Celebrity Story Site

Stories & Art => Celebrity Stories => Singers => Topic started by: Blocboy VC on May 11, 2023, 04:02:53 PM

Title: Some Lights, a Chrystal and a Melody
Post by: Blocboy VC on May 11, 2023, 04:02:53 PM
Celebs Featured: Lights, Kaya Jones, Melody Thornton

Melody  Thornton, most known as a former Pussycat Doll, was hard at work making music in the studio. She was currently making demos which her and her team would fix up later, and was on the tenth demo in her current session, although despite all the work she’d put in, she kept getting distracted. The thing that was distracting her was probably just as important to her as her music, if not more so. It was her girlfriend, and former Pussycat Doll Kaya Jones. The two of them had gotten together a few years back. Even though they never were even in the group at the same time, they bonded over their similar experiences with mistreatment and before they knew it, feelings were caught and the two of them were officially a couple.

Melody had been worried all day. Even though it was their three year anniversary, Kaya had hardly talked to her all day and seemed to be more focused on her phone than her. When Melody asked her about it, she just told her that everything would be fine and she had things under control. Although Melody did notice how thankful Kaya was when Melody cooked her breakfast that morning, she couldn’t stop thinking of who her girlfriend could be constantly texting, even on an important day like this one.

Suddenly, her phone made the special noise that she set for when Kaya sent her a message. She told her producer and engineer to stop recording for a minute, as she had to deal with something very important. She quickly opened the message. It was simple and to the point:

“You gotta cut your session short tonight. Come home, my gift has finally arrived. Love you.”

Followed by about a thousand heart emojis as usual. She smiled as she put away her recording equipment, letting everyone know she was done for the night.

She got in her car and drove home, wondering what Kaya had gotten for her. She hoped it wasn’t a home cooked meal, because considering Kaya’s clumsiness and complete lack of kitchen knowledge, they might not have a house to live in anymore if that was the case. When she got inside, she did in fact smell food, but she knew Kaya couldn’t have cooked it, nothing smelled burnt. She saw a note on the counter, written in Kaya’s handwriting.

“Dear Melody,
This dinner is for you. I know you might have questions, but don’t worry about those for now. Just eat it before it gets cold. Come upstairs after you’re done, your gift will be there.

Melody noticed Kaya had put a bunch of  hearts all over the end of the message much like her texts. She helped herself to some food, admitting that whoever this mystery person was, they were a damn good cook at the very least. This however made her have more questions about what was going on. She was determined to get to the bottom of this. Right after a second helping, of course.

Melody went upstairs as instructed. She heard a crashing noise near her and Kaya’s bedroom. Knowing that it had to be Kaya knocking something over, she sprang into action. Now was the time to find out just what Kaya had been keeping from her and what this mysterious gift was. Oh and save her girlfriend from whatever thing she knocked over. Hearing a woman’s laugh that was distinctly not Kaya’s made her rush to the room, practically breaking down the door.

"Chrystal Neria! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I heard another woman in here!” Melody usually didn’t get this angry, but with everything on her mind today, she was about ready to lose it. Kaya however, just looked extremely happy to see her girlfriend, even though she knew Melody only used her actual name when she was trying to get a point across or was exceptionally mad at her. Her little surprise was going just as planned.

“You made it! I was so worried you lost your way home or something. And I thought I was the clumsy one in this relationship.”. Melody was still angry, especially when she turned and saw another woman sitting on her and Kaya’s bed. The woman appeared to be unfazed by Melody’s outburst. Melody turned to this supposed homewrecker, getting a good look at her face and attire. She wasn’t anything super special where her face was concerned even if she did look pretty, although Melody noticed that the perfume she was wearing smelled really nice, and her crop-top with a clearly visible black bra, as well as her pair of short shorts showed off a pretty nice figure. Melody tried to block the woman’s good looks out of her mind, as she readied a fist, ready to punch that cute, girlfriend stealing bitch right in the face. Before she could deliver the haymaker, she felt a gentle yet firm grip on her hand, pulling it away from the direction of the sitting woman’s face.

“Melody! I thought you’d treat your anniversary present better than that!” Kaya was the one who had grabbed Melody’s fist away from the other woman, looking at her with a disapproving, yet not mad expression. Melody was confused. They had only invited other women into their bed a couple times over the years, with Melody usually being the one to bring the woman back to their place. How did Kaya manage to pull this off? Why hadn’t she told her anything? Communication was extremely important to the two of them, and Melody felt a little hurt by Kaya leaving her in the dark like this, even if the woman she brought into the bedroom was pretty hot, especially in that outfit.

