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Author Topic: Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Three Whores [Cia, Princess Hilda & Veran]  (Read 2735 times)


WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the videogames, characters, developers, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own The Legend of Zelda or any of its characters etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.

Starring: Cia, Link, Princess Hilda, Veran (All from The Legend of Zelda series)

A Link Between Three Whores

An erotic videogame fan-fiction story.

by DaxG2001 (daxg2001@yahoo.co.uk)

A Commissioned Story for [Anonymous].

Codes: Cons, MF, MFFF, FF, oral.

* * *

In an alternative universe, in a version of the Kingdom of Hyrule…

The bright light that had suddenly appeared and surrounded Cia faded out as she lowered her hands, including the one that held the Scepter of Time, from her face. Blinking as she focused on the new location which, from first view, appeared to be a version of the famed Hyrule Castle, the residence of Princess Zelda. But she was not alone in the throne room as her gaze, even behind the hooked mask she wore, locked onto the two other women in the room.

“Whoever you two are, you shall explain this.” Cia demanded, pointing the Scepter at the other sorceress-like female now opposite her. “Where am I, and why have to ripped me from my world?” Cia was provocatively dressed in a revealing attire of a dark purple with gold dress, cut at the front all the way down to below the belly button and showing off deep cleavage from her large, rounded tits and plenty of her dark coloured skin. The dress with one long sleeve at one side, with the other arm clad in shining arm bands and rings. At her legs, there was one side slit to show off her leg and the red, tattoo-like marks that went to her feet and the heeled boots there. Topped off by an intimidating mask that covered most of her head but let her mouth be seen along with some of her white hair.

“Ah, so you aren’t behind this then?” Veran, unfazed by the threat, merely folded her arms across her own sizeable bust. The teal shade of her skin which was shown off by the short, low cut purple top she wore. Matching the large, sharp shoulders and sleeves of her attire while a more dress like clothing was on her lower half, running to the floor of a mix of colours of purple, white and dark blue. The same blue of her long, hooking headwear that left some red hair sticking out from the side. “A pity. I would have been rid of you in an instant and returned to my plans.” Veran remarked, scanning over the not that too dissimilarly dressed woman.

“This all has nothing to do with me, either.” Princess Hilda then stated as she held her staff with the inverted Triforce model at the top. The woman was almost a copy of Princess Zelda, especially in stunning locks, but with long flowing purple hair to match the front of her blue dress with long gloves. Her sinister red eyes however, matching the colour of the gem of the tiara she wore, showing she was not quite as pure as Zelda is (at least at this time). “And since I’m assuming this other scantily clad woman is not behind this, then who is?”

“Well I could tell you weren’t behind this, even if you look like a fake Zelda.” Cia remarked, lowering her weapon.
“Do not compare me to her!” Hilda snapped as she narrowed her eyes. “I have my own plans to get back to! I will not tolerate any delay!”
“That I can agree on.” Veran said. “The time of revival is almost at hand. I must be away from wherever this place is back to my home. I can sense, let alone see, that this is not even the Hyrule Castle of my home world.”

“NONE OF YOU SHALL LEAVE…” A haunting, booming voice suddenly grabbed their attention. The three villains turning around to see the throne of the Princess, and what seemed to be some slumped being in the chair, shrouded by a swirling dark cloud. A flickering body seen briefly in and out of it, like they were fazing in existence, and most importantly what appears to be the beastly face of some sort of pig-like monster.

“L-Lord Ganon??” Veran’s uncovered eye widened with a similar shock the other women had at the sight. “No… More rightly, you are a version of the Dark Lord.” She quickly reasoned.
“THAT I AM… I AM GANON…” The voice confirmed but spoke with what seemed like pain through his words. “I AM IN NEED… OF YOUR SERVICE… THREE WOMEN WITH HATRED IN THEIR HEARTS… FOR THE HERO WHO WIELDS… THE MASTER SWORD…”
“Our service?” Hilda questioned. “You mean to say that you summoned us three from our worlds to take orders from you?”
“And from the looks of it, bringing us all there drained what little energy he had from him.” Cia remarked. “For a Dark Lord he’s barely a shroud of nightmares either in this world or the one he’s fighting to stay from being ripped into.” She said. Noticing how Ganon looked like he could be pulled into a dimension between worlds at a moment.


“And why should we…” Hilda was about to question when Cia stepped forward.
“It shall be done.” Cia announced, getting looks from the other two. “We shall return once the hero is dealt with.” She stated. And while Ganon did not respond, Cia took it upon herself to take the other two women by the wrists and lead them both out of the main chamber. Closing the door behind them all.
“I was about to say, why should we trust his word?” Hilda said, glaring at Cia.
“I must agree.” Veran nodded. “Even if this as Ganon, not the one I wished to resurrect, I sense something most unusual about this all.”
“Now now, ladies…” Cia’s exposed lower half of her face showed off a wicked smirk. “It’s not like we have any other choice. “If this Ganon dies then we might be stuck here forever. Besides… Wouldn’t you both quite like to see this world’s version of Link?” She added with a hint of seduction in her voice
“What do you mean by that?” Veran picked up the tone by the other sorceress.
“Well… Ganon said to ‘defeat’ Link…” Cia turned and walked along the corridor. “He never specified how to defeat him…” She mused as the other two exchanged curious glances, before they followed after Cia.

* * *

Link had already experienced quite a few bizarre, unusual and never before imagined things on his new quest to save the land of Hyrule, its people, and the Princess Zelda, from the evil overrunning the world. Being confronted at the Castle gates by three uniquely dressed women, one of whom looking like an evil clone of the beloved Zelda, was not one of them. He steadied himself however as he held the Master Sword in one hand, and a sturdy Hylian Shield in the other. Clad in the signature green attire of pants, tunic and hat that in this world and many others was the famed costume of the legendary Hero.

