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Author Topic: I'm A Man Now (Anna Kendrick)  (Read 13289 times)


I'm A Man Now (Anna Kendrick)
« on: September 18, 2020, 11:37:13 AM »
I'm A Man Now
Starring: Anna Kendrick

Codes: MF, Oral, Titfuck, Anal, Facial, 

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This story was written for my good friend @fenderdiesel and I want to give a personal thanks for allowing me to publish it for you all to read, enjoy!

Falmouth, Maine

Early morning sunrises always cast rays of blinding lights through the set of faded white wooden mini blinds covering double windows in the bedroom. The white paint had faded a long time ago, beyond the illuminated lines of blue bedroom walls. At nineteen years of age now, Matt had found a way to sleep through the morning light after long nights staying up into the wee hours of the morning. He was finished with high school at this point, still holding off on going to college at least for now. His parents didn't mind him taking his sweet time for one year at home, just so long as he had a working job and was making a steady income for himself. It was July anyway and it didn't hurt to move through minimum wage jobs to make a bit of money to spend on himself, though where that money was spent was of none of his parents concerns.

Video games were among one of his hobbies, though much of his money was saved for having good times out of the house and in the real world. It helped when his parents took off for business trips during July and August, leaving him all alone at home, similar to his teen years when he had absolute freedom in large their middle class household. Standing tall with an athletic build and short brown hair, his face was often clean shaven though at times he didn't mind having a light five o'clock shadow. His brown eyes gazed into the mirror after getting out of the shower, looking over himself again. Today was a special day after hearing news that had followed him home about a special neighbor who had arrived back home. For many of men in the country and perhaps the world, Matt knew he was lucky to live next door to Hollywood actress Anna Kendrick.

While she had grown up in Portland, Anna had briefly moved out to Falmouth outside the city in a small town. When she wasn't making movies or filming commercials for a quick pay check, it was known across the small town that she kept to herself in a quiet neighborhood, a two story house just across the street from the home of Matt and his parents. The home itself belonged to her family, perhaps passed on to her as a quiet place of seclusion away from the lifestyle of glitz and glamour back in Hollywood. Everyone needed a bit of privacy in life, including those who's names were known throughout households. Matt had a history with Anna, for she had been something of a baby sitter for him many years ago, long before she had reached a level of instant recognition among the celebrity world. Back then he was just a boy with no real desire to do anything but enjoy his time away from his parents, indulging in the activities that brought him joy.

Now he was a man and knowing his history with Anna, she had quite the effect of him as the years had gone by. All through his teens, he scoured the internet looking at photos of her, allowing the lust in his heart for her to grow while ignoring all the possibilities of having girlfriends through high school. He played football beginning in his freshman and sophomore years, serving as an offensive lineman which would've instantly given him a special status among the school social cliques and unlocking a door to many girls who associated with the jocks. Despite this, he kept his attention focused on the woman who was his baby sitter. For every blonde and blue eyed haired girl he witnessed in classes, there was a brunette haired woman with even better blue eyes he could fantasize about. He didn't need to date girls around his age, all he wanted to do was dream about Anna Kendrick. To him, she was a goddess and if he ever had the opportunity, he would let her know that.

Yesterday it was revealed to him from witnessing a scene across the street that Anna was back in town. She must have needed some time off away from Hollywood and the silver screen, at least that was what Matt thought of the situation. He had stayed up all night looking at photos of her from his desktop monitor before getting in bed with a tablet and masturbating to his most treasured, favorite photos of Anna. It had been five years since she last baby-sat him, as a small favor to his parents before they left out of town for a business trip. Sometimes it paid off having parents that worked in finance and banking, forcing them to leave and go out on trips that left Matt all alone with the time to burn and go through his fantasy about Anna. The last time he had seen her was some years ago, knowing now that he was only older and the flames his lustful desires were burning much brighter than back then. He was no longer a boy, now a man and the chance of fulfilling a dream was on the horizon.

After getting dressed and having breakfast for the morning, he kept his eyes peeled beyond the yellow curtains of the kitchen window watching her home across the street. No longer driving a Mercedes Benz when she was back home in what looked to be a metallic silver Lexus car. Had he not caught sight of her brunette hair and slim build yesterday, he would've been mistaken to believe that someone else was staying in the house across the street from him. Today's agenda was set, for it was either going down to the gym and working out to flex his muscles or trying his luck with asking his dream woman across the street to come over for a date. Wearing a pair of grey shorts and a white T-shirt that hugged over his muscular form, Matt waited until the clock hit 1 PM to go outside and make the short walk across the street. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he stepped outside and the sun immediately blinded him as the summer heat was clearly felt. The hottest days of summer were nothing compared to the winters that anyone living in the north east had to endure.

Matt always thought of this time of year as a more relaxing period, better than the freezing snow and icy roads that made driving a difficult task. Anna's home across the street didn't look much different from the other two-story houses in the neighborhood. Most of them were brick built with tin roofs, the metallic silver ones allowing the sun to blind anyone passing through the street. Her home had black vinyl interior siding around the windows and a curved walkway to the doorstep in reddish brick stones. So many times he had dreamed of following that small brick road up to the black door of her home and knocking. Today nothing was going to stop him, as he stepped over the freshly mowed grass of the yard to his parents' house in a pair of blue flip flops. He crossed the paved street without a soul in sight during the afternoon. Stomping his flip flops up the red bricked road, he took a deep breath before raising his left hand and knocking over the wooden front door. As the seconds ticked by, he waited patiently until the door came swinging open. There she stood in her small height, but in all her beauty, those big blue eyes piercing into his soul.

"Oh, hi there Matt. Long time no see!"

To hear her voice again, he smiled in excitement.

"Hey Anna, I thought I saw you yesterday but wasn't sure at first. Wanted to drop by and see who was staying here."

"Oh, really?"

She smirked at him before licking her lips. Anna's long brunette hair was curled up in a loose pony tail as she wore a black T-shirt, but tight enough to show a bit of her perky tits pushing through. He figured she had watched his eye sight glance toward before gazing back at her face and replying.

"Yeah, I've missed you."

"So did you come to visit me, or-"

Matt cut her off.

"No, actually I wanted to invite you over to my place."

"Oh, really? You look a little too old to have a baby sitter these days."

