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A Friendly Bet starring The Women of Riverdale
« on: January 28, 2022, 11:31:30 PM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

A Friendly Bet starring Camila Mendes, Madelaine Petsch, Lili Reinhart and Vanessa Morgan
(MFFFF, FF, Oral, Anal, ATM)
by MaxwellLord

"It's not that simple and you know it," Madelaine said. She, as well as her co-stars Camila Mendes, Vanessa Morgan, and Lili Reinhart were taking a communal break together in her trailer. During the break she and Camila had gotten into a discussion about the male libido and Madelaine, to her surprise, ended up taking the defense.

"I'd say it is," Cami said. "Are you seriously saying if you or I went up to a guy and flat out offered him guilt-free, no strings attached sex he's going to turn it down? The guy will have his pants down around his ankles before you finish the sentence."

"Not every guy," Madelaine said. "Like what if he's already involved with someone?"

"Oh yeah, like men never cheat."

"You think they'll be at this the entire lunch break?" Lili asked Vanessa before taking a sip from her Coke.

"We'll be lucky if this ends at lunch, Lils." Vanessa replied. The two sat back on the couch and watched the debate continue.

"Did I say they never cheated? What I am saying is some guys don't. And even some single guys will hesitate."

"Mads, with all do respect...bullshit."

"You can call bullshit all you want but it's true." The redhead uncrossed her long legs and and took a breath before presenting her case. "You're making the assumption that you're not going to run into some guys who have their own hang-ups. Trust issues, maybe they got done dirty by their ex or they think you're setting them up to be messed with. So you going up to some guy and tell him you're ready to spread if he's ready to drop trow is more likely to freak him out."

"Okay, I'll concede some of that," Cami said, leaning back against the back of her chair. "But are you saying that a normal guy, single and no hang-ups like that is going to say no?"

"I think it's a strong possibility. I also think it's going to take more than bluntness. I think...you have do some seduction of your own. If you make it so it's like anyone could have you, the guy is going to be hesitant. However, you give him a little extra TLC, attention and give some light hints leading up to a full on invite then you have him. It's like fishing...or what I'd imagine fishing is like being a vegan. You don't just drop the lure in. There's some technique to it, even in a lake overflowing with fish."

"Well Madelaine my dear pal what we're talking about is just all theory," Cami said.

"Here we go..." Lili said, taking another sip.

"So I propose we try it in practice." Cami smiled with cheeky confidence.

"Are you serious?" Madelaine asked, more intrigued than shocked at the suggestion.

"Very." Cami smiled. "Surely that's the only way to know for sure, right? We try in person."

"Okay. But I have some rules."

Lili and Vanessa exchanged knowing looks. "Wish I had some popcorn instead of just the coffee," said Vanessa.

"Let's hear 'em," Cami said.

"First off," Madelaine began. "If we do this, we're going all the way. I will have no pre-meditated blue-balling on my conscience."

"Fair. We go intending to seal the deal. Exceptions being of course guys who are already attached. Purely single guys."

"And no getting them drunk!" Madelaine said. "Clear-headed."

"Agreed, but we can't stop him from buying for himself because that would be suspicious so I say we don't buy them for him or ask him if he wants another. Fair?"

"Works for me. And Lili and Vanessa can be our enforcers."

"Your what?" Lili asked.

"Someone to make sure we both follow the rules and judge who won." Madelaine answered.

"Okay, and just what are the rules?" Vanessa said. "I mean I get what you said isn't allowed, but what is exactly? I mean I've been listening to this conversation for the past twenty minutes and I'm not 100% clear on the goals. And considering I've got a toddler at home I'm pretty good at following gibberish."

"It's simple really," Camila said. "Madelaine and I pick a guy, we approach. We proposition. Now, if he takes the bait right away, I win. However, if it takes a little work, our lovable redhead wins."

"And you're both committed to following through?" Lili asked. "100%?"

"Yes," Madelaine said. "Unless of course he's attached and we find out. Then I don't give a shit about his blue balls. He deserves them. Or if he's inebriated or decides to back out himself."

"Agreed." Camila smiled offered her hand to Madelaine and the redhead shook it in response. "This weekend work for you?"


The weekend came and the players were in place. Camila and Madelaine were dressed to impress, as were their judges Vanessa and Lili. The rules were set in stone at this point. They'd settle on a guy and if he passed the single test as well as field sobriety he was in the running. Cami had five minutes to get in his pants to prove her point. When she went over, Madelaine went in and if she got the guy with her more gentle touch, she won and she and Cami would share the lucky lad. However if Cami got it done, it'd be a solo show. As for what else was on the line, the pair agreed on the lump sum of one dollar.

The judges were in place, observing close enough but not obviously so. To the rest of the bar it was just a normal weekend as the women were regulars. No one really took notice, which was perfect.

Madelaine and Camila were at the bar, each delicately nursing a cocktail of their own. Not particularly strong ones, just enough to get the right amount of loose and cool. They traded in between idle chit chat and light boasting as they kept eyes out for prospective targets.

The bar itself was familiar ground. It was a hotel bar used a lot for end of season wrap parties for Riverdale and just in general by the cast and crew. As a result neither Camila nor Madelaine had anything approaching home field advantage.

Anyone they recognized as regulars were out automatically. That thinned the herd incredibly. Both women and their good judges agreed the fairest thing was freshness. Past one night stands and fuck-buddies wouldn't prove a thing. They needed, for lack of a better term, fresh meat.

The first candidate both could agree on came in. He was definitely cute, a bit of chocolate to begin the night, and maybe finish it as well.

The two agreed to let him settle in first, order his first drink. Camila would not depart until whatever he ordered hit the table. The moment it did however, she'd be off to win her dollar. When the beer glass was on the table she was off of her stool.

Before the man had finished his first sip Camila had pulled out the seat in front of him. "Seat taken?" asked the actress as she took it regardless. Her brashness would have almost have taken the man by surprise if Camila herself had been so stunning. Still, the element of surprise was clear on his face.

"I'm Camila," she said. "What's you name cutie?"

"Uhhhh, Chester?" he said, looking side to side in a somewhat-confused state.

"I like it. You know, you don't meet too many Chesters these days. It's a nice name. Cute, friendly and easy to memorize."

"Th-thanks?" he said, still unsure of what to make of the the beautiful Brazilian in front of him. Camila saw that as a positive sign.

"So, you alone?" she asked.

"Well, kind of I guess." He replied. "I mean I might go see some friends later but I just thought I'd get a drink first since I got off work early."

"Well, lucky you," Cami said. "Luckier than you know actually. Because you don't even have to be alone right now." Cami was laying it thick. Her intentions were known, the look in her eyes, the tone in her voice were all clear signals, with the coup de grace being the touch of her hand to his. Camila knew she had him and had the bet. All she had to do was give him the story of a lifetime in the restroom of the bar and it was settled.

However, Camila was so confident in her win she was ignoring the very obvious signals Chester was giving off that she was coming on a bit too strong. So strong that she was putting him off of all her delights. And while Cami couldn't spot it, Madelaine, Lili and Vanessa did with Madelaine having the biggest of grins.

"Is there a problem?" Cami said, pressing. "I mean, do I have to be even more blunt? Because I don't mind."

"Um...uh..." Chester said, words refusing to come to his head as he couldn't quite piece together what was going on. The only thought that was loud and clear was that stuff like this just didn't happen and to a guy with Chester's brand of luck that told him something was off and it was time to depart. "Huh, I just got a text," he lied.

"I didn't hear anything," Camila said.

"I have it on vibrate." Chester got up, taking his phone out and mock-unlocking it. "Would you look at that, my friends are at another bar. Better go meet them."

