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Author Topic: Man of Power Ch. 3 (Kajal Aggarwal, Sonali Bendre, Rhea Chakraborty)  (Read 3927 times)


[Part 3]

Vikas was half-lying on the bed as he still had shoes on. His eyes were closed. The telly was on in the living room which he could hear. There was a religious festival going on this week so Kajal and he both had left their offices early and come home to avoid the road blocks in the evening. Pretty much everybody had done the same. Instead of going to his own flat, Vikas had come to Kajal's.

"Vikas, what's wrong? Are you not well?" He opened his eyes to see Sonali standing there with a plate of fruit, looking concerned.

"Nothing special. Just a headache." He replied dully.

"Oh!" Sonali put the plate down on a side table and came near him. She touched his forehead "No, doesn't look like fever."

"It's just a headache. I will go home and rest." He said.

"Just rest here. Lie down and I will massage your head."

Over his protests, Sonali took off his shoes and made him lie straight on the bed. Then she sat behind him, took his head on her thigh and slowly massaged his forehead. Vikas took a deep breath. She did smell really nice, he thought. He made a mental note to not let his cock get so hard that it would show through his pants. And then he fell asleep.

He woke up to find the room in darkness. He looked at his watch. It was almost 10 PM. Within a few seconds Sonali came into the room.

"Good. You are awake. How are you feeling now?"

"Much better, thank you."


"You should have woken me. I can't believe I slept so long."

"You needed the rest. Come, we were waiting for you to wake up to have dinner."

"Oh, I am sorry. You should have woken me."

"There was no need. It's only you, me and Kajal tonight."

Dinner was nice. Vikas found that he was hungry after a long sleep and his headache had left him ravenous.

"Vikas don't go home. Sleep here tonight. You can sleep in Kajal's room. She can sleep in Guddu's room."

"And Guddu?"

"He is sleeping at his friend's. They had gone to a movie and he got stuck at his place during the religious parade."

Vikas agreed after nominal protest. Somehow he was not feeling up to driving home at this time.

Sonali got him all comfortable in Kajal's room then went to sleep. Kajal came and gave him a goodnight kiss before going away herself.

He found that he was not very sleepy now after that long nap. He lay there in the dark about half an hour. Then he heard subdued noises and someone entered the room. A few seconds later he felt Kajal's naked body getting next to him. They kissed hard.
"Do me without making a noise!" Kajal whispered in his ear "Mom is in the next room."

Vikas managed to fuck her without making too much noise. They faced each other in bed, Kajal opened her legs and he entered her. Last time he had fucked Kajal was on the weekend, a couple of days ago, and she was already hungry for him.

She moaned softly as his thick cock entered her. Then she started grinding her hips to take him in deeper. They moved together with practiced ease and familiarity of each other's body. But when Vikas started properly pumping her tight cunt, Kajal started to emit soft yelping noises. She couldn't control herself. Vikas kissed her to quiet her noises but succeeded only partially as her yelps leaked out as throaty moans.

"Aaaaaah!" She lift her head and moaned out a long, low noise as she came.

Holding her bare ass in his hands, Vikas fucked her until he came inside her. Kajal milked his cock in her by squeezing his meaty shaft with her pussy muscles. After he was finished cumming, Kajal knelt over his cock and licked him clean. This had become her regular practice now. Every time Vikas fucked her, she licked his cock clean afterwards and ate his cum. She had even started to enjoy it.

Once Vikas' dick was fully clean, Kajal bent over him and whispered in his ear "Good night, baby!"

"Goodnight, my darling."

After that Vikas was able to sleep easily.

In the next room, Sonali was awake. She heard Kajal leave Vikas and go back to her bed. She had heard their fucking session. It had disturbed her on many levels.


On Friday Kajal and Vikas would come early from office and either go out or hang out at her place. One Friday when they got there, they found Kajal's younger sister, Rhea, much agitated.

"Di, thank God you are home! I need you to drive me to the college. I am going to be late!" Rhea said as soon as she saw Kajal walk in the door.

"Sorry baby, I don't have my car today. Hemant bhaiya borrowed mine yesterday. I went to office with Vikas today."

"Oh no!" Rhea wailed.

"Why didn't you take the bus?"

"Looking like this?" Rhea countered.