He laughed at her comment, raising his right arm up to arch it over the frame of the door way while they stood there chit-chatting.

"I'm not too old to enjoy the company of an old friend though, am I? After all, you look like you're all home alone yourself."

She knew he was playing it up with a flirtatious line. Anna glanced away before looking at him and dropping her lower lip, revealing her perfect white front teeth.

"Yeah, I'm all alone. Guess it wouldn't hurt to come over later. You mind waiting on me?"

"How long?"

"An hour or so? Let me get my hair all fixed up and come over and visit you?"

"Sounds like a plan, babe."

It came almost natural to him, to refer to her as 'babe' rather than by her name. Anna offered him a smirk before closing the door. Matt turned around and curled his fingers of both hands up into a fist, almost throwing them in the air as if he had just achieved a victory in sport. In reality, he did with having her for a date. The golden opportunity was ahead of him now and his spirits flying high. In the past he would've felt a bit of nervous tensions, probably stumbling over his words and not even daring to make the march over to her front door. All that was in the past now as a young man, taking the opportunities ahead of him. Knowing she was going to at least get 'fixed up' as she worded it, that gave him a new reason of excitement when he hurried back home to anticipate her arrival. Thankfully he wouldn't have to vacuum the living room or do any serious cleaning, for everything was already nice and tidy before his parents had left.



Anna had arrived a few minutes past an hour as she had told Matt. Unlike in the past when she dressed casually for her baby sitter duties, this time she had fixed herself up in glamorous form. The curls of her brunette hair ran down to her shoulders, a split down the middle like always. Black eyeliner and glossy pink lipstick was topped with the scent of strawberry perfume while she had wore a black dress and matching mini skirt that went with a pair of high heels. For the time being, Matt had the fantasy of a date with a Hollywood actress in the living room of his parents' house. A staircase was on the north side leading up to where his bedroom and a guest room remained empty for the time being. A fireplace with grey stones matched what was grey tiles beneath a red rug.

The living room had a large couch, also in a grey color that matched while picture frames hanging over two of the three walls had gold lining around their glass portraits. It was one of the few things that didn't match, something that had caught Anna's eye years ago as Matt remembered her commenting on it, but what did it matter to him? This was the home he grew up in and remained, until he moved out for college or whatever adventure his life was going to take. For now, the one journey he wanted to take was one that required getting Anna out of her cute dress and making a reality out of the vision of her luscious body he had been dreaming of for all these passing years. They spent their time exchanging small talk, as she had questions regarding school and what he was currently planning to do with his life in the future. But the true question lingering about in Matt's mind was just how Anna would look without her clothes on.

Was it possible for him to get lucky? Just once in life, that would be a fulfillment to his dream. He didn't care that he was still a virgin. The only woman in the world that could satisfy his lust and turn him on was standing behind him in the living room of his parents house. Those big blue eyes pierced through his soul when she gazed back at him. All those times he wasted hours thinking about her, starring at her wonderful photos. It all felt for naught without having the experience of her touch, let alone even a kiss. Eventually he was going to have to make a move on her, but at what opening? That was yet another question he couldn't quite answer at this very moment. Matt had been thinking to himself while he listened to her ramble on about her career and future projects in the work. Upon getting up from the couch where they were seated side by side, Matt watched Anna reach for a can of Coca Cola over on her left side, sitting on a wooden table stand. As he stepped around her, she seemingly lost her grip on the can and it slid out of her hand from a right angle, spilling the cold drink all over her black dress.

"Awww, shit!"

Anna cursed in her cute voice. Just hearing her utter profanity had made Matt smirk. The liquid substance had bubbled up, creating a foam over her shirt just beneath her busty breasts and down into her lap. She stood up as Matt couldn't help but take a gaze right down her cleavage from where he was standing, as it offered a clear view.

"Oh damn, hold on. I'll get you some paper towels."

He hurried out of the living room to make his way into the kitchen and lean over a counter at a dispenser hanging above a cabinet with a roll of paper towels. Matt quickly snatched around four to six paper towels before ripping them off and then rushing his way back into the living room. The sight that awaited his young eyes was one he may not have been prepared for at this time. Anna stood there, in her heels with her dress completely off her body and laying across the couch. She looked at Matt who simply stood there star-struck. There she was in all of her glory, wearing only a dark purple lace pink thong and matching colored push-up bra that gave her breasts an additional boost, making them appear too big to contain. He stood there like a deer gazing back into headlights. Anna placed her hands on her hips, almost immediately losing patience as she called out to him.

"Don't just stand there! Give them to me!"

Getting yelled at was enough to snap Matt out of his dazing daydream to witness Anna in the flesh standing before him. Her body looked perfect, with that slim build and her busty chest. He reached his hand out, allowing her to grab the power towels and proceed to wipe her stomach clean. Anna leaned over and for another time, Matt had a clear view of her wonderful cleavage. Once she was done balling up the soaked paper towels, she grabbed her dress from the couch and proceeded to stomp her heels past him.

"Where are you going?"

"To put this in the washing machine."

It suddenly dawned on him just how well her memory was. She had been his baby sitter for several years in the past and understood the layout of his parents' home so well. It was a short walk out of the living room, down a hallway on the north side with a right turn that led into the utility room. He followed her every step of the way, his keen eye focused on her buttocks that was clearly visible with a thong lodged between her cheeks. It bounced with every step she took, but came to a stop when she swaggered past the door-less frame leading into the utility room. A washing machine and drier sat side by side to the south wall. From the north side there was a window covered up. Anna remembered just where everything was from all the time she spent in Matt's family home. He watched her open the top lid of the white ceramic metal box and then toss her dress in.

She had to know he was standing there observing her every action but she didn't say anything, at least not for now. Matt had walked directly behind Anna, taking in a better view up close of her tight firm booty. The thong was tucked between the crack of her ass perfectly, allowing an ample view of her firm cheeks and displaying their impressive size. Why fantasize about girls at school when he had this woman as his baby sitter all through his teens? That was a question that answered itself, as Matt liked to remind himself from time to time when looking at her photos online. Anna had to take her time with handling the washing powder and turning the setting knobs on the machine to activate the washer for a light load that could be completed within a matter of thirty minutes. Matt thought to himself for something to say.

"Do you want me to see if I've got some clothes to fit you while you've gotta wait on that to wash?"