Before Cami could try and save things he was already off to handle his single drunk tab and Cami was left alone, disappointed and frustrated at the table. The alone aspect of that, however, didn't last too long as Madelaine joined her where Chest once sat, her smile bigger than ever and with a certain amount of I told you so radiating off of it like a neon sign.

"Feel like throwing in the towel?" Madelaine said. "Or do you still want to go ahead with this after that little display?"

"Well the towel has not been thrown in nor the white flag raised, my dear Madelaine," said Cami. "The night is still young and you haven't yet had your time."

"Well at this rate if you keep scaring them away I don't even know if I'll get to display my point." The two got up form the table and rejoined Vanessa and Lili and awaited the next suitable suitor-in-waiting.

It would be a short while before a true suitable candidate would show up. They did approach a few, but they all failed the requirements. Slimeballs who were attached overly cocksure idiots who were probably packing so little heat it was like the Arctic Tundra in their pants.

However eventually another prime candidate came in. The shaggy, sandy-haired man came in. Far from too cool for the room but also not being a bundle of nerves, at least not upon first gaze, walked in. He took a seat at familiar territory, Chester's table, after getting a drink from the bar. With that, Camila departed for what she hoped would be her jackpot.

"Hey there," she said. "Mind if I take a seat?" she asked, this time pausing for the man's reaction.

"Sure," he said. "Free of charge, in fact."

"How generous." Camila took the seat, a bit more confidence in her attitude. However, she had learned her lesson from the blunder with Chester. While she was certainly still going for a win, the lesson had been learned. "Though I do have to admit a man like yourself have a chair to spare."

"Not that surprising. I mean only about as surprising as a woman like you being the one to make the approach. I mean shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"What can I say, I'm very modern." Camila gave him a smile that was returned. So far, so good. "What are you drinking?"

"Jack and Coke," he replied. "Pretty basic."

"I'd call it classic. You have a name just as classic or is it a bit more modern?"

"Mac," he said. "Short for MacDonald."

"That a first or last name?"

"First. You?"

"Camila. Cami for short. I think you can figure out if it's first or last."

While Camila's modified approach was being enacted Madelaine and the appointed judges watched.

"Worried?" Lili asked. "I mean I know its trivial but still, competition."

"Not at all." Madelaine replied. "She's two minutes deep and making progress, I'll give her that. But we agreed to five minutes for him to agree to a romp. So far they haven't. Now it's possible she will but if that doesn't happen, I'm tagged in to show all the advantages of a gentler approach."

Back at the table Camila had gotten a drink of her own. It was a drink that had a Coke mixer as well, though the actress had opted for rum. They seemed to be on the same wavelength which gave Camila a smile that while she couldn't suppress, she could definitely add a bit of va-voom to.

"So what exactly are you looking to get into tonight?" she asked.

"Not quite sure," he said. "But something tells me you might have an idea I might be receptive to."

"Are you psychic?" she said with a grin, both fueled by attraction and knowing victory was in her grasp. Every light was green and she just about to put her six-inch heels on the gas pedal. "I have a bunch of fun ideas. I think though it might be more constructive to tell you those someplace a bit more...private."

"Well I think where we are right now is fine for ideas," he said. And all those greens turned yellow. "I mean let's be real, instead of a roll in the hay you could just be setting me up to be rolled. No offense but you never can tell if in a situation like this."

"Well, any way I could ease those nerves?" Cami asked, staying cool on the clock.

"Maybe just talk a little more. Unless I'm a bore."

"Hardly." She said. She had time, not much of it and if Cami didn't at least try to roll with this, who knew if she'd get this close again and simply lose by default. At least right now, she had a tangible shot, but one that was fading second by second. "However, while I would never be the type to say talk is cheap, can't blame a girl for wanting a bit of action, can you?"

"Not when I can relate," he said, making Camila hope the red light would be skipped over completely. "Still, I like the conversation. It gives me a bit more footing. Hearing your voice, the rhythm of your words and you hearing mine...I don't know, I feel like it gives us both a better sense of what yo expect."

"Fair enough," she said, hoping she could chip away that last bit of resistance within the next forty-five seconds. "Still, if I'm game and you're game..."

"I am, but I have my pace. Though it's not for everyone, it seems."

That wasn't a good sign. She needed just a for more seconds. However, the moment she saw Madelaine sashaying her way to the table. He time was up and Madelaine was clocking in. She was going to get fifteen minutes and Cami could stay or go. Camila opted to to stay. She wasn't one to turn down a good time, even if she was the "loser" of the night.

"Now Cami is this where you've been hiding?" Madelaine asked, her tone bubbly and effervescent as a bottle of champagne. "And with such a handsome new friend." She pulled up her own seat and sat between Mac and Camila. "Hi new friend. I'm Madelaine."

"I'm Mac," he said, raising his glass in greeting.

"Well how about that?" Madelaine said. "We're alliterative. Add Cami's last name to the mix and it's a hat trick."

"The number three does seem to be coming up." He replied.

"That it does," acknowledged the redhead. "Purely in an innocent fashion I'm sure."

"Oh completely," Camila jokingly said, nodding and going along with Madelaine's play. She's already lost the bet but that was no reason to throw in the towel on the whole night as Mac seemed the most solid prospect for fun she'd seen all night.

"It's obvious to see why," Madelaine continued. "I mean the number three is connected to a lot of wonderful things. Three course meals, three piece suits, the Tri-Force..."

"Are dropping Zelda references?" asked Mac.

"Of course," Madelaine said, her friendly tone hooking Mac's attention in a different way.

Camila enjoyed to watch Madelaine's method. it was always something to see her friend who was sensational at playing an over-the top, femme fatale sexpot shift into gear and let her real self out. Still sexy, but definitely in that good next door way...until she decided it was time to let sparks fly.

"You stumbled upon a little coven of Nintendo girls. We all have our own Switches. I'm a bit more on the casual side. Animal Crossing and Mario Party, that kind of thing. Cami here? Total Mario Kart and Smash Brothers girl with three different N64s."

"Guilty." Cami admitted with a smile that dance on the edge of sweet and sexy. She started to match her tone to Madelaine's now.

"And our friend Lili over there," the redhead said, pointing out out the blonde. "She has the record among us for Luigi's Mansion. Our other friend over there, Vanessa, she's a bit more like me. Far more in the casual category."

"Casual can be fun. Especially in triplicate."

"I don't know if I could disagree with that assessment," Madelaine continued, Camila noting the slightest change of tone in the redhead's voice. The bubbliness was still there, but there was a bite to this champagne. "To the point where there's a phrase I just can't wrap my head it."

"What phrase is that?" Cami smiled as Mac unknowingly set Madelaine up. She knew what the redhead was going to say and it was going to seal the deal with minutes to spare.

"Two's company, three's a crowd." Madelaine replied. "It's just nonsense to me. It's that word "crowd". It's got such a negative connotation. I prefer a slight modification."

"Would you care to share that modification Mads?"

"Of course Cami." Madelaine took a quick sip of her Manhattan before removing the cherry and eating it, the action purposely taking residence between seduction and consumption. "Two's company, three or more is a party."

"Or more?" Mac asked, echoing a question Cami herself had when she heard those words fall from Madelaine's bee-stung lips.

"Well this being one on one kind of evaporated when I joined Camila and when I pointed out our friends out that kind of takes care of the more aspect of it."

Camila looked to Lili and Vanessa. It made sense, and Camila was fine with them being in on the fun that Madelaine seemed to be guaranteeing. She must have talked them into it while Camila was working solo and given the relatively short amount of time that was it didn't take much. All of a sudden Camila's "loss" was looking better and better to her.

"Before we go any further, I think we should actually get down to the brass tacks of what "it" actually is," Mac said. "Not that I'm going to lie and say so far I've only been looking two wonderful sets of brown eyes but the other thing I've been looking at, or for rather for I just can't seem to find which works out in the favor of fun."

