Celebrity Story Site

Author Topic: Hollywood After Dark  (Read 54687 times)

Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark
« on: October 04, 2023, 09:13:52 PM »
This series has very little in common with anything else I’ve written, especially Journal of an Agent. Yes it will feature celebrities and have it’s fair share of sex, but the main focus is on storyline. It’s got enough twists to be an entertaining read and is quite darker than my usual fare. Please bear through the non-sex parts, I promise that if you stick with the whole series you will be rewarded for your dedication. This will be a BRIEF series, maybe 5-10 (long) chapters. Each chapter will be told through first-person narration, but I break it up into various character’s points of view at
certain parts of the story for later plot uses. Finally, pay attention to dialog and details…they will be important later on. Ah, enough commentary, just read and enjoy.


Standard Disclaimer:

You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, not be offended by the contents of it...blah blah, you know the rest.

This story may be distributed freely, for commercial or non-commercial use, but PLEASE leave my email/name on it! That's all I ask! (carnagejackson@hotmail.com)

This work is complete fiction, all made up in my head. Yes I know the celebs don't act like this in real life, but this is a fantasy after all.

Hollywood After Dark

* * * * *

"I see that there is evil And I know that there is good And the in-betweens I never understood" - Ben Folds


My name is Alexander Hilt. What I'm about to tell you is true. You may not want to believe it - not that I would blame you. You may say that it couldn't happen, that things aren't really like that. I promise you that by this tale's end, your mind will have changed - you will see that power and greed corrupt, that fame and beauty are fleeting and that love is just an illusion to sell Valentines Day cards. But let me begin...

Our story begins roughly a year or so ago when I began work as a delivery driver for one of the local delivery companies. You see, I live here in Hollywood, the land of dashed dreams and five-dollar hookers. The only place on Earth where other worlds are made on screen for our enjoyment and lovers torn apart for our bereavement. I came here looking for that place, hoping to strike it as rich as the thousands of gold miners had done before me not even 150 years hence, by selling my script to a studio. That's the old joke out here, everyone has a script. But like most jokes, there is always truth behind the punch line. Indeed, I hadn't even lived here a week and had already run into half a dozen people who each told me they had a screenplay they wanted to sell. As time wore on and I couldn't even get a meeting in with a two-bit agent, let alone my foot in the front door of a studio. And as it usually tends to do, the money I had traveled to California with quickly ran out, without a fresh supply to keep it alive and kicking.

Thus it was my girlfriend Petty who told me that if I wanted to afford to live in the cheap apartment we already had anymore, I'd have to get a real job. You might be thinking that Petty is a funny name for a girl, but then again Petty wasn't your normal woman. We had met on the airplane ride to Los Angeles, both of us heading out there to pursue our own foolhardy dreams - she being a songwriter, the third most popular profession behind "actor" and "writer" in Hollywood. She had planned on looking for an apartment when she landed but because we hit it off immediately - sharing that same kinetic spark that people who were meant to be together often feel - she moved in with me into my dumpy one bedroom studio flat that I had secured only a week before arriving. I'm not exactly sure where her name came from, but when she's 5'6, 115 pounds, long flowing blond hair and almond colored brown eyes, you tend to kind of forget little things like that. It was so spontaneous the way we got together, we both swore it was fate or some other worldly force. Even to this day, with so much having happened, I still think I believe that.

But back to my story. The morning began simple enough, a few routine deliveries around town. I worked for Jose's Parcel Express. Jose was a sweaty Mexican guy who owned the company, his office always smelling of cheap cologne and for some very odd reason, fish sticks. Jose had an "in" with a lot of the businesses around town, primarily because a few of his delivery drivers did little side jobs for him after hours - things like bodyguard protection, immigrant smuggling and breaking knee caps. The whole nine yards, if there was something dirty going on in this part of California, Jose had something to do with it or at least knew someone who did. I could have very easily gotten into helping him out with jobs like that. The money certainly would have been nice - some of the guys made upwards of $500 an hour - and I had the build for it. My 6'3, 240 pound frame was perfect for hauling boxes around all day and it kept me in shape. But I never really wanted to turn to dirty work so quickly after moving here. Pride kept me from admitting defeat, even having logged six months on the job before all my trouble began.

After crossing off the deliveries that first fateful day, I scanned the list to see what else I had left to do. My heart skipped a little as I saw that I had to deliver two big screen televisions to the third floor office of Antamount studios. Antamount was one of the up and coming independent studios here in Hollywood, not owned by any media conglomerate. A few years back, one of their low budget pictures had scored major box office success and thrust their founders into the middle of the Hollywood scene. Since then, they had been churning out film after film, some better than others and even a few taking home that little golden man everyone out here wanted on their mantle come March of each year. I had read in Variety that Antamount was in talks to finance a $300 million dollar adaptation of some best seller with another studio and I had dreamed wistfully while I read the article that if only I could get inside with a copy of my script, they might consider financing it as a way to make some supplemental money for this blockbuster epic.

Ah yes, my script. It was by no means an ordinary screenplay - it's characters were adaptations of my life growing up out in the mid-west, a drama really. But here's the kicker: while it used modern day language with it's characters, it was a period piece set during the start of the Russian revolution. I had labored over it for many months, changing dialogue and characters, spicing in enough wit to make it not too dark when the inevitable climax - a viscious game of Russian roulette played out by the two kids of the story - came. Petty and everyone else I had shown it to thought it was good, but out here I learned painfully that "good" didn't get pictures made. Nevertheless, I always carried a copy of it with me when I was on the job, stowing the 120 plus pages in a folded manilla envelope in the front waist band of my work pants.

Yanking my dolly from the back of the delivery van with a metallic clank, I grunted as I lifted the sets on top of each other and set them on the hand cart, looking around for an easy way to get them over the curb of the street. Spotting a handicap ramp, I wheeled it up just in time to avoid being side swiped by a recklessly driven BMW SUV that came clipping around the side street out front of Antamount's monsterous building. Pushing the cart inside, I felt blessed as the hot, dry air outside faded into the cool darkness of the lobby, where business people in expensive suits buzzed around on their cell phones, oblivious to the rest of the world. They were like bees, all working for that queen called money, but I paid them no mind as I tried to manuever the cart around their busy humming and into the service elevator.

A tall black man saw me approaching and held the door as I walked backwards into the elevator, pulling it to the edge as the doors closed. I thanked him, and in a minute was on the third floor: Antamount headquarters.

The elevator opened up and I felt like I was in heaven. Adorning the walls of the hallway was poster after poster of Antamount releases, some old but most new and coming soon. At the end of the hallway was a busy looking pair of secretaries, each answering phones and typing away on their keyboards at the same time. I approached them tentaively, the exherted effort from lugging the television's around already causing me to break a sweat this early in the morning.

"Delivery for Antamount," I gasped as I waited for one of them to stop talking and pay attention to me. The one on the left, a stocky old woman with deep bags under her eyes and frayed gray hair finally glanced up at me.

"Work order?" she said. I obdiently handed her my clip board.

"Hmm...ok, that's Mr. Willis' office. Take it down this hall, then turn right at the fourth hallway and his office is at the end of the hall," she said, returning back to her tasks. I nodded and propped the cart up, wheeling it away from them.

As I made my way down the hall, people buzzed past me. I thought I recognized some of them; not from other deliveries but as actors in some of Antamount's films. I was a big fan of the studio and though allegiance to one studio had ended for the most part with the Paramount breakup in 1948, I still paid attention anytime one of their trailers played before a film. Following the secretaries instructions, I soon found the hallway she spoke of and headed down it. The carpet color had changed to a rich maroon, much like the "red carpet" you see on TV at award shows. At the very end of the hall was a set of heavy oak double doors, and I could make out an engraved plate on the door: WILTON WILLIS, CEO

The beating of my heart increased again as I licked my dry lips, anticipation at actually being in the office of one of the most powerful new leaders of Hollywood laying just a few feet in front of me. I stopped at the door and, wiping the sweat from my face as best I could and trying to make myself appear professional and neat, I knocked on the door.

No answer. I waited a few seconds and tried again. I saw no light coming from underneath the doorway - he was out of the office probably. Tentatively, I placed my hand on the gold door handle and turned it, the office opening before me. Inside, the curtains were drawn in front of a large plate glass window, the decor of the office matching that of the hallway. The room was massive, with a desk and thick leather chairs scattered around the room. On one wall was a shelf made of glass and marble, a locked pane of glass holding inside row after row of awards. On the opposite wall was a couch, with something missing from in front of it. Probably they had upgraded the television that they had there and here I was delivering the replacement. The office was empty, but it smelled of good fortune. It had that air of power, of wealth, of control. I moved slowly as I wheeled the cart inside, trying to decide where to set the televisions. Finally spotting an unoccupied corner, I lifted the two sets from each other and set them on the floor. And though it was not in the job requirements, I slit open the boxes and pulled out the packaging, making it easy for the sets to be removed and positioned whereever Mr. Willis wanted. For gaining access to such a powerful man's room, it was worth the extra trouble.

I turned to go when an idea hit me. I didn't know when I would be in a place like this again, so quickly I decided that this might be my one and only chance to get my script at least thrown away by someone highly connected in the Hollywood world. Removing it from my pants, I paced around the room trying to find a spot where it would be seen, but not too obviously. In my mind, I pictured Mr. Willis having a drink in his office after a long, hard day and discovering my script. I imagined him picking it up and glancing over it, quickly becoming interested and staying late into the night to read it. I imagined that he would rush out to find me, that production would begin immediately and that within a few short months I would be executive producing it on some lot.

However, my dream was quickly interrupted when a stern female voice spoke behind me.

"What are you doing?" she asked, no tolerance for daydreaming in her busy world. I was startled.

"I was just...delivering these televisions," I stammered, feeling incredibly guilty for having such Hollywood style thoughts in a place that was, when it was boiled down to, was really just another business.

"Well, you've delivered them. Now get out of Mr. Willis' office," she said, turning to go. I thought she would leave but she stood impatiently by the door, watching me as she crossed her arms in disdain. Glancing around one more time, I casually tossed my script on top of one of the open televisions and headed towards the door.

The woman glared at me as I passed.

"What did you put down there?" she asked, following me out and locking the door behind her.

"Oh, that was just an instruction manual for the set. It fell out of the box when I was moving it," I lied. I knew that she could go back and check, and just might do that, but the room was dark when she had found me, and she probably believed my white lie. After all, I was just a lowly delivery guy.

I hustled past her and returned to the two secretaries. Forcing the clipboard into one of their faces, I said "Mr. Willis wasn't there. I need you to sign,"

She glanced up at me with a hint of anger but in one quick motion signed her name without even looking. I retrieved the clipboard and headed back to the service elevator, back out through the hive lobby and to my truck again. Within just a few minutes I had forgotten what I had done and had set off to finish my deliveries for the day.

As the sun set on the warm LA afternoon, I pulled into the loading dock of Jose's and parked the truck, opening the back for the part-time workers who, in the morning, would load my truck up again for the next day's deliveries. I stepped inside of the small office that contained Jose's desk and went to the water cooler, pouring myself a small cup of water to cool off with. The door opened from outside and Jose waddled in.

He was a heavy set man, with a large bulging gut and a graying mustache to match his gray temples. His face was chubby, but the extra rolls of fat concealed quite well his hard, black eyes that led to his ever scheming and working brain. Jose was winded from the heat, sweat stains forming under his arms as he approached me, slapping me hard on the back before taking a seat at his desk with a wheezing gasp.

He opened his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of tequila and a shot glass, pouring himself a shot and downing it just as quickly. He smacked his lips together with a pleasant sigh and reclined back in the squeaky, torn fake leather of the chair.

"You make all your deliveries today?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yep. Same as usual. You know me Jose, if I didn't make a delivery I wouldn't be coming back to the office. Not after the wrath I've seen you put on the guys that have come and gone since I got here," I said, pouring myself another cup of icy cold water.

"Ah, yes. I need more workers like you Alex. You're determination and dedication to the job is a trait sorely lacking from the rest of these gatitos, no?" Jose said, resting his hands on his ample belly.

"I guess. I just work for the paycheck, you know that," I replied, leaning up against the water cooler. A fly buzzed by Jose's face, his fat hand swatting at it lazily.

"Si si. But you know, if you ever wanted to increase your take, all you have to do is ask," Jose said, eyeing me.

"Sorry Jose, I don't want anything to do with what goes on here after hours. I'm a delivery man, plain and simple," I said. Something in the tone of my voice or what I had said must have been funny, because Jose began to laugh loudly, a harsh braying sound that wheezed from his lips outward.

"You are a true man Alex. But one of these days, I will convince you, no?" Jose said. "In fact, tonight I have a job that would require your skills most defienetly. Something a man of your build could handle with no problem," Jose said.

"Thanks, but no. I have to go watch my girl tonight, so I'm busy," I said, crumpling the cup up and throwing it away in a nearby trashcan.

"Ah yes, the girlfriend. How is her singing going? She getting any better?" Jose asked. I could tell he was just making conversation - he didn't give two fucks about Petty and her singing.

"I'm not the man to answer that, since I am a bit partial. But you are welcome to come listen for yourself," I said.

"No, that is quite alright. I shall take your word on it. However, if she is booed off the stage and must run home to her mother, you can come by here tonight at 10 and I'll make your night worthwhile," Jose said. "I have some senoritas coming by and..."

I cut him off. "I'm sure that she will be fine. See you tomorrow Jose," I said, turning to the door to leave.

"Adios chico," he called after me, the thin wood of the door slamming shut behind me.

I walked out to my car - a dingy, banged up wreck that I had bought with the last two hundred bucks I had when I moved out here - and started it up, the engine sputtering to life with an agonizing groan. I put it in drive and exited into traffic, heading for home.

I walked into the front door of the apartment we shared and tossed my keys on the counter. Petty had left a note:

"Alex: Went ahead to get set up, meet me there at 7:30 okay? And don't get lost this time," the note said.

I smiled to myself and peeled off my shirt, heading for the cramped sole bathroom of the apartment to take a shower. I turned on the water, letting it heat up while I walked to the bedroom and took out a change of clothes: something fairly nice, but not too dressy, for Petty's performance tonight. I chose a maroon muscle shirt that hung around my biceps rather tightly and a pair of slacks, ditching my uniform of black shorts and a black shirt on the floor. Laying the clothes on the bed, I returned to the shower and stepped in, letting the water wash over me.

Thirty minutes later, I was back in my smelly old car again, the sound of the engine drowning out the radio that barely worked. I glanced from the road to my lap and back to the road again, checking the directions Petty gave me for the coffee shop. It was open mike night, a weekly ritual at the Jumping Java club that Petty had discovered one day while out on her auditions for lead singer or back up singer in many of the bands here in LA. I had been here two or three times since, but because the place was so small and had a very small sign in the window, I had not been able to find it on at least one occasion. My sense of direction was horrible, it always had been.

Finding a spot a few blocks down, I parked the car and walked to the shop, opening the door with a jangle, a set of rusting bells hanging from the top of the door. The smell of the place as overwhelming - a mixture of coffee beans and cigarette smoke, and the overworked ceiling fan of the shop had done little to clear out the haze of said odors from the place.

At the back of the room was a small "stage". I hesitate to call it a stage because all it really was was a big wooden plank, big enough to hold a speaker and a chair and not much else, it's rickety corners held up by a pair of cement blocks on the left and right hand sides. A lone microphone stood in front of the platform, a pair of tables sitting just a few feet away from the mic. The place was mostly empty, a few tired old hippies and hepcats occupying the corners of the room and a middle aged couple sitting at one of the tables up front. I saw Petty off to the left of the stage, wiring up her small speaker and her electric guitar, making sure all the cords were plugged in correctly and what not.

Petty wore a dress decorated with sunflowers, her blond hair hanging over her shoulders as she worked, a pair of sneakers on her feet leading down from her long, thin legs. She hadn't noticed me come in, so I simply walked to the front and took a seat at the empty table next to the middle aged couple. They looked a hesitantly at me, perhaps because of my size, but I flashed them an innocent smile and they seemed to relax, the woman especially, her large glasses sliding back on her nose.

Lugging the speaker onto the stage, Petty set it down with a loud thud that made a few people glance up from their conversations, just for a moment. Taking a seat on the chair next to the speaker, she extended her long arm and pulled the microphone down and closer to her. Settling back against the chair, she cleared her throat.

"Ahem. Hi, my name is Petty and I'm here to play a few songs for you," she said. There was a soft, muted clap from the back of the room but otherwise it was quiet as it had been when I walked in. Petty spotted me and flashed me a quick smile, the kind of smile that lovers use to melt each others hearts and then resettled the guitar on her lap.

For the next thirty minutes or so, Petty played a handful of her own songs and a few covers from artists like Joan Jett and Melissa Etheridge, all to modest and polite clapping from the audience. They seemed disinterested in her playing, but I tried to make her feel better by clapping enthusiastically after each song. I looked past the limited vocal range she had and the few times her voice cracked, trying to be as supportive as possible for her. Her singing wasn't exactly bad, but I knew she had a long way to go before she had any hope of a record deal. She was set to launch into another song when I noticed a man dressed in a matching pair of trendy slacks and shirt motioning to her to clear out. He was the owner, a young guy in his twenties probably and though I had seen him a few times before in the place, he had never said a word to me or Petty.

Petty awkwardly looked down at the floor, trying to decide if she wanted to start another song but thought against it, standing up and unplugging her guitar before carrying it and the speaker off stage. I rose from the table and walked over to her, helping her lift the speaker off. Just as soon as she had exited the stage, a balding man with glasses and a book of poetry took her seat, making himself comfortable smugly as he opened the book to read.

"Hey there," I said, leaning down to kiss her head as she squatted in front of the equipment, undoing the wires. "You were great tonight. Better than last week even I think," I said to her.

"Thanks. I blew some notes, I don't know if you noticed or not, but I do appreciate the praise," Petty said, smiling up at me.

"I didn't hear them at all. You were wonderful," I lied, lifting the guitar from over her shoulder and holding it by the neck as she finished unhooking the cables and began to wrap them up around her forearm.

"You think so? I really think I need more practice. But gigs like this are good I guess. I'll make sure to thank the Jumping Java in my liner notes on my album," Petty said wistfully, looking off at nothing in particular.

"Here, let me help you with the speaker. You take the guitar and wires, I'll lug this thing out to my trunk," I said, grunting as I bent down to pick up the tattered speaker, it's cloth covering starting to unravel at the seems. Petty watched me as I lifted it up onto my shoulder, stroking my arm as I held it there and steadied myself.

"I knew I kept you around for something," she said with a smile.

"What? To be your roadie?" I grinned back at her, her lithe body moving quickly in front of me as she walked towards the door to hold it open.

The sun had set outside now, a few harsh rays still filtering through over the horizon in the sun's last gasp at the day as I lugged the speaker to my car. I opened the door for Petty and we climbed in, headed home. On the way there, some dark and looming clouds that had been building through out the day finally opened up, and to the sloshing sound of puddles and mud, we drove home in the rain and late night traffic.

The rain was really coming down when we arrived back at our apartment, and we made a mad dash for the door through the sheets that seemed to be coming without let up. Just from going to the car to the apartment, both Petty and my clothes were pretty well soaked as we walked in the door, puddles dripping around our feet.

"I'm going to take a shower to warm up," Petty said, walking past me, pulling her dress over her head. I watched hypnotically as she removed the dress and her panties, leaving her completely naked as she walked through the living room and around the corner to the bathroom. I wrung out my shirt a little bit and plopped down on the couch, surfing channels while I heard the water running in the bathroom behind me.

I stopped on "Entertainment Tonight", who were doing a piece on Antamount, interviewing Mr. Willis and some actors who were working on projects for the studio. I always liked watching these entertainment shows: I felt as if the celebrities were next door neighbors to me, inviting me into their private lives. The fact that I lived in the same city as many of them also furthered this fact and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as the anchor walked through the same studio I had been in earlier in the day. I was so engrossed by the show that it wasn't until I felt Petty's warm hand on my shoulder that I finally removed my gaze from the television.

Turning around, Petty was naked except for a towel that held her long blond hair up away from her head. Her medium sized breasts were a little flushed from the heat of the water but hung perfectly on her narrow chest and slightly jutting hips, her nipples about the size of a quarter on her breasts and a light shade of pink that melded perfectly with her smooth, tan skin.

"The shower's all yours if you want to take one," she said to me, stroking my shoulder through my wet t-shirt.

"Maybe later. Do you want to come watch this with me?" I asked.

"Not really," she said softly, tracing her finger down my arm and across to my chest, where she moved her hand and rubbed gently. "I'd rather do something else, if you catch my drift,"

I looked up at her, a lone drop of water dripping down off of her left ear, a few strands of her blond hair poking out from under the towel. In the occasional crack of thunder outside the window in the kitchen, the light cast her body with a soft blue glow that gave her an unearthly look - a creature of flawless beauty, smiling down at me as if from the heavens.

"I catch it all right," I replied. "And what has brought out this interest all of a sudden, not that I'm really complaining,"

"I don't know. Maybe it was that you clapped the loudest for me tonight, maybe it was the way your big, strong muscles moved my speaker around like it was a baby block. Or maybe it's because I just find delivery men to be incredibly sexy," she cooed at me, stroking my cheek with her hand.

I placed my hand over hers and held it there, looking up at her. "Why Ms. Petty, I believe you are trying to seduce me," I said with a grin, switching my voice to a deep Southern drawl.

"That I am, Mr. Alex. I hope that doesn't upset you," she said, a wicked grin crossing her face, playing along with the accent thing.

"No, not at all," I said to her. "But if that's what the lady wants, that's what the lady is going to get!" I said, jumping up suddenly from the couch and leaping over it. Petty yelped and turned away playfully, running for the bedroom. I padded after her, my wet socks almost causing me to slip as we both laughed and ran into the bedroom. She was about to go for the bed when I dived after her and tackled her by the hips, her firm, tight ass pressed against my chest as we landed with a soft thud on the bed, causing the bed springs to rock.

Petty giggled and rolled over, pretending to force me away.

"Help help," she cried, smiling up at me. "This big strong man is trying to get inside my panties!"

I glanced down between her legs with a grin. "You aren't wearing any panties,"

"Oh my, you are right! Silly me!" Petty said with a laugh. I held myself up over her and began to tickle her sides, making her squirm and laugh with glee as my fingers ran up and down the sides of her warm skin. Her breasts bounced on her chest as she finally gave up the fight and just lay there panting, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard, her chest heaving up and down. The towel around her hair had fallen off in our chase and her wet blond hair spread out in clumps all around her beautiful face, her cheeks red from the laughter.

I leaned down to her lips and kissed her softly, her head rising slightly from the bed to meet the embrace. Our lips touched and our tongues invaded one another, the kiss becoming deeper and hotter by the moment. I moved a hand up to her head and pushed aside an errant strand of hair from her forehead, breaking the kiss to simply look down and marvel at her body: For a girl who didn't work out, she was in great shape. Firm thighs, a flat tummy and a neatly trimmed snatch that was as blond as the hair on her head, the curly puff covering the entrance of her opening.

"I love you Alex," she whispered to me.

"I love you too Petty," I replied, kissing her again. We held our embrace for a moment, her eyes locked with mind. I saw a burning lust deep within them, and I knew from that look that she was anxious to get things going - as was I. Without hesitation, I unbuckled my pants and dropped them to the floor, stepping out of them as my hard cock sprung free, the tip pointing skyward. I wasn't really that big in the dick department - 7 inches, which was something to be proud of I suppose since 6.5 was the average - but I had never heard any complaints by women that I was too small.

Pulling Petty's legs apart gently, I placed her knees up on my shoulders and aligned my hips up with her glistening cunt, a few of the blond hairs wet with her moisture. When I first met her, Petty was a girl who hadn't been too experienced in the sex department, although she had always been able to cum whenever she was fucked. We discovered later on in our relationship that she had an incredibly sensitive clit, one which would make her orgasm after just the slightest bit of attention to the hard little nub. I learned to manipulate this with her and found that just the anticipation and excitement of sex to come was enough to really get her going.

I pressed myself forward onto her, the tip of my prick pressing against her soft and wet channel, feeling her outer lips part for me as I moved inside of her, Petty's lips allowing a soft and low moan to escape from between. She bit down on her lower lip in pleasure as I pushed forward into her more, burying half of my dick inside without much resistance. I felt her calf muscles tighten involuntarily against my shoulders and I knew I had definitely touched on some need she felt inside.

Pulling back slightly, I thrust forward harder into her, making her ass bounce on the bed as the full length of my shaft was enveloped completely inside of her snatch, the warm and wet walls gripping onto me tightly as I held myself inside of her. Petty's eyes were closed tightly and her breathing was becoming quite ragged as I began to fuck her slowly, in and out, always making sure to leave the head of my dick inside and to grind my shaft over her tender and sensitive clit. It didn't take long for Petty to begin to quiver beneath me as I worked in and out of her hot cunt, and I felt the familiar flood of juices inside of her explode like a bursting dam as they came rushing over my cock, her inner walls twitching in excitement.

My hips rocked back and forth against her legs, her toes and feet swaying around by my head as I pistoned in and out of her. I leaned down and licked her breast, the pink nipple hard and salty underneath my tongue. Petty looked up at me, pure lust taking over her body as she watched my mouth move over her breast and chest, the bed shaking beneath us as I fucked her harder and harder. She mouthed out "faster" to me, a look of determination at reaching another orgasm tightening her face. I complied with her wishes and began to put all my weight into fucking her, my prick moving at a blistering rate as it went from the heat of her tight pussy to the cool air of the bedroom rushing over the base of my shaft to back into her cunt. Moaning tremendously now, Petty's head bounced up and down on the pillow, her arms wrapping around my shoulder to pull me closer and deeper into her. I was sweating wildly now but I didn't care - I could feel my own orgasm building inside of my body, my balls tightening up to deliver their steaming load of jizz.

Dropping Petty's legs to the bed finally, I moved my hands underneath her ass and lifted her like a twig off of the bed, holding onto her firm ass cheeks tightly as she rocked her hips in time with my prick, lowering and raising herself off it as the sound of her twat squishing filled the air of the room. Glancing down, I saw her clit was exposed slightly, raising itself out of it's hood and just begging to be touched. I grinned to myself and grunted, shifting Petty's weight to one arm while I moved the other down between her legs to rub her clit. She didn't see this coming, her eyes closed tightly and her head resting on my large shoulder, and when my two fingers grasped onto it gently and began to massage the sensitive little piece of flesh, Petty's body jerked so hard upwards that I thought her head would hit the ceiling. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out as a second, more intense orgasm gripped her and she squeezed her legs around my waist tightly, her pussy juice leaking down from her cunt and down both of our legs.

Moving my hand back away from her clit, I put it at the small of her back and lifted and raised her off of my prick hard, each thrust more pronounced than the last as she slid up and down hard on top of me. I could feel my orgasm coming quickly now and I wanted to savor the feeling of her hot, sticky cunt around my shaft as long as possible before pulling out (that was the last thing we needed, a screaming mouth to feed).

Petty was like a limp rag doll, her head swaying on her shoulders and her face slack with worn out bliss, a small smile on her face as I slid her up and down one final time before quickly putting her on the bed. Petty's eyes opened as I jerked my cock and she dutifully got on her knees in front of me, her mouth open and her small tongue extended as she prepared to take my load.

I gripped the base of my cock hard and then grunted loudly as the first stream of cum shot out, missing Petty's mouth but leaving a long white streak down her left cheek that ended in her blonde hair. The second shot didn't go quite as far, but I did manage to get it squarely into her mouth, the white fluid coating her tongue and her bottom lip. I jerked my cock hard and sprayed two more shots, these hitting her right by her nose and on her chin, coating most of her face in my shiny, sticky cum. I pulled my prick a little more, getting the last little bit of cum to ooze out of the tip of my dick, feeding this last drop to Petty. She licked it off with the tip of her tongue, then used her hand to wipe away all the excess cum she could scrape up off her face, putting the coated and dripping fingers into her mouth before swallowing the entire load with one giant gulp.

She reclined back lazily on the bed for a moment as I caught my breath, a lone drop of cum still managing to dribble out and onto the bottom of the bed sheet. I crawled into bed next to her and laid there stroking her stomach for a moment before she got up to go clean up in the bathroom. Stretching, I put my arm behind my head and reached over to the remote to flip on the television, seeing what was on.

Petty emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, wearing a white cotton robe that was extremely low cut in the breast area and very short at the start of her thighs. She had a cigarette in her hand - a habit I detested, but couldn't deny her since she only seemed to smoke after sex. Besides, the long white stick looked incredibly sexy in her hand, the bluish smoke billowing up from her mouth as she exhaled gently.

Reaching into a bedside table to remove an ashtray, Petty set it on her naked stomach as she enjoyed her cigarette, her cheeks billowing in tightly as she sucked on the little white stick, the hot embers casting a slight bit of light into the dark room. Without saying a word, she reached back into the drawer and pulled out a small baggie, containing two joints of pot and a little bit more of the drug filling up the bottom of the bag. She took one final deep drag on her cigarette and lit a joint for herself, handing the other one to me, along with the lighter.

While I was opposed to her smoking (it will kill you after all), I found nothing wrong with a little bit of grass every now and then, and took a couple of quick hits myself on my joint, the acrid smoke filling my lungs as I held it in long and deep. I finally released the smoke from my mouth, it's ashy contents dissipating in the air along with the smoke from Petty's own joint. Leaning back on the bed, we smoked for a few minutes and talked about her career and work and all that, enjoying the buzz and euphoric feeling of the marijuana as it relaxed my body completely. I grew sleepy from the work of the day and after disposing of the smoked joints, Petty and I turned off the light and went to sleep, her body pressed close to mine as I drifted off into the unconscious world of dreams.

The next morning, I awoke with a start to the sound of the phone ringing out in the living room. At first I thought I had been hearing things - it was only 6:54 in the morning after all - but after rubbing my eyes the ringing continued so I lifted the sheets off of myself and hustled out to the living room to grab it before it stopped ringing, Petty barely stirring in the bed as I slid out.

"Hello?" I said into the mouthpiece, my voice a little raspy and hoarse from the pot the night before.

"Alexander Hilt please," a curt, precise voice said on the other line.

"Speaking," I said with a yawn.

"Mr. Hilt, my name is Gordon Hapsboro and I am calling from Antamount Pictures Inc," the voice said. I felt my heart leap into my throat - had they found my script?

"Yes," I said, trying to keep my voice from quivering a bit. "How can I help you?"

"You quite covertly left a screenplay in the office of our CEO, Mr. Willis, yesterday when I believe you were delivering some packages for Mr. Willis. The night maid found the screen play and gave it to Mr. Willis late last night," Hapsboro said.

There was no point in denying it, so I simply fessed up to it. "Yes, I did. I know it's a sneaky way to handle things and all but," I said, but was cut off.

"We would like to talk to you about your script. Do you have representation?" Hapsboro said, obviously too busy to listen to me try and explain myself.

I paused for a moment. "No, not as of yet. I represent myself currently but if that's a problem then,"

"No problem Mr. Hilt, we just wanted to make sure to contact the appropriate parties regarding this issue. Antamount would like to arrange a meeting with you and your representation, should you receive any, sometime this afternoon. Will this be convenient for you?" Hapsboro said. His voice was dull and unexcited, the exact opposite of the thudding my heart was going through over the fact that my half-baked scheme worked.

"I believe I can come by today, yes. What time did you have in mind?" I asked.

"2:00, here at Antamount," Hapsboro said.

Fuck, I thought to myself. Right in the middle of my delivery schedule. Maybe if I leave now and start delivering right away...

"That will be fine. Should I ask for Mr. Willis when I arrive?" I said.

Hapsboro laughed loudly into the phone, a snooty and mocking shrill noise that seemed to come more from a chicken than from a man. "No, Mr. Willis can't be bothered with amateur screen writers. You will be speaking with me. Now, I really must be going so I will see you later this afternoon," he said.

I was set to reply, but he hung up and a dial tone filled my ear as I stood there holding the phone, wondering if all that really had happened. I set the phone back on the receiver and just stood there for a moment, still in shock. Absently, I pinched my arm to see if I was awake or dreaming - it hurt, so I must be awake. I walked back in a daze towards the bedroom and robotically started going to the closet to get out my work uniform, my mind going a mile a minute.

My conversation had evidently woken Petty up, because she was sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes, her breasts barely covered by the bed sheet as she scratched the top of her head and straightened out her hair.

"Who was that on the phone?" she yawned.

I turned away from the closet, the clothes over my arm. "A Mr. Hapsboro from Antamount Pictures, Inc. He was setting up a meeting with me today," I said, my voice dull and emotionless, not unlike that of Hapsboro himself.

Petty just blinked at me. "What?"

I proceeded to tell her the story of yesterday's events, and how I had managed to put the script down just before I got busted by the secretary. With each emerging detail, Petty's smile broadened on her cute face until she was like a giggling school girl, riveted by every word I said.

"Holy shit! So you mean you're screen play may actually get made? Alex, do you know what this MEANS?" she said excitedly.

"It means I need to get going to work so I can get my deliveries done before the meeting," I said to her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead before walking to the bathroom for a quick shower. Shutting the door, I could hear her giggling and laughing to herself, something she did when I knew she was incredibly excited about something.

I showered quickly, and was amazed to find when I got out that Petty had gotten out of bed and actually made me breakfast - nothing fancy mind you, just some waffles and juice - but the gesture was certainly appreciated. Normally I was up before her so early that we rarely saw each other at night, and that was mostly just to watch television or go to a concert. Thus, this breakfast was something special I felt, and with the added bliss from the meeting looming, the day was off to a great start. I ate the food in just a few bites and kissed Petty good by, heading off into the morning traffic to get to work and get started on the deliveries. Traffic was lighter than when I usually left, the fading digital clock in my car giving a read out of only 8:07. Zooming along the freeway, I knew that the day would drag until 2:00, but I tried to think of other things to take my mind off of it.

Arriving at work, the part-time immigrants who normally loaded up the truck watched me hesitantly as I whipped into the parking lot, hustling towards the front door. To my surprise, it was locked - Jose must not get there much earlier then me, I thought to myself. I walked over to the workers who were loading up the trucks, three Mexican guys who were already sweating and panting as they talked amongst themselves in Spanish. I stood there watching them as they finished loading up the truck and wasted no time climbing into it to get off to work. The traffic had started to pick up already, in spite of the fact that I was actually almost an hour early in getting my deliveries going.

Zooming around the city all morning long, I actually managed not to feel nervous or excited about the meeting with Antamount - between the morons in the rest of the cars out on the road and rude (or, conversely, very cute) secretaries, it was really just like any other morning. However, sitting at a stop light I happened to glance over and see the time on a bank clock: 12:34.

Fuck! I only had an hour and a half till the meeting, I thought to myself. A wave of nervous anxiousness washed over me, making my mind go into overdrive as I tried to ration out my time between getting to Antamount, getting changed to look nice and finishing the morning deliveries. I floored it as the light changed, shuttling quickly between deliveries. As the 2:00 time grew closer and I still had half a dozen packages in my truck, I was torn between trying to get them done later and getting to the meeting. I chose the former and headed to Antamount Studios.

I was rather dirty and smelly from the job, but I changed clothes in the back of my truck and cleaned myself up as best as I could as I walked into the lobby of their building. Going up to the third floor, I found my hands shaking with anticipation of the meeting. The same secretary was behind her desk as the day before, but she obviously didn't recognize me as I approached her desk and stood there waiting for her to hang up the phone.

"Yes, can I help you?" she said.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Hapsboro, 2:00. My name is Alex Hilt," I replied.

"One moment please, I will page him," she said. I watched her dial his extension and her nonplussed reaction as she told him that I had arrived. I stood awkwardly for a moment, not saying anything to the secretary or to anyone who passed by in the hallway. A man approached me from the back of the office, a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Gordon Hapsboro. You must be Alexander Hilt," he said. He was a middle aged man, with silvery gray hair pulled back behind his head in a ponytail. The skin on his face was tight and dark from too much sun exposure, and I noticed that he carried himself with a limp, the expensive looking suit he wore swaying on his medium build. He extended his hand and I shook it, amazed a bit to find his hand not only cold, but his shake and grip rather limp in my large hand.

"Please, follow me. Rosalyn, I'll be in a meeting for a while, so please send all my calls to voice mail," he said to the secretary as we walked past.

"Yes Mr. Hapsboro," she said, not even glancing up.

I don't really know what I was expecting the meeting setting to be - perhaps a room filled with a long conference table and oversized chairs, executives and higher up studio heads busily chatting as we would walk into the room. I expected to be overwhelmed with praise and questions, comments about the screen play and a general enthusiasm over the script.

It was an understandable let down then when Hapsboro led me into a small, cramped room with a small round table and two chairs inside, the walls only a few inches from the table. Hapsboro gestured for me to take a seat and I took the far one across the table, barely managing to squeeze my large frame between the wall and the table itself, the chair creaking a bit as I sat down.

Hapsboro took a seat across from me and folded his hands out in front of him.

"Now, you told me over the phone that you have no representation?" he asked, smiling at me politely. I shifted a little uncomfortably in my chair, embarrassed slightly by the question and the lack of an agent on my part.

"Yes, that's right. But if it's a problem, I'm sure I can find one," I said to him.

"That won't be necessary, unless you feel overwhelmed by contracts and all that. However, if you haven't done it already, I would personally suggest joining the Screenwriters Guild. I am a bit of a screen writer myself and they are great should you get in a corner. But if anyone here asks, I told you to do no such thing," he said with a laugh. His voice was that same shrill tone that I remembered over the phone and I gritted my teeth hard at the sound, turning the grimace into a smile.

"Anyways...the cleaning staff found the script in Mr. Willis' office and put it on his desk late last night, thinking it was one of his projects. He leafed through it and was impressed by what he read, and that's when I got involved," Hapsboro said.

A chill ran down my back at the thought of such a powerful man even giving a slight look to my years of blood, sweat and tears work, but Hapsboro quickly deflated it.

"I read it this morning over a cup of coffee and while I personally found it to be tired and clichéd and drastically needing work, I must simply comply with Mr. Willis' wishes," Hapsboro said.

"Did Mr. Willis want to see it get made?" I asked, holding my breath slightly at the question.

"Yes, he said that we could probably squeeze it in for a Spring release, barring any difficulties. I've sent the script to the editing department and they are working on changing some things around, character names and all that. They should have a finalized copy in a few weeks, and at that point we will start casting for it, looking for a director, etc," Hapsboro said.

I felt dizzy - this wasn't a dream, the script was actually going to be made into a movie!

"So...what does that mean now?" I asked.

"For the time being, nothing. If the editing department can't salvage something workable out of it then I'm afraid we have to pass on the script. Until they come back with something workable, it's all up in the air. However, Mr. Willis took a slight liking to it and I know that if he really wants the thing to get made, he will bust heads to make it happen," Hapsboro replied, leaning back in the chair as he picked at something in his tooth.

"This might sound callous of me for asking, but what about financial reimbursement?" I said.

"Not callous at all Mr. Hilt," Hapsboro laughed. Boy was that starting to get on my nerves. "I like a man who puts his pocketbook first. When shooting begins and we officially green light it, we will have another meeting with accounting and determine what fee is deserved of you and what screen credit to get, that sort of thing,"

"That sounds good. Is there anything else I need to know? Will I be working with you directly?" I asked.

"Yes, for the time being I will be your contact here at Antamount. We will contact you when we know more about the status of the project," Hapsboro replied, standing up from the desk. "Here, let me give you my card,"

He reached into his lapel pocket and pulled out a small leather case. Flipping it open, he pulled out an ivory colored business card and handed it to me. It had the Antamount logo on it, an old style projection reel with a bright triangle of light extending from the lens. Beneath that was his name, title, phone number and email address. However, in the bottom right of the card, I noticed a small symbol. It was strange, because it was something I had never seen before: a circle with prongs sticking out from the north, south, east and west points of the circle itself. In the middle was what looked like a cross between a slanted Z and a lightning bolt. The symbol wasn't printed on the card exactly, more like embossed, and if the light hadn't caught it I probably wouldn't have even noticed it.

I opened my mouth to say something about it but he spoke first, and the thought slipped my mind.

"You seem like a good man Alex, that's why I'd like to extend an invitation to you to come to a small party Mr. Willis is throwing tonight at his mansion. It's very exclusive and very private, but if I were in your position then I would be very honored to be invited. Mr Willis likes to meet all the people involved with projects here at the studio so this would be a perfect opportunity to introduce the two of you. His home is up in the hills, see Rosalyn on your way out for directions," Hapsboro said, opening the door to the office.

"Is it alright if I bring my girlfriend along? She would love something like this," I asked, shaking Hapsboro's hand again by my own iniative.

Hapsboro seemed to think for a moment. "Hmm...perhaps it's best that you not. Mr. Willis is terrible with names and I'm sure that one more face would just confuse him!" Hapsboro said, turning my question into a playful laugh.

"Not a problem, just thought I would ask. As you can tell, this sort of thing is pretty out of the ordinary for me," I said.

"I can understand. But in your current line of work, I'm sure you meet all sorts of interesting people," he said as we walked out towards the exit of the floor. This comment struck me as odd because I had never told him what I did. Perhaps the secretary had told him when she saw me the day before...

"Listen, I must be going. I'll see you tonight at the party Alex. And dress sharp...Mr. Willis is a stickler for appearance," Hapsboro called, vanishing off down a hallway. I waved goodbye and went to the secretary's desk. After waiting for a few minutes and convincing her that I really WAS invited to the party, she reluctantly scribbled down some directions to Willis' house up above the city. I thanked her and walked to the elevator calmly, waiting on the doors to shut.

As the metallic sliding clicked and the elevator began to descend, I could no longer contain my enthusiasm and yelled out "YES!!!" loudly in the elevator, pumping my arm at my side in excitement. Glancing up, I saw a video camera in the top corner of the elevator and immediately restrained myself, straightening out my clothes and putting on a calm persona.

I exited the building quickly and climbed into my truck, speeding off to finish the afternoon deliveries. I didn't say a word when I returned to Jose's, which was probably for the better because he was yelling at someone very loudly in Spanish when I walked in to drop off the keys. I headed home, my mind whirling from the thoughts of fame and fortune that had just yesterday seemed like a pipe dream but today were actually happening. Glancing down at the directions the secretary gave me, I saw that the party was supposed to start at 9:00, which meant I should get there around 9:30, in order to be fashionably late and not seem overeager in arriving. This would give me enough time to pick out what to wear (I had an old tuxedo from a friend's wedding that would probably look good for this occasion) and to tell Petty the details of the meeting.

Opening the apartment door as I arrived home, I found Petty standing there waiting for me, nibbling on her thumbnail excitedly as I walked in, giving me a huge smile that seemed to light up the room.

"Tell me all about it," she said.

We sat down on the couch and I explained the entire thing to her, from Hapsboro's appearance all the way down to the details about the film being made. She was beside herself with excitement, gasping and laughing as I recounted the details. As I finished the story, she leaned back on the couch and shook her head in amazement.

"I knew that there was something special about you Alex, from the first time we met," she said.

"You're not so bad yourself," I replied, kissing her lightly on the lips. She returned the kiss with vigor and started to reach her hands down to pull off my shirt. I leaned away from her and stood up.

"Hey hey, not right now. I can't. There's one more thing I forgot to tell you, and I don't know why because it's the best part. Hapsboro invited me to a party at Mr. Willis' house tonight, up in the hills," I said to her.

"You should have told me that when you came in! I need to go get ready right away!" Petty said, jumping up from the couch to head into the bedroom.

"Wait, Petty. The thing is," I said, hesitating. She stopped in her tracks and pivoted on her foot to look at me. "Well, you aren't exactly invited,"

A look of immense disappointment washed over her face and for a moment, I thought she was going to cry. She managed to compose herself though as she looked at me. "I'm not?"

I rushed over to her to console her. "Hey, baby, listen! The thing is, Hapsboro said that Willis is horrible with names and that the more people that show up at his parties, the harder it is for him to get to know anyone. I asked if you could come, you have to believe me on that. But Hapsboro said no," I said to her, trying to cushion the blow as best as I could.

"What kind of dick invites a man but not his girlfriend? What if I was your wife, would that make any difference?" she asked. Her voice was starting to rise and I knew if I didn't diffuse her quickly this could turn into a nasty argument.

"Look honey, I don't make the rules ok? I don't want to go against Hapsboro's wishes on an opportunity like this. Believe me, if the movie gets made there will be plenty of opportunities for you to come along as my date. I'm sure that you would be the most beautiful woman there too, even in a room full of movie stars," I said to her, rubbing her arm gently.

Petty bit her lower lip for a moment, her brow furrowed as she thought about this.

"Well, I don't like it. It just seems so...weird. But because I love you, I'll go along with this. Just promise me you will try to get me to be able to come later on. Promise me that," she said.

"I promise," I replied, kissing her on the forehead. "I need to go get ready now though. Can you help me see if that tuxedo I have still fits?"

"Of course. You want to look your best for your new boss," she said with a smirk. I took her hand and we walked into the bedroom, her heading to the closet and myself heading for the shower to get cleaned up.

I arrived at Willis' mansion at 9:42, a little bit later than I had originally anticipated but still early enough to not miss anything important. I pulled into the driveway and a valet came out to greet me. It was obvious by the look on his face that he did not approve of my car at all. I rolled down the squeaky driver side window and stuck my head out to talk to him.

"Sir, I'm afraid this is a private residence. I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the man said curtly. I was a bit offended by this remark, as he could quite clearly see my tuxedo from outside the car.

"I was invited," I said, gritting my teeth at him. "Call Mr. Hapsboro,"

The man rolled his eyes at me and walked over to a small phone by the front door. Picking it up, he waited for a moment and then began talking. He nodded his head a few times and then replaced the phone. As he came back to me, he was all smiles.

"I apologize sir, please go right on in," he said, bowing slightly. I stepped out of the car and handed him the keys. Walking towards the heavy wooden doors of the mansion, I heard him start it up behind me, the engine backfiring as it made a loud gunshot like noise. I smiled at this and opened the door in front of me slowly.

I was completely floored by the mansion's interior. In high ceilings above me, there hung two huge glass chandeliers, whose segments glittered in the light of the room. Scanning the rest of the room, I saw a large sweeping staircase off to the right of the room and large paintings of abstract art hanging on the wall above the steps. The main room was very crowded, people talking and moving around with one another like busy little ants. There was a small orchestra playing next to the staircase and the music fluttered up lightly from it, wafting in over the sound of the many conversations taking place.

I closed the door behind me and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I scanned the room for any familiar faces - specifically Hapsboro's. I didn't see him, but that didn't stop me from looking at all the people there. I couldn't even begin to count all of the celebrities there - actors, politicians, athletes, musicians - this was definitely an "A" list crowd and outside of a major awards ceremony I doubted that so many powerful, talented people had ever been in one room at a time.

After spotting the male faces, I started to notice the women. It was the most bizarre thing: while the men were all high caliber men of power and esteem, all of the women seemed like nobodies or barely recognizable actresses. The term B-Movie actress seemed to fit pretty well. This was more the rule than the exception though, as I did happen to spot Halle Berry and Julia Roberts and a few other award winners. The ratio was also quite peculiar of men to women. At most parties I had been at, there was often times 5 guys for every 1 girl. Here though, it seemed as if every man had a woman on his arm and there wasn't a single woman standing alone in the entire place.

A butler approached me and offered to take my coat from me, to which I complied and handed it over to him, where he whisked away to put into a closet. I stood there for a moment just watching people before noticing Hapsboro approaching me from my right. He had a cute young girl on his arm, and she looked familiar - possibly from a television commercial or something.

"Mr. Hilt, glad you could make it! Please, don't just stand there, come with me and get a drink," Hapsboro said, hooking his arm under my own. I followed him over to the bar, where the bartender was busy working overtime to keep up with the flow of liquor for all the guests. Hapsboro grabbed a pair of champagne glasses, handing one to me as he sipped from his own.

"I just love coming to Mr. Willis' parties. You always see and meet such interesting people here. And though the night starts out with a roomful of strangers, I always feel like by the time I leave I know them all as intimately as I would know my own brother. Have you ever experienced that before Mr. Hilt?" Hapsboro asked.

I took a swig from my glass. "No, I'm afraid I haven't. This whole experience is a bit overwhelming to me," I said.

"Ah, yes, I can understand that. I was the same way at first. But you are part of the Antamount family now, or rather you will be soon. You should relax and enjoy yourself Mr. Hilt, you are now part of something special," Hapsboro said. I thought he was going to say more, but someone across the room caught his attention and he turned away from me, smiling at the person and nodding his head in a laugh.

A man stumbled up to me, obviously drunk, his face bright red and his hair all tossled. He leaned against me, almost toppling me over as I caught him. He looked up at me and began to talk in a very loud voice.

"It's a scam! Don't you see! The whole damn system is a scam! And the whole lot of ya are scammers!" he mumbled to me, steadying himself against me, yet somehow managing to keep a drink in his hand. Hapsboro took the man's arm off of me roughly and pushed him back a bit as the man teetered on his feet.

"Don't mind old Charlie here, he does this sort of thing. Gets drunk and then just starts talking and talking," Hapsboro said with some disdain. "When he sobers up in the morning he won't remember a word of it," Hapsboro glanced over Charlie and motioned with his hand to someone across the room. Suddenly two quite large men approached and hooked their hands under Charlie's armpits, lifting him quite literally off his feet.

"I think Charlie has had too much to drink fellas, see that he gets home safely won't you? I'm sure his wife would be worried sick about him," Hapsboro said casually, flicking his wrist slightly in a gesture to get the men to take Charlie away. Charlie had shut up when they approached him and now hung his head down as they carried him across the floor.

Hapsboro sighed heavily, but his face lit up a moment later.

"There's Mr. Willis over there. Come with me, I'll introduce you to the man himself," Hapsboro said. I followed him across the room, stepping between couples standing around talking, and passing a large circle of men who had stood to gather and listen to Annette Benning tell a story. As the crowd thinned out a bit, I recognized Wilton Willis himself standing there, nursing a glass of wine in one hand and a group of two or three women standing close to him, his other arm around one of their shoulders.

I was very nervous as I approached him, as just his presence in the room seemed to be intimidating. He was a tall, thin man of about the mid 60s range, with snow white hair and a rounded glasses that were just slightly wider than his eyes themselves. His cheeks had a natural blushing to them and he looked like a kindly grandfather as he stood there entertaining the women. His bright blue eyes stayed locked on his audience as he spoke, his full and complete attention given to them. I of course knew better than to trust his gentle act - if even half of the things reported in the trade magazines were true, he was not a man you would want to be on the bad side of.

Hapsboro cut through the crowd deftly and made room for him and myself to garner Mr. Willis' attention. Mr. Willis smiled at the women and turned to us, although the women still seemed to hang around.

"Mr. Willis, this is Alexander Hilt, the man who wrote that screenplay the maid found?" Hapsboro said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

Willis looked puzzled for a moment, as if trying to recall. When I extended my hand though, the look vanished and he shook it warmly.

"Please, call me Alex. It's an honor to meet you Mr. Willis. I admire you so much and I just want to take the opportunity to," I said, but Willis raised his hand to cut me off.

"Not necessary. Your work, from what I read, was quite good. I look forward to the results that the screenplay department will bring back to me so that I can hopefully greenlight the project," Willis said kindly. His piercing blue eyes, as light as the mid-afternoon sky, locked on my own and I couldn't find the strength to avert them.

"Thank you sir. I too hope we can work together. This is a lovely home you have. So elegant," I said, trying to make conversation in order to establish myself better in his memory.

"Ah, it's nothing. You should see my home abroad. I recently purchased a 10th century brownstone mansion in...never mind, it's not important. I notice that you are unaccompanied tonight mister uhh..." Willis said, trailing off.

"Hilt," I said. "And yes, my girlfriend was unable to make it tonight, she was," I said, glancing at Hapsboro. He shook his head lightly at me, indicating that I not tell Willis that she wasn't invited.

"She was feeling a bit under the weather. Maybe you will get to know here acquaintance someday," I said to him.

"Yes, hopefully so. However, that does not mean that you should be alone tonight. There are plenty of wonderful women here tonight who I am sure would love to get to know such a talented man as yourself," Willis said. I noticed his eyes roam over me as he sized me up a bit. His voice paused for a second. "Yes, yes, I think I know the perfect date for you Mr. Hilt. She's a vibrant girl, and quite a rising property here in this mess of Hollywood of ours. Hapsboro, won't you go and fetch Katherine? Assuming she isn't busy entertaining one of our other guests?" Willis said.

"I will sir. Excuse me for a moment," Hapsboro said, darting away from the conversation. I stood there awkwardly, not quite sure what else to say to Mr. Willis. I didn't really feel that I needed any woman by my side tonight, unless it was Petty, but I wasn't going to say "no" to a man of Willis' stature. He smiled at me for another moment and then turned his attention back to a petite redhead that he had been talking to when I approached him.

"So, you say you want to be in film hmm? Well, that's delightful," I overheard Willis say. Shifting away from me, I took it that the conversation was closed and turned myself around to watch the party guests.

A few minutes later, my glass of champagne mostly empty, Hapsboro came bustling through the crowd, a blonde girl walking swiftly in front of him.

"Alex, this is Katherine. She will show you around the mansion and I'm sure will make great company for you tonight. She was hand picked by Mr. Willis to act in some of the companies smaller projects and is a delightful girl," Hapsboro said, standing next to her.

Katherine was a medium heighted blond woman, with an adorable smile and a flawless body. She wore a black sequined dress that hung to her mid-calve level and a pair of tautly pulled spaghetti straps clung tightly to her shoulders, enclosing in the material below a pair of quite large breasts, sticking proudly from her narrow figure.

"A pleasure to meet you. Would you like me to show you around?" Katherine said softly. I noticed Hapsboro nod behind her and then disappear into the crowd again.

"Yes, that would be wonderful, thank you," I said to her. She took my hand in her own and we walked to the edge of the crowd, headed towards the staircase. Katherine led me by the hand as we approached the first steps, but once we had risen a few she began to walk beside me.

"So, Mr. Hapsboro says that you are a screenwriter? That is pretty rare at a party like this, given how exclusive Wilton is about his guest list," Katherine said to me. Her brown eyes sparkled from the light of the overhanging chandelier as we walked each step slowly, her small hand pressing tightly against my own.

"Yes. I was a bit sneaky and put my script in Mr. Willis' office the other day when I was uh," I said, pausing over my embarrassment at my current job. "When I was delivering a package. I'm a delivery man by day, screenwriter by night," I said laughing it off so as not to feel so awkward.

"That must be why you are so big and strong and in such good shape. A job like that must be very taxing," Katherine said, furrowing her brow a bit as she nodded her head, trying to look sympathetic. We came to the end of the stairs and I was amazed at how quiet the second floor was. The din of the party barely floated up to this marginal height, and I could see all the heads beneath us, milling about as they talked and drank with one another.

Katherine's hand brushed my arm and I, out of reflex, jumped a bit at her soft touch. I glanced away from her for a moment in another fit of embarrassment.

"Sssoo...how long have you worked for Mr. Willis?" I said, changing the subject.

"Well, I wouldn't say that I work for him but he did give me a pretty big career break. I met him a few months ago at a party like this one, my friend Ali introduced us. Since then, my life has been a pretty big whirlwind of parties like this, movie premieres and roles on television shows," Katherine said.

This raised my interest. "Have you been in anything I might have seen before?" I asked.

"Well, did you ever see the show 'Roswell'? I starred on that as Isabel Evans..." Katherine said, trailing off. It suddenly hit me who she was.

"You're Katherine Heigl aren't you?" I asked, a little dumbfounded that I didn't realize it at first. I knew she looked familiar, and I had actually seen 'Roswell' a few times, but I guess I never put two and two together.

"That's me," she said. "But anyways...enough about what I do, here follow me in here. I want to show you this room," she said, opening a door to her left about midway down the hall.

I walked in behind her as she turned on a light switch. The room lit up in bright light, and as my eyes adjusted I took in everything that was there. It was a very large bedroom, with a raised bed in the middle of the room, directly beneath a large window whose curtains were only drawn slightly. Over in the corner was a couch and a television, not to mention a very expensive looking sound system. Though no light was on in there, I also saw a gold plated looking bathroom off to the side, the light dancing off the fixtures of a sink and a whirlpool tub. Katherine walked further into the room and then stopped, standing in front of the bed.

"This is Willis' guest room. It's where he brings all his girlfriends and mistresses when his wife is away traveling," Katherine said, running her hand lazily over the soft bed spread of the massive bed. "Here, come feel how soft this is,"

I walked over to her as she sat down on the bed. Taking a seat beside her, I ran my hand over the material - it was like silk, only much thicker. It must have been a very expensive imported fabric of some kind, as I had never seen or touched anything like it in my life.

Katherine scooted closer to me as I glanced down at the bed. When I looked back up at her, she wasted no time in leaning in against me tightly, planting her soft lips on my own, her breasts pressing tightly against my chest as she forced her tongue into my mouth almost hurriedly. I was shocked by this and broke the kiss immediately, standing up from the bed.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, rubbing my hand over my lips. I could still feel her warm breath on them.

"That was a kiss. Didn't you like it? Oh God, you aren't gay are you?" Katherine said, whining a little bit.

"No, I'm not gay. But I mean...shit, isn't that a little forward of you?" I said to her. She smiled and I watched a little awestruck as she slid her fingers over her shoulders and unhooked her dress, pulling first one side and then the other down her shoulders and arms, exposing her quite ample chest to me. Her nipples were a dark pink color, the tips only slightly brown in comparison to her otherwise pale and firm breasts.

"I don't think it's forward at all. Unless you have a problem with it?" she said to me seductively. She rose up from the bed and walked over to stand in front of me, her nipples just inches away from my chest.

"I...I can't. I have a girlfriend and she..." I said weakly as I felt Katherine press herself against me, this time no mistaking the heat radiating from her body. She moved her hand around my neck and pulled my face close, kissing me softly again.

"And I have a boyfriend. But don't worry, they will never know. You're in with us now and this is just one of the benefits of working with Mr. Willis," she said softly to me, her pouty lips trembling a bit as she spoke.

I was a bit confused. "What do you mean 'with us now'?" I asked.

"Shh...it's not important," Katherine said, kissing my neck gently. Her touch sent chills down my spine and I could feel a growing bulge in my pants, pressing up against Katherine's warm stomach. "Just relax and enjoy it," she whispered.

Her kisses on my neck continued until she hit the collar of my tuxedo. Her nimble hands quickly removed it and began to unbutton my shirt, throwing open the material in no time. Her smooth palms ran over my chest as she hooked her fingers into my pants and undid the zipper and button, pulling them down to my ankles, boxers and all. My hard cock sprung free, bouncing obscenely in the air between us. Katherine saw it and pressed herself against me, the head of my dick hard against her dress. She gave my chest a soft kiss, right over my rapidly thumping heart and then dropped to her knees in front of me.

If I had any willpower to resist before, it was fading fast. I tried to think of Petty, of what cheating on her would mean if she found out, but every time I tried to convince myself to make Katherine stop, the quicker my mind was at coming up with perfect excuses NOT to get her to quit. "She'll never know...She would do the same thing in your position...you still love her..." my mind said to me as I felt Katherine grasp onto my cock, jerking it lightly as she held it out in front of her mouth, waiting to descend upon it. I clung to the fact that I DID love Petty tightly, repeating the thought over and over in my head as I felt Katherine's mouth move first from the tip of my shaft all the way down to the base, her small cheeks billowing out slightly as she took my length into her warm mouth.

I gasped in pleasure as I felt her close her lips tightly around my meat, her tongue racing up and down my shaft as she jerked me from the base with one hand and fondled my balls with the other. Katherine sucked hard on my prick, bobbing her head up and down as she applied an amazing amount of suction to my shaft. I was panting in excitement now, glancing down to see Katherine's head moving back and forth over me, her hot and tiny mouth pulling on my foreskin and coating my entire dick with her saliva. Katherine glanced up at me, her brown eyes locking my own - she looked amazingly beautiful and innocent with my prick moving in and out of her mouth, the tip pressing against the back of her throat seemingly with every downward motion she did. The look in her eyes was one of pleasure, one of lust and it made me shudder just to look at her like that.

Instinctively, I moved my hand down to her head and wrapped a few strands of her golden hair around my hand, guiding her by the head as she moved up and down on my cock. I pulled her tightly against me, her mouth swallowing all of my dick as I held her nose against my stomach, the end of my shaft pressing against the soft flesh of the back of her throat. Katherine breathed heavily through her nose and gently pulled back on my shaft with her mouth, until just the tip remained.

She let my cock slide from her lips, a dot of precum sticking to her bottom lip as she lifted my prick in her hand and began to lick the underside with her tongue, the tip racing down the thick vein that bulged from the base. She moved her mouth down to my balls and sucked them into the wet bliss of her mouth, sucking and slurping on them gently as she held them there, her tongue licking back and forth right beneath them. Katherine was certainly very qualified at doing this, as it had to count as one of the best blowjobs I had ever had, but the best was amazingly still to come.

Releasing my tight sac from her mouth, Katherine greedily swallowed down on my entire prick again. Her nose was just an inch or so from my chest as she began to suck incredibly hard on my shaft, the thickness of it not allowing for much movement at all as she rotated the sensitive skin back and forth with her tongue. Pulling back towards the head of my dick, she licked furiously over the hole in the tip of my cockhead, her tongue teasing and coating the entire head in sticky saliva.

This was more than I could take. Grabbing her head again, I pulled her gently onto my shaft, her whole mouth holding it in as she sucked on me, my impending orgasm just about to arrive. I'd like to say that I imagined that it was Petty doing the sucking, but that would be a lie. The truth is, the excitement of the entire day, the thrill of the party and the absolutely amazing blowjob that Katherine had given was just too much and I knew exactly who I was shooting my load into as the first stream arrived.

Katherine and I locked eyes (though mine were understandably a little squinted from the pleasure) as I felt the first steamy jet shoot out, the bliss of the release almost overwhelming. I shot three or four more long, thick loads into Katherine's mouth, the back of her head held tightly by my head. Katherine obediently swallowed every last drop, not even a single dribble escaping from her lips as I watched her throat muscles work in overtime, the creamy load vanishing down her throat just as soon as it arrived. I felt my orgasm subside and released Katherine's head, stepping back slightly as my cock fell out of her mouth with a pop, and I stumbled backwards into a nearby chair, my body sweaty and heaving from the tremendous orgasm.

Katherine crossed her legs under herself and sat down on the floor, wiping away a small residue of cum that had formed on her lips. I watched as she fixed her hair a bit and then stood up, approaching me.

"Would you like to fuck me Mr. Hilt?" she said seductively, her breasts swaying as she stood over me. I could only nod, my willpower on vacation as she smiled at me. Hooking her thumbs in the side of her dress, she shook her hips a little bit and let the material slide off of her, falling down over her hourglass figure and legs onto the floor beneath her. I was surprised that in addition to not wearing a bra, she didn't have on any panties either.

Katherine took the final step over to me and spread her legs wide as she started to lower herself onto my still hard prick. I took hold of her hips but hesitated again just for a moment.

"Shouldn't we use a condom?" I asked her.

"It's alright, I'm on the pill," she said. Her hands moved on top of mine and pressed down, allowing my grip to loosen as her cunt opened up beneath me, the tip of my cock sliding through the entrance of her wet folds. Katherine watched as my dick disappeared inside of her inch by inch, her naked body glowing in the light of the room. Reaching the end of my 7 inch shaft, Katherine settled all of her weight down on my thighs and immediately began to rock back and forth on top of them.

Her pussy was incredibly tight and warm, the walls soft and slick as I felt my prick brush up inside of her. The end of shaft rested comfortably slightly below her cervix, so that with only a little bit of thrusting I could press myself to the deepest region of her cunt. Rocking her hips back and forth in a sort of circular motion, Katherine began to raise herself up slightly, her hands planted firmly on her thighs to gain some support. With Katherine doing all the work, my hands were free to roam other parts of her body and I immediately went straight for her luscious and large breasts.

I took one in each hand and squeezed them softly, feeling her nipples harden against my palms. They were soft and warm and amazingly heavy, though I could tell right off that they were completely natural and yet still incredibly firm. Her nipples were also quite sensitive, the hard nubs like sharp little erasers as I rubbed my fingers over them. Katherine moaned as I rubbed her breasts, squeezing them and pressing them together and just simply enjoying the size of them in my hands while her tight cunt worked on my dick.

Katherine's hips were moving very fast now, her hands having moved from her thighs to my own as she used the added leverage to lift herself up and down on me, each thrust seeming to be coming at a quicker pace. Katherine's blond hair swayed behind her head as she pressed her lips tightly together to keep too loud a moan of ecstasy from escaping, though soft little whimpers still managed to get out. Katherine's eyes were closed as she worked herself up and down on me, my dick battering against her deepest region as her inner walls squeezed tightly against my manhood.

I released her breasts and moved my hands down to her ass, groping the soft flesh beneath as I lifted Katherine up and down on my dick, her collapse against my chest obvious proof that she was wearing herself out. I ran a finger up between her ass crack, feeling the tight hole of her ass as the tip of my finger pressed against it. I couldn't help the urge to slip it tightly inside of her, the tip of my digit disappearing into her tight anal opening. Katherine gasped loudly and I felt her body shudder, a small orgasm running through her body from the attention being paid to her asshole.

She leaned heavily against me, her nipples pressing against my own as I slid my prick in and out of her, the shaft coated with her juices as the sound of our fucking filled the room. Katherine's warm breath escaped from her lips in gasps and groans against my muscled chest, her cheek resting against my body as I fucked her harder and harder.

The added lubrication from her cunt made it even easier to slide in and out of her tight crevice and I took advantage of this, holding myself deeper inside of her with every thrust, her outer cuntal lips gripping me tightly as if they didn't want my shaft to ever leave as I moved in and out, always leaving the tip inside of her. I had more control over myself this time, as by now we had been fucking for almost twenty minutes, but feeling her large tits and hard nipples against my body, and the fact that she was a beautiful celebrity laying on top of me overwhelmed my sense as I felt another orgasm approaching.

I lifted her up so that she was sitting up on top of me, her body swaying back and forth, her tummy rolling and moving with the motions of our lovemaking as I pressed myself as hard as I could inside of her, holding down tightly onto her hips as my orgasm began. This release was no less as strong as the one from earlier in our lovemaking session and I felt the hot eruption of cum blast out of my body and into Katherine's greedy cunt, which seemed to be begging for more cum as I unleashed a torrent inside of her.

The load was so tremendous that a small trickle of our combined juices leaked out from between her legs, running over her red and exposed clit, the maidenhead glimmering in the light as I shot the final stream inside of her body. Katherine groaned in pleasure, her lips mouthing silent words as she dizzily balanced herself on top of me. I continued to thrust in her, pushing more of my cum inside of her as deep as possible until I felt my overworked prick finally start to subside and to grow soft inside of her now stretched out pussy.

Katherine came to rest on my chest again, her arms wrapped around my broad shoulders as I grabbed onto her ass and stood up from the chair, carrying her over to the bed, my prick escaping from inside of her folds as I laid her down on the bed, both of our thighs sticky and wet with juices.

Laying there on the bed for a moment, Katherine's rapid breathing subsided as she relaxed, a hand absently moving to her left breast and giving her nipple a slight tweak, twisting the sensitive flesh in between two of her fingers. I stood over her, my hand down on my cock as I wiped off our cum with my pair of boxers from the floor. Sitting up, Katherine's face was flushed and sweaty, but she smiled up at me as she dangled her legs off of the raised bed. Standing up on shaky legs, she squatted down and picked up her dress, sliding her legs through it as she pulled it up over her body.

She walked over to a mirror across the room and brushed some sweaty hair off from over her eyes and fixed what wasn't already tussled with her hand. She turned around to look at me and leaned back against the wall, her arms wrapped around her waist just slightly beneath her breasts.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" she asked.

"Yes, it was," I said, still in a daze over the fact that this had actually happened.

"Well, I need to be getting back to the party. I'm sure we will meet again, now that Mr. Willis has taken you under his wing like he did with me," Katherine said, her sultry figure swaying as she walked to the closed door of the room. "See you around,"

And with that, she opened the door and vanished from sight, pulling it closed behind her. I stood there for a moment, just staring at the door in amazement before gathering up the rest of my clothes, fixing myself up and walking out of the room.

Descending the stairs, the thought about what she had meant about being "one of them" returned to my mind and I looked around for Katherine, trying to find her so that I could ask her again. As I stepped off the stairs, I accidentally bumped into Hapsboro.

"So, Hilt, was Katherine a good host? Mr. Willis always speaks so kindly of her, I hope she gave you a good tour," Hapsboro said.

I thought of asking him about what she had said to me, or even to ask if he knew that she was going to just seduce me, but thought better of it.

"Yes, she was. Quite a girl, she might fit in perfectly with the script, if it gets made I mean. I'd love to work with her," I said to him.

"I'm sure you would. Listen, Mr. Willis sent me around to ask everyone to please start saying goodbyes, as he has an early morning flight in the morning and would like to get some sleep," Hapsboro said.

"Not a problem," I replied. "I was thinking of leaving anyways. But please, if you see Katherine again ask her to get in touch with me. She mentioned something to me that I wanted to ask her about," I replied.

"Will do. Have a good evening Alex," Hapsboro said, walking away from me to go approach a Senator I saw standing over by the bar.

I returned to the front door and asked the butler for my coat, which he produced a moment later, and then I walked out the door. The same valet from when I first arrived spotted me. He nodded in my direction and then walked off down a ramp to go get my car. I stretched a bit as I stood in the air, listening to the sounds of the frogs and insects buzzing around while I waited on the vehicle. He returned a few minutes later and pulled up directly in front of me, handing the keys over without much of a word. I reached into my wallet to tip him, but he declined.

"Please, no. Mr. Willis already pays us well enough and taking tips from guests is against his policy," the valet said. I shrugged and returned my wallet to my pocket, walking over to the driver's side of the car and starting up the loud engine, heading home.


These last few weeks have been some of the craziest of my life. The night Alex returned home from the party, he was practically giddy from the excitement. He told me all about Wilton Willis' mansion, about all the stars he saw there, even about the drunk guy who almost knocked him over. I wish I could have went with him, but I guess I can understand Mr. Willis' problems with names. Even though I was jealous, just the sheer recounting of all that happened (Alex told me he wished I was there, as he felt lonely around people with dates) got me incredibly horny. I get off on people with a lot of power, what can I say. We made love until the sun came up that night and it was incredibly good.

Since then, Alex heard back from Antamount a few days later and they approved his script! We were both tremendously excited, as not only was it going to be a huge move for Alex's career, the financial pay off also was quite good. They paid him $100,000 for his script and we cashed the check yesterday. You should have seen the face of the bank teller when we showed her that monster check, it was priceless!

So now I'm sitting here in front of my makeup mirror, putting the final touches on my appearance. I'm wearing a long green dress that I know Alex loves, and that I love too because it shows off my curves and body very well. My breasts aren't exactly huge, but with the right dress any woman can turn her breasts into quite appealing "assets", if you know what I mean. We are going to a celebration dinner tonight with Mr. Hapsboro over the deal being completed. I overheard part of Alex's conversation and it sounds like Mr. Willis might even show up to offer his congratulations. I can hardly wait, as I am dying to get to know someone of his rank and stature in the Hollywood scene.

"You almost ready in there?" I heard Alex call to me outside the bedroom door.

"Just one more minute, then I will be," I replied, fixing my hair one final time. I had it pulled back over my ears, the long blond locks spilling out over my back as I sat there, applying a final coat of lipstick. I smacked my lips together to even it all out and nodded to myself in the mirror, happy with the way I looked.

Walking out of the bedroom, Alex looked stunned.

"Wow, you look great honey," he said to me. I couldn't help but blush - his compliments always did that to me.

"Thanks. Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep, let me grab my keys then we are out of here!" he said, walking over to the front door. I followed him out, his hand giving me a soft pat on my ass as I walked and we headed out of the apartment to the parking lot.

The first thing Alex had done with the money was to buy himself a new car. Nothing fancy, the car was actually used, but it was a late 1990s Lexus and every time I rode in it I felt like a queen. He opened the door for me and I slid in, watching him walk around the car to the driver's side. Starting it up, it purred like a kitten and we were off to Nox, the new and very exclusive restaurant downtown.

We arrived a few minutes later, Alex dressed in a very handsome and becoming sports coat and navy blue slacks, his broad shoulders making him look more like a football player than a soon-to-be-screen-credited writer. He took my hand as we walked inside, the doorman opening the door for us.

The place was crowded to say the least, and there was a gaggle of people standing by the front door, desperately hoping for a seat or a spot somewhere in the restaurant. The LA Times had raved about the food here at Nox, so I was very excited that I would get a chance to sample some of their cuisine.

"Hi, we are with the Antamount party," Alex said to the greeter. The man, a 20 something with horn rim glasses, glanced at a list and nodded his head in approval.

"Follow me," he said and I fell in step behind Alex, walking past a few tables as the man led us to the back of the restaurant. I couldn't help but notice the celebrities and musicians sitting around each table with their entourage and girlfriends, chatting and drinking wine as they each involved themselves in separate conversations that I could only catch bits and pieces of as I walked. It was all so exciting, to finally be invited into this separate and distinct world from the rest of the "common folk" in Los Angeles.

The greeter opened a folding Japanese screen (odd, since this was supposedly a Greek restaurant) and we stepped through. Alex must have recognized people immediately, because he walked over and began shaking hands, leaving me standing there holding my purse. The only person I did recognize out of the group of four who were already seated was Eliza Dushku, the sultry looking brunette from "Bring it On" and a few other smaller movies that weren't quite hits. I saw her sizing me up a bit and felt myself flush with embarrassment over her glances.

"Petty, you don't have to stand there, come sit down," Alex called to me. I again blushed as I walked over to him, ever the gentleman by being ready and waiting with a chair for me to sit in across from Eliza.

"Mr. Hapsboro, this is Petty, my girlfriend, I believe I've told you about her," Alex said casually, as if he introduced me to bigwigs all the time.

"Charmed," the man said, taking my hand in his own and kissing the back of my palm lightly. "And please, call me Gordon. Alex, you should have told me that she was so beautiful, I would have insisted she come to Mr. Willis' party that night,"he said.

"I'm sorry, I guess I really should have. But hey, she's here now and unless you have any objections I'm sure she will be more than willing to come to any more invites that you might have," Alex said. A waiter appeared behind us, setting down two glasses of wine for Alex and I. It was red wine, which I normally didn't drink because it went straight to my head, but I wasn't going to send it back. This was Alex's night, and me making a stir wouldn't look good on him.

"Let me introduce everyone else to you then Petty," Gordon said. "Across from me is Brandon Shuman, who was in charge of seeing that Alex's script got the needed tweaks. We don't normally let the screenwriters out of their holes that often but this was a special occasion,"

The table laughed at the joke as Brandon became embarrassed. "Hi, nice to meet you," he said, waving his hand slightly.

"And this is Jack Furrow, who right now will be overseeing the production of Alex's script as we film it. Of course Alex will still get executive producer credit, but we can't just leave him to run the whole thing by himself, now can we?" Gordon said.

"No, I suppose not," I replied, sipping my wine. It was a very good vintage wine, I could tell that right off the bat, and had a smooth and pleasant texture to it.

"Finally, we have Ms. Eliza Dushku, who I invited tonight because she is interested in doing the role of Janey, the teenage daughter in Alex's script," Gordon said, motioning towards the far end of the table where Eliza sat, smoking a cigarette. Even though it was illegal to smoke inside a restaurant in California, this didn't seem to bother Eliza in the slightest. Given the reputation of the club, I don't even think the cops could have gotten in to even give her a fine.

"Hello," she said non-chalantly, blowing a smoke ring from her mouth. Her eyes locked onto mine and held them there for a second. I was going to look away and back to the conversation but there was something about her gaze that urged me to keep looking, to hold it as I stared into her deep brown eyes from across the table. Finally Eliza looked away, her interest in staring at me having faded.

Another waiter appeared at the end of the table and he waited for a pause in the conversation between Alex and Gordon before speaking.

"Is everyone ready to order?" he asked.

We ordered and the food arrived almost 40 minutes later. I had ordered a Greek salad, since I had long ago given up meat in favor of being vegetarian. Though the salad was good, I was starving by the time it arrived and probably looked like an animal as I ate it quickly. I couldn't help but notice throughout the meal that Eliza kept staring at me from across the table. I had misjudged her, in that the stare wasn't one of sizing me up but something else...something like she was trying to figure out what I was about or something like that.

I set my fork down and took another drink of wine, this being my third glass. I felt a little lightheaded from the effects of the alcohol, but I still felt in control of myself enough to carry on a decent conversation.

"So is Mr. Willis not coming tonight?" I asked, noticing that my words were a little slurred.

Gordon looked up from his down table conversation with Eliza.

"No, I'm afraid not. He said he sends his congratulations though," Gordon said, turning back to Eliza.

I finished off my glass of wine and just looked around the room. Alex and Brandon had turned their chairs to face one another and were talking heatedly about something. Jack meanwhile was leaning back in his chair, talking on a cell phone. I resented Alex a bit for leaving me sitting here by myself, but I wasn't going to say anything - even if I did, he would probably think I was drunk anyways.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. Spinning around, I saw Eliza standing over me, her hand on her hip as she looked down at me. Her curly brown hair fell over one shoulder seductively while she loomed over me. She wore a very short leather miniskirt and a white halter top and from the angle I was sitting at I could almost see her nipples poking into the fabric directly above me.

"I need to go to the ladies room," she said to me. "Would you like to come along?"

"Sure," I said to her, standing up slowly so as not to teeter and fall over. I placed my hand on the edge of the chair as I stood up, following Eliza down out of the room and down the hall towards the restroom. I watched as her ass swished back and forth as she walked, more than a few of the male patrons staring at her as she walked by without even giving them a second glance. I too got some looks, but trying to recall now I can't tell if it was from the way I looked or the way I was walking. Either way, I certainly enjoyed the stares in my state of intoxication.

Eliza walked into the ladies room as I followed her, a waitress walking away from the sink as we entered. Eliza paused for a moment to check her hair and then disappeared into the stall. I took the one next to her and plopped down on the seat, pulling my panties down as I relieved myself. I felt a bit dizzy sitting there, but after finishing up and flushing the toilet and standing up again, I felt marginally better.

I walked out of the stall and saw Eliza standing there, rifling through her purse.

"Shit, I left something in my car. Come out into the parking lot with me for a second, won't you? I don't want to get mugged or raped or worse," she said. I nodded and followed her out of the restroom and past the entrance into the parking lot. Eliza had parked a little bit aways from the rest of the crowd, and I could see why she was apprehensive of going to her car alone: the nearest light source came a few spots over, which left the majority of Eliza's 4-door BMW covered in shadow.

She reached into her purse and pulled out her remote keyless entry switch and the headlights of the car flashed as she approached it. I stuck close to her, glancing around nervously for any strangers or muggers - I didn't want to be attacked either.

"Just one second," she said, opening the passenger door and leaning in. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but as she bent into the car like that I couldn't help but stare at her long, smooth legs as her skirt slid up her thighs ever so slightly. I quickly shook the thoughts from my head - this wasn't why she wanted me to follow her, not to stare and ogle her like some horny guy. No, she wanted me to be on the lookout for trouble and that's exactly what I should be doing.

I moved closer to her, the car door between us as she fiddled around inside, looking for something. I leaned my ass against the door and folded my arms under my chest, glancing around to look for anyone. All I saw was a group of people leaving the restaurant and heading for their cars, directly across from me in the main parking lot.

"Found it!" Eliza said excitedly, standing up and closing the door away from my ass. Eliza placed what she had found on the hood of the car, her hands circling around it tightly to keep me from seeing what it was. I heard some unwrapping, like the sound of a plastic bag being opened, followed by a slight sound of something that sounded like sand being poured out. Standing up on my tip toes (not an easy feat when you are in heels!), I saw what it was: cocaine.

Eliza zipped up the bag again and tucked it into her purse, and then quickly pulled out a credit card. There was a small pile of white powder on top of the car. I wouldn't call it enough to OD on, but it was certainly noticeable from where I was. Eliza cut out four lines with her credit card, lining them up so that they were directly beneath her face. Without even looking, she reached BACK into her purse and pulled out a $100 dollar bill, all neatly rolled up and circular as a tube.

Wasting no time, Eliza tucked one end into her nose and then lowered her face over the drug, snorting up loudly. One of the white lines vanished from the car top, only a few stray specks of the coke lingering where the powder had been just seconds earlier. Eliza leaned her head back and held it there, her eyes closed and a slight bit of powder coating the base of one of her nostrils. I saw her swallow a few times, and then a pleasant sigh escaped from her lips. She lowered her head down slowly and turned to look at me.

"Much better. You want a bump?" she asked, holding out the dollar bill to me. I looked at it for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Now, I'm certainly not a goody goody - I can drink with the best of them and enjoy a joint every now and then. But this was a whole new ball game, as coke was a totally different beast than a morning hangover or a case of the munchies brought on by too much weed. But hey, if someone like Eliza could handle it with no problem, not to mention be a rising star in Hollywood, then I could too!

"Sure," I said softly, taking the tube from her. She stepped out of my way as I leaned over the car, lining the bill up with one of the white lines. I felt Eliza's hand on my neck, brushing my hair out of the way - I certainly didn't want to smear it everywhere and waste Eliza's good money. I sighed internally and stuck the bill to the top of the car, inhaling with a loud snort as I moved the $100 dollar bill over the line from top to bottom. When the drug had vanished, I stepped back from the car and leaned my head up like I saw Eliza do, waiting for the reaction of the drug.

It came swiftly and sharply, hitting me like an explosion of colors and sensory information all at once. Suddenly light seemed brighter, noises louder and the whole damn world around me just seemed so...ALIVE! I felt a slight burning in my throat, but like I saw Eliza do I swallowed down hard to get rid of the feeling. I could feel it crawl sharply down my throat, the burning actually becoming a bit pleasant as it went down my throat. My nose tingled from the sensation and I couldn't help but rub it slightly with my thumb.

Eliza took the tube from me and snorted up a second line of the evening, offering it to me again. This time there was no hesitation - whatever this feeling was that the coke had created, I wanted more! I snorted up harder this time, getting the powder inside me in a much faster fashion than I had the first time. I handed Eliza back the bill and leaned against the side of the car, feeling my legs grow weary as I slowly slid down and slumped on the ground. I closed my eyes and was amazed by the colors that I saw beneath my eye lids.

Eliza squatted down next to me, reaching into her purse (what all did she keep in there, anyways?) and removing a pack of cigarettes. She lit one for me without even asking if I wanted one and handed it to me. I took it from her and puffed deeply on the white stick, feeling the nicotine and chemicals race into my body. Lighting a cigarette for herself, Eliza and I didn't say much for a few minutes. As I finished the cigarette, I realized that we had been gone an awful long time (I had no idea how long actually, since I had chosen not to wear a watch).

"We should go back," I said to Eliza, my words now slurred.

"It's alright, they won't miss us," she said, taking one last deep drag from her cigarette before flicking it away.

"But what about Alex?" I said, only half-interested by now. I was more focused on the dizzying shapes and colors floating off over in the rest of the parking lot.

Eliza sighed and pulled out her cell phone. "What's his cell number?"

"555-1704" I replied. She punched in some numbers and held the phone to her ear, waiting on it to pick up.

"Alex? Hi, this is Eliza. Listen, Petty and I are in the ladies room right now and she isn't feeling good. I'm going to take her out of the restaurant quietly and then take her home, is that ok?" Eliza said. "Yes, she's fine. Just had too much to drink I think. Ok. Yes, I'll have her tell me. Thanks. Cya later,"

She snapped the phone closed and then replaced it in her purse. "Well, that's taken care of,"

"But...you don't have to take me home...Alex is supposed to take me home...this is his night and I'm his girlfriend and," I said, my voice whining a bit. Alcohol always had the strangest effect on me - even when I was drunk, I still KNEW I was drunk. I was just unable to exert the same amount of control over myself as I normally would have been able to.

"But I want to take you home," Eliza said. "Or well, eventually,"

I was surprised by what she did next. Very roughly, Eliza moved from beside me to in front of me in one swift motion, pressing herself firmly against me with my back to the car and kissed me. Her lips pressed against my own and, drug or no drug, my eyes flew open in shock.

"Eliza!" I said to her, wiping my mouth. "I didn't know you were a..."

"A dyke? I'm not. But you have just been too delicious looking all evening and I just had to see what you taste like," Eliza said, grinning at me. Her brown hair hung above her shoulders and from the light of the nearby streetlamp, her face looked angelic in the light - or perhaps demonic from the lust - but certainly amazing and unlike any woman's face I had ever seen.

She kissed me again, this time working her tongue into my mouth. For some reason, I didn't fight her off as hard this time (I did press my hands against her chest, but meeting only her breasts, this seemed to turn her on even further) and after a few moments my own tongue betrayed me as it locked against hers, venturing out from my mouth to explore Eliza's own.

I became more adventurous, working my tongue deeper into Eliza's mouth as she forced hers more into mine. I felt a wetness developing between my legs, a slight moisture coating the surface of my panties from my growing excitement. Eliza moved her hands to my chest and began to squeeze and tweak my breasts roughly, my nipples hardening under her touch through my bra. Her hands slid up my chest to my shoulders, reaching the straps of my dress as she began to pull them down swiftly, tearing the fabric on one of the straps. The flimsy silk of my dress fell away from my shoulders, leaving them exposed to the night air as Eliza pawed at my bra, desperate to yank it off. She slid the cups down beneath my breasts, my nipples popping out in excitement as I got a chill from the air now on my naked chest. Eliza reached around and undid the clasp holding my bra on and pulled the garment from me, slinging it to the ground.

This all happened so fast that my head (already dizzy from the drugs) barely had time to react. I pushed her away from me for a moment, my hand resting on her breast. I could feel her nipple harden underneath my hand through the soft fabric of her shirt, her excited heartbeat thumping beneath my palm.

"Eliza, wait. I...I've never been with...you know, a girl before," I said to her, my voice wavering slightly as I spoke. Eliza's eyes gleamed down at me.

"That's ok, by the time I'm done with you, you will be a seasoned pro," she said, kissing me aggressively again. I stopped her once more.

"I don't think I really want to do this you know, right here," I said to her in a whisper. Eliza smiled wickedly at me.

"Of course, how silly of me. I don't want to eat you out sitting here on the ground behind a car. A dirty pussy always tastes nasty," she said with a grin. Eliza stood up away from me, extending her hand. I took it and stood up on wobbly legs, thinking perhaps that she had something more romantic in mind. But it quickly became obvious that she wanted to do this right here and right now, and I think part of me enjoyed the idea of public sex, of being dominated by this beautiful celebrity.

Flinging open the back door of her car, Eliza roughly pushed me inside, my head narrowly avoiding hitting the back arm rest of the rear seat door. Hunching over into the car, Eliza smiled at me as she reached down and lifted off her shirt, revealing no bra underneath (no wonder her nipples felt so hard!). Eliza cast her shirt onto the floor of the car and crawled in catlike over me, her body lithe and beautiful in the dim light that filtered in through the windows of the vehicle.

She leaned over me, rubbing her hands over my aching breasts, her touch like a spark of electricity as her palms grazed my hard nipples, the tips almost painful to the touch from the excitement I felt, the lust. Grasping the material of my dress, Eliza pulled it down the rest of my body, snagging my panties on the way as I lifted my ass reflexively to give her a better angle at which to remove my dress. She balled it up in her hands and tossed it and my panties outside of the car behind her, my body now totally naked except for the pair of heels I wore on my feet.

Eliza now crawled over me completely, her body raised just a few inches from mine. Her supple, firm breasts brushed against my nipples, our flesh touching each other for the first time as I lay there, completely in the control of this lust crazed celebrity. Eliza planted soft kisses from my chest downward, rubbing her tongue into my belly button as she moved, her hands rubbing hard against my thighs as she created more heat between us. Kneeling on the ground outside of the car, Eliza lowered her mouth to directly in front of my cunt, her lips just an agonizing inch away from touching my exposed woman hood. I arched my back as I felt her warm breath stream out of her mouth as she blew gently on my moist sex, exciting the slightly parted lips of my pussy slightly and definitely getting me ready for more to come.

As her tongue moved from the tip of my cunt downward until it flicked tenderly against my clit, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning from the feel of her mouth. My head was spinning from the feeling of the taboo and alien experience of being with a woman rushing through my body. My sensitive clit twitched underneath her mouth as she lowered her lips to my sex, her tongue sneaking out like a snake as it pressed inside against me.

I gasped and moaned loudly, my hips rising from the seat of the car in excitement at the feel of her wet, hot tongue tracing over my clit and inside of my pussy. Eliza steadied me by grabbing onto my thighs and holding me down, not wanting to let the taste of my snatch get away from her. Her nose was resting directly above my pussy now as she forced her mouth hard into me, her tongue probing and exploring my deepest depths. Alex had given me oral sex before, but it had never been like this. Something about the way Eliza moved her tongue felt so naughty and yet so...right.

Eliza lapped at me like a thirsty dog, her tongue slurping away at all my excited juices that filled her mouth. She drank them down greedily, my legs clamping against her head as she sucked on my clit. I felt her pull the outer lips of my cunt outward from my body with her teeth, the rough hardness of them sending shockwaves through my body. Eliza's tongue wrapped around my clit then and held it there, sucking on the hard nub with all that she was worth.

I screamed loudly, so loud in fact that it shook the windows, as a tremendous orgasm hit me, every nerve end in my body seeming to stand up at attention as the flood of pleasure made me almost pass out. I felt a torrent of cum spill out from between my thighs and onto Eliza's waiting face as she slurped it up as best she could (although I felt a dribble run down between my ass cheeks and onto her expensive leather seats).

Eliza sucked up the last few remaining drops and looked up at me, her lips and cheeks wet and sticky from my juices. She crawled back into the car, only this time backwards: I knew exactly what she wanted. Hiking her skirt up as she moved over me, I rubbed my hand over her tight ass, feeling the flesh beneath my fingers. She wore no panties underneath the skirt, giving me a tremendous view of her snatch, tight and seemingly begging to be licked. Eliza settled herself on top of me so that we were in a 69 position and then proceeded to lower her cunt on top of my mouth.

I had never eaten a girl out before, but the instinct to do so just seemed to come naturally to me, my tongue shooting out by it's own accord as it came in contact with the first pussy I had ever licked. My tongue slipped easily into Eliza's folds as she rested her ass over my face, her own lips already buried again between my legs, working me towards a second orgasm. I lifted my head slightly off the seat so that I could lick at her better, my own mouth pressing hard against her opening lips. I saw the sweet pink within as I slurped away at her cunt, the deepest region of her pussy red and excited for my tasting. Her juices were sweet and slightly salty, but altogether not a bad taste at all. As I began to drink down her womanly flood of juice, I quickly became obsessed and thirsting for more, seemingly every lick not quite enough to satisfy me. The flavor was slightly intoxicating and with the added surging of my blood from the coke and the tremors of my post orgasmic bliss, I was more than willing to shove my tongue as deeply into her as possible, her own juice like a drug of it's own.

I could see between Eliza's legs as she lifted her head from my snatch, again starting to blow on it to get it more and more excited. However, she was doing something different: my hips bucked upwards again as she pushed two fingers slowly inside of me, one wrapped over the other as all three segments of her fingers entered me collectively. Eliza held it for a moment and just when I thought I couldn't reach a higher level of bliss from the feeling of her hand inside of me, she removed her fingers quickly for a moment before thrusting back into me hard.

I yelled loudly once more, another orgasm rocking my body as the bones from her fingers rubbed over my clit. This orgasm wasn't as intense as the first one had been, but it still felt amazing, especially coming from Eliza's talented hand. Eliza continued to work her hand in and out of me as I licked excitedly at her clit, which had become exposed during my first attempts at pleasuring her. Mimicking what Eliza had done to me, I sucked hard on her clit, causing her to rock backwards on me and practically smother me with her tight, firm ass - I had obviously touched on just what I had intended to hit.

Eliza dropped her head back down between my legs, her long hair draping over my thigh as she placed her mouth on my snatch, licking lightly at it as she worked her fingers in and out of me. I felt myself growing more and more excited - three orgasms in one night was something I had never experienced - and found my own hands trembling as I struggled to hold her ass cheeks in the wake of the pleasure that she brought onto me. My cunt felt as if it was on fire from her amazing skill at pleasuring a woman and I knew it wouldn't be long before I came again.

I slid one finger from my hand towards Eliza's parted pussy lips, tracing the tip along from the bottom to the top of her cunt. Eliza moaned softly in the car as I found the middle of her snatch and pushed my finger in quick and deep inside of her. Eliza's entire body shook as she came on my hand, her sweet juices spilling out and coating my finger completely. I hurriedly moved my mouth beneath her pussy, anxious to get more of her sweet nectar onto my tongue so that I could slurp it down. The renewed vigor from her own orgasm made Eliza fuck me harder with her hand, now using three fingers. I felt completely full and stretched by her hand, an amazing feeling that no cock or sex toy had ever brought out in me.

Having sucked up all of Eliza's juices, I again placed my mouth directly onto her clit, tentatively brushing my teeth against it as I bit down slightly. Eliza yelped and I thought I had hurt her, but as I released the nub from between my teeth, she turned her head around to look at me, her hair tussled and her eyes wild with lust.

"Do that again!" she moaned. I nodded my head and did as I was told, this time biting and sucking on her clit gently, feeling the skin beneath my teeth as another orgasm rocked her and spewed her juices forth onto my mouth. They came in such a flood that I knew I wouldn't be able to get them all, but the mouthful that I did manage to catch was swallowed immediately by me, my body now hooked on her salty taste.

Eliza thrust her tongue deeper into me, alternating her tongue movements with those of her hand so that no matter what she was doing - and they were after all two very unique sensations - I always had a great amount of pleasure washing over my now throbbing pussy. As Eliza suckled against my pussy lips, my own inner crevice totally invaded by her skillful tongue, I felt myself cum for a final time of the evening, this one practically sapping all the strength out of me completely, my head falling away from between her legs as I relaxed and caught my breath on the seat, enjoying the delicious feeling of my juices spilling out of my cunt, and Eliza there to catch them.

Lifting herself from between my legs, Eliza settled her ass down on top of my face, her pussy still exposed and twitching from my attention to it. I couldn't find the strength to lift my head and lap at her cunt, so I did the next best thing - shoved two fingers in and out of her pussy, working them tightly in and out as her inner walls clung to them, her own third orgasm rising quickly in her body.

Eliza came with a soft gasp, a final flood of her juice spilling from between her legs and onto my breasts. She crawled off of me and I scooted over to give her room on the seat, rubbing her sticky cum onto my breasts. We laid there side by side for a moment, not saying anything as we touched and rubbed each other, each of us stealing the occasional kiss.

Wrapping her arms around me, Eliza pulled me close to her, the warm feeling of her body quite comforting as the bliss of a night of pleasure slowly faded away from us. I sighed heavily and glanced up and down Eliza's perfectly sculptured body - from her jutting breasts to her firm and toned tummy all the way down to her neatly shaved snatch, Eliza was a goddess by any definition. I furrowed my brow however as I spotted something on her I hadn't seen before.

It was hard to make out in the light of the car, but it was a tattoo of some sort, very small, and just below her right hip. I sat up away from her and got a closer look at it, straining my eyes to see what exactly it was. It looked like a circle shape of some kind, with some points sticking out from the edge and a lightning bolt down the middle.

Eliza's eyes watched me as I stared at it, and tentatively poked my finger towards it, touching the inked skin lightly with the tip of my finger.

"What is that?" I said to her. Eliza shook her head a bit, her hair falling over her shoulders.

"It's a tattoo I got a year or so ago," Eliza said, my hand still hovering over it.

"No, I mean what is the design, what does it mean," I said.

Eliza sat up suddenly and pulled her skirt back down over her thighs, covering the tattoo. She pushed the door open with her foot and slithered out, grabbing up her shirt and tossing me my now dirty panties and dress.

Sliding the shirt on over her jutting breasts, the nipples still hard, Eliza's eyes seemed to gleam with some sort of meaning as she spoke.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough," she said. "Now come on, let me take you home,"
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Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark Ch. 2
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2023, 09:21:18 PM »
Hollywood After Dark: Chapter 2


A worried man with a worried mind No one in front of me and nothing behind There's a woman on my lap and she's drinking champagne Got white skin, got assassin's eyes I'm looking up into the sapphire tinted skies - Bob Dylan


Eliza pulled to an abrupt halt outside mine and Alex's apartment, stopping so hard my head almost flung forward and hit the dashboard. Shutting off her car, she turned to me.

"Well, this was fun babe. But I believe this is your place," she said.

"Yes, it is. And yes, it was," I said to her. My head still felt a little woozy from the cocaine and the alcohol we had taken in during and after the party that was held in honor of Alex's screenplay going into production at Antamount.

"I'm sure I will be seeing you again if I get the part in your boyfriend's movie," Eliza said. "But if not, don't be a stranger. Ask Hapsboro, he knows where to find me,"

"I will, don't worry. Tonight was incredible, thanks for the...you know, sex and drugs and stuff," I said meekly.

Eliza laughed. "Don't mention it. All we needed was some rock and roll and we would have had a complete Hollywood party," she said as I opened the passenger door and stepped out, my legs a little wobbly. I felt Eliza slap my ass playfully with the back of my hand and I couldn't help but giggle as I climbed out and shut the door behind me.

Walking through the bright beams of her headlights, I passed by her window, turning to look at her as she rolled it down.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. Probably best if you don't tell your boyfriend what we did tonight. No need to freak him out," Eliza said, her face suddenly stern for some reason.

I reassured her. "Not a problem. Even if I did, chances are he would be more turned on than anything else. You know how men are,"

"I suppose you're right," she said. "Goodnight cutie,"

And with that, Eliza rolled up her window and sped off down the street, disappearing out of site. I watched her go and then took a moment to straighten myself up before heading up the stairs to our apartment.

Turning the key in the door, I opened it to find Alex sprawled out on the couch, watching the local news. The talking heads were babbling about a police beating or something, but as I walked in and the light of the apartment hit my eyes, I suddenly felt very tired and dizzy and blocked out the noise from the television. Thankfully though, when Alex saw me walk in he flipped it off and walked over to me.

"Hey, your home. Where were you? You said that Eliza was bringing you home," Alex said, a look of concern on his face.

"I know. She had to stop and get some smokes. I just sat in the car," I lied, averting my eyes from his gaze.

"How did your dress get torn like that? The straps I mean," Alex said, obviously not content to let the matter rest immediately.

"They got hooked on Eliza's door when I was getting into the car," I said, walking past him towards the bedroom as a way of signifying the end of the conversation. He followed me a few steps behind, although his questions stopped.

I took off my earrings and slid off my dress, hanging it on a nearby coat hanger. Glancing down, I realized that my panties had dirt on them and were still damp from my love making session with Eliza in the car. I slid them off quickly and tossed them onto a pile of dirty clothes, throwing my bra on top of them to cover it.

Alex walked up behind me, his hands on my shoulders. I felt his fingers massage into my skin, the tips pressing down hard on the tight knots that had accumulated in my shoulders throughout the evening. I could simply feel the tension melting away as his wonderful hands worked on me, a slight sigh of pleasure passing through my lips.