Anna let out an audible chuckle turning around and quirking her eyebrows at him. She witnessed his smirk, but didn't curve her lips into a smile upon replying.

"I can wait around half an hour for my dress to finish. Besides, I don't think you would mind seeing me stand in just a bra and thong, huh?"

Matt blushed. His cheeks faded into a red color and then Anna spoke again.

"What's wrong? You stood there like you've never seen a woman in her underwear before. I know by now you've seen porn on the internet, that's how all you boys are when you go through that phase in life."

"Yeah sure, but that's not the point."

Quirking her eyebrows up, Anna shrugged before reply back with a goofy grin on her face.

"Then what is the point? Explain it to me."

The floor was all his now to give some epic speech to the woman of his dreams and let his feelings be known how much he had fantasized about her over the years, but Matt chose not to make it a long monologue all about himself. He didn't care about anything else, just her.

"The point is, I've always wanted to see you naked, I might as well put it simple."

"Why me though, Matt? I'm sure you've had girlfriends at this point in your life. You're about to go to college after all."

He shook his head.

"Actually no, I haven't wanted to date girls. I've only wanted you. You're the woman of my dreams and that's the truth. Go ahead and laugh at me if you want, but I'm telling you a fact. I'm probably never going to get this opportunity again to have you be my first."

Anna raised her eyebrows again.

"Wait, you're still a virgin?"

Now it was him smirking back at her. Matt slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah... I've saved myself for you, if you want to put it that way."

His response had made her laugh. It was almost in a serious way, as if she may have believed he was joking, but here she was standing in her underwear directly in front of him.

"So you want me to take your virginity, huh? Let me ask you something, Matt. Have you ever kissed a girl before?"

It didn't matter if he lied in his response it wasn't going to take away the fact of how badly he would want to accept a kiss from Anna Kendrick.

"No, I was planning on you to be my first kiss as well."

Perhaps it was out of sympathy or maybe she truly liked him, but Anna smirked at him and gave him an expression of hunger with the way her eyes had curved and those luscious lips. Raising her arms, she wrapped them around it and now Matt had his moment to go for her with every urge and desire he had for this woman over the years. He shoved his lips to hers and began with a soft kiss. Anna parted her lips and soon their tongues were shoved together, twisting as he had his first kiss with the only woman on the face of the planet who could satisfy him. They kissed tender and passionately together before Matt pulled away from her. Anna stepped back and let out a moan.

"Ohhhh, you're not a bad kisser for your first time. I just hope I lived up to the expectations you've had."

"Believe me babe, you did."

"I think you need to get your clothes off mister. If you thought that kiss was something, you haven't seen anything yet."

Anna didn't beat around the bush in her speech. She flat out told him to strip, so she could see his naked body. Matt was happy to follow her order here, but she wouldn't be the one in control all day. Virgin or not, he felt confident in his ability of taking her from how he had studied porn videos on the internet. It was time to make his fantasies come true. He lifted up his shirt over his head and then tossed it up over the washing machine. Anna raised an eyebrow, an idea coming to her mind.

"Just throw your clothes in the washing machine, we can go naked around the house. How about that, mister?"

"I thought you'd never ask. Feels odd with you calling me mister though."

"Well, you're not a little boy anymore, Matt. I'm gonna make you a man today."

This was quite different from what Matt anticipated due to her words. Make him into a man meant a bit more to him than simply relieving him of his virginity. Unbuttoning his shorts, he watched her move down to her knees and then Anna aided him in removing the rest of his clothes. Matt stepped out of his shorts and then she tossed them over her head, landing over the washing machine with a light thumping sound. He wore a pair of black boxers. Her fingers traced the outer band to them, prepared for what one of them was certain would be a big reveal. Such a moment was one that Matt had only dreamed of, as the woman of his fantasy shoved his boxers down and his young erect cock popped out. Anna gasped for a moment, giving off a mischievous look of surprise and satisfaction.

"Ahhhhh, this is for me, right?"

Her question prompted Matt to laugh, as he couldn't help himself. Anna didn't glance up at him, as her eye sight was locked on his fat cock. She quickly wrapped her right hand around it. His boxers had fallen down to his ankles which Matt soon stepped out of. She didn't forget to grab them and toss them over her head, landing on the washing machine with the rest of his discarded clothes. With both hands, she stroked his cock, getting it to full size with a slight purr under her breath.

"Mmmmmm, that's what I like to see."

Glancing up at him with her big blue eyes, Anna bit down on her lower lip.

"Have you ever had a blowjob before, Matt?"

He shook his head.

"No, never."

She let out a sensual tone of voice in her laughter. It wasn't anything unlike her to have some sort of goofy charm. Anna gazed back up at his face and smirked.

"Well, this is going to be your first blowjob. I just hope I don't make you cum before I want you to."

With her words uttered, she wasted no time parting her lips and sliding the head of his thick shaft between them. Matt took a deep breath. After years of fantasizing for this, now he was witnessing that dream become a reality. While he wanted to savor this moment as something that could've lasted forever within memories, Anna didn't stall her lustful advance whatsoever. She gripped his cock tighter within her grasp and then lowered her neck, flicking her tongue over the head before shoving it between her lips. Perhaps she wanted this just as much as he did, Matt wondered to himself. His thoughts became irrelevant when he felt her mouth sliding down his cock. He instantly reached by breathing in heavily and groaning.

"Ohhhhh, fuck!"

This wasn't how he expected a blowjob to begin. It didn't matter how much pornography he had watched over the years. Experience was one thing that couldn't be gained through watching videos. The warmth of her mouth was exhilarating as he was losing his oral virginity through the passing seconds. Anna went slow, but not without a demonstration of what could best be described as 'deep throat skills', he thought to himself. She closed her eyes, moaning as she bobbed her head up and down his cock. 'Mmmmmmmm', she let out a soft moan before pulling her lips away from his swollen rod. Anna then began to jerk it again, wanking his thick dick with her hand.

"You like that, huh?"

Her big blue eyes took a gaze up at him as she dropped her lower lip and showed him a visual of hunger with her gritted teeth. Anna had spoken to him in a low voice, almost teasing him through the art of seduction. Matt stepped back around the room. His eyes glanced around for a place to sit, noticing a white plastic foot stool over in the left corner. Anna refused to break eye contact with him as she brought his cock back into her mouth and then proceeded to suck him once more. Matt couldn't help himself as he blurted out random excitement into words.