“My my… This world’s Link is even more handsome than I think the one I had my eye on.” Cia bluntly remarked as she began to step forward.
“Hey! Shouldn’t we come up with a plan of attack here?” Hilda objected.
“Oh I’ve got a plan alright!” Veran grinned sinisterly as she charged forward, barging past Cia who glared as Hilda had to give chase after it.

Link was ready, and when Veran unleashed a flurry of fireballs Link dodged to roll out of the way. A skilful sweep of his shield acting like a parry, sending a flaming sphere out that Veran had to block with a counter spell. Not strong enough as the explosion of the ball sent her tumbling back. Hilda, trying to think fast, swung her staff down like a weapon to try and strike him down. A sidestep avoiding the blow as Link got back to his feet. Looking like he would need more opponents than this to defeat him as he dodged and ducks the wild swipes, unfazed by what looked like an evil Princess Zelda trying to hit him. Eventually blocking the staff with his sword, and using a swing to send Hilda tumbling back. In the next moment, Link cut through the air and turned at the same time. Sending the thrown mask of Cia sliced him half to easily prevent him being hit by what seemed to be an amateur move.

But even he, and the other women, weren’t prepared for what they saw next. Cia having pulled the front of her dress apart, letting those large, rounded tits spring free as she licked her lips. Her stunning face fully visible now as she locked a seductive gaze onto him. “Oh yes… You’re exactly the kind of Hero I’ve been desiring for years…” Cia purred as Link, stunned and staring, just watched as those big breasts bounced with each swaying step she took. Reaching his chest and sliding a hand across him, without any attempt to actually try and kill him as clearly Ganon was demanding she and the others try and do. Even if she had an open shot to do so.

“This wasn’t in the plan!” Hilda complained as she and Veran pulled themselves up.
“Somehow I think this was exactly her plan…” Veran stated the obvious as she looked over the scene. “Although, I don’t recall the Link of my world being so… Swayed by feminine charms.” She added with an arch of the eyebrow.
“That… This is true.” Hilda said, lowering her guard as she also didn’t seem interested in attacking now. “Perhaps this could be more interesting than I thought.”

“Forgive my… Associates. They come from world where manners haven’t been invented yet…” Cia lied as her hands roamed across his chest. “Perhaps you can let a poor, lonely, defenceless sorceress make up for things…” She stepped closer, pushing her tits into his tunic and making her boobs jiggle from the connection. Licking her lips as Link, not used to this kind of attention, blushed clearly. “I would be ever so grateful if a humble, handsome, brave hero like yourself could take pity on a woman like me…” She fluttered her eyelids as her nipples were already hard. Turned on by being this close to the Hero that she’s desired, even in a different form, back in her world.

Any other Link, from any other universe or timeline, would have seen the potential danger and remembered what his mission was. They would have turned down the lewd offer in a heart beat. This Link, however? He thought with something else and it wasn’t his brain or even the Triforce piece he had. So he, without speaking as was his way, gave a simple nod of the head as he loudly gulped down with a hint of nerves of this new form of encounter he was now deep in.

With that consent, Cia dropped right down to her knees with a grin as she hauled his pants right down. Making herself, and the other two women watching on, gasp with wide eyes and open jaws at seeing that fittingly for the man able to hold the Master Sword, he was packing quite the thick and long weapon of his own downstairs. Cia gripping his prick with both hands, smoothly pumping up and down as she watched him grow and she got to stare at his size. Licking her lips again as she admired his shaft and gave no attention to the actual mission she’d been summoned here to do.

Further showing her own plans as she guided that big cock between her lips, making Link moan out as she started to slide her mouth up and down. A sexy contrast of her dark toned skin and his much lighter body clear as she slurped on his prick. Easily making him rock hard with the combination of her hand on the base to stroke while her lips glided along the top part. Staring up with desire in her eyes as she motion already made her white hair sway back and forth as she sucked him off. Her other hand keeping busy but on herself. Sliding across her tits to grope at herself for extra pleasure. Even as she was moaning around his cock already as she bobbed along him and make the object of her twisted desire moan out as she worked him over at this smooth and steady pace.

“Mmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Mmmmm!!” It almost looked like Cia was the one being corrupted here rather than taking advantage of the Hero standing in front of her. Appearing like she had love hearts instead of pupils as she slurped up and down on his meaty sword. Getting him nicely coated with saliva and enjoying not just the taste of his delicious cock, but the fact that he could clearly handle a lot more out of her. Even with this red hot blowjob being the start of things. “Mmmmphhh! Mmmmm… Hmmmmmphhh!” Her hand move off his prick, worshipping him with just her oral hole as she dragged her soft lips back and forth. The Hyrule Warriors antagonist pushing down deeper as her moans continued to bounce of his dick. Fingers going from fondling her rack to now down between her legs. Sliding over her sex and getting her digits sticky already from the building arousal as she pleasured the stud who should be defeating her rather than getting sucked off by.

Glancing at one another, Veran and Hilda nodded as the Princess even dropped her staff to the ground as they approached the other two. Not being noticed as Cia bobbed away and got Link’s cock soaked with her spit. Making it drip down her skin and onto those big tits as the sorceress tested out what her throat could handle from the famous Hero’s cock. Making him moan out as she took his size impressively beyond her mouth, slurping down into her snug oral passage to fill herself up whenever her gorgeous face approached his crotch. Lost in her own universe of sin as she gorged on that member without even choking for a moment. Those eyes locked up with burning desire for a man she’d been willing to destroy all of Hyrule for just for this every moment to corrupt the Hero into enjoying some wicked pleasure.

