect his creativity that would only grow from there. Early Megadeth has that signature punk-meets-metal sound going on.
7 songs mostly trying to avoid the big hits to shine a light on what Megadeth has to offer outside the songs you heard on the radio back in the day.
Here's your question for the night (From JConn, thanks!): Which celebrity do you think is not “hot” but you think would be fun to hang out with?
I'm not into Lady Gaga, but she seems like she'd be incredibly insufferable to be around, so I'd probably be amused by her personality for a few hours.
Hailee Steinfeld.
I don't find her hot at all or attractive by any means. Despite that, everything I've seen of her in interviews and such, she'd make a good friend.
Hailee Steinfeld as well.
She seems like she's pretty down to earth and would be fun to hang out with.
It’d be fun to hang out with Kathryn Hahn given how funny she is.
For my version I'll go with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and not just because she wore a cheerleader outfit in "Death Proof" I'm sure she would be a blast to hang with
I'd probably go with someone like Anna Kendrick
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I dunno, probably gonna watch some wrestling!
I'll do what writing I can however I just got word my fiance should be out of the hospital in around 30 days with her recovery timetable so I'll be doing some housework as well splitting time with writing
I'm on a mini vacation at home so I've been working on my writing. I should have my new Sydney Sweeney story done by Monday, plus there's one or two other stories I've been working on.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so talk about whatever!
Okay for my free space I'm doing a where are they now spotlight for some of the lesser known celebs trying to find out what happened to them after their 15 minutes of fame ran out it could be anything from burnout on Hollywood to an unsavory controversy or something in between like wanting a family or just taking the money and running
I'm still looking so I don't have an answer yet but I thought Piper Curda was going to be the next superstar from the mouse empire since she was besties with Olivia Holt when she just up and vanished I'm sure when I find the answer there is a logical answer why she's gone if she's busy cranking out kids I'm all for that
If anyone wants to spotlight a celeb who's gone missing feel free to chime in on this
Okay for my free space I'm doing a where are they now spotlight for some of the lesser known celebs trying to find out what happened to them after their 15 minutes of fame ran out it could be anything from burnout on Hollywood to an unsavory controversy or something in between like wanting a family or just taking the money and running
I'm still looking so I don't have an answer yet but I thought Piper Curda was going to be the next superstar from the mouse empire since she was besties with Olivia Holt when she just up and vanished I'm sure when I find the answer there is a logical answer why she's gone if she's busy cranking out kids I'm all for that
If anyone wants to spotlight a celeb who's gone missing feel free to chime in on this
Summer Glau suddenly vanished from Hollywood about halfway through the 2010s.
Okay for my free space I'm doing a where are they now spotlight for some of the lesser known celebs trying to find out what happened to them after their 15 minutes of fame ran out it could be anything from burnout on Hollywood to an unsavory controversy or something in between like wanting a family or just taking the money and running
I'm still looking so I don't have an answer yet but I thought Piper Curda was going to be the next superstar from the mouse empire since she was besties with Olivia Holt when she just up and vanished I'm sure when I find the answer there is a logical answer why she's gone if she's busy cranking out kids I'm all for that
If anyone wants to spotlight a celeb who's gone missing feel free to chime in on this
Summer Glau suddenly vanished from Hollywood about halfway through the 2010s.
She was still getting work in the late 2010s before her career completely washed up.
Olivia Holt was never going to be a big star. I saw her music videos and she is a diet coke, bland generic version of a young Britney Spears. A dime a dozen in Hollywood as they barely produce stars anymore. Sydney Sweeney is their first real sex symbol in a generation.
My favorite girl Ariana Richards pretty much disappeared for a couple decades after Jurassic Park. She did an odd movie here or there but from what's said online she chose to focus on her art career. She sort of popped up a few times when the new Jurassic World movies came out even though she wasn't in any of them. I think that's why I like writing her, I sort of feel as though I'm filling in those empty spaces where she disappeared ;D
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
Still trying to get back into the writing groove!