"God this feels so fucking amazing! Suck it, Anna! Suck it for me!"

To hear him scream for her was all the motivation she needed to pick up pace and begin to truly blow his mind. Matt wondered if she was getting off on the idea of taking his virginity, almost to the point if she had planned such an event through the day when they spoke earlier. This time she bobbed her head up and down, using her hand to stroke his cock in perfect sync upward with her lips. Anna adjusted herself down on her knees, offering him a view of her pale ass up front from his view with only the thong tucked between it. Such a sight was something he couldn't get out of his mind, as the woman of his dreams was now slobbering all over his fat cock. Anna's mouth generated various sucking noises, but when she came to a stop and pulled his cock from her lips again, the popping sound caught his attention.

"Mmmmmmm, enjoying your first blow job, Matt?"

"Fuck yeah!"

Anna giggled. It wasn't like the young man was going to tell her no. Matt took a deep breath, watching her rub his cock up against her lips and then squeeze it in hopes of some pre-cum seeping out. Some how he had managed to hold himself in strength not to bust a nut too soon for this special occasion.

"I'm impressed, I thought I could make you cum already. You sure you're a virgin, Matt?"

"No, not yet. I've waited my whole life for this. Anna, do me a favor?"


She had noticed his eyes glanced away from her, almost as if he were peering over her to look behind her body. Matt leaned down and with his right hand, he brought his palm down over her tight firm ass. The spank was heard throughout the small room.

"Twerk it. Come on, make that ass shake!"

His hand smacked her ass again, this time making Anna moan lightly.

"Twerk your ass while you suck my dick, baby."

"Ohhhh, I should've guessed you were an ass man!"

Anna's reply was spoken in the same goofy way she had with delivering a line. It was impossible for Matt to laugh however, with her saliva dripping from his hard shaft. He remembered watching various porn videos, mostly POV type films where the man was in control during a blowjob. Channeling his inner Winston Burbank or Jonni Darkko, he used his right hand to grip her hair and guided his cock back inside of her loving mouth. Anna's lips squeezed around his shaft once more while Matt planted his other hand down on the side of her head. Anna's eyes bulged up a bit, as she didn't expect him to take control like this. No matter how much of a virgin he was, Matt handled himself like a man with authority.

"Twerk it!"

He commanded her with a strict tone of voice. Anna didn't have a choice with his hard cock lodged between her lips. She gagged on it while stilling her palms into the cold floor surface below and then began to work her hips into rotation. Matt bucked his hips forward, thrusting his cock into her mouth while his eyes then became glued at her ass, watching those perfectly firm cheeks clap together with the thong so precisely tucked between them. Taking the stance of control, Matt was prepared to flush his virginity through his veins now as he began to fuck her mouth. Anna took inch after inch of his hard cock, loving it as the head almost reached the back of her throat. She didn't stop twerking, allowing him to witness her ass bouncing and cheeks clapping together.

"Fuckkkk, this feels so good."

It was too easy for him to fuck her mouth, giving Matt confidence despite his lack of experience in sexual situations. Anna seemed to know her place during this position, just taking it as his cock slammed into her mouth repeatedly at a slow pace. When she stopped twerking her ass, he reached down and spanked it with his left hand. The smacking sound of his palm over her buttocks echoed loudly through the small room. Planting his free hand back over her head, he shoved his cock all the way down her throat. Anna's lips met at his pubes, inhaling the scent of his ball hair as she choked and gagged on his cock. Matt groaned.

"That's it, oh yeah. Just like that."

Excess saliva leaked from the corners of her mouth just before Matt stepped back and pulled his cock free from Anna's lips. She gasped, catching her breath as drool strings dangled from her lower lip and breaking off down to her chin.

"You like choking all over my big fucking cock?"

The dirty question was one that Matt never believed he would be able to ask Anna, let alone taking into consideration it was now a fact that she was relieving him of his virginity. He gripped the back of her head with his right hand and then glanced back over at the foot stool. Matt pulled her as he began to step backwards, forcing Anna to crawl with him.

"What's the matter? Making me crawl to your cock?"

She answered him back with a question but spoken in a low, slutty tone of voice. All Matt did was smirk before leaning down and sitting over the small plastic foot stool. He spread his legs out, getting comfortable as Anna then situated herself on her knees directly between his legs. Matt watched her wrap her little right hand around his cock, squeezing her fingers around it. She was still wearing her bra, containing those perky yet busty breasts. He gave her a nod as she began to wank his cock up and down with her hand.

"Anna, take your bra off and show me those titties."

Without uttering a word, she did just as he ordered. Anna used her left hand to reach for the shoulder straps and shove them down. She let go of his cock to pull her bra off and expose her bare breasts before him. A smug look of confidence and satisfaction glossed over her face. Matt reached down with both hands, getting a feel of her firm skin before he gave them a squeeze.

"I thought you were an ass man, ohhhhhhh. You like these big tits, huh?"

"Fuck yeah, always wanted to see them."

Anna smirked at him, quirking up an eyebrow as her lips curved into what became a mischievous grin.

"Now wrap them around my cock. Let's get some titty fucking going on in here."

She giggled, watching him reach down with his right hand to hold the base of his cock upward. Anna did as he told her, pulling her breasts apart and then squeezing his shaft between them.

"I think somebody has been watching a little too much porn lately."

Her comment didn't go unnoticed. Matt glanced away from her face, watching as his cock disappeared between the folds of her tit flesh as she began to thrust them slowly.

"Fuck that, this is better than porn."

"Yeah, duh!!"

Giving him one of her famous shocked facial expressions, Anna watched him smile before cracking up laughing. She squeezed her breasts tightly around his cock and began to pump them up and down, fucking his rod to a pulp. All Matt could do was sit there over the stool and watch as Anna Kendrick was now titty fucking him. Her hair swayed a bit, all while his cock was thrust up and down, back and forth between her firm natural tits.

"Oh, fuck yeah! Work those tits, baby!"