The moment shattered somewhat when Veran invited herself in to drop down beside Cia, and pulling the other magic user off from that cock while Hilda was kneeling at Cia’s other side. Smirking at the glare Cia gave before Veran helped herself to take Link’s shaft into her mouth. Getting him moaning as she worked her dark blue lips up and down that length. Cia now not just having to watch another woman getting a piece of ‘her’ man, but having to angle her head to avoid the hair and the angled headwear that Veran wore as it brushed against her white haired head. Veran already getting into this as she sucked along that dick, adding in her saliva to the amount already coating him as Link stared down and moaned. Watching as that gorgeous but sinister face worked along his prick as Veran gave her own newfound lusty look as she knew as well how someone so noble and heroic shouldn’t be succumbing to such urges like this.

“Enjoying my sloppy seconds, are you?” Cia glared while the teal-skinned woman ignored the hissing remark. Pumping her hot and wicked mouth up and down to deeply blow that cock and make herself groan around him as she sampled a forbidden taste that was so good she was forgetting about not just the mission of this world she’s supposed to be doing. But the revival she was trying to do back home. “Just remember, he’s mine! I’m the one letting him be shared!” Cia claimed as she had to settle for leaning down. Running her tongue across the ball sack of Link at her side with a groan as she began to swirl around. Getting the flavour of him that kept her aroused as she still had a hand between her legs to self pleasure. Just getting to service his nuts was enough to thrill her as she kept gazing up, just with the other glare to the side at the woman she thought was hogging that wonderful, fat cock.

“Mmmmmphh! Mmmmm…” A smirking look cast back by Veran in response as she showed off it’s not just dark magic and possessing others she’s good at. Using a smooth, quick pace to drag her full lips up and down on that big cock. Another sexy clash of skin tones with his pale shaft and the monstrous, teal colour of her skin as she made her head bob up and down. The red hair sticking out of her head covering swaying a bit while her rounded tits jiggled as she put in plenty of effort into blowing the man who in another world should be trying to foil her plans to bring back the Dark Lord. “Mmmmm… Mmmmmphh! Mmmmm…” Looking already now like she’s found a new task to dedicate herself to here as she lets out muffled groans around his prick and in turn makes him moan out as she stared up with a narrowed eyed, seductive gaze.

Hilda meanwhile was joining in too. Leaning in at her side as she ran her tongue across the side of his dick at the base, the area of him not being serviced by either of the other villains involved in this. A somewhat more tentative pace as she more slowly explored his dick with her licks. Brushing her long purple hair back so she could keep her face clear and get in nice and close. Not letting herself be bothered by the saliva from the other women on him as she lapped away. All as, like she was working on instinct, her gloved hand slide up his leg while she helped to triple team him. Perhaps a little bit out of trying to further seduce him as the other women were, or maybe even having something more in common than her counterpart Zelda than she thought with a desire for the hunky blonde.

Link just stared down as he moaned out, the closest to any words he’ll let out. Three women he’d never seen before acting so eagerly and shamelessly to get even a kiss or lick at his cock. Cia and Veran in particular fighting over him as when Veran lifted off, both she and the other dark magician began lashing at his bell-end with their tongues. Not caring they were smacking off one another in order to do so as all three women were now licking his cock at the same time. Link showing some heroics of a different sort to be able to handle this trio all at once as his cock and balls were more than soaked with the combined spit.

With the other two distracted with their own glaring, Hilda cleverly took advantage as she moved up and slipped that sword of his into her mouth. Her eyes widening as her purple lips stretched around his vast size Looking like she wasn’t the most experienced at this sort of act as she began to bob up and down, making her long hair sway a bit as she groaned loudly around his rod. Leaving Cia to move around to the far side of the Princess while Veran remained on the other so the other beauties could deep licking at his base and his balls to keep the combination of oral pleasuring going. Link groaning out as he stared down at the Lorule counterpart to the Princess he was supposed to be saving as her beautiful face pushed down onto his member.

“GAHHHHHH!! MMMMMPHHH!! HHHHHLLLKK!!” Hilda’s burning red eyes were wide open as she choked each time she pushed her head down. The fat crown of his cock hitting the back of her mouth repeatedly as she smoothly worked along his rod. Making saliva drool down and hit the front of her regal attire across her more modest but still nicely sized chest compared to the women either side of her. “HHHHHRRRKK!! MMMMM… GAAAAAAAAAHHH!! HHHHHRRRLLL!!” Yet even as she choked, let alone the fact she was the one doing this to herself as Link didn’t even get a chance to actively thrust between those soft lips, Hilda never once pulled off from his pole. Keeping her mouth sliding up and down as she got the taste of the man she knew was supposed to be saving the ‘good’ version of herself. Now getting a piece of the Hero herself as she slobbered away onto him while the spit drooled off her own chin in messy, far from royal fashion.

“Mmmmmm! Ahhhhhh…” Link moaned out as he watched the three women from other universes fight over him to get to feast on both parts of his manhood. So caught up in the addictive pleasure that he didn’t seem to notice that both his shield and his legendary sword had slipped out of his grasp. Clattering to the dusty ground in front of the castle where they all were. The noise not even making any of the women lose a step as Cia and Veran kept on glaring over his prick at one another while they licked at his base and his nuts. While Hilda gagged away on his member to make the spit drip down and send flicks onto the cheeks of the other two cruel beauties involved in this sudden foursome. His shaft rock hard and clearly ready for more from them, even if he’d never considered such a sinful act before today.

