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Author Topic: Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo  (Read 3130 times)


Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo
« on: August 09, 2023, 10:52:52 AM »
Following the aftermath of World War Wendigos, Reed Richards and Stephen Strange are tasked with finding a cure to the curse. But all it takes is a simple mistake to cause an outbreak...

This is a work of fiction, all characters involved are the property of Marvel comics and Disney Studios respectively.
Susan Storm; The Invisible Wendigo
Chapter 1

Walking through a stark corridor in the sub-levels of the raft, three men walked down the hallway of the supermax containment center; one devoted to containing the most dangerous of prisoners SHIELD had ever found and contained. Unlike other facilities, THIS one was designed for each specific inmate they kept watchful eye on. Almost every corridor was met with a pair of armed and armored guards, eyeing the trio of men as they passed each, their actions scrutinized as they made their way down to their destination.

Looking to the cells to the left of them, each was painstakingly designed and built to hold their prisoners. Emil Blonsky; the Abomination, sat glaring out the portcullis of his cell, his arms and legs bound in vibranium manacles and chains while the entire surface of his cell acted as a massive radiation collector, sapping the gamma out of him at all times. Even so, the creature lost none of its size, mass, or temper. A low growl escaping his lips when one of the visitors chanced to peep into his cell and regretted it. Next to that was the cell to Kletus Kassidy, Carnage. The psychopath had free range of his cell, containment by any kind of bindings were impossible. The three never noticed, but the interior of the sound proof cell was a riot of subharmonic noise, unnoticeable to the human ear, but the red symbiote permanently latched to the mass murderer squirmed and writhed, unable to concentrate long enough to take any form necessary to escape. If the man had anything worth say to the trio walking past his cell, they were unable to hear him.

“I’m glad you two decided to agree to SHIELD’s request in this matter.” Spoke up the man leading the other two behind him as they passed another cell. The SHIELD director looking over his shoulder with a harsh look when they approached the cell at the back of the hall, leading them to its door. “My superiors felt that OUR crew would be the best to deal with this… Personally? They don’t know shit!” Crouching to have the ocular scanner read his good eye, the locks and security systems turned green and the whirl of heavy locks unclipped before the two-foot-thick door creaked and groaned open for the three to enter. Stepping inside Director Nick Fury, Doctor Stephen Strange and Doctor Reed Richards looked up at the subject contained in the cell.

“THIS is…”

Surrounding the patient at the center of the cell, both doctors looked down in shock.

“This is the Wendigo, or one of them anyway.”

Bound in a straight jacket comprised of an unfamiliar polymer and strapped in a gurney in the center of the room, its body chained and bound to all four corners of the cell, lay the Wendigo. Several IV tubes were stuck in its arm and neck pumping powerful sedatives into its bloodstream from a nearby series of fluid filled bags.

“This is highly unusual… I thought the Wendigo curse was only limited to the borders of Canada.” Wondered Reed, scratching his chin as he checked the massive creature over. If it were standing, it would have been well over 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Broad chested and solid with muscle rivalling that of the Hulk, its body was covered in thick white fur and long hair over its scalp that draped over its shoulders. Its bare hands and feet sported thick black claws not unlike those of a bear and a long prehensile tail that dangled at the side of the gurney. Although its face was still humanoid, there were traces of feline features there too; a flattened nose, black lips with fangs just poking out the bottom of the upper lip and long spaded ears. Some would have confused the creature for huge, muscled anthropomorphic lion man if not for the black horns growing out of the crown of the creature’s skull.

“It was, or at least THEY were.” Explained Doctor Strange as he stood opposite from the sedated monster, giving it the same studious attention as Reed was. “About a year ago there was an incident in Ontario; a murder at a meat processing plant that lead the killer to try and dispose of the body by tossing the corpse in the meat processor. In the span of 42 hours several towns had been cursed instantly after consuming the meat.”

“My goodness!”

“Indeed, a joint effort with SHIELD, Alpha Flight, the X-Men and Avengers were called in to contain the situation.” Explained Fury, circling the two as they studied the sedated Wendigo between them. “Seems Cap had the right idea to lure them across the national border which lifted the curse… Until it didn’t.”

“That was because of the forest spirit Tanaraq.” Doctor Strange continued, stand up straight and reading the sedatives being injected into the creature. “He was the cause of the Wendigo curse, seems he took the opportunity on the matter and wanted to make himself a god, bending the rules to his own curse and made it a plague. Last I heard the rest of the spirits with the X-Men killed him.”

“And doing that turned everyone afflicted back to normal.”

“So…” Wondered Reed. “Why not THIS specimen?”

“That’s why YOU two are here, we ended up picking this one up in the woods of Adirandack Park after we got reports of missing pets and hunters during deer hunting season.” Moving over to tap a finger against the IV bags, the trio watched as the monster twitched, but remained sedated. “We’ve been pumping enough of this stuff in him to keep him out of it, funny really, he’s gone through enough to knock out a herd of elephants.”

His interest peaked, Doctor Strange turned to leave the cell where he was met by the guards outside. “With the defeat of Tanaraq, the curse should have been lifted, interesting, I will try to determine the cause of this anomaly.”

“And what of me? I would think that curses and spirits are a little outside of my field of expertise. Wouldn’t you?” Replied Reed Richards with a shrug, understanding the situation but unsure of why he was there. Stepping over to a small tray, Nick Fury brought a sealed container with three sharp teeth rattling inside when passed to Mr. Fantastic.

“We tried getting samples from this thing; hair, blood, we even pulled a couple teeth before they grew back. From what we learned from the Ontario fiasco, this curse was spread by bites after the initial outbreak, that’s never happened before, if its not related to the curse and if it can be reversed or prevented I’d like to see if that can be done with science AS WELL as magic.”

Picking up the container of samples, Reed Richards gave the container a sharp look before nodding to the SHIELD director. “Covering all your bases I see, alright then director, I’ll see what I can find and provide you with a report once I have something.” Looking back at the sedated creature before leaving with the guards circling the cell’s entrance, Reed made one last look to the Wendigo laying on the gurney. “By the way, were you able to identify who this was?”

“What’s the point? After the damage this thing has done, I’m more interested in how to get ride of it then who it used to be, besides…” Flicking the creature’s ear with his fingers and not even getting a flinch as a response, Director Fury continued. “If we ever did return him to normal, he’d HANG himself after learning who he killed and ate.”

Breathing in sharply, Reed bundled the samples under his arm and joined Doctor Strange in the hallway. “Always a pleasure speaking with you Director Fury…”


3 days later…

Sighing and leaning back into his seat, Reed Richards rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. He had run tests on the samples given to him by SHIELD for the better part of 72 hours since he arrived home, barely taking any time for himself to eat or sleep, and it was showing on his face; sporting a shaggier beard and rings under his eyes. Feeling a second pair of hands come up from behind him and gently massage his shoulders and neck, Reed smiled and opened one of his eyes to look up to find his wife Susan leaning over him with a warm smile.

“Hey there sleepy head, rough morning?” Cooed Susan as she playfully combed her fingers through Reed’s hair and beard.

“Morning? What time is it?” Sitting up, Reed looked around to find a clock to tell the time from. Giggling, Susan slowed her husband’s frantic actions, her smile never leaving her lips. “I’m kidding Reed, its 8 PM.”

Sighing, Reed slumped back down on his chair and exhaled, getting a peck on the forehead from Susan just as she moved to stand beside his chair and look over what he had been researching. Finding several vials and samples that Reed had already gone over and gave up on. “What did you find so far sweety?”

“That its all human tissue…”

Bundling up some of the reports he had already finished printing off, Reed showed his wife the results of his current research, scratching at his beard in frustration over the results he found over the last three days, or at least the LACK of results. Despite the state the samples were in when provided to Reed, all he had discovered were the fangs were human, the blood was human, and the fur was human. “This is why I hate magic; it defies natural science in favour of the unreal.”

“Did you at least find something useful?” Susan asked, closing the folder, and picking up one of the fangs Reed had been studying between her fingers.

“Only a name, at least I found out who our Wendigo is.” Typing a command on his computer, Reed brought up a news clipping for a missing persons report from the incident that year. “Richard Smith… 28 years of age, he was among the Wendigo lured across the border by Captain America and placed in a medical tent with the others before the curse expanded and he and a few other patients turned again. It was believed when everyone turned back with the death of Tanaraq, he returned to normal like the others… Apparently that was not the case.”

“So now SHIELD has in its custody a Wendigo OUTSIDE of Canada under heavy sedatives until… What? Have they bothered to tell this man’s family?”

“Pff… They consider him a lost cause and didn’t bother with identifying him.”

“Well that’s terrible… OUCH!” Dropping the fang between her fingers, Susan looked down at her thumb to find the fang had been sharp enough to draw blood.

“SUSAN! Are you okay?”

“Yeah… My fault shouldn’t have been playing with the damned thing.” Bringing her thumb to her mouth, Susan and Reed found the fang tip on the floor and returned it to the sampling case. Kissing her husband on the forehead again, Susan stood up and made to leave the lab. “I think you’ve been at this for a WHILE reed, come to bed, get some sleep.”

“Yeah… I think I’ll do that in a bit.”

Waving off her husband and turning the corner out of his lab, the Invisible Woman looked back down to her thumb, finding the injury had healed itself. Thinking nothing of the mild paper cut of a scratch Susan Storm made her way to the bedroom until she felt her stomach growl. Rubbing her middle, she looked down and turned her attention to the refrigerator across to the kitchen. Pursing her lips, Susan shrugged and made her way to open the fridge. “Guess a late-night snack couldn’t hurt…”


Stepping out of the lab an hour after his wife, and yawning into his hand, Reed rubbed the soreness out of his eyes, heading down the hallway of his home to his shared bedroom with his wife. Making his way there he noticed the kitchen light still on, hearing the rummaging of plastic packaging on the counter. Curios, the man turned the corner to find his wife at the counter making a sandwich for herself and using all the sliced turkey in the packaging to do it.

“Hey sweetie, feeling hungry?”

Taking a bite out of her sandwich and making a face while chewing that looked like she had been starving this whole time, Susan turned her attention to Reed and smiled, licking the mustard from her lips with a blush and combing her fingers through her hair out of reflex. “Yeah, hmm, sorry Reed, just getting a late-night snack before bed.” Biting into her sandwich again, the woman hummed to herself finishing off her meal and passing her husband at the kitchen doorway, kissing his cheek, and making her way to bed. Shrugging, Reed followed her to their room. Getting changed and buttoning up to sleep, Reed leaned over to see his wife in the adjacent bathroom, giving herself a look over and comb her hair.

“Huh… Reed, do I look pale to you?”

Seeing her poke her head out of the bathroom in a night gown and her long blonde hair draping down her shoulder, Reed tilted his head, shrugging as the light from the bathroom may have illuminated her, it didn’t show her complexion had changed. “You look as beautiful as always Suzie, maybe you’re just seeing things.”

“Yeah… Maybe…” Yawning into her own hand, Susan joined her husband in bed and curled up to sleep.


It was at night…

The sky was so dark, overhead all the stars could be seen like streams of sparkling lights just out of reach splayed over the canvas of the night, with the sickle thin outline of the crescent moon. Not a cloud in the sky, it was crystal clear as far as the horizon could show which finally ended with the obscurity of the pine trees, she darted past. Susan was running, running faster than she ever imagined in her life. Breathing hard, she could feel the icy wind through her long hair, the stark, brisk cold of the winter biting at her skin. But she never felt cold, even in the freezing foot deep snow she was running barefoot in. No, she was not cold, or tired, or scared…

She was hungry!

She was RAVENOUS!!!

She never KNEW such hunger, like an abyss demanding to be filled but so vast no effort could be made to fill it. She could not think or feel anything other than the gnawing hunger driving her forward.

Stalking through the snow, Susan breathed hard with her pace, her hot breath escaping her black lips like smoke from a furnace. Looking down at her feet she noticed footprints in the ankle-deep snow, dragging into a trail ahead of her further into the pines. Hearing a cry ahead of her, her speed increased, carving a wake through the snow until she was forced to leap into the air to hide her presence, grabbing hold of a tree trunk 15 feet above the ground and vaulting herself to the next one, then the next. Picking up speed she heard the cry echo out into the darkness again, practically salivating, she leapt across the forest and landed on her feet on a rocky outcrop, running on all fours with her lips pulled back to reveal her fanged teeth. Leaping off the outcrop, she found her prey stumbling in the snow, his clothes torn and marred with caked blood that was not his and his face frozen in terror. He had been running for his life for so long he no longer had the breath to scream when he turned and looked up at her lunging for him with her claws brandished and her maw open to bite into his neck.

The taste of blood on her lips made her eyes roll back, her nostril flaring from the taste even as she ignored the gurgling cries of the man she sunk her teeth into, her claws digging into his ribcage with enough force that bones crumbled in her grip. Feeling him limply struggling in her grip, his hands grabbing at the fur of her back and shoulders, he coughed up blood, trying to mutter a word into her spaded ear.

“Susan… It’s… It’s ME… Reed!... Please… Wake UP…”


“Wake up Susan, the kids are about to head to school, and I’ve got that symposium at the University, should I drop them off or do you need some more time?”

Groaning awake and sitting up from her spot on the bed, Susan rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked around, squinting at the sunlight cutting through the blinds of the bedroom. Looking over to the bedside drawer, she found the alarm clock read 7 AM. Looking up to Reed just now finishing up putting his tie on around his neck, the man wearing his blue business suit for the meeting.

“Damn what a screwed-up dream…” Shaking her head, Susan groaned.

“What was that sweetheart?”

“Nothing Reed, I think I can drop off the kids, just give me a bit to get cleaned up.”

Feeling him place a kiss on her forehead, Susan swooned to herself and sat up to make her way to the bathroom, giving herself a look over in her reflection in the mirror. Leaning against the sink counting, the woman turned her head back and forth and pulled open one of her eyes to get a better look. Apart from her skin looking a bit pale and her eyes a tad bloodshot, she seemed no worse for wear. Slumping and exhaling a breath, Susan gave her reflection a face and snorted. “Last time I eat a turkey sandwich late at night…”

Turning on the shower head and getting undressed, Susan Storm got herself ready to get cleaned up and ready for the day.

Spending the next few minutes hastily getting washed, dried, dressed, and prepped up, Susan checked herself in the mirror after drying her hair. Giving herself a look over, she found the edges of her blonde hair seemed a lighter colour. Bringing up a lock of her hair between her fingers, the woman found the tips to be a bit bleach in comparison to the rest of her golden blonde hair. Shrugging and thinking none of it, she stepped out of the washroom, gathered her clothes to get dressed and plucked a pair of shoes from her closet to wear.

Stepping out of the bedroom in a pair of dress pants and a soft blue button blouse, Susan tied her hair back and made her way to the living room where she found her two kids eating breakfast. From the kitchen she could smell Ben Grimm scraping away at a skillet making scrambled eggs and bacon for everyone, the big orange stone-skinned man turned his attention from the burner to smile back at the woman. Smiling over to Franklin and Valaria, Susan kissed them both on the forehead before joining them at the table and setting up a plate for herself. “Morning kids, are the two of you ready for school after breakfast?”

“Yes MOM!” Her son and daughter cheered out in unison.

“Morning Suzie, sleep well? Made hash and bacon.” He waved with his spatula, scooping up the fried minced potatoes and bacon onto a plate and made his way over to the table to join them.

Yes PLEASE! Woke up starving this morning.” She answered, using her fork to scoop up all the freshly cooked bacon and eggs, surprising everyone on how much she was stacking on her plate before bringing said fork to the mound of scrambled eggs in front of her to start eating her meal. Watching her go, the trio sat silently as the Invisible Woman ate like she was starving. Wolfing down one mound of eggs and bacon after the other, a look of pure bliss on her face maintained with every bite she took.

“Hey uh… Suzie, want some toast to go with yer bacon?” Ben offered, seeing the woman shake her head slightly before inhaling another fork full of bacon. Scraping her place clean, Susan wiped her lips and stood up from her seat, looking over the table as if searching for something.

“Is there anymore?”

“Sorry mom, you ate it all.”

Slightly taken back, the woman looked down to realise that she had eaten almost all the eggs and bacon on the table, leaving the hash browns, toast and fruit practically ignored save for her kids and friend, taking what they could get from the show. Blushing slightly, Susan covered her mouth with the back of her hand in embarrassment, then wiped her hands on her napkin. “Heh, guess I was hungrier than I thought, well kids, lets get you two to school, don’t want to be late now do we?”

Quickly getting out of their chairs, the two grabbed their school bags and joined their mother at the front door. Turning to look back over to the table, Susan waved back to the Thing with a shy smile. “Sorry about the damage Ben, hope I left some for you.”

Seeing the door close, Ben Grimm looked down at the table to see the only thing left were jam lathered toast and hash browns, shrugging, he filled his plate and nibbled at his toast. “Hmm, well, Alicia DID say I could stand to lose a few pounds…”


Getting the kids into the spare fantasti-car, Susan flew her two children to their school to start their classes, the pair sitting in the back seat with their school bags in hand as they flew over the city. More than once Susan found herself preoccupied while flying, even after breakfast she was still hungry. Seeing the large campus for gifted children just below the flying vehicle, Susan made her descent and landed just outside the curb of the school, parked between two other cars nearby. Turning over to check on Franklin and Valaria in their seats, she smiled back at the two, giving their hair a look over before she opened the side door and let them out. “Bye kids, have fun at school.” Seeing the two wave her goodbye and run for the main gate with the rest of the children, Susan caught a moment where she spotted Valaria being held up by a trio of girls in school uniform like her, taller and obviously a year more into their curriculum. From her vantage she could not hear what was going on, but she could see her daughter have a distraught look on her face before she made her way inside.

Taking note of that, Susan reactivated the Fantasticar and ascended a few stories overhead before turning around and making her way back to Four Plaza. But during the trip back, she felt her stomach growl again. Rubbing her flat middle, Susan frowned and looked down to the main streets below. Spotting a burger bistro in sight, Susan descended and found a decent place to park the park and made her way inside. Patiently waiting in line, the pale woman sighed, her arms crossed as the line of people grew shorter and her turn to order came up, during that time Susan was getting irritable having to wait forever to get her order in, but in actuality she only had to wait 5 minutes. The teller at the front desk was a young teenager smiling up to Susan wearing a hairnet and cap with the bistro’s logo.

“Hello, welcome to Butch’s Bistro, how can I take your…”

“I want three orders of your double patty burgers with bacon and cheese, along with some barbeque sauce and fries.”

Blinking back at the woman, the petite cashier leaned to the side to look behind the Invisible Woman tapping her foot impatiently. Finding apart from an elderly woman and a child behind her, there was not a group she was with. “Will that be all ma’am?”

“And I want a diet coke.”

Getting her order, Susan made her way outside to the sitting area of the bistro and sat at a table in the shade. Immediately she began eating her meal, the moment the ground beef, bacon and sauce touched her tongue, her eyes rolled back with a moan of bliss. Eating like she was starving; the woman took one bite after the other, oblivious to the stares from everyone nearby as they watched the woman eat a large hamburger like she hadn’t eaten in days only to follow up with her second one. Already she could feel her hunger ebb away, the need to eat fading as she filled her stomach. Dipping her fries in sauce and taking a sip from her drink, Susan became distracted when she heard a familiar voice nearby.

“Susan? Susan is that you?”

Looking up while still biting into her burger, Susan’s eyes lit up when she found her friend Greer Grant looking down at her from across the fence line of the eating area, her son in her arms while she stood there with a slack jawed smile and shaking her head in surprise. “Wow… Feeling hungry there Suzie?”

“Hi Tigra! He there William, are you having fun with your mother?” Chirped Susan, wiping her face and pulling a seat out for the tiger woman to sit along with her, keeping her toddler Will in her arms while he playfully struggled against his mother’s grip.

“He’s entered the terrible twos… for sure, by the way, are you feeling alright, you pretty pale, heck I could make out in broad day light girl.”

Bringing a hand to her cheek to cover her blush, Susan pouted before licking the sauce from her lip and wiped her hands with her napkin. “To be honest I thought so too, but I feel fine except for a bit of an appetite.”

Well, I’m heading off to the gym to work off some steam and drop him off to day care, want to come with?”

“Oh I couldn’t do that Greer, I’ve got a couple of things to do back at the home and…” Looking down at her plate, she realised she had eaten three double stacked burgers all by herself in one sitting, not to mention she ate almost all the bacon and eggs this morning when Ben served breakfast. Looking down at herself and pressing a hand against her stomach, she did not look bloated, if anything she did not look any different then when she started the day. Still, her sudden eating habits did worry her. The last thing she needed was to get a ‘mom bod’ after trying so hard to keep her model-trim figure.

“You know what? Sure, need a ride there?”


Meanwhile at the University of New York…

Stepping out of the symposium and shaking hands with several scientists and researchers, Reed Richards smiled back as he made his way out to get something to eat and drink during the break in between speeches. Heading his way to the cafeteria, the man picked what to have for a meal and pulled himself up to a two-person table in the open area. Patting down his suit, Reed unclasped the plastic container of his tuna sandwich with swiss cheese and made to take a bight when a flash of light briefly blinded him and the spectral form of Doctor Strange appeared in the adjacent seat in front of him. Startling the crowd of students and professors taking the time to eat, only to find a non-corporeal man in red and green robes siting with one of their tenured teachers.

“Ah, Doctor Stephen Strange, how has your research been coming along?”

Resting his arms on the table and sitting back, the astral projection of the sorcerer supreme took on a serious face and closed his eyes. “Greetings Doctor Reed Richards, I have spent three days combing through the nether realms of the great north, the lands of the ancient spirits that dwells behind the veil of the living, the primordial realms from which the spirits dwell and flourish outside the purview of mortal eyes. From there I sought the cause of the curse, its creator; Tanaraq the great beast.”

“And…?” Reed asked tilting his head in rapt attention.

“Nothing” Sighing, the man opened his eyes and rested his head in the palm of his gloved hand in a look of frustration, plucking a small tablet of butter spread off of Reed’s tray and rolling it back and forth across the table. “A being like him would shine like a star in the night, I’ve not seen a candle’s worth of a flicker of him.”

“Well, my research was equally inconclusive.” Replied Reed, cracking open a bottle of water and taking a sip. “The samples provided by SHIELD have only shown me that the subject is human, but that’s about it… At least I found out our Wendigo’s name; Richard Smith.”


“Yes, I had to check news clippings and it turns out he was the initial start of the Wendigo outbreak, the one who killed his co-worker and dumped his body in the ground beef meat processer.”

Hearing everyone in earshot suddenly spit out their food, or force themselves to gag, Reed looked around and stood from his seat with his arms out. “It happened in Canada folks, not here!” Seeing everyone calm down, Reed returned to his seat to join Strange.

Scratching his goatee, Doctor Strange mulled over that information. “Interesting, perhaps THAT is why he remains as the Wendigo, a punishment for such an atrocity…”

“I swear, magic is a topic I have NO hand in, how has it come so easily to you Stephen?”

“Magic is about what could ‘be’ in a world that ‘is’ Doctor Richards, imagination made manifest so long as one can tap into that which makes dreams reality.”

“Right… I am extremely comfortable with what ‘is’ Doctor Strange, unless you have something that can predict future events.”

“I have a magic 8 ball that tells the future.”

“Is it accurate?”

“It is!... If you shake it two or three times.”


Stepping out of the change room of the gymnasium Greer had encouraged Susan to join, the woman tugged at her nylon work-out clothes she purchased at the front desk while Tigra brought her son to the daycare in the same building. Holding herself close, the woman could still feel her stomach growl, something that was annoying her after eating three hamburgers all to herself. She did not know what was causing her sudden appetite, but she did know that if she did nothing about it, she would end up with thunder thighs in no time.

“Hi Suzie, I’m back, cute number.” Called out Greer, wearing black bike shorts and a tube top she changed into after dropping off her son, the tiger woman smirked as Susan hugged herself and looked out onto the gymnasium. “So, what do you want to try out first?”

Feeling a little overwhelmed by the facility, Susan began to stroll through the large space, finding rooms for yoga, calisthenics, a row of treadmills and bicycles, she did not know what to try out really. “How about… There.” Stepping through the weight training area, the two women garnered some attention from the local body builders until they came to the far corner where there was a boxing ring and fight training equipment. Looking up she watched as two men in gear sparred against each other while a spotter stood just outside of the ring to make sure things did not get serious. Nearby she could see others practice strikes and work on their swings. Looking at a man gather his tower and take a swig from his water bottle, he walked away from the punching bag now left open for anyone else to try. “How about that Greer?”

Moving up to the punching bag, Greer smiled a toothy grin and lolled her head and rolled her shoulders to loosen up. “So, you want to throw a few punches huh? Blow off some steam?” She asked, taking a few punches to the sand filled bag and listening to the satisfying rattle of its chain tether from the ceiling.

“Just trying to distract myself from this damn ache in my stomach.”

“Well if you want to work off eating a pound of ground beef, then girl, this is the way to do it.” Managing to pull a spare pair of fighting gloves from her bag, Greer helped Susan put them on and showed her where to stand on the mat, seeing the blonde bring her fists up, Greer stood back and brought her arm up. “Ready? Begin!”

The moment Tigra’s arm came down, Susan instantly began peppering the punching bag with swift jabs and punches, her fist bumping against the leather surface with all her might. Right hooks, left hooks, sharp jabs, she kept herself focussed on hitting the sandbag in front of her, her eyes narrowing as got into the routine. Then she felt something, a rush flow through her as her punches grew in speed and intensity. Every swing she felt something new, her mind wandering off as her imagination took over, daydreaming. Images of her taking swipes at an opponent that dodged and dove out of her strikes filled her mind’s eye, driving her to fight harder. Breathing hard she could feel her heart pound in her ears while the leather yielded to her fists, her punches growing in strength and intensity, so much so the chain tethering it protested with each blow.

“Uhm… Suzie, heh, getting a little carried away there!”

Susan did not hear a word Greer told her, so engrossed in her work out, her hunt, nothing else mattered to her right now. Sneering her lips, her teeth bared and grit while her punches became far more than practice swings. Her prey was almost down, struggling against her strikes yet still had not fallen. The gnawing ache in her stomach, the pounding in her chest and the booming in her ears drove her on, a singular drive to bringing the killing blow to her prey. By now she was no longer striking with clenched fists but with the palms of her hand, her fingernails cutting the leather with each palm strike that almost looked like the mauling blow of a bear or lion.

“Uhm… Mrs. Storm?”

Growling under her breath, Susan gave a final strike into the heart of the sand bag, practically roaring out loud and gaining the attention of the entire gym when her palm hit the surface and struck the punching bag with so much force the stitching burst and the chain snapped, sending the 100 pound sand bag flying across the gymnasium to hit the opposite wall behind it and burst open, sending yellow sand splaying everywhere on the tile floor. She was not tired, or sweating, there was no sign that punching the bag weighing as much as she did across 30 feet had any effect on her save a look of elated excitement on her face. Watching stunned, Greer could only stare at the remains of the punching bag and back to Susan, the woman panting with her mouth open and a gleam in her eye that looked almost predatory with glee before she calmed down, her breathing slowing when she turned her attention back to her shocked friend.

“Heh… Heh… That was surprisingly good, what else is there to do here?”


The next few hours were… Interesting to say the least. Greer could only shake her head in disbelief while staying with Susan Storm trying out exercise equipment at the gym. They had tried the tread mills, bicycles, medicine balls and several weight tension exercise booths. All of them were tested to their limits by the blonde woman who with every passing second was breaking so many records held in the gymnasium even some of the largest gym rats had to scratch their heads at what they were seeing going on.

Standing back, Greer watched on while Susan laid on a weight bench, being her spotter while Susan Storm lifted a weight bar that was now being reset with even more weights. Her workout had gathered quite a crowd now that she was getting into the zone. Looking around her, the tiger woman could see the rest of the gym patrons whisper in surprise, unable to look away from what they were watching. Hugging herself, Greer’s tail flitted back and forth as she watched her friend lift a new set of weights… All of them!

