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Author Topic: An Open Letter to Playboy Playmate May 1991 Carrie Jean Yazel Steilen  (Read 3415 times)



Dear Carrie,

It was once a rare thing were an admirer could reach out to someone and actively communicate and engage with that person, but today, thanks to the internet and social media, it is now possible. There has been so much I wanted to tell you and so much I wanted to ask you about with regards to your experience posing for Playboy magazine and the life of a Playmate.

When you first appeared in the May 1991 issue of Playboy magazine, I moved into my first apartment. For the first time in my life, I was living alone and was enjoying the autonomy and freedom that went along with that. This was important for me because I finally had the privacy that I needed to get to know my body better and explore my sexuality. Along with many other Playboy Playmates, you played an important role in that exploration.

Before this, I had to act quickly and quietly to fulfill my curiosities and satisfy my urges. My explorations were also secret that I harbored. I never told anyone what I was doing and always felt guilty and ashamed of my actions. It wasn't until I started reading Playboy that I started to learn that what I was doing wasn't abnormal.

This brings me to you, Carrie. I saw you in the pages of the magazine and you were so beautiful. I quickly got aroused from your photos and was ready to explore all those feelings and desires I had. This time, there wasn't going to be a knock on the door or anyone to hide from. I could take my time to enjoy the sensations all over my body while I pleasured myself to your photos. I learned how to delay orgasm by touching myself just to the point of release, then slowing down to let the sensation die down before I tried again. It took 5 times before the feelings were too much for me to handle and I reached an incredible orgasm.

It was your Playmate video that took my explorations to the next level. After looking at pictures of Playmates, I was finally able to hear your voice and watch you move. You have such a sweet, sexy voice and it felt like you were talking to me, telling me about yourself as I once again enjoyed myself. One part of your video https://www.xvideos.com/video.cevdkb0a34/carrie_jean_yazel triggered new fantasies, new sensations in my body and mind. Six minutes into your video, you were dancing topless in the kitchen eating honey. When you used the honey dipper and brought it to your beautiful mouth with all that honey spilling onto your beautiful breasts, I couldn't hold back and reached a volcanic orgasm. It was that day that I discovered something new that turned me on: bukkake. To bless your beautiful body with my essence is an image that I constantly think about to this day.

Now in this age of the internet, I've searched all over for pictures of you. I've compiled and collected as many photos of you from your Playmate spread, photos from Playboy's newsstand specials like Playboy Lingerie, appearances at conventions like Glamourcon, and anything else of you that I can locate. I'll dim the lights and run slide shows of your pictures, leaving me hands free to touch and caress my body while I look at, admire and worship your beautiful images. I've even connected with other men online who has mutual admiration for Playboy Playmates and we have shared photos and fantasies about you while we simultaneously pleasure ourselves while looking at you. I wish you could see the smile on my face during my acts of self love. You provide me with so much joy over the years and you've always been part of my sex life. Without you, my sexual explorations would be very different than they currently are.

I wish I could meet you and show you what I do. You wouldn't have to remove your clothes or touch me. I would just want you to see me nude and watch me as I fondle my penis in your honor. I've looked at your beautiful, nude body for years. It's only fair and right that you can look at mine.

Carrie, I hope you're not upset or offended by my confession. I've always wanted to tell you these things and was never sure how to tell you. I want you to know that these experiences have brought me tremendous pleasure over the years and I always feel happy and blissful after them.

I would love to hear from you sometime and hope that you might read this and let me know what you think about what I told you.

You still look as beautiful as ever.



« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 08:42:39 PM by MasturbationSuperstar »
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Re: An Open Letter to Playboy Playmate May 1991 Carrie Jean Yazel Steilen
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 07:19:45 PM »
Carrie had nice tits!


Re: An Open Letter to Playboy Playmate May 1991 Carrie Jean Yazel Steilen
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2024, 11:29:12 AM »
Long time no see. Nice to see you're still writing.
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