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Author Topic: Making Money... or Making Moans  (Read 4545 times)

Argie Pilot

Making Money... or Making Moans
« on: January 06, 2025, 04:34:49 AM »
Chapter 1

Starring: Jennifer López and Rachel McAdams

Unfortunately I have to admit that I am not perfect and I still have some obsessions or manias, such as punctuality, cleanliness, tidiness, eating correctly, exercise... But... above all the rest... there is an obsession that lasts over time: the ass of the wife of a great friend.
The owner of that magnificent ass, which is better than any idyllic landscape that we have been able to contemplate, that ass that leaves you wanting to get lost in it, that superb ass that when you see her walk is a work of art in motion, with a hypnotizing power, it is impossible to look away from him and if you've ever wanted to go to paradise no doubt the entrance is in that glorious ass. Well, the owner of that ass is called Jennifer... she is only 55 years old, has infartante and voluptuous curves, cinnamon eyes, very dark brown hair color and hair just below her shoulders, perfect nose, well-groomed mouth and very sensual lips (a ten in sensuality) and, above all, an ass impossible to describe.

This woman has always been like this and still is. She has always been into dancing and has paid a lot of attention to nutrition and fitness. Her husband is my friend Ben... 52 years old, short straight hair that suits him very well, his body is very defined, you can tell he takes care of himself, although less than his wife. Also something normal because she does body work for others, about eight hours a day.

Our relationship, Ben's and mine, has always been close since our youth as neighbors in Berkeley. The only thing that distanced us a bit was that when he last got together with Jennifer I put my distance so as not to screw up, the temptation was too strong. Besides, they lived on the East Coast, between NYC and Miami, while I was always a West Coast man. Even though we were physically distant we used to talk very often and send each other all kinds of messages on a daily basis.

Now let's get to the point and see how the story went. To introduce myself, I must first clarify that I am a Hollywood agent, but don't misunderstand: I am not the kind of agent that gets my clients roles in movies and TV series. No, my job within the agency I was working with was to concentrate on the commercial side. To be clear, I'm in charge of getting individual advertising contracts, which can be appearing in TV spots, social media campaigns, swaps with brands in exchange for attending an event or uploading a post to a social network using their product, parading for a clothing brand in a fashion event... In short, all the ways an artist has to earn money for his own image, without direct relation to any particular film or show.

In short, we were to go to an idyllic Caribbean island to attend an event on which depended at least two important projects to start this year involving several of the top divas in our audience. Given the importance of the event, I would personally head up the team, which included six people in total, plus myself.

In many occasions we used an external company for the tasks that we will call protocol / logistics (transportation, lodging, recreational activities to take advantage of the trip, etc.). Celeste was usually in charge of this choice. Normally at least 24 hours beforehand I liked to meet with the staff with whom we were going to share those days, to know if we were on the same page. However, in this case Celeste told me that she had had many unforeseen events, something rare for her, so we would be leaving from LA having met those people, but since we would have a long layover in Miami, there I could get to know the staff better.

I imagined at Miami airport someone with a sign waiting for us. I sent ahead the six people that were coming with me, because I took the opportunity to do some business in Florida. On the way to the airport they call me saying that they do not see anyone waiting for us. Arriving at the airport and arriving where we had to embark, I hear.... “SURPRISE!”. They were Ben and Jennifer,  and two other people. Ben, who now works and lives in Miami, had been contacted by Celeste (who by the way knows the couple very well, especially Ben) to join our trip even though they do not work directly with our agency.

When I was still in Miami I was already very horny every time I look at Jennifer, but when I see her from behind my heart soars. Besides, she is a woman who likes to wear very tight clothes, she likes her curves to show. The next day was a couple of hours flight and the seats were too tight for my legs. When we arrived on the island it was already very hot, the sun was beating down. They speak English, but also something similar to Spanish. I arrived in this country and found another big disappointment: there have been some problems with accommodation where we are going and we cannot all stay in the same hotel. In the hotel where we are going there are only three rooms, so I have to choose who stays with us out of the six who are coming with me. I have no doubt, I have chosen Rachel McAdmas, who joined us very recently and doesn't know anyone else on the team except me. The intention is to make her feel as comfortable as possible, so I didn't plan to leave her alone.

It was my first time in that area of the Caribbean, but I had informed myself that it was an ideal place for snorkeling and before going up to my room I was already renting a boat to take me to a good place. Jennife, without anyone telling her anything, signed up even though her husband said he was going to sleep until dinner time. Jennifer told me that in half an hour she’d be ready.
Within half an hour she appeared in a beach dress that reached her knees. She took us in a boat with a motor, quite rudimentary and with a bombastic name. I put on my fins and before putting on my goggles and snorkel, I was about to explain to Jennifer the basic rules so as not to have any scares, when I wanted to realize she was already in the water. Before, she had taken off her dress in front of me, so I couldn't see her little ass. It was clear that she knew how to snorkel well enough, now I was behind her and the view was perfect. Once we finished she wanted me to explain to her how to manage her breathing better to swim more comfortably, I told her a couple of things and she said she would put it into practice. Even the two guides accompanying us were keeping an eye on Jennifer's ass as well as her tits.

Early the next morning, before I left with Ben and the rest of my staff, from my terrace I could see Jennifer in a swimsuit and jean shorts, looking very suggestive taking a dip in the sea shore.

I went to take a shower, shave and get dressed, once I was ready, I looked out again and now she was with a tripod and a camera filming herself exercising and dancing on the beach and in the sea, among the breaking waves. At twelve noon they took an hour break which I took advantage of and stayed there talking to Ben. At one point the subject of his wife came up.

- Earlier this morning I saw your wife filming herself doing gymnastics or something like that.

- Man, you can't imagine the business of the networks, she's making gold. You can't even imagine how many women don't miss her videos and envy that way of having a shapely ass, hard and in place.
- Man, judging from her physique you can say that those exercises work fine.

- Carlos what a prude you have become. Say it clearly: she has an ass and tits to lose your mind completely. I'm sure someone has installed Instagram just to see them.     

- Hahaha... Hahaha...   

- Don't laugh, it's true. I'm sure you've looked at it more than once, haven't you? Be honest, it doesn't bother me.     

- Man, it's hard not to notice it sometimes. You've been very lucky to be with that woman.   

- Between you and me, we've always talked about everything, not so lucky. Because at the beginning we used to get together all the time and everywhere, but little by little everything has been getting less and less. What's more, there came a time when I started taking Viagra, first 25 gr. and well, then I had to move to 50 gr. and finally 100 gr. With the 25 I got a fucking headache, diarrhea and my arms and legs went to sleep. With the other doses I even got dizziness, but the kind that makes you want to die. Of course, she never forgave me a day. I got to be a mess, my friend, so now I take it easier.

- It is normal that it would give you something, I suppose that depending on who takes it there will be an adequate dose. And it is certainly not advisable to take it every day.     

- One day my tail got so bad that it could break bricks, it lasted more than four hours, but with a pain that I will never forget.     

- But have you gone to a specialist? Because you are a young guy and you are strong.     

- After many tests, what some and others tell me, that that facet of alcoholism I had, which was not so bad, caused me a long-lasting neurological damage. I don't know what neurology has to do with the tail, unless it affected the head of the tail.

- How gross you are, it would be the nervous system that would be affected. Did they tell you how long the effect would last? I'm sure he'll be back in shape any day now.   

- The last hospitalization was quite a while ago and since then I haven't taken anything, but it's gone from bad to worse. I haven't had a good fuck with my wife or any other woman. I wouldn't be surprised if she was cheating on me either.   

- Jennifer is too much in love with you to cheat on you, I don't know what you base it on.   

- I'm not saying she's cheating on me, it's just a possibility and I wouldn't blame her either. If anything else: I told her she had my permission but she gave me a huge slap and threatened me that if I ever said or implied it to her again she would divorce me.     

- There you have what I’ve told you before.

Ben was trying to justify himself in what he had said to his wife and knowing that gave me remorse for having thought about fucking her, besides I knew it would be almost impossible. It was clear to me that I had to put it out of my mind. That night there was something like a party at the hotel. To avoid gratuitous temptations I said I wouldn't go and both the couple and Rachel encouraged me until they got heavy. I had fruit brought up for dinner and told them I would be down for the party, but first I needed to send some work emails.     

The first one I met was Rachel: 46 years old, very thin, but she was in good shape, weighing less than 50 kg, blue eyes, brown hair color and very neat hair above her shoulders, but not too short. Her lips were painted in passion red, which made her look like a devourer of... And she had a much better ass than I had imagined. Her wardrobe was a daring white dress that left little to the imagination and wedge sandals that relaxed her legs and everything else.

Jennifer, who I've already described, was dressed simply but stunning. Her hair was tousled, with lots of waves, burgundy lips, striking to say the least. Beige bodysuit, with transparencies that showed off part of her generous chest and with high-waisted fabric shorts that were tight enough at the back to show off her great ass. Lastly, summer sandals with thin heels.

Jennifer wanted to dance but her husband doesn't like much that kind of music, so she was standing next to us moving her body to the rhythm of the music. I felt like dancing and when Jennifer went to the bathroom for a moment I moved a few meters and went to dance with Rachel, who from the beginning let herself go and didn't let herself go at all. After a while we came back with Ben and Jennifer, who was looking angry. This dancing with Rachel happened several times. They had taken our place in the original round while we were dancing, Rachel and I were a bit apart, Ben and his wife were bringing us drinks, which were called rhumpuch and it hit hard. I had tried the first drink and left the rest, the same thing happened to the women and Ben ended up drinking it. The same thing would happen with the new drinks.

When I saw that Jennifer had no place in the round I was going to run to give her the place, I did not have time, she stood next to me and moved to the rhythm of the music. My friend did not pay attention to her, but my cock gave her all the importance in the world, because I could feel perfectly the separation of her buttocks and how my cock was growing and fitting into them. I didn't even dare to breathe, hoping it wouldn't grow all the way in. Thank goodness Jennifer moved a few inches as I felt it.