Rhea was dressed in a tight, red, one-shoulder minidress that reached only to her mid-thighs. It was quite form-fitting and sexy. She was right not to risk taking the bus in that. In the 6" high heels she was wearing, she would not be able to run for any bus at all.

She was 21, and stunningly beautiful. Her dark hair were loose framing her beautiful, oval face. Her figure was perfect and perfectly displayed by the skin-tight dress. Her 34C boobs showed nicely in the thin dress. If she was wearing a bra it was not obvious.

Today was the annual function in INIFD, Bandra where she was learning fashion designing.

Vikas interposed "Why don't I drive her to her college?"

"But you just drove us from office." Kajal protested.

"Yes, I can't ask you." Rhea said. But you could see her conflict. She really needed to get there and she was running out of options.

"It's quite alright. I will take her and bring her back. Don't worry." He told Kajal.

"Back?" Rhea was alarmed, if Vikas waited for her there, she may have to come home early. She wanted to stay with her friends as late as possible.

"Yes. You will need a lift back, no?" Vikas said

"No, no, one of my friends will drop me. I only need a lift to get there." She told them.

"It's okay. I don't mind. We'll sort that out later. Come, let's go." He started out for the door and Rhea followed.

At the college, Rhea got out of the car quickly and with a quick thanks to Vikas walked to the entrance without looking back. Vikas parked the car at a spot from where he could see the entrance. He sat in the car and made a couple of business phone calls. Then he went to the Cafe Coffee Day next to the college and got a coffee to go. He came back to the car and sipped his coffee while watching the college entrance.

Kajal called on his mobile and he told her he would come to her home but later, with Rhea.
His secretary Parineeti texted him to remind her about a meeting the next day. He called her and they ended up having a long chat. Then he had another coffee.

Finally it was about 11:30 PM that he saw Rhea come out of the college. There were two boys with her who seemed to be supporting her. They took her to a car but Rhea seemed to not want to get in. She didn't seem to struggle too much though and the boys got her in the back seat.

Vikas got there in a few quick strides before they could close the door behind Rhea.

"Where are you taking her?" He asked them.

"Who are you?" One of them challenged.

Vikas stepped forward and into his face. He clearly had a few inches on him.

"I am her brother-in-law. Where are you taking Rhea?"

"Oh, sorry, bro. We were just going to drop her home. She is a bit drunk."

"Really? Where does she live?"

"Umm...we don't know. We were going to ask her." The other one contributed for the first time.

"How could you ask her if she's so drunk she can't walk? Never mind. I will take her home." He reached in and took Rhea's arm. He pulled her out and put his arm around her waist.

The taller of the two guys stepped forward "It's okay, we can take her."

Vikas spoke in a tone that was dripping molten steel "I am not asking you, I am telling you."

For a second, it seemed like the two boys thought about jumping Vikas. There was something in his demeanour though that told them it would not be a wise move. They parted and let Vikas guide Rhea to his car.

Putting her in the passenger seat, Vikas put her seat belt on before going to the driver's seat himself. He started towards Rhea's home watching her from time to time and talking to her. Her responses were not very coherent or intelligible.

Vikas made a quick decision and turned the car towards his own home which was closer.
He took her upstairs in the lift, but had to support her the whole time. She was pretty out of it. He took her to his bedroom and laid her down. He checked her breathing and heartbeat. She seemed to be okay except being very drunk. He took off her shoes and put a blanket over her.

Taking his own shoes off he went into the spare bedroom. It was set up mostly to be his guitar room but he had not practiced for at least 6 months. But there was a bed in there which was his target. Before falling on the bed he remembered to call Kajal.

He told her that Rhea had eaten something in the party that had not agreed with her. She was not felling well, he said, and he was keeping her at his place for the night as she would be more sick in the car. Kajal was worried about her sister but when he said he will take care of her and bring her home in the morning, she agreed with his plan.

After that he did fall down on the bed and passed out almost immediately.


"Jiju! Jiju!" Vikas kept hearing the words but could not place them. He opened his eyes with some struggle and saw Rhea standing over him.

"Jiju, are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes, I am fine. Look who's talking!" Vikas said getting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Thank god! It took me 10 minutes to wake  you up." Rhea walked back out to the living area and Vikas followed her out.