Before, Susan had tried out a simple rep of 100 pounds, only to claim it was to easy. Then 150, then 200, then 250 pounds, every time she lifted the bar, she showed no more effort then the last series of weights she lifted. Standing two feet from the bench and absolutely stunned by the sight, Greer Grant watched as Susan lifted what had to be over 500 pounds of iron with the same effort as if she were lifting tissue boxes. “Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen…” Not even breathing hard, or sweating from the effort, Susan lifted again and again. The look in her eyes were absolute focus as she drove herself forward and kept lifting again and again. “Nineteen, twenty, twenty-one…” For Susan, each work out seemed to clear her head, distracting her from the gnawing ache in her stomach, which reared its ugly head whenever she stopped, so she did not. Repeatedly she worked out with heavier weights or maximum resistance to all the machines she tried, but each machine she tried out was not a challenge to her at all if anything things were getting easier. “Forty, forty-one, forty-two…” If she could keep this all up, she might be able to get her sudden appetite out of her system, but not being able to find a challenge was starting to make her irritable. “Forty-eight, forty-nine, FIFTY!” bringing the weight bar back onto its holster, Susan sat up from the bench to find herself surrounded by 30 gym patrons applauding and cheering her after her little show.

Looking up from her seat, the pale blonde looked around with a little surprise, she did not realise she had garnered a crowd from her workout. Seeing Greer approach, her with an outstretched hand to help her up, Susan smiled a toothy grin and stood up with the woman’s assistance. “Suzie! Do you realise what you did?”

“Lifted a bunch of tin plates, personally I thought it was a little light, is there any more weights to add?”

“Weights?! Girl the bar was fitted to capacity, you just did FIFTY reps of 500 pounds!!!”

Blinking in surprise, Susan turned to look over her shoulder to see the weight bar for what it was as if for the first time. Now realising what she had been doing for the last few minutes, she too became surprised by her strength. “Wow, I did that?” Still taken back, Susan shook her head and looked back at her friend with a surprised grin. Getting her towel, she was oblivious to the fact the bench had none of her sweat on it or that she looked fatigued in any way. The moment she cleared the bench, another weightlifter took her place and audibly struggled to lift the 500-pound weight set, not even being able to budge the thing before he asked to shed weight off.

“Huh, guess it’s a little harder for some than others huh?”

Giving her friend another look, Greer thought she was seeing things. “Hey Suzie, did you get taller?

Blinking back at the tiger woman, Susan Storm looked down at herself and made a face of confusion. She did not feel any different save for the growl in her stomach. But to Greer, the changes were FAR to obvious to ignore. Before hand, the two women could see each other eye to eye, but now Susan had to have grown 3 inches taller in the last 4 hours alone. Not only that, all the extraneous workout may have been ‘easy’ to Susan, but it certainly effected her body. Long toned legs, muscular thighs and broad hips and a firm heart-shaped rear tapered off to a narrow waist sporting firm abdominal muscle, a heaving chest with a top that looked skin-tight over her larger breasts, coupled with now broader shoulders and firm arm muscles that bunched and tensed when Susan struck a pose with a hand at her hip and her hand combing through the front bangs of her hair. In the span of just those four hours, Susan Storm had turned herself into a pale skinned amazon woman! But that was another thing that worried Greer, Susan looked almost sickly pale, like she hadn’t been out in the son for months, her hair which was a golden blond looked almost bleach white leading up the tips of her hair half way up to her scalp, almost like a crude dye job. Not only that, her eyes looked… Red. Not blood shot, no, more like the ocean blue of her irises were losing their vibrant colour and being replaced with a pinkish hue. If Greer did not know any better, it almost looked like Susan was going albino.

“Suzie, are you feeling alright?”

“I’m feeling GREAT actually, never better, why?” Susan answered defensively, flexing her arm, and smirking at the chorded muscles of her arm bunch up.

“Well… You look so pale, are you sick? Do you have a fever?”

Checking her forehead, Susan’s lip twitched when she did not feel warm to the touch. What she DID feel was hungry, especially after a workout like the one she had. No, I feel fine…” Suddenly her stomach growled again, this time loud enough for both women to hear, making the pale blonde blush before turning her attention back to Greer with a shy smile. “Say do you want to get a bite to eat? I’m STARVING!”


Making their way out of the gymnasium proper after getting changed and over to the day care to pick up little William and head over to a small food court adjacent to the local gym. Greer and Susan ordered at a pizza parlour and managed to find a table at the food court. Tigra had ordered a single cheese pizza slice for herself and her son, snipping the slice into small bite for her son to eat. Susan had ordered a meat lover’s pizza with extra pepperoni and a diet coke to wash it all down. But when she started to eat, she ATE! Folding a slice of pizza heaping with meat toppings, Susan took her first bite and moaned in delight. Her senses lighting up at the sweet flavour of crisp bacon, seasoned pepper meat and spicy sausage before swallowing it all down. One slice quickly became two, then three, then four. Already halfway done her medium sized pizza with no signs of stopping save to take a sip from her drink and dap her lip with a napkin. Her dress pants and flowing blue button blouse looked tight on her, but not because she was bloated, FAR from it really! The exercise at the gym had swollen her physique and curves so much she looked like she was wearing clothes several sizes too small. She even had to undo the top three buttons to her blouse to let her chest breath lest they had burst open anyway. But apart from that, she had no signs of any fat on her body in any way… Despite eating a medium meat lover’s pizza all to herself.

“Wow girl, where do you pack it all?”

Shrugging from the question, Susan continued to eat her meal, nothing else seemed to matter right now save to fill her stomach to capacity. It was sweet relief, the gnawing ache in her stomach relented ever so briefly to give her a reprieve from it all. She had no idea why she had been starving all day, but then again, she was no stranger to wild changes in her life. Maybe this would blow over in time.

“Hey Suzie, mind if I...” Reaching for a slice of pepperoni from one of the pizza slices not yet eaten on Susan’s plate. The tiger woman got the scare of her life when Susan spotted her hand and practically growled at her, glaring down at the woman’s hand, and baring her teeth despite her mouth filled with a half-eaten slice of pizza. Snapping her hand back, Greer was taken back by the act until Susan calmed down and blinked, realising what she had done.

“Heh, sorry Greer, I don’t know what came over me, sure.” Plucking the pepperoni off the slice, Susan offered it to William who snatched it up out of her fingers and began to chew on the thin slice of spiced meat. The moment she had done so, Susan went right back to eating, wolfing down a slice and moving on to another.

“Excuse me, ladies?”

Hearing a man’s voice approach their table at the food court, Susan looked up from her meal to spot a representative of the gym come up and offer his hand. “Hello, my name is Patrick Schwartzman, I’m the proprietor of the Global Gym just over there.” He pointed back towards the gym the two women exited previously before getting a bite to eat.

“Okay… How can we help you?”

“Miss after your demonstration on the gym floor, I want to sign you up for a free membership to our gym, so that we can have more attention to our training and workout classes, the crowds LOVED you in there.” Fumbling with his jacket, the 50 something year old man pulled out a business card along with a small pamphlet to the gym they just came out of. “Don’t decide right away, but please give us a call so we can set you up.” Smiling back at the two women, the man quickly turned and made his way back to his business across the complex, leaving Susan to read the pamphlet with one hand while stuffing her face with the last slice of pizza with the other.

“So… What else did you have planned today Suzie?”

Finishing her pizza and looking down at the empty box with mild dismay, the woman sipped at her drink and pocketed the card and pamphlet in her back pocket. “Well I had a few things planned but I guess those are cancelled now, I was going to finish the day by picking up the kids from school, need a ride home before hand?”

“Sure, thanks for that Suzie.”

Getting up from their seats and hugging from the offered gesture, the two women made their way out of the mall complex to the parking lot where Susan had the fantasticar parked. Even though it was only minutes after finishing a meal that would have served as breakfast lunch and dinner all at once, Susan still felt her stomach growl, demanding to be filled. Pursing her lips in a frown, the pale blonde woman shrugged and tried to push that at the back of her mind before forcing herself to reposition the seating to the car, finding it strangely snug since the last time she drove earlier today.


After dropping Greer and her son home, Susan started her flight back to her kid’s school to pick them up after their classes. During the quick flight there she almost diverted to a fast-food franchise or two getting there. Shaking her head she tried to remind herself that by now her son and daughter were standing outside the school waiting for her to pick them up, ignoring the ache in her stomach until she made it to the front campus and landed the fantasticar in a nearby parking spot and opened the side doors. Looking out of the vehicle, she smiled to find Franklin wave over to her and quickly run to her. But when she looked up to find Valaria, she found her with the same trio of older girls from before. The leader of the trio had her hands at her hips and looked like she was talking down to her. Narrowing her eyes, Susan could not figure it out, but it felt like she could just make out wheat the girl was saying; something about homework and a deadline… She could not make sense of it until she decided enough was enough and called out for her.

“Valaria, it’s ME, time to come home dear.”

Seeing the three girls snicker, Valaria quickly made her way to the fantasticar with her head down and her books clutched in her arms. Getting into the car, Susan gave her daughter a look over and looked back at the trio now leaving the campus together. “So… I’ve seen you with those girls before, are they friends of yours Valaria?” Seeing her daughter shake her head and still looking down at her bags, Susan frowned. Leaving the subject for now, Susan activated the fantasticar and began her ascent above the electrical and lamp posts and flew back towards For Freedom Plaza across town.

Again, the woman found herself distracted on the way home, her eyes darting downward to the local restaurants while keeping her eye on her destination.

“Mom, are you feeling okay?” Asked Franklin from the back seat, his eyes never leaving his mother’s pale complexion during the flight.

“Hmm? Oh, I’m just peachy son, just been hungry lately.” She smiled down to him, not the least bit convincing with her current state.


The moment they made it to the landing pad of the building, Susan cut the engine and opened the doors for her kids to exit and get inside. Closing the fantasticar doors, she noticed her daughter seemed slower getting inside, looking depressed. Crouching down to see her eye to eye, Susan traced a finger to pull a bang of hair out of her daughter’s eyes. “Hey sweetie, I know a sad kid when I see one, wanna talk about what happened today?”

Seeing her daughter pout and slowly shake her head, Susan sighed. “Okay then, but if you change your mind, let me know okay?” Getting a nod from her genius of a daughter, Susan pecked her on the forehead and sent her inside. The moment the trio entered the apartment, the two children ran to their father who was busy in the kitchen while Johnny and Ben were on the couch watching television.

“Hey guys, we’re home.”

“Sis, is that you? DAMN! What, did you hit the gym or something?” Chuckled the Human Torch, finding his sister step inside wearing blue pants and a button blouse that looked almost painted on her athletic frame and curves.

Smiling sheepishly and scratching the back of her head, Susan smirked back at her brother and posed with a tilt of her hip and flexing her arms over her head.  “Actually yes, I bumped into Tigra while out for a meal, she introduced me to a gym south of Manhattan, they offered me a free membership I might take them up on.”

“Hey, if it gets you out of the apartment, go for it.” Chuckled Ben, toasting back at the pale woman with the beer in his stony hand. He and Johnny chuckled going back to watching the game together.

Stepping out of the kitchen and wiping his hands with a cloth, Reed approached his wife from behind and kissed her on the neck, making the woman swoon and giggle feeling his arms wrap around her waste and wrapping her own around his affectionately. “Welcome home honey… Did you get taller?” Asked the surprised man, finding his wife was now an inch taller than he was, and feeling her arms holding his more tightly with a strength he did not know she had.

“You know, you’re the second person to ask me that, I don’t feel any different…” Hearing her stomach growl, Susan blushed that it was loud enough for her husband to hear. “Though I DO feel a little hungry.”

“Well that’s good, I had HERBIE cook up a roast for the family, I think he may have overdone it a bit though.”

Smiling more widely, Susan pulled her husband around to press up against her front, kissing his lips and nose while scuffing up his hair affectionately with both her hands. “Oh Reed, you’re too good to me.”


Three hours later…

The door to Reed and Susan’s shared bed slammed open with the pair making their way inside and making out intensely before Susan playfully shoved her husband onto the bed and kicked the door closed behind her with her bare foot. During dinner she surprised everyone when she ended up eating almost half the roast all to herself! Not even bothering with the rest of the side dishes save for something to drink while eating one fork full of cooked meat after the other. When dinner was finished, the kids were sent to their rooms for the night and Johnny claimed he was heading out for the club. Ben had decided to go to the landing pad to check on the fantasticars before bed and Reed went to clean up the dishes. He was almost finished when he felt his wife come up behind him and pull him close, nuzzling the back of his head and kissing down his neck. “Hmm, nice dinner Reed, I think I need to reward you for such a delicious meal.”

“Well I only set up the dishes, HERBIE’s the one who…”

Quickly spun around, the man found himself pulled into a passionate kiss by his wife. Moaning into his mouth while her tongue swirled and explored the inside of his mouth. One thing led to another and the man found himself tossed onto their bed with the woman kicking the door closed behind her and looming over the man until she straddled his waist. Pressing down on the man with her chest, Susan went right back to making out with her husband, grinding against his waist, and moaning into his mouth. Feeling his hands roam over her back to down her rear and thighs, Susan moaned louder in his mouth before she pulled away and reared up, fumbling with the remaining buttons to her top and tossing her blouse across the room. Her breasts looked like they had grown, the slopes threatening to touch her chin until she undid the clasp at the back. Pulling her bra off, she tossed it aside with her blouse and went back to making out with her husband, smiling against his lips while they kissed.

“Well, You’re certainly in the mood.” Reed moaned in between kisses while Susan giggled and rummaged to undo his shirt, tugging at the sleeves, and prying it off him and try to unbuckle her pants. Kicking her pants off and prying Reed’s pants and underwear off his waist with an aggression Reed had never seen in her. Practically ripping her panties off herself, Susan straddled Reed more fiercely, her thighs squeezing his while she arched her back and thrust her chest into his face. Smirking as he mumbled a response with his nose in her cleavage, licking under the slopes of her E cup breasts and up her chest.

Sliding lower she brought herself eye to eye with her husband, kiss his mouth before making her way down to kiss his chin, down his neck and chest until she found herself at his crotch, gently moving his legs out of the way to stroke at his growing erection and lick at its length. Seeing him grip at the bed sheets the alabaster skinned woman purred with arousal, sucking him off before sandwiching her breasts between his length, licking the head of his cock to hear his gasp and wheeze. Eventually her coaxing and ministrations rewarded her when she found her mouth flooded with his cum, gulping it all down hungrily and licking his length to clean it off and gather what else she could to taste. Even now she still wanted more, but she had other appetites she wanted sated. Slowly crawling up his body and letting her breast and stiff nipples drag against his body, Susan straddled her husband once against and swooned when she kissed and nuzzled against Reed’s chin and lips. Positioning his still hard length between her legs she sunk down on his cock and groaned when her pussy was filled with him.

“Come ON honey, I know you have more for me.” She husked, grinding, and gyrating her hips against his, pleased to feel his hands grip at her thighs and rear and try to buck his hips against hers. Rearing back, Susan moaned, her bare breasts heaving from her chest as sweat slicked her skin. Her long platinum blonde hair swaying with each thrust and arch of her back. Her inner muscles squeezed at Reed’s length as she sank down again, trying to drive him to release again and again. Gasping, Reed looked down to find his wife’s fingernails digging into his shoulders, but as far along as he was it only drove him on to satisfy his wife.

Sitting up, Susan tossed her hair back and forth, her eyes fluttering as she reached her limit, a building crescendo reaching its peak just when she felt a pair of hands cup her breasts and massage their soft masses, his thumbs flicking her nipples and setting electrical jolts of pleasure down her spine. Eventually it was too much for the both of them, and with a keening cry, Susan’s mind went blank with orgasmic pleasure when her husband found his release a second time in the same moment, flooding her insides and causing her body to collapse in a heap of orgasmic pleasure. Moaning and cooing in post coital bliss, Susan hugged Reed close and wrapped her arms and legs around him as if he were a life preserver, her breathing hoarse and erratic while her explosive orgasm racked through her, her vision blurry.

Eventually the couple calmed down, and Reed was pulled close more gently by the pale skinned amazon woman, cooing and purring with delight as she breathed in the scent of his sweat and hair, kissing his lips and forehead before nuzzling his scalp and licking his hair like a domestic cat. Breathing in his scent, the woman slowly found the peace of sleep, despite the gnawing ache in her stomach.


Deep in the bowers of the Raft super-max containment facility, the Wendigo laid motionless. Still unconscious and comatose from a string of IV tubes linked in its arm and neck pumping full of tranquilizers to keep it contained, the only sign of life being its feint breathing. For weeks, the beast was well contained and sedated, but very quickly its breathing began to grow in intensity, its barrel chest inhaling deep full breaths and exhaling hot breath. The monitors keeping track of its vitals began to beep with more intensity, signaling a rise in activity. Opening its blood red eyes, a growl echoed from its cell to the hallways of the Raft.

It was awake…


Re: Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2023, 10:53:31 AM »
Susan Storm; The Invisible Wendigo
Chapter 2

It was night again, the cold winter winds were howling loud and harsh, the night’s sky murky with dark grey clouds obscuring the full moon in a milky glow. Running on all fours through the snow-covered forests hunting for her next meal, the Wendigo growled from the ache in her stomach. She was starving, she was always starving. Wild eyed and frothing at the mouth in blind hunger, she ran and growled with the drive to find her next kill to fill her aching stomach. Stopping over a hill, she reared up and sniffed the air, the cold bite of the winter winds was largely ignored thanks to her heavy coat of fur. Her hulking mass making it so she would never be cold in the ice temperatures, she never felt cold, she barely felt anything, save for the hunger. The hunger was ever present. Then she caught something, a coppery scent in the air that made her nostrils flare and her fanged lips salivate. Roaring out into the howling winds, she darted from her perch and ran as fast as she could towards the scent of blood. Bursting through snow caked foliage and pine needles, no longer caring for stealth through the storm.

She had found them an hour ago, camping in front of a burning fire in the middle of the woods. Three men and a woman who were cooking a stew over the fire before the blizzard settled in. They never saw her coming, her white fur blending in with the thick snow and biting wind when she came up from behind the big one in the group and knocked his head clean off his shoulders with her clawed hand. There was enough force behind the swipe that his head disappeared into the brush long before his corpse dropped at the knees, and she already tasted his flesh before the rest of him fell. Rearing up she took another swipe, just barely taking the woman’s arm off in the process. In a mad panic the others shot up from their seats and tried to flee, their sudden act only triggered her to pounce on the skinny one trying to reach for the car, tearing the metal plate and glass clean off its hinges and pulling him out by his leg screaming before she mauled him apart. Looking up from her spot she found the other two campers run for the forests, the thrill of the chase still booming in her heart when she took to a run after them.

The slower of the two looked behind himself for only a brief second, a second he regretted instantly before the Wendigo tackled him to the ground and crushed his bones with her mass pinning him to the frozen ground, her fangs sinking into his flesh to finish it and keep on running, breathing hard to finish off the last. With a roar of frustration, the Wendigo lost her prey, until she spotted her scent and charged forward. With the scent of blood in the air, the Wendigos snarled mid-sprint, hearing the woman she was chasing cry out ahead of her, giving away her location out of fear.

Finding the woman running for her life, the sight of her clutching her wounded arm set the Wendigo into a frenzy. Lunging forward with her claws outstretched, Susan managed to catch the woman turn when she stumbled back, seeing the blonde woman cry out in horror when the creature overtook her.

Strange as it was, she looked so familiar.


“Hmmm, what a fucked-up dream…”

Groaning and sitting up in bed, Susan scratched her fingers through her hair to clear her head. Looking down she found she was drenched in sweat and her clothe clung to her figure. The moment she saw the bathroom door open and Reed stepped out after brushing his teeth, Susan got up, pulled her top off and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her. Turning on the shower head and stepping in after taking off her underwear, Susan Storm sighed while she washed herself off and shampooed her hair, she mulled over the dreams she was having the last couple of nights and shook her head in confusion. Was that… HER she attacked? Were those her friends and family? It scared her to no end. It is one thing to dream about being chased by some horrible monster, it was another when the monster was YOU. “Stupid nightmares, that’s what I get for eating so damn late at night…”

Hearing her stomach growl, the woman sneered in the shower down at her bare midriff, her hand rubbing over her firm abdominal muscles to calm her stomach. That was another thing, she was always so damned HUNGRY!


“WHAT Reed?!” Susan snapped at the sound of her husband’s voice behind the bathroom door.

“I… Well, I have to meet up with SHIELD early today, can you drop off the…”

“YES REED, I’ll drop off the kids today, just GO already.” She huffed, reaching for the shampoo, and lathering her hair, anything to get her mind off the growl in her stomach.

“Okay… Sorry, t-try to have a good day honey.”

Not answering back, Susan waited until she heard their bedroom door close. Hearing her husband step out of the bedroom, Susan’s attitude quickly became sullen, she did not mean to snap at him, the stress was really getting to her lately. “Sorry Reed, I hope he forgives that… Maybe I’ll make it up to him tonight.” Stepping out of the shower and drying herself off, her stomach growled again, making the woman sigh and roll her eyes.

“After breakfast of course…”


Breakfast ended up being an interesting affair just as yesterday’s breakfast before it. When Valaria and Franklin woke up to get ready for school and eat their morning meal, they found their mother in front of the skillet frying eggs and bacon for breakfast… All of it. The smell alone was what brought them out of bed, rubbing their eyes when they found their mother standing with an apron in front of the oven. She could hardly wait to eat after scooping the sizzling bacon and scrambled eggs onto the plate she was picking off from and putting on the table. Spotting her kids at the dining room entrance she smiled back at them.

“Morning kids, ready to eat?”

“Wow… Is that for us?” Asked Franklin, a little stunned to see so much fried bacon before the plate was pulled away from his hand.

“Oh no dear, this is MY plate.” Susan pipped up when she sat at her seat and began eating her meal, pausing with her fork only briefly to point over to the two plates nearly with toast and jam. “There you go kids, got some… ‘Gulp’ some fruit there too, always need vitamin C to start the day.”

Sitting up at the table and plucking some slices of orange and apple from a nearby plate, the two children watched as their mother practically ate a pound of bacon and what had to have been all the eggs from the refrigerator, the carton was still left on the kitchen counter left splayed open.

Eating the fruit and toast from their plates and drinking orange juice to wash it down, the two kids found their mother even more pale than the yesterday, almost white in complexion, even her hair was a platinum blonde. All of this went unnoticed by Susan Storm who by now was completely driven to emptying her plate one mouth full of meat and eggs at a time. Not wanting to interrupt their mother eat, the two children sipped at their drinks and finished their breakfast just a few minutes before their mother did with hers.

Getting up to take her kids plates, they were both shocked again to find that their mother seemed taller, her blue shorts and top looked almost painted on her toned and athletic frame when she reached for their empty plates and set them in the sink for HERBIE to clean. Wiping her hands and wiping her lip of anything she missed, she gave her son and daughter a smile with her hands at her waist after pulling her hair up into a ponytail.

“Okay kids, brush your teeth and hair, I’m taking you to school in five minutes.”


Meanwhile at SHIELD headquarters…

Looking over the two reports given by Reed Richards and Stephen Strange, Nick Fury had gone over their findings for the better part of an hour, the two doctors standing in front of the director’s desk patiently while they explained what was in their findings.

“As you can see, many of my findings and research came up negative; no cellular mutations or unusual biochemistry to be found, as far as I’m concerned all of Mr. Richard Smith samples are human.”

Pausing in his review, Nick Fury looked up at the doctor scratching at his bearded chin with a raised eyebrow. “Mr. Smith?”

“Yes, that’s the identity of the Wendigo you have in custody, he apparently was the cause of the outbreak prior to his capture.” Reed explained, going over another folder in hand and offering it to the SHIELD director.

“Then what you’re telling me is I have someone in my custody who is probably charged with second degree murder and the third-degree murder of at least 5 other people…Prior to his capture of course.”

Breathing deeply, a heavy lump formed in Reed’s chest at that admission from the man, just as he read over the second folder Reed had given him. Trading a look with Doctor Strange, Stephen decided to speak up now that the director was looking over his own findings. “From the research I have gathered, whatever happened to Tanaraq, he no longer exists in the spiritual plane, or in the realm below all. The source and cause of the Wendigo curse is nowhere to be found.”

“And yet, the 900-pound animal man strapped, chained and doped up in the Raft says otherwise.”

“Curses tend to linger even after the gods or spirits who created them Nicholas fury.” Replied Strange. “Thor and his people often must deal with the Ragnarök every ten thousand years and the god responsible for that has been long dead for millions of years.

Scrunching his face from the answer, Fury was not too keen on listening. Closing the one folder, Nickolas Fury lifted the thin document Reed had given him previously, making a face of confusion as he lifted it up for both men to see. “What’s this?”

“Well, after I did research on the samples you gave me, I traded notes with another colleague who has some knowledge in the Wendigo personally; Dr. Walter Langkowski.”

“Right… The Sasquatch… Alpha Flight’s personally attack dog.”

Grimacing at the moniker Director Fury gave, Reed continued. “Dr. Langkowski has had several encounters with Tanaraq, AND being a Wendigo also, he currently has a microchip in his skull that maintains his higher brain functions while in that bestial state.”


“Well… I was offering to fabricate something like a patch or collar, something that would get the same desired effect, maybe bring back the man in the monster so he can stand trial, or…”

“I like him better as he is now.” Answered Fury, snapping the folder shut and tossing it to the pile on the desk. “Dumb, chained up and pumped so full of morphine he can’t tell what the colour of the sky is anymore, he can be contained THAT way.” Getting up from his seat, Nick Fury frowned at the results he was given as he led the two men out of his office. “Thank you both for your time gentlemen, if I’m in need of a shock collar for a rabid animal I’ll give you a call.”

“PLEASE Director Fury, if you let me, I can give you the means to bring Mr. Smith back.”

“Sorry Doc, but I’m no longer in the business of caretaking monsters, learned that lesson after the Hulk, just step out to your right and one of my secretaries will guide you to your vehicles.”

Seeing the door close on them, the two doctors looked to each other and made their way down the hall with a look of disappointment. By the time they turned a corner, the two stopped and looked out the window to the rest of the city below from their 50th floor vantage point.

“He’s willing to condemn a man to being an animal in a cage… Because now he IS one.” Exhaling a breath, he did not know he was holding, Reed looked to Doctor Strange, finding the man equally disturbed by the decision.

“It might be far better than what he would have done.” Answered Dr. Strange. “SHIELD has a long history of manipulating people to get results, that’s why the Avengers stopped working for them. Could you imagine that man’s fate if Fury would have found a use for him? Forced to do missions with a proverbial gun to his head?”

“I’m just grateful they never came to MY door to make such an offer, the thought of Johnny, Ben or so help me God SUSAN were ever used as weapons… I don’t know what I would have done.”

Hearing Doctor Strange chuckle, Reed found the man smiling while rubbing the bridge of his nose in thought. “It’s because you’re too public, if you and the rest of the Fantastic Four dropped off the face of the Earth to do ‘secret missions’, the world would notice. And after the whole Hydra incident they have been trying DESPERATELY to rebuild their image, I can understand why he did not accept your proposal.”

“It’s still wrong…”

“Do you still intend to make your ‘inhibitor device’ as you offered?” Dr. Strange asked, a knowing look in his eyes.

“Of course! He may be a monster NOW, but he still deserves the right to personhood, hopefully I can have SHIELD change their minds.”

Smiling warmly back to the man in blue spandex, Dr. Strange offered his hand whom Reed openly shook. “It is ALWAYS an honour to work with such an esteemed colleague Doctor Richards, good luck to you.” Stepping aside, Strange made gestures with his hands, causing the air in front of him to bend and twist until it formed a fiery circle large enough for the man to step through. On the other side of the fiery ring was the interior of the Sanctum Sanctorum in Queens. Giving Reed Richards a nod, the sorcerer Supreme stepped through and disappeared.

“Hmm, show off!”


“You’re showing off right now, you know that, right?” Scoffed the gym instructor, watching with disbelief as the pale skinned woman did arm crunches with 400 pounds on either side, bringing her arms together again and again while the heavy iron weights lifted by tensioner cables and dropped when she brought her arms out again. To Susan, it was like lifting a pair of phone books, there was almost no yield at all when she brought her arms together again, her chest heaving from the effort before she relaxed and let the weights drop with a heavy clang. Repeating the process over and over again while the gym instructor kept an eye on her and drove her on. She forgot his name after he introduced himself, she was feeling too hungry and anxious to let that stick before she got right into the workout. “Damn Mrs. Storm, you’re putting some of our oldest clients to shame!”

Ignoring his pep talks, Susan was in her own little world while she flexed and crunched again and again. Breathing hard, she was not panting from exhaustion, far from it. Ever since this morning her senses seemed… Heightened! Her hearing was clearer, her vision sharper, the whole world seemed to have opened for her. She was a little overwhelmed that she could hear conversations from across the gym, even over the background music and sounds of metal colliding together and leather rubber soles squeaking over tiled floor. She could make out faces in crowds that were a blur to her from yesterday, even outside the window and across the street. But the biggest change for her was her sense of smell. When she woke up this morning, she could smell the bacon in the refrigerator long before she started breakfast, the smell of the egg yolk when she cracked their shells and how they changed when sizzling in the frying pan. As difficult as it was the previous day to fly her kids to school, it became a genuine challenge when she found herself unable to stop herself smelling the heated smoke and air coming from the restaurant below the fantasticar’s under chassis and not salivate.

