Author's Note - Okay Gang, The Squad Leader here. I'm transferring my works over from the old C-S-S-A to here so they don't get lost to history. One thing I'd like to say though is it is a little bit embarrassing and humbling to go back and reread these earliest works of mine. I've never had a job where I write for a living or anything like that I'm just a normal dude who enjoys writing smut. I'm quite proud of the creativity and the ideas I had but the sex scenes in this series and my earliest works are just so short and frankly not great. It wasn't until I started reading the works of writers such as Carnage Jackson and TRL and especially the king KMB who is not only the best smut writer out there but a great friend that I was able to start (pun intended) fleshing things out a bit more. Modern day writers such as MTL and Cadeauxx and so many others are keeping the great tradition alive.
I say these things not to be tough on myself but hopefully to be encouragement to any aspiring smut writers out there...You WILL improve if you just keep writing. I look at this series and compare it to my most recent works and I am vastly improved. Keep at it guys and gals!

The Bod Squad (Episode 13) – All In The Family
by The Squad LeaderStarring – Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears, Kirsten Dunst and Rachel Stevens
Special Guest Stars – Alyssa Milano and Teri Hatcher
The Bod Squad is a top secret team of four highly trained, sexy young women, who in the tradition of Charlie’s Angels are led by their oft heard, but never seen director Jimmy. The members of the Bod Squad are Love: the oldest member of the group and their unofficial leader, Britney: the party animal with a killer body and a mean streak to match, Rachel: the British bombshell and Kirsten: the baby of the group who uses her sweetness and innocent looks to accomplish things the others can’t. Their purpose is to go undercover and use any means necessary to solve crimes and protect humanity.
Episode 13 – All in the FamilyKatie sat by the window of her hideout watching the rain splash against the glass and sighed. She had hoped to have a day without any emergencies so that she could she could plot world domination in peace. But Tiffani and Jessica were making that an impossible task. They had been at each other’s throats for the last few weeks, arguing about how they were going to bust Eliza out of prison, and it seemed as though things were starting to come to a head.
“Oh what do you know anyway!” Jessica snapped. “It was your stupid idea to send Eliza out on her own to start with!”
“Well at least I have ideas every now and then!” Tiffani retorted. “All you ever do is sit here with your thumb up your ass and bitch!”
“Fuck you!” Jessica yelled, her voice raw with anger as she slapped Tiffani on the mouth. As Tiffani moved to retaliate, Katie had seen enough and sprung to her feet.
“Enough!” she yelled. “We have to work as a team if we’re going to take out the Bod Squad! This infighting will just tear us apart!” Neither Jessica nor Tiffani had ever seen Katie so mad before, and it was quite intimidating. “Now let’s get our shit together or we’re all gonna end up behind bars like Eliza.”
Jessica lowered her head in embarrassment, realizing how foolish she and Tiffani had been acting, when suddenly, an idea washed over her. “I’ve got it!” she said. “What you said made me realize something Katie. If we can separate their group, we can divide and conquer.”
“What do you have in mind?” Katie asked.
“I say we set up a phony case to get Love out of the picture for a while, and while she’s away, we prey on the weakest link.”
“Which is Kirsten of course” Tiffani chimed in.
“Exactly!” Jessica continued. “We capture her, and come up with some kind of drug to bring her around to our way of thinking, and then we send her back like nothing happened and destroy the Bod Squad from the inside!”
“Brilliant!” Tiffani said as she high fived Jessica. “And I know just the way to get Love away. There is a rich family in New Jersey that I know that is deeply connected to the mob. The Hatcher’s I think. Anyway, the father has a front as dean of Davis College, and his daughter who goes to school there is just as corrupt as he is.”
“What about his wife?” Katie asked.
“She doesn’t know a thing about his shady dealings” Tiffani continued. “I’ll put in a call to that loser Jimmy, pretending to be her. I’ll ask for one of the Bod Squad to go undercover as a teacher at the school to find out what my husband and daughter are up to. Naturally, the only one that could pull that off would be Love, and with her out of the way, we can put our plan into motion!”
“Great work girls!” Katie smiled. “Now go make that call.”
“I’m on it!” Tiffani chirped.
“See, I told you girls everything was going to work out all right” Katie said, and all three of them laughed.
Three days later:Love arrived for her first day on the job feeling like something was wrong. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something was definitely amiss. She checked herself out in the mirror one last time before heading to the classroom and liked what she saw. She had on a black business skirt with white pinstripes, which was made her look sexy yet professional. To top it off, she wore the same pair of glasses that she always wore when she wanted to make herself look smarter.
