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Author Topic: The Canadian Connection starring Cobie Smulders  (Read 6966 times)


The Canadian Connection starring Cobie Smulders
« on: January 02, 2021, 04:55:36 PM »
Big thanks to Slyguy for some tips and corrections! Don't be shy to tell me what you thought  :D

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent towards Toronto…”

The PA announcement came through, above the monotone buzz of the jet engines as people around the cabin started to move about in their seats. John yawned as he pushed himself up in the seat, stealing a look through the window. The only thing that greeted him back was complete darkness, although he was still able to make out singular points of light on the ground. The flight so far had been smooth and uneventful - with barely any turbulence and good food, even for Economy-class standards. He stretched his hands out, still feeling tired even after managing to somehow get some sleep – something which wasn’t very common for him when flying. There was a silver lining in this, however – a hotel room for his 24-hour layover waiting for him at the airport hotel. Usually, his line of work didn’t necessitate long trips – he could easily ghostwrite a full novel from home without even leaving his bedroom, but this time it was all pleasure. A full two weeks of vacation in sunny Cancún in a 5-star hotel right at the beach. However, getting there was another thing entirely – and a flight to Toronto with a long layover turned out to be the cheapest option of all. He swallowed as he felt his ears fill up, a clear sign they were getting closer to Earth. He switched on the interactive map on the entertainment system as he then relaxed back into the seat as much as he could.

The thud of the landing gear touching down on the runway woke him back up from the little nap. He could feel the plane brake hard, the force pushing him forwards in the seat as they rolled out onto the taxiway. Another announcement came on, confirming they landed in Toronto and the time was just past 10 PM – right on time. John smiled as he then unlocked his phone and switched airplane mode off before tucking it back into his pocket. He knew he didn’t have to rush anywhere, so he simply relaxed as the plane kept slowly rolling towards the terminal. He waited in his seat as everyone scrambled to stand up and grab their bags, some people even shoving others out of the way. John sighed, waiting patiently until the line started to thin out. He moved swiftly, grabbing his carry on and tying his hoodie around his waist as he moved, nodding back as the flight attendant wished him a nice evening as he stepped onto the jetway. After that, everything went surprisingly smoothly – the border control was rapid, his checked bag was one of the first ones to roll off onto the belt, and so, in around 20 minutes he was standing in the terminal, trying to make heads and tails of his position. A few words with a helpful desk agent and he found his way, yawning as he moved towards the hotel entrance. There, everything followed the same, old routine – filling out forms, getting the room key card, and having almost every nook and cranny explained by the friendly receptionist. Out of all that onslaught of information, he only remembered one thing – the bar was still open and would be open for another few hours.

Perfect. He thought as he moved towards the elevator. While undoubtedly tired, he still felt he could go on for an hour or two without falling asleep. As he moved towards the room and opened the door he already knew what to do. He put the big suitcase inside the cupboard as he then threw the carry-on onto the bed. There, he quickly packed out the fresh change of clothes and the bag with shower amenities, before producing an empty plastic bag. He undressed quickly, tossing the dirty clothes into the bag. He then moved to the bathroom and into the spacious shower, leaving the clean clothes on the sink and taking the shower gel and shampoo out of the bag. He moaned as the warm spray hit him, washing thoroughly and letting all the sweat and some of the tiredness wash away. He was done in no time as he stepped out and dried himself with a towel. He dressed himself up, a simple green polo shirt and comfortable jeans. He looked at himself in the mirror, giving his short, brown hair a quick comb before dabbing a few drops of cologne onto his hand and rubbing it into his skin. Satisfied, he put on the shoes and left the room, key card and wallet in his pockets as he moved back to the elevator. The way to the bar was quick and he soon found himself sitting on a stool against a solid, mahogany table, soft jazz music flowing out of invisible speakers as he sipped on a glass of neat Canadian whisky. The bar was practically empty – with the bartender busy polishing glasses and John being his only customer, keeping to himself as he scrolled absentmindedly through his phone. After a short moment, he heard a clack of heels against the hardwood floor, causing him to look up from his phone. He watched as a woman moved over to the counter, picking a spot at the edge. At first, he couldn’t see her face due to the dim light and a large, black hat she was wearing, but as she took it off, it suddenly clicked.