"And what would you be looking for?" Camila asked.

"Hidden cameras. Because ladies, to put it mildly, something like this only happens in dirty movies and even dirtier dreams. So my thoughts is this is more likely a prank show or you guys are getting ready to roll me like in that movie Hustlers."

Both Camila and Madelaine had to laugh, both at the suggestion and the use of the film Lili was in as an example of the man's trepidation. Of course, Madelaine was prepared to take care of those worries.

"I can see that," Madelaine said. "And frankly I don't know what I can say to ease those concerns." Madelaine's hand reach over to his, not grabbing it but caressing it with her thumb. "However I can say that not a one of us has any ill-intentions. In fact once you get a bit more familiar with our lovely blonde friend you'll see how close and how far your fear are from the truth."

"Close yet far? Well now I feel like I just have to get involved in whatever you ladies have cooked up."

"I knew you were a smart one," Camila said. "And if it will ease your nerves, this isn't a regular thing for us either...but that's no reason to not go through with a real good idea."

"So how about you take care of your tab and we'll get ours," Madelaine said. "Then we'll go up to the room."

"There's a room?" he asked.

"Of course, cutie," she said as her and Cami rose from their seat. "Pays to be prepared." The pair walked by either side of him, Madelaine pausing to kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear, "Meet you in the lobby."

The women took care of their tabs, Camila making sure Lili and Vanessa were in for the whole night, to which the answer was a resounding yes. Madelaine was one hell of a salesperson.

Once all drinks for both parties were taken of the meeting in the lobby occurred and the moment Mac recognized Lili more of what was going on fit in to place. Not all of it but more than enough to put him 100% at ease going up to a hotel room with four strangers. Them being four of the most beautiful women he'd ever met didn't hurt either.

Modest chit-chat and flirtations overtook the elevator music on the trip up to the room. It was all background noise. None of the conversation was meant to be anything more than time killing at this point. There wasn't even any undercover bragging from Madelaine to Camila. That'd be for later. There was something front and center in all their minds which was outranking anything else.

Once the fivesome hit the room things began to move at a pace more to Camila liking. Madelaine, Vanessa and Lili sat on a couch near the room's window while Camila pressed Mac against the wall right before the bed. It was a perfect view for the trio who couldn't wait to see Camila start things off with her unique brand of magic.

The first kiss she planted on Mac's lip was soft. Soft, but hot as fire. He opened his mouth to speak but Camila shushed him with a gentle press of her finger to his lips. She smirked and shook her head playfully.

"I think we can both put the talking to rest for right now," she said, trailing her finger from his lips drown his chest. "There's something a lot more fun we should be doing anyway, unless you have objections." Mac shook his head. "Very good answer."

Mac's lips were sealed once more with a much deeper kiss from Cami, one in which his tongue was introduced to hers. As those moist muscles wrestled with each other the pair's hands began to roam each other's body, Mac running his hands down the exposed back of Camila while her her own settled on his rump, squeezing his cheeks just as the kiss broke with a small string of saliva still connecting their lips.

The Brazilian bombshell licked Mac's lips before descended to her knees. She unbuttoned his shirt, each one becoming loosened like they were buttons on an elevator, telling her which floor Camila was on. When she to her desired floor his pants were unzipped and around his ankles.

Camila looked up at him, gently raking her dark-painted nails up and down his legs. It was delicate too, enough pressure to feel it but nothing that would leave a mark, a tactile whisper. A smile crossed her lips, painted a darker shade of crimson. Camila extended her tongue, gently placing it just above Mac's knee and licking up for an inch before pressing her lips together in a kiss. She moved to the other leg and did the same, zig-zagging up and stopping just short of his balls. Though just because Cami's mouth didn't make contact didn't mean they remained untouched.

Mac let a soft moan slip from his mouth as his sensitive sack was fondled. Camila delicately played with his balls, tickling his taint with light traces of her nails. It was fun for Camila to watch him squirm and see Mac's cock get harder and harder until finally it was ready for something a bit more fun.

"Oh damn..." Mac said when Camila's tongue gently licked the crown of his cock. Soft, wet and delicate as it swirled around his sceptre. His hands reached out for her head, but Cami stopped him. He was confused for a moment, then Camila spoke.

"How about just for right now keep those hands to yourself," she said, her tone seductive instead of harsh. "I think right now we need a bit more of a delicate touch, wouldn't you agree?"

"The logic is flawless."

"Clever boy." After that last bit of banter, Camila went back into action. Her lips wrapped once more around his bishop's tip, her hands also joining in. Her left fondled and cradled his balls with her left hand and soft stroked his shaft with the right.

Camila's a wonderful wet rhythm going as he mouth ventured down on Mac's dick. it was like a sauna had meshed with a tornado,  the warmth and the wetness swirling in the suction provided by the mouth of Mendes combined with the delicate tough of her soft hand was making Mac's hear pump so hard he swore he could hear every beat in his ears.

Camila pulled off, taking a few breaths and brought both her hands to Mac's cock. He through his head back and moaned out her name as the dual stroking began. Terrific twists and teasing to the tip and base and back again. He was rock hard and putty in her hands at the exact same time.

Camila brought her face once more into the orbit of Mac's manhood, though this time her mouth wasn't open wide enough to take his girth inside. Instead she caressed it with the soft flesh of her face, letting her hands fall away as a trail of spit and precum began to grace her cheeks. Once more a jolt was sent through his body once she ran his bulbous head over her lips and her hot breath hit his wet, slick crown.

"So how long are we going to just sit back and watch?" Vanessa asked. "Not that I'm not loving the show but I think the judging part is over and I don't think I signed up and got a babysitter just to be an audience member."

"Well I think I see my opening," Madelaine said as she watched as Cami's mouth took in Mac's dick once more, this time a sucking him just that much harder, hand's free this time. It just made the redhead even hornier, her hand beneath her underwear and rubbing her wet pussy "I think in the meantime you two can find a way to pass the time." Madelaine removed her hand and sucked her essence from her fingers before going over to join Camila. With the redhead absent, Lili's eyes met Vanessa. Both women were smiling at each other, though the blonde's only grew wider when Vanessa beckoned her over with her index finger.

While Lili and Vanessa became far more interested in each other at the moment than whatever contest Madelaine and Cami had been in, Madelaine was focused on joining her friends in a bit of debauchery.

"How about we start putting all that talk about the number three into action," Madelaine said as she knelt next to Camila. She wasn't expecting a reply however, especially not from Camila who's mouth was otherwise occupied. That tended to keep Mac's voice occupied moaning the praises of Camila's technique. The redhead wanted some of those moans to be for her as well and brought her plump red lips to his balls, hungrily sucking and licking the full orbs.

"H-holy cow," Mac managed to get out. While he was expecting some group action the actual sensation of it with Cami's lips wrapped around his cock and Madelaine working over his balls was better than he could have ever expected. The dual sauna treatment was intense, so intense he was missing the intense girl-on-girl action on the couch on his right. The two mouths on his joy division was just too much to ignore.

Just as he was fully getting in to the oral delights provided by his new-found lovers both Camila and Madelaine pulled off, though they were far from done with him.

"Care for a taste?" Cami asked, putting Mac's throbbing member in the ginger's direction. "I know you're a vegan and all but I think this piece of meat is acceptable."

"You ever going to retire that joke?" Madelaine teasingly asked as she took hold of Mac's member from Camila.

"Probably not." Camila replied before planting a kiss on Madelaine's lips. "Have fun." Her brown eyes looked up to Mac. "And brace yourself. We're only getting started."