He leaned back, his body touching the wall as Anna didn't let up from the skill she displayed with using her tits to wank his cock up and down. Matt was satisfied, watching as his cock disappeared between the folds of her big tits repeatedly with each thrust she made. He could've rested back, imagining himself puffing on a cigar while this wonderful woman was pleasuring him. His fantasy had come true after all, but this was only the beginning to fulfilling that old dream. When Anna began to slow down from pumping her breasts up and down, Matt was ready to move into another position. Though he may have been a virgin minutes ago and still technically was when it came to the art of penetration, he liked to believe he knew a great deal about sex through studying porn.

"Anna, get up. I think it's time we moved to some real fucking."

Her eyes shot up at him and she gave Matt a subtle nod.

"Yeah, I'm ready to take your virginity the real way. I wanna feel your big fucking cock inside of me."

Such dirty talk from Anna surprised Matt, as he didn't previously believe she would play along with him like this.

"Is that so?"
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Re: I'm A Man Now (Anna Kendrick)
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2020, 11:37:43 AM »
Giving him a nod, she let go of her boobs and began to rise up from her knees. Anna leaned downward slightly and cupped his face, feeling his skin beneath her fingertips as she pressed her lips to his for a soft kiss. Matt responded out of instinct, wrapping his arms around her slender frame and then reaching his hands down to get a full squeeze of both ass cheeks in the palms of his hands. She couldn't help herself but to force her tongue past his lips and sinking in for a passionate kiss. Matt reared his right hand back, giving her ass a good spank before she was able to pull away. Away from his grasp now, Anna reached down and wrapped her right hand fingers around his cock, taking in a firm grip.

"Matt, get up! Come on, I want to take you to where you should be fucking your first girlfriend in life."

He had no choice but to rise up from the small foot stool. Matt had neglected to notice earlier that Anna was still standing in her heels. Now she held him and began to walk him out of the utility room by his cock, clacking her heels hard over the floor. He thought to reach out and smack her ass but hesitated, as she moved with speed, forcing him to hurry along with her. They made their way back into the living room and then Anna let go of his cock, allowing him to stand before her as she shoved her thong down to the floor.

"You wanna see this, right?"

Anna didn't have to point her finger down below, for she figured Matt's eye sight was already locked on the view of her exposed, shaved pussy. He could see a few drops of dew dripping down to her thighs as she moved her feet to kick away her panties. She didn't have to tell him, but they would be left without the rest of her clothes as a silent souvenir for him on this special day. While he stood there gazing down below, she took his hand and guided him to touch between her thighs. His index finger poked in, forcing her to take a deep breath while glancing back to his face.

"If I didn't want you to fuck me so bad, I'd teach you how to finger a girl, but it's not time for that. What position have you always wanted to fuck me in, Matt?"

There wasn't a need to think twice on that question.

"On all fours, that's a good start."

She smirked back at him.

"Alright, over the couch then. That's where you should be fucking your first girlfriend anyway while your parents aren't home. You just have to hope she don't squirt all over the place and then you forget to clean it up and have to give your dad some bullshit story about spilling milk on the couch."

Busting out laughing, Matt had to hand it to Anna when it came to her knack for comedy. Maybe it came natural to her, but she always knew how to get a chuckle out of him. He watched her move over to the couch, bending over and exposing her ass to him. Anna glanced beyond her right shoulder and then raised her hand to lightly tap her ass in a subtle way to tease him. Matt got behind her, spreading his legs as he gripped his cock through his right hand. Edging it between her thighs, he gasped for this moment was coming when his virginity would be relieved. It was difficult for him to move his concentrating eyes away from her ass while feeling the warmness of her pussy. His cock softly entered her and then he let out a hard moan.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, fuck!"

Words couldn't describe it through his mind. Was this a gateway to heaven? Anna felt so good, for this being the first experience of pussy he had ever had in his life, it was much better than any of the girls he could've dated at high school. This was the only woman who could satisfy his sexual desires. Her hands planted down over the front cushions of the couch and then Anna raised herself up, closing her eyes as she called out to him.

"Oh yes, that's right! Moan for me, Matt! I want you to fuck me and fuck me nice and hard!"

The sound of her yelling voice was enough for him to break out of the alternate mindset he had curled himself into from the first time feeling his cock fit snugly into a woman's vulva. He made the first thrust inside of her, feeling every last inch of his long cock sink all the way into her tight, moist pussy.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah! Just like that! Give it to me! Give it to me!!"

Placing his left hand palm down the small of her back, Matt used his right hand to grip one of her hips and now he began to buck his hips harder, slamming his cock into her. He soon could hear a loud gasp from her voice and then Anna cried out loudly.


Matt found this situation unbelievable. It was already beyond reality in his mind to be fucking the woman of his dreams, let alone to make her scream so suddenly. He had only just gotten started, but Matt was witnessing the sheer animal that Anna was when her clothes came off. Like a tiger with the cage unlocked, the big of oral fun she gave him earlier today was only a map of things to come with the beast that was now roaming free. Her nails grazed over the front of the couch cushions, nearly poking holes as the sound of their bodies hitting together was soon audible. Smack. Smack. Smack. Matt's nut sack tapped and slapped against the undersides of her ass with each thrust he sent into her pussy. Anna raked her nails over the couch again, then let out a growl as she gritted her teeth.


With each thrust Matt sent into her pussy, Anna's body was trembling. Her breasts shook, bouncing to the left and right and her hair began to sway. When he glanced upward, Matt suddenly came up with a new idea quickly in his mind. He reached up with his left hand, snatching her by the hair and causing her to moan.


Upon her screaming out to him, he slammed his cock into her pussy again and came to a stop with his entire length inside of her. Matt pulled her hair hard enough to raise Anna upward. She cried out in pleasure, soon feeling his lips up against the left side of her neck, breathing down her ear.

"You like it a little rough huh, baby?"

"Yeah... You know what I like. You're doing a hell of a job so far, honey."

Matt chuckled as Anna had went from screaming in high tenors to a low, almost helpless voice. His laugh was also in a low tone, but sounded much louder towards her ear. He just had to reply to her before getting back to fucking that pussy.

"Yeah, I think I do."

For being a virgin, he displayed a great deal of knowledge of sexual acts, much to the way of impressing her. Matt let go of Anna's hair and suddenly shoved her back down over the couch. She didn't expect this, but had landed with her palms holding her up as they sunk down a bit into the cushions. He then picked up directly where he left off, bucking his hips forward once more as he drove his cock into her cunt over and over. Anna's eyes opened as she balled her hands up into fists and began to punch down over the couch.


