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Stories & Art => Celebrity Stories => Celeb Series Stories => Topic started by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:13:57 PM

Title: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:13:57 PM
Feedback is always appreciated, as well as suggestions for this series. (carnagejackson@hotmail.com). This one starts off kind of slow but I had to do the background info somewhere. Enjoy…

Standard Disclaimer:

You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, not be offended by the contents of it…blah blah, you know the rest.

This story may be distributed freely, for commercial or non-commercial use, but PLEASE leave my email/name on it! That’s all I ask!

Yes I know the celebs don’t act like this in real life, but this is a fantasy after all.

Journal Of An Agent: Ch. 1 – RLC

* * * * *

Following the death of my father, I became the inheritor of his business as a Hollywood agent. I hadn't known too much of my father, because he left my mother and I when I was 3 to pursue his dreams in L.A. and Hollywood. Having not received a birthday card or even a call in over ten years, I wasn't exactly excited about the idea of inheriting a business. I had just graduated college with a degree in English and was looking forward to finding a job as either a columnist or a teacher or something to that effect.

My mother died right after I graduated high school, so I had been on my own for a while. I wasn't planning on attending my father's funeral, until his most loyal employee, a woman named Rebecca Carr called me at home to tell me about the inheritance. Rebecca had been with my father since he moved to L.A., and though they were intimate with each other early on she told me, passion soon gave way to a deeper friendship and she helped his business grow. It was upon her insistence that I chose to attend. My father's funeral was a bit of a scene in Hollywood, as he had spent over 20 years there building a small empire. Young and old, famous and fleeting celebrities were in attendance. People guessed right away who I was, as anyone who knew my father as well as knew me said I was almost an exact image, albeit a little skinnier.

I was about 6'1 and weighed about 170 to 180 pounds. I didn't work out religiously but I was in good shape. The most striking feature I had been told were my eyes. Apparently I had inherited from my father this icy cold stare that burned through my dark blue eyes into people. Combined with my dark brown hair, I had been told by more than one ex- girlfriend that I could look very menacing sometimes when I got even slightly angry.

Following the services, I met with the executor of my father's estate, a Mr. Blake, as well as Ms. Carr to discuss the future of the agency.

"Your father had quite a successful business here Mr. Simonds," said Mr. Blake. "Over 30 employee's, a fine stable of award winning actors, actresses and musicians, as well as close to a hundred unknown's. Keeping retainers with virtually all of them was a brilliant move by your father, as the agency is now worth an estimated $50 million dollars. Being his only heir, you stand to inherit it, as well as his home and personal finances."

I was shocked. I knew he had done fairly well (my mother never said much about him and his success) but I had no idea HOW well. Blake continued:

"You can do what you wish with the business Mr. Simonds, but before you act I suggest you speak with Ms. Carr first before deciding one way or the other," Blake said.

Ms. Carr finally spoke. She was a woman in her late 50s, still in good shape for the most part. Her hair had gone gray but not in a witchy sort of way. It seemed to fit her perfectly, as though she had aged, you could tell that she must have been very attractive in her younger years. Her brownish-green eyes danced with this natural exuberance and I couldn't help but think that she would have made a good model.

"Dean, your father loved you despite his lack of showing it. I know you didn't know him, nor do you know the slightest thing about Hollywood or being an agent, but I think that you probably have the natural charisma your father had. You really should consider running his business. That was your father's last wish, that you help it grow," she said, smiling ever so slightly when she finished. She came across as a good natured grandmother, which was probably the effect she was going for. Her last part angered me a little, trying to play the pity card.

"Look, I know that he wanted me to run things, but I don't have the slightest clue. Even with you here to help me, I would still be lost, not to mention be light years behind in learning how to schmooze this town," I said.

"I only wish I could stay to help you. Like your father, I put my heart and soul into here but now I have to cash out. There are too many memories, too much pain. Besides, I'm an old woman. I want to enjoy my late years," replied Rebecca.

"Well, that's just great. Now I have NO ONE to help me, even if I DID decide to stay!" I said, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation.

"No, no, no, that's not true. Ever since your father became sick, I knew I would be retiring. I've been training a replacement though, and I'm sure that she will be able to help you just as well as I could," said Rebecca.

We discussed and debated for over two hours, but in the end (and much to my chagrin) I agreed to stay and try to run the company for an interim period of six months, just to see how things went. That would give me time to tie up loose ends and sell clients to other agencies if need be. I went home to my father's house that night, laying in bed thinking about all that I had brought upon myself. I concluded that I was at a good cross roads and that because of the safety net of money left to me, I could afford to take a risk like this. Hey, I thought as I drifted off to sleep, maybe I'll get laid somewhere along the way.

I went into work on Monday feeling optimistic about things, as well as a little apprehensive. I went into my father's office and sat down in his chair to try and sort out files and such. I hadn't been sitting for 5 minutes when a knock came on the door.

"Come in," I said as I straightened up in my chair and tried to look my most professional.

The door opened and in walked a beautiful young woman, wearing a knee length maroon skirt and a white blouse. Her hair was a rich black and her skin was of an olive complexion. She had bright green eyes that were perfectly positioned on her face. Her nose was small as were her lips, which were a shade that matched the color of her dress. Her chest wasn't enormous, but certainly tested the limits of the fabric of her blouse. She walked with a kind of step that exuded confidence in herself, but also showed she couldn't be fucked with. I liked her already.

"Hi. My name is Julie Carr and I'm here to help you sort through those files on your desk," she said. She spoke with an unmistakable California accent, one that showed she had lived in California her whole life. My mind immediately made the connection when she said her name.

"Carr? Are you related to Rebecca Carr who used to work here?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes. She is my mother. But like you, I never knew my father. Mom has been training me to help you for two months now and I think I will be able to help you figure things out. You ARE Dean Simonds aren't you?" she smiled at me.

"Yes, that's me. How did your mother know that I was going to be running things two months ago? I just met her two DAYS ago." I asked.

"I asked the same thing. All she said was that if she knew your father at all, convincing you to stay would be no sweat," she replied, sitting herself in one of the two guest chairs of the office.

Her mother's assumption about me made me a little ticked, and I guess it showed because Julie sort of got this defensive look on her face that showed she knew I was upset.

"Look, all that is over and done with. Your here for six months, so let's try to make the most of it," she said, extending her petite right hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand and calmed down a little bit. Bygones are bygones I thought. For the next three hours, we poured over the files. I got to like Julie's personality right away, but she seemed to exude this self defense sort of attitude that crushed any attempt at a sexual maneuver. For lunch, Julie had one of the interns pick us up some sandwiches from the delicatessen down the street. After we finished eating, Julie stood to go.

"Well, we made some good progress today. Hopefully we can get this far all the time," she said.

"Where are you going? It's only 1:30? Was my father THAT lax in letting people leave?" I asked.

She laughed. "No, it's just you have a client coming in at 2:00 and I thought you might want some time to clean up the office. Oh yeah, and to get that piece of lettuce out from your teeth," she said laughing good naturedly as she walked out.

I walked over to the mirror and brushed my teeth, and then proceeded to clean myself up. I had just finished straitening up the files we had been going through when there was a knock on the door.

"Dean, this is Racheal Leigh Cook. She's your two o' clock," said Julie, opening the door and ushering in the client. As soon as Racheal had walked in, Julie closed the door behind her.

Rachael was wearing a dark green sweater and a black silk dress. Combined, the outfit went a long way to hiding the curves that she had to have underneath. Even though I wasn't from Hollywood, I certainly knew who she was. Even in person, she exuded this sort of shy radiance...like a delicate flower who was afraid to blossom. Her hair was pulled back behind her ears and she looked almost elfish. Despite wearing 5 inch lift shoes, she still barely would have come up to my chest. I rose to greet her.

"Ahh, Ms. Cook. How are you? I'm Dean Simonds. Would you care for something to drink?" I said.

"A glass of water if you don't mind. I'm sorry to hear about your father. He was a terrific man. In fact, that's sort of why I am here today." she said.

I walked over to the mini bar and poured her a glass of water, fixing myself a scotch over ice.

"What do you mean?" I asked, handing her her drink. She did indeed only come up to my chest. Raising her head, her deep, soulful brown eyes looked me in my eyes.

"Well, I was planning on coming over to your firm as long ago as last year, now that I finally got all the legal paper work done with my ex agent. I had to reschedule my appointment after your father's passing. But with you running things now, I can still check to see if it is true." she said, taking a sip of her water.

"See if what is true?" I asked a little puzzled.

Her eyes sparkled for a brief moment. Rachael laughed lightly, a very feathery kind of laugh that helped with her pixyish image. She again looked into my eyes, but this time with a growing sense of lust.

"Your father was known as a great guy for his clients it's true. But he was even more well known by his female clients as being...well...endowed," she said, stepping closer to me.

Her forwardness surprised me. Everything I had read about her or seen her in, she always seemed very passive and shy. But apparently sexually, she knew exactly what she wanted.

"...and with you I can see if the old saying 'Like father, like son' is correct," she said, placing her hands on my belt.

My mind raced. Here I was on my first day of running a business and I was already being seduced like a common gigolo. Should I go with it or stop this now and keep from building a reputation?

My question was answered when I felt the belt come off and my pants fall to the floor. Rachael stood on her tip toes and leaned into me, forcing me back against the mini-bar. Her mouth met mine and her tongue slid into my mouth like a stealth snake. I responded in kind by meeting her tongue halfway. I lifted her up off of me and carried her over to the couch against the far wall of my office. I laid atop her, holding myself up with my arms. We kissed each other passionately and I slowly slid my hand up her side to her just big enough breasts and began to play with her right breast through the material of her sweater. I could feel her moan into my mouth, an obvious sign she was enjoying it. Our kiss finally broke, and she sat up. Reaching down, she lifted her sweater over her head, revealing a pair of grapefruit sized breasts straining and heaving against a black pushup bra. She reached around her back and unclasped the bra, flinging it aside. Her breasts were bigger than I had guessed, with dark brown, quarter sized nipples in the center of each. I stuck my hands out and squeezed them gently, massaging them around in my hands. Rachael groaned softly, throwing her head back in pleasure. Her dark brown, shoulder length hair fell upon her bare shoulders as she looked at me again with those eyes. I gazed upon her face, relishing her simple yet elegant face.

Rachael began unbuttoning my shirt one button at a time, very methodically. I lifted myself up with my elbows and she slid the shirt off of me. As I said earlier, I try to stay in shape, focusing mainly on getting some tone in my arms and having a flat stomach. At this point, I was now left in only my boxers, something Rachael quickly set to remove. Using the same gentleness she had used before on my shirt and pants, she slowly slid my boxers off over my cock, allowing it to spring up and then land with a very audible thump on my stomach. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if anyone heard us.

Rachael licked her lips and slowly began jacking my cock with her right hand, as I continued to play with her tits. God they were soft and felt so great.

"I guess all my girlfriends were right, having a big cock DOES run in the family," she said with a devilish smile.

I guess I'm modest, because I never have measured how big I am. Previous girlfriends had said I was big, but again I didn't know.

"God, you must be at least 9 inches long!" Rachael gasped, inadvertently answering my question. "And your as thick as my wrist! I've got to feel this beast in me before I let you go," she said, smiling.

"But first, a little snack!"

Lowering her head down so that her hair fell in front of her face, her lips touched the head of my very erect prick very lightly. Snaking her tongue out, I felt her twist it around in my pisshole. Pulling her mouth off for just a split second, the cool air hitting where her warm lips had been was a thrill. But it was short lived, as in one swift move attempted to deep throat me. She got about half of my cock down her throat before it hit the back of her throat. She lifted her mouth off again and began licking me up and down, starting from the head and going all the way down to my balls, sucking on each one in that gentle manner she had been using.

By this time, I was really enjoying myself, but things had to pick up. I placed my hand atop her head and forced her back down on my cock. Grabbing a handful of her hair, I pulled her mouth up and down my cock. She got the idea very quick and began bobbing up and down rapidly. I laid my head back on the arm of the couch and relaxed, letting out a sigh. She continued like this for what must have been 10 minutes, rotating between licking my cock slowly and bobbing up and down fast. Finally I said in a husky voice "I'm about to come."

Pulling her head off completely, she grabbed my cock with her hand and stood me up. With me standing and my cock still in her hand, she got to her knees and began jerking me rapidly. I grunted loudly as my cock exploded, spraying her chin and lips and even landing a dollop or two in her hair. With my cum dripping off of her chin and onto her cute little breasts, she proceeded to lick my cock of any cum and wiped the cum from her lips, only to rub it into her chest and onto her tits. Out of breath, I sat back down on the couch.

Rachael stood up before me and wriggled slinkily out of her dress, letting it fall to the floor. To my surprise, she wasn't wearing any panties. Her snatch was a lighter brown than her hair, but was still a close match. She was shaved in a bikini line but nowhere else, which left a wispy "V" shape over her mound. Her pussy hair wasn't very thick and I could see that her cunt was fully aroused, her dark brown outer lips glistening from her female wetness.

She lowered her legs over my still erect cock and slowly let it push into her. My god she was tight, but not a virgin which really didn't surprise me.

Finally I felt her settle on top of me, my cock buried to the hilt in her warm pussy. Rachael sighed a moan of pure satisfaction and then lay her head on my shoulder. Using the couch as a lift, she proceeded to slowly move herself up and down my cock. I could feel her pussy craving more as it tried to grip me every time she slid on and off of my cock. Wanting to match her pace because I knew I wouldn't last long inside her (I hadn't had sex in a while), I began thrusting my hips up every time she would pull off, making sure that no matter how high up she lifted herself, the tip of my prick was still in her. I reached down to her beautiful snatch and began stroking her clit furiously at a much faster pace than what we were going at. The combined sensation was too much for her, as she cried out in orgasm and I felt her juices spill onto my hand and legs. Feeling myself on the brink, I warned her that I was about to come. Lifting her head off my shoulder and still struggling to catch her breath after her orgasm.

"Cum...in my...ass," she gasped.

I had never had a girl ask to be fucked up the ass, but hey, this was L.A. I pulled out of her and tried to lubricate my cock with her juice and my precum. Rachael had already leaned over the couch arm and was thrusting her ass up in the air. Walking up behind her, I bent down to lick her asshole just to soften things up a little. Placing my cock at her tight little hole, I gently pressed my head into her. I could hear her grimace at first and bite down on her lower lip until I got the head past, and then she sort of sighed in relief. I worked the shaft into her and before I even realized, I had all but a few inches in her. Because I was the one setting the tempo and since I knew I was close to orgasm, I built up a quickening pace of thrusts into her ass, pushing harder every time. Rachael gasped and moaned, loving every minute of it. I reached my hand down and began playing with her clit again, shoving three fingers in and out of her tight, wet pussy. I felt that familiar sensation in my balls again, and thrust into her hard one last time, shooting my hot load right up her ass. She must have felt it in her because she cried out in a loud pleasure scream that I knew SOMEONE must have heard.

We were both out of breath, and when I felt my dick softening, I pulled out of her. We lay on the couch for a few minutes, kissing and touching each other, until Rachael said she had to go.

We both got dressed and I walked her to the door.

"I have total confidence in your skills Mr. Simonds. I hope you will accept me as a client," Rachael said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Well, after that convincing argument, I would be a fool not to," I replied, smiling.

I watched her go and then shut the door to my office. Sitting back in my chair with my hands behind my head, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think things will go just fine out here," I said to myself.

To Be Continued...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:15:57 PM
Journal Of An Agent: Ch. 2 – Katie H.

* * * * *

"Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming.

"Take a message. I'm...busy," I replied.

"That's bullshit and you know it. It's pretty important, you should take it. It's Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don't. Today I had to restrain myself again from asking her out, for she looked absolutely stunning. Julie is my personal assistant and all around go to girl with any questions I might have since I took over the agency a month ago. She is one of those women who can look great without even trying. Today she was wearing a pair of maroon leather pants that accentuated her ass and hips perfectly, and to conceal her wonderful breasts, a cashmere sweater top. God I was dying to get into her pants, but I just kept telling myself "One day...one day."

But back to reality. The on hold button had beeped 2 or 3 times and I was impressed with Katie's persistence. One thing I had learned since I got here was that if someone didn't pick up the phone immediately, they didn't want to talk to you. Oh well, she is young and still learning. After inheriting the business from my estranged father, Katie was but one of the clients the firm held. This was the first time I had talked to her however.

Picking up the phone, I didn't even get two words out before she cut me off.

"Dean, you have to help me!" said Katie, whispering into the phone.

"Nice to finally talk to you Ms. Holmes. What's wrong?" I said, feigning interest. Probably dented her car or something.

"It's this guy I'm with. I met him last night at a club and got a ride back to his house. I fucked him, but then afterwards he started doing some strange shit that I wasn't into. When I told him I wanted to go home, he slammed me against a wall. I finally got him calmed down by getting him drunk and he passed out on top of me as I was getting him to bed. It was only this morning that I could crawl out from under him and call you. I need you to come pick me up," she said, sounding as nervous and quiet as a scared mouse.

"Why can't you just hail a cab or take the bus since your car isn't there?" I said.

"That's the problem. See, the guy is this really tough black guy and...well, he lives in South Central," she said.

My nerves jumped to attention. Here was this rich, famous white girl stuck in the middle of South Central. Man dad, you sure picked the smartest talent didn't you?

"I can get out of the apartment no problem but I can't stand on the street corner for too long," she went on.

"Alright, I'll come get you," I said, sighing apprehensively. "Give me the block your on and meet me there in 30 minutes. I'll get there as soon as possible.

She gave me the address and hung up.

Walking out of my office, I explained everything to Julie. She looked concerned but knew I had to do it.

"Normally, you could probably send someone else. But she is too big a client and too famous. If word of this got out, we'd lose have our talent," she said.

"I know. I just wish I didn't have to roll through there in a BMW," I said as I walked out the front door.

It was about 20 minutes later that I started getting nervous. As I've said before, I am a pretty decently built guy. But even I wouldn't stand a chance against even two guys with guns or other weapons. Driving slow enough not to raise suspicions, I finally spotted Katie standing in a door way of a run down looking building. She was dressed in clubbing clothes: Purple baby doll t-shirt and a black micro skirt. To top it off, she was wearing knee high leather boots. If a cop had driven by, she probably would have been picked up for prostitution. I slowed to a stop and rolled down the window. Poking my head out I called her name. Looking my way, she picked up her purse from the step and ran over to my car. Jumping in and closing the passenger door, she leaned over a gave me a closed mouth kiss on the lips.

"Thanks so much. I don't know what the hell I was thinking," she said.

"Don't thank me, we aren't out of trouble yet," I said, driving off.

Just as I had started down the street, a group of three or four guys wearing bandanas stepped out behind the car, no more than 5 feet away. Reaching into his jacket, the one standing in the front pulled out a gun and aimed. Seeing all this in the rear view mirror, I floored it.

"KATIE, GET DOWN!" I screamed, driving haphazardly down the street. Suddenly, a bullet shattered the back windshield, making a tremendous crashing noise, causing Katie to scream. I kept on driving and finally the gang was out of sight.

Lifting her head up from her knees, Katie spoke.

"The one who shot at us was the guy I fucked last night. That is one crazy guy. You wouldn't believe what he wanted me to do to him,"

I was barely listening, my heart was thumping madly in my chest. We were out of South Central now, and back on the L.A. freeway. I had calmed down a lot now, and began coming back to my senses.

"..you," Katie said.

"What? I didn't hear you," I replied.

"I said I don't know how I can ever repay you for helping me," she said.

I tried to laugh it off, but failed miserably. "Oh you know, just doing my job," I said.

"Yes, but that was going above and beyond the call of duty. I really owe you one," she said.

"Well, you are important to the agency. We can't have your pretty face getting beat up or have you hurt," I said. I turned my head to her as I said this, and her hazel eyes were looking deeply into mine. Her hair had been tied back in a ponytail, but now she let it free and fall to her shoulders. It was a rich brown color, and framed her face so elegantly. Seeing her in person, her Midwestern roots and all American girl face was breathtaking. Averting my eyes back to the road, I tried to play off my staring at her.

"I uhh...haven't had a chance to look at your file yet. What projects have you signed on for?"

"Well, I got done filming this movie The Gift with Keanu Reeves and Hilary Swank. It was a lot of fun but I was kind of nervous," she said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because it was my first topless scene. I don't think my breasts are that great compared to some girls," she said, sounding somewhat disheartened.

"I don't know. I've never seen them but...well, they look nice when you have your shirt on," I said, suddenly starting to feel the heat in the car rising a bit.

Katie smiled slyly at my blushed response.

"Well, how do they REALLY look, up close and personal?" she said, lifting her shirt up to her chin in one swift motion, revealing her ample sized breasts to me. Her nipples were a dark cherry red and stood out very exactly in the middle of her breasts. Of course, this whole thing caught me by surprise and I had to force myself to stare back at the road. I was blushing even more now. It's not that I had never seen breasts before, it's just that the whole thing caught me off guard.

"Well, what did you think?" she asked, that devilish smile returning to her cute face.

"They were...well, they were very..." I was stammering and stuttering for words, torn between being a professional and just giving in to my desire.

"They were what?" she asked, moving her hand slowly up my leg.

"MAGNIFICANT!" I blurted out. It caught Katie by surprise and made her jump a little, but she just smiled.

"That's what every guy says. It's hard to be modest with such great reviews like that," she said, sighing to herself. "Now I think it's about time I repay you for picking me up and saving my life,"

Moving her hand further up my leg, she stopped on the zipper to my pants. Slowly she pulled down the zipper, revealing my boxer short enclosed cock at half mast, raising more every second. Reaching in with her small hand, she pulled my prick free and wrapped her hand around it. Bending over the tip, she gave it a delicate little lick and began slowly jerking her hand up and down. By this time I had moved my ass down in the seat enough to let myself be free of the boxers, and now my pants and belt were around my ankles as I did 80 down the LA freeway. Katie switched hands and used her left hand to pull the hair back from her face as she slowly deep throated my 9 inch cock down into her warm, wet mouth. She slid her tongue up and down the shaft as she went, pausing a few times to suck gently on it. I felt her gag a little as the head finally reached down her small throat, but she had no trouble maintaining. She slowly began pulling her mouth off of me, until she got to the head. Then she sucked on it much like a child sucks on a lollipop, and then she began swallowing me again. I was in pure heaven, getting a blowjob from this hot young actress. With her free right hand, Katie began massaging my balls a bit, tickling all the way down to my ass. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer, and when she started to pull her mouth off completely and lick from my nuts to the tip of my head, I felt my balls begin to get that oh so wonderful feeling in them.

Katie must have sensed I was close, because she put her mouth quickly back on my dick and began sucking it up and down much quicker now. I tried to warn her that I was about to cum, but all I could manage was a grunt. I bucked my hips up off the seat and I felt myself explode in her mouth, shooting hot sticky jets of jism into the back of her mouth and straight down her throat. I must have shot 3 times into her mouth, and I saw in my pleasure induced daze that her cheeks were filling a little with my cum. When I had finally stopped cumming, she pulled her mouth off of my cock, making sure to lick the tip before she was done. Opening her mouth to me, I saw that it was full of cum. Then, like a professional slut, she swallowed it all in one big gulp, not even leaving a drop behind. Wiping her finger on my still hard cock, she collected the streak of cum still on it and licked her finger clean. Putting my cock back into my boxers, she reached down and pulled my pants back up, zipped me up and leaned back in her seat like she HADN'T just given me one of the best blow jobs of my life.

"Thanks again. For helping me out," she said.

I could only look at her and smile and nod, as I was still in a total daze from what had just happened.

Getting my bearings back about two minutes later, I realized we had missed the exit back to my office.

"Shit! We missed the exit! Lemme just get off at this exit and we can get turned back around," I said to Katie.

As I turned off the exit, we drove past a trashy looking motel called the Sleep & Go. Katie reached over to my lap and started rubbing my cock again.

"Hey...are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she asked sultrly.

Looking in my rear view, I could tell without even stopping that the hotel was the kind of place the hookers took their johns. Even so, I did have a gorgeous woman next to me begging for sex.

"Pretty sure I am," I said, winking at her. I turned the car around and we pulled into the motel. Katie got out of the car and went to the front desk. Being in the middle of the day, I knew that MOST of the hookers would be gone. Katie returned five minutes later, swinging a room key in her hand.

"The manager gave us a room in the back side of the hotel, totally out of view. It's right around this side," she said, pointing to the right of the building.

She got back in the car and I drove back behind it. We were the only car back on this side, which was reassuring.

I found the room and opened the door, turning on a weak and dim over head fan light. There was simply a king size bed in the center and a night stand and that was all I could see. Of course, I didn't get much chance; Katie shoved me on to the bed and jumped on with me, straddling my crotch. Her spread legs revealed to me that she was not wearing any panties, and that her snatch was shaved with the exception of a little tuft of light brown hair right above her mound. Without a moments hesitation, Katie was naked except for her big black boots. She began grinding her pussy onto my hard cock through the material of my pants. I reached my hands up and played with her breasts some. She leaned down and we kissed madly, tongues fighting with each other over which was more passionate. I broked the kiss as I began sliding down my pants and undoing my belt with one hand and using the other to slip two fingers into Katie's cunt. She wasn't as tight as I thought she would be, but she was definitely loose enough to allow my fingers to give her great pleasure. When I had my pants off, I pulled my hand out of her and lifted her up above my cock, slowly guiding her onto it. When the head entered into her silken channel, she gasped a little, as her small pussy tried to accommodate my size. Finally I was fully in her and her pelvic bone ground against my crotch. She rocked gently back and forth on my cock, and I used my hand to take her clit between my index finger and thumb and tease it some.

She gasped again at this, leaning down to kiss me again as I pleasured her. Katie finally began lifting herself up and down on my, creating a very fast tempo. I was matching her thrust for thrust, shoving my hips up at her as much as possible. All the while I diddled her clit faster and faster, until she cried out in orgasm loudly. I felt her juices flood into my lap, creating a slopping sound when our two pubic areas would meet. I could smell her musk even from where I was, a strong but sweet smell. The smell of innocence and yet also womanly passion.

I began focusing on getting myself off, and I grabbed onto her hips and began pulling her harder onto my cock as she rode me up and down. Her C cup breasts bouncing up and down with her rhythm, she was crying out in muted pleasure. I shifted positions and laid her onto the bed and began pistoning myself in and out of her. Lifting her legs up onto my shoulders so that I could have better access, I tweaked and teased her breasts as I fucked her hard. Again I tried to warn her I was coming, but even if I had been able to get out anything besides "AHHH!", I don't think it would have mattered. I thrust into her two more times and then shot a massive load directly into her cum thirsty cunt. Spurt after spurt filled her until I saw a warm trickle coming out of her pussy. Pulling out of her with a sloppy sploosh sound, I collapsed next to her on the bed, both of us exhausted.

We laid together and slept for about an hour before I got up to take a shower. Katie wound up joining me in the shower where we continued our little tryst. But that is a story for another day.

I managed to get Katie home before 7:00, and return to the office just to see Julie locking up the front door and getting into her car.

"Everything with Katie alright? I got worried when you didn't call," she asked, looking a little upset.

"Oh yea, everything is fine. We just had to stop and discuss some things. You know how that goes," I said.

"Well, maybe sometime soon you and me can have a discussion like that," she said with a knowing smile as she rolled up the window on her Porsche 911 and drove off.

"Hopefully sooner than later," I thought to myself. "Hopefully very soon."

To Be Continued...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:17:36 PM
Journal Of An Agent: Ch. 3 – Jessica A.

* * * * *

Awards shows are always a big deal for us agents. Sure, they are a mixed blessing with all the preparations in getting your star (or stars) ready for the big night, but the payoff comes when they come home with those nice shiny statues that mean bigger and better things for their careers, and our wallets.

One of the firms hottest clients and a quickly rising star is Jessica Alba. We had initially taken her on as a "little fish". Basically a bit part actress. But then when she interviewed for the highly coveted female lead on James Cameron's Dark Angel and got it, we started to pay more attention. The show is a hit and Jessica was everywhere. She was the "it" girl for the fall TV season, something very few stars get to experience. And now here she was, up for a People's Choice award for best new actress. Sure, it wasn't an Academy Award, but anything that can help her resume works for me. So, on the night of the ceremony, I went all out. Julie (my personal assistant) had suggested renting a huge limo for Jessica, as well as paying for the dress she would wear. This would display an air of confidence and would treat her like the star she had become.

We picked Jessica up from her loft apartment at 5, allowing two hours for pre-show traffic. Myself and two bodyguards were in the limo when we pulled up, just as a safety precaution. I was there to see how she did and maybe wrangle away some new clients for the firm. As soon as her and her boyfriend got in the car though, I knew something wasn't right.

"Dean, guys," she said, nodding at the two security guards. "This is my boyfriend Ken,"

Ken was a well built guy, probably in his mid 20s. He had a nice enough face and was dressed very well, but even from 5 feet away, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and his clothes.

"Hi. How are ya doing? I'm Ken," he said in a slight slur, extending his hand for us to shake. When I reached to shake it, he pulled it away.

"Haha! Too slow!" he laughed drunkenly. I looked at the two guards. They too could tell it was going to be a long night. The car ride there was excruciatingly long, not only because of pre-show traffic but because Ken talked endlessly about how he met Jessica and how we had all better "stay away from her, she's my girl", shaking his fist at the two guards. The one on his right just rolled his eyes and politely answered "Yes sir."

To make matters worse, Ken was partaking in the whiskey in the car quite fluidly. Jessica was underage and couldn't drink, although not like I cared if she wanted to or not. Lots of our under age stars partied quite hard. Jessica just sat on her seat in the car quietly, obviously embarrassed by Ken.

When we arrived, Jessica and Ken got out of the car. Julie had picked out the dress for Jessica to wear, and she looked absolutely beautiful. It was down to ankles and all black, with a maroon sash tied around the waist. Her left shoulder was bare, and the back of the dress was slit, exposing her beautifully tanned and perfect skin. When she stood to get out of the limo, I couldn't help but look at her ass. Ken managed to compose himself for the cameras, although it was quite evident to anyone near him that he was totally drunk. Luckily for Jessica and the firm, the cameras avoided him as much as possible.

Before the show began at 8, I walked around the lobby of the auditorium, talking to clients who were in attendance but not up for any awards, as well as managers and owners of studios and other agencies. In the two months I had been in Hollywood since taking over the business from my deceased father, I had made quite a few connections in Hollywood. Grabbing a drink from a cute little brunette waitress, I took my seat in the upper level above the stage.

This was my first in-person award show and I enjoyed it. Granted, winning a People's Choice isn't THAT big of an accomplishment, and a lot of the presenters were b-movie actors and actresses, but it was still enjoyable. When Jessica's category was up and set to be announced by Rob Lowe, I actually felt myself get a little nervous and excited.

"And the winner for Best new actress is....Jessica Alba, Dark Angel," Lowe read from the envelope.

The auditorium erupted in applause, and Jessica made her way to the stage. Her acceptance speech was short and sweet. I was honored when she mentioned me by name as "the best agent a girl could ask for". Strangely though, she didn't thank her boyfriend.

After the show, I finally chased her down in the lobby.

"Congratulations!" I said, giving her a hug.

"Thanks. This is so overwhelming!" she said, a huge smile on her face.

"Well, let's go celebrate. Tell me Ms. Best New Actress, where are we off to?" I asked, leading her towards the entourage of press and limos outside the doors.

"Hold on, I need to find Ken. I think he went off somewhere to get another drink," she said, sounding a little angry about his drinking.

She found him not exactly where she wanted to. He had cornered a blond bartender in a far corner of the room and was obviously trying to get into her pants. His head was less than 3 inches from her face and it looked like he was just about to kiss her when Jessica walked up. Using a move I had seen her do in Dark Angel, she grabbed Ken by the shoulders and slammed him up against the wall. For a smaller woman, she was quite strong. I was across the room but I could tell from her voice and body language that she was giving him a major bitch session. His face seemed to be apathetic, often not even looking at her when she was talking. She finished and started dragging him towards me and the door. We hurried to the limo and drove off.

Jessica was extremely upset, and had her face in her hands crying.

"How the hell could you do that to me Ken? In front of all those important people," Jessica sobbed, trying to control herself again.

Ken was even more drunk than I thought possible, and his attitude showed it. "I was just trying to hook up with a girl to maybe get in on a three-way with you, me and her," he said snottily.

Jessica slapped him hard across the face. Acting out of pure reflex, Ken balled up his fist and raised it back to punch Jessica. Luckily the two bodyguards caught it as soon as it was over his head, one of them palming his fist and holding it back while the other bent Ken’s other arm around his back, immobilizing it. Ken struggled in vein for a second and then relaxed. The guards still held on.

"Ken, I think this is where you get out," I said coldly. "What?? We are in the middle of the freeway!" Ken said, sounding concerned for the first time that night.

"That's your problem. Not mine," I said. With that, one of the guards used his free arm to open the door to the night road outside. We were not going faster than 5 mph, and actually were stopping quite frequently. And even though I didn't give a rats ass what happened to him, I didn't want to go to jail for throwing him out of a fast moving car. Moving with amazing agility inside such a small space, the guards grabbed Ken's legs and arms and as the car came to a stop in traffic, lightly threw Ken onto the shoulder of the freeway, closing the door quickly behind them. Ken rolled a little bit but was back up in a flash, running after the car. He caught up to it and was banging on the windows, quite sober now.

"Jessica baby, come on! I wouldn't ever hit you, you know that! I was only kidding around with the blond girl! PLEASE LET ME BACK IN THE CAR!" he was yelling, his tuxedo getting dirty from the sand along the road as well as the diesel fumes from the cars. When the car stopped, Jessica surprised us all and rolled down her window. A momentary glimpse of hope on Ken's face was just that, momentary, as Jessica said emotionlessly.

"Go fuck yourself,"

This angered Ken and he tried to cram his arm and head through the window to get at Jessica. The guards were quick on the draw though, pulling out a 9mm pistol each and jamming it through the window. Ken got the message and backed away from the car. Jessica rolled up her window and the car sped up, as we were at our exit.

Things were quiet in the car until we got back to Jessica's loft. I took one of the guns from the guards and got out of the car with Jessica, telling the driver to take the limo back after he dropped the guards at their houses. I would stay with Jessica to make sure she got in okay and that Ken didn't try anything stupid. My office was close by.

We walked to her front door and then she stopped before opening it.

"Thanks Dean. I mean, for everything you did tonight," she said, looking directly into my eyes.

"No problem. And congratulations again on winning," I said.

"Yea, thanks," she said. There was an awkward moment of silence and then she leaned in slowly and gave me a kiss on the cheek. This wasn't the usual Hollywood greeting kiss; There was a certain warmth in it. Feeling her warm breath on my cheek, impulse took over and I turned her head slightly, kissing her softly on her beautiful lips. I only intended it to be a momentary kiss, to return the favor, but she kissed me back with more heated passion. I began to feel my body take over as I unconsciously moved my hands up to her soft, round hips. Our kiss became more involved, as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and I moved mine into hers. We stood there kissing like that for what felt like an eternity. Finally, I broke the kiss and moved my hands from her.

"Would you mind staying with me, just to you know, be safe?" she asked innocently, the flames of passion dancing behind her deep hazel eyes.

"I'd love to," I replied softly. She then opened her door and we were inside her apartment. Shutting the door behind us, she took my coat from me and hung it on the coat rack by the door, brushing her small but firm body against my side. Turning around after hanging the coat, she leaned against the wall and I moved in to kiss her again. Our mouths acted virtually on their own accord and our kissing became more fierce. I slowly started kissing her neck and exposed shoulder, reaching my hands around her back to undo her dress. Letting the clasp fall, I gently pulled the dress over her shoulders and exposed her bare breasts.

Her skin was as beautiful as the rest of her, a darkened shade that had to have come from the Italian and/or Hispanic portion of her genes. Her areolas were a deeper brown and very large, covering the front portion of her breasts almost entirely. Her nipples were large and quite soft, as I ran my hands over them, flicking them ever so gently to arouse them. They stood pointed from her large breasts, as Jessica's breathing became heavier from the excitement. Her face was flushed with the erotic attention the rest of her body was getting. I moved my mouth from her shoulders and began kissing her breasts all the way down to her nipples, taking a handful of her left tit into my mouth and sucking lightly on her nipple. Jessica held my head there and ran her fingers through my hair, moving her hands smoothly up and down the side of my face.

I switched to the other breast and started flicking her now very erect nipple with my tongue, running it slowly around her nipple, teasing it.

This continued for a few minutes, me standing there in her hallway in my expensive tux and her even more expensive dress half off of her body. Jessica pulled my head up to her face and we kissed fiercely again. After a few minutes, it was her turn to break the kiss and she gazed deep into my eyes and whispered throatily,

"Take me now. In the bedroom," she said.

I lifted her up into my arms, cradling her head and bare chest against mine as I carried her through the kitchen and into her bedroom. She had an expensive four post bed, blanketed by a rich maroon velvet bedspread. I set her gently onto the bed and stepped back to begin taking off my shirt. Jessica propped herself up on her knees and began undoing my belt and pants, letting them fall to the floor. I stood in only my white boxer shorts, my cock straining to get out of them. Jessica laid back on the bed and spread her legs slightly. I leaned over her and kissed her again, slowly moving from her lips down her neck to her breasts and navel. I stopped and slowly began sliding her dress off of her hips. When I had the dress off, I dropped it lightly to the floor. Jessica lay on top of the velvet bed now in only a pair of skimpy black panties. Her skin contrasted richly to the bedspread, a light brown on top of a maroon red. Her panties were already a little damp I noticed in the soft light of the room.

I crawled on to the bed and laid beside her. Propping her head up with her left hand, she slowly slid her right down my body, running her fingers softly over my chest and abs, tracing unknown little patterns all over my stomach. When Jessica reached my boxers, she slowly put her hand down past the waistband and ran her small, soft, warm hand on to my dick, feeling it up and down. I was quite hard by now, and Jessica seemed to enjoy that. Sitting up slightly on the bed, she pulled both hands up to the waistband and pulled my boxers down, flinging them onto the floor beside the bed. Stroking my cock again with her hands, she slowly began jacking me off. I reached my hand up and began teasing and kneading her breast, pinching and squeezing her nipples softly. She leaned her face down to mine and we began to kiss again, gently and softly. I have to say, she was one of the best kissers I have ever met.

After getting my dick at full attention, she removed her hand and this time it was her turn to slide down her underwear. As they moved past her hips and down to her knees, I saw her pussy for the first time. Shaved in a normal bikini-line sort of way, her pussy hair was a brown about as dark as her areolas, only much softer. I could smell her musky scent and could see little droplets of moisture on the outside of her mound. I moved my fingers down to her snatch and began slowly teasing her aroused clit with two fingers, squeezing it gently and rubbing it between my thumb and index finger. Jessica moaned softly as I did this. Slipping two fingers now into her, I began to slowly finger fuck her. Moving my fingers in and out of her tightness, I got a good rhythm going in her. Soon, soft squishing sounds began to resonate through out the room as Jessica was nearing orgasm. Her moans and cries that used to be soft were now getting louder as she was writhing around on the bed in ecstasy. Reaching her hands up to grasp the sheets, she cried out loudly as she orgasmed, covering my two fingers in her sticky sweet juice. I pulled my fingers from her and licked them clean, tasting her salty honey. Jessica caught her breath and then grasped my cock in her hand and pulled me towards her on the bed.

Without saying a word, I lifted myself over her and positioned my cock at her tiny little hole.

Reaching up with hand to caress my face, she whispered softly "Please be gentle. Your my first,"

This struck me off guard and I almost hesitated to pull away from her. But she was too quick for me and thrust her hips up at me, snaring my dick in between her soft pussy lips and driving in almost all of my 9 inches into her in one quick thrust. Grunting in pain for a slight second, I could see the grimace on her face as I tore into her quicker than she probably wanted. But only a few seconds later, she pulled me on top of her and began rotating her hips around my cock, trying to get as much into her as possible. I lay on top of her, crushing her breasts against my chest. Her pussy was like the soft velvet of the bedspread, teasing my shaft but sucking it in for more. The warm wetness inside her was like an insatiable fire that I could not put out. Being inside of her was like heaven, as I thrust in and out slowly at first.

My speed and tempo must not have been enough for Jessica, as in between my grinding into her and in shortened breath she gasped,

"More! More! Faster! Harder!"

I picked up the tempo as fast as I could, and soon we were literally bouncing up and down on the bed, my full 9 inches sliding into the deepest portion of her, hitting her pussy wall on virtually every thrust. As feverish as our pace was, it was the heat of her virgin, teenage pussy that I knew would keep me from lasting for very long. Beneath me I could feel Jessica shudder as she orgasmed, her juices mingling in with our fucking and leaking on to the bed below in a pool of liquid. Sensing myself on the edge of cumming, I started to pull out of her.

"No! In me!" Jessica gasped, pulling me back on top of her with all of her strength. I was torn about cumming inside of her, what with this being her first time and all, but my body was reacting far quicker than my mind was, and I felt my balls tighten as I shot stream after stream of cum into her. Jessica felt it hit her inside and this triggered another orgasm and she cried out so loudly it shook the pictures on the wall. Thank God she had this floor to herself.

Exhausted and spent, I pulled out of her only to find that I was still hard. Jessica caught her breath again and we laid next to each other, kissing gently.

I guess she wasn't as done as I thought she was, as she lowered my head down to her pussy. I got the hint and started lapping at the outside of her lips, running my tongue against her thighs and inner walls. I could taste some of my cum in her, something that I had never experienced before. Her sweet juices overpowered it though, as I took her clit into my teeth and gently squeezed, licking all around her as I did. Jessica sighed contentedly and I continued to eat her out. My dick was now a raging hard on once more, so I changed positions and we soon lay in a 69 position. Jessica took my cock in her hand and slowly slid it into her warm mouth. I felt it slide down her throat as she licked the shaft as it went all the way down. Lifting my hips up from her face and then lowering them back down, I began to slowly fuck her mouth while I continued to eat her out. My tongue was now deep within her as it probed the inner walls of her hot snatch. My cock was now moving of it's own accord as Jessica would pull it out and then lower it back in, kissing and licking it as slid into and out of her mouth.

Jessica came first, groaning onto my cock as she did. I tasted her juices in full force this time, spilling out onto my mouth and the bed beneath us. The puddle by my head was now getting quite big and sticky, smelling innocently sweet, just like Jessica.

I turned myself around and stood up on the bed, as Jessica continued to suck me off. Grasping her deep brown hair in my hands, I fucked her mouth a little more roughly than the way we had been going all night. She didn't seem to mind though, and in fact sucked more enthusiastically on my cock. I pulled out of her mouth and gave it a quick two or three jerks and then sprayed my load all over her face. This orgasm was just as strong as the one that was still seeping out of her cunt, and it covered her face. Streams of cum landed on her forehead and nose, sliding down to her mouth. Her tongue was extended and willingly taking all the drops that landed on it. Another shot landed on her upper lip and dropped audibly onto her waiting tongue. I aimed my cock lower and shot the final stream onto her large and heaving breasts, as the cum leaked down her cleavage and onto her nipples.

We lay back on the bed and cuddled. Jessica cleaned my cum from her face with her fingers, wiping as much as she could into her mouth and rubbing the cum on her tits into her chest. She licked my cock clean and we slept.

A few hours later, I awoke to noise in the kitchen. Jessica was gone from next to me. Fearing Ken's return, I searched around for the gun I had brought. Finally finding it buried beneath our mountain of clothes, I walked slowly and quietly to the kitchen. My fears were absolved however when I saw Jessica at the small kitchen stove, fixing pancakes. She was wearing only my tuxedo shirt, and her ass looked beautiful in the early morning light. Setting the gun on the counter, I walked behind her and wrapped my hands around her hips. Her hair was tousled from sleep, but combined with the man's shirt she was wearing, she looked incredibly sexy.

"Hey there. Hungry? I was fixing myself a quick breakfast," she asked, not turning around.

"Mmm...I'm hungry for something alright," I said, grinding my growing erection against her asscheeks.

Jessica laughed softly and turned around and smiled. "Is that so? Well, let me see if I can help you," she said devilishly.

She kissed me, setting the pan on the stove and wrapped her hands around my shoulders. I reached behind her and turned off the fryer, the smell of the fresh batter filling the room.

"So, what would you like to eat?" she said, that same wicked smile never leaving her face.

"How about a little piece of ass?" I replied.

"Mmmm...I think I know how to fix that," she said. Sliding away from my grasp, she walked over to the opposing counter. Thrusting her ass out sexily, she pretended like she was doing something else on the countertop. I walked behind her and ran my hands up and down her legs and hips, playing with her asscheeks. I gently parted them and then began to run my cock in between them. Jessica knew exactly what was coming and ground her ass back against me to get me harder. I pulled from between her beautiful ass and positioned myself at her pert little asshole. I smeared the pre-cum from the tip of my cock onto the head and started to slowly push into her. I told Jessica to just relax and she complied, and I slowly worked inch by inch of my cock into her ass. When I was into the hilt, I felt Jessica slip her hand between her legs and start to play with herself. I placed my hand over hers and guided her in and out of herself. She was getting wet yet again and took her soft fingers and reached up and coated my cock with her juice. This gave me more lubrication and I began pulling in and out of her ass at a gaining speed. She continued to diddle herself more and more, getting herself off from not only her hand but also from the thrusting I was giving her. I started to go even harder and faster now, and Jessica cried out in part pain, mostly pleasure as we rocked against the counter top. Finally, I thrust into her once more and came inside of her ass. Jessica had already cum twice through her own finger fucking, and we both just lay atop each other on the countertop.

Later we finally did eat those pancakes she was cooking and then I left. Giving her a kiss goodbye, I walked the 10 blocks back to my office, got in my car and drove home. Showering and finally sleeping on my own bed, I dreamed of all that lay before me at the next awards show.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:19:02 PM
Journal Of An Agent: Ch. 4 – Alyssa M.

* * * * *

Since I took over my father's talent agency out here in L.A., I haven't really had to go chasing talent to bring onboard for the company. Thankfully, he left me a large stable of great actresses and musicians who are not only talented, but also hot as hell and sexy. And as great as the sex had been with the clients I had gotten personally involved with, I was still looking for something more. A more meaningful relationship. Sure, there was always the fall back to my personal assistant Julie (who I was almost certain had a thing for me) but dealing with an interoffice relationship like that wouldn't be the best idea.

So when I heard that Alyssa Milano, the child star who had grown up into a very beautiful woman, was looking for some one new to represent her, I jumped at the chance. We were close to the same age, and ever since watching her on "Who's The Boss" back in my younger days, I had had a boyhood crush on her. I had Julie get me her home phone number and one evening at home, I actually felt nervous as I called her house.

"Hi, you've reached Alyssa. Leave me a message and I'll call you back." said the recording on her answering machine.

"Damn," I thought to myself "She's probably out with her boyfriend. I'll just leave a message,"

*** BEEP ***

"Hi Alyssa, my name is Dean Simonds and I am from the Shooting Star Talent Agency. I heard you were shopping around for an agent and I was wondering if we could get together for lunch or dinner sometime to discuss you coming aboard. Give me a call when you get a chance. My number is..."

CLICK "Hello? Dean? You still there?" rang out her sweet voice. My heart jumped into my throat, but I regained my composure.

"Yes, hi. I thought you were out or something," I said, trying not to sound nervous.

"Nope, I just screen my calls. Ever since Charmed got so big, I have had to change my number 3 times! People keep posting my number on the Internet. It's really scary. Any ways, you are correct, I am looking for a new representative, so we do need to sit down and talk," she said.

"Ok. Well, how about we have lunch two weeks from this coming Thurs-" I said, but was cut off.

"Look, first off, I don't schedule more than two days in advance. Why don't we have dinner now? I'm free and you appear to be available as well, if you're making calls to my house at 6 on a Friday night," she said, laughing.

I was caught a little off by this, but without even thinking I jumped at the chance.

"Yes. I'm free. I can meet you virtually anywhere in about 45 minutes. Where do you want to go?"

"How about that Italian restaurant two blocks off of Rodeo?" she said.

I knew the one she was talking about. Great food, quiet atmosphere, and not a huge drive for me.

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there at 7. Sound good?" I asked, secretly praying and hoping a thousand times over in my head.

"Sure thing. I'm going to dress down to keep the fans away. I'll be the one in jeans, a green sweatshirt and white tennis shoes. I'll meet you around the side of the building," she said.

"Great. Cya there," I said. Shaking, I hung up the phone. The office was quiet now, so I shut the door to my office and then did a small jump in the air. "Yes!" I said.

Changing into a nice coat and putting on a fresh tie, I got myself ready hurridely. "Ok, calm down now Dean. This isn't junior high." I told myself. God, I felt as nervous as my first date back when I was 15.

I arrived at the restaurant 10 minutes early and went ahead and got us a table. For a Friday night, I was surprised how quiet they were. Taking a seat facing the door, I drank two glasses of water just waiting on her. Finally she arrived, 5 minutes late. She was dressed like she said she would be, although the baggy clothes did little to hide her curves. She was wearing a dark pair of sunglasses to help shade her eyes from being recognized. I motioned her to the table and she walked over towards me. Wanting to impress her and be a gentleman, I pulled her chair out for her and pushed her in to the table. The perfume she was wearing was intoxicating and try as she might with the outfit she was wearing, she had an heir of sexuality that I hadn't encountered in many women. Taking off her sunglasses, she sat down and I returned to my seat.

"Hi. I'm so glad we could get together. Since Charmed got so big, I've wanted to try moving on to movies. Do you think you can help?" she asked, smiling.

"Well, my firm carries a whole lot of weight with the studios. If you are really serious, I'm sure that we can work out something," I replied.

"That's great. I'm thinking maybe a role in a comedy or something. After doing Who's The Boss for so long, I'd like to think I've developed a knack for comedy," she said, pausing. "You know, I must say, you are as attractive as you sounded on the phone," she said.

Laughing, I asked "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

She laughed softly in return. "No no, it's a good thing. I can always tell how a person looks generally by listening to them on the phone. I guess it's some sort of sixth sense or something," she said.

"Well, thank you. I probably don't even have to tell you how beautiful you are," I said, smiling.

Amazingly, she blushed a little bit. "Thank you. Something I've noticed since I've been in Hollywood, which is a long time, is that with all the beauty and glamour out here, when you actually talk to a person, you can tell how genuine they are. You couldn't have grown up here, because you seem so honest. Maybe my radar is off, I don't know" she said, shrugging half-heartedly.

"No, I'm from back east. I just got out of college about six months ago. I was going to be a lawyer until my father passed away and I inherited the agency," I said, sipping from my water.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your father. That must have been horrible," she said sympathetically.

"Not really. He left us when I was young so I never got to know him. I wasn't even going to come out here but was talked into it by his lifelong assistant. I think I like it out here though, so I will probably stay for a little while longer at least," I said.

"You've got to stay," Alyssa said, smiling. "You have to be here to take care of me,"

The waiter finally arrived and took our order. Dinner arrived 20 minutes later. Throughout the meal, we continued to have a great conversation, that was hardly about business at all. Alyssa and I clicked on a personal level, sharing childhood memories and experiences of growing up. Despite growing up in totally separate ways, I felt a real connection with her, and that she understood and felt what I had gone through without a father, and I think I understood her struggles growing up in a world like Hollywood.

Towards the end of the meal, Alyssa returned the conversation back to business. As the check came, I reached to pick it up but Alyssa's hand covered mine. Her skin was exquisitely smooth and her hand was so warm and alive.

"You know, I'm a big girl. I can pay for my own dinner," she said, making a ritualistic effort to be free from the male stereotype of paying for the meal.

"I know you can. But hey, this is a business dinner, so the agency will pay for it. We both win out," I said. Reaching into my wallet with my other hand, I noticed Alyssa's hand was still on mine. Looking up into her deep brown eyes, she rubbed her fingers slowly over my hand. God, her touch felt so right.

"Would you like to come back to my place for drinks and maybe some coffee? We can talk about possible movie roles and you can look at some scripts I've been given," I said.

"I'd love to. We can take my car, if you can give me directions," she said, her gaze never leaving my eyes.

I agreed, and we got into her car. The ride back to my house was quick, as Alyssa tore down the freeway in her bright red Z3. With the top down and the cool sea breeze blowing onto her face, and the moonlight from the half moon that was out and shining so brightly over the Pacific, her beauty radiated.

When we reached my house, a small (by California standards) mansion, I took Alyssa's hand and led her to the entertaining room. She took a seat on the couch as I went to the bar to fix us some drinks.

Handing her her drink, I sat down on the couch next to her and handed her two or three scripts I had been reviewing from off of the coffee table. We spent the next few hours drinking and discussing the scripts. It was decided that I would try and get Alyssa a role in a situation comedy about a man who wakes up in a Vegas hotel and is suddenly married to three sisters. She would of course play one of the sisters. After finishing my drink, I rose to fix Alyssa and myself another round. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was 2 AM. I had no idea time had went by so quickly. Alyssa must have realized it too, for she rose from the couch.

"Wow, it's late. I probably she head home. I have an hour and a half drive ahead of me," she said, sipping from the drink I had just given her.

My heart sank a little bit, but she was probably right, she should head home. Walking her to the door, she stopped in the hall way to admire one of the paintings on the wall.

"Wow, is that a real Warhol? It's beautiful," she said quietly. I was impressed by her recognition of the art.

"Yes, it is. My father was an amateur art collector. The paintings in the house were here when he died and I moved in," I said.

"It's beautiful. The colors are so radiant," she repeated to herself.

Turning around to face me, our faces were less than 6 inches apart. For a moment, I sensed that she was debating about what to do, but the moment was quick and she leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I stood there savoring the feeling of her mouth on mine, and then leaned in to kiss her just as gently as she had kissed me. She returned the kiss, and I forced her against the hallway doorframe lightly, putting my arms over her shoulders, kissing her sweet mouth. Her lips and tongue were so warm and soft, I felt like I would die from the sheer bliss. We stood in the hallway for another ten minutes kissing, before she finally broke the kiss and put her hand on my chest.

"Maybe...I shouldn't drive..." she said, kissing me again in between words. "Having...drank...and all," she said, gasping slightly between kisses.

"No...as your agent...and friend...I don't think...you should," I said, kissing her the same way. She wrapped her other arm diagonally around my shoulders, and we were lip locked again for a few minutes.

Wrapping my own arms around her waist, I pulled her towards me. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I felt her soft hair brush across my face. The shoulder length auburn brown hair reflected the light from the outside gate light beautifully, and when she rose her head from my shoulder once more, the light caressed every curve and bend of her face. I had never seen anything as beautiful in all my life. Taking her small, soft hand in mine once more, I started to lead her upstairs to my bedroom. As we crossed the den, she stopped. For a moment, my heart sank once more as I realized how forward I was being and that she probably didn't appreciate it.

Instead, she moved towards the couch and laid down, pulling me on top of her. Resting my arms beside her side, her breathing was becoming more ragged as we kissed once more. I could feel myself getting aroused by all of this, and judging from the panting coming from Alyssa's mouth, she was too. Making my way up and down her neck, I softly placed kisses on her neck and cheek, savoring again that wonderful perfume and the radiant sexuality coming from her. Lifting her shirt up slightly at the stomach, she pulled it up, exposing her beautifully soft and firm naval area. Her bellybutton was pierced with a diamond stud, and it shone brightly in the soft light of the floor lamps of the room. Diverting my attention from her neck, I moved my mouth to her stomach, kissing and licking all around her navel and tummy, moving my way slowly up her chest. Pushing her sweatshirt all the way up to the base of her breasts, I finally got a glimpse of her bra: a light, baby blue silk pushup from Victoria's Secret. Alyssa lifted her head and looked directly into my eyes as I raised my head up from her belly. Shifting her arms just enough, she grasped the end of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her in just the light blue bra. Her breasts were heaving up and down of virtually their own accord as my kissing made way up to her cleavage. Kissing and licking first one breast and then the other, I slowly slid the left cup over her nipple and exposed it in it's aroused state to the air of the room. Her nipples were large, a light brownish pink. Her areolas were also large, covering the majority of the front of her breast. Taking the nipple in between my teeth, I licked and squeezed lightly, eliciting a soft moan from Alyssa. My free hand moved to the other breast as I massaged and kneaded it, rolling it around in my large hand. Her skin felt as soft as I had thought, delicate and fine on the surface, but an extraordinary heat radiating from under it. I moved my mouth from her left breast to the right, copying the same style of pleasuring I had just been doing, only this time taking it a little faster.

Alyssa seemed to like this better, and her hand grasped my hand away from her breast and moved it down to her crotch, where I could feel the wetness building through her jeans. Finally, I stopped licking her tits, and she sat herself up some on the couch, only to move her hands to her jeans and slide them down sexily. She was wearing a pair of white cotton panties that did very little to cover her beautiful little pussy. I could see the moisture from her lips wetting down the surface of her panties. Slipping a finger inside, Alyssa began to play with herself, thrusting a finger in and out of herself at a slow speed at first, then going at it tremendously. I, in the meantime, was busy unbuttoning my pants and pulling down my boxers. As I let my boxers fall to the floor and my cock sprang to attention from Alyssa's pleasuring of herself self induced orgasm arrived, and her body shuddered in pleasure as it went stiff and a soft cry escaped from her lips. Panting and out of breath, she finally laid back on the bed, with her eyes closed and her head tilted back. Alyssa opened her eyes and looked at me, smiling slightly.

"Sorry about that. But I'm sure you enjoyed the show," she said slyly.

"Oh yes, very much so. I'm just hoping the second act will be as good as the first," I said.

Getting onto her knees, Alyssa slid her panties off from her full hips onto the carpeted floor below. Reaching out with both hands, Alyssa grabbed me by the ass and pulled me towards her with one hand, and took my hard dick in her other. Looking up at me the whole time, she placed the tip of my dick onto her bottom lip. Extending that magical tongue of hers out slowly, licked the tip softly. The trail of her saliva, mixed with my precum, created a strand extending from her lips to my dick as she slowly pulled her mouth away. Still maintaining eye contact, Alyssa smiled up at me. Pulling my dick into her mouth once more, this time sucking in about 3 inches of my 9 inch member. I could feel her tongue swirling around all over my sensitive foreskin area, teasing and pleasing it as it moved around like a nimble serpent of pleasure. I was in heaven as she was doing this, wanting to force more of myself into her able and willing mouth, but Alyssa was setting the tone totally on this experience. Slowly I felt more and more of my dick sliding into her mouth, until I realized that the head had gone down her throat. My God was she a good cocksucker!

Alyssa let some of my dick slip out of mouth, but began quickly moving it in and out with ease, her lips and tongue sliding all around my dick. Her head was bobbing like crazy now, but she was using JUST her head. One of her hands was busy fondling and playing with my balls, while the other was busy frigging her clit. Alyssa broke her gaze with me as she closed her eyes, picking up speed on her sucking, sometimes deep throating me, other times letting my dick come totally out of her mouth and smack her upper lip or rub against her cheek. A nice drop of precum had ended up on her upper lip and it remained there while she sucked me off, glistening in the light.

"Alyssa! Keep it up! I'm about to cum!" I panted. Surprisingly, Alyssa pulled my cock from her mouth and instead ripped off her bra and placed my dick in between her beautiful breasts. Using her hands now, she grasped her breasts and began to tit fuck me with them. I helped along things by bucking my hips up into her tits. My dick would occasionally smack onto her chin and glide up it to her extended tongue. She would try desperately to lick it as it came up, like a little girl trying to get that last lick on a lollipop. Finally, I couldn't stand this tit fucking standing up much longer, so I laid her back onto the couch and put my knees by her sides. My pace was furious as I slid my dick between her soft globes. Alyssa was moaning and bouncing all around while this was going on. At last I felt my balls swelling and I unloaded a massive jet of cum onto Alyssa's tits, mouth, chin, nose and even some in her hair. Alyssa gathered up the cum from her face and proceeded to smear it into her tits.

"Old Hollywood trick. Supposedly it's good for the skin," she said dryly.

Watching her do this made my fading erection hard again, and I stroked myself back to full attention. Alyssa spread her legs wide on the couch, draping her right leg onto my shoulder. Positioning myself in front of her cunt, I slowly eased the head in, and then in one swift motion shoved my dick in to the hilt inside of her. Alyssa gasped at this sudden action, but her pussy matched my pace, as I could feel it trying to suck as much of my meat into her. Her box was warm and wet, and the walls of her canal were silky and smooth. I felt myself bottom out inside of her, this thrust eliciting an even bigger groan from her. As we laid there fucking like two rabbits, Alyssa put her hands on the side of my face and pulled me close to her, kissing me deeply.

"Dean, I want this to be more than a one time thing. I feel a connection. Please don't let this get away," she whispered into my ear.

I too felt a deeper affection than just some piece of celebrity ass I had had, and I told her so.

"Don't worry. I feel the same about you. I want to try and make this work," I said, gazing again into her deep eyes. Her face looked so innocent and sweet, the sweat lightly perspiring on her forehead as we moved back and forth in unison.

Alyssa smiled at me and whispered "I know we can. Thank you,". Suddenly her body tensed up and she orgasmed. I knew that I was pretty close to coming again, and told Alyssa so. I thought she would want me to pull out of her, but instead she pulled my body closer to hers, my chest crushing her breasts and nipples against my own. Shuddering as well, I released a steady stream of cum into her, feeling the hotness of her cunt juices coating my shaft as I finally pulled out of her.

We finally moved to the bedroom and laid together on top of the bed for a while cuddling and fondling each other. The last glance I had at the clock told me it was 5 AM. I had no idea our lovemaking had lasted so long. I drifted off to sleep with Alyssa Milano wrapped in my arms, her head resting lightly upon my chest and my arms around her perfect body.

The rest of the weekend we made love and talked, and our relationship and connection grew. I hadn't felt so close to a person in years, and I could only think that she felt the same way. Over the next few weeks we saw each other almost every day and I stayed true to her, as she did to me. I felt that our relationship was headed to a next level until I had a moment of weakness one day that threatened to rip us apart...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:19:47 PM
Journal Of An Agent: Ch. 5 – Christina A.

* * * * *

Life was good. In my two months since taking over the talent agency from my father, not only had I fooled around with some of the hottest women in Hollywood, but the accountants told me that the firm was bringing in records amounts of money. And of course there was Alyssa Milano, my current girlfriend and who I felt was my soul mate. I couldn't think of anything else to make life better. I was truly at a plateau of bliss. However, when things can no longer go up, the only direction they tend to go is down.

The trouble started when I got a call from Rick Dugan, a music industry veteran and all around sleazebag with a reputation of ruining things with clients by thinking with his dick. When Julie (my secretary) buzzed my office and told me that Rick was on the phone, I shuddered to myself and apprehensively picked up the phone.

"This is Dean," I said into the mouthpiece.

"Dean baby, what's up! This is Rick Dugans, head of Spin It Records. How you doing? That's great. I need to talk to you about something," Rick said all in one breath before I could even get a word in.

Dealing with him wouldn't be a pleasant experience, I could tell already. Nevertheless, this was work, and I tried to sound open minded.

"Sure Rick, I'm listening. Go ahead," I replied.

"Well, the thing is, it's this little cunt Christina Aguilera. Now, don't get me wrong, she is a great piece of ass. In fact, I've been sticking it to her for the past year. But listen, she's getting sick of putting up with me and my shit. So she wants to meet with you about maybe becoming your client. But no offense Dean, but I don't wanna let her go, you know? So maybe if I uhh...pat your back, you can help me keep her on board here at Spin It," he said boastfully.

I knew right away what he was talking about, any one could have figured it out. If he paid me some money, I would help him keep her by making up some bullshit excuse as to why we couldn't take her on at the firm. At first I was revolted at the idea of having to deal with him, but then I started thinking about Alyssa and how even though we were both well off financially, it would be nice to have some money I could blow frivolously on her with a vacation or something. My heart outweighed my logic this time, and I agreed grudgingly to help him out.

"Yea, I'm sure something can be arranged," I sighed into the phone "Just set something up with Julie and then I will see you then,"

"Great! Thanks man. We can arrange the ahem...helping hand...right before she comes in if you want," he said enthusiastically.

"Whatever works for you. Listen I have to go to a meeting," I lied to him. "I'll speak with you later."

With that we ended the conversation, and Julie took over, setting up an appointment for me.

Reclining back in my chair, my thoughts drifted to Alyssa, so I decided to call her up. We met at a Chinese restaurant for lunch and then went back to her place and made love for a few hours. By the time I got home that night at 2 AM, I had totally forgotten about Rick and his little deal.

Two weeks passed before the deal became a thought on my mind again. It was only after Julie came in for her usual 10 AM morning visit to tell me about appointments of the day.

"12:00 you have a conference call with Universal, 2:00 you have lunch with Mr. Blake, head of your father's finances. And at 3:30, your meeting with Rick Dugan," she said, reading from her scheduling book. Startled by the recognition of the Dugans meeting, I stopped Julie in mid sentence.

"Dugan? Oh man, I forgot I made that commitment. Oh well, best to get it over with," I said. Julie just rolled her eyes and looked at me sardonically.

"Is he really that bad? He seemed nice enough on the phone," she said.

"Let's just put it this way. If I had to choose between having a root canal on every tooth or going to a meeting with him, I'd pick the root canal," I sighed, leaning back in my chair with my hands behind my head.

3:30 rolled around and I headed over to meet Rick. Walking into the office of Spin It records, I was in total disbelief at how a sleaze like Rick could build such a vast empire. The office space for the company was extremely nice, with the hallways lined all the way down with gold and platinum records of some of the hottest acts in the past 20 years. Of course, Spin It had been bought out years ago by Sony, but Rick still basically ran things and signed new talent. With a voice like hers, I was amazed that he had managed to land Christina Aguilera. But then again, I had to give the guy credit that at least he knew how to work the business and the people in it. Walking into his inner office, I was greeted by his secretary and asked to take a seat, Mr. Dugan would be ready in a few minutes. Leafing through a music magazine while I waited, the door opened 5 minutes later and out came a very young looking girl, no older than 17 at least, who looked very flushed and was straightening out her blouse as she walked. She was very attractive, and had a "girl next door" look to her, complete with the classic blond hair, blue eyes.

In fact, I thought it was Christina herself until I got a good look at her as she was walking out the door. No, this girl was a little on the chunky side, she couldn't be anyone famous. Then I caught myself, realizing how dehumanizing that sounded. A minute later, Rick opened the door and invited me in, he himself looking very sweaty and hot. Right away I could tell that he was fucking the little girl who had just walked out of the office. I was amazed how he could do it when he knew I was outside of the door, just a few feet away. Shaking my head in amazement, I walked into his office, checking my seat for any stains before I sat down. Luckily, the rest of his office was just as nice as the rest of the building, and things seemed to be neat and orderly. Rick got right down to business.

"Alright Dean, let's get squared away. I'll give you 10,000 for doing this, and all you have to do is come up with some shitty excuse why you can't bring her on as a client, alright?"

The amount knocked me back a little, but I regained my composure quickly. Nodding in agreement, I said "Sounds good. When is she getting here?" I asked.

"15 minutes. IF she is on time, and you know little bitches like her are never on time," he said disgustedly. "Listen, I'm going to go grab a quick shower till she gets here. I got sweaty from uhhh...working out. If you need anything, my secretary is right outside. Till then, look around, make yourself comfortable, whatever,"

With that he walked out of the room, and I stood up to look at all the plaques on his wall. The ones up there now were big time, current acts. Apparently he relegated the "lesser" bands to the outer halls. Walking over to his mini-bar, I fixed myself a rum and coke, and stood looking out of his huge picture window. Standing there sipping on my drink and looking out at the city below, my mind started wandering and I must have ended up in my own little world, as I didn't hear the door open behind me. I did however hear it close, and I turned around to look at who it was. At first glance I thought it was the young girl from earlier, returning to pick up something she forgot maybe, but then I realized no, this wasn't her. This girl was around the same height and had virtually the same looks, except her hair had pink attachments in front, and she was wearing a different outfit than the first girl. A sheer navy blue tube top like thing and zebra striped pants that looked like she was poured into, accented all by a belly button ring, and I knew within a second that this was Christina Aguilera. At first I think she was confused as to who I was, but then I saw a look of recognition cross her face. Walking over to greet her, we did the typical Hollywood hug and cheek kiss, though I had to bend down to kiss her cheek. She was much shorter in real life than I thought she would be, although just as pretty.

"Hi, you must be Dean. I'm Christina," she said, smiling.

"Yes. I am Dean. And don't worry, I know who you are," I said, smiling back in a way that I hoped wasn't too cheese ball.

"Well, I'd like to sort this thing out before that cocksucker Rick gets back. God damn does that mother fucking prick make me mad," she said to herself, the hatred filling the air all around us.

I was surprised by her colorful language. Not that I hadn't heard it before, it's just that she had always appeared to be this sweet and innocent little girl. Apparently not.

Jokingly, I said. "Where did a young girl like you learn such nasty words as those?"

Christina gave me a disapproving stare, and then her tone in her voice shifted to be a little more throaty and sultry. "Oh don't worry about what I know how to say. I can DO things that are much nastier than that,"

Feeling the temperature in the room jump about ten degrees from just that one sentence, I cleared my throat and motioned for her to sit down. She did, and I turned to face her.

"While I was waiting for you to arrive, I have been looking over your contract. You seem to have such a sweet deal here, I can't imagine why you would want to leave," I said, starting to lay the ground work for my escape from bringing her to my agency.

Twirling her hair on her finger, Christina gazed off at some unknown point and said almost dreamlike "The money is good. But Rick isn't fucking me the way I like to be fucked,"

Trying to play it off and change the subject (as well as quell my growing erection).

"Well, it's not our policy to take talent away from another firm when they are already under contract. Plus, right now, we aren't really looking to invest in any more stars of your caliber. In fact," I started to say, but was cut off abruptly just by the look given to me by Christina, whose head snapped forward and who glared directly at me.

"That prick!" she said loudly. "Rick is paying you not to hire me. I can't believe it. He stops fucking me for two days and thinks that I'm all heartbroken over him because his 6 inch dick can't please me. Well, I'll show him," she said to herself.

"No, Christina it's not like that. It's just that with all the other musicians and," I tried to argue with her, but she cut me off again.

"Oh save it. I may be young but I know when I'm getting screwed. I've been in this business longer than you," she shouted back at me. I was now feeling very uncomfortable and embarrassed, and I wondered where the hell Rick was to calm down this diva.

Trying fruitlessly to interject with her again, my mind raced as I tried to reason with her. "I'm telling you, we aren't hiring right now. We just don't need you," I said flatly.

Christina wasn't even listening to me anymore, she now stood with her hands on her hips, pondering who knows what. Her face slowly began to change however from anger to a look of calm resign. I couldn't even imagine what was coming next.

Walking over to me, she kneeled down in front of me and looked up into my face. Her eyes were beautiful, as was her face, something that I realized was such a rare trait: a true, natural beauty.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Dean," she said, almost whispering. "It's not your fault. All of this was caused by Rick and he is the person to blame, not you. But I know he agreed to pay you to not hire me on. I just need you to tell me right now if this is true. I have to know before I can consider leaving him as a representative and a lover,"

Feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place, I tried to avert my eyes from her face, but to no avail. Sighing, I returned my gaze back to her.

"Yes. Yes, he was going to pay me. $10,000 to not hire you. I'm sorry I lied, I shouldn't have gotten mixed up in this whole thing," I said, starting to stand up to leave. But suddenly I felt Christina's hand on my thigh, moving it's way up to my crotch.

"Thank you. That's all I needed to know," she whispered. I again tried to move, but this time she used both hands to push me back down. Half knowing what was coming next, I felt my throat go dry as I asked "Christina, what are you doing? Let me up,"

"Just sit down and relax. Let me handle things from here," she whispered again. Feeling her hand move to my crotch once more, I couldn't help get aroused watching her small hands move up and squeeze my dick through my gray slacks. She slowly began to unzip my pants, while my body relaxed and let impulse control it, despite the fact that my brain was going a mile a minute, thinking about what would happen if Rick walked in; thinking about what would happen if someone else walked in; but most importantly I thought about Alyssa. Struggling desperately to keep my dick from thinking for me, finally I resigned myself that a quick little blow job wouldn't hurt anything, because no one would ever know about that. Still, I couldn't quite shake that nagging little conscience in my head. That is, until I felt Christina lick the tip of my dick as it stuck out of my boxer shorts. Resigned to just let it happen, I laid back and closed my eyes.

But a "quick little blowjob" wasn't what Christina had in store. Hearing a sliding sound, I looked up to see Christina stepping out of her zebra striped skin hugging pants and pull her panties aside right outside her tiny little slit. Before I knew what was happening, she had lowered herself onto my cock. My god was she tight. And so hot and wet, I felt that my dick would melt inside of her. The velvet of her pussy sleeve was softer than anything I had ever felt on earth, and I couldn't believe that I could actually get my dick into her. It was then that I realized that I wasn't getting an innocent blowjob, I was fucking another woman. This time, for the moment at least, my logic won out. Attempting to pull Christina off of my shaft, I said,

"Christina, I can't. I'm seeing someone and I can't cheat on her," I said meekly. She was still riding me up and down as she laughed.

"Haha. You live out her in L.A., you work in Hollywood, and you worry about cheating on someone. NOW who is acting like the little kid," she said.

"Tell me," she said sexily, brushing the pink attachment from her eyes. "Can your woman do this?" With that, I felt Christina force herself back onto me all the way, impaling herself. That in and of itself was a tremendous feeling, but what she did next was incredible. Starting at the tip of my prick, I felt her voluntarily contract and expand her pussy muscles around me, creating a ripple effect that shot all the way down my prick and almost caused me to blow my load inside of her right then and there.

Caught totally off guard, I threw my head back and moaned loudly. Christina smiled devilishly and began riding me up and down again, occasionally doing the pussy ripple again. I was totally gone now, driven totally by pure animal lust and no longer clear thinking. Fuck Alyssa I thought to myself. She is probably getting fucked by another guy somewhere too. She will never know that I fucked this hot tight little cunt. She...

Suddenly my mind cleared up as I heard Christina say, through labored breathes, "Ok Rick honey, come in and join us,"

Glancing around Christina's nubile body (she had pulled her tits out now and was in the process of sucking her own nipple as I guided her up and down my cock with my hands on her hips, I saw Rick Dugan standing in front of the chairs and desk, stroking himself. Angry that he might have been there this whole time, I moved to speak, but Christina beat me to it, kissing me deeply and keeping me from talking, knowing probably exactly what I was going to say. While doing this, she lifted herself off of my dick almost completely. A primal part of me was mad that she had pulled off before I came, but then I realized that she wasn't getting off me at all. She was merely moving her ass up so that it was in range of Rick's dick. Feeling his leg bump against mine, I saw a look of total bliss on his face as he sunk his dick deep into Christina's asshole slowly and purposefully. Christina moaned into my mouth. Finally I could tell that he had bottomed out inside of her, and he began to move his dick and out of her slowly, building a momentum and tempo. Catching onto his rhythm quickly, I began to match him thrust for thrust. While I wasn't happy about cheating on Alyssa, nor was I happy with sharing a woman with the diseased fleabag that was Rick Dugan, the allure and feeling of Christina Aguilera's teenage heat was just too strong.

All three of us fucked like this fucked for what felt like hours, a mass of sweat and bodily fluids (my slacks were now covered in Christina's juices) writhing around on top of a high backed leather chair. Despite having come in later (no pun intended), Rick appeared to be coming first. He moaned out loud, as did Christina, and I felt her shudder all around me as Rick sprayed the inner walls of her ass with cum. Pulling his softening dick out of her ass, Christina focused her efforts on getting herself and me off. Pushing down and grinding with her pelvic muscle (She was strong for such a small girl. Must have been all the dancing) against my crotch, her blond pussy hair contrasting with my darkened hair that surrounded my dick and balls, Christina began talking dirty to herself and to me.

"Oh yea....that's what I like. Oh yea baby, do that again. Little Christina can feel your big cock in me. OOOOOOoooo yea. Do it baby, make me cum. I wanna cum all over your hot cock. Do it to me, make me cum. Yea, yea, yea! That's it! AGGhhh! I'm almost there. I can feel you are almost there. Cum inside of me baby. That's it. That's what I need. I can feel you expanding in me. Shoot your hot spunk in me. I want it! I WANT IT NOW! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

Her scream echoed throughout the room as she came, her body shuddering on me. Her pussy rippled once more, and that was more than enough to send me over the edge, as I felt the first and second stream hit the deepest nether regions of her pussy, coating it down with her cum. I thrust into her again for the final three shots, these hitting the rest of her inside. The room smelled of sex, as Christina slid off of me, the trail of her own juices leaving a small trail down her leg and on to my pants.

Not much was said for the next few minutes. Rick and Christina kissed while I cleaned myself up, using a stain remover to clean off the cum stains on my pants. Finally, when we were all neat and tidy again, I finally spoke.

"This wasn't about you leaving Spin It was it Christina," I asked, straightening out my tie.

"No. I would never leave here," she said, kissing Rick. "This was just a bet that Rick and I had. He didn't think I could seduce another man enough to let me get double teamed. But it worked,"

"So then I was used for a bet?" I said, growing angrier by the second. “What about that girl you were fucking before I got here Rick?” I asked, trying to score any points to make up for my total feeling of being used.

"Oh, that’s a friend of mine. Rick and I fuck other people. But we always come back,” Christina said, smiling.

“As far as being used, yes and no. I'd wanted to fuck you since you got here to L.A. and your reputation spread. And it was a fantasy of Rick's to tag team a girl. And you got to fuck me, so that and of itself is a good deal for everyone involved, wouldn't you say?" said Christina, her ego now almost as big as the room.

"And listen, I'll still cut you that check if you want," interjected Rick.

I was furious now. Not just about there egos, but about how I had let myself get carried away by passion and now how horrible I would feel about things until I told Alyssa.

"Look, I don't want your fucking money. I'm not some god damn gigolo. I'm warning you though; You ever call my office again I will go straight to MTV and ruin little im-miss-innocent over there's reputation. You won't be able to get a job singing for the fucking bum on the street,"

Christina looked hurt and taken aback by this, and I decided it was my time to leave. Grabbing my coat, I walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

Driving back to my apartment, I changed and tried to get the smell of sex off of me. But it was no use. No matter how hard I scrubbed myself, the stench of cheating felt ingrained in me. That night I was supposed to pick Alyssa up for dinner, but when I finally pulled up to her house, I sat in my car with my face in my hands for 20 minutes, ashamed at what I had done. I tried to rationalize how shitty I had been and how it had been the L.A. lifestyle. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get around the fact that I had to tell Alyssa before this got to big. Given the terms I left Rick's office on, it was just a matter of time before this became gossip. Resigning myself to fate, I walked to Alyssa's door and went inside.

It's been a week now since that night. I spoke with Alyssa immediately about it, and despite my heartfelt apology, she told me to get out and to never come near her again. She said that all of her contract work with my firm would be done over the phone only and that if I tried to force her to do something she would drop me so fast it would make my head spin.

As I sit here now, watching television on my couch, I have made a promise to myself. Never again will I put myself in a situation where I could hurt the person I grow to care about. I will live to date again, without a doubt. But next time, I won't be the one who gets burned.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:21:25 PM
Journal Of An Agent 6: Eliza Dushku

* * * * *

One of the most exciting parts of my job as agent to the stars has to be visiting the sets of films/television shows. Sure, it sounds a little hokey and amateur, but it's true. Say what you want about the people in Hollywood and L.A., but when they get behind those cameras (or in front of them) something magical just happens. Today I was on my way out to the set of "Angel", the Warner Brothers network's hot spin- off from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to see to one of the firm's newest clients, Eliza Dushku. Instead of being on her side this time however, I was called down to try and get her back to work. I had known that she wanted to take time off for college, but for her to just up and decide not to come out and do her lines for the show today, that was a little odd.

We had come to inherit Eliza's contract just recently, before I took over the business from my father. He had bought out her former agencies business and thus taken over talent like Eliza. Even though she wasn't that well known at the time, my assistant Julie said that no less than two weeks after the final legal work had been done, the film Bring It On had opened. Eliza played an outcast struggling to get onto the cheerleading squad, and actually had quite a sizeable part in the film. What surprised everyone was how well it did at the box office: A month on top of every other film in the country. I had just recently seen the film myself and though it wasn't Oscar material, it was an entertaining little piece. However, due to a developing knack I was getting after being out here for just a few months, I could tell that she had the look and talent to be a big star, should she want to be. But little tantrums like today would never help her on that.

I spoke with the producer of the show to find out what was the matter with her.

"Well, when makeup came into her dressing room to help get her ready, she threw them out. Just all of a sudden. They were just starting to prime her hair when she just started screaming and crying and told them to get out. Then she locked herself in and hasn't come out ever since. We even tried sending in David Boreanaz (the star of Angel) to find out what was wrong, because they seem to be friends and all. But she just punched him in the mouth! That's when we called you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go shoot the OTHER scenes for this episode," said the producer, Carl Ford.

Walking off in a huff, I had a production assistant show me towards where her dressing room was. The assistant left me standing there in the hallway. Reaching out, I knocked lightly on the door.

"Eliza? It's me, Dean. From Shooting Stars?" I said hopefully.

"Go away," I heard her sob. "You can't help me,"

"Come on now. I'm your agent. I can get you anything you want. Anything! But you have to let me in first," I said in response. I heard shuffling of feet coming to the door, and I could hear her sniffling softly. The door latch clicked and I knew she had unlocked it. I heard her shuffling back further into the room and then she said pitifully "Come in,"

Opening the door, I stepped into the room slowly. Glancing around, I was lost in the moment of being in a dressing room for the first time, until I saw Eliza laying face down on the couch on the far end of the room. Her back was moving up and down sporadically, as she sobbed with her head turned away from me into the pillow she was laying on. Her legs were sprawled out half on, half off of the couch. She was wearing a black pair of those snap-off warm up pants and just a white tank top, which stood in sharp contrast to her chestnut brown hair.

"What do you want?" she finally spoke, still sobbing quietly to herself.

"What I want is to know why you won't go out there? Come on, you only have three more episodes to shoot and then you are done for the season. Then you can go home and concentrate on getting yourself ready for school," I said to her soothingly, now standing next to the couch with my hands on my hips.

Lifting her head to look up at me, I could see that she had been crying pretty heavily. Her mascara was running down from the corner of her left eye, leaving a trail down almost to her full, pouty red lips. Her brown eyes were filled with tears, although it was difficult to read her face to tell if she was angry or sad or maybe some of both. Our eyes locked for a moment, but it was fleeting as she again thrust her head into the pillow.

"Like I said, you can't help me. This isn't about school or the show. It's about that asshole David," she said softly.

"What happened?" I asked, already getting a clear understanding of what was going on.

Eliza sat up and wiped her eyes with a balled up Kleenex, and tried to regain her composure.

"Well, the thing is...," she said, hesitating for a moment before fixing her stuttering voice and continuing. "The thing is, when I first came out to do Buffy, I was very new at all this. David helped me out, introduced me to people. In fact, he gave me the courage to go up and talk to Sarah Michelle Gellar, because when I started my role, I was too nervous to even talk to anyone. It turned out that Sarah and I became good friends. REALLY good friends," she said, emphasizing the last part.

"See, Sarah introduced me to masturbation. It happened when I accidentally walked in on her getting herself off with this 10 inch dildo. She was shocked at being caught at first, but then she told me to come in. My legs were like jelly but I went in and sat down next to her. She some how managed to get me to slowly fuck her with the dildo. I guess I was probably still in awe and shock of seeing a celebrity like her doing something like that. Maybe it was the allure of the sex in the air at that moment, I don't know. But the next thing I knew, I was on my back on the bed, my dress pulled up to my breasts, and the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer eating me out," she said, now talking almost as if in some sort of magical dream.

I meanwhile was standing there getting very turned on by all this, and I adjusted my position in front of her so that my erection wasn't too apparent. Clearing my throat in a shaky voice, I told her to go on.

Eliza looked at me slyly, smiling, and then said, "Don't worry, this does have a point,"

"I knew I wasn't a lesbian when she was doing this, and I'm still not. But God did it feel good! It wasn't like I was just laying there letting it happen though. She was telling me all these little tricks and demonstrating to me how to do things to myself, guiding me with her hand on top of mine. It was stuff I couldn't have imagined being able to do. After that hot experience, I became addicted to sex. Sarah and I would often spend hours going down on each other after filming my few episodes. But when my character Faith was moved to Angel, our little "play time", as we called it, stopped. So I had to get sex from somewhere else. And David, having shown me around to everyone the first time and being my first friend out in Hollywood, was more than happy to oblige after I easily seduced him. David was the first and only person I have had sex with, and I felt we were destined to be together. But now that Angel has gotten so popular, he doesn't want to be associated with a "bit part actress", and he broke up with me today. So now I'm left feeling depressed, hurt, lonely and definitely horny," she said, her eyes and face now dry from the tears she had been shedding.

My mind was whirling as I tried to come up with something to say, some solution to offer. Eliza is exceptionally beautiful, but she was also just 20 and apparently very inexperienced. I shouldn't...no, COULDN'T try that with her...could I?

Eliza was now looking at me, a small smile on her lips. Her brownish/black eyes gleamed in the light. With her soft curly hair, I could see why she played the bad girl so often in her parts.

"So Dean, Mr. hot shot, big dick agent," she said, as I raised my eyebrow at her in hearing that my reputation preceded me. "Do you know of any way a girl could get some relief?"

I knew I should have walked out. I knew I should have offered to get her David back. I knew I should have done a lot of things, but the one thing that I did do was lean over and kiss her. She kissed me back enthusiastically, biting down on my bottom lip gently with her top teeth. Her eyes closed, she held my lip there for a moment and giggled quietly to herself, her trademark dimples appearing for the first time that afternoon. Finally she released my lip and our kissing became feverish again. I slowly started kissing up and down her neck, feeling the warmth beneath her radiant skin. I continued necking her for about 10 minutes until she said finally, "Dean, I need something more. I think you know what,"

She stood up and in one quick movement, ripped off the warm up pants, the unsnapping of the buttons resonating in the room. This left her standing there in just a white tank top, with no bra underneath, and a pair of the skimpiest black panties I had ever seen. Taking my hand, she pulled me over towards the couch and laid my head on the crushed red velvet pillow she had been crying into just a few minutes earlier. Stretching out on the couch, Eliza ran her hand through my hair lightly. Then slowly, she climbed and balanced on her knees on the arm of the couch. Sitting there, she pulled her panties aside and spread her legs out over my face, one knee still on the arm of the couch and the other resting beside my shoulder. This move placed her warm, wet and oh so fragrant pussy just inches from my mouth and nose, and by now my animal lustings for her had grown extreme. When she finally brought herself to a halt a mere 3 inches from my mouth, I reached up suddenly and pulled her pelvic bone down onto my face, my tongue already waiting to slip into her open cunt as soon as it hit. I felt her slippery wet pussy collide with my tongue a mere instant later, as my tongue proceeded to worm it's way into her waiting love channel. Wiggling my tongue around viciously, I made sure that I hit every nook and cranny of Eliza's beautiful, young, inexperienced sex. Eliza had been caught suddenly by all this, but it was apparently what she liked. She ground her pussy onto me harder and harder as I continued to eat her out.

By this time it was a little difficult to breath, so I lifted her up slightly, just enough to grasp her clit within my lips and suck on it. This sent a huge wave of pleasure through Eliza's body, as I saw her knee tremble as it balanced next to my shoulder. Eliza now began rocking herself back and forth on my mouth, her pussy lips now dripping juice into my mouth as I continued to eat her out. I felt Eliza's body shake and tense up once more as she began to pant and slowly scream "YES!" louder and louder. By the time her orgasm hit, she was screaming so loud that I was afraid that someone would come in and see me with a mouth full of celebrity (and client) pussy. Eliza calmed down after she got her "relief", and slid her panties back on. Sitting me up and lying next to me, her head on my lap and her juicy lips just inches from my cock, she told me innocently "Thanks. I needed to get a little bit of relief,"

Wiping her juices from my mouth with the back of my sleeve, I said "No problem. That's my job after all, to keep talent like you happy. Now, are you ready to go out there and do your lines?" I asked her.

Again she gave me that same knowing smile and said "Not yet. I think I know someone else who needs to get some relief," she said as she looked up at me. Her face was angelic and she looked so young and beautiful, a beauty that was so natural even the pollution of Hollywood couldn't touch. Reaching up with her arm, she began to unzip my pants slowly. She placed her elbow on my knee as she turned her head towards my crotch. With her free arm, she pulled my dick out, now standing at about half mast. Eliza then moved to the floor and sat on her knees as she used just her mouth to suck my dick from my pants and take most of it's length into her hot, wet mouth. By now I had sat up completely on the couch and was very much enjoying the feeling I was getting, watching Eliza's mouth bob up and down on my shaft. Grasping her hair, I began to pull her more forcefully onto my shaft, trying to jam as much of it as possible down her throat. Eliza liked it rough like that and began moaning and carrying on while she was sucking me. Her rhythm was a total surprise to me, as she would let my dick fall from her mouth and tickle just the tip with her tongue, before devouring the whole thing in a quick motion seconds later. The best part however was the ribbing she was giving me, slipping her tongue around in a half circle around my shaft and using her tongue to slide up and down me, fucking me with just her tongue. I guess all that pussy eating she "practiced" on Sarah Michelle Gellar had made her tongue one strong muscle.

My orgasm was imminent, and it took just a quick look down at Eliza, both legs folded under her as she used a free hand to massage her clit and tweak and pinch her own very erect nipples, to send me into orgasm. Exploding into her mouth, it caught her off guard, but she had obviously been well trained at swallowing. Her cheeks bulged with my cum in them momentarily, but she quickly gulped it all down like a glass of milk. A remnant of cum rested sexily on her upper lip, as she continued to frig herself, crying out again in orgasm.

There was a knock at the door, and suddenly we were both brought back to reality. Zipping up my pants, I helped Eliza back into hers just a second before the same production assistant walked in on us.

I acted angry at being interrupted during "private time" with my client. All the PA wanted to know however, was whether Eliza was coming back or if shooting should end for the day, at a considerable fine for Eliza. The entire reason I was there had slipped my mind totally following the passionate exchange that just happened. I was just about to answer "I don't know" when Eliza spoke up.

"Yes. Tell Carl I will be out there in a minute," she said.

Satisfied with this answer, the assistant shut the door and walked away. Eliza walked over to the floor length mirror in the dressing room and adjusted herself.

"Well, do I look like I just had the best orgasm of my life?" she asked, staring at me through the mirror.

"Not at all," I replied with a smile, walking over to her. "But you may want to do something about that," I said, pointing to the dollop of cum on her lip. She giggled to herself and then licked it away with that nimble tongue of hers. Primping her hair lightly, she made her way towards the door.

"I want you to stay around and watch the taping. I have plans for you afterwards," she said with a sexy smile, the door closing behind her. Not wanting to disappoint, I made my way to the sound floor to watch her from a distance with all the other handlers and agents.

As I said before, watching a show get made is magical, and the little sex session we had just had made Eliza appear exceptionally radiant on camera. All the directors and other actors said so. Taping wrapped up around 7, and the crew began getting ready to go home. I had taken the liberty to walk around and look at everything while this was happening, and accidentally managed to get myself lost on the set. Confused as to where I was, I felt extremely embarrassed and didn't really want to call for help until Eliza's hand brushed my arm from behind. Whirling around in surprise, I found her smiling up at me.

She had changed outfits for her scenes, and was now wearing a black leather jacket over a red baby doll t-shirt that exposed her midriff. Her warm up pants had been replaced by a pair of sexy dark blue jeans, with the whole outfit topped off by 3 inch black boots.

"Get a little lost?" she asked playfully.

"No, I was just...uhhh..." I replied pathetically.

Eliza snickered softly to herself. "You know, I've always wanted to do it here on the set. The thrill of getting caught and seen by the people I work with is just too exciting. And since you have wandered so far away..." she said, twirling her finger through that beautiful curly hair again.

I pulled Eliza close to me and we embraced for a few minutes, until I felt myself getting hard. I pulled her waist even closer to mine and made sure she could feel my hard erection inside my pants. Slipping her hand down to cup my balls, she squeezed gently as I moved my hands around her back and began rubbing the small of her back and the top of her ass with my hand. I knew she was getting hot, as was I, because my touching elicited a soft moan from her. Finally when I moved my hands to the front of her pants to start to unbutton them, it was her turn to let lust take over. Taking my hands, she used them to tear open her jeans and yank them down off of her supple hips and legs. She did the same thing to me, taking my boxers with her. We each lifted each other's shirts off, and for the first time I got to see Eliza's breasts. They were a beautiful shape, the tips of her nipples as dark as her hair. They protruded slightly from the rest of her breasts, and I couldn't help but rub them with my hands and pull them between my fingers. Again Eliza moaned, throwing her head back and letting her long curly dark hair glide down her exposed back. When her panties were slithered out of, I got a chance to really look at Eliza's pussy. Trimmed in a neat little V by her cunt lips, she was still maturing sexually. But she was more than enough of a woman for me, and the wetness on her lips proved that I was man enough for her.

There was only one thing left on both of our minds: To fuck the brains out of the other. With that sentiment in mind, I placed Eliza's hand on my cock and had her slowly start to jack me off. While she was doing this, I began to lean her back as I kissed her. Creating a makeshift bed out of the clothes we had discarded, I laid her down on top of this, so that we were out of the main line of sight, but still visible, should anyone happen to look behind this corner of the set.

With my cock still in her hand, I spread Eliza's legs apart and watched as she guided me into her pussy. The velvet heat of it was magnificent, as I felt myself melting inside of her. As my dick entered her completely, I could feel our pelvic bones grinding together, the wiry feel of both of our pubic hair meshing together. Starting off slowly, I began to get going in her at a very slow pace. While I was enjoying the feeling of her warmth around me, I must have been going to slow for Eliza, as she pulled my ear to her mouth and said "Give to me harder! NOW! I want it rough!"

I looked into her deep brown eyes and smiled at her. Gritting my teeth, I began to pick up the pace much faster. I gripped her ass in my hands as I began to lift her off the ground with each thrust. Each time I would pull in and out of her, I could feel her pussy walls tremble in anticipation at the next thrust. Eliza was now encouraging me, completely lost in the moment.

"Oh yea...like that...fuck me hard. Fuck me really hard. I've been a naughty girl. You like fucking naughty, bad girls don't you. Oh yea...yea...fuckkkk...that feels so good. Ooo, give it to me, I've been so bad!" she whispered into my ear. This served as encouragement for me and by this time we were leaving the ground with each thrust, my knees getting scraped up on the hard concrete floor as I would slam her back and forth on the ground. Looking down, I could see Eliza's hand fingering her clit, rubbing it all over. Throwing her head back, her dirty talk became moans and sighs of passion as she orgasmed. I felt the waves pass over my cock, and that motion sent me into orgasm in an instant. I was already deep inside of her when I began to cum, and I felt it spurt out of me like a grenade exploding inside of her. I actually felt light headed as I emptied inside of her. We laid there for a few minutes, my softening dick just inside the folds of her youthful pussy.

Eliza finished up her few episodes on the show the next week, with me there the entire time, in case she needed some "private time with her agent". When she was done, she flew back to Boston and took the summer off like she had wanted to. Hopefully when she returns to film some more, she will still need some of my services. Till then, I'm back out on the playing field.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:22:14 PM
Journal Of An Agent Chapter 7: Catherine Zeta-Jones

* * * * *

The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen.

I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was the beautiful Welsh actress, Catherine Zeta-Jones, who recently became Zeta-Jones Douglas after she married Michael Douglas. Catherine's makeup was running off of her cheeks onto her hands as she sobbed into them, and her dark black hair was in a total mess. Catherine wasn't even a client of the firm. She was represented by a competing agent here in town, Bill Garrett. What had brought her to me had to do with her husband, who WAS a client of my firm.

Staring at the television set on the corner of my desk, I hit rewind and play again. What I was watching was definitely bad news. Recorded from inside of the couples home, the surveillance camera (installed to keep out paparazzi and thieves) clearly showed Micheal Douglas having sex with a girl who was obviously not his wife. She appeared to be a hooker; someone Micheal had picked up off the streets here in Hollywood and taken back to the house while Catherine was away doing an interview in New York City, Catherine later said. What was so disconcerting about the tape came right at the part I kept rewinding over and over. Micheal and the prostitute were talking and the camera managed to pick up most of their conversation. In the course of the talk, you can clearly hear the hooker say that she is 14. Though the tape only shows the back of his head, you can tell Micheal looks a little shocked at first, but then he lunged at the girl again and they begin having sex again. That's where the tape stops. Statutory rape. With a girl who is 14. And a hooker. And the John is a world famous actor and celebrity. This was not going to be a good day.

Between sobs, Catherine began to speak to me for the first time since she walked in the office and explained the tape.

"Is there anything we can do?" she said, wiping her left eye.

Reclining in my chair and pondering the problem, I think.

"How many people have a copy of this tape? Who else has seen it?"

"Well, the tapes get put into storage by the cleaning staff every night. They normally watch to see if there is anything suspicious happening on the tapes and then they just rewind and recycle them for some other night," Catherine said. "The staff were the ones who first showed it to me. They promised me they didn't make any copies of the tape, but just to be on the safe side I paid them each $10,000 to stay quiet. So as far as I know, that's the only tape,"

"Well, then the problem is simple to solve," I said. Reaching into the VCR, I pull out the tape. Breaking off the plastic in the back, I begin yanking out the tape and destroying it. Within a few minutes the entire tape is out of the case and I run it through the paper shredder underneath my desk. Catherine sat motionless through all this, a look of contentment at the cause of so much grief being absolved.

"There we go. And thank God too. With the Oscars coming up, Micheal wouldn't need this sort of thing happening. You did the right thing Catherine," I said, smiling at her "Now you oughta go home and take care of your baby."

Fidgeting in the chair, Catherine looked a little uneasy and more than a little distant, lost in her own thoughts.

"Catherine?" I said, trying to wake her from the daze she was in.

"I think you need to come over tonight. There is a little bit more to this than what you just saw," she said, with a dreamy like look on her face.

"Alright. Give directions to my secretary Julie and I will be over there around 8 or so," I said.

Catherine left my office and I spent the rest of the afternoon pondering what she meant by "a little more".

Arriving at the Douglas mansion at 8 sharp, I was led in by a small Hispanic woman that I assumed was the maid. Making my way to their study, I walked in and realized that the room I was in was the same as the one on the tape. Catherine was seated on a huge leather sofa, dressed in a burgundy dress with a light white floral print on the side. She was drinking from a glass of scotch and I saw that she had the bottle right next to her on the end table. Whatever it was she wanted to talk about, it must have taken a lot of nerve to discuss.

Finishing off her drink, Catherine motioned for me to sit. I took a seat in a big armchair that was as overstuffed as the couch she was sitting on was. The room was filled with books from the floor to the ceiling, all neatly arranged. The lighting was semi dark, save for a couple of floor lamps off in the corners. A very nice (and expensive) home to be sure. Even my own mansion, inherited from my deceased father, wasn't this nice. But I guess if you have a lengthy career like Micheal Douglas had had, you can afford the very best.

"Thanks for coming Dean. I want to show you something," Catherine said, getting up from the sofa. Bending down to pick up a remote control from the table in front of the sofa, I couldn't help but stare at her great ass. She was thin in a muscular way, and I knew that she had to have worked extra hard to keep her figure following her pregnancy just a few months ago.

Clicking a button on the remote, I was surprised to see one of the book shelves on the far wall begin to move and spin around, revealing a huge television mounted in the center of the shelf. All around the TV was equipment and at least 5 shelves of video tapes. Hitting another button on the remote, the TV came to life and I saw that the picture was a live view of the room we were in, covered from all angles.

"You see, Micheal and I have a dirty little pleasure. Both of us get off on seeing ourselves having sex on camera, broadcasted in the same room while we are doing it," Catherine said. Some unseen speakers reverberated what she was saying as it echoed along the shelves of this massive library.

"But right around the time we got engaged, Micheal began to look around for other women," Catherine continued. Pushing another button, a black and white picture came on screen. It showed two people having sex on the same couch Catherine had been seated on just a moment before. Again it was Micheal Douglas and again it wasn't Catherine Zeta-Jones he was fucking. Catherine pushed another button and the picture changed again. Micheal again, but this time a different girl. This girl was black and it appeared that Micheal was fucking her in the ass. Lost in the moment of the sex on screen, I felt my erection in my pants start to blossom.

Catherine pushed yet another button and the picture cut off. Turning to face me, she spoke again.

"All of the girls you just saw were hookers. Micheal has some sort of weird fetish towards them. He gets off on knowing that he is rich and famous and they are just prostitutes," she said, the crispness of her Welsh accent causing each word she said to have a distinct tone to it.

"I've known about this for a while. And he knows I know. It's just some sort of weird complex he has towards me. I believe it's called the Madonna/Whore complex. He loves me too much to do the stuff that he does with the hookers with me. Normally this sort of behavior would upset me," Catherine continued, walking over to refill her drink. "But since he is such a loving man, and a great father, I can't fault him too much. It's just the nature of things out here in Hollywood I guess. A far cry from back in Europe, but I knew all of this sort of stuff happened when I came over here," she said.

"So what is the problem then?" I said, still trying to figure out where she was going with this.

"Well, it's an age thing. After he has one of these fuck sessions with his hookers, he never has any energy left for me, so I often go unsatisfied. He may be in his late 50's and that is all he has, but I'm still young and I get horny just as much as the next girl," she said, sipping from her scotch.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked. "Reign him in? Send him to a shrink?"

"No no no," she said, laughing. "I just want you to fuck me,"

My jaw almost hit the floor on this one. I have had sex with a lot of girls and actresses since I moved here, but never any as elegant and beautiful as Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Fighting back my hormones, I tried to think reasonably. "I don't think that will solve anything. If anything, it will make matters worse," I said.

"I disagree. Micheal trusts you and your firm, so it's not like you are a total stranger. And since you don't represent me, it's not like we are mixing business with pleasure. And besides, I've heard from a few reliable sources that you are hung like a horse," Catherine said, licking her lips sexily.

"I uhh...still don't know about it," I said. My reasoning was losing out and the erection in my pants was getting unbearable.

Switching the television back on so that the room was on TV, this time from an angle that was to the side of both of us, Catherine began walking towards me.

"Would this change your mind?" she said softly. Catherine began sliding the shoulders of her dress off and as it moved it's way down her body, her bare breasts became exposed. Her nipples were a light pink color, with dark areolas around the base. They weren't too big and her breasts were still very perky and upright, despite having just had a child. Continuing to slide the dress down, Catherine also was wearing any panties. The trim V shape of her bush was neatly shaped and I could see that her pussy lips were very aroused.

She was now standing directly in front of me and I could smell the musk of her womanly scent filling my nostrils. I started to speak, but Catherine leaned over and began to kiss me softly at first, than passionately. I felt her tongue slip into my mouth as it wrestled around inside. I threw caution and reason to the wind and began to kiss her back. Catherine's long black hair was hanging to one side over her shoulder and in the dim light of the room, she looked like a goddess, her olive skin illuminating the light of the room. I could make out even the soft hairs on the back of her arms, a light color in contrast to her perfect skin.

Catherine now joined me in the arm chair and placed her legs on my knees. Grabbing my face with both hands, we continued to kiss like two long separated lovers, our breathing becoming more intense by the moment. Finally I broke the kiss to get more comfortable. Standing up from the chair, I held Catherine in my arms while she busily slid her hand down to my belt and let my slacks fall to the floor. Slipping her hand into the opening in my boxer shorts, her hand wrapped around my stiff cock. Jerking it slowly, she began to play with my balls in one hand while she jerked me up and down with the other. I had moved my head to her neck and was making my way down her chest, paying special attention to her breasts and cleavage area.

I felt myself nearing orgasm surprisingly early, so I pulled Catherine's hand away. Pulling my boxers off completely now, I stood in just my white starched shirt, pressing my chest against hers and feeling her erect nipples poking into the fabric. Catherine began to unbutton my shirt slowly from the top down, finally reaching the bottom button. Bending down, she used her teeth to unclasp this one, she slid the shirt off of my shoulders. Kissing her way up my chest, she licked my nipples a couple of times until we reached eye level again and began to kiss yet again.

After a few moments of this, Catherine had had enough. Reaching down to grasp my cock again, she pulled it gently towards her pussy. Guiding the head in at first, she gasped a little as it entered her.

"It's been a while since I've had anyone this big," she said. "Michael is only 5 inches."

I pushed more of my dick into her slowly, until finally I was in her completely. Catherine sighed contentedly and I began to pump in and out of her at a slow pace. Glancing over out of the corner of my eye, I saw that our lovemaking was center stage up on screen. The noise of our intercourse and our breathing was echoing throughout the room thanks to the installed speakers.

Catherine slowly pushed me onto the floor with my dick still inside of her. Grabbing the remote from the nearby table, she hit a button and our fucking was now in an even clearer picture. Seeing myself onscreen was a major turn on, so I began to thrust up and into her harder. But Catherine was doing almost all the work, as she bounced up and down on my cock while I was struggling to keep my thrusts going inside of her.

One of my harder thrusts caused my dick to slip out of her and slide into her surprisingly loose asshole. Catherine gasped and moaned at the same time over this. I was about to pull my dick out and put it back inside of her hot, wet snatch, but she reached down and held it in there.

"Keep it there. I like being a naughty girl," she said.

The position wasn't very comfortable for me, so I rotated myself around and had Catherine get on all fours. Facing where I thought the cameras were, I looked up to see myself on that huge projection TV, fucking Catherine Zeta-Jones up the ass. I began to slam into her harder and harder until finally I couldn't control myself for too much longer.

"Catherine," I panted "I'm about to cum. I'm gonna shoot inside your ass!" I said breathlessly.

"Hold on, I'm about to cum too. Let's cum together," she replied, her beautiful body getting rocked back and forth as I fucked her ass deep.

"Uuggggnnhhh!!" Catherine moaned, and I knew she was just about to cum. Shoving myself as deep as I could, I shot my huge load into her. Catherine's pussy released a torrent of juice a split second later and we both cried out in ecstasy as pleasure washed over our bodies.

Collapsing onto the floor, Catherine was back up in a second. Pulling my dick from her ass, I was pleased to see that I was still very hard. A few droplets of cum were still left on my dick. Catherine got on her knees and licked them off, smiling up at me in that same smile that melted the hearts of millions of men.

Without saying a word, Catherine began jacking my dick again, alternating between licking and sucking on it and moving it up and down with her hand. Thrusting her entire mouth around it, her lips stretched to fit the length of my nine inch member into her mouth and down her throat. This was total bliss for me as I reached down and held onto the side of Catherine's face, guiding her nimble tongue and mouth up and down my cock. She continued to lick and suck me, teasing my balls lightly with the tips of her finger nails.

I could feel the pressure building inside my balls, and I tried to jam my cock back into Catherine's mouth to unload inside of her cheeks. But she resisted and pulled it out, instead jerking me off right above her mouth and lips.

"This is my favorite thing to do on camera. It's the money shot. Now come on baby, spray my face with your cum!" she said sexily, her tongue sticking out and her mouth waiting to accept my hot, sticky load.

I felt my load arrive, shooting up the shaft of my cock like a bolt of lightening. My cock spewed forth a huge load, landing all over Catherine's face. Looking up to the screen as it arrived, I saw the cum land on her cheek and nose, and dribble down to her waiting mouth and tongue beneath it. A strand stretched from my dick to her chin, which she quickly gobbled up from the tip of my dick. My cum covering her face in the soft light of the room, nothing could be more beautiful. Catherine licked off what she could with her tongue and then scooped off the rest with her fingers, smearing it into her tits and chest.

"Thanks for that," she said a few minutes later after we had both dressed and she walked me to the door.

"I'll be sure to send you a copy of the tape," she said winking at me as she shut the door behind me.

Walking back to my car, I understood that sometimes even the worse days have their silver lining.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:24:05 PM
Journal Of An Agent Chapter 8: Kirstie Alley/Shelley Long

* * * * *

Bored on a slow Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a little cleaning around the house. Since I inherited this house when my father died, I had only used rooms that I had to. The mansion was massive: 7 bedrooms, a study, a huge den and a gigantic pool out back, just to name some of the features. One of the rooms I had not been in was my father's bedroom. It had been four months since he died and when I opened the door, I could smell the dust and settled air of the room.

Checking out everything in this huge room, I began looking through my father's bedside table and drawers. To my surprise I found a pretty large stash of porn tapes and magazines, something that surprised me given the reputation he had in Hollywood of being able to nab the finest pieces of Hollywood ass.

Underneath the pile of the pornography however, I found a dusty old leather bound book. Opening it, it must have not been read or opened in years, as the pages were yellowing and crumbly. Leafing through it, I quickly learned that it was a diary of sorts. Some entries were very short and others were quite long. One of the entries, dated October 14th, 1986, caught my eye. Sitting down on the bed, I began to read. Here is what it said:

10/14/86 - Wrap party

Tonight I attended the wrap party for the fourth season of "Cheers". Having recently brought Shelley Long on board at the firm, I was there to show my support for her and to also plug her to some of the studio heads that were there, maybe land her a movie role. With "Cheers" being a huge success, all of the stars were a hot commodity. There was even talk of an Emmy nomination for Shelley's role as Diane, the love interest of Ted Danson's character.

Most of these parties are usually pretty dull, and this one was no different. Every person is either trying to suck someone else's dick (literally and figuratively) or trying to get in the position to do so. Normally I will just drink myself into a stupor and go home hopefully with an aspiring actress girlfriend of one of the producers, promising her that I would help her career along. Haha.

I was just finishing my fifth brandy when I noticed that Shelley was gone. Asking around, no one had seen her leave. That meant that she was somewhere in this house, a "party place" leased out by NBC for the night. I decided to look around and see if I could find her, and maybe tell her I was leaving since no one really important was at the party.

Checking the downstairs, all I could find was a couple of cokeheads snorting in a master bedroom on top of a beautiful antique armoire. Heading upstairs to look, I began opening doors to bedrooms, finding most to be empty. The rental house was pretty shitty, even by NBC's standards. Only 5 bedrooms upstairs and 3 downstairs. Hell, the thing didn't even have a pool!

The last room in the hall upstairs, on the right, was the door to the master bedroom of the house. Walking down the hall, I could hear slight moans and cries coming from within. When I got to the door, I opened it slowly and peered in. Even in my age now, I still get a thrill watching other people have sex, so I thought I would take a quick peek and see what some lucky stud had nabbed.

Peeking in through a slight crack in the door, I was startled by what I saw. Inside sitting on the foot of the bed was Kirstie Alley with her legs spread, her red party dressed crumpled up by her waist and her ample breasts hanging exposed. Between her legs, I was shocked to realize that it was Shelley Long, eating out Kirstie's pussy like there was no tomorrow. I could hear the sucking sounds filling the room and Kirstie moaning a low, guttural moan. Shelley's dress was also pulled up by her waist and I could see her hand was busily inside of her own pussy, thrusting in and out as she worked to get herself off while she was pleasuring Kirstie. This entire scene was quite arousing but I had decided to let the women do what they wanted and just catch up with Shelley later.

Leaning back to close the door, I put too much weight on my right knee (which as I've said before, was crippled in WWII) and I felt it twist out beneath me as I fell sideways into the door and knocked it all the way open, landing sprawled out and on my face on the floor.

Looking up, I realized that the two girls had been scared out of their wits. After all, they were straight and who knows what the tabloids would have done if they had seen this little show. But when Shelley realized it was me, she stood up and walked over to help me. I could see that she had a huge grin on her face and the streaks of Kirstie's pussy juice covered her mouth.

"Still a voyeur after all these years, huh Martin?" Shelley said as she bent down and took my hand helping me up. She had straightened out her skirt but I could still see the wet spot she had made in her panties.

"Yes...I mean no...I mean... you sort of disappeared on me down there at the party and I didn't know where you had gone. I was actually leaving, so I'll leave you two ladies alone," I replied, fixing my tuxedo where it had gotten wrinkled and dirty from the fall.

Shelley moved quickly to the open door and shut it behind her as she leaned against it, reaching behind her back to lock it.

"Maybe you should stick around Martin," Shelley said innocently. "Kirstie is feeling awfully lonely. Her boyfriend broke up with her this afternoon and I was just here trying to make her feel better.

Glancing over a Kirstie on the bed, she still sat there with legs spread, her very hairy bush glistening with juice and saliva from Shelley's mouth. She had been silently following all that was happening but when I looked over at her, a devilish smile came onto her face. Truth be told, I didn't like Kirstie Alley that much. She was always a major bitch to me. But seeing her sitting there with her legs spread and so vulnerable, I felt a strong stirring in my pants.

All I could mutter was an "I uhh..." but it didn't matter. Shelley was already leading me by the hand over to the bed and had started to slowly undress me. With the door unlocked, she reached down and in one motion pulled off her expensive cocktail dress (which she had no doubt billed to the firm since this was a "work" party). Her breasts were bare and I could see she had been to the beach a while ago. There was a faint outline of whiter skin than the LA usual around her nipple area, obviously from a bikini she had been wearing during this unseasonably warm fall. Even though I had sampled many clients before, this was the first time I had gotten to see Shelley naked. Her body was very proportional and had a natural look to it. Her breasts were just the right size to go with her build and her hips and legs (God did she have beautiful long legs) were the same way. She wore just a tiny pair of white cotton panties that, as I said earlier, you could easily see the moisture patch and the outline of her inner lips through them. She slid her panties down and revealed a very small looking little pussy with just a small tuft of hair over her entrance.

Unbuttoning my shirt, I let it fall to the floor and slowly slid on to the bed, resting my head up on a pillow that was leaning against the headboard. While Shelley and I were undressing, Kirstie had also removed her dress. Surprisingly she was naked underneath it, something that I had to admit gave her guts. Her body was very tan and fit, as I knew she was struggling to keep off some weight. Her breasts were very large and milky white, with nipples that covered a good portion of the front of her breasts. Her pussy was very hairy and I could tell that she only shaved what she had to. That was okay because I like women with lots of hair down there.

Shelley was now sitting over me on top of my knees as she unhooked my belt and unzipped my pants, beginning to slide them down. My silk boxers were now the only piece of clothing still on in the room.

"Let's see if the rumors were true," said Shelley fiendishly as her and Kirstie both moved up to the waistline of my boxers and began to slide them down. As they were pulled free and my erection was exposed to the room, both girls gasped a little bit and had a look of amazement on their faces.

I've said before in this diary that I guess I'm "well equipped". Growing up in the mid west, it seemed like every guy in town was well hung and that the girls were all used to it. But ever since I moved out to LA, I can't remember how many times my large penis has gotten me a client, or just a nice good fuck. Once that singer, what was her name...Oh yes, Debbie Gibson, wanted to measure it after I had fucked her really well in the corner of her recording studio. She said it was 11 inches long when it was erect. Since then I have vaunted my size around and women have never been disappointed.

Back to what happened though. Shelley's tongue slid out of her mouth as she licked her lips seductively.

"Do you think you can take that in you?" Kirstie asked, still amazed that the rumors were real.

"I'm sure as hell going to try," said Shelley. Pouncing on my dick like a cat, her mouth engulfed the entire shaft and head, all the way down to my balls, in one gulp. I don't think Shelley was ready for it, because she gagged a little at first. She quickly controlled the reflex and began moving her mouth up and down my cock, running her tongue all up and down the shaft as she went. Her mouth felt so warm and wet, and looking down to see her brown eyes closed tightly shut as she worked away on my tool, her dirty blonde hair still nicely arranged from the party hanging over her shoulder, I thought life couldn't get any better.

Then however, Kirstie had moved beside me and was licking and playing with my nipples, running her finger all around my softened but still firm abs. She was using her other hand down by Shelley's mouth to tease and squeeze my balls with her long nails. I was settling in for a nice long blowjob when suddenly Shelley pulled her mouth off and sat up. I looked alarmed for a second, wondering if something was wrong, but I could see that Shelley's hand had been busy getting herself off. She was using her own cum to pre lubricate herself, as now she moved up over me and put her arms to the side of my head, holding herself up. She leaned down and kissed me deeply, and I could taste all the fluids from Kirstie and myself mixed within her mouth. Her tits swung seductively just inches from my face and I watched from between them as Kirstie took hold of my cock and positioned the head at Shelley's tight little opening. Shelley slowly slid back onto my dick, letting it enter her at a frustratingly slow pace. All I could feel around my cock was the pressure, the intense pressure, from her pussy as it stretched and expanded to let my 11 inch beast inside. I saw a slight look of discomfort on Shelley's face, but it was only in passing as I felt all but about an inch of my cock enter her as it bottomed out inside.

Shelley gasped and struggled for breath for a moment as she let her body get adjusted to it.

"God! I've never felt so full in all my life!" she said in a heavy whisper.

I slowly began to rock my hips into her, back and forth, trying to jam just a little more of my meat inside of her tight hole with every thrust. Kirstie, not wanting to be left out, was now squatting over my face at just the right angle so Shelley and I could lick at her hole at the same time. Leaning my head up to lick, Shelley's tongue had already beaten me to it and was burrowed deep inside of Kirstie's steaming hot snatch. Shelley's and my tongue danced and touched each other while we ate out Kirstie, and our hips were thrusting and keeping their own time. I could feel Shelley's hard clit up near the head of my dick as I thrust in and out of it in full and complete strokes. Suddenly she shuddered and cried out loudly as an explosive orgasm hit. I could feel a small stream of her love juice trickle down onto my shaft, mingling into the sweaty mess of pubic hair of our colliding hips.

The friction of her tight cunt, mixed with the intoxicating smell of Kirstie's pussy and her womanhood, made my orgasm eminent. With a loud cry, I bucked my hips into Shelley one more time and exploded stream after stream of hot cum inside of her tight hole. She lay there with her eyes closed, savoring the feeling of my cum slowly trickling out of her slit, while she used her tongue on the inside of Kirstie. Figuring that Shelley had her covered, I lifted my head to her chest and began to lick and tease Shelley's nipples lightly. There were jutting out already in their erect state, and my pleasuring of her caused her back to arch as I tried to stuff as much of her right tit into my mouth as possible.

"Come on, come on! Keep at it! Yeaaaahhhh! That's it!" moaned Kirstie as Shelley was bringing her to the brink of orgasm. Slowly I reached my hand up and slid two fingers into her sopping wet cunt, and this was enough to send her over the edge. Leaning back hard against the wall and head board of the bed, Kirstie moaned explosively as she released her cum all over Shelley's waiting tongue.

Now it was Kirstie's turn to get fucked, as she climbed off the top of the bed and slid down by my still hard dick. Jerking me up and down lightly just to get my cock as hard as possible, she laid on her back on the bed as I lifted her legs and placed them onto my shoulders. Teasing the entrance to her cunt with the head of my shaft, I smeared her cum all over it just to get some extra lubrication, although I hardly needed it considering how wet and hot she was. In one swift stroke, I began to push my dick into her.