After that I expected that now with any excuse she would pull away. However, the next thing she did was not to move away, but to continue moving to the rhythm of the music and for me with much more brazenness and trying to provoke a situation that I did not find pleasant, because I do not like to get horny and then being left like that.

Rachel looked on attentively and made a face of bad milk. The next thing was as if they were challenging each other to see who could make me more horny, which caused me to be in a state of bestial excitement and my cock was in its greatest splendor, hard as granite. Rachel tells us that she forgot to call her husband and goes out to do it. I take the opportunity to go to the toilet and try to relax, I have such an erection that it is impossible for me to urinate. I relax and finally I can urinate. I come back ready for neither of them to make me horny again. Rachel because she works with me and Jennifer because she is my friend's wife, although I have a feeling that Ben wouldn't mind that much. I decided not to go out dancing anymore and I keep my distance from the two women.

They went to the restroom together and I was left alone with Ben, who suddenly said to me.... “I get the feeling that both of them have turned you on like a motorcycle”, to what I had no choice but to admit it. Then he added... “Well, from what I've seen them too, well Rachel I guess, but Jennifer for sure, because she told me that no one had ever made her so... hot”. My answer was a grimace, without saying a word and then he told me.... “What's more, I have always proposed to her to have sex with someone and she has always said no, but today she told me that she would dare to try it with you”. As I wasn't making any comment he told me that he being there, should't be any problem for me. He assured that, although he would love to see his wife in that act, he could leave us alone if I wanted.

Faced with this proposal I made him a reflection: “Ben, it's not that, I wouldn't care if you were.... The problem is that we are very good friends and if that happens, then you could regret it and the first cause of that regret would be the loss of our friendship. That's the problem I see... Or you don't see any problem?”. He answered me quickly.... “That's not a problem and what's more I told Jennifer that I was going to propose to you and that's why she took Rachel. That’s a problem, because there is no way to get rid of her”. Once again they wanted to make a mess of me, I mean they want to manage me, and I'm the one to manage. That's why I told her that I would take care of everything, not to worry. When the women returned, I noticed how Ben made a sign to his wife.

Then I waited ten minutes elapse before saying to the three of them... “I'm tired of being here, I have an idea... why don't we go to my room and have a relaxing drink? Why don't we go to my room and have a more relaxed drink?” The first one to say she thinks it's a good idea was Rachel and the couple looked at each other, she looked questioningly at her husband before I asked them again, Ben didn't know what to say and his wife just shouted... ‘OF COURSE’. “OF COURSE”. We were on our way to the elevators and Ben made me stay behind the two girls who were talking as if nothing was happening. My friend asked me what had just happened. “Dude, what happened is that no one handles me with that kind of surprises, I give the surprises. I'm the one in charge in this kind of situation, and if you want to see your wife in her own sauce, you'll see her.” He mumbled, trying to say that with Rachel present nothing would happen, but I interrupted him and told him to leave it to me, that he should just sit, watch and (if he wanted to) masturbate.

Soon we were going to know if they wanted to fuck or not. Ben, like a good future cuckold if the circumstances were right, got a drink from the mini bar and served us all. He then brought up a topic of conversation that the two women and I didn't care about, but they went along with it. They got into some sort of discussion where they couldn't agree and Ben asked me, “What do you say, Carlos?”. My answer was not what they were expecting, because I was direct, clear and precise.... “I don't care about the conversation... it's late and I just want to fuck.... Anybody in? Of course, except you Ben”. Sepulchral silence, which wasn’t broke until Rachel gets up and says she's going to the bathroom. Quickly Jennifer says she's going with her and Ben says smiling: “You fucked up Carlos! And then they say you know how to treat women. If you don't make it up tonight I don't think you're going to see any action…”

Not long after, the two women came out of the bathroom wrapped in two towels. Ben's face was a poem. Jennifer seeing the look on her husband's face says.... “Don't look at me like that... it was what you wanted, so let's see if we like it. And I'm warning you: you can't even touch Rachel, you just watch” Rachel supports her new friend and she says to both of us.... “I'm sorry Ben, but I don't like you. And Carlos, two things are clear for you: after this we won't remember and Jennifer and I have it clear, between us nothing at all, that's not our thing”.

Ben just sat there, eyes wide open, and it took me no time at all to get down to my boxers. The first one to approach me was Rachel who gave me a tongue kiss in the shape of a donut. She was a good kisser and her hotness was transmitted through her mouth. Jennifer perked up and came on my other side, I stopped kissing Rachel and Jennifer was not far behind. After that I got into bed and stayed with the sheet over me, I wanted to give more morbid to my friend Ben. They took off their towels and let us see what a gorgeous pair of bodies. I made Jennifer turn around, I wanted to see her little ass and it was a well sculpted ass that was well lifted, well turned out and very appetizing. They get under the sheets, each on one side and start to take off my boxer shorts. The first one to touch my cock is Rachel who says to Jennifer.... “My friend I just touched a red hot iron, the biggest iron I've ever touched... you'll see, or not...”. Jennifer then grabs my cock, feels it well, caresses it and says.... “WOW! OMG... what I'm touching is bocato di cardinale, my God... Rachel is right, this is not normal”. Meanwhile I had my eyes fixed on Ben who was full of curiosity.

Jennifer didn't say anything else, she got under the covers and started licking my cock. Getting my first moans out of me and telling her husband how well his sweet wife was handling her tongue. That's when Rachel saying there was for both of us got under as well, being able to feel the two tongues and their respective hands. From what they were doing she knew their tongues had to have crossed and they didn't protest. It was time to remove the sheet, Ben had the right to see and so I did, just as his little wife was taking my cock in her mouth and Rachel was commenting how slutty she was. I touched their bodies and their little pussies were oozing like a fountain. I made them come to me, first I kissed Jennifer with her whole mouth tasting my cock and then with Rachel. I wanted the three of us to kiss at the same time, but they were not in the mood, until I grabbed their manes tightly and then, as if forcing them, our three tongues intertwined.

The first at riding my cock was Rachel and at my suggestion Jennifer got on top of my mouth. Rachel was just talking to Jennifer: “This is in the glory, I feel it all the way inside, it's burning inside me, nothing has ever filled me so much, it's a fucking blast, I'm so horny.... KISS ME, KISS ME...” and I could hear them kissing, because I couldn't see it and I could hear Ben telling them that they were whores. Rachel blurted out... “SHITTTTTTT...? If you weren't as impotent as my husband this wouldn't happen to you, because we are with a real male who can handle both of us, not like you who can't even handle one of us..... WHAT A CUCKOLDDDDD” and Jennifer only commented.... “CORNUDOOOOOO! without knowing you Rachel has got you…” and Rachel cummed.

She pulled off and said to Jennifer "try it honey, you'll see". Jennifer didn't refuse the invitation and started screaming since she got the first piece of cock in. “BENNNNNNNNN.... FUCK... WHAT A DICK... it looks like it's going to break me.... AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...” and then she asked me to squeeze her nipples, when I was about to do it, Rachel told me that she would do it, how wild she was, she twisted them mercilessly and Jennifer just moaned, I told her harder and she bent down and ate one of her nipples, she did it wildly and each time it increased more and more, as she screamed and moaned. I was on the verge of cumming and without her expecting it, I pulled her off me in a second. I didn't want her to cum yet because I wanted to fuck that little ass at all costs.

I didn't beat around the bush and told her to get into position because I wanted to fuck her little ass. Before she could say anything she heard Ben say.... “NO WAY, THAT ASS IS MINE ALONE AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO DO IT YET AND NO CUM IN HER MOUTH”. I didn't pay any attention to him and what I did do was to give her a hard spanking on her ass to get her high. As Ben continued in his speech I got tired and told him: “If in all the years you have been together you have not fucked the best ass I have ever seen in my life, you are a lazy and deserve to be more cuckold than you are already being.... What do you say Jennifer?” Jennifer answered me without looking away from her husband: “Carlos you are absolutely right, he is a slacker and I only ask you to do it carefully as the wingspan of your cock is not normal” and she positioned herself perfectly for me to fuck her little ass. She positioned herself on the edge of the bed, so that I could stand up and do it, while she started shaking her asscheeks while looking at her husband.

With no lube, just my wet cock in her pussy, I started to fuck her dream ass. But first I made her husband give her his hand. I was chugging along, every now and then he would tell me to slow down and if I stopped he would reproach me, because he said slow down didn't mean stop. She started talking bad... “BASTARD... this is a cock and this is really fucking up the ass, not what you do”. For Rachel she also had.... “Come on BITCH... eat my tits, tear them apart...” and Rachel would get underneath eating their tits and tearing them apart. Until I told Rachel to stroke her clit, she didn't hesitate too long and at that point Jennifer was going two thousand per hour. I shoved my whole cock into her ass at once. There wasn't much left to put in her, but she gave a good yelp of pleasure.

The next thing I did was to tell Rachel to lie backwards, so that they were as if they were doing a 69. Once she was like that, I gave her a good lunge and fell on Rachel, her head was right between her legs, at the height of her pussy, I just had to stretch an arm, put my hand on her head and within two seconds I was licking Rachel's pussy, who was moaning for more. After a very short time I could feel Rachel doing the same with Jennifer's pussy and she was cumming in a matter of seconds, wiggling her spectacular ass. Once Jennifer had worked Rachel's pussy and made her have a bestial orgasm, I pulled out of her, because I needed to cum, but I wanted to do it in Jennifer's mouth, which her husband was forbidden to do.

She must have read my thoughts, because she smiled at me and opened her mouth wide to receive my copious cum. She first shared it with Rachel and then went to her husband, who refused the kiss she wanted to give him, so Jennifer gave him a slap in the face and then shared what she had in her mouth, something that lasted several minutes very intense. When that was over I went to the restroom. As I left with a serious or disgruntled look on my face, Ben said they were leaving and his wife followed behind without a word of complaint. Rachel looked at me very seriously saying.... “I've had the time of my life, but it won't happen again. I'm a faithful married woman, but I've had the time of my life. This never happened”. Afterwards they all left.