I'm going to be busy this week with housework not sure how much time I'll have to write while I'm also prepping for the food bowl between Philly cheese steaks and KC style BBQ we shall see which dish is best served
In answer to my own question from yesterday it seems Piper Curda has found a small role in the Matlock reboot I don't watch the show but it's nice to see she has found a way to stick around as a character actress
Since I finished and posted my newest Sydney Sweeney story I'm going to work on a few other stories I've been playing around with lately.
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 23: Lindsey Pelas or Abigail Ratchford?
This is gonna be a tough one, glad I'm not voting in this one!
This was like pulling teeth
Lindsey Pelas
With a vote of 6 to 2....Lindsey Pelas advances over Abigail Ratchford!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump thread!
If you have an idea that you like, but have never been able to make work, dump it here!
I've thought about a what if series where onlyfans exists in the past.
My biggest problem was always figuring out when to set it and who would be in it.
I think, in general, the idea of the modern internet (stuff like social media) in the past could be a lot of fun to write, but I could never really settle on anything solid.
I can see where that can be a problem even setting it in the late 90's your choices would be vintage by today's logic having to do scenes with Jennifer Aniston a very young Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera while other more recent celebs would have to wait as the series progressed on top of the other problem of a solution where it be mandatory of the celebs involved to create onlyfans accounts when they hit it big and turn 18
For my abandoned idea I was goofing off with a fan years ago where we created our own celeb city eutopia it was rather detailed an example
Sofia Vergara as the high school principal
Ronda Rousey as the gym teacher
Jennifer Love Hewitt as the Mayor
Shakira as the museum curator
Kim Kardashian as the clothing mogul
and so on
I could never get past the planning stages because so many different things would be going on during the chapter keeping them straight would have been a
monumental task and adding new celebs would snowball at some point I still have the list just so it doesn't go missing but if an author was doing a noir style story with celebs in it maybe the list can help fill a few gaps
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did January go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself?
I did nothing this month, spent the month recovering from December, for the most part.
If all goes to plan, I'll get to work on at least one thing in February!
Had a few bumps along the way and I couldn't control for the most part got some writing done not as much as I wanted but I got some things handled so happy my fiance will be getting out of the hospital so that helps ease my stress levels
Feb is still a work in progress with it being so short March will be here before we know it
I didn't get as much writing done as I wanted but I'm planning on finishing a couple of stories I've been working on soon.
Here's your question for the night (From Cadeauxx, thanks!): Name an album (or song), movie or game that you disliked or even hated upon release, yet years later upon revisits, you fell in love with it.
My answer: The first time I heard I Stay Away, by Alice In Chains, I remember not being all that into it, I think the song just didn't click with me.
As such, I avoided it for a few years.
I'm not 100 percent sure how my feelings changed, but I think ended up being a situation where I couldn't turn the song off when it came on the radio (I was probably gaming or something), so I ended up having giving it another listen and, as it turns out, it's a great fucking song.
For me it was Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire when it came out I was in the military at the time and I was surrounded by franchise fans in my unit among the younger guys with Emma Watson being the big draw for most of them as time went on it became my favorite since it was the first time the big bad made his big screen debut in full just to pick up where he left off
Funny thing years later after meeting my fiance and her being a Harry Potter fan herself I fell asleep watching Goblet of fire and when she asked me what I dreamed about I told her about us having sex in the common room us getting busted by Rita Skeeter and my fiance screaming "This isn't what it looks like!" even with her on top of me naked right as I woke up serves me right for falling asleep watching movies
My fiance still loves ripping on me with that story because it's so over the top and it's been 2 years since she's a dead ringer for Emma Watson that just adds to the funny visual
For me it was Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire when it came out I was in the military at the time and I was surrounded by franchise fans in my unit among the younger guys with Emma Watson being the big draw for most of them as time went on it became my favorite since it was the first time the big bad made his big screen debut in full just to pick up where he left off
Funny thing years later after meeting my fiance and her being a Harry Potter fan herself I fell asleep watching Goblet of fire and when she asked me what I dreamed about I told her about us having sex in the common room us getting busted by Rita Skeeter and my fiance screaming "This isn't what it looks like!" even with her on top of me naked right as I woke up serves me right for falling asleep watching movies
My fiance still loves ripping on me with that story because it's so over the top and it's been 2 years since she's a dead ringer for Emma Watson that just adds to the funny visual
The lady who can turn into a beetle??
