The air was fresh and cool as I stepped from my car, the early morning mist still slowly drifting through the tops of the trees. I already loved it. Having grown up out in the country I felt more at home here than I did in the city with all the high-rise buildings and glowing lights. It wasn't the kind of place that work took me normally. But then no one could say the lady was predictable.
The lady in question stood at the entrance to the trail leaning against a tree her arms folded across her chest. She had a cap pulled over her hair, a dark pair of shades of that shadowed most of her face, a red scarf wrapped around her neck and yet instinctively I knew it was her. Also, there was the fact she'd booked me and given me the time and location as well.

I smiled and closed the door locking it behind me after I made sure I had my rucksack ready. You couldn't say I didn't come prepared. "Ms Swift, this doesn't look like your normal hangout spot." I chuckled as I reached her watching as her head dipped forwards and she shot me a look over the top of her shades.
Her eyes sparkled bright and clear as she smiled. "Wanted a change of scenery for the day." She added softly standing up and moving closer.
"It is perfect for that." I agreed smiling as she stepped closer and reached out drawing me into a quick hug. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a squeeze. She surprised me, she was always good at that. She tilted her head back rose up on her toes and paced a light kiss directly on mouth.
I grinned as she eased back. "Well now that is a good start to the day. I'll be honest when I saw the location, I wasn't sure what to expect. It isn't the usual kind of place I work but it makes a nice change of scenery." She hit my arm laughing as she tossed her head.
"It wasn't for that. I just wanted some company I suppose, a change of scenery and a chance to think, and for some reason your name came to mind when I was thinking of doing it so here, we are." She muttered explaining.
"Ah I see. Well, I am always pleased to see you. It's a hazard of my life and work that you never know if you will after the last encounter."
"What didn’t you think you'd see me again?" She questioned softly tilting her head slightly as she looked at me.
I looked back shrugged a little. "You can't be sure, and last time being what it was to, everything that happened and the build-up.......well I wasn't certain." I added softly.
"You have a point, a week when I was trying to get hold of you with no reply, then you arrive with Cara......I was mad at you. But then we both know what happened don't we so there is that." She shook her head blonde curls tumbling around.
"Cara was insistent." Which really was the only thing I could say in my defence. It sounded weak even to me. "If it's any consolation she booked me for that week, and I had to sit at home and contemplate what might happen and ignore the phone. It wasn't easy even if.....well you know." My voice trailed off and I gave another weak shrug.
"I do know." She murmured dryly. "Better than you maybe as I know Cara, I also know that in that week you ignored my calls.......well let's just say you missed out." She smirked at me.
"Ouch that hurt." I replied holding my hands up.
"It was supposed to." She smiled again and gave me a nudge. "Come on let's get started before it gets too busy here." She turned away and started off along the trail.
I settled my rucksack on my shoulders and then set of after Taylor. It was silent at first, we headed out winding our way through the rough trail just putting some distance between us and the car park. Taylor led the way something I was happy to see, partly as I had little idea where we were going and partly as it offered a better view watching her leggy figure move.
She had a decent set of boots on rugged and durable. One of her comfier sweaters probably to offset the slight chill in the air although once we got moving it helped. Most enjoyable for me was the sight of the leggings she wore. Tight fitting, hugging her shapely legs and tight firm rear.
The countryside was fairly open at first some shrubs clustered around the edges around the path, mostly rocky with some trees dotted around, the mist still gathered around the canopy. We followed our way up towards the peak of the ridge and paused then to take a drink before we continued over the other side into a valley more thickly wooded with the sound of water in the background. It had been around an hour at this point and further away we slowed the pace enjoying the quiet and the scenery. We had passed a few people but not many and more relaxed and at ease we started talking again amiable and friendly as we gossiped and just caught up.
Pretty soon we were both enjoying ourselves properly. "So have you been busy?" She asked me eventually. I chuckled softly still following behind her. "Are you talking in general or as in work?" I smiled as I asked her.
"Yes, no, I mean it's hard to make small talk about what you do, like what do you do with others." She flashed a wry smile over her shoulder at me.
"It is, yes." I agreed with a chuckle. "People handle it in different ways which can make it tough. I mean it is hard to have a relationship with someone when you might be out with someone else one night and then come back to them." I shrugged and continued to follow behind her. There was a pause before I said, "I'm not sure if you want the details or whether you're just curious."
"I don't know, both or none, maybe I was just curious, maybe I didn't think. Sometimes I forget that's what you do until I suddenly remember."
"Forget that a few weeks ago Cara Delevingne had booked me for an entire week just so she could have me turn up at the door of her friends place and put on a show that led to us all having sex?" I chuckled and watched as she shot me another look over her shoulder.
"To answer your question I’ve had work yes, a few different things mostly regular clients really." She gave me another quick look over her shoulder and I almost smiled seeing the curiosity there, though she didn't actually ask me. "I don't make a habit of discussing particular clients but if you’re wondering whether I've met up with any one famous in that time I haven't. I think Cara was always more interested in having a taste of you." I smiled again.
"I always knew that. I'm sure she'll enjoy a repeat given the chance." Taylor continued.
We walked in silence again working our way down the slope following the track which began to grow less rocky and lusher now as we descended.
