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Author Topic: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training  (Read 12297 times)


Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« on: May 19, 2021, 03:08:43 PM »
Jordana Brewster – Personal Training

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

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This story was written as a commission for BigMak who has kindly agreed to share it with you all.

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Jordana Brewster tumbled into the heavy, yielding matting placed beside the car she was working on jumping from, practising her stunts for the latest Fast and Furious movie that was coming out. The lithe, slender actress threw herself energetically from the car, a classic Chevy Nova, the bulging muscle car a complete contrast to the slim, slender actress as she threw open the door and hurled herself from it. On screen it would be a high paced, adrenaline-pumping scene, the music and sounds of the car throbbing from every speaker and subwoofer...but right here it was just a car parked in the side of the studio surrounded by big crash mats for stars to tumble into. And so it was that Jordana worked on her stunts, the toned Panamanian beauty hurling her strong but slender form out into the heavy padding to try and capture that perfect moment, just the right motion and dramatic look for them to edit together for the silver screen.

“Again,” her stunt coordinator said, smiling down at the tall actress embedded in the crash mat before him.

“Do I have to?” she mumbled, laying face down knowing she’d made a mess of that last attempt, buried under a swath of her long brown hair, tangled in it despite having it pulled back into a simple ponytail to keep it out the way as she got the work done. She wasn’t all dolled up ready for the camera right now, simply working on getting this stunt right first before she would do it on camera.

“Yes, now get up,” he commanded. Jordana grumbled, burying her head in the mat to take a few more moments of it.

“Five seconds and you’ll get tickled,” he said, the threat playful but clear. She knew he’d do it and as he counted down she stirred, straining herself to push up from the mat at the count of one with a grumble.

“Ok I’m coming, I’m coming,” she complained playfully, pushing herself up from the mat and sweeping her long brown hair back from her face with a smile. Training was tough, the repeated takes burning her energy, but it was always fun and enjoyable working out with her stunt co-ordinator, Ed.

“You’re not very enthusiastic about it,” he smiled, giving her a cheeky smile as she looked at him chidingly, a mock expression of shock.

“Well maybe you’re not quite hitting the spot,” she replied, flicking her eyebrows in return.

“No, it’s you not hitting the spot,” he said, pointing down to the mat and how she’d missed her mark and needed to repeat the jump.

“Smart ass,” she murmured with a sideways smile, flicking her gorgeous brown eyes up to him as she stood up and moved to reset, climbing back into the car. They’d been working together since projects in the 1990s, before even the first Fast and Furious movie as he’d worked with her on some films in the end of the previous decade when she was just starting out and somehow they’d ended up paired together on loads of her film projects. It wasn’t a problem though as they got on so well and she enjoyed working with him, and the directors clearly liked the work they did together as they kept getting paired up.

“Ready?” he asked, seeing her prone in the leather seat of the Chevy.

“Ready,” she confirmed.

“Don’t fuck it up this time,” he teased.

“What if I do?” she goaded.

“I’ll spank you,” he said after a pause, giving a wink.

“Promises,” she said with a dismissive sigh, playfully rolling her eyes before she prepared herself properly. They had a good back and forth; he’d fancied her for years now, she was well aware of that though she’d never given him a chance. She knew he’d leap at any opportunity she gave him though she kept work and personal life separate, though it didn’t stop her enjoying the attention. Their chemistry was undeniable and she enjoyed it whenever she was working with him, even when she was married, just absorbing the good vibes all day before going home to her husband. Well, that was how it used to be, since her divorce things weren’t the same and too often she found herself alone it seemed.

Of course she was a mother and had her children to look after, her adopted sons that had completed her life after the crushing reality of her own infertility that had left her no other choice. It was still a great thing but there was always a little niggle of disappointment at not having her own child. Either way it didn’t fill the void of personal loneliness she felt sometimes and she had to admit this helped, having Ed taking in glances of her ass when he thought she wasn’t looking though he wasn’t entirely subtle about it any more. He knew she was very aware of what he wanted and by this point neither one of them were particularly clandestine about it, having flirted for years though he seemed to have somewhat accepted she wasn’t going to give him a chance.

Well...so he thought. Jordana couldn’t deny since her divorce she’d been a bit lonely, her time taken up looking after her family rather than getting out and meeting anybody new when she wasn’t at work. And she’d not managed to meet anyone new through work either, especially with the same old team around her working on the latest Fast and Furious movie. Readying herself, tensed and focused, she took the cue and dived out of the classic Chevy once more, throwing herself down into the matting once more with a thump, looking up towards her mark as she stretched out away from the vehicle and plunged to the floor.

“Better,” he said, nodding affirmatively as she pushed up on her elbows.

“Yeah? Good,” she said, flicking her long dark hair back and pushing up in a press up manner. Despite her slender build she was in good shape, toned and strong, the workouts to keep her fit paying off, especially as she knew he watched as she showed off her physical strength. Jordana stood up from the mat and gave a stretch, taking a pause before she climbed back into the car.

“Nail that way and we’ll be there on this one,” Ed told her.

“Good, I’ll be glad when we get this stunt down and can move on,” she replied.

“Well there’s still more to learn,” he smiled.

“I know, plenty more to do, there always is it seems,” she laughed, reflecting on how every one of these movies had got bigger and more explosive, taking more energy and effort every time to complete the filming. She loved it but it was tiring there was no doubt and sometimes she looked forward to the quieter days of filming with more normal scenes.

“Again, let’s go honey,” he said with a smile, teasing as he made the do-it-again motion with his hand.

“Yes sir,” she said mockingly with a roll of her eyes, sliding back into the car to repeat the move again. She reset and they went over the stunt several more times, perfecting the moves, the Panamanian beauty throwing her lithe form from the classic American muscle car onto the matting beside it. Despite the pads she still felt it, the cool slap on her body every time she hurled herself down, focusing regardless and getting it perfected. She was glad though when Ed told her he thought they were done and he thought they had the stunt spot on, ready for the producers to see the following day.

“That’ll do for this one,” he said as she pulled herself up again, taking his offered hand to stabilise her as she stepped off the thick padding onto the hard floor of the studio, such a contrast beneath her feet.

“Sure they’ll be happy with it?” she asked, though she knew from experience that if he said things were good, they were. Their chemistry, despite its sexual tension that had sometimes been a bit uncomfortable from both sides, had yielded great results over the years.

“Yeah we’ve got it,” he said as Jordana dusted herself down, clearing up as Ed stepped over the mat and pushed the door of the Chevy shut. Time was getting on, the evening ticking by as they’d already spent longer than normal and a lot of people had already thrown in the towel and headed home for the night.

“So we wrapping up at that?” he said, giving a stretch and stifling a slight yawn. As always it had been a long day, yet another, and knocking it on the head wouldn’t be such a bad call.

“Well…can we afford to?” she replied.

“What do you mean?” he said.

“We’re a bit behind right, according to the schedule. I don’t want to be late come time to shoot all this,” Jordana said, looking him in the eyes with her beautiful browns.

“Well...I guess so, we always make it up though right?” he replied with a smile.

“Yeah but come on, let’s do some more, I think we should,” she pressed.

“Nowhere to go tonight or something?” he said as a joke, immediately feeling a bite of regret at it as he saw her look away like it niggled at her.

“No, I’m on my own tonight, kids are with my parents so it’s just me,” she said.

“Look I didn’t mean anything…” he started.

“No I know, don’t worry,” she smiled, knowing he hadn’t intended anything.

“Well...it’ll just be us here before long I think,” Ed said, glancing around at the already pretty empty studio, people packing up and finishing for the night.

“That’s alright with me,” she said, quite happy to just keep working and get it done now rather than later.

“Well I’m happy to stay for a while, let’s get some more work done,” he said, giving a slight shrug then clicking his neck.

“Sounds good,” she replied.

“Let’s grab a quick break first, some coffee?” he offered.

“Yeah I need that, some more energy to carry on,” Jordana said, turning to lead the way to a small rest area they had, giving him a chance to check out her ass in the slender, snugly fitted jeans she was wearing. It was a good view that was sadly cut short by how close the seats were, the actress sliding down into one as he went to make their coffee. There wasn’t any on so he had to simply make instant stuff; it wasn’t as good but it would hit the spot, making two cups and filling them from the hot water boiler they had.

“Thanks,” she said as he handed her coffee over, white with one sugar, knowing how she liked it after working with her so many years with so many shared beverages.

“No problem,” he said, sitting down with her as he took a drink of his own, strong and black how he liked it with no milk to take the edge off.

“What scene are we gonna do next?” she said, since she hadn’t checked exactly what they needed to work on, simply knowing there was plenty to do.

“Um well we’ve got a few to do, a couple more jump type scenes, and a fight scene if you want to call it that,” he replied.

“Well it’s not really a proper fight scene,” she responded.