“OK, Princess!” Cia suddenly announced, using a handful of purple hair to pull Hilda up and off that dick. “You’ve had enough of my Hero for today!” She claimed.
“Our Hero, I think.” Veran said as she shifted back, getting a glare from Cia. “Although I’m not so sure he’s so heroic now, don’t you think?” She pointed out as she reached back. Unclipping her armour to let the parts across her front be peeled off. Showing off her large, teal coloured tits as they bounced free.
“I’m just letting you have a share of him, that’s all!” Cia snapped as she stood up, stroking Link’s shoulders. “Isn’t that right, my Hero? Do you really want to just have these two other whores alongside me, instead of just wonderful me all on my own for you?” She asked, fluttering her eyelashes to try and sway him.
Link, being more than seduced by three sinister sirens all at once, spoke with an eager nod of the head to show he wanted them them. Another sign of his corruption.

“I think I find this version of Link very agreeable, actually.” Hilda stated the obvious as she began to stand.
“Silence, your royal hussy!” Cia snapped, as she made Hilda yelp by tackling her to the ground. “You’ve corrupted by poor Link with your dark charms! You’ll pay for this!” Cia claimed as she made Hilda groan with a hand suddenly travelling under Hilda’s dress.
“While they’re busy?” Veran continued to undress, stepping out of the lower clothing to show off more of her teal-coloured skin and her snatch, tuffed with red to match the hair poking that covered one eye. “Let’s see what other way that the Hero of Hyrule can use to try and ‘defeat’ me….” She said with a tone making it a clear challenge than a statement as she turned around. Bending over forwards with a look over her shoulder, staring through the gap that the hook of her headwear had.

Link nodded as he stepped forward and not considering the consequences of not even using any ‘protection spells’ before hand, pushing his fat cock forward into Veran’s pussy. Making them both moan out as already her head titled back in approval as she felt her walls being stretched by the fat sword of his as he took a hold of her slim waist. Starting to thrust as in no time at all he’d built up into a smooth motion. Using more than enough force to make her rock slightly on her feet against his pumps. Feeling those thick inches sliding deeper into her as the time passed and they both moaned out as her seen eye stayed wide with a mix of awe and desire. Clearly, she’d never been filled up quite like this before in her life and his own moans showed he’d never fucked such an evil, tight and damp pussy before.

“MMMMM!! By the Dark Lord! MMMMM… The Hero’s cock is… MMMM!! It’s amazing!!” Veran moaned out as she stared back. Finding her hands going onto her rounded ass cheeks, gripping onto them to make them spread a bit as she got ploughed from behind. His thrusts getting firm now that they were both used to the feeling as he worked back and forth. Moaning as he pumped in and felt those snug walls all around his cock, while she more than enjoyed being spread apart by such a vast invasion. “AHHHHH… You impress me, Hero! MMMMM… To possess such a wicked weapon like this? MMMMM… I would think you’re wasting your ability just trying to slay evil…” She groaned as she shifted against his cock. Pushing her hips back at just the right time as he pumped into her box, helping to fit more inches in and ensure they both groaned out. Her large tits hanging down to swing in time with her body’s movement. Licking her lips as she locked eyes with him and saw the moaning expression of pleasure on his handsome face from fucking her from behind.

Just a short distance away, Hilda’s regal attire was ripped at the side as Cia had her arm between the Princess’ legs. Stuffing fingers in and out of Hilda’s pussy, making her nice and wet and despite the rough way she’d been tackled to the dusty ground, the moans and the look on Hilda’s face showed there was no objection to this lesbian fun. Even if Cia was trying to ‘punish’ Hilda for wanting a piece of ‘her’ man as Cia drove in her digits to the knuckle, leaving juices going down the wrist and staining on the arm. A devilish smirk on Cia’s lips as she used the free hand to guide one of Hilda’s gloved ones onto her own soaked pussy. Pushing fingers in so that the sorceress could start to bounce her pussy onto Hilda, instantly staining the glove with fluids as Cia moaned out but not nearly on the level of the woman she was finger fucking.

“MMMMMM!! You’re just as much a whore as I am then! AHHHHH…” Hilda moaned out, staring at Cia as her pussy pushed down into those pumping fingers. Clear outlines of hard nipples at her chest as she worked her body against the more curvy, let alone dark skinned beauty pressed up against her. Letting those fingers, skilled at not just dark magic, plough in and out of her box to pleasure her greatly. Even if this was the first time she’d ever been stimulated by a fellow woman before. “MMMMM… You’re the one who dropped to your knees first him! MMMM… Like a back alley harlot, trying to earn some easy Rupees!” Hilda teased back as her bright red, sinister eyes locked onto the busty woman showing off her sinful finger skills onto her wet snatch. Hilda not even really getting a chance to push back with her own hand as Cia bounced herself onto those fingers to make herself moan.

“AHHHH! Lies! You were undressing him the moment you saw my beloved Link! MMMMM! It’s disgusting!” Cia claimed, showing her unhinged nature when it came to her obsession with Link. Still licking her teeth however as she took on another villain from a different dimension. Dishing out some knuckles deep finger fucking to make Hilda squirm and groan as Cia showed she was just as skilled at dishing out sex acts to someone of another gender as she was pleasuring a fellow woman. “MMMMM! You’re a Princess! AHHHHH! Yet you try and steal my precious Link from me? MMMMM… Unforgivable!!” Cia ranted before moaning herself. Stuffing her twat nicely full with Hilda’s fingers and caring not for the ruined state she was leaving those royal gloves in from the repeated movement deep down onto him. So close to the Princess that her big, dark skinned tits rubbed against the purpled haired beauty. Happy to go at one another even though the object of their lust was dishing out some action just across the way.