"Sorry, I was very tired last night. How are you feeling?" He asked looking at her to see if there were any signs of her drunkenness.

"I am okay. I woke up here and felt very weird. Didn't know where I was or if I was kidnapped. But then I found you and felt better. Did you bring me here last night?"

"Yes. You were not in a good condition. You should not drink so much." Vikas said dropping his weight on the couch.

"No, jiju, I did not drink too much. Honest! I only had one Vodka Breezer. But I think someone put something in it. I don't remember anything after I drank half of the Breezer and went to dance."

"It's possible. I found two guys putting you in the car, don't know where they were planning to take you."

"Oh my God! Thank god you were there, Jiju. And thank you so much!"

Vikas told her what he had told Kajal about her condition last night "This can stay just between us, ok?"

"Yes. Thank you so much. You are great. You are wonderful!"

Just then a knock on the door saved Vikas from the embarrassment of finding an answer for that.

He opened the door. It was Kajal.

"Hi baby!" He said leaning in to kiss her.

She kissed him quickly "Where's Rhea? How is she?"

"She's fine. Come on in."

After making sure his sister was okay, Kajal asked "Why are you two wearing the same clothes from last night?"

"Well, she was not in a good condition last night. And I wasn't going to change her clothes. But then I put her in my bedroom and slept in the spare bedroom. I didn't have clothes there. And even if I did, I was too tired to change even."

"Aww, my baby!" Kajal caressed his cheek "You take a shower, baby, I will make you some breakfast."

"Sure, or do you want to shower first, Rhea?"

"Yes, please. I will be quick and help Di make breakfast while you shower."

They had a nice chat over breakfast, the three of them. Rhea changed into one of Kajal's dresses that she kept at Vikas' place. She seemed to understand and accept that Vikas and her sister were having regular sex at his place.

in the cosy, family environment, Rhea felt comfortable to confide in Kajal about her real condition the previous night.

"Jiju saved me or God knows what would happen!" She finished.

"Thank you, baby." Kajal leaned into Vikas and kissed him.


"Di, come on! We'll be late. We have just an hour to get ready!" Rhea started with Kajal as soon as she saw her enter the house.

"Yes, yes. I know it's your friend's engagement function, but there was traffic! I am coming." Kajal said irritably.

Her irritation was valid. It was her birthday today and nobody had remembered to wish her. Rhea was busy only thinking about her friend's engagement all week. Her brothers had a bad record of remembering her birthday. Her mother who always remembered her birthday was in Poona at her elder sister Amisha's place to sort out a dispute between her and her husband. One of many frequent ones.

But the thing that depressed Kajal most was that for the first time when she had a nice boyfriend on her birthday, he had left for Delhi last night to attend a week-long business conference.

"I know, but she's been calling me." Rhea persisted.

"Ok, let me take a shower and see what I can wear."

"Oh, you can wear one of my dresses. I just got a new one. I have put it on your bed."

Kajal walked into her room with scepticism but was surprised to see the dress.

"Wow. It's stunning! It's yours?" She asked Rhea.

"Yes. Just got it this weekend."

"And you don't mind me wearing it first?"

"No, it's ok. I have a new dress for myself too."

"Really? Where did you get the money?" Money was always tight in Kajal's family and buying two party dresses seemed like a big expense.

"Boyfriend." Rhea replied simply.

"Come on, Rhea."

"What? You let your boyfriend buy you stuff."

"Well, that's different."

"No, it's not. Now don't waste time arguing with me. Get ready."

It took them only slightly over an hour to dress and do their make up but the result was gorgeous.

Kajal's dress was a black halter with tapering straps and nice cleavage. The fabric had a lovely sheen to it and was mostly sheer with patterns lace except for around the neck line and over her boobs and pelvis. It was form-fitting didn't need a bra. It was a minidress but not too short, it covered her legs up to mid-thighs. Kajal did look breathtaking in it. She had done her hair straight down over her right shoulder and the waves in the dark copper-highlighted hair framed her heart-shaped face in a beautiful way.


Rhea's dress was not as fancy but definitely new and pretty. Her youthful body was filling it in a very sexy eye-catching manner. It was a skyblue minidress with thin, noodle straps. A bit shorter than Kajal's dress and tighter on her ass but then Rhea did love dressing in the most attention-grabbing way. If they weren't so lower middle-class she would have bought many dresses that she wanted to wear. That's why when her boyfriend offered to take her shopping, she never said no.