Mac felt himself melt away into pleasure as Madelaine began to suck him. Right from the start there was a different style to how the fiery vixen blew him. Mads took him to the root from the start, holding him there for a few moments and backed off, all to show him just what she could do. She grasped his cock and beat saliva-slick cock so fast her fist was a blur and his knees began to buckle. Just when he thought it was going to be too much, too soon Madelaine stopped, giggling a cheeky giggle as Mac tried to collect himself. Before he he could do that completely however, Madelaine returned her mouth to his cock, frothily sucking and slurping up and down his pole.

Madelaine's pace was more urgent and demanding than Camila's had been, the exact opposite of her approach to Mac at the bar. That however didn't mean there was no skill. Even at the frantic pace she was keeping, she was hitting sweet spots even Mac didn't know she had with her sucking and stroking. All the while he heard Cami's voice rise above the sexy slurping, though it never seemed to rise above a whisper.

"Don't cum," he heard Camila say, followed by gentle kiss to his thigh. "Look at me." Mac did, meeting her gaze and sensual smile. "Don't cum." She leaned over to kiss Madelaine's neck. "It'll be worth it Mac...just don't cum..."

Now his eyes got more of a treat as he watched Camila begin to strip, removing her top and showing her wonderful tits off. She whispered in Madelaine's ear, getting a muffled "Mmm hmm" from the redhead that sent delightful vibrations through Mac's prong. After that the ginger beauty went hands free once more which allowed Cami to begin to disrobe her and reveal her pale globes to Mac's eyes. And obviously Mac had no choice but to ping pong his eyes between the two lovely sets of tits on front of him, the petite mounds of Cami with her dark, aroused nipples and Madelaine's bigger handfuls, topped off with candy-pink puffy nipples and both made his mouth water like Niagra falls. Camila and Madelaine were about to turn that into in a full-fledged flood.

"Hey Mads," Cami said, getting closer to the action once more. "Would mind sharing that?"

Madelaine released Mac's cock with a pop and turned her attention to Camila, a cheeky smile on her face to match the brunette's. "I don't see why not," she said. "After all we're such good friends Cami, and isn't sharing one of the many things friends are for?"

"Right you are, Mads." Camila answered. And all Mac could do was look was watch, mouth agape as the two women began to combine their efforts. And as both sets of lovely lips sandwich his cockhead between them in a luscious kiss he finally managed to mutter something beyond a pleased groan.

"Oh holy shit," managed Mac. "Oh my gosh this is fucking perfect." Camila and Madelaine would have loved to spew back some dirty flirty talk back at him but they had far more pressing matters to take care of with their mouths. Besides, Mac wasn't going to mind one bit.

The two worked in perfect unison, reading the moment and acting on instinct with their oral mastery. One on his cock, the other on his balls, switching it up. Teasing the tip with dual-wielded tongues and then the coupe-de-grace of a lip lock over the crown, both tongues swirling and rolling around the tip as they struggled to embrace.

The feelings were intense, beyond words and the site of it was almost too much to bare. Just the intensity of there tongues dueling as the swirling around him did a number, but the visual and the sound of it...he had to get away, even for the briefest of moments. His head jerked to the left, hoping to see an empty wall but forgetting about the other two women in the room.

Both Lili and Vanessa were completely stripped bare, with the blonde on top and the mocha-skinned beauty's legs wrapped around her. Their full breasts were pressed together and the ladies were colliding in a heavy-duty liplock. Kissing and licking at each other, throwing gasoline on the fire their own friction was making.

Their kiss broke and both looked over at Mac, their gaze meeting his and Lili damn-near delivering a death blow with a wink. Mac had to look away or make a sticky mess out of Camila and Madelaine. However just because he wasn't watching didn't mean the fun stopped with Lili and Vanessa.

The two continued to deeply kiss before Lili's lips departed. She gently ran her fingers over Vanessa's lips, the hungry woman sucking the digits in her mouth before Lili removed them as she moved down Vanessa's body.

Vanessa let a soft, content sigh escape her mouth when Lili began to play with her sizable tits. Holding and gently squeezing the melons, Lili followed it up with her mouth, tracing shapes and trails all over the the mounds, circling each nipples before sucking it into her mouth, worshipping the delicious breasts Vanessa offered up.

The dark-skinned beauty's eye fluttered as she struggled for words with the lustful attention Lili gave to her body, teasing and pleasing at the same time. Her lips moved further down Vanessa's body, kissing her belly and circle her pink tongue around Nessa's navel. The blonde continued making her happy trail until she found herself between her sexy friends legs.

"Oooooh shit Lili," Vanessa gasped. Lili's talented fingers traced around her vulva, followed soon by her tongue as the fingers slid inside. From there Lili conducting a symphony of pleasure, fingers dancing within and her mouth softly sucking on Vanessa's clit. The pace was perfect, the beautiful blonde not pressing too hard nor going to easy on Vanessa. It was just right and getting better every moment.

Vanessa breathed deep, working and grinding her hips as Lili did her wondrous work. Her entire body was in the middle of a heatwave, eyes shut tight. When she managed to open her eyes, she propped herself on her elbows and looked down at the sight was immaculate; Lili between her legs, eating her pussy. The blonde's long locks curling up from her own sheen of sweat forming. Much like Mac, Vanessa had a conundrum as the view was so amazing it just made Lili's oral skills feel that much better, and that obviously brought her closer. And she had a similar solution to that problem, turning her head. However she also faced Mac's dilemma.

In Vanessa's view was Mac being sucked by Madelaine and Camila and loving every moment of it. The look on his face the effort they were putting in was something to behold and tapped in to something that drove her wild. By nature Vanessa wasn't necessarily a voyeur but there was just something about watching man get sucked, especially if the woman or in this and other cases women were into it. As a connoisseur Vanessa could tell and from her pleasure hazed view Cami and Mads were very much into it and Mac was tenfold. And she couldn't blame either of them. Mac had a damn fine looking cock by her summation and she was getting a little eager for her turn, so eager she found herself getting a little verbal by letting "That's right girls...suck that cock," escape her lips.

"Enjoying the view?" Lili asked, taking a break from her duty but still providing some TLC, rubbing and kissing Vanessa's thighs as she waited for an answer.

"Couldn't help myself." Vanessa replied.

"Can't blame you," Lili said, giving her right thigh another kiss while she gently rubbed the left. "It's very enticing. I wouldn't worry though...I think we'll all get a turn with their plaything...unless of course you want to join in right now..."

Lili punctuated that sentence by returning her fingers into Vanessa's delicate folds, ever so lightly grazing her g-spot and making her friend see hyperspace stars.

"Mmm make me cum Lils," Vanessa said. "Damn girl...make me cum...please..."

"I think that's doable," Lili said with her trademark sideways smirk before going back to her delicious dish.

Vanessa's moans began to mix with Mac's own, an opera of oral pleasure. Though from the sound of things on Mac's end, the opera was about to reach a crescendo. He looked down and Madelaine and Camila were both being no help at all and a huge help at the same time. Their tongues zig-zagged up down and all around his throbbing cock, once again meeting in collision at the crown. he moaned once more, but this time there was a crack in it that was both an alarm and music to both of the ladies' ears. While they loved knowing what they were doing to Mac, neither Camila nor Madelaine wanted hims done just yet, especially when this party had gotten much bigger than the three of them.

"Looks like he's fixing to burst Mads," Cami said as both pulled their mouths from him.

"I do believe you're right Cami." Madelaine replied before blowing air onto his soaking cockhead, making him twitch from the cool air hitting his wet flesh. "I think we might need to give him a breather."

"Seems fair. Fortunately I know just how I'm going to pass the time." Camila looked over her shoulder at the fun Lili and Vanessa were having and got up, stripping the rest of her clothes off on the way to her pit stop. Mac looked from that sight down to Madelaine.

"You joining her?" he asked.

"Not just yet," Madelaine said. She then got to her feet and stripped down completely herself before returning her attention to Mac completely. "You're a little overdressed, dontcha think?"

