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Author Topic: An interview with...Calibur009  (Read 3818 times)

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An interview with...Calibur009
« on: October 02, 2020, 08:14:50 PM »
Our next interview is with the author of the excellent The Ex-Disney Dicksuckers Club series, Calibur009.

In this interview we will find out he got into writing celebrity erotica, who influenced him to write in this genre, and other topics related to his writing.

You can view his profile here at Calibur009

1. Where are you from?

I'm from the USA

2. How did you come up with your pen name and is there any meaning behind it?

Honestly my username doesn't have much meaning behind it. I needed a new username and I was playing a video game called Soul Calibur 6. So that's where the Calibur comes from and the 009 is a play off of 007 from James Bond. So that's the dumb story of how I came up with my username

3. How long have you been writing celebrity erotic fiction?

I started this year

4. Who or What got you started writing erotic fiction?

DarkSwordsman after working with him on the Stiff Competition story is what inspired me to begin writing my own stories

5. Who would you say are your biggest influences as a writer of less than appropriate celeb fiction? Which authors, if any, would have inspired you?

Once again I would say DarkSwordsman. My writing style is inspired by his

6. Who are your favourite celeb sex story writers? Past and Present.

DarkSwordsman, MiamiLyfe, Slyguy, a lot of other talented writers

7. Any favourite sex stories that you've read that made you think - "Wow! That's incredible!"

MiamiLyfe's Lucky Bastard series is great and DarkSwordsman's Celebrity Summer School series and Dirty 30 are amazing as well

8. Which of your own stories are you the most proud of writing?

The House That Dripped Cum it is technically my second story but I'm really proud of how it turned out. Because that was the first time I wrote that my celebrities in one story and was able to pull it off. So I'm definitely the most proud of that story

9. Which celebrities do you enjoy writing about the most?

Kelli Berglund, Alison Brie, Victoria Justice, Margot Robbie, Vanessa Hudgens and Nina Dobrev are my favorite celebs to write about it

10. What type of sex scenes do you enjoy writing the most?

Oral sex, titfucking and girls riding guys cowgirl lol

11. Do you have routine for how and when you write?

Not really I write when I'm in the mood. But since I'm  still new to doing this I try to stay motivated and write as much as I can daily

12. Do you sketch out a plan on paper/word/notes or write off the cuff with a basic idea and let it flow from there?

Yes I plan out almost all of my stories using notes. I come up with a basic story idea and go from there

13. Apart from hot celebrities, does anything else influence your writing? Music, Fashion, TV etc.

Television and movies would be the biggest influences in my stories

14. Any projects you are working on that you are excited about?

Yes the current series called The X-Program I recently started. I'm writing episode two of that right now and a story starring Victoria Justice is also in the works

15. Any tips for readers that may want to start writing celebrity erotic fiction?

 I would say to new writers just believe in yourself and start writing. I didn't think that I could before I started writing and just have some fun with it. That's what I'm doing
'What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.' - Werner Herzog

'Gotta head full of ideas that are driving me insane...' - Bob Dylan

'I sold a quart of blood, bought a half a pint of scotch' - Tom Waits
The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, TLMorgan, DarkSwordsman, Calibur009


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