Both girls had black high heels on and looked dynamite walking out to the car. Their locality was very middle class and they didn't want anyone to see them going out dressed to the nines, so they got in the car quickly and drove away.

On the way, Rhea made a phone call.

"Hi, Sheetal. Yes, we are on the way, we'll be there in 10 minutes.....yes, Di is with me. Of course, she'll come in with me, she's going to drive me back too, you know."

Kajal smiled "Yes, I am just your driver."

Rhea smiled too "Don't worry, I will feed my driver well."

As Rhea directed her to turn into the Sun-n-Sand hotel Kajal's eyes opened wide "She's giving her engagement party here?"

"Yes, her boyfriend is rich."


The hotel valet took the car for parking and a doorman rushed to open the door. Inside, Kajal felt lost in the splendour of the luxury hotel. Rhea found the sign they needed.

"This way, Di." She said pointing to a sign that said simply "Sheetal Mallar engagement, party - Board Room."

There were two hotel staff positioned at the double doors of the Board Room. As they approached Rhea made a secret signal and held back. Both men both pulled open the doors together. The room seemed dark.

"Rhea, are we in the right..." Kajal started to ask. Rhea simply pushed her in.

As Kajal walked in lights came on and a crowd of people yelled "Surprise!"

For the next five minutes Kajal was on a roller coaster. Her boyfriend was there.

"Vikas!" She exclaimed.

He walked up and kissed her "Happy Birthday, darling!"

And her mother, who was supposed to be in Poona was right there looking amazing in a black dress. Both her brothers were there, and Hemant's wife - Shriya. Even Amisha and her husband were there, not fighting at all.

Once Kajal took it all in, she smiled and then couldn't stop smiling. She understood that Vikas had put it all together without telling her and got everybody to make excuses to avoid seeing her before the party. She was ecstatic.

"Mom,  you look beautiful!" She told her mother as she handed Kajal a glass.

Sonali did indeed look very young for her age in a black one-shoulder silk dress that draped around her slim figure nice and tight. With her hair and makeup professionally done she didn't look like the poor middle class mother who had to struggle to make ends meet.

Sonali whispered in Kajal's ear "Vikas bought me the dress, and he paid for the beauty salon. He's a good man."

Kajal smiled. He was indeed a good man. She found out from her sister that her dress and Kajal's own were also selected and bought by Vikas.

After they cut the cake, Vikas gave Kajal her gift. It was a diamond bracelet. She was overwhelmed. She loved it and kissed him in front of her mother. He simply smiled.

The party was still going strong at midnight. Vikas took Kajal aside.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"Ok. What about?" She said unable to stop smiling.

"Look, the party is a lot of fun and everything but we have to go."

She stopped smiling "You have to go?" 

"No, we have to go."

"We do?"


"But why? Where?"

"We are going to Goa."

"Goa? Why?"

"To celebrate your birthday?"

"Wow! Are you serious?"


"But..but..I have to pack. How many days are we going for?"

"We are going for a week and your suitcase is already packed."


Rhea stepped closer from where she was hovering "Yes, Di. I packed your suitcase. It's in Jiju's car trunk already."

"But my car?"

"Hemant will take it home."

"I need to take leave from work."

"Rhea already called Rohit. He thinks you are going to a family wedding in Delhi."

"You have thought of everything, haven't you?"

"Yes. So stop struggling and come with me."

"Ok!" Kajal said, her smile even bigger and happier now.

As they said goodbye to people, Kajal found out that all her family already knew about the plan. They were able to get away quickly.

Since Vikas had planned to drink in the party, he had no intention of driving. His secretary Parineeti left the party with them. She dropped them at the airport and promised to return the car to Vikas' apartment. He told her to keep it while he was away and use it. Kajal frowned a little at this but Parineeti smiled and said ok.

The flight from Bombay to Goa was only 90 minutes and after short ride in a taxi they reached their hotel about 4 am. The room was ready and half an hour later they were asleep in the luxurious hotel bed. Kajal didn't want to unpack at that time so they both slept naked but both were too tired to think about sex.
[End of Part 3]
« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 05:26:30 PM by Cadeauxxx »
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