"Oh, yeah," he said, finally getting rid of his last vestiges of clothing. No sooner than that was done Madelaine was on him, hungrily kissing him and sucking his tongue as his hard cock went against her thigh. He was guided by Madelaine, stepping backwards until he hit the bed. As he laid down the redhead was on top of him. She looked down into his eyes and Mac could see a fire burning like the red of her hair. Madelaine was ready for a bit more, but she wasn't going to press it. Not yet. She kissed him again before moving down his body, leaving a trail of kisses, licks and lust bites down his body, before moving back up, licking a path from Mac's calf to his crotch. However Madelaine didn't take his rod in her mouth once more. It was time for something a bit more intensive.

Madelaine climbed on top of him, kissing his lips before moving hers to his ears. "Hope you've recovered," she said, breath hot against him. "Because now we really get started."

Mac's eyes were locked on Madelaine as she rose up, her dripping pussy hovering over his hard-on. This was the first time Mac got a fully clear view of Madelaine nude form and he was speechless and with his use of speech gone, he stuck to touch to show his appreciation. Madelaine smiled and licked her full lips at the feeling of Mac finally getting the chance to be much more active. His tender touch as his hands ran up her legs to her hips. It was so delicate yet so direct. She shook a bit as his hands ran over her neatly trimmed bush. Madelaine knew he'd do that. She'd yet to meet a man who didn't love her fire-red bush. She had a boyfriend once who had begged her not to shave it when she approached the idea. It was one of the few things he had been right about, she had to admit. Because whenever they admired her pussy hair, men always played with her clit. They could resist and Mac was no different, and neither was the pleasure made on contact that sent shivers up her spine.

"You want it, don't you?" she asked. She grabbed his cock and paint-brushed it over her sopping slit. "Just say it...say it and I'd be so happy to let you have it."

"Fuck...fuck I want it," said Mac, hungry for the sexy actress.

"Mmmm hmmmm," Madelaine said, nodding as she lowered herself onto his prick. "Ohhhh shit that's good." Mac's own satisfied grunt was an agreement of Madelaine ever heard one and the firm grip Mac now had on her hips was an exclamation point.

After a few moments of sensation-savoring Madelaine began to move on his cock. Slowly at first, making sure she took every incredible inch as she methodically rose and fell on him. Her eyes fluttered and she bit her lower lip, concentrating, almost memorizing every single detail of his rod.

The redhead leaned back, her hand bracing against Mac knees, basking in the moment as she ever-so-slowly built up the pace. "Just like that," she said, her voice somewhere in the realm of a shout mixed with a whisper. "Right there...so good....fuck me..."

She felt Mac's grip on her hips tighten as he began thrusting into her. Not fast or remotely hard, just enough to match her pace. Give and take, back and forth. Madelaine worked her hips, swirling her cunt on his cock and hissing in breaths of air. Those hissing gulps turned into a yelp followed by a giggle from the first smack of her ass by Mac's hand. It wasn't totally unexpected. A real surprise would have been him ignoring her apple bottom.

"Mmmm do it again!" Madelaine said with glee. "Slap that juicy ass!" Two more loud smacks followed, leaving pink handprints on Madelaine's ass. "Nnnng fuck that's it...so good...soo good baby..." Madelaine rewarded Mac with a kiss, throwing her self forward. Mid liplock his hands went from smacking her ass to squeezing it, holding it tight as he began to give a little more power to his thrusts. "YeeeEeeeeEesss!" Madelaine moaned, voice cracking as Mac proved his worth.

It was a quite an experience and a hot sight to see to the other three women in the room...well, the two who's head wasn't planted between Lili's legs like Camila's currently was. Lili and Vanessa on the other were drinking in the sights, Lili using it as a delightful mixer for the pleasure Cami was delivering between her legs. Vanessa on the other hand, in between licking, kissing and caressing Lili was watching with admiration...and looking for her chance to get in on the action.

Still, while she couldn't wait for her opening she had to admire what she was seeing. Watching Madelaine fuck was poetry in motion. Seeing the rosy pink flush of her alabaster skin that when combined with the sheen of sweat made her seem celestial. Then there was how Mac was with her. He was enamored, his hands running up from her perfect peach of a rear-end to her back and shoulders, pulling her close burying his face in her perky tits. Vanessa slid a hand between her legs, playing with herself as she watched the lovers on the bed get more and more heated. Madelaine moaning and groaning, urging Mac on while he suckled and licked her light pink nipples and savoring the sweet flavors of Madelaine Petsch. It was almost a shame she felt like it was about to time to cut in on the dance.

"Mmmm go ahead," Lili said in a purr. "Go fuck him....nnng don't worry about me...Cami's got me covered. Besides...can't have Madelaine hogging all of that, can we?"

Lili's logic was flawless, so Vanessa made her move. She crawled on the bad and got up on her knees behind Madelaine. The redhead had a small jolt when she felt the mocha maiden's touch on her arms and a kiss on the nape of her neck.

"Let me guess," Madelaine said, slowing down her cock ride. "You want to cut in?"

"Read my mind," Vanessa said, moving Madelaine's face just enough to plant a kiss on her lips. "You all right with that?"

"Sharing is caring," Madelaine said. "Besides, something tell me everyone's going to have their turn tonight." Madelaine leaned over, kissing Mac hungrily and biting his lower lip as it broke. "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." Vanessa moved to Mac's side, desire radiating from her beautiful eyes and seductive smile. "Mac, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Mac."

Vanessa leaned over and kiss Mac on the lips. "Nice to meet you Mac."

"Now you two play nice," Madelaine said before departing Mac's member. As she crawled off the bed both Mac and Vanessa gave her dual spanks on her ass, pink hand prints on each cheek of the perfect peach. "Oh! I think you two will get along very well."

Of course, Madelaine turned out to be right as the moment she joined in the fun Lili and Camila were brewing up Mac and Vanessa got a lot more intimate. he was on top of in moments and Vanessa welcomed his eager attention. Lips and fingers tips. He wanted to taste and touch all over but like an over-excited dog in store full of treats.

First there was that face. Big brown eyes, kissable lips and all framed b that long chocolate hair. It was almost instinct Mac went there first, kissing her, lips colliding then parting so their tongues could give each other an intimate hello. Even as the kiss broke the two pink muscles reached out for each other licking at each other before Mac began to move down Vanessa's delectable body.

He breathed in her perfume and smelled that along with some hint of artificial, almost candy-like tropical fruit from the shampoo in her hair. It was an intoxicating scent that made him more randy and ravenous as he traveled down.

"Oooh yeah," Vanessa said, almost in a growl. "Suck those titties....oh damn just like that...don't even pretend to be shy there honey...mmm....." She arched her back ever so slightly and pressed her chest against his face and adding a little more pressure with her right arm.

While Vanessa's urging was so very welcome it wasn't necessary. Mac was having the time of his life with his face buried between those beautiful breasts. Squeezing with his hand and covering the globes with licks and kisses. He was aiming to get very familiar with Vanessa considering this was really their first hello; even in the elevator they hadn't really gotten to speak. True, they were speaking now but what he was doing with his mouth was so much more fun for them both...especially as he moved down her lusciously curvy body.

Mac's tongue traced down the valley of her breasts, over her stomach and circling her navel; the sweet attention like a sugarbuzz to Vanessa, a buzz that got more intoxicating as his mouth kissed down to the promised land between her legs. Before she knew it Mac was taking a taste of chocolate pie and he was happy to give compliments to the chef.

While Mac was giving Vanessa a proper hello, Madelaine had found a way to kill some time with Lili and Camila. She was straddling Camila's face, moaning out for more and begging her "Please, don't stop!"