Next morning I was having breakfast alone when Ben and Jennifer appear. They were smiling so that I was shocked, remembering how they’d left the night before. Ben approached and told me that thanks for last night and that he had a great time. He said he was embarrassed to admit it at the time, but he hoped our friendship would be deeper now. Logically I said yes and then was when Jennifer intervened telling me... “But Carlos, don't forget one thing, horns are like plants, you have to water them so they don't wither. So from time to time you have to come and water so that they grow stronger, there is a lot to do with the cuckold”. They started to laugh and it was obvious to me that they had talked about it during the night.

I didn't have time to talk to Rachel at all. However, I did tell Ben and Jennifer that we would see each other more often and I said goodbye to the rest of the team until Monday, informing them that they were going to have several days off. The next day I went to work and everything was normal. But the next day Celeste told me that Rachel was going to stop working with our audience. Logically, what happened on the trip comes to mind, but when Celeste asks me if there was a problem, I answer no. I wasn't lying, because there was no problem. In the end, it seems that it was her husband who told her that she has to stop working with us. I'm having lunch and Celeste calls me to tell me that Jamie (Rachel's husband) is waiting for me, looking like a funeral. I take a deep breath and go to the office, before I meet Celeste who tells me that he was upset, but that he simply wanted to talk to me.

- Carlos, thank goodness you're already here...   

- Hello Jamie, I don't know what's wrong with you, but Celeste told me that Rachel is leaving us... Why is that?   

- I can be frank with you and I ask you please not to leave these four walls, not even to tell Celeste.   

- For that part, stay calm...   

- On this trip that you have sent Rachel, she has been unfaithful to me.     

- But do you know that or are you imagining it?   

- I know for sure, because she told me so. That she is not sorry, but that she has never lied to me and that is why she told me. At least she has been honest about that.   

- The same if she is sorry, even a little, but I don't understand why she has to leave us for that reason.

- She regrets nothing at all, because she told me that she had never had it like this before. Which was something incredible and without being able to describe it. The thing about leaving work is because it was either with a Caribbean person or with a co-worker. I asked him if he went with a... big Caribbean guy and he told me no, he went with a partner, but that he was... super big. That's why I can't allow myself to coincide with him... Do you understand me?   

- Well, I don't understand you, because if they want to meet, they will meet whether they work together or not. But the most important thing is if she has told you that she is going to continue doing it with whoever.   

- She told me that it won't happen again unless I allow it, because she tells me that he loves me very much, but that I'm a bit of a disaster in bed. She tells me I'm a DISASTER. So tell me, what would you do?

- I don't know what to tell you, because we are very different in our ways of thinking and living, the same with someone more intimate... 

- I can't tell anyone more intimate about this. That's why I come to you, you are a man of this world and you know a lot about women.   

- I can tell you to take a few more days of rest, to talk to her, to explain all your doubts or whatever you want to ask her and I can only tell you that it is not a tragedy that your wife had sex with another man. The important thing is whether he loves you or not.   

- I just don't know how it could have happened.   

- I'm telling you, it happens to many couples. You get monotony, lack of sexual satisfaction, lack of communication and to that you add and don't bother, that your wife is physically very well... well, you know. But think about one thing, it's not a question, it's for you to reflect on your own, how much you fucked at the beginning and how much in recent times.   

- Yes, but I'm already well into my forties and although I take testosterone boosters, it's clear that it's not like it was at all.

Then we talked about how, however, the best age for a woman is 40 or older. I gave him some very light hint about leaving his wife a little more “freedom” or sharing that “freedom” with her. It wasn't anything direct, I did it to make him think, not to make a drama. Honestly, my intention was not to do anything with Rachel, which was something I saw as very distant.

Anyway, after hanging up the call I couldn't help but smile moderately.  I knew I was good at making money out of nothing, but I didn't know I was also good at making moans along the way.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, VSM14, Sorale21, thewildcard


Re: Making Money... or Making Moans
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2025, 11:26:57 AM »
I love JLo, happy to see someone else writing about her glorious ass.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Making Money... or Making Moans
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2025, 03:49:27 PM »
Very hot story! Hope to see more with Jenn too.

Argie Pilot

Re: Making Money... or Making Moans - Chapter 2
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2025, 01:25:21 AM »
Chapter 2

Starring: Heidi Klum

When I started working in this sector I didn't know more than a couple of people, but it didn't take me long to make clients. Two of those first clients were the Kaulitz brothers, two German twins who played in a somewhat successful alternative rock band. Obviously they had their own German agent, but they had some proposals in Los Angeles and were looking for someone to help them from here. That's where I came in, and I got along with both of them from the beginning. When years later one of the brothers (the bearded one) settled permanently in LA for his wife's job, I began to have an increasingly closer relationship and we became friends.

This brother, called Tom, is a cultured man with good conversation, pleasant, entertaining, friendly and knows how to entertain, the truth is that one does not get bored with him. However, the best thing he had and the main reason why many approach him is… his wife.

His wife Heidi is his Achilles heel. Heidi is much older than her husband, she is already 50 years old (while Tom is barely 35), but anyone would think that they are the same. Despite her several pregnancies (all from previous marriages), she is physically formidable and has an imposing beauty. She is almost 6 feet tall and has a perfect slender figure, long blonde hair, hazel eyes, voluminous chest, an ass that looks very well cared for and pear-shaped, leonine look, always dressed elegantly and seductively and as nice as her husband. They are a couple who work very well together and are very close.

Our friendship was good and we used to have dinner several times a month. Lately more often, because his children spent a lot of time outside the family home and the older ones were already becoming independent.

Before you ask me, I have to admit that yes: I was very attracted to Heidi, but I never made the slightest approach or said anything inconvenient, because I knew that, if I had anything with that woman or tried anything, my friendship with Tom would be destroyed and it would be impossible. recompose He preferred to keep the relationship cordial and friendly. My only intention of getting close to Heidi was professionally, because she had been working with another representation agency for years and, of course, I wanted to convince her to change and join our portfolio. Her incorporation is very interesting, since she is one of the most beautiful and captivating women in all of Hollywood and would help us place ourselves at a higher level of prestige, in addition to being a true money-making machine.

In that context Heidi's birthday came, right at the end of autumn. The couple was known for throwing lavish and fun parties, so I had high expectations. And when I arrived at his mansion I was not disappointed. More than a birthday party, it seemed like a gala dinner that quickly turned into an uncontrolled party. Attendees were dressed in their best, but for the most part acted like they were at a frat party.

As the night progressed I realized two things. On the one hand, that Heidi and her best friend were even hotter than I had imagined, and that the clothes they were wearing were so hot that they could melt an iceberg.

On the other hand, what caught my attention the most was Tom's face: I had never seen him like that and I thought he had had a bad day or that he had argued with his wife, at first I didn't give it much importance. Hours passed and I admit that I was rather horny, because it had been a while since I had had sex and I needed to make up for it, and seeing Heidi so hot didn't help me. To try to control my impulses I stopped to drink water and Tom did the same. That's when I asked him... “What's wrong with you? Because I can see your bad face and if I can be helpful...” He thanked me, but lied and told me that nothing was wrong.

However, a couple of hours later, when most of the people had left and I was on my way out myself, Tom stopped me and asked if we could talk. I said yes and he led me to a secluded room. He offered me something to drink and once we had our respective drinks, he started like those types of clumsy people start: “Carlos, assure me that what I'm going to tell you will stay between us…”

- Look Tom... if you want to tell me something, you tell me and if you don't want to, then nothing happens, but without conditions.
- You have to be screwed... Well what's happening to me is that Heidi is cheating on me and I don't know what to do. I can't tell anyone, much less the family, because my in-laws would uncork a bottle of champagne and that's why... What would you do in my case?

- I would tell you many things, but in your case it is complicated...


- Stop, stop... I don't know if he puts them on or not, I was going the other way. Don't think mentally, although if I knew I would never say anything to you, because that would be your and your wife's problem.

- So?

- First... have you caught her or has some little bird told you so?  You have to ask yourself what interest the person who told you about it had and then, most importantly, the reliability of that person. Because it is very complicated for you to cheat on each other, you live together, you work together...

- I have neither caught her nor have they told me... I have deduced it, I know her, I see it in her eyes... I don't know if it is with one of our employees or...

- Stop again Tom... you haven't seen it, nor deduced it, or anything at all. What you have is an unwarranted fucking horn attack.
- No, Carlos, I know. It's not a horn attack. That I know her and I know why I say it. What would you do?

- The first thing would be to talk to her, but without being crazy, I would try to know why she did that.  Above all, if you truly love her, you have two options: forgive her or understand that it is just sex and tolerate her. But I repeat that I think it is an attack of unfounded jealousy and think about it... The employees you have in this house are mostly women and the men there are all gay. They look at my ass more when I visit you than at your wife's, who is a ten.
- What's wrong?... Do you like my wife's ass?

- Don't go there, it was just a comment. I said this because I don't think I could have changed the sexual orientation of any of them.

- Don't tell this for whatever reason you want: a few months ago I started some treatment because I had erection problems...

- I think it's very good, you're intelligent, there's no need to be ashamed.
- Wait... Then I switched to Viagra and it went well, but I have no appetite and I'm nowhere near up to par. It even seems to me that my dick has gotten smaller. If you add to all that that Heidi is excessively fiery and that since the children are not living with us she has become more libertine and with ideas and desires that she had never expressed before, I am sure that someone has “taught” her.     

- Talk to her, very calmly. But above all, don't go around saying that it is excessively fiery, because the vultures will appear.

- Like you? Because you surprised me with my wife's ass.

- You know what I am, and I'm not lying to you, your wife is ready to build a monument, but I'm also very clear that I don't want to break our friendship. Be careful, if you make a scene of jealousy, I'll send you to hell and our friendship will be over.

- And if I asked you to see if he wants to cheat on me, but just test her out... What would you say to me?