But as soon as she entered the gym, her nostrils were soon flooded with a different scent entirely. Sweat, body odour, pheromones, dozens of people spending hours at a time pumping iron and exercising, giving off a cocktail of biochemicals into the air that sent her into a dizzy spell. She was still hungry, almost ravenously so, but being surrounded by dozens of sweaty men all around her, she was starting to develop OTHER appetites as well.

“Come on gorgeous! Just 10 more reps and you finish your workout, ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three…”

Breathing hard, Susan groaned in her work out, not from any kind of effort, but because the scent of the man egging her on was making her hot and bothered, a warmth bloomed in her chest and made her nipples go stiff, visibly tenting her workout top while that heat travelled down to her loins. “ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred!” Giving a whooping cheer to the woman after she released the arm braces and sat up from the bench, she was breathing hard and had a visible blush on her cheeks when the man turned to pass her a towel. “Here you go… Strange, you didn’t break a sweat at all, geez lady.”

Susan did not hear a word the man had to say, her eyes were glazed over with lust as she breathed in his scent among a cologne of male pheromones and sweat permeating the air. Breathing hard, Susan pressed up against the man, not caring that she was taller than he was by a few inches when she pressed her forehead against his and slipped the towel out of his hand, dropping it to the floor.

“I have a better idea…” Susan purred, the pale amazon woman staring into his eyes, and playfully leaning close enough to kiss his lips. “How about you meet me in the steam room for a REAL workout.” Quickly tuning on her heel, Susan grabbed the man by the collar of his work t-shirt and pulled him with her across the workout floor. The man stumbling after her as she quickly moved passed several people watching what was best described as a cat with a bird in its mouth looking for a place to enjoy her catch. The moment she opened the door to the steam room, she pulled the man inside with her and locked the door behind her. Immediately she pulled off her top and tossed it to the side of the room and pressed up against the man and pinned him against the marble wall. Her full breasts mashed up against his chest while she rummaged to pry his t-shirt off, capturing his lips in hers again and making out with him aggressively.

At first he resisted, if only because he was surprised she was being so forward, that is until she managed to get his t-shirt off over his head and grabbed his wrist to press his hand against the heft of her E cup breast and guided his other hand to grope at her tight rear. Moaning into the kiss, Susan practically growled into the man’s mouth before she pulled away to stair into his eyes with an intensity that scared him, it almost looked like she wanted to bite him before she began sliding down to crouch on her knees and swiftly tugged his shorts and underwear off while doing so. It was not difficult for Susan to coax the man into full arousal, gripping his hard erection and pumping his shift while licking and sucking at his balls. With just her right hand pressed against his chest she kept him pinned against the wall, her strength inhuman yet her actions were careful, after all, she did not want to hurt him. Swallowing down his shaft, the man scrambled to grab hold of what he could to regain his balance, clutching at her hair on her scalp with one hand while the other planted against the wall behind him, using it as leverage to thrust into Susan’s mouth.

Eventually the man, Derrek was his name, groaned as he reached his limit and came hard into the pale woman’s mouth. Surprised that she was gulping down as much as she could before licking his still erect cock clean with her tongue. Standing back up to her feet after slipping off her gym shorts and underwear, Susan pulled the man away from the wall and forced him to sit at the nearby bench and shove him down onto his back. Straddling his waist, Susan reached up and undid her ponytail, letting her hair loose to drape down to her lower back and down her shoulders. With no sense of intimacy, Susan reached down to grip at his length and aimed it at the folds of her pussy before sinking down on him to the hilt, arching her back and tossing her hair in a guttural moan. Grabbing the man’s wrists, she brought Derrek’s hands to her large breasts, biting her lip to feel his thumbs trace over her stiff nipples while she ground against him. Resting her hands on his shoulders for leverage, Susan moaned and wailed, tossing her long platinum hair back and forth to let it sway and flow behind her. Her muscles tensing and bundling from the stimulation of the man underneath her thrusting back into her, his hips colliding with hers and making her vision blur with pleasure.

Reaching her limit, her moans became almost animalistic, her voice going deep and for a brief moment Derrek thought he was fucking a tiger until the grip she had on his shoulders became almost vice-like and she reared back in a keening cry of release, an explosive orgasm causing her body to wrack and shudder on top of the man before she slumped forward and collapsed, practically smothering his face in her perfect breasts. Sitting up, Susan panted and moaned before she surprised the man and bit him over the shoulder, making him cry out from the act until she let him go and rested her head on his chest like a pillow. Despite the heat and humidity in the steam room, Susan was practically cool to the touch, her skin was not even sweaty. Derrek on the other hand was slick and panting after the ordeal where Susan slowly separated from the man so he could roll off the bench and collapse on his side.

Gathering her clothes, Susan slowly got dressed, a tired and sated grin on her blackened lips after she pulled her top back over her chest and pulled up her shorts, finding them to be a bit tighter than when she came in minutes earlier. Lookover her shoulder to the tired and sore gym instructor on the floor, Susan purred to herself and combed a few strands of white hair out of her eyes. “Thanks for the workout Hank…”

“It’s Derrek…”

“Hmm… Whatever… I need a cheeseburger after that workout! See ya…” Unlocking the steam room, Susan sauntered out into the gym and made her way past several onlookers as they leered up at her tall, toned physique, watching the gym goddess stroll out of the building before they turned their attention to the naked man on the floor of the steam room.

“You okay in there pal?” Asked one of the staff members, shaking his head at the sight.

“I think I need to go to the hospital…”


Stepping through the security in each hallway of the raft, Nick Fury made his way past the series of guards and prison cells to the cell containing their latest prisoner. He received the call just a few minutes ago and quickly made it to the RAFT outside of the New York bay. About halfway down the hallway he was confronted by one of the SHIELD medical staff who frantically joined the man in stride with a frantic look on his face while waving a clip board in his hand.

“Give me an update doctor, what have you got for me?”

“We don’t understand it Director, right now the creature has enough anaesthetic pumping through its system to knock out a humpback whale, it worked so far until the last couple of days where it just… started to wear off.” Going over the clip board in his hand, the middle-aged physician rummaged through hourly reports of the creature’s containment. “We’ve increased the dosage which has shown some improvement, but the subject remains cognisant.”

Leaning down to look into the ocular scanner, Nick Fury heard the chime and approval before stepping aside to let the doctor do the same, the chime going off again and the cell doors open to show the Wendigo SHIELD has had in containment growling and struggling limply in its bindings. The bindings and chains still held; the beast still strapped in the gurney at the center of the cell. But now, his blood red eyes were open and glaring at everything that moved, growling, and gnawing on the bridal strap around its mouth. It barely had the strength to pull at its restraints but even then they creaked and groaned in protest when the Wendigo caught the sight of the two men enter its cell to join the three other doctors checking its vitals.

Heading over to a bundle of papers rolling off a vitals monitor, the doctor pulled up specific points recorded of the creature and showed them to Nick Fury. “We don’t understand it, but there have been strange bouts of increased strength and vitality that increase for  brief moments before dying off, during those times the… Wendigo here managed to struggle awake, we’ve been checking its bindings every hour to make sure there are no strains or frays but so far its contained.”

Looking over the graph paper, Nicholas Fury read how on the intervals pointed out to him of where the creature’s vitals would skyrocket before ebbing back down again. Moving over to look the creature eye to eye, Fury found the thing looking back at him with dilated eyes; unfocused, but awake, growling in his presence and sleepily trying to struggle free. “Can it still be contained?”

“On the short term? We have it properly contained, but on the long term we don’t know, not until we can…”

Just then the vitals monitor beeped more rapidly, the Wendigo’s eyes becoming more focused as it began to look around and try to struggle against its bonds. Stepping back immediately, Fury listened as the straight jacket and straps to audibly creak and groan. “KNOCK this son of a bitch out NOW!”

Frantically heading to the IV drip next to the growling monster, the lead physician increased the dosage of anaesthesia pumping into its veins, checking over his shoulder listening to the Wendigo growl and roar with the bridle in its mouth before its struggling slowed and its eyes grew tired and listless. Eventually slumping back down and lolling its head against the head rest.

When it looked like the creature was very much put into a morphine induced coma, the rest of the staff of researchers and doctors sighed a gasp of air, scrambling over his vitals in the printout that was scribbling vitals during the entire spike.

“Doctor…” Barked Nick Fury, watching the man and others go over their findings and pointing back at the contained Wendigo in the gurney. “KEEP that thing contained! I don’t care how you do it, just DO it!”

Storming out of the cell, Fury left the physicians to go over their findings, several showing disbeliefs at what they were looking at. “This doesn’t make any sense, where is it getting these surges of energy from?”


Fluttering her eyes, Susan moaned in delight after biting into her third beef burrito, her fries totally left abandoned to cool at the side of her food tray while she took another bite. Even in the food court she garnered attention as several people passed by to watch the pale amazon woman eat a family meal of beef burritos all by herself. Her heightened hearing picked up some whispers among the conversations from everyone nearby, her ears almost twitching to focus on them.

“Damn… Where the hell does it all go?”

“Last time I saw a woman eat that much; my wife was having twins.”

“DAMN! That woman is built like a brick shithouse!”

She ignored them all, mostly, growling into finishing another bite and bundling the wrapping paper in her hand to add to the small pile nearby and start on another burrito. Even now she was starving, all the time, but each bite she took ebbed the ache in her stomach just a little bit. If anything right now, the chorus of chatter from the food court was starting to get to her, maybe it was the hunger, maybe something else, right now she just wanted to finish her meal and head back to finish her work out. Maybe then she could get her mind off what has been stressing her out. When she reached for another burrito from her tray, she was a little irritated to find she had already finished her meal.

With a frown, Susan looked over her tray and found only the serving of fries and a complementary salad, sneering at them before picking up her tray and bringing it all to the garbage before heading back to the gym.

Once she was back inside, Susan began her workout all over again. Choosing to go to one of the treadmills after having been exercising with weights for the last 3 hours. Heading over to the row of treadmills at the far wall where others were using them to get cardio workouts, Susan set the machine to a quick jog and began to run on the spot. After a few minutes, Susan increased the speed until she was now in a full-on sprint, holding her speed the entire time without feeling tired or out of breath. She was starting to get bored until another patron at the gym took up the treat mill in front of her and began running. From behind he did not look special, mid thirties, slightly overweight and most likely only joined to work off the spare tire he had showing in his sweatshirt. But the moment he began to run… Something clicked in Susan.

Breathing hard and her pink tinted eyes going wide with excitement, she began to pick up her pace, running harder on the treadmill to pick up speed. The thrill of the chase coursed through her veins, making her heart boom in her chest as she quickly thumbed over the controls to increase the speed of the treadmill, running harder and harder to catch up with her imaginary prey. Her lip curling into a smile, Susan’s pace increased, so much so she kept going back to the controls to go faster and faster. By now almost everyone on her end of the gym could hear her footfalls pound into the rubber lining of the treadmill, her body in full sprint and maintaining her speed. By now the only sounds she could hear was the booming beat of her heart in her ear drums and her feet hitting the treads, she was locked in the zone now, invested in the chase, the hunt for her prey just out of reach as she ran faster and adjusted the treadmill accordingly.

By now like all the other times she had been working out, she had garnered a crowd, at least a dozen or more gathered around and were watching this tall pale woman running with all her might. She was not even using the stirrups to keep herself steady or in place, she was not even looking at them, or the controls. By now the only thing that was important to her was the chase, her prey was so close, so close she could just pounce and tackle the man and sink her teeth into him. It was not until he stopped to catch his breath and pull a water bottle out of his gear to get a drink. The moment he did, and stepped out of her tunnel vision, Susan blinked and looked around, bewildered before stopping the treadmill she was on and looking down at the readings to find she had been running 60 MPH for over an hour! Realising she had an audience again, she frowned and stepped off the device, passing through them while scratching her hair loose, not even realising she was almost 3 inches taller than most of them. “The hell are you all staring at?” Seeing them avoid looking her in the eye, Susan huffed and made her way to the change room.

By now it was getting close to her kid’s time to get out of school, and she needed to pick them up. Getting changed, she winced after putting on her underwear and top, finding her bra snug on her chest and back and biting into her shoulders even at the loosest strap. Her sweatpants looked practically painted over her long, toned legs and she had trouble buttoning up her blue tinted blouse, the sleeves felt too tight and she could not button up the top three buttons like she could this morning. “The hell is wrong with this thing? I thought I was going to the gym to LOSE weight, not gain it!” Eyeing the full body scale nearby, curiosity had gotten the better of her and she decided to find out just how much she weighed. The moment her feet touched the pressure sensitive step, the arm of the scale zipped from zero to almost the other end of the scale, wiggling to a three-digit number that made the pale white woman gasp in shock. “TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY POUNDS?!!!!!!!!!” She gasped in horror, instantly going invisible save for her clothes at the sight of the reading off the scale.

Stepping off the device and listening as the springs snapped the arrow back to zero, the invisible woman hugged herself tightly, checking her body over for rolls of fat or anything bulging off her to excuse her suddenly more than doubling her body weight. In actuality, she wasn’t fat at all, if anything she was quite the opposite. If not for the fact her skin seemed icy pale, her hair a platinum tint and her eyes a near bloody pink, she looked like an amazon goddess! Tall, imposing, and statuesque, not a shred of fat could be seen on her lean and toned figure save for maybe her feminine curves, which had become more accentuated after growing taller and stronger. Long toned legs, ending at wide hips with a heart shaped rear, tapered to a narrow waist with sold abdominal muscles up to a heaving chest with proud full globes for breasts the size of ripe grapefruits. Her shoulders were as broad as her hips with toned arms that threatened to burst the seams of her sleeves. For the better part of the day just about every man in the gymnasium had been leering at her body during her workouts… Had she been paying attention.

With a hot blush to her invisible cheeks, Susan gathered her things and quickly made her way outside to get to the Fantasticar. Becoming visible again once she felt safe in the interior of the flying car.


During the flight to head to her children’s school, Susan wasn’t even looking down to the restaurants or food stops on the way there, the first time in a couple of days since this gnawing hunger gripped her, after finding out she had practically doubled in weight, the thought of eating anything else seemed like a toxic idea. If only her stomach could agree with her…

Landing in one of the adjacent parking spots out front of the school while the bell rang for everyone to exit, Susan opened the passenger doors and waited to spot her two children coming out the main doors. Franklin noticed his mother’s car and ran for the open door where he moved over and sat at the far seat but looked up to see his mother’s complexion. “Mom? Are you okay?” She did not hear him, instead, she was listening in on everything else. She could hear every childish gossip and chatter happening in front of her from the children leaving the school. But her full attention was on her daughter, and the trio of girls who stopped her at the door, surrounding her. Clutching her bag in front of her, Valaria looked down as the tallest of the three girls talked down to her. Susan could not hear anything yesterday, but today? What she heard made her lip pull back in a sneer.

“So shrimp, I TOLD you to do my homework last night, so where IS it?”

“I didn’t do it… I had a lot of…”

“Do I look like I’m in the mood for excuses, we had a deal! You do my homework and I don’t dunk your head in the toilets. I’ve got better things to do than waste time on paperwork, now are you gonna do it? Or do you need another toilet wash for that scruffy hair of… AAAAAACK!” The girl never had a chance to finish her sentence when she felt a hand grab the back of her school uniform and hoist her off her feet, turning her slightly to look into the face of Susan Storm, glaring back at the girl with blood red eyes. A low growl from the pale woman’s lips made everyone go silent.

"ReAlLy? A ScHoOl WeRe No KiD HaS An IQ LoWeR ThAn 180 AnD YoU'Re STILL FoRcInG HeR To Do YoUr HoMeWoRk?!"

“Wha… Who do you think you are, put me…”

“SHUT UP!!!” Her voice carried over and made the rest of the students stop in place, watching the scene unfold as the local bully hung from the hem of her uniform, her two co-conspirators shaking and silent at the sight of the albino amazon in front of them holding up their leader like a stray cat by its collar. “YoU LiKe To MaKe DEALS? So Do I… HeRe’S A NeW DeAl, iF I GeT ThE ImPrEsSiOn YoU’Ve BeEn PiCkInG On My DaUgHtEr, EVEN So MuCh As A HAIR OuT Of PlAcE, YoU’Ll SeE MUCH MoRe Of Me…”

Squirming in the woman’s grip, the little girl could not even make eye contact with the intense look Susan was giving her. "Y-you can't do this to me! M-mmy Father works for the..."

Everyone within earshot clutched at the sides of their heads to guard their ears when Susan let loose a guttural roar that terrified the little girl in her clutches, her ebony hair blowing behind her from the intensity of it all, and the trickle on the ground shown that she had peed herself in fright. Looking back up with tears in her eyes, the girl looked up at sneering fanged teeth and blood red eyes boring down at her. “DEAL?”

“YES! I’ll be good! I’LL BE GOOD!”

Dropping her like a sack of potatoes on the ground, Susan quickly spun around and pulled her daughter up to be cradled in her arms as she made her way back to the car, kissing her on the forehead. Looking over her mother’s shoulder, Valaria smiled at the sight of the trio of girls slowly staggering back to their feet, waddling after having soiled themselves in her mother’s wrath.

“Love you mom!”

“Love you TOO pumpkin, now let’s get back home, I’m STARVING!”


Returning home from the school for gifted children, the fantasticar landed on the landing platform above the roof of Four Freedom Plaza and powered down. Opening the doors, both of her children jumped out of their seating and made their way over to the entry way of the building proper while their mother climbed out of the driver seat and idly tugged at her top and the hem line to her sweat pants. Everything felt snug on her, almost painfully so. She still felt insecure about what she discovered at the gymnasium. Susan waited for her kids to use the elevator to head down to the living quarters first before she did the same, when the light turned green again and the doors reopened, Susan entered the elevator. crossed her arms, she leaned against the back panel while watching the display show how many floors she was going down, mulling to herself over the events of the day. “I can’t believe I weigh that much, and I used to be a model too!” Rolling her shoulder in discomfort, her eyes went wide when she heard some stitching give way and noticed the seam in her shoulders had burst, making her blush hotly and quickly turn invisible from embarrassment, just as the elevator doors opened and her family found a disembodied suit of clothing standing in the elevator, wringing its sleeves together in anxiety and squirming on the spot.

“Hey sis… How was the gym?” Asked Johnny, leaning to the side of his chair in the living room to watch the blouse, sweatpants and running shoes run across the hall to her bedroom and slam the door shut. “Huh… Must have been pretty bad then.”

“It was AWESOME!”

“Yeah Uncle Johnny!” Replied Franklin and Valaria, sitting between Johnny and Ben on the couch as they practically bounced in their seat from the excitement. “Mommy scared the bully at school! Roared at her like a grizzly bear!” Valaria even brought her hands up like paws to imitate the act for the Human Torch.

“Huh…” Scratching his chin, Johnny looked away in thought. “Makes sense, when WE were kids, your mother roughed up anyone who picked on me, would have been the other way around but your momma is pretty willful.”

“Yeah, I remember how yer mum and dad first met.” Chuckled Ben, scratching his rocky chin with his stone finger. “Bunch of losers from the college football team were pickin on’em when she stormed up and kicked the line backer in the shin hard enough to drop’em. Ever since then they’d been like peas and carrots.”

“Is that TRUE Uncle Johnny?” Asked Franklin, his sister looking up to the man for confirmation.

“Well… She did have her eye on him before that all happened, granted he was tutoring her in math…”


Rummaging through her clothing for anything to fit, Susan stood in her bedroom with the door locked, wearing only her bra and underwear while looking for anything to put on that was baggy enough to hide how big she had become. Her full breasts threatened to burst her top and her panties seemed tight enough to be confused for a thong. “Two hundred and eighty pounds… I can’t believe I let it get this bad.” She pouted, pulling out a button blouse from her closet and pressing it against herself to look in the mirror, posing back and forth before stopping, her face contorting into a whimper when she found it looked almost child sized against her frame. “This is TERRIBLE, how could I not see it earlier? I’m a big fat pig!”

If she was thinking clearly… She would have realised she was quite the opposite. There wasn’t a shred of body fat on her, even when she tried to grab at what she expected were rolls at her middle, instead she found washboard abs and a tapered waist. Looking over another thin strap top and bringing it up to see how it looked on her, Susan frowned and sulked, tossing it to the small pile on the bed. Hearing her stomach growl again, Susan looked down and grit her fanged teeth in anger. “Oh, shut up! It’s YOUR fault I’m in this mess in the first place!” Huffing and going over her wardrobe again, Susan finally settled on a dark blue mini-skirt with a slip on the left thigh for her hip and legs to breath and a blue poncho top that only came down to her mid-drift. Last time she wore these the skirt came down past her knees and the poncho practically swallowed her up like an oversized sweater.

Then her thoughts fell to the school, and how she had terrified a trio of girls for even threatening to lay a finger on Valaria. “Sigh… I CAN’T believe I did that at my kid’s school, I’ve NEVER been that angry before…” She grew quite in contemplation, thinking back to that moment over and over, before her eyes became more resolute. “No… NO… That little brat had it coming!” She reasoned, looking at herself in the mirror and checking over her appearance, planting her hands at her sides and turning back and forth to look over her attire, she nodded in approval. “Little bitch thinks she can treat my little girl like that? Should have been grateful I didn’t bite her head off!” Hearing her stomach growl again from that thought, she looked down at herself and rubbed her stomach.

“I think I’ve held back eating long enough, can’t starve all day… Maybe a salad this time, start fresh and lose some of this weight.”

Finally pleased with her look, Susan unlocked her bedroom door and stepped outside, combing her fingers through her long platinum white hair to comb it smooth and let it cascade down her shoulders and back until it fell past the hem line of her skirt, obviously having grown much longer over the last few days. Seeing her family and children on the couch looking up at her, Susan gave them a shy smile before sitting on the nearby chair and crossing her legs. Immediately Franklin and Valeria jumped from their seats from the couch and came up to sit in their mother’s lap, making the woman smile as she hugged them both tightly in her arms and kissed their foreheads.

For Ben and Johnny, this was the first they had seen her since yesterday. Susan looked so pale she was almost white, her golden blonde hair now so platinum blonde it was almost silver, and her eyes looked pink instead of blue. But the REAL change that caught their attention was her new Amazonian physique. Her long, toned legs nearly dangled out of the chair and her arms appeared even more fit the last time they saw her. In the span of just two days Susan had become tall, athletic and curvaceous and Looking to each other, the two friends were unsure what to say before Ben elbowed Johnny in the side and caused the man to yelp, gaining Susan’s attention. “S-so Suzie, how’s it going?”

“I’m good… A little hungry… In fact, I’ve been at the gym longer lately because of it, I’m worried I’ve put on a few pounds.” She replied, hugging her kids more closely and the outlined heft of her chest showed through her top as she held her two children close, the definition in her arms showing even more as a result.

“Do you have a trainer? Or did you just eat him?” Whispered Ben, gaining Susan’s attention when she heard him.

“What was that Ben?”

“Hmm? Oh nothing, you look GOOD Suzie, you sure you feel good though. You look REALLY pale.”

Narrowing her eyes, Susan glared back at the Thing and loosened her hug on her son and daughter. “What are you saying? You think I’m sick?... Or FAT?”

“What?! No! NO, no no no NO… It’s just that…”

“Just NOTHING! I’m trying to work off this weight, thank-you-very-much!” Susan answered in a venomous sing-song voice. “And the last thing I need is constructive feedback from someone who weighs a ton and a half!”

“Now come on sis, that’s a little harsh isn’t it?”

“Oh, shut UP Johnny! Like your opinion matters in this!” She growled, making everyone nervous. “Unless that is, YOU have something to share too?”

Leaning back a little nervous, Ben and Johnny didn’t know how to react to Susan’s sudden temper, the two looking to each other along with Franklin and Valeria who looked up at their mother’s glaring eyes staring daggers at their god-father and uncle. It wasn’t until Reed had stepped inside with several paper backs in his outstretched hands that the group turned to the door to find Mr. Fantastic stumbling to close the door behind him with his foot. Looking up, the man smiled at his family, oblivious to what was going on before he stepped in. “Hey everyone, I brought dinner with me from work. Who is up for some fried chicken?”

Her anger suddenly vanished; Susan’s nostrils flared at the scent of the cooked poultry in her husband’s hands. Carefully guiding her kids off her lap to stand up and practically leap to where her husband was to give the man a bear hug and drop the paper bags on the floor. Smothered face first into her chest, Reed was caught off guard before she pulled away and he found his head gently tilted up with his lips kissed by his wife. “Welcome HOME Reed! Oooh, let me help you with that.” Quickly gathering up the buckets of chicken, Susan spun around and sashayed to the kitchen, already ripping open the paper back and plucking a chicken wing out to eat.

Everyone else in the living room watched as the pale amazon woman disappeared in the next room and tossed the paper bag over her shoulder.


Leaving his wife to spread out dinner to the others, Reed sequestered himself in his lab to begin work on the neural collar idea he brought up with Dr. Strange after his meeting with Nick Fury. For the better part of two hours, the man had been busy at work on the project. Wearing welder’s goggles while the man carefully forged and moulded the collar while wiring the circuitry it would house. Reaching out with his hand, he plucked a tool from the adjacent table rack 12 feet away, bringing it to him to carve away at the thin copper tube while his other hand soldered circuitry and dipped the iron in a sponge to cool. Stretching his neck, he checked every angle of his work just as he funneled the wiring through the copper tube and clasped the ends together. Pulling free his goggles after completing his work, Reed leaned back and gave it a look over, admiring his new creation.

“Hey Reed, you wouldn’t happen to store a sandwich in here at all would you?” Asked Ben Grimm after knocking on the door frame of the lab and entering. Looking over his shoulder at his friend’s voice, Reed smiled and brought the collar with him. “Ah Ben, PERFECT timing, are you hungry?”

“Yeah… Why’d you ask? You got something in here to munch on? Cus Suzie kinda ate all the chicken and left us the fries… “

“No, here, put this on.” Handing the collar to Ben, the stone-skinned man looked down at the thin copper loop of metal with the hinge and latch that made it a perfect ring. Looking back to Reed, Ben raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Well? Put it on.” Shrugging his shoulders, Ben clasped the metal ring around his neck until he heard a click and an electric hum.

“Well? Do you feel hungry?”

Looking around the lab as if in thought, Ben looked down at himself and rubbed his stony hand against his stomach. “Huh… No…”

“Aha! It works.” Cheered Reed, rubbing his hands together and then stretching his leg back to the desk behind him to sit at his workbench. “If you recall I was requested by Nick Fury to study their Wendigo they have in containment.”

“Uhm… No, not really… Wendi-whatcha?”

“I have a colleague who is with Alpha Flight; a group of like-minded heroes like the Avengers.” Reed explained, taking notes of his work. “Dr. Walter Langkowski is among them, he’s their Sasquatch.”
“Wait… There’s a REAL Sasquatch?”

“Indeed! Well, anyway, Walter was turned into a savage monster due to gamma radiation exposure, as a solution from all the increased appetites and other negative urges, he originally had a collar that gave off a neural signal to the brain that curbs hunger.”

“Well, THIS is workin, can I keep it?”

Sitting up from his work chair, Reed unlatched the collar and pulled it off Bern’s neck, the act immediately making Ben’s stomach growl as a result. “No, I have plans on offering it to SHIELD to treat their prisoner.”


“Well, I think that should be enough for tonight, where’s Susan?”

Scratching the back of his head, Ben rolled his eyes. “After she ate dinner and what was left in the fridge, she took an early night of it and headed off to bed.”

“Well… I believe I’ll do the same, its been quite the day today.”

“Yeah, no argument there.”

Stepping out of the lab and down the hall, Reed yawned into his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose to rub the fatigue out of his eyes. The moment he stepped into his shared bedroom, he paused when he felt a strong hand grip his shoulders and pressed him against the door, closing it behind him in the process.  Looking up, the room was pitch dark save for the moonlight coming through the windows that had been covered with blinds, leaving him the silhouette of his wife Susan looking down at him with worried eyes as she pressed up against him. Her cleavage pressing up against Reed’s chin while her hands quickly became gently and pressed up against his shoulders.

“H-honey? You don’t think I’ve gotten… Fat, have you?” She asked, her voice trembling as she guided his hands to wrap around her. Holding her more tightly, his hands roamed over her body, finding it tight and smooth skinned save for the bra and panties she wore, and not much else. “I know I’ve been… Overeating a lot, but I’ve been going to the gym! Please tell me you still think I’m attractive.”