Cobie fucking Smulders.

The sight sure surprised him. Even though he wasn’t a fan of “How I Met Your Mother” (mostly by the virtue of not having seen a single episode – however blasphemous that sounded), he was very familiar with her work as Agent Hill in the MCU. And now she was sitting just across him, even though the chances of them being even in the same town at the same time were slim to none – let alone in the same hotel, same bar…

“Excuse me, sir?”

The smooth, deep voice of the bartender broke him out of his trance. As he looked down he saw another glass of whisky right in front of him.

“Oh, I didn’t…”

“The lady will take this on her tab. Don’t worry, sir.” The bartender spoke, smiling. John nodded back, smiling himself as he slid the glass towards himself. He turned his head to face the actress, noticing her smirking at him while sipping on a Martini. For a moment he swore she winked at him before he raised his glass. She did the same nodding before they both took swigs of their own. As he set the glass down, John then noticed the napkin he got with the glass got something written on it. He took the piece of paper into his hand.

“If you want to talk, don’t be shy ;)

Well, if the lady insists… He thought as he poured the rest of his first whisky into the new glass and stood up, moving to sit right next to her. As he got closer he could already feel his cheeks heating up.

“Oh, so you did get my message after all.” She said, her previous smirk turning into a smile as he sat down.

“What else can I say to an offer like that, Ms. Smulders.” He replied, biting the inside of his cheek as she let out a laugh.

“Oh, busted.” She added, smiling as she took a sip of her drink. “Just call me Cobie. And you are…”

“John. Nice to meet you. Big fan.” He spoke, extending his hand, which she then shook, her blue eyes seeming to sparkle in the dim light.

“So… John…” She then spoke, turning to face him fully. “What brings you here?”

“Well… I’ve just flown in from Frankfurt and have a full day-layover ahead of me...decided to get something to drink before I go to sleep… you know the rest.” He spoke, noticing how she listened to him intently. “And you?”

“Pretty similar. Substitute Frankfurt for L.A. and the full day to one night and it’s practically the same.” She replied. “You don’t sound German though...”

“Expat, originally from Kansas. Long story.” He said, taking a sip of whisky. “I mean, we are in an airport hotel, after all. I’d say most people here would have a similar story.“

“Point taken.” She said, playing with her martini glass. “Business or pleasure?”

“Pleasure. Have full two weeks of laying on the beach doing nothing in front of me.” He spoke, noting how her lips curved up into a sly smile as he said the first word. “And you?”

“The former. Constant shuttle, work never stops…” She spoke, letting her head cock to one side. “Sometimes I only have the time to just unpack one bag and pack another right away...”

He didn’t reply to that, only nodding along.

“But I love what I do. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Even if I have to either sing the first few lines “Let’s Go to the Mall” or hear another reference every time I meet someone new.” She finished, taking another sip of her drink, a smile still not leaving her lips.

“Well, you’ll be glad to know I never watched How I Met Your Mother.” He spoke as he then saw her eyes go wide. He froze, glass still in hand.

“No way.” She replied, her tone surprised. “You’re the first person I know who hasn’t watched it! It’s… wow.” She finished, a hearty chuckle leaving her lips. “Yet you knew who I was right off the bat.”

“Marvel. And a few… other things.” He replied, noticing her lips curve into a half-smile. She only hummed in reply, both of them sipping their drinks again

“So… we both know what I do for a living.” She spoke after a moment of silence, setting the glass back on the counter. “But what about you?”

“A lot of writing...” He started, Cobie nodding as he continued. “...of the kind where you don’t see your name on the cover afterward.”

“Writer of the ghost kind… interesting.” She replied, cocking her head to the side again. “Speeches, novels?”

