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Author Topic: The Bod Squad Episode 2 (I Will Survive)  (Read 18941 times)

The Squad Leader

The Bod Squad Episode 2 (I Will Survive)
« on: April 19, 2021, 10:35:29 AM »
Author's Note - Okay Gang, The Squad Leader here. I'm transferring my works over from the old C-S-S-A to here so they don't get lost to history. One thing I'd like to say though is it is a little bit embarrassing and humbling to go back and reread these earliest works of mine. I've never had a job where I write for a living or anything like that I'm just a normal dude who enjoys writing smut. I'm quite proud of the creativity and the ideas I had but the sex scenes in this series and my earliest works are just so short and frankly not great. It wasn't until I started reading the works of writers such as Carnage Jackson and TRL and especially the king KMB who is not only the best smut writer out there but a great friend that I was able to start (pun intended) fleshing things out a bit more. Modern day writers such as MTL and Cadeauxx and so many others are keeping the great tradition alive.

I say these things not to be tough on myself but hopefully to be encouragement to any aspiring smut writers out there...You WILL improve if you just keep writing. I look at this series and compare it to my most recent works and I am vastly improved. Keep at it guys and gals!

The Bod Squad Episode II – I Will Surive

Starring – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears, Kirsten Dunst and Katie Holmes. Special Guest Stars – Elisabeth Filarski, Amber Brkich and Colby Donaldson.

The Bod Squad is a top secret team of four highly trained, sexy young women, who in the tradition of Charlie’s Angels are led by their oft heard, but never seen director Jimmy. The members of the Bod Squad are Love: the oldest member of the group and their unofficial leader, Britney: the party animal with a killer body and a mean streak to match, Katie: the shy one and Kirsten: the baby of the group who uses her  sweetness and innocent looks to accomplish things the others can’t. Their purpose is to go undercover and use any means necessary to solve crimes and protect humanity.

I Will Survive

It had been three weeks since the Bod Squad had succesfully taken down Ms. Anniston and her cheerleader porn ring. Normally, the girls only got one or two days off between cases, and the extended down time was making them all a bit stir crazy.

“I think I need a vacation” sighed Love as she stared mindlessly at the television.

“You do” Kirsten agreed. “You’ve been burning the candle at both ends lately leading our group, and it’s stressing all of us out.”

“I think you just need to get laid!” Britney chimed in, and they all laughed.

“Speaking of getting laid, where’s Katie?” Love asked.

“Where else?” Kirsten replied. “She’s out with Jessica again.”

“Jealous?” Katie quipped as she strode through the door.

“Ha, ha!” Kirsten said sarcastically. Before she could say anything else, the speaker phone in the middle of the room started ringing which meant only one thing: “We’ve got a case!” they yelled in unison. “Hi girls” Jimmy said.

“Hi Jimmy” they replied.

“Girls, I’ll get right down to business. I’m sure by now you’ve seen that new show Survivor which finished airing a couple of months ago.”

“Oh course!” said Love. “That’s my favorite show!”

“Anyway” Jimmy continued. “There have been some whispers that the show’s outcome may have been rigged by it’s producer Mark Burnett. If this is the case, it is a violation of several television laws. They are all set to do a second episode of the show. This one will be in the Australian Outback. The good news is that one of our inside sources has arranged for one of you girls to be on the show. You will be taking the spot of some old lady from Tennessee. I feel bad about it, but I’m sure she would have been the first one kicked off anyway. I need whoever goes to find out if the show is fixed or not, but don’t win the game. Lord knows we don’t need that type of exposure. Love, who’s it gonna be?”

“Jimmy, I think I’ll handle this case myself” she replied.

“I thought you needed a vacation?” said Kirsten.

“I do, and hopefully this will be it.”

“Good luck Jennifer, and remember, you are authorized to use any means necessary to solve this case.”

