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Author Topic: Kaya, Melody and the Queen of Diamonds  (Read 3847 times)

Blocboy VC

Kaya, Melody and the Queen of Diamonds
« on: June 07, 2023, 09:45:28 PM »
Celebs Featured: Kaya Jones, Melody Thornton, Madonna, Lady Gaga, AnnaSophia Robb

Kaya Jones and Melody Thornton were out for dinner at a fancy restaurant, just being a regular couple on a date. No cameras and such had come to bother them as they waited for their dinner, which was a welcome surprise.

“Hey, babe, do you know who those two girls are?” Melody asked. Kaya turned to where her girlfriend was looking to see who she was talking about. Two women had just walked in, one of them looked pretty normal, even if Kaya thought her mini skirt was a bit too mini, but the other one was different. Well not much different in terms of looks, they both looked pretty hot, but what caught Kaya’s and everyone else’s eye in the place was what she was wearing. She was wearing obviously very expensive designer clothing as well as a fuck ton of jewelry. About ten rings on each finger including her thumbs, what looked like twenty earrings in each ear, fifteen diamond bracelets on each wrist along with five watches and about twenty necklaces on her neck.

“Holy shit! How does she even walk with all those diamonds on?” Melody questioned, noticing the woman  was confidently walking with a supermodel strut like she owned the place even though that amount of jewelry should’ve hindered her walking abilities at least a little. She also noticed that the other woman with her seemed to be moving behind her at a slower pace which got her paranoia kicking in, wondering if the woman in the skirt was OK. She also wondered how the diamond woman obtained all the jewelry in the first place.

“You think she’s like a smuggler or something? There’s no way she bought all that on her own. And what about that girl with her? She seems like she might be a little afraid or something.” She asked. Kaya though seemed to have ignored the two other women and focused on her dinner that had just arrived.

Speaking of the other two women, they were finally being seated and meeting a waitress.

“Hello, my name is Katie, I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you two to start with?” the waitress did her usual greeting. Rather than telling her what she wanted to start with, the woman wearing the diamonds shook her hand and decided to introduce herself. “I’m Madonna.”

“Stefani.” The other woman said, reaching across the table to shake Katie’s hand. After they ordered, they got to talking and catching up on their lives.

“So I see you just bought like three new chains. They look great on you as always. I hope they didn’t cost too much.”

“When you’ve got money like me, it doesn’t really matter what things cost. Do you know where the other member of our group is? She hasn’t texted me or anything at all.”

“No matter what you wear, you always look lovely, My Queen.” Stefani said. Most women would consider this a complement, but the exact opposite happen, with Madonna’s face becoming much angrier looking. Stefani also had no answer to Madonna’s other question, so decided to keep quiet about it.

“Don’t call me that in public. Otherwise, they’ll think we’re a couple. Which we’re not and never will be.”

“Sorry M-Madonna.” Stefani had to save herself from using her other nickname for her friend with benefits. As the two of them ate, they noticed another couple would sometimes stare in their direction, almost as if they were spying on them. The two of them though payed it no mind. Stefani knew that if Madonna wanted them taken care of, she could easily have that done. They eventually finished dinner and left, Madonna giving the waitress a large tip on the way out.

“We have to follow them!” Melody said, franticly to Kaya as the two of them left themselves.

“I really don’t see what you’re getting at with this. Sure diamond chick there has a lot of diamonds on, but that’s nothing to be all paranoid over. I know you can be paranoid sometimes, but I think this is one of those times where you don’t need to be. But if it means that much to you, I guess we can be all spy-like and secretly follow them to wherever they’re going.” Kaya said, giving Melody a quick peck on the cheek after.

“Yay! I can’t wait! I always wanted to be a spy.” Melody said as they walked out to Kaya’s car. They got in and started the car but didn’t move, wanting to wait for the couple they were investigating to show up so they knew who to go after. They noticed the women they were looking for quickly get into a rather expensive looking car with the mini skirt wearing one sitting in the passenger’s seat while the one with the diamonds drove. They managed to keep pace with them, Kaya’s clumsiness thankfully not effecting her driving at all. They managed to follow the two women to the house, although decided to not follow them inside.

“I say we climb a tree and spy on them from there. Then when we see what they’re up to, we break a window and then call the cops.” Kaya suggested.

“I’m down for that. Nothing more romantic than climbing a tree on someone’s else’s property after all.” Melody replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. The two found a tree and got to climbing. After Kaya fell a few times, of course.

In the house, Madonna and Stefani were on their way to the bedroom, pretty much the only room they went to when they were there together. Once they were in the bedroom, Stefani noticed a bag in one corner of the room that appeared to be full of an assortment of objects.

