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Author Topic: Dying Wish (Hailee Steinfeld)  (Read 7339 times)


Dying Wish (Hailee Steinfeld)
« on: December 13, 2020, 03:52:08 PM »
Written as a commission.

Dying Wish

Starring: Hailee Steinfeld

Hailee Steinfled wandered nervously through the hallway of the dreary hospital ward, heart sinking a little further down her chest with every agonised whine or harsh, throaty cough she heard emanate from each passing room.  Clutched in her hand was a Bumblebee action figure- a gift for the patient she’d come to visit. 

At 18 years old, Hailee thought him a little old to be playing with toys.  But maybe he was one of those collector dorks and was going to display it on the windowsill of his hospital room, alongside Thor and Luke Skywalker and whoever else nerds like him idolised.  Either way, young John was a huge fan of her’s, Hailee’s agent had assured her, and his mother had written to him personally, requesting a meet and greet with her son’s favourite actress as his one dying wish. 

After all, it wouldn’t be long before John would be drawing his last breath.  Shuffling off this mortal coil, never to return.  Cancer.  Brain.  Or at least that’s where it had originated.  By now the disease had spread to every part of the body it could reach.  He was riddled with the stuff, and the little guy’s condition had long since progressed to the ‘making him comfortable’ stage.  It was only a matter of time. 

It wasn’t the first time Hailee’s agent had been contacted with requests of this ilk, and usually he had to give his clients the hard sell.  They could turn it into a photo op and have the whole world see what kind and generous people they were.  It would be great for their careers.  But with Hailee, none of that was necessary.  He informed her of the mother’s request and she agreed to it on the spot.  It would be an honour, he believed were her exact words.  It warmed the cockles of his heart.  Why couldn’t all his clients be like her?

Stopping outside John’s poky, little room, Hailee poked her head around the doorframe, nearly bursting into tears as she caught sight of the frail looking young man practically strapped to the hospital bed under a heap of clean white linens.  A light blue gown was draped over his skinny frame as he gazed vacantly at the TV screen flickering on the wall before him.  His mother sat beside him, gently stroking his shiny bald head, and it was she who spotted the uncomfortable-looking starlet as she lingered in the open doorway.         

“Oh, John!  John!” she yelped excitedly.  “You have a visitor.  Come in, come in.”

Hailee took a deep breath, steeling herself as she entered the room. 

“Thank you for coming, Miss Steinfeld,” the mother added, eyes welling up as a beaming smile formed on her son’s face- the first since his diagnosis. 

“It’s my pleasure,” the actress replied.  “And, please, call me Hailee.”

“Sure.  Please, have a seat, Hailee.”

“Thank you.”  She pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed.  “There’s my brave boy,’” she said, taking John’s shaky hands and clutching them in her own.  “How are you feeling?”

She shuddered a little with embarrassment.  What a stupid question.  He’s got about three weeks to live, you dumb bitch.  How do you think he’s feeling?

“He’s a lot better for seeing you, Hailee,” his mother replied, answering for him.  Something she’d gotten used to doing in the recent years.  “He’s a huge fan of yours.  He’s seen all your movies and he watches your music videos all the time, so the nurses tell me.”

John blushed.  That was undeniably true.  In fact, one of said nurses had gotten quite the shock when she walked in on the young man pleasuring himself to one of Hailee’s videos just a few days before. 

“Well, that’s great!” Haillee replied, sounding rather more chipper than she perhaps should have done, given her surroundings.  “What’s your favourite movie of mine, John?”

“Ermm...probably Bumblebee, Hailee,” he said, his voice so soft and feeble that it tugged at Hailee’s heartstrings like a puppetmaster. 

Bumblebee, huh?  Well then, I’ve got just the thing for you,” she declared, whipping the action figure out from behind her back and feeling her insides warm as his pale little face lit up like the Fourth of July. 

“Oh, boy!” he exclaimed, tearing open the packaging as quickly as his weary arms could manage.

“What do you say, John?” his mother prompted, stroking his bald head once more as he gazed in awe at the plastic toy.

“Oh.  Thanks, Hailee,” he said, turning towards her, a rare smile stretched across his face.

“You’re welcome, John.  Anything for such a brave little guy.”   

“Oh, God, look at me,” John’s mother sniffled.  “Weeping like a little girl.  I better go and tidy myself up.  I’m sure John doesn’t want me in here cramping his style anyway.”

Hailee giggled politely.  “Why don’t you head home for a bit, Mrs Greer?  You like you could use a rest.  I’ll wait here with John until you get back.”

“Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to do anything like that, Hailee,” Mrs Greer objected.  “I’m sure you’ve got lots of places to be.  Busy young woman like you.”

“I’d be happy to do it, Mrs Greer,” Hailee replied, cradling the sick boy’s hands.  “Courageous young man like John here is welcome to as much of my time as he wants.”

“Oh, Lord, don’t tell him that!” Mrs Greer laughed.  “He’ll never let you leave!  But since you’re offering, Hailee, I think I might take you up on that.  I could use a little shut eye.  I’ve barely slept a wink in days.”

“Take all the time you need.  Me and John will have a great time together.  Won’t we, John?” she said, stroking his wilting paws. 

“Yes, Hailee,” he replied, lifting his knees slightly to hide the tent he was pitching under his bedsheets. 

“OK.  Bye, John,” his mother said, kissing his forehead.  She rose from her chair and headed for the door.  “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.  Nice to meet you, Hailee.  And thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Mrs Greer.  Go get some rest.”