Hearing the fear in her voice, Reed smiled up to his wife and let his hands roam over her back and down to her rear and thighs, the act making her moan softly and bite her lip as she continued to look down at him in anticipation. “Honey, I love you no matter what, for better or worse, remember? I don’t care what you look like, you’re always beautiful in my eyes.”

Hearing her breath in sharply, Reed felt Susan gently cup his chin in her fingers and pulled him in for a smouldering kiss, pinning him hard against the door as she took control and guided his hands back to her rear. “Hmmmm… You always know the right thing to say.” Slowly guiding him away from the door, Susan continued to pepper her husband’s lips with kisses before turning him around and playfully shoving him onto the bed. The moment he landed, he looked up to see the silhouette of his wife in the dark, quickly pulling her top off and letting it fall to the floor and thumb her underwear down her legs, kicking them off her ankle.

Crouching down and separating his legs, he suddenly felt a deft pair of hand work on unbuttoning his pants and pull them down his legs while he quickly did the same with his shirt, just as she finally pried his underwear off and began to stroke at his cock. Her tongue slurped up his length while her hands cradled her prize close. Even as dark as it was, Reed could make out her predatory eyes as she sat up and sandwiched her breasts around his erection and went back to sucking him off, her perfect breasts smothering his length in their pliant warmth.

It did not take long for Reed to relent as he gripped at the bed sheets and winced, cumming hard into his wife’s mouth who hungrily gulped down and cleaned off his cock with her tongue. Hearing her breath hard and climb on top of him, he could make out her chalk white outline in the moonlight like she was some jungle predator by the time she straddled his waist and bent down to smother his face in her cleavage. Guiding his hands to her breasts and waist, he could hear Susan moan and gasp as he licked down her cleavage and stiff nipples. When she sat down on his erection, aiming it for her moist folds, she moaned out loud, sounding more like a lioness than the woman he loved. “Hmm, Yes Reed… Like that…” She husked, rocking her hips and pressing her hands against his shoulders. Kissing her husband hard, she reared back, tossing her platinum white hair over her shoulders and back, crying out in ecstasy.

Holding her waist to keep steady, Reed gasped with effort. “You’re… You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met Susan, don’t you… Don’t you forget that…” If she was worried she was fat, his dextrous hands told him a very different thing in the darkness. Despite feeling heavy on top of him, everywhere his hands groped, her body felt firm and toned. So much more so than the last time they had sex. Her breasts felt like heavy orbs in his hands, he could barely contain them in his palms, and her thighs squeezed him so tightly he felt slightly grateful his hip bones were as elastic as the rest of his body.  Pressing her hands down into his shoulders, Susan moaned out loud again, indenting his arms into the bed and warping her husband’s limbs as she squeezed tightly in her grip. Gasping and breathing hard she raked her fingers against the headboard and carved grooves into the wood.

“I’m close Reed, I’m… I’m…” With a bellowing moan, Susan cried out in orgasm, squeezing her thighs, and hugging her husband close so tightly his body twisted in her strong grip. His own orgasm firing off again when she did, causing him to go limp in her embrace as they slowly collapsed onto the bed. Slowly, Susan sat up, propped up by her hands as she looked down at Reed lovingly in the dark, her red eyes leering at his prone and tired body as he turned his head and exposed his neck. Breathing hard, Susan pulled back her lips to expose her fanged teeth, her hunger returned in full force. Darting her eyes wildly, she gripped a pillow and bit down on the fabric, gripping the headboard for leverage and splintering the wood in the process. Finally, exhaustion won out over hunger and she slumped heavily on top of her husband, pulling him close to have his head nestle in the sanctuary of her cleavage, spitting out the chunk of pillow she had bitten into. During the night she gently combed her clawed finger nails through his hair and breathed in his scent, licking at his scalp affectionately before her red eyes closed and she fell asleep.

Somewhere in New York…
He was hungry, he was STARVING! Had been since he staggered out of the gymnasium after he was dragged into the steam room with that woman who bit him. Ever since then he had harassed a burger restaurant for fifth helpings before he was kicked to the curb at closing time. Stumbling into an alley in the dead of night Derrek groaned and clutched at his stomach. The man had eaten enough to feed a family for three breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and yet he was STILL starving. Not only that, his face and skin looked icy pale, and his hair had become grey as smoke.

“Who the hell CLOSES ten at night?! I’m still hungry dammit!”

Blinking his red eyes, the man continued to wander the alley, leaning against the brickwork of a wall when he felt his clothes grow tight. Hearing the squeak of an alley rat scurry under a dumpster, the man’s eyes darted to the garbage cans and his nostrils flared. Blindly lunging for the rat’s hiding place, Derrek frothed at the mouth, practically lifting the 800-pound dumpster out of his way to snatch up the rodent in his hand. Breathing hard, the man opened his fanged maw and bit down on the tiny animal. The moment blood touched his tongue, Derrek’s eyes twitched, and he fell into convulsions. His body surged and grew, swelling larger and taller as muscle packed over his now hulking frame and his shirt burst at the seams. His shoes practically exploded open to free his splayed-out toes, his feet lengthening at the heels until he stood on the balls of his clawed toes. A tail burst out the back of his tattered pants that rapidly grew out until it ended over 6 feet long, thin, and prehensile, eventually his clothes fell off him in rags as he grew larger. “Hhhhhuuuunnnnnngreeee…” Scratching at his head, his bare body suddenly grew hairier, a sheen of snow-white fur crept up his body and up his face, enveloping him completely.

Growling in pain, a pair of black horns jutted out of his scalp, gnarled and black just like his claws and lips. Looking up with blood red eyes at the moon overhead, the monster sniffed the air and licked his blood-stained lips clean. “Weeeendigooooooh…” Howling out into the night, the newly fledged Wendigo prowled the alley ways of the city.


Re: Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2023, 10:54:07 AM »
Susan Storm; The Invisible Wendigo
Chapter 3

It was night when she had returned to her den in the heart of the woods, the full moon was overhead and the stark wind bit at her hide and fur as she marched through ankle deep snow, but she never felt cold in the harsh winter, only hunger. She had just returned from a fresh kill; campers who had foolishly set up tent near her lair and paid the price with their lives when she sank her teeth into their warm flesh. Gnawing the last fleck of meat off the femur she had in her hand, Susan chewed on the bone before tossing it into the snow, the red stained thing disappearing into the deep snow and quickly forgotten on her journey home. Trekking her way back to her den to sleep and digest her latest meal, her lair stood out like a black, rocky fissure in the snow and frost. Making her way into the dark and damp cave in the cliffside of the forests, padding inside on all fours, she laid down on her side and rested her head in the palm of her clawed hand while her to cubs stir and awaken from her movement. Smiling proudly, Susan brought them to her heaving chest and purred when they bit down on her stiff nipples, suckling at her mother’s milk to feed. Fluttering her eyes and breathing deeply, the female Wendigo purred and sighed until her two children had their fill. Hugging her son and daughter close, Susan licked at their heads, cleaning them as they protested and flailed against her. She could not wait for them to grow up, become big and strong like her, to join her in the hunt and feast. Licking her son’s head in her arms, Susan purred and swooned.


“Uhm… Suzie? Honey?” Reed whispered in bed, held tightly in his wife’s strong arms while she licked at his hair. When the man tried to squirm his way free of her grip, the woman pouted into a moan and hugged him more tightly, smothering his face into her cleavage and going back to licking his hair. There were moments in between where she would breath in deeply, smelling his face and scalp and exhaling a pleasant coo or moan before kissing his head and licking his hair all over again. Sighing and looking around himself, Reed managed to pluck a pillow from under him and slither his way out of her grip and have the pillow take his place. Clutching the pillow tightly, Susan continued to lick at the stuffed cushion while Reed made his escape from their bed.

Getting up and heading to the washroom to get dressed, Reed got cleaned and dressed and prepared for the morning routine. It was a Saturday, and he remembered that Ben offered to take the kids to the ball game while Johnny would be out on a bike rally just outside of the city. That would leave Reed and Susan with the apartment all to themselves. Heading to the kitchen, Reed fumbled putting toast in the toaster and looking up online for the recipe for scrambled eggs, darting his eyes between the iPad nearby and the skillet hot and ready on the burner. Just before he could crack an egg open, he heard the telephone ringing in the living room. Poking his head out the doorframe, he stretched his arm out across the hall and room to pluck the phone off its receiver and bring it over to the kitchen. “Hello, Richards residence… OH? Hello Principal Moore, how is… What? A meeting on Monday regarding my wife? What is this… REALLY? I’m certain there must be some kind of mistake, Susan would never… Sigh… Alright, we’ll be there on Monday.”

Shaking his head in confusion, Reed went back to the skillet and tried to find his place on his iPad, reading the instructions carefully as he began cracking eggs and swished them together with a fork, trying to measure what a ‘pinch’ of pepper was. Eventually he heard his wife exit their bedroom, scratching her hair loose and wearing nothing save a pair of blue panties and top that clung to her towering pale frame while she yawned into her hand. “Mornin Reed… ‘sniff’ hmm, that smells good…” Kissing Reed on the cheek, she opened the door to the refrigerator and bend down to search for something to eat while Reed prepared breakfast.

“Honey, the school called about what happened yesterday, did you get in trouble with one of the students there?”

“Yeah… Little BITCH was picking on our daughter…” She answered, the sounds of plastic packaging being rummaged through before she stood up to her full height and kicked the fridge door closed with the back of her heel. Her hands were full of packaged sliced meats that she already had half-way finished with her mouth full. “Scared the piss right out of her.”

“Actually, that’s what they want to talk about, her mother and father had contacted the school and they’re very upset, so much so they want to have a meeting on Monday to… Expel Valeria.”

“SO, THE LITTLE SHIT GETS TO DUNK MY DAUGHTER IN THE TOILETS AND THREATENS TO TOSS HER OUT OF A FUCKING SCHOOL FOR GENIUSES BECAUSE I CALLED HER OUT?!” Roared Susan, shoving a handful of lunchmeats into her mouth and crushing the packaging in her hand. “Maybe I should have done more than scare the shit out of her to get the idea you can’t pull this shit on the daughter of Susan Richards Storm!”

Breathing hard and rasping to the point that she sounded like she was growling, Susan snapped and bared her teeth when she felt a pair of hands cup her face, her pink eyes softening when she was gently guided to look down at her worried husband and quickly calmed down. Closing her eyes, she breathed in and out, hugging the man back before separating to kiss him on the lips. “Sorry Reed, I’ve just… Been so damn angry lately… Angry and hungry…”

“Well you DO look very pale dear, maybe we should take you to a clinic later to check on you.”

Slowly nodding, Susan hugged herself and calmed down, making her muscles tense as a result. “Maybe… Maybe you’re right Reed, I think I’ll get some fresh air, head to the gym to clear my head.”

“Okay sweetheart, how do you want your eggs?”

Eyeing the bowl of egg mixture on the table, Susan plucked the bowl off the counter and slurped it up raw until it was all gone. Placing the bowl back on the counter, Susan kissed Reed on the cheek and returned to the bedroom to change. “Thanks honey.”

“No problem…”


Bellowing roars filled the prison cell while doctors backed away from the contained Wendigo in the gurney at the center of the cell, struggling against its bonds while one physician increased the dosage of drugs being pumped into its veins to keep it sedated. Biting down on the bridle keeping it pinned back, the massive white furred monster growled and eyed everyone around it with murderous intent. No matter how much the does was increased, albeit too weak to break free, the monster remained awake and aware.

The heavy metal doors to the cell opened with several armed guards stepping inside and followed by director Fury, the man looking over at the roaring Wendigo in containment and back to the lead physician in charge. “Talk to me doctor, what’s going on here?”

“We still have no idea… We’ve doubled the dose of sedatives twice over and twice over again, right now this… THING has more drugs than BLOOD coursing through its body and yet the subject continues to become more lucid over the span of hours.”

“You TOLD me this freak could be contained!”

“And we’re trying our best sir, but right now we have NO idea where this creature is getting its strength from.”

Another guttural snarl escaped the creature’s fanged lips through the bridal, glaring at Fury with blind rage and hunger as the biometric readout spiked again, causing the physicians and guards to go into a panic, the newly arrived guards aiding them as they increased the number of bindings holding the beast down. Then just as quickly, the Wendigo went limp and stopped resisting, fatigue finally setting in. Stepping away from the creature, the guards trained their weapons on it just in case. “I want that thing contained doctor, do not disappoint me!”

“Y-yes sir, we’ll see what we can do.”

Storming out of the cell and back down the hallway, Nick Fury rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and finger, frowning at the turn of events. Handling these monsters was getting way too out of hand. If it were up to him, he would have them all terminated and do the world a favour, if it were possible… “how could this day get any worse?” As soon as he had left the maximum-security wing, the director got a call from his phone. Listening in on the call from the Helicarrier, the man’s eye went wide with shock. “What? What do you MEAN there’s another one?!”


Moaning out loud and tossing her long flowing hair with both hands, Susan wailed, straddling a man on the bench of a men’s changing room at the gym she now frequented. Earlier she was at the weights, working out and trying to get her mind off the gnawing hunger that had been torturing her for days. It had helped, it granted her a distraction to focus on… But it also opened other appetites she was currently trying to sate. Last she remembered she was on her fiftieth rep while listening to one of the staff coaching her on. She would have ignored him egging her on if it were not for his enthusiasm… And the alluring smell he gave off. Eventually she couldn’t fight it anymore and dragged the man by the hem of his work shirt to the men’s changing room to where she was now. Pinning him down easily with her hands and raking her fingers across his chest while she squeezed her thighs around his waist. “S-so hot, yes… More, so close…” Breathing hard, she could feel his rough hands hold her waist firmly before letting those hands roam up her firm abdominal muscles to squeeze and heft at her full, round breasts. “Damn girl, slow down!” He called out, thrusting up to meet his hips with hers while she gripped his shoulders and pushed him down, increasing her tempo. She did not remember his name, couldn’t be bothered to ask while all she could think about was using him to get off. Feeling him grope at her breasts, she pulled one of his hands up to suck and lick at his fingers, grinding hard against him while she reached her limits.

She could feel it build up in her, her heart booming in her chest like a jackhammer as her breath hitched in her throat as it finally built to a crescendo… And exploded. Rearing back and crying out, Susan came hard, her eyes fluttering before she slumped forward and propped herself up with her hands on the man’s chest. Slick with sweat, Susan caught her breath, smiling as she felt the man’s hand trace up her chin and cheek. Joining her hand in his… She bit him.

“OW! Dammit woman, that’s my hand!”

Slowly regaining her bearings, she pried herself off the man as he rolled off the bench and scrambled to a sink to wash his hand wound while Susan combed her fingers through her hair and smiled in satisfaction, ignoring his frantic scrubbing to check how bad the wound was. “Dammit, you crazy bitch, you actually drew blood!”

Pulling on her gym shorts and workout top, Susan completely ignored him as she swooned and shook her hair loose, making her way out of the change room and back out into the gym floor. She felt good, REALLY good… Shame she was still hungry. “Damn I need to get a bite to eat…” She sighed, making her way through the gym to get to her bag on the floor.  Crouching down and pulling out a protein drink from her bag, she downed it completely in one go, barely breathing when she pulled the empty bottle away from her lips and exhaled. “Ahhh… That’s better…”

“Damn Suzie, thirsty much?”

Looking over her shoulder, Susan smiled when she found she was not alone. Looking back at her where her two friends Tigra and She-Hulk, both wearing gym wear of their own and garnering quite a bit of attention.

“Hey you two, I didn’t know you came here to work out too Jen.”

“Work out? Please… I come here to SHOW OFF!” Jen smirked and flexed her arm with a winning smile, winking back to the building crowd before turning her attention back to Susan. Watching Suzie get up to her feet, the two women were surprised to find Susan Storm now stood almost as tall, built, and voluptuous as Miss Walters herself. Looking up at the green and pale amazon women blinking back at each other eye to eye, Greer was impressed. “Wow… What have you been doing Susan? You’re Huge!”

Hugging herself in insecurity, Susan rolled her eyes and tossed her long platinum hair to cover her face. “I KNOW, I’ve been trying to lose weight ever since I’ve been so hungry, now I weigh even more!”

“Girl, you’re built like a freight truck with the curves of a sports car… Wanna arm wrestle?” Jen smiled, eyeing her pale friend blush at the challenge as the crowd cheered, egging the two women on. Looking around her and slowly regaining her smile, Susan grinned back at Jennifer. “You know what? Sure!”


The riotous cheers and whistles from the crowd were music to Jen’s ears as she and Susan made their way over to a portion of the gym that held a table with a pair of handles to grip. The thing was used for arm wrestling and assisting in weight lifts. Standing about 4 feet tall and made of solid metal with bright orange padding on the surface and edges for comfort.

Some of the gym patrons helped move the table out for the crowd to circle around, and the pair of muscular women moved to stand at opposite ends and face each other. Staring back at her opponent, Susan never actually realised how much she had grown until she found herself staring eye to emerald eye with her friend Jennifer. The green skinned giantess of a woman wore purple gym shorts and a matching work-out top, the fabric clung to her toned physique and ample chest and curves just like she wanted to show off her body. Bending at the waist almost provocatively and resting her elbow on the table, Jen smirked back at Suzie with a wink.

“Ready to give these boys a show Suzie?” She asked, pressing her chest against the table, and showing off her bust as the flicker of camera phones went off all around them.

Sharing in Jennifer’s smile, Susan made the same gesture, bending at the waist to show off her long athletic legs and heart shaped rear while resting her elbow on the table and clasping her hand with Jen’s, her smile almost predatory as she pushed her chest against the table to show off her own chest. The two kept eye contact amongst the cheers and hollers around them, as Greer stood just a couple of feet away and raised her hand for everyone to pay attention.

“Okay folks, the rules are simple, the first one to hit the table loses. Ready?” Greer called out, her feline tail snapping behind her as she watched the two women eye each other and stiffen their stance. Leaning in close, Jen whispered so only Suzie could hear. “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you, gotta keep it interesting for the fans.” She winked, making Susan smile more just as the two listened in on Greer counting down for them to start.

“Three, two, one… Begin!”

Leaning into their shoulders and struggling against each other’s strength, Jen’s smirk evaporated when she found that the pale skinned woman she fought back against, actually held her own against her incredible strength and even started to bring her arm back before Jen showed genuine effort to push back. Blinking in surprise, Jen began to use her full strength to fight against Susan’s grip, the pale woman breathing hard and sneering as to everyone’s surprise, she matched the jade giantess in strength. Finally taking the match seriously as Susan was, Jen leaned into the arm wrestle and gripped the handle she used as balance with such force she squeezed the metal brace as if it were made of hollow tin. Her and Susan’s arms shaking as Jen struggled and fought back. Seconds felt like minutes as the two women fought and struggled, the cheers and cries of encouragement around them all but ignored as Jen slowly made headway and brought her arm back up.

Growling under her breath, Susan struggled and fought back, her own grip in the handle squeaking in protest as it crumpled in her hand. By now their arms were both back up where they originally started with Jen regaining her footing and pushing her arm forward, forcing Susan to slowly lean back as the two women fought harder and harder. Lookup to her friend’s face, Jen was taken back by Susan’s blood red eyes and hateful glare, her teeth almost looked fanged when she sneered back at Jen and growled. “I’m… Winning… This…” She hissed, her corded muscles twitching as she fought against the She-Hulk’s inhuman strength.

Slowly, Jen’s arm pressed down, the table creaking and splintering as their combined strength treated the tempered steel and foam lining like cheap plastic and carboard. When Jen finally brought the back of Susan’s hand to the end of the table, she quickly let go and stepped back from the table, breathing out a sigh and caught her breath after the effort, raising her arms over her head for the crowds. With that, the crowd exploded with cheers, the green woman shaking her head and resting her hands at her sides.

“Damn girl, what the hell have you been taking?”

“AGAIN!” Roared Susan, gripping the sides of the table and leaving imprints of her fingers into its sides as easily as molding warm butter. “I KNOW I can beat you, you’re not so tough. Again!”

Leaning back and looking over to a confused Tigra and back to Susan, Jen shrugged, looking concerned. “Look Suzie if you want to go again sure, but I think we need a new table.” She smiled and nodded over to the thing, crumpled, and twisted from their combined strength.

“FUCK THE TABLE!!!” Susan roared out, grabbing the table by its edge, and tossing it across the entire gym, causing several gym patrons to panic and leap out of the way before it crashed into an empty cycle 20 meters away. “I don’t NEED a fucking table to take you out you big green hussie! COME ON!”

“Whoa now!” Jen called out with her hands up, backing away from the pale woman still looking back at her with an intense look of rage. “This was just for fun and attention, no need to take things that seriously.”

“Yeah Suzie, what’s gotten into you?”

“STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!” Glaring back and staring daggers at Greer, the tiger woman backed away when she made eye contact with the Invisible Woman, glaring back at her and growling under her breath as her eyes shifted and darted back to the crowd keeping their distance between them and her, whispering under their breaths.

The FUCK are YOU all whispering about, huh?” Turning her attention to the crowd, the woman breathed hard, her rage building by the second as she developed tunnel vision. Then her frown turned to shock when her stomach growled, loud enough for everyone to hear. Staring down at her flat stomach over her chest in embarrassment, her pale cheeks turned red.

“Got a bit of the munchies?” Asked one of the people in the crowd, instantly regretting speaking up when Susan lunged for his throat, murder and hatred in her blood red eyes but before she could get her hands on the man, Tigra and She-Hulk had grappled and pulled Susan back, the woman actually snapping her jaws at the man like a rabid animal before giving off a guttural roar that would have been better found from a bear than a woman.

“SUZIE! What the hell has gotten over you?!”

Still blind with rage, the pale skinned amazon woman thrashed and struggled against the two until she managed to pull herself free of Tigra’s grip and grab her by the front of her work-out top. Glaring back into Greer’s eyes, Susan suddenly snapped out of her rage and gasped in shock, looking around to find the entire gym terrified of her while Jen continued to hold her back. Blinking back tears, Susan lost all the will to fight in her and slumped back into Jen’s arms. “I… I am sorry… I don’t know what came over me…”

“I can’t believe I’m the one who has to say it but try to keep calm Suzie. Lets just call Reed and…” Feeling an elbow strike her in the stomach, Jen released the grip she had on Susan just as the woman went invisible and stormed out of the gym, shoving people out of her way before barreling out the front doors.

“SUZIE!” Cried out Greer, unable to spot the invisible woman after she disappeared out of sight out on the streets. Looking back to Jen, still recovering from her gut check, the two scrambled for their things to find a phone to call Reed.


Staggering out the back door of the gym, the man who was with Susan in the men’s change room gasped and clutched at his stomach while he guided himself down the alley, knocking over a trash bin in the process as he leaned against the brick wall. “What the fuck… So hungry… So, fucking hungry!” After he had sanitized the bite wound on his hand, he was surprised to see it healed so quickly before his eyes, then he was wracked with intense hunger like he had never felt in his life. It was like he was starving, like he had not eaten in days, WEEKS. Stumbling through the alley and knocking over another garbage bin, it revealed a rat squeak and flee from his presence, scurrying to find shelter.

Maddened by hunger, he fell to his hands and knees and struggled to catch the small animal before it disappeared into a sewer grilled man-hole at the center of the alley, wincing and fallen into a hunger induced panic, the man gripped at the grilled man-hole plate and pulled with all his might. All to get at a filthy rat to eat… Then something happened. Gritting his teeth as they grew into fangs, the man’s skin turned deathly pale, surging with muscle, and growing larger as he pulled at the manhole. Prying the 100-pound iron plate out of the ground and the brick work with it, the man growled, his shirt bursting open at the seams and his shorts tearing as he swelled to three times his mass. Rapidly growing well past 7 feet tall and still going, white fur began to sprout and spread across his back and down his body. His shoes bursting open to reveal clawed toes and his hands sprouted claws of their own. Roaring out in rage, the man ignored the whine of metal twisting in his claws before he snapped the grill in half, becoming hunched over at 8 feet tall and snarling as what remained of his clothes fell from his burgeoning frame, a tail grew out from where the hem of his shorts would have been and grew long enough to curl around his hulking mass, just as his transformation finished and he darted his blood red eyes back and forth, sniffing the air with his feline nose.


Crouching, the horned, albino furred monster leapt into the air, propelling himself up high and gripping the edge of a nearby building to leap again, jumped to the roof of a ten-story building and make his way deeper into the city. Practically drooling at the scent, he drew closer to.


Returning home after running some errands across town, Reed Richards sighed and sat heavily on the couch in the living room, rubbing his hand through his beard and leaning back against the couch to rest his head. Stepping through the hallway with the kids in tow, Ben and Johnny found the man draped on the couch just as Franklin and Valaria startled their father by jumping on his lap to greet him home. “Hey Stretch, long day?”

“Sigh… Yes, HERBIE, can you turn on the news please? And set a pot of coffee, I think I need a drink.”

“Yes, Professor Richards.” Chirped the mechanical voice through the building as the wide screen television flickered on and a pot of coffee began to brew from the kitchen. Looking up from his seat, the man blinked his eyes wide open. There being broadcast by the local news while the Avengers fought hard to contain what looked like an 8-foot-tall Wendigo rampaging through the streets downtown.


Watching the fight, Reed and the others cringed when he saw Captain America hold back a backhand from the feral monster with his shield and was sent reeling into a car with enough force to bend the driver’s side door concave, the news anchor spoke up through the broadcast just as the monster found a new opponent in Scarlet Witch who caused a car to wrap itself around the beast like foil paper and Iron Man using what appeared to be a sonic disruptor to stun the Wendigo. “No one knows where this creature came from, but as soon as it crashed down into Time’s Square it has been pandemonium! The Avengers arrived just minutes after the creature’s arrival and started attacking civilians, but…”

Carefully separating himself from his children, Reed got up and tried to make his way to his lab. “Hey Reed, where are you…”

An explosion rocked the front door of the apartment building as did all the windows, just as a squad of heavily armed and armored SHIELD agents charged into the building with guns trained on the Richards family, barking orders to them to stay where they were while each room was kicked open and secured. Quickly stretching himself back to the living room, Reed hugged his son and daughter close as the SHIELD agents continued to keep their weapons aimed at him and his family. Several of the agents were screaming at him to open the lab while his son and daughter shivered in his arms.

“WHAT IS THIS ABOUT?” Yelled out Reed over the SHIELD agents losing their patience with him before he heard a familiar voice call out from the door, telling the agents to stand down. Looking up to the front door, Reed found Nicholas Fury enter the Richards home, glaring down at Mr. Fantastic before crouching to meet the scientist eye to eye.

“You’ve got a LOT to explain Richards.” Answered the eye patch wearing man, just as he pulled out a small iPad showing a second Wendigo contained by the Avengers from earlier. The creature was bound and heavily sedated like the one being contained at the Raft. Blinking in shock, Reed looked between the iPad and the television screen.

“There are TWO of them?!”

“Three… The Avengers caught this one this morning, the one on the news is happening NOW!” Fury pointed back at what was being broadcasted on the news. Pocketing the digital device back into his jacket, Fury looked over to the other agents who were still trying to get into the lab and failing as the metal doors were locked and sealed. “Hey eye patch, wanna tell yer goons to let up on the pea shooters? Especially around the kids?” The rest kept their weapons trained on the Thing and Human Torch before Fury waived a hand and they stepped back.

Rolling his shoulder, Ben gave the SHIELD agents the stink eye before sharing a nod with Johnny. The hot head giving the stern SHIELD agent a dirty look in return. “Assholes…”

“I gave you samples of the freak back in the raft to study, then out of the blue we got a few of those things running around trying to eat people… I’m thinking you have a hand in it, Richards.” Declared Fury, looking over his shoulder with his good eye at Mr. Fantastic still holding his children.

“That can’t be possible! My findings came back as human, even Dr. Strange couldn’t find anything off the same samples.”


Reed was at a loss for words, he had no idea how this had happened. He had kept his samples properly contained, and all his findings shown him that the teeth, hair, and blood were all human. What was he missing?

“Susan! Have you found Susan?”

“The Invisible Woman?” Snorted one of the SHIELD agents, just before being silence by Fury with a single look.

“We haven’t found her yet, we were HOPING she was with you in here, on account that its hard to see her when she doesn’t want to be seen.

The SHIELD agents and Richards family snapped their attention to a buzzing phone from Reed’s pocket. Bringing his hands up, Reed slowly plucked his phone out of his pocket which was quickly snatched up by the SHIELD director. “Hello? This is Ni…”

“REED! It’s Susan! She’s gone NUTS!” Cried out Greer Grant on the other end of the phone line. “She and Jen were arm wrestling at the gym and she tried to kill someone!”