“I’m sorry. Promise you’ll never do anything like that again, please? I love the gift you’ve given me, but I still have questions and don’t like that you left me in the dark for like three days.”

“I’m Lights!” the woman got up off the bed, walking up to Melody and shook her hand. Melody had to admit that she had a really good grip that almost hurt her hand. After looking down, she realized that while her grip was strong, it wasn’t her handshake that almost hurt, it was the diamond ring she was wearing. It was no doubt a wedding ring. She turned back to her girlfriend.

“Kaya, how could you do something like this? She’s fucking married! I don’t wanna be a homewrecker, even if it’s with you.”. Before things could get out of hand, or worse, Melody started crying, Lights decided to step in.

“I’m in an open marriage. I can fuck who I want when I want, so can my husband, but we’re still madly in love with each other and will be together for the rest of our lives. You’ve got no idea how many groupies we’ve fucked on tours over the years, sending pictures of them back and forth really makes the time pass quickly when you’re just sitting bored on the tour bus. Kaya, why don’t you tell her how we met before we fuck her brains out?”


Kaya, finally done with a long day of constantly recording music decided to hit the club for a fun night out. She thought she could use a breather, maybe take a few shots and of course, find the perfect woman to surprise Melody with for their three year anniversary coming up in the next few days. While she was drinking and scoping out women on the dance floor, her clumsiness made her bump into a woman, making her drink spill all over her.

“I’m so sorry!” Kaya said, quickly trying to find the best way to clean up her mess. Thankfully no glass had broken, but the woman’s outfit looked pretty bad.

“It’s fine. Shit happens. I’m Lights, by the way.”

“Kaya.”. The two women shook hands as Lights lead Kaya to a table she had reserved for herself and a few other friends. They got to talking, the conversation flowing smoothly despite the embarrassing introduction. Kaya told Lights all about Melody and how they got together, as Lights told her all about her husband and how much they loved each other and their kids. Kaya and her talked for a little longer, and Kaya figured it’d be best to make her move now.

“Melody and I’s three year anniversary is coming up.  I feel like I’m a horrible person for asking this, but would you be willing to be her present? I know you’re married and I don’t want to ruin that, so it’s OK if you say no, but I really wanted to surprise her with another woman since we only do stuff like that on special occasions, but I didn’t want her to be like a prostitute or something, I wanted to at least know a little about the woman before I brought her into the bedroom.”

“Sounds fun! This is the benefits of having an open marriage, fuck who I want when I want, my husband does the same, but we know we’re the one for each other and nothing will change that. You should see the tour bus photos we send each other.”

Kaya was delighted and instantly pulled out her phone to put Lights’ number in, while Lights did the same.

“I can’t wait to see Melody in person.”

“Oh and one more thing before you go, you mind cooking us dinner? Melody usually cooks, since my kitchen skills well, I once tried to put a pot of spaghetti in the microwave. “


End of Flashback.

Melody was much more relaxed now, and was also laughing about Kaya’s mentioning of the spaghetti incident. She looked over at her beloved, realizing that her anger from earlier hadn’t let her appreciate the fact Kaya dressed up in her favorite mini skirt, as well  as having the top few buttons of her top unbuttoned to show off her breasts just the way Melody loved. She moved toward her girlfriend and gave her a kiss. Kaya eagerly kissed back, although the romantic mood was broken by Lights, who’d moved closer to Melody and started to attempt to remove her top.

“I’m all for the mushy stuff, but I’m really fucking horny, so you mind hurrying up?”

“Ruin the moment, why don’t you?” Melody said, although didn’t mind having Lights and her nice perfume even closer than before. Kaya moved Melody’s head closer to her chest, while Lights got to work with removing Melody’s pants. Kaya, being a woman who liked to talk dirty especially to Melody, attempted to get things hotter while Melody’s mouth was all over her breasts.

“Doesn’t this feel good? My titties in your mouth while another woman gets ready to eat you out? Today is all about you, after all. That’s also why I wore this skirt, I know you love when I wear it. Now why don’t you take it off and undress your present?”

Melody enjoyed that idea and started to remove Kaya’s skirt, realizing that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“Nice.” Lights said as she took off Melody’s bra and panties, now leaving herself as the only clothed woman in the room. Melody then took off Lights’ shirt, taking a moment to stare at her breasts covered by her skimpy black bra before removing it.