Kirstie was much more accustomed to sex or at least larger penises, because I had no trouble getting inside. Her pussy walls spasmed as they stretched around my cock. If Shelley's cunt had been a tight crevice, Kirstie's was a lush jungle. Warm and wet and so incredibly smooth on the inside, she had to have one of the nicest pussies I have fucked in a long time.

I wasted no time shoving in and out of Kirstie, and this is just how she liked it - fast and hard. Before I knew it, I was rocking Kirstie up and down on the bed, her hips bouncing up every time to meet my thrusts. Shelley was sitting next to us on the bed, alternating between licking the top of Kirstie's cunt while I fucked her, and making out with me so that I could taste the juices that she was tasting.

Shelley couldn't take just sitting there for too long though, and in a heartbeat she was up on the bed on her knees with her cute little pussy right at Kirstie's nose and mouth while Kirstie licked from the entrance to Shelley's hot slit up to her asshole, tasting a little bit of the tangy flavor of it.

We continued fucking like this for a while, until I could sense that Kirstie (after having at least three orgasms on my cock) was tiring. Picking up the pace even more, I was now rocking the bed back and forth on the floor as Kirstie and Shelley became a mass of sweaty hot bodies licking and sucking each other while I pounded away at Kirstie's cunt. I couldn't take too much more, but I held on until Shelley's cries built in volume, which meant she was about to cum. I timed it just right and just as Shelley's cry of pleasure hit a super high volume, I released my cum inside of Kirstie's pussy. Her cunt seemed to want to suck my dick dry as it lapped up and absorbed all of my seed.

Pulling out of her, the three of us collapsed onto the bed in a naked sweaty heap. Glancing at my watch, I realized that we had been gone for two and half hours. I told the girls this and we dressed quickly. Slipping out first was Kirstie, who kissed me in the usual movie star style on the cheek and gave my ass a squeeze, thanking me for "Helping me get through a tough time". As she walked off, I could see a little trail of my cum running down her leg. I was going to holler to her but she was too far down the hall. Still, it looked damn sexy.

Shelley was straightening her dress and hair up in a full length mirror on the wall of the room. When she had finished, it looked like nothing had happened, although her face was a little flush. Shelley gave me a kiss and slipped out the door as well, handing me a business card.

"That's a party tomorrow night. You ought to come, it's very exclusive and I can promise more action like what happened tonight," Shelley whispered seductively into my ear. I watched her walk off down the hall and then checked myself to make sure I looked alright. Shutting the bedroom door behind me, I made my way down the hall and left the party without anyone noticing, getting into my Porsche and driving off.

I'll have to check with Rebecca about scheduling conflicts but if there aren't any, you can bet I'll be at that party. I will let you know how it goes...

That was the end of the entry. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything after that until two months later, and that entry wasn't interesting or related at all. Sighing to myself, I closed the book and put it back inside of the drawer. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I began to see my father in a different light. Maybe there was more of those books and his exploits. He didn't sound any different than me, at least sexually. Perhaps I misjudged him...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:25:16 PM
Journal Of An Agent Chapter Chapter 9: Elizabeth Hurley

* * * * *

Stretching my legs out in front of me and yawning quietly to myself, I settled in my seat for a long ride. I was headed over to England to meet with Elizabeth Hurley about landing a role in another film. Elizabeth was often times called one of the most beautiful and most photographed women in the world, and given the publicity she received in the British tabloids, it was not hard to see why. Some of the actresses I have dealt with while I was out in Los Angeles, famous or not, have been major bitches. They think that because they say two lines in some low budget comedy, they are the next Barbara Streisand.

But that was what was unique about Elizabeth. Right after I took over the firm, she called me up to introduce herself and offer her condolences on my father's death. Apparently she had been extremely close to my father (In more ways than one, I'm sure). Since then, she had been just like a long time friend, not being demanding at all towards any acting or modeling work that came along. And more importantly, she always seemed like a down to Earth, normal girl and I admired her free spirit attitude. She knew that she was attractive and she knew that she was famous, but it didn't seem to phase her in any way. That made dealing with her extremely easy to deal with and on a more personal level, made me like her as not only a client but a friend.

The flight from LA to London was a long and tiring one so I slept for most of the plane ride. When we finally landed, I was amazed to see Elizabeth there waiting for me at the terminal. She was dressed down so as to appear like a normal person, wearing a beige sweater that hid her curves for the most part, and a pair of semi-baggy blue jeans. Her feet were inside a pair of ragged tennis shoes and to top it all off, she had a blue baseball cap on. Still, when I saw those soft blue eyes, I knew it was her. I got my luggage and we walked out to her car (a very nice silver BMW Z3) without incident, driving out of the airport and back to her apartment in the upper rich portion of London.

As we were approaching the gate to enter into the building, a young girl came running up, gushing about being a "huge fan and could she please have an autograph". This was one of the few times I had ever seen any of my clients handle their fans, but Elizabeth was very cool about it. She smiled and made the autograph out to the girl on a blank index card Elizabeth carried in her purse. The bitter cold London wind almost blew the card out of Elizabeth's hands, but my reflexes were too quick and I caught it as it was just about to slip away. Handing it back to her, Elizabeth smiled and said thanks.

Making our way through the gate and up the stairs to her loft, Elizabeth explained the index card.

"I adore my fans, but sometimes they are ill prepared. So I carry a stack of blank index cards in my purse just in case they don't have something they want signed," she said, unlocking the door. This was a very kind and smart idea and I was amazed that she would go to such lengths for her fans. I brought in my luggage and collapsed on the couch. Even though it was only 11 in the morning, it felt like 4 AM back on Los Angeles time. Despite the sleep I got on the plane, I was still exhausted. Laying my head back on the couch, I slowly began to drift off to sleep. Elizabeth stood over me and smiled, leaning me back on to the couch and propping my head on a pillow.

I awoke later that afternoon around 5. Sitting up, I looked around. I could hear Elizabeth doing something in the kitchen, probably fixing tea or a late afternoon snack. I stood up and stretched, straightening out my rumpled traveling clothes (a long sleeve shirt and a pair of comfortable khaki pants) and slowly looked around Elizabeth Hurley's apartment.

The living room area was quite spacious, with very high ceilings that were supported by thick wooden beams. The floor was also hard wood, covered in many places by very thick asian style rugs. The furniture was fairly sparse, although very expensive, with only a coffee table and the couch and a few floor lamps. I wondered how much of this was hers and how much was Hugh Grant's, her former long time boyfriend. Making my way into the kitchen, I could see that Liz was preparing a delicious smelling tea.

Sitting down at the table, she walked over to serve me the tea. I saw that she had showered and changed, and was now wearing only a bath robe. The robe was very elegant looking, a light pink color with white trim around the hems and cuffs.

We made chit chat over tea, talking about Hollywood and relationships and what not. I told her of my past involvement with Alyssa Milano, and like a sister, she was very sympathetic.

"Dean, Alyssa is a sweet girl. I've spoken with her at a few parties," Elizabeth said, sipping her tea. "But if you are anything like your father, it will take a special kind of woman to make you happy," she said with a smile.

After tea, we began discussing what had actually brought me across the Atlantic: work. We spent over 5 hours discussing scripts that I had brought with me. The problem wasn't finding one she liked, it was finding one she didn't like, and we both finally deciding on a comedy with a still undetermined cast. I was cleaning up my briefcase when Elizabeth got out of her chair and stood up, a smile on her face.

"Let's go dancing," she said, her beautiful face coming to life at the idea. Admittedly, I wasn't much of a dancer, but I figured what the hell. I wasn't going to pass up the chance to go watch Elizabeth get her groove on.

"Sure, sounds good. You may want to change clothes though," I said, referring to the bathrobe she was still wearing. Glancing down, she laughed and said "Oh yes. I don't think this would do at all. Give me 5 minutes to change and we can head out,"

I went to the spare bedroom I was using for my stay to change into something more club appropriate. I decided on a pair of oversized blue jeans, tennis shoes and a gray turtleneck sweater. Fixing my hair and adding a light bit of cologne, I walked back out to the living room.

Elizabeth was standing in front of a wall mirror, adjusting her earrings. She was wearing a glittering knee length red dress, slit up the sides up to her calves. The dress crisscrossed in the back with thin straps of material, and the red accented her pale white skin beautifully. Friend or not, it was tough not to realize how absolutely beautiful she was inside of that dress.

Turning around to face me, Elizabeth smiled broadly and adjusted the purse on her shoulder.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded, and we were out the door.

The club was located in the "hotspot" of London, which was the old warehouse district. The club we were going to, Rage, was in a converted fish processing plant. The line was around the building when we pulled up and parked, but this didn't even faze Elizabeth. Walking directly up to the bouncer, she stood on her tip toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The bouncer, an enormous black man, smiled and stepped aside, letting us in.

"Thanks Nick," I heard her say as we walked past.

Inside of Rage, the club was multi-level, with the bottom floor being the bar area and the general dance floor, a combination of hip hop and some rock music playing loudly. Following Liz, we walked up a winding flight of stairs. The second floor had more of a techno music atmosphere, with lots of people swaying and moving to music blaring out of huge ceiling and wall mounted speakers. Strobe lights illuminated everything, and through the thick fog of cigarette smoke and dry ice I could see lasers shooting by on the ceiling.

The third floor was very high up and much smaller than the previous two, but it was much more intimate. There were isolated areas for couples to go to and a private bar with three bartenders.

Elizabeth walked over to say hello to some friends, so I went to the bar and got us each a drink and found a booth to sit in. Looking around, this part of the club seemed very exclusive. There were lots of models, both male and female, and I recognized a few British celebrities all drinking and dancing and talking.

Elizabeth finally made her way back to my booth but it was only for a second, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor.

The music playing was a loudly thumping beat by some techno artist, and it was great music to dance to. Elizabeth pulled me close to her and began to bump and grind her body all up and down mine. Despite not liking to dance, and not actually being very good at it, I think I kept up fairly well. I was encouraged by seeing Elizabeth's rhythm and pace pick up with me and soon the rest of the club became a blur as I found my natural groove and Elizabeth and I's bodies merged together in dance, even if it was just for one song.

Over the next few hours, I made my way around the dance floor, dancing with various models and women. All of them were exceptionally beautiful and a couple seemed to take an interest in me. But my mind was always elsewhere, watching Elizabeth dance with nearly everyone. Dancing was her natural element I could tell. Her body was so rhythmic and graceful when she was on the floor, and she looked like she couldn't be any happier than when she was dancing.

As the night wore on, I had slowly drank myself into a sizeable buzz. Looking down at my watch, I saw it was almost 3 AM. I guess I hadn't noticed that the club was starting to thin out a little. But Liz was still out there, dancing like mad. Her hairspray had long lost it's hold on her hair, and now her dark brown hair swung over her shoulder as she danced, part of it sticking to her forehead from the perspiration. As the song ended, Elizabeth's dance partner, a tall well built man with a chiseled chin, said his goodbyes and made his way down the stairs from the club. Glancing around, Elizabeth finally spied me sipping on my tenth vodka of the night in the same booth I had occupied hours earlier. I was very wasted at this point and was hoping Elizabeth was coming over to get me to leave.

"Well, that was fun but I'm exhausted. Shall we go?" Elizabeth said. I just finished my drink and smiled as we headed out.

Elizabeth drove home since I was too intoxicated to do so. At 4 AM, London is a very quiet and empty place. Getting to her apartment and going in, I almost collapsed onto the counter from having drank just one drink too many. Elizabeth luckily caught me though and sat me down into a chair by the kitchen table. The early morning light was just starting to rise over the Thames I saw when I glanced through a window in the kitchen.

"You need a shower to wake yourself up and make sure you don't get a hangover," Elizabeth said, lifting me up and helping me into the bathroom. She let go of me and began running the water into the tub to warm it up for the shower.

I was leaning up against the bathroom wall, when I realized that Elizabeth was over estimating my condition. I was groggy for sure, but I could have taken care of myself. Ulterior motive or not, Elizabeth reached down and lifted my shirt off and set it on the floor. She couldn't help but run her hands along my modest six pack abs. I was about to protest, but then she began to unbutton my jeans and slide them down. I suddenly realized that I had a fairly sizeable erection inside my boxers, right around the time she started to slide them down.

I played it off like I was too drunk to notice, but it still startled Elizabeth as she blushed slightly. Her face and beautiful lips were a mere foot from my cock and I couldn't do anything about it, for fear of blowing my innocent act.

At first Elizabeth looked away and ignored it, focusing instead on the hot water that was now steaming up the bathroom. But she couldn't resist stealing another glance, and it was this time that I decided I would take charge. Making sure I caught her eye when she looked at it again, I took her hand in mine and guided it to my rock hard cock. Elizabeth never broke eye contact with me while I did this. I almost died from pleasure when I felt her small, soft hand wrap around my shaft instinctually. Elizabeth had a sort of daze on her face during all this, but she seemed to know what she was doing.

Still holding my dick in her hand, she used her other free hand to slide down her dress. Her 36C breasts were now just inches from me, and now it was her turn to take my hand and guide it to her breasts. I wasted no time as I began to tease and knead them with my palms, pinching her nipple and pulling it out while I fondled her. Her chest was now glistening in the light of the bathroom from the moisture from the shower, and the sweat from the club.

Elizabeth's hand meanwhile was slowly wanking me off, her tempo keeping up with the rate in which I was pleasuring her. I leaned my mouth down to her left nipple and inhaled the sweet odor of her body as my tongue danced all around her erect breast. Her nipples were a medium pink shade and combined with her areolas, were fairly small on such large breasts. However, they looked totally in proportion with her body and made her look even more beautiful.

Her red sequined dress continued to slide down her body until it lay in a crumpled heap by my shirt and pants. Elizabeth was wearing a see through black lace g-string and I could see that she kept her pussy hair in a neatly trimmed triangle.

I couldn't stand the anticipation any more, so I pulled Elizabeth to me. Her hand left my dick and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders as we began a deep embrace. She grinded her pussy against my hard cock, and I could feel the wiriness of her pubes through the thin material of her underwear. The heat radiating in the room was intense, so I decided to move it to the shower. Reaching down with my thumb, I slid Elizabeth's panties off, making sure my thumb brushed against her aroused and exposed clit on the way down. She gasped softly into my ear as I did this.

Moving my hand back up, I used one hand to guide her backwards into the shower, following her right behind as I stepped in. The water was a bit of a shock as it splashed against our skin, little droplets sliding down the contours of Elizabeth's naked body. Guiding my hard shaft towards Elizabeth's hole, I pushed her back against the shower wall. She shivered slightly as her body adjusted to the cold tile, but this was just enough to make her hips thrust up ever so slightly, and allow my cock to slide into her.

She wasn't loose but she certainly wasn't tight as I sank all of my meat into her. Her pussy was certainly experienced, quivering as I pulled myself in and out of her at a slow speed. I was now pressing my entire body against her, as I slid in and out of her sweet, warm cunt. Her chest was heaving from the steam and the pleasure I was causing her. Elizabeth dismounted from me, but it was only for a brief moment. She moved her leg onto the edge of the bathtub and positioned herself spread eagle inside the shower. I tilted her head back as I began to rock in and out of her at a much faster pace, holding her head (her beautiful hair was now dripping wet and hung as one big mass down her back in between her shoulder blades) gently in my hands to keep from hurting her.

"I've wanted you ever since we first met," Elizabeth said to me as our bodies moved in unison.

"As have I," I replied, thrusting into her hard as I said this. This triggered an orgasm inside of her, as I felt her legs weaken for a moment and buckle as her body convulsed in pleasure. I used this momentary pause to reposition Liz in the shower. Now I turned her around and pressed her against the wall of the showerhead, her legs spread around the faucet. Using the weight of my body, I held her against the wall, crushing her tits against the slippery and wet tile wall. Elizabeth moaned as I once again moved my cock inside of her.

Her hips were thrusting backwards, trying to milk my prick for all it was worth. I felt like I could last forever inside of Elizabeth Hurley. The strangeness of it was that this didn't feel like just another meaningless fuck. Like my relationship with Alyssa, I felt a bond and connection with Elizabeth as I stood here making love to her while she gyrated her body all around my cock. It wasn't as deep a feeling as with Alyssa, but it was still very intense. Like a true understanding; a true friendship and love for each other.

The water from the shower turning colder shook me out of my thoughts and I realized that I should speed things up if I didn't want to lose "it" all together. I bent Elizabeth over at the waist and put her hands at the corners of the tub. Her ass was thrust out at me sexily and I stood there for a moment, rubbing my dick head against her ass and up and down her crack. Finally, I just decided to thrust into her pussy once more to savor the feeling. This caught Elizabeth off guard even though we had just been fucking, and she moaned loudly from the pleasure of feeling my 9 inch cock inside of her. I fucked her furiously as she held onto the sides of the tub. I felt my balls swelling with sperm, and I grunted loudly as I released a long series of hot streams of cum inside of Elizabeth's pussy. She cried out as well as she orgasmed from the feeling of my cum hitting her inner walls.

As my dick softened some, I pulled out of her and reached down and shut off the water. We held each other as the water dripped off. We toweled each other and kissed passionately for a few minutes more before finally calling it a night and climbing into bed, falling asleep almost instantly in each other's arms.

I awoke a few hours later in the same position I had been in when I fell into the bed with her. My cock had gotten hard during my slumber, something not surprising since I had it pressed against Elizabeth's soft belly and her warm pussy. Elizabeth was still asleep in my arms, breathing shallowly next to me. Her hair had fallen over her left eye and as she laid there sleeping peacefully, she looked like an angel.

I was about to try and get some more sleep, when Elizabeth unconciously moved in her sleep and my dick slid down so that it was a few centimeters from the head entering her. I lay there pondering if I should act on it without waking her, or just ignore it. I chose the former, and using my hand, I gently slid the head of my prick inside of Elizabeth once more. She didn't seem to notice as I worked more and more of my shaft inside of her. Her legs spread open slightly, giving me more access. Her breathing became even more shallow and I could see that my slow fucking of her must have been giving her good dreams. Working slowly so as not to wake her up at all, I began gliding in and out of her. The feeling was sheer torture as I couldn't speed up the pace no matter how badly I wanted to. I cared for Elizabeth more than that.

After this agonizing fuck session, I could feel myself building to another orgasm. Not wanting to come inside of her without her knowing, I pulled out just as quietly as I went in, and slowly jacked myself off until I came just inches from her pussy, my cum squirting out and landing in Elizabeth's belly button and some inside of her pubic hair, dripping down to the moist slit of her cunt. In her sleep, Elizabeth reached down and itched where my cum landed, which really just served the purpose of smearing it into her skin and pushing a small trickle into her pussy. Watching this happen was enough to almost get me hard again, but I decided not to push it and pulled Elizabeth closer to me as I drifted off to sleep once more.

I spent the next few days in London with Elizabeth. She showed me all the usual tourist places, but also some very unique and cool shops and museums that the average person would never think to look in. Sadly however, the day came when I had to return to Los Angeles and tackle the mountain of celebrity problems waiting for me on my desk. Elizabeth drove me to the airport and we kissed for a moment before I boarded the plane and headed home. From my window seat, I saw that Elizabeth waited by the terminal until I was out of sight.

That's when I realized what my feelings really were towards her: I loved her but I was not in love with her. I loved her company and her friendship and especially her body, but I did not have that deeper feeling and connection with her that I had shared with Alyssa. Pondering it some more, this didn't seem like a bad thing. Elizabeth would always be there for advice on a relationship, or a casual fling if I needed it. Perhaps I just needed some time away to consider where I wanted our relationship to go. I knew one thing: this wouldn't be my last encounter with Elizabeth Hurley.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:27:25 PM
Journal Of An Agent Chapter Chapter 10: Portia De Rossi

* * * * *

"Glad you could come in Portia," I said as I reclined in my chair.

"Not a problem Dean, what's up?" Portia replied.

Portia De Rossi had become a client of the firm through ruthless dealings by my father, who had lured her away from her two-bit talent agency before, and who had been hugely influential in landing her the role as Nelle Porter on the hit TV show "Ally McBeal".

"Well actually, we do have a problem. Do you remember the photographer Rob Akens?" I asked, folding my hands in front of me.

Portia nodded her head slowly as she sat in the chair in front of me. She was wearing a light, white floral blouse that showed her cleavage quite well. She wore a matching pant suit with the blouse and had her famous blonde locks tied behind her head. Her greenish gray eyes sparkled, but they seemed to be losing some luster as I continued.

"He was famous in the early 90s for taking photos of some of the most gorgeous women in the world. His career was going great until he got busted for half a pound of coke he tried to smuggle into the country a few years ago. Blah blah, real tragic stuff. Well, he did some time but his reputation was ruined. Since he got out of prison he has been trying to re-build his career in the industry," I said, although it was apparently for my own benefit as Portia seemed to know exactly where I was going with this.

"And that's where you come in," I said with a sigh. "He contacted us about a week ago and said something to the effect that he had something of yours he knew you would desperately want if you wanted to 'Go further in life'. That was his phrasing. He wouldn't tell me what it was. He said you knew. So would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?" I asked her.

A range of emotions was going on behind Portia's beautiful face I could tell. At first she seemed composed, then worried, then upset, then finally her face settled into a sense of uneasiness.

"Yes, I know Rob. He helped me out when I was a teenager back in Australia, still modeling. I sort of had a school girl crush on him back then. We became romantically involved for about six months, but then he dumped me for some other model. That's when I left Australia and came to the US. And I think I know what it is that he has on me. They are nude pictures," Portia said, the obvious pain in remembering what happened hurting her even as she spoke.

"What type of nude photos are we talking about here? Is it just a topless shot or full frontal or what?" I replied, as what Rob was doing to us began to take shape.

"No, it's much worse than that. If I remember right, and it's hard because it seems like so long ago, the photos we took were pretty explicit. I remember one of them distinctly because he showed them to me. It was me sucking his cock while I played with myself with a dildo," Portia said, her face turning bright red and her gaze shifting downward so she wasn't looking me in the eyes.

"Oh God..." I muttered to myself, just imagining the nightmare the press would turn something like that into. And God help us if those photos got on the Internet. I knew Fox would drop her, especially after the pressure they were put under for the incident with Robert Downey Jr. Still though, this sleazy photographer was trying to blackmail my firm and clients and I was not happy about it at all.

"Well look," I said, snapping out of my thoughts, my voice rising out of my frustration. "We don't have to do anything about this. This is blackmail, and he could go back to jail for it. I'll call him right now and tell him to fuck off," I said, picking up the phone.

"No Dean! Wait!" Portia said loudly, holding out her hand in a stop motion. "I know Rob. Let me go and talk to him, I'm sure I could get him to compromise or something. Or at least find out what he wants from us,"

Still holding the phone in the air, the earpiece beeped noisily since it was off the hook. Portia was probably thinking more rationally than I was (this being the first time someone tried to blackmail me). Finally I set the phone in the cradle and spoke.

"Alright. I'll set up a time to meet with him and let you know. But you can be sure that I will be coming along, just to make sure things go all right," I said.

Portia seemed happy with this. After chitchatting for a while and trying to lighten the mood, I had to run to a meeting so Portia left. When I returned that afternoon, my assistant Julie had already arranged everything, setting our meeting for a week from Friday. I called Portia personally and gave her the address and we agreed to meet there.

As I pulled into the driveway of Akers house, I couldn't help but notice how shabby it was. Located in an older neighborhood of LA, the house had a vintage look to it, albeit a kept in bad repair motif. Portia's car was already there, a beautiful BMW M3.

I walked up the walkway to the door and knocked. Rob answered the door, and I could see Portia standing further into the room behind him.

Rob was just the type of guy I figured he would be. He was about 5'6 and had the current 'chic' LA look, with a short goatee and very small oval shaped glasses. His cold blue eyes seemed to be picking me apart mentally in that brief moment when he opened the door. But his face changed into a wide toothed grin as he welcomed me in. I could see that he was a little overweight and that his perfectly groomed black hair was balding some in the back. He wore a loose fitting navy blue shirt which was tucked into a pair of white slacks. His feet were bare and I could see that he was used to walking around barefoot, as the bottoms of his feet were quite dirty.

"Hello Dean, thank you for coming," Rob said. His English was heavy with an Australian accent. Portia was down the hall admiring a photograph before turning her attention towards me and walking my way, her face beaming. The floor was made out of heavy oak panels, and the walls were painted a dreary shade of brown to match with the floor. The hall way was lit however with huge lights that hung from the ceiling high a few feet above me. As he led me further into his home, Portia seemed to jump in line behind him like a puppy. I could sense some of that school girl fascination returning.

Hustling up behind her, I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Has he budged at all?" I whispered into Portia's ear. Her head turned around sharply as she put her finger to her lips in a "shhh" motion. Her blonde hair, pulled back in a long ponytail that stretched down almost to her gorgeous ass, swung wildly when she turned. Portia was wearing a pair of sheer, tight black pants and a green top. Combined with her platinum hair and her green eyes, she looked like an enchantress. I couldn't help but notice as well that I couldn't make out her panty line, meaning she was either wearing a thong or nothing at all. I quickly understood how she would "bargain" with him.

"Have a seat over here Dean. Can I get you a drink, mate?" Rob asked. We had come into a studio area of the house, as it was very sparsely decorated. In the center of the room was a table that was littered with all sorts of camera parts and loose film rolls. Standing on a tripod, facing a blank white wall, was a very expensive looking camera. To the left of where I sat was a mini bar area with a lamp above it that looked straight out of an episode of "Cheers".

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," I replied to him. Portia had walked over and taken a seat next to me, her legs crossed as she watched. She herself was sipping on a rum & coke I saw, and I'm sure that it was not her first one of the day, given the way she was drinking it down.

"That's very well then. Just thought I'd offer," Rob said as he poured himself a vodka. Holding it in his hand as he paced in front of the bar, sipping it occasionally, he avoided looking at us as he was thinking to himself. After a long sip of the drink, he spoke.

"Here's what I'm gonna do," he said as he reached behind the bar and pulled out an envelope, handing it to me. "I give you the negatives and originals of those photos and you give me $500,000, and we pretend this never happened. A bloke's gotta be able to buy some blow now that he is here in L.A., no?" Rob said.

Opening the envelope and sliding the photos out onto my lap, Portia leaned over to look at them as well. What she had said were in the photos didn't prepare me at all for what Rob was showing me now.

The first photo was indeed the one Portia had talked about. In full, vibrant color, Portia was easily recognizable as she sucked happily on a medium sized cock (which had to be Rob's). She had his balls cupped in her left hand and appeared to be squeezing them. She was looking directly into the camera, and I saw that a small trickle of cum was dripping down her cheek. With her other hand she held a massive 12 inch dildo halfway in her cunt. You could see the outline of her pussy lips as they stretched around this metallic silver beast. Her pubic hair was sparse in the photo, but just as blond as the hair on her head. The next photo was even more shocking.

In it, Portia laid spread eagle and totally stretched out on a velvet bedspread. Beside her lay a pair of skimpy black panties, and all that she was wearing were a pair of matching black stockings. All over her chest however, covering her ruby red nipples, all the way from her lips to just above her pussy, were long thick streaks of cum. It had to be no less than a gallon of cum covering her body all over. Like the other photo, it was quite clearly Portia, although she appeared to be much younger.

The final photo in the envelope was also disturbing. It was a rear shot of Portia, her head turned to face the camera. Buried inside of her pussy underneath her was a huge black cock. In her ass and straddling her back was another black man's cock, this one only half way inside of her. In between her beautiful lips and on her pristine face was yet another cock, this was apparently just spewed it's hot greasy cum all over her face, as the cum was dripping down her chin. All three men's faces were not visible but like the other two photos before it, there was no mistaking that was Portia.

I slid the photos back into the envelope, and tried to remain calm and think. It was impossible for me not to be turned on by those photos, especially with the subject of the photo's face just inches from mine. Like my own breath, Portia's had become more rapid and excited just by looking at the photos. I could tell that even if she regretted her past sins, something like this was still too much not to turn her on and get her pussy juices flowing. As I felt my erection ebb inside my pants, I cleared my thoughts and started thinking like a business man again.

"No. Absolutely no way will we pay you anything. That's blackmail buddy, and in case you forgot, it's illegal in this country," I said, in a cold voice. Portia was now resting her hand on my inner arm and leaning very close to me. I could smell her fragrant perfume mixing with the sexual excitement she had just experienced.

This was obviously not the answer Rob wanted. I guess he thought we would come in here, cut him a check and that would be it. But because I was hard nosing him, his master plan was not going how he wanted. His warm and friendly motif shifted into one of anger and I saw his face darken.

"Blackmail my bloody ass! This is a shrewd business deal between a photographer and a model. Now if you don't want to buy these, I can think of a few magazines and tabloids that might," Rob said, narrowing his eyes as he stared straight at me.

"Fine. Go ahead and sell them. We will call them fakes and deny it," I said. I was more than willing to play hard ball with this junkie burnout. "And given your past reputation here in L.A., I don't think anyone would believe you any ways. You can do wonders with a computer now," I replied, my tone now icy cold as I spoke.

Rob knew that his back was against the wall and that he was running out of bargaining room. Still, I really didn't know if those were all the pictures that he had taken, let alone the only copies.

His posture shifted and he stood up more straightly as he stood up and crossed his arms. He spoke again.

"If you won't give me my money, let me get something from Portia. A quickie as you American's say," he said.

I actually laughed. I couldn't believe the audacity of this man to turn me into no more than a common pimp with one of my clients.

"There is no way on God's green earth that you will be sleeping with Portia. Not while she is my client," I said. Portia had been watching my reaction intently and I sensed relief in her hand when she loosened her grip upon my arm.

"You are a sticky son of a bitch aren't you Simonds," Rob said. I could tell that he was now very frustrated at my lack of compromise. But at this point I had him on the ropes and I wasn't going to back down before we got the photos and left without paying a thing.

"At least let me get a little blowjob from her then," Rob said. He was almost pleading now, and I noticed that he had a sizeable lump in his crotch. If he couldn't get the money, they would go for the next best thing: sex. Then again, what man in his situation wouldn't.

I was about to speak and tear him a new ass hole with my response, but Portia stunned us both by speaking up for the first time since my arrival.

"All right, I'll blow you till you come. I'll even let you come on my tits if you want. But Rob, those HAVE to be the only copies of those photos," Portia said. I could see that her acting ability came naturally as I couldn't help how exactly much like Nelle she was acting in her forcefulness and bargaining.

Rob jumped at this offer and was quick to respond "Then it's a deal. I promise these are the only photos in existence," He smiled lewdly at me, and I could tell he was enjoying that he had achieved some sort of victory.

I was still dumbfounded by her offering but it was her choice. I wanted to make sure it was all right with her, so I took her aside for a moment.

"Portia, you don't have to do this. We can just walk out on this sleaze ball and if he tries anything just call the cops," I said, almost pleading with her. I was still conflicted about it in a way, and the erection in my pants of knowing what I was about to be watching didn't help matters.

"Dean, I'll be fine. This way everyone will be happy. Besides, I haven't tasted a good dick in a while, so it's not like I'm getting shafted on this deal, so to speak," Portia replied, smiling at me that same smile that had won over the hearts of many a male "Ally McBeal" viewer.

"All right. But if you do something you don't want to, just let me know," I whispered to her. Turning my attention to Rob, my tone shifted back to a business like manner.

"You have a deal Mr. Akers. But no funny stuff. And if you are lying about the photos, so help me God I will prosecute you to the fullest extent," I said, my voice gruff and harsh.

"Yea, yea, sure whatever," Rob said. He was very excited and reached down and started unbuckling his belt. He paused for a moment though. "If you'll excuse us mate...we can get this ball rolling,"

"Oh no. I'm not leaving this couch until I have those pictures in hand and our work here is done," I replied. "That is, unless Portia wants me to leave,"

"No Dean, you can stay. Just to make sure everything goes okay," Portia replied. She was standing up now, and began to unbutton the two buttons at the top of her shirt.

"Suit yourself," said Rob apathetically. Going back to work on his pants, he had them and his boxer shorts down around his ankles in no time. His cock was sticking straight out in front of him and was already very erect. He had nothing on my 9 inch penis, but his was fairly sizeable.

Portia removed her shirt and unclasped her bra, letting both fall to the floor. Her breasts looked even better in real life. The skin on her chest was pale and white and her nipples were the same maroon color as in the photos. She was probably a B cup and her breasts seemed to jut out from her chest like small mounds. They looked very proportional to her tall and lithe body.

She walked over until she was just inches from Rob and then got down onto her knees. Taking his hard cock into her hand, she slowly began to stroke it up and down. Using her other hand to fondle his balls, she moved her head to the side of it and gave the side of his shaft a long, deliberate lick. Rob threw his head back in pleasure as Portia set to work.

In a vain attempt to hide my erection, I scooted to the edge of the couch and sat with my legs spread, hoping my erection wasn't too obvious (not like either of them were looking at me while this was going on).

Portia's busy mouth was now sucking up and down on Rob's cock, teasing the underside of it with her tongue. She had let her long blond hair down from the ponytail it had been in, and now it hung behind the nape of her neck and onto her shoulders. The natural curls of it, swaying back and forth as she bobbed up and down on him were almost hypnotic. Portia's pace had picked up, but her technique was now shifting, as she was deep throating him all the way and then pulling his cock out of her mouth until the very edge of it was touching her gorgeous lips. Both of them seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, and I saw that Portia's hand was inside of her pants as she played with herself. A small spot of moisture had begun to develop on them.

Subconsciously, I began stroking myself through my own pants, keeping pace with Portia as I rubbed my palm up and down myself. As Portia's tongue maneveuring on Rob's ample sized cock shifted and changed, I felt myself getting hornier by the second. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and unzipped my pants, letting them fall gently down to my knees as I began to masturbate in time with the action going on three feet in front of me. Portia and Rob were in their own little world as I did this, and this was just the way I wanted it.

Rob had now taken Portia by her beautiful hair and was moving her lips up and down his shaft at a furious pace as he fucked her mouth for all it was worth. Portia was more than happy to oblige and when Rob began to do this, she began to finger herself faster and faster.

After around ten minutes of giving what had to be some of the most skillful head I had ever seen, Rob's back arched and he panted "I'm cumming babe! I'm cumming!"

Portia pulled his dick out of her hot mouth long enough to ask "Where do you want to cum?"

"On...your...face..." was all that Rob could manage to get out through labored breaths. Portia compiled, giving his shaft a couple more good sucks (her cheeks quivered as she did this, something that almost made me shoot my load right then and there) before taking it in both of her hands and furiously jacking him off just inches away from her face and open and ready mouth.

With a loud groan that resonated through the whole house, Rob thrust his hips forward once more and let loose a cannon shot of cum all over Portia's face. The first strand hit right on her tongue, a little portion of it dribbling down her chin. Moving his dick around her face as he came, Rob began spraying all over her cheeks and nose, landing at least two dollops in her golden blond hair. Aiming down at her chest, Rob shot one more wad of his load, landing it expertly on her right tit so that it covered her nipple.

Seconds later, I felt my own orgasm impending and just let myself go, erupting cum all over my hand and dick, some of it landing on the wood floor below me. The two of them rested for a moment, Rob smearing his cockhead all over Portia's cheeks as more cum dribbled onto her chest. As Rob pulled up his pants finally, both of them noticed me sitting on the couch, my dick still in my hand.

"Did we put on a good show Dean?" Portia asked, as she began to scoot towards me on her knees. The cum was all over her upper half now and I could see the small wet spot in her pants had grown much larger.

"I uhh...yea. Sorry, I couldn't help myself," was my meek reply. Rob was grinning wildly at me before walking over to fix himself another drink.

"Well, it looks like you made a mess. Let me clean it up for you," Portia said. She now kneeled before me and lowered her mouth on to my semi erect cock. Her lips felt like heaven as she slowly sucked the excess cum from my shaft. When all of it had entered her mouth, the overwhelming warmth of it had brought my dick back to full hardness. Licking my balls and the inner part of my thighs, Portia went after every drop of cum she could find. Not satisfied finally when she had clicked it clean, she began giving an encore performance on me, running her tongue up and down and basically all over my cock.

Rob in the meantime had positioned himself behind her and had dropped his pants once again. Reaching down to pull down Portia's sheer black pants, I made a weak effort to stop him.

"I thought you said you just wanted a blowjob?" I said.

"I want all I can have. You don't mind do you Portia?" Rob said as he slid her pants down to her feet. She lifted her legs and kicked them off, mumbling some sort of reply to him that could only have been "No."

Pulling her black thong panties aside, Rob lowered his cock down to her sopping wet opening. Rubbing it along the outside of her cunt and all over her ass, he finally began to sink himself into her. Portia groaned in pleasure on my cock as he did this, and it only helped to make her sucking harder and more pleasurable.

After bottoming out inside of her tight pussy, Rob began to get a tempo going and was slamming into her in no time. Her body rocked back and forth as he did this, his tactile cock sliding in and out of her with every thrust. Her naked body was a beautiful site to behold. I saw that her pussy hair was gone now and her cunt was bare and shaven, her pussy lips wrapping around Rob's cock while he fucked her. Of the three of us, Portia was enjoying herself the most. Deep throating me and moving her mouth up and down my cock like the slut that she had become, she had moved one hand down to her pussy. She held her hole open with two fingers while the other two were busy teasing and prodding her clit as she frigged herself to an orgasm.

Rob's stamina must have been low, because a minute later he pulled out of her and began jacking off quickly before erupting a geyser of cum that landed on her ass cheeks and back. The hot white cum dribbled down the inside of her leg and onto her fingers, which she was more than happy to mingle with her own juices and thrust back into her cunt.

Stepping away from her, Rob was going to pull up his pants but Portia was too quick. Sensing what was going on behind her, she quickly pulled her mouth from my cock and did a 180, thrusting her beautiful pussy right up next to my cock. Shaking her ass erotically against it, I used my hand to guide the head into the inside of her twat.

Portia shifted positions again and stood back up, only to lower herself down forcefully onto my shaft. This surprised me and knocked the wind out of me a little, but it was a pleasant surprise as my entire dick was now buried deep within her. I could feel the moisture and sheer heat from her hot box all around my cock as she flexed her pussy muscles, sending a ripple down my cock and my spine. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, Rob quickly shoved his dick into her mouth and began to fuck her face again. Portia loved this and began to suck furiously on him.

After being teased from the killer blowjob I had received, I was about to cum again almost the moment that I was deep within her. Grabbing onto her hips, I moved her ass up and down on my rod as my balls pounded furiously with her cleanly shaven snatch. I was unsure if I should pull out of her or just shoot my cum inside of her, but Portia wasn't giving me an answer either way. She wasn't the rich and famous actress now - she was a common whore who was getting dick from both ends and loving every second of it. Her blond hair was matted with sweat now as it swayed back and forth on the base of her head, the longest portions reaching down and tickling my abdomen.

I couldn't hold out any longer and moved to pull out of her, but Portia ground her hips deep into my thighs and wouldn't let my cock leave her tight pussy. I finally just gave in and with two sharp thrusts into her, I lined the inner walls of her cunt with my cum. I felt the sticky drippings of her snatch and my own cum seep out of her and smear themselves all over my thighs. Portia must have orgasmed at some point during all this, because when I finally pulled out, her wet pussy lips were dripping with her own juices.

When I was out of her cunt, Portia and Rob moved onto the floor, where Portia laid on her back. Taking his cock from her lips, he moved it between her beautiful breasts and started to tit fuck her at an excited pace. Portia's head was moving up and down on the floor as he did this, and her breathing was very tense and coming in short gasps. Unable to stand the feel of the soft globes of her flesh any longer, Rob shot his third load of the afternoon all over her breasts and her neck. Portia raised her head just enough to take the tip of his dick in her mouth and suck the last trail of cum from it.

I moved onto the floor next to Portia, and Rob and I proceeded to take our sticky cum onto our fingers and feed it to Portia as she licked them clean.

A few hours (and showers) later, Portia and I said our good byes, photos in hand.

As I walked her to her car, I asked her about Rob's honesty.

"Do you really think that those are the only copies of the photos?" I asked.

"Of course not. Since day one of his photographer career, Rob has always kept at least two copies of every photo he took. I'm just glad we got these. After the fuck session we had today though, I doubt he will try to do anything with them," Portia said. Her blond hair blew in the gentle breeze as she said this, and the image I had conjured up of her as a goddess returned.

Getting into her car, Portia handed me the photos in the envelope.

"Here, you can keep these. Call it a memento for those lonely night out in that big mansion of yours," Portia said with a wink before starting the car and heading back towards the free way. Stashing the photos into my briefcase, I got into my car and drove home, making sure when I got there to stash them in a secret place.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:29:12 PM
Journal Of An Agent Chapter 11: Jennifer Love Hewitt

* * * * *

Straightening my light blue bow tie, I ran my hand down my chest, straightening out my cummerbund. Putting on my black tuxedo jacket, I grabbed my keys and wallet and hustled out the door.

I was going to be escorting the buxom and beautiful young actress Jennifer Love Hewitt to the premiere to her new movie, "Heartbreakers". This was my first movie premiere in the six months since I began running my father's talent agency out here in L.A. and though I've been to many black tie events (you may remember my recount of the People's Choice Awards with Jessica Alba) this one I was really looking forward to, primarily so that I could spend time with Jennifer. Back in college, she had been a popular girl around my dorm room, with all three of my roommates and myself watching the dreadful "I Know What You Did Last Summer" over and over again, just for Jennifer. If only the guys could see me now...

My affection towards her was really just a school boy crush, but nevertheless I was going to relish walking down that red carpet with her by my side. I almost fell out of my chair when I read in Variety that the premiere was coming up. I had called Jennifer at home to ask her if I could be her date that night.


"Hi Jennifer, it's me Dean," I said to her.

"Oh hey Dean!" she said excitedly. This was pretty common practice with her whenever we spoke over the phone. She always seemed to sound like an over excited teenager when I called. We had not actually met in person yet, conducting all of our previous business over the phone, so I hoped that I would get a chance to accompany her on the night of the premiere.

"SHIT!" Jennifer said loudly into the phone, enough to startle me. "Hold on just one second Dean,"

I heard her put the phone on a table or something and listened intently to see if everything was all right. I could have sworn I heard moaning in the background, but it was probably my over active sex drive WANTING to hear something like that.

A minute or two later, she picked up the phone again. "Sorry about that, I was watching TV and when I got up to answer the phone, I accidentally knocked the remote to the floor. It changed the channel and landed on one of those porn stations on the satellite system," she said, out of breath after having run to quickly change the channel. So I WASN'T hearing things. I decided to try and have a little fun with the porn thing, mainly for my own benefit.

"Sure Jennifer. You knew I was going to call and that thought got you all hot and bothered so you decided to put on some porn," I said to her in a half joking manner. If only that had been true.

Jennifer laughed in response, that trace of her teenage giggles still apparent in her light laughter.

"Yea, that's it Dean. Just the thought of you - never mind the fact that we have never seen each other before - gets my panties all wet," Jennifer said, playing along with the joke.

"See, I told you. Women around the world can't hear the name "Dean" without shuddering in orgasm," I said laughing myself at the conversation we were having.

Jennifer laughed again but finally said "So, why did you REALLY call?"

"I called to see if you need any accompaniment to the premiere of Heartbreakers next week," I replied, crossing my fingers under my desk that she would say yes.

"Hmm... I hadn't really thought about that. See, my agent is kind of a slacker and he forgot to remind me of the date of the premiere," Jennifer said, getting in her own personal jab at me. I took it in light fun. "But yea, since I am dateless right now, I'd love it if you came with me,"

"Sounds great. The premiere starts at 9 so I'll be there to get you at 7. Traffic and all...you know," I said.

And that brings me to where I am now. I had the driver of the company limo, Leonard, pick me up around 6 to allow time for the 45 minute drive up to Jennifer's Malibu house. Pulling up to the gate, Leonard parked out front and walked up to the buzzer. I had my window cracked and I watched him do this. The gate opened and Leonard walked up the driveway to Jennifer's home. I took the spare moment to give myself one last look in the mirror, gave my brown hair a quick comb and then sat back in my seat. Glancing out the window again, I saw Leonard walking down the driveway with Jennifer on his arm.

She was much shorter than I thought she would be, probably no more than 5'2. She was wearing a silky black dress with spaghetti straps over the shoulders. The dress stretched down to her mid calves. Her ample breasts were highly accentuated by the dress, and the cleavage she was sporting was unbelievable. Over her shoulder she carried a small black purse that looked to be made of the same material as her dress. As she got nearer to the car, she looked taller than she probably was because of the four inch high black shoes she was wearing.

Leonard seemed to be quite pleased with himself for escorting such a beautiful woman as Jennifer down her driveway, even if no one but me was there to see it. Leonard was one of the hangers-around from when I took over the business, a short older man, with gray and balding hair. He had that classic "well-aged and still semi attractive" look that can only be found out here in Hollywood. Still, he looked like a kid again as he smiled, opening the door for Jennifer as she got in the limo. Leonard hustled back to the drivers seat and we were off.

"Wow Jennifer, you look amazing," I said to her. Her auburn brown hair was up in a bun over her head and I couldn't help but notice how well she was fitted to play the role of Audrey Hepburn in that TV bio pic about a year ago. She blushed at my comment.

"Thanks. You must be Dean," she said, extending her hand. I took it in mine and shook it, feeling the texture of her manicured nails run over my palm when our handshake broke.

"I'm glad you're not a troll or anything. You are actually very handsome. I didn't know WHAT you would look like after only talking to you on the phone," Jennifer said, laughing a little as she said it. Now it was my turn to blush slightly.

"Thank you. I used to dress and eat like a pig back in college but since I moved out here, I have gotten in much better shape. I feel healthier too. Must be something in this California air," I replied, smiling.

"Yeah. The smog!" Jennifer said, and we both broke into laughter.

The rest of the car ride was a lot of fun. Jennifer and I carried on a really good conversation. I found talking to her was just like hanging out with an old friend, albeit a very beautiful and famous one.

Pulling into the long line of limos outside the Mann Chinese Theater where the premiere was being held, I knew it was showtime. Jennifer had already begun primping herself slightly in the mirror next to her. The car inched forward for a few minutes until we reached the entrance. A nicely dressed valet opened the door for us. Stepping out first, I was there to take Jennifer's hand as she got out of the car. I was momentarily blinded however, by the sudden barrage of flashes from the cavalcade of press standing behind the guard barriers, all striving to get that perfect shot of Jennifer as she walked down the red carpet. Jennifer took her time moving inside, stopping occasionally to pose for a picture. She was all smiles, waving and doing the typical Hollywood star thing for the press.

When we finally got inside, the theater was packed full of people. Most of them were the crew and producers of the film and their assorted wives, mistresses or girlfriends. I stayed close to Jennifer, lingering behind her and making chit chat with various people from the studios that I saw. Jennifer was doing the same, except for with the crew of the movie and the other stars. I saw her walk over to where Gene Hackman and Sigourney Weaver were standing. Figuring it would be a private conversation, I headed over to the bar outside the entrance to the theater and got Jennifer and myself a drink.

Walking over to where Jennifer was still standing talking, I handed her the drink.

"Sigourney, Gene, this is Dean Simonds, my agent," Jennifer said, taking my arm in her hand and introducing me.

Gene Hackman was much shorter than I thought he would be, but I was still amazed that I was standing in the capacity of one of the best actors around. We shook hands and he said "Nice to meet you Dean. You make sure you arrange some deal where Jennifer and I can work together again. She's such a blast to have on set," Gene said as he smiled politely. I knew that stars didn't like being seen by their agents mingling with other heads of an agency, so I told him I would try and turned my focus to Sigourney.

By contrast, she was very tall, much taller than I thought she would be. We shook hands and said hello, but she seemed to be preoccupied with something else and said "Excuse me, I've got to go finish mingling," and walked away. Gene took this as his cue to leave too, before patting me on the shoulder and walking off in the direction of Sigourney.

Alone again, Jennifer took me by the arm once more and we began making our way to the seats. Unlike what it appears to be on television for the Oscars, the theater was much smaller than I thought. It was already starting to get filled so we ended up having to take a seat in the middle of the theater floor. I sat down, but Jennifer remained standing, leaning this way and that as she shook hands or gave hugs to people she saw coming in. Leaning over me, her beautiful breasts, the object of lust for so many men and boys around the world, were just inches from my face. The smell of her perfume was almost arousing as her lush, tanned skin was so close to me. I longed to reach out and touch her, but knew that it would be all over the papers and that it would ruin my budding reputation.

After filling up the bottom floor, the studio head for MGM got on stage and said a few words. Since the film was a comedy, the crowd was pretty raucous and loud, but in a fun way. He left the stage after a few minutes and was replaced by a gigantic screen coming down from the rafters. The lights dimmed and the movie started playing. The first scene was really funny and the audience showed this, as the whole auditorium was filled with laughter. The movie continued and I settled in for what I hoped would be a good movie. If Hollywood liked it, that meant that the public would love it, and that would make Jennifer's bargaining in future projects go up.

About fifteen minutes into it though, Jennifer grew a little restless in her seat. I looked over to see what she was doing and saw that she was reaching into her purse. Pulling out a black towel, she carefully unfolded it and reached over to me, draping across my lap. Her arm had been resting next to mine on the arm rest up until now, but slowly she moved it away from mine, sliding it over to my leg so very carefully. The next thing I knew, her small hand was moving up my thigh and onto my crotch. The room suddenly seemed to get much hotter as her hand finally came to rest right on top of my dick. I could feel myself hardening slightly under her touch, but tried to control myself. And then she started unzipping my zipper.

"Jennifer, what are you doing?" I whispered to her. All she said in return was "Shhh..."

Showing my inexperience at events like these, I stupidly asked "Why aren't you watching the movie?"

Jennifer shot me a coy and a little angry look. I felt her hand start to move away, but then she thought better of it.

"Relax. I've already seen it. Bootleg off of the Internet," she said with a smile now. "Just relax and let me do the work,"

Her hand furthered it's exploration of my pants, and I felt it slip inside into my boxer shorts and make contact with my now hard cock. I tried to act like nothing was happening. Glancing over at the man next to me, he was too interested in the movie to even care about what was going on in the seat next to him.

Jennifer took my cock in her hand and slowly, so agonizingly slowly, pulled about 3/4 of it out of my pants. Then she began moving her hand up and down at a very slow pace. I think that if she had sped up, I would have moaned loudly and shot my wad all over her hand then and there, Hollywood be damned.

Jennifer's pace was a bit maddening, but it felt so good. I could feel her nails, only a few minutes before shaking the hands of some of Hollywood's elite, rubbing against my skin so lightly and delicately. She moved her thumb down on the downward strokes and teased and flicked my balls a little, causing me to shut my mouth as tight as I could to keep from groaning out.

I laid my head back on the seat and again tried to act naturally. Jennifer meanwhile had her other hand in her lap and seemed to be paying attention to the movie, occasionally glancing over at me as she rubbed and teased my cock head up and down. I felt her index finger run over the top of my slit and smear the precum all over the rest of the head. Her pace sped up a little after that, and I knew I was on the verge of cumming. Jennifer sensed it too, and her hand was now moving much faster than initially. I leaned forward slightly so that it wasn't too apparent that I was getting a fantastic hand job from one of Hollywood's hottest young stars. I closed my eyes and bucked my hips a little bit as I felt my hot cum rising from within my balls.

Jennifer acted quickly though, and leaned my dick forward. Aiming it at the handkerchief, I exploded in orgasm as my wad shot all over the inside of the cloth. I must have blown almost a gallon of cum, but the cloth was pretty thick and seemed to absorb it all. Feeling my cock soften, Jennifer moved the remaining dry portion of the handkerchief (what little there was) over my now deflated 9 inch cock and cleaned it off. Putting my cock back in my pants with her nimble hands, Jennifer carefully saved one big dollop of it on her finger. She reached over with her other hand and neatly folded the handkerchief up, it still soaking with my cum, and put it back in her purse. She zipped me back up carefully and slowly again, and then finally moved her hand away. Her finger still holding my cum, she casually moved the tip of it up to her mouth and sensually licked it clean. Her eyes shut as she enjoyed the taste of it, sticking her whole finger in her mouth and licking it clean.

Folding her hands neatly back in her lap, Jennifer focused her attention on the movie. I tried to act calm and normal for the rest of the show, but after what had just transpired, it was more than a little hard. I would look over at Jennifer occasionally, but she continued to stare straight ahead and I began to wonder almost if the whole thing really had happened.

The movie concluded an hour or so later and we got back into the limo. At first, neither of us said anything. I sure as hell wasn't going to say the first word about it, for fear that I may really have just had a fantasy about her while in the theater and I didn't want to completely embarrass myself about it.

Finally though, Jennifer spoke, quietly and a little indignantly.

"You know Dean, you could have said thank you," Jennifer said, the orange tint of the passing street lamps of the L.A. freeway a blur as we pulled away from the theater as she leaned her face against the cool leather of the inside interior of the limo, her face casting a disinterested stare.

I was stunned for a moment, but then regained my though process. "I'm sorry about that Jennifer. It just seemed so surreal. I have to admit that just two years ago when I was still in college, you were one of the women I masturbated to the most. I feel really weird telling you that, but I just want you to know that I did appreciate it. A lot," I said. I couldn't bring myself to look at her as I said this, partly out of shame but more from sheer embarrassment at doubting the sexual effort Jennifer had went to for me.

I glanced up to look at Jennifer's face. She was staring directly at me with her normally soft but now quite intense, brown eyes. She had her arms folded across her chest, beneath her shallowly moving up and down breasts. She had her back to the seat and her legs crossed, but I could see in the faint light that would enter the limo from the street lights that a smile was coming across her face.

"So then say it," Jennifer said devilishly. "Say 'Jennifer, I loved the hand job you gave me. It was the best.'" she said, smiling gleefully now, happy with her handiwork.

I wasn't going to lie about it, so I flat out said "Jennifer, I loved the hand job you gave me. It was the best I have ever had," I said as deadpan as possible. I was having real trouble reading where Jennifer was going with this, but she quickly gave me a hint.

When she realized I was done, her manner changed totally. She was back to the bubbling little girl that she had been when we first met, and now she laughed at the whole charade that had just gone on.

"That was classic Dean. Classic. I'm going to have to remember that one for in the future," Jennifer said with a huge smile that I couldn't help but feel almost warmed by. "Now, enough chat. We have 45 minutes till we get to my place. I want to use all those to the full advantage and get in a good, nasty fuck session,"

My jaw almost hit the floor of the limo, and it would have too if Jennifer hadn't already begun undressing. She had moved her hands up to her shoulders and made a huge scene of sliding the straps of her dress down to the very base of her breasts so that it just barely covered over her nipples. When she finally let it down, I was speechless. Her breasts, despite all the celebrity skin I had seen in the six months since I moved here, had to be the most gorgeous things I had ever seen. They were the perfect conical shape, not pointing outright from her chest but far from saggy. The natural shape of them let me know right away that, to steal a line from "Seinfeld", "they were real and, their spectacular". The nipples on both breasts were around the size of a half dollar. The areola and the base of the now erect nipple were a medium shade of brown, with the shade lightening up till it finally stopped at the end of her jutting out nipples. They looked so succulent and beautiful, and I hoped I would get to touch them soon.

Fixing my gaping mouth, I wasted no time in taking off my expensive Armani coat and the rest of my tuxedo and flinging them to the side, leaving me in just a pair of boxer shorts. Jennifer by this time was down to just her panties, a silky black pair made from the same material as her dress. They were thong underwear and when she moved her ass, I could see her beautiful ass cheeks, firm and tight. Her pussy was shaven around the edge of the underwear but I could smell her quite easily from across the limo. It must have been a while since she had had sex, and I was happy I was going to be fixing that. Her musk was not a bad scent by any means, but I think the excitement in not having had sex in a while made it even the more strong.

Being relatively short, Jennifer barely had to duck as she walked across the limo over to me. I looked behind her and saw that the window between us and Leonard was still open. He had a pair of headphones on, but I didn't want to take any risks and shut the window. With the window closed, I flicked on the lights in the back of the car. The floor was illuminated with miniature little lights, each of which gave out a whitish-yellow glow on to everything in the car, especially Jennifer's pale white skin. She looked almost heavenly in that light, as she sat down up lap.

I had my legs closed, so Jennifer spread hers out on top of mine. Her cute little feet dangled there as she began to move herself back and forth on my lap with her hips. I could feel her pubic bone, and more importantly her clit, rubbing against my already rock-hard dick through my boxer shorts. It was straining to get out, and finally I reached down and released it. Jennifer gasped a little when she saw my 9 inch monster (not really realizing the true size of it in the theater I assumed), but her gasp became lust as she reached down with her hands and pulled my boxers off completely.

Jennifer began to rub her wet, hot cunt lips up and down on my shaft now, stroking and sliding along it back and forth. She balanced herself by pushing down on my thighs for support. The feel of her wet womanhood and the smell of her arousal and the sweat of our bodies inside such a confined space was absolutely incredible. Nothing could beat it.

Well, almost nothing. While Jennifer slid up and down on my lap and was gyrating her hips on top of me in a teasing method, I was doing a little teasing of my own. With my hands shaking as I did it, I placed one hand tentatively on her left breast. Jennifer sighed as I did this but was totally enjoying it. Her breast was so warm and soft. The skin and texture of it was incredible. I gently began moving my hand over her nipple back and forth, usually taking the alternate motion to her rubbing and grinding on my leg. Taking her nipple in my fingers, I began to squeeze and pull and stretch it out. Jennifer's breasts were incredibly sensitive, because as I did this, I felt her pussy gush cum out onto my lap. Encouraged, I moved my other hand to her breast and began repeating the process. Soon, Jennifer Love Hewitt was sliding back and forth on top of my cock, arching and snaking her back as I played with her breasts.

I knew that postponing my entry into her would make it even more desirable, so I decided to enjoy her breasts even more. Leaning my mouth down to her right nipple, I took it in my teeth as I began to flick my tongue all around it. Jennifer moaned and cried out loudly as I did this. My tongue was like a nimble snake, running across the surface of her breast at a furious pace, teasing and pleasuring her. Jennifer by now was holding the other breast in her hand and squeezing it gently. Her once nicely arranged hair was now a total mess, hanging down over the naked shoulders. I would occasionally feel it brush against my leg when she would thrust her head back in an especially enjoyable moment.

This could have went on forever as far as I was concerned, but I knew that we would get to her place soon, so I decided to take it to the next level. Taking my cock in hand, I slid Jennifer further down onto my thighs and rubbed the head of my dick against her entrance. I wanted to get it nice and lubricated because I knew that her young pussy would be incredibly tight.

Grabbing Jennifer by her small, soft ass, I lifted her up and scooted her towards me. With my dick still in one hand, I bent it up forward a little. Jennifer's hips acted alone and shifted angles so that our two sexes met at the same time. For a split second, it created a triangle of sorts there in the air; my rock hard, blood engorged cock touching lightly upon her golden brown, soft cunt. But it was fleeting and then I was inside of her, her legs wrapped around my waist and her hips and pubic bone resting against mine.

Jennifer had her eyes closed and was savoring taking in all nine inches at once (in one thrust even!). I meanwhile was lost in the absolute heaven of the inner walls of her pussy. Soft and comforting, I again felt that I would never leave them if I didn't have to. She was incredibly wet, so much so that she was dripping on the outside of her cunt, the juices running down my legs. And the heat was just as comforting as her tightness though, and seemed to radiate so much energy from within that when I would push and pull in and out her, the sexual energy from her would be passed on to me and I would have the renewed vigor and strength of a teenage kid again.

I wasted no time hammering into her, and this seemed to suite Jennifer fine. Holding onto her hips, I slammed her up and down on top of my cock as she bounced up and down on my lap, the car filled with the sound of flesh on flesh and musk of sexual excitement. Jennifer had to bend her head a little to keep from smacking into the roof of the car every time I would thrust into her harder and harder. She didn't seem to mind though: her eyes were still closed as she sat there, occasionally moaning out loudly or using her hands to tweak her nipples or play with my chest.

The excitement from earlier in the night got me excited again very quickly, and I felt my orgasm fast approaching. Not wanting to cum before Jennifer did, I reached my hand down and began to play with her tiny little clit, rubbing it in my fingers back and forth. Using the rest of my hand, I would guide it into her finger by finger, feeling my own dick rubbing against my hand.

This was more than enough for Jennifer, and the resulting friction from my hand and my cock were enough to send her into a screeching, high pitched orgasm that seemed to go on for at least 15 seconds of pure bliss for her. At some point during that scream, I let loose all the cum I had been building in my balls, lining the inside of Jennifer's cunt with my sticky white cum. We continued to fuck for a little bit longer and though my cock was still hard, it was Jennifer who slid off of me.

I thought she was done and was going to get dressed, but Jennifer surprised me. Getting on all fours, she reached around pried her ass cheeks apart, exposing her cute little butthole and her semi-hairy pussy just a few inches below.

"Take your pick," Jennifer said naughtily. As bad as it sounds, I was torn about which one to go with. Finally, I headed for new turf and slid my cock head up to her puckered (but loosening) asshole. I felt Jennifer's muscles involuntarily contract when our skin touched, but she immediately relaxed them.

My cock still sticky from being inside of Jennifer a few minutes earlier, I used the lubrication from it to slowly begin working my way into her. Her asshole was almost too tight and I knew that she wasn't very experienced in anal sex. Still, she did her best and relaxed as best as she could. Looking down, I saw her face shoved into the floor of the limo. She had a pained expression on her face, but it was the sort of look you get when you get a shot in the arm: you know it's going to hurt, but then it will be over real soon.

Wanting to make things easier for her, I used my other hand that wasn't helping to wiggle my hard cock up her ass to stroke and play with her pussy. The sensation didn't seem to be doing much for her, but the more I kept at it, the more Jennifer began to like it. Trying to get more of my hand in her pussy, Jennifer began rocking back and forth on her knees, thus helping my cock gain some momentum and finally slide all the way into her.

I eased up on the pussy rubbing to let Jennifer realize that I was all the way in her before I began fucking her up the ass. She seemed to pause for a second, but then took my hand that was resting on her pussy and began to slide it back and forth on her cunt once again. I let her lead my hand and do all the work while I concentrated instead on fucking her ass.

My pace was slower than when I fucked her tight cunt. This time, I was pulling in and out of her in long, slow strokes. It was agonizing, especially after how rapidly I had fucked her and cum inside of her pussy, but the sensation of doing it nice and slow was incredible. It was almost like I could feel every nerve in my body, and if I could, they were all in intense pleasure and enjoyment.

Glancing out the window to the dark night outside, I realized just how close we were to Jennifer's home. I had probably five minutes till we arrived and got busted by Leonard. Still wanting to enjoy being inside of her ass, I began to slide in and out of her more fully this time, making each inward thrust all the more pleasurable, but also quicker and more of a time saver. Not knowing if this was going to be my last time having sex with Jennifer though, I gave up the anal sex after just a few more thrusts. I had other things in mind.

"Lay down Jennifer," I said to her. I think she knew what was coming next and she did it immediately.

Positioning my cock between her two beautiful breasts, I took them in my hands and began to squeeze and knead them around my cock. My hips were slowly starting to thrust back and forth between her breasts, as I rubbed her tits against my long shaft. Jennifer had reached her hands up and was playing with my ass, occasionally sticking a finger into it for encouragement. I wasn't used to this, and though it felt nice, it made my thrusts between her breasts speed up. I was now going at them furiously after just a minute or two of starting out so softly. Jennifer's body rocked back and forth on the floor of the limo. Anyone passing outside probably would have seen the car rocking back and forth as it moved down the road and I couldn't help but wonder if Leonard had any idea what we were doing.

Jennifer's hair was spread out all over the limo floor and was sliding back and forth as we went around curves in the road. I knew that I didn't have much longer, so I pulled my dick (unwillingly mind you) from her breasts and began jacking off right by her mouth. Proving to be the little minx slut she was, Jennifer had her mouth open and waiting for my cum to shoot out and land on her extended tongue. When my orgasm came seconds later though, I used the opportunity to aim it upwards and shoot my wad all over Jennifer's face. I don't know why I did it, but Jennifer certainly wasn't complaining.

Jennifer must have had a sixth sense for dick, because even though she couldn't see, her mouth knew right away where my dick was and took to sucking it right away. Cleaning it off, I sighed a breath of relief. Reaching into her purse, I pulled out that same handkerchief again and used it to clean the cum off of Jennifer's face. She smiled sexily at me as I did this, and I made sure that a little bit of my spunk slid down her cheeks and onto her breasts "accidentally". It was an image I knew I would never forget.

After wiping off Jennifer's face, I guessed that we had three minutes or so to get dressed. Acting quickly, I helped Jennifer get back into her dress and panties and tried to fix her hair so that it at least didn't look as bad as it had when she lay there on the floor getting fucked long and hard by me. Jennifer also helped me fix my suit and tie and made sure I didn't have any of her juices still sticking to my legs that would make my pants appear to have wet spots in them.

We made it just in the nick of time. As I was retying my shoe, the car came to a stop and Leonard got out and opened the door. Jennifer stepped out but stood by the door to talk to me.

"Dean, would you like to come in for a while? I can drive you home later," Jennifer said sweetly.

The truth was, I really couldn't go in that night. The next day I had to fly out to New York for a meeting with NBC about Jennifer Aniston's contract. So if I stayed up all night fucking Jennifer Love Hewitt, I might not make my flight in time and thus "fuck over" a client in the process.

"I'm sorry Jennifer. This sounds really bad but I have a plane I have to catch in the morning. I'm sorry," I said, trying to sound as humble and apologetic as I could.

Jennifer looked upset for just a moment, but then she got that sexual gleam in her eyes again.

"That's alright. I'm sure Leonard would LOVE to come in for a cup of coffee or, you know, whatever," Jennifer said mischievously, wrapping her arm around Leonard's waist and pulling him close to her.

I looked at Leonard and swear I had never seen greater happiness on a man's face. Even though I knew Leonard was married and had two or three kids, I don't think God himself could stop him from walking up that driveway.

"Of course I would. It would be my pleasure," Leonard said. It was obvious he was using his classic charm and flirting skills and that Jennifer was to some extent falling for it.

I took this as my cue to leave. I stepped out of the car as well. Leonard dropped the keys in my hand and then the two walked up to Jennifer's house, arms still around each other. Jennifer looked back at me and smiled, giving me a slight wave. I couldn't help but laugh when Leonard looked back and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs-up, right before the two disappeared around a curve in the road.

Happy with the way things had went that night, I drove back to my house and collapsed in bed, sleeping like a baby.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:31:39 PM
Chapter 12: Jennifer Aniston

* * * * *


Struggling to reach over and grab the phone, I almost fell out of bed as the phone startled me awake. Glancing at the clock through sleepy eyes, I saw that it was 6 AM. Way too fucking early.

"Hhhello?" I managed to croak into the phone as I tiredly lifted it to my ear. I was greeted by an overwhelmingly enthusiastic voice on the other end.

"Dean! What's happening baby! How's my favorite half-brother!" the voice said.

"Jacob, I'm your only fucking half-brother," I replied hoarsely.

Jacob was the illegitimate child of my father's, who came along a few years after I was born. Apparently my father Martin had kept Jacob a secret from my mother and I, sending money from his job as a bank manager (this was before he walked out on us and started the Hollywood firm I now manage) to Jacob's mother. When my father disappeared and the money did as well, Jacob's mother called our house repeatedly until my mother got so frustrated and got the whole story out of her.

Growing up, Jacob was always like that cousin you always meant to get together with but never could find the time, for whatever reason. He was about 3 inches shorter than me when I last saw him 3 years ago, but he and I certainly shared the same eyes that my father (and his) had passed along to us. My guess now was that Jacob was right out of high school and calling his "favorite" half-brother to try and weasel something out of me, since I inherited everything. We always seemed to get along all right, but didn't really have too much in common.

"I heard you were going to be in New York next week, I thought we could get together. I didn't wake you up did I? It's 9 AM by my watch," Jacob said. It sounded like he was on a street corner somewhere and there was way too much noise. I was also a little pissed because he had obviously called my office and gotten out of Julie, my assistant, that I was going to New York soon for a photo shoot featuring Jennifer Aniston for the next issue of "Entertainment Weekly".

"Jacob, time difference," I muttered. "9 AM there, 6 AM here, remember?"

"Oh shit! Sorry about that bro. But hey, after we hang up, go back to sleep, ok?" Jacob said apologetically.

"Thanks, I planned to do that," I replied sardonically. "Now what is it that you wanted?"

"Oh right. Well, I heard you were going to be going to a photo shoot with Jennifer Aniston next week because you represent her or something and, well, I'm a huge fucking fan. All us New Yorkers are. So how bout it? We meet for lunch, I show you my place and then you let me tag along. Shit, you can call me your kid brother if you want, and I promise I will be good. Cool?" Jacob said in a hurried breath. It had been a while since I had been back to New York City and I had forgotten how frantic everyone seemed to talk there.

"Sure, whatever. I could use someone to pick me up at the airport. Call Julie back and get the flight number and information from her. And I want your solemn promise right now that you will do as I say and keep your mouth shut when we are around the talent," I said.

"Really? WOW! Thanks Dean! I owe you big time. I guess I'll see you next week then, huh bro?" Jacob said, the enthusiasm in his voice almost overwhelming.

"Yep. See you then," I said, hanging up the phone and falling back to sleep.

A week later and sure enough, Jacob was there waiting for me at the airport. He hadn't changed too much since I last saw him. He was still around the same height, although much bigger. I think I vaguely remembering hearing about how he had been a star tailback for his high school football team. He looked it too. I think I am in pretty good shape, but Jacob's arms were massive, almost twice as big around as mine were, and I have to admit I felt a little intimidated. However, it was all for naught because when Jacob saw me, he gave me a massive hug and took my bags from my hands.

"Welcome to New York City," Jacob said with a broad smile. "The city that never bathes...I mean sleeps," he grinned.

"Thanks. I don't have any other luggage so let's just go back to your place now, alright?" I said.

Walking outside to the parking lot at LaGuardia airport, the weather was surprisingly warm and nice. Being April, the city had just started to lose some of that winter chill, although it wasn't into the scorching New York summertime yet. I was also amazed at how clean the air in the city seemed to be. When I had been there last was the pre-Guilani period and I guess he had done a pretty good job of cleaning up the pollution.

Another surprise came when we got to Jacob's car. It was a souped up Porsche 911, all black with crystal clear headlights, and a red stripe that faded down the side. He could tell my look of surprise:

"Graduation gift from my mom. You didn't get EVERYTHING when the old man croaked you know," he said, winking.

We got in the car and headed uptown. He lived just outside Greenwich Village, in a building that looked to be recently renovated. We pulled into the parking garage and headed inside. All and all, not too bad a lifestyle for someone just 18 years old.

Inside his 3 bedroom apartment, it looked like the typical teenagers room though. He lived alone, but probably kept the house in more disrepair than 4 people living there would. He made no qualms about apologizing for the shape of his house, and I made no comments about it. I too was like this once...except I really WAS poor.

Jacob got us both a beer from the fridge and we sat down to talk.

"So, when will I have a chance to meet the lovely Mrs. Aniston?" Jacob said, that sly grin never leaving his face.

"Tomorrow. I'm heading over to Entertainment Weekly's head office downtown around noon for lunch with the editor of the spread they are doing on her. Then, around 4 or so, Jennifer is getting there for her photo shoot. Because I'm sure you have no interest in the business end of this thing, I'll give you the address where they are located and you can meet me there around 3:30. The only catch to all this is that you will have to be my chauffer around town tomorrow and take me to the airport the next day as well," I told him.

"That won't be a problem. I'm not starting classes till the fall, and since all I do anyways is stay out late partying and sleeping in till 2 in the afternoon, it's not like I will be missing anything," Jacob replied. "Speaking of which, up for a night on the town tonight? I can show you all the best spots in NYC and I promise we will have a good time. That is, if you are not too old," he said with a laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Too old? Boy, you don't know the first thing about partying when you are with me. Remember, I'm from LA," I said with a grin.

We went out that night and Jacob was right, I did have a really good time. But since I had to get up and work the next day, I didn't want to be hung over, so I drank very little. Jacob on the other hand got quite trashed and I ended up having to drive him (and the little blonde hottie he picked up named Alicia) back to the apartment. As soon as we were in the door, Jacob took Alicia to his room and made a weak hand motion that I took to imply "You can sleep in one of the other rooms". His mouth and other hand were too pre-occupied roaming all over Alicia's body.

I grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat down to watch Conan, as I remembered that Penelope Cruz was going to be on. I had developed an affinity for her recently after seeing a test screening of "Blow" and made a mental note to myself to check to see who her representation was when I got back to LA.

But my television watching was cut short, as just a few minutes after I sat down, I started hearing moans coming from Jacob's bedroom. I turned the TV up loud to try and drown them out, but it was no use: Alicia's moans and screams kept getting louder. When I had the television turned up all the way, and could still hear them, the moans subsided just for a moment so that Jacob could have the audacity to yell at me: "Turn the TV down! You trying to blow out the goddamn speakers?"

Throwing my hands in the air in exasperation, I turned off the TV, finished my soda and went to the bedroom. With the door shut and everything else quiet, I finally fell asleep, mainly from being tired from the flight.

The next morning when I woke up around 10:30, Alicia was gone and Jacob was at the table wearing the same clothes he had worn yesterday, minus his pants (although he did have boxers on), eating a bowl of cereal. He looked a little hung over, but I knew he would shake it off. I joined him and we talked a little over breakfast, but since it was 11:00, I had to go get in the shower and get ready. I hate being late for a client.

Jacob dropped me off at 12:05 in a rush, after I chewed him out the entire way there about how I hated being late. I left in a huff but straightened myself up for my meeting. The meeting and lunch went well, and I got a tour of Entertainment Weekly's offices for an hour or so, making small talk with the photography editor and the writers for a little while.

Glancing at my watch it was about 3:40 so I excused myself for a moment and went down in the lobby to meet Jacob. I was shocked by how he was dressed. Wearing a pair of polished black shoes, black slacks and a light blue shirt with a black sports coat over it, he looked nothing like the grungy kid that dropped me off in a t-shirt, boxer shorts and sandals this morning. He even had shaved off the scraggly beard he had been growing and his hair wasn't a total mess like I figured it would be (truthfully, I wasn't sure WHAT to expect when he showed up). Very impressive, he almost put me in my white collared shirt and navy blue pants to shame. Almost.

As we got in the elevator, I drilled him again on how to behave. He wasn't to talk unless spoken to, not to touch or stare and generally just act like a walking mannequin while he was there. Jacob nodded to all this solemnly, but I couldn't tell if he was patronizing me or was being sincere. The elevator dinged on the 5th floor and the doors began to open. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out.

Walking down the hall, we found the studio where the photo shoot was going to be. There was an assistant at the door, but she just smiled at us and waved us in. The room was quite large, bigger than I thought it would be. In the center was a white backdrop, with a small table and a few other items. On the ground was a dark blue crushed velvet sheet, that filled in the whole space. A portion of it was balled up, so I figured that it would play somewhat of a role in the photos.

Looking around, I didn't see Jennifer anywhere. However, to my surprise, Lisa Kudrow was standing around talking with a few of the people. I walked up to her and Jacob followed right behind me, quiet as a mouse. I think he was star struck.

"Lisa! What are you doing here!" I said, extending my hand as I walked over to her. She shook it and gave me a hug.

"Dean, how are you? Jennifer and I just finished shooting an episode earlier this afternoon and since I didn't have anything to do, I decided to come along. Jennifer is in makeup, changing into her outfit for the shoot. I think the better question might be why are YOU out here?" Lisa replied. We had gotten to know each other fairly well when the cast of Friends had been out once or twice to LA for a taping or something else related to the show. I had thought about luring her away from her agency, but Julie had told me not to bother because Lisa had a deep friendship with her current agent.

"I'm doing great. I came out here to see the shoot and work with her on maybe some more movie roles, and more or less for a visit to the Big City," I said.

"Excellent. And uhh, who is your friend?" Lisa said, pointing over my shoulder to Jacob, who had stayed where he was when we walked in.

I looked over at him and motioned for him to come over. "Lisa, this is my half-brother Jacob. He lives here in New York so I thought I would spend some time with him while I was here. He let me stay at his place uptown. I know he seems a little quiet, but he says he is a really big fan of the show," I said, pulling Jacob towards me and introducing him to Lisa. Jacob seemed in a daze.

"Hhhhi Mrs. Kudrow," Jacob said with a shaky voice. His arm was shaking as he offered it to her. Lisa shook it vigorously. They were both about the same height, but Jacob's massive size seemed to dwarf Lisa, as was evident when his hand virtually covered hers during their handshake.

"Lisa, please. Just don't call me Phoebe," Lisa said, laughing.

Jacob laughed tentatively and smiled at her. "Ok, Lisa. Dean was really nice for letting me come along to see the shoot. I never imagined you would be here. I just wanted to say though since you are the most famous person I have ever met and will probably ever meet, that I am a HUGE fan of the show. All of my friends watch it too," Jacob said, his voice much more stable now.

"That's great. We need all the viewers we can get, what with Survivor and all the bimbos on that show stealing away our ratings share. Especially that girl Elisabeth. Where do they find toothpicks like her?" Lisa said in a half joking way.

I was about to say something when Jennifer walked out. Wearing a black midriff tank top and obviously no bra (it was pretty cold in the room), for her nipples poked against the fabric of her shirt. She was also wearing a pair of vinyl hot pants, and every guy in the room couldn't help but stare at her as she walked in. Her brown hair seemed to blow in it's own wind as she walked in, and it was all tousled in different ways. Anything to avoid that "Rachel" hairstyle that was so popular when Friends first came on.

Jennifer saw me and ran over. We hugged and I basically gave her and Jacob the same introduction I had given with Lisa. Jacob seemed to be much more at ease now, very comfortable around the two beautiful celebs. Still, he seemed sort of awestruck by the whole thing. We didn't get to talk long, because the photographer was anxious to get the shoot started before it got too late in the day.

Very professional and knowing exactly what to do, Jennifer wasted no time posing for the photographer. She seemed very much at ease, and looked to be having a lot of fun. Lisa, Jacob and myself just watched from afar, with Lisa making the occasional joke about Jennifer that caused both of us to laugh and Jennifer to give us a disapproving glare. Gradually though, the poses Jennifer were doing got sexier and sexier, and the spaghetti straps on the midriff seemed to slide down her arm more and more with every shot. I glanced over at Jacob and saw that he was breathing very shallowly, and I knew that he would very soon have a bulge in the front of his pants. I could tell that he was trying to hide it by shifting his position and adjusting the belt on his pants.

Lisa picked up on this too, but she reacted in a different way. We were standing sort of off where the shoot was taking place so that only someone looking would be able to see us. Reaching down her hand slowly, acting as if she had no idea what she was doing, Lisa slowly slid her hand down Jacob's hip and thigh and let it rest on his growing bulge. I was watching all of this out of the corner of my eye, and I could have sworn that Lisa squeezed him gently at least once.

Jacob was either scared or excited or just plain confused, because he stood there like a slack-jawed idiot and gasped rather loudly when Lisa touched him. She made no effort to move her hand, instead just keeping it resting there on his manhood. At first I had thought about looking over at Lisa and signaling for her to stop, but I knew that would be no help to any of us. Lisa and Jacob were both horny and nothing I could say would get them to stop (never mind the fact that Lisa was married).

Just when things seemed to be heating up in the whole place, the shoot was over. Jennifer walked quickly back to the dressing room, but motioned for me to follow her. I took a step forward and turned around to look at Jacob and Lisa. Lisa just smiled at me and wrapped her other arm around Jacob's chest, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, we will be fine. Go see what Jen wants," Lisa said. Jacob just stared vacantly ahead and nodded.

I shook my head and walked away to follow Jennifer.

Knocking on the door to her dressing room, I could hear her voice say "Just a minute"

I shifted on my feet and tried to put on my business face, but what Lisa and Jacob might be up to was at the forefront of my mind.

Opening the door with cigarette in hand, Jennifer smiled exuberantly when she saw me and wrapped her arms around me. I personally detested most smokers, but many of the celebs I had seen smoking a cigarette, they had made it look so damned sexy. Jennifer was no exception. No wonder the cancer sticks had held such a smooth image for so long.

Walking into the dressing room, Jennifer had changed and showered, her hair up in a white towel and her lovely body wrapped in a pink kimono. The whole room smelled like smoke and I saw an ashtray filled with cigarette butts on the table. Finishing her cigarette with a long, slow drag, Jennifer looked at me and said:

"What the hell was Lisa doing out there? I looked over and she had her hand on your brother's crotch! Is there something you are not telling me?" Jennifer said with a frown on her face.

"I was wondering the same thing!" I said. I was just as surprised as Jennifer was, especially since she didn't know anymore than I did.

"She's acted like this before. Once I accidentally walked in on her and one of the stage hands while we were filming. There were literally 200 people nearby and she decided she HAD to get fucked then and there. More guts than I would ever have," Jennifer said.

"But you know..." Jennifer continued with a devilish smile "I couldn't help but get a little turned on watching her. I leaked a little pussy juice down my leg watching them, that's why I had to take a shower,"

I couldn't believe how frankly she was talking to me about her sexuality. I was torn between telling her that I too was getting aroused but more by her than by what Jacob and Lisa were doing. Still trying to hold restraint over myself, I played off the comment by clearing my throat.

"So uhh...speaking of romance, how are things with Brad?" I said.

Jennifer gave me a sarcastic look, obviously seeing through my weak attempt at changing the subject.

"Brad and I are fine marriage wise Dean, thank you for asking," Jennifer said. "But I have to tell you, he just doesn't satisfy me sexually. His cock is only 5 inches! I thought I would get used to it after a while, but a girl just needs a good rutting every now and then. Don't you think?" Jennifer said sultrily. She had been walking towards me as she said this, and now I was back against a wall, fighting every urge not to just go for her. It's one thing to go after a young, single celeb but a married one is a whole new ball game ESPECIALLY when the husband was an international star.

Jennifer's face was now just an inch from mine, and I could feel her warmth breath on my lips.

"You know who had a big cock though? Your father. Damn I miss him, and his meat," Jennifer said, her light blue eyes staring into mine. I was still reeling from the dirty talk she was giving as I tried to decide how far I was going to let this thing going. "Let's see how his son measures up. I've wanted to do this since I first saw you at your father's funeral,"

Jennifer reached her hand down to my zipper and took it between her fingers. But she paused. Holding my zipper in her hand like that was torment enough, but her body and her breasts, straining against her pink kimono were pressing against my chest and I could feel her hard nipples jutting into my chest. I was in shear agony at this point and the moment I was going to lift my hands up and grab her and kiss her deeply, Jennifer stepped away, a confused and hurt look on her face.

"What the hell am I doing? I can't get involved with you Dean, I'm married!" Jennifer said to herself, covering her face with her hands. Jennifer looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Dean, I led you on! I shouldn't have done that. Can you forgive me?"

I wasn't sure what to think. I was just a few seconds away from grabbing her and making love to her and yet now it wasn't going to happen, like the whole idea had disappeared into thin air. I had to act professional so I said "Don't worry about it. You got caught up in the heat of the moment. I forgive you,"

Jennifer smiled and looked relieved. She gave me a hug and whispered "Thank you" in my ear.

I was relieved that she wasn't too upset, but still a little shaken at how turned on I had become.

"Come on Jennifer. Clean yourself up and meet me and Lisa outside. Let's all go get dinner," I said.

Jennifer nodded and then turned around and walked over to the couch to get her clothes on. I took that as my cue to leave, and walked outside to find Lisa and Jacob.

The set had emptied out, and other than a janitor sweeping up, there was no one around and the room had gotten pretty dark. I scanned around, trying to find Jacob & Lisa. Then, I heard subtle moans coming from way off in a corner, which sounded like it was coming from behind the backdrop for the photo shoot.

Tiptoeing over there, a part of me already knew who it would be and what was going on. I snuck as quietly behind the backdrop as I could and peeked around the corner to look.

Lisa was on her knees and had pulled her hands up to her breasts so that it looked almost as if she was in the fetal position. Jacob was sitting on the floor with his legs spread out around Lisa, with his pants at his ankles. Lisa's head was bobbing up and down on top of Jacob's lap, and the distinct sucking noise that could only be a killer blowjob could be heard. I heard Jacob moan softly, a deep, throaty moan. Lisa's long blond hair was over her shoulder and I had a great view of her cheeks bulging in and out as she sucked and licked up and down Jacob's cock. Jacob reached his hand over her shoulder and began to fondle Lisa's ass, running his finger along the cleft of her crack. This caused Lisa to moan in pleasure softly as her mouth remained busy on top of his cock. After being teased all afternoon by Jennifer, I quite easily got an erection again, and I began to slowly stroke myself through my pants, keeping pace with Lisa's bobbing head.

Jacob must have been extremely close to orgasm when I began my voyeuristic little peek, because now his hand moved from Lisa's ass up to her head as he guided her up and down and side to side over his cock. Lisa sucked with all her might as Jacob began to buck his hips up and down, slamming his cock further and further down Lisa's throat. With a stifled grunt, Jacob threw his head back and unleashed his load deep into Lisa's mouth. Lisa swallowed what she could like a champ, but I saw a sizeable gob leak out the corner of her mouth and land with a splat onto Jacob's leg.

I felt myself about to shoot my own load into my pants, when suddenly I felt a tap on the shoulder and heard Jennifer say "Dean? What are you doing?"

My hand froze and I turned around with what had to be a wild-eyed look on my face, like a kid who was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. My hardon was painfully visible through my pants, but I straightened up and hoped Jennifer didn't notice.

"I was uhh...just looking for Jacob & Lisa. I thought they were back there maybe," I lied. I heard rustling of clothes and Jacob zipping up his pants from behind the backdrop, and then I heard footsteps as the two ran from behind out the other side of it.

Jennifer gave me a disbelieving look, but it must have not mattered that much to her because her face shifted to a smile and said "Well, alright. Let's just go find them,"

We walked about 10 feet when suddenly Jacob came running up right in front of us, out of breath, his hair a sweaty mess.

"Sorry about that, we were just looking around this place while we waited on you Jennifer," Jacob said with a smile.

Lisa came running up behind him, giggling like a schoolgirl. There was still a little bit of cum on her cheek and I made as subtle a motion as possible towards her to wipe it off. At first she gave me a puzzled look, but then quickly caught on and rubbed her face with her right hand.

My gesturing had caught Jennifer's attention but when she spun around to look at me, I was all smiles and played off the hand signal I was giving by running my hand through my hair.

"Well, here they are," I said.

Jennifer seemed satisfied that we had found them so we all headed out of the building. Getting into two cars, Lisa and Jacob in his 911 and me and Jennifer in her Expedition, we agreed to meet at an exclusive, private restaurant where we could eat dinner in peace away from fans of the two ladies.

We arrived at the Silver Bell, an upscale New York variety restaurant at roughly the same time. Getting out of the car, it was now Lisa whose face was sweaty and her hair all messy. I could only guess what went on in the car on the 30-minute drive over there. Jacob just gave me a sly grin and we walked in to the restaurant.

Taking a booth in the back with a big, heavy curtain pulled around our booth, we had total privacy, except for the occasional waiter. Jacob and Lisa sat extremely close to one another in the rounded booth while Jennifer and I sat a sizeable distance from each other. I think she was still freaked out about what had happened in the dressing room.

The waiter came and took our order and we all sat there talking quietly. Well, Jennifer and I were talking quietly; the conversation was occasionally interrupted by Lisa jumping up in a start as she giggled, while Jacob sat there laughing and grinning. When I "accidentally" dropped my fork on the floor and bent down to pick it up, I saw that Lisa's legs were spread and the dress she was wearing was up around her hips. Jacob's hand was busily teasing around her pussy, occasionally slipping a finger into her, which is what I guess caused her to jump and squirm so much. The two of them were like teenage lovers, exploring sex for the first time and loving every minute of what they were learning.

Things calmed down when dinner arrived. The food in New York I had found to be edible, but everything just tasted too salty by my "refined" California tastes. When we had all finished and the waiter brought us our check and some coffee, I thought the night was just about over. Boy was I wrong.

Jennifer excused herself to go to the bathroom, saying she would be right back. This left me with the two lovebirds. The conversation quickly died down and we sat there in silence. Not ashamed at what he had been doing all afternoon, Jacob leaned over and kissed Lisa's neck lightly. Lisa closed her eyes and exhaled softly as Jacob's kisses moved further up her neck to her cheek and finally her lips. The two became passionate with each other, as Jacob pulled Lisa closer to him and in fact on top of his lap, while they kissed and made out like the world was ending.

Jacob got braver and moved his hand up to Lisa's breast, fondling and moving it all around in his massive sized hands. Lisa was moaning quiet loudly now, and used her free hand to slide the top of her dress off and expose her large breasts to the air. Her nipples were very large and pointed out straight from her tits. Her breasts showed no sign of sag and although they were a little pale from not being out in the sun all winter, they were quite marvelous.

The two showed no interest what so ever in me being there, and it was in fact like I was invisible. At first I had looked down at the table, playing with my spoon in my coffee, but now I couldn't resist the urge to watch now, especially since they didn't seem to mind.

Lisa and Jacob were getting very hot and heavy now, as I saw that Lisa was rocking back and forth on Jacob's lap, her dress now only covering her midsection. Jacob, as I said, is a really strong man for his size and he seemed to be swinging Lisa around almost like a rag doll, making her body conform to whatever position he wanted. The table was now shaking back and forth and thankfully, most of the silverware had been taken away. Otherwise, god knows who would have walked in and seen this spectacle.

Deciding that now was the chance for me to finally get my rocks off, I unzipped my pants and slid them down and began stroking hard and fast. Watching them right in front of me was all the more appealing and I knew it wouldn't be long before I shot my wad all over my hand and probably some onto the table as well. What did it for me was when Lisa, in the throes of passion from the fucking my half-brother was giving her looked over and gave me a lustful smile, I blew my load. It erupted from me all over my hand and some actually splattered onto the table cloth, dripping down and landing on the floor.

Relieved that I finally had gotten some satisfaction, albeit by my own hand, my relief turned to sheer fear when I realized that Jennifer had come in and seen probably the whole thing. None of us had noticed her arrival, which thankfully had been silent and quick, as the curtains were closed behind her, not allowing anyone else to see what was going on.

Jennifer stood there with a look of shock on her face, her jaw hanging half open as she looked at the spectacle before her. Lisa, all but naked, riding slowly back and forth on top of Jacob's lap and me with a handful of sticky goo that had splattered out onto the table where Jennifer had been eating just a few minutes earlier.

Lisa and Jacob had just noticed Jennifer's arrival, when Lisa opened her eyes, looked up and saw her co-star there staring at them. Lisa's face was one of sheer terror. Jacob finally saw the shock on Lisa's face and turned around to see Jennifer looking him straight in the eyes. His face became a look of sheer white terror as we all sat there in silence.

I wasn't sure what to do but I knew I had to say something. Grabbing a napkin and wiping my softening dick off, all I could muster was "Jennifer, we can explain,"

Jennifer still stood there looking at all of us. I wasn't sure what exactly what was going to happen next. Jennifer surprised us all by breaking into a huge grin and saying "You know what, fuck Brad. I'm sure he's fucking some skank out there in Australia now any ways. I'm just mad all of you didn't wait for me,"

Jennifer dove into the booth next to me and the next thing I knew, her hands and body were all over mine as I lay down on the seat cushion. Like Lisa, Jennifer had been wearing a dress, although hers was a light blue color as opposed to Lisa's beige. It didn't matter now though, because both girls dresses were on the floor. Lisa was totally naked as she and Jacob continued to fuck like rabbits. Jennifer was now on top of my lap wearing just a baby blue bra that matched her dress and a pair of plain white cotton panties with a little red rose on the top near the waistline.

Jennifer's bra held in her massive breasts, but not very well as I could see the edge of her erect nipples sticking out over the side of the cups. Reaching around behind her back, Jennifer unclasped her bra and let it fall to my chest. Seeing her breasts up close and personal, I stand corrected in originally thinking Lisa had the better set. Jennifer ran her hands along my shirt, reaching up to the neck and untying my tie and then slowly working down the buttons of my white shirt.

Throwing my shirt open, Jennifer leaned down and began to lick and tease my nipples. Her breasts hung right in front of my mouth, and I couldn't resist the urge to grab her left one and take it into my own mouth, suckling at it like a baby would. Jennifer was now moaning as she ground her sopping wet panties on top of my hard-again-but constrained-by-my-pants cock. I could feel the moisture soaking into my own pants, the smell of arousal filling our once tranquil booth. Jennifer lifted her head from my chest and began to kiss me feverishly, her tongue sliding through my teeth into my waiting mouth.

We wrestled like this for a few minutes, interrupted only by hearing Lisa moan loudly as she reached orgasm from Jacob's powerful fucking of her cunt. Jacob had now removed all of his clothing as well so the two were totally naked as they writhed and fucked at a tremendous pace across from us.

The weight of Jennifer's body on my own was a little uncomfortable, so I sat up and lifted her up onto the table. Pulling her panties aside, I dove my tongue straight into her dripping wet snatch. Jennifer was arching her back and crying out as I pleasured her, my tongue finally snagging onto her very aroused and quite large clit. Her juices tasted great as I sat there eating her pussy, the hair from her crotch brushing roughly against my face. It didn't take long for Jennifer to orgasm, and I soon felt her hot juices leak out and drip onto my waiting tongue as I continued to suck and tease her clit with my teeth. My tongue was like a machine gun, moving as fast as humanly possible as I tried to ram as much of it into her pussy as possible, thirsting for more of her sweet juices.

I heard Jacob grunt across the table and then in a low, guttural moan say "I'm coming! UGGHHH!" Lisa ground her hips into him hard as he bucked up into her again, shoving his dick in as far as it would go. He bellowed as he shot his load into Lisa's cunt deeply, her body quivering around him as she too achieved orgasm. Lisa collapsed on top of him, totally exhausted from all that she had done that afternoon.

Jennifer meanwhile was still going strong, but I sensed she needed something more than my tongue to get her off. Getting up on my knees, I pushed her further back onto the table and, unzipping my pants, guided my dick to her waiting hole. Sliding into her was no problem and I felt her gasp and shudder around me as the head of my cock passed into her velvet channel.

Slowly I began to work myself in and out of her, the head of my shaft touching the top of her cervix with every deep thrust I would get. Jennifer was matching my thrusts, shoving her hips at me every time I moved into her, the table beneath her rattling every time I rocked her body. I used my hands to play with and tease her large, C cup breasts, flicking the nipples with my fingers.

Lisa wasn't totally done yet, and crawled across the vinyl cushion on which we sat and sat beside me. Crawling half way up onto the table, Lisa put her mouth onto Jennifer's nipple. The result was electric, as Jennifer cried out upon feeling Lisa's warm, wet mouth touching her breast. Using her hand, Lisa moved it down to Jennifer's cunt and began to rub beneath where my balls were slapping against her pussy, Lisa playing with Jennifer's clit with two of her fingers.

Jennifer had picked up the pace of our love making and was shoving harder and harder against my pelvic bone. I tried to keep up with her, grabbing her by the shoulders as I worked my 9 inch prick into her harder and harder with every thrust.

Jennifer orgasmed again as Lisa lowered her mouth beneath my balls and began to lick and tease Jennifer's pussy with her tongue and hot breath. I could feel Lisa's smooth cheek pressing against my balls, the sac smearing her face with my sweat and Jennifer's own pussy juice. Lisa's tongue was moving at breakneck speed now, occasionally giving my sac a much appreciated lick or suck as she put my balls into her hot mouth.

Jacob meanwhile, fully rested (it didn't take much, he was 18 after all) had moved over behind Lisa. With her ass sticking straight up in the air while her head was buried in Jennifer's snatch, Jacob simply moved behind Lisa and guided his once again hard cock into her pussy, leaning down and starting to fuck her doggy style.

As if she needed much more encouragement, Lisa's body was rocking back and forth hard, as her own cunt was being fucked nice and good and her tongue was giving Jennifer exquisite pleasure. Both Jennifer and Lisa cried out at about the same time as they each hit another orgasm, and I felt Jennifer's juices leak onto my balls and Lisa's face.

I couldn't take any more, so I grabbed Jennifer hard and pulled her hips into mine. Her face was thrust into mine as I whispered "I'm about to come. Should I pull out?"

Jennifer, in between gasping breaths replied "No. I put my diaphragm in. Why do you think I went to the bathroom? Come on, I want to feel your hot sticky cum inside of me,"

I smiled back at her as I buried myself to the hilt inside of her, exploding my load inside of her, just like she wanted. Jennifer cried out again as she felt it hit the inside of her pussy walls, another orgasm rocking her body and causing her body to shudder within my arms.

Lisa had lost her spot on Jennifer's pussy when I pulled her close to me, but now she was focusing all of her energy on getting Jacob to once again cum inside of her. Slamming her hips back into him, Jacob grabbed her by her sweaty, blond hair and pulled her head up. This startled her, but she quickly moaned in pleasure as she felt Jacob shoot his wad into her well fucked pussy.

I pulled out of Jennifer and sat back down on the cushion, my pants soaked from the action. My semi-hard dick was at half mast, covered in juices from inside of Jennifer's pussy as well as my own cum. Spinning around on the table so that her mouth was right by my cock, she lowered it and licked my dick clean. The feel of her mouth was exquisite and it caused me to harden again. I held onto her face when she tried to pull away, causing her to deep throat my cock. At first she was startled but then she quickly resumed sucking away at me. Her cheeks quivered and her eyes closed as she sucked at me furiously, running her tongue along the outside of my shaft as she went up and down on me.

Lisa was back on her side of the table as she and Jacob helped each other get dressed and cleaned up again, but Jacob couldn't resist the site of Jennifer Aniston's pussy right in front of him. Burying his face in her snatch, Jennifer groaned on my dick as Jacob's tongue writhed around inside of her.

The site of watching Jennifer get double teamed was too much, and I grabbed her by the hair as I blew my load down her throat. Unlike her co-star, Jennifer swallowed it all, not letting one drop escape her lips. My dick fell out of her mouth with an audible *plop* as I caught my breath, totally spent. Jennifer lovingly took my dick in her hand, smearing what juices remained on her face, her pretty blue eyes never leaving my own.

Jacob was licking Jennifer's pussy like a thirsty man and had all but his nose buried inside of her snatch. Having pleased me to the best extent, Jennifer crawled backwards on the table so that Jacob could sit down and enjoy his "meal". Her ass hanging off the table, Jacob ran his tongue along Jennifer's slit and up to her pert little asshole, teasing the bud with his tongue. Jennifer couldn't take any more and finally orgasmed on Jacob's tongue, what juices she had left spilling out onto his face and trickling down her leg onto the table.

All of us satisfied, we redressed and one by one slid out of the booth and out of the restaurant into the crisp night air outside.

Jennifer and Lisa got into Jennifer's Expedition and drove off, Lisa blowing us each a kiss goodbye before disappearing out of site.

Taking Jacob under my arm, both of us grinning like madmen, we got in his car and headed back to his apartment.

The next day, Jacob took me to the airport. We didn't talk much on the way there, but right before I boarded the plane to head back to LA, I said

"So, was that what you were hoping it would be?" I said.

Jacob gave me that same grin when I first arrived in New York. "Hoping? Shit, that's something that I will never forget. Next time though, I'm coming out there to see what West Coast celebrities taste, I mean ARE like,"

"Yea, we will see. I'm sure that I can arrange something. We will be in touch," I said with a smile before walking down the terminal and heading onto the plane.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:32:47 PM
Chapter 13: Britney Spears

There are about a bajillion Britney stories, here is my take on the girl.

* * * * *

Exhausted from my flight to New York City, it was nice to finally be back in L.A. and in my own house. I needed sleep, but I wasn't tired so I decided to surf the channels to see what was on. I finally stopped and found something on E! to watch, but just as I tuned in, it went to the commercial. I was about to change the channel when the new Britney Spears Pepsi commercial came on.

"Just enjoy the ride, don't need a reason why..." Britney sang as she pranced around in first a Pepsi warehouse, then on top of a stage with the huge Pepsi logo blazoned above her in neon lights.

I was amazed at how sultry she looked during the commercial. I had never dug the "teen queen" music thing, and hadn't paid much attention to Britney's rise to fame, but I could tell now that she was not only naturally beautiful, but like many women I have encountered, even through the small screen she oozed this innocent sexuality.

The show returned, and I tried to pay attention, but I kept finding myself thinking about Britney. Talk about good advertising, I was also thirsty for a Pepsi. Glancing over at the clock, it was 12:30 and I could feel my eyes growing heavy. I watched the show to it's end and started to drift off to sleep, although not before Britney appeared on television once more...

Suddenly, I was in a dark auditorium, in front of me above a stage was the huge Pepsi logo I had just seen on TV. The place was abandoned and there didn't seem to be a soul there, or so I thought. I listened carefully and heard the unmistakable sound of a woman in high heels. I seemed to float towards the stage as I moved towards it, and that's when I realized I was dreaming. But it wasn't like most dreams I have had. I seemed to be in control of my actions and what was going on around me. Not wanting to wake up, I was all of a sudden up on the stage, walking around, trying to find the lady in heels. It seemed to be coming from my right, so I headed over that way. That's when I saw Britney.

Standing in the wings of the stage, she was sipping on a bottle of water. Her outfit was the same as what was on the commercial: torn blue jeans with suspenders coming up to her shoulders, and a white midriff shirt that seemed to cling to her young, teenage form by some force all it's own. Britney was looking straight at me as she drank from her water. Finishing the bottle, she wiped her lips with the back of her hand sultrily, taking the excess moisture and rubbing it into the top of her more than ample cleavage. I knew right then what kind of dream this was going to be.

Not saying a word, Britney beckoned towards me with her hand. I seemed to float on air as I moved towards her. We moved further back into the stage, most of which was still dark, although the glow from the radiant Pepsi sign cast a dim yellow light that seemed to lead the way as we walked. Britney took a sharp right and disappeared through a door, so naturally I followed her.

We were then inside of the same warehouse that had been shown on the commercial, and Britney stood a few feet in front of me with her back turned. She was now wearing the same overalls that she had on during the shoot, but even the bagginess of them could not hide her gorgeous ass.

I walked towards her and finally stood in front of her. The zipper on the overalls was pulled down to her navel, and the sides of her breasts radiated heat as she breathed in and out slowly. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as she breathed shallowly, her pink lips pursed as the air escaped them.

I reached out my arm to touch her, feeling the smooth fabric of the cotton overalls. Britney sighed contentedly as my hand moved up from her left arm to her shoulder and then slowly began snaking it's way down past her neck to her breast. I slowly slid my hand underneath the cotton material and felt her warm flesh beneath my finger tips. Her skin was incredibly smooth and to feel it in my hand was something else. I used my other hand to slowly pull open the overalls. Britney wasn't wearing a bra underneath, so that when I pulled back the top of her shirt, her breasts became free in the air and bounced a little with that natural sag that only real breasts have. If they were fakes, they had to be the best fakes I had ever seen.

Britney's breasts now hung loosely outside the overalls, the edge of them pulled around to the edge of each breast. Her nipples were hard and pink and quite small for such large breasts. Her skin was the same rich golden brown as the rest of her body. I couldn't help the urge to take a breast in each hand and fondle it, so I did just that. Britney moaned hoarsely as I touched her, rubbing her nipples back and forth on the palms of my hands. Britney shook her head and her long blond hair came free, billowing over her shoulders and neck.

Reaching up with her hand, Britney moved mine from her right breast down to her hard, firm stomach. Her fingers interlocked with mine as she guided it to the zipper of her overalls that rested just below her belly button. I took the zipper in my hand and gently began to pull it down. When it reached it's end, I could see that Britney was wearing just a small pair of light purple panties that did little to cover her moist, aroused pussy.

Britney gave me a small push on the shoulder that I took to mean to step back, for which I was more than happy to comply. Spreading her legs slowly, Britney made a scene of removing the overalls. Wiggling out of them past the shoulders, she slowly pulled them down her arms one sleeve at a time until finally dropping it and letting it hang just below her narrow waist. I saw her upper half for the first time unclothed and was astounded by her beauty. The yellow light that I had followed here in the first place was now shining brightly behind her, and Britney's body began to perspire just enough to glisten in the radiant heat of the light.

Britney placed her hands on her hips and then slowly slid them down her firm thighs and underneath the pant portion of the overalls. Hooking her thumbs on the outside of the material, as well as on her panties, she bent forward (her breasts swung softly as she did this and from my guess she had to be a strong C cup) and pulled the remains of her outfit from her body. Standing back up, Britney moved one arm up to her right breast and began to tweak and tease her right nipple while she used the other hand to slowly slip one finger at a time until she had three, into her pussy.

The only piece of clothing Britney now had on was a pair of knee-length black leather boots which made her look far sluttier and much older than one would have first thought. Continuing to work her fingers out of her sopping wet twat, Britney was rocking back and forth on her feet as she thrust her pussy up in the air to an imaginary lover. It didn't take long for her to cum, and when she did it was a violent orgasm. Crying out loudly in ecstasy, I saw Britney's glistening, naked teenage body shudder and tremble as a torrential orgasm poured from her cunt.

Lifting the hand she had been masturbating with up from her pussy, she began to smear the cum into her tits as she played with them. Now I saw her beautiful young snatch for the first time and it was almost enough to take my breath away. Covered lightly in blondish-brown hair, it was shaved all around except for a small little v-shaped butterfly pattern directly above her opening. Her pussy was flushed from the excitement of her fingering and it was a delicate pink color. Her clit hung slightly from her opening, very much aroused and dripping small droplets of cum to the ground below.

Taking a step towards her, I glanced down and saw that my was not wearing any pants, and that my very hard cock was pointing straight out from my body like an arrow. Moving my hand down, I began to stroke it as I moved towards her. Finally standing just inches from her small, glistening body, I moved my dick along the inside of Britney's thigh as I teased her with it. Britney's eyes never looked away from my own as I continued to tease her. Her face was one of pure lust and sexual desire as her she tried in vain to thrust her pussy towards me, trying to snag onto my dick and pull it in. But I would have none of it and just when Britney almost got the tip in, I would move my hips and pull it away.

Britney began whimpering now and I realized that despite her initially being in control, I was now running the show. Hey, it was my dream after all. Deciding to spice things up a bit in this fantasy and make it even more of a turn on for myself, I smiled down at Britney after almost thrusting inside of her one final time. At first Britney looked confused and a little hurt that I wasn't giving her the fucking she so clearly needed, but then she understood what I wanted.

Since I was calling the shots in this dream, all I had to do was think of what I wanted to happen and then it would appear. Closing my eyes (yes, you can close your eyes in a dream), I imagined that I wasn't the only one in the room with Britney but that some of the backup dancers that appeared in the commercial were with us as well. It worked all too well.

Opening my eyes, I saw Britney, now completely naked, on her knees. All around her stood 5 or 6 guys, in very good shape and from what I recall now, looked just like the dancers on the commercial. All of them had stripped down and were holding or stroking their cocks right by Britney's face as she looked around trying to decide who to go after first. A tall black guy was on Britney's far left and when she saw his huge cock (admittedly larger than my 9 inch), she sunk her entire mouth around it. A blond haired guy saw that Britney was distracted and made a move for the sweet teenage pussy while Britney was on her hands and knees giving the black guy the blowjob of a lifetime. I stepped forward to stop him, as I wanted to be the first one to feel her warm cunt on my cock. He obliged and moved his way up to her mouth where two other dancers were feeding the hungry Britney their cocks.

Walking behind her, Britney knew that I was there and I saw her glance back at me through the corner of her eye. As I drew my dick towards her wet opening, Britney wiggled her ass a little, signifying that she was more than ready. Moving the head of my shaft outside her moist and dripping pussy lips, I slowly eased myself into her. My god was she tight. Clearly not a virgin (I didn't think that she was) but obviously not that experienced in intercourse.

I heard Britney moan on the blond haired guys cock as I sank into her dripping snatch. When I had half of my shaft inside of her, I pulled it out quickly. This caused Britney to drop the dick she was cupping in her hand and turn her head around and say "What the fuck?! Get that thing back in meeeeeeeeeeeeeUGGHHHH!!!"

Britney wasn't able to finish what she was saying, as half way through I slammed myself back into her very hard, getting all 9 inches of my cock inside of her at once. The feeling was indescribable. The soft velvet feel of her pussy muscles spasming and contracting all around me as she breathed and moaned and writhed on my cock made this a dream I would never forget.

I was really hammering into her now, but when I had rocked her so hard the first time, it forced her mouth over and down the shaft of a nearby dancer, who was more than happy to have it there. Britney Spears was now taking at least 16' of cock into her body, at least 7 in the mouth and 9 in the her tight teenage cunt. It took her some time to get used to it, but then Britney was really enjoying herself.

The dancer in the front, excited from the sudden feel of having his entire manhood shoved down Britney's throat couldn't hold out for long, and I saw him pull it out of her mouth and start to spray a massive load of cum all over her face. Most of it landed on her cheeks and lips but a sizeable amount spilled out and down onto her breasts, dripping down to her nipples.

Britney only had a moment's notice to catch her breath, because as soon as the first guy got out of the way, a new guy was quick to slip his meat down her throat. Britney gobbled it up like a true slut, sucking and slurping it down loudly. I knew all of this excitement wouldn't keep Britney dry down there and it turned out I was right. Reaching my hand down to slip a finger in as I continued to glide in and out of her effortlessly, my hand came back sopping wet and covered in her juices. I dripped some of the excess onto her asscheeks and then moved my head up to her mouth. Britney diverted her attention from the cocks just long enough to lick my hand clean of her own juices.

The sight of this turned me on to no end and I felt my balls surging and ready to explode with cum. Bucking my hips into her one last time, I arched my back as I sprayed jet after jet of my hot seed into her hot and tight cunt. Britney came at roughly the same time around my dick, and I could feel her whole body shake and twitch violently on top of me. The guy in front of her was now also cumming and I looked in his direction just as he squirted his load on to Britney. It wasn't a big as the first guys, but that might have been because most of it disappeared down Britney's throat.

Pulling out of her, I saw that my dick was still rock hard. I was about to shove it back into her for a second go around, but then I got another idea.

"Ok, you. Over here by me," I pointed to the black guy. He walked over to me and I was more than a little surprised at the size of his cock. I told him to stand beside me while I got this all planned out.

"Britney, lay on your back and let this guy get underneath you. Don't put your dick in her yet though," I said to them. Both were eager to comply, Britney especially. When she smiled, the cum that she had just been drinking fell in a small trickle out of the side of her mouth. Britney's tits bounced happily as she spread her legs out over the black man's wide legs and put her hands up above his shoulders, her blond hair rubbing onto his chest. The black guy I could clearly see wanted nothing more in the world than to shove his dick right into this teenage pop star, but he managed to maintain control.

"Ok, the rest of you: whoever she can't get in her mouth, I want you guys to come stand all around her and jack off. I want to see how much of a cum-loving slut she is," I said.

Two guys moved up to Britney's face and got on their knees as they took turns letting her lick and suck their cocks like lollipops. I could see sections of Britney's hair clumped together by the stickyness of the cum. Her makeup was smeared on her face, her lipstick especially. Despite my initial thought that she was an innocent temptress, she couldn't have looked much sluttier than right then.

I gave a cue and the black guy did just what I asked him to. With one sudden movement, he spun Britney so that her huge breasts were crushing into his chest, her pussy was instantly impaled on his shaft and her pert little ass was sticking straight up in the air just like I hoped it would be.

All of this happened in a split second before anyone except for me and the black man knew what was going on. Britney was the most surprised. Her open mouth that had been used to suck cock was suddenly flipped in a circle and her mouth moved like a rotator in a washing machine all over one of the dancer's shaft. Because her attention was diverted to what was happening in her mouth, the black guy had no trouble working all 11 inches of his meat into her in one fell swoop.

Gasping first in pain then in sheer bliss from feeling so fulfilled, Britney's cries echoed through out the warehouse. I used her surprise to my advantage. My dick still wet from her juices and my own cum, I positioned the head at the entrance to her asshole and pushed in. I got about 3 inches in before her natural reflex of contracting her sphincter muscles kicked in. Britney cried out now in total pain, but I smacked her ass lightly and said to her "Look Britney, I'm going to do this if you want me to or not. My suggestion is you relax and let me do it and then you might enjoy it more," I was surprised at how ruthless I was acting in this dream. But still, I sort of liked it...

Britney's expression of pain changed to one of trust as I continued to work myself into her. Even quicker, Britney's face became enveloped in lust as I moved rhythmically in and out of her ass. The black man was now pounding her for all he was worth and it was getting harder and harder to keep time with him, Britney's ass cheeks jiggling from the rocking we were giving her. Britney's mouth had found the two cocks once again, although now it appeared that each guy was trying to stuff their cock into her mouth at the same time. I could see Britney's cheeks bulging wide as she tried to take both dicks into her mouth, but it was no use. Finally she gave up and just started sucking on one at a time.

The guys who had been left to their own satisfaction I knew couldn't hold out much longer. Turns out I was right. Watching Britney take turns on two guys while two other guys penetrated her from her remaining holes was more than enough to cause the guy standing right beside me and parallel to the small of Britney's ass to dump his load all over her. The guy across from him also began to shoot, and their combined flood of cum spilled out all over Britney, trickling down her ass crack on to my balls.

The black man also couldn't hold out any longer and began to pull Britney harder and faster onto his cock. Groaning loudly, he flooded her insides with his sticky cum. I felt a torrent of the juice that had been collecting inside of her spill out onto my legs. The two guys at Britney's head were also very close. One of them had Britney by the hair as he held her mouth down over his cock completely. I could see her fighting off her gag reflex to keep from choking, but it didn't matter because the man gripped her hair tighter and shot his wad straight down her throat. Swallowing it all, Britney pulled her mouth off of the dancer for a brief moment. Unfortunately for her, that moment was the same as when the other man had began to come and Britney was suddenly hit in the face with a great gob of sticky, white cum all over her lips and face.

The last man still without coming, Britney now focused her attention solely on me as I worked myself in and out of her ass. The friction of her tight hole and the speed at which I was fucking her was incredible and it added a whole new feeling to this anal sex. Closing my eyes to savor the feeling of this, I opened them again and realized we were alone again.

This time all of the dancers were gone (although Britney was just as messy as before) but now we were on top of a white sheeted 4-post bed, fucking like there was no tomorrow. My dick was still buried inside of her ass, but where we were now seemed to be so much better and more peaceful. I started to slow my pace down a little and take my time fucking her, realizing that even though I had treated her like a dirty slut, the sex seemed better when we were alone again.

The thought of that alone triggered my orgasm. Pressing Britney down to the bed, I climbed on top of her and humped her ass rapidly as I held her on the soft, white sheets. Her tits were pressed against the bed and were obviously very aroused, as when I would shove into her and her breasts would push down, she would cry out in pleasure.

I couldn't take it anymore, so with a few quick final thrusts, I shoved into Britney and let my load loose deep within her bowels. I must have shot for almost a minute inside of her body before finally pulling out.

When I pulled out of her however, I was startled by the sound of a buzzer beeping. It was my alarm clock going off. Grudgingly, I slowly woke from my dream and reached over to turn it off. It was 8:00 AM and I knew I had to get up - I had a 12:00 contract negotiation with Denise Richards over an upcoming film. As I crawled out of bed, I felt revitalized and energized for the day. If only every day could start out with a dream like that one, then I wouldn't have a care in the world.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:34:29 PM
Chapter 14: Denise Richards

A note: I borrowed the character of Jack Shaffer from Ruthless Rick, who had used him previously in his story "Natalie Portman: Casting Couch". Ruthless Rick's email was antiquated so I don't think he is an active author anymore but if he is and is reading this then please forgive my forwardness in using him. Shoot me an email if you want me to remove him and I will make modifications to the story where appropriate.

* * * * *

Looking at the clock on the dashboard of my BMW X5, I watched it change from 12:00 to 12:01, thereby officially making me late for my meeting with Denise Richards. Punching in the numbers on my cell phone, I had Julie, my assistant, give me Denise's cell phone number. I nearly hit the car in front of me as I reached down to write it down on my notepad. Hanging up with Julie, I dialed. To my surprise, the driver of the car in front of me (a compact fire red Mazda Miata) picked up a phone and answered.

"Hello?" a female voice said.

"Denise? Is that you in front of me?" I said. I saw her glance back and wave at me, smiling that sultry smile that had made millions of men across the world's pants a little tighter.

"Well, I guess I don't have to feel bad about being the one who is late now do I?" Denise said with a laugh.

"No, I guess not. We are only five minutes away so I'm going to hang up now. I'll see you there," I replied, grinning to myself over the situation.

"Ok, see you in a few," Denise said, hanging up.

A couple minutes later we both pulled into the parking garage side by side on the Paramount Pictures studio lot. Denise got out of her car first and was dressed like a knockout. Not wearing much makeup, it didn't seem to matter at all, as her beauty would have been visible from outer space. She wore a short, knee length off white skirt with a black silk top that more than exposed her ample cleavage to anyone who passed by. Her long brown hair was done up in a pony tail above the top of her head. She put her keys in her purse and walked towards me as I was getting out of my car.

I had dressed casually because, of all the studios, I was most comfortable around Paramount and everyone seemed to be much more friendly there when it came to doing business. Wearing a pair of dark gray slacks and a white collared shirt with a brilliant red & black striped tie, I personally thought I looked pretty good, certainly good enough to be walking in with Denise Richards by my side.

Taking off her sunglasses, Denise's brilliant green eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the garage. We took the stairs of the garage up one flight and then got inside of a compact full glass elevator that lifted us up the 8 stories to the top of Paramount towers.

"Wow. Isn't the view breath-taking Dean?" Denise said, turning to me as we rose. I nodded in reply; it was a brilliant site to see all of the studio warehouses and offices falling away from us as we shot up in the elevator. But the ride was short lived and behind us I heard the "DING" of the elevator coming to a stop. We walked out of it and down the hall toward Jack Shaffer's office, the head of Paramount.

"Mr. Shaffer will be with you in just a moment," his bubbly secretary said as we took a seat in the waiting room of his extremely plush office. Sitting there in silence, my mind wandered back to the dream I had had the night before about Britney Spears and how incredibly horny it had made me. Playing the dream back in my mind, I felt my pants start to bulge a little as I tried to stay focused on the task at hand and not think about that. Jack Shaffer, though a nice guy, was a notorious pussy hound and I knew he would try to maneuver in some way to try and get into the pants of Denise, despite the fact that I was right there. I couldn't let my guard down for a second with him for fear that I might end up signing Denise into a less desirable role for an upcoming film. I had heard rumors that the reason she dumped her last agent and came on with us was because this very thing had happened once before and led to her lesbian tryst in "Wild Things".

I was startled out of my own thoughts by the booming voice of Shaffer as he walked through the heavy oak double doors of his office to come greet us.