“So what, you got like straps and shit in there?” she asked, thinking it was a bag full of all kinds of sex toys.

“You know it.” Madonna said as she reached into the bag, only to pull out an AK47! She then cocked it for good measure.

“Holy fuck! I didn’t mean that kind of strap!” Stefani exclaimed in fear.

“You’re telling me you don’t have at least one gun? When you’re famous like us, you gotta keep one with you. I’ll let you have one of my pistols. It’s fine, I’ve got dozens more.”

Kaya and Melody, still outside although in another tree noticed the gun.

“We gotta get in there! She’s probably gonna kill her!” Melody said, now more paranoid than normal.

“Slow down, Mel. We gotta find a way in there that’s close enough to them, but not too close to where she’ll shoot us.” Kaya said, as she began to formulate a plan.

Madonna and Stefani got back to what they came there for, as Madonna started to take off Stefani’s shirt and mini skirt.

“No bra or panties? You know just what I like.” Madonna said, fully in her dom-mode as she and Stefani called it.

“Anything for you, Mistress.” Stefani said, knowing to either call Madonna either Mistress or My Queen now.

“Before we continue, safe word?”

“Pineapple.” Stefani said before getting some kisses from Madonna. Madonna then began to slowly take off her jewelry.

“Where is the other member of our little trio?” Madonna asked.

“I’m not sure, she might have gotten lost or something. Should I text her, My Queen?” Stefani asked.

“You guys talking about me?” came the voice of a rather short young woman, who’d just popped out of an air vent of all things.

AnnaSophia Robb stood there, looking rather normal even though she’d just traveled through Madonna’s ventilation system just to join her and Stefani for sex.

“Did you just come through an air vent?”

“Yeah, kinda” AnnaSophia said, acting like it was no big deal. She then kissed both women as Madonna was still removing all her jewelry. As she was taking it off, Stefani tried to reach out to grab a necklace. Madonna noticed this and snatched it back from her.

“I didn’t give you permission to touch that! AnnaSophia, you mind punishing her?”

“Sure, Mistress” AnnaSophia said. She moved to a chest in a corner of the room which had several BDSM toys and such inside it. She pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and clamped them onto each of Stefani’s nipples. She then took her own jeans off and placed her thighs and pussy around Stefani’s face. Stefani began to eat her out as Madonna watched the two of them with a happy smile.

Just as Madonna herself was removing her own shirt and pants, the sound of glass shattering was heard. A window had broken, and two women stood in the wreckage. AnnaSophia heard a mutter from beneath her, so moved off of Stefani’s face to let her speak.

“Pineapple!” Stefani shouted. Madonna and AnnaSophia quickly went over to her.

“Who are those girls? Call the cops, Madonna!” Stefani said in a clear panic. The two women then approached the three naked women who had broken into the house and ruined their fun.

“Before we call the cops, you’re gonna tell us who you are and why we shouldn’t take one of your guns and shoot you with it. And you, blonde girl, I swear I recognize you from something. You’re Anna, right?”

“That’s AnnaSophia! Shorten my name again and I’ll kick you both in the face.” AnnaSophia said with a tone in her voice showing that she wasn’t playing around. “Madonna, you mind telling them what’s going on? This is your house, after all.”

“As you now know, I’m Madonna. That’s AnnaSophia, she’s a switch. She told me that she was feeling in the mood to be a dom tonight. That’s Stefani. She’s a sub. We’re all friends with benefits. I don’t know what you two were thinking when you were spying on us during dinner or how you managed to break my window. I would’ve even offered you one of those other beds I have in the corner, but now, the offer is off.”

Kaya, seemingly unfazed by everything decided to introduce herself and Melody.

“I’m Kaya, that’s my girlfriend Melody. We saw you and Stefani when we were out at dinner and we thought you were like holding her hostage or something. We also thought you didn’t buy all your jewelry yourself and smuggled it in or something, I mean, how else can you have that many diamonds? Also, why wasn’t AnnaSophia with you guys at dinner.”

“I kinda decided I wanted to keep up my athletic skills and traveled through Madonna’s air vents. It was kinda fun, actually.”

“Oh. That sounds like something I’d do. I was the one that broke your window, by the way, I’m sorry. I’m a little clumsy.” Kaya said.

“I can fix it. And who knows, if we see each other around sometime, maybe a fivesome is in order.” Madonna said.

Kaya and Melody looked happy about that news, with the two of them giving Madonna their phone numbers. AnnaSophia and Stefani got back into their previous position as Madonna moved closer to them, clearly intending to join the two of them. Kaya and Melody then left and gave each other a kiss once they were outside.

The End


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