Strange Charm
Starring: Lorena Rae
Codes: MF, Oral, Anal, Facial
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

New York City, New YorkThe plastic lock piece slammed shut, echoing throughout the large room as a sound with such power to drown out the nuisance of stomping in the distance. Black walls were visible from the corner, but with a white backdrop as part of a set piece in the middle and all cameras focused forward. The smaller studio had nothing more than a basic room with the bar necessities for portrait based photoshoots. The simplicity was there for producing photographs deemed appropriate for quick and easy sessions that would be used for portfolios. Usually it only required a single photographer in the room, though today was different with two camera men managing the equipment. A box of cleaning tools sat nearby on a stool, opening and closing to create the loudest noises heard.
Another day was complete at the offices, as that was the way Bruce Webb preferred to look at things. He didn't enjoy spending hours stuck in the smaller studio downstairs from the offices, but it was still a paycheck one way or the other. At twenty-seven years of age, working as a photographer was all he had known in life since leaving college. With a short stature, he kept his brown hair cut short and slicked back. For a typical summer day, he had arrived at work in beige colored shorts and a blue T-shirt. With a clean shaved face and slim build, there wasn't much about his appearance for Bruce to stick out among any other man working at the Tigers Modelling studio. An adjacent building that sat next to the agency itself that handled most of the business operations inside Brooklyn.
New York wasn't Bruce's kind of town. After spending his college years back home in California, attending USC, he would've preferred to stay back there for his career. His first gig as a photographer had been working for a modelling agency that was now a forgotten afterthought to most people. It had one glorious moment in name as a career starting to a point for a famous Instagram modelled who had since moved on to funding her own solo based operation. The company had been bought into a larger corporate chain and Bruce quickly found his job moved. With an offer to carry on his short lived career as a photographer, he quickly accepted a job to move across the country and continue on with the line of work he had been trained for. New York City had a different vibe compared to the environment of working back home.
The parties were among the first thing he missed. It wasn't unlike Bruce to indulge himself in some hard drinking and occasional passing of the bong with friends on weekends. Everything was more laid back with a relaxed atmosphere in L.A. New York City was a polar opposite, at least he thought to himself. The work schedule came down to crunch time with little free time on six day shifts. Back home he didn't have to worry about checking in with an office, but that was a different story for the daily shifts working under contract now. Everything felt more organized, perhaps due to working under a corporate chain. He didn't have any friends yet after five months of working on the east coast. Bruce typically kept his mouth shut and was socially distant from the other men, as he didn't see a reason to hang out after work.
Working at Tigers Modelling, Bruce had learned early on that the agency was the main key part of the business itself. Unlike the studio back in L.A., the models signed did most of their photo sessions at various locations depending on what they were signed for. Magazine shoots led to live locations, whereas a deal with commercial photographers may have led someone across town for a special shoot. So far, his biggest job had been to work at a fashion runway show, where Bruce was only one of many photographers in the crowd who had to snap as many pictures as he could with a flash camera. Fashion modelling was now his specialty, a far cry his original dreams of working in black and white based photography. Bruce still had hope that a decent opportunity would come about in the future, perhaps even in a town like this he didn't consider to be home.
A real career working under the corporate ladder would've been possible had Bruce considered working as an agent. But that wasn't his dream back when he went to college, nor did he consider it back then as he casually ignored the opportunities to major in any business oriented classes. For now, he would continue on with work, as that was how life went. He had spent the day cleaning up the cameras to prepare for a photo session tomorrow. So far, he had rarely been able to flex his talents as a photographer, often situated down in the smaller studio and taking up close portraits. Models came and went under the Tigers name, but there was always the big names that carried a level of royalty. Bruce had learned early on that these were concentrated down to Victoria's Secret models and a few who had become household names over time.
Leaving the studio room, he stomped his sneakers down across the floor. A hallway led out from the room, but Bruce didn't stray his eyes anywhere else apart from the elevator in view. Ignoring the people who walked past and went about their business during the day. Outside the second studio were other rooms for maintenance and supplies. Bruce didn't have any care in the world what anyone else may have needed to do during the day as he now stood in front of the metallic elevator doors and pushed in the button. The light flickered white before turning green and the sound of the box moving down from the floor was audible. Bruce stood there for a moment, waiting as the elevator had stopped on a higher floor before the doors opened. He let out a sigh at this minor nuisance, only to see it stop one more time. By now it felt that he had been sitting and waiting for a minutes, though time had a way of creating illusions on an impatient mind.
"Dammit, come on..."
Ready to go off cussing at the elevator, Bruce planted his hands onto his hips while standing in front of the large silver doors. A black frame went around the doors, sticking out from the white interior covering the walls of the lower floor. When the elevator finally rumbled down to the current floor, Bruce heard the 'ding' sound and watched the doors slide open to reveal a familiar face with a smile across her lips.
"Going somewhere Bruce?"
A set of big blue eyes glared back at Bruce, as he studied the face of Lorena Rae. Her long brunette hair was split down the middle, waving beyond her shoulders. She wore a white top with small straps over the shoulders, shirt tucked down into a pair of denim blue skinny jeans. Bruce found himself smiling and then blushing as her smirk revealed her pearly white teeth. Lorena had been the only model he had worked with so far into the month of July. All her photo shoots involving a smaller budget and a simple white back drop. He had known her as an up and coming model, all their photo sessions coming down to what outfits she was modelling.
"Nah, I'm not going anywhere with you standing right there in front of me."