I do not like Rowling but Emma grew up to be a sex goddess with a cute butt. I prefer her with short hair. That is my opinion on a LOT of women, Noni pulled it off in the 1990s.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna watch the Royal Rumble, haven't watched the WWE in ages, but I always come back for the Rumble, still my favorite gimmick match of all time.
Bills for the most part along with a nasty headache sleep will have to take priority
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space!
Have fun talking about whatever.
For my free space I'll go with saying Happy Birthday to Shakira I still think there is something in the water to make her look so young even though she's nearly 50 whatever she's doing keep it up
For my free space I'll go with saying Happy Birthday to Shakira I still think there is something in the water to make her look so young even though she's nearly 50 whatever she's doing keep it up
Both she and Sofia Vergara are from the same Colombian city. I guess speaking Spanish as a first language makes them able to appear younger. They also both have nice rear ends.
For my own free space: I just notice a lot of celebrities, especially Gen Xers like Reese Witherspoon, have equally hot Zoomer daughters.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm probably gonna be doing something...or nothing.
Just more writing here. I finally finished and posted my first story with Hailey Welch, the Hawk Tuah girl and I want to work on a few other stories ;D
Just more writing here. I finally finished and posted my first story with Hailey Welch, the Hawk Tuah girl and I want to work on a few other stories ;D
I've written Caitlin Clark and wish more people wrote about her.
Here's your question for the night: No question!
It's the monthly writer hype post.
If you're working on something you wanna hype up, here's the place to do it!
I have...nothing, hopefully that will change next month.
Still working on a Lily Collins story that I am hung up on for months now. But right now it looks like I might finish that one up soon. And after I have an idea for an anal focused story about Jenna Ortega, which would be fitting with her being girl of the month.
Still working on a Lily Collins story that I am hung up on for months now. But right now it looks like I might finish that one up soon. And after I have an idea for an anal focused story about Jenna Ortega, which would be fitting with her being girl of the month.
Jenna Ortega- younger Aubrey Plaza(also with a cute butt).
I am planning to write more Pitch Perfect smut at some point. Anna Kendrick is stinkin' cute. She's "fun sized"(like Jenna), has a cute voice, small boobs and butt and a face that I'd like to make out with.
After a nasty case of writers block I was able to put together most of a new project based off the question from this thread with the 3 celeb roommates my version will feature the celebs from my answer of Natalie Portman in the forever friend zone, Shakira as the fuckbuddy, and Sabrina Carpenter as the girlfriend up for anything I'm still hammering out what the orgy finale will look like but the main story sections are done minus the sex scenes I'll finish those after I map out the finale
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 Woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 24: Ellie the Empress or Tasha Young?
I couldn't let this one sit until the end of the month!
Have fun voting!
I'm officially calling it...with a vote of 3-3, the funniest possible thing has happened: It's a draw.
Both Tasha and Ellie have been eliminated!
So here's your question for the night: Favorite Ramones Song?
There are so many good ones that it's damn near impossible for me to choose, that said, I'm going with Chinese Rock, it's the one song of theirs that I listen to the most.
For me it's I want to be sedated that's the best song to listen to in a hospital setting during recovery if you can get away with it
Not their song but they have a cool cover of Bob Dylan's "My Back Pages".
Well I was heavily medicated at the time and that was the song playing in my brain at least it didn't get worse for me after the nurse turned me down for date night
Here's your question for the night (From Money, Thanks!): You crash a wedding have sex with the bridesmaids and most of the celeb female guests you just miss landing the bride before the ceremony the only drawback you end up on an episode of Jerry Springer
Who were the 5 celebs at the wedding?
My answer: The 5 celebs would be Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Amanda Nicole, Sydney Sweeney and Cardi B, I think that this would be a fun mishmash of celebs.
It's the first Thursday of the month, so it's time for my first Thursday appeal for more questions from the community!