That pounding going on strongly as now Veran’s rounded ass was smacking back off the toned waist of the man known in other worlds as The Hero of Time and the Hero of Light. Making the Sorceress of Shadows moan out as her large tits swing back and forth as she pushes sharply back against his cock. Impaling herself deep onto his shaft as his balls smack off her teal-coloured skin and leave her ass rippling as she stays bent over to take his dick. Turning what had been a battlefield moments ago into a wide open space for sex as they both moaned out. However, Veran was noticeably sweating even as she kept firmly shoving her body back to take his length. Her pussy snug but soaking wet around that fat shaft that kept on ramming in and out of her.

“MMMMM!! C-CURSE IT!! MMMMM!! SUCH A WICKED COCK!! AHHHH!!  H-How can a so-called Hero… AHHHH!! Possess such a lewd weapon like this! MMMMM!!” Veran howled out in delight as she gasped. Finding her strength lacking to even keep her head up to gaze back with need at her newfound lover as he drilled her snatch perfectly deep. Keeping her body slapping off of his toned waist as her ass clapped off of him over and over. “MMMMM!! H-HOW CAN A SO-CALLED HERO… AHHHHH!! POSSESS SUCH A LEWD WEAPON LIKE T-THIS?!? MMMMM!!” She gasped out as even her hands fell away from her hips as the effort needed to keep up with such a superb fucking drained her with each balls deep thrust she took. The villain from Oracle of Ages long gone from thinking about dedicating herself to any Dark Lord as she found herself addicted to the feeling of Link’s big dick driving into her. Even if she in turn was slowly corrupting him to enjoying such shameless fucking. “AHHHHH! NO S-SPELL I COULD COME UP WITH… MMMMM!! LET ALONE P-POSSESSING ANYONE TO TAKE YOU IN MY P-PLACE… MMMMM!! COULD D-DEFEAT A COCK LIKE THIS!!”

Just as her arms were about to go limp, Link suddenly grabbed them both by a wrist each. Pulling back on the limbs that were still covered by the sharp armour as she made her body tense up and stay right bent over. Thrilling her by being left controlled by the blonde hunk as he pumped away into her box to make the scene seem like she was being dominated by the cock of a Hero. Making her snatch clamp around his rod as it continued to ram in and out. Now more making her jolt back and forth while held in his grip than her able to push back under her own power. Her visible eye rolling upward as her mouth panted as her tongue slipped out. Losing herself further to pleasure she never knew could exist, and no doubt the feeling enhanced knowing it was coming from a version of the man she should be trying to slay.

“Mmmmmm! Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh…” Link groaned out when he felt that hot, wet pussy clinging to his prick as Veran came hard on his pole. A fresh wave of juices coating over him as she moaned out and her head tilted back in delight. Making him grunt from that more than tight feeling all around his cock for another different level of pleasure than he was already getting. Although not strictly acting like one right now, fucking a cruel sorceress in open daylight, he still showed a ‘good guy’ nature by making sure she enjoyed all of her peak. Pumping her through that high until her head slumped down and she gasped out. Shamefully collapsing to the ground when he let go of her wrists and his cock, still rock hard, fell from her well used twat.

“Oh, good! She’s done with my Hero…” Cia grinned, pulling her soaked hand out of Hilda’s pussy before lifting her own off of the Princess’ fingers. “Hey! I meant that it’s my turn now!” She snapped as she and Hilda scrambled up off the ground.
“No! I should go next!” Hilda said as the two nearly tripped over Veran she was kneeling on the ground, trying to recover. “Because… It makes sense to save the best for last! Because he’s ‘your’ man after all!” Hilda lied, just saying an excuse to get ahead of the other woman.
“That… Oh! Of course! That’s right! Yes, I am the best!” Cia grinned, buying the claim as her Link-drunk mind didn’t let her see through the scam. “So it makes he’d want to finish you other whores off before he got to the real prize of me…” Cia bragged.
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll get to a whore like you soon enough.” Hilda replied. Not even bothering to remove her outfit as she just tore up the other side of her dress at the legs. Making his eyes widen as she raised the front up, showing off her wet snatch and the purple hair around it that matched her long locks.

“Take me, Hero! Take me like I’m your precious Princess Zelda!” Hilda smirked as she jumped into his arms and eagerly wrapped her legs around his hunky body that was still clothed from the waist up. Leaving her perky tits, still covered by her dress, pressed against that legendary green tunic. The cut in her attire allowing his cock to slide up into her as the dress rode up as her gloved arms and hands wrapped around his neck. “MMMMM YESSSSS!! AHHHHH… I don’t think I’d leave you trapped in a painting… MMMMM!! Able to make me feel this good! OOOOOOOOH!” Those red eyes were wide from the pleasure as much like her lips were earlier on, Link’s fat cock was already stretching out her pussy fantasticality to make her moan. Keeping the juices running down his prick as she got to enjoy him bareback as he held onto her clothed waist right at the belt she wore.

“Mmmmmm! Ahhhhhh… Ahhhhhh!” Link moaned out as he pumped briskly up into the Lorule version of the Princess he’s supposed to be saving now, but had become more than distracted, let alone corrupted by. Thrusting firmly up to work his cock deeper up into her snug, wet pussy and at least from his moans he didn’t seem to be showing any favouritism to this hot, soaking hole compared to the last one he was in. “Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm…” He easily held her up as she clung with need to his body. Making not just her cape sway behind her but her long purple hair bounce as he made her jolt on his shaft. Sliding in gradually deep as her walls spread apart and happily accepted him. For once Hilda eager to be used by the Hero, rather than the kind of manipulation she was trying to do to his counterpart she had met in her home land.