She made her way to the classroom and looked at the clock. Five minutes till first period. She waited for the class to shuffle in and listened to them chatter about the usual college topics of dating, homework and parties. The bell rang and she made her introduction.
“Hi, my name is Jennifer” she said. “I’ll be your substitute teacher until Miss Arnett gets over her illness. I’m really looking forward to…..” As she continued her introduction, she was interrupted by a sexy looking young woman walking through the door. The girl wore a pair of tight jean shorts and a skin tight tank top which showed off her bosom. Love couldn’t believe how big the girl’s breasts were for an eighteen year old.
“And who might you be?” Love asked in an authoritative voice.
“I’m Alyssa” the girl said in a combative tone. “My dad runs this place.”
“Ah yes, Dean Hatcher’s daughter” Love replied.
“Well let’s just make it clear that I will not tolerate tardiness.”
“Whatever” Alyssa muttered under her breath and rolled her eyes. Love pretended not to hear her and continued her introduction. So this was the girl she was hired to keep an eye on. “That’s not so bad” she thought as she imagined that she would be keeping an eye on this little vixen whether she was paid to or not. It was funny, but every time she would look up to see what Alyssa was doing, the young woman would be staring right back at her with a look that Love couldn’t distinguish between one of contempt and one of lust.
After twenty minutes of new material, Love went around the room to collect the homework assignments that Miss Arnett had assigned before she took a paid vacation courtesy of the Bod Squad. When she got to Alyssa’s desk, she saw that the girl didn’t have her work.
“Where is your homework?” Love asked.
“I didn’t feel like doing it” Alyssa casually replied.
“You know, I really can do without the attitude young lady!” Love scolded.
“Well if you’ve got a problem with it, we can always go talk to my dad” she retorted.
“I don’t care who your father is” Love said, unwavering. “You will see me after this class period and we will straighten your attitude out!” Alyssa said nothing, but smirked at Love. Love walked away trying to contain herself. This girl had definitely pissed her off. Luckily, she had her planning period next, which should give her some time to find out what Alyssa was up to.
After Class:When class finally let out, all of the other students filed out leaving only Love and Alyssa in the classroom. Love shut the door and then turned back around, focusing her attention on Alyssa.
“Now I want to make it clear that while I am the teacher here, you will adhere to my rules” Love began, but Alyssa cut her off.
“On the contrary” she said. “If you want to keep your job as teacher, you will adhere to my rules.” She strode over and backed Love up against the chalkboard, pressing her ample chest up against Love’s. “You see, Miss Arnett knows her place, she gives me the test answers in advance, I sell them to the rest of the class and she keeps her job. Everybody wins.”
“You know I don’t have any of her test information” Love said, playing along so she could gather the evidence she needed.
“Oh it’s not answers I want from you” Alyssa said in a husky voice as she brushed Love’s hair back off of her shoulder.
“Wh- What do you want?” Love stammered. It was hard for her to keep from laughing as she pretended to let this young woman push her around. When in reality she knew that it wouldn’t take much to bring her down.
“You know what I want” Alyssa said as she kissed Love’s neck and began to unbutton her blouse.
“We can’t do this” Love protested. “I need this job, and besides, you’re only eighteen years old!”
“I know you need this job” Alyssa said. “So don’t let me down.”
“B-But I’m not a lesbian!” Love stammered. But by this time Alyssa had completely unbuttoned her shirt.
“Oh please” she said. “I caught you checking me out all throughout class.”
“Well she’s got a point there.” Love thought, as she stopped resisting Alyssa’s advances. “Hell, I’ve got the info, might as well have some fun” she thought. Alyssa leaned up and began passionately French kissing Love as she unsnapped her bra and tossed it to the side.
As Love let her hands wander down to Alyssa’s ass, Alyssa grabbed both of Love’s breasts and massaged them with her hands, never breaking their kiss. Love managed to unzip Alyssa’s shorts as the young girl moved down and started sucking on her neck.
“Ohhhhh yeah!” Love said. “You’re so fucking hot!”
“I thought you’d come around” Alyssa laughed. After giving Love a giant hickee, she worked her way to her breasts and popped on into her hot mouth. Love looked down and saw Alyssa sucking away at her breasts like a baby who hadn’t fed in weeks.
“Ahhhhh” Love cried as Alyssa playfully bit her nipple. Once Alyssa had gotten her fill of Love’s bountiful breasts, she kneeled down and slid off her skirt. When she did, she noticed that Love wasn’t wearing any panties underneath her black pantyhose.