Empress Kat's lover came through in a big way and now she has her own Thursday for the rest of the year (and, if things go well, a few years after)!
That said, we still need questions, I calculated and 22 questions are all we need to fill out the whole year, that said, we're gonna need questions as we've got enough non-Money and Non-Kat's Lovers questions to get us through February and one for March, so we need a big push for questions this Month.
Oh man I remember this one I can't remember my answer for this so I'll go fresh
Sabrina Carpenter
Hailee Steinfeld
Margot Robbie
Madison Beer
Meagan Thee Stallion
Olivia Rodrigo
Dua Lipa
Emma Stone
Eliza Dushku
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Charisma Carpenter
Alyson Hannibal
Bianca Lawson
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm still trying to get back into the writing groove!
I'm seeing what I can get done between writing, laundry, and the game but right now my fiance is up for some fun so I'll see how that goes
Got plans to write a Beca Mitchell fanfic and it’ll be my next story. Pitch perfect is a good movie and Anna Kendrick is a cutie.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever.
For my free space item I'll go with an early Valentine's day cupid arrow spotlighting a few celebs I know enjoy a little archery
If I had to be shot with a love arrow by a celeb special someone I'd be okay with Kat McNamara, Aly or AJ Michalka doing the deed but Kat would be my choice
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
In between writing, I'm gonna try to jump back into Ocarina of Time.
I'll see what I can do got a snow storm about to dump 3 feet of stuff on me I'm trying to find my shovel before it gets here
For my free space item I'll go with an early Valentine's day cupid arrow spotlighting a few celebs I know enjoy a little archery
If I had to be shot with a love arrow by a celeb special someone I'd be okay with Kat McNamara, Aly or AJ Michalka doing the deed but Kat would be my choice
Florence Pugh and her nice fat butt would be mine.
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Nintendo Switch Game?
For me, I'm going with the first Mario + Rabbids game, haven't beaten it yet, but it's a hell of a game!
Twilight Princess was fun.
Here's your question for the night: I forgot to pick out the question for the night earlier, so we're going back to the 256 woman tournament.
Round 1 Match 25: Natalie Portman or Daisy Ridley?
Having fun voting!
Natalie Portman
Portman. Especially her cute (*)
I'm calling it!
It started out close...but after a vote of 10 to 2, Natalie Portman wins!
Here's your question for the night: What was the first website that you visited regularly (not counting search engines or E-Mail sites)?
It's been a long time, but I'm pretty sure it would have been the official ECW website, I think there was a period where I was on that site damn near daily.
For me it was sites that dealt with family history in a few cases I was going back as far as 1625 since a number of my older cousins have been doing that for decades stretching across the planet visiting far flung regions I didn't even know we had a family castle until my aunt pointed it out
The first I was a regular poster on was probably the Yahoo Buffy the Vampire Slayer message board. I still miss it.
My pet has now been starving for nearly 25 years
Here's your question for the night (From Empress Kat's Lover, thanks!): Can you cry on command? If so, what do you think about to make it happen?
I cannot cry on command.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I'm gonna be gaming, watching wrestling and writing!
I finished and post my newest story so I have to finish Cptnstrwrs' Valentine's Day story. I wanted to have it done by the 14th but once you read it you'll see that the Captain's been busy ;D
I broke 10k words on my Lily Collins story and it should be able to be posted this weekend if I write the finale today. Then another day of reading through it to catch mistakes and tighten up the writing and it's good to go.
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, have fun talking about whatever!
Okay for my free space item there was a fantasy item I could never get my fiance to sign off on even with her frisky nature waking up with 4 women and no idea how they got there for the celeb version of this I can see Natalie Portman, Shakira, Christina Hendricks, and Jennifer Lawrence those are just off the top of my head feel free to add your own version if you like
Okay for my free space item there was a fantasy item I could never get my fiance to sign off on even with her frisky nature waking up with 4 women and no idea how they got there for the celeb version of this I can see Natalie Portman, Shakira, Christina Hendricks, and Jennifer Lawrence those are just off the top of my head feel free to add your own version if you like
those are all great choice. Bonus points as they ALL have great behinds
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
For me, it's gonna be the usual!