She giggled back at his response, visibly taking in his apparent blush. Bruce stepped into the elevator as Lorena leaned back against the wall. Black walls greeted him with a metal hand rail on all four sides. She leaned past him and clicked the button for the lobby, offering a grin that only confused Bruce as they were now locked in the elevator for a short time.
"You're leaving too?"
Lorena nodded her head at him, prompting another question.
"What made you go down to the second studio then?"
"I was trying to find you, if you believe me."
"Oh really?"
Once again, Lorena nodded while softly giggling. She waited a moment before carrying on in speech.
"I spoke to my agent about our shoot last week for the lingerie line. You know I've got some leeway around here, right?"
"What's that got to do with anything?"
"Well, for one it means I get to pick my own photographers. And for two... maybe I should go on and ask you if you wanna get outta this building for a bit and do a photo shoot for Grazia?"
Bruce smiled, quirking his eyebrows up in surprise.
"If you want me, I'd do anything to finally get out of that little white room back there. How did you land a photo shoot for Grazia magazine?"
"I didn't, my agent did. I'm on the cover for an issue to be released in Italy."
The elevator came to a halt followed by that same 'ding' noise made from earlier. Bruce stepped aside so the German fashion model could make her exit out into the lobby before him. The sound of feet stomping across the floor was heard through commotion of random conversations in the distance. Bruce and Lorena ignored it as they came walking out from the elevator. She skipped ahead of him, giving quite the view of her skinny jeans hugging her slender legs and for a moment. Only for a moment were his eyes fixated on her buttocks before she turned around and offered that playful smirk he knew all too well. Once they had walked past a few people, Bruce was eager to pick up the conversation as Lorena headed towards the front door entrance.
"You want me to go with you and do the photo shoot?"
"Yeah. There was another photograper, but he keeps calling in sick. I figure you want to get out of that little white room, right?"
"I can't argue with that."
Lorena giggled.
"Of course you can't!"
She laughed again before pulling open the glass front doors. Lorena stepped out as Bruce followed directly behind her. Turning around to face him, she spoke once more.
"Wanna head to my place and we talk more about it?"
"Sure, I was about to take the day off anyway."
"All work and no play, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess it's something like that."
Tilting her head to the side, Lorena teased him before reaching to pull his hand.
"Come on, I'll take you back to my apartment and we can talk about this more. Hope you weren't planning on doing anything else today, cause I don't like to take no for an answer."
Throwing his arms out from the couch, Bruce let out a relaxed sigh as he grinned to himself, gazing back at Lorena. True to her word, she didn't like to take no as an answer from anyone. When she told him that her apartment was across Manhattan, Bruce had immediately replied he didn't know his way around that part of the city well. No problem for her to call for a taxi and get to a destination in less than an hour's time. New York City still had something of an intimidating presence to Bruce. Maybe it was just the fact that it wasn't as familiar as back home, or perhaps something else. It was funny to him that Lorena had wanted to chat about something work related, when he seen this as an opportunity for a date. Bruce had met Lorena two weeks prior for the first time, eager to make chemistry between a model and photographer.
The thought of payments had not crossed his mind until they reached her apartment. After all, the photo shoots were a job and he had some hope of making a better earning from a magazine shoot. He didn't bring it up to Lorena. Judging by her studio apartment in Manhattan, Bruce could easily make a guess that she had done well for herself. Bruce wondered how much she paid on the bill for the month but wasn't going to bring that question up in spoken word. Not keeping up with fashion models, it would escape him whatever level of fame she commanded. Of every name signed onto Tiger Modelling, the only one he recognized was Kate Upton. The thought of working a photo session with that woman was a pipedream he didn't want to fantasize about.
Instead, he had a proper woman in the same room with him if Bruce truly wanted to start daydreaming to escape his lonely feelings, one that gave him a strange charm. From where he was sitting on the couch, Bruce smirked to himself gazing forward at Lorena's cute bum. She had bent over, reaching down to grab something from the wooden coffee table that was facing the couch. Lorena had changed clothes not long after they arrived at her apartment. Now wearing a pair of navy blue booty shorts covering her boom, matching with the white top she currently had on. Bruce starred at her cute ass before she grabbed hold of a nearly empty can of Diet Coke that had been sitting there. He expected her to turn around and face him, but instead she took a sip and then began to wander off from the living room. Bruce's eyes followed her as Lorena didn't utter a single word.
Still on the coffee table had been her look-book. Bruce and Lorena both flipped through it while sitting on the couch earlier. She had pointed out various photo shoots she had done in the past few years, offering ideas to him if he was going to be her photographer. It seemed to Bruce that she was picking his brain, to see if he had any artistic ideas that would be worth granting him a level of creative freedom. While this had been a nice gesture and a future to consider, Bruce wasn't in the mood to think about work any longer. His attention had turned to Lorena earlier, as he wanted to share a personal conversation with her. It was all an attempt to see where his chances were with this woman. Maybe it had to do with staying lonely since moving to New York, but Bruce couldn't discount such a lovely smile.
"Where did you go, Lorena?"
"Back here in the bedroom, darling..."
The tone of her voice had shifted as she replied back to him. Though it was coherent and loud, the German model had a flair of seduction from how she spoke. Getting up from the couch, Bruce took one last look across her living room. The floor was tiled in essence pearl bricks, stretching out to the kitchen where it changed to a wooden pattern. The walls were of a greyish white color, matching the floor with a few decorations of pots and plants that Lorena had likely chosen for her home. The bedroom had been the one area of the apartment Bruce had yet to explore, but he could see the light of what appeared to be a lamb coming from the doorway. The grey color remained for the floor, but with carpet instead. Bruce stepped his way into the bedroom to find Lorena crossing her arms over her chest with that signature smile across her face.