Several weeks later

Love had been in the Australian Outback for twelve days now and had loved every minute of it. She had been placed into the Ogakor tribe with mostly people her age. Their team had won the first immunity challenge but had lost the last three. Thus as the rules of the game stated, they had to vote someone out on each of these nights. It was on these tribal council nights that she paid closest attention to Mark Burnett. So far, he had made suggestions about many things, but not the voting. The team had already eliminated two members and had to vote a third one out tonight. Her choices for elimination tonight were Mitchell: the 7 foot tall geek who did nothing but whine, Keith the cook, Jerri the bitch, Colby the cowboy and Amber: a lovely young woman who seemed to follow Jerri’s every word. As Love laid in the sand next to the river in her pink bikini and jean shorts, she felt more relaxed than she had in months. Her hunger had dissappeared after the third day as she got used to very little food and had been replaced with a new feeling: horniness. She had a scenario involving herself and Elisabeth from the rival Kucha tribe running through her mind as she slid her hand down her shorts. She quickly jumped as she heard someone approaching. She looked up to see Colby and Amber walking towards her.

“I thought you guys went fishing?” she said, her face red with embarrassment. Luckily, it appeared they hadn’t noticed what she was doing.

“Nah” said Colby. “We let the others go so we could talk to you.”

“What’s up?” Love asked.

“We want you to join our alliance” said Amber.

“It would just be the three of us” added Colby.

“Jerri thinks that Amber is with her and Mitchell, but we’re gonna vote him out tonight.”

“Sounds good” Love said. “I was starting to think that nobody liked me.” Amber got behind Love and started rubbing her shoulders.

“Oh, we definitely like you” she said coyly. “And if we’re gonna be a team, we should help you finish what you were doing when we walked up.” Love’s first reaction was more embarrasment, but that disappeared when Amber started kissing her neck and untying her bikini top. She grabbed Love’s firm breasts from behind and was cupping and squeezing them while Colby kneeled down and started licking and sucking her nipples. He raised up and kissed Love on the lips as Amber unzipped Love’s shorts from behind. Colby stood up and began to take off his clothes as Love turned around and started French kissing Amber. They were kissing hard as their hands explored each other’s bodies. Love took off Ambers shirt and began sucking on her tits while Colby slid Love’s shorts off leaving her clad in only her pink bikini bottom. Love turned around again and began to lick Colby’s shaft up and down. She teasingly worked her toungue up to the tip, and put just the head of his cock in her mouth for a brief second before swallowing the whole thing. She bobbed up and down on his shaft while Amber was removing her pants and panties in the background. She crawled up behind Love and slid her bikini bottom down around her knees while Love continued to deep throat Colby. Amber started rubbing Love’s pussy and slipped her middle finger into Love’s wetness. She could hear Love moaning, even with Colby’s rod stuffed in her mouth. Amber then leaned over and started licking Love’s cunt from bottom to top. When she would get to
the top, she would lightly flick out her tongue and lick Love’s asshole. Amber continued to finger and lick Love’s pussy as Colby stepped back to keep from blowing his load.

“Oooooooh God! Ohhhhhhhh! Mmmmmmmm!” Love cried. She climaxed so hard that her legs were shaking. Love then laid on her back and slid her panties the rest of the way off.

“I want you to stuff me hard cowboy!” she said. Colby didn’t need any more of an invitation than that, and quickly mounted her. At the same time Amber straddled Love’s face. Love could feel Colby’s cock sliding in and out of her tight cunt. All the while, she was wriggling her tongue in and out of Amber’s warm pussy. “Yes! Yes!” she moaned as she rode Love’s face. Amber came all over Love’s face and then laid next to her softly kissing her on the lips. Colby cried out “I’m gonna come!” Love said “shoot it in my mouth!” Colby didn’t quite make it to her mouth, and
shot a thick load of come all over her face. Amber saw this and started to lick the come off of Love’s lips and mouth. They locked in a French kiss, and when they finally pulled apart, a small string of jism connected their tongues and then broke, softly falling on Love’s ample chest. They were all breathing hard and trying to recover when Love said “I think this alliance is going to work out just fine!”

21 Days later

So far, the alliance had worked out as planned. They had eliminated Mitchell the night of their first get together (since then, they had sex anytime two or all three of them could slip away). Due to a freak accident, the two tribes merged with five members each. The old Ogakor tribe had taken the advantage, and had eliminated 3 of the Kuchas and the 2 Ogakors
who were not part of their alliance. But Love felt uneasy, because lately Colby had become increasingly cocky and Amber seemed to do nothing but bitch. Aside from those three, the other two people left in the game were Rodger and Elisabeth. Rodger was the nicest person Love had ever met. So nice in fact, that he asked Love to have their alliance vote him off before Elisabeth. Love didn’t mind that as Elisabeth was just as sweet and the object of Love’s sexual fantasies. She had a cute, chipmunk like face to go with a hot little body. Not to mention, Love swore she caught Elisabeth looking at her lustily a few times. She felt guilty about eliminating two people as nice as Rodger and Elisabeth, so she came up with a plan. She arranged for herself and Elisabeth to go look for firewood that day, and they managed to slip off before the other tribe members or the camera crews noticed. When they got to a small clearing they stopped to talk.