“Novels, mostly. You know, the ones you find in the bargain bin in a supermarket…” He spoke, pausing for a moment and feeling his cheeks heat up as he then added “… with titles like “Breathless” or “Sinful English Dame”.”

She snorted in reply as he took a sip, his glass almost empty. The snort quickly turned into a full-on laugh, as he chuckled himself, pretty sure his face had turned beet red by now.

“Oh wow, John. That came out of nowhere.” She spoke, sighing before composing herself. “Do you come up with those titles too?” She added, a wide smile decorating her lips.

“No. They send me the title, I write the story to fit.” He spoke, smiling himself. “Believe me, it’s not easy sometimes.”

“I do, I do.” She spoke before falling into silence again, twirling the now empty glass between her fingers. “Now that I think of it…” She then spoke again, looking back at him. “… do you think some of those scenarios you write in there could happen for real?”

“Who knows.” He shrugged. “Never thought about it that much. Maybe, in some weird way it can, you never know. Like, I would never think I’d meet a celebrity in a hotel bar in a place where I only plan to stay to go somewhere else. And talk to her without making a fool out of myself.” He spoke on, noticing her eyes glued to her lips as she rubbed one leg against another, her smile turning into something more… devilish.

“You’re doing a pretty good job of that.” She replied as John took the last sip, setting the empty glass on the counter.

“Actually… I want to know something from you, John.” She then spoke, making the man look at her more closely. “Do you find me… attractive?”

The question took him by surprise. It was already a huge undertaking to talk to someone like Cobie without tripping over himself, but this… this was another thing entirely. He took another look at her – her gorgeous face with those hypnotizing blue eyes, her fit, sculpted figure behind a simple, black knee-high dress, and her long, shapely legs clad in black stockings. He could feel a pulse travel directly to his groin as he did so.

“Yes.” He replied, that impish grin from before returning to her lips. She leaned forward gesturing at him to do the same.

“Because as it turns out, almost six weeks of work and no fun make a girl… a little bit frustrated and horny at the same time, you know.” She whispered into his ear, John having to bite back a gasp as he felt another pulse in his groin. She seemed to notice, her slender hand moving forward, hovering over his thigh. “I just need someone to… help me with that… problem.”

“With pleasure.” He whispered back, already feeling his half-hard cock pressing against his underwear. “Your room or mine?”

“Yours. I’ll leave first, you after, not right behind me. I’ll keep the elevator waiting…” She whispered back before turning to the bartender signaling him. She wrote the check onto her room, put a 20-dollar bill into his hand, and then took her coat and hat, winking at John as she walked away, his eyes focused on the way her ass and hips swung as she walked. He drained the glass properly before paying and tipping as well, giving himself 30 seconds before standing up and moving into the spacious lobby – mostly empty now thanks to the late hour. He spotted her almost instantly, leaning against the wall of the elevator with her legs crossed, a wide smile on her face as he practically ran inside and pressed the button. Soon, the doors closed and the elevator jolted, moving up.

He didn’t know who went in for it first. They met in the middle, their lips connecting in a heated kiss as he pushed her forward, her back hitting the wall with a dull thud. She moaned into his mouth, her hands rubbing against his shoulders as he gripped her waist. He changed the angle just a little, their tongues almost wrapping around each other, the muffled sounds of their gasps filling the tight space as he could feel his cock growing rock hard in his pants. Her fingers slid up, threading through his short hair as the elevator then slowed down, a loud ding announcing the arrival on the correct floor. They broke apart, Cobie letting out a quiet, disappointed whine as he took the lead, the actress following in his steps almost like an obedient puppy. He fished out the key card out of his pocket and opened the door, letting her in before quickly putting the “do not disturb” sign on the handle and locking it. She didn’t even have time to look around too much before his lips were on hers again. She kept the kiss heated but short, pulling back as she breathed hard.