Lili wasn't sitting on the sidelines. No, she was busy with something far more fun in making Cami's time of eating a bit of cherry pie by snacking on the luscious Latina's pussy as well. As good as Cami tasted though, Lili's blue-green eyes were locked on the peach in from of her and she wanted a bite and she knew if Camila was in her position she'd have the same hunger that needed to be sated. She knew she'd come back to snack on Camila later however Lili also knew form the few times the opportunity had presented itself she couldn't resist getting up close and personal with Mads' booty.

"Mmmm well hello there Lili," Madelaine cooed. That morphed into a moan as the blonde's fingers caressed her pale skin and lips kissed the perfectly toned flesh of her ass. it was the perfect sizzle to the steak of Cami's own oral work between the redhead's legs. The moans of Madelaine increased in volume as Lili went a little deeper, burying her face between those plumps cheeks and eating the redhead's ass. Madelaine's eyes shut, a technicolor Rorschach going off in her brain. When those brown eyes opened her gaze returned to the bed and drank in the actions of Mac and Vanessa.

Mac was still on top of the mocha-skinned masterpiece, though now his pelvis was between Vanessa's legs, his cock deep in her sopping pussy while his face hungrily kissed hers. When their lips didn't collide Vanessa cried out in passion.

"Fuck ME!" she demanded. "Right there...right fucking there...oh honey give me that fucking cock!!!"

"You want this dick you got it!" Mac said, his voice yearning yet strong. He knelt up, gripping Vanessa's hips hard and began to fuck her even harder. The young MILF howled her approval, working her hips as his cock thrusted away in her. It was a sight to see for Mac and even hotter to physically experience. Her velvet vice was intoxicating and the chaser of her luscious tits bouncing the hard and fast rhythm of their fucking was something else.

Mac slowed down just enough to move his right hand over to her crotch to play with her engorged clit, frigging it with his thumb. The slower pace let him go deeper into her goldmine which made Vanessa sing like a canary the praises of his thick prick.

That song reached a bridge when he slowed to a neat standstill to reposition Vanessa's legs from wrapped around him to pinned against his chest, her calves resting on his shoulders. He kissed and licked the sweaty skin, savoring the beautiful woman he was sharing the moment with, and when he resumed his thrusts he hit it at new angle and Vanessa was all in on it.

"Right...mmmm fuck boy....right there...damn..." she said. It was rare in Vanessa's experience a total stranger had a touch that could get her going without a guided tour of her body but Mac was proving he didn't need a road map, though it was proving to be a wonderfully bumpy ride. "Come on...don't stop...mmm so close baby and I want to cum on that dick...come on..."

After a few more slower, deeper thrusts Mac reached under Vanessa's body and took a grip of her back, pulling her up as her legs returned to wrapping around him. Once they were face to face his hands went to her ass, giving it a good squeeze.

"Say that again," Mac said. "Tell me what you want."

"Mmmm I want...to cum...on this dick," Vanessa said, a sexy smile on her face as she took the wheel, moving herself on his cock and watching him squirm for a few seconds. "Think...mmm...you can pull that off?"

"I do believe so." he replied before kissing her and returning her motion, bringing about a tempest between them. The bed was being put to the test and there was a fair chance of their being dents in the wall from the headboard but that was the concern of no one in the room, especially Mac and Vanessa. They locked eyes, the hear of a thousand suns behind both of their gazes. Words weren't necessary and the grunts and groans sounded so much better and did so much more.

Vanessa leaned back once more, her long dark hair  touching the ruffled sheets as the beauty soaked it all end. She managed to moan out a "Yessssss...." when Mac gave into temptation and started sucking on her titties again. More words began to flow from her lips. "More...like that...mmm just like that...right there...don't stop...gonna...gonna cum..."

Mac was if anything a great listener and was very happy to provide Vanessa with her demand. Her pulled her back to him, muttering filthy sweet nothings that only she could hear that she batted right back to him. Their tongues licked at each other until Vanessa began to get flustered and her eyes began to flutter. Soft silky nothings morphed into loud moans that finally crescendoed and cracked into a cry of pure pleasure as Vanessa came on his cock, the sensations of her cunt convulsing being enough to bring Mac dangerously close to breaking his promise of not cumming just yet.

When Vanessa came down completely she kissed Mac one last time before getting off of him, almost melting onto the bed as she basked in the afterglow. Before Mac could even consider the option of basking, he felt a presence behind him; lips kissing him and hand caressing around him to grab his prick.

"Hey there," a sweet voice said. He turned around on the bed to see Lili as the very welcome culprit. "I'm Lili."

"I know," Mac said. "But nice to meet you just the same."

"Likewise." She leaned foreword, licking his lips before sealing them with hers in a kiss. "Want to get to know me a little better?"

"Sounds like a good idea." She her slightly-parted mouth turned into a smile, licking her lips then led him off of the bed by his cock. The blonde took him to a chair near the foot of the bed and had Mac sit down before getting to her knees. Lili looked up at him and parted his legs, raking her nails up and down his inner thighs before reaching for his cock, still slick with Vanessa's pleasure.

"Mind if I take a taste?" Lili asked, eyebrow arched as she slowly jack his cock, circling her thumb on his glans.

"Nnnng by all means," Mac grunted. The grunt lead to a groan as Lili took her taste. She licked around his cock like it was an ice cream cone on a hot August day and made sure she got the full flavor experience before wrapping her lips around the crown, forming a sensual sauna for Mac's bulbous bishop.

Lili's tongue continued to twirl around the cockhead before finally her lips ventured down to taste more of his cock and Vanessa's cum. It was a potent cocktail that was making her absolutely sopping, even more so than she was already if that was even possible. There was just something about sucking a cock right from a pussy fresh off an orgasm that got to her. Pure raw sexual energy radiating from the prick only getting heightened as her mouth worked over it and the flavor of the man's precum mixed with the woman's own cum was just something beyond description and she couldn't get enough. It was such a high Lili almost lost herself in the blowjob she was giving. However hearing Mac's desperate moans and feeling the telltale pulsing of his cock in her mouth made her pull off.

"Mmmm, hold on there cowboy," she said, gripping tightly to the base of his cock. "Keep the safety on that gun...I'm not done playing with it."

"I....fuck...I think I can swing that." Mac replied.

"Good...because I definitely want to play." Lili's looked up at him, a sexy smirk on her face as she softly stroked his cock. It was a light tease, just enough to keep him on that edge with kicking him off of it. "What do you think of my tits?" she asked him bluntly after noticing his eyes on them. The question seemed to make him stutter. "Don't be too shy. I mean I'm playing with your cock. You can answer...you can even touch them if you want."

Mac of course took the opportunity, Lili's sinfully sweet tone drawing him in even more than the words she spoke. The comforting and satisfying "Mmmmmm", that came from her lips at his touch made his cock jump a little in his hand, and that inspired a new thought in Lili.

She took his cock and rubbed the tip in circles around her nipple, leaving a sheen of precum on it before taking it to the other. All of this while her eyes never left his. Lili then placed his cock in the valley between her tits, letting a long dribble of saliva drool out of her mouth and onto the tip of his cock.

"Holy shit," Mac said at the sight.

"Oh you like that?" she teasingly asked. "I think you might just love this then." With Mac's cock in place Lili pressed her tits around his rod and Mac did the rest as he began to thrust between her tits. "Mmmm, feels good, huh? Keep going...mmm feels real nice to me though. That nice hard cock between these titties...it'd make me soaking wet if I wasn't already."

The titfucking was a white-knuckle experience for Mac in the most literal sense. He was gripping the arms of the chair so tight he was close to piercing the upholstery. He tried to keep his eyes shut to fight the desperate battle against his climax, thinking unsexy thoughts to combat the reality that tempted him. However his eyes refused to stay closed, opening repeatedly to take in the sight of the angelically sinful Lili Reinhart look up at him while his cock slid between her lovely tits, with the occasional extension of her tongue to lick the tip every so often. It was maddening and fueled his desire. If he was going to pop it was going to be on his terms.