“No but you know what I mean, it’s action, it’s sort of a fight scene,” he said.

“Yeah, let’s do that one,” she said, sipping at their coffee. Things fell quiet as they enjoyed a few minutes of comfortable silence, a rare thing to find especially around Hollywood, just taking the time to recover and refresh themselves for the next practice. They finished their coffee and Ed stood up, giving a stretch, his shoulders cracking as he extended himself to shake off the stiffness.

“Let’s go,” he said, sticking his mug back by the sink.

“Sure,” she said, pushing up from the chair, feeling the stiffness that had settled in now she’d taken a few minutes to stop and take a break.

“Hey, you think you could crack my back for me?” she asked, catching his gaze as he looked back to her.

“Sure,” he said, knowing exactly what she was after. Jordana raised her arms as he stepped to her and slid his strong, powerful arms around her. Thanks to working in stunts for years, decades now, he was in good shape and always worked out to maintain himself, which combined with his day job added up to a good physical tone. Gripping her around the back of her shoulders, she let herself go limp in his arms just in time for him to jerk her upwards sharply, quick and powerful, pulling her close to him as she let out a muffled groan of relief and intensity into his shoulder as her spine gave a series of popping cracks, pulling her out again to release the tension that had built up practicing her previous scene.

“Oh yeah,” she groaned, as he shook her around, effortlessly shaking the slender, 120-lb actress around, her hips and legs swaying beneath him before he lowered her back to the floor.

“Better?” he said with a smile, loving the feel of the gorgeous woman pressed against him as he manhandled her.

“Much,” she said, stretching her neck as she arched her back, feeling much more flexible again.

“Good, let’s get on,” he said and headed back towards their training area. She followed him back and waited as he picked up the details they had that explained her exact moves for the scene and what the director wanted to see.

“Ok so this is scene is set indoors, tight quarters, and someone sneaks up behind you. Then they want you to react to that, just instantly turn and fight. There’s a brief bit of hand to hand and then the guy will grab you and throw you down onto the floor,” he said, skimming the paperwork.

“Sure ok, sounds right,” she said, thinking back to how she remembered the scene from reading it previously.

“So we’ll just do this hand to hand bit first, get that sorted out then work on the throw?” he asked.

“Yeah sounds good,” she said, happy for a break from getting chucked down into the heavy mats for a while.

“Ok you’ll need to be here, working at the counter,” he said, directing her into a rudimentary set built out of cardboard boxes to represent a small kitchen area. It gave the close feel the script called for, making Jordana’s altercation with her would-be attacker a claustrophobic, intense affair. She stepped past him to the cardboard counter, finding her position and then pretending like she was cutting something up as she glanced back with a smile.

“Like a good little housewife or something?” she said with a laugh.

“Something like that I guess,” he smiled, stepping behind her.

“So I’m here behind you, the attacker, and you’re just going to kick off here, you know I’m a bad guy and you turn straight away and throw a punch,” he said, Jordana moving slowly as she turned around and threw her left fist towards him.

“Then I recoil back from that,” he said as he did it, leaning away, “and you then lunge forward with the knife there.”

“This hardcore, super sharp knife?” she said, holding up the hastily cut out cardboard practice prop that had been made for her.

“Yeah, that deadly weapon right there,” he smiled.

“So I lunge like this?” she said, stabbing out with the knife as he pulled away to avoid it.

“Yeah, but rotate your shoulders, take your other arm backwards as you thrust, put energy into it you know,” he said. She reset and repeated it, putting the twist into her back and rolling with it, not failing to notice how his eyes flicked to her chest as she turned through the move.

“Like this?” she clarified.

“Yeah, like that, then I grab your wrist,” he said, reaching out to take hold of her and hold the knife-throwing hand still and her turned towards him for him to retaliate.

“Now I strike forwards with my own punch like this,” he said, swinging his arm towards her.

“And I duck out the way right?” she said, moving in slow motion away from his incoming punch.

“That’s right, you dodge and duck down to the side he said as she did just that, held at arms length by his grip.

“Then you lunge back up with a punch that makes contact,” he said, lunging over her with the missed punch to leave the opening for her to surge back up and strike him with a powerful uppercut  under the side of his jaw. She softly connected and he reeled backwards cinematically, pulling her closer with his grip at her wrist.

“And then you throw me down?” she said, remembering the order of events.

“Yeah I pull you a bit closer as I recoil, then I grab you and fling you round me onto the floor,” he said pulling her in and moving in to close his arms around her, over the top of her free arm across her mid section. He didn’t do the throw, that was the next bit to practice after this.

“Ok got it,” she said as he let her go and she stood back.

“Simple enough stuff really,” he said, appreciating the fact that Jordana was an experienced performer and had done this kind of thing plenty of times before.

“Absolutely, so let’s go through it again,” she said, resetting for them to start the sequence over. And so it went from there, rehearsing the moves over and over again, working on their positioning and momentum of their bodies to optimise the short tussle in the cardboard kitchen. They got faster, more into the routine, getting closer and more in tune with one another as it went on, much as it should do given they were practicing for the real thing. They got closer, pulling in tight as they tussled, his hands on her as Jordana threw herself into it, towards him with utter confidence, his arms around her body as he pulled her close to him ready for the throw at the end of their brief fight.

His arm round her body was comforting and felt right, making her realise how much she longed for some physical touch right now as he wrapped her up ready to roughly cast her down onto the floor. It fleetingly crossed her mind that he could do that onto a bed, whisking her easily off her feet and casting her down onto it, pinning her down and easily taking her. God she’d give a lot for that right now...and she knew he would if she just gave him the come on. She didn’t want to see arrogant, though it was only in her own head, but she knew he would give her what she wanted if she just swallowed her pride somewhat and said yes. He hadn’t asked in a while….well, made evident that he wanted her in a carnal fashion, especially since she’d been married, getting on with her family and made it clear to him that he wouldn’t be getting into her pants. But that was then and this was now, and she hadn’t ignored his touch as his hands pulled around her body and more than once took a slight squeeze of her perky breasts.

“I think you’ve got this down,” he said, interrupting her thoughts as he stepped back from her.

“Yeah, think I’m there,” she replied, smoothing her top down a bit, the dark blue fabric having got wrinkled and a little pulled up over her toned tummy on the last go.

“Ok great, so now we need to do the throw,” he said, glancing round to the mats he’d need to move to facilitate that.

“Yeah, let’s grab a quick breather first?” she said, sweeping her long hair back out the way.

“Sure, I’ve got to set up the pads anyway,” he replied.

“Cool,” she said, stepping past him and walking away with a stretch, wanting a few minutes to reset and get ready for the next phase. He got on getting the pads ready, throwing the heavy mat down into place where he would hurl her in the next practice as she took a deep breath, her mind still tumbling over the thought that perhaps now was the time to give him what he wanted...and what she needed. She couldn’t deny the thrill she felt getting so close and entwined with him as they worked, the late night in the studio, all alone now, the perfect moment, seeming to add to the thrill of the idea somehow. It was a thrilling thought and as she walked away she could feel the tingle of arousal in her, the wetness between her legs and buzz as her nipples strained at the lace of her bra somewhat.

As she stepped out of sight, she let the idea just spin out of control in her mind for a few more crucial seconds before she decided to go for it. A cold rush of adrenaline washed through her body, making her heart surge as it spread down into her legs, making the choice that she just wanted it now. She still had more pride than to just straight up ask him but she knew the electricity was there between them, there was no denying it so she wanted to give him a clear come-on to get the message across – then it would be up to him whether to act on it. She thought how to do that for a moment, then figured it would be straightforward if she gave him something to look at or perhaps notice when they got close again.

Her choice was obvious; her bra. She glanced down at her perky chest, the black lacy lingerie supporting her lovely B-cups nicely beneath the blue cotton of her top. Jordana fumbled behind her to grab hold of the strap and pinch it together, releasing the hooks to free herself. She gave a mumble of satisfaction as her breasts were freed in her top and quickly yanked the straps down her shoulders and shrugged herself out of it to leave her in just the thin cotton top. Smiling excitedly to herself, she folded her bra up and quickly found her bag to hide it away, not wanting someone else to come in the next day and find it before she took a deep breath and headed back to where she was working with him.

He looked up to see her coming back and his eyes immediately went to her chest, making her stifle a smile as his eyes locked onto her boobs, high beams on as her stiff nipples showed clearly through her top. She immediately averted her gaze as he looked back up, not wanting him to realise she’d been watching him or anything, looking to the mat and stepping forward as if she were focused on the next part of the scene. Practically able to feel his eyes on her ass through the tight jeans as she moved past him, she treated him to a moment of her bending forward as little as she stretched and got prepared for the moves even though she didn’t really need to.

“So we ready to go?” she said, glancing back at him as she turned around.