"Was that your first threesome?" Taylor asked softly.
I chuckled again softly. "No, it wasn't. I’ve had several with two women like we enjoyed and with another guy sharing one woman. Although it was probably the best. Was it your first?" I asked her.
"Yes." She repeated softly.
"I'd ask if you enjoyed it, but I already know the answer to it." She paused in front of me and I almost walked into her. She looked at me evenly for a moment and then just laughed shaking her head as she looked at me.
"I don't know why but it's easier to talk to you about some of these things sometimes." She murmured softly brushing her fingers along my arm. I nodded my head in agreement.
"I can understand that. I like to think I’m easy to talk to. I've told you sometimes work can literally just be talking to people as much as it is actually doing anything. On top of which we have spent time together now we know each other better. Added to which we have had sex but were not in a relationship. It's easier to talk to someone when you don't have to worry about how they'll react to things. You wanted to explore, fantasies, desires just enjoy something different it can be easier with me than your boyfriend."
"I suppose so." She drawled softly just looking at me before she turned and started to head off again. I started following her once more as she continued to speak.
"I don't know whether it should be like that though I guess." She muttered.
"I think it can vary between couples some are more comfortable than others opening up. I think some like to explore others feel worried about it. There is no right or wrong way merely what works best for people."
We continued walking forwards. I could also see the way Taylor's mind was busy, turning everything over, thinking it through, absorbing the information. She was fascinating in that way. It was fun spending time with her and whilst this was a little different to my normal routine, I enjoyed the change.
"Would you do it again?" I asked her curious.
"Maybe I suppose. I guess it depends on who and where, what I feel like as much as anything." She murmured after a moment's pause.
"That's fair enough. You can keep your options open and see where you find yourself. I'm sure someone like you Taylor can easily find herself in a whole lot of quite wicked, quite naughty extremely fun situations." I smiled at her as I spoke, and she paused again looking over her shoulder at me.
"Is that so?" She replied softly.
"I know so." I added laughing. "Just remember I was with you and Cara. Cara alone could get you involved in a whole lot of things. I've personal experience of it." I continued and shook my head as I looked at her. She smiled at me again acknowledging the point.
"I'm sure she could find something for you to try. I guess it would be more a question of what would you want to try." I replied.
She set of again her long legs eating up the ground as she walked. I matched her pace enjoying myself. Partly this was just being outside, the change of scenery it provided. Partly it was the fact I was spending time with Taylor who was never not fascinating. The fact she looked as good as she did casually dressed with a pair of leggings hugging her curves didn't hurt.
"I don't know where to even begin." She muttered ahead of me. "I mean there is a lot isn't there. Different things, different people different experiences. Where do you even begin to explore and decide what you want to try?" She asked continuing to walk on.
"I don't think you always can plan as such. I think sometimes things that happen, happen spontaneously. You didn't really expect to end up in a threesome with Cara and me, did you?" I asked her smiling as I spoke. "It was the moment, the combination of events that built and led to it. Some things just happen."
"I guess." She muttered again.
"But then again you planning some things has led to some other fun things as well. I mean you hired an escort and I think you've enjoyed that experiences as well." I teased her gently and was rewarded by another small smile as she glanced back at me briefly.
Really it is up to you. Combine both just see what you like and want to try, what happens naturally when your exploring other things or just satisfy any more curiosities you have or fantasies that you want to try. I'm sure that Cara would gladly help you as well for that matter."
"I'm sure she would." Taylor added. "Although she wouldn't be able to help with everything would she. As you said you've done threesomes both ways not only with two women, she wouldn't be able to help with that would she." Taylor added softly.
"I guess not although she is creative so I wouldn't put it past her to try." I laughed again and just studied Taylor. "Although I guess the more interesting point there though is that your thinking of another threesome only with two guys........." I left the words there lingering in the air as we walked along a little further.
I didn't push it, I left it for Taylor to speak as and when she wanted to. Just leaving her to turn it over in her mind first before she expressed it to me one way or another. We worked our way through another raised section of the trail cutting through some low shrubs before Taylor spoke again.
"I blame you for it you know." She called out eventually. I smiled as I listened still watching her back.
"Why is that?" I asked chuckling as she turned and glanced at me again.
"Because you said you'd done it before, and now it's got my mind thinking and my curiosity aroused." She muttered again.
"I was merely sharing some information you were curious about, it isn't exactly my fault after your recent experience you are curious about the other side as well. I think it's probably natural."
She stared at me, and I grinned back. "Besides I think I know you a little better now. You are a curious person, you do seem to enjoy trying new things and I'm sure you'd more than handle that the same way you handle most situations." I continued.
"I don't even know what something like that would even be like." She continued again shaking her head briefly before striding of along the trail.
I let her go watching her walk away and then headed off to catch up. "I think it could be whatever you wanted it to be. There isn't any right or wrong answer in a situation like that. As long as everyone has fun and enjoys themselves that is all that matters really. So, you just need to ask yourself if you are curious would you try it. Does the idea of it turn you on."
I caught up with her just as we headed down into a more sheltered spot again. The sides lined with trees and mossy floors, the sound of water bubbling along just in the distance. I spun her around lightly, so she faced me just watching her eyes flicker as they looked at me. I smiled at her and lightly ran the tip of my finger down along her nose and then over her mouth. She nipped at it lightly.