"Ahh, Dean. How have things been going? And the lovely Ms. Denise Richards. Always a pleasure," Shaffer said, taking her hand in his as he kissed the back of it lightly. God, he was starting in on her already. I moved quick to intervene.

"Hey Jack. Things have been good. Ready to get down to business?" I said, stepping between the two of them.

Jack looked a little perturbed at me for doing this but smiled a polite smile anyways.

"Of course. Please, come on in," Jack said, leading us into his office.

We followed and took a seat in front of him before his oak desk, which I noticed matched the entire decor of the office. Jack, a tall and lanky man with slicked back gray hair, took a seat in his overstuffed leather chair in front of us, a huge plate glass window overlooking the entire studio lot behind him.

"Now, let's get started. I've green lighted two projects that I think Denise would be perfect for. One is an action flick staring either Russell Crowe or Vin Diesel, playing an anti-hero. Denise, you would play the main character's love interest, torn between following him or doing what was right and helping the military hero who is after him. Benicio Del Toro has already signed on to play that role. Now, this role wouldn't be as physically intensive as your role in The World Is Not Enough but it would require a good bit of action stunts. We can get you a script by Thursday if you want this one and shooting begins in August," Shaffer said, moving a pen back and forth in his hands.

"Hmm...sounds interesting. I'd of course have to see the script before I sign on to anything but yea, I'm interested. What is the other role?," Denise replied, sitting up in her chair and looking attentive and interested. Her 36C breasts jutted against the fabric of her top and I had to tear myself away from staring at her.

"Well, the other role is a very hot sexual thriller where you would be playing opposite of Keanu Reeves. The script is being ironed out right now but it would require a sizeable amount of love making scenes. We would of course have to do a light and visual check on you to see how well you carry over to the camera when you are nude, but I'm sure that if I was left to do it or someone higher up here at the studio it would be carried out in the most professional manner possible," Jack continued. My ears perked up at this last comment and I knew that this was his attempt to weasel into her pants and get a chance to fuck her. I quickly spoke up.

"Jack, come on. You and I both know that Denise is very 'photogenic' and that if she were to do nudity in a film again that what she looks like on camera wouldn't be an issue. I mean, look at 'Wild Things' for Christ sake. Where were you when that film was being green lighted?" I said angrily. Every client that my firm had was valued and I wasn't about to let Denise Richards be exploited by this horny old man.

Jack just smiled politely again, a wicked and devilish smile that I knew was him containing his rage at myself for telling him "no". "Well, we didn't actually make 'Wild Things' so I wasn't involved in the process. Perhaps you are right, we can just look at footage from that film and make our decision," he said.

Jack focused his attention towards Denise, who this whole time had been watching us both intently like a poised cat as we argued over her back and forth.

"Now Denise, Dean here is a good agent. For his limited experience, he has a good head on his shoulders," Jack said, making sure to emphasize the word limited. "But keep in mind that right now, you are the object of lust in the eyes of teenage to adult men all over the country. Nudity certainly helped your career when you did 'Wild Things', or else we wouldn't be sitting here right now. Perhaps another nude scene would bring in enough ticket sales to send you towards being a bankable star. Just some food for thought," Jack said, folding his hands on his desk and smiling a warm smile at Denise. I have to admit that he looked like a concerned father when he did that, albeit a horny and oversexed one.

"I won't rule anything out yet, but I need to see a script first. I'm sure you wouldn't mind sending one to Dean when you get it complete would you?" Denise said in reply, her tone cold enough to let Shaffer know that she knew what was going on.

"I'd be delighted to. Now, let's talk payment on whichever picture you decide on," Jack said, his voice changing to one of strictly business.

We spent the next hour or so bickering and arguing over a few million dollars, with Jack taking the hard line that if she did the thriller there was at least $5 million more in it for her, plus a cut of the total box office gross. I made sure though that no matter what Denise decided, she would have full control over her character and would get to decide what she would and wouldn't do on screen, regardless of Jack's prodding.

As he walked us out of the office, Jack put his hand on Denise's shoulder.

"When you have a chance to look over those scripts, give me a call. Whatever you decide on I'm sure will be a smart choice. Perhaps we can have dinner to help celebrate," Jack said exuberantly, still trying hard to get Denise out of her panties however possible.

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea," Denise replied, flashing him a brilliant white smile. Jack patted her on the shoulder and shut the door behind us. "Sounds like a winning game plan. See you two later," he said, closing the door.

We walked out of the office and got back onto the elevator and I pushed the button for the ground floor.

"Thanks for sticking up for me in there Dean," Denise said. "I guess you heard what happened to my last agent when he let his pants think for both him and I," she said with a smile.

"No problem. Shaffer is known for being a major skirt chaser so I wanted to make sure that you didn't end up doing something you didn't want to. He is right though you know. You definitely are the "it" girl right now.

Denise just smiled shyly at me. I guess that even beautiful actresses like her can be a little bashful sometimes.

Denise looked like she was about to say something in reply, when suddenly the elevator was filled with a loud scraping noise that rocked the glass car back and forth harshly, flinging us into the one metal side by the doors. The car shook some more as it slid down on it's track slowly until finally stopping.

"Fuck!" Denise and I both said in unison. The elevator was stuck.

Looking up and around the car, there didn't seem to be any damage inside that I could see. We had only probably gone about a story or two when the car stopped and looking outside, I saw that we were extremely high up.

"I think we are stuck," Denise said, walking over to the emergency button on the elevator and pushing it. No response. Pushing it again, Denise held it in for a long time, with still no result other than a very slight buzzing sound. I was afraid that the electricity had cut out in the elevator, which meant that we were probably being held up only by the friction of the metal track on the car door and the side of the elevator shaft.

"Fuck! No one is answering at the control desk! Fuck!" Denise said angrily, kicking the floor with her heel. Suddenly, the car rocked again from her kicking, causing both of us to grab onto the handrails on the side of the elevator. I could feel my heart start to race in my chest at understanding the full effect of just how bad the situation was.

"I think we better not do that anymore," I said shakily. Denise's face had gone a pale white shade and she nodded solemnly in agreement.

"All we can do is wait I guess. I'm sure that SOMEONE is watching these elevators or will notice that something is the matter pretty soon," I said, sitting down carefully in the corner of the car.

"Yea, you are probably right. At least I HOPE you are right," Denise replied, taking a seat opposite me. She too sounded a little shaken by this whole thing.

I tried dialing back at the office to get Julie to send someone to help but it was no use - my god damn phone had no signal, not to mention the batteries were down to only one bar. Denise's phone was the same way, although she had more battery life on hers. So, we resigned ourselves to wait and sat in silence in the elevator car.

After around 30 minutes, with the combined heat of the suns rays beating in through the glass and without any air in the car, it became very hot, very quickly. I could feel my whole back become drenched in sweat as the minutes rolled on. Loosening my tie, I took it off as well as my heavy cotton white dress shirt and sat there in just an undershirt and my slacks.

Denise too was getting very warm sitting in the car, although where she was sitting was in the most shady portion of the stuck contraption. Pulling a bottle of water from her purse, she sipped on it occasionally to try and cool down. I had a few sips and between the two of us, it was gone very quickly, leaving us just as hot as we were before.

I saw Denise squirming over in her corner, trying to fan herself with the fabric of her silk shirt. It didn't do much good, as the material stuck to her wet, sweaty skin. Finally she said "Dean, it wouldn't make you uncomfortable if I took this shirt off would it? I mean, I would still be wearing my bra but I just don't want to cross a business line if you know what I mean," Denise said.

I gulped dryly in my throat. "No, go ahead. I don't want you passing out inside of this oven. We've already got enough problems to deal with," I said.

Denise smiled and said "Ok" softly. Unbuttoning her shirt in the front, she made her way down her ample chest and her trim tummy to unbutton the shirt, peeling it off of her sweaty skin and setting it in the middle of the car. Her bra was a lace Victoria's Secret brand, and I could see beads of sweat running down her breasts and soaking into the fabric. Taking her hair down from her ponytail, she shook her head lightly back and forth and let her rich brown hair drape over her shoulders.

Closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the wall of the car, she sighed "That's much better,"

I nodded in agreement, enjoying the free show sitting just a few feet in front of me. I put my hands to my forehead and pretended like I was covering my eyes from this exasperating situation when really I was transfixed by the site of her large breasts moving up and down slowly as she breathed.

We sat in silence again for a while, and I could feel all of my energy and strength being sapped out of me as I sweated profusely. Both of us had taken off our shoes and had piled all of our clothes now in a little pile in the center of the car. Glancing at my watch, I saw we had been there for over an hour and a half.

I must have dozed off because suddenly I heard a man's voice on the loud speaker above us.

"Everyone alright in there?" the voice said, a deep gruff sound.

"It's very fucking hot in here. Are you going to get us down anytime soon?" Denise yelled back at him.

"We're working on it. How many people are in the car?" the man said.

"Just two of us," I replied. "And we are about to die from heat exhaustion. Any idea at all when you will let us out of here?" I said.

"We have two technicians up at the top of the shaft. They said it will be another hour at least. Just sit tight. If you look over on the far right of the car, there is a panel you can open to let some air in there. That should help you out a little bit," the man said.

I looked over to where he was talking about and sure enough, there was a panel. It was about 2 feet by 2 feet and welded onto the outer wall by clear hinges. I don't know how we missed seeing it before. Pushing on it, it swung open and I felt a cool breeze rush in.

"Thanks for telling us about the window," Denise said. "Can you see us in here or just hear us?"

"No ma'm, we can only hear you. The video camera shorted out when the car stopped so we have to talk to you now through this radio frequency," the voice said.

"Oh. Ok," Denise said, sounding a little dejected.

"In the meantime, you folks just hang in there and we will get you down as soon as we can," the man said. "If you need anything, just push that CALL button above the emergency button,"

"Alright, thanks," I said. I heard the click of the call ending and then we were in silence again, except for the sound of the freeway traffic and blaring horns a few miles away from the studio.

"Another fucking hour in this hellhole," Denise said. "I'm not sure if I can make it. I think I might have blacked out a few times there a while ago,"

"Yea. Modern technology. Fucking great," I replied. "Maybe you should come sit over here by me. The air from this window feels good and it sure woke me right up,"

Denise crawled over towards me on her hands and knees, afraid to stand up and risk rocking the car again.

Taking a seat next to me, Denise reached her arm out of the window and felt the breeze, letting it run lazily through her fingers.

"It does feel nice out there. I can't believe we didn't notice that thing before," Denise said, laughing at the situation.

"Hey, I know. Why don't we keep talking? That will pass the time and keep us both from getting too tired from exhaustion," Denise said, facing me. Her brown hair was matting on her forehead and a loose strand hung right down the center of her face sexily.

"Yea, that sounds like a good idea. Was there something you wanted to talk about? Did you have any opinions on those scripts?" I replied, trying not to get lost in her emerald gaze.

"No, not really," Denise said softly. "They both sound okay. Even the sex one, I actually kind of enjoyed doing 'Wild Things', it was exciting. What I wanted to ask you was about the waiting room today. You seemed really vacant and distant. Are you ok?"

I was amazed that a girl like Denise was concerned about me, and I would have laughed at the situation, had I not seen the genuine worry in her eyes. Swallowing the laugh in my throat, I tried to think of the best way to tell her what had really been distracting me.

"Oh, that. No, I'm fine. I was just thinking about a dream I had last night, that's all," I replied, carefully choosing my words. I was hoping that by being intentionally vague I would help deter her from asking any more questions and thus keeping me from spilling the details of my sordid sex dream. But to my surprise, it only encouraged her more.

"A dream huh? Wow! I've been reading this book all about dreams. It analyzes them and tells you what they mean. I think it's soooo interesting," Denise said, her face lighting up. She was giggling like a little school girl almost and I knew that my goose was cooked. "So tell me Dean, what was in this dream that you can't stop thinking about,"

"No, I can't tell you about it," I replied flatly.

"Oh yes you can! Come on! I want to know!" Denise said, tugging on my arm like a little girl.

"No, I really don't think you want to hear it," I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Yes I do. Trust me, I've read lots of weird and freaky shit, what I've read will be hard to top. Now tell me!" Denise demanded, pulling on my arm with more force now.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. Just quit trying to yank my arm out of the socket," I said.

Denise let go of my arm and sat up straight, ready to listen intently with what I had to say. Part of me told me to lie, to just make something up. But a stronger part knew that by lying I would just create more problems for myself. I didn't want to lose Denise's hard earned trust so I just bit the bullet and started recounting my kinky Britney Spears sex dream.

"Well, it was about Britney Spears," I said, casting my eyes to the floor, occasionally stealing a look up into Denise's. She was watching me with intent interest.

"And we were on the set of where she filmed that Pepsi commercial, you know which one I mean. Hell you were in a Pepsi commercial!" I said. Denise just nodded and smiled and said "Go on,"

"Well, it's dark and I get drawn towards Britney who is up on some stage. I follow her around some, and I don't remember all the details of this part, but we are naked suddenly and having sex there on the stage," I said, now paying very close attention to Denise. I saw a flicker of some sort run across her eyes, like lust or sexual energy of some sort, even though her face didn't change at all.

"Go on," Denise whispered. I saw that she was folding and unfolding her hands in her waist and that my storytelling was turning her on.

"And then right before we finish fuc...er, making love, we are surrounded by this group of guys who I recognize as her dancers from the commercial. I lead them all in taking turns fucking Britney. It's not like we are raping her or anything, but she is just being this totally submissive slut. Then, the last thing I know, I'm on a white bed with and having sex with her by myself. Then I wake up," I said to her, playing back the details in my mind that I felt were necessary to leave out.

"Wow. That sounds like a pretty vivid dream," Denise said dreamily, staring at the wall distantly.

I was starting to get a little uncomfortable with her reaction, so I tried to change the subject or get the topic to something else.

"So umm...you've read the book. What do you think that means? What does the book have to say?" I said. Denise looked at me, her mind finally returning to her.

"To be honest, I don't know. See, I bought that book because I was having the same sort of problem. All these really weird and kinky sex dreams about all sorts of things. They started about a year ago and now I seem to get them every two or three nights," Denise said. Her face was now just inches from mine and I realized that we were both whispering.

"Tell me about what was in these sorts of dreams," I said, swallowing hard.

"Well, there was this one where I'm dressed in all leather and I have this big, black whip in one hand and a long, 12 inch dildo in the other. And I'm whipping this girl on the floor, only I can't see who she is. But every time I whip her, she cries out in pain so to shut her up I shove the dildo into her pussy. Then, before I know it, I'm fucking this girl with the dildo strapped on to me. And right before I cum, I wake up," Denise said, using her hands to illustrate what she is doing.

If the room had been 90 degrees before, it suddenly must have risen at least 10 degrees in temperature. My cock was rock hard in my pants as I imagined Denise fucking another girl with a strap-on.

"Some dream you have there. Definitely kinky..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"But you want to hear one of my kinkiest dreams?" Denise said sexily, her lips almost touching mine.

"Suuuurrree...." I said, my voice wavering a little as I tried to remain cool.

"I'm stuck in this elevator see, with this really handsome man. We are both hot and sweaty from waiting in the elevator and he has just told me this really wicked, hot sex dream of his. And all I want to do is rip his clothes off and feel his big, rock hard prick inside of me all day long. I don't even care if a million people are seeing it, all I can think about doing is fucking his brains out," Denise said to me. She was leaning over me now and I didn't realize that I was leaning back against the wall at an angle, the helpless prey of this naughty sex kitten.

"You ever have any dreams like that Dean?" Denise whispered to me and I decided I just couldn't take any more of it.

"No, but I've had a few brushes with reality that resemble that," I said. Grabbing Denise's head, I pull her lips to mine. Feeling like fire, our skin and tongues wrestle with each other and we try feverishly to feel more and more of each other. All my body can feel is the desire to touch and hold Denise. Clothes fly everywhere as Denise rips off her skirt and bra and flings it aside.

Denise's breasts are a beautiful sight, hanging before me. So rich and full, they sway gently and tantalizingly over my mouth. Her nipples are rock hard and fully aroused, the brown of her areola flushing to become an even richer shade. Grabbing a breast in my hand, I pull it down to my mouth with Denise leaning above me, supporting herself with her arms by my side.

Moaning, Denise lowers her hips over my crotch and grinds herself devilishly into me. And while the feeling is sheer bliss, laying on my back on a hot metal elevator isn't. Lifting Denise off of me, I move her with force against the wall of the elevator so that we are both pressed against the glass overlooking the whole studio lot, both of us in various states of undress. I am now down to just my boxers and nothing else while Denise is writhing beneath me in my arms wearing a simple black silk thong, her ass cheeks keeping the material pressed tightly to her skin from the sweat of the room.

My hands are roaming all over Denise's body now, and I can feel her casually slip hers inside of my boxers to squeeze my ass gently, bringing her hand down occasionally to cup my balls and rub her hand over my already excruciatingly hard cock.

With her palms, she grabs the inside of the material of my boxers and pulls them down, leaving me standing there naked as I hold her in my arms. I rub my cock against the fabric of her panties, feeling the moistness of it touching the tip of my dick. Sliding them aside with my finger, I slowly enter her, her pussy enveloping my rod completely.

Denise moans loudly and sighs as I slip all 9 inches of my cock into. I can feel my balls slapping against the bottom of her cunt, our pubes rubbing against each other to create a soft crinkling sound from our sweat and her dripping juices. Taking my time thrusting into her, I rotate my shaft around inside of her, exploring every centimeter of her with my dick from all angles. Then without warning, I thrust into her hard, trapping her clit beneath my cock as I shove, creating unbearable friction. Crying out so loud that it shakes the elevator car, Denise's orgasm shakes her from her toes to her chest as I feel her shudder beneath me and her juices trickle down my legs.

My slow pace must have been too much of a tease for Denise, because before I know it, she has wrapped her legs against me and pushed me back hard into the far wall, causing the glass of the elevator to shake and sway. I must admit I was a little nervous given our situation, but if something were to happen, I couldn't think of a better way to go out. Supporting Denise with my arms under her butt, she rocks her hips back and forth into my lap as I hold us both up, her long brown hair swinging around wildly as she gyrated on top of my lap.

Fucking her was getting more difficult, as my arms and legs were getting tired from having to support her (although my cock was certainly enjoying IT'S placement in all of this). Setting Denise down on her feet, she whined a little as I pulled my cock out of her so I could re-adjust my position. Looking down into her deep green eyes, all I could see was pure lust in them. Grabbing her hard again (she seemed to like it a little rough), I took her hands and folded them above her head. Next, pushing her naked body against the large glass window pane, her nipples leaving a slight residue of sweat as her hot skin was pressed against the glass, I bent her over at the waist to give me full access to her pussy.

Denise's ass looked incredible thrust out there before me, the sweet honey of her cum covering her cunt like a moist flower and her tan, firm ass cheeks quivering in anticipation of what I was going to do next. I spread her legs a little wider and then moved up behind her, guiding my cock home. I slid the tip in slowly at first, but gave her the rest of my 9 inches in one sharp thrust. She had been waiting for me to slip into her, so when the head first entered her she cooed in enjoyment, until I entered her the rest of the way, in which her moan became a guttural cry of pure lust, her body taking over for her pleasure overloaded mind.

I grabbed Denise by the waist now and began sliding in and out of her quickly, my dick stretching and teasing her contracting pussy muscles with every thrust. Her cunt had opened up very wide now, and I had no trouble as I fucked her, occasionally slipping two or three fingers inside of her for effect.

I put my face up next to hers and watched her eyes close tightly with every stroke into her I made. Looking out the window, I noticed that anyone could look up and see us. The thrill of knowing that a total stranger could be watching Denise and myself fucking each other like animals in heat was an incredible turn on. Now I know why all those exhibitionists get off on it.

Focusing back on the task at hand, I slipped another finger into Denise's cunt, bringing the total now up to three (as well as my cock). She shuddered again when my finger entered her, invoking another orgasm that coated my hand with her sweet juices.

Bringing my hand up to my mouth, I licked my fingers clean of her sweet nectar and savored the sweet, salty taste of her juices. I ran my hand down Denise's side, feeling her silky smooth flesh beneath my touch as I caressed past her hip over her ass. I slid my fingers into the cleft of her ass, causing her to moan and grunt in pleasure a little as I did so.

"Oooooo yea...stick your finger in my ass!" Denise growled at me, a look of animal sexuality on her face as she spoke. I continued to tease her ass, rubbing first one and then two fingers over her pert asshole before slipping the tip of my index finger inside of her. I felt her sphincter quickly contract a little around my finger invading her hole, but it just as quickly relaxed and I began to slide more of my finger inside of her. Pulling it out slowly, I got all but the tip of my fingernail out of her butt before I shoved my finger back in hard on the same upstroke that my cock made.

I built up a rhythm inside of her as I worked my finger in time with my cock. I could feel the narrow membrane between her pussy walls and her tight ass hole every time I worked in and out of her, and I knew that the pleasure of our fucking and the added heat and friction of being finger fucked in the ass was certain to give Denise at least another orgasm or two before I even had my own.

Amazed at my stamina for not coming after being so worn out from the heat, I realized that the car and video camera could come back on any time now, I had to ignore the thrill of such a risk and speed things up if I wanted to get my own rocks off. Removing my hand from her butt, I grabbed Denise by the ass hard and starting fucking her cunt hard as she balanced herself on the wall, her firm body leaving sweat impressions every time she touched the hot glass of the elevator. Denise knew I was trying to get off, and she was more than happy to help. I felt her hand and her long finger nails reach up under her cunt and cup my balls, teasing and pulling on them the opposite direction as I fucked her. My shaft was like a well-oiled machine now, moving in and out of her completely with every thrust before bottoming out within her and hitting the softness of the back of her pussy wall hard.

Denise now was fondling my balls in time with my fucking, squeezing them gently and moving her hand up and down over her own cunt as she tried to get us both off.

"Dean...I'm going to cum! Cum with me! ARRRGGHH!!" Denise moaned as she neared another orgasm. I felt my building and all it took was one more soft caress of my balls with her hand before I felt my seed speeding up through my shaft and exploding deep within her. Denise moaned in orgasm as she too came. I felt her juices explode all over my cock as I came, coating it from head to end.

I stayed buried in Denise as we leaned against the glass of the elevator wall. Finally Denise lowered her leg and climbed off of me. Putting her panties back on, she couldn't resist feeling me one more time and thrust herself onto me, embracing me in a deep and passionate kiss.

We were interrupted by the elevator technicians voice again.

"Sorry about that, I went to go grab a sandwich and then I come back and hear screaming. Everything ok in there?" the man said.

"Fine. You must be hearing things because uhh.." I said, my train of thought interrupted as I watched Denise scoop up a trail of cum that was running down her leg and then lick it off her finger. "uhh...we weren't screaming or anything,"

"Ok, maybe so. Well, we got the elevator fixed. We're going to try and bring you down right now, but you might want to hold on to something just in case," the man said. Denise and I quickly redressed and then she took hold of me as we felt the elevator descend.

A little rocky start at first, we reached the bottom in no time. Before the doors opened, Denise gave me another quick kiss and said "That was fun. Let's try that again sometime," Denise whispered to me before straightening out her blouse. The door to the elevator opened and we were greeted by three burly looking workmen standing around to see what yuppies were stranded in the elevator. I got a good deal of satisfaction however when I saw their jaws drop when they saw Denise step out of the elevator. All three were speechless as Denise and I walked to our cars.

"Cya around Dean. I'll let you know what I decide on the film, k?" Denise said, blowing me a kiss.

"Sure thing. I'll talk to you real soon," I said.

If only that would turn out to be true. The next few months, as you will soon learn, would prove to be some of the most trying of my life as love and danger take on a whole new meaning for me out here in Hollywood...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:36:06 PM
Chapter 15: Natalie Portman

* * * * *

Rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands, I reclined back in my chair. Sitting at the large mahogany desk of my office, I stared out the window just a few feet away from me and watched the gentle rain trickle down the window pane outside. This was an uncharacteristic shower for this time of year, but things were so dry all over California that it was certainly appreciated. Outside the just fallen night was broken by the orange glow of radiant and buzzing street lamps all the way up the road as far as I could see. Other than the occasional car horn, the night seemed still and perfect.

I was startled by a knock on my open office door. It was Julie, my assistant, who was working as late as I was. Though I have recalled some quite wild tails in these past chapters of this journal, the truth is that I still have to maintain and do paperwork like everyone else out there. Tonight happened to be one of those nights.

"Working late too huh?" Julie said softly. She leaned against the side of the door frame with a few file folders in her hand, bouncing them absently on her hips.

For those who don't know, or may have forgotten, Julie is my personal assistant here at Shooting Star Talent Agency. Her mother used to work for my father before I took over the business when he passed away. Julie's mother left the agency as well, but she left her daughter there to help me out.

From day one, I knew that Julie was a beautiful woman. She seemed to be of Italian descent, with beautiful black hair and a rich olive complexion that often times seemed to reflect or radiate light. Her eyes were a deep emerald green and were set into her face perfectly, and her nose and lips were small as well. She had spent most of her life in California I later learned but even if she hadn't, she would have been one of the thousands of young girls who might have come here to LA to seek a movie career. I didn't know much about her past, other than that she had moved here with her mother when she was young due to "personal issues". I had never pressed the issue and didn't see a point in doing so. The California weather had been good to her, tonight's rainy drizzle aside, and she seemed to get more beautiful every day. Tonight she was wearing a red silk blouse that clung to her C cup chest tightly, billowing out at the neck line to expose her tan, flawless neck and upper cleavage, and a black skirt that barely went past her thighs. On almost any other woman, the outfit would have looked slutty but Julie made it look classy.

Due to my involvement with the celebrities of the firm that I have written about thus far, I never had tried to pursue a relationship with Julie. At first I thought she wasn't interested in me, but it seemed like I would catch her staring at me dreamily in occasional moments. I knew that when I started dating Alyssa Milano seriously a while back she became upset with me, using the "Don't mix work with pleasure" reasoning. After I ended up blowing that, she seemed to cool down and recently I could sense a bit of flirtation in her voice and actions when we spoke.

"Yea, just trying to finish up some of these contracts. I hate paperwork bullshit like this. It's just a bunch of hoop jumping the studio does to prevent both sides from getting the lawyers involved if our stars fucking up," I sighed, rubbing my hand through my hair.

"I understand. The unglamorous life of an agent I guess," Julie said with a small smile. "And his personal assistant of course, who is here just as late helping him," Julie said, putting her hands on her hips.

I chuckled at that and tapped a pen on my desk. "Yep. But hey, you know I appreciate everything you do for me, don't you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I guess I do," Julie said, staring out the window I was looking at minutes before. Walking over to the window, she turned her back to me and was silent for a moment.

I had leaned forward and was about to start my work again when Julie spoke.

"Dean, I know I've been a bitch to you sometimes around the office," she said.

"No, Julie you've kept me in line more than anything," I replied.

"I know that, but I also know that I've been preachy to you as well. You know, about you going out with clients of the agency, stuff like that," she continued, still facing away from me.

"Well, I've always appreciated your concern towards that but I think I can keep a good balance of things most of the time," I said, not really concentrating on what she was saying.

"I know you have. So far anyways. But, and I know this will sound hypocritical, but what are your feelings towards interoffice relationships?" Julie said.

I dropped my pen. "Well, that would all depend on the people I suppose. Why? Is Danny the mail boy fucking one of the receptionists?" I said, my throat suddenly getting a little dry.

"No. It's not that at all. In fact, it's something more personal...for me at least," Julie said. I could sense some tension in her voice and though I knew where she was going with this, I didn't want to make the wrong move by jumping to conclusions.

"I just wanted to know your feelings towards a relationship with say a boss and his...personal assistant," Julie said, trailing off the last part so that it was barely audible. Julie turned to face me and the dim light of the room caught her emerald eyes at just the right angle so that I could read her almost perfectly. Shining brightly, her eyes had this look of nervousness and excitement, combined with affection all rolled into one. My suspicions were true, she DID have feelings towards me. Acting cool, I made one more pretense to try and make sure I wouldn't look like an ass.

"Well, that is something I'm not quite sure on regarding my feelings. I'd have to know exact names perhaps," I said, turning to face Julie in my chair.

"Names huh? Well, let's see. The girl is obviously..." she said softly. "Me. And the man's name is...Dean," she said softly. I saw her hand on the folder was shaking a little. She clearly wasn't used to making the first move, which makes sense given her looks. Now that it was out in the open, I considered my words carefully.

"Wow. Well Julie, I never had thought about you in that way," I said and I saw her face drop a little, so I acted quick to keep from crushing her. "But, that doesn't mean I don't think it can't work. In fact, I'd be more than willing to give it a try," I said, gazing deep into her eyes as I spoke. The truth was, I had considered it before but had never pursued. Now that she was throwing herself on me, I thought it was worth a try to do it.

Julie's eyes had lit up when I spoke and I knew she was excited. Taking a step towards me, she leaned forward and kissed me, falling into my chair. The kiss was extremely passionate as I felt her tongue snake into my mouth. Her mouth was hot and soft as I moved my tongue into hers as well. Julie leaned into me, pressing the weight of her large breasts into my chest. I could feel her nipples stiffening through the fabric and I could tell she was definitely excited about finally getting what she wanted. Julie's hair hung in front of her face as we kissed and the silkiness of it brushed against my cheek. Julie swept it aside and broke our kiss, out of breath a little.

"I've wanted to do that for so long Dean, you have no idea. Ever since I saw you, I've wanted to kiss you like that and feel you pressed against me," Julie said.

"Yes, that was great Julie," I replied.

"Now, why don't you let me try something else I've wanted to do since you got here," Julie said with a sly smile. I nodded in reply, giving her permission to do with me as she wanted.

Putting her hands inside my shirt, I felt her fingers slide across my chest. Her hands were warm and soft. Suddenly, she took hold of my shirt and ripped it open, the room filling with the sound of the fabric tearing. Buttons went flying everywhere as Julie opened my shirt. Dropping her head down to my chest, she ran her tongue around my right nipple, sucking and licking on it just to tease me, and then made her way to the other nipple and did the same. Un-tucking my shirt, she slid it off over my shoulders. Julie was now sitting on my lap in my over-stuffed leather desk chair. Balancing on my legs, she moved her hands up to her own shirt.

Rubbing her hands over her breasts seductively, teasing and getting her own nipples hard, Julie unbuttoned and pulled off her blouse. Her breasts jiggled a little as she sat just a few inches from me in her lacy black bra. I moved my hands out and palmed her breasts with my hands, rubbing my fingers over and around her warm flesh, flicking her nipples with my thumb and forefinger. Julie moaned in contentment as I slid my hands down to her trim and firm belly, taking hold of her by her hips. Julie reached her arms around back and gave me a sexy smile as she unclasped her bra and let it slide forward on her shoulders onto my lap.

Her firm, perky breasts were now free of their last entrapment and were more glorious than I imagined. As dark complexioned as she was, Julie's breasts had no instance of a tan line and were the same skin tone as the rest of her body. Her nipples were a very light shade of pink and covered a good deal of the front of her breasts. I had always thought they had been enhanced somewhat, but now that they hung firm and without a hint of sag in front of me, I knew that Julie had been blessed with a gift from nature.

"Now that we have that taken care of," Julie said with a sigh. "Let's get back to what I wanted to do,"

Julie slowly slid off my lap, my fingers trailing off of her breasts as she did so, and got down on her knees in front of me. Unzipping my slacks with one hand, Julie masterfully worked my pants and boxer shorts down and off my legs. I was already almost at full mast in hardness, but once her hand grazed my balls and took hold of my shaft, it was like an electrical current ran through my dick, hardening it like a steel rod.

Julie moved her hand up and down my shaft slowly at first, rubbing her thumb across the head of my cock with every up and down stroke, playing with my foreskin.

"I had heard rumors," Julie said quietly as she jacked me off at a slow, maddening pace, her eyes never leaving my tool. "About your father's size...and your size. I never believed it to be true. Until now of course," she said.

Guilty as charged I suppose. My semi hard cock had turned into a 9 inch monster almost instantly when she laid her hands on me, and now it was almost painfully hard.

Julie adjusted herself on the floor, her naked back pressed against one of the file cabinets of my desk. Crawling up towards me, her mouth hovered over my dick as she positioned herself to take it in her mouth. Her hot, soft breath was an incredible tease and I found myself panting and sweating in the moment of anticipation. Lowering her mouth and soft lips on top of my head, she slowly slid her tongue out of her mouth as she worked more and more of my cock into her mouth. I felt her cheeks bulge a little as she finally got all of my meat into her throat, an impressive task that few women had done before.

Julie began slowly moving her mouth up and down my shaft like she had done minutes before with her hand. Sucking hard on my cock with each downward motion, Julie's tongue slid around my cock erratically. Pulling her mouth off of my shaft to catch her breath, Julie again quickly moved her mouth down onto me, picking up her pace. Her tongue and lips would occasionally slide off of me, but only for a moment so that she could lick and tease the purple head of my hard cock, savoring the taste of my pre-cum.

The blowjob she was giving me, an incredible one by any standards, had been going on for over 15 minutes before I got that all too familiar feeling of cum bubbling up. Julie's pace and tempo had kept me from cumming longer than almost any celebrity ever had, and I knew that this load would be a big one.

"Julie...I'm gonna cum!" I panted.

Julie looked up at me, her emerald eyes lost deep in mine. She pulled her mouth off of me, but left her acrobatic tongue to slide all the way up my shaft, tickling the head as the final tease. That was enough to do it for me, and I felt my cum escape from me like a rocket, shooting straight up out of my shaft and an inch or so into the air. Just as quickly as she had taken her mouth off, Julie put it right beneath the eruption and caught the first few spurts directly on her tongue and lips. The rest of my flood landed on her cheek and nose, a small trickle sliding down her beautiful neck before stopping right above the nipple of her right breast.

Julie licked her lips and cheek clean, smearing what cum had remained on her into her breasts. I was still amazingly hard, and I grabbed her by the shoulders to pull her up to me. Standing up, it was my turn to tear.

Grabbing her skirt by the waistband, I unbuttoned it in one place and pulled it off of her in one swift motion. Julie was left standing there in front of me now in just black panties that matched her bra. I could see a bit of moisture forming between her legs, signaling she was just as excited as I was.

"Ooohh...I like a man who is forceful," Julie cooed, slipping her thumbs into her panties and pulling them down over her hips. I was surprised to see that she was shaven bare, but that her aroused pussy lips were already damp with her own moisture and juices. We were both naked now, as Julie spread her legs over me and sat down almost on my belly, her hairless pussy just inches from my dribbling, hard cock. Rocking her ass back and forth on me, Julie slowly slid her cunt up to my shaft and rubbed it (and her juices) up and down my hardness. She had tremendous strength and balance in her arms and I wondered to myself if she had been a gymnast or dancer in her younger years.

I took hold of my cock in my hand and pointed it up towards her waiting hole, knowing that we were both well lubricated for what was to come. Guiding her by her hips, I slowly lowered Julie onto my shaft as she sunk down onto me.

Julie moaned loudly, filling our entire 3000 square foot office with her cries of ecstasy. Julie's snatch was incredibly tight and it felt like she almost had to stretch to accommodate me.

"Sorry about that," Julie panted, rubbing her hands up and down my chest. "I've never had a cock so big inside me. God, I feel so full!"

I smiled devilishly and began to work myself in and out of her, guiding her up and down off of my lap. My balls occasionally would smack against the cleft of her ass, adding extra pleasure and excitement to her already aroused lower region.

Julie grinded herself up and down on top of me, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling every time she would fall downwards onto me. I was enjoying the feel of her soft, warm cunt, but my legs were getting sore from having to support her. Using my free hand, I swept aside the papers on my desk and lifted her up onto the heavy wooden surface.

Laying down on the desk, Julie was able to spread her legs wider and give me better access to her pussy. I picked up my pace in hammering into her, guiding myself in and out of her with one hand and using my other to rub her clit back and forth between my fingers. It was difficult keeping my fingers inside of her cunt, as she was writhing around like a woman possessed on top of the desk. I felt Julie's body tense up under me and then shudder as she exploded in orgasm.

"OHHHHH YESSSS!!! DEANNNNNNNNNN YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMMIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG!" Julie cried out as her juices exploded out from inside her pussy like a firework. The room soon filled with the squishing sound as I used her cum for better lubrication and continued to thrust in and out of her twat.

I moved my hand up and rubbed it over her breasts, teasing and massaging her nipples while I used the edge of my desk as support to get even deeper into her than I had before. I felt her inner walls stretch around me as I bottomed out within her completely now. Julie's large round nipples stiffened even harder now as she orgasmed again, her snatch and my inner thighs now totally covered in her juices.

Her mind-blowing blow job had given me extra stamina and I kept slamming into her for what felt like hours, rocking the desk back and forth on it's wooden legs as we both kept pace with each other during our fucking. Julie had stopped thrashing finally and was now thrusting her hips up at me every chance she got, urging me on towards orgasm.

I felt my cockhead expand some and then felt a torrent of cum shoot out of my cock deep into her pussy. Julie crisscrossed her legs around my waist, thrusting me deeper into her as I came, lining the insides of her cunt with stream after stream of hot sticky cum.

I kept on fucking her until my now well-worn dick went soft and slid out of her with a soft squishing sound. We had made quite a puddle beneath us, our cum pooling around the inside of Julie's thighs and covering her shaved pussy and tight ass with sticky juices.

That night, we went back to my house and fucked for even longer than before, until Julie passed out on top of me in exhaustion. Both of us called in sick the next day and we slept on and off and made love like two horny rabbits.

Over the next few weeks, our relationship grew, although this was mostly Julie's doing. Every day I would have some sort of gift waiting for me on my desk. As the weeks ran on, the gifts became more and more erotic. The first day had been flowers, the fifth nude pictures of her and by our two week anniversary Julie had slipped pairs of moist, cum coated panties into my desk when I wasn't looking. Each gift was accompanied by a note that, like the gifts, was more and more erotic every day.

The truth of the matter was, while the sex was great and the gifts were almost always a constant turn on, the relationship didn't seem to be moving past that. We had very little in common in regards to music or even movies, ironic given the sort of business we were in. And the phone calls. My God the phone calls. They had seemed innocent at first, calling to say things like "I'm so horny sitting here thinking about you," and "I can't wait till tonight when I can fuck your brains out," to things a little more disturbing. One night during our 3rd week together she called and left 15 messages on my machine while I was out at friends and forgot to turn my cell phone on. The messages were especially disturbing, as they bordered on desperate. "I miss you, call me," and "Where are you? Are you mad at me?" and "If you are out with another woman I swear I'll kill myself,"

This last message was enough to convince me that this needed to stop. But I was in an awkward position now, as she did work for me and if I didn't handle it properly she could sue me for sexual harassment, let alone ruin my reputation around the office. I called her into my office the next day.

Julie wasted no time trying to turn me on, dropping to her knees to start giving me one of her patented killer blowjobs before I stopped her. She looked hurt but obliged and climbed up on my desk.

"Julie, listen. About you and me..." I said, watching her reaction. I had thought about doing this for a few days but had been hesitant after I remembered the "personal issues" she had mentioned to me before. "I don't think this is going to work out. We are just too different of people. Don't get me wrong, the sex is great and I do love a lot of things about you but quite frankly, this relationship feels really unhealthy,"

Julie's face changed like a mask every second it seemed as the words left my mouth. First she looked shocked, then on the verge of tears, followed by an angry hateful look and confusion. Finally she settled on a half angry, half shocked persona.

"I...I don't understand. I did everything for you. You said it would work out!" Julie said, a little bit of sadness in her voice.

"No," I corrected her. "YOU said it would work out. I said we should try. I just don't see our relationship being real long term and that's what I'm looking for these days,"

"Oh really," Julie said spitefully. "Is that why you fuck any little cunt that walks in this office or has a b-movie credit to her name!" Her voice was rising and I moved to quiet her.

"Shhh! Don't say that about the clients! And you know that it's not true," I replied, speaking in a lowered tone.

"Whatever. You know you can't keep your dick in your pants any more than any guy can. You think you are hot shit because you are the head of a talent agency. But you aren't anything without me. I quit," Julie said indignantly, crossing her arms across her chest and getting off the desk to leave.

"Julie wait! You can't quit! I need you more than anything here! I'm lost without you," I said, getting up to stop her from leaving.

"I should have known better than to trust you. And to think, I thought we were meant to be together," Julie said. This last phrase sent a chill down my spine for some reason as I realized how truly obsessed with me she had become.

"Julie look. Why don't you take the company credit card and go on a vacation. Your choice, stay as long as you want," I said, reaching into my wallet and pulling out a credit card.

Julie shot me another spiteful look but took the card.

"Fine. I'll go. But don't hold your breath on me coming back," Julie said, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

I walked over to my chair and sat down, sighing as I tried to focus on work again.

Things went pretty well for the next week or so. Business was picking up with more clients signing up to the firm and our already banked stars raking in bucks at the box office. I had to stay at my desk pretty much all week but I had anticipated the weekend when I would get to meet up with one of my favorite clients, Natalie Portman.

Natalie was in LA to go visit Industrial Light & Magic and record some dialog for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode II. Natalie had always been one of my favorite stars, even when I was younger and watched her film debut in The Professional. We had never talked in person before but I was looking forward to doing so and give her a tour of Los Angeles if we had time.

That Saturday, I had Leonard (the company limo driver) pick me up at my house and head out to the airport to pick Natalie up. I waited for her at the gate and almost missed her as she walked past. Though strikingly beautiful, Natalie had the uncanny ability to blend in with a crowd as just another cute, brown haired young girl. It took her standing directly in front of me for me to blink and see that she was right there. Natalie was dressed as a normal girl her age would dress, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt from The Gap. She only had one small carry on bag in her small hand and a purse slung over her shoulder.

"Dean? Are you Dean Simonds?" Natalie said, catching my attention.

"Who? Oh, yes! Yes I am! Gosh Natalie, I didn't see you there! For someone so beautiful, you were impossible to spot coming up the gate!" I said, dumbfounded that I didn't recognize my own client.

Natalie blushed a little at my compliment. "Thanks. It was tougher for me, because I've never seen you in person. Well, nice to meet you," Natalie said, extending her hand. I shook it and then took her bag from her, making our way out to the loading area of the airport.

"So Natalie, how are things going for you? You haven't had a movie out for a while, are you still thinking about leaving the business?" I said, making chit chat while we waited for Leonard to pull up with the car.

"Well, it's a lot of fun making movies but the hours are so long. I still don't know yet, I just want to get the Star Wars films done before I even THINK of doing another movie," Natalie said, pushing aside a loose strand of hair that had fallen across her face.

After pulling up, Leonard smiled broadly as he opened the door for Natalie and myself. Throwing her suitcase in the trunk, we headed off down the freeway.

"Things still going good for you at school? Making straight A's?" I asked Natalie, opening the mini fridge and getting her and myself a bottle of water.

"Not straight A's, but if I keep it up I'm sure I'll graduate with honors. College is so much different than Hollywood. I mean, you meet all kinds of people in both places, but in college no one seems to care if you are a star or not. You are just another number on the admissions list, another person paying that hefty tuition," Natalie said, sipping from her water and leaning forward to look at me from across the seat. I could smell a faint waft of her perfume from where I sat, and the scent was quite fragrant and enjoyable.

"That's good. Now I know you are at an Ivy league school. Which one again?" I asked.

"Well, it's kind of a poorly guarded secret. All those obsessive Internet fans finally found it out. But yea, I'm at..." Natalie said, but she was cut off by Leonard on the intercom.

"We're here Mr. Simonds, Ms. Portman," Leonard said over the crackly intercom. The car came to a halt and then was flooded with the bright LA sunshine as Leonard opened the door to escort us out.

I stayed with Natalie for most of the day, watching her record dialog in a soundstage while she watched very rough footage of the special effects for Episode II on the screen in front of her. I felt privileged, not only to be able to see some of the upcoming film before anyone else, but that I got to spend the day with Natalie.

We walked a few blocks from ILM to a vegetarian cafe and had a quiet lunch. I found Natalie to be incredibly funny and a great person to just hang out with as we sat and ate and talked. She was a little tired from the time difference, but she still seemed to be in good spirits and enjoying herself. I know I was certainly enjoying her company.

Natalie went back to record some more dialog and I spent the rest of the afternoon getting a tour of the studio and finally met Natalie outside the building around 5:00 where Leonard was waiting.

"Are you up for a night on the town Natalie? I know great restaurants that won't be too busy but still have great food and service," I said, holding the door open for her. Climbing in, Natalie smiled at me.

"I'd love to Dean. But let me go back to my hotel and change first. I need a shower," Natalie said.

Leonard drove us back to her hotel and Natalie promised she would be ready in about two hours. I headed back to the office to change into something a little nicer and barely made it back to Natalie's hotel in just under 2 hours.

Leonard and myself waited for Natalie in the lobby and were quite amazed when she came out of the elevator down the hall of the large lobby of the hotel. Wearing a light blue blouse and a khaki knee length dress, Natalie portrayed her normal person look even further. Natalie had only applied a little bit of makeup and lipstick but it certainly enhanced her natural beauty to a greater extent. Her long brown hair had been curled at the ends since we last saw her and as she got closer the enchanting perfume she had been wearing earlier had been retouched. She looked amazing - beautiful, sexy - and without even trying to be.

"Hi guys. Thanks for waiting on me, I had to put these little curls in my hair," Natalie said as she approached us, running her hand lightly through the curls.

"Not a problem, we have all night. Hope you are ready to eat at one of the better spots of LA," I said, taking Natalie's arm in my mine as we walked out of the hotel. Leonard walked right behind us, and even though he was at least 30 years her senior, he still was checking out her ass like a teenage boy.

Leonard lead us back to the limo and we drove through downtown LA towards our destination, a Greek restaurant on the north side of the city. It was very upscale, not so trendy that you needed reservations months in advance, but I had made them anyways a few weeks earlier for Julie and I, just to be on the safe side. Now with Julie gone, I was happy to use them with Natalie.

Pulling in, I took Natalie by the hand and led her out of the car. Leonard told me he was going to go park in a nearby garage and watch the Lakers game in the back of the car, and to page him when we were ready to be picked up. I agreed, and Natalie and I went in to have a quiet dinner.

I knew there had been chemistry between us from earlier in the afternoon, but that was further accentuated over dinner. We ate and chatted till the food came, sharing personal stories about our different lifestyles. Natalie told me about the faithful night when she had been spotted by a Revlon agent a pizza parlor and how her life had changed ever since. I recalled growing up not having a father, or at least one I knew other than the extravagant gifts sent to me and my mother during the holidays. Natalie and I bonded, not only on a physical level (it was clear early on that she was flirting with me, which was surprising given her known reputation of not dating anyone) but on an emotional and mental level. We both had been studious in high school and I found that she liked many of the same books and authors I did. I cringed at the thought of her having to leave in a few days, but I tried to sweep that out of my mind and focus on the here and now.

After we finished dinner and were waiting on dessert, I paged Leonard to have him ready to pick us up in 20 minutes or so. Being a Saturday night, I knew it would take him that long to get here, despite being only a few blocks away. Both Natalie and I had wanted to order the same dessert, so we decided to just get one and split it.

A Strawberry sorbet with vanilla ice cream and strawberry topping, the dessert was very sweet and delicious. I had a hard time enjoying it however, as I suddenly became very alert when I felt Natalie's hand rested on top of mine while we each took bites of the dessert. Maybe this night would turn out even better than I had thought.

We both made little flirtatious moves with each other, feeding each other the dessert and what not. By the time we were done, I realized we had been there for 40 minutes and that we had kept Leonard waiting.

"Uh-oh. Leonard's been outside for 20 minutes now," I said to Natalie as she finished off the last of the sorbet. "We had better pay and get out there. He's a nice guy but he hates to be kept waiting,"

Natalie laughed, a very soft a delicate laugh that I had fallen in love with the first time I heard it. "You are right. I'd hate to get left and have to walk back to the hotel!" Natalie said jokingly.

"Oh don't worry, I'd be right here to protect you. I can't fight real well but I can...ummm...scream real loud," I said. Natalie laughed again at my lame joke and leaned against me as we made our way out of the restaurant. The feeling of her small, delicate body against mine was enough to create a stirring in my pants.

Walking back, cars buzzed past us and horns honked occasionally as we walked away from the main road. By the time we got down to the side street near the parking garage, the roads were almost deserted except for an occasional car.

I was getting a little nervous about our location in the alleyway, but my fears were eased when I spotted the limo sitting in the abandoned garage.

"That's strange. Maybe Leonard couldn't hear the page because he had the game turned up too loud," I said as we got closer to the car. Even more odd was the fact that I couldn't hear any noise from inside the car. When we finally made it to the car, I looked in all the windows. Leonard was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmmm...he's not here. I wonder where he went?" I muttered out loud. Natalie had been standing back a few feet while I was peering inside the car and was alternating her weight on each foot.

"I'm sure he will be back soon. Let's just wait in the car for him. It’s creepy out here," Natalie said a little impatiently.

I had a spare key to open the door so Natalie and I climbed into the back and sat waiting. The car was dark and it was tough moving around without being able to see.

"Ooof!" Natalie said as I accidentally bumped and fell into her, knocking her backwards onto the seat of the limo.

"Sorry! Sorry! I couldn't see where I was going," I said. I realized that I was on top of Natalie Portman, in an empty limousine, in the dark.

"That's ok. My fault for not moving fast enough," Natalie said.

Adjusting my weight so that I wasn't laying totally on top of her, I propped myself up by my arms by her chest. Our faces were just inches apart and suddenly the car was filled with an awkward silence.

"Ummm...Dean...I was wondering if maybe you would...this sounds dumb, I can't believe I'm saying it...consider having a...umm...long distance relationship with someone," Natalie said awkwardly, stumbling over her words a bit. It was strange hearing a girl so normally composed and sophisticated struggling to get her words out.

"Natalie, are you asking me out?" I said, smiling down at her.

"Yes, I guess I am. So would you think about it?" Natalie asked, biting on her bottom lip out of nervousness.

"To be honest Natalie," I said with a sigh. I studied her eyes as I spoke and thought I saw her flinch with where she thought I was going with the conversation. "All I've been able to think about all night is how much I want to kiss you," I said.

Natalie's eyes went bright, the deep brown in them shimmering almost in the pitch black.

"Really? Because I've wanted to kiss you too," Natalie said in a breathy voice. Leaning down, I didn't let her say anything and just kissed her. Natalie's lips were warm and soft, not dry but just moist enough to make the kiss feel wonderful. Natalie returned the kiss, lifting her head off of the seat cushion to meet my mouth.

I felt Natalie's tongue slip from between her lips and enter my mouth. It was small and delicate as it moved past my own and explored inside my mouth. I slowly slid my own into hers and we allowed them to dance with each other passionately.

The kiss was brief, but very intense. I hated to break it. "Wow...was that what you wanted?" Natalie asked, almost out of breath. "That was exactly what I wanted," I said with a smile. Natalie initiated the next kiss now, pulling me closer to her by putting her hands on my cheeks. I allowed myself to be pulled and we were quickly back to our passions. I hadn't felt such raw energy and feeling in making out in a long time. At least since Alyssa Milano.

Sex with all the other celebrities had been wonderful but something felt so wonderful being so close to Natalie and embracing her like I was now. It didn't matter at all who she was or who I was, I just wanted to stay like this for as long as I could.

Natalie tried to pull me over to her, but we both accidentally tumbled off of the seat of the limo and onto the floor. Now it was Natalie who lay atop me, her head resting on my chest as we both laughed at our clumsiness.

Our eyes met in the darkness and again I saw such strength and emotion in her gaze, one of intelligence but also a flicker of lust. We lay like that for a few minutes, Natalie just listening to me breath.

Without saying a word however, Natalie slid down my chest towards my belt and pants. "Natalie...what are you doing?" I asked. She just smiled at me and continued her way down, moving her small nimble fingers up and down my crotch and towards my zipper. Pulling it down, I gasped a little as she slid her hand into my pants and into my boxers.

Fondling my cock with her hands, it quickly grew rock hard at her touch. I felt her reach further into my boxers and pull my hard shaft out and into the air of the car.

Parting her hair to one side so it didn't get in the way, Natalie lowered her mouth to the side of it and gave the side of my shaft a lick. Like an ice cream cone or lollipop, Natalie would slowly lick from base to head of my dick, not saying a word but never breaking eye contact with me.

The feeling was incredible and knowing that we had made a special bond between us just further elevated my feelings. This wasn't just meaningless sex, this was a true sign of love from someone who I was beginning to grow very attached to.

Natalie now was putting inch by inch of my shaft into her mouth, slowly lowering her head as her throat worked down and around my 9 inch member. Natalie seemed to be enjoying herself as well, as I saw her nipples begin to harden in her shirt.

When all of my cock was in her mouth, Natalie sucked on it gently like a popsicle, creating a tremendous feeling with the suction of her young hot mouth.

Natalie's head bobbed up and down on me slowly, her tongue occasionally snaking around my shaft and rubbing it up and down to give an added feeling of pleasure. Her hand was now underneath my balls. She was teasing and fondling me with her fingers, rubbing them through the hair around my nuts.

The tickling of her hands made my balls tighten and she seemed to know that I was close to cumming. I had no idea how experienced she was at this but she seemed to know how to please a man, no doubt.

"Natalie, I'm about to...cum!" was all I could muster before I felt the hot seed boiling up inside my cock. Natalie didn't seem to be phased and in fact seemed to work her throat and mouth harder, ready to milk me for all that it was worth.

And cum did I. Like a torrential flood, I felt virtually every ounce of cum I had shoot forth from the head of my cock down Natalie's waiting throat. She continued to suck and lick up every bit of the sweet seed she could taste, not even allowing a trickle to run out of her mouth. My orgasm lasted for at least 30 seconds before I felt the last little bit finish up and my dick go almost completely soft.

Natalie finished swallowing it all down and wiped her mouth with one delicate little finger, even taking the consideration to zip me back up and put my softening prick back into my pants.

I was sweating now and sat up in the car, lifting Natalie onto the seat. I was more than prepared to return the favor by licking and sucking her pussy to orgasm. As I positioned myself in front of her crotch, Natalie waiting excitedly for what I was about to do, the car was suddenly rocked from behind her by what felt like a kick.

I paused momentarily to make sure that that I wasn't imagining things, but Natalie was looking at me with a puzzled look on her face too. There it was again! The car rocked by a kick coming from the end of the car, without a doubt. We both listened attentively and I could have sworn I heard a muffled cry.

"What the hell is that?" I said, getting up on my knees and listening to the back of the car. The kicking had stopped, so I put my face to one of the dark tinted windows. It was dark but I didn't make out any movement outside the car.

"Let's go see what that was," I said, making my way to the door. "Stay behind me and don't get out of the car till I say,"

Natalie nodded in agreement as I slowly opened the door. I was nervous as hell and knew that my fast beating heart wasn't from the orgasm I had had moments before.

Stepping out of the car, the parking garage was deserted like it was when we got there. Glancing down at my watch, I saw that it was 12:13 AM, almost an hour after I called Leonard to come pick us up. I was really worried now and very nervous as I made my way to the back of the car.

Much to my surprise, there was nothing there, nor anywhere near the car. Natalie had poked her head out to watch me. I was going to get back in the car and chalk it up to imagination when I heard the same thumping again in the trunk.

Natalie was very much scared now and despite my warnings, got out of the car to join me. Standing very close to me, we stood in front of the trunk, watching it. My hand shaking, I reached into my pant pocket and got out my keys to the car.

A million thoughts ran through my mind as I put the key in the trunk and unlocked it. Stepping back a little, I tentatively lifted the lid and prepared myself for just about anything.

Inside the trunk lay Leonard, hands and feet tied behind his back and his head bleeding from a nasty blow to the head. He looked scared out of his mind and like a total wreck. When he realized it was me, he began screaming into the duct tape over his mouth to help him.

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment, trying to understand what was going on. Natalie looked to be in shock too, her eyes wide and her face a very pale shade of white. I reached into the trunk and slowly lifted Leonard (all 245 pounds of him) out of the trunk and set him on his knees beside the limo.

Leonard pleaded and begged at me to take off the tape on his mouth and free his hands. I bent down to do so when, my senses on full alert from the adrenaline, I heard a very loud *click* behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a female voice said. I spun around sharply on my heel to face the voice. Out of the shadows of a nearby pillar came Julie. And she was holding a very large gun.

"Juu..Julie! What the hell are you doing?" I said loudly. Julie began to walk towards us, the gun never wavering off of it's aim right into my chest. Looking past Julie, I realized how much of an isolated area we were in. Even if we screamed, the chances of someone hearing us from so deep in the garage were very slim.

"I'm holding you at gun point. What the fuck does it LOOK like I'm doing," Julie said sarcastically. "Oh, who is the little slut? You just don't waste any time do you Dean?"

I looked over my shoulder and saw Natalie leaning against the wall of the parking garage, petrified with fear. Her mouth moved like she was going to speak but no words came out.

"That's...that's Natalie Portman. I'm showing her LA," I said. I was amazed at how calm my voice was, given the situation.

"Oh, that's great. Just fucking wonderful. I watched you get in the limo an hour ago. Were you in there fucking her? Did you stick it to her real hard and tell her you loved her like you did ME?" Julie said, stepping even closer now.

Julie's face was contorting as she spoke and she looked extremely frazzled, like she hadn't slept in days. Her eyes were black with bags of stress and despite her normally pretty looks, she looked down right deranged.

"Hey, listen, I don't know who you think you are but," Natalie finally said softly, trying to stick up for herself.

Suddenly the air was filled with the ear piercing scream of a bullet whizzing past my ear no less than a foot away. I heard it hit behind me as it sunk deep into the wall of the parking garage, missing Natalie by a few feet as well. She screamed and fell to the ground in fright, clutching herself tightly against the wall.

"How about you just shut up now?" Julie said, speaking to Natalie. She turned the gun back to me.

"So Dean, you've moved on. Well I haven't. I loved you! We were meant to be together! Why can't you see that?" Julie said, putting a hand to her forehead in distress.

"Julie, if you could just put the gun down and let us talk about this, I'm sure..." I said before being cut off again.

"WHAT???? TALK!!! YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TALK WHEN YOU DUMPED ME! WHY SHOULD I LET YOU TALK NOW!!!" Julie screamed at me, her voice echoing off the walls of the parking garage.

"Julie, I" I tried to speak but it was simply impossible. "YOU! YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Julie screamed again, pointing the gun at me again, just a few inches from my forehead. "I'M THE ONE TALKING HERE!"

I put my hands up in apology and didn't speak. "Good. That's better. Now I don't have to yell," Julie said calmly. This was like a bad action movie. I hoped it would have a happy ending. She lowered the gun from my head and took a step back but still held the gun out at arms length. A part of me wanted to be the hero and jump in and grab the gun from her but with her willingness to fire off shots, I rejected the idea quickly.

"You know Dean, our relationship is like poor Leonard here," Julie said, walking over to him. Leonard cringed like a hurt dog as she approached, closing his eyes in fear of what might happen next.

"It started off young and hot, passion and energy fueling everything we did. You said it yourself, the sex was great. But all good things must come to an end right?" Julie said, walking around Leonard slowly in a circle.

"After a while, YOU seemed to think that it was getting old. Out of shape. Not so much balding like Leonard here, but just...falling apart," Julie said, running her hand through Leonard's sweat and blood covered hair.

"And then you tell me, 'Julie, it's not working out. It's over." Julie said, doing a rough male voice in imitation of me. "Well Dean, I'm here tonight to show you that no matter what tramp you pick up after me," Julie said, nodding her head towards the cowering Natalie. "I can finish things and make sure they are over too,"

Her last words were chilling to the bone and I felt myself shudder as she spoke. But what she did next was something that I couldn't have prepared for.

Sticking the barrel of the gun to the side of Leonard's head, Julie pulled the trigger.

The garage echoed again with both the sound of the blast and the screams of Natalie and I in total shock. Leonard's body fell limply to the ground, his head making a sickening sound as it hit the pavement.

"See, like Leonard here, I think you and I are finished," Julie said calmly, holding the gun by her side. "Now, if you and Princess Leia over there will kindly get into the car, I'd like to go finish this relationship in a place a little more private,"

Frozen in place mentally, I felt my legs moving of there own accord as I walked towards the passenger side of the car. I couldn't think straight, all I saw before me, playing over and over again in my head was Leonard's death. I got into the car and sat calmly, afraid to move or think or barely even breath.

Julie had to grab Natalie by the hair to get her to move towards the car. She was still shaking and began to sob a little as she climbed in. Julie walked quickly around to the driver's side and got in, the keys already in the ignition.

Like a bullet we were off and out of the parking garage, the tires of the car squealing as we pulled out. I managed to glance in the rearview mirror, seeing for the last time the body of Leonard lying there on the ground.

Driving like a bat out of hell, Julie easily maneuvered around the light traffic of LA at this time of night. She got on the freeway and headed towards the mountains. Neither Natalie nor I spoke the entire way, but Julie managed to blather on and on about anything and everything relating to herself.

After about 20 minutes on the road, I realized where Julie was headed: My home. She had been there numerous times and even knew the password to the gate to let herself in. I wondered silently to myself if she had ever entered the house when I wasn't at home.

We arrived a few minutes later and I helped Natalie get out of the car, as her (and my) legs seemed to be made of jelly. Walking around in front of us, Julie led the way up the long driveway towards my front door. Her back to me, I knew that if I wanted to keep Natalie and myself alive, I would have to do something.

Thinking quickly, I remembered the motion sensing lights on the edge of the driveway. As I continued walking, I bent down quietly and picked out one of the large stones from my cobble driveway. With Julie just a few yards from the house, I made my move.

Throwing a little bit behind me, I made sure that the rock I hurled landed just far enough off for Julie to realize that it was caused by something other than us. The throw worked like a charm, setting off a bright light that caught Julie's attention out of the corner of her eye.

Spinning around sharply, Julie looked to see what had set off the sensor. This was my chance. Running up to her quickly, I dove into her at the waist and sent Julie flying to the ground, her arms flailing and the gun flying to the ground. I fell on top of Julie like a sheet, pinning her arms down to the ground. Fighting me every way she could, I felt her mouth on my arm as she bit into me hard enough to make me bleed.

I made the mistake of pulling my arm away and that was all it took for her to get away from me. She scrambled on the ground, trying to get the gun.

Natalie, who had been virtually comatose through this whole situation, had beaten both of us to it and now held it out in front of her.

Julie and I stopped wrestling on the ground and got up. "Hand me the gun Natalie," I said, walking towards her. Natalie was shaking uncontrollably, the gun bouncing up and down in her grip.

"Who the hell is this woman Dean? Why is she kidnapping you? Why did she kill that poor limo driver?" Natalie screamed, her eyes wide as they darted back and forth between Julie and me. I walked closer.

"Natalie, just hand me the gun and I will explain," I said as I got closer to her. Reaching my arm out, Natalie let it into my hand as she dropped her arm to her side. Now it was Julie's turn to take control, and I felt her lunge suddenly at the arm that I was now holding the gun in.

What exactly happened next I'm not sure. I spun around on my foot to try and get away from her but her arms were batting at me from what seemed like every direction. I held onto the gun, but somehow Julie got right in it's way and the trigger went off.

Falling backwards to the ground, Julie clutched her shoulder in pain, her screaming filling the quiet woods around my house.

Walking over to her, I stood above Julie with the gun aimed directly at her to let her know not to move.

"Natalie, go call 911," I said to her, my eyes never leaving Julie laying there beneath me writhing in pain.

The police arrived a few minutes later as well as the paramedics who strapped Julie onto a gurney and loaded her into an ambulance and drove away.

By the time the police were done with their initial questions, it was 9:00 AM the next morning. I told them where we had been eating and where they would find Leonard's body. Anything I had said was backed up by Natalie as we revealed to them what Julie had planned on doing to us.

The front page of Variety as well as the LA Times ran the story about what happened: "NATALIE PORTMAN AND AGENT KIDNAPPED, ALMOST KILLED". The press storm was enormous. CNN and all the major news networks converged on my house and the Greek restaurant area where we had eaten, broadcasting our "daring tale" around the world. Thankfully for both of our sakes, what Natalie and I had been doing in the limo never got out.

For the next week or so, life was hectic. Natalie wasn't allowed to go back home because of the police investigation, so she stayed at my house, never leaving unless with me. I closed down the office for the week I was gone, after the fax machine was jammed and broken from the questions and requests for interviews came pouring in.

Julie had suffered a shattered shoulder and collarbone as a result of the bullet and was now being treated in the psychiatric ward of LA County General Hospital. She wasn't going to be released until after her arraignment and trial hearing for the murder of Leonard Walker and the attempted murder of Natalie and myself.

After things finally did die down, with the press moving on to the next big story, Natalie informed me that she would be leaving the next morning.

"So tonight may be the last time I see you, huh?" Natalie said as she packed her one suitcase she had brought.

"Well, I guess there is always the trial. But that's not what I'm going to expect to be a fun experience," I remarked to her as I stood in the doorway and watched her pack.

Natalie walked over to me, looking up and deep into my eyes like she had before. "Dean, I wanted to thank you for saving my life. I will never in my life forget you or the risk you took to save us both from Julie and whatever she had in store for us," Natalie said.

"Natalie, for you, I'd have taken that bullet that Leonard..." I said, trailing off. "I know you would have," Natalie said softly. "That's why I wanted to give you something I have not given anyone else,"

"What's that?" I asked. Natalie blushed a little. "I think...you know," A light went off in my head and I knew exactly what she meant. "Oh...well, are you sure you are ready for that?" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders and giving her the "big brother" look of concern.

"Yes. I wanted to give it to a man who is special and means a lot to me and who I love. You fit all those categories," Natalie said. She stood on her tip toes and kissed me lightly on the lips. I realized that this was the first kiss since the limo and it felt strangely weird.

I returned the kiss and realized that Natalie wanted to do it NOW. Her hands and arms were wrapped around my back, moving their way up my broad shoulders.

I moved my arms to the small of her back and held them there, letting my hands move slowly down to cup Natalie's tight little ass. She broke the kiss and led me back into my spare bedroom and onto the bed.

Natalie was wearing a dark green t-shirt and a pair of tight fitting faux-leather pants that seemed to accentuate her tiny, curvy body.

Lifting her shirt off over her head, Natalie revealed to me that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her small, firm breasts hung proudly on her flawless chest, her brownish-pink nipples were growing erect already, even though our foreplay had barely begun!

I was sitting beside her and couldn't resist taking a nipple in my hand and feeling it rub against my palm. Natalie arched her back in response as she slowly moved her hand up my chest and began to rub and play with my chest with her hand. She began to unbutton the shirt I was wearing and slide it off me, anxious to get me as naked as she was.

I lowered my mouth to Natalie's right breast and licked around her nipple, teasing her like she teased me back in the car what seemed like ages ago. Natalie sighed and held my mouth to her chest as I sucked on her breast and pulled her nipple out some with my teeth to get it nice and hard. I moved my mouth to the other breast and did the same thing, and quite soon Natalie's moans began to echo throughout the house.

Moving my head further down her stomach, I tickled Natalie's belly button with my tongue, causing her to giggle a little. Then I proceeded to unbutton her tight fitting pants and slowly pull them down off of her legs. Natalie was wearing a pair of green panties that almost matched her shirt. I could see a bit of her pubic hair through the fabric and noticed that she was incredibly weight at my tongue teasing.

Sliding my hand up her thigh, I proceeded to take her snug panties by the waistband and pull them down her soft young hips. As they slid off of her leg and landed on the floor, I got a view of Natalie's sex for the first time.

Covered in soft, delicate brown hair that matched the color of the hair on her head, Natalie's pussy was small and beautiful, neatly trimmed and very aroused. I scooted closer to her on the floor and stuck my face right by it, Natalie parting her legs a little to allow me to do so. She smelled excited and ready, and I could see some moisture forming on her barely protruding cunt lips.

With a soft and loving lick, I tasted the inside of her thigh and then moved my tongue towards the outside area of her hole. Licking her labia and outer folds, Natalie gasped as I made first contact. I moved a finger up towards her hole and using the moisture already found on her lips, slowly worked a finger inside of her.

Natalie threw her head back and moaned as my finger entered into her virgin channel. I probed around inside of her softly, seeking to open her up a little wider for what was to come later. With my finger still inside of her, I focused on getting my tongue deep within her. At first it was slow going because Natalie would squirm and giggle a little as I got closer and closer to her sensitive button, but she quickly relaxed and let me do the work, the pleasurable feeling of an orgasm building inside her already.

When I found her clit, a brownish-pink little nub, I worked like a madman to tease and pleasure it as much as I could. When my tongue grazed over it the first time, Natalie closed her legs sharply around my head, barely allowing me any air to breath. I kept on licking her and soon her legs eased off of my head as she sat there and let me work my magic. I could feel Natalie's hands brushing across the top of my hair, or running down the side of my cheek, as I licked away at her sweet tasting snatch.

I must have hit the right spot when I took her clit between my tongue and one finger and flicked it rapidly over it, for Natalie cried out thunderously in instant orgasm, flooding my face with her sweet teenage juices.

Natalie pushed me aside following her orgasm to catch her breath, but I wasn't done. I wanted to totally repay her for the unreal blowjob I had received. I lay Natalie down on the bed and moved my face up to hers. Still wearing my pants, my cock was straining very hard to get out. Natalie reached her hand down and cupped it through my pants, but I pushed it away.

"That will come later. For now, I need to help you," I said softly to her. Slipping my hand back down to her waist, I put two fingers at the entrance to her cunt and slowly began to work them in. Natalie was well lubricated and getting them in was no problem, although I think that this was the biggest thing to be in her so far in her young life.

I felt my fingers go deeper and deeper into her snatch, all the while I kept my thumb at her entrance to rub her clit around slowly. When I felt my fingers touch some resistance that could only be her hymen, I slowly started to pull them out. As I neared the entrance of her pussy however, I began to thrust my two fingers back and forth into her slowly, making a fucking motion with them.

Soon, Natalie's hips were rocking back and forth on the bed, setting there own pace at fucking back on my hand. I leaned down and kissed Natalie's lips and found she was totally engulfed in the flames of lust as we kissed. Natalie slid her tongue out of her mouth and broke the kiss, wanting to lick her own juices off of my face.

My tempo with my hand was getting faster and faster and soon Natalie's firm young ass was bouncing up and down on the bed as she tried to get more of my two "magic fingers" inside of her cunt.

Suddenly I felt her body tense some and her legs crisscrossed around my arms as she had another orgasm. Her juices flooded my hand and trickled down my arm and onto the bed as she slowed down her feverish thrusting and caught her breath.

"So, how was that?" I said with a grin. Natalie, her hair matted on her head with sweat, grinned mischievously at me. "That was incredible. But I think I need it. NOW!" Natalie said, spreading her legs wider for me on the bed.

I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, letting them fall to the floor and leaving us both naked now. I climbed onto the bed next to her and rolled Natalie onto her side as my cock brushed against the outside of her pussy lips.

"Now just let me guide you. This will hurt for a moment, as you probably know, but just trust me on this," I said to Natalie as I held her in my arms, her narrow waist and firm ass pressed against my stomach.

Very slowly with one hand, I rubbed the head of my rock hard 9 inch cock against her slit, lubing it up with juices. This seemed kind of unneeded because I already had a dollop of pre-cum forming on the head of my prick.

I placed the tip of my cock at the entrance to her cunt and Natalie whimpered in anticipation. I saw her bite down on her lip as she braced for the brief pain. The head slipped into her easily, as did the first few inches. Quickly however, I encountered the resistance of her cherry.

I held Natalie tightly against me and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Hold on...here we go," I whispered to her.

Moving my hips up hard but gently, I pushed through her cherry. I felt some tearing as the weak muscle gave way, the final bit of her skin tearing free as I broke through into her silken channel.

Natalie grunted a little bit at the sharp sting.

"You ok?" I said, as I rubbed my hand over her breast trying to take her mind off the pain.

"Yea...hurts a little but keep going," Natalie said in reply.

I forced more of my dick into her and felt her inner walls stretch and open up to accommodate my girth. Soon I had all of my cock inside of her as I felt it bottom out and hit the back of her pussy wall.

Slowly, I pulled my cock out of her and glanced down at it. It was covered in a little bit of blood but that soon mingled with our other juices as I thrust back into her and got a slow and steady tempo going inside of her.

Natalie was starting to enjoy it, and I felt her body rocking back on my shaft as I moved in and out of her. It wasn't long before I was going at a much greater speed, and Natalie began to moan softly as we moved in unison.

I reached a hand down towards her hole and spread her pussy lips wide with two fingers while I worked another in there to tease and play with her clit. Natalie responded to this with fervor and began to shake violently as she neared orgasm.

I thrust harder and harder into her tight, wet snatch with every thrust, causing the bed beneath us to rock harder every time. My balls slapping against the crack in her ass, I felt Natalie shudder her pussy muscles as she came on top of my cock.

Her juices flooding out of her pussy, Natalie came down from her orgasm quickly and worked harder to bring herself towards another.

I figured that she must be tiring of this position so I guided her up onto her hands and knees as I pulled my cock out of her. Getting her into the doggy style position, it was easier for both of us. I slowly slid my cock back into her waiting and expectant hole and began fucking her harder like I had been. Natalie's small, beautiful breasts swayed back and forth as I moved in and out of her.

Her hips bucking back against me, the feeling of her cunt was incredible. She had to have been the tightest woman I had ever fucked, including all the sluts I banged in high school. Her channel felt like warm silk on my hard prick, the lining of her pussy squeezing and stretching around me as I rocked back and forth into her.

Natalie shuddered again, curling up her toes and brining on her fourth orgasm of the evening. I was nearing the breaking point too, but wanted to savor the feeling of her pussy for as long as I could.

Lost in lust, Natalie was now simply moaning as our bodies moved like a well oiled machine. She had gotten the hang of fucking very quickly and, knowing that I had yet to come, was doing her best to try and get me off.

The final tease that almost made me pass out in pleasure came when Natalie slid a hand underneath my sack and began to fondle and hold onto my balls as I pistoned in and out of her. Her hands were something magical and almost the second they made contact with me, I felt the urge to cum right there.

I held out and pulled out of her Natalie, alerting her that I was going to cum. I didn't want to risk cumming inside of her unprotected pussy for the first time, so I began to jack off my cock right above her ass.

My cum came spewing out like a fire hose, shooting all over the small of her back and onto her ass cheeks, a large bit of it trickling down her crack and pert asshole and landing on the sheets of the bed.

Having spent a huge load all over her and myself, I collapsed onto the bed beside her. Natalie too fell over from exhaustion and curled up in my arms, instantly asleep.

We spent the remainder of the night playing all kinds of sexual games. Natalie showed me the vibrator she had brought with her (she had got it as a gag gift from some of her friends) and we shared an experience of mutual masturbation, as well as a very hot and kinky shower where we got dirtier than when we had first gotten in!

The night had to end however, and both of us were sad to see it come. I took Natalie to the airport myself the next morning and we embraced in a long and passionate kiss before she got on the plane.

"Promise me something Dean," Natalie said, her eyes locked with mine. "Promise me we will try and make this work as a long distance relationship,"

"I promise," I said, gently kissing her forehead.

Natalie got on the plane and I stayed to watch her go. Though I had said that I would try and make a long distance relationship work, I really meant it with Natalie. Sure, I might fool around with other women or celebrities, and I'm sure she might date some guys, but I knew I would do the best I could to make sure that Natalie and I stayed together.

Whether or not we would stay together, time would only tell.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:38:36 PM
Chapter 16: Penelope Cruz

* * * * *

With the media whirlwind regarding Natalie Portman and myself being attacked by my deranged former assistant Julie becoming just a fading news headline, I knew I had to move on and change a few things.

The first of which was that I needed much higher security for the stars and myself. I had been living in a fantasy world when I didn't have any sort of bodyguard or escort for Natalie or myself that fateful night, so I knew I should perhaps look to an outside source for security. After speaking with a few of my stars, many of them recommended either through personal experience or friends that I contact Steve Colt, who ran a security firm for some of the hottest stars in the world. I got his office number and gave him a call while sitting in my office, pouring over some movie contracts.

"This is Steve Colt, head of security, how can I help you?"

"Hi Steve, my name is Dean Simonds and I run Shooting Stars Talent Agency. Your firm came highly recommended to me by many stars, including your wife Bridget. I was wondering if you could help me out by providing security for some of my talent. I'm open of course to negotiation on fees," I said into the phone.

"Ahh, the infamous Dean Simonds who almost ate a bullet a few weeks back," Steve said jokingly into the phone. "I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and Ms. Portman. I'm sure George Lucas would have sued you into the ground if something had happened to his Queen Amidala,"

I laughed in return. "Don't remind me. The headaches were bad enough dealing with the police and media, I don't even want to think what would have happened if things had been any worse," I said.

"I understand. It's a scary world out there. But all of us here at the firm do our best to prevent that. Since you deal with so many of the celebrities we protect, I'm sure we can arrange some kind of deal," Steve said. "How soon do you need some of our guys around your people and how drastic are we talking?"

"As soon as possible. I think that one, maybe two at the most bodyguards would be sufficient, depending on the star. If it's a big awards ceremony or a public event then we may need to step it up some but otherwise I think one or two will do. The only request I have is that they stay very low key. I believe in holding private conversations and meetings with my stars and as trustworthy as your men are, I still would like to be with them in private. I'm sure you understand," I replied, bouncing my pen on my leg as I thought to myself how sleazy that sounded. Too late now, but I'm sure that he had dealt with people far worse than me.

"Nope, I understand completely. That is our specialty, to let the stars lead private lives. I can fax you over some numbers on a per star basis, etc but since you need to act soon, I'll go ahead and provide someone immediately. Who of your clientele are you meeting with next?" Steve said.

Glancing down at my calendar, I said "Sarah Michelle Gellar? I'm meeting her for lunch next week. Can you have one of your guys there to watch us?"

"Not a problem at all. Like I said, we can work out payment later. It's been nice talking to you but I have to run," Steve said.

"Yea, same with you. Thanks, I'm sure your terms will be agreeable. Talk to you later," I said and heard the click as Steve hung up.

With security taken care of, I set out on my next job - to find a replacement for Julie. The interviewing process started as soon as I hung up the phone and lasted for almost 4 hours. Parading in and out of my office were short, dumpy unattractive women, beautiful right out of school naive college girls and even a few nerdy looking guys who seemed to lack people skills altogether. I had resigned myself to the fact that most of the people who were unemployed were so for a reason. I had no idea Julie was as good as she was, despite having been a complete psychotic. Each interview became a struggle for me as I tried to contain my disgust for some of these people. So with a sigh, I leaned back in my overstuffed leather chair and got ready for the next applicant.

"NEXT!" I shouted from my chair, through the open door to my office. A part of me was amazed though that with these losers applying that I got such a thrill from flat out rejecting them. It was a power I had never felt before because often I had been in their positions.

In walked a gigantic black man. He was at least as tall as I was, probably taller, and built like a football player. His head was shaved bald and his skin was of a lighter hue than the other black applicants who had come in. He had a neatly kempt black goatee and was dressed quite impeccably in a suit and tie that seemed to stretch on his massive body with every breath he took. Despite looking the part, he was clearly quite nervous or dumbfounded or something by my office. He folded and unfolded his resume in his hand absent-mindedly, glancing around the room, his gaze directed towards my wall of award statues that stars from the agency had won and had let me borrow for display.

"Have a seat please," I said to him. This startled him a little bit but he complied and walked over to a chair facing across from me, sinking his hulking massive frame into the chair. He appeared to be awestruck by this whole experience.

"May I see your resume please?" I said to him as he sat dumbly in the chair.

"Huh? Oh, yea yea of course," he said, handing it to me, the three sheets of paper folded in half.

"Thanks," I said, unfolding it and glancing down at it to scan. I was already considering my rejection wording but decided to give him a fair look any ways. "Hmm...Damon Brill. Age 27. From Brooklyn, New York. Well Damon you look at little lost here in L.A. for someone from such a large city.

Damon spoke for the first time.

"No...I mean, no sir, I'm not lost at all. I've lived here for 12 years. I just graduated from USC and saw your ad in the paper and decided to give the job a shot," Damon said. He was soft spoken but his voice was deep and thundered as he spoke like an Olympian God.

"USC huh? You must have graduated with a large class because half of the people who have applied came from there," I said smiling weakly.

"Yes sir. Over 5,000 people this year, up from 3,500 the year before. In my school, the school of business, we had 1,000 people alone. But I'm sure you can see that by the resume," He said, smiling. His teeth were almost a perfect white and there was something about his smile that seemed so trusting and honest. Maybe it was the whole incident from before but I felt safe for some reason when he was in the room. Maybe he just wasn't another loser applicant.

"Yes, I see that. Graduated with honors, a 3.89 GPA. That's quite impressive Damon. Almost too impressive for a job like this. It doesn't pay nearly what you probably could be making you realize," I said to him, testing to see how he would respond to such a negative approach.

"Yes sir, I know. But ever since I was 10 years old I've always dreamed of being around movie stars. That's why me and my mama moved here to L.A. - she wanted to be near them too. I can't act at all and probably should have been a football player but I just don't have the speed. I figure, your company is probably the closest I'm ever going to come to being around famous people," He said, brushing my comment on money off completely. Damon seemed very humble, a rarity out here in Los Angeles, not to mention the fact that he wasn't an actor.

"So you just want to work here, despite the low pay, to follow your dream?" I said, swiveling back in my chair. I had him in my sights now. This question would test his determination and commitment I felt and would decide if he would get the job or not.

"Yes sir, without a doubt. My mama always said to follow your heart; to follow your dream. And this is my dream, even if I won't get paid much to do it. I promise you though Mr. Simonds, that I will be here an hour before the office opens and stay as late as you need me without a single complaint," Damon said, smiling. His nervousness was gone and I realized that I felt like I was talking to a long lost friend just now, hearing him pour his heart out to me. I may have become jaded by the L.A. lifestyle but I wasn't heartless.

"That's very noble Damon. Very noble in deed..." I said, trailing off. I couldn't resist keeping him waiting in anticipation. "Congratulations, you have the job,"

Damon's face lit up like a firework. His already beaming smile grew wider and his eyes shone with excitement.

"Thank you sir, you won't regret it. I promise you," Damon said, leaning across my desk to shake my hand. His hand dwarfed mine considerably but he had a firm handshake, which was always good.

"I might hold you to that Damon," I said with a grin. "Now, when can you start?"

"As soon as you need me sir," Damon said, almost giddy with excitement.

"Good. I need you now. Go out of this office, down the hall and to your right. There is a coffee machine and a food prep area. I have a client coming in any time now and I want to have some fresh drinks and fruit for her, should she need it. If you need any help on how to work the espresso machine, just ask someone. Welcome aboard and please, call me Dean," I said to him.

"Yes sir, I'll get right on it," Damon said with a start, jumping out of the chair and heading down the hall. I couldn't help but grin as he went, excited as a kid on his first day of school.

I smiled as he left and started on some paper work, but it wasn't long before I was interrupted again. A knock on my office door caused me to look up and as the door opened, Penelope Cruz walked in.

A budding starlet, Penelope was already a star in her native Spain and had started on becoming famous here in America. She wasn't very tall, 5'5 maybe and had the body type of a model. Dressed casually in a black baby doll t-shirt and a pair of jeans, her long brown hair swaying over her shoulder as she walked in.

"Dean? I hope I'm not interrupting anything. There wasn't a secretary out there so I just sort of let myself in," Penelope said with a smile, her English dotted with a Spanish accent.

"No of course not Penelope, come on in and have a seat. No, I actually just hired someone to replace Julie now that she...won't be coming back," I said, trailing off a little bit.

"OH! Of course! How silly of me, I forgot about that! I'm sorry Dean, I didn't mean to bring it up. I just heard about it the other day because I was in Canada and...I'm sorry, how thoughtless of me," Penelope said apologetically.

"That's alright, I hardly expect my clients to keep up with my personal life," I said with a slight smile.

The door opened again softly and in walked Damon, carrying a pitcher of water and a tray of fresh mango, orange and kiwi slices.

"Mr. Simonds, I mean Dean, I got the fruit you wanted and..." Damon said, stopping suddenly when Penelope turned to look at him. The tray wobbled in his hand and I thought for a second that he was going to drop it.

"Oh, sorry...I umm...didn't know...umm...there was someone in here. I'm sorry!" Damon said in a jumbled sentence, setting the tray on the corner of my desk and backing out quickly.

"Thank you Damon!" I yelled to him as he shut the door quickly.

Penelope turned to me and grinned. "The replacement?" she said laughingly.

"Yeah. How did you guess?" I said with a laugh. "I hired him about two minutes before you got here. He's obviously a little wet behind the ears," I said.

"That's ok. Better innocent than jaded to life out here," Penelope said.

"I suppose so. Now, where were we?" I said to her.

Penelope and I discussed her having a role in a few upcoming and planned sequels from the studios. Nothing A list star material but it might do her career good to be in a blockbuster or two. While we were talking, I couldn't help but stare at her long, shapely legs and firm tummy. Natalie and I had promised to get back together whenever possible but we never said that dating (or fucking in my case) other people was out of the question. So while I tried not to be too obvious about it, Penelope continued to talk.

"Well, you are the agent. If you think one of these roles would be best then I'll trust your judgment," Penelope said with a smile. I wasn't listening to her though and was instead lost in tracing for the millionth time from her petite feet up to where her legs crossed.

"Dean? Are you listening to me? No beleive esto, él estoy mirando fijamente mis piernas!" Penelope muttered to herself.

"I was not!" I said to her with a start. I may have been raised up north but I knew my Spanish. You had to in this town.

"Oh really?" Penelope said slyly. "Then what did I say?"

"You said 'I don't believe this, he is checking out my legs'" I retorted, smiling from the knowledge that I knew exactly what she said.

"Hmm...your high school Spanish paid off," Penelope grinned. "But if you weren't checking out my legs then why were you so distracted?"

"I don't know, it's just been so hard to focus," I lied. "Since the incident I mean. I lost a good friend as well as a great secretary,"

"Ahh...I understand. Well, in my country we have ways of making people feel better and deal with their grief. I can show you if you'd like," Penelope said.

"I'd love to," I said, knowing full well where this would lead (not that I was complaining).

"Ok then. Well first off, part of the healing process involves eating and being merry. So let's just use this fruit your kind assistant brought in to help speed things along," Penelope said, standing up and grabbing an orange slice as she walked over and stood in front of me.

"Fresh fruit is a great way to start. And some men say that citrus is a great aphrodisiac," Penelope said, slowly biting off a piece of the orange and sucking in sexily on the juice.

"Here, try a bite," Penelope said, slowly lowering her hand towards my mouth. I parted my lips and let her put the piece of fruit into my mouth, licking the juices off of her fingers. The fruit was sweet and tangy, and Penelope's fingers were delicate and small as they entered my mouth, the tips brushing across my tongue.

Reaching down, she took another piece of fruit in one hand and continued to feed it to me in a very erotic way. Maybe the fruit really was an aphrodisiac or maybe it was just having Penelope standing just a foot away from me, her rich womanly musk filling my nostrils, but I was getting extremely hard inside my boxers.

Licking a dribble of juice that ran down her arm while she was giving me the pieces of fruit, Penelope spoke again.

"The other good stress alleviator I know," she said, slowly reaching her hands under her shirt and pulling it up her dark, olive flesh revealing large b-cup breasts straining against her black lace bra "is sex. But I'm sure you already knew that one right?" Penelope said, moving her hands down to her hips and beginning to sway them back and forth sexily as she unbuttoned her jeans and began to slide them off.

"Of course. That's not a cultural secret by a long shot," I said softly, moving my hands up to cup her breasts.

"MMMMmm....that's good. Because if it were, I wouldn't be able to let you leave alive," Penelope murmured, throwing her head back in enjoyment as my thumbs rubbed over her nipples, making them stiff and pointy as they pressed against her breasts.

Penelope reached behind her back and undid her bra, letting her breasts come free. They were gorgeous, as dark as the rest of her body. Her nipples were medium size, as were her areolas, her nipples a lighter shade of brown than the rest of her breasts. They hung naturally on her model-like body frame, protruding from her chest in a just-right size that made them perfect for squeezing and fondling, both of which I was doing right now.

Penelope was anxious to get my pants down but I thought better of it.

"Let's do this in a little bit more comfortable spot," I said to her, taking her by the hand and leading her to my couch on the other side of the room. Penelope lay on the couch with her legs propped up on an arm of the sofa, her legs spread with her left leg on the floor. I walked over to the office door and locked it, the soft click of metal on metal filling the room quietly. Approaching Penelope, I noticed she had wasted no time getting started without me, as she had one hand on her breasts, teasing and squeezing them softly as she used her other hand inside of her panties to play with herself (When her jeans came off, I don’t know). Her rich brown hair was now totally unencumbered and was splayed out all over the other arm of the sofa, where her head was resting.

Getting onto my knees, I slowly began to kiss my way up her leg, tracing my tongue up the inner portion of her calf, causing her to shudder as my tongue got closer to her sweet spot. Enjoying the moment, I decided to tease Penelope a little more (as if she needed it. Her moans were softly escaping her beautiful lips as she was lost in her own world of lust.). I walked to the desk and grabbed the tray of fruit from my desk. Approaching her, I climbed onto the couch next to her.

Penelope's brown eyes flew open, alert and alive with sexual energy as she watched me move a piece of fruit from the tray to her belly, hanging it just a few inches from her body. Her hand busily was working on getting herself off from her own juices, I decided to add a little bit of extra juice for good measure. As my hand neared her breasts, I squeezed on the slice of fruit, a mango, over them, letting the fresh juice slowly drip onto her body, covering her breasts and cleavage with the sticky nectar. I lowered my mouth to her breasts and used my tongue to lick up the juice, slowly moving my mouth over her hard nipples. Penelope gasped in pleasure as I squeezed more juice onto her left breast and quickly sucked and licked it clean, getting almost all of her breast in my mouth.

The taste was like an exotic flavor I have never tasted, a mingling of the sweetness of the fruit and the salty flavor of her sweating, glistening body. I bit the fruit and ate it, moving my mouth up to Penelope's so that I could taste both the sweetness of it and her delicious mouth. Penelope hungrily returned the kiss, her tongue moving in and out of my mouth like a snake as we explored each other.

The kiss broken, I climbed up further on the couch and climbed between Penelope's legs. My finger still sticky with the juice of the fruit, I slowly traced it down her tummy until I hit her panty line. Bringing my mouth back up to her belly, I licked where the juice had been and then grabbed her panties in my teeth and slowly began to pull them down, using just my mouth alone.

As I got closer to her sticky, moist cunt, the smell and musk of her self inducing orgasm filled my nostrils. It was an intoxicating smell and one that I couldn't help but savor as I finally worked her panties off, sliding them down one leg. Her pussy was neatly shaved, a small v-shape of hair right above her entrance. It made her cunt look extremely sexy, with the contrast between her darkened skin and her even darker pussy hair.

Unbuckling my belt, I slid my pants off with one hand while using the other to caress and touch her silky, satiny skin. My boxer shorts falling to the floor, my hardening dick sprang free. I caught a glimpse of a devilish smile on Penelope's face as she saw my cock for the first time, her face lighting up with lust.

I climbed up next to Penelope and lifted one of her legs so that my prick was just a few inches from her glorious, sweet love hole. Holding her in my arms, we embraced in a kiss again as I set her leg atop the sofa, her hips now spread wide and ready to take my penetration. Using my hand, I nimbly guided my cock towards her hole, Penelope's hips bucking slightly back and forth towards it in anticipation. I already had a strand of precum oozing out from the head of my prick and with Penelope's combined wetness, I knew she would be ready to go.

In one sharp thrust, I pushed almost all of my 8 inches inside of her, causing both of us to rock hard against the arm of the sofa as we became one in our love making. Penelope lowered her other leg from the top of the sofa and laid it across my legs, scissoring me in as I started to thrust in and out of her. Our bodies rocked in unison as I pistoned in and out of her snatch. Penelope began to moan loudly and I was glad that the door to my office was sound proof.

My hands moved up to her breasts and I squeezed and fondled them, rubbing her brown nipples under my palms, her nipples incredibly erect. Penelope's hips were thrusting back on mine now, her pubic bone moving rapidly up and down my shaft. She lifted her head to watch our motion, her eyes filled with that same lustful amazement from earlier. Every time I would push my cock into her, she would gasp a little bit, her heaving chest and breasts bouncing up and down.

I felt Penelope shudder under me and a flood of warm juices escape from her cunt, spilling onto her leg and my lap. I hadn't had sex since Natalie left 2 weeks ago so I knew that my orgasm would come any moment (no pun intended). What finally pushed me over the edge was not any one thing Penelope did, but more of how her wet pussy felt against my fiery cock. As I thrust inside of her, touching the back of her cervix, Penelope's cunt spasmed a little bit from the pleasure and I felt her tight inner muscles contract around me, squeezing my cock like a vice. Without any control, I felt my cum shoot from my cock like a cannon, splattering against the back walls of her as I orgasmed.

Penelope bucked against me again as she came once more, our sweat, cum and the remnants of the sticky sweet fruit juice all mingling together in a mass of hair.

Pulling out of her, we both let out a collective sigh. But my cock was still rock hard and from the look on Penelope's face, she was still more than ready to go. Deciding to try something different, I took my prick in my hand and rubbed it against the crack in her ass, the head touching her pert, tiny little asshole. Penelope knew exactly what I wanted and lifted her legs again, spreading her ass cheeks wide to give me better access to her hole.

Slowly I worked the head of my cock into her ass, her asshole contracting naturally at the foreign invader. She relaxed her muscles some and it made it easier for me to enter her, although she was still incredibly tight. Getting about 3 inches inside of her, the rest easily slipped in. I held Penelope in my arms for a moment or two, savoring the feeling of an even tighter grip on my cock. She had grimaced a little at first as I was entering her ass, but now she seemed relaxed and ready for more. I pulled my shaft out most of the way, leaving the head and an inch or two inside of her and then before pushing myself back in.

It was slow going at first, trying carefully not to hurt her but yet still bring us both pleasure at the same time. To take her mind off of it, I slipped two fingers into her cunt and began to finger fuck her softly, timing it with the thrust of my hips. Her juicy wet snatch responded instantly to my touch, the feeling almost electric. I don't know what it is, but every girl I've ever been with who is even the slightest bit Hispanic has been absolutely incredible in bed, their body like a live firecracker. My fingers picked up the pace some and were soon disappearing in and out of her in a blur. For at least the fifth time of the afternoon, Penelope came again, this time coating my hand with a fresh batch of pussy juice that dribbled down my wrist and arm. Penelope took my hand in hers and moved it to her mouth, slowly licking and sucking her own juices from my hand a finger at a time.

Watching her do this was an incredible turn on and since we I had held out in fucking her in the ass for almost 45 minutes, this triggered me again. This time I saw it coming and began to shove in and out of her furiously. Pushing inside her as deep as I could go, I sprayed the inside of her ass with cum, the love juice coating my cock completely.

Penelope moved up and positioned herself so that she straddled me and bounced up and down as my cock softened inside of her, the juice trickling out of her holes and forming a frothy mess all over both of us. Finally she climbed off of my cock and laid atop my chest, both of us just catching our breath.

We must have dozed off because I was startled awake by a knock on the door.

"Dean? Are you there? Why is this door locked?" It was Damon.

Penelope was also awakened by the knock and we both struggled to get dress quickly and look presentable. Penelope was clothed in a flash and I was right behind her. I quietly snuck over to the door and unlocked it, walking back quickly to stand beside Penelope at my desk.

"It's uhh...not locked, just stuck. Try it again," I called to him, straightening my tie out.

The door swung open and Damon almost fell in after pushing on it.

"Oh...sorry. Just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving for the day. Man things are hectic here!" Damon said exasperatedly.

"Yea, they can be a little rough," I said in reply to him.

"Well Dean, this was a reproductive, I mean PRODUCTIVE meeting," Penelope said to me. "Give me a call at home later and you can fax over the final contracts,"

"Will do. Always a pleasure Penelope," I said as she walked out the door. Damon quickly jumped out of the way as she passed him, still a little star struck. Penelope smiled devilishly at him as she brushed past, giving his crotch a slight squeeze that caused Damon to jump almost a foot in the air.

With Penelope gone, Damon walked over to me.

"You two weren't...I mean, she didn't...why did she?" Damon said, stuttering over his words.

"Damon my man, all your questions will be answered in time. You still have a lot to learn and experience here but trust me, you won't regret it," I said, winking to him.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:40:02 PM
Chapter 17: Winona Ryder

* * * * *

"Are you sure you have everything Dean? Briefcase, luggage, passport, tickets..." Damon said, rushing around my office in a fever of activity.

"Yes Damon, I'm fine. I have everything. And if I don't, I'll just call you on my cell phone and have you FedEx it, ok?" I replied, standing at the door waiting on him to finish looking around so he could take me to the airport.

Damon stopped in the middle of the room, dropping his hands to his side and smiling weakly.

"Sorry, I just know how I get before trips. I freak out and always worry that I left something behind," he said.

"I have everything I need. Besides, this is a vacation. It's NOT a business meeting. Relax," I said, ushering him out the door.

We got into my BMW and headed to the airport, Damon driving frantically on the freeway like a maniac, trying to get me to the airport, despite my plane not leaving for 2 hours. I tried to tell him to relax and calm down but he seemed to ignore me, so I just let him do what he wanted.

Whipping into a parking space, he barely had cut off the engine before he flew out of the car, grabbing the luggage with him and hustled into the airport. I armed the car and chased to catch up behind him.

"Damon..." I said, jogging beside him. "Damon! DAMON!" I finally screamed, getting his attention and making him stop.

"Huh? What?" he said, out of breath as well.

"STOP. We can walk. The plane doesn't leave for over an hour. Relax," I said, grabbing his shoulder. He set the luggage down and wiped a small trickle of sweat from his bald forehead.

"Ok. We can walk the rest of the way," he said, picking up the suitcase and continuing on down the terminal calmly.

I checked in and boarded the plane a few minutes later. Damon had indeed chilled out while I boarded, his nervousness over being left to run the office while I was gone very apparent.

The plane took off after only a minor delay and I relaxed in my seat and enjoyed the plane ride on the non stop flight to Sweden, where I would spend the next week skiing. I had decided to take this vacation at the spur of the moment, the summer heat and energy crisis fiasco of California wearing me down. I hadn't skied since I was much younger back East, but felt that Sweden would be the perfect place to go and unwind. No celebrities to deal with, no headaches and nothing but a ski lodge and a mountain of pure white snow.

I arrived at the small airport outside the even smaller city where the resort was located. No terminal or rush of commuters around, I actually walked off the plane onto a tarmac. The air was bitter cold, a strong wind gust ripping at my face as I shielded myself from it. A line of cabs were waiting for passengers outside the airport, so I hopped in one and was on my way. The driver thankfully knew English and we arrived in no time.

After checking in, I went up to my room and took a long shower before taking a brief nap to kill some of my jet lag. Refreshed and ready to go, I walked down the mahogany stairs and scoped out the resort. A grand architectural style encompassed everything about the building, with a huge stair case leading to the second floor of rooms. The lobby/entrance area was plush and comfortable, the ceilings vaulted by two huge wooden beams. The roof was made of thick glass that looked out to the night sky, stars twinkling above. The lobby was practically vacant so I made my way to the bar, where I heard many revelers and fellow guests, speaking in a wide variety of languages, enjoying the thing that brings cultures together: alcohol.

The bar was rustic like the rest of the resort, with emerald green marble columns supporting the bar area itself. The back wall was lined with booths that were mostly empty, except for a few couples talking closely and intimately with one another. There was a very international flavor to the drink selection, as the majority of drinks above the bar I didn't know the slightest bit about.

"What can I get you sir?" said the bartender in a heavy Swedish accent.

"Jack & Coke please, with just a cube or two of ice," I replied, folding my hands on top of the bar and looking around. I glanced down to my right and saw a quite attractive blonde woman sitting alone, nursing a margarita. She smiled at me and I could tell she was checking me out. Not one to pass up the chance with a beautiful woman, I took my drink and went and sat next to her.

"Hi. My name is Dean," I said, extending my hand.

"Kate, pleased to meet you. You're an American as well?" she replied, holding out her hand daintily. Her fingers were long and thin, and she had quite beautiful hands, accented by a light baby blue shade of nail polish on her fingernails. The dress she was wearing matched her nails, a very light shade of blue held onto her buxom body by spaghetti straps.

"Yes, I'm from America. California actually. How about you?" I asked, smiling warmly at her.

"Dallas, Texas. I just came here to get away from the rush of the city and my job as a bank manager. I grew up in Colorado so I love to ski. How about you, where are you from and what do you do?" she asked.

"I'm originally from New York state, but I moved to California to take over my father's firm. I run Shooting Stars talent agency, one of the most prestigious Hollywood agencies in LA. Bank manager huh? Isn't that pretty slow and tedious stuff, besides handling all the money?" I asked, finishing off my drink and ordering her and myself another.

Kate laughed. "Well, it's not as bad as you would think it is, but I'm sure it's nothing like being around all those famous people all the time. Does your firm have many big star clients?" Kate asked.

"We have a few bankable stars. Sorry, that's Hollywood lingo. Yes, I represent people like Julia Roberts, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Love Hewitt and quite a few others that I can't think of right now because I think I drank that last drink too fast," I said, laughing.

"Wow, that's incredible! Tell me more!" Kate said, genuinely interested in what I did.

We continued talking for over an hour, downing drinks and laughing about the corporate world and the lives of celebrities. It was so nice talking to her, to talk to a real person and a real woman, not a pampered and rich star. Things were going along great and I was beginning to think that this conversation might lead to somewhere else (namely, my room). By the 5th or 6th drink, the conversation turned to sex and past affairs we had had.

While I was still on my feet and able to think and talk fairly well, I had drank so much in a while and I was feeling more than a little on the wasted side. And when I get drinking, my tongue starts to slip a little.

"My last boyfriend was an ass. He wanted me to do something really kinky. He said he wanted a three way with him, me and this girl from his work. I refused right on the spot, and dumped his ass a week later," Kate said, scraping off the salt from her margarita glass and licking it from her finger.

I don't know why I did it, but I just chose that break in the conversation to blurt out: "Three ways are nothing. I do them all the time. The most recent one I had was with Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow. You wouldn't BELIEVE how well those two girls fuck!" I said. I knew I had fucked up as soon as the words left my mouth, but it was too late.

Kate's face turned to one of shock and she stood up to go.

"You men...you are all the same. Thinking women are just your sexual playthings. Nice meeting you, but I have to go," Kate said, gathering her purse to leave.

And yet again my tongue got the best of me and I said to her: "Eh, don't worry about it. You're not attractive enough to be in a three way any ways,"

My drunken stupor was quickly broken when Kate slapped me across the face, the blow stinging and quite painful. She hurried out of the bar and disappeared around the corner. The rest of the bar had been watching the whole thing but quickly looked away when I glanced in their direction. The bartender seemed to be extremely occupied with a row of glasses that needed polishing and made no eye contact.

I was just about to leave when I heard a female voice laughing behind me.

"The great Dean Simonds gets rejected! I never thought I would live to see that day!" the voice said.

Spinning around on my heel, my head swimming, I was face to face with a woman I recognized instantly: Winona Ryder.

"Winona...what are you doing here? I am in Sweden aren't I, shouldn't you be in LA or somewhere shooting a movie?" I said, slurring my words together. My head had started to clear a little but I was still talking and reacting a little slow.

"I'm on vacation. I guess I just happened to pick the one spot where my agent's rival would be, haha." she said with a smile.

Winona was dressed very normal like, hardly any makeup on and her long dark brown hair pulled back behind her ears loosely. She wasn't wearing anything flattering, just a pair of ski pants and an oversized parka. Still, I had known right away who she was, her natural doe like beauty apparent even in this bar.

"Oh. Well, I'm on vacation too. Skiing actually. Just got here today, but I don't think things are going too well so far," I said.

"Well, if the way that woman treated you is any indication than I guess not. Dean, you've got to realize that the women from other parts of the world are nothing like LA women. They can't be wowed with your tales of sexual prowess. Even I wasn't that impressed and look at me, I've been in the business for a long time," Winona said, taking a sip of the beer she held in her hand.

"What do you mean? How ELSE should I try and pick up a woman?" I said, feeling utterly stupid in asking the question.

"Let me explain it to you. Here, why don't we step outside for a minute, let you clear your head in the cold air. I need a smoke anyways," Winona said.

I nodded and asked the bartender for a cup of coffee, black and followed Winona outside.

The air was indeed quite frigid and cold, snow falling lightly outside into the parking lot where a few SUVs and Mercedes sat, caked in it. The light from the lobby of the resort cast a pale yellow glow onto the world outside and the mountains loomed dark and foreboding a few miles away. The skyline was dotted with ski lifts hung suspended in the air, stopped for the night.

Winona and I sat across from each other on two wooden benches outside, the canopy ahead offering only a little bit of protection from the cold and bitter wind that would gust in occasionally.

I sipped my coffee while I watched Winona fish in her purse for a pack of Marlboro lights and her lighter. Pulling the long white stick from it's pack, the paper of it almost matching her pale white skin, her face was lit up as she sparked the lighter, the orange glow of the flame struggling not to go out in the wind.

"You know, those things will kill you," I said to her, watching as she inhaled and blew out a whiff of bluish smoke that was quickly ripped apart by the breeze.

"Yea, I know. And don't you tell my agent either. After I got chastised by the Surgeon General for being a 'female role model that portrays to young girls that smoking is ok in all of her movies'" Winona said in a deep, mocking voice, "My agent made me promise to quit. I tried, I really did. But sometimes, I just need one."

"We all have our little vices. You have your cigarettes, I have my full on sexual obsession with fucking celebrities," I said, trailing off.

Winona laughed, a little bit of the smoke billowing from her mouth. "That's your problem. You've lost touch with the normal woman," she said. "You need to go back to your days as a teenager. You need to know how to talk to her, find out what she wants and doesn't want and if she is your type or not,"

"Is that what works for you? Or are you just dispensing advice against celebrities while being a celebrity yourself?" I asked, drinking my coffee.

"I don't go for celebrities. I learned my lesson after Johnny Depp. Men who are famous or are around famous people get too full of themselves. They don't know how to just leave the business behind and be a real person. And while I think you are a cocky bastard who likes to brag about how much pussy he has nabbed, you still have a very normal 'every guy' heir about you," Winona said, stubbing out her cigarette and blowing out a final whiff of smoke.

"You think so huh? Well, I appreciate that. Except the cocky bastard part of course," I said with a smile. Winona smiled back.

"Don't mention it," she said, shivering a little. "I'm cold as hell, what say we hit the jacuzzi for a little bit. It closed an hour ago but I won't tell if you won't,"

"Sounds good to me. Let me just go up to my room and change," I said.

"No, you don't have to do that. I say we go skinny-dipping. I want to see if all those rumors about your, ahem, equipment are true," she said with a broad smile. The light from the hotel twinkled in her eyes and I thought I saw a flicker of lust and sexual desire in them (I've become quite attuned to picking up on that sort of thing).

"Well, I can assure you that it's all there. The question is, will you be joining me or am I going to just be putting on a show for you?" I asked, grinning at her.

"Don't worry, I'll play fair," Winona said.

We walked through the lobby and down an adjoining hallway towards the gym/spa area of the lodge. The jacuzzi and pool were at the very end of the hallway - private and secluded.

Winona went in first, not even hesitating to strip naked. In one motion, she had removed her parka and top. Next came her boots (all her articles of clothing flung haphazardly onto a nearby bench) and then her pants and panties and Winona was naked in almost 5 seconds. I watched her pale, lithe white body make it's way towards the jacuzzi, her firm and tight ass swaying and jiggling a little as she walked. Winona reached around her back and undid her hair, shaking it free over her shoulders as she entered into the jacuzzi slowly.

"Ooooo...that feels SO GOOD!" Winona exclaimed, the steam from the bubbling whirlpool encompassing her whole body.

Turning around to face me, I made out Winona's large breasts and her dark red areolas in the light, her pussy hidden under the water.

"Well? Aren't you coming? I want to see that thing!" Winona said at me, holding an arm out and beckoning, her finger moving in a "come hither" position.

Strange as it was, I was a little hesitant to strip naked. I didn't know what to expect from this situation - if Winona really just wanted to relax and talk (while we were both naked for some reason) or if she wanted to fuck. With a little bit of hesitation, I removed all of my clothing and walked into the jacuzzi.

The water felt warm and comforting, soaking into my skin and relaxing the tension in my muscles from the long flight earlier in the day. The steam filled my nostrils, a chlorine smell that felt heated and relaxing. I couldn't help but recline a bit in the jacuzzi and just enjoy the flow of water.

Winona lay across from me with her eyes closed, also enjoying the relaxation. Her nipples and breasts swayed gently in the current of the water, the tops of her breasts sticking out just above the waters surface. "I could lay here forever. Everything just seems to melt away," she said.

Winona opened her eyes and a wide grin spread her face. "Ok, now, let's see that thing of yours! Stand up!" she said.

I gave her a kind of puzzled look, still trying to scope out the situation. Nevertheless, I placed my hands on the side of the spa and lifted myself up, so that I towered above Winona. Coincidence or not, my half erect dick hung just at the same level as her mouth.

"Here, come closer. I want to touch it!" Winona giggled.

Taking a step forward, my nine inch cock was now inches from her face. Winona lifted her arm from the bubbly water and wrapped her hand around my prick. Her fingers were small and surprisingly a little cold, despite the temperature of the water. I jumped a little when she touched me but as she began to run her hand up and down my member, I quickly adjusted.

It didn't take more than a few strokes before my cock had grown to full length. Winona stopped jerking and admired it, playing with my balls in her hand and rubbing the palm of her hand over the head.

"My my my...Jessica was right. You ARE quite well hung.I wonder how you taste..." Winona said, lowering her mouth over my prick. Her mouth was warm and inviting, just the like the water that I stood in. Winona's mouth moved down to the base of my shaft, her throat working in one motion to deep throat me. She slowly pulled her mouth off of my dick, her lips making a smacking sound as they popped off from the head.

"Tastes good too. Ok, that's all I wanted to know. You can sit down now," Winona said.

I stood there dumbfounded, my dick still coated in a layer of Winona's saliva.

"What? Sit down Dean, that thing is distracting," Winona said. Not knowing what else to do, I followed her order.

"You didn't REALLY think I was going to fuck you just like that did you?" Winona said, an evil little grin on her face. "No, don't worry, you'll get laid tonight. But first, I'm going to teach you how to please a woman,"

"First things first, you need to know how to eat a pussy. You have been kind enough to return the favor to a woman before haven't you?" Winona asked. I was getting a little angry by her methods but I wanted to see where she was going with this.

"Yes, of course I have. Just ask your 'friend' Jessica. Or any of the other celeb women I've been with," I replied angrily.

"Alright, alright. Calm down. Just a question. Let's just see if you can put your money where your mouth is," Winona said, grinning. She lifted herself up out of the jacuzzi and onto the edge of the wooden railing beside it.

Spreading her legs slightly, Winona's cunt was just a foot or so away. "Come on Dean, let's see what you got," she said, holding her inner pussy lips open a little.

I moved my way over towards her pussy, the odor from it strong and pungent, filling my nose with an intoxicating aroma. Her legs and outer lips were wet with the water from the jacuzzi, with a slight foam of bubbles. She was shaven in a V pattern around her cunt lips, and I could see moisture inside of her pussy.

Lowering my head towards her, I heard her take a sharp intake of breath as my tongue touched her. Winona relaxed a little and I began to lick her.

I began to move my tongue around her lips, delving it in sporadically towards her hole, opening her pussy up like a flower with every thrust of my nimble tongue. Burrowing my face deeper into her, I slid my tongue into the depths of her tight pussy, licking around and searching for her clit. Winona closed her legs tighter around my head instinctively, making it hard for me to breath in my wet, hot jungle. I thought I was doing a good job eating her out but apparently Winona wanted to give me some tips.

"No no no, you are doing it all wrong. What you have to do is move your tongue over theRRREE!!! WOAH! KEEP DOING THAT!" Winona said. With a flick of my tongue, I wrapped it around her clit and began sucking my tongue backwards over it. Right about when I started doing this was when Winona's complaining began, and it quickly shut her up.

"Ooooooo! Yes! Right there Dean! Yes! Don't stop! Keep licking my clit! Oh God, oh God! Yes, I'm CUMMMMMINNNNGGG!!!!" Winona screamed, her voice echoing in the small room, bouncing from the wooden walls. I felt a flood of juice hit my face as Winona orgasmed, an excess of her cum leaking down my chin and into the jacuzzi. Winona's juices tasted sweet, a tangy taste that danced around on my tongue. I swallowed half a mouth full of her cum, the rest falling on my face. I glanced up and saw Winona laying down on the floor, her legs dangling in the water. Winona was catching her breath, so I dunked my head under the hot water and rinsed my face off.

When I lifted my head back up, refreshed from the steamy water, Winona was laying across the jacuzzi, reclined and relaxed, her toe dipping lazily in the water.

"You don't mind if I have a cigarette do you? That orgasm was just TOO fucking great! I mean, I heard you were good and all but WOW!" Winona said. I told her I didn't mind so she fished out a smoke from ehr nearby purse and lit it, exhaling the smoke above her. The odor was pungent in sweet, and made for an interesting scent when mixed with the smell of sex and the chemicals from the pool and spa.

I moved back to the side of the jacuzzi and just watched her, Winona's breasts moving up and down slowly as she inhaled, her pert nipples still aroused from the sexual activity.

"Dean, stand up. I want to try something," Winona said. I stood up in the jacuzzi and looked down at her. Taking my half hard cock in her hand, Winona pulled me over towards her. She stroked up and down the shaft of my cock quickly, getting me hard in a heartbeat. Then, with her other free hand Winona put the cigarette to her lips and inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in her mouth.

Lowering her head over my cock, Winona opened her mouth as she let my dick slide between her lips. My member fully in her mouth now, Winona exhaled lightly around me. At first I felt nothing but then suddenly my cock began to tingle all over, the heat and chemicals in the smoke causing my cock to react strongly. I felt myself grow so hard it almost hurt, as I looked down and watched the smoke billow out away from my balls like steam escaping from an engine. The tingling continued as the last trails of smoke spilled out, and Winona lifted her mouth from me.

I was gasping from shock, the sensation unlike anything I ever had felt before. I looked back down at Winona and she was grinning at me wildly.

"I had heard that gets men extremely turned on. Something in the chemicals from the smoke. So, you wanna fuck now?" she said.

I didn't answer, only jumped over at her playfully and rolled on top of her. She lifted her head up to kiss me and I returned the kiss, feeling her naked body pressed beneath me as my cock lay inches from her snatch, resting on my stomach. Putting my arms above her shoulders, I lifted up my hips and we both watched as my cock slowly moved down to her pussy and I pushed forward, the tip of my head sliding into her.

Winona gasped a little and exhaled, as I lowered my weight onto her and pushed more of my cock into her. Winona's pussy was not as tight as I thought it would have been, but it was warm and soft, and she seemed to have great control over the inner muscles. I felt her squeeze around my shaft as I finally had all 9 inches inside of her.

I wasted no time pistoning in and out of her, because I knew that the little blow job trick she had just done would make me cum pretty quickly. Rocking my hips back and forth inside of her, I moved my head down to her panting chest. Winona was lost in her own world, her head writhing around and bouncing back and forth as I slammed in and out of her. Our bodies wet from the water, we moved back and forth in a rhythm like a well oiled machine. The only sound heard in the room was the sound of my balls slamming against the crack in Winona's ass and her occasional moans.

I felt my load building up in my balls as I bucked harder into Winona. She sensed I was coming, how she knew I have no idea. Still, she egged me on to get my balls ready to unload inside of her snatch.

"Yea Dean, I can feel you about to come. Well do it for me baby, unleash your load inside me. I want to feel you in me! Do it! Do it! Do it!!!!!!!!!" Winona screamed again. I felt my balls tighten up and I did just as she said, shooting wave after wave of cum inside of her. The orgasm was incredibly intense, probably due to all the teasing and encouragement Winona was giving me.

After 4 or 5 spurts, and after cumming for almost a minute, I finally subsided and pulled my soft cock from Winona's snatch. She rolled over onto her stomach and slowly lowered herself back into the water. We laid on top of each other for a few minutes, not saying anything. Winona fondled my balls a little while I teased her nipples. It was just casual sex but I knew that both of us had enjoyed it a lot.

"So, did I live up to what you had heard about me?" I finally said.

"Oh yea, without a doubt," Winona sighed contentedly.

The rest of my vacation, I spent (unlike my original plan), hanging out with Winona. She had gotten there only a day before me and we both were planning on staying the same amount of time. We skied, swam in the pool and just relaxed, enjoying each others company. I didn't even think once during the whole vacation of bringing her over to my firm - I just enjoyed her company and got to know her as a real person, not just a celebrity. Recharged and refreshed when I left, I returned to LA.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:41:23 PM
Chapter 18: Lucy Liu / Zhang Ziyi

* * * * * *

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations. Most normal people don't find themselves in such awkward situations as the one I am in right now - frantically trying to get rid of this suitcase bomb sitting on my hotel bedroom. I can hear two women screaming around me, freaking out - Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi. I'm trying to ignore them and concentrate on cutting the right wire, or at least figuring out a way to stop the timer, but it's hard to focus. My mind keeps wandering back to what led up to this happening, two days before.

It all started when Lucy Liu came into my office, without an appointment. I was on the phone with my current love interest, Natalie Portman, when Lucy busted in through the door.

"Yes Natalie, I'm doing fine. How about you? How is the play going? Good...good" I said, before Lucy scared the shit out of me by opening the door.

"Dean, I need to talk to you NOW!" Lucy said, walking up to my desk and putting her hand down hard, rattling the wood and the pen holder on the desk.

"Natalie? I have to go. I'll call you back. Yes, I love you too. Bye," I said, hanging up. "You know, I really don't appreciate that Lucy. I DO have a personal life you know." I said to her.

"Dean, this is important. You have to help my friend Zhang, her agent is about to ruin her career." Lucy said, pacing back and forth in front of my desk. She was dressed in a no nonsense dress that clung to her curvaceous body, her long black hair tied up behind her in a tight bun. Any other day, I would have loved spending time with her - but this interruption had pissed me off.

"Zhang? Who the hell is Zhang?" I said.

Lucy pulled out a copy of Variety from her purse and slammed it on my desk. On the front page was a picture of the two stars of "Rush Hour 2", Jackie Chan & Chris Tucker. Between them was a strikingly beautiful, petite Asian girl.

"THAT is Zhang," Lucy said, pointing. I scanned the article attached to the photo and read about her. It was just a fluff piece on her current stardom, including (something I hadn't remembered at first) her stint as the main female character in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". In the picture, her smile was wide but polite, a Hollywood smile for sure. She looked beautiful in the semi-crumpled newspaper, and I was certainly more willing now to listen to what Lucy had to say.