“Mmm, John… if you fuck like you kiss then I hit the damn jackpot…” She breathed into his ear, her hand sliding down to cup his cock through the jeans. He let out a quiet moan, reacting by sliding his hands to her ass.

“Cobie… baby…” He gasped, feeling her hand massaging his raging erection as he kneaded her ass. “Turn around. Let’s get you out of those clothes…”

She giggled quietly as she twirled around, John now letting himself massage her back lightly. She let out a breathy gasp, his lips latching onto her neck as he started to pull down the zipper of her dress, placing a sucking kiss to the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He felt the zipper reach the end as the dress went slack and slid down to the floor, making his cock twitch at the sight of her toned back. He took a step back, letting his eyes wanted up and down, taking in her fit figure and her gorgeous lingerie. It started with a black, lacy bra and continued to a black, almost invisible thong and a pair of gorgeous tights made to look like a pair of stockings with a garter belt. He moved back in, letting his hands slide up to cup her perky breasts through the bra, managing to feel her hard nipples through the soft material.

“Fuck, Cobie… you’re so gorgeous…” He whispered into her ear, feeling her shiver and hearing her quiet moan as his fingers rubbed her nipples through the bra.

“John…” She moaned his name as he then unclasped her bra, the material going slack as he slid his hands under the cups, finally getting a handful of her perky breasts. His lips moved up from her neck to her jawline, peppering her with kisses as he let his hands glide around her bosom, closing his eyes as his fingers kept rubbing against her pert and rock hard nipples.

“Damn, Cobie…” He gasped into her ear again before he felt her move. He pulled back a little, the bra joining the dress on the floor as she turned around to face him, pulling him into a short, sweet kiss, her hands fisting and pulling at his shirt.  He took the hint, pulling it over his head quickly, his bare chest now on full display. It might not have been as toned and muscly as “the perfect” ones he saw in some magazines, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. Her nails raked it up and down as he kissed her again, her tongue mingling again with his. She kept it short, this time moving down onto her knees as she popped open the button of his jeans, biting her lip.

“Is this the famous Canadian hospitality I’ve been hearing so much about?” He quipped, Cobie snorting in return as she moved onto the zipper.

“You could say so…since you put it that way...” She replied, looking up at him with those hypnotizing blue eyes as she reached the bottom. He inhaled sharply as she hooked her fingers around the waistband and pulled down. His rock hard cock sprang out, slapping her against the cheek as she let out a surprised gasp.

“Damn, John!” She then spoke in a husky whisper, her hand wrapping around his cock as his laugh turned into a moan. “Where do you even hide that thing?”

“I manage…” He groaned through gritted teeth as Cobie started to stroke him, slowly at first as she kissed the underside of his hard shaft, a little dribble of precum already leaking out of the tip. She kept her hand moving, her lips gliding up until she wrapped them around the swollen head, tongue flattening out against the tip. Her hand pulled down, resting right at the base as her tongue slid around the head in a slow, circular motion, making him moan. His hand moved to thread through her hair, caressing her scalp as her lips slid lower and lower down his shaft.

“That’s it, baby… suck that cock… it’s all yours…” He mumbled, feeling himself pulsing inside her warm mouth as she started to slowly bob her head, lips and tongue sliding up and down his engorged prick, her hand jerking what was left outside her mouth. He could feel and hear her moaning around his cock, giving it her all as she pleasured him with her mouth like a true professional. He kept on looking down, transfixed by the way she handled him when he noticed her other hand sliding below the waistline of her thong, a moan reverberating through his shaft as she touched herself. He groaned in return, the grip on the back of her head tightening just a bit while his hips lurched forward, pushing the entire length of his cock into her mouth. She gagged and sputtered at first, but almost immediately started sucking down hard, the loud sound echoing in the room as he held her. Then, he felt her pull back as he relaxed his grip, her mouth sliding off the saliva-covered shaft as she breathed hard.

“Shit, Cobie… everything OK?” John gasped out, panicking he hurt her or made her feel bad somehow. She looked up, her eyes wide.