“Yeah, yeah, got the mat right here ready for the throw,” he said, moving back into the cardboard set with her to get in position. His eyes drank in the taper of her body, from her casually settled denim up her slender figure to her now braless top half, able to see clearly that the top she had on was all that stood between him and her lithe nudity.

“So we go from where we ended before, obviously,” she said, getting into place but without the prop knife, not wanting it to get completely crushed in the move.

“Yeah, so I’m here holding your wrist and you’ve just punched up,” he said, positioning her hand correctly.

“And then you throw me?” she said, trying to remember the details of the scene from the paperwork.

“Yeah, I reel back from your hit, then throw my other arm around you like this,” he said, twisting into her and pulling his arm around her back.

“And I pull it into you over your arm to immobilise you,” he said as he closed his arm over hers and pulled his hand into her tummy, tantalisingly close to her perky, tempting breasts.

“Then the throw?” she said.

“Yeah, I pull you back as you kick up a bit, they want to see your legs fly up from the floor apparently, before I turn and throw you down behind me,” he said, slowly indicating how he would pull at her to launch the move even as his mind spun with thoughts of her alluring body, taking the chance to look over her shoulder and down her top as he pulled her close.

“So I kick up and then you spin me round?” she said, standing back up as he released her.

“Yeah that’s basically it, I spin you and fling you down into the mat there,” he said.

“Ok sounds good, let’s do it,” she said, stretching out quickly again before getting ready. They resumed their positions with her striking up into him and got set. He took the lead and pulled her into him as he swept around her, grabbing hold over her arm and onto her body again before he pulled her back off her feet. His strength was effortless as he pulled her up and easily held her, giving a chance for Jordana to kick her legs out like the script asked for, practicing the move before he turned to carefully spin her around towards the mat. Carefully making sure they missed the boxes, not wanting to rebuild the temporary set, he twisted around then mocked throwing her down, keeping the lightweight actress easily in his arms.

“Like that,” he said, setting her back onto her feet.

“Easy,” she said.

“Then let’s do it for real,” he replied.

“Let’s go,” she said and reset her position. He moved behind her again ready and they went to it, the energy suddenly so much higher as he swept her from her feet and spun her round to chuck her down onto the thick matting. It all caught her off guard somehow and she barely managed to kick up as he manhandled her somewhat awkwardly round onto the mat, their positions wrong.

“Sorry, I completely screwed that up,” she said as he helped her up.

“It’s why we practice,” he said, pulling her back to her feet and resetting again. Truth was she’d got momentarily distracted by the feel of him close behind her, about to manhandle and dominate her and she just let herself shiver at that thought. Despite the messed up stunt attempt, when he’d lifted and spun her round, casting her so casually down onto the mat she’d shuddered to herself, thankfully unseen, as a tremble had gone through her body, her wetness increasing with a tingle into her panties. They reset once more and she took a breath, steeling herself to focus this time; the move went much better as she was hoisted up, kicking out far better, trying to let it be natural and just happen before he spun her quickly and hurled her down onto the mat again.

“Much better,” he said, helping her up again. They got in position and did it again, and again, taking multiple goes at it to tweak little bits each time. She tumbled into the mat every time with more energy, more ferocity as their pace built up, getting to the kind of energy the director would want to see in the real take. Her nipples strained against the cotton of the shirt as it rubbed over her, arousal not diminished by her focus, loving his hands on her, how close he was to her. More than once his aim was a little off, his hand pawing up over her unsupported chest before he threw her down, his rough grip on her breasts only serving to excite her more.

The jiggle of her tits didn’t pass him by and took the chance to ogle her as she tumbled onto the mat, bouncing delightfully as she rolled onto her back. Her shirt rode up to expose her toned tummy and just tease at her perky boobs, almost letting him see them before she pulled it back down again though she didn’t do it as fast as she might. Jordana was loving the way he was looking at her, seeing him taking in her delectable body, drinking in her tummy as her shirt flew up and taking more than an accidental squeeze of her breast when he grabbed her now. She couldn’t take any more teasing and accidental touches, she wanted him to make a move if he was going to and with that, as he spun her around for the throw once more she grabbed hold of him so as he let go to hurl her down onto the crash mat her momentum simply pulled him with her.

“Whoa!” was all he managed as he was caught off guard by her, his strength not helping given the unexpected moment as she pulled him down with her weight and the energy he’d thrown her down with, the architect of his own downfall. Jordana landed on her back on the thick matting with a thump as he crashed down on top of her, managing to brace himself over her on his elbows to prevent him completely crushing her.

“Sorry,” he murmured, looking down into her pretty brown eyes.

“No problem,” she replied with a smile, both of them knowing she’d dragged him down deliberately. He could feel the warmth of her beneath him, body rising and falling with her breath as she bit her lip, the moment tense, tight, filled with anticipation.

It broke, punctured in an instant as he leaned down decisively and kissed her, his lips pressed firmly to hers to send a tingle of excitement through her as he finally made the move she wanted him to. She responded and pushed her arms up around him, pulling him close and making his heart soar with intensity as she finally gave him what he’d always wanted. Their tongues met as their kiss became deeper, more soulful, entwining deeply as she opened her legs to let him slide properly between them and press against her. She could immediately feel his erection, his cock rock hard in his trousers now as he pinned her down on the mat to make out with her, just grinding against her ever so slightly.

“Fuck,” he murmured as they broke apart, Jordana dropping her head back onto the mat and giving a sigh, satisfaction and arousal washing over her, feeling so wet as he pushed against her that she simply wished her jeans weren’t in the way.

“Yeah,” she breathed dreamily, unsure what to say as he kissed down her neck, tickling her a little as his lips covered her tan skin onto her shoulder. They didn’t need words though as their bubbling chemistry did the rest, his lips leading a trail down her body to her thin top and pointed nipples, kissing over her breasts and teasing at the tips through the cotton as she murmured in pleasure, shifting underneath him on the mat as he carefully moved down her body over her tummy to kiss delicately at the beautifully toned figure of the Panamanian actress. She held her breath for a moment as he pushed her blue top up, exposing her stomach as he slid it back to her perky breasts, the humble mounds just restraining the cotton as he slid it back.

She almost stopped him, suddenly hit with a moment of conscience that this wasn’t the right thing to do, but she knew it was, that he’d wanted her for years and truth be told she’d wanted him as well, loving his attentions though she hadn’t been able to do anything about it due to the ring on her finger. Now they were free to indulge and she lay back to let him have at her, to take everything he wanted from her, all he’d wanted for years, to ravage her completely and bring them both the pleasure they’d yearned for. His kisses landed softly, teasing and tempting, promising, across her strong tummy before he pushed her top up completely to reveal her firm breasts and expose her achingly hard nipples to the air.

“Oh god,” Jordana groaned as he immediately attached himself to her nipple, sliding up and closing his lips over one, sucking firmly as his tongue attacked it briskly, his hand squeezing her other breast and letting his fingertips circle her stiff nipple in unison. His hand took in the taper of her waist as he kissed at her chest, massaging her with his lips before he took her stiff point between his front teeth gently to just give a carefully judged pull of his teeth on her sensitive nipple as she groaned.

“Don’t make me beg,” she groaned, unabashedly letting him know what she wanted even though he knew, feeling her pushing against him as he lay on top of her. He wanted it as well, his cock rock hard, but he wanted to make sure she’d never forget it. He didn’t make her beg but he did take her time, kissing and squeezing at her firm chest, teasing her nipples with his tongue and pulling his hands down her sides. He paused to slide up and kiss her again, hard and intense now, their passions taking over as their tongues battled hungrily, pulling away as Jordana bit his lower lip and pulled it away for a moment before he slid downwards. His kissed over her tummy again, taking his time moving over her as she pushed her hips up to make it clear what she wanted, pussy so wet he would slide straight in if he wanted to.

“Ohh don’t tease me, please,” she whispered, the tone cutting the silence around them like a knife, though she knew he was going to make her wait. His made his way to her waistband, fingers already hooked into the belt loops of her jeans to pull them down against the button, digging into the flair of her hips as he pulled them away from her body and kissed along the waistband of her panties. They didn’t match her bra, she’d hardly been planning for this when she got dressed that morning, but she didn’t care and he certainly didn’t as he planted his lips along them, pushing them lower to tease towards her mound. She held back her begging as he played with her waistband before abruptly popping it open with a pull of his hand, the button giving up easily under his practiced technique, clearly knowing exactly what he was doing with her as he pulled the jeans open.

Jordana didn’t speak, her hard, fast breaths doing all the talking she needed to as he took his time in pulling the zip of her trousers down, taking a moment to let the tension build on the zipper before it slid down with a sound that seemed to tear the air, the metallic teeth of her cracking and catching as he undid her trousers to reveal her simple but sexy dark grey panties, satin but with a hint of lace around them, hugging her feminine curves perfectly.