"Now now, why would you tell me you were in the bedroom?"
Her teeth flashed as she grinned back at him.
"Perhaps I wanted to see your reaction to that."
"Oh yeah?"
Bruce smirked back after his response. He blushed as Lorena moved her right hand thumb to her lips, as if she was going to chew at her nail but instead teased him with her angelic eyes. Lorena stepped off to the right side, forcing him to turn his head and follow her in his line of sight. Thinking to himself, Bruce figured a way to tease her in response. A way of testing her desires to see if she truly wanted his intimate company.
"I think I need to get back to my place. It's starting to get late, you know?"
Her expression immediately changed. Lorena moved her arms away from her chest as she responded.
"You wanna leave now? Hmmmm, you didn't seem to be in a rush a few minutes ago."
"No, but I think it's gonna be dark soon and you know as well as anyone that I don't know my way around this town."
Lorena giggled at him.
"That's why you call for a taxi or an Uber, honey."
Biting down on her lower lip, she studied him for a moment.
"I don't think you really wanna leave, Bruce. You're just saying that, aren't you?"
Successful in calling his bluff, Lorena smirked at began to step around him. She walked directly past him, prompting the man to turn around to face her as she carried on speaking.
"Why else would you leave? Are you tired of talking to me already?"
"No! Not at all!"
He shook his head and then Lorena laughed, flashing those perfect white teeth once more. She had turned the tables on him with this short discussion, as the model knew precisely what Bruce was trying to pull. He didn't truly plan on leaving. At least not yet.
"You're not going anywhere, Bruce. Don't play me for a fool."
"What makes you think I would try that?"
Ignoring his question completely, Lorena smirked as she pulled the ends of her top and then began to slip it out from over her head. No bra contained her perky tits that were soon on full display to him. Bruce barely had any time to consider this situation he was now in with a topless model standing before him. Lorena tossed the shirt to the floor as he stood there, gazing back at her bewildered.
"I know for sure you're not gonna try and leave now."
"And I know that's not why you took your shirt off, right?"
Lorena giggled, stepping her way towards him. Studying his eyes, she watched the movement as his sight slipped down to see her tits.
"Go ahead and touch 'em if that's what you want."
Not hesitating her invitation of a touch, Bruce ran up his warm hands to caress her skin and then went for her breasts. As he squeezed them, Lorena starred him back in the eye, forming a grin along her pink lips. Bruce gazed back at her face before softly grinning.
"So what's the occasion? I wasn't expecting to walk into this room and you decide to start stripping down."
Throwing her arms around his neck, Lorena replied.
"Maybe I like you."
Bruce chuckled before she placed a soft kiss in his lips. He tried not to blush, but his cheeks flushed into a red hue before he replied.
"Do you get this intimate with all your photographers?"
"No, only the ones I like."
She quickly responded in a low but seductive tone of voice. Lorena wasted no time shoving her lips to his and inviting him for a slow, passionate kiss. Bruce moaned into her mouth, dancing their tongues together as he wrapped his arms around her. Those perky breasts pushed into his chest, allowing him to feel her hardened nipples poking at him. When the kiss broke, Lorena moved her arms away from him and Bruce was forced to move his hands away from her body as well. Lorena quirked her eyebrows up, offering another playful at him.
"I like you, but if you don't wanna make something out of this, that's fine. I'll let you have some fun with no strings attached."
Bruce thought to himself, perhaps that was Lorena's way of asking if he had a significant other. The answer was obviously no, but he wasn't going to tease her about it.
"Take off your clothes, honey..."
Before he could say anything in return, Lorena set the stage for what she wanted. She knew he wasn't going to resist her. Lorena didn't have to put on a game of seduction to captivate Bruce's complete attention. From his right hand side was the bed, sitting in the center of the bedroom. A lamp post was on both sides with black stands. Lorena had activated both lamps before he arrived in the room. Dim lights were cast, creating just enough gleam to illuminate the room. Black sheets covered the bed that had been properly made up hours ago with three large pillows up front near a steel headboard at the top. Bruce took one look forward before he lowered his eyes down to the front of his shorts and began to take them off first. As he unbuttoned them, Lorena could be heard pushing herself down on the bed.
With her buttocks bouncing slightly, the model let out a soft moan before caressing her own skin down to her hips and then sliding her booty shorts off. She had hooked her thumbs down, using them to shove down and then kicking the shorts across the room with her left foot. Bruce was slightly distracted by this action, glancing down at the floor before bringing his eyes back to Lorena. For a moment, he stood there and took in the view of her long slender legs. His eyes surveyed, studying them as he pushed his shorts down to his ankles and stood in a pair of white underwear. Lorena leaned up from the bed, arching her elbows down into the blanket below. She licked her lips as Bruce shoved his underwear down, revealing his semi-hard pole that awaited her. The grin that ran across her lips was enough to tell him what she wanted, but Bruce's eyes were elsewhere.
For a moment he stood there and looked between her thighs, noticing a pink pair of panties covering her womanhood. He couldn't make out if there was a mound of wetness, but it didn't matter as Bruce suddenly felt the urge of hunger calling within him. He bit down on his lower lip before grabbing the ends of his shirt and pulling it over his head. Lorena didn't utter a single word. All she did was lay there, spreading her legs and further teasing him. She knew where his eye sight was aimed towards. Lorena knew just how to tease him, now pushing the palms of her hands down into the bed and shoving herself back a bit. She moved as far as she could, resting her head atop one of the pillows stacked at the headboard. Now naked, Bruce stepped towards the bed and began to climb up. Willing to crawl towards her, he watched her push the heels of her feet into the bed and elevate her knees up.