"Ok, now that I know who she is, what can I do about it? She's not my client, you are," I said.

Lucy scowled at me, very similar to the gesture her character Ling used often on "Ally McBeal". Sitting down in the chair and appearing a little more calm, Lucy began to explain.

"See, like me, Zhang is Chinese. Well, I'm Chinese-American, she is just a Chinese actress COMING to America. Any ways, the current agent she has now, also Chinese, is named Lao Hwrong. He is ruthless in China, and is known as being not only a strong Communist backer, but also known to abuse his stars in more ways than just ruining their careers. We are talking small children here Dean...not a nice guy," Lucy said.

"Ok, but it's not my business to investigate how other agents run their firms. So I'm afraid that I..." I started to say, before Lucy cut me off.

"Look Dean, she really needs your help. Just go to his office and talk to him, maybe you two can work something out. Now that she is a big star, I think that he might put her in some horrible movies just to exploit her, porn films and God knows what else. Come on, do it for me please?" Lucy said, begging.

"Alright, fine. Give me his phone number and I will talk to him. Maybe we can buy out her contract," I said with a sigh. Lucy clapped her hands excitedly and fished out his number from her purse.

I made the call the next day, and set up a meeting with Lao that night. His American office was located in San Diego, so I knew it would be a bit of a drive. Judging by what Lucy had told me, this guy may not be a person to piss off if I didn't make him a worthwhile offer and the address he had given me to meet him at, I knew, was a pretty bad part of town. Just to be on the safe side, I had Damon meet me at my house before we left to accompany me for back up.

I was upstairs in my bedroom packing an over night bag when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in Damon, I'm up here," I said. I heard the door open and close but no foot steps on the stairs. Puzzled, I went to the top of the stairs and looked down. Damon was standing there, jaw open and staring all around at the living room area, admiring the house.

"You like?" I said, grinning a little as I walked down the stairs to meet him.

"I like it a lot. And this was your father's you say?" Damon said, still looking around.

"Yes. He left it to me when he died. Pretty amazing that he made this much money, but then again he was in the business for decades. Come on, I'm almost ready to go," I said.

I handed Damon my duffel bag and walked down the hallway towards one of the spare rooms. Right outside the door was a painting. Lifting it from the wall gently, I pushed it aside to reveal the small safe behind it. A few turns of the knob and it was open. I reached inside and pulled out a small black box and carried it out to the hallway.

In the more lighted hall, I kneeled on the ground and set the box on top of my briefcase. Opening the box, I pulled out a small, 9mm handgun and an ammo clip. Punching the clip into the gun, it startled Damon and he looked down at me wide eyed.

"Is this thing going to be THAT serious?" he said, staring at me a little uneasily.

"You never know. Besides, I have a permit, so I'm not worried about getting in trouble," I said. I put the gun back into it's case and put the case inside of my briefcase. Picking it up off the floor, I headed towards the front door with Damon behind me. We hopped in the car and were off.

With traffic on the freeway, it took a little longer than usual to get to San Diego, but we made it to the meeting place with 15 minutes to spare. Damon hadn't said a word on the way there, but just kept looking occasionally when he didn't think I was watching at the briefcase on the floor beneath his feet. It was incredibly dark on the street as we pulled up, the two street lights bulbs long since broken. There was only the dim light of apartment buildings a block or so down to guide us as we walked out of the car, the isolated, run down house of our rendezvous off of a side street.

Walking up to the front door, we didn't even knock before the door flew open, a large Asian man busting through with a girl being drug behind him by her hair. He yelled something in Chinese to her and flung her out onto the yard, her small body crumpling a little bit when she landed. I heard the girl sob a little as she picked herself up and staggered away, her clothing making her appear to be a hooker.

The girl now handled, the Asian man snapped his head towards us and stared. I felt a lump in my throat from nerves but managed to keep my voice calm.

"We are here to see Mr. Hwrong," I said, hoping the man didn't notice my hand trembling as it held my briefcase. Damon was a foot or two behind me and I could hear his excited breathing as he too tried to appear normal.

The large man grunted and then walked back inside, motioning for us to follow him. The house had managed to contain light very well from the street outside, with heavy drape curtains covering the windows from floor to ceiling. The further in we walked, the more dilapidated and disturbing the house became. It was much larger than it appeared to be from outside, with a dim hallway leading off to at least three bedrooms. I could hear the sounds of moaning coming from one of the closest rooms and figured that some of Lao's "talent" were giving an Oscar winning performance. As we passed through the kitchen, I saw two men sitting at a table playing a miniature pachinko machine. Next to them were two AK-47s and enough ammo to take out a small city. One of them downed a drink and leered at us as we walked by.

Finally we turned a corner and were led down a small flight of stairs to the garage, which was partially below ground. The steel door to the garage was locked, but the man who led us in put in a key and opened the door for us.

The garage had been converted into a sort of office, with a couple of desks and a couch with a big screen television in front of it. To my surprise, Mr. Hwrong was sitting in a desk in the far corner of the garage, reading over some papers. As we approached him, I couldn't help but stare at the posters on the wall - communist propaganda pieces from all over the world, including Russia and Cuba. Lao saw us approach and stood to greet us.

He was an older man, in his late 50s by my guess, and was wearing a sport coat and slacks, his tie loose around his neck. His shirt was stained with sweat and he appeared to be just another over-worked citizen. He ushered us to sit down, but only after giving Damon a look of distaste. The large man who led us in walked over to stand beside Lao as he sat down, crossing his hands at his waist and standing as straight as a board.

"So, Mr. Simonds, you are inquiring about becoming the agent of our young Zhang, no?" Lao said. His accent was heavy with Chinese, but his English seemed to be pretty good.

"Yes, that's right. I can offer you a very good deal if you will sign her contract over to me and let my firm take over," I replied, settling into what seemed like just another business deal.

"Mr. Simonds, let me assure you that money is no value to me. In my country, we place great emphasis on pride and tradition, and Zhang has brought us great pride from her, how do you say, star power? For her to leave me and for my company to no longer represent her at a time when she is such a popular star, would cause us to lose great face in the international business world," Lao said. He was playing hardball now and I knew that if I wasn't careful with my next steps, I would blow any chance I had.

"I understand that Mr. Hwrong, but I can promise you that this will happen with the utmost delicacy to ensure that no one loses face and that you or your company are disrespected. If you will just take a look at my generous offer, I assure you that..." I said, but Lao interrupted me by suddenly slamming his fists on the table.

"MR. SIMONDS! YOU ARE NOT UNDERSTANDING ME!" he yelled, before settling his voice down a bit. "Zhang will not be leaving us. She has become like a daughter to me and I value her tremendously, not only for other acting abilities but for other ways that she pleases me. I am sure that you can understand that a father would not want to give up his daughter would he?" Lao said.

"Only if the father wasn't a dirty old man like you are," Damon said, startling everyone in the room for speaking for the first time.

Lao was a little taken aback. "Ah, I see your bodyguard here has more to him than just large stature. I do not know what sort of dirty things he is speaking of but I CAN tell you that if he dares insult me again neither one of you will be leaving here, except perhaps on a stretcher," Lao said in a very cold voice.

"I apologize Mr. Hwrong, Damon is new to this business. He WON'T be speaking again and will leave that up to you and I," I said, elbowing Damon hard in the side. Damon lost his breath for a moment but now understood the gravity of the situation and didn't say another word.

"Very well. But honestly gentlemen, I believe that we are finished here. I would bring Zhang out here to meet you but I think that it would be for naught now that I know you have nothing to offer me. Good day gentleman, My associate here will show you to the door," Lao said, standing to leave. I had to act quick.

"Wait! Since we are in the land of freedom and choice, why don't you just bring Zhang out here, just for a second, and have her hear what we have to say. If you are so confident that she will stay with you, at least then I can know for myself," I said, standing up to face Lao. He was much taller than I had thought, very tall for such an older man.

Lao was clearly considering the idea, the expressions and thoughts running across his face.

"Hmm...alright, I see no harm in that. Although be prepared gentlemen for a shock when Zhang proves her devotion to me. I will have my assistant here go get her, she is in one of the back bedrooms ahhh...rehearsing for a part. Just one moment," Lao said. I breathed a sigh of relief under my breath, knowing that the deal was still alive. We both sat down and waited for a minute or two while the large bodyguard went and got her.

I heard some shuffling of feet behind us and a woman's voice say something hurriedly in Chinese. Zhang was then brought to stand next to Lao before us. She was wearing a silk robe, obviously put on in a hurry. Her skin and face were flushed with sweat and lord only knows what she had been doing before she got here. But it was certainly Zhang Ziyi, the beautiful woman from Variety I had seen before. She was much more beautiful in person, her pale white skin like a porcelain doll. Fixing her hair, she straightened up in front of us and stood rigid, as if she were going to be on display.

Lao said something to her in Chinese and then switched over to English.

"Zhang, this is Dean Simonds. He is a fellow agent and he is here to try and lure you away from leaving my company. But you are devoted to us right?" Lao said, his hand gripping Zhang's wrist tightly.

But Zhang wasn't playing ball. "I...I don't know. What does he have to offer?" she said in broken English, her voice wavering a little as she began to understand the situation. I had to speak quick, to keep her interested before Lao crushed any chance of her coming with me.

"I can get you roles in the hottest movies that are out, good movies too like Crouching Tiger was. You will have complete creative control over your character and can pick and choose your movies on a whim. Plus of course, I can guarantee you $2 million a picture," I said, all in one breath.

Zhang's mouth dropped a little in shock and then she looked slowly from Lao to me and then back to Lao.

"Ye..yes, that sounds like a very, how do you say, agreeable deal. Where are the papers that I must sign?" Zhang said. Lao however, had had enough. He jumped from his chair quickly and took Zhang's wrist and began to pull her away from the table violently.

"You ungrateful girl, after all I did for you. Well, you will not leave here until I say you will!" Lao snarled. I don't know why I did it, but I pulled my gun from my briefcase quickly and held it up to Lao's face. He stopped dead in his tracks, while his bodyguard reached for his gun and aimed it straight at my chest.

Things got very tense, very quickly.

I felt my heart thudding in my chest as I held the barrel of my 9mm a few inches from Lao's forehead. His eyes were watching my arm and hand, and the slight trembling that they were both doing. I started to speak, my voice dry and raspy.

"You heard her Lao...she would like to join my firm. Now, just let her go and let us get out of here and no one will get hurt. And most importantly, I will not call the police and tell them about what I saw that goes on here, and I am sure is just a fraction of your real activities. So please, let Zhang go and we will be on our way, no harm no foul," I said, struggling to keep my voice calm.

"Yes. That would be a good idea," Lao said. Everyone in the room could hear him swallow loudly as he clearly tried to contain his rage. "You may exit through the garage door so as not to alert any of my other house guests," he said. Very slowly, I saw his grip on Zhang's wrist loosen and finally let go as her hand came free, a light red mark left where he had gripped her wrist tightly.

Zhang quickly ran behind Damon and they both began to back out towards the exit of the garage. My gun still pointed at his head, I watched as Lao reached into his pocket (his eyes never leaving my arm) and pulled out a garage door opener. He pushed the button and the whole room shook, the door opening slowly as it creaked on it's track. I walked backwards out of the garage and as soon as I was a few feet out the door, dropped my gun to my side and ran like hell back to my car.

Damon and Zhang were already inside, and had left my drivers door open so I could quickly slide into the seat and rev the engine. I gunned the motor and floored it and within a few minutes we were back on the freeway.

I took Damon home and put Zhang up in a hotel a little bit outside the city, the room reserved to a fake name. I headed home, making sure to look to see if anyone was following me.

The next day, I picked up Zhang at her hotel and she rode with me into the office, where I was going to call Lucy and have her come greet us. Zhang followed me into my office and sat down in a chair while I dialed Lucy's number. Zhang had cleaned up in the hotel room and looked much better, her hair now flowing freely over her shoulders. I had given her some money and sent her to the mall to buy some clothes, for which she came back with a red dress and a pair of white shoes. She was very quiet and reserved, but also very polite when she did speak (although neither of us mentioned the night before). My guess is that Lao had her conditioned very well, almost to the point of being a servant.

Lucy's phone rang about three times and then she finally picked up.

"Hello?" I heard her voice say. Even though she was Chinese-American, Lucy had a very recognizable dialect: New York.

"Hey Lucy, it's Dean. You are still in LA I see, that's good. Listen, I've got someone here who would like to talk to you," I said, smiling up at Zhang. She returned the smile, a very reserved but pretty one.

Zhang said something in Chinese (I'm guessing it was "Hello"). There was a momentary pause before Lucy spoke again, also in Chinese. Her tone was hesitant but it was easy to tell she was trying to figure out if it was really Zhang. They both began replying to each other in escalating voices of excitement. I was, of course, totally lost in what they were saying but it wasn't long before they were giggling and laughing with each other like excited school girls. Finally, they stopped talking and Lucy spoke again in English.

"Dean, thank you so much. We HAVE to get together tonight for dinner, and bring Zhang. It's the least I can do to repay you for risking your life to get her away from that awful agent," Lucy said over the speaker phone.

"I'd be honored. Are you any good of a cook?" I asked jokingly with her. Zhang smiled down at me, nodding that Lucy was.

"Well, you will have to just wait and see. And if you don't like the food, there is always a little Chinese place around the corner," Lucy said. There was silence in the conversation for a moment, as I was too slow to pick up on the joke.

"That was a joke Dean, you are supposed to laugh. You know, humor?" Lucy said.

"Good one Lucy," I said sarcastically. "It had me in stitches. We will be there at 8, ok?"

"Sounds good. Oh, and bring your appetite, I've got a special dinner planned just for you," Lucy said before we hung up.

Zhang and I showed up at 8 sharp and rang the doorbell. Lucy greeted us dressed in a red kimono and barefooted, the robe barely reaching up to her mid calf. I had dressed comfortably, in just a pullover shirt and jeans and Zhang was still wearing the new clothes she had bought earlier. Lucy led us in and we all sat down. However, it wasn't but a second before Lucy was back on her feet and kneeling by my legs.

"The Asian race in general has long used the idea of a geisha in their culture. You do know what a geisha is, right Dean?" Lucy said as I watched her remove my shoes.

"Yes. That's when a woman is basically a total servant to a man, feeding and bathing and pleasing him sexually. Right?" I asked. I caught on to where this was going but didn't want to seem over eager, so I played it very cool.

"Yes, roughly. As Zhang here can tell you, it is sort of becoming an outdated practice except for geisha houses. It used to be that a woman was at a man's beck and call, but now, especially in Japan, they are becoming more modern and women are doing a lot more. Now the geisha would be consider like an escort here in America, or the method could be used when a wife wants to please her husband the extreme," Lucy continued. She had removed both of my shoes as well as my socks and was beginning to massage my feet gently. I glanced over and noticed that Zhang was much closer to me now, apparently waiting on Lucy's word before joining in.

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why you are taking off my shoes. We aren't even dating!" I said, still playing the dumb card.

"Both Zhang and I would like to thank you for getting her away from such an awful situation. So, for tonight at least, let us please you and service you in any way which you wish," Lucy said, standing over me now.

"That's very kind, but you don't have to do that," I said.

Zhang finally spoke. "No, we insist. Now please, stand up so that I can remove your shirt. Lucy will go get the food," Zhang said. I did as I was told and stood still as I felt Zhang's fingers slide under my shirt and pull it off over my head. The air was a little cold, but still good on my chest. Zhang took me by the hand and led me across the room to a much larger chair than the one I had been sitting in. She propped my feet up on some pillows and went to help Lucy get the food.

A minute or so later, both girls returned with a plate of sushi of all types, and a big bowl of rice. Zhang had also changed into a kimono too, hers a jade green that looked eloquent against her white skin.

Lucy and Zhang kneeled on both sides of me, the plate of fish resting at their feet. Lucy picked up a pair of chopsticks and a small roll of salmon, wrapped in seaweed.

"Now open wide Dean and enjoy!" Lucy said. She put the sushi roll in my mouth and I ate it, the taste being salty and rich but very delicious. Next, Zhang used her own pair of chopsticks to feed me a mouthful of rice, which was also quite good. The entire experience of having someone feed you was not like anything I had ever experienced - you don't feel helpless, but at the same time it is a very empowering feeling to be fed by someone else and to feel that slight bit of special-ness. Both women were very graceful in their movements and it was quite arousing to watch their beautiful skin against their silk robes.

When I had finished eating, Lucy carried the tray away while Zhang led me down the hall. Lucy's house was quite large, decorated in a mix of Asian style and modern art decor. It seemed to fit her personality perfectly - American raised, but hadn't forgotten her roots. I followed Zhang down a hall into an exercise/spa like room towards the back of the house. to my surprise, the water in the spa was already churning and heated. The spa was set into the floor, not above ground like most are. I had just taken a spa on my vacation only a few weeks earlier, but this one was different. The water didn't seem to churn like a normal spa would, and it appeared to be more of just a hot bath of sorts. The room was filled with the heat of the tub and a small set of heated stones sitting near the tub.

"Please, get into the tub and I will wash you," Zhang said. I was a little embarrassed because I could feel my hard on growing some (this whole situation was extremely erotic, in a way I had never felt). Zhang must have sensed my embarrassment about my current state, so she turned around while I undressed. Stepping lightly into the tub, the water was very hot but felt very good against my skin. The air over the water was very fragrant, with the scent of oils and plant extracts mixed into the water.

I sank into the tub slowly, letting the hot water cover my skin. I felt my muscles relax almost completely, and I laid against the side of the tub. Zhang came over at sat next to me, a cloth washrag in her hand and a bucket of soap suds. Dipping her delicate, small hands into the soap water, she squeezed it out and then began to drub the cloth over my shoulders as I laid back and relaxed. I was at total ease, and when Zhang would finish scrubbing one part of my body, she barely had to push me and I would move to her exact whim, rolling around like a wet piece of pasta. The cloth she used to scrub my body was extremely soft, and felt wonderfully smooth on my skin as Zhang moved it back and forth.

When the time came for me to stand up so that Zhang could wash the backs of my legs, I gingerly stood up and hoped that she wouldn't notice the hard-on she had given me. But to my surprise, she seemed to simply ignore it and act as if it wasn't even there. Lucy had returned at some point during my "bath time" with a stack of towels. As I climbed out of the spa, refreshed and more relaxed than I had felt in years, Lucy was there waiting to wrap her towel around me.

"Now you have been fed and bathed, now we can REALLY show you how a woman, or in our case women, can please a man," Lucy said seductively. The light from outside the room had shown through her robe slightly and I could make out her thin, muscular frame beneath the material. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I followed them into the living room area again.

Lucy and Zhang both sat down on the floor and motioned for me to do the same. There was a very large mattress like bedding on in the middle of the room that took up most of the floor space that we all sat on. Both Lucy & Zhang, acting together, gently laid me down onto the bedding and unwrapped the towel from my waist, leaving me naked (and hard), laying on the bedding. Zhang & Lucy then stood up and each removed their robes, revealing their naked bodies.

Lucy was very well toned, with a slight hint of a six pack for her tummy and muscular legs that were both graceful and clearly quite strong. Her breasts were a beautiful sight, a large B cup resting perfectly on her chest. She had put her hair down and let it flow over her shoulders like a long, beautiful river. Lucy's pubic hair was neatly trimmed and as dark as the hair on her head. She looked statuesque in the light, a perfect specimen of a perfect body.

That's not to say that Zhang didn't appear to be flawless either. Her body wasn't as developed as Lucy's and seemed to be more of that like an elf or nymph would be - spry, nimble and petite, but also graceful and delicate. Her breasts weren't as large as Lucy's either, perhaps maybe just a larger A cup, but her nipples were quite beautiful. A very light shade of pink except for on the very, very tips, they looked like rose petals pressed against her ivory skin. Her hips also were not as full as Lucy's, but still had a girlish flair to them that was very alluring. Her pussy hair was almost non-existent, save for a few sparse hairs just above her slightly protruding lips.

They wasted no time getting started. Lucy moved up to my chest and began to rub her hand over it. Lowering her thin lips to just below my shoulders, she gently began to kiss my chest. The kisses were very sensual, warm but dry and felt like fire sizzling on my skin. Her soft kiss sent shivers down my spine. I felt Lucy move her mouth down my chest, slowly dragging her tongue over and around my nipple, teasing it around in a little circle.

Zhang meanwhile was busy on her own. While Lucy was kissing my chest, Zhang had began to lightly play with my balls, running them over her fingers and massaging them with her nails. It tickled but felt amazing at the same time. One thing was for sure - these ladies knew how to please a man.

Lucy continued her kisses down my body until she reached my cock, rock hard and laying against my stomach, waiting for it's share of the attention. Lucy put it in her hand and began to jerk me up and down very slowly, timing her rhythm with Zhang's tickling of my nuts. Then at the same time, both girls put their mouths on my balls and began to suck them in gently into their mouths. Within a moment, I felt Zhang's tongue snake from her mouth and begin to lick my sack. Then, coming from the opposite direction was Lucy's tongue. Both girls were sucking and licking my balls while Lucy played with my cock. The feeling was beyond description. They kept at this for a few minutes and I felt at total ease, feeling the pleasure these two beautiful stars were giving me.

However, what almost caused me to blow my load on the spot was actually something that seemed to happen by mistake. I glanced down to watch them, and just about came as I saw Zhang's tongue move accidentally into Lucy's mouth. It was very brief, but it was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. Out of the corner of her eye, Lucy spotted me watching them.

"Did you like that Dean? Did you like seeing mine and Zhang's tongue touch each other?" Lucy said seductively.

I could only nod in agreement.

"Well then, I think we have found an even better way to please you," Lucy said. She glanced over at Zhang and the two girls looked at each other, communicating with glances and looks. Both then sat up onto their knees and pulled closer together.

I watched in amazement as Lucy took Zhang's naked body into her arms and began to french kiss her almost forcefully. Zhang seemed a little reluctant at first, but then began to enjoy Lucy's urging her on and returned the kiss with great fervor. Zhang wrapped her arms around Lucy's thin waist and pulled her to her closer, their breasts crushing against one another. Lucy moved her free hand (the other being behind Zhang's head) down Zhang's trim tummy and began to slide a finger into her cunt, playing with it. Zhang jumped a little at this, mostly from surprise, but seemed to be greatly encouraged by Lucy's stroking of her pussy.

Left on my own, but gladly enjoying the show, I began to stroke my dick, it's hardness now unbearable as I watched the two Asian beauties put on a great performance. Zhang broke the kiss and lowered her mouth to Lucy's left breast and started licking and sucking on it, gently and softly. Lucy threw her head back in silent bliss as the younger woman fondled her breasts. Clearly the more dominant of the two, Lucy pulled her hand from Zhang's cunt and slowly pushed the girl down onto her back. Zhang spread her legs wide and pulled her pussy lips open as Lucy lowered her head to Zhang's waiting snatch.

With obviously a lot of experience, Lucy wasted no time sticking her tongue into the young girls cunt and probing her most inner regions. Her face totally buried, Lucy would take her time moving around inside of Zhang. At first, her mouth and tongue would be wrapped completely around the girl's sex as Lucy sucked on it, a loud slurping noise filling the air. Zhang liked this tremendously and began to buck her hips up and down off the ground, moving in time with Lucy's sucking. To calm her down (it was tough to keep her mouth on Zhang), Lucy inserted her middle finger into Zhang's cunt while she fucked her with her tongue. At the insertion of Lucy's finger, Zhang began to moan uncontrollably, crying out in pure ecstasy.

Feeling like I would shoot my load at any second, I needed release. Walking up behind Lucy with my dick in my hand, I positioned my 9 inches of meat at her waiting hole. She was a little damp from all the excitement, so I rubbed my cock against her pussy to get it nice and lubricated for my entry. When I was covered in her juices, I slowly eased my prick into her. Lucy gasped a little, as she didn't know I was going to be entering her, but pushed her hips back slightly to accommodate me and get more into her. I began small strokes in and out of her cunt and within a few thrusts I was buried inside of her completely.

Lucy had paused while I entered her, but now was working double time, her upper body licking Zhang out and her ass and thighs working against me. Lucy's snatch was pretty open, although I felt a little bit of tightness that I guess meant she hadn't been fucked in a little while. As I continued to pound away at her, Zhang's moans grew louder and louder as she was on the edge of cumming.

"UUUNNNGGHHHH!!!!" Zhang moaned, bucking her hips up hard towards Lucy's face as Zhang orgasmed, her chest and small breasts heaving up and down. Lucy caught most of Zhang's juices with her tongue and drank them down quickly, trying not to miss even a little bit of her sweet pussy juice. Zhang calmed down after a minute or so and laid down on the ground, her chest still rising and falling rapidly as she caught her breath. Lucy looked back at me, her face shiny and sticky from Zhang's juices, and squinted her eyes tight as I fucked her pussy. Lucy opened her mouth in small "O" shape and moaned softly as she too was on the verge of cumming.

However, I beat her to it. I felt my balls rise up some as a hot stream of cum shot through my cock and into Lucy's fiery hot pussy. I squirted jet after jet of my sperm into her, feeling it go deep within her pussy and hit her inner walls. My orgasm triggered Lucy's own and I felt her pussy lips shudder around me as she came as well, her inner muscles contracting around my dick tightly. I held myself inside her for a minute or so and then pulled out, the head of my shaft covered in juice.

We all rested for a moment, but Zhang, being the youngest of us, was more than ready to keep going.

"I see that Zhang's pussy wants to feel your cock too Dean," Lucy said. "Shall we introduce the two?"

"Of course. I'd hate to turn down an invitation," I said, smiling.

Lucy took my semi-hard prick in her hand and led me over on me knees towards Zhang. Now it was my turn to lay down, so I followed Lucy's instruction and spread my legs wide, holding my dick in my hand. Zhang stood up and squatted over me , her strong leg muscles flexing as she lowered herself towards my prick. Lucy wrapped her arm around Zhang's waist and gently guided the girl towards me. Enjoying the tease before the set-up, Lucy would drop Zhang's pussy just low enough to get the head of my dick in, but then raise the girl off slightly off of me. She did this repeatedly, each time slipping more of my meat inside of Zhang. It took a lot of strength on Zhang's part not to just fall down on top of me, as this sort of up and down exercise had to be tiring. But she showed no indication of it being a problem, and in fact seemed to love it with each downward motion more than the last. Her body was glistening with sweat now and her hair was matted around her face as she rode me up and down slowly.

Finally, Zhang had lowered herself so that all of my prick was inside of her. She lifted herself off once more and then dropped back onto me suddenly. We both cried out in pleasure as I felt my rod run up into her like a missile and her tightness stretch around me. I wasn't sure how often she had fucked, but she felt almost like a virgin as I pumped in and out of her.

Zhang ran her hands up and down my chest, resting them on my shoulders as she lifted her hips up and down and rode me, matching my upward thrusts. Lucy meanwhile had crawled between my legs and was again licking and sucking on my balls with her tongue as I fucked Zhang. I felt one of Lucy's fingers move up towards my ass and felt the pressure as she slowly slid a finger into it.

I had never had that happen before, but it felt quite good to feel Lucy's fingertip wiggle around inside my asshole slightly while Zhang rode my cock and Lucy licked my balls. Zhang lowered her head to my face and we began to kiss passionately, our tongues entwining within each other's mouths. Her tongue was small and delicate but nimble and quick, as she explored my mouth. I could feel Zhang's hot panting breath on my face and knew she was on the verge of another orgasm.

I grabbed Zhang's ass tightly and pulled her back and forth against my cock as she rode me, the backwards and forward motion putting extreme friction against her clit and my dick. I was also just about to cum, so I was trying to cum at the same time as Zhang did, so that I could shoot my load in her as he juices poured out.

It was Lucy that got us both off though. Moving from between my legs to put her head on my chest, Lucy had great timing as she began to lick both of us off at once. When my cock was fully exposed, she gave it a quick lick and when Zhang crashed down onto my hips, Lucy's tongue knew right where to find Zhang's fully aroused and exposed clit. It only took two of these little tongue tricks to get us off, and Zhang screamed loudly as she came. Bucking deep into her, I shot my second, surprisingly stronger load into her, tightening my ass cheeks as I raised my hips from the ground, trying to stay as deep in her as possible.

Exhausted, the three of us lay there for an hour or so, catching our breath and fondling one another.

Lucy came with me as I drove Zhang back to her hotel room. I walked her up to her room and came in to make sure that everything was ok. Alarmingly, it was not. Sitting on her bed was a small package and a note. It was written in Chinese and placed atop the package. The girls had been in good spirits until they saw it on the bed, but then Zhang's face turned a sickly pale white as she realized what it was.

"Oh no...Lao has been here..." she said.

"What is that? Has he done this before?" I asked, all of us stopped in the middle of the room staring at it.

"Yes. It is a bomb," Zhang said coldly, her words stuttering a little as they came out.

My heart leaped into my throat. "A bomb? How did he get it in here? Why did he put it here?" I asked, my voice rising to a level of extreme tension.

"It's his calling card of sorts. If you do him a disservice that he deems terrible enough, he will always seek revenge. Usually though, his notes tell why he did it and if we are lucky, how to stop it," Zhang said.

"I'm not walking over there to get that note," Lucy said, turning towards the door. "I'm calling the cops,"

"NO!" Zhang and I both said at the same time. We glanced at each other in puzzlement, as we both had different reasons not to get the police involved.

"Lucy, we can't have this get out to the media. Lao may go to jail for the bomb but so will I for holding him at gunpoint," I said. "I'll go get the note and you girls read it to me,"

They both nodded in agreement and I began to cautiously walk towards the package. The note rested slightly on top of it, trying to show us that the note would not set it off. As I drew closer to it, I extended my shaking hand out and picked the note up off of the bed. Walking just as slowly back towards them, I handed Zhang the note. She began to read it in English:

"Mr. Simonds, allow me to explain my actions. Coming into my house brandishing firearms brought great disrespect to me and my business and for that, you must prove yourself a worthy adversary. I knew that you would be the one reading this because my men have followed you since you left my storefront two days ago. They also know that you are alone up there with Zhang Ziyi and another delicate Asian beauty, Ms. Lucy Liu. The package resting on the bed is a bomb. Open the packaging and examine the small box. It contains three wires protruding from inside, all but one of which are linked to a detonation device. The explosives beneath the detonation device are plastic C4 and are strong enough to destroy the entire floor in which you stand. Should you find the correct wire, the bomb will disengage and you will have proved yourself worthy to me as a business associate. Do not try to contact outside help, nor leave the room, because my men are watching your every move and can detonate the explosive remotely. Good luck."

We all stood in silence for a few moments. Then, I finally spoke: "I got us into this mess, I have no choice but to try and get us out,"

Walking over to the package, I slowly remove it's wrapping and set the black box on the bed. The note was right: there are 3 wires, a green, red and blue. On the face of the box is something that Lao neglected to mention - a clock counting down to the time before detonation. It read 7:00 and was quickly counting down.

"Ladies, please stay over there. I'm going to try and figure this thing out and I don't want you near the impact in case it goes off. In fact, crouch behind that counter over there," I said. Lucy & Zhang followed my advice and quickly moved behind the mini-bar and kneeled down, watching me.


I stared carefully at the box, tracing the wires. The red and blue were on the same side of the box, but each came out of a separate hole and looped to the top of the box, where they reentered it. The green wire on the other hand, ran from the right side of the box over it vertically and connected inside below where the red and blue wires protruded from. It was quite confusing to look at and became tricky to trace where a wire started and a wire ended.


Reaching into my pants, I pulled out my pocket knife and a small pen light that I had received as a gift back when I was still a child. Turning on the light, I shone it into each of the holes. The red and blue wires appeared to connect to a smaller black box inside, which lay just below the timer. The inner walls of the box were tightly packed with a gray, clay like substance that I could only guess were the explosives. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I recognized them. Rotating the box towards me, I shone my light into the hole where the green wire came out. It connected also to a small box, but where the red & blue wires ends disappeared, the green one's went into another box, as if in a loop.


Lucy and Zhang had come to stand behind me now, despite my instructions. When they glanced down at the timer, they began to panic. Screaming and yelling things frantically, Zhang began jumping up and down. Lucy tried to calm her down but quickly became upset herself. They began pacing back and forth behind me and I tried my best to ignore them. I think that brings this now back to where we started.

Glancing down at the timer, it read 1:15 and the seconds seemed to be screaming by like a train. Picking up my pocket knife, I had to decide what to do. The green wire seemed to be the obvious choice, but it seemed almost TOO obvious. And yet, between red and blue, which was the better pick? I decided to go with green.

27 seconds.....

My hand shaking almost uncontrollably, I took the green wire in my hand and slowly began to rub it back and forth against the knife.

14 seconds....

The plastic cut away and I cringed a little as the knife made contact with the wire. Flinching and tightening up my shoulders a little as I cut, I gave it one final tug and felt the blade cut through the wire.

My heart going a mile a minute, nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced down at the clock - :08 seconds left. I relaxed for just a moment before suddenly the package began to beep rapidly. Running for cover, I dove behind the counter (Lucy and Zhang had already moved there, my guess is when I began cutting the wire). The package continued to beep but nothing happened.

Then, not a moment later and much to our surprise, the door to the room burst open and in walked Lao.

"Ahh, Mr. Simonds. Congratulations! You truly are a man of integrity. A lesser, cowardly man would have gone to the police right away. But you sir are a true warrior, willing to sacrifice yourself if needed," Lao said, vigorously shaking my hand.

"Now, let us go celebrate our new partnership. Zhang may of course stay with you, as I am now sure she is in, how do you say, good hands. But we must make everything official with a celebration, come come!" Lao said, walking out the door. I glanced at Lucy & Zhang. They shrugged their shoulders at me and followed Lao out.

Catching my breath and trying not to have a heart attack from the fact that I almost got blown up, I put my knife back in my pocket and went to join the celebration. And what a celebration it was - Lao was a much more caring and fair man than I had first thought. True, he did have shady ties, but winning his respect meant the world to him and he now felt I was in his good graces.

Closing the hotel door behind me as I left the room on my way out towards said celebration, the package continued to beep incessantly, it's clock frozen at :08.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:43:13 PM
Chapter 19: Halle Berry

* * * * *

The past few weeks had been hard to concentrate on business at all. World events brought my industry to a halt and even big events like the Emmys had to be postponed, leaving agents like myself sitting around with nothing to do but call and check on clients to make sure they were doing ok.

Several clients stopped by through out the week, including one who turned the head of my assistant Damon pretty sharply, Halle Berry. She had just come by to talk and kill time, production on her next movie delayed because of what was happening in New York. Halle was a little angry at the response her most recent movie, "Swordfish" had at the box office.

"I mean, Jesus Christ! I got paid half a million dollars to show these," Halle said, grabbing her breasts and thrusting them into my face. They were a quite nice sight, but not when accompanied by her complaining. "And what does the film do? It tanks. Now there are all these nerds and perverts online, ogling my body from some stupid bad quality picture, and the film is almost totally forgotten!"

"Halle, I think you need to calm down a little. Swordfish broke even and made a few million more than we expected. It was worth it, I'm sure. Think of all those 'nerds and perverts' who are going to be buying the DVD so they can freeze frame you. That's almost pure profit for you, and you are sure to get more viewer ship on video any ways," I said to her, trying to reason with her. She stopped in her tracks, pausing from her pacing of the room.

"Your right. But I still am not happy with my name power. I was at this website the other day, some sort of celebrity sex story archive, some sort of erotic fiction site. Any ways, all these other celebrities had lots of stories about them. You know how many were about me? Three! Even some of those no name actresses had more stories than me. If the perverts aren't even hip on me, then I'm getting nowhere in Hollywood! And as my agent, I think you should fix that!" Halle demanded, putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot on the ground. She wore a pair of low cut jeans and a pink t-shirt that exposed her firm and toned stomach wonderfully. Her brownish hair had been dyed in gold colored waves and stayed firmly in place on her head. As she paced back and forth of my office, ranting and complaining (I had learned right off the bat to sometimes just ignore stars when they go off like that.), I started to think of what I could do to appease her. Glancing outside my office through the open door, it hit me.

"Halle, look. While the industry slowly starts up again, there isn't much I can do. BUT if you want to know how much you are appreciated and wanted by your fans, you only have to go talk to that man sitting at the desk, answering phones right now. His name is Damon and he told me he saw 'Swordfish' five times. And not just because of your tits. So why don't you go make a fans dream come true and the two of you maybe go spend the afternoon together? There sure as hell isn't going to be much work done here today," I said, reclining in my chair.

Halle had turned to look at Damon when I pointed and I could see she was clearly pondering the thought. To seal the deal, I reached in my pocket and pulled out my wallet, tossing a few hundreds on my desk. "And here. Since you OBVIOUSLY didn't make any money off of 'Swordfish' and are a starving actress again, it's my treat,"

Halle grinned at me mischievously. "Alright, I'll do it. It will be nice to do something with a real person, something that doesn't seem so fake," Halle said. She picked the money off the desk and walked out of the room. I couldn't help but admire her ass as she walked out, and knew that Damon would be thanking me repeatedly the next day. I leaned back in my chair further and watched the scene play out in front of me, like some sort of Cinderella story (the dyslexic version of course). At first Damon pretended to ignore her, trying to act "cool" and not notice her. But when Halle began to tap on his desk with her long, curled fingernails and look down at him as he tried to work, it was too much and he looked up.

I couldn't hear the words said between the two, but Damon's face went from one of feigned coolness to utter and total shock. Halle grinned wildly at his reaction and reached into her purse, handing him a small card. With that, she walked away, Damon's jaw still hanging half way to the floor as he watched her go.

As soon as she was in the elevator, he came hustling into my office, trying to act professional.

"Uhh, Dean...can I have the rest of the day off? I have to uhh..go do some...uhh.." Damon said excitedly, trying to come up with a weak excuse to let him leave. I folded my hands on my desk in front of me and decided to play along with him a little bit.

"What do you have to do Damon? I didn't quite get that," I said, smiling as sweetly and sarcastically at him as I could.

"I have to...well, see Halle wants me...uhh..can I have the time off or not?" he finally said, impatient as a child.

"Yes, yes, go. I told her to take you out. Now you kids go and have a good time," I said, waving my hand at him in the direction of the door. He didn't hesitate the slightest and rushed out the door, saying "Thank you thank you thank you" repeatedly under his breath as he left.

He shut my door behind himself as he left and I heard him literally RUN towards the elevator. I sighed deeply and leaned back in my chair, smiling to myself about the fun that lay in store for Damon and Halle that afternoon. I managed to get a little more work done that afternoon, but decided to just send everyone else home and close up early, since there wasn't much to be done right now anyways with the state Hollywood was in.

The next morning, I got into work earlier than I usually do, hoping to make some early morning calls and get some paperwork done before the rest of the office staff came in. I also hoped to be able to talk to Damon about how his afternoon went with Halle, before he got bogged down in the work that we had (mostly contracts to review).

However, it was not to be, as I got distracted on a long call that morning with Sarah Michelle Gellar on the phone, after she called to complain about the scripts she had received for this season of "Buffy". Sitting at my desk, listening to her drone on, I saw Damon come into work. He looked like he normally did, although there was something odd about him and the way he was acting. Almost...secretive. I thought it was nothing until I saw him slowly open up his file cabinet and slip what looked like a video tape into the drawer. Then, he gently closed the drawer and sat down at his desk to start his work for the day. I watched him for a few more minutes but he made no more motions towards the cabinet, and in fact ignoring it. I hung up the phone with Sarah a few minutes later and tried to ignore what I saw. But it was no use. Was that really a video tape? If so, what was on it? Was Damon hiding something that he did with Halle or did he just put something of his own in that cabinet?

I pondered what to do, my hope of getting any work done disappearing as the day wore on. Finally I decided, being the boss, I would just send Damon on a long errand and raid his desk. I know it wasn't ethical to break into an employee's personal storage area, but if that tape contained something that might be damaging to Halle's career or the firm itself, it was a risk I was willing to take.

Mid-afternoons around Shooting Stars are usually pretty quiet, so no one noticed me walking out to Damon's desk and sitting down, acting like I was looking for something like I normally would do. What no one saw though was me slipping a hand down and opening the desk drawer on the very bottom of the redwood desk. I pulled the handle out gently and felt around inside, my other hand and my eyes focused on the desk in front of me as I kept up the charade.

Finally my fingers touched an object that felt like a videotape and I grabbed it, pulling it out. It was an 8mm tape for sure, and bore no visible indications on what was on the tape. However, as I examined it further, I noticed that it did indeed have writing on it, the letters HB written in a black permanent marker so they wouldn't show on the tape without closer examination.

Putting the tape into my pocket, I walked back to my desk and shut and locked my door. I had sent Damon out for a long errand out in Santa Monica and knew with traffic he would be gone for at least three hours more. I reclined in my chair and pulled the tape from my pocket, examining it and playing with it in my hands as I debated on what to do.

If I watched it, I might be in for a few hours of his family Christmas party or some other family function. Of course, my devils advocate said, it could be something to do with Halle. "HB" seems a little obvious. However, my less mischievous side countered with the idea that HB might be TOO obvious, or perhaps I was reading it wrong and it was BH, which of course could have been anything. I decided in the end though, that watching it was worth the risk, even if it was just some family reunion.

Popping the tape into my adapter (I had a kit for playing 8mm tapes, since I often had to review up and coming girls screen tests), I pushed the play button cautiously.

The screen lit up with black and white static for a few seconds. However, it quickly corrected itself and came into focused. The camera was a little shaky but when it stopped moving so much, I got a better view of where it was being filmed.

Halle Berry was certainly in this tape, leaning against a railing near the beach. Damon was talking to her but I couldn't make out what he said. Apparently neither could Halle.

"What did you say?" she said, smiling at him and the camera enthusiastically. Halle was wearing a sea green topped bikini, the bottom piece covered in a shawl like garment that was see-through. Though the picture quality wasn't that great, you could clearly see her long and luscious bronze legs through the material.

"I asked when did you want to become an actress?" Damon said. His voice was unmistakable, but it was a little hard to hear him because of the fast whipping ocean breeze.

"Well, when I was little, I used to put on plays for my mom and brother & sisters. When I became a teenager, I did a little modeling and then really began to try and pursue acting instead. So I guess since I was a kid. When did you know that you wanted to be an assistant?" Halle asked, jokingly shoving Damon in the chest. The camera shook a little bit at this as Damon adjusted.

"Hehe, well, when I was little I started filing papers around the house and..." Damon said in a laughing manner. It caused Halle to burst out into laughter as well. She smiled warmly at the camera, but I could detect a bit of lust in her smile. The conversation suddenly got quiet for a few moments before Halle spoke again.

"I'm getting cold standing here. Why don't we go back to my hotel room and order room service?" Halle said.

"Uhh..yea, I'd like that," Damon said. The camera then switched very quickly into a dimly lit room that I can only assume was Halle's hotel. Off in the distance was the cart that their food had arrived on and I could hear some soft music playing in the background. It had all the makings of a bad porn movie, I thought to myself. Of course, it turns out that I was right.

Damon was moving the camera slowly around the room, looking at all the scattered clothes and empty shopping bags spread around. Something bright and pink came into focus on the camera and Damon zoomed in on it: it was a pair of Halle's panties, thrown on the floor almost in haste. Damon couldn't help but linger on the pair of underwear, zooming in and making sure that ensured seeing them on the tape.

"Damon, put that thing down," I heard Halle say in the background. The camera moved sharply and panned onto Halle laying on the bed, holding her head up with her hand. She had removed the slip that had been covering her legs and now was wearing only the skimpy bikini from earlier.

"Come on Damon, I don't want to be filmed right now. I'm always on camera," Halle said pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You are just so beautiful," Damon replied. He panned the camera up from her feet slowly up to her face, making sure to stop and linger and zoom in on the obvious parts of her body as the camera drank in Halle's flawless skin.

"Awww...your so sweet. Well, I suppose the camera can stay. We can have fun with it," Halle said, smiling sexily. "Be a good boy won't you and go get something out of my suitcase will you?"

Damon put the camera down on top of the chair he had been sitting in. It showed Halle sitting up to tell Damon something, the audio wasn't real clear. Within a minute or so, I could see the backside of Damon, still wearing the clothes from the office, hand Halle something. He walked back over and picked up the camera, readjusting it and zooming in on Halle again. He focused on her face, and I could see her arm moving below her on her body. Halle threw her head back slightly and moaned a little, her lips pursed in pleasure.

Like an expert camera man, Damon slowly savored the scene and moved his viewfinder down towards Halle's legs. Very quickly it was clear what was going on - Damon had given her a vibrator from her suitcase and Halle was now very slowly working it in and out of her cunt. She had pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and Damon zoomed in on what she was up to.

Her fingers were wrapped around a long, light blue and translucent vibrator. Her pussy was shaved in a very neat pattern, trim and narrow all the way down to her lips. As Halle worked the vibrator in and out of her hole very slowly, her inner lips, as pink as the panties Damon had scanned onto earlier, stretched and quivered around the sex toy. I could hear the motor of the vibrator whirring, but it wasn't nearly as audible as the moans of Halle.

Damon so far had not said anything, but it was clear he was moving closer to Halle's now wet snatch. Slowly, his right hand entered the frame of view on the camera and he held it over Halle's pussy, debating on touching it or not. But Halle made the decision for him, moaning out "Just do it Damon! Touch me!" Without a moments hesitation more, he brought his large, callused fingers down onto Halle's small tight snatch.

Halle immediately began to moan with pleasure as Damon began exploring her sex, rubbing his fingers over and around her hole. Using his other free hand, he zoomed the camera in to show as his hand worked it's way inside of her pussy, grinding in against her clit alongside the vibrator. It wasn't long though before Damon took the vibrator from Halle's nimble, thin fingers and began to move it in and out of Halle's snatch himself.

"Yea, you like that don't you?" Damon said as he moved the sex toy in and out of her pussy.

"Mmm...you know it baby. Fuck me harder with it. HARDER!" Halle cried out as Damon began pushing it in at a more feverish pace, sawing it in and out of her cunt, making sure to rub it against her outer lips and to be CERTAIN to touch on her clit with every stroke. Halle began to moan louder and louder as Damon pushed the rapidly moving toy into her pussy deeper each time.

"Oh yea, that's it baby...fuck my cunt...Do it just like that! Ugghhhhh!!!" Halle screamed. She had moved her hand back down to her pussy and wrapped her fingers around Damon's hand, guiding him around inside of her.

Damon continued fucking her with the toy for a few minutes, Halle's hips now writhing around on the bed, rocking back and forth as she lifted her ass up off the bed to meet the strokes that were pushing into her deepest channels.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" was all that Halle could say, her voice practically screeching as she was lost in a world of her own pleasure. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Oh baby I'm about to cum! Eat me out! Come on Damon, eat me out, please!!" Halle moaned.

Still (miraculously) holding onto the camera, Damon held it out and away from his face at arms length, showing him lowering his mouth to right above Halle's pussy. He had removed the vibrator from her pussy and was now working at her with just his fingers, moving in and out at a tremendous rate. I could see that feeling Damon's hot breath just inches from her snatch was driving Halle mad, but Damon seemed to know what he was doing.

"You want me to eat you out? How bad do you want it baby huh? Tell me how bad you want Damon to lick your pussy," Damon said coolly, smiling into the camera. His camera work and talent at coaxing Halle along was eerie, almost as if he had done something like this before...

"Oh baby, I want it more than anything. Just lick me baby, lick me long and hard and deep! But just do it now! I'm gonna burst into flames if you don't put me out!" Halle cried. Damon again just smiled wickedly for the camera but managed to hit the zoom button and capture the moment just as his tongue touched Halle's inner regions.

Halle cried out in what had to be an orgasm of explosive proportions, as she thrust her hips hard into Damon's face as he licked away at her. Halle moaned for what had to have been a minute as she bounced repeatedly on the bed. Damon managed to hold her down though with the hand that had been previously in her pussy. I could see his fingers glisten with her juices, despite watching a tape - she was THAT wet!

Finally her orgasm subsided and Halle's moans were replaced with panting and the sound of Damon lapping at her pussy. Damon though was still buried between her legs, licking at her pussy savagely, trying to devour and savor every last drop of her juice that he could find. Halle tightened her legs around his head as he continued to lick her, but released him a few seconds later, her legs too tired to hold on any longer.

Damon lifted his head from between her legs and got into a more comfortable position, straddling her waist as he zoomed in on Halle's face. Her forehead and chest were beaded with sweat, the perspiration glistening in the light from the camera.

"Did you enjoy that?" Halle asked, her chest still heaving a little bit.

"Not as much as you apparently. I still want more though. Think your husband would mind?" Damon asked. This caused me to sit up and pay attention - I didn't want to be the cause of an eventual breakup of her marriage. But Halle surprisingly put my fears to rest.

"We have an agreement - neither tells the other what we did while off at work. Since he is on tour and I'm always off shooting movies, that gives us both pretty good flexibility. Of course, it also makes sex with him that much better, not knowing what other hot bitch he has fucked. But that's none of your concern," Halle said, grinning.

"What was it that you had in mind, Mr. Porn Director?" Halle said, mock pouting with her luscious lips.

"Since I saw 'Swordfish', I've wanted to tit-fuck you for the longest time," Damon said. "I hope you don't mind if I do," Damon said. I was surprised at the gall Damon had with a client of the firm, but given how far he had already come, I guess there was no going back now.

Halle rolled her eyes at the 'Swordfish' comment, laying her head to the side as if she didn't want Damon seeing her doing so, but then sighed and said "It's always with the 'Swordfish' with you men isn't it? Oh well," Halle said, reaching under her back and untying her top "They are a pretty nice pair,"

As anyone who has seen the film knows, and myself and Damon now with a much more intimate look, Halle has some of the most beautiful breasts in Hollywood. They have the natural beauty and hang of a normal woman, but are large and proportionate just enough in the scope of her body to be accentuated and beautiful. Her measurements are listed as 36C, but when audiences got a closer look at them this past summer, they appeared to be much larger than even that. Her nipples (which Damon expertly zoomed in on) were a dark chocolate brown, with the tips of the nipples coming out maybe half an inch. The areolas were actually a little small on such large breasts, but still looked incredibly beautiful on such a lovely pair.

Damon couldn't resist running his hands over her lush breasts now, feeling the skin against his fingers and the softness of them (I can only assume, not having been there). Halle lay contentedly there, letting him feel and fondle her breasts until he had his fill. In the meantime, she had proceeded to unzip his pants and pull them down to his calves, leaving his mostly-hard dick laying on her chest just below her breasts. Damon had a pretty good sized cock, although it was hard to really make it out since he wasn't trying to focus on it. Halle however seemed satisfied with the size and moved her hand to wrap around it while Damon continued playing with her nipples.

Getting him fully hard now, Halle took over control of what was going to be the tone for the rest of the night.

"Alright Damon, I want you to tit-fuck me now. Stop playing with them and get that nice piece of meat between my tits," Halle commanded. It was a little unusual to hear someone as gentle looking as Halle sounds so commanding, but I guess we all have our spicy, dominating sides.

"Yes m’amm...with pleasure!" Damon replied. Again using expert camera work, Damon managed to stay focused on the upper part of Halle's body while using the other hand to slowly push his cock between Halle's breasts and begin to fuck them. Halle arched her back a little to get flesh to grab onto, and then cupped her breasts firmly in her hands and began working them over and onto his cock.

It was quite an amazing feat watching the two go at it, to the obvious pleasure of each other. Damon was panting a little loudly now as he began bucking harder between Halle's breasts, and Halle meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying the stimulation being brought on by the extra attention being paid to her nipples. It was almost hypnotizing watching Halle's breasts move up and down on her chest, the heavy weight of the globes sliding and jostling around like two perfectly formed masses of flesh. Her already dark nipples had become flushed from the attention and caused the normally rich brown skin around her areola to darken in color even further and shine with the perspiration that the two were creating.

As Damon would work himself in and out between her breasts, his cock came ever increasingly closer to her mouth. Halle held her tongue out, hoping to get a taste of his shaft as it pistoned in between her breasts. Every now and then she would hit it, managing to lick the head or the shaft as he worked it between her tits. The two kept up this rhythm and pace for a few minutes before the sound on the camera became filled with Damon's heavy grunting and breathing. He moved his hand to his cock and pulled it from her breasts, jerking it furiously above her.

The "money shot" came a few seconds later, as Halle pushed her breasts and nipples together to receive Damon's cum. It splashed out from his cock and landed with a *splat* all over her nipples, coating the dark flesh of her breasts with a thick white cream. After a few jerks, his orgasm ended, and Damon made sure to use the camera to focus on his cum trickling down Halle's cleavage and pooling on her navel, a rebel stream falling off the side of her breasts.

They both panted heavily, and Damon removed himself from on top of Halle.

"Well, now that we have fulfilled YOUR fantasy," Halle said, wiping his cum from her chest and licking it off her fingers sexily, "How about you let me hop on that big cock of yours and fulfill MY fantasy?"

Holding the camera above him, Damon laid down on the bed and watched through the viewfinder as Halle moved down to his crotch and slowly lowered herself on his still hard cock. Zooming in, it was an incredibly erotic sight to watch Halle sink down completely on him, her pink inner lips stretching and adjusting to Damon's girth (he was very large, I could now tell). With a contented sigh, Halle breathed out as Damon filled her completely.

"Oh yea...that's just what I needed," Halle whispered. Slowly she began to grind her hips back and forth over his cock, rubbing his balls against her ass as she moved. Her legs still spread out around him, Halle began to move up and down on Damon's shaft, letting more slip out of her sopping wet cunt each time. Halle had incredible strength to be able to do this, as her hands were not supporting her at all - instead, she was rubbing and teasing her nipples back and forth on her breasts, fondling and playing with them excitedly as she moved up and down.

Damon was silent except for an occasional groan, mostly brought on when Halle would shiver and contract the muscles of her body, obviously including the ones now holding his cock in a vice like grip. Finally setting the camera down on the bed, but still at an angle that caught all the action, Damon moved his hands to Halle's hips and guided her up and down on his shaft. With Damon now in total control, Halle relaxed a little and was like a rag doll on his cock, swaying and writhing to Damon's whim.

Having just orgasmed, Damon was far from cumming, so he concentrated his maneuvers on getting Halle off. With his large, muscular arms, he drove Halle down harder and harder onto his cock, making sure that each time she rubbed her clit against the inner shaft of his meat. Halle was now just a constant moan, her cries of pleasure causing her face to squint up and jostle with every thrust. She had given up trying to cup her breasts, and now her lovely tits were swaying in a circular motion as she was fucked hard and fast by Damon.

She let out a screech and then came suddenly, her hands going to her nipples as she squeezed and pinched them, trying to lengthen her orgasm. Halle then simply crumbled and collapsed on top of Damon, her energy now totally exhausted. Her body though was still bouncing up and down as Damon bucked his cock deeper and deeper into her. Halle laid her head on his chest and moaned softly as he continued fucking her, resting her arms on the side of his body.

They continued like this for a few minutes, with Halle getting her strength back enough to sit up and simply ride him for all he was worth. Throwing her head back and running her hands through her hair, Halle seemed to be in another world. Damon began to buck harder, grunting out "I'm gonna cum!" as he moved her up and down harder once again. The camera got knocked over onto it's side as Damon's arms shot out and he came long and hard inside of her.

The next few minutes were motionless (the camera now only showed both the lovers thighs, with Halle's lighter skin pressed atop Damon's more darker flesh) until Damon finally pulled out of her reached over, shutting the camera off. The screen filled with static, and I reached over, pushing the stop button on the VCR.

The little fantasy world I had been in was suddenly interrupted by my phone ringing. Glancing down at my waist, I saw that my dick was in my hand and that I had cum all over it as I watched the tape, oblivious to the fact that I was doing so. Reaching into my desk drawer, I pulled out a towel and wiped myself off with one hand and answered the phone with the other.

"Hello?" I said with a husky voice. Clearing my throat, I spoke again. "Dean Simonds office"

"Hey Dean, it's Halle. I just wanted to call and thank you for setting me up with Damon yesterday. We had a lot of fun," Halle said over the phone. She sounded distant, so I guess she had returned home.

"Um, no problem Halle. In fact, I was just uhh...thinking about you right now, hoping everything went ok. Damon is out of the office on an errand or else I'd let you speak to him if you wanted," I replied, ejecting the tape from my VCR.

"That's ok, I was just calling to talk to you. If you see him though, tell him I said 'Hi'," Halle said.

"So what did you two do yesterday?" I asked innocently.

"Oh, we just went down to the coast, had a nice quiet dinner and watched a movie," Halle replied.

"I bet you did," I muttered into the phone, realizing the stupidity of the comment the second I said it.

"What did you say?" Halle asked inquisitively.

"Nothing. I said 'I better let you go'. Probably static on the phone right now," I said, hoping that the save worked.

"Oh...yeah, ok. Well, thanks again Dean. Let me know if you get any good scripts alright?" Halle said.

"Sure thing. Talk to you later," I said, hanging up the phone.

The tape now sat on my desk and I pondered what to do with it: If I put it back and didn't say anything, the tape might come back to bite the firm later. But if I kept it out or confronted Damon about it, that might open me up for lawsuits and the loss of Damon's trust. Mulling it over, I decided to just let Damon keep it and enjoy it for himself. Unlike me, not every person gets to fuck a celebrity of their dreams all the time.

Putting the tape back into Damon's desk drawer, I locked up my office and went home. I couldn't help but smile, thinking about how happy Damon was when he woke up this morning.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:45:43 PM
Chapter 20: Angelina Jolie

* * * * *

I sat across from Angelina Jolie in my office. Angelina was wearing a white "wife beater" t-shirt and a pair of tattered blue jeans as she stared at me with a sort of dissident gaze, absentmindedly flicking the ash from her cigarette onto the carpet of my just-cleaned carpets. I didn't want to bring up the issue of not being able to smoke in an office building in California, I had bigger fish to fry.

I rested my head on my hand as I sat in my chair across from her in my wooden desk. We had been sitting like this for about five minutes, ever since she had walked in, sat down and looked at me. She looked like a spoiled child, her over-puffed lips stuck almost in a permanent pout. With a sigh, I decided to break the ice.

"You know why you are here Angelina, because of the request of the United Nations," I said to her. Angelina just nodded - though she had been my client for the past three months (she had come to my firm when her husband Billy Bob also signed with us), I had hardly spoken to her. She was so hot right now that I really didn't even have to try and sell her, so any project that wanted her as the lead got faxed to her mansion. If she liked it, she took the script. Otherwise, I never saw it again.

But the reason she was here today was different. Since being named the UN Goodwill Ambassador in August, Angelina had moved from the silver screen to the world of politics - there was quiet murmuring and whispers of disapproval that someone who was known to be as promiscuous, openly sexual and a bad example for some kids with her vices, would be chosen as a "goodwill" ambassador. The more conservative countries had made enough of a stink about it that the UN had called my office and asked that I "work with Angelina to make her more presentable for the world". And while I thought that the whole position was just a figurehead, I figured that this kind of free, good publicity only comes along once in a great while, so I might as well make the most of it. I had brought Angelina in to ask her how she felt about an etiquette or manners class. Hence, the pouty expression.

"I know that we haven't exactly become chums since you joined the firm," I said, "But the UN holds some of the biggest political weight in the world, and politics eventually trickle down to Hollywood. That Oscar may be hot right now, but if you piss off the wrong people then you may find yourself back making movies like 'Hackers',"

"Fine. If you want me to stop smoking, I will. I'll get away from acting so sexually aggressive in public, even though it really is no big deal, and I'll quell those rumors about me and my brother by not appearing with him in public anymore. But I am NOT going to a fucking manners class," Angelina said, stubbing the cigarette out on the fabric armrest of the chair.

I winced a little, knowing how expensive that chair would be to get re-upholstered, but shifted my attention back to the problem at hand.

"Look Angelina, you don't have a choice here. As your agent and friend I will NOT let you squander away the chance for some incredible PR for helping the UN. Think about it on the trailers - 'Oscar Winner and Humanitarian Ambassador Angelina Jolie'. What could be better than that? It shows you are a great actress AND you care about people," I said, trying not to come off as sounding too crass. The truth was, without abiding by the UN's request, Angelina may become in effect blacklisted from Hollywood. This wasn't about any marquee display, it was about her career. Unfortunately I couldn't tell her all this or else she would think I was a nut.

"I'll think about it Dean, that's all I will say," Angelina said, getting up to go. "I've got lunch with Billy Bob right now, so I have to go. Give me a call later about it,"

I watched her go and went ahead and made the decision for her, calling up all the manners schools in Los Angeles and asking their recommendations on what to do with someone as notoriously wild as Angelina. I finally decided on a resort style manner school way out near San Pedro that was not only isolated but highly recommended by even the other companies competition.

I heard later that week from them that, after they placed a call to Angelina's house to confirm her arrival time, she had gotten into a vicious shouting match with the woman on the phone, but had eventually caved in and agreed to attend the classes. I breathed a sigh of relief and quietly mused at my desk about my new "title" - Dean Simonds, agent to the Ambassador. I liked the sound of that :)

But things didn't go exactly as I had planned - the school Angelina was attending, called Proper Woman Academy, said that Angelina had been asked to leave not even two weeks into the training. When pressed for details, the obviously shy woman on the other end of the phone made up some excuse about having to go and cut our conversation short. As I hung up the phone, I was puzzled as to what could have POSSIBLY caused a school known for it's commitment to "refining ladies" to kick Angelina out. I decided to hear it straight from the source, so I got Angelina to come in the next day.

Unlike before when she had been resentful and arrogant towards the idea of being taught anything (don't think this was just one of Angelina's traits...it happens in almost all of my clients, sadly), now she had an heir of a disenchanted child about her; that is, she acted like she KNEW that the manners classes were good for her but that she was too proud to admit to it.

Angelina took a seat in the same chair she had sat in a few weeks earlier and folded her arms across her chest, her breasts resting gently on the crooks of her arm. Angelina wore just a light gray men's work shirt underneath a thick and heavy leather jacket, and a pair of black form fitting dress pants, of which the outfit blurred and obscured her renowned curves and numerous tattoos.

"So what happened? How did you get kicked out?" I asked her, my hands folded on the desk in front of me. I felt like I was her father, lecturing her about doing poorly in school. "Angelina, could you answer my question please?" I asked again.

Rather than responding, she just looked around my office. After a few seconds, she got up from the chair and began walking around the room, oblivious to me completely. I was now getting a little angry.

"Look Angelina, you may be a big star but when you are in this office, you are just another client and you need to answer my questions. WHY did you get kicked out of that school" I asked, now standing up from the chair, for what reason I don't know (perhaps my anger made me rise).

Angelina continued walking around the room slowly, running her long fingers over anything that caught her eye. I saw she was paying very close attention to my wall of photos, most of which had been of my father with various stars from the 60s to the late 90s. She spoke at last though.

"I got caught fucking Billy Bob on school grounds," Angelina said nonchalantly, her back turned to me.

I was almost dumbfounded, although I don't why I was - I should have seen this coming. I tried to think of what to say in response to that.

"Well...I'm sure that, now that I know that, if I call the CEO of the school, Mrs...uh, Robbins, we can sort this thing out," I said, confident in my solving of the problem.

"I don't know...we were doing the fucking on top of her desk," Angelina said, this time turning to look at me in the eyes as she spoke from across the room. My throat had gone dry as the image of Angelina bent over a desk not unlike the one in front of me, getting slammed hard from behind, filled my thoughts.

"Oh," I said dryly. "Well, what did you do when she walked in?" I asked.

"She joined us. You know, for a woman who spends so much time around sexually aggressive women, you'd think she would know how to eat pussy better!" Angelina said exasperatedly, like having sex in the middle of some strange woman's office on your agent's dime was an every day occurrence. Of course, with Angelina, I never knew.

She was now standing in front of the desk now, her palms flat on the desktop and her narrow ass arched high behind her. Her long brown hair, in a ponytail when she walked in, now hung over her left shoulder softly as she stared at me.

That added bit of information had made it even harder for me to concentrate on the situation. I suddenly realized that I had a quite large erection and that Angelina was probably staring right at it. Embarrassed a little, I sat back down in my chair.

"Ok Angelina but," I started to say, but was cut off. Angelina now sat on the desk halfway, her gorgeous ass half on and half off the desk, her long nails clinking on the laminated wood top of the desk as she sat in thought.

"Look Dean, let's be honest about some things right off the bat. You don't like me very much do you?" Angelina asked.

"Now Angelina, I didn't say that. I just thought..." I said before being cut off again.

"Let's keep these answers simple alright? Yes or no. I know how you agents like to go off on these long-winded speeches. So just answer me, yes or no" Angelina said.

"But.." I stammered, but Angelina had put a finger to her lips and motioned for me to follow her instructions. I felt like I was playing a game now with an adolescent child, but I knew in reality that if Angelina was anything besides an actress, it was that of a sexual huntress. I knew I had to tread lightly through these questions if I wanted to get anywhere.

"No, I don't, not really. But that's just your person-" I said, but Angelina shushed me. It suddenly dawned on me that Angelina and my eyes had been locked for I don't know how long, and that she was leaning closer to me.

"That's fine. I know not everyone in the world is going to like me, but in our case we need to work something out," Angelina said. "Now, even though you don't like me, do you find me attractive?"

"Yes," I blurted out, regretting that I was thinking with my head rather than the head with my BRAIN in it.

"Good. As do I with you. Now an even more important question: Would you fuck me?" Angelina asked. Her bee-stung lips were now just a few inches from mine as she leaned down on the desk. It suddenly hit me - I was being seduced. But to what end?

I hesitated for a moment before replying, trying to map out every scenario for where this was going. Choosing what I thought was a safe road, I answered:

"Well, yes I'd like to but the whole issue with your husband, Mr. Billy Bob Thornton seems to be a bit of a roadblock. Besides, you only fuck him right? That's what you've been telling all the magazines," I said, confident in my reply to the question.

Angelina began laughing at my question loudly, a rather throaty and deep laugh. She seemed to get a real kick out of something I said.

After calming down, but still giggling, she said: "Boy you really WERE wet under the ears when you took over this firm weren't you? That whole 'I only fuck Billy Bob' thing was an idea created by YOUR father one night while he was fucking the shit out of me in the back of that car you drive, that BMW whatever,"

"So then you don't just sleep with Billy Bob?" I asked, my confidence in keeping my relative monogamy with Natalie Portman now growing weaker every day.

"Oh, I do sleep with Billy Bob a lot. He's a great fuck, that's why I married him. But if you think someone like me is going to be satisfied with one man, you are horribly mistaken. That reputation I have in Hollywood didn't just appear out of thin air. Although I do think a lot of it came from that one producer who I wouldn't let cum in my pussy. What was his name again?" Angelina pondered wistfully. The absurdity of this conversation was increasing with every passing word.

"And Billy Bob knows about all this? He doesn't mind and actually takes part in it?" I asked.

"Oh yea. He loves watching me with another girl. And I get off on knowing he's there, waiting to fuck me when we get home after I'm done fucking a total stranger. But he REALLY loves it when I fuck another guy. We have this whole charade we put on, where he acts like the surprised husband who comes in and catches us. He gets all pissed off at the guy and threatens to shoot his balls off but then I 'magically' calm him down and Billy Bob joins in," Angelina said. "I don't know, it's some kind of power trip thing. But I have to admit that we put on a pretty fucking good show. Oscar caliber stuff for sure,"

"I find your sex life to be oh-so fascinating Angelina, but what does that have to do with you getting kicked out of that school and why you are now just a few inches away from me on my desk?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. My hands rested on the arm rests and were a little sweaty from the raw sexual tension and energy that seemed to emanate from Angelina's body. She was a sex kitten, without a doubt.

"Well, the school thing was just a misunderstanding. You can probably fix that - Billy had just brought me some lunch to eat since he had the day off and one things led to another," Angelina replied.

"You on the other hand," she said, taking my tie in her hand "are a different issue. I know we don't get along real well and in fact hardly see eye to eye on anything. But I think that for both of our sakes and our working relationship," she said, leaning so close I could feel her warm breath on my upper lip "you should fuck the living shit out of me,"

With a sudden movement, Angelina shot her hand down to my crotch, that had become incredibly hard in the past few minutes. Still, I was trying to come to grips with this relative insanity - I knew first hand that mixing sex with a working relationship (my psycho ex-assistant Julie) was NOT a good idea.

"So how about it Dean? I'll let you do whatever you want," she purred, her tongue dragging on the word "whatever".

"So if we fuck, that will make things better between us and we will get along. That's your brilliant idea?" I asked. I was incredibly turned on by this whole thing and getting more so by the minute as Angelina's hand began moving slowly up and down my shaft as she squeezed and fondled my balls through my pants. The idea had a very kinky allure to it, being able to compete (so to speak) for dominance by the sheer power of fucking.

Angelina didn't reply to my question, she just very, very, very slowly nodded her head, a sexy "come hither" smile on her face.

Leaning in to kiss me, we were interrupted by a buzz on the speaker phone: "Dean, you've got a call from Warner Brothers on line 3. You want me to take a message?"

"No Damon, I'll get it. Thanks," I replied, looking at Angelina.

"Who was that on the speaker phone? He sounded sexy," Angelina said, now sitting on the edge of the desk with her legs dangling in front of my crotch.

"That was Damon, my assistant," I replied.

Angelina connected the name with a face and her eyes lit up "Ooo, call him in here. Then we can really have some fun," she said.

"No. I have to take this phone call. I'll talk to you later about your...idea. Now, if you will excuse me," I said. Angelina looked a little hurt but I really did need to talk to Warner Brothers. They wanted a new show for Shannon Doherty now that she was off 'Charmed' and wanted me to try and work something out. I glanced at Angelina as she sat on the desk, looking pouty again.

I motioned for her to leave, but it was to no avail. She mouthed 'I'm not leaving till I get what I want'. I was getting a little angry as I tried to carry on a conversation with them.

"No, I agree completely. I think that if Shannon had complete creative control of the show, she wouldn't get into any more fights or trouble. Besides, it would give her something to do besides pick up trash on the freeway," I said jokingly. Angelina had hopped off the desk now but had dropped to her knees on the floor. With considerable strength, she parted my legs and went straight for the zipper on my slacks.

I tried to resist her and still not let on to the WB that my attention was not fully on what they were saying but Angelina had basically already won. She had darted a hand inside my zipper as soon as it was down and was fishing around for my cock, trying to pull it out from the zipper. I glanced down at her as I watched her struggle with the clasp and gave her an exasperated look as I undid the top button of my pants. If she was hell bent on giving me a blowjob, at least I could make sure she didn't rip my balls off in the process.

My pants sliding free, Angelina pulled my hard prick and dangled it in front of her mouth.

"Yummy...I always like appetizers before the main course," she said. And like a lightning bolt, her mouth engulfed my cock.

To say that it felt good inside of her mouth would be the most drastic understatement in history. There was something amazing inside Angelina's mouth and whether it was a natural ability, lots of experience or maybe even those puffy lips of hers, she knew how to give a blow job.

Her mouth warm and wet, like a sauna with suction, felt incredible around my cock. I had almost shot my load when she had wrapped her lips around me, but managed to control myself (a technique that I had been taught just a few weeks earlier by Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi) and delay orgasm. Angelina's lips bobbed up and down on my shaft, the skin moving in time with her lips and she sucked and licked greedily like a popsicle.

I suddenly realized that I hadn't said anything in the phone for at least 2 minutes, but was saved by the fact that they were still talking about what an idiot Aaron Spelling was. "Uh-huh," I said into the mouthpiece, trying to keep my breath from sounding too labored.

Angelina removed her mouth from my cock but lifted it up to lick it on the underside, mimicking something a porn star would do, as she ran her fingers over my balls, tickling and teasing them as they hung below my purple headed shaft. Angelina popped my meat back in her mouth and went back to work sucking me off. She had managed to work her way under the desk so that if anyone walked in, they wouldn't have the slightest idea what we were up to (although I think the heavy sweat on my brow would have been a dead giveaway).

I tried to focus my attention back to the phone. "Yes sir, go on. I think we are headed in the right direction," I gasped into the phone, still hoping I wasn't too obvious. My hands, which had been fidgeting on top of the desk and moving around to try and keep myself occupied, now acted on instinct and moved down, gripping Angelina's head in my palms and moving her head up and down on my crotch while I held the phone against my ear with my shoulder.

Angelina really knew how to give a blowjob, as every time her tongue would touch my sensitive cock, it felt like a spark of electricity shot from her mouth and onto my prick, charging it up and bringing about the most intense pleasure. She seemed to sense that I was close to cumming, so she began sucking hard on my prick, waiting for my load to come.

I felt my balls tense up and then explode my load in a torrential flood of semen, shooting it straight into her mouth and down her throat. I had to bite my lip to keep from groaning too loud into the phone while Warner Brothers talked. As I felt my orgasm subsiding, Angelina removed her mouth from my prick and licked a little droplet that sat perfectly on top of my head clean, leaving my prick still hard though. Angelina climbed out from under my desk and wiped her mouth with her little pinky, smearing the remaining cum onto her tongue.

Reaching into the purse she had left in the chair, she pulled out a piece of paper and scrawled something on it for a moment before folding it up and putting it on my desk in front of me. She mouthed out the words "Call me" and then walked out of the room. I managed to regain myself and finish the conversation, but not before I read Angelina's note:

"My house, 9 PM. Fun & a surprise. Bring that big cock of yours and let's have fun!"

Folding it up and smiling to myself, I wondered for the rest of the day what the surprise would be.

I showed up that evening dressed casually, changing before leaving the office. It was a hot fall night in LA, the smog from the business day had seeped in through the hills and left everything muggy and suffocating. Still, Angelina's house up on the beach had a refreshing sea breeze blowing in which sort of counteracted it. Ringing the doorbell, I was more than a little surprised to see Angelina standing there when she greeted me.

Dressed in tight leather pants that were slit up the side, revealing her beautiful legs and completely crotch-less in the front, it was quite a surprise to be sure. There was a faint wafer of the smell of her already wet pussy as she opened the door hitting my nostrils as she greeted me. All that she wore on her chest to cover her quite luscious breasts was a fishnet halter top that allowed her nipples to protrude from the flimsy material. Angelina's long brown hair hung over one shoulder and she looked at me sexily as she opened the door.

"Hello Dean, come in. I'll take you to your surprise in a minute if you will follow me," Angelina said, turning away.

"Geez, I hope you don't greet the Girl Scouts dressed like that," I joked, although the joke fell flat in the sexual tension I could feel building around us as we walked further into the house. Angelina's ass was also completely exposed in the back and her firm ass cheeks jiggled a little bit as she walked.

The beach house was nice, with high ceilings and a wide window giving a beautiful view of the beach from where the house rested on a hilltop. Pointing out the window as we walked, Angelina remarked:

"Billy Bob and I watch out that window there. When he sees a guy or a girl he would like to see me with, I run down there and grab them up. It doesn't take too much effort usually, especially with the guys. But the girls, I love doing it with the girls...gives me a challenge by having to seduce them. You wouldn't BELIEVE the types of people we've brought back up here," Angelina said.

I felt the bulge in my pants get bigger as we walked, hearing Angelina talk about the sheer slutiness of her behavior. I knew she had a sexual reputation in Hollywood, but some how having her confirm it to me made her "slut" image seem that much more alluring. She was like the bad girl that all men dream about fucking, only she happened to be a world famous actress and Oscar winner.

Turning around to talk to me as she walked backwards, Angelina spoke again.

"Tell me Dean, with all the Hollywood pussy you and I have shared, and trust me I think we have a lot of partners in common, who was your favorite?" Angelina said, walking backwards as she talked.

"Geez, I don't know. I don't do that whole gossip thing. They are all great girls and great lays...hey, does my reputation precede me THAT much?" I asked.

"Well, you know us girls. We love to talk. Especially when we get fucked nice and hard. It's only natural that it would come back to me, don't you think? You do have to tell me though if any of them have been giving out my little bedroom secrets. Have they?" Angelina replied. She was leading me upstairs now, presumably to her bedroom.

"I'm not sure what you mean, they all seem to be pretty talented on their own accounts," I said.

"Oh, bullshit. Most of the girls that I know that you have slept with were practically nuns before I met them. You know that thing where they squeeze your cock with their tight little pussies? Yea, that's not really a talent you are born with," Angelina said.

I was a little taken aback that she taught them that, but given all the other sexual boasting she had done, little was surprising me really right now.

"Really? Huh, I never would have guessed it," I replied.

"Yep. I'm still teaching them quite regularly so you never know what we will do to you next," Angelina said with a devilish grin. "Here, climb on the bed for me and lean against the head rest,"

I did as I was told and Angelina climbed on next to me, reaching over to start taking off my clothes. Her nipples hung just a few inches from my face as she leaned over to unbutton my shirt and I darted my tongue out, trying to get at them.

"Easy there tiger, not yet. We are doing things MY way, which means nice and slow at first and then long and hopefully very, very hard later," Angelina said. When she had stripped me naked, she reached behind the pillow I was laying on and produced a pair of handcuffs.

"Hey now, make sure you have a key for those," I grinned as Angelina tied my hands behind my head. Angelina didn't reply, but climbed off the bed and removed her shirt.

"I'll be RIGHT back," Angelina said, walking out of the room. Her leather pants swished as she walked, her legs brushing against each other.

A few minutes later, Angelina returned, guest in tow. In beside her walked a blindfolded girl of about 19 or 20. She was wearing a very skimpy bikini and my dick twitched a little as Angelina brought her into the light. The girl was simply gorgeous, with perfectly bronze (not over tanned at all) skin and a few small freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her breasts were a large B cup or so and her ass and waste were as skinny as any woman I had ever seen.

"Dean, this is Karin. Karin, say hello to Dean," Angelina said, rubbing her hands on Karin's arms and up towards her breasts.

"Hi," Karin said quietly. I saw that she looked to be a little nervous, not being able to see me and unsure of what was going to happen.

"Karin here has never been with a woman before. In fact, she claims that she has only had sex twice. Isn't that right Karin?" Angelina said, slapping Karin's ass gently with her hand. The girl jumped a little but laughed nervously. "Ye..yes"

"I found her laying on the beach today all by her lonesome and brought her back here just for the special occasion of you coming over tonight Dean," Angelina said. "But there is a catch to all this that I think we will all enjoy. Since I like to be in charge when it comes to sex, I'm going to set the rules.

"First off, Dean. You are going to be chained there and be forced to watch, so that by the time Karin and I finish, you will be so hot and filled with animal lust you will almost be able to rip those handcuffs off through the metal, your desire to fuck us both being the only thing on your mind. And Karin...why, you are in for a real treat my delicious little girl. I will introduce you to the pleasures of being with a woman...all while you remain blindfolded," Angelina said.

"But...Ms. Johnson," Karin said. Angelina winked at me: she hadn't even let the girl know who she was! "I...I don't know if I'm ready to try something like that,"

"Oh, relax Karin. By the time I'm done with you, you will be so skilled at sex with women that you will be able to go back to your sorority and get even more recruits for my bisexual revolution!" Angelina said, pulling Karin close to her and speaking softly in front of her lips. Karin giggled a little as Angelina took her hand, pulling her towards the bed.

Karin climbed on gently and Angelina led her over so that she was sitting right next to me. I could smell the suntan lotion and the scent of her womanly musk of excitement as she sat by me, just inches from my immobile body, her heat radiating onto me.

Without saying another word, Angelina scooted herself up next to Karin and embraced her once again, this time slipping her tongue delicately into Karin's mouth. At first the girl seemed to resist a little, but then she responded quite passionately, forcing her own tongue into Angelina's mouth. Angelina glanced over at me and reached out, giving my painfully hard dick a little squeeze. I gasped involuntarily at this, feeling myself become extremely horny at this display.

Angelina removed her hand from me and reached around Karin's back, untying her bikini top and pulling it free, letting it drop to the bed. Karin's breasts sprang free, with no hint of a tan line (I guess Angelina had found her sunbathing topless) on her tits. Karin's nipples were hard and protruding straight forward almost like erasers as she forced herself forward onto Angelina.

Still wearing her fishnet top, Angelina began to roam her hands all over Karin's body, rubbing and squeezing the girls nipples. Karin broke the kiss and sighed a little as her breathing became hot and heavy. She sat complacently, breathing hard as Angelina moved her mouth to Karin's nipples, giving them a loving lick.

Moving her tongue down to Karin's navel, Angelina planted small kisses on her tummy, dry, soft kisses that were the epitome of erotic. Karin's hands had not been innocent in all this either though, as her hands moved around and found Angelina's ass, squeezing and kneading it as Angelina dropped to her hands and knees as she moved further down the girls body.

I was thrashing around hard on the bed now, rocking it around as I tried to get some kind of contact on my dick in this very hot lesbian action. But Angelina had put the handcuffs on tight, so I was pretty much immobile.

Her tongue now slowly sliding towards Karin's skimpy bikini bottoms, Angelina pulled the fabric aside with her teeth. Karin seemed to pull back a little, unsure of if she wanted to cross this threshold.

"Ms. Johnson...I'm not sure if I..." Karin whispered.

"Shhh...just trust me Karin. You've got such a beautiful young pussy, I want to make sure it gets the kind of treatment that it deserves. Who knows how to please a woman better than another woman?" Angelina said to her, kissing the inside of Karin's thighs. The girl seemed to relax a little and let Angelina do whatever she wanted.

Laying her down gently on the bed next to me, Karin's side and arms rested against me. The blindfold over her eyes had so far managed to hold as the girls head rested on the pillow next to my own. Her short, shoulder length blond hair splayed out around her head as she bit her lip, nervous but excited at what was to come.

Angelina slowly slid her hand up Karin's stomach, rubbing her pussy with her elbow as she parted Karin's legs gently, leaving them open in a spread-eagle position. Rubbing her stomach, Angelina moved her long fingers down to the girls cunt, rubbing the thin strip of hair with her palm, causing Karin to gasp in pleasure.

Lowering her own mouth to right above Karin's pussy, Angelina began to blow gently on the lips, causing Karin to giggle a little as she moved back and forth on the bed, brushing her tits against my chest. Her eyes never leaving my own, Angelina put her mouth over the girls pussy and began to lap at it like a dog.

Karin's body bounced up on the bed as she moaned erotically, experiencing the feelings of sex with another woman for the first time.

"Oooo, Ms. Johnson I...UGHH!!" Karin said. Angelina held the girls legs down as she licked at her opening the girls pussy like a delicate flower. I saw Angelina's tongue lick her own lips seductively as she sucked on Karin's clit.

It didn't take but a few minutes of this for Karin to orgasm, a panting, throaty moan escaping from her pursed lips as Angelina brought her to climax. Her chest still heaving, Angelina climbed from between the young girls legs and onto the bed. Spreading her own legs wide, Angelina climbed into the 69 position and went back to work at Karin's cunt.

Angelina's own pussy slowly descended over Karin's mouth, moving around rhythmically as she teased it right above Karin's panting lips.

"Now Karin, I want to see how good your pussy eating skills are for an amateur. Do whatever comes naturally," Angelina said, between licks at the girls cunt. With that, Angelina lowered her pussy onto Karin's mouth. Karin pulled her mouth shut at first, but as she got used to the pungent, sweet odor of Angelina's dripping wet cunt, Karin slowly opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out tentatively.

After moving it around in various directions at first, Karin's pink little tongue finally found Angelina's own pink little cunt and she started to lick it slowly, one lick at a time.

"Yea girl, that's it. Keep it up! Give it to me faster!" Angelina moaned. Encouraged by her words, Karin smiled and became more assertive, lifting her head from the pillow as she pushed her tongue deeper into Angelina's cunt. It wasn't long before Karin got the hang of it, albeit a little clumsily, and she moved her hands onto Angelina's ass, opening up her legs wider so that she could get a better taste.

Karin moaned again as Angelina brought her to her second orgasm of the night. Angelina meanwhile was swaying her legs around Karin's head, squeezing a little as the girl licked now faster and faster at Angelina's sweet juice. Lifting her head up from in between Karin's legs, Angelina rocked back and now sat almost totally on Karin's face while the girl licked.

Squeezing her legs tightly around Karin's head, Angelina began to orgasm "Yes! Do it! Lick my cunt! See, you are a little pussy loving slut aren't you! Get ready for your first taste of woman juice because here it comes!" Angelina cried.

Karin's face was flooded with Angelina's juices, coating her lips and cute little freckles with sweet pussy liquid, some of it even soaking into Karin's blindfold. Rolling off of Karin, Angelina collapsed beside her on the bed. I was about to blow my load after watching such a hot site, but Angelina had other plans.

"Can I take off my blindfold now Ms. Johnson?" Karin panted, wiping Angelina's juice from her face and onto the bed.

"No, not yet. We still have Dean over here to take care of," Angelina replied. "How about it Dean, which one of us would you like to fuck first?"

"I don't care, just give me one of you girls hot pussies and I will be able to die happy!" I grunted, realizing that Angelina had been right about the animal lust taking over.

"Hmmm...just what I like to hear. I've been dying to ride that cock since we first met. And this will of course, resolve any differences of opinion we might have, right?" Angelina said, reaching her arm over and stroking my chest.

"Yes, yes, whatever, just let me get off!" I replied, thrusting my hips off the bed.

"Karin, if you would be so obliged, guide me onto Mister ahh...Johnson's cock here," Angelina said.

"Is he your husband?" Karin asked, sitting up on the bed and rubbing herself against Angelina like a playful little kitten.

"Something like that," Angelina said, winking again at me. With a little help, Angelina was able to lead Karin over to me and position herself right above my cock.

"That's it girl, now slowly ease me onto it. He's got a 9 inch prick so it won't take long for me to hit it. Then, after he shoots his first load into my hot pussy, you can have a ride," Angelina said.

"Oh boy!" Karin said, holding onto Angelina's hips as she held her over me. I couldn't use my hands to hold my cock up straight, but Angelina's soft hands had already taken care of that for me. Though not too experienced at sex, Karin certainly knew how to tease a man as she slowly (agonizingly slow) let Angelina drop onto my prick. Inch by inch, I disappeared into Angelina's wetness.

Her pussy wasn't tight, so much as it was wet and warm and oh so nice. Her clit rubbed against me as she descended my shaft, and Angelina panted a little as my full girth slowly entered her. I felt my balls rest between her ass and felt the heaven that I'm sure quite a few other people had felt as well. With every up and down thrust, Angelina's body seemed to move in a graceful, catlike motion. As bizarre as it sounds, while having sex Angelina became like the most graceful ballerina, her body swaying and moving in rhythm.

Angelina must have grown tired of being lowered up and down on my cock, so she decided to rotate me around (no easy task while handcuffed) so that SHE lay on the bed and I was thrusting into her in a semi-missionary style, moving around as much as the cuffs would let me. Being handcuffed was both frustrating and highly erotic, because it forced me to consider alternate ways of making love to Angelina.

Karin had climbed onto the bed next to Angelina and was licking her nipples tenderly as I fucked in and out of Angelina's dripping wet snatch, her legs wrapped around my waist and our bodies rocking together as I supported myself with my knees, hunched over at an angle.

I felt my load arrive and forced myself as deep as possible into Angelina as I unleashed inside of her, coating her cunt with my juice. Angelina moaned loudly as she came a few seconds later, both of us panting for breath when we were done. I pulled out from her and laid face down on the bed, rotating myself around so that I laid on my back.

"Wow, that was great Dean. And I see you still have some stamina for Karin here. I saw her twitching with excitement as she listened to us while we fucked so I bet she is more than ready," Angelina said.

Indeed, Karin looked MORE than ready. At Angelina's mere mention of her name, Karin had shot straight up on the bed and was feeling around blindly in front of her, trying to find where the action was.

"Oh Ms. Johnson, you have no idea! I want it soooo bad!" Karin moaned as she forced her hand between her legs and began to rub her cunt. Angelina smiled at me.

"Very well Karin, and as a special treat, I'll even take off your blindfold," Angelina said. The girl giggled a little and sat perfectly still as Angelina crawled over to her and reached behind the girl's head, untying the tight knot and letting the blindfold slip off her face down her neck.

Karin opened her eyes - a beautiful sky blue hue that sparkled vibrantly as she looked around and adjusted to the light. She scoped out the room and looked at us laying there on the bed. Angelina was reclining next to me, rubbing her hand up and down my chest as I watched Karin take it all in.

At first she didn't seem to know who Angelina was, or if she did she ignored it. But then she did a double take and looked back at Angelina's beautiful, naked body and a look of puzzlement came over her face.

"Ms. Johnson, has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like..." Karin said, before Angelina cut her off.

"Angelina Jolie? Yes. Because I AM Angelina Jolie," Angelina said with a wicked smile. She moved her hand out and rubbed Karin's smooth thigh.

"But, I thought you said...so I just had sex with...woah!" Karin said. I couldn't tell if she was happy or upset or what, but she didn't seem to resist as Angelina's hand moved up her thigh and she started stroking her pussy. "And who is this guy?" Karin asked, pointing at me.

"This is Dean. He's my agent, and one of the best fucks I've had in a while. You are more than welcome to try him out if you want, he's not going anywhere," Angelina chuckled. Karin grinned widely and moved over towards me. I didn't say a word as she took my cock in her hand and began stroking it back to it's full length. Karin lowered her mouth slowly and gave my prick a few licks, wetting it a little. She got on her hands and knees and spun around backwards, lowering her ass and pussy towards my girth.

Angelina pulled open Karin's ass cheeks as the girl slipped the head of my dick into her pussy. We both gasped a little - she was incredibly tight, and I could barely fit the head of my cock inside of her opening without stretching her pussy lips widely.

Slowly though, Karin adjusted to the feeling and inch by inch I disappeared inside of her. Within a few minutes, she was riding me "cowgirl" style with ease. Compared to Angelina's pussy, Karin's a challenge. I like a tight cunt as much as the next guy, but TOO tight is almost painful to fuck. Luckily, Karin's pussy lubricated itself pretty well as we fucked (not to mention Angelina's tongue licking Karin's clit as often as she could). My arms were growing incredibly tired now, having to use my whole lower body to control my fucking.

Sensing this, Angelina unlocked the handcuffs on my wrist and I fell back onto the bed with a thud. I caught my breath for a moment, my dick still buried deep inside of Karin, and I moved my hands up to her waist so that I could feel her body.

Sliding my hands up her stomach, I cupped Karin's breasts in my hands and gave them a gentle squeeze - I had been thinking they were fake when I first saw them, but now that I felt them they felt real and very natural. Teasing her nipples with my thumbs, I rubbed her breasts as she bounced on top of me. Able to sit up now, I pulled her back to me and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight as my dick moved slowly in and out of her.

Angelina moved in front of Karin and we sandwiched her, Angelina sliding her tongue back into Karin's warm, wet mouth as the two girls made out on top of me. Seeing Angelina's full, beautiful lips pressed against the flawless, innocent face of Karin was too much, and I felt my balls tense up once more, shooting stream after stream into Karin's ultra tight cunt.

The remainder of the night was spent drinking and talking and most importantly, fucking. Angelina taught Karin everything she knew about making love to both a woman and a man (for which I was a more than willing volunteer). Around 5 AM or so, the girls crashed and fell asleep, so I decided to sneak out. I left Angelina a note, just like she had done for me:


Thank you for such a wonderful ice breaker. Do whatever you want, I don't think there is much I can do to stop you. Give me a call, let's do lunch sometime.

Smiling, I set it on the bedside table next to Angelina's collection of vibrators and body oils (that's a whole other story...) and slipped quietly out of the house, into my car. The echo of the waves filling the early morning air, Angelina had been right - a little sex can go a long way to creating a good, working relationship. I knew that it was something I would have to try in the future with ALL my clients...
Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 21
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:47:13 PM
Chapter 21: Ashley Judd

* * * * *

It's been almost a year now since I took over my father's talent agency, abandoning my life at the time to come out and try to maintain his very profitable business - meeting and well, sleeping with, a pretty big amount of celebrities. I had told myself that after six months I'd call it in and go back East to the lifestyle I grew up in. But now, I think that at least a little more time spent in Hollywood might be in my best interest.

I stood right now in the airport lobby, having just flown into the Louisville, Kentucky airport. Beside me stood my current love interest, Natalie Portman. We were in Kentucky to visit her friend Ashley Judd for a weekend in the country, and to give me a chance to try and lure away Ashley from her current agent, some nobody out of New York.

"Dean, are you SURE you got all your bags? I mean, I know I only have one but come on, I've never seen a guy bring three suitcases for a two day trip," Natalie said, laughing at me in good fun. I had brought so much luggage, one of the "suitcases" actually being my briefcase and a lot of paperwork for Ashley to hopefully look over. The rest...well, I had to admit that I had probably over packed, not sure what the weather would be like in Kentucky that time of year.

"I know, I know. Better to always be prepared. That's what my mother used to say anyways. Besides, you said Ashley wanted to go hiking in the woods this weekend any ways right?" I asked, slugging my briefcase over my shoulder and trying to keep up with Natalie, who happened to only have one bag over her petite shoulder.

Natalie was wearing a pair of burgundy corduroy ankle-length Capri pants and a t-shirt, a baseball cap planted firmly on her head to try and keep her from being noticed by any die-hard Star Wars fans. The newest Star Wars film was going to be coming out real soon, which meant intense media attention towards Natalie, especially given the scantily clad costumes she was reportedly supposed to be wearing in the film (she refused to tell me one way or the other, just smiling mischievously whenever I asked). She had confided in me that she didn't really mind being in the spotlight or the PR work that promoting the film required, she just hated getting cornered by the hardcore fans.

Hailing one of the waiting cabs outside the airport, we piled in and gave the driver Ashley's address as he pulled away.

"You folks better get comfortable," he said in a thick Southern drawl "This here is out in the middle of nowhere. It's a 45 minute drive, depending on traffic,"

Natalie sighed a little exasperatedly and settled back into the seat, taking my hand in hers, her small fingers wrapping against mine. I was exhausted from the flight, flying first from Los Angeles to New York to meet Natalie and then hopping on another plane to come to Kentucky.

Natalie removed her baseball cap and shook her long brown hair free, resting her head against my shoulder. Now it was my turn to sigh as I laid my head against the back of the cab and closed my eyes.

I must have dozed off, because when I awoke the scenery had changed drastically - trees lined the road on both sides and there didn't seem to be any cars coming at us or behind/in front of us. I was awakened by the feeling of Natalie's hand rubbing against my thigh, very close to my crotch. I adjusted myself so that I was more comfortable and looked down at Natalie. Her eyes met mine and she smiled, the fading light of the sunset reflecting off her angelic face.

"You remember the first time we got together, in the back of that limo?" she whispered softly to me, her mouth close to my ear. "You remember how we much fun that was, the thrill that we might get caught?" Natalie said, her hand now resting squarely on my cock, rubbing it gently through my jeans.

"How could I forget. That night was incredible, in a lot of ways," I whispered back to her. I realized that the whispering was unneeded, as the driver of the cab had on a pair of head phones and seemed to rocking out to some country or rock station, the faint sound of it's melodies competing with the hum of the cab's engine for the only sound that was audible.

"Well, I was thinking about it while you were sleeping and it got me incredibly horny," Natalie said, rubbing my crotch even faster now. "And I was thinking, since there is no one around and the driver isn't paying attention..." she trailed off.

I just leaned my head down and kissed her head, putting my hand over hers that rested on my lap, giving her a sign of encouragement. Natalie slowly unzipped my pants and reached her hand into the jeans, grasping my cock through my boxers, glancing up every second or so at the driver to make sure he indeed wasn't watching.

Very slowly and quietly, she began to jerk me off, her small fingers caressing my now very hard meat. I leaned back more into the faux-leather seat, spreading my legs a little to allow her more access. A casual glance by the driver would have only shown Natalie's small body pressed against my chest, one of my arms wrapped around her shoulder.

Of course, what he wouldn't have seen was me slowly snaking my hand up under Natalie's shirt and cupping her small breasts, rubbing the nipple between my fingers as Natalie's hand slowly moved up and down on my shaft. Natalie sighed quietly as I rubbed her, alternating between her breasts slowly, both of us very cautious not to give this backwoods country cab driver a free show.

We continued like this for a while, Natalie's forehead slowly starting to glisten with sweat and my own orgasm very near. I had managed to work her breasts free from the constraints of her bra, her hard nipples rubbing against my palm. Natalie's face was flushed as she turned her lips upward to kiss me, a deep and passionate kiss that was also quite tender. Her mouth tasted just the way I remember - like heaven, with a slight taste of some kind of fruit and a small tongue that was no match for my own.

Unfortunately, just as I was about to cum right there in the back of the cab, the driver pulled off his headphones and said "Is this the place?"

We were both startled and I think jumped at least six inches off the seat, pulling away from each other hurriedly. Natalie quickly adjusted her shirt while I zipped up my pants, my orgasm so close that it was almost painful.

"Uhh...let me check," Natalie said, reaching into her purse to pull out a picture of the house. Though it was now just about dusk, the house the driver was now idling in front of was quite obviously Ashley's Kentucky home.

"Yeah...yea, this is the place," Natalie replied. We both opened our doors and got out, digging our stuff out from the trunk of the cab. Setting it on the ground, Natalie went in towards the house while I fished in my pocket for the money for the driver. As she walked past, the driver startled us both by grabbing hold of Natalie's wrist.

Natalie looked a little frightened by the sudden movement, but it turned out to be nothing.

"Geez, I hate to do this, but Ms. Portman, do you think I could get an autograph? My two sons just loved watching you in that Phantom movie and they would just die if they knew I had Queen Amidala in the back of my cab," the driver said in a soft voice, smiling at Natalie.

"Oh! Oh, yes, of course, sure. What are your sons names so that I can make it out to them?" Natalie asked.

"Ben and Taylor. And if you could make it out to me, Jim, I'd appreciate it too," the driver said very politely.

"Not a problem," Natalie said, smiling. The driver had given her a little notepad to write on and Natalie quickly scrawled a message to the three Kentuckians. Handing the pad back to the man, Natalie said "Here you go,"

I stood beside her now and held out the money for the fare, about to hand him a hundred dollar bill.

"Thanks for going out of your way like this, Jim," I said. "You can keep the change"

"No, you put your money away young man. No charge for this fare. It's not every day I get to drive around royalty," he said.

"Well, thank you very much," I said, gathering up my bags. Natalie and I watched the man turn around on the dirt road that we were now on and watched him drive off when he stopped the cab again.

"Oh, and listen. I won't tell anyone about what you two lovebirds were doing back there," Jim said, again smiling that country smile.

Both Natalie and I must have blushed at the same time because he laughed now. "Don't worry about it. After driving this heap of metal for 15 years, you two are HARDLY the most outrageous thing I've ever seen happen in my back seat. Take care,"

Driving off, Natalie and I waved to him. "You believe him?" I asked, still a little dumbfounded that he would give up 100 bucks for an autograph "Sure, people out here are different than those LA snobs you are used to," Natalie replied, giving my cheek a quick peck.

We walked up the gate to the house, luggage in tow. "I hope Ashley has something to eat, I'm starving!" Natalie said.

The two girls had met when Natalie filmed her last non-Star Wars film, "Where the Heart Is" with Ashley, and had apparently become close friends, exchanging email and keeping in touch with each other through instant messages and other Internet mumbo jumbo that I just didn't quite understand. We had planned this trip to coincide with some of Ashley's down time between films and right after Natalie's mid-term exams. Of course, my schedule was flexible enough to be able to leave whenever I wanted to, but I still had hoped to get a little bit of work done this time and to be able to still write the trip off as a business expense.

"Well well well, look at these two city slickers, walking up onto Judd property," Ashley called to us from her porch. She leaned against a column on the house, her arms crossed against her chest. She was dressed pretty casually like the both of us, wearing a torn University of Kentucky t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Despite being a pretty big star in Hollywood, it seemed that the country accent and upbringing from her family of singers hadn't worn off of her completely yet.

"Hey Ashley!" Natalie said as we walked up the steps to the house. Natalie dropped her suitcase and hugged Ashley, Ashley's height being significantly taller than Natalie's petite frame. Though her hairstyle and color had changed a lot, Ashley currently was set on a short, cropped and curly brown hair color, the curls sticking out in all kinds of directions.

I stood there awkwardly as the two girls chatted to each other, almost oblivious to my presence. Ashley finally stopped in mid-sentence and looked up at me.

"Oh! You must be the famous Dean Simonds that Natalie just keeps raving about," Ashley said, walking over to me and giving me an enthusiastic hug.

"That would be me. I like your house here, it's rustic but still has some of that LA charm," I said.

"Spoken like a true West Coaster," Ashley replied dryly.

"Hey now, I grew up on the East Coast, up in New York, so don't give me any of that West Coast bullshit. I'm just in LA...visiting," I replied to her, laughing.

"Sure, sure, whatever," Ashley said, guiding us inside "Here, come on in. You two are just in time for dinner. Hey Dar, come here and say hi to Natalie and Dean," Ashley called down a hallway.

"Dar" was actually Dario Franchitti, Ashley's race car driving fiancé of almost two years. A Scot, he was a little taller than Ashley and looked just like a race car driver, his black hair slicked back on top of his head.

We all sat down in the living room for a few minutes while dinner was finishing being cooked (A veggie salad for Ashley and Natalie, who were both vegetarians, and fried chicken, biscuits and other home grown vegetables for "Dar" and myself).

"So, are you two up for some hiking tomorrow?" Ashley asked, sipping on a glass of wine while sitting in a leather chair across the way from me and Natalie on the couch.

"I am. I love being outside, especially this part of the country. It's so relaxing to go out and just explore the wilderness a little," Natalie replied. "Although, I'm not sure how much hiking Dean will be able to do. His knees always hurt even when we walk around New York City a little. What a wuss," she said, playfully slapping my chest.

She was right however. I had hurt my knee a long time ago back in high school when I played soccer. A slide tackle had pretty much ended my career then, and even to this day whenever I walk a great distance, especially up hills, I end up with a week's worth of pain.

"Well, that's ok. I wasn't going anyways - I know these hills like the back of my hand and there really isn't any reason for me to go again. This will be good then - you and Natalie can hike it up and be back here in time for a late afternoon dinner," Ashley said to Dario.

"Oh is that so?" Dario replied. "And what are you and Mr. Simonds over there going to do all day?"

"Oh, I'm sure we will think of something," Ashley said, winking at me. The whole room burst into laughter but something told me that Ashley wasn't completely joking around.

We ate dinner a few minutes later and the food was delicious. I had had a grandmother who was from the South and I always remember loving when she came to town because of the delicious food she would always cook. Though a little on the dry side, Ashley's fried chicken was almost like those home cooked meals I had enjoyed so many ages ago.

The four of us socialized for a while, but both Natalie and I were exhausted from traveling and decided to go to bed a little early. We made love for a little while but finally just collapsed after a couple of go-arounds, both of us too tired to go on.

"Dean, I hope you know that you can trust me tomorrow with Dario when we go hiking," Natalie said, her head resting on my chest. I could feel her small, soft frame breathing in and out against me, her small breasts crushed against my chest. Her sex lay on top of my right leg, the warmth of our intercourse still giving it a comforting and radiating warmth.

"Of course. I have no reason not to trust you. And besides, I don't think that race car drivers are your type. Too reckless. I think you'd rather date someone who travels a lot. Someone who gets to meet all the stars and get into all the big parties in Hollywood. You know, someone like me," I replied, smiling at her. Natalie lifted her head, her brown locks falling in front of her face.

"Is that so? Gee mister, you have me all figured out!" Natalie said playfully in a mock serious voice. She leaned down to kiss me goodnight, a long and soft kiss (I always will remember the feel of her tongue inside my mouth. It always felt like heaven on earth).

"Goodnight," she murmured, rolling off of me. I could tell she was about to fall asleep. I reached my arm over and stroked her back as she lay breathing next to me, feeling the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips.

"Goodnight," I whispered and then began to feel myself drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I awoke to find Natalie already out of bed and, come to find out, gone. Walking out into the kitchen, I found Ashley sipping a cup of coffee and reading the local newspaper.

"Morning," I yawned, scratching my messed up hair with my hand lazily.

"Good morning," Ashley said, not looking up from the paper. "They left around 6:00. It's an all day hike and they wanted to get back before dark tonight, in case you were wondering," Ashley said, finishing her sip.

"Oh. Ok. Well, where is that coffee pot? I think I need to connect that caffeine directly into my veins. It was so hard getting up this morning, that bed was incredibly comfortable. I think you are trying to trap us here, giving us all these creature comforts," I said, finding the coffee pot and pouring myself a cup.

"Na, I can't trap Natalie. That girl is too strong willed - she would never go for something like that. You on the other hand...I'm still trying to figure you out, but you seem to be the highly trappable type," Ashley said, lifting her head up from the page for the first time.

She was wearing only a purple bathrobe and a pair of long plaid pajama pants, her brown hair tied behind her head in a ponytail.

"Figuring me out is easy - give me a big plate of food, a big bed to sleep in and a girl to lie next to me and I'm yours," I replied jokingly. "Of course, you could probably say that for any man,"

"Touché," Ashley said, punching my arm lightly from across the table affectionately. "So, you want some breakfast or what? I don't have much meat in the house but I bet I could scramble up some eggs for you,"

"That would be wonderful. Don't go to too much trouble though," I said.

"No trouble at all. You're a guest in my house AND the boyfriend of one of my best friends. I could go so far as to suck your dick and it wouldn't be any trouble," Ashley said. I couldn't tell from her tone of voice if she was serious or not. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable sitting there in just an undershirt and boxer shorts.

Ashley picked up on my discomfort.

"That was a joke. Chill out. I'm engaged, remember?" Ashley said.

"Right, of course. How silly of me. People in Hollywood NEVER cheat on each other," I retorted smart-alecky.

"Hey mister, you better watch that mouth you got on ya. We don't take too kindly to jokers here in the South," Ashley said in her deepest Southern accent. Ashley returned to cooking the eggs and soon the room was filled with the scent of cooking done by a chef who really knows what they are doing.

After breakfast, I got in the shower and tried to think of anything but Ashley. But no matter what I did, my mind kept running over and over again the little flirting gestures she had shown since we got here. I had been unfaithful to Natalie before in our relationship, but that was when we were across the country from each other. I stood very little chance of getting caught.

But here I was, Natalie out for the afternoon but possibly able to come back at almost any time, and one of her best friends was hitting on me (an engaged one, no less)! Was I out of my mind to think that even if Ashley really was serious in her flirting that we could get away with it without our significant others finding out?

The thrill of risking it all like that in such a knowingly dangerous situation began to turn me on incredibly, but I pushed my thoughts aside for the time being. Shutting off the water and drying myself off, I decided to see if Ashley continued her maneuvering and take it from there...adultery requires two people, after all.

I found Ashley relaxing on the swing of her porch, quietly enjoying a glass of lemonade and reading a book. Wanting to get my mind as far off sex as possible, I walked back inside and grabbed my briefcase, bringing it out in an attempt to persuade her towards joining my firm.

"Oh no, I KNEW there was an alternate method to your trip up here!" Ashley groaned upon seeing the briefcase.

"I know, I know. But this damn thing just follows me around wherever I go. I figure I gotta make the most of it when I can. So tell me Ashley," I said in my most serious business voice. "How satisfied are you right now with your current representation?"

"I'm completely satisfied. Well wait, no, I'm not satisfied. I mean, I don't know! You big city boys come down here and just confuse a little Southern belle like me on purpose don't you?" Ashley said, reverting to her Southern accent again. "Please, sit down and tell me about all the services that you offer,"

She scooted over on the swing and I sat down. We talked about her future films for a while and I found out that she wasn't interested in making tremendous amounts of money, she just wanted to star in a lot of movies and get top billing. She wasn't even concerned with doing really GOOD movies, she just wanted to move out from the shadow of the rest of her family and prove that the Judds weren't completely about just singing.

As we sat there, slowly rocking back on the swing, the lazy fall breeze blowing in every now and then to jostle my papers around, I noticed that Ashley had moved closer and closer to me and that her legs were just about touching my own.

I tried to play it off as a coincidence, but when she started rubbing her leg against me (the rest of her body acting on it's own accord), I knew she was serious. I stopped her in mid-sentence.

"Ashley, do you really want to go down that path?" I asked, looking deep into her brown eyes.

"I can keep a secret if you can," she replied, moving her hand to my thigh. "But let's go inside so no one driving by sees us,"

Ashley took my hand and led me into the house, drawing the blinds as she did. Stopping me in front of the front door, she reached down and pulled off my shirt, tossing it onto a sofa. Taking my hand again, she led me to the kitchen.

"Hmmm...I'm not sure if this is what I had in mind," I said. Ashley didn't speak for a second, but instead lifted up the back of her dress, revealing a quite firm, tight ass with a green thong riding up the cleft of her cheeks. Digging her fingers beneath the fabric, she pulled it aside and gave me a first glimpse of her beautiful cunt.

A light shade of brown, her pussy lips were a deep shade of pink, and I saw a small tuft of blond hair above her snatch. Her rosebud asshole was pert and cute and the magnificent shape of her ass was a sight to behold for sure.

"Oh come on Dean, I could use a good lay. And I KNOW you haven't been faithful to Natalie while you are out there in Los Angeles. But that's alright. I figure, if other Hollywood whores are getting to have some fun, not to mention a really good friend of mine, I might as well enjoy it too," Ashley said. She had spread her legs wide and her pussy was just an open invitation now, the stiffness in my pants getting tighter by the second.

I didn't like being known as basically a Hollywood gigolo, but if the shoe fits, wear it.

Unzipping my pants and letting them fall to the floor before stepping out of them, I moved behind Ashley. I rubbed the tip of my cock on her warm cheeks and between her legs, but not quite entering her. I used my right hand to rub and squeeze her ass, fondling it in my palm and enjoying it's very slight jiggle. I slipped my finger inside of her cunt and slowly began to move it in and out of her, her pussy responding dramatically by wetting down my hand as I finger fucked her.

Dropping to my knees, I slowly began to lick her ass, moving from one cheek to the other with a few little gentle bites every now and then to keep Ashley jumping a little. Running my tongue between her legs, from her pussy to her ass, I relished the sweet taste of this actress. Her womanhood gave off an odor that was quite pleasant and the taste of her cunt juice was like that of a bitter kind of honey, sweet but with a little bit of a kick.

Ashley had been biting on her lip, trying not to moan too loudly as I ate her out. The thrill of knowing that Natalie and Dario could walk in any second sent a slight shiver of excitement down my spine, serving to only make my dick that much harder. Ashley's moans became a soft grunt now as I moved my fingers (I had three inside her now) back and forth, the kitchen table rocking gently back and forth as I thrust my hand in and out of her faster and faster.

She was sopping wet now, and I could see her nipples straining against the fabric of her dress from the excitement. Ashley's head was rested on her arms but she seemed to be on another level of consciousness as I worked on her pussy, her eyes squinted closed tightly and her mouth gasping for air. Satisfied that she was ready to go, I positioned myself behind her and slowly slid the head of my shaft inside of her, watching her pussy lips expand and wrap tightly around me to "greet" me.

Ashley's pussy wasn't tight, but it wasn't loose either. This made it easy for me to slip totally inside of her within a thrust or two, my balls slapping against the crack in her ass. I grabbed onto Ashley's hips and rocked her body back against me, her legs holding firm onto the ground as we moved in unison. Moving a hand up, I slid the straps of Ashley's dress down and scrunched the whole thing up at her waist, the fabric held in place on her body by her sweat.

Cupping her breasts in my hand, I held them in my palms, rubbing them around in circles as we moved. This little extra attention paid to her breasts caused Ashley to orgasm, spilling her juice down the inside of her leg. Gasping for air after coming down from her orgasm, Ashley seemed to have a renewed vigor and stood up from the table slightly, reaching her arms back and pulling me onto her own back. This forced her back down onto the table, but Ashley was two steps ahead of me and, with my own body now suspended on the table as well, she wrapped her legs at the knee around my thighs.

This allowed me to get up into a better position by thrusting into her on my knees. Ashley's back arched up in the air as she thrust her ass higher for me to reach. I began to pull in and out of her with each jab inside of her, letting the head of my cock come out before shoving it back into her hard. Each time I did this, Ashley screamed even louder. I was really worried now about someone hearing us, especially Natalie, but Ashley's primal screams just encouraged me to go faster and longer into her.

My balls tightened up and I felt my orgasm coming. Bucking into Ashley harder now, the table shaking violently on it's wooden legs, I unleashed my load deep in Ashley's cunt. She felt my eruption and gave off one final moan, so loud that it filled and echoed throughout the entire house.

Spent, I collapsed on top of her and we laid there for a few minutes, my softening prick still held in the deep recesses of her cunt.

Suddenly, I heard voices outside - VERY CLOSE voices!

"Oh shit, I think they are back!" I whispered into Ashley's ear. I promptly slid off of her, my dick coming out her pussy with a plop and spilling a few drops of cum down Ashley's leg.

Hurriedly, we both fixed our clothing, but it was then that I realized that I had left my shirt in the living room! I had put my pants and shoes back on, but without the shirt, I knew I was toast. Natalie and Dario were just coming up the front walk now. Frantic, I looked around for a place to go.

Without saying a word, Ashley (who had quite easily slid her panties back on and fixed her dress) pointed to the tiny kitchen window above the sink. I looked at her questioningly but I didn't have much choice right now. Hopping onto the counter quickly, I threw the window open and managed to get most of the way through before I felt Ashley shoving hard on my feet.

This caused me to lose my balance and I landed with a thud on the dusty ground below the window. Getting up and brushing myself off, I crouched down by the window to hear what was going on.

The front door opened first and I heard Natalie and Dario come in talking to one another. Ashley had walked to the living room to greet them now and I heard her voice louder than the others.

"Hey you two. So, did Dar show you the very top of the mountain?" I heard Ashley say.

"Yep. And you were write, that is an amazing view up there. You can see for miles and miles. So peaceful," Natalie replied.

"Well, I'm glad that it was a worthwhile trip. I would have gone with you, but I had things to do around here, you know," Ashley said.

"It's ok baby, we didn't mind. Natalie is a natural climber," Dario said. He must have walked over to Ashley now because his voice sounded much closer.

"Hey, where's Dean? I wanted to tell him about the hike!" Natalie said inquisitively. My heart froze in my chest - I some how hadn't thought of that fact that Ashley might be put on the spot. How stupid of me to leave my relationship in the hands of someone who was just as guilty as me!

"And why is his shirt laying here on the couch?" Natalie said, now sounding a little angry and confused.

"Oh, so it is. He must have taken it off when he went outside. The uhh...faucet out back was leaking and he thought he could fix it. I guess he took off his shirt so it didn't get dirty," Ashley stammered. I crossed my fingers and hoped they bought it.

"I didn't know that the faucet was leaking. When did this happen?" Dario said, his voice now ALSO taking on the same concerned tone of Natalie's.

"No, it just started up while I was cleaning up the kitchen. Dean is right out back, let me holler to him," Ashley said. I heard her walk towards the window and stick her head out. She glanced down at me, crouching like a little kid and did a sort of head jerking motion that said "Get inside NOW!"

"Dean? You back there? Natalie and Dar are back!" Ashley hollered and then her head disappeared. I counted to five and stood up slowly, hoping to make it appear like I wasn't crouching after all but had just walked into the frame of view of the window.

"Oh, hey guys. I think I fixed the faucet Ashley," I said, feigning a brow wipe.

"That's great. Thanks a lot Dean," Ashley said. Both Dario and Natalie stood there watching us, and I could almost hear the wheels in their head spinning as they tried to dissect the scenario. "Well, come on in and get changed, and Natalie and I will get dinner going,"

I walked around the house and came inside. Natalie gave me a long hug and quick, soft kiss on the lips.

"I missed you today. I really wished you had come," Natalie said, her head looking up at me trustingly. I almost wanted to blurt out what I had done, but I knew that Dario (who was much larger than I) would be on me in a heartbeat. That is, after Natalie got finished with me.

"I missed you too. But I think that Ashley and I worked out an arrangement. She should be coming over to the firm pretty soon, right Ashley?" I called out to her from the front door.

"Oh yea, for sure. You watch out for Dean there Natalie, he can swindle you into doing just about anything," Ashley replied sarcastically and we all laughed.

"Hey Dean," Dario said, walking towards me. "How did you fix the faucet without any tools?" My heart again leaped into my throat and now Natalie was looking straight at me, that questioning gaze back in her eyes.

"Well, I uhh, you see, it was a little loose and," I tried to stammer but knew that the ax was just about to fall on me and Ashley both, indicting us. I was just about to admit defeat when Ashley chimed in and saved us both from the fire AGAIN.

"He used his hands. It was just on a little tight, and I think that caused the pressure to drop. Now stop playing twenty questions with him and let's all just enjoy dinner," Ashley said coolly.

I felt the tension in the room dissipate. We all sat down and ate a nice dinner and stayed up late into the night talking - most of it discussion about the trip that Natalie and Dario had had. By 1 AM or so, Natalie had laid her head down on my lap and was about to fall asleep, so I bid Ashley and Dario goodnight for the both of us and carried Natalie into our bedroom.

Laying her down on the bed and then climbing in beside her, Natalie rolled over on her side and murmured: "I know what you and Ashley were doing today while we were gone," she said.

"You do?" I gulped.

"Uh-huh. She told me about it," Natalie yawned. "But don't worry, I'm not too mad about it. At least it was someone who I know and trust and respect as a friend. I mean, you are around beautiful people all the time, it must be tough to not give into the pressure every now and then," she said sleepily.

"Yeah, I suppose," I said, knowing full well that "every now and then" meant a lot more in my book than in hers.

"Well, don't fret about it. This was a fun weekend, no need to spoil it with this. Next time though, you should invite me in on the fun," Natalie said.

"Oh, you'd like to be involved in something like that huh?" I said to Natalie.

"Yep. I'm in college after all, got to do all that crazy 'experimenting' they talk about," Natalie said. "And wait till I tell you about what Dario and I did on the mountain today," she trailed off.

"What did you two do?" I asked, now wondering myself just how faithful she herself had been.

But I got no response - she had fallen asleep. I started to wake her to ask her, but thought better of it. A grin came over my face as I tried to decide if she was playing me in this relationship, if I was playing her, or if we were both just having fun messing with each other's head. I can't remember which I decided before I fell asleep, but since I slept so well I think it was more of the latter.
Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 22 - Jennifer Lopez
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:48:28 PM
Chapter 22: Jennifer Lopez

* * * * * *

Of all the celebrities, actresses, models, singers and just otherwise beautiful people that I've ever dealt with, none come even close to the word "diva" as much as Jennifer Lopez. A recently embarrassing episode that got out into the press was Jennifer's insistence on a specially tailored trailer for her 15 minute performance at the recent September 11th benefit. Needless to say, I put as much spin on it as I could. But being a diva has it's benefits - most of the time.