“Damn these are nice,” he murmured as he pulled her jeans down, Jordana pushing her ass up off the mat to let him ease them down off her hips and reveal her fully.

“Taking them off’s even nicer,” she breathed, head back, eyes closed, encouraging him to go further. He fully intended to but took just a moment to take in her smooth, perfectly styled body, her beautifully toned legs as he tugged her tight jeans down towards her knees to expose her. She trembled slightly in anticipation and arousal as he pushed her trousers down to give him complete access to her, hands slipping warmly over her thighs as his fingers pushed up under the waistband of the grey satin underwear. They hooked in and effortlessly drew the clinging fabric down, the elastic stretching and pulling away to reveal her sweet pussy with her strip of neatly shaven pubic hair, a landing strip of dark hair to lead him perfectly between her lips.

“Gorgeous,” he murmured as he revealed her, her panties just holding on for a moment before peeling away from her lips and sliding down her legs to join her denim. She shivered with nerves as he revealed her to him but was quickly overcome as he kissed at the inside of her thigh, his warm touch feeling like a lightning bolt as he touched her, his lips working over her in a series of soft, teasing kisses as he worked his way upwards towards her aching pussy. She wanted to beg him to stop teasing and just touch her, having not had her pussy eaten in far too long but she didn’t, not wanting to risk him making her wait even longer. Jordana was thankful when he planted a kiss straight on her clit, sending a tremble through her, the sweet, illicit tingle spreading through her body as he finally touched her most delicate treasure.

“Oh yeah,” she mumbled, unable to stop her stuttering groan of pleasure, feeling him smile before he pulled down and then back up her slick entrance, tip of his tongue expertly splitting her lips to tease her and then bump over her clit, easily pushing up underneath her soft hood before he dragged into her trimmed pubic hair as she shook more intensely. She knew he was going to make her wait for this and laid back into the mat to let it happen, relaxing some of the tension she’d been holding without realising, feeling her muscles unwind as she did so. Pushing her hips up a little more into him rewarded her with another lingering drag of his tongue over her clit to make her mumble, heart pumping hard as she controlled her breaths, broken only by hard rasps of pleasure as he stimulated her.

“Fuck, that’s it,” she breathed, eyes squeezing shut and shaking as her fingernails dug into the mat, his tongue finally being applied properly right where she wanted it, flicking up and down over her most sensitive button, the tip just playing her perfectly, not too hard, not too fast, just right to build up her excitement. Maybe it was just that she was so horny and lost to the ecstasy of it, but he was hitting the spot for her and it made the actress wonder if it was a mistake to refuse his advances for so long. That thought quickly washed from her mind however as she tingled with the pleasure he brought her, figuring he was there now and doing a great job, his tongue stepping up in speed and intensity, moving from flicking over her nub to circling it carefully but firmly, his technique spot on and only serving to make her wetter.

Her gasps told the story as he went down on her, his tongue skilful and right on the money, holding her hips with his hands to keep the slender actress still as she writhed in pleasure, head laid back into the matting as she grunted and groaned. His tongue danced around, applying all his skill as he ate her pussy, loving how wet she was, her lips engorged and so ready, dripping wet ready for him to slide his cock inside. He was as hard as he’d ever been, finally getting his hands on Jordana after wanting her for so many years; his cock ached in his trousers, throbbing with his heartbeat as he yearned to simply pull it out and bury it inside the Panamanian beauty who he’d wanted for so long. But he wasn’t going to rush it, wanting to bring her absolute pleasure before he fucked her, loving the sweet taste of her pussy, her labia yielding perfectly under his tongue as he dragged it up her entrance to make her groan at a different stimulation.

Her legs tried to lift up, wanting to roll her hips back and spread her legs but she couldn’t because of her jeans at half mast and him laying over her legs to work at her most intimate spot. He picked up the pace, accelerating the attack of his mouth at her, lips massaging and sucking at her soft hood, tongue thrashing busily beneath it, working up and down and side to side, throwing in circling motions around her stiff button, tingling and stimulating the thousands of nerve endings just begging for his touch which he happily applied. Soon he changed to just circling her, harder and faster, speeding up as he knew she was close, her breathing getting thick and heavy, hips twitching and pushing up hungrily into him in a manner that he knew meant he was doing what she liked.

“Fuck, don’t stop,” she whined, just begging him to continue now as he attacked with his mouth. He didn’t, much to her overwhelmed delight and pressed hard, driving his aching tongue harder and faster to maximise the work at her perfect little button. She groaned and whined in pleasure, hands grabbing at the matting as he devoured her, pushing her pelvis up towards him before she gave a few strained, ascending grunts of pleasure, looking to the ceiling as sweat beaded her forehead before she exploded in a huge, shuddering, long overdue orgasm. Jordana wailed her pleasure to the huge, open studio as she came hard, almost doubling up at the sudden hit of it, the intensity biting like no orgasm before as it smashed into her soul and sent shocks through her whole body.

She tensed and writhed on the mat, falling back and arching up as she rode the climax as hard and long as possible, her fingers white as she screwed up the mat in her intense grip, back arching, her eyes rolling as she fell back in a tumble of her long hair and screamed her utter pleasure to whoever was listening. His tongue danced on her clit throughout as she rode the wave, legs pinned down beneath him as she practically squirted, her pussy so wet as another burst of juices lubricated her already slick entrance, lips so soft and wet he would easily glide inside her if he tried. She managed to last a few final seconds of utterly dominating pleasure, grinding herself against his face to accentuate it before she gave a colossal shudder and collapsed back to the mat, trying to cross her legs to trap in the completely encompassing, hyper sensitive buzz that seemed to cascade through her.

“Stop, no more,” she gasped as she reached down to push him away even though he was already withdrawing, knowing when a woman had had enough. Jordana pulled her hands over herself and half rolled away as he lifted off her legs, gasping heavily in post orgasmic pleasure and exhaustion. He knelt up and wiped his hair back, looking down at the gorgeous Latina flopped back on the mat, lost in a tangle of her own locks as she gasped in recovery. He turned and sat beside her, cock throbbing rock hard in his jeans as she caught her breath, smiling at the relaxing sensations washing through her in the wake of the powerful orgasm he’d brought her.

“Fuck that was good,” she murmured, reaching up to push her hair back from her face, glancing over to him as she lay with her jeans still around her thighs. He smiled to himself, pleased to bring her such pleasure, giving a stretch and then a gasp as her dainty hand suddenly squeezed his erection through his trousers.

“Mm rock hard,” she whispered playfully, looking over at him with a teasing smirk.

“Yeah,” he responded a little dumbly, just momentarily off guard at the actress he’d lusted over for so long finally grabbing his cock.

“Well don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging,” she said with a winning smile, turning over and fumbling down for her jeans now, momentarily releasing her grasp on him to yank the tight denim and her satin panties up over herself, not bothering to try and fasten them and simply rolling over to him.

“Lay back,” she said, pushing up to thrust at his shoulders, shoving him back down onto the matting as if he’d have resisted anyway. Having his dream woman take charge a bit, pushing him into place to her was hot as hell and it only made his cock throb harder as she shuffled into position. She struggled a bit on the thick, squashy pad but clambered over him and grabbed hold of his waistband,  easily releasing his trousers in return and wasting no time in hauling them and his shorts down his thighs to let his rock hard cock spring up strongly.

“Ready and waiting,” she said with a smile, looking up as she slicked her hair back with a winning smile, loving how horny he was for her, noticing how he pulsed with every heartbeat as his cock stood up from his body.

“Always was,” he murmured. Jordana didn’t waste any more time on words, wrapping her slender fingers around his throbbing cock as he gave a stifled groan and swelled in her hand, pushing up slightly as she slid down onto her elbows. His gasp cut the air as she engulfed his head with her mouth, wrapping her lips around the bulging purple tip and sucking firmly, working her tongue against him as he pushed up towards her, sensations overwhelming as she gorgeous actress finally sucked his cock like he’d always wanted. She murmured in enjoyment as his thick cock flexed and strained at her touch, letting her mouth slide deeper to fully surround his head and top of his shaft, her lips gliding down the smooth skin of his cock as she pressed her tongue a little more firmly underneath his tip.

“Christ,” he breathed, utterly overwhelmed by the blowjob from Jordana as she sensually got started sucking his cock. She wasn’t rushing herself, much like he’d been with her, and was instead taking her time to just explore him with her mouth, to let all the velvet soft folds of her cheeks and lips rub over him as she tilted her head, twisting it around to swirl his tip as her much rougher, skilful tongue dancing over and around him. It wasn’t just her physical efforts that drove him wild, it was the fact he finally had he, the gorgeous actress finally giving him the shot he’d wanted for literally years. Looking down he watched her fellating him, eyes closed, pushing her hair back again without even a pause and looking completely in her element as her hot mouth worked him exquisitely.