"Thank you for coming tonight. I hope it wasn't too boring for you," Alex whispered into my ear.

"No, I had fun. I don't think I'll remember everyone's name tomorrow though," I said, referring to the film people who were at the table with us.

"Mmm...that's ok. You'll meet them again I'm sure," he said, kissing the hairs on the back of my neck. "What say we have a private party of our own tonight, hmm?"

I felt one of his hands move away from my shoulder and slide down the smooth skin of my chest and stomach, his fingers just a few inches away from my still wet cunt. A wave of panic washed over me as I remembered how wet I was down there, and my hand moved down suddenly to stop his.

"Not tonight baby, I'm tired and just want to take a shower," I said, holding his fingers with my own. He retracted his hand slowly from my stomach and stepped back, turning away towards the bed.

"Alright," he muttered. "I have a busy day tomorrow anyways,"

I parted my hair with a brush on the dresser top for a moment, undoing all the tangles that had accumulated throughout the evening. Setting the brush down, I walked towards the shower.

"I'm going to take a shower, be out in a few," I said to him, shutting the bathroom door.

In the shower, the effects of the drugs had finally started to wear off, the cresting high shifting into a quickly growing miserable low of a headache as the warm water washed over me. Shampooing my hair, I washed myself as I thought about all that had happened tonight. My mind flashed back to Eliza's fingers roaming over me, to her tongue lapping away at my pussy. I felt myself growing excited at the remembrance, but stopped myself as I felt my hand move stealthily down to my snatch to rub my aroused clit. Maybe Alex would still be interested in that private celebration of his...

Turning off the water, I dried off quickly and opened the door, the steam from the shower billowing out around me like the set of one of those bad 50s science fiction films. Toweling off my hair, I climbed into bed, sliding my body next to Alex's.

"Hey baby, how about some of that special loving of yours?" I cooed at him. However, I quickly became disappointed when I noticed Alex's shallow breathing and complete lack of response to my advances: he had fallen asleep.

Sighing to myself, I reached over and turned off a bedside light, laying my head down on the pillow. The day continued to race through my head, especially the incredibly wonderful feeling of the drugs, and I fell asleep dreaming of Eliza and her flawless body.


"Fucking asshole! Where the fuck did you learn how to drive?" I yelled at the car in front of me, slapping the wheel with my palm. What a fucking night - first that lame ass party, now these idiot drivers out at midnight. Well, at least I got laid, I thought to myself.

I switched lanes quickly, cutting off two cars behind me, their horns blaring almost in unison. I stuck my arm out of the window and flipped them off, smiling to myself as I slid up the interstate.

The highway traffic was much more calm, which was good since I was already late for meeting the girls at a club outside of town. That Petty girl had been a good lay, but I had spent way too much time on her, trying to get her off. I have to work on not being so considerate, especially with nobodies like her.

My cell phone rang and I reached down to pick it up, narrowly avoiding slamming into some jackass who was doing 50 on the fucking freeway. Hello! It's midnight - no cops around means go faster!

"Hello?" I said, the wind from outside howling through my window.

"Where are you?" the voice, a female voice that I recognized right away, said.

"I'm on the PCH, heading for a club. What's up?"

"How did things go tonight with that man and the studio people?" the voice asked, cold and what sounded like only slightly interested.

"It was boring as hell. Seriously, I've been to funerals that are more exciting. I didn't find out what you wanted to know unfortunately. His girlfriend kept making googly eyes at me all night so I was slightly distracted,"

"Oh Eliza, tell me you didn't,"

"Hey, she was hot. Trust me, if I ever get the chance I will make sure to bring her by so that you can see for yourself. If she can ditch that loser boyfriend of hers, she might actually hold potential for us. She's one of those hippy, earthy girls. And get this: she had never been with a woman before," I said, laughing at the naivety of Petty or whatever her name was.

"That's surprising. They are usually the first one's to take part in a bit of rug cleaning, if you know what I mean,"

"I do. Listen, you're breaking up. Is there anything else you wanted?"

"No, that was it. But do come home fairly soon, I feel the need to punish you for your little transgression down to the level of the common people,"

"Ooo, I can't hardly wait! Will there be dildos involved?" I asked spicily, rubbing my legs together through my skirt to keep from soaking my panties.

"Only if you are good. Ta," she said, hanging up.

I clicked the phone off and set it down on it's charger.

"Bitch, you KNOW I'm good," I muttered to myself, turning on my turn signal and easing into the blackness of the exit ramp.


My head throbbed slightly from having one too many drinks as I sat in a ragged chair in front of Jose's desk. I was here to give my resignation, effective immediately. Dressed in a white starched shirt and tie and a pair of navy blue slacks, I felt decidedly out of place in a room that had a have eaten burrito laying on the desk and a large spider web in the top right corner of the ceiling.

I clasped my hands open and closed together nervously as I waited; I didn't know how Jose would react to the news, especially since he had praised me so much before, but I couldn't very well work on my movie (boy, that felt weird to say) and deliver packages all day.

Jose barged in a few minutes later, his hair just as wild and frazzled as ever. He had a coffee mug in his hand and from the slight stain on the front of his shirt, I could tell that not all of it had remained in the cup. He looked at me suspiciously as he walked past over to his desk, his bulk settling into the groaning chair behind his desk.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you out delivering?" he asked, one eyebrow arched.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. See, I sort of have another job now," I said, looking at the floor.

"Another job? Where? With who? If it's that ratfuck Miguel across town I swear I will," he started to say, his voice raised, before I cut him off.

"No, calm down Jose. It's nothing like that. My movie script that I have been working on for years was bought by Antamount Studios yesterday and I'm on board to watch and oversee the production in case they have any scripting issues," I said to him, holding my breath that he wouldn't explode in anger.

I was relieved to see his scowl turn into a smile as he leaned back in his chair, patting his ample belly with his fingers.

"Ah, so Alex has succeeded in his dream, si?" Jose said, smiling at me as he took a sip from his coffee.

"That's what it looks like right now. So wait...you aren't mad that I'm leaving?" I asked, now a little wary of the way he was treating the situation.

"No, of course not. I have always known you had bigger plans, more talent. More sueños than most of these punyetas that come walking through my door, and I can respect that," Jose said. "That doesn't mean I won't miss you being here but I'm sure that the business will get by. I take it by the way you are dressed that you won't be giving two weeks notice then, si?,"

"Unfortunately not. They need me at the studio today and I'm already running a bit late," I said sheepishly.

"Well then, best of luck compadre. And if you ever need anything when you are rich and famous please don't forget about your friend Jose," he said, rising from his desk to shake my hand.

"I won't Jose, don't worry. Good luck with things," I said, shaking his hand vigorously.

"It is not me who needs the luck my friend. It may be you," he said. I nodded my head at this, although I felt slightly puzzled by what he had said. Turning towards the door, I left the office.

I was in a very happy mood as I drove downtown, past the studio. The casting for the leads was not actually taking place at Antamount headquarters but on their actual filming lot, just outside of town. The drive wasn't too long as traffic was surprisingly light for mid-morning and as I pulled into the lot (flashing my recently gained Antamount security pass to the guard as I pulled in) and parked next to a row of very expensive sports cars.

It was like every childhood dream I had ever had when I climbed out of my car. Production assistants buzzed by on golf carts, workmen carried props to and from very large warehouses that dotted the massive asphalt lot and at least half a dozen very important looking people walked by, chatting on their cell phones.

Casting and pre-production for "An Amerikan Family", the title of my screenplay (with a slight twist of Russian added to the name as a touch of flair I had always been proud of) was taking place in office A8, a small building behind a row of two very large warehouses that I knew housed studio sets.

Walking inside A8, I told the secretary at the front desk who I was and what I was supposed to do.

"They are ready for you on the casting floor, but if you want to see your office first then go down this hall," she said, pointing left. "And to your right,"

"Thanks. Oh, and if a blond girl, skinny, comes in looking for me, have her go to my office please, ok?" I said kindly to the secretary.

"Yes sir," she said, returning to her work.

I followed her directions and walked down the padded hallway. On the right hand side, in a small plastic nameplate, was my name: ALEXANDER HILT. Trying the door, it opened widely into a dark room. I flipped on a light switch and saw a small couch, a television set and a desk. All typical office furniture, as it looked like none of these items had been used. I walked in and scoped out the room before putting a few files I had been carrying down and walking out.

I returned to the secretary and asked her for directions to where the casting room exactly was in this massive building. She pointed me back all the way down the hall behind her, the room so vast that it had two sets of doors as I approached it - one on the side of the space and one in the front. I walked in through the side and onto the floor.

It was a very large room with high hung ceilings and a pair of wheel-able cameras sitting next to a long table with three or four leather chairs, two of which were occupied by Jack Furrow, the producer, and Brandon Shuman, the man who had tweaked my script to the studios approval. In front of the cameras was a large blue screen draped over a wood panel that rose from the ground, and tape marks all over the floor for positioning of actors and actresses.

Furrow turned to look at me as I approached, smiling.

"Well, better late than never I suppose," he said, not bothering to stand up. Shuman craned his head back around to watch me as I came over to take a seat.

"We were just about to start auditions without you," Shuman said dryly, sipping a cup of coffee. It was obvious that he had done these sorts of things many times before.

"Sorry, I had to quit my other job before I could come work here," I said meekly as I sat down. "What do I need to do? I mean, for the auditions and all,"

"Nothing really. The studio wants you here to make sure that they stick to the script, but Brandon has done casting calls before so he will probably take the lead on checking lines and what not. You can just sit and watch," Furrow said, leafing through a stack of paper on the table in front of him that I immediately recognized as my script.

"Ok, fine by me," I said. "What roles are we auditioning?"

"We are going to start out with the young son, the one that has the crippling sickness or whatever it is," Furrow said, his eyes scanning the script.

"Tuberculosis," I said, correcting him.

"Yeah, right. Then, we have the mistress role to do and the father and then hopefully the mother," Furrow said. "But these things never go quickly so if we can get past the young son today, we should consider the day a success,"

"Wow, I had no idea that this sort of thing took a long time," I replied.

"You'd be amazed Hilt. Wait till we actually start shooting. That's when the real hell of it all starts. I've seen productions go on for years at a time, simply because of bad casting or bad weather or pissed off local governments or whatever," Shuman said, speaking for the first time.

"Damn, I mean I knew movies took some time to get made but it's still just incredible that all these people will devote a year of their life to making a simple movie," I said.

"Yep, but hey, they will all be paid pretty well for this. Except the PA's of course. Those people get dick," Furrow said, snickering.

We all laughed at this, although I didn't especially find it funny.

"So are we ready gentlemen?" Furrow asked, folding his hands on the desk.

"Yeah," Shuman said. His hand moved to a black phone on the corner of the table. He picked it up and pushed a button on the face. "Send in the try-outs for the son role please Beth,"

I heard a noise behind me buzz, like one of those emergency exits being opened, and in single file walked a row of boys of all ages and sizes. Some looked barely old enough to be in school, others looked like they were about to graduate FROM school. All held tightly a few sheets of paper that I knew had their lines on them. The boys jostled one another as they came in, shoving and laughing with one another. They were dressed in all manners too - some wore nice, neat clothes, others wore what looked like homemade costumes for the role (a boy at the start of the Russian revolution, so about the early 1920s) and some just wore everyday clothes. It was certainly a site to behold.

"Next," yelled Furrow through cupped hands. The boy at the front of the line, a kid of about 10 or 12, walked forward and stood in front of the blue screen, his eyes running over the three of us as we sat there.

"Begin on page 3, paragraph 6 please," Furrow said, looking down at the script in front of him. Shuman too looked at his script as the boy began to speak, reciting a line that I already knew by heart about the fear he held over his whole world being torn apart. I didn't have a script but I didn't really need it - if the auditions went like this, there would be no need.

The boy finished his lines and glanced up at us. I thought he did a pretty good job at the reading but Furrow quickly dismissed him.

"Next!" he yelled again, this time not bothering to cup his hands. I leaned behind Furrow's back and tapped Shuman on the shoulder.

"I thought that kid was pretty good, did we get his name?" I asked.

Shuman just smiled at me, an exasperated and cynical look on his face.

"Hilt, all of these actors are 'pretty good'. But only one of them will get the part. Just watch a few more and you'll quickly be able to tell the difference between who is good and who is not," he said.

I leaned back in my chair and watched as the second kid came on, reciting the exact same lines as the boy before him.

Shuman was right - after sitting through almost two dozen applicants, the level of their skill was quite varied. All of the child actors could have done far better than me when it came to lines, but after getting through all of them we had narrowed it down to a few that looked like the part that we were going for. I was a little disappointed that we hadn't picked a winner for the role outright, but I did feel a bit better in knowing that the five or so names we did have all probably would do better with a second callback.

Furrow stretched in his chair, his lanky arms over his head as he yawned. "I swear if I see another cute kid reciting that same damn line over again, I promise you guys I'm going to throttle him,"

Shuman laughed. "I hear ya. What say we make the day at least a bit more interesting and try to knock out some of the mistress auditions before lunch? They at least will be better eye candy for us," he said.

"Fine by me. Any objections Alex or do you want to take a break?" Furrow asked, turning to me.

"No, go right ahead. I'm not starving anyways," I replied.

Shuman nodded at this and called the secretary again. "Send in the mistress girls," he said to her, hanging up the phone.

I was surprised when the women auditioning for these roles walked in. They were notable faces, women I had seen on television and in movies quite recently, although I had never seen such a beautiful collection of them in the same place. All were quite beautiful and I knew from viewing some of their previous works that they had at least some semblance of talent, but I wondered why we had all of them lined up like cattle over this role - didn't they just schedule appointments for auditions?

I again turned to Shuman and asked him that very question.

"No, not for these women. The studio wants some famous faces for this role, so we put out a private call to the type of woman we are looking for's agents - exotic, maybe Mediterranean or Eastern European - and the ones that are here agreed to come to a semi-open casting for this," he said.

That made sense and also explained why the women looked fairly similar. All had brown or black hair, all were quite voluptuous (these women were dressed for the part, most wearing long negligees) and they did share that foreign look about them.

The first one up was Famke Janssen, whom I immediately recognized from movies like "X-Men" and "Golden Eye". She walked to a spot in front of the casting screen and I was startled to see a young looking guy emerge from behind the screen, script in hand, standing in front of him.

"Whose that?" I asked Furrow and Shuman.

"A PA. He's just here to give Famke someone to talk to when she is reading the lines," Furrow replied.

"Oh," I said as the two in front of me began reading.

The talent level was now much much higher since we had known actresses reading for the role. Famke seemed to nail every single one of her lines in the same way that I had always envisioned them on screen when I wrote them, and I felt myself becoming incredibly excited watching this sexy woman pour her heart out to the bored production assistant in front of her.

The scene went short and Famke looked at us for approval or comments. Furrow and Shuman said nothing but I gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up. Famke smiled at me as I held my hand out and then walked off the set to the exit off to the side.

Furrow suddenly shoved my hand hard onto the table.

"Jesus Alex, don't do that. This is supposed to be objective, you can't just give your seal of approval to any woman that gets you hard. Try to act stoic like Brandon and I, don't let on what you think about the reading," he said angrily. I yanked my hand away from him, nursing it slightly.

"Sorry, my bad," I said, a little hurt at the way he snapped at me. I brushed it off quickly though as the next girl - Penelope Cruz - walked on stage.

Penelope read her lines just like Famke had, her cute little accent giving them a unique twist that I hadn't imagined. It was tough to say which one had been better - I could see now why this job was so damn hard - but even in the hands of these skilled women, something seemed to be wrong with the scene. It just wasn't clicking.

I thought about this for a moment and then it suddenly hit me. I leaned forward on the table to talk to the other two men quietly.

"Guys, I don't think the PA is doing a very good job. He isn't reading the lines with any sort of emotion or anything," I said. For the first time all morning, they both seemed to agree with me.

"You know, I think you're right Alex," Shuman said. "That's probably why I'm just not feeling this scene. I thought it was the dialog but now that you mention it, yeah, I think Jimmy isn't doing a very good job,"

Furrow cupped his hands and yelled. "Jimmy, come to the casting table,"

Jimmy - a blond haired surfer looking dude, who probably spent more time surfing and laying on the beach getting high than anything else - sauntered over to us. I could tell he was fairly muscular beneath the white t-shirt and shorts that he wore, but that seemed to be the only muscle he possessed: upstairs, his vacant looking eyes gave an impression of no one being home.

"Sup?" he said, standing in front of us.

"Jimmy, you're doing a piss poor job with the lines. Why don't you go take a break and let Alex here do the reading for you, hmm?" Furrow said sternly. A look of apathy washed over Jimmy's face, the chance to be close to a line full of beautiful women obviously not that appealing to him.

"Whatever," he said, tossing the script on the table and walking off. I took it from where it landed and pulled it over to me, scanning the lines that he had been reading.

"You up to this Alex?" Furrow asked, his voice now more normal.

"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I did write the damn thing after all," I said to them.

"Good. Ok, well just in case it wasn't Jimmy, let's try another scene. Page 72, where the husband confronts the mistress about their future with the riots taking place outside," Shuman said, moving through the pile of pages to the part.

"Sounds good. Where do I stand?" I asked, glancing over at the blue screen.

"Oh, yeah, right. You've never done one of these before. Umm..well, look for a small X on the floor and position yourself towards the female lead based on the script," Furrow said.

"Gotcha," I said, walking over to the blue screen. Even though it was just a few feet away from the table, where Jack and Brandon sat looked vaguely ominous, the light of the room barely falling on them, which create all sorts of weird shadows around their face and features.

"NEXT!" I heard Furrow yell, spinning now on my heels to see who the first actress with me would be. My heart skipped a beat I think as I saw her slink over to me, a medium height woman with an absolutely stunning face - brown eyes that seemed to reach down into her soul; high cheekbones that gave her face a softened, angular look; lips as maroon as the finest glass of red wine. Her skin became slightly darker to me as she approached, moving with the soft gracefulness of a cat, her ample breasts straining against the low cut dress she wore, the material clinging to her hips. She looked so incredibly familiar and yet...I couldn't place a name.

"What's your name sweetheart?" Furrow called to her as the woman finished walking over to me. I could smell her perfume on her, her long, curly brown hair hanging over her shoulders delicately.

"Monica Bellucci," she replied politely, a heavy accent in her voice. Her name clicked right away - she was a very famous Italian actress, known for taking gutsy roles.

"Alright Monica, well listen. This is Alex, he wrote the script. This is also the first time he's ever done lines with an actress. So show him the ropes, eh?" Furrow said.

I felt myself blush slightly at being pointed out to be an amateur in front of a woman like Monica.

"No problem," Monica replied softly, her eyes locking onto mine. "If he wrote it, I'm sure he will be a natural,"

"Ok Alex, go ahead whenever you are ready," Furrow called to me. I swallowed hard, a bit nervous at being put on the spot like this.

Clearing my throat, I held the script out a few feet from me, hoping my shaking hands of nervousness didn't look too obvious.

'Oh Darling, do not worry. Once this revolution is over, and the new boss becomes the old boss once again, our love will be able to continue forever,' I said, reading the line with a dead weighted voice, unfortunately conveying no emotion at all in what I knew was a highly emotional scene. Luckily though, Monica picked up the slack.

She moved suddenly towards me, pressing her supple body against mine, the heat radiating from her beneath the thin material of her dress. I instinctively wrapped my arm around her waist.

'That is not what I'm afraid of my love! I fear that we shall not make it through this awful rioting alive! For we are the bourgeoisie,' Monica said, her voice trembling as she spoke, the accent giving her words a hint of desperation and tension. This seemed to help my own reading as I felt myself imagining what the characters were doing at this particular moment in the movie that I had already played out a million times in my head.

I looked down at Monica, the soft rise of her cheekbones looking pale and white under the intense lights overhead.

'We shall be fine. And even if they come to tear us apart, you mustn’t fear Alice, because I will be there to protect you' I said, my eyes losing themselves in Monica's deep stare. Tears welled up in her eyes and for a moment I felt disoriented, wondering why she was crying. But I quickly remembered what we were doing and felt myself feeling sympathetic for this beautiful girl in my arms, her breasts pressing against my chest as my character tried to protect her from the evils of the world.

'But you will surely be killed!' Monica gasped.

'Then I shall die knowing the love you gave me,' I replied. Though it wasn't in the script, Monica moved her face closer to my neck and I could feel her warm breath breathing against the side of my face, making my body tingle.

'But what of your wife?' Monica said, her lips now brushing softly over my skin as she kissed my neck lightly. I felt my pulse quicken, trying to stay in character.

'Isabel is a good woman but she is not my love. My heart only feels for you my dear Alice,' I said, turning my head down to look at Monica. She lifted her own from her neck and continued to make her way up my neck to my cheek, standing on the tips of her toes now so that she could reach me. I pulled her body tightly against me, squeezing her side hard as she gazed into my eyes.

'Then say it for me please Sasha. Just once,' Monica said, now kissing my chin, her warm lip brushing gently across my bottom one, my mouth trembling from the intense romanticism of the scene.

'Say what my darling?' I whispered, now lost in a world of my own, where the lines I was saying came from memory and the rest of the world vanished as it was just Monica and me, beneath the fiery hot lights of the studio.

'Say you love me. And that you will always love me,' Monica said, now pulling my face down to hers with her soft hands, our eyes melding into each other from the intense glare. Scene be damned, this was one of the most erotic things of my life!

'I love you. I will always love you, even if time should vanish from this crazy universe of ours,' I whispered to her. Monica needed no more hesitation from that point, lunging up at my mouth with her own as she kissed me hard. I was more than eager to return the kiss, meshing my lips tightly against her own as I felt her tongue slip into my mouth and mine into hers, kissing her richly and deeply, our bodies burdened from one another only by the clothes on our back. I held her tightly as we continued to kiss, as seconds turned into minutes and minutes into what felt like hours.

I could feel Monica's soft breathing coming quickly from her nose above the quiet smacking of our lips and the wrestling of our tongues. I had gained an almost instant erection from the moment Monica was close to me, but I was surprised now to feel her nipples stiffen tightly against her dress, her breasts pressed hard against my strong body, holding her like that. I instinctively moved a hand slowly up to her left breast and squeezed it from the side as I held her there. Monica moaned into my mouth, our kiss finally breaking by an interruption that was rising in volume from beside us.

"Alex! ALEX!" the voice called. I reluctantly released Monica from my grasp and turned to look at the noise, startled for a moment when I saw Jack Furrow standing there, a look of annoyance on his face, as the reality of where we were slowly began to sink back into me. I wiped my mouth away, feeling the tingle of Monica's lips still on my own.

"What?" I said hoarsely, the excitement of just a few minutes of paradise making me horse.

"I said cut about 3 minutes ago. Didn't you hear me?" Furrow said, his hands on his hips, the script tapping on his leg as he glared at me. Monica had stepped away from me now, but she still remained relatively close, a smile on her face as she nibbled on her bottom lip, the lust of our kiss fading slowly from her eyes.

I glanced around the room and saw two reactions: Furrow's look of annoyance, and everyone else's look of sheer shock and amazement at what had just taken place. I felt myself blush a deep crimson as I looked down at the floor, letting my hand slide away from Monica's, the last touching of our bodies that had still remained.

"No, I didn't. I...I got caught up in the scene," I said, a little miffed at being treated like a child, even though this behavior was inappropriate.

"Jesus, you're even worse than Jimmy was. At least he knew not to take things to the level that you did. We could be sued for sexual harassment for Christ's sake!" Furrow said, turning away from us. "Alright everyone, 1:00...lunch break. Our friend Alex here needs to cool down some before we can start anymore auditions,"

I stood there blankly for a second, Monica drifting away from me slowly. I caught her eye again and she winked at me and blew me a kiss as she walked away, behind the other actresses who were filing out the same door in which they came in. I could even hear a few of them giggling.

Walking over to where Furrow and Shuman sat, I saw Brandon tapping his pen on the table. Surprisingly, he wasn't nearly as pissed off as Jack was, and in fact had a shit eating grin on his face as he rotated back and forth in his chair.

"So was it as good for you as it was for me?" he asked with a grin. I imagine that he probably had been thinking that one up throughout the whole deal, but I couldn't help but smile and laugh with him, seeing the silliness of this whole thing - even if it had left a painfully hard erection in my pants.

"Shut up Brandon," I said in an unserious tone. "So if I say that I think that Monica Bellucci is the right girl for the job, does that mean I won't be able to sit in on anymore of these auditions?"

Furrow's mood had cleared. "No, Brandon and I thought that she was probably best too. I'll have the secretary send the other girls home. Congratulations Alex, you just cast your first character," Furrow said, extending his hand.

I shook it. "Thanks. So are we going to do some more after lunch?" I asked.

"Possibly, depends on the kind of turn out we have. These auditions, especially the smaller roles by unknown actors, seem to get less people in the afternoon, mostly because the new actors or actresses have all morning to get cold feet and think of everything that can go wrong and often times, they just leave," Brandon said. "But we will see how this one goes,"

"Alright, well I'll see you two in a minute. Kissing a beautiful woman like that makes me hungry," I said with a grin, walking away and through the door back out into the hall. I passed the secretary and went to my office, my hands still trembling from the excitement of kissing Monica. If she was now officially cast, that means that I might have other opportunities to "coach her" with her lines.

What am I saying! I thought to myself. Petty is probably in your office right now, waiting on you to show her around the place and take her out to lunch. I unlocked the door and peaked my head in, expecting to see her bright face lighting up the room at my appearance. Frowning to myself, I glanced at my watch. Hmm... 1:10. She said she would be here at 1:00. I wonder where she is?

I felt my stomach growl as I debated what to do. Part of me said wait, but my rumbling stomach told me that if I didn't get food in me fairly soon, it was going to be a miserably long day. Well, if Petty does show up, I reasoned to myself, then she'll be here when I get back. I'm sure it won't take me that long to get some lunch.

Shutting the door again, I walked out of the building and glanced around the lot, looking for some place to grab some food. The studio lot was empty and devoid of restaurants, but I spied across the street a diner of some sort, that looked to be at least moderately busy based on the stream of people going in and out. The hot afternoon sun beat down on me and I though about driving over there, but the zooming cars in the street between the lot and the restaurant changed my mind pretty quickly.

Waiting for a break in traffic, I hustled across the street to the diner, my tie flapping wildly over my shoulder from a sudden breeze that kicked up. Opening the door of the diner, I walked in and glanced around. Finding an open table towards the back, I walked over to it and took a seat, only realizing as I settled my large, muscular frame into the cramped fake leather booth who it was that exactly was sitting in front of me. Leaning forward, I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Remember me?" I asked, smiling as she turned around.


I could feel sweat dripping off my forehead as I ran through the parking lot of Antamount, my guitar strung heavily over my shoulder. Traffic was already bad enough, but that guard at the gate gave me such a hassle about coming onto the lot, I hope Alex isn't too mad that I'm late.

I found the building that the guard told me to go to (the lot was incredibly large, even once you were on it, and looked absolutely gargantuan from the outside) and stepped inside the cool room, the temperature dropping at least 20 degrees from the heat outside.

Walking to the secretary, I introduced myself.

"Mr. Hilt's office is down the hall. He told me that you would be arriving so the door should be unlocked," she said to me.

"Is he there right now?" I asked.

"No, I believe he has stepped out for lunch. But you might want to check anyways," she said, returning to her work and thus ending the conversation.

I followed her directions and found Alex's office, knocking softly on the door. No response. Trying the door handle, I opened the door wide and found the office to be empty, just like the secretary had said. Turning on the light switch, I walked into the room and set my guitar down on a comfortable looking couch.

The place was pretty spacious and nice, although it was obviously very temporary - nothing about the office seemed to say anything about the person who occupied it, everything from the furniture to the standard coffee pot on a far table seemed to scream conformity and blandness. I walked around and examined the room, running my hand over the couch and an extra chair as I walked slowly through the office space. Alex unfortunately didn't have a window office, but with the door shut, the place had an aura of being like a tomb.

Well, if Alex is at lunch then he will be back soon, I thought to myself. Might as well get comfortable and wait. I had my guitar with me because I had planned on surprising Alex with a song I wrote about his stroke of luck, serenading him before we ate and hopefully coaxing a tour of the studio lot out of him before he got back to work.

I sat with my face in palms, staring at the floor and nondescript carpet of the office, already starting to feel a few pangs of boredom and frustration at Alex not being there. When I woke up this morning, I also had another strange feeling - after the night I had with Eliza, I found myself with a sort of mental "itch" going on in the back of my head. It wasn't very prominent and it certainly didn't occupy my thoughts, but what it was about frightened me. I felt compelled to do something naughty, to get some more cocaine or to be with Eliza again - something to break the monotony of the usual grind. I don't think I was actually becoming addicted to the drug (or the lesbian sex for that matter), but it did feel strange inside me, as if doing it again wouldn't be so bad and actually might be more pleasurable this time. With my mind wandering on this subject, I pushed it away and focused on the here and now. I knew that dwelling on it would only make the "itch" that much more worse and I certainly didn't want it to come between Alex and me.

Picking up my guitar, I tuned it slightly (something I always did, even if the instrument didn't need it) and strummed a few chords, playing a few snippets of songs aimlessly. I paused for a moment and then launched into the song I had written for Alex. I would show you some of the lyrics to it right now, but looking back on it, the entire song was a little embarrassing. It was pretty dull and lyrically uninspired, but I knew that the beat and chorus were somewhat catchy, especially considering the slop on the radio at the time, and hoped one day to turn it into something worth playing for an audience, assuming I could tweak it out better.

I inadvertently got my wish a few minutes later as, while finishing up the song, there was a knock on the door of the office. I stopped playing immediately and set the guitar down on my lap.

"Come in," I said, hoping that it wasn't the secretary complaining about the noise I was making.

To my surprise, a thin, lean man with white hair and a slightly wrinkled face walked into the room hesitantly, shutting the door behind him with his back.

"Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting. I kept hearing this music and I walked all over the office, trying to find it," the man said to me with a smile. "But it appears that I have found the songstress,"

I blushed slightly. "Sorry about that, I should have remembered that this was a business. I was just about to stop playing any ways, I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get here," I said, moving the guitar aside onto the couch.

"Nonsense! Please, don't stop on my behalf. The music was quite enchanting," the man said, walking closer towards me and taking seat in one of the chairs of the office. "Would you play something for me?"

"Are you sure it's alright? I don't want to cause any problems," I said, a little hesitant.

"I'm sure my dear," the man said with a slight laugh. "Trust me, your secret is safe with me,"

"Ok, I guess one more song wouldn't hurt," I said, picking the guitar back up.

I played Janis Joplin's "Get It While You Can" softly in the room, the acoustics horrible but the audience very attentive. The man sat across from me, a slight smile on his face - a smile of surprising warmth and childish glee - his legs crossed and his hand propped up on his chin as he simply sat there and listened. As I finished the song, I was surprised to hear him ask for more.

"Please. Another one," he said, smiling at me, his sky blue eyes watching me like a father watches his daughter.

I began playing again, this time using one of my own songs, and found that the man's reception of the material was even better than when I had covered Joplin's tune. I continued to play for him, as after each song he was requesting yet another. At first this made me feel a slight bit uncomfortable, but as each song wore on, I became at ease around him, and actually started equating the experience to my many sessions of playing for Alex. After the 5th song though, I finally had to stop and ask him a few questions.

"Before I play another, can I ask who you are and why you care so much about my music?" I said, hoping my tone didn't come across as sounding too pissed off. Because, even though I felt more comfortable playing for him than I had at first, it was still a little creepy to have a stranger sit there and request song after song.

"My goodness, of course! Where are my manners!" the man said, lifting himself out of the chair and walking over to me. He reached into his coat pocket and removed a business card, handing it to me. My jaw dropped suddenly as I read the name.

"Wilton Willis? As in, THE Wilton Willis?" I said, absolutely astounded by finding out who he was.

"Yes, or at least that's what I've been called for the last 67 years," he said with a good natured laugh.

I felt dizzy from the shock and had to sit down. Falling back onto the couch, I couldn't help but stare at him.

"So you own this? I mean, this whole place?" I said.

"Mmmhmm," he replied, that slight smile never leaving his face.

"I...I don't understand. Why are you here? Why did you want me to play all those songs for you?" I asked.

Willis stood up and stretched, walking around the room.

"Well, I heard you out in hall when I was passing through, on the way to see how a new production we have started was going, and I just had to find the lovely voice behind that melodious sound. Tell me my dear, do you have a record deal with anyone in this town?" Willis said, spinning on his heel to look at me abruptly.

"No, not yet," I said, looking at the floor. "But I am working on it,"

"Hmm..yes..I think...well, it might...yes, that settles it," Willis muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in thought. "Well, would you LIKE a record deal?"

I shot up from the couch in excitement. "Really? Do you know someone who could listen to my demo tape? Because I've got one with me right here and,"

He cut me off. "Calm down sweet girl. My studio recently launched Antamount Records about a year ago and we have been looking for a new, fresh sounding artist to promote as one of our big acts. So far we haven't had much luck but I think that with a little bit of studio magic and the right producer, you could definitely lead the way for us. That is, if you are interested," he said.

My heart pounded in my chest. "Yes, I'm interested!" I blurted out.

"Good, good," he said, walking over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me down onto the couch as he too took a seat.

He turned to face me, his hands now on my shoulders as he looked into my eyes. That same look of fatherly doting filled his face and his slight smile was infectious to me, making me grin widely as well.

"Now listen ummm...I'm sorry dear, but in my haste and intoxication by your music I have forgotten your name!" Willis said.

"Petty," I replied softly.

"Yes, Petty. Like the great rocker Tom Petty?"

"I don't know, probably. My parents never explained to me where my name came from,"

"It doesn't matter I suppose. Because if everything falls into place, which it should, soon your name will be up in lights on the marquee, with fans clamoring against each other to buy your album,"

He moved his hand out in front of his face for a moment, tracing it away like a falling star. I could see the vision he was conveying though, and could practically hear the screaming fans chanting up at my lighted name. It was enough to make me giddy with excitement. Willis' hand fell back to his side as he moved his face closer to me.

"Now Petty, the music business is hard. It's a cut throat industry, even more than the world I am familiar with here in the magical world of cinema. People will do anything to climb above the competition. Do you understand?" Willis said.

I nodded. "Yes, I know that feeling first hand,"

"Good, good. Then you must also understand the needed sacrifices, the back scratching and hand shaking that must take place to stay atop or to even get a shot at such a thing,"

I was puzzled for a moment. "I...I think I understand you,"

"Excellent. Then you certainly know that with fame and the promise of wealth comes the immediate implementation of the rules of this system, especially for those who helped you out early on,"

I paused for a second before replying, and only then did I notice Willis' hands rubbing up and down on my shoulders, his face closer to mine and that same sly smile on his face. It all clicked in my head and I would be lying if I didn't say that it sent a chill down my spine.

"Oh. Yes, of course," I replied meekly. Willis' hands moved away from my shoulders as he leaned back on the couch. His eyes however, never left my own.

"Wonderful, I am so glad that we are on the same page with this Petty. You are going to be a big star," he said.

No words were spoken for a moment and I realized that he wanted it right now. With a slight sigh to myself, I slid off the couch and onto my knees. I scooted over in front of his legs, which parted immediately for me as I found myself just a few feet from his crotch. He looked down at me with a smile and began to unbuckle his belt.

Willis wasted no time in sliding off his pants, the boxers quickly following. My breath caught in my throat as I saw his half hard cock spring free, the pale white skin of his lower body serving as a sharp contrast to the darker color of his dick. It was almost obscenely long, at least 8 inches as it grew to it's maximum length before my eyes. His balls hung heavy beneath it, the sac containing them and the nuts themselves quite large. I took a deep breath and moved closer toward him, the leather couch and his sweaty manhood now the only things between us.

Lifting his dick in my hand, I had to raise myself slightly from my knees so that I could get my entire mouth around it. I felt the thick head slide into my mouth and back down into my throat. I had learned to keep from gagging while doing this with many a boyfriend previously, but it still felt awkward to feel the tip battering against the soft membrane of the back of my throat.

When I had his entire shaft in my mouth, I began to suck on it hard and quick, moving my head up and down the length of it as my tongue traced over his taut foreskin. I didn't like the fact that I had to blow one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry to get a record deal, but then again, as Willis had said, certain sacrifices had to be made.

Reaching one hand down, I fondled his nuts lightly with my fingers, feeling his shaft expand slightly from the excitement this was causing him. As I licked and sucked on his prick, the loud noises filling the office, I hoped that Willis wouldn't last very long so that I could get this experience over with. I felt a drop of his precum coat on my tongue as I lifted my mouth from his dick, gasping a bit for air, a thin strand of saliva dangling between his manhood and my lips. His cum was salty and strong, although not entirely unpleasant as I licked it off the tip of his massive cock and swallowed it down.

Lowering my head to his length once more, a strange thing started to happen. That same itch that had been in my head - the one that encouraged me to do something out of the norm and naughty - began to grow louder and louder inside of me, until it converted the urges and feelings for being a "bad girl" into something else: lust. I squeezed my legs together between my thighs, hoping to put a tight clamp on my pussy and keep it from becoming aroused. But it was to no avail - I felt a small trickle seep out and onto my panties, followed by another and then yet another, as I found myself becoming incredibly turned on by the idea of giving this powerful, rich man a blowjob here in the office of his own studio. I began to suck harder now, actually enjoying the process rather than just feeling obligated to do it.

Willis' hand fell onto the top of my head and he pulled my hair tightly away from my face, giving him a good view of my lips as they disappeared up and down on his cock, the fat head stretching my cheeks. I began to grow hotter at being submissive like this, of letting him have his way with my mouth, and when he moved his other hand down to the straps of my dress and began to pull them down so that my decent sized breasts became slowly exposed, I put up no resistance.

I started rotating my head around on his cock, tracing my tongue all over the shaft and hardness of it, my mouth worshipping the hot feel of it between my lips, and most certainly craving for more. I let his cock slide out from my lips for a moment as I held it in my hand, licking it up and down from base to tip. I could feel my tongue stretch and curve around the meaty thickness of his shaft, coating it with my saliva. But this didn't satisfy me, nor him I believe, as I quickly put the shaft back into my mouth after only a few licks and found that he responded to this much better, a hoarse gasp escaping from his lips.

Willis pulled on my hair hard, jerking my head back and up, his cock brushing along my lips for a moment before he pushed my mouth back down and onto it. The dampness between my legs was incredible now and I couldn't resist moving a hand down between my legs to rub my fingers over my wet snatch quickly and fiercely, following the same rhythm and pattern that I paid to his shaft with my hand. I liked this - I liked the way the idea of a woman pleasuring a man so powerful turned me on, I liked being somewhat submissive to his sexual will and I especially liked the intimate contact between his most sensitive organ and my own hot, wet mouth.

His hips began to rise slightly off of the couch now and from the tightening of his balls beneath my hand, I could almost feel his orgasm bubbling up from between his legs, ready to shoot forth. I sucked hard on him one more time, then pushed my mouth away from his dick as I scooted back a little bit. Taking his prick in my hand, I lined the thick head up perfectly so that it rested right on the edge of my tongue, just waiting to shoot forth it's hot delivery.

Giving it a few quick jerks with his own hand, Willis wrapped his hand around mine and aimed the head down into my mouth. He cried out in a loud gasp as I felt the first stream of cum arrive, landing right on my tongue. The second one followed not even a second later, this one hitting me in the back of the throat as the cum began to pool inside my mouth and cheeks. With one final squirt, his cock missed my mouth slightly and only got half the load into it, the other half hitting my chin and dribbling down my neck to my naked breasts below. I leaned my mouth down, still full of his cum, and sucked off a stray drop that hung on the tip of the head, adding it into the mixture.

Rather than spit out his cum however, I looked up at him and smiled, showing his cum coating my teeth for a moment before swallowing it all down in one big gulp. It tasted great going down, like a thick milkshake of some sort, and as I smacked my lips, wiping away any last little bit, I felt far from satisfied and perhaps hotter than I had ever been in my life.

The itch had taken over my body, at least for a moment, and I knew that I was powerless to even try and get away from it's seductive hold. I was incredibly horny and knew that just about anything would set me off, triggering an intense orgasm. I scooted back further from the couch and rested back on my hand in front of Willis, my legs spread. I would put on a show for him, that should do the trick.

Reaching one hand down, I pushed my dress up hard along my thighs and exposed to him my soaking wet, panty clad pussy. I watched his eyes as I moved the hand slowly down my thighs, pulling aside the wet fabric to expose to him my aroused snatch. The cool air rushed over my lips and I felt a charge from it, exposing myself to this stranger. My legs still spread, I worked my panties further aside from my pussy and gave him a full on view of the sparse blond hair above my female opening.

Running the tips of my fingers over the outer lips of my womanhood, I looked up and held the eyes of Willis as I teased him, my fingers becoming damp from my excited juices. I gently pressed one finger inside myself, causing him (and me) to gasp slightly as my digit worked itself into my pussy. I kept it there only for a moment, before removing the wet finger and lifting my hand towards my mouth. Still watching him, I put my entire index finger in my mouth slowly, licking off the taste of my own excited juices. I felt horny as hell while doing this, incredibly turned on by the show that I was putting on for him, but I also relished the fact that the tables had turned - whereas he had been the one in charge by making me lick and suck his dick, now I had him at my whim by teasing him like this. The empowerment that this brought, not to mention the sexual lust that seemed to course through my veins and made my heart beat quickly was incredibly erotic.

I noticed that Willis' prick had become hard again - quite a feat for an older man like him - and he was absently jerking on it as he watched me, the palm of his hand stroking and massaging the tip of the head roughly. I grinned at him as I watched this, lowering my hand from my mouth down to my left breast. I had always been proud of the size of my breasts, a 38 B cup, as they weren't too big to illicit stares from men but also were large enough that lovers of mine had never complained. I flicked my nipple with my thumb, squeezing it quickly between two fingers as I felt more juices leak out from between my legs and onto the carpet. Massaging my breast now with one hand, I sat up and lowered my other hand down to my pussy as I began to play with it, rubbing fingers and the palm of my hand over the opening.

I shot Willis as innocent a look as I could muster - "Oh, look what I found!" - and began to work two fingers into myself at the same time. As I pumped them in and out, careful to avoid my sensitive clit because I didn't want this orgasmic roller coaster to end too quickly, I heard his hand start to beat away on himself much quicker now, moving up and down his shaft. I focused my attention on my cunt, exploring and staring at it as I teased myself for Willis' benefit. My skin had become quite flustered now and I could feel myself panting heavily as my slow teasings quickly turned into excited thrusts, two fingers not doing an adequate job.

Moaning loudly, I plunged an additional finger inside of myself, thrusting deeper into my twat as the palm of my hand cupped my opening and brushed against my outer lips, which by now were a deep crimson red from the excitement. My ass was rocking on the floor as I thrust, all control of what I was doing starting to slip away. I had wanted to tease and excite him, make him cum from the show I put on, but as I worked on myself I felt that I was becoming too aroused to maintain control. My thrusts were now becoming incredibly rapid, my breasts jiggling as I rocked back and forth on the floor. Through slit eyes, I saw Willis standing over me now, his cock a blur inside his worn hand, momentary flashes of the purple tip all that I could see.

My mind was on overdrive now, the deep and reptilian part of my brain, so focused on the pleasure that this masturbating session was bringing, allowed me to lose myself in the heat of the moment. I began to rub my clit with my palm now, feeling the added ripples of pleasure that this brought on running through my body like an ebbing wave, the sheer feeling of touching the tiny nub enough to magnify my pleasure and excitement (not to mention juices) even more than I thought possible. I bucked my hips up from the floor one final time and then gave my clit a gentle squeeze, triggering the long building orgasm in between my legs.

Things grew black in front of my site for a moment, as my brain and every nerve cell of my body was overloaded with the feeling of orgasmic pleasure that gripped me. From the individual hairs on my head to the tips of my toes, I felt electrified, addicted and loving every nanosecond of this excitement that had taken total control of my body. Juices dripped out from between my legs rapidly now, the taboo of doing something like this in an office, in front of a stranger, with Alex possibly walking in at any minute, just exciting me further. I opened my mouth to scream in pleasure but no words came out, my tongue frozen momentarily as the orgasm rocked my body. Finally the wave began to dip down to normal and my vision returned, my face dripping with a sheen of sweat the trickled from my throat down to my breasts.

Catching my breath, I had just enough time to see Willis in front of me, jerking his prick like he was about to cum. His face was screwed up in a look of intent pleasure and concentration, his eyes closed and his lips pursed. His hips rocked back and forth on his somewhat shaky legs as he bucked forward, about to release his load. Realizing that I was going to be the target of that stream of hot cum, I quickly pulled my dress down further until the material was bunched at my waist. Leaning back on my hands, I proudly shoved my breasts outward towards him as I prepared to be splattered.

Willis managed to take one step forward before the eruption came, cum shooting forth quickly and wildly from his dick, a long ropy strand landing right between my throat and breasts. A second shot arrived a moment later, this one hitting on my left nipple exactly as I felt the hot juice impact and then start to slide down my chest quickly, the milky white fluid spilling off of my tit and racing down the rest of my body. A final, weaker shot didn't manage to make it as far as the other two and landed right on my belly, the cum trickling down immediately and pooling in my belly button as a smaller stream spilled out and met it's final home amongst my pubic hair.

Rubbing one hand through his hair, his older, handsome face a bright beet red from the excitement, Willis stepped back and held his cock up away from his body, a slight drop of cum running off from the head and onto his fingers. He opened his eyes and looked down at me, as if to survey the damage, before that same smile returned to his face. I sat up from my hands and just looked at his throbbing dick, the small white drop of cum that had traced a line down his hand leaking out. Climbing up to my knees, I scooted over to him and held my mouth open obediently, craving just one more taste of his cum. He looked down and smiled at me, offering his hand out. I traced my tongue along his fingers and licked up that last trace of it, my tongue ending it's journey at the end of his prick.

Willis removed his hand and walked over to where his pants had been strewn haphazardly. He stepped back into them and zipped them up, then ran his hand through his hair. I meanwhile pulled my dress back up, the cum from his chest soaking wickedly into the material as I readjusted the straps and then fixed my panties, damp as they were, over my pussy.

"Well Petty, that was quite amazing. I think that you know how to work this system and this world quite well, and if today's uh, demonstration of your talents is any indication then you will certainly go real far, trust me," Willis said coolly, returning to his business man demeanor.

"Thanks. You don't think Alex will be upset about this? I mean, not that I will tell him but you know, me playing by the rules and all," I asked.

"No, not at all. Alex understands the way the game is played. Besides, HE isn't the one who is up there singing every night for audiences now is he?"

I had never thought of it like that. "You know, you're right. Fuck it, what he doesn't know can't hurt him," I said. I was a little surprised to hear those words coming out of my mouth, but even more surprised to realize that I actually meant them in a way.

"Exactly. Now, I really must be going. I will most certainly be in touch with you soon about a record contract and all that. Take care Petty," Willis said, before vanishing out the door. I stood there for a moment just looking around the room. Had I not felt incredibly satisfied from the pleasure that I had just experienced, I would have sworn that my encounter had never happened. However, a quick feel down to my panties revealed that it DID happen, marking the second time in as many days that I had sex with someone besides Alex. Well, I guess you couldn't call it sex...the lesbian encounter with Eliza was just fooling around, and a blowjob being given to Willis wasn't sex right? I mean, that's what Bill Clinton said and hey, Hillary forgave him.

Besides, Willis was right. Alex wasn't here today, probably off eating lunch with some big wig, and here I was earning myself a record contract. I didn't need him to do anything for me, just like I had never needed anyone to help. Sure, I mean I still loved him and all that, even though he stood me up today for lunch and didn't bring me to that party. In spite of all that, I knew that deep down in my heart, I still loved him...didn't I?


Tapping on her shoulder, the blond haired girl in front of me turned around away from her plate of food and looked at me, her hair twirling back in a ponytail behind her.

For a moment, she had a blank stare on her face, as she tried to place me. Then, a smile of recognition (and if I wasn't mistaken, for a brief second a look of fear) passed over her lips as she lifted an arm over her seat and handed it me, her soft dainty fingers feeling so small in my own hand.

"Alex, hi," Katherine Heigl, now smiling a bit more naturally.

"Hi Katherine. For a moment there, I didn't think you knew who I was," I said to her, lifting her hand out of my own as she drew her arm back away from the table.

"It was only a few weeks ago Alex, don't worry. I'm bad with names but not THAT bad," Katherine said, laughing slightly at her own joke.

"I know. But you're a celebrity and unfortunately your kind is known for leaving out the little people. Look at Julia Roberts at the Oscars," I said, trying to turn my shyness into a joke. It worked, as Katherine laughed again. For the first time, I noticed that she was eating alone in her private booth.

"Would you like to come join me while you eat? I mean, I see that you are alone and all," I said, proud somewhat of my forwarded-ness in inviting a woman like Katherine over to my table.

"Sure," Katherine said, turning back around to pick up her plate and carry it over to my table. She slid into the booth across from me and set down her plate, a monstrous looking salad, as she looked up at me.

"So, what are you doing here? I mean, what are the odds of me running into you in a city the size of LA?" I asked, sipping my water. The waitress still hadn't come over to take my order.

"I had a script reading to do this morning and after I finished I came over here for a quick bite to eat. It's nice sometimes to just relax at a greasy spoon like this one, away from all the trendiest of the Hollywood world," Katherine said, leaning down to take a bite of her salad. She wore a simple white tank top, one that showed her breasts proudly but not too openly in her shirt, the memory of the beautiful shape and curves of her body running through my mind, my dick stirring slightly in my pants.

"How funny, that's exactly why I was here. Only, it was for my movie over at Antamount," I said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What is the name of it again?"

"Well, the title originally was 'An Amerikan Family' but I think that by the time they are done with it, that's likely to change,"

"Yeah, that sort of thing happens quite a bit out here,"

We sat quietly for a moment as I pondered what else to say to her. I felt surprisingly comfortable around Katherine, a completely different feeling than when I had been around a few other celebrities in the past two weeks. Katherine just seemed like a regular girl, albeit a very beautiful one, and she seemed more like a friend than someone whose face was beamed into millions of homes each week while she was on television. I smiled at this thought and Katherine must have obviously picked up on it.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking...ah, never mind,"

"No, tell me!" Katherine insisted playfully.

"Well, I was just thinking to myself how casual and unassuming you are, how normal and untainted by fame you seem compared to the image I have in my head of most celebrities out there,"

Katherine blushed a little. "Thanks. But remember, I'm not a huge star or anything,"

"You're a big enough star to me," I replied, and Katherine blushed again.

"Thank you. I hope to be a bigger one in the future, especially if Mr. Willis can work things out,"

This triggered the lingering question I had wanted to get answered by her from our first encounter at Wilton Willis' party. I had wanted to know what she had meant when she alluded to the fact that I would see her more now that I was "one of them" under Mr. Willis' control.

"Katherine, let me ask you something. What do you mean by 'Mr. Willis can work things out'? You said something like that the last time we were around each other, remember? At Willis' party? It kind of left me puzzled as to the meaning of that," I asked.

Katherine paused for a moment, the salad speared on her fork a few inches from her mouth. She closed her lips together and set the fork down, her body suddenly becoming a bit rigid.

"What do you mean?" she asked, her eyes glancing me over a little wearily. "Is this a test or something?"

I was now completely confused. "What? No. It was just a question. I just wanted to know what you meant by,"

"I heard the question," Katherine said a little rudely, interrupting me. "It's just...you mean, you don't...Jesus, I can't believe this!" she said, putting her hand to her forehead as she looked away from me quickly.

I instinctively moved my hand across the table to her, touching it lightly. She pulled it away swiftly.

"Katherine? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" I asked, my face surely conveying a look of puzzlement.

She finally turned back to look at me, although her eyes had grown a little cold and distant as she watched my face.

"When you were invited to that party at Willis', what did Hapsboro tell you?" she asked. I was a little surprised she knew that Hapsboro was the one who invited me but I still answered the question.

"He just told me that it was a very exclusive party, for only some of Mr. Willis' closest friends and those working under him at Antamount. That's all," I said.

Katherine paused for a second. "You told me that you had a girlfriend, right? Was she at the party?"

"No, Hapsboro told me that Mr. Willis was bad with names and that it was best that she didn't come for fear of confusing him,"

"Don't you find that to be a little odd Alex? I mean, why would only YOU be invited when at most parties, the customary thing to do is to bring a date?"

I was growing a little angry at her questioning. "Look, I don't know. When you are a broke delivery man, you don't question things like invitations to one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industries house,"

Katherine looked at me for a second, studying me. She seemed to be calculating an alternate round of questioning. I noticed now too that her voice had dropped a little bit and she was leaning across the table to talk to me, as if she didn't want anyone to overhear her.

"Alright, well then tell me this. When we were together at the party, and you saw a bunch of other celebrities there, all with men you had never really seen before, didn't THAT strike you as a little odd?"

"I guess, but in no offense to you, most of the girls were lesser stars and not the type whose relationships would be publicly known knowledge,"

"That's my point. It was a party of small stars, run by one of the biggest names in Hollywood. Don't you think that Mr. Willis could have invited anyone he wanted, given the power he has right now in the industry?"

"Katherine, is this going anywhere, because you are starting to seriously lose me in the direction you are going,"

She sighed for a moment and ran her hands through her blonde hair, sweeping it back away from her face. She closed her eyes for a moment as she thought to herself before opening them again and leaning even further across the table towards me.

"I don't think you understand the way things are working Alex, so I'll tell you what I know. If this costs me later on, so be it, but my gut says that you are an innocent in all of this," she said. I didn't really like being called an "innocent", since such phrasing made me seem like a child, but I didn't stop her.

"When I first came to Hollywood, I couldn't get shit for work. I must have done 10 open casting calls a week and no luck. I finally managed to get some work doing a few B-movies, some straight to video stuff, but that wasn't enough to pay the bills. I was about two weeks away from just calling it quits and moving back home before Mr. Willis found me,"

"What do you mean 'found you'?" I asked.

"I was standing at a pay phone, talking about all my problems with finding work to my friend back home when this man tapped me on the shoulder. I ignored him at first, thinking he just wanted to use the phone. But he tapped me again a few seconds later and I turned around to tell him to fuck off when I noticed that he wasn't just some regular guy. He was tall and lanky, older with gray hair and cold blue eyes. But there was something about him that was striking and handsome so it made me pause for a second on the phone. I looked at him for a moment longer before telling my friend I would call her right back. Something about the man drew me to him and to this day I don't know what it was," Katherine said.

The waitress finally arrived at our table but, feeling my appetite dissipating, I waved her off as Katherine continued her story.

"He introduced himself to me as Wilton Willis, CEO of Antamount Studios, a smaller studio in town. I hadn't heard of Antamount and I thought that it might be a porn studio or something of the sort so I was not impressed in the slightest by his name dropping. He told me that he had been driving down the road and saw me standing there at the phone booth and was so taken by my beauty that he had to stop the car and come introduce himself. Now, I thought he was just some dirty old man when he told me that, and I was about to tell him to buzz off when he told me that he was looking for stars for a new pilot he had sold to a studio here and wanted to know if I would be interested in trying out for the part, since I seemed to fit exactly the description he was looking for,"

"And I take it that the pilot was 'Roswell', the show you were on until recently?" I asked.

"Yes. I don't know how he knew I was an actress, I guess he had heard my conversation with my friend or something. Anyways, he gave me his card and cell phone number and encouraged me to come try out. It wasn't the usual bums rush of pitching either, it was very casual and mellow, like he was one of those old time salesmen who was so confident in the virtues of his product that he didn't even need to pitch it hard,"

"So you went and auditioned and obviously got the part," I said, sipping my water.

"Right. The show wasn't a smash ratings hit, but the critics really liked it and just the fact that it was on the air and had actually been picked up by the network was amazing enough to me. After the deal was sealed, Willis introduced me to Gordon Hapsboro and a lot of his higher up employees at a party in celebration of the show being picked up. While I was there, I too was invited to come solo, even though I had been dating this musician who lived two floors down in my apartment. At the party, I think I drank a bit too much, because when Willis managed to pull me aside to talk to me, I pretty much nodded my head and went along with whatever he said,"

"What did he tell you?"

"I can't remember the exact phrasing or wording but it essentially translated into the idea that to become famous in this town, you had to make sacrifices and you had to be willing to play the sexual politics game that took place behind the scenes of every deal. I remember thinking to myself that he was just spouting some rhetoric just so he could get into my pants, but like I said the alcohol loosened me up quite a bit and I went along with what he wanted,"

"So you actually slept with him?" I asked, raising my eyebrows slightly at the thought of an old man like him fucking a beautiful creature like Katherine.

"I did," she said, looking down at the table for a moment, avoiding my eyes. "And truthfully, the sex was pretty good. I mean, I did owe him for giving me my start and big break and all that, so it wasn't like I was raped exactly. The show continued to do well, I started to get some decent media attention and hell, even a few fan web pages on the Internet. It was right around this time that Antamount had a string of movie hits and became the hot studio in Hollywood. Having been there on the ground floor of all this, I felt excited to know that I was working under a quickly rising powerful man in the Hollywood structure, especially a self made man like Willis who had come in and wrestled some market away from the big corporations,"

This was true, I recalled. Wilton Willis had been a small business man who had managed to hit it big selling a key part to the technology in modems, right before the big Internet boom of the 90s. He had become a multi-millionaire over night essentially and had decided to turn his eyes towards Hollywood, claiming that the cinema had always fascinated him. At least, that's what one of those true Hollywood story shows had said any ways.

"Things were going great for a while, until I started finding myself getting invited to virtually all Antamount parties. It wasn't as if I was being forced to go, but Mr. Willis had made it clear to me early on about the sexual politics game and whenever I was at one of his functions, he or Hapsboro always seemed to bring over important men with important titles to meet me. It was sort of understood that I was to entertain them for the evening, by bowing to whatever they wanted. For a while I didn't really mind, since the future seemed wide open to me in terms of where my career would go. Plus, most of the guys I was told to entertain were older and they couldn't stay hard for more than a few minutes and as such were pretty easy to take care of with just a hand job,"

My head seemed to be spinning faster and faster now as each word spilled out of Katherine's mouth. I didn't know whether to believe her or not, but the story was incredibly fantastic. I found my voice to be a bit shaky and my mouth dry as I posed the question that she seemed to be hinting at.

"You're telling me that Wilton Willis pimped you out to men in Hollywood?" I said, amazed that even having to udder the words was taking place.

Katherine looked away out the window for a moment and just stared at the cars going by on the street between the diner and Antamount's lot.

"Pimped out is a bit harsh. I always have thought of it as serving as a sort of escort," she said, still gazing out the window.

"But that's what it essentially is, isn't it? I mean, you had to do sexual favors for whoever Willis told you to, didn't you?"

Katherine finally looked at me, a bit of angry resolve on her face.

"It wasn't Willis himself who told me to do things, it was Hapsboro mostly. And yes, I guess you're right, if you put things that bluntly,"

"Do you have any idea why he would be doing it? I mean, I can understand if either one of them just wanted to sleep with you, but sharing you out to other men seems strange,"

"That's what I have spent the past few years trying to figure out. I even raised the question to Hapsboro one time in his office and he was livid. He called me all sorts of horrible names that still make my eyes well up just thinking about. He refused to even think of answering the question and instead just stormed out of his office. I must have seriously angered him because it was only a few weeks later before 'Roswell' was cancelled,"

I felt a slight chill run down my back. "You mean they cancelled your show because you wouldn't fuck other guys?"

"That's the way I took it. I of course can't prove anything, but the other girls on the show had all been handpicked by Willis so I assume that one of them must have said something to them," Katherine said. She hadn't touched her food in quite a while.

"So then with the show cancelled, you aren't in his control anymore right? I mean, you don't owe them anything," I asked.

"It's not that simple Alex," she said, shaking her head. "It's almost like the mob. Once you are in, you can't get out. I've heard talks of girls trying to break away from Willis or other studios who do the same sort of thing, but they all ended up with completely trashed careers. I don't want that, not after having tasted fame, so I stopped trying to buck away from the system,"

I sat there for a moment, dumbfounded, as I soaked in all this information at once. Who would have thought that such a simple question just a few minutes earlier would have led to all this.

"Where do I fit into all of this? Why did you call me an innocent?" I asked, trying to keep Katherine from having to dredge up old feelings and memories.

"When Hapsboro introduced us at the party, I just assumed you were one of the people 'in the know' and that you were just another sort of regular customer, albeit a new one," she said.

"But I wasn't," I replied.

"I didn't know that then, and it wasn't until you just told me how clueless you were that things actually started to sink in. They never would tell me anything about the men I was with, Hapsboro just made sure I always kept them happy. In that way, I guess you were right: I was and still am a sort of Hollywood whore,"

Katherine sighed a bit at this last sentence, as if she had resolved herself to her fate. I tried to cheer her up by offering some alternatives.

"Why don't you just go to the police? I'm sure that they could arrest him for doing such a horrible thing," I said.

She laughed for the first time in our conversation, although it wasn't a very pleasant laugh. More of a biting, sarcastic giggle.

"You're joking right? Go to the LAPD, the most corrupt police force in the country, and tell them that Hollywood isn't treating it's actresses fairly? I'd be laughed out of the station,"

"Well, you've got to do SOMETHING!" I said, a little miffed that she had laughed at my honest suggestion.

"I know that. But right now, the timing is just not right. I'm not high enough in the girl rankings to do anything worthwhile against them,"

"Girl rankings?" I asked, surprised even more by this new twist in the story.

Katherine shot me a wry look. "What, you didn't think that I was the only girl in Hollywood they were doing this to, did you?"


"The 'girl ranking' is just a sort of term I use to describe the hierarchy of other women under Willis' wing. I don't know who they are or how many of them he has actually asserted some control over, but I have heard rumors that there is a way to tell who they are. There is supposedly a symbol or piercing or mark or something on them somewhere on their body that indicates, like a gang, that they are deeply entrenched in this. I haven't actually seen these anywhere, but I get the feeling that the longer I stay and do this for Willis, the closer I come to finding out,"

"Katherine, you realize that this all sounds like some great big conspiracy theory, right?"

"I know, but I swear to you that it's true Alex. Look, for right now, this stays between you and me. No one else. I don't want to put you or myself in danger if they find out that you know the other side of the system,"

"The other side meaning where the women come from,"

"Exactly. So stay quiet about all this, please. I can't stress that enough. And if you want proof about all this, come with me tonight. I'm supposed to put a show on at the Starry Dreams Club tonight with some other girls and if you don't believe all this is actually happening then you need to come watch for yourself. It will convince you real quick," Katherine said.

She glanced down at her watch a little nervously. "Shit, I need to go. I have to go buy an outfit for this thing tonight,"

Reaching into her purse to pull out a pen, she scribbled down an address on a napkin and handed it to me.

"Here. Get there about 8:00 and go inside. Wait in one of the bathroom stalls until 9:00, as they are shutting the club down for us, since it's a private party. It's just a normal strip club during the day but when Hapsboro or Willis or someone else wants to throw a private "show" then they always rent this place out. If you hide in the bathroom, you should manage to stay out of the way of the bouncers when they clear out all the normal customers," Katherine said, standing up to go.

"We should come on stage about 9:30, so make sure you are somewhere that you can see what's happening but also where you won't get caught by the bouncer or any of Willis' people," she said, turning to go.

I grabbed her arm for a second, one lingering question still rattling around in my mind.

"Katherine, wait," I said, turning her towards me.

She looked down at me in the seat and then glanced around the room as if to make sure no one else saw her talking to me.


"Just one more thing. Why do you or any of the other girls do it to begin with?" I said.

Katherine thought for a moment, then just shrugged her shoulders.

"He offers us something that we want," she said. I let her arm go from my grasp and watched her as she walked out the door, the bell above her head jingling on the way out.

I sat in my booth for what must have been a long time, as the manager of the place, a large man with a massive belly and grease on his shirt, came over to me and told me I had to leave since I was taking up a booth and there were customers waiting. I nodded my head and left a tip before stepping outside into the late afternoon sun. The events of the morning seemed so far away now, and strangely tainted by the conversation between Katherine and I. Walking back to the studio lot, I suddenly remembered that Petty was supposed to meet me for lunch! Shit, how could I have forgotten something like that!

Dashing into the A8 office, I raced down the hall to my office and flung the door open, expecting to see Petty sitting there on the couch with that angry but still cute look on her face. But the room was empty and quiet. She must have came and went, and was probably at home right now fuming that I had stood her up. I closed the door slowly and walked back down the hall towards the casting lot.

Passing the secretaries desk, she stopped me for a moment. "Here Mr. Hilt, a message for you,"

I took it from her and scanned it quickly.

'Alex - Sorry we missed lunch, but it was my fault for getting here late. I've got some big news though, and I can't wait to see you tonight. Love, Petty'

I folded the note up and stuck it in my pocket, wondering what her news was that could even possibly hope to top my conversation with Katherine. The big question now was whether or not to tell Petty, or just let it ride for a while until I found out more information. It would probably be best to keep my mouth shut until I was completely convinced that Katherine was telling the truth. I couldn't stop thinking about what Katherine said, and must have zoned out again as I walked onto the casting lot, startling the actors who were reading lines by the blue screen.

The entire room turned to look at me as I walked over to the table where Shuman and Furrow were sitting, as if they hadn't moved an inch from when I last saw them. I took a seat next to them and apologized for interrupting.

"You know Hilt, a lunch break usually only lasts an hour," Furrow whispered to me, a bit of malice in his voice.

"How long was I gone?"

"Three hours," Shuman replied.

"Shit, sorry. I...I wasn't feeling too good, I had a late night last night and I guess my mind is on other things," I said. "Maybe I should just call it a day and leave the rest of the casting up to you two,"

They both looked at each other for a moment and then Furrow nodded.

"Yeah, maybe that's best. Unless you plan on making out with any of the male actors," he said. Shuman snickered a bit at this joke.

"No, that wasn't my intention. And this morning I hadn't planned on doing anything with the actresses but," I said, but Furrow interrupted me.

"It was a joke Hilt. Go home and feel better and we can deal with this some other time. Leave the casting to the professionals,"

I was a bit offended at this comment but I let it slide as I stood up to go. Neither of them offered me so much as a goodbye as I left the room and stepped back out into the office, the sound of the currently auditioning actor butchering one of the lines of my script.

Getting into my car, I sat there for a few minutes, holding the address Katherine had written down out in front of me on the steering wheel, debating on what to do. She had told me to get there at 8:00, but I still had two hours to go till that time. I didn't want to go home and have to dump all of this on Petty and then leave again, so I was torn about what to do. Sitting there for a while, I dissected everything Katherine had said to me: Was she telling the truth? Was Hollywood as deeply entrenched in sexual exploits as she had hinted? If so, why hadn't any of this ever become public knowledge? Surely the odds of all those people she implied being involved actually keeping a secret like that for so long would have meant that someone would have spoken up before then. Unless of course there was more to it, more that she wasn't telling me or more that she didn't know.

Starting up my car, I pulled out of the lot and got onto the freeway, driving to no place in particular. My stomach growled and I stopped at a Jack in the Box to scarf down a couple of burgers before heading back out towards Hollywood Boulevard. Traffic was heavy, the rush hour crowd slowing things down considerably as I sat in my car in silence, lost in my own mental tangents about what might lay in store for me at the strip club that night. The sun began to go down over the horizon when I finally managed to break out of traffic and went looking for the Starry Dreams club, the streetlights coming on one by one as the pedestrians out walking and the tourists taking in the sights began to thin out.

The club was on a side street off of Vine road, one of the main drags of the city. Once you got away from the glimmer and flashiness of the usual tourist traps, Los Angeles resembled any other big city in the country: homeless people huddled in doorways, gaudy looking older women strutting their sun wrinkled bodies down the road as they shopped at the latest trendy stores, and the regular influx of hardened city dwellers going about their business, an especially harsh breed coming out at night.

The purple sign of the club, which featured a constellation of stars made out to look like a nude woman, gleamed brightly above the parking lot of the building, the place itself not much more than a hole in the wall type of club, a few cars in the lot but for the most part deserted looking. Pulling in, I locked my car (and locked it twice, just to make sure) and then removed my tie and coat as I waited for a few minutes before going in. It was ten till 8:00 and if what Katherine had said was true then things would get started any time now.

Opening my car door, I fixed my hair and tried to look as neatly dressed as possible, despite my inner nervousness at going inside. I had been to plenty of strip clubs in my earlier years but the idea that I was going to be privy to something that was a closely guarded secret tonight just by being inside this one made my heart beat faster in my chest. Approaching the door, I saw a large black man, a little bit bigger than my own bulky frame, standing by the door with his arms crossed. He wore all black and looked like a granite statue standing there, the light of the sign above reflecting off of his bald head. I saw his eyes scan me over as I walked towards him.

For a moment I thought he was going to say something to me, but instead he simply stepped out of the way and let me walk in to the door, the cracked red paint on it peeling in about a dozen places. Stepping inside, the room was darkly lit and had a very heavy odor of old cigarette smoke and spilled alcohol that hit my nostrils in force. The music blaring further inside was some rap song I had heard a few years ago and I could just barely make out the naked flesh of a woman spinning around on a pole, her long brown hair twirling like a sheet behind her.

To my right I saw a grizzled looking old man, a tattoo of a bulldog on his shoulder and an eye patch over his left eye sitting behind a counter. Beneath him were what you would expect to find at a club like this: dirty magazines, boxes of cigarettes and a few boxes of condoms that looked like they hadn't moved since the 1970s. The man sucked on a cigarette that dangled from his mouth limply as he leaned across the counter to speak to me.

"Cover's $15 big man," he said.

I reached into my pocket and gave him a $20 bill. He handed me a five in return.

"You need any change? Any $1 bills?" he asked.

"No, thanks. But I'll come talk to you if I do," I said, walking past him.

The place had a few other patrons seated up as close as possible to the stage. A short girl wearing nothing but a green g-string danced and slid up and down on the pole beside her, rubbing her breasts between the metal rod. A group of Hispanic men were huddled closely together, making change with one another while the girl danced. One of the men, a very short guy, leaned forward onto the stage, his arms crossed in front of him as he held out a wad of dollar bills in front of his face. The girl spotted him and smiled, slinking her way over to the group of men, who uttered something excitedly in Spanish.

I took a seat a few chairs back from the stage, behind a lonely looking middle-aged business man who, from the five or six bottles in front of him on the table, looked to be quite drunk. His gaze was transfixed on the woman, her supple ass bouncing and gyrating in front of the Hispanic men, the g-string clearly defining the crack of her ass and ending at the mound of her womanhood.

I sat and watched the show as the song ended and the brunette sauntered away from the men, who looked crestfallen at seeing her leave. Another song came on promptly however and the men's mood quickly changed as the hooted and hollered while a busty blond took to the pole, the straps of her flimsy dress already starting to slide down her shoulders.

Taking in the scene, I started to find it a bit depressing to watch. I wondered what the stories were for all of the participants in this club. Why the old man was missing an eye. Why the middle-aged man was sitting there looking so sodden. What had happened to the strippers themselves, in their lives, to make them end up here, revealing their bodies to whomever was willing to pay $15 and would tip them. It was a little sad to think about the state of the human condition like that, but then again the world was tough and I wondered if I would have resorted to such extreme ways eventually if my script hadn't been picked up.

My thoughts on this were short lived however as I saw out of the corner of my eye the old man saying something to the bouncer. The black man was nodding his head and looking around the club, inspecting the other men who were occupied watching the stripper. Glancing at my watch, I noticed that it was 20 till 9:00, and they must have been about to start kicking people out. Katherine had been right, at least on that part.

Standing up slowly, I backed into a bit of shadow near the bar of the club, which was thankfully unmanned, as I slid into the men's room. The place was a shit hole, the floors covered in God knows what, the place probably not cleaned in years, and the smell of urine strong enough to make you gag. Making my way towards the stalls of the poorly lit room, I stepped into the farthest of the three and climbed onto the toilet, steadying myself by holding onto the plastic walls around me.

The crouch wasn't comfortable in the slightest, but hopefully it would work in allowing me to stay on in the club. I adjusted my legs and tried to stay as still as possible, listening to the soft thud of the bass from the rap music outside the bathroom. Five minutes or so passed and I started to feel silly about the whole thing, another five minutes away from simply climbing down and going back out into the club like a normal person. Then, the music outside stopped. I heard voices talking, although I couldn't make out what they were saying. One was gruff and loud, while the others all seemed to come at once, their own voices raised in tempo. Must be the Hispanic guys arguing with the bouncer.

The argument continued for a minute or two and then the voices faded away from the bathroom. The place was strangely quiet then, not a sound to be heard anywhere except for the occasional drip from one of the sink faucets. Looking at my watch, it was 8:53 and that meant that in just a few more minutes the private guests would start to arrive. I became more comfortable then, knowing that I was almost home free. That is, until the bathroom door opened.

My heart leapt into my throat and I could feel the blood pounding in my head as I heard heavy footsteps on the tile floor. They walked into the bathroom and then seemed to stop by the urinal. I didn't dare look under the stall to see who it was, as doing so would most certainly give away my hiding spot. The feet moved again and then I heard a loud grunt/sigh come from whoever the feet belonged to. A moment later I heard the trickle of water hitting the back of a urinal and I finally breathed out slowly, though I still didn't dare move.

A minute or so later, I heard a zipper being drawn up and the weak flushing of the urinal as the feet stepped away towards the door. I heard the door creak open and the footfalls disappear outside, the flimsy door slamming shut behind them. It was now 9:01 and the party should be starting any time now, but I didn't want to risk things until I was sure that it was clear to go outside. My legs had started to ache from the sitting position and my knees felt wobbly as I balanced there, still gripping onto the walls tightly. I tried to think of other things to take my mind off of it, and managed to succeed at this for a few more minutes as voices outside thankfully began to be heard.

Stepping down off the toilet, I straightened myself out and regained my balance, my knees finally stopping from shaking, as the voices outside grew in number and the music kicked on. Looking at my watch one last time, it was 9:08 and the promised private party had officially begun. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the stall and pushed the door open back out into the club, still careful to avoid being seen. Clinging to the shadow between the men's and women's bathroom doors, I moved slowly back into the main viewing area of the club.

There was 20 or so men, all white and all neatly dressed in business attire. Some were young, some were older and none of them I recognized. The stage was empty but there was a man in a tuxedo standing by the stage, holding a microphone as he chatted with another man, both of them looking at some sheet of paper. Passing the bar, I almost jumped when I saw that a bartender had been placed back there, one of the strippers I had seen earlier on stage. She was topless, her large, obviously fake breasts rising from her thin body like mounds of sand. If she had seen me sneak out of the bathroom, she hadn't said anything and just smiled at me as I passed by. Given the white shirt and slacks I was wearing, she probably thought I fit right in.

A group of the crowd were all sitting at a row of tables close to the stage, the same seats where the Hispanic guys had fought hard not to leave just a few minutes earlier. They all were drinking heavily from glasses or beer bottles and seemed to be having a great time laughing and talking to one another. In fact, the whole place seemed to be in high spirits, with a lot of handshaking and light hearted conversation taking place. And yet though, I couldn't help but feel like they all knew things were building to something.

I took the farthest seat away from the stage as possible, scooting the table back so that one of the support beams of the place, making sure that no lights shown down on me or that anyone would see me sitting there, especially the bouncer. I could still make out the stage fine though, seated at a diagonal angle as I waited anxiously for the show to start.

I occupied myself by scanning the crowd for any familiar faces and thankfully found none until about 10 minutes later, just a few minutes before the show was about to start (according to Katherine anyways), Hapsboro and Willis walked in, Hapsboro flanking Willis tightly by the arm as they talked. Willis shook hands and gave pats on the back as they moved towards the middle of the stage, the tables directly in front still empty and vacant. The crowd around them, which now numbered 50 or so, parted like a wave for them as they sat down. The man in the tuxedo spotted them and quickly walked over, leaning in close to Willis as he spoke. Willis simply nodded his head and then reclined a bit in his seat, his long legs splayed out beneath the table.

The man in the tuxedo climbed up on stage and fixed his cummerbund, then proceeded to flip on the switch of his wireless microphone and speak into it.

"Good evening gentlemen!" he said enthusiastically.

The crowd went wild, cheering and yelling as conversations fell away as they listened to the speaker.

"Mr. Willis would like to thank all of you for coming to the show tonight, he promises that it will be a good one. I'll be your host, my name is Tommy Palto and my friends just call me Tom. That means you should call me Tom!" he said, eliciting some half hearted boo-ing from the crowd at the lame joke.

"Alright alright, just loosening you up. Now before we get started, how about a nice hand for the managers and ladies of the Starry Dreams Gentlemen's Club?" Tommy said. The crowd applauded politely but it was obvious that they were growing anxious. I too felt anxious and excited, not quite sure what was going to happen next.

"Now, last time Mr. Willis threw one of these parties, the very beautiful women of that day were brunettes. And let me tell you," Tommy said, then made a gesture with his hand as he blew a fake kiss. "Magnifique! But Mr. Willis knows that any red blooded American man isn't just satisfied with a mousy brown haired girl! Am I right?"

"RIGHT!" yelled the crowd.

"Nor are they satisfied with a woman whose best asset is being able to blend in with a crowd! Am I right?"

"RIGHT!" the crowd now thundered.

"NOOOOO! What they want is something hot. Something supple. Something unique. Something....BLONDE!!!!" Tommy yelled into the microphone to tremendous applause. He stepped aside on the stage as the house lights went down and the music kicked up into full volume, a spotlight hitting the curtains as they began to part.

"Yes, that's right a BLONDE HAIRED WOMAN is what every man wants, what every man lusts after and what every man dreams of every night when he goes to sleep. And Mr. Willis won't disappoint you tonight fellas, because he has some of the best, most beautiful, most fuckable blondes in all of Hollywood here for your enjoyment and entertainment TONIGHT!"

The crowds roar was now deafening, the tables rattling as the men slammed their hands down on the surface in front of them. More than a few bottles clattered off and fell to the floor, shattering into millions of pieces.

Tommy drew more solemn now as he calmed the crowd down.

"But enough talking. Let me introduce our fine group of ladies for you tonight," he said in a hushed tone. The crowd was eating out of the palm of his hand now, as they fell deathly silent, hanging on his every word. The music too had been lowered in volume.

"Introducing first, one of the stars of the recent dick-and-fart joke comedies 'Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back' and the woman who made every man in America want to lick the whipped cream off her entire body in 'Varsity Blues', Mr. Willis is proud to present...ALI LARTER!" Tommy yelled into the microphone.

The curtain behind him lifted as Ali walked onto the stage. Wearing a pink teddy that clung to every curve and inch of her upper body, ending in a perfect "V" directly above her crotch and her breasts pushing hard against the fabric of the lingerie, she strutted onto the stage with a cool cockiness that made the men hoot and holler. She was barefoot as she walked to the end of the stage, bent over (the ensuing eyeful down her barely-there clothes causing more yelling) and blew Willis a kiss before she turned around and walked to the back of the stage, her firmly toned ass wiggling with each step, an ultra thin layer of fabric riding between her cheeks. Ali did a saucy little spin and then stood to the left of the curtain, her hands on her hips and her long blonde hair flung sexily over her shoulder.

The applause died down as Tommy moved back to the middle of the stage, the crowd now begging for more from him.

"Next, we have the girl who said she would never tell. The woman who played an insane girl all too well. The woman who was recently seen making out with Winona 'I am not a crook' Ryder herself, please give it up for...BRITTANY MURPHY!"

Though she seemed more dirty blonde to me than a natural one, that didn't stop the crowd from yelling loudly as she took the stage. Dressed in a school girl outfit that barely reached down to her mid-thigh, Brittany walked on stage proudly, her breasts bouncing braless in the white blouse that she wore. She had on a pair of knee length white socks and little school girl shoes, her hair styled into two ponytails behind her head as she came to the edge of the runway and smiled widely at the crowd. One man tried to lean forward and grab at her leg, obviously drunk from his stumbling, but the men near him managed to pull him back just in time. Brittany looked down at this and laughed, turning to walk back towards where Ali stood. She paused in the middle of the runway though and bent over at the waist, lifting her skirt up for a moment to show to everyone in the room that she wasn't wearing any panties. As was expected, the crowd cheered and seemed to be working in a frenzied state as Brittany took the position opposite Ali by the curtain.

"Finally gentlemen, a special treat. You may have seen her in the short lived but critically acclaimed series 'Roswell', but chances are by night's end the aliens won't be the only ones who get to probe her. Please give it up for the buxom blonde beauty...KATHERINE HEIGL!"

Katherine walked onto stage, her hair much more styled and bushy than it had been when we ate lunch earlier in the day, and I could see that she had applied quite a bit of makeup, especially blush, to her face. She didn't look as comfortable out there as the other two women had, but she didn't falter a bit as she walked onto the stage and gave the audience a wide look.

She wore a see-through black nightee like thing, her large, natural breasts and round nipples poking against the edge of the fabric as she walked. In the bright spotlight I could see that she had on a pair of skimpy black panties underneath the nightee, and the entire outfit was accented by a pair of knee length leather boots that lifted her height about three or four inches, given the raise of the heels. The nightee was cut at about the hip level, opening up then into two flaps that covered the front and back of her body but left her tanned thighs beautifully exposed all the way down to the boots.

Katherine wobbled a bit in the heels, obviously not used to them, but still smiled as she reached the end of the runway and stopped for a moment, taking in the crowd. I can't be certain but I think that she spotted me off in the corner, for her gaze seemed to linger over at my spot for a few seconds longer than normal. I didn't dare wave or make any gesture acknowledging her, for fear of being seen. Moving back to the other two girls but this time standing in the middle, all three struck a seductive pose as Tommy moved one final time to the front of the stage.

"Ok, enjoy the show fellas! I'll turn it over to the girls!" he said, stepping off and taking a seat to the left of the stage.

The spotlight clicked off and the music rose again in tempo, this time the lights overhead moving to the beat of the bass line. All three women walked towards the pole, which gleamed brightly under the light as the dance music played. Katherine took the position to the right of the pole, Brittany the left and Ali directly behind it. All the women had a hand planted firmly on the pole itself as they began to move in unison, spinning around the metal pole slowly at first and then faster and faster as the rhythm of the song grew faster.

Hair and bodies were flying everywhere as they spun around, touching and rubbing their bodies with their free hand as they twirled. They continued doing this, the crowd going wild with excitement, for a few minutes before one by one they spun off the pole and walked towards the stage.

Brittany was first, dancing in perfect time to the music as she wiggled her hips and lithe body around, her hands roaming and caressing her breasts. She slipped her hand inside her blouse and threw her head back slightly as she squeezed her nipple for the crowd, her hips thrusting back and forth on the stage, her skirt twirling around and around slightly as she moved. With amazing precision that showed she had done this sort of thing before, Brittany removed her hand from her blouse and tore open her shirt widely, exposing her breasts to the audience. A slight tan line could be seen from where she had worn a bikini before, but her pinkish nipples stood erect underneath the smoky haze of the lights, the material of her shirt hanging off her ample sized tits loosely. She dipped down towards the floor of the stage, her hips moving back and forth as she leaned back and let the torn shirt fall away from her body, leaving her topless and exposed for the hollering crowd. She kicked the shirt off stage into a group of men who fought and tugged at one another to get the shirt.

Spinning sharply on her heel, Brittany walked back towards the pole and continued spinning as Katherine now released herself from the pole. She too followed Brittany's lead and walked towards the middle of the stage, her thumbs hooked under the very narrow fabric of the nightee she was wearing. Thrusting her hips to the side in a dancing sort of move, she slowly slid the fabric of the material over her bare shoulder and pulled it all the way down over her breasts, the fleshy mounds jiggling a bit as they came free. Katherine pulled the negligee to her hips, her firm tummy and luscious breasts exposed now as she ran her hands over them and cupped the nipples between two fingers, giving them slight squeezes as she groaned in pleasure. Leaning down and giving the crowd a perfect view of the full contour of her breasts, Katherine unzipped first one boot, then the other as she ran her hands down her smooth legs, teasing the men, The leather exposed her legs all the way down to her ankles but Katherine still managed to keep them on as she walked back to the pole.

Ali was, by far, the most into the little strip tease game, and her moves on the stage showed it as she took her turn in going to the middle. Everything about her seemed to ooze sexuality as she walked, laughing and yelling wildly in response to the cheers of the crowd. A loud "WOOOOOOO!!!" escaped her lips as she stood at the very edge of the stage. Reaching down to a nearby table, she picked up two shot glasses from the excited men nearby and held them up for the audience's inspection. Ali leaned her head back and downed one of the shots in a single gulp, eliciting another loud yell from her. She threw the shot glass hard to her right, the sound of the glass shattering just making the crowd yell more. Stepping backwards on the runway, she stood in the middle and yanked the bust line of her teddy down hard, exposing her smaller breasts (smaller than the other girls at least) to the audience. She held the second shot glass up for inspection again and then poured it down her cleavage, the alcohol soaking into her skin and running over her nipples and stomach as it wetted the fabric of the teddy. She again threw the shot glass against the wall and then lifted her breasts up hard in her hands as she pulled her nipples towards her mouth, licking away the alcohol from them. The crowd was on it's feet for this and it looked as if at any minute they would just rush the stage and tear the girls apart in lust. Thankfully though, Ali knew when to call it good and she sauntered back to the pole, taking her position once again.

The song changed to one that was a little slower, and this time the girls spinning slowed down until it virtually came to a halt, Brittany on the right and Katherine on the left, Ali still in the back. Brittany and Katherine looked at each other for a moment, then both moved their heads around pole towards one another until their lips met and they began to engage in a deep, soul-touching kiss. They made sure to show lots of tongue action as they licked and explored each other's mouths, making the crowd all the more excited. Both girls breasts were pressed between the pole in front of them and their nipples were achingly close to touching one another, Brittany's smooth and white nipples an interesting contrast against Katherine's tan less, flawless larger breasts.

They pulled closer to the pole now, their hips grinding them up and down against it as they kissed each other deeply. Ali, not to be outdone, was raising and lowering herself on the pole behind them, her pussy pressed hard against the pole as she rose and fell along it, simulating sex with herself.

Brittany and Katherine broke the kiss and stepped back from the pole, giving Ali more room to maneuver. Her strong thighs gripped onto the metal tightly as she pulled herself up it, reaching a few feet off the ground before gently lowering her back and laying against the metal as she slowly spun around to face the crowd.

Like all the other men in the audience, I felt a substantial bulge in my pants over watching this incredibly erotic display. Katherine hadn't been lying about being forced to put on a show for men whenever Willis beckoned, but I was starting to wonder if she was really as upset or torn about doing it as she sounded originally.

Ali lowered herself now to the base of the stage and held her position there as her legs untangled from the pole. Holding herself up in a handstand of sorts, Ali spread her legs wide like a gymnast, giving the all too eager crowd a perfect view at the thin material of her teddy that barely covered her snatch. Brittany and Katherine meanwhile had stepped to the side of Ali as they began to grope and feel one another's bodies, without the pole in the way. Brittany squeezed Katherine's breast tightly as she leaned in to kiss Katherine again, their mouths eagerly meeting one another. Katherine's hands squeezed on Brittany's ass, lifting up the girl's skirt for the audience to see as a finger or two slid beneath her ass cheeks and into the darkened love spot between her legs.

Standing up straight again, Ali walked over and joined Katherine and Brittany, who were all too willing to let her in on the fun. The girls began to remove what little clothing they had left from each other, Katherine's negligee falling first, followed by Ali's pink teddy (which Brittany took pleasure in tearing off of her) and then finally Brittany's skirt which, like the blouse before it, was flung into the crowd. All three beautiful actresses now stood there wearing nothing more than shoes, with even Katherine's panties getting lost somewhere in the fray that I failed to see.

Ali pushed Katherine and Brittany forward, giving them playful slaps on the ass as she laughed and yelled along with the rest of the guys. All three of them seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves, as evidenced by the groping of each other they did as Ali stepped forward to join Brittany and Katherine. Bending down, Katherine put her entire mouth on top of Ali's nipple as she sucked at it hard, almost managing to get her entire breast in her mouth. Brittany was rubbing her body against Ali's, almost humping her with her leg as she kissed right below Ali's throat.

The girls were too occupied with one another to notice when the same guy who had groped at Brittany before, managed to crawl onto the stage and stagger over to the women. At a normal strip joint I would have expected the bouncers to be on the guy as fast as hell, but here they made no move; they were more content to sit and watch the show taking place before them.

The man stood in front of girls and, without warning, dropped his pants to the floor, exposing his ass to the crowd. Some booed, others laughed but it was all three women who had the most surprising action. Breaking away from their tryst of tongues and hot flesh beneath the house lights, they practically lunged at the guy, grabbing immediately for his cock like they were thirsty wanderers suddenly presented with a pool full of water. Brittany got to him first and promptly slid onto her knees as she began to suck the man's dick with amazing gusto. Ali dropped down beside her and fondled the man's balls with her hand, making sure the entire crowd could see just exactly what they were doing. Katherine simply stood there and watched, running her hand over the man's chest. He was in his mid 20s and looked to be in decent shape, although a bit of a beer gut was already starting to form above his now occupied cock.

It didn't take long for half a dozen other men to climb on stage like the first man had, all readily dropping their pants and eager to see what the three blond actresses had to offer. One man brushed Katherine's shoulder, causing her to spin around, the leather of her boots squeaking from her thighs. The man said something to her that I couldn't hear, but she obviously did, for in the next moment she was down on her knees, jacking away at his prick with her hand. Ali had moved away from the first man and was now on her knees doggy style as a middle aged guy fucked her hard, Ali's screams very audible over the thumping music. Brittany pulled her mouth away from the first man as well, but he held onto her head tightly as he shot his load all over her face, coating her in semen that shone brightly in the overhead lights.

The entire scene was devolving into an orgy, with all the still conscious men now waiting their turn to fuck any or all of the three blonde actresses. I was curious to see how Willis would react to this, whether or not he would try to keep it under control, but to my surprise he and Hapsboro stood up and quietly walked out of the club, leaving all of their guests to enjoy the party. With the two of them gone, I felt a lot more comfortable and relaxed and decided to move closer to the action.

Katherine sat on one man's lap now as he raised and lowered her up and down his cock, the shiny head of it popping out occasionally as Katherine grinded her body against his hips, her leg muscles working hard as she was lifting herself up and down. Two other men were standing very close to her face, their pricks in their hands as they jacked them off, waiting for Katherine to lower her mouth around them. It was like watching a scene out of a porno movie, only in real life - the waiting men, dicks dripping and ready to be fucked; the girl bouncing up and down on a man with a large cock's lap, all the while his hands groping and rubbing over her large breasts, the nipples protruding excitedly.

Stepping closer, I saw that Ali's mouth was now wrapped tightly around a man in front of her, who was fucking her face forcefully, a handful of her blonde hair in his hand. The man who was fucking her from behind bucked hard against her hips and then groaned loudly, releasing his seed deep inside Ali's cunt. He withdrew from her snatch with an audible pop and another man was right there, ready and waiting to step in for him. Ali grunted around the dick in her mouth as the second man slid his prick into her, teasing her opening for a moment before thrusting hard inside.

Brittany had slid underneath Ali's legs now and was propped up on her elbows, a stream of Ali's juices and the most recent man's cum dribbling down her face and throat as she lapped at Ali's exposed clit, visible even through the neatly trimmed mass of blonde pubic hair between her legs. Brittany's breasts jiggled and bounced as she rocked back and forth on her arms, her tongue digging as deep as possible into the lanky blonde's sex.

The dick that had been in Katherine's mouth slid out from between her lips as Katherine gasped for air, her whole body shuddering as the man fucking her and she herself orgasmed within mere seconds of each other. He held her on his lap for a long moment, grinding her hips back and forth on his legs, a white foamy mix of their juices leaking out from between Katherine's legs. She wearily lifted herself off of him and crawled onto her knees, the two men in front of hers dicks held tightly by her small hands.

Moving closer now, I watched this entire scene with an erection so hard that it hurt still held inside my pants. I was still in shock that what Katherine had said was true, and I couldn't believe that Willis or whoever else had organized this party would use these girls as mere sex objects, careless of their bodies. Still though, they didn't seem to mind doing it, even if they were simply coerced into their roles, and somehow the sexiness of three reluctant Hollywood stars servicing an untold number of men was turning me on to no end. I think it was the contrast between the beautiful, picture perfect world of the mainstream Hollywood world versus the raw sexuality of what it took to survive in that world that did it for me, but whatever it was, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene in front of me.

Brittany had grown tired of licking at Ali's pussy and had crawled back out from between her legs, only to be met by two more men, one who had cum in Ali's snatch and the other a new guy with a quite sizeable looking prick, waiting for her to take the sexual lead with them. Brittany wrapped her pouty, thick lips around the longer shafted man and began to bob her head up and down on it, the long length of his prick sliding down into the darkness of her mouth and throat. The second man had moved behind her and had lifted her to her knees, her ass thrusted into the air. Spitting down onto his cock, he lubed it up and then gently pushed the thick head of his dick against Brittany's asshole. She released the shaft from her mouth quickly and turned her head around to watch the man enter her ass. For a moment, I thought I saw a sign of resistance from her against this final violation, but it quickly faded away as she closed her eyes and moaned, a low sound coming from her cum coated lips.

The man began to hump her ass harder now, keeping most of his shaft inside of her tight ass, the cheeks of which were bouncing back and forth as she fucked him. She had resumed sucking the dick of the larger man and seemed quite happy, her innocent brown eyes looking up at him as she sucked.

I subconsciously began to stroke my dick through my pants, feeling the hardness pressing against the fabric of my slacks, when I suddenly felt a large hand on my shoulder, pulling me backwards. I am a big man so the pulling had to be quite strong to move me at all, but I spun around to see the bouncer from outside the door staring at me.

"Let's go. You've already seen too much," he said angrily, his large hand now on my arm. I yanked it away quickly and started backing up towards the stage, not wanting to make a scene but not wanting to be thrown out either. Besides the sex itself, I wanted to see just how much longer this entire ordeal would go on. The bouncer grew angry now, lunging forward towards me, but I caught his arm and held it just a few inches from me. Using the leverage of his off balance punch, I shoved him backwards with all my strength, sending him flying against one of the tables and almost falling over it completely, chairs scattering this way and that.

I was about ready to begin to throw punches when suddenly Katherine jumped down off of the stage, her body sweaty and reeking of sex as she stood wobbly next to me, her arm across my chest.

"Leave him alone, he can stay. He already knows," she said to the bouncer coldly.

A crowd had formed around us and the bouncer looked around at the other men who had been interrupted in watching (or taking part in) the show. They stared at us blankly, not quite sure what was going on. Even Ali and Brittany had stopped grinding and moving on stage, although they still had dicks buried in their various orifices.

The bouncer stared at Katherine for a moment and then threw his hands up in the air. "Fuck it, do whatever you want to whore," he said.

I instinctively moved towards him but Katherine stopped me with her arm. I regained my composure and turned to face her. Katherine hooked her arm under mine and led me up with her back onto the stage. She stood in full view of the rest of the men as she began to undo my belt and pants, my shirt already partially open from the scuffle. She leaned in close to me to kiss my chest, her sweaty blonde hair smelling like shampoo and cum.

"Just play along. No one else knows who you are, and they won't ask any questions. Trust me. I'll talk to you about it later,," she whispered in my ear as my pants fell down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and slid off my boxers as Katherine finished unbuttoning my shirt, flinging it over in a corner with the rest of my clothes. I was naked now in front of all these strangers but they didn't seem to care: Ali and Brittany had quickly resumed what they were doing and had changed out men somewhat, though the one guy was still fucking Brittany's ass hard.

Katherine pulled me close to her and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, lifting herself up off the ground as her legs scissor-ed around my waist. Her wet and used pussy was just a few inches from my prick as she slowly began to slide down on it, the head of my shaft sliding into her once again.

Her pussy was wet and quite stretched from the men who had fucked her all night long, but it still felt warm and inviting as she clamped her legs down tightly around me, the inner walls of her pussy quivering on my shaft. Katherine leaned her head against my chest as I bounced her up and down on my prick, grabbing hold of her tight ass as she rocked on it. Her breasts were pressed against my chest, her nipples making the hair on my chest tingle as she rubbed against my body, the pinkish nubs caressing my skin. Holding Katherine like that, I finally got a good view of the club and all that was actually taking place.

Some of the men had cleared out, leaving only 15 or so left, but they all seemed to be occupied. Ali had a man in her mouth and another one in her pussy as she lay on the floor of the stage, her legs balanced on the shoulders of an overweight man who was sweating wildly as he jammed himself deeper and deeper into her. Brittany had a semi-circle of men standing around her, all jerking their cocks as she rotated her mouth back and forth between them, sucking on each for a few moments before moving on, her ponytails from her costume long having since come undone. I couldn't see her hand exactly but from the way her elbow and arm were moving, it was obvious that she was playing with herself while she was sucking off all the men. Those who weren't on stage were either huddled by it, jerking their cocks as they waited their turn or were off over by the bar, as I could see that even the bartender had gotten into the action, one man beneath her and the other fucking her from a sort of crouch position as they worked on her ass and her pussy at the same time. About the only man who didn't seem to be enjoying himself was the bouncer, but he was seated over in a corner with his arms crossed, simply watching the show with a smile. We made eye contact for a moment and I saw the rage in his eyes at having been embarrassed in his own club, and thus quickly looked away from him.

I hadn't noticed, but bouncing Katherine up and down on my dick had brought me achingly close to orgasm. She was now moving in a sort of wave like motion, her upper body flowing forward while her ass rocked back, and vice versa. She had her eyes closed, her high cheekbones flushed from the exhaustion of the entire night, but she seemed lost in her own world, her body now in complete control of her actions, rationale be damned.

My balls smacked loudly against her ass and I felt her clit rub against my shaft as she pressed into me. My orgasm started inside my body, the entire day's events rushing back on me in a flood as I shot my load deep inside of Katherine's rocking, bouncing body, feeling the sperm coat her inner walls as I shuddered and felt a little weak at the knees, three streams hitting her pussy in rapid succession. I held her there for a few minutes, allowing both of us to catch our breath as my arms grew tired and I finally set her back down on the stage. Her body felt limp and exhausted - I wondered if she had orgasmed herself at all tonight, or perhaps maybe even too much - but she walked tiredly over to a man who was laying down on the stage, his cock in the air, eagerly awaiting Katherine to free herself from me.

I was going to step off the stage and simply observe more when Ali darted in front of me, a look of lust in her eyes as she nibbled on her lip.

"Can't let Katherine have all the fun with our mystery man now can we?" she said, her hands roaming over my body. Ali was sticky in various places, cum already starting to dry on her chest as she rubbed her hand over my left nipple and used the other to stroke my cock quickly back to hardness.

"How about my ass mystery man? Will that do?" she said, turning around seductively in a spin. I simply nodded and watched as Ali bent over and touched her toes, her exposed asshole just begging to be fucked. I could see cum in her pussy and a few white trickles running down her leg but, as far as I could tell I would be the first to slide into her asshole. My cock was still wet from inside of Katherine as I lined up between Ali's cheeks, her legs now spread wide to give me good access. I pushed into her, feeling the head of my seven inch shaft slide through rather easily into her anal cavity, the immediate tightness of it making me groan in pleasure, every sensitive nerve in my body now on full alert. Sliding further inside, I lifted Ali up slightly at the waist until she was leaning her back completely against me, her head barely reaching my shoulder. This had given my cock a better angle to slide into her and I could feel my shaft bottom out completely inside of her ass. Ali had tensed up a little when I had first entered her but was now completely relaxed, her arms wrapped around me from behind as she thrust her body forward, rocking her tight ass on my prick.