Right now was not one of them. I was standing backstage, watching the people rush by back and forth as they got the set ready. After the success of NBC's first aired performance by Jennifer during sweeps month, they wanted more. So here I was, nervously pacing and wondering why the set of trained birds that Jennifer wanted for her new special, to be recorded now at a very top secret, "only in the know" concert that Jennifer was holding. The new special would air on Valentine's Day and was sure to be a success. If we could ever get it off the ground of course.

Most people have no idea how much effort goes into planning a concert, especially one for a superstar like Jennifer. Part of me wished that I didn't have to be here, catering to her every whim and making sure that the network people and the venue people were happy. Then again, I would have a backstage view of one of the world's most known women, an entertainer that was multi-talented AND the first real Latin star to cross over to the middle America mainstream.

The stage area was pretty cramped for a concert hall (I'd tell you where it was but that would ruin the surprise of course), with roadies and dancers running around. I was standing guard outside Jennifer's dressing room door. Her requests after the charity mishap had toned down a little, now only requesting a large room with lots of fresh food and, of all things, a small mariachi band to entertain her. Sometimes I think I'll never understand the rich and famous.

I was glancing side to side when I noticed Jennifer stick her head out of the door of her dressing room, her long black hair up in a bun over her head and her face decorated in a half layer of makeup.

"Pssst. Pssst...Dean!" she said, sticking a robed arm out to get my attention. In that moment I saw not Jennifer Lopez the superstar but Jennifer Lopez, the girl from the Bronx who had hit it big much like Barbara Streisand had a half century earlier.

Walking to the door, I leaned my head into the room. An odor of perfume immediately hit my nostrils.

"Can you come in for a second Dean? I'm a little nervous about this," Jennifer said. She had cinched her robe around her waist and had her arms crossed over her chest. Her bare, bronze legs shifted her weight slowly back and forth.

"There is nothing to be nervous about Jennifer. You'll be perfectly fine. Don't worry about the ratings either. Even if this thing fails, which it won't, your star power won't be diminishing anytime soon," I said to reassure her, putting my hands on her small shoulders. She was not very tall at all, appearing much bigger on screen than she really was.

"It's not that..." Jennifer said, a little unsure, her eyes at the floor. "It's the people in the audience. Last time I was too excited and busy to worry about getting nervous because I knew that the people out there were total strangers. There's a lot of people I know out there tonight and I feel somehow afraid of going out there and performing for them," she said.

She was right too - a who's who of Hollywood was in the audience tonight - network and studio executives, top stars (and a handful of my clients), people from the fashion industry, many of Jennifer's personal friends from back in New York and even a few lucky fans who had managed to win tickets through secret drawings and knowing the right people. I understood Jennifer's fear, her apprehension at basically performing for the people who made up her past and those that would determine her future.

"Well, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? You want anything, need me to kill anyone?" I said jokingly. The mariachi band that had been playing in the corner of the room quietly, not paying any attention to us (I hadn't even noticed they were there, I thought it was background noise!) suddenly stopped and looked at me. I gave them a sheepish smile and returned to Jennifer. "Seriously. If there is anything you need, let me know," I said.

"I can't think of anything right now really. But hey, why don't you give me a shoulder massage and I'll think of something," Jennifer said excitedly.

"Gee Jennifer, I'm not very good at those. When I was in high school and tried to give them, the girls always ended up more sore than when I started. I'd hate for you to be achy going out there. Maybe I can find you a massuese outside in the hall - we seem to have every profession known to man running around out there.," I said, making an excuse to not get put in the position that I knew could lead to trouble. Unlike most of my previous flings with celebrities, Jennifer's husband was a dancer in the show and could come in on his wife at any time. An innocent massage might lead to something else.

But Jennifer was insistent. "No, no, I want YOU to do it. If you don't, I might just call the whole thing off!" she said, a little snootily. Fame had obviously had it's effect on her in at least a few ways.

I hesitated for a moment - I knew that any straight man in his right mind (IE, his dick working) would have jumped at the opportunity to put his hands on Jennifer Lopez's naked shoulders. But I also knew that I had to choose between taking a chance and risk the client relationship and perhaps my own physical well being if the innocent massage turned into something more serious, just to keep Jennifer happy. Or I could turn her down and hopefully still have her as a client Monday morning. As any long time reader of this Journal knows, it's quite obviosu what I did.

"All right, fine. I'll give you the massage. But if your husband walks in, that's ALL we were doing okay?" I said to Jennifer, grabbing some lotion from the dressingroom table.

"Of course. Nothing else," Jennifer said, a stern look on her face as she nodded in the mirror.

I rubbed the lotion between my hands and pulled Jennifer's robe aside a little to place my hands on her smooth, tanned shoulders. Her skin was warm, almost hot to the touch. I rubbed her shoulders gently now, slowly moving the tips of my fingers over and around her shoulder blades and neck, my palm easing it's way around her smooth neckline. Jennifer rolled her head slowly on her neck and let out a contented sigh as I worked, the lotion soaking into her skin as I squeezed and massaged her shoulders.

"Oh Dean, that feels great," Jennifer said quietly. "Here, massage my back some,"

And with that, she let the top of her robe drop off completely, leaving her naked from the waist up. I glanced in the mirror across from her and saw her eyes closed as my hands worked, but her maroon colored nipples getting harder from my rubbing of her neck. Jennifer's breasts were gorgeous, with not a hint of sag - indeed, they were perky and natural looking, without a trace of a tanline anywhere on them. I realized that I had been massaging less and staring at her breasts more, so I quickly started up again, letting my hands slip further down her back.

I didn't really have much experience with massage, other than just having done it once or twice, but I could tell that Jennifer was indeed stressed out, as evident by the knots in her shoulders and the middle of her back. I pushed her skin in a little as I worked my palms down her back, rubbing along her backbone. She shivered suddenly and shot up straight as I lingered my fingers over her back.

Moving down further, I grasped Jennifer by her narrow waist just above the small of her back, trying to keep my hands from shaking from the nervous excitement of an almost totally naked Jennifer Lopez sitting in front of me. I could see the cleft of her ass sticking out slightly from the robe (her famous rear was indeed larger than most starlets, but she had worked hard to get it down a little in size and it was still amazingly sexy). Deciding not to risk going any lower than I should, I slowly moved my hands back up her back towards her shoulders where I figured I would end the massage with one good more neck rub.

Jennifer however, had other plans. As my hands slowly moved up her back, I felt her grab me by the wrists and pull my hands forward, so that the palms of my hands were resting directly on top of her breasts. I could feel her hard nipples poking lightly against the skin on my hands.

"Here, massage these," Jennifer said, her eyes still closed. She seemed to be in a dream like state and I guess that the massage had really relaxed her. So, not knowing what else to do, I slowly began to rub my hands in a circle up and down on her breasts, squeezing the globes of flesh as I worked them in and out of my palms.

Moaning softly to herself, I continued to knead and work her breasts, squeezing them together gently and bouncing them up and down lightly, working them out. Jennifer had almost slumped over in the chair, enjoying the feeling. I was getting quite turned on by this and realized that I had slowly moved the rest of my body closer to her, the front of my pants pressing against her back. She knew I had a hard on but didn't seem to notice or mind, so I just kept on massaging her.

After probably 10 minutes of this, Jennifer finally pulled my hands away and opened her eyes, looking deep into mine through the mirror.

"Dean, I want you to fuck me. Please. I need it. It's the only way I can go out there," Jennifer said, her face hardening into an expression of determination.

"Jennifer, you know we can't. You have to go on stage in," I said, glancing at my watch, "Twenty five minutes! There is barely enough time for you to get ready as it is," I said.

"I know that. But those people can wait. I'm a Brooklyn girl Dean, you know that. And we put our minds to something we just have to have it. So come on, what do you say? No one will ever suspect anything," Jennifer said.

The offer naturally was tempting but I just had a bad feeling about it so I decided to put up every road block I could to hopefully dissuade her.

"Uh, I think your husband might be able to tell. You know who your husband is right? That guy who you promised to have and to hold and all that other stuff?" I said to her, putting my hands back on her shoulders and squeezing them lightly. I was hoping I came across as a stoic businessman, someone that Jennifer would listen to and understand the risks involved in trying to have an extra-marital affair backstage at a concert filled with 10,000 people.

"Hey, you don't worry about what my husband does or doesn't find out about what I do. That's our business," Jennifer said, standing up in the chair and turning around to face me.

"So yes or no? If you can't help me out here Dean then I may have to look for another agent pronto," Jennifer said. Her dark eyes had a calculated look in them, and I didn't doubt her words that she WOULD fire me. A thought drifted through my head of how absurd a sexual harassment case like that would be - fired because the man wouldn't sleep with the woman. Shaking my head slightly, I regrouped my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Jennifer, as your agent I have to say it's just not a good idea right now. Maybe after the show or something," I said to her, my own stare equaling hers in intensity. "If you want something else to satisfy yourself, I'm sure that I could find a vibrator or something else around here pretty easily,"

Jennifer seemed to consider this for a moment and then a look of revelation washed over her face. "Well, I wanted was to feel the famous Simonds cock in my mouth and if I got lucky my pussy too," Jennifer said, rubbing her hand down between her legs. "How about if I just suck you off? Do you think, in your infinite agent wisdom, that we have time for that?" she said a little sarcastically.

Looking back now, I really should have turned her down. But with one of the most beautiful women in the world, standing half naked in front of you (and playing with her cunt mind you), begging to suck your cock, it's rather difficult to think straight. Naturally, the only thing to come out of my mouth was:

"Yes, we have time. Hopefully your quick enough to make me come soon, although that hasn't happened in a long time," I said, reaching down and unbuckling my belt and letting my pants fall to the floor.

Jennifer promptly dropped to her knees, squealing with delight like a child on Christmas morning, and began to stroke my half-hard prick to it's full length. Cupping my balls with her hand, Jennifer wasted no time plunging her mouth around my meat, her warm and wet lips circling the head of my cock completely.

Her head bobbing up and down slowly on my shaft, Jennifer made a loud and rather embarrassing slurping noise as she sucked on my cock. She had obviously a lot of experience in sucking cock, something that didn't surprise me given the many different worlds of the entertainment industry she had conquered (the music industry was notorious in certain circles for making any girl act - and sometimes even guy acts - perform sexual favors). The feel of her hot latin mouth on my member was incredible, being able to look down and see Jennifer's sexy face and luscious lips moving up and down all nine inches of my cock was something few men I imagine have ever seen.

And she seemed to really enjoy it - deep down, Jennifer had to be a cock loving slut, if for nothing else than the way she tackled the challenge of getting me off (and enjoying the taste of my meat) with the same kind of gusto she seemed to have when performing. She was good at it too, knowing the tricks and all the right spots to give me a lot of pleasure.

Swirling her tongue out from underneath her lips to lick my balls lightly, Jennifer continued to suck and deep throat me. I felt the edge of my shaft touch the back of her mouth, slipping down into her throat. She swallowed hard to keep from gagging but managed to only coat my shaft with more saliva, making it easier for her to slurp away at it. Very gently, I felt Jennifer's teeth scrape along the length of my cock, sending a little shiver down my spin from the pleasure-full little pain it caused. The roughness felt strangely good, the warmth of her mouth completely enveloping my dick as she bobbed up and down on me.

It was strange, but the littlest thing triggered my orgasm - as Jennifer let the tip of my dick slip out, she slowly slipped the tip of her tongue into my pisshole, snaking it around a little as she jacked the rest of me off with her hand. I was in bliss now as my balls tightened and I felt my orgasm coming rushing out, the blood pumping in my ears as I lost myself in pleasure.

My cum erupted from my cock like a fountain, landing all over Jennifer's cheeks and nose, dripping down into the corner of her mouth as jet after jet continued to shoot forth. A trickle ran down her chin and dropped onto her naked breasts. Jennifer happily stuck her tongue out slurping up the loose cum with her tongue. Sweat glistened her face, especially on her forehead, where a small dime sized drop of cum had landed. I sighed contentedly, as Jennifer slowly continued to jack me off, milking any remaining cum out of my softening dick.

Unfortunately, we both must have been lost in our own world of sex, because we didn't hear the knocking on the door a minute or so earlier during my orgasm, nor did we notice when the man walked in unexpectedly, catching us in probably the most damning position possible.

The man of course, was Jennifer's husband Cris Judd, standing there slack jawed and staring at us. I'll admit that it was a pretty bad scene - me with my pants around my ankles panting from my orgasm and Jennifer kneeling on the floor in front of me topless with my dick in her hand, and her face covered in my jizz. I of course didn't notice this until I casually looked over to my right towards the door as I stood there, my face freezing in surprise as I noticed the buff dancer glaring at us.

Jennifer wiped some of my cum off with the back of her hand and then too looked over in her husband's direction. She froze in horror, letting my dick drop from her hand.

"Cris...it's not what..." she said, but it was too late. His look of shock had turned to rage and he was now walking very quickly towards me, a serious look of anger on his face.

"You mother fucker. You dirty, sleazy mother fucker!" he screamed at me, his fists clinched tightly by his side. I slowly began to back up, stumbling over my pants as I wriggled my feet out of them, standing there without any pants on but still wearing my shoes and socks. What happened next seemed to occur in slow motion. I watched as he passed where Jennifer was kneeling as she jumped up to stop him, only to be greeted with a backhanded slap on the face that sent her flying to the ground.

My back was against the wall now, but at least I could walk. So I did the one thing any person in that situation would have done: I ran.

Darting to the right of Cris as he lunged at me, I narrowly got my shoulder out of reach of his fingers. Moving quickly away as he rebalanced himself, I somehow managed to pick Jennifer up and drag her with me as I headed for the door. At first she resisted a little, confused by what I was doing (and I really didn't know WHAT the hell I was doing at that point, I guess I just didn't want her to get slapped again with show time in 15 minutes.) but she managed to stumble along until she got her footing just as we were flying out the door.

Pulling her robe back on, I let go of Jennifer's hand, expecting her to stop keeping up with me. But she surprised me and ran harder, staying in pace with me. As we headed down the alleyway of the concert hall, I heard Jennifer's dressing room door slam open and the sound of heavy footsteps behind us.

It didn't occur to me until later how silly we must have looked - Jennifer Lopez running alongside a man with no pants on, his dick flopping around every which way and his pale white ass shining like the moon underneath the lights of the hallway. All the while of course, a deranged looking man tearing through anything and everything to keep up with us.

Rounding a corner, we were now directly under the arena. The sound of the opening band playing above us, the bass in the speakers, was almost deafening as the ceiling rattled above us. I don't know how I managed to run as fast I did but soon we were entering into an empty area of the arena, with only the occasional security guard or roadie walking by. This was far better than a few seconds earlier when we had passed through an entourage of dancers, all of whom stopped to stare at us, not believing what they saw.

Finally though, my frantic running caught up with the rest of my body and I almost collapsed on the floor, out of breath. I stopped for a moment, hiding behind a wall as I tried to listen for the sound of Jennifer's husband still chasing us over the sound of my own heartbeat thudding in my chest.

Jennifer too had stopped to listen but there was nothing. I took a quick peak out behind the cement column we were up against and the area was deserted and empty. Glancing around for a place to hide (I knew he wouldn't have given up that easily), I noticed that we had been leaning against the door of a broom closet. I almost missed it because the door was the same color as the wall beside it, the doorknob too painted a matching shade. I moved Jennifer out from in front of it and tried the handle. The door opened creakily, a blackness waiting behind it's rickety frame. Glancing around the area again, I pushed Jennifer into the room. Grabbing the placard that hung on the front of the door off of it, the only real indication that it WAS a door, I quickly stepped into the room and closed the door behind me softly.

Placing the plastic marker between the frame and the door to keep it from being opened from the outside, I felt along the wall for a light switch. Flicking it, the room was filled with a harsh fluorescent glow. Jennifer stood clutching herself against the far wall of the closet, still catching her breath. The closet we were in was simply that - a closet, no more than maybe 4 feet deep and 3 feet wide. Various cleaning supplies and other odds and ends were piled on tall metal shelves that loomed over us in the room. The small room reeked heavily of sawdust, but it seemed to be the perfect place to lay low for a few minutes.

Jennifer and I didn't say a word as we stood there, listening outside. I flicked the light switch off for good measure and we listened some more. For a minute or two, I thought the coast was clear. Then however, I heard those same heavy footsteps come walking quickly down the hall, not quite running but keeping up a good jogging pace. They were matched by a second pair running a little slower than the first, but both coming from the same area, meaning they were jogging side by side.

"Are you sure they went down here Mr. Judd?" one of the voices said. The man sounded heavyset, as evident by the labored sound of his breathing as he kept up with Jennifer's very well toned husband.

"Where else could they be? They wouldn't have went far, they both know that Jennifer is on in just about 10 minutes. I know she doesn't want to disappoint everyone out there," her husband said. The voices were very close now so close that I held my breath and hoped that they wouldn't think to stop here and check the door.

At first the footsteps kept going beyond our hiding place, continuing down the hall out of earshot. Suddenly however, I heard the squeak of the shoes stopping on the cement floor. Then they began approaching us again and I knew we were fucked.

"Hey, what about in here? Is this unlocked? Could they have gotten in?" Cris said. He was just outside the door and if he tried the handle he would find us. Very, very slowly so as not to make any noise, I put both of my hands on the inner handle and held on as tight as I could, pulling back so hard that it hurt my shoulders.

The other man now stood by the door and seemed to be considering if we really could have gotten in or not.

"Well, that's just an old broom closet but I guess, yea, if you wanted to hide somewhere that would be a good place. I don't think it's unlocked though," the man said. The door handle rattled now, shaking a little as he tried the knob. I held firm, trying to mimic what a locked door would do in the complete blackness of the room.

"Nope, seems to be locked. Come on, we need to find them before this thing starts," the wheezy man said.

Jennifer's husband seemed a little more hesitant. "Are you sure they couldn't just lock it from the inside?" he said, his feet shuffling on the floor in front of the door.

"The doors inside don't have any locks on them. Fire hazard in case someone got stuck in there," the other man called, his voice distant and indicating that he had kept walking. "Now son, I know you are upset but there are plenty of other places they could be. Just come on and let's find them,"

Cris seemed to pause for a second but then I heard his footsteps slide away as he continued down the hall. I stood there in silence for another few seconds, my heart thudding loudly in my chest and sweat pouring down my face. Jennifer scared me half to death when she finally came up beside me and flicked on the light.

I jumped back, letting go of the door handle. I glanced down at my hands and saw that they were red from all the pressure I had put on them.

Jennifer stood beside me now, looking first at the door then at me, then back at the door then back at me. Her hand brushed my shoulder.

"I think we made a clean get away. You can breath now," she smiled. I let out an exhausted breath and hunched my shoulders down. Realizing now that I was half naked, I spied a pair of old work pants lying on one of the shelves and reached for it. Jennifer however blocked the way.

"Not just yet," she said. "That was probably the most erotic experience of my life. If you don't fuck me right now and right here in this dirty, smelly little room I think I'm going to die,"

Untying her robe, Jennifer let the whole thing fall to the floor as she stood in front of me, naked. Her hips were wider than they appeared in photo shoots and movies and her ass was indeed as full as they made it out to be. The hairs of her pussy were jet black, the color of her hair, and glistened like black sand mixed with her wetness. Jennifer did an un-requested little twirl, letting me see the fullness of her body for the first time as she walked closer.

"Jennifer, we can't! This is what got us here in the first place. Plus, you're going on in MMMPPPHH!" I started to say before she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Just shut the fuck up for once Dean, and quit making excuses. If you fuck like you talk then I promise this won't happen again - I'll be too sore to keep up with you!" Jennifer said a little demandingly, with still a hint of sultry seduction in her voice. Shooting her hand down suddenly, she grasped my cock between her fingers and began to jack me off again, getting me to full size.

When she was content with the girth growing between my legs, Jennifer wasted no time getting started. Wrapping her left leg around me, I felt the tip of my dick sink instantly into her pussy, which was wet and inviting and felt oh so good.

Jennifer put her arms on the top of my shoulders and climbed on top of me, wrapping her other leg around my waist as she reared back on my dick and then thrust herself harder onto me. I held her now in my arms, supporting her off the ground my grabbing and squeezing her tender ass in my palms, the thickness of it an incredible turn on. Jennifer rode me like a rocking horse, moving up and down on my dick as she rode me in mid air. For my part, I was trying to thrust into her as hard as I could when she was on the down stroke, my complete manhood disappearing into the sticky sweetness of her pussy.

Jennifer's cunt was quite loose, but still managed to stretch all around me to give me a feeling of tight comfort. I was beginning to wonder if this woman was not put on Earth just to be a perfect lover - her body seemed so attuned to what every man desired and wanted that it was almost supernatural.

I began to feel Jennifer slipping from my arms, so I pushed her hard against one of the metal shelves. It rattled a bit as I held her in place, her legs swaying beside her like a stuck insect, my cock sliding in and out of her hole and Jennifer bit hard on her bottom lip to keep from moaning too loudly. Her breasts bounced against my chest and I couldn't help the urge to reach down and give her nipple a quick little pleasure bite, the animal instincts of this fuck over powering my senses. Jennifer moaned in a little bit of pain but mostly ecstasy as I nipped at her causing her to give her own little love bite on my shoulder.

We had been going at it for almost five minutes but the complete adrenaline rush of the run and the thrill of getting caught AND Jennifer's exotic body was too much. I slammed into Jennifer harder, causing her to orgasm on her own right as her juice dripped down my legs, and then unleashed my own seed deep inside of her sweet and waiting pussy.

I held Jennifer there in place for a moment as we both caught our breath and untangled each other before she stepped down to the floor. I glanced at my watch.

"You know Jennifer, since we aren't worrying about time, and you aren't dressed yet..." I said a little mischievously. "There's something else I'd like to try."

"Let me guess. The ass," Jennifer said bluntly a look of mixed enthusiasm on her face.

"If you don't mind of course," I said politely with a smile, bowing a little.

"Always with the ass," Jennifer muttered under her breath. "Ok, but you have to do it the way I like it. I promise you you'll enjoy it too," she said.

"Alright, lead the way," I said, moving behind her. She walked to the other shelf (the one we had been using looked a little crooked and lopsided from the rattling we gave it) and spread her legs wide, placing her arms high above her as she held tightly to the metal supports. "First, you have to get me lubed up. Eat me out, that seems to be the best way to do it," she said.

I obliged and got on my knees, pulling Jennifer's cheeks apart with one hand as I nestled my face inside and licked her asshole around, spitting and getting it as wet as I could. I've never enjoyed licking a woman's asshole, but Jennifer's wasn't too bad - besides, the reward was worth the cost. Using my other hand, I began to jack my cock back to hardness (normally I can keep it up for a while but the cold air of the concert hall put a damper on it pretty quickly).

"Unnngghhh....good. Damn Dean, you know how to eat ass, that's for sure," Jennifer whispered. I slid my tongue slowly from her ass, satisfied with the job I had done and gave her pussy a lick for good measure.

"Now it's my turn to make sure all your equipment, ahem, check's out," Jennifer said. She dropped to her knees and sucked my cock quickly, making sure to get it nice and wet since we had no lube to keep everything slick. She returned to her original position a moment later.

"Ok, ready," she said. I pried her ass cheeks open with my hand and put the head of my dick in between her ass, pushing the tip slowly into her opening. Jennifer's body relaxed a little as I passed into her sphincter and in no time I was inside of her ass completely.

It's tough to describe the feeling of it, the thickness and girth of her larger but incredibly sexy ass holding my dick inside of her body as I fucked in and out. The tightness of it was the thing I will remember the most, the way that Jennifer worked her anal muscles to squeeze and milk my cock as much as she could. With an ass like hers, I knew Jennifer was enjoying the sensation as well - it was certainly different than regular intercourse, but different in a good way. Just to make sure she wasn't short changed an orgasm, I slid two of my fingers into her still wet cunt and teased her clit a little.

Jennifer had hunched her back over a little and was thrusting her ass harder and harder against me as I worked in and out of her, my balls slapping against the folds of her pussy, the louder sound of the shaking metal rack filling the room.

I felt Jennifer's body tense up, her muscles squeezing so tightly that it almost hurt my dick as she came again for the second time all over my hand, her wet juices dribbling down my fingers and onto my wrist.

I continued to fuck her ass hard, pressing her flat against the shelf with each thrust. I was a machine almost now, rhythmically moving in and out without any sort of hesitation. The feeling was again something so incredible and tight that it defies description. I wanted it to last forever but knew that at that moment, as I felt that familiar wave of pleasure before an orgasm, that I was about to shoot a massive amount of cum into Jennifer's ass.

And I did - the orgasm was so intense that I couldn't even continue bucking into her, I had to just hold her steady by the hips as my dick shot wad after wad inside of her anal cavity, lining her insides with my sticky cum. I must have held her in that position for close to a minute, my orgasm still continuing all that that time until my prick finally began to soften and I pulled out from her ass.

We stood there in silence for a moment, both either naked or half naked and covered in sweat. I bent down and handed Jennifer her robe as I stepped into the oversized and baggy janitor pants, the elastic waistband painfully too small for my waist.

"NOW I think that we should get going," I said to her.

"Yeah, I think so. Showtime in two minutes," Jennifer said, straightening her hair. "I think it might be a good idea if you just left here all together tonight,"

"I was thinking the same thing. What about your husband?" I asked. "Is he going to come after me again?"

"Cris? No, this thing has happened before. Unfortunately he won't admit that he is a bit of a cuckold. But when we are alone, he enjoys it. Says it gets him off to see me with other men. Whatever - it works out for him and works out for me too," Jennifer said, looking into a dirty and cracked mirror on the wall by the door and making herself as presentable as possible.

"Whatever you say. I have security watching my house and office so if he tries anything then I will know about it. But if you have him in check then I won't worry. What about the show tonight though? You want me to tell them anything before I leave?" I asked, drying my hair of sweat with a towel that smelled like bleach.

"No, I can work it out. I only need about ten minutes to get changed and fix my hair. I can do the first few songs without any makeup and then have the wardrobe people apply it in shifts between costume changes," Jennifer said, finally looking at me. "Besides, if they complain - I'm a diva, I work on my own schedule," she smiled.

I chuckled at this. "That's true, although I'll admit it vehemently in the press," I laughed. "Ok, who is going to go out first?" I asked, clearing my throat and acting serious again.

"Better let me. I can get back to the dressing room pretty quickly from here. You better go the opposite way as me, find a side entrance out," Jennifer said, opening the door a crack. "Bye. Wish me luck," she said, blowing me a kiss as she slid outside completely and shut the door.

I counted to thirty and then opened the door myself, glancing down both sides of the hall and heading out the way I saw Jennifer's husband go. I hoped he wasn't down that way, and figured he wasn't because the show was about to start and he knew that the one place his wife would want to be was up on center stage. The hallway was deserted and I made a clean escape by walking out a side stairwell that led up to the stadium level of the auditorium and out into the parking lot.

The parking lot was deserted, except for a few latecomers to the show and a group of kids standing around a van in the far corner of the lot, smoking something I didn't think was cigarettes. I glanced around looking for my car in the VIP section and found it, unlocking the doors remotely as I neared it.

It was then that I noticed a girl step out from behind a street light and begin to walk towards me. When I first spotted her, my mind panicked a little, thinking it was Julie my ex-psychotic assistant. But this girl was smaller than Julie and much more timid. She looked unsure of herself as she approached me. Something about her struck me as familiar though.

"Are you Dean Simonds?" she said quietly. I stood in front of the drivers door of my car, my finger set to trigger the car alarm if she tried anything bizarre. The girl looked to be my age, her dirty blond hair slung to the side over her shoulder.

"Yes, I am. Can I help you miss?" I asked, still hesitant about her as she walked closer to me. A quick scan around the lot let me see that no one was there to see whatever was about to happen.

"Well, you see, I was wondering if...that is, I have to tell you that...what I'm trying to say is.." the girl stuttered and stammered over her words, unsure what it was she wanted to say.

"Yes? If you're just begging for money than all I have is a hundred and I'm afraid that I can't let you have that..." I started to say before she cut me off.

"I'm your sister."

Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 23
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:51:30 PM
Chapter 23: Sarah Michelle Gellar

* * * * *

(To catch everyone up: The main character, Dean Simonds, upon leaving a hot tryst with Jennifer Lopez meets a girl in the parking lot who shatters his entire family history. She tells him that she is actually his sister, something that he didn't know until just now, having thought for his entire life that he was an only child, his only living relative a party loving half-brother.)

My head was spinning. I felt confused and a little angry that this stranger would approach me with such a claim. I tried to poke holes in her story.

"That's impossible. I'm an only child. I think I'd know if I had a sibling running around somewhere," I said preposterously, snorting at her claim.

"That's the same way I felt too. That is until my father passed away last year and I found this in his old photo album," she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo. What I saw left no doubt in my mind.

The photo was an old one of my mother, clutching two babies on her lap. Both looked to be the same age, one a boy the other a girl. Flipping it over on the back, I read the caption: ALLISON AND DEAN - 2 MOS.

"We're twins. And that's not the only thing - you know your half brother Jacob?" she said, my mouth still hanging slack jawed from this new discovery.

"Yes. How did you know about him?" I asked, things just getting stranger and stranger.

"The way he acts around you isn't his real personality. I think that he may be planning something involving you in the near future, although I can't say what," the girl, who I'm assuming was Allison, said. "Look, I don't feel real safe standing around here. Want to go get some coffee and talk about it?"

I nodded and we both climbed into my car, peeling out of the now deserted parking lot. The concert traffic was pretty thick, bumper to bumper, but soon eased as we passed the freeway.

"How did you find me? And I mean, of all the nights and places to look," I asked, my hands fidgeting nervously on the steering wheel.

"Well, when I found that photo I did a little bit more investigating into my fathers things. Turns out of course that he wasn't my real father, only my adopted father. I found the adoption certificate to prove this in his safe deposit box. Apparently when we were both three months old, your mother, I mean OUR mother put me up for adoption. I don't know why or what for, but regardless I was put up for adoption and taken a few months later. I spent my entire life growing up in Chicago, living with my adopted father and his wife. She died a few years back but never mentioned the adoption to me," Allison said.

"Ok, but that still doesn't answer my question. How did you find ME?" I again asked, strange parallels in our lives starting to come together - growing up not knowing our fathers, our mothers (or in her case her adopted mother) dieing when she was younger. It was eerie.

"I'm getting to that. I went to the adoption agency and asked for my records on my biological parents. Things are different these days, agencies seem very open to helping adults find their real parents. It's not like in the movies where everything is some sort of epic," Allison said. "So I got our mothers name and looked her up last year, only to find she had passed away. Eventually I got your name from the obituary and when I went to visit you in New York the neighbors told me how you ended up here. It didn't take long to track down your company and then your personal assistant, a nice guy named Damon I think, told me you were at the show tonight," she finished breathlessly.

"Well, that's quite some homework you've done," I said. "But now that you've found me, and don't get me wrong, I am happy to see you. The bigger question on my mind though is what do you want?"

"No, I understand. I'd be a little freaked out if someone tracked me down across the country," Allison said. "Tell ya what, let's pull into this coffee shop and I'll explain."

I made a sharp cut across lanes and pulled into the diner's parking lot, a rusty old place that looked like it hadn't aged well since the 50s, when it probably opened. We walked silently from the car and stepped inside. The place was mostly deserted, except for a small gaggle of stoned teenagers off in the corner, laughing at God knows what. The inside of the coffee shop was just like you'd imagine it to be - pale lights hanging over the table, grizzled truckers sitting at the bar with a plate full of steaming fatty food and a cigarette in their hand, and the waitresses wearing faded pink uniforms that covered their bodies in the non-flexible material of starched linen. In a word, it was like walking into any movie you could ever imagine.

"Seat you two?" the hostess said, an older woman with frazzled gray hair, the bags under her eyes hanging like sad little pouches from beneath her blood shot eyes.

I nodded at the woman and she led us to a back far table. A waitress appeared shortly thereafter, taking our order. Neither of us were hungry, but both Allison and I ordered coffee - black.

"I guess we are paternal twins then," I said, stirring my coffee when the waitress returned. "Because other than the hair and maybe a few facial features, you and I look nothing alike,"

"That's what I figured too. That's why I was so hesitant to speak to you, thinking that it really wasn't you standing there since we DIDN'T look that much alike. But I took a risk and well, here we are," Allison said.

I sipped my coffee. It was bitter and lukewarm, but I wasn't going to send it back. The waitress looked too lonely to bear the burden of my picky tastes.

"Any ways, before I found you here I went and saw your younger brother Jacob in New York City," Allison said. "Not a nice guy at all, especially after finding out we were related. He seemed to snap at me over everything and didn't want to answer any of my questions. Has he always been like that?" she asked.

"No, actually. That's really surprising. He seems like a good kid. A little selfish and spoiled, but still pretty good at heart," I replied, a little taken aback at her description of Jacob. I had seen him up in New York only a few months ago when I went to talk to Jennifer Aniston. He didn't seem to have a problem then. Maybe it was just the stress of college and all that had happened in the city. Allison went on.

"The reason I even bother to bring him up is because of this thing that I saw on his coffee table when I was at his house," she said, reaching into her purse. "At first I thought that it would be helpful to me because it looked like the name of your talent agency out here. I asked him about it but he snatched the paper away before I could get a closer look and told me that it was 'personal business'," she said. I nodded, obliging her to continue.

"Before he took it away though, I took a picture of the paper when he was out of the room with my Polaroid, you know to help me out even if he wouldn't," she said, finally pulling out something from her purse. "See, I'm an amateur photographer, I love taking pictures. And I brought my camera along to get some good pictures of my new family," she smiled, sliding the photo across the table. I took it in my hand but didn't look until she finished speaking again.

"The picture came out pretty good, considering the lighting and all. But when I got out here to California to try and look the place up, hoping to find you, the telephone operator said that no such business existed. I gave her the address though and then she connected me to Damon who got me to you," Allison said finally, sipping her coffee. She leaned over the table a bit and pulled the photo down to the table to point at something on it.

"The weird thing is, the name of the company is different but the ADDRESS is the same as where you are now. Your company is Shooting Stars Talent Agency. That piece of paper said StarPower Representation Firm, Inc. Does your company have two names?" she asked, her hands clenched together tightly. The air of the coffee shop was quite cold.

Studying the picture myself, Allison had been right. Though it was a little blurry, the paper (which looked like a fax cover sheet) did say what she had noted. And she had been right about the address too. Why would Jacob make up a sheet with the same address as my company? Was he trying to send someone my way?

"Hmm...you're right. But this doesn't make any sense. When I took over the place from my...I mean OUR father, it had been in business under Shooting Stars for the past 50 years. I'll have to give Jacob a call tomorrow and see what is going on," I said, puzzled as I held the photo in my hand.

"No no no! You can't call him!" Allison blurted out, almost knocking her coffee cup over.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because if you do then he will know I told you. Look, I know you have a good relationship with all the family you know about, but I'm having to dig myself out of a hole right now and pissing off relatives, half or not, is not what I want to do," Allison said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Why would he be angry? It's an honest question, seen by someone who also had some honest curiosity," I said.

"I don't know. But the way he was acting, all nervous and jittery and hesitant to even talk to me, makes me feel like there is something else going on and he doesn't want anyone to know about it. Just do me a favor okay? If you do mention it to him, say you heard it from someone else in New York. I don't know, I'm sure you have contacts out there, make something up. Can you do that for me Dean?" Allison asked. Her eyes were pleading and I couldn't say no.

"Fine, whatever. I'm still not convinced that you spoke to the same person as the half-brother I've known for his whole life, but we can figure that out later. In the meantime, it's getting late. I hate to cut our reunion short but I have to be in the office tomorrow morning. We need to get together for lunch sometime," I said, pulling a few bucks from my wallet to pay the check.

"No, I understand. I'm exhausted from the trip anyways. Besides, now that we know each other it's not like the other will just disappear," she said with a grin.

"That's true, although you suddenly DID appear tonight out of the blue. But I guess there isn't any easy way to start a relationship like that is there?" I said.

"Nope, not that I know of. Well, I'm going to head back to my hotel now. I have your number so I'll call you sometime soon," she said, getting up to leave.

"Hey, at least let me drive you back. LA's streets aren't safe at night," I said, trying to be the chivalrous gentleman.

"I'm a big girl, I did grow up in Chicago you know," she said. "Besides, I'm only a block away and I'm sure I'll make it there fine,"

I walked her outside to the street. The din of traffic had ebbed substantially and the streets were deserted except for a stray cat I saw rifling through some garbage.

"It was nice to finally meet you Dean," Allison said with a warm hearted smile. "Take care,"

She walked off down the block and I watched her go until she turned a corner. Getting back into my car, I headed home. It was impossible to sleep, my mind racing over not only having a new person in my family but also trying to figure out what the hell Jacob was up to out there in New York.

The next morning was uneventful. Damon seemed ready to bubble over with excitement at having spoken with my "long lost sister". But I cut him off at the pass:

"She found me Damon. Last night, after the concert. But thank you for your concern," I said, heading into my office. I was surprised to see that my voice mail, the number that I left for all clients to reach me at directly in case of an emergency, was blinking with 7 unplayed messages.

Puzzled, I picked up the phone and hit play.

"Hi Dean this is Sarah Michelle Gellar. Freddie and I have a problem that I think you need to take care of. Give me a call when you get this message, you've got my number. Bye"

I hit NEXT on the phone.

"Dean, this is Sarah again. Just waiting on your call, this problem really needs to be taken care of. Call me as soon as you can,"

I pressed NEXT again.

"God damn it Dean, where the hell are you? Why am I paying you so much money to not be there when I need you? I've got a serious fucking problem and you aren't around to help. You better call me. This is Sarah"

Sighing to myself, I knew what the next message would be. I pressed it anyways.

"Sorry about that Dean, I lost my cool. Just call me okay? This is Sarah again,"

I didn't even need to bother playing the next messages, I simply held down the delete button and picked up the phone, dialing her number from my rolodex. It didn't even ring twice.

"What?" a female voice snapped on the other line.

"Nice to speak to you too Sarah. So what is this big emergency?" I said calmly, almost a little too sappily. This wasn't the first time this had happened - Sarah was a nice enough girl, easy to get along with when it came down to negotiating, but when something bad happened to her it was like the sky was falling.

"Dean thank God it's you! Freddie and I are in BIG trouble. Can you come out to the house and talk to us?" Sarah said. Her voice sounded unusually panicked even for her.

"Is it that big of a problem that it can't be taken care of over the phone?" I asked, my mind distracted by other things.

"Let me let you make the call - is a gay male prostitute tied up in our back bedroom suitable for handling over the phone?" Sarah spat back. I sat up at attention.

"What is a gay male prostitute doing in your house at all?" I asked, more than just a little surprise.

"That's what you need to come over here and figure out then isn't it?" Sarah said. "Shall I expect you in an hour?"

"Make it two for traffic. But I'm on my way," I said, hanging up the phone and hustling out of the office to my car.

Getting in and peeling out of the parking lot, I thought to myself - why oh why do I get stuck with stars who get into these kinds of messes?

I headed out along the coast to Sarah's house. It was beachfront property, located on a rocky cliff in Malibu that gave an absolutely stunning view of the ocean from almost any point in the house. Buffy certainly didn't like to live cheaply.

When I arrived, I was surprised to find Sarah meet me at the door. Her golden blond hair looked frazzled and mangy and her eyes were a little puffy, probably from lack of sleep over this incident. I knew right away, after spotting a few droplets of blood on the floor, that this was a far more serious situation than I thought. The crimson red spots seemed to mock me almost as I went, the sharp contrast of color against the off white plush carpeting very striking.

"Hi Dean," Sarah said softly. "Freddie and the guy are down here,"

I followed her down a flight of mahogany wooden stairs to a basement like area, located at the base of the house. It was slanted and rather narrow, the ceiling fading away to a point due to it's sharp cut into the hillside. It was dark and quiet, the pale light of a floor lamp casting the only light in the room, leaving corners of darkness to dance mysteriously at us, their contents unbeknownst to me without further inspection.

At the very back of the below ground level was a door and Sarah knocked softly before opening it and entering slowly.

The room was a glow with burning scented candles and the aroma of charred wax and manufactured fragrance was over powering. The room contained all sorts of bizarre things that I didn't even think about asking about - leather whips and bondage gear mounted on the wall, a set of handcuffs dangling from a coat hook, the shiny metal catching me in the eye for a second as my eyes adjusted to the room.

Freddie Prinze Jr. sat on the solitary piece of furniture in the room, a bed that had been stripped of sheets but was a little dirty from some drying maroon stains on the mattress cover. Freddie sat with his head in his hands, hunched over the bed in thought. The hooker that Sarah had mentioned sat huddled in a far corner of the room, his handcuffed hands holding his knees tightly against his chest. He was a decent looking guy, a little younger than me, with reddish brown curly hair and a fair amount of the same color chest hair on his upper body. The man was naked except for a very small loin cloth that barely covered his manhood and I could see that his mouth looked swollen a red, his lip split a little in the corner from what appeared to be a vicious punch to the mouth. His back, which I noticed when he exhaled and inhaled deeply, was slashed red with what I assumed were whip marks. In situations like this, it was my experience not to ask.

A closely guarded secret in Hollywood, very few people knew that Freddie Prinze Jr. was in fact a homosexual. Because of his public image as a heartthrob for millions of girls and women, the truth about this fact was kept as quiet as possible. By Hollywood standards, a gay man publicly dating (or in this case engaged to be married) to a straight woman was nothing new, and I could name a handful of gay men off the top of my head who were leading stars and box office draws no matter what they released. I had discussed the current situation between Sarah and Freddie with the two of them before. They had met on the set of "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and gotten to be good friends. It was only a few years later she confided in me, that he revealed to her that he was gay. After both of their film careers began to sag some, Sarah had approached me with the idea of getting married to Freddie not only to take off the pressure of any noisy Hollywood reporter but to get some good PR for the two of them. I told her that it was a good idea and a few weeks later they announced their engagement.

It was a little bizarre for someone outside of Hollywood to think about two people living together under the same roof as man and wife but never actually consummating the marriage, but since I had gotten into the Hollywood world hardly anything surprised me anymore. The current predicament however, did not fall into that category.

"Ok Freddie, tell me what happened so I can decide what we need to do," I said. My eyes watched the hooker in the corner, who appeared to be either in shock or at the very least sleeping from exhaustion.

"Well, I had him come over last night and we, well, you know. I had gotten his number from a friend of mine who said that he was willing to do just about anything you asked. I had been playing around with bondage and S&M and hadn't really known what I was doing. The next thing I knew, I had teased and hit him a little too hard and he freaked out, running upstairs and to the front door. If Sarah hadn't been there to hit him in the head with a book I think he might have gotten away and who knows what would have happened then," Freddie said, his voice wavering. He too seemed to be in shock, his words floating out like they came from someone else's mouth.

"Freddie, you know that I don't care what you do with your own sex life. That's your business. But as your friend as well as your agent, you can't go around beating up hookers," I said sternly.

"I wasn't beating him!" Freddie cried, standing up from the bed now. "Things just got going really fast and I think that we just got really carried away,"

"And Sarah, you had nothing to do with this?" I asked, turning my attention to her. She was dressed in a loose sweater and jeans but was biting her nails nervously, her blond hair hanging in her face haphazardly. She was lost in her own thoughts until I called her name.

"No, I didn't know what they were doing down here. I was just upstairs flipping channels and I heard the guy, whose name is Randy by the way, come screaming up the stairs. When I saw the blood on his mouth, I just freaked out and hit him in the head. I didn't mean for him to fall down, but once he did Freddie came up and I helped him carry Randy downstairs and handcuff him. Jesus Dean, am I going to go to jail?" Sarah said, her voice on the verge of anguished tears.

"Not if I can help it Sarah. You two fucked up pretty bad but I think we can fix the situation. Is he unconscious?" I asked the two of them.

"He woke up about 10 minutes ago, right before you got here. But he hasn't said a word since we moved him down here," Freddie said. "What do you want us to do? We can't just leave him down here, unconscious or not,"

I thought for a moment, my mind racing trying to find the best way to resolve this dilemma. "First off, Sarah I want you to go get some washcloths and some clothes to clean him up with. And Freddie, while I take a look at him I want you to find the key to the handcuffs," I said, taking charge.

Sarah bounded upstairs while Freddie scoured the room for the key. I approached "Randy" (I didn't think that was his real name) and stooped down to take a look at him.

His lip was split open pretty good and the left side of his face was starting to swell with a blackish tint just above his high cheek bones. A trickle of blood had dried and cracked out of the corner of his mouth but it didn't look like he lost any teeth or anything more severe than just a sharp blow to the face. I stooped down onto my haunches to take a better look and try to rouse him.

"Randy? Randy can you hear me?" I said, putting my arm on his own and shaking him gently. He lifted his head slowly and looked at me. I'll never forget that look - it was one of fear and confusion and most of all hurt. The poor guy just wanted to go home and if what I had in mind worked, he would soon be on his way.

"Yeah, I can hear you. What do you want?" he whispered.

"I'm a friend of Freddie's and Sarah's. I'm here to help, to make things better so that we all can forget this night and move along with our lives," I said. I didn't want to tell him I was their agent or use my real name just in case he ever wanted to press charges. I may be there for my clients through thick and thin, but I'm not stupid. "Sarah went to go get some washcloths, she will be back in a second. Freddie, did you find that key?"

"Yeah, here it is," Freddie said, bringing it to me.

"Ok Randy, I'm going to unlock these cuffs and pull them off. Just sit still and don't try to run and I'll have you home before the sun goes down, alright?" I said, trying to sound reassuring. He nodded slowly.

With a metallic click, I unlocked the cuffs and pulled them from his sweaty wrists, where they had left a little bit of a reddish rub from being too tight on his hands. Taking him by the hand, I helped Randy stand up slowly. He was a little shaky on his feet but after a moment or two he seemed to have his balance.

He was nearly as tall as I and just about as built physically as any man I had seen. I was surprised that they had managed to drag him all the way downstairs but I guess when the adrenaline had been pumping something like that was minor.

Sarah returned downstairs, an arm load full of clothes and a bucket with about four damp clothes. I took them from her and set them on the ground between Randy and I. Reaching down, I pulled out a wash cloth.

"Here, wipe the blood off your face and get yourself cleaned up a little," I said to him. He took the cloth from me but hesitated for a moment.

"Wait...this blood is evidence. I don't want to get rid of it if I press charges," Randy said, holding the cloth in his hand as it dripped water droplets slowly to the floor.

I smiled a tight lipped "I mean business" smile at him. "Randy, clean yourself off and trust me, there will be no need to press charges. I'm going to make everything alright for all of us without getting the police involved," He seemed to hesitate for another moment but then obliged my request, running the wash cloth over his mouth and cheek gently, clearing away the blood and sweat from his upper body.

When he was finished I said "There. Doesn't that feel better? Now, here is some of Freddie's clothes. Go ahead and put them on if they fit they are yours to keep. We will turn our heads while you change,"

Surprisingly though, Randy just yanked off his loin cloth and stood there naked before us, modesty not one of his big fears as he took the clothes from the pile one by one and got dressed. Cleaned up, he looked like any regular guy, minus of course the bruise on his cheek.

"Now that you are dressed, let's sit down and talk a deal," I said, motioning towards the bed. I sat down on the edge of it and he did the same, facing me as I spoke. Sarah and Freddie lingered away from us, trying to stay as neutral as they could. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet, removing a gold credit card from it's sleeve.

"Do you know what this is? It's a credit card. More importantly, it's a credit card with a $2 million limit on it. I've never used it as it is a company card but take it, it's yours. Feel free to max it out if you want, buy whatever you want with it," I said, handing it to him. It occurred to me that he would now know the name of my company but I couldn't really think of a way to avoid showing it.

Randy sat silent as I continued. "Freddie, what kind of car do you drive?" I asked.

"Dodge Viper, 2001 model," he said.

"Give me your keys," I replied. Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, tossing them to me from across the room.

"This car is yours now too. In exchange for all this, last night never happened. You never came here and never saw anything. If anyone asks, you got in a fight with someone at a bar. If you keep up your end of the bargain, that credit card will stay active for as long as it takes for you to max it out and the car will be transferred to your name. If you don't however, I will call the cops on you and have you arrested for solicitation, not to mention have the car and it's plates reported stolen," I said.

"So you're paying me off in exchange for keeping quiet?" Randy said finally. I couldn't tell if he was having a moral dilemma or just getting his facts straight. Judging by the way he gripped the card and keys, it had to have been the latter.

"Pay off is such a harsh phrase," I said. "Let's just call it a gift from two of your Hollywood friends. So, do we have a deal?"

Randy seemed to consider this for a second, staring down at his lap while he thought. "Yeah, I suppose so. I know that Freddie didn't mean for this to happen, nor did Sarah, so if it's just an accident than no harm no foul I suppose," he said.

"That's the kind of talk I like to hear," I said, extending my hand for a handshake. He returned it, his shake surprisingly firm for someone who had been through such a rough time. "Good. Great. Everyone is happy. Now, I know that traffic is going to be getting tough out there real soon. Freddie, why don't you walk our friend Randy out won't you?"

Freddie nodded and headed for the stairs, Randy following right behind. Sarah seemed to linger in the door way for a moment and then followed behind them. Not wanting to be left in the room alone, I came with them as well.

We all watched as Freddie climbed into the car, a jet black beautiful machine that seemed to purr like a kitten when he started the engine. Watching him go until he was just a speck on the Pacific Coast Highway, the three of us stood awkwardly on the front step.

"I guess I'll go clean up my mess," Freddie said, his voice showing exhaustion but also signs of relief that the problem was solved.

That left Sarah and I on the doorstep alone. We stood in silence for a few moments, watching the waves crash onto the rocks a hundred feet below us.

"You know, you really didn't have to do that for us Dean," Sarah said finally. The ocean breeze whipped around the two of us, the salty air making you squint and your hair flying in undetermined directions.

"Actually Sarah, I did. It's my job. Remind me to tell Freddie that I will buy him a new car when I get back to the city," I said. We stood side by side, staring off into the distance.

"What about the money? $2 million is a hell of a lot for something like this," Sarah said.

"Well, if it costs me two million to get you and Freddie $15 million per picture later down the road, then so be it. Besides, I can write it off as a tax deduction. Business expense, you know," I replied. The money really wasn't a concern. In an average year we made roughly $70 million from new contracts and agreements with studios for talent, so if I had to take a little slap on the wrist to keep everyone happy in Hollywood land, so be it.

"That's true, I hadn't thought about that. You know, not many agents would have done that. Not many PEOPLE would have helped us out like you did. That was a pretty stand up thing to do but you didn't think twice about it," Sarah said. I noticed she had moved closer to me now, the warmth of her petite body pressing against my hip. Her head only came up the middle of my chest, despite the fact that she appeared much taller on film.

"Come on, let me get you a drink. It's the least I can do," Sarah said, leading me inside. I followed her and soon we were standing at the wet bar they had built into their "entertaining room". Sarah played bartender behind the counter for us both while I sat on a very expensive looking gold barstool, thinking about the stuff that Allison had said.

Sarah poured me a drink, bringing me back to reality. "I want to apologize for all those messages I left on your machine yesterday. I was just freaking out and when you weren't calling me back my mind got more and more frantic," she said. Taking a sip from her wine glass, I slowly drank my drink - scotch over ice - and listened to Sarah talk.

"You know, at first I thought that this whole fake engagement thing would be easy. Freddie and I were such good friends, I didn't think of how anything could possibly go wrong. I mean, last night was rough for sure but in the grand scheme of things it probably won't matter if we can keep this marriage thing going for a while. But now that we have officially been together for so long, I'm realizing that I got the short end of the stick here. Freddie can have all the boyfriends he wants to because no one knows about it. But if I try to get a man, or even try to go out on a date, the press will be all over me. You know how long it's been since I've been with a man Dean?" Sarah said, holding the almost empty wine glass nonchalantly in her hand.

I shook my head no, chewing on a piece of ice.

"Two years. Two long years. I mean, masturbation is great and all but sometimes I need the real thing. And I just don't know what to do, who to talk to who knows about our little arrangement and wouldn't tell a soul, but who would be interested in scratching my itch for me," Sarah said. Her face was close to mine now, her blond hair and delicate features looking sexy and mysterious in the dull light of the room. Sarah had a natural beauty, a natural smile, that make up only brought out further. Thinking of this made me think suddenly of Natalie Portman, my current girlfriend, who also shared this quality with Sarah. I realized that I shouldn't let this go the direction Sarah was taking it.

"Sarah, I know what you are thinking but I can't. I've been so unfaithful to Natalie since we started dating that it's not even funny. I don't think I need to add you to that list," I said, finishing my drink but trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

Sarah was a little taken aback by my inadvertent male bragging, but it didn't seem to stop her in her quest. "That's the beauty of it though Dean. That's why affairs can carry on for so long - two people who are in supposedly monogamous relationships sleep with each other because their significant others know that they wouldn't cheat, or think they know. With you, Natalie would never suspect anything because even she doesn't know about Freddie and I. And no one in the outside world is going to know because they ALSO don't know about our little setup. So don't you see, this would be the perfect tryst," Sarah said. She had leaned onto the bar across from me now, her voice coming only in a whisper as she spoke. I could see the outline of her firm breasts pressing against the cool wood surface of the bar, the absolute size of them in her sweater now incredibly obvious.

I realized that Sarah had a point. I didn't want to cheat (again) on Natalie if I could help it, but I could think of no way something like this could go wrong. And I sure as hell knew that Freddie wouldn't care - he would be too occupied cleaning up the mess in the lower floor to even think of coming upstairs and catching us.

"Alright Sarah, but if we do this thing, it has to stay between you and I. No one else should know, or else this whole sham marriage will go up in smoke," I said resignedly. I could feel my cock start to grow in my pants as the most primordial part of my mind realized that I would soon be fucking the gorgeous woman not two feet away from me.

I took her by the hand and led her back upstairs. We made our way down the hall to Sarah's bedroom and happened to bump into Freddie on the way in, his hands full of soiled clothes.

"Dean and I are going to fuck now Freddie so leave us alone for a while ok?" Sarah said casually as we passed. It occurred to me then how bizarre this encounter truly seemed.

"Ok, you two have fun. Go get her Dean, I hear she's pretty wild," Freddie called to us with a grin as he walked by. I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation and continued on into Sarah's room.

Very neatly decorated, the room was massive. It was almost as big as an entire studio apartment out in New York City and had almost all the things that an apartment would have - a large space for furniture and a very large walk in closet, not to mention the sparkling white floor of the bathroom, complete with a jacuzzi tub.

Sarah obviously had good taste when it came to decorating her room, because even the couch on the far wall that faced her big screen television seemed to match the whole decorum of the room. Oddly though, in the middle of a wall Sarah had put a jumbo-sized "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" poster featuring an almost life size version of herself holding a stake and staring menacingly into the camera.

I walked over to the poster. "Doesn't having something like this up creep you out a little?" I asked, running my hand lazily over the smooth paper of the poster.

"Na. I put it up one day as a joke after I got the part, but it's just sort of stayed there and with me. Whenever I feel low or upset about something going on in my career, I look at the poster and remember where I started and I suddenly don't feel so bad. It's narcissistic I know but it's like a good luck charm," Sarah said. She had walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, the hot breath of her mouth near my ear as she spoke. "Besides, why would you want a paper Buffy when you've got the three-dimensional one right here?" she said seductively.

I turned around to face her. She had slipped off her jeans already and stood in only her oversized sweatshirt and a very tiny pair of pink panties that barely covered her pussy that showed the faint outline of her sex.

I leaned down and kissed her, resigning myself to my infidelity for the time being and letting my body take over. It didn't take long. Sarah returned the kiss eagerly and I saw that she really was as sex starved as she had said, her tongue and lips pressed against my own tightly as she explored the depths of my mouth. I could only respond back by doing the same and we held the embrace for a while. The scent of her freshly washed hair and the musk from the growing wetness between her legs filled my nostrils as I became intoxicated simply by holding her near to me.

When we finally broke the kiss, Sarah was panting a little and her face was flushed, the excitement taking control over her. I wanted to make sure she was good and ready, but also to tease her a little longer and make this last longer, so I led her over to the bed and laid her down. Sarah was almost shaking in excitement as I spread her legs open gently and reached up, pulling down her panties very slowly. Sarah lifted her ass for me to let them slide down her legs, where I let them fall at the foot of the bed.

I pushed her sweater up a little and began to plant tiny little kisses on her tummy from her navel on down, making sure to leave just a soft enough kiss to make her want more. As I moved to her thighs, I began kissing her quicker, moving from thigh to thigh in a rapid pace, the hair on the top of my head brushing against her moist cunt, causing her to gasp sharply when I happened to come close to her love tunnel. Finally, after making my way up the inside of her thighs, my mouth hovered over the top of her pussy. Sarah had lifted her head now and was watching my every move, her chest heaving up and down as she waited for that one excruciatingly incredible moment when I would lay touch to her tender love spot.

Without further hesitation, I placed my entire mouth over the top of her pussy and unleashed my tongue deep into her, probing her inner sweet depths as much as far as I could get my tongue up into. Sarah went absolutely wild, her hips bucking up so sharply so as to almost fling me from the bed. I grasped tightly onto her thighs and held her down like she was a wild mare, struggling to get free. My tongue meanwhile continued it's relentless quest to please and satisfy her, lapping at and around her tiny little clit. Sarah's pussy was very small, much like the rest of her body and it was difficult for me to get my tongue inside of her too far without opening her up any further.

To solve that problem, I wetted one of my fingers and slowly worked it into her cunt as my tongue continued to lick. I pushed deep within her, the tip of my finger pushing aside pussy flesh as I worked in and out of Sarah's sweet as honey pussy. Sarah gasped loudly as my finger invaded her, clenching her inner muscles tight against it in an effort to keep it inside of her. I wouldn't let this happen though, and teased her as I moved in and out, tickling her clit lightly as I kept up a steady pace within her pussy.

Sarah's writhing was almost uncontrollable now, as she rolled from side to side on her hips. I knew that she was close - very close - to an orgasm and decided to bring it on home for her. Pushing two fingers slowly into her now (I didn't even need to wet them, Sarah's over excited juices had gushed out so much that the bed had a growing wet spot beneath her legs. Inserting the second finger into her, I began to time my hand thrusts with what my tongue was doing in terms of pace. While my tongue was busy lapping at her clit like a dehydrated dog, my fingers were buried deep inside of her snatch. In and out, in and out, I made sure that my fingers were only thrust into her deeply on the very moment that my tongue made contact with Sarah's clit. For her this must have felt incredible, having her clit teased almost to a maddening point while two fingers thrust in and out - it was the best of both worlds. Naturally, after only about a minute of this, Sarah cried out loudly and came. Her orgasm was incredibly intense, her eyes shut tightly as her entire body seemed to shake like she had been shocked, then go limp almost completely, the only movement coming from her being her heaving chest, with her aroused nipples pressing tightly against the sweater she wore.

Satisfied I had done my job to the best possible extent, I pulled my fingers from her and licked them off slowly, savoring the indescribably great taste of her love juices. I climbed up on the bed towards Sarah, laying against her on my side as she caught her breath, her eyes still shut and her blond hair strewn all around the top of her head.

"How was that?" I asked with a grin, knowing EXACTLY how "that" was.

Sarah didn't respond. She simply opened her eyes and smiled then quickly lunged at me, her lips pressing against mine as she threw her arms around my back and pulled me to her, rolling me over so that she landed on top of me. She kissed me passionately with her tongue, stopping to lick her own juices from outside my mouth as the kiss finally broke.

"That had to have been the greatest orgasm of my life," Sarah said. "I can't even think of how I'll be able to repay you,"

"Oh, I'm sure you can try," I said smiling "Give it your best shot,"

Sarah looked at me and smiled wildly, her cute dimples a sharp contrast to the pure lust and animal hunger in her eyes. She pushed me towards the edge of the bed, motioning for me to stand up. I obliged her wishes and stood by the bed, my hands on my hips as I watched her crawl onto her knees before me, the white sheet wrapped around the bottom half of her body as she began to unbuckle my belt and pull down my pants.

My hard cock sprang free, catching Sarah a little by surprise. She wasted no time though taking it into her hand and stroking it lovingly, like a child who had found her favorite toy. I unbuttoned my shirt and now stood naked in front of her, awaiting to see if her mouth was as good as I hoped it was. Sarah had leaned down, just about to take my prick into her mouth when I stopped her.

"Why don't you take off that frumpy sweater? It's kind of a turn off," I said to her, stroking the side of her face as she sat with her mouth just a few mere inches from my dick. Sarah looked up at me and nodded, scooting back on the bed just enough to reach down and yank off the garment, dropping it on the floor beside the bed.

Naturally you can understand that seeing her breasts for the first time, something that millions of men (and I'm sure a few women) would have killed to even have a picture of, right in front of me was almost breathtaking. I had heard rumors and seen things saying her beautiful they were but it's difficult to even describe them here in this entry. A very large C-cup (at least), they hung with the utmost natural hang from her small frame, her brown nipples fully aroused and poking out from her chest like tiny erasers. They were without flaw or blemish, and without a doubt one of the nicest pair of breasts I had ever seen.

Sarah caught me staring at them and her face turned a little red after catching my gaze - she was modest about them! But I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I returned my attention to her face and stroked her cheek lovingly as she leaned forward towards my prick. Her lips parted slightly as the tip of my cock passed through them, into the warm and waiting wetness of her mouth. Inch by inch, more and more of my shaft disappeared into her mouth until I felt the head brush against the back of her throat. Sarah gagged a little - she was more rusty than she probably thought - but after regaining her composure let it slip down deeper into her mouth. Sarah's nose was now pressed against my stomach, her breath hot against my skin. Slowly moving her mouth away from me, letting my cock fall out of her mouth like a lazy snake, she licked and sucked the entire way. As it came out of her mouth completely, the tip bumping against her chin as it fell, almost soaking wet, from her tiny little mouth, Sarah paused for a moment. Looking up at me again, she said "Sorry, just had to get the hang of this again,"

Taking my dick back into her hand, Sarah jerked it slowly as she moved her head to the side of it again, licking it like it was an ice cream cone. Her tongue explored the length of my entire nine inches, rubbing from the underside to the top and making sure to tease and satisfy every last nerve ending. Sarah seemed satisfied to sit there all day doing this, again like a little girl enjoying a lollipop, but I wanted something more satisfying. Putting my head on the back of her head, I gently pushed her mouth back onto me, moving her up and down along my cock with her mouth as she sucked harder the more she took in. She responded well to this, enjoying the submissive style roll as I turned her mouth into my sex toy. Make no mistake, I wasn't forcing her to do anything - she just simply enjoyed me being the toolmaker and her mouth the tool.

When we settled into this rhythm, things became much more exciting for both of us. Sarah had moved onto her hands and knees, her head still bobbing back and forth up and down my cock as she sucked me off, her breasts swaying enchantingly beneath her. Sarah bore virtually no tan lines and her bronze body and golden blond hair made her appear to be like an angelic goddess, sent from another world.

Sarah seemed to enjoy the sex-object role she was playing, being totally submissive to my every guiding move. In fact, she seemed to be enthusiastic, trying her hardest to please me. I had always heard how this sort of thing could be a turn on, having a beautiful and willing sex slave at your every whim and beckon, but I now I knew that all those people were right. Just the mental thrill, that slight sense of power over another person, was incredibly erotic. As Sarah sucked on me, the obscene noise of it filling the room as her mouth slurped up and down on my shaft, I felt an orgasm building inside that I knew promised to be incredibly intense.

Feeling the cum start to surge through my balls and about to erupt, I yanked my cock from Sarah's mouth just in time to shoot my load all over her face and waiting mouth. At first it had caught her off guard as I shot stream after stream onto her mouth, nose and even parts of her forehead, but her look of surprise changed to one of delight as she stuck her tongue out wide, hoping to catch as much of my spunk as she could inside her mouth. And there was a lot of it for her to have - I was even surprised as I continued to shoot more and more onto her, a few shots spraying her neck and trickling down onto her gorgeous breasts as the cum left sticky tracks over her nipples. I had to catch my breath as the orgasm finally subsided and looked down to find Sarah to be a completely sticky mess, almost her complete face coated in my sticky juice.

Sarah stuck her tongue from her mouth and licked all around her lips, taking a big gob into her mouth. "Yum. I think that we could call it even now, what do you say?"

"Nope, I think I'm still ahead. I'm going to have to do something to catch you up, since we are keeping track of all this stuff you know," I said with a grin. Sarah wiped her face mostly clean of the cum streaks, leaving the remainder on her chest for it to drip off her perfectly formed body and returned to her hands and knees kneeling position.

My cock was still incredibly hard and despite the orgasm I just had, showed no signs of softening up any time soon. I wasted no time sliding the head of my dick quickly into Sarah's pussy, opening her up wide as my shaft entered her. Her two years without a man had made her pussy incredibly tight, almost giving it a virginal feel. Sarah breathed a heavy sigh of contentment, happy I suppose to have a dick back in her. Whatever the case was, we both were enjoying ourselves greatly. I took hold of her hips and began to fuck her doggy style, her cute ass bumping against my stomach as I leaned hunched over her, sliding my prick in and out at a good pace. Sarah threw her head back over her shoulder to watch me fuck her, her eyes never leaving the hypnotic motion of our hips bumping into one another.

"Oh God!" she moaned. "I had forgotten how great this feels!"

I said nothing, continuing to fuck her harder and harder. Sarah responded with great gusto, egging me on by tightening her inner pussy muscles and thrusting her ass hard back against my strokes in and out of her. I reached my hand under her smooth, flat stomach and took hold of one of her breasts, kneading it in my hand like a soft, heavenly ball of dough. Holding her hip tightly now with one hand, our force seemed to be reaching it's peak. The bed rocked violently on it's slats now, shaking back and forth from our motion. We were oblivious to this of course, especially Sarah, lost in some pleasure world as we continued to make love.

Then without warning, I felt Sarah's body begin to tense up and shake slightly under me. She let out a loud cry of "AHHHHHHH!!!" and then her arms gave way, sending her face first into the bed, her pussy spasming uncontrollably from such an intense orgasm. The time off from sex must have had a far stronger impact on her than she thought, I thought to myself. Sarah lay heaving on the bed, her tits crushed against the sheet, her mouth frozen in an indefinable shriek of pleasure and her ass still thrust into the air, where I was busy sawing in and out of her tight little pussy.

I climbed further up the bed and positioned myself so that I could push into her with an even greater stamina, making sure to leverage myself perfectly so that I could still rub against her swollen and aroused clit with my strokes. This shift in position caused Sarah to come once again, albeit a smaller orgasm, as I felt her juices once again come sopping out onto my cock. Sarah lay almost motionless now, too tired to keep up the pace but not wanting such hot sex to end. I felt the same way, but after about ten minutes of going at it like this, the tightness of her cunt was just too much and I felt my second orgasm of the afternoon come rushing out, shooting streak after streak of white hot cum against the inner walls of Sarah's cervix and womb. She could only cry out hoarsely as I came, her own orgasm and pussy spasms finally subsiding.

I made sure I was done cumming and finally let my dick slip from inside of her as I collapsed onto the bed next to her. Sarah didn't say a word, simply rolled over next to me, her arm draped across my chest and fell into a deep and exhausted sleep. I thought to myself that I should probably go, but then I felt a wave of tiredness over take me as well and I slipped into my own state of blissful unconsciousness.

I awoke a few hours later, able to tell I had been asleep that long by the quickly arriving dusk that descended over the horizon of the water out the window beside us. Sarah still slept, her whole body now laying against my own, her freshly fucked pussy pressed against the side of my leg as she laid her left leg over my own right.

Careful not to wake her, I slid off the other side of the bed and covered Sarah up with the as much of the sheet that wasn't cum stained that I could. Dressing, I slipped quietly out the bedroom door.

To my surprise, the house was empty. Sarah's car, a cute little sports thing that I had seen when I first arrived was gone, my guess being Freddie had taken it to go run some errands or something. I only hoped that he wasn't out causing more trouble - then again if he was, I'd get a chance to fuck Sarah again I thought to myself with a smile. I rummaged through the fridge quietly, taking out a bottle of water and was about to go when Sarah appeared in the hall door way.

She looked sleepy and tired, the only thing she was wearing being the sweatshirt over her chest, going completely bottomless otherwise. Her hair looked frazzled and probably needed some washing to get the cum out of, but still amazingly she managed to look rather sexy standing like that.

"You're going?" Sarah asked. I couldn't tell from her voice if she wanted me to stay or was just asking the fact casually, like one might ask "Is it raining outside?"

"Yeah, I need to. I have to get back to the office and get some shit done," I said, opening the water to take a sip. It was cold and tasted great as I felt the coolness of it trickle down my throat.

"I understand. You have to be out there fighting off those nasty studio heads and all," Sarah said, walking towards me. "But hey, just remember," she said, standing on her tip toes to give me a kiss on the cheek. "If you ever want any more of this," she continued, pulling my hand down to her fiery hot snatch. "You know where to come,"

I gave her a kiss goodbye on the cheek as well and told her that I would keep that in mind. She watched me exit the front door into the growing darkness. I walked to my car and thought about how wild the last forty-eight hours had been: I'd fucked one of the hottest stars in the world in Jennifer Lopez, ran half naked through an arena after her husband saw us, only to get out alive and find out I had a twin sister. To make things even MORE interesting, I paid off a gay male hooker with two million dollars not to tell that he had been bitch slapped around AND managed to bang Buffy Summers not even an hour later.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself and wonder how wild life was, what it had in store for me in the next few weeks. How foolish I was, looking back on it now, to wonder about the future but to not worry about the past. For if I had been paying attention on the way to my car, I surely would have seen the person standing behind a palm tree in Sarah's yard, silently clicking away photos that tracked my every move. How much simpler life would be if I had only looked that way - but I can't regret things now, not yet. For that part of the story has not been told...
Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 24
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:53:10 PM
Chapter 24: Julia Stiles

* * * * * *

One of the celebrities I'm most proud of at the agency is Julia Stiles. Not only was she a fairly esteemed actress for her generation but I had taken a special liking to her. You see, when her career began to take off was right around the time I took over my father's firm. I felt like a proud parent when she had risen to become a pretty well known actress. When her breakout hit "Save The Last Dance" had burst onto the scene, I knew that she had finally made it, that even though she wasn't the most drop dead gorgeous actress on the planet, she still had what it took to be a box office draw. And in this business, that's all that matters.

Which is why, to celebrate a year of success (okay, so it's a few weeks into the New Year...what can I say, I had a scheduling conflict!), I gladly accepted an invitation from Julia to go dancing at a hot new club that had opened on the outskirts of town.

"You sure you're up for clubbing Dean? You are getting kind of old?" Julia said into the phone with a laugh.

"I can hold my own. Just try not to blow me away with all those dance moves you learned on set, alright?" I said back, reclining in my chair. The year had started off slow for me and the business, as many studios sat back and scratched their heads as to how a movie like "Lord of the Rings" could make so much money. I had already heard rumblings of other literary adaptations being planned, things on the same scale as Tolkein's three books. And if I had my way, if the rumors of big budget flicks being planned by all the studios were true, then I'd be more than happy to worm any number of the agency's stars into them, including Julia.

"Alright, well I'll meet you out front of your office at 8 then?" Julia said. I agreed and hung up the phone. Walking over to my floor length mirror, I checked out my physique. Na, I thought to myself, you're never too old for a little dancing.

Julia was promptly outside my of office at 8, just like she said she would be. She pulled up in a surprisingly modest Volkswagen Jetta, a rich blue color that seemed to be cast from the shades of a bright winter sky. I climbed into her car, greeted by the thudding bass of a techno CD. Julia was certainly ready for clubbing. She wore her long, curly blond hair down around her shoulders, the back of it touching her very short white midriff shirt, emblazoned with a bright red heart over her round and jutting breasts. She wore a micro black leather skirt that just barely reached mid-calf on her legs. I knew that I was going to be in for an experience tonight as I buckled in and we headed off.

"So, where are we going? You didn't tell me the name of the club when you called," I asked. Julia just grinned. "You'll see. It's not anything like what you would expect,"

We drove for the next thirty minutes along the PCH, heading upstate. I passed the time by watching the surf break over the rocks outside in the starless moonlight, but couldn't help but let my gaze wander to Julia's bronzed, smooth legs, especially while trying to carry on a conversation with her.

I was a little surprised to say the least when Julia pulled the car over suddenly, easing onto the shoulder of the road a little ways off the main highway. A pickup truck buzzed past us as Julia turned the car off.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Something about this place seemed too secluded. My fears were eased though by a quick smile from Julia.

"Nothing. We're here. Why do you think I stopped the car?" she said a little sarcastically. She opened her door and started walking down the side of the road, heading off around a corner that wasn't but thirty yards in front of us. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and followed her, catching up just in time to round the corner myself. She had been right - we were here. As soon as I stepped around the corner, it was like entering a totally different world. Only a few feet off of the main road was a brightly lit building that looked like an old warehouse. I could see people mingling around outside and could hear the dull thudding of the bass from inside the club. The windows flashed and danced with brightly colored, shifting lights.

We made our way to the entrance, the guys standing around outside waiting to get in stepping out of our way so that we could get to the door. This seemed odd, but then again I was starting to get a little bit of an odd feeling about the place in general. Julia for her part though, seemed to know what she was doing and where she was going. I knew this wasn't the first time she had been here. Julia left my side for a moment and bounced up, whispering something to the bouncer and then planting a quick kiss on his cheek. The guy, who looked like he could break my 6'5, 250 pound frame in half, smiled and lifted back the curtain at the entrance for Julia and I to go in. Taking my hand, we walked inside.

The music was almost deafening now and it was almost impossible to see where we were going, sweaty bodies writhing and dancing around everywhere. I had been to my fair share of clubs when I was back in college, but this was an incredibly intense and jam packed club that seemed to move and dance a completely different way than any club I had ever been to. We headed straight for the bar first, again having people part out of the way for us. I decided to ask Julia about this as soon as I got a moment. We sat at the bar and the bartender came over, asking us what we wanted to drink, Julia apparently a regular there enough to warrant the bartenders attention. He came back with a Sex on the Beach for Julia and, as usual, a scotch on the rocks for me.

Julia and I were packed tightly on our stools, the people dancing behind us. I looked around behind me, studying the crowd to try and figure out what seemed so odd about the place. Then it suddenly hit me - it was a gay bar. Besides Julia, there was probably not another woman in the entire club. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays - there are plenty in Hollywood that I deal with almost regularly. It was just, needless to say, a little odd being probably the only straight guy in the place.

"Uh, Julia...this is a...," I said to her, having to almost shout in her ear over the noise.

"A gay bar? Gee, whatever gave that away? Maybe the half naked guys?" she said with a laugh. "Yes, that's what it is alright. Why, do you have a problem?"

"No, not at all," I said, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable sitting there. "It's just...well, why did we come here?"

"I uh," Julia said, suddenly becoming embarrassed. "Oh God! I'm soooo sorry! I thought you were..."

"Thought that I was what?" I said puzzled. Then it hit me. "You thought I was GAY?"

"Well, you are a better listener to women than any straight guy I've ever met. And you seem to have a pretty good fashion sense so I just sort of thought...oh my God, I'm so sorry!" she said, her face turning bright crimson red. She stared down at the bar at her drink.

I couldn't help but laugh though, just thinking about the situation. Julia must have been incredibly embarrassed, and perhaps what she said was true about listening and the clothes. But the thought of me being gay was bizarre enough to really make me laugh.

Julia was becoming slightly angry though. "You know, laughing at me doesn't make things any better," she said with a little bit of a temper. "Geez, you think you can judge a person and look where it gets you,"

I took a sip of my drink. "Julia, if you only knew how wrong you were about me, you'd be just as embarrassed," I said. "The better question though is, how did you even find this place?"

She seemed a little bit more at ease now, though she still shook her head in amazement. She turned her head to face me, her blond hair falling to the side of her face in an elegant arch. "I found this place with my girlfriends about three months ago. We were driving along on the way back from a party and saw how hopping this place was and just decided to stop. We were surprised when we walked in, but we actually had a lot of fun. You have no idea how nice it is to go clubbing and not have guys staring at you all night," she said.

"Wouldn't they still be staring at you though, since, you know, you are the only one in here with breasts?" I said with a chuckle. It got a big smile out of Julia.

"No, sometimes there are other girls here, but the guys don't seem to mind. They are here for each other, not for me. It's nice too - the total anonymity here, other than the occasional fan coming up gushing about 'Save the Last Dance'," Julia said, finishing her drink and ordering another.

"Yeah, I suppose it would be. No one would think to look for you here," I said.

We sat next to each other for a few minutes, simply drinking our drinks and listening to the DJ coming from what sounded like the corner of the place.

Still thinking about the humor in the situation, I didn't notice the guy slide up next to me at the bar until he had turned to talk to me.

"Hey there handsome. Care to dance?" the man said. He looked to be about my age or so, somewhere in his mid 20s. He had the chiseled chin of a character actor and very dark eyes that seemed a little supernatural in the light of the club.

"I umm...well, you see the thing is, I," I stuttered, trying to say something that wasn't TOO rude.

"What, you don't dance? Then let me buy you a drink" he said, putting his hand on my wrist. Things were getting more uncomfortable by the second.

Before I could reply though, Julia stepped in and killed the awkward moment by brushing the man's hand off me and yanking me from the stool.

"The thing is, he's taken. Sorry," she said, leading me to the dance floor.

"Fine, have him all you want Ms. Thing. Just don't expect to get many more like him in THAT outfit!" the guy called, turning back to the bar as we made our way to the middle of the dance floor.

The song changed and Julia wasted no time dancing to the beat. Pulling me close to her, she seemed to move as if she had no bones in her body, bumping and grinding against me to the music. For my own part, I danced along as well, trying to stay close to Julia so that I didn't have ANOTHER odd meeting with a guy.

Julia pressed her back against my chest and rubbed her body all the way down until she was moving on the haunches of her legs, twirling and bumping to the music. She made her way back up, thrusting her ass against me on the way up. She leaned her head back against my shoulder and I took the opportunity to thank her, what with her head being so close and all.

"Thanks for getting me out of that tight spot," I said to her. "That was more than a little uncomfortable,"

"Not a problem. It's the least I can do - I was the one who brought you here, remember?" Julia said, still dancing all around me, her body pulsating to the rhythm of the music. She had moved behind me now and I could feel her chest against my back as she held me while dancing, having the time of her life.

"Hey, since you are straight and all," Julia said to me between ragged breaths from the dancing. "I have to tell you, that guy was right. See, I knew you were handsome since I first met you, but I figured like most hot guys, you were gay,"

"Oh, is that right?" I said, now almost having to yell due to the noise of the people dancing extremely close to us and the music seeming to bounce off the walls and straight into my ears.

"Yeah. So I never thought about you sexually or anything," she said, moving back to the front of me. I put my hand around her waist as she moved, grinding her ass back against me, her white shirt becoming damp with sweat that trickled all over her back and down to her dress, soaking it a little bit as well. "But since I now know, I've got a really wicked idea,"

"What's that?" I said, still grasping her by the waist. Through no actions of my own, I felt a bulge growing in my pants, simply from the jostling and rubbing Julia was giving me (it certainly wasn't the atmosphere of the club - I had never seen so many sculpted and shirtless men, rubbing and touching and kissing one another on a dance floor)

Julia stopped dancing and turned around, pressing herself close to me. "I want to have sex. Right here and right now,"

"What??" I said, shocked. "Are you crazy? We could get arrested!"

A wicked little grin crossed Julia's face, a grin that was also mixed with excitement. "I know!" she said, her voice bubbling like a little girl who is about to get what she wants. "That's what's so nasty about it! I've always had this fantasy of having sex in public and I can't think of a better place than right here and right now! There isn't a single person in here who is going to notice or care,"

I pondered the idea, not exactly hip to the idea of whipping it out "right here and right now", even if it was to fuck Julia. I went along with it, trying to persuade her otherwise. "Well, I didn't see any booths open back there when we came in. How about we keep dancing for a bit and go talk about this in a few minutes when things calm down some?"

"No no, they won't calm down here till the sun comes up. Besides, I don't want to go to a booth, I want to do it RIGHT HERE. On the dance floor. Dancing is so erotic anyways and I have to tell you that my pussy has been getting wet just by moving against your crotch. What do you say?" Julia said, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"I'd love to, but as your agent and thus in charge of your career, I must advise against it," I said, her body still pressed close against mine. My hands had somehow magically found their way to her hips and my fingers were acting on their own, grabbing and squeezing Julia's ass. My mind said no but my body said yes.

"I'll take that into consideration," Julia said, suddenly shoving her hand down the front of my pants and grasping my dick, which became hard almost instantly.

I groaned to myself as I realized that once again my body would betray, in this case, all common sense, and let Julia squeeze my cock to it's full length as I tightened my grip on her ass.

Julia smiled at the tightening of my hands and leaned up, kissing me squarely on the lips. Within a second or two, we were locked in a deep embrace, the noise and setting of the club seeming to fade around us. I felt Julia's hand slip off my cock and out to the front of my pants, where she proceeded to unzip my zipper.

"If we play this just right," she said, pushing her hand inside once again. "No one will ever be the wiser,"

I let Julia do all the work, mostly because I was interested to see if she could really pull it off, the thrill of getting caught exciting me to no end. What happened next is very difficult to describe - it was really one of those "you had to be there" moments.

In seemingly one swift motion, Julia managed to thrust her ass against my now poking out cock, pull up her skirt and push aside her panties, allowing me to bury all nine inches of my prick deep in her before I even knew what hit me. I gasped in surprise, the pleasure of her tightness around me, the feel of her warm and young body squeezing me as I parted into her deepest nether regions a feeling beyond words.

Holding her ass back against me, Julia got more comfortable, slowly holding my meat deep inside her. Very steadily though, she began to pull away from me, in agonizing millimeter by millimeter, her muscles milking my cock for all it was worth as she began to move herself on and off of me. Julia's hips never stopped moving to the beat, and even the most suspicious person watching us would have thought that she was just grinding herself against me, as girls in clubs often do.

And yet, our faces in the end would have probably given us away - Julia's mouth was framed in an expression of pleasure and excitement, her mouth curling just slightly at the corners in a smile, and my own face more dripping with sweat than someone who had been dancing as little as I had should have been. At that point though, I didn't care - feeling Julia's cunt around my cock was incredibly amazing, accentuated even more by the way I had took her under my wing since I started running the company. At the time, I hadn't really thought about Julia sexually - she always seemed like a kid sister or something. And even though it was wrong to want to sleep with your sister, the giddy thrill of being deep inside Julia was more electric than anything I had ever felt.

I suddenly realized that we had been standing in the same position for what had to have been a minute or so and that if we didn't start "dancing" again, people might start looking at us. Now it was my turn to be the one to shake things up. Just as swiftly as Julia had thrust herself back onto me, I managed to flip her upside down in the air (sort of like the moves you see about those people who swing dance) while somehow managing to keep my cock buried at least up to the head inside of her.

This took her by surprise to say the least and I was even amazed at my ability to pull something like that off. A couple of guys near us stood there a little slack jawed at the move and I would have, in a normal situation, at least demonstrated to them how to do it. But since my dick was almost out in plain view, I instead pulled Julia close to me in a kiss, impaling her hard on my prick.

She sighed a little as our lips met, her body melting against mine, surrendering to the passion of the moment. Very gently and lightly as we continued to kiss, I began to make small, circular motions inside of her, thrusting as much as I could without being too obvious.

I could feel Julia's nipples pressing against my chest, the outline of them very visible and clear to anyone who might have happened to look. I couldn't resist getting a glimpse at them myself, so I pulled aside her top in the front, getting a quick peek. Her nipples were the lightest shade of pink I could imagine and stuck straight out from her fistful size breasts like hard little nubs. There wasn't much to her breasts but as I put my hand inside her shirt, feeling their heft, they seemed to be just the right size for complete arousal of just about any guy.

My motions in her cunt were moving faster now, lifting Julia off the tips of her feet as I moved inside of her. She had slipped one of her legs behind my own to get better leverage, and our bodies locked in a pattern of ecstasy, the hard shaft of my cock rubbing against her clit on the down strokes.

Still held inside my jeans, my balls ached for release. The pressure of containing them inside the fabric of my pants was intense - as if someone was holding my dick tightly as I fucked Julia harder and harder, trying on some animal level to break free of not only the taboo of sex in public but the urging to fuck Julia harder and more primally than even my conscious mind could imagine.

So naturally, I was a little upset when I felt Julia slip herself off of me and leave my rock hard manhood pointing straight out in front of me in the humid air of the club. But she was quick to make sure I wasn't too exposed - she stood to lose more publicly than I did, that's for sure - and dropped to her knees, taking my dick in her hot, wet mouth.

I glanced around the club, the obviousness of our act now all too clear to anyone who could see us. But I was amazed to see that the club had cleared out and that the few remaining people on the dance floor were, in one way or another, going about doing what Julia and I were doing ourselves. Some couples tried to be anonymous about it, others just didn't care. It was surreal to see all of this happening around you, to see so many naked bodies. And yet, I was possessed now by a sexual craving and the only thing my rational mind could come up with was "When in Rome, do as the Romans".

Julia was really going at it on my shaft, slurping and sucking hotly as she moved her head up and down me. Her lips were tightened in an "O" shape and the saliva coating my cock helped it slide in and out of mouth and to the back of her throat. Julia wasn't the best girl at giving head that I had encountered, but her gusto and resolve, not to mention the strangely erotic quality of her warm saliva and drool coating every centimeter of my cock, was still incredibly pleasurable.

Slipping a hand up underneath her skirt, Julia used one hand to grip onto my legs and the other to tease and play with her clit as she squatted beneath me.

"Let me watch you play with yourself," I whispered to her in between breaths. I was panting heavily now, the smokiness of the club and the heat of all the people dancing was causing sweat to pour down my face and neck.

Julia obliged my request, lifting her skirt aside to give me a clear view of her hairless pussy. This was quite a surprise because I never would have figured Julia to be the type to go to the trouble to rid herself of pubic hair. Her tiny snatch, stretched a little and red in color from the fucking we had just done was dampening with her own juices, the lips slightly spread as she slipped her finger inside. Her eyes locking with mine, Julia continued to bob up and down on my cock, sucking hard as her long blond hair hung down behind her ears.

Julia reached up and undid my pants, letting them slip down as the pressure on my balls eased. I sighed in relief as I felt Julia's hand reach out and grab my nuts, fondling them around in her hand slowly, occasionally giving a little tug.

Her head began to bob faster now, as did her hand in sliding in and out of her pussy and I guessed Julia was just about to cum. She tightened her grip on my leg, squeezing hard, as her body shivered in bliss upon reaching her climax. Moaning onto my cock, I almost blew my load from the way Julia was practically screaming on my dick, and I narrowly avoided the situation by grabbing hold of Julias head and tugging on her hair tightly, pushing her nose straight into my stomach to allow my cock to slide completely down her throat.

This caused Julia to lose her balance on her already shaky (from the orgasm) knees and she toppled forward, landing on the dance floor in front of me. A couple of guys stopped to look but then resumed what they were doing. I bent down to help Julia up, but instead she rocked back onto her ass, only to land on her back again purposely, her legs spread now as she lay on the dance floor.

My pants around my ankles, I didn't hesitate to practically leap on top of her, managing to impale her on my shaft in practically one thrust. Julia and I were beyond the point of caring about who saw us now or what would happen - the air of sex that seemed to rise from every nook and cranny of the club was overpowering us and our sexual energies. Julia had parted her pussy lips with two fingers when I had entered her, raising her ass from the ground to meet my thrust.

Having better access to her full body now, I felt myself bottom out deep inside of her hot, steamy cunt. The feel of my pubic hair across her shaved snatch was unique, almost as if I was making love to something heavenly and sweet, almost angelic in it's texture and feel. I ground myself into her, my rod moving like a hot piece of steel in and out of her deep and inviting tunnel, trying to push her through the wooden planks of the dance floor. Julia had reached her arms around my back now and was grabbing onto me tightly. I could feel her nails scraping against my back through my shirt, feel them raking into and across my skin.

I felt my orgasm approaching and glanced down at Julia. Her mouth was tightly closed, her face flushed and damp with perspiration as she looked into my eyes.

"I'm gonna cum. Where do you want it?" I asked. I don't know why I bothered this one time, after having shot my load into so many starlets in the past. It turned out not to matter

"In me. I want to feel you shoot in me. I'm on the pill, so don't worry," Julia whispered, pushing her mouth up to kiss me. I did remember - I was the one who suggested that she go on it, after she had a close call scare with some anonymous guy she had fucked after a night long rave.

My cockhead expanded and I released my spunk deep inside of her pussy, the walls of it seeming to thirst for the seed, wanting and urging me to coat her inner softness with it. I felt the head of my prick bump against her cervix as the final spurt came shooting out like a cannon.

I gasped loudly as I lifted myself off of Julia, our clothes a sweaty and tangled mess now. Standing up, I zipped myself up and lifted Julia to her feet, her hair looking completely dis-shelved, but also incredibly satisfied.

"Well, that was fun," I said to Julia, putting my hand around her shoulder as we walked off the dance floor. There were still guys mingling around but it was obvious that the party was elsewhere now. One of the guys however, called out to us as we were leaving "Hey girlfriend, you forgot something!"

We both turned around to look and sure enough, Julia's purse and her left shoe were scattered across the middle of the floor. Luckily for us, no one had gone through the purse to identify who she was.

"Thanks," she said, waving to the man.

"No sister, you forgot something else!" he said to her. Julia looked puzzled. He pointed down at her legs and Julia looked - running down the back of her knee was a small stream of cum (mine or hers, it was tough to tell). Julia scooped it up and licked it off her finger.

"Oh, that. Heh, thanks," she said sheepishly as we made it out to the parking lot.

The cool winter air of the Pacific coast was crisp and just brisk enough to have a little bite as we climbed into Julia's car, back to my office. The ride was more silent now, although we both felt surprisingly more at ease and comfortable around each other. I placed my hand on Julia's leg almost the entire way there, knowing that even if the sex never happened again, at least we had grown to be good friends.

When we got back to my office, the parking lot long since deserted save my car, I stepped out and leaned down to the passenger window to talk to Julia. She rolled it down and was happy to oblige.

"You know, I still can't believe I thought you were gay," she said with a chuckle.

"Well, I hope you know now that I'm not," I said with a grin.

"Listen Dean, I hope this doesn't come out sounding the wrong way and all, but I don't think I want to make this a serious thing," Julia said, her face becoming more stoic now. The thought of it being more serious had never crossed my mind through out the whole evening, but I figured Julia was just trying to set some ground rules.

"I don't either. I'm already involved with someone any ways," I said. Julia's face turned into a scowl, upset at being the mistress instead of the (possible) girlfriend. "No, don't worry. She's on the East Coast and we agreed to see other people when we aren't together," I said to her, which allowed her face to loosen a little.

"Ok. I just didn't want you to think I was into anything serious right now in my life. I want to go out and party, have fun. You know, the usual kid stuff. But I have to say, you were one hell of a fuck," she said, the grin returning to her face.

"Thank you, thank you. I do what I can," I said, tapping on the window base as I walked off to my car. Julia rolled up the window and I waved to her as she drove off. She had flicked her music back on and I'm sure that anyone out at this hour (4:07 by my watch) would be sure to hear her coming.

Heading back to my car, I walked across the gravel of the parking lot towards it, clicking the security system button to unlock it. Somehow though, and I was never able to remember if it was through a rustling or something I saw or what, I noticed that I wasn't alone in the parking lot. Off to the side, in a small patch of woods as I walked to the car, opening the door and getting in, there was definite movement from the branches and leaves.

Not wanting to draw any suspicion, I started the car as casually as I could, my heart racing in my chest. I reached down and picked up my cell phone, pretending to dial someone as I sat in the drivers seat, glancing out the rearview mirror.

No one could have seen my eyes in the darkness, but I could certainly see who ever it was slip away into the woods. My mind tried to rationalize, figuring it might have been a bum or a car thief or something of the sort. But as the person - it was definitely a man, I could tell now - moved further into the woods, the angle of the moonlight just happened to flood the side of his body enough to give me a perfect glimpse of what he was carrying: a long lensed camera, just like the ones the paparazzi used.

Still sitting in my car, I glanced out the windows around me to make sure the coast was clear, then proceeded to slowly roll down the window and listen. A burst of cold air hit me and I heard some crickets in the distance, but otherwise the night was silent. I knew that those woods opened up after about 40 yards or so downhill to another office parking lot. If whoever the man was had parked down there, at this time of night I would surely be able to hear him start up his vehicle.

I waited for a few more seconds - or was it minutes? Time passes agonizingly slow when your heart beats a mile a minute - and then heard it: the unmistakable sound of an engine revving. A large engine from the sound of it. Rolling up my window, I waited for a moment and drove my BMW around the back of the building. It gave me a perfect view of the road, whose only way out from this office space cul-de-sac was right passed our building. The mystery man would think I had left and go buzzing right past as he made his "getaway".

Sure enough, not but ten seconds later did he come roaring down the street, hauling major ass as he tried to put as much distance between himself and me as he could. He drove a huge black Chevy Suburban, the kind of car that was the bane of every environmental nut in California's existence. I must have startled him when I arrived back at the office. Whatever he was doing had been interrupted and he had to make a quick exit. I counted to twenty before I flicked on my lights and followed him.

The Shooting Stars Office is only about two blocks from the freeway so even with the amount of head start I gave him, it didn't take me long to catch up to him on the interstate. Traffic was sparse as he headed north for the coast, driving well over the speed limit. Part of me wanted him to get pulled over, but I knew that if that happened then I'd never know who he was.

I allowed some distance to get between us, a car or two, as he continued driving out to Santa Monica and onto the PCH that I had just been on not an hour earlier. As he headed for his exit, the two cars that had been between us didn't get off at the exit, leaving me and Mr. Suburban to the darkness of the night.

I slowed down my speed a little so as not to be very visible in his rear view mirror. And yet, he must have seen me because he quickly speeded up and tried to lose me. For whatever reason, I decided that I didn't care if he saw me or not and raced to catch up to him. The roadways were completely deserted now, not another car around for miles as we zoomed along the precarious blacktop, the dark and cold ocean filling up every thing to the left of the car beyond the window.

Right behind him now, I tried to make out his license plate in the dark, but he began to swerve erratically around on the road, making it impossible for my high beams to catch it. My cover was definitely blown now, but since I knew that we were the only ones on the road, as long as I stayed behind him there wasn't much he could do to stop me from following him.

Turns out I was wrong. The driver stopped driving so frantically now and leveled out his path, which puzzled me. I was able in the waning moonlight to see the silhouette of his head in the drivers seat. He held something to his head...what was that? It looked like a cell phone or something.

Suddenly, the phone in my car began to ring. The loudness of it in the dark car startled me completely, causing me to literally jump in my seat. I glanced over at it - the caller ID said UNKNOWN CALLER. Hesitantly, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said, my voice a little shaky.

"Have a nice trip. Hope you can swim," the voice on the other end said, a gravely and scratchy, unnatural voice.

"What?" I said, looking straight at the car in front of me, puzzled by what he had said. In a blink of an eye though, everything he had said made sense.

Swerving violently off the side of the road to pull over into the soft shoulder as we rounded a corner, I didn't have time to react to see the OTHER black Suburban come flying at me from around the corner of the road. In the blackness of the night, it looked like a great metallic beast as time slowed down to a crawl that moment before it slammed into the side of me going at least 40 mph, sending my car skidding on it's side towards the thin metallic guard rail that kept me from crashing into the sea at least 100 feet below.

My passenger side crippled and mangled, the sound of glass breaking and airbags deploying and metal bending seeming to come at me from all directions, my car crashed through the guard rail and rested with my front left wheel hanging half on and half off of the side of the cliff.

I stared out the drivers window into nothingness, the ground below me missing as I teetered on the edge. My heart was beating uncontrollably now as I frantically tried to think about what to do. And that's when I realized I was powerless to do anything as I looked up into the rear view mirror yet again and saw that it hadn't been another Suburban. No, it had been an 18 wheeler that hit me from the side. I could still see white chips of paint from my car on it's grill. But more haunting than that was the sheer moment of eerie panic that hit me as I saw the tractor trailer barreling at the back of my car now at who knew how fast. I realized then that I could do nothing. So I did the only thing that I could think about, the only thing still in my control: I held tight to the steering wheel and gritted my teeth.

The impact came hard and fast, jolting my head back against the seat and then violently forward onto the steering wheel as my car was crushed from not only the side but the back now. But the jolt was momentary, not to last. For it was then that I fell, gracelessly and without a sound, my car launching like a crippled bottle rocket the long distance down into the deep blue sea below.

To Be Continued...
Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 25
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:55:52 PM
Chapter 25: Alyson Hannigan

* * * * *

(In the last chapter, our hero Dean was run off the road by a mysterious man in a large black truck. Plunging off the guard rail off a cliff into the cold, blue Pacific ocean below, we pick things up in mid air, moments from impact into the water)

It's true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes right before you think you are going to die. For me, that happened in those few seconds right before my BMW landed like a breaching whale into the dark ocean off the California coast. I saw lots of things and lots of people - my family, my friends, the girls who had broken my heart, the girls I had fallen in love with and all the flings and one night stands in between.

I could see nothing in front of me beyond the black horizon that the headlights lit up, a dizzying sense of floating overwhelming me as I braced for the thud into the water. By some sort of miracle, my car managed to hit the water almost completely level, the front end where the engine lay pulling me down only slightly. Whatever you can imagine falling off a cliff over 100 feet into water below is nothing compared to what it really feels like.

With all the grace of a brick hitting concrete, my car smacked into the crashing surface of the waves with a jolt, sending my head rocketing towards the roof of the car painfully, the force of the hit enough to break my jaw, my mouth filling with blood immediately. And for a moment, just a split second, after I hit the water, I felt like I was going to be okay. As if the water would somehow float my car and let me gently swim away from it to shore. But then the reality of physics took hold and I began to sink, nothing but deep ocean bottom beneath me to stop the plunge. The first thing I felt after I hit was the icy cold January water seeping in through the cracks at the doors. Slowly at first, then coming in as a torrent, the air escaping from cracks and holes in the cars frame work that I didn't even know existed. The water rose quickly, first to my ankles, then to my knees, and then to the middle of my chest, before I even had a chance to react.

The engine had gone dead now, all that fancy safety technology for walking away from an accident useless as I sank. I struggled with my seat belt, my instincts taking over now as I didn't act rationally but only like an animal, struggling to survive. I saw out of the corner of my eye the surreal image of the water overtaking the night sky above me as I sank. The water was up to my neck now as I lifted my head towards the roof, grasping at all the air I could suck into my lungs. My body was cold, colder than I had ever been in my life, as the water finally finished seeping in, filling every available pocket of space in the vehicle. I held my breath, opening my eyes to look around in the murkiness of the vehicle, trying to make out familiar shapes. Thankfully, the headlights of the car were still somehow on, allowing me enough light to tell what was up and what was down. My mind raced as I tried to think of what I had in my car that was heavy, what I could use to break the window and swim out, my only chance for survival now.

I felt the car gently land with a thud on the bottom of the sea floor, the front plowing softly into the mud and mirk, kicking up dirt all around me. Half swimming, half leaning, I felt around in the backseat for something, ANYTHING to help me. My lungs burned now, running out of air as I frantically tried to escape. I had always been able to hold my breath longer than my childhood friends growing up, and I hoped that skill would pay off now. My head felt dizzy now, things becoming black all around me as the car belched and spit out gases and air from...the trunk? Yes, of course!

I grabbed onto the back seat of the car, feeling around blindly for the switch that I knew would lower the seat and open up into the trunk. My hand finally touched onto a hard piece of plastic and I yanked, pulling hard. The pressure inside the car fought me, but after a moment I was able to get the seat down and see inside the pitch black of the trunk. I jammed my body halfway in, seeing that the trunk had not yet filled totally with water (God bless those Germans and their water tight design, I thought). I pushed my nose to the surface by the roof of the trunk, my face hitting the metal of the inside as I inhaled a whiff of life saving air. The water from the rest of the car was quickly filling in, gurgling like a stream into the air pocket.

Wedging my whole body now inside the trunk, I felt around for what I knew would save me: the child lock in the trunk. If I could just open that, whose very design was to keep people from suffocating inside of car trunks, I could use the force of the air inside to counteract the water pressure and hopefully get out. My hand touched it and I grabbed hold, pulling. It didn't budge. Frantic now, I yanked harder and harder, putting the weight of my shoulder against it. Things were going black now, my lungs on fire like the hottest fires of hell, and my body began to feel weak and tired, as if I had no energy left. Determined, I kept focused not on the pain that had spread from my lungs to my chest and legs, but onto the effort of pushing against the trunk. Finally, just as I was about to lose conscience completely, I felt a pulling on the other side of the trunk as the buyoancy that was left in the car, combined with my shoving and jostling, opened the trunk door.

By now there was nowhere else for the water to go and once the trunk was opened, the pressure seemed to magically dissapear. Inspired by my success, I wriggled out from the trunk and into the open water. I could make out the faint light of the moon above me, which meant that I was not too deep in the water. Kicking my legs like crazy, I moved agonizingly slowly up to the surface of the water.

Feet seemed to pass like miles as I raced as hard as I could, my last bit of energy spent on moving upwards towards the surface. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as I kept my eyes focused above me, the pain of the water rushing against them, the salt from the sea stinging each and every nerve cell, almost unbearable. The light became more and more clear now and I couldn't tell if I was near the surface or dying. Still I kicked.

A second later, just as the last strength in my legs escaped me, my head broke the surface. I gasped deep, rich breaths of air, my body feeling as if it was without any weight. I thrust my arms to the surface and treaded water with strength I didn't know I had. A wave crashed on top of me, plunging my head back under for a second, but I held on and fought, pulling myself back to the surface. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I tried to get my bearings to see how far from shore I was.

Off in the distance, I saw a series of rocks jutting from the water and began to half swim, half float to them, the strength of the waves carrying me most of the way. I reached them within a few strokes and my hands brushed over the slimy surface of their jagged edge as my fingers wrapped tightly onto them, clinging desperately. The rock I had flung myself onto was big, it's point sticking out about three feet over the waves. The neighboring rocks around it were also quite large and I noticed one with a smooth, flat surface to it. Letting go of the one I held to, I made my way slowly to it.

I managed to get my foot onto a jutting crevice beneath it, my heavy leather shoes providing very little traction. I climbed upwards onto it and collapsed onto the base, my fingers hugging the otherside tightly.

My jaw ached and my fingers were red and bloody from the encounter with the rocks, the stinging water and it's coldness making them throb, but I knew I had made it. I was alive.

I don't know how long I clung to that rock, or how I made it to shore, nor do I remember waking up in the hospital, my mouth numb from pain medicine and my body wrapped tightly in blankets to get warm. Opening my eyes was an effort in and of itself, but I was glad that when I did open them, I saw Damon, my assistant, standing there.

"Hey man, you're awake," he said. He was sitting in a chair near the bed, his clothes looking like he had slept in them.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in a hospital just outside of Santa Monica. Some surfers found you this morning, passed out on some rocks and they took you to shore. Lucky for you they were considerate enough to say it was an accident and not let the police know about what happened. Your jaw was bleeding pretty badly and the doctor says you lost three of your back teeth, but at least you are alive," he said gravenly. They must have found my wallet and called the office. I'm sure that when they couldn't reach anyone, they called Damon, who was one of the emergency contacts in case anything happened to the agency.

Feeling around in my mouth with my tongue, which felt heavy and thick, I noticed the gap he was talking about. Two teeth were missing in the very back of my mouth on the left side and one on the right. I must have knocked them out when I hit the roof right as the car splashed down.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked groggily. My mind was beginning to unfog as I tried to remember what had happened to get me here.

"Well, you were in shock when they brought you in, screaming like a banshee the doctor said, so they gave you some morphine and knocked you out. How do you feel?" Damon asked.

"I feel like shit. But I'll make it through. What about the cops? What do they know about the people who sent me into the water?" I asked.

"Cops? No one even knows what happened yet, it happened too late last night. We don't even know how you got into the water in the first place. Unless of course, you'd like to TELL me what happened," Damon said, his face showing that he was eager to know more.

I proceeded to recount as best as I could remember the details of what happened: How after leaving the office following a wonderful night with Julia Stiles, I followed a guy who had been sneaking around the office. And how he had called me on my cell phone (something I still didn't know how he got) and then how I had been run off the road and barely managed to escape from the car.

Damon's face had turned ashen almost, taking in every detail with a look of shock and confusion and anger.

"So who do you think it was? Why would someone try to kill you like that? I mean, no offense man, but you aren't anybody THAT famous," Damon said, standing up now and pacing the room as he lost himself in thought.

"That my friend is the $64,000 question. When I get out of here, I'm going to set out to figure that out," I said, trying to sit up in the bed. Damon rushed over to stop me.

"No, no, hey bro take it easy. The doctor said you can leave first thing in the morning but he wants you to stay the night just in case there was any kind of internal damage. Let me go get him in here and you can explain what happened," Damon said, walking out the door.

I collapsed back onto the sterile pillow of the bed, the drabness of the room sedative in it's decorum. The doctor and Damon returned in a few minutes and after mentioning the part about being run off the road, the doctor called for the one duty police officer in the hospital to come and take my statement. By the time I finished telling the story for the third time, I was exhausted. Damon told me that he would let me get some sleep and left me alone in the room flicking off the light as I slipped off into a drug induced dream.

The next day, after checking myself out from the hospital, I returned to the office, determined to find out what happened. I was surprised when I arrived to find that the entire staff had gotten me one of those oversized novelty cards and signed it. And on top of that, Damon presented me with a normal size card, adorned with signatures from some of the firms best and brightest clients.

"I acted discreetly about this, getting as many as I could last night. I didn't want to tell anyone why you were in the hospital so that it didn't sneak into the papers again like what happened with Natalie. So I just told them you were sick," Damon whispered as he handed me the card.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate that. But right now, I want to get to the bottom of this thing," I said as I walked quickly into my office.

"Uh Dean," Damon called to me as I opened the door.

"What?" I said, stepping in and in the process bumping right into and knocking over Alyson Hannigan.

"Oh! Geez Alyson, I didn't see you standing there! Damon, why didn't you tell me that she was in my office?" I said, shooting him a scowl from across the room as I bent down to help her up.

"I tried to. But you didn't slow down," he said. I shot him another dirty look but then returned my attention to Alyson.

"I'm terribly sorry," I said as I helped her to her feet.

"That's ok. I heard you outside but I shouldn't have even been waiting in your office in the first place. That's what waiting rooms are for I guess," Alyson said sheepishly.

"No, don't worry about it," I said as I made my way to my desk. "I'd ask you to come in and have a seat but we've already taken care of that part I think. Now, to what do I owe this privilege?"

"Well, I had made an appointment with you last week. Damon said this was the only time you were available. So I get up early and drive all the way here to see you and then he tells me that you were in the hospital all night! Are you okay?" she asked, a look of concern on her face. Alyson wore a jean jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of black Capri pants. Her short red hair was pulled back behind her ears.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. Just a little late getting in, that's all," I lied. Part of me was putting up my business front while another part of my mind was still stuck fiddling with the puzzle in my head over what happened yesterday.

"You sure? Your face looks a little, well, swollen," she said, pointing to my right cheek. I ran a hand over it and it was a little hard and puffy I could tell.

"Yeah, it's no problem. I just had some trouble with my jaw. Any ways, what's up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I came to ask for your advice on my career," she said with a deep breath.

"Well, I'm your agent. That's what I'm here for. You want off of Buffy, is that it?" I asked, shuffling some paper work on my desk but not really paying attention to her.

"No, I love 'Buffy' and being on the show and all that. I was talking more about my film career. I want to do more movies, but I'm afraid that I'm going to be type cast as the 'One time, at band camp...' girl," she said. Her legs were crossed and she bounced an ankle up and down on her thigh. I had seen many women do this before - it meant that they had something on their mind and they were determined to do it.

"Ok. But Alyson, those movies aren't exactly a bad thing. They've made almost $500 million combined in box office receipts alone. Do you know what kind of power that has when I go to the bargaining table with a studio? It's tremendous," I said to her.

"I know that. And again, they are a lot of fun to do. But I want something else. I want something deeper, something besides a catch phrase and a running gag," she said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, something more dramatic. Something more...sexy," she said, shaking her head in self agreement with what she had just said.

"Sexy? Alyson, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you've only gotten into this business as far as you have not because you are sexy. You're cute, your attractive. You have that girl-next-door look going for you. Sorry, but Sarah Gellar is the type who exudes sexiness. Not you, not in the roles you have done so far in your career," I said. I hated being so blunt, but sometimes stars egos get out of control and they think that they can do any kind of role.

Alyson looked shocked - as if someone had just killed her beloved puppy or something. She stood up from her chair furiously.

"You! You can't say that...you're my agent! You can't...I mean, I'm...don't tell me...I am too sexy!" she said, the anger in her voice rising. Her copper red hair flew wildly around her head, her face turning a deep shade of red in her anger and frustration, her high cheek bones and freckles looking like spotted apples.

"Alyson, calm down. I've had a rough past 24 hours. I didn't mean to be so harsh on you, it's just...I have a lot on my mind, that's all,"

Alyson sighed to herself and I could tell she was mulling over if I was being honest or not. "I wish you could tell me why things were so rough, but Damon out there said that it was a personal problem. Regardless, I still can't believe you don't think I could pull off a sexy role. Didn't you see my pictures in FHM?"

"Yes, I did. And that was quite the interview you gave. But again, it all comes down to how the audience perceives you. Buffy fans wouldn't have a problem with it I'm sure, but the rest of the general public I'm not so sure about. And to get those kind of vamp roles, you have to be sure about it or else the studios will go with someone else," I said to her, reclining back in my chair. My jaw and head throbbed mercilessly and though I enjoyed Alyson's company, I simply wasn't in the mood to get into a long argument with a star over her roles.

"Hmm...well, I'll tell you what. Why don't you come over to my place tonight. I'll fix you dinner and then I'll show you how sexy I can be," Alyson said with a wry smile as her fingers danced invitingly over the leather of the chair she sat in.

I pondered the invitation for a moment - my mind and most of my body said to just go home and recuperate, but as always my dick had other ideas. "Alright. What time?" I said with a half smile, half sigh.

"Let's say 7:00. You have my address in your Rolodex, right?" she said. I nodded. "Great! Ok, I'll see you then. Oh and Dean, it would be very gentlemanly of you to bring some wine you know,"

"I'll see what I can do. See you at 7:00," I replied as Alyson walked out of the office, her hips swishing as she walked. Was she really not cut out for a sexy role? I honestly didn't know. I knew that tonight though, I'd find out.

That afternoon, I busied myself with a mountain of contracts and submitted forms by wanna-be actors and actresses. It was incredible the amount of girls that came in and left their resumes. Girls of all colors, dispositions and types - black, white, asian, thin, voluptuous, runway model thin, brown hair, blond hair, black hair, GREEN hair...after a while, they all started to look alike. Part of me felt bad that most of these women would try so hard to get into the business and yet never make it. Some would return home heartbroken; others would wind up staying in town, finding another wanna-be actor (or actress) and shack up together, further expanding LA's population. And even a handful ended up in the adult film world, making pornos for the quick money that it brought about. And yet, here I was in the middle of everything, knee deep in some of the hottest stars and I hadn't done a damn thing to earn it. The accident the night before had put things in perspective - maybe I needed a change of scene. Maybe I needed something new and fresh. But now was not a good time, I couldn't just walk away. Not with so much to do and so many people depending on me...

I rubbed my temples and traced my hand over my jaw, feeling the slight swelling that made my cheek puffy. I had downed four Advil just a half hour earlier and was still waiting on it to kick in. Around 2:00 though, Damon came in and sat down and gave me something else to think about besides my busted mouth and the meaning of the Hollywood business.

"Dean, I have an idea. I think I know how we can find out more info about those guys that tried to kill you last night," Damon said excitedly.

"Oh yeah? How's that?" I asked.

"Well, a few years ago my roommate in college kept getting these weird calls from this guy in the middle of the night, saying some really bizarre things. At first we thought it was funny but then the guy kept doing it, every night, at different times. So we got his phone number through star 69, but every time we tried to call HIM, there was no answer. When the calls kept on coming, my friend finally just got pissed off and hired a private investigator. Within a few hours, the guy had given us his address, name, where he worked and his license plate number. We waited for the guy to get home and I think scared him a little and the calls stopped. And it's all due to the PI," Damon said.

"That's great man, but I don't think that the description I could give would be enough to let him track it down. We should probably just call the police," I said.

"I thought you didn't want them getting involved because it was too high profile?" Damon asked. He had me there, I had forgotten about the buzz it might cause if some cop said something to his kids about it.

"You're right. Hmmm...have you got this investigator's number?" I said.

"Right here," Damon replied, handing me a small business card. It read FRANK MCALLISTER - INVESTIGATOR and gave a phone number and email address, although surprisingly no office location.

"Thanks. I'll give him a call in a bit," I said. Damon headed out of the office: "Don't mention it. Just trying to help,"

I played with the card in my hands for a few minutes, thinking about what he said. This guy might know his stuff, but could he really hunt down the two thugs who ran me off the road based solely on my description of them and their cars? It was worth a shot I suppose - if they knew I was still alive, they might come after me a little bit harder next time and I might as well get the jump on THEM.

I dialed the number, letting it ring six or seven times. I was two rings away from hanging up and telling Damon he gave me the wrong number when a gruff voice, almost identical to the ones you imagine a private detective would have, answered. "What?" he said.

"Is this Frank McAllister?" I said.

"Yea, that's me. What do you want?" he said hoarsely. I could only imagine what this guy looked like.

"I was referred to you by one of your past clients. Well, not your client exactly, more of a friend of,"

"Get to the point. You've got my number, now what do you want?" he interrupted. I resented being interrupted, but I hoped that meant that he wanted to get straight down to business.

"Well, I had an incident last night with two men who tried to kill me and I need your help in tracking them down. The problem is, I have no idea who they were. Can you help?" I asked.

"Maybe. Give me their description and everything that happened," McAllister said. I spent the next ten minutes reciting (for the third time) the whole scenario and what had happened, straining to remember everything I could about the incident. The entire time I was greeted by silence on the other end and when I finished, I thought he had hung up, or at the very least was ignoring me.

"Uh-huh. Is that all?" he finally said. "Anything else you can remember?"

"No, that's it. I just got out of the hospital this morning and," I said, abbreviating my spiel because of his apparent distaste for long-windedness.

"Alright. Let me get your name and number and I should have something for you in a few hours," McAllister said with a heavy sigh. It seemed like it was a strain to him just to hold a conversation with me.

"Well, I'll be at home probably by the time you call, so call me there. 555-0417. And my name is Dean,"

"Ok Dean, I'll give you a call when I learn anything. We can discuss payment at that point," McAllister said, hanging up without so much as a goodbye. I glanced at the phone in bewilderment, wondering if I'd ever get anything out of this.

That night I headed out to Alyson's house, borrowing one of the company cars to get there. Alyson lived alone, in a fairly normal upper middle class neighborhood not too far from a lot of the happening places in LA. Her house was a two-story pueblo design, the exterior a soft mix of pastel oranges and greens. Anyone who happened to drive by would hardly assume it was home to such a rising star as Alyson, but I think that she wanted to keep things that way - to stay normal and "connected" to the roots of the rest of society.

She had left the porch light on for me, as well as a note inside the handle of the door: "Dean, come in. I'm upstairs taking a shower." the note read. Following her advice, I stepped inside. I was immediately overwhelmed by the wafting scent of food being prepared, some sort of baked chicken with a hint of spices to it from the smell.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw that Alyson had set out a plate for each of us and that a pan of the chicken I had smelled was cooling in the middle of the table. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around and was amazed to find Alyson standing there.

Wearing just a light purple silk robe that barely covered up to her thighs, Alyson’s red hair hung wetly by her shoulders. She wore no make up, but didn't need it - the heat of the shower was enough to bring out the cute freckles on her face, giving her face a rosy glow. The overhead light of the kitchen hit her copper red hair at just the right angle, giving her the appearance of a fiery lioness, ready to devour her freshly fallen prey.

"Hi Dean! I'm so happy you decide to come and that you read my note," Alyson said, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. Her skin and body smelled soft and clean, the soap of the shower giving off a slight perfume like smell that was almost dizzying.

"I'd never miss a meal with a client Alyson, so you shouldn't have worried about that," I said, taking a seat at the table. She joined me across the way and we began to eat. The chicken was delicious - a tangy herbal lemon flavoring added to the chicken breast to give it just the right amount of moistness. With it came wild rice, mixed and served with freshly sliced onions and peppers. On top of that was a helping of steamed green beans and corn. All of this Alyson made herself and as I remarked to her upon finishing, it was absolutely exquisite.

"I'm glad you liked it. Cooking was a hobby for me as a little girl and, well since this acting thing took off, I don't have as much time to do it. So I enjoy those rare chances I get to prepare food for anyone," Alyson said. "Would you like some champagne?"

I nodded and she brought the bottle over, holding it in her hands, the mouth facing me.

"Would you open this? I always have the hardest time getting these damn things open," Alyson said, gripping the base of the bottle. I twisted in the corkscrew and pulled hard. For a second, I thought the cork wouldn't budge, but then with a loud POP it came out. The force of it startled Alyson and she jumped back instinctively. For just a split second I could see the faintest tip of her nipple poke out through her shirt as her small breasts jiggled with the sudden movement. And then like that it was gone.

I must have been staring because I didn't notice that the champagne was starting to bubble up and out, a small trickle hitting the floor.

"Oops! Here, get your glass," Alyson said with a laugh as she lifted the bottle upright, taking a drink straight from the dark green glass to catch the slight overflow. I held out my glass as well as hers and she poured us both some drinks. We talked for a while, cracking jokes about mutual Hollywood friends and the like, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the image of her nipple out of my head. Not wanting to seem over eager, I acted as if nothing had happened.

Within half an hour we had moved out to the living room, where Alyson had kept the lights dim and had some soft jazz playing in the background. Alyson had finished her third glass of champagne and was getting quite tipsy, her words starting to slur a little as she spoke.

"You know, I bet that Sarah Michelle is a slut. I bet she wants it and gets it all the time from Freddie," Alyson said, waving her glass around a little erratically. I had seen this before - stars getting trashed and then bad mouthing friends. Most of the time it was never an issue but more often than not I had diffused many a situation over the phone between two pissed off women.

"Oh, I seriously doubt that. From what I hear, she doesn't have sex that much at all. Freddie apparently isn't...umm, well I think that they are both really busy," I said to her. (If only she knew the truth!)

"Bullshit! I'll believe that when pigs fly!" Alyson said, finishing off her glass. There was an awkward pause in the room, the music becoming more clear now in the still silence.

Trying to get the conversation started again and to try and figure out why I was there to see how "sexy" she was, I said "Well Alyson, I better get going. It's been a long day,"

I stood up, but Alyson jumped to her feet, the sudden movement making her giggle a little.