“No panties huh?” she joked.
“I never wear any” Love teased. “You never know when you might have an extracurricular meeting like this.” Alyssa quickly pulled Love’s pantyhose down around her ankles and buried her face in Love’s muff. She workedher tongue into Love’s pussy and fluttered it expertly in and around the juicy folds of flesh.
“Ooooooh! Ohhhhhh!” she cried, biting her lip so that no one in the hall would hear her. Alyssa didn’t seem to care if anyone heard Love or not. She was busy quickly rubbing Love’s clit with her hand as she continued to lick her pussy.
“Ohhh baby! Yes! I’m……gonna…….commmme!” she moaned as she climaxed all over Alyssa’s pretty face. Alyssa stood up quickly and jumped up, wrapping her legs around Love’s waist as the two swapped spit and come with their mouths. Love was extremely turned on, and she carried Alyssa over to the teacher’s desk while they continued to kiss. Abandoning all concern of someone hearing them, they crashed down on top of the desk, with Love laying on top of Alyssa. They never broke their lip lock as Love made a swipe with her arm, knocking books and pens all over the floor. She pulled off Alyssa’s tank top, exposing her gorgeous breasts to the cool air and hungrily pounced on them. Love worked Alyssa into a frenzy by licking her huge pink nipples, and at the same time sliding her hand into her shorts and rubbing her clit.
“Oh yeah! Just like that!” Alyssa moaned. Love moved down and slid off Alyssa’s shorts and panties, pausing for a moment to admire her pretty pussy.
“Get on your hands and knees” Love ordered. Alyssa did as she was told, kneeling on top of Miss Arnett’s desk as Love bent down behind her. She quickly set to work eating her young lover out, as Alyssa rocked back and forth in pleasure.
“You ever been fucked in the ass before?” Love asked playfully.
“N-No I haven’t” Alyssa stammered. Love found it funny how the tables had turned.
“Well how bout I give you your first lesson” Love said as she slid her middle finger into Alyssa’s tight asshole. Her eyes widened and she gasped as Love worked her finger in and out of her rear end while continuing to bury her entire tongue into her dripping wet pussy.
“Nnnnyahhh!” she cried as the friction built. Alyssa had grabbed the front edge of the desk and her knuckles were white from the pressure as Love continued to work away at her ass. Finally, she came in a shudder as her orgasm hit. Alyssa had never come like this before, and she was still breathing hard trying to recover when she noticed that Love had already gotten dressed.
“Are you leaving already?” she asked.
“I’ve got my job to do” Love replied. “And I suggest that if you don’t want someone to find you like this that you get dressed yourself.
“Yes ma’am” Alyssa said. Love had completely turned the tables on her, and it felt pretty good.
“Oh yeah Alyssa” Love called as Alyssa was leaving. “Stay out of trouble, or I’ll hear about it.” Alyssa just slunk out of the room and shut the door behind her. Love reached for her cell phone and called Mrs. Hatcher to report the news. The phone rang twice before Teri picked up.
“Hello” she said.
“Hi, Mrs. Hatcher?” Love asked.
“I believe you spoke with my boss Jimmy on the phone the other day” Love said. Naturally, Teri had no idea whom she was speaking with since she hadn’t actually been the one who made the call. “Anyway” Love continued. “I’ve been able to find out that your daughter has been selling copies of test answers to her classmates, but I haven’t been able to find out anything about your husband yet.”
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you are talking about” Teri replied.
“Look, just meet me outside of your husband’s office, and I’ll give you a full report” she said, hanging up before Teri could reply. Teri sat there confused for a few minutes before deciding to go to the school and see who this woman was.
Dean Hatcher’s office:Love stood outside of the dean’s office waiting for Teri to arrive so that she could explain the situation. But no sooner had she gotten there, than the dean himself showed up.
“Hey, Steve Hatcher, pleased to meet you” he said extending his hand.
“Jennifer Hewitt” she politely replied as they shook.
“Come on in the office and we’ll talk” he said. Love hesitantly agreed and entered his office. Neither one of them knew it, but Teri had walked up just as they went into the office and now she sat outside of the door listening.
“So, I hear you had some problems with my daughter this morning” he said.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle” Love replied.
“Let me guess, she threatened to have you fired if you didn’t fuck her right?” he said.
Love couldn’t believe his candor. Neither could Teri who felt her jaw drop.
“I wasn’t worried about her threats” Love said.