“Love” Elisabeth said. “There’s no way that Rodger or I can win, will you at least tell me who’s the next to go?”

Love nodded and said “We’ve decided that Rodger is next and then you.” She didn’t mention Rodger’s offer to go first.

“This sucks” Elisabeth replied. “Rodger is such a good person, and if Mike hadn’t gotten hurt, Rodger and I could have been in the final two like we really wanted it.”

“You know” Love said. “There is a chance that you two could still be in the final two.” Elisabeth looked confused. “I’ve decided to vote with you two and eliminate Colby and Amber. Then I would throw the last immunity challenge and you could vote me off.” “But, why would you do that?” Elisabeth asked.

“Because you two deserve it, because I don’t need the money, and because I like you.”

“I like you too” Elisabeth said. “But I don’t think I would give up a million dollars for you.”

“No you don’t understand” Love said. “I really like you.” With that she leaned over and gave Elisabeth a peck on the cheek. Elisabeth blushed and said “I’m sorry, I’ve never been with a girl. I can’t do this.” She walked away and Love sat down on a rock.

“Damn!” she thought. Love was sure that she had been picking up some vibes from Elisabeth. She sat in deep thought for the next 20 minutes until she felt a tap on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Elisabeth standing there smiling.

“I guess there’s a first time for everything” she said, and Love stood up and began kissing her passionately. Their tongues probed each other’s mouths as Love took in the scent of her new lover. Elisabeth smelled and tasted even better than Love had imagined.

“I wanted to fuck you too” Elisabeth said. “I just got scared.” Love took off Elisabeth’s shirt and moved her kisses down. She teases Elisabeth’s nipples with gentle bites and kisses. Love got on her knees with her hands squeezing Elisabeth’s shapely ass and started kissing her washboard abs. Love tongued her bellybutton as she slid off Elisabeth’s swimsuit bottom. Elisabeth laid back with her legs spread wide open as Love softly licked her pussy. Elisabeth moaned loudly as Love began to work a little faster. She had been eaten out before, but never with such skill and grace. Elisabeth squealed in delight as she came with a loud “Ohhhhhhh!”

“Your turn!” she said as she took off Love’s shortsand panties. Even though she had never eaten pussy before, she had dreamed about it often, and Elisabeth began working it like a champ, licking Love’s clit while fingering her brown eye.

“Yeah! Eat that pussy!” Love cried. Elisabeth was really getting into it as Love climaxed and collapsed.

“We’re not done yet!” Elisabeth said smiling. She slid her legs in between Love’s and pulled her closer as they began grinding their pussies together. The friction this caused triggered an overwhelming amount of pleasure. “Ooooooh! Yes! Ohhhhhh!” they moaned. Finally, when they had both climaxed again, they laid on the ground kissing each other some more. After what felt like an eternity, Love said “We better get back to camp before the others notice.” Elisabeth reluctantly agreed and they got dressed and headed back to camp, but not before Elisabeth could get a few more licks and kisses in. Love had created an insatiable, pussy loving monster.

The plan went off without a hitch. Although Amber was pissed when Colby got the boot that night, there was nothing she could do about it. In the finals, without her knowledge, Rodger convinced everyone to vote for Elisabeth to win. And so, by a vote of 7-0, Elisabeth was the Survivor II champ. Elisabeth promised to keep in touch with Love and to get together with her once her celebrity died down. As for Mark Burnett and the cheating allegations, Love’s report simply stated “Plenty of scheming, but none by the producer.” Another case solved by the Bod Squad.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 12:34:20 AM by Cadeauxxx »
Old school author: The Bod Squad, Jailbait, ...And Just-Ass For All. Getting back in the game!
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Re: The Bod Squad Episode 2 (I Will Survive) (Multiple celebs)
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2021, 09:45:26 PM »
Katie Holmes was a real stunner, true blast from the past here.
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