I was inspired this week by Cade. His new Demi story was so good, and the one James wrote was good too. They both made me want to write a short new story with her since it's been almost a year since I last wrote her and she is my fav model.
Late Night Hookup (https://celebritystorysite.com/index.php?topic=6304.0)
Here's your question for the night: Favorite PS5 Game?
No experience with the PS5, want one but it's out of my reach so I'm looking forward to your answers.
The upcoming Last of Us 3 likely. I LOVE last of us games. Yes, Ellie being gay is part of the reason I am a fan, but then again, my favorite band is Tegan and Sara.
The upcoming Last of Us 3 likely. I LOVE last of us games. Yes, Ellie being gay is part of the reason I am a fan, but then again, my favorite band is Tegan and Sara.
It wouldn't be a certified Sign54 post if you weren't reminding us of this.
Here's your question for the night: Who would you cast for a movie based on the video game Pong?
I'd cast Pedro Pascal as the left paddle, Meryl Streep as the right paddle and David Alan Grier as the ball (he would bring the comedic relief in what would no doubt be an intense drama).
So a cast that likes getting spanked and someone who really loves balls (I'm aware how this looks)
For my version I'll go with Kim Kardashian as paddle 1 Demi Rose Mawby as paddle 2 and for the ball Gal Gadot
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Slayer song?
For me, it's Raining Blood, it's one of the most adrenaline pumping songs I've ever heard.
Here's your question for the night (From DanielO, thanks!): Name a woman who wasn't on your Top 20 list, maybe not even aware of, until you saw her name/picture posted by someone else on this site?
My answer: There are a lot of women that could fit this criteria, but, for me the biggest one is Tasha Young, had no idea who she was until Pog posted her on the CSS server (hope you don't mind me amended the question to include the discord server), but whoo boy did that change real fast once I saw her (and confirmed that she wasn't AI or an edit).
For me it was when John Conners posted about Sydney Thomas had no idea who she was then I got a look at her I don't remember my skull hitting the ground so hard before
You're welcome! What made me think of this question was my discovery of Penny Lane. I had no idea of who she was, but intrigued by the name I clicked on her thread and found this posted by John Connors:
=P~ =P~ =P~
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
Gonna just spend the weekend chilling and watching wrestling!
Well with the month long snow storms rolling through has caused a few problems for me I'll write what I can
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly Free Space, have fun talking about whatever!
For my free space item I've been reading plenty of stuff yet I've noticed the way the "big reveal" scenes have gone when the celeb finds out how large the author is during a MF scene the celeb is almost never impressed or worried it won't fit for a little extra story spice where you have to find out if they can handle it by the end of the story
When I met my fiance it took me about a month before I told her how big I was since I didn't want to scare her off I was more worried about the age gap of 15 years she was willing to work with me and has been teasing me for the last 2 years thankful I wasn't hung like a horse even though she would probably enjoy herself she didn't want to have her insides smashed into oblivion during sex
For the most part I just add comical elements in my stories when the story allows where the celeb is a bit shocked at the sheer size of it but is willing to try it out or is so horny she doesn't care and wants to get wrecked no matter what
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
It's getting warmer here, which means two things: Staying inside and writing!
Starting Friday is the combine so we get to see who will fall off after all the hype and who will be going to the raiders when the fastest guy runs the 40
I finally finished and posted my Cptnstrwrs' Valentine's story, so it's on to other stories I've been meaning to work on
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 26: Taylor Momsen or Lzzy Hale?
Have fun voting between these two rockers!
Lzzy Hale
With a score of 3 to 1...Lzzy Hale advances!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly abandoned idea dump.
If you have a story idea that you really like, but you haven't been able to make it work, dump it here!
My idea is about an actress who tries to seduce someone on the film crew that everyone thinks is too moral to cheat on his wife.
I could never really figure out who the actress should be, so the idea stalled out, maybe one of you could make it work.