- FIRST... I appreciate Heidi and I wouldn't do that dirty thing to her.  SECOND... I don't think he likes it. THIRD... it would be a danger, because when I get going, I get going and I have no brakes. You don't play with those ideas.

- It wouldn't be a scoundrel, it would just be ensuring what a friend asks of you. I don't know if he likes you for that, but he says you're physically fine and it shouldn't be dangerous. And I can tell you that since I've seen you naked, you have a good cock.

- If you really appreciate me, if you consider me a friend, don't ask me.

He left, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Tom seemed resigned, which surprised me because he was a man who had a lot of world in every way. The next weekend they told me to go out to dinner like we did other times and I always picked them up in my car because since I didn't drink I could take the car later.

After a while I was bored and decided to leave. By that point in the night almost everyone had left, so I started looking for the homeowners to say hello. I found them in the kitchen. Tom is drinking a drink, I notice he is taciturn despite his fake smile, he must keep thinking about it. There were also two more couples. One of the other couples was made up of Justin, a prestigious surgeon who was in his forties, tall and very thin, with little gray hair, intelligent, but for my taste quite dull and it was not believed that he could have a woman who was so hot. . This was Heidi's friend that I mentioned earlier that I had my eye on. It was Sofia Vergara herself, the same age as Heidi, brown eyes so light that they looked green, brown hair and impressive measurements. Imposing butt, big, round and with hard buttocks, shapely legs, narrow waist. And above all, breasts that were collectible, perfectly formed, upright, voluminous globes... Little to say about the other couple, they were also famous but they are not relevant for now.

Justin and Tom were talking about styles of music that I didn't even know, so I focused on paying more attention to the women. Then I thought I saw a “strange” look between Heidi and Sofia. That motivated my suspicions, which together with Tom's led me to think that he was not misguided, although it left the door open for what Tom confessed to me to be influencing my impressions.

I joined the conversation of the girls, who were analyzing their respective wardrobes. When I commented on Sofia, how pretty she was and her physical shape, Heidi said with a tone of pride, “Yes, the truth is that physically she has gotten very good, which doesn't surprise me, because when I get to the gym she has already been pounding for at least an hour..." Tom listened but didn't say anything, he had his lost gaze staring straight ahead.

When Heidi noticed her husband's attitude, she became serious and asked him if he was okay. He responded with a dry YES, but his wife was not going to settle for that. I took a long drink of alcohol, because I suspected curves were coming.

TOM. - I'm sure you're thinking what's happening, because I wanted Carlos to come up and I'm not going to delay any longer... I wanted Carlos to be present because I told him my doubts about what we've been talking about for a few days and...

HEIDI. - I can't believe you told him anything about our intimacy, PLEASE! Who else have you told?... OH MY GOD...

TOM. - I want him to be a witness, so you don't tell me I'm crazy and see ghosts.     

HEIDI. - You are incredible, how can you do these things to me. I'm sure that when you tell Carlos what's happening, he'll agree with me, but you're just trying to humiliate me. COME TELL HIM HOW JEALOUS YOU ARE.   

TOM. - IT'S NOT JEALOUSY... I've already told you, but I want you to know more. As I told you, Heidi is more than hot, an explosion in bed, she doesn't fail at any task: soft bondage, anal, fellatio. He likes any position, even rough sex, insults. And anytime seems good to her. I admit that because of me we have now slowed down by at least 80 percent and we have been like this for a long time. At first she complained every hour, but suddenly she stopped complaining... WHY?... I'll answer, because there is a man who is in charge of pleasing her and...

I. - ENOUGH. First, I don't like this situation and I imagine Heidi won't like it either. You solve this between yourselves or seek specialized help. Because I know that there is love between you, but your imagination plays against you. You see your wife as a devourer of men, of sex and you believe that you are no longer worth it. That's not good, you have to change the chip.
TOM. - FUCK! I'M NOT CRAZY... I know her well. And what's more, I have told him that if he needs another man I don't care, that I would just like to know who he is with and that he is someone very trustworthy. Would a jealous person allow that?

HEIDI. - Of course you are jealous, if you saw me with someone else you would die, you would surely attack me and whoever was with me. You know that will never happen, because you are my only man and I have also sworn to you a thousand times THAT I WILL NOT SLEEP WITH ANY MAN. I don't know how to tell you anymore.     

I. - My opinion... either you fix this or in the end you blow up. There is no relationship that can last long in this situation.     

TOM. - Yes, I even told her that she could tie me up so she wouldn't be afraid that I could do anything when she was...   

I. - Tom, that's no way to propose it. This is discussed in private, an agreement is reached and convincing, not imposing.

Suddenly he goes into a fit of madness, sends everything to the back of his mind and leaves, slamming the front door. We didn't expect it and that's when Heidi goes into victim mode, the only thing she needed was to immolate herself. I let her talk and talk, I didn't want to interrupt her and her face was satisfied thinking that I was with her, until she asked me what I thought of the situation and she didn't expect my answer...

- The situation seems like cowardice on the part of both of us.

- I don't understand you, why cowardice? I have not lied to my husband.

- Because you haven't lied to him, you haven't had sex with any man, but you are fucking Sofia.

- How dare you accuse me of that, Sofia is just a good friend and coworker.

- I'm not reproaching you for anything, you can do whatever you want. I don't care how you understand, but don't try to lie to my face (She looked at me with the face of a pig going to the slaughterhouse, breathing deeply).

- Let's assume it's true. What would you do?

- The same thing I told your husband when he told me all this: you have to solve it between yourselves.

- I'm asking you why you offered to have something with someone who would try it with you. You are a very trusted friend, who would not say anything and so that you do not think that I am deceiving you, Tom told me verbatim: “And he is very posh.”

- I believe you, as I also believe that he has put on an act of leaving to see if he tried something with you and returning without making a sound in a while.
- "You think?" (Putting on a face of disbelief) "What I am going to ask you is that you do not make any insinuations to anyone about Sofia".

- I'm sure seeing you two would do him better than Viagra.

- I assure you not, because when he talked to me about having a relationship with someone, I suggested that it be with a woman and he replied: “Of course not! “I prefer it to be someone bigger and stronger than me.”   
- Well now we will know who is right: if he opens the door silently, It´d mean that I was not wrong.

Of course, I wasn’t wrong. After a while we could hear the door open with hardly any noise, the air flow was more noticeable than the noise of the door. He was disappointed. We were each in an armchair and a low table in between. He got a drink, apologized to us and his wife said she was going to the bathroom, looking very angry. It took him a while to return and his face was strange, until he spoke: “If the problem is that he doesn't want us to go out alone either, you don't like to dance and he doesn't make the slightest effort to try knowing that I like it a lot. It's a set of things..." With that, she left the room at full speed.

When Heidi reappeared she was wearing a tight red dress with a sequined V-neck. The neckline was very pronounced and the skirt was so short that you could almost  see her inner parts. Lastly, she was wearing considerably high thin-heeled shoes. Tom's expression was one of shock and mine was one of expectation. Before her husband could say anything Heidi orders him... “Tom, bring one of the chairs from the living room.” He went without hesitation for the chair, which is low-backed, round and rustic. The next thing she tells him is to take off his pants and Tom looks at her in disbelief. He looked at me with surprise or fear and told him that he is not going to do it. Heidi coldly replied that either she did it or I had to go.

While he was thinking about it, Heidi left the room shaking her ass like never before. Tom, almost turning his back to me, begins to take off his pants. When he sat down in the chair she returned, bringing a large coil of rope. He firmly tied Tom, who had a terrified face and was white as a sheet of paper. She turned on the TV, playing a pay channel with music, ballad type, bolero... and extended her arms to me inviting me to dance with her. Her husband tried to whisper something, but he didn't manage to formulate a single syllable before she approached and slapped him sharply: “CHIST! SEE, HEAR... AND YOU WILL SPEAK WHEN I TELL YOU.” He was speechless because he had never seen her authoritative.

Then I proposed lowering the intensity of the lights to give more atmosphere to what might happen, but she refused, saying that she would see it better that way. We continued dancing so close that we seemed like one body. The moment was as disturbing as exciting, although I was walking on eggshells.

With those heels and her height, she was perfectly at my height and in just seconds her movement of her waist made my cock hard as a light post. It was a little disturbing, because it was my friend's wife, with my friend watching, although for the moment he only saw us dancing and nothing else. At the moment it was clear that she was teaching her husband a lesson and provoking him. His chest was now pressed against mine, I could even feel his breathing, he began to speak in whispers inches from my face, it was beginning to be an erotic and electrifying moment.

Her nipples had become hard and I could feel them perfectly, which meant that, in addition to being as horny as I was, her nipples had to be a dream. Now my movement was to give a small and almost innocent push in his belly with my cock, and when I did that, the way he squeezed my neck showed that he liked it. She wanted to stop for a moment to take a sip of her drink. She did so while facing her husband, with her legs slightly open, and after looking at him for a few seconds she turned to approach me. I was amazed, because the nipples that stood out were somewhat exaggerated.

We started dancing again and from the first moment the friction was more and more blatant, I don't know how her husband was perceiving it, but she allowed herself to be done more and more, that's why I whispered in her ear... “Let's see Heidi ...if what you wanted was to make Tom jealous, you've already achieved it. If we continue later I don't want you to stop me..." She responded in a louder voice than normal: “Who told you I was going to stop? Look Carlos, this jealous idiot has never made love to me well and now his weaknesses have added to him. However, at least he has been a real man and told me that I can be with someone else... so be it." With that said, he clung even closer to my body, put his face next to my cheek and licked my ear, making me even hornier.