He didn't stop, as the more Anna was screaming to him, the further Matt wanted to show her that he had the stamina to truly fuck her the way she desired. For he was taming that wild animal, regardless of his lack of experience and virginity that was now relieved. Like before, Anna's tits were bouncing once more, moving up and down as her hair was swaying. Matt raised his left hand up and used it to strike her ass hard.


Not expecting his palm to connect with her skin, Anna was caught off guard and moaned aloud.



From the second time he smacked her ass with his hand, Anna gritted her teeth and let out a growl. Matt had slowed down slightly, but his cock was still pumping into her tight pussy. By now he was beginning to question himself, just how far he could go before busting a nut. He didn't want to cum inside of her, he was saving that for her face.

"Spank that ass! Don't just stop after tapping it twice!"

It was a typical goofy choice of words for Anna that would've cracked him up laughing if they weren't currently in the circumstance of fucking. Matt was slightly offended at her sarcasm, caught in the heat of the moment. He made one more thrust into her pussy and then reared his hand back. She wasn't going to be referring to this spanking as a mere 'love tap'.


"Ohhhhhh, FUCK!!"

Anna was gasping in breath after crying out. Matt had struck her ass so hard with his open palm that now he felt a stinging pain running across his skin. While shaking his hand out, he became distracted completely from fucking her. He had yet to force her into an orgasm, but Matt couldn't help himself.

"Damn, that fucking hurt!"

She sounded as if she were complaining by her choice of words, but from the tone of her voice, Matt was positively sure that Anna enjoyed his rough play. Coming to a complete halt, he was distracted enough to pull his cock from her pussy, instantly alerting Anna. She didn't expect him to stop and pull out like this, but soon Matt had turned around and sat his naked buttocks down on the couch. He motioned with his hands for Anna to climb up and get on top of him. Smirking at him, she realized that now she had an opportunity to be in control, even if it was only for a small bit of time.

"Come on, get on top of me, babe."

Climbing up over the couch, Anna didn't reply to him in words. She moved with action, straddling his lap once she had climbed up over the couch and then using both of her hands to hold up his swollen cock. She glared at him with her big blue eyes, dropping her lower lip to give him yet another view of hunger with her teeth gritted.

"Before I ride you, I've got something to ask."


"Do you wanna cum inside of me? Cause I plan to ride you until I get to."

Matt shook his head.

"No, I want you to suck me off again. I've always dreamed of being able to cum on your face."

Anna giggled at him.

"Oh, you wanna blow your load all over me like in some porn video you might have watched?"

"Fuck yeah!"

His reply made her laugh again. Tightening the grip of her fingers around his cock, that dripping wet pussy hovered above it, just begging to take a downward thrust. Matt's face had lit up enthusiastically in glee, but she could read his mind easily. From the way he was handling her, it was apparent that he took inspiration from how his dirty mind developed through watching porn.

"Alright, I'll let you. I just hope you don't end up wasting your load inside of me when I cum."

That statement would be the true test for Matt, whether he knew it or not. Anna had experience handling men and knew that it would be a tough task at hand for a virgin not to hit his orgasm alongside hers when she had reached hers. Without saying anymore words, she slowly lowered herself down, filling her juicy cunt with his swollen rod. Letting out a soft moan, she looked at him while placing her hands up over his muscular shoulders.

"I'll go easy on you, nice and slow as I rock you."

In this position, Matt was given the full display of her perfect breasts up in his face. He reached his hands up, squeezing at them as Anna began to slowly roll her hips and thrust herself downward over his cock. Inch after inch pushed inside of her while she felt him playing with her boobs. Raising his head up further, he smashed it between her breasts, sucking and licking on them. Anna let out a moan and then moved her hands down to cup the back of his head, pushing him further into her breasts.

"Ohhhhh yeah, you love those tits. Give 'em some love, Matt!"

Moving her hands to her breasts, she squeezed them around his face while he was still slobbering over them. All while she worked her hips simultaneously to push herself up and down his cock. Eventually Matt moved his hands away from her lovely tits and roamed his palms over her smooth skin. Once he found her hips, he got a grip and then moved his face away from her tits. Leaning forward a bit on the couch, he began to buck his hips, throwing Anna off guard as she gasped and bounced atop of him.

"Oh, fuck!"

She wasn't expecting this from him, as she believed he would've allowed her to rock atop of him with ease, but Matt was clearly still in control. He simply allowed her to get on top, surprising her once again with his knowledge of sexual acts despite the lack of first hand experience. This boy was going to be a hell of a man with handling ladies and taming them, she thought to herself. It brought her a sense of pride deep down to know she was taking his virginity, being his first in what would likely be a long line of women in the future. Anna planted her hands back to grip on his shoulders as Matt's eyes were glued at watching her big tits bounce in front of his face.

"Ohhhhh, fuck! Yes!!"

Crying out to him, Anna's long brown hair swayed, getting in her face and causing her to use her right hand to shove it back. At this rate he was bound to make her cum soon, but would he be able to hold back his own orgasm? That question still lingered. Her fingernails dug down into his skin, causing slight stinging pain. Matt gritted his teeth momentarily, letting out a grunt as he was still pumping his hips to drive that cock into her pussy back and forth. Anna had quit rolling her hips, allowing him to take full control as the one doing the fucking.

"Fuck, ohhhhhh fuck! FUCK!!"

When the pitch of her voice raised higher, that was the small sign for Matt that she was close to reaching her climax. He began to buck his hips harder, faster in an attempt to pound every bit of strength he had in him to making Anna cum. Whimpering, she bit down on her lower lip and closed her eyes before belting out an epic scream, just as he felt a sense of warmness from her juices unleashing to flood his cock.


He came to a stop and suddenly gasped. Anna's body shook as she gripped his shoulders so hard her fingernails sunk down, breaking the flesh and creating small cuts. The pain was felt, but beyond that was Matt feeling the rush of her juices from within her. He grunted, gritting his teeth as he came to the sudden force of trying to hold back his own orgasm. The sentiment of having his cock lodged inside of a woman as she reached her climax was such a wonderful experience, one he would never forget and would be left craving again after this day was over. Anna had to catch her breath, panting wildly as she opened her eyes and witnessed his face all curled up, trying to hold back. He didn't cum inside of her, yet. Another impression had been left on her as she pushed herself upward and began to climb up from him. Matt was given the view of watching his cock slowly slither out of her pussy, covered in her sticky juices.