"I know you enjoyed having sex with me and Cara, I was there before. I don't know whether you would enjoy it with two men, who knows it can be very different situation to situation. Different dynamics at play and people react differently. But you seem to enjoy trying things out recently so you can do whatever pleases you really." I murmured just watching her.
She tilted her head back and just looked at me. I always enjoyed it, just those pretty blue crystal-clear eyes focused entirely on me. She stepped up onto her toes placed her hands on my shoulders and then lightly brushed her lips against mine before she eased back.
Before I had a chance to speak, she laughed and spun away darting of down the trail suddenly bursting into life as she ran. Her long legs stretched as she moved all lithe graceful and quick. I watched her just a brief moment and then decided to play along chasing along after her.
She was light, and quick on her feet weaving through the path ducking the odd low branch and swaying in between the trunks of trees as she passed. Whether it was deliberate or not I began to catch up. Whether she was slowing deliberately or whether I was just quicker, I gained on her matching her pace, exceeding it closing in watching her body move.
Then I caught up flung an arm forward and just snagged her shoulder throwing her of her stride. She stumbled, righted herself and then I caught her, a firmer grip spinning her around to face me, moving in and closing of her space pushing her back until she bumped into the trunk of a tree. She watched me carefully her face flushed with colour now from darting away. Her head tilted back eyes fixed on mine and I reached up and traced the tip of my thumb across her mouth just running over her lips as she gazed at me. I dipped my head forwards pressing in closer until I could catch the scent of her skin soft and alluring.
I edged my mouth gently up her exposed neck trailing over it gently just teasing her skin as I breathed in her scent working my way up to lightly kiss her ear and nip at her lobe giving it a gentle tug. "Taylor you're not having any wicked tempting thoughts right now, are you?" I breathed out slowly.
"No." She murmured back softly her hands reaching out to grip my shoulders as she leaned against the trunk of the tree.
"No?" I questioned softly.
"No." She repeated in the same way.
"So, you're not thinking of're not thinking of what we did with Cara? What might happen to you if you entertained two guys either then?" I continued just keeping my voice low my body blocking of her escape.
"Not in the slightest." She murmured again those gorgeous soft eyes focused on mine.
"That's good then." I murmured softly smiling as I let my lips just edge over her skin feeling her hair brush my face as my mouth curved in against the sleek line of her neck. "I mean it might be a little precarious thinking too much about such things. Especially with what happened with me and Cara as well."
Her grip on my shoulders tightened, her fingers digging into my muscles as she arched her back and pressed herself more firmly into the tree trunk. Her lower body though, her hips and thighs pressed more firmly into me. She shifted restlessly foot to foot unable to otherwise move with me in front of her. She was soft and tempting like that, even more so than usual.
"I don't know otherwise, two guys there in front of you. That could just get a little interesting quite quickly I think." I continued to tease her. "I mean I remember meeting you and you were so hungry, so eager, so ready I could barely think straight as you lead me inside and put that delicious clever teasing hot mouth of yours all over me. I mean with two guys there would be double the amount there to enjoy." I breathed out softly.
She didn't say anything although she stirred restlessly as she watched me, her grip tightening on my shoulders as she held on. I nipped at her skin lightly and continued to tease her.
"I can imagine how hungry you'd be to try that. Kneeling down able to wrap your hands around them to feel. Seeing how hard they were for you, so ready, so eager to just feel the touch of your lips, your tongue. The look in your face as you tasted them. How it would feel as you oh so enthusiastically enjoyed them, drove them wild. Or would you rather they just enjoyed you?" I continued relentlessly enjoying the thought myself even as I painted the picture for her.
"They could with you kneeling like that take turns enjoying your mouth, filling it, thrusting, fucking. Just holding your head and guiding you up and down their lengths. Or else while you were laid out turning you enough to slide inside and thrust just pumping your mouth full of them. Or would you like to try them both at the same time and have both working your mouth together?"
I smiled as I spoke my lips curving along her neck even as I felt her shift again. There was a soft noise that time. Just a delicate little sound in the back of her throat as she listened. She also wasn't stopping me which was reason enough to continue even as I pushed my hips more firmly against her and let my erection grind into her a little.
"Are we talking about what I'd like or what you'd like? This seems like something you're putting plenty of thought into?" She arched one elegant eyebrow as she spoke her voice soft but clear. I smiled at her chuckling at her turning it back on me.
"I'm pretty sure you can feel how this creative thought process is working right now." I replied. "I'm also sure you know that aside from enjoying you and having sex, is watching you have sex and sharing."
"It could be argued that we were sharing Cara, or for that matter the two of us were sharing you." She replied glibly.
"True, and the two of you did do an expert job believe me."
"I noticed." She replied dryly making me smile again.
I leaned in close my mouth skimming along her cheek and down her neck just breathing in her scent. I pushed against her hard and aching just sliding myself against her, letting her feel what she did to me. My hands traced along her sides and gripped her hips.
"You do have a way of making people feel a lot." I chuckled softly again.
"I noticed that to." She murmured again and I laughed softly squeezing her again and then taking a step back.