While I was doing that, my hands went down from her waist to caress her buttocks. It gave me tremendous pleasure to caress them, touch them, hold them. At that moment I didn't care about the later regrets. With so much friction and touching, an incredible chemistry was developing between us. And that chemistry betrayed us: without knowing how we ended up kissing. We started softly, with the touch of our lips and it didn't take long for the animalistic moment to arrive, where we began to eat each other's mouths with absolute passion, our tongues were like in a fight to the death. I wanted to caress her tits, eat her nipples, and when I tried to reach under her dress, she stopped me forcefully. I was taken aback until he said, “Wait.” She turned around, facing her husband, who was bright red. She made me stand behind her, while she herself raised the skirt of her dress to the height of her exquisite waist.

I was really stuck to his little ass. My cock was placed almost alone between her powerful buttocks. I put my hands on her tits and I couldn't see her face, but I could see her husband's, who was looking furiously, going from fury to anger when I put my hands underneath and caressed them. Much more so when I caressed his huge nipples and gave them one of my special punishment sessions, making his wife let out a moan of despair. That's when Heidi turns her head, grabs mine and gives me a tremendous French kiss that her husband had a privileged view of. As she kissed me, moving her butt at the same time, it was clear that she was full of lust and that it no longer mattered what her husband might say or ask. She was completely dedicated.

The next thing I did was undress, shielding myself from her husband's view with her body. Although I could still see his face, which was one of total congestion and a look of anger. Her skirt was already hiked up to her waist, so I started to pull down her panties. I didn't need to bend over, because she is eager to take them off and they are soaked. Once she took them off, she asked me to hug her and when I do, she takes a step and reaches her husband, she rubbed them over her mouth and nose and finally left them on his lap.

Afterwards I revealed her cleavage and when I did so I found that she was not wearing a bra. Her tits with a slight drop made an appearance, with those nipples well placed. Heidi no longer had any regrets or barriers, she was too horny to stop. I brought one of my hands to her pussy, caressing her clit. It didn't take long for her to open her legs a little more, to weaken her legs. I wanted to eat her tits and she made it easy for me, but she wanted to stay on her side so her husband could see how she did it.

At that moment she finally grabbed my cock, treating it properly. Then she said to her husband with a voice filled with pleasure: “Have you seen that handlebar? Well, you know that I'm going to enjoy it. Oh, and another thing I want you to know: I promise you that I have never been with another man until today, but you were right, I cheated on you, just not with men. I looked over at Tom and his face was one of disbelief. Her husband asked her who the other woman or women were. Since Heidi didn't answer him, he said about five or six women's names, but he didn't say Sofia's name.

It was my moment to take the reins: "Come on bitch, get on your knees and eat my cock, you're wanting it." I knew she wanted it, even though she had to put her fears out of her mind. You could see his trembling hands, his generalized nerves, but also his extreme excitement.  He looked at me intently, expectantly. I repeated again: “BITCH! "I don't like waiting." She was a little petrified, I just had to make a very light movement with my hands, I put them on top of her shoulders and she made a downward movement. Heidi knelt down and there was no turning back. She started licking my cock somewhat shyly. I raised my cock completely until it was against my body, running my tongue from bottom to top. When he got tired of doing it, he continued licking the bud, giving it kisses and little by little he put it in his mouth. At that moment I spoke to her husband... “FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK! TOM... what a whore she is, how she eats my cock, how you can tell she likes it... it even takes my breath away." When I said that, her nerves went away and she started sucking my cock wildly.

I continued addressing Tom: “Dude, that was your problem, not knowing that I had a slut as a wife who needs a lot of attention and you have her neglected.” Tom couldn't hide that he had gone from being enraged to being very horny. Heidi stopped eating my cock, took it out of her mouth full of her saliva and told her husband: "Well, it took you a long time to realize, I really want to cuckold you and tell you."

I made her get up. Her excitement was extreme and touching her pussy was more than visible. I picked her up and sat her on the back of the chair in which her husband was securely tied. She lay on part of his chest and head. Then I bent over and started eating her pussy. On my first pass of my tongue I thought I had an orgasm, from how she screamed. The position is certainly uncomfortable, but we didn't care and when I removed my tongue from her pussy, she grunted at first, then she called me everything and finally asked me not to stop. A devastating orgasm came to her, shortly after another came and in this one I was able to get rid of it, with the consequent annoyance of Heidi: “But how can you be such a SON OF A BITCH, YOU BITCH KEEP GOING, DON'T STOP!” As I stopped, he continued insulting me. I had her stand behind Tom's back, resting on his shoulders.

I know she was waiting for me to fuck her, but that was going to have to wait. I went to my pants and took out the belt. When Tom saw it, his face turns wicked, because he imagined what  was going to do. He folded the belt and spanked Heidi's ass... "This for insulting me, ZAS... This for disrespecting me, ZAS... and ZAS... ZAS... ZAS..." She screamed, but not in any way. pain. I prefer human contact, so I started using my hands to hit his flesh and spank him really hard. Her husband told me to give him some of his share for being a whore and she didn't stay silent... "Yes Carlos, give them to me because this useless guy doesn't know." I gave her a few more while she provoked me: “Well, don't think that you give them very strong, a lot of body, but…”. I started hitting her harder.

She wanted me to fuck her again, she couldn't hold back and was as eager as me or even more. I started playing with the tip of my cock in her pussy, running it all over her slit until it hit her clit. This disarmed her and caused her to lean back to stab him, but I am very skilled in that art and I couldn't do it. When she felt my very hard cock rubbing her clitoris, that was when she felt the most desire to be penetrated. She wet my cock or rather soaked it with her juices. Heidi did not give up in her efforts to insert my cock herself. Until when she least expected it I started to put it in her, she was so wet that it fit quite well and she rested her head on her husband's shoulder and told him... “TOM you are already starting to be a cuckold, you are not completely cuckold yet, How the spear that is thrusting into me burns me, how it fills me, how I feel its touch.... Ahhh... it is immense and how fat it is love, it is much bigger than yours, this one is immense... Ahhh ...” I had already all the way in, our bodies met and she exclaimed... "NOW YES... CUCKOLD... CUCKOLDDDDDDDDD!" Little by little I accelerated my movements.

My thrusts were brutal, the sound of our bodies colliding was fast, constant and loud. We even moved her husband's chair. While I spanked her and fucked her she screamed “Tom, this is fucking and getting pounded, what a stud, how wild... AAAAHHHHHH... the bastard is going to make me cum again.” I let go of part of Tom's rope and took Heidi in my arms to her room, because we weren't finished, when I find such a horny woman I want to enjoy her.

At the moment it was as if we had forgotten about her husband. In his bed we decided not to stop and continue until exhaustion. We were all passion, as sex should be, passionate, hard, lascivious. I began to kiss her naked body, noticing how with my kisses and my tongue her body reacted with the pleasure I gave her. I ate her tits with devotion to the point of devouring them. She endured my lips on her nipples, moaning with pleasure. Once I had given them a good account, I slowly went down, licking her belly, towards her carefully shaved pussy. I noticed her desire and saw how she raised her pelvis.

Once she came I didn't go directly to the clitoris which was what she wanted, but instead I went to her vaginal lips. These were completely soaked and as I ran my tongue over them, I could see the pleasure I was giving her, because her body shook as if he were being given electric shocks. His breathing was uncontrolled and his moans were increasing. Every lick and every fuck of my tongue into her pussy, it's like she's possessed. Finally I reached her clitoris, I did it slowly, putting two of my fingers inside her pussy, moaning deeply and, after a while, devouring her clitoris. She was as if ecstatic and at that moment I desecrated her little ass with my two fingers. He just let out a loud and deep… “AAHHHHHH!” and suddenly he came without expecting it. It gave me great pleasure to see how her body arched while she came, how her body gave everything and she let herself go.

I noticed Tom looking at us when she said… “What are you doing at the door? Come here with us, watch how they make your wife more and more whore, how they make me cum.” This time she wanted to ride me while her husband was sitting on the foot of the bed. Once she got on top of my body, grabbed my cock and slammed it into her. Then she asked her husband: “Do you like watching me ride him? Have you noticed its size, its thickness, how soft it is?“ And she had a calm movement, she dropped to put her nipples in my mouth, I licked them sweetly. His look was one of being totally out of touch. Then she turned her head to look at her husband... “Tom... Don't you like to see how a real male pleasures my body? Reply". He responded with an excited tone... “I admit that yes, I like it and I don't know where my jealousy has gone.”

She began to ride more hornily and tells Tom... “Honey, I know Carlos wants to do it to my ass too. Why don't you take some cream and prepare it for him, I don't want him to destroy me? Tom got up, took a tube out of the bedside drawer and stuck it up his wife's bottom. She was a horny slut and was on the verge of exploding.

Heidi started to move in and out of my cock faster. Now the one who was about to cum was me. I told her, who had told me not to do it inside her. However, she told me not to slow down and do it within her. We came at the same time, the moans and screams of both of us joined together and could be heard throughout Los Angeles.

We stayed hugging and she just said... "What a stud you are and I had the feeling that you have cummed an inhuman amount of semen, somewhat exaggerated." We stayed relaxed lying next to each other and her husband at our feet. It didn't take long for Heidi to caress my cock again and while she made it grow she told us, especially her husband, that she liked my shaved cock, the extraordinary thickness, its great length, and above all how hard it became and the mark hard of my veins. She added that the best of all, what made her reach ecstasy, was how hot my cock got inside her cave. Before I finished saying that I already had her eating my cock again.

Tom immediately began to eat her pussy, which is still oozing my cum. Heidi stopped for a moment to tell her husband... “I have never been so horny in my life, seeing you eating me with Carlos' cum... you can't even imagine how horny you are making me... AAAHHHHH.” She continued to suck my cock and came from what her husband was doing to her. Then he got up and kissed her passionately, and she told him that a kiss from him had never tasted so good. My cock was bursting, hard as steel and that's when Heidi placed a couple of pillows and lay down on it, leaving her ass at my disposal. It's going to be another special moment for both of us, but especially for Tom.

Then I told him: “Tom, to be a good cuckold, all you have to do is give me your wife's ass.” He asked me what it was like to hand over your wife's ass and I told him to simply spread his wife's buttocks. So he did. You could tell that Heidi's butt was not a virgin, because she looked easy and without the fears of a first-timer.