“Tigra, this is Nicholas Fury, where are you and where is the Invisible Woman?”

“We don’t know, after we tried to calm her down, she went invisible and ran off, we’ve been trying to find her since.”

“Miss Grant, Miss Walters, come to the Richards residence, I want you to share everything you know about Susan Storm while my agents go looking for her.” Turning to one of his agents, the man gave a nod and the agent darted out of the front door, the static of a walking talking echoing in the hallway just as Fury pocketed the phone and sat at the couch waiting for his men to get into Reed’s lab. Crossing his leg and pointing over to where three agents tried to jury rig the lab open, Reed got the hint.

“HERBIE… Open my lab for our guests.”

“At once Professor Richards”

With a hiss of air, the blast doors were opened, and the three agents stormed into the lab, only stepping out a few seconds later giving the all-clear to the director.

“What are you going to do with Susan if you find her?”

“Well that depends on where and how we find her then.” Answered Fury, sitting up from his seat and making his way into Reed’s lab to find the samples he gave Reed. Watching Fury and the agents re-enter his lab, Reed hugged his children close.

“Daddy, where’s Mom?”

“I don’t know sweetheart, I don’t know…”


Meanwhile, across town…

“Hey, you want a brisket, you wait in line like everyone else bucko!” Called out the deli cashier just as a surly patron stormed off and sat at one of the tables near the window. “Some people are always tryin to cut in…”

Hearing cries from the line up of people, they all looked like they were being shoved out of the way by some invisible force before the customer at the front cashier gasped and found himself being flung across the deli and a woman appeared in his place. Easily 7 feet tall and so pale she looked chalk white, her blood red eyes glared down at the man behind the cashier desk and her sneer revealed fangs.

“Give me something to eat!”

“Hey lady what’s your…”

Slamming her fist on the table, her strike folded the two-inch-thick wooden surface like it was cardboard, startling everyone. “RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!”

Shivering with fear, the man thumbed the security button under the cashier as he nervously looked up into the eyes of the Amazonian albino woman. “G-get out of my kitchen lady, or…” Just as the man pointed at her accusingly, Susan snatched up his arm and bit his hand. Crying out in pain and panic, Susan tossed the man into the crowd of customers who by now huddled towards the exit in fear.

Roaring at the crowd around her in rage and giving everyone a scare, Susan stomped over to the meat display cabinet and grabbed both ends of the glass display, ripping it off the counter and tossing it behind her where several people cried out and got out of the way of the heavy glass and metal, before it crushed a table. Prying out what appeared to be a 10-pound steak in the display, Susan bit into the raw cow’s meat and her eyes fluttered. Tearing whole chunks out of the meat, she chewed and purred at the taste and sensation before swallowing. Not even caring that she stained her blue top with juices. She was in bliss, the ache in her stomach ebbing away as she filled it. Then she heard the squeal of a police cruiser outside the deli, followed by the vox of a megaphone, telling her to surrender with her hands up.

Growling with her prize still in her teeth, Susan turned invisible and barrelled out the window, escaping the scene and heading towards home.


Meanwhile, at the RAFT…

Clutching his ears to block out the sounds of the creature roaring out in rage in the restraints, the lead physician continued to order the others to keep the Wendigo bound in its gurney. The creature was fully awake now and getting stronger by the minute. It had managed to chew through its bridal half an hour ago and was now roaring out with such rage and intensity it drove everyone in the tight space nearly deaf.


The five SHIELD guards present practically held the beast down with the full strength of their arms to keep the Wendigo in place, yet it was like a group of toddlers trying to hold down a bear as it struggled and nearly sent two of the men across the cell just from it shirking back and forth in its gurney. Prepping a syringe full of sedatives, the lead physician had no idea if it would work, but so far the rest of the sedatives that had been pumped into the creature’s bloodstream no longer worked; whether it had developed an immunity or was now far too agitated to be calmed down, he knew the only chance now was to terminate the subject before it could escape. He had made sure the syringe was filled with enough poisons to stop the heart of a blue whale, even this monster could not withstand that.

“DOC! HURRY UP!” Cried out the one guard, his back to the floor and his arms and legs wrapped around the beast’s arm while the rest of the SHIELD crew tried to keep the Wendigo down while the medical staff tightened the failing straps. No longer waiting on finesse, the doctor brought the needle over and slammed it into the roaring beast’s chest, depressing the plunger to deliver the entire volume of the liquid into its heart.

The moment he did, the monster’s eyes fluttered, its limbs going slack and the cell finally grew silent while the readings from the heart monitor dropped from a series of beeps to an almost slow chime. Separating from the Wendigo, the guards and physicians checked each other for injuries after the stressful event.

“Get that thing strapped tight, I don’t care if its dead or not, I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Yes sir…” Watching the others inspect the straps and belts keeping the Wendigo contained, the lead doctor sighed and collapsed into his chair, pulling free a handkerchief to wipe his sweating brow. He was starting to agree with Director Fury’s assessment of the more unstable oddities the RAFT contained. He was about to turn and document the outburst, one of many he had documented lately, when he heard the heart monitor beep. Looking over his shoulder, the monitor continued to show a flat-line. Shaking his head, he went back to writing his report while the others tightened the straps, then he heard it again. Confused, he sat up from his stool and moved over to the monitor to read it fully. The heart rate was almost nonexistent… But the other vitals were still up; metabolism was showing stable, blood pressure… Those should have gone down to zero too.

“What in…” Then he saw it; the heart monitor blipped before going flat-line again. It was not dead; it was playing possum! Darting his head to look back at the other physicians finishing up their inspection of the Wendigo’s ‘corpse’, one of them leaned down to check the beast’s straps around its neck. “GET AWAY FROM THERE!!!”

Looking up in confusion, the woman blinked back in confusion, oblivious to the Wendigo opening its red eyes and biting her wrist just as she lingered over the strap. Reeling back and screaming while clutching her wound, the rest of the guards and physicians fell into a panic when the Wendigo renewed his struggles to escape. Crouching to check on the woman, one of the SHIELD guards looked over her injuries and blinked in surprise when the wound suddenly began to heal. “Are you okay?” Turning her head to look up at him, the guard reared back in shock when she stared back at him with blood red eyes and sneering fangs. He never had the chance to raise his gun when she lunged for him and bit down on his neck.

Collapsing to the floor and kicking himself back until he was against the corner of the cell, the lead physician watched in horror at the pandemonium unfolding right in front of him. Two of the guards tried to pry her off the man, just as she began to grow and burst out the back of her lab coat when she surged over a foot taller and continued to grow. With a roar she sent the one guard across the room before pulling the other close and biting down on his shoulder. The guard she attacked earlier going into convulsions as he swelled larger and his uniform burst at the seams, failing to contain his transformation.

By then the others huddled across the opposite side of the cell and the remaining three guards opened fire on the newly formed Wendigo roaring back at them. The bullets bouncing off her tough hide just as her victim stood up and pried off the tatters of his clothes and lunged for his former comrades, ignoring their screams as the two attacked and tore at the scientists and SHIELD officers. Looking back to the injured guard, he too began to grow, bursting out of his boots and clothes before darting his attention to the others and joining them.

Clutching his hands to his ears, the chief whimpered and tried to drown out the sounds of the men and women screaming as they were torn apart and devoured, his attention falling back to the Wendigo in the gurney, now free and getting up to stand at its feet. Looking back at the trio of Wendigo eating their fill, the beast breathed in deeply and looked down at its clawed hands, smiling a fanged smirk as it clenched its claws into fists and back, then turned its attention to the man cowering in the corner. Unlike the others who had gone feral and mindless, this creature slowly walked over to the lead physician and crouched to see him eye to eye. Already the man had wet his pants in terror and shielded himself with his hands in a futile effort to protect himself. Looking down at the empty syringe on the floor, the beast plucked it delicately in its hand and sniffed at its contents.

“Very clever mortal… Blowfish poison? A bit drastic but then again you DID try everything to contain and sedate me.”

Blinking his eyes in surprise, the man had no idea how to react, even when THIS Wendigo brought its claw out to pluck his name tag off his lab coat pocket, inspecting the picture and words with an almost bemused look on its feline face. “Doctor Samuel Henrys; biochemist expert, understandable… I was not expecting you mortals to use witchdoctors to supplicate me after all.”

Still shocked and confused, Doctor Henrys looked over the monster’s broad shoulder and whimpered to find the trio of turned people had already finished devouring the others, leaving nothing but bloody stains, tattered clothes, and crunched bones in their wake. By then their transformations had completed and were now unrecognisable from their former selves. Hulking frames and stark white fur covered all but their bare chests and stomachs. Brandishing razor-sharp black claws, gnarled black horns swooping over their long white manes of hair over a foot long, and prehensile tails over seven feet in length snapped back and forth behind them. Sniffing the air with their feline noses, they licked their fanged chops and turned to the cowering doctor. He could see the wild hunger in their blood red eyes as they charged to make him their next meal… When they stopped just feet away to a gesture of the talking Wendigo’s clawed hand, as if telling them to wait.

“W-what do you want?”

“OUT of course…” The Wendigo replied, looking back at the doctor and the scanner at the sealed door. “Tell me, how does that work?” He asked, pointing towards the device on the wall.

“It’s the controls to the cell door, its coded to my voice, ocular scan and handprint… It wont open without all three of those indicators.” He answered, still baffled how the creature was able to talk so fluently, before its capture and containment, it showed no signs of intelligence in any way.

Leaning back and scratching his chin in thought, the Wendigo frowned, snorting in disappointment, and made the doctor cringe and turn away from the heat and stink of its hot breath. “So that means I can’t get out if you are dead, how disappointing… Very well, I spare you.”

“What?” Surprised, Doctor Henrys found himself being grabbed by the scruff of his lab coat and hoisted back up to his feet with the same ease as if he weighed a feather. Gently nudged towards the lock where the screen chimed and lit up to his presence. “Open it… And I let you go alive.”

Shaking and hesitant, Henrys slowly turned to look over his shoulder to find the lead Wendigo looking down at him expectantly, the rest of the Wendigo growled and drooled in anticipation. With a rise if his eyebrow and a slight gesture with his claw to indicate he had better get started, the doctor leaned down and peered into the ocular scanner and placed his hand on the pad. “Voice recognition required.” Stated the device in a metallic female voice. “Doctor Samuel Henrys.” A chime and ping sound went off just before the metallic cell door hissed and began to open with the heavy clunk of steel gears. When the door opened fully, the lead Wendigo gently gripped the doctor’s shoulder and guided him out into the hall.

“W-who are you… Really?” He asked, darting his eyes all around him as they passed one cell after the other.

“An interesting question, good doctor.” Replied the creature, leaning down to hunch over behind the man and tap his own chin in thought. “This vessel had a name before I took his body, he was the one that caused my punishment to become an outbreak… And gave me quite the inspiration.”

“What do you mean?”

“What indeed, proselytism my good doctor, it would seem that with so many afflicted by my curse, their growing numbers empowered me beyond my limits; their hunger became my strength, so much so I was no longer bound by the northern lands, if I so chose, I could have conquered the world in an endless horde of my Wendigo… And I will, once I’m out of course.”

Taking in what he was being informed and trying to ignore Cletus Kassidy’s laughter from his cell as they passed it by, the other inmates watched the procession of monsters follow the terrified doctor out of the heavy security wing. Stopped in their place when several SHIELD guards arrived suited with hulk buster gear and started barking commands for them to stop where they were. Sizing up the forces aiming their weapons on him and his hostage, the creature waved his hand and the trio of Wendigo trailing behind him lunged forward and attacked. Closing his eyes and whimpering, he felt the Wendigo holding his lab coat tightly, preventing him from running off as he heard gunfire and screaming.

“My brothers and sisters of the North disagreed with my world view however, robbed me of my divinity, they thought me destroyed when the Alpha Flight and X-Men had done away with me… Fitting that I assume the vessel of he who caused this all in the first place.”


Looking down at the man, the Wendigo rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Of course, my apologies for prattling on and not answering your question… I am Tanaraq; the northern spirit of the beast.”

Shoved towards another identity pad near the exit, the doctor looked down to watch one of the wounded guards go into convulsions, his skin going pale white as he burst out of his clothes and armor, becoming another monster to join Tanaraq’s pack of Wendigo. Shivering, the man complied and opened the final door and led the monsters out of the RAFT by entering the service elevator to the surface. Kept close near the leader, Doctor Henrys looked around to find the Wendigo sharing the space around him glared back at him with manic stares of hunger, the only thing keeping them from killing him was Tanaraq himself.

As soon as the elevator stopped and opened, the scent of the sea blew in and Tanaraq breathed in the scents, smiling. Stepping out, the horde of Wendigo circled and guarded their leader as he causally made his way down the helicopter platform of the RAFT with his hostage well in hand. Most of the facility was under the waters of the bay, just outside of New York City which could be seen off in the distance. Seeing the city and the dusking sun, Tanaraq smiled a fanged, toothy grin. “Ah, do you smell that my children? Fresh meat…” Looking down at the doctor shaking and being held in place by his massive claw, the leader of the Wendigo took on a more civil air.

“And so, I conclude our deal, I shall let you live, just as I promised.”

Looking up in trepidation and the hungry leers of the now dozen or so Wendigo surrounding him, Doctor Henrys darted his head around to find a boat to escape in and hope for the best. But before he could take a step off the platform to find out, he felt the same clawed hand grab hold of his arm and pull him back. Looking up in horror, the man gasped and cried out when Tanaraq bit him on the shoulder, his fangs piercing deep into his skin before he was tossed back to the ground.

“WHY?!” The doctor cried out, clutching at his wound in horror and confusion.

“Our deal was you would be left alive, I never specified in what state.”

At that moment, the doctor was overwhelmed by mind-numbing hunger, the likes of which he never knew could be felt as he looked down at his hands and watched his fingernails grow black and thick, his skin turned chalk white and white fur sprouted from the back of his hand and crept up his arm. Amused with himself as he watched the doctor struggle against the changes, Tanaraq turned to look back at the shoreline and the city, smelling the salty air and the smell of human flesh just across the shores.

“Well, come now my children, its time to spread the gospel…”


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS A BREAKOUT AT THE RAFT?!!!!!” Yelled Nick Fury into his phone. The rest of the SHIELD security keeping guard in the Richards home looked nervous after hearing that. Reed clutched his son and daughter closer on the couch, trying to comfort them as the situation grew more tense. Nearby, Ben and Johnny stood with Greer and Jennifer, the two had arrived moments ago after calling Reed and showing up to offer support and help.  Looking to each other and not understanding what was going on, they had no idea what to prepare for, but with how the SHIELD agents were reacting, it was bad.

“What is going on?” Asked Jen, folding her arms under her chest as she and Greer spoke with Ben and Johnny. “And what’s happening to Susan?”

“Ol Stretch there’s been working on findin a way to cure the Wendigo they gots caged up in SHIELD prison. Guess one got out.”

“Wait, what about my sister Jen?” Asked Johnny, worried the two might be related. “What happened at the gym?”

Making a face and looking to the other SHIELD operatives in the room, Jen gestured to Reed to join them. Letting his kids stay on the couch, Reed stretched himself over to hear what the green skinned giantess had to say. “What is it Jennifer?”

“When Greer and I were at the gym, Susan was huge! Like, as big as I am huge.”

“And pale! My god Reed, she looked like she hadn’t seen the sun in years, and her hair, her eyes… It was like she was going albino.”

“Oh no!” Blinking in realization of events, Reed finally put two and two together. “She cut her finger on one of the teeth I was studying. I didn’t think anything of it because the samples all came back human, and Doctor Strange said the curse had all but died save for the creature in custody.”

“Reed, what are you saying? That my sister is turning into a… Oh my god…”

Looking at Johnny’s stunned face staring across the living room, the others joined in, turning to see what he was looking at and shared in his shock. There crouching just to fit the door frame and entering the apartment, Susan Storm glared at the newcomers with an intense look of barely contained rage. She was a giantess; easily over 8 feet tall and built solid with muscle, yet still retaining her feminine curves such as her broad hips and full, round breasts which threatened to burst her skin-tight gym shorts and top. Her face and skin had all become chalk white as did her hair, now having grown long and wild enough to reach her lower back and drape over her shoulders. Her blackened fingernails had grown long and sharp, almost curved like claws and her teeth looked razor sharp from her black sneering lips. But what captured everyone’s attention were her blood red eyes glaring back at the now alarmed SHIELD agents and Nick Fury backing away.

“What are all YOU doing here? This is MY home!”

“Suzie… Oh my god…”

“Susan Storm, by order of SHIELD, I order you to get down on the floor and put your hands over your head.” Demanded Fury, unholstering a pistol and aiming it straight at the Invisible Woman as did the rest of the SHIELD agents.


“I said WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME?” She growled, ignoring the sounds of rifles being cocked and readied. Aiming right for her head and chest with targeting marker lights.

“Susan, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, you’ve been afflicted by the Wendigo curse, it’s taking you over.”

Turning her attention towards her husband and away from the agents, her anger seemed to dissipate slightly, hearing his voice. “Wendigo?”

“Yes Susan, please, I can fix this, just come with me, and I can help.”

“Help?” Her voice sounded more timid now, cutting through the rage and hunger coursing through her. Looking back at Reed, the woman blinked her red eyes in fear. “Help… Help me…”

“Mrs. Storm I order you to get on the floor and put your hands over your head, NOW!”

“Mommy?” Hearing her kids cry out to her, Reed try to reason with her and the SHIELD agents bark orders at her, Susan Slowly stepped back and clutched at her head. Her face contorting into pure rage once again.

“EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!!” She roared, causing the agents to raise their weapons at her in anticipation. “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH?! I’M SO ANGRY! I’M STARVING! ALL THE TIME! I JUST WANT… WANT…” Scratching at her hair, stubs grew from her brow, splitting open to reveal black horns rapidly growing and arching back. A sheen of white fur began to spread up her arms and long toned legs to cover all but her face, chest, and stomach. Her nose flattened, her nostrils changing until it looked almost as feline as her pointed ears, now flicking at the sides of her head. “Want… Wa…” Her shoes burst open, falling off her bare clawed feet as she grew taller, her muscles throbbing as she grew stronger before everyone’s eyes. A tail suddenly grew out from behind her, becoming long and prehensile. “Wha… Wha…” Her top split open at the back, falling off her burgeoning chest and shoulders while her shorts burst at the thighs, no longer able to contain the growing she-creature. “Wha… Wha… WENDIGOOOOOOOoooooo!”

Staring back at her family, friends and the SHIELD agents aiming weapons at her, the rabid look of hunger in her blood red eyes told everyone what had happened, she was gone. Growling, she glared back at the SHIELD agents. Pulling his children close to keep them safe, Reed watched on as his wife turned her attention back to him and the kids, her sneer returning as she growled angrily.


Clutching their ears, everyone else reeled back as the dozen or so agents firing a full salvo at the Invisible woman. “SUSAN!” The beast raised her arms to guard herself and a barrier of solid light created a wall between her and the weapon’s fire. Roaring out in blind rage, her powers pushed back everyone in the room, sending them to the floor or against the wall. Quickly getting up, one of the agents cried out when a massive claw grabbed hold of him and threw him out the front door with enough force, he created a crumpled dent in the opposite end of the hall. Two other guards got up to fire again, only to get a back hand from Susan, sending them across the room and land headfirst against the television.

A pair of green arms came up and hoisted her up from behind, while Ben Grimm grabbed hold of her arms to keep her in place. “Suzie, its us, please stop this.” Cried out Jen, struggling to contain Susan in her state as she continued to struggle and roar. For a moment it felt like they might have had her contained until Jen felt Susan’s tail wrap around her neck and squeeze. Coughing and suffocating. Susan used that moment to kick Ben away from her and into her brother with enough force to send them both through a wall, then elbow Jen in the side and pull her around to roar into her face and toss her down the hallway of her home, hearing a crash on the other end.

Snapping her head back and forth and darting her eyes at any other attackers, a cry caught her attention and she raised her arms to strike at its source, only to stop when she found herself looking down at the faces of her husband and terrified children.


Breathing hard and her face twitching, the creature hesitated, clutching at her head with both claws before backing away, whimpering.

“Suzie, please…”

Looking back at Reed, the Wendigo’s face softened, frightened before shaking her head and turning her attention to the others recovering. Still clutching at her head, Susan cried out before jumping out the shattered windows of the living room.

“SUSAN!” Separating from the kids, Reed ran to the window to watch Susan fall like a rock down 50 stories before hitting the pavement like a tonne of bricks. Landing on her feet and causing the ground to crack, the shockwave sending nearby car alarms to go off. Roaring out in rage and smashing the hood of a nearby car with enough force to fold it in half, Susan ran off and turned invisible, disappearing into the night.


Re: Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2023, 10:55:01 AM »
Susan Storm; The Invisible Wendigo
Chapter 4

The Richards home was in a panic!

After Susan had transformed, went into a total rampage, and escaped through the window of their fifty-story highrise. Shield rebounded from the floor to get their bearings and go on a hunt for Susan. Barking orders into his phone to scramble as many SHIELD squadrons as possible into the city, Fury was almost red faced with anger after he put his phone away and glared back at the Richards family, still coping with what just happened.

“Men! I want these people detained until the threat is resolved, do NOT let them leave this building!”

“HEY! What gives Fury?!” Gruffed the Thing, standing to his feet and getting at least six SHIELD agents to divert their attention and aim their weapons pointed at him. “We’re not the ones who did this, you wanna point a gun at someone, point it at the bozo that let that thing out.”

Hugging his two children close after the attack, Reed looked to fury pleadingly. “Director Fury please, I can fix this if you let me, just…”

“YOU’RE THE REASON THIS ALL HAPPENED RICHARDS! I should NEVER have given you those damned samples!” Turning his back to them, Fury stormed out the door and stopped at the entrance before looking to the rest of the SHIELD agents keeping an eye on the Richards family. “Keep an eye on them men, I want them all detained until this dumpster fire is put out.”

The agents barked a “Yes sir!” as the director left to get to the roof, having requested a SHIELD transport to pick him up. The moment he was out of the room, the agents gathered and aimed their weapons at the Fantastic Four, some even getting cuffs ready to apprehend the family. Moving up to slap plastic cuffs on Johnny, the man gave the agent an incredulous look and raised his arms up for them all to see the plastic melt like butter off his wrists. “Please…” Looking to the others in the room, the agent thought twice about doing the same to the others.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with mom?” Asked Franklin, his sister still too scared to ask anything as she clutched her father for support. Looking up at the SHIELSD agents keeping them contained in their home, it was obvious they cared little about scaring two super powered children.

“Your mother is… She’s sick kids, but don’t worry, your father will try to fix this.”

Crouching down to look Reed in the eye, Jen smiled back to the kids and rested her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry Reed, Tigra and I will go look for her.”

“THE HELL YOU ARE, FREAK!” Accused one of the agents, pointing his weapon at Jen just as the others followed suit. “The Director said you are ALL staying here until the matter is resolved, that includes you too.”

“Are you kidding me? How are WE involved in this?” Questioned Tigra, getting the same affirmation from Johnny and Ben as the tiger woman stood up and gained the guard’s attention, growling under her breath as she felt at least three targeting markers aimed at her chest.

“Between you and me lady, you’re just another one of those things out there but with stripes, so shut up and sit down or I’ll put you down!”

Moving between Tigra and She-Hulk who stood glaring back at the man, Ben moved up until he was practically in contact with the barrel of the man’s weapon against his orange stone chest, looming over the shaking SHIELD agent trying to keep his composure while looking up at the grim looking golem of a man. “You wanna say that again Bucko? That’s no way to treat a lady… Or one of my friends.”

“You keep talking rocky and I’ll put a bullet in your…”

At that moment, the agent, and the rest of SHIELD’s best and brightest went stone stiff, a confused look in their shifting eyes as they were unable to speak or move. Moving around Ben to get a better look at one of the agents, Jen poked an agent in the forehead with her finger, not getting a single budge from him save for his eyes following her finger after she moved away.

“So… What happened to them?”

“I happened.” Answered a disembodied voice as a soft glow filled the living room and runes and sigils began to form and weave into each other on the floor, creating a circle where Doctor Strange came through the portal from his sanctum. Hovering a foot above the air, Doctor Strange looked to the SHIELD agents and back at the devastation of the Richard’s homestead. “I have arrived too late, but perhaps not all is lost.”

“Strange! Am I glad to see you.” Sighed Reed with relief as the man stood to his feet and shook the sorcerer supreme’s hand.

“I arrived as soon as I felt a disturbance in the spirit realm, this city is in great peril!”

“Yeah… Susan’s a Wendigo.”

Hearing Johnny Strom’s explanation of current events, Stephen Strange took on a more somber look on his face before answering. “That is unfortunate, she has become another victim of Tanaraq’s plot.”


Weaving his hands, Doctor Strange conjured an illusion showing the form of Tanaraq for everyone to see, and Reed felt a cold chill run down his legs when he recognised it was the Wendigo SHIELD had in custody before it broke out. “Tanaraq was not apprehended, he surrendered, he had been bidding his time in containment for his curse to spread by our curiosity and folly.”

“He PLANNED this?” Asked Tigra, still not understanding what was going on.

“SHIELD came to Professor Richards and myself in the hopes of depowering or curing the Wendigo, instead we have unwittingly allowed his curse to spread outside to the city. The more claimed by his curse strengthens him further, if we do not stop him now, he will be too powerful to find let alone stand against. We must make haste to contain as many of the beasts as we can before this plague spreads to the rest of the city.”

“Can we cure my mom?” Asked Valaria, she and her brother looking up to Doctor Strange who looked down at the pair with a saddened frown. “The curse is permanent child, the only way to absolve it is for the Wendigo to surrender life as opposed to take it.”

The room filled with protests as the Richards family and their friends cried out on those terms.

“You sayin Suzie’s gotta die?! The HELL with that Strange!”

“I agree, I won’t let that happen Doctor.”

Sighing Doctor Strange ended his illusion and crossed his arms, deep in thought on how to resolve the matter. Slowly he turned back to everyone and shook his head. “Unless you have an alternative, Susan Storm shall remain a Wendigo until she is slain… A difficult task as she is now.”

His eyes going wide, Reed stretched his arm out to reach into the confines of his lab, where he pulled back with a golden, metallic ring in his hand. “Remember the device you and I talked about after the meeting with Fury? If we get this on her, it will cancel out the rage and hunger in her.”

Looking the device over, Doctor Strange’s frown slowly began to turn, a spark in his eyes now that a plan was forming. “Then we may have hope yet, let us pray the situation can still be contained.” Heading for the hanger where the Fantasticar was kept, the Fantastic Four and their allies set out to find Susan and save her. Leaving the frozen guards still standing in the living room and looking around frantically.


Flying several stories overhead and prepping for an attack, a squad of SHIELD agents checked their gear and equipment while their harrier transport flew over the city. Down below, fires burned from an attack in the downtown area, and things were only getting worse. The SHIELD agents were heavily armed and armored, almost as if they were gearing up to face the Hulk himself during a bad day. With what was happening down in the city, they would not be far off.

“Alright gentlemen, we’re heading into the city to deal with a Wendigo.” Barked the group leader, getting the attention of the others as they double checked their equipment.

“I thought the Avengers just tied up a Wendigo in New York.”

“They DID! Turns out these things are coming out of the woodworks now, we got ourselves a growing Wendigo problem in town and we’re animal control people! Get ready, we’re heading down groundside now.”

The moment the transport landed heavily in the middle of the streets, the bar doors fell open and the squad ran out with weapons aimed and ready. The sight they found just a block away was a small warzone where people fled past them. Up ahead they could see what looked like a chalk white werewolf throw a police cruiser into a corner apartment, roaring out loud and charging towards a police officer still trying to fire on it.

Charging forward, the squad of SHIELD agents made their way down the road towards the creature. Seeing a police officer get tossed overhead, two of the agents managed to catch the wounded policeman while the others surrounded the massive creature glaring back at them with burning red eyes. Finally seeing the creature up close, the agents found themselves staring back at what could only be best described as a massive white tiger with horns on steroids. Barings its fangs and growling, the Wendigo showed no sign of fear or reason behind its wild eyes.


“Wen-dee-go…” Charging forward on all fours, the monster leapt forward with claws outstretched until a concussive sonic wave fired from the agent’s rifle. Clutching at its head in both hands and tumbling forward with a cry of pain, the Wendigo was surrounded in a ripple of warped air as the sonic pressure built up with the others joining in on the attack.