"See something you want, Bruce?"
Lorena finally spoke aloud, teasing him in a tone of seduction. This time however, he didn't bother making eye contact with her. Bruce's vision was set clearly on her snatch in front of his eyes. He rest his chest against the cold blankets of the bed below, slowly inching his way forward. His head moved between her thighs and then Lorena began to move her legs again. He couldn't see which way they were going but as he came closer, his eyes identified the clear wet mound at the front of her panties. Lorena slid slightly forward, rubbing her clothed womanhood towards his mouth.
"Go ahead, honey. Take it off... with your teeth."
Not the spoken words Bruce anticipated from Lorena's voice. With quite the request at hand, he didn't want to disappoint her. Leaning his head forward, he opened his mouth and carefully bit at the top of her panties, taking a grip with his front teeth pushed together. He could hear a faint gasp from her voice. Lorena purred a soft moan as he began to tug her panties down and reveal her sweet shaved pussy before his eyes. The pink folds were as beautiful as he could've imagined, glistening in all of her wetness. Once he had tugged the panties down far enough, Bruce let go unclenched his teeth. Lorena finished pushing her panties down her legs, hovering them above his back before moving her left foot out. She used her right foot toes to grib at the hip strings and then toss them to the floor.
While she made this effort of discarding her panties, Bruce focused his attention at the juicy wet labia directly in front of him. He could smell her lustful heat and now he was ready to finally indulge in that hunger he had for her. Parting her lips, he slid his tongue beyond her vulva lips and began to snake it inside. Oh, how long it had been since the man had a taste for a woman. It felt like a lifetime, as Bruce could clearly remember the last time he got to eat pussy back home in L.A. None of those memories mattered now, as he was creating something new to remember forever. As he snaked his tongue into her pussy, Bruce moved his hands around her hips. Once more Lorena moved her legs, spreading them out as she closed her eyes and applied her hands to her small breasts.
"Ohhhhhhh.... Yes, that's it..."
To hear her moan out for him, that was all Bruce needed as a sign that he was doing his job in pleasuring this exquisite model. Slowly, he continued to thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy as he closed his eyes and embraced the moment for himself. Raising his right hand, he moved it towards her clit, playfully rubbing at it while Lorena pinched her nipples between her fingers. She gazed down at him, but Bruce's eyes remained shut. Still pushing at a slow pace, he made himself busy in the effort to eat her delicious twat. Lorena gasped, still moving her hands over her breasts while calling out to him.
"Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhh yes... Please, please don't stop. Keep going, honey. You know what you're doing. Don't stop, ohhhh, god! Yes, just like that! Ohhhhhhhhh, god!!"
With each passing word, her voice became more desperate to the point Bruce could've guessed she would cry for him. He continued to snake his tongue around within her, shaking it about to force her to moan and cry out for him. When Lorena gasped the next time, she moved her hands off her tits. Bruce suddenly felt her sharp nails digging hard into his hair. She gripped what she could of his short hair and then pouted while whimpering her words out.
"Don't stop! Don't stop! Keep going!!"
She pouted again, still raking her nails through his hair. Bruce felt the need to thrust his tongue faster and harder, wiggling it around within her with such a powerful force, Lorena soon began gasping and crying aloud. His eyes couldn't see her curling her toes up, spreading her flexible legs once more while closing her eyes. Both of her hands pushed down to his head, combing her fingers through his short hair. Still thrusting his tongue into her cunt, Bruce wasn't going to stop until his efforts were rewarded with the taste of her love nectar. He knew Lorena was close and he didn't stop, just as she demanded him to continue.
"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh yeah! Das ist es!!"
A touch of her native German language came out, but Bruce couldn't think too hard on what those last three words meant. He was busy trying his absolute hardest to make this girl cum in his mouth. So desperately he wanted to taste her and he continued his efforts, still wiggling and squirming his tongue inside her. Lorena began to pant, her chest heaving from the deep exhaling breaths she took. Curling her fingernails up his hair, she closed her eyes and then squinted. She scrunched her face up before gasping and then crying out to him.
Her screams were so loud, nearly deafening him despite not being face to face with the woman. The sound echoed throughout the bedroom and it was no question had anyone else been present, they would've heard her orgasm from anywhere in the apartment. Bruce choked, almost gagging at the full force her juices splashing to the back of his throat in a sudden burst. He swallowed down the warm sticky substance with a bit leaking from the left corner of his lips. As he removed his mouth from her pussy, he wiped up the bit that leaked out using his left hand. Lorena clearly needed more than a minute to catch her breath and recover from such a hard orgasm. Licking his hand clean from where he had wiped the excess of her cum, Bruce smirked up at her.
"Damn, you're a hard squirter for a lady. It's been a while since I've been able to give a good licking."
"I wouldn't be able to notice, you've got experience. I hope I can say I'm the first model you've ever had since moving to New York."
"Oh yeah? Would you believe me if I told you I never got lucky with anyone back home when I worked at another studio?"
Lorena didn't reply. Instead, she let out a sigh while still catching her breath. Bruce leaned up from where he had previously lay, now sitting on the bed as she pulled her legs up and began to rise up. It was time to make a new position, at least that was his thought when judging by her body language. Bruce was expecting Lorena to repay the oral favor, trading places at least. His cock was rock hard, begging for attention after having a mouth full of pussy.