He groaned and squeezed the matting much as she had when he went down on her, making her smile to herself as she drove great pleasure with the touch of her mouth. She picked up the pace a bit and sucked more firmly, stopping the swirl of her head and focusing on going deeper, pushing down to take more of him with more rapid strokes as she pulled a stronger vacuum on his manhood. He groaned and boldly pushed a hand up into her hair, holding it back out the way as he gripped her head, not forcing her down but just guiding her. It was almost comforting, like something her boyfriend would do and she liked that, just cracking on with sucking his cock in return.

His grunts and groans told her she was doing it right as he thrust up to her just a little beneath her slight weight leaning on him, helping push himself a little deeper into her mouth each time, his cock sliding perfectly over her tongue to just touch at her throat though she wasn’t going to go further. She had deep throated a bit at times but she had never considered herself very good at it and needed to warm up a lot more than this quick blowjob in order to do it. A drink or five normally helped relax her for that but she didn’t have that option just now, besides he was enjoying it, his fingers twisting in her long dark locks, other hand still digging into the mat as she worked half his shaft, making sure to pull right back to the tip so her lips and tongue could push down over his smooth purple head.

“Fuck,” he grunted, feeling a tingle as his cock pulsed, Jordana squeezing him again as she murmured in pleasure at his enjoyment, working intently to suck his cock with a series of rapid, short strokes that pushed her tongue over his most sensitive spot to make him shudder. She could tell how much he was enjoying it but she didn’t want him to come, she wanted to get his cock inside her sooner rather than later and let him unleash all his pent up desire on her. Despite his fantastic devouring of her pussy she was horny as hell now, turned on ever more by sucking his rock hard cock that she knew was just ready to slip inside her tight pussy. She turned it up to eleven for a few seconds, driving a shuddering, gasping grunt from him as she sucked hard and bouncing her head rapidly, tongue stabbing into him perfectly as he grabbed her hair tightly in expectation of finishing...before she abruptly pulled up off him.

“Come on,” she said, pulling out of his grip and kneeling up, stroking him with her hand as he gasped at her suddenly withdrawal, flipping her hair back out the way and glancing around.

“What, where?” he asked in confusion, looking up, interrupted from a very enjoyable blowjob.

“You need to fuck me, now,” she said clearly, looking him in the eyes with a little flick of her brow that said she meant business. His heart clenched in excitement, pulse accelerating as he pushed up onto his elbows, seeing her looking around the studio.

“Where can we go?” she said, checking it out.

“I don’t wanna do it right here...just in case,” she added, looking back to him as he hauled his trousers back up so he could stand, mind racing as he pulled himself off the mat.

“Come on,” he said as his mind clicked, realising the perfect place.

“Where?” she said even as she took his hand, letting him pull her to her feet, stumbling after him as she grabbed her jeans to keep them up.

“Somewhere private, you’ll love it,” he said, tugging her purposefully across the floor as she held her denim around her hips. They hurried back across the floor away from the makeshift kitchen set to the classic Chevy Nova they’d been practicing in earlier on.

“Really?” she said with a smile, amused at the link given the film they were working on.

“Yeah you’ll love it,” he said glancing back to her, grabbing the big door before pulling the seat forwards to allow access to the back seat.

“Get in,” he said looking back to her, pulling her close by her hand though she needed no further invitation and hopped into the car and slid onto the leather, spinning round to look back at him with a smile. She bit her lip with a tempting smile as he slipped in with her and slammed the door behind them, surging straight to her and meeting her in a deep, tongue twisting kiss. Her hands pulled round his neck as his hand immediately pushed down her side and shoved her jeans down again. Jordana lifted her ass from the seat to let him yank her trousers and underwear down again, exposing her neatly kept pussy before she sat back down and wrenched the skinny jeans off her feet to leave her bottomless and ready to fuck.

Her pussy was so wet and ready to go, giving another tingle as she watched him quickly dispense with his trousers to reveal his throbbing cock once more, taking it in again and relishing it easily, effortlessly driving inside her. It had been too long since she’d had anything besides her dildo inside her, stretching and sliding through her velvet walls and now his cock was just irresistible. As soon as he’d thrown his clothes aside she shoved him back onto the leather seat and climbed into his lap, stretching her long legs over his and slipping onto his legs to glide perfectly into place. She grabbed his cock and stroked briskly, feeling him swell and flex in her hand as he murmured with pleasure, the hardest cock she thought she’d ever come across. Hopefully quite literally. Jordana looked into his eyes, both of them breathing hard as they kissed again, tongues battling as the tension seemed stifling, finally at the critical moment.

“Do you...um….want me to get a…” he said uncertainly, seeing her quizzical look as she was momentarily confused.

“A rubber, do you want me to put one on?” he asked, clearing his throat and getting it said. He had to ask.

“No,” she blurted out, a little more intently than she’d intended.

“I mean...you know my...um...situation,” she said, referring to her saddening infertility, “so it’s up to you,” she finished, leaving it in his hands almost as she looked down.

“But I’d prefer it if you didn’t...to be honest,” she admitted with a mumble, stroking his aching cock as she pressed against it. She just much preferred riding bareback and enjoying the natural feel of it all.

“Then I won’t,” he replied, loving the idea of her riding unprotected as he pulled her close for another kiss, a little more intimate, deeper and more soulful as Jordana gave him a final stroke and pushed up on her knees over him to guide his bulging tip to her soft lips. She let her knees slide apart and sank down into him, thrusting her hips forward slowly towards him in the apex of the seat and feeling his thick head stretch her perfectly, her slick pussy easily devouring him as she let her body collapse down onto him, his tip stretching her just a little more and then popping inside her and sinking into her velvet, feminine heat as they broke the kiss and both grunted loudly to the silence of the studio.

Sensations rushed through them as she sank onto his cock, her body so yielding and ready for him, Jordana screwing her eyes shut and hesitating in the rush from her nerves being lit up, giving a little tremble and bracing herself on the back of the seats before he grabbed her slim hips to pull her down.

“No, I can’t…” she started before she gave a tremendous shudder and gasp as he pulled her down by her slender hips and pushed up from the seat to thrust all of his manhood inside her. She had thought she wasn’t ready but her body was so wet and relaxed, so horny to get fucked that he just pulled her right down on his cock so their pelvises ground together as her eyes crossed. The feeling was something she’d missed so much without realising it till this moment, his rock hard erection buried inside her, stretching and filling her in every way that mattered

“Oh fuck,” she mumbled almost apologetically, rocking and rolling her hips on his cock as he held her down, just lost to the overwhelming feelings for a moment as he rocked his own hips to work his thick prick inside her. His grip softened as she gave a shudder and controlled herself, taking a deep breath and focusing to lift herself slowly up from him; his hands remained at her hips, dominant, controlling...owning her even as she rode on top. The gorgeous actress pulled in and kissed him again, their tongues working together much more sensually now as she carefully lifted herself up and then thrust back down, not full depth as she wanted to give herself another minute to get used to that, pushing her hips back down in a powerful, measured manner to feel every ridge and contour of him drag and bump over her hungry nerve endings.

“Oh yeah,” she breathed through their kiss, just feeling instant satisfaction at finally fucking him. It again crossed her mind that she should have done this much sooner but she forgot that quick enough in another wave of pleasure.

“Come on,” he encouraged, loving how much she was loving it and how tight but beautifully slick her pussy was that had allowed him to sink her all the way down on the first thrust. Jordana responded, not having a reason to hold back now as she held him and pushed herself up again for another thrust and then rocked her hips into him again, firmer and more intently now as she pushed him a bit deeper again, loving the feel of him pulsing inside her as she was free to ride despite his control on her hips. Dominating, but leaving her to do the work which she was more than happy to take on as she settled her knees a bit as she got going into a rhythm to please them both.

He groaned with pleasure as she sexy Panamanian got riding properly on his cock, moving her hips just right as she got into a stroke that took her pussy from his bulging head that threatened to slip out all the way down to his balls with speed and energy that was just right, her body so snug and just feeling exquisite on him, tight and snug but deliciously wet so she could just glide back and forth perfectly. His hands squeezed into her waist but he didn’t tug her down on him or restrict her movement, just loving letting Jordana do her thing on his cock, massaging him with squeezes of her muscles to make him surge. She pulled back and gave a powerful clamp right at his tip that made him shuddered as she paused with a smile before burying him inside her once more.

“Like that huh?” she said, getting a little cocky with him, loving that he was enjoying what she was doing so much. To him it was a dream come true, and frankly if anyone had shown up at the studio now to catch them in the act they wouldn’t have noticed until they banged on the window.

“Yeah I do, you’re pretty fucking good at this,” he said, seeing her smile. It was one of her favourite sexual positions anyway and the whole situation, in the back of the stunt car, only made it hotter.