And with that, John’s mother was gone.

“And then there were two,” Hailee grinned.  “You know, I feel for you, John.  I really do.  Cooped up in this room, sitting here waiting to…” she chose her words carefully.  “What’s your dy...greatest wish?  There must be something you want to do before...well, you know...”

“Well, there was something,” John replied, blushing slightly as he spoke.  “But I don’t really want to say.  It’s kinda stupid.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.  Come on, John.  You can tell me.”

“OK,” he began meekly.  “Well, the doctor’s told my mom that I can leave the hospital to go to my school prom, and I was kinda hoping that I could find a date.  My friends have been asking the girls but no-one will go with me.”

Hailee gasped.  “No-one will go to prom with a handsome boy like you?  I find that hard to believe.  Those girls just feel uncomfortable, John, that’s all.  But, don’t worry.  I’m sure you’d rather go with one of those cuties in your class, but if none of them come to their senses in time, I’ll take you to your prom.”

“Really, Hailee?” John gushed, replying with as much excitement as his withering body could produce.

Forget his school, there wasn’t a single female on the planet he’d rather spend an evening with than Hailee Steinfeld.  There were some hot girls at his school, sure, but compared to her they didn’t just look like they’d been hit with the ugly stick, but beaten half to death with it.

“It would be my pleasure.  When is it?”

“It’s next week, Hailee.”

“Next week?!  Oh, wow!  We’ve got lots to plan!  I’m gonna have to book a limo.  And get a new dress designed and make sure my stylist is free.  Speaking of which, do you have a tux you can wear?”

“No, Hailee.  My mom had to quit her job to look after me and all her savings have gone on my medical bills.  I’ll have to wear jeans and a t-shirt, I guess.”

Unsurprisingly, John’s outfit wasn’t too high on his list of priorities.  He’d happily have turned up to his senior prom in his underpants if he had Hailee Steinfeld on his arm.

“Nonsense!” Hailee scoffed.  “I’ll get you one.  And if there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Oh, Hailee, no.  Really, you’ve done quite enough already.”

“John, it’s fine, really.  I’m happy to do it.  So, we better prepare you for when one of these lucky girls accepts your invitation.  Have you ever had a girlfriend before, John?”

“Err...no,” he replied, looking down at his lap, face glowing red as a prize tomato.

Hailee giggled.  “That’s OK, John.  Nothing to be embarrassed about.  Why don’t I show you a few things you can do to impress your date?”

“OK, Hailee, sure.”

“Great!  So the first thing you’re gonna want to do when you swing by to pick her up is tell her how beautiful she looks.  Girls are a sucker for that sort of thing, trust me.  Here, why don’t you practice on me.  I’m sure I’m not as pretty as those girls at your school, but just pretend, OK?”

“Erm...OK,” said John.  He gulped nervously.  “Hi, Hailee.  Wow!  You look gorgeous tonight!”

“Very good, John!” Hailee exclaimed.  “God, she’ll be putty in your hands in no time.”  She quickly returned to character.  “Thanks, John.  You don’t look too bad yourself.  I love what you’ve done with your ha…”  She stopped herself.  “I love your bow tie.”

“Oh, thanks,” John replied, fixing his imaginary necktie.  “A friend bought it for me.”

Hailee felt a tear well in her eye and did her best to blink it dry.

“Oh, really?  You must really mean a lot to this person if they bought you a gift like that.”

“I hope so,” John declared.  “She certainly means a lot to me.”

The waterworks were in full flow now and as John looked up at her with that sweet smile of his, Hailee had little choice but to let the tears tumble down her rosy cheeks.

“Oh, God, look at me,” said Hailee, laughing through the tears.  “I’m worse than your mom!”

John chuckled.  “Oh, man.  Trust me, no-one is worse than my mom.  She’s friggin’ crying morning, noon and night.  I mean, geez, you’d think it was her who was dying of cancer!”

Hailee wasn’t sure whether to laugh, but then he did himself and she happily joined in.  It was great to see that he hadn’t lost his sense of humour. 

“So,” she said, continuing with her lesson, “if things go as well with your date as I think they will, she’s going to want you to kiss her goodnight when you drop her home.  Have you ever kissed a girl before, John?”

“No,” he replied, blushing once more.

“OK, well it’s pretty easy and I’m sure you’ll be very good at it.  Would you like to practice?”

John was bemused.  “How?”

“How do you think?” Hailee giggled.  “With me, silly.”

John felt his heart skip a beat.  Which, for someone as plagued with disease as he was, was more than a little concerning.  “What, like...make out?  Here?”

“Sure, why not?  I mean, you can practice on the back of your hand if you like, but since I’m right here next to you I thought it might be fun if we tried it together.”

“Err...OK, s-sure.”

“Awesome!  Just relax.  You'll love it, trust me.”

With that, she leant across the hospital bed, plump lips puckered as she pressed them against his.  By now, the cancer patient’s ailing body was shaking more violently than ever, his carefully concealed hardon raging incessantly beneath the fabric of his bed sheets.  Kissing Hailee was even more heavenly an endeavour than he could possibly have imagined.  No easy feat, considering he thought about locking lips with the brown-haired songstress nearly 24 hours a day. 

Her lips were soft, moist and juicy, like the innards of a ripened strawberry.  He never wanted the kiss to end, but when it did he got a mouth-watering taste of her sweet, fruity gloss as he rolled his tongue across his lip.

“Mmm!  Very nice,” Hailee purred.  “You’re a natural.  OK, let’s try it again and this time try and slip in a little tongue.  Not too much.  Just a little.”