“Good” Steve replied. “But you should have been because the truth is that I run this town. I’ve got more people who answer to me than the President.”
Love could see his angle. He wanted to impress her so he could get into her pants. She had dealt with guys like this before, and they all had big mouths to match their big egos.
“Wow, that’s impressive” she said, lightly touching his chest with her palm. “What kind of stuff are you into.”
“Oh you know, the usual weapon smuggling and prostitution rings” he said.
“That kind of work must get you awful tense” she said, provocatively as she got face to face with him. “What do you do to blow off steam?” He just smiled as he leaned in and started kissing her on the lips. Love reached down and grabbed Steve’s stiff cock through his trousers as they continued kissing. He had his
hands all over Love’s huge breasts, massaging them as she moaned. Meanwhile Teri couldn’t believe what was going on as she listened through the door. Weapons? Prostitution rings? Adultery? It was like she didn’t even know the guy who was in her husband’s office.
Love moved down and unzipped Steve’s pants, allowing his cock to free itself from it’s prison. She wrapped her lips around his throbbing member and worked them up and down his shaft. Steve just leaned his head back in ecstasy as the hot brunette gave him the best blowjob he’d ever had. She squeezed his balls as she continued to suck away, and every time he thought he was going to come, Love would pause to give him a chance to recover. Before long, it was more than Steve could stand, he had to get his dick into her pussy.
He pulled Love up and yanked her skirt down. No time to fuck with her pantyhose, so he just ripped a hole in them by her pussy and thrust his cock inside. Steve worked his cock in and out of Love’s tight little pussy as she moaned in pleasure.
“Ohhh yeah! Fuck me harder! Harder!” she yelled as his speed increased. “Oooooh baby!” she said when it looked like he was about to come. “Shoot it on my face!” she cried. Steve pulled his cock out of Love’s pussy and busted a thick load of gooey come all over her face.
Neither one of them heard Teri enter the room. She grabbed the pistol from Steve’s desk drawer and pointed it at them.
“You son of a bitch!” she yelled. “How could you lie to me all these years!”
Steve quickly wheeled around and assessed the situation. “I can explain” he stammered.
“I don’t want to hear any bullshit!” she yelled. Love started to sit up, but Teri pointed the gun her way. “You don’t move!” she said. “And Steve you get the fuck out of here and don’t ever let me see you again!” Steve quickly ran out the door and didn’t look back, leaving Love to face Teri’s wrath.
“So you fucked my daughter and my husband huh?” Teri exclaimed.
“Mrs. Hatcher, I was only doing my job” Love tried to explain, but Teri cut her off.
“It’s all right” she said, calming down. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had a clue what kind of people they were.” She looked over and saw Love looking at her with come still dripping down her chin and found herself incredibly turned on.
“I guess if you can’t beat em, join em, huh?” Teri said. Love just smiled as Teri kneeled down and slowly licked her husband’s come off of her lips. The two started kissing, as the come swirled about in their mouths, mixing with their saliva. Love reached over and gently unbuttoned Teri’s dress, as Teri worked her finger into Love’s soaking wet cunt.
“Mmmmmm!” Love moaned as Teri’s fingers squished in and out of her pussy. She almost laughed as she thought to herself how it sounded like someone using a plunger. Teri pulled her fingers out of Love’s pussy and let Love slowly suck and lick all of the juice off of them. Then she stood up and removed her dress while Love looked on in awe. Even though she was a mother of two, Teri’s body was still a fantastic sight. She looked as though she had been built specifically for fucking, and that was exactly what Love intended to do.
Teri laid on top of Love in the 69 position, and started munching away at Love’s pussy. Love, in turn yanked Teri’s thong to the side and began fingering her. As she did this, she alternated between licking Teri’s asshole and licking her pussy.
“Ohhhhh, that feels so good!” Teri moaned as she frantically fingered away at Love’s snatch. The room smelled and sounded like pure sex as the two women went at it on the couch. As Love felt her orgasm coming on, she worked faster and faster on Teri to get her off too.
“Yessss! Ohhhh Yessss!” Teri yelled as both girls climaxed in a heap. Teri spun back around and began softly kissing Love on the lips.
“Thank you for everything” she said as they nuzzled each other.
“It’s no problem” Love said casually.
“That may have been the best sex I’ve ever had” Teri remarked. “Why don’t you spend the night tonight, I’m sure Alyssa won’t mind” she joked.
Love thought about getting back to headquarters but said “Sure, I don’t think my co-workers will miss me tonight.” She had no idea just how wrong she was. Another case solved by the Bod Squad.