“Good…” She spoke, a little drool coming down her chin, composing herself for a moment before speaking again.

“Fuck my mouth, John.” She gasped out, grabbing his slick cock again and licking the bulging vein at the bottom. He groaned in response as she took him back inside her mouth, those beautiful eyes looking back up at him. His hand slid back to grasp her hair, with a bit more force this time as he started to pump his hips, watching as his cock slid in and out of her warm mouth, covered in the mix of her hot saliva and his precum.

“Fuck yes.” He moaned, hearing Cobie slurp all over his cock. “Good girl.” He added as kept the tempo slow at first, allowing her to adjust before starting to speed up. Soon the room filled with the filthy noises of her mouth slobbering and slurping all over his hard shaft as his hips pumped into her mouth with vigor and abandon. He could see the long streaks of saliva coating his cock with every pull and heard the choking sound coming from Cobie’s throat with every push as he threaded his fingers through her silky brunette hair. He pulled out after a moment as he felt her nails sinking into his thigh, Cobie coughing and breathing hard as he did so.

“All OK baby?” He asked, noticing black streaks of tears and makeup running down her cheeks.

“Good. That was great.” She gasped out, moving to stand up and pulling him into a deep, filthy kiss, her hand wrapping around his shaft as she started to stroke him again. He moaned into her mouth as they then broke the liplock. John quickly jumped out of the bunched-up pile of clothes, losing his shoes and socks in the process as Cobie pulled off her heels, practically throwing herself onto the tidy bed. Her stockinged legs hung down from the mattress as it was John who now fell onto his knees, hands already down with pulling down her thong, exposing her shaved, wet pussy to his eyes.

“Damn, Cobie.” He gasped as he threw her panties to the side, the nylon of her tights now rubbing against the skin of his back as she threw her legs over his shoulders, pulling him closer.

“See what you do to me John… oh God I need you so bad…” She moaned out as he then dove right in, pressing a sucking kiss to her clit. A gasp leaving her lips told him more than words ever could as he angled his head, letting his tongue part her soaked pussy lips, licking up all the sweet nectar covering them. He groaned, hand squeezing her ass as he started to eat her out properly, alternating between kissing and sucking on her clit and tonguing her soaked hole, Cobie’s hand firmly holding his head, pinning her right between her thighs.

“John… John… oh fuck… holy shit…” She moaned and gasped, her hips grinding against his face as he kept on going, moving one hand to jerk himself off at the same time. The whole situation was both surreal and amazing – having a Hollywood star moaning his name and tasting her pussy after having just fucked her mouth. His tongue now moved right into her hole, lips slick with her sweet juices as he slid his other hand up to rub her nipple.

“Oh John… fuck me… oh please fuck me!” She then yelled out, pulling at his hair to make him look at her. “I need that big fucking dick inside me, baby!”

“Sure, Cobie.” He gasped out, pushing himself up to stand as she slid up the bed. He moved right after her as she spread her legs wide, her pussy now presented to him as if on a silver platter. He didn’t need any more confirmation as he grasped his cock and pushed in, both of them moaning as it slid effortlessly inside her. Her inner walls were warm and tight around his hard dick, her mouth open in a perfect “O” as he slid in deeper and deeper, moaning loudly as he bottomed out.

“God, Cobie… so good.”

“Fuck me… please… oh John please fuck me…” She moaned, her hand moving to cup his cheeks, making him look deep into her eyes. He started to move, slowly at first, marveling at how wet she was and how deep he could sink his cock in. With every thrust, he could hear a loud slapping sound as his hips slammed against her ass, her legs high in the air and her perky tits bouncing. He sped up gradually, every thrust a bit more powerful and faster than the last as she gasped or moaned with every exhale.