Hailee leaned in once more and returned her lips to his.  This time, the tip of her tongue emerged subtly from between her pillows, sliding tenderly into his mouth.  John reciprocated, following her lead meticulously, and returning the action with the same deftness and delicacy as his instructor. 

Time seemed to stand still as their lips pressed together, tongues gently writhing together.  John wasn’t sure if a few hours had passed or a few seconds.  Either way, kissing Hailee Steinfeld was the undisputed high point of his life so far.  Given that he’d been diagnosed with cancer at age 15, it didn’t have a lot to contend with, but John could die a happy man knowing that he’d now locked lips with the woman of his dreams.   

“That was perfect,” Hailee declared.  It was music to John’s ears.  “You’re a wonderful kisser, John.  Now feel my breast a little.”

John’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull.  Sharing spit with the world famous actress was one thing, but nothing could have prepared him for that.  “Excuse me?  Feel your…?” he replied, voice croaky. 

“My breast, yes.  In case it gets a little hot and heavy with this date of yours.  You wanna be prepared, right?”

“Err...y-yeah, I guess,” John stammered nervously, sweat glistening on his palms.

“Come on, John.  You want to get laid before you...while you still can, don’t you?”


“And you want it to be good, right?  I mean, you don’t want your first time to be some awkward fumble.  Do you, Johnny?”

“I guess not.”

“Then you need to practice.  And who better to learn from than your favourite actress and new best friend?”

John couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  He wasn’t someone who’d been graced with an overabundance of luck in his short life, but right now it was feeling like all his Christmasses had come at once.  Though he’d long since accepted his fate, the thought of dying at such a young age made him want to break down in tears.  All those things he’d never get to do.  Those people he’d never get to be.  But if he lost his virginity to Hailee friggin’ Steinfeld, he’d happily draw his last breath right there and then. 

“Yeah,” he replied.  “I guess that makes sense.”

“Great!  Well, come on then, buddy,” said Hailee, giving her boobs an enticing jiggle.  “Have at ‘em!”

John reached out in a trance-like daze and put his hands to her perky chest.  His maiden voyage into the realms of the female sweater was a lot like most others’.  Clumsy.  Ham-handed.  Amateurish.  He didn’t bear the overeagerness and total lack of grace of those who’d been granted admittance to the singer’s upper half during her high school years, but an expert of the female torso, he most certainly wasn’t.  But nevermind, he had an experienced tutor, with a rich history of getting felt up, who was more than happy to walk him through it.

“You can be a little firmer than that, John,” Hailee declared, placing her hands over his and guiding them across her bust.  “Like you’re kneading a big batch of dough.  Just be careful to avoid the grope.  Girls find that kinda creepy.”

John squeezed harder at her breasts, massaging them lovingly with his fledgling hands.  They felt soft and malleable, the plaint flesh bulging between his fingers.  His as yet untouched cock grew stiffer under his gown, his first time exuberance threatening to halt his journey to manhood before he’d even set forth.         

“Very good, John.  You’ve really gotten the hang of that.  OK, so now you’ve given them a good feel, the next step is to get rid of that shirt.  You can either remove it yourself or wait for her to do it.  Girls like it when you take the initiative.  But always remember to ask first.  OK?”

“Uh huh,” John nodded, scribbling a page worth of jottings on the notepad in his mind. 

“OK, go ahead,” Haillee prompted.  “Ask.”

“Oh, OK.  Can I take off your shirt?”

Hailee chuckled a little.  “A little more tact wouldn’t go amiss.  Maybe try something along the lines of ‘hmm, it’s getting a little hot in here, wouldn’t you say?’.  Bit of a cliche but, hey...it’s always worked on me.”

“OK,” said John.  He swifty returned to character, puffing his cheeks and wiping imaginary beads of sweat from his brow.  “It’s getting a little warm in here, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, it is getting kinda hot, now you come to mention it.”

“Maybe you’d cool down a little if you took off your shirt.”

“EHHH!” Hailee exclaimed, imitating the sound of an obnoxious quiz show buzzer.  “Never tell a girl to take off her clothes.  Always offer to remove yours as well.  It will make her feel more at ease.”

“Right.  Maybe we’d cool down a little if we took off our shirts.”

Hailee grinned.  “Better.  Yeah, maybe we would.”

With that, she removed her snug-fitting cami top and set it down on the edge of the bed, baring her perky breasts.  John gawked listlessly at her gorgeous chest, perfectly-sized pink nipples sitting stiffly at the peak of each supple mound of flesh. 

“Err...John,” said Hailee, clawing him from his reverie.  “Your shirt...”

“Hmm?” he replied, looking up at the popstar with a look so vacant it was almost comical.  “Oh, yes.  Sorry.”

John sat up in his bed and pulled his gown slowly up over his head, leaving him in nothing but a pair of y-fronts. 

“OK, now you’ve got her top off, it’s time to make a play for those titties,” Hailee declared.  “But don’t just dive in.  Tease her a little.  Start by kissing her neck, then work down to her collarbone.”

Hailee leaned over and John nuzzled in close, getting a whiff of her perfume as he pecked at her silky flesh. 

“Touch my boob a little.”

John didn’t need a second invitation.  He reached up excitedly and cupped Hailee’s breast.  Kneading it gently with his weak, little hands, he felt his cock continue to stiffen beneath the fabric of his bedsheets as he kissed along the singer’s neck and down to her collarbone.  Hailee cooed a little as he felt her up, his dry, cracked lips planting soft, sweet kisses upon her skin.  Though John was clearly vastly inexperienced, Hailee enjoyed the intimacy of his touch.  It was a welcome change from the insistent grabbing that she was used to. 