"Oh my god, that was so fucking good. You didn't cum inside of me either, so congratulations! You still get your chance to cover my face later!"

Cracking a smile, he couldn't stop himself from giggling at her 'congratulations' remark. Anna lowered herself down to her knees and then proceeded to grip his cock and feed it to her mouth. Slowly, she sucked him to clean up her own juices. He witnessed her pull his shaft from her lips, making a popping sound before she audibly swallowed her own love nectar. Matt witnessed her throat muscles move, indicating to him that she did, indeed swallow her own juices down.

"Damn, I didn't know you were gonna do that."

"I don't like to waste cum, whether it's yours or my own."

"Funny girl."

"You aren't the first person to call me that."

Anna kissed the head of his cock, gazing up at him with her big blue eyes. All Matt could do was smirk.

"I won't be the last either."

Rising up from the couch, he watched her take a few steps back from her knees. Matt reached down and gripped Anna's hair with his right hand, digging in a tight grip that caused her to let out a soft moan.

"Ohhh, fuck! You know something? For a virgin, you sure do know how to grab a girl by the hair. You're going to be one hell of a man with handling girls, I can tell you that."

He smiled in pride at that comment.

"Well, what can I say? I've spent years learning and knowing exactly how I would handle you if I ever got the opportunity. Come on, crawl..."

Stepping forward, he pulled her hair before turning backwards to watch her crawl towards him. Anna let out an exaggerated but whimpering moan.

"Uhhhh, where are we going?"

"The stairs babe, where else?"

"Ohhh, so you wanna fuck on the stairs, huh? I wasn't expecting this."

Moving forward, he got behind her but still gripped her hair. Anna was crawling like an animal in the process of being tamed, stepping forward with her hands while her knees pounded over the hard floor. Matt bit down on his lower lip and then used his other hand to spank her ass. All she did was moan upon reaching the first step of the wooden stairs.

"Go up them, baby. I'll tell you when to stop."

He let go of her hair, allowing some freedom for her to move. Anna still wasn't sure exactly what position he wanted her in, but she would be made aware in the following seconds. After climbing three steps of the stairs, she balanced her knees on one below with her hands pressing down on the next one.

"Stop! Right there is perfect!"

A thunderous boom was heard from behind Anna as Matt stomped his feet down over the wooden surface of the stairs behind him. Smirking to himself, he moved his hands over her ass. Anna raised it up and began to twerk again, rotating her hips to tease him with her ass cheeks clapping. He was forced to move his hands away, allowing her ass all the freedom it needed to shake and bounce.

"You like it when I do this, huh?"

"Fuck yeah I do!"

It was impossible for the young man to resist stepping forward and allowing her to twerk up against his cock, shoving it between the crack of her ass to create a subtle hint of what he wanted. Anna moaned at the feeling of Matt's thick rod sandwiched between her firm ass cheeks, right in the crack. She stopped twerking and only raised her ass up a bit to feel his entire length sliding a bit into the crack. Taking a deep breath, unable to take his view off the sight of his cock lodged into the crack of her ass, Matt flat out told her why he had her on the staircase to begin with.

"I wanna fuck you in the ass."

"Oh really?"

The tone of Anna's voice was somewhere between a serious answer and playing it on with her goofy demeanor.

"What the fuck are you waiting for then, Matt? You spanked it enough, so go ahead and shove that big fucking cock right up my ass and take it!"

Her shouted demand was just enough to force him into planting his hands back over her ass cheeks and pulling them apart. Realistically, all Matt had to do was thrust forward from the crack of her ass to find her little hole, but he didn't know that just yet. Once he caught a look of her dark little hole, he gripped his shaft and pushed the head of his cock right to the entrance. Anna gasped upon feeling his rod penetrate her, shoving up inside of her ass. Matt didn't expect the feeling he received upon entering her dark little hole for the first time.

"Holy shit, this is so fucking tight!"

Anna moaned.

"Well, yeah! It's my ass, it's supposed to be tight!"

Her response had forced him to laugh a bit but also blush. Anna had a funny way of relieving tension in these situations as Matt was becoming free of his virginity and evolving from a boy into a young man. Being this was his first time having his cock inside of a woman's ass, he figured to take it slow. Planting his hands over her ass cheeks, he spread his legs out a bit and began to slowly pump his cock into her ass. Matt listened as Anna made another gasp and then moaned.

"Mmmmmmmm, take it slow honey. Nice and slow... Mmmmmmm, that's it. This feels so fucking good, but I know it's your first time. I don't want you to get over excited and blow that load in my ass. You're saving that for my face."

"That's right, baby."

Taking in a deep breath, Matt gasped as he slowly pumped his shaft into her ass and moved it back and forth. He watched every inch of his fat cock disappear with his balls rubbing up against the undersides of her cheeks. Anna had given him good advice, playing herself into the role of a sexual mentor. He continued to pump slowly into her ass, but soon gave into the urge to go a little faster.

"Slow, Matt! Go slow!"

Her calls for him to slow down had come and gone. Matt felt that he was in perfect control, so he raised his right and slapped her ass with it.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to cum up your ass, I know when to stop. You don't tell me what to do!"

Anna moaned, soon feeling his right hand reach up and grab her by the hair. Matt was pumping his cock into her ass at a moderate pace now, gone with the idea of fucking it slowly.

"Mmmmm, fuck!!"

Her moans had come with a whimper but ended with a growling taunt, almost as if she was uncomfortable with him in control like this. Perhaps it was the odd position of the staircase, Matt didn't care. How could he? Here he was fucking the woman of his dreams up the ass, right on the stairs that she had climbed so many times before in the years she had to babysit him. Rocking in a steady pace, he continued to thrust his cock into her ass while the sounds of their breathing, moans and movement over the staircase was all that was heard throughout the house. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead, but his concentration could not be disturbed from this moment. When he felt his orgasm beginning to build up, that was the sign for Matt that he should come to a sudden halt. Wiping his forehead, he stopped and then snatched his cock free from her ass.