“Maybe I should get you riding a motorbike, since you’re so good at it,” he said with a smile. Jordana reached up and slapped his face playfully without breaking her stride in riding his cock with an equal smile in return.

“Hey, watch it,” she teasingly scolded.

“Sorry,” he said, playing along.

“Besides, it’s the wrong kinda riding,” she said as she jammed herself down harder, getting him as deep inside her as possible to make him grunt.

“Definitely,” he agreed as his hands tightened on her hips a little to encourage her to go harder, holding her down a little as she tried to withdraw for another full length thrust like she’d been doing. The message was clear and she ran with it, happy to please him as she shoved down harder, picking up her pace to thump her pussy down onto his cock, feeling the tingle inside her as she was sure he felt inside him, that little buzz that suggested another orgasm as she drove herself down into his cock for their mutual pleasure. He tipped his head back on the seat and sighed in deep satisfaction as she rode him, working his hips up in unison with her to get the most out of her slamming down on his cock, her pace having accelerated to such a point that she was fairly slamming her ass down into his thighs now as she endeavoured to make her pussy swallow every last millimetre of him.

“Goddamn,” she mumbled through rapid, strained breaths as she worked hard to fuck him, the tingle in her pussy only becoming stronger and spreading, building up to an inevitable orgasm as his bulging head drove deep inside her, contours and ripples of his cock stimulating her nerve endings perfectly. Just as she held him tight and was riding towards her peak, he suddenly switched it up by pushing up from the seat into another tongue-twisting kiss and pulled his arms around her, inhibiting her thrusts so she sat deeply down on him which was perfect for him to turn her and have them tumble down on the seat with him on top of her. He pushed up and grabbed her legs, holding her perfectly and cutting off her complaints with a guttural grunt as he slammed his hips into her, getting to his deepest and making her shudder with pleasure as he took charge.

They didn’t need to speak now as he held onto her and started pumping, using his strength and stamina to slam his hips into her, his cock like a piston that just reciprocated into her with intensity that made her eyes cross, fingers digging into the leather seats as he dominated her. She could only gasp and grunt in pleasure as his cock pushed up against her G-spot now, amplifying the stimulation so much more and driving her building orgasm towards imminent completion. He seemed utterly driven and only seemed to get harder and faster, working fast and deep to make her take every inch of himself every single time as his bulbous head teased across her most stimulating zone, the little rough patch at the front of her vagina that cranked out the best orgasms.

“Fuck, don’t stop!” she gasped as she felt her climax start to bubble up, knowing she could do nothing to stop him making her come now...not that she wanted to. His thrusts were intense and precise as she came to her peak, body tensing up as she gave a final few rocks on his cock, toned abs tensing up hard. Jordana came hard with a shudder that made her almost double up, nails practically tearing the leather of the seat as she gave a scream of pleasure and shook hard in total spasm, her body jumping and bouncing on his cock as he almost struggled to keep her in place, continuing to fuck her throughout her peak.

She cried her pleasure to the car and empty studio surrounding them, her shaking turning to slow, intent pushes of her hips to maximise the sensation of his cock thumping into her even as she could barely take it for a few last moments before she gave a huge shaking gasp and squeezed her legs together as he held them, slowing his thrusts as her pussy clenched tightly, leaning up to push his shoulder and slow him down.

“Not so hard, gimme a break,” she breathed, sweat beading over her brow in the wake of it all as she urged him to take it easy on her. He obliged her and slowed down even as his cock throbbed with his excitement, seeing her come all over it had certainly amped up his own climax and now he had her down to pound her to the finish he was close. He couldn’t lean over and pin her legs back as he’d really like to given the roof of the car above them but made do with holding her thighs tightly, spreading her legs back open again and pumping slowly but deeply inside her with a powerful rhythm for a few moments to let her get her breath back. She recovered as he gave her a minute of reduced intensity, pushing her long, dark hair back from her face as she laid into the back seat of the Chevy and just let him fuck her.

“Not yet, not yet,” she breathed, trying to slow him as he increased the pace again, quickly ramping up to pounding her hard once again until she grabbed the seat once more with a groan of overwhelmed sensations as his thick, hard cock slammed into her waiting body once more.

“I’m not finished with you yet,” he growled, making her shiver as he took complete control and pumped himself into her.

“Then fuck me good...take what you want,” she growled in return, giving herself up to him, to his dominance, for his pleasure. It was all he needed to hear and what he’d wanted to hear forever frankly, Jordana grunting as he drove deep inside her with renewed pace and power, hauling on her legs as he leaned onto her and smashed himself against her body, hips jamming against her ass in a blur as he rammed his cock deeply inside her again and again to feel the ascending tingles through his cock. Though tired, the actress squeezed his invading cock with her muscles, wanting to make her hot, wet tunnel as tight and enjoyable as possible as he pounded on her, overwhelmed but still doing her body as sweat pricked all over him, the exertion clear as he threw everything he had at her.

After basking in the sensations of her delectable pussy for another minute or so he simply couldn’t hold the sensations down any longer and with a flurry of thrusts that made her cry out he let it all in. He felt the incredible sensations build from his soul through his cock to the very tip, holding on as he fucked her in a blur, Jordana bracing herself on the seat in the final seconds before he gave a couple of strained strokes and then smashed himself against her with all his might. Her cry as a jolt of pain shot through her where he rammed against her cervix was lost in his own shout of pleasure, burying himself as deep as possible as his cock jumped and emptied a spurt of his hot, potent load deep inside her.

He let out hard, intense breaths as his cock swelled and jumped inside her, Jordana squeezing her pussy hard to maximise it as he emptied his balls inside her with several hot, hard bursts. It felt never ending as he exploded into her, right into her womb almost he was so deep, emptying himself as he held her legs tightly. He gave strained thrusts and stuttered movements of his hips as, like her, pleasure turned to overwhelmed sensation, her clamps on his now sensitive head too much to bear, withstanding it long enough to give a few final clenches to deliver every last drop of his load inside her before he sagged back on his heels, pulling back so he almost slipped out, his hands sagging to her hips as he desperately hauled in oxygen.

“Fuck that was intense,” he breathed, barely able to emote the words as he recovered a few seconds before pulling back and slowly pulling his softening cock from her now exhausted, thoroughly relaxed pussy as she gave a small gasp at the flare of his head popping out.

“Christ I needed that,” she breathed as she pulled her legs back to her and hugged her knees, shivering, eyes closed with her head sagged back onto the leather as he achingly turned and sat onto the seat by her feet to recover, feeling the cool blood flow back through his limbs properly as he unwound himself. There was only their breathing to break the silence for a minute or so as they recuperated in the aftermath of a fuck that had been a long time coming, the intensity and passion of their eventual coupling not lost on either of them. He broke it as he reached down for his trousers, fumbling them back on in a limited space of the as Jordana stirred, waiting for him to get ready then holding her hands out to indicate she wanted her jeans, which he gave to her before climbing out of the car to give her space.

Jordana fumbled awkwardly back into her tight jeans, pulling her satin panties up before dragging the denim up with it and buttoning them, sliding off the clinging leather to the door where he helped her out of the car, shoving the seat back and shutting the door behind her.

“I guess we’re done training for the night,” he said, figuring they weren’t going to carry on. He certainly didn’t want to.

“Yeah. Do you wanna get out of here?” she said, not wanting to just leave it there.

“Sure,” he said, a little taken aback as he’d expected her to just call it quits, “I’m not really dressed up for a night out or anything though.”

“Well nor am I so how about we just go for a walk or a drive or something?” she offered.

“Sounds good, let me grab my stuff,” he said, smiling as he walked off to find his bag with his keys most crucially. Jordana quickly found her own bag with her bra stuffed inside it along with her jacket and headed back to meet him at the doors, heading out with him into the car park.

“Where’s your car?” she asked.

“Just along here, plebs like me don’t get to park close to the studio,” he said with a laugh, highlighting the differences in their status. She just smiled and followed him, sliding her hand into his for him to lead her. They headed across the car park and round the building, past now-empty spaces towards his car which was a classic 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass, maroon in colour, the familiar boxy style so retro now and it was beautifully maintained, looking absolutely immaculate in the darkness.

“Nice,” she said, taking it in for a moment. She wasn’t a huge car person but she’d gained a lot more appreciation of them whilst working on the Fast & Furious franchise. He just smiled and unlocked it, Jordana pulling the long door open and sliding in as he joined her on the drivers side. It was just as well kept inside as out and she loved the thrum of the engine as he started it up.

“It might not be the hottest muscle car, but I love it,” he said, pulling away and heading for the gate.