"No! You can't go! I didn't show you how sexy I am!" Alyson said, her face showing signs of sobering up. My guess at this point now was that whatever she had planned had made her very nervous and she needed some liquid courage to get through it.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, it's pretty late and I have to be in the office in the morning and all," I said, feigning an excuse. The image of her nipple now raced through my head and I couldn't get it out. The air was filled with some kind of electric excitement, like a charge right before a lighting strike when you just KNOW that something is going to happen any second now. That's how things felt now in the room as Alyson swayed a little on her feet in front of me.

"No no no! You STAY! I'll be right back. Trust me, you'll be happy that you stayed," Alyson said, bounding off around the corner and up the stairs to her bedroom. Still keeping up my fake disinterest, I called to her "Ok, I'll be right here. But hurry up!"

I sat back down on the couch and closed my eyes, listening to the music. It was so soothing and relaxing and with the combination of the wine and the gourmet meal, I felt very calm.

I heard some loud thumping coming from upstairs as Alyson came down quickly. She stopped behind the corner and I saw her arm poke out, holding onto a remote. With the push of a button, the lights in the living room dimmed almost completely out, and the music on the CD player changed to a fast thumping rock song.

"Close your eyes Dean!" Alyson called from around the corner. "If you don't close them, I'm not going to do it,"

Obliging now, I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the couch once more. I heard Alyson moving some stuff around in front of me, the heavy dragging of the coffee table being moved out of the way. Still keeping my eyes closed, the music seemed to get louder. I heard a few more brief moments of movement and then Alyson was standing in front of me, a few feet away.

"Ok, ready!" she bubbled excitedly. Opening my eyes, my jaw almost dropped from what I saw. In the middle of the floor was a pole about 8 or 9 feet tall, sticking straight up in the air and coming just an inch or two short of the ceiling. The pole was held up by a smooth, heavy looking base made out of some kind of metal or something. In the dim light of the room, the goldness of the pole glistened and seemed to beckon me to come closer. I wouldn't have had to go far - next to the pole, no less than 2 feet away was a folding chair, sitting directly in front of the pole. And of course, standing next to the pole with one hand on her hip and her back arched a little, her other hand on the pole itself, was Alyson.

She had shed the robe now in favor of something far more erotic - a lace black bra (a push-up bra I could tell, as her breasts seemed to almost double now from the glimpse I had seen), a pair of thigh high black leather boots and one of the skimpiest pairs of panties I had ever seen. The material was see-through, but due to the unfortunate lack of light in the room, I really couldn't see much of anything beyond the faint shape of her sex.

"Well, don't just stand there! Come over here and have a seat!" Alyson said, curling her finger out at me as she motioned for me to come over. She seemed like a completely different person now - indeed quite sexy, but also full of some kind of raw sexuality that indeed did just seem to spill forth from her lithe, milky pale skin.

I walked slowly over to the chair as Alyson held her place - I was now just a few inches from her and I realized she hadn't moved when I came over. The slight brushing against her I had done, the radiating eroticism between us, served all the more to excite her (and me as well).

I sat down in the chair and glanced up at Alyson - the chair was low to the ground, but Alyson's boots had given her about a 3 inch boost in height. She looked down at me, her green eyes a fire with excitement.

"Now you can see how sexy I really can be," she said. With a sudden movement of her hand, she threw my legs apart so that I was sitting with my legs on both sides of the chair - a perfect position for her to move and grind in front of me. Content that I was in place, Alyson turned and walked around to the back side of the pole. It was then that I noticed that she was wearing a thong, one that rode straight up her ass, allowing her toned, firm ass cheeks to be clearly pronounced in front of me.

Hitting a button on the remote that she still grasped, Alyson changed tracks on the music to a more urban, bass heavy beat. It was some kind of jungle/techno mixture thing, with no lyrics but a whole lot of synthesizers and drums. Of course, I only paid attention to this for a second: what happened next was guaranteed to hold my attention.

With one quick half-leap, half-climb, Alyson mounted onto the pole, wrapping her legs around the steel so that they met at the knees on the other side. Clicking her big heels together, she tightened her legs firmly on the pole and pulled the rest of her body towards it, grasping tightly with her thighs. Flinging her head back sexily, Alyson held her body against the pole as she slowly slid down a little. But just as quick as she fell, Alyson had scooted back up, her ass bouncing sexily as she moved and very slightly made her way in a sort of falling rotation around the pole.

Pulling herself up by her arms, Alyson held herself in the air and slowly pulled her legs off of the pole, just enough to stick them out in front of me as she pushed her knees back together and arched and moved her legs with the beat of the music. This maneuver took a lot of work I could tell, seeing Alyson's muscles in her whole body becoming taught and tight as she shifted around and then wrapped her legs back around the pole.

Turning her back to me now, Alyson leaned her head around her shoulder and gave me a quick wink and a gorgeous smile and then moved her head back away. She moved an arm back behind her now, unclasping her bra and very slowly letting the straps fall away from her shoulders. With a quick shimmy, she let the garment fall from her body completely and hit the floor. Alyson, still a little reluctant and nervous, kept to her plan and turned around on the pole, placing her feet back on the ground as she spun. I got my first real look at Alyson's breasts then, and they were indeed just as lovely as the glimpse I had already stolen.

Freckled slightly just like the rest of her ivory skinned body, Alyson's nipples were a surprising dark reddish blush color, far deeper in shade than the hair on her head. She had medium sized breasts, a middle b-cup by my estimates. With nothing to cover the top of her body now and a pair of panties that barely even covered the rest, Alyson's true womanly figure took shape - she was petite and well rounded, with curved hips that accentuated the rest of her body perfectly, her legs smooth and shapely as they descended down into the darkness of the boots. Alyson smiled at me nervously as my eyes roamed up and down her body, but there must have been something on my face that was comforting because she set back into the routine she had planned, the momentary interruption making her forget what she was doing.

Mounting the pole (so to speak) again, she began twirling around it at a quickly increasing pace, just trying to get going fast enough to lift her legs up and manage to scoot up the pole about two feet in the air. Turning to face me from the other side of the pole, Alyson watched me sexily as she slowly slid down it, letting the cool metal rub in between her breasts. Her nipples poked out tautly from her body, the tips pressing against the metal as she slowly slid down it a few inches. The music was going heavily now at a much faster pace and this seemed to encourage Alyson along, make her want to speed up the exquisite, professional quality pole dancing she was doing.

Grasping the pole with one hand, she slowly and seductively slid the thumb on her left hand down to the waist band of her panties. With an agonizingly deliberate pace, the material seemed to trickle down her legs, first past her thighs, then to her knees and finally landing on the floor. Alyson now clutched the pole completely naked, her pussy hidden cleverly by the pole covering it. Spinning around again, Alyson's back now faced me, her legs clutching tightly onto the metal as she flexed in and out her ass cheeks. I could make out the soft shape of her mound between her legs, her inner lips opening and closing as she worked her buttock muscles.

With one final twirl, Alyson spun around the pole and held herself up prostrate on the pole, her entire nude and lithe body now facing me. Supporting her body with just her arms, she unveiled the climax of the show - opening her legs wide now, I got a perfect view of her cunt. She had freshly shaved it, probably right before I arrived and with her legs spread I could see the true beauty of her snatch. She was indeed a natural red hair, her sparse pubic hair a dark crimson red that seemed to blaze like fire in contrast to her body.

"So, do you think I'm sexy now?" Alyson said throatily, her voice deepening as she held herself on the pole, her eyes ablaze with sexual excitement. I could only nod.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she asked, opening and closing her legs to reveal and hide, reveal and hide her moistening sex. I again nodded and stood up a little to unbuckle my pants and slide them down my legs to my ankles. This brought a grin to Alyson's face as she saw my fully erect, 9 inch cock laying directly on my stomach, the tension and excitement of what was to come making it twitch a little.

Sliding down the pole towards me, I sat in the chair again and watched as Alyson moved from supporting herself on the pole to placing her thighs on top of my own, her body slowly coming to rest on my lap. She had her legs spread still and as she dismounted the pole completely, I held my dick out for her open lips to ease onto.

The fluidity of it was amazing and swift - Alyson's lips opened slowly as first the head of my prick, then inch by inch more and more became engulfed by her moist womanhood. Wrapping her arms around my neck, my cock buried itself completely in her now, her pubic bone coming to rest on my crotch.

Leaning into me tightly, she shuddered a bit, an orgasm, as she exhaled and turned herself over into my arms.

"I also cum so deliciously when I dance like that. But I want more - give me all you've got Dean," Alyson whispered into my ear. Placing my hands around her tight bottom, kneading the cheeks in my hands, I began to move her up and down my cock, her body moving in rhythm to my pace as she propped herself up by herself, letting inch by inch of my meat slide in and out of her. She gasped as we slowly made love, feeling and savoring every inch of me. I too was incredibly enchanted by this erotic situation, losing myself in the tightness of her twat. Alyson was an expert lover, knowing exactly what to do and how to get it done to make both of us reach the highest levels of pleasure possible.

We continued our pace like that for a few minutes, but it grew increasingly uncomfortable, so I stood up from the chair. Alyson wrapped her muscular and fit legs around my waist, scissoring my cock inside of her as we moved from the chair to the floor. I laid her down on her back gently and lifted her legs up, resting her knees on my shoulders. This allowed me greater access to her pussy, and I drilled into her faster now, feeling myself bottoming out inside of her with every deep thrust I gave.

Alyson was no longer the quiet and sensual girl she had been when we started - now she seemed to have transformed into a sex starved animal, urging me on as I sawed in and out of her pussy.

"Oh yeah! God! Don't stop! Ooooo, fuck me harder Dean! Fuck my pussy!" she wailed as I continued to fuck her. I felt her tremble beneath me again as she climaxed around me, her cunt now moist and sopping wet from our love making. I leaned my mouth down to hers and kissed her gently on the lips. But Alyson wanted nothing gentle now - she forced her tongue into my mouth, the tiny pinkness of it like a writhing snake as we explored each other's mouths. I moved my hand up to her breasts and fondled them in my hand, enjoying the small but incredibly soft feel of them. Pushing her left breast up, Alyson broke the kiss and licked her nipple with a flick of her tongue, her green eyes afire as she gave herself over to the sex.

Propping her up some, I now laid down on my back and let Alyson's strong legs do the work as she lowered herself on and off of me, letting my cock move around inside of her as she would grind it around. I felt the shaft of my prick brush against her clit many times and I knew from the sheer heat given off between her legs that she was on fire with the desire of the moment.

Alyson lifted herself off of me completely now, but just for a moment as she spun around backwards and rode me - cowgirl style. Her legs were bent at the knees across my waist as she moved like a woman possessed, bucking and grinding in the air around me, her sweaty red hair flying around her face. I gripped onto her ass tightly, running a finger up her crack and brushing it lightly against her pert asshole. Alyson gasped as the tip of my finger moved down between her legs and I rubbed against her mound, gently massaging it. This caused her to only bounce on me faster and I was forced to remove my hand and place it on her hips just to keep her from bouncing off.

The added speed now brought me closer and closer to orgasm, and with just a few more thrusts inside of Alyson, I felt my cum erupt from my cock, coating her inner pussy wall with hot and sticky semen. Alyson's body seemed to feel my shots hit inside of her and this caused her legs to clamp shut tightly around me, milking my prick and holding me in as I pumped load after load inside of her. Slowly Alyson's bouncing stopped and her body came to a bent rest as she leaned back against me, her back pressing against my chest.

Fully spent, my prick shrunk a little and slid out from inside her, the shaft from head to base coated in our sticky love juices. I held Alyson in my arms for a while as we both caught our breath and relaxed, both completely content from not only the sex but the great food and the warming buzz of the alcohol.

As I went to leave an hour or so later, Alyson walked me to the door, still naked. Opening the front door, I saw her shiver a little as the crisp February air danced around her naked body, causing her nipples (which were already red from my tongue's work) to harden in the night.

"That was great Dean. I haven't had such a good lay like that in a long time," Alyson said, propping herself up in the doorway as I stood to leave. "And keep in mind what I said about the sexy roles, ok?"

"Alyson, I will tell you one thing that most people never hear me admit: I was wrong. You are more sexy than half the women on this planet. That thing you do with your legs...wow, it's amazing. Don't worry, once I get in there with the studio heads, you'll be in a shoo-in for whatever role you want to," I said.

Alyson giggled a little as she hugged me tightly, planting a soft kiss on my lips. She had returned now to the same persona that most of America was familiar with, the innocent little girl that everyone seemed to know someone who was just like. But what came out of her mouth was anything but innocent. "Thank you. And if they have a problem with it, tell them I'll suck there cock to prove it. I'd love to be there in the boardroom when you offer up that option," she said with a gentle whisper, a smile across her face as she laughed lightly.

I too laughed and returned the kiss, heading out the door. I heard her close it softly behind me, the heavy metallic click of the bolt. Getting into my car, I headed back out onto the freeway and towards home - a place I hadn't been in over 48 hours. I felt more cautious now, checking the mirrors more frequently to see if anyone had followed me. But it turned out to be my imagination.

However, I was startled back to reality when my phone rang, giving me a rushing sense of deja vu. I checked the number and it was one that I didn't recognize. My heart beating in my chest loudly now, I picked it up.


"Mr. Simonds? This is Frank McAllister. I've got some information for you. I have the list of guys down to three possibilities but I need just a few more details from you to give you a solid name. You got a minute?" Frank said. It was almost a relief to hear his voice and know that he had actually found something that was useful.

"Ok, ask away," I replied.

"First off, was the guy you saw a bit chunky or was he more built in the shoulders?" Frank asked. I thought hard, trying to recall.

"Well, it was dark. But I'm pretty sure he was more toned in the upper body, so the second choice," I said.

"Good. Now, next question. When you saw him get away, did he have any sort of limp to him, something like say a leg he was dragging?" McAllister asked.

"No. Nothing like that. No, this guy was fast, real fast," I said as I changed lanes on the interstate. Even at 11 at night, traffic was still rather hairy.

"Ok, last question. When the man spoke, did you notice any kind of discernable accent? You say you grew up in New York so you know what Italians and Russians and all those sound like. Did he sound at all like one of those guys to you?" Frank said.

This was a real struggle to remember. There had been very few words said between us, but I was trying to remember if anything had sounded different. It suddenly came back to me - when he said "Hope you can swim", or something like that, the "you" came out as "youse". Bingo! Brooklyn, Italian, East coast accent.

"Yes! Yes he did! I just remembered, he had an Italian accent. Not real heavy, but just enough to be discernable. Does that help?" I asked excitedly.

"It does. Mr. Simonds, the man you are looking for is named Warren Aiello. He's from your native city of New York and he's a local goon here in town for some of the movie studios, the strip joints, basically anyone who will hire him for muscle. He's done a few years for assault and battery but nothing too serious. Aiello has connections, so I think he beats the wrap most of the time. What I can't figure out though is why he was out there taking pictures of you," McAllister said gruffly, as if this sort of information gathering was boring and routine to him.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out as well," I replied. "Listen, do you have an address or somewhere I can go to find this fucker?"

"I do, but I wouldn't recommend that. Aiello is a tough character and I know from the kind of gossip and dirt that I hear that he doesn't hesitate to take people out. They say he has a pretty high tolerance for pain and has no remorse for his victims. You suddenly appearing alive again to him wouldn't be a good play in my book," McAllister said. He sounded a little afraid of this Aiello character himself, but that didn't bother me. I wanted to get to the bottom of this and more specifically, to get revenge.

"I'll take that under consideration. Tell me where he's at and I'll double whatever I'm paying you now," I said to him.

"You haven't paid me one God-damned nickel yet. That's another reason I called. So until you pay me," McAllister said, sliding into his hardball mode.

"Look, this isn't a bargaining table. You call my office in the morning, ask for Damon. He will pay you handsomely, I'm sure of it. Now just tell me this guy's address and we can consider this transaction complete, at least on my end,"

McAllister sighed and then read off a card: "3516 Ocean Valley Drive. It's in Los Angeles, near South Central. But unless you are packing, I wouldn't recommend going down there. There are far worse characters out than Aiello this time of night,"

"Again, I'll take that into consideration," I said as I committed the address to memory. I knew roughly where that was and in fact was on the exact right road to getting there. "Thank you for your help, I will speak to you in the morning," I said, hanging up the phone before he could get another word in.

I drove like a bat out of hell, dodging and weaving in and out of traffic. Even if there had been anyone following me, they surely wouldn't have been able to keep up. Within a few minutes I was rolling onto the North end of Ocean Valley, driving just slow enough to read the addresses but not too slow to risk getting car jacked. Reaching into the glove compartment, I pulled out my 9mm. I had Damon bring it from my house when I was still in the hospital, not wanting to take any risks if the people who wanted me dead found out I wasn't.

I drove through a decrepit and blinking yellow light, swinging from one broken wire over the street. The neighborhood was like a ghost town, only a few people out walking around on the streets and I knew McAllister was right: they weren't the kind you wanted to mess with. A few of them watched me drive past, staring at my car and trying to gauge if it was worth their trouble. Up ahead at an intersection I spotted the building that I was looking for: 3516.

It was an abandoned and old factory or warehouse like structure, it's massive roof jutting out a good story or two above the nearest building. There was a parking lot for a closed down gas station just across the street. I pulled into it and switched off my lights. I slowly got out of the car, not really expecting it to be there when I got back (and yet I locked it anyways).

Heading towards the building, I paused in front of it. It was dark and desolate looking except for one light on in the very top window, the faint yellow pale of it disappearing into the bleakness of the night. I stood in front of the doorway inside: it was an old office complex, probably abandoned in the '50s. But the front door had been torn off and I could make out a flight of rickety looking stairs just inside the entryway.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside.

Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 26
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:57:31 PM
Chapter 26: Reese Witherspoon

* * * * *

(In the last chapter, Dean managed to track down the man who tried to kill him by running him off the road, through the help of a private investigator and the underground channels of the crime world. We pick up with Dean approaching the place where the man, Warren Aiello, is currently at.)

The light was very dim inside, the only illumination coming from the streetlight that seemed miles away down the street. The older, decrepit building had indeed been an apartment at some point, although since then had fallen into great disrepair. The front door inside was off its hinges and lay against the wall at an angle, the wood of it long since rotted through by termites and was dotted in what appeared to be bullet holes. Heading towards the shaky looking stairs, I noticed the graffiti along the walls, some old and some new. Though it had been uninhabited, this place had seen it's fair share of activity in recent years.

I knew silence was key here, so I carefully took one step at a time, watching where I was going to make sure I planted my feet on the firmest looking portion of the board. Cigarette butts, crack vials and empty beer bottles dotted the stairwell like the way a child's toys fill a normal household. Each item seemed to say volumes about the history of the building and what had taken place there.

I ascended the stairs at a slow but firm pace, the only sound in the hallway coming from my own thudding heart and the occasional car driving by on the street outside. I cleared the first floor with no problem and was almost through the second floors steps when my foot suddenly came down on a rickety step and plunged right through the rotted wood, the splintering of it sounding like an explosion in the silence. Carefully I pulled my foot back out - it had hurt like hell but I was ok - and tried not to make any more noise than needed as the wood groaned upward as my foot came out. On firmer ground, I paused for what seemed like an eternity and listened to see if Warren upstairs had heard anything. When no noise came, I continued upward.

Reaching the third floor, I again paused and surveyed the scene. Up here, not even the light of the street shone, essentially putting me in complete darkness. If it had not been for the blue glow of what had to be a television down at the very end of the hall, Aiello's room, I probably wouldn't have been able to see even a foot out in front of me. The building reeked like piss and death up here, all the smells from the other floors accumulating and rising upward like some kind of grotesque crescendo. Covering my nose with my shirt, I removed the gun from my pants and slid slowly along the inside of the right wall, taking things as slow as possible. Sweat dripped down my face in rivets, soaking my clothes and seeming to give the air an even more pungent odor.

My back now leaning against the wall, I stopped by Aiello's door and listened. It had indeed been a television that was on - I could hear Wheel of Fortune blaring at a semi-loud level - and things were much brighter in the hallway now. He must have had a light on overhead, because the blue glow was now overcome by a competing yellow dullness that spilled out onto the floor of the hallway. I had been expecting him to be locked inside of this room, doors bolted and firearms all around just in case of the inevitable, but to my surprise there WAS no door and, from my quick glance inside, I saw nothing but the bare floor, a threadbare chair and a television set in the room at all.

I at first though Aiello wasn't even there, that I had gotten the wrong building. But when something happened on the show, when one of the contestants solved the puzzle, I heard Aiello say "Finally bitch, only took you four spins," and I knew I had the right place. My heart thudded even louder now as I wiped the sweat off my head with the back of my hand, and instinct took over. Leaning slowly, inch by inch into the room, I turned and stood in the doorway, the gun raised out in front of me.

It took me a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness of light in the room, no matter how dull it had seemed from outside the room, but when I got my vision back I assessed the scene. Aiello sat hunched in the chair, leaning forward, his eyes no more than six inches from the screen. His massive back was stretching the fabric of his white cotton t-shirt and I saw a bag of empty potato chips on the floor beside him. What worried me more though was the double barrel shotgun that leaned up against the chair, just a few inches from his hand. I knew that if I made a move first, I had to make it good. Otherwise, I didn't stand a chance.

Taking a tentative step into the room, I held the gun steady out in front of me. Aiello was only a few paces in front of me now, his makeshift stuff sitting in the middle of the room, a giant (and cracked) glass window giving a view onto the street below.

He didn't seem to hear me approach behind him, lost in the show he was watching. However, when I clicked the safety off of my gun as I held it a few feet away from the back of his head, it was obvious that his body had tensed up. Very slowly, his hand reached down to the remote and flicked off the television. I moved the gun along his arm as he did this, just to make sure that he didn't try anything. With the TV off, we were left in silence in the room.

His body still tense, Aiello said "Alright man, whoever you are, let's just talk about this ok? Don't do anything rash and we can both walk away from this in one piece,"

I took a step closer, pushing the barrel into the back of his head "Ok, I'm listening. You probably don't even know who I am," I said.

"You got that wrong Simonds. I know exactly who you are. I KNEW I should have blown up your car, rather than sink it. But life is full of lots of should haves. You aren't dead, that much is obvious. That doesn't mean you won't be before I get done with you though," Aiello said. The coolness in his voice as he spoke showed me that he had obviously been in situations like this before.

"You're forgetting that I'm the one with the gun to your head, not the other way around. Now you are going to answer my questions and then I'll be out of here, letting you finish watching your show," I said.

"I ain't answering shit," Aiello said toughly, rocking a little in the chair. I pushed the gun harder into his head.

"No, you will. Don't think I won't hesitate to blow you away, not after what you tried to do to me. Now answer my questiosn and let's, as you said, both walk away. Who hired you to kill me?" I asked.

"Fuck you," he replied. I was growing angry, but didn't want this to last any longer than it had to. Acting out of this anger (and the adrenaline pumping through me), I reared my hand back a few inches and pistol whipped him on the side of his head hard, violently enough to rock his head to the side and for him to cry out in pain.

"Aghh! Fuck, alright. I'm too old to be dealing with this stupid rich-guy-with-an-attitude bullshit. Who hired me? I was hired by a woman, she said her name was Betty Rubble. So, as you can guess, it's an alias. I spoke to her only once, she wanted to keep our connection as distant as possible. Which is something I run into a lot in this business, I'm sure you understand," Aiello said.

"What did she look like? How else did you communicate with her, was it through other people?" I asked.

"Like I said, I only talked to her once. And it was over the phone. The rest of our dealings were done through mutual friends and middlemen. Look Simonds, I know you think you are some big dignitary or bigwig whose brush with death should be headline news, but to me you were just another paycheck. And a small one too. Fucking woman didn't even give me the bonus she wanted because there wasn't a body," he replied.

"So then someone paid you pretty shittily. What else can you tell me that would convince me not to shoot you in the name of self-defense?" I said.

"Self-defense? Shit! You're the one with the gun to my head, I'M the one who should be entitled to self-defense," Aiello said smugly.

"See, that's where your wrong. All I have to say is that my car broke down, you jumped me and I shot you in defense. That puts me here, at this time, with an airtight alibi whose only dissenting voice would be dead. So get off your fucking high horse and cooperate with me so that I don't have to use this reasoning, alright?" I said as coldly as possible. The truth was, I had hoped it wouldn't come to killing him - I wasn't the type of person who could do that. But for a killer like Aiello, I had to put on as solid and cold a front as possible.

My comment seemed to make him hesitate now, a little uneasy about his situation.

"Now," I continued. "I just have one last question before I back out of here and we never see each other again. Can you give me a way to contact this woman who hired you?"

Aiello sighed for a moment, thinking it over. He must have realized that I was serious about killing him, and replied "Yeah. I got her number over there with my stuff," he said, pointing towards a duffel bag in the corner. "Lemme go get it,"

Now it was my turn to think. Things were happening so quickly now, and I knew that if I let him get up from the chair, I would be in serious trouble. Then again, if I went to the bag myself, I'd have to turn my back on him and who knew what kind of weapon he had hidden in some place around the room.

"Fine. Get it. But move slowly and take one step at a time with your hands in the air," I said. He stood from the chair with his hands raised above his head like I had asked. I moved behind him, keeping the gun just a few inches from his head. He took the steps one at a time, following my instructions. When he reached the bag, he bent down slowly.

"I'm just going to get out my address book and get the number, alright?" he said as he slowly bent forward.

"Fine, but the address book and nothing more," I replied.

His hand inside the bag, I was too preoccupied watching his hand to notice that he was watching me from the corner of his eye. He took the address book from the bag and moved to stand up, but then suddenly his left leg flew out behind him in a roundhouse style kick, hitting me right behind my knees and causing me to have my legs knocked from under me as I fell to the ground. Before landing though, I acted on reflex and pulled the trigger, causing the gun to fire a wild shot high above both of our heads. It slipped from my hand and skidded across the hardwood floor, out of my immediate reach. The bullet buried itself in the ceiling and dust floated down slowly as I hit the floor with a thump.

Aiello wasted no time moving towards the gun as I scrambled to grab it before him. I got to it first, but he promptly planted his foot hard on my hand, crushing my fingers. I recoiled in pain as the gun slipped from my grasp again. He bent down to grab it, but now it was my turn to knock his legs out from under him and he fell to the floor.

We wrestled around on the floor with each other for a few minutes, both of us fighting as hard as we could to get away from the other and grab the gun. With a firm headbutt that caused me to almost black out in dizziness, he managed to debilitate me for just long enough to get the gun and scramble to his feet.

Before he could regain his balance, I ran at him with head down like a football tackler and shoved him with all my might back against the wall of the building. The whole structure seemed to shake around us and I couldn't help but wonder if the place might fall apart completely. The gun slipped from his hand and hit the floor on it's butt, discharging another shot into the opposite wall, whizzing by me no more than a three feet away.

With neither of us holding the gun, Aiello began to circle around me like a boxer. He crouched down into a firm stance and began to throw a few punches at me, to which I did the same. I knew that any blows I landed on him would have to be in the face, as his hulking body would hardly feel a thing if I hit him in the chest. Aiello managed to sucker punch me in the side of my chest, which hurt like hell, but I managed to stay on my feet. Throwing another punch, I caught him off step and hit him as hard as I could on the nose. His head rocked back violently on his massive neck and he took a step back or so, obviously a little dazed from the punch. I hardly compared to him in size, as he probably had 60 pounds or more on me, but my adrenaline was pumping completely now and I could probably hit just as hard as he.

Aiello didn't see it, but where he was standing in relation to the room was only a few feet back or so from the large, pane less window I had first seen from the street. If only I could get him near it...

It turned out that he did it for me. Having refocused, I saw him reach into his boot and pull out a long, 7 inch knife. His mouth was dripping in blood as he advanced towards me, the knife in hand. I knew I had to act quickly.

"End of the line Simonds. I'm going to enjoy cutting you like a fish," he growled, diving for me. This was my one chance - I moved to meet him and, rather than try to hit him with a punch, I kicked my leg out forward like a kicker on a punt and managed to introduce his groin to my foot.

A wave of pain rushed over him as he dropped the knife and grabbed himself. His face turned pale and he was gasping for air like a fish, crippled by the kick. I stood only a few feet from him, but he was lined up perfectly with the window now, and so I ran at him. Putting my head down again, I hit him like a battering ram right in the middle of his massive gut. His arms flew out wildly around him as they landed on my back, but he was too weak to do anything to me. My head still buried in his chest, I pushed him forward as hard as I could, the feet on the floor disappearing as I headed towards the window.

With one final thrust, I pushed my arms into his shoulders and flung him backward. He lost his footing and bent slightly at the waist, just as his massive back slammed into the glass of the window. It was old and not sturdy and broke like glass does in the movies. At first I thought he was going to catch himself, his hands long enough to reach the windows edge, but he instead just simply fell through. His legs fell out from under him now and he rocketed out the window. I saw the look of pain, surprise and astonishment on his face as he flew out the window, falling out of my site. I rushed to the window just in time to see his body slam into the concrete below with a thud.

His arms twitched a little by his sides, but judging from the pool of blood around him, it was probably involuntary. He was dead.

I stepped from the window cautiously, my legs shaking. There was no one else around so no one had seen it. I surveyed the room and grabbed the address book and gun that lay on opposite ends of the floor. Putting the gun in my waistband, I leafed through the address book, searching for the name I needed. The names inside of it were laid out like this - a name on the top, crossed through with a red pen and then a name underneath it, some with a phone number- the victim and the hirer. It felt creepy knowing that all the names that had been crossed out were people who were dead. And judging by the sheer volume of them, Aiello had been busy. I leafed through the pages quickly, looking for my name. Towards the back, I finally spotted my name. It had been crossed through like all the others, but the name below it was simply a pair of initials: R.M. And there was indeed a phone number, which made me feel, knowing that I had not come up here in vain.

Closing the book, I tucked it under my arm and quickly left the room, turning off the overhanging light on my way out so as not to raise much suspicion. Heading out of the building, I pulled the gun from my waist and held it calmly down by my side, even though calmness was the furthest thing from my mind. The streets were still deserted as I headed back to my car. Glancing over my shoulder, I could see Aiello's leg sticking out behind a dumpster. This was good - that meant no one would find him till morning and even then, I'd be long gone. It was strange knowing I had just killed a man, but if it hadn't been him it would have been me lying motionless on the concrete out there.

Climbing into my car, I sped off as quickly as possible, trying to put as much distance from what had happened as I could. Aiello's death wouldn't be in the papers and since he was just a hired goon, no one would seem to mind him being gone. My body was filled with excitement as I drove, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like liquid fire. I could hardly keep still in my seat as I left the ghetto and entered into more populated areas. Had a car backfired somewhere on the street, I probably would have jumped out of my skin.

After all the stress I had just been through, not to mention the night's previous events, you'd figure that I was exhausted and wanted to sleep. But my body was wound up tight, and I knew that if I went home I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Driving back, I passed the Get Buff Health Spa. The agency had an account there, complimentary for all of our stars, where they could go to unwind a little when they were still in town. It was considered to be one of the best fitness clubs in all of Los Angeles and I knew that only the elite few could afford to use it. It catered to the wealthy and the on the go, for the type of clientele who wanted to stay in shape but couldn't afford to spend hours on end waiting in line for equipment to become available, not to mention the gawkers of the general public who would doubtlessly nag the stars for an autograph. Coming to a stoplight, I checked my wallet to see if I had the company membership card with me - yes, I did. It was made out of a thick, gold colored paper that sparkled and glittered in the dim light of the car. My name was hand stenciled on it, so I knew that I could get in.

Turning around, I headed back towards the club. The parking lot was gated and guarded by a night security staff to only allow members in. Being 24 hours, I knew that the place would be practically deserted and just the place to go to burn off my energy so that I could get some solid sleep.

I pulled to the gate and idled out front while a security guard, a humongous asian man with a tightlipped face and a sparse mustache, came over to my vehicle.

"Member card please," he said gruffly. I had disturbed him from his nightly nap and I'm sure he didn't want to be dealing with anyone, let alone me, at this late hour.

I handed him the card. Pulling an electronic scanner of some sort, similar to a bar code scanner, he zapped the card with a red laser. I heard a "beep" come from the back of the gun like device and he handed me the card again.

"Thanks Mr. Simonds. Have a safe workout," he said, walking back to his booth. The gate opened a moment later and I drove in, pulling into one of the many empty parking spots. Getting out of my car, there was only ten or so other cars in the lot as I approached the brightly lit entrance. The building was quite large from the outside, although it was striking that there were no windows to be found on the front or the sides. As I passed inside, I checked in with the front staff.

They were incredibly perky and helpful as I explained that I had a membership but this was my first time here, as if this were 9 in the morning rather than pushing 3AM. Handing me a soft, navy blue towel with the words GET BUFF! embroidered in bright yellow on the bottom and a pair of workout clothes with the same labeling, they opened the door into the fitness center.

My original thoughts of the place being very large when I went inside. The main floor area was filled with the top-of the line exercise equipment, the seats and benches and pads of it all - rowing machines, dumbbells, everything you could think of and a few that looked foreign to me - all shone cleanly and neatly in the light of the room. I walked around each piece, inspecting it as I tried to decide what suited me that night. Settling on a full body Solo flex, I followed the arrows along the walls towards the changing room way at the end of the floor. Inside the locker room, things were just as perfect - they spared no expense in meeting their clients needs. Changing into the shorts and simple white t-shirt they had given me, I laced up a pair of sneakers (yes, these were provided too) and walked out towards the main area.

However, a sign caught my eye - POOL, 2nd Floor. I changed my mind then, deciding that a few laps in a pool, not to mention the comforting warmth of the water - would be just what I needed to burn off this energy. Plus, I'd avoid the physical strain of working out, not to mention the inevitable sweat. I followed the sign to an elevator down the hall and took it up to the second floor.

Here there was more facilities, including things that didn't seem to make sense to be on a second floor - racket ball courts and a full length tennis court, a basketball floor and four nets, two on each side of the court. All seemed inviting, but I was set now on swimming so I walked to the pool at the far end. I passed a few other patrons as I went, a couple who were playing racquetball in the middle court and a guy hitting balls out of a machine on the tennis court. The pool (again, an unlikely thing for the second floor of any building) however was empty. It was a full length, olympic sized pool that was set deep into the floor. It was fairly shallow, probably no more than three feet, and was fenced off around it's perimeter with an aluminum fence that kept people from seeing inside.

I entered into the pool area, setting down my towel on the deck chair nearest to the entrance and sat down to take off my shoes and shirt. Wading into the pool slowly, the water was just as warm as I expected and felt like being inside of a nice, relaxing bath. I dove underwater to get myself completely wet and then came up at the pool's edge, glancing down the length of it to guess to myself how long it would take to swim a lap.

I started out by doing a slow, simple breast stroke and in no time had already done ten or fifteen laps. My muscles seemed at ease now, my body totally relaxed as I enjoyed the pleasant strenuousness of the swim. Back and forth I went for roughly twenty minutes or so, pausing every now and then to catch my breath and simply float around on my back. Diving underwater again, I raced through underneath it, the water parting around me as I swam the length of the pool in one breath.

Coming up for air, I was startled to find that I wasn't alone in the pool anymore. Moving around slowly in the water as she adjusted to it, I recognized the girl immediately - Reese Witherspoon. She was only a few feet from me and had apparently not seen me yet, so I dove back under and swam towards her until I was just a foot or two behind her back, her legs treading water gently in the pool. I slowly lifted myself up out of the water as quietly as possible and took a step behind her, intending to scare her.

When I was just a few inches away, I thrust my arms out around her shapely waist and locked my fingers on her stomach, lifting her out of the water suddenly.

"ROOWWRRRR!" I roared in a playful manner as I picked her up and then set her down again. Reese screamed in fright for a moment, then spun around to look at me as I let her go. Her face turned to one of laughter as she recognized me.

"Jesus Dean, don't do that! I thought I was going to be raped by the Creature from the Black Lagoon!" she said, splashing me lightly with water.

Reese was a long time client of the firm, whose asking price had went through the roof with the astounding success of "Legally Blonde". Not bitchy in the slightest and already married and with a kid, she was hardly a client that I had to worry about getting in trouble. As she calmed down a bit from my surprising her, I got a look at what she was wearing: her short blond hair clung in one thick strand behind her head and draped over just onto her shoulders. She had apparently brought her own swimsuit to the club, as all it consisted of was a two-piece bikini, the top of which barely covered the front of her breasts, while the bottom did just as poor a job at holding her ass. She looked like an angel in the eerie light of the pool's light from the far side, like a Greek nymph emerging from a crystal clear stream.

"Sorry, just having some fun. What might I ask, are you doing here at 3:00 AM? I thought you were in Paris filming?"

"I was. But I have three weeks off because the director is filming principal shots out along the Rhine and the studio isn't going to pay me to just sit down on my ass and do nothing," she said, giggling. "So I came home for a bit, to spend time with Ryan [Phillipe, her husband] and visit the rest of my family. But I haven't gone home yet because I'm still on Paris time and knew I wouldn't be able to sleep," she said.

"I know the feeling. That's why I'm out here tonight. Let's just say I've had a rough few days and needed to come unwind by tiring myself out," I replied.

A smile crossed Reese's face. "Been chasing the women too hard again?" she said coyly. I laughed.

"No, not at all. It's just...well, never mind it's not important. I was pretty jacked up but I'm feeling better since I got here. This is my first time using this place, even though I'm the one whose footing the bill for all you stars," I said.

"Really? Oh, I love this place. Especially now when there isn't anyone else around. Even when it's just a bunch of other stars using the equipment, I still have to make the cordial hellos. It's exhausting," Reese said, leaning back into the pool and swimming around a little bit.

"Hey, welcome to my every day world," I said, following her by swimming along her. We both moved down the length of the pool slowly. We talked for a few minutes, the useless mindless gossip about what the latest buzz in Hollywood these days is.

"So, you have a special lady right now Dean? Could it be true that someone finally has tamed the agent with the reputation of being a great lay and the possessor of a monster dick?" Reese asked as we returned to the more shallow end of the pool.

"Well, I've been dating Natalie Portman for a while now. We keep things pretty quiet among the industry. I never go to any events with her or anything and we have both agreed to see other people if we want to. I try to stay as attached and faithful to her because she is really special to me, but sometimes it's hard," I said.

"I know what you mean," Reese replied. "Ryan and I are married and very much in love, but I know he gets tempted a lot. With both of us being in totally different spots around the world, there is just so much freedom to do whatever you want. It really is hell being married to another star, especially one who is as desired as Ryan. I mean, I'll admit that I've had my fair share of indiscretions and flings on sets, but when we get together it just seems to make it all the more special,"

It was at this point that I noticed that we were no longer swimming, just standing up in the pool. Reese's body seemed closer to me now too, I could feel the heat of her skin through the water.

"Yeah, I know the feeling completely. Plus, if you are really in love with the person, what is a casual affair here or there? Love shouldn't be about a physical commitment completely, you know?" I said. Reese was moving towards me now for sure, as she tried to seduce me. And I of course, wasn't going to stop her.

"Especially when the affairs take place in a secluded spot," she whispered, splashing a little bit of water in her hand. "late at night, with no one around, in a place that no one would look for you," she said. Her body was pressed against mine now and I could feel her ample breasts pressing into my chest as our mouths were just a few inches apart.

"Like right here, right now?" I said to her, wrapping my arms lightly around her waist.

"Uh-huh," Reese said. I didn't hesitate now, thrusting my mouth onto hers. Our lips met and our mouths became one, my tongue moving into her willing and hot mouth. She returned the feeling and we held each other like that in the water, simply exploring each other's mouth and tongue. I slipped a hand down to her ass and gave a gentle squeeze that caused Reese to jump a little and thrust her hips against my own pelvis. I felt her pussy underneath her bikini bottoms rub against the front of my own bathing suit, grazing along my already hardening cock.

We broke the kiss and I removed my hand from her ass, sliding it up the side of her body to cup her breast in the palm of my hand. Kneading the fleshy softness of it around in my fingers, her breast felt warm in my hand. We kissed again for a moment as Reese pressed her body against mine. I continued to fondler her breast, rubbing and playing with it in my hand. With my two fingers, I pulled back the flimsy material that was covering her nipple and exposed it to the cool air of the gym. It hardened quickly as I placed my mouth to her nipple and sucked on it lightly.

Reese placed her hand on the back of my head as I sucked on her breast, taking her ample, b-cup breasts into my mouth. I slid my hand across her chest and removed the rest of her top, sliding the material down to her waist as she stood before me half-naked now. Her nipples were small, although not especially tiny. They were well proportioned on the rest of her breasts, which hung at a pert angle with no hint of sag (despite having had a child already). Reese's skin was silky smooth in the water of the pool as I held her in my arms. We floated there for a while, my tongue finding her nipple every now and then and her own kisses brushing gently along my neck and face.

I could tell that Reese was very hot by now and very much ready to move on to the next step. Acting on this, I placed my hand on her hip, indicating to her what I wanted. Reese understood and guided my hand with her own to the corner of her bikini bottoms, hooking both of our thumbs under it and pulling down the material past her thighs and knees. The water caused them to float off as Reese stepped out from them and they fell to the bottom of the pool. Reese stood naked before me now completely and I pulled her again towards my body. She was shorter than me, but was at the perfect height where grasping her body felt like we merged into one.

Reese's hands slipped into my own shorts now and pulled them down. My cock sprung loose, the head poking out just slightly over the surface of the water. Grasping it in her hand, Reese began to work it up and down under the water. It glided fluidly, the warmness of the water and the tight grasp of Reese's hand creating an amazing feeling. I stroked my hand through Reese's hair as she brought me to full hardness now, all 9 inches of my cock twitching and ready to go.

Still holding her against me, she parted her legs slightly and guided my prick underwater to her pussy. The tip pressed against her hole, both of our bodies wanting to feel the other one with each other. With a slight thrust of my hips, my cock spread her wie and moved inside of her. Reese gasped as my shaft pushed into her inner walls, the lubrication of the water allowing our union to become complete.

Reese began to float now, her legs wrapped around my waist as she reclined back into the water. It was a surreal feeling, having sex in water. None of the strenuous effort required in holding the other up was needed, the water doing most of the work as it defeated gravity. Her legs were quite strong, and Reese began to buck against me, slowly at first but then at a faster and faster pace. Water began to splash all around us now, the sound of our bodies slapping against each other causing quite a racket. I didn't care if anyone saw us though - there was no way that they'd revoke my membership, not with the huge list of stars I sent their way and paid for. Knowing that we could get caught but that the power of being in control of the situation turned me on incredibly, so I began to meet Reese thrust for thrust.

Her breasts floating on the water, Reese moved her hands behind my neck and supported herself more firmly now, my own hands supporting her waist. I felt Reese's cunt tightened around me for a few seconds, her eyes closed in a pleasurable grimace as she shuddered in orgasm against me. I could feel the incredible friction around my cock as I scraped and sawed back and forth along Reese's clit. Her pussy was tight, but seemed quite loose once I was fully inside her. She was no stranger to sex, that much was obvious, as she seemed to know exactly what to do to get both of us off at the same time.

Unhooking her legs from my hips, I grasped Reese's ass and squeezed it tightly as she continued to rock up and down on my prick. Snaking a finger inside of her ass cheeks, I rubbed my finger over her asshole and slipped the tip of my index finger in against her tight sphincter for a moment. Reese cried out loudly now, her body swaying and rocking against me as she came again.

All the adrenaline I had saved up allowed me to keep going for what seemed like forever, and with the strange feel of the water around me, my orgasm seemed miles away as I continued to fuck Reese. Knowing that she had already had a child and was married, I didn't want to risk coming inside of her, so after a few more strokes, I removed myself from her.

Reese caught her breath for a moment but then looked a little disappointed that I stopped. However, I didn't say a word and simply turned her around and guided her towards the steps that led to the front of the pool. Again, Reese knew exactly what I wanted and took hold of the metal handle bar with her hands, half of her body in the water (her beautiful, peach shaped ass) and half out (her firm, dripping wet tits).

Moving behind her now, I teased along her pussy by sliding it up under her legs, parting her lips slightly as my cock shaft moved through them. Reese gasped a little and had turned her head back to watch me now, little droplets of water falling from her breasts. Positioning my still rock hard and soaking wet cock against her asshole, I slowly began to push the head in against her.

Reese tightened her eyes again, a small circle forming at her mouth as I moved into her slowly. I didn't want to hurt her and it was clear as I slid inch by inch inside that Reese had done this before, but nevertheless, I took it slow. Methodically, I pushed my cock into her until my hips pressed against her buttocks, my balls floating against the cleft in her pussy.

Pulling my shaft out slightly, just an inch or so, I began to move in and out of her. Getting all nine inches in had been easier than I thought - the lubrication of the water helped things tremendously to make it easier for me and more comfortable for Reese - and within a few seconds I began to move in and out of her ass slowly.

Her anus was very tight, much tighter than her cunt and seemed to stretch out around me as I moved in and out of her, with long pleasurable strokes. Reese began to relax a little and was actually really getting into it as she bucked against me now. Her ass felt wonderful in the water and I reached my hand out to fondle her tits as she grasped tightly to the bar, the water splashing around in waves as I pistoned in and out of her pussy.

By now I was able to move my entire shaft almost completely out of her at a pretty steady pace, the fiery tightness of Reese's ass like a warm vise for my cock. My balls slapped loudly against her as I moved faster and faster, feeling my orgasm building inside of them. I felt my nuts tighten up as the cum rushed up my shaft and I buried myself in hard and deep inside of her, erupting a massive spray inside of Reese's tight ass.

I felt the spray shoot inside her anal cavity, coating her ass as I continued to cum. Reese had orgasmed as well and was now leaning against the metal pole, her breast pressed against it's cool surface as I slowed down and finally withdrew from her, my cock coated in my own juices as it mingled in the water. Reese let go of the pole and floated on her back into the water. I could see how her pussy lips were stretched and her blond pubic area was a little red from all the attention it had received. Still, Reese looked to be totally relaxed as she floated there, her blonde hair splaying out around her lazily in the water. I too felt much more relaxed and at ease, all my pent up energy gone.

I dove underwater and took a couple of laps around the pool, just to feel a little bit more refreshed. When I came back to the front of the pool, Reese had put her bikini in a crumpled pile on one of the chairs and had wrapped herself in a white cotton robe. She was brushing her hair and sighed to herself as she looked around the pool. I floated around in the pool for a moment, watching her.

"I'll be back in just a second. I need to go make a phone call," Reese said, heading off towards the locker room. I nodded and found my suit (stuck to the bottom near the drain) and put it back on. Laying on my back on the surface of the water, I closed my eyes and gently just laid there, enjoying the silence of the late hour and the glowing feeling from the magnificent sex I had just had. My mind must have wandered a lot because by the time I opened my eyes again, my chest was cold from the air, and I didn't know how long I had been on the water. I stood up on the bottom of the pool and saw Reese sitting with her back away from me by the pool. Her legs were crossed and she had her hair wrapped up in a towel. Her bathing suit was sitting next to her.

I walked out of the pool and began to dry off, wrapping a towel around me and went to sit next to Reese. Her demeanor had changed though - she had a look of confusion and ashamedness on her face and was biting her lip in an unhappy frown.

"Hey, Reese. Come on, don't worry about that. We both have a lot to lose by what we did tonight, so don't think I'm going to say anything. It was just a one time thing in my book," I said, putting my arm around her to try and comfort her. She shrugged it off and looked at me.

Her blue eyes caught the surface of the pool and reflected it back, making them appear to sparkle and dance as she looked at me.

"No Dean, it's not that. It's just...well, I want you to know that it was strictly business. Nothing personal, but you're a business man and you know when you see a good deal right? So I took it. I like you a lot but I have to look out for what's best for me. I hope you understand," Reese said, casting her eyes downward as she spoke. I was confused.

"Reese, what are you talking about 'strictly business'. I don't understand?" I said, puzzled.

That's when I noticed that two men had entered into the pool area, two BIG men. One held the gate open while a third man walked in. I recognized him immediately. It was my half-brother Jacob.

"My my, Dean Simonds alive and in the flesh. You're a tough man to find, especially when you are supposed to be dead," Jacob said. He wore a dark green suit with a button down white shirt and a maroon tie. On anyone else it would have looked distinguished but with the air in which Jacob carried himself, he simply looked arrogant.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked, getting up.

"Oh, why don't you ask your former client Reese about that Dean," Jacob said. Reese didn't look at me now, her gaze at the floor as she stood up and walked towards Jacob. She stood beside him, looking around at any thing else but me as she clutched her arms against her chest, like she was cold.

It was then that I got it all - Reese had sold me out to Jacob, who was going to try and take over my company by either killing me or some other means. He must have offered her a sweet deal and almost certainly a bonus for delivering me up to Jacob here tonight.

"I'm sorry Dean, like I said it was all about business. Jacob gave me a better deal," Reese muttered to me, her eyes glancing up from the floor to me and back to the floor again. I stood there in shock, trying to decide what to do. Turns out that decision was already made for me.

The two men with Jacob reached into their coats and pulled out a gun each. Reese, having seen this, scurried away.

"Now Dean, I can't kill you here. But we can deal with you later. So just come with me now, we will go to the locker room and get your clothes and then it's time to talk," Jacob said coldly. For being younger and (what I had thought) to be stupider than me, he had me pinned in a corner.

"And if I refuse?" I replied, trying to keep my voice from shaking too much.

"You won't refuse. Not but once. Now come on, let's go," Jacob said.

They turned and walked towards the locker room. I hesitated for a moment and then followed.

What choice did I have?

To Be Continued...
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 08:59:22 PM
Chapter 27: Kirsten Dunst

* * * * *

(In the last chapter, the man hired to kill Dean is removed from the picture thanks to Dean's quick tactics, but Reese Witherspoon [after some hot sex] betrays Dean and leads him right into the hands of the mastermind behind the assassination attempt, his half-brother Jacob.)

Jacob and his goons waited for me outside the locker room as I dressed. I pondered just making an escape through one of the gym's high windows, but besides being a few floors up, I knew that I wouldn't make it far before he found me again. With a hesitant sigh, I put on my pants and headed back out into the deserted lobby to follow Jacob out.

As we passed the front desk, the girl gave me a puzzled look, but I tried to act as calmly and coolly as possible. I didn't want her to tip off the cops and put myself and other's lives in jeopardy. We exited the gym to the parking lot, where Jacob's car was waiting. The driver opened up the back door and Jacob, myself and one of the thugs that accompanied him slid into the back seat. The other rode in the passenger seat. Sandwiched between them, I resigned myself to just going along with whatever it was Jacob wanted for as long as I could, without getting hurt if I didn't have to.

I had been in a lot of tight spots since taking over my father's agency, but this one had to take the cake. My mind raced as I tried to figure out what exactly Jacob wanted, and if it was something that I could give him. Despite having just taken a relaxing swim, my body felt hot and sweaty beneath the long sleeved business clothes I wore. I adjusted the collar of my shirt, trying to let some of the cool air from the air conditioner cool me off. It worked, but did absolutely nothing for my case of nerves, which was causing my knees to twitch.

The car ride didn't last long, and I was surprised when we pulled into a parking garage in the middle of downtown. The car stopped in the middle and idled while Jacob and his men climbed out. I hesitated for a moment, but when the one who had been sitting next to me brandished his gun, I found my legs suddenly very mobile and active. Stepping out, I followed the three of them up two flights of stairs into an office.

The office was apparently the new headquarters for Jacob's business, StarPower Representation Firm, Inc. I had seen the name earlier in the week when I met up with my twin sister Alyson, and my suspicions were now confirmed that he was, at the very least, trying to open up against me out here in Los Angeles. Quite posh, I was a little impressed inside by how well Jacob had done things up. A faint light on the receptionist's desk was the only illumination of the room, and it served to give the office a feel not unlike one I had seen done many times in movies, perhaps done the best by "The Godfather".

Jacob walked briskly ahead of us, stopping in front of two wooden doors that opened up from the wall. He turned to face me. I tried to read his eyes, trying to guess what he was thinking, but all I got in return was an icy cold stare: he had inherited this from my father, just like I had I noticed, and the effects of it were rather frightening.

"Jules, Vincent, you wait here. I'd like to speak to Dean in my office for a few minutes," Jacob said, his hand on the door handle. The two men now looked me over suspiciously but nodded their head to Jacob's wishes and turned their massive backs to me, taking seats in what would be the waiting room.

"Dean, in here," Jacob said, throwing open the door to his office. A bright light inside flooded the main lobby I was in, and I was momentarily blinded as my eyes adjusted to this difference. Jacob walked in towards his desk and took a seat. I followed him, and that' when I got yet another surprise that night.

Perched on the corner of Jacob's desk, flipping idly through a magazine, was Alyson. Her hair was slung loosely over her shoulder and she wore a pair of black leather-looking pants that stretched all the way to her ankles, not missing a single curve on her body. She also wore a matching halter-top like shirt and seemed to pay us no notice when we walked in. For a moment, I thought that this visit was more of a family reunion than anything, but my hopes were quickly dashed.

As Jacob approached the desk, Alyson's face lit up. I at first thought it was for having seen me, my own vanity getting the best of my common sense, but her eyes were locked on Jacob. She stood from the desk and he embraced her in his arms, giving her a very deep and long kiss, which she eagerly returned.

"Hey baby," she said as they broke their lock. Alyson seemed to notice me now, giving me a look of puzzled wonder as she saw me stand there in the office, stopped in my tracks after seeing their embrace. Jacob now turned to look at me and smiled, responding to my jaw dropping shock.

"What's the matter Dean? You've never seen two people kiss before?" he said with a slight cackle. Alyson smiled and took her seat back on the desk, holding the magazine in her lap.

"No, it's just well...what the hell is going on here?" I asked, trying to get my head around everything that I had seen in the past two hours or so.

"Ah, yes. You mean Katherine, or perhaps as you know her better 'Alyson'," Jacob said, now moving behind his desk to sit down. I stood in front of both of them, despite a chair on each side of me. It was better I thought to stand, just in case things got hairy.

"Don't look so shocked Dean," Katherine/Alyson said. "I mean, sure you fell for the oldest trick in the book but that doesn't mean you have to be so amazed by it,"

"You see Dean," Jacob said. "When we first met up all those months ago in New York, I noticed something about you. I noticed your flaw, some might even call it a weakness, for women. You were enraptured by them, unable to control yourself. And so that's when I saw my opportunity to come in. You see, in the world of business, distractions are never a good thing. They lead to sloppy management and less profits,"

Jacob was referring to our rendezvous in which we had both had pretty wild sex with Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow inside of one of NYC's most prestigious restaurant booths.

"Yes, but this is my business and that shouldn't be any of your concern, especially since we live on opposite sides of the country," I said, my voice feeling thick in my throat.

"But it is you see. Shooting Stars isn't just YOUR business you know. If you had bothered to re-read the will that our father left when he died, you would see that he left the company and all his assets to his surviving heirs. Notice that I pluralize 'heir' because, even though you and I are only half brothers, I am still the son of Martin Simonds just like you. That entitles me to at least half the profits and earnings of everything that he left. And you haven't been exactly breaking down my door to offer up my fair share," Jacob said.

"So you thought you'd kill me and just take it all for yourself, is that it?" I asked. I was getting very angry now, but I clenched my fists tightly to maintain my composure.

"Dean, come on. You have to give me more credit than that. Killing you sounds so low and vile. Besides, what good is money to me if I'm in jail? No, it had to look like an accident. And it would have BEEN an accident if you hadn't managed to fucking swim out of your car," Jacob replied. Katherine/Alyson had moved to his lap now and was running her hands through his hair. The sight made me sick to my stomach.

"Well I'm sorry if I cramped your plans, but I'm not exactly looking to die anytime soon, as you can probably imagine," I said.

"Yes, I can see that. If you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation now," Jacob said. "And see, even if you were not dead, that didn't really matter to me. All I needed to have happen was for you to be taken out of the picture long enough to get all of dad's assets transferred to my name. That paltry sum I was living off of out in New York was nice, but when I saw everything that you had, I naturally wanted more. The paperwork was all ready too for me to have it, but then you had to pop your head up again with first Alyson Hannigan and then Reese Witherspoon at the gym. That was a big mistake, anyone could see that, but again your lust for women got the best of you. And now it will be your downfall," he said, pouring himself a drink from a cabinet on the side of his desk.

"So with me out of the picture, you would just come in and take over the stable of talent that took our father decades to compile? What makes you think that they would even want to work with you, considering how suspicious it would look if I just disappeared?"

"That's none of your concern really, but I already have spoken with a sizeable number of them and they don't seem to have a problem changing teams, if you will," Jacob said, sipping his drink.

"People like Reese. How many do you have Jacob? How many were willing to stab me in the back for more money?" I asked. I thought back to all the affairs I had in the past year with some of Hollywood's most attractive stars, pondering over each and every detail to try and get a decent guess on who the suspects who sold me out might have been.

"Again, that's none of your concern. I could throw out numbers like 1/2 your clients, 2/3 of your clients, it wouldn't really matter, especially to you. Your days with working with them are over," he said.

"And the name change?" I asked.

Jacob smiled coyishly. "Well, I had a few business ideas that I know can improve things. It's time to take representation into the new millennium,"

I was very angry about the whole situation now, but I needed more information before I decided how to act. I pressed on with my questions.

"It all makes sense now, except for one part. I know now who was trying to kill me and why, and even how you managed to find me after you thought I was dead and bring me here. But one thing is bothering me - how does SHE figure into all this?" I said, pointing at Katherine/Alyson from across the desk.

"Katherine? Dean Dean Dean, by now I thought you might have figured that out. I knew that you were susceptible to women, but I couldn't get any of your stars to go all the way and sell you out to me. So I recruited Katherine here. She was just a struggling actress, but with a little bit of makeup, I managed to turn her into a close enough guess of what your twin would look like. The rest was just acting on her part, something I found to be quite good and incredibly erotic," he said, kissing her.

"And the baby picture you showed me?" I asked.

"It's amazing what you can do with computers these days, isn't it? Especially when you are talking about a picture of a baby, almost all of which usually look the same," Katherine said now with a smile.

"Well then, you had it all figured out didn't you Jacob? Everything went according to plan, and I doubt I could have done it better myself," I said to them. "Except of course, for your one problem,"

"What problem would that be?" Jacob asked, a little tired from the whole conversation, simply humoring me now.

"I'm still alive,"

"Yes, you are. But that's not a problem. After I saw how you managed to cheat death over and over again, I decided that a more practical approach was needed. A more professional way of handling things, if you will," Jacob said.

"That would be?" I said.

"Going the business route. Simply put, you will sign a contract relinquishing all your assets to me or I will ruin you financially, socially and personally. There are things far worse than death in this world you know," Jacob said coldly now, leaning across the desk to stare at me with his eyes. I matched his gaze, but part of me was worried about what he had meant. I asked him.

Jacob's gaze softened. "Ah, so you've brought me to my favorite part of this whole meeting. Katherine, if you please,"

Katherine jumped from his lap excitedly and walked across the room to a table. Grabbing a remote control, she pushed a button and a television screen across the way glided down slowly.

"I call this 'Dean Simonds: The Best Of'", Jacob said with an excited laugh. I turned to face the screen.

Within a few seconds, a grainy, black and white video appeared on screen. It showed two people having sex. I couldn't make out the location, but it looked familiar...wait, that was Jessica Alba's apartment! The video showed a man bending the woman over a counter top and fucking the woman hard in the ass. I grimaced a little as I realized it was me and Jessica Alba. The bastard had a surveillance system in her house!

Just as quickly as it appeared, the video jumped to a different scene. This one too showed two people having sex, only this time the woman was on her knees between the man's legs. I didn't have to watch for a split second to see that it was Sarah Michelle Gellar sucking on my cock. The video played out for a few more seconds, as Jacob cackled "Look, here's one of my favorite parts!"

The tape now showed me standing up and spraying Sarah's face with my cum, something that had only happened a few weeks earlier. I remembered that vividly and I'm sure Sarah would too should she ever see this. I began to feel queasy to my stomach as the tape continued to jump from scene to scene: me fucking Penelope Cruz on my desk at work, Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi kissing each other deeply as I lay on the ground next to them. The scenes continued to go on and on and I knew that just the few minutes I had seen were hardly the end of the tape.

However, the scene that almost brought me to tears was of Natalie Portman and me, in one of the bedrooms of my house. It played like a soft core porn, Natalie stripping slowly as I caressed her body. We stood naked in front of each other but then suddenly, Katherine hit STOP on the player and the screen went blank. I knew now that if they had Natalie and me on tape, even if Natalie had not been involved in the process of selling me out, I was truly and royally fucked.

My mouth was dry and Jacob grinned at me from across the desk, his Cheshire Cat smile making my stomach turn even more circles than it had been during the playing of the video.

"And that's just a snippet Dean. We have over 5 hours of footage, all just begging for an audience to be shown to," Jacob said, still grinning.

"What do you want me to do," I said softly, my head hung down.

"I want you to sign the firm, the house, all your earnings, everything to me and my new business: StarPower Representation Firm. Don't worry, I won't leave you so broke that you have to panhandle on the street forever, but you might have enough money left to buy a one bedroom studio out here in a few months," Jacob said. The sick fuck was truly enjoying himself, and this made me hate him more.

I wasn't ready to give up totally yet though. "What if I don't sign? Who is going to believe that that's me and all those women on that tape, especially coming from a man who I will readily admit to a judge tried to blackmail me,"

Jacob seemed annoyed by the question. "It doesn't matter who believes me or not. All I have to do is either a) send this video to Entertainment Tonight, Extra, Access Hollywood, etc, b) put it online and sell it or even c) send it to the police. I'm sure that some jurisdictions might frown on the sodomy that the tape clearly shows. Plus, what I showed you had no sound. We have everything on tape, in full THX quality audio glory," Jacob said.

I thought for a moment. "That might be a risk I'm willing to take. How long do I have before I have to sign?"

"I'm a good businessman, which is sadly more than I can say for you. I'll give you one business day. That's approximately 24 hours from now to make up your mind," Jacob said.

"Shall I come here with my decision?" I asked.

"No, we will find you. It's obviously not that hard," Jacob said with a laugh. He pushed a button on the intercom on his desk. "Vince, Jules will you two come escort Mr. Simonds from the premises and take him back to his car?"

A moment later the two men re-entered the room. They stood beside my chair, seemingly BEGGING me to try something so they had an excuse to rough me up. But I went quietly.

"I can walk by myself, thank you," I said, standing up. I headed out of the office.

"See you tomorrow Dean," Katherine said, blowing me a kiss.

I arrived back at my car a few minutes later and sat in the drivers seat for a few minutes. Where was I going to go? Who could I talk to? What was I going to do? Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I started up the car and drove back to the office, robotically following the routine of driving. The sun was just coming up now and it shone brightly off the roofs of the Los Angeles skyline. It was a new day in California, and yet for me it seemed like the last week had never ended.

Going back into my office, I walked in and shut the door. Taking off my tie and shoes, I collapsed on my sofa and rubbed my eyes. I felt more self-conscious now, looking around the office as I tried to find the camera that Jacob had planted, but it was to no avail. Today was Sunday so I knew that the office would be closed. Laying my head down on the back of the couch, I tried to focus on the problem at hand, trying to come up with something to do. In my exhaustion however, I fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke what felt like days later, my neck sore from the angle in which I laid on the couch and my right leg below the knee tingling with numbness from having laid on it too long. I opened my eyes and shot up with a start, finding myself in my own office unnerving me for a moment. My head pounded from exhaustion, but I felt a little better since I slept. I glanced at my watch and noticed that it was already 5 in the afternoon. Only 13 hours left before I had to make a decision.

I walked to my refrigerator and got a bottle of water. Leaning over the sink, I poured the water on my head to try and wake up some more. It did the trick and I shuddered as I felt a cool trickle run down my neck. It was then that I heard the knocking at the front door.

At first I wrote it off to being just my throbbing head, over worked brain and simply worn out body, but then I noticed that it was someone tapping on the glass of the door with what sounded like a key. I made my way to the door, passing through the security gate that we use to keep homeless people and desperate fans/out of work actors from just barging right in and creating a scene. The glass to the front door was frosted so I tried to make out who it was. It was definitely a woman, fairly short it appeared like. I had no idea who could be knocking on the door here on a Sunday afternoon, especially with the place appearing as deserted as it was.

I opened the door a crack and kept the night lock on, leaving just enough room for me to look out and see who it was. The person stepped back from the door a little so that I could open it.

It was Kirsten Dunst, dressed in an amazingly provocative manner. She wore a tight black mini-skirt that hugged her hips and barely went down to her mid calf, a pair of matching black boots and what appeared to be a sleeveless, see-through blouse. Her hair was pulled back behind her head and she had a little black purse draped over one arm, her car keys in the other. She looked just as startled to see me as I was to find her outside my door.

"Kirsten, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice a little croaky from the nap I had taken.

"Hi Dean. I'm here for our meeting, remember?" she said, moving to come into the door. I didn't move.

"What meeting?" I asked, puzzled. It wasn't out of character for me to forget a meeting but I knew that Damon, my personal assistant, didn't schedule any for me on the weekends. At least not normally.

"The meeting today we were having. To talk about my career and get to know each other better, that sort of thing. Did you forget?" Kirsten asked.

She had always been one of those celebrities that I had talked to briefly at parties and events, but had never had her as a client. Only recently her contract with her old firm had expired so when she was available for representation again, I swooped in and added her to our roster. Although, with everything that had happened, part of me wondered whether that had been wise or not.

"I guess I must have. I don't normally schedule meetings for Sundays but I guess this was an exception," I replied.

"Sunday?!?" Kirsten looked shocked. She fiddled in her purse and pulled out a day-planner. "Fuck! It is Sunday! Damn it, I thought today was MONDAY!" she said, angry at herself.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's Sunday," I said, a little bemused by her mess up.

"Yeah, your right it is Sunday. I'm sorry, I caught a red eye flight last night and I guess I somehow thought that it was Monday. Geez, I feel so stupid," Kirsten said, kicking the step of the door with her foot.

"Don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. But didn't it seem a little odd that no one was here?" I said, trying to make light of her mistake. She smiled and laughed to herself, the amazing brightness and warmth of her young smile almost making me weak in the knees. Kirsten was truly a beautiful young woman and I knew that she would go on to do many great things in her life.

"Well, I figured that when the meeting was scheduled that it would be one of those 'special' Dean Simonds meetings I kept hearing about. That's why I dressed like...oh man, now I feel even more ridiculous," she said, suddenly uncomfortable in the way she looked.

"A special...oh, I know what you mean. Well, there isn't a meeting today and there might not be one tomorrow. I'll have Damon call you tomorrow and let you know," I said. If we are still around, I thought to myself.

"That's fine. Well, can I at least come in? It's really hot out here," Kirsten said.

I debated internally for a moment. "No, I think it's best that you don't,"

"Why not?" Kirsten asked, looking a little insulted.

"It's just that, well, there's some stuff going on and..." I said, trailing off.

"And what?" she said angrily now. I realized that she wasn't going to go away easily.

"And, well I'm not sure if I can trust you,"

"Not trust me with what? Dean, what the hell are you talking about?" Kirsten asked.

"It's a long story and," I said. My manners got the best of me and I decided that whatever had been done so far in terms of being stabbed in the back by clients had already been done, there wasn't much else I could do. "Well, just come in I guess. I don't think it could hurt,"

I unlatched the door and Kirsten came in, standing next to me. The aroma of her perfume mixed with the light glow of sweat that dotted her forehead, creating a very attractive and womanly scent.

I walked back towards my office, past the rows of empty desks of secretaries and errand people and everyone else who helped make the agency work. Kirsten followed me into the office, taking a seat on the couch. She looked uncomfortable in her skirt, crossing and re-crossing her legs to get comfortable.

"So why don't you trust me?" Kirsten asked.

I sat down at my desk and considered how best to handle this. If she was really on the side of Jacob, I knew she would play coy. Of course, if she was clueless then my behavior would almost certainly seem erratic.

"Tell me something," I said. "Have you ever spoken to my half-brother Jacob?"

I watched her reaction, trying to see if she was lying or not or if she knew that she had been caught spying. But to my amazement, she gave me a very puzzled look.

"Who? No, I have no idea who you are talking about. I didn't even know you had a half-brother," Kirsten said. She was now studying me, probably trying to figure out if I had gone insane. My appearance certainly would dictate it - my clothes were rumpled and dirty, my hair was sticking out in all sorts of weird angles and I hadn't shaved in at least three days, as that was the last time I could remember.

"So then you don't know anything about StarPower or anything like that?" I said, my voice icy as I interrogated her. As each second went by, I began to realize that Kirsten was innocent in this whole thing, suddenly thrust into the situation with no inkling as to how complex it really was.

"No, I don't. Would you mind telling me what the hell this is all about though? You're starting to sound like one of those paranoid people on the streets who scream about the end of the world coming, and I have to tell you that being questioned like this doesn't really make me feel comfortable being one of your clients.

I sighed and rubbed my hand through my hair. "Ok, I'm sorry. It's just that these last few days have been incredibly stressful and tiring and I have no idea what's going on in my life. Your the first person I've talked to about this and I wasn't even sure if I could trust you," I said.

"Well, would you mind telling me why you don't think you can trust me? Start at the beginning, maybe I can help," Kirsten said, suddenly intrigued by the situation at hand.

I proceeded to explain to Kirsten the entire situation from the start, dating back to my visit to New York to see Jacob to just a few hours earlier when I was given my ultimatum. She listened intently the entire time, not saying more than "Uh-huh" or "Oh no!" to my various tales. It felt better to get all of it off my chest, although I felt guilty somewhat bringing in an innocent bystander into the mess that I had made.

When I was through, we sat in silence for a moment as Kirsten dissected everything.

"Well, I don't want to see you go out of business or hand things over to Jacob. I don't think that, judging from the way you described him, he would be a very good manager out here in Hollywood. Quite frankly, he seems like he'd be a spoiled brat," Kirsten said. "Do you have any idea what your decision will be? This will rock not just the entertainment world but the news world in general, becoming the hottest story to hit Hollywood since Fatty Arbuckle. Would he really go through with it?"

"I think so. I'm not even sure that if I did sign everything over to him he still wouldn't go after me in some way. Regardless, I'm glad that I can trust you with all this and it's nice to get another opinion. I thought I was going to go crazy," I said.

"Don't mention it. Besides, it's not every day that you get a chance to define the course of Hollywood history," Kirsten said, smiling.

"Yeah. If only I knew what to do," I replied with a heavy sigh. Kirsten smiled at me and arched her eyebrows devilishly.

"I think I have an idea,"

I knew when they had arrived by the sound at the door. It was a soft clicking, the sound of a credit card or some other kind of device being worked in to allow them access to the door. I laid on the couch in my office, listening to them. Kirsten, naked, lay on top of me and feigned sleep I knew she was listening just as intently.

The door to my office was slightly ajar and I heard it swing open as I closed my eyes suddenly as well, lowering the speed of my breathing as I too pretended like I was asleep. Through my shut eyes, I could hear the sound of two people enter the room, their large feet probably tracking mud onto my $300 a foot carpet. They hovered over us, the breathing from their noses coming like a soft whistle. I heard one crack his knuckles.

Suddenly, I was lifted off of the couch by two hands, the action so sudden that it felt like gravity itself had failed to exist. I felt Kirsten slip off of me and land on the couch with a thud, crying out as she was startled. I opened my eyes now and found myself face to face with the guy that Jacob had called Jules. His eyes were locked onto mine as he held me up by my shoulders, my pants dangling beneath me in a heap. I glanced over to Kirsten and saw that the other one, Vince, held her by the waist by his side. Kirsten kicked her legs wildly behind her, her smooth ass jiggling softly as she tried to clutch a sheet to her chest.

"Time's up Simonds, time to go see the boss," Jules barked at me, causing me to return my eyes to his face. His breath reeked of cheeseburgers and cigarettes, a foul smell that made my nose cringe.

"But, I still have," I tried to say, but my head was rocked back as I was punched hard in the face. I felt my nose bend and then become wet, probably broken as Jules threw me onto the couch.

"You don't have shit. Now get dressed so that I don't have to drag your punk ass to the car," Jules said, wiping my blood off of his hand onto a nearby towel. I put on my pants and saw that Kirsten was still thrashing to get down as Vince rubbed his hand over her ass, slapping it playfully.

"Hey Jules, check this shit out. Smooth as a baby's ass," he said, laughing. "What I wouldn't give to stick my cock into her," he said, licking his lips. Kirsten had managed to turn around in his arms and was now beating his massive chest with her small fists. "Put me down! Dean help me!" Kirsten cried, tears welling in her eyes.

I stood up from the couch, my pants buckled, but Jules shoved me back down. "Sit your ass there. You move when I tell you to move," he glared at me.

He turned to Vince "Put her down man. We can't fuck with the bosses merchandise, but we can take her with us," Jules said. Vince followed orders and set Kirsten down. Sobbing a little, she gathered up her clothes and began to put them on, turning away from us. Vince couldn't resist one more little spanking of her ass and the sound cracked loudly through the office as Kirsten yelped in surprise, turning around to stare at him.

Vince just laughed and pretended to be innocent, his hands in his pockets as he whistled. Kirsten continued glaring at him but finished getting dressed and sat back down on the couch next to me.

"Now, I hate to interrupt you two love birds but you have two choices here. You can go with us willingly on your own feet to see Mr. Jacob, or you can go there with us carrying you. Trust me when I say that if we have to carry you, you'll have to be carried for the rest of your short lives. So I'd pick option one," said Jules with a little bit of sadistic glee in his voice. I wiped the blood from my nose which had thankfully stopped bleeding.

Kirsten looked at me, her wide blue doe eyes conveying fear and the feeling of being upset.

"We'll go willingly. I have a few things I want to say and I need to be able to think straight if I'm going to say them," I said.

"Good. Now get your asses up and follow Vince there out to the car," Jules said. He fell in behind us as we walked to the car. The ride seemed much shorter this time as Kirsten clutched my arm tightly, looking around nervously as she watched buildings and other cars go by.

We arrived at the same office, only there were more people on the floor. It was just a regular office building and, being on the 8th floor, Jacob's rented space required us taking the elevator to the top. Business people passed us as we walked into the revolving door, past the two security guards (who eyed Kirsten hungrily) and to said elevators. Vince & Jules walked near us but not too close so as not to raise suspicion. A few people seemed to give puzzled looks at Kirsten, knowing they had seen her somewhere but not quite sure where. The overhead chime dinged for our floor and we stepped out.

The place was still under construction, with workmen walking around building wall space. The only place that actually looked finished on the whole floor, now that I had seen it in the light, was Jacob's office. Our two escorts walked to the door leading into his office and then stopped, opening it for us but Jules stopped outside the door while Vince followed us in. Jacob was sitting at his desk, watching television. He clicked off the set as we walked in.

"Dean, so glad to see you again. And look, you brought a friend," Jacob said, smiling at Kirsten. Kirsten smiled weakly back at him but lingered semi-close to me.

"Where did she come from?" Jacob asked Vince.

"We found them sleeping together on the couch. I had to wake him up a little," Vince said, pointing to my nose. "To get them to come with us,"

"Well, whatever was needed, I trust your judgment Vince. That will be all now, thank you," Jacob said, shooing Vince out the door. He nodded and then pulled it shut quietly behind him.

"So Dean, I see you have Ms. Dunst here. I don't like involving outside people, but since she is going to be part of the firm now any ways, I don't see what it can hurt. That is, if you are going to sign the papers I assume," Jacob said, getting right down to business.

"Dean, what is he talking about?" Kirsten said, giving me a look of worry.

"It's ok Kirsten, I'm signing over the company to Jacob here, my half brother. He's going to run things from now on," I said, trying to sound excited, not to mention convincing.

"So you're abandoning us? What an ass!" Kirsten said, standing up to leave. "The hell with this, I'm going back to my old firm,"

With that, Kirsten walked towards the door. Jacob called after her from at his desk.

"Ms. Dunst, I don't think that's in your best interest right now. The two men on the other side of the door have been told to hurt anyone who walks out before I tell them to. Famous or not, they don't care," he said coolly.

Kirsten stopped in mid-step and seemed to ponder the decision, returning back behind her seat. Jacob gestured for her to sit down.

"Please, have a seat. Besides the fact that you are still my brother here's client for another, oh five minutes, you are still under contract to him and soon to be me. And you don't break that contract with out a judge's approval," Jacob said. Kirsten, looking upset, sat down. She bit nervously on the nail of her thumb.

"I don't want to be under contract with you, but going to court is going to make me look like a total bitch," Kirsten said. "Isn't there any way I can get out of it?"

With that, Jacob laughed loudly, a deep and throaty laugh that shook the walls of the office. I stayed still in my chair and watched the scene.

"Well, if I learned one thing from my womanizing brother over there, it's that you always want to keep the stars happy. Why don't you come over here and look under my desk, I think that there might be a way out of your contract under there," he said. I shot him an evil glare, which he simply returned with a vengeful smile.

Kirsten, having been in Hollywood long enough to know the rules, did as she was asked and walked towards Jacob. He rolled back in his chair and let her crawl down onto her knees in front of him, her whole body disappearing underneath the desk.

"You see Dean, even though I despise you and everything that you did when you let your dick think for the company and MY inheritance, I have to respect your taste in women. Very nice, very classy. I'm sure they will all bring me in lots more money, once a select few of them like Ms. Dunst here learn to respect the taste of ME," Jacob said. I heard a zipper unzipping and Jacob reclined back in his chair.

"You aren't any better than me. You are worse than me. I did everything straight over the table and fair. I did it all without having to resort to dirty tricks and traps to get what I wanted. I did it the fair way, the way our father would have wanted," I said.

Jacob roared in laughter. "Our father? Our father was a womanizing, dirty old man who chased pussy till he died. The only thing straight about him was the straightness of his dick, and even that left him when he got old," Jacob said. "Now sign the damn papers and let me enjoy this in peace. I kind of like you being in here while I get this, I like turning you into a cuckold in front of your own clientele,"

He slid a stack of papers across the desk to me. I gave a heavy sigh and pulled a pen from the desk as I began to scan them quickly, putting X's and signatures wherever needed.

"Yes, it's too bad it had to come to this, blackmail and all. If you had only cut me in on the business from the start, I wouldn't be putting you in this situation. But, you left me no choice," Jacob said. I could hear Kirsten slurping away on his cock, her head bobbing up and down gently underneath the desk, causing it to rock a little on it's legs.

I finished signing the documents and handed them back over to him.

"Thank you, I'll finally things in just a moment," Jacob said. He moved his hand underneath the desk and I saw him ball his fists up as he grabbed a handful of her hair in each hand, pulling her head up and down faster and faster on his cock. Kirsten grunted a little, not enjoying the rough treatment but having no choice otherwise.

"Oh yeah, here it comes baby! Open wide!" Jacob yelled loudly as his orgasm hit. Kirsten's mouth was still on his prick when it exploded with cum and I could tell from her squeaking and my limited viewpoint that he filled her mouth with quite a load of jizz. Jacob relaxed more in the chair now as Kirsten stayed pinned underneath the desk.

"Much better. Now, let's make sure you signed everything so that it's nice and legal," Jacob said as Kirsten scrambled out from under his legs, her mouth still full of his cum.

Jacob's happy demeanor quickly faded as he looked down at the documents with a scowl. He looked up at me angrily.

"You didn't sign anything. You simply wrote FUCK YOU in each and every spot on this, didn't you?" he asked, his voice rising in anger.

"That's right," I said with a smile.

"I gave you a chance and you spit it back in my face. Jules! Vince!" Jacob called towards the door for his goons.

"Actually," I said quickly, grabbing the documents from off the desk and tearing them in half one by one quickly "Kirsten is the one who spit back in your face,"

"What?" was all Jacob could say before Kirsten, having stood up on her feet again, spit her mouthful of Jacob's cum back onto his own face. Jacob recoiled in shock. "Shit! What the fuck?"

At that moment, Jules and Vince burst into the room. Seeing the situation, they walked quickly towards me. I took one step back but held my ground, reaching into my jacket pocket.

"Wait just a second there fellas," I said. They seemed to pause, if only momentarily. But it was long enough for me to get what I wanted out: a tape recorder. Holding it out at their eye level, making sure that Jacob could see it as well, I pushed rewind and then play.

"Yes, it's too bad it had to come to this, blackmail and all. If you had only cut me in on the business from the start, I wouldn't be putting you in this situation," the recording said, Jacob's voice from only a few moments earlier.

The two guards paused and looked at Jacob on what to do - they may have been hired muscle but they knew when their employer was in a predicament. Jacob had just finished wiping the cum from his face and glared at me and Kirsten, who had come to stand beside me.

"You're going to blackmail me after I blackmailed you? That's not going to work Dean, two wrongs don't make a right. Even you should know that," Jacob said.

"No, they don't. But even though I might go to jail for sodomy, once this tape and the video I just made," I said, pointing to Kirsten's shirt. She pulled it back a little to reveal a small-lensed camera resting on the inside of her blouse. "Gets out, no matter how much jail time I serve, it won't matter to you in the slightest because the feds will be crawling al over you,"

"And what if I had Jules and Vince here simply remove the devices from you?" Jacob said, regaining some of his composure.

"Doesn't matter. Thanks to the miracle of wireless technology, I archived both the audio and the video on a computer at a location you don't know about. And having a digital copy, I can send crisp and clear versions to whomever I want," I said.

Jacob, realizing he was now the one in the jam, began to back peddle. "What will it take for me to get you to destroy those tapes and all copies, digital or otherwise, that you've made?"

"Well, you could let Kirsten and I walk out of here unharmed by our own free will, with no escorts. Then we can talk about getting the tape into your hands," I said. "Oh, and give me all the copies here in your office of the tape that you have of me, that would be nice too,"

"You've got to be shitting me. What makes you think I'd give them to you?" Jacob replied.

"Because you don't have any options. Your tape, from what I've seen, is fuzzy and difficult to tell who it is. I have something far more incriminating on you. So really, you don't have much choices here,"

Jacob reached into his drawer, with me watching him warily. He pulled out two copies of the video cassette and handed them to me. "This isn't finished yet,"

"Oh, but it is. Now if you'll excuse us, we will be going now," I said and Kirsten and I headed towards the door. Jules and Vince made a blocking motion in front of us, but Jacob said "Let them go," and they parted. We passed them and were quickly back on the elevator, heading out. Neither Kirsten nor I said anything until we were in the cab, heading back to my house.

"I can't believe we pulled that off," I remarked. "It just goes to show you what people will do when they are in tight spots, and it felt nice to turn the tables on him,"

"I know. I'm trembling with excitement. I didn't want to give him a blowjob like that, I hate giving those sorts of things to people I can't stand, but the situation warranted it I guess. How did I do in there?" Kirsten said.

"You were perfect. And quite the actress I might add, you're show of fear and uneasiness was great. If I was the Academy, I'd certainly give you an Oscar for your performance," I said, pulling Kirsten tight to me in a hug.

"I'll keep that in mind. Now that unconventional women like Halle Berry have won, maybe there is a shot for someone young like me in the future. With my career in your hands, anything is possible," Kirsten said, laying her head on my shoulder.

The cab pulled to the entrance of my house and I paid the driver, making sure to give him a good tip for taking us all the way out of the city. Kirsten followed me inside and we set the tapes down on the kitchen counter.

"Would you care for something to drink?" I asked, going to the fridge to get myself something.

"Sure, I'd love a bottle of water or a soda or something. Anything to get the taste of his cum out of my mouth. Yech!" Kirsten said. We both laughed and headed into the den of my house, sitting down on the couch.

"So was it really you on the tape that he had? You having sex with all those women?" Kirsten asked.

"I'm afraid so. I wasn't lying about it being blurry but these days, it doesn't matter. With the tabloids, you're guilty no matter what," I said with a sigh.

"Why do you think you sleep with so many women in Hollywood?" Kirsten asked, scooting closer to me on the couch.

"Well, contrary to what Jacob said it's not that I can't control it. I mean, yes I'm surrounded by beautiful people all the time but it's all reciprocated. I don't know what is going on in the minds of all of the women in Hollywood that I've fucked...err, made love to, 23 now by my count. They might be doing it for a power thing, for someway of feeling like they have an edge on me. Some of them though I think are just horny and like the idea of a no-strings attached fling," I said.

"And what about the ones you have been involved with, Alyssa Milano and Natalie Portman? Has it always been something serious?" Kirsten asked, sipping her soda.

"Alyssa was just an experiment really, to see if I could really sustain a relationship with someone of her fame. Natalie, well...that just sort of evolved out of the situation I guess. We have an agreement of seeing other people since we both live so far apart but when we are together, it's something special," I said.

"Would you say what we went through today and yesterday was on the level of what happened with you and Natalie. If you don't mind me asking of course," Kirsten said.

"Yes, it was very similar. And I think that in both cases, having the beauty and youth of a young woman by me throughout each ordeal helped me get through it,"

Kirsten blushed and looked at the floor. "You called me beautiful. All I'm used to hearing from the public and from other people in the industry is that I'm 'cute' or 'adorable' or 'hot'. I have never really heard someone call me beautiful before," she said.

"Well it's true. You have a very classic type of beauty, one that I don't think will leave you in life. You are gifted and I know that you will go on to great things, with or without me as your agent," I said.

"Thanks Dean," Kirsten said. There was an uncomfortable pause for a moment. "You know, I felt very safe throughout that situation with you being there beside me. Even when we were pretending to be asleep, it felt nice having your body pressed that close to mine. Do you think...I mean, I know you've been through a lot and all, but would you ever consider..." she said, trailing off.

"Making love to you?" I asked, taking her hand in my own. Her fingers were small and petite, just like the rest of her body. Kirsten was obviously embarrassed by the situation.


"Of course. If you really want to of course," I said, pulling her closer to me and planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I do," she whispered. I didn't say anything, only nodded as I stood from the couch and bent down to pick her up in my arms. I carried her up the stairs to my bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed. I had been exhausted from the last few days, but my heart thudded in my chest as I slowly removed my shirt and pants, standing only in my boxer shorts. The thought of being with Kirsten seemed to excite me, to revitalize my energy and I felt like, having defeated Jacob, I could take on anything.

Kirsten lay on the bed with her arms behind her head and watched me undress and kick off my shoes, her own blouse open a little at the bottom, revealing her smooth, firm tummy. I climbed onto the bed next to her and lowered my mouth to her lips, kissing them gently. Kirsten returned the kiss softly as I slid my arms up next to her own. I stood over her like that as we explored each other's mouths sensually, taking the time to familiarize ourselves with each other's bodies and scents. When the kiss finally broke, neither of us really wanted it to end but we knew that we would need to take it to the next phase.

Still standing over her, I put my hands by Kirsten's small, B cup breasts and rubbed them softly through her shirt. Then I began to methodically unbutton her blouse, taking one button at a time as our eyes stayed locked on one another. Kirsten sighed a little as I finished with the last button and slowly opened her blouse. She wore a white lace push up bra, obviously worn to try and accentuate her breasts for her believed encounter the day before. I slid my hand behind her back and undid the clasp of the bra, using both hands now to lift it from her body.

Kirsten's breasts were a great size, just large enough to cup in your hand. Her nipples were hard in the air of the room and the obvious sexual energy that permeated from each of us. The areolas were small and tan with the rest of her body, which brought a smile to my face as I realized that Kirsten preferred to tan topless. I imagined her lying naked next to a pool somewhere, the hot California sun beating down on her chest as her lithe body was bronzed like that of a goddess, her skin flawless and without imperfection. Her blouse lay open by her sides as she watched me run my hand between her two breasts lightly, tracing a finger first around one nipple and then the other as I moved down to her belly.

Bending my head, I planted a series of small kisses on her tummy as my mouth moved slowly to the top of the mini-skirt she still wore. Putting my hands behind her tight, firm ass, I squeezed her cheeks lightly and returned my hands to the front of the material, hooking my thumbs on the edge of the skirt. Kirsten lifted her ass off the bed just enough to allow me to begin to slide the skirt down her womanly hips. Her body was beginning to develop a light sheen of sweat and her breathing became more shallow as the skirt passed from her hips down to her calves and finally her knees. Kirsten kicked the skirt off a little and now wore only a pair of black, thong style panties that barely covered her tiny pussy.

Kirsten lifted herself off the bed a little and now shrugged off the blouse that had been encumbering her arms as she relaxed again on the bed. I used one hand to rub and massage her left breast while the other grabbed the very thin and flimsy material of her panties and pulled them down, revealing her honey coated snatch. She was very aroused I could tell, because the pleasant scent of her womanhood wafted out from between her slightly parted cunnie lips. She had shaven most of the pubic hair around her pussy, leaving only a lone patch only an inch or so above her entrance. I moved my hand from her breast and down through this feather soft hair as Kirsten instinctively parted her legs for me ever so slightly.

Naked completely now, Kirsten's long legs splayed out on the bed, inviting me to simply pounce on her and penetrate her to her deepest. But I controlled myself and focused instead on pleasing Kirsten first; after all, I owed her my livelihood.

I moved my mouth down between her legs and began to lightly kiss the inside of her thighs as I made my way up to her outer pussy lips. They looked so beautiful and inviting to me, yet another gorgeous Hollywood woman who had offered herself to me. All that had almost been lost, but for now I was where I - and Kirsten - wanted us to be. I traced a finger up to her box and slowly slid the tip inside, feeling her moistness. I pulled it out and saw that she had already become quite wet just from the eroticness of the situation. I licked my finger of her juice, the first of many tastings of her I would do that day, I thought to myself.

Positioning my mouth now squarely in front of her cunt, I slowly slid my tongue out and got a direct taste of the mixture of her juices and her body itself on my tongue, relishing the feeling as it hit my taste buds. Using one hand, I parted her inner lips and worked my tongue further into her pussy, searching for her clit.

Kirsten moaned in approval as I continued my quest, moving my tongue gently around inside of her, giving soft, cat-like licks to each and every area I could find. I felt Kirsten's hand brush my head lightly, a sign of encouragement that I was on the right track. Licking a bit faster now, I managed to find her clit at the very head of her entrance. It was small and barely noticeable, similar to the size of her nipples. But it was very aroused and seemed to be begging for me to lick it. The tip of my tongue brushed across it lightly and this sent shockwaves through Kirsten's body, the pent up sexual tension causing her to orgasm for the first time. A flood of her juices came out of her hole and into my mouth, a pungent and sweet taste that was not unpleasant in the slightest.

Having found her clit, it was easy now to focus on it and make sure that her first orgasm would not be her last. Kirsten's breathing became more and more ragged now as I licked furiously at it, moving the slight little knob back and forth along my tongue. For good measure, I slipped a finger inside next to my tongue and began to move it in and out at a steady pace, fucking her with it as I licked her cunt.

Kirsten began to thrash around more violently now, shuddering occasionally and moaning "Uggnnhh!" and "Don't stop that!" between breaths, the loud cries of her pleasure rocked body filling the house and echoing off the walls. The bottom of my mouth was now buried deep inside her pussy, my nostrils rubbing against her crinkly soft pubic hair as I licked with no abandon. It became a little difficult to breath as Kirsten locked her legs tightly around my head, but they were easy to push off of me in between her orgasmic shudders. Kirsten gave one final cry, her whole body trembling like an earthquake, and she orgasmed once more, her pussy now sopping wet with juices and my saliva.

I lifted my head from in between her legs and sat up on the bed next to her. Kirsten had her eyes closed tightly, still catching her breath, her breasts jiggling slightly as her chest heaved.

"Thank you Dean, that was amazing and just what I needed," Kirsten said. I smiled in returned and said nothing.

Now it was Kirsten's turn to continue things as she sat up on the bed next to me. She embraced me in a kiss, her warm body pressing against my naked chest, her breasts flattened against me and the heat radiating from her legs brushing against my groin. Kirsten broke the kiss and then began to lick around my mouth, cleaning off her own juices from my face.

"MMmm...I always wondered what I tasted like," she giggled. I kissed her again and it didn't take too much more before she was ready to go once more. I felt the urgency in her need to continue as her hands pulled down hard at my boxer shorts, trying to free my erect member from it's confines. I got up on my knees and Kirsten wasted no time simply yanking them off. She was quite assertive in what she wanted sexually, and yet her touch and feel was not like that of other sex hungry women I had slept with.

With my cock now free, Kirsten pushed me back onto the bed and climbed between my legs. But rather than going directly for my cock, she lifted it up a little to give her better access to my balls and down the thin strip of skin leading to my asshole. Kirsten traced her tongue up and down this area from bottom to top and when she reached my bloated and sperm filled balls, took my sack into her mouth (as much as she could fit) and sucked gently on my nuts, moving them around inside their casing with her tongue. Her mouth was warm and hot and oh so amazing as I felt her warm breath on my balls, feeling the sucking motion she paid to each one of them and the soft slurping sound that came from the corners of her mouth.

Kirsten released my balls after a moment and began to snake her way up and around the base of my shaft, moving up all nine inches to the head. She squeezed the tip gently, bringing forth a drop of pre-cum, which she snagged on her finger and licked clean, returning her amazing mouth to the head of my cock. Taking it between her lips, she sucked on it hard, creating an unbelievable feeling. But just as quickly as she had paid attention to it, she dropped her whole mouth down to the base of the shaft, taking in all of my meat in her throat. Kirsten was obviously no stranger to giving a blow job and I wondered how many she had given as she grew from childhood to the beautiful creature she was today in Hollywood.

Bobbing her head up and down now, Kirsten was doing her hardest to get me off - and it seemed to be working. I felt my balls tighten up beneath the nimble fingers she had been using to massage and squeeze them as I unloaded jet after jet of hot cum into her mouth. I felt it smack the back of her throat as she closed her mouth tightly around my shaft, making sure none leaked out. My orgasm subsided and Kirsten slowly lifted her mouth from my prick and lifted her head up to me so that our eyes met. Opening her mouth just enough so that I could see the cum in it, she closed her lips together and swallowed the entire thing as I sat there watching, amazed.

"Any man who calls me beautiful doesn't deserve to have his cum spit out," Kirsten grinned. She returned her mouth to my cock and licked the moisture from it, cleaning it. When she was satisfied, she began to work her hand up and down my shaft, getting me hard again within a few solid strokes.

Ready to go again, Kirsten climbed over me and started to settle herself like she would climb onto my cock. But I again had other ideas. Scooting out from under her, Kirsten frowned playfully as I moved behind her. Grasping her breasts in my hands, I squeezed them gently as I made sure that she could feel my cock pressing between her ass cheeks. I began to thrust slowly between them, rubbing my shaft against her slit as I moved up and down. Kirsten just sighed contentedly and let me have my way with her. She wasn't expecting it when I pushed the tip of my cock inside of her still wet and waiting hole, but she wasn't exactly complaining either!

The inside of her pussy was soft and moist, like the way her mouth had been. I didn't want to penetrate her fully, so I turned her around on the bed so that her body was facing me and laid her down, missionary style, in front of me. With more leverage now, I placed the head of my prick directly in her waiting hole and used my arms to work myself into her. Kirsten was tight - not a virgin, but very tight - as I felt my shaft pass deeper and deeper inside of her, the ridges of her inner pussy wall rubbing softly against my cock until I had bottomed out completely in her.

I held myself in her like that for a moment and Kirsten lay completely still, both of us relishing the feeling. I then started to saw myself in and out of her box, entering and leaving her with each stroke, the tip of my cock bringing on more pleasure for her as I rubbed the engorged head of my dick against her clit with each entry motion. Kirsten's body seemed to be begging for me to give it harder to her and when I felt her hands move onto my ass to guide my motions in and out of her, I knew that was exactly what she wanted.

I buried myself in her once again, but instead only left two or three inches out as I began to piston in and out of her pussy much faster than before, rocking the bed beneath us on it's legs as I worked up a solid sweat pounding her sweet, tight cunt. Kirsten's breathing had turned into one long moan of ecstasy and I felt her cum for the third time that night, her body weak and trembling beneath me as I hammered away. With each stroke, the tip of my prick brushed deep inside of her against her cervix, my dick like a fiery hot piece of steel as it embedded itself deep inside of her.

Kirsten, not satisfied with the simple position I had begun in, wrapped her legs tightly around my knees now, squeezing on them tightly as she tried to force more and more of my cock inside of her pussy. Her toes brushed against my balls and for whatever reason, the feeling of them against my nuts caused my orgasm to build. I felt it coming and gave Kirsten one last very hard thrust, enough to send us scooting further down the bed against the headboard as I shot my wad inside of her. Ribbon after ribbon of hot, sticky cum filled her pussy as I released my load, coating the inside of her love tunnel with my spunk. I continued to buck my hips until there was nothing left and I felt myself going soft. Panting and exhausted, I pulled myself out of Kirsten and rolled off of her, laying next to her on the bed.

We both lay catching our breath for a moment and Kirsten scooted up next to me. I held her in my arms as the weight of the last few days and the exhaustion, plus the knowledge that things were back to normal now, finally allowed me to pass into a deep and peaceful sleep.

I awoke a few hours later to the sound of thunder outside the open blinds of my bedroom window. Kirsten lay peacefully next to me, her hair splayed out softly all around me, smooth and soft and reflecting what little light remained in the room now that night had fallen. I slid out from beside her and walked to close the window. I hadn't remembered a storm approaching on the weather, but then again I had other things on my mind these last few days. It was kicking up really good out there, wind shaking the trees violently in and around my yard and rain beating like rocks against the window.

I turned back to the bed and saw Kirsten had awoken. She was watching me at the window, her hair rumpled sexily from having slept, a small clump of it covering by her eye. She had pulled the sheet up to her body, although I could still she her petite frame beneath the sheer fabric of the cover.

"Morning. Or should I say, night," Kirsten said, smiling. I walked over to the bed and kissed her.

"I'm going to go fix some food, do you want some?" I asked.

"No, I really need to get back to my hotel. I fly out of here tomorrow," Kirsten said.

"In this weather?" I asked. "You must be nuts!"

"I don't have much choice," Kirsten said, kissing me quickly on the lips again. "My plane leaves pretty early and with rush hour traffic, I'd never make it if I left tomorrow. But I do appreciate your concern,"

Kirsten climbed out of bed and began to get dressed, sliding on her skirt and buttoning her blouse but leaving her bra and panties on the floor.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I said jokingly. Kirsten turned to look.

"No, you can keep those. Add them to your collection," she said.

"Thanks. Here, at least let me walk you out to the garage. You can take one of my cars and I'll just go get it from the hotel you're at tomorrow," I said. I grabbed a key ring from by the kitchen door as we walked outside towards the garage. I pushed the button and it groaned to life, a river of water sliding down it's edge to land with a quiet drizzle on the concrete of the garage.

"Thank you for everything Kirsten. Without you, I don't think I'd be alive, let alone still in business," I said to her as I gave her a hug, wrapping my hands around her thin waist. She kissed me, an electric kiss that was only broken when a huge flash of lightning and the immediate thunder cracked outside, scaring us both.

"It's the least I can do. Remember, you get me a better cut of each film than anyone else in town," she said. "But most of all, that's what friends do,"

I watched her climb into my green Lexus and start it up, backing slowly out of the garage into the mess of the storm. I walked to the garage entrance and stood, watching her go. She couldn't help but to roll down the window and wave to me, even in the bad weather. I waved back and she drove off, her taillights disappearing in the storm of the evening.

I walked back into the garage and shut the door, heading back into the house. Suddenly, from upstairs, there was a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking. Immediately following it was the crack of thunder and I groaned to myself as I went upstairs to check what happened. Probably a tree limb through the window - what else could go wrong in this past week?

As I made my way up, I could hear the wind howling in through the broken glass. The window had broken in my fathers study, the one room in the house that I had left the way it was since moving in. The sole window in it faced out to the main drive and the street and gave a fantastic view of the whole property, as the window was positioned directly in the middle of the mansion.

Nearing the room now, which lay at the end of the hall, I noticed that the door to the room was open. That was very odd because I kept it closed in some sort of remembrance of the way my father had last left it. I took another step forward towards the door and jumped back two more steps as I saw a figure emerge through the door and stop directly in front of me in the hallway. His hair and entire body were drenched in water from the storm and he had his head bent forward slightly so that all I could see were his eyes. He wore all black, including a pair of shiny black gloves. But what he wore wasn't what concerned me. It was what he held that was far more threatening - a hunting knife, it's sheared edges gleaming in the brightly flashing lightning that came from the study. He was breathing hard, but I knew right away who it was.

"Hello Dean," the figure said.

"Hello Jacob. Came to finish this?" I said, taking another slow step back.

He nodded and grinned maniacally and then without any further hesitation, he lunged at me.

Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 09:00:33 PM
Chapter 28: Neve Campbell

* * *

(In the last chapter, having realized the full scope of Jacob's plan to blackmail him and take down Shooting Stars completely, not to mention ruin Dean, Dean enlisted the help of Kirsten Dunst to turn the tables on Jacob, setting him up for his own dose of blackmail. The plan falls apart, but Jacob is not done yet, breaking into Dean's home for one final confrontation.)

Jacob bounded toward me, knife in hand, and I stepped out of the way quickly to avoid being struck. Jacob lost his balance, but only for a step, spinning back around for another pass. This time I was more ready for him, blocking his arm as it came down at my head in a stabbing motion. I landed a quick punch to Jacob's stomach, but it didn't seem to phase him. Although he was smaller than me, I knew that his party-hard lifestyle and peak physical shape demanded that he be able to take a punch.

Crashing into the wall, the knife Jacob held dug itself deep into the plaster of the hallway, tearing off shreds of wallpaper. Yelling savagely, he yanked the knife back out and moved towards me again. I was off step a little and couldn't brace for the impact completely as his hand slid underneath my shoulder and the knife made contact with my skin, sinking inside deeply.

For a moment, there was no pain as I felt the blade slide into my insides. But then like an electric shock, a dull warmness and a throbbing ache began to fill up my whole side. Jacob yanked the knife out without hesitation and I saw that it was a deep crimson red, matching the color of my shirt. A large red stain had started to spread down beneath my arm and chest, soaking into the material that I wore. My body felt like it was on fire now as I stumbled against the wall while Jacob positioned himself to go at me again.

Panting hard, I put my hand over my wounded side and felt the sticky blood coat my fingers, almost hot as it leaked out of me. I couldn't tell how deep it had gone but I knew it was not going to be pretty.

Satisfied with his initial hit, Jacob moved towards me again, but this time I was ready. Waiting until the last possible moment till he was right atop of me, I landed an uppercut to his jaw using the hand that had been holding my side. It was just like in the movies, his whole body flew backwards down the hall, knocking him off his feet. The knife that he had been holding clattered innocently against the side of the wall, the blade leaving a slight crimson streak on the tan wallpaper. I reached for it, but Jacob was too quick, back on his feet and his mouth full of blood. He kicked me hard in the side, right in the spot where he had stabbed me and I saw stars, feeling like I was going to black out any second. I collapsed to the floor as Jacob towered over me, the blood from his mouth and swollen lips falling to the carpet like some kind of rabid beast. He grinned wildly again and grabbed the knife from the floor, panting hard as he stood over my sprawled body.

Bending down to one knee, he traced the blade against my chest playfully, trying to decide I suppose, where to stab me next and finish me off. Grabbing the handle tightly in his hand, he lifted the knife in the air like a killer from a horror movie and plunged down towards my chest quickly.

Time seemed to slow as my head spun from dizziness and the coldness that was slowly moving through out my body. I felt for sure that I was done for, but with one last effort (and some perfect timing), I threw one final punch directly for his face, hoping to knock him down once more.

I missed his face, but managed to hit him directly in the neck, right by his Adam's apple. As time crawled, the expression on his face changed from one of sheer rage to a look of panicked confusion. His arm came down on me, but the knife fell limply from his hand as he put both hands to his throat, struggling to breath.

I had managed to hit him somehow in a pressure point directly at the base of his neck, cutting off the supply of air to his throat. Jacob collapsed to his knees in front of me as his eyes went wide, trying to get any bit of precious air he could into his body. I watched him land on his legs but not for long - I managed to stagger to my feet, my body hunched over at the waist and stood up just enough to land a kick directly to his face. I heard his head snap back on his neck as he collapsed on the floor, unconscious or dead, I didn't really care.

Still on my feet but very woozy, I stumbled down the hall towards one of the guest rooms. Grabbing the phone off the side of the bed stand, I yanked it down to the floor with me. I pushed 911 and gasped loudly into the phone.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Stabbing...assault...he tried to kill me...4173 Oceanside Drive...help" I gasped into the phone. The operator's voice faded away from me as I drifted into unconsciousness, the phone falling from my hand like a heavy weight that I was no longer able to hold.

I awoke painfully sore in a hospital bed. The rush of morning traffic slowly drifted into my ears as I re-entered the waking world and took in my surroundings. It hurt to breath, much less move but I realized then that I was thankfully still alive. I lay in bed for what must have been a few minutes, remembering in as best I could what happened. Moving my hand slowly down to the side where I had been stabbed, it felt painful and swollen to the touch. I could feel stitches holding my skin together tightly, but they throbbed as I ran my fingers over them.

A nurse walked in, diverting my attention. She was frumpy and a little overweight, her eyes conveying all the pain and sorrow she had seen. To my surprise, she was followed by a uniformed police officer, LAPD's finest, who had taken his hat off when he walked in. He showed no signs of any emotion at all as the nurse picked up a chart at the foot of my bed.

"Mr. Simonds, how are you feeling?" she said, all business as she scanned the clipboard.

"Like shit, thanks. What day is it?" I asked, my mouth dry and raspy as my tongue slurred the words together.

"It's Thursday. You came out of post-op about 12 hours ago. You are a very lucky man Mr. Simonds, that you're assailant didn't hit any major arteries or organs," the nurse replied.

"Assailant...Jacob. What...where is he?" I asked. My head was groggy, probably from the pain killers they had me on, and I now noticed that I was handcuffed to the bed on my left side.

"The other Mr. Simonds? I'm afraid he didn't make it. Head trauma," the nurse said nonchalantly. I felt a wave of emotion run over me, as I was torn between feeling sorrow or pleasure over the fact that Jacob, the half-brother who had made my life hell for the past week, was dead.

"Why am I handcuffed?" I asked.

"Talk to officer O'Reilly about that. He needs to ask you a few questions anyways," the nurse said, setting the chart back and leaving the room. The officer moved to the foot of the bed and adjusted his belt, putting his hands on his hips.

"Mr. Simonds, can you tell me what happened up to the time you called 911?" he asked gruffly.

"I had just woken up from a nap with a lady friend of mine and as I was walking her out, I heard a crash upstairs. Because it was raining at the time, I thought it was a tree branch through a window or something. I went upstairs only to find Jacob, my half-brother, waiting there for me with a knife. He had broken into the house through a window and was obviously there to try and kill me. We scuffled a little bit, during which he stabbed me in the side. I managed right before he tried to put the final blow on me to hit him in the throat. That stunned him, at which point I got up and managed to kick him in the head before dialing 911 and passing out," I said, panting for air as I recollected the event. "I didn't know I killed him,"

The cop didn't even look up from his paperwork. "Uh-huh. You snapped his neck I'm afraid, but if your story checks out, it was a case of self-defense and you won't be charged," he said, writing something down on his clipboard and slipping his pen into his pocket.

"So then you will take these handcuffs off, right?" I asked.

"When you are ready to check out, I'll leave the key with the stationed officer. I don't believe you to be a flight risk Mr. Simonds, but procedure says we have to hold you while we still can. Chances are you'll be free to go by tomorrow when you leave," the cop said. The nurse had re-entered the room.

"Officer, Mr. Simonds needs his rest after surgery. Are you almost done?" the nurse asked.

"I am done," he said, walking past her. "Thank you for your time Mr. Simonds,"

I laid my head back on the soft pillow as the nurse moved next to me by the bed.

"Do you need anything else Mr. Simonds?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I said. She smiled and turned off the light by my bed, walking out into the busy office corridor. I laid there trying to contemplate everything that had lead up to my second trip to the hospital in less than a week, but the meds I was on were too much and I felt my thoughts drift away and my mind slip into a deep sleep.

I awoke the next morning feeling sore and stiff, but much better than when I had first opened my eyes. The day was bright and promised to be hot, I knew. Glancing down at my arm, the cuffs were gone, as promised. Using my good arm, I managed to prop myself up with some effort. I felt a little dizzy as the blood rushed to my head, but I was able to very carefully plant my feet on the cool linoleum floor and stand up.

Just as I did, another nurse came in. This one was much younger than the first one I had seen last night, which now felt like some sort of surreal dream thanks to the waning effects of the painkillers.

"Are you ready to check out Mr. Simonds? We can have a wheel-chair brought around for you to take you to a taxi," the nurse asked. She was vibrant and perky for so early in the morning, but I couldn't help but smile at her youthfulness and her beauty. She wasn't gorgeous by any means, simply an ordinary girl who was sure to be able to find an ordinary husband someday (if she didn't already have one) and lead a nice normal life, taking care of people who got themselves mixed up in all sorts of things, like me.

I filled out the required paperwork and waited out front of the hospital in a very stiff wheel chair for the cab the hospital had called to arrive. The morning was still a little damp with the morning dew, but everywhere the sound of birds mingled with the far off interstate and it's rush hour traffic. I was startled back to reality from this serene setting by the grumbling engine of the cab, driven by a cabby who looked like he could care less about me or the stiff pain that I was in.

Arriving home, I noticed the police tape around the entrance to my house, bringing back eerie similarities to when Julie, my former assistant, had stalked and tried to kill me. Shaking it from my head, I paid the driver and walked very slowly and very rigidly into the house.

Making my way up the stairs was a chore, causing my forehead to sweat and my skin to feel sticky as I passed more police tape inside, blocking off an entire corner of the hallway. I was surprised that they hadn't cleaned it up yet, but a note on the hallway said that they would arrive later in the day for the mess. The blood looked far less horrifying in the light of the day now, a maroon stain in bizarre shapes dotting the walls and in a big dry puddle by the floor. I half expected a chalk outline of where Jacob's body had been to be traced into the carpet, but there wasn't one. Only in the movies I thought to myself, only in the movies.

Collapsing onto a guest bed, I simply kicked my shoes off and lay on my good side, exhausted from the car ride home and the entire week, the overdrive my body had been on finally easing back into a more manageable state.

The phone rang many hours later and I sat up in bed, struggling to sit up and grab it from it's night stand. I felt much better now, still sore but definitely on my way to recovery.


"Hello Mr. Simonds. I'm calling from BT&T long distance and I was wondering if you are happy with your current calling plan..." the voice on the other end said. I hung up the phone and yanked the cord from the wall, the base of the phone getting one final ring in as it clattered to the floor.

Getting up, I walked around and stretched. Before I left the hospital, they had given me a sheet of minor stretches to do and a prescription for mild painkillers in case the pain got a little too intense for over the counter medicine. Following the sheets instructions, I worked the muscles in my side for a few minutes and by the time I was done, felt much better and definitely ready to return to normal.

Showering, I went downstairs and devoured some leftovers I had in the fridge. It was Monday evening now, I knew everyone at the office would be gone. Popping a pain killer just in case that my muscles started to ache too much from the exercise, I sat down on the couch and watched TV for a bit.

After about 30 minutes of this or so, I grew restless. The painkillers were supposed to make me feel drowsy but instead seemed to make me want to go out and do something. I felt alert and awake, my body running on all it's cylinders again. I decided that what I needed was a good, stiff drink. Checking the liquor cabinet only to find it just about dry, I went to the garage and got into my car, heading out onto the freeway.

I headed towards downtown, but thought better of it, feeling awake and alert and yet still not ready to deal with clients or a crowded bar after the hell that I had been through. Pulling off an overpass, I pulled onto what was essentially a one street town just outside of LA, the sign with the city name passing so fast I missed it when I blinked. I drove down the main street of the city looking for somewhere to stop. I found it at the only place that seemed open besides the gas stations (it was approaching 10 now, I guess the residents of sticks-ville or wherever I was went to sleep pretty early), in a place called the Rowdy RoadHog.

Despite the name, the place was actually pretty tame once I got inside. It was mostly a couples bar - meaning, it was a place where couples went to be alone, or desperate men went to find women, or anyone willing to take them home for that matter. It was smoky and smelled like stale beer, the jukebox in the corner warbling some warped country record as I took a seat at the bar. This was just the place I wanted, even though I was overdressed in my jeans and sports coat.

Ordering just a beer, rather than my usual scotch, I downed it fairly quickly and promptly ordered another. I saw some of the other people seated at the bar glance me over as I drank, but they didn't seem to give me a second thought. I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone, to relax and think about things by myself.

I don't know how long passed, maybe half an hour. I was on my third beer by then and with the combination of the pain pills was feeling pretty buzzed. Normally I'm not the type of person who likes to lose control of their actions, but for once it felt nice to feel uninhibited and just let go. Which is probably why I was a little bleary-eyed when I finally noticed a brunette sitting in the seat next to me.

She was very attractive, although dressed in a way that wasn't very becoming; overdone makeup and a trashy looking outfit made her seem garish even against all the other trailer trash in the place. She caught me looking and I turned away, finding myself suddenly interested in the health warnings on the back of the bottle. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her scoot her seat down next to me.

"Hey there handsome, I couldn't help but notice you looking," she said. I looked up and our eyes met, suddenly bringing about a moment of shock and revelation to both of us.

It was Neve Campbell, the star of the now classic horror series "Scream" and one of the main characters from "Party of Five". Her normally pale skin was looking even more pale in the light of the bar but there was no doubting it was her. I had talked with her some at various parties and get togethers and we seemed to get along ok, but the relationship had stayed as friends-of-friends and nothing more.

"Neve!" I said a little loudly.

"Dean! Shit, I," she said, her face turning red even under the heavy eyeliner and lipstick she wore.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Shh...not so loud," she replied, bringing her head closer to the bar. I did the same.

"What? What's the matter?" I said. My words felt a little slurred but I was still sharp enough to be puzzled by what she was doing in a dump like this.

"I...well, here's the thing. This guy I'm dating, Matt, he well, likes seeing me pick up other guys and then...you know..."

"No, I don't. What?"

"Have sex with them back at a motel," she blurted, her voice almost a whisper now.

"So you came to try and pick me up?"

"No! We came here because it was so far away from the rest of Hollywood and I thought that it would be a good place to blend in and not get noticed by anyone who knew me,"

"Funny, that's the same reason I came here," I said, sipping my beer. The whole story seemed really funny to me and I laughed to myself, but Neve was obviously very nervous.

"Go ahead, laugh it up. You have no idea how shocked I am to even find you here," she said, not appreciating the humor of the situation.

"I've had a rough few days," I said quietly.

"Well, I'm sorry. But this is the first time I've ever done anything like this and without pissing Matt off I'm not sure how to handle things. Oh shit! Here he comes!" Neve said, turning back around to the bar.

I heard footsteps behind me and looked up to see a massive guy towering over me. He was dressed in raggedy clothes and his face was unshaven. His bleached blond hair looked out of place on his disheveled frame, like he spent more time on his hair than on anything else.

"Hey baby," he said, squeezing in between us and giving Neve a kiss. "So, I see you've found a new friend. Would he be interested in what we have planned?"

"Honey, the thing is, his name is," Neve started to say but I cut her off.

"My name is Jacob. And yes, from what your lady tells me I think I might be interested," I said, the alcohol taking over in my rational thinking. Normally I wouldn't get involved in something like this - past experience in my college days told me that they only ended badly. But I was pretty sloshed and I was starting to feel a bit horny, so I decided to roll with it. Neve shot me an evil glance that only I picked up on.

"Great! Well then, shall we go?" Matt said, giving me a slap on the back. I almost chipped my tooth on the bottle, as he caught me in mid-sip, but I played it off pretty coolly and stood from the bar. Neve looked apprehensive as she too stood up and we started making our way out of the bar to the lot outside.

Once we were out of the noisy din of the place, Matt reached into his pocket and handed me a key.

"This is for room #8 in the Cactus Snooze Inn about 4 miles down the road. If you are still interested in our little rendezvous, meet us there in 20 minutes," Matt said, leading Neve to his Eclipse at the end of the lot. I felt a little woozy but thought I could make it four miles.

"Ok, I'll see you there!" I called after them. Neve gave me a look that was hard to describe - it was mixture of disgust, of anger but also of puzzlement as to why I was doing this. The truth was, I didn't know. But with all my problems solved for the time being, it seemed like a semi-sane thing to do.

Arriving at the hotel right behind them, I took a spot away from the row of rooms. The place was about as sleazy as you could imagine - the sign out front didn't work, half the rooms looked run down and the manager's office had bullet holes, probably from past robberies. Even in my intoxicated state I knew that this wasn't the best motel to be at, but nevertheless I followed them inside.

"Give me just a minute before you two get started, I want to take a quick shower," Matt said, walking right into the bathroom and closing the door. I closed the door to the room and watched Neve pace around nervously in front of me.

"Thanks a fucking lot Dean," she said angrily. "I probably could have gotten out of this thing without having to do this but then you had to go and agree!"

"Hey, woah. You knew what you were getting into with this just by being at the bar. And if I hadn't shown up, you'd be in this same spot with a total stranger," I replied, slipping off my shoes and getting more comfortable.

"Well, I can't argue there. But I still don't like being in this position," Neve said.

I walked over to her and placed my hands on her arms. She was trembling slightly.

"Look, let's just go along with it. I think you are a very beautiful, sexy woman and obviously you wouldn't have chosen me if you didn't feel at least somewhat the same way about me," I said.

Neve giggled. "What, that you are a beautiful sexy woman?" she said with a smile.

"Hardy har. You know what I mean. Am I right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But look, we can't let on that we know each other, alright? And please, for God's sake, wear a condom," she said.

"Of course," I replied, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "This will be over before you know it and hey, you might have fun,"

Neve nodded and then turned away from me. With a heavy sigh, she reached down to her waist and lifted up her shirt, revealing her smooth back to me. Reaching her hands around, she unclasped her bra and slid it off her shoulders, tossing it onto the ground. Next, she pulled down her skirt and then proceeded to turn around, giving me a view of her standing there in only a pair of light blue panties and a set of fishnet stockings. Neve's nipples were hardening in the air of the room but she still looked like she felt awkward doing this whole thing, as she wasn't sure exactly where to place her hands. I sat down on one of the two double beds and took off my pants and shirt, leaving me sitting there in only boxers.

Neve finally calmed down a bit and came to sit next to me, albeit not too close. I slowly moved my hand out and placed it on her thigh. She flinched for just a second but didn't try to push it away or move. I knew that if she were a little bit aroused when we started this thing, it would go smoother.

"You know that he is going to just sit there and watch us while he jacks off," Neve said, turning her head away from me as my hand fingered it's way through the netting of her stockings.

"I know. But just pretend that he isn't here. I'll be as gentle as you want, regardless of what he wants, ok?" I said.

Neve nodded again and we both heard the water in the shower turn off. A minute or so later, Matt walked out of the bathroom, stark naked, as he toweled off his hair.