I began to guide Ali back and forth against me, wrapping one arm around her waist as she pushed back on her own accord, squeezing her ass tightly to make the tension and pressure practically unbearable. I knew I wouldn't last long, now that I was buried deep inside of her, but I sure as hell was going to try.

Moving my free hand to Ali's chest, I stroked and caressed her nipples, feeling the soft flesh of her mounds beneath my fingers, the sweat dripping down from her panting, sexually charged body. Another man approached us now, his dick waving in his hand. Ali pulled away from me slightly as she bent over at the waist to suck on his cock, which now allowed me more opportunity to thrust inside of her ass. Pulling in and out a bit, I left just the head inside of her tight hole as I worked myself in and out of her butt, feeling the tension and pressure of her anal cavity as the ridges and thickness of my cock moved against her muscles.

Ali slurped loudly on the man's dick, burying her whole throat on it as her blonde hair swung wildly around her bobbing head, her lips and mouth a blur as she worked on him. I glanced over to where Brittany was and it looked like the men had taken all they could from her very talented lips and mouth. Brittany's face was covered in cum, probably from at least three or four guys, but she still seemed to be sucking on the men without hesitation, despite barely being able to see from the sticky man juice that coated her lips and cheeks and nose. Little globs fell off of her as another man shot his load on her face, Brittany opening her mouth just in time to catch most of it from the man, her lower body rocking violently back and forth now as she furiously fucked herself with her hand.

Watching this was just the final straw for me, seeing this cum coated celebrity eagerly taking all of these men's copious loads. I grabbed Ali hard by the waist and yanked her back from the man's prick so quickly that it literally slid out of her throat. Pushing as deep as I could into her one last time, feeling the bones in her ass slam into my own pelvic bone, I shot a tremendous load of cum deep into her bowels, pumping in and out of her as I released it deep inside of her body, feeling it splat against the tight walls of her ass.

Ali grunted as I came, grinding her ass back and forth against me as she coaxed as much cum out as she could from my now aching and throbbing prick. I released her hips from my hands and felt the last stream trickle out into her ass, Ali now moving forward to get at the cock she had been hungrily sucking on just a moment before. My dick slid out of her ass with a squishing sound, the entire length coated with my cum as I stepped backwards and caught my breath once again - the heat of the lights overhead made things incredibly tiring.

I looked around and saw that all the women were once again occupied, Katherine now being fucked doggy style as a man jacked his dick in front of her face, surely just a moment or two from cumming all over her. I walked over to where my clothes were, content that I had seen and experienced enough tonight to know just what Katherine was talking about. Getting dressed quickly, I walked against the curtain of the stage (making sure to stay AWAY from the bouncer) and glanced down at the mass of writhing bodies on the stage floor.

Katherine looked up at me as I passed, her mouth full of cock but her eyes locked on me intently. She didn't have to say anything really, I could tell exactly what her eyes were conveying: I told you. My heart felt saddened at this, seeing her prove herself right, even if she did enjoy it even at all. I nodded towards her and then stepped off the stage, sliding out the door quickly.

It was now late at night as I got in my car, checking first for anyone who might be watching or waiting for me to get in. There was no one out except a few guys who had been in the club, and they were leaning against the side of the building, smoking cigarettes and talking with one another. I started my engine and drove home.

Arriving home, I found Petty asleep on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her and a biography of John Lennon (her idol) on her lap. I went into the bathroom and took a shower, quickly throwing my clothes into a hamper so that she didn't smell the strip club and the sex all over me. Stepping out of the shower a few minutes later, I was startled to see her sitting there, waiting for me on the toilet. She smiled widely as I reached for a towel and dried myself off. Petty didn't say a word as I slipped into a pair of boxer shorts and walked out of the bathroom towards the bedroom. She followed me, that same broad smile on her face.

I finally just had to know what she was grinning about, and told her as such. Petty's smile fell a bit.

"Didn't you get my note?" she asked.

"Yes, but you didn't say what the big surprise was. I take it that's what your grinning is about?"

"Of course. You'll never guess what happened,"

I was too tired to try and guess, to be honest. "I have no idea, but I don't think I've ever seen you glow this much. So what was it?"

"A record deal!" Petty squealed, jumping up and down on the floor. Her happiness immediately became infectious as I moved to hug her.

"That's great honey! I'm so happy for you!" I said excitedly as Petty hugged me close.

"I know, isn't it great? I've been calling people all day, telling them about it. My father is going to flip when he hears, especially since he always said that my music was a waste of time,"

"Yeah. So, tell me all about it," I said as we walked into the living room.

"Well, I was sitting in your office, playing some songs, you know. I had written one for you about getting the job at Antamount and I was just rehearsing it, planning on surprising you when you came in. Where were you today, by the way?" she asked.

I paused for a moment, thinking about when to tell her. Now didn't seem like the right time, considering how happy she was.

"It's a long story. Any ways, go on,"

"So I'm sitting there playing and then this man comes in. He says he heard my music all through out the office and he was walking around trying to find it. He called me a 'siren'," she said, giggling a little bit at this last word. "I played a few more songs for him and when I finished up, he told me that he would love to sign me to his record label, that I had the potential to be just the star he was looking for. It all happened so fast, I can still hardly believe it!"

"Well, who is it with?" I asked.

Petty stopped giggling for a moment, her brow furrowing in thought. "What?"

"What record label is it?"

"Oh! That! It's a new division, called Antamount Records," she said excitedly.

My heart, for the second time that day, leapt into my throat. My mouth suddenly became dry as I tried to formulate how to reply to her.

"Antamount...who...who was it that came in to talk to you?" I asked, already dreading who it was.

"Oh yeah! That's the other great part about it! It was Wilton Willis himself. You know, the CEO of the company? He was totally blown away by my talent and I mean, wow! If you can impress someone like him then who else is there to top?" she said, still excited over the news.

I stood up from the couch, my hand going to my hair. I don't know why I stood up but doing so made my knees wobbly and I sat back down quickly.

"Jesus. Jesus fucking Christ..." I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

"Alex? What's wrong? Are you okay baby?" Petty said, now concerned.

"I...I'm...it's just..."

"Alex, what is it?"

I looked up and took Petty hard by the arms, pulling her face close to mine. A look of fear washed over her face but I was too concerned about other things to barely even register it.

"Petty, you can NOT sign with Antamount," I said to her gravely.

She looked confused for a moment, studying my face. Her look changed to one of anger as she pried herself away from my arms.

"What? Why the fuck not?"

"They...I mean, it's just that they are...you can't do it. Not right now, not until I know more," I said, unable to piece together a solid thought.

Petty stood up from the couch and glared down at me.

"You aren't making one bit of sense Alex. You're babbling and, if my sense aren't deceiving me, I think I smell alcohol on you. We can talk about this more later but there is no fucking way I'm going to turn down a deal like this simply because I don't have your 'permission'," Petty spat at me angrily. I rose from the couch again to try and reason with her.

"Petty, listen. I found out some things about Antamount today that would keep any sane person from having anything to do with the company at all," I said, pleading with her.

"And what is that? What could be so horrible that you would want to ruin the best day of my life?" she said, now on the verge of angry tears.

"I...I can't tell you just yet, I don't have enough information. You're going to have to just trust me on this babe," I said, hoping my voice came across as convincing, rather than pleading.

Petty stared at me, nodding her head. "Oh, I see how it is. It's ok for Mr. Screenwriter Alex to sign with the company but when I want to catch a fucking break, the company is suddenly too dangerous," she said slowly. "You fucking hypocritical prick. You're jealous I bet, is that it? You think I'm going to be a bigger star than you?"

"No, it's not that at all! Please just let me work some things out and we can talk about this more!" I said, trying to grab her arm, but she was already starting to back away.

"Get your fucking hands off of me! I don't want to talk to you or see you until you can either grow some balls and explain to me this big 'secret' about MY new record label, or learn to grow UP and admit to being jealous of me," she said, now stepping into the bedroom backwards. I saw her reach behind her and grab a pillow from the bed, flinging it down the hall at me.

"Sleep on the fucking couch you cock," she said, slamming the bedroom door. I went over to it but she had locked the door and I heard that she had turned on the television in the room, to drown out my knocking and my apologies. After about five minutes of no response from her, I reluctantly walked away from the door, picked up the pillow off the floor and flopped down on the couch, stretching out as best as possible on the cramped sofa, my knees almost reaching up to my chest.

I laid there awake for a long time, thinking about everything of the day. Trying to piece together how all of this had come to be, how Petty and I had gotten mixed up in it, and perhaps most importantly how to get out. Sleep overtook me just before day break, my body winning out over my mind as I passed out asleep on the couch, dreaming of nothing.


Turning the key in the door, the satisfying click of the deadbolt sliding into place, I stepped into my apartment wearily, my legs and body aching and exhausted. Those fuckers at the club had used up every last bit of strength I had, not to mention left me and the other girls in a complete mess. I felt for the people who had to clean up the club after we were done with it.

The juvenile guys had even taken our clothes, as if they were souvenirs. Thankfully though, I had been smart and stowed an extra pair of clothes in the dressing room. Otherwise I would have had to drive myself home naked.

Flipping on a light in the living room, I trudged wearily towards the bedroom, dropping my purse and other things I had brought with me to the script reading on the floor. I normally hated coming into a dark house, and it really didn't feel safe, but given that it was 3:00 AM now and every bone in my body seemed to be screaming from exhaustion, I really didn't give a fuck.

Turning towards the bedroom, I saw that Buster was asleep in his bed, the 15 year old basset hound looking older and older every day it seemed. He opened his eyes and watched me as I started to peel off my clothes, headed for the shower. Stepping into the bathroom while the water heated up, I examined myself in the mirror.

Besides the usual cum stains, I saw that there were scratches and marks on my thighs and little bite marks by my nipples. My breasts hurt from being manhandled like that but at least I had gotten away without too many other marks. I had heard stories of girls getting lashings because one of those old pricks was into S&M. Still though, the night hadn't been too bad. It was nice to see that Alex actually did show up, and that he really did seem to believe me about what I told him. Whether or not he was telling the truth about not knowing, or just playing dumb, I don't know. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

I stuck my hand under the water, feeling the temperature. Ahh...just right. I was about to climb in completely when I heard the phone ringing in the living room. Great, probably some damn kid cranking calling random numbers, I thought to myself. Shutting off the water, I padded naked out into the living room, picking up the phone on the third ring.


"You did good tonight, we were very much impressed," a voice - a female voice - said.

"What? Who is this?" I asked, my heart suddenly thumping. Who else was there? Who else saw the party?

"You'll find out soon enough. Let me be the first to congratulate you on indebting yourself into our little world Ms. Heigl. You have proven yourself to be very worthy of the needs and desires of our enterprise and we are anxious to see what else you can offer," the voice said.

"What do you mean? I don't have any,"

She cut me off. "We can work out details later Ms. Heigl. Right now there is the matter of your initiation. Meet tomorrow at 342 Yardly Drive at 5:00 sharp. Use tomorrow to rest up from your activities tonight but do not be late for your appointment tomorrow,"

"Who the hell are you?" I said, now practically screaming into the phone. The voice on the other end remained calm and steady though and I even detected a bit of gleefulness in it.

"342 Yardly Drive. 5 PM" the voice said, and then the phone line clicked and went dead, a dial tone clicking on a moment later.

I stood there with the phone in my hand for another few seconds before slowly placing it back down on the receiver.

Looking down at it, I just stared and stared, not even noticing when tears - tears of fear, tears of defeat, tears of an unknown fate - welled up in my eyes.

So it begins, I thought to myself. So it begins.
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Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark Ch. 3
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2023, 09:28:56 PM »
Hollywood After Dark: Chapter 3

I have arrived and this time you should believe the hype I listened to everyone now I know that everyone was right I'll be there for you as long as it works for me I play a game It's called insincerity - Nine Inch Nails


I slugged down my fourth shot in about 10 minutes, the bourbon going down hard and fiery down my throat. The stale smell of cigarette smoke and spilled beer wafting into my nostrils, I rubbed my hand through my hair. What a day it had been. Setting my glass down, I motioned for the bartender to fill it up again. He walked hesitantly over to me, the question of if I had had enough hanging on his lips and yet no words coming as he was about to say it. I watched him refill the glass and then picked it up in my hand, examining its brownish qualities, the liquor sloshing around slightly in the smudged glass. It looked small and frail in my hand, and I could crush it if I wanted to I suppose, but that would just bring on startled glances and questions from the other patrons of this dank bar, and questions were the one thing I was very much looking to avoid today if at all possible.

After my experience in the Starry Dreams strip club the night before, wherein I witnessed three of Hollywood's most beautiful women essentially becomes whores and sex slaves for a room full of powerful men, the most plaguing thought on my mind was not about what had happened but why. Things were not making sense, no matter how much I replayed them in my mind. Why were these women being so used like this and perhaps more importantly, why did they allow themselves to be? There had to be a reasonable explanation; there always was, at least if movies had taught me anything at all. And here I was smack dab in the middle of the place of dreams, getting my OWN movie made. Strangely though, life felt more bizarre than any piece of fiction I had ever seen on screen.

It didn't help matters that I was on the outs with Petty, my girlfriend. She had caught a great break for her singing career while waiting for me at my office, and how did I show her my joy for her? By going off about the evilness I was starting to understand of the record label/movie studio both of us suddenly found ourselves in the good graces of. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for her, it was simply that I thought that Antamount, the studio who bought my script and wanted to sign her to a record deal, had suddenly become inherently polluted in my mind, the luster losing it's sheen, following the events of last night.

So fuck it, I deserved these drinks, bartender be damned. Things were going to get worse before they got better, that much my gut already told me. What happened this morning certainly didn't help matters at all.

I had went into the studio the same as I had the day before, only this time armed with more knowledge than I probably wanted. Whereas before, everything seemed magical and like a dream, now it was as if everything was cast in a darker light. Secretaries seemed more snotty, set crews seemed more surly and the executives and people involved in Antamount's production of my movie, "Amerikan Family", seemed to be in on some kind of joke that I was the punch line of.

After spending a mostly sleepless night on the couch, I was groggy and yet still decidedly firm in the decision I had come to last night, lying there awake, staring at the ceiling. I had to know what was going on, or at least find out as much more as I could, without seeming too nosy or obvious. The likely source for this had at first seemed to be Gordon Hapsboro, studio owner Wilton Willis' head assistant, but chances are he probably knew too much and would get suspicious if I started questioning. So I crossed off names mentally down the Antamount food chain and had landed on Jack Furrow and Brandon Shuman, the two guys who were overseeing the script and producing my film for Antamount. They might not know everything that was going on behind the scenes at the studio, but they could at least help in putting a lot of my fears to rest and convince me that I was just imagining things.

I walked into the casting lot, opening the door quietly to avoid making too much noise if there were script readings still going on. To my surprise however, the place was empty except for Furrow and Shuman, both of which were standing over the table they were at yesterday, looking down into a speaker phone. Jack had his hands splayed out across the table as he leaned against it, his head down as he listened intently to the other end, while Brandon stood idly by the table, his arms crossed, looking bored. As I drew closer to them, I could begin to hear the conversation in full.

"So then first it's Virginia for the end scene, followed by the lot here for the rioting and climax and the rest will be shot in France. Is that what your notes say too Mr. Willis?" Furrow said into the speaker phone. I stood still, barely even breathing as I listened. Just the mention of Willis' name now sent chills down my back.

"Yes Jack, that's the shooting schedule. And casting is complete, at least with the principal players?" I heard Willis' voice say. It sounded tinny and far away, or at the very least to be coming from a cell phone.

"Yes sir. Two weeks more of final script prep and then we will be ready to start shooting," Furrow said.

"I assume Brandon has everything in order then?" Willis asked.

Brandon unfolded his arms and leaned in over the speaker. "Yes Mr. Willis, the revisions are going to be slight. Hilt gave us something decent to work with so that's a good thing. Although I still think changing the name might be in order," Brandon said.

"Nonsense. What with all this flag waving and patriotic mumbo jumbo going on, anything with the word 'America' in it will sell tickets like crazy. Even if it is misspelled. Now, I must be going gentlemen, is there anything else?" Willis said.

"No sir. Have a safe flight," Jack said. There was an audible click on the other end, followed by a soft beep as Jack hung up the phone. He stepped back from the table and stretched, his arms rising high above his head. I took this as a cue to continue on into the room.

Brandon saw me first. "Hey Alex, what's up?"

"Just back on the job," I replied.

"Glad to hear it. You feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you. First day jitters I guess," I said, obviously not letting in on the fact that I had left early yesterday more out of confusion and worry than any sort of actual sickness.

"Well, we finished up casting without you. Here's a list," Brandon said, handing me a sheet of paper from the table. I took it and glanced down, scanning. It was written in a neat but slightly erratic hand, almost as if it was done in haste. A lot of the names I had never heard of, but a few stood out.

In the role of the mistress, they had cast Monica Bellucci. This was no surprise, given how well she had played the role yesterday during an audition. There were a few actual surprises though. For the teenage daughter, they had cast Eliza Dushku and for the youngest daughter, Mila Kunis (there were three kids, two girls and a younger boy). I raised my eyebrows at the casting of Kunis, as she had never struck me as much of a dramatic actress. Furrow must have picked up on my puzzlement, because he was quick to jump in.

"The studio wanted her for the daughter role to draw in the teen crowd. You know, the under 17 set," Furrow said.

I glanced up at him, still a bit puzzled. "But the movie is incredibly violent and is more than likely going to end up with an 'R' rating. What good does it do to cast a teen favorite into an 'R' rated movie?"

"Hey, we don't make the rules. We just hear from the studio 'cast this girl' every now and then and we are very much obliged to do it," Brandon said.

Looking over the rest of the list, none of the other names caught my eye, but I figured that the list was likely to change in the future, especially since they were wanting to apparently wait two weeks before filming began. I handed the paper back to Brandon.

"It looks ok, I guess. No huge stars but hey, this is my first movie right?" I said, forcing a smile.

"How true. Don't worry though. If the movie goes over well, you'll gain some creed and your next film could have an all star cast," Jack said, standing over the desk with his head down again, putting some papers into a folder. He picked it up and looked at me.

"We were just taking a conference call with Mr. Willis, but since that's done, there isn't much left to do today. I'm afraid you got here a little too late Alex," Jack said.

"If you had told me that there was going to be a conference call, I would have been here sooner," I replied, a little irked at what he was insinuating.

"Hey, easy there big guy. We didn't know about it either. In fact, we had just sat down when the secretary buzzed us and told us that he was on the phone. You'll learn that pretty quick here: Willis likes to make surprise calls to see what is going on. He's neurotic like that," Brandon said.

I sighed in frustration, but the anger passed quickly. I had more important things to worry about.

The three of us began to walk out of the room, Jack moving surprisingly spry for someone his age (probably mid to late 40s), with Brandon slouching behind him as I brought up the rear. I quickly scanned the two of them, trying to figure out who might be the most approachable. I decided on Brandon, as his Generation X slacker attitude simply vibed that not very much could irritate or get to him, even a line of questioning out of left field. I caught up to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him slightly back towards me.

Brandon spun on his heels, his eyes still locked on watching Jack leave the room. Furrow didn't notice either of us, lost in his own world as his long legs took big strides out of the room, the folder of documents under his arm.

"What?" Brandon said, a little startled by the feel of my hand on his arm.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I replied, my voice a little soft in my throat. Brandon looked at me for a moment, but I watched over his head as Jack disappeared out the door, the heavy metal of it closing behind him with a slam.

"Alex, I'm late for a..."

"It will only take a moment,"

"Fine. What is it?"

I had to think carefully over every word as it came out of my mouth, although this wasn't too big of a problem. I had rehearsed the lines in my head the entire way over. I took a deep breath and started, my eyes watching Brandon's own.

"When you first started working here, did you notice anything weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, like little perks or something around the office, that sort of thing,"

Brandon thought for only a split second. "No. Why?"

I was a bit puzzled - I hadn't expected this response.

"You know, invitations to parties, special treatment, that sort of thing?"

"Alex, what the hell are you talking about? I mean yeah, I go to parties and all but..."

"No, I mean parties thrown by Mr. Willis,"

It was very brief and just for a split second, but I saw it wash over him like a wave cresting across rocks. His body stiffened for a second, but his mind was too quick for even this subtle body language.

"Nope. I have only talked to the guy once in person, and when I did it was just a handshake and hello. Are you getting cut in on something I'm not? Because if so, I better speak to my agent,"

"No no, nothing like that. It's just...I heard things from some people, that's all. I was just curious I guess,"

Brandon shuffled on his feet, obviously anxious to leave.

"Yeah, well whatever Alex. I really gotta go. Have fun at your parties," he said, turning to leave. I grabbed onto his arm tighter now, though I could never remember exactly why. Maybe it was that he served as a life vest in this growing sea of turbulence I was in; maybe it was for no reason in particular.

"I'm thinking of taking some time off," I said, the words surprisingly hoarse in my throat. This caught Brandon by surprise.

"What? The movie just got going!"

"I know, but I'm still having to adjust to this lifestyle I guess," I lied. "Besides, do you really need me around here?"

"No, not really. But shit man, if I had a movie being made, I certainly would want to be here to watch it,"

"I know, and I might do that. But only when I'm needed. Even though I'm excited about the movie, I feel like a fifth wheel around here,"

"Well, it's up to you. Hapsboro and Furrow would be pissed off, but I guess that's cool. Maybe it will help you become a better writer or something. You know, take a sabbatical of some sort. I hate to see you leave though, just as we were getting to know one another. Maybe you'll change your mind?"

I smiled at this seemingly genuine show of friendship, of affection.

"I might. I just need time to think, to get my life back in order. That's all,"

Brandon moved his arm from my hand, which I allowed with no resistance.

"Yeah, all right. Well, gotta go Alex. See ya when I see ya,"

I stood there in the middle of the floor, watching him go. He hustled out the same way Furrow did and I couldn't help but think that in some alternate universe, they could have been father and son.

The door slammed behind Brandon as it had behind Jack and only when it settled in it's frame did I move again, walking towards it and out, passing the same secretary again and going to my office. This new information had thrown a kink into the ideas I was forming, but there must be something there that I can work with.

Settling down into my office, the quiet sound of an air conditioning unit outside the only noise in an otherwise quiet, I ran my hands through my hair and stared at the empty blotter on my desk. Looking into it, I saw scenes play out before me in my mind: the first meeting with Hapsboro and the subsequent party that night; the encounter with Katherine at the club; Petty signing a record deal, possibly in this very office. What did it all mean? Why had Brandon flinched like that when I questioned him about it?

The way things played out in my mind, I had two choices. I could leave this behind, take the money I had gotten for my script and not look back, simply smiling to myself when the film finally opened that I had written it and that I was the one who had brought it to life. Or I could try and stick around longer and see where things led, see if there was a way to operate in this system without selling myself short, especially that screaming, nagging voice in the back of my mind that I knew was my conscience. Both choices had pros and cons to them, but I had to reach some sort of conclusion about this, and soon. Otherwise, the problems were likely to consume me almost completely.

Laying my head down on my desk, the soft leather of the blotter pleasingly cool against my cheek, I closed my eyes and ran through all the scenarios, from innocent to extreme. I was now in the middle of all this, but did I want to really see how deep the rabbit hole went, or did I want to claw my way back out while I still had the person I knew as me still intact, while I still quite possibly controlled my soul?

I must have dozed off at some point, because when I was startled awake by a knock on the door, the air of the afternoon had seemed to have changed, indicating the slow dawning of another night in Los Angeles. I lifted my head from the desk, wiping my cheek of a light sheen of sweat that had collected against the side of my face as I cleared my throat.

"Come in," I said groggily.

The door opened slowly and Monica Bellucci appeared before me, almost like an angel in a dream. She wore a pair of low cut jeans and a purple top, the dark skin of her stomach barely visible beneath the material. Her long black hair hung over her shoulder loosely as she opened the door wider and walked into the office, glancing around herself as she stepped through the door. She smiled at me as she drew closer, the light scene of her perfume wafting in like an aura around her. She held a small dish in her right hand and clutched a pair of knives and forks tightly against the dish with her fingers.

"Hello Alex. I hope you don't mind me coming by," she said softly.

"No, it's fine," I said, leaning back in my chair as I stretched my legs out underneath the desk. Monica took a seat across from me in one of the office chairs, her eyes glimmering in the white light of the fluorescent bulb above.

"I came by to thank you," she said, setting the dish and silverware close to her on the desk.

"What for?" I asked.

"For getting me the part in your film," she said, smiling softly. Even though Monica seemed to ooze sexuality with every movement of her body, she could still be incredibly shy and graceful as she conducted herself in such banalities of everyday life as setting down a dish and carrying on a conversation.

"I didn't do anything Monica, I have to be honest with you," I replied.

"Yes," she said, pondering this for a moment. "But I think you actually did. You see, I believe it was my reading with you of the script that helped convince them to give me the part, to give me my big American break,"

I blushed slightly at this, remembering our normal screen kiss that had quickly evolved into something more, something passionate. It had been incredibly hot, without a doubt, but whether or not it was what got her the part, I didn't really know. She played the character very well, and I had read my lines the same way I had always envisioned them to be read when I wrote the script. Still though, there had been, undeniably, some sort of spark or kinetic energy between us from the scene.

"I just read the script Monica," I said, looking away from her eyes, eyes that a man could lose himself forever in. "You did all the convincing,"

Monica shook her head lightly from side to side. "I don't believe that and I don't think you do either. WE sold them the scene, WE sold them the part. It was your script and perhaps my acting that won me the role, but we couldn't have done it without the other," she said. I could feel her eyes scanning over me, reading my reaction.

I sighed, accepting her compliment as gracefully as I could. "I'm just happy you got it. I can't think of a better person to have won the role, quite honestly,"

Monica smiled at me, scooting herself closer towards me at the desk. Her breasts jostled slightly in her shirt, which was tighter than I had first noticed. She smiled at me over the desk, her chin held in her palm as she pushed the dish towards me.

"I brought you something," she said with a grin.

I pulled the dish towards me. It was a ceramic thing with a light flower stencil around the outside and a plastic top holding it's contents inside. Beneath the top I could see a myriad of colors - greens and browns and reds and yellows and oranges. Lifting off the top, the air around me was immediately filled with the scent of Italian food - garlic, fresh pasta, rich cheese. It smelled wonderful.

"What's this?" I asked, glancing down at the pile of noodles and beef that fit snugly inside the dish.

"When I was a little girl," Monica said. "My mother taught me that the best way to repay someone, especially a man, is to prepare them a rich and enjoyable meal. One that will leave them fat and happy after they eat, a small piece of bliss in edible form so to speak,"

I took a fork from the desk and prodded the contents. Until the smell had hit my nose, I had no idea I was as hungry as I really was. Monica saw me poking it and checking it out.

"It's a lasagna," she said. "I love to cook for my husband and family and I had some left from last night's meal so I thought I would give it to you as a sign of appreciation,"

"You didn't have to do this Monica,"

"Nonsense. This isn't even doing enough! If your film is as good as I think it is, and I have a pretty good sense of these things, my life will become infinitely better in the next few years. A dish of leftovers is the least I can do,"

I dug the fork in deeper and lifted out a bite. Normally I wouldn't eat pasta like this cold, but the scent was overpowering. I had to try it now.

Putting it into my mouth, the cheese practically melted on my tongue, my taste buds overwhelmed with the strength of the food. An edible piece of bliss had been exactly right, I thought to myself as I chewed the pasta and swallowed it. Monica watched me, a slight sense of desired approval in her eyes.

"Monica, it's delicious," I said, setting the fork down to look at her again. The flavors still tingled in my mouth, making a few of my taste buds water in anticipation of more to come.

She picked up a fork and took a bite out for herself. Closing her eyes, she savored the pasta as it touched her tongue. Swallowing gracefully, her long neck moving ever so slightly as it went down, Monica opened her eyes again and watched me.

"I hear you are leaving the film," she said, a slight look of disappointment in her eyes. How could she know so quick? Did word really travel that fast?

"I'm thinking about it, yes. They don't need me around anyways, getting myself into trouble," I replied, now eating the lasagna eagerly.

"But I need you," she said softly, her eyes now locked on me.

I swallowed hard. "You do? What could you possibly need a writer like me for?"

Monica laughed. "To keep me saying the right lines silly! If I know you are on set then I can feel comfortable that the master, the author, is right there with me when I say his beautiful dialog,"

I blushed slightly at such a strong compliment. Praise such as that doesn't come very often from a beautiful woman like Monica Bellucci.

"Like I said, I'm still thinking about it," I replied, setting my fork down. Monica however, plunged hers back in and scooped out a sizeable bite. Holding it out in front of her face, she leaned it across the desk towards me, the fork extended directly in front of her. I could smell her perfume and freshly washed hair, even over the spices of the lasagna, as I dutifully opened my mouth for her as she slid the fork in. The feeling of the steel of the fork and the bursting flavor from the pasta, coming from Monica's hand, was strangely arousing. I had never been one of those people who saw the erotic qualities of food, but as I chewed the pasta I began to reconsider my stance on the subject.

Monica pulled the fork away from my mouth but kept the same leaning position across the desk, her breasts pressing into the surface of the desk through her shirt.

"If there is anything I could maybe do to make you stay," Monica said, trailing off, her sexy voice now fading from her lips in a sultry whisper.

"Monica, I...I mean, I want to stay and help out with the movie," I said, my eyes locked on hers as she leaned further across the desk, her lips now just an agonizing few inches from my own. I didn't get to finish the last phrase of my sentence however, as she quickly leaned in across from me and pressed her soft lips against my own.

If our first screen kiss had been just that, something for the cameras, something devoid of much real passion, this second kiss was the exact opposite. I felt a spark of energy course through my body, as if Monica had transferred her sexuality somehow from her lips onto my own body, the river of arousal racing through every nerve in my body.

Our lips stayed locked together for another moment before I pulled away, part of my mind wondering if the current of passion would create a spark of some sort when our lips parted. It didn't materialize of course, but that didn't keep the moment from still feeling incredibly intense and heated, Monica licking her lips together seductively as we hovered inches away from each other yet again.

Monica smiled at me and pushed the food away from her, a slight jingle of the silverware sliding across the desk as the only noise to be heard. She lifted herself onto all fours on top of the desk, throwing her hair back over her shoulder as she leaned down to kiss me again. I stood up from my chair but Monica rose as well, lifting her body as our lips stayed together, her tongue now moving into my mouth as it explored across my lips and teeth. I responded equally, tasting the sweetness of her mouth - a delicious mix of the spices from the pasta and something else, something sweeter such as fruit. Our breathing now filled the room as I wrapped my arm around Monica's waist, pulling her closer to me. My hand caressed down her back to her ass, squeezing first one cheek and then the other as my fingers felt the soft roughness of the denim beneath it's tips. My thumb grazed across a patch of exposed skin between her hips and the bottom of her shirt, the warmth and heat radiating off her body incredible beneath my touch.

The back of my mind screamed loudly at me to consider why she was doing this, what was going on and whether or not she was being sincere or had just been sent here to do her job. But as loudly as it yelled, my instincts had taken over. There would be time later to analyze things, but giving into the weakness of her flesh at this very moment was something that I was willing to do, no matter what the costs later down the road.

I could feel Monica's breath heavy on my cheek as she exhaled, getting more excited by my roaming hands as they caressed her body, a finger sliding into her jeans as I touched the thin fabric of what had to be a pair of thong underwear separating her body from her jeans. Monica's hands were wrapped tightly around my back, her nails running across my shoulders and arms, giving me a tingling sensation each time she touched a new area. The bulge in my pants was impossible to hide now, but Monica didn't seem to notice (or mind) as she leaned forward into me, her pelvis pressing tightly against my body.

She moved her mouth from my lips and began to kiss down my neck towards my chest. Reaching her arms down away from my back, she pulled at the ends of my shirt, lifting it up and out from my belt and, in one quick motion, over my head and onto the floor. The cold air of the room rushed over me, adding to the tingling excitement I already was feeling, my heart thudding loudly in my chest. Monica lowered her head down my chest once again, this time kissing and licking my nipples as her tongue slid smoothly down my abs. She unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants to the floor, where they landed with a soft thud. I stood there in just my boxers now, admiring this gorgeous creature in front of me. A lock of her hair had fallen over one of her eyes, adding to the sultry look on her face. Still on her knees, Monica scooted forward towards me and dipped her upper body down below the level of the desk, so that her head was just a few inches away from my crotch.

I gasped in excitement as I felt her hand slide into my boxers and pull out my rock hard cock, her hand delicate and soft against my throbbing manhood. Monica pulled my aching prick out of my boxers and held it firmly in her hand, wasting no time as she lowered her luscious lips down onto it, her tongue and a drop of hot saliva falling out as she engulfed the head. Her lips sliding down the length of my shaft, Monica was clearly an expert in the "oral arts". Her ass swayed on the desk as she bobbed her head up and down on me, sucking gently along each vein and ridge of my dick, a slight smear of her lipstick staining my flesh. I moved my hand back onto her ass as I bent over her, slipping one hand beneath her waist to grasp the fly of her jeans. I unbuttoned the loose clasp and then hooked the edges with my thumbs as I pulled them down off her ass, her round and firm buttocks exposed to me, causing even greater arousal on my part.

Monica moved a hand down to my shaft as she sucked on me, oblivious to the undressing I was doing to her. Her cheeks billowed in and out as she devoured my cock, the warm fluids of her mouth making the blowjob incredibly intense, the feel of her hot mouth like a sauna of sexual pleasure. I groped and squeezed her ass cheeks now, my fingers dancing lightly over the navy blue, transparent thong she wore, the thin fabric cutting deeply into her ass between her cheeks. I slid a finger down further on her ass, stretching my reach to the fullest, as I found her pussy, already slightly wet with arousal. I pushed the thong aside with a finger and then began to work the tip of my middle finger into her, feeling the softness of her womanhood beneath my touch. This just encouraged Monica as she groaned beneath me, sucking harder on my prick.

I lifted my hand from her snatch, my fingers wet with her juices and began to remove her shirt as best as possible (the position was admittedly a little awkward). Sliding the top over her smooth back and shoulders, it hung around her neck between her breasts, Monica not wanting to lift her mouth away long enough to remove the garment. Her bra was a black, lacy thing, straining against the size of her ample breasts, her tits swaying gently as she bobbed up and down, working her shoulders and neck completely. I felt my balls start to tingle as my orgasm grew near, but I didn't want to shoot my load into Monica's mouth - if I came, this might be the only time I ever got with Monica Bellucci and I wasn't going to be satisfied until I had sampled her undoubtedly wonderful pussy.

Reaching my hand to her head, feeling the soft curls of her hair against my fingers, I gently lifted Monica's mouth off of my prick. She raised her head and looked at me, lust in her eyes as she caught her breath slightly. Her lipstick was smeared and there was a slight hint of moisture against her upper lip as she watched me. I smiled at her and sat her upright - she had led the foreplay before but now I was going to take control.

Sitting there watching me, I ran my hand across Monica's cheek, her face following my touch as she kissed the back of my palm. Grazing over her shoulders and neck, I placed my hand beneath her breasts, grasping the hook in the front that held these delightful beauties in places. With a soft snap, the hook opened and the garment parted, sagging slightly on her chest (though her breasts were doing anything BUT sagging). I moved my hand to her left breast and pushed the bra aside, cupping her tit in my hand as my thumb stroked her nipple. Monica sighed happily at me as I teased her hardening nub, the darkened areola of which grew flush beneath my touch. I placed my other hand on the opposite breast and pushed the bra aside, allowing the strapless thing to fall off of her body and onto my desk. Slowly moving my hand up her neck, I grasped onto her shirt and pulled it over her head, Monica shaking her head slightly as her long locks fell against her shoulders.

She was topless now as I took Monica by the hand and stood her up on the floor, her body a sexy sight that I couldn't drink in enough as she stood there in her damp thong and a pair of sneakers. Sitting down into the chair, I slid my boxers off and onto the floor beneath the desk as I held Monica's hand in my own, touching her fingers. Monica again smiled at me as she moved her hand away from mine and to her hips, seductively sliding her last real piece of clothing from her body. She did a little turn for me as she moved, bending over at the waist slightly so that I could see her snatch as it became exposed to me, the fabric of her panties coming down her legs and thighs before she stepped out of them on the floor.

Reaching my hand out, I grazed my finger tips across her belly, feeling the indentation of her belly button, damp ever so slightly from the growing perspiration on her skin. I laid my full palm on her stomach and held it there for a second, feeling her body churn and move beneath me, so alive and so sensual. Sliding downward, my fingers made contact with her neatly trimmed hair, cut in a very thin strip above her opening, the wiry feel even hotter to the touch than the rest of her body. I let my hand fall away as Monica turned towards me, rotating her firm, trim body as she sat down on me in reverse, her ass lowering onto my crotch, my shaft resting firmly between her cheeks.

Monica rocked slowly up and down me, my cock hard and blazing with heat as it brushed against her sex. The feeling was wonderful as the moisture between her legs coated me from base to tip, her soft outer lips parting slightly as my prick slid between them, so agonizingly close to being inside her. Neither one of us used our hands for this seduction - not using them at all, but simply letting our bodies grind and respond to one another was more than enough. Monica settled back against me, her back against my chest as she parted her legs more widely now, the angle of my dick just enough to allow the head to catch between her lips, pressing hard against her opening, begging to be let in. She paused for a moment, feeling this slight pulling and the sexual tension between us reach it's peak, both of us enjoying the feeling of the pressure, the moment before the storm broke into a full on gale.

With a slight moving of her hips, I slid into her, each inch burrowing further into her cunt as I watched between her legs while my cock disappeared into her. It stood straight up now as Monica slowly raised herself off of my lap, only an inch or so, to allow for the fully penetrating effect to take place. Within a moment I was inside of her to the hilt, the head of my shaft nestled softly against the inner walls of her pussy. I felt her inner walls contract involuntarily and we both shuddered as we stayed perfectly still, the fullness of her snatch for her and the tightness for me like a moment frozen in time.

I moved my hands to Monica's thighs as I slowly slid them up and down her, creating a heated friction between our bodies, my palms moving from just above her knees down to her opening, where the thumbs of my hands met again with the soft heat between her thighs. Daringly I slid my hands further between her legs, the wetness of her body now completely evident as she spread her legs as wide as possible to allow my roaming hands to feel the outer skin of her form. I placed my hands beneath her thighs now and began to lift her off of me slightly, Monica's head back against my chest as she aided me in my maneuvering.

Careful not to move too much for fear of breaking the incredible seal between our bodies, her outer lips I could now see stretched out around the three inches of girth of my manhood, I began to rock her body up and down on my legs, a grunt from my lips and a moan from hers now the only noises of the room, save the distant sound of the AC unit. My ass stuck slightly to the seat, the sweat and juices of our bodies creating a suction sound as I thrust my hips forward, anxious to feel the deepness of her pussy around my shaft as deep as possible. Flexing the head of my dick, I felt the edges expand and brush against her inner wall, causing Monica to moan louder as our flesh became one again inside of her body.

Moving one hand away from her thigh, I placed it at the small of her back and moved it upward, gently pushing Monica forward so that her body responded to my touch, her head lowering down towards the desk. She was like putty in my hands, responding to every push and pull I gave her as I continued my slow thrust inside of her, feeling the smooth skin of her back beneath my hand as it came to rest against her neck, holding her down slightly against the desk, Monica's hands reaching out to grip onto the desk tightly as I held her forward, my hips now thrusting into her at a better angle. She lowered her forehead to the desk, holding it there as I could see her eyes closed, her lips parted in a frozen gasp of pleasure, hot breath escaping from them.

We continued like that for what felt like an eternity, Monica bent over slightly at the waist as my dick slid in and out of her halfway, rocking up and down along her crevice, the base of my shaft brushing her clit occasionally, making her body tense up above me. She knew that the torrent of sexual release was coming quickly for her, the slowness of our love making not enough to stop the inevitable tide of arousal that was destined to come.

Keeping my hand where it was against her neck, a finger touching a stray lock of hair that had fallen around her neck, feeling the softness between my spread fingers as I held it firm, I moved my other hand to her tummy, wrapping my forearm around her waist as I continued to raise her up and down off of me. Monica was lost to her sexual inhibitions now, her body simply responding as her mind was racked with pleasure. I couldn't claim much better, as every hair on my body seemed to be swaying and moving to the touch of her soft skin, the firmness of her stomach and the bottom of her breasts that occasionally would brush against the back of my hand, their soft flesh cresting and falling against me on our circular rhythm of love making. I held her like this for a moment longer, increasing the pace slightly as Monica finally lifted her head from the desk, her hair falling over her eyes as she looked back at me, no words being said at all as we committed this act of adultery for her, cheating for me. Where we were from, the fact that she was from a completely different country and a completely different culture made no difference on the simple fact that we were two people enjoying the most intimate of feelings with one another.

Monica pushed her ass hard against me as I released half of my dick from her tightly grasping pussy, her body begging for more as it strove to reach it's own tidal opening. I allowed her this simple pleasure as she bucked the back of her body against me with all the might she could muster after the slowly sapped strength of her body, feeling the hard nub between her legs held hard and firm against my shaft. She thrust backwards once more as she finally achieved her bliss, her knuckles whitening on the desk that she held so tightly to, a lone "Unnggghh" escaping from her lips before fading away in the soft falling of her voice.

She grinded her hips against me, savoring the feeling of my touch all over her body as I felt goose bumps arrive for a few seconds, the pinnacle of her orgasm, before they too crested off, the moment of bliss passing away from her body after a long and slow build up, the after shocking waves still giving her a radiating strength that ensured that my own orgasm would not go without the proper attention being paid. Monica held firmly to the desk still, her fingernails digging deep into the blotter and wood of the desk, the rest of her body still as she grasped and held onto me as firmly as possible. She finally began to move and stir, beginning to respond to my now aching balls and the release that I wanted to achieve so badly, though I was certainly torn at having to end at such a pleasurable place, the current grasping and build up more than enough pleasure for any one man.

I lifted her up from the desk, her body limp and yet still responsive to my touch as I slid my hand over her nipple, feeling it's softness against the roughness of my palm. Thrusting into her now, her body prone on top of mine, she was mine to use and gratify myself with, the willing price paid for taking her to the level that I did moments earlier. My balls began to tingle again between her legs as I held onto her waist with one hand, her breast the other, bouncing her body against my own as I slammed into her with a growing intensity. The motions of our moving made her rise and fall quicker than before, each agonizing millisecond outside of her pussy reclaimed by the feeling of her body sliding once more over my shaft.

Pushing as hard as I could now with her weight on top of me, I gripped Monica's body tightly above me, my cock drilling into her more and more with each thrust, almost reaching the bottoming out point of this luscious hole, this incredibly wonderful channel of love that didn't want to let me go, nor I to leave it. Our rocking became more feverant now, the tension in my balls begging for release, aching and willing me on to hit that one point of bliss that would release the waves of pleasure all throughout my body. It didn't take long to arrive, as I felt every ridge and bump and nerve in my shaft brush once more against her soft hole, the overwhelming intensity of being inside such a beautiful creature as Monica finally breaking through the defense of my brain that I had created to keep from releasing too quickly.

I slammed her down firm onto my legs, not unlike the own hard thrusting Monica herself had done a few minutes earlier, I felt my orgasm build and then release like an explosion from my body, the hot delivery of my load coating the inside of her inner walls, spurt after spurt sending me so far over the edge of bliss that I felt dizzy, our fluids mingling with one another. I grunted into Monica's back as I held her still on my hips, waiting for that final moment of bliss to fade, signified by the last gasping shot of my come inside of her body. As it escaped from me, I felt the hardness of my prick begin to diminish, though still evident, as I released my tight grip on Monica's body and allowed her to collapse forward onto the desk slightly.

She moved her ass away from my body, both of us breathing heavily as we dripped sweat onto one another, her back and sides wet with it all over, a lone drop accumulating at her shoulder blade as it slid down the soft contours of her body and down her arm pit where it disappeared from my site, falling onto the floor. Monica raised herself off of me and slowly slid out away from the desk onto the floor, where she laid prone, her eyes closed tightly but a blissful smile on her lips, her sweating and exhausted body sprawled out on the floor.

I reclined back in my chair, sighing loudly as the last glow of orgasm faded from my mind. Wiping the sweat away from my face and forehead, I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again and swiveling my chair to look down at Monica. She lay with one leg slightly crossed over the other, though neither did much to conceal her sex, as she spread her arms out above her head, her hair a weaving mess extended all over the floor.

My mind still swam slightly from the sex, the feel of Monica's skin against my own still registering like a radiating glow on my body. Drifting, I thought about leaving this behind or at least stepping back slightly from my involvement. If the perks for my time here in Hollywood were any indication of the activities of this afternoon, leaving might not be such a smart idea. Here I had a beautiful woman trying to get me to stay, who was I to turn that down, even if the sex was just that, sex? There was nothing yet to indicate that I had to go along with the ideology behind it, especially since Monica's gesture had seemed to be genuine.

I gazed down at her with a smile, devouring the site of her nude form as it lay a few feet beneath me, my prick softening against my belly as the juices of her body were absorbed into my own. Propping my chin up on my palm, I continued to look at her when, though to this day I still don't know why, I saw something I had never seen before.

Bolting quickly out of the chair, I grabbed my boxers and pants off the floor, taking my shirt from the other side of where Monica lay as I quickly slid it over my body. Stepping over her, I walked with a hurried pace around her and out of the room. My movement must have roused her from the state she was in, for as I opened the door, I heard her worried voice call to me.

"Alex? Alex, what's wrong?" she said, but I was already out the door and down the hall as it faded in my ears.

I couldn't shake the image of what I saw, of what now gleamed like a taunting joker face in front of my mind's eye.

Nestled covertly between her thighs, in a position where only the proper angle and proper light would catch it, was the symbol. The circle with the prongs pointing in each of the main directions, the same lightning bolt "z", right there in the middle of it. Small and faint as it was, there was no mistaking it. It was the same symbol I had seen on Hapsboro's card.


Taking a deep breath, I stood before the ominous heavy oak door in front of me. It's edges were outlined with classical wood sculpting, hand carved vines and leaves combing up and down the sides of the frame. A heavy brass handle rests in the mid-right of the door, a knocker only a few inches above it. A pair of halogen lights, not on even in the dimming daylight, stand like silent watchmen about 3/4 of the way up the door, a cobweb hanging from the back of one.

The house itself, if you even want to call it a house (mansion might be more appropriate) looks fairly normal and in place with the neighboring houses a hundred yards or so off to each side. The windows along the first floor are drawn closed with blinds, no hint of the interior visible to the outside world. If it wasn't for the line of hastily parked sports cars in the sloping drive way ten feet away or so, the place would look elegant but empty.

I placed my hand on the brass handle, the metal cold even in the summer heat against my flesh, but I remove it a moment later, opting instead for the matching knocker in the middle of the door. Wrapping it tightly in my fingers, I knock it hard against the wood three times, the sound of metal striking wood dulled by the thickness of the door.

Releasing the knocker, I take a step back and wait for the mansion's occupants to open the door for me. I had been told only yesterday to meet here, my "initiation" now due into whatever twisted world I had gotten myself into when I agreed to work for Wilton Willis. I truly didn't know what I was getting myself into, my body on edge as adrenaline pumped through my veins, the anxiousness of finding out what lay behind that wooden door almost making my hands shake against my sides. I placed my hands on my skirt, smoothing out the silky material as I adjusted my appearance. I hadn't known what really to wear, so I chose simply a floral skirt and a white top that was comfortable and fitting against my body.

Though only seconds had passed, they felt like an eternity as I stood there waiting for the door to open. I focused my attention on the inside of the house, staring hard into the door as I listened for movement inside. There was some - at least two pairs of legs walking and moving around quickly behind the door. The noise suddenly stopped however, just as quickly as it had arrived, and I was about to write it off to my own blood pumping in my ears, when I heard the unmistakable sound of metal sliding out of a lock on the other side, the door shuddering slightly as it opened slowly.

The door opened a few feet wide, enough for me to see the dim lights inside for a moment before a head appeared in the opening left by the door. I saw the curly blonde hair first before I even connected the face: Kate Hudson, the daughter of Hollywood veteran Goldie Hawn, though the young Kate was undoubtedly a star in her own right. She looked at me with a blank stare for a moment before her eyes lit up in a realization of who I was. She smiled widely as she opened the door wider, giving me now a better view of her body. I was startled for a moment to see that she wore nothing but a lavender transparent piece of clothing, lingerie really, over her body, her nipples pressing against the constraints of the fabric from her small breasts.

Kate turned her head and called off to a person that I couldn't see further into the house.

"She's here!" Kate bubbled excitedly, opening the door wider now to allow me to step in. I walked into the house enough for Kate to close the door behind me with a resounding thud, the noise echoing through the walls of the mansion. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I could make out more details inside, things I couldn't have seen from the setting sun behind my back. The room I was in was part of a massive lower area, a wall off at the very end of this foyer, forming a sort of boxed in look just out of sight, the doorway leading to who knew what. The rest of the room was very sparse in design: a large rug on the hardwood, very old looking floor, a pair of leather couches positioned in an L shape around a glass coffee table and a fire place off on the right wall. The most striking feature of the room though had to be the massive staircase that dominated the middle of the room, it's spiral shape leading off to an upstairs floor that I could only see half of, thanks to the dimly lit lights of the main hallway. It's steps were carpeted in a rich velvet looking material, the banisters all thick wood held up by even thicker rectangular poles rising along the edges of the stairs. The entire thing evoked memories of Scarlet O'Hara's mansion in "Gone With the Wind", a movie I had watched many times as a little girl. But whereas that classic had evoked feelings of happiness within me, this place seemed dank and more than a little frightening in it's darkly lit corners and massive expansiveness.

Kate stood in front of me, sizing me up it seemed, as she looked me up from head to toe. I could see her outfit (or lack thereof) better now: she wasn't completely naked, but the lavender garment she wore covered every part of her body barely, stopping at her thighs, a pair of matching panties thin and small around her tiny waist. With her golden hair and beaming eyes, Kate had a look of some mythical nymph, freshly awakened from a spring morning to romp around the forest looking to satisfy her sexual lust.

"Well, the clothes have got to go," she said a bit demandingly. "You can do it now, or wait till the Mistress gets here. Up to you. But if I were you...I'd strip down to at least your bra and panties now before she gets here,"

With that, Kate turned and walked deeper into the room, her tiny ass swishing slightly as she moved, her body having been blessed with not a single inch of fat or excess skin thanks to her lithe frame. I stood there awkwardly for a moment, watching her walk. Kate non-chalantly reached down and pulled off the lingerie, shaking her hair free as she tossed it lazily onto the floor. Her exposed back, smooth and glowing it seemed in the light of the room, disappeared from my sight as she walked deeper into the room, practically vanishing like a ghost.

Not wanting to be left standing there alone, I hustled to catch up to her until I could see her completely, her bare feet padding lightly on the floor of the mansion as she drew closer to the couches. I could make out another form kneeling by the sofa, their legs tucked underneath them as they leaned over the glass table.

The room was suddenly filled with a very loud snorting sound and as I finally could make out the furniture, I could see why. Alicia Witt, the redheaded actress who had made a name for herself as a sort of vamp in movies, threw her head back in contentment as she lifted it from the table. Even in the poor light of the room, the lines of white powder sliced neatly on the table were unmistakable to me. She wore a simple silk green robe around her body, the waist of which was not pulled too tightly against her, leaving ample room for the exposure of her cleavage, her nipples on each breast almost visible as they held themselves against the silk of the robe. Alicia lay back against one of the sofas, her arms extended over her head as she relaxed completely with her eyes closed and her lips half parted in a sigh of pleasure. She lightly brushed the back of her hand underneath her nose, wiping away a fine residue of powder as she opened her eyes to see Kate standing over her. I stood watching for a moment, still a few feet away from them as Kate bent down next to Alicia. Kneeling, her breasts jostling slightly from her thin frame, Kate pulled her long blonde hair back and put her face to the table, the room again filling with that unmistakable sound of people getting high.

Alicia watched Kate as she did another line, rubbing her hand across Kate's panty clad ass as the Oscar nominated actress scooted back and sat on the couch. Alicia roamed her hand up and down Kate's extended thigh, the blonde reclining on the couch now as she draped her legs over one of the arms. They seemed oblivious to me for a few moments, lost in their own drug induced haze for a moment before Alicia stopped her stroking of Kate and looked up at me.

"Hi Katherine, glad you decided to come," Alicia said, her eyelids fluttering at me as a sly smile crossed her face. "We have a lot of fun planned for you,"

I stood awkwardly for a moment, replying a soft hello to her as I glanced around the room more. Alicia reached over to the table and lifted off the tray with the coke on it and held it out towards me.

"You're welcome to some if you want. It will make the whole night a blast, trust me," Alicia said.

"No, that's alright," I said, my heart beating in my chest. I didn't really care that people got high every now and then, nor that they offered to share with me. I was more struck by the casualness of the whole situation, as the alarming idea that this sort of thing was nothing new to them, something they did routinely, crossed into my head.

Alicia shrugged and set the tray back down. Next to it was a small plastic bag and a pipe, the pipe already filled almost to the brim with marijuana. Alicia lifted it and a nearby lighter from the table, pulling the pipe (marble decorated with a shiny brass bowl in the middle) to her mouth, the lighter poised over the plant, ready to be struck. Kate sat up now, watching Alicia as the redhead pulled it to her mouth, lighting the bowl deftly and inhaling deeply as the odor of the burnt drug quickly began to fill the area around us. Alicia pulled the pipe away quickly, her cheeks bulging as she held in the smoke for as long as possible, finally letting out a soft sigh as the smoke billowed out from her lips and danced around her face.

Kate reached over and took the pipe from Alicia, holding it out to me now.

"Come on Katherine, a little bit of grass won't hurt ya," she said, smiling at me. I moved towards her and took the pipe gently from her hand, the lighter included and took it to my mouth. Pot was one thing I didn't mind doing on occasion and the calming effects of it might ease my already jumpy nerves.

The two girls watched me as I placed the end in my mouth and, though not as skillfully as Alicia, managed to get a bright orange flame within a strike or two. Lowering over the end, I sucked in the smoke, the bitter burning quickly touching the back of my throat and making it tingle as I lowered the lighter, the intense heat fading as the flame went out.

I tried to be as cool and collected as possible as I felt my body start to surge in a quest for air, holding the smoke in for as long as possible even though my eyes had started to water a bit from the lack of oxygen. The pot was very strong, very potent stuff and as I finally released the smoke from my mouth with a half cough, half gasp, I could already start to feel the familiar tingling of it's effects just starting to take place.

Kate smiled at me and took the pipe from my hands, shifting it's contents around slightly before she did two quick hits off of it, the once green and sticky plant now just a pile of ash in the bowl. Kate held it in longer than Alicia or I and seemed to have no trouble at all exhaling, the cool poise of her abilities very striking to me. She set the pipe and lighter back down on the table with a soft clink and stood up from the couch, walking over towards me.

"Tsk tsk, I thought I told you to take off those clothes," she said dreamily, her eyes bloodshot and her eyelids fluttering half closed the same way Alicia's had. Kate stepped in front of me and put her hands at the base of my shirt, lifting it up slowly over my body. I could really feel the drug kicking in now so any resistance or hesitation was starting to quickly fade from me. I bent over slightly as Kate removed the garment from my body, tossing it lazily on the couch as she stepped back to examine me. Alicia had gotten to her feet as well and now both girls moved to flank me as I stood there, letting them control my actions almost completely.

I felt Alicia's hand on my back as she undid the clasp of my bra, Kate pulling down the bra straps from both shoulders as the bra too fell away from me. The musty, sticky air of the house made my nipples tingle slightly as they were exposed to the room for the first time, a light sweat breaking out on my chest as I felt my heart beat faster inside my throat. Alicia rubbed her hands up my arm from shoulder to elbow, feeling my skin against her own hands and fingers. Kate was occupied with my stomach and back however as I felt her slide her arms around me, caressing my bare flesh as she leaned in closer to me, her body an inch or so away from me, the heat from her nakedness radiating against my willing flesh.

Alicia stopped her stroking of my arms and lowered her head to my breast, her tongue easing out from her mouth slowly as I felt it touch and brush my nipple, making me jump involuntarily. She placed her entire mouth over my nipple, sucking on it like a baby as she glided her tongue across my quickly hardening nipple. Kate slid her hand up my back and stroked my neck with her fingers, the small hairs seeming to dance at her touch as she brushed her fingertips across the hairs. Alicia moved her mouth from one breast to the other, cupping them both in her hands as she suckled at me, the edges of her teeth biting down gently on my left nipple.

I was completely at their mercy at this point, things moving slowly in my mind as my body reacted without thinking to the caresses and touches that were taking place. I felt like I was watching myself from outside my body, watching someone else get teased and pleasured by two of Hollywood's rising stars. I felt my hand rise by itself to Kate's lower back, my fingers starting to slide of their own accord down the back of her skimpy panties, caressing the start of her ass as they slid lower. Kate sighed loudly against me, her hot breath making my skin tingle again as she searched for the clasp on the back of my skirt to remove it. She had found it and with the help of Alicia managed to slide it off of me, the fabric brushing my bare legs as it fell to the floor, before all three of us jumped at the sound of a voice off to our left.

"HEY!" the voice said, commanding and more than just a little pissed off sounding. "What the fuck are you bitches doing?"

As quickly as they had started, Alicia and Kate dropped their arms from my body and stepped back two steps, like children caught stealing from a cookie jar, Kate's eyes falling to the floor as she looked down guiltily. Alicia was more brazen, looking in the direction of the voice as she crossed her arms across her body, one of her breasts spilling out against her forearm, though she still looked a little ashamed at what she was doing. Still in my lazy dream sort of state, I turned my head to follow the sound, realizing only slightly in the back of my mind that I was now just as naked as Kate.

Stepping out quickly from a room beneath the massive staircase came Eliza Dushku, a scowl on her face as she looked at the three of us with contempt. Like the other girls, she was dressed in a skimpy outfit, comprised of a red teddy and matching stockings that came up to her thighs. Her dark hair swooshed out behind her as she moved towards us, anger in her eyes.

"What the hell did I tell you?" she said, one hand on her hip. Silence.

"WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU?" she said again, louder this time, her voice echoing off the walls of the house.

Alicia now looked down at the floor.

"Don't start until the Mistress gets here," she said in a defeated voice.

"Damn straight! We have this all planned out and you two thought that you would just get yourselves some before we got started, didn't you?"

Kate giggled. "Hehe...get yourselves some..."

Eliza snapped her head towards Kate. "You think this is funny?"

Kate straightened up in her posture, her eyes never leaving the floor. "No madam,"

"Good. Now you two have a seat and don't move until I or the Mistress says, alright?" Eliza barked. The two girls quickly retreated to a sofa each and sat down, leaving just me standing there in the war path of Eliza.

Surprisingly though, her mask of anger quickly turned to one of casual regard.

"Sorry Katherine, I can't leave these two nymphs alone for 10 minutes when we have a new member coming in. I hope they didn't do anything to you?"

I slowly felt myself returning to my mind, my answer and voice coming a little slowly, or so it felt.

"No, we just smoked some pot and they helped me get undressed," I said, my voice sounding like it was coming from a far away place.

Eliza looked from Alicia and Kate to me, then back at them, her head turned.

"Well, that's good at least. You need to save your strength for tonight but I guess that a little pharmacological boost wouldn't hurt," she said. "Are you ok? Comfortable? You want a robe or something?

I was a little taken aback by her sudden thoughtfulness and couldn't help but smile.

"That's ok, I'm fine,"

Eliza sighed loudly, her nostrils flaring slightly. She walked over to the table and wiped up some stray powder with her finger, smearing it into her mouth. Standing back in front of me, she took me by the arm.

"Here, let's have a seat," she said, leading me and my heavy lead feet towards a set of chairs I hadn't noticed behind the couches. They were leather and oversized and as Eliza pushed me gently into the one across from her, they felt incredibly comfortable against my body, the smoothness rubbing against my back. Eliza crossed her legs like a proper lady (only later would this seem a bit absurd to me) and shook her hair over her shoulder.

"Now, before we begin, let me explain why you are here and what we have in store for you tonight, ok?"

I nodded sleepily, my eyes suddenly feeling heavy in the comfort of the chair. I did manage to focus my attention on her words however.

"We heard about your performance at the club last night, and the Mistress thought that if you could prove yourself as a top lady there for all those pigs, you were deserving of taking things to the next level. So you are here tonight to join an elite list of Hollywood actresses, singers and athletes who have 'made it' in this cut throat business," Eliza said. "Our organization, the Rose Petal Club, operates under a few basic rules. One: Anything you have to do for your career is perfectly acceptable and in fact encouraged by the Club. Even though it appears that men make the rules in this business, these same men also know that the power of a woman's touch goes miles farther than any signed contract ever could. So we operate with their endorsement and approval, with our own agenda and independent from the vile reaches of agents and the media. Two: What we do as members stays within the organization. Meaning, you can never tell outsiders about your exploits or what you may have to do for your fellow sisters in the Club, as a matter of secrecy and to keep up appearances to the same men who oversee our existence. Three: Once you leave here tonight, you are in for life. This comes with all the perks: better acting roles, more money, whatever you could possibly want, is yours. All you have to do is explain it to your sisters during one of our monthly meetings and it will be done. It also comes with a lot of responsibility and commitment to use your womanly talents for whatever desires our men oversees wish. You can never refuse them, no matter how vile you think the request. If you do...well, let's not get into that,"

"Four, " Eliza said, taking a breath. "Enjoy yourself. Live your life how you want, date who you want and marry who you want. Hell, some of our older members have kids and everything and they are perfectly happy. True, you have to be on call practically for whenever a sister or a higher up wants something, but these instances are usually few and far between, so don't sweat them. Finally, the Mistress is ALWAYS right. She is appointed head of the Rose Petal Club for as long as she wishes to remain that way and whatever she wants takes precedence over anything or anyone else. You'll meet her soon and I'm sure you will learn to love her as all the rest of us have,"

Eliza finished her speech, the words still sinking into my ears. I felt some apprehension about the whole thing, deep down, but what could I do? It was too late to back out now, and even though I hated a lot of the times that I was forced to perform sexual favors for people, surely being an official member now would make things better, right? My head swam as I thought over all this slowly, Eliza watching me for a response of some sort.

"Any questions?" she asked.

I thought for a moment and then blurted out the first thing that came into my head.

"Are there other houses like this with drugs and lesbians and stuff?" I said, realizing as soon as I said it how immature and childish it sounded.

Eliza laughed at the question, leaning her head back for a moment as she seemed to relish what I had said. She was still chuckling when she replied.

"Well, there is another mansion like this out in Malibu where a lot of actresses, some who are members and some who aren't, go to hang out and play with one another. It's nothing like this though. That's just fucking. But as a rule of thumb, no. Our meetings are always spontaneous and our headquarters are wherever there is a place for members who might be able to get there fairly quickly. After tonight, we probably won't be back at this house for a while. It keeps those who want to bring us down on their toes," Eliza said, still giggling slightly from my idiotic question. I tried to think of a follow up that was more mature.

"The Rose Petals have enemies?" I asked.

"Not as in written down or verbally declared enemies, but yeah, some people don't like us. It's mostly bitches who didn't make the cut or who just couldn't hack it, but I hear that there are some men involved too. Any ways, that's not important. Do you have any other questions?" she said, putting her hands on the chair as she stood up. I mimicked her moves as I slowly rose from the chair myself, my legs feeling a little shaky.

"No, I don't think so. Not right now I don't think," I said, managing to retain my balance.

"Good. If you have any, just let me know and I'll be happy to answer them. In the meantime, let's get started," she said, walking off towards Kate and Alicia. "The mistress should be down here in just a minute,"

Following her was like walking in a tunnel, my buzz from the pot making even the dark room seem brightly lit. I could feel something - anticipation? anxiousness? - as I walked, trailing Eliza. There was no mistake in my mind now, obviously, that all of this and all of these other women were involved in something bigger than us, something that just when you thought you had found the end of, miles more distance opened before you. I knew that there was something troubling about a world that propped itself up on sexual favors and back scratching, of secret societies and hidden agendas, but what was I to do? I had been allowed into this inner circle and now the only way to see the forest for the trees around me was to immerse myself in it as objectively as possible, look like I was playing by their rules while still playing by my own. Thinking of Alex Hilt, the handsome writer who had stumbled into this whole thing accidentally, I wondered what he would think, if he would even believe me should I find the courage to tell him about the Rose Petals.

Eliza stopped in front of the massive staircase, standing there and staring up at the second floor intently. I stayed a few feet behind her and watched as she focused her entire attention on whomever the person that was arriving soon would be. Kate and Alicia were giggling behind me, oblivious to the rest of the room as they no doubt played with each other in their drug induced state.

Eliza's gaze I could now see was focused on the left side of the upper area of the mansion, and in the light of the room I could see a door at the end of the hall. Without turning her head, Eliza softly said:

"Watch. The Mistress is coming any second now. I know she will love you, and you her. You should be so happy Katherine, you have been chosen,"

Even in my stoned state I knew that the words she said were a little creepy, almost cult like, but I too found my attention focused on the door. It opened a few seconds later, a figure emerging. Eliza gasped suddenly, as if struck with an epiphany of some sort. She rushed over to the base of the stairs, placing one leg on the bottom as she looked up. I could see the figure, a woman with long flowing hair, moving down the hallway and beginning to descend the stairs. The angle of the light in the room was such that her face was shadowed from me as she walked, her now clearly dark black hair covering half of her face. Climbing up two more steps, Eliza held her hand out to the woman and guided her the rest of the way down to the floor. It was only in the light at the base of the stairs that I finally got a good look at her.

"Greetings Katherine, welcome to the Rose Petals Club," she said.

I was a little taken aback, it now being my turn to gasp slightly. The Mistress that Eliza had seemed so intent on worshipping was someone I had not expected in the slightest: Salma Hayek. There was no mistaking it was her, from the supple curves of her waist to the oval shape of her face and her slightly pursed lips, the way in which she carried herself made it clearly evident that Salma was the Mistress behind all of this.

"Hhhhello Salma," I said weakly, still probably looking dumbfounded. She seemed so normal and innocent whenever I had seen her around Hollywood, how had she managed to hide her real activities so well?

"I trust Eliza here has explained everything to you?" Salma said, waving her hand out gallantly as if the mansion was some sort of medieval kingdom. Clinging to her side was Eliza, who seemed oblivious to the rest of the world, her eyes looking up at Salma's face as she spoke, watching her arm as it moved. She seemed like a puppy dog, devoted completely to it's owner, following behind in it's footsteps wherever the owner went. As my eyes locked on Salma's, I started to understand why: far from being an outwardly friendly gaze, Salma's look held within it a forcefulness that made you want to follow her every instruction.

"Yes. She has Salma," I said.

"Call me Mistress," Salma said, rebuking me. I was startled slightly by the hint of aggression in her tone, but something told me that it was best to humor her.

"Yes Mistress," I replied, tearing my eyes away from hers.

"That's better," Salma said with a smile. She looked down at Eliza. "Well, don't just stand there bitch, remove your Mistress' robe.

In my quest to see her face as she descended the stairs, I hadn't even noticed what Salma was wearing. Looking now, the first thing that caught my eye was the thick leather boots that elevated her a few inches from the ground and reached all the way up to her thighs. Barely covering the rest of her body was a black negligee that hung on her dark skinned form like a second skin, the bottom without the usual frills of lingerie, simply ending a few inches above her thighs. Over her shoulders was a silk robe that spread out behind her when she moved, the material thin enough that I could see the rich Latin skin of her shoulders beneath it. Her black hair hung over the robe behind her and as she stood there with a look of impatience on her face, I detected the faint whiff of a perfume applied hours ago to her body.

Eliza scrambled quickly behind Salma and gently removed the robe from her shoulders, folding it across her arm and carrying it over to the banister of the stairs where she draped it across. Salma and I watched her do this and when Eliza obediently returned to her side, Salma spoke again.

"MMm...you really are quite delectable aren't you?" she said, placing her finger on my neck and gently sliding it up under my chin. I flinched a little at her touch - I never liked strangers touching me, famous or not - which seemed to irritate Salma. She removed her hand quickly from my chin and then slapped me across the cheek hard, almost sending me reeling to the floor.

"Bitch, you will learn to let me touch you," she barked at me as I wobbled on my legs and moved back to her.

"Yes Mistress," I said, placing my arms at my sides as she moved closer to me. Walking around me, her hand trailing once again from my chin to my shoulders to my back to my ass to my stomach to my breasts, she completed her circle around me and had a satisfied smile on her face as she shook her head back and forth.

"I don't know where Eliza finds cunts like you, but I am certainly glad she did. I am going to enjoy this," she said, leaning her face into mine. I felt her lips press against my own and had to fight hard the urge to pull my head away. My cheek still stung from the slap and it was obvious that any more assertions of free will would lead to more violence. Salma stepped away and turned to Eliza.

"Get the bag," she said dryly as she again looked me over from head to toe. My heart was beating wildly in my chest now, a wave of emotions running their course as I tried to regain control of myself in the situation. Why did I let her slap me? How far would she go?

Running to the far room of the main floor that I hadn't seen, Eliza returned a moment later, slightly out of breath.

Salma chided her like a mother. "You stop that smoking, little runs like that won't leave you panting so much,"

"Yes Mistress, I'll try to do that," Eliza said, handing Salma the bag.

"Follow me Katherine," Salma said, turning toward the first two couches where Alicia and Kate were. Approaching them, I wasn't surprised in the slightest to find the two other girls on top of each other in a 69 position. Kate's head was lifted from the ground as she licked furiously at Alicia's swollen and exposed pussy, the patch of red hair above it glistening in the light of some nearby incense. Being on top, all I saw was the back of Alicia's head and her small, firm ass as she grinded herself into Kate's body, her hair swaying all over the place between Kate's legs.

"Get up," Salma said. Like someone struck with lightning, the two girls jumped off of each other instantly, Kate crawling on her hands and knees over to Alicia, who had cowered a bit against the far end of the sofa. They leaned into each other and giggled as they watched Salma, myself and Eliza move towards the larger of the two couches. Alicia's face was flushed and red from being held tightly between Kate's legs, and there was a slight hint of moisture on her face, not to mention a sly look of satisfaction. Kate sat Indian-style with her legs crossed, her small chest heaving a little bit as she caught her breath, while Alicia had her knees raised to her chin, her pussy lips exposed to anyone who might care to look.

Salma stopped in front of the couch and pointed towards a pillow on the far end.

"Here Katherine, lay down. We just have one final thing to do before you are a Rose Petals member for life," Salma said gently. It was unsettling to see her jump from unstable bitch to soothing friend without even the slightest bit of thought or outward change, but again I complied with her request and laid down. Eliza hovered over me, reaching down to remove my panties. I fought for just a second, keeping my legs crossed, but as Salma's hand touched my leg, I found myself opening them easily, allowing the last bit of clothing I wore to be completely removed.

Setting the back down on the floor beside her, Salma crawled onto the couch, putting her knees beneath her as she sat down. She smiled up at me.

"To make sure your loyalties run as deep as Eliza and other members have said they do, we unfortunately must put you through a bit of pain as the final step of your initiation," Salma said. "Don't worry though, it won't take too long, nor will it hurt that much. We have ways of taking your mind off the pain. Here Eliza, show her what you are going to do,"

Eliza moved over to where my head was reclined and pulled the teddy she wore aside slightly. Pointing, I saw a small tattoo of a circle just below her right hip, inches away from the narrow strip of pubic hair she had all but shaved off.

"A tattoo?" I asked, looking from Eliza's bare skin to Salma.

"Think of it as a sort of brand. A way to know where you allegiances lie. It should heal in a few days, and Eliza has done lots of these before, so you are in good hands," Salma said. "Now, lie very still. I'm going to hold your legs down so that you don't accidentally kick Eliza, ok? Do you have a preference for where it goes?"

"Can I get it on my shoulder? I've always wanted one there," I said.

Salma laughed. "No dear Katherine, I'm afraid not. Should you be attending a premiere of some sort and you were bare shouldered, think of what would happen if the press took a photo? No, it's too much risk. It needs to be in a place where only lovers and your sisters would be able to see," she said

I thought about it, trying to decide where would be the least painful. Quite frankly, I didn't want a tattoo at all, especially not one that would "brand" me, but again I felt myself powerless to the controls of Salma and this entire experience.

"My hip...I guess..." I said softly, resigning myself to the fated spot.

"Excellent choice. Now just lay back and relax. You'll feel some initial pain at first but it should pass quickly," Salma said, stroking her hand up my leg. Eliza, now having been given full instructions, kneeled down onto the floor by the bag and pulled out a container of ink and an electric, battery operated needle. Turning it on, it buzzed to life in the room, drawing the attention of Kate and Alicia, who had moved from the couch over to the edge of the table where they now sat, watching like two little children.

I felt Salma's grip on my legs tighten as Eliza leaned over me, an alcohol swab in her hand. She dabbed it just below my left hip, the cool sensation of the alcohol making my skin tingle as she gently brushed it away. She was all business now as she laid one arm across my nude lower half and used the other to aim the needle towards me. The buzzing grew louder as I felt the tip of the needle pierce my skin.

It hurt. It hurt like hell. I reacted wildly, screaming in pain as the needle bore deeper into my skin. My hips bounced off the sofa and I almost bucked Salma off completely, but she reacted smoothly and pressed her entire weight on me, holding me down. Eliza too almost came off, the needle at a diagonal angle in me as I watched, but within a second she had withdrawn it. I panted and managed to catch my breath for a moment, but it was brief as I felt the needle plunge in again, almost in the exact same spot. I had seen plenty of people get tattoos before, but I had never liked needles and as such watching them dig into your skin was a pretty nerve racking experience. I forced myself to look at what Eliza was doing, her face a mask of concentration. I thought I would see blood oozing out of me but I was startled to see simply a red looking spot on my thigh where the needle went in, and a small black dot beginning to form.

Eliza got a rhythm going as she pushed the needle in, the steel going a bit inside and then pulling it out slowly and gently, then repeating the process. It still hurt every time she did it, but the initial shock was starting to fade. I could feel the spot where she was applying the tattoo start to throb a little bit and the look of pain on my face must have registered to Eliza even through her veil of concentration.

"She's in a lot of pain Mistress. Maybe you should make her feel better," Eliza said casually, not looking up from what she was doing.

"Hmmm...yes, that does seem to make the process easier," Salma said. I caught her eye for a second as she smiled at me. Pulling her hair back over her shoulder, Salma lowered her head between my legs, her hot breath on my pussy as she moved a hand down and gently parted my inner lips. Placing her mouth atop my sex, I squirmed a bit as I felt her tongue ease out from her mouth and into my body.

Licking around my pussy, Salma's tongue thrust hard into my snatch, exploring the inner depths of it. As she brushed across my clit tenderly, I felt a surge of excitement course through my body, overwhelming the painful sensation of Eliza's ever diligent needle. Salma began to suck on my pussy with her lips, tasting my slowly trickling juices as she pleasured me in an attempt to distract me from Eliza's work. It worked amazingly well, as her pace began to quicken between my legs; Salma was a woman who certainly knew what other women needed in order to get off. I struggled to lay still as I felt her snake like tongue licking around inside of me, her nose nestled atop my pubic hair as she ate me out, moving her mouth back slightly as she held some of my outer pussy lips between her own lips. My body began to feel hot and excited and I watched Salma as she looked up at me, her face burrowed between my legs, lapping away at my clit.

The tip of her teeth glided across my sensitive nub and I came in a slight orgasm, more juice spilling out between my legs. This seemed to please Salma, but as the sensations of bliss ebbed from my body, I could once again feel the pain of the tattoo, which Eliza was fairly far along into now, a half circle clearly made out despite the swelling of the area where the needle plunged. Salma continued to lick at me and taste my pussy as I felt myself start to pant at her touch. She moved one hand up from my legs and up to my cunt, sliding a finger inside to stretch me out more inside. Her finger was soft and determined as she thrust it inside of me slowly, careful to take things as subtly as possible so that I didn't move around to much, for fear of doing damage with the needle. Curling her finger while still inside of me, Eliza squeezed my clit with two segments of her index finger, the pressure on it intense and incredibly hot.

Salma gently pulled away the hood over my clit and tongued it furiously now, my mind again drifting back to the pleasure she was giving me, my mind not allowing my eyes to watch Eliza at work. In the air of the room, Salma's breath hot and wet against my womanhood, Salma teased it more and more, her lips grasping onto it as now two fingers probed me inside.

I had never felt so turned on in my life, the wave of pleasure and the crushing feeling of throbbing pain making my mind spin in all sorts of directions as my senses reeled and tried to make sense of what exactly was going on within my body. Licking me once again with her skillful mouth, my body tensed up as another, stronger orgasm made my legs tremble and my back arch off of the couch as I felt myself awash in the warm waves of cumming. Salma lifted her mouth from me and licked her lips clean of my juices as she continued to thrust her fingers inside of me slowly, finally removing them as the last trickle of my womanly fluids eased out of my body.

Try as I might, I still continued to flinch at Eliza's needle, even though the skin around the area had gone a bit numb. Without saying a word, Salma reached over into the bag in which the needle came from and pulled out something that took my mind a moment to try and comprehend the existence of.

Long, thick and a dark shade of red, Salma removed a dildo strap-on from the bag, the leather straps dangling beneath the obscene size of the rubber phallus. Climbing into a kneeling position, she deftly lifted up the bottom of her negligee and secured the sex toy over her own snatch as she clasped the hook on the back. She finally spoke.

"Alicia, Kate, get over here. We need to take Katherine's mind completely off the pain," Salma said, positioning herself over me. I looked at her with a mixture of curiosity and fear; I had a vibrator at home, hidden completely out of sight where only the most intrepid of scavengers might find it, but it was nothing compared to this. My experiences with another woman had been almost laughably limited, the only actual intercourse with them taking place as a part of a required fantasy of one of Willis' associates. This was different - the red tip of the toy looked slightly menacing as it dangled in front of me, Salma careful to position herself atop me so that her own body was out of the way of Eliza as best as possible. I had never seen something so big and thick as this strap-on, not even sure if I could take it all inside of me. But the sense of cascading pain and pleasure washed over me once more as Eliza stroked my navel down to my snatch, and I knew that in my aroused state, I surely would try.

Alicia and Kate now joined this weird little obsession over my body by standing in the last remaining space where my flesh was accessible. Alicia was leaned over the couch, elevating herself on her stomach as her long hair draped across my arm, her face inches away from my breast as she waited on her Mistress' command to pleasure me. Kate was positioned the same sort of way, although she now knelt a foot or so away from Eliza, her hands stroking my stomach and hair as she smiled anxiously at me, both women happy to be involved in anything that Salma requested.

I looked back at Salma now, watching as she took the shaft of the rubber toy in her hand and lowered it carefully down to my opening. With the added angle of her leaning over me, Salma had to balance very trepidly over me to make sure she didn't bump Eliza or risk falling against her. Teasing the head of the fake prick against my slit by gliding it up and down, Salma gently pushed inward against me, her now naked lower half thrusting forward as she guided the toy into my pussy. I felt the inner walls of my snatch bend outward for her as the strap-on entered me, it's true girth seeming to grow by the second.

Once she had an inch or so of the toys 10 inch length inside of me, Salma adjusted herself on the couch to make sure she was angled correctly. That being done, she began to slide more and more inside of me. At first I felt a slight pinch as my pussy stretched to the four inch or so girth of the strap-on, but that quickly subsided as more and more entered me and I began to feel more full than I had in my entire life.

I sighed loudly as I felt Salma push more of the toy into me, half of it's length now filling my snatch. I had never taken much more than 7 inches or so inside of me, so I waited with bated breath to see if I could fit the whole thing. The walls of my channel felt stretched and tight, but the feeling of such a massive length within my body made my head spin. Salma pulled back slightly, rubbing my clit along the now wet surface of the rubber as she moved, the tingling sensation making my nerves crackle as my now fully aroused and sopping wet cunt gaped lewdly for the toy. After removing another inch or so, Salma pushed in harder against me, now burrowing all but the last inch or so into my body. I actually felt it hit the back wall of my cervix as Salma pushed and realized a little sadly that I probably wouldn't be able to take much more.

That didn't keep her from trying though as Salma once again continued to push further into me, the rubber cock bending slightly as she lifted her hands from her grasp of it and instead used her fingers to pry my slit open wider. Alicia had acted defiantly without her masters permission and was now occupied solely on my right breast as she licked and suckled it with her mouth, her fingers squeezing my erect nipple tightly as she nibbled on the end, the hard sensation of it only arousing me further. Seeing Alicia take the lead (what's good for the goose...), Kate too got in on the action, kissing my breast before moving her hot little mouth up my chest and neck, her mouth sucking on the tender flesh of my throat loudly, the sucking sound only competing with the now distant sound of the buzzing needle and the wet, sloppy noise of Salma fucking me.

I was beside myself with pleasure, wave after wave of it rolling over my body as I tried to focus it into one controllable, overwhelming flood. It was to no avail I quickly learned though, as just when I was thinking about the now steady fucking going on between my legs, Kate and Alicia would apply their mouths more to my body, distracting me as they devoted themselves to pleasing their Mistress, of which I was the (more than willing) victim.

Salma had managed to get the entire phallus into me, the leather of the strap on now rubbing against my pubic bone as my cunt stretched willingly for Salma, welcoming her thrusts and attention to it. I wasn't the only one getting off on the fucking that was taking place as these three women ravaged me, for Salma now looked blissfully pleased as she thrust and bucked her hips against my own, our bodies touching each other for a fleeting second each time she entered me on a down stroke. The base of the strap-on was directly over Salma's cunt and it meant that almost everything that I felt, she felt as well, her clit getting rubbed almost raw by the pressure and weight of our bodies meeting each other.

Kate and Alicia were quite turned on as well, as though they continued to stroke and tease my breasts, they had diverted the attentions of their mouths from me to each other, the two girls making out passionately in front of me, their faces lost in a sea of red and blonde hair, errant tongues groping and caressing each other in their mouths as each girls small busts pressed against each other. The scene was just too much for me, and I started to feel a quickly rising heat and orgasm building from within my pussy as Salma fucked me long and hard.

Glancing down at Eliza, I saw that she was almost completed in her work, the circle now containing lines jutting out and the final touch, a lightning bolt style thing, was near completion within the perfect loop. Eliza had one hand on the needle, guiding it into my body and the other was out of my sight, busy between her legs as she moved up and down on her hand, her nipples pressing tightly against the fabric of the teddy, the areolas clearly visible and flushed against the material. I watched Eliza as she applied the final points, as if in a dream world - the pain was completely gone now, due completely to the overwhelming sense of pleasure that ran from my head down to my toes as these three beautiful women pleasured me in a way that no man (nor the group of men from last night) ever could.

Sliding easily within me, Salma would pull the toy out almost completely before shoving it hard back into my cunt, making me gasp and breath a little quicker each time she did so. My hips were now moving off the couch by themselves, thrusting up to meet her strokes as if they knew exactly when and where they would be coming from, Salma now completely abandoning the idea of keeping me still for Eliza.

My orgasm hit then, the most intense and overwhelming thing ever to course through my body, as all of our bodies locked in unison as we moved together - Alicia and Kate continued to kiss and caress each other, but they were almost standing now, their dripping wet cunts hovering almost perfectly over each of my breasts, the rough hair of their sexes sliding over my nipples as they pressed against one another from over the couch, Alicia bent in a sort of bowed angle as all but her cute little feet (still extended over the couch) lay almost on top of me. Salma too had achieved the same rhythm as I, anticipating the orgasm that now exploded in my mind, making my vision go blurry and things to quickly become dark, her last thrust within me arriving at the exact moment of orgasm, when my clit was the most sensitive before it was flooded with my juices.

I felt the world start to fade away from me as I slipped into darkness, vaguely hearing Eliza say "I'm done!" before my orgasm reached it's highest crest and I passed out right then and there on the sofa.


After leaving Antamount, I got in my car and drove to the first bar I could find; I would be alone there, and things would be quiet. Sliding in, I ordered my shots and quickly drank them down, enjoying the dulling numbness of the alcohol as it settled into my blood stream.

Sitting there, I didn't let myself think about what had happened at the office for more than a moment, the day replaying in my head. I hadn't seen Petty that morning before leaving, as she was out the door before I even woke up. This had been good - I was in no mood to try and talk to her or explain myself and why I didn't trust Antamount to her self-admitted skeptical mind.

I stayed glued to the barstool for a few hours, downing a shot every now and then, my head feeling dizzy slightly from a mixture of exhaustion and the alcohol. I would have stayed in that exact spot all night had the urge to piss not managed to break through my swimming thoughts, forcing me to step down onto the floor. I wasn't surprised in the slightest when I had to catch myself and regain my balance, the entire world seeming to tilt at an obscene angle as I stood up straight, my stomach lurching. I couldn't help but smile to myself at my drunkenness, the kind of self-knowing grin you get for no reason and at no other time than when you are apt to make a fool of yourself. I steadied myself along the bar, holding on until the last minute before I stumbled forward and smacked into the door of the men's room.

The place smelled, naturally, of stale piss, but given the state I was in, it wasn't a big concern of mine. Staggering over to an open stall, I unzipped my pants and let fly the stream of yellow as I leaned my head against the dirty metal of the wall, it's surface thankfully cool against my cheek. When my business was done (two minutes later at least), I zipped up and again steadied myself along the countertop by the sink before leaning into the swinging door and walking out.

I felt a little bit better and was suddenly possessed with the urge to drive home and tell Petty what I REALLY thought of her, but thankfully the bartender saw my staggering (I imagine it would be hard not to) and managed to catch me and lean me against the bar counter before I walked out to the parking lot. The bartender was a small man with gray hair and dirty, old bifocals but he seemed gentle and reassuring to me in my state as he said that I was to wait there, give him my keys and he would call a cab.

I swayed against the bar, my thoughts of Petty and her bitchiness running stray-ly through my head for a few minutes before a cabbie walked through the door and, with the bartenders help, they managed to shove me into the backseat of the man's cab.

I must have fallen asleep on the cheap leather seats, of which a lot of upholstery was missing or torn, for what felt like only a few minutes later I was outside my apartment as the cabbie held open the passenger door for me.

"You need get out now, yes?" the man said, his voice thick with an unplace-able accent. I nodded at him and slid myself slowly out of the seat, my head starting to throb a little bit as I stood up on the road and stretched my arms over my head. Walking slowly away from the cab, I glanced back to see the cabbie watching me as I fumbled at the door of my apartment. Reaching into my pocket, I realized I didn't have my keys and so began to bang hard on the door with the base of my fists, demanding that Petty open it.

Leaning against it, I almost fell inward on top of her when she opened the door a few minutes later, her slow hesitation to do so no doubt caused by the fact that it was dark outside and she probably couldn't see me leaning against the wooden frame. I stumbled inside and managed to avoid crashing into the coffee table just barely before collapsing on the sofa, my eyes closed to keep the room from spinning around me.

Even in my inebriated state, I could sense something different about the apartment. Things were still in the same place, but the room simply felt different; it didn't feel like home anymore. Cracking one eyelid, I saw Petty standing there in front of me with her arms across her chest.

"This is just what I need Alex, to have to deal with you and tell you all this stuff while your drunk," she said, her voice loud and making my ears hurt.

"Tell me what stuff?" I grumbled, licking my dry lips as I slowly moved my legs from the floor to the sofa.

"Tell you I'm breaking up with you, that's what. Now do you think you can sit up and talk to me or am I going to have to write you a Dear John letter that you can read when you sober up?" Petty said.

"Why are you breaking up with me?" I asked, somehow the question not feeling as shocking as I think she intended it to be.

"Because you are hampering my career, that's why. My agent said that..."

"Your agent? When did you get an agent?"

Petty scowled at me. "You know, the world doesn't revolve around you and what information you know or don't know. As a matter of fact, I spent all of today talking to firms that might be interested in me. I settled on a guy with a lot of experience in the music business, Rick Dugan. But that's not your concern now is it, since you haven't supported me before,"

I sat up finally at this remark, my head and body sending me a big "fuck you" for doing so in such a quick manner. I rubbed my eyes.

"Listen, I was there at every single one of your gigs and,"

"And what? I appreciate the support early on Alex, and I'll probably give you a thank you in the liner notes for that. But when it came down to crunch time, when I had landed a record deal, what did you have to say? That you thought it wasn't a good idea? That's not support Alex, that's you holding me back,"

"Petty, do we really have to do this right now? I mean, my head hurts and I,"

"Yes Alex, we do. Because I have things to do and a life to go onto, one that you will probably never achieve since you are just some screenwriter who got a lucky break,"

These last words hurt quite a bit, especially coming from someone I had spent six months of my life with. I tried in vain not to show how deeply she cut me though.

"Yeah, that's right. You're just a writer. What good is a writer going to do, what kind of money are they going to make? Is it going to be enough to support two people? Will it even support just you? Hell, you've already spent a lot of your first check on that car of yours and yet we are still living in this shitty little apartment like we are some new arrivals or something. The real money right now is in music. Female acts are hot and Rick says that if I get in now, run with this Antamount deal, I'll be set for life,"

"I don't think you are thinking this out Petty," I said, groaning. The argument was making my head throb even worse. "Antamount is going to screw you, in more ways than one,"

Petty scoffed. "Oh really? And I guess I'm getting SCREWED because I'm going in tomorrow to start working on my album, is that it? Or maybe I'm getting SCREWED because I spent today getting a sound check on my vocals and the studio said I was a natural, is that it? Well then Alex, I'd say that I am getting completely and totally FUCKED, wouldn't you?"

She was very pissed now. I wanted to say something to calm her down, something to get her to stop and think about her life - her life with me and the life of her career that she seemed so hellbent on launching at whatever cost. Instead, it seemed that I only enraged her further.

"I don't trust Wilton Willis. There is some strange stuff going on behind the scenes at Antamount, sexual favors and some sort of weird club or something where women are treated like whores for the men's benefit. I don't want to say conspiracy but,"

She laughed bitterly. "Oh Alex, how pitiful you are when you are drunk. First you didn't want me to leave because you wanted to support me. Now the truth comes out: you're just jealous. In fact, you are so jealous that you will say anything to make yourself feel better, including thinking that the world is out to get you and me. That shit's not healthy Alex, I think you might need some counseling.

I sighed. This was going nowhere. I decided to make one last effort.

"Petty, look. You can mock me and laugh at me all you want now; I don't care, I probably won't remember it. But please...if our time together these past few months, if the LOVE you said you had for me meant anything at all for you, then please please please let's talk about this in the morning. I love you Petty and I don't want to lose you,"

Her voice softened and I saw a hint of reservation in her eyes. But she was too stubborn, too independent and too focused to even cave into something like love.

"I can't Alex. What's done is done, what's been said has been said. I'm sorry, but it's over," she said softly. I groaned and laid my head back down on the couch. Petty walked around behind me and towards the closet, getting out a blanket.

She draped it over me as she reached down and undid my shoes. For a moment, I thought the tenderness and affection had returned, that everything had gone back to the way it was before. But it wasn't to be.

"Sleep out here tonight, I have already packed up most of my things and the moving van is coming at 6:30. I'll be gone when you wake up. Good luck Alex, I hope you do okay in this world, this business," she said, kissing my cheek gently for the last time.

I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to respond to her despite the change in her mood. I heard her walk away from the couch a minute later, the soft sound of her feet followed by the shutting of the bedroom door. Once again I was back sleeping on my own sofa, though this time probably being the last. Looking back on it now, I would trade a thousand nights on that sofa for just one more night in my bed with Petty. But that night, I didn't realize what I was about to lose.

Exhaling softly as I pulled the blanket up to my chin, I felt exhaustion take over. My last thoughts for the day were not of Petty. They were of that tattoo on Monica's body, the image still haunting me as I passed out into sleep.


God, I don't know where Wilton finds these women. He seems to be pretty dead on with the actresses he sends to me to recruit in his movies, but I seriously think the old man is slipping when it comes to picking musical talent. I mean, Jesus! Could he have found someone with even more limited vocal range than this new girl? I can't even remember her name...Pretty or Pinky or Petty or something like that.

I sighed as I blissfully removed the CD from my desk stereo, thankful that the grating voice of this woman wasn't invading my ears anymore. I had just gotten the demo tape from Bill over in the music studio and I simply had to agree that this girl was going to take a lot of effort to turn her into a star. Normally Bill is pretty curmudgeon on these sorts of things, fighting against myself and Wilton to keep from having to mix and produce more teeny-bopper music for the studio. But he was deadly accurate with this girl I now realized, the three songs she laid down more than enough to last me a lifetime.

Not that there was much I could do, mind you. Wilton had given me strict instructions to spare no expense in making her a star, and if that meant heavy studio editing and mixing, or "studio magic" as the music people called it, then that was what would have to be done. And she was coming in today, at Wilton's insistence, to provide backing vocals for Beyonce Knowles solo project. I hope that her wailing doesn't drag down Beyonce's rising career, because THAT would be an even worse tragedy for the studio. Granted, this Petty girl looked decent enough; give her a sassy haircut, some tight fitting clothes and the MTV crowd would drool. But musically, this was going to be a serious endeavour and not one that I really wanted to have my name involved with.

"Mr. Hapsboro?" my intercom speaker buzzed.

"Yes Trudy?" I replied, thankful for the distraction of thinking about this musical disaster waiting to happen.

"Ms. Dushku is here to see you sir,"

"Send her in Trudy," I said. Well, at least the day wasn't starting out too horribly.

I heard footsteps in the hall and a knock on the door a moment later.

"Come in," I said, putting away the CD player and straightening my desk. I had always had a certain degree of affection for Eliza and even though it felt silly, I couldn't help but act like a little kid with a crush every time she was around.

She walked in through the door briskly, wearing a simple t-shirt and jean shorts that came almost all the way up her long, elegant legs, stopping finally just above her calves. Without any hesitation or motioning from me, she sat down in the chair across from my desk.

"Hey Gord, what's up?" Eliza said, crossing her legs as she made herself comfortable.

"Same old bullshit, as usual Eliza. I got a call from Salma last night. Sounds like you had quite a bit of fun with the Heigl woman,"

Eliza grinned. "Yeah, it was quite a scene. Me busily giving her the mark while Salma and some other girls fucked her brains out. You should have seen it,"

"I'm sorry I missed it. I take it that there will be no trouble with this latest member then?"

"No, she's a total pushover. I think deep down she may be a dyke, like a lot of these women. Or at least very bi-curious without a doubt. We gave her some special government grade pot before we got started and she was very relaxed, very submissive throughout the whole thing. The Mistress really gets off on that sort of thing I think,"

"You know Eliza, you don't have to call her the Mistress when she isn't around,"

Eliza grinned. "Sorry, I guess it's just a habit. Speaking of habits, do you have any more candy for me?"

I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out a heavy brown bag. Inside was enough drugs and paraphernalia to last a junkie for weeks. However, being that I was now the main dealer for countless junkies, I knew without a doubt that Eliza would be back in here by week's end, asking for more.

Holding the back away from the desk, I "accidentally" dropped it onto my lap.

"Darn! Would you look at that Eliza? I seemed to have lost my grip on it and it has landed directly in my lap. Would you mind coming and getting it from me?" I said with a grin.

Eliza smiled wickedly at me. "You know, you aren't the most subtle man in Hollywood Gordon. You know that right?"

"I do. Not that it bothers me in the slightest at least," I replied.

Standing up, Eliza walked over to my chair where I sat and I rolled away a bit from the desk. Within moments, she was down on her knees, stroking my already hardening cock with her hand as my pants fell onto the floor. Lowering her mouth, Eliza sucked on my prick fiendishly, a skilled veteran. When Wilton had first found her, she couldn't give a blowjob to save her life. Now though, she was sucking dick better than any whore you could likely find on the street.

I leaned back in the chair and ran my hand over Eliza's head, guiding her up and down as she bobbed on my cock, removing the six inches out as she licked it from base to tip, her hand busily fondling my balls. She sucked hard on my prick, her cheeks tightening around the length as she deep throated me, the mushroom shaped tip battering against the back of her throat. I always enjoyed getting these blowjobs from Eliza, and despite her allegiance to all that Rose Petals nonsense, I think she enjoyed giving head too. Wilton had certainly awakened the inner slut in her, without a doubt.

Letting my shaft slide out from her throat, Eliza licked at the slit in the top of my prick with her tongue, working it inside as she clasped her lips around the head, sucking on it tightly. The feeling was electric, and I reached down and pulled her head down onto the length of my shaft quickly, forcing it all once again down her throat as my load arrived.

I grunted as I shot stream after stream of cum into Eliza's mouth, which she quickly swallowed like a diligent whore, not letting any drops get out from her lips. As I felt my orgasm subside, I pushed Eliza away from me, causing her to topple back on the floor. I half expected her to be pissed off about this sudden movement but she simply regained her balance, took the back off the floor and stood up, wiping her mouth with her lips.

"Thanks Gord, I'll give you a call if I need any more," Eliza said, walking towards the door.

"No, thank YOU," I said quietly to myself, out of her ear shot as she shut the door behind her. As the door closed behind Eliza, not a moment later did it open again to reveal Petty standing in the doorway, looking nervous. I saw Eliza pass by her, winking at Petty as she disappeared down the hall.

"Mr. Hapsboro? Can I come in?" the girl said, her voice weak.

"Yes my dear, please have a seat," I replied as she cautiously walked over to the chair, timid as a mouse. She was dressed fairly conservatively with a knee length dress and a white cotton blouse on, her blonde hair pulled back behind her head in a pony tail. She didn't wear much makeup, but the natural lines of her face still made her appear quite attractive.

"Ok Petty, I've listened to your tape and I love it. You're going to be a huge star, I can already tell," I said to her in my fake excited voice. She smiled widely, a naive and happy smile at someone like me lavishing such praise onto her.

"Thank you Mr. Hapsboro. Is it really that good?"

"Oh, it's the best. Now, before we start working on an album of your own, we wanted to get you involved with another artist to do some background work. Think of it as the same way Dido was used in Eminem's song to launch her own career, hmm?"

"Actually, she had already recorded her album and Eminem just sampled it," Petty said. I was a little irritated by this remark - I hated being corrected.

"Yes, well, regardless she is now famous. You don't have any problems with doing something like that do you?"

"No, none at all," she replied excitedly. God this girl was just ripe for the plucking.

"Good. Then follow me," I said, standing from my chair and heading towards the door of the office, holding it open for her like a proper gentleman as she passed, though I couldn't help but stare at her ass as she walked.


I felt Hapsboro's hand on my back as he guided me towards an elevator down the hall from his office. As the metal doors closed around us, Hapsboro spoke again.

"What we are going to do, is have you provide the backing vocals for a new song that Beyonce Knowles is recording. You play the guitar acoustically for her and sing during the chorus. It's mostly Beyonce's show, but you'll get full credit and a 'featuring' credit on the album. That sound ok to you?" Hapsboro said.

I only nodded at him, for my mouth was too dry to properly answer. This was it! I was really in the big time now! I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest now, the thundering beat of it making the blood rush in my ears. I knew that this whole thing was big, but...wow.