Just across the battlefield, the two wicked Sorceresses were going at it as they engaged in some hot and heavy scissoring. Laying on their sides with legs spread and one each raised to drag heels against the other. Gasping out as they slammed their dripping wet snatches into the other. Rubbing into the other evil beauty so there was some nice interracial action of a different kind with two busty frames, one dark skinned and the other teal-coloured grinding away. Sweat dripping onto the ground as they moaned out and showed an openness to have some lesbian fun even when both of their minds were firmly on getting a certain fat cock.

“MMMMM… I’ll admit… Your plan was very unconventional… AHHHHH! But I’ll forgive you for it, this time!” Veran claimed as she moaned, enjoying her pussy sliding against another wet hole as her twat was more than sensitive having just came moments before. Impressively still able to go at it, even with another woman, as the bucking she was doing made her large, rounded tits shake as she pushed back as firmly as she was taking herself. “MMMMM… But if you try a stunt like that again! MMMMM… I’ll make sure to punish you! No matter what world we end up in!” She threatened, even if her words lacked the impact thanks to her constant moaning. Using a hand to fondle her own tits while the other kept her leaning and balanced as she pushed her snatch back and forth to keep the scissoring going.

“AHHHHH… Just admit it… You’re mad my plan exposed you… MMMMM! As the filthy whore you really are…” Cia just smirked as she rolled her hips to match the motion as her own wet pussy slid against that of her fellow practitioner of Dark Magic. Her own more than sizeable bust shaking as she bounced herself along the ground to send her twat slapping off the other beauty. Licking her lips as she locked a wicked gaze with more than a hint of desire, despite Veran clearly not being the true object of her lust, as they pushed repeatedly into one another. “MMMMM… I can feel how good my lovely Hero is on your dirty little pussy… AHHHHH… He’s left you soaking wet… MMMMM! Like a true whore…” She teased with a moan. Not noticing the irony of her mocking as she wasn’t exactly acting like a virgin herself. Scissoring into a woman who had just been fucked to orgasm by a man, while Cia herself had just been fingering the other beauty involved in this open air orgy just to get it on with another sinister female from another world.

“OH YES! YES LINK!! AHHHHHH TAKE ME!! MMMMMM BREAK ME!! UHHHHH!! AHHHHHH!!” Back across, Hilda howled out in delight as her body was being bucked up and down even as he held her firmly at the waist while her arms and legs still clung to his hunky frame. Being bounced on his dick as he stiffly drove up to the hilt with his sword of a cock. His balls smacking off her sweating skin as the dress she still wore began to cling to her gorgeous frame. “MMMMMM!! YOU’RE SPLITTING ME OPEN, HERO! MMMMMM I LOVE IT!! AHHHHHH!! I NEED IT!! AHHHHHH YESSSSS!!” Strands of her purple hair stuck to her cheeks while her tiara was half slipping down, hanging at an angle against one pointed ear from the repeated jolting she was doing. Her pussy still tight and clutching to his rod but offering no resistance to the stiff invasion. Leaving juices dripping down his cock, balls and down to the ground below as he still kept this pace up while driving away into her.

“Mmmmmm! Ahhhhhh… Mmmmmmphh!” Not that Link, in this world or many others, spoke much but even his moans were soon muffled as the beauty from A Link Between Worlds soon clamped her purple lips onto his. Forcing her tongue with desire into his mouth to make out with the Hero as he rammed up into her dripping twat. Her chest still sliding against his as she got hammered and the motion made her cape flow through the air behind her as she shifted on that prick. The lusty smooch alone was another fresh sign of the corrupted state the Hero was now in as he got further distracted by being balls deep in some wet, tight pussy. Now enjoying making out with an evil version of the Princess he was supposed to be rescuing as Hilda moaned even louder into his mouth as the saliva dripped down her chin.

“MMMMMMPHHH!! MMMM! MMMMM!! MMMMMMMMPHHH!!” The eyes of the Princess of Lorule finally opened as she kept kissing him but even then it was just to roll upward and cross from the intense pleasure. Her tongue slapping around his setting her off as she came nice and hard all over his cock. Shuddering on him as her snatch gripped like a vice on that fat rod, keeping him moaning into her mouth but not managing to set him off yet. Allowing him, like he’d done to Veran earlier, to keep driving up and letting her enjoy a ride through that strong high. A good thing that Link, only now just beginning to sweat, was still holding onto her waist as even before she’d finished hitting all the waves of pleasure her limbs had fallen away from him. But in the end only delaying a shameful slump to the ground as when he pulled out of her and let go, she fell with a groan but with a wide, cock-drunk grin on her face.

“Finally!” Cia grinned, showing a sudden rush of energy now that her prize was finally free. Near vaulting across as she desperately tackled Link to the ground to make him gasp and stare up. But telling, he offered no resistance as she mounted his lap as he held him down. “I finally get the Hero I deserve… Isn’t that right, my wonderful, handsome, hung Hero?” She purred, grinding her ass back against his fat cock and not caring it was covered in another woman’s juices, let alone having been in two women before her.
Link, now firmly thinking with his own personal sword than his brain, nodded rapidly and eagerly. Showing his fallen state into sin with the smile that was on his handsome features, ready for some more action.
“You’re such a cruel man, wasting your time with these lesser whores and making me wait…” Cia claimed, and she wasn’t exactly not acting in a filthy state herself as she lifted up to line his cock up with her dripping wet entrance. “So make sure to do your duty as my Hero! Make it up to me by… AHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Cia didn’t just squeal when Link suddenly gripped her hips and hauled her down onto his hunk body, combining the motion with a firm thrust up that in a single action stuffed her balls deep in an instant. She came right away as her white haired head tilted back. Her mouth open as silent moans spilled out as she shivered in delight on his length. Impaled like a living statue on his rod. Finally regaining some senses after a minute of further coating his already dripping dick as her fingers slid across his tunic-covered chest to grip the material. That sign giving him the go ahead to hold those thick, dark skinned hips as he began to thrust up. Making himself moan as his pale cock rammed all the way in to leave his balls smacking off her sweat-soaked skin.