He leaned over, his hands taking Lili by the shoulder and lifted her up with him. He hungrily kissed her and pulled her close, Lili returning every passionate deed with one of her own. He guided her to the wall he was pressed against by Madelaine and Camila when this had all began, but didn't press Lili against it, not just yet at least.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she said with a grin.

"Crossed my mind..."

"Mmmm, mine too." She smiled once more before her lips were smothered by his briefly before spinning her around to face the wall. Lili got the hint, planting her hands firmly against wall and pushing her lovely ass out for Mac to admire before driving into her waiting pussy.

The pair moaned in unison as Mac entered her to her hilt. He stayed still for a few moments, both to savor and try to steady himself before continuing. However, Lili was ready steady go and began to push back. "Fuck me...," she pleaded, her voice sugary sweet. "Please..."

Having been raised with proper manners, Mac gave Lili what she requested, pulling out until just the had remained inside her before pushing back in, making the blonde passionately purr at the feeling.

"Just...just like that," Lili said. "Don't stop...more...harder....come on..."

Lili hissed in a deep breath through clenched teeth as she got it harder just as she asked. Mac's hand gripped her hips, pulling the blonde's backside to him as his pelvis smacked against ti with every rapid thrust.

"Fuuuuck I needed this," Lili moaned. "So...so damn much."

"Happy to help," Mac said, moving his arms to wrap around her waist. Her leaned forward and buried his face in her blonde locks as he worked his cock deep inside of her, kissing her neck and shoulders as her gyrated his hips.

It was quite a sight for Camila to be seeing. Her eyes on Lili's face as she moaned, sometimes biting her lower lip, sometimes turning her head to taste Mac's kiss once more. Then her gaze went to Mac, especially his ass, watching as he thrusted and grinded into Lili's tunnel of love. It was a perfect side to the work Madelaine's mouth was doing on her pussy. The redhead 's tongue worked with surgical precision and made the Latina lovely melt in the redhead's mouth as well as her hand. It was a team effort, with Madelaine's mouth focusing on Camila's clit her finger's worked inside; two in her pussy and her pinky in Camila's rear exit making for a shockingly enticing erotic elixir.

A soft moan came from Camila's right and she looked to see a still orgasm-drunk Vanessa who had slid off the bed and was no sitting against it, legs spread and playing with her perfectly-pleased pussy. her eyes drifted from the sight of Madelaine snacking on Cami's pussy to Lili getting a passionate fucking from the communal boy toy of the night.

And passionate it was. Slower thrusts, softer moans from them both and more skin to skin contact were the order of the day for this pairing. Mac's hot breaths cooling the sweat on her neck added to the euphoria of the moment and her moans and whisper soft pleas for more drove Mac wild.

"Harder," Lili croaked. "HARDER!" That last cry was followed by Mac's pace increasing, making words all but impossible for Lili as the sounds of her moans mixed with the rapid percussion of flesh colliding.

Once more she was pulled close to him, his mouth to her ear. "Cum for me...don't you want to?"

"Yess...oh fuck yess I need to...so fucking bad!" Lili replied. His hand moved down from her stomach to her clit, playing with the engorged button while her gave her pussy everything he had.

"JustlikethatjustlikethatJUST LIKE THAT!" the blonde cried out. "Oh my GOD!!!"

"Make her cum Mac," Cami said, surprising him as she slid behind him. She kissed his back and ran her hands along it. "Make her cum right on that wonderful dick of yours....just don't cum. Not yet. I haven't gotten mine yet...we're not done with you. Think you can handle that?"

"Fuck...yes...oh god yes!!!" Mac said, almost in unison with Lili's own cry of passion. His other hand that wasn't between the lovely Lili's legs moved up to her breasts, squeezing one as he began to drive her down the road to paradise.

"Right there...oh my god right there," she said, her voice getting higher in pitch. "Oh....oh my...aaaahhhHHHHHHHH!!!" The cry of passion turned into a silent scream as the gorgeous blonde came like freight train, shaking and shivering as pure pleasure rocked every single inch of her body.

"Good job," Camila said, backing off just a bit and watching as a very happy Lili turned her face for one last kiss before dismounting his cock.

Lili turned to face him with a big smile on her face. "Thank you," she said with giggle before leaning on the wall behind her and sliding down. Mac then was then turned around by Camila, standing before him with eager eyes.

"My turn," she said, walking backwards before hopping on to a dresser behind her, legs open and very inviting, almost as inviting as the seductive look on her face. "Don't tell me I have to make it even clearer."

"You don't need to," Mac said, approaching and lining his cock up with her moist slit. "However, doesn't mean I wouldn't mind hearing it."

"No problem...fuck me."

No sooner was it said than it was done. Mac thrust forward, filling Camila's cunt with on movement and making her a very happy camper. Her toned legs wrapped around him tight, pulling him close with an anaconda grip.

From the start the pace between them was fast and frantic, the mirror on the dresser banging against the wall harder than the bed's head board had. It was what Cami wanted and was demanding with every breath.

"Faster...come on...just like that...fuck me...FUCK ME!" she growled. Her face was focused on his, devilish and delightful. "Don't stop...don't you dare stop!" Camila's arms mimicked her legs, grasping him and pulling him closer. Her nails raked his back so hard marks would be left behind. 

Mac's mouth hovered over Camila's, both open their tongues lashing at each other before their lips collided. Hot, intense moans muffled by a hungry, lust-mad kiss. When it broke his forehead was on Cami's, eyes locked on hers as well. He was still holding on but by a thread and she was in the same spot. Madelaine had done a lot to bring Camila to this point but the beautiful Brazilian bombshell wanted the get off on Mac's cock. The flesh and blood inside of her and pushing her closer and closer into blissful oblivion.

Camila loosened her grip just a bit, pushing her breasts out. It was an invitation Mac took, lowering his face to her chest and licking the sweaty flesh, tasting her and sending shivers up and down her spine. When the licks formed into kisses and suckling on her nipples followed by a soft tug with his teeth the shivers became a full-on jolt.

"Ooooohhh god damn it yesssss," Cami said, the desperation of needing that final push in her voice. "Right there...I'm right fucking there....."

Her legs once more squeezed tight around Mac's waist, holding him tight. When Mac slowed down in just the slightest, giving Camila some longer, deeper strokes, the sexy starlet caught sight of Madelaine and Vanessa all over each other on the bed, re-enacting some of their saucier scenes from the show in real life. It was a treat for her and was going to be even more so Mac.

"Mac...mmmmMac," she said, "Look behind me baby...mmmm fuck...right..oh right there...right behind me....look."

Mac's gaze went from Camila's face to the mirror to see the same sight she took in. Vanessa was leaning back on the bed, writhing in pleasure anew with Madelaine between her legs and her perfectly peachy ass in the air, swaying as she ate out Vanessa.

"Watch them," Camila said, her voice shaky. "Watch them and fuck me...but don't cum...don't cum and you get what Madelaine is shaking...got it? Make me cum....watch them and make me cum..."

It was an order Mac found easy to follow. He gave Cami everything he had,  her eyes rolling in the back of her head as his cock went hard, fast and deep. His eyes darted between Camila's face as she was well on her way to the promised land and Madelaine feasting on Vanessa's pussy. The ping-ponging stopped when Camila grabbed his face, once more wanting his full attention.

"DOn't you fucking stop," she said, her voice breaking and breathing heavy. "Don't you even think...oh god...of stopping...keep going...keep...keep fucking meeeeeeEEEEE!!!!"

Refocused, Mac reupped his pace, the dresser shaking and both of them grunting and groaning in desperation, the only words spilling out coming from Camila, more rabid pleads for more until the finish line was in sight and she pulled ahead.