"Are you ok?" I heard Hapsboro say.

"Hmm..what?" I said, my voice finally returning.

Hapsboro smiled. "Never mind. You just looked a little woozy there for a second,"

"It's just all so exciting for me, I hope you don't mind me saying so,"

"Not at all. I remember when I was first starting out, right after Mr. Willis took me under his wing. I mean, I had worked in businesses before but never entertainment. This is a dream factory, and it can all be very overwhelming when you first get into it,"

I nodded again as the elevator stopped, Hapsboro holding the door open for me as I stepped out. We were now in some sort of underground parking garage, the lot lit only by the overhanging fluorescent lights. We walked along the paved ground from one building to the other, the satisfying ding of the new elevator opening up the exact same layout as the one we had just been in.

We rode up a few floors before stepping out into another office. This one was just as busy as Hapsboro's had been, and the layout seemed to be the exact same if not for the sign on the wall that read ANTAMOUNT RECORDS instead of ANTAMOUNT STUDIOS.

"This way my dear," Hapsboro said, leading me into a room at the end of a hall. Shutting the door behind him, the noise from outside vanished completely and, looking around, I realized that we were in a soundproof room. There was a pair of technicians sitting behind a glass paned wall, headsets on over their ears as we entered. Hapsboro didn't even bother knocking, just opened the door and led us in. He must have had more important things to deal with or something.

One of the technicians took off his headphones to look at us while the other was busy listening to the sound coming through his own. Glancing across the massive sound board in front of them, I saw Beyonce sitting on a chair, singing into a microphone passionately. My heart skipped a beat at being so close to this star, and knowing full well that I would be working with her in just a matter of minutes.

"Petty, this is Bill Blake. He will help you out the rest of the afternoon, ok? Right now I really have to be going. I'm sure we will talk later on Petty," Hapsboro said, hustling out the door. I stood there awkwardly for a moment as I saw the technician checking me out. He sighed heavily and then walked over to a closet on the far side of the room. Opening the metal doors, he pulled out a pair of headphones for me and a very expensive, very high quality Gibson acoustic guitar. Handing both of these to me, he took his seat again.

"When Beyonce finishes this song, you are going to go in there and play the background music solo first. Following that, we will get the two of you singing together. Does that sound ok? Have you ever done any recording before?" Blake asked.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean...yes, that sounds fine but no I haven't recorded before," I said, my words stammering quickly out of me. I was too nervous, I thought to myself. Just take a deep breath and calm down.

"Here's the sheet music, Beyonce is almost done. Don't worry if you don't get every note exactly when we are recording, there is going to be a heavy beat behind all the music anyways. Mr. Willis just wanted to put you in on guitar for this song and get you doing a duet with Beyonce," Blake said.

A moment later, I saw Beyonce as she removed the head phones and walked out of the sound room to where we were. I grew excited, wanting to shake her hand, but she completely ignored me as she headed straight for Bill.

"That was a great track guys, I was really feeling the flow of the song, you know? What's next?" Beyonce said. She was dressed casually in a pair of hip hugger jeans and an oversized baseball style jersey. Her long hair was pulled back in a crimp behind her head, a far cry from the afro I had seen her sporting during the premiere of "Austin Powers 3" a few weeks ago.

"Mr. Willis wants us to bring in some new talent with you on this album, the young lady standing right here. Goes by the name of Petty," Bill said, motioning towards me. He was occupied working the dials of the mixing board.

Beyonce finally looked at me, stepping forward to shake my hand.

"Hey girl. So you going to tear it up all Hendrix style and shit on me?" she said. I felt suddenly confused.


"I said are you going to get all crazy with the guitar for one of my tracks," Beyonce said, pointing towards the guitar I clutched in my hand.

I blushed. "Oh! Yes, they want me to do the backing acoustic and...a duet with you I think, if that's ok,"

"Sure, whatever. Anyone who is handpicked by Mr. Willis is ok by me," Beyonce said.

"Ok Petty, we are ready for you to get started," Bill said, looking up at me.

"Guess you better get going girl," Beyonce said. She extended her hand and I shook it gently in my own. "Good luck, I'll come back in a few for that vocal,"

I stood there watching as Beyonce walked out of the room, her thin and beautiful body swishing and swaying with each step. I felt overwhelmed by the whole thing...did I REALLY just shake her hand?

"Petty? Petty?" I heard Bill say.

"What?" I replied, shaking myself out of my daydream.

"I said get in there. Time is money, you know?" Bill said.

"Oh, right," I replied, opening the door of the sound room and walking into the sound proofed room. The lines were covered with thick padding from floor to ceiling to grab the acoustics of the room completely and save for a hanging down microphone and a chair with a music stand by it, the room was completely empty. Taking a seat in the chair, I looked back towards the glass at Bill and the other technician whose name I still didn't know. It was weird seeing them that way, as it felt like I was in some sort of space ship, the lights from above brightly lighting everything in the room around me, the reflection of which blurred my ability to see completely in the studio room.

I put on the head phones I had been given and placed the sheet music on the stand. Settling myself down with the guitar over my knee, I tuned it routinely as I scanned over the music. It was pretty simple stuff, mostly baseline rhythm and a very simple chorus line that repeated three times through out the song. Not exactly Julliard musical school difficulty, but then again given the R&B genre in general, a simple beat was all it often took to make a hit song.

Strumming a few bars, I began to work my way through song line by line, slowly at first then going faster and more in time to the rhythm as I kept time in my head. I had learned to really appreciate my Mid-Western parents for getting me those music lessons when I was a little girl, for it had helped me bring out a seemingly natural talent for perfect pitch and the ability to read music almost on the fly, hearing it note for note in my head.

Reaching the end of the piece, I started over again just like I always did when I was learning a new song. I worked my way through this time without any hesitation at all, only blowing one note by accident when my finger slipped off a string. I was so in tune to the music in fact, that it was only when I saw the door from the sound booth open that I finally stopped.

"What are you doing?" Bill asked, a look of amazement on his face.

"I'm just learning the song. Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No...it's just...I've never seen anyone pick up a piece of music that quickly," he said, a little dumbfounded.

I blushed again. "It's just something I've learned how to do I guess,"

Bill nodded, his mouth still slightly agape.

"Ok, well listen on your headphones for my cue and then start from the beginning. I thought this would take hours to get done but you seem to have learned it in 20 minutes. I want to get this track laid down now, while you still have that spark," he said excitedly. I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little at him as he shut the door and raced back to his seat at the sound board.

"Go ahead," I heard him crackle at me through the headphones. Taking a deep breath, I started from the beginning of the song.

It was only 30 minutes later that we completed the recording of the music track, mixing and everything. My acoustic guitar sound had been distorted slightly and there was some heavy bass echoing behind it, but there was no mistaking in my mind the sound of it as being my own. Bill congratulated me on getting it done so well, then sent the other technician to go get Beyonce for the vocals.

He returned a few minutes later with Beyonce in tow, drinking from a bottle of water. She too looked surprised.

"Damn girl, I barely had time to sit down and relax before you finished up. Are you one of those musical prodigies or something?" she asked.

"Not that I know of. I just play it as I read it, that's all," I said shyly. Beyonce walked over to me, patting me on the back.

"Well damn, that's great. Now let's go in there and tear up the words just as fast, ok Petty?" she said, smiling as we walked back into the recording room. I felt giddy with excitement knowing that she had called me by my name.

The next few hours went pretty well, not as good as the music track but better than I think anyone expected. My voice was no match for Beyonce's (a fact that Bill told me flat out about), but she seemed supportive of my efforts to try anyways. The track started out slow, with me singing the intro, followed by an upscale disco style beat that was where Beyonce's smooth vocals came in and took over. I provided some backing chorus which would be distorted slightly as a sort of sampling sound, but all and all the recording was like a dream come true. I had always envisioned when I was younger the day when I might get to record something with a big star. At the time of course it had been someone like Micheal Jackson or New Kids on the Block or one of those laughable acts now that definitely dotted my time growing up, but now being here with the star of the musical moment Beyonce, there was hardly anything else I could have asked for.

As we finished up, my voice exhausted from singing the same line over and over again, I said my goodbyes and left the studio on Cloud 9, anxious to come back the next day to start work on my own album. I was surprised to hear footfalls behind me as I walked towards the elevator however; turning my head to look, I saw Beyonce hustling to catch up to me.

"Hey girl, great job today. I just wanted to say that," she said sweetly.

"Thanks Beyonce, that really means a lot to me," I said. It was the truth.

"Listen, you ever seen a penthouse suite before?" Beyonce said, leaning against the frame of the elevator, holding it open with her hand.

"No, why?"

"Well I just so happen to be staying in the one at the Hilton downtown, if you'd perhaps like to accompany me there for a celebratory drink," she said, her other hand resting on the hip of her jeans.

I immediately thought of this as something that Alex would want to come to, but then I quickly remembered the bitter argument from the night before. Jesus, why had Alex drifted into my thoughts? It wasn't enough that I was happy doing my own thing now, why was my mind making me think about him and how he held me back?

"Yes, I'd love to," I said, Beyonce stepping into the elevator with me. We rode down to the first floor and as the doors opened, Beyonce took my hand.

"Come on girl, let's go have some fun!"

The penthouse suite was just as imagined it would be: lavish, exquisitely decorated and virtually anything you could ever want there in the room for you: three big screen tv's with DVD players, a piano, a gorgeous view out into a wooded valley below on the outskirts of the city, a massive marble bathroom and two separate bedrooms, each with huge king sized beds.

I walked around the room in amazement as Beyonce went to pour us some drinks out of the fully furnished kitchen and bar. Returning a moment later with two champagne glasses, she handed one to me.

"Here's to your new career. May it last forever," she said, smiling at me as we clinked glasses. I downed the champagne, enjoying the expensive taste of it. Anything that Beyonce wanted it seemed, she could get. We walked over to the Italian leather sofa and sat down, leaning against the back as we sipped our champagne.

We sat there talking and laughing about anything and everything for hours; old boyfriends, scumbags in the industry and even what it was like growing up for us.

"All I'm saying is that black girls have it much harder growing up than white girls," Beyonce said, finishing off her champagne. She quickly refilled hers and topped off mine, which was now my fourth glass. I could feel the pleasant heat of the alcohol making me a little drunk, but I still felt in complete control of myself.

"I don't know," I said in disagreement. "I mean, little white girls are always the target it seems of all these kidnappings and what not. You don't hear about black or Hispanic girls getting kidnapped now do you?"

Beyonce sipped her champagne. "That's true. And that's what is so fucked up about the media. Black girl gets taken, it's page 10 news. White girl, why shit...all the news networks are all over it,"

I nodded in agreement, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up to me as I yawned a little sleepily.

"You're not falling asleep on me are you?" Beyonce said, looking at me curiously.

"No, I'm just relaxed is all," I said, leaning back against the sofa with my head, my arm extended out as it held the glass.

"If you want to get relaxed, you have GOT to try that Jacuzzi bath in their," Beyonce said. "That thing will soothe any and every ill ever inflicted on you after just a few minutes,"

"Really? Oh, but I shouldn't I mean this is your suite and all,"

"Damn straight it is! And since it's mine for another week or so, I get to say who gets to use the spa bath. And right now, I'm saying it's you," she said, doing a little head bob action in mock anger.

I laughed and Beyonce smiled at me. "We can take one together if you want," she said, the question not as innocent sounding as when it first passed her lips.

She must have seen my reluctance, for she was quick to make concessions.

"I mean, if you want to. If not, it's cool, you can go take one by yourself and use one of the robes hanging in the closet. I was just thinking since I want to relax as well, and since it's not like there is nothing that either one of us have that the other hasn't seen before..." she said, trailing off.

"I don't mind. Just come here and show me how to work the spa part," I said, standing up from the couch.

"Girl, you are one crazy bitch, you know that?" Beyonce said, following me into the bathroom.

When the water was all set a few minutes later, Beyonce seemed to waist no time getting out of her clothes. Unbuckling the thick belt that held her tight jeans up, Beyonce shimmied her legs out of them and let them fall to the floor of the marble bathroom, leaving her in just the baseball t-shirt and a pair of hot pink panties.

I followed her lead and took off my dress as well, moving as she moved as I took off my blouse while she lifted off the t-shirt. Finally we were both down to our last garments and as Beyonce pushed her panties down, revealing a neatly trimmed pussy beneath her hard, washboard abs, she took off her bra and flung it away before stepping into the bubbling tub.

I removed my panties and felt a little modest as I stepped into the tub on the opposite side of Beyonce, her eyes watching me as I moved. I flinched a little bit at the temperature of the water as I put my leg in but as I quickly adjusted to it, it felt great against me, allowing me to feel more comfortable as I slid down further into the water.

Soon both Beyonce and I were up to our breasts in the water as we lay back against the side of the tub, relaxing, our legs laying side by side of one another. Beyonce had wrapped her hair in a towel to keep it from getting wet, giving her an interesting appearance as she sat there in the water. Her chocolate brown skin was glistening with moisture, her dark brown nipples bobbing just above the surface of the water, and little bits of steam rose from around her body as the moisture touched her neck and face, a look of complete relaxation on it. The contrast between her dark body and the white towel was striking, but I couldn't help but notice that she looked like some beautiful African queen sitting there, enjoying a hot bath. Beyonce's almond eyes were beautiful and gazing at her body through the bubbling water brought out within me for the first time consciously (my encounter with Eliza Dushku didn't count) that I was physically attracted to Beyonce.

She had been right about the temperature and the soothing effects of the water though. With the addition of the champagne, every muscle in my body felt completely relaxed as I didn't even have the energy to recline against the tub, instead letting the water float me.

We laid like that for a few minutes, both of us savoring the feel of the water, before Beyonce finally leaned forward with a minimal splash. I opened my eyes to look at her as she scooted forward in the tub.

"Here Petty, wash my back for me will you? Try not to get the towel too wet," she said, producing a sponge from under the water as she handed it to me. I nodded and moved towards her, having to open my legs wide around her own just to be able to sit down behind her. I felt a little uncomfortable with the fact that as I moved closer to her and our legs touched one another’s, my pussy open slightly with excitement as I leaned into her back just to wash her, but I was thankful that our lower bodies were under water and the wetness I could feel wouldn't be felt by Beyonce.

Pouring water in rivulets down her back, I gently massaged her skin. Beyonce sighed and relaxed at my touch, her body mine to use and touch however I wanted to with the sponge, it's soft but rough surface soaking suds into her skin. I felt encouraged by Beyonce's relaxation at my touch and I gently leaned into her more, pushing her body down more at the waist as I moved my hand down her lower back and towards her ass underwater.

As my hand paused there for a moment over her ass, the churning water signifying the final step from perhaps just-friends to lovers. I held my breath slightly as I gently lowered my hand down into the water with the sponge, slowly but hopefully not too deliberately rubbing it against the cleft in her ass and down to her cheeks, feeling the "bootylicious" flesh beneath me as I scrubbed the sponge across it.

Beyonce startled me by suddenly climbing up onto her knees in the tub, thrusting her ass out almost directly in my face as she leaned against the side for balance.

"You won't get it clean when it's underwater girl," she said. I said nothing in reply and slowly returned my hand to her ass, this time able to get a better feel and touch it more (however "accidentally" it might have seemed) as I worked more soap into tight, firm ass. In the position she was in however, it wasn't just her ass that was in my face.

Her legs were pulled tightly to, but I could see her mound between her two thighs, the opening to her pussy staring me almost directly in the face. Like the rest of her, it was an incredibly beautiful thing: the outer labia and lips were a slightly lighter brown than the rest of her body, but just beneath them, peeking out just barely, I could see the pink flesh of her inner walls looking at me, seemingly being begged to be touched.

I stopped myself, shaking my head as I dipped the sponge back into the water. What was I thinking? I wasn't a lesbian! I didn't want to be branded as one this early on in my career either, even if it wasn't true. That sort of thing could haunt me forever.

Still though...looking at her snatch again, I couldn't help but feel my nipples harden in excitement at the "What if?" possibilities. What if I was just to accidentally brush my hand over her cunt? What if a finger was to accidentally slip inside of her? What if...

Again shaking the thoughts away, I gave her ass one final scrub and then squeezed the sponge out of water directly over her ass to wash away the suds. Though it was not intentional in the slightest, the water from the sponge hit on her skin just right that it's warm descent went from the crack in her ass all the way down the length of her pussy, where a few final stray bubbles came to land. Beyonce moaned as the water traced over her snatch, wiggling her ass just slightly as the last drips subsided.

"Ooh, that felt good girl! Do that again?" she said, her head still turned away.

"Do what again?" I asked.

"That little trick you just did with the water. You know what I'm talking about," Beyonce said, turning around to look at me and watch my actions. I had no choice now; I had to repeat exactly what I did.

Dipping my hand into the water, I made sure the sponge soaked up some suds and then I rang it out gently over Beyonce's ass once again, the water cascading down the smoothness of her body like a gentle water fall.

"YEAAHH! That's it!" she said, shaking her ass again. "One more time,"

I repeated the process and found myself getting incredible turned on by this entire thing. As I poured the water over her, I noticed that Beyonce's legs had widened a few inches and that more water was rushing over her widening snatch than before. The pink from her cunt was opening more and more like a delicate flower now, a picture of perfection.

Setting the sponge down again to continue the process, Beyonce reached down and took it from my hand.

"No, now it's your turn," she said. I turned around in the tub with my back to Beyonce, hoping my quickly beating chest wouldn't be too obvious as I felt her settle down behind me in the same position that I had been in with her. Her legs were longer than mine so when she finally was comfortable, I glanced down through the water and saw the smoothness of her long black legs contrasted against my own white skin. My attention was quickly diverted however as she squeezed the sponge of water over the top of my head, making me lower it as water coursed through my hair and down my neck, finally dripping off at my shoulders.

Beyonce leaned in closer to me, her breasts pressing against my back as she started to soak me from head to toe, one sponge full of water at a time. Rubbing the sponge up and down my neck, my long blonde hair now completely wet, she scrubbed gently against my shoulders with the sponge, dipping her hand smoothly down to the cleavage just above my breasts. She was sweeping her hand over me with the sponge, washing my body slowly and deliberately as she touched my shoulders, my arms, my hands, with the skin smoothening softness of the soap.

My breath caught in my throat as I felt her place her hand over my breast. Beyonce leaned hard into me now, pushing her pussy against my ass, leaving no doubt in my mind about what she wanted to do to me. She held her hand against my breast for just an agonizing second before continuing her circular motion downward and over to the other. I shuddered as she stroked my stomach with her hand, no sound in the room except for my excited breathing and the occasional sloshing of water.

Abandoning the sponge now, Beyonce slid her hand and her long fingernails down my tummy towards my pussy beneath the water, her fingertips smooth on my stomach as they made their way down. I almost came right then and there as I felt her finger touch my slit, sliding over the opening as her hand moved downward on my body, coming to rest on the floor of the tub as she cupped my cunt in her hand.

Beyonce pressed her hand against my pussy as she wrapped her other arm around my shoulders and pulled me back against her body. The pressure was amazingly stimulating as she simply squeezed and flexed her fingers over my cunt, the excitement of my inner lips just begging for penetration of some kind. I glided back against her, feeling her arm press up under my breasts, the nipples rubbing against her arm as she held me. Turning my head up to look at her, she smiled down at me for a moment before lowering her mouth to mine and kissing me passionately.

I opened my lips for her own and our tongues wrestled with each other there in the tub, Beyonce teasing my snatch with her hand, causing my lower body to buck upwards towards her each time she squeezed, my nipples now hard as they grazed her arm. Beyonce's mouth was still sweet with the taste of champagne and her tongue was soft as it caressed my own. I had moved my hand to the side of her face where I was caressing it and her hair with my fingers, our bodies writhing in the water and probably spilling more water out than we were keeping in.

I felt one of Beyonce's fingers extend inward toward me, slipping easily into my well adjusted and eagerly waiting pussy, the thickness of her digit not as nearly pleasure bringing as the length of it. Her fingers were long by most women's standards, but when they were being put to good use inside of you, you tended to overlook the negative aspects of something like that. She penetrated me down to the last knuckle, wiggling her finger inside of me back and forth, making my legs thrash slightly in the water as she stroked my inner wall.

Finally breaking the kiss, I simply stared into Beyonce's eyes as she continued to move her hand slowly around inside of me.

"Come on, let's go to the bedroom," she said, releasing her finger from within me as she helped me climb out of the tub along with her. Taking a pair of towels from a nearby rack, we proceeded to dry each other off with them (though neither of us got very dry, for we couldn't keep our hands off of each other) and then Beyonce took me by the hand for the second time that day and led me down the hall to one of the massive bedrooms.

Flipping on a light switch, there was a chandelier hanging over the bed, it's white comforter and blankets still neatly arranged on the bed. This didn't seem to bother Beyonce one bit however as she jumped onto the bed and pulled me with her, both of us bouncing a bit as we collided into each other. Somehow, Beyonce landed on top of me, the white towel from her hair now gone as she looked down into my eyes.

She smiled again, that same dazzling smile that I knew was part of why she was famous. Turning her mouth slightly, Beyonce kissed me again, placing her hands aside my head to lift my face up to meet hers. I moved my own arms down her back as I grabbed and squeezed her ass during the most heated moments of our making out. I could feel Beyonce grinding her dancers body into my own, feeling her pussy rub up and down against my wet and fully aroused cunt.

Our breasts were crushed together as she lay atop me, planting kisses on my neck and face, I doing the same for her. Sliding my hand down further along her ass, I traced the tip of my index down her ass to Beyonce's pussy. She spread her legs wider for me, allowing two of my fingers to dip inside of her hole. I pushed my finger into her and at the same time lifted myself upward on the bed, turning the tables on Beyonce as she laid down on the bed now, my body holding her down.

Removing my hand, I brought it to my face as I saw a slight wetness of her juices on my finger tips. A sudden rush of excitement hit me then and before I even knew what I was doing, I was licking her sweet fluids from my hand. The taste was wonderful, something I had forgotten about since my last encounter with Eliza just a few weeks earlier. I kissed down Beyonce's hard stomach before making my way towards her neatly trimmed pussy.

Placing my hand on her lips, I used two fingers to hold her labia open before placing my mouth against it and burrowing my tongue inward. Beyonce bucked on the bed, moaning loudly as I licked into her cunt, lapping up her now readily flowing juices. I pressed my lips as hard as I could against her snatch, sticking my tongue so far in that it hurt to move it any more, and then proceeded to lick her clit and pussy for all I could. I certainly didn't have much experience in doing this, but that didn't seem to bother Beyonce. She took my hair in her hand and squeezed it tightly around her fist, holding onto it as she pulled and mashed my face deeper into her cunt.

I was so busy eating out her sweet chocolate snatch that I had failed to notice that I was having a hard time breathing, Beyonce's legs tightly closed around my face as she moved up and down on the bed. I stopped licking her for a moment, long enough for her to stop thrashing around and then climbed up from my kneeling position on the floor to one more appropriate for the situation: a 69 position.

Dropping my head back onto her cunt once more, it was far easier to lick at her (especially the dark brown nub of her clit) as I began to slide my tongue sloppily over her snatch like a dog would. Beyonce had propped her head up on a pillow from the bed and was now licking at my own slit, probing it with her tongue and fingers.

We continued this passionate love making for hours. Neither one of us were, of course, lesbians, but for tonight we just didn't care what we were. This was about passion, about attraction and about embracing beauty. Our lovemaking was hot and heated, but always tender and gentle. I suspect that Beyonce had done this sort of thing before, but the skillfulness of her mouth and her body, knowing how to get one to respond to every touch and caress, was something that was naturally born, not taught.

In the early hours of the morning, after countless orgasms, we both finally collapsed into a heap on the bed, sweat and cum covering our bodies. My breasts ached slightly from Beyonce licking on them, but I could also see the hickey I had left on her throat, so I knew that Beyonce wouldn't be without some lovemaking wounds.

I felt sleepy as I lay there stroking my pussy, Beyonce curled up next to me, her soft breathing tickling my nipple every time it escaped her lips. This was the life, I had decided. Alex may have been genuine in his love for me, but now that I had tasted the big time and what it had to offer, the only love I could ever cherish would be my career, my music, my fame.

I leaned down and kissed Beyonce's cheek and then turned off the light switch just above the bed, the tinkling of the chandelier glass wooing me into a comfortable, blissful sleep.


I sat up with a start, my chest heaving as I ran my hand across my sweaty forehead. I had had a horrible dream, one that had caused me to be scared awake although now that I was trying to remember it, the details had already started to fade.

Looking around the room as my eyes adjusted to the late night light of the street lights outside, I realized I was not in a place I recognized. Panic leapt into my throat for a moment before my mind finally kicked back into gear and I realized that I was still at the mansion on Yardly drive, where I had gone to go through initiation.

My mind still felt foggy, but details were starting to come back. Salma Hayek. Rose Petals Club...it all hit me as a flood, the effects of the pot now completely worn off as I started to wrestle with the cold, hard reality that I was now facing. Glancing down, I noticed I was naked and I saw off on a chair in the corner my clothes neatly stacked and folded.

Turning towards the edge of the bed, I grimaced in pain as my side stung like it was on fire. Throwing back the sheets, I saw the still swollen and slightly scabby looking area where the tattoo had been applied. The tattoo itself brought back even more thoughts, of a disorienting sense of pain and pleasure. All I could remember was feeling something incredibly intense, with Salma Hayek taking the lead and two other girls...Kate Hudson and Alicia...what was her last name?...Witt! Yes, that was it! also following her lead.

But that had been in the afternoon when all that happened. I remembered showing up at this house then. How long had I been asleep?

Carefully stepping off of the bed, favoring my right side so as not to put too much tension or pressure on the sore area of the tattoo, I gathered my clothes and very slowly climbed into them, leaving off my panties because they rubbed directly against where the tattoo was.

Slipping on my shoes, I half walked and half hobbled to the door. Opening the door slowly, wincing at the sound of it's creaking, I stepped out into a massive hallway that parted in the middle to a large set of stairs leading down. Yes, that's right, the staircase. Where Salma had come down from. I was pleased with myself for having remembered all of these little details. Cautiously, I began to descend the steps, careful to stay on the carpeted areas.

The house was deathly quiet, and would have been damn near impossible to see around had someone not left a slowly dying fire in the fire place. The hearth crackled a little bit as a wood log succumbed to the battering heat, but otherwise the room was completely quiet.

Passing the sofa, I saw Alicia and Kate sleeping on top of each other naked, their bodies curled against one another like animals as they slumbered. There were empty beer bottles and more cocaine on the coffee table, and from the stillness of their breathing I knew that they had partaken in both.

Heading towards the front door, I gently pulled it open. The cool air of the night outside rushed in around me as I stepped outside and closed the heavy door behind me, pleased with myself for having gotten away from the house without detection. Carefully I hobbled towards my car parked down at the bottom of the hill in which the mansion rested and, getting into it, I drove off towards the freeway.

I entered the freeway at 3:42 AM, finding an all night diner just outside of the city a few exits down. Pulling my car in, the place was deserted except for a waitress flirting with a trucker down at the end of the counter. They both stared at me as I walked in, but I gave them no mind as I walked past and headed towards the ladies room.

Having relieved myself, I straightened my appearance up in the mirror and then walked out. Right by the restrooms was a pair of telephones and a phone book dangling between them. Turning my back on the waitress and trucker (who had once again decided to watch me), I found what I was looking for in the phone book and, while making a distracting noise by coughing, tore it out of the phone book.

I tucked the page into my shirt and walked out non-chalantly from the diner, getting on the freeway again and heading out towards my destination. I didn't really know who to turn to about this, but given all that I had been through and what I now knew, he seemed the most likely candidate to at least give me a place to sleep for the night, not wanting to go home for fear that it might be watched.

Pulling to a stop outside on the street, I stepped out of the car and walked up the stairs to his apartment. The entire city seemed completely quiet and empty from here, the distant sounds of traffic not even registering in my ears.

Taking up the knocker like I had earlier in the day (assuming it still WAS today), I thought better of it and instead just hit my fist against the door a few times. No response. I knocked again. Still no response.

On the third round of knocking, I finally heard someone trudging towards the door. Two deadbolts unclicked, followed by a chain lock.

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." a voice said on the other side of the door. The door opened slowly as I took a deep breath, clearing my throat.

"I need your help. I'm in the organization deep now and I need to find out what that means. Please let me come in," I said, hoping that the hopefulness in my voice wasn't too apparent.

"Of course Katherine, please, come in,"
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Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark Ch. 4
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2023, 09:32:16 PM »
Hollywood After Dark: Chapter 4

* * * * *

But I can't confront the doubts I have
I can't admit that maybe the past was bad
And so, for the sake of momentum
I'm condemning the future to death
So it can match the past.
- Aimee Mann


It was quite a shock to see a very disheveled Katherine Heigl outside of my apartment door at close to four in the morning. Her hair was a mess and it looked like not only had she dressed quickly but that tears had streamed down her face seemingly in a constant flow.

But there was something in her eyes that told me that it was important that I didn't ask questions of her as she pleaded to come in - that I simply be there and listen to whatever she had to say. When she had mentioned that she had gotten "in deep in the organization", I knew that this couldn't be a late night call for sex.

I stepped out of the way and let her into the apartment, turning on the light against the wall. As I flicked the switch, Katherine pounced on my hand, scaring me half to death.

"No! No lights! They might see me!" she said quickly under her breath as she held her hand against mine. I noticed that it was shaking. Compiling with her request, I turned the switch back off and closed the door behind her as she stepped forward a few more feet inside. I thought she was going to go further, but she simply stood there, looking around, as if frozen. The blouse she wore looked rumpled and wrinkled in the pale light trickling in through the window from the street light outside, casting weird bars across her face. I had finally started to get a real night's sleep, able to put Petty and the whole fight with her out of my mind before Katherine decided to show up. But now that she was here, I was wide awake.

I moved next to her, locking the door behind us. Standing in front of her hesitantly, Katherine's eyes locked straight ahead, she seemed to stare right through me.

"Katherine? Are you ok?" I asked. No response.

I slowly extended my arm out to her, touching her shoulder. She flinched, yanking her arm away violently as I retracted it, stepping back a bit myself. Her eyes seemed glazed over and she didn't even seem to notice who I was, let alone where she was. I wondered in the back of my mind how she had even managed to find my apartment.

Watching her for another moment, I backed away slowly towards the kitchen, careful not to turn on a light per her request as I stumbled around looking for the coffee maker and the fresh grounds that Petty had picked up only last week. Finding the bag, I held it in my hand for a moment, the painful memory of our relationship flooding back. I shook the thought away as I set the filter and switched the machine on, walking back to where Katherine was.

I was surprised to see that she had moved, like a ghost, onto the sofa in the living room. She sat on the edge of the far left cushion, her hands neatly folded on her knees as she continued that vacant stare at the wall in front of her. Not knowing what to say, I simply stood there for a long moment.

"I'm making some coffee. Is that alright?" I asked.

For the first time, Katherine acknowledged a direct question, nodding her head slowly. I stood in silence as I listened to the pot start to boil, the slow drips of the coffee falling into the pot. Soon the fragrant smell - French hazelnut - began to waft from the kitchen further into the apartment, the scent seeming to float around us in the unspoken silence.

We must have appeared to be a photograph, Katherine and I, in that position - she on the couch, her hands curled up in tight fists, me with my elbows resting on the leather chair I had bought for myself last week, it's high back just the perfect height for comfort. The pot sounded like it was close to completion in filling, and I was thankful for the break in the tension as I walked robotically into the kitchen, removing two cups robotically as I poured the steaming black liquid into them. Carrying them back carefully into the living room, I moved to the couch and set the cup on the coffee table in front of her.

"I...I have some sugar and creamer if you want it," I said, still not quite sure what exactly to say.

"I did a horrible thing tonight Alex," Katherine said finally, her eyes still locked on the wall but her voice filling with a sharp pain that seemed to well up from her throat. I felt for sure that she would burst into tears any second. Sipping from my cup, I set it down next to hers, steam wafting up from both of them as I scooted closer to her on the couch.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to Katherine. But if you do decide to tell me about it, I promise I won't judge you," I said softly, watching her.

Katherine shook her head from side to side, her eyes closed up tightly as she held her tightly clenched fist up from her lap for a moment before letting it fall back. She sighed heavily, her chest rising and falling.

"No. No...I...I need to tell you. I need to tell someone. This is too much to bear alone," she said, her voice sounding distant.

"Take your time," I said, reassuring her. Tentatively, I reached my hand out and touched her knee, careful to let her know that I was there for her as a friend, not wanting her to turn on me as she had a few minutes earlier. She let me touch her, first the tips of my fingers, then my entire palm as I gently pressed it against her jeans, rubbing her leg softly.

Katherine moved to face me now, her face a well of emotions as she wrestled with whatever demons she had inside.

Without saying a word, her eyes now locked on mine, Katherine stood up from the couch, a little wobbly on her feet. I was more than a little startled as you can imagine, when she started to unbutton her jeans and pull them down her legs, her tucked in blouse falling over her crotch, where I saw she wore no panties. Stepping closer to me, I was confused as to what exactly she wanted me to do. Then she lifted up the blouse.

Though she pointed to the exact spot, it wouldn't have been necessary. Her finger rested slightly above her hip bone as she pointed it at a red area on her body that looked slightly scabby and a little swollen. Even in the light of the apartment, at four in the morning, I could easily make out what she wanted to show me. How could I not? It had haunted my thoughts and dreams all day long: that now familiar circle with the lines around the edges and the lightning bolt through the middle.

I stared at it for a moment, completely at a loss for words as Katherine continued to point, her hand starting to shake violently now. Glancing up at her face, I saw that her pent up tears had finally begun to fall, her beautiful face wrenched up violently in a grimace of emotion.

"They did it. They finally got me Alex. I'm one of them now," she sobbed, the words coming out of her in choked gasps as she spoke.

I reached my hand out to touch it, but then thought better of it. Instead, I took Katherine's trembling hand away from the area of the tattoo and held it tightly. I felt her fingers squeeze my own back, hard. Gently I tugged at her arm and pulled her down to the sofa once more, Katherine absently crossing her legs in front of her despite the apparent pain the muscle shifting seemed to cause. Still holding her hand, I leaned it as close as I dared to her.

"Tell me whatever you have to Katherine. I'm not angry or upset. I just want to know what exactly is going on,"

Katherine sighed, then cleared her throat, her tears still trickling out slowly. She seemed a bit more composed as she spoke, my attention to her complete now as the words began to come in a flood.

She told me about the house she had visited, how Alicia Witt and Kate Hudson had gotten her high and almost tore her clothes off right there in their lusting of her body. She told me how Eliza Dushku had put a stop to them quickly and how Eliza had explained her duties as a member of something called the Rose Petals Club. The name didn't ring any bells but I knew that if things continued down the path they were going, I would be hearing more about it very soon. I couldn't tell how much she had left out - about how willing or not she had been as Salma Hayek forced her to lay down and accept the tattoo that would brand her for life. This was the hardest part for Katherine, having to recall the pain and apparent pleasure she got as the three women ravaged her body first with their own, then with a sex toy. The way she described it didn't sound very erotic at all, at least from the condition she was in currently, but I knew that sex played a very large part in it, regardless of if I was turned on by it or not.

"Then I woke up in one of the beds in the house, dressed quietly, stopped at a diner and came here. Oh Alex, I don't know what to feel!" Katherine said, leaning into me now, her head on my shoulder as she sobbed quietly. "I got myself into this mess and the way they touched me...it felt good. But am I just a piece of property to them, just another number?"

I stroked her hair. "No Katherine, of course not. They wanted you to feel good it sounds like. They knew that if you had good memories of the incident, you'd be more willing to cooperate with them and whatever else they want you to do,"

"That's the thing Alex!" Katherine cried suddenly, lifting her head up from my shoulder and staring intensely into my eyes. "Part of me DOES want to do what they say. The entire thing was very arousing, and I'm not talking about the sex itself. I liked the idea of being in a secret club or whatever, of the power that it could yield. But the other part of me is saying, no screaming, to get away from them as fast as I can, that this isn't right and isn't going to lead to anything good. That's why I came to you. If I hadn't slipped up and told you about this world I'm now deeply in, I wouldn't have had anyone to turn to. And...and I don't know what I would have done,"

Katherine wrapped her arms around my waist, pushing her head into my stomach.

"Promise me you won't leave me, not without helping me decide what I need to do. Promise me you'll be there for me and help me if I want to get away or get them or something. Promise me that Alex,"

This was a big request on Katherine's part, I knew. I was just on the edge of things I felt, and if I stepped forward more on the path, the way out might become harder and harder to find later on. But I knew deep down that I couldn't just turn away or throw her out or do anything of the sort. I had already gone too far, learned too much and had lost too much as well in the form of Petty to just call it quits here. Salma, Eliza, Willis...they all had to be retributed, if not for what they had done to Katherine and taken control of her life like this, then certainly to prevent them from getting to anyone else.

"Yes Katherine. I'll help you," I said, rubbing her back with my hand as she continued to cling to me like a frightened child. I held her like that for a few minutes, listening to her breath and gasp as her tears finally began to subside, neither one of us saying anything in the silence of the room. I could see through the blinds that daybreak had started to come. It was another day in Los Angeles, and who knew what was in store.

I had thought Katherine had fallen asleep on my lap for a moment, but seemingly in answer to this thought, she slowly lifted her head, pulling herself away from my body slightly. She propped herself up on the couch, her eyes down cast as she looked at nothing in particular. Raising her eyes, Katherine stared at me again for a moment before slowly moving her face towards mine, her tear stained cheeks now dry despite the rivulets that they had cut through her makeup. I felt her breath on my upper lip as she pushed her lips against mine, her soft and full and warm lips touching my own suddenly, first slowly and then with a hurried pressure as she pushed her mouth against mine.

Climbing onto her knees, Katherine leaned against me, pushing me back on the couch more as she kissed me, her body heavy and warm on my own. Her tongue moved into my mouth and at first I simply lay there, not quite sure what this kiss meant. But as I felt her small tongue probing my mouth, her eyes closed as she kissed me, I began to return the kiss in earnest, our mouths wrestling with one another in a quickly growing frenzy.

Katherine slid her arms to my shoulders and I felt my own hands move automatically to her back, where I touched her now not as just a friend but as a lover. Her nipples hardened against my chest, though from the way she was kissing me I could tell it wasn't from arousal - more of a desire to be touched, to be held. A need.

I slid my hands up the back of her blouse, feeling her smooth skin beneath my touch. She seemed oblivious to my touch however as I moved upwards to her shoulders and neck, massaging it slightly with my hand. I lifted my hand away from her as she lifted herself up slightly from my stomach, her lips seeming to fight the desire to leave my own. I had enough free room to maneuver my hands now, and I was very soft and gentle as I moved them to her breasts, squeezing the heavy orbs in my hand as Katherine laid back down on me, my hands crushed between her body and my own. My palms rested squarely on her nipples as Katherine pushed her shoulders back and wiggled the blouse off of her shoulders, leaving her bare skin there for my touch. We kissed again as I squeezed her tits firmly, her body becoming excited by the arousal in spite of itself. The urgency of Katherine's movements let me know that though she wanted to be touched like this, she more or less needed it instead, wanting to perhaps find some way to make sex pleasurable again without the tainted memories of the previous day clouding her feelings.

Truth be told, as I pried my hands away from her chest and lifted them to her shoulders, pulling the blouse off of her completely now, I too could feel this sense of urgency taking me over. This wasn't just sex - this was two people needing each other, needing someone, to make the problems they faced go away. Katherine with her troubles with the Rose Petals and me with the loss of Petty. We both needed, I now knew, to find comfort in the body of another.

Her blouse fully removed, Katherine again broke the kiss and sat up, working quickly to get me out of my boxer shorts (all I had put on before greeting her at the door). As they slid down my legs by her nimble hands, Katherine pushed herself back on me, her skirt now hiked up around her waist as she placed her cunt atop my prick. She didn't allow it to enter - not yet - but instead just let it become more and more aroused by the second as the wetness between her legs grew and her arousal became stronger. I was now painfully hard due to the pressure of her body, and knew that if I didn't find release or something to divert my attention soon, I was apt to shoot my load all over myself.

Thankfully, Katherine's animal instincts took over as she scooted up further along my stomach then pushed back, causing my dick to raise up just enough for the had to be battering at her hole. With only one final moments hesitation, Katherine pushed back against me and I felt my prick slide into her channel completely, her outer lips loosened from the night before. Her hands on my chest, Katherine slid backwards on my cock, raising it up inside of her as she sat contentedly on my lap. It wasn't long however before she began to grind her hips against me, rotating them in small circles as my prick bounced around inside of her, caressing the slick smoothness of her tight inner walls.

She began to raise and lower herself atop me, pressing her hands and nails into my chest as she allowed the shaft of my dick to leave her opening only for a moment or so. Katherine would grunt every time she landed back down, fully impaled, atop me. Her blonde hair swayed gently behind her head as she thrust up and down, my hips now finding the same rhythm of her own as I pushed in and out of her, raising my ass off the couch. Pushing my cock deep within her by grinding her hips against me, she propped herself up over my chest, her long hair hanging along the sides of her face as our eyes locked.

Neither one of us said anything as Katherine began to move faster, trying desperately to scratch that itch that had overtaken her, the lust that had transformed her almost instantly into a woman with a strong desire. I placed my hands on her supple ass cheeks and held them tightly as I helped guide her along my shaft, her aroused and slightly swollen clit rubbing against the top of my shaft with each bouncing move.

I moved my hands up towards the cleft in her ass, tracing a finger down her asshole and along her cunt, stopping at the bottom to wet the tip with her juice before sliding it back upwards, rubbing over her pert little hole with the tip of my finger. She moaned loudly as I caressed this part of her body, gently pushing upwards on a downstroke in our love making, the forces of gravity allowing the tip of my finger to slide into her anal opening slightly, working in the first two segments of my digit inside her tighest of holes.

This seemed to encourage her further as she picked up the now frantic pace of our fucking, my finger now moving along with my cock, in and out, the pressure from her body as her brown eye opened and closed around it quite erotic. We were both animals now, fucking without abandon, each lost in the world of pleasure that we brought each other. With every stroke, the problems of the world seemed to grow further and further away, sending me to a distant place where only bliss could follow. Katherine cried out loudly atop me, an almost earth shattering scream that would surely wake up the neighbors as her orgasm hit, the finish line of sexual bliss overwhelming her as the race neared completion. She came atop my prick, her asshole tightening incredibly around my finger as the moment arrived, her body focused only on releasing the valve of sexual pressure that had been building in her.

I was right behind her, not even having time truly to feel the orgasm in my balls shoot forth. It seemed to just happen by it's own accord, with a quickness that was both staggering and amazingly strong, the cum spewing from my prick in against her pussy walls as I came very hard. My legs twitched and both of our bodies shuddered slightly from the release, Katherine's own orgasm ending seemingly at the second that mine started. I thrust into her deeper and deeper, my prick battering against her cervix as the last load of cum arrived, firing boldly into her as I felt my dick twitch out the final load before beginning to soften slightly. The storm had passed.

Katherine collapsed atop me, her chest heaving with sweat and exhertion as I too breathed heavily, enjoying the feel of her hair against my cheek as I plucked my finger slowly from her ass and traced it up her back, placing my hand between her shoulder blades as I held her tightly against me. Her breathing began to ease up a bit and within seemingly moments, Katherine was fast asleep atop of me, her body unable to take any more without some kind of rest.

Laying there as my panting subsided, I glanced over at the living room window, watching as the sun slowly began to rise over the hills of Hollywood, daybreak bringing an end to the very long night. I closed my eyes just for a moment to rest, but before I knew it I too was asleep there on the couch, our bodies still held together by the bond that had united us in the first place: the burning desire for the loving touch and caress of another person.

We slept for a few hours in that same position, my now soft prick managing to work itself free of her vice like cunt. Laying there, I could see outside that the sun had risen quite far, almost at the midpoint in the sky as the lazy sunbeams and the familiar sounds of traffic managed to filter in through the drawn blinds and thick window panes. My awakening must have stirred Katherine as well, for she lifted her head from my chest and, smiling at me, slowly lifted herself off of my body, moving very slow as she knelt on the back cushion of the couch. She yawned as she patted my leg with her hand, leaning back against the couch, her head resting on the back as her hair draped over the edge.

"Good morning," she said groggily with a sigh, her eyes closed as she lay there on the couch. I lifted myself up slightly on the couch, laying my head on the armrest as I looked at her. Her legs slightly spread and her body still naked save for the rumpled skirt she wore, I could see that a lot of the redness had started to fade around her newly added tattoo. It was still slightly scabbed over, but it didn't look quite as bad as it had even in the late night light of the apartment.

"Morning," I said with a smile, now lifting myself up proper to join her on the couch. Stretching my arms over head, I ran my hand through my hair and stood up, grabbing my boxers from the floor on the way. I cracked my back and re-awoke my body to the world of the living as I yawned again.

"Would you like some breakfast?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you Alex. Do you happen to have any of Petty's clothes by the way? I really need to take a shower,"

"I think so. Try looking in the closet. The shower is right in the bathroom in the bedroom, so make yourself comfortable while I get breakfast going,"

Katherine smiled and stood up from the couch, pulling her dress down now over her legs but choosing to leave her blouse off. She walked a little hesitantly towards the bedroom and disappeared from my sight as I moved to the kitchen to start breakfast.

She emerged 15 minutes later wearing an oversized sweatshirt and one of Petty's pair of old jeans. Perhaps it was the fond memories I still held about Petty in such casual wear, but Katherine looked amazingly sexy in the clothes as she moved to the kitchen table, taking a cup of coffee I had already poured. I set down some eggs and hash browns on the table for each of us and we ate in silence for a few moments, Katherine practically devouring her food immediately, while I found myself to be quite hungry and was quick to follow her.

After finishing her eggs, Katherine sipped her coffee and spoke.

"Thank you for last night Alex. For everything,"

"Not a problem Katherine. I'll always be here to help you out whenever you need it,"

"I know," she said, smiling shyly at me. That was the look of hers that I liked the best I decided - a subtle, innocent looking smile.

"So now that we have both gotten some sleep, I was thinking in the shower about what we should do,"

"What do you mean?"

"About Antamount and the Rose Petal business,"

"Oh yes, I had managed to put it out of my mind for a minute there,"

"I wish I could say the same thing, but unfortunately it has been eating away at me since I've been awake,"

I said nothing to this, but encouraged her to go on. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well, here's the thing. We are both in very different situations here. I'm much deeper in and know far more than I probably even want to, while you are still pretty deep in this whole fucked up scheme, only from a different perspective,"


"But the thing is, even though we are looking at it differently, we still have a lot of common problems. Namely, how to deal with the people involved, the people who are our bosses, in a world where relationships and connections are king,"

I nodded.

"For me, it won't be impossible to manage. I've been stuck in this sub-servant role for a while now and I can hold my own, barring nothing strange coming along. You however, really don't have any chips to maneuver with,"

"I could just not be involved in the movie anymore,"

"I don't think that is a good idea. It's too risky, sends too many signals,"

"I've already told them that I didn't want to be involved any more. They even sent Monica Bellucci to...convince me otherwise,"

"Well then that is your in. You could use that to say that your decision was based on what Monica wanted you to do. And I don't even think I have to ask how that Italian succubus tried to 'convince' you,"

"Point taken. I still don't know...it will be really damn hard to look them straight in the eye when I know so much. They might catch on,"

Katherine stared at me hard, a look of determination in her eyes.

"If they do, they do. Now look, I will also keep up my role in the Rose Petals. Maybe I can learn more about them, what the flaws in the organization are and who wants out. I mean, a secret society can't stay secret forever,"

We sat in silence for a moment, letting the whole thing sink in.

"Then what? How long do we wait, how long do we play by their rules?"

"For however long it takes I think. These people are serious as a heart attack Alex. They won't hesitate to kill you and to make me disappear by smearing me in the tabloids. It's best not to fuck around with them until we have an out, a plan of action,"

"And what exactly are you thinking in that regard Katherine? How the hell do we try and hurt an organization where the only way to tell the members is by seeing them naked?"

Katherine looked down at the table in thought, finishing the last bite of her eggs. Sipping her coffee, she finally looked up at me, her eyes glittering with possibility.

"I know someone who might want to help us. Give me some time to set things up with him and then let's see what his take on this thing is. If we can get his help, then we might stand a chance,"


Straightening my tie, I cleared my throat as I rested my hands on the heavy oak board room table.

"I'm glad you are all here gentlemen. You are obviously anxious to find out the status of our organization, where we stand in regards to the inroads we have made into the Hollywood star system, and I won't keep you long. I have a lunch date with a future prospect to attend to any ways,"

The table seemed to nod their heads in unison. They were a well dressed and unthreatening looking group: aging business men, a few going completely bald atop their heads while others simply seemed to age with dignity, a few wrinkles not with standing. They were the backbone of my organization, the life blood that helped get it off the ground and what kept it flowing even right now. They had kicked in money from off shore bank accounts, personal checks and ambiguous company write offs. Collectively, these twenty men represented some of the most powerful business and political interests around the world. Their companies and own organizations spanned four continents, and the heady rush at speaking to a room like this was a bit intoxicating.

Taking a sip of water from a glass on the table, it's sweat leaving a slight ring on the expensive wood, I walked over to a white board behind me, reaching into my pocket to pull out a remote for the projector.

"As you can see by these figures, our year end goals have more than been met. We have successfully reached out to the top talent in the fields of film and television completely, are making great progress into the world of music with Antamount Records and by years end we hope to start capitalizing on the growing women's sports field. There do remain a few hold outs in the Hollywood system, some of the bigger paycheck pulling women like Roberts and Diaz but we are working our hardest to bring them into our fold," I said, pointing to pie charts and bar graphs on the projected screen behind me, the only sound in the office the hum of the projector itself and some muffled sounds from outside the conference room.

"Now, clearly having control over the talent in the entertainment industry is important. But what we hope to achieve in our three-year prospectus is nothing short of positioning our representatives inside of the five big studios and entertainment companies, where they will undoubtedly ascend the corporate ladder and act in our interest. This will require quite a bit of press unfortunately, but with the Los Angeles media on our payroll, and unfortunate squabbles will be relegated to the back pages of the paper," I continued.

"Once we feel confident that our interests are being met in North America, I personally feel that it will be apt time to expand abroad. The European market is always steady, and with Latin America simply ripe for the picking and Asia on the rise in their tough economic times, this should not be too difficult. Our coup de tas in the world of entertainment should go off without a hitch, if our current projections are to be believed," I finished, pausing once again to sip some water. "I will now open up the floor to questions,"

A row of hands were raised around the table and, so as not to play favorites, I chose the one closest to me.

"Yes, Mr. Eisner," I said, pointing at him. The head of the Mouse empire stood up, straightening his tie as he began to speak in that somewhat raspy voice of his.

"With all of this talk of expansion, I want to know what is being done internally in the studio system. You mentioned that Ms. Roberts is a current priority, but is it conceivable that we can hope to limit the power of the female players in the Hollywood world anytime soon?" he said, his gray eyes staring at me hard.

"Excellent question. That is where our establishment of the Rose Petals Club comes in. We have planted within the star system an organization strictly controlled by us, which acts as a conduit for sucking in new and old talent to our whim. I have appointed the very capable and trust worthy Salma Hayek to act as a figurehead in the organization, working with her and team of writers to create a mythology around the group that will not only hook but keep any rising star from getting too high in the grand scheme of things. There have been a few...unfortunates... who have been lost to the cause due to the Rose Petals Club, but they have successfully been buried by the press and as such will no longer pose a threat. We also are working with interests in Columbia and the Middle East to add narcotics into the mix if necessary, giving Hayek and her members a stronger crutch to lean upon. If we can not hook their minds via mythology, then certainly the use of narcotics will allow us to snare their bodies. I hope that has answered your question Mr. Eisner. Next please?"

Eisner sat down and the room turned towards the back of the table to look at Mr. Kyokota, a small Asian man who had stood up slowly. His hair was a rich silver gray and his face still had some of that boyhood charm, but he offered no smile or look of kindness as he bowed slightly before speaking.

"What of this talk I have been hearing of a resistance to our plans? A...how do you Americans say...uprising? This is not good indeed Mr. Willis, and I believe I speak for the group when I say that our investment in finances and our investment in face value is not something to be easily brushed off," Kyokota said, his words coming steadily and coldly, without the slightest hint of sentiment or emotional attachment. The group murmured softly to itself, whispering and talking in hushed tones with one another. To quell it, I returned the emphasis with some cold words of my own.

"There is no resistance, no uprising. This rumor has been plaguing us for the past three years and nothing has ever shown itself to be proof in that regard. Should any problems such as that ever actually reveal themselves to be true dangers to us, we would act quickly to remove them and ensure that no financial or face is lost in the process," I said, my icy words cutting the room silent like the flick of a switch as I glared around the room. The fact that Kyokota actually brought this up irritated me to no end, but I knew in dealing with the Japanese that any sign of anger or hesitance was a sign of weakness.

A few hands that had been raised went down, with only one remaining. I was relieved that it was simply Senator Mitchell from Kansas, a slow witted fellow whose connections to high standing officials and business men had bought his way into the organization.

"Yes, one final question,"

"When will we see a financial return and how much more funds do you need to continue the operation?" he asked, in his slow Mid-Western drawl. I sighed under my breath, glad that there had been no follow-ups to Kyokota's questioning.

"That gentlemen, is something I will turn over to my associate Mr. Hapsboro. He is far more talented with numbers than I, and has already laid out a spreadsheet of cost benefit analysis. I must bid you all ado however now, else risking being late for a lunch appointment," I said, motioning to Gordon on my right. He stood up with a smile and walked over to me as I handed him the projector remote.

Leaning in close to his ear, I whispered to him. "Take care of the Kyokota problem,"

Turning my head to face the men again, I smiled widely, that same grand-fatherly smile that had gotten me this far in the first place.

"Good day gentlemen," I said, waving to them as I exited the room.

My driver was waiting for me in the parking lot, and within a few minutes we had arrived at the bistro agreed upon earlier in the day by my secretary and my new prospect's agent. Sitting down at a quaint table, the lunch time crowd bustling and chattering around me, I neatly folded my napkin in my lap.

I didn't have to wait long before a simply ravishing blonde woman approached my table from the entrance, her long legs and beautiful smile making my heart take pause. She was so innocent looking, it almost felt bad that I would have to bring her into this inevitable hell that I was creating for myself. But investors were impatient and the game was too far along to stop now, so I was left with no choice.

"Ah, Ms. Mol. So wonderful to finally meet you in person," I said, gesturing towards her chair as the greeter removed it for her.

"Thank you Mr. Willis. And please, call me Gretchen. Before we order, I simply have to thank you for speaking to David E. Kelly and getting me that part on his new show. I feel that this could truly and finally be the big break that my career needs to make me a household name. I am so excited," she said, bubbling as she smiled at me. She was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, her face so cute and her eyes so alive with energy.

"I only help out those who I feel to be deserving. And you Ms. Mol...Gretchen...are most certainly one of those special few. And since we are making clear our feelings for one another right off the bat, something direct that I like about you, I must ask you a question," I said, smiling at her in that warm way that I knew was my strongest strength in negotiating.

"Please Mr. Willis, go ahead. I am more than willing to answer anything you might throw at me," she giggled, sipping her water.

I cleared my throat, the line now memorized in my head so completely that all I had to do was fill in the blanks. "Now Gretchen, the television business is hard. It's a cut throat industry, even more than the world I am familiar with here in the magical world of cinema. People will do anything to climb above the competition..."


My head was jerked up quickly, too quickly, I felt the blood rush to my temples in a throbbing flood as my eyes grew black and I felt dizzy, about to pass out. I tried to lift my arms to my desk to steady myself, but the men held them down as they yanked viciously on my hair. My neck snapped backwards as I gasped, my teeth gritted painfully as my head was held at an awkward angle against my neck.

"You don't pay on time from now on Charlie, Dennis and I will be back to make sure you don't gets no more chance. We clear?" Bernie said. His fat hands held onto my hair tightly, wrapping it around his meaty fingers as they held me out from the desk. I was already gasping from the sucker punch they had delivered to my gut a moment earlier but right now I was more concerned with them snapping my neck like a twig.

"I told you, I didn't have the money this time. I can win it back!," I said through my teeth, immediately regretting my forwardness.

SLAM! My head went into the desk again. Hard enough this time to make me black out for a few seconds.

I felt my head throb even more now and could feel a small trickle of blood leaking out of my forehead, strangely comforting in the physical state I was in.

Mercifully, I felt the hand on top of my head relax as Bernie moved away from me.

"I don't know why we fucking deal with little fucks like you Charlie. You aren't even worth the fucking effort," he said viciously, walking away from my desk, my arms finally free. I thought for a moment of jumping up after him, but my reason (some might call it coward-ness) took over and I sat motionless, lifting only my head to watch them as the trickle of blood adjusted it's route and leaked into my eye painfully.

Through my one good eye I watched as Bernie wiped his hands on my jacket hanging on the coat stand, Dennis holding the door for him as they walked out. They were big men and had to turn sideways to even get through the door of my office.

"Don't fuck with Mr. Bois again Charlie. That's a personal piece of advice," Bernie said, slamming the door.

As I listened to them descend the steps and shut the front door, I finally found the strength to move, standing up on wobbly legs as I staggered over to the mirror. Shit, they really did a number on my face. My one eye was swollen and blood caked as the wound from my widows peak continued to drip down like slow moving paint over it. My hair was all messed up (what little I had still anyways) and my cheeks were swollen from the blow to the desk. Moving my tongue around in my mouth, I was glad they didn't knock loose any teeth. For now any ways.

Reaching into the desk drawer underneath the mirror, I took out a dirty towel and wiped my face with it, the rough unwashed material scratchy as I gently touched the wound. The dizziness was gone but I still looked like hell. My shoulders hurt from where they had pulled my arms back to land that punch, but as I rotated them slowly I knew that they hadn't done any permanent damage. Again, for now.

Sighing to myself, I walked back over to my desk and flopped down. I opened the middle drawer beneath the desk and pulled out my flask - a present from my parents during graduation - and took a swig. The brandy was strong and harsh as it went down, burning my throat as it screamed towards my stomach. Taking another pull, this one went down easier as I set the flask down on the desk. I realized that my hands were trembling slightly and so I quickly put on top of the other to steady them. Glancing at the desk, I saw today's race form sitting there, begging me to pick a winner in the 4th, the 5th...it didn't matter. The piece of paper seemed to taunt me, beckoning me to come play the ponies just one more time.

I grabbed the form quickly and tore it up, throwing the pieces into the trash can. Fuck that. I was already enough in debt that I didn't need even one more race to keep myself going. Besides, I knew that I couldn't find enough money for even one ticket before the opening bell of the race.

Rubbing my temples, I jerked up straight in the chair as there was a knock on the door. Oh please God, don't let them come back. They weren't packing heat last time, don't make them have a gun now! Quickly putting away the flask, I scanned the desk frantically for a weapon of some kind, something to defend myself with. All I could find was a dull letter opener, which I promptly grabbed and hoarded greedily in my hands beneath my desk. They might get old Charlie, but not without a fight.

The knock came again, the door rattling in it's hinges as it always did no matter how hard the knock. My heart raced as I tried to compose myself.

"Yeah, come in," I called, rubbing my finger over the blade of the letter opener.

The door opened and in stepped a massive looking line backer type, dressed in slacks and a maroon shirt and navy blue tie. His shoulders were massive and broad and for a split second I thought that it was Dennis, having gone to change shirts before coming back again. I lifted the letter opener from the desk instinctively but caught myself as the man, who I now realized I didn't recognize, stepped aside and a woman followed him.

In stepped Katherine Heigl, one of Willis' girls, whom I had gotten to know intimately at one of his parties a few months back. She looked simply gorgeous, her long legs flowing beneath a summer dress and her massive tits straining against the fabric of said dress as she walked in. Her normally long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail behind her head and though she wore little makeup, the high cheek bones still made her appear like an angel sent from heaven, like one of those angels I had seen while attending Mass with my mother as a child.

She looked nervous as she walked in, pausing a step or two in front of the door as her bodyguard or whoever shut the door behind her.

Katherine smiled at me, and for a moment the throbbing of my head ceased as I was held in her gaze.

"Hello Charlie, how are you?" she said sweetly. If she only knew how I was...

"Fine," I said, my throat dry. Clearing it, I spoke again. "I'm doing okay Katherine. And you?"

"I'm doing okay Charlie, thanks," she said, walking further in and taking a seat in one of my threadbare second hand chairs. She kicked some files out of the way as she sat down, her escort keeping his position near the door as he leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"Are you okay Charlie? You look a little rough," Katherine asked, a look of concern on her face.

I blotted my forehead with the back of my hand and mustered a weak smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I asked. I wasn't lying either - since my first encounter with her a few months previous, I had yet to receive a better blowjob than the one that she gave. I could feel my 46 year old prick managing to grow slightly hard in my pants just thinking about it now.

"I came to offer you something," Katherine said. My eyes lit up - yes! Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

Standing from my desk, I walked over to Katherine, unbuckling my belt as I walked.

"Well, okay. I don't normally like having other men around but hey, whatever works I guess," I said, loosening my pants as I stood in front of her.

Katherine recoiled her head away in disgust, much to my surprise.

"Oh God, no Charlie! Not that! What do you think I am, some kind of whore?" Katherine spat at me, her head turned away. This pissed me off. The mouth on this bitch was sure to get her in trouble one of these days and maybe I needed to be the one to let her know that.

I slapped her hard across the face as my pants hung around my thighs, making Katherine's head turn hard as she flopped back in the chair.

"Damn straight. You are Willis' property woman, or did you forget that?" I replied angrily. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her escort bodyguard take two biiigggg steps forward towards me, a cold look of hatred in his eyes that made me flinch in spite of myself.

Katherine put up a hand to stop him however and the big ox stood still in his tracks. Whoever he was, she had him trained like a puppy.

She rubbed her face with her hand and for a moment I felt sorry for hitting her. Then the gutsy way she had rebuked me rushed back into my thoughts and any sympathy was quickly drowned out.

"Are you saying no to me bitch? Maybe I need to give Willis a call and let him know that his whores are being mouthy lately," I replied angrily, my fists clenched tightly at my sides.

Katherine turned her head to look at me, her eyes pleading with me.

"No Charlie, don't. Please. Just listen to me, hear me out on what I have to say, alright? Please?" she said. She sounded like a scared little girl and in spite of my anger, I figured that I could at least hear her small talk for a minute or two before we got down to business.

"Fine, talk," I grumbled, zipping my pants up and walking back to the desk. Her man servant or whatever the fuck her was resumed his position against the wall, but his gaze never left my every move.

"I came here to make you an offer, and to talk to you about Mr. Willis. Is that alright?" she said.

"I have no problem with you bitching about him to me, if that's what you mean. But your offer has peaked my interest. Go on Katherine,"

She sighed heavily and brushed her hair out from her eyes, her right cheek red from my palm still.

"I...we...need your help in taking Willis and his whole operation down," she said.

I tried not to look surprised, but it was almost incredible after hearing that statement. In fact, it was almost laughable that this little nobody would try to worm her nose up into the business of one of the most powerful men in the country. Take Willis down indeed.

"You've got to be joking," I said, chuckling to myself at the mere idea. She stared at me hard.

"No, I'm not. The only reason I came to you is that I know you have had problems with him in the past, that he hasn't always helped you out like he should. That you of all people might be willing to even entertain the idea of getting back at him. You've seen the way he and his lap dog Hapsboro treat me and the other girls he's lured in. You've seen how he has reduced us to whores to do his bidding, just as you said. And if there is any decency left in Charlie Watterson at all, I think you know how wrong that is," she said, continuing to stare at me hard.

"Please! Katherine, whatever beef I have with Willis is between me and him and most certainly not you. I don't know where you get off coming in here with these stupid ideas and your bodyguards or whatever the fuck Ox over there is supposed to be, but you can just get it out of your head right now," I replied coldly. Reaching into my desk, I pulled out my flask once again, taking a hard, long pull on it. Regardless of how dumb she sounded now, I still didn't want to be hearing this. A man in Hollywood quickly learns to filter out the things he hears, and this was something that most certainly needed filtering.

"I know about Jessica, Charlie," she said coldly. I stopped in mid sip of the brandy, the metal flask pressing against my lips as the liquid fire inside sloshed around.

"You don't know shit," I said, pulling the container from my mouth and capping it back up, sliding it back into the desk in one fluid motion.

"That's not true. I know everything. People talk Charlie. They talk about how you were this big hot shot producer. How every film you touched was a sure fire hit. How you had Hollywood served up on a silver platter," she continued.

"Well you heard wrong. I never had any power over Hollywood, I just had a long lucky run,"

"Yes, you did. Too lucky almost. You tried to push things by bringing in new talent, didn't you Charlie? You tried to take control of it all - the casting, the production, the asking price for your films, everything. But you got greedy didn't you Charlie? You wanted too much," she said.

I stood up from my desk and leaned across it, glaring at her.

"You better watch your fucking mouth," I growled, a snarl crossing my lips. To my amazement, she continued unfazed.

"You brought in Jessica Biel for one of your projects. She was your pride and joy. You discovered her and convinced her to come to Hollywood and then you seduced her with ideas and promises of fame and fortune and the adoration of millions of people. But it didn't go like you wanted it to, did it Charlie? You're Hollywood dream existed only on screen didn't it?"

I felt a well of emotions beneath the surface - it was as if I was a separate person, one simply watching myself from outside my body as my mouth let my emotions run free.

"Shut up! Jessica was...Jessica is...she's not important any more!"

"Oh, but she is Charlie. What happened to her huh? You introduced her as your date at one of Willis' parties. You told him how big of a star she was going to be. How proud and happy you were to have full control over her career. But you said these things to the wrong person Charlie, didn't you?"


"You fucked up. Willis smelled fresh meat and he moved in for the kill, whisking her away. First to projects of his own, then into the little harem he had built for himself here in LA. When was the last time you talked to her Charlie? A month? Six months? Two years?"

I collapsed into the chair, my eyes welling up with tears. Damn it, I couldn't let this woman get to me like this! I was Charlie FUCKING Watterson!

"I...I don't know,"

"Two years I bet then. That's a long time to sit and think things over, isn't it Charlie? To think about how you had the whole world and the control over one person in your hands and how you lost it, how you messed up," she said, each word tearing through me like a bullet ripping through my chest.

My outside view of myself could now see my real self sobbing like a baby in my chair. I wanted to crawl under a rock and be left alone at that point, but what was I to do? I had done the one thing you never should in this game: I let my emotions get the best of me.

"Two years is about right," I said, sobbing into my hands. "She never even called me,"

"And that makes you angry, doesn't it Charlie?" Katherine said, her voice more reassuring now, like a mother's to a child.


"Deep down, you blame this all on Willis, as you should. And I know you've had these dark, deep thoughts buried far inside about how to get back at him for this. How to get your life back, how to get Jessica back, haven't you?"

"Yes...why are you doing this? Oh Godddddd!!"

"Because we want to get back at him too Charlie, and you can help us. You can move within his ranks like we can't. You can help us take him down.

I laid my head on my desk, crying softly into my shirt sleeve, hating myself more and more for every tear.

"What...wha...do you want me to do?"

"I want your commitment. I want you to use any connections you have to help Alex and I strike at Willis, to get back at him for the way he's treated me and the girls before me and you and all the other people whose lives he has destroyed. In return, you have mine and Alex's promise that we will help you get Jessica back for you, to help you salvage what's left of your life," she said.

"Who, who is Alex?" I said, lifting my head as I wiped my tears away. The man in the corner walked over towards me hesitantly, as if I would bite his hand or something.

"Alexander Hilt. I'm a screen writer for Willis and...well, I used to be. Now I'm not so sure," he said, extending his hand out to my slowly, watching my every move. I took it and shook it gently, my fingers wet from my blubbering.

Wiping my eyes clear now, I leaned back in my chair and sniffled away the last of my heartache as I sighed.

"What do you want me to do?" I said. "Even though you are right, Willis deserves to pay, I can't promise anything and I think you know that,"

"I do. But what I want to hear from you is that you will try. That you will help us however you can without letting on that you are. Can you do that Charlie? We may not need your help, but in this rebellion we have begun, we need all the allies we can get," she said, standing up from her chair as I watched her shapely form move towards the door.

"I'll do what I can Katherine, that's all I can promise," I said to her, trying not too sound like the blubbering mess I had become in the last five minutes.

"Thank you Charlie. I'll call you when and if I know how you can help, ok?"

"Ok Katherine," I said as she opened the door.

Her escort, Alex I now knew, stepped outside the door and Katherine followed, pulling it almost closed behind her. She stuck her head back in for a moment, a smile on her face.

"Oh, and just between me and you Charlie, I always did enjoy the taste of your cock in my mouth," she said with a warm smile.

I laughed at this and smiled at her.

"Thanks," I said, watching as she smiled back before closing the door behind her.

For the second time that day, I wondered what kind of mess I had gotten myself into.


I learned very quickly that things happen very fast in this industry. No sooner had I finished recording my single with Beyonce (it came the next morning, with a few minor tweaks to the baseline after our rendezvous in her hotel suite) than I was already jamming away with a full on band in the same studio, laying down a dozen tracks or so. Within two weeks, we had actually finished recording and the technician, Bill Blake, was putting the final production credits on it. Then it was just a matter of shooting the cover art and doing the insert booklet and my album was completely done. It had made my head spin how fast the whole process was done, but in the cut throat pop music world I suppose that was necessary - it was all about the product and getting it to consumers as fast as possible. Because of this rushed effort, I decided on the title of "Whirlwind" for the album itself, which was taken from one of my favorite tracks.

Now though, I was flying out to New York City to appear on Total Request Live with Beyonce to debut our single, "Mind Boggling Man". I felt extremely excited that I was going to be on the show, even in the limited capacity of a back up singer, but I knew that this was just a stepping stone. First the back up singing, then the full album and then...it scared me to think of how fast I might ascend to the level of fame. I had called all of my friends and family and told them to watch me. I had been on the outs with my mother for going on five years now, but Alex had encouraged me to at least stay in touch with her so that she knew I was doing ok. When I called to tell her the good news, she immediately asked about Alex, something that made me wince.

"How is he doing Petty? Has he found fame and fortune like you?" she said, her voice sounding a bit tinny on the phone.

"Last time I heard, he was doing alright," I replied, my voice deadpan so that she could infer that it was a sore topic. But like she always seemed to do, she wouldn't let up and pressed on.

"Last you heard? Oh Petty...don't tell me that you two broke up!" she wailed into the phone. My mother was a firm believer in strong, solid relationships and though she had never met him in person, I knew from their conversations on the phone that she really seemed to like Alex. In truth, I liked him well enough too and sometimes felt myself missing him, but after the fight we had, I wasn't about to go crawling back to him.

"Yes mother, we broke up. I'd really rather not talk about him if that is ok with you," I said, trying not to sound angry.

"You two seemed so happy together. Like two of a kind, the nice perfect couple. I told old Mrs. Glickman about you two and how peaceful your life was and,"

"Is this going anywhere mother? I really have a lot of stuff to do before my trip," I snapped, interrupting her.

There was a momentary pause on the other line. "No, I suppose not. I just hope you stay out of trouble now that Alex is gone Petty,"

I sighed loudly into the phone. "I will mother, don't worry. I really need to get going now so..."

"Yes yes, I understand. Good bye Petty, I will watch for you on television. One more thing...I'm very proud of you,"

This hit me hard. My mother never complimented me - not when I was a kid and not now. My heart felt tight at her words but there was just too much baggage to show it.

"Thank you. Good bye," I said, forcing myself to hang up the phone. I set the receiver down and bent my head over, breathing hard as her words washed over me.

That was last night and as far as I was concerned, in the past. Antamount had flown me out on a private jet with some of their suits, who had spent the duration of the long flight chattering away about deals and what not towards the front of the cabin. That left me the entire back two rows to put my feet up and relax, trying to calm my jitters about the show today.

When I touched down in New York, a limo was waiting for me (and only me, the suits embarking on their own errands) to take me to Times Square and MTV's studios. The afternoon sun in the city was still high in the sky, and the heat was uncomfortably hot, even on the ground with the tall sky scrapers over head. As the limo turned the corner into Times Square, I saw the gaggle of teenagers waving signs and chatting with one another, all of them there hoping to catch a glimpse of celebrities zooming by, not to mention getting a coveted request in on the show. I rolled down the window of the limo to look at them and noticed that they really didn't give two shits about me. They watched me drive by, scoping me out for a moment in excited anticipation but I guess I disappointed because they quickly returned to their conversations.

The limo pulled into the MTV parking lot and I was led out by the driver. A short, stocky man with thick glasses was there waiting for me, a gigantic clip board in his hand.

"Hello Petty, I'm Roger, I will be your liaison today here at the studio. Antamount sent me specifically to be at your beck and call today so if there is anything you need, please let me know. I spoke with your agent, Rick Dugan on the phone and we have laid out your dressing room just the way you like it. Is there anything else you need right away?" the man said, his words a little jumbled and fast. I was struck by the speed in which he talked and yet amazed that I could actually follow him. I knew that New Yorkers had a habit of talking fast (a sharp contrast to those in LA) but this guy was a master at it.

We walked through the parking garage and into the elevator leading to the studio floor. The elevator was old and clanky, it's metal track grunting as we ascended upward. This created a bit of an uncomfortable silence in the enclosed space. I would normally have been friendly towards this apparent lackey, but what was there really to say?

Hitting the 2nd floor, I waited patiently for the ride to be over. Roger however, had other things on his mind.

"Oh! Before I forget! Mr. Hapsboro instructed me to give you these forms relating to your album and appearances on the show and any other publicity. He said that he meant to have it ready for you while you were recording, but that this was the quickest it could get done," he said, thrusting his heavy clipboard out to me. I watched his expectant eyes warily as I took the clipboard, scanning the mountain of pages.

I felt rushed as he stared at me, so I quickly went through the pages, looking for anything that caught my eye. It was pretty boring stuff, mostly legalese written to say that I would give ownership of the album to Antamount, blah blah. I didn't really like the idea of signing my songs away to a corporation, but I certainly wasn't going to blow a record deal over that. I could always write more songs, I reasoned, so what if these belonged to them?

Finding the appropriate lines, I signed my name, initialed where it told me to and X-ed where I had to. Handing the heavy clipboard back to Roger, he smiled as the elevator dinged at our floor.

"Thanks. Now, follow me," he said, leading the way.

Like my first experience with Antamount's offices, the ones at MTV were nothing to be impressed about. They looked like any other office building, with people rushing by and doors opening and closing to offices as phones rang constantly. We walked through a metal door labeled simply SETS and that's when the magic of television finally showed itself.

We passed by the MTV News set, empty right now except for a janitor sweeping up, the lights hanging high over head turned off. I could see the desk where many an MTV News anchor sat, the blue screen behind them giving away the secrets to the world of television. We passed through another door at the end of the hall and I knew from the chatter behind it as we approached that this must be where TRL was.

It was just like you see on the show, only much bigger. The set was in the corner of the building, the resident teenagers sitting patiently as they chatted with themselves and to friends on cell phones, just like the ones outside. Carson Daly was standing off to the side, the makeup people applying the finishing touches as he stared out the window to watch the traffic go by. The rest of the room was pretty much empty, the set fading away like a piece of a puzzle lost from it's brothers, as camera men checked angles and production assistants moved like ants, scurrying around as the show was about to start. Roger led me up to Carson Daly as the makeup assistant walked away.

"Carson, this is Petty. She's going to be doing the duet with Beyonce later on in the show," Roger said, motioning for us to shake hands. He looked at me and smiled, shaking my hand. He was much shorter than I had thought, the screen obviously giving him height.

"Hi, glad you're going to be on the show. I love your new song with Beyonce, it's kickin," he said warmly.

"Uh, thanks," I said, letting my hand fall to my side. I had expected something more than "kickin" for praise but whatever works.

Carson walked to a nearby table and opened a bottle of water, sipping it gently so as not to mess up his makeup from any splashing. Not knowing what else to do, I followed him over.

"So, how's the show going?" I asked, trying to make small talk.

"It's not bad I guess. The ratings are still high so I guess I will get to do this for a while longer," he replied. I looked into his eyes, trying to see if he was really as slow witted as the show made him appear, or if it was all just an act. Sadly, there didn't seem to be much going on behind them as he smiled dopily at me.

"This will be a good show. First you and Beyonce will perform, then later we have Avril Lavinge stopping by to play one of her jams," he said, reverting again to that "hip" lingo of his audience.

"Cool. I'm really nervous about this whole thing. I've never been on television before," I said, feeling strangely comfortable opening up to him.

"Na, don't worry about it. Our viewers don't really care how you act, in case you didn't notice, so if you mess up, it ain't no thang,"

His use of slang was starting to annoy me, so I looked for a way out of the conversation.

"Have you seen Roger? He just sort of left me here and I needed to talk to him about something," I lied, looking worried as best as I could as I looked around.


"The guy who introduced us,"

"Sorry, I'm not following,"

"Never mind," I said, backing away from him. I walked over to where a group of PA's were standing, standing away from them so as not to get in the way. Over a loud speaker that I guess I hadn't seen when I walked in, a voice called "30 seconds to air"

People now scrambled like mad, Carson walking over to the set as the audience applauded and cheered wildly. A PA handed him a microphone as he straightened his hair, smiling at the crowd.

"10 seconds!"

I moved where I could see things, inadvertently stepping in the way of a camera for a moment before one of the young assistants yanked me hard by the arm, pulling me back. I felt resentment towards her as the show began - how dare she jerk me around like that? I was one of the guests today!


"Hi, I'm Carson Daly and welcome to Total Request Live. We have a great show today, Beyonce Knowles is here to do her hit song with Petty, and Avril Lavinge will be stopping by later in the show for an interview and to sing as well. But let's kick things off right now with a new video from Britney Spears..."

Beyonce arrived on set about 5 minutes before we were supposed to go on, her entourage carrying all her things: wardrobe, purse, bottled water, etc as she pranced around like a diva, pausing only to let the makeup people descend upon her. She saw me standing there watching the show and as I turned to look at her, she smirked widely at me, winking out of her left eye. I felt myself blush - if only the people here knew about our night in her hotel room...

The show went to a commercial and both Beyonce and I were rushed onto the set. I had put on makeup before leaving, but apparently not to the satisfaction of the people of the show, because they lunged on me, pulling my hair this way and that and adding powder to my face and arms as I took a seat on a stool on the main stage of the show. Beyonce walked in front of me, adjusting the microphone to her height as she straightened her hair. She wore a red leather cat suit like thing, the front zipped almost all the way down to expose her ample cleavage. I was handed a guitar as I sat there, feeling very nervous. I tried not to think about the huge audience watching, about all the things that could go wrong in the song. Instead, I found myself envisioning the clubs in LA where I had first gotten my start, the blinding stage lights keeping the audience from my view as I sang. The thought of this inevitably brought Alex to my mind and I could feel myself growing upset from all the emotions running through me right then and there.

Somehow sensing this, Beyonce turned and looked at me, smiling warmly.

"Don't sweat it girl, we are gonna knock them dead!" she said enthusiastically as a stage hand called out that the show was about to come back. I sighed to myself heavily as I straightened the guitar on my knee and the people around me suddenly vanished, scurrying out of the way of the camera.

"Hey, welcome back to TRL. Continuing her solo career, today we have Beyonce Knowles from Destiny's Child here to perform her new song "Mind Boggling Man", featuring new comer Petty on the guitar. This song is off the hook, so if you haven't heard it then you will really be in for a treat," Carson said. The audience clapped and cheered politely as I saw the camera from the side of the room move over to us. The now familiar baseline to me began to kick in the background as Beyonce went into performer mode, strutting and flaunting her golden brown body for the camera's lens as my hand instinctively began to play along to the music.

Beyonce stepped up to the microphone and closed her eyes, her hips swaying as the tempo got to the first verse. Sighing to myself again, I knew there was no turning back.

"OOOOhhh let me tell ya honey, oh yeah, about my mind bogglin' man!...Uhh! He comes home every night...sayin he workin as hard as he can, oh yeah!" Beyonce sang, her voice booming from her thin body like a woman twice her size.

"But when I see him out there...workin' all the hours...I know he out with another girl...givin her MY flowers!"

This was my cue.

"Hey sista...you don't need that mista...we ain't got no need in this world...for that mind bogglin man!" I sang, my voice hitting all the right notes and encouraging me further as the chorus faded into Beyonce's second verse via a series of beeps and thumps.

As the song wore on, I felt myself relaxing completely and getting very much into the groove of the song. We had sung it over and over while recording and I knew the words by heart now as Beyonce and I finished up our 3 minute set.

"So come on girls, let's go girls, all the girls...ditch that MIND BOGGLIN' MANNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!" Beyonce sang in a final crescendo as the song ended.

The audience went absolutely wild, clapping and yelling and cheering so much that it actually scared me. I had never heard an audience get that rowdy before, at least when I was the performer and not a cheering member of the audience. I stood up on shaky knees and turned towards them, smiling as I bowed politely, guitar in my sweaty somewhat shaky hand.

Carson walked over to us, shaking first Beyonce's hand, then my own.

"Wow ladies, that was great. Tell me, how did you two hook up?" he asked, reading off the teleprompter.

Beyonce looked at me, indicating that I could answer the question. I hadn't really been told what to say, so I just said the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"I just signed with Antamount Records a few weeks ago and they said they wanted me to do a single with Beyonce. I didn't want to turn them down, so I guess that's how we got hooked up," I said nervously, trying not to look too directly into the camera.

"Great, great. Tell me Beyonce, what's it like working with someone from a rock background when all you've done before is r&b?" Carson asked as the camera panned to him and Beyonce.

"Well, you know Carson, I love all kinds of music. I even suggested putting in some real instruments in for my first single, and that's what led to Petty. She's a great musician and I'm sure she will be a big star and I just wanted to say I worked with her first, you know?" Beyonce said coolly as she hugged me by the shoulders. She was no stranger to the camera and her poise impressed me.

"I wish you two the best of luck. Beyonce's album is already out right now, so go by and pick it up if you haven't already. Petty, any plans on an album of your own?"

"Y..yes Carson, I just finished laying it down about a week ago and it should be out...uhh, I guess whenever they release it," I said, unable to contain myself from giggling. "It's going to be called 'Whirlwind', that much I know,"

"Ok, well, look for Petty's solo album...whenever they release it," Carson said, chuckling. "We'll be right back after this with some more videos and your requests, and Avril Lavinge in an hour or so,"

The light above the camera went off and two PA's rushed onto the set to pick up the mic stand and the stool I was sitting on as we were led off the stage. Out of the camera's sight, Beyonce turned to me as she ran her hands through her hair.

"You did great girl. I'd love to stay and talk about it with ya, but they are telling me I gotta go do some charity event tonight in Boston, so I gotta get going. Holla at me later if you want to, just ask Hapsboro for my number," she said, giving me a hug. I could feel the moisture between her breasts as she pressed her body against me. Though she was taller than me, at this moment I felt like a dwarf compared to her and her celebrity. She smiled down at me and our eyes locked for a moment, remembering that night together. With no one looking, she bent down and kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Cya round girl," Beyonce said, turning away to her waiting entourage by the door.

Taking a deep breath, I felt dizzy and sweaty and excited and calm and a million other things all at once as the adrenaline rush from performing slowly faded from me. I was in a daze as I walked over to one of the assistants.

"Do you have somewhere I could go to change and maybe shower? I feel sweaty from the performance," I asked breathlessly, scanning the room. The guy appeared really busy but he looked up at me regardless, glancing around.

"Yeah, there should be an open one down the hall over there. First door on your right," he said, pointing. I nodded at him and walked over to where he had indicated as I heard the audience applaud behind me, the show back on the air.

Passing through the door quietly, I saw the room he was pointing to. Not wanting to barge in on anyone, I knocked tentatively. No answer. Opening the door slowly, I saw that it was a very posh looking dressing room. One of those "green rooms" you hear about on all the entertainment shows...and here I was with one all to myself. Shutting the door behind me, I checked it out: there was a nice vase of flowers on a mahogany table against the far wall, a semi-open door that led to a bathroom with a shower, and a closet for hanging costumes and clothes to change into. There was also a nice looking sofa against the opposite wall from the table, with a big screen TV standing next to the table.

Walking around a little bit more, I headed into the bathroom and took some of the towels off, wiping my arms and neck from the sweat of the lights. The shower looked nice and clean and I was about to peel off my dress and climb in when there was a knock on the door. Fixing my hair, I walked out of the bathroom and stood in the center of the room.

"Come in," I called, the door opening a moment later.

In walked a Hispanic man with a dirty, thin mustache and slicked back hair. He wore a leather motorcycle jacket and a pair of faded jeans. His eyes seemed to register no emotion as he walked in, shutting the door behind him, a small package underneath his arm.

"Are you Petty?" he asked, his eyes checking me out hungrily. I suddenly felt conscious of the man, wondering who he was and what he was doing in my dressing room.

"Yes, who are you?" I asked.

"I am Fernando, Mr. Hapsboro's liaison here in New York. He has sent me to give you this package, as a gift for your good performance today on the show," he said, his words sounding almost scripted. He walked to the table as I watched him, setting the package down. It was a simple cardboard box, in the shape of a jewelry case, with a string fastened across the middle.

I approached him as he set it down on the table, undoing the string and opening the lid of the box. Inside was a rather full baggie of white powder. My heart raced as I realized what it was, having not seen cocaine since my experience that night with Eliza. I felt a surge rush through my veins as the pleasant memories of the drug's effects coursed through my brain, the echoes of Eliza's moans and my own arousal seeming to trigger involuntarily in my body. My skin felt flush and I realized that just seeing the tightly packed powder was enough to make me somewhat horny again.

He stepped back from the table and looked at me, his eyes watching me as I leaned closer over the box. It was apparent that he wanted me to take it out or look at it or thank him or something, but I wasn't sure exactly what to do at that moment.

"Please accept this as his thanks," he said, smiling weakly at me as his eyes continued to look me up and down. I tore my eyes away from his own, staring instead at the white bag. It was jammed full, undoubtedly a lot of drugs in the bag. The realization of where we were and who could come in at any moment suddenly flashed into my mind and I put my hands on the box and closed it's lid, looking up at him.

"You can't just open that here! What if someone walks in? Besides, I can't accept this. Tell Mr. Hapsboro that this is...not my kind of thing," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Fernando didn't move, his eyes now locking my own tightly in his gaze.

"I was told not to leave until you have sampled his gift, Ms. Petty,"

I stared at him intently.

"I told you, I can't accept this," I said, my voice wavering now.

"I have my orders Ms. Please do not make me tell Mr. Hapsboro that you refused his gift," he said, his voice cold.

I looked back at the box, my hand brushing across it's surface. I felt torn inside, unsure of what exactly to do next. It was clear that this guy wasn't going to leave until he got what he wanted, regardless of what I wanted. But I couldn't really do a line of the coke here...could I?

I continued to stare at the box as I noticed him shifting his weight out of the corner of my eyes, growing impatient with me.

Against my better judgment, I opened the lid of the box again and lifted the bag out, it's contents surprisingly heavy in my hand. I unzipped the top as a faint waft of powder floated out, settling slightly on my hand and somewhat on the table. Fernando took this as a sign that I was willing to go along with his request, for he took the bag from my hand and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small teaspoon measuring tool, dipping it into the bag as he shook it's contents out onto the table. With deft hands, he used the handle of the spoon to cut out two lines of the drug. Wiping the spoon clean with his finger, he smeared the excess powder into his mouth, rubbing it across his gums and teeth.

He looked up at me again, then at the powder, then back at me, as if indicating that it was my turn. His cold black eyes stared at me fiercely, almost seeming to bend me to his will. I felt myself bend at the knees slightly, my face lowering down to the table. Part of my mind screamed to stop, to just walk out of the room. But the intense feelings from my first experience with the coke overpowered my logic, flooding my brain with the pleasant memories and amazing feelings that it had invoked.

As I lowered my head down to a few inches above one of the lines, Fernando lowered his own face to the other. I could smell his oily hair from where my face floated, the scent of sweat and some cheap grease flooding my nose. He made no sign of hesitating as he pinched one nostril and lowered the other to the table, inhaling the line in a few seconds. He again wiped up the excess powder on his finger and then sniffed it's slight contents up his nose, his body now standing up straight as he loomed over me.

Turning towards the table, my body seemed to be moving by itself now as I too lowered my face and sniffed up the line - not as quickly as he, but still in rather rapid succession - feeling the coarse powder go up my nose and down my throat as that same burning from the first time hit me again.

There was still some excess powder on the table as I lowered my face again to inhale the rest, the dizzying effects of the high. As I was hunched over the table, I heard Fernando moving behind me, the sound of his pants unbuckling coming not even a moment later.

Within a few seconds, before I even knew what was going on as the last of the powder disappeared up my nose, I could feel Fernando's hard prick pressing against the cloth at the back of my dress. His callused hands took hold of the base of my dress as he lifted it up onto my back, my ass now exposed in my simple blue panties. I turned to watch him for a moment, everything happening so fast that I barely had time to think, but Fernando proved faster.

With one hand, he put it on the back of my neck and held my head and body down against the lip of the table, pinning me there with his surprisingly strong forearms. The other was busy tearing at my panties as I felt his cock bump against one of my ass cheeks, my pussy now exposed as he held me bent over, spreading my legs wider with his foot.

Even in the state I was in, I knew that this was wrong and not a good thing. I was about to start to scream and call for help, to push back against him with all my might to get him off of me, but it was at that moment that his cock found home and pushed fiercely into my cunt in one quick motion. The force of his body colliding into my own shoved me further onto the table as I cried out in surprise, the length of his modest cock touching against my inner walls.

As he began to withdraw, I put my hands on the table and pushed away from him, the tip of his cock still in my snatch as I fought to get away. Sensing my move, he leaned against me again, the weight of his body and ample sized gut pressing against my rather weak and slow moving own frame as he plunged into me again. Adjusting to the weight of his body, I tried to wiggle free but it was to no avail, as he placed his arms on my hips and dug his fingers into me tightly, holding me there against the table, my breasts pressing hard into the wood through my dress.

I should have felt repelled, disgusted...any number of things. But be it the effects of the drugs or the deep rooted fantasy of being taken by this stranger, I felt my pussy grow incredibly wet as he slid in and out of me quickly now, obviously realizing that we could get caught at any moment. Fernando was probably only 3/4 of the length of Alex, the last man I had slept with, but strangely his dick seemed more tactile as it glided effortlessly in against me. Here I was, practically being drugged and raped and yet my body seemed to be fighting against my mind as this panting, sweaty man humped me over the table.

Pushing into me again with a savage, raw force, I found myself crying out in pleasure as he fucked me quickly. His dick didn't go all the way into me to touch my deepest walls, but it was more than qualified to find just the right spot to make it incredibly arousing for me. My juices now leaked freely from between my legs, the entire encounter throwing me off balance for the sheer suddenness of it, as I felt my fingers grip the table and push back, not in resistance but in encouragement as he fucked me.

I moaned low, the voice in my throat barely registering as my own as I felt a breast pop out of my dress, my nipple sliding across the surface of the table as he fucked me hard and fast. Feeling his balls slap against my ass, a flood of my own juices let loose as I orgasmed, the pressure of his body and my own against the table just too much for me to take. Fernando was grunting something in Spanish behind me as his cock pushed in and out of my now sloppily wet snatch. What started out as a grunt became a low growl as he buried himself into me hard, smashing my hips against the table with such force that the flower vase wobbled and almost fell, his orgasm shooting forth from his prick as his greasy, sticky cum coated the inside of my previously dry snatch.

When he finished cumming after a few squirts, Fernando pulled himself out from me, holding his cock in his hand. I turned back to watch him as he wiped a smear of cum off of the tip of his cock and then proceeded to smear it into my ass cheeks. Stepping back, he pulled up his pants and boxers, fastening them quickly. Checking his hair in a nearby mirror, he headed towards the door.

"I will tell Mr. Hapsboro that you greatly enjoyed his package. Gracias," he said, stepping out almost as quickly as he came. The door was left slightly ajar and I could hear the applause from the crowd outside as Avril Lavinge sang her hit "Complicated". Standing there sweating and with my hands still gripping the table tightly, I felt woozy as I slowly stood up, pulling my panties up from around my ankles as I straightened my dress, completely in shock over what had just happened. Glancing down at the box again, the plastic bag almost spilling out it's contents in the hurriedness of Fernando's actions, I zipped it back up and placed it back in the box, closing the lid.

Feeling a bead of sweat move down my forehead as my heart raced, I remembered that I hadn't taken a shower like I had planned on. Scooping up the box in my hands, I carried it into the bathroom and turned on the water, setting the box on the lid of the toilet as I took off my dress and panties. Looking at my body in the mirror, I could see the red spots from Fernando's thumbs that had pressed into my hips as he fucked me. Tracing a hand over them, they hurt to be touched as I pulled my hand away quickly. They would probably bruise up for a few days, a constant reminder of what had happened.

Stepping into the shower, I let the water wash over me as my thudding heart kept my body temperature up. Cleaning myself with some soap, I slid the bar between my slightly parted pussy lips, feeling the bubbles cover over my snatch as I scrubbed, the last of Fernando's cum washing away. There was only some generic shampoo in the shower as I poured it into my hair, scrubbing my long blonde locks with my hands as my mind dissected all that had happened today.

The effects of the cocaine had managed to prop me up even more now, combining with the after effects of the adrenaline I felt from the performance. I wondered to myself what all this meant...sure the performance had gone well, but why had Hapsboro sent Fernando - or anyone for that matter - to give me drugs? Did he think I was a junkie, or was that just the way that they did things at Antamount? They certainly were enjoyable but I knew from all the after school specials I watched as a kid that the enjoyment could quickly turn into addiction if I wasn't careful. What exactly was I becoming?

Shutting off the water, I stepped out as I reached for a towel to dry myself off. I didn't like the fact that I had to slip on the same clothes I had just been fucked in, but there really were no other options. Drying my hair, the steam from the shower fogging the mirror, I thought for a moment I heard voices. Pausing for a second, I listened. Nothing. Writing it off to my imagination, I finished drying my hair before I heard the distinct sound of little girls giggling. Setting the towel down, I picked up my dress and slid it back over my shoulders, stepping up to the door. Pressing my ear against it, I could now make out two voices, whispering with one another. There was someone else in the room with me.

Placing my hand on the hinges so that it didn't squeak, I slowly opened the door just wide enough so that I could see out with one eye.

"I don't know about this Avril. What if someone sees us?" a female voice said.

"No one's going to see us, I locked the door. Besides, you promised me last time that I was here that we could fool around some more when I came back," I heard Avril Lavinge say.

"I know but...see, I like boys and though I think you're real pretty..."

"Mandy, a promise a promise. You'll like it, I know you will,"

As I angled myself more in the doorway, I could take in more of the room in view. Standing in the middle of the floor very close to each other were Avril Lavinge (wearing a pair of baggy cargo pants and a "wife beater" sleeveless white t-shirt) and who I now recognized as Mandy Moore, the former teen-queen turned MTV VJ. She wore a pair of jeans and a low cut blouse that gave some much needed support to her smallish breasts. I was surprised to see the girls standing so close to each other, but even more surprised when I saw Avril's hands circle Mandy's waist and grab her ass tightly through the jeans, pulling her closer to Avril's body.

Mandy seemed to resist for a moment as Avril leaned her head in.

"I still don't think it's right. I'm not a lesbian you know," Mandy said softly, turning her head away from Avril.

"We are just going to have a little fun Mandy, no need to label ourselves," Avril replied gently. She moved her head towards Mandy's, her long brown hair hanging over her shoulders and framing her oval-ish face as the two young girls eyes met. They held each other's gaze as Mandy returned her head straight as they looked at each other, Avril now pulling Mandy in even tighter.

With a very slow and deliberate pace, Avril cocked her head slightly and pressed her lips against Mandy's, holding them there in a kiss for a moment. Mandy seemed to want to push away, pulling her head back slightly, but Avril moved with her, keeping their lips locked.

The kiss broke for a moment as Mandy stared at Avril hard, her breath panting now. Though they were about 10 feet away from me, I could see the rapid thumping of Mandy's chest from this obviously alien experience to the young 18 year old. Avril was pretty determined to get what she wanted and she leaned in to kiss Mandy again, neither one of them saying a word during this entire exchange. Mandy didn't resist this time, becoming passive in Avril's arms as the two girls kissed each other, Avril obviously the aggressor.

Their kiss became more heated now as I saw Avril's cheeks move as she slid her tongue forward into Mandy's mouth. The last bit of her resistance kicked in for a moment as her body grew tense and stiff, but within a moment or two she seemed completely calm with what was going on, returning the French kiss slowly with her own tongue.

They stood there like that for a few minutes, making out, the only sound coming from their gasps and heavy breathing through their noses. Watching them was turning me on quite a bit, though like Mandy I didn't consider myself a lesbian. Subconsciously, I began to press the slightly ajar door between my legs, enjoying the wonderful tension and pressure it brought to my growing arousal at watching these two teens make out in front of me.

Avril seemed to want things to go much faster than they were, because without even breaking the kiss, she hunched over slightly and pulled her shirt up over her back and chest, the flimsy t-shirt hanging around her neck. From my vantage point I couldn't make out all of her body, but it was clear to see that Avril hadn't been wearing a bra, her pale white skin and milky breasts coated with a light sheen of sweat from her performance and her experience now with Mandy.

Mandy seemed to hesitate as Avril moved her hands up to the teenager's breasts, groping them with her small hands beneath the fabric of her blouse. Avril folded her arms against her own breasts as she pushed her weight against Mandy, sending them both backwards towards the far wall, Avril pinning Mandy down. Gently taking her arms from Mandy's side, Avril lifted them over the girls head and held them there with one hand while she used the other to remove the shirt from her dangling neck.

I had come recently to enjoy Lavinge's music but hadn't thought her that sexy until I could now see her shapely hourglass figure showing itself in the form of her naked torso. Her smooth, pale skin had soft curves and her medium sized breats jutted proudly from her chest, her nipples a rich rose color. Watching Avril play the dominant girl and Mandy the submissive was really getting me hot now and I felt my hand moving down between my legs to stroke my pussy through the fabric of my dress, my heated skin from the drugs and shower like a fiery cauldron beneath my legs.

Lifting her head away from Mandy, Avril seemed to study her as she held her hands pinned over her head. Mandy was watching her intently, her narrow chest rising and falling with excitement as she gasped at the way Avril's eyes hungrily devoured her. Using her free hand, Avril now freely caressed and stroked Mandy's body, sliding her hand into the front of the girls tight jeans, wiggling a few fingers down into her pussy. Mandy groaned and squeaked a little bit at Avril's touch, but as Avril released Mandy's hands to use her now free hand on stroking Mandy's cute dimpled cheeks, Mandy's arms stayed against the wall as if held by magnets.

Avril pulled her hand out from between Mandy's jeans and quickly unbuttoned the girls blouse from the bottom up, taking her time to savor the tanned skin that was revealed more and more with each unclasping. As the blouse came free of it's last button, Avril pushed it back on Mandy's shoulders, exposing her firm breasts in just a simple white bra, her chest rising and tingling excitedly as she seemed to twitch at each of Avril's caresses. Her hands squeezing Mandy's breasts through the bra, Avril pushed it down slightly to expose Mandy's pink nipples over the white garment. Mandy squealed slightly as Avril pinched her nipples, playing with the hardening nubs between her thumb and forefinger.