“AHHHHHH YES MY LOVE! MY HERO! MY LINK!! OOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSSS!!” Her head looked down at him with an almost insane stare of desire, matched by her pupils looking like they’ve formed into hearts as she was completely lost in her own world of pleasure. Finally getting the Hero she’s been willing to destroy Hyrule for as she took his fat, long cock nice and deep into her pussy. “MMMMMM YES LIIIIIIIIIINK!! MMMMM!! USE ME! TAKE ME!! MAKE ME YOUR WHORE!! AHHHHHHH!!” She finally started shifting herself under her own power while missing the irony of calling herself the same insult she’d been levelling at her ‘rivals’ over the course of this orgy. Working her snatch back and forth, grinding down against his thrusts even as she bounced from the hard force he was using to give her what her begging dirty talk was already begging for. Her large tits matching her very eager rhythm as she shifts along that thrusting dick. A cock-addict grin plastered on her face and already far from fazed by strands of her white hair clinging to her cheeks as she gets ‘her’ Hero to herself at last.

It wasn’t just the Hero they’d been summoned to try and stop being corrupted however. As even having both enjoyed hard orgasms themselves, the other two women were going at one another with a red hot sixty nine. Hilda on her back on the dirty and the pooling sweat and juices to leave her dress ruined and soaked, while Veran was on top to slide her almost naked frame against the less curvaceous but still stunning villain. Applying more sweat onto the royal attire as she shifted against Hilda. All as both women had their heads between the other’s legs, lapping away at the wickedly delicious twats of the other. Not even Veran’s headwear getting in the way as the ‘hook’ was around one of Hilda’s legs as she dined on the Princess’ snatch while getting the favour returned.

Muffled moans escaping them beauties from Oracle of Ages and A Link Between Worlds as they kept their mouths clamped on the pussy of the other. Ensuring juices dripping down their chins as they eagerly munched away. Showing impressive skill in an act that before today neither would have considered performing on a fellow woman. But more the fired up to get some more pleasure after playing their part in corrupting a Hero who then pounded them into the best orgasms of their lives in any world. While the currently pleasure each was getting from tongue fucking the other was nice, it certainly paled in comparison to the joy of getting rammed balls deep by that blonde hunk that the woman underneath tried to fool a version of to save her world, while the one on top tried to stop in order to carry out the return of her Dark Lord. Such plans far from their minds now as even while eating out some tasty, dripping wet pussy they still looked across to catch glimpses of the dick they were very familiar with.

“AHHHHH YES!! MMMMMM MY HERO!! USE YOUR WHORE! BREAK ME! SPLIT ME APART!! AHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS!!” Sweat dripped off of Cia’s cheeks and nose, with her whole body looking hotter than ever from the shine as she bounced on that long cock that was driving into her from underneath. Sending her backside slapping down to jiggle from hitting his legs while his heavy balls smacked off the bottom of her dripping twat. “MMMMM!! GIVE IT TO ME! YES! I’M YOUR WHORE, HERO! MMMM!! I’M THE HERO’S WHORE!! I’M… Y-YOUR WHOOOOOOOOOORE OOOOOOOOOHHH!!” She panted as her dark skinned body dropped down over and over, matching his stiff pumps as her tits jiggled away. Her head tilting back again as she hit another orgasm as she got what her twisted mind believed was rightfully hers – the real ‘Master Sword’ of the Hero she was obsessed with driving up into its rightful sheath.

“MMMMM!! Ahhhhhh… MMMM!!” Link was sweating a healthy amount now, and impressively still going as he took on the third of the wicked beauties from other universes. His signature tunic clinging to that toned frame but getting close to being ripped from the tight hold the fingers of the woman mounted on him had. He wasn’t exactly thinking about protecting his attire though when his hands reached up from off her thighs to take a hold of her hands for a rather intimate connection as he gave a clear, lustful smile that a Hero like him shouldn’t have. All as he kept driving his fat dick straight up into her box to keep them both moaning as he was deep in his own lust-obsessed state to forget about his original mission here, much like all the other women are.

That deranged look of need and possession for him just increased as Cia stared down as being gripped with the hand holding set her off into the hardest orgasm yet. Her eyes staring upward as her teeth ground together, drooling at the corner shamefully as she further soaked his cock with juices. Having lost count of the amount of times she’s cum on his cock in this single position but this was the hardest yet. Unable to keep bouncing so she was left jolting on his prick as he continued to bury up into her. Eventually leaving her slumping down on his chest with her tits pressing in. Panting with a wide smile at him as she mumbled deliriously as his cock fell out of her snatch and peppered his cheek with smooches.

That moment with ‘her’ man ruined when the other two women dismounted one another and quickly moved towards him. Making Cia let out and outraged squeal as they shoved her off before they forced Link up to stand even as he sweated and his cock was throbbing showing his own well deserved, but now far from heroic, release was coming. “You foul whores!! Hands off my Hero!” Cia snapped when she stormed to her feet.

“Oh shut up and join in!” Veran said, as they pulled Cia down to knee alongside them as she pushed her tits against his cock from the left side.
“We do need to ‘defeat’ Link after all.” Hilda smirked as she lowered the straps of her dress to finally expose her chest and while hers were more modest she still applied them from the front.
“Fine! But don’t think I’ll forgive you if you waste all of his load stealing it for yourselves!” Cia said in a huff as she took the right side as she applied her rack against his cock.