“That’s it… don’t stop baby… fuck me… give me that cock.. oh shit… you feel so good inside me… fuck…”

While Cobie couldn’t seem to stop talking among her satisfied moans, John’s vocabulary simply evaporated, reduced to grunts and groans as his cock speared her hot, wet pussy at a brisk pace. He could feel her inner walls pulsing around his shaft, the feeling causing him to want to fuck her harder – and so he did. His hips now all but slammed against her, Cobie pulling him into a filthy, sloppy kiss as he didn’t stop, focused only on pounding her pussy like his life depended on it. As they broke the kiss she looked deep into his eyes again.

“So glad I met you…” She whispered as he kissed her again, now really giving it his all.

“Oh, Cobie… baby… so good...oh yes…” He moaned, the actress nodding before moaning loudly as he hit her sweet spot. He adjusted, the thrusts now causing her thighs to quiver with each slam of his hips. After a short while of fucking her just like she wanted him to, he noticed her hand move down her belly as she started to rub her clit.

“Don’t stop… I’m gonna cum… oh John, make me cum….” She pleaded in a whisper as he continued thrusting, the filthy sound of their bodies colliding and their moans and groans filling the room. He was pretty sure the neighbors could easily hear them – hell the entire hotel probably could – but he couldn’t give less of a shit. He looked back into her eyes, suddenly seeing them roll back.

“JOHN!” She moaned as he felt her thighs squeeze his hips hard, the nylon rubbing against his skin as she then let out a scream. He groaned, sinking his cock inside her as deep as he could as she felt her walls squeeze him tight, a moan falling out of her lips on every exhale. Her body quivered as the orgasm washed over her, a truly beautiful sight.

“That’s it, Cobie… let it all out… so gorgeous… so beautiful.” He whispered into her ear as he then moved to suckle on her neck, feeling her nipples rub against his chest as she came down from her amazing high. He could feel her grip slacken as he kissed her lips again, her response languid and almost lazy as he moved his hand to cup her breast, her hand threading through his hair. He soon started moving again, slowly and gently as their bodies seemed to move as one.

“Mmm, John…” she whispered huskily into his ear, giggling. “...that was amazing honey…”

“Yes… now suck my cock please...” He replied as he then pulled out of her, a gasp leaving her lips. He quickly shifted to kneel right next to her, Cobie moving right in, her hands sliding down his slick shaft, taking it into her mouth.

“That’s it… clean it up…” He gasped out as she did so, letting her take a good suck before he pulled her up by her hair, locking their lips in a filthy kiss as he grasped and fondled her breast, tasting her sweet nectar on his lips. As they broke apart, gasping for air he sat on the mattress, resting his back on the pillow.

“Come here.” He said, Cobie straddling his hips in response, letting her pussy slide against his rock hard cock. His lips moved to wrap around her right nipple, giving it a hard suck as she gasped. He quickly moved to do the same with her left nipple, letting his hands caress her ass and thighs.

“John…” She moaned as she rose a little and pulled back, letting her hand wrap around and stroke his cock again. Then, in one fell swoop, she angled it against her pussy and sank down, the warm feeling of her tight channel enveloping him again causing him to moan her name. His hand moved back to her ass as she started to move, letting his cock slide almost out before plunging back down right to the base, her juices leaking out onto his balls. At first, he let her move on her own, simply admiring the show and the gorgeous woman on top of him. It didn’t last for long – he moved his feet to rest on the mattress as he started to pump up into her, in tune with her movements. As he did so she moved to kiss him hard again, hands cupping his cheeks as he sped up, fucking up into her with sharp, deep thrusts. The sound of their bodies colliding filled the room again as he freed himself and moved straight in to capture her pert nipple between his lips.

“Oh John… oh fuck me… that’s it… god your fucking cock feels so fucking good inside of me… such a good fuck…”
Hearing the praise spoken out between sinful moans and breathy gasps made and the feeling of her warm cunt all around his cock pushed him closer and closer to his orgasm. He could feel it brewing, a slow but sure flood coming closer and closer as he sped up, even more, pounding into her with all his strength as he gave her ass a spank.