The bra must have been uncomfortable on Mandy during this, as she proceeded to finally lower her arms down and undo the clasp behind her back, shaking off both the bra and the blouse to leave both girls now topless in the room. Avril leaned in and kissed Mandy softly now, kissing her lips and then her cheek as her tongue slid down the girl's neck and chest to her navel. Avril darted her tongue in and out of Mandy's belly button, her saliva glistening in the light of the room as she squatted down in front of Mandy.

Undoing the button on Mandy's jeans, Avril then unzipped the girls tight hip hugging jeans and wiggled them down her hips, snagging her panties as she pulled downward, finally getting them past her thighs as they fell below her knees and on top of her ankles and tennis shoes.

Avril moved her hand to Mandy's bush (blonde, like her natural hair I could see) and licked around the girl's young sex, tasting her outer lips as she moistened her opening for the soon to come penetration of Avril's tongue. I was surprised that Avril seemed so masterful in the movements of her mouth, but I suppose that all those long hours on a tour bus had inevitably led to some "exploring" of her closest female friends. Sliding a finger along the top of Mandy's slit, Avril pushed it in gently as Mandy gasped, her cute ass now pressed against the wall as she parted her legs slightly to give Avril better access. Mandy stared down at Avril, her mouth slightly agape as she panted over the girls kisses and caresses of her pussy.

Gently and with loving delicacy, Avril removed her finger from Mandy's now glistening lips and used her thumbs to part the girl's inner lips slightly, the pink flesh of her cunt opening up like a flower to Avril's waiting mouth. I could Avril grin for a moment before she lunged onto Mandy's snatch, burying her entire mouth over it. Mandy cried out in a guttural moan as Avril licked her, her tongue sliding easily into the VJ's pussy as she lapped inside of her cunt, tasting her juices. Mandy stroked the top of Avril's head as she was held pinned to the wall, her other arm caressing her young breasts with her fingers.

Avril shook her head violently back and forth, her nose now jammed into Mandy's firm tummy as the Canadian singer sucked lewdly on Mandy's pussy, eating her out with gusto. She lifted her head away for just a moment, long enough to wet her finger with her own mouth before pushing it back into the girl's snatch, her tongue quickly following. Mandy leaned her head back against the wall, savoring this new and alien experience as Avril worked towards bringing her to orgasm.

From my vantage point, I could see some of Mandy's juices trickling down her legs, sliding along her calves as Avril changed her position so that Mandy's pussy was right above her mouth. Grasping onto Mandy's leg with one hand, Avril licked her tongue upward as she tasted this stream of female juices that were now coming fluidly, the young girl obviously excited by her first lesbian experience. Avril's own breasts were now jutting from her chest, her nipples hard in the air of the room as sweat began to form on her chest, her long brown hair swaying back and forth against the back of Mandy's legs as she lapped at her pussy like a cat tasting milk.

My fingers worked busily in my own cunt now, pressing the front of my dress into my pussy as I shoved two fingers at a time in and out, working towards an orgasm of my own. Watching this scene was incredibly arousing, not just because both girls were incredibly beautiful, but because their young, fresh bodies and obvious desire for more sexual release than their years had given them was enough to turn just about anyone on. As my fingers plunged in and out of my now dripping cunt, I could feel inside of me a growing desire to touch and be touched by the female flesh. I knew in the back of my mind that something was changing in me, something that was opening up my sexuality in ways that I never would have imagined. Was I becoming a lesbian, or was I just growing addicted to sex of any kind? Stroking my clit with my thumb, at that particular moment, I really didn't care.

Mandy's back was bumping against the wall as her body was rocking in waves, her chest jutting out then falling back as her hips would thrust forward - she moved like a dancer, like a belly dancer, her body overcome by the attention it was getting.

Avril had moved her mouth away from Mandy's lips now, focusing instead on working three fingers in and out of the girl's snatch as she sat staring up underneath her, a sly grin on her face as she licked Mandy's legs for any errant juices. Mandy let out a low moan, a continuous one, as her eyes closed and her cute face screwed up in a look of pleasure, her breath coming rapidly as she squeezed and pinched her nipples and breasts.

"Avril...I'm...I'm....I'm...coommmminnngggaarrggghhhhhhhh!" Mandy cried out, her whole body shaking as she hit her orgasm. Avril moved quickly, shoving her mouth over Mandy's snatch as the girl bucked and grinded against the wall, Avril's hand wrapped around her knee the only thing to keep Mandy from probably toppling over in orgasmic bliss. Mandy pressed her palms against the wall as she grinded her pussy into Avril's lips one last time before slowly sliding down the wall and collapsing on her ass on the floor. Avril, moving like a cat, laid down in front of her, propping her head up with one arm while she stroked her breasts with the other.

As Mandy opened her eyes, I could see the gleam of arousal and satisfaction in her face, her breath still coming rapidly as she relaxed from her orgasm. Avril sat up and leaned her head against Mandy's, their foreheads almost touching.

"I told you that I would make you feel good, didn't I?" Avril whispered. Mandy nodded and smiled at Avril in an exhausted state, the two young girls staring at each other with a look of love. Avril pressed her head against Mandy's and her lips to the young girl's trembling ones, giving her a deep, soul searching kiss.

Mandy broke the kiss a few seconds later, giggling.

"I can taste...me...on your lips..." she said, still giggling to herself.

"You like the way you taste?" Avril asked, grinning.

"Uh-huh," Mandy said, putting her arms around Avril's naked shoulders and pulling her close to her again. Avril didn't seem to mind Mandy taking the lead for once and I watched them make out for a moment, my own orgasm just seconds away from hitting.

What I saw next though, triggered it. Mandy again broke the kiss, but then stuck her tiny tongue out, leaning into Avril's face. For a moment, I thought they were simply making out again, but then I saw that Mandy was actually licking her own juice off from around Avril's mouth and cheeks, the two flustered girls sharing Mandy's own flavor. This was just too much for me and I shuddered violently, my hand becoming doused in my own cum as I had to step away from the door and bite my lip tightly to keep from screaming in pleasure. I trembled as I slowly slid my hand out from between my legs, staring at the wet fluid on my finger tips. Looking at it for a moment, I slowly pushed my fingers towards my own lips, wanting to taste myself as Mandy had done for her. The flavor was sweet and spicy at the same time and not at all unpleasant as I licked the last drops of my own cum free from my hand. Wiping my saliva on a nearby towel, I stepped slowly back to the crack in the door and peered out.

The girls had moved out of my line of sight, but I could still hear them. It sounded like they were by the couch, sitting there talking. I couldn't make out everything they were saying due to the distance, so I opened the door slightly, catching it right before it began to creak.

"Avril, your tongue was amazing. Have you...I mean are you a...have you done that much before?"

"I have fooled around with girls before but none as pretty as you Mandy,"

I heard Mandy giggle.

"Do you mind if I...you know, pay you back for how you made me feel? I want to try that, you've got me hooked!"

"Of course Mandy, I don't mind at all,"

I heard them making out again for a few moments before the smacking of their lips stopped.

"Ok, well let me go grab us some towels and I'll be right back,"

I heard footsteps in the room and I froze - she was coming in here!

Frantically I looked around for a place to hide. The shower would do no good because Mandy would easily see my frame through the frosted glass. The bathroom was rather small with just a counter, the toilet and the shower, and my heart raced now at the realization that I was trapped! Shit, they would have me thrown out and arrested if they caught me, what was I going to do?

I moved as quietly as possible behind the door to the bathroom, thankful that it was slightly ajar as I heard Mandy's footsteps grow louder now. I pressed my body tightly in between the wall and the small space behind the door, holding onto the handle tightly as I held my breath.

The light in the bathroom came on and I saw Mandy in the mirror as she walked over to the counter, reaching out to grab the towels. She hadn't looked up - not yet anyways - and for a moment I thought I was going to be safe.

However, as she did finally glance up to fix her hair in the mirror, I saw her eyes slowly look in the mirror until she was looking right at me. My breath caught in my throat as Mandy began to scream in surprise and shock. Footfalls came a moment later as Avril rushed into the bathroom.

"Mandy, what is it?" she said with grave concern.

"THERE'S SOMEONE IN HERE!" she screamed. Avril looked into the mirror where Mandy was pointing and saw me, jumping back in surprise (though thankfully not joining Mandy in the high pitched scream). Releasing the door handle, I knew the jig was up.

"Wait wait, stop screaming please! I can explain!" I said, trying to reassure the girls as I stepped out from behind the door, both of them practically tripping over each other as they backed out of the room.

"Stop, please!" I cried, putting my hands out to try and reassure them. Avril gripped Mandy tightly, mercifully sliding her hand over the girl's mouth as she stared at me cautiously, both of them continuing to back out of the room. Mandy's scream stopped as soon as Avril covered her mouth but both girls had wide-eyed looks of fear on their faces.

"Please, I'm not going to hurt you, just let me talk for a minute ok? Please?" I pleaded, hoping that they would hear me out. Avril's hand still over her mouth, Mandy glanced back at Avril. The two girl's eyes met for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Avril finally looked back at me, nodding her head slowly as she slid her hand from Mandy's mouth but still held onto her protectively like a little sister.

"I'm...I'm Petty. I'm a musician. I was here performing on TRL with Beyonce today before Avril went on. They said I could use this dressing room to take a shower and change and when I got out of the shower, you two were already in here. I'm sorry, I should have come out sooner, but I didn't know what to do. Please, you have to believe me, I'm not trying to hurt you or anything, I promise," I said, breathing heavily as I searched their faces, hoping they would believe me.

There was a heavy knock on the door of the dressing room, the pounding startling all three of us.

"Ms. Lavinge? Is everything ok? Could you unlock the door please?" a heavy male voice called, probably security.

We looked at each other for a moment. It dawned on Mandy now that she was naked in front of me, and she quickly put her arms to her chest to cover herself as Avril stepped back from her, walking slightly to the middle of the room before pausing. She looked hard at the door, then back at me, then back at the door, then once again back at me, debating on what to say.

"It's...it's fine. I'm okay. There was just a spider in the bathroom and it scared me, that's all," Avril said loudly, her voice tense.

"Could you open the door please? This is security, we just want to make sure you are alright," the voice called. Avril walked to the door, pressing her naked torso against it. She looked back at me intently, as if to let me know full well that she could simply open the door and have me arrested.

"No...I'm fine. Really. You can't come in, I'm not dressed," she said, the first non-lie to come out of her mouth since the pounding began.

There was a pause, then the voice spoke again.

"Ok, well if you have any trouble, just let us know," the man said. We all listened intently as we heard him walk away slowly. Mandy was trembling now as Avril leaned back against the door, sighing in relief.

Mandy backed away towards Avril, leaning against the girl as if for protection. Avril took her by the shoulders and then walked closer to me.

"How much did you see?" Avril asked, staring at me.

"I...I saw everything," I said, my head hanging down dejectedly at being caught. I suddenly felt very guilty for spying on these girls, arousing as it may have been.

Avril led Mandy over to the couch as they sat down. I walked slowly, standing in front of them.

There was a long silence as Mandy continued to tremble in Avril's arms, obviously shaken by not only doing something taboo, but by having a complete stranger like me see her do it. Avril stroked Mandy's back, reassuring her.

"You know, I could have had you arrested right now for that," Avril said coldly.

"I know, and I'm thankful that you didn't. Very thankful. I promise you though, if you watch a tape of the performance today, you'll see that I was on there. Honest," I said.

"I'm taking you at your word, but you've already given me your name so if you're lying, it won't be hard to get you busted," Avril said, sneering slightly at me.

Mandy looked up at me, a frightened look on her face.

"Are you a lesbian too?" she asked in an innocent, childlike voice.

The question came out of nowhere so fast that for a moment, I didn't know how to respond.

"No, I'm not but...well, I guess when I heard you two out here...I couldn't help but watch you," I replied.

Avril let Mandy go and stood up from the couch, her eyes meeting mine.

"Then did you like what you saw? Since you watched us?" Avril asked, her face completely expressionless. Where was this going?

"I...I guess so,"

"Do you want to make it up to us? For your little spying adventures I mean," Avril said, lifting Mandy up by the arm. She had composed herself now, and was looking at me curiously, as if she too was trying to see where Avril was going with this.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Mandy has already cum. You heard that. And from the front of your dress, it looks like you have too," Avril said. I glanced down between my legs and felt embarrassed by the wet spot directly over my crotch.

"I...that's not..."

"Bullshit it isn't. But hey, it's cool with me. If I knew I had an audience, I would have been making it a lot more exciting," Avril said. "But you see, if you and Mandy have come, then that just leaves me standing here, not getting off, despite being watched by a complete stranger who she HERSELF got off,"

"So you want me to..."

"Yep, that's right. Unless you prefer I call the security guard back here?"

I stared at Avril for a moment, as did Mandy. She glanced at Avril's face and said "Avril, are you sure you want to..."

"Yes Mandy, quiet. Trust me, this is a good idea. I can think of no one better for you to practice on than our little voyeur here. She is pretty sexy isn't she? Doesn't it turn you on that she was watching you get your cute little pussy eaten?"

Mandy giggled, her face turning red. "Yes, I guess so,"

I couldn't believe how ballsy Avril was being. Sure, she seemed like the dominant one in sex but her personality towards me now echoed that of someone twice her age, someone with a vast knowledge at getting what she wanted.

Avril reached her hand out and took me by it, pulling me closer. I was a few inches taller than her but she barely had to turn her head upward, her blue eyes locking onto my own.

"Well, don't just stand there. I bet you know exactly what to do," Avril said, letting go of my hand. I looked at her again for a final moment, then tentatively put my hands on her shoulders. Mandy stepped back to watch us, to watch as I slid my hands down Avril's body to her cargo pants, the one remaining piece of actual clothing she wore. The angle at which I was trying to undo her zipper was not working well for me, so I slowly sunk down to my knees so that I could have a better vantage point at which to take them off.

The zipper slid down slowly as I pulled them down past her hips. Unlike Mandy, Avril wore a pair of men's boxer shorts beneath her pants, complete with little hearts on them. Avril watched me with interest as I pulled her pants down all the way, her legs lifting as she stepped out of them. I reached my thumbs up to the hem of the boxers and pulled them down as well. She was naked beneath them, her pussy trimmed a neat little patch of brown hair above her snatch, her pussy curved slightly between her legs, her young mound not fully developed yet.

As I slid the boxers off, Avril stepped backwards on the couch and sat down, propping her legs up on the couch so that her wet and aroused young cunt was clearly visible, the pinkish hue of her lips poking out from beneath a slight wisp of hair over her pussy. Avril leaned back against the couch, shaking her hair free as she moved her hands down to her twat, parting the lips slightly.

She grinned at me seductively. "What are you waiting for?"

I looked at her apprehensively for a moment, hesitating over the conflicting feelings I was having. On the one hand, I desperately wanted to just bury myself into her pussy and lap at it like a wild animal, making her scream and yell in orgasm. But deep down, that same desire to be told what to do, to be submissive like I had been for Fernando, was resurfacing. So I compromised, slowly pushing my face between Avril's legs as she held her lips open for me, pushing my hair aside so that my mouth would have perfect access to her pussy.

I stuck my tongue out from my mouth tentatively, licking at a slight spot of moisture on one of her lips, tasting the flavor of it on my taste buds. It was sweet like honey, a delicious nectar that was uniquely different from my own taste a few minutes earlier. As I stared at her cunt, I started to see more and more of these little spots and began to work my tongue over each of them quickly, until before I knew it, I was licking all over her aroused sex.

Though I couldn't see her due to my position between Avril's legs, I could hear Mandy moving around listlessly behind me, trying to decide what to do. I'm sure watching me eat out Avril had started to make her grow aroused again, but she seemed hesitant on whether or not she should reciprocate the pleasure that Avril had given her.

Turns out, Avril made the decision for her.

"Mandy, why don't you show Petty what you were going to show me? She has thiiiissss ooohh goodddd ppparrt pretty well covered," Avril said, ever the giver of orders.

I heard Mandy move behind me, sitting down on the floor behind my legs. I was kneeling now and I felt surprise as Mandy's small hand caressed the top of my ass, lifting the back of my dress up.

Mandy giggled. "Hey, she isn't wearing any panties!"

"All the better to give you access Mandy," Avril said. I looked up at her and our eyes met, my tongue now sliding in between her slippery folds as I lapped at her steadily growing supply of juices.

I shuddered for a moment as I felt Mandy's face lower in front of my pussy, her warm breath tickling my sex. As her face drew closer, Mandy's tongue slid out almost as hesitantly as mine, the tip touching my pussy lips for a moment before pulling away quickly. Mandy giggled again and then placed her hands on top of my ass, smacking her lips as she lowered her tongue back to the top of my slit.

I moaned into Avril's pussy as Mandy traced her tongue slowly down the length of my pussy opening, her tongue squeaking inside by the tip every now and then. Upon reaching the bottom, she slid it back up again, the effect of her warm and wet mouth making me shiver in pleasure. Avril was the benefactor of my arousal though, because from the moment she touched my womanhood, I began to eat away at Avril faster and faster. She had already trembled around my head, her thighs tightly pressing my cheeks together as she groaned in pleasure, this just causing me to lap at her ferociously in an attempt to drink up all of her juice.

Mandy had grown more bold now, her tongue delving into my pussy. Had I not come a few minutes earlier, I almost certainly would have hit a massive orgasm right then and there. As it was though, I could feel one already starting to build with each gentle and timid lick by Mandy. I couldn't resist the urge to lift my head from Avril's legs again, turning around to watch as Mandy Moore pushed her nose into my ass and her tongue deep into my folds.

"Hey, hey, you've already done enough watching," Avril said, taking my head back down to between her legs. I "apologized" to her by taking her aroused clit between my lips and pulling on it gently as my tongue suckled on the bottom of it. Avril was squirming on the seat now, her orgasm sure to come at any minute. Dominating or not, she WAS still young and I knew that she had a life time of orgasms ahead of her, and her ability to hold out longer from coming was sure to increase over time.

Mandy was now fully emblazoned by the apparent taste of my pussy, as she was now including a finger inside of me as her tongue slid in and out, tasting my now sopping wet cunt. I continued to lick at Avril, her body trembling as I batted her clit around with my tongue, her fingers twitching as she was barely able to keep her pussy open (not like it would have mattered...she was so aroused that gravity would have even taken a break!). I felt her legs squeeze tightly around my head, immediately cutting off my air supply as I wore my tongue out sucking and licking and tasting her sweet young pussy.

"Oh God! Don't stop! Yessssssss!!!! I'M CUMMMINNNGG!" Avril cried, her ass bouncing up off the sofa as her legs tensed and then relaxed, her body falling back onto the sofa with a thud, her pale skin flush with excitement.

I felt Mandy work her finger into me like a piston as Avril's orgasm was approaching and this triggered my own a few seconds after Avril collapsed, the sexy and sultry sound of her voice and Mandy's newly acquired skills just too much for me. Mandy plunged her finger in one final time before my ass shook and my second (or was it third?) orgasm of the day arrived. She plucked her finger out quickly and, just like Avril had done, put her mouth over my pussy. Mandy wasn't quite as quick as Avril had been, so though she certainly drank up a lot of my juice, a considerable amount ran down her lips and chin, streaking along her naked body.

I rested my head on Avril's thigh, catching my breath as Mandy crawled on her hands and knees over to the couch, climbing up as she curled up next to Avril, stroking her breast. Avril reached her hand out lovingly and touched Mandy's cheek, taking some of my excess cum off the girl's face and then licking it clean from her own finger.

After we had all caught our breath, Avril finally spoke.

"So Petty, you say you're a musician. What do you play?" she asked dreamily, pushing a stray piece of hair away from my face.

"Guitar. I just did a CD of my own, but right now I'm doing touring with Beyonce," I said.

"Awesome, another rock girl. We need more people like you and me. Care to get together sometime to maybe have a jam session and you know...whatever?" Avril asked.

"Sure, I'd love to," I said. "And thanks for not calling the cops on me,"

"No problem, you more than redeemed yourself,"

"Hey, what about me?" Mandy spoke up, sounding a little hurt at being excluded.

"Oh don't worry, with set of pipes like yours," Avril said, stroking Mandy's breast "We could definitely use you around to keep us in key,"

The three of us laughed at this, giggling like little school girls.


For a while, nothing happened. That's not to say that I wasn't busy, or that Katherine wasn't busy - far from it. Things actually managed to get back to normal, as per her advice I returned to Antamount to oversee production on the movie. Within two or three weeks time, things were moving along briskly, with actual shooting set to start in the next week. The film was to be shot in three locations: on Antamount's studio lot, for the blue screen activities; around the Washington DC area for some of the more scenic shots of the film and the outdoors stuff (how ironic that a film about Russia would be filmed in Washington DC) and finally oversees in France for some of the more elegant shots. I couldn't imagine the cost of shooting in three such different locations, but that wasn't really my concern at the moment.

No, what I was concerned with was the lack of activity in and around Antamount and the Rose Petals. Katherine and I were careful never to go out in public together, taking seperate cars and parking blocks away if we stayed at each other's apartments, but regardless of this, it was as if we had imagined the entire thing. No hints about what Willis was up to, no calls for escort duties from the Rose Petals. Nothing. It was almost enough to make us relax and forget about the entire thing. Almost.

The office I had occupied on the studio lot was now being renovated, as was that entire building, to make things up to snuff for the fire code of the state. Because of this, the main people on the film, not to mention the talent, were forced to take up residence in a series of trailers set up in the parking lot outside where filming was taking place. I had been given the choice of sharing a nicer one with Brandon Shuman (another writer) or taking one of the more decrepit ones. With Katherine in mind, I chose to take the rusty one at the end of the little circle that had been formed, figuring privacy was much better than a smelly trailer any day.

Sitting inside the trailer one morning, reviewing the shooting script for the day, there was a knock on my door. Opening it, I saw one of the assistants squint up at me in the morning sun.

"Mr. Hilt? Ms. Kunis wanted to see you in her trailer," he said, his face upturned as he shielded his eyes.

"Thanks. Which one is she in?" I asked.

"Third one on the right," he replied, glancing at me one more time to make sure I didn't need anything else and then walking away slowly. I closed the door and went back inside, picking up the shooting script. As I opened the door to step out, my intuition about what Willis had going on kicked in. I already knew that two of the other leads in the film - Monica Bellucci and Eliza Dushku - were involved in the whole scheme in some aspect. But what about Mila Kunis, the third lead and the daughter of the main male character? I hadn't even said hello to her before this, and now she wanted me to come talk to her? This sounded a little suspicious. With trepidation, I left the trailer and stepped outside into the morning heat, walking to Mila's own trailer.

Knocking on the door, I found it to be open beneath my hand as it made contact. Stepping up and into it slowly, I peered inside.

"Hello? Mila? This is Alex Hilt, I was told you wanted to see me?"

From the back of the trailer, Mila Kunis walked out, smiling at me. She wore a t-shirt and a pair of flared jeans, both of which were designer clothing I could already tell, as she walked towards me.

"Hi Alex, come on in," she said, walking to one of the chairs in the middle of the room. I shut the door behind me, closing off the rays of the sun as my eyes adjusted to the light. I could hear music from the back of the trailer, some rock band playing as she took a seat, motioning for me to do the same in the one across from her.

"Want anything to drink?" she asked, watching me as I sat down backwards in the chair, my arms propping crossed across the top.

"No, thanks, I'm fine. What's up?" I said, eyeing her cautiously.

"Well, I thought that since we hadn't been formally introduced, and that we will be working together for the next few months, now might be a good time to get to know each other. Monica and Eliza said you're a cool guy and since we are close in age, I always like to make friends on set," she said.

I nodded at her, holding the script in my hand. She looked at it.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, I wanted to tell you what a great script that is that you wrote. I've been looking for something to do dramatically lately and your script was a dream," she said.

"Thanks," I replied, still cautious about her, especially since mentioning Monica and Eliza. She looked at me, and from the way she was looking me up and down, it was almost as if she was flirting with me, something about my appearance catching her interest.

"You know, for such a big guy, you don't look like the type to write scripts. Did you play football or something when you were younger?" she asked, standing up. She walked over to a little mini-fridge, pulling out a bottle of water.

"Nope, I really didn't bulk up until after college and by then it was too late I guess," I said. This small talk was nice, but where was it going. I quickly found out.

Mila walked over to me, standing in front of me. She reached her hand out - slightly cold and wet from the water - as she brushed her hand across my forearm.

"So strong..." she said, her voice trailing off.

I cleared my throat.

"If you didn't have anything you wanted to talk about Mila I really need to get back to work," I said gruffly.

She looked at me again, her eyes looking a little hurt.

"I'm sorry. I was just...you know...complimenting you and trying to get to know you as all. I guess I shouldn't have touched you like that, I'm sorry,"

"It's ok," I said. "We just don't know each other is all,"

"I know, but don't you want to get to know me? Or am I not your type?"

I was amazed at her gutsy-ness in assuming that I was going to just fall over and drool over her. While Mila was very attractive, her young body tight and formed in all the right places, my radar was on high alert and any feelings I might had for her physically were shielded by this.

"No, you are I guess. It's just..."

"Oh I'm sorry, do you have a girlfriend?" Mila asked, looking down at me from where she stood, her eyes shimmering in the dim light of the trailer.

"I do I guess, but it's nothing...too serious...I don't think," I said, wondering how to play the angle she was coming at me with.

"Too serious as in...committed..." she whispered, stroking my arm again, this time moving it more slowly along my bicep, up underneath my shirt. "Or just...you know, dating..."

"It's...complicated, I don't know," I replied. Mila's small, smooth hands touching me was having the desired effect of making me feel aroused but I continued to resist her.

"So is it so complicated that maybe if I kissed you, it wouldn't cause any problems?" she said, now squatting in front of me so that our eyes were level.

I didn't say anything as we looked at each other. My silence must have been encouragement for her, because Mila leaned in close to me, her lips pressing against mine softly as she kissed me for a moment, pulling her mouth away to gauge my reaction.

"No...I wouldn't say it's too complicated," she whispered, leaning in again to kiss me with more force. I tried to figure out what to do, where to take things with her since Katherine and I had never officially called it a relationship - more or less friends with a common cause, at least right now - but if I submitted to Mila's whiles, it may end up being akin to sleeping with the enemy.

Mila kneeled in front of me now, pressing her body against the slats of the chair as she kissed me more deeply, her small tongue invading my mouth. Regardless of my turmoiled mind, my body seemed to be responding automatically to her touch. I could smell her fragrant perfume, a hint of lilac wafting from her neck. Against the urges of my body, I pulled my head back away from her.

"Mila, stop," I said, wiping my lips from her kiss.

She looked at me with a hurt look on her face, obviously not the type of girl who gets "no" for an answer very often.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I can't. Not right now," I said.

Mila moved her face in against mine until I could feel her breath across my mouth.

"Whose going to know? Or do you need more incentive?" she asked in a sultry voice, her tongue licking across her lips.

Before I could even answer, she rocked back on her legs, lifting her t-shirt over her head and undoing her bra immediately thereafter, exposing her small breasts to me. She looked at me hard, her long brown hair draping over one now bare shoulder.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked.

I could only sit there and stare at her, my mind still trying to decide what to do. An idea came to me then, and as soon as I finished processing it in my brain, I immediately acted upon it.

"Stand up Mila," I said to her. She complied, standing up to her feet as she rubbed her hands across her smooth belly.

"Now take off your pants," I told her, watching her moves very carefully.

Mila giggled slightly and then nodded, doing as I told her. She slid her jeans down off her hips and set them aside on the floor, now standing there only in her panties.

"The panties too," I said, trying to keep my voice calm as I watched my plan unfold. Mila looked at me with a sexy smile on her face, then hooked her fingers beneath the waist band of her light pink panties, sliding them down her legs. She stepped out of them and put her hands on her hips, looking at me again for further instruction.

"Now, turn around in a circle slowly," I said, waiting for the big finish.

Mila did a slightly flaunted circle on a tip-toe, spinning around in a quick circle in front of me, her small ass buzzing by in a flash.

"No, slowly!" I said, correcting her. She stopped in mid-spin and stood on her feet once more, a puzzled look on her face as she began to rotate very slowly in a circle. When she finished her rotation, I was relieved to see that what I was looking for was nowhere to be found. Still though, I wasn't quite done yet.

"Come over here," I said, trying to sound alluring as Mila bounded over to me in two quick steps, her lithe body in front of me as she looked down. I stood up from the chair and walked behind her, Mila's head turning to follow me. I took her arms gently in my hands and pulled them behind her back, holding them against her bare skin. I looked over her body once more as Mila was at my full command, and finding nothing, pressed on.

I pulled on her arms in a rapid movement, pinning them fully against her back.

"Ooo, you like it rough and hey! That hurts! Alex, what are you doing?" Mila said, her playful voice turning suddenly into one of slight fear.

I leaned my face in against her cheek, my words biting as I spoke.

"Who told you to seduce me?" I said through gritted teeth.

"What? Huh, no one. What are you talking aboooutt oooucchhh! Stop it!" she cried as I twisted her arm slightly.

"I'll ask again. Who told you to get me to come in here so that you could seduce me?" I asked again, sounding very intimidating.

Mila was obviously scared out of her wits.

"I...I...Eliza...Monica...told me...you were a good fuck...ouch, you're really hurting my arm! Let go!" she mumbled, her breath coming in gasps.

"Why did they tell you that? Tell me Mila, and I'll let go of your arm,"

"I don't know...they told me to come sleep with you...and if I didn't, then this would be the last movie I did..." Mila whimpered. I released her arm quickly but moved my hands up to her shoulders, spinning her around to face me as I held onto her small shoulders tightly.

"They said that if you didn't come in here and fuck me, you're career would be over?"


"And you believed them?"

"I...Eliza made all these threats...she said it was best not to ask questions...why are you doing this?"

I sighed, letting go of her shoulders. Mila stepped back from me quickly, her eyes wide as she rubbed her arms. There weren't any bruises, but it was obvious that I had scared her quite a bit. I took a seat in one of the chairs.

"It's a long story Mila. Let's just say that things are very complicated right now in my life and when you started to come onto me, just like Monica did before...well, it sent up warning flags,"

"Why would it do that? Alex, you aren't making any sense,"

"What do you know about Wilton Willis? How did you get this part in the movie?"

Mila looked confused. "Wilton Willis? You mean the guy that owns the studio? I don't know him at all. I just auditioned for this because there was a semi-open casting call and they gave me the part. That's all,"

I wasn't sure if I believed her or not. But now that I had scared her out of her wits, it would be hard to write this whole thing off as just a joke, should she decide to tell someone. I decided that I had to level with her.

"Look, Mila, I can't tell you everything, but I'll tell you this. This movie, and this studio, are being controlled by some very twisted people with some very twisted agendas. I don't know what those are yet, but they are using actresses like you as sex toys to advance things to meet their ends. I had you strip down because the ones who I've had encounters with in the past all had this tattoo on them, right above there...well, you know," I said, refraining from calling it a pussy because at that moment, Mila looked like a child and you of course aren't supposed to use that kind of language around kids.

"So because of that, when you started flirting with me, I thought you were...one of them. It sounds crazy I know but I didn't have much choice. Not until I figure things out further any ways," I said with a sigh. I watched Mila's reaction, expecting her to stare at me like a crazy person, or to start yelling or to grab her clothes and run. But instead, she did the exact opposite. She smiled.

"That...is so...cool!" she exclaimed with a giggle, her voice rising in her throat. I was reminded immediately of the character she plays on "That 70's Show", which is where she got her start. Nevertheless, I was thrown off by her reaction.

"It is?" I said, slack jawed. Now my mind was racing trying to figure out if she was just acting really well in concealing what she knew, or if she was really just being an excited young woman, inadvertently stepping into this whole mess like I had.

"Totally. It's like, big time spy shit. Wow, I mean I thought it sounded weird when they told me to sleep with this complete stranger but now that I know what's going on...wow," she said.

"Now wait just a minute Mila. First of all, I'm not even sure I believe you. Secondly, even if you are telling the truth, you have to realize that you can't say ANY of this to ANYONE. We already have things in motion to try and figure this out more, but until that happens and this entire thing blows over, you can't mention a word of it to anyone," I said sternly.

"We? Who else is involved with this?"

I thought for a moment about telling her about Katherine, but I let that thought pass.

"Don't worry about that. I just need to know that you can be trusted, because I honestly DO think you are telling the truth,"

"Yes, I am Alex. I swear to you on my mother's grave. And I can keep a secret, don't worry. But wow, this is so exciting! I mean, we play spys in movies and all that but..."

"This isn't acting Mila. This is real life. And what you know is very dangerous to you now. You say the wrong thing to the wrong person and lord only knows what will happen to you,"

Mila's joy suddenly faded.

"You mean, they would hurt me?"

"I don't know. But given the people we seem to be dealing with, I wouldn't doubt it,"

The words sunk into her slowly, the weight of them weighing her down as she sat down in the chair. She stared off at the wall, the sudden threat of injury seeming to really bother her. She turned her head to look at me.

"So now that I know, what do you want me to do? I mean, to keep Eliza and Monica from knowing?" Mila asked.

"Just go about things normally, as if nothing happened," I replied, glad that she was concerned about this.

"But they expect me to come back after having fucked you..." she said, her voice trailing off.

"When do they expect you back?" I asked.

"In about two hours or so. I mean, I'm not going to ask you to sleep with me, now that I know all this. But I mean...what am I going to do? Do you think they will actually check?" she asked, sounding worried.

In any other situation, this would have been laughable, but as it was, this really was a minor crisis. It wouldn't have been fair to take advantage of her like that, knowing that she wouldn't enjoy it.

"Well...maybe a blowjob or something...as bad as that sounds. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to sound crude, I'm just trying to solve the problem," I said, hoping I didn't come across as too crass.

"I know. It's just...I'm not in the mood, you know?" she said.

"I could help that I think," I replied. Mila cocked an eyebrow at me, as if to ask that I couldn't be serious.

"No no, I don't mean THAT. I mean...well, you're a beautiful young woman. Maybe if I described just how beautiful you are, that might get your engine going a bit," I said. It was the truth. Even sitting there across from me, her legs crossed and her hair hanging over the back of the chair, Mila looked like Athena in a way, so flawless in form and beauty.

She smiled at me. "A bunch of compliments to turn me on. That might help," she said.

I returned the smile. "Ok, well stand up,"

"You're not going to twist my arm again are you?" she said with a sly grin.

I laughed. "No, no. Just stand up so I can soak in your full beauty,"

"Hmm...sounds like it's working already,"

Mila walked over in front of me and stood there, her arms at her side.

"Let's see...well, for starters you have very cute little feet. Then, moving on up, your legs are smooth and soft looking, flawless up to your hips, which are well rounded and shapely, curved in all the right spots. Of course, your tummy is smooth and flat, with a little hint of musculature that I really like. The frame of your body is small and lithe, but not too skinny, with a sort of hourglass shape. Your breasts fit that frame perfectly, with some of the cutest little nipples I've ever seen," I said, Mila giggling at this comment as she grinned widely.

"Then we have your face. Your eyes are a beautiful shade of brown, like cat's eyes, with that slight European look that makes you look exotic. Your lips are full and quite soft from what I could tell by your kiss and your face is framed by a gorgeous head of brown hair that drapes over your shoulders elegantly,"

"Anything else?" Mila said, stepping towards me. "Because I must say, you're plan worked like a charm,"

She bent down onto her knees and rubbed her hands up my thighs, sliding her small fingers up to the bulge in the front of my pants. Undoing the button, she slowly slid the zipper down and reached her hand in, pulling my cock out by the shaft. I lifted my ass off the chair and let my pants slide down my legs as Mila slowly moved her hand up and down my shaft.

Opening her mouth, she hovered over my prick for just a moment, looking up at me as if for approval before slowly lowering her mouth on top of it, my thick head vanishing into her small mouth and through her lips. Mila continued to drop her head atop of me, the length of my dick sliding down her mouth and slightly into her small throat, the back of it touching the mushroom tip of my now throbbing length. She gagged a little as she neared the end, her nose nestled into my nest of pubic hair as she slowly lifted her mouth back off of it.

Licking her lips and swallowing the saliva in her mouth, Mila got her bearings again and this time took only about half of my girth into her mouth, sucking on it gently like a lollipop, her cheeks billowing inward as she closed her lips tightly around me. I felt her tongue lick around the length of my shaft wildly, the thick muscle resting beneath my own thick muscle.

Mila put her hand on the base of my shaft as she moved her lips away, so that now my cock was pointing at her face directly. This seemed to be a better angle for her than bending over it, because now she was able to freely bob her head up and down on it, my prick bending as it reached the start of her throat again. Gripping the base tightly, Mila lifted it up at an angle so that she could lick at it with her tongue from the underside, the tip of her tongue ending it's ascent at the top of my shaft, her tongue pulling away quickly as an exclamation point to the move. I shuddered as she proceeded to lap and lick at it like a candy cane, shifting the angle of her head as she licked all around it, her small hand jerking at the base slowly as she moved around it.

Straightening it back out, Mila dropped her hands to her side and opened her jaw slightly wider than the length of my cock as she began to bob up and down on it without and support from her hands. She looked up at me and held my gaze as she moved along it, the twitching of my cock brushing up against the side of her cheeks occasionally.

She was now rotating her maneuvers as she glided along my length, first sucking on it with all her might, her tongue twirling around the tip like a wild animal; then she would proceed to deep throat me, breathing through her nose as my dick vanished totally into her mouth, touching the back of her throat each time, the soft and warm feel of her saliva coating it as she pulled it out. Then she would again lift it up to lick the underside, but this time she would include my balls in her masterful licking, sucking on each orb between her lips until they popped out of her mouth with a sloppy sound.

I lowered my hands to the side of Mila's face and, brushing her hair out of the way, took hold of her by her cheeks and guided her up and down along my prick, changing the pace and speed whenever she would hit on something that felt incredibly good. I wondered how a girl as young as her had been able to become as talented at dick sucking, but then I realized that even if she wasn't involved in Willis' plan, she must have visited the "casting couch" at some point in her career. Regardless, I was certainly reaping the benefits of a well trained mouth.

Mila sucked on the head of my shaft now tightly, the backs of her teeth touching the sensitive skin just below the tip, which created an incredible feeling for me. As she lowered her mouth back down, deep throating me quickly and expertly, I felt the rising of an orgasm in my balls.

Pulling my cock away from her, I gasped "I'm about to cum!" as I began to furiously jerk off my dick. I had only pulled out of her mouth (reluctantly too I might add) because I knew that if she swallowed my load, there would be no evidence to present to Monica and Eliza.

Stroking myself, I squeezed the base of my dick as I felt the cum well up from my balls. Mila sat back on her ass on the floor and kept her mouth open obediently as I aimed the head at her waiting orifice. As the first shot arrived, it hit diagonally across her mouth, catching on her top and bottom lip as the stream of sticky white fluid hit broke apart, some of it landing inside of her mouth and atop her pink tongue.

The second stream was more manageable and this time, I positioned myself so that it would land on her cheek and with a little luck, run down her face and throat. I succeeded, for this shot was much larger than the first had been, the gooey white cum hitting her cheek in surprise as it fell down quickly from it's own weight, landing with a little splat on her shoulder, the last remnants of it running down her body along the outline of her breast. I continued to pump my prick, pointing it at her face as two or three more shots landed on her face, covering her cheeks and nose and a little bit of her hair, the excess of all of it running down her body.

As my orgasm subsided, I slowed my pace and released my dick, sighing in contentment. Mila took it between her lips and licked off the excess, adding it to the small pool she had accumulated in her mouth. She swallowed that little bit down, but not before pushing some out of her lips and letting a bit run down her chin sexily.

Stepping back from her Mila stood up. She walked to a nearby mirror and wiped the excess cum off her face, smearing it down between her legs, along the edges of her pussy lips. Hopefully it would be enough to convince them if the two women really did "check" her out. Grabbing a towel, Mila wiped her face clean, getting the last little bit off of her lips.

She walked back over to me and positioned herself on top of my legs.

"To hell with it, let's fuck!" she growled seductively, about to lower herself down atop my still hard cock.

Suddenly though, and completely killing the moment, there came a knock at the door.

"Ms. Kunis, you're needed on the set!" a voice called, sounding a lot like the assistant who had gotten me here in the first place.

"Shit!" Mila muttered under her breath. "Ok, give me five minutes," she called to the guy.

Reluctantly lifting her legs away, Mila bent over to get her panties, her smooth and cute ass in full view of me as I too reached down and put my pants back on.

"Let's take a rain check on that Alex. But remember, you owe me a good fuck, if for nothing else than to keep this secret," she said with a sly smile.

I laughed.

"You keep this secret, and when all this blows over, I'll fuck your brains out" I said.

Mila nodded in approval and then finished getting dressed before walking to the trailer door and stepping outside.

I waited for five minutes or so, cleaning up an excess spot of cum that had fallen to the floor, before leaving. I headed back to my trailer and for the rest of the day, couldn't wait to get home and tell Katherine about the new findings,"


That night, after recounting the details of Mila Kunis' story, I still wasn't completely convinced. Like Alex's own experience, nothing had really happened lately, at least since my experience at that mansion, and it had us both worried. Mila's story seemed too spontaneous to be truthful.

"I'm telling you, she is telling the truth. Look, why would she lie?" Alex asked as we sat on my couch, watching TV.

"Why WOULDN'T she lie? How do you know she didn't just leave and then go tell them everything you told her?" I asked.

"I saw real fear in her eyes when I was threatening her Katherine. She was scared shitless, and when I told her what I know - which by the way left you out of things - she was actually excited to be involved in it," he replied.

"Until I see her in person and she can prove to me that she is telling the truth, I'm going to treat her as a risk. Simple as that," I said defiantly, wanting to end the conversation.

There was a slight pause between us as we watched Entertainment Tonight.

"She asked about us. Well, she asked if I was involved with anyone I guess is the better way to put it," Alex said quietly. I craned my head back to look at him.

"And what did you say?"

"I told her that it was complicated. Because it is. I mean, what are we really Katherine? We sneak around, act as if there is nothing between us...I don't know, while I'm committed to stopping Willis, our relationship is all convoluted,"

"Well, what do you want our relationship to be like Alex? Are we an item or are we just dating or are we just friends?" I asked, curious what his thoughts were. Truthfully, I didn't really know where we stood either, but I was curious as to where he saw us.

"I think that we are friends with benefits, or just dating or whatever the hell you want to call it. While I do care for you as a friend and lover, I don't think we've known each other long enough to say that we are a true couple. There's too much extra baggage right now. If we sort it out, things will be better I think. Less complex," he said.

I kissed him on the cheek. "Ok. That's good enough for me, for now anyways,"

I was going to take things further when the phone in the kitchen rang. Alex moved to get up.

"I'll get it," he said, scooting me out of the way. I grabbed onto his shirt.

"You don't live here, remember?" I said playfully as I pushed him back onto the couch.

"Oh yeah, right..." he said with a grin.

I padded over to the phone.

"And turn that down. You're not even watching it any ways," I called to him, hearing the segment on the show slowly decrease in volume.

'In other news, the Japanese entertainment industry is mourning one of it's own tonight. Business man and billionaire television mogul Hiutsu Kyokota died suddenly late last night when the private plane carrying he and his financial advisor crashed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Investigators are trying to determine the cause of the crash but in the meantime Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi offered his condolences to the family and friends of Kyokota. The moguls son, Yasuo Kyokota is expected to take over the business empire...'

I picked up the phone as Alex muted the television completely.


"Are you alone?" a voice said on the other line. I recognized it now as Eliza's, which sent an inevitable shiver down my spine. Glancing over at Alex, he seemed content to watch the show with no volume at all.

"Yes," I said, lying.

"Good. We have a new member joining tomorrow. Be at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas no later than 8:00PM, suite 3414 on the top floor. And travel by car, not by plane. We don't need your name showing up on any flight roster," Eliza said coldly.

"O..ok. Do I need to bring anything?" I said in a whisper, my hand cupping the phone to keep Alex from hearing.

Eliza laughed.

"No, just yourself. And if anyone asks why you are going, tell them that you are feeling lucky," she said. The phone clicked dead as I set it back down on the receiver, my hands trembling again.

Walking slowly back over to Alex, he turned the volume back up as I sat down.

"Who was that?" he asked, now interested in the beer commercial on TV as he kept his gaze fixed on it.

"It was Eliza," I said, my voice shaking a bit. This caught his attention and he immediately turned off the television to face me.

"What did she say?" he asked, taking my shaking hands, trying to calm them.

"I have to be in Vegas tomorrow by 8:00. The Mirage Hotel. They are doing another initiation," I said. As much as I had tried to put the entire thing out of my mind, now the realization that I was going to be right back in the thick of things hit me like a brick wall.

"Do you need to make the call?" he asked, staring at me intently.

I nodded. "Uh-huh. But I'll do it in the morning. Right now, I'd like to just get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow,"

I rented a car and headed out about mid-afternoon for Vegas, hopping on the interstate to get there. Las Vegas is a surprisingly short drive from LA, although it is a very lonely and boring one. I passed countless miles of great big nothingness as I sped down the road, watching the desert zoom by past me. The colors in the sky out in this part of the country seemed richer and more beautiful than anywhere else I had ever been, the air clean (albeit hot) and flawless, a far cry from LA's smog.

As I grew closer to the city, it's neon lights viewable from miles out as they glowed on the sky of the setting sun, I reached into my purse and took out my cell phone. Dialing Charlie's number, he picked up on the fourth ring, just as I was about to hang up.

"This is Charlie,"

"Charlie, it's Katherine. I'll keep this short because I might lose the signal. Things are going down tonight. Can you use your connection to help us out? I'm going to be in Las Vegas?"

"Vegas huh? Boy Katherine, that is rough territory for me. I have quite a few outstanding debts there and I know a lot of people would like to get their hands on me and..."

"Spare me your life story Charlie," I said, knowing that to get anything out of him, you had to be forceful. "This is costing me money. Can you help or not?"

He sighed into the phone. "I'll call around, see what I can do. You really want to bring them in on this?"

"It's the only way. Alex and I discussed it and it's the best option for tonight at least,"

"Ah yes, Alex. Well, I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can. Where and what time?"

"Have them get there about 10:00 or so, that should be when things are in full gear. Trust me, it will be worth their while if I know anything about what is going to happen tonight. The Mirage Hotel, suite 3414,"

"Alright, I'll tell them. I still don't know why I'm doing this for you,"

"Think of Jessica Charlie," I said, frustrated that I had to hold his hand almost every single step of the way.

There was a pause. "Right. Good luck Katherine,"


I hung up the phone just as I entered Las Vegas city limits. Already traffic was starting to pick up, the gamblers out in full swing tonight even this early in the evening. Like many of the biggest cities in America, Las Vegas is a place that doesn't sleep, and in fact seems to come alive even more at night, the neon lights illuminating the sky almost as brightly as the desert sun.

I watched the skyline, looking for the Mirage. I spotted it way down the road as the sun finally disappeared over the horizon, traffic finally letting up as I neared the entrance. Getting line behind a seemingly endless flood of SUV's and limos, I finally arrived at the valet. Stopping the engine, I stepped out and handed the young man the keys. I could see him checking me out - I wore a black sequined dress that gave me quite ample cleavage, a pair of three inch stiletto heels and my hair up in a tucked in bun at the back of my head. I had been saving the dress for an awards show appearance, but with "Roswell" now cancelled, that didn't seem to be happening any time soon. I smiled at the valet as I walked around the car and stepped in through the sliding doors of the casino hotel.

Immediately the sound of yelling people, beeping slot machines and the rick-rick-rick of roulette wheels overwhelmed my ears as I passed the entrance to the gambling floor and headed towards the concierge's desk. Standing in line behind an old couple that looked like they were from the Mid West - it was easy to spot a tourist, especially when you are living in LA - I waited my turn patiently, smoothing out my dress.

The drive had given me plenty of time to think and prepare on how to act, but I still felt nervous as I approached the desk.

"I'm a guest in room 3414?" I said.

The woman behind the counter punched in some numbers on her computer.


"Katherine Heigl?" I said, hoping that they had put me on the guest list under that name.

The woman looked up and smiled. "Yes Ms. Heigl, they are expecting you in the room. Go on up,"

I nodded at her and headed towards the elevators, my purse in hand. I pushed the button as a few other people, mostly older ones stepped on. A young guy walked in and smiled at me as he stood next to me. He too seemed to be checking me out, and though he WAS cute, I had other more important things to worry about.

The older tourists got off a few floors before mine, leaving just me and the guy there. He turned to look at me.

"You look very beautiful, if you don't mind me saying," he said with a smile.

"Thanks," I said, not looking at him as I watched the floors tick by slowly.

"My name is Wesley if you...you know...want to do something later on," he said, trying not to stare at my pressed out breasts.

"Thanks Wesley, but I have other plans," I said politely to him.

"Oh, ok. You're working tonight I guess then huh?" he said.

Before I could even speak up to correct him, the elevator stopped at his floor. Stepping out quickly, he turned to look at me.

"Well, see ya around. And don't let the guy give you any trouble. You're too pretty for that," he said as the elevator doors slammed shut.

I stood there with my mouth slightly agape, angry that he thought I was some kind of call girl. Then again, I thought, perhaps that what I really was - beckoned out to Las Vegas to take part in a very explicit sexual ritual, not because I wanted to but because I was technically being forced. I refused to think of myself as an escort or call girl, but his words had managed to get under my skin.

Thankfully the elevator stopped at my floor and I stepped off into the quiet hall. There was a woman at the far end, pushing a cart of food from room service around the corner as I walked down the massive, long hallways, looking for the suite.

Glancing all around me, I thought I had gotten off at the wrong floor, not able now to find the room, when suddenly like a vision in the desert itself, the gold lettered numbers of Suite 3414 materialized in front of me at the end of the hall.

Straightening my dress one more time, I pushed Wesley's thoughts out of my head as I knocked on the door. Unlike my first time at that mansion in LA, the door opened quickly, Kate Hudson once again there to greet me. She smiled warmly as I stepped inside, the door slamming shut behind me.

"Katherine, HEYYYY!!!" she exclaimed, already a little tipsy. She pressed her body against mine and before I knew it was kissing me directly on the lips. My first instinct was to shove the girl off of me, but remembering where I was, I became passive and let it happen, trying to act like I enjoyed it.

She broke the kiss and took my hand.

"HEY EVERYONE! KATHERINE IS HERE!" Kate called down the hall of the room. The suite itself was absolutely massive, with one long window opening up along the wall, giving an amazing view of the Strip beneath us, the cars and people looking like ants from this high up in the building. Leading me in further, I saw Alicia Witt watching TV on the couch, a glass of champagne in her hand, a few girls who hadn't been at the last event.

Standing near the big window was Tara Reid, smoking a joint as she looked out on the scene below. I had seen Tara around at events before and though I knew she was a little ditzy, it didn't surprise me to see that the source of it may have been the drugs. She wore a leather skirt and a burgundy top, as she turned to look at the commotion Kate was causing, her blonde hair hanging over her shoulders.

Sitting on one of the couches watching television were Jamie Pressley and Jessica Biel. From the way Jessica was acting, wearing a dress not unlike the one I wore when I was last with the Rose Petals, she looked very nervous and tense, and I guessed that it was she who would be joining the rest of them (and me now too) in the membership. Jamie wore a bright green dress that hung to her exquisite figure as she leaned in close to talk to Jessica, ignoring us completely.

Kate continued to walk with my hand in hers into the room, letting go of it as I stood by the couch. On the screen was some kung fu movie from Japan, the lips of the characters moving after the poorly translated voiceover could catch up. Jessica looked up at me, smiling weakly as I greeted them. Jamie was a bit cold to me and at first I thought it was because I had interrupted their conversation, but I soon found out what had angered her.

"When the hell is Eliza going to get here?" Jamie said to Kate, who was now standing by Tara, taking hits off her joint. "I don't have all night you know,"

Kate exhaled a puff of smoke. "Just chill out Jamie, she'll be here. Why don't you and Katherine take Jessica into the bedroom and calm her nerves a little bit?"

My eyes flitted back and forth between Jamie and Kate, watching their reactions. Jamie looked like an animal on the prowl, agitated and bored with having to sit around and do nothing. Unlike many of the other actresses I had been around, Jamie had an air of intimidation about her, of sexual dominance, and I wondered how someone like her could put up with an organization that gave orders so bluntly to it's members.

Jamie sighed, hooking her arm under Jessica's. The two of them stood up and walked over to me.

"Here, you take her into the bedroom. I'm going to get us all some champagne to enjoy," Jamie said, handing Jessica's arm to me. I took it as I watched the girl, who though quite beautiful on screen and in her roles, now looked timid and hesitant about anything that was going to happen to her. I smiled at her, trying to reassure her.

"Don't worry, tonight will be fun. I promise," I said as we walked past Tara and Kate towards one of the bedrooms of the suite. Passing a table with an ashtray full of cigarettes, I saw a large amount of pills and cocaine. The girls had come prepared to party alright.

Jessica and I walked into the bedroom as I released her arm, her thin form moving towards the bed instinctively. She sat on the edge as I closed the door. No sooner had it been closed than I heard Kate shouting at us.

"NO DOOR CLOSING KATHERINE! IT PISSES ELIZA OFF!" she said. I sighed and opened the door back up, doing a smart ass little curtsy for her. She smiled at me through her stoned state, her and Tara's eyes droopy and red.

"Thank you," she said sweetly, turning back to her conversation with Tara.

I shrugged my shoulders in an "oh well" gesture at Jessica and then took a seat next to her on the bed. Neither of us said anything for a few moments, before I decided to break the ice.

"I know you're nervous Jessica, but nothing bad is going to happen. With all the rituals and macho talk and all that bullshit, all that will happen is that they will give you a night of sexual bliss," I said, amazed that I could speak so casually about this despite my true feelings.

"It isn't that I'm worried about. I'm afraid...well, I think Jamie and Eliza may have some issues from before tonight, and the way Jamie is acting, it's as if she is looking for trouble. I mean, I'm excited and happy about this whole thing and I'm really happy that I'm finally moving up the Hollywood ladder. But I don't want to cause a problem, you know?" Jessica said. It was hard to read her voice, whether she was apprehensive or really just as excited as she said. I had noticed Jamie's demeanor as well and hoped that there wouldn't be any trouble. Especially not before my plan went into action at 10:00.

"Jessica, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, alright?" I said, already feeling guilty that I would probably be breaking that promise very soon. "I'll do everything I can to keep both Eliza and Jamie under control,"

"Thanks Katherine," Jessica said, leaning in to hug me. I hugged her back, but the embrace lasted a bit longer than usual, Jessica turning her head up to look at me.

"Have you done this sort of thing before?" she asked, her brown eyes like little pools of chocolate.

"You mean an initiation or...with a girl..." I replied, suddenly aware of Jessica's leg stroking my own.

"Oh, I don't know, either one," she said coyly, her hand moving up the fabric of my dress. "I used to fool around with some of my friends in school and they said I was pretty good. I hope that Eliza thinks so,"

I wanted to push her hand away, but I knew that tonight I would just have to go along with whatever happened, to keep up the front of a horny starlet to appease the other members. I smiled at Jessica, leaning back on the bed to give her hand better access.

"Well, why don't you show me how good you are?" I purred at her, feeling a bit aroused in spite of myself. Since this thing was going to happen anyways, I reasoned, I might as well have some fun with it.

Jessica giggled and smiled at me, moving her hand from my leg as she climbed up on her knees. She gently pushed me back onto the bed with her hand, scooting over so that she could straddle me, the open bottom of her dress covering my stomach as her knees rested by my sides. She reached over and grabbed a pillow from the bed, tenderly putting it underneath my head. In that moment, I felt very sorry for Jessica. Here she wanted to just please anyone - especially how she had been so kind to Charlie - and yet I knew that her enthusiasm would be taken advantage of and exploited to any means that the Rose Petals wanted.

She bent over me, her hands sliding up my torso to rest on my breasts. Her long brown hair fell over one side of her face as she leaned in and kissed me softly, neither of us saying a word as she caressed my breasts through my dress. I met her kiss with the required vigor. During the night of my initiation and all the requisite escorts previous, I had grown to be able to tolerate sex with a woman and many times enjoyed it a lot. If my mind wasn't on other things, now would have been one of those times, as Jessica was a fantastic kisser.

Her lips left mine as she rocked back on her hips, squatting over me now, her small ass resting lightly on my stomach. She slid her hands up over my breasts and shoulders, pulling down the straps of my gown. I laid there and simply watched her; it must have been quite the experience for Jessica to be the aggressor for once and from the look of lust on her face, it was clear she enjoyed it.

Working a hand into my dress, she reached in and pulled out my left breast, pushing the bra down underneath the orb. She repeated the move on the other, freeing my breasts from the push-up bra I wore. Scooting further back down my body, her own moist box almost directly over my own, she laid herself down on my chest and began to suck on my right breast like a child, taking it in her mouth.

I couldn't help but gasp at her tongue - she really was good at this - as she smiled at me, lifting her mouth off almost completely but leaving her tongue out as she licked and flicked my nipple playfully. Jessica then lowered her mouth back down on my breast and sucked on it, occasionally releasing it as it popped free of her mouth, jiggling slightly. She used her free hand to rub and caress the other as I watched her from the propped up position of my head, the all consuming lust Jessica was feeling now sending her off into her own world.

I was set to join her there thanks to her wonderful mouth work, when I saw Jamie approaching with a bottle of champagne and three glasses in her hand. She grinned at me as she saw Jessica licking away at my now exposed torso (the dress having gotten pulled down slightly due to Jessica grinding herself into me), Jamie wasting no time as she climbed onto the bed next to us. Jessica finally looked up, a shit eating grin on her face at first until she realized it was Jamie. Then her smile was replaced by a look of happiness but also hesitation.

"Hhh...hi Jamie. Katherine and I were just getting to know each other better," Jessica said, scooting away from me as I sat up on the bed, adjusting my pulled down bra. I watched Jamie's reaction to this, Jessica's fear of her exploding for no reason now rubbing off on me, but thankfully she seemed completely calm.

"No problem, that's what they want us to do right? To get to know each other?" Jamie said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She walked over to the door, glasses still in hand and shut it. Immediately Kate repeated what she told me, but Jamie chose to ignore her, leaving the door shut. I had to admire her "Fuck you" attitude as she walked back over towards the bed.

Setting the glasses on the table, she undid the cork on the bottle and popped it off, the thing flying into the corner of the room as the bottle fizzed to life. She poured the three of us an ample size glass of champagne.

Climbing back onto the bed, we each took one from her. She lifted her glass in a toast.

"Here's to Jessica joining the Rose Petals, and to my decision to tell Eliza off for being late when she gets here," Jamie said gleefully. We clinked glasses, Jessica and I exchanging worried glances.

Finishing the drink, Jamie propped herself up on two knees so that she was directly in front of Jessica. She put her arms on Jessica's shoulders and with an almost flick of her wrist, the girl's dress was down off her shoulders and hanging in a balled up lump around her waist.

"No offense Katherine, but this IS her party," she said to me with a wicked smile. In spite of myself, I found myself liking Jamie's personality a lot more than Eliza's as she leaned in to kiss Jessica forcefully. Jessica looked surprised at how quickly Jamie's tongue had entered her mouth, but in a moment began to respond fully to the kiss, her hands reaching out to grope Jamie's breasts. I felt like a third wheel, until Jamie broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Help me get her undressed Katherine, then I'll help you with your own dress," she purred at me. I found myself jumping at her words, the alpha-female instincts in her triggering something deep down in me.

We climbed off the bed, leaving Jessica sitting there watching us. Jamie reached out to her and stroked her cheek as she pushed down the girl's dress the rest of the way, leaving Jessica in only her panties and shoes and socks. I reached out for her leg and lifted it up slightly, sliding her shoes off one by one before doing the same with her socks. Jamie touched me on the shoulder, signifying that it was her turn now. Releasing her legs, I stepped back slightly as Jamie reached out and pulled down Jessica's panties in a quick move, wasting no time in exposing the brown bush between her legs. Handing me her panties, I set them on the floor with the rest of her garments.

Jamie turned to me now and pushed my dress down my hips, allowing me to step out of it. I felt the cool air of the room rush over my now naked body (at Alex's insistence I hadn't worn panties, agreeing with his logic than none of the girls probably would either). I lifted my leg up to take off my heels, but Jamie stopped me.

"No. Leave them on," she said. I obeyed what she said, again amazed at my willingness to fall in line. I hoped that this wouldn't be the case when the time came for the plan to go into effect.

Jamie reached down to the bottom of her dress and pulled it off, as if it had barely been there in the first place, leaving all three of us now naked in the room. Jamie brushed her hand softly across Jessica's exposed pussy, rubbing her hand over the matted brown patch of hair, her finger gliding along the girl's slit. Lifting one of her legs up onto her shoulder, Jamie kept one hand rubbing Jessica's pussy while the other concentrated on her leg.

Starting at her knee, Jamie slid her tongue all the way up Jessica's smooth leg, licking it and coating it with her saliva and part of her red lipstick, pausing every other second or so to plant a gentle kiss on it. When she reached Jessica's foot, Jamie bent Jessica's knee down slightly, taking it off her shoulder but still holding onto the girl's ankle. Pulling her small foot towards her mouth, Jamie put Jessica's big two and second toe between her lips into her mouth, closing her lips slowly around it as if it were a cock. Sucking gently on it, Jamie wrapped her tongue around Jessica's pedicured toes, sucking and licking each and every one as she put all five of her toes in her mouth.

Jessica was beside herself with pleasure. Jamie had begun to work a finger into Jessica's snatch and as she did so, the added sensation of Jamie's attention to her foot had turned her on to no end. Jessica stared up at Jamie, whose eyes were smoldering with lust as she returned Jessica's gaze, Jessica's mouth hanging open in a frozen gasp of disbelief at the erotic sensations that Jamie was bringing out in her.

The scene was turning me on as well and I couldn't help but put my hand on my pussy, pressing my palm against it in slight pressure, enjoying the sensation as the room was filled only with the noise of Jamie's sucking and Jessica's gasping. I slid a finger over my clit, the simple act of touching it making me shudder in pleasure. Jamie was now licking between Jessica's toes as she worked two fingers in and out of the girl. Jessica threw her head back on the bed in a silent moan as Jamie traced her tongue along the base of her foot.

Pausing for a second as her tongue reached Jessica's toes again, Jamie let her foot slip out of her mouth, the wet smacking noise preceding her words.

"Jessica?" she asked, sliding her tongue across the bottom of her toes.

"Unnhgghhh! Yes Jamie?" Jessica panted.

"Do you want to lick Katherine's pussy while I keep playing with your little tootsies?" Jamie asked sweetly, as if speaking to a child. As an added incentive to get Jessica to answer, she took the girl's big toe in her mouth once more.

"Yes! Yes, anything! Just don't stop that! It feels great!"

"I won't, but only if you say it," Jamie said, stopping licking completely now.

Jessica's head shot up. "Say what?"

"Say to Katherine over there, who looks quite turned on by watching your hot little body squirm, that you want to eat out her cunt,"

Jessica looked at me, that same smoldering look of lust transforming her face. She gazed deeply at me, her words coming at me like a laser beam.

"Katherine, I want to eat your sweet, tasty, yummy pussy!" Jessica moaned. On the word "pussy", Jamie plunged an extra finger into Jessica's cunt, shoving the girl forward slightly on the bed.

"That's a good girl," Jamie said, flicking her tongue across Jessica's toes once more. "Well, don't just stand there Katherine, the girl obviously wants you!"

I had felt like I was in a daze watching all this take place, but at Jamie's mention of my name, I climbed onto the bed over by Jessica. Kneeling by her face, I gently lowered my quite wet pussy over her lips, her tongue already licking her lips in anticipation.

The touch of her tongue on my pussy, the tip of it barely touching my clit in that first lick, was electric. I almost felt like cumming right there, and if I hadn't exhaled loudly and reigned my body in, I probably would have cum all over Jessica's face right then and there. As I settled down over her, my snatch now just an inch from Jessica's tongue, she began to lick and lap at me like a woman possessed.

Her nimble and talented tongue, which had felt great on my breasts, felt a hundred times more amazing as she sucked and licked at my pussy. Her tongue worked it's way up into my hole, parting through my lips as Jessica pulled in a stream of my aroused juices into her mouth with it, like a cat lapping at milk. Her head was rocking back and forth on the bed as she moved, Jamie's hand pushing into her cunt hard as she rubbed her thumb over Jessica's clit. Each time Jessica's tongue touched the inner walls of my pussy, I felt as if I had been shocked by electricity just slightly, the waves of pleasure amazing me.

Though I had closed my eyes as Jessica went to work on me at first, I opened them now again to see Jamie continuing to lick Jessica's leg. She sucked on her toes slightly, but then she did something that surprised me. Reaching over to the bedside table, Jamie managed to grab my half full champagne glass and carefully lift it over towards Jessica while still keeping the girl's rocking leg on her shoulder.

Jamie took a small sip of the champagne from the glass, and then tilted it over Jessica's foot. Letting the liquid come out slowly, the coldness of it startled Jessica as she pulled her head from between my legs as we watched Jamie at work. The champagne moved slowly, but now the cold trickle was sliding down the perfect curve of Jessica's leg. Jamie dumped the rest of the glass down her foot as well, expertly taking the girl's leg and moving it with the trickle so that it didn't fall off. It's final resting spot was one of sheer genius: the now rapidly moving stream landed directly atop the mass of Jessica's pubic hair, soaking into it as a few drops fell across her pussy and Jamie's moving hand. Jessica moaned at the sensation of the drink on her skin, but her moans turned into groans in an instant.

Setting the glass down, Jamie pulled her hand from Jessica's snatch and began to now lick off and drink off all the sticky champagne from Jessica's leg. Moving downward, she passed her ankle to her calve to her knee to her thigh until in a moment, Jamie was directly in front of Jessica's pussy, her tongue lapping up the small puddle of champagne that had formed in between her legs.

Jamie parted Jessica's lips with two fingers and, taking one final moment to sniff the aroma of Jessica Biel's snatch, thrust her tongue and mouth upon it. Jessica's reaction was immediate: she shot up from the bed, Jamie's tongue sinking into her pussy quickly and expertly, delving deep into the girl's inner walls as she bounced on the bed, Jessica's mouth gasping for a taste of my own pussy, which I was more than happy to oblige.

Pressing my legs atop of Jessica's face, it wasn't long at all until I could feel her breath growing more rapid and her tongue moving quicker, her orgasm approaching. Jamie was making lewd sucking noises now, playing with Jessica's labia between her lips as she ate the girl out. I too could feel a flood of juices arriving. There was something in watching Jamie's eyes as she lapped and sucked on Jessica's cunt, something alluring and forbidden at the same time in those green eyes of her - it was almost bewitching.

Jessica began to grunt between my legs as Jamie lifted her mouth from her but replaced it with her fingers, sliding them into Jessica's cunt once more as the girl began to buck and bounce on the bed, little squeaks and gasps escaping her lips. She trembled on the bed, her whole body shaking as she groaned in release.

"YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" she cried into my pussy, breaking her licking long enough to gasp out her cry of pleasure as her orgasm flooded around Jamie's hand, soaking it and making a splooshing sound as Jamie continued to work at the girl's pussy. I lifted myself off of Jessica's face so that she could enjoy things herself, my own orgasm hitting around the same time as I replaced Jessica's tongue with my fingers, only needing one quick rub of my clit with two of my fingers to trigger my own orgasm. I collapsed on the bed in pleasure as I felt my hand growing wet from my juice, amazed at how skillful Jessica had been.

She had come down from her orgasm now, her large breasts heaving on her chest as she caught her breath, Jamie having climbed out from between her legs and now lay next to the girl as she smeared Jessica's juices all across her body. Having caught her breath, Jessica looked up at Jamie dreamily.

"Aren't you going to cum too?"

"No sweetie, that's later. This was just a warm up," Jamie replied, all the fierceness in her voice gone for the moment. Perhaps sex DID calm a person like her down. Jessica just smiled back at Jamie as she lay there, rubbing her hands through her hair.

They seemed content to deal with each other and I was happy to relax and let them be. Leaning back against the headboard of the bed, I happened to look over at the clock.


Holy shit! I had been in here for far far far too long! I sat upright on the bed, startling Jamie and Jessica.

"What's wrong Katherine?" Jessica said, reaching out to me. I stood up, avoiding her hand.

"Nothing, nothing I just...never mind," I said, trying to act as cool and collected as possible. "Is it hot in here?"

Jessica giggled, sitting up on the bed. "Well of course it is. We DID just have sex,"

I smiled at her, my heart beating rapidly now as I thought about the plan, hoping that Charlie would come through.

"I'm going to go get us some ice to cool down with. I think I saw a machine down the hall," I said, putting my dress back on and heading towards the door.

Jamie's voice made me pause.

"There's ice out there in the living room Katherine. Why do you need to go get more?" she asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"I...I like fresh ice, nothing melted," I said, managing to keep my voice calm.

"Well...ok, but hurry back," Jamie said, that look of suspicion still on her face. I smiled at her and opened the door, walking quickly out into the living room. Tara and Kate were busy 69ing each other, but Tara managed to look up for a moment, a smear of sticky juice on her face.

"Hey Katherine, where ya going?" she asked in that raspy voice of hers.

"To go get some ice," I replied, walking over to find an ice bucket.

"Eliza will be here in about 5 minutes Katherine, so get back quick so we can get started," Kate said from between Tara's legs, her hand rubbing the girl's pussy lightly as she spoke to me.

"I will," I said, walking to the door. Opening it, I stepped out and into the hall. The place was deserted now as I scanned around for an ice machine to use as an alibi. If things went according to plan, things would be getting started any minute now.

I found one way at the end of the hall and, walking quickly on my very uncomfortable heels, I managed to reach it and push the button to get the machine going, the relief at being a safe distance from the room very comforting.

Like clockwork, the next few minutes happened very quickly. Over the rumble of the machine, I heard a loud male voice. Stopping the button for a moment, I peered down the hall way (the ice machine being around a corner) to look.

"Ma'mm, will you please open the door? This is the Las Vegas Police Department,"

I could hear voices, shouting coming from the room.

"Open the door now ma'mm, or we will have to use force," the cop said. I could see five of them, wearing bullet proof vests and with a battering ram like thing ready a few feet back from the door.

More voices inside, serious high pitched shouting.

"I'm counting to three, then we are coming in," the cop barked. "1...2...3!"

The man stepped out of the way as the two cops holding the battering ram charged forward, knocking in the door with a splintering sound that filled the hallway. The cops filed in after them, with lots of shouting and yelling taking place from inside the room. My heart was beating quickly and I didn't dare go any closer for fear of being caught as well.

The noise had drawn an audience on the floor, people stepping out from inside their rooms to watch what was going on. They peered out in their night gowns and robes, watching. The noise from the room grew louder now as angry female voices drew closer to the door.

I saw Tara first, her body covered over with one of those big police blankets as she was led out of the room by one of the cops, her hands cuffed behind her back. She was saying something to them that I couldn't hear over the yelling from inside the room. Next to follow was Kate, who too was squirming and pushing back against the cop nastily, trying to kick at him as he led her out wearing just a towel wrapped around her body. Jessica followed, looking very scared as she tried to plead with the cop, tears running down her eyes.

The last to emerge was Jamie, who walked with the utmost dignity, as if being arrested was just an every day thing for her. She had her dress back on, but one side hung open as her breast hung out, her mouth silent as she walked down the hall looking straight ahead. Following her was the last cop, holding up the bag of cocaine I had seen, and all of the pills put inside of a plastic bag, the cop carrying it like it was hazardous material.

Figuring the coast was clear as the last cop walked out of sight down the hall, I stepped forward. That's when I saw her: Eliza was standing at the opposite end of the hall, wearing a leather outfit not unlike the one that Salma had worn when she had done my initiation. Eliza stood there slack jawed as the members of the Rose Petals were led away. Then, her gaze turned to me looking at her.

Even from that distance, I could see Eliza calculating things, putting things together. How her friends had been arrested. How I had managed to get away scot-free. She stared at me hard, a dark look crossing her beautiful face as she glared at me. Then, as if like a cat, she disappeared down the other end of the hall.
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Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark Ch. 5
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2023, 09:36:29 PM »
Hollywood After Dark: Chapter 5

Fuckin & fightin, it's all the same - Sublime


Taking the stairs two at a time, I hurried out of the hotel down the emergency stairwell just at the end of the hall. My mind was a jumbled blur as I went over what had happened: the Rose Petals had been arrested, thanks to my timely placed call to Charlie and his friends in the Las Vegas Police Department. But things hadn't gone as well as I thought, for Eliza Dushku had not only managed to avoid being picked up by the cops, but I was almost 100% sure she saw me at the end of the hall, out of harm's way.

My hands shook as I gripped onto the cold metal of the hand rail, going down the stairs rapidly. If Eliza really did see me, and in my mind I knew she had, what would happen? Certainly the fact that I darted away before she could even think to come after me and question me looked suspicious, but already I was trying to calculate an alibi. I had told the girl's at Jessica Biel's initiation that I was stepping out to get some ice, but would any of them, especially Eliza, believe that? They weren't stupid, but then again I doubted that they would have expected me to just walk up to the cops, arms extended to be led away.

I paused on a landing of one of the floors for a moment to catch my breath, the blood pumping through my ears. Listening, I could have sworn I heard some one up above me on the floors that I had just descended, they too taking the steps very quickly. Even hesitating for a moment was a big risk, but now that I had stopped, I could not hear a single noise in the stairwell, save for the hum of the track lighting over head. Gathering up more momentum (the adrenaline in my body was going too fast now to make me really notice the growing pain in my legs from rocketing down the stairs in high heels), I continued down ward, each step just like the rest as I went down.

Finally reaching the ground floor, my face soaked with sweat, I paused by the exit and opened it slowly, peaking out. The lobby of the hotel was full of guests and gamblers, all going about their business. Even at 11 at night, the place was hopping, thanks I'm sure in no part to the lack of clocks anywhere in the building. Stepping out slowly, I shut the heavy metal door behind me as quietly as possible, and straightened my dress and hair as best as I could, walking slowly outward towards the exit. I kept a slight smile on my face so that people wouldn't notice the sheer panic that was bubbling inside me. Moving slowly, I scanned the lobby for Eliza. It was hard to make out a single person, even one as strikingly attractive as her, for people moved like ants around the lobby, coming and going in all shapes and forms possible.

I let out a slight sigh of relief as I reached the revolving exit door and stepped out into the Vegas night.

I began to walk more quickly now, immersing myself with the crowd as I continued on, trying to seem like one of the pedestrians by mingling with an eclectic group of drag queens in front of me, their conversation like cat howls as they gossiped and joked with one another, their deep voices and obvious sign of what really lay beneath their fancy dresses.

A few blocks past the Mirage, I spotted a pay phone, shrouded slightly from the garish glow of the Strip. I had left my purse and everything else in the hotel room when I left, so my call to Alex would have to be a collect one.

Picking up the receiver, I scanned around me nervously again, the mixture of faces a blur as they moved past me, cars honking along the busy street as I cupped the mouth piece and dialed the operator. I waited patiently, shifting my weight from one foot to the other as I watched the people once more, waiting on Alex to accept the charges.

"Hello?" his voice said, a familiar life raft in the storm that was raging inside me.

"Alex! It's Katherine!" I said into the phone, ducking my head into the terminal.

"Katherine? What's wrong? Did everything go alright?"

"Yes, I mean no, I mean...sort of. The Rose Petals were arrested by the LVPD just a few minutes ago. They took Tara Reid, Kate Hudson, Jessica Biel and Jamie Pressley," I said to him.

"That's great then. What's the problem, why do you sound so upset?"

"They didn't get Eliza,"

There was a pause on the other end. "Shit."

"It gets worse. I made my exit like I had planned, waiting and watching as they were led out of the room in cuffs. But after the last cop had walked out of the room, I saw Eliza at the other end of the hall,"

"Did she see you?"

"Yes, I think so,"

Alex sighed loudly into the phone. "Fuck. Then she probably knows something is going on, especially since you weren't taken away. Did she say anything to you?"

"No. She saw me and we made eye contact for a few seconds and then she bolted before the cops could see either one of us. I left the hotel as fast as I could and here I am calling you,"

"Do you think she suspects you of something?"

"How could she not?" I replied, my voice tense. "It did look a little odd,"

Another pause.

"Alright, well let's assume she saw you. That means that, with her free, Vegas isn't a good place for you to be right now. If she isn't looking for you herself, then certainly someone will be in no time,"

"Right, and that's what I'm afraid of. Oh Alex, I wish you had come with me! I'm scared out of my mind!"

"Calm down Katherine, it's going to be alright," he said, trying to reassure me. "Where are you now?"

"I'm at a payphone on the street, a few blocks from the Mirage,"

"That's probably not the best place to be right now,"

"I know that Alex," I hissed into the phone "But I had to call you, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. Calm down Katherine, let's think this thing out. You need to get out of view of anyone who might be looking for you. A hotel or driving back tonight would probably be your best bet,"

"I don't have my purse. I had to leave it in the room,"

"Shit. Alright, well look. Here's what you do: find yourself a Western Union. That shouldn't be hard in a town like Vegas. Find one as far away from the Strip and the Mirage as possible and then call me. Tell me where you are at, and I'll wire you some money right away. Then, once you get the money, take a cab and find a hotel - nothing fancy or expensive, but not in the ghetto either. That might be the first the place they look. Pay for your room in cash, under a fake name, and hole up there. Once you get into the room, lock the doors and call me. When I know you are safe, I'll leave right away and probably be there first thing in the morning to come get you. Don't open the door or answer the phone for any reason, alright? I'll knock four times on your door to let you know that I'm there, and only then should you answer the phone. You got all that?"

I sighed. "Yes, I think so. This entire thing is nerve racking Alex. I'm used to people wanting me for my celebrity and appearance and all that, but never like this,"

"It's going to be fine Katherine, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just get to the Western Union as fast as you can and call me. You need to get off the street," he said.

"I will Alex. But please hurry,"

"I'll be there as soon as I can Katherine. We can talk more about this when I get there. Right now, you need to get going, alright?"

"Yes, ok. Bye Alex,"

"Bye Katherine. I'll be waiting by the phone for you to call,"


Leaning against the frame of the wall, I listened for the cops to leave. As soon as I heard their heavy footfalls fading away, I looked around the corner again for Heigl. She was gone. This was not a good sign, and certainly didn't do much to convince me about her role in what I had just witnessed.

Why the fuck was she just standing there, letting her sisters get taken away? Something wasn't right here, I just knew it. And now that she had run away, rather than wait and try to talk to me? Yeah, the bitch was certainly up to something.

But she could be dealt with later. My head was throbbing already from the headache this ordeal was sure to cause. Part of me wished that Salma or Hapsboro were here right now to help me deal with this, but the inevitable call to them would have to do. Walking out into the hall, I passed by the suite with the yellow police tape over the door. Scanning the hall to make sure I was alone, I ducked inside the suite quickly, careful to move as quietly as possible.

On one of the tables, I saw the residue of some coke. So, that's why they had busted the girls. I knew that our contacts in Vegas wouldn't just go looking to stir up trouble, so something had let them know that the drugs were in here. Or perhaps more fittingly, someone. Walking around the room quickly, my eyes scanning over everything, the place had pretty much been demolished from the ensuing carnage of the girl's arrest. Chairs were knocked over, pillows were strewn about the floor and someone had left the television on.

Making sure not to touch anything, I approached one of the bedrooms. The bedspread on the queen sized bed was rumpled and, as I ran my hand over it, still warm. The faint smell of sex was still present on the air and from all indications, it looks like I had missed out on some pre-initiation fun. I turned to leave the room when something caught my eye: a purse.

Moving towards it, I stopped for a second to make sure the cops weren't coming back. Then, picking it up from it's resting place on the chair, I opened it up. Inside was a cell phone and a wallet, plus a key ring full of keys. Opening the wallet, I hit pay dirt: it was Katherine Heigl's. Whatever had made her leave the room had been important enough for her to leave incriminating evidence behind. Her mediocre driver's license photo smiled up at me as I closed the wallet and put it back into the purse. Stepping over a discarded bottle of champagne, I walked towards the exit of the room and, ducking again underneath the police tape, I left the suite with Katherine's purse in tow.

Heading towards the elevator, I waited patiently for the ding and then stepped in, the doors closing in front of me as I leaned back against the wall. So as not to arouse suspicion (with the cops in the building, I knew the hotel's security would be watching the elevators and the guests like hawks), I casually opened the wallet and took out the cell phone.

Pushing one of the arrows, I looked at the last two numbers dialed. One was just a set of numbers from an LA area code and didn't seem to have any special purpose. Punching the arrow down again, the plot continued to thicken. On the small screen, the name ALEX appeared, with a phone number beneath it. Holding the phone in my hand, I almost pushed SEND and dialed the number, curious to see who would pick up. But my judgment got the best of me and I instead hit clear, setting the phone back into the purse as I draped it's thin strap over my shoulder.

The elevator came to a halt and the doors opened, into the chaos of the bottom floor. The cops bursting into the hotel had caused a ruckus that hadn't been there even a few minutes earlier when I arrived, and I knew it best to just make my exit as quickly as possible. Stepping outside, I reached into my own bag and took out my valet ticket, handing it to the pimply kid who stood there gawking at me slightly. With a sneer, he got the hint that I wasn't interested and left to go get my car.

A moment later, he pulled up expertly in front of me and, rounding the hood of the Jaguar, handed me the keys. I gave him a polite smile and climbed into the convertible. The kid shot me a distasteful sneer of his own at the fact that I didn't tip him, but as I pulled out towards the street, waiting on the mess of traffic to clear, I flipped him off and pulled out quickly between two cars, following a few cars ahead the caravan of cop cars headed for the station.

Sitting in traffic, I reached into my purse and pulled out my cell phone. Dialing Gordon's number quickly as I switched lanes, I waited a few rings before his groggy voice picked up.

"Yes?" he mumbled. "Who is it?"

"It's Eliza Gordon. I'm here in Las Vegas and we have a problem," I said to him as I inched through traffic.

"It better be fucking good to call me this late," Hapsboro said bitingly.

"It's not good in the slightest Gordon, that's why I'm calling you. I was at the Mirage tonight, for Jessica Biel's initiation and, well, things went wrong,"

There was a pause on the other end.

"Went wrong how? Jesus Eliza, you fucking actresses and your theatrics..."

"Just shut up and listen Gordon, I'm explaining," I spat back at him.

Telling him what I knew, about how the girls had been arrested and the cops had taken away the drugs with them, and how that Heigl woman had been standing around watching the whole fucking thing like it was a television show.

When I finished, Hapsboro was silent.

"Where are you now?" he said calmly.

"I'm on my way to the jail, where do you think? This is really bad PR Gordon, and not just for the Rose Petals either,"

"I know that. Alright, listen to me. How long till you get there do you think?"

"20, maybe 30 minutes. Traffic is a bitch,"

"Alright, good. When you get to the jail, I should have everything taken care of. I'm going to make some calls. Tell them that you work for Mr. Willis when you get there and they should let you back. Try to calm the girls down, but tell them not to speak to a single person about what happened, only to you. If you have any problems, call me back. I'll tell them to expect you, and speak to you further about this in the morning. Clear?"


"Good," Hapsboro said, before hanging up. I set the phone back down in my purse and thought to myself about the whole situation. I wished the Heigl bitch was around right now so that I could pin her down and ask her what the fuck she was doing. But thinking about her more just pissed me off, so I tried to get a level head as the cars in front of me opened up and I got a clear path towards the city jail, the cops a few cars ahead of me.

Pulling into the police station a few minutes later, I waited and watched as the van with the girls pulled around back. Counting off two minutes in my head, I turned my car off and stepped out, walking towards the entrance.

The room had that desert smell in it, the police force obviously not trying to recreate the ambiance of the rest of Vegas. Walking assuredly towards the front desk, I rapped on counter top with my fingers, waiting for the overweight donut muncher to hang up the phone.

"Yes, how can I help you little lady?" he said with a deep Western drawl.

Great, a cowboy. I bit my tongue and tried to remain as professional as possible.

"Wilton Willis sent me," I said.

The cop stared at me blankly for a moment, his brow furrowed as he looked me over in my dress.


"And nothing. Go speak to your supervisor, he will tell you what that means,"

"Look lady, I AM the shift supervisor tonight and if you think you can come in here and hassle me then..."

"Fine, look, shut up for a second and listen to me,"

"Did you just tell a police officer to shut up?" the man said, lifting his considerable girth from the chair as he interrupted me, standing up. I remained poised, smiling at him sardonically.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me, officer. Please call your superior and speak to him. He will clear this whole thing up,"

"And why should I do that?"

"Because if you value your job, you'll do it,"

The man, whose name I now read as Chacer on his nametag, scowled at me. An on duty cop entered into the room from behind him, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Hey, Billy, come here and watch this one for a second, I gotta make a call. I wouldn't even be doing this you know miss, if you weren't so damn beautiful,"

"But I am," I retorted with a savageness in my voice. "And you are going to make the call. So please go do it,"

Continuing to shoot me a nasty look, the cop named Billy came over and stood next to Chacer by the desk, setting his coffee cup down as he looked at me warily.

"I'll be back in a second," Chacer said, moving past Billy down the hall and disappearing into an office.

I smiled politely at Billy. He was kind of cute in a rugged sort of way - strong jaw, nice build. If I didn't have more important things on my mind, I knew I would probably flirt with him. But given that I wouldn't even BE here if it wasn't for what happened, the point seemed moot.

We stood there for a few minutes until the heavy breathing sound of Chacer emerged from the hall. He ran his hand through his balding head and flopped down back into his chair, the thin slats of wood groaning under his weight.

"Go on back Ms. Dushku. The guards have already been informed," Chacer said, a tone of defeat in his voice. Billy looked at Chacer with a look of disbelief as I passed by them around the corner, but Chacer simply shrugged and gave Billy an "I know, I know" look.

My heels clicking on the tiled floor, the hallway grew darker as I headed towards the end. Another cop sat in a chair to the left of a barred jail door, reading a sports magazine. He glanced up when I approached and, straightening himself out to look presentable, he cleared his throat.

"You Willis' girl?"

"Yes, I am. Would you open the door please?"

"Yes ma'mm," he said, reaching onto his belt buckle for the keys. Sliding a long one into the slot, he turned it and with an echoing click, the lock opened and he pulled the door back.

"They are in cell 8, last one on your right," the cop said as I walked briskly past him.

Entering the walkway between the cells, I was smart enough not to favor one side or the other as I walked, the cat calls coming from the cells almost deafening as arms and faces pressed through and against the bars, futily trying to grab me. At the end of the hall, I turned to look into the cell, seeing my protégés, lovers and friends looking dejected on the cot, their cell door surprisingly open. The cop at the end of the hall stood with his hands on his hips, watching me, but he didn't say a word.

Jessica Biel and Tara Reid sat huddled next to each other, their heads pressing together. Their clothing looked matted and wrinkled, obviously thrown on in a rush, and their faces were streaked from crying. Kate Hudson sat at the end of the cell bed, her feet kicking back and forth as if she was bored, the straps of her dress hanging off her shoulder. Jamie Pressley meanwhile, leaned in the corner of the cell, her arms across her chest as she watched me enter, her green eyes conveying nothing as I walked in with a smile.

Upon seeing me, Tara and Jessica jumped to their feet, mobbing me in a mass of arms and hair and tears as they babbled into me, relieved at my presence. Kate stood up from the cot and walked over to me, giving me a simple hug as Tara and Jessica continued to talk and make a general noise, their arms hugging my waist tightly.

I turned back to look at the guard.

"Isn't it time for you're break?" I said to him over my shoulder. The guard rolled his eyes, but seemed to agree with me and walked away down the hall.

I wrapped my arms around Jessica and Tara's shoulders and led them back to the cot to sit them down, Kate walking calmly (she was still quite stoned) over to them and sitting down. Only Jamie hadn't moved since I got there, her eyes still seeming to calculate me, to judge me. I ignored her.

"Hey ladies, sorry about all that's happened. Mr. Willis is on top of things though, and this whole thing should be over really soon," I said to them, soothing them like little children as I ran my hand over their hair.

"Eliza, we are SOOOO relieved you got here. This was like totally the most scary thing I have ever been through!" Tara said. "The cops...I don't know how they got in or what but they were so mean!"

"Shh...I know Tara. But it's all going to be over soon. Gordon is working on getting you four out right now, so don't worry. And believe me, this won't end up in the papers, so you can feel at ease about your careers too," I said, telling them exactly what they wanted to hear.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Jessica said, leaning into me, her head just inches away from my pussy as the top of her head pressed against me. "Oh Eliza, I didn't know I was going to get in trouble for this!"

"It's ok Jessica, this sort of thing never happens. As soon as you four are out of here, believe me, we will figure out just exactly what went wrong,"

Kate's eyes seemed to light up, as if she was coming out from a prolonged sleep, her lithe body bouncing on the cot.

"Hey, where's Katherine?"

Jessica and Tara looked puzzled for a second, then realized who Kate was talking about. They glanced at each other, then at Kate, then up at me. I tried to reassure them.

"We are figuring that out right now, but I'm afraid that she might have been involved in all this. I can't prove it yet of course, but we are looking into it,"

There was a silence for a moment as the girls took this information in, Jessica's anxiousness causing her to rock back and forth on the cot. Jamie finally spoke, startling us and breaking the silence of the room.

"Where were you tonight Eliza? How do we know YOU weren't involved?" she said bitterly, her eyes locked onto mine as I spun on my heel to look at her.

"What did you say?" I said angrily, stepping away from the girls, Jessica's arm falling away from my waist remorsefully as I turned completely now towards Jamie.

"I said, where were you? Why weren't you brought in here with the rest of us," Jamie said, her voice flat as she spoke, but her eyes saying far far more than words ever could.

I felt anger rising up through me - Jamie and I had never gotten along, and I was against bringing her into the Rose Petals, but Salma's insistence ended up overruling my objections. The clash had undoubtedly come because both she and I were alpha women, both wanting to dominate things. But with the headaches of tonight so far, I was in no mood to put up with her shit. Time to make an example out of her.

I moved closer to her. "You think I was involved in this mess?" I said coldly.

"Well, you certainly weren't cuffed and led away in a squad car, that's for sure," Jamie said with a bitter smirk. "And you were supposed to be with us tonight, right?"

I turned my head back to look at the other three girls. They were huddled together against the far wall of the cot, their arms wrapped around each other as they stared in fear at both Jamie and me. Like little children watching their parents fight, it was clear that they were not going to get involved.

I glared at Jamie.

"How dare you say that I had something to do with this. If it wasn't for me, you would be spending your entire fucking night here in jail, your career in jeopardy and your future flushed down the toilet," I spat back at her.

"All I know is that you were supposed to be in the room. You weren't. You were in charge of the initiation, and yet you weren't there. And when the cops busted in, their to arrest us because someone tipped them off about the drugs and the sex, you were nowhere to be found,"

"I just got there when you were being led out. I would have stopped them but then they would have arrested me to," I said, maintaining the last bit of patience possible in my voice.

"Whatever," Jamie replied, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she looked away from me in disgust. I had had enough.

"Look bitch, you need to learn you're place. When the Mistress isn't here, you answer to me. Got that?" I said, now just an inch or so from her face.

Jamie laughed at me. "Mistress...God, I had forgotten about all the stupid little title and rules of this organization. How everything is so proper and mysterious. Mistress, that's rich,"

"I'm tired of your lip Jamie. It's time you learned where you stand in the grand scheme of things," I said to her, my blood now boiling with anger.

"Ooo, what are you going to do Eliza? Take away my dildo?"

I couldn't take it any more. Rearing my hand back, I slapped Jamie viciously across the face, my hand leaving a red mark on her cheek almost instantly as she recoiled back in pain. I heard the other girls gasp behind me, but I didn't care. My adrenaline was pumping far too hard right now to be bothered with what the weaker girls thought.

Jamie turned her face back to me as her head snapped back. She had a snarl on her face - not one of contempt or even simple anger but rage. Pure and simple rage. For a moment, I hesitated in my anger, realizing for just a split second that Jamie was taller than me and that she had an advantage by being against the wall. This proved to be a costly mistake, for not even a second later, she lunged at me, shoving me backwards with her arms as I lost my footing and stumbled back against the jail cell door, the thick metal slamming into my back.

Recoiling in pain, it didn't take Jamie more than a moment to be on me again.

"Bitch? I'll show you a bitch!" she said, grabbing me by the hair and slinging me towards the bed and the other girls. I managed to catch myself before I hit, collapsing rather than slamming down onto it, my arms unsteady as I bent over it. Things seemed to be moving in slow motion now, for as I stood up from the bed, straightening myself, I was better prepared for Jamie as she threw an actual punch at me. Ducking it, I ran forward slightly and hit her in the stomach with my shoulder, driving her back against the cell wall.

Reaching down, she savagely grabbed my hair and lifted me up as she pulled my head away from her stomach, where I had been busy landing as many scratches and punches as possible on her. Tilting my head up, Jamie spit at me, her saliva hitting my cheek as I spun away from her, freeing my hair despite the pain. Spinning back, I pressed myself against her towards the wall, trying to get her arms over her head to immobilize her. But Jamie was a bit quicker and saw my tactic, instead reaching out her arm and pulling my dress down as she grabbed my breast firmly in her hand and twisted it slightly, causing me immediate pain.

Instinctively, my knee shot up and caught her in the stomach as she now placed both hands on my breasts and held onto them tightly, twisting them as I fought back the tears of pain she was causing me. The blow to her stomach caused Jamie to double over slightly and as I leaned hard against her, my weight finally pinning her to the wall as her hands held onto my tits as my dress sagged beneath them, I used my leg to part Jamie's legs. Through the material of her green dress, I quickly placed my hand over her cunt and pushed my fingers in hard, working them into her dry slit and causing her to cry out in pain and surprise.

My fingers buried in her and her hands on my breasts, we each inflicted pain on each other for a few more moments. I stared at Jamie and she stared right back as we reached a stalemate, neither one of us knowing what the other one would do. The decision was made for us a moment later however, as two cops burst in through the far jail door and ran down to our cell. Within a moment, they were on me, yanking me off hard as Jamie's fingers got the last word, clawing my breasts painfully as I was pulled off of her.

"Hey, woah ladies, stop that! Calm down!" the guards were yelling at us, one of the bigger ones holding my arms pinned behind my back as I struggled instinctively to get free. I finally stopped a minute or so later, catching my breath as Jamie looked at me over the shoulder of the cop, smirking.

"You two going to rip each other's throats out if we let you go, or no?" the one holding me said.

"No, we are fine officer," Jamie said smartly. "Isn't that right Eliza?"

I lunged at her again, but grunted "Yes" as the cop let go of my arms. Looking down at my breasts, I saw the red marks from Jamie's nails left distinct lines down them. Fixing my top, I turned my attention to the two cops.

"You ladies made bail. But don't think we won't just pick you up again if you decide to continue this outside," the big cop said.

"We won't officer, thank you," Jamie said again, playing the coy and innocent girl just to piss me off.

"Alright, well you are free to go,"

I made a motion to leave right after Jamie as she walked out the cell door, but the cop next to me put his meaty hand on my shoulder.

"Wait," he said in a nonplussed voice.

I waited, despite my instincts wanting to just lunge at Jamie and rip her clothes off right there, throwing her in with some of the other prisoners, as she left the cell, the other girls walking quickly behind her, their eyes not even looking at me.

The cop lifted his hand as Jamie made her way out of the hallway, the prisoners now yelling even louder than before at the parade of beautiful young women walking past their cells. I stepped out of the cell, shrugging the cop off as I followed them out.

Exiting the building, I was escorted the entire way, my exit slowed purposefully by the cops. It was a good thing in hindsight, because it gave me a few extra moments to calm down. At least until I got outside that is.

I opened the door to see Jessica climbing into a cab out front, her long legs disappearing inside as the girls crunched together in the back seat. Jamie was walking over to the front passenger door but looked up at me as I stood on the steps.

"Oh, don't worry about the girls Eliza, I'll take them to a good safe place for the night. Maybe you should do the same thing. You're chest looks a little red," Jamie said with a mocking laugh as I rushed down the steps towards her. Jamie paused outside the cab long enough to blow me a kiss with her hand before shutting the door quickly and telling the cab to go, it's wheels speeding away as I just reached it on the curb.

I watched them drive off, but strangely felt calm as they vanished into traffic. The loss of face in front of the girls was bad, no doubt, but there were more important things to deal with. Jamie could be taught a lesson - and would be taught one - later on. But right now, I had to figure out with the help of Hapsboro what exactly had happened to get them arrested in the first place.

That meant making a few calls and bribing a few people, but that didn't seem hard. Glancing down at my watch, I saw that it was late now - almost 2 in the morning. Better to deal with it tomorrow, I thought to myself as I walked to my car. Besides, I needed to go home and relax and I knew just the person to help me do that.


I walked into the grimy Western Union office about 10 blocks or so from the Strip. The place had certainly seen better days - the man behind the desk was behind a smudged and dirty looking bullet proof glass window and the lobby itself was in complete disrepair, smelling of homeless people and the cheap cologne of penniless gamblers, anxious to call home and get more to feed their addiction. A ceiling fan turned slowly above me, despite the cool weather of the desert outside.

I walked up to the window of the man behind the glass. He was a heavy set Arab man, leafing through a tattered and worn porno mag. He glanced up over it when he saw me. He sighed audibly and rocked back down onto his chair, setting the dirty magazine side to look at me from behind the even dirtier glass.


"Someone is going to be wiring me some money at this location, as soon as I find out which one it is," I said to him, my voice a little rushed.

"Alright, we are number 4252149. Is that all you need?" he said, his voice thick with accent and his eyes flicking back and forth from me to his magazine. I was obviously interrupting something important, though I shuddered to think of actually seeing him in the act.

"Can I use your phone?"

He again sighed, this time more of a grunt behind it for emphasis. He yawned and pointed to a sign up on the glass. As I read it, he recited it word for word.


"There's a phone in the corner if you are calling collect or have change, but if not then there isn't much I can do to help you,"

I looked at the sign, to him, then over my shoulder at the slimy looking beat up payphone in the corner. The walls around it were scuffed and dented, obviously from people slamming the receiver against it in frustration. I sighed as I walked over to it, picking up the receiver and wiping it off on my dress before dialing Alex.

The phone didn't even get through one full ring before he picked up.


"Yes Alex, it's me. Ok, I'm at Western Union. The store location is 4252149, here in Las Vegas. Now what do I do?"

"..149. Ok, got it. I will go down and wire you the money, there is a place about 15 minutes from here. Once it gets to you, take it and find a hotel and then call me. It's really damn late right now and I think I'm going to wait until closer to sun up to leave. I don't want to get lost in the desert, trying to drive at night. Are you ok with that? I mean, once you get in the hotel and all?" Alex asked.

"I think so. I'm not as nervous as I was, now that I've talked to you. But please...get here as soon as you can,"

"I will. Ok, I'm heading out the door now. Shouldn't be more than 30 minutes or so before the money gets to you," he said.