I began the penetration, slowly and carefully, because, although I was not a virgin, I was sure that something similar had never entered her. That's why at first I was putting it in gently, calmly and letting her little ass expand, adapting to me. Tom's face was as if he were hallucinating seeing how my cock is finally inside his wife's ass. Heidi got closer to her husband, started kissing him and when I increased the pace of my attacks on her ass, she stopped kissing her husband, shook his hand and started moaning more than when I was fucking her. The movement of the bed was brutal, it seemed like it could break. She accompanied me in my rhythm of fucking, she was a very sexual woman, she knew what she was doing and knew how to enjoy the pleasure obtained.

This time we were both about to cum at the same time, I didn't want to make the slightest effort to delay my cum, I wanted to do it with her and that's why it was a double, glorious and noisy cum that we both had. We stayed very relaxed and Tom was very kind, saying that he was going to make some of the coffee I liked. He left us alone and the first thing I said to Heidi... "Now you can start preparing a meeting between Sofia, you and me... because I really want to fuck her little ass." She looked at me with a perverse smile, although she pretended to be angry: “First, I didn't admit to you that I had anything with her. The second thing: you are a degenerate. “Sofia has never had anal sex and with your huge cock you would split her in two, you degenerate.” I gave him a couple of good spanks asking him if he wouldn't like to help me fuck his friend's ass and he answered me with a big smile. "But you have to do it without saying anything to her, so that it takes her by surprise, and certainly without saying anything to Tom, much less to Justin." Obviously I wouldn't say anything to anyone.

Heidi closed her eyes with a big smile from end to end of her face. I looked at her lovingly, thinking that I didn't believe that Sofia's ass was still virgin...

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Argie Pilot

Re: Making Money... or Making Moans - Chapter 3
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2025, 03:43:52 AM »
Chapter 3

Starring: Barbara Palvin & Lili Reinhart

Whenever I have free time I like to take short trips to participate in training-instructive conferences, sometimes as a listener and other times as a speaker. It is good to do it and in the process I take the opportunity to pursue other personal hobbies. This time there was one in a small resort in the Rocky Mountains and I had met a group of friends to go skydiving and wingsuitflying.

Of those of us who were going to make that jump, there were only four of us in the end, because the weather said there could be problems. In any case, we reviewed everything and the supposed changes were planned for after the jump time. Some turbulence appeared during the flight, but of no apparent importance. In the end, only three of us jumped, the fourth was not convinced and if you are not, it is best not to do it. I jumped perfectly and we had some problems because of the weather, it was an adrenaline rush, but it was a distressing experience. My descent was towards an area where I ended up being dragged when I hit the ground and I hurt my leg a little, accompanied by some bruises.

For some, the logical thing is that I would have gone home to rest, but I wanted to continue, because I had made a commitment to the friend who invited me and hired me. I went to the doctor, they diagnosed me with a mild knee sprain, rest and not act out. Crutches and a very modern knee pad. A good physiotherapist... I left with two crutches and when I arrived at the hotel I only used one. The hotel I had chosen is one of those that I know well, it has a swimming pool and a good gym. I bathed early in the morning, I was usually alone, at noon when people were eating and at night late.

I go down to dinner and I do it without a crutch or a knee brace, it's a little difficult for me, but if I go slowly I handle it well. I finished dinner and went to the hotel's piano bar. They usually always have a good pianist. It's rare that I drink alcohol, but sometimes I do, and that night I ordered a Carlos I gran reserva limited edition sherry brandy, because it was what suited me best, for a semi-dark place, with the sound of a piano and without people around that could disturb. You can savor the drink, close your eyes and, with the music, mentally transport yourself wherever you want.

I had chosen that place, because it is usually empty, if I went to a more public place I knew that anyone would come and the good moment it might be... someone would come and screw it up, it's something mathematical. I was lying down a little, with my eyes closed and I heard... “Good night, can we sit down?” My first thought can't be, this is Murphy's Law. I open my eyes, I feel good, I notice that they are two women. I know who they are, because I've seen them before at the reception. Of the same age or little difference, physically very similar, one almost redheaded and the other very dark, both with perfect hair. Since I had seen them briefly at the reception, I clearly observed that they had two capricious little asses, since I saw them from the back.
Now they were before him. Under other circumstances, seeing them at the reception I would have tried to start a conversation, but I was not very willing and now I had them asking me to sit with me. They were both very good. Her eyes hypnotized you, the redhead with blue-green eyes like the Caribbean Sea, the blonde with eyes of a lighter blue. They both have large and suggestive cleavage and chest, perfect mouths and lips and captivating smiles.

With one hand I indicated that they could sit down and I was curious to know what they were looking for, because it was clear that something was up. The blonde takes the lead and tries to introduce her friend and herself. I don't let him do it and I tell him... “No names, redhead and blonde...”. He goes to tell me something, but changes his mind, holds back and asks me what they would call me and I tell them whatever they want. The conversation we begin turns into nonsense, which at least makes me laugh and I find the blonde's sterile attempts to find out more about me even more amusing. However, I find out that they have been watching me at the pool and I haven't realized it. They are jeweled and from the rings I have no doubt that they are married or at least engaged.

They treat me in a strange way, too many circumlocutions that have me lost. Which does make it clear that, despite the regrets, they are two nice and very pleasant women, with smiles that could melt the most surly of men. The blonde is nervous, but the redhead makes me feel embarrassed. I ask that they serve us another round and I go to the bathroom, the waiter who knows me and treats me very well confirms that they are hotel guests, but that it is their first time. That rules out that they are “looking” for other types of things and when I return to my table the waiter tells me something that he forgot and that is very important, their husbands or partners are staying with them. I clear my doubts as soon as I sit down and it is the blonde who attacks with everything.

- Look, you are physically very well, you are nice, you have a very good conversation, it is obvious that you are very educated and that if you have not studied, you are cultivated. (I had a hard time holding back my laughter)

- In that you have got it right, I mean that I have studied little, but I make an effort.

- Well, you should know that it is not obvious that you have not studied and for your work it is good to defend yourself as well as you do. (Displaced)

- I do what I can.
- But to the point and let's not waste your time or ours. How about 400 dollars? (I was confused) 

- 400? You can do more.         

- Hey... we don't plan to go over 500.       

- My rates are what they are. You are very, very far from reality.         

- Don't believe that we go looking for gigolos every day, it's our first time.

- But...     

- No, no, if you don't want to, then you don't want to and it won't be because of the physique. Tell me an amount?
- 2000. 

- What you are taking has gone to your head. Let's see if you understand, we are not a pack. It's not for both, it's for just one. Specifically it is for her (Pointing to the redhead)   

- Not if the 2000 was for just one, if it's both of you I can give a discount, but not much.
- But what do you think you have between your legs... A gold mine? (I couldn't help but laugh, their faces were a poem) 

- What I have between my legs is a machine to cause orgasms and it's not just that part, it's also my mouth, my tongue, my hands... Now if you don't have money, deadlines don't exist here nor are they allowed a payment that is not in advance and in cash.

- We’re going to the toilet and now we come.

At that moment the waiter approached me at full speed and told me... "The ladies are staying with their husbands and whoever bears the expenses is the same ones who bear theirs," I tip him and laugh, because The next day we will surely meet and it will be very fun. They come back and they are already convinced, they want to lower the price, but since I am still in my thirteen they accept, but there is a problem, they do not have 2000 dollars cash on them and they do not know where to find a bank at that time and they try to make me trust them. My answer is... “Because I like you, I can be there tomorrow at the same time and yes, I make a condition and that is that you both have to be there, even if you don't do anything, because if I did, the price would be another”, they were disconcerted and that was even if I gave them my mobile number first, so that they could confirm in the morning if we would see each other or not, because if not, I would leave the hotel.

I'm taking a swim in the pool before going to my presentation. Coming out of the pool, the blonde appears and tells me... "We'll be there and I hope you're worth every dollar we're going to pay you." That's when I jokingly and to see her reaction tell her that, if she wants an advance, with a scared face I She says... "Don't be mistaken that it is a necessity for..." (points to the redhead) does not mean that it is for me, that my husband has me well taken care of." As I stood looking at her strangely, I asked myself what was happening to me and I told him biting her, but with sincerity... “we'll see it at night” And I left because I couldn’t (and didn’t want to neither) continue talking to her.

I arrive at the place where I am going to perform my intervention, as I know that I will not be the first, I have gone slowly. My friend welcomes me and we are chatting, the first speaker is already finishing, once she finishes there is a break of a few minutes, I intervene and then there is a longer break. My friend receives a call and when I am alone I go over to see who intervenes, because it is the redhead. When he finishes, he comes to where I am, my friend is full of praise and says the magic word... "I'm going to introduce you to Carlos... who have a lot in common because of Holywood and..." and when he sees me extending my hand To greet her she turns white, so much so that my friend worries about her. The redhead excuses herself to go take a blood pressure pill. My friend looks at me, shrugs and goes on to introduce me.

In the audience I see the blonde who remains his friend. That she is sitting next to a man that I know by hearsay and that I know that we will participate in a debate among five another day. Once I finish, my intention is to have a fun meeting with the two women, but a call my friend receives for me means I can't be on that break. When I return, another intervener is already there and my friend signals me to come out and talk to me.

- Cole (The one who was sitting with the blonde) is very interested in meeting you and having a conversation with you. 

- I'm also interested in meeting him... but hey, who is the blonde that was next to him?
- Lili... She is her best friend and partner in several projects, including a great television show. You probably know him. Oh, and she's also a caring dog, and a diva. Just to tell you that it took more than two months for the bastard to agree to come. If something has crossed your mind with her, you better crush it with two bricks. 

- Nothing crossed my mind, I was just curious. And what happened to the redhead in the end?
- Well, some drop or rise in voltage. She is a very particular person, very nice but somewhat unstable, when you talk to her you will realize it.       

- And why would I talk to her?       

- Because you are going to eat with Cole and she is his wife.       