For a moment she just stared at me, and I grinned at her amused. Her expression was one of part relief part disappointment. I let my eyes roam across her slender figure so deliciously tempting contemplating whether this was a stupid idea or not. I reached forward and grasped her hand. Taking hold of it I guided it forward and pressed it between my thighs letting her feel the length of my erection. Her fingers lightly caressed along my length, and I shuddered feeling my cock pulse with pleasure at the sensation. I growled lightly feeling myself hard, finding it hard to think.
"You reminded me that enjoying you is definitely preferable to thinking of enjoying you." I spoke thickly voice a huskier growl with the more edgy sense of hunger I was feeling. I watched as Taylor's eyes looked down over me her fingers caressing my erection before she slowly licked her lips.
"Maybe we need to finish the hike and then head back somewhere more comfortable." She replied softly as she looked at me.
I glanced at her for a second more and then just slowly shook my head. "I don't think so. All this talk of enjoying you has reminded me I'd rather not wait. Besides why not broaden our horizons a little. Have you ever had some fun in the great outdoors before?" I continued.
"You're joking right? I mean it's rare that I don't have a team of camera's following me. I'm usually doing my best to avoid them where possible. We can head back and then see what we can't do to help some of those problems then." She made to pull her away, but I held her hand steady on me.
"No, I don't think so."
"Excuse me?"
I smiled as I looked at her. "I mean no I don't think so. I've had to watch you walking ahead of me all morning in those tight leggings and now after all this talk, I'm not of a mind to wait. I think I'd rather explore a few things right now, right here. Call it another experience. You just said you haven't had that kind of an experience before so why not now?"
I smiled at her easily. She stared at me, her mouth open as she tried to think. I didn't give her the chance. Instead, I leaned forward and kissed her hungrily feeling her fingers squeeze my shaft and her moaning against my mouth as I enjoyed her teasing lips. I broke away groaning a little scraping my lips and teeth across her neck kissing and nibbling over her skin listening as she moaned softly clutching at me. She wasn't pushing to stop me. Her fingers were eagerly exploring my erection stroking and rubbing my length making me throb.
Reaching up I grabbed her hair and tugged her head back exposing her neck hearing her gasp as I bit and licked her throat groaning as I throbbed and pulsed under her touch. Working my way back up I bit her lip growling and groaning aching with need and wanting to enjoy it. I pushed at her shoulders guiding her down. She hesitated only for a second and then just sank slowly down kneeling right in front of me her soft, slender hands still caressing over my aching throbbing length. This game we had played before, and no one did it better than her.
She looked up at me only for a moment and then her eyes dipped forward roaming across me. Her hand left my erection. Instead, she reached up to my waist and started to unfasten my slacks popping open the button and then slowly drawing down the zip pulling them open. I was breathing deeply trying to make sure I didn't make a lot of noise. Not an easy thing with her clever fingers slowly tugging the slacks down. My boxers followed in short measure my hard erection springing free right in front of her. Any hesitation she had was long gone now.
Her warm teasing mouth found the head of my cock kissing and trailing her lips over it. I stifled a moan feeling her lick and stroke it around me and then open and part and spread around me. She moaned softly and started to take it inside moving up and down my shaft. Reaching down I brushed her hair back already hearing her moans join mine. Her hands clutched my thighs squeezing, nails raking my skin reaching behind to grip my rear as she started to take more and more her clever mouth sliding more of my cock inside her mouth.
No matter how often I enjoyed Taylor's mouth I never got tired of it. Her lips and tongue combined just caused such exquisite pleasure, such a delicious ache. Her muffled moans told me all I needed to know about what she thought. Already she was taking me deeper and deeper as I clutched at her hair. I breathed deeply trying to control myself. Partly so I didn't make too much noise, partly just to make sure I didn't just explode right there in her mouth as tempting as that was. I could not however resist holding her hair and guiding her mouth along my cock.
I gripped it tightly and just rocked and thrust my hips pushing to meet her mouth making her moan as I began to push more and more of my length inside her. She took it. Moaning and gasping around me, her tongue sliding along my shaft I worked deeper and deeper until her lips were pressed snugly around the base making me quiver. I pulled back and thrust forward stuffing her mouth again. Taylor's muffled greedy moan rang out again as she clutched at me. I thrust again, and then again fucking her mouth, enjoying it, loving how she made me feel, how good it felt to be enjoying her, that teasing mouth devouring all of me.
I had to pull myself free in the end. Anymore and she'd have made me cum there and then and as much as I wanted it, as much as I'd enjoy it at that moment I had a few other things in mind for her as well. I gripped her shoulders and gave her a tug pulling her to her feet. She looked at me licking her lips before I lowered my mouth down to meet her and kissed her hungrily. My hands roamed across her body exploring and touching her. Enjoying her sleek tempting frame and nudging her back until she was pressed against the trunk of the tree.
I grumbled softly. "All morning I've had to watch you in front of me. All morning I've wanted to do this. I'm glad I finally have a chance."
"And you couldn't wait just awhile longer?" One eyebrow arched as she looked at me, but she was smiling to.
"Apparently not." I chuckled softly and spun her around pushing her up against the tree trunk. Her hands grasped it palms out and she let out a soft hiss as she looked at me over her shoulder.