"I was pretty hungry for you, babe. You aren't hungry for me?"
She moved on all fours, crawling her way towards him. Lorena grinned, flashing the front row of her teeth before replying.
"Yeah, but not right now. I'd rather suck you off later. If you can manage to hold yourself back long enough, I'll let you blow your load all over my face."
"Really? You'd take some cum to your face?"
Lorena nodded her head with a smirk, speaking again.
"Yeah, let's just say I like to get nasty when it comes to sucking cock."
"Damn, you're a fucking angel."
"A dirty angel."
Bruce laughed. She moved her hands to his chest, leaning in to kiss his lips and potentially take a taste of her own juices. He kissed her back and then softly replied.
"Later, huh? I guess you're in the mood to do something else then."
"Yes I am."
Kissing him again, Lorena moaned in his mouth and then pulled away.
"I want to feel you inside of me."
He wanted to kiss her again, but since Lorena had moved on all fours, Bruce watched her crawl forward. It was apparent that she was begging to make use of the doggy style position, however he had other ideas in mind. Watching her crawl forward and then looking back at her cute bum from behind, Bruce couldn't help himself. Their moment of intimacy was about to take a dirty turn, as he was willing to learn just how dirty this girl truly was. Crawling behind her and moving on his knees, Bruce moved his hands to squeeze her ass cheeks. Lorena let out a moan, but she didn't shake her bum to him as he may have been expecting. Raising his right hand, he brought it down for a hard spank, causing her to moan.
"So when you say you want me inside of you, what about your ass?"
Her long brunette hair flipped across her back as Lorena glanced from across her right shoulder. The expression across her face was enough to tell him that she was potentially offended by his question. Lightly shaking her head before replying in words.
"No, I've never had it in there."
Bruce's eyebrows quirked up as his heart began racing. Little could he have guessed that he had an anal virgin in the bedroom tonight. It was his own fault for making filthy assumptions when it came to kinks, but he couldn't help himself. Smirking at her, he responded back.
"Really? Wow. I've gotta say, you've got quite the ass and I'd love to split it with a good pounding."
Spank! His right hand struck across the right side cheek of her buttocks once more. Lorena let out a soft moan before exhaling deeply.
"I... I've never done this before."
"But do you want it, babe? That's what I am asking."
Once again, she let out a sigh, but this time in a frustrated matter. Rather than spanking her ass again, Bruce gripped her right cheek and gave it a solid squeeze as she answered his question.
"Yes, if you can believe me. The problem is, I haven't found the right man I can trust to give me that first time experience."
Turning her head forward, Lorena lowered her sight down into the blackness of the blankets. She sunk the palms of her hands and knees down, all while Bruce remained directly behind her. Since he didn't reply fast enough, she spoke again.
"Can I trust you not to... try to break your dick in my ass? Can you handle that, Bruce?"
The way she halted her speech left Bruce with the impression that perhaps Lorena had something else to say. He didn't want to ask her what she really meant. He knew he had to be thankful that she was going to allow him to do this.
"Yeah, I think I can handle that."
"You think? No, you don't sound very confident."
"No, I know I can do this!"
A quick reaction to her declining him at first. Bruce let out a sigh, as he began to lose faith in the passing seconds. He heard Lorena exhale as he awaited her answer. A few seconds passed before she uttered her next words.
"Okay, I'm gonna take a chance and trust you, so please be gentle with me. Don't ram me , I want it nice and slow. Remember, this is my first time so you better be careful."
Swallowing his breath, Bruce was relieved she was going to allow him to do this. He didn't want to tell her, but he was thankful knowing he would be the first man to ever have his cock shoved up her back door hole.
"Are you ready, Lorena?"
"Yes, I'm ready. Be gentle with me, please."
"Don't worry, I won't let you down babe. First I'm gonna try to use my spit for lube."
"Lube? Oh, I guess you should've brought some."
He laughed at her words, not disagreeing. Leaning down, Bruce attempted to spit down on the head of his shaft but ended up missing and striking his saliva across her skin. Quickly, he wiped it with his hands and the rubbed the spit onto his cock. Leaning down a bit further, he spit into her dark little hole.
"Sorry about that, I missed at first."
Lorena giggled at him.
"I know. It's not everyday I have a man wanting to fuck me in the ass."
"I'll take that as a compliment then."
Confidence oozing from his voice, Bruce knew how to put on a display of a man in control. But deep down, he was concerned he would hurt her. In the past, he had indulged in the pleasure of anal sex, but only with an older woman who had been his guiding hand for what to do. He spit again, this time down into the palm of his right hand to make it easier with stroking his cock in a desperate attempt to lube it properly. Gripping his cock with his right hand, Bruce gave himself a few strokes before he shoved it up the crack of Lorena's ass. He could hear her gasp upon this feeling as he slowly thrust it forward. Moving his hands to her cheeks, he pulled them apart to find her little back door hole awaiting him.
"Are you ready for it?"
"Yes... Go ahead, but do it slow."
There wasn't any other way Bruce wanted to do this. Still gripping his shaft, he poked the head to her dark little hole and began to slowly push it in. Lorena seemed to grow more nervous upon feeling his cock thrust into her ass. Bruce could hear her exhaling her breath, letting out sighs. Down below, she gripped the blankets, pulling at her fingers into a fist while curling her toes up. Staying true to his word, he entered her slowly and made one thrust. Letting out a moan, Bruce couldn't believe how tight her ass was. He moved his hands to her hips and spoke up.
"How does it feel, babe? Does it hurt?"
