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General Chat / Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Last post by Money on Today at 08:49:34 AM »
Hmmm a female celeb that could get me off in a court room? Let's see of all the celebs that have landed in court or done roles where they are in a court room I would have to go with Shakira given her legal battles over the years I'm sure she would do a great job helping me out plus she would have to dress nice so the look would be really great from the back for any fans sitting in the room
General Chat / Re: Extreme1's question of the night
« Last post by extreme1 on Today at 04:54:19 AM »
Here's your question for the night (From Vile, thanks!): You are accused of a serious crime that could put you in prison.  The judge decrees you must seek the help of a Hollywood starlet as your legal counsel. Who do you think would do the best job defending you in a courtroom?
I'm going with Stephanie March, she played a lawyer on Law and Order for long enough that something had to have rubbed off on her!
Sports Talk / Re: College basketball 2024-25
« Last post by InThe313 on Today at 01:14:31 AM »
I freaking love March!  No. 3 Texas Tech nailed a three-pointer to cap a 16-3 run at the end of regulation to force overtime in the Sweet 16 against No. 10 Arkansas.  Updates to come.

Texas Tech beat Arkansas, 85-83, in overtime to advance to play Florida on Saturday in San Francisco.
Celebrity Index / Maria Arreghini
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:44:20 AM »

Maria Arreghini (born April 12 1998) is an Italian Sportscaster/Sports Presenter) social media influencer, YouTuber, and model.

Stories on the Site:

In Through The Out Door by Cadeauxxx
Celebrity Pictures & Gifs (Real) / Re: Magdalena Keskic (Lena Keskic)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:34:02 AM »
Celebrity Pictures & Gifs (Real) / Re: Magdalena Keskic (Lena Keskic)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:32:25 AM »
Celebrity Index / Magdalena Keskic (Lena Keskic)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:30:40 AM »

Magdalena Keškić (born November 7 2002) is a social media influencer from Croatia.


Lena Keskic Wants Me by Big Balls

Media: Pictures
Celebrity Pictures & Gifs (Real) / Magdalena Keskic (Lena Keskic)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:26:50 AM »
Singers / Re: Boat and Booty (Jennifer Lopez)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:25:09 AM »
Can never go wrong with JLo. Best booty ever.
Singers / Re: JamesLo (Jennifer Lopez)
« Last post by Cadeauxxx on Today at 12:24:54 AM »
I got a good laugh at the shoutout, thanks!

Some funny references to Cade. He has an AMAZING JLo story sitting on his Patreon that he hasn't posted on here for some reason. Worth checking out.

It is part 1 of a series. I'm waiting until part 2 is close to being done, then going to release both around the same timeframe.
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