"FUUUUUUCK YESSS FUCKING YES GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!" Cami cried as her orgasm hit her, the constriction of her pussy that her locked legs did not allow Mac to escape the exquisite torture he'd ever felt. The struggle to not cum was intense and watching him struggle and shake himself made Camila's fire burn that much more intensely.

"AAAAAH FUCK!!!" Cami screamed, her body giving in to the pleasure pumping through her veins and the struggle for Mac to contain himself became a full on war. Camila's spasming pussy felt beyond amazing on his cock and after similar experiences with Vanessa and Lili and the fact he had made it this far was a small miracle.

Her mind wading in the afterglow, Camila got much more affectionate than she had been, gently grasping Mac by the cheeks and kissing him before whispering, "Now go get yourself a slice of cake." She winked at him before Mac pulled out at turned around, his eyes glued to the delicious looking ass swaying in front of him.

Madelaine was still focused on pleasing Vanessa's pussy when she felt Mac's hands on her ass. "Mmmm," she said, looking over her shoulder. "Welcome back. And by the looks of things you know exactly what you want."

"As long as you're game too," Mac said as he ran his hands over the finest ass he'd ever seen in person.

"Very. Eager...so there's your green light."

With the green light from the redhead Mac went ahead, spreading her cheeks and placing his three-times-over sex-slicked cock cock against her back door. Madelaine froze in place, eyes shut and mouth open as Mac's girth entered her asshole. The initial resistance was minimal, this wasn't Madelaine's first round of anal in the least. That however didn't mean her asshole wasn't a wonderfully tight fit. Inch by inch he slowly squeezed in until he was in to the base.

"Holy shit," Madelaine grunted. "So big...so fucking good....mmmm go slow...go slow...I really want to feel it baby..."

Mac found it easy to comply. If he had gone at anything but a snail's pace initially he would have launched his load up Madelaine's ass by now. Slowly he sawed his cock in and out of her holiest of holes, every second turning the heat up for them both.

"This is so fucking hot," Vanessa said, playing with her now free pussy as she watched Madelaine take it up the ass. The look on her face and the absolute erotic joy her friend was experiencing was making Vanessa a little eager to please. She moved from her position and slid under Madelaine and began to return the favor Madelaine had been doing for her before Mac had started fucking her the ginger's asshole.

"Oh my GOD!" Madelaine said, gripping the disheveled sheets of the bed as Vanessa's mouth joined the party. "Oh god more...more...both of you...fuck....god fucking damn it yes!!!"

All logic was screaming at Mac to keep the pace slow but Madelaine's demand as well as the realization of what Vanessa was doing overrided that silly little concept. With one hand gripping her hip and the other on the pale-skinned beauties shoulders Mac increased his pace to mind-blowing pleasure of Madelaine.

"Looks like you're both having fun," Lili said, her voice still a little loopy. She'd gotten up from the floor and was on his right, caressing Mac's back and kissing his shoulders. "Bet that asshole feels so good doesn't it...Madelaine works so hard on that beautiful bottom...spank it."

Mac did so, making Madelaine howl and Lili swoon. "Fuck that looks so hot," the blonde continued. "That fucking perfect cock just slam her ass...watching those cheeks ripple...mmmm god damn."

"That's why she's my bestie," Cami said, taking the same spot but on Mac's left. "We agree on just so much. And this...this isn't just hot this is nuclear. Bet it feels good doesn't it. I can't imagine how good that feels on your cock...and Mads...mmm she's giving a very good idea of how it feels up there."

"Fuuuucking hellllll," Mac grunted, the stereo dirty talk from the blonde and brunette doing a number on him. Not as severe as Madelaine's immaculate ass but it was definitely pushing him. He slapped the ginger's ass again, making her moan for more.

"Fuck yes!" Madeline cried. "Mmmm god damn do it again...and faster...harder and faster...make me cum with that hot fucking cock up my ass!"

"Fuck I'm so jealous of Vanessa," Camila said, her breath sending shivers through Mac. "Eating Madelaine's scrumptious pussy and getting a close-up view of you taking her ass. What do you think Lili?"

"Oh totally jealous," agreed Lili. "But I think I have a solution."

"Why Lili whatever would that be?" Camila said, her tone devilish and knowing.

"Well, only if Mac wants to hear it."

"Well, do you Mac?" Camila asked him.

"Fuck," Mac said, slowing his thrusts and trying to hold on for dear life. "Yes...fuck...oh my god."

"Well, since you want to hear it," Lili said, stroking his back. "I think it'd be just wonderful if we could all share something at the same time. You know...me, Cami, Mads, Vanessa...all of us at he same time. Something like...your hot, white cum."

"Now that is a nice idea," Cami added. "Think you got it in ya Mac? Hmmmm? Saving up that big load for all four of us...just make Mads cum and you get that release. Sound like a deal to you?"

"Oh god yes!!!" he said, and though Camila was unsure as to whether or not it was a reply to her or an exclamation as to how good Madelaine's asshole felt around his cock but she took it as the former.

"Oh god..Mac...Vanessa...gonna cum!" Madelaine said. "Don't stop...don't stop fucking my ass...don't stop till I cum...oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!!!!!!"

Madelaine screamed and she creamed, Vanessa lapping up her cum and Mac continuing to thrust through Madelaine's orgasm tightened asshole, getting a satisfied post-orgasm moan from the redhead.

"You ready?" Camila asked. "Ready to pop for us?"

"Nnnng fuck...yes," he grunted.

"Good...then fucking do it." Camila slid off the bed and Lili followed, the two side by side on their knees. Vanessa and Madelaine soon joined, Madelaine by Camila and Vanessa on the very end. All four women were sweaty, sex-dazed and begging Mac for his cum. Kissing each other, licking their bodies, everything they could as he stood in front of them, stroking his ready to burst cock until the dam finally burst and all that pent up cum rocketed from the tip of his cock.

The first large rope slapped against Madelaine's face and broke off onto her outstretched tongue and the next hit Camila on the forehead. More and more shot out and he aimed his spitting snake at Lili and Vanessa and back and forth and all around until the women were coated in his semen. When the cannon blasting slowed to a dribble Lili moved forward, sucking the last bit from his cock and swallowing it down.

Mac sat back on the bed, completely wrecked and still feeling his orgasm. He was swimming in pleasure as he watched all four of the women kiss and lick each other clean swapping cum between them and swallowing it. He was speechless. What could he even say.

While he was in stunned orgasmic amazement though, Camila did manage to say something in between kisses.

"Looks like I owe you a dollar," she said to Madelaine.

"Venmo me in the morning." Madelaine replied before giving Camila a cum-laced kiss. "After we shower." It was a friendly response. Perfectly fitting for a friendly bet.
The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, MiamiLyfe, extreme1, Craz, pixidragon, Blocboy VC, Calibur009, Pike, moppel, Andywhatnow, Sorale21


Re: A Friendly Bet starring The Women of Riverdale
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2022, 04:04:28 PM »
Was hoping more of them were going to take it like that but that was hot
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


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Re: A Friendly Bet starring The Women of Riverdale
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2022, 04:56:35 PM »
This was white hot.  And tough to maintain a balance of four on one, but you did it so excellently, really felt like I could follow what everyone was doing around the room.  Superb work.
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


Re: A Friendly Bet starring The Women of Riverdale
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2022, 01:59:39 PM »
You can tell this is a great story because I had to read it in two sittings  ;) great work, loved the ending
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord

Blocboy VC

Re: A Friendly Bet starring The Women of Riverdale
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2022, 07:24:53 PM »
You managed to write something with these women that's a billion times better than the show they star on. Great job, it was really good, I wish I could have your ability to write detail.
The following users thanked this post: MaxwellLord


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