“Oh fuck John… you’re gonna make me cum again… oh fuck don’t stop… don’t stop, please…” She moaned as he moved his head back to the pillow.

“Cobie… I’m close… fuck… gonna cum too… shit...Cobie…” He groaned in response, her hands moving back to cup his cheeks, making him look at her face again.

“I want you to cum deep inside my pussy…” She spoke at the end of a moan, making him groan in response. He didn’t hold back now, fucking her hard as she moaned into his ear

“Oh yes John, oh my God yes… John… fuck!” She suddenly yelled out as he felt her orgasm one more time. He gave her ass a good slap as she collapsed against him, managing to press a hot, sloppy kiss to his lips. He moved his hands to caress her back, sliding them up and down as she orgasmed all around his cock. After a short while, he could feel her body go slack, short, quick breaths falling from her lips. He kissed her again, slowly, letting his hand gently caress her cheek as their tongues mingled again. After a moment he broke the kiss, moving his hands back to her ass as he started to pump up into her again at a steady pace.

“Oh, Cobie… oh fuck…oh fuck...” He gasped, feeling his peak approach, seemingly hiding just around the corner.

“That’s it… cum deep inside my pussy… please John… give me your hot cum…” She moaned out, looking right into his eyes as his cock pulsed in anticipation.

“Cobie… Cobie… oh God… COBIE!” He yelled out as he slammed himself up to the hilt and all but exploded inside her. He moaned helplessly, feeling his cock pulse as the first shot of his warm seed spilled inside Cobie’s wet pussy.

“Oh yes.. oh John...that’s it…” She gasped in return, biting her lip as he kept on spilling, spurt after spurt of his sticky cum shooting out of his aching cock, his hips ramming up into her with no sense of rhythm, guided only by pure pleasure as her hips ground down on his. He groaned as his balls drained, collapsing into the soft mattress as his cock fell out, a dribble of cum already leaking out of her pussy onto his belly, causing him to shiver. Cobie gasped and then laughed quietly in return, pulling him into a sweet, slow kiss, helping him down from his high. They kept kissing for a while, simply enjoying the closeness of their bodies before Cobie pulled back. Before he could say anything she moved down, gently grasping his still hard shaft and giving it a lick. He moaned, sensitive as she cleaned it with kitten-like licks, stroking it slowly before moving to lick up the small pool of cum from his belly. He groaned as he watched it, not quite believing it was happening to him.

“Holy shit.” He gasped out as Cobie giggled, moving to rest on her side right next to him.

“That was amazing, John.” She whispered before kissing him again, slowly and sensually. He kissed back, following the movements of her lips, feeling the numbness spreading through his body. He broke the kiss before letting out a loud yawn.

“Sorry. I don’t think I can do round two…” He spoke, feeling the classic case of “...mind can, the body can’t” as he sank his head into the soft pillow.

“Don’t worry, John. I feel so fucked out I think I’ll go to sleep soon too.” She replied, causing a little chuckle to escape his lips. “Although my room is so far away…”

“We can share. It’s a double room, after all.” He replied, a warm smile on his lips as she smiled back at him.

“Right. I’ll take a shower and then I’ll be right back with you.”She spoke, pressing a peck to his cheek. “Don’t you worry.”

“Never did.” He replied as he then watched her get up, gaze immediately focusing on her ass as she moved to the bathroom. He closed his eyes, bliss, and exhaustion taking full control as he faintly heard the water flow  – the last sound before sleep knocked him out cold.

He exhaled as he opened his eyes, a low moan leaving his lips. He turned his head, noticing the first rays of the morning sun seep through the curtains. Then, however, he felt something soft wrapped around his undoubtedly hard cock, stroking it slowly. Still not quite awoken yet, he pushed the cover off himself, groaning at what came into view.

Cobie Smulders jerking him off, a wide smile decorating her gorgeous face.

“Oh fuck.” He groaned, causing her to look up at him, quite clearly amused.