"Turn around."

Still gripping her hair with his right hand, Matt pulled it to force Anna began to turn around over the staircase. She moved into a wonky position before setting her buttocks down over the cold surface of the wooden step. His fat cock was right in her face by the time she got situated and before she could utter a single word, Matt fed it between her lips, forcing her to go from ass to mouth.

"That's it, that's it. Suck it. Suck my cock, Anna!"

He didn't give her a choice, though she knew it was coming eventually from the desire he had of wanting to finish the day with decorating her face in his seed. Placing both of his hands on the side of her head, Matt proceeded to thrust his cock and truly fuck her mouth like before. Taking inch after inch of his shaft between her lips, Anna struggled to hold herself from choking, but she took it like a champion while closing her eyes. Over and over, he drove his cock into her mouth, knowing when he wanted to stop.

"Just like that, just like that..."

Whispering words of approval had caused Anna to open her eyes and gaze up at him. Matt was smiling down at her, but was firmly in control. This was another sign to her just what kind of man she had awakened from inside the boy she watched grow up. His balls shoved against her chin with each full thrust he sent into her before he came to a stop. Matt groaned and then slid his cock from her mouth, snatching it out and into his right hand. He took a deep breath, knowing that he was merely seconds away from blowing his load. Anna was well aware of what was about to come. She sat on the staircase step, leaning herself upward.

"Are you ready to cum for me?"

"Yes I am."

It was a dumb question, but the way she spoke to him in a low, seductive tone was just enough to make a bit of pre-cum ooze from the head of his thick rod. Anna closed her eyes after gazing directly at his cock aimed towards her face. She knew what was coming as he had gripped his meat pole and began stroking it hard with his right hand. All those times that Matt had masturbated to her photos; all the memories he carried from wanking himself to watching video clips of her, all the times he stayed up late nights to watch porn fantasizing about her, all that was coming to a head now as he knew within seconds his cum wouldn't be flying into a rag or over his own skin. It was going directly onto the face of the only woman on the face of the planet who was worthy of taking his virginity and making him into the man he was now.

"Cum for me, cum on my face. Cum all over me, Matt..."

Parting her lips, she stuck her tongue out for him, going 'ahhhhh', as he began to pant and grunt.


Taking in a deep breath, Matt grunted as he watched the first wad of his cum fly from his cock and splatter directly over Anna's forehead and streak into her hair. She gasped, completely surprised from the direct force of his initial wave. Anna moved her face slightly up, causing the next string of his cum to go into her left side closed eyelid and drip down her cheek.

"Oh, shit!"

Crying out to him, Anna soon felt another wad of cum splash over her left eyebrow and streak into her hair again. Witnessing her face get plastered in his cum so far was enough to satisfy Matt. He shoved the head of his cock over her tongue and stroked it again, milking out another wad into Anna's open mouth. She slowly began to open her eyes, blinking from the cum over her left eyelid that was dripping down. He finished himself off with the last spurts of his sticky seed filling her mouth. Once he felt he was done, Matt squeezed his cock one final time to make sure the final drops made into her mouth. He pulled it away when he was done and watched as Anna closed her lips and swallowed his seed down her throat. Out of breath and feeling a level of fatigue through his body, Matt smiled down at her and flashed his teeth.

"Atta girl, love that I just got to watch you swallow that down."

She didn't reply back to him. Anna simply used her hands to collectively wipe up the cum from her cheeks and then fed her fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean. One by one, she licked and sucked her fingers dry of his seed. The only bit left on her now was the excess drops that went into her hair.

"Mmmmmmm, I don't wanna miss a drop."

After sucking her hands clean, she grabbed his used cock and then placed a soft kiss over the head. Glancing back up at him, Anna offered a smile before speaking.

"I think you're a man now, honey. You know how to handle yourself with a woman, I'm glad I got to be the one to break you in."



A slow afternoon had proceeded into hot summer day. With an empty house all to himself, Matt had found himself relaxing in the bath tub, soaking in hot water while the stereo in his bedroom was turned up to a moderate volume. He wasn't in a hurry to get out, finding himself more relaxed than ever while going over the events that had occurred yesterday. What sense of mind washed over someone upon achieving a perceived impossible goal? That was a question he didn't know how to answer. From the minute he woke up and as the hours ran by, something had truly felt different about life. Getting to fuck the woman of his dreams, Anna Kendrick and shed away his virginity to become a man was something he didn't believe would ever happen in his life, but it did. Yesterday wasn't a dream, no matter how much it felt like one when he went over the events in his head again.

Before Anna had left, she had given Matt her panties as a way to leave a memento for this landmark in his life. They would be kept in the corner of the underwear drawer to his dresser, at least for now until he could find a special place for them. One thing he couldn't deny from yesterday was that she lived up to every bit of the expectations he had of her from his fantasy. Like he had known before, his desire for her over the girls his own age that he could've been dating from high school. One thing Matt knew for sure after this experience with his dream woman, he had the means of handling himself with women. Anna was right, he was going to be a hell of a companion in the bedroom, but only for the right ladies. Becoming a man now in his life, he was anticipating getting out into the real world in the near future.

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The following users thanked this post: John Connors, extreme1, Viri, MoscowCalling, MaggotBrain


Re: I'm A Man Now (Anna Kendrick)
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 10:15:17 AM »
Nice story full of twists and turns of the sexiest Cade!
Anna Kendrick is hot, I love this young lady. What elegance and what a slut all at the same time. We would all like to be this young Matt, this lucky guy still him! Like what, it is useful to watch porn movies in any case for him to take care of Anna's case! lol
Superb story, hell of a job, the work is considerable! I loved the dirty part, the speeches etc ...
Thank you very much friend!
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: I'm A Man Now (Anna Kendrick)
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 03:59:32 PM »
Nice story full of twists and turns of the sexiest Cade!
Anna Kendrick is hot, I love this young lady. What elegance and what a slut all at the same time. We would all like to be this young Matt, this lucky guy still him! Like what, it is useful to watch porn movies in any case for him to take care of Anna's case! lol
Superb story, hell of a job, the work is considerable! I loved the dirty part, the speeches etc ...
Thank you very much friend!

Thank you my friend. This story was written for a friend of mine. I'm glad someone else enjoyed it!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko


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