"Ok. Bye again Alex, I'll call you soon,"

"Bye Katherine. And remember, be careful,"

I hung up the phone and turned back towards the front window. The man was already absorbed in the porno again, his eyes wide and buggy as he studied the photos. I walked over to the window, but stopped a few feet short.

"My friend is going to wire me in the money in 30 minutes. Is it alright if I wait here?"

"Whatever," he said, not looking up but simply shrugging his shoulders.

I nodded and walked over near the payphone, to take a seat on an ancient looking wooden bench against the wall. There was an old, yellow stack of newspapers sitting on the dusty floor near the bench, but I decided not to bother with them. My face in my palms, I sat down on the bench with a creak and tried to calm down and relax.

I must have dozed off, because I was startled awake by the loud beeping of the wire machine behind the glass going off. The Arab guy was standing up, his considerable gut hanging over a pair of faded khaki pants as he handled the papers. He looked over at me and his eyes gave me the impression that this was indeed the money I was waiting for.

"Are you a Ms. Katherine Heigl?" he asked as I walked up to the window.

"Yes, I am,"

"Have an ID?"

I suddenly felt my heart jump in my throat as I realized that I didn't.

"I...I don't have it on me. See, I lost my purse and that's why..."

"Sorry, but unless you can prove who you say you are, I can't give you this money,"

I looked at him blankly for a second, trying to come to grips with what this meant. Without my ID, I was practically powerless. Suddenly, an idea dawned on me.

"Hang on just a second. You just need a photo ID right?"

"Yep," he said. I turned away and walked over to the bench, now rifling through the newspapers and the stack of magazines beneath. Working quickly, I pulled out what I wanted: an old copy of People from a few years back. It was a godsend that it was there, now I just hoped that what I had in mind would actually work.

Going over to the window, I flipped through it quickly. I knew I was in here somewhere...

"Ah! See, that's me!" I said to him, thrusting the magazine against the glass. He leaned in close to look at it. It was a picture of me from a premiere right around the time "Roswell" was still on the air. My hair was pulled back like I had it now and as he looked at it, I put on my best Hollywood smile, trying to match it up.

The man glanced from the magazine to me as I slid it down and handed it to him through the small hole in the glass. He took it in his hands and studied it once more. I stood there like a statue, posed in as close a way as possible to the photo in the magazine. Finally, he set it down and slid some papers back through the hole towards me.

"Whatever, close enough. Sign these," he said.

I signed the papers eagerly and handed them back to him in the hole. He waddled over a nearby safe and entered a code, taking out a stack of cash. All told, Alex had wired me $1000. Sliding it through the hole, he said in a bored voice: "Thank you for using Western Union, the fastest way to send money worldwide".

I smiled at him and walked out of the musty place, out into the quickly dropping temperatures of the desert and the somewhat more quiet streets of Las Vegas.

Hailing a cab, I took it over a few more blocks, having the driver drive around until I found a modest enough looking hotel. Tipping him, I stepped out of the cab and went inside. The hotel was small by Vegas standards, probably an 8 or 10 story building with balconies on the front of each room, looking out onto the city outside.

Far less time consuming was the process of actually renting the room. The place was quiet and the man behind the desk seemed a little too perked up by coffee to do things slowly. By this point however, I didn't really care. I was feeling exhausted from the whole day and was glad to know that it was soon to be over, that I would be safe in just a few minutes.

I took my room key and took the elevator to the top floor, where the room I rented under the name of "Isabel Evans", my character on "Roswell". Opening it, the pleasant cool air of a newly arrived in hotel room washing over me. I turned on the lights of the room and then locked the door with the deadbolt and chain and sat down on the bed, dialing Alex's number.

He again picked it up on the first ring and the conversation was much shorter this time, both of us I think exhausted from the day.

"I'm at the Desert Jewel, room 5616 on the top floor," I said to him as I kicked off my heels, my feet aching.

"Ok. I'll figure out directions on getting there, pack a few things and then leave. Hopefully I can get there by 6 or 7, depending on traffic and all that. Are you sure you are ok Katherine?"

"Yes, I'm fine, just very tired. Be careful driving here. If you see anyone following you, don't come here. I will find you later on today, alright?"

"Ok Katherine. Try to get some sleep. I'll knock three times when I'm at your door, so you know it's me," Alex said.

"Bye Alex. See you soon,"


The first single from my album was now playing in heavy rotation on many Top 40 stations, thanks in large part to Antamount paying the hefty promoters fees to get me a lot of airplay. They seemed to be putting their full backing behind me, which I felt oddly guilty about given that my first single, "A Lonely Love", was hardly the strongest song on the album. I had argued with them about this, but the top brass I was dealing with (unfortunately not Mr. Willis, but instead one of his lackeys) would have none of it.

So now, back in Los Angeles shooting the video for the song, I felt strange about the entire thing. So far, in less than a month and a half, I had went from playing coffee shops to being on TRL and finishing my album. The critic reviews were mixed, Antamount buying enough good press to make people curious about it, though some critics were hardly swayed and instead focused on the belief that only two or three of the 14 tracks I had laid down were actually any good.

I really didn't care though. I was loving the life, even though it was moving at a breakneck speed. Every night it seemed I was on the guest list for parties, hooking up with various stars of both the music industry and film to dance and drink and snort the night away.

Oh yeah, I guess I should mention that. Since receiving that package of coke from Antamount, I had wrestled with myself about what to do with it. Part of me was tempted to just chunk it, but the itch in my mind, which seemed to scream out whenever I thought about the drug, even now as I'm telling you this, told me not to. So, I had partaken a bit from the pile, doing a few lines during the day. You know, something to get me going before I went out to a party and then something to calm me down before I went to sleep. The high that the cocaine brought me, along with the mellow feeling of pot (if you thought cocaine was pervasive in Hollywood, you should try to imagine the quality and quantity of marijuana around) kept me in a constant dream like state but, unlike all those anti-drug ads you saw, I was still able to function totally fine. So what if I did a few bumps every now and then, before a performance or right before the encore? It was hardly a habit and was something I knew that I could leave behind if things got rough.

It felt great to be back in LA. I didn't really care much for New York, not so much because of the city itself but because of the still-around sort of hug that seemed to greet visitors following the whole terrorist attack thing. Most New Yorkers were pretty cool about it, even the top executives and music people, but sometimes when something would air on TV or someone would mention something in the news, they would all get this sort of vacant stare, looking off and thinking wistfully about it. Being a West Coast girl now, the entire effect was kind of creepy. Sure, I had my cocaine but at least I wasn't stuck in the past.

Sitting outside my trailer on a little folding chair, I shivered in the cool air of the early morning. The idea for the video was to have me standing in the surf of the beach, playing guitar as the waves crashed over me. For the full on symbolic effect, they were going to super impose a lighthouse behind me and some stock film footage to coincide with the song. That part hadn't been shot yet - today it was all about making the most of the daylight and getting the wave shots in. The surf was pretty strong and the director, Jonah something or other, wanted to make sure the waves were at their strongest when they filmed me. Reaching into my bag next to me, I fished around in it looking for my smokes. That was another thing I had guiltily picked up over this period. Where as before I had just had a smoke after sex with Alex, now I was full on hooked, not because I really wanted to be but because smoking was a great way to pass the time on set or before a show or whatever. The nicotine was rich and it gave my lungs a pleasant tickle that I knew was completely unhealthy but still enjoyable nevertheless.

Lighting the cigarette, I inhaled deeply as I leaned back in the chair, listening to the waves and the sounds of the crew getting set up. A few minutes passed and I became lost in my thoughts, thinking about some upcoming shows - I wasn't headlining yet, but Antamount kept telling me it was only a matter of time - when I heard some commotion at the edge of the set. Leaning forward, I listened to try and pick up what the voices were saying, but I couldn't quite make them out.

Standing up, I walked over towards the edge of where the set had been made and saw a group of people, many of which were from my set but quite a few faces I didn't recognize. Huddled towards the back, surrounded by 6 or 7 people was someone I couldn't make out, their small blonde head the only thing visible. Getting closer, I could hear what was now a heated discussion taking place.

"Look, we reserved this beach for the day. I'm sorry if it interferes with your plans, but we aren't leaving any time soon so just find somewhere else to shoot," one of the assistants said to an impatient woman wearing a sleeveless white blouse and a pair of dark designer sunglasses. She sighed heavily.

"I don't care what you did. We booked this spot months ago and we have a right to it. This is a private beach, don't make me call the owner," the woman snapped, now getting in the face of the assistant. Other members of my video's crew stepped up around him, in a symbolic gesture to back him up.

"How could you have reserved this months ago? She just told the press a little while back that she was taking a hiatus! Or was all this planned ahead of time and you have been lying to the media?" one of the camera men spat back at her. She didn't even flinch.

"I've had enough of this. I'm going to call the owner AND the police and get them down here to have you removed," she said, turning away.

Moving quickly into the throng of the crowd, I tapped one of the other assistants on the shoulder. He turned to face me.

"What's going on?"

He rolled his eyes. "Miss Teen Queen Britney Spears is claiming that they reserved this spot to shoot a video a while ago. They want us to shut down our production so they can film," he said in that slowly becoming familiar tone of snobby ness of LA entertainment people.

"Well, what are we going to do? Are we going to leave?" I said. I was surprised that Britney Spears was actually here, trying to mess up my video shoot. That would explain then the massive amount of people huddled off away from the confrontation.

"No way. Not unless the cops tell us to or if that bitch just gives up and finds somewhere else to shoot," he said.

The woman in the blouse turned sharply on her heel. "What did you call Britney?"

She stomped over to the man I had been talking to, his face immediately turning red.

"I..uh...what I meant was..."

"He called her a bitch. Which is the truth and you know it," I said to her, stepping up to the plate for the crew.

She glared at me. "Britney is not a bitch. In fact, she is a multi-platinum, multi-talented..."

I cut her off in mid sentence. "Hack. She's a talent less hack,"

This pissed the woman off further. By this time, I noticed that the crew that had been all around me had suddenly disappeared from sight. They had backed up and formed a circle around us, ready and waiting for us to duke it out verbally. I stood my ground, prepared for a vicious argument.

"Excuse me, Ms...what did you say you're name was?"


"Excuse me PETTY, the girl who is just getting into the business and has zero clout in the world, but Britney is not only far more talented than you will ever be but also more gifted and marketable. If it wasn't for Britney, blonde bitches like you would never have stood a chance in this industry," the woman said with a snarl, her lip curling up in the way of rich Daddy's girls.

I smiled at her forcefully, over emphasizing my grin. "Can she play an instrument?"

This caught her off guard. "What?"

"Can Britney play an instrument. You know, guitar, piano, that sort of thing?"

"Well, what Britney can and can't do is..."

"If she can't play anything," I said, cutting her off again. "Then you certainly can't claim that she is more talented than me, since I can play both,"

The woman fumed, stomping her feet hard into the sand of the beach.

"I've had enough of this. Go about your little shoot. In fact, stand right there. It will allow the cops easier access to arresting you for trespassing," she said to me, reaching into her purse for a cell phone.

The crowd had seemed poised to disperse, the confrontation having passed, when Britney Spears herself walked up towards me. Wearing a white mesh pull over that covered over the bikini she had on underneath, she walked towards us, standing next to the woman in the blouse.

I couldn't resist the chance to get an insult in for all the true music fans out there, the ones who were tired of manufactured pop taking over the airwaves.

"Well, if it isn't the little poser bitch herself," I said to Britney, smiling.

Britney looked at me blankly for a moment, her brow furrowing at my comment. She then reached her arm out to the woman in the blouse and pulled her arm down slowly, moving the phone away from her ear.

"It's ok Susy," Britney said. "Just let it go. We can shoot further down on the beach. I liked that little rocky incline down there any ways that we passed coming in,"

The woman in the blouse, Susy, held the phone by her side, her mouth agape in shock.

"But...but Britney...they are..."

"It's no big deal Susy. Really. I don't care,"

"I know but..."

"Just let it go," Britney said a little more forcefully this time, a look of determination on her face. Susy sighed again.

"Alright, whatever you want,"

"Thank you. Now, why don't you go take the crew down about 1 mile or so from where we came from and start looking for good shots there, alright?" Britney said, her voice taking on the tone of a mother giving her daughter directions.

"Yes Britney," Susy said, turning away from me, a pissed off look on her face.

The crew for my shoot stood around me still, not quite believing what had just happened. Britney now turned to them.

"You wanted this spot, now don't you have some things to do for the shoot?"

As if, again, receiving an order from their mother, the crew disbursed quickly, leaving just Britney and myself standing there, Susy guiding Britney's video crew away while my own scurried around behind me. In spite of myself, I too was shocked by Britney's demeanor.

"Um, thank you Britney," I said, hesitating with each word. It seemed as if she was going to lash out at me any minute. Instead though, she simply smiled that smile that had graced countless millions of CDs.

"Don't mention it. You know, that took a lot of balls to stand up to Susy like that. She takes any attack on me as a personal insult on her. Not many people would do what you did,"

I shrugged. "No offense, but it is the truth,"

Britney smiled at me. "Oh don't worry, I know that. I'm just riding this thing as long as I can. But even without taking Susy into account, I like you for standing up to me. Sometimes I get tired of yes men who just bow to my every whim. It's nice to hear from people who have real opinions every now and then,"

I tried to keep my jaw from falling to the ground. "So then you aren't mad?"

"Na. In fact, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out sometime today? Further down on the beach is a cove inlet sort of thing that is like, pretty private. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my music. Do you mind?" Britney asked.

"Sure, I guess. What time?" I said, not quite sure what to say. After all, what COULD I say in response to that?

"How's 4 sound for you?"

"Uh, 4's great I guess. I'll just take a break or something,"

"Cool. Well, it's about 2 beach miles down past where ya'll are setup," she said, pointing over my shoulder. "The rocks are a bit slippery so be careful,"

"I take it that you've been there before?"

"Oh yeah, totally. I DO take vacations sometimes you know,"

"Um, right," I said, still not believing that this had happened.

"So see you around four?"

"Sure," I said.

"Great. Talk to you later Petty," Britney said, turning away and walking quickly over to her bodyguards who had stood around and waited for her during this surreal exchange.

"Bye," I whispered to myself, watching her bikini clad ass swish and sway as it walked away.


I made Vegas just before the sun rose, having left my apartment around 4:30 or so. The sky was a brilliant mixture of reds, oranges and yellows as it crested over the horizon of the desert. Traffic was light once I got out of LA and then it was just a straight shot out to Vegas, a few lonely travelers making the trip back, many doubtlessly left without much more than memories when leaving Sin City.

Katherine's directions had been dead on, and I managed to find her hotel without too much trouble. I parked at the back of the lot, behind a row of mini-vans and SUVs, hoping my BMW looked somewhat inconspicuous amongst them, especially to the passer by. It wasn't that I was worried that Willis' people would know I was here - they wouldn't, at least I didn't think so. It was that when I left to bring Katherine to my car, THEN they might be out looking for her. We couldn't be too cautious.

Going up the elevator, I knocked three times like I told Katherine. I could hear her race to the door inside but once she got in, she still seemed hesitant to just fling it open. Pulling it open a crack, the chain was on the door as her pretty face peered out to look at me, relief washing over her when she saw that it was indeed me.

I stepped into the room and Katherine said nothing, instead choosing to embrace me tightly, her head wet from a shower against my chest. She still wore the clothes I had seen her leave in, but they looked dirty and stained from the entire hellish night that she had just been through.

Finally she spoke, lifting her chin up to look at me.

"I'm so glad you are here Alex," she whispered, our eyes locking. Even with all the drama having taken place, she looked beautiful in the dim light of the room and I let her know my feelings by planting my lips on hers, her mouth eager to devour my kiss. I held her in my embrace for a few moments, finally parting our lips as I half carried her further into the room. We sat down on the bed.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes, I think so. What I want to know though, is what went wrong? I know Eliza saw me but...do you think they picked her up too? That she is out there looking for me?"

"I don't know Katherine, I really don't. Are you sure it was the LVPD that took the rest of them away?"


"And you didn't see Eliza anywhere when you left?"

"No. Either she got away before they saw her or they picked her up, one or the other. I presumed that she was free though and that's why I started to panic a bit,"

"You had every right to," I said, clutching her hand tightly. "And now you are safe here. We can leave now if you want, head back to LA,"

Katherine stood up suddenly, turning away from me.

"No," she said. "I don't want to leave until I know what exactly is waiting for me back in Los Angeles,"

I didn't say anything for a moment, pondering her request.

"I want to know if they are out there, looking for me," Katherine said again, her voice distant and somewhat cold. She had been through a lot, getting the scare of her life and I suppose some sort of closure was in order.

"Well, you can't just call Eliza up and ask her," I said. "How else do you expect to find out? Listen Katherine, I think we are safe. You are safe. There is no need to get too paranoid right now because once we get in LA, you can lay low,"

She turned on me, her eyes aglow with anger. "And then what? Hide like an animal? No way Alex. I refuse to live the life of a fugitive,"

I sighed, trying to think of something that might help. After a moment or so, an idea dawned on me.

"We could call the police station," I said, watching Katherine's reaction as she stood over me, her hands on her hips, her eyes studying one of those generic paintings on the wall.

I pressed on. "We can call them, and ask if they picked up five girls tonight at a hotel. Tell them that we are reporters for a paper in LA and wanted to know if they really did pick up celebrities tonight on drug charges. If we ask them about five and then they tell us only four then we will know that Eliza wasn't one of them,"

Katherine sat back down again, her eyes filled with a pleading look as she stared at me.

"Do you think that will work Alex? Don't you think it will be a little obvious?"

"I think it will work," I said confidently, though truthfully I was anything but. "They won't know that we aren't who we say we are,"

Katherine bit on her lip for a moment, one of the little gestures she did when she was nervous.

"Ok, we can try it. But you call. I don't want them to know it was me,"

I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek for reassurance and then stood up, pulling the phone book out of the bedside table. Leafing through it's worn pages, I found the Las Vegas Police Department's number and marked it with my finger. Katherine reached over and lifted the phone to me, which I placed on the bed beside us. Lifting the receiver, I held it to our ears as I began to dial the numbers.

After two rings, a voice picked up.

"LVPD, Sergeant Wilks speaking,"

"Hi Sergeant, my name is Dave Barrack and I'm calling from the Los Angeles Times. I received word that tonight you picked up some celebrities in one of the hotels there and I was just calling to see if this was the case," I said in my best fake voice possible. Katherine listened intently to every word.

"I just got on shift, hang on. You said tonight?"

"That's right. I'm not sure how many there were, could you tell me that as well?"

"What names am I looking for?" he asked with a grunt, the sound of him leafing through paper clearly audible on the other end.

"Uh, well..." I said, looking at Katherine for help. She mouthed "Hudson" to me and I nodded.

"Hudson. Kate Hudson was supposed to be one of them,"

"Hudson...hudson..." he said, scanning the names. "Yep, a Kate Hudson was brought in late last night. Her and four other girls,"

Katherine breathed a sigh of relief at hearing this and I could tell she was overjoyed to know that Eliza had been picked up as well. The feeling however, was short lived.

"No, wait, my mistake, her and three other girls. Another woman came in and took them away after they were picked up and the officer on duty marked her name with a star which means...wait a minute, what did you say your name was?" he said, his voice suddenly turning into one of suspicion. Whatever he had just told me, he obviously wasn't supposed to be releasing.

"Hello? What is your name again boy?"

I looked at Katherine, her eyes wide with fear. I did the only thing I could think of - I slammed the phone down, the ring of the receiver echoing in the room. My heart was beating wildly in my chest as Katherine and I looked at each other, neither of us saying a word.

We jumped in unison when the phone rang, it's piercing noise cutting through both of us. I looked down at it and then picked up the receiver for a split second before slamming it back down again.

"Come on, we have to go," I said to her, standing up and taking her by the hand. Katherine gathered what little she had with her from the bed and we left the room hurriedly, leaving the key cards on the dresser in the room.

After an elevator ride that seemed to take forever, we walked at a clipped rate towards the exit, Katherine struggling to keep her balance on her high heels. Getting into my car, I tore out of the parking lot quickly as we avoided main roads and were soon back on Highway 1, going back to LA.

Neither one of us had spoken as we fled the hotel room, but once Las Vegas began to fade away from us, Katherine slumped down in the seat and began to speak.

"That didn't go like you thought it would, did it?"

I shook my head no, keeping my eyes on the road and the rearview, looking for tails.

"The cops probably traced the call back to the hotel room. Good thing I used a fake name at check in," Katherine said, her head low in the seat.

"They don't know it yet, but they will soon enough. Eliza obviously got the girls out of there, but what I want to know is if she did it with money or with influence. Because if it's influence, the already dirty Vegas police are now in on the game," I said tensely, my fingers gripping the steering wheel. I still had a rush of adrenaline and it wasn't letting my body relax in the slightest.

"What about Charlie? Do you think they know that he tipped the cops off?" Katherine asked.

I had forgotten about Charlie's role in this whole thing. He had managed to swing something with the cops enough to get the girls taken down to the station, but whatever little sway he had was erased by Willis' people.

"One way to find out," I said, spotting a gas station up ahead. The place looked deserted except for a beat up old white pickup which was more rust colored than it's original white. I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of the car, the heat of the day already enough to make you gasp as it hit you.

I glanced in the office of the station and saw a teenager sleeping, a bag of cheese doodles or something on his chest, his fingers orange from the snack. Deciding it was better not to wake him, I walked around back of the station and picked up the receiver of the pay phone, sliding in a few quarters so that I didn't get cut off in mid sentence.

Dialing Charlie's number at home, it took five rings before he picked up. I was just on the verge of hanging up in fact, when I heard him grumble into the mouth piece, his words half slurred from booze and being woken up.

"Hulllo?" he said.

"Charlie, it's Alex," I said, covering the mouth piece of the phone to keep the arid wind from blowing in.

"Who's Alex?" he replied.

"Katherine Heigl's friend. The one you helped out last night, remember?"

There was a long pause. "I did a lot of things last night Alex, but yeah, I think I remember that. What do you want?"

"You had your police friends pick up some girls for us and take them down to the station. Well, we appreciate that but they got out less than two hours after actually getting in. What we want to know is if you have heard anything from your contact or the people you know about this whole thing...we think you may be in some danger,"

"Shit Alex, I've been in danger all my life. This is a hell of a thing to wake a guy up with, you know? Well, no I haven't heard anything from them but I'll call today. I use the term 'police friend' pretty loosely but yeah, he's a buddy of mine I guess you could say. What is it exactly you want to know?"

"Who got them out, who else knows they were taken in and where they are now, if possible. Can you do that Charlie?"

"Jesus Alex, where are you? Sounds like a damn tornado is going on outside your head. Maybe it's my hangover though," he said, grumbling to himself.

"We are out in the desert, between Vegas and LA. We are heading back to town but we wanted to find out what you knew,"

"I don't know jack shit. That's why I'm still alive in this town. But yeah yeah, I'll get ya your information. You realize I only am doing this because your girl is one fine piece of ass, right?" Charlie said, laughing into the phone. "Charlie don't just stick his neck out for anyone,"

If that was supposed to be a compliment, it was certainly a backhanded one. I gritted my teeth and thanked him.

"Yes, thank you Charlie. Just be careful, I think we may have seriously stirred a hornet's nest here and your name will eventually be gotten back to. Should I call you later on? Say around 1 or so?"

"Na, na, I'll call you. Uh, I think I got Katherine's number here somewhere...yeah, it's in my black book. I'll call ya about your little detective work questions Alex, don't worry. Charlie will take care of you, you just take care of yourself,"

"Thanks Charlie. I'll expect you're call later on then,"

"Yep. Bye," he said, hanging up, the phone clearly not his favorite thing to use.

Walking back to the car, I started it up and pulled out of the gas station, the wind blowing a decent sized mound of sand in front of the door of the station, the teenage kid still sleeping. Pulling back onto the main road, we were headed back to LA, fresh and prepared to find out later on just what the hell we were up against.


I waited patiently in Willis' office, my legs crossed as I sat in one of his expensive leather chairs, picking off a loose thread from my gray Armani suit legs. Clearing my throat, I tried not to concentrate on the sounds coming from the bathroom.

Inside it, Willis was busy hacking up a storm. Though he presented a strong public image, especially to investors and at social events, I knew that Wilton Willis was anything but healthy. He had taken great lengths to protect his health, but only a few people knew of the truth. Of the cancer eating inside of him, of the secret chemo therapy trips and experimental drugs he was taking to try and cure it. He was a man who had emerged from nowhere to become wealthy and yet he had spent a large part of that wealth in fighting off the one thing none of us can avoid: death.

So, these morning rituals had become pretty routine by now, despite the grossness of it. I would come into his office around 9 or so, find him in his executive bathroom trying to stay as quiet as possible as he hacked up God knows what, then emerging from the bathroom a few minutes later, his face as white as his hair and his hands trembling. After a few minutes of course he would resume his normal fiery personality but in those first minutes of the business day, the great conqueror was as weak as a child.

Today was no exception, and now he stepped out of the bathroom, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he fixed his tie. He pretended that nothing had happened but I of course knew the truth.

"Good morning Gordon. What have you got for me today?" he said with a sigh as he sat down at his desk, leaning backwards with his hands folded across the chest of his rich navy blue pinstripe suit.

"Well sir, there is nothing today that is too pressing of an issue. It was actually last night that was a problem," I said, handing him a folder of documents. He opened them and began leafing through them, his eyes glancing up occasionally to look at me.

"Oh? How so?"

"The Rose Petals had an initiation in Las Vegas last night. Jessica Biel was the new member; a pretty sweet piece of ass if I remember her correctly. Any ways, something went really wrong and attention was drawn to the Petals and to our organization," I said.

"I hope Ms. Biel is ok. I know how they can sometimes get carried away with the drugs and all,"

"No no, everyone is physically ok. The problem is, some how the Las Vegas PD found out not only where the girls were but what they were doing. Jessica Biel, Kate Hudson, Jamie Pressley and Tara Reid were all arrested and taken down to the station on drug possession charges," I said tentatively, not quite sure how he would react.

Willis stopped rocking in his chair and folded the file closed. He looked at me, his cold blue eyes alert and alive, despite the obvious evidence leading to the contrary that I had witnessed earlier.

"Are they still being held?" he said, his voice flat.

"No sir. We used our connections with the LVPD and they were free without incident. This certainly will cost the organization not only monetarily but also politically I believe. Thankfully, word of this did not get out to the press," I said.

"Money is not a problem. What concerns me though, is the exposure. They may be out, but there is at least two or three cops that know they were there. People only stay loyal to their masters for as long as it suits them. If we get some Joe Hero in there who decides to..."

I cut him off, raising my hand up. "Sir, that won't be a problem. All the officers involved were already on our payroll. We have upped their take substantially, so they will remain loyal for the time being,"

"And what about witnesses? Please don't tell me that they paraded the girls around town,"

"No sir. They picked them up at the Mirage and they led them down quickly and quietly through without a problem. The hotel staff I checked out last night, all of them seem to have different stories about what they saw, which rules them out as material witnesses,"

Willis relaxed in his chair. "Then this is a solved problem. Good work Gordon,"

I inhaled sharply. "Well, not exactly. The situation is a bit more complicated than that,"

Willis ran his hand through his hair, closing his eyes as he did so.

"Please explain Gordon, I just love getting dangerous news first thing in the morning,"

"Well sir, Eliza was supposed to attend the initiation, but she was late. She arrived just as the girls were being led away. Thankfully, the police did not take her in along with the others. The trouble is, Katherine Heigl, a newly brought in member, was also at the initiation,"

"And I take it that since this is the first time you mentioned her, she too was not taken into custody?"

"That's right sir. From what I gather, she was outside of the room just minutes before the police came in and took them away. Eliza saw her standing at the opposite end of the hall of the floor, watching the same thing as she was. When the police had left however, Katherine was gone,"

"Perhaps she was spooked by the whole thing and decided to wisely flee?"

"That is a possibility, but I don't believe that was the case. The situation doesn't seem quite right: she told the rest of the women that she was going to get some ice down the hall, only a minute or two before the police arrived. I believe that she had some role in this incident and knew what was going to happen and because of this, was careful to stay out of the way,"

"Hmm...and where is Ms. Heigl now?"

"We don't know sir. We have people looking for her actively, so I am sure she will turn up,"

Willis tapped his finger to his lips, thinking.

"Alright, well here is what we do. It seems that the incident has been contained for the most part, but the loose thread of Heigl disturbs me. Find her and then I would like you personally to question her, see what she says,"

"Yes sir. Shall we expel her from the Rose Petals?"

"No, not quite yet. Perhaps Ms. Heigl really did get lucky in avoiding arrest. But until we know for sure, I do not want her harmed or any information about what else has happened told to her, if we can avoid it. Find out who she has been in contact with in the past few weeks inside the organization and start climbing the ladder up that way. Regardless of her role however, I do believe that she should be scolded in some way. I'm sure that you can come up with something fitting for the crime, am I correct?"

"Yes sir. I will consult Salma later today and find out what she feels is best. Of course, I will report all of this back to you as soon as possible,"

"Good good. Is that all Gordon?"

"Yes sir, I believe so," I said, standing to leave.

"Excellent. You are a good man Gordon and I trust you to resolve this issue. But I can not stress enough that this problem needs to be solved in as quickly a manner as possible,"

"I understand sir. And it will, don't worry,"

"I know. Alright Gordon, I have some calls to make. Be sure to inform me later on today,"

"Yes sir," I said, walking out of the office. I shut the door behind me and paused in the middle of the hall. Wherever you are Katherine Heigl, we will find you and indeed solve this problem.


"Honey, I'm home!" I called down the hallway of my apartment as I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me.

A few yards in front of me, I saw a blond head pop out from around the corner, a wide grin on her cherub face.

"I'm making pancakes," she giggled, disappearing back into the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile myself as I set my bag down on the floor by the door. Kicking off my high heels, I walked into the kitchen barefoot, sighing to myself that the long night was over.

I had driven back to LA after leaving the police station, still fuming over Jamie showing me up in the cell and in front of the girls. The Mistress would certainly hear of this, I had thought to myself as I drove, but as the miles passed, my anger had eased. More than anything, I was simply upset that I hadn't gotten to complete all the rituals that for me had been the best part of being in the Rose Petals. Now however, I was home and would certainly be able to relieve my tension, assuming I could get through a plate of burnt waffles first.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Kirsten Dunst standing there over the stove, humming to herself as she stirred the batter. She wore a pair of white cotton panties, some socks and a long men's shirt over her small, supple frame and though the smell of the pancakes was certainly inviting, the sight of her ass bouncing up and down as she sang to herself brought out within me a different kind of hunger.

Kirsten had been what I would call an "easy convert" into the Rose Petals. I had just achieved second rank status when I was filming "Bring It On" with her and was eager to bring in a new member. Kirsten was the perfect fit - her naive nature and yet her willingness to just have fun with people had made me lick my lips in anticipation of her initiation. It had gone over without much incident, Kirsten proving to be a far superior lover than I would have thought. She was everything that you would expect from a lover: gentle, eager to please and return any sexual favor and oh so gorgeous, especially when she stretched her body out, her full breasts fascinating things to behold while you were making love.

Since that first weekend a few years back, Kirsten and I had taken to hanging out. I knew that playing favorites was frowned upon in the organization, but the Mistress was willing to overlook that as long as Kirsten was made available for anyone else. That was a compromise I was willing to live with and as such, we had been pretty much inseparable (and insatiable) whenever our schedules allowed. Kirsten must have come over last night and, figuring that I was at an initiation, just stayed the night. The thought of her entertaining herself on my bed with my wide variety of toys was enough now to make my skin grow hot and my lust to reach the soaring levels of heat found only perhaps in that skillet of hers.

Moving behind her, I reached my hand down slowly and gave her ass a quick little pinch, startling her. Kirsten giggled in surprise and turned around to face me, her batter dripping spatula in her hand for self defense.

"Hiya!" she said, smiling at me. I felt suddenly refreshed just being in her presence and, rather than reply, simply leaned in and kissed her. Her lips parted willingly as I pressed my now very horny body against her, moving her back against the stove as I wrapped my hands around her waist. Our tongues danced with each other, the familiar taste of each other's mouth still surprisingly arousing enough to turn both of us on.

"Hi," I said finally, breaking the kiss. "How's my little Kiki?"

"She's fine. Although she wishes that you wouldn't dry hump her while she was leaning back against a hot stove," Kirsten said with a sly grin.

"Oh yes, sorry about that," I said, stepping back from her but keeping my arms wrapped around her waist as I pulled her closer to me. "We wouldn't want you getting too hot,"

"Here, taste this and tell me how it is," she said, shoving the spatula in my face. I slid my tongue out seductively and lapped up the creamy batter, swallowing it. It wasn't quite ready to be eaten - a few more minutes perhaps - but it certainly tasted good. Though Kirsten's cooking skills were sub par, I still enjoyed tasting anything she made.

"MMm...not too bad. I'm starving, so whenever it's ready just let me know. Or do we have time for a little fun first?" I said, leaning my head down to kiss her soft neck. Kirsten sighed and giggled as I lavished her with kisses, enjoying the sweet taste of her skin almost as much as the batter of the pancakes.

She slapped at my face playfully. "No, not right now. Let me finish cooking these and then I'll be all yours," she said as I lifted my face away, still holding her tight to me. "You're awful frisky this morning. Just couldn't get enough last night I guess huh?"

I sighed. "No, things didn't go very well. I don't really want to talk about it - I hate bringing my work home, if you know what I mean,"

Kirsten frowned. "What, because I'm not a high enough ranked Petal I can't hear about it?"

I smiled at her weakly, trying to make less of what was exactly the issue "Fraid not sweetie,"

Kirsten pouted. "I don't see why you have all these stupid rules. I mean, I'm sleeping with - on a regular basis mind you - the second highest member, and you can't tell me about you're night? Who made up all this procedure any ways. Isn't the whole thing supposed to be fun?"

I slid my hands down to her ass, teasing her supple cheeks in my fingers. God did she feel good. Hopefully my attention to her ass would take her mind off things.

"Yes, the Rose Petals is about fun. But we have to have rules too. Especially to keep the organization a secret. You wouldn't want the world finding out that you munch rug now would you?"

"No, I guess not. But I mean...it's all so formal. I say fuck that, let's just screw each other and keep it a secret.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek, letting go of her waist. "You have a lot to learn young one," I said. "Oh yeah, and you're pancakes are burning,"

Kirsten turned to the stove comically, a wide eyed expression on her face.

"Oh shit!" she said, digging her spatula in to try and stop the burning batter. Experience told me that it was too late - I would inevitably be eating burnt pancakes yet again.

"I'm going to go change," I called to her as I walked down the hall. "Want me to dial 9, 1 and then wait for the last 1? The fire department is right around the corner," I said with a grin.

"Ack! It's burning! What? No no, it's fine, don't worry," she called to me, a bit of panic in her voice.

I shook my head and walked into the bedroom, sliding my dress off. Heading for my closet, I took out a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants and, discarding my bra and panties, climbed into the soft clothes. Just changing outfits was enough to make you feel better, especially after a long night.

Heading back into the kitchen, I saw that Kirsten had dished up the slightly burnt pancakes and was busy pouring syrup on her own plate. Sitting down in my chair, I waited for her to finish with it. She handed it to me sheepishly.

"I guess I burned them. But don't worry, enough syrup and they will be fine," she said with a slight shrug, embarrassed at her lack of cooking. I thrust my fork into them and took a bite. Not too bad this time.

After we ate, and while Kirsten and I put away the dishes, I found myself feeling much more energized than I had thought. I wanted desperately to tell Kirsten what was going on, but like any good secret society member, I had to keep it a secret. Once it was resolved though, I'm sure there would be no harm in telling her, even though I was already planning on leaving the part about Jamie out.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice as I set a dish down on the counter edge, only to bump into a moment later and knock it to the floor.

"Fuck!" I yelled in frustration as it hit the floor and shattered into a million pieces.

Kirsten looked down at the broken plate, then at me.

"Calm down, it's just a dish," she said, trying to coax me.

"Argh! I know but...I'm such a klutz sometimes," I muttered to myself, frustration and lack of sleep starting to take a toll on my mood.

"Hey hey, it's okay babe. Really. It's just a broken dish," Kirsten said, leaning into me, careful to avoid the broken plate. "I still love you anyways,"

I looked up at her in surprise: this was the first time she had ever said she loved me.

"You love me?" I asked, startled by her admission.

"Uh huh," she whispered, her mouth close to my own as she spoke. "Do you love me?"

I was taken aback by the comment. I certainly had feelings for Kirsten, that was without doubt. But I had never thought of it as love before. Thinking more about it now as I felt her hot breath on my lips, I realized that what we had really was love.

"Yes, I think I do,"

"Good," Kirsten whispered again, her lips now against my own as she kissed me softly. "Now come on, let's get you out of those oh-so-sexy clothes and I'll show you how much I REALLY love you. Does that sound good?"

"It does indeed," I said, smiling at her. Kirsten took my hand and led me carefully away from the broken plate, out of the kitchen. As our feet touched carpet, I could somehow feel the electric energy running through her body. She broke into a sort of gallop, pulling me along as she giggled like a little girl towards the bedroom.

Stepping into the doorway, Kirsten stopped suddenly and swung me around backwards, almost knocking me off my feet. I staggered backwards onto the bed, propping myself up as I balanced on the edge.

Sauntering sexily, Kirsten moved towards me like a cat, her hips swaying as she stood in front of me. Leaning down, she kissed me, placing her small hands on my firm tits, massaging and squeezing them tightly in her hands as she rolled them around on my chest. I moaned into her mouth as we broke the kiss, my body still propped up against the bed. Kirsten towered over me, her hands still on my breasts. Sliding her fingers slowly down my stomach, she reached down and lifted my shirt upward, pulling it up and over my head as I shook my hair free.

The cool air of the room made my nipples tingle, my body already responding to Kirsten's touches. Hooking her thumbs into the top of my pajama pants, she smiled wickedly at me in a cocky grin, pulling them down suddenly to expose my pussy to her. Kirsten placed her hands on my hips and slowly slid her open fingers down over my pubic bone until her thumbs were playing with my crinkly black pubic hair. I had shaved it down to a small patch to make it more manageable for last night, but even though that had never taken place, I still felt very aroused and turned on by Kirsten's slight touching.

Dropping to her knees, she placed her hands on my pussy as I adjusted my ass on the bed. Her thumbs against my outer lips, my juices already flowing and just begging for a release, she parted my cunt lips to expose the pink to her face, now just a few inches from her luscious, full lips.

Kirsten lowered her head to my pussy, her warm breath tingling my exposed flesh and slid her tongue outward, tasting my initial juices with her soft, pert tongue. She completed one full lick and, looking up at me as if for encouragement (my eyes must have given her what she wanted), she again placed her mouth on my cunt and began to slowly worm her tongue inside of me.

As her tongue slid over my aroused clit, I moaned in pleasure and threw my head back, letting my hair touch the bed as my tits thrust out towards the heavens. Kirsten had a firm grip on my thighs now and was wasting no time in lapping at me, tasting my juices. The lewd sound of her sucking and swallowing was quite arousing to me, glancing down to see the cute all American girl tearing into my cunt like a woman possessed. Her blonde head bobbed and moved sideways as she sucked on my outer lips, her tongue busy worming it's way inside of me.

I was a sucker for Kirsten's mouth and with all the tension I had built up in the past few hours, it wasn't long before I felt my insides start to convulse a little, Kirsten's tasting of my pussy making me cum almost immediately. With a sharp cry, I thrusted my hips forward towards her mouth and orgasmed, releasing a long overdue dose of cum and juices onto her face and waiting mouth. Kirsten licked and swallowed it all down as I panted in pleasure, the feeling of the orgasm making me feel like a whole new person. I continued to buck at her face with my hips until my orgasm subsided, Kirsten's face a sticky mess of my juice and womanly fluids.

Gasping for air, I lifted my head back up and scooted further on the bed as Kirsten stood up, licking at her lips seductively like a cat, making sure to get every drop of my cum from her face.

"That was just a warm up. Wait till you see what else I have in store," Kirsten said, her voice husky from her arousal.

I laid back on the bed, propped up by my elbows as Kirsten began to sway and move to a hidden beat, her hands rubbing up and down across her body as she slowly danced for me. Turning around slowly, Kirsten bent over slightly to give me a full view of her tiny ass, the cheeks soft and firm and oh so delicious looking through her cotton panties.

Kirsten looked over her shoulder at me, a stray lock of hair covering her left eye as she smiled at me - not a smile of affection necessarily, but one of lust, pure and unbridled. Reaching down, she slowly wiggled her panties off, bending down fully now to give me a full view of her ass and cunt, her pussy lips parted slightly in anticipation as she looked at me through her legs. Sliding her hands up from her ankles, Kirsten slowly stood back up, the shirt she was wearing now covering her nether region.

Turning to face me now, Kirsten reached down to the bottom of the shirt and pulled it upward, lifting it over her head as she too shook her hair free. I gasped in surprise.

"Do you like it?" Kirsten asked. "I wanted to show you last night but you weren't here,"

My eyes were wide as I stared at her naked body. Besides her perfectly formed and shapely body and breasts (her pink nipples had always been a favorite of mine, and her wet t-shirt scene in "Spiderman" had been an image I simply could not get over, even when I had the real thing in front of me), as I looked at her body in full, what had surprised me was what was between her legs. Nothing. Or perhaps that is to say, there was SOMETHING but there was only her swollen red pussy lips and the slight parting of her cunt. Kirsten had shaved her pussy bare.

Though I felt like my mouth wouldn't work, I managed to get out the words "I love it," before Kirsten was atop me, jumping onto the bed and almost crushing me with her body and firm breasts. Our nipples touched as she lay against me, the fullness of her tits against my hard nipples creating an insane amount of heat through my body. We were close to the same height, and Kirsten used this very much to her advantage, rubbing her bare and shaved pussy against my own, her hot sex mingling with the juices from the orgasm she had just induced in me.

I put my hands against her face and pulled her in for a kiss as Kirsten continued to grind herself against me, getting both of us very turned on and excited.

"Would you like a taste?" Kirsten said to me as our lips parted reluctantly. I could only nod in acknowledgement as Kirsten sat up and slowly moved on her knees up my body until her pussy lips were directly over my face. Reaching her hand down, she stroked my hair as I licked my lips in anticipation.

Kirsten slowly lowered herself onto my mouth, my tongue poised in the back of my mouth, ready to give her a lick. As I felt the warm wetness of her sex on my lips, I couldn't hold back any longer and thrust my tongue into her like a cock, her juices coating my tongue like warm, sweet syrup immediately. Kirsten settled in on my face and let me go to work, which I was more than happy to do. My fingers against her cunt lips, I pried them open gently to give myself a great view of her now completely hairless snatch. A drop of sweat had accumulated on the edge of one of her lips and I removed my tongue from inside of her long enough to suck it in quickly, the salty mixing with the sweet.

Her lips still parted, I moved my hand towards her cunt and worked two fingers into her slowly. Kirsten sighed in pleasure as my fingers found her hot nether regions, the silky smooth walls of her cunt soft beneath my touch. I stroked my fingers in and out of her, twisting and pulling them along inside of her as my tongue pushed into her again. Squirming slightly on my face at the feeling of so much attention being paid to her cunt, Kirsten moved her hand down towards her opening and began to rub her clit with two fingers while I fucked her with my mouth.

Lifting my head from the bed, I pressed my lips hard against her and sucked down all of her juices, pulling her gentle sex into my mouth as I lapped at her, my tongue moving erratically inside of her like a live wire. Leaning backwards, Kirsten kept her pussy on my mouth (I'd have to kill her if she moved it!) and placed an arm down to steady herself on the bed. She pulled her sticky and wet fingers from her clit and moved them up to her breasts, my eyes watching with lust as she shut her eyes and played with her perfect breasts, feeling the globes up and down as she ran her fingers lightly over her nipples. The pink nubs jutted outward from her breasts as the sunlight from the early morning beamed in on us from the blinds of the window, giving Kirsten's already cherubic face a more appropriate angelic glow.

I slid my fingers around inside of her more, then slowly began to inch them towards her aroused and protruding clit, the hard little pleasure button a rich shade of red just begging to be sucked. Sliding my finger up under it, I pushed it outward gently as I placed my tongue atop of it, coating it with my saliva. My tongue glided up and down over it, causing Kirsten to shudder and moan softly from her slightly parted lips.

She lay back on me now almost completely, only an elbow to prop herself up. Pulling her arm back over her head, Kirsten placed her small, nimble fingers against my own now sopping pussy, stroking the crinkly hair with her fingers as she ran her palm over my cunt absently, lost in her own world of pleasure and yet still able to be a considerate enough lover to make sure I felt good as well.

Kirsten's fingers touched my clit, and this was like the starting of an engine inside of me. Grabbing onto her hips, I hated to see her fingers leave my sex but I just had to have a taste of as much of her pussy as possible. Pulling her upwards from her lazy relaxation against me, she wobbled a bit atop my shoulders as I lay there, fucking her with my tongue and fingers. Kirsten's breasts swayed as her blonde hair hung in front of her face, her cheeks flushed and red with excitement.

I pistoned my fingers and tongue out of her rapidly, pushing the tips of my hand in hard and fast while my tongue continued to lather and taste her clit, my top lip brushing across it as I held my mouth over her sex. I was fucking her with no abandon now, using my tongue and fingers as a cock. In fact, an idea hit me just as Kirsten was approaching orgasm.

"Eliza...I...I'm...OOOOHHHHHSSSSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTT...I'MMMMMMM CUMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Kirsten yelled as I felt her pussy spasm wildly, her sweet, lush juices now coming out of her quickly. Her body tensed up as the orgasm arrived but my tongue was relentless, batting her clit around like a punching bag, her juices flooding my mouth.

Slowly, and with great effort to maintain her balance, Kirsten's orgasm began to subside after what had to have been a good 30 seconds. I pulled my mouth away, my lips and tongue sore from licking her but loving every minute of it. Finally, Kirsten was worn out from the mind blowing orgasm she had just had and she fell over sideways on the bed, her thighs laying across the bottom of my shoulders, just above my own heaving breasts.

I sat up from the bed, rolling over onto my side to look at Kirsten, who was on her back, her hands playing with her nipples as she caught her breath. Leaning in close to her ear, I whispered "I'll be right back," and then slowly slid off of the bed. Kirsten's eyes opened and she turned over on the bed so that she lay on her stomach, her cute ass swaying back and forth as she bobbed her legs on the bed, watching me like an innocent little girl.

Walking over to the closet on slightly wobbly legs, I dug around for a moment and emerged with what I wanted. Turning around quickly, I held it out to Kirsten like a prize catch, causing her to giggle with excitement.

I slid back onto the bed and placed the toy between us. Kirsten sat up and looked at the toy, a double sided 15 inch long jet black dildo I had picked out and saved for only special occasions. This wasn't even for Rose Petal use, but strictly for me and my lovers.

Kirsten obediently parted her legs and I did the same, our thighs resting on top of one another. She watched with awe as I positioned the toy between us both and then slowly slid one end towards her on the bed. There was more than enough space for both of us to sit there, but it was important to me that Kirsten receive the first bit of pleasure from the dildo.

Her pussy lips parted wide as I pressed the rubber tip into her cunt, her well juiced sex opening easily as the head disappeared inside of her. I looked up at Kirsten, who was breathing through her mouth in excitement.

"You're turn," she said, running her hand from where the toy protruded from her pussy towards the opposite end, the wide head poised and ready for entry. I scooted my ass on the bed towards it, waiting with extreme excitement as she slowly pushed the end into me.

My hips bucked just a bit involuntarily as I felt the warm rubber of it slide into my own lips, like a good hard cock would. Kirsten was methodical about placing it, making sure that the shaft of the toy, when inserted fully, would rub along my clit wonderfully. Now it was her turn to look up at me.

Our eyes locked for a moment before I leaned in and kissed her. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I placed my mouth against her ear again.

"1...2...3!" I said to her and then thrust my own hips forward while pulling her closer towards me.

The effect of course was that as we grew closer to each other, the toy parted our lips fully and slid into each of us as far as it would go. I continued to pull on Kirsten, not letting her go as inch by inch the dildo filled both of us up.

If one could freeze time for a moment, the second in which both Kirsten and I were penetrated by the sex toy would certainly be one of those I would like to freeze. Time in fact seemed to slow down as our bodies slid along the bed into each other and we were each filled with over 7 inches of hard rubber in our cunts. I gasped in pleasure as I felt the long toy slide into me, stretching out my pussy lips and reaching into my inner most depths. Kirsten too was lost in the wave of pleasure, her clit stimulated as the toy grinded over it and into her fully, her smaller body having to flex greatly to take it all in.

I let out a huge sigh of air as I felt Kirsten's cunt push against my own, her freshly shaved snatch bumping against my own, sparsely covered with hair twat. Our thighs pressed against one another as we stretched our legs out, each of us impaling ourselves purposefully on the toy. My mouth open, panting, I looked down to see barely an inch of the once massive toy visible now, the rest inside of us. Pushing back gently on the bed, I watched transfixed as a few inches slowly left my body, but not before it was coated with my juices. Thrusting onto it hard now, I let more of the dildo press into me as I used my weight to force the majority into Kirsten.

She reached her arms out and wrapped them around my shoulders for support, her nails dragging along my smooth back as I used the dildo to fuck her, getting rid now of that last inch. Kirsten's eyes were wide in surprise and shock, but I could make out the dull glow of lust still burning strong behind them. I rested my head on her shoulder as Kirsten leveraged herself against me, bouncing her hips forward as she fucked herself silly with the toy.

Licking my lips, I couldn't resist the urge to slide my tongue out along her breast, coating the firm, warm orb with my tongue as I licked downward towards her nipple. Lifting her left breast with my hand, I greedily pulled her tit into my mouth, sucking hard on the nipple like an infant. Kirsten groaned in pleasure as I devoured her mound of flesh with my mouth, my lips and teeth grazing over her hard pink nipple.

Now it was Kirsten who pulled back from the toy a bit, but only for a moment. Rocking her hips forward, Kirsten pushed the toy into me with just the muscles of her pussy, the pleasant sensation of fullness filling me up as I felt the end of the dildo press against my cervix wall. I clamped my cunt muscles down hard on the toy, squeezing it as hard as I could, enjoying the pleasant tension it created inside of me.

I moved my hand down to the only part of the 15 inch monster that was not currently filling up a girl cunt and wrapped my fingers around it like a cock. I was surprised however, to find Kirsten's hand already there. Placing my own over hers, I gently held her fingers as I moved the toy back and forth within us, our hands keeping the rhythm of our fucking going as we vied for the pleasure that the rubber could bring.

We alternated, back and forth, thrusting in and out of each other - at first we went slow, gentle and caring as we enjoyed every minut sensation that the dildo brought out, from the hard rubber itself to the warm wetness of it's end that allowed for easy access into our pussies. Gradually, as our hips began to move in time with one another, we began to go faster and faster, my ass bouncing on the bed just enough to make the toy move and swerve around inside of Kirsten. She was determined however, to bring me to orgasm first, something that my lust racked mind had no problem in conceding.

Kirsten wrapped her legs tightly around my waist, loosening up the slack that had formed between us as we fucked one another. Kirsten's clamping of her thighs gave her far more force as she thrust into me, and my pussy quickly lost the battle to her as she began to fuck me harder and harder.

"Oh yeah Kirsten! MMMmmmm baby, that's it, fuck my cunt!" I grunted into her chest, my voice barely audible over our panting gasps. Kirsten's face had tightened up with determination as she fucked me and as I felt the toy probe hard into my deepest nether regions, my clit afire with pleasure, I could feel a very strong orgasm approaching.

Kirsten continued to fuck me as hard as she could without any let up, but it was just too much for me to take. My inner walls spasmed and I came onto the toy, my juices spilling out from within me as they coated my half of the dildo, my chest trembling as I released a flood of cum onto it and the bed. I pinched my nipples hard with my one free hand, the slight pain only bringing me to new heights of bliss. I continued to cum for a long while, so long in fact that just when I thought the orgasm had crested, I was racked with a new wave that was stronger than the last.

Her weight now controlling things, Kirsten gripped the toy tightly and leaned into me, knocking over my already weakened body as she sawed the toy in and out of my gaping pussy, wearing herself out finally just as my orgasm began to subside. Her strokes grew slower, softer and finally she came to a stop, the toy still buried within us.

Leaning over me, Kirsten bent her sweaty face down and kissed me. I licked along her bottom lip, biting it slightly with my teeth as I nibbled on her mouth, tasting her sweat and the slight after taste of my own juices on her lips. Breaking the kiss a good 30 seconds later, the last of the heated fluids in her mouth drunken down by me, I slowly sat up on the bed, careful to keep my end of the toy into me.

I looked up at her in surprise: this was the first time she had ever said she loved me.

"You love me?" I asked, startled by her admission.

"Uh huh," she whispered, her mouth close to my own as she spoke. "Do you love me?"

I was taken aback by the comment. I certainly had feelings for Kirsten, that was without doubt. But I had never thought of it as love before. Thinking more about it now as I felt her hot breath on my lips, I realized that what we had really was love.

"Yes, I think I do,"

"Good," Kirsten whispered again, her lips now against my own as she kissed me softly. "Now come on, let's get you out of those oh-so-sexy clothes and I'll show you how much I REALLY love you. Does that sound good?"

"It does indeed," I said, smiling at her. Kirsten took my hand and led me carefully away from the broken plate, out of the kitchen. As our feet touched carpet, I could somehow feel the electric energy running through her body. She broke into a sort of gallop, pulling me along as she giggled like a little girl towards the bedroom.

Stepping into the doorway, Kirsten stopped suddenly and swung me around backwards, almost knocking me off my feet. I staggered backwards onto the bed, propping myself up as I balanced on the edge.

Sauntering sexily, Kirsten moved towards me like a cat, her hips swaying as she stood in front of me. Leaning down, she kissed me, placing her small hands on my firm tits, massaging and squeezing them tightly in her hands as she rolled them around on my chest. I moaned into her mouth as we broke the kiss, my body still propped up against the bed. Kirsten towered over me, her hands still on my breasts. Sliding her fingers slowly down my stomach, she reached down and lifted my shirt upward, pulling it up and over my head as I shook my hair free.

The cool air of the room made my nipples tingle, my body already responding to Kirsten's touches. Hooking her thumbs into the top of my pajama pants, she smiled wickedly at me in a cocky grin, pulling them down suddenly to expose my pussy to her. Kirsten placed her hands on my hips and slowly slid her open fingers down over my pubic bone until her thumbs were playing with my crinkly black pubic hair. I had shaved it down to a small patch to make it more manageable for last night, but even though that had never taken place, I still felt very aroused and turned on by Kirsten's slight touching.

Dropping to her knees, she placed her hands on my pussy as I adjusted my ass on the bed. Her thumbs against my outer lips, my juices already flowing and just begging for a release, she parted my cunt lips to expose the pink to her face, now just a few inches from her luscious, full lips.

Kirsten lowered her head to my pussy, her warm breath tingling my exposed flesh and slid her tongue outward, tasting my initial juices with her soft, pert tongue. She completed one full lick and, looking up at me as if for encouragement (my eyes must have given her what she wanted), she again placed her mouth on my cunt and began to slowly worm her tongue inside of me.

As her tongue slid over my aroused clit, I moaned in pleasure and threw my head back, letting my hair touch the bed as my tits thrust out towards the heavens. Kirsten had a firm grip on my thighs now and was wasting no time in lapping at me, tasting my juices. The lewd sound of her sucking and swallowing was quite arousing to me, glancing down to see the cute all American girl tearing into my cunt like a woman possessed. Her blonde head bobbed and moved sideways as she sucked on my outer lips, her tongue busy worming it's way inside of me.

I was a sucker for Kirsten's mouth and with all the tension I had built up in the past few hours, it wasn't long before I felt my insides start to convulse a little, Kirsten's tasting of my pussy making me cum almost immediately. With a sharp cry, I thrusted my hips forward towards her mouth and orgasmed, releasing a long overdue dose of cum and juices onto her face and waiting mouth. Kirsten licked and swallowed it all down as I panted in pleasure, the feeling of the orgasm making me feel like a whole new person. I continued to buck at her face with my hips until my orgasm subsided, Kirsten's face a sticky mess of my juice and womanly fluids.

Gasping for air, I lifted my head back up and scooted further on the bed as Kirsten stood up, licking at her lips seductively like a cat, making sure to get every drop of my cum from her face.

"That was just a warm up. Wait till you see what else I have in store," Kirsten said, her voice husky from her arousal.

I laid back on the bed, propped up by my elbows as Kirsten began to sway and move to a hidden beat, her hands rubbing up and down across her body as she slowly danced for me. Turning around slowly, Kirsten bent over slightly to give me a full view of her tiny ass, the cheeks soft and firm and oh so delicious looking through her cotton panties.

Kirsten looked over her shoulder at me, a stray lock of hair covering her left eye as she smiled at me - not a smile of affection necessarily, but one of lust, pure and unbridled. Reaching down, she slowly wiggled her panties off, bending down fully now to give me a full view of her ass and cunt, her pussy lips parted slightly in anticipation as she looked at me through her legs. Sliding her hands up from her ankles, Kirsten slowly stood back up, the shirt she was wearing now covering her nether region.

Turning to face me now, Kirsten reached down to the bottom of the shirt and pulled it upward, lifting it over her head as she too shook her hair free. I gasped in surprise.

"Do you like it?" Kirsten asked. "I wanted to show you last night but you weren't here,"

My eyes were wide as I stared at her naked body. Besides her perfectly formed and shapely body and breasts (her pink nipples had always been a favorite of mine, and her wet t-shirt scene in "Spiderman" had been an image I simply could not get over, even when I had the real thing in front of me), as I looked at her body in full, what had surprised me was what was between her legs. Nothing. Or perhaps that is to say, there was SOMETHING but there was only her swollen red pussy lips and the slight parting of her cunt. Kirsten had shaved her pussy bare.

Though I felt like my mouth wouldn't work, I managed to get out the words "I love it," before Kirsten was atop me, jumping onto the bed and almost crushing me with her body and firm breasts. Our nipples touched as she lay against me, the fullness of her tits against my hard nipples creating an insane amount of heat through my body. We were close to the same height, and Kirsten used this very much to her advantage, rubbing her bare and shaved pussy against my own, her hot sex mingling with the juices from the orgasm she had just induced in me.

I put my hands against her face and pulled her in for a kiss as Kirsten continued to grind herself against me, getting both of us very turned on and excited.

"Would you like a taste?" Kirsten said to me as our lips parted reluctantly. I could only nod in acknowledgement as Kirsten sat up and slowly moved on her knees up my body until her pussy lips were directly over my face. Reaching her hand down, she stroked my hair as I licked my lips in anticipation.

Kirsten slowly lowered herself onto my mouth, my tongue poised in the back of my mouth, ready to give her a lick. As I felt the warm wetness of her sex on my lips, I couldn't hold back any longer and thrust my tongue into her like a cock, her juices coating my tongue like warm, sweet syrup immediately. Kirsten settled in on my face and let me go to work, which I was more than happy to do. My fingers against her cunt lips, I pried them open gently to give myself a great view of her now completely hairless snatch. A drop of sweat had accumulated on the edge of one of her lips and I removed my tongue from inside of her long enough to suck it in quickly, the salty mixing with the sweet.

Her lips still parted, I moved my hand towards her cunt and worked two fingers into her slowly. Kirsten sighed in pleasure as my fingers found her hot nether regions, the silky smooth walls of her cunt soft beneath my touch. I stroked my fingers in and out of her, twisting and pulling them along inside of her as my tongue pushed into her again. Squirming slightly on my face at the feeling of so much attention being paid to her cunt, Kirsten moved her hand down towards her opening and began to rub her clit with two fingers while I fucked her with my mouth.

Lifting my head from the bed, I pressed my lips hard against her and sucked down all of her juices, pulling her gentle sex into my mouth as I lapped at her, my tongue moving erratically inside of her like a live wire. Leaning backwards, Kirsten kept her pussy on my mouth (I'd have to kill her if she moved it!) and placed an arm down to steady herself on the bed. She pulled her sticky and wet fingers from her clit and moved them up to her breasts, my eyes watching with lust as she shut her eyes and played with her perfect breasts, feeling the globes up and down as she ran her fingers lightly over her nipples. The pink nubs jutted outward from her breasts as the sunlight from the early morning beamed in on us from the blinds of the window, giving Kirsten's already cherubic face a more appropriate angelic glow.

I slid my fingers around inside of her more, then slowly began to inch them towards her aroused and protruding clit, the hard little pleasure button a rich shade of red just begging to be sucked. Sliding my finger up under it, I pushed it outward gently as I placed my tongue atop of it, coating it with my saliva. My tongue glided up and down over it, causing Kirsten to shudder and moan softly from her slightly parted lips.

She lay back on me now almost completely, only an elbow to prop herself up. Pulling her arm back over her head, Kirsten placed her small, nimble fingers against my own now sopping pussy, stroking the crinkly hair with her fingers as she ran her palm over my cunt absently, lost in her own world of pleasure and yet still able to be a considerate enough lover to make sure I felt good as well.

Kirsten's fingers touched my clit, and this was like the starting of an engine inside of me. Grabbing onto her hips, I hated to see her fingers leave my sex but I just had to have a taste of as much of her pussy as possible. Pulling her upwards from her lazy relaxation against me, she wobbled a bit atop my shoulders as I lay there, fucking her with my tongue and fingers. Kirsten's breasts swayed as her blonde hair hung in front of her face, her cheeks flushed and red with excitement.

I pistoned my fingers and tongue out of her rapidly, pushing the tips of my hand in hard and fast while my tongue continued to lather and taste her clit, my top lip brushing across it as I held my mouth over her sex. I was fucking her with no abandon now, using my tongue and fingers as a cock. In fact, an idea hit me just as Kirsten was approaching orgasm.

"Eliza...I...I'm...OOOOHHHHHSSSSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTT...I'MMMMMMM CUMMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Kirsten yelled as I felt her pussy spasm wildly, her sweet, lush juices now coming out of her quickly. Her body tensed up as the orgasm arrived but my tongue was relentless, batting her clit around like a punching bag, her juices flooding my mouth.

Slowly, and with great effort to maintain her balance, Kirsten's orgasm began to subside after what had to have been a good 30 seconds. I pulled my mouth away, my lips and tongue sore from licking her but loving every minute of it. Finally, Kirsten was worn out from the mind blowing orgasm she had just had and she fell over sideways on the bed, her thighs laying across the bottom of my shoulders, just above my own heaving breasts.

I sat up from the bed, rolling over onto my side to look at Kirsten, who was on her back, her hands playing with her nipples as she caught her breath. Leaning in close to her ear, I whispered "I'll be right back," and then slowly slid off of the bed. Kirsten's eyes opened and she turned over on the bed so that she lay on her stomach, her cute ass swaying back and forth as she bobbed her legs on the bed, watching me like an innocent little girl.

Walking over to the closet on slightly wobbly legs, I dug around for a moment and emerged with what I wanted. Turning around quickly, I held it out to Kirsten like a prize catch, causing her to giggle with excitement.

I slid back onto the bed and placed the toy between us. Kirsten sat up and looked at the toy, a double sided 15 inch long jet black dildo I had picked out and saved for only special occasions. This wasn't even for Rose Petal use, but strictly for me and my lovers.

Kirsten obediently parted her legs and I did the same, our thighs resting on top of one another. She watched with awe as I positioned the toy between us both and then slowly slid one end towards her on the bed. There was more than enough space for both of us to sit there, but it was important to me that Kirsten receive the first bit of pleasure from the dildo.

Her pussy lips parted wide as I pressed the rubber tip into her cunt, her well juiced sex opening easily as the head disappeared inside of her. I looked up at Kirsten, who was breathing through her mouth in excitement.

"You're turn," she said, running her hand from where the toy protruded from her pussy towards the opposite end, the wide head poised and ready for entry. I scooted my ass on the bed towards it, waiting with extreme excitement as she slowly pushed the end into me.

My hips bucked just a bit involuntarily as I felt the warm rubber of it slide into my own lips, like a good hard cock would. Kirsten was methodical about placing it, making sure that the shaft of the toy, when inserted fully, would rub along my clit wonderfully. Now it was her turn to look up at me.

Our eyes locked for a moment before I leaned in and kissed her. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I placed my mouth against her ear again.

"1...2...3!" I said to her and then thrust my own hips forward while pulling her closer towards me.

The effect of course was that as we grew closer to each other, the toy parted our lips fully and slid into each of us as far as it would go. I continued to pull on Kirsten, not letting her go as inch by inch the dildo filled both of us up.

If one could freeze time for a moment, the second in which both Kirsten and I were penetrated by the sex toy would certainly be one of those I would like to freeze. Time in fact seemed to slow down as our bodies slid along the bed into each other and we were each filled with over 7 inches of hard rubber in our cunts. I gasped in pleasure as I felt the long toy slide into me, stretching out my pussy lips and reaching into my inner most depths. Kirsten too was lost in the wave of pleasure, her clit stimulated as the toy grinded over it and into her fully, her smaller body having to flex greatly to take it all in.

I let out a huge sigh of air as I felt Kirsten's cunt push against my own, her freshly shaved snatch bumping against my own, sparsely covered with hair twat. Our thighs pressed against one another as we stretched our legs out, each of us impaling ourselves purposefully on the toy. My mouth open, panting, I looked down to see barely an inch of the once massive toy visible now, the rest inside of us. Pushing back gently on the bed, I watched transfixed as a few inches slowly left my body, but not before it was coated with my juices. Thrusting onto it hard now, I let more of the dildo press into me as I used my weight to force the majority into Kirsten.

She reached her arms out and wrapped them around my shoulders for support, her nails dragging along my smooth back as I used the dildo to fuck her, getting rid now of that last inch. Kirsten's eyes were wide in surprise and shock, but I could make out the dull glow of lust still burning strong behind them. I rested my head on her shoulder as Kirsten leveraged herself against me, bouncing her hips forward as she fucked herself silly with the toy.

Licking my lips, I couldn't resist the urge to slide my tongue out along her breast, coating the firm, warm orb with my tongue as I licked downward towards her nipple. Lifting her left breast with my hand, I greedily pulled her tit into my mouth, sucking hard on the nipple like an infant. Kirsten groaned in pleasure as I devoured her mound of flesh with my mouth, my lips and teeth grazing over her hard pink nipple.

Now it was Kirsten who pulled back from the toy a bit, but only for a moment. Rocking her hips forward, Kirsten pushed the toy into me with just the muscles of her pussy, the pleasant sensation of fullness filling me up as I felt the end of the dildo press against my cervix wall. I clamped my cunt muscles down hard on the toy, squeezing it as hard as I could, enjoying the pleasant tension it created inside of me.

I moved my hand down to the only part of the 15 inch monster that was not currently filling up a girl cunt and wrapped my fingers around it like a cock. I was surprised however, to find Kirsten's hand already there. Placing my own over hers, I gently held her fingers as I moved the toy back and forth within us, our hands keeping the rhythm of our fucking going as we vied for the pleasure that the rubber could bring.

We alternated, back and forth, thrusting in and out of each other - at first we went slow, gentle and caring as we enjoyed every minut sensation that the dildo brought out, from the hard rubber itself to the warm wetness of it's end that allowed for easy access into our pussies. Gradually, as our hips began to move in time with one another, we began to go faster and faster, my ass bouncing on the bed just enough to make the toy move and swerve around inside of Kirsten. She was determined however, to bring me to orgasm first, something that my lust racked mind had no problem in conceding.

Kirsten wrapped her legs tightly around my waist, loosening up the slack that had formed between us as we fucked one another. Kirsten's clamping of her thighs gave her far more force as she thrust into me, and my pussy quickly lost the battle to her as she began to fuck me harder and harder.

"Oh yeah Kirsten! MMMmmmm baby, that's it, fuck my cunt!" I grunted into her chest, my voice barely audible over our panting gasps. Kirsten's face had tightened up with determination as she fucked me and as I felt the toy probe hard into my deepest nether regions, my clit afire with pleasure, I could feel a very strong orgasm approaching.

Kirsten continued to fuck me as hard as she could without any let up, but it was just too much for me to take. My inner walls spasmed and I came onto the toy, my juices spilling out from within me as they coated my half of the dildo, my chest trembling as I released a flood of cum onto it and the bed. I pinched my nipples hard with my one free hand, the slight pain only bringing me to new heights of bliss. I continued to cum for a long while, so long in fact that just when I thought the orgasm had crested, I was racked with a new wave that was stronger than the last.

Her weight now controlling things, Kirsten gripped the toy tightly and leaned into me, knocking over my already weakened body as she sawed the toy in and out of my gaping pussy, wearing herself out finally just as my orgasm began to subside. Her strokes grew slower, softer and finally she came to a stop, the toy still buried within us.

Leaning over me, Kirsten bent her sweaty face down and kissed me. I licked along her bottom lip, biting it slightly with my teeth as I nibbled on her mouth, tasting her sweat and the slight after taste of my own juices on her lips. Breaking the kiss a good 30 seconds later, the last of the heated fluids in her mouth drunken down by me, I slowly sat up on the bed, careful to keep my end of the toy into me.

We didn't have to say anything between each other - she knew how much I had enjoyed it and how greatly she had returned the sexual favor. That's when it dawned on me that Kirsten hadn't cum yet! For the second time that morning though, I had another idea.

Hanging onto the toy, I slowly and methodically slid the end out of Kirsten, carefully rubbing it along her clit as I pulled it out until, finally, I was left holding a good 10 inches of it in my hand. Kirsten looked at me, then down at the toy. The look was short lived however, because now it was my turn to once again be the dominant one. I pushed on her shoulder firmly, causing her to fall back on the bed in a flop, her chest still heaving from our actions. Kneeling on the bed, I held onto the toy with one hand and then used the other to pull her legs together and then lift them up slightly, leaning them back against her body. The end of the toy glistened in the soft morning light as I walked on my knees closer to her.

Kirsten wasn't even bother to watch me now, her trust completely with me. Her eyes however, opened wide as she felt me press against her opening. It wasn't her pussy I was after however - there was one hole that hadn't been fucked yet and that I was dying to pleasure her at.

Pressing one end of the toy against her anal opening, I could feel Kirsten's body tense up suddenly, then relax as the first part of the head pressed into her sphincter. I watched Kirsten's face as I pushed into her, her angelic face filled with a mixture of hesitation and excitement. She bit on her lower lip nervously as I continued to slowly work inch by inch into her ass, her legs up over my shoulders now to give me a better angle.

The juices from inside Kirsten't cunt proved to be more than enough lubrication to get inside of her, but I knew that it would still be slightly uncomfortable for her. That's why I pressed my free hand against her pussy, gently pushing a few fingers into her gaping opening, my index finger touching her clit deliberately as I now pressed the dildo further and further into her ass at a 90 degree angle or so.

As soon as I touched her clit, Kirsten cried out in pleasure - she had been so keyed up by our mutual fucking that I knew that she would cum at any moment, should I keep this up (and I certainly intended to do so!)

I managed to get about eight inches of the dildo inside of her before I felt the tip touch something deep inside of her. Kirsten let out an audible sigh as the toy came to a rest inside of her cute ass, amazed with herself that she could actually take something that long inside of her small frame.

But I was far from finished when it came to just working the toy into her. Stroking her clit in a circular motion now with my fingers, I used the 5 inches or so of the toy that was already inside of me to press hard against Kirsten, burying the last remaining inches inside of me, even as my pubic bone pressed against her firm ass.

The added weight of my body on the toy not only was working towards getting me off, but it also was stimulating nerves inside of Kirsten's ass as well. Pulling up slightly, it was only for a moment before I pressed my hips into the toy once more, the now familiar feeling of it sliding around inside my sopping wet cunt bringing me pleasure as well.

It was now up to me to set the tempo and rhythm of our continued love making. I didn't want to go all out and just hammer the toy into her - that might hurt her. So instead, I began to go at a medium pace, my fingers pulling out part of the toy from Kirsten's ass as I leaned back on the bed, only to lean back into the dildo a moment later.

An awkward sight for sure, neither one of us would have cared, even if there had been someone watching us. Right now, we were both lost in our goals - Kirsten climbing her own mountain towards the avalanche of cum that was set to fall at any minute, and me just determined to help Kirsten reach that summit.

I could feel Kirsten's warm thighs tremble against my shoulders as I began to push and pull the toy harder and harder into her ass, my hand a blur as I furiously rubbed and stroked her clit with two fingers. Tracing my nails over the tip of her clit, Kirsten shuddered again as I fucked her, the lubricated juices from her body making things go much easier.

Kirsten's chest began to rise and fall more rapidly now, her ass induced orgasm pending at any second. Sensing this, I picked up the speed, the black dildo like a piston working in and out of her anus as I pushed and pulled it's inches in a smooth motion. Kirsten began to moan in a low, animal voice as my fingers fondled her clit, using an extra finger to fuck her pussy with my hand.

Her legs twitching now, I could barely keep them up on my shoulders as Kirsten let out an unintelligible "UNNNGGGHHH!!!" and came all over my hand, her ass clamping down involuntarily on the pleasing intruder inside of it. Kirsten's head began to thrash wildly on the bed, her hips rising on their own off of the now sticky and wet sheets, her clit an angry red as I caressed it, bringing out as much of her juice as possible.

A trickle of her cum slowly frothed up onto my hand, only to fall down between her pussy and ass, her body racked with exhaustion as her monstrous orgasm - which had arrived quickly and departed much slower - finally came to an end. Kirsten's legs fell off my shoulders like dead weight, making the bed bounce as they landed on either side of my own body.

I released the toy and let it protrude from Kirsten's ass as she knocked my own hand out of the way and masterfully began to touch herself in places I never would have thought of. Her fingers stroking her hairless pink pussy lips, Kirsten's eyes fluttered open as she stared at the ceiling, finally coming back to the world. Slowly she reached down and pulled the sex toy from her ass, setting it between us on the bed as she spread her legs wide, stretching her back.

Crawling over to her, I lay my head on her arm. We lay like that for a few minutes before the exhaustion of the trip and the night and my fun with Kirsten finally took over and I fell asleep.

I was awakened a few hours later, not by Kirsten next to me but instead Kirsten neatly dressed and standing beside me on the bed.

"Hey Eliza," she cooed at me, rubbing my chest with her small hand to wake me up. "You need to get up and get dressed,"

I smiled at her and stretched my arms out over my head. "What for?" I asked.

"We have that party tonight, remember? We have to find you something to wear," Kirsten said.

I sat up on the bed and yawned. I had forgotten about the party - after the night I had been through, an appearance seemed to be a must.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," I said, stepping out of bed. Kirsten smiled at me and helped me off the bed as we walked to my closet, looking for the perfect thing to wear.


Katherine and I arrived back in LA around 11 or so. She wanted to go to her apartment but I told her that it wouldn't be a good idea, not with all that was going on. She didn't argue about it and instead we drove to my place, careful to watch for anyone looking as we stepped out of the car and hustled to the door to get out of public sight.

Unlocking the door, we stepped inside to the cool apartment. Katherine went straight for the bedroom.

"I'm going to get some sleep, care to join me?" she asked, taking off her heels and tossing them on the floor.

"Sure," I said, taking off my own shoes. As I bent down to untie them, I noticed something on the carpet that must have come in through the mail slot.

I heard Katherine as she walked into the bedroom and pulled back the sheets, wasting no time in getting into bed. Bending down to pick up the object, I studied it in the light drifting into the apartment. It was a white envelope, like the kind you send birthday cards in. Curiously though, it was completely white - no addressee and no return address.

Opening it carefully, I pulled out it's contents - a heavy piece of paper with embossed words on one side. Turning it over, I read it to myself:




Re-reading it again, it sent a slight chill down my spine to be suddenly reminded of my allegiance to Willis. My first thought was to just throw it away and ignore the invitation, but the more I looked at it, the more I realized how exclusive this was. It wasn't just mailed out, this was delivered by hand. My fingers trembled as I held it in my hand - could I really attend this thing, since it seemed to be mandatory? And since dates were allowed, should I bring Katherine?

Walking into the bedroom, tapping the invitation on my hip, I opened my mouth to speak but stopped as I saw Katherine sleeping on the bed, wearing only her panties as she lay on her stomach. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising and falling shallowly as I watched her sleep. My questions and fears vanished for the moment as I watched her, finally setting the card down on my dresser as I took off my shirt.

Careful not to wake her, I climbed into bed. I decided that it would be a smart move, to throw Willis' people and the Rose Petals off about my involvement, to attend the party. But whether Katherine came or not, that was up to her.

My eyelids growing heavy, I shut them and quickly found myself ascending into the black reaches of sleep, like Alice going down the rabbit hole. But I wasn't alone in my descent, I thought to myself as consciousness left me. Like a butterfly floating on the breeze, the invitation to Willis' party - certainly an important event - floated down after me into the blackness.


Even though I was the star of the video shoot, I still felt like a little child as I tried to make excuses to go and visit Britney at our rendezvous. I told the director that I needed a break, that I would be back in an hour or so. No, I didn't need someone to go with me. Yes I understand that we are losing valuable day light. No I don't care if you bitch about it to my agent.

By the time I actually got away, around 4:10 or so and already late, curiosity more than anything else was running through my mind. If Britney was so desperate for compliments, why the hell was she asking me to go 2 miles out of the way just to tell her that? Couldn't she hire someone to do that? The back of my mind of course, started thinking about OTHER reasons why she wanted to see me in a secluded spot, but I didn't see the need in jumping to such conclusions yet. Britney was probably just lonely and wanted someone to talk to, a feeling that I could certainly relate to now that I found myself alone in this Hollywood world.

Walking down the beach, I cleared my mind of all the hassles of the day and the video shoot itself. The warm California sun beat down on my shoulders and heated my body, making the sand beneath my feet feel not like pebbly and coarse material but like strolls on the beaches of Florida or something. The beaches along the Pacific coast were certainly different than the ones on the eastern part of the country, but in their craggily appearance, I found great comfort in the disorganized beauty of the rocks, the strewn about seaweed, the crashing waves. Such violent motion and ugliness (especially the briny seaweed...ick) and yet it was still remarkably calm, the only sound as I walked onward coming from the howling wind behind me.

The distance wasn't as great as I had thought. Even though the air was cool and I was dressed - still in costume - in a pair of see-through baggy style pants, like something a harem girl would wear and a push up bra (the camera after all, does love cleavage), the breeze coming off the ocean wasn't too unbearable. My walking certainly helped things, and got my blood flowing.

As I grew closer to where Britney had said to meet her (dead on directions, which meant that she had been to this place many times before), I could see what looked like her and someone else, sitting on some rocks. When they were just a few yards out, I saw that it was indeed Britney and a young looking guy, who wasn't too bad looking, sitting there talking. Britney put her hand to her eyes and squinted as she saw me, then stood up from the rocks, the surf crashing around her feet.

She walked out to greet me, wearing a bikini top, a baseball cap and a beach skirt like thing, patterned with Hawaiian flowers covering her thighs and bikini bottom. She smiled as I walked up to her.

"Hey, glad you came. Was thinking you weren't going to show up," she said. I could smell the mixture of her perfume and of her suntan lotion wafting off of her bare, tan shoulders. Her male accompanist lingered behind her.

"I had to practically pull teeth to get away. Despite the fact that I'm a star now I guess, they still treat me like a puppet," I replied.

Britney laughed. "Yeah, I remember that. When and if you get big enough, they stop doing that. But yeah, before then, it can be a real bitch,"

There was an awkward pause after this moment and I tried to keep the conversation going by inquiring how she found the place where we were at. It consisted mostly of half a dozen large rocks, jutting out from the sand as a low and weak tide washed over their barnacle covered bases. At some point, I'm sure these rocks were part of the coast line but now, they jutted out instead like miniature monuments to a time long lost.

"Well, I vacationed here one year and me and Justin just walked around. We found this place and, after checking it out a few times, realized that it was abandoned and no one came this far down the beach. I guess the owner doesn't give a shit," Britney said.

"That's cool. But I mean...umm, was it really necessary to come this far?" I asked, trying to probe her motives - be them ego boost or something else - without coming across as being too direct.

Laughing again, Britney played with the hem of her skirt absently.

"God, you sound like JT, bitching about the walk,"


"Oh shit! Sorry," Britney said, turning to her male companion. "This is JT. He's my assistant. He travels with me on tour, making sure everything is ok. Since I started touring without my parents, I have really needed someone like him around. I don't think I could get by without him,"

"Hi," JT said meekly, a little embarrassed at the compliment. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. A fairly well built guy, it was hard to make out his features too well in the setting sun behind him on the ocean. He looked cute enough and I wondered if, now that things had deteriorated with the OTHER JT in Britney's life, if she had ever fooled around with him...

I must have been day dreaming when I was thinking this though, because I realized I was still holding JT's hand. He looked at me quizzically and I hurriedly let go, it now being my turn to be embarrassed.

"Well, come on over and have a seat," Britney said finally, relief washing over me at the awkward moment having had passed.

I followed her and JT over to the rocks and sat down on a slightly smaller one than the one Britney chose. The surface was slippery and wet, but it was fairly warm from the sun beating down on it all day and as I sat down and looked ahead, I could see why Britney liked this place so much. The afternoon sun was casting bright rays over the ocean surface, making the water ripple and sparkle like a tiny million mirrors moving in unison. The site was incredible to watch, even if it was atop a wet rock.

"Listen, I hope you don't think I wanted you to come here to talk about my music," Britney said after a few minutes, allowing me some time to soak in the sight in front of me.

"No, of course not," I lied. Absent mindedly, I reached into my handbag and pulled out my smokes, something about the setting creating an urge in me to get my fix. Lighting the cigarette, I took a long drag and leaned back some on the rock, exhaling. I felt like I was in one of those magazine ads you see, until Britney startled me. Reaching over, she lifted the pack from where I had set it and took one out, holding the long white addiction in her fingers before deftly using my lighter to light the end.

I stared at her, not only amazed that she had just taken one and lit it up in front of me, but the fact that she was actually smoking in general. My surprise registered in my voice.

"You smoke? But I thought..."

"The goody goody thing? Na, that's just an act. I mean, it wasn't a few years ago but now...hell, I'm almost a full legal adult. I can't be expected to behave like a child all my life can I?" Britney said, sending a plume of smoke to it's death in the wind of the beach.

"Trust me Petty, I had the same reaction as you," JT said to me. I hadn't even noticed, but he sat on a rock directly next to Britney's, like a loyal subject ready to wait on the queen. "And believe me, it is hard to cover for her sometimes. But like Britney said, it's her life to do what she wants with,"

Britney smirked at me. "Now you see why I keep him around,"

I laughed, stubbing my cigarette out and tossing it into the rocking waves. Trying to get things back on subject though, I decided to follow up on her earlier comment.

"So why did you ask me to come down here? To confess about your nicotine addiction and to steal one of my cigarettes?" I asked a little playfully, getting more brave with my probing.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I should ask next time. No, I wanted you to come down here because of what you said earlier today. About me being a no talent hack and all that,"

I blushed. "Listen, Britney, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know you and..."

"No no, it's fine! I know completely! Since day 1, I resigned myself to the idea of never being treated like a serious musician. I realize that it hurts the ability of people like you and, like, that is bad for the people out there on the streets trying to like, get through in the business but, my career has been pretty much dictated by other people so it's like, hard for me to really say much about other people, you know?"

"I understand," I said to her. "And like I said, I apologize for that,"

"It's cool. I admire you though, I really do. You are like, so talented and you have been able to get here on your own talents, rather than just being mass promoted. That's why hearing from people like you is like very eye opening,"

"Yeah, I get a little hot tempered sometimes,"

"Don't we all," Britney said, stubbing out her cigarette and looking back at me. We sat in silence for a moment, just listening to the waves crash. Slowly however, I began to notice that Britney was scooting closer towards me, sitting on the edge of her rock only a few inches from me. Her arm brushed against mine and, though completely involuntary, I pressed my own against her.

Glancing up at her, and in spite of all of my intellectual opinions and thoughts about the music industry and what people like Britney represented, I felt my inhibitions giving in (as they had already done before with Eliza Dushku, Mandy Moore and Avril Lavinge, not to mention Beyonce Knowles) as a new part of my sexuality took over. In that moment of looking at Britney, I didn't see her as an object of scorn but it was like a light switch was flipped on in my head. I suddenly felt great affection towards her - towards women in general - and though the thoughts were confusing, they certainly FELT right to me.

Britney smiled at me and I felt myself start to melt, like it was when I was a little girl on my first date back when I was 16 and my boyfriend at the time kissed me. My heart thudded wildly in my chest and I just couldn't take any more. I leaned into her and kissed Britney on the lips.

To my entire delight, she didn't resist or freak out or do anything to send me a message that she wasn't interested. Instead, she simply kissed me back - delicately, softly and with a passion that rivaled the heat of the sun in the sky. I slipped my tongue into her small mouth and found her own there waiting for me.

Our breath mingled with one another and I felt myself overcome suddenly with lust - this entire trip out here had been carefully planned by Britney, a sort of trap to lure me here. I had fallen into it, but now I understood, quite willingly. I doubted very much that Britney was gay. But she certainly had some sort of interest in someone like me, perhaps as just a way to pass the time. Was this what Hollywood was like, just stars randomly screwing each other because they can? Surely not but, as I felt Britney place her hand on my breast, I realized that this was something to think about later rather than right now.

I felt Britney squeeze my breast through the push up bra I wore, her fingers rubbing over the smooth skin that was exposed to the world. We continued to kiss, her lips pressing against mine with the practice and experience of someone who has spent a lot of time studying the art of the perfect kiss. Britney moved her hand around my back and she deftly undid the clasp of my bra. Not wanting to be the only one exposed, I too reached my arm around her back and undid HER bra. Our movements worked in unison now, reciprocating on one another the actions the other had taken.

The entire thing happened in a dizzying flash, so much so that I can't even recall all the details of it here now. All I know is that within a few minutes, what had been just a pleasant - if not flirting - conversation had turned into both Britney and I lying nude against the rocks, the surf washing over us as we groped and touched each other's bodies. I suppose that, given all the attention that has been paid to them, I should provide a good description of Britney's tits. Truthfully, they were breasts like any other, and yet in the dying light of the day, still a wonder to behold. And yes, they were real. They were perfectly formed, without a hint of sag and no tan line, which meant that somewhere, Britney was sunbathing topless. Her nipples were darkened from this exposure to the sun but they rose and fell on her C cup breasts like small mountains, the tips jutting upward towards the sky as I lay on top of her, kissing her neck as Britney rubbed her knee against my now wet and exposed pussy.

A wave washed over us, kicking sand and pebbles against our skin as the cool water chilled me but Britney's body kept me warm. Hands were everywhere - hers, mine - as we explored one another's body. Finally, Britney broke the kiss.

"Wow! I'm like, so glad you didn't freak out when I asked you to come here," she said to me, her hand pressing against my cheek.

"Don't worry. I didn't even know that I was going to react like that," I said. "But now...I'm glad that I did,"

Britney kissed me again and as our lips pressed into one another, I happened to glance over. I was startled to see JT sitting there on a rock, stroking his cock as he watched us. Britney lifted her head up and followed my gaze.

"Hey JT, want some help with that?" Britney called to him slyly. His eyes had been closed but now they snapped open as he looked at us. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as JT walked over to us, his cock waving obscenely in front of him. He stood in front of Britney and within a moment, he was gasping in pleasure as she buried her entire mouth on his prick.

I watched Britney move her lips up and down his cock - clearly, she knew every little detail of it - and found myself growing very hot at the sight. With Britney distracted by the massive piece of meat in her mouth, I now could focus on her body for my own sexual pleasure. Climbing up to my knees, I took in the sight of Britney's naked body. Her neck and cheeks moved in and out as she sucked and lathered up his dick with her tongue, her cheeks billowing as she bobbed her head up and down. Further down her body, her well toned frame looked like a modern day Venus: her breasts, now that I could really look at them, were really quite a sight. They were firm and beautiful in the light of this secluded spot, a few patches of sand covering over one of her nipples as the ocean water continued to rub against her ass and now splayed legs. Her tummy was firm and muscular, leading down to her blonde covered bush, a very narrow strip of hair covering over her aroused pussy, the lips poking out hesitantly like a clam from it's shell.

I leaned my mouth down to Britney's stomach as she continued to suck on JT's cock, his hand on her blonde hair, guiding her lips. Kissing her skin, I tasted the salty water of the ocean and some of her suntan lotion. But with my face so close to her, the scent of her pussy was even more exciting than the delicious mixture to be found on her skin. Even though I wanted to take things slowly, I simply couldn't hold back as I drew nearer to her snatch. I planted one final kiss just above the strip of wet and matted pubic hair and then dove into her pussy, pressing my mouth on top of it.

Britney let JT's cock slip from her mouth as she cried out in pleasure. Repositioning herself against a rock now, she spread her legs wide as she leaned her back against the rock. She was laying at an angle, perfect for her to still stroke and caress JT's cock but still positioned good enough for me to be able to lap at her pussy.

And lap at it I did. I used my fingers to part her lips and then slid my tongue into Britney's tight, wet channel. Already she was very aroused and my tongue was greeted by the now addictive taste of woman cum. I felt Britney's hand move onto the top of my head as she held me in one spot, encouraging me to suck and eat out her pussy. I wedged my tongue up deep inside of her, wiggling it all around in her vise tight pussy. I encountered no resistance of a hymen or anything like that, so I knew the whole virgin thing was simply a marketing ploy now, but her pussy was still incredibly tight.

Britney held onto my head and moved it in a small, circular motion, obviously enjoying my actions. Though I was pretty much laying in the sand now, the waves occasionally making me shudder with pleasure when they would crash into my pussy, I was still able to maneuver myself pretty well between Britney's legs. Holding onto her thigh, I moved my hand up and slid a finger inside of her to go along with my tongue, using the tip of it to try and find her clit and g-spot.

It didn't take long. As I probed around inside of her, Britney suddenly bucked her hips forward - bingo!

I left my finger where it was and then traced around the small little nub with the tip, Britney's inner walls contract involuntarily at my touch. I continued to suck on her pussy lips, my tongue now coated with her precum and excited juices. My own pussy, already wet from the waves, was tingling as I felt Britney's body respond to my touch. I felt for sure that I was going to get her off very soon, but in actuality, it was JT who came first.

With a thrust of his hips, he managed to grunt "I'm gonna shoot!" before he groaned in pleasure, Britney's cheeks filling up with his sticky cum as she held his dick in her mouth like a vacuum. JT held onto her head tightly and fucked her mouth, his cock emerging on every down stroke coated and shiny with the fluids of her saliva and his cum. Britney managed to swallow some of his cum but as he came down from orgasm, she still had quite a mouthful of it.

She let his cock slip from her mouth as she looked down at me. I thought she was going to simply spit it out, but instead she took hold of my hair and gently but forcibly lifted me from between her legs. My mouth coated with her juices, Britney opened her mouth slightly as she leaned into kiss me. I opened my mouth in return, letting her sticky, cum coated lips press against my own. Within a moment, I felt the warm liquid mixture of Britney's spit and JT's cum slide into my mouth, the viscious fluid salty and hot as it entered my mouth.

Britney held her lips against mine, using her tongue to push more of JT's wad into my mouth. At first I wasn't quite sure why she was doing this but as I felt her tongue caress my teeth, making sure I got as much of the mouthful as possible, I understood: Britney liked to cum swap.

As my own cheeks filled with the mouthful, I broke the kiss and, careful not to let any leak out, I put my hand to Britney's face and pushed her down lower. Slowly, my mouth over hers, I opened my lips and let a long, white strand of cum fall onto Britney's cute pink tongue, landing in the middle but slowly trickling back down into her mouth. More of the cum continued to leak out as the combined fluids of the three of us mixed inside the pop queen's mouth, Britney rubbing her breasts in excitement as I deposited the "load" in her small mouth.

We took turns like that, dripping cum into the mouth's of one another. As we did, the load grew bigger and we were both forced to swallow a little bit. I didn't mind the taste, actually, and as we continued to kiss back and forth, the hot cum making our lips sticky and white, both Britney and I giggled with one another over our little game. Finally, as the mixture finally began to grow thin - more spit, less cum - I passed the final strand into Britney's mouth, to which she made a scene of swallowing it all down, sticking her tongue out at me with a grin to show that it was all gone.

I kissed her again, licking a stray drop off of her tongue as I saw JT - who had, by this time, grown incredibly hard again - move behind Britney. Like a well trained pornstar who knew what any little tap to the body meant, Britney responded instantly to JT's touch, climbing up onto all fours as she presented her ass out to him. JT's cock was already wet from Britney's mouth, so it slid easily into her pussy as I watched her face shift into a look of total and 100% fulfilled lust.

"Oh God!" Britney gasped under her breath. "JT, you fuck so good!"

JT was now balls deep inside of Britney, as I sat there watching him force himself into her. He had a look of total concentration on his face, but it was clear that he was enjoying things to. Their bodies began to rock back and forth slowly, Britney dropping her head down as she was lost in the moment. For my own part, I was busy rubbing my fingers over my cunt, enjoying the feeling of the backs of the digits sliding between my pussy lips.

As JT continued to fuck her, Britney lifted her head. She saw me playing with myself and grinned.

"Shit, you shouldn't have to do that!" she said. I scooted closer to her and Britney slowly lowered her head in between my legs, her now wet blonde hair clinging against my thigh as she kissed my pussy lips. Her still cum coated mouth bonded on my snatch, her tongue moving outward like a snake as she worked it inside of me. I squirmed slightly on the sand - Britney was by far the best lover I had ever had when it came to eating out my pussy. All the others simply didn't compare, especially to the way her tongue managed to find each and every crevice of my cunt.

Britney was panting on my pussy now, excited I think from the taste but also from the hammering that JT was giving her. He held onto her ass tightly, the firm flesh in his palms as he slid his ample prick in and out of her pussy. Britney was having a hard time keeping her face between my legs, but I was certainly glad that she was!

Her tongue probing and licking all around me, Britney used her hands to wedge a finger from each inside of me as she balanced herself on her elbows, her ass now high in the air as JT fucked her sweet, tight pussy. Alternating moves, Britney would first slide her fingers inside of me, pulling my pussy lips wide and stretching me as she glided her finger across my clit, and then follow it up with a gentle lick, snatching up the juices that were now freely flowing from inside of me.

I leaned my head back into the sand, the sight of watching her do this to me now just too dizzying to bear. Closing my eyes, I felt the warm sun on my body as it beat down on me, my nipples jutting upwards towards it. I ran my hand over my stomach, rubbing my tummy as I felt the sun's rays hit it. I slid my fingers upward, caressing my nipples with my fingers as I flicked one absently with my thumb, happy to enjoy the little tingle it brought me.

Britney lifted her head from between my legs after a few minutes, much to my disappointment, and then looked back at JT, who now had sweat pouring down his face.

"JT baby...why don't you...give Petty a ride on that talented cock...of yours?" Britney said, panting between breaths. Ever the diligent assistant, JT nodded and pulled out of Britney's tight pussy with an audible *pop* and then towered over me. Britney placed her hands on my pussy lips as JT dropped to his knees, smiling at me as he aimed his cock towards my hole.

Britney held his cock in her hand, giving it a thoughtful stroke before guiding it towards me. I spread my legs wide and gladly accepted it, holding my breath in excitement as I felt the head enter into my channel. As JT pushed more into me, I could certainly see what Britney meant. His cock was fat and long, stretching me obscenely as he worked it into my pussy.

I moaned in pleasure as Britney released his cock, the full length of it now buried deep inside of me. JT held it there for a moment and then began the slow process of extracting his dick out from me and gearing up to fuck me hard.

Britney leaned her head down to mine, her hand stroking JT's balls as he slowly got a rhythm going inside of me, the tip of his prick battering against my inner walls. Britney brushed aside a lock of my hair and rested her mouth by my ear, whispering obscene comments to me.

"OOooo, doesn't his cock feel good?" she said wickedly. "Don't you just love how it's sliding in and out of your tight little pussy? I know I loved it,"

JT began to grind faster and faster into me, each stroke setting off small explosions in my mind from the pleasure that he was causing. Even with my legs spread as wide as they could go, my twat was still having to stretch to accommodate him, but it was something I didn't mind at all - not as long as he kept fucking me like this any ways!

"Yeah, I know you love it! Here, want me to rub your clit for ya? I bet that would feel nice..." Britney said, and then did just that, moving her hand from JT's balls to my pussy, where my now exposed clit was just begging to be caressed and stroked.

I cried out in pleasure as I felt the tip of her nail rub over it, Britney's hot breath on my cheek as she continued to talk dirty to me. JT's prick was like a machine now, the grease to keep it going coming from my hot and twitching snatch.

Britney placed her other hand on JT's cock as it worked itself in and out of me, JT now leaning over me and licking my nipples as his hips continued to thrust into my pussy. The entire experience was like a sensory overload - the obvious pleasure of JT fucking me; the feel of the sand and waves rubbing against my body; the sweet smell of sex on Britney's breath; the sound of her seductive voice as she said lewd things to me; the mere sight of watching JT's muscular body move in and out of me...

It was too much to take. I bucked my hips upward at JT and cried out in orgasmic bliss as my orgasm started, Britney there to coach me along.

"Yes! That's it! Cum for me Petty! Cum for me! You like me rubbing your clit? Is it making you cum, is it making you feel good? Yeah, I bet it is!" Britney said in my ear as wave after wave (literally and figuratively) of joy crashed through me, my thighs quivering as I came all over JT's still going cock. Britney helped prolong the experience by placing her mouth on my ear and nibbling on the earlobe with her teeth as her hot breath fell on my cheek.

I had just finished cresting from my orgasm and was enjoying the pleasant relaxation it brought me when I started to feel JT's prick twitch inside of me, his own orgasm imminent.

Britney sensed this too and moved her hands from my clit and onto JT's balls. I watched as she stroked and rubbed them, the orbs tightening up as he was on the verge. Britney still had her mouth close to my ear and whispered the final coaxing to bring the entire experience to a head.

"Oh Petty, his balls are so soft. But wait! I think he's gonna shoot! Yeah, can you feel it? He's tightening up, his cock is really hammering into your sweet pussy now isn't it? You want him to shoot his load inside of you don't you? You want to feel his hot cum inside your tight cunt don't you?"

"Uh huh," I managed to gasp weakly, still enjoying my afterglow.

"I know you do, because you're like me, you're a dirty little slut. Well, you don't have to wait long cuz here it comes!"

And with that amount of perfect timing, JT buried himself within me one final time and erupted a geyser of cum inside of me. I too felt myself orgasm again, the simple feeling of his hot, sticky load coating my insides and Britney's comments just too much to bear. My pussy clamped down tight on his cock as Britney stroked the end of it, seemingly pushing more and more cum inside of me.

I felt the tip of his dick jerk a few more times, firing off a couple more loads before finally he stopped and just let out a simple gasp, collapsing on top of me, Britney's hand still encircling his prick. Both he and I panted and caught our breath as Britney slowly pulled his cock from me and lazily placed her head between our legs, tasting the mixture of cum that seeped from my pussy.

After a few minutes, JT rolled off of me and the three of us just lay there in the sun, letting it dry us off from the sweat we had built up. I spread my legs wide and let the sea clean my pussy out, carrying away JT's cum and my own that had leaked from between my legs. The silence of the day, the wind finally having calmed down, was relaxing for the three of us.