“Good morning, John.” She spoke in a whisper as she moved up to his side, her hand still jerking him slowly. “Slept well, honey?”

“Yeah… oh yeah…” He moaned, feeling her lips on his neck, Cobie pressing a soft kiss just next to his Adam’s apple.

“You woke me up, you know,” She continued, her lips now just inches from his ear, her breath tickling the earlobe. “you moaned my name… quite the dream it must have been…”

“Cobie…” He groaned in return before she silenced him with a kiss, fingers gliding against the tip of his cock as she picked up the tempo.

“I have to leave soon... catch my plane…” She whispered as she broke the kiss, sadness palpable in her voice. “… God, I wish we had more time…”

“Me… me too… fuck, you’re amazing…” He replied, feeling precum leak from the tip, Cobie smearing it all over her hand as she kept on stroking.

“You too… I’ll miss you…” She replied, looking right into his eyes. “… so fuck me, John…” she added, kissing him again, his hands moving to cup her cheeks as he lost himself in her lips. They moved to face each other on their sides, John throwing his leg over her hip. He groaned, feeling the nylon of her tights rub against his skin, the flood of memories from last night making his cock pulse in her hand. He found her lips again as she slid the head of his cock against her pussy, coating it in her warm juice before pushing the head inside her, gasping against his mouth as he filled her. He moved his hips, pushing in before setting a slow, almost lazy pace, hand moving to cup her breast as they moved against one another.

“Cobie...mmm fuck…” He gasped into her ear, keeping the slow tempo up. He felt her hand caress his back, moving his left one to rest on her lower back while sinking his right one into her hair. She gasped in response, nails digging into his back. He could already feel her soft walls fluttering against his pulsing cock as he sped up just a bit.

“John… oh yes...” She gasped, looking into his eyes as he gripped her stockinged thigh, pushing her more onto his throbbing shaft.

“Cobie.. oh shit… oh God…” He groaned, feeling himself get close to the edge.

“Yeah… John… fuck… fuck…” She gasped in return, her hands dashing madly along his back as he kept thrusting, a soft mewl leaving her lips in response. Suddenly, she gasped harshly, eyes closing and mouth opening wide as her pussy squeezed his dick tight, milking it. He shoved into her with a quick thrust as he came undone right after her, another load of his warm cum spilling deep inside her soft cunt. Their lips met in a sloppy kiss as their bodies tensed up, every feeling seemingly doubled in force. It took a short moment but they soon went slack, kissing lazily while the sun started to shine through the curtains. She broke the kiss, moving onto her back as he sighed.

“That’s one way to start a day right.” He quipped, causing her to let out a breathy laugh.

“Sure is.” She spoke, before turning away, grabbing a notepad and a pen the hotel provided. She scribbled something down before tearing the page off.

“For later.” She spoke, pushing it into his hand. He smiled, noticing the row of numbers on the small piece of paper.

“Really?” He asked, a bit stunned.

“Well… you never know. Better to have a trusted option in case I need one again.” She said, smirking as she stood up, moving to the pile of discarded clothes laying on the floor. He watched as she quickly dressed, opting to only add the dress and heels to her clothes.

“Have a wonderful vacation, John.” She spoke as she moved back to the bed, pressing a kiss to his lips. “And a safe flight.”

“You too, Cobie.” He replied, smiling as she then turned around, mouthing a quick “Bye!” and sending a kiss his way. He waved her back, smiling as he watched her leave, hearing the door open and then close. He laid back onto the pillow, sated and happy, sighing.

“God bless Canada.”
« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 09:15:47 AM by MoscowCalling »
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Re: The Canadian Connection starring Cobie Smulders
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2021, 10:09:11 AM »
Fantastic story (as always) with great visual imagery, snappy dialogue and some hot playful sex!
The following users thanked this post: MoscowCalling


Re: The Canadian Connection starring Cobie Smulders
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2021, 10:00:35 AM »
Nice work, you never disappoint with your dialogue!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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