Link tilted his head back with a loud moan. One set of great breasts would have been fantastic alone but to take three pairs at once? It was a minor miracle that he didn’t cum instantly from the triple teaming. Groaning as the women worked their chests against his fat cock and none of them cared that they were smearing Cia’s juices onto their skin, including the freshly fucked female herself. Just grinning wickedly up at the man who in other worlds would have been able to thwart their evil schemes. Now corrupted into a life of loving sin and being rewarded for it with two sets of big breasts rubbing his dick from the sides while a still nicely rounded pair handled his prick from the front.

Even while soaked with sweat, juices dripping from between their thighs, and the dirt all over their clothing and legs, all three of the villains were still more than horny for a piece of the man who had blown their minds with hard orgasms. Grinning up sinisterly and moaning themselves from working their tits not just against his pulsing dick but the other breasts of the women from other dimensions they’ve also become extremely familiar with during this orgy. But that huge dick being their focus as they couldn’t help but stare down and watch his shaft pop up from the valley of flesh they were making. A noticeable lip bite seen from them all when he let out his deep groans and took the triple tit fucking from them all.

Although Cia couldn’t help but glare at having to share her beloved man with anyone else even with his prick making her shiver in delight just from the feeling of his pale cock against her dark skin. Getting to enjoy his rod leaving her own pussy juices rubbed onto her mounds as she worked them with perfect timing with the other two beauties. Another contrast of colours on his other side with the teal-coloured skin of Veran sliding along his meaty cock as the first beauty made to cum by him showed she still had plenty energy left, and desire, to satisfy him. Not forgetting Princess Hilda who had shown a connection of her own with the man who is supposed to be loyal to the far more noble royal she’s a wicked counterpart of. More than making up for a lack of cup size compared to the other two as she continued to eagerly work her breasts up and down to make him moan. Let alone the fact that none of these women before today would have ever considered letting any man enjoy their bodies in such a way. Well, perhaps Cia aside since her current wide smile showed this was likely exactly what she’d wanted, but just not while sharing him with anyone else.

With as much stamina as the now corrupted hero has, even he couldn’t handle this triple team titty fuck for any longer. Unable to warn with words as he let out a deep, primal groan as his dick pulsed. Making the three evil women groan out and smile as he cock began to unload. Thick, hot ropes firing high just to splash down across not just their pushed up and out tits, but all over their faces too. The purple locks of Hilda along with her golden tiara getting strained with spunk while it got caught and matted through Cia’s already white hair. Even the short pointed red hair from Veran took a blast while that hooking headgear got soaked. More than enough that even Hilda’s gloves and her dress got stained from the spunk raining down.

Plenty to hit their faces of course, dripping off the different toned cheeks of the three to it dripped off from Veran’s face onto her teal-coloured breasts. Cia’s dark skin making the spunk stand out deliciously and even while being as pale as the hunk unloading onto her Hilda still looked stunning with a new shining of his jizz. The women making sure to keep pumping his dick until that mighty sword was finally going limp and they released their tits. Panting themselves from a the huge amount of spunk that had been worked up during all that action. Making it look like they’d had a couple men each dropping loads onto them, rather than the one former Hero that they’re turned into a shameless stud.

“Mmmmm… My hero…” Cia purred, unable to stop herself pushing a tit close to her face and licking some jizz off. Moaning with approval at the taste. “You’re even better than I fantasised about… Even better than the Link back in my world could have been!”
“Hmmmm… As good as this all was? And it was very, very good…” Hilda all too happily admitted. “That’s a point… There is the small matter of this world’s Ganon who summoned us three here.
“Oh right… I’d forgotten about that.” Veran said with a smirk as the jizz dripped from her lips. “Well, I think that after all of this? There’s only one sensible option, right ladies?”
“Oh, there absolutely is…” Cia grinned before the three looked up at Link. “Hero… Grab your sword and shield… And follow us…”

* * *

A half hour later…

Princess Zelda looked up, hearing what sounded like footsteps approaching her jail cell down in the dungeons of the castle. “Link? Link, is that you??” She called out, hoping her calls had been answered as she moved up from her cowering position. Her royal attire slightly dirty from the cell but otherwise the blonde beauty was unharmed, if not left powerless. “Finally, I’ve been… L-LINK?!?”

Zelda stared in shock as Link was there alright, but half naked with a fat, long cock hanging between his legs. Flanked by three women, in various states of undress and with spunk coating their faces and chests. One appeared to be almost identical to herself but with purple hair as she held onto a Hylian shield. While the teal-skinned woman had the Master Sword which appeared to be gripping with some otherworldly form of blood from a beastly monster.

“Good news, Princess!” Cia said with an insane giggle. “Ganon is dead and your Kingdom is saved? Bad news… We’re all stuck here now. And we’re going to all rule this place. Alongside our new King Link the First of course…” She announced with a smirk. “But our wonderful, humble, hung like a God new King here is very kind… He’s going to let you stay around as a Princess too… Just at a small little price…” She said as Link, giving a wicked smile of his own that he’d never have before, walked into the cell. “Have fun, Princess!” Cia said as the other women smirked as the shut and locked the door.

“I… I think I might j-just do that…” Zelda nervously smiled as she gulped, staring down at Link’s fat cock as it started to rise.

And with the loud moans that soon followed? While Hyrule had been saved, it certainly would never be the same again… And neither was the Hero and Princess of the land…

* * *

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Erotica Writer from Scotland, focusing mostly on fictional stories with famous videogame etc characters, with the odd but of celeb smut.
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