“Sonic rifles from the Hulk-buster division freakshow, meaning they can take down the Hulk.” Closing in on the Wendigo clutching at its ears and collapsing into a fetal position, the monster whimpered and whined from the high frequency noise. “And let me tell you, YOU are no hulk!”

It had taken several seconds of constant sonic barrage, but the beast finally slumped to the ground unconscious. Turning off their weapons and circling the Wendigo, the SHIELD agents got a better look at the creature while their transport hovered overhead, setting up a harness to contain the Wendigo and for them to return to the raft. “Pff, nothing to it really, and to think, Fury said the invisible woman would be tough.” Chuckled one of the agents, kicking the prone Wendigo in the shin and getting no reaction.

“Nothing but a big dumb animal.” Smirked one of the female agents, circling the 8-foot-tall body of the Wendigo, shaking her head as she kept her weapon trained on its back.

“Hey guys.” Called out another agent, circling around to look down at the creature from its front. “Don’t know if any of you took sex class in high school, but this is a guy not a chick.”

“Yeah… the fourteen-inch dong is a dead give away.” Snorted the female agent, smirking behind her helmet.

“You WOULD notice, wouldn’t you Sandra?”

“Oh, fuck off Carl…” Caught off guard and happening too quickly for the agents to react, the Wendigo awoke and bit down on one of the closest agent’s legs. His screams filling the streets as the thing bit down hard. One of the agents tried to fire into the creature’s face only for it to back hand the sonic rifle with enough force to fold it in half and recoil back to guard her sprained arm. By the time it let go of their leader and stood back to its feet, the others were already firing at it again with their sonic rifles.

The roar of pain and rage it gave off plus the sonic pressure of their weapons made their teeth rattle, finally backing away to avoid its claws swiping back and forth as it staggered back, clutching at its sensitive ears. One of the agents were able to grab hold of their leader and drag him back as he clutched at his bleeding leg, prying a kit open from his belt to bandage his leg while the rest cornered the Wendigo again.

“Hang in there Carl, I’ve got you.”


A crackle from the radio in their helmets alerted them to their pilot overhead, having retracted the harness and moving position to fire on the beast now that it was cornered. “You guys might want to get back inside, like NOW! RIGHT NOW!”


As if to answer the question, two more Wendigo appeared. Circling the group as they tried to contain just one of them pinned against the wall of a building. One hunched on all fours paced back and forth like a starving tiger while the other shoved a car over, stomping towards them and brandishing its claws, growling. Dividing their weapons fire between the three, they backed off and tried to make their way back to the hovering transport with its landing bay door still open to let them get inside, but that meant only a third of the sonic pressure was being put to the one that attacked their leader. Backing away, they tried to keep the three at bay but apart from dragging one of their wounded and splitting their attention to three targets, it was only a matter of time before one slip would…


Looking behind him, the SHIELD agent hauling his CO looked up to see the air shimmer and bend, revealing a female Wendigo looking down at him and snarling with clenched fangs, her claws brandished and breathing hard as she glared down at the two men. “Well Carl, we had a pretty good run…”

Closing his eyes, he expected the worst. What he did not expect was the she-creature leaping over them and charging towards the closest Wendigo and barrel into it. Stunning everyone in sight of the event unfolding before them as this new attacker mauled the Wendigo that tried to attack the SHIELD agents. Hearing a roar from the other two monsters, they lunged forward to attack the female. Raising her clawed hand, the two were suddenly caught in a bubble of bent light, struggling against their prisons as the female Wendigo bit deep into her opponent’s shoulder, causing it to cry out.

“What the hell is going on? Why is it attacking them?”

“Who fucking cares?! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, lets get the fuck out of here.” Gathering up at the loading doors of the transport, the SHIELD agents managed to gather themselves and escape, watching on as the female Wendigo held off three easily before the bay doors slammed shut and the transport made its escape. Looking out the port holes of the ship, they could see the pandemonium still going on down in the streets as more and more Wendigo appeared, causing havoc.

“Was that… Was that Susan Storm?” Asked one of the agents, pulling his helmet off now that he felt safe.

“I don’t know, if it was, she’s be going wild eyed crazy like the rest of them.” Piped in Sandra, leaning her back against the wall as the others did, taking off their helmets and checking on their commander to see if he was alright.

“How are you doing Carl, how bad is it?”

Fatigue and shock still running through him, the man looked down at his bandaged leg and shook his head. The wounds stopped bleeding, and the pain was slowly going away… But there was an ache in his stomach that just did not want to go away. Leaning back, he chalked it up to shock or nausea. “I don’t know, doesn’t feel as bad as it looks… Starving though, anyone got a protein bar?”


Watching the SHIELD harrier fly off to safety and disappear from sight over the buildings overhead, Susan looked up with wild red eyes. The Wendigo she had in her clutches whimpered from the bite she gave him over his shoulder before she hurled him back over her shoulder to the other two she had contained in solid light bubbles. Together they tumbled to the ground and quickly separated, getting up to their feet to face the female Wendigo that attacked them. Roaring out her rage at the three and watching them flee from her sight, the trio escaped and left her presence after realising she was too dangerous to face.

the Wendigo Susan had become breathed hard and snapped her attention at everything that moved whether it was a breeze or a crackle from the flames nearby.  Her mind so completely blank, drowned out by a cavernous hunger that consumed everything in her being, she could not think, or feel or reason anymore. Growling and licking the blood from her blackened lips, Susan fell to all fours and ran. She was hungry again, STARVING again. Jumping over 15 feet off the ground to grip at the stonework of a nearby building, she jumped off her perch to another wall to land on the roof of a three-story building. Like some massive jungle cat, she stalked the streets in the dead of night. Leaping from one roof top to the other and keeping her eyes open for anything else that caught her attention.

Perching at the ledge of a nearby building after jumping to its roof as easily as jumping off the step of a flight of stairs, Susan Storm growled to herself and looked down at the streets below, her tail snapping back and forth as she sniffed the air for scents to follow. What little was left of her mind continued to dwell on the last thing she could remember. Rage, denial, starvation… Guilt. The last image that kept flickering into her minds eye were Reed holding her children close away from her, afraid of HER, afraid of the monster she could see in their eyes. “Wen…Dee…Goh…” Clutching at her skull and growling to herself in rage, Susan slammed her fists into the stonework under her feet, shattering it into rubble. Unable to get the image out of her mind, the she-Wendigo roared out in rage.

Hearing a scream off in the distance, her fangs bared into a sneer as she leapt off the ledge and landed heavily on the pavement. Hearing the scream again, Susan’s eyes darted to the sound and ran as fast as she could. Practically salivating as the screams grew louder. Up ahead she could see a woman being chased by another afflicted by the Wendigo curse, hunting the panicking woman until she was too exhausted to run, enjoying the sport of it. The moment she tripped and collapsed to her hands and knees, the woman looked over her shoulder to find the brute lung to pounce on her, only to be tackled himself by Susan.

Tumbling into a roll on the ground, the two savage Wendigos collided into a car with enough force to buckle the vehicle and crush it under their combined weight. Getting to her feet, Susan slashed and mauled at the offending creature, her opponent fighting back and ultimately forgetting his prey who returned to her feet and fled the fight to safety. A monster, a monster that scared her husband, her children, she had to stop it. NOW! That was the only thing running through her mind as she bit down on the creature’s throat and shoulder, sinking her teeth into it, and tasting hot blood on her tongue. Then she noticed a ‘thump’ when an arrow pierced the metal of the crumpled car her prey laid upon, the shaft of the arrow giving off a light beeping sound before it went off like a grenade. The explosion sending Susan away from the blast as it consumed the other Wendigo in flames.

Regaining her bearings and shaking off the ringing in her ears. Susan stood up to all fours and looked around her, growling and snarling at her would-be attacker. The burns on her skin rapidly healing until it was smooth and unblemished, then consumed again with white fur. Then a trio of explosive arrows struck all around her on the pavement before exploding. Stunning the female Wendigo and causing her to fly through the window of a shop nearby.

Stepping out of his perch across the street, the man reloaded his crossbow and aimed it into the ruin window of the café Susan had crashed into. “A predator that stalks other predators, interesting but not unheard of.” Raising his crossbow and arming the arrow tip, Sergei Kravinoff “I have kept my eye on you for some time now; a rogue in the pack is usually left alone to its own devices to be slain by the elements, or slain by another opportunistic predator to end its rampage… How fitting that I arrive then.” Firing the arrow into the café, Kraven the Hunter watched as the entire building went into a ball of flames.

“I’ve already slain three of you so far, as deadly a beast as you all are… I was expecting more from YOU.”

Bursting out of the café with a roar and protected by a sphere of solid light, Kraven was surprised to find his prey unharmed and focusing her blood red eyes at him as her new opponent. Lunging out for him, Kraven managed to roll out of the way just in time before she slammed her fists where he stood with enough force to crack the pavement.

Rolling back to his feet and reloading his crossbow, the man smirked. “Impressive, you might be worthy prey yet.” Reaching to his belt, Kraven pulled out a vial filled with clear liquid and struck it at her feet, causing a plume of white smoke to explode out and fill the streets. Lunging towards where he was, Susan found herself swiping at nothing, then she smelled the air and began to cough and wheeze, her eyes tearing up from the intensity of the smell in the air.

“Mace combined with an aerosol agent and mixed with skunk gland for extra effect, overwhelms the senses and leaves the prey without sight, smell or taste for but a few minutes… But effective.” Aiming his crossbow at the form of the she-Wendigo thrashing blindly in the smoke cloud, Kraven shook his head slightly in disappointment. “I had wished to keep a skull or two of these beasts to hang on my mantle… Shame it seems a head shot is the only way to kill one of you.” Firing into the cloud, he was surprised to find the creature raise her arm towards the sound and the arrow suddenly stopped in mid air just feet from where he stood; unmoving but still armed. Hesitating with surprise for too long, by the time Kraven turned to run, the arrow exploded and sent him back to collapse 9 feet away, padding down the fires on his jacket and pants when he stopped into a roll on the pavement. Looking back at the Wendigo, she gave off a roar and clapped her clawed hands together, instantly clearing the smoke.


Darting his eyes around him to find his crossbow, Sergei Kravinoff managed to find it nearby but when he reached for it, he found his weapon surrounded by a bubble of bent light and pulled towards the Wendigo now slowly exiting the dissipating dust cloud. The creature plucking the weapon out of the air and sniffing it out of curiosity before sneering with fanged teeth and smashing the crossbow to pieces on the pavement. “Wend… Dee… Gooo…” Turning her teary eyes to Kraven, still prone on the ground, the she-creature licked her chops and prowled towards him.

“I have wrestled down lions and tigers to the ground beast!” Sergei boasted, getting back to his feet and unholstering a Russian made pistol in one hand and a machete in the other. “I have slain bears and alligators with my bare hands, YOU are no better than the rest that Kraven the Hunter has ever brought… Hnnk!” Dropping his weapons, the man scratched at his neck as his head was enveloped in a bubble of bend light, preventing him from breathing. Confused and panicking, Kraven found the source was the Wendigo in front of him, waving her clawed hand as she approached and with a brief gesture, the man was pulled off his feet and levitated by his neck to her massive clawed hand and iron grip.

Glaring eye to eye with Sergei, Susan growled into the man’s face, her breath hot as a furnace as the man leaned away from the intensity of her blood red eyes. “Wen… Dee… Go!”

“Kraven the hunter falls to NO beast; you will NEVER defeat…”

The roar she gave off caused Sergei’s face to warble, his eyes squinting into tears as her hot breath forced him to close his eyes. Clutching at her arm, he could see her salivate at the meal she had in her grip. Then she did something that confused him. Looking deep into his wide green eyes, the rage ebbed away instantly when she spotted her reflection in his eyes. For but a brief second, the creature looked nothing like the white furred lioness pinning down a mouse, her fanged lips gasping at the sight of her own reflection before dropping Kraven like a rock and backing away, clutching her head.

Taking the opportunity to kick himself away to safety, the man reclaimed his machete and pistol and aimed at the she-Wendigo for anything to come his way. Backing away, the creature looked like she was having a panic attack before she roared out and slammed her fists into the hood of a car and folded the vehicle in half, slamming her fists into the car over and over again until it was a crumpled mess of steel and glass. Darting her head back and forth, the massive predator fled the scene and ran, becoming invisible before Sergei’s eyes and escaped.

Collapsing to his back and going limp, Kraven breathed hard and nearly chuckled at his good fortune. “Heh… Heh… You need a nap old man.” Rolling onto his side and picking himself up, Kraven looked around at the proverbial warzone all around him. He had no idea who or what that was, but compared to the other Wendigo he faced tonight, he KNEW that was one of the most dangerous creatures stalking the city now. “Perhaps I should return to preying on the spider, yes?”


Flying overhead in the Fantasticar, Reed kept his eyes open for his wife among the pandemonium below. With him were Johnny and Ben looking down at the city while Tigra and Jen sat with the two kids in the back seat. All of them had been searching for Susan since they made it to the roof of Five Freedom Plaza and used the flying car to scan the city. Doctor Strange followed them up in the sky, levitating with the aid of his red cloak. Down below it was as if a riot had broken out into the city; fires, overturned cars and destroyed building were left in the wake of just a single Wendigo… As of now there were at least a dozen according to the SHIELD radio Tigra took with her from one of the frozen guards back at the Richards home. Looking out the side window, Johnny Storm kept his eyes peeled looking for his sister, until he felt a tug at his sleeve that turned his attention to his niece and nephew behind him.

“Is mom going to be alright Uncle Johnny?”

“I don’t know kids, I hope so.”

Listening in on radio chatter, Tigra nodded to herself as if she were taking notes when her eyes lit up and she waved her hands to get Reed’s attention. “Guys, guys, GUYS! There is a SHIELD transport nearby that claims they dealt with a Wendigo, one that turned invisible! Transport eight with Delta crew.”

Stopping the Fantasticar to hover over the city, Reed looked over his shoulder behind him to see Tigra listening intently to what she was getting from the walkie-talkie. “Well? Where did they land?”

Raising her finger as if to silence him, Tigra nodded and looked out the window. “They’re out over at the Helicarrier, they’re hovering just over Madison Square to contain the Wendigo and re-arm, if we get there, we might get some ans…”

Not letting her finish, Reed sharply turned the Fantasticar around and at top speed flew across the city towards the Helicarrier’s location. In the span of minutes, the Fantastic Four and their friends and family found themselves in front of the massive air fleet vessel flying over the city, where smaller transports came and went off its flight deck and spread out across the city to contain the growing Wendigo threat. The moment they entered the Helicarrier’s airspace, a pair of SHIELD fighters flew parallel to the Fantasticar, ordering them to land on the flight deck where they would be briefed.

Landing the vehicle over the deck, Reed opened all the doors and pulled himself free of the car as a group of armed SHIELD flight deck officers approached the vehicle and eyed the man and his family with trepidation. “Professor Richards, you were ordered to remain in your home until the crisis was resolved. You will come with us right now.”

“Where’s transport number eight? I need to speak to the crew who just arrived.”

“THAT is classified! You will come with us NOW, or we WILL be forced to detain…”


Running through the flight deck and ignoring the protests of the SHIELD agents now occupied with Ben, Johnny and the others, the blue spandex wearing man elongating his limbs to increase his stride exploring the flight deck, searching for the parked vessel. Nearby he could see other harrier transports being loaded down after hauling their prisoners out of their cargo bays with steel nets. The beasts looked limp and unconscious, most likely from some potent tranquilizer after being subdued. Not far from the row of vessels were holding pens were the Wendigo already captured were contained and their unconscious state maintained by a crew of medical staff to keep them sedated before being relocated. Looking over the serial numbers of each vessel, Reed quickly made his way from one vehicle to the next, ignoring the calls and demands of the SHIELD officers behind him until he managed to find the transport ship where the crew were being checked over for injuries after landing 30 minutes ago. Seeing one of the agents lock eyes with him, Reed hurried towards the one agent being tended to by a medic and grab hold of his shoulders to look him right in the eyes.

“You! You sent a report that you thought you saw Susan Storm somewhere in the city, where was that?”

“Hey! You’re not supposed to be here, just who the hell…”

“Answer me!”

“I would suggest you answer the man, officer Ramirez” Replied Doctor Strange, descending from the air to hover above the ground just as the others finally caught up to Mr. Fantastic. “Time is of the essence, and we can no longer excuse your protocol.”

Looking up at the sorcerer supreme and the rest of the group arriving along with SHIELD guards chasing up to meet them. The man looked up between the desperate Reed and stern looking Doctor Strange, and folded. “y-yeah… At least I think it was her. We were heading into the city to capture one of the strays that seemed to be cropping up around town, but we got overwhelmed. There were three of them. Some of us got injured and then a female one showed up, appeared out of nowhere…”

“Was it sis?” asked Johnny with a worried tone.

“Oh, please tell me she didn’t harm anyone.” Worried Reed out loud, turning away from the man as the worst ran through his mind.

“Well… That’s the weird part, I thought we were all goners when she showed up between us and the jet here, that is until she started attacking the other Wendigos.”

“What?!” Snapped out of his rumination, Reed looked back at the man in confusion.

“Yeah, jumped right over my head and started chomping down on the one that got Carl, gave us all time to get out of there to safety.”

Stepping back from the man, Reed’s mind began to spin with thoughts. The others looking just as surprised by the explanation given to them.

“So yous sayin Suzie’s still in there somewhere?”

“My sister is still in control? But she went berserk in the apartment.”

“She became dangerous when she was provoked.” Scratching his chin with his arms crossed, Stephen Strange fell deep in thought as Reed had. “Her mind has been consumed by the rage and hunger, but her core is still intact, this is a good sign Professor Richards. But the strain on her mind, it must be overwhelming…”

“Reminds me of my cousin.” Piped in Jennifer. “He’s always told me that the Hulk was a separate being to him, but when you get right down to it, the Hulk is just Bruce if you take out the brains, fear and give him a 30 megaton right hook.”

“Does that mean we can still save her?”

Hearing the click of weaponry all around them, Reed and the others had finally acknowledged the SHIELD security who by now were aiming their weapons at the team and fellow Avengers. “REED RICHARDS! By order of SHIELD, you and your compatriots are under arrest for defying command!”

“We’re the Avengers small fry, he’s with…”

“I DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHO YOU’RE WITH, FREAK!” Barked the officer, pointing his rifle at Tigra that made the feline woman narrow her eyes. The rest of the Four and Avengers stared back at the armed guards circling them. “HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND GET ON YOUR KNEES!”

Stepping back and finding the others were close by and ready, Reed was at a loss on what to do next. His worry had gotten the better of him. Feeling his children grip at his hands from behind his back, the man listened in as the guards continued to demand they surrender. Until another voice called out that got all their attention.


“Carl, calm down, just let me…”

“NOW!!!” Shoving the woman out of his way to get to the kit hanging from the side of the transport’s interior. The SHIELD agent pried open the container and bit down on a packaged protein bar with such desperation, he barely registered the wrapper still in his mouth. “Not enough… NOT ENOUGH!”

“Officer, stand down!”

“Not enough…” Clutching at his stomach, the man sneering with anger and tossing the kit across the flight deck where one of the guards ducked to avoid it. Staring back at the Four and Avengers, his skin was pale as chalk and his eyes looked blood shot. “Want more… Want… Wa…” The crunch of bone distracted everyone as the man clutched at his head and growled. His clothing becoming skin-tight until it burst at the seams, growing taller and larger by the second. His already grey hair turning stark white as it spread out and enveloped his entire body. Clawed toes shook off the remains of his shoes, while his clawed hand pulled off the taters of his uniform. Staring back at the SHIELD officers and heroes, the monster bared its fanged teeth. His eyes blood red and wild with hunger and rage. “Wendigo….”


Sitting at the command pulpit of the Helicarrier, Director Fury frowned at the reports coming from the city below. By now there had to have been a dozen Wendigo rampaging through the city and their numbers were increasing. Shaking his head, he looked over the return reports from the SHIELD agents who came back with prisoners. For the most part, these creatures were mindless, berserkers, and it took almost 10 heavily armed men each to bring down. And not all of them made it.

“Fuck me…”

Not only that, he also got reports back of a group of Wendigo heading into the city from the dock works, unlike the odd ones causing trouble in the city, these were acting co-ordinated, using tactics like pack animals. Deep down he knew what they were and who was leading them. Leaning back in his chair and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his gloved hand, Nick Fury sighed. This was all his fault. He played right into Tanaraq’s hands; he should NEVER have let Reed take those samples. But the deed was done now, and now he was going to have to take drastic steps to stop this crisis before it got far worse. Looking over to the reports of the SHIELD crew left behind at the Richards family home and their update on how they escaped. It made the man wonder if he had been too harsh on them, venting his own failures on the family he unintentionally doomed.

Interrupted from his rumination, the fire warning alarm blared off, sending the command crew into a frenzy over the radio chatter and alarms. “COMMANDER! Flight deck reports a Wendigo attack.”

“An attack on my ship? How? All of them are sedated!”



Pandemonium erupted on the flight deck of the Helicarrier as every armed SHIELD agent, pilot, and guard went into a panic when one of their owned turned into a hulking man-eating monster. Bellowing out a guttural howl and charging towards the closest thing that moved, the Wendigo practically ignored the gunfire piercing its tough hide. Blind gnawing hunger fueling his rampage as he charged towards the nearest guard emptying the clip of his weapon into the creature before the weapon was swatted out of his hands. Grabbing hold of his arms and hoisting the screaming man up with the ease of lifting a sack of potatoes, the Wendigo opened his jaws wide, ready to bite the man’s head clean off. That is until an orange stoned fist struck the monster across the face hard enough to chip teeth and force the Wendigo to drop his prey and stumble back.

“NOT TONIGHT UGLY!” Raising his fists, ready for a fight, Ben Grimm sneered as the former SHIELD pilot quickly righted himself to all fours and wiped the blood from his blackened lips, his teeth already growing back when he gave off a roar of rage that caused everyone within earshot to cover their ears. “Oh yeah? Well get yer dukes ready pal, IT’S CLOBBERIN TIME!”

Roaring out to the challenge, the Wendigo charged forward like a rampaging grizzly bear towards the Thing. Wild eyed with hunger and rage, the monster made to make a mauling strike, only to get a mean right hook with Ben’s granite fist in the eye so hard, the beast looked stunned. Raising his clenched fists, Ben began to pummel the Wendigo one jab at a time. The flight deck trembled with each strike, just as he wound up for a punch that sent the beast tumbling back into the harrier transport, causing it to lurch with the impact. Not giving him a chance to regain his footing, Johnny Storm was already on fire and building a ball of intense heat in his hands, tossing it like a softball into the transport where it instantly exploded from the inside out. “Everyone get back! I don’t think that’ll stop it!” Called out the Human Torch, the rest of the team stepping back to keep an eye on the vessel burn.

Backing away from the flaming wreckage, the SHIELD security retrained their weapons on the Fantastic Four while crews scrambled to get fire suppression equipment out. “Are you kidding me?!” Balked Tigra, forced to bring her hands up as the guards aimed their weapons up at her head, along with She-Hulk and Ben while the two stepped back to rejoin the group.

“You’re making a BIG mistake pal.” Warned Jennifer, keeping her eyes on the fiery wreckage and back at the idiot guard still pointing a rifle at her head. “Even I know I can take an exploding plane to the face, and these things are as tough as Ben and I.”

“SHUT UP!” Cocking his rifle back, the guard sneering back at the towering green woman. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU GODDAMNED FREAKS! It’s YOUR fault we have this shit storm on our heads in the first place, and it didn’t start with these damn man-eaters either.”

“Officer, these people HELPED us.” Defended officer Ramirez agent who was being patched up, only for the guard to snap his weapon back at him. The rest of the SHIELD crew stepping back and being herded to join the Fantastic Four and Avengers.

“You’re the reason you brought one of those freaks up here too! As far as I am concerned, you’re just as guilty!”

“His NAME was Carl! Asshole!” Barked officer Sara, joining the others as the guards circled them to keep them all contained. While behind them the harrier transport flames were being put out.

“Not another god damn word!” Stepping back, the guard called for additional security to arrive to the flight deck to deal with the fire and the intruders. Looking over to the caged and contained Wendigos already being moved to avoid the fire, the man glared back at the Fantastic Four. “I swear, if it were up to me, I’d put you ALL into cages like the rest of those animals and throw away the…”

Just then a bellowing roar exploded out of the wreckage, sending fire suppression crews back and collapse as the burning form of the Wendigo charged out, fully engulphed in flames and heading straight for the guard who looked over his shoulder just in time to look into the yawning jaws of the beast… And his head to be bitten clean off his shoulders. Backing away from the sight, the Avengers and Richards family watched on in horror as the creature suddenly stopped burning. His massive, charred body rapidly healing his burns and injuries with every bite of flesh he tore from his prey. Ignoring the gunfire piercing his back and sides, the creature continued to regenerate, rapidly healing smooth skin over charcoal black flesh and regrowing snow-white fur. Dropping the remained of the guard on the flight deck floor and wiping the blood from its fanged lips, the creature finally took notice of the rest of the SHIELD security firing on him.


Leaping towards another hapless SHIELD agent, the Wendigo made ready to claim another victim when it found a ribbon of light bind around his waist and wrap around his arms and legs. Struggling against the bonds, the beast growled and roared, looking up to see the sorcerer supreme mutter an incantation and gesture with his outstretched hands while he conjured magical bindings to contain it. Watching the Wendigo struggle, everyone looked back at Stephen Strange as he continued his incantations, his eyes closed as if he needed to concentrate everything, he had to contain the creature.

“How long can you hold that doctor?” Asked Reed, getting up to his feet and looking between the struggling monster and the sorcerer holding him in place. “He holds… So long as I hold…”

Darting his attention back to the Fantasticar and the Wendigo struggling to break free, Reed got an idea. “Try to keep him contained, I’ll be right back.”

Nodding back as best he could, it took everything Doctor Strange had to compete with the raw strength the creature possessed. Devoid of thought or will, all that was left of the former SHIELD agent was raw hunger and blind rage, so explosively powerful it rivalled the Hulk in both strength and intensity. Even now he could feel the bindings fail, fraying and tearing like fabric to the beast’s thrashing. Some relief came at last when Valaria raised her hands and bound the creature in her force fields. Like rings of invisible metal clasped around its arms, legs, and waist. The monster raged and roared like a rapid bear; its roars almost deafening as it continued to struggle. Nearby, crews of SHIELD agents gathered their equipment to put the Wendigo under like the others in containment, watching the sight of the Richards family and Doctor Strange keeping it in place.

“Daddy! He’s too strong!” Whimpered Valaria, her will faltering as she tried to contain the monster thrashing against her and Doctor Strange’s efforts. With a bellowing roar, the Wendigo was too much for the two to keep contained, exploding out of his bindings and landing on his feet, sneering down at the prone little girl just getting back up to look back at the growling monster that now charged towards her with blind hunger in its red eyes. Grabbing hold of her waist and hoisting her up, the monster opened its jaws to bite, until he and everyone else heard a metallic ‘click’ and electrical hum fill their ears. Blinking his eyes and looking down to see a blue and white glove holding a metal collar at his neck, his eyes followed the arm outstretched almost meters in length from the blue metal flying machine across the flight deck.

At that moment, the creature looked around in confusion and down at the frightened little girl in his hand staring up at him, just as the outstretched hand expanded and pulled her free of his grip while the beast stood there confused and disoriented, watching the blue arm retract back to Reed Richards who by then had closed the gap and fell to his knees with his daughter in his arms. Looking down at himself and all around, the last 15 minutes were a blur to the creature. Staring down at clawed hands and padding down his barrel chest and arms, the Wendigo blinked again and spoke. “Uhm… Where am I?” He asked in a deep voice, proportionate to his size. Turning around, he found dozens of SHIELD agents aiming weapons at him along with the attention of the Fantastic Four and Avengers.

“Carl?” Called out Sara, propped up by Ramirez as the two approached the now tame looking Wendigo who scratched his head and realised, he had horns now. “Is that you? Are you back?”

“Back from what? I blacked out after the flight back to… Wait… Is that our transport?” Carl pointed back at the burning wreckage of the harrier transport being put out while more and more SHIELD crew arrived to contain the situation.

Sitting on the flight deck cradling his daughter, Reed sighed in relief as he found his hunger inhibiting collar had worked. Franklin quickly joined his father and sister on the ground, hugging the two as the others quickly joined him, watching as the wendigo cursed SHIELD agent quickly sat on the flight deck himself, taking in everything that has happened. “Well… It worked…” He sighed, holding Valaria close after the traumatic event.