“Mmm, yeah!  That’s in, John.  Now put it in your mouth.”

Growing a little in confidence, John kissed from Hailee’s collarbone and down to her chest, leaving a trail of smooches across one of her breasts and not stopping until he reached the teat.  Parting his lips, he wrapped them tenderly around her erect nipple, feeling it grow in his mouth as he sucked it.  The encounter was heating up, but John’s touch remained as gentle as ever; a far cry from the tactless mauling that she was usually forced to endure.   

“Very good, John,” Hailee cooed.  “You’re a very fast learner.  In fact, since you’re doing such a good job, maybe I should give you a little treat.  Climb out from under those sheets for me, would you?”

John kicked off his sheets and laid out across the bed, self-conscious of his bony form.  His dick was as stiff as a board, and though its size was no more than average, the outline of his hardon was evident through the cotton of his undies.

“My, my.  You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you, John?” Hailee grinned, reaching down and stroking his rod.

John quivered.  It was the first time his penis had been touched by anyone but himself, and the soft touch of such a smooth, feminine hand nearly made him blow his beans right then and there.

“Woah!  Down, boy!” Hailee giggled, detecting his arousal through the thin white fabric.  “You’re gonna have to show some restraint there, Johnny Boy.  There’s nothing worse than a guy that goes off early.”

Hailee climbed up onto the hospital bed, stradling John’s thighs.  She slid her fingers under the waistband of his y-fronts and tugged them down, freeing his virgin cock.

“Ooh, nice!” she purred, leaving his undies at mid-thigh as she inspected his groin. 

Measuring a perfectly respectable six inches from tip to base, John’s penis jutted proudly from the barren wasteland of his torso, towering from his groin like a skyscraper.  Haille had seen bigger dicks in her time, sure, but John’s rod was in stark contrast to the rest of his wilting frame and looked to be the only part of his anatomy that hadn’t succumbed to the ravages of disease.         

Tugging his undies down past his feet, Hailee pulled at the waistband and fired them like a slingshot, giggling as the thin white smalls landed in a heap atop his row of action figures.  She knelt between his thighs and dipped down to his crotch, looking up at him with her deep brown eyes as she stroked his throbbing cock. 

“Remember, don’t cum too early,” she said, grinning impishly as she shot out her tongue and lapped at his tip, making light work of the puddle of moisture pooling inside.  “Mmm!  Yummy!  Your precum tastes great, John.”

Parting her lips, Hailee fed John’s pole between them, enveloping them tightly around his mushroom head.  He gasped as her soft pink pillows cushioned his rod, her skilled tongue finding his tip and licking it lovingly.  John had often wondered what his debut blowjob might feel like and had pulled his prong to those mental images more times than he cared to mention.  However, his first bout of oral pleasure felt even better than it did in his mind.

Pouty lips roaming along the shaft, her tongue swirled swiftly around the swell of his crown, bathing it in spittle as she went.  A silken hand sheathed the twitching base, stroking his length in perfect rhythm with the long, deep pulls of her lips.  Strands of nut brown hair fell from behind her shoulders, tickling John’s thighs as she journeyed deeper.

John’s scrawny frame was trembling with pleasure, the young patient white-knuckling the frame of his hospital bed with as much force as his wilting muscles could muster.  His cock throbbed against Hailee’s tongue, balls that were so used to voiding themselves into a hospital Kleenex were relishing the chance of releasing their goo into a beautiful woman’s drooling, wet mouth. 

And not just any woman.  Hailee goddamn Steinfeld.  John still couldn’t quite believe what was happening.  Those gorgeous plump lips that he’d watched mouth the words to many a chart-bothering hit were wrapped around his wang, sliding up and down his shaft in flawlessly smooth passes.  Fingers digging lightly into his skinny thighs, Hailee ventured deeper, that quivering shaft vanishing slowly into her mouth.  Inch by inch his rod disappeared, that full set of lips edging ever nearer to their intended target.   

“Uhhh!” John groaned, rod spasming violently as those glossy pink lips puckered at his groin, Hailee’s cute little nose nestling amongst his small batch of soft, wispy pubes as she took him to the hilt.

Stream of precum drooling from the tip, Hailee felt John’s cock spasm against her slithering tongue.  Something of a prodigy in the ways of the penis, the singer had made many a young man blow his premature beans during her time as a head giver.  But this would surely be a new record.  John’s cock hadn’t been between her lips for more than a few minutes and already the little guy was ready to spew!

“Woah, there!” Hailee exclaimed, grinning up at her young lover as she fished his wang from her mouth.  “Easy, tiger!  Remember what I said about cumming too early?”

Taking his cock in her hand, Haillee curled her fingers around the base, stroking it steadily as she dipped back down between his thighs.  Wrapping her lips around one of his balls, Hailee suckled at the spunk-filled orb like it had been dipped in honey, guzzling greedily and bathing it in spittle.  Jerking him off with perfectly-pressured, expertly-timed strokes, Hailee released the first nut from between her lips, leaving thick drops of saliva to drip down onto the bed sheet as she popped it free and switched to the other.

Licking slowly, teasingly back up along his shaft, Hailee flicked her tongue at his slit once more before slipping it inside.  Sucking voraciously, her cheeks hollowed out as they sheathed around his sword, her mouth forming a vacuum from which not an ounce of matter could possibly escape.  Sticky jou oozed from his slit, trickling across her tongue and down her throat as she worked him over.   