I growled against her ear just nipping at her skin shivering at the soft noise she made as I did. I ground my hips against her pushing and sliding my straining hard erection against her delicious soft tempting curves feeling my body ache at the sensation as I did.
"Watching you walking around in front of me so far today has obviously proven to be more distracting than I thought. Seems like I can't quite resist temptation, but this might be more fun. Besides it gives you a fun challenge as well doesn't it." I teased her."
"Which is?" She hissed out.
"If you don't want to get caught you've got to be quiet. Or you don't care and just make sure it's a show they don't forget. I think we have some experience of that." I chuckled softly. "Either way you are far too tempting and far too much of a tease to get away from here without me enjoying you, and right now I need my hands and mouth on you."
I heard her groan then wriggling and squirming pushing her delicious soft rear back against my erection. I could have taken her then and there just driven myself inside her hard and fast. I didn't want too though at least not yet. Watching her delectable long legs and tight firm rear ahead of me had made me ache to enjoy her. Instead, I kissed the back of her neck and then slowly knelt behind her my hands running down the back of her shoulders over her back across her hips and down to her waist. Even as I knelt there, I took a moment marvelling at the view squeezing her curvy rear and kneading it.
I loved how she looked then trembling against the tree her hands spread out resting against the solid trunk. Her head was half turned looking over her shoulder at me lips parted as she watched my hands fondling her delicious round firm rear, the leggings moulded to her gorgeous figure. She might have questioned the sense of what we were doing but her body was quivering in anticipation. I didn't want to wait any longer. I caressed her lavishing attention on her and reached up stroking across her leggings and gripped them my fingers digging into the waistband and then slowly began to tug them down. I didn't rush but marvelled at the unfolding spectacle in front of me as I stripped her down.
I pulled her underwear with it the simple plain cotton panties she wore coming down with the leggings. The light of the sun washed across her pale skin so she almost glowed as I unveiled her. I eased the leggings lower about halfway down her thighs just giving myself the room to enjoy her. I marvelled at the sight at first, just drinking in the that delicious tight toned rear and long legs. She was a sight I never grew tired of seeing. All the time I had spent with her had been at night for the best part. Here now surrounded by nature and the natural light she had an almost ethereal quality to her.
Despite that I knew what I wanted, and I didn't wait any longer to start enjoying it. I ran my hands up the back of her thighs fingertips tracing across her skin reaching up to follow the curve of her rear tracing across the soft skin. I kept my touch light fingertips and nails running over her at least until I reached the small of her back. I dived back down then gripping her ass more tightly squeezing those cheeks and kneading it. I couldn't resist pushing forward leaning close sinking my teeth into thar delicious soft flesh and nipping at her hard enough to leave little red marks on her pale flesh.
Above me she hissed out a breath clutching at the trunk pushing herself back against me in a deliciously wanton fashion. I was only getting started I squeezed her cheeks again and then spread them apart baring her completely and sliding a hand closer let my middle finger caress between them and just slide the tip over her tight puckered opening. She squirmed and whimpered softly.
I filed that one away for a later occasion as at that moment I had other things on my mind. My finger continued to glide down the crevice of her rear and then slipped between her thighs my finger continuing to stretch and explore pushing on until I could slide it along her lips. She moaned wriggling against me as I feathered my touch along them sliding gently up and down that smooth tempting flesh before I delicately parted her and curled my finger pushing inside her. I moaned as well as her then. Whatever else she was feeling, arousal was definitely one of those things. She was warm and wet clinging to my finger as I touched her.
"For someone who was protesting about being discovered earlier, you certainly to be enjoying this." I smirked using my free hand to give her rear a good firm spank.
She yet out a soft yelp quivering. "I never said I wasn't enjoying it, only that we could have gone somewhere more comfortable first." She hissed out quietly.
"To late for that now." I chuckled again softly. "I can feel how much you want this now. I think it would be rude not to give it to you."
"And what exactly are you going to give me?"
"Exactly what you seem to want right now." I smiled a little edging my finger in and out of her entrance just feeling her wetness coat my fingers.
Above me she muttered something, still squirming against my finger as I toyed with her gathering that wetness. I pulled my finger out and slipped it higher to tease her clit slowly rubbing little circles around it feeling her quiver as I teased her little hot aching bud. My free hand I used to reposition her, arching her back more, lifting her hips and that firm rear, and then nudging her legs further apart just to give me room to press in even closer between her legs. I caressed my fingers along her inner thighs and teased over her bare soft lips. Then I pulled my hand back gripping her rear to hold her steady and pressed forward head sliding between her legs so my mouth could reach her sex. I moaned softly then sliding my lips against her tasting her on my mouth always so good, always making me want more.
I heard her breath catch, her body quivering and trembling under my hands and mouth. Looking up I couldn't quite see but it appeared she had her head turned into her arm trying to muffle the noises she made. That made me ache more, I wanted to drive her wild. I spread her open nuzzled those sweet bare lips and then just dived in to explore and enjoy her even more. I flicked and caressed my tongue across her bare flesh tasting her on my lips and started to push it inside her thrusting lightly in and out keeping my other hand with it's fingers on her clit. I rubbed at that slow deliberate circles keeping the pressure firm, teasing her, playing with her. She quivered again her body soft and responsive. She drank in my touch hot and needy making eager noises as she arched against the tree gripping it tightly and clinging on.