I must have fallen asleep however, because when I opened my eyes again, Britney and JT were gone and the sun had pretty much set for the day, the horizon on fire with light as it crested over the mighty Pacific. Sitting up with a start, I glanced around and saw no sign of Britney and JT. I looked down and saw that I was naked, which certainly would have corroborated my ideas of what had actually happened, but with no Britney around, I was still slightly puzzled.

Standing up, I waded a little ways out into the water and dove in, washing the sand off of me. Walking back to the beach, I found my clothes right where I left them. Surely I hadn't dreamed that whole thing - if that was the case, I wouldn't be naked. But as I got dressed, I started to understand the way this whole music industry worked: you were only valuable to people for as long as they could use you. Certainly I had heard the rumors about that being the case for years now, but my adventures with Britney today seemed to prove it.

Strangely though, as I walked back towards where the shoot was (probably long over, given that I hadn't come back like I had told them), the thought of being used like that didn't bother me. I got pleasure out of being the object of Britney (and JT's) affections, so what was the big deal? No, it didn't bother me. In fact...I think I like it.


After collapsing in Alex's bed, I finally woken up late in the afternoon. Sliding off the bed groggily, I walked out of the bedroom with a yawn to find Alex standing in front of a mirror, adjusting a tuxedo.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my hands around his waist.

"Alex Hilt, what on Earth are you doing?" I asked.

He turned around to look at me. "I'm going to a party," he said. For a moment, I saw a look of hesitation in his eyes.

"A party? Do you want me to come?"

"No, that wouldn't be a good idea,"

I suddenly understood. "It's Willis' party isn't it?"

Alex nodded in reply, his eyes looking downward at the floor. "I didn't want to wake you to tell you about it,"

I stood there studying him for a moment, trying to understand what he was telling me. Why in the hell, after all that we had been through, was he actually VOLUNTARILY going to a party at Wilton Willis' house?

"I appreciate that, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that you are actually contemplating going to this thing. And in a tuxedo no less,"

Alex placed his arms on my shoulders.

"Katherine, look. I don't want to go just because it's a party. I know how emotionally fragile you are right now - I am too in fact. But if I go to this thing, it might actually help us later down the road,"

I snorted in retort, crossing my arms under my chest. "How could that possibly be?"

"It's a costume party," he replied.

"A costume party? That doesn't look like a costume to me,"

"That's because it's not finished yet. I have to get a mask," Alex replied. "And when I get the mask, then I will be all set,"

I was still hesitant about the whole idea, actually shocked about it would probably be a better word, but I let him continue any ways.

"Here's what I'm thinking. All the men are required to wear masks at the party. I think Willis stole the idea from 'Eyes Wide Shut' or something, I don't know. Any ways, if I have a mask on, I will be able to move freely about the party, listen in on conversations, etc and no one will know the difference because they won't know who I am," he said, holding his breath expectantly as he waited for my reaction.

Truthfully, the idea was pretty ingenious. The only drawback would be getting bad info or not knowing who exactly the info came from. I told him as such.

"No, you see that's the beauty of it. If I was looking for generalized info, that would be a problem because you wouldn't know who to trust. But since we are just looking for specific stuff, things about the Rose Petals and Willis, then it won't be a problem. I can float around in conversations, staying on the edge for just long enough to pick up what I need to know,"

"And you actually think this is going to work? What about the women, who will you know to trust out of that group? Because you know how Willis likes to pair up men with his little stable of kept women," I asked, recalling bitterly the times that, before I meant Alex, Willis had done just that to me.

"I'll be careful and avoid any obvious come ons or traps. Who says I have to screw anyone to get the info I want?" Alex replied with a bit of a smile, fixing his bow tie on his tuxedo. Even in the nice fabric of it, his large frame made him look more like a bouncer than a guest. "Besides, I have to go to this thing. It would look weird if I didn't show up, especially in hind sight of you being on the lam now,"

"I guess you're right. But I can't stay here at your place much longer any ways, it's not safe. I was planning on leaving and taking my chances at home. My dog really needs to be fed," I said. Sucking in air through my teeth, I consented to Alex going.

"Promise me you will have a cell phone with you and I can call you when and if anything happens to me," I said.

"I promise. And the same for you - I'll call you as soon as I learn anything,"

"Alright then. Well, good luck finding a mask. Even though Halloween is just over, I think most stores will probably be out of stock,"

"Don't worry, this is LA. I'm sure somewhere there is a mask to be found," Alex said warmly, kissing my cheek. "I need to get going though. Are you sure you are going to be alright?"

"Yes. Like you said before, I can't run from my problems forever. I'll be fine,"

"Ok. Call me if you have any problems," he said and then stepped out the door. I locked it behind him and, disrobing, walked in and started a shower.

Even though I had taken one the night before, being back in LA was comfort enough to add to the warm water flowing over me. I felt totally at ease and relaxed as I stepped out and toweled off, taking a moment of vanity to admire my nude body in the steamed mirror. I put my hand over the Rose Petals tattoo, trying to recapture an image of what my life had been like before all of this mess. It was hard to do.

I left Alex's apartment just as the sun was going down and LA was coming alive for the evening. This time of night always worried me. You couldn't, as a pedestrian, see into car windows as they drove past you, even though they could see you perfectly fine with their headlights. Thankfully, it only lasted a few minutes every day and I would be glad when today's had passed.

I decided to walk home, just in case they had some people on the look out for me in the cab system. It was only a few dozen blocks and if I stuck to populated areas, I shouldn't have too much trouble.

As I walked on, I saw that strangely, there weren't many people out. In fact, the two or three blocks ahead of me looked practically empty, with maybe half a dozen people for the dozens upon dozens of cars zooming past next to the storefronts and sidewalks. I lowered my head down and began to walk more quickly, hoping that when I got through this empty and deserted area, there would be more people around for me to blend into.

My head down and my arms underneath my chest, it took me a moment to realize that traffic had thinned out too. It wasn't bumper to bumper, and there were in fact still a lot of cars (this was LA after all) but I was moving pretty much at the same pace, block wise, as the traffic.

Which is why when a black SUV changed lanes and began to move at the EXACT same pace as me in the left hand lane closest to the sidewalk, I felt my heart start to beat quite a bit faster. I stole a glance up ahead and saw that the intersection there was roaring with cars, leaving me very little chance to keep going if I wanted to, the bright orange DO NOT WALK sign flashing violently.

Approaching it now, I waited impatiently for it to turn, for the light to turn, for ANYTHING to turn to get me away from this black as night car that now idled next to me. For a moment, I thought that my fears had been for naught when nothing happened from them - probably just some guy checking me out - when all of a sudden, my heart sank as I heard the doors of the vehicle open.

I tried to play it off as if nothing had happened, as if I hadn't heard anything, despite the fact that I was now shivering in fear. I heard two pairs of footsteps behind me and felt hands being placed on my elbows.

"Ms. Heigl, come with us," one of the voices said, my eyes closed so tight that I didn't dare open them to look. I shook my head back and forth hard, my hair swaying into their faces, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. Grabbing onto my arms, they lifted me up off of the ground.

I began to kick and thrash violently, but they were much bigger than me and despite my good physical condition, they managed to drag me over to the car within a few seconds time, shoving me into the back seat rudely as they shut the door, just making it in time for the light to change.

The car sped off and as I adjusted my eyes to the light, I saw Gordon Hapsboro sitting in the passenger seat. Next to me were two well dressed men, Secret Service looking types, who stared straight ahead, their large bodies towering over me.

"You are a hard woman to find Ms. Heigl," Hapsboro said with quite a bit of glee in his voice, glee at having found me.

"Fuck you," I spat back at him.

"No no, you've already done that, remember? No, right now you appear to have fucked your sisters in the Rose Petals,"

I decided to play innocent "I don't know what the hell you are talking about,"

"Of course, of course. Now comes the part where I say 'We have ways of making you talk' and then we cut the scene back to the hero," Hapsboro said, turning around to look at me. In the dying light of the day, his face was mostly shadows except for the occasional gleam of his teeth.

"You realize that you just kidnapped me in broad daylight, right?" I said, trying to steer the conversation in a way I could control. Hapsboro would have none of it.

"We didn't kidnap you. We simply acted on behalf of your sisters in the Rose Petals who are very deeply concerned for you and want to make sure that you are ok and that your little 'problem' from yesterday doesn't happen again,"

My heart sank and I felt tears start to well in my eyes. There was no point in playing the tough girl any more. I began to sob.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked between gasps, the tears now flowing down my cheek. Oh why had I left Alex's apartment when I did! Of all the luck!

"No, not today. But we are going to make sure that you don't forget that the way you treated your sisters, not to mention Mr. Willis and his organization yesterday, does not happen again,"

I broke down in tears now, uncontrollable emotion as I tried to come to grips with things. He wasn't going to kill me, but somehow the thought of death had seemed less stressful and taxing than anything else my over active imagination would likely come up with.

As the car continued to move, another faceless guy driving behind the wheel, I managed to compose myself enough to speak once again, although my voice barely registered as a whisper.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Hapsboro didn't respond, only stared straight ahead. I found courage in my voice and leaned forward in the seat for a moment before the gruesome twosome pulled me back hard.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked again, my voice now rising in fear.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO ME!!!" I pleaded, begging for an answer. The car continued onward and as I glanced out the window, I saw that we were not in the best part of town. The buildings were run down and the wino-to-citizen ratio was incredibly high. As the car made a left turn, it drove a little ways and then stopped abruptly. My heart did double time in my chest as I looked out the window at where we were.

I felt myself grow pale, my body grow weak and limp. "No, not here. Please Mr. Hapsboro, please!"

"Ms. Heigl, the time for pleading is over. Do not worry, this won't be painful. It will serve simply as a reminder of what the cost of your actions brought on this organization last night.

The side doors opened and the men grabbed me by the arm, pulling me out. My legs were wobbly and as I tried to stand up, I found myself unable to do so. The driver rolled down his window as one of the men lifted me up onto his shoulder, my body slack but my heart and mind racing.

"I'd love to stay and offer you some moral support Ms. Heigl, but I have a party I simply must attend. I trust Jules and Vince well enough, I'm sure they will make sure you get home safely. Isn't that right gentlemen?"

"Yes sir," the one holding me grunted. With that, Hapsboro's window rolled up and the two men carried me inside. I felt light headed and then suddenly everything went black as I was led in to meet my punishment for trying to screw the Rose Petals.


I managed to find my mask without too much difficulty, which ended up being a bad thing. I drove to a costume shop a few blocks down from my apartment and started browsing their left over Halloween stock. I found a Greek comedy mask, one of those gold ones you always see at theaters and play houses, except this one was all blue. Trying it on, I was pleased with the way that it covered my face completely, obscuring all but my eyes to the world. I paid the man behind the counter and then walked out with it in my hands, tossing it on the seat as I got into my car.

Why it turned out to be a bad thing though, was simple: I now had lots of time to kill before the party started. Which of course meant that my mind had ample opportunity to go through all the possible scenarios of how things could go wrong at the party: what if no one else wore masks? Who was to say that people would even open up about the Rose Petals at a party like this? Or that I could even trust them?

All were valid questions as I drove my car, making loops around blocks purposely to kill time. It was only 7 now, and the invitation had said to be there no later than 8. That meant that I had about 45 minutes to kill before I actually decided to show up.

The reasoning behind it was not as rude as you might think: getting there early would simply draw attention to myself, as would arriving later than the time the invitation said. It was best to show up with the last group of stragglers, when Willis and the people in charge would be busy getting things going and spending less time greeting people.

Heading towards the hotel, I pulled into it's parking garage and simply sat in my car with the engine off, running through my plan in my head. I think the fact that everyone would be wearing masks was pretty much a given. And I knew from past experience that when people started drinking at one of Willis' parties, they were very open to talking. So two of my concerns were pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things. What I didn't know, and why I was sitting in my car now just hashing out every possible scenario, was if any of the information would be trustworthy, and who it would be coming from.

Katherine was right: it was the women at these things you had to look out for. The men were certainly dangerous because with the power of their pen, they could wipe you off the planet. But with the women, they were far more deadly than one would think: they would seduce you and pleasure you and get you talking and then stab you in the back (perhaps both literally and figuratively) if it helped out this sick little world that Willis had created.

Which is why I had to be on my guard and pay attention to everything. Women liked to gossip, and at a party like this, gossip would be flowing as much as the wine. It was all a matter of selecting the right information, the right vintage.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my mask and stepped out of the car. Putting it on, I walked to the elevator, leading up to the penthouse suite. As the elevator rose, I tried to calm my nerves. Looking in the brass mirroring of the elevator, I fixed my hair and waited for the ding. When it came, I stepped out onto the top floor, heading down the hall.

There was a doorman to greet me as I found the suite, situated right in the middle of the floor. He didn't say a word, simply ushered me in. Going inside, the party was actually quite a bit more than I expected. There were about 75 people total there, the men all wearing masks and the women formal evening gowns. A few of them looked at me as I walked in, but otherwise they were pretty involved in their conversations. I saw some of the same people from Willis' first party, as well as quite a few from my encounter at the strip club. The celebrities there were pretty much the same as before - some A listers, but also quite a few of up and comers and a few who I now knew to be Rose Petal members: Salma Hayek, Brittany Murphy, Tara Reid. And off in the corner, talking with the bartender was none other than Eliza Dushku herself. She was wearing a flowing green dress that came all the way down to her ankles but left plenty of room up top to expose her cleavage.

Heading over to the bar, I gave her a quick glance and asked the bartender for a drink. Eliza was leaning against the bar, drinking a martini. She turned her attention to me and spoke.

"You know, with all these damn masks, it's hard to tell who people are. But you look strangely familiar," Eliza said, sipping her drink.

I tried to keep my voice from expressing any nuances to give me away. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, you're build and all. If I hadn't already had three of these things, I'm sure I would remember," Eliza said. I looked at her directly now and watched as she pulled the olive in her glass out by the toothpick and put it to her lips, sucking it in seductively.

"You have a date for tonight?" she asked as she slowly chewed the little green ball.

"No, I decided to come alone,"

Eliza rose from where she was leaning and walked over to me, brushing her arm against mine as she was about to leave.

"Well, you let me know if you need some company. I'm dying to see what is behind that mask," she said, sauntering away slowly. I turned and watched her go, my heart rate slowing a bit now that she was gone. I finished my drink and had the bartender freshen me up another one as I scanned the party.

The suite was quite large, probably the biggest I had ever seen in a hotel. The main ballroom area had a full on orchestra going and with the suits and evening dresses, one would think this was a high class affair. I of course, knew better.

Leaving the bar, I mingled in with the guests, heading over to a crowd of about six or so who were standing in a circle, their voices low. On the arm of one of them was Molly Sims, that model from the Old Navy commercials and some show on MTV. She looked slightly bored by the conversation which, strangely enough, was reason for me to become interested. I lingered around the edge of the group, sipping my drink through the mask (a task that was a bit more difficult than it sounded)

"I hear they got caught with a shit load of coke and the cops hauled their asses out naked," one of the men said.

"Yeah, that's what I heard too. Only, it wasn't coke, it was some dope as well. Damn, you would think Willis would be more careful than that,"

"Willis was there?"

"Na, don't be such a prick. He wouldn't involve himself with stupid stuff like that. Now that Hapsboro guy on the other hand..."

"Hey guys, lighten up. This is their party after all, no need to start stupid rumors and reputation bashing,"

The conversation shifted to something else and I drifted away, mingling in on the party. Most of the rest of the people were content to talk about other things, stocks and what not, and quite frankly it didn't concern me. Behind my mask, I felt strangely invisible. Like a fly on the wall in a million different rooms with a million different conversations.

Brushing past Julie Bowen from that show "Ed", I felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Mr. Hilt?" the voice said. I turned around and saw a stocky looking man, wearing a Lone Ranger style mask.

"Yes?" I said, disappointed that my anonymity was broken.

"Enjoying the party?" the man asked. I recognized the voice - it was Gordon Hapsboro. He wore a slimming looking suit with a pastel orange tie, which matched the rest of his outfit pretty well, especially considering the Halloween/fall theme of the party.

"Yes, thank you. Mr. Hapsboro, correct?"

"Guilty as charged," Hapsboro said. "The mask isn't much. I didn't want the guests to not be able to find the host,"

"Indeed," I said, sipping my drink. "You are pretty adapt at picking people out of a crowd. Eliza Dushku didn't even recognize me,"

Hapsboro laughed. "Yes, well women seem to only know you by your pocket fold sometimes. Say, how are things going on your film? I haven't heard much lately, I've been busy with Mr. Willis and all,"

"They are going alright. I took some time away because of some personal things,"

"I'm sorry to hear that. Are they resolved now?"

"Yes, thank you for asking. I will probably come back on the lot on Monday," I said, trying to gauge if Hapsboro would be probing much deeper, because truthfully, I didn't have many more answers that weren't flat out lies. Thankfully though, a blonde passed between us and it caught his attention.

"Well, I hope to see you around soon. If you'll excuse me,"

"Of course," I said as he walked off after the woman. I waited for him to go before edging out away from the ballroom area and towards the more secluded hallways. The drink had run right through me, probably from nerves, and I needed to find a bathroom.

At the end of one end of the suite was the bathroom and I walked into it, taking a leak as I pondered Eliza's comments. Had she known it was me and was simply playing coy, or was Hapsboro right? It was tough to take much of what he said at face value, but she had certainly lost interest fairly quick.

Zipping up, I walked out of the restroom with my drink and headed back towards the party. As I passed one of the private rooms, I heard rather loud voices talking. I stopped for a moment, listening. It was two women and it sounded like they were arguing. Leaning in closer to the door, I couldn't resist peeking inside to see what they were arguing about.

Though I could only see out of one eye, I clearly made out two celebrities sitting on the bed. Both were on the left hand edge, their dresses folded beneath them as they faced one another. One was a blonde, who I recognized almost immediately to be Kirsten Dunst. She had her hand out in front of her, so as I couldn't see it because of the other girl. Straining my head in further, I still couldn't see her face dead on but as I looked deeper in the room, a mirror on the far wall reflected them to me just enough for me to make out the second woman: Rachael Leigh Cook.

Watching them, I scanned down the hallway to see if anyone saw me standing there eavesdropping. There was a pillar in the way of the hall, and a plant next to it so as far as I could tell, I was in the clear. I looked back into the room and strained to listen.

"Come on Rachael, I've worked hard at convincing the other members,"

"I know that Kirsten, but I'm just not ready. I don't like the idea of a secret club and all that,"

"Don't think of it as a club. Think of it as a way to go and blow off steam, to be who you want to be without any repercussions,"

"Be what? A slut?"

"Hey, look bitch, don't call me a slut. We all do what we have to do. And if you start to enjoy it, well that's your own thing. Me, I'm just in it for the sex. I just love hanging around with beautiful women like you,"

As I watched through the door, I saw that Kirsten's hand was on Rachael's left breast, the strap of her dress pulled down over her shoulder and Kirsten kneaded it in her hand. Rachael looked very uncomfortable, shifting her weight on the bed.

"Look, I said I wasn't ready alright? And stop that...it's not helping anything,"

"Oh, I think it's helping things just fine," Kirsten cooed, leaning her head down towards Rachael's chest. Rachael stood up suddenly, throwing Kirsten off as she fell face first onto the bed.

"I said STOP ok? God, I don't even know why I came to this party,"

Kirsten, looking rather pissed off, stood up from the bed. Her face was a real mask now - a mask of anger.

"Bitch, you really don't know who you are messing with here. This isn't the sort of thing that you just say no to and then forget about. This is your career, your life you are talking about,"

"Are you threatening me?"

Kirsten laughed bitterly. "Oh, that's rich. Ms. Josie & The Pussycats, a huge flop, is saying I'm threatening her precious career,"

Rachael crossed her arms under her chest, oblivious to the fact that her breast was exposed.

"I think you better leave,"

"Gladly," Kirsten said, picking her purse up from the bed and heading towards the door. I dashed quickly back down the hall, slowing as I grew nearer to the bathroom, trying to make it seem like I was just another guest, not a spy.

I turned my head casually and watched as Kirsten stormed out of the room, slamming the door hard behind her as she walked off in a huff. She saw me looking and flipped me off.

"What the hell are you staring at?" she spat angrily and then marched off down the hall and around the corner, out of sight. I stood where I was for a few moments then slowly made my way back down the hall. I hadn't seen Rachael come out and as I listened at the door again, I thought I heard some noise. Knocking gently on it, Rachael's angry voice yelled at me.

"Go away Kirsten,"

Opening the door slowly, I stuck my head in.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound more concerned than curious.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else," Rachael said, turning her head away. "Yeah, everything is fine,"

I opened the door wider. "It didn't sound fine when that woman stormed out. Would you like to talk about it?"

Rachael lifted her head and looked at me, studying me as half of my body was in the door frame. She sighed.

"Yeah, sure, come in. I don't think you would understand though," she said. I shut the door behind me and walked over to the bed, sitting a safe distance away from her.

Rachael glanced down at her chest and saw that she was exposed. Laughing, she pulled her dress back up, securing her breast back in it's rightful spot.

"Life is funny sometimes, you know?" she said quietly. "You never know what to expect,"

"Yeah," I said, not quite sure what else to say. Rachael inhaled deeply.

"See, there's this group...they want me to join them and...well, I don't want to, at least not right now any ways,"

"The Rose Petals," I said, already regretting the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

Rachael eyed me warily. "Yeah...how did you know?"

"Well, they aren't exactly a state secret for people at this party," I said, hoping that the save would work. It did.

Rachael laughed to herself. "No, I suppose you are right. They aren't. So yeah, the Rose Petals want me to join and the thing is, I don't think my career needs it right now. I mean, I'm not ready for that kind of life altering commitment. Not yet at least,"

"I understand. You have been pretty successful so far?" I asked.

"Sorta. I've done a few movies that were hits but other than that, things have been kind of shitty. I was used to it when I was younger, taking crappy 'Girl #2' kind of roles, but now I just wish that things were doing better. Maybe joining them would really help. I don't know, it's all such a huge ordeal,"

"They aren't something you can back out of very easily either,"

Rachael looked at me warily again. "You seem to know a lot about them..."

I cleared my throat. "Well, yes, I mean no...just what I hear, that sort of thing. It's a kind of member for life sort of thing,"

"Yeah, exactly. Like the mob,"

"Right. Only, with lesbians,"

Rachael laughed, brushing some hair back from her face behind her ear. She wore a burgundy dress, the front of it ruffled and the silky material wrapping around the rest of her body. Unlike Eliza's outfit, she didn't really need to boost her cleavage. Even in the dress, I could tell that Rachael was very well endowed.

"Well, I wouldn't let them pressure you. Think about it a little bit and then maybe make your decision," I said to her, trying to keep her talking.

"Yeah, I think I will. Hey, thanks for the advice. Can I see under your mask?"

I flinched. "Isn't that against the rules of the party?"

"Yeah, but who is going to see us,"

"Good point," I said, leaving an awkward moment in the air. Rachael scooted towards me on the bed, her small hands moving up towards my face.

"Do you mind?"

"No, I guess it's alright,"

With that, Rachael placed her hands on the side of my mask and lifted it upwards, letting it come to rest on my head.

She studied my face for a moment. "Hmm...don't think I've met you before. You're kind of cute,"

I felt myself blush, even as my mind dissected her comments. This couldn't be a trap, could it?

"Thanks," I replied. "You aren't too bad yourself,"

Now it was Rachael's turn to blush. It was a delicate thing to watch her blush, her face turning a soft shade of pink, obviously shy by the compliment.

"Thank you," she said, looking down at her hands in her lap. She looked up at me again. "I'm Rachael by the way,"

I extended my hand, which she shook. "Alex. Alex Hilt,"

"Nice to meet you Alex," Rachael said. There was another long pause before Rachael spoke again.

"Want to hear something crazy I just thought of?"


"Well, when the other girl, Kirsten, was in here, she was sort of...rubbing my...you know, breast. And it got me a little turned on in spite of myself. So I was thinking, since we are in this room all alone and all, and you are pretty handsome..."

"I was only cute a moment ago, wow I've been upgraded," I said jokingly, Rachael laughing a little giddily at the joke.

"Yeah, well, now that I've started talking to you, I think the upgrade is warranted,"

"So you were thinking..."

"Oh yeah, right," Rachael said. I wasn't trying to rush her or anything but her comments and the sight of her breast just a few minutes early had really started to turn me on, a fact that I was trying to hide as best as possible in my pants. "So I was thinking if it would be alright if I kissed you,"

"I don't see why not," I said softly to her. Rachael smiled - a dazzling sight to behold, her small mouth curving upward as her dimples rose a bit from her face. Her cute button nose added to the overall effect of making this small girl look down right adorable as her brown eyes locked onto my own.

Leaning in, Rachael slowly pressed her lips against mine. It wasn't a passionate kiss, at least not one that she was trying to make into one, but the effect it had on me was staggering. Feeling her soft lips against my own sent my nerves racing as I inhaled deeply the scent of her perfume rising from her neck and bosom.

I slowly placed my arm around Rachael's back and pulled her closer, holding the kiss for as long as I could. Her mouth opened hesitantly and her tongue slid into my mouth. Everything she did was slow and methodical but strangely, from my experience with all the other women in Willis' harem (a fact which I didn't know if Rachael was one or not), was deliciously intoxicating.

Rachael pulled her lips away from mine after a moment, licking her bottom lip with her tongue as she bit and nibbled down on it.

"That felt pretty good," she whispered to me, our eyes locked in such a way that the mere thought of looking away from her would seem almost blasphemous.

I nodded in reply and then took the lead, pressing my mouth into hers again. This time, even though the kiss was still decidedly soft, Rachael seemed to come alive. She allowed my hand on her back to roam further upward until my fingers touched the back of her bare neck, the delicate hairs moving underneath my finger tips. Pressing my body against her, I held onto the back of her dress and slowly began to lean her backwards on the bed, our lips staying locked as she came to a rest on the soft comforter of the bed.

I shifted my weight and looked down at her, Rachael's chest heaving in excitement. Her eyes told so much about her - this was not a trap that I was stepping into. In fact, Rachael seemed like the kind of girl that would there in the trap with you, too shy to really even take the risk of just kissing me outright: she had to ask first. Her eyes also however, let me know that she was very much interested in where this was going, despite her apparent reservations to go there with Kirsten.

My weight on top of her now, I kissed Rachael again as I pressed my hips into her lower body, just between her legs. Rachael gasped slightly into my mouth as she felt my manhood laying against her through our clothes. I lifted my mouth and Rachael's hands wasted no time moving down to the belt buckle of my pants and undoing it clumsily. I placed my hands on her shoulders and slid down the straps slowly, exposing her small upper body as I gently tugged on her dress until her breasts came free.

I was right about their size. A solid C cup, Rachael's breasts were firm and large as I placed my hands on top of them, feeling her nipples grow hard beneath my palms. Her nipples were a rich shade of brown and despite her modesty at first, seemed to be responding quite well to my touch, her body taking over where her mind left off.

Rachael unclasped my belt buckle and pulled down my pants with her hands, allowing my cock to spring free as I leaned into her, digging my feet into the floor as my now free cock to sway in front of her between her legs. Rachael seemed transfixed by the sight of it and followed it with her eyes, even as I licked at her neck, my hands squeezing her tits hard enough to make her gasp.

My ear by her mouth, Rachael's lust had taken full control now. "I want you to fuck me Alex. This is nothing but two people having sex, so don't think of it as anything more than that. I'm not ready for a commitment right now, so let's just enjoy this anonymous coupling,"

"Not a problem," I said to her. Truthfully, my own lust had the best of me now too. I was dying simply to just pull up her dress and thrust into her, expensive fabric be damned. I restrained myself however, until Rachael herself took the lead and pulled at the hem of her dress, bunching it up by her belly. I glanced down to see the smooth outline of her stomach and the inevitable drop off of where her pussy began. There was a small patch of hair down there that I could see and as my cock bobbed around looking for her opening as if on it's own, I felt the coarseness of her cunt rub against my flesh.

I finally had to free one hand as I took my cock in it and lined it up with her opening. Rachael gasped as the head pressed against her slightly wet pussy. With a little bit of slow pacing but still enough force to turn her on, I thrust into Rachael, popping the head and the first few inches of my shaft into her pussy.

Holding her breasts in my hands again, I squeezed them as I thrust more and more of my cock into her snatch. Rachael cried out in pleasure, wrapping her legs around my waist as she locked them in, trying to pull me in deeper.

Her small body rocked completely on the bed as I began to work myself in and out of her. It really was a good old fashioned fuck like Rachael had wanted and strangely, the anonymity and randomness of it was turning me on to no end. It wasn't every day that you just walked into a room and began to have sex with a woman, but I wasn't going to curse my luck right now and stop.

Rotating my cock slightly, Rachael's heels dug into my back as I bottomed out inside of her, feeling the tip of my prick stretch out her tight pussy and reach the depths of her cervix. Rachael must have been as reserved about sex as I had first pictured because the feel of her cunt around my cock all pointed towards a woman who didn't have sex very often at all. Still though, the feel of her silken channel, like a glove of velvet around my cock, was hot and warm and increasingly wet as I fucked her steadily now, sliding in and out of her with growing ease.

Racheal's head thrashed back and forth on the bed, her mouth frozen in a look of ecstasy as she kept her eyes clamped shut, occasionally managing to whisper an "Oh yes!" or "Unnggh" during my strokes. As I continued to fuck her, something seemed to click in my head. Rachael was an innocent after all, just like I had been. She had been lured to this party, no doubt, because of the guest list and now that she had essentially told Kirsten Dunst and the Rose Petals to fuck off, that meant at least initially that she would be open to hearing about my plans on bringing them down. It was still quite early to tell, but her innocence would certainly be something that would be useful, should she decide to help.

It was this image, of an innocent Rachael Leigh Cook pretending to be a shy girl just so she could help out in ruining this little oligarchy that Willis had set up, that aroused me the most. She was like a repressed librarian sort of - albeit a damn cute one - and the thought of her offering herself up was just too much for me to bear. Grunting, I thrust hard into her and then began to cum.

Shooting long, thick ropes of cum into her pussy, Rachael's eyes opened up and we stared at each other as my own orgasm brought her off. She smiled at me, a smile of pleasure and strangely, trust, as I continued to coat and fill her insides with my potent seed. As I finished cumming, I continued to thrust inside of her, keeping her own pleasure going long enough to let her reach her final wave of pleasure before settling back down, both of us out of breath and exhausted.

I slowly pulled myself out of Rachael's now dripping pussy, pulling my pants back up and refastening my belt. Rachael sat up on the bed and pulled her dress back on to where it was supposed to be, fixing her hair.

"Alex," she said softly as I zipped up my pants, the mention of my name causing me to look up.

"Yes Rachael?"

"What I said...about this being a one time thing...I'm not sure if I meant that or not. The sex was great, certainly, and I think I needed it to help calm me down from all the stress tonight. But...maybe it was just me but..."

"Go on Rachael, I'm listening," I said as gently as possible.

"Well, I felt a kind of connection with you tonight. Did you feel anything like that?"

I smiled at her. "Yes Rachael, I did. I'm not quite sure what it was, but it was certainly a spark,"

Now she smiled. "Yeah, a spark. Great way of putting it. Any ways, I really loved how you helped calm me down. Maybe we can get together sometime, you know, outside of this atmosphere, and talk a bit,"

"I would love that Rachael," I said. And I would too. If she was feeling the same sort of things I was, then perhaps she would be a valuable ally in this little war of ours.

"Ok, well here's my number," Rachael said, reaching into her purse and scribbling down a number with one of the hotel pens. "Call me any time, I'll try to meet you if I'm not shooting,"

"Sounds great. Listen, I hate to do this but...I think I better get back to the party. And you should too probably,"

"Yes, I think you're right," Rachael said softly. "Ok, well you go on ahead and I'll come out a few minutes later. Here, don't forget your mask,"

I had totally forgotten about it, lost in the moment with Rachael and the delicate way that she had caressed my face when she removed it. I put it back on, but lifted the bottom to speak to her.

"Bye Rachael, hope to see you soon,"

"You too Alex," she said, blowing me a kiss.

I stepped out of the room, my mask now securely on and slowly walked out into the ballroom where all the other guests were. As I began to walk through the crowd again, something felt different. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up and as I looked around, I noticed that the party guests weren't just chatting idily, they were whispering and looking at me.

Scanning the room, I saw that the women were doing the same thing. In fact, some of the Rose Petal girls were actually flat out staring. I glanced down at myself and, not finding an undone fly or anything like that, looked up again as I walked to the bar. A man and his wife who had been sitting there saw me coming and suddenly stood up, walking away quickly.

Sitting down at the bar, I asked the bartender for another drink. He brought it to me, but then leaned in close to my ear.

"Listen man, I know this is going to sound weird but I think you should get out of here. A few minutes ago, I saw the head guys talking and then all of a sudden, the mood of the place changed. I don't know what it was but when you came out a second ago, everyone got all tense. Did you notice that?"

I drank from my drink. "Yes, a little bit,"

"Well, if I were you, I'd just walk out right now like you planned on doing it. Nothing fancy, don't make a scene. But I'm getting some bad mojo vibes from this and I think you might have something to do with it.

"Thanks for the heads up," I said, setting my drink back down. Glancing down at my hand, I saw that it was shaking slightly. Steadying it, I rose from the bar and walked towards the exit, first in a casual stroll and then in a more hurried pace, the hair on the back of my neck standing up again. I passed by Rachael and she looked confused as I blew past her, not wanting to stop and talk to her. The bartender had been right. Things had gotten weird all of a sudden, and this was not the kind of place to stick around and try to figure it out.

Hustling back to my car, I kept looking over my shoulder to see if I had been followed. I hadn't, but I still didn't manage to shake the paranoia I had until I had gotten a few blocks from the hotel, my time at the party lasting a whopping hour and a half.

Driving home, I saw that the porch light outside my apartment was on. Strange, I thought to myself. I guess Katherine had come back a bit earlier.

Climbing the stairs, I opened the front door. Inside, it was pitch black dark and as I stepped inside, I heard a voice call to me. It was a weak sound, but my name could clearly be heard. Switching on a light, I listened again and followed it as the person, a woman, repeated it.

It was coming from the kitchen. Walking into it, the very dim light of the living room not even illuminating even half of the room, I saw a figure standing against the far wall. It was Katherine. Only...in some way, it wasn't.

"Katherine? Is that you?" I asked hesitantly. I could hear soft sobs coming from her and though my first instinct was to rush over to her, something told me to stay where I was.

"Yes, it's me Alex. Oh God,"

"Katherine, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice now deep with concern.

"It's...they found me Alex," she said, a resigned tone in her voice.

My heart froze. "They found you? How?"

"When I was going home. Oh Alex, they...they punished me,"

"What? How? Are you alright?"

Still sobbing, Katherine suddenly put her hand to the wall switch nearest to her and the light over the kitchen table lit up, casting her in a pale yellow halo. As my eyes adjusted to the sudden change in light, I gasped at what I saw.

Katherine stood naked in front of me, only...it wasn't quite her. There was no mistaking her face, the way she stood, all of the little nuances that a person has. But everything else about her seemed confusing and different. Her long, blonde hair was gone. Instead, it had been cut into a somewhat rugged short length, and had been dyed brunette so well that you would never have thought that she was a blonde in the first place.

Scanning down her body, I again was shocked to see her breasts. Through each one of her nipples hung a small gold ring - they had been pierced. The area around them was somewhat red and swollen and the entire thing looked somewhat painful. Her belly and thighs were also red, long strips of color on her pale skin. Places where it looked like whips or belts or something had been. And finally, the one beautiful patch of pussy hair that she had diligently kept trimmed was now gone, her cunt shaved bare.

I was in shock at seeing all this, and Katherine began to cry anew now at my expression of surprise.

"Oh Alex, it was so horrible. They whipped me, they tied me down...I passed out before they changed my hair but when I woke up, I saw that they had put these...these THINGS in my breasts. Oh God Alex, they treated me like property. Like cattle. They were laughing and joking the whole time, even as I screamed. They said they were branding me, making sure I knew I was 'theirs'," she said. With that last comment, she collapsed on her knees onto the floor, her back sliding down against the wall.

I rushed over to her, holding her in my arms.

"I...I didn't tell them about you, even though they wanted to know. But Alex, I think they DO know! Or they will soon. They kept saying something about having ways, about knowing that I wasn't working alone..." she said, sobbing into my chest.

I held her there like that for a few minutes, just letting her cry it all out, the entire shock of it all - of Katherine getting caught and abused like this - just pissed me off further. And now that they might be looking for me...it all seemed to fall into place. The hesitant stares at the party...the hairs on the back of my neck...

I shuddered at the thought of what was to come, but knew full well that there was nothing I could do to stop it.


"This better be good Gordon, dragging me away from the party like this," I said to my assistant as he shut the door of one of the bedrooms here in the suite. It was already approaching 2 in the morning and even though most of the guests had left, there was still a few stragglers that I felt compelled to entertain.

"It is sir. Very good. We have pinpointed our problem with the Rose Petals last night," Hapsboro said.

"You have? Excellent. And who was it, were the suspicions about Ms. Heigl correct?"

"Yes sir, they were. But she wasn't acting alone. I'm afraid that there is someone else in the organization that was helping her out, someone we didn't find out about until a few hours ago,"


"Remember that screen writer you hired, Alex Hilt? It's him sir,"

I sighed to myself. Hilt had seemed like a good kid, a friendly guy. "You are positive?"

"Yes sir. We checked out where he was last night and we haven't been able to put a trace on him other than a trip he made to Las Vegas around 5 in the morning. He stopped at a Vegas gas station and we pulled the card from the credit card company,"

Rubbing my eyes, to say that these findings disappointed me was an understatement. But business was business and I could not let my emotions get involved.

"Alright, well let's take care of him very soon. Pull no punches Gordon, this thing ends with him,"
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Carnage Jackson

Hollywood After Dark Ch. 6
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2023, 09:38:45 PM »
Hollywood After Dark: Chapter 6

* * * * *

Oh, we shared some ideas
All obsessed with fame
Says we're all the same
Oh, I don't see it that way
I don't see it that way
- The Strokes


"Unnngghhhhh!!!" Salma grunted beneath me as I held firmly onto her hips. Slamming myself hard into her pussy, my cock slid inside of her with ease. Holding her bent over my desk, my pants around my ankles and my shirt bunched up at my chest, I placed my hand on Salma's back and held her down against the desk, her breasts spilling out from her dress against my blotter.

Feeling her soft, supple flesh in my hands, I slowed my pace down a bit as I rocked in and out of her, my prick coming out slightly, the length moist with her juices before I pushed it back into her. Salma's long black hair hung over her shoulder as she squeezed her eyes closed shut, muttering something in Spanish under her breath. Her body felt warm and alive as the desk rocked on it's legs, my body now leaning into her as I fucked her doggy style.

This was hardly my first time sampling Salma's delicious body, but it was certainly the first time in a while. I had forgotten - well, almost - the feel of her voluptuous form. Many women these days were rail thin, with hardly anything to them. But Salma's soft body was firm and thick in all the right places, her ass jiggling a bit as I fucked her. My hand drifted down between her legs and I rubbed her clit softly beneath my fingers, feeling her juices soaking into my skin as I continued to work my dick in and out of her snatch.

Salma groaned loudly as my fingers flicked at her clit, her legs spread wide as her panties stretched down around her ankles. Burying my face in her back, I bit at her shoulder gently, my teeth raking over her skin as I tasted her perfume and sweat in my mouth. We had been going at it for fifteen minutes or so now, Salma a ready and willing partner for me to release my tension into her body. I knew she liked to dominate women and be in charge when it came to sex, but right now, I think part of her enjoyed being groped and dominated like this.

Sliding my hand up underneath her chest, I squeezed her breast hard, her nipple taut in my finger tips as I began to pound into her recklessly. Salma cried out in the mixture of pleasure and pain as I put pressure on her ample breast and hard nipple, feeling it grow even harder against my finger tips. I was moving like a machine now, the stamina of men half my age flooding through my body as I removed my dick partially from her, only to thrust it back in quickly before her body had time to register it's absence. My hand worked furiously on her pussy, stretching and moving it around in my palm as I buried a finger inside of her, two of my other fingers playing with her clit while my other hand held firmly onto her breast.

Again Salma cried out something I didn't know in Spanish, now really getting into things by bucking her thick, heart shaped ass against my thighs to meet my entrance into her body. I moved my hand from her breast and reached down, wrapping some of her hair in my hand as I gently but firmly yanked her head up from the desk, holding it suspended in the air as Salma gasped for breath, her orgasm imminent. With one final shove of her now wobbly legs, Salma pressed herself fully against me, as much of our flesh in one another as possible as I felt her pussy spasm and contract tightly around my dick, her orgasm beginning.

I smirked to myself as I felt her body get racked by her own pleasure, her skin getting goose bumps as she crested in her release, some of her over excited juices sliding down her leg as they soaked into my thigh. Loosening my grip on her hair, Salma's head sunk back down to the desk as she breathed hard as her orgasm came to an end, her legs still spread lewdly for me as I fucked her. I had slowed down a bit to allow her to enjoy herself, but now I too wanted to reach my peak, and I knew it was just a matter of time.

Salma simply stood there, her legs spread as wide as possible as I felt her soft, wet pussy lips try desperately to grasp my prick and hold onto it, something I would not allow. I was in control now, I was the one who called the shots. No cunt would tame my dick unless I wanted it to. With that surge of thought running through my body, I felt my well worked balls tense up and then finally shoot forth, sending two quick streams of cum into Salma's thirsty and waiting pussy.

As I held myself in her, still fucking into her twat slowly, I began to ease up slightly and catch my breath, our juices sloshing and squishing together as I felt one final dribble of cum leak out from my dick and into her fiery hot Latin pussy.

Holding onto her hips still, I sank back into my chair, Salma's snatch still holding onto my prick as her weight fell onto my thighs and she rested herself on my lap. She kept her legs spread wide for me as we both finally relaxed, my prick still hard as it was enveloped by her tight cunt. Her ass resting on my thighs, Salma slowly rotated herself on my legs until she was facing me, her head laying on my shoulder now.

Reaching my hand down, I couldn't resist playing with her breasts a bit as she looked up at me, her deep dark eyes looking into my own as if she was studying me.

"That was great Will," she whispered to me, bending her mouth down to kiss my neck.

"I've still got it, don't I?" I said back to her with a smile. Though I was old enough to be her father, Salma didn't seem to mind my age, especially since I could keep up with her in terms of stamina.

"Mmm...definitely," Salma cooed at me. Her face however, turned into a more serious one. "You know I love these little encounters Will, but I have some stuff I have to do today. What did you want to see me about?"

I sighed, lifting her off of my lap grudgingly as she stood up and pulled her panties back up, reclining against the desk as she looked at me.

"You knew about the rather unfortunate incident with your members recently in Las Vegas I assume,"

"Yes. Though I would have acted differently, Eliza handled herself I believe the best way possible,"

"I agree with you on both counts. However, the incident cast some very unneeded light on both of our organizations and that is why we decided to seek retribution on Katherine Heigl for her actions,"

Salma's brow furrowed. "This is news to me. I hope you weren't too hard on the girl. We don't need bodies turning up,"

"No no," I said to reassure her. "We merely took her in and made some physical and verbal statements to her that would let her know who she was dealing with. I have always felt that she would look better as a brunette, and so we felt it was time to convince her of that. Unfortunately, it took a bit of force to do that, amongst other things,"

Now it was Salma's turn to sigh.

"I trust you and your judgment Will but I hope that it wasn't anything too rash,"

"Again, you fail to give me full credit Salma. We simply made her aware that she is the property of this organization and gave her a few reminders of that. Any ways, that is not my point though. It seems Ms. Heigl was not working alone in her actions,"

Salma's eyebrows arched. "Oh?"

"A few months ago, I purchased the script of a screenwriter and kept him on staff for his very talented skills. However, I was perhaps a bit over zealous in granting him access almost immediately into our organization, mostly because I felt I could trust him. It seems though that my sense of people for which I am known betrayed me for once and at some point, he began to turn against us, as well as bring Ms. Heigl into things,"

"And she told you all of this?"

"Not in so many words. But we deduced it upon studying the organization more. Now, clearly if Katherine were to go missing, the press would be all over it in a way that we couldn't control. Certainly the newspapers would remain under our thumb but with this god damned internet these days, nothing stays secret for long. That's why we exercised restraint this time towards her. But Mr. Hilt however..."

"No one would miss him if he were to have an unfortunate accident I take it,"

"Precisely. Now certainly, a final solution could be reached if we had to but for now, we are letting him sweat things out a bit to try and grasp what he knows and his liability. My gut tells me that he is not alone in his actions and if something were to happen to him, we might inadvertently make him a martyr,"

"I see. But isn't keeping him around a liability risk?"

I smiled at Salma. "Believe me, this is not the first time one of our own has gotten a case of morals. We are concerned about him but right now he is containable. But it seems that he does have one fatal weakness, namely the rookie mistake of being seduced by this world we call Hollywood, especially the women who occupy it,"

"Hmm...I'm starting to see what you are getting at,"

"Good. That's why I like you so much Salma, you pick up on things quickly. But like I said earlier, right now we don't need to risk taking him out. We do however, need your help with things,"

"You know I'll do anything for the cause Will,"

"I know you will Salma. What I would like you to do is this: have one of your people go in after him and slowly work up his trust. Then, when the time arises, perhaps in a moment of passion, you let us know and we come and grab him. Right now, I believe that he will be too skittish to risk anything with someone who might be related to our organization. So this will need to be someone he won't be expecting, someone he feels is on his side. Is that clear?"

"Absolutely. I will get right on it. Unless of course you feel up for another go around," Salma said, smiling wickedly.

I sighed. "No, as tempting as that offer is, right now there are more pressing issues. If we resolve this insurgency, then there will be plenty of time for pleasantries. My meeting with the board last week went well and I know that once we take care of this niggling little issue, our progress should continue undeterred. In the meantime, I will do my part to remove Mr. Hilt from the loop, and you do yours,"

Salma was already dressed, straightening out her skirt as she pulled her panties up. Looking directly at me, she smiled.

"Don't worry, I will,"


In the three days since I found Katherine nude and changed in my kitchen, things had been rough. Very rough. I had rushed over to her immediately when I saw her and tried to comfort her, but she was as stiff as a board, not responding barely to anything I said. I practically had to drag her out of the kitchen and, finding an old robe of Petty's dressed her in it before leading her to the couch to lay down.

We sat in silence for hours, my discovery of her jolting my nerves awake so that I knew that trying to sleep would be useless. Katherine simply lay there motionless for a while, laying on her back with her legs in my lap because of the pain laying on her chest or side might bring to her newly pierced nipples. I stroked her thigh with my hand, trying more to sooth than arouse her and I guess it worked because after a while, she closed her eyes and I heard her breathing become more shallow.

I fell asleep accidentally that first night, only to wake up with a jolt for no apparent reason. Sitting upright, I noticed that Katherine was gone. Standing up and stretching my legs, I saw her sitting at the kitchen table, staring into a cup of coffee. She still wore the robe I gave her, but it was untied at the waist and her body was exposed in the early morning light filtering in through the blinds. I could see one of her nipples poking out of the robe, the tiny gold ring still in it, though the area around it a little swollen. In the dim light of the day, I could really look at her hair better now.

It had not just been a chop job, but more or less a professional styling. Her once blonde locks were now a rich shade of brown, and without all the baggage around what had happened, I actually felt that it made an already sexy Katherine look even sexier.

Sitting down at the table to join her, we sat quietly for a little while, Katherine occasionally glancing up to look out the kitchen window, then back down into her coffee. A few minutes passed before she finally spoke, the first words since last night when she had collapsed in my arms.

"They said that they were doing it to remind me. To remind me of who I belonged to," she said, her voice on the verge of tears.

Instinctively, I reached across the table and touched her hand. Her small fingers were cold, but she gripped my own hand with them as I touched her, as if showing she knew I was there for her.

"I guess you just kind of forget things out here. Forget how this whole world is based on beauty and objectifying people, and nothing more. It's a very hard thing to accept, and something I thought I had gotten over after getting a few jobs. But now with all this...I don't know if I will ever be able to look past it again,"

I didn't say anything, sensing that there was more coming.

"You probably already knew this Alex, but most people are pretty naive when they come out to LA. They think everything is just going to happen for them right away and that will be it. But it doesn't. Now more than ever I understand how the rich stay rich and how those of us who were blessed with good looks are just pawns in their great big chess game. Sometimes...I don't think I can take it,"

"It doesn't have to be that way Katherine. What happened last night was a set back, certainly but I think that if we regroup and,"

"NO! Don't you get it Alex?" she said, jumping from the chair and yanking our hands apart. "I'm tired of this. Sure, they gave me a haircut and pierced my nipples. It's traumatic but it's something I'm going to have to live with. But if you think I'm going to risk anymore just because of your cause...which, by the way, I still don't fully grasp, you better re-evaluate your ideas,"

I was startled by Katherine's sudden change of heart. She glared down at me angrily as my mind worked to try and calm her down.

"Katherine, sit down. Let's talk this out. No one is going to hurt you anymore,"

"That's what you said before," Katherine spat back at me angrily. "Or what am I to you Alex, just a doll you can dress and undress whenever you like, someone with no feelings?"

"No, Katherine, you're not that at all. You are,"

"What? Tell me what I am Alex? And while your at it, please start explaining why you got me into this mess. Because right now, I'm just about five seconds away from walking out and hoping I never see you again,"

I sighed heavily, things happening too fast for me. Thinking out my thoughts carefully, I tried to say things as calmly as possible.

"My whole reason for this Katherine...is that...I am tired of exactly what you just said. Women being treated bad and the men who use them. Sure, I like sex as much as the next guy but things are seriously fucked up. And I know now that it doesn't just stop with LA and Hollywood. This is way too far reaching for that. It's..."

"Would you listen to yourself Alex? You sound like one of those nutcases from the tabloids. Conspiracy theories and shit,"

"Katherine, will you PLEASE let me finish?" I said, anger rising in my voice now. Like a sulking child, Katherine reluctantly sat down in her chair.

"Thank you. This is not a conspiracy theory Katherine, you know that as well as I do. I never would have dug as deep as we have and pissed off the people we have pissed off had I known better. But something has started with Antamount and the Rose Petals Katherine, and it's not going to stop until it either stops us or we end it. You can't walk away from these people, not if you ever hope to have a normal life,"

Katherine stared at me intently. "Then what do you want to do Alex? What CAN we do?"

"For starters, we don't need to be fighting with each other. The way I see it, the only way to end this thing is to stop Antamount. And to do that, we have to stop Willis from doing anything else,"

Katherine scoffed at me, turning her head away as one of her now short strands of hair brushed across her face. She stared vacantly to the side. "So we are talking about murder now then, is that it?"

"I don't know. I really don't WANT to kill anyone Katherine, so I think that should be a last resort. There are other ways we can do this. We need more information though. We need dirt, something that Willis can't wiggle out of. Clearly, he has ties to Las Vegas and probably God knows where else. If we can find something on him, something that will stick, we can take him down without ever firing a shot,"

Katherine sat quietly for a moment, contemplating where our argument was going. "That will never work Alex. Willis has too much control. The media is controlled by him now, especially since he bought out all the papers a few years ago,"

"Then we go to the television stations. We go somewhere where he can't exert his reach, at least not until after we break with the news. Someone like him...there has to be dirt. We just need to talk to Charlie and figure out what we can,"

Katherine laughed sarcastically. "Now we are involving more people. Great,"

"You know, you aren't being very helpful in this Katherine,"

She sighed. "I know that Alex, but when you have been through the ringer like I have, when you have had parts of your body changed to meet someone else's 'branding' rules, you tend to be a little skeptical,"

"I understand that Katherine," I said, taking her hand again. She tried to pull it away but I held it down. "Let's just think this out and play it as safely as possible for now. When you talked to them...did you tell them about me?"

"No, I didn't. But chances are, they already know. The element of surprise is not something we have at our disposal Alex,"

"Then we will just have to play by their rules then. I will go into work on Monday like usual, and stay until it starts to get dark. That way, if they really want to hurt me, they will have to do it in broad daylight,"

"That's really damn risky Alex, and you know it. They could take you out whenever and wherever they wanted to and there isn't anything that you could do. Are you sure that it's worth it to actually go into the den of the lion?"

"Right now, it's the only thing we can do. All we have to do is keep up hope. But I can't do this alone Katherine, I need you. I need you now more than ever. If something happens to me, then you will be free of this forever. But if we find what I hope we will find, then the problem will go away too. All I need from you right now is support. Can I get that from you Katherine?"

She didn't answer for a moment, sipping her coffee and averting her eyes from me.

"I don't know," she said. "I need to be in a better frame of mind before I commit to anything,"

That was two days ago. I had found Katherine on a Friday night and now here it was Sunday afternoon and we hadn't said much to each other all weekend. I was still somewhat buoyed by things though, because every now and then, as we passed each other in and out of rooms, Katherine would ask me a question.

"What kind of dirt are you looking for?"

"I know you are a big man, but you might want to start carrying a weapon for protection. Muscles mean nothing against guns,"

"Do you think Charlie or anyone else will be able to help us?"

And so it went, on and off all weekend. Katherine had spent most of the time in my bedroom, the door cracked slightly as she lay there, watching TV. I knew better than to press the issue or say anything to her unless she asked, choosing even to sleep on the couch to give her time alone. Quite frankly, I was scared of what was going to happen, and with Katherine being my biggest ally, I didn't need to anger her any.

By the time the evening arrived on Sunday, I was in the kitchen putting away some dishes when I heard the creak of my bedroom door and the soft sound of footsteps on the carpet. I looked up to see Katherine watching me, dressed still in the bathrobe.

"I'm going to give this one more chance," she said as I stood there, hunched over the dishwasher, listening to her. "At this point, I have nothing to lose. My career is now probably in shambles so if I can take a risk and maybe fix that then I think I have to do that,"

"Are you sure Katherine?" I asked, standing up so we were eye level with each other.

"Yes. I owe you at least a little loyalty, after what you did for me in Las Vegas. But promise me you will be careful tomorrow,"

I smiled. "I always am. We will see how it goes,"


"Sir?" my phone buzzed.

"Yes Helen?"

"Sir, you asked me to alert you when Mr. Hilt entered the lot. The front guard just called me and told me that he has just arrived,"

"Thank you Helen," I said in reply. There was a momentary pause.

"Would you like me to call security sir?"

"No, that won't be necessary. Mr. Willis has changed his mind on how to handle things, so until I hear from him, please let Mr. Hilt be,"

"Yes sir," she said, buzzing the phone off.

I rose from my desk and walked over to the large plate glass window facing the lot. Staring down at it, I saw Hilt's car drive in and find a parking space. A few moments later, his drivers side door opened and he stepped out, glancing around him a little cautiously.

Making a gun out of my hand, I pressed my finger to the glass and traced him along as he walked, a tiny little dot from this height. POW, POW I mouthed quietly to myself, moving my hand away as he passed behind a row of cars.

Oh if he only knew, I thought to myself. When I had first informed Willis about our findings regarding Alex Hilt, he had seemed rather determined to make sure that Hilt was stopped. But just yesterday, he had come into my office and changed his mind on things. Hilt was to be left alone until Mr. Willis said it was time to act.

Needless to say, this decision had angered me quite a bit. The way I saw things, Hilt was a huge risk to this operation that had been built by myself and Willis practically overnight and now Willis was getting cold feet? I had argued with him for a good 45 minutes about the wisdom in the decision, but like a codgy old man, he would have none of it.

Gritting my teeth at even remembering the discussion, I turned away from the window and placed my hands on my desk. Because of the way things were laid out in the company pecking order, there wasn't much I could do to get around Willis' decision. At least not officially. That's why I had taken it upon myself to make sure that Hilt got the message loud and clear. There was no real risk of him running - with our foreign contacts and the staff of private investigators we kept on retainer, we could easily follow him. So despite Willis' wishes, I decided to shake up the little globe of Alex Hilt's life.

The thought of this made me smile as I sat back down at my desk. Soon, in a few moments in fact, Hilt would understand just how quickly power can shift in this town.


"Yes, they just arrived a few minutes ago. Right, I understand. We will leave as soon as we can. Thank you," I said, hanging up the phone. As I placed it on the receiver, I heard a key turning in the front door. Walking into the living room, I plopped down on the couch as I watched the knob turn and the door open.

Kirsten Dunst walked in, two shopping bags in tow on each arm. She wore a pair of cut off jean shorts and a halter top, with the word "TEASE" sewn into the fabric across her ample chest. The light hit her golden blond hair as she opened the door, and just for a moment made her hair and head appear to be afire.

"Hiya Eliza. I've been shopping," Kirsten said with a grin, shutting the door and setting the bags down at her feet.

"I can see that," I smirked. "You didn't melt the plastic I hope,"

"Of course I did," Kirsten replied with a smile. "What fun would it be if I didn't,"

She walked over to me and immediately pressed her small body into my own, eager for a greeting kiss. I could smell her shampoo - a sort of wild berry scent - as her mouth and lips leaned into my face, my nose inhaling the delicious smell of Kirsten deeply as our lips met and we kissed. I felt her tongue slide slowly into my mouth, as I returned the kiss and we explored each other's body with hands and lips.

Kirsten, surprisingly aggressive, grabbed hold of my ass cheeks through my jeans and squeezed my bottom firmly with her fingers, her hands crawling into the crack in my ass. Her large breasts pressed against my own, the heat from her body was tremendous. As we continued to kiss, I could feel both of us grow hotter and hotter with each passing second.

One hand still behind me, Kirsten moved her other up to my hip and slowly underneath my chest, her small fingers taking hold of the fabric as she started to pull upwards. I would have loved nothing better than to let her continue, to fuck her right here and there, but the phone conversation I had just completed suddenly charged into my mind and with a reluctant move, I placed my hand atop hers and pushed it away.

Kirsten tried again, but this time I held her hand out away from my body. Holding it away from me, Kirsten broke the kiss and looked up at me, a look of puzzlement in her deep blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked, licking her lips to taste the last remnants of my lip gloss on her own mouth.

"Nothing, it's just that...well, we have some things to do,"

Kirsten stepped back from me. "What kind of things?"

"I just hung up the phone with The Mistress. We have orders from the top to do something for the Rose Petals, something important,"

Kirsten sighed. "Stupid Rose Petals, always getting in the way of my fun,"

For a moment I thought to correct and chastise Kirsten for her comment, but instead I smiled at her, knowing full well she would be eating those words in just a moment.

"No, I think for once you will actually be happy about my role. We need to get a move on and pack some clothes. We're going to Boston,"

Now Kirsten was completely confused. "Boston? What the hell for?"

"For an assignment. You know how you are always saying that you just like having fun? Well, now's your chance,"

"I don't understand," Kirsten said, looking at me a little hesitantly.

I leaned down and kissed her mouth.

"My dear Kiki. Just trust me on this one. We are going to Boston to bring back a new recruit, someone that The Mistress says is crucial to something related to the Rose Petals,"

"And what might that be?"

I continued to smile at her. Kirsten was like a doting child sometimes. "I can't tell you why or what the importance is, only that it's big and that if we can help it happen, your problems with the Petals will be over,"

"What do I have to do?"

"Seduce someone. I'm sure that won't be difficult for you, right?"

"Depends on who it is," Kirsten said, sticking her tongue out at me playfully.

"I'll tell you when we get there. Otherwise, it ruins the surprise. Now go pack a bag, I just got the plane tickets a few minutes ago,"

Kirsten had a pouty look on her face. "But I wanted to have a little fun NOW,"

I sighed at her. "I know you did Kiki, but we really have to get going,"

Walking back over to the shopping bags, Kirsten fished around inside one for a moment. Pulling out a garment, she held it up to me. In spite of myself, and the wishes of The Mistress, I had to grin at her.

"You sure it has to be right now? I was going to wear this,"

Dangling from her hand was a red piece of lingerie. I say piece because, well, there really wasn't much to it.

"I've been dying to get off all day," Kirsten continued. "If you think we could spare a few minutes, I promise I'll be one happy traveler,"

Pondering her request for a moment, I finally nodded at her.

"Ok, your charms have worked. But not too long ok? I just masturbated an hour or so ago, so no need to worry about me,"

Kirsten jumped up and down, giggling as she clapped her hands together.

"Thanks Eliza!" she said. And without any further hesitation, she started to unbutton her shorts and pull them down her legs. Turning quickly, I looked away from her.

"What's wrong?" she asked for the second time in a span of ten minutes.

"I would rather be surprised when I see you, that's all," I said to her. I could feel my skin grow hot as I thought of Kirsten and the garment but wanting to keep my word and save the vision until it occurred, I stayed turned around.

"Ok, well whatever. I promise you'll like it," Kirsten said. I could hear the sound of clothes being removed behind me as Kirsten continued to undress. Soon the sound of clothes hitting the floor was replaced with the very subtle noise of Kirsten sliding the silky garment over her equally silky skin. I heard the sound of a button snapping into place as Kirsten called to me.

"You can turn around now Eliza, your surprise is ready,"

Biting my lip in anticipation, the initial sight was almost enough to make my panties drenched immediately. Standing in front of the slightly open blinds of the front window was Kirsten. The sun beating down on her bare shoulders, I gasped at how amazingly sexy she looked.

The lingerie was a corset of sorts - it clung tightly to her body in see through silky material, the front portion of it pushed up like a Wonderbra beneath Kirsten's chest, giving her already large breasts even more proportion and depth. As my eyes hungrily drank in her flesh, they continued down her body. Her flat, firm tummy was covered in a mesh of very thin fabric. The material however stopped abruptly as it reached below her belly, the red material opening up in a wide shape to reveal a totally bottomless piece. Held onto her body by a clasp in the back, the garment received even further support thanks in part to a garter belt that was snapped in place around Kirsten's creamy thighs. Spinning around to show me her completely bare heart shaped ass, Kirsten bent over at the waist and looked at me through her spread legs.

"You like?" she said, her blonde hair hanging down from her head wildly.

"I love," I replied, walking over to her. Kirsten stood upright again and turned to face me, her arms open as we embraced again, my hands going immediately for her breasts. As our breath mingled with one another, I squeezed on her tits tightly, feeling her rock hard nipples beneath my hands.

Kirsten moaned in my grasp, her breath becoming short as I squeezed her breasts in my palms, holding tightly to them. Through the thin fabric, I could feel the soft warmth of her skin beneath my touch, a feel that felt like heaven. I was dying to just tear the lingerie and release them from their hold but knowing that she just spent a lot of money on it, I figured there would be plenty other times to savage her.

My lips still pressed to hers, I kissed her mouth softly as my hands moved down from her breasts to her wide, shapely hips. My fingers touching her bare flesh, I traced my left hand downward and cupped her mound between my fingers, squeezing her sex roughly against my palm. Kirsten jerked slightly as I felt her grow more heated and moist between her legs - the perfect state of arousal for what I had planned next.

Placing my hand back on her hip, I moved my mouth away from her and stared deep into her eyes. Kirsten was panting in excitement, eager to see what I would do next. In an effort to catch her off guard, I dug my fingers into her hips and twirled her around quickly so that her half naked body was facing out towards the window, the blinds drawn slightly. Kirsten's ass bumping against my own jean clad pussy, I sank down to my knees as I pressed her firm buttocks forward, sending her small body into the window sill. Kirsten cried out in surprise as I placed my hand on the small of her back, using my other arm to spread her legs wide.

With Kirsten bent over slightly, I placed my face between her ass cheeks, inhaling deeply the scent of her body and her arousal. My nose hovering just above her asshole, I slowly lowered my face downward, sticking my tongue out and trailing it as I moved my face down.

I was greeted with the beautiful sight of Kirsten's still hairless pussy. A few sparse hairs had grown back over the last few days, but it didn't matter - it was still an amazing thing to behold. Moving my hand up to her cunt, I traced my finger up and through her lips, parting them slightly with my finger as it grew damp with her moisture. Kirsten was definitely ready to go.

With my finger still wedged slightly into her pussy, I used my other fingers to pry her lips apart, exposing the delicious pink of her inner walls. It was a rich shade of pink indeed, her tight pussy opening like a flower beneath my touch. Kirsten was trembling with excitement, the feel of my hot breath on her sex arousing her more and more as the seconds went on. Finally, not able to take the sight anymore myself without acting, I placed my closed mouth on her pussy lips and slowly extended my tongue, using the strong muscle to part her lips and work my way inside. Kirsten let out a slow, low moan of pleasure as I worked my way into her, the first hint of her juices already coating my tongue. With my fingers keeping her lips spread, Kirsten was completely in my control, totally submissive to whatever I wanted to do next.

I removed my tongue from within her, licking around her outer lips to taste her wetness that had grown more and more strong as my tongue had been inside of her, the uncorking of a dam almost. I felt her smooth ass cheeks press against my face as I lapped at her pussy like a cat, slowly and deliberately keeping her lips parted to keep her aroused.

Using my hand that was still on her back, I pressed Kirsten forward hard, causing her chest to press against the front window. This caused Kirsten to tense up slightly as she turned her head back to look at me.

"Eliza, be careful! The neighbors might see!"

"Good," I replied in between tastes. "I want them to. I want them to know how much of a slut you are, and that you are MY slut!"

Kirsten giggled at the comment and turned her head back around. I kept the pressure up on her back and resumed licking at her cunt, her aroused clit now protruding from inside her pussy. It was a small and fragile looking thing, but I knew the power that it contained over Kirsten. Using a free finger, I brushed against her clit, causing Kirsten's pussy walls to tighten up around my tongue as I sucked down her juices. Kirsten's upper half was now leaning totally into the glass, her breasts having popped out of the corset and her deep red nipples cutting against the glass. Kirsten gripped the windowsill tightly, her back arched and her long blonde hair draping over her back as I sucked greedily on her pussy.

Adjusting myself to a more comfortable position, I pulled her lips outward towards me, stretching her young twat to meet my mouth. Kirsten's wet sex was dripping against my chin as I worked my tongue inside her, exploring and tasting against her inner walls. I had done it countless times before, but somehow the feeling of the inside of her pussy was always fresh, always incredibly erotic.

My mouth was stretched wide to give my tongue as deep of reach as possible, but this didn't stop my teeth from grinding up and down against her inner walls. Kirsten's juices were falling like a leaking faucet now onto my tongue and into my mouth, filling it up with the sweet saltiness of her body. I moved my mouth backward, letting my tongue rub slowly across her snatch, the tip stopping at the edge of her pussy to lap at her clit.

Kirsten cried out loudly in pleasure, her voice reflecting against the glass and filling the house with cries of lust. This just turned me on even more as my tongue re-entered her body and I sucked and fucked her tight hole with my lips. I wiggled my tongue back and forth inside her and all around the edges of her pussy, the heat so intense it seemed that it would almost give me a blister. But I knew Kirsten was close to her orgasm - the way her body was jerking and thrashing around against the window sill was a perfect indication.

Giving my tongue a slight reprieve, I moved my hand back up to her pussy, sliding two fingers into her cunt easily, the juices of her body giving me full access. With my hand I could go deeper inside of her, the tension of inside her body already intense against my hand. I licked my lips with my tongue, making sure to get all of her juice as I swallowed it down like a woman dying of thirst, and only her sex juices there to give me a reprieve.

Kirsten's inner walls tightened around my fingers as I fucked her - slow at first, but growing gradually in speed - as I worked towards getting her off. Kirsten's voice was low in her throat, inaudible grunts and sighs and moans escaping her lips as she slid her breasts up and down against the glass. What she had said about the neighbors watching was a devious thought, and it turned me on incredibly. If we weren't on a time schedule, I would have just taken off my pants and frigged myself to an orgasm right then and there, but unfortunately I had to exercise as full restraint as possible and not do it.

Removing my now sticky and coated fingers, I placed my mouth fully back onto Kirsten's pussy. The sudden switch in methods of fucking her caused Kirsten to cry out even more loudly this time, her body obviously favoring my mouth over my hands. Gasping for air, I began to whisper dirty things to her, knowing the tidal flood of her juice could come at any second.

"Yeah, that's it, you like my mouth don't you Kiki? You want my tongue deep in your tight hole. Whose my little bitch?"

"I AM!" Kirsten screamed, her body starting to convulse as I reapplied my tongue to her clit now.

"And who wants to cum, who loves being fucked by her master?"

"I DO! OH GOOOODDDDD!!! FUCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" Kirsten cried out, thrusting her hips backward at my face. I was ready for her though, and as her ass cheeks rose slightly in the air, her body collapsing against the window for support, I felt the gush of her juice leak out and spill onto my face and mouth, her orgasm so incredible that her cute face was screwed up in a look of pure lust.

Kirsten bounced her hips up and down on my face as I kept my tongue firmly inside of her, her body almost trying to buck me off as I sucked on her outer lips and clit with my mouth. More and more juice leaked out from inside of her, and I was all too eager to drink it in. Kirsten's lips and pussy were a sticky mess, the juice of her body covering my face completely with it's shiny wetness as I continued to move my tongue around inside of her.

Her pace slowing, Kirsten finally whimpered slightly as her orgasm came to an end, her arms extended out to her sides as she gripped the drapes in an attempt to stay up and maintain her balance. Giving her pussy one final lick, I snatched up all of the last drops of her sweet dew and slowly pulled my face from between her ass.

Catching my breath, I used my hand to wipe my face of any excess juice my tongue might have missed. Sitting down on my ass, I propped myself up with my arms as I watched Kirsten regain her breath, her fingers tightly gripping the curtains so hard that I was afraid they would fall off. Kirsten's slowly let go of them, her arms falling limply to her sides as she bent over, her blonde hair covering her face as she turned around to face me, her cute ass pressed against the window sill.

"Eliza, that was the best EVER!" she said with a weak and tired smile. "I've never cum so much in my life,"

I smiled back at her, seductively tracing my tongue around my lips. "Good. Because you're going to need all the experience you can get in a few hours,"

My comments seemed to wake Kirsten from a trance like orgasmic state. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot,"

Standing up, I took her hand and lifted her off the window sill. Her breasts jiggled against the fabric of the corset.

"Well, I think you are good for the next few hours or so. But now we really need to get going,"

Kirsten pushed her breasts back into the top. "Ok. Just give me a few minutes to pack and change. I can't very well into the airport dressed like this,"

"No, you'll give all those airport screeners something to do, and right now we can't afford the time for what I'm sure would be a full 'cavity search'. GO get ready, but hurry up. Our plane leaves in about two hours,"

Kirsten did a mock military salute at me, touching her finger to her forehead. I watched as she bounded up the stairs to grab some things. Yes, this will work out just fine, I thought to myself.


I am an addict. Since my encounter recently with Britney Spears and her assistant, I have come to accept this fact about myself. At first I denied it, writing it off as just taking advantage of opportune situations. But in the past few days, the truth has become undeniable to me.

What I crave more than anything is sex. Sex with women, sex with men, sex with anyone. While waiting in an elevator to go to the second floor of a mall, I found myself obsessing and growing aroused by a man riding in the elevator with me. Before I knew what had hit me, I had hit the emergency stop and was on top of him, my skirt hiked up around my waist and the all too willing guy plunging his cock deep into my craving pussy. After he came in me, no more than five minutes later, this stranger simply smirked at me and pulled his pants up, fastening them just in time as the elevator started up again and a whole crowd of people stepped on.

Women too, aren't exactly free from my cravings. When I walk down the street, I find myself mentally undressing them as they pass, making "mistakes" and accidentally tripping into their chest or ass, feeling it up casually with my hand, just for the thrill of it. It's something I can't stop doing it seems, sex always racing through my mind at the most unusual moments. Every time I even think about my beach encounter with Britney, I have to desperately fight off the urge to go some place quiet and masturbate myself to orgasm.

The drugs aren't helping things either. Like the sex, at first I was in denial about my craving and need for them, especially the cocaine, but more and more I find myself getting high and doing anything I can to keep that feeling up. I sniff a little right when I wake up, and some before I go to sleep, letting the pleasant numbness wire me awake until I pass out asleep in my bed with whomever I might have happened to drag home with me that night. The feeling, the rush, is indescribable, so much so that it has become sadly (and admittedly a little scarily) who I am. Cutting a hole in one of my necklaces, I always keep it ready and full with the coke for in case the opportunity strikes.

Sex and drugs, that's all that is ever on my mind. I am an addict and I want them both bad - sex to replace the feelings I have when I'm not high, and the drugs for when I'm not thinking or having sex. Part of my mind is screaming at me, telling me to stop, but I feel like a prisoner and robot inside my own body, my impulses taking advantage of me whenever they choose.

Which brings me to today. After smoking a very nice joint and zoning out on the couch to watch my video on MTV, my worn out body begging for any kind of rest, the phone rang. Struggling amongst the pile of discarded clothes and half dirty dishes that littered my living room floor to find it, I finally picked it up on the fifth ring.


"Petty, hey, it's Rick Dugans,"

Rick was my agent. Since I signed with Antamount, they had advised me to get an agent immediately, just to handle my day to day affairs. And strangle enough, Rick had given me a call on my cell phone just a few minutes after leaving my meeting at Antamount. I would have thought it a little odd, had I not been buzzing at the time.

He was a decent guy, if a bit of a slimeball, the equivalent of an ambulance chaser in the talent world. Rick ran Spin It records on the side, but mostly spent his time managing musicians like me. I had heard that he got into it once with another agent over who was going to control Christina Aguilera, but that was a while ago and quite frankly, I didn't really care. He didn't ask for much in money, he just wanted to be in control. And given my inexperience, that was something I was willing to concede.

"Hi Rick, what's up?" I said, grabbing a cigarette from my almost empty pack and lighting it up as he spoke.

"Got a gig for ya," he said, his voice sounding somewhat excited.

"Oh really? This better not be some shitty benefit or something like that," I said. "I don't do charity, and you better tell the people that I want the money up front,"

"Woah, easy Petty, you haven't even let me explain,"

"Sorry about that Rick, I guess I can be a little bitchy sometimes. I just want to make sure I get my fair share, that's all,"

"Understandable. But listen, this will be perfect for you, I promise. It's a national, live primetime spot on...get this...the American Music Awards!"

I exhaled a stream of smoke "You mean the wanna-be Grammys?"

Rick grunted into the phone.

"You know, for someone who is still wet behind the ears, you are being pretty damn picky,"

"Yeah, well, second tier music shows aren't really something to wet my panties over,"

"This is just a stepping stone Petty. First the AMA's, then the Grammy's. A year from now, who knows where you will be. I've already cleared it with Antamount...so are you interested?"

"Who else is performing?"

"Who else is...Jesus Petty, don't look a gift horse in the mouth," Rick replied, sounding a bit flustered. "I think they have some rappers, that one guy...what's his name, M&Ms or something, and Shania Twain and a few others,"

At the mention of Shania Twain, I actually DID feel my panties grow wet beneath the sweatpants that I wore. A beautiful woman like her, and me just a few feet away backstage...

"Alright, I'll do it. When is it?"

"Wednesday night. It's in LA this year, so you don't have to worry about a plane. They are having rehearsals Tuesday and,"

"I don't need to rehearse. I'm perfectly fine and ready," I snapped back at him. "Or are you doubting my talent?"

"No, I'm not Petty. But look, you can't be a diva about something like this. You have no idea who I had to blow to get this for you,"

I laughed. "That's a pretty funny image Rick, you on your knees blowing someone,"

Rick sighed. "Be serious about this Petty,"

"Yeah yeah, I know. Sorry, it was just a joke. You need to lighten up and relax,"

"And YOU need to stop smoking so much. You keep it up, you'll be sounding like Bob Dylan and all the other gravely voiced singers out there in no time,"

"I'll take that under consideration, thanks,"

"You do that,"

"Alright Rick, gotta go," I said, lifting the phone from my ear, ready to push the button to hang up on him. "Call me if something changes, I'll be there,"

And then I did just that - hung up on him that is - before he could say another word. Setting the phone down on the floor, I reached over to the table and picked up the remainder of a blunt, grabbing a lighter from the table with it and lay back down on the couch.

Inhaling sharply on the rough weed, I let the smoke trail from my mouth as I smiled to myself. The American Music Awards certainly were a start. But if I was lucky, there would be other benefits to showing up besides being on national TV.


Stepping inside of Antamount, I was understandably apprehensive. But things seemed to be like any other normal day - phones were ringing, people were scurrying back and forth, going about their routine. For a brief moment, I thought that my fear that they had found out my involvement in the Vegas incident was unfounded, that what they learned from Katherine was - selfishly, I'll admit - not connected to me. I trusted Katherine when she said that she didn't say anything about me but one could never be too careful.

But any hope I had quickly dissipated as I walked towards the set where the casting had taken place and where the script reading was. Opening the door, I was startled to see the room completely empty, the lights off and the room looking very undisturbed. Curious, I shut the door behind me and walked out. Perhaps they had moved it.

Walking up to the secretary at the desk, I placed my hands on the desk and put my face near hers as she spoke on the phone, hoping my forwardness would get her attention. Instead, she looked up at me, annoyed.


"Has the set for 'An Amerikan Family' been moved?" I asked, smiling now.

"No, the production was shut down last night,"

I stepped back from the desk, caught off guard by this. I knew that I hadn't been around for a while, but one would think that they would have the common courtesy to let me know that my movie, my life's work, had been stopped!

"What the hell?" I said, my voice rising a bit. "Why was it shut down?"

"I'm not sure sir, but I was told by my superiors that the production has been put on hiatus until further notice,"

"And who is your superior? I want to talk to him right now!" I said, clenching my fists tightly.

"Sir, if you will please calm down..."

"I'm not calming down until I get some answers, damn it! Who do I need to speak with about this?"

"I will ask you one more time sir and then I will call security,"

I took a different approach. "Where is Mr. Hapsboro?"

"I'm afraid Mr. Hapsboro is unavailable at the moment sir,"

I gritted my teeth to hide my frustration. My mind raced over what was happening, and like a roulette wheel, it stopped on the cold fact that they HAD found me out after all. And this was there way of stopping me.

"That's not good enough," I said, turning towards the elevator. I walked over towards it quickly, pushing the button. "He's in his office right now, isn't he?"

"Sir, you can not see Mr. Hapsboro at this time!" the secretary said, rising slightly from her desk. I pushed on the elevator button repeatedly, trying to get it down to this floor more quickly.

"I'm going up there right now, and if he isn't there then there will be hell to pay! Mark my words!" I yelled at the secretary as I watched the lights above the elevator blink down slowly, one by one. She didn't hear me however, as she was already speaking frantically into the phone.

The elevator finally reached the bottom floor and as it began to open, I put my hands in it's slot, trying to pull it open more quickly. Big mistake. For as the door opened, my luck suddenly changed. Standing there in the elevator were two very large (even for someone my size) security guards. I heard the crackle and hiss on one of their shoulder radios.

"...large build white male trying to go upstairs..."

As soon as the guards saw me trying to pry open the doors, their hands instinctively went up and I felt one put his hands directly on my shoulders and push me backward, away from the door. I had been putting all my weight into opening the door, so when he shoved me, I lost my footing and stumbled backwards on me feet as he shoved me hard away from the elevator while the other one reached in and pulled out a billy club, holding it away from his body and over his head in a menacing way.

Tumbling backwards, I was crushed into the wall as the large guard put all his weight against me and held me firm against the wall.

"Sir, stop what you are doing right now!" he barked in my face, little specks of spittle flying out from his hard face. His hands were on the base of my shoulders now, pinning me against the wall, immobilizing my arms as he yelled at me.

All of this happened in just a few seconds, and before I knew it I was being spun around backwards with arms sharply behind my back. The pressure on my shoulders from such a sharp move was staggering, as I was thrust forward on me feet down the hall. The one with the billy club was behind me, leading me out towards the door as my body loped forward with heavy footsteps.

The front door opened and suddenly I was outside and in the parking lot, the hard gravel beneath my feet. With a hard push, the man holding onto my arms let me go and I went tumbling to the ground, managing to catch myself with my elbows as my arms skidded on the pavement, the sharp pain of freshly torn skin racing up my arms. Rolling onto my side, I turned my head to look up at them.

"You have two minutes to exit the premise sir or we will call the police," the one with the club said, while the other one glared down at me, catching his breath.

I stuck my hand up and shot them the bird as I balanced myself on my elbows. The one with the club reared back like he was going to swing at me but the larger one caught him by the arm and kept him from swinging on me.

"No, we were told no blood, remember?"

I scrambled to me feet and wiped my coat off, glancing down at my arms to see my torn sports coat. Adjusting my jacket sarcastically, I backed away from them for a few steps before turning and walking away, spitting at the ground to show my displeasure.

What had he meant "no blood", I thought to myself angrily. Had they planned on throwing me out from the get go?

I walked back towards my car, my mind more full of questions than before when suddenly I heard running behind me, coming in my direction. I waited until it was just a few steps behind me and then turned quickly on my heel, in a defensive position for whatever these two neanderthals would do to me.

Luckily, I managed to catch myself before I swung. Out of breath and just a few feet from me, scared it seemed by the look on my face, was Mila Kunis. She stopped suddenly in her tracks, her eyes wide with fear.

"Alex?" she said, her voice a mixture of fear, apprehension and surprise.

Adrenaline rushing through my veins, I struggled to control myself and subdue my "fight or flight" instincts. Running a hand through my tousled hair out of habit, I cleared my throat.

"Mila, what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you!" she said, her eyes still watching me nervously. "Did you hear?"

"About the movie? Yes, I was just forcibly shown that I'm no longer welcome," I said. I followed Mila's eyes as they moved down to my arms and my tattered sleeves.

"Oh God, Alex, you're bleeding!"

I too glanced down at them, my mind just now registering my injury. "Yeah, I am. But I'm alright, just some road rash,"

Mila reached out an arm to touch me but then thought better of it.

"Listen, I just found out last night that the movie was cancelled. Doesn't that strike you as strange?"

I glanced over Mila's head and saw the two guards walking quickly towards me. I looked back down at her.

"Yes it does Mila, but let's talk about this somewhere else ok? We are about to have company,"

Mila turned her head towards what I was looking at and then looked quickly at me again.

"Ok. Let's go,"

I began to walk the next two rows to my car with Mila following close by my side. Opening the car door, I jumped into the driver's seat and started up the ignition as Mila climbed in as well. Her long brown hair swished across her face as I caught a whiff of her perfume from the quick movement. Backing out of the lot, I headed towards the exit, looking in my rear view mirror to see the two guards stopped, hands on their hips, watching me go.

Getting back into traffic, Mila glanced out her window and the back window nervously.

"Here, take a left up here. I know a quiet place we can talk,"

Following her directions, I turned down a narrow alley way, my car managing to squeeze by with a few feet to spare on the side. Stopping the car halfway down, I cut the engine and glanced up into the rearview mirror, breathing a sigh of relief that no one had followed us.

"Get out of the car," Mila said to me, a look of seriousness on her face. "They might have bugged it,"

I opened my mouth to protest, but then I realized that she was probably right. We stepped out of the car and stood facing each other in front, cars whizzing by as morning traffic turned to lunch hour traffic a few yards down from where we were.

"Now, like I was saying - I got a call last night from Jack Furrow last night, telling me that until further notice, the movie was cancelled. I immediately called my agent and had him start to raise hell, but the more I thought about what Furrow said to me, and the suddenness in which it had happened, the more your words about a conspiracy and all that began to sink in," Mila said, taking my hand in her small hand as her eyes locked with mine.

"Mila, I really didn't want to get you involved in this. You know that right?" I asked, still nervous about our location. Even back here, we were still in the open quite a bit.

"Yeah, I know but I'm a big girl and can handle it. What I want to know though, is how serious are things now? Why did they cancel the movie? Are you in danger?"

"I don't know exactly, to be honest. A few nights ago, my girlfriend Katherine Heigl was abducted when she was going home. Gordon Hapsboro was in the car that took her and, while I'll save you the gory details, let's just say that they let her know that she was stepping into some serious trouble if she continued down the road, if she kept digging for things with me,"

"What have you found?"

"So far, nothing concrete. Everything is circumstantial and coincidental. Did you hear about the four actresses who got arrested in Las Vegas a few weeks back?"

Mila's brow furrowed. "No, not one word,"

"Exactly. That was caused by me and Katherine, we set them - the Rose Petals - up for a crime. It played out perfectly, except that Willis and his men had the LVPD wrapped around their finger and sprung them free within hours,"

"How do you know it was them?" Mila asked.

"I don't have anything to prove it as of yet, but that's what I'm working on right now. All of this has happened really quickly - the arrests, Katherine getting taken and now the movie getting shut down. There is just too much happening in too short amount of time for it all to be a coincidence. Willis knows that I'm going after him, trying to stop him from controlling women like this, and that's the reason the movie got shut down. It was a warning shot,"

"Well, I'll tell you what I know. A few days after our little encounter on the set, Eliza Dushku came up to me and invited me to a party. Some real formal thing where a whole bunch of actresses were going to be. I told her I would think about it and check my schedule, all of that. Then she goes missing for a few days and I think the party got cancelled or something. So I take it that she was in Las Vegas when all of that stuff happened?"

I smiled at her. "You pick up quick. Yes, Eliza was there. She is the second highest person in the Rose Petals, with only Salma Hayek ahead of her. She was in Vegas bringing in a new member and that's when things got real complicated,"

Mila digested all this for a second, then spoke again.

"What are you going to do now?"

Looking absently around the alley way, at all the strewn garbage and the cloudy sky overhead, I sighed.

"Right now, I don't know. The best plan I can come up with is to keep trying at Antamount, through whatever means I can, to try and get something incriminating, something solid that I can use. Getting thrown out today is a set back for sure, but I'm sure I'll come up with something,"

Mila giggled, her laugh startling me a bit.

"This is all so cool, if you don't mind me saying. Real Cloak & Dagger kind of stuff, with secret conspiracies and spying and all that. I can't believe it's really happening,"

"Neither can I Mila. I just wish it wasn't,"

She stepped up to me, a sultry look on her face. "You know, if there is anything I can do to help out the cause...just let me go. Secret Agent Kunis, reporting for duty," she said, making a mock salute at her forehead.

I laughed. "Thanks. But how do I know I can really trust you?"

"Let me give you some incentive. I never did get a chance to prove myself to you you know," she said, stepping up to me. I looked down at her small face, her pink colored bottom lip being bitten by her teeth. Our eyes locked and she stood on her tip toes, kissing me. Her lips were soft, just like I remembered them. As she pressed her body against mine, my towering frame looming over her, I felt her small form and it's heat seeping out through her clothing.

Our kiss became more passionate, and I felt my arms instinctively move down to her back. I knew Mila was a sweet girl, just trying to help and try as I might, especially with all the stress of Antamount, I found myself growing more and more aroused as our tongues mingled with one another. It had been a while since I really felt the feel of a warm woman in my arms, and the excitement I felt kissing her there in that dingy alley way was far more intense than I would have first thought.

My hands slid down her back to her ass, cupping each cheek in my hands as I squeezed the soft globes, Mila's hot breath caressing my cheek. The locale was certainly not the most erotic place for such a passionate kiss to take place, but as my hormones began to take over, reality and the problems I was facing began to melt away.

Holding her in my arms, I leaned my weight into her, causing her to step backward as her small ass bumped into the hood of my car. I broke the kiss for just a moment, long enough to just look around and make sure we were really alone and not to be spotted, before burying my mouth onto her neck, tasting her soft and warm flesh against my lips.

Mila moaned as she leaned further back onto the car. For the first time I noticed her outfit - a knee length denim skirt and a spaghetti strap baby blue top that hung delicately on her frame, the outline of her young breasts visible against the fabric, her nipples growing hard from our embrace.

Shrugging off my sports coat, I let it fall to the dirty ground as I placed my arms on Mila's shoulders, holding her down as my weight pressed against her body, the car groaning along with us as it bent to our weight. Mila's soft brown hair splayed out on the hood as her hands caressed my chest, moving down nimbly to my belt buckle, undoing it expertly as she took it off in one quick, fluid motion. Mila lifted her head back up and began to kiss me again, running one hand against my cheek as I struggled out of my pants, unzipping them as they fell down to my thighs.

Lifting myself up slightly, I moved my hands up Mila's smooth legs, sliding them up to the hem of her skirt, pushing it up roughly around her waist. With every movement we each made, it became not a conscience act of love making, but more about lust as each second went by. Her matching blue panties were slightly damp from the excitement, our conversation (not to mention the arousal of possibly being caught) truly turning her on. Between her legs, I could make out the slight brown patch of pubic hair covering her sex, the rough and dark color of it seeming to strain to get out of her panties.

I moved my hand up to her left breast, squeezing it roughly in my hand as I palmed her small globe, the feel of her young flesh radiating through the top. Mila lifted herself up slightly off the hood, her body now almost completely on it (except for her cute, tennis shoe clad feet hanging off the front bumper) as she rotated her shoulder and let one side of the garment fall off just enough to almost expose her breast.

The sight of her near bare chest excited me tremendously as I ground my hips into hers, letting her feel my excited manhood between her legs as she wrapped her thighs around me. There was just one final obstacle in the way for us, and I quickly dispatched it, pushing her panties aside with my thumb to expose her wet pussy in the dark light of the alley way.

Reaching her hand down, Mila's fingers squeezed my cock through my boxers as she held it tightly in her hand. Slipping two fingers inside, I almost came from just the feel of her touch on my prick. Still holding it, she pulled it out into the air, the entire length twitching and leaking a bit of precum as it sprang free. My balls fell out of my boxers as well, leaving both of us exposed in this alley way in the middle of a busy day in LA. Neither one of us seemed to care though - whether it was her enthusiasm and seemingly pure desire to just help out in destroying Antamount, or my sudden understanding of the desperate relief I craved, the sound of the city just faded away from around us and we were entranced by one another.

Staring down into her deep brown eyes, Mila didn't have to say a word to me, the message was clear: she wanted me to fuck her, and fuck her NOW. I broke my gaze and looked down to watch her small hand guide my prick towards her spread and waiting legs, her pussy lips aroused in the excitement, the dampness of her pushed aside panties sticking to her skin by her opening. Thrusting my hips forward ever so slightly, I moaned in pleasure as the tip of my dick made contact with her hot sex, Mila rubbing it up and down along her outer lips for a moment before finally releasing it and letting me take the final step. With a loud grunt and a fierce grip on her ass, I did just that and entered her.

Mila cried out in a scream so loud it echoed down the alley way as I plunged entirely into her in one quick and rapid motion. The feeling of her snatch overwhelmed me, making me feel weak in the knees: her young, tight pussy was gripping me so hard I felt like I was in a vise. As I burrowed further and further into her, the tip of my prick touching the back of her inner wall, I felt my balls slam against her ass as the entire car rocked from our motion.

Animal lust took over for Mila as well, as she wrapped her legs tightly around me, holding me deep inside of her body as I slowly began to remove my dick from inside of her, her pussy lips clinging to my shaft reluctantly, not wanting to let go. Her death grip around my waist eased up a bit as she allowed me to pull out of her, but like a vortex sucking me in, I was very quick to thrust myself right back inside of her, a gasp escaping her lips.

Moving my hand to her chest, I pulled aside her top and began to fondle her breasts. Her exotic colored skin - a deeper shade of color than my own - made her breasts seem like two smooth mounds of clay, soft and pliable to my touch. Her pink nipples were hard as they jutted from her small breasts, the tips seeming to throb as I caressed them with my finger tips. I could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest as I began to move very slightly in and out of her, my body acting on it's own as I pushed harder and harder into her pussy. Mila's body rocked beneath me as I groped at her chest, my own body pressed against hers as she bit playfully at my shoulder, suppressing a cry of ecstasy.

I could feel her aroused clit rubbing against my shaft as I pushed in and out of her, the soft sound of her wet snatch slightly audible in the empty alleyway. Pulling my cock out from her all the way, I looked down and admired the erotic sight of it, covered in her juices and excitement, the purple-ish tip of my cockhead wet and throbbing as I again slid it into her. Mila shivered beneath me as I did this, the rapid thrust enough to set off a minor orgasm between her legs, her juices flowing out from her. As I continued to fuck her, much more heatedly and rapidly now, her body relaxed from her orgasm and seeming to beg me on as it molded and twitched with my every move, I felt the pressure in my balls grow tremendously, pushing me toward cumming.

Struggling not to shoot too soon, it was a futile effort - the possibility for relief from all the tension and the complete willingness of Mila to give herself over to me was just too much to bear. Grunting, I took hold of Mila's hips one last time, lifting her up by the small of her back as I stepped backward, fully impaling her on my prick. Her tight snatch slid downward on my shaft until I was buried deep inside her to the fullest. As the tip of my shaft made contact with her cervix, the soft feel of it rubbing against my sensitive cock head, I exploded in orgasm, shooting multiple streams of long pent up cum deep inside of Mila, coating her inner walls with my seed.

Mila moaned as I bounced her up and down on my shaft, feeling the sticky cum drench her pussy walls as our mingled juices slid down her legs. My cock twitching a few more times, my orgasm finally began to subside after about ten long, thick shots of cum were emptied into her. It was not necessarily the best orgasm of my life, but it was certainly one of the most needed - I felt as if a tremendous weight was lifted off my shoulders as I panted, slowly setting Mila's small ass on the hood of the car. Mila stood up on wobbly legs, pulling her panties back on to soak up our juices as she smoothed out her skirt. I leaned back against the alley wall, sliding my boxers back on and my pants back up as we both recovered from this instance of arousal that had over taken us. I felt a shiver of excitement down my spine as I realized now that through out the entire affair, we could have been caught by anyone at any time. This made it seem all the more erotic and I smiled at the thought of what getting caught might mean. With my career, which had seemed so promising, now in serious jeopardy, getting caught for fucking someone like Mila in a dingy alley way wouldn't have been my biggest concern at all.

"What's so funny?" Mila asked, sliding the straps of her top back over her smooth shoulders.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking of how risky that whole thing just was,"

Mila grinned. "I know, that's why I did it. Gives the whole spy thing a lot more flare, don't you think?"

"If you mean do I feel like James Bond, then the answer would be yes," I replied.

"Hmm...I wonder what my Bond girl name should be," Mila said, walking over to me as she helped me buckle my belt and fix my shirt. "I know Pussy Galore is taken..."

"How about Ivana Fuckalot?" I said, laughing.

"Hehe, I like that one. Now, how about taking Ivana to get some lunch? We can talk things over more then,"

"Certainly Ms. Fuckalot, it would be my pleasure," I said as we both got into the car, as I started it up and backed out of the alley way. The future was grim to be certain - but for now, the present wasn't half bad at all.


The "branding" job Antamount had done on me was causing me a bit more problems than I thought. For starters, I had no idea how women with nipple rings got anything done. Even just moving around the house, carrying things or accidentally bumping into walls, any tension or feeling against my nipple would cause me to stop and gasp suddenly, the pleasure striking me like a lightning bolt. I hated myself tremendously for being aroused by such a horrible thing - especially one that was forced on me - but the thought of just taking them out and then getting caught by one of their goons was too much of a risk, and frightened me tremendously.

Having no hair to cover my pussy was also quite embarrassing. As the hair started to grow back a bit, I found it to be rather itchy and uncomfortable, having to constantly stick my hand in my pants to scratch at it. This of course contributed to making me very aroused. I'm sure that was there entire intention by doing it - to make me think about sex all the time - but in spite of myself I had to admit that they were doing a damn good job.

The best solution I could come up with was to wear just baggy sweat pants and a t-shirt that was much too large. Baggy clothes were less likely to arouse me, and that was something I could certainly do without.

I had slowly recovered from the trauma of the event, though my lashing out at Alex made me feel very guilty. I was still mad at him for trying to be so stubborn in getting his way, not seeing the forest for the trees, but I knew that deep down he didn't want me to get hurt and really just wanted to stop these bastards.

Still though, I hardly felt like doing much other than sitting around watching television, which was what I happened to be doing when the phone rang. Padding on the floor over to get it, I picked up the receiver.


"Is Alex in?" a soft female voice said in the phone.

"No, he's not. Whose calling?" I said, suddenly feeling a little suspicious about this.

"Do you know when he will be back or where I can reach him?"

"Who wants to know?" I said, trying to place the voice. I knew it from somewhere...

"Thank you," she said and then the phone went dead. Staring at it for a moment, my curiosity got the best of me and I dialed *69 to try and get the number who just called.

"The number who just called was 555-1215...if you would like to call this," the computerized voice said before I cut it off, just pushing one and having them dial the number.

After the second ring, a gruff voice picked up the phone.

"This is Charlie,"

I suddenly felt very confused, and my surprise must have registered in my voice.

"Charlie? Is that you? This is Katherine,"

"Hi Katherine," he said, his voice suddenly becoming softer. "What's going on?"

"Well, a woman just called here and she wouldn't tell me who she was and so I did a *69 to find out and the number that it connected me to was you. Did someone there just call me?"

There was a pause on the phone. "Uh, listen Katherine...someone did just call you. In fact she's standing right here. There's something we need to discuss with you, is it possible for you to come down here like, right now?"

"Who called here Charlie?" I asked, a growing bit of anger in my voice.

"I don't really want to say over the phone Katherine, if you catch my drift. Just trust me on this, it relates to you and Alex. I know someone who wants to help you but I need your cooperation in getting her here,"

"Charlie, you know I love you but you aren't making a whole hell of a lot of sense,"

"Look Katherine, I don't want to stay on the line too long. Just come to my office as soon as you can," he said and then he too hung up the phone.

Standing there holding the receiver - again - I slammed it back down. Rage coursed through my veins - this thing was never going to stop unless I saw to it that it DID stop. Whatever Charlie wanted, it seemed obvious that it was pretty hush hush stuff. Walking into my bedroom, I gingerly removed my t-shirt and began to dress.

If what Charlie said was true, then this might be the best chance yet to put an end to this nightmare - all the help we can get is just what we need.


Shivering a bit as I climbed into the backseat of the cab, I turned around to look out of the frost covered back window at Eliza, standing there waving as I left. I waved back and blew her a kiss as the driver pulled away from the airport, heading into the city.

Eliza's plan, while ambitious, was certainly something I thought I could pull off. If we played it out right, and things fell into place like I hoped, not only would our little "mission" be successful, but Eliza and myself would both get quite a bit of enjoyment out of things.

I sat back in the cab, looking out at the light snow falling on the city of Boston. Though I was an East Coast girl, I never really had taken to the cold weather of the north east. There were quite a few very bitter Jersey winters growing up and even being here in Boston for a few days made me long immediately for the much more mild California weather.

As the driver drove onward, I reached into my purse and took out a compact, admiring myself in the small mirror. My hair had been pulled back in a pony tail and I only had the slightest bit of blush and lipstick on. I didn't want to look obvious as a celebrity - being dolled up completely would draw attention to myself. Still though, I had to at least look attractive enough to her when we were alone. Putting on a light shade of pink lipstick as a touch up, I smacked my lips together and put the compact back in my purse, settling back onto the seat, the stale air of the cab blowing on me. Well, I thought; at least it was warm.

Further into the city, I noticed that the cab driver - a middle aged black man - kept looking at me in the rear view mirror. When I caught his gaze during his quick looks, I held it, smiling at him.

"You're Mary Jane, aren't you?" he asked, his voice hard to make out over the low din of the radio.

"Yep, that's me," I said, smiling my best Hollywood smile at him. Since "Spiderman", the constant stream of fans of the movie had seemed to never end.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm giving a ride to you! What are you in town for, the sequel?"