Lorena exhaled, breathing in and out before she answered him back.
"Yes, a little bit. Go slow for me."
Clutching at the bed sheets below, she raised her head and suddenly belted out a load moan as Bruce slowly thrust his cock into her ass. His eyes glanced down, watching as his shaft disappeared, pushing deeper into her ass. He didn't go all the way in, just far enough to feel more of her tightness before he began to slide back out. Taking it nice and slow, Bruce pushed back in and went at a slow pace to take her ass. Lorena gasped, moaning once more before she clutched at the bed sheets below. He could hear her whimpering, but was unable to make out if she was feeling pleasure or pain.
"Do you want me to stop, babe?"
"No, no! I want more!!"
The tone of her voice had changed lightly. Lorena let go of where she had gripped the blankets down below, now taking in a deep breath. Bruce had come to a halt, his shaft still lodged up her ass. He awaited what she had to say next, but he didn't need to wait for long.
"Fuck my ass! Come on, keep going."
"Do you want me to go a little faster?"
"I wouldn't mind, but not too fast. Keep it slow and steady, ohhhhhh yeah. Come on, don't stop. Keep going for me!"
No longer did he have to wonder if she was enjoying it. The initial pain seemed to have washed away and in came the pleasure of anal fun. Bruce gripped her hips and continued to thrust into her ass. Still going at a slow pace, he kept his eyes focused downward to watch inches of his length disappear and reappear with each thrust.
"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh yeah... Mmmmmmmmm, yes."
Eyes closed, Lorena once again curled her toes up and raked her fingers down to the blankets to snatch a grip.
"Come on, pick up the pace a bit. You can go a little faster for me, can't you?"
What an odd question, Bruce thought to himself. He chuckled, knowing deep down that he would have to control himself and not throttle her. He moved his right hand, caressing one of her ass cheeks and taking a good squeeze before responding to her words.
"Yeah, I can do that for you babe."
A true test was coming up, as Bruce knew he had to hold himself back from aggression. He began to buck his hips harder and faster, feeling his swinging ball sack down below smacking against her thighs. Panting and breathing heavily, Lorena moaned upon feeling inch after inch of his long cock pumping into her ass.
"Ohhhhh, OHHHHHH YEAH!!"
Gritting her teeth together, Lorena snarled and growled. Still keeping up with the same speed, Bruce didn't stop. Over and over, he pumped his cock into her ass, moving now at this moderate speed as he made great effort not to go too fast or too slow. Lorena remained quiet apart from her moans and breathing noises, audible amidst the sound of his balls smacking across her thighs.
"You like that, Lorena!?"
"Yes! Yes I do!!"
She screamed to him before lowering her head, rubbing the left side of her face across the blankets. As wonderful as this sensational feeling was, Bruce didn't want to end up wasting his load in her ass. He was still considering her words from earlier and the potential to glaze her face. Slowing himself down, he made one final thrust. This time, he slowly pushed his entire length into her ass.
"Ohhhhhhh, coming to a stop now, huh?"
Flicking her hair lightly, Lorena gazed back at him from across her right shoulder. All Bruce could do was grin as he nodded to her.
"Yeah, but I still wanna be inside of you... the proper way."
"The proper way? Is that how you wanna describe fucking me?"
He laughed at her words while leaning back and carefully pulling his cock from her ass. Bruce didn't plan on fucking Lorena in this doggy style position. After noticing her legs all through the day, he wanted a proper position where he could utilize their slender wonders for his own pleasure. Crawling away from her, Bruce hurried to get off the bed and step his feet down below onto the carpet. Lorena turned her head to gaze at him as he motioned with his hands while speaking.
"Come on, babe. I know how I wanna take you. I've got a better position than this."
"Oh, do you?"
With a smirk across his lips, Bruce nodded his head. He watched Lorena move, laying on her back and then he gently moved his hands over her right leg. Taking a grip around her calve, the grin remained on his lips as he pulled her closer. Lorena let out a moan as her body slid across the black sheets of the bed.
"What are you doing!?"
"I want you on the edge of the bed for a reason. That way I can stand up and take you."
"I think that's called missionary position, Bruce."
Lorena spoke to him in an almost 'matter of fact' tone, nearly schooling him. All he did was shrug off her suggestion as he let go of her leg. Bruce didn't have it in him to tell her how much he truly admired her legs. Instead, he wanted to show her and this position would be more ideal for him to give loving to her legs. Lorena slid herself to the edge of the bed, dangling both of her feet off. Bruce gently grabbed at her legs, arching them up to his shoulders. She smiled, flashing her teeth at him and softly giggling.
"You could've told me that you wanted my feet up in the air. That wouldn't have been too hard."
As she continued to laugh, Bruce blushed. His face flushed in a red hue momentarily before he situated himself. Feeling her legs arched up to his shoulders, he now concentrated his vision down below at the sight of her wet pussy. Not wanting to waste any time thinking about the moment they were about to share, Bruce wrapped his fingers around his thick pole. He rubbed it against the pink folds of her entrance, listening to Lorena moan and whimper.
"Mmmmmm, get inside of me. I need you inside of me right now, Bruce."
"You want my cock in you, baby?"
Still rubbing the head of his shaft against her folds, Bruce was eager to hear her moan and potentially beg for him.
"What kind of stupid question is that? Do I have to ask you to fuck me?"