"Hey! Now that's what I like to see, you two are just horny as hell aren't you?" Matt said, moving a chair away from the table in the room and pulling it near the bed. He took a seat. "Well Betsy, you ready to get started?"

It took a moment for Neve to recognize that she was going by "Betsy", but she quickly shook her head yes.

"Good. Jacob my man, you may begin," Matt said, waving his hand toward us. I noticed that he had the beginnings of a hard on and though he was adequately equipped, probably about 6 inches when hard, I wondered in the back of my mind what he would think when I achieved full length. I didn't dwell on it long and instead turned towards "Betsy" and moved my hand from her leg to her shoulder. My fingers trailed down her arm and onto her chest, touching first the top of her breast and then moving one finger at a time slowly down her nipple, making sure my thumbnail brushed against it.

Neve had gone rigid the moment that Matt had walked out, but now that things were starting she seemed at least a little bit more at ease. She continued to sit very still but allowed me to continue stroking her breast with one hand, then the other as I felt the heat from her skin becoming more and more intense. I slowly moved my mouth to her breast and took it in between my lips, feeling her hard nipple brush against my front teeth. Sucking lightly, I took a large part of her hefty C-cup breast into my mouth. Her skin tasted salty and sweet, the smoothness of it creating a great contrast against my rough tongue and lips.

Moving her hand over to my boxer-clad crotch, Neve placed her hand on my growing cock. Moving very slowly over the material, she grasped my shaft lightly and began to jerk me off slightly, her motions slow and methodical. I lifted my mouth from her breast and looked in her eyes. The uneasiness seemed to be mostly gone, as I got lost in her deep brown eyes. They were glazed over now with a sexual desire that let me know that she was willing, but nothing too fast. I moved my mouth to her lips and we kissed, first gently then her tongue slipping into my mouth to explore. I returned the kiss and pulled her closer as Neve reached into the fly on my boxers and pulled out my cock. She ran the palm of her hand over the head, oscillating it back and forth under her small, delicate hand. The tips of her fingers touched me lightly as she gripped the base of my now hard nine inch cock and began to tug more forcefully. We continued to kiss and I saw out of the corner of my eye Matt quite content to jerk himself off.

Neve broke the kiss and stood up from the bed, not saying a word. She reached down to the front of her panties and slipped a finger behind the flimsy material, testing herself to see how wet she was. Obviously content with her own arousal, she pulled the panties aside and moved towards me, straddling herself on top of my legs. Her cunt was shaven with just a slight patch of hair, extending in a narrow line above her entrance and the base of her pussy was flushed with arousal. Moving up my thighs, I felt her hot sex touch my balls, causing them to tighten slightly from her moisture and heat. Neve again locked eyes with me and mouthed "Ready?"

I nodded as she slid further up my legs, lifting herself slightly off my thighs so that her entrance was open and ready for my hard cock. Reaching over on the bed to a small traveling-bag, she took out a condom and sexily rolled it over my shaft, making sure that it fit nice and firmly. It was one of those "skin tight" condoms, so the feel of it against me as I prepared to enter her was like having nothing at all. I entered her completely within a moment as I felt her legs come to rest on my own. Neve sighed in contentment and leaned into me, her breasts pressing against my chest and her head on my shoulder. I felt her long brown hair slide over my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer. I began to lift my hips off of the bed slowly, pushing and pulling myself in and out of her, my balls brushing against her firm, tender ass cheeks. Neve kept her head on my shoulders but I could tell by the slight squeezing of my prick by her inner walls that she was enjoying herself.

"Hey, move where I can see!" Matt said loudly. Neve and I couldn't help but laugh as I scooted sideways on the bed, giving Matt a full on view of our bodies. Neve was matching my strokes now, the lips of her pussy stretching and sliding up and down on my rock hard shaft. We achieved a great pace, one I had rarely ever gotten to with any of the other women I had made love to, and it felt like bliss for both of us, if the trickle of sexual juices on my legs were any indication.

Neve pulled away from my chest now and lifted her arms behind her head, folding them so that just the bottom part of her body was moving on me, her firm tummy flexing in and out as we fucked. Rocking back and forth like she was riding a horse, Neve's body moved hypnotically - she was an expert lover, that was for sure. It made me wonder why someone like Matt would want to share her with other men.

I placed my hands on Neve's legs and held her steady as she continued to buck against me. Her body had a slight sheen of sweat now, a few accumulated drops sliding down between her breasts. The rest of her body was flushed from the excitement and she seemed 100% committed to the act in which we were doing.

"Now talk dirty to her man," Matt said, but I barely listened. Neve and I were lost in a world of complete sexual nirvana, her eyes closed tightly as she rode me and my entire body focused on making sure that I wouldn't be the only one to cum from this encounter. Heeding Matt's request though, I whispered hoarsely. "Yeah Betsy, that's it, ride my cock!"

"Betsy" opened her eyes to a squint and shot me a devilish grin. Then she began to moan as she moved her hands from behind her head to rub them on my chest.

"Ohhhhh Jacob, yeah that's it! Fuck my tight pussy with that big cock!" she half-giggled, half-moaned. I sped up the pace and we began bouncing so hard on the bed that it made the mattress squeak. I could hear Matt's own ministrations speeding up too, the entire room now filled with gasps, moans and the sound of skin moving against skin. Abruptly though, Neve slid off of my cock and onto the floor, getting on her hands and knees just a few feet from Matt. Her ass was thrust in the air and I needed no further instruction as to what to do.

Moving behind her, I placed the tip of my now glistening prick against her pussy, sliding in with the same ease of when I first entered her body. It too didn't take very long for me to bury myself completely inside of her once again, dropping to my knees to make sure that I could stabilize myself. Neve was on all fours, her breasts swaying seductively beneath her as she gasped with my re-entrance to her body. I rested my head on her back and closed my eyes, facing the wall now as I began to hump her doggy-style on the floor of this sleazy, pay-by-the-hour motel.

Neve's ass pressed against my stomach as I rested part of my weight on her back, holding her tightly as I sawed in and out of her pussy. She began to grunt as my speed began to increase, my balls tight as they slapped against her pert little ass. Whatever motivation Matt had given her was gone now, Neve was in her own world.

"Unnggghhhh....ahhh...yeahh....don't stop!! oooooo" she said as I fucked her, feeling my balls begin to tighten more as my orgasm approached.

I opened my eyes to see Matt's hand moving at a lightning rate, his ass bucking off the chair in which he sat as he squirmed around, tossing himself off. Glancing down at Neve's face, I saw that she was now staring straight at Matt, her eyes locked on his. This was the slut that he had wanted, and it was evident that this was the slut he had gotten. In watching her intense stare at him, I felt something animal inside me, something primordial. This was more than just sex, this was raw animal lust, put on for the display of an audience by two willing participants.

Bucking back against me, Neve shook her ass slightly and I felt her orgasm hit her, causing little goose pimples to form on her back while the wave of sexual pleasure washed over her.

This torrent of sexual energy by her caused my own load to arrive, and I shot deep and hard into the condom as I buried myself inside of her. I felt my dick get coated with my own jism as I held myself inside of Neve's body, not wanting to withdraw from her. As I felt myself soften a bit, I carefully lifted my prick out of her deep snatch and rolled the condom off, holding it up so that no semen escaped. I was about to throw it away when Matt stopped me.

"NO! Don't throw it yet, I'm close!" he said, extending a hand to take it from me. I gave it to him as he stood up, holding his prick open at the base of the condom. Sticking the head in slightly, his own orgasm erupted and he filled the condom to it's brim with the mixture of his and my own juices. Shuddering, he pinched off the last little drop of cum and handed the condom to Neve.

"Drink it Betsy, slurp it up!" he said to her. Neve took it in her hand and looked at it for a moment. I thought for sure that she wasn't going to do it, but the sexual hunger in her was still raging and she held the latex to her lips, allowing the slimy fluids to slide into her mouth and down her throat. A little bit escaped from her lips and ran down the corner of her mouth sexily as she drank the entire contents of the condom, not hesitating one bit to swallow it's contents. Tossing it aside, she laid down on her back, her chest heaving and her mouth sticky with cum. I sat down on the bed and pulled my pants back up, watching her lost in her own sexual bliss.

"Dean, that was amazing," Neve said softly. I froze.

"Dean? I thought you said you're name was Jacob?" Matt said, a bit of anger rising in his voice.

"It's Dean, and I knew him from a long time ago. You were just too dumb to see it when we were at the bar," Neve said, still in a bit of a dreamy state.

"What? God damn it Neve, you set me up!" Matt screamed. I knew that I had to get out of there quickly so I pulled my clothes to the other side of the bed and dressed hurriedly. Neve had sat up now and was clutching her knees with her arms, her freshly fucked pussy soaking the carpet beneath her slightly.

Putting on my shoes and shirt, I moved along the wall towards the door. Matt's body was heaving with anger now and I knew that he could go off any second. For her part though, Neve seemed to be enjoying this.

I opened the door and stepped out into the night air as Matt finally noticed me and bolted from his chair towards the door, still naked. I darted out towards my car, grabbing my keys from my pocket and inserting them into the driver's door in one fluid motion as Matt ran out into the harsh light of the motel parking lot, naked. I paused for a moment when I saw Neve standing in the doorway - part of me screamed that she might be in trouble, but from the powerless look on Matt's face I felt that she would probably be pretty safe. Matt stood, shivering a bit in the air as he turned from watching me to watching Neve.

"Thanks again Dean, that was much better than I thought it would be," Neve called to me. I smiled, but still watched Matt hesitantly.

"So, how's it feel to be made a cuckold Matt?" Neve laughed, her naked body framed by the fluorescent light behind her in the room. Matt just stood there, shaking his head. Finally, Neve had had enough. "Oh baby, I'm just teasing you. So what if Dean was a better fuck than you'll ever be? You can have me anytime you want. Now get your ass in here and make love to me!"

Matt gave me one final look and then trudged back into the hotel room, slamming the door. I got into my car and headed home, laughing to myself that Neve, who had seemed so docile through out the whole encounter, had more spunk (no pun intended) in her than I imagined.

Getting home, the house was still dark and the memories of what had happened came flooding back. The effects of the alcohol had worn off early on during my encounter with Neve and now it was back to reality. As I walked in and set my keys on the counter, the phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but something inside me told me to pick it up.


"Dean? Are you ok?" the other voice said. I recognized it immediately - it was Natalie Portman, my girlfriend. Just hearing her voice brought back memories of what Jacob had said, about her turning on me. It was time to find out the truth.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I've been calling your house all night, I was afraid something might have happened to you," Natalie said.

"Something did happen. Something has been happening this past week. But I'm sure you know nothing about that, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Natalie said, confusion in her voice.

"Don't play games with me Natalie, you are a terrible liar. Just confess to what happened with Jacob and maybe we can still be friends," I said bitingly to her. The moment of truth had arrived. There was a long silence on the other end.

"You...you don't understand Dean. You haven't been in this business long enough to know when things are going sour. I...I know that it may seem like I betrayed you but it was all about," she said but I cut her off.

"It was all about business?" I replied coldly.

"Ye...yes. I never meant to hurt you. In fact, I fell in love with you! But when Jacob came to me and told me what you had done and had been doing, it was just too much to ignore," she said, her voice shaking now. I felt a lump in my throat as I finally realized just how much of a poison my half-brother had been on my life.

"So you signed with him, turned your back on me and were probably fucking him whenever you got a chance, is that it?" I said angrily, hoping my fierceness covered over the heart break I was going through with each agonizing second.

"No, I never slept with him. It was strictly business," she said, her own voice leveling off a little.

"Strictly business huh," I said wistfully. "Well, here's some strictly business for you. You're fired from my firm and consider yourself dumped,"

The words hurt to say, but after everything that I had been through, and how the thought of Natalie staying true to me had kept me going through all the pain and confusion, to hear her say that it was a business thing, nothing more, crushed me to the core.

"Dean, don't do this! I love you!" Natalie blurted out.

"It's too late for that Natalie. See you around," I said, hanging up the phone on her.

A moment later she called back, but I just let it ring and ring and ring. She continued to try for another half an hour as I sat on the couch, watching the phone ring. Finally she gave up and I was left in the silence of my massive, lonely mansion once again.

I showered and trudged into bed. Laying awake, I tossed and turned for a few hours. I was incredibly hurt - I felt more pain physically, emotionally and mentally than I could ever think possible. But, as had always been the case when a long relationship ended in my life, I began to feel a ray of hope. Tomorrow was a new day, and I was now officially unencumbered by anything and anyone to try and stop me. I would miss Natalie, that I knew. But time would make things easier, time would allow us to be first civil then to be friends with one another. And in the meantime, as the healing continued, there was a whole world out there waiting for me to conquer, waiting for the Dean Simonds of my early days here in Hollywood to return. I would be alright.
Title: Re: Journal Of An Agent
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 09:02:18 PM
Chapter 29: Cameron Diaz

* * * * *

"Come on asshole, didn't you see me trying to get over?" I yelled at the car in front of me, banging my hand on the steering wheel in frustration. I was stuck in rush hour traffic and the car in front of me - some soccer mom who obviously didn't belong on the Los Angeles freeway - decided that it was acceptable to cut me off in order to gain a measly one car length on me. Settling back in my seat with a frustrated grunt, this was not how I wanted to start my day.

I sat idly in my car, listening to the morning DJ prattle on about God knows what. I had been stuck here for two hours now and though rush hour was nothing new to me, it was still a pain in the ass to have someone cut you off when every little inch you moved forward counted. My mind wandered as I watched the cars on the other side of the freeway zoom along, heading out of the city rather than being like us fools and going into it. I was startled back to attention by my cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said into it. The reception out here was horrible and I was greeted by a bunch of static. Finally though, a voice came through.

"Dean! I'm so glad I caught you! It's Cameron," the voice said. I recognized it immediately, the girlish tone of her voice unmistakable. It was Cameron Diaz and, since the clock on my car now read 9:03, that meant I was officially at work with dealing with the Hollywood talent, traffic jam be damned.

"Hi Cameron, what can I do for you?" I asked, still glaring angrily at the van in front of me.

"Well you see Dean, I've been a bad girl," Cameron said in her most innocent sounding voice. Great, she wanted to play games. Well, I didn't have much choice so I played along.

"What did you do Cameron?" I said, talking to her in the most saccharine voice I could muster, coming across sounding like I was talking to a small child.

"Last night, I got into some trouble. Namely, I ran three red straight red lights and was doing 140 in a 45 mph zone," Cameron said, her voice uneasy as she admitted her guilt. "And the thing is, I didn't have my wallet with me or anything. You see, I had just come from a club and had been drinking a little and..." she said, but I cut her off.

"Jesus! You realize you were going almost 100 miles over the speed limit?" I said, more shocked than anything. At least she was alive - better for her to be in legal trouble than laying in a morgue somewhere, that's for sure. Cameron brought in some pretty sizeable contributions to Shooting Stars, even in spite of the fact that she had yet to carry a picture by herself successfully.

"Yes Dean, the officer already explained that to me. Now, as I was saying before I was so RUDELY interrupted, I was drinking a little and the officer who pulled me over wanted my ID. After trying to sweet talk him a bit, it was no use and I dug around in my car trying to find it. The only thing was, I didn't have it with me. I must have left it at the club, I think. Last night was a bit of a blur. Any ways, when I didn't have the wallet the officer told me he had no choice but to bring me into the station, considering I had been drinking and was probably a serious threat to myself and the rest of the road. So, needless to say, I , Cameron Diaz have now spent the night in the Los Angeles Police Department station #5251 and I'm more than ready to get the fuck out of here," she said, finally pausing to take a breath.

"Ok, so then pay your bail and get out of there," I said, rubbing my eyes already at what was going to prove to be a long day, I could tell.

"I don't have my wallet! Weren't you listening to what I said? I need you to come here and prove that I'm who I say I am and get me out of here!" Cameron said impatiently. Normally she was a pretty level headed, down to earth girl but right now the star mentality had taken over and she was trying to pull her clout on me. It wasn't going to work.

"Alright Cameron, where are you at?" I asked.

I heard her muffle the phone for a second while she asked a cop directions on getting to the station. She repeated them to me and I jotted them down in my Palm Pilot.

"Christ, that's on the other side of town," I said. "I'm stuck in mid-morning traffic, you're going to have to wait for a little while Cameron,"

"But Deeeeaaaannn!!! I don't want to wait here any longer, I want to get away from this shit hole," Cameron whined, definitely one of her less endearing qualities.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," I told her. "Just sit tight and uhh...don't make eye contact with anyone,"

I hung up the phone before she could complain some more and called Damon at the office.

"Yo Dean, what's up?" he said.

"Damon, listen. I'm stuck here in traffic. I know you're jamming on that paperwork right now, but could you find a news station and tell me the best way to get out of this mess? I have to go bail Cameron Diaz out of jail," I said.

Damon laughed. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously. Call me back when you have a fair idea. I'm right off of the Santa Monica expressway, mile marker 173," I said. I hung up and waited, sighing to myself at the joys that lay ahead for today.

45 minutes later, Damon finally called me back.

"Sorry Dean, the morning show had a couple of guests on and I had to wait till they left for the traffic report again. Where are you at now?" he asked.

"I'm at mile marker 175, having moved 2 miles since you last talked to me," I sighed.

"Ok, good. Get in the right hand lane and about three miles up the road there is an off ramp. Get off there and turn around, take a right at exit #259 and you should be able to bypass all that," he said.

"Good man Damon, thanks," I said. I suddenly remembered Cameron. "I'll be into the office in a few hours, I need to go help Cameron out or else she will be majorly pissed."

"I know, she called here first. She sounded very upset. Gotta do some damage control on her ego I guess?" Damon asked, laughing. His joke made me feel better - damage control was a running joke between the two of us for when a star threw a hissy fit for not getting what they want.

"Yes, damage control to the max. I'll see you in a while," I said, hanging up again.

I finally arrived at the police station around 11:00AM, which thankfully was just early enough to avoid the lunch time crowd. Walking into the station, I could feel the cops giving me a leery eye. My suit looked expensive, my shoes were some of the finest leather available and the tie I was wearing probably cost a third of their weekly paycheck. And in spite of the fact that I had the utmost respect for law enforcement in this country, I still felt like I was being judged.

"Hi, I'm here to post bail for someone that you are holding?" I said to the secretarial officer at the front desk.

"Sign this," she said, handing me a form without even bothering to look up.

"Don't you need to know her name?" I asked, a little baffled by the complete lack of effort on her part.

"Honey, I took one look at you and I knew exactly who you were here for. Just sign the form, we will take care of the rest," she said. I proceeded to fill it out and then handed it to her a moment later. She took a quick glance and then rose from her chair.

"Wait right there," she said as she walked down a long linoleum hallway and disappeared out of sight.

I stood there for a moment, looking around at how my tax dollars were being spent. The squad room had three other cops in it - two of which were having a heated discussion over a cup of coffee and some donuts while the third sat at a desk, listening to the radio frequency and coordinating officers in the field. He looked bored beyond comprehension. The first officer emerged from the hallway a few minutes later, with Cameron in tow. She held Cameron by the crook of her elbow like a child, something that Cameron appeared to be none too pleased with.

It was obvious that Cameron really had been at a club the night before. The outfit she wore - a pair of bright pink of shiny pink plastic hot pants did little to cover most of lower body. Her tanned and graceful legs walked steadily down the hall, her medium sized chest held loosely by a tight white spaghetti top. Cameron's blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail behind her head and her face, even though it looked like she had been through hell the previous night, nevertheless shone brightly with a smile when she saw me.

"Hi Dean," she called as she was led to a seat near the female officer's station, forced to sit down while I spoke with the officer.

"Alright, bail comes to $500 even. Check or credit card?" the woman asked. I pulled out the company credit card and gave it to her. She took it and swiped it through her machine and a moment later a receipt was printing up next to her.

"Sign this receipt and you're all done. Luckily we decided not to press charges on Ms. Diaz, but she will be served a rather sizeable ticket within a week or so. If she fails to pay it, she'll be seeing us again, only then it won't be nearly as cordial or effortless as this time," the officer said.

"Trust me, she will pay it," I said to her, shooting Cameron a look that let her know that she couldn't use her celebrity to get out of this. I felt like a father figure, getting her out like this. Cameron didn't look at me, but was instead focused intently on the floor in front of her. I signed the paper and handed it back to the officer and Cameron walked to me, giving me a tremendous hug.

"Thanks Dean, I owe you so much. Now can we leave this hell hole?" Cameron asked, her deep blue eyes locked on my own in a pleading for relief from the nightmare she had gotten into.

"Just one more thing officer," I said to the woman at the desk as Cameron shifted her weight on her feet impatiently behind me. "Where can we pick up her car? I doubt very much that she was allowed to drive here on her own free will,"

"Here, this is the address of the towing company that we use. They impounded it last night but you'll have to settle up the fees with them when you get there," the cop said, handing me a business card for Hollywood & Vine Towing.

"Thanks," I said and Cameron and I were out the door. Climbing into my car, Cameron suddenly became very apologetic.

"I know I ruined your morning Dean and I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I could have easily been killed or killed someone else last night. But I think once you see my car you might understand why I was trying to get it up as fast as it would go," she said as I headed back on the freeway. Luckily Hollywood & Vine Towing wasn't too far away from the office - maybe I could salvage this morning after all and get into the office and have a semi normal day. Then again, I had noticed that when it came to celebrities, nothing ever worked out according to plan.

Cameron and I talked a little bit and it was obvious that she was a little uncomfortable being stuck in her clubbing clothes out here in the middle of the day. She kept fidgeting with the pants especially, trying to pull them down further along her long, tanned legs, the plastic making squeaking sounds as she moved around on my leather seats. Cutting in through the city, we managed to get to the towing place in just about 45 minutes, which meant that I would only be 4 hours late getting back into work if the towing company didn't hassle us too much.

Despite the illustrious sounding name, Hollywood & Vine Towing was not what I expected it to be. A small lot, not even half the size of any of the car dealerships that you found in the more affluent part of town, the office for the place looked dingy and rundown, having seen many tenants over the years. Wrecked and shattered cars strewn the lot like beached whales, their owners having long forgotten about them. We pulled in and parked but Cameron seemed hesitant to get out.

"Dean, I can't go in there. I know that once they recognize me they will drive the towing price way up, just to get more out of us," Cameron said.

"Us? Cameron, you are paying for this yourself," I said.

"Me then. They will try to rip ME off. You know that Dean, so why don't you just go in there and handle it?" Cameron asked, correcting herself.

"Well, first of all I don't even know what kind of car it is," I said incredulously. I was tempted to just yank Cameron out of the car and make her be held accountable for what she had done, but I was paid to get stars out of jams like this so my more rational mode of thinking took over.

"It's a jet black Porsche 911. It's a 2002," Cameron said. She fished into her tight pants, looking for the keys. "Shit, I guess they took the keys when they brought me in,"

"Alright, fine. I'll go in and see what I can do," I said to her with a sigh. I stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance, glancing back to see Cameron nervously watching me, hoping a star of her caliber wouldn't be spotted in a place like this.

Stepping inside, the office was sweltering hot and reeked of unknown car fluids. The walls were yellowish from the countless amount of cigarettes that had been smoked through the years and I felt like I needed a shower just by stepping into the office. Walking up to the fake wood counter, I glanced over it to see a young girl, probably no older than 15, listening to a CD player as she read a book. There was a bell on the counter and I rang it, as the girl had not seen me walk in.

She was startled by the loud chime of the dirty bell and looked up, sliding her headphones off.

"Help you?" she said, popping a bubble in the gum in her mouth.

"Yes, I need to get a car out that you towed here last night," I said to her. The girl rose from her chair and walked over to the wall behind her, looking in a metal filing cabinet for a folder with last night's tows.

"What model?" she asked, leafing through the folder in her hands. I could still hear the rap music playing loudly through her head phones.

"It's a uh...Porsche 911. 2002 model. Black," I said, uneasy at having to confess to having such a nice car held at this place. The girl found the form she was looking for and pulled it from the folder, the keys taped on with a fingerprint smudged piece of scotch tape.

"Oh, so YOU'RE the fast driver that got yanked by the pigs last night," she said, smiling at me. Her teeth were crooked but her smile still carried some of that innocent child like glee that only the young, untarnished by the world can exhibit. I thought for a moment about spilling my guts, saying it was Cameron's car and maybe offering an autograph for a lower rate. But then I thought about what Cameron said and thought better of it. In this town, there was a level of bourgeoisie hatred for the rich and the famous and Cameron was probably right about the billing structure.

"Yeah, that was me. I drank a little too much and got pulled over. But I'm out now and I'd like my car please," I said, my face now sweating from the staleness of the office.

"Ok, chill out dude. What, do you have some big investment meeting to go to or something?" the girl said, angry at my demands to leave.

"No young lady, as a matter of fact I'm self-employed and just need a vehicle. I've had a long week and I just want to go home," I said, apologetically. Sometimes sucking up my pride was the best way to get things done, even if it meant admitting being wrong. The girl handed me the keys and a form to pay. I pulled out my credit card and paid the towing bill - $250 - and turned to leave.

"Take a left when you walk out the door, and give Fernando your bill. He'll clear it out so that you can drive away," the girl said as I stood in the doorway, the barred glass open halfway between the fresh air outside and the un-circulated stench of the office.

"Thanks," I said.

"Hey mister, one more thing. You said you are self-employed...what do you...do exactly?" the girl asked. Her tough-with-the-customers attitude was gone now and she seemed like a kid again, just looking to find a better job than the one she had now.

"I'm an agent. I represent stars," I said, realizing as soon as the words left my mouth that she would inevitably ask more questions. I saw her eyes go wide with amazement.

"Wow, really? Anyone I would have heard of?" the girl asked, coming around the counter now to talk to me.

"Yes, I'm sure you have. But listen, I have to go. My office number is on the paperwork, call me if you need a job and maybe I can set you up with something. But bring lots of references," I said, feeling a little guilty at leading this girl, whom I really didn't have a job for, on.

"You mean it? Wow, thanks sir! I'll call next week and try to come in, if that's ok," she said.

"Great. Now I really must be going," I said, darting out of the office.

I hustled around back and gave the receipt to a Hispanic man who was working on a beat up old Ford truck as I approached.

"You Fernando?" I asked.

"Si. You need your car?" he asked, his voice heavy with a Spanish accent. I imagine that his English was very limited, knowing just enough to get by. And yet, he smiled and seemed eager to help me as I gave him the bill and he backed up a few cars so that I could drive out to the main entrance.

Pulling up next to my car, I was surprised to see the teenage girl standing next to the driver's window, talking to Cameron. As I walked around to them, I thought that Cameron would be annoyed at being hassled by the girl, but it was quite the opposite - both were joking and laughing at some joke whose punch line I had missed. The girl turned to face me.

"Wow Mr. Simonds, you weren't kidding! You're job must be soooo cool and soooo easy," she said with girlish glee. Cameron was watching our exchange with a smirk, knowing that the life of an agent was neither easy nor really that cool.

"Some days it's not as great as it sounds," I said, handing Cameron the keys to her car. "It's all yours Cameron,"

"Thanks. So Dean, are you really going to give Ashley here a job? She seems like a nice girl," Cameron said, stepping out of the car and standing next to the girl. I hated being put on the spot like that so I said that yes, we might be able to find some kind of part-time work for her.

Ashley giggled in excitement but broke away from us when the sound of a phone ringing in the office drifted out through the still open office door.

"Oops, I better get that. It was nice meeting you Ms. Diaz, and let me just say I loved The Sweetest Thing," Ashley said, bounding back to the building. "See you later!"

Cameron stood laughing a little bit but I wasn't too amused at her antics.

"Didn't want to deal with them huh?" I said to her.

"Well, she seemed nice enough. Besides, if you can't hire her I could always use someone to tidy up my house on the weekends. Good help is hard to find you know," Cameron said, walking towards her car.

"Yeah, you're right. And by the way Cameron, that is a really nice car and I think I can understand, though I still don't approve of, what you did last night," I said.

Cameron laughed. "You should see how this thing handles on a straight away road. It could take any car you have any day," she said.

I laughed a little too at the challenge. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yep. Say, why don't we get together when you get done at the office today, say maybe midnight tonight or so, and I can really show you what it can do. I'll even race you against whatever you can bring against me," Cameron said.

"Isn't that what got you in trouble, and netted me a $750 dollar bill on my credit card, in the first place?" I asked.

"Yes, but I know a road that's isolated and where the cops don't care about street racing. It's just outside of the valley, I go there every now and then with some of my friends. Are you man enough to take me on?" Cameron said, enjoying the competitiveness of the proposed race.

"Oh, I'm more than man enough," I said, accepting her challenge. "Midnight you say?"

"Yeah. I'll swing by your office then with a check to pay you back and then you can follow me out. How does that sound?" Cameron said. There was something strangely alluring about racing a fast car against a beautiful woman. I couldn't resist.

"Excellent, I'll see you then," I said, getting into my car. "But just be ready, you better be a better driver than I think you are or I'll leave you in the dust. Remember, I grew up in New York, one of the most dangerous places to drive,"

"We'll see," Cameron said, walking over to her car. Her tiny, firm ass shone in the plastic pants in the mid-afternoon sunlight. She looked like a model, carried herself like a female comedian but acted like a normal, every day girl. I watched her drive out and then followed her for a block, the loud techno music blaring out of her open windows as I turned onto the freeway and left her, heading back to the office.

When I arrived there, I recounted to Damon the exploits of the morning, even mentioning the young girl who seemed to want a job so desperately.

"Do you think you could find something for her to do?" I asked him, sitting on the corner of his desk.

"I think so. One of the girls just quit, her boyfriend knocked her up. I say we give her a chance and see how it goes. The worst that could happen would be that we fire her and she goes back to her everyday, normal job," Damon said.

I nodded and walked away into my office. The day went by quicker than I thought, with the phone staying relatively quiet and the paperwork I had been dreading actually being much lighter than I had originally thought. As 11:00 that night rolled around, I even had a chance to read through a month's worth of Variety, re-immersing myself in the industry and the box office takes. I was happy to see that "Spiderman", Kirsten Dunst's first wide audience film had shattered records, if only briefly before "Star Wars" and Natalie Portman's film opened. I twinged a little at the thought of having broken up with Natalie and wondered where she would go now for management. I was sure she would land on her feet somewhere, and didn't feel quite as bad since I had renegotiated her deal for all the "Star Wars" merchandise royalties she would get just a few months before.

I heard Cameron's horn about 11:45 or so and walked outside to meet her. The same CD I had heard earlier in the day was still blaring from her car stereo but she had obviously gone home and cleaned herself up, as she leaned against the sleek metallic frame of the vehicle.

Her blond hair now framed her face loosely, a few strands dangling into her eyes as was the style currently in Hollywood. She wore a pair of black leather pants that seemed to glisten just as brightly in the dim light of the parking lot as her car. Her top had changed also now, a sleeveless blouse thing that clung to her narrow frame beautifully. She grinned as she waited for me to lock up the office and set the security alarm.

"You ready to race?" she said, walking towards me. Handing me the money that she owed me, I pocketed it and nodded, climbing into my car. She got halfway in and then turned to yell at me.

"Try to keep up on the way there, ok?" she said with a wide grin, that same beautiful smile that had aroused so many men since they first saw her in "The Mask". I just shook my head and climbed in and before I had even started the ignition, Cameron was off. Hustling to catch up to her, it wasn't until two stoplights later (both of which, I was glad to see, she obeyed) that I pulled up behind her. I had taken out the company BMW Roadster, as I didn't have time to go home and get something faster. Nevertheless, I doubted that when push came to shove that the race would be long enough for her higher performance car to really smoke me.

We drove along the mostly empty freeway, Cameron being a little playful as we drove, trying to lose me in traffic. The most distance she managed to get on me though was a couple car lengths, but even that was closed up by the time I saw her get off the exit and onto a state road out in the middle of nowhere. We drove up and down a series of hills for about 15 minutes, the sleekness and finesse of our cars dancing with each other in the light of the full moon overhead. The road was pretty well maintained for a state road, something that surprised me given that a lot of the more rural parts of the Valley were pretty much abandoned by the state's work crews. As we drove along, I saw numerous tire marks on the road, and even a few shattered pieces of fiberglass and metal. We were obviously not the first people to try and race down such an empty road.

Cameron slammed on her breaks in front of me and cut to the right sharply, heading up an embankment. I barely had enough time to keep from slamming into the back of her but managed to keep up after a slight squealing of my tires. We drove over the grassy knoll and down a hill to a totally empty street a few hundred feet below. As I drew closer, I saw that the road was as perfectly straight as one would ever expect a road to be, and seemed to stretch on for miles in both directions, it's start and end invisible to me in shadows of the valley hills.

We continued down the hill as Cameron eased her car into the middle of one of the lanes. I followed her, sliding up next to her in the other lane. The road ahead looked pitch black dark, the hills of the valley and the trees surrounding it blocking out any light that might have come through from any neighboring cities. Cameron shut her car off and stepped out.

"Well, here we are. Nothing but straight black top for the next two miles. I come here every now and then when I'm looking for a thrill...racing always gets me worked up, gets my energy flowing," Cameron said, dangling her keys against her slim hips.

"What about cops? We don't want a repeat of last night, especially if I get caught. There wouldn't be anyone to bail you out," I said sarcastically.

"Nope. The local jurisdiction turns the other way for this sort of thing. You should see it in the fall. People come from all over the world to race this street. The cops won't shut it down because all those racers have to stay somewhere and it's good for the local town economies," Cameron said.

"And tonight?" I asked.

"We should be okay. The only thing to watch out for is a car coming at you head on. But you should be able to see them coming and get out of the way in time, hopefully," Cameron said. "Now, you want to hear the rules?"

"You have rules for this?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "I guess I might as well since I drove all the way out here,"

"Ok, it's simple. When we start, which will be a synched up stop watch for each of us," she said, tossing me the watch, whose face glowed in the dark. "It's a two mile shot straight down the road. Their isn't a finish line, but there is a big oak tree on your side of the road. I'm talking MASSIVE. It's branches hang over the road and you'll be able to see it. First one past that, wins. If we tie, you'll just have to be fast on your stop watch and hit it the second that you pass the tree. It's a gentleman's bet more or less so we will just have to trust one another," Cameron finished.

"Sounds good. Actually, too good. Like you've done this all before. But I have to ask, what are we playing for? You can't have a race like this and not expect for me to ask for something in return," I said, grinning.

"The rush you get from racing should be enough for anyone," Cameron said with a heavy sigh. "But I GUESS if you want to wager something, let's say that if I win you tear up my check and eat the cost of last night,"

"What do I get if I win?" I asked.

"You can keep the check and maybe I'll even throw in a congratulatory kiss," Cameron said slyly.

"A kiss? You want me to risk my life for a kiss?" I responded in unbelieving jest.

"Well, maybe a little something more. Ok, enough talk...let's get to it!" she said.

We both returned to our cars and I rolled down the driver's window to talk to her. Cameron held up her stop watched and started her vehicle. Over the roar of the engine coming to life she shouted. "Push the middle button on the watch. See how it says 12:14?"

"Yes!" I yelled back.

"When it hits 12:16, we go. And trust me, they are set the EXACT same in time," Cameron said. "I'll see you at the finish line!"

She rolled up her window and I did the same, starting my car. I glanced over at Cameron but the windows of her Porsche were too hard to see into. All I could make out was her slender frame, hunched over the steering wheel ready to go. Placing the stop watch on the dashboard securely, I watched the seconds tick by.

12:15 17 seconds...

Cameron revved her engine and flipped on her brights. I made sure my seat belt was buckled and continued to watch the clock.

12:15 29 seconds...

I slowly put the tip of my toe on the gas while the other foot held down the break. I had a full tank so I was more than ready to haul ass. My car was bright red during the daytime but looked like a maroon demon as the moon light over head reflected off the hood, bathing each and every curve and contour of the pristine vehicle in a pale light.

12:15 52 seconds...

I got set and took a deep breath, ready to start.






12:16! GO!!!

I jammed down hard on the accelerator, causing my back wheels to spin slightly. But it was only for a moment, as less than a second later I was shot forward on the road, barely able to maintain control. Cameron, being more experienced with racing her car, had no trouble getting going and was quickly putting some distance between me and her. I glanced down at the speedometer as it raced from 45 mph to 60 to 75 to 85 to 100. When it hit 100, the world outside seemed to blur and I felt the car shake some. This was a fine tuned machine, well suited for top speeds on the Autobahn or somewhere else, but it was also a couple years old and I had never floored it like this. Maintaining control, I finally pulled close to Cameron as the trees outside in the pitch black dark of the road zoomed by.

I continued to accelerate and almost overtook Cameron when I saw the oak tree she was speaking up straight ahead, and coming at me quickly now. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck from the excitement as I did everything I could to catch up to her. We pulled even for what felt like forever but could only be a split second, and then she tapped some unknown part of her vehicle that I hadn't anticipated and pulled ahead of me just enough for me to realize, as I zoomed under the oak tree, that I had lost.

Letting up on the gas, I was in for an unwelcome surprise - the road curved almost immediately after the finish line and I was set to crash into the side of the hill if I didn't stop and NOW! I slammed on the brake and tried to wrestle control of the car back from the grip of the speed it had hit, the wheel suddenly feeling heavy as my pace slowed at an agonizing rate. I jerked as hard as I could on the wheel and felt the car start to go into a spin, the sites all around me moving in a circle. I could hear the squealing of the rubber on my tires outside as I slowed down but the hill continued to come faster and faster at me. All of this happened within a second, although it felt like forever. Finally, as I was just about to brace myself for a quick and hopefully painless death, the car rocked on it's wheels and stopped.

My body was so tense, my heart racing wildly in my chest and sweat now pouring down my face that I couldn't even move for a second. My knuckles were white as I caught my breath, holding onto the steering wheel like some kind of life preserver. My leg ached from pressing down on the brake so hard, but it was only when Cameron walked to my car and tapped on the window that I came back to reality and realized how tense I was. It was a scary feeling, knowing I could have crashed, but I could most certainly see the thrill in it. The way my adrenaline was pumping and my body running on all gears felt like the bliss of ten orgasms all at once. If my mind wasn't screaming at me for doing something so stupid, I would have enjoyed it even more.

Cameron motioned for me to roll down the window. With a shaky, tentative hand, I did.

"Well, at least you stopped. Jesus Dean, you look pale as hell! Are you all right?" Cameron asked.

"Ye...yeah, I think so," I replied, my voice scratchy in my throat. "You didn't tell me about that curve. I could have killed myself back there,"

"Na, you were fine. Besides, not telling you made the entire experience more thrilling, didn't it?" Cameron asked, leaning against my car now, her long fingers thumping on the window lightly. "Well, I won. Get out here so I can watch you tear up that check!"

I nodded and slowly opened my door, my legs wobbly but my heart still racing from the experience of the race. The feeling was not something I can aptly describe, it was just like an entire rush of energy had washed over me. Now it was my turn to lean against the car as I pulled the check from my pocket and handed it to her.

"Uh-uh. I want to see YOU tear it up," Cameron grinned. I held the check up to her eye level and tore it in first two parts, then another two, then one more set of two. I let the pieces twinkle to the ground like confetti, and it was then that I realized that we were standing in the middle of the road, blocking both lanes - well, my car was at least. Cameron had stopped completely casually a ways back and pulled off to the side of the road.

"Thank you! Now move your car so you don't get hit by anyone who might come along and let's go celebrate my victory!" Cameron bubbled excitedly. She climbed into my car and I started the engine, beginning to do a three point turn when I spotted, not too far down the road, a car approaching. Even in the dim light of the road, I could see the two lights on top and knew that we might be fucked if we didn't go quickly.

Cameron saw it too. "Shit, the cops! Ok, pull over to the side of the road real quick, up by my car," she said. I followed her instructions and shut off the engine as we both watched the cop car pause first by her car and then slowly move towards mine. I thought for sure that the cop had seen the whole thing and we were both going to be in trouble for such a stupid, pointless race. Cameron however had other ideas.

Leaning across the seat quickly, she began to kiss me. Not just a light peck on the lips either, but a full mouth kiss, tongue and all. Her mouth tasted sweet and delicate but it caught me totally off guard. I was puzzled as to what she was doing when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a flashlight peering in through my passenger window. Cameron's body was half on me, half off and she was squirming around wildly, her narrow hips bumping against my crotch and giving me a quickly growing hard on.

"Grab my tits, we need to put on a good show," Cameron whispered to me. I heeded her advice and grasped her breasts roughly with one hand while I held onto the small of her back with the other. Cameron's breasts felt much larger than I think they really were as they hung down against my neck like that, but I wasn't complaining - the diametric differences between her soft orbs and the roughness of her nipples through the fabric of her shirt was an interesting feel to say the least.

There was a tap on the glass of the window. Kissing me deeply one more time, Cameron plopped down in her seat, straightened herself out and put on a big smile for the cop as she rolled down the window, as if nothing had happened. I was still in a state of shock, the combination of adrenaline from the race and the sexual energy from our groping making my head spin.

"You know it's illegal to pull over to the side of the road like this," the officer, whose face I couldn't see because of his height, said to us.

"We're sorry officer, I guess we got a little carried away," Cameron said sweetly.

"Whose car is that?" he asked, all business.

"It's mine sir. I have a confession to make - I needed to go to the bathroom and since my boyfriend Dean here was following me, he pulled over too. We both got out, stretched and well, one thing let to another I guess," Cameron said, feigning innocent in a way that I never thought possible.

"Well, you two need to move along now. If you'd like to continue your own personal business further, I recommend renting a motel room. There are a handful of them just a few miles north of here," the cop said, finally lowering his face so that we could see him. In the pale moonlight, his freshly shaven face looked mysterious and ragged, the emptiness of his pores only accentuated more by the cold stare he was giving us.

"Yes sir, we will head that way right away," Cameron said to him with a smile. The cops tough guy persona vanished for a moment and he smiled back.

"Ok. You two be careful out there, you hear? Lot of kids come down this road to race their souped up cars and if you aren't careful you might be slammed into one of them before you can even react," the cop said. "Take care and move along,"

Cameron nodded at him and we both watched as he climbed back into his patrol car, scribbled something down for a moment and then continued on past us. My adrenaline rush was finally starting to ebb a little. We both breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"Well, that was close. Thanks for a fun evening Dean, but I should probably be going," Cameron said, climbing out of the car. I bolted after her - she had turned me on and I wanted to find out if it was all for show or if there was something else there.

"Wait, Cameron!" I said as I got out and saw her stop a few feet in front of my car. "That's it? You're going to give me a kiss like that and then just walk away?"

"Oh Dean, that was just for the cop. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend to go home to?" Cameron said. "I'd hate to be the 'other woman',"

"No, I don't. Come over here for a second," I said to her. She walked obligingly over, her hips swaying with every step.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that the kiss you just gave me, the invitation to fondle your tits, was all for show. Look me in the eyes and say that and then walk away from here without any sort of urges and I'll just call this night a fun excursion, nothing more. But if you can't..." I said, trailing off. Cameron stepped up to my eye level and we locked eyes.

"I...it was just for..." she said, but her eyes I could tell were just looking for an excuse to dart away from my own. I held her gaze steady.

"Say it. If you think you can," I said, feeling more brave now as I pulled her closer to me by the hips, the tips of my fingers brushing against her small ass.

"I kissed you because..." Cameron whispered, but then couldn't go on any further. With the same heat from our first embrace, she leaned into me again and kissed me hard. I was eager and excited to kiss her back and wasted no time in doing so, pulling her tightly against my body as our mouths groped and explored each other. Cameron grabbed my hand with hers and moved it down further onto her ass, to which I grabbed a handful of flesh and squeezed it gently, feeling the firm, tone muscles of her butt in my hand. This motion made Cameron's hips thrust forward against my own as our pelvis' grinded against one another, just a few aching inches away from release through the fabric of the clothes we wore.

I broke the kiss and moved my hands up to her shirt, slipping my fingers into the sleeveless material of the blouse, searching for a bra. Finding none, I allowed my fingers to trail down further into her chest as my palms brushed against her tits. Cameron moaned slightly in the night air as I moved over her quickly hardening nipples and allowed my fingers to reach up through the slight space in the front of her blouse and open it up, button by button, from the inside out. A moment later, I pushed open her shirt and the material hung loosely on her body, barely covering her breasts and doing nothing to hide her rock hard nipples.

Cameron pushed my hands away as she moved now to my shirt, lifting it straight over my head in one quick move. I pulled her closer for an embrace, the blouse parting to the side as we kissed, her breasts pressing against my still sweaty body. Cameron was obviously very horny by this entire thing, that public persona of sexuality she seemed to exude coming true right here and now. She fumbled with the belt on my pants for a moment and then unzipped my zipper, allowing me to step out of them as I kicked them aside into the dusty shoulder of the road. Eager to get the rest of her own clothing removed, Cameron slowly teased me as she eased out of the tight leather pants she wore, to reveal a complete lack of panties. She must have seen the look on my face.

"I never wear them when I'm racing. I get so turned on, I don't want anything more than what's required to stand between me and the wetness that I get when I hit top speed," she said seductively, unzipping the zippers down by her calves and stepping out of the pants. All the clothing that remained now were my simple white boxers and the shoes that we both wore.

There was something innocent looking in Cameron just by having her shoes remain on. The white sneakers she wore, in accent with her long legs and model-like frame gave her the look of a child in many ways, but it was the raw sexuality that seemed to come from every pore of her body that turned that child into a woman that shared more in common with a sex goddess than a school girl. The combination though was irresistible and when you threw in that dazzling smile of hers, any man would just about melt at the site that stood before me right then.

I took a step closer to Cameron and she didn't hesitate - I think she had achieved the same level of desire that I now felt, having mingled those feelings with the excitement from the race and the run in with the cop to create such a lust that neither one of us were acting very rationally anymore. It was all animal instinct, and we both wanted to act on it.

"Not here, I want to do it on my car," Cameron said, taking me by the hand as we walked naked across the road to the more secluded angle of her car. Cameron let go of my hand and eased up onto the hood of her car, spreading her wide, luscious legs out along the bumper. Even in the moonlight over head I could see her juices forming slightly along her moist pussy lips, a sign of her building up excitement. Dropping to my knees by her sweet smelling cunt, I began to kiss her leg down at the knee area, moving my mouth slowly up her tanned skin. A drop of sweat fell into my mouth and I licked it up as I continued further up to her waiting entrance. I teased her slightly by planting soft kisses everywhere BUT on her pussy and then proceeded to move down her other leg, repeating the same moves I had done previously.

Cameron was reclined on the car hood, and I could feel the combined radiating heat her body mixing with the industrial, not-quite-natural radiance coming from underneath the metal of the car. As I finished kissing and fondling her legs, I scooted further on my knees up to her waiting box and dove in without hesitation. It must have caught Cameron off guard, as she leaned her head back and half-moaned, half-howled in pleasure in the cool air of the late hour. Cameron was a natural blonde for sure, a tuft of hair shaved in a neat straight line above the entrance to her hole. The pink puffiness of her pussy, shimmering slightly in the light, looked incredibly inviting.

I took her outer cuntal lips in my mouth and sucked on them gently, nibbling lightly with my teeth as her entire pussy was sucked deeply into my mouth. As I held her sex in my mouth, I eased my tongue out like a tentative snake, moving it into her nether folds. Cameron moved a hand down to my mouth and spread her lips wider to allow me better access, my tongue now buried deep inside her channel. Cameron gasped loudly, a ragged gasp of lust as she moved her hand now from her pussy to the back of my head, holding my deeper between her legs.

The adrenaline rushing through me seemed to give my tongue a mind of it's own, as it whipped around deep inside of her, the tip brushing her aroused clit every other movement it seemed. I knew Cameron was extremely worked up from the race so I wasn't surprised when she orgasmed rather quickly, only a few pushes and teasings of her love button all it taking to bring about a flood of her juices. I drank them down willingly, the sticky sweetness only serving further to make my straining erection in my boxer shorts all the more painful. I continued to lick and eat out Cameron for a few minutes further, bringing her to another orgasm before she finally stopped me by pushing my head away.

"Are you going to fuck me or what?" she whispered deeply, still holding my face in her hands. I grinned and stood up, sliding my boxers off quickly. Lining my cockhead against Cameron's folds, I pressed into her easily, the juices in her wet pussy serving as an easy lubricant to allow me entrance deep into her hole within just a few short strokes. Her pussy was warm and comfortable, having that certain kind of looseness that told me that at the very least, Cameron was an experienced lover. It didn't take long for me to bury my full 9 inches inside of her before bottoming out, my balls brushing along the hood of the car before nestling in between her narrow and tight ass cheeks.

I moved in and out of her, causing the Porsche to rock and bounce slightly on it's wheels. Cameron was no longer just content to lie there and be fucked; she moved her legs around my waist and sunk her nimble fingers into my own ass cheeks, urging me in deeper and deeper with every stroke. I pushed and prodded deep inside of her, enjoying the feel of a wet pussy around my cock. It was hard to tell if this bravado I had in fucking her was from the left over excitement of the evening's earlier events or if simply being inside of her was exciting me in every nerve ending in my body. Either way, I didn't care, I was just happy to be in the position that I was in.

I leaned Cameron down onto her back again and hooked her long legs on top of my shoulders as I railed into her in a more comfortable angle. I could feel the metal underneath us buckle and sway in the motions of our lovemaking - to fuck such a beautiful woman on top of such an immaculate car was a surreal experience all it's own. Cameron writhed beneath me, tossing her head from side to side as I fucked her hard, my balls tight in their sac as I moved inch by inch in and out of her sopping love hole. Crying out something unintelligible, Cameron orgasmed again just as I felt my own load approaching. Although I would normally cum deep inside of a woman as beautiful as Cameron, I had a sudden change of heart and pulled out of her.

Wasting no time, Cameron slide her ass down the car and dropped to her knees on the ground as I stroked my cock towards my orgasm. Holding her mouth open, Cameron was there and waiting for when my wad finally arrived, shooting out in stream after continuous stream onto her face and mouth, coating her lips with my semen and landing a shot or two in her mouth. As my orgasm subsided, Cameron made no move to wipe my cum from her body, instead just closing her eyes and savoring the feeling as my hot seed spilled down her cheeks and onto her naked breasts. I paused for a moment, catching my breath as Cameron finally stood up, licking off a stray jet of cum that had dripped down her arm and onto her elbow.

Glancing down at my prick, I saw that I was still incredibly hard. Cameron saw it too, but this time it was she who chose the positioning that we would use. Bending over the car hood, Cameron spread her arms out on the vehicle and spread her legs even wider, just offering herself up for my entrance into her. I stepped up against her again, plunging my dick into her pussy for a few strokes as I got my shaft nice and wet again before lining up to her asshole. I gave her cheeks a playful little slap, amazed at how narrow and firm they were. She definitely had one of the best asses in Hollywood and I was practically salivating at the thought of burying my rod inside of it.

To my amazement, as I pushed my cockhead into her ass I met very little contraction from her inner muscles - Cameron must take it up the ass quite regularly. As if sensing my thoughts, she said "I just love anal sex, don't you?"

"Oh yes," I said as I plunged deep inside of her with one quick thrust, most of my shaft inside of her tight ass before I even could consider going slower. Cameron cried out in slight pain, but it was fleeting as she began to grunt pleasurably against me as my balls slammed against her pussy lips . I pulled my cock out gently before pushing back inside of her again, relishing the tight feel and look of her asshole stretched wide around my girth. My first orgasm seemed to recharge me completely and before long I had my hand around Cameron's waist as I thrust harder and harder into her, the car now shaking violently as it rocked in the half-grass/half-pavement of it's temporary parking spot. Grabbing a handful of her ass cheeks, I held her crack open wide to allow me better room to guide myself in and out of her, even changing the angle every now and then as the tip of my dick pressed into her deepest cavities. Without any help from me at all, Cameron's legs quivered as she achieved her fourth orgasm of the night. I could sense that she was getting a little tired, her knees rather wobbly against the car as she thrust back to meet my movements in and out of her tight butt.

I continued to fuck her in the ass for ten minutes or so, both of our bodies so coated with sweat that we seemed to move like an oiled machine, our parts seemingly made to fit one another perfectly. I thrust hard deep into Cameron and held myself there for a moment before feeling my balls rise up and my second, more powerful orgasm, arrive. Cameron must have felt it too because she stopped moving and rocking as I slowly pushed further into her as far as possible, the tip of my prick erupting in a second load of cum deep inside of her bowels. I must have shot three or four streams into her, as when I pulled my dick out from her ass a few minutes later, it was coated in a light layer of messy cum. Cameron turned over onto her back and laid on the hood of the car, enjoying the after sex moment. I did the same, pulling my boxers up and catching my breath.

We laid there for a few minutes, not saying anything, before I was startled by a rustling in the woods next to us. I shot up from the car and looked for my pants, hustling over to get them and pull them up as I saw two teenagers, probably no older than 18 or 19, emerge from the woods. They were wearing almost all black and looked a little woozy, as if they had drank (or smoked) just a little two much. The first one approached us, a backpack over his shoulder as he spoke to me.

"Dude, did you just fuck Cameron Diaz?" he asked.

"Well I uh...how do you know who she is?" I asked, puzzled by such an exact question.

"For one, we heard your voices about two miles away. Trevor and me were back there chugging some beers and smoking some weed when we heard what we thought were moans. So we like, came up here and watched you two go at it for a while and when we saw you stop, Trevor thought that we should come see if...well maybe, we could get in on a little bit of that action," the teenager said.

"But how do you know that this lady is Cameron Diaz?" I said.

"Duh, the license plate on that car you were doing it on says 'CAM DIAZ'. Plus she looks JUST like her," Trevor, the other kid, said.

"Yes, this is Ms. Diaz. But we would appreciate it if you boys didn't say anything about what you saw. I can make it worth your while," I said, pulling my shirt back on and reaching into my wallet for some money to try and buy them off.

"Fuck that, we don't want your money. We want a piece of that ass," the first kid said. "We saw the way you were hitting it and there is no WAY I'd pass up some shit like this,"

"How old are you two?" Cameron asked them, speaking for the first time. She was still naked on the top of the car and was looking disinterested, despite the fact that she was tracing around the outline of her nipples absently with her hands and a small dribble of cum was leaking from between her legs onto the hood of the car.

"I'm 18 and Trevor here is 19," the boy said, trying to sound grown up. "Uh...ma'mm,"

There was a pause in the conversation - I wasn't sure where to take it but the only likely question to ask was the one that seemed to hang in the air.

"Well, are you interested Cameron?" I said, the words seeming to drift out of my mouth slower than usual in the night air.

"Yeah, I think so. I'd never pass up some young, potent dick," Cameron said, in the same manner of voice I imagine she ordered salads with at a restaurant. "Not to slight you in any way Dean. That was great,"

I looked over at the two teenagers, who were now standing side by side, shit eating grins on their faces. They looked like eager puppies, just waiting to be "rewarded".

"Alright, fine. But not a word of this to ANYONE, understand?" I said to them. They both nodded their heads violently - I could have told them to do 50 push-ups with their dicks right there and then on the road and they would have done it just to have a chance with Cameron.

"Good. I'm going home, you three have fun. But don't call me to bail you out of jail if you get caught for indecent exposure," I told Cameron as I started walking to my car, wiping the sweat from my brow. Cameron waved in acknowledgement as I stepped into my car. Driving back up the hill, I glanced in my rear view mirror to see the two teenagers standing in front of Cameron, their legs spread wide a little and Cameron's hands nowhere in site. Shaking my head, I drove home.

The sun was just starting to come up now over the valley and I began to reflect, for the first time in a long time, on where I was going with all this. The sex was great and the company was doing good, but is this really how I wanted to spend my life? Was there something more out there to do or was this as good as it gets - money, power, beautiful women, exciting adventures. The answer didn't come to me as I got home, showered and crawled into bed, trying to get a few hours of sleep before work. But I knew that at some point it would hit me and that the path I chose would be the one that would be my destiny. Drifting off to sleep, I pondered what that destiny could be, and just as I felt I had it, I slipped into unconsciousness.
Title: Journal Of An Agent Ch. 30 - The Finale
Post by: Carnage Jackson on October 04, 2023, 09:09:57 PM
Chapter 30: The Finale

Well, this is it. This chapter is dedicated to all the readers who followed the series all the way through and kept me on my toes and offered great feedback. All of you made the series more special and fun to write. I'm not ending my writing career by any means but it was time to end JOA. Any closing feedback you might have is most appreciated. Ok, enough blabbering...enjoy the finale!

* * * * *

"So tell me Damon, where do you see yourself in say, 10 years?" I said to my assistant as we both munched down some bagels during an impromptu breakfast in my office.

"Mmph!" he replied, finishing chewing, pausing to swallow before he continued. "Well, I'd like to stay here at Shooting Stars. Of course my dream is to direct a film, even a low budget indie one. I want to get higher up in the Hollywood hierarchy,"

"Then you want to move to behind the camera, rather than ushering stars in front of it?" I said with a smile.

"Pretty much. Why do you ask?" he replied.

"No reason, just popped into my mind. All the stuff that's happened to me in almost the last two years has really made me think about my life," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I mean, running the firm is like a dream come true - I get to mingle with the most beautiful people in the world, help them out, and get paid very well to do it. Of course, there are the fringe benefits too," I replied.

"But of course," he said with a wicked smile.

"But I mean, things get a little stale after a while. I was star struck when I first took over for my father, but now hardly even the most strange things or situations bother me. I think I might need a change of scene, or at the very least a vacation. What do you think?" I asked, wiping my mouth as I finished the bagel and took a sip of coffee.

"Don't get me wrong, I love working here. Every day is like a new adventure in my life, something I'll be able to tell all my grandkids about - how I was on the edge of Hollywood, helping you call the shots. But I can understand where you are coming from. Since I've worked for you, I don't even know how many women have come and gone with you, and I know from personal experience that so many different women, who all have different problems, can be very tiring. Hell, any type of solid relationship would wear me out!" Damon said.

"So then you don't think that I'm off the mark when I say I may want to, I don't know, sell the whole thing and move on with my life?"

"Not at all. But I don't want to see you go, not only because I would probably be out of work but also because I consider you a pretty good friend and I hate parting with friends. But it's your life, your business, you should be able to do whatever you want and be happy with the choices you make," Damon said.

"I guess you're right. It's just something I've been kicking around for a while, but it feels like all of this is leading up to something, that I'm at a juncture in my life and I will have to make a decision real soon," I said with a sigh.

There was a tentative knock on the office door, followed by a slight creak as it opened slightly.

"Uhh, Dean?" a voice said. It was Ashley, the young girl I had hired last week to help Damon out and serve as a part-time temp for the firm.

"Yes Ashley, what is it?" I said to her.

"Catherine Bell just called. Or, well, actually, a rep from CBS called and they said that she wants to see you as soon as possible about something going on," Ashley said. She was a smart girl, a little shy but was learning pretty quickly how to work in an office.

"Did they say what it was?" I asked, standing up and brushing myself off from a few loose crumbs.

"No, they said that even SHE wouldn't say. They just told me to tell you to come down to the lot, lot 4G, and speak with the director," Ashley said.

I sighed again and looked at Damon. "Well, guess it's back to the grind. Thanks for hearing me out on that stuff Damon," I said.

"No problem Dean. Good luck figuring out what she wants," Damon said as he cleaned up the bagels and cream cheese from the corner of my desk.

"Thanks. I'll have my cell phone, so you or Ashley can call if you need me," I said, heading out the door.

Traffic was pretty light that morning for some reason, especially once you got off the freeway. Cruising downtown, I had to pay attention and make sure I didn't accidentally hit one of the people running across the road. That was the last thing I needed - a vehicular manslaughter charge to deal with. I had taken a new company car, a black BMW X5 and was still getting used to driving such a massive vehicle - a delivery man moving a big box into one of the smaller studios was almost an unfortunate victim of my learning experience. Pulling into the CBS lot, I got clearance with the guard and drove around looking for lot 4G.

The CBS lot was just like you might imagine a studio lot to be - big, filled with sets and big warehouses, crew and stars zipping around it's concrete lawn on golf carts, buzzers going off indicating filming was taking place. I finally located the lot, the filming studio for the non-travel spots of "JAG", the wildly successful military drama in which Catherine Bell, a long time client, was a co-star of. Parking the car, I walked in through a side door and collided with a PA, who looked to be just as startled as me.

"Can I help you?" he asked excitedly in that tone of voice that only those who live and breath Los Angeles for many years can carry.

"I'm Catherine Bell's agent, Dean Simonds, I was told that she needed to see me?" I asked to him, straightening out my charcoal gray suit as I shifted into business mode. A slight look of disgust washed over the PA's face - no matter how nice you were to people in the industry, agent's never got accepted as anything but weasels and scum. In most cases though, the distinction was not unwarranted.

"Right this way. Go down and take a left, then take another left and one right and you will be at her trailer," the PA said before hustling off. Following his directions, I headed out from inside the building to a large door leading to an open set, with a row of trailers off to the side. I walked along them, looking for her name, but Catherine spotted me first. She stuck her head out from the trailer and called my name.

I came over to her and she opened the door to let me in. The trailer was hot and musty, the television on and the space tight and cramped. I had told her many times that I could get her a nicer trailer, but she never took me up on the offer. I still couldn't see why. I was a little taken aback as I came in and my eyes adjusted from the brightness of the morning to the dark recesses of the trailer to see Catherine leaning up against a small mini-bar, sipping a drink in only a pair of khaki pants (part of her regular costume from JAG) and a bra. Nothing else. Her brown hair looked freshly cleaned and styled, but from the sweat glistening off her body and the cleft between her ample breasts, I took it that she hadn't been on set for at least a few hours.

"Fix you a drink Dean?" Catherine asked.

"No, thank you. And quite frankly, don't you think that you shouldn't be drinking when it's only 10:30 in the morning?" I said, walking over to her and taking the small glass from her hands and setting it on the counter. She snatched it back up and finished it off, setting it back down again as she poured herself another. I could smell the alcohol in this part of the trailer and wondered how many drinks she had actually had, even though she looked to be perfectly coherent.

"I'll do what I damn well please. And if you don't agree with me then you can leave like the rest of them," Catherine snapped as she turned away from me. Here we go, another long morning...

"Alright, I'm sorry. But could you tell me why I'm down here? Why are the studio heads calling me to come talk to you?" I asked, talking to her turned back.

"You wouldn't understand," she said. "No one here seems to understand,"

"Well, try me. That's what I'm here for," I said reassuringly. Catherine turned to face me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm upset. It's not about the show. Well, it is but it isn't. With all the stuff that's happening in the world, I just don't see the point in acting anymore. I mean, what good is it doing to make life better for people?" Catherine said, her voice fighting back tears.

"Catherine, I'm not following you. What in the world upset you?" I asked.

"It's all that stuff that's going on in the Middle East right now. Israel. Palestine. Iraq. Iran. It's just...well, you know I'm Iranian, right?" Catherine said.

I nodded.

"See, even though I don't live there, I have family and friends there and with all this trouble that it going on in that region, I can't sleep. I can't eat. And I most certainly can't act. It just seems to trivial to try and entertain an audience when people I know are out there in what could be grave danger," she said, sobbing now as she walked over to the couch in the middle of the room and sat down. I followed her.

"But Catherine, this has been going on for thousands of years! I won't argue with you that it's not upsetting, but I mean, do you think anything is really going to change any time soon?" I asked, trying to comfort her. It backfired.

"That's just what my husband said. So I guess you don't understand either," she said, turning away from me, bitterness in her voice.

"Catherine, listen. I'm here to do whatever you need me to, but I can't save the world. I can't make people stop hating each other, I can't stop people killing one another. I can only do my part, for you, to make your life better and happy so that you can live out your dreams. Remember when you told me a year back or so that you were happy in your life, that you had become the star you had dreamed about being back when you were a little girl? Remember how joyous your life was, just because you were going out there every day and bringing, if only for a few minutes at a time, enjoyment to people whose lives might be missing it?" I said. Catherine was silent for a moment, sipping from her drink.

"Yes. But don't you see how empty that really is? How this whole Hollywood industry is just about selling movies or television shows or magazines?" she said quietly.

"I do see that. But I also see a beautiful woman with immense talent, feeling sorry for things she can't change in the world. It's alright to be upset about the world, about injustices. But if you let it consume you, if you let it become all that you think about, then you are just adding to more misery in the world by not being an active part of it," I replied.

"So then what should I do?" Catherine said, facing me now. The tears that had run down her face left soft streaks down her beautifully darkened cheeks.

"You should do what your heart tells you to do. You should make the best of your life and keep following your dream. You should donate or speak out against what you believe strongly in, but you should make your life whole by using the talents and position you are in now to help that. Recognition doesn't always have to come from a television screen you know," I said, smiling.

Catherine was silent again, moving now to lay down on the couch. I stood up over her as she turned her face away to the inside of the couch. I waited a moment before saying anything.

"So will you go back out there and do what you know you should? Can I tell the producers that?" I asked.

Catherine nodded softly. "Yes. Tell them I'll come back to work in an hour or so, ok? But I want you to come and get me, not some pimply faced production assistant. Alright? Right now, I just need to be alone, to sleep maybe a bit,"

"Ok," I said, patting her lightly on her smooth and flawless shoulder.

I exited the trailer back out into the quickly increasing heat of the day. Heading back to the main building where production was done for the show, I glanced around for the producers. Spotting a man sitting in a chair behind the cameras, I walked over towards him. I was cut off however, by someone I really didn't want to deal with.

"Dean baby, what's shaking?" Rick Dugan said to me as he stepped in my way. Rick was a music agent, representing mostly musicians like Christina Aguilera out here. It was his client, Ms. Aguilera in fact, that had ruined my relationship with Alyssa Milano almost a year ago. I hadn't seen him since, but I was surprised and not thrilled to see him now, as he just oozed sleazeball.

"Hi Rick. What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to make a hopefully brief conversation.

"Didn't ya know? I've moved on to bigger things now. I still do music reps, but now I'm branching out into TV and movies. I've got a girl here right now who has a minor role in the episode they are shooting today and I wanted to come down and make sure everything went okay and maybe try to get her a bigger part on the show, ya dig?" Rick said with a shark's grin.

"Yeah. Well congrats," I said, trying to step around him. He cut me off again though.

"So, I know that things didn't work out with that bitch Aguilera, but you have any more clients who you might want to send my way? Word on the grapevine is that Dean Simonds has been through hell and back in Hollywood and might be leaving the game," he said. I was startled by his knowledge of this, but quickly reasoned that he had probably just assumed it after what had happened with the failed take over that my half-brother Jacob had planned. It was a not-too-secret secret amongst the industry folks.

"No, I'm not leaving. At least not today or anything. And no, you can't have any of my clients. I'd rather have my balls chopped off than send them to you," I said coldly, my anxiousness to speak to the director hopefully evident on my face.

"Hey, woah there baby, don't get all defensive. It was just a simple question. Oh wait, you're still pissed cuz I ruined things with you and that Milano chick, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, something like that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do," I said, butting into his shoulder and walking past him.

"Hey Dean!" he called behind me. I spun on one foot and turned to face him, sighing heavily in exasperation.


"If you ever change you're mind, you know where to find me. Look for the big car being driven by the big dick man. That will be me," he called with a laugh. A puzzled crew member walked between us as I approached the producer, ignoring Dugan's comment. Reaching the producer, we talked for a few minutes, as I explained to him that Catherine was upset over personal issues but that she should be back to work right after they broke for lunch around 1:00 or so.

"Just make sure she is here. We can go a day or so without her, but if she isn't back in top form than we will have to postpone production till next week. And the studio heads will have my ass," he said. I gave him my assurance and headed back to Catherine's trailer. I had managed to kill about 40 minutes of time, so I thought I would just go in quietly and wait for Catherine to wake up. I would be there in case she needed anything, plus I could stress how important it was that she get back to work ASAP if she was already ready.

Opening the trailer door quietly, Catherine was still stretched out on the couch, her back facing me. Only now I saw, she was naked from the waist down, presumably to get more comfortable in the sticky heat of this giant metal box. Her perfectly shaped ass faced me and for a moment I felt a twitching in my pants. I quickly examined the rest of the trailer, trying to avoid looking at her smooth skin, supple ass cheeks and long legs. Out of things to look at in less than a couple of minutes, I took a seat across from her and watched her sleep, the rhythmic breathing of her back moving up and down softly. I knew she would be annoyed to find me sitting there watching her while she slept, especially naked, but if I had to then I could just play it off as having just walked in.

To my wide eyed surprise, Catherine stirred in her sleep, turning over onto her side as she now faced me. Her luscious breasts were still held inside of her bra, but seemed to be straining against the flimsy fabric. I could see the outline and top of her nipple just poking out over the top of her bra. They were about medium sized, a rich dark brown color with the tips poking against the fabric of her undergarment. Her mound was a dark black nest of neatly trimmed hair, her pussy lips slightly visible in between her crossed legs. Like her nipples, they were a deep brown color and looked so inviting, a hint at the pink buried deeper within visible only slightly.

I realized I had been holding my breath in awe at her beautiful naked form and let the air escape from my lips slowly, the heat of the trailer, combined with the rush of spying on this sleeping beauty causing my head to pound. I debated about what to do: should I leave and then reenter loudly to let her know I was there, giving her time to get dressed? Or would she even care if I continued to sit where I was and gaze upon her, hoping that she wouldn't be angry when she awoke.

Catherine stirred again and the left underside of her breast pushed against the surface of the couch she lay on, causing her breast to free itself from the weak encumberment that held it inside her bra. Her nipple was now completely visible to me and I was flushed with the excitement of being a voyeur to her snooze. But she wouldn't want her breast sticking out like that, would she? I quickly decided that she wouldn't and made up my mind to very slowly approach her and put the heavy weight of her beautiful orb back inside it's casing. Standing up, I took a few very slow steps until I was over her. I waited for a moment to make sure she wasn't awake, but her shallow breathing continued. I slowly lowered my hand to just an inch or so over her breast, the slight perspiration of her skin in the morning heat causing small little droplets of sweat to form beneath where my hand hovered.

I moved down centimeter by centimeter to her breast until the tip of my finger touched her smooth, supple skin. I then placed two more fingers on her flesh and slowly traced down to the base of where her nipple lay exposed, enjoying the rough feel of it. My fingers glided past her nipple to the bra itself and with two fingers I took the lacy material in my fingers and held it there, trying to be cautious about sliding it up. However, in that moment that I held it, her naked body just lying there, my morals urging me to cover her up, my mind instead did something different. Rather than pull the fabric back up, I held the tip of the bra firm and pulled it down more, ever so slowly. I watched as it slid down her breast, down the slope of it till it had reached the bottom of her globe and wedged itself beneath it. With one breast exposed, the luscious sight of it intoxicating in the stale heat of the trailer, I stepped back slightly and gazed down upon what I had done. My body was in full control of my mind now and I watched through my mind's eye as my hand drifted over to the other breast and, just as slowly, pulled the bra off of it till both breasts lay exposed in the room.

The excitement of undressing Catherine inch by inch was too much for me, I had to take things as far as I could. My fingertips drifted away from her breasts down to her firm tummy until my hand rested just an agonizing inch or so above her womanhood. I paused now for a few seconds, debating what to do - should I leave her as she is or try to go further, perhaps see what her inner folds held for the curious.

Catherine answered this question for me by rolling from her side over onto her back, her legs shifting on the couch to leave herself open and exposed to my wandering eyes and hand. I stepped to the side of the couch and gazed between her legs: her opening was now much more visible, the delicate slit that led to her inevitably beautiful pussy covered only in the finest of hair and slight stubble. Catherine must have shaved it for her husband I thought to myself. Now I was really in a tough situation, because my body and the massive bulge in my pants begged me to slip a finger or so into her and reveal her box, but my mind and reasoning said to leave things be, I'd done enough already. I debated it for a moment or so, glancing at the clock on the wall: I still had 30 minutes until Catherine was supposed to be at the studio for filming, could I really pull this off and still get her there on time?

My hand trembled slightly as I pushed the tip of my finger against her tight folds and slipped inch by agonizing inch of my finger inside of her pussy. She wasn't exactly wet inside, but the sweat from between her legs had dripped down into her opening allowing me at least a little lubrication as my finger slid into her. Feeling brave, I retracted my finger and instead pushed three into her at once, all at a very slow and (hopefully) unnoticeable pace. I got all three in almost all the way before Catherine's hips bucked a little and a soft moan escaped from her lips. I froze my hand where it was, praying that she didn't wake up. But as she shifted her head away again, I realized that she was too far gone in the land of slumber to notice what I was doing - in her dreams, she was probably enjoying it. My attention to her cunt had not gone unrewarded, as when I pulled my hand from within her I saw the tips of my fingers wet with her juices. I quietly licked them off, enjoying the sweet taste of her arousal. Looking at her opening again, I saw that her lips had parted slightly in arousal and gave me the view I was looking for: beyond the brown outline of her outer lips, Catherine's pussy inside was a light pink color. The view, the taste of her inner juices and perhaps even the heat of the trailer caused my mind to lock itself away as my body took over - I had to feel the inside of her around my cock.

Unbuttoning my pants and sliding down my boxers, allowing both to fall onto the floor, I felt the rush of hot air brush over my naked lower body as I held my very erect cock in my hand and pondered the best way to gain access. I noticed that one of Catherine's legs had started to slip onto the floor a little bit, her thigh resting on the edge of the soft couch. This was the angle I could work myself into her, I thought. I moved in front of her leg and placed my fingers beneath her flesh, pulling on her slightly. This caused Catherine's body to slide down slightly on the couch, her legs gently touching the floor at shin level. She still didn't seem to stir or awaken, and I felt encouraged by this, her breasts resting lightly on her chest atop the material of her bra. Parting her legs slightly, I dropped down to a sort of crouch and aimed my cock at her opening.

Even though I was now sweating in lust and desire to fuck Catherine, I still didn't want her to awaken. That's why as the tip of my cock pressed against her hole, I slowed my entry into her to as slow as I could possibly go, letting my dick enter into her waiting channel with as little thrusting as possible. I watched with bated breath as inch by inch slowly disappeared inside of her until only a few inches of my 9 inch cock remained exposed, the maximum I thought I could safely put in her now at it's limit. I held myself in that position for a while, simply savoring her tight opening enveloped around my cock. I began to pull myself out of her when suddenly Catherine moaned again, an unintelligible, guttural gasp at the feeling of having something inside of her. I again paused but after she stopped her moan, I continued to retract my dick. As I withdrew from her all but completely, leaving just the tip inside, I entered her again. Only to my surprise, I found her box had warmed up and was now quite wet around my cock: whatever that moan had been about, it was obviously turning her on.

Getting a good tempo going, I held myself up by placing my hand near Catherine's leg on the couch, gripping the fabric tightly as I worked in and out of her slowly. As much as I just wanted to ram into her as hard I could, I knew that in the position I was in right now, I'd be going to jail for rape if I got caught. I leaned over Catherine's nude, beautiful body and held my head over her breasts, unable to resist the temptation of dipping my mouth down and giving her right nipple a soft lick. Looking up from this, I was startled to see that Catherine's eyes had started to open slightly, small little slits that I knew would allow her to see me.

Almost paralyzed with fear at being caught now, I lifted myself away from her as quietly as I could and began to pull myself out of her. As the last tip of my dick exited out of her, Catherine's eyes opened completely and she saw me.

"Dean, what are you doing?" she murmured.

"I was...Jesus, I know this looks bad but I wasn't...I mean I didn't intend to," I stuttered, trying to distance myself from her but finding my feet not cooperating by moving.

"No, what are you doing? Why are you pulling out of me?" Catherine said, now awake and brushing her matted hair from her eyes.

"What???" I said, shocked.

"Well, aren't you going to keep fucking me? I mean, I almost had an orgasm a second ago and now you decide to pull out. What's wrong, is there something wrong with my pussy?" Catherine said, sliding a hand down to her opening and pulling apart her cunt lips lewdly.

"So...you knew what I was doing the whole time?" I asked, shocked.

"Knew? I set it up! You didn't really think I was asleep did you?"

"Well, yeah actually I did," I replied, my dick now bobbing slightly in the air. Catherine reached out and held it in her soft hand, twisting her palm over the moist tip. "You mean all that drinking and everything was just an act?"

"Yeah, pretty good huh? I have been feeling really down lately though, but yeah...that was just cranberry juice. Now how about we finish what you started, hmmm?" Catherine said softly, squeezing my still erect cock lightly in her hand. Happy to oblige, I allowed her to lead me to her spread legs and we both watched as she guided me deep inside of her hole, no hesitation this time.

Able to leverage myself deeper inside of her now, I buried all of my shaft deep inside Catherine's now very wet pussy. Catherine cried out in ecstasy as I rocked my body hard into her, her nails digging deep into my back as she pulled me as deep as she could into me. I couldn't help but laugh a little inside at having been fooled by her so thoroughly, but the reward now was well worth the trouble I had gone to in slowly undressing and teasing her body.

Catherine lifted her face up to me and kissed me deeply, her tongue wrestling it's way into my mouth hungrily. I returned the kiss as I continued to thrust in and out of her my balls hitting softly against her ass, the sound of our bodies writhing together filling the air of the trailer.

I as fucked her, I felt Catherine's pussy squeeze my cock tightly as her inner muscles spasmed and she hit an orgasm with a soft cry, her juices coating my shaft's entire length. As she came, I held myself deep inside of her, the tip of my prick pressing against the deep walls of her cervix. Pulling myself out of her, I began to thrust into her with gusto, the feel of her tight snatch creating a sexual heaven on earth. My shirt was now totally soaked with sweat, as was most of Catherine's body as we continued to make love on the couch, her aroused clit poking at the base of my cock as I moved in and out of her.

My orgasm began to bubble up inside of my balls as I continued to fuck her. Catherine seemed to sense it and stopped my deep thrusts my grasping onto my ass cheeks and not letting me go, her fingers holding firmly against my body as I felt the tip of my head explode in cum deep inside of her. I hadn't had sex in a few days, so the copious amount of sperm that erupted from my prick filled her wet vagina, creating a sloshing sound as I slowly withdrew my prick from inside of her, a dribble of semen leaking out of her gaping opening. I pulled out of her completely and collapsed on the couch next to, out of breath and sweating profusely from the encounter. Catherine stuck a hand down to her wet opening and rubbed our mixed juices in between her fingers, enjoying the feel of the slippery fluids as it leaked out of her body.

I glanced at my watch and with some alarm said "Oh shit, you're supposed to be on the lot in 10 minutes!"

Catherine stood up, some of my seed leaking down her leg in a slow, lazy trickle. "That's ok, I can take a quick shower and be there with time to spare. There's some towels over in that cabinet over there if you want to clean yourself up," she said, turning and darting towards the bathroom. I sat on the couch, my softening erection still wet with her moisture as I watched her cute ass bounce as she disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door.

I found said towels and removed the clothes I still wore, drying my body off and wiping her own cum from my balls and all around my lower body. I had just finished dressing when Catherine emerged from the bathroom, her hair a little damp from the shower but the clothes she wore just what was expected for when she arrived on set: a tan military uniform. Her short hair had been brushed and framed her beautiful face even more clearly than any television set could ever hope to show. We exited the trailer and headed towards the lot.

"Here is Catherine, as promised," I said to the producer, who stood talking to a camera man.

"Great, thank you Mr. Simonds. You finally ready to get started Catherine?" the man said.

"Yes Jim," she replied with an enthusiastic sigh. "Just let me talk to Dean for one more second, ok?"

"Fine. Go see makeup when you are ready," Jim said.

Catherine turned to me. "Thanks for helping me out today. What you said about acting and making the world better...well, that seemed pretty genuine. And genuine statements are hard to come by in this town. If I need anything else, I'll call you," Catherine said to me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Glad to help," I replied, returning the kiss. Catherine smiled at me and then headed off to the make up department. I headed for the exit when my cell phone rang.

"Dean Simonds here," I said.

"Hey Dean," Damon's voice said on the other line. "You get things squared away with Catherine Bell?"

"Yeah. It was a little uh, sticky at first but things are fine now. What's up?" I replied.

"Just wanted to remind you of your lunch with Rose McGowan in 40 minutes. Chez Francesco, remember?" Damon said.

"Shit, you're right. I'm on my way there now. Thanks for the tip," I replied.

"Don't mention it. Hey, I'm not feeling so hot right now, you mind if I head off a little early today, say after lunch?" Damon asked.

"Sure thing. Just leave me a note with any calls I need to make, ok?" I said.

"Not a problem. See you later," Damon said, and then he hung up. I put the phone back in my pocket as I started up my car and headed towards my lunch date with Rose McGowan.

Rose came to the firm during a lull in her career, when she was stuck making such flops as "Jawbreaker" and other straight to video releases. However, I spotted in her a knack for subtle comedy and urged her to try and fill the void left by Shannon Doherty on "Charmed", which she successfully managed to get. Since then, things have been really hot for her, her popularity growing and the wild side of her personal life always providing juicy gossip that got people talking.

Rose was undoubtedly very attractive, but she had always seemed slightly intimidating to me, almost to the point of being so overly sexual that she seemed unapproachable. Rose seemed to just ooze sensuality and it was no surprise to me at all that she had thus far in her career filled the "vamp" roles in just about everything she did. This sexuality worked to her advantage career wise, but when it came to actually sitting down and talking to her, I felt as if I had finally met my match when it came to seduction.

We had scheduled this lunch date a few weeks before her first "Charmed" season ended and I specifically chose a place as far away from that set as possible - I didn't want to run into her co-star, Alyssa Milano, given all the heartache I had caused her when we had first went out.

The restaurant, a mixture of expensive French food and more casual, lighter California style dishes, was packed with the business crowd that filled most of the tables, people of all races and ages chattering loudly with one another over who knew what. I walked into the welcome cool air of the restaurant and spotted Rose in the back corner of the restaurant, her pale face touched lightly by a beam of sunlight that brushed the table and ran over the side of her body. She wore a maroon top that traced and outlined every single curve of her upper body and her dark hair hung in bangs against her cheeks. Rose smiled at me when she saw me and I took a seat across from her.

"Dean, how are you?" Rose said.

"I'm doing good. Busy morning," I said.

"It looks it. Your face looks a little flushed," Rose said, reaching her hand out and brushing my cheek.

"It's the heat I guess," I replied. "So, have you been waiting long?"

"No, not really. I got here about 5 minutes ago and the waiter came over and took my drink order. I hope you don't mind that I ordered some wine, since I figured you would be paying," Rose said with a grin.

"Not as long as you ordered some for me too," I chuckled.

"Of course. That would be rude of me not to, don't you think?" Rose said, sliding her hand across the table and placing it over mine. Rose was certainly not one to keep her hands off from other people, but the softness of her fingertips tracing up to her pale but flawless skin was not unappreciated by me.

We chatted for a few minutes as the waiter came and took our order, dropping off glasses of wine. The topics were nothing in particular, mostly just Hollywood stuff, but slowly the conversation drifted to her experiences on set with Alyssa.

"You know, she still talks about you," Rose said, sipping her wine.

"She does?" I said, a little uneasy now that the topic had been brought up.

"Yeah. Not like psycho-obsessed with you talking, but little things. How you used to kiss her, how kind you were to her in helping her career out, that sort of thing," Rose said.

"And she just talks about all this out of the blue?" I said, amazed that Alyssa was still thinking about me after what had happened.

"Well, we were talking about sex one day and I was telling them about this great fuck I had with this guy I met at a bar once, before I was famous and all that, and she just mentioned how when she was with you she had the best sex of her life," Rose said, smiling at me wickedly, enjoying I think the emotional pangs that this brought out in me.

"She said that huh? Wow," I remarked, shaking my head slightly.

"I think her exact words were 'Dean knows how to fuck a woman. It didn't matter when or where but he always could make you cum in floods'" Rose said, chuckling. An older couple at the table next to us shot Rose a dirty look, to which she stuck her tongue out at in return.

"That's quite a compliment coming from someone like Alyssa," I said quietly.

"Tell me about it. When she told me that, I went home that night and masturbated myself to a pretty hot orgasm thinking about you and her getting it on," Rose said. I almost choked on my drink.

"Really?" I said, clearing my throat.

"Definitely. I mean, I'm tempted to just grab you by that cute tie of yours, throw you onto one of these tables and jump your bones right here," Rose said. I felt my cock twitch slightly - it was this sort of brazen sexual boasting that had always managed to catch me off guard. I was amazed that we had managed to steer clear of such escapades before, given this predatorial sexuality she seemed to have within herself and my apparently uncanny knack for seducing some of Hollywood's top women.

I decided to play along with her boastings to see where they led.

"You would huh?" I said with a smile just as wicked as any that she had flashed me.

"Maybe not right here, but definitely in the restaurant. I love having sex in public, it feels so naughty and wrong, don't you think?" Rose said. I felt her foot brush against my pant leg underneath the table, her shoe off as her toes traced up in between my legs to my crotch. I adjusted myself slightly in my seat.

"So then what are you suggesting?" I asked.

"Well, let's eat first and let me scope this place out a bit for a good location. Then we can decide on that," Rose said. "That is, if you're up to it,"

"Just from Alyssa's boastings alone you know I am," I replied. Rose smiled at me and we just looked at each other in silence, my mind racing as I tried to ponder what this sexual lioness seemed to have in store. I was willing to try and do anything once, but when it came to situations like this I was far from creative in creating schemes.

Our food arrived a few minutes later and we sat eating in silence. However, Rose's foot had not left it's spot in between my legs and in fact seemed more than content to be there, her toes massaging my balls lightly through the fabric of my slacks and boxers. I felt a growing erection with every touch of my manhood by Rose and shifted a little in my seat to keep it from being too obvious if a waiter/waitress happened to walk by.

Rose had ordered another glass of wine and now it was her turn for her skin to be slightly flush, a pinkish hue forming on her cheeks as she drank the wine with her meal. When we had both finished, the waiter brought me the bill and as I was pulling out my credit card from my wallet, Rose stood up from her seat.

"I need to use the ladies room, I'll be right back," she purred, winking at me slightly. The waiter happened to catch it too.

"Is that Rose McGowan?" he asked. He was a college kid, probably barely old enough to drink the wine he served.

"Yes, it is. I'd introduce you two but we really must be going," I said to him. He nodded, a little disappointed but at least happy to have spotted a star on his shift. As soon as he left the table, I straightened out my hair and tie - this was the hint Rose had been waiting all this time to give me, and now it was show time. This would not be the first time I had engaged in a sexual romp in public, but it would most certainly be the most crowded place I had done so. I was trembling with excitement when the waiter brought back the receipt and I signed it.

"Tell her that I'm a big fan," he said to me as I stood up to leave.

"I will, and I'm sure she is thankful of your support," I replied, heading off towards the restrooms.

They were located away from the main dining area, in a sort of corner of the restaurant. I passed some pay phones and lingered by them as a woman came out of the ladies room. I could hear the din of the restaurant from where I was in the hallway and made sure that no one saw me as I opened the ladies room door and slipped in quietly.

"Rose?" I called softly into the restroom. Soft background music played in a speaker above the door and the floor by the sinks and leading to the stalls was carpeted in a burgundy color that resembled the top that Rose was wearing.

"I'm in here. Lock the door," I heard her say from the far, handicap stall. "We don't have much time, so hurry up,"

I treaded quietly down towards where she was. I spotted her black shoes standing on the polished linoleum of the tile floor where the carpet stopped and the stall began.

"Is there anyone else in here?" I asked as I pushed the door open. Rose was standing naked by the toilet, her dress and top, not to mention her panties and bra slung over neatly on the metal bars of the stall. All she wore was her pair of black heels, which I realized were the "fuck me" style stiletto pumps, and a smile. Her nipples were small and pink on her ample breasts, a delicate touch of color to her otherwise pale and porcelain skin. Her cunt hair was trimmed in a small "V" shape that pointed directly between her thighs to her waiting box beneath.

"No, but even if there was I wouldn't care. Now show me what Alyssa was talking about Dean!" Rose said as she lunged at me, her warm body pressing against me as she leaned her mouth up and kissed me deeply. I wasted no time in removing my clothes while we kissed, laying them against the bar on top of hers as well. Both of us now naked, Rose broke the kiss as she squatted down beneath me and took my cock in her hand.

She jerked on it a few times, looking up at me with that devilish grin of hers. The sight of seeing her play with my prick, her dark red lipstick coated lips just a mere inch from my cock was almost enough to make me blow my load right there. And as her mouth devoured my cock hungrily, I had to lean back against the stall door with a thud to contain myself.

Rose was, without a doubt, the blow job queen of Hollywood. The things that she did to my prick with her tongue, the gentle brushing of the head with the back of her teeth, the way she sucked like only a well trained whore would, was so exquisite that it defined words. I gasped and shuddered as she went wild on my cock, bobbing her head up and down, her dark hair swinging wildly around her face and over her naked shoulders. Rose smiled up at me, her tongue snaking out of her mouth to lick the corners of her lips seductively. She gave my cock one final suck and then stood up.

Without saying a word, she lifted her leg like a dancer and placed it on the bar of the stall. For such a small woman, I was amazed at her flexibility. Her pussy gleamed with wetness as I aimed my cock for her waiting hole, and Rose grunted in pleasure as the tip of my cock worked it's way into her body. Rose grasped tightly to my broad shoulders, steadying herself as I eased more of myself deep inside of her. As I entered her fully, my balls resting at the base of her cunt, I felt her ample sized breasts pressed tightly against me, the smell of her body and the perfume she used flooding my nose as I inhaled with every breath. Rose held onto me firmly and I started to work myself in and out of her, not even bothering to do it slowly. Her knuckles were white as she held onto the walls for support, her legs rocking back and forth as I hunched into her, my prick plunging deep into her depths with every thrust, her body shuddering underneath me as she panted with her cheek pressed against my chest.

The position was a bit awkward but it did allow me a fair amount of leverage to flex my knees and bend Rose back slightly, her body arching with our thrusts. Rose's hips began to move in a circular motion with my pistoning in and out of her, rising up each time to meet me.

"Oh God Dean, fuck me harder!" Rose panted. I eagerly fulfilled her request, sawing myself in and out of her tight, wet pussy. Rose's cuntal lips were a rich red color beneath me, a striking contrast to the paleness of the rest of her body. Her hair had become matted against her forehead, two long strands pulled over her ears as she looked up at me, her eyes closed tightly and her mouth in a blissful "O" shape. I withdrew my cock for a moment, teasing along the outside of her clit to get her more aroused, the hard vein of my shaft rubbing against her womanhood before I plunged back into her.

We were moving like a blur now, our bodies one union of flesh and desire as the animal lust inside both of us took over and we didn't make love - we merely fucked. Two people, scratching a burning sexual need for one another, to feel the other's body as intimately as possible. Rose's head bobbed around on her shoulders, her hair swaying limply as she came on my cock, the only indication of her impending orgasm the heightened gasping and groaning pace she picked up. Rose was like an animal as we stood there, as deep inside one another as much as we could, racing towards an impending conclusion. Before I came though, there was something else I wanted to try.

Yanking my dick from out of Rose's pussy, I dropped her leg to the floor and spun her around hard, causing her to plant her palms on the far back wall. I gave her ass a playful slap - something inside told me that Rose liked her sex to be raw and a little rough - and then I placed my cockhead at the entrance to her ass. I was already well lubricated with her juices and as I plunged into her, I wasn't really surprised to find her ass an open and waiting hole, stretched who knows how many times before by other guys who were just too tempted to not fuck her in the ass.

"Ooooo!" Rose moaned. "That's just want I wanted!"

Rose's hand left the wall and dropped down to her pussy, which she began to rub and fondle wildly as I slid deeper inside of her bowels. Her ass was a totally different experience than her cunt had been, one that was comfortingly tight but also loose enough to give me plenty of room to angle myself differently inside of her, penetrating her deeply up and down.

Her legs bucking a little underneath me, Rose bent over at the waist and moved her hands to the toilet seat, thus thrusting her ass up towards me. I used this extra angling to push further into her, my prick as far in as it could go as I screwed Rose at this angle. Any sort of intelligible comments Rose might have had were long gone, now replaced by animal grunts of pleasure and approval at my invasion into her ass.

I grabbed Rose by the waist with one hand while I used the other to reach under her and fondle one of her swaying tits, feelings the fleshy skin rubbing against my fingers. Her nipples were rock hard and as I squeezed them between two fingers, I felt Rose's body shake again as she came, a little bit of her pussy juice leaking out of her leg, her ass cheeks squeezing firmly against me.

My orgasm imminent, I removed myself from Rose's ass. She wasted no time in spinning around and opening her mouth dutifully as I stroked my cock a few times and began to shoot my load. I probably shot four or five times, one stream landing directly in her mouth while the others dripped down onto her cheeks and the nape of her neck, coating her heaving tits with my man juice. Rose sucked off the last remaining droplets of cum and then cleaned herself off with some toilet paper. I watched her re-dress, slipping on her thong panties and stepping into her dress with her shoes still on, the fabric of the dress nudging itself up against her hips tightly. When we both had dressed, we exited from the stall.

Rose gave herself a quick look over in the mirror, reached into her purse and reapplied some makeup where my cum had washed it off and straightened my tie for me. Both composed and looking as if nothing had happened, Rose unlocked the bathroom door.

As she opened it, I was startled to see three elderly women standing around talking, obviously in urgent need of getting into the restroom now that it was unlocked. Rose exited first and gave them a cute little sneer at their obvious anger over being locked out, but when I emerged from the bathroom they put two and two together and scowled at me fiercely. All I could do was grin and shrug my shoulders sheepishly as I walked past them, their mouths agape as they struggled to try and say something.

I heard one of them moving behind us and for a second thought that she was going to confront us and make a big scene in the restaurant. But she instead went over to the nearest waiter and, her mouth by his ear, told him something that was no doubt about us. The waiter nodded solemnly and looked up at us as we continued to walk briskly through the restaurant. Rose's hips swayed seductively in front of me, her pert ass swishing back and forth as she walked. The waiter now began to give a slight chase after us, so I nudged Rose on the ass to hurry her along. As we reached the exit of the restaurant, a gaggle of waiters were now chattering off by the kitchen area, looking and pointing at us. I still had that same shit eating grin on my face, and almost burst into laughter as I spotted our waiter staring at me, his mouth open. Rose saw him too and winked at him, causing him to step back slightly as if he had been hit or something. I gave him a slight wave and we exited out into the hot heat of the afternoon.

Rose's car was parked off to the side of the restaurant and I walked her over to it. It was a convertible, something sporty, although I couldn't quite place the make. What I could place however, was that it's color bore a very similar resemblance in shade to the dark color of her pussy lips. I grinned at this as Rose hopped over the door in her skirt and started the engine. She slipped on her sunglasses and looked up at me.

"Well, I can say with all honesty that Alyssa was not lying when she said you were one great fuck," Rose said, that same predatorial streak still throbbing inside of her.

"Thank you. You weren't so bad yourself you know," I replied, my hand on her door.

"That was fun, we should do this again some other time. Although, I don't think we will be allowed back here again, do you?" Rose said with a laugh.

"No, but don't worry...there are plenty of restaurants in Los Angeles," I replied. Rose smiled up at me and then backed out her car. I watched her go as she pulled into traffic and then headed over to my car.

The inside was hot and I stuck to the leather seats as I got inside. I debated for a moment going back to the office and doing some work, but my two encounters thus far in the day had left my clothes pretty sweaty, not to mention the rest of my body, and I decided it would probably be better to just go home and shower, maybe swim some in the pool, and see how I felt afterwards.

Heading onto the freeway, traffic was slow because a car had broken down about half a mile ahead of us. As I slowly crawled through traffic, gaining a few inches every 10 minutes or so, the car ahead (which had died in the middle lane) began to look familiar. I could see it's driver, a young blond girl, talking loudly on a cell phone as she waved her arms around in the air. She was obviously upset, but something about her seemed familiar to me as I drew closer and closer, the rubberneckers ahead of me finally speeding up when they got the chance.

When I was just about five car lengths away or so, I finally put a connection to the car and to the face: it was Kirsten Dunst, whom I had a fling with just a few weeks back, and her little Miata had obviously bit the dust from the way the steam was coming out of it. Kirsten had the hood popped and was leaning over looking in amongst the billowing steam, talking to someone on her phone. As I neared her, I rolled down the passenger window and called out to her.

"Kirsten!" I said. She looked up, puzzled at first but her face shifting to a look of joy as she spotted me.

"Dean! Thank God you drove by! My car died right in the middle of the freeway and I'm talking to these lazy fucks at the towing company and they said that they can't get here for another 2 hours!" Kirsten said. She was sweating, her face red with what looked like a little bit of motor oil and grease. She wore a pair of jeans and an oversized t-shirt that covered the ampleness of her breasts. The shirt too looked sooty and dirty and I could tell from the look of anxiety on Kirsten's face that she was not happy.

"Hang on just a sec, let me pull over!" I said to her. She nodded and watched me as I accelerated slightly past her, pulling my car into a small spot in front of car, careful to not become another road hazard on the freeway. I stopped the car and got out, walking over to her. I really didn't know too much about cars myself, but I made it appear like I knew exactly what I was doing as I gazed in. I fiddled a knob here, touched a switch there and said "Hmm..." to myself a lot. Although I felt I was doing a good and convincing job, Kirsten wasn't buying it.

"You have no idea what you are doing either do you?" she said with a smile.

"No, I don't. But I looked pretty convincing, didn't I?" I said with a grin.

"That you did. Thanks for pulling over and stopping to help me, but I don't think there is much we can do till the towing company gets here," Kirsten said in an exasperated manner. She leaned against the side of the car with her arms folded as cars buzzed past us.

"Well, maybe. But let me try something real quick," I said to her, heading back to my car. Kirsten's eyes were hopeful as I punched in the office number on the phone.

After a few rings, I was surprised to hear Ashley, the young receptionist, answer.

"Shooting Stars, this is Ashley, how may I direct your call?" she said.

"Ashley, hey it's Dean. Boy, you sound very mature on the phone like that. Listen, I need a big favor," I said to her.

"Sure Dean, anything. What's up?"

"I'm here in the middle of the freeway with Kirsten Dunst, and her car broke down. She called a towing company and they said it would be two hours before she gets here. Now, Kirsten is top talent and neither she nor I have the time to sit here and wait. Soooo...I was wondering if you could call that towing company you worked for, what's it called?"

"Hollywood & Vine Towing?" Ashley replied.

"Yes, them. Could you call them and maybe see if they can send a driver out here for us quicker than two hours, maybe as a personal favor to you? Tell them I'll pay whatever it takes to make it happen," I said. The signal was a bit weak here on the freeway and all the cars made things a little noisy, but I think she got what I said clearly.

"Ok Dean, as soon as I hang up with you I will call them and see what I can do. Should I call you back on your cell phone?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, please. Thanks Ashley, you are a lot of help," I said, hanging up.

"I have my receptionist working on getting a tow out here as soon as possible. She used to work for a company and hopefully can pull some strings," I told Kirsten.

"I gathered that much by what you said," she replied in a smart-alecky manner. Kirsten was always very sharp on things like banter and that's what I liked about her: she resembled to me a lot of the great early 20s Hollywood actresses who had great looks and a salacious wit.

"Let's wait in my car for her to call back, ok" I said to Kirsten. "No need to give these rubberneckers something else to look at,"

We climbed in and I turned on the air as we sat quietly inside the car. I remembered the conversation with Damon earlier in the morning and thought more about it as I sat. For some reason, the question kept plaguing me. I asked Kirsten what she thought.

"Hypothetically speaking Kirsten, if you weren't an actress what do you think you would do?" I said to her.

"Hmm...well, I've always liked science and things like that. But I think I might just be a businesswoman of some sort, someone who makes important decisions and keeps the wheels of a company turning, that sort of thing. I have never really thought about it to tell you the truth, since I've acted for as long as I can remember," Kirsten said.

"Would you ever leave Hollywood?" I asked.

"Oh no. Now that I'm finally getting big, this is like a dream come true. Say what you want about the scandals and backstabbing and shady deals that go on in this town, but this is the land of fantasy, of dreams. And once you are a part of that, be it as an actress or as an agent, I couldn't imagine even thinking about leaving it all behind," Kirsten replied. Her deep eyes locked onto mine and held them for a second. They burned with a deep fire of solidity in her feelings, un-swaying at all in her goals.

"So you wouldn't have any desire to just walk away, settle down with some girl, have a few kids and just live out your days as a nobody?" I said to her, locking her gaze.

"What are you implying Dean? Are you asking me to marry you?" Kirsten said, a little taken aback.

"No no no!" I said with a laugh. "I just mean do you like this lifestyle so much that even true love or the man of your dreams, which I'm not saying by any stretch is me, couldn't pull you away?"

"Well, you should never say never. But acting is who I am and without it, I would be an empty person. Hasn't the Hollywood world taken over you too, do you actually think you could leave it and go back home again?" Kirsten asked, turning the tables a little bit.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was stumped. "I don't know," I finally stammered. "I always thought I would do this forever but as you said, never say never,"

There was a silence between us for a second and I thought that Kirsten was going to say something in reply, but suddenly the phone rang, startling us both.

"Hey Ashley, what do you got for me?" I said.

"Ok, I called Bill on his mobile phone and you happen to be right in luck. Kirsten, I mean Ms. Dunst's stalled car has backed traffic up for 10 miles and he is in the middle of it. I told him where you were and he said he was about 5 miles away from there on the freeway and could probably get to you in about 20 minutes or so. That is, if you still need a tow?" Ashley said.

"That's great Ashley. Thank you so much for your help. And just for that, I'm giving you a three dollar an hour raise!" I said to her kindly. I was greeted in response by a shrill, excited scream.

"Dean THANK YOU! Wow! You are the greatest guy ever! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" she said in my ear, in that high pitched voice only teenage girls have.

"You're welcome. Now, breath in and then do something else for me: head on home for the day. Your raise starts tomorrow, but since I let Damon go early, you can get out of their too. Just remember to set the alarm, ok?" I replied.

"Ok! Thank you Dean, you are the best boss in the world," she said. I hung up the phone and looked at Kirsten who was smirking at me.

"I'm apparently the best boss in the world," I said with a grin.

"And you think you wouldn't miss that?" Kirsten said with a laugh. "When is the truck going to get here?"

"Well, it seems Ms. Dunst that the delay by your car has blocked traffic for 10 miles behind us and the tow man won't be able to get here for another 20 minutes or so," I replied to her in a smart ass tone. Kirsten hugged me.

"You are the best boss AND the best agent in the world," she said, kissing me on the cheek. There was an awkward pause as she still held her arms against my neck.

"You know, we haven't seen each other since that stuff happened with your brother," she said in a sultry kind of voice. "And I have to say that I have missed you and your...well, you know," she said, sliding her hand down to the front of my pants. Reluctantly, I pushed it away.

"Easy there kiddo. Let's let the tow man come first then we can get reacquainted, ok?" I said to her, holding her small hand in my own, much larger hand.

"Ok," she said with a sigh. She turned her attention to my stereo and flipped through the stations. Finding a pop station, she lip synched along to a Britney Spears song while I laughed and joked with her. The time passed quickly and as I glanced up in my rear view mirror, I spotted two blinking yellow, flashing lights heading our way.

The tow truck managed to squeeze in ahead of me and the driver, a short stocky and balding man, stepped out. I got out of the car to introduce myself while Kirsten lingered behind.

"You must be Bill. Thank you for coming by, you are a life saver," I said to him, shaking his hand. His palm and fingernails were dirty with grease and grime but his grip was strong and he gave me a polite smile as we shook.

"I was on my way out your direction anyways, but I was glad that I could help Ashley out. I always liked that girl," Bill said, leaning against his tow truck. "Where do you want the car towed?"

"Your lot will be fine. Kirsten will come by very quickly to pick it up, right Kirsten?" I said.

"Yes. Thank you sir, you are too kind," Kirsten said, shaking his hand. Bill's face blossomed into a sort of embarrassed smile.

"No..no problem Ms. Dunst. It's not every day that I get to help out a beautiful young woman like you. And might I add, me and the boys at the shop loved you in Spiderman," Bill said.

"Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I can't wait to start on the sequel," Kirsten said.

"Well, I should get to work I guess," Bill said with a sigh. His demeanor changed to the gruff, business motif as he walked past us.

"I need you to move your car sir. Just try getting around me when there is a break in traffic and pull up ahead if you don't mind," Bill said. I nodded and started my car, waiting for a few seconds as a line of trucks carrying some migrant workers passed. Cutting sharply, I followed his directions and our blocked line of traffic advanced further into the road as I pulled in front of him.

I got out of the car and stood by Kirsten as we watched him hook a towing rig to the bottom of her car and then throw a switch on the back. The car lurched forward slightly and began to raise up, sliding it's back wheels onto the platform of the flat bed of the tow truck. When it was on securely, Bill wrapped some chains under the wheels and gave it a final tug before climbing back into the truck. I stood by his rolled down driver's window.

"I should be back at the office in about 30 minutes or so, but feel free to come by whenever is convenient. And talk to Raul about payment when you get there. He's our new replacement since you took Ashley from us," Bill said with a smile. We waved to him as he drove off. Kirsten and I climbed back into my car and watched him go as we headed off on the freeway.

Once we were cruising along, Kirsten turned to me.

"That was great of you for stopping Dean. You always seem to be my knight in shining armor," she said to me. "Now, about that relationship..."

"I wouldn't call it a relationship, but go on," I replied.

"If it's not a relationship then what is it? I mean, I know we haven't had any real dates or anything but it always seems like we are together in moments of turmoil," she said. "So then are we fuck buddies?"

I laughed. "Fuck buddies. Hmm, I like the sound of that," I said.

Kirsten smirked at me. "Well then, fuck buddy, I guess I shouldn't disappoint and not fulfill my end of the relationship, er, friendship,"

Kirsten leaned in close to my cheek and gave me a soft kiss. Her tongue extended from her mouth as she gave my jaw a gentle lick with her tongue. She then proceeded up my face to my ear, where she began to kiss and tickle it with her tongue. It was a little uncomfortable, having to deal with it while I was driving, but the feel of her hot breath on my ear sent a chill down my spine.

Kirsten took my face in her hands and turned me to face her. She planted a deep, soul searching kiss on my lips, her tongue entering my mouth. The kiss was very brief, but for the third time today I felt my cock stirring in my pants.

Breaking the kiss, Kirsten moved her small hand to my crotch and rubbed it with her fingers, slipping two fingers underneath my balls as she played with them gently. Her thumb and forefinger moved to my zipper and slowly pulled it down. I squirmed slightly as I felt her cool hand slip into my pants and boxers and pull out my hardening cock into the air of the car.

Kirsten gave it a few soft tugs to get me at full length, then quickly put her mouth on my cock, wrapping the head between those sultry lips of hers. She bobbed her head up and down somewhat on my cock, not deep throating me but certainly taking in more than a mouthful. I was just getting into it when Kirsten lifted her mouth and looked at me again.

"By the way, where are we going?" she asked.

"I was planning on going back to my house. I need a shower, I've been busy this morning," I replied. I moved one hand over to her hair, letting my fingers trace through her blond locks as the silky strands fell like water through the space between my fingers.

"Ok, sounds good to me," Kirsten replied. "Besides, there is something waiting for you there if we can get there on time,"

"What do you mean?" I asked, but it was too late. Kirsten's head dropped back down to my cock, sucking on it like a lollipop. She nestled her nose against my sac, the hot breath escaping from her nostrils causing my balls to stir in their sack. I moved my hand back to her head, only this time to hold it onto my lap as I drove (admittedly a little haphazardly) while she sucked me off.

Kirsten was really going to town on me now, her tongue tracing up and down along my shaft nimbly as she enjoyed the pleasure of my cock in her mouth. I could see her nipples hardening in her shirt, pressing against the loose fabric of the baggy cloth, her eyes closed in intense focus as she moved her mouth over my organ.

I relaxed against the seat and simply enjoyed the feeling, shuddering every now and then when her tongue would touch a sensitive spot on my prick. I rotated Kirsten's head around in a circular motion as she slipped more and more of my dick down her throat, still not getting it all the way into her mouth and throat.

I exited the freeway and came to a stoplight, feeling a little awkward as she continued to tease my prick with her young, hot mouth as cars idled next to me at the intersection. Kirsten removed my cock from her mouth and panted a little, taking the head and rubbing it against her lips and cheeks, a small drop of precum smearing a liquid streak on her face.

Dropping her head back down onto my prick, Kirsten continued sucking on it like a candy cane, seeming to enjoy every moment of it. I accelerated as the light turned green and as Kirsten's mouth motions kept on my cock, I felt my foot press down harder on the accelerator, upping the speed of the massive SUV I was driving. I watched the speedometer as I tried to stay focused on driving and not accidentally swerving into another lane - 45, 50, 60 mph...I watched the needle slide further to the right. Up ahead I saw the next stoplight change from green to yellow and as I slowed things down with much control (my body was telling me one thing, my mind another), I felt an orgasm bubbling up.

"Kirsten, I'm going to shoot!" I said to her with a gasp.

"Let me swallow it," she said, lifting her mouth from my cock for a moment before returning to the fleshy pole, sucking hard like a vaccum. I watched her cheeks suck in, her cute dimples tight as she worked on my dick, when the first wave of sperm shot forth into her mouth. My cockhead jerked slightly in her mouth, causing me to buck my hips upward towards Kirsten's face as another stream shot forth. Kirsten's throat muscles worked overtime as she swallowed the salty load, part of her cheeks filling with my seed.

My orgasm subsided but Kirsten kept moving her tongue over my prick, causing a sudden and quite pleasurable after orgasm wad to dribble from my cock into her mouth. She swallowed that too and with one more deep swallow, she dropped her mouth to the base of my shaft one more time before finally lifting her mouth. Kirsten leaned back in her seat, her face red and her cheeks flustered as she grinned at me. I saw a small bubble of cum leak between her teeth as she played with my load in her mouth, opening it to show a cute pink tongue covered with the sticky white fluid. Kirsten closed her mouth again and swallowed it all down like a porn star, smiling again at me as she reclined in her seat and took a breath.

Reaching her hand over to my cock, she wiped off one last dribble of cum that had seeped out of the head with her finger. Opening her shirt wide enough for me to see that she wasn't wearing a bra, she rubbed the cum onto the cleft between her breasts, smearing it into her skin.

"That's a reminder for later," she said with a grin. She zipped my fly back up and crossed her legs on the seat as I turned into my gated neighborhood and drove down the quite street, it's sides lined with expensive mansions and pristinely manicured lawns.

"Well, that was a lot of fun. I do hope that you stay here in Los Angeles Dean. I couldn't imagine not having my fuck buddy around when I needed him," Kirsten said to me as I pulled into my driveway and stopped the car. As I climbed out, I could hear loud music coming from one of the houses on the street and to my left I saw a row of very expensive cars from all over the world parked along the street.

"Hmm...guess my neighbors are having a party," I thought to myself. I took Kirsten's hand and walked to my front door, the lock clicking into place as I opened the door.

"Come on Kirsten, you can make yourself comfortable while I take a shower if you want," I said to her as we both walked in. Heading towards the living room, I flipped on a light switch.

"SURPRISE!!!" a chorus of voices yelled at me, almost making me jump out of my skin in surprise. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a roomful of people I recognized. And in the middle of it all was Damon.

"Surprise Dean!" he said enthusiastically as I walked in, checking out the swarm of people who stood in my living room.

"What is this?" I said to him, rubbing my head in puzzlement.

"Remember our conversation this morning? You sounded pretty set on leaving LA so I made a few calls to some of our clients who were in town and figured that if you really WERE going to leave town, we might as well have a party for you, no?" Damon replied, slapping me on the back and ushering me in further to the living room.

I glanced around the room, spotting practically an A-list of actors, actresses, directors, musicians and other various people whom I knew we represented. They were all beaming and smiling at me, some with drinks in their hands, some without. All looked happy and as I walked more into the room they all approached me, shaking my hand and saying hello.

"Dean, you're the best. Don't ever leave," said Brad Pitt.

"Hollywood wouldn't be the same without you," said Ridley Scott

"I couldn't bear to go to any other agency if you left," said Christina Ricci.

The accolades and warm greetings made me smile broadly as I shook hands - some of these people I hadn't seen in a long time, others I had talked to in the part few weeks. I had to admit that I was completely surprised and had been totally duped into this without realizing it, but it brought a great joy in my heart to see everyone here. Kirsten had been a part of the planning too I realized, although she had since left my hand and had gone around to mingle with everyone else at the party.

Damon came up to me and swept me away towards the bar, where other stars had congregated.

"I don't know if you really were planning on leaving or not Dean, but I promise you that once this party is over, you will definitely have second thoughts about leaving it all behind," he said. "Now get yourself a drink, mingle, and enjoy. I have a certain Best Actress of 2001 named Halle Berry to go talk to if you don't mind,"

Damon disappeared and I went to the bar, pouring myself my old favorite - a scotch on the rocks - and proceeded to walk around the room, shaking hands and holding conversations about Hollywood, big budget films and projects that were in the works. As the sun crept down outside, more people continued to arrive; so many that I started to lose count and didn't even pay attention as they came and went through my front door.

By 8:00 or so, I had a nice buzz going and some of the crowd had thinned out. In my pleasurable state, I noticed that most of those who were left were actresses of various caliber and star power, a fact that I wasn't upset about in the least. I was in the middle of a deep conversation with Sharon Stone when Damon tapped his glass with a spoon and drew everyone into the living room.

"Ladies and...well, the four or five gentlemen who are left," Damon said, illiciting a laugh from the partygoers. "For our guest of honor tonight, three of the firms up and coming young talent have volunteered, and quite willingly I might add, to put on a little show for Dean and everyone else who might be interested. So without further ado, I present to you the star of "Smallville" Kristen Kreuk, the star of "10 Things I Hate About You" and the all grown up Larisa Oleynik and one of the many Oscar holders in the room tonight, Anna Paquin as they show us old folks how the kids get down these days!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as Damon dimmed the lights by the middle of the room with a switch. The music on the stereo changed to some "booty dancing" mix as the three girls walked in from a closed door at the end of the hall to take a spot underneath the lights that hung above them, normally used to spotlight a rare "Citizen Kane" movie poster.

As the music came on, they looked a little nervous and just a little tipsy on their feet as they began to sway to the rhythm. I was pushed down onto the couch for a front row view by someone behind me and I got a good look at the young ladies whose hips had already started to shake and move around to the bass line of the song.

Kristen Kreuk was on the left. Dressed in a pair of very tight fitting jeans and a red halter top, her long brown hair slung over her shoulders, she wore no shoes as she placed her hands on the hips of Larisa Oleynik, who was in the middle of the "stage". Larisa's outfit was similar to Kristen in that she wore a halter top, but the similarities seemed to stop there: she had on a pair of jean shorts that seemed to cling to her sexy, tight ass like a second skin and a pair of white tennis shoes that completed her innocent girl look. Her eyes were closed, her body already lost to the flow of the music. Anna Paquin wore just a simple black miniskirt that reached up to her wide but rounded hips and an open, light blue blouse that had obviously been pulled open to allow the most skin area as possible and to be sure to show her firm breasts as they pushed against her white bra.

The tempo of the music picked up and the girls began to move of their own accord, dancing and grinding first independently of each other, but occasionally bumping hips and asses to the music. Larisa and Anna, it became quite clear, had indulged themselves a bit in the free flowing liquor and wine of the party, for they giggled wildly whenever they came close to each other. Kristen on the other hand, seemed to dancing perfectly fine (albeit very sexily) without any ties or restraints holding her back in getting her groove on. I glanced around the room and noticed that some of the people who had been there for Damon's announcement, including Damon himself, had left the room. The people that remained seemed to be paired off in couples, with only a few actually paying attention to the girls. Like me though, there were a few stragglers who couldn't seem to take their eyes off the hot starlets as they put on a show for me and whomever else happened to be in the room.

I watched as the three of them slowly began to drift closer together, arms shaking and moving to the beat, rubbing against each other at first playfully, then it seemed with more deliberate purpose. Kristen put her arms around Larisa's hips, thrusting her fingers into the pockets of her shorts as she pulled Larisa's ass tightly against her own crotch. Larisa leaned her head back onto Kristen's shoulders as they both moved in time with one another, the heat radiating from their young bodies seeming to make the room at least a few degrees hotter.

Letting go of Larisa's hips, it was Anna's turn to bump and grind close with the very beautiful former "Alex Mack" star. They pressed in close to one another, their mouths just a few inches apart as their breasts rubbed each other through the thin material of their shirts. Anna's hand slid from it's resting place on Larisa's hip towards her tummy, slipping her fingers underneath Larisa's shirt and tickling her stomach. Larisa giggled wildly and smiled, returning the favor by putting her hands onto Anna's breasts and squeezing them lightly. They both laughed and stepped back away from one another, but Larisa bumped into Kristen's legs and the "Smallville" star pushed her forward again into Anna's open arms.

They seemed to forget about the music now as Anna's hands pulled Larisa in tightly against her. Kristen stepped forward and put her hands on Larisa's ass, holding her in Anna's embrace. Anna's eyes locked with Larisa's and with a deft motion, she leaned in forward and kissed Larisa on the lips. I don't think I was the only male in the room whose cock jumped in their pants at watching that. Larisa looked puzzled for a moment as the kiss ended, but didn't pull away. She bent her head forward slightly and kissed Anna back, only this time the kiss was longer and much, much hotter. I watched as the two girls hips bumped into one another, the kiss continuing into a more passionate embrace now as they wrapped their arms around one another tightly. Not wanting to be outdone, Kristen's hands moved from Larisa's ass to the front of Anna's skirt, where she traced her fingers over Anna's pubic mound through the miniskirt material.

Larisa paused from the kiss and looked back at Kristen, then at Anna. Stepping to the side of them, she allowed the two girls to begin their own kiss, which was a scene that I'm sure would have many a science fiction geek drooling at the prospect of watching. Kristen bent her head slightly as Anna's tongue moved into her mouth, allowing for a more proper and intended kiss that was far from innocent. Larisa watched the two girls embrace and, without a moment's hesitation, stepped between them and proceeded to lift off her shirt, revealing a nice set of b-cup breasts clad in their bra. Larisa looked around a little uneasily not at the rest of the room, but at the two girls, who had stopped to watch her. I think they were all oblivious at that point as to us being there watching them - they were too engrossed with one another.

Smiling at the two of them, Larisa reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, allowing her breasts to fall free under the hot light of the lamps overhead. Her nipples were a soft, innocent pink color and were medium sized in comparison to the rest of her breasts. Her upper body was supple hourglass shape, her only item of clothing now just the tight jean shorts she wore. Larisa moved back to the two girls, who had lost interest in each other and quickly began fondling the breasts of young Larisa. Kristen lowered her mouth to Larisa's breast and began suckling it as she unzipped her own jeans, pulling them down her legs to leave her in nothing but a pair of skimpy black panties. I could see the small mass of pubic hair pushing against the material of her underwear and couldn't wait to see if they would disappear from her body as well.