- What a coincidence. And the blonde is also married? 

- Engaged. Her fiancé is also here, you'll see him everywhere lifting glass. But he's a very good guy. 

It is good to attend these types of events from time to time, because apart from learning sometimes, contact is made or relationships are discovered that can be fruitful later.

The next day was really hot and almost all of us were dressed more casually. At lunch I sat next to my new friends, the table with the blonde, the redhead and their partners. We had already been introduced and the only one I didn't know was Jack, blonde Lili's husband. Jack is actually nice, although he is out of his natural space, but the moment we stopped talking about technical topics, he let go and we enjoyed the food. Jack goes out to smoke and the two women accompany him, leaving Cole and I alone.

While Cole began to tell me what he had prepared, I kept seeing the two women through the glass window. They were two radiant and beautiful women, one of those women who have big butts, but just the right size and perfect. To make matters worse, the two had a very similar look: both were dressed almost entirely in denim, including dreamy jean shorts. Suddenly Jack tells me: "I've already realized that you haven't learned anything, something that isn't the norm seeing those two very stimulating asses." To his surprise, he detailed everything he had told me in detail, he He got upset and his face was worried and embarrassed, as he spoke without taking my eyes off him, finally responding to his proposal... “The proposal is good, because we are both behind carrying it out. The problem is that I don't like doing partnerships and you, from what I know, don't like it either. Having said that, I want to add that it's true... those two little asses make anyone nuts.” This last commentary made him smile.

Later he confessed to me that those two women are “tremendous” and that for the moment he was defending himself as requested, but poor Barbara was completely continent. I didn't know what to think of those statements, my head was analyzing at full speed. It could be that he was a loose mouth and nothing more, which his wife and friends were unaware of. When the three returned Liliana asked if it had been enough time to reach some understanding. Jack was very clear and again his answer made me think again... “The only thing we have agreed on one hundred percent is that you have two fantastic asses” there was no alteration on the part of the others. The only one was mine, which, even if I endured it, caught me off guard.

I assumed it was because he was a man who said whatever he wanted and those who knew him were used to it. Cole suddenly plays along with Jack saying... “You have good taste and I'm not surprised you think that, because those asses are worth a fortune. Of course, they are quite wasted. I'm not just talking about Barbara, I'm sure that you, Jack, have also slowed down a lot," the two got tangled up to see who was better and Cole was very sincere, because he recognized that without a lot of "help" he would do little.

I took the opportunity to poke a little: “You do what you can and from my physical appearance I know that I'm not bad at all. "I'm not saying this out of modesty, it's just that they recently mistook me for a gigolo and offered me a good amount of money." The men questioned it and the girls didn't say anything, they just looked worried. Out of the blue, Cole says... “That's because she hasn't found a good male to ride her, you have to know women well. Every woman has her story, mine for example... she is very delicate with her butt, but very delicate. But as I know it, it's just a matter of licking it well and slowly sucking your finger, once it's wet, I spit on the entrance and penetrate it wildly with my finger." Barbara stammers trying to silence him.

She says it angrily, so Jack intercedes to fix it... “Don't be angry either, woman. It's not bad at all, I understand my friend and compadre, it seems like it's very easy to do it from behind, but it's not so easy, because when you want to do it you either have your little friend very hard or he doesn't fit... Does it happen to you? Same thing Carlos?”, again I want to add another stick... “It all depends on the woman and her ass, if they are of category, there is nothing that does not harden, but nothing.” Once again the two husbands laugh at each other saying that what they think is class is nothing more than something normal. The drink wreaks havoc on them and partly on them.

Cole looks to the right and left, leans a little over the table and with a mysterious voice addresses me... “Carlos, among gentlemen and men of their word... Barbara has an ass, well a body, that deserves daily attention . He hasn't received full attention in a long time and that's why I wouldn't mind sharing his ass... Would you like that? Of course, as long as she wants,” Jack pats Cole twice on the back in approval and telling him... “You really are a real man and a good husband,” Barbara looks at her husband and then at Liliana. , who doesn't say anything, but makes a gesture encouraging her. He doesn't say anything, waiting for me to say something... “Let's see, I don't want bad vibes. It is impossible to say no to an invitation like that, but as you have said, it is Barbara who has to speak out and then we talk, although there is little to talk about.” Barbara only tells her husband that, if it is his wish, there is no problem for her, but then she does not want jealousy, anger and bad faces.

Her husband's response is simple but forceful... “WELL THAT'S IT, EVERYONE AGREES”, that's when I tell them that wait a moment... “But it will be done with a few small conditions, the four of us will be present from beginning to end and it is not negotiable", the first to tell me something was Liliana... "Don't be confused, honey was not made for the donkey's mouth and you have nothing to do with me nor would I allow you to", I didn't have to think about it, no It was the first time and not the last that they would say that to me. little phrase... “HAHAHA... HAHAHA... Don't worry LADY LILI, I never said I would do anything with you”, that pissed her off even more. I told them to think about it and that we would see each other at night.

I had to accept and that's it, my proposal was also looking for a way out to do nothing. It could be that my emotional state had intervened, but the truth is that I felt quite well, except for the discomfort in my leg. If they accepted, it would be my first time in that situation. In my hotel room I analyzed everything that happened. It was hard for me to believe that in the same group of friends there could be two cuckolds, although it didn't have to be strange either, what could be strange is that they admitted it in that way, even if they didn't say it in all the words, it also depended on the time spent together. Cole and Jack met. The latter had left me the proposal that he had brought, once read in detail, I came to the conclusion that it is nonsense, the possible income did not even cover the expenses that we would have, more than 50% of the expenses were in jobs, duplicates and astronomical salaries. He calls me to meet the two of us alone and we go down to the same cafeteria where his wife and her friend were with me.

- What did you think about my proposal? 
- It is an unviable proposal for me. If I don't usually make companies, with those uninsured income and with those exorbitant expenses if insured, it is going towards a disaster foretold. (I explained in detail what I had seen)

- You are a little negative... Take the proposal, study it calmly, and tell me if you change your mind, you have my card in the documentation.       

- I don't think I will change my mind, but I will study it more calmly...

Suddenly the conversation takes a 180º turn     

- Surely you have asked yourself many questions about everything I said about women and us. You don't need to answer me. Lili and I don't hide anything from each other, we are close and I don't want to lie to you, until we got married we had little sex, but then we took off. The age difference and bad life takes its toll. We have always been faithful to each other, me because I have a sense of the ridiculous and I didn't want to do it in other people's beds and her because of her commitment to fidelity, because of her sense of marriage. I see the shortcomings that my wife has now, although Lili does not recognize it, and how they look at her with desire on the street at all hours. Just so you realize, in this last month there have been six men who have tried to take her to the “orchard” and with some I have encouraged her, but she has told me to fuck off, because when she starts speaking badly, there is no one to talk to her.

-And what do I have to do with all this that you tell me?   

- Well, you could try her, I'm convinced she likes you.   

- Is that an opinion of the husband, of the man who sees more than exists?   

- It is the response of someone who knows his wife very well, because when you call her Liliana, she gets angry and I know that excites her, because she is used to doing what she wants and having others bend to her wishes. .

- If you say it, I'll have to believe it.   

- He said that he would not have dinner with us, that he would do it in the room. Well, I can assure you that she will come down and she will do it dressed like a slut, which does not mean that she will do anything, it could be that she will do it simply to provoke.

In the elevator when we were going up to our rooms he told me... “I'm not as much of a man as Cole. I wouldn't mind seeing my wife having sex, since I have already proposed it to her many times, but never in front of other people, although I don't mind, on the contrary, seeing Barbara, I know it's a lot of hypocrisy, but if they at the same time "finally they accept..." I went down to dinner at the time we had said and there were no surprises, Cole and Barbara came down with Barbara spectacular, dressed to attract and please. She said she was going to the bathroom, which was an apology and Cole told me that they accepted, with the usual tagline if she ever says no it's no. Something that is more than clear to me. That part was clear, the next was where to go because his room had two beds, mine had a king size bed and we agreed that it would be in my room.

We had ordered desserts, specifically an apple pie that makes no sense, and they had not brought it when Lili appeared as her husband had said... a tan dress with bare shoulders, a large V-neckline, clearly showing that she was not wearing a bra. Below, the dress fits well above her knees without being a miniskirt, but showing off her beautiful legs, which are wearing sandals that match the color of the dress, with an impossible heel due to how high it was. Purple lips and shading eyes that made them look like a hungry wolf. They wanted to go have a drink at a place that had been recommended to them and we went there. It was a place that was not a nightclub but it could very well have been one, because there was a large dance floor.

Jack and Cole didn't want to dance, I don't know if because it was something normal for them or because they didn't know how. The average age of the attendees was one that did not lend itself to much movement and I was not mistaken, despite my battered leg I danced with the two women, more with Barbara than with Lili. In those tight dancing moments, my cock was active at all times. Barbara surrendered quickly, although she didn't do anything visibly compromising, except that she attached herself well to my cock. With Lili it was different, because she must have noticed my erection, but it didn't stick and she maintained her composure, until talking to her I made a joke again about how well taken care of she was. She calls me a bastard and gives me a gentle kick on the shin, I don't hold back and spank her on the buttock, telling her that I can't do that with that.

Lili looked me in the eyes intensely and we danced a little tighter for a few more moments. We returned to our table and she was walking in front. I don't know if it was to provoke, but he caressed where I had hit him or he was itchy from the spanking I gave her, which came out much harder than I intended. It seemed like we were going to stay all night because no one was talking about returning to the hotel, until Jack said... "Ladies, gentlemen, I think we have something pending..." he got up and we left. Upon arriving at the hotel, the women asked my room number and said they were coming now. Something that surprised none of the three of us. We entered the room. They both said more or less the same thing: that they were going to protest, because that room was a double room, with armchairs and a gigantic bed.