He chuckled at her words, as Lorena clearly wasn't in the mood to beg. Her reaction was enough to prompt a change of mind for Bruce as he pushed the head of his shaft into her cunt. His eyes focused on her beautiful angelic face, noting at the gasp she made upon feeling him enter her for the first time. The warmth of her pussy was a welcoming feeling, more so than having his rod shoved up her ass. Slowly, he thrust into her. Lorena took a deep breath before moaning.
"Yes, yes! Just like that!"
Eyes closed she lay her head back and then began to wander her hands across her body. Bruce began to thrust harder, stil lkeeping the slow pace so they could both get used to this feeling of pleasure. Tilting her head forward, Lorena opened her eyes and starred up at his face, waiting for their eyes to meet so he could witness the devious look in her blue hues. Bruce had moved his hands to her legs, taking a grip above her calves. With her eyes still locked on him, Lorena gritted her teeth momentarily, letting out a moan as she felt inch after inch of his cock slowly pumping into her.
"Harder! FASTER!!"
Lorena screamed at him, demanding that he turn up the heat now. Her hands had moved to her breats, rubbing her palms against her nipples. As Bruce grunted, he began to buck his hips harder and faster, forcing her perky breasts to bounce and nearly fall out of the grasp of her hands. She latched down onto them, pressing her hands to her tits as Bruce gripped her legs and continued to pump his cock into her.
"Ohhhh, fuck!"
He called out to her, but Lorena was quick to drown out his voice in her screams.
"Fuck me, ohhhhh yeah! That's it!! Don't stop!"
Gritting her teeth, she snarled at him.
"Don't you dare stop!"
Swallowing his breath quickly, Bruce let go of her legs and glanced down to see his cock thrusting in and out of her cunt. Lorena growled and then yelled to him.
"Oh Gott!! JAAA!! Fick mich!!"
His heart began to race faster, as Bruce didn't expect to hear her native German language coming out in full force. Lorena spit her words at him with such intensity, all he could do was respond by thrusting harder and faster into her. Their bodies began to create a noise, smacking together. When Lorena finally broke eye contact with him, she lay her head back on the bed and then spread her flexible legs out. Before Bruce could focus even the slightest attention at them, Lorena had made the move to wrap her legs around him and pull him in closer. The heels of her feet pushed down over his buttocks, locking him into place.
"Don't stop! Fuck me! FUCK ME!!
There wouldn't be any pulling out for him, as he continued to fuck her. Bruce knew that she wasn't going to allow, not with her legs so tightly wrapped around him. Lorena curled her toes up, moving her hands off her breasts. Bruce saw the opportunity to lean down and move his hands over them. He squeezed her tits while gazing down into her eyes, caught in the moment as he continued to buck his hips and drive his cock into her. Inch after inch, he gave her all he had, satisfying her demands. There was no question in the back of his mind that he could make Lorena reach another climax. It all came down to Bruce holding off his orgasm long enough to ensure a reward of her blowing him.
Gritting her teeth after screaming more words, Lorena locked her eyes on him. She moved her hands to his wrists, encouraging him further to squeeze her breasts again. Bruce grunted, now gritting his teeth as well as he was fighting off everything within him to hold back from busting his load inside of her. Over and over, he continued to buck his hips and pump his cock into her.
"Give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME!! FUCK ME, BRUCE!!"
She shoved her elbows down into the bed, unwrapping her legs from around him as they began to shake wildly. Bruce knew Lorena had to be close to reaching her second climax of the evening, but he didn't consider just how far they were through the night. He made one last thrust and felt her inner walls collapsing and the sudden rush of her juices flooding his shaft from within. Crying out in pleasure, Bruce stepped back and quickly grabbed his cock, snatching it out from her busted pussy. his action resulted in excess of her juices squirting across his stomach. He gasped upon feeling the sticky warm substance coating his skin. Lorena had spread her legs out far enough to do a proper split had she been on the floor.
"Oh man..."
At a loss of words, Bruce glanced down to see his cock dripping in her juices. A few drops felt to the carpet floor below, staining it. Lorena breathed in and out, desperately trying to catch her breath and recover from such a hard orgasm. So far, so good he had managed to push her to two climaxes and hold himself back. That was enough to make Bruce confident that when he finally did blow his load, she would be receiving quite the sticky splash. Hopefully she had not forgotten the duty of oral pleasure that had been promised to him.
"Are you hungry now, babe? I've got something for ya, if you are."
Opening her eyes, Lorena glanced at the smug grin across Bruce's face. She was still catching her breath, but wasn't fatigued to the point she could flash her teeth and give him that angelic smile he loved so much. Cracking up in laughter, she spoke.
"I should've known you wouldn't forget about this."
Pushing her legs together, she quickly hurried off the edge of the bed and fell down to her knees on the floor. Bruce had taken a few steps back, only to make her crawl her way towards him. It was funny to him that after all this time, only now was Lorena face to face with his hard cock. With her right hand, she wrapped her fingers around his dripping wet pole. Bringing it to her lips, she kissed the head and then shoved it into her mouth before removing her hand. Bruce stood there was she slid his cock to the back of her throat, quickly demonstrating the caliber of skills she had in the art of oral pleasures. Her hands went down to his balls, rubbing them before she pulled her lips back with an audible popping sound.
Bruce was impressed so far, knowing that the girl was only getting started. Lorena's big blue eyes gazed up at his face before she moved her hands away from his balls. She leaned in, using her clean hand to caress up his skin as she used her tongue to lap up her own juices that had sprayed him moments earlier. He let out a moan, moving his right hand to gently pat her on the head. After swallowing down her own love nectar, Lorena began to trail kisses back down from his chest. She stopped momentarily, just to lick her right hand clean and then wrap those same fingers back around his cock below. She used both hands to grip his shaft, slowly wanking it as she kissed her way back down.