“You’ve got great tits. I just wanna suck them and bite them. If you’re into that of course.” Melody wanted to be sure if Lights had any objections, she didn’t want to mess up something she could tell Kaya took a long time to set up.

“Go right ahead. Even with the reduction surgery I got a couple years back, I’m glad you like them.” Melody went straight for Lights’ breasts, sucking and biting them as she said she would. Kaya just watched with a smile, happy Melody was enjoying her gift. She would’ve asked Lights just to show up in some lingerie so Melody could unwrap her like an actual present, but she knew how much Melody loved to undress her, so she asked Lights to show up in whatever she felt sexy and comfortable in. Melody was in the middle of removing Lights’ shorts, admiring her legs as she did. Lights black panties were next to go, with Melody just taking in her figure and the softness of her skin as the last article of clothing was removed.

“You’re beautiful.” Melody said.

“So are you.” Lights said with a slight chuckle. She knew she looked good, and was glad that Melody and Kaya both thought so as well. Lights’ hands moved closer to Kaya, eventually managing to get two of her fingers in her pussy. Not wanting to be left out, Melody managed to put two of her own fingers next to Kaya’s.

Lights couldn’t say she expected something like this, although she wasn’t complaining. Two hot chicks finger fucking her at the same time felt amazing. She knew that at the rate they were going she’d climax soon. Eventually Kaya and Melody felt Lights’ legs shake as she came on their fingers. The two of them put their fingers in Lights’ mouth, making her taste herself on them.

“Melody, I think you should taste me too. Only right that you enjoy all I have to offer.” Lights pushed Melody down between her legs, while Kaya moved to do the same with her girlfriend. Melody felt like she was in heaven. Not only did Lights taste even better than she thought she would, Kaya eating her out with that tongue of her’s was one of the best feelings in the world. This feeling wasn’t to last though, as she soon noticed Kaya’s face wasn’t between her legs anymore, as she’d somehow managed to fall off the bed. Before looking to see if Kaya was OK, Lights saw something off to the side sitting on a dresser. Well two somethings to be exact. They looked like plastic eggs with remote controls attached to them.

“Holy shit! What the fuck are those abominations!” she exclaimed, horrified by the two objects. Kaya got up off the floor and walked over to the objects, bringing one of them over to Lights and Melody. Melody who had at this point stopped eating Lights out was more than happy to explain what they were.

“They’re sex toys. A friend sent a couple of them to us a while ago. You just place the egg in your pussy and enjoy. The remotes are for stronger vibrations and stuff like that. Wanna try one?”

“Fuck no! I’m not putting those things anywhere near me! They look painful!”

“Oh well, Melody and I are gonna use them while you’re gone. We’ll even send you pictures.”

“Oh great. I’m so thrilled. Now get over here. You’re the only one who hasn’t gotten a chance to cum yet, and I’m not leaving till everyone has had at least one orgasm. That’s my rules.” Melody and Kaya moved positions, with Kaya eating Lights out while Melody once again sucked on her breasts. Lights loved it, and vocalized that to both women. Eventually she climaxed, not before demanding that Melody leave a mark or two on each of her breasts, which Melody happily did.

After they cleaned up, Kaya turned to Melody.

“So, did you like your present?”

“I loved it!” the two then shared a kiss, with Lights taking a picture of the two of them with her phone.

“You mind if I stay the night?” Lights asked, only now realizing how late it had gotten.

“Not at all! Think you could make breakfast? Anything to keep Kaya away from the kitchen. I can be a heavy sleeper, so I might not wake up in time to keep her away from it.”

The three of them drifted off to sleep, with Melody laying on Kaya’s chest while Lights laid on the other side of the couple.

Melody woke up the next morning to the surprising smell of a good breakfast and after dressing walked into the kitchen. She saw Lights happily cooking while Kaya downed a mug of coffee.

“That’s her third mug already.” Lights said.

“Never change, babe.” Melody said, clearly amused at Lights’ reaction. After the three of them ate, Lights was ready to head out after putting Melody’s number into her phone.

“Call me anytime you wanna do this again.” They agreed on it, with Kaya thinking it’d be nice to give Lights a little thank you note too, complete with one of her signature hearts at the end of it. Kaya and Melody then kissed and embraced, although this caused Kaya to spill her coffee which made Melody giggle.

The End