“Indeed, perhaps we may have a way of combating this curse after all.” Smiled Doctor Strange, floating towards the family and keeping his eyes on the Wendigo as his compatriots explained to him what had happened, picking at his collar, and hinting to leave it be.

“Yeah Stretch, good job.”

“Yes… But that was my only prototype.” Looking out across the flight deck to the rest of the city, Reed breathed a sigh of concern as he and the others could still hear the roars of Wendigo still rampaging out across the city.


She had been running for over an hour, trying to get away from what she saw, something that scared her so HORRIBLY that she had to escape from it! Leaping from one roof top to the next, Susan landed heavily after vaulting herself across the city, breathing hard and falling to all fours, stalking her way down a burning street like a jungle cat before collapsing to her knees. When she looked into that man’s eyes and saw her reflection in them… Something clicked in her shattered psyche. The same thing that occurred in her apartment when she first changed and looked into her husband and children’s eyes after her rampage.

If there was anything left of Susan Storm, it was buried under an ocean of hunger and rage that had enveloped her core. But there were vestiges of herself that endured. Faces, thoughts, emotions, scents. There was a hint that she was a woman… A mother… She could remember faces, her own face, and hands. Looking down though, all she found were sharp talons with stark white fur that enveloped her entire body. She wasn’t the Invisible Woman anymore, now she was some massive, hulking animal, driven solely to devour and destroy anything in her wake. A monster.

Wrapping her arms around her stomach, Susan grimaced at the feeling of horror and guilt that gnawed away at her, one quickly replaced with another aching pain, the hunger. The hunger pains were so great it prevented her from any rational thought, reduced to an unthinking animal. Even now the only thing she could think of was sinking her teeth into fresh prey. Looking down on the concrete below her, she managed to see her reflection in a puddle of water. Instead of the heart shaped face, blue eyes and blonde hair of the Invisible Woman, the she-creature looked down to the face of some chalk pale faced woman with fanged teeth, a flattened feline nose, pointed ears and blood red eyes. Glaring back furiously at her reflection, the mirror image did the same.


Roaring out in rage, Susan brought her fists up and slammed the puddle with enough force to crack the earth and send a hydrant nearby off its moorings, causing water to spray and splash all around while she continued to strike at her former reflection. It was the monster again, the one that scared her mate, her cubs, and invaded her home. The same one she kept finding out in this urban forest threatening her territory. Roaring out again she focussed her powers into the strike, causing a wake of force so great a crater formed in the ground and sent cars to flip onto their sides. Snapping her attention to anything that moved, the monster she was looking for was gone for now, escaping her wrath once again just like the others.

Sniffing the air, Susan snapped her attention ahead of her, spotting something move and prowl towards her vicinity and hiding in the shadows. Brandishing her claws, her hackles rose, growling when she spotted a pack of Wendigo approach. There had to have been dozens of them, circling her like wolves and howling just the same. Their red eyes leering at her stance and growling back at her. Totally surrounded, Susan was livid with barely controlled rage, the moment one of them approached her, she never gave the creature a second thought before she lunged for him. The entire pack stood surprised when one of their own tackled a pack membered to the ground and bit into his shoulder, causing her to howl in shock and pain. Pulling away from her prey, Susan looked over her shoulder to find the rest of the wendigo pack confused and hesitating, unsure whether to fight back or not. In their hesitation she lunged for another.

By that point, the wendigo pack had finally acted, surrounding Susan as she bit into the arm of another in her assault. Looking behind her with her red eyes, Susan raised her clawed hand and captured the pack in individual bubbles of solid light. Struggling against their prisons and roaring down at the she-beast, Susan gave off a roar of her own when she began to clench her hand, the bubbles becoming smaller and squeezing her prisoners inside until…

“My, my, we can’t have that now, can we?”

Susan’s eyes went wide when she felt her body go rigid, her control over her powers lost as her prisoners were let free and stepped back and kept their eyes on her. Finally let go, Susan looked around confused. Surrounded by the pack of wendigo, her eyes finally fell on one that approached her, unlike the others that stood hunched or on all fours, this one stood upright, casually approaching Susan Storm with a curios eye and his arms folded behind him, giving her an appraising look. Staring up at the smug grin of this unique Wendigo, Susan never lost her look of unrestrained rage, practically drooling clenching her teeth into a murderous sneer. She wanted to kill him, tear him limb from limb.

“Now, now… Wipe that drool young lady, its unsightly.”

Wiping her black lips with the back of her arm, Susan shook her head angrily and snarled back at the tall wendigo, her rage intensifying.

“Interesting, even NOW you resist me.” Circling the snarling she-wendigo, the alpha of the pack raised an eyebrow to her grows and threatening gestures. “Such willpower you have, its no surprise you held off the change as long as you did, some of my other servants barely lasted minutes before the hunger consumed them, isn’t that right Doctor Henrys?” He asked nonchalantly to the wounded wendigo nearby, clutching at his healing arm, and backing away from the two. Chuckling, Tanaraq continued. “You will have to forgive him Susan Storm, intellectual conversation is one of the better traits lost to the curse.”

Unphased by hearing her own name, the she-wendigo howled and roared at the one circling her, her tail snapping behind her like a cat’s while she kept her guard up. She made to attack him, but a single gesture of his hand stayed her strike. Looking down at her claws, and back at the wendigo in front of her, she tried to lunge for him again, to swipe her claws across his face, but every time she did, she stopped short of actually doing the deed.

“You will not harm me Susan Storm, you have become mine, just like the others I have spread the curse to.” Tanaraq gestured to the others keeping close. “And I must admit I have such delicious plans for your power set, once you are properly broken in of course.” Bringing a clawed finger to his brow, Taranq smiled and narrowed his eyes as he watched Susan clutch at her head and whimpered. The same will that fought against her actions bombarded her already shattered mind with searing pain, crying out as the pain increased and blotted out anything left of who she was. Eventually her cries of resistance went silent and she stood limp, her arms finally falling to her sides and looked up at Tanaraq with tired and defeated eyes. “There we go, isn’t it better to relent to me?”

Approaching her, Tanaraq raised her chin with a clawed finger to look her eye to eye, smiling more wickedly when he found the fire in her eyes gone. “You’ll THANK me for this in the long run, its so less complicated when you DON’T have a thought in your head to worry about.”

“Wen…di…goh…” She moaned, her chin still being held up by his finger before his other arm wrapped behind her and pulled her close to him. Pressing her chest against his while he allowed his arm to roam lower. She no longer had the will to fight back, his presence in her mind was almost absolute. Her actions were HIS now.

“And yet your appetites remain intact, I KNOW you’re hungry, all of my wendigo are, but you have OTHER appetites yet to sate, don’t you my dear?”

Whimpering against his broad chest and abdominal muscles, Susan unconsciously wrapped her arms around his waist, squirming on the spot as a heat bloomed in her stomach and spread down to her loins. Seeing her blush on her pale cheeks, Tanaraq gripped behind her thigh and hoisted her leg around his waist, spinning her around until she was sitting on the roof of a car, swinging her other leg around his waist and locking her feet together behind him. With a hand behind her head, he pulled her close and delved his tongue into her mouth, kissing her aggressively while her clawed hands roamed over his back and down his waist. Reciprocating the kiss hungrily. Pressing against her, Tanaraq groped at her thigh and rear with one hand and hefted the weight of one of Susan’s breasts with the other, hearing her moan and growl into his mouth and press up against him.

“It always amuses me to see you females in heat.” Chuckled the ruler of the wendigo, watching as Susan licked at his broad chest and managed to get a clawed hand around his growing girth. “And since I’m in a mortal body, I rarely get the opportunity to indulge in such pleasures.” Guiding his growing erection at the entrance to her nethers, Tanaraq thrust hard into the wendigo woman, making Susan gasp and moan, her toes curling as the grip her thighs had around him tightened. Gripping her waist, Tanaraq began to thrust hard into her. Smirking as his ministrations had such an effect on her senses and body. Leaning back and moaning out loud, Susan’s breasts heaved with each collision of their hips, her long white hair splayed over the car roof along with her arms. Thrusting harder, the roof to the car gave way and shattered glass filled the car interior just as the roof collapsed, increasing his thrusts, Tanaraq leaned back and growled as he found release and came hard into the wendigo woman. Her red eyes going wide, Susan moaned and roared out with Tanaraq, wrapping her legs around his waist once again and going tense as an explosive orgasm crashed through her.

Rolling her over to lay on her stomach, the beast woman whimpered as she felt him thrust into her from behind, the sensation making her grip the ruins of the car and sink her claws into the metal with the same ease as soft tin. “Hnngh… It has been… Too long… Since I have enjoyed the pleasures… Of the flesh…” Grunted Tanaraq, gripping her hips and thighs and thrusting harder, his cruel smirk never leaving his fanged lips. Her tail snapping back and forth and striking playfully under his chin, Susan moaned out loud, raking her claws across the car’s ruins. Her eyes fluttered as an orgasm crashed through her again and yet he still thrust hard into her. None of her human lovers ever compared to his strength or aggression. By the time he reached his limit again, Tanaraq leaned back and roared, leaving Susan to join him as he flooded her insides with his release. Collapsing on top of her, the two panted until Tanaraq regained his strength and pulled out of her, chuckling to himself as he regained his composure, leaving Susan to drape over the ruins of the car with fluttering eyes.

“This city and its inhabitants will soon be mine, a horde of wendigo that will sweep across this world and devour everyone in its wake, and YOU shall be the key to that victory; a pack that strikes unseen even in plain sight.” Seeing her slump down to the ground in exhaustion, Tanaraq looked to the rest of his pack and made a simple nodding gesture to tell them… It was their turn next with her. “Perhaps you should be made acquainted with the pack, after all, they have OTHER appetites too.”


Re: Susan Storm: The Invisible Wendigo
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2023, 10:55:39 AM »
Susan Storm; The Invisible Wendigo
Chapter 5

Storming down the flight deck of his Helicarrier with a squad of security agents with him, armed and ready, Nick Fury was every bit his name sake when he stepped out of the command pulpit and marched down the flight deck towards a crowd forming on the other side of the ship, a football field’s distance from where he walked. Flight deck crews and pilots scrambled to put out fires all around him. A harrier transport nearby burned while the crew tried to put it out and others were putting a blanket over the remains of an agent… The half they were able to find. The wendigo they still had contained were still unconscious and caged, monitored by the rest of the flight deck guards and medical staff who kept their eyes on them. But what brought Fury’s blood to a boil was finding the Richards family and almost half the Avengers standing around a wendigo sitting on the deck awake and sitting while Doctor Strange and Reed Richards checked it over as if it were a pet at a veterinary clinic. The doctor magically conjured pants for the creature to wear while having its arm lifted and lowered and telling it to open and close its mouth. Meanwhile Richards inspected a collar over its neck, taking notes. The guards nearby did nothing to stop them or detain the whole lot for all this mess.

He was not just furious, he was livid.

“WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALL STANDING AROUND?!!!! ARREST THEM! NOW!!!” Barked the Director, pointing an accusing finger back at Reed Richards who got to his feet and backed up with his hands up while the SHIELD guards behind Fury aimed at him and his family.

“But sir, he’s in control of himself now.” Replied one of the armed guards standing with the Richards family, looking up to the Agent Carl just as he stood to his feet and towered over everyone save for the THING and She-Hulk.

“It’s true sir…” Agent Carl answered, rubbing a clawed hand to his stomach with a grimace, the guilt of knowing he ATE someone before he could be stopped still weighed heavily over his shoulders. “They… They managed to stop me before I could do any more…”

“SOMEBODY GET THIS ANIMAL IN A CAGE ALREADY!” Barked Fury, waving to his guards who surrounded the Wendigo who had his hands up.

“That is enough Director Fury, we have a means of tempering this threat now and the collar is living proof of that.” Stood Stephen Strange, his arms outstretched and standing between Fury and his entourage and the Richards Family behind him. “All we need do is create more to control the worst aspects of the curse to reclaim those lost to it.”

“It was a mistake to invite you for that damn study, I should have just doped that animal up in the RAFT and thrown away the goddamn key!”

“Fury, my collar works, please just let me make more and we can…” 

“NOT ANOTHER DAMN WORD RICHARDS! I want these animals caged and put below decks while we contain this shit-storm!” Turning his attention back to the Fantastic Four and other Avengers, Director Fury pointed to the group guarding the lone sane wendigo in their midst. “And have them arrested.”

“Daddy?” Worried Valaria as she and Franklin gathered behind their father and the rest of them looked ready to fight.

“That’s enough Fury!” Turning around and glaring with his good eye, the director shook his head in disappointment when he spotted Captain America and the rest of the Avengers show up. Standing behind the star-spangled super soldier were Thor, Iron Man, Wasp and Black Widow. The five joining the rest of the Avengers present where Steve Rogers nodded back to the worried father and rested his hand over his shoulder. “If Professor Richards has a way of pacifying these people then we should go with what he has available.”

“YOU are NOT in charge here Captain!” Accused Fury, most of his entourage aiming their weapons at the team and having difficulty focusing on who to divide their attention on. “You will detain the Richards family and that… THING and bring them down to lower decks to be detained until further notice!”

Looking down at Valaria and Franklin looking up at him from behind their father, Captain America stepped forward and looked down at the fuming director. “I didn’t join SHIELD to put children in handcuffs.”

Taking a step back, Fury looked to his guards and back to the Avengers and Fantastic Four, then reached for his ear intercom to the rest of the Helicarrier. “I need a team of Hulk Busters up on the flight deck right…” Frozen in place, Nicholas Fury and his guards became paralyzed on the spot while mandalas of arcane energy circled the man and his team. The intercom in his ear continued to buzz and repeat radio chatter requesting details of the director’s request, getting nothing in return from the man but dead air while standing stone stiff.

With his hands still up and keeping the enchantment going, Doctor Strange sighed. Turning to look to the others, the Sorcerer Supreme made a smirk. “Anyone object?” His smile never leaving his face to find the Avengers and Richards family shrug and shake their heads. Even the other SHIELD staff could not object with a man who could turn you into a statue on the spot.

“So, what do we do with Chewbacca over here?” Pointed Ben Grimm back at the former SHIELD agent turned wendigo, the towering creature.

“Chewy has a NAME pal!” Scoffed Agent Carl, crossing his arms and glaring down at the stone skinned man who did the same.

“He’s also wearing the ONLY thing to get Susan back.” Jen worried, approaching the Wendigo and eyeing the metal collar around his neck. “What if we take it off?”

“The moment we do, the hunger will overtake him again.” Explained Reed. “And we’ll be right back to trying to contain a rampaging wendigo on a warpath to eat everyone on this ship.”

“Perhaps not.” Approaching the tall wendigo and pointing a finger towards the collar around his neck, Doctor Strange muttered an incantation, one that formed a mandala of sigils around the confused beast man as the others watched. The wendigo looking around himself as the mandalas grew more complex.

“I thought you said you couldn’t reverse the wendigo curse?” Wondered Reed out loud, watching the man wave his hands in arcane gestures and focused his attention on the Wendigo’s neck.

“I cannot… But I can duplicate objects.” Reaching out with one of his hands, Stephen Strange plucked at the collar with his fingers and pulled, creating a copy, and another, and another, and another until a crude chain of metal rings appeared and circled around the sorcerer and stacked neatly between his outstretched hands. “I take it these will suffice for now?”

Offering the dozen or so collars to Mr. Fantastic, Reed smiled and looked back to the rest of his friends and family. “Well, easy part’s over, now we just have to find her.”

Looking out over the city where fires still burned and roars echoed out, the Four and Avengers grimaced. “Yeah… Easier said than done!”


“Man, things sure did go south overnight!” Complained Spider-Man out loud. Swinging from one building to the next with a woman hanging over his shoulder screaming out loud and panicking as she looked down to the pandemonium going on at street level, at 20 stories up. He had found her being chased by wendigo just minutes earlier, webbing up the pack to buy time and pull her up to safety and swing away. “So, are you doing okay up here?”


 “Yeah, yeah, I get it… I’m not much of a cabbie.”

Swinging across town and holding his ‘passenger’ tight, Spider-Man looked down at the fires and rampage going on below. Down below it was not hard to spot the massive wendigo terrorizing the streets, they were as big as Hulks and just as violent. What was worse were their numbers were increasing. He managed to rescue quite a few people already, but each time was getting harder and harder to do. The woman screaming up bloody murder over his shoulder nearly cost him a leg to rescue from a pack of wendigo chasing her down minutes earlier. “Hang on, we’re almost there, once you can get on your feet, you can cuss me out more.”


“THERE you go! Keep those spirits high!”

Darting his hand out to fire another thread of webbing to swing towards another building, Spiderman brought the screaming woman to the garden roof of a high-rise where several people were already there, being protected to by the heroes for hire along with a group of SHIELD security who offered blankets and tended to any injuries. Landing on his feet, he let the woman down only for her to shove him away from her and stormed off, crossing her arms with a scowl before turning to the SHIELD crew nearby in the hopes of finding someone with authority. “You’ll hear from my lawyer you red and blue ass-hole!”

“Eh, can’t please them all.” Peter shrugged, getting a smirk from Iron Fist and Luke Cage as the woman stormed past them. Jessica Jones and Black Cat traded knowing looks as they watched the woman storm towards a SHIELD medic in charge to plead her case, only to be chewed out by the woman in the medical coat and guided by a pair of guards to sit with the rest of the survivors, all the while she was screaming threats of lawsuits against Spiderman AND SHIELD.

“Wow Spidey, what did you do to piss THAT one off?” asked the white-haired former thief, her arms crossed under the bust of her one-piece black cat-suit.

“Saved her from being a Karen sandwich, what happened to good old fashion gratitude these days, huh?”

Shaking his head, Daredevil approached the webslinger, slapping his hand over Peter’s shoulder. “She won’t have a case, not in THIS crisis, but if you need some legal advice, just let me know.”

“Thanks, knowing my luck, J.J. will claim this was all MY doing right from the....” Going stiff, Peter’s senses went off like a flare in his mind. His head darting one direction to the other as if trying to spot something.

“Uhm, Spidey? Are you okay?” Worried Felicia, seeing even Daredevil look apprehensive before Spiderman turned his attention to the Black Cat and ran towards her with his arms out to grab her.

“GET DOWN!” Tackled off her feet by the web slinger, the Black Cat felt a change in the air pressure around her, almost like the feeling of a fast car rushing past her before the ground shattered from an impact where she once stood. Spiderman had caught her just in time to avoid being crushed to death by something huge, heavy… And invisible. Looking over Spider-Man’s shoulder, Felicia could see Daredevil back away and guide Luke Cage and Daniel Rand the Iron Fist back to keep them safe. With his batons ready, Daredevil looked like he was going to fight someone, then everyone clutched at their ears when a guttural roar reverberated across the entire rooftop, something that made Murdoc drop to his knees clutching his head in pain before he managed to roll to the side to avoid an impact that pulverized a supply crate behind him.

“What’s happening?!” Screamed Felicia, finally pulled up back to her feet so she could move again, just as Spiderman sprayed the area behind him with webbing from his wrists. The moment he did, everyone looked up in horror to find the silhouette of a wendigo thrashing and struggling to break free against the sticky webbing holding it in place. Darting his head to his right, Spider-Man did it again, catching a wendigo in mid leap to tumble to the roof thrashing and roaring in rage while bound in webbing.

“They’re invisible!”


With no time to figure out the how or why, Spider-Man had his hands full already with his senses going off like a fire alarm in his head. Ducking to the ground, Peter winced when he felt claws just barely rake across his back, hearing the Black Cat behind him scream and finding a crate practically explode from something impacting it with the same speed as what almost struck him. Looking behind him, he found Felicia clutching at her arm but overall was alright. Even though he could not see his attackers, his spider sense allowed him to know where they were. Grabbing hold of Felicia’s hand, the two darting towards the others just as more invisible attackers began climbing up the walls of the building and attacked.

The people on the roof instantly began to panic, and rightly so when one of the SHIELD guards suddenly disappeared from sight when he called for an air transport, followed by him screaming and a pool of blood forming on the ground where he once stood. Daredevil ran ahead and summersaulted into the air to kick the unseen attacker back over the wall, hearing its howls of rage descend to the city streets just as he landed on his feet. “We need to get everyone out of here!”

“How? Everyone’s going invisible, I can’t see a thing!” Before the eyes of the heroes and the group of people screaming for their lives, one by one they all went invisible, screaming blindly as they lost sight off who was in front of them or themselves. “How can we fight something we can’t see?”

“Welcome to my world.” Hearing the growls of the attackers around them over the screaming of those they tried to protect, Daredevil may not have been able to see the wendigo, but he knew there were five of them surrounding them and another twelve making their way up the steep escarpment of the building they were using as refuge… And across the street to another building he felt the presence of something watching them, its arms up like a conductor but unseen by everyone except for him and his enhanced senses. Whatever it was, it was MAKING these wendigos and their victims invisible; he wasn’t sure who or what it was but so long as it was over seeing the fight, they were at a disadvantage. Tilting his head, he could hear the radio off the remains of the SHIELD agent down on ground level that a transport was arriving to pick them up. “We can’t stay here. We need to hold them off until the SHIELD transport arrives.”

“How long do we have?”

“Five minutes… We need to buy some time.”

Bringing his wrists out Spider-Man sprayed the entire roof top with webbing, getting snarls and growls of complaint from the attacking wendigo as they thrashed and struggled against the steel strong fibers. But for the time being, the heroes for hire had an idea of what they were dealing with.

One managed to break free, roaring out loud and giving away its presence. “Same to YOU too, asshole!” Yelled Power Man, giving the man-eating monster a right hook with enough force to send it across town. With Spider-Man and Daredevil acting as spotters, the rest of the heroes bought time as they waited for the transport to arrive. Even now they could spot the harrier transport heading their way. Uppercutting another wendigo off the roof with the strength of a Mac truck behind her punch, Jessica closed in with the others just as the transport arrived to hover over the roof and open its entry bay.


Guiding everyone towards the ship, the heroes for hire staved off the attacking monsters to make sure everyone could make their escape. But then everything went wrong when they tried to step onboard, only to be met with a wall of force that prevented them from getting in. Slapping their hands against an invisible barrier separating them the safety of the harrier vessel and the growing horde of wendigo behind them, the heroes realised they were trapped. “What in…” Gasping as she felt a bubble of force surround her, Jessica struggled against her prison before being pulled back away from the group and disappearing. One by one the other heroes were suddenly trapped in bubbles of solid light and snatched away from the fight as easily as plucking leaves off a vine. “What’s going on?!” Cried out one of the people freaking out just as an invisible cone of force struck the side of the harrier transport, blowing out the engine and sending it falling like a rock towards the ground in a plume of smoke, leaving only Spider-Man, Black Cat and Daredevil to fend for themselves.

“Something across the street is controlling them, it wasn’t after the people, it wants US!”

“If anyone has any ideas, I’m open to anything.” Called out Peter, standing shoulder to shoulder with Black Cat and Daredevil.

“We can’t do anything while that… THING is keeping an eye on us, if we make an escape it’ll just wall us up.”

“I don’t see anything.”

“Believe me, its there… Watching us.”

Thinking fast, Felicia reached into a small pouch at her hip and pulled out a small cannister the size of cellphone. “Hold your breath guys.” Pulling a pin on the item, she tossed it at their feet where a plume of black smoke filled the rooftop, along with the smell of mace. Hearing the beasts in front of them cry out and cough from the fumes, Spider-Man could already notice the invisible wall behind them had relented when they became obscured by the smoke. Taking their chances, Spiderman hoisted Black Cat in his arm and the three jumped off the roof, with Peter firing a strand of webbing to swing away to safety and Daredevil using a bolas cable to do the same. By the time they reached ground level, the trio ran through an alley to safety.

“Geez Cat, what WAS that?”

“Pepper spray bomb, I have it just in case I steal from someone who shoots first and doesn’t ogle me.”

“I don’t condone it, but I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” Chuckled Peter, looking around for a safe place for them to hide the wendigo hoard still hunting them. Stopping to catch their breaths, Felicia looked down to her injured shoulder, finding it scratched deep to cut through her costume and draw blood but for the most part she was unharmed. Seeing that the two other men were watching her inspect her injury, she gave a reassuring smile. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah… Just a little hungry.”


Crouching near the holding cell in front of him and outstretching his hands to clasp the collar over the sleeping wendigo’s neck, Reed looked over to the guards and medical team keeping the creature contained and nodded to give them the go to cut the anesthetic keeping it asleep. Retracting his outstretched arms and wiping his gloved hands, Reed stood back up and looked behind him to the five reclaimed wendigos wearing his collars and let out of their containment cells. Three sat on the flight deck, still fatigued from the drugs burning out of their system while Agent Carl and another stood looking down at themselves as if for the first time. In the last 20 minutes, Reed had taken the copies of his hunger inhibiting collars and gave them to the contained wendigo that were on the flight deck of the SHIELD helicarrier.

The best he was able to get from the ones that had awoken, were they had no memories of their actions prior to the collars latching around their necks. Almost as if the moment the hunger consumed them, there was nothing left of themselves to remember anything. Lost to an oblivion of hunger and rage. Something that made Reed curious after seeing the effects of his collar on their behaviour, making him wonder if their hunger was an outside influence instead of an amplified one. Nearby Doctor Strange conjured clothing for the reclaimed creatures; the men given pants and sleeveless shirts hemmed to their massive size and the women given the same, tailored to let their tails slip out from behind the rear of their pants. Captain America was speaking with the three sitting on the flight deck as they slowly regained their bearings and already the one in the cage was being let out, her face groggy but regaining some awareness.

“So… What are we doing with eyepatch here?” Asked Johnny Storm, poking the petrified SHIELD director and his staff as they remained stone stiff in place by Strange’s magic. “Are you gonna let him out? Because he looks like he’s getting madder and madder.”

“He’ll be released when he’s learned to behave rationally.” The Sorcerer Supreme chastised, crouching next to the caged wendigo Reed placed a collar over and conjured clothing for the female creature as it stirred awake and nearly bumped her horned head over the bars. “For now, our priority is to find and stop Tanaraq before his horde grows any further.”

“And Suzie.” Bending at the knee to hug his son and daughter, Reed looked over to the Avengers and his friends as they conversed over what plan of action to take. He was grateful that the Captain took his side on the matter, watching Steve Rogers speak with Tigra and She-Hulk over what happened with his wife earlier today. “If only we had a way of finding her.”

Hearing his personal phone ring at his hip pocket, Reed picked up the phone and answered. “Hello? Peter… What is… YOU FOUND SUSAN?!” His voice carrying over to the others when he responded in surprise. Gathering around the man as he quickly stood up and listened on his phone, the Avengers trying to listen in while Reed paced on the flight deck.


Sitting on the brick wall of the alley they were hiding in and with a cellphone to his ear, Spider-Man kept his eyes peeled for either end of the alley for anything else to come for them while Daredevil and Black Cat stood waiting nearby. “Yeah… Don’t know anyone else who can turn people invisible or put up invisible walls, but I think we bumped into your wife… Yeah… Sorry, she wasn’t in a talking mood.”

Listening in with his heightened hearing, Matt nodded to what Reed explained to Peter over the phone, making Felicia curious, being left out of the loop. “What are they saying?” She asked, clutching at her arm, recovering from the cut, but the ache in her stomach continued to get worse.

“Turns out SHIELD had a wendigo named Tanaraq, Susan Storm got cursed and now these things are spreading like rabies across the city.”

Putting his hand to the phone and looking back to the two, Spider-Man nodded to the pair. “Reed wants to know if any of us have been bit.”

Clutching her arm, Felicia looked sickly pale, and the way she looked back at Peter with pink eyes made the man worry. “Increased appetite, albinism… Yeah, I think we have problems here.”


“Just keep her fed, it will stall the transformation, just PLEASE, tell me where you found her… THANK you Peter, I owe you for this.” Closing the phone to his ear, Reed smiled and looked to his friends and family. “She was last spotted on the garden rooftop of a skyscraper across town, three blocks from Zuccotti park!”

“ALRIGHT EVERYONE, get in a transport, we’re heading there now to meet up with Spiderman.” Called out Captain America, the star-spangled super soldier rallying the rest of the SHIELD agents and Avengers with him while Reed and his family took their Fantasticar. The moment they took to the air, the entourage of vessels began to make their way to lower Manhattan to find and face the wendigo horde. Looking down from his side of the fantasticar, Ben could see wendigo heading the same direction they were.

“Hey! Looks like we got a crowd forming down there.”

Looking down from his own seat, Reed noticed several wendigos making their way towards lower Manhattan like they were, but as soon as they approached the financial district… One by one they disappeared. Becoming invisible. “Yes, she’s down there alright.”