I was actually kicking around a background plot for a Natalie Portman story it's still in the planning stages but I think what you have here might be what I'm missing for mine where Natalie still thinks she's hot and is willing to prove it with a younger guy my version had a gym setting but I think I can find some wiggle room adding in a set scene
For my abandoned idea I had this Halloween themed story where the author had to go trick or treating with his niece and nephew but kept getting ambushed by Taylor Swift in her Deadpool outfit yet he doesn't know it's her until she pulls the mask off and things go from there I could never figure out some good sex scene locations to make it work
I was actually kicking around a background plot for a Natalie Portman story it's still in the planning stages but I think what you have here might be what I'm missing for mine where Natalie still thinks she's hot and is willing to prove it with a younger guy my version had a gym setting but I think I can find some wiggle room adding in a set scene
For my abandoned idea I had this Halloween themed story where the author had to go trick or treating with his niece and nephew but kept getting ambushed by Taylor Swift in her Deadpool outfit yet he doesn't know it's her until she pulls the mask off and things go from there I could never figure out some good sex scene locations to make it work
How does Blake fit into this?
I was actually kicking around a background plot for a Natalie Portman story it's still in the planning stages but I think what you have here might be what I'm missing for mine where Natalie still thinks she's hot and is willing to prove it with a younger guy my version had a gym setting but I think I can find some wiggle room adding in a set scene
For my abandoned idea I had this Halloween themed story where the author had to go trick or treating with his niece and nephew but kept getting ambushed by Taylor Swift in her Deadpool outfit yet he doesn't know it's her until she pulls the mask off and things go from there I could never figure out some good sex scene locations to make it work
How does Blake fit into this?
His idea. His choice if he wants to use her or not.
I'm keeping track of around 400 story ideas in 6 binders the Blake one is on the to do list when I can think of a good scene that goes in it I'll do something
I'm keeping track of around 400 story ideas in 6 binders the Blake one is on the to do list when I can think of a good scene that goes in it I'll do something
That is way too many ideas. Are you just writing down everything that comes to your mind? You'd be best to combine some into a single story idea.
I find it easier to write with a vague idea and improvising everything while going along and letting the characters lead, but that's just me.
Adding more and more tends to over-complicate a situation and then becomes a slog to write. This is coming from me personally with experience. I find stuff with scripts become like a paint-by-numbers picture or tracing a line on a map. Basic ideas are easier to add things to and can finish stories when your mind is not overburdened with too much for a single story.
I've been sorting through them for years I've handed off a few of them that were written by other authors when they wanted to do something but came up blank case and point the Christmas raffle story with Sabrina Carpenter it was just in my binder sitting there as an idea for the last 2 years and Calibur009 wanted to do a Christmas story he wrote what he wanted and it looks great I just provided the idea
Here's your question for the night: It's the monthly writer check in!
How did February go for you?
Did you accomplish whatever goals you set for yourself?
I barely did any work this month, was mainly trying to settle on an idea for a full length story (which I haven't done) and doing some work on various things for Choya.
This month I'm either gonna figure something out or just say fuck it and work on the next section of Mr. and Mrs. XXX.
For me I'm glad the month is over and spring is right around the corner after having a few feet of snow dumped on me for about 2 weeks straight where I couldn't get out of the house
I'm much closer to getting my fiance out of the hospital so that will help manage my stress levels a bit she's my angel and my life isn't nearly as fun without her in it
Writing has been going well I have most sections of my celeb roommates story done I'm still mapping out the orgy finale but it will be worth it when it's done now if I can just access my email I'll be good
Pretty decent for me, managed to finish two stories this month and both of them with 10k+ words.
I also tried a new writing method where I force myself to write at least 1,000 words every day. I experimented a bit but this minimum works well for me and I can do 1k even if I barely got any sleep the night before or if I got visitors over, so no excuses. If I write more or double, tripe, quadruple my minimum that's great too, of course. And if I write 1k words every day I can get a new story out every ~10 days. So far this worked very well.
Previously I always waited for inspiration to write, but that doesn't really work for me since it lets me end up with three half finished stories and then I get inspired to write something completely different, focused totally on the new idea while I let the older ones wither in some document.
I managed to write 4 stories this month for the first time since 2022.