“Looks like it,” she replied as the security guard at the gate let them out and he pulled out onto the darkened streets. Traffic was still plentiful but a lot better than it would be at any time of the day and he accelerated easily down the street to head out of the city, the throaty rumble of the V8 engine beneath them as he did. Jordana took a moment to look over at him, sneaking a glance when he was focused on the road, taking in his handsome features and well toned figure from his years of stunt work. She couldn’t deny she’d always been attracted to him and his interest certainly helped, it always made her feel wanted, and now she’d finally taken the step it felt as good as she hoped it would. She slid over a little and slipped her hand onto his leg, feeling him tense a little, just secretly hoping to herself that it stiffened his cock a little and made it harder to concentrate on driving.

“I’ll just head up into the hills a bit?” he asked with an inflection, pretty decided but ready to change if she vehemently disagreed for some reason.

“Sounds good, it’ll be quiet up there, peaceful,” she murmured, settling back in the seat as he pulled over towards a turn off. They didn’t speak, the car falling silent aside from the engine sound, throbbing through them as it loaded up on the climb into the hills, the city falling away behind them, lights fading as they escaped the buildings and rolled on into the darker, quieter surroundings of nature. She figured he knew where he was aiming for as he drove on with purpose and just relaxed to let him take her for a ride – after all she’d done it to him already she mused, smiling silently at her own joke. They weaved round the darkened roads and found a nice quiet place, a little car park that was lesser known with a great view out over the valley.

“This’ll do,” he commented quietly, pulling the Cutlass into the dusty, hard packed area and rolling it casually to a smooth stop, giving the engine just a moment to settle itself before switching it off. Jordana looked out, opening the door and letting the cool night air roll over her, stepping out onto the dust and walking to the edge of the hill to gaze out across the rolling expanse of the city below them. The breeze blew lightly past her ears, loose hair tumbling over her eyes as she took it all in, the busy and bustling night life off it all with her removed and in a peaceful place. She hadn’t realised she kinda needed to get a break away from it, though she wouldn’t have expected this as she looked over to Ed hopping out of the car and approaching.

“It’s lovely up here, so quiet,” she said.

“Yeah, the view’s lovely, up here and down there,” he said with a smile, seeing her glance sideways to him with a playful roll of her eyes at the corny joke. He stood next to her and leaned back on the hood of the car, just taking in the wide, seemingly never-ending cityscape below. Their breath was all that broke the cool night air for a few moments, Jordana entwining her fingers with his as they just sat comfortably.

“Sometimes you just need to get away,” she murmured.

“Yeah L.A. can be too much sometimes, I like to come driving out here to get away, just get those few minutes of peace,” he said.

“And quiet,” Jordana said slyly, looking at him with a sexy sideways smile, squeezing his hand and turning towards him as she slipped off the edge of the bonnet. She immediately pulled close to him and craned up to kiss, their lips pressing together once more, softly at first and then more intently as things got going, their tongues mingling and massaging as his hands pulled round her slender back. He practically pull her off her feet as they made out like a couple of teenagers against his car, his hands moving down to take a squeeze of her ass as she mumbled in pleasure.

“You know,” she said between kisses, “for all the cars I’ve been around I’ve never actually been fucked on one.”

“Really,” he replied, more as a statement than a question. She didn’t have time to respond as he pushed her away then grabbed her shoulder and hip and thrust her towards the car, Jordana bumping her thighs into the front of it and planting her hands on the hood with a gasp at being taken so roughly. She knew exactly the deal and didn’t speak, a rush of excitement going through her as he was about to tick something off her list as his hands reached round her hips to unfasten her jeans. He effortlessly released her trousers again and wrenched them and her panties down to expose her bare ass, making her gasp hungrily at the way he was taking charge, wasting no time in getting her ready to fuck.

She spread her legs as much as the jeans allowed and arched her back, sticking her ass out so her pussy bulged sweetly between her legs ready for him to bury his cock into as he yanked his own trousers and shorts down to free his erection, springing up ready for her and stiffening fully in anticipation. He wasted absolutely no time and grabbed his hard cock at the base, aiming it expertly as his other hand slid onto the small of her back and pressed her down to keep her in position. In a perfect, swift motion he drove himself forwards and buried his cock inside her again, rock hard shaft sliding deep inside her velvet tunnel with a single powerful stroke of his hips as she cried out, ready for it but not so intensely.

“Fuck!” she shouted to the silent night around them, curling her fingernails on the hood as he plundered her body, hips shoving against her tight ass to push her thighs into the front of the car. She moaned as her vagina convulsed around him, immediately turned on even more by him taking her so dominantly, just throwing her down and fucking her. It only served to make her pussy wetter for him and he took full advantage as he grabbed her waist, pulling back against the flare of her hips  to pump himself deeply into her. He could feel the pulses and squeezes of her muscles, combined with her grunts and gasps as pleasure overtook the dominating discomfort of the sudden penetration, loving how she rolled her hips back even as he held her down to maximise his depth inside her.

“Ohh fuck me, come on,” she gasped through gritted teeth, giving in to her wants fully now as she braced herself and shoved back into the hard fucking she was receiving. His hands pulled hard at her with every thrust, fingers digging into her soft, tan skin as he hauled back on her, wasting no energy this time as he fucked her in full control. He had space to really indulge now and used it all as he braced himself into the dry dirt of the quiet spot and drove his cock inside her, loving the silky smooth feel of her the actress slipping and sliding along his cock, wetter and more turned on than earlier, working to squeeze her pussy at him for their mutual pleasure. Her gasps were hard and exerted, taking it as he pumped on her, loving how he’d pinned her down on the bonnet, breasts pressed hard into the engine-warmed metal.

“Harder,” she breathed, barely audible through her heavy breaths.

“What?” he questioned, not missing a beat with his rhythm.

“Harder! Fuck me harder,” she yelled, not caring if anyone heard as she knew they were alone. His wish was her command it seemed as he suddenly stepped it up, thrusts changing from near full length to shorter, faster, harder ones as he drove himself full depth, his increased intensity getting him that little bit deeper as she grunted through her gasps, his head slamming at her cervix now. It was a lot to take but her orgasm started to bubble, having been quietly simmering under the surface and now coming to the fore, his cock slamming down over her G-spot as he pounded her from behind, something she always loved about the position. It accelerated her climax, building it up faster than it had been before, the telltale tingles and twitches of her pussy coming faster as she rolled her hips so he hit just the right spot.

He knew she was about to explode from her grunts and gasps, louder, more desperate as he pinned her down over the hood of his classic Cutlass. Jordana was spread out over the deep maroon bonnet, her gorgeous slender body splayed out before him, fingers holding onto the smooth paintwork, lost in her mop of black hair as she grunted harder and faster, more hungrily, voice starting to break a little as she struggled to hold her orgasm back. She wanted to hold it back to maximise its strength, to let it build until she couldn’t hold it any more before she let it crash over her soul, though it wasn’t really in her control and he made clear he wasn’t going to give her a break on that. Knowing she was close only drove him to increase his thrusting, using his strength and fitness to step it up even more, giving her the hardest fuck from behind she thought she’d ever had as he found a top gear and absolutely smashed her. His hips slapped noisily against her ass, their feet grinding on the dust as their breaths cut through the still night air in delightful isolation.

She wailed loudly in pleasure as she held on a few final seconds as his cock drove deeply inside her, hammering with a power and pace she’d forgotten, loving every millisecond of it as he thumped her G-spot and drilled her until she simply couldn’t resist it. She let out a scream of pleasure, an exaltation of release and ecstasy as she finally let go and shuddered hard as it hit her, more intense and sharp than when she’d come before in the car, the orgasm intense and sudden as it finally broke over her. He kept pounding her which both accentuated it and made it worse, the slender Panamanian unable to handle it but simultaneously not wanting it to stop, her body an absolute contradiction as she gave hard, harsh breaths and grunts across the paintwork of the hood.

She survived a few more seconds before pawing back at him to slow him, body suddenly sensitive as it all passed with a final judder and she felt the tiredness wash through her, tight muscles giving way after holding on so long to leave her exhausted and laying on the car for support. He slowed down but he didn’t stop fucking her, switching back to his longer, slower thrusts that still embedded his entire length inside her just more gently. He was still relishing the squeezes and grip of her pussy as she calmed down, now wetter than before so it was even easier to bury himself and he just relished doing that. He gradually slowed to a near stop, just holding her tightly and working himself slowly tip to balls, almost slipping out of her before burying himself fully inside her to press into her hottest depths before withdrawing.

With a few final thrusts, he pulled right back to hesitate for a moment, catching her off guard before he slammed himself into her hard, making her cry out again and his cock flex, jamming her legs into the nose of the car and holding himself full depth for a moment before he slowly pulled back out of her to let his cock spring free. Rock hard and slick with her juices, he yanked her up off the car and spun her around, drawing her into an intense, passionate kiss, their tongues battling hard as he pressed into her tummy.