Beautiful, nut-brown eyes gazed up at him as that full set of lips slid down his shaft, sinking deeper with every pass until they kissed his crotch once more, dick disappearing as she choked him down.  It had taken some doing, but John had managed to make it through the last bout of merciless deepthroating unscathed, his bubbling seed remaining in his balls no matter how hard she tried to coax it out.

This time, however, proved less successful, and he cooed helplessly as those pillowy lips pressed against his groin, a torrent of semen surging through his shaft and spurting out into Hailee’s maw.  Thick goo splashing against the roof of her mouth, the singer groaned around John’s twitching pillar as yet more of his gooey virgin splooge pumped from his tip, flowing down her gullet as she continued to suck.   

Hailee had often found first timers to be the most virile, but John was quite possibly the most potent of the lot.  And once the young man had started spewing, it didn’t seem like he was ever going to stop; a frankly alarming volume of piping hot spunk coursing through her innards and pooling in the pit of her belly.  Once his violent eruption had finally ceased, Hailee extracted; leaving behind a smeared mess of semen and saliva as she pried him from her throat. 

“Wow, John!” she gushed, looking up at him with wide open eyes, sticky, wet cock still clutched in her hand.  “You went off like a friggin’ rocket!  I’ve never seen someone cum so much.  I hope you saved some!”

Eager to find out, Hailee kicked off her jeans and hopped up onto her knees.  Stradling John’s bony thighs, she lowered herself onto his rod.  Gripping it tightly around the throbbing base, she rubbed the sensitive head against her labia, her pink flesh sodden with arousal.  She felt his crown twitch as she teased him, so much so that she thought he might cum again already.  Throwing caution to the wind, she descended slowly onto his column, the sick boy gasping as he slipped inside.

Like most young men who were yet to shed their pesky V-plates, John had spent much time imagining the feel of his first vagina.  But never in his wildest dreams would he have envisaged said vagina belonging to a world-famous actress-singer who had been the inspiration behind more of his self-achieved orgasms than the cast of Brazzers. 

Hailee leant over and kissed him, her ass rested against his thighs as she sunk down to the hilt.

“How does that feel, John?” she whispered softly, stroking his flushed cheek.

Put simply, it felt truly incredible.  Like most other sensations he’d experienced during his first time in the sack, John’s debut vagina felt better than he could ever have imagined.  So wet.  So warm.  So tight.  Oh, boy, was it tight.  John wasn’t the exactly girthiest of individuals and yet Hailee’s love tunnel was gripping his shaft like a soft pink vice, her slick, velvety insides caressing every nerve and fibre as she bucked slowly atop his withering form.

John could barely speak.  His debut foray into the female body had left him stunned.  His lower lip quivered, his mouth drier than noon in the Sahara.  Every pass of her vaginal lips along the length of his pole sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body, each gripping embrace of her burning hot cooze more heavenly and sublime than the one that preceded it. 

“Amazing,” he finally managed to choke out, his voice so soft and feeble it sounded like the viscous disease eating him away from inside had laid claim to vocal chords.

Straightening her back, Hailee showed the clearly infirm patient little mercy as she picked up the pace, bucking harder at his weary frame.

“Grab my titties,” she ordered.

But before John had the chance to raise his weak, little arms, the actress had done the job for him, gripping his spindly wrists and placing his hands firmly on the swell of her bosom.  John’s hands shook as he squeezed her luscious breasts.  Partly nerves, partly thanks to the surge of euphoria flooding every inch of his body. 

Hailee hopped and bounced atop his trembling form, going at him so hard that she nearly snapped his brittle body in two.  *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK* came the sounds as their bodies collided, Hailee’s juicy, round ass cannoning off the patient’s thighs as she rode him into oblivion.

John’s arms grew tired- a major symptom of his horrible affliction- and he let go of Hailee’s breasts, freeing the perky mounds to jiggle gloriously with the rise and fall of her body.  Laying back almost statue-like across his hospital bed, John was powerless to resist her increasingly powerful movements; bodily impacts that inflicted no small amount of pain upon his ailing person.   

But he wasn’t complaining.  Pain or no pain, John was loving every second of it, and would happily have let Hailee hop and buck atop his weary frame all day and all night, even if it finished him off in the process.  At least, that’s what his brain was telling him.  But his balls had other ideas, and though he’d shot his wad not ten minutes before, the young man’s bloated glands were brewing up another batch- a potent wad that his throbbing prick was just itching to release. 

“Are you going to cum again already, John?” asked Hailee, noting the increased flow of his already roaring arousal. 

John nodded.  Forming words in his scattered brain was entirely out of the question.  Relaying them in an articulate manner, even moreso.

“Do you want to do it inside me?”

John nodded again, with even greater enthusiasm. 

“Come on then, baby,” Hailee purred, the desire in her voice evident and undoubtedly genuine.  “Fill me up.”

No further encouragement was required.  In fact, John couldn’t have halted the heavy flow of his bubbling seed if his life depended on it (which, for someone so riddled with cancer, it could well have done).  It was coming, whether Hailee wanted it or not.  John reached up and gripped onto her thighs, using every ounce of energy yet to be sapped by the spread of disease to pin the actress-singer to his torso.

Digging his fingers into her supple rear, every sinew in his body was tensed beyond belief, remaining as such until his bellend erupted and he emptied his balls inside her. 

“Ugh! FUCK!” Hailee cried, so loud that passing nurses thought some old duffer’s whacked-out heart had finally given up the ghost.