I pulled my tongue back licking her pushing it up around her clit and my finger and then drawing it back again. I teased her lips, sucking and licking them caressing and sliding my tongue over as much of her as I could. I loved how she felt, I loved how she tasted even more. I loved the way she squirmed clutching at the tree to hold herself up. I loved it even more as she started to push back and grind herself against me. She tried to push herself onto my tongue her gorgeous rear bouncing and sliding on my face as she did, the stubble of my chin rasping over her silky smooth skin.
I drew my hand back reached up and squeezed it again kneading that firm flesh. Then I spanked her drawing another strangled moan from her as she fought to keep herself quiet. Something I thought she was finding it harder and harder to do as she writhed restlessly on my fingers and mouth. I slipped my hand back between her thighs caressing over that soft delicate skin. I worked my way higher close to where my tongue continued it's work lapping at her sticky juices and sliding along her bare sex. I caressed and edged across her wet folds opening her up.
Then I teased over her bare lips caressing them opening them up and pushing slowly inside her as she whimpered again. I stroked it inside not venturing far using the very tip and feathering it across her entrance and teasing all the sensitive nerve endings there. Soon enough I was exploring further gradually pushing it in and out sinking more and more inside that tight delicate hole. Taylor rocked against me moaning softly desperately trying to stifle them as much as she could and finding it hard to do so with my mouth and fingers teasing her.
I kept up the determined engagement enjoying her as much as I could. I held a finger on her clit rubbing it firmly. My tongue stroked along her folds teasing along them probing inside pushing alongside my finger which was opening her up more and more pushing deeper. I curled it inside her stroking along her walls hearing her gasps and attempts to keep it muffled as I pushed it deeper and deeper stretching her out, twisting it inside her. Opening and stretching her further made it easier to enjoy and push her even more making her squirm and writhe for me.
I added a second gliding it along her silky wet lips and plunged it inside her as well slipping in alongside the first. She stiffened above me, choking back another moan as she quivered and rocked under all the attention, I was lavishing upon her. I stroked them in and out of her pushing through that slick heat just twisting and curling them up inside her to touch and tease as much as I could. I used my tongue around them thrusting it in around my fingers, sliding over her clit teasing that swollen hot bud as she squirmed and edged against me.
I knew she was going to cum. That right then was all I wanted. Those soft eager noises she made drove me on. She sounded exquisite, she looked even better moaning as she pushed herself onto me and clutched helplessly at the tree to hold herself upright. But she continued to moan and pant helplessly, desperately trying to stifle them as much as she could. Her gorgeous soft tight rear scraped over my face as she rocked and pushed just grinding herself against me to increase the friction, just to make my fingers and tongue edge deeper inside her.
I kept one hand on that rear squeezing it, kneading it, using my grip to pull her back onto my face and feeling as she let herself go completely. My fingers, my mouth, they pushed her over the edge her body stiffening as she came her climax erupting out and spreading through her. She was silent at first, her body quivering and shaking as she began to orgasm but under the continued assault of pleasure, that combination of fingers and mouth that still toyed with her it was too much for her to completely hold back. Her mouth pressed against her forearm, and she began to cry out.
Muffled moans and cries of pleasure were just about held in check. Her body rippled and shook as she came her juices soaking my mouth and smearing over my chin as she continued to grind herself against me until finally, she sagged the tension draining from her as she took a shaky breath. I held her just lightly caressing over her wet folds a few final times and then slowly pushed myself back to my feet. Taylor slowly turned herself around panting and breathing heavily her face flushed with colour as she looked at me, flushed and shaky unsteady on her feet.
"You may just need to hold me I'm not sure how well I can stand right now."
I chuckled softly. "I can do that. Really it just makes this easier as I wanted to see your face when I did this anyway."
I gripped her hips and rear boosted her up lifting her and planting her back against the trunk of the tree. Almost instinctively her legs spread around my hips clenching around my waist locking and holding us together. I pressed forward my erection grinding against her belly.
"I really wanted to see your face, looking all flustered and hot while I fucked you right here against the tree."
I almost growled the last few words aching too much to resist her, to resist the need that clawed at me. Instead, I pulled back let my erection slide down and then closed in feeling it slide against her over bare flesh until I found the right angle and then I thrust forward driving myself inside her.
The look on her face was worth it. Her eyes bright and hot already sparked with heat widening as she felt me push inside, her body quivered and then clenched down around me. Tightening not only around my erection but gripping my hips as well holding onto me. She let out a soft gasp licking her lips as I held her there. Leaning in I nibbled on her shoulders, her neck and then edged up to kiss her mouth teasing her lips as she wriggled and squirmed held there against the solid trunk of the tree just impaled on my hard cock.
"Don't get too comfortable." I murmured softly.
"No?" She breathed out slowly.
"No." I agreed softly. "I can't hold you here forever, besides which after watching you today, what we've already done. I still want to see how well you manage to not moan while I bend you over and fuck you against the tree." I continued the thought along making me ache as I held her there.