I feel great. I haven't felt this good in at least 2 years. I have more stuff coming along. Will be posting some of these new stories in March while I've been doing them on Patreon.
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): It's the end of the world and you won't survive yet you can have a mini orgy before you go out the only thing is you can only have sex with 3 celebs who are they?
I'm going with Christina Hendricks, Diane Guerrero and Lana Condor!
Oh man I remember this one so many options okay for my version I'll go fresh with Shakira, Bella Thorne, and Anne Hathaway
Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian. If the world is ending I want to go out with women who know what they're doing in the bedroom ;D
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): It's the end of the world and you won't survive yet you can have a mini orgy before you go out the only thing is you can only have sex with 3 celebs who are they?
I'm going with Christina Hendricks, Diane Guerrero and Lana Condor!
Sabrina Carpenter, Zendaya, and Megan Thee Stallion.
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): It's the end of the world and you won't survive yet you can have a mini orgy before you go out the only thing is you can only have sex with 3 celebs who are they?
I'm going with Christina Hendricks, Diane Guerrero and Lana Condor!
Mine would be Hayley Williams, Keira Knightley, and Aubrey Plaza.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
It's the usual for me: Writing and watching wrestling!
For me I'm finishing up the combine trying to see who's going to take a nosedive in the draft after all the hype going in
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space so have fun talking about whatever!
Okay for my free space item I'll answer a question from a few days ago with Cade
Yes I write down everything that jumps in my brain when it comes to scene ideas or story plots in a few cases I can get most of a story down before my meds wipe them out which has happened over the years since my health problems started I've been going through them to find the really good stuff and toss the ones that didn't really make sense a few have been on the to do list as I've found time to get them done
I have so many small scenes of various types they actually take an entire binder to keep together I'm sure they will fit in a project somewhere I just haven't found the right project to slide them in a number of them are one offs where the scene sounded good enough to write down but the plot would come later on the plus side none of them are sex scenes I try to do those as I think of them I don't see a need to write a 15 page sex scene with Christina Hendricks on a house boat if I don't have a story plot that requires a house boat in it or plan on writing one but that's me
I go with the writing style of Def Leppard I heard an interview with Rick Savage where he said just because you write a 10 second guitar riff doesn't mean you can't erase it and write something better yet that 10 second riff could fit really nice in the right song somewhere even if it sits for a month
I go with the writing style of Def Leppard I heard an interview with Rick Savage where he said just because you write a 10 second guitar riff doesn't mean you can't erase it and write something better yet that 10 second riff could fit really nice in the right song somewhere even if it sits for a month
So how come you don't finish your stories? There isn't another person on this site that posts more about writing than you and then asks every possible person for help to finish stuff or work on A,B, C and D with you. You have the time to post daily on here and talk big about all these projects and that's more time than I have. That has to count for something.
I have so many small scenes of various types they actually take an entire binder to keep together I'm sure they will fit in a project somewhere I just haven't found the right project to slide them in a number of them are one offs where the scene sounded good enough to write down but the plot would come later on the plus side none of them are sex scenes I try to do those as I think of them I don't see a need to write a 15 page sex scene with Christina Hendricks on a house boat if I don't have a story plot that requires a house boat in it or plan on writing one but that's me
I don't think Cade was asking you a question. Looks to me he was offering advice and this reply shows what he meant by making things too complicated to finish.
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I dunno, might do something or not!
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the monthly writer hype post.
If you're working on something you wanna hype up, here's the place to do it!
I've got nothing to hype up at the moment.
I'm working on two stories right now. One is the next chapter of my Meet Mandingo series, the other is a threesome story with Cptnstrwrs, Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Pro Wrestling Manager of all time?
I'm going with Bobby The Brain Heenan, he was one of the best promos I've ever seen.
And the 92 Royal Rumble was incredible, Heenan was on fire from the moment Ric Flair walked through the curtain to the very end.
Paul Heyman
Here's your question for the night: It's the next part of the 256 Woman tournament!
Round 1 Match 27: Hikaru Shida or Maki Itoh?
I didn't have a good enough answer for what I had planned for tonight's question, so have fun picking between these two Joshi stars!