Spurts of burning hot goop splashed against her inner walls, painting them a gooey white as her supposedly ailing fan pumped her with more seed than most fully fit men could even dream of.  Teetering on the verge of orgasm herself, the feel of that burning fluid flooding her cooch was more than enough to set her off.  Violent convulsions surged through her slender frame, eyes rolling back into her skull as a rapturous orgasm, the likes of which she’d rarely experienced during all her years of sexual activity, shook her body to the core. 

“Oh, God!  JOHN!” she cooed, panting heavily as the waves of pleasure finally subsided.  “WOW!  Are you sure you haven’t done this before?!”

John assumed the question to be rhetorical.  At least he hoped it was, as his vocal folds had yet to regain function.  Climbing down from atop his trembling form, a thick mess of semen slopped out from Hailee’s twat, gathering on the bed sheets in a big, wobbling clump.  It wasn’t the first time a glob of spunk had soaked into his hospital linens, of course, but never before it had gotten there via a tight, slick vagina that had just milked the poor boy of every last drop he had. 

Or so he thought.  And though she’d already made him cum twice in just 15 short minutes (a heck of a lot of goo- even for someone with a masturbation schedule as rigorous as his), Hailee Steinfeld was yearning for more. 

“Did you enjoy that?” she asked, without awaiting an answer.  The tremendous load that he’d shot up her cooch told her all she needed to know.  “That was called cowgirl.  Now let’s see if you can handle a little missionary.  Up you get,” she added, motioning for him to rise.

John hopped up from the padded surface and Hailee took his place, the remains of his load leaking from her cooze as she laid out across the bedspread.

“So as I’m sure you know, this is pretty much the standard sexual position that people use.  But it does require the guy to do most of the work, so it might be a little difficult for someone with...for someone like you.  So go easy, OK?”

“OK, Hailee,” John replied, kneeling between her splayed thighs, his still hard, and now very tender, penis clutched in his palm. 

“So just push your head up against my pussy and guide it on in.”

John did as instructed, groaning heavily as he entered.  For a part of his anatomy more used to the weak embrace of his own withering hand, John’s dick was still not fully accustomed to its new surroundings.  As such, his member twitched violently upon entry, his balls almost unleashing another wad of spunk right there and then.

“That’s it, John,” Hailee encouraged, purring like a kitten as that fledgling, though very pleasurable cock packed her pussy to the brim.  “Now move your hips back and forth, like this,” she instructed, gripping his pelvis to aid in his movements.

John bucked slowly under Hailee’s direction.  The first few thrusts were tentative, as they often were on a boy’s debut outing, but he quickly found his rhythm.  Hailee’s walls hugged his rod, gripping it tightly and pulling him deeper.  He leaned over and kissed her passionately, soft, silken hands trailing up and down his back as he bucked his bony hips.  Both groaned in unison as he sunk to the hilt, sheathing himself fully in her burning hot snatch.  He wasn’t the biggest she’d ever had- not by a long shot, in fact- but John’s quivering head quickly found her g-spot all the same, prodding it tenderly with each stroke.

“Yes, give it to me, John!” Hailee cooed, gripping at his ass and urging him deeper.  “You’re doing great, baby.  Keep going!”

Bodies pressed together, he felt her breasts jiggle against his chest with each row of his hips.  A hand rested against the back of his head, fingers spreading across his shiny bald dome, sweet nothings whispered into his ears between soft, little nibbles at his lobes. 

For all his inexperience, John had taken to the sack like a duck to water.  And for Hailee his tender brand of sensuous love making was a welcome change from the passionless rutting she usually endured at the hands of her partners.  Time and again, her lovers had been all too happy to pound it out as hard as they could.  Get their nut and get on their way.  Her needs were seldom tended to, and once they’d cum they were out the door- loaded up with stories to tell their buddies and ‘bang a celebirty’ entries crossed off their fuck-it lists.

But with John it was different.  It was quite possibly the only time he’d ever be with a woman and it really did show.  His moves were meticulous and precise, adoring and affectionate.  He worked his hips with a natural grace, feeding her his dick eagerly yet lovingly, his impassioned coos interspersed with kisses to her neck and hungry embraces upon her perfect lips.  They groaned into each other’s mouths, tongues writhing in unison with the slow, sweet squirms of their bodies.

“Harder, John!” Hailee purred, breaking briefly from their passionate smooch, before pulling him in for another.  “I want it harder!”

Eager to please, John yielded to her demands as best he could.  Disease had robbed him of most of his strength, but the little he’d retained was put to good use.  Rolling his hips in a steady flow, he fed her every inch of his rod with each quickening stroke.  Soon, he was going at her with ferocious speed, paying little heed to the constraints of his condition as he thrusted with unbridled force. 

Hailee was loving it, and each thrust was met with a soft, impassioned groan or sharp, joyous yelp as his quivering head surged through her skinny pink tunnel.  Every slam of his pelvis caused her body to hop on the surface of the bed, her lovely boobs bouncing in a blur.  And the bed itself was rolling back and forth on its wheels, the steel headboard clattering against the wall so hard it's a wonder that it didn’t tear straight through it. 

The old man in the next room over was getting quite the earful.  He’d watched Hailee as she passed his door and the sight of her gorgeous face and supple young body had awoken his shrivelled cock from what he’d thought to be an infinite slumber.  And now, as he heard her moans of pleasure seep through the hospital walls, chorused with the smacking together of bodies and the suggestive hammering of the headboard, the dirty old bastard was pulling his prick like a teenage boy.