I settled my head against the curve of her neck breathing in the scent of her as I held her. She nuzzled my neck lips curving as they nibbled on my skin light and teasing. I felt her squeeze my shaft again rippling around me as I held her there her body pressing into me.
"What if you never do that though? What if the feel of me like this is too much? What if pushing inside me like this feels too good? What if I make you cum right here like this using your mouth to muffle all those moans?" Her lips scraped along my jaw, and she teased my lips with hers as she spoke.
"That's a lot of what if's." I half chuckled half growled. I gripped her, hands tightening on her hips as I pulled back and then slowly began to push back inside. Watching her eyes spark, the friction between us as I pushed inside. She might not have been wrong. That was hard to resist when it felt that good.
"Either way we'll probably feel pretty good by the time we're done. I note you're not suggesting we go anywhere else now." I teased her rocking my hips and guiding myself in and out of her as I did.
Her eyes lit again, and she bit down on my lip tugging at it. "Shut up and fuck me." She hissed out hands gripping my hair and tugging me down into a deeper kiss plundering my mouth with her lips and tongue.
That need, that desire, it stole my breath as she kissed me. The combination of that, her mouth, her scent, the feel of her body clinging to me half naked it all felt too good, to intense. Someone likely could have been watching us at that moment and it would not have made a difference to either of us.
I fucked her against the tree short hard thrusts that pushed her against the trunk. She clamped around me squeezing my shaft making me pulse inside her. The fiery hot gaze in her eyes as she moaned and urged me on her mouth hot against my skin was too much. I knew seeing that, feeling her, I'd spill inside. I knew it would be good, but I needed to enjoy more of her, needed to make it last as long as I could. I thrust inside her again deep plunging inside her slick heat groaning against her mouth as she moaned and urged me on clinging to my body. I held her there pinned against the tree impaled on my length that hungry heated look on her face as she stared back all flushed and hot. l drank all of that in then I cursed and fumbled around pulling myself back out of setting her back on her feet as I spun her around.
She was shaky on her legs staggering until I caught her up pushed her back into the trunk. Reaching up I grasped her scarf tugging it from around her neck and then caught her hands pulling them behind her back. With a quick twist I wrapped the scarf around her wrists and bound them together. It wasn’t much of a restraint, she could have slipped free probably but it added to the fun of the moment. I nudged her legs apart put a hand on her back and then to her hips tugging them back to meet me before I edged up and grabbed a handful of her hair tugging it back and exposing her throat.
I heard her moan desperately trying to muffle them as she tensed feeling me sliding against her the head of my shaft slipping over her deliciously soft rear. I thought she was urging me on again and once I slipped into position I didn't slow, I didn't wait I thrust deep and hard and drove myself back into her luscious tempting heat. I bit down on her neck at the same time muffling my own groan of pleasure as I filled her again, feeling her part for me take me inside just slick and tight and utterly delicious. She rippled around me squeezing and milking my aching length as I held myself there hand holding her wrists the other tangled in her hair.
We were both still savouring it. I breathed out lips pressed to her neck still holding her hair but letting my other hand reach around between us and slipped it up under her sweater tracing a path across her belly and up to find her breasts encased in a tight sports bra.
I stroked my fingers over them touching the bare skin that was exposed and otherwise just kneading and squeezing the soft firm mounds trying to distract myself as much as I could from my pulsing aching cock buried inside her. That however was a losing battle, I needed her too much. I rocked against her slowly keeping my mouth pressed to the back of her neck, against her throat. I held her breast squeezing it gently just edging myself in and out teasing us both with that delicious friction. I heard her murmur softly I felt her push herself back to meet me her rear pressing into my hips. As her head turned and she looked at me with her eyes bright and hot her mouth found mine almost a smile on her face as we kissed softly. I explored her mouth capturing her lip and sucking gently feeling her tongue slide against mine as we both made soft noises of pleasure.
"This is a more convenient way to silence some of the noise." She teased softly.
"It is, very pleasant as well." I chuckled flicking my tongue over her lip.
"Not quite as pleasant as this though." She teased against me moving a little quicker pushing herself back onto my cock, so her rear slapped against my hips a little more firmly.
I growled softly and nipped at her. "No not as much as that. Not as much as this either." I swallowed hard pulling back and thrusting forward driving against her harder, deeper, feeling her quiver under the impact. She moaned against my mouth her eyes flickering with heat and pleasure.
"No not as much as that." She agreed. "So why don't you give me more." She teased again.
I chuckled softly once more. "Now who wants it." I teased her back. "Earlier someone didn't want to be caught, now they just want to be fucked instead."
"And who's fault is that?" She retorted. "So why don't you just give us what we both want."
"And what is it exactly that you want right now?" I enquired softly.
"I want you." She added succinctly. "I want you to fuck me, I want you to make me cum and I want to feel you inside me spilling out. So, stop teasing and just fuck me." She nipped at my mouth again to make her point not that it was really needed at that moment.