“Top off,” he breathed as they broke apart, grabbing the bottom edge of the cotton and peeling it up. Jordana obeyed without question and put her arms up, allowing him to slip the top easily off over her head, pulling it out of the tumble of her hair and casting it onto the bonnet out the way as her perky breasts bounced free again. Her nipples stiffened in the cool air as he pushed down on her shoulders to drop her to her knees, sinking down in front of the car onto the dust with his rock hard cock bobbing in front of her. She expected him to shove it into her mouth, which she wasn’t entirely on board with but would have greedily done it if he had, but he had other ideas.

“Push your tits together,” he commanded, gripping the base of his cock. Jordana knew exactly what he wanted, though she wasn’t exactly built to do it.

“I’ll try but they’re not very big,” she replied honestly, pushing herself up on her knees to match his height and squeezing her tits together for him with her hands, taking the opportunity to strum her thumbs across her hard nipples. He didn’t respond, not caring at all and simply wanting to do it, dipping down to press his rock hard erection against her chest, already slick with her pussy juices and ready to go as she looked down to force her tits together around him. She just about enclosed his thick cock, looking down at the engorged shaft between her breasts as she held tight and watched it surge up towards her as he thrust against her. She just took it in as he thrust up then pulled back down between them, head disappearing between her humble but firm boobs before sliding back up with a groan from him.

“Oh yeah, come on, fuck them,” Jordana breathed huskily, wanting to encourage him as she looked up to him, catching his gaze as she foxily looked up with a determined glint in her eye, biting her lip sexily as she spurred him on. He didn’t exactly need any encouragement held her slim shoulders as he thrust against her, loving the feel of her warm body wrapped around him as he drove his cock against her sternum, rubbing between the soft skin of her gorgeous breasts as they pressed against him. Her chest might be smaller than she might think ideal for it but it was perfect as she pressed it to him, starting to get into it as she focused on him and worked her body, rocking up and down on her knees to work with his thrusts and maximise his stroke against her. She hadn’t done this for years but had to admit she liked it, or rather his enjoyment of it and focused on pushing him over the edge as she worked her body briskly against him.

“Mm yeah,” she murmured, feeling him pumping harder, hearing his intense gasps of the cool night air, his fingers tight on her shoulders as he held her down firmly and fucked her tits. She just braced herself against his efforts as his grunts became deeper, feeling him tense and strain between her tits as he evidently came to the boil, about to explode and leave her with a pearl necklace. Or so she thought, as with a final, rapid thrusts he ground himself into her then yanked away, popping from between her soft tits to spring up before her, his hand immediately grabbing his cock and jerking it furiously as his other hand instinctively shoved into her hair, twisting it in his finger as he took a commanding handful and yanked her head back with a jolt that made her gasp intently as she dropped back on her knees to sit on her heels, perfectly positioned for him.

“Oh meu Deus!” she breathed, surprised and shocked, her Portuguese tongue taking over without thinking as she decided for a split second, eyes wide and locked on his throbbing cock.

“Vamos! Vamos!” she cried out, louder than intended, giving in at that moment to being his little fuck doll, letting him treat her like this as she squeezed her eyes shut. She’d never normally agree to this, facials weren’t her thing, but right now it was all just caught up in the moment, passionate and hungry and just felt right. Her babbling in her mother tongue was sexy and unexpected, loving that she’d simply devolved into it as he stroked his cock, unable to hold himself back now as he grunted and gave a final strokes, his hand moving fast and strong around his sensitive tip as he held to the last second before he exploded with a roar of release, thrusting his hips towards her as the first jet of come spurted across her face.

Jordana gasped as the thick, hot come hit her face, splashing across her cheek, nose and forehead with a terrific burst, followed by another over her eye, then nose and a couple of final ones over her lips and onto her neck as she breathed hard, still squeezing her tits hard, fingers dug tightly into her perky B-cups. He wiped the last off on her chin and stepped back, breathing hard as sweat pricked his forehead, gasping as hard as she was in the aftermath. His load cooled quickly on her skin in the cool night air, opening her mouth and running her tongue over his lips to taste him as she opened her one free eye to look up at him, breaking into a naughty smile.

“Goddamn,” she mumbled, dropping her hands to her bare thighs and steadying herself as they both inhaled deeply. He just smiled back and reached down to pull his trousers up, giving a stretch as he stepped round to his car to reach in and grab some tissues for her from the glove box. Jordana gratefully took them from him and immediately dabbed her eye to soak it up, wiping it carefully away before absorbing the rest of it from her face, trying to make sure she got it all as he just watched, taking in her lithe body knelt before him in the dust. He helped her up as she pushed up from her knees, reaching down to pull her jeans up, buttoning them and swiping at the knees a little to tidy up, casually topless as he took her in. She just gave him a smile as she saw him staring and turned round to grab her top from the hood of the car, giving him a lovely view of her sexy back as she stretched up to slide into it.

“Haven’t you got enough of a look already?” she asked, turning back with a smile.

“Never enough,” he said as she pulled close for another kiss.

After that they just took some time to sit against the hood again, then back inside the car as she got a bit cold in the cool night air, snuggling up on the front seats in the peace and quiet of the night until they eventually agreed they’d better get home. The next day was waiting for them with more stunts and rehearsals. They were quiet as they drove home, nothing to say now as the car rumbled through the quiet streets, their hands entwined in the middle as he casually cruised her back to her fancy, up-market home, reminding him their worlds strikingly different as he stopped at her gated community. They separated with a deep, tongue-twisting kiss, no promises of more, nothing but Jordana thanking him honestly for a great night as she leaned over the passenger door to give him a final look down her top before she headed away with a bounce in her step. He watched her go then rumbled away into the early morning, headed for his apartment with a shower and very satisfying sleep.

* * *

Things working together were fun and pleasant for the next few weeks; he didn’t bring up what had happened between them save for a hint at something more which she shut down, as much because she simply wasn’t sure than anything else. The sex had been great but she really didn’t know whether to pursue it or not, though she considered it. Their stunt rehearsal work finished and she was onto the shooting, not working with him so much though she still saw him around, giving her a chance to consider it.

And then she started to get weird cravings and other symptoms, her breasts felt tender and almost like they filled her bra a touch more. She dismissed it initially, figuring it couldn’t be what she thought, something she wouldn’t dare hope for, but she figured she’d better check it out just in case.

* * *

Jordana sought him out through the set, hurrying around and managing to find him relaxing on his own in a quiet area on a break time, surprising him as she suddenly appeared.

“Whoa Jordana...hey, what’s up?” he said, initially taken aback.

“A lot actually, I’ve got to tell you something,” she said, flustered, fumbling around.

“Um...ok?” he said, unsure, figuring she was going to say she wanted a proper date or something.

“I took a...I mean,” she said, fumbling in her purse for something, looking up into his eyes, “I’m pregnant,” she said bluntly, pulling out a positive pregnancy test and holding it up to him. He just stood in front of her dumbfounded, absolutely lost for words as she presented it with a trembling hand.

“You hit the jackpot,” she said with a tremble to her voice, tears pricking her eyes. There was a moment of palpable tension between them, the air thick with trepidation as she waited for his response. He didn’t speak, but did break into a somewhat disbelieving smile, genuine happiness evident as she gave a slight sob. A miracle it may be, but she figured it was meant to be and happily let him draw her to him in that moment, the pain of her past washed away.


The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 03:15:22 PM by Noj »


Re: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 07:37:23 PM »
Fuck. That was hot.
The following users thanked this post: Noj, BigMak456


Re: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2021, 12:53:44 AM »
Thank you again Noj for taking on this request! Great to see Jordana finally getting some love and appreciation. 11/10 and can't wait to see some more in the future!
The following users thanked this post: diamond_luv, Noj


Re: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2021, 02:21:04 PM »
Damn, that was fucking awesome. You popped her cherry on the site! First time I've ever seen a story with Jordana ever.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Noj, BigMak456


Re: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2021, 08:51:10 AM »
Oh my god, now that was H.O.T.

This is the kind of content I love reading on this site. One of the best writers on this site using an underrated celeb.

I loved the build up with the dirty talking, and even better that it had an epilogue in the end after the sex. Plot driven stories like this are always the best.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Jordana Brewster - Personal Training
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2021, 11:58:04 AM »
Words can't describe how much I like your writing Noj as it is always a joy to read any story of yours.

Now I must apologize for not commenting earlier as this story just slipped my mind.

Anyway, as I have written before, your characterization of the celebs involved and the action is top notch. Always has been and I am glad to see you dedicate your skills to write a story featuring Jordana Brewster who is sadly one of many overlooked actresses when it comes to celeb fiction.

Though I am a little sad that you didn't include anal as well as I think Jordana Brewster has a fine posterior as well, but this is your story after all and I am just happy that you don't seem to have grown tired of writing over all these years that I have read your stories.

Another great job from you Noj!!! :Y:
The following users thanked this post: Noj


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