“Oh, yes, John!  I’m cumming!  I’m cumming on your cock!” came the loud, shrill voice from the room next door, the old fella jerking it harder with each passing syllable.

Soon, his shrunken balls were swollen up like a pair of plums, the decrepit old fucker working on what was to be his first ejaculate since the turn of the century.

And he wasn’t the only one.  Or at least that’s how it had seemed to John.  Though the young patient had busted his nut twice already, each new climax felt like his first as it coursed through his ailing system.  The heavenly feel of impending orgasm seemed to nurse him back to health as it reached every nerve in his body, alleviating his pain with its soothing touch. 

“Oh, Hailee!” he exclaimed, whimpering softly through drives of his hips.  “I’m gonna cum again!”

“Oh, yes, John!  Please!” Hailee returned, wrapping her legs around his waist and locking his body to hers.  “Cum for me again, baby!  Please!”

Hailee’s begging was as unnecessary as it was redundant.  Again, that load was coming and there was nothing she, nor the man himself, could have done about it.  Burying himself to the base, John unleashed a deep, throaty groan as he unloaded, flooding her slizz with a tidal wave of steaming, thick splooge. 

Hailee cooed softly as he filled her up, the feeling of that hot sauce simmering inside her sending her innards aflutter.  She looked up at the boy adoringly as she drained his load, enjoying the sweetness and beauty of his cum face.  Most men she’d been with struggled to retain any semblance of dignity at the point of eruption.  In fact, most looked like they were chewing their way through a batch of stinging nettles, looking anywhere and everywhere to avoid eye contact with the poor woman they’d just sweated over profusely for the full five minutes (if they were lucky). 

But not John.  His pale features lit up adorably as his climax hit him.  Eyes locked on her’s, mouth slightly agape as jolts of pleasure, the likes of which he’d never experienced before and likely would never experience again, tore through his shivering form.       
“Mmm, yes!” Hailee purred, stroking the small of his back as he leaned over her, delighting in the feel of his cock as it throbbed and pulsed inside her.  “Wow, John!  That was incredible!”

Lips pushed together once more and their tongues twisted and turned, tips seeking out the deepest parts of each other’s mouths.  Retracting from the depths of her snatch, John’s swollen pink bellend opened up the floodgates, causing a second sluice of scolding hot jism to seep from between her lips.  Pooling on the sheets in a thick, creamy puddle, whichever unfortunate orderly drew the short straw of prising the spunk-strewn linens from his bed that evening would think that the sick boy had beaten his record for masturbation.

“You must be getting pretty tired now, huh, John?” asked Hailee.  “Why don’t you let me take it from here?”

Hailee clambered up from atop the bed sheets and John replaced her, cock twitching anew as she knelt over him and stuck out her amazing ass.  John adored every inch that made up Hailee’s frame- always had and always would- but her butt was quite possibly his favourite feature.  And seeing it thrust out behind her in such an intimate setting was nothing short of a dream come true. 

Reaching back and gripping his rod, Hailee teased the lips of her still cum-leaking twat, groaning delightfully as she steered it inside.  Hands tucked behind his head, John laid back across his hospital bed, more than happy to let his lover do the work.  Peachy ass rising and falling, her slick pink labia slid up and down the length of his pole, leaving behind a cocktail of both male and female arousal with each ever-quickening motion.  Soon those thick, round ass cushions were crashing against his pelvis, powerful ripples travelling through her pale flesh as their bodies collided. 

Lifting her knees from the padded mattress, Hailee hopped up onto her feet, balancing precariously as she squatted over his groin.  Shapely legs wobbling beneath her, the singer’s new stance wasn’t the steadiest, but, boy, did it make for a fantastic view.  Now the glorious shape of her ass was on full display, supple cheeks curving out from the small of her back like a juicy peach.

John couldn’t help but reach out and grab them, moulding the gorgeous spheres in his hands as they rose and fell above him.  Hailee’s new posture allowed for a fuller range of motion and soon those plump, round orbs were clapping against his skin with more force than ever before, her sticky, wet slit sucking up his schlong and squeezing it for all it was worth.       

Hailee rode her ailing lover with flawless grace, performing perfectly executed squats atop his bony form.  But she was no one trick pony, and every so often, the actress-singer would grind against his aching pelvis, peachy buttocks flush against his groin, feeling his cockhead throb way up in her deepest innards, before another bout of ceaseless bucking would begin again in earnest.  *SMACK* *SLAP* *SMACK* came the sounds from his groin as those lovely thick globes pummeled against his flesh, his trembling fingers feeling the force of each slap as rippling tremors shot through her supple behind.   

“Mmm, fuck!” Hailee growled, looking back at John as she bounced on his cock, long glossy brown hair swishing across her shoulder.  “John, I love your dick!  Oh, God!  I’m gonna cum again!  Oh, John!  I’m gonna cum on your juicy cock!”           

And cum she did.  Perching carefully atop his scraggy groin, Hailee looked to the heavens, emitting an ear-piercing shriek as the throes of orgasm ravaged her sweaty form.  Pussy squeezing ever tighter around his pulsing wang, the popstar threatened to wring out every last drop of semen from his ever-inflating balls as she screeched into the hospital ceiling. 

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” Hailee purred, breathing heavily as she climbed down from atop his person.  “Fuck, John!  This dick is amazing!” she exclaimed, kneeling between his thighs and taking his rod in her hands.