Alright everyone...with a vote of 2-2-1 (2 for Maki Itoh, 2 for Hikaru Shida and 1 for DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE) It's a tie and both Itoh and Shida have been eliminated
Here's your question for the night (From Money, thanks!): You get to name 6 celebs for a charity event where they wear cheerleader outfits who are they?
I'm gonna go with Lana Condor, Kat Dennings, Sofia Gomez, Sydney Sweeney, Amanda Nicole and Penny Lane, I bet they'd all look hot in cheerleader outfits!
It's time for the first Thursday of the month appeal for questions from the community, we're only 16 questions away from having enough for the full year, so, if you've got a question you want to ask the community, DM me the question and it'll be added to the list.
I looked them up that's not a bad lineup for cheerleader outfits I almost fell out of bed
For my version I was all over the map but remembered a number of celebs have been in those outfits before wish I had access to my pic stash for this so here goes
Aly Michalka
Kelli Berglund
Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez
Ariel Winter
Natalie Portman
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the weekend?
I have no idea what I'm doing this weekend!
Gotta get ready for a doctor visit I'd rather be doing anything else but that At least I get to talk with my fiance on Sunday which is always fun
Here's your question for the night: No question, it's the weekly free space, so have fun talking about whatever.
Okay for my open space item has anyone else noticed Kelli Berglund and Olivia Holt have been hanging out a lot since the New years? I'm all for the besties selfies and fun antics I'm sure a lesbian or threesome story can get cooked up with these 2 right now I don't have time to write since my schedule is full this week the closest project I have is a pregnancy story with Olivia Holt that is missing the finale scene and the sex parts
Here's your question for the night: Got any plans for the week?
I'm just hoping to get some writing done this week!
Here's your question for the night: Favorite XBox series S and X game?
I never played either, so I'm interested to see what answers I'll get.
For me it will always be KOTOR I remember playing that a lot while I was overseas and it helped expand the star wars franchise canon to some really interesting places that are still referenced today in most cases and not the mouse empire canon they clearly want to push now
Here's your question for the night: Favorite Martin Scorsese film?
Goodfellas is probably the one I watched the most, so I'm going with that one.
Goodfellas is Scorsese's best movie when it's all said and done. He made a lot of good stuff though outside of the gangster/mob films that get all the praise.
Some movies I recommend from Scorsese.
Mean Streets - This movie is the closest thing that exists of a movie version of a GTA game, and it came out decades before the game series. Robert DeNiro's hoodlum character basically is a GTA protagonist causing chaos and doing dumb shit for fun. The secondary characters exist to give Harvey Kietel jobs, similar to mission bosses in a GTA game. It's where he earns his money (that he then spends around the city like you do in the games). If someone watches this, think of it as a GTA game and it's so much more fun.
Taxi Driver - This is the movie you have to watch today to understand the problem we have young white men in a society that hates them and constantly tells them over and over how much of a problem they are for merely existing. Travis Bickle is the original weirdo white guy with no purpose in life; poor understanding of women and dating, trying to figure things out and is willing to do something insane to discover what his purpose is. This movie is more relevant today than it was 40 years ago. We now have an entire generation of Travis Bickles who don't know what to do with their lives.
Cape Fear - Here's a remake that might actually be better than the original. Robert DeNiro will scare the hell out of you in this, and is the one horror movie Scorsese made.
Other non-mob movies worth checking out: Alice Don't Live Here No More, Raging Bull, and Hugo.
Scorsese has always said that growing up he had 2 things he was most interested in: Orthodox Christian theology and Rock music. You will find both things sprinkled heavily in his films with religious imagery and blaring classic rock songs. There's a hilarious part in Mean Streets about a preacher that I won't spoil cause it has to be seen to be believed. His use of rock music needs no introduction if you've seen his movies. He's the guy who sets a gunfight shootout in Casino to Cream's instrumental jam Toad.
My first thought is Taxi Driver, closely followed by Mean Streets. And for a more obscure choice, there's The Last Waltz, the documentary and concert film of the final performance of The Band (with many guest stars). It's probably the best rock music movie, documentary, and concert film ever made.