I held her hair again tightening my grip and I let my hand slide down the front of her body fingers spread out as they moved across her skin. I was already aching and pulsing inside her. Enough to know that I wouldn't last long, I didn't even care. I knew what Taylor wanted, I knew what I wanted and that was more than enough right then. I pulled my hips back and drove forward working myself deep inside her. I watched her shudder those gorgeous eyes flickering with pleasure as she felt me move, as she felt the friction and heat between us growing and building. I felt her respond tightening around me again as I plunged inside her.
Her breath whistled out through clenched teeth as she was pushed against the tree, breath sliding across my skin as I held my head close. I just enjoyed her reaction watching her eyes as she felt each and every thrust I made, felt it every time I plunged back inside her sliding myself deep. I gripped her hair, gripped her bound hands and just fucked her, taking her hard and deep firm thrusts that made our bodies slap together her rear against my hips, her moans and mine mingling and growing as well, as we found it harder and harder to resist.
I caressed her belly worked a finger down lower as my palm rested on it and then just teased it over her clit rubbing insistently and heard her shocked gasp of pleasure. Her eyes rolled back closing her lips parted as she stood there clinging onto the tree while I pounded myself inside her. She was panting as I took her breath blowing across my face as they were still close, with mine just on her shoulder. Close enough for our lips to still brush, close enough that we could watch each other as I thrust inside her. That connection made everything more acute, more intense.
I needed this, I needed her. Apparently, the feeling was entirely mutual. She moaned softly desperately trying to keep the noise low and when she couldn't she pressed her mouth into my skin instead her body quivering with each and every fresh thrust I made burying myself inside her. They became faster, and harder bending her body, pulling her back onto my cock as I drove it to meet her, the steady slap of flesh on flesh ringing out. I was aching to explode, aching to fill her and let out all that pent up need but I clung on toying with her clit and playing with it.
Her moans grew as well becoming louder, more ragged her body heaving as she desperately clung on squashed against the tree my body thrusting inside her, holding her up as much as anything else at that moment. I could feel her slick and wet on my fingers as I teased her, felt it every time I thrust deep inside. Her frantic moans built and grew, and I spiralled my fingertip on her clit listening as she gasped and moaned until she kissed me hard and deep and just groaned then her eyes rolling closed as she came all over me again her body stiffening and rippling around me as she did.
I groaned with her as she did lips locked together, our bodies still pressed tightly as we moved. That sensation of feeling her explode around me, knowing she had come, it freed me up to just take all that I wanted from her and at that point I wanted nothing more than to empty myself inside her. I pulled my hand of her clit and instead gripped her rear now holding her steady my fingers digging into that delicious soft firm flesh tightly. I kneaded it, I spanked it and I drove against her lunging in and out of her pounding in and out every thrust making her take every inch of me.
She was still panting, still whimpering still just about holding herself up riding out the waves of her climax, all the aftershocks that rippled through afterwards. What finally did me was just gazing into her eyes mouths still locked close together as we were joined. The dazed soft look of pleasure, the flushed colour of her cheeks, the touch of her lips and soft noises she made. It was all too much. I crushed my mouth against hers moaning her name as I fucked her hard pushing myself as deep as I could once, and then twice before I felt my shaft pulse and then erupt buried inside her slick wet heat. Moaning her name, I ground against her rear and felt myself spill inside her hot and thick filling her up.
I rode out my climax as well still edging and thrusting against her despite how sensitive I was savouring the satisfaction, the pleasure, that delicious warm afterglow I felt having emptied myself inside her. We remained locked together breathing quickly just staring at each other. I nuzzled her neck, and then her lips kissing her again, softer this time just pressed close. Slowly though we both slipped down to the base of the tree limp and exhausted catching our breath as we looked at one another. I let my eyes drift across her half naked body, the flushed skin and roughened look she had after our romp. If anything, it made her look even more enticing.
I shook my head eyes running across her bare rear, the peeking glimpse of her pussy swollen and wet. I drew in a breath and just grinned at her. "See we were fine no one heard anything. I think the mutual coordination there was perfect." I reached across to the scarf still loosely wrapped around her wrists and gave it a tug pulling it free.
She shot me a look and rolled her eyes before a smile broke out over her face. "You're terrible do you know that." She pushed herself up extricating herself from me. As I watched there was the delicious sight of her swollen hot sex and cum slowly oozing out of her glistening lips trickling down the inside of her. Then it disappeared from sight as she set about tugging those leggings back into place working them back over her thighs and up over rear.
I swallowed hard just watching her. "Jesus, you need to warn me before doing that or we'll be here even longer."
She looked at me again shaking her head and then grinned back moving closer to place a slow sultry kiss on my mouth. "Good it will give you something to think about walking back, and since we've seen how easily distracted you can be you can lead the way now." She smiled again wearily looking down at me as she straightened herself out.
She offered me her hand and I reached up and took it hauling myself up and straightening my clothes. "Harsh" I muttered shaking my head at her. “But fair.”
She slapped my arm lightly. "Harsh is the fact you have to walk back now and think about the fact that at some point sometime in the future I will pay you back for this when you least expect it, and you can think about how it will happen."
She smirked playfully and tapped me again gesturing back towards the trail we had broken off from.
"Harsh." I murmured again.
"Maybe, but I bet you'll still thank me for it when the time comes." She licked her lips and grinned at me.
I turned away already laughing as I started out. There wasn't even a point arguing with that one. She was probably right.