Gaping her lips apart she slid John’s schlong effortlessly between them, taking him right to the base without a moment’s thought.  Sucking greedily, she gladly slurped up the layers of sticky goo she’d left behind on his shaft, polishing that dong until it was sparkling clean.  Hands rested on his hips, her well-kept nails gently grazed his skin, gorgeous brown eyes rarely leaving his as she worked his rod, lips roaming from bottom to top. 

John gripped the sides of the bed, clinging on for dear life as his favourite actress sucked him six ways from Sunday.  Glossy lips sliding up the length of his pole, those pouty pink suckers would wrap around the ridge of his crown, tongue lapping at his dribbling slit, before plunging back down to the base and pecking at his groin. 

By now, John’s dick was throbbing away like nobody’s business, and each pass down the span of his junk caused his head to twitch as it nudged against her tonsils.  He was fit to blow, that was for sure.  In fact, he had been for some time, and though he’d pumped Hailee full with three thick loads already, he had to exercise a good deal of restraint to keep from adding a fourth.

“You’re gonna cum again, aren’t you, John?” Hailee asked, lips shining with spit as she retrieved his wang. 

“Uh huh,” he groaned, trembling like a leaf as a soft, delicate hand roved along his shaft, pumping it steadily.

“Mmm!  Do it on my face, John!” Hailee purred excitedly.  “Coat me with your gooey, hot spunk!”

She didn’t have to tell him twice, and in the blink of an eye, John was on his knees, pulling his prong like a man possessed.  Hailee was laid out beneath him, reaching up and fondling his bloated sac.  John looked down at the stunningly beautiful face resting against the mattress, lustrous brown locks spilling all around and adding to the magnificent canvas that he was just itching to paint with his seed. 

It wouldn’t be the first time he came on Hailee’s face, of course, and the pages of many a showbiz publication had been sealed together with the juice of his loins during the course of his teenage years.  But this time it was no 2D rendering cut from a magazine that he was pointing his dick at.  It was the real thing, complete with a nearly infinite list of flawless facial features that were soon to be drenched in his splooge.

A very real, very pretty pink mouth puckered delightfully, already glossy lips growing slicker by the second as a very real, very nimble tongue danced sensuously across them.  Very real, very rosy cheeks flushed further with the excitement of receiving his load.  Very real, very long lashes batted up at him with the graceful elegance of a butterfly’s wings.  Very real, very deep brown eyes burned and smouldered, silently beginning him to release his semen.

Head twitching as he pulled his rod, a steady drip feed of warm, syrupy precum leaked down onto Hailee’s tongue, a precursor to the potent blast that was soon to follow.  Jacking it at furious pace, John looked to the ceiling, veins popping in his neck as he unleashed a deafening roar; a sound his disease-ridden frame looked incapable of making.  A thunderous gout of creamy white seed gushed from the tip, splatting across Hailee’s face and streaking her features from hairline to chin. 

Hailee cooed as the load hit her face, squeezing John’s balls in hope of another.  And she got exactly what she wanted.  Jerking wildly throughout the whole ordeal, John’s nads deflated like a pair of balloons as a second jet of semen shot from the hole in his prick, covering one of her eyes and messing her sweaty hair.  And still he wasn’t done.  Moving down to her chest, John beat his now burning rod with renewed vigour, not stopping until he left a parting gift of boiling semen all over her perfect boobs.

“Jesus, John!” Hailee gushed, drenched in seed from the thorax up.  “Save some for your prom date!”

Weak-limbed and thoroughly spent, John collapsed back onto the bed.  Dick red raw from overuse, he felt as though every ounce of fluid had been drained from his system.  Scooping up the cum that soaked her gorgeous face, Hailee slipped her fingers into her mouth and sucked them clean.  Laying next to John, she draped an arm across his chest, his slight torso rising and falling with each heavy breath.  Wrapping an arm around her back, he hugged the popstar close, feeling his still warm cum touch his skin as her breasts squished against him. 

“So, John,” said Hailee, basking in the warmth of their post-coital embrace, “was it everything you thought it would be?”

“Everything and more,” he replied, smiling at her sweetly as she left a kiss upon his glowing cheek. 

John looked up at the ceiling, the full weight of his endeavour finally hitting him.  He’d just fucked HAILEE STEINFELD.  And not just fucked her.  Made love to her.  Shared an experience so heartfelt and meaningful, that few could match it if they lived for a century.  He’d made her cum more times than he could count.  Filled her to the brim not once, not twice, but thrice, and hosed her down with so much splooge that she was almost unrecognisable. 

It was a feat that near every man on planet Earth would have been proud of and it gave John a new lease on life.  Made him feel ten feet tall.  Like he could anything.  Like he could take on the world and whatever it threw at him.  He could almost feel himself growing stronger.  Not just mentally, but physically as well.  He felt like a whole new man.  That cancer didn’t stand a chance.

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Re: Dying Wish (Hailee Steinfeld)
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2020, 04:50:08 PM »
Holy fuck!

I don't want to wish cancer on myself in hopes that Christina Hendricks or Sydney Sweeney come visit me for one dying wish. Maybe I'm just a sucker for these types of story concepts but this was one of the best stories I've read all year.
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Re: Dying Wish (Hailee Steinfeld)
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2020, 09:26:26 PM »
Wow!  Great story!  Great execution!  Hailee really went above and beyond...
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman, jek90290


Re: Dying Wish (Hailee Steinfeld)
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2021, 10:14:30 AM »
I do have to say I enjoyed this story a lot! Very bittersweet but also very tender and romantic.
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