"Stroke it, babe. Fuck..."
Gasping after uttering his soft words, Bruce's words prompted her to look back up at him with her big blue eyes. Lorena moved her left hand away and focused using her dominant hand now. Up and down, she wanked his cock back and forth.
"You ready for this? I'm gonna blow your mind."
"Go for it, Lorena..."
Once again, she flashed those pearly white teeth at him before parting her lips. Her hand slid down to the base of his dick and then Bruce moaned aloud as she shoved it into her mouth. Those big blue eyes remained locked on his face as Lorena began to bob her head up and down. Slow and sensually, she sucked him.
"Ohhhhhhhh, god..."
When he cried out to her, she finally broke eye contact and closed her eyes to focus. Lorena continued to bob her head up and down, sucking him like a peppermint stick. Her mouth began to make slobbering noises as Lorena picked up the pace, shoving her lips down further in an attempt to deepthroat him. Bruce expected her to gag, but she didn't. Opening her eyes, she glared up at him before pulling her lips back and releasing his shaft with a popping sound. Exhaling deeply, she spit on the head of his cock and then wrapped her hand back around it. As Lorena resumed wanking him, she smirked up at Bruce. Quirking her eyebrows up, she began to talk dirty.
"You like how I suck you off, huh?"
Bruce nodded at her with a grin. Lorena smirked back at him, chuckling under her breath as her hand continued to glide across his wet cock.
"Mmmmmmmmm, I know you're gonna drown me in cum when I made you explode."
"Yeah, that's the truth."
Her eyes moved away from his face, fixating her attention back at his cock. Lorena quit stroking and shoved it back into her mouth. Moving her hands against his legs, she began to bob her head up and down like before. This time, she didn't hesitate to begin deep-throating his cock at the start. Bruce grunted as her lips met at the base of his shaft. He could feel the head poking at the back of her throat. Still bobbing her head up and down, she began to make slurping and slobbering noises mixed with her moans.
Again and again, she bobbed her head up and down, going at a moderately faster pace through the passing seconds. Bruce took a deep breath, exhaling as he realized that after all this time, their pleasure was about to end. He wouldn't be able to hold himself back for much longer. The thought of blasting her face in his cum was becoming more important as time moved on. Moving his left hand to the back of her head, Bruce wanted to make an attempt to slow her down but Lorena had shoved her lips all the way down to the base of his cock. Upon feeling his hand in her hair, she moved her hands down to his balls and squeezed them to the point they rubbed against her chin below.

"Ohhhhhhh, fuck!!"
Moving his hand away from her hair, Bruce stood there and began to pant. Lorena showed him no mercy, still bobbing her head up and down, slobbering her way up and down inch after inch of his long cock. He wanted this pleasure to last longer, but Lorena clearly had other plans for him. Swallowing his breath, he tried to fight it back but the feeling of his cum rushing through his veins, Bruce knew his time was short. His face curled up as he began panting, almost in a greedy pout. She refused to stop sucking, as Lorena had complete control now. Bruce waited until she pulled her lips back to the head and then he finally reached down and pulled his cock from her mouth.
"Cum on my face! Cum all over me!"
Lorena spoke aloud as she licked her lips, watching him begin stroking his cock. She tilted her head upward just a bit, as if to make sure that his initial blast wouldn't miss her face whatsoever. As Bruce wanked himself with his hand, she quickly moved her hands to straighten out her hair, making sure it was split down the middle. Her forehead was a clear canvas awaiting his creamy seed to splatter before her. Closing her eyes, Lorena bit down on her lower lip and called for him again.
"I want it. I want your hot load, dripping all down my face. Give it to me, Bruce!"
He gritted his teeth, snarling as he continued to stroke his shaft. If only this moment could be held off a little bit longer, for the pleasure was too good to stop.
Screaming for her, Bruce watched as the first string of cum went flying out from his cock, slathering directly up her forehead from her nose and streaking into her hair. He aimed his cock downward with quickness, just before a wad of cum splattered across the left cheek of her face. Panting and moaning, he continued to wank his cock, forcing out another string of cum that missed her face and went into her hair. Frustrated by this misfire, he aimed again, watching a string of his jizz streak below her left eye and trail down her face. Another string of cum came flying out from his cock, layering over her right eyebrow and down her face. Lorena gasped and then moaned.
"Mmmmmmmm, that's it. I'm nice and sticky now, ohhhhhhh..."
Lorena's eyes slowly opened, blinking up at him as she had a drop of cum in her right eyelash. The streams of his sticky seed dripped and ran down her face with droplets falling down to the floor below. She raised both of her hands while gazing up into his eyes. Carefully, she scooped the cum from her eyelash, and then collected more cum that dripped from her face. She fed her fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean one by one as Bruce stood there and watched.

He needed a moment to catch his breath, all while glancing down at the painted art of a mess he had made over her face. Lorena curved her lips into a smile, flashing her teeth. She didn't bother with the rest of the cum still trickling down her face. It was that smile combined with the mess on her face that made Bruce's heart nearly melt.
"Made quite the mess over me, huh?"
"You asked for it, didn't you babe?"
"I plead the fifth. Right?"
Bruce bust up laughing at her response followed by Lorena flashing her full teeth in a smile before chuckling herself. He offered a hand to help raise her up from her knees while speaking again.
"You mind if I crash at your place for tonight?"
"Sure, as long as you help me clean this mess up off my face."
"That's a deal then, babe."