"No, that's not shooting for a while yet," I replied. "I'm here on...business,"

"That's nice. I hope you enjoy Boston. Though to be honest, I would think someone like you would have a whole entourage and not need a cab driver like me to drive you around,"

"Well, I like to travel like other people sometimes," I said with a sigh. "How much further by the way?"

I had noticed that we were further into the city now, the streets lined with people coming and going like any other city. The buildings here were a mixture of old and new, which really wasn't surprising given the history of Boston.

"Yes ma'mm, almost there. Harvard Square you said, right?"

"Yes, thank you,"

We drove on in silence for another ten minutes or so before the car began to slow and then finally stop by the curb near a wide open courtyard like thing. Having traveled across the country on short notice, now I could really get to work. I got out of the cab and paid the man, who really was just a star struck joe whose day I probably made, and then scrawled on the back of my plane ticket stub an autograph for him. He waved good bye to me and I stepped onto the curb and zipped up my jacket, scanning the crowd as the bitter wind began to pick up, making my ears ache in pain from the cold.

I was in Boston in search of Natalie Portman. I knew that, with school still in, she would be somewhere on this side of town, attending classes at Harvard. Once I found her, it would probably take quite a bit of charm - something I felt confident that I could do - to get her to abandon her plans for the day and travel around with me.

Being short like her, it wasn't difficult to mingle in with the crowd and search her out. The hardest part however, was the fact that she really blended in with people because of her insistence on living a normal life away from all the spectacle of Hollywood. I remembered hearing her in an interview say that if she wasn't famous, she would be just another girl with brown hair, going about her life. This I very much doubted but as I strained to look for her as I walked around the Square and towards Harvard's campus, her words seemed all too truthful.

I would recount my trek around the city, past seemingly endless amounts of students and professors and regular people as I tried to blend in with the crowd, but there really wasn't much to tell. After two hours of searching, having walked around in circles more than once (I couldn't stop and ask someone for directions on where to go for fear of being recognized), the sky was starting to get dark and the weather was turning more cold and my hopes of finding her today were growing more and more dim.

I was just about to give up and call Eliza, have her come pick me up, when something caught my eye. Wearing a long black trench coat and huddled over a cup of coffee, a book in her lap, I saw a short woman of Natalie's build and appearance sitting off on a park bench, a street light over head as a couple sat, arguing with one another, at the other end of the bitch. Lifting a mittened hand to turn the page of her book, Natalie seemed oblivious to the rest of the world around her, her body hunched over to try and keep warm as she read.

Someone bumped into me from behind, suddenly jarring me out of my transfixed state of studying her as the quite rude person passed by, muttering something about "getting out of the way bitch". I let it go without incident but then slowly began to walk forward, out of the line of pedestrian traffic as I continued to observe the girl on the bench. Though I was standing across the street from her, with cars driving by between us, I quickly realized that my assumption had been right. There was something about the way she held herself, even the way she sipped her coffee that conveyed not only poise but also some unexplainable trait that made her stand out. With a growing realitization, I understood it to be grace: how someone like her could simply sit on a park bench and read a book and yet still make it look calculated and practiced, without any effort whatsoever.

You might think I was jealous of Natalie, and to be honest I think I was, at least professionally. Though we had both grown up somewhat the same: she from New York, me from New Jersey, both of us starting to act as children, part of me deep down resented how she had been able to hand pick her roles as an actress almost from day one while I had done many many many crummy movies and commercials. Still though, I knew that she was just another person and that fate had just dealt her a different hand than me. Neither of us were really struggling for work and we both had achieved huge success, so that was something to be proud of in spite of how we had done it. There was also something about Natalie's look that I resented - how she was so beautiful, so effortlessly and how even though I too was considered to be quite beautiful, her look was one that would turn heads, if given the right amount of attention.

Shrugging off this growing sense of jealousy, I focused my mind on more immediate tasks. Namely, getting myself over there and distracting her. Glancing around the street, there were no really big distractions that I could cause or anything to draw attention to myself. To pull this off would require some actual acting, with some very careful scripting.

Taking a deep breath, I moved to the crosswalk and crossed the street, my gaze focused on Natalie, who had not looked up once since I observed her. Once on the same side of the street as her, I quickly formulated a way to get her attention. It wasn't the most elegant thing, but it would certainly work.

My heart beating in my chest more from excitement at what would (hopefully) come than fear of looking dumb, I slowly opened my purse, leaving the top flap open as I walked just a few feet from Natalie now, my purse on my arm.

"Oops!" I said, dropping my purse to the ground in front of Natalie as I feigned tripping, the contents of the purse spilling out in front of her feet. Bending down to pick it up, I glanced up at Natalie, who had finally looked up from her book to see me down on the ground in front of her. At first her face did not register anything, but as our eyes met, it suddenly dawned on her who I was. Holding her place with her finger, Natalie closed the book around her hand.

"Kirsten Dunst?" she asked, studying me.

"Natalie Portman?" I replied, doing my best to act surprised at seeing her.

"Wow, it really is you!" Natalie said, a smile crossing her face. I felt my heart skip a beat as she smiled at me, a beautiful sight to behold without doubt.

"I guess it is me, though I am not always this clumsy," I said, gathering up the few contents of my purse and putting them back into it.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her attention now focused on me.

"Oh, I'm in town visiting some friends. I had some time to kill before they got back from work so I was just walking around the city," I said, now kneeling on my knees in front of her, my purse in my lap.

"Really? That's great. Wow, you know for two people who were all the rage this past summer, I think this is the first time we have actually met," Natalie said.

"I think so too. And talk about a weird circumstance, me just falling to my feet in front of you," I said with a smile.

"No doubt," Natalie said. She extended her hand. "Do you need some help?"

"I think I've got it alright, thank you," I replied. "But could you give me a hand up?"

Natalie nodded and I took her hand, lifting myself back up so that I was looking down at her. Natalie folded the corner on her book and put it beside her, looking up at me.

"So, what are you up to?" I asked, shifting my bag on my shoulder.

"Well, I just got done with finals yesterday so I've spent today doing some shopping and just relaxing. You wouldn't believe how much more tiring being in school is than actually being on a set,"

"I know. Sometimes I wish I had gone on to college, but since my career is really at a high point right now, I don't think my agent or parents would let me,"

Natalie laughed. "Yes, agents can be tricky. How long are you in town for?"

"Oh, just a few days. I have to get back to LA soon to do some screen testing and script reading,"

"What are you working on right now?"

"Well, I'm trying to decide on roles at the moment. I'm sure you know how that goes. I have Spiderman 2 coming soon to start shooting but until then, I'm just trying to pick a good role,"

"I understand," Natalie said. There was a pause in our conversation. "Hey Kirsten, would you like to go get a cup of coffee or something? You look pretty cold and I could go for a refill. If you have the time I mean,"

Bingo. Just the invite I was looking for.

"Sure Natalie, I'd love to. But you'll have to lead the way - I don't know my way around town at all,"

Natalie laughed. "Not a problem. I was lost when I first got here, thinking I would be okay since I knew New York real well, but Boston is laid out totally differently. There is a good coffee shop right around the corner though, if you don't mind walking a few blocks,"

"Not a problem. Besides, I could use the exercise. I think I'm getting fat," I said with a grin as I helped Natalie off of the bench, feeling the heat from her small hand through her mittens. Natalie giggled at my comment.

"If you're getting fat, then I'm an orca,"

The humorously named coffee shop, Hot Black Injection, was only a few blocks away. Natalie held the door for me as I walked in, shaking off a small pile of snow that had collected on my shoulder. The place was filled with students and professors from Harvard and any of the other thirty or so colleges in Boston and despite my celebrity (and Natalie's), we fit right in as we took a booth near the back. A cute girl came over as our waitress, smiling at Natalie and then looking at me and realizing who I was. The girl's face lit up and I could tell she was about to bubble over with excitement, but Natalie quickly extended her hand on the girls arm.

"No Denise, it's alright. We really don't want a mob of people over here,"

"Sorry Natalie," Denise replied, a look of disappointment on her face. She turned to look at me. "I loved you in 'The Virgin Suicides' though,"

"Thank you," I said with a smile. As she walked away with our order, I breathed a sigh of relief at not getting mobbed by a store full of people. When I looked back over at Natalie, she was shaking her head in a grin as she looked down at the table.

"What's so funny?" I asked, kicking her lightly under the table. Natalie looked up at me with a smirk on her beautiful face, trying not to laugh too much.

"It's just...you should have seen the look on your face when she first recognized you," Natalie said, giggling quietly to herself.

"What, and that doesn't happen to you?" I said, blushing a little at Natalie's comment.

"It did when I first came in here, but all the waiters and waitresses know who I am now so they don't make a big deal out of it. To them, I'm just a student like them who happens to have acted in some movies,"

"'Some movies' of course being on of the biggest film franchises of all time," I shot back, giving Natalie a sly grin as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, you aren't exactly in a whole bunch of indie films yourself. Remember, 'Spiderman' made more money than the last 'Star Wars' did. That's something to be proud of,"

"I know, you're right. But I have to say Natalie, you're modesty is amazing. I have never met someone from Hollywood who was as grounded as you are," I replied. And it was true - I knew that Natalie was modest, but even talking to her now, it wasn't that hard to believe that she really WAS another student who acted in some movies.

Denise arrived back at the table with our coffees, beaming at me as she set it down. I glanced over her shoulder and saw some waiters in the back chatting with themselve and pointing in our direction. Walking away from the table, I couldn't help but notice Denise's ass as it swished away in a pair of sheer black pants.

Natalie and I sipped our coffee and talked for the next hour and a half, getting to know each other better. We quickly made a connection with each other, with both of us having had similar experiences in Hollywood - growing up around movie stars, memorizing lines while still trying to stay in school, being the youngest person often times on a movie set, dealing with obsessive fans...by the time we had finished our third cup (and what I presume to be Natalie's fourth), I felt an undeniable bond with Natalie, and I think she felt the same thing. There was just something about talking to her that made me feel like a better person. I can't really describe it, but as our conversation slowly began to wind down, the reality of what I was sent to Boston to do was starting to come back to me now.

I hadn't really been looking to avoid it, but I was also not really looking forward to it that much. Besides the fact that I didn't think I would actually find her and it would work out that we got talking beyond just a casual hello, the thought of having an agenda when it came to seducing her and getting her to go along with the Rose Petals and their plans really didn't seem fair. Here Natalie was, just living her nice peaceful life, and Eliza and I were supposed to interrupt it. I felt a bit like a heel for having to do it, but I knew that now that the ball was rolling, there was really no stopping it.

Which is not to say that I wasn't attracted to her. I had always thought she was beautiful, but now that I had gotten to know her better, I had become quite intoxicated with her personality and her appearance and I could feel a growing wetness between my legs at the thought of getting her into bed. So innocent, yet so smart and seemingly so worldly...her beauty was pretty rare, as was someone of her intellect, and was something that I found myself sucked in by.

Setting her coffee cup down, Natalie glanced over my shoulder.

"Woah, look at that Kiki," she said, having already adopted my pet nickname earlier in the conversation. "The snow is really coming down hard,"

I turned around and Natalie was indeed right - though not a blizzard, the flakes were falling very fast as the wind blew snow down the street and onto cars and passersby trying to huddle away from the cold. It was a very formidable looking storm and I wasn't really looking forward to going back out in it. A plan on how to push things further with Natalie began to formulate in my head.

"I better call my friends. I don't think I can make it to their place in this weather," I said, looking down at my cell phone as I dialed Eliza's number. She picked up after one ring.

"What's the progress?"

"Hi! This is Kirsten!," I said, trying to keep the conversation from revealing too much. I noticed Natalie wasn't even watching me, instead staring out the window at the snow, her hand on her perfect chin.

"How goes the seduction?" Eliza asked.

"Oh no, I'm fine. Just fine,"

"Good, glad to hear it. When will you bring her to my hotel?"

"Any ways, the reason I called was to say that I can't stay with you tonight,"

Eliza's voice rose an octave. "What?"

"Yeah, I know, I really wanted to. But the weather is really bad outside and I can't get down to your part of town in this snow,"

"Kirsten, you know better than to screw this up!" Eliza hissed. "If the Mistress finds out..."

I, meanwhile, kept my cheery demeanor. "Well, let me give you the name and room of the hotel I'm staying at. Maybe you can come visit me,"

Eliza sighed. "Alright, let me get a pen and paper..."

I waited a few seconds and then said "Ok, ready?"

"Yes, ready. Will I be able to set up the video equipment like we are supposed to?"

"Uh-huh. I've stayed in this hotel before, so it should be all ready to go. I'm staying at the Hilton Boston, room 1119,"

"1119. Good. I will be in 1118, even if I have to kill someone to get that room. Good luck Kirsten and don't screw this up. The video will show everything,"

"Ok, so will I see you while I'm in town do you think?"

"Not till tomorrow. Shit, I really wish I could have you to myself tonight but I know the Rose petals come first,"

"Ok, that's good. Thank you. I'll see you later then?"

"Yes, I'll see you later Kirsten. Just remember no matter what happens, I still love you,"

Hearing those words from Eliza made a lump in my throat, but I managed to swallow it down before I hung up the phone. "You too. Bye,"

Natalie turned to look at me again. "When did you book a hotel room?" she asked, a totally innocent question but one that I now realized caught me in a bit of a trap. I thought real fast on my feet.

"Oh, just now. Didn't you hear me?" I said, lying through my teeth. I had actually reserved the hotel when I thought that I wouldn't be able to find Natalie at all. I had booked a nice fancy room for me and Eliza to share for ourselves, something far better than the cheap one that I knew she had rented to seem "incognito"

"No, I guess not," Natalie said, already a little bored with her own question. "I was just lost in watching the snow fall. It's so beautiful,"

"Not as beautiful as you," I whispered to myself as I continued to study and continued to be amazed by her overall. Eliza loved me, that I was certain. But I was already feeling something between Natalie and I that seemed BEYOND love. Natalie's ears perked up at my comment.

"What did you say?"

"I said 'I think so too'," I said, quickly correcting myself. "Well, I better be going before the weather gets any worse,"

I stood up from the table, putting my coat on and tying my scarf around my neck as Natalie rose with me.

"Do you know where you're going?" she asked, not so much sounding like a doting mother as just a friend.

"Uh, yeah I think so. I go left and then umm...take a right on this street and then four...no, maybe five blocks east and then..." I said, my arms pointing out in different directions before dropping to my side as I resigned myself to admitting I was lost. "Yeah, I'm pretty much clueless,"

Natalie laughed. "Would you like me to walk you to your hotel Kirsten? I wouldn't trust a cab in this weather,"

"Sure Natalie, that would be great," I said, my heart beat growing faster as I tried to contain my excitement. I had finally discovered what I was feeling. In spite of myself and the overall intention of what things had been, I knew now that I had a crush on Natalie. An undeniable, purely physical attraction to her. And like so many crushees, she was totally clueless.

We left the coffee shop and stepped outside into the immediately blistering cold. I could feel the wind tearing at my cheeks immediately and Natalie, despite being accustomed to the climate, was gritting her teeth against the cold. We walked onward, chit chatting occasionally with an occasional joke or giggle or just casual remark, but for the most part we stayed silent, the wind whipping by us both as the snow began to pile up on street corners and parked cars. Besides a few cars on the road, their lights bright in the light of the dying day, there was hardly any one else out. We saw a pair of homeless people huddled in a doorway to stay out of the wind, both of them sharing a Grande coffee from Starbucks. Natalie reached into her pocket and handed them a small wad of bills, to which they thanked us and smiled as we moved onward.

After about fifteen minutes and 10 blocks (it was further than I thought), we arrived at the hotel, the doorman outside under the awning smiling weakly at us as a strong wind kicked up and almost tore off his hat. He opened the door for us and we stepped inside into the blessedly warm lobby of the hotel.

Shaking snow off of our coats, Natalie and I rubbed our hands together to try and warm up as we giggled with each other, each laughing at the other and their attempt to get warm. I took off the wool hat that I wore and shook my hair free, the ends damp from the snow outside as Natalie removed her gloves and folded them neatly under her arm.

"Would you like to come up to my room to warm up a bit before going back out?" I asked. Natalie pondered the question for a moment, my eyes intently watching her, my heart secretly hoping she would say yes.

"Well, I do have some other errands to run but...I guess a few minutes wouldn't hurt," she said. I smiled at her, the excitement of taking her to my room running through my body and warming me up in all the right places.

"Ok, just one second. Let me go get checked in, ok?"


I walked over to the concierge and, after paying for the room and getting my keys, walked back over to Natalie a few minutes later. She had taken a seat on a couch, her hands folded between her legs as she watched a couple across the room whisper and giggle with one another. I stood beside her and followed her vision.

"Isn't that cute? I sometimes wish I had time to date people, I really do,"

I had to bite my tongue as I nodded in agreement. "Yes, they are pretty cute. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone. And when that happens, you'll simply make time for them,"

Natalie looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "Right, like where am I going to find a guy who isn't totally freaked out by me being a celebrity?"

"Who said it had to be a guy?" I said with a smile, poking her in the shoulder to let her know that I was joking, despite the fact that I really wasn't.

"Ha ha, very funny," Natalie said, poking me back as she played off the question. "All set?"

"Yep, follow me,"

We took the elevator up to the 11th floor where my room was. Stepping off, I glanced down the hall and saw nothing there except for a few empty room service trays sitting on the floor. Natalie walked behind me, her small feet barely making a noise on the carpeted floor. I swiped the key through the slot and opened the door, the room dark as I stepped inside.

Flicking on the light switch, the room suddenly lit up and revealed a massive king size bed in the middle of the room, as well as a large tv on a center dresser and the typical table and chairs off by the window and air conditioner. Natalie walked in behind me, shutting the door with a solid thud as she closed it. I stepped further into the room, kicking off my shoes.

"Wow Kirsten, you spare no expense when it comes to rooms do you?" Natalie said, checking out the room.

"Right, and you are a real penny pincher I bet," I countered.

Natalie giggled. "No, I don't suppose I am. But still...that's an awfully big bed for one person,"

I walked over to it and flopped backward, spreading my arms out as I stretched out on it. "I like to stretch out, what can I say,"

Natalie chuckled to herself and then walked over to the mini bar like thing near the door.

"I'll make us some coffee," Natalie said, already at work with the filters and pot.

I propped myself up on the bed, my stocking feet hanging off the edge. "You drink more coffee than anyone I know,"

"I don't drink or smoke. It's my only vice I guess,"

I sat and watched her make the coffee, unable to keep my eyes from admiring her blue jean clad ass. Natalie had a very casual look about her, now that her coat was off. She wore a heavy sweater that didn't do much to accentuate her frame, but still looked incredibly stylish on her. With her cap off as well, I saw that her normally long brown hair was pulled up in a bun on top of her head. She rolled up the sleeves on her sweater as she worked on the coffee, pouring in the instant stuff into the maker and setting it to start. She swayed back and forth and hummed some tune I couldn't pick out to herself as I continued admiring her.

Natalie turned her head back over her shoulder and looked at me with a grin. "What? Why do you keep staring at me?"

"I'm just making sure you aren't trying to poison me or anything," I said slyly.

"Ha! Boy, I could see the headlines now - 'Amidala poisons Mary Jane!' 'I just wanted a part in the sequel,' claims Portman'"

I laughed at her joke as Natalie continued to look at me, a sexy grin on her face. I couldn't watch her anymore, at least without becoming incredibly turned on by even her slightest motions, so I turned back and looked for the remote for the television. Picking it up, I scooted towards the back of the bed. Resting my head against the wall as I looked at the remote for the power button, my ears suddenly perked up as I heard a noise. It sounded kind of like a whirring, at it was coming from the wall. Lifting my head up to look, I saw that the picture over the bed - one of those generic sunset pictures, was slightly crooked. Just above the left corner was a very very small hole in the wall, one that you wouldn't have seen if I hadn't been looking at it from that angle. Eliza's camera.

My heart suddenly started to race at the thought of Natalie seeing the hole or hearing the whirring. My hand shot up quickly to push the picture up over the hole, but I thought better of it. Eliza, nor any of the Rose Petals, would not like it if I blocked their view. They had demanded some kind of proof that I did the job (which, truthfully, I was feeling quite a bit of trepidation about) and this might be the only way they could catch the action. As I lowered my head back down though, I could see reflected in the mirror right above the television other holes in the wall just like the one I had just found. What could have just been a simple hole in itself was now clearly one that had been placed there intentionally. They were scattered in all places over the wall, forming somewhat of a diagonal pattern as they made their way down, my eyes following them through the mirror all the way over to the corner of the wall (one at the very top) and even over the big window looking out onto the city (just above the frame in the middle).

I was amazed that Eliza had been able to get so many cameras in so quickly, but I was sure she had done this sort of thing before. This was, after all, my first real involvement with any of the Rose Petals tactics. I guess they really wanted to make sure they captured all the action. As my eyes came back to the center of the room, a rush of arousal coursed through my body at the thought of Eliza on the other side, watching me through the wall on a bevy of television monitors.

Natalie turned back towards me and, in an instant feeling of guilt, I immediately turned the television on to drown out the very faint whirring. It worked like a charm as I began to cycle aimlessly through the channels, Natalie carrying two cups of coffee over towards me on the bed. She slowly climbed on as I took one from her hand, allowing her to scoot on next to me and lean herself against the wall.

"Two sugars and a little bit of cream, right?" Natalie said. I arched my eyebrows in surprise.

"Wow, you were really paying attention weren't you?"

"Hey, when you drink coffee like I do, you pick up on these things pretty quick," Natalie replied. Sipping the coffee, it somehow tasted far better than any coffee I had ever tasted. It had to have been because of the sheer fact that Natalie herself made it. As I swallowed down the first gulp, I realized how sweet a girl Natalie really was: the consideration to get coffee with me, to walk me to my hotel, to give the money to the homeless people and now this. Natalie was truly an innocent, good natured person. I again felt a pang of guilt at the fact that I had to seduce her like I was supposed to. Eliza (and who knew who else) was counting on me.

But Natalie was also a normal person. She had feelings and needs and desires. She could get aroused and cause arousal just like anyone else. My mind clung to this fact as I began to think about every move I made now, with Natalie's body so close to me and the lingering scent of her perfume - a top designer brand that I couldn't place, maybe Ralph Lauren - wafting into my nose, even over the scent of the coffee.

I watched her out of the corner of my eye as I slowly cycled through the channels, trying to find something good. When I came all the way back around, I stopped for a moment on the pay per view station. Natalie suddenly laughed and put her hand on my arm.

"Wait wait, leave it here!" she cried "The adult movie titles are always a hoot!"

I grinned and set the remote down as the titles and times of normal movies cycled through one screen at a time. We remarked back and forth to each other what we had seen and what we had not. After about three screens of this, a message popped up on the screen, causing us both to laugh hysterically as Natalie read it out loud in an imitated deep voice.

"Note to parents!" she said, adding an exclamation point after every sentence. "To have adult movies and their titles blocked, please call the front desk! Viewer discretion on the following titles is strongly advised!"

We both giggled and then began to really yell and laugh hysterically as the titles appeared on screen.

"Sperms of Endearment," I giggled.

"Forrest Hump!" Natalie laughed, a full throaty laugh that caused her whole body, as well as the bed to shake.

We both began to howl at the next title - "Divine Secrets of my Sister's Hood"

Like two school girls getting their first view of a Playboy magazine, we were rolling on the bed in laughter, Natalie's head on my shoulder as I fought back tears of laughter. Setting my coffee cup on the bedside table, I grabbed the remote.

"That's it! I'm ordering 'Divine Secret's of my Sister's Hood!" I yelled, laying forward on the bed as I held the remote out in front of me, searching for the BUY button.

"Kirsten, don't!" Natalie said through peels of laughter "Don't order that!"

Natalie moved down next to me and tried to take the remote from my hand, but I was too quick and held it out above her head, my finger on the button.

"Nope! I'm gonna do it!" I said, laughing as Natalie tried to wrestle the remote away. She lunged at my hand, a wide smile on her face in amusement, my free hand fighting off her own hands as she tried to stop me. She pushed her body against me as I pressed down on the button, causing me to roll to the edge of the bed and as she tried once more in vain to grab the remote from me. It was too late, the "Thank you for your purchase" message already appearing on screen as the weight of her body pressed against me, causing me to lose my grip on the bed and fall off the side, but not before grabbing Natalie by her arm and pulling her halfway there with me.

I landed on my side, the remote in one hand beneath me and Natalie's stretched sweater in the other, pulled down over her shoulder as I clung to it for dear life, rolling onto my stomach to look up at the screen.

The movie had started already, and we both became transfixed on the screen now as we saw two women passionately kissing one another on screen as they felt each other's bodies. I pulled myself back up by the bed, releasing Natalie's sweater, though her shoulder remained bare.

Natalie, struggling to catch her breath, laughed at me between words. "Turn...it...off...Kiki,"

I grinned at Natalie as I stood up, diving back onto the bed and causing her to scoot over. "What's the matter Natalie, don't you want to watch?"

Natalie looked from the screen - the two women had now shed their clothes - and back at me.

"Kirsten, come on. That's silly!"

"Oh, it will be fun. We can laugh at the dialog!" I said. I had no intention of turning it off or stopping the movie, as the scene on screen was already starting to arouse me quite a bit.

Natalie sat up on the bed, crossing her legs indian style. "Fine fine, we'll watch it...but just for a little bit,"

Laying back down beside her, we both grew quiet as we watched the action on screen, me on my stomach and Natalie now finally settling back down on her own stomach, our legs just a few agonizing inches apart. Though I hadn't planned it this way, the game was now very much on in the task of seducing Natalie.

On screen, I finally began to pay attention to what was happening. There were two women, a brunette and a blonde, both with very large fake breasts, pressing against one another as they kissed. Both were naked and the brunette had her back to the camera. The blonde had her hands on the girl's supple, soft ass, squeezing her cheeks as she traced a finger up the girl's crack and down towards her pussy, where the camera could not follow. The blonde broke the kiss and began to lower her mouth downward towards the brunette's breast, taking her nipple in her mouth as she looked up at the brunette with an innocent, lust filled gaze.

Natalie, her eyes still on the screen, half heartedly spoke to me.

"Come on, change the channel Kirsten," she said.

"But Natalie, we are just getting to the good part!" I replied, trying not to sound too over eager. Natalie offered no reply as we continued to watch the porno, the low sound of that cheesy jazz beat playing on the soundtrack.

Releasing the brunette's breast from her mouth, the blonde placed her hands on the girl's shoulders and pushed her downwards. Leaning back against a chair, she thrust her hips outward toward the curly haired brunette's face, her blonde patch of hair just above her pussy now visible in the low light of the film.

Wetting her middle finger with her mouth, the brunette used her index finger and thumb to open up the blonde's slit before slowly working her middle finger inside of her. She looked up lovingly at the blonde as she slowly began to thrust upward into the woman's pussy, the blonde leaning backwards in pleasure against the chair, her legs spreading a bit wider as she enjoyed the feeling.

I had become very aroused from watching this, my panties already starting to feel slightly wet, and - glancing at her out of the corner of my eye - I saw that Natalie was at least responding somewhat to the movie. Her mouth was slightly open, her eyes barely blinking as she watched the movie, lost in the action on screen. I turned my gaze back to the movie, but my mind began to drift elsewhere. I could feel Natalie's growing heat against me, her leg just a few inches from my own. Lifting my feet in the air at the knees, I idly moved them back and forth, rubbing my socks together as I continued to stare at the screen - the brunette was now licking the blonde's bush with her tongue as she worked two fingers in and out of her.

Through the reflection in the mirror, I saw that Natalie's legs were raised in the air now too. Casually, so as not to make it seem too forward, I "accidentally" bumped one of my feet against hers, knocking it down slightly. Bouncing back like one of those toy clowns, her small foot brushed against mine as well, her own maroon covered sock foot caressing absently against my ankle. Feeling more brave, I moved both of my feet towards hers, trapping her right foot in between my own for a moment as I slid my way over the slender shape of her foot, pulling my feet back together at the toes.

I paused for a moment, waiting to see if Natalie would play along. She did, her foot moving down to my ankle, her toes pushing their way down my sock as it began to bunch up just below where she was penetrating the piece of clothing. Meanwhile, on screen, the sound of loud moaning as well as the brunette snacking on the woman's love box was beating out the noise of the soundtrack, both women now moaning.

I felt Natalie's tiny toes brush against my bare skin as she lingered on my ankle for a moment, before slowly lifting her foot away from mine. Natalie's legs had spread a bit wider during all of this, as had mine, and we both had placed one leg down on the bed while playing footsy with one another with our still elevated limbs. I felt myself growing very very aroused by the whole ordeal, the maddening pace with which Natalie and I had started to flirt with each other almost enough to make me just lunge at her, kiss her.

But I maintained my composure for a little while longer as a few more minutes passed. We continued to fondle and play with each other's foot like little kids, though I noticed now that Natalie had scooted closer to me than she had before, her hands holding her chin up while I rested my own face on one arm, both of us feigning interest in the movie.

As Natalie slowly lowered her leg back down, after having pushed the cuff of my jeans up a little bit and exposing my smooth ankle, I grew more bold and began to slowly move my head towards her, trying to look at her face and gauge her reaction. Despite being a woman who just, quite frankly, liked to fuck other women, I felt all of my charms and skills go out the window as I laid on the bed with Natalie, myself now an expert who had forgotten her toolset.

My face slowly turning towards hers, I saw that she too was straining to look at me. Unable to take the tease any longer, I turned my head sharply, immediately meeting her eyes. Neither of us said anything, as the sound of the movie and the whole world faded around us. Our faces were agonizingly close to each other now, giving me a perfect view of Natalie's flawless skin and face, the slight indentions in her lips and the beauty of her birth mark on each cheek just serving to amplify her beauty. I became lost in her gaze, our own soft light in the room making her deep brown eyes seem to go on for miles and miles, the light hitting them just right to give them a sort of translucent glow. I could hear and feel Natalie's breath against my body, the aroma of coffee and something else - a delicate sweetness perhaps - emitting from between her lips.

Like two magnets drawn to each other, both of us total opposites of how the other lived their life, our faces began to move closer and closer to each other until, for one gloriously haunting moment we were less than an inch apart, so close to one another that I could see the pores of her skin and she mine, before our lips finally made an electric spark and touched together softly.

The pressure and wanting between us now weighing on both of us heavily, we continued onward towards each other, our lips growing fuller and more intense in their union. Her mouth was soft and warm, the delicate features of her lower lip seeming to register with every sensory nerve in my body as first our bottom and then out top lips met one another. And then, just like that, we were kissing.

I felt myself immediately begin to melt into Natalie, and she into me as our mouths became one, the soft pressure and sweet taste oh so satisfying in that brief, seemingly eternal second. There was no aggressor or leader or any of that. Just pure, simple union as we both equally shared and enjoyed the pleasure of one another. Despite my mind screaming to the contrary, I had never experienced a kiss as passionate or real as this - not with any other woman, not with a man, not even with Eliza. This was bliss and I never wanted it to end.

I have no idea how long we held each other lip locked like that, but it was reluctantly Natalie who slowly lowered her mouth from mine, after teasing me ever so slightly with the tip of her tongue pushing and trying to part against my lips before thinking better of it.

Natalie quickly lowered her head, a blush of shame or some other feeling flooding her face as she looked away from me.

"I'm sorry...I..."

I immediately reached my hand outward towards her. "Natalie, don't be sorry. It was just..."

"I know, but I'm not normally like that and..."

"Natalie, I didn't..."

"No, it's not that Kirsten...Kiki. It's just...I don't know..."

"But did you..."

"Yes, I did. It felt so good, it felt so..."

"I know what you mean," I replied. "But don't fight it. Don't you want to see maybe..."

"I do but...I mean, I'm not a..."

"No, of course you aren't Natalie. But neither am I...I just...I felt attracted to you is all..."

"And I did to you too Kiki," Natalie said, looking up at me. "I feel so many emotions right now I can't..."

I smiled at her. "Don't think Natalie. Just do,"

She smiled back at me shyly, lowering her eyes for a moment before returning them to my gaze. Natalie looked so sexy laying there next to me, a slight hint of color in her clearly flustered cheeks. I scooted as close as I could next to her on the bed, our legs now touching one another all the way up to the thigh. Nothing more had to be said now, it was as if we both knew exactly what to do.

This time, with far more passion and determination, I leaned into her again and kissed her fully on the lips, wasting no time becoming re-intoxicated by her mouth and body. This time, when I pressed further against her, Natalie offered no resistance, allowing my tongue to gently part between her lips and teeth and enter the hot cavern of her sweet mouth. As my tongue slid inside of her, I felt Natalie moan softly against my mouth, clearly torn but also very much enjoying the feeling as I explored her mouth.

Like a beast coming alive, as my tongue caressed past and over hers, Natalie's own tongue began to respond to my motion and I quickly felt it begin to wrestle and move against mine, the small muscle licking along the edge of my mouth as it entered into mine and explored diligently. With both of our faces now pressed against one another, I was forced to turn on my side and wrap my arms around Natalie's back, pulling her closer to me. She offered no resistance, slowly losing control of herself to her body's passion and desire. I ran my hands over her back, feeling the soft warm material of her sweater beneath my finger tips as Natalie tilted her head slightly towards me, giving us both a better angle at which to explore each other's mouth.

We continued to kiss for a while, when I began to sense a bit of uncertainty in Natalie's body. Though her eyes were closed, I opened my own just enough to see her left hand nervously opening and closing against her jean clad thigh, as if uncertain about what to do next or where it's proper place was. Removing a hand from the back of her neck where I now held her close against me, I took her hand in mine and pulled it towards my chest, placing her open palm directly on my breast, Natalie's fingers immediately sinking into the flesh of my shirt as her fingers flexed gently against me.

Natalie opened her eyes and gasped at where her hand was, pulling her mouth away from mine and removing her hand as if she was bitten. I caught it before it got too far and, still locking eyes with her, lowered it back onto my breast, my fingers squeezing her slender digits gently, signaling that it was ok for her to touch me and feel me. Natalie's tense body relaxed a bit as she held her hand unmoving on my breast, still not brave enough to give into her conflicting impulses.

I meanwhile, had no such hang up. Though I was not acting on any real schedule, nor the way I would normally act if it was anyone else, I was no stranger to this sort of lustful feeling and as such, wanted it to continue. My hand on Natalie's back, I slowly snaked my hand downward to the small of her back. As the women on screen continued to moan and gasp in pleasure with one another, my fingers slowly slid up underneath Natalie's sweater, for the first time touching her soft and warm skin. Natalie jumped like a frightened cat at the feel of contact between my hand and her flesh, but she quickly settled back down, this entire experience still very alien and new to her (though hopefully not her last).

Knowing that Natalie was much more relaxed now, I was much more confident that she would let me continue. My palm now on her back, I slid it upward along her smooth spine, feeling her small vertebrae as my fingers danced over her skin, my thumb having hooked onto the hem of her sweater and pulling it upward along with my hand as I continued to move up her body.

Pulling her sweater upward on her body, all the way up to her shoulders with my finger catching for a brief moment on her bra strap, Natalie offered no resistance until the garment was bunched up against her neck, her bra covered breasts exposed to me for the first time. As I tried to pull the sweater over her head, Natalie broke the kiss and scooted a bit away from me, catching her breath from the kiss as she absently began to try and pull the sweater back downward.

"Kirsten, I don't know if I want to..."

"Shh, Natalie," I said, cooing to her. "Just relax. Let me make you feel good, ok? Do you trust me?"

"Ye...yes, I guess I do," Natalie said, still clearly a bit uncomfortable with the situation and the signals her body was giving her.

"Like I said, don't think. Just feel," I said gently to her, placing my hands at her sweater. She lowered her arms to her side and gave in to me, allowing me an opportunity now to take full control of the situation. I took the sweater in my hands and, tilting Natalie's body slightly, pulled it up and over her head in one slow motion, allowing her bunned hair to finally come free from it's loose entanglement and cascade down her bare shoulders.

Tossing the sweater to the side, I pulled Natalie up on the bed so that we sat facing each other. Taking her small hands in my own, I placed them at the bottom of my shirt. She grasped onto the hem tightly, uncertain of the next step. I knew Natalie was no virgin, but it was clear that she was very inexperienced with what to do - especially when it came to matters of the same sex.

"Here Natalie," I said to her, making sure our gaze never broke. "Take off my shirt,"

I glanced down at her hands, which were trembling slightly, and watched as she began to pull my shirt upwards on my body. I lifted my arms up to give her better access, as inch by inch my own bare flesh became exposed to her. Natalie kept looking at me, then at her hands, then at the floor nervously as she continued unguided in removing my shirt. As it reached my neck, I placed my hands atop of hers and gently pulled it over my neck, setting it down between us on the bed as I sat up straight, giving her a full view of my body.

I had worn a black lace bra, knowing what the occasion would be, and though Natalie was now also wearing just a white cotton bra, she seemed transfixed by the sight of my breasts, something that made me tingle with anticipation. She stared at them as she rested her hands in her lap, eagerly it seemed, to be waiting on what to do next.

Without saying anything but implying so much, I pushed my chest forward slightly so that she could see my breasts better. I was very proud of the cleavage and chest size that I had, though I was certainly not picky when it came to the breast size of my lovers. Natalie's small breasts were rising and falling somewhat sporadically on her chest, her heart beating wildly in her chest, making them bounce a bit as she watched me. Reaching my hand out, I placed it underneath her chin and lifted her gaze to mine. Smiling, I slowly moved my hands around my back to the clasp on my bra, unfastening it.

Sliding my shoulders inward slightly, I let the bra fall off as my nipples and breasts were now fully exposed to the warm, artificial air of the room. I could feel the blood rushing through my aroused nipples as Natalie's eyes grew wider at the sight of them, her gaze crying out for what she really wanted - to touch them.

"It's alright, you can touch them if you want to," I whispered to her. Natalie just nodded in her dazed state, her hands rising partly from her lap. I reached my fingers out and touched her arm, caressing it gently as the soft, light hair above her skin danced beneath my fingers. Natalie responded in kind to my touch, her arms moving forward more until the tips of her fingers were just out of reach of my nipples. With one hand, she delicately traced her index finger over the hard nub, causing me to shudder in pleasure at her touch. My nipples were very sensitive and if I didn't know that I had a long night ahead of me, I would have practically cum right there.

Growing more brave, Natalie placed her other palm on my left breast, the warm heat from her body transferring to my own as she touched my skin, her smooth palm against the rough bumps and indentations of my nipple. I gasped in pleasure as she squeezed my breast with her hand gently, feeling it's heft and weight. I was more than happy to let her do this, but I too wanted to feel the touch of her skin beneath the bra she wore.

I leaned in closer to Natalie now, kissing her again. She at first seemed startled, then settled into the same slow groove we had established and began to kiss me back, her hands now fully grasping my breasts as I leaned into her. I slowly moved my hands to her back once more, sliding my hands upward onto her shoulders as I held her close to me, our bare flesh now touching. Breaking the kiss, I lowered my mouth to her neck and began to plant soft kisses on her throat and downward towards her shoulder as Natalie moaned, rubbing her cheek against my face at my touch, her fingers now exploring the outline of my nipples.

With my hands on her shoulders and my mouth against her throat, the slight swallowing of her excitement in her neck registering against my lips, I placed my fingers against each bra strap on her shoulders and methodically began to pull them down over her bare skin. It was slow going at first, until Natalie relaxed her arms a bit, her mind and body occupied by the feel of my own body and the straps came free over her arms.

I lifted my mouth from her neck and began to kiss her passionately, exploring her mouth with wild abandon as we each grew more and more heated and excited with each other. As her bra slid over her shoulders, exposing her breasts centimeter by agonizing centimeter, I opened my eyes to look downward at her chest, her nipples becoming visible to me for the first time between the mounds of flesh that made up her tits.

Her bra now resting against her toned, firm belly, our lips parted once more as we both leaned back slightly to admire each other. Getting my first view of her nipples sent a wave of arousal through me - her areolas were a rich brown color, slightly darker than her middle eastern skin, with very small nipples that jutted out not even a half inch from her breasts. There was a faint hint of a tan line from the summer that had just passed, but otherwise the coloring and make up - much like the rest of her - was flawless.

I gently pushed Natalie's hands away from my breasts with a slight smile. Reaching over to finally turn off the television - the movie was still playing, and had grown quite explicit, but it had served it's purpose, I looked into Natalie's eyes once more.

"Lay back Natalie," were all the words I spoke, but Natalie responded immediately, as she lowered herself onto her back, so that she was laying horizontally against the end of the bed. I climbed on top of her and smiled at her, my blonde hair hanging against my face as Natalie looked up at me with a gaze of wonder and arousal, excited but uncertain about what was next to come.

I kissed her cheek softly and then lifted my head for a moment, only to lower it a moment later to her breast. Kissing the top of her left breast, I extended my tongue and tasted for the first time some of her excited perspiration. Natalie had slowly began to sweat during our encounter, her body responding to the immense heat emanating between us. The salty taste of her body hung on my tongue for a moment, before I pressed my lips further onto her breast, tracing my lower lip over the tip of her nipple. Natalie raised her head and gasped in surprise, but I paid her no mind as I moved my wet tongue downward over her areola, flicking her nipple once with the tip.

Natalie cried out in pleasure, a startling surprise from someone normally as reserved as her, but simply laid there contentedly as I slowly began to kiss and suck on her nipple, raising it up slightly into my mouth before releasing it onto her breast, where it jiggled ever so delicately. Her skin wet from my saliva, I moved my lips from her left breast to her right one, repeating the same process over again. Natalie moved her hand to her belly and slid it downward absently, her back arching off the bed somewhat from my attention to her breasts.

Satisfied that I had aroused her well enough, I lifted my mouth reluctantly from her. Propping myself up above her by my knees, I placed my hands on the button to her tight jeans, undoing the clasp as it sprang free, the soft metallic sound the only noise besides our heated panting in the room. Taking the small metal end of the zipper to her jeans in my fingers, I pulled it downward as the material parted like some biblical sea for me, revealing a pair of dark green panties underneath her jeans. Though they weren't what I would call lingerie or sexy (how was she to know she would be in a hotel room having her first lesbian experience later that day?), on Natalie they still looked incredible.

I took hold of her jeans and pulled them down over her hips, Natalie raising her small ass from the bed as to allow me better access to them. Sliding them down her legs and finally off her still sock covered feet towards the floor, I gazed now at Natalie's near naked form.

Her hips jutted ever so slightly from her slender frame, though they were not what I would call wide hips by any stretch of the imagination. In the light of the room, her jeans discarded, I could clearly make out her mound between her now slightly crossed legs, the slight rise at the base of her pyramid indicating where her pussy lips and cleft were. The material of her panties was slightly damp, I could see, though not nearly as wet as my own. Natalie's mind must have been racing a mile a minute, and in it's haste had only granted her a certain extent of arousal.

Not wanting her to think that she would be the only one naked in this ordeal, I ran my hand down her leg and thigh with two fingers as I stood up on the floor by the bed. Undoing my own jeans, I pushed them and my black lace panties down over my legs and rejoined her on the bed, now totally nude, the cool air rushing over my freshly shaved pussy.

Natalie watched in wonder as I moved on the bed, but I closed my legs so as not to give her too good of a look. That would certainly come later. Instead, I scooted up by her and placed my hand on her thigh, stroking it with my fingers. I placed my mouth against the smooth flesh of her skin, kissing it as I felt the warmth from between her legs radiate upward towards my face. It took all the self control I had not to just tear her panties right off and ravage her. Now though, with her leg in my hands, I lifted it up off the bed and placed it on my shoulder. Natalie bit her lip in anticipation as I began to kiss along her inner thigh, my blonde hair tickling her skin and causing her goosebumps as I moved downward.

My motions were a mixture of licks and kisses and caresses between my hands and mouth, all heading towards the inevitable prize that lay between her legs. I tickled beneath her knee with my tongue, causing Natalie to giggle and writhe a bit on the bed. Smiling at her after now finding a good tickle spot, I pressed on, the scent of her arousal now filling my nose as I began to make out the slight indentation of her opening pressing against her panties.

As I neared her cunt, I gently set her leg back down on the bed, noticing now that Natalie's eyes were closed and that she was totally relaxed and aroused, eagerly awaiting my next move. I couldn't help but feel excited about the whole thing, my lust now burning stronger than any I had ever felt as I focused my gaze on her pussy.

I moved my hands to Natalie's belly, rubbing my fingers over her indented belly button as I stroked her skin for a moment before placing my fingers on her panties. Slowly and deliberately, I grasped the waist band of them and pulled them downward, slowly revealing to me the treasure beneath. Natalie again lifted her ass off the bed reflexively now to remove her panties, as I pulled them downward further and further and the first traces of her pussy became visible.

Having pulled them all the way off, I bunched up the slightly damp material and moved it down one leg, focusing my gaze on her beautiful cunt for the first time. Even though I had tasted many and seen even more, the sheer sight of Natalie's sex was enough to make even me gasp.

Sparsely covered with what would have to be described as a goose like down, the brown hair over her opening was soft and matted down gently against her skin, forming a near perfect V shape between her legs. The narrow strip of hair grew darker as it further approached her pussy opening, growing almost black as it tapered off over her lips. The lips themselves were equally amazing to behold - slightly parted from her arousal and excitement, the rich brownish color of them were flushed with the blood that had raced down to her sex. A slight drop of excitement, as if a drop of dew on a meadow, clung to the top of one of the lips, like a tour guide beckoning one further inside. Her opening looked tight and closed, not very well stretched or accommodating it seemed for a cock to enter. But luckily for her, there were none present.

I sat and gazed at her pussy for a good long while, so long in fact that Natalie began to shift a bit as if uncomfortable at my stare. This woke me from my state and I began to practically salivate at the chance to taste her. My own hands now trembling a bit, I placed my fingers along the edges of her narrow strip of hair and moved them downward, feeling the soft touch of her hair against my hand, enjoying the sensation of smooth downy to somewhat abrasive curliness the closer I got to her opening.

My two fingers met in a V shape between her legs, and I proceeded to place my palm completely over her pussy, feeling the wetness of her body soaking into the bottom of my hand. I began to rub my hand up and down over her snatch, causing Natalie to moan again as I started to arouse her even more. My strokes over her pussy began to increase in pace and before long, I was rubbing against her quickly, Natalie's hips thrusting upward each time I would touch a particularly sensitive part of her body.

Lowering my hand from her, for the first time I glanced up and made direct visual contact with the holes - the cameras - in the wall. I had forgotten completely about Eliza watching us, but I knew for a fact that behind the wall, she was madly playing with herself and enjoying every minute of it. Well, since that was the case, I would have to put on a show for them.

My hand still slightly wet from her juice, I reached up and tenderly caressed Natalie's breasts, smearing the little bit of moisture over her nipples and into her skin, before slowly kneeling between her legs. Natalie immediately parted her thighs for me, causing her pussy lips to open more and give me the first view of the delicious looking pink that lay inside of her body.

Licking my lips seductively at her, I placed my mouth a few inches away from her cunt. Gently pursing my lips, I blew a stream of warm air at her pussy, the immediate response from Natalie coming in the form of a low groan and gasping. I moved my mouth up and down along her slit, letting the air trickle into her deepest regions all over her pussy. Placing my hand next to her snatch, I lovingly touched and rubbed her aroused labia lips between my fingers, the wrinkled flesh soft and pliable against the tip of my finger and my nails. Pulling one of her lips to the side, I gazed lovingly at the subtle shift in color from a rich brown to a darker red that signified the deeper region of her cunt. I ran my finger over this part, eliciting a shiver from Natalie as I explored her pussy. I repeated the process with the other finger to the same result. It was clear - Natalie was now ready to be fucked.

Softly, I lowered my mouth onto her snatch. At first Natalie didn't respond it seemed, but as my lips gave way to my tongue, giving me the first taste of Natalie's juices, she cried out in pleasure immediately, her legs shuddering around me, closing tighter towards my face. Retracting my tongue for a moment, I delved it into her further almost immediately, curling it slightly so as to catch the sweet honey dew of her pussy on my tongue. The drop of juice soaked into my tongue, registering with my taste buds an immediately intoxicating taste. I wanted more, and there was only one way to get it.

Like a cat, I moved my mouth back slightly from Natalie's pussy and then began to lap at it further, from bottom to top, making sure to gather up as much juice from her body as possible. Her excitement had only begun to build now, and her cunt seemed to be undergoing a transformation. A flower opening up before me, so was the sight of Natalie's ever dampening pussy in front of me. At the very top of her slit, I could make out the tip of her clit, emerging from it's hood in a full state of arousal.

I placed my mouth back onto her pussy now, my tempo increasing as I licked at her pussy lips, forcing my tongue deeper and deeper into her hole. Natalie was beginning to squirm and writhe on the bed, clearly enjoying the new feelings going through her body. Whether or not this was her first time having oral sex, I didn't know. But she certainly was appreciating it like it was.

My tongue wedged as deep as it would go inside of her, I sensed that all of this excitement was building quickly towards an orgasm for Natalie. Her juices had begun to flow more rapidly now, coating my tongue and lips with her girl juice. I swallowed down all that I could greedily, the sweet and salty taste of her lust, her innocence and her love all mixing into one amazing feeling for me as the warm liquid went down my throat.

Holding onto Natalie's thighs firmly, I knew from the bouncing that she was doing on the bed, making it harder for me to control her, that it was time to bring her home and give her her release. Removing my mouth from her pussy for a moment, I repeated the technique I had seen in the film. My lips already wet with her juices, it was not difficult at all to wet my own middle finger with my saliva and her juice before sliding it into her pussy.

Unlike the woman onscreen though, I chose to go for Natalie's clit rather than just force myself further into her. It paid off - as the tip of my finger found her gently hiding clit, I pressed down against the hood protecting it and pushed it outward, causing Natalie to gasp even more as the hard little nub was revealed to me.

Red and filled with blood and arousal, it took just one simple flick with my finger, gently but firmly, to set Natalie off. In a guttural cry that was unintelligible and yet incredibly erotic, Natalie's legs closed around my head tightly as she raised her ass from the bed, screaming out as her body shuddered all at once and she orgasmed intensely, her juice spilling forth all over my hand and onto the bed between her legs.

I quickly dropped my mouth down to her pussy and sucked up all of the juice I could in one quick mouthful, swallowing down the fluid like it was my first taste of water in days. Natalie arched her back on the bed as the orgasm continued to rock her body, and copious amounts of her cum continued to spill outward, coating her once smooth and dry pussy with wet, sticky cum.

As Natalie's orgasm began to slowly crest and then end, her body finally stopped shivering and her eyes slowly fluttered open, my mouth and exhausted tongue now wet and covered in her juices as I lifted my panting face from between her legs. Natalie struggled to catch her breath as I pushed her thighs aside, but she had enough strength to reach down and brush away a lock of my hair from my face, the end dangling a clear drop of her juice from the bottom of it's matted ending.

Slowly, a smile crept onto Natalie's face as she stretched her arms upward over her head, relishing the afterglow of her orgasm. I crawled up on the bed beside her. Looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes of hers, Natalie finally spoke for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, her voice hoarse and deep.

"Kirsten...Kiki...that was the most amazing experience of my life. I was literally trembling until I finally orgasmed, but the release was so...I can't put it into words,"

I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed Natalie, surprised for a moment when her tongue escaped from between her lips and tasted off some of her own juices from around my sticky mouth.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Natalie,"

"Enjoyed it would be an understatement. Does it always feel like that for you too?"

"Well, there's one way to find out," I said to her with a grin. "That is, if you are up for it. I'd be more than happy to teach you,"

"It's the least I can do. I want you to feel as good as I did Kiki. I want desperately for you to feel the same. Teach me. Make me as good as you,"

I kissed her again. "Then let's start now,"

I crawled up to the top of the bed, making sure Natalie could see my ass move and my wet pussy between my legs as I moved (as if she would be watching anything else!). Pulling the bed sheets back and pushing the heavy blanket and comforter of the bed up in a ball by her feet, I motioned for Natalie to come join me at the top of the bed with a finger. She eagerly crawled up next to me, laying her body against mine tightly like a diligent student, eager for her lesson. I stroked my hand down her naked form, over her nipples as an after thought, before piling the pillows up under my head and stretching my legs out wide to give her access.

Reaching down with my hands, I stroked my now very very wet pussy with my fingers, parting my lips so that Natalie could see deep into my hairless twat.

Natalie did not need any further instruction as she climbed between my legs. But what I thought was just freshman enthusiasm turned quickly to puzzlement as Natalie looked at me sheepishly.

"Just go ahead and put your head down there," I said in encouragement. "Do what you think would feel good for you, I'm sure it will be wonderful for me,"

I watched as Natalie looked at me a bit apprehensively before slowly lowering her head between my legs. I shivered in anticipation as I felt her hands touch my folds, taking the place of where my own fingers had been. Natalie gently and delicately traced her finger around my cunt, much like I had done to her, before rubbing her fingers over my opening. With my slit already moist and ready to go, the build up and tease was not nearly what it had been with her. I was trying to introduce Natalie to the pleasures of sex with a woman - she was simply paying me back the favor.

I could almost visualize Natalie's face as she was between my legs, face to face with my sopping wet and desire filled pussy. The thought of someone as innocent and straight laced as her facing such a decision almost made me cum just from the vision itself. I pushed the thought away grudgingly though, as Natalie began to focus on me and find her own rhythm.

With her three main fingers - index, middle and ring - neatly closed together, Natalie began to make small circles over my pussy lips, rubbing them back and forth as she alternated between applying pressure and not - sometimes she would press hard against my cunt, giving it an extra sensation of weight and attention, while others the simple caress of her small fingers was enough to keep me excited, despite her lack of pressure.

I gasped to myself when Natalie then began to surprise me. At first I thought she was simply opening me up further, but what I quickly felt was not just one finger but two, and then three, pushed inside of my tight pussy. I couldn't stop the reflex in my body, and so my legs closed tightly around her hand, trapping her fingers deep inside of my body.

"Oh yeah Natalie! Keep it up!" I moaned to her as she wiggled her fingers around inside of me, stroking my inner walls. With her hand still buried inside of me, I suddenly felt Natalie's tongue tentatively begin to lick and taste my juices. The feeling of the wet muscle against my own wet muscle was heaven, and brought me to a new level of pleasurable bliss.

I reached my hand down and placed it on her head, holding her mouth between my legs as she first lapped at my cunt and then began to suck on my pussy lips, which were by now fully stretched and aroused. The feel of my labia between her lips was indescribable - my nerves came alive with excitement as Natalie continued to eat me out, drinking down my juice while her fingers thrust inside of me and made more for her.

Stroking my nipples with my hand and as I played with Natalie's hair in the other, I purposely squeezed my legs tight around her head, trapping her beautiful face between my legs, forcing her to lick faster and faster at me - for an orgasm was the ONLY way I would let her go.

Natalie was diligent in her task, wedging her tongue deeper inside of me in the nooks and crannies that her fingers couldn't reach, always managing to find a pocket of my sweet pussy juice to lap up and taste. Again the vision of innocent, good girl Natalie eating her first pussy crept into my mind and despite the naughtiness of it - I still felt guilty, though not at that particular moment - about bringing her into this whole corrupt, hedonistic world I was in - it was proving to be a real turn on.

I moaned and groaned as Natalie became more adventurous, stroking my clit with her finger while using the other two to keep thrusting into me. Placing her mouth on my cunt again, Natalie worked her tongue into me, flicking it in and out like a cat, moving it so quickly that my nerves did not even have time to react to it's absence.

Gasping for breath, Natalie removed her fingers from between my legs and, studying them for a moment, placed them into her small mouth and cleaned them of my juice. Grinning at me, her hair strewn all over her face and her cheeks red with perspiration, Natalie looked up at me with that beautiful smile of hers, so cute yet so sophisticated. The sight of her mouth though was just too much - in the dim light of the room, I could see all over her face the sticky residue of my cum mixed with the sweat from her body.

Crying out, I couldn't take any more as this final erotic image - an innocent corrupted - triggered a switch deep inside of me and I literally felt my body shake and convulse as I came in torrents onto Natalie's once again lowered face.

Loud slurping noises came from between my legs, just further proof of Natalie's seemingly endless desire to please me, despite all of this being new to her. Natalie sucked up my juices as I felt her tongue moving wildly in and around my pussy - on my thighs, around the outer lips, just about anywhere and everywhere that some of my love juice could have spilled forth.

My body continued to shudder as I came, riding the wave of pleasure as I felt the flood from within me slow down to a trickle, Natalie's fingers still working in and out of me rhythmically. She slow down her once fast pace now and allowed me to catch my breath a bit as my ass continued to spasm on the bed, bouncing me up and down slowly as my orgasm subsided.

I closed my eyes for a moment and relished the feeling of afterglow from my cum, Natalie's head now resting on my thigh as she continued to lap occasionally at my pussy, but clearly more content to just let me bask in the fading pleasure of orgasm.

Crawling up from between my legs, Natalie's face and hand sticky with my juice, she laid her head next to me on the pillow, resting on her back as she too caught her breath. The outline of her body in the dim light of the room made her skin and face appear flawless, the smooth contour of her tummy leading down to the patch of matted hair between her legs as she splayed them out on the bed.

Holding her hand up above her, a trickle of juice running down her finger, she seemed to be studying it, to be fascinated by it as she rotated her hand in small circles, playing with the juice. Just as the drop was about to fall off of her wrist, Natalie pulled her hand to her mouth and caught it, tasting the liquid on her cute pink tongue as she grinned up at me.

"Did I do alright Kiki?" Natalie asked, the urgent need for approval in her eyes as she looked at me.

"You were incredible for a beginner Nat," I replied. It was the truth too - though I had set out to seduce her and make Natalie mine, she clearly had went along with things, had given into her body's demand for pleasure. She was like putty in my hands I now realized, and I suddenly understood the power trip that Eliza felt when she brought in a new member to the Rose Petals. To be in control of someone's pleasure, to take that much control of someone's life and to demand that they pleasure you or get off someone of your choosing was a very heady feeling.

I took Natalie's hand and placed it against my lips, sucking off what little of my own moisture remained. My juices tasted sweet, and even sweeter for some reason coming off of Natalie's hand. There was so much more I wanted to do with Natalie - I had brought a small vibrator with me just in case Natalie resisted my advances. But laying on the pillow, I felt sleepiness wash over me and I could see that Natalie was equally exhausted. There would be plenty of time for other things.

Natalie nestled her head against my breasts, her small face resting against my bare chest as I pulled the covers up over us, settling in for a little bit of sleep.

"So did you have fun Natalie?" I asked, stroking her hair with my hand as I yawned.

"Mmmhmm...that was wonderful Kiki, it truly absolutely was,"

"Good, I'm glad. It was great for me too. So would you like to do it again sometime?" I asked, hoping and yet already knowing what her answer would be.

Natalie's eyes closed, she smiled weakly at me. "To feel that good again Kirsten, to experience what we just did, I would do anything for you,"

"And I for you," I said as I wrapped my arms around her bare shoulders, feeling her breath tickle my nipples as she drifted off to sleep. Reaching over for the light, I gave a quick and victorious smile to the holes in the wall, winking at them before I turned the switch.


Removing my guitar from around my neck, I smiled at the audience and took a little bow, walking off stage as the applause began to die down. I felt woozy and very hot from the heat of the lights, but besides a little bit of slurred words, my performance seemed to go pretty well here on the American Music Awards.

As I had asked, a stage hand was there waiting for me with my half empty pack of smokes. I took them from him and lit one up. A producer, seeing me do this, started to walk over to me, presumably to tell me to put it out. I waved the lit cigarette at him and just walked past, telling him to fuck off. He stopped in his tracks and just watched me go.

I had done a few lines before going on stage, and despite the fact that I really didn't give these awards shows too much credence, especially a second tier one like the AMAs, I still felt the familiar sense of nervousness over performing in front of such a large audience. The coke had helped me relax, but now that my heart was pumping from the adrenaline of being on stage, I needed to calm myself down. That's what my trusty nicotine friends were for.

Making my way back to my dressing room, passing a bunch of stage hands and a few flash in the pan rock groups like The Strokes and The Hives, who paid me no mind thankfully. I couldn't stand poser rock stars almost as much as I couldn't stand manufactured pop singers so as I shut the door behind me, I was glad to have avoided them.

Walking over to the large mirror against the far wall, I teased and played with my hair a bit. They had poofed it up rather large for the performance, something that I didn't really care for but didn't have enough clout - yet - to tell them to leave it alone. Digging in my little black purse, or "bag of fun" as I liked to call it, I searched for my bottle of pills. Finding the little brown tube, I shook out a few in my hand. Let's see...Valium, Xanax...ah, here we go, some Demerol should help me out.

Grabbing a bottle of water nearby, I downed the pills as the cool water rushed down my throat. Stubbing out my cigarette, I sighed as I brushed a little bit of accumulated ash off my shoulder and stood in front of the mirror, straightening out my dress. I wore a simple black evening gown sort of thing, made of a kind of crushed velvet material that hung to my body around my hips and made my breasts seem larger, despite not having an open neck line. Adjusting my tits in the mirror so that they looked bouncy and full, I slowly ran my hands over my nipples, stroking them to hardness. That was one thing I needed to request of Rick - a professional nipple tweaker like the one J-Lo had for her music videos.

Happy with my appearance, I walked towards the door and stepped out back into the busy hallway, glancing around in the dimly lit crowd of people for my true goal: finding Shania Twain. I had hoped that by coming on this show that I would be able to meet and even spend some time alone with her. My experience with Britney had really opened my eyes to the pleasures of women now and the thought of Shania's nude body writhing beneath me was something that made my pussy wet almost immediately.

I knew that she was performing tonight, and somehow I had managed to get scheduled after her performance. I only hoped now that she was still around instead of just bolting after she was done. Her last album had been incredible to me, and I had fingered myself to orgasm after staring at the accompanying liner notes while her CD played. So to find her in the flesh would be a dream.

Bumping past a bunch of groupies, set people and back up musicians, I finally spotted her off to the side of things. She was sitting in one of those director's style chairs, sipping on a bottle of water as she talked to a woman holding a clipboard. My heart skipped a beat as I saw her laugh at a joke the woman had told, part of me immediately hating the girl because of the fact that it wasn't me sitting there causing her joy. I lingered over against a nearby wall, watching the two of them discreetly as Shania sipped on the water. She wore a pair of jeans and an oversized t-shirt and a ratty baseball cap, obviously much more comfortable now that she was out of the stunning crop top and lycra pants she had won while performing. Her rich auburn hair was pulled back in a pony tail, emphasizing the highness of her cheekbones and her delicate, beautiful eyes.

When the woman with the clipboard left, I slowly sauntered over to Shania, trying my best to look seductive and sexy, which was rather hard in high heels (I wasn't used to wearing them), as I grew closer to her. She had her bottle of water in her lap and was just looking around watching the people rush around when she finally turned her gaze towards me. She smiled, but it was a polite show business smile. One that said "Hi, I'll be friendly even though I don't know who you are,"

"Hi Shania," I said to her, my voice cracking a bit. "You were amazing out there tonight,"

"Thank you. You look familiar...where have I seen you before?" she replied.

"Oh, I was just on stage a little while ago. My name is Petty,"

"That's right, the girl who just signed with Antamount. I've heard your single - good stuff,"

My heart again leapt into my throat - she liked my music!

I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you,"

"No problem," she said, already seeming to somewhat lose interest in the conversation. I tried to keep her attention.

"So, you're signed to Antamount too aren't you?" I asked, stepping a bit closer to her.

"Yeah, well sort of. A division of them I suppose. I like them a lot because of the flexibility they gave me with my last album. It was nice to not have any producers breathing down my neck. Although then again, when you are married to one, that's kind of hard to avoid,"

I laughed, perhaps a bit too loudly, at her joke. I cursed myself for being so dorky sounding and then smiled at her as if to play it off.

"So how is Mutt and Eja?" I asked. I was now standing a few feet from her, so close I could smell the fresh scent of her shampoo from when she had showered after her performance.

"They're good. I'm sorry, I don't know much about you. Do you have a family?"

"No...no, I mean I have a family but I'm a single girl right now. I don't want to be tied down with all that, especially since I'm just getting my big break,"

"I know just what you mean. When I was starting out..." Shania started to say, when her cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" she said. "Oh hi baby. So being in the audience isn't bothering you yet I hope? That's good. No, I'm just standing here talking to Petty. You know, Petty, the girl who just performed. Yeah, that's her. What? Well, I guess I can meet you in there in a few minutes. If you don't mind tearing yourself away that is. Haha, ok. See ya in a few honey,"

Shania clicked the phone closed and smiled at me. "Sorry about that. I need to go meet Mutt in my dressing room. Would you like to come along? He says that he really wants to meet you,"

I couldn't help but blush again. "I'd love to. If you don't mind of course,"

"No, not a problem at all," Shania replied. "Come on, follow me,"

I stayed close behind Shania as we moved through the hallway towards the back of the auditorium. The further we got, the less crowded things became. I also started to notice more spacing between dressing rooms, which meant that they had far bigger ones than the one I was in. Like a lot of things from this experience, this irked me a bit but I let it slide as I admired Shania's ass through her jeans, hypnotized as each tight cheek bounced with every step.

She stopped in front of a large door and pulled out a key card (mine had no such lock) before sliding it in and opening the door. The dressing room was extravagant inside and I gasped in wonder at it. There was a full dining area with a long table set up with fresh fruit and drinks, as well as a television and CD player by the wall, and even a foose-ball table set up, presumably in case Shania got bored. Gawking in the doorway, I watched as Shania walked further into the room. This was what it meant to be a REAL star.

"Hey Petty," she called to me as she walked over to the fridge in the corner. I was startled out of my trance by her calling my name, still amazed that someone used this room just once and then moved on. A person could practically LIVE here!

"Hey Petty," she repeated, turning back to look at me.

"Huh? Oh, what Shania?"

"Want a beer?"

"Umm...no thanks, I'm alright," I said. Despite my previously confessed addictions, I knew better than to drink when I was on Demerol. Don't want to pull an Elvis on all my adoring fans.

Shania walked back over to me, sipping from the long neck of a bottle of Budweiser, sitting down at the table.

"Well, you don't just have to stand there girl. Have a seat,"

I did as was instructed and sat down across from Shania. As she drank her beer, we talked idly about what it was like being a solo act in the business, that sort of thing. Slowly I began to lose interest in what she was saying though, as the pills kicked in and I felt very calm and relaxed. I was also starting to feel very horny, unable to take my eyes away from Shania's long, slender neck and the way the fabric of her shirt hung on her rather large breasts. Her wonderful frame was not really flattered by the outfit but she still looked very sexy in it, especially the tight jeans she wore.

When she stood up to go get herself another beer, I decided to make my move. As she walked over to the fridge, bending over and peering down to find the drink (the sight of her ass swaying back and forth as she bent over hypnotizing me), I slowly stood up from the table. Stepping away from it. I put my hands on the straps of my dress and pulled it downward over my shoulders. Passing over my breasts and then further down past my stomach and thighs, the dress fell to a heap on the floor as I stepped out of it, now wearing just my 3 inch heels (I had not worn underwear of any kind for this sole purpose).

Pushing my blonde hair back from my face, I composed myself as best as I could. Despite the pills, I was anxious with anticipation, hoping Shania would not freak out. Closing the fridge, she passed behind an out cropping in the wall and into full view of me, stopping completely when she saw me.

"I want you Shania. I think you are so sexy and I want to fuck you until you scream," I heard my voice say, the words sounding fine in my mind but a little groggy as they passed my lips. I was even surprised by my own forwardness and such dirty talk. But the pills lowered my inhibitions and it was clear now that my Id was in full control.

Shania then surprised me. She didn't scream or yell or freak out or turn away. She instead just looked at me, a slow smile creeping onto her face. She folded her arms under her chest, the beer hanging from one hand and propped herself up against the wall.

"Well, you certainly don't waste time when you want something do you?"

"I want YOU Shania," I repeated, some uneasiness starting to overwhelm me.

Still with that same smile on her face, Shania walked over towards me. I felt myself grow even wetter in anticipation, the heat and moisture between my legs starting to spread as she stopped in front of me. Taking the beer bottle in her hand, she stood now just an inch or two from me. Looking down at my exposed breasts, she gently took the ice cold bottle and slowly pressed it's surface against first one nipple, then the other. I gasped in surprise, the cold tingle making my nipples so hard they ached.

Shania then removed the bottle and lowered her mouth to my ear, whispering.

"I know you want me Petty. And I'm ok with that," she said. "But I think we need an okay from my husband first,"

She lifted her eyes up over my shoulder and I turned around to follow her gaze. I was startled to see Mutt Lange standing there in the doorway, his 80s hair band style hair wavy and curled around his head, something that looked very out of place considering he was dressed in a tuxedo.

"Well hello Petty," Mutt said. "I wasn't sure if Shania would invite you back to her room or not,"

"Oh, I had no problem doing that honey. But this," she said, pointing at my nude body "Was all her doing,"

"I see. And what prompted this?" Mutt said, walking around to stand in front of me, as if he was studying me like a piece of art.

"She said she wants me. I think she might be high," Shania said, lovingly stroking my hair.

I giggled. "Just some pills," I said. "And maybe a little blow earlier on,"

Shania and Mutt looked at each other. Mutt then sighed.

"Well you know, chances are she wouldn't remember anything the next day...or if she did, she would think it's a dream,"

Shania grinned. "That's true. Plus, we could use another tape for our collection,"

"Did they give you a video camera like you asked for?"

"Yep, a digital one. Very nice and very expensive," Shania said. "It's over on the counter,"

Mutt walked over and took it out of the case. "Good, they even charged it up. Well then Shania, what do you say we make our guest feel more welcome,"

"No problem honey,"

I meanwhile had stood there listening to all of this, starting to sway a little bit on my feet. I didn't know what they meant about me not remembering any of it - if anything, I would ALWAYS remember what was to come. Still though, they seemed to be going along with things and that made me even more horny. If they wanted to video tape it, I was cool with that. Whatever they got off on. Besides, I was so much on cloud 9 by that point that they could have said they wanted to screw me on stage in front of the cameras and I would have agreed.

Shania stood in front of me now and smiled as she spoke "Petty, do you still want me?". I suddenly felt her hand on my breast, stroking it from the bottom up as she cupped it in her palm.

I moaned. "Oh yes Shania. Even more,"

Her hand slid down my bare stomach towards my wet pussy. I felt her fingers pass over the sticky, tangled mess of my snatch, her smile broadening as she touched me. "Good, because we are about to make your request come true,"

I smiled dreamily at Shania as she stepped back away from me. Unzipping her pants, she made a show of sliding the tight jeans down around her legs, shaking and wiggling her ass as she did it. Stepping out of the jeans, she lifted off her t-shirt, revealing the fact that like me, she hadn't been wearing a bra. Her breasts were very large, probably a hefty D cup, with rose pink nipples and they had not sagged at all despite having had a child.

With her shirt off now, Shania stood in just sneakers, her baseball cap and a pair of thong panties. Hooking her thumbs on the edges of them, she slowly pulled them down off of her legs as she reached over and grabbed a chair, setting it in front of me as she sat down, giving me a full view of her pussy. It too, like the rest of her body, was incredible to behold and it was clear that she was a natural redhead, given the small strip of hair just above her opening. Shania rubbed her hands on her thighs seductively as she watched me drink in her body.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulders, pushing me down. I glanced back to see Mutt, who was now totally naked like Shania and I, stroking his cock with one hand while guiding me down with the other. He continued to push until I was in a doggy style position, my face just a few inches away from Shania's pussy. Mutt reached down next to his leg and picked up the video camera as he moved closer to me from behind, his dick in his hand. I felt it bump against my ass cheek and felt a slight tremor in my pussy at the thought of getting double teamed by both of them.

Handing the camera to Shania, she leaned back in the chair and slid her legs outward towards me, my mouth now practically drooling as her snatch drew closer to my face.

"Now Petty," Shania said, turning on the camera. "Show me how much you want me,"

I grinned up at the red light of the device and, keeping my eyes locked on the lens, slowly lowered my mouth down between Shania's legs. She sighed in pleasure as she felt my hands pull apart her pussy lips, exposing between her legs the sweet pink of the inside of her cunt. Extending my tongue, I slowly began to lap at Shania's pussy, licking and sucking at the juice of it that was already starting to form.

I felt Mutt move behind me, his surprisingly large prick sliding along my cunt. My juices were already flowing copiously and because of that, he had no problem in pushing the tip of his dick into my opening, the head wedging into the outer part of my pussy. With a grunt, he slid the full shaft in, causing me to rock forward slightly as I felt his cock reach all the way into the back of my snatch. I hadn't bothered to see how big he was before he started fucking me, but he was certainly one of the biggest lovers I had taken inside of me.

Shania's juices were really going now, and I was anxious to explore deeper into her body. With my free hand, I wiped some of Shania's arousal onto my fingers and then slowly pushed them inside of her tight pussy, causing her to moan in pleasure as I stretched her out. Shania's hands shook a little bit and I was afraid she was going to drop the camera on me as she groaned in ecstasy, but she managed to keep hold of it, slowly panning from my now sweaty and wet face all the way down my back and ass to where her husband was now steadily fucking me.

My body began to respond to Mutt's thrusts, my hips rocking back and forth gently against his body, my knees dug deeply into the carpet as he hunched over me to get a better angle in which to fuck my now very heated pussy. I could feel him saw deeper and deeper into me with every thrust, the tip of his prick battering against my cervix with each thrust.

Shania placed her hand on my head, stroking my hair as I let her guide my mouth and face around in my loving eating out of her. Her juice was just as sweet as I expected, her pussy lips and labia growing aroused and full as I worked my tongue deep inside of her, exploring her wonderful cavern with my fingers as well. Reaching across me, Shania handed the camera back to Mutt, who then began to hump me doggy style while holding the camera on his shoulder. Presumably, he was zooming in on me eating Shania out but at that point, I didn't really care if he was video taping the freaking floor.

I was really starting to enjoy being involved in a threesome with these two. Shania was so beautiful, her face looking so innocent as it contorted up in pleasure beneath the ball cap she still wore, her breath coming heavily as her breasts rose and fell on her chest, her now free hands being put to good use in squeezing her nipples. Mutt too, though he was not the most attractive man I had ever seen, was a forceful yet delicate lover and seemed to really know his way in and around a girl's cunt. Which made me wonder if he had more practice outside of just Shania. That thought however was pushed out of my mind when he angled himself differently in me, causing the thick shaft of his dick to caress and stroke over my clit, causing me to moan in between Shania's legs.

The only sound I'm sure the camera was picking up was coming entirely from me - the loud, slurping of me eating Shania's pussy and the squishing sound of Mutt plowing into my cunt. As he continued to stroke against my clit, I shuddered to myself as I came all over his cock, the drugs amplifying my orgasm and making my body unleash a flood of juices. The squishing sound grew louder as Mutt thrust harder into me, once again handing the camera back to Shania, who was in a dream world of pleasure, my still going strong tongue eating out the beautiful Canadian.

With a loud plop, Mutt pulled his dick from my cunt, leaving it gaping open suddenly as cool air rushed over it. Already wet with my juices, I felt my body tense up as I realized where he was going: my ass. Though I was dazed, a bit of panic overwhelmed me: I hadn't been fucked in the ass in a long long time.

"Mutt, please, don't,"

"Shhh..." Shania cooed at me, caressing my cheek with her hand. "Just keep on licking me. It will take your mind off of his dick,"

I was going to protest but I could already feel Mutt pressing his thick cockhead against my tight anal opening. Pushing forward, I cried out in pain and surprise as the head of his dick entered my ass, but I took Shania's advice and resumed eating her out, wincing to myself slightly as Mutt pushed more and more of his shaft into my ass. Feverishly licking Shania's cunt now, I spotted her aroused clit protruding from the top of her pussy and redirected my attention towards it.

The pain in my ass was incredible, a sort of burning and tearing situation but the more he worked into me, the more I grew accustomed to it. Spreading my legs as wide as I could to give him better access. My mouth now on Shania's hard nub, I began to tongue it back and forth in my mouth, my wet tongue and sticky lips sucking on it as I batted it around in my mouth, Shania crying out in pleasure. Shania's advice had worked, as now that Mutt was fully inserted into my ass, I had focused my mind just on getting Shania off.

Mutt began to remove his cock from me slightly, only to thrust it back in a second later, making my body lunge forward. I could feel the veins of his shaft expand and contract inside of my ass as he fucked me. Despite little experience with anal sex, I was beginning to feel my pussy growing hotter and hotter from the thickness of his shaft inside of me. The lubrication from my pussy after having just cum on his cock gave Mutt a fair amount of lubrication as he gently glided in and out of me, the sensation of feeling his cock in my ass just above the thin membrane separating my pussy causing all kinds of electricity to course through my body.

Shania was now writhing in her chair, lost in pleasure. I could feel a flood of more juices begin to leak out of her cunt and as I lapped at her clit, I knew she was about to cum. The feeling of knowing that I got Shania off while her husband fucked me in both the ass and the pussy was incredibly erotic, especially given how much I had fantasized about her before tonight. Whether it was the drugs or just the pleasure of the act itself, my mind felt like it was floating above a body that was completely lost to pleasure.

"Oh shit, I'm cumming!" Shania yelled. I took her clit in between my thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze and pleasure it back and forth, the hard wet love button throbbing beneath my touch. As I used my other fingers to fuck her cunt, Shania gave out a hoarse yell and came all over my hand, my mouth immediately down between her legs to lap up her juices. Though it didn't seem possible, this fresh batch of cum was even more sweet than anything I had tasted before. I was obsessed with getting it all, my tongue not moving fast enough as more and more of it seemed to just pour out from between her beautiful pink lips.

I hadn't noticed it, but Mutt too was close to cumming. He gave my ass one hard thrust (sending me deeper into Shania's pussy, something I didn't mind) and then yanked his prick out. Standing up, his dick in his hand, he beat on it furiously. I opened my mouth expecting him to shoot his load on my face, but the couple had other plans. Aiming his cockhead at her pussy, Mutt stopped stroking his dick enough to let the first eruption of his cum shoot out.

The first long, thick ropy strand hit Shania's pussy dead on, covering and coating her outer lips as the good immediately began to mingle and sink into her sex. The next shot was equally as accurate, hitting just above my gasping mouth and dribbling down her thigh onto her pussy. He continued to shoot stream after stream of cum onto Shania's pussy and thighs, Shania aiming the camera down to catch all of this. When his orgasm had ended, he gave a loud grunt and sigh and held his dick out to me. I immediately took it into my mouth, sucking off the last remaining drops of his cum.

Shania meanwhile was busy playing with the mess between her legs - she smeared and rubbed Mutt's cum against her pussy lips, mingling it with her own juices. She pushed two fingers into the outer wall of her pussy, leaving a messy creampie in between her legs. It was clear though, that with Mutt looming over me and Shania watching me expectantly, they wanted me to eat his cum from her pussy.

The entire scene was erotic in a rather strange way, a scenario like this having never happened to me before. But Mutt's cum hadn't tasted bad and Shania's juice was incredibly sweet, so I had no real problem in diving my tongue back in. Winking at the red light of the camera, I slowly lowered my face between Shania's legs again. Sticking my tongue out tentatively, I lapped up a drop of Mutt's cum onto my tongue. Swallowing it down, the taste mingled a bit with Shania's juices and turned out to be quite good.

Shania had smeared their cum together so well that the further and further I got into it eating it, the better it began to taste. I slurped loudly as I sucked clean a small puddle of cum against Shania's thigh, pulling my mouth back as a strand of cum hung from my lips. By the time I had eaten her clean, without a drop of cum from her or Mutt to be seen anywhere outside or inside of her twat, I had enjoyed a very tasty experience.

"And cut," Mutt said, turning off the camera. He set it down on the table next to Shania and pulled his pants back up. "Thank you Petty, that was incredibly hot,"

I collapsed on the floor, my knees now aching from being on them so long. Stretching my arms out, I wiped away a sticky spot of cum from my lips, licking it off my finger.

"You're welcome Mutt. Any time you two want to involve me again, just let me know,"

They looked at each other. "Riiighht," Mutt said. "Well, we better get going. The awards show is almost over. Feel free to clean up and help yourself to some food before you go. We have to get home to Eja,"

Shania was now zipping up her jeans and stood in front of a mirror, adjusting her baseball cap.

"Yeah, thanks Petty. Hope you enjoyed yourself and uhh...good luck with your CD,"

With that, they walked out of the door, leaving me alone in the room. My mind still a little fuzzy from the drugs, I slowly crawled up and walked into the bathroom. After taking a shower, I redressed and went back to my dressing room. Getting my "bag of fun" back from it's hiding place (in the air conditioning vent), I could still taste Shania's and Mutt's juices in my mouth.

Cutting a line of coke after locking the door, I took a long hard snort and pinched my nose as I felt the pleasant burning sensation go down my throat. Putting the drugs away, I took out my smokes and lit one, walking out of the auditorium where the awards were just now wrapping up. I still felt a very strong attraction to women, without a doubt. But getting some dick every now and then was still a-okay in my book.


After driving Mila back to the Antamount lot (under much suspicion of course...I practically had to hide in the seat), I dropped her off at her car. I was about to head home to Katherine when she called me on her cell phone. She hadn't said much, only that I needed to meet her at Charlie Watterson's office to discuss Antamount.

I had agreed, though the whole thing seemed fishy after what had happened today. After hanging up with Katherine, I immediately called Mila on her cell phone and gave her directions. If I was walking into some kind of trap or set up, I at least wanted someone else besides Katherine that I knew I could trust.

The agreed upon meeting time was 7:00, and I pulled up at 3 minutes till. Stepping out of my car, I glanced around to see if I saw anything out of the ordinary. Thankfully, the street was pretty empty and there didn't seem to be any men in cars looming about. Walking up to the bottom floor of Charlie's office, I buzzed him on his intercom.

"Yeah?" a crackly voice said.

"It's Alex, Charlie. I was told to meet you here?"

A buzz sounded and the door to the building opened. I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me as it whooshed shut, locking once more. Walking up the stairs slowly, I knocked on his office door.

"Come in," a deep male voice called. Opening the door, I stepped into the dimly lit room. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out about five people all sitting around Charlie's desk against the wall.

"Hi Alex," I heard Katherine say as she walked over to me. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked back over near the desk, taking a seat on the window sill. Now that I could see things better, I was able to make out everyone's face.

Behind the desk was Charlie, as was to be expected. He wore a neat pin stripe shirt with a pair of suspenders and despite the fact that in the light, his face looked more haggard than I had ever seen it, he managed to smile at me.

On his immediate left was Rachael Leigh Cook. I was startled to say the least at seeing her there, but she smiled at me as well. I wondered if she had told Katherine or anyone else about our encounter. But I knew Rachael was more proper than that and, given Katherine's friendliness, she didn't seem to have said anything.

Mila was on Charlie's right, just as I had asked her to be. She had a concerned and nervous look on her face, as if she wasn't sure she trusted what was going on. I smiled at her to try and calm her fears, but all she could muster was a half hearted return smile.

Katherine of course was now sitting on the window sill, her arms crossed underneath her chest, the outline of her nipple rings a painful reminder to me now of how we had gotten to this situation.

The last person however, not only startled but enraged me. After smiling at saying hello to everyone, in the far corner of the office I saw someone who I was not expecting to see at all: Jamie Pressley.

"Woah, what the fuck is she doing here?" I said, pointing at Jamie as I moved in a protective motion towards the other girls. No one in the room however, seemed to mind her presence.

"Calm down Alex," Charlie said, sitting up. "She's here to help,"

"The fuck she is! She's part of the reason all of this shit is happening," I replied angrily.

"Look dude, calm down. I want what you want, alright? I'm tired of being some sex slave to those power hungry cunts. Now step the fuck off all right?" Jamie said, moving out of the shadows to look at me, a snarl on her face. As much as I wanted to tell her off right there or react with more anger, the feel suddenly of Katherine's hand touching my arm managed to keep me in check.

"It's alright Alex. I trust her," Katherine said.

Still studying her for any signs that she might be betraying us, I folded my arms against my chest and moved against the wall, carefully watching her.

"Ok Charlie, tell Alex all of the stuff you just told us," Katherine said to him. Charlie nodded and cleared his throat, but not before taking a hard swig out of a flask he had seemed to pull out of nowhere. Swallowing the liquor with a grimace, Charlie started to speak.

"I know why all of you are here - you are tired of Antamount and the Rose Petals controlling your lives. Let me tell you right off the bat that you aren't alone in this. There are many others like you who have either publicly or privately grumbled about the influence they exert. When I heard through the grapevine about what had happened to Katherine, I knew that things had reached a point where they could only get worse. Much much worse," Charlie said.

"That's why he got us together tonight Alex," Rachael said, speaking for the first time all night. "He knew that some people were just bitching and some people, like us, wanted to solve things,"

"Exactly. Even telling you all this is a big risk - I'm not certain that they don't know about my involvement with the Vegas incident and aren't just waiting to get me. In fact, knowing Willis, I know that as soon as my name enters his radar, Old Charlie is going to be in for some real troubles. But that's why I have to spread the information, spread the knowledge I know about them as much as I can,"

"What exactly do you know about them that we don't Charlie?" I asked, a little skeptical still about telling too much with Jamie in the room. I glanced over at her and saw that she was more relaxed in posture but still looked as distrusting of me as I did of her.

"For starters, I know the history of the company, though unfortunately not the full history of Willis. 20 years ago, Antamount was around - they were in the business of making late night b-grade sci-fi movies for the then new cable channels, and dabbling a bit into soft core pornography on the side. During the 80s, the economy hit them hard and it seemed like they would just be another victim in a quickly rising list of small companies who couldn't make it in the cinema world. But then, out of practically nowhere, comes Wilton Willis. When Antamount was on the verge of bankruptcy, he was like a guardian angel, swooping in and rescuing the company by paying off the debts and buying out the owners,"

"But where did he get his money?" I asked.

Charlie shook his head. "That I don't know. Things were really fuzzy in the 80s - there was talk that he ran drugs and other vices in foreign countries, but even though the DOJ opened a case against him and his company, Willis Enterprises, which is now just part of Antamount, they could never make anything stick. Besides, with all the savings and loan scandals, the government had other things to worry about,"

"Ok, but I'm sure all of this is public information right?"

"Yes, it is. If you look in Variety, you can probably find old articles announcing the buying out of Antamount. What you won't find there, or anywhere else though, is their rise to power. Now, at first, the company flew really low on the radar. They didn't do anything risky, they didn't do anything to draw attention to themselves. But then, about five years into his ownership, Antamount started popping up in places. BIG places - first they bought a few smaller studios, then a record label, then some struggling magazines. They were still small potatoes mind you, but it was really just the start of things. No one really paid much mind to it, myself included. The 80s for me are one big alcoholic blur," he said, raising his flask in emphasis. "It wasn't until the political aspect of things started appearing that people started to take notice,"

"Political?" I asked.

"Yeah. See, there was this wanna-be starlet, Bitsy Thompson who had a contract with another small studio, Palm Tree Films. Nothing huge, but it was still enough to impact their bottom line, you know? So anyways, Bitsy has a contract with Palm Tree, and Antamount wants her. They offer her a huge amount of money, but she doesn't relent. Antamount, undeterred, decides to take things to the courts. Now, Palm Tree hired some of the best lawyers in town while Antamount had just in house counsel - practically nobodies. Except for one: Gordon Hapsboro,"

"I was wondering where he fit into this," I said to myself. Katherine nodded at me as Charlie continued.

"Well, the trial date rolls around and Antamount asks for a summary judgment. This is the FIRST DAY mind you. The judge decides to take a recess to think about it. When he returns, the people who were there say that he was as white as a sheet. The judge rules in Antamount's favor, turning the girl's contract over to Antamount without so much as a word from Palm Tree's lawyer. They vow to appeal but each time they take it to a higher judge, they refuse to hear the case. Six months later, the judge who ruled in Antamount's favor turns up dead. Bullet through the head. Turns out he had a penchant for little boys,"

"Jesus Christ," Mila said, covering her mouth and shaking her head.

"The worst part about this though, was that despite the fact that Antamount had won the contract away from the Palm Tree, Bitsy herself did not want to work with Antamount at all. She smelt scum when it came floating in. But if she ever wanted to work in Hollywood again, she would have to comply with the contract, at least through it's duration. In effect, Antamount had essentially bought her and now owned her to make whatever movies they wanted. Keep in mind, all this was just through the grapevine stuff, but it seems that Bitsy was one of the first to be a 'party favor' at the infamous Antamount parties,"

"Why didn't she just stop acting?" I asked.

"Well, she did. Only, not on purpose. Bitsy got into a bitter dispute with Antamount after they tried to sneak an extension onto her contract. She threatened to quit and walk away from Hollywood forever. Antamount made her wish come true - while on the set, a light from a rig fell and clipped her on the side of the head. It didn't kill her but it did put her in a coma. She woke up three years later, totally forgotten from Hollywood and broke, after Antamount used the fees they would have paid her to take care of her hospital bills,"

"So then after that incident, people got the message that Antamount wasn't to be fucked with," I said.

"Exactly. It seemed all of a sudden that everyone was lining up to be there to help them. That's when they got their first crop of willing leading ladies who didn't mind being 'kept' if it meant they got good roles. And naturally, being suddenly flushed with talent, they were bound to find some who would be future stars. They just sorted out the riff-raff and promoted the shit out of the talented ones. It paid off - they went from a nobody studio to one of the giants in just under 10 years. It was incredible,"

"And I take it that you too lined up for a free hand out?" I said, a little bit of bitterness in my voice. This did not go unnoticed by Charlie, who just shrugged.

"When in Rome," he said. "So basically, what you are going through is nothing new. Antamount got their biggest yet during the boom of the late 90s, buying huge chunks of stock in companies like Paramount, Fox and Sony. They formed alliances with Disney and all the major record labels...before anyone knew it, they had their fingers in every pie in town,"

"Which is not to say they didn't encounter some resistance," Charlie continued. "There were all sorts of lawsuits and protests by the Hollywood elite, but they never amounted to much. The suits were settled out of court and the elite were hired by Antamount. They now run this town, despite the outward appearance that the other studios are in charge,"

"Where do the Rose Petals come in?" Jamie asked, looking at me first as if for encouragement.

"That I can't tell you my dear. They claim to have a long history of membership, but I doubt if it goes back further than the 1970s. They too allied with Antamount and have been under their wing for a long time now. As I'm sure you know, they only get talked about in whispers and in backroom deals. If the public ever found out about them, they would be history,"

"Well, why don't we take it public? We have two members right here who I'm sure would be willing to talk,"

Charlie laughed. "Boy, you wouldn't even get to speak to a reporter before their goons would be on you and you would become an unperson so fast it would make your head spin,"

I punched my fist against the wall, putting a slight dent in it. The noise startled everyone as they stared at me.

"So what you're saying then...is that we are going up against one of the most powerful organizations in the world," I said through my teeth. I was very pissed off at hearing all of this - the situation seemed hopeless.

"Yes, without a doubt," Charlie said. "But there is hope,"

"What do you mean?"

"As I said, you aren't the only ones who hate Antamount. I was put in contact a few days ago with Yasuo Kyokota, a Tokyo business man. He too has an issue with Antamount, though I'm not sure exactly what it is. However, he asked me to fly out to Japan to see him,"

"And are you going to?"

"No," Charlie said, reaching into his desk. He pulled out an airplane ticket. "But you are,"

"What? Why me?"

"Think about it Alex," Mila said, stepping forward towards the desk. "Katherine is already under suspicion and Rachael, myself and Jamie can't just disappear. It would look too odd. The same with Charlie - who knows how long it will be before they find out his involvement. You're the only natural choice. They already fired you, they wouldn't be expecting you to fly to Japan,"

"What makes you think that they aren't following me?" I asked incredulously.

"They may be Alex," Katherine said, now chiming in. "But if you can get to Tokyo and to Mr. Kyokota, then you will be out of harm's way,"

"That's a big if," I replied sarcastically.

"It's something you have to do Alex. There really isn't too many other options, and this is something that we - and you - really need to make sure happens,"

I took the ticket off the desk and held it in my hand. "When do I leave?" I said with a sigh.

"Tonight. Four hours from now," Charlie replied, again sipping from his flask. Despite his calm voice earlier, his face was now starting to sweat, as were his underarms.

"Jesus, you didn't give me much notice did you?" I said, stepping back from the desk. Katherine was right there to comfort me. I gave her a hug, but then noticed Jamie staring at me again in the corner. I pushed Katherine away.

"And what about you?" I asked, now stepping up to her directly. "Why do you care and why should we trust you?"

"Because I'm tired of being Eliza and Salma's bitch. If the Rose Petals will keep existing, then I want to run them," Jamie replied, her face still in a snarl at me.

"Oh, so it's a power thing," I said to her.

"Isn't EVERYTHING a power thing?" she replied, putting her hand swiftly on my balls and holding them.

I stared at her for a moment longer then turned away.

"One final question Charlie. You mentioned Hapsboro - what about him? What can you tell us about him?"

Charlie again shook his head. "Nothing. In fact, no one can. I've looked him up in every resource possible. It's as if he just appeared out of nowhere,"

I let this sink in for a moment before turning away again from the desk.

"I better get going if I'm going to make this flight," I said reluctantly as I looked at Katherine. "Are you going to be ok here alone?"

"Oh, it's alright. I'm going to stay with her," Mila said. "We're going to stay at a hotel. My treat,"

I looked back at Katherine, who nodded in reply. "And Rachael, what about you and Charlie?"

"We will manage. I'm pretty low on the radar so I can stay out of harm's way. Besides, I don't know anything really about what's going on. I'm just trying to keep from sinking into this sinkhole,"

"Oh, don't worry about me...I'll be fine," Jamie shot at me, her voice bitter and cold. I gave her a hard glare and then walked towards the door.

"Bye everyone. Be careful," I said, giving them all a wave before shutting the door. I walked quickly down the stairs and headed for my car. Starting the engine, I hopped on the interstate and headed for the airport.


"Are you two sure you're going to be alright?" I said to Katherine and Mila as they sat in the idling cab I had called for them.

"Yes Charlie, thank you. We are just going across town," Mila said. I shut the door for them, staring in at them through the window.

Katherine mouthed "Bye Charlie" as the car began to pull away. Despite being now drunk off my ass, I still managed the coordination enough to wave a lazy wave at them. Turning my attention now to Rachael and Jamie, I felt Rachael's small arms wrap around me as she gave me a hug.

"I don't know you Charlie, but you are indeed a brave man," Rachael whispered. She kissed me on the cheek and then started to walk away, back towards her car. Jamie and I stood there, watching her leave.

"So...I guess you'll call me if you need my help with anything else?" Jamie asked, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her jacket as she looked around the street.

"Yeah, no problem. This is pretty risky you know Jamie, talking to me like this and switching sides," I said, my words now starting to slur a little bit.

"I know. But I meant what I said - I want the power of the Rose Petals for myself. If that means destroying the people who control them, so be it,"

I shook my head at her. "You are one mean bitch, you know that?"

Jamie laughed. "That's what they tell me. They say I'm a great lay though, you'll have to try for yourself sometime,"

Laughing, I stumbled up the sidewalk towards my office. Jamie waved and then walked off in the opposite direction as Rachael, into the night.

Climbing the stairs to my office had always been a perilous endeavor for me, but being drunk certainly didn't help things. Trudging up one step at a time, I finally reached the landing, out of breath from the effort.

Half stumbling against my office door, I opened it and stepped inside. That was strange, the light had been on when I left...


I suddenly felt a hard blow to the back of my head, my mind exploding in pain as I staggered forward onto the floor. Clutching the back of my head, I felt blood dripping down between my fingers. The back of my head felt like it was on fire as I struggled to crawl on the floor. I could hear heavy feet around me, clumping and moving as they pushed furniture out of the way.

All of a sudden, the lights in the room came on and I cried out in pain, the light hurting my head even more. I closed my eyes tightly for a moment before opening them up again and taking in what I saw. I managed to turn over onto my back as I looked up at two large men in black clothing, the muscles on their arms seeming to have muscles themselves. Standing between the two of them was Gordon Hapsboro.

Moving closer to me, I saw that he was polishing a pistol with a silencer in his gloved hands. He looked down at me with a smile.

"Charlie Charlie Charlie...tsk tsk. Didn't you know that we would be listening to every word you said? You were the first place I looked when I knew I had a vermin infestation,"

"Fuck you," I said at him. I was greeted in response by a hard blow to the ribs by one of the men's feet. I gasped and wheezed for breath, my already throbbing head now added onto by the pain in my ribs.

"That was quite a story you told Charlie. Too bad your audience won't get to share it with anyone else,"

"Maybe you didn't hear me - I said 'Fuck you' Gordon,"

This time Hapsboro himself, with a nasty snarl on his face, reached down and swiftly pistol whipped me in the mouth with the gun. I felt my teeth crack and break as they flew out of my mouth, my gums and teeth and lips now a bloody mess.

"You couldn't just be a model employee Charlie. It just wasn't in you. But then again, not much else will be in you here in a minute. Just to let you know that I am a sporting man, and despite the fact that it is just another tired cliché in this business we call entertainment, I'll give you a choice. Would you rather be shot in the face and die quick, or in the stomach and die slow?"

Swallowing a mouth full of blood, I could hear my own wheezing as I breathed in through the gap in my front teeth. Struggling against the pain, I finally managed to speak clear enough to be heard.

"The stomach. Save me the dignity of people still recognizing me, and it gives me more time to hate you,"

"Fair enough," Hapsboro said with a shrug.

Lowering the gun at me, he shot me in the face anyways.


Mila and I rode in silence in the car. I think both of us were a little stunned by everything Charlie had said, Mila especially. Part of her I think did not want to believe it. Not that I blamed her - it was a grim and harsh reality to have to accept and one that would be with her for a long time.

Seeking to comfort her, I slowly slid my hand across the seat towards hers. She took it and smiled at me weakly as we drove through traffic. I had booked us a hotel under the same false name I had used in Vegas, that was just out of the way enough to give us time to strategize and think of anyone else we knew who might want to help out. I knew that there were other people, women especially who couldn't stand being objects. The thought of it still brought bile up to the back of my throat, but I tried to suppress it and think of what might happen if Alex was successful in Japan.

Staring out the window, I furrowed my brow a little bit as I noticed that we were not heading in the direction of the hotel.

"Excuse me, sir?" I said, raising my voice a little at the "sir" part.

No response.

"Sir? This isn't the way to the hotel that we told you,"

The man just kept staring straight ahead. I reached out and tapped on the glass.

"Sir? Hello? Do you speak English?"

Mila now released my hand and began to tap on the glass as well. "Hello? HELLO???"

I plopped back down in the seat as the car came to a stop sign. Leaning over to Mila, I whispered to her "I don't like this. Let's get out here,"

When the car came to a complete stop, I moved my hand quickly to the door handle. It was locked and would not move. Mila did the same thing with hers. No luck. I jerked and yanked on the door handle as hard as I could but did nothing beyond bend it out from the door a little bit.

Frantic now, I tried rolling down the windows, only to find that they were not moving either. Taking off my high heel shoe, I began to beat it against the glass of the window. It simply bounced off, the glass thick and what seemed to be bullet proof.

Mila clung desperately to her window, beating her palm against it, trying to draw attention to herself. The car started rolling again, and the gravity of the situation finally took hold. We were being kidnapped.
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