Anna meanwhile was busy rubbing Larisa's breast with one hand while she slid her hand up under her skirt to play with herself with the other. The three girls moved in unison as they sat down on the floor, free from having to stand up to gain access to one another. Larisa leaned back against the wall as Kristen moved in over her, locking her lips onto Larisa's own. Kristen held her lips over Larisa's bottom lip, sucking on it gently before letting it slide out of her mouth. Anna removed her hand from between her legs and began to unbutton her own shirt, sliding it off her shoulders onto the floor and pulling her bra straps down so that the support of the garment came free of her C cup breasts and wrapped itself down by her stomach.

Kristen's clothes were the last to go out of this hot threesome, as Larisa and Anna helped her remove her shirt and panties, leaving her exotic body nude on the floor of my living room. Kristen scooted on her knees over between Anna's legs and pulled her skirt up to her waist, bunching up the material so that she could get at the hot pussy underneath. Larisa meanwhile, moved to behind Kristen and, licking two of her fingers, plunged them into Kristen with a youthful enthusiasm. Kristen's back arched, but she was now too occupied with eating out Anna, whose legs were spread around her head on the floor.

Kristen's mouth suckled on Anna's slightly hair pussy lips, taking her aroused clit gently between her teeth and tongue and biting down just softly enough to cause Anna to moan in pleasure. Releasing the clit, Kristen lapped her tongue around Anna's outer lips, tasting her sweet juices that had slowly began to trickle out from her sex.

The room was filled with a squishing sound as Larisa plunged her fingers in and out of Kristen's cunt, the sopping wet noise only drowned out by the occasional moan from one of the girls. Larisa was rubbing her own pussy just about as fast as she was fucking Kristen's and I watched with excitement as Larisa's face scrunched up slightly and she orgasmed onto her own hand.

Anna played with Kristen's hair as the girl ate her out, Kristen's aroused nipples brushing the floor as she moved her body in a steady rhythm to the fucking Larisa was giving her and her head bobbing between Anna's legs. Anna's hand was pinching her own nipples now, squeezing the slightly darker pink tips of her beautiful breasts. Kristen noisily licked at Anna's pussy, causing the girl to orgasm after just a few hot moves by her tongue. Larisa had lowered her mouth onto Kristen's cunt and continued working a finger in and out, probing and enjoying the heavenly taste of another young woman.

"Ohhh Godddd!!! Don't stop!" cried Kristen in response to Larisa's actions. It was quite clear to me and the handful of other guys who had moved near me to watch this scene that Larisa had no intentions of stopping. Straightening herself up, Anna unzipped her skirt and bent down by Kristen's face to kiss her, licking her own juices off the cheeks of the half Dutch, half Chinese beauty. They exchanged the kiss for a minute or before Anna broke it and stood up. Kristen, with much reluctance, moved herself away from Larisa as the three girls repositioned themselves.

Larisa moved to the center of the floor and laid down flat on her back as Anna and Kristen climbed over her and positioned themselves in near perfect positions. Anna kneeled on her knees, her wet snatch just over Larisa's mouth, while Kristen extended her body in a 69 position to give herself access to Larisa's sweet, almost hairless pussy. Kristen too was on her knees with her ass in the air, which created an unforgettable scene: Larisa laying prone on her back, her mouth busily licking away at Anna's sweet box. Anna herself burying her face inside of Kristen's elevated cunt, while Kristen focused her mouth solely on licking at Larisa's hot box. It was an incredible sight to see, a sort of triangle of teenage lust taking place in front of a very excited and cheering mass of men.

Some of the guys had taken their cocks out and were stroking them away from tangled girls on the floor, while others simply just stood and watched, too embarressed I suppose to expose themselves in public like that. Personally, I fought the urge to jerk myself off fiercely, rather enjoying watching three clients find lust with one another than trying to please myself.

The girls stayed in the afore mentioned position for a few minutes, grinding and moving with one another as they all sought mutual orgasms. Larisa, who was on the benefiting end of things by far, was the first to cum: her body seemed to twitch off the floor as she bounced her ass cheeks off the floor in an excited sort of squeal. We could all see her tongue buried deep inside of Anna, a trickle of womanly juice running down the sides of her mouth. Larisa came with a violent thrust off the ground and I thought for a moment that they would all topple over. However, they managed to stay as they were and keep at one another.

Having cum already for the second time in less than 30 minutes, Larisa seemed to be losing some steam in her pace, which became more gentle now as she sucked and teased Anna's cunt with her hand and mouth. It was still enough however, for Anna to get herself off, a loud grunt coming from her pussy covered mouth as she came onto Larisa's waiting mouth, some of her juices trickling down Larisa's chest to her pert teenage tits and stomach.

Anna scooted up further along Larisa's body, resting part of her ass on Larisa's chest, crushing her tits beneath her full, round ass so that she could turn her attention to Kristen. Larisa wiped off some of Anna's juices with her finger and used it to move her thumb and forefinger first into Anna's soaked pussy, then wiggling a finger into her asshole. Anna moaned again but still seemed steadfast at making Kristen cum.

Throughout all of this, I had only seen one noticeable orgasm by Kristen, which led me to believe that this hot new starlet for the firm had at least some experience in getting her pussy eaten out. Her body glistened in the light of the room, sweat covering it as she finally lifted her panting mouth from between Larisa's legs and simply enjoyed the sensations of feeling Anna's soft cheeks and lips nestled on top of her twat.

Her hips began to move around in a small circle as Anna dug her fingers into Kristen's smooth, firm ass, her mouth not missing a beat on the other young woman. Anna pulled her head back slightly and grinned at all of us in the room, making eye contact with me (which was the first acknowledgement that they all knew we were there) and holding my gaze as I watched her pink tongue touch and brush inside of Kristen's darker pink love tunnel. Shaking her head back and forth, Anna pushed her mouth completely on top of Kristen's cunt and held it there. Though I couldn't see what magical technique Anna had saved for the end with her tongue, the effect of it became obvious: crying out so loudly that anyone in the house would have heard, Kristen's cunt exploded in orgasm, her juices literally dripping out of her snatch and onto Larisa's stomach as Kristen finally collapsed in exhaustion on top of the two girls, her chest heaving as her breasts were crushed against the floor.

The three girls finally stopped their extremely erotic show as they lay in a panting, sticky, sweaty heap on the floor. A couple of guys had blown their loads on the floor (I wasn't too worried...I'm sure the maid coming tomorrow would clean it all up), but had managed to zip up and we all stood up to give the three young actresses a standing ovation, some whistles and cheers thrown in for what was undoubtedly one of the hottest things I had ever seen.

The clapping seemed to rouse Kristen from her exhausted state as she looked up at the room smiling, her eyes in sort of a daze. I don't think she knew everyone had been watching, but judging by the big grin on her face, she didn't seem to care. The girls untangled themselves and sorted out the various articles of clothing that had been strewn everywhere, giggling and whispering to one another as they did so.

Still naked, they wrapped themselves in a tight hug and shared a hot three way kiss, tongues writhing and licking each other's mouth, which only brought out MORE cheers from the guys and myself. Breaking the kiss finally, they held hands and, like a theatrical performance, all took a bow together, their nude and lithe teenage bodies a beautiful site to behold as they all glowed from their orgasms.

The crowd dispersed and I stood up and stretched, looking around to see where most of the other people had gone to. I saw that many had moved around to various parts of the first floor, leaning in doorways and talking, or sitting in chairs and drinking with one another. I was about to get up and fetch a drink for myself when I was tapped on the shoulder.

Turning around to look, I was greeted to the lovely site of Rachel Weisz leaning against the back of the couch. She wore a knee length floral dress and a white cotton blouse, which made her rich black hair even more pronounced than it was already on this beautiful creature.

"Hello Dean. Lovely home you have here," she said to me in that sultry British accent that I had always loved about women from across the pond.

"Thank you. It actually was my father's but I try to keep it in good and tasteful order," I replied, standing up. Rachel was leaning against the couch, her narrow hips pressing against the soft tan leather of the seat as she cradled one elbow with her hand while the other held a drink.

"Yes, I think I remember you telling me about that. You got it all when he died, correct?" she asked.

"Right you are. I'm glad you could come by tonight Rachel, it's been a while since I've seen you. How are things?" I asked.

"Good good. So is it true, are you really leaving your company?" Rachel asked. That seemed to be the question of the night, and I had no particular answer yet.

"Not sure. I'm going to see how I feel by the party's end I think," I said with a grin.

"Ah, yes. Oh! That reminds me! I have a gift for you. If you are leaving Hollywood, consider it a parting gift. If not, well it can be what you American's call a housewarming gift," Rachel said.

"I love any kind of gifts. Where is it?" I asked.

"Well, follow me love and I'll show you," Rachel said, turning away and heading towards the stairs that led to the row of rooms in the house. I heeded her directions and followed - if her "gift" was what I was hoping it was, it would be coming at a much needed time, especially considering the wonderful floor show I had just seen.

I followed her upstairs as Rachel headed down the left hallway, towards my bedroom. How she knew which one was mine, I'll never know. I was a step or so behind her, but as I got to the door after her passing through the doorway, she suddenly turned and shut the door in my face rudely.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice!" I said to her in light heartedly pissed off voice.

"Patience Dean love. I need a minute to prepare your gift," she said through the door. I heard some rustling in the room and tried the door handle, but she had locked me out of my own bedroom! A couple passed me as they headed down the stairs, giving me a quizzical look. I ignored them and continued to try the door knob. There was silence in the room for a minute or so, then I heard the soft click of the door being unlocked and pulled open slightly.

Pushing in on the middle of the door, it slowly creaked open. The room was dark except for a candle on the bedside table and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw Rachel laying seductively on the bed, the rumpled sheets balled up around her nude body. The pose she was in was the classical painters nude portrait position, and given the small amount of light in the room, Rachel looked picturesque as she laid there. Stepping into the room fully and closing the door behind me, I saw that Rachel held something in her hand: a very large rubber dildo.

I was anxious to get down to business, and as I started taking off my clothes, Rachel sat up and put her hand out in a gesture to stop me.

"No. Stay dressed. That's not what I had planned for you," Rachel said. I was a little disappointed as I wrapped my belt around my waist again and I guess the disappointment showed.

"Don't get me wrong Dean, I'm very flattered and truthfully, if I wasn't married then I wouldn't hesitate to take you up on the offer," Rachel said. "But I am married and I don't want to break those vows,"

"Then why are you laying naked in my bedroom with soft lighting and a sex toy in your hand?" I asked a little incredulously.

"Just because I won't have sex doesn't mean we can't have a little bit of fun," Rachel said with a grin. "Now, come sit over by me on the bed, won't you love?"

I sat next to her on the bed as she asked, unable to resist the urge to brush her silky thigh with my hand. I started to drop my hand lower but Rachel pushed it away.

"The gift I got you Dean was actually a gift for me personally. I picked it up at my favorite adult store before coming here tonight and was going to use it to occupy myself tonight, since my husband is far away," Rachel said. "But when I saw those three girls buggering each other, and especially the way you seemed to enjoy watching it, I thought that you might be interested in this too," Rachel said.

"So then you want me to watch you get yourself off, is that it?" I asked. I didn't mind it by any means - Rachel was an exquisitely beautiful woman, but her leading me up here under somewhat false pretenses was a little disappointing.

"You can watch. Or...you can try it out for yourself if you want. I'm sure that, given your reputation at being skilled in handling large objects like this thing here," she said, waving the dildo slightly by her face. "You can probably get me off without too much trouble, no?"

I grinned. "I'm sure that getting you off will be no trouble,"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Rachel replied with a smirk. I took the large sex toy from her - it was a deep blue color, the head about half the size of my fist, and the shaft nearly that thick. It was indeed long, probably close to 12 inches in length. I held it at it's base and scooted up so that I could lay near her belly, tracing the toy over her tummy.

I moved it very slowly over the fine downy hair of her lower mid-section, tickling her a bit as my hand moved the dildo down the natural curves of her thighs. I brushed the head against Rachel's slit, causing her to shudder slightly in anticipation as I worked it over her small mass of dark, rich pubic hair. I couldn't resist the urge to get my other hand involved, so I slid a finger to her wet and waiting opening, dipping the tip of my finger inside of her hole as I moved the toy further up her body to touch upon her aroused nipples.

Her nipples were a beautiful shade of red, seeming to glow on her elegant nude frame as they jutted from her breasts. Rachel watched my every move but stayed an observer, letting me do the work. I pushed my finger further into her and Rachel clamped her legs down around my hand. Working my finger deeper inside of her, I slowly finger fucked her - not a full on attempt to get her off but certainly one to get her nice and wet for the coming invasion by this massive sex toy.

Pulling my hand out of her cunt, I held the tip of my finger up by Rachel's mouth. Her cute pink tongue snaked out of her mouth slowly, licking her own juices from my finger before sucking it all the way into her hot and inviting mouth. Rachel sucked on it delicately, making sure to get all the juice off before I removed it from her mouth and traced a line down her chest. My hand slowly touched along her ample cleavage, down past her ribs and stomach back to her cunt, where I used the palm of my hand to rub her sex.

My two hands were acting as if separate entities, the other one that still gripped the toy resting on her leg, moving slightly as I rubbed the rubbery material over her thigh and nether regions. My palm pushed harder against her pussy, Rachel's lips allowing a sigh to escape as she lost herself in the moment of ecstasy. She hadn't cum yet, but it was quite clear that she was close.

Sliding the toy back down by her pussy lips, I moved my fingers to her entrance and held it open with two fingers, exposing the delicious looking pink inside. Oh how I wanted to just bury my face in there and taste her juices for myself. But the thrill of this "no sex" game was even more exciting and I resisted the instinct to place my tongue on her wet box.

Her slit now open and juiced, ready for me to enter her with the toy, I glanced up at Rachel to get her approval as the rubbery head beckoned at her cunt lips. Rachel just nodded at me, her eyes closed in a half squint as she enjoyed herself in the glow of the room. I pushed the head in past her pussy lips so that it burrowed itself deeper inside with every passing second. Rachel adjusted herself to make room for the entrance by my skillfully guided hand, her legs parting wider on the bed.

The head disappeared inside of her now, with more of the long shaft working itself in as I slowly but forcefully guided it inside of her. As inch by inch went inside, Rachel's chest heavings seemed to grow in strength, her breasts rocking slowly up and down on the upper part of her body. I had about half the dildo inside of her now, but given that I hadn't reached anything that indicated a point where she could take no more, I continued on.

The latter half of this massive, foot long toy seemed to enter her even easier, guided by my hand as her body accommodated the deeper pushings inside. As I reached the ten inch mark, I finally bottomed it out inside of her, the hard rubber pressing against Rachel's inner most region: her cervix. Stopping for a moment, I moved my hand up to her breast and caressed it with the back of my hand, feeling her nipple hardening even more at my touch.

Our eyes locked as I began to withdraw the toy slowly from her. I pulled it out for a few inches but then began to push it back into her, eliciting a guttural moan from Rachel's mouth. Now that I had reached her maximum point of entry, I was more free to get started on what it was clear that she wanted: a good fucking with the 12 inch beast I held in my hand.

I pulled half of the toy from Rachel's cunt, watching as her inner lips seemed to grasp onto it, not wanting to let go. But the release of it was only momentary, as I quickly pushed the dildo back into Rachel, causing her to gasp at the sudden move. I grinned but continued on, working up a good pace over a few minutes time of rubbing the toy's shaft against her clit, before thrusting it back inside of her. The sight was quite an experience to watch: in the dim light of the room, the dark blue cock looked almost black (an engaging idea there for sure - Rachel Weisz fucked by a big black cock) as it entered in and out of her, a stranger invading her inner most secrets.

Rachel had given up in trying to watch me, and now lay back on the bed lost in her own pleasure world as I fucked her with the toy, my hand and wrist getting soaked in her luscious honey. Her hips rising up off the bed to meet the thrusts of the rubber dong, Rachel's legs slid up and down on the bed, rumpling the sheets even further as I worked with precision on getting her off.

It didn't take much longer - I had thought to myself that Rachel was a woman with complete control of her orgasm - before I felt Rachel's body start to quiver against the dildo inside of her, the friction and tightness as I moved my hand along the shaft and into her with a slight twisting motion causing her pussy lips to clamp down almost bear-trap tight around what I was doing. Rachel began to cry out, softly at first but quickly increasing to almost a yell as her orgasm approached.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSSS!!! DO IT!!! COME ON DEAN, MAKE ME CUM!!! ARRGGGHHHH, HERE IT COMMMMMEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!" Rachel screamed as her body practically convulsed as she reached her climax. She was bouncing on the bed now, up and down as I tried to keep the toy in her and going as fast as she wanted while she rode out the wave of her orgasm. Her hands had gripped tightly onto the sheets of the bed, pulling them to and fro, her knuckles white from the sheer force of her trembling orgasm.

Rachel's panting and moaning slowly began to subside, her bouncing finally coming to a halt as she relaxed on the bed, her breasts heaving as they moved on her chest, the nipples coated in a light sheen of sweat from her thrashing on the bed. Her eyes still squinted close, Rachel finally lifted her head up at me and said three words with a delicious, irresistible smile.

"Do it again,"

I smiled in response, pulling the toy from her (it had slipped from my hand and protruded obscenely from her cunt) and setting it on the bed. If she wanted a good orgasm, I thought to myself, I knew no better method than my own tongue. As I moved between her legs, Rachel looked a little hesitant; this wasn't in the rules of our little game. But something in the lustful shimmering of her eyes told me that rules were made to be broken and that she didn't care what I used - she just wanted to cum again.

I positioned my mouth over her now sopping wet opening and began licking away any excess juice that my tongue could find. Rachel moved her legs up around my neck and held me by the shoulders so that I couldn't get away without making her cum again. My tongue traced over her outer lips and into her deep hole, which had been left gaping open slightly by the toy itself. This gave me easy access into her, the tip of my tongue burrowing further and further into her sex. Rachel's pussy tasted like the sweetest candy: the just right mixture of salty sweat and the intoxicating aroma of womanly pleasure that I had grown to truly love over the years. I lapped hungrily at her pussy, my cock now painfully hard in my pants but staying INSIDE my pants in accordance with the rules.

The hotness of being denied access to her pussy with the one that I truly wanted to put into it made my body race with excitement and it was obvious that this was showing in my actions on Rachel. Having cleaned her out of her own juices, more flooded from her inner walls onto my lips and mouth, Rachel's hips starting that familiar twisting and bumping motion that I had evoked during her last orgasm.

I took her clit in my mouth, sucking on it hard as my tongue raced around inside of her, tickling her "g-spot" and little love button as I ate her out. Rachel had begun to moan again, although she was thankfully much quieter this time, more of the sounds coming from her being soft coos and groans than anything. I worked a finger inside of her next to my tongue, using it to probe where my tongue just wouldn't reach and to bring her juices flooding back down from her channel into my mouth where I drank like a dehydrated man.

Lifting Rachel's legs from my shoulders, I reached over and grabbed the toy from where it lay in it's own puddle of juices on the bed. Lowering it between her legs, I stood up and positioned it in front of my khaki pants, pushing it back into her. My tongue had reached it's limit in so far as what it could do to get her off - it was time to fuck her as much as I could without actually penetrating her with my near ready to burst cock.

Pushing it into her deeply like I would my own shaft, the rubber prick was thrust in and out like a real cock would be, both of my hands gripping it's base firmly as it became almost like a second cock, one with much more flexibility. I leaned over Rachel and gazed into her eyes as I fucked her with the toy. Though no words were spoken, Rachel's gaze let me know that she wanted to have sex but was pained that she had to rely on a mere toy to do it. Still though, if that's what she wanted then I would be damned before I would not fulfill her wishes!

I was working up quite a sweat now too, my mouth sticky with Rachel's juices as I kneeled on the bed and guided the prick in and out of her hands like I would my own cock, gripping and thrusting and bottoming out deep inside of her. Rachel began to thrash on the bed once more, the eroticness of our situation bringing forth another fast approaching orgasm.

This one arrived much quicker than the first, but seemed to lack no less amount of force as I fucked her as hard as I could, my hands a blur as the blue cock buried itself inside of her, finally thrusting hard into her one last time, managing to squeeze another inch or so in that I hadn't been able to before. Rachel cried out and came again, her legs clamping tightly around my hands as her back arched from the bed. Her breasts were thrust into my face and I licked the tip of one for a brief second before Rachel collapsed onto the bed, her second and probably most intense orgasm subsiding.

I pulled the cock from her slowly and pressed it between her tits, rubbing the juices off onto her naked flesh. Rachel smiled weakly and took it from my hand before putting the massive head in her mouth and licking it off clean. She sucked it as much as she could before letting it slip from her hand and rest once more on the bed.

I stood up and straightened myself out as Rachel composed herself, sitting up and pulling the sheets to her body.

"See, sex isn't always what you imagine, is it?" Rachel asked, her soft brown hair a strewn mess in front of her forehead.

"You're right. Sometimes the eroticness of a situation is better than actually acting on it," I replied.

"I do hope you stay in Los Angeles Dean. We need to do this again sometime...although maybe next time with the real thing," Rachel said, climbing off from the bed and starting to get dressed. I took that as my cue to exit.

"Sounds like an offer I can't refuse," I said to her. "I'm heading back out to the party. Don't forget your toy...the next girl who comes in here with me might get the wrong impression,"

"I won't. Enjoy your party Dean, but I must be going. Early morning flight and all that. Don't be a stranger," Rachel said, kissing me on the cheek as she watched me step out of the room, the last sight a wonderful image of her wrapped partially in the bed sheets of my bed, wearing just a skirt and a pair of shoes before she resumed getting dressed.

I pulled the door closed quietly behind me and glanced down the hall: thankfully, no one had seemed to hear us. I could tell from the noises downstairs though that the party was still going in full swing, heads moving around and chatting as I looked over the balcony of the second floor to see the world's most beautiful people below.

I was going to head back down and join the party when I heard a noise from far down the hall. It sounded like a loud thump, as if someone had hit the floor or, at the very least, was re-arranging furniture. My curiosity got the better of me and I walked down that way to investigate.

The door of the far bedroom was open a crack and I peeked in to see what the noise was. Opening the door wider, I saw quite a sight. Courtney Cox and her husband David Arquette were hunched over the side of the bed, fucking doggy style as David's ass rose and fell, his cock plunging into Courtney's ass. They were both completely naked and would have been completely oblivious of my presence had the door not slipped from my hand and opened wider with a squeak.

They both froze as they looked at me, Courtney's beautiful breasts hanging away from her slender body. I spotted some teeth marks on them and only guessed that they liked their sex rough.

"Woah, sorry, I'll knock next time," I said, turning to leave. I heard them rustling behind me as I turned away and walked out of the room, but as I went to walk away I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back around to see Courtney standing there in the doorway, her dark hair framing her face. Her cheeks were red and her body glistened with sweat. It was clear from the moisture down by her neatly trimmed cunt that David had already plundered that hole tonight, probably while I was in the room with Rachel, and Courtney's lips protruded slightly from her body. She made no move to cover herself and I could feel the heat radiating off of her chest against me as I stood there, slightly embarrassed by this awkward situation.

"Sorry Dean, we'll get dressed and go. I know we shouldn't have been doing this in your house. I'm sorry," Courtney said apologetically to me. Her eyes were a deep blue shade, soft in the light of the hallway.

"Hey, it's ok. Everyone gets the urge sometimes, I know. Why, just a minute ago I was...never mind. Any ways, it's not a big deal," I said to her, absent mindedly putting my hand on her shoulder like a father would to his daughter. Courtney glanced down at my hand and then lifted her head up in a sexy smile that I knew made millions of men not miss "Must See TV".

"You sure you don't mind?" she asked once again.

"Courtney, it's fine. Go finish up, I don't mind," I said, realizing the awkwardness of my hand being on her shoulder and removing it suddenly, thrusting it into my pocket.

"Well, if you don't mind then alright. Would you care to join us?" she asked, slipping her naked arm around my back and shoulder. Now it was my turn to watch what she was doing with a slight surprise.

"I really shouldn't, what with the party and all..." I said, trailing off. The excuse was weak and she knew it.

"Come on. I've always wanted to get you in the sack anyways," Courtney said, pulling me inside before closing the door tightly (and locking it I might add) behind us.

David Arquette didn't look the slightest bit surprised to see me standing there while his wife worked on removing my clothes. In fact, he seemed eerily comfortable with it, sipping from a beer as he laid nude on the bed.

"Hey Dean, what's up?" he said, setting his beer back on the bedside table. The absurdity of the situation would have made me laugh, if I wasn't momentarily distracted as Courtney slipped off my pants and boxers onto the floor, stroking my cock as she moved her hand up my chest to remove my shirt.

A moment later I was as naked as they were and Courtney led me over to the bed. She sat me down before dropping her knees to the floor, her body once again pressed against the bed as I had seen her when I first walked in, her ass an inviting temptation for David. Taking my cock in her hand, she started to work it up and down before turning to David and saying "As you were," with a smile.

David moved back behind her and, his cock still hard, slipped back into her ass. Courtney winced in pain slightly as David buried himself into her, but she took her mind off of it by suddenly pressing her lips onto my cock and engulfing it all down in one gasp. I reclined on the bed as Courtney went to work, this being my third blowjob of the day. But after the scene with Rachel not even 30 minutes ago, I knew that the orgasm from this one would be coming (no pun intended) very quickly.

Resuming his same angling from before, David's hips thrust up and down as he pumped into Courtney's lithe body, her body rocking with each entrance into her tight anus. Courtney didn't seemed concerned with that though, she was much more occupied with sucking on my prick, which was still painfully hard from my encounter with Rachel. Courtney's head bobbed up and down as she rolled her tongue over the top of the shaft and down in a straight line along the length of my cock. I was surprised to see someone like her so adapt at giving blowjobs, but considering that she had spent many of her non-famous years in the depths of b-movies, she probably had to give head to many an executive to move up in the world.

As Courtney licked and sucked on my hard rod, David leaned against her back and whispered something in her ear. Even with a mouthful of cock, whatever he had said made Courtney smile and nod her head yes, her eyes looking up at me and my firm, toned stomach. She let the head slip from her mouth, her body rocking still from David's now much harder fucking of her ass.

"Have you ever done DP before?" Courtney asked.

I looked at her puzzled for a second. "DP?" And then it hit me what she was talking about. "Double Penetration?"

"Uh-huh. David suggested that since I seem to like the taste of your cock so much, I'd love to have it inside me while he's fucking me too," Courtney said. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of this primetime sitcom stars mouth, but the sheer mental image alone of seeing Courtney Cox impaled on two pricks almost made me cum right there.

"Nope, but I'd be more than willing to give it a shot," I said.

Courtney pushed back from the bed and stood up, David's cock falling out of her ass with a loud *plop* sound as she moved onto the bed, crawling onto her hands and knees next to me.

"Ok, we haven't done this very often but if we can get it right, I think we will all enjoy it," David said. "Dean, scoot underneath her and wait till she lowers herself down onto your dick. Once you're inside, I'll enter her from behind,"

I nodded and followed his instructions, moving beneath Courtney's breasts as she watched me. Her hair hung in a long bang covering her eyes and the makeup she had worn to the party was slightly smeared from the sweat of her and David's lovemaking. She looked like a pure and unabashed slut as I moved under her and aimed my cock at her waiting hole.

Courtney expertly lowered just her hips towards it and watched from between her breasts as I slid into her with ease, her pussy wet and tight and oh so warm. I buried myself in her without any hesitation this time, and Courtney's pubic bone finally came to rest on top of my groin as the matted hair between her legs nestled softly against my balls and embedded cock. Her ass was still slightly elevated and David very carefully moved to a sort of squatting position, working his head into her freshly stretched asshole.

Courtney bit down on her lip as David entered her again, obviously still not very comfortable with anal sex. It made me wonder why she would want to get herself into a position where both of her lower holes would be stretched, but then again I wasn't complaining that she did. Adjusting her ass to David's girth, his cock soon was as deep as possible inside of her, and I could feel the bottom of his balls resting against my own.

Courtney re-positioned herself now that she had two cocks buried in her and began a slow, circular motion as she grinded her hips on top of me. I had to do little in terms of thrusting inside of her, as her toned ass seemed to be doing most of the work. David began to work himself in and out of her tight anal opening, pulling only an inch or so in and out of Courtney while she rested herself on top of me. I tried to keep pace with them now, lifting my hips from the bed so that I could stick my prick deeper in Courtney's hole. Her pussy had stretched easily to meet the long and thick length of my meat, and she was an expert at holding a cock deep in her love channel, keeping both of our dicks inside of her as I began to pick up a good thrust in and out of her hot cunt.

Tilting her head back in a moan, Courtney rocked on us as we went to work fucking her. It was a little difficulty staying inside of her as she started to do this, as her body began to squirm and writhe around a bit as she was impaled on the cocks, David now like a blur as he moved in and out of her ass. I simply held on tight, burying myself as deep into her as possible, whenever possible. Courtney's breasts swayed in front of me, her magnificent nipples beautiful as they rocked on her thin body. Bending her head down now, Courtney was breathing hard as she closed her eyes tightly, her hair falling across her face seductively.

"Oh God, I'm cumming!" Courtney panted, her body tensing up before releasing a tremor of orgasmic tension from between her legs, giving my cock better lubrication as it worked inside of her. Despite having just cum, and the fact that she had two dicks in her at once (something I would think would tire any girl out), Courtney continued to bump and grind against us as she had done just a few minutes before, not missing one beat. David was becoming more careful with his thrusts now, pulling himself almost all the way out, just leaving the very tip of his cockhead inside of her, before plunging it back into her gaping ass. When he would enter her, it would be with a great amount of force and would push Courtney's pussy tight against my prick, so that the head brushed against her cervix. Her deepest inner wall was soft and inviting as I pressed up against it, sending a wave of pleasure all the way down my shaft.

I'd like to say that I lasted a long time with this added sensation being applied, but given that I had been extremely turned on from my encounter with Rachel Weisz and that David's rocking was applying more of that wonderful sensation on me through the channeled heat of Courtney's pussy, I wasn't too surprised as I felt my load start to arrive.

"Courtney," I gasped. "I'm gonna cum. Should I pull out?"

"No, just fill me up Dean. Fuck me hard and give me all that you've got. I'm going to cum too, ohhhh cum with me Dean, come on. Ohhhhh, here I go!!! YESSSS!!" Courtney cried. I felt my cum gush from my cock and into Courtney's wet and waiting pussy, milking it down as I fucked her as hard as I could. Her own orgasm occurred half-way through mine about, so the rush of my own cum mingling in with her own juices as I shot was indescribable. My orgasm subsided after a few seconds and Courtney finally slowed down her pace, though David was hell bent on getting himself off inside of her ass.

I laid there, my cock still semi-hard as Courtney reclined on my chest, her body moving just enough so that my still buried dick would get a bit of stimulation from her cum soaked pussy. Courtney, having cum twice, was now focused on getting David off as well. She reached her hand down to play with her clit, rubbing it softly against her palm, the tips of her fingers brushing my balls as David sawed himself in and out.

"Oh yeah David baby, that's it. Cum in my ass. Do it for me Davey, come on, I want to feel it," Courtney cooed, egging him on as he grunted loudly once and erupted his own flood of cum deep into Courtney's asshole. He bucked hard into her as he thrust, pulling his cock out of her finally as he was spent. I was surprised to see that he was more than amply equipped, a decent 7 and a half inches probably. It made me wonder how Courtney was able to take such large pricks inside of her at once.

My cock had grown a little limp now so I let it slide out as Courtney rolled off of my chest and onto David, who had laid down on the bed next to her. We all laid there, Courtney's arms across each of our chests, a look of bliss on her eyes as she laid there with them closed.

"You're lucky Dean," David said finally. "Courtney never lets anyone but me cum inside of her,"

"That's not true Dean. David just doesn't KNOW about all the guys I fuck when he's not around," Courtney said playful. David pinched her thigh in a joking manner, causing Courtney to yelp in pain for a moment before rolling over and kissing him.

"I'll take that as my cue to go," I said to them as I climbed off the bed.

"Oh come on, you don't want to go another round?" Courtney asked. She had scooted up onto her elbows, her soft face in the palms of her hands as her hair hung in that "just fucked" look that I always found incredibly appealing. David played with her ass, wiping away some of my cum from her pussy and smearing it on her ass.

"I'd love to, but this IS my party and I've been gone for quite a while now," I said to them as I got dressed and put on my shoes. "Ya'll are more than welcome to spend the night if you want, or stay as long as you wish. Just lock the door in case you don't want people like me stumbling in again," I said, leaving.

"But that would take out all the fun!" Courtney called as I shut the door behind me.

I walked downstairs, straightening my shirt lest someone give me a suspicious look. The party was still going on - I saw a group of comedians standing around and sharing jokes with one another, I saw a handful of action stars playing poker on my kitchen table and I saw some of the newer, b-movie actresses raiding my fridge for food. Everyone smiled or nodded or waved in the polite way that people from Los Angeles have of saying hello, and I continued to make my rounds through the house.

Passing the backdoor, it dawned on me that I hadn't been outside to the pool or hot tub to see if anyone was there that I missed saying hello to when I arrived. Opening the door, I stepped outside and turned on the porch light, the crickets and frogs chirping and making noise off in the woods by the side of the house. Glancing over the deck, I saw that the pool was empty, which was surprising given that at almost every Hollywood party I had been to, whenever there was a pool SOMEONE was always in it. I was just about to go inside when I heard laughter coming from the far side of the pool, where the Jacuzzi was located. Walking down the deck stairs, I followed the noise and as I drew closer to the Jacuzzi I could distinctly make out two female figures splashing and talking in the whirling jets of the Jacuzzi.

"Hello ladies," I said to them as I stood by the small step leading into the oversized wooden paneling that served as a bar sort of area for the Jacuzzi itself.

It was Drew Barrymore and French actress Virginie Ledoyen who were making the noise, splashing in the water. They stopped as they saw me approach. Virginie whispered something in Drew's ear and they giggled as I walked up to them. The steam from the hot tub was rising around them like a fine mist, and even in the rapidly moving bubbles, I could see that neither girl appeared to be wearing much of anything underneath the jets of water.

"Hi Dean," Drew said, putting her arm around Virginie. "I just LOVE your house, I can't believe you never invited me over before,"

"I would have but you know how busy I am sometimes," I said. "But now you are here and obviously enjoying the amenities,"

"Most definitely. Now Dean, Virginie and I were having a pretty serious debate before you walked up. But since you are here and can offer a different perspective, maybe you can offer us an opinion," Drew said.

"I can try. Anything for two lovely ladies such as yourselves," I replied with a smile.

"Ok. Go ahead and ask him Virginie," Drew said, turning to her. Virginie's face blushed tremendously and she splashed Drew a little, obviously embarrassed. As her hand moved, I caught a glimpse of her breast and the very tiny pink nipples that protruded from the middle of her large A or small B sized breasts.

"I can't ask him that! I'm too embarrassed!" Virginie said, each word accented by her lovely French voice. She knew English enough to hold a conversation, without a doubt, but the slight trace of her accent was incredibly sexy, especially coming from such a beautiful woman as her.

"Sure you can. Come on, it's not THAT big of a deal," Drew replied, splashing Virginie back. "I mean, judging from the amount of skin you show in your movies I hardly think you are a person who should be shy,"

"This is true, but...I don't know, just ask him yourself!" Virginie blurted. Drew did a mock exasperated sigh, which turned into a slight smile as her cheeks dimpled in that innocent-but-sexy grin of hers.

"Virginie wants to know which one a guy would prefer: shaved or not shaved," Drew said, languidly playing in the suds with her hand.

I wasn't expecting a question like that, so I simply replied. "It's hard to say. I guess it depends on the guy and more importantly on the girl,"

They both seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"Would you like to see a, how do you say...example?" Virginie asked, her face still blushing but her voice growing more decisive as she spoke.

I could feel my cock stirring slightly in my pants. "Sure, if you would like to provide me with one," I said.

The two girls glanced at each other again for a moment, probably trying to decide what to do next. Then, very slowly, Virginie began to raise her hips out of the water. As the water fell off of them and cascaded down her legs, I saw that she was completely hairless on her mound, shaved to neat perfection without the slightest hint of stubble or roughness on her bald twat. The water running over it gave it a look of a smooth landscape, especially in addition to the smooth curves of the rest of her body.

Virginie held her hips raised like that for a moment as she watched me. I stepped in closer to take a better look and as I did, Drew raised up her own hips. She was of the non-shaved kind, although her bush was still very neat and trimmed. It gave the area between her legs a sort of exotic look, especially with the butterfly tattoo below her navel and the bouquet of flowers just above her pussy on her left hip. The water matted down the hair between her legs but I could still clearly see the opening to her hole, which looked just as inviting as Virginie's.

I spent a few moments looking at each girl, rubbing a finger over their outer lips lightly as I "inspected" them. The two of them laughed with one another and shot each other silly looks as I did this, obviously having a good time with the whole thing, although I could tell from the gentle hardening of their nipples in the night air that both of them were getting aroused, especially Drew, whose C-cup breasts hung magnificently on her chest.

"You could hurry up you know Dean," Drew said wryly as I moved my hand away from her. "This isn't the most comfortable position,"

"Alright, fine. You ladies can sit back down now if you want," I said. They both splashed back into the tub on command. "Well, I have to say it's a tie. I can't tell which is better because quite frankly, both of them are incredibly sexy and any guy I'm sure would love to be between those lovely legs of yours,"

Virginie splashed me playfully. "So then, would you like to, be between my legs?" Virginie asked, her phrases a little broken between words given that her English still wasn't the strongest.

"Hey, no fair! If she gets to fuck you, I should to!" Drew said as she looked up at me, licking her lips a bit.

"Ladies, please. There is plenty of me and plenty of time for everyone to get a fair judging, ok?" I said, starting to remove my clothes. I slipped out of them and took off my shoes, glancing around to make sure no one was watching me as I stepped naked into the hot tub. My cock was slightly hard already and had grown almost to it's full length before sitting in the hot, steamy water of the Jacuzzi.

Virginie scooted over to me and leaned her head against my shoulder. Her hand moved underwater as I felt her take my cock in her hand and stroke it, making sure to get me nice and hard. She turned to face me and planted a kiss on my mouth. I accepted it and within a moment was kissing this hot French actress deeply, our tongues wrestling in our mouths. Drew meanwhile had scooted over to Virginie and was busy rubbing the other girls clit under water while she played with her medium sized, slightly pink nipples.

I broke the kiss with Virginie and pulled her onto my lap. Turning around so that her ass was facing me, she spread her legs slightly and, given the warm water around us, I had no trouble penetrating into her opening. As my cock passed into her slit, I felt her inner walls open up as Virginie leaned back against me, her ass firmly nestled against my crotch. Her cheeks were soft and smooth underneath the water, but her pussy was even better. Tight and firm, it felt like she hadn't had sex in a long time, her walls opening up ever so slowly, fighting and gripping my cock with every motion I made inside of her making it all the more pleasurable.

Drew watched as I entered Virginie, rubbing her own breasts with her fingers, teasing them as she laid in the Jacuzzi and watched. Always the wild girl though, Drew gave up on getting herself off and crawled over to Virginie on her hands and knees, turning around so that her firm, tight ass was well within Virginie's reach. It was obvious what Drew wanted, but Virginie still seemed hesitant. She slowly lowered her hand between Drew's legs and cupped her cunt, rubbing her hand back and forth over the mound as she rode me in a cowgirl style position, my cock sliding in and out of her.

I watched this great scene unfurl before me, as Virginie, who was encouraged by Drew's moaning voice and swaying hips, grew braver and began to slip a finger inside of Drew's hole as she continued to move her hand over the blonde's pussy. The tip of her finger was invisible to me, but Drew clearly felt it as she bucked her hips downward slightly, trying to get more of Virginie's hand into her hot cunt. I gripped Virginie's hips tightly and bent her forward at the waist, so that she could be closer to Drew's opening. She didn't need much more incentive than that as she lowered her face to Drew's ass cheeks and nuzzled her nose by Drew's tiny, pert asshole, licking her tongue over it.

Drew shuddered in the water as Virginie's nimble tongue slowly moved from Drew's ass to her hand, which was now fucking Drew with just as much enthusiasm as I was fucking Virginie! Her pink pussy lips open and just begging to be sucked, Virginie tenderly placed her mouth on Drew's opening, sliding her tongue over the slick, water coated juices that dripped out. I don't know if Virginie had ever had a lesbian experience before, but she was quite obviously a natural. Her tongue buried itself deeper inside of Drew's hot cunt, Drew turning back to watch, closing her eyes every now and then in a look of sheer bliss.

This hot scene, two very different actresses making love, only encouraged me to bounce Virginie harder on my thighs, her pussy rising and falling as her outer lips gripped onto my cock and slid up and down, the friction and heat of the tub making it feel like a wonderful waterfall sliding over my manhood every time Virginie came down on me with a splash. I felt the bulge of my shaft brush against Virginie's clit, and I think that the naughtiness of eating out Drew and my own steady pace of fucking her triggered an intense orgasm inside Virginie, causing her to cry out something in French loudly.

She lifted her head from between Drew's legs, though continuing to work on her cunt with her hand, and sighed for a moment, enjoying the pleasant afterglow of a great cum. Her hair was dripping at the tips and her body was awash in the small bubbles of the streaming jets, creating an awe inspiring site as this young actress, surely to be an up and coming star in the US, panted out the last waves of pleasure in her tight, firm body.

Opening her eyes, Virginie leaned her head back and kissed me again, renewed and ready to continue pleasing Drew. But this time, rather than sticking her face back between Drew's pink folds, she did something totally unexpected. Reaching her arm underwater, she emerged it a moment later, holding one of the moveable jets of the Jacuzzi. Water gushed out of it in a long and steady stream as Virginie sprayed her arm to feel the temperature before slowly sliding it along Drew's back.

Drew arched on her knees as the warm water and bubbles slid off of her pale skin and dripped below into the Jacuzzi, little rivulets running down her tits and arms as Drew gave herself away to her newly initiated lover. Virginie looped circles and zig zags down Drew's back and even sprayed her ass a little, letting the hot water turn Drew's already flushed skin a darker shade of red. But both she and I knew where she was leading it: to the aroused and excited cunt between Drew's legs. Virginie took her time as she did this, letting more water run down between Drew's ass crack, before finally moving it with a sudden jerk down so that the water sprayed directly onto Drew's open and aroused cunt.

The effect was electric. Drew hadn't been expecting this from Virginie and literally SCREAMED in ecstasy as the water sprayed into her deepest channel. It was an instant orgasm for Drew, her legs buckling as she dropped down into the water some more, though Virginie followed Drew's body motion expertly, grinning as she let the stream of water tease and pleasure Drew's clit. Drew looked exhausted, but as Virginie continued to work the moveable jet closer to Drew's cunt, thereby increasing the pressure that was being forced onto it, Drew resumed her position on her hands and knees, her pussy lips quivering from the water.

Virginie reached her hand down by the stream and tugged at Drew's clit, making sure to expose it so that she and I could both clearly see it. Raising her arm back with the jet stream, she eased up on the water pressure and let just a softer spray brush over Drew's love button. Drew writhed and moaned, barely able to keep her balance on the slippery floor of the jacuzzi, but not wanting to move at all for fear of losing some of that wonderful attention Virginie was putting on getting Drew off again.

I meanwhile had found it hard to stay inside of Virginie's hot pussy, let alone keep from cumming, but had managed to find a way by gritting my teeth together hard. After her own orgasm, Virginie continued to rock her small body on my lap, stretching and teasing my cock. Her inner walls were smooth and soft and her pussy was not as deep as I had expected, only allowing about 2/3 of my prick to bury itself inside of her, her cervix being battered every time she lifted herself on and off of me. The warm water of the hot tub had kept my balls loose and my stamina strong, but watching Virginie play with Drew's clit with the jet was too much. I reached my hands up and grasped onto Virginie's small breasts, pulling her back against me hard and eliciting a gasping moan from her as I shoved as much of my prick inside of her as possible and shot what felt like a torrent of cum inside of her. My juice coated along the insides of her walls, but Virginie had planted herself as deeply as possible on me and the suction from her cunt had managed to keep most of it from falling out of her pussy.

Virginie tilted her head back in the air, her eyes closed, her face looking absolutely flawless as I held her there, my orgasm subsiding finally. I was panting from the heat of the tub (not to mention the fire between Virginie's legs) as I finally lifted her from my cock, the head red from the heat of the Jacuzzi. Virginie slid off of me but didn't miss a beat in working on Drew's cunt, as her hand moved lower towards Drew's exposed clit, the water now coming at a much higher strength than before. When she was about 5 inches from Drew's gaping cunt, Drew orgasmed once again, this time managing to keep her balance but just barely as she swayed almost drunkenly on her hands.

I stroked my cock, keeping it still hard as I watched Drew finally turn over on her back, her chest heaving as the orgasm subsided. Her eyes were closed but a wry grin had started to form on her face as she massaged where the water had been. Drew finally sat up and moved towards me, now ready for her turn in my "test" of which pussy was better. Scissoring her legs around me, Drew reclined in the tub and allowed my now rock hard prick to push against her well worn opening, sliding in just as easily as I had when I entered Virginie.

This time it was my turn to do the thrusting and, keeping Drew's legs wrapped around my waist, I got up on my knees and lifted part of her body out of the tub, her arms gripping onto the sides as she hung almost suspended in the air, just her shoulders resting on the step of the tub. I started to work myself in and out of her smoothly, finding her pussy to be much more flexible and stretchable, not to mention easier to penetrate completely, than Virginie's. Even as I thrust all the way inside of her, I still didn't feel my cock bottoming out against her inner walls, a testament I suppose to her wild days of sex with many different men when she was Hollywood's "bad girl".

Virginie, having already endured two orgasms and induced three just by her own accord, was still not done though: she wanted her pussy licked. She stepped out of the tub and sat down right above Drew's face, spreading her legs wide to give Drew a good angle at eating out Virginie. Drew, the more experienced lover when it came to matters such as these, found herself in a wonderful position. She scooted down a little further so that her head rested now on the step, her mouth open and her tongue extending while Virginie lowered herself onto Drew's face, all the while having my cock plunging in and out of her pussy.

Drew began to suckle at Virginie's cunt, her tongue probing deep within the young French girls twat. Drew's lips exposed the pink folds of Virginie's cunt, her clit red and raw as Drew licked it feverishly. I could see fluids leaking out from between Virginie's legs and I wondered if some of what Drew might be tasting was my own cum, mixed in with the pussy juices that Virginie was clearly secreting.

I kept my eyes focused on this hot scene as I bent down and took Drew's left nipple in my mouth, enjoying the taste of her breast between my lips, the salty sweat of her body combined with the slight chlorine taste of the Jacuzzi. Continuing to fuck Drew, my prick glided in and out of her hips, rocking her body as Drew gripped tightly onto the edges of the Jacuzzi, resisting against gravity itself to try and keep her own pleasure from subsiding.

Virginie pushed herself lower onto Drew's face, covering the pretty blonde's mouth with her thighs now completely as Drew continued to lick at her and I kept pace in fucking Drew. Virginie's body, which had dripped off most of the excess water of the Jacuzzi shuddered for a moment as she came on Drew's face, making Drew's sucking and licking more audible now that the juices were coating her mouth and lips. Virginie sighed audibly as she finished her orgasm, leaning back a little bit as her tits arched outward from the final spasms of her pussy. Unlike many women I had been with, an orgasm seemed to be the most natural thing for Virginie, almost an all the time occurrence and I was a little surprised that she didn't make more feverent gestures about the whole thing as she came. And yet though, watching her calmly ride out the intense wave of bliss that washed from her lower body up was incredibly erotic in and of itself.

Virginie's own relaxed approach (so to speak) at cumming didn't seem to bother Drew in the slightest, even though the French beauty had goose bumps all over her skin as she eased herself off of Drew slightly, giving her room to breathe more. This all just seemed to encourage Drew even more, her hips now thrusting harder and harder against me as I gripped firmly onto her ass and pulled her to me, jostling her body around as my arms grew slightly tired from holding her.

Luckily though, I didn't have to hold her long. As Virginie removed herself from Drew, she climbed back into the tub and began to rub and fondle Drew's breasts, sucking on her right nipple as the two girls held eye contact with one another, Virginie smiling up at Drew seductively as she licked her breast. Drew's hips rocked up and down as another orgasm gripped her, biting down hard on her lip in a whimper as she came on my cock. My own thrusts were much more deliberate now and with the added rippling of Drew's pussy, I thrust harder into her and shot my load deep inside of her womb, spraying inside of her hot cunt.

I held Drew up for a few more moments as my dick softened inside of her, before gently setting her down on the floor of the Jacuzzi. Virginie crawled up to her and they nuzzled with one another, each touching the other's body as we all rested in the hot tub (which by now was missing about half it's water). As we all relaxed for a few minutes, Virginie finally spoke.

"So, Dean, did you decide on the ah, better pussy?" she said. Drew laughed wildly at the phrasing of Virginie's question, causing her to blush slightly.

"I call it even. Comparing you two ladies would just be down right unfair. You both were incredible," I said as I started to climb out of the tub.

"Where are you going?" Drew asked.

"Well, in case you didn't know, there are a lot of people in my house and I need to go watch over them. Do the sociable host sort of thing. You two girls have a good night - oh and Drew, make sure you clean Virginie up a bit before you leave, if you know what I mean," I said with a wink. Drew turned to Virginie, taking her face in her hands and kissed her softly as I got dressed.

"No problem there. Come on girl, let me teach you a few tricks for later on..." Drew said as I walked away into the house, shaking my head. My clothes were sticky from the Jacuzzi as I made my way inside, passing a few stragglers who had probably come out to see what all the screaming was about. Heading inside, I walked upstairs again, finding it to be completely quiet from all the bedrooms down the hall. It was starting to push 11:00 and I could tell that for a lot of people, the party was winding down. I didn't care though, I just felt like I needed a shower.

Walking into my bedroom, I stripped off my clothes and turned on the water, waiting on it to warm up. After it did, I stepped into the warm heat of the stall and let the water wash over me. Standing underneath the water, I started to think about all that had happened today. How I had started the morning with Damon and went on to have sex with six different beautiful women and watched four others get off by their own accord (well, Rachel DID have a little help from me). I couldn't help but smile over this thought, but inside I still felt a little troubled. As much as I had tried to shake the question, I felt like today was a day of decisions, of making up my mind and trying to figure out where I was going to go from here. Everyone who wanted me to stay in the business seemed genuine and sincere, but I couldn't help but wonder what position they would be in if I hadn't made them all fabulously wealthy and tended to their every need. I tried to focus on the question but my mind kept running from it, distracting myself with other things. As I reached for the soap, I resolved myself to coming to a decision before the night was over.

I must have been completely distracted in my thoughts however, because I didn't hear the door to the bathroom open or see the female form outside of it undressing and standing outside the stall. It was only when I heard the stall itself be pulled open did I come out of my mental state and see the woman standing in front of me.

It was Kristin Davis, one of (and arguably the most beautiful) stars of the hit HBO show "Sex and the City". She must have been in her own world too as she opened the stall, completely naked, and stuck her hand in to turn on the water. She glanced up at me and our eyes met, before she screamed and stepped back in surprise.

"Agh! Shit, sorry! I didn't know anyone was in there! I'm so sorry, I'll leave and come back when you are done," Kristin said, closing the stall. I caught it from her hand and stuck my head out.

"Kristin, it's me, stop freaking out," I said to her. She looked surprised for a moment, putting a name to the face. When she noticed it was me, she smiled.

"Oh Dean, Jesus you scared me half to death. I thought you were someone else," Kristin said.

"Nope, it's just me. Who were you expecting?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking actually. I have a lot on my mind with the new season of the show about to start and all and well, the three drinks I had about an hour ago didn't do much to keep my mind sharp," she said. She glanced down at herself and realized that she was naked, suddenly moving her hands to cover her full, jutting breasts with her arm and moving her other hand down between her legs. Her face blushed red.

"It's alright. I do live here you know. Why are you taking a shower anyways?" I asked.

"I thought it might wake me up a little, clear my head. I really didn't mean to barge in on you, I'll let you finish your shower and then if it's ok I'll take one of my own," Kristin said softly, turning to the door. I couldn't help but notice her firm ass as she turned, the flawless beauty of her backside.

I paused for a moment. "You don't have to go if you don't want to," I said. Kristin stopped.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, the shower is big enough for two people, so you can join me if you want. Besides, it saves water," I said with a smile.

Kristin stepped towards me, her nose wrinkling in a cute way. "Are you sure? I mean, you don't mind if I see you naked?"

"No more than if you mind that I see you. And I think that cat is already out of the bag," I said, opening the door wider for her. Kristin blushed at my comment, but removed her arms, giving me a full view of her naked body. In the steam of the shower, she looked like a beautiful nymph standing there, taking a step towards the shower, the gracefulness of her body a magnificent sight to behold.

"Well, ok. I guess it's no big deal. We are both adults after all," she said with a nervous smile, stepping past me and into the cascading water. I shut the stall behind her, leaving us both standing in the shower, the water starting to sheen off of her body.

We stood in silence for a moment as Kristin got her whole body wet, the water soaking her long brown hair as it fell over her shoulders. She seemed at ease for the most part at standing there, but from the slight movement of her feet as she shifted her weight I knew that she was still a little hesitant.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, taking a shower with Hollywood stud Dean Simonds," she giggled. "I guess this is what I get for drinking a lot in a short amount of time,"

"Hollywood stud huh? Well, coming from someone as beautiful as you, that's a compliment I suppose," I said, reaching for the soap and starting to lather myself up. As I soaped up my body, I held the soap out to Kristin. To my surprise though, she turned away from me and showed her back.

"Here, wash my back for me if you don't mind," she said. I told her I didn't and then lathered up my hands with the bar of soap and began to rub it into her skin. Working my hands over the small of her back, I moved upwards towards her shoulders and neck, coating it in the bubbles of the soap. Kristin moved under the water and let it wash away, my hands now moving lower on her. I hesitated for a moment, trying to decide if she wanted me to take it to the next step. With a little bit of pause, I placed my hands on her ass and began to rub the soap in. Kristin didn't move or flinch or turn away and as I cleaned her tight ass cheeks, the flesh soft and warm in my palms, she seemed to loosen up even more.

"Having a hit show is so stressful," she said, her back still turned to me. "I mean, with Sarah Parker getting pregnant and all, it delayed things quite a bit on the set. And now the anticipation is so high for the next season to start. And even though we aren't really a new show, I still feel nervous before the start of every season. I guess I'm afraid the fans will just abandon us all of a sudden and I'll be out of a job,"

"I wouldn't worry about that," I said to her, moving my hands from her ass up to her waist and around to her tummy, rubbing the bar sensuously across her skin. "Someone like you has real talent and you will be able to find work for a long time to come,"

"I hope so," she said with a sigh. "I just wish I could get an award nomination sometime or something. Any kind of recognition to make myself feel better, to distinguish myself from the other actresses on the show,"

"Again, I wouldn't fret over that. Your character is an important part of the show. And just because you don't get the snappy dialog doesn't make your character any less important. After all, there has to be at least ONE normal woman on the show, don't you think?" I said to her, my hands now moving on their own up to her chest right below her breasts.

"Thanks Dean," she said, turning to me, my hands still stuck right beneath the natural hang of her tits. "You know how to make a girl feel good,"

Now it was my turn to blush slightly. "You don't know how often I've heard that," I mumbled. Kristin grinned at me and took the soap from my hands.

"Here, let me wash you," Kristin said. She turned me around and worked on my back, moving quickly up and down, getting my body lathered up in a speedy fashion. Her pace slowed however as she moved her hands to my ass and waist, dawdling there for a moment before suddenly moving her small hands to my groin and rubbing the soap over my cock. I felt myself start to harden as she squeezed and fondled them with her slippery fingers, her body now moving closer to me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck.

"Maybe you have heard that from a lot of women," she whispered. "But I still think you deserve a lot of credit for all the work you do. I don't think you get paid enough for all that you give to clients,"

"Oh, I take a sizable percentage, you know that," I said as I felt her fingers encircle my cock and start to slide up and down it, just slow enough to tease between deliberate attention and a casual "wash".

"That's not what I meant. I think you sometimes deserve a little bit more," she said, now jerking harder on my prick so that it was at full hardness. "More attention to your own...needs,"

I turned to face Kristin now, and found that beneath that cute girl-next-door smile of hers was a look of lust, just below the surface. It was surprising to see that really, as I had never thought of Kristin in a sexual way in terms of being a client. But with the water falling on her like that and the grin that she was giving me, her cute face masking the desire beneath, my viewpoint started to change quickly.

Kristin released my cock and handed the soap back to me. "Here, you forgot to do my chest," she said with a wild grin.

I placed my hands on her breasts, now squeezing them harder as I rubbed the soap into them, feeling her nipples harden beneath my touch. Her c-cup breasts bounced naturally underneath my busy fingers and Kristin gasped a little as I played with her tits, squeezing them in an innocent manner so that I could keep the tease going with her. I released her breasts after a moment as we stood there under the water, Kristin waiting on me to make the next move.

I pulled her closer to me, setting the soap aside as her body pressed against my own. Kristin leaned her head into my chest, and I watched the water run over her back as I massaged her shoulders. Kristin looked up at me, her beautiful brown eyes gazing into my own, her mouth moving to my neck where she planted soft kisses on the inside of my throat, making my body tingle from the sensation. My cock was hard between us, a fact that I was amazed about considering all the fucking and adventures it had gone through today. I let it slip away from her belly down to between her legs and guided it into her cunt, the tip passing through her lips. Even though I wasn't at my hardest, I could still get my prick up inside of her enough to make it pleasurable for the both of us.

Kristin raised her leg, setting it on the edge of the small seat in the shower (something installed by my father in his later years) as she pushed herself closer to me, my dick plunging like an arrow into her hot hole.

Neither of us really moved that much, we just enjoyed the sensations of each other's bodies: my own coming from the tight grasp of her cunt and Kristin just happy to feel the fullness inside of her. She placed her hands on my shoulders and rocked back and forth on the floor of the shower with her leg, bending her knee slightly as she moved my dick in and out of her body. We didn’t say anything, Kristin's head now resting against my chest once more, the silence of our lovemaking enough to make the situation very erotic, like something you would see in a higher quality soft-core porn film.

I looked down to see her gaping twat stretch and squeeze around my prick as she pushed herself horizontally against me, my dick now finally at it's hardest yet, passing into her opening smoothly, the water of the shower pouring over our genitals to provide ample lubrication. Kristin's breasts were pressed firmly against me as I moved my hand down to finger her nipples, rubbing the tip of her left breast between her thumb and forefinger, pinching it slightly.

Kristin moaned in a slight orgasm from this, neither of us rushing things as we took our time just holding each other like that in a passionate coupling of flesh. The head of my cock battered into her continually, pressing in against her deepest inner walls, touching the back of her pussy lightly as I brushed over her clit and much deeper into her cervix.

Lowering herself off of me, Kristin dropped to her knees in the shower stall, reaching her hand up to turn off the water. We stood in the dripping noise of the shower, my dick jutting out obscenely from my body as Kristin took it in her hand, letting the head slide between her lips. She moved her hand to the base of my shaft and with a bit of squeezing and twisting (very gently mind you) of the foreskin, she began to jerk me off, slow at first but much faster as the final drips of the faucet fell off and onto the tile of the shower floor.

Kristin took my dick into her mouth, her hand still working the shaft as she sucked on it like a lollipop, the tips of her teeth grazing the edge of the skin to give me goose bumps. I leaned back against the shower wall and let Kristin go to work on me, her long brown hair parted almost perfectly around her oval face, the wet strands touching against her cheeks as she sucked harder on me, her cheeks billowing inward to create an incredible vacuum.

The stress and exhaustion of the day caught up to me finally, and I felt a smaller than usual but still very intense orgasm approaching. I reached my hand down and took my cock from Kristin's mouth. She frowned in a pouting way, but leaned back on her thighs as I jerked my cock, waiting for the first shot of cum to arrive.

It shot forth a moment later as I aimed my dick towards Kristin's breasts. She cupped them together and held them out for me, the first two shots landing squarely on her left nipple and the third and final stream landing between her breasts, to dribble down through the cleavage of her flushed skin. Kristin rubbed the cum into her breasts, licking off any excess with her fingers as she finally stood up from the shower and gave me a passionate hug, her hands moving to my ass to give it a gentle squeeze.

"That was just what I needed. Thanks, as always, for helping me out Dean," Kristin said, opening the shower stall and letting the last remnants of steam escape from within. She grabbed a white towel and wrapped it around her body as she headed for the bathroom door.

"My clothes are out there. I'll see you later Dean, call me ok? We can do lunch," she said before disappearing into the bedroom. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off, reapplied some deodorant and cologne and brushed my hair in the mirror of the bathroom. The shower had felt good: even though I was pretty wiped out from all that had happened that day, the encounter with Kristin had given me a second wind and the heat of the shower just seemed to add to that. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I opened the bedroom door quietly, glancing out.

There was no one out there, so I walked out and chose a new outfit to wear - khaki pants and a loose Hawaiian style shirt that I had usually only worn for parties or around the house, something that needed to look casual. Dressing, I walked out of the bedroom and downstairs, heading for the kitchen to get something to eat.

The house was mostly quiet now, only a handful of voices trickling out of various parts of the house, as I saw a couple of extras whom I represented walking out the front door. I waved to them, but they didn't see me as they pulled the front door shut behind them. Walking into the kitchen, I found Damon sitting at the counter/bar area of the massive room, eating a sandwich and drinking one of those energy drinks.

He nodded at me as I walked to the fridge and got out some left over pizza from a few nights before and grabbed an energy drink of my own, walking over to sit next to Damon at the bar. I sat down with a sigh as he stopped eating to watch me munch on the cold pizza.

"How'd you like the party?" Damon asked, sipping his drink.

"It has been great. I can't believe that you managed to throw this together on such short notice," I said to him.

"Well, I've been planning it for a while, I saw how down you had been lately with all that shit with your brother and I thought you could use something like this to cheer yourself up," Damon replied.

"Thanks, I do appreciate it. Boy, the media would have had a field day with all the guests you managed to snag. You'd think we were handing out awards tonight or something," I said.

"Speaking of which, Halle Berry was here. She said she was sorry she didn't see you but she had an early morning flight and couldn't stay too long. But did you know that she carries that damn Oscar with her all the time?" he said.

I laughed. "No, I didn't. But it wouldn't surprise me, especially the way she put the death grip on it on Oscar night when she won it,"

"Well, she did let it go for a little while she was here. In fact, I put it to some uh, good uses when we had some time alone. Let's just say Oscar knows Ms. Berry inside and out now," Damon said with a chuckle.

I laughed again. "I'm not even going to ask about that one," I said, chugging my drink. I didn't realize how thirsty I had gotten, but the cold liquid felt good going down.

We sat in silence for a moment before Damon spoke again, finishing his sandwich.

"So have you thought more about the thing you mentioned this morning. You know, leaving and all?" Damon asked quietly.

"It's haunted me all day, but to answer your question, no. I haven't decided yet. This party put things in perspective for me, it made me feel very appreciated and happy to be around people that seem to genuinely enjoy me being out here as a person, not just in the typical Hollywood way, you know?" I said to him. Damon nodded.

"It probably doesn't hurt that you've slept with almost every woman who passed through the front door," Damon said, stifling a grin.

"I have not!" I said in a mock defensive tone. "Well, maybe not ALL of them but, well, ok probably half,"

We both laughed again as Damon finished his drink, standing up away from the bar. He stretched his massive arms over his head.

"I should probably head home," Damon said with a yawn. "Got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow,"

"You can crash here if you don't think you can drive," I said. "I know the boss and I think he'll be ok if you come in a little late,"

"That's alright, I stayed fairly sober for most of the night. But I could use a good night's sleep in my own bed. I'll talk to you later Dean," Damon said, walking towards the front door. I followed him as he stood in the doorway.

"You know, even if I do leave Hollywood and do...well, something else, I'd probably leave the business to you to run things," I said to him. Damon smiled, a genuine "aw-shucks" sort of smile.

"Really? That's an incredible compliment Dean, especially since we haven't even known each other for a year," Damon said.

"You're smart and gifted when it comes to networking with celebs and diffusing bad situations, and you always keep me on my toes. I think that you and the staff we have now could manage things just fine without me," I said to him.

"We could, but it sure would be quiet around there without you," Damon said. I didn't say anything for a moment, just letting the thoughts pass by into the warm night air.

"Go get some sleep man, and thanks again for the party," I said, patting him on the shoulder. Damon smiled and turned away, walking off through the yard to his car. He was almost out of sight when I saw a pair of headlights pull into the drive way, a big car coming to a halt behind one of my sports cars that I had left outside earlier in the week. A car door opened and closed and I saw a small female figure walk towards the entrance of the house.

As they drew closer, the porch lights reflected off of her blond hair and I could tell from the way that she carried herself it could only be one person: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Closing the door behind me, I walked out to greet her.

"Is the party over? Did I miss it?" Sarah said as she approached me. She was wearing a pink one piece dress that hung to her curves delicately, the fabric reaching down just to her calves.

"Yes, for the most part. But hey, I'm the guest of honor and I'm still here," I said, leaning back against the front door.

"Damn. If I hadn't had to return those video tapes for Freddie then I would have been here on time. I'm sorry I missed the big surprise Dean," Sarah said.

"It's alright, I've had quite a night anyways," I replied.

"That's good. Were you surprised?" she asked.

"Most definitely. I about had a heart attack right there on my hallway floor," I said with a laugh. Sarah glanced down at the pavement of the porch.

"Listen, there was another reason I came by tonight..." she said.


"Yeah. I just wanted to...well...how about we take a walk? Is your neighborhood safe to walk in?" Sarah asked, raising her head towards me.

"It's a gated neighborhood, if that's what you mean. 24 hour security, and a police station only three miles away. If that's what you mean by safe," I said.

"That will work. Here, show me around the neighborhood a bit will you?" Sarah asked. She moved closer to me and I could smell her perfume - lightly applied, it wafted like a fine wisp off of her bare shoulders of the sleeveless dress.

"It would be my pleasure," I said, taking her arm as we walked down the driveway. I left the front door unlocked, figuring any guests who were still inside needed a way to get in and out if they wanted to leave.

We strolled down the driveway and hung a left, heading down a slight hill towards the curve of the road, the only light around us coming from a streetlight way above and the night sky, which was flawless and unbroken as the stars twinkled above us, managing to escape from the light pollution of the city.

Chatting, we talked about nothing in particular really, walking the winding roads of the neighborhood for a few miles. Since we were both in shape, neither of us were really winded or tired by the walk, but I noticed as we passed under the occasional streetlight that Sarah had a slight, very slight sheen of sweat on her face and neck. I could tell from the way the conversation was going that Sarah was avoiding whatever it was she wanted to tell me. I decided to get it out of her subtly, by leading her by the hand through an empty lot of land, a small field, located at the end of one of the cul-de-sac's of the street.

We walked through the tall grass, the moisture brushing against our legs before I spotted a set of small rocks sticking out from the Earth over to the left of the field. I led Sarah there and we both sat down, enjoying the view of the city beneath us.

"Sarah, I know you are adapt at talking bullshit and making small talk since you ARE an actress and all, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you are avoiding whatever it is you wanted to tell me. You know as well as I that we can talk about your movie roles any time, so if you have something you want to tell me then just do it," I said softly.

Sarah scooted against me, her head on my shoulder.

"I talked to Kirsten Dunst the other day, we ran into each other at a movie premiere. The conversation was very private, just she and I, but she told me about what happened between you and your brother Jacob," Sarah said.

"Half-brother," I replied, correcting her.

"Whatever. Don't be mad at her for telling me, it just came up during the conversation when we were talking about you. And I realized after talking to her that if you hadn't come over to my house that night, perhaps a lot of what happened WOULDN'T have happened. And, well I've felt guilty about it since then. That's why I came by tonight, to apologize," Sarah said with a sigh.

"You don't have to apologize. It is in no way your fault about what happened, Jacob was an ego-maniac who would have found some other way to come after me, and things might have been much worse. I might not be here talking to you if I hadn't gone to your house that night," I said, pausing. "That's what's so funny about life, and what has led me to think about my future here in Hollywood. Your life can change in an instant, and even if you get through the tough tests, you will undoubtedly come back as a different person, perhaps even a worse person,"

"That's true, but I still feel guilty. I put my feelings and desires over the safety of you, and famous or not, that is just a bad thing to do to someone," Sarah said. "I hope you can forgive me,"

I kissed Sarah's head, smelling her shampoo and perfume. "I forgive you, although I still contend you don't need to be forgiven,"

We sat in silence for a moment, neither of us speaking. Sarah lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me.

"Wouldn't you miss all this? I mean, I know that you can have anyone you want, any of the most beautiful women are yours through that irresistible charm that you have. Hell, even I fell victim to it, although I'm certainly not complaining. But things would be so much different without you around to call on or talk to or just get together with, even if it is never anything serious," Sarah said. "Are you really going to leave?"

"Right now, I think so. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm going to do but for a while at least, I need to get away and leave this all behind me. Move on with my life and not let running Shooting Stars become who I am as a person," I replied. I was thinking as I spoke, not even considering what my words were saying - they just seemed to come from my heart, a place I would have trusted from the start of the day if my time as an agent hadn't altered my perception of the world.

"If you do leave, I mean, anytime soon," Sarah said. "Can I at least have you one more time? Feel you hold me and enter me just once again and make me feel complete and calm?"

"Of course. You are special to me Sarah, I don't know why. Maybe it's your independence and spirit and your own charms, but I'd love to be with you once more before I leave Hollywood," I said.

"Good," Sarah whispered. She scooted away from me for a moment and began sliding her dress off of her shoulders.

"Oh, you wanted to do this right now?" I said with a laugh.

"No time like the present," Sarah said with a grin. The material of the dress slid off of her smooth shoulders now, as she pulled the dress down her body and off, setting it against the surface of the rock we sat on. I could see her nipples hardening in the air, the tips pressing over the top of her bra as the moonlight shone on her flawless body. I turned to her and pulled her closer to me, kissing her deeply. Our tongues danced beneath the stars, Sarah's breath quickening as the passion between us grew stronger.

I put my hand on her hip and slid her panties down her thighs by the corners, Sarah kicking them off into the nearby grass. She reached behind her back and undid her bra, letting it fall from her body in a smooth and graceful motion. She set it on top of her panties and stood up in front of me, reaching her hands down to my chest. She ran her palms over my pecs, her small hands caressing my body as her busy fingers found the buttons of the shirt and began to unbutton it slowly, revealing after a moment by bare chest beneath.

I undid my belt and slid my khakis off, standing there now in just my shoes as I stood over Sarah, pulling her closer to me. My boxers were the only garment of clothing between us, and I could feel the heat radiating from between her legs as her trimmed cunt pressed against me, the wetness already apparent on top of her mound.

Removing my boxers, my cock sprung free - the shower and the energy drink had revitalized me, giving me a second wind that with most men would probably be unnatural. Still though, I felt my hard dick aching as it popped out of my boxers and slapped against Sarah's stomach. I reached under her legs and lifted her up, carrying her a few feet to a soft spot of grass nearby before laying her down on the ground.

I crawled on top of her, my knees wet with the setting dew and kissed her once more, this time with more force as my hands roamed down to her perfect, natural breasts and squeezed them, my fingers rubbing over her nipples as the tips slid between the spacing of my index and middle finger. Moving my other hand down between her legs, I plunged a finger into Sarah to increase her wetness and excite her clit, allowing me better access to the depths of her hot cunt.

Working my hand in and out of her, I continued to rub her breast and kiss her throat and neck softly, Sarah's head leaning back against the ground as she let my lips and tongue taste the soft flesh beneath her chin. As my fingers moved inside of her, I could feel her pussy already start to contract a little, grasping at my digits and trying to hold them in longer inside of her twat. I continued my kisses for a few minutes, feeling the heat coming off of Sarah's perfectly formed body rising sharply seemingly with every thrust into her gaping cunt.

Sarah was more than wet enough by now as I removed my hand, licking my fingers clean of her succulent juices. I moved on top of her, my arms placed against the wet ground by her shoulders as I lined my dick up in awaitance of entering her.

"Go slow," Sarah whispered. "I want to make this last,"

I nodded to her and moved my hand down, guiding the tip of my cock into her outer lips. They parted gently around my head, letting me sink into her pussy slowly but completely, inch by agonizing inch becoming enveloped by her oh-so-hot cunt. I gained some leverage from my knees, which allowed me to have a better angle in which to bury the remaining inches of my dick inside of her slowly. I continued to press into her until I felt myself bottom out deep inside of her tight, wet pussy, my balls resting softly in the crook of her ass as I held my penetration of her in a perfectly still manner.

Looking down at Sarah, her hand had gone to her breasts and she was tweaking and rubbing her nipples, her face cast to the side on the ground, her mouth open in an "O" shape, no sound escaping from between her thin lips. I slowly began to pull my hips back, removing a few inches or so of my cock from between her folds, the visible part of my shaft shining in the light with her juices. I pushed my rod back into her slowly, Sarah's body rocking gently against the penetration of her body, her ass moving slightly on the ground as I thrust, this time removing my dick more from her before pushing it back in once more.

I started to fuck Sarah harder now, her legs splayed out around me and a low moan coming from her lips. I was still determined to take my time as I moved myself in and out of her tight little body, but the luscious feel of her tight pussy (not fucked regularly, thanks to her fake marriage with Freddie Prinze Jr.) was urging me on, begging to be cooled down by the friction of our love making. I grinded my hips into Sarah's own, leaning over her and watching her writhe beneath me, her blonde hair spreading out on the ground around her face, giving her a sort of angelic look.

Being inside of her was an incredible feeling, one that I had not experienced with anyone but Sarah in the time I had been out here in Los Angeles. Her pussy was both warm and wet, but also tight and loose at the same time. I can't quite describe it, it was just a feeling of natural bliss, of being inside one of God's most beautiful creations and partaking in the carnal delights of that body. Sarah's clit throbbed beneath my moving prick, rubbing against the underside of my shaft, the hard nub only increasing my sensations inside of her (and it certainly didn't feel bad for Sarah!)

Sarah removed her hand from her breast and opened her eyes, looking deeply into mine. In the pale moonlight, she looked like a nymph or some other sort of mythical creature, one given over to it's own hedonistic urges and desires. She leaned up against me, causing my body to move backwards slightly as her arms wrapped around my back. Holding herself up, she began to thrust her hips upward towards my own, urging and challenging my prick to go as deep as possible inside of her.

The change in position seemed to spark a fire of lust in Sarah, for her desire to keep things slow was evaporating with every passing second, her body crying out for more ferverant attention and demanding to be pleasured. She placed her legs against mine, her thighs wet with the splashing juices that seeped from her cunt.

Neither one of us spoke - we didn't have to; this was simply about lust, about attraction and about filling a physical and emotional need, of building a connection. That sort of desire was a different kind than what I had felt in a long time, and it served to make the entire situation all the more erotic and exciting for me physically, a slight string of goose bumps running down my spine.

Sarah trembled beneath me, her cunt spewing forth her own orgasm and juices, her inner walls quaking around my cock as I rubbed it against the inside of her pussy, the soft velvety flesh like a vice of heat and wetness. She was panting hard now, her orgasm coursing through her body as she came down off of the high of it, her hips continuing to rise up and meet me as I pressed deeper and harder into her, thrusting like a jackhammer inside of her cunt.

Her breasts bouncing on her chest, Sarah's erect nipples stood out like beautiful eraser tips, the blood coursing through them making them hard and erect as they brushed against my arms and chest in our lovemaking. Sarah's ass was grinding itself into the dirt, her small cheeks rubbing against the grass. Not like she or I cared - dirty, outdoors sex felt primal and animalistic, and given the way that we were going at it, that's exactly the situation that we were in. Groaning again, I felt Sarah's body heat rise, especially inside of her sex, and she shivered slightly again, a smaller orgasm hitting her body once more, making her groan in a low and unintelligible voice.

I felt a renewed vigor inside of me, my blood energized and my prick revitalized to continue to hammer against her. Just eating something only an hour earlier had done wonders, giving me the strength to finally let Sarah's hands slip from my body and her back to rest once more on the grass, my hips now thrusting as hard as I could inside of her.

Her pussy was burning hot now, like being inside of the most intense fire of your life, the walls contracting and gripping and squeezing me firmly, not wanting to let go but just begging and urging me to shoot my load inside of her. I continued my pace inside of her, grinding her body into the dew of the grass, sweat and dirt covering both of our bodies as we kept up with one another for a few minutes, Sarah's hips rising off the ground still to meet me, before bouncing back to the Earth like a spring, popping up only a second later for another thrust.

The sex we were having was pretty ordinary, but it was by far the most amazing sex I have ever had in a position like that. Missionary or not, pushing all the way inside of her till I hit her deepest inner channel wall was a feeling of immaculate pleasure and happiness, my body on autopilot as the sweat poured off of my body and onto Sarah's naked and twisting flesh beneath me.

The heat of her pussy was quickly becoming too much for even my re-charged prick though, as I felt my countless orgasm of the day approaching. I grabbed Sarah by the hips and held her slightly in air for a moment, my dick burrowed as deep as possible inside of her, the head touching her cervix as I felt the first stream of cum shoot out like a rocket from the head of my dick.

I held Sarah like that as I continued to spurt load after steaming load inside of her, undoubtedly coating the tight walls of her pussy with my seed. As I felt the final gush release itself from my body and into hers, I slowly began to remove my dick from her cunt, the head popping out still hard as I smeared the excess cum and Sarah's juices on the small patch of pubic hair slightly above her cunt. I released Sarah's hips from my hands and gently set her legs back on the ground, her chest heaving and gasping for air as our bodies began to cool off and calm themselves down, my prick still twitching slightly as I held it in my hand, watching the slow drip of cum seep from between Sarah's still spread legs.

Helping Sarah put her dress back on (we left her underwear there for one of the neighborhood boys to find...if they only knew who it belonged to!), I redressed and we walked back to the house slowly, Sarah's small hand in my own and her body pressing tightly against me, that same indescribable heat now slowing to a cool in the night air around us.

Back at the house, I saw that it seemed like everyone had gone but that all the lights were still on. In contrast to the rest of the neighborhood, which had probably long since went to sleep, my home shone brightly from every window on the upstairs and downstairs, signs (to me anyways) that the house had life, that it wasn't just another oversized and self-serving mansion. I guided Sarah back up the front steps, intending to take her inside for another shower and perhaps another round of love making late into the night.

Opening the door, I was startled to see Natalie Portman sitting at the couch in the living room, looking down at the floor as she held her purse in her hands. Sarah closed the door behind us and Natalie looked up, seeing me standing there with Sarah's hand still in my own. Even though we had broken up, I instinctively let Sarah's fingers fall away from my hand as she waited a step or so behind me.

Natalie got up off the couch and walked towards us. "Hi Dean. Hi Sarah," she said quietly, looking right through Sarah despite having acknowledged her. It was tough to read the look in Natalie's eyes: it wasn't really anger or jealousy, but something more, something I couldn't quite put words to.

The silence was awkward as we waited there, Sarah fidgeting with her hands and looking down at the floor. Natalie walked over to her.

"You have a stick in your hair," she said, removing a small twig from Sarah's blonde locks. Sarah blushed.

"Thanks," she said quietly, Natalie stepping back to where she was just a moment before.

"Dean...can I talk to you?" Natalie said. "Alone?"

I was caught in the middle now - I didn't owe Natalie anything, and given that I had dumped her because of her betrayal of me by following Jacob's offer, I didn't have to even let her stand there in my house. Sarah was there and I was sure that for that night at least, I could be happy with her only.

But there was just something about Natalie standing there, her beautiful face and small frame, caught still between womanhood and the child actress that had literally grown up on screen, that made me push those thoughts of anger and resentment away. She wore just a simple outfit, jeans and a white blouse that frilled at the end of the arm-length sleeves, her curly brown hair pulled behind her head in a ponytail. I knew that in my heart, I at least owed her some of my time to hear her out.

"Sure, I guess. Sarah, do you want to wait in the kitchen or go take a shower or..." I said, but Sarah interrupted me.

"No no, it's fine. I was planning on leaving pretty soon anyways. You two need to work some stuff out I bet, and me just being here would make it all the more awkward," Sarah said.

"Are you sure? I'm sure Natalie wouldn't mind if you stayed," I asked, trying to convince her to stay simply because I didn't know where things would lead with Natalie.

"Like I said, it's fine. I've got a pretty hefty drive in front of me and I should probably get on the road," Sarah said. She kissed me on the cheek. "Call me if you leave town after all, or call me if you don't. Hell, just call me soon, ok?"

"Ok," I said to her, Sarah turning around and heading out the door slowly, closing the front door softly behind her. The house was empty now as Natalie and I looked at each other, neither knowing really what to say. It was strange being in such a large house that a few hours earlier had been so festive, only now it was like a brightly lit tomb, the tension between Natalie and I making things even more intense.

"Here, let's go sit down Natalie," I said in a calm voice, ushering her back into the living room. She took a seat on the sofa and I, not wanting to imply anything, sat opposite of her.

"So, what's going on? Sorry to hear that Episode II isn't going to beat out Spiderman for the summer box office haul," I said, making chit chat.

"Yeah, but I'm not too worried about that. I've gotten paid my part, so I'm happy," Natalie replied. "Let's talk about what happened between you, me and Jacob,"

Here we go, I thought to myself. "What's there to talk about? You left me for him, in particular for the money and the false illusions he offered you of even better representation," I said coldly.

"You never let me explain myself Dean, you just hung up on me. Which, I might add, was very childish of you," Natalie replied, her lips pursing together.

"Fair enough. Well, you're here now, so speak your piece," I said.

"I intend to. First off, this had nothing to do with money. I was in a bit of a rut when Jacob first came to me. I was gearing up to start doing the Episode II promo stuff, finishing up with exams at school and, well missing you a lot," Natalie said. "I was very vulnerable and Jacob quickly seduced me with the same sort of charms and whiles that you used with me,"

"So you slept with him too, is that it?" I asked incredulously.

"Like you didn't fuck around while you were out here and I was at school!" Natalie said, raising her voice slightly but catching herself. "Anyways, when I came out of the sort of fog I was in, I realized I had made a terrible mistake. But by that time, all that stuff between you and Jacob came to a head and I probably picked the worst possible night to call you and apologize,"

"That you did. But that was over a month ago. Tell me, why didn't you call me since then?" I asked.

Natalie fidgeted with her hands in her lap. "I...I didn't want to make you even more upset. I didn't want to risk blowing any chance I might have had of getting back together in the future. So I waited. And I was in LA this week for a few press interviews and Damon called me and told me about the party. I waited to come till later because I know how you get with a bunch of people around, always busy go go going," she said, smiling up at me.

"Anyways," she continued. "What I've realized is that I can't be with anyone else. Not knowing that you are there for me if I need to call hurts. It hurts me deep and it pains my soul. I tried hanging out with some friends, even dating some non-celebrity guys, but it just didn't seem to fit together. I felt hollow, empty,"

"How do you think I felt? I gave and I gave and I gave, being there for you and committing myself to you and even saving your life on that one night with Julie. And then you turn around and cheat on me by leaving my business and sleeping with my half-brother? I could tell you a thing or two about feeling empty, that's for sure," I said to her bitterly.

"I know. And I could sit here and apologize to you till I became blue in the face. But I know you, and I know that you don't put a lot of faith in apologies. But I know you and I know how your mind works. More importantly though, I know how your heart works," Natalie said. "That's why I have a proposition for you,"

"I'm listening," I said with a sigh.

"First, come sit over here by me," Natalie said, patting the couch. I moved to the couch and turned to face her, Natalie taking my hands in her own, her fingers resting on mine.

"I love you Dean," Natalie said. "I don't mean for the sex or the money or even the things we've been through. I mean that I love you as a person and as a soul mate. I want you to tell me that you don't love me back. I want you to be able to look me in the eye and tell me that, because I know that deep down you love me too and you think we should be together as well. That's what I need to know, I need to know if you feel the same. If you don't, I will leave and not come back, and we may never see each other again," Natalie said.

"I do love you Natalie," I said, my eyes becoming lost in her deep brown pupils. "But I mean, how do you know for sure that you and I were meant to be? We have both been through a lot and given my lifestyle here in Hollywood I don't see how we could avoid running into those same problems again,"

"Then leave. Leave Hollywood and come back with me. Come East. We both have enough money to live the rest of our lives out in comfort, we could buy a house near my school and live there till I graduated, then maybe even get married. Just come with me, back to where your roots are," Natalie said, squeezing my hands tight.

Here it was. My opportunity out of Hollywood, my destiny now opening before me like a blossoming flower, a future with Natalie. But did I want to leave, in spite of what I said and felt? I just didn't know...

I turned away from Natalie. "I can't. I can't decide to that, at least not right now Natalie. You can't just drop that on a person at once and expect them to come back with an answer,"

"Isn't that what this party was about though Dean? Weren't you planning on leaving anyways?" she asked, turning her head towards me.

"I don't know. I don't know what this party was for or about, but yes, the thought had crossed my mind. But don't try to write this whole thing off as fate with me wanting to leave and you offering a way out. I just don't buy that sort of thing," I said.

"Dean," Natalie sighed. "I'm not trying to put any of this in the hands of fate or any other sort of guiding power. I'm simply telling you how I feel,"

"I know how you feel, and I feel the same way. It's just...that's a big decision," I said.

Again, neither of us said much of anything. Natalie scooted closer to me on the couch; I could smell her skin and her hair, bringing back a flood of memories of our time together. We were both lost in our thoughts, but Natalie wasn't about to give up the fight yet.

Reaching out to me, her fingertips rested on my shoulder. She brushed them over my arm for a moment, nothing inherently sexual about it but still erotic in a strange sort of way. Natalie placed her other hand on my chest and put her palm over my heart, feeling it beat against her warm hand.

"This is all you need to listen to Dean. Nothing else matters," she said softly. Her hand moved from my chest to underneath my shirt at the throat of the fabric. Her fingers moved underneath the material as I sat rigid, torn inside by what I wanted to do. Her small fingertips moved down my chest, their tips a little cold but not keeping her hand from seeming to glow as it pressed against my skin. Leaning in close to me, Natalie gently kissed me on the lips, a soft kiss with more emotion than any of the feelings I had had earlier in this wild and crazy day. The kiss was only momentary, Natalie pulling her head away, but I tried not to express the feelings it stirred in me, keeping my defensive posture.

Natalie removed her hand from my body and, like Sarah only a little while earlier, began to unbutton my shirt. Natalie's touch was much more delicate though, in a way I don't think I'll understand. She glided the buttons away from the fabric with ease and within just a few moments time had it unbuttoned and off of my broad shoulders, my bare chest unmoving since she first touched me.

Natalie reached down and lifted my hand from her lap, putting it against her breast. She squeezed my fingers tightly, the tips pressing against her nipples through the blouse that she wore, trying to simulate I suppose the feeling of me touching her again. I went along with what she was doing as we sat there together, moving my hand ever so slightly at her guidance, noticing in the back of my mind that she was not wearing a bra. She moved my hand down to her leg and began to run it up and down smoothly over the material of her jeans, the warmth of her young body escaping from within as I caressed (with her guidance) the soft flesh of her encased thighs.

While her hand was guiding my own, Natalie removed her own blouse - indeed, no bra - and folded it neatly against the top of the couch, leaving it sitting there. I couldn't help but glance now at her small but firm breasts, the nipples that same incredible shade of color that showcased the true beauty of her body. My heart ached now, the feelings towards her returning. I shook my hand free of hers and continued to caress her legs by my own will, moving the other hand to her pants as Natalie leaned back against the couch, her chest rising and falling slowly.

She watched me as I touched the material of her jeans, part of me simply dieing to get at the flesh underneath, but my rational mind still trying to fight the good fight.

"Natalie," I said. "If this goes where it's leading then that doesn't mean that everything we each did will be ignored," I said to her softly.

"I know. It doesn't have to be. I'm sorry that I hurt you Dean, and I hope that you are sorry that you hurt me as well,"

I didn't respond, only continued to touch her legs, moving every now and then to the source of the heat of her body, the spot between her legs, caressing her zipper with one finger as I brushed over it non-chalantly. When my hand moved back down to her thigh, Natalie lifted her ass off of the couch and began to unbutton her jeans, sliding them down slowly over her legs, the skin tight fabric fighting every inch of the way.

She slid them over the tennis shoes she wore and leaned back on the couch, now clad only in the polished white sneakers and a pair of green and purple panties that she wore between her thin legs. As my hands made contact with her thighs, I knew that the rational part of me had lost, that my heart and body were acting on their own desires now. And what they wanted right now was to feel Natalie Portman's soft body against my own once again.

Continuing to rub her thighs, Natalie leaned over and undid my pants, sliding them down halfway to my knees. Her breasts hung down from her chest, her nipples erect from the cool air of the house, but by the feel of her skin I could tell that she was anything but cold. Moving to remove my boxers, I stopped her.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yes. I have never been more sure of anything in my life," Natalie replied, her deep brown eyes holding me in her gaze.

"Then we don't need to do this down here. It's not proper and not right for someone like you Natalie," I said. I stood from the couch, my pants now falling to the floor. Holding Natalie by the hand, I led her up the stairs slowly, step by step, her small body moving behind me. Her curly brown hair now hung loosely over her shoulders and her mouth was pursed with excitement, the lust in her eyes growing seemingly with every step we took. But it wasn't the lust I was used to: it was more than that, it was a look of love. Of the body and soul acting as one towards and end goal.

I led her into the bedroom, flipping on the light as we moved to the bed. Thankfully my earlier encounter had left no evidence, and even though Natalie probably knew what was going on in here earlier in the day, she certainly didn't need any physical proof. What was done was done, all that remained now was what was going to happen.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Natalie stood in front of me and slowly slid off her panties. She pushed me backwards gently onto the bed - this was new for her, taking the sexual lead - and climbed on top of me, planting another soft kiss on my lips, then moving up to my forehead, where she parted my hair gently. I reached down and slid my boxers off, my hard cock popping out of them and landing on my stomach. Natalie grinned at me and began kissing her way down my body, moving her tongue over my left nipple, exciting a spark inside of me, my body tingling at her touch.

She scooted to the end of the bed and leaned down, my cock just inches from her face. Her lips moved to it, but rather than engulfing it right away, she kissed the shaft, the tip of her tongue adding a drop of saliva to it as she moved her hand down to hold it, stroking the head with her fingers.

"I had forgotten how good you taste," Natalie whispered, her eyes fixated on my cock as she began to jerk it off slowly, moving her small hand up and down my now throbbing shaft. Natalie's cunt gleamed in the light of the bedroom, the shadows of the night time and street lights outside filtering in through the window to give her body an angelic glow, her flawless skin and nude body a testament to the beneficial genes she had inherited. I remembered for a moment watching her on screen when she was so young, the child star beauty having changed now into a truly beautiful creature, a young and mature woman who was just growing into accepting herself as something amazing.

Natalie lowered her head to my prick now, her hot mouth allowing the throbbing organ to slide between her lips and into the depths of her mouth and throat, most of the rod disappearing into her cute little mouth, her cheeks dimpling as she closed her lips around the base. Natalie sucked on me gently, her cheeks billowing outward as she wrapped her tongue up and down my dick, taking her time to savor the feeling.

She lifted her head away again and moved back on top of me, still holding my cock in her hand. She straddled my legs and I could feel her warm sex growing closer to my dick as she leaned over me, her breasts just barely touching my chest as she held herself up by a few inches off of my body. The erotic sensations of watching her move, the grace, was almost maddening now, and I was trembling a bit as she began to ease the head of my dick into her pussy.

As the tip of my prick passed through her outer lips, all my thoughts and worries faded away. I was living just for this moment, for this time with Natalie once more. The head passed deeper into her channel, more of my shaft following as Natalie continued to guide my body into her own, the wetness and sheer heat of her cunt almost unimaginable. I wondered how long she had planned this, and if I had been too quick to dismiss her and her feelings for me. But I quickly lost track of that as Natalie pushed back hard on top of me, her small twat opening up inside like a delicate flower to take more and more of my dick inside.

The times we had been together had allowed her to experience and come to enjoy sex on much more than a physical level. She knew what turned me on and what to do to keep me from shooting my load too early. Her pussy had also learned a few tricks of it's own, being able to, after a few sessions with Natalie, stretch to meet my girth. Natalie was becoming quite skilled in letting my shaft enter her to the fullest, the head battering away deeper inside of her tight, young pussy. I pushed my hips up for the last little bit, and watched between Natalie's legs and my own as the shaft disappeared totally inside of her, only my balls visible now, hanging tightly in their sac at the base of her hot entrance.

With my dick fully inside of her, Natalie lifted herself away from me and settled down on my hips, grinding her young body around me as I was held totally inside of her, her inner walls just wide enough to accept my member but not so loose that the vice like grip that I had loved about being inside of her had faded. Natalie pressed her hands down onto my chest and began to work my cock in and out of her body, rising off of me gently so that my shaft pressed hard against her erect clit.

Natalie's brown hair swayed around her as she flexed her body in a belly-dancer style move, her firm tummy moving hypnotically while on top of me. Her dark brown patch of pubic hair just above her entrance swayed like a field of grass from her movements, as I reached my hands out to her hips and held onto her, guiding her movements on top of me.

"Fuck! I'm going to cum!" Natalie grunted, her body continuing to buck and writhe atop of my legs. Her pussy walls contracted tightly around my shaft, holding onto it as I felt her sweet juices spill forth from her body in orgasm, her thighs quivering from the rush of pleasure. My own hips were now rising off the bed as I penetrated her deeply, the shaft sinking into her as deep as possible with every thrust, my well worked cock head pushing against the base of her cervix, buried to the hilt in her sweet snatch.

Natalie moaned softly as I continued to fuck her, riding the wave of bliss that settled over her young body after her orgasm. She had needed to cum it seemed from the moment that I entered her, and having achieved her goal she was more than ready to keep going atop my shaft, her body now bouncing harder on top of me as I traced a finger to her tight ass and pressed the tip gently into the entrance of her asshole. Her pert hole tightened and gripped my finger instinctively but relaxed some as I continued to work my finger inside of her, keeping my thrusts in her ass in time with the rocking of my dick into her pussy.

I hated pulling out of her, but as I felt her asshole stretch wider to accommodate my finger, I suddenly had a burning desire to try for an even tighter hole - her ass - allowing my dick now to slide out of her, the shaft and head red and wet from her juices. Natalie moved closer up my thighs so that my now twitching cock head was rubbing between her ass cheeks, lubricating and smearing her crack with the sweet pussy juice and her own cum that she had spilled all over my prick a few minutes earlier. Reaching down, I lined the tip of my dick up to her ass, Natalie raising herself slightly from the bed so that she could allow me a better angle in which to plunder her last untouched hole. She winced slightly as I pressed the tip harder into her anal entrance, the muscles in her ass once again tight and resisting. I continued undaunted and pushed harder inside of her, feeling her ass give way to let my fat cock head inside her tight rectum, the shaft following quickly behind.

Wedging myself further into her, I met a lot of incredibly tight (but intensely sweet) pressure as I slide first two then quickly five inches of my dick further into her, her anal passage opening up more to let me in. Natalie looked a little pained by the entrance, but she had since moved her hand down and was rubbing her hard clit as a means of taking her mind off it.

I settled on only getting most of my shaft inside of her, afraid that pushing too much more in would hurt her, and proceeded to begin sliding my dick in and out of her ass, fighting the incredible grip that was a drastic magnification of the tightness of her cunt. I was very gentle with her, taking my time and making sure not to cause her any pain if possible, slowly sliding inch by inch in and out of her ass, making sure to leave the head in to lead the way as I fucked her ass.

The tightness of her ass was incredible - it wasn't the same softness of her pussy, but the intense pressure more than made up for that. My hands roamed and squeezed her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to allow me the maximum amount of angling inside of her, the firm flesh of her young ass cheeks soft and smooth in my hands. I continued to fuck her a little bit faster now, but with the same sort of delicate care that I had practiced when I first pressed inside of her. Natalie was swaying atop of me, her right hand furiously rubbing her clit while her left squeezed and played with her left nipple, her arm crossed across her tight body. Natalie's face had become flushed from our love making and her cute cheeks were a reddish hue, a slight glow of sweat covering her brow and making a few errant strands of her hair hang on her face.

Natalie plunged two fingers inside of her cunt and lifted herself off me slightly, rocking back down onto my cock as she finger fucked herself, her increased panting and soft moaning signaling that she was so very close to orgasming. I sensed this and slid one of my own hands away from her ass and down her stomach to her snatch, rubbing two of my fingers over her clit. Natalie gasped out loudly and orgasmed again, her breasts bouncing on her chest as she arched her back and came once more, her juices now coming in a torrent all over my legs.

Seeing her cum, the tightness of her ass and the activities of the entire day were just too much for me. My orgasm came quickly and without much buildup, my dick now just instinctively shooting it's load deep inside of Natalie's tight ass. I felt three strong streams shoot forth, proof that I still had it in me after all the sex I had over the day, the cum coating the inside of her ass walls, creating a squishing sound as I continued to fuck inside of her, my thrusts finally slowing.

I pulled my cock from her ass, the shaft flopping down onto my legs as it grew soft, my own breath now coming ragged after the intense love making with Natalie. The cock now free from her ass, Natalie rolled off of me and laid next to me on the bed, her arms splayed over my chest as we both caught our breath. A few moments later, Natalie lifted herself off of the bed and propped herself up on her elbow to look at me.

Her face was sweating intensely now, her body as equally wet, as she smiled at me, a look of contentment on her face. She leaned over to me and we kissed for a few moments, Natalie's small tongue wrestling it's way inside of my mouth, where my own met it with equal force. We kissed like that for a few minutes, Natalie and I, before I finally broke it. Natalie sighed and curled up next to me, shutting her eyes. I stroked her hair with my hand, my other hand resting atop her hip, the soft and beautiful girl next to me falling asleep within a few minutes. Closing my own eyes, I thought back over the day, but the thoughts were short lived as I too fell into a dreamless sleep.

I must have only slept for an hour or so, and not a deep sleep at that. I was awakened by what I thought was a pounding in my head but as I came to, realized it was someone knocking at the front door. I groaned as I got up off of the bed, glancing down to look at Natalie. She hadn't stirred in her slumber, her body half covered with a sheet so that all that was exposed was her face (a look of peace over it) and her right thigh, the smooth skin exposed beneath the white satin of the sheets.

I slipped on my pants and walked quietly out of the room, turning off the light (we had, in our haste, left it on) and shutting the door softly behind me. Walking softly down the stairs in just a pair of pants, I realized I had left all the lights on from the party. The knocking at the door had continued as I walked down the steps, and I thought in my half bleary state that it might be the police, called by one of the nosy neighbors to see if there was a reason every room in my house shone like a football stadium.

As I drew a few feet from the door, the knocking stopped and I could hear a set of footsteps walking away. Great, damn kids just trying to mess with me. I hustled to the door, threw the lock back and swung it open, glaring out into the late night air at the prankster.

To my surprise though, it was not who I expected to find there at all. Her back turned away from me, she turned when the door was opened. In the brightly burning porch lights of the house, and even in the quickly approaching dawn, I knew who it was immediately.

"Hi Dean. I hope I didn't wake you up," she said.

"No, it's alright Alyssa. I wasn't really asleep anyways," I said, rubbing my eyes, still not believing that Alyssa Milano was standing at my doorstep. We hadn't talked since we had broken up what seemed like a lifetime ago, but strangely here she was.

"Can I come in?" she asked. I nodded and stepped aside as she walked in, her hips swishing as she walked. Alyssa wore a red leather dress that squeaked and stretched as she moved, the material clinging to her luscious hips and form seductively. I led her into the kitchen and walked over to the refrigerator.

"Fix you a drink?" I asked.

"Sure, if it's alright. Do you have any wine?" she asked. I removed a bottle of Merlot and took one of the few clean wine glasses from the cabinet, filling her glass half way. I handed it to her and replaced the wine, getting myself just a simple bottle of water.

"I hope I don't sound dumb in asking this, but what exactly are you doing here at," I asked, glancing at the clock over the stove. "4:40 in the morning?"

"Well, I've actually been outside for about an hour. I knew you were a night owl. I was wrestling with coming to see you at all but I finally got up the nerve to come knock. When you didn't answer at first, I was going to leave but luckily, you opened the door," she said, sipping the wine.

"I'm surprised you even remembered where my house was. It's been, well a long time since we even spoke with one another," I said.

"I'm good with addresses. I saw Rose McGowan earlier today when we were both at the gym and she bubbled excitedly about the lunch date you two had," Alyssa said, setting her wine glass down and slinging her long hair back over her shoulder.

I blushed slightly. "She did huh?"

"Yes. Don't worry, she didn't tell me all the gory details but suffice to say, I'm certain that you won't be going back to that restaurant any time soon," Alyssa said.

"So then why did you come here? What did Rose tell you?" I asked.

"Well, when we got to talking she kept saying how great you were, how you were a totally different person than the asshole I described you to be when Rose and I first met on the set of 'Charmed'. Rose told me that I was wrong, that you had changed and that you were a great guy and most of all a great friend. Someone I probably shouldn't have pushed away in my life," Alyssa said, finishing all but a final taste of the wine.

"I suppose so. It always hurt me that we never got together or even saw each other after that incident with that bitch Aguilera and her punk ass manager," I said wistfully, the memories dredging up a surprising amount of hatred.

"I know, and that's my fault I guess as much as yours. But we have led such different lives since then, I thought maybe coming by here and making amends. Word spread pretty quickly about the party that you had here tonight," Alyssa said, gesturing around the room. "I didn't want to come back and see you while all of that was going on, lest you blew up on me and created a scene, adding more fodder for the tabloids," Alyssa continued.

"That was smart. Tonight and today have been probably one of the craziest days of my life, I don't even know how I would have reacted if you showed up a few hours earlier than you did," I said.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that too. I probably come across as a stalker, waiting outside your house and all," Alyssa said.

"Not at all. I know you and know your personality and that's not in your blood. It's a shame Rose didn't come with you, I'm sure she would have had a great time tonight as well, if you two had come earlier I mean," I said.

"She wanted to come with me, believe me. She had in her mind some kind of crazy scenario about us three having a three-way in your house, as a sort of make up sex type of thing. That girl, I swear, has the strongest libido out of anyone I've ever met," Alyssa said.

"I'm surprised you would even entertain the option," I replied. "I mean, I know you had a crazy past and all but I thought you were over that sort of thing,"

"I am, for the most part. It was pretty tempting because quite frankly if there was any woman in Hollywood I'd like to sleep with, Rose would definitely be high on the list. But again, this just wasn't the sort of situation that called for that sort of thing. Maybe sometime in the future," Alyssa said with a smile. An image of the two of them, eating each other out while I lay beneath them raced through my mind, but I brushed it away, choosing not to linger on it. Maybe some other time, as Alyssa said.

"Well, you picked a good night to come by. I'm probably going to start the wheels in motion tomorrow to leave the business and head back East," I said.

"Get out of here! Dean Simonds, leaving it all behind?" Alyssa said with a genuine shock.

"That's how it's looking right now anyways. The party was supposed to convince me to stay but I still am starting to lean towards leaving pretty strongly," I said. "Unless of course, you have a reason for me to stay,"

Now it was Alyssa's turn to blush. "Well, I would miss you, that's for sure. But I think what we had can never be recreated, at least with our personalities. You do seem like you have changed a lot though Dean, much more laid back. But I'm not looking for that kind of arrangement anytime soon," Alyssa said.

"And yet, you came to my house in the middle of the night for some other reason?" I asked, propping my chin up on the counter as I gazed on Alyssa and her beautiful body.

"I don't know why I came, honestly. Something in me just said GO, and I did it really without thinking. It wasn't until I got outside that I really stopped to think about why I came by. Sitting out in my car, I just decided that it was worth it to come see what you said, to see if Rose was right or not," Alyssa said.

"Was Rose right?" I asked.

"Yes. You are a different person than I remember. You still have that sort of irresistible sexy charm about you, but beneath it I can tell you are much more mature, more serious about things in life and yet still able to joke around and forgive and hopefully forget about past transgressions by certain members of the opposite sex," Alyssa said.

"Well, you haven't changed a bit Alyssa, as far as I am concerned. I know you despised me for what I did, but you are still one of the most beautiful, thoughtful and intelligent women I have ever met, and I feel like a heel for treating you like I did, letting you get away," I said.

"Who said you let me get away?" Alyssa said, rising from her chair and walking over to me.

"I...well...I am a different person now. I think I'm much more ready for commitment," I said, stuttering.

"That's a lie. You are a different person, but I know that you love one night stands and all night sex sessions just like you used to. You probably fucked half a dozen women today, just because you knew you might never be able to do it again," Alyssa said. "And I think, assuming you want to - which I know you do - you'd like to make it a lucky seven tonight with me, wouldn't you?"

"I would but..." I said. Alyssa moved her hand to my mouth and put her fingers over my lips, shushing me. She moved in closer now, the heat radiating from her body as she held her mouth just a few inches from my lips.

"No buts. No talking. Just take me," she whispered, thrusting her mouth onto my lips. I resisted at first, starting to push her away, but as I felt that incredible sexiness from her body flood my memories again - every woman tasted and felt differently to me, and Alyssa was one of the best - my willpower began to fade as my hands dropped from her shoulders to push her away down to her hips, as my fingers circled in on them and pulled her closer.

We kissed for what felt like an eternity, becoming familiar once again with the taste of each other. My thoughts shifted to Natalie, who was sleeping innocently upstairs, her mind and soul now at ease at my forgiveness of her. My heart hurt as I thought about what Alyssa being here meant, but I knew that her old charms and whiles were going to overpower me in the end. I just hoped to God that Natalie didn't hear us.

I broke the kiss and stepped away from Alyssa. "We can't do this. It just doesn't feel right," I said weakly, trying to persuade her out of it.

"Yes we can. And we will," Alyssa said, her hand tracing over my arm as I held a firm grasp between her hip and ass, my squeezing reflexively without me even realizing it.

"You don't understand. Upstairs I have," I said, but she cut me off again.

"Say no more. We will stay quiet, and she will never have to know," Alyssa said, now more brave as she reached down between my legs and squeezed my hardening cock in her hand, the shaft going rigid when pressed against the fabric of my pants.

I kissed Alyssa again, hoping that she was right, allowing her hand to continue it's busy journey into my pants. I felt her fingers pull the zipper down and open up the fly of the pants, my naked prick springing free. Alyssa caught it in her hand and held it there, her fingers wrapping tightly around the head in her smooth, delicate fingers.

Alyssa moved her lips away from my mind and dropped down to her knees on the kitchen floor, pulling down my pants completely as she lowered herself, my body now naked in the kitchen. Alyssa planted her lips on my dick and took it into her mouth, rubbing the shaft along her lips as she sucked it in. I almost came right there, my body remembering the feel of her mouth exactly on my prick, the feelings coursing through every nerve on my body.

Alyssa bobbed her head up and down, getting my shaft primed and wet, feverishly going at it on the head especially. The kitchen filled with lewd noises of her sucking, the feel of her hot mouth causing me to gasp in amazement as I recalled how wonderful she was at giving blowjobs. Alyssa's fingers fondled my balls, squeezing and pulling on them gently as the tips of her fingernails raked delicately over the sensitive sack. Glancing down, I could see Alyssa's panty covered pussy between her legs, the simple white material and the dark pubic hairs behind it offering a sharp contrast to the red of her dress.

Continuing to suck me off for a few minutes, Alyssa moved her hand to the spaghetti straps of her dress and slid them down over her shoulders, exposing her breasts to me. They were just as full and beautiful as they had always been, with no hint of sag, her large nipples sticking proudly from her breasts. She placed her hand at the base of my shaft and continued to move her head up and down, the wetness of her mouth like a jungle heat as it moved over my erect member. I put my hand on top of her head and guided her back and forth as she moved, making sure that her sweet mouth and tongue did not leave any part of my dick untouched.

Alyssa pulled her mouth away after a few more minutes, gasping as she grinned up at me and tweaked her nipples with a finger. She stood up and hopped up on the kitchen counter, spreading her legs for me. I could see the moisture that had formed between her legs, Alyssa's hands on her thighs as she seductively beckoned me to her without saying a word. I lowered myself so that my mouth was right by her hiked up skirt, reaching my hand in to pull aside her panties and reveal her neatly trimmed pussy.

Her outer cunt lips were aroused and wet, leaking a little bit of moisture on the counter top as the dress bunched itself up around her waist. I moved mouth between her legs now, noticing the fairy tattoo slightly above her hot sex - a testament to her wild days as a child star, similar to Drew Barrymoore's own. I wasted no time in plunging my mouth into her pussy, my tongue darting inside of her hot hole as I lapped at the juices that were already starting to flow. Keeping her entrance open with one hand, I used the other to wedge a finger inside of her, sliding it in and out as I licked furiously at her clit. Her juices were entrancing to me, I just couldn't get enough. My tongue whipped around inside of her, searching for her more of her womanly moisture to devour.

Alyssa put her hands on my back and, on especially pleasurable spots inside of her, raked her fingers over my shoulders, leaving red marks along the way. My finger plunged into her wet twat, coming back coated with thick and sweet juices, her snatch an intoxicating taste of salty sweat and the sweet mixture of her bodies juices. Alyssa closed her legs tightly around my head, making it a little hard to breath. I didn't really care though, I knew that from the excitement coming from within her, she would be cumming soon anyways. Her hands moved from my back to her dress, reaching down to pull it up over her body, leaving her totally naked except for a pair of - how had I not noticed this? - fuck me pumps dangling from her swaying feet.

I moved my head from between her legs for a moment to get some air, but proceeded to slip another finger deep inside of her, fucking her now with both of them deeply, thrusting as hard and as far as I could inside of her hot cunt. Alyssa started to moan at this, but my hand shot quickly up to her mouth to stop her, for fear of waking up Natalie. Alyssa did silence herself, but she began to kiss my hand and take my fingers into her mouth, sucking on them gently as I worked myself in and out of her.

Alyssa's ass rocked back and forth on the countertop, her body swaying back and forth as her back arched in a pre-orgasmic shiver. I added another finger to the mix and pushed deeper and wider into her than I had before, stretching her pussy quite wide as the base of all three knuckles rubbed over her clit, bone meeting tender and sensitive flesh. Alyssa leaned into me and put her head on my shoulder, biting down a bit on my skin as her hips bucked and she came with a squeak on my hand, her juices spilling out onto the tabletop.

Lifting herself away from me, Alyssa smiled at me - that incredibly sexy smile that I had always thought made her one of the most sexually appealing women I had ever seen. She placed her hands on her thighs, her panties soiled and sitting next to her on the counter and held open her soaking wet cunt lips, seeming to just beg for my hard cock to press itself inside.

I lined myself up for entry into her body, not wanting to resist such an alluring invitation and we both watched as the head of my cock entered her for the first time in a very long time, the head quickly disappearing inside of her hot pussy. Alyssa leaned her head back and rested on her hands as I slid myself inside of her, her long brown hair almost touching down to the counter top. More of my shaft slid into her easily, her lips parting as if they had always been meant to be pulled away by my prick and within a moment I was fully inside of her.

Alyssa's cunt was tight and firm, holding me deeply inside as I bottomed my dick out deep within in, the head pressing against her soft cervix within. The moisture and heat of being inside of her was incredible, but in a way totally different from many of the other women I had fucked today. My dick buried balls deep within her, my nuts resting on the cool countertop felt strangely right. Like it belonged in there. It was tough to say if that was because I hadn't realized the depth of my feelings for Alyssa, my burning lust that seemed to make me over at the subtle hint of sex with her, or if it was something more. The only woman who compared to this feeling was Natalie, and with her being upstairs I felt truly blessed to be able to experience both of these physical unions at once.

I removed part of my shaft from her, not much but just a few inches, and began to move myself in and out of her twat, her pussy muscles milking and squeezing me as I thrust in and out of her, my hands on her sides as I held her and rocked her towards me. Alyssa began to move by her own now too, quickly getting into sync with me so that our thrusts matched and complimented each other. I pressed myself down hard into her at an angle, making sure my cock brushed against her clit hard as I worked myself in and out, feeling the fire of her hot little nub creating a large degree of friction against my prick, our lovemaking rising in speed as fast the temperature in our bodies.

I held Alyssa firmly now, bucking my hips and clenching my ass as I pushed inside of her hard and fast. Alyssa's mouth hung open in a silent scream, part of me loving her for not wanting to wake up Natalie as I had asked. Her breasts bounced on her chest, her large nipples and areolas erect and jutting as they swayed in a circular motion on her chest, a small trickle of sweat racing down her body from her neck through the cleavage of her breasts.

Pushing hard into Alyssa, I felt myself close to cumming within her. I stopped thrusting inside of her for a moment and held myself there, fighting off the delicious urge to just unleash another orgasm deep into her body. I lifted her off the counter top and carried her to the living room, setting her down on the floor as my cock finally slipped out of her. Alyssa wasted no time in wanting to get it back within me though, dropping to her hands and knees, her ass sticking up in the air and her pussy lips still parted from when I had been between them just a moment before.

I squatted behind her and slid the tip of my prick quickly back into her pussy, the position now much more comfortable than that hard counter top had been. I slowed my thrusts just a little, relishing the feeling of her pussy around my dick once more. Alyssa's firm ass cheeks jiggled slightly as I pushed into her, but by fucking her doggy style I found I was able to go even deeper inside of her than I had ever imagined being able to go. Her silken channel was now afire with her own heat, holding my tightly as I rocked my shaft against the velvet walls, thrusting into her hard as I glanced down and watched my shaft move in and out of her twat.

Her neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair was a tangled mess now, hairs sticking out everywhere from the moisture of our lovemaking, the sweat from her body inevitably dripping between her legs. I wrapped my arm around Alyssa's waist and pulled her body back and forth on my dick, keeping myself stationary as she slid along my shaft, unable any longer to keep the moans from escaping her lips slightly. I gazed down at her body as I fucked her, her nude form having an exotic look due to the tattoo on her shoulder and the one on her ass. Such a beautiful sight to behold, it made me wonder why she would want to put something like a tattoo on herself. But in a way, despite how it disrupted the flawlessness of her skin, it was still incredibly sexy and an amazing turn on, especially the one on her shoulder. It showed a rebellious side that had obviously carried over into her sex life. Alyssa was now thrusting hard against me, working towards getting herself off again, her body craving release from the intense buildup of our lovemaking.

Holding her ass firm, I felt my orgasm coming - by far the strongest of the day, my energy seemingly having returned from the short nap I took - and I grunted in pleasure as the hot sticky fluid spilled forth once again into her body, the release shooting out like a cannon against the soft walls of her body. I could feel the three or four shots of semen splash against the walls of her cunt, the excess splashing back onto my own prick as I continued to come, so violently in fact that I felt I was going to pass out. I held Alyssa and myself still for a moment as I finished unleashing inside of her, but Alyssa had been on the verge too and as soon as I felt myself release the final seed, her own body shook and she came again around my prick, her inner tremors sucking and milking at my shaft for the last of the sticky white fluid.

My dick began to grow soft after a few minutes and I pulled out of Alyssa. She lay on the floor with her legs spread now, a white frothy foam coating her snatch as she closed her eyes and just let the bliss of sex wash over her like a tide. I sat down on the floor and wiped away excess juices from my dick, the stickiness still coating my fingers. I moved my hand up to Alyssa's mouth and she licked it clean, removing the final taste of the evening (or should I say morning) from our lovemaking.

"I'm going to go get some towels," I said, whispering to her. Alyssa kept her eyes closed but nodded as I put my pants back on and walked slowly up the winding staircase to the spare bedroom where I knew the maid kept extra linens. I could hear Alyssa getting dressed, the leather creaking once again as she slid back into her dress and I trotted slowly up the stairs, hoping not to wake Natalie.

I walked into the linen closet of the spare room and grabbed a towel, walking back out into the hallway. To my surprise and startle, Natalie had opened the bedroom door and was looking at me, her nude and lithe body framed by a gently beam of moonlight from the window near my bed.

"What are you doing?" she yawned, still half asleep.

"I was uhh...hot, so I was getting a towel to wipe myself off with," I said to her, regretting the little white lie only slightly since it would hopefully cover up a BIGGER lie.

"Ok. Well, come back to bed ok? I thought I heard some rustling outside the door but I guess it was you," Natalie said.

"I'll be there in a minute," I replied, smiling at her.

Natalie smiled back at me sleepily, her hair a bit of a tangle on her head from sleep and our earlier sexual encounter. She shut the door quietly and I walked to the foot of the stairs, my heart pounding at having almost been caught. As I went to take the first step, I felt myself suddenly pause.

I hadn't realized it, but if I took that step it would mean a lot of things for me. Suddenly everything flashed through my mind - my arrival in Hollywood, my encounter with lots of different famous people, the trouble with my assistant and half-brother and especially my times with both Natalie and Alyssa.

It suddenly dawned on me that if I was going to really make a choice on the course of the rest of my life, this was it. My foot hung in the air as I pondered the possibilities.

If I continued downstairs and returned to Alyssa, that would mean things would inevitably be over between me and Natalie. It might work out with Alyssa, it might not, but I might be forsaking my chance at a "normal" life for trying. I would stay in Hollywood, continue to run the firm for who knew how long, and continue to engage myself with beautiful, famous and amazing women, some of the most beautiful in the world actually. It might not be the life of deeper philosophical meaning, but it was certainly the life of dreams. Hollywood dreams, the dreams of just about every person who ever saw someone famous and thought "I wish I could do that".

But if I removed my foot and returned to bed, returned to lay next to Natalie and hold her as I drifted off to sleep in my tired exhaustion of the day, it would be different. I could leave Hollywood scot-free, and with a reason and a person to lead me there. It would be scary, no doubt, but it would be a different phase of my life, one of commitment and normality and perhaps most of all true love. I would have to become a different person, look past my nights of one-night stands and power for sex. And in that way, it too would be like Hollywood - a happy ending, a chance at taking a rare opportunity for happiness and living it out, not on the big screen but in the real world, something that most people never were able to do.

All of this washed over me as I thought and pondered and dissected the pros and cons of each decision. My mind swirled at what the future had in store for me, what each path would mean. And as I continued to think more about it, the decision finally made itself clear to me, and I smiled to myself broadly over it having been so obvious.

You have gotten to know me over the course of this journal, dear reader, and perhaps you believe you know where my life will lead me and what I want the most out of it. That's why I don't think it's necessary to reveal my decision to you, to insult you like that. You know in your own mind how my story will end, though there is no reason to write and tell me - that would be an insult on me. Make up your own mind and decide my fate for yourself. Life and truth are, after all, in the eye of the beholder and I can think of no one better than you to make up your own truth on my tales, my journal of an agent will end.