“How are we going to get her back daddy?”

“If we can get this collar around her neck, she’ll be able to think like herself again… If we can spot her.”

“The REAL threat is Tanaraq himself, if we can somehow subdue him, the wendigo under his control will follow.” Explained Doctor Strange.

“Big guy in charge of man-eating monsters? Sounds like the kind of guy who likes to sit back and watch his ‘pets’ do all the dirty work.”

Cracking his knuckles, Johnny rolled his shoulders, itching for a fight. “Which means if we want to find HIM, we need to draw him out… Any ideas?”

“I have one.” Answered Strange just as they made their approach. “But you might not agree with it.”

“If it helps us get Susan back, I’m willing to consider any idea.”

Looking down from his vantage point, Ben Grimm could see fires and devastation below, but the wendigos were nowhere in sight. Which only made him worry considering that Susan was strong enough to almost overpower him and Jen at their worst. “You sure we’re safe up here? Even Jen could jump high enough to swat us up here if she wanted.”

“Please… I can jump HIGHER!” Smirked the green giantess, leaning over Ben’s shoulder to look down at the city below. “I’m more worried of one of those things FLYING!”

“Well… Last I checked, the wendigo can’t fly.”

A sudden lurch of the Fantasticar and blaring sirens alerted the passengers to the driver’s side of the flying vessel, where a wendigo still wearing the tattered scraps of Jessica Jones’s clothing clawed at the metal hull. “THIS ONE CAN FLY STRANGE!” With a roar, the female wendigo punched through the engine keeping the vessel aloft and jumped away across to a skyscraper’s roof to land just as Ben lost control of the Fantasticar and began to spin into a nosedive. Falling like a rock, Ben tried to keep the vehicle stable with the remaining thrusters, ignoring the vertigo as the city streets spun in view.

“HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!” Ben yelled over his shoulder, the passengers behind him strapping down to brace for the coming impact. Managing to keep the Fantasticar stable, the blue flyer crashed into a roll, until it slid to a screeching halt at a cross walk where overhead the other SHIELD transports were attacked and brought low the same way, with Luke Cage and Daniel Rand joining the wendigo pack as well.


Fluttering his eyes, Reed felt groggy, looking up around him, he found he was still in bed at home with the morning light cutting through the blinds of his bedroom window and shining over his face. Hearing a hiss of water from the bathroom he could see the door left open while steam billowed out. “Morning Reed, sleep well?” Called out Susan from the shower, making Reed slump back in bed with a sigh of relief.

“I had a nightmare… I was trying to find you… Save you from yourself.”

 “Daw… Poor baby, well don’t worry your little head, everything’s alright.” He heard her soothing voice just as he heard the water turn off and a towel being pulled off a rack. Sitting up in bed he waiting to see her exit, only to turn to shock when he found an outstretched claw grip the door frame, revealing the grinning fanged face of his wife, towering over him as a wendigo, lunging from the doorway to pounce on the frightened man in bed, Reed cried out in horror. Leering down at him with blood red eyes and keeping him pinned to the bed with her clawed hand, Susan licked her fanged lips in reaction to his terror.

“Aww, DoN’t Be ThAt WaY ReEd… GiVe YoUr WiFe A KiSssssss….”


Gasping awake and feeling a splitting headache, Reed Richards rolled onto his side while the world around him was a ringing blur to his ears. He could hear voices calling out, the heat of flames near him that made him pull away and sit up where his vision cleared, and the sounds became clearer. Looking around, he could see the Avengers fighting for their lives against a horde of wendigo that seemed to appear and disappear at a whim, striking without warning and stealing away another SHIELD agent that wasn’t fast or alert enough to escape. Captain America was forced to a knee trying to hold back the barrage of strikes from his attacker before the beast was blasted back by the Human Torch. Giving the super soldier the chance to fall back.

Iron Man and Wasp darted overhead, struggling to contain Jessica Jones, now a hulking wendigo like the rest of the hoard, howling and roaring at the two as she swiped a claw across Tony’s armor and leaving deep gouges into the metal plating.

The Thing and She-Hulk were back to back trading blows with their own opponents, keeping the wendigo at a safe distance while the Avengers behind them tried to gather themselves up for safety. It was then Reed could hear someone calling his name once his hearing cleared, turning his attention to the source of the voice.

“DADDY! I CAN’T KEEP THEM OFF US FOR LONG!” Cried out Valaria, her arms outstretched and holding up a bubble of bent light that kept five wendigo at bay, the snarling beasts punching and mauling the barrier his daughter kept up with all their might and ferocity, unable to reach her or the rest of her family she kept safe. Looking down at her feet Reed noticed Franklin was passed out and being tended to by Tigra. One by one the rest of the Avengers and Richards family retreated to the bubble Valaria held up, being able to pass through the barrier with ease but not the horde of monsters trying to harm them.

“Val! Franklin!” Stumbling towards his unconscious son in Greer’s lap, he sighed with relief to find him still breathing.

“He’s okay, just knocked out like you were.” Laying nearby was the unconscious body of Doctor Strange, the man murmuring as he slowly regained consciousness, clutching a nasty cut on his forehead.

“Val, are you okay sweety?” Looking over to Valaria, the young girl was wheezing in anguish as she put all her will into protecting her friends and family. Even using her abilities to make the wendigo in proximity VISIBLE by struggling against her mother’s powers and keep the Avengers safe. “Too many… She’s here… Mommy’s here…”

“I know honey, she’s the only one who could make these creatures invisible.”

“NO! She’s… Mommy’s fighting me, pushing against my force field, she’s STRONGER than me.” Cried Val, her arms shaking as she kept up the bubble of solid light, but as she wavered, so did the force field as it began to shrink and pull back, becoming smaller. Turning his attention back to the Sorcerer Supreme regaining consciousness, the man was sitting up to find himself surrounded by the pandemonium around him.

“Doctor, we need to hurry, if you have a plan, PLEASE do something!”

Turning to look over his shoulder, the two looked up to hear Tony cry out and crash to the ground, a deep gash in his shoulder where the plating had been pried off and bleeding. Scrambling to his knees, Tony Stark gasped and fumbled to unclasp his helmet, just as the seams to his armor groaned and complained loudly before bursting apart to reveal white fur underneath.

“We don’t have much time left.” Getting to his feet and wincing with his arm around his side, Doctor Strange outstretched his good hand and muttered an incantation. The moment he did, a spark of light bloomed between his outstretched fingers to form a glowing spark of yellow light no bigger than a marble. “TANARAQ! HEAR ME!” Raising his good arm over his head to show off the orb of light, Doctor Strange did not know if the creature was even nearby, but he knew how to get his attention. “IN MY HAND I HOLD THE KEY TO RETURNING YOU TO THE REALM OF BEASTS. WITH THIS YOU CAN BE RECONNECTED TO THE SPIRITS AND RECLAIM YOUR IMMORTALITY.” Seeing the wendigos gather to strike down Val’s force field, Strange’s gambit seemed to have had the opposite effect. More and more of the cannibalistic monsters appeared before them, driven into a frenzy to attack Dr. Strange, behind him Valaria gasped as it was already too much for her. All it would take was one more strike and the horde would be ready to bring the killing blow.

Quickly snatching the tiny glowing marble out of the sorcerer’s hand, Reed raised it over his head for everyone to see. “KILL US AND YOU’LL NEVER GET IT!”

And just like that, the wendigo attacking the force field stopped what they were doing, the entire pack stepping away and giving the sorcerer threatening growls and snarls as they relented their assault. Looking back at her daughter, Reed caught her just in time as she collapsed in his arms, the force field dropping but the wendigos did not attack. “Now back away or I’ll break it.” Doing as he commanded, Reed watched as the wendigo horde stepped back, giving him and his loved one’s space as they regathered behind Mr. Fantastic. Checking over to Iron Man, Reed breathed in sharply when he spotted Tony, fully transformed, and backing away, along with Black Widow, her costume hanging off her in taters as she backed away, brandishing her new claws at her former friends.

“What do the beasts wait for?” Asked Thor, hesitant to make a move knowing two of his friends had been turned.

Keeping an eye on the pack of monsters and back at his family gathering behind him. Reed noticed the sound of clapping in the distance. Looking back out into the horde, he noticed the veil of invisibility lift, revealing over a hundred wendigos. Parting to make room, one wendigo stood out among the rest, walking upright, and clapping his clawed hands together while casually making his way through his pack of wendigos to stand in front of the Richard’s family and Avengers. Finally, Reed could see the thing responsible for all of this casually walk up to him. Tanaraq was nothing like the other wendigo he had bent to his will. Although he shared their appearance and strengths, there was an intelligence in his blood red eyes that unnerved Reed, a far cry from the unconscious, detained animal he was in SHIELD custody back on the RAFT. Cold and calculating, his fanged smirk, feline nostrils and pointed ears belied a human intelligence that had planned this entire outcome. “A means to returning to the realm of beasts, VERY clever Doctor Strange, I will admit, being trapped in this shell IS bothersome, its not fragile… But I do prefer a safety net if things were to go wrong.”

“He’s not the one you need to talk to Tanaraq, I’m the one holding what you want.” Clutching the glowing marble in his hands, Reed made it look like he would break it. “Make any wrong moves and you lose this chance forever.”

Turning his attention to Mr. Fantastic, Tanaraq’s smirk grew. “Very well Professor Richards, well played. So, what are your terms, hmm?”

“I want to see my wife!”

Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, Tanaraq’s smile never wavered. Crossing his arms and looking back to his horde, he darted his eyes back to Reed Richards again with a hint of amusement at the request. “So, you wish to see my most productive pawn, do you? Very well.” With but a simple gesture of his clawed fingers, one of the wendigos in the pack stepped forward, staring at the Avengers apprehensively before standing beside the wendigo leader who patted her head with a condescending sigh. The female wendigo standing hunched over and glared at whatever moved with her red eyes, sneering with fanged teeth at Reed, as if she did not recognise him at all. The feeling tragically enough was mutual. The creature looked nothing like Susan Storm. Had she been standing upright she would have been almost 8 feet tall. Her body was built powerful, toned, and curvaceous, rivalling the She-Hulk in build and curves. But the similarities ended there. Her body was ashen white, covered in a sheen of chalk white fur that covered her entire body and face, her hands and feet sported black sharp claws that Reed knew were both razor sharp and strong enough to pierce steel. A prehensile tail almost as long as she was tall, snapped behind her angrily and black horns a foot in length crowned her brow and swept back like goat’s horns. There was no way this she-beast was his loving wife. But looking past the pointed ears, feline nose, fangs, and blood red eyes, he could recognise his wife’s face twisted into maddened hunger and rage. A face Reed nearly made when Tanaraq cupped Susan’s chin in his clawed hand and admired the way her eyes fluttered from the attention.


Breaking away from the eye contact, Tanaraq chuckled. “Lovely is she not? I knew someone would have been cut by my severed fang sooner or later, I had actually hoped on YOU Professor Richards to end up as my thrall, your brilliant mind and resources bent to my will… Well… Your mind would not have lasted in time. The hunger ALWAYS wins sooner or later.”

Breathing sharply, Reed glared at Tanaraq as the monster continued.

“But your wife, the Invisible Woman, what a prize she was, I have never come across such a powerful will, she fought back the curse for DAYS. Most would have fallen within minutes, driven mad with the hunger… But even as she struggled with her rage and appetites, I was able to nudge her in the direction I desired. A bite here, a mating there, she helped me accomplish FAR more than any other minion, now I have MANY thralls under my command…” He gestured to the former heroes for hire and the two avengers now joined up with the rest of the pack. “And as impressive as she is… She surprises me still. She fights me even now; do you know that Richards? Even now she struggles against my will to break free, don’t you my lovely?” He asked, pulled Susan in for a kiss she almost did not reject, the sight breaking Reed’s heart when he heard her swooning into his mouth before he pulled away. “But she is mine now, now, and forever, do you still want your wife back Professor Richards?”

“Y-Yes… Give her back to me, and the link to the realm of beasts is yours again.”

His grin both manic and predatory, Tanaraq separated himself from Susan and crossed his arms, tapping his chin with a clawed finger in thought. “It is a very tempting trade Professor Richards, and an impressive gamble you and the Sorcerer have made together but… What is the saying again? When it comes to gambling, the house always wins?” With a snap of his fingers, Susan reached out with her clawed hand and everyone present gasped as they found themselves bound in shackles of invisible light stronger than steel. Pinned to the ground and unable to move, the Avengers and Fantastic Four struggled. Stephen Strange tried to speak when he felt a bubble of light envelope his head and cut off his air, causing him to gasp. Reed was thrown to the ground on his back with his arms and legs splayed out spread-eagled with the glowing orb still in his hand, the only part of him still able to move freely.

“It is AMAZING what you can do with someone else’s powerset, is it not?” Tilting Susan’s chin in his clawed fingers again, Tanaraq looked between Susan’s glazed red eyes and back at Reed’s cries of protest. “Go my pet, devour your former husband and bring me back my prize.”

Falling to all fours like a jungle cat, Susan stalked towards Reed, baring her fangs, and licking her chops at the sight of his struggles. “Susan, its me, Reed, I KNOW you’re still in there.” Her only reply was a growl that made the man’s chest shake by the time she loomed over him. “I know because… When you turned, you could have killed us all, but you didn’t, you couldn’t bring yourself to… And… And SHIELD found out you were attacking OTHER wendigo, you’re still in there.”

Roaring into Reed’s face, the man turned to look away, expecting the worst, until the strike never happened. Opening one of his eyes to look up, he found the she-wendigo looking down at him, sniffing his face and hair. Then he nearly lost his breath when she collapsed on top of him, her powerful mass resting on his body while she slowly licked at his face affectionately. “Susan?”

“Susan… My patience is not infinite, return to me my prize.” Looking over to the shiny bauble in Reed’s hand, Susan slowly sat up and plucked it out of Reed’s open hand, a hand that was now free. “That’s right, now bring me my link, and together we will drown this city in screams.”

Getting up to her feet, Susan clutched the glowing marble in both her clawed hands and hesitated, slowly making her way back… Until the silence gave way to a metallic ‘clack’. Looking down, Susan found a metal collar fixed to her neck, put there by the outstretched hand of Reed behind her, his arm collapsing to the ground with his energy spent. At that moment, Susan’s mind began to clear, the fog of hunger and rage evaporating, finally giving her back lucid thought and control. Looking down at herself she was horrified of the monster she had become, and even more so when she looked over her shoulder to find her friends and family bound painfully by her powers. “Reed?”


Ignoring Tanaraq’s demands, Susan’s eyes fell on Reed’s prone and injured state, then to her son and daughter. Bound together in invisible bindings, her son unconscious and obviously hurt and her daughter weeping at the sight of her mother. “You…” Now her rage returned in full force, turning her attention back to the leader of the wendigo as the horde began to growl and roar at her defiance. “SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!”

Instantly the invisible shackles and bindings disappeared, freeing the remaining Avengers and her family from her will. Strange gasped and coughed desperately for air, falling to his knees as Tigra helped him up. Brandishing her claws menacingly, Susan was beside herself with rage at the monster in front of her. “You were going to make me eat my own husband?! What was next? My own CHILDREN?!” Not even giving him a chance to answer, Susan reached out with her clawed hand and bound Tanaraq’s neck in a ring of invisible light, tightening her grip and having him dangle with his feet kicking the air.

“Susan… hack… Storm! Give me the link to the… hnk… Realm of Beasts and… And I’ll spare your loved ones.”

Eyeing the glowing orb in her other clawed hand, back to Tanaraq and the horde of wendigo behind him, Susan shoved the bauble into her mouth and swallowed.


Charging on mass, the monsters rushed forward, only to be stopped by an invisible wall that quickly surrounded the creatures on all sides, penning them all in the same spot. With his hands free, and now able to speak, Doctor Strange formed a circle with his outstretched hands and created a portal between himself and the Helicarrier. The moment it opened, a band of wendigo poured out, racing out of the portal, and looked around their surroundings. At first, he thought they would attack the Invisible Woman until they sprinted right past her and straight towards him. “So, YOU’RE the ass-hole responsible for this!” The uppercut to the face and jab to the stomach made the monster see stars as the six wendigos wearing brass collars pummeled and clawed at his body. “Motherfucker!” “Ass-hole!” “Take some of that sunnova bitch!”

“You… You made me into a monster… You made me cheat on Reed… Hurt people… And threatened my FAMILY!” Closing her clawed hand into a fist, she watched as Tanaraq’s face turned a shade of purple as he suffocated. Then with a quick flick of her wrist, the god of the wendigo was flung towards the façade of a nearby building. His cries echoing out along with the crash of glass, metal and stonework deep inside the structure before another flick of her hand sent him launching out a window 10 stories up to be slammed down into the pavement, fracturing the road and causing cars to jump from the impact.

“You DARE defy me?” The wounded monster barked with bleeding lips, battered, and injured but quickly healing. “I will see your loved ones devoured for…”


Gesturing with both arms as if she were striking the ground with a sledgehammer, Tanaraq was slammed into the streets again and again, the road splintering and fracturing further until he was sent down into the ground. There she gestured with her hands again and the roads bulged as he was dragged through sewer lines too small for him to fit. All around, the Avengers they could see fire hydrants rupture from the pressure change.

Finally getting to his feet and going to his son and daughter to check how they were, everyone watched on as the furious wendigo Susan Storm dragged Tanaraq through 6 blocks worth of sewer piping, launching him out a manhole inside the penned cage she created to contain the others. Lifting a pair of cars with her powers, Susan launched them towards the battered and injured monster, just in time for him to look up and be buried in tons of metal that ignited and exploded on impact, setting the beast on fire.

“Professor Richards… Remind me never to anger your wife.” Captain America said quietly, making Reed smile as he held his two kids close.

Watching the monster burn and flail around screaming in pain, Tanaraq staggered to a ruptured fire hydrant line to douse the flames, collapsing to his hands and knees blackened, charred and seared, watched on by his minions while his burnt flesh healed. Looking up, he could see Susan casually walk through the invisible barrier with the same ease as passing through a door, a clawed hand at her hip as she stared daggers down at him. “I… I was omnipotent, I was EVERYTHING, and then those mortals severed my link to the realm of beasts, FORCING me to take a mortal vessel, but even bound to this shell I am still the king of the Wendigo!” Looking to the horde of wendigos around him, he raised a scarred hand to point menacingly at the Invisible Woman. “KILL HER!” But nothing happened, the wendigo standing around him did not move, still staring down at his prone form on the ground. “KILL HER NOW!”

Looking over to the entire horde of monsters, Susan raised her clawed hand, looking down at the confused creature now noticing the wendigo surrounding them were not responded to him anymore, they were answering to her. “How?” Then he realised it, as a wendigo linked to the realm of beasts after swallowing it, she had usurped his title.

“Someone’s lost their crown, its mine now… Long live the Queen!” Snapping her fingers and turning sharply away, she ignored his screams as the ravenous wendigo descended upon him,

Making her way back to her friends and loved ones, she ignored everyone save for who was right in front of her. Bending to crouch on her knees, she pulled Reed and her children into an embrace, hugging the three fiercely and peppering the man’s face with kisses and licks of affection. Her tail swishing back and forth as she kissed Reed one more time and bent down to nuzzle her son and daughter, Franklin slowly stirring awake to look up at the pale smiling face of his mother kissing his forehead and keeping the three close. “I knew you’d get me back somehow, thank you Reed.”

“Welcome back honey.”

Hearing a cough behind them, Susan looked up to find the Avengers and other wendigo with control collars looking down at her expectantly. Standing up to her full height, she towered over everyone save Ben and Jennifer. “So… What are we going to do with all these wendigos? Can you cure them?” Asked Captain America, the others looking back at the new Queen of the Wendigos, hoping for an answer.

Closing her eyes, Susan breathed in sharply. “No… Those turned cannot be unturned… But they can be pacified…” Breathing in sharply again and raising a hand towards the horde just now picking clean the bones of the one responsible for all of this, began to stagger and move sluggishly, clutching at their heads as if confused before looking up at their surroundings. Immediately there was a change in their behaviour when they all looked around and gasped, covering themselves with their hands to maintain their dignity and voicing shock and complaint about where they were and how they got here. Joining their teammates, Tony and Natasha looked down at themselves in surprise before Tony shrugged. “Well… Not the WORST I’ve been seen in.”

Looking over to Tigra who looked up at the white furred beast woman with a smile, Susan stood with a hand at her hip and tossed her long hair over her shoulder. “So Tigra, you’ve been an animal woman longer than me, any advice?”

“Wear elastic clothes, keep some jerky in your pocket and buy some industrial toys… For when Springtime hits.”


“When it happens, you’ll know.”

Returning the smirk Greer gave her, Susan bent back down to hold her loved ones close and kissed Reed full on the lips, ignoring the growing crowd of wendigos gathering to get answers from the Avengers trying to retain order on the streets.


“This is the morning news with Channel 5, its been 2 days since the nightmare that turned our fair citizens into rampaging monsters.” Footage showed packs of wendigo stalking the streets at night, followed by current footage of said wendigo now cleaning up the streets and going back about their daily lives. “The rampage is over but the creatures those people have turned into remain, though civility is returning to normal at a quick…”


“This is J. Jonah Jameson coming to you LIVE from the Daily report, another Spider-Man attack on the city bank was recorded by one of our loyal viewers showing he has gone in cahoots with the newly empowered Black Cat!” A side frame appeared before the mustached reporter showing a raw recording of the Black Cat, fully transformed into a female wendigo lounging on the roof of a building on her stomach, resting her chin in the palm of her clawed hand and her legs playfully kicking the air, underneath her a hapless Spiderman tried desperately to claw his way out from under her through her impressive cleavage before Felicia playfully shoved Spider-Man’s face back into her tits like a cat playing with a mouse. “As you can see, the two are flouting the rule of law with their ill gained fortune!”

“Actually, they STOPPED a robbery Mr. Jameson… But I’ll agree, she is doing things to him you wouldn’t do with a stranger!”


“Tired of not finding clothes that fit? I know I was, that’s why I started Van Dyne’s big and tall tailoring, if you are tall or large, we have sizes JUST for you.”

Behind the petite woman stood several customers ranging from six to even eight feet tall going over suits, dresses and other clothes customed tailored to their builds. A male wendigo going over t-shirts behind her turned to look down at the woman and camera. “Hey, is this XXXXXXL shirt expensive?”

“No sir, only our customers are tall… And NOT our prices.” Winked the fashion designer back at the camera.


Standing in front of a podium with several cameras flashing, Matt Murdok spoke in front of a microphone. “With a decision shared between the supreme court, SHIELD, and the New York county, its been determined that those who were afflicted with the Wendigo pandemic are considered null of legal reprisal of the damages over the weekend. Thanks to studies provided by Doctor Stephen Strange and Professor Richards those transformed were NOT in control of their actions and therefore…” 


Turning off the television at the corner of the office, the principal Jacob Moore sat from his desk and sighed. He really wasn’t looking forward to this meeting but considering the amount of pressure he was under; The Smithson family had been fire and brimstone over the phone with him for over an hour last week over the treatment of their daughter by Susan Richards Storm, he had hoped for it to be quick and painless so he could go back to managing the school. Lord knows they were intolerable in person as they were over the phone line. Sitting opposite from his desk were the couple and their daughter who sat prim and well groomed for the occasion, the little girl shedding crocodile tears while being held by her firebrand of a mother and staunched father.

“Well? Where the hell IS she?” Demanded the stout woman in a red business suit, her hair bound tightly in a bun and holding her daughter’s hand tightly.

“Miss Smithson, please, the meeting was for 10 in the morning and that won’t be for another 15 minutes. If you would just be patient…”

“WE are donating a significant amount of funds into this school; do you WANT us to stop? Because every time you try to defend this woman makes me wonder why I didn’t call the police in the first place when you FAILED to protect our daughter from that freak!”

Breathing in sharply and exhaling slowly, Principal Moore pinched the bridge of his nose in emotional exhaustion. He was NOT looking forward to this at all. When he heard a knock at his office door, he called out for the visitor to enter. “It’s about time I got to meet the little witch who threatened my…” Her voice cut dead in its tracks when the door opened, and a female wendigo crouched just to pass through the door frame and enter the room.

Standing 8 feet tall, and gesturing for her daughter Valaria to take a seat opposite the principal’s desk, Susan Storm stood with her arms crossed, wearing an ocean blue business suit with a sky blue blouse tailored to her tall and curvaceous build, it was made costumed to give her long tail a slit in the back of her skirt to poke out behind her. Her waist long hair expertly brushed and flowed behind her back, her bangs draping either side of her beautiful feline face and down her shoulders. Simple gold earrings adorned her pointed ears that matched the inhibiter collar around her neck, even her horns were adorned with matching gold bands to go with the ensemble. Regal, commanding, powerful… But then again, she would have exuded that anyway as a towering, hulking white lioness woman with horns!

Glaring down at the little girl who quickly recognised her and clutched at her parent’s arm more intently, Susan eyed her mother and father then turned her attention to Principal Moore.

“C-can I offer you a seat M-Mrs. Richards?”

“I’ll stand, thank you very much, none of the chairs here can handle me anyway and I won’t be here long enough to bother.”

Not phased by the looming presence of the wendigo woman in the room, Mrs. Smithson stood from her seat and glared up at Susan with an accusing finger pointing high at her chest. “So, YOU are the one who accosted our innocent little girl, why I have half a mind to sue you for assault you filthy animal, you AND that street urchin you call a daugh…”

She never had a chance to finish her accusation when Susan slammed her clawed hand down on the desk, leaned down to glare into her eyes with her own boiling red stare and roar in her face with such intensity her cheeks warbled and she was forced to sit back in her chair. Gripping the arm rests in sheer terror and leaning back as Susan leaned further to match eye level with the now whimpering woman, her husband and the petrified little brat hugging her mother for dear life. Breathing hard and baring her fanged teeth with a snarl, she quickly calmed down and stood back to her full height, tracing a clawed finger down her face to pull away a stray hair out of her eyes. “You’ll have to forgive me… I get rather defensive when someone threatens the livelihood of my daughter.”

Turning her attention back to the shaken principal, Susan’s demeanor softened. “I take it you called me here because you wanted to expel my daughter?” She asked, her hands at her waist while she waited for an answer.

“Well… Yes, The Smithson family here threatened to cut their donation funds unless your daughter was no longer on our roster.” The man shivered in his seat, the demonstration still leaving him shaken and worried what her reaction would be with his explanation. “They donate a generous one hundred thousand dollars annually for their daughter’s enrollment.”

“Is that so?” Turning her attention back to the other family and down at the girl who threatened her daughter last week. “And what exactly do you do for a living?”

Standing from his chair and shaking like a leaf, Mr. Smithson straightened his dress jacket and answered. “We own the Smithson canner corporation; we sell and distribute canned meat and produce.”

“Cute…” Susan then pulled a check book from her vest pocket and a pen from the principal’s desk. “Well then, I will see their one hundred thousand, and raise five million!”

“F-f-five million dollars?!”

“My Husband is a professor at Ivy League, our company is involved with bleeding edge scientific study and exploration and we have contracts with SHIELD, Stark and Pym Industries, the city and UN research grants. My proposal is quite simple, principal Moore. Either you keep your hundred thousand and this snot nosed brat and ALL the emotional bullshit she brings with her… As I’m sure she has a file her parents don’t like to look at.” Looking back at the bully and her parents, the trio avoided eye-contact with the wendigo woman. “Or I take my daughter, and my son, and my five million and put it all into the Xavier Institute, they’ve been hounding me to enroll my children there for years, but I strongly believe that a more ‘public’ education is more enriching, don’t you agree?”

Looking up to the wendigo woman waiting for her answer and back at the Smithson family, Principal Moore stood up from his seat and raised his hand to shake hers. “I do apologise for your daughter’s treatment in our school Mrs. Richards, the Smithson girl will be removed from our roster immediately.”

Shaking the principal’s hand and hoisting her daughter up in her arms, Susan beamed a smile back at Valaria as they left without so much as saying a farewell, leaving the Smithson family to remain sitting in stunned silence.

“Love you mommy!”

“Love you too sweetheart, lets get back home, Reed’s ordering fried chicken tonight and you know how your mother gets when she doesn’t get a bucket to herself.”

“Are you going to wrestle with Daddy again over it? Like you did last night? And this morning?”

“Uhm… Yes sweety… Heh, wrestle.” Susan looked away bashfully. Knowing sooner or later that genius or not, she was going to have to tell her kids about the birds and the bees sooner or later. “Sigh… Greer was right, I need bigger toys.”

The End.



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