There is a knock on the door and Cole opens it, they had already prepared two drinks from the minibar for the women. Everyone has the same doubt, that how will they know if everything is going well and my answer is that they will know that without having to ask. I took Barbara to bed, we sat down and I told her to forget about them, which was easy to say, but it wasn't. I had placed myself on her left side, so that she had to look at me and not see her husband and friends, but also so that the “spectators” could better see what was happening. I tried several times to unbutton the buttons on her blouse, but there was no way, because I would unbutton one and the second she would button it again.

Calm, tranquility and step by step, with my mouth and my tongue on her neck, caresses on her knees and part of her thighs, they began to relax Andrea. Finally my hand touched her pussy under her skirt. She was holding her breath and my hand touching her breasts over her blouse felt like her nipples were getting like spikes. Once again when trying to unbutton the blouse, I encountered the same problem, although it gave much more, but I wanted to leave my mark and gave a tug, popping the buttons. Little was heard from her because we were giving each other a brutal kiss, but I did hear a little cry of surprise from Lili in the background.

There was no going back, she allowed herself to be touched without holding back in anything except her moans, because she tried not to let anything be heard. I knew that what I was going to do was going to completely disarm her. I stood up and bent down to place myself between her legs, I grabbed the sides of her panties and tried to tear them off with her cleavage. Seeing my intention to put my head between my legs, I stood up. The next thing I did was undress her. from the waist up and she let me go to discreetly cover her breasts, big breasts. The skirt, although it resisted, did not last long.

The first contact of my tongue made him open his legs and remove his hands from my head. What followed was a series of moans, which differed from each other in that they were increasing. Without being expected, I do something that no woman doesn't tell me has been the best. I lift her face down and eat her pussy while I'm standing and she's holding me face down. It was the best for her and her moans certify it, but also for those who were watching. Cole, seeing his wife naked in that situation, kept squeezing himself over his pants and eagerly on his cock. Lili caressed her fiancé in the same way and he rubbed her breasts over her dress.


Barbara was already completely untied and the other three were drooling looking at Barbara's big ass. We listened as Cole said and not as a justification... "This fantasy was killing me..." and he let out a suppressed moan, the truth is that I think he was not aware of being heard. She came exaggeratedly after the ass and pussy eating that I gave her, they were both prepared to be penetrated without contemplation. With a soft whisper, she told me to gently put her down on the bed, she was a little dizzy. Once I put her on the bed, she hugged me and purred like a kitten.

She moved until she brought her head to my cock and now she ate it sweetly, it was pure exhibitionism, more than for me, but also for the rest of the voyeurs. You could tell that this made her extremely horny and when she saw her man with his cock out touching him with his friends, while Lili masturbated her man. If she wanted to give a show we were going to give it. I put her on all fours facing the voyeurs and placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy, playing without actually putting it in her, until without her expecting it I suddenly put my cock in her. She hunched over, let out a loud moan, and I began to fuck her so they could see her slutty face.

The truth is that as soon as I penetrated her she forgot everything, because few women have I seen enjoy themselves in that way, so freely. We changed positions because she needed to ride me and she rode well, she was a wild horsewoman. When he came it seemed like he needed an oxygen cylinder, because he was out of breath. She stayed curled up with her head on my chest. She continues stroking my cock, changes her head position and asks me a rhetorical question, about whether I wanted to see what a whore Lili was. At that moment I look at the other three and Lili is completely naked, while her husband gives her tender caresses. 

She grabs my cock firmly, as if it were her possession, and moves it with quality. I notice that she is looking insistently at Lili, they both smile and Lili bites her lower lip, directing her gaze at her husband. Jack doesn't doubt it, with his head and with a light movement of his hand over his wife, he encourages her to come with us. At first she doubts it, even though her fiancé tries maikng her get up. In the end when Barbara gives me a couple of good licks on the bud, Lili kisses her husband on the mouth and approaches us. She stands on the opposite side to where her friend is, now I have one on each side.

Barbara is very generous because she takes my cock towards her friend, since she doesn't look at me, she gives me some deeper licks again and that leads to Lili getting excited, because she gives me a shameful lick and that's when Barbara grabs her head by behind and takes her to my cock. Lili acts as if she is being forced, but ends up opening her mouth and takes my cock. Although their husbands can't see it well, they touch their tongues without any qualms while they eat my cock. Liliana with glassy eyes tells her friend... "In my life I have put nothing so big in my mouth, well not in my mouth or anywhere and damn how it burns...", Barbara leaves her alone and she comes to bite me. 

While we are kissing, Lili is already eating my cock the way she should be eaten, with desire, desire and without shame. Barbara secretes in my ear, but she does it so that her husbands can't hear it, but so that her friend can hear her... "Here, my little friend, she's truly lustful to put anything up her ass..." and Lili, while she is eating my cock, looks at her friend to tell her... "You beat me at being a whore, slut..." and she looks at us both, stops eating my cock and tells Liliana that I would watch and learn. She spreads her legs, straddles me and forcefully grabs my cock. She bends down and places his cock at the entrance to her ass.

She stays still and little by little she puts it in until she gets it all the way in, going slowly, but without pause. It does it gently, but it has something special and it will be unforgettable. What a way to “destroy” my cock with pleasure. Those movements make Barbara horny, and without saying anything she sits on my mouth and I quickly start my tongue dancing. I can't see what they do, except to hear the moans they make, it seems that they are contagious, because they both start at the same pace and this time it seems that the first one who is going to cum is me, I can't take it anymore and when Lili realizes that I'm going to cum, she moves in a different way and starts cumming with my thrusts. Barbara doesn't want to be left behind and starts cumming. I suddenly hear suppressed moans, as if someone were kissing.

The explosions were brutal and mine wasn't going to be less. I do my best effort to leave Lili's trembling pussy. I got up between the two girls and started to sroke my cock as a monkey. I was almost there when a sweet hand touch my penis with only one finger... and I went.  I was cumming like a fountain, with no control. Gladly, Barbara managed to direct the spurts to Lili's face, who was the victim and received gallons of cum.

It was for sure one of the largest I had in my entire life. The girls had drained me completely. They took a while to take my seem off their bodies and then between the two of them cleaned me with some wet towels. Jack and Cole cleaned up their mess, then said that our friendship had gone to another level. Then they both asked two things: first, how could they have gotten my cock in and if it was the first time they were kissing each other. Barbara responded… “Now I can assure you that size does matter. And regarding the kiss... it came out like that and I didn't dislike it, I don't know about Lili".

Then Liliana said in a provocative tone... "With what Carlos has, you can tell by the size and the temperature he has, it's amazing. The kiss thing... well, it really bothered me, because I recognize that my friend kisses like no one else, and for being my first time... "
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Argie Pilot

Re: Making Money... or Making Moans - Chapter 4
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2025, 12:12:53 PM »
Chapter 4

Starring: Selena Gomez

After returning from my weekend at the Rocky Mountain’s resort, I had an even longer trip ahead of me: I had to return to Mexico for a wedding. For, although I was a Latino son of Mexicans born and raised in California, I had a lot of family living on the other side of the border with whom I still kept in close contact. Among them my favorites were 3 cousins about my own age, one of whom was the one who was getting married that afternoon and who of course I was going to attend his wedding. The trip was a long distance one and given my last trip to the Rockies, I was on a tight schedule. I arrived safely in Mexico, but could not arrange to go to the church, something that annoyed me, but I had to go directly to the place where the celebration was taking place. I arrived as they had just started serving the appetizers and, after greeting the first people I met along the way, I approached to greet the newlyweds, who already knew about my trip and that I was not late out of disrespect. They were very happy to see me and while we were standing there talking, I see a real goddess passing by.

I didn't need to ask her name, because of course I (like almost everyone else) already knew who she was, although she didn't know where I was. The boyfriends noticed that I was looking at her and asked me sarcastically what I thought of the woman and if I already knew her because of my work. I said that she was very attractive and that I had seen her from afar at some event but had never spoken to her, and they couldn't get anything else out of me. The woman was seated next to her partner at one of the nearest tables. The boyfriend (my cousin) approached, leaned on my shoulders and said in my ear.... “Carlos you have to do us a favor, we have some friends who know nothing about Spanish and you not only speak perfect English, but you also move in the same world of Hollywood. So that they don't feel uncomfortable, come and meet them”.

A woman at their table whom I knew from previous occasions, noticing my good chemistry with the couple, spontaneously offered to change tables and left me with the couple. I was really enjoying the conversation, which was mostly led by Benny, whose long monologues allowed me to distract myself by slyly looking at his fiancée. Selena was about 5'5'', but her small height did not prevent her from being a really attractive woman. She wore her short, dark brown hair pulled back in a neat bun. This, along with the perfect line of her lips and a modest make-up with a few shadows that enhanced her rounded features, made her face beautiful. Her eyes were jet black and very round. To close, her teeth were perfect and she had a completely seductive smile.

She was dressed in a fiery red, tight-fitting dress that reached below her knees. The upper part of her dress was composed of successive strips symmetrically distributed and joined with brooches in the shape of black flowers, which as a whole made Selena's powerful cleavage stand out. She had an impressive chest, very large for its owner's small size. At first I could see only a glimpse of her little ass and it looked like the kind I like, although once she stood up and I saw her back, I verified that it was better than I had intuited. She looked at most 25 years old, but it was common knowledge that she was past 30.

We quickly got along well and began to chat fluently, in English of course. Benny saw that his fiancée would not be bored as long as she was with me so he took the opportunity to leave the table and socialize with his relatives who spoke only Spanish. The time flew by and when we were already at the end of the dinner, the bride and groom approached our table to ask the typical question if everything had been ok and after that the groom says to Selena and Benny.... “Carlos would be the best to show you the area, there is no better guide than him”. Then my new friends told me that they wanted to go see some picturesque villages that were in the area around the town where the wedding was being held. They didn't need to tell me anything else, because I offered to show them what they wanted. The only detail was that we were going to have to do it at full speed because there were only a few days to tour a lot of places. We spent the rest of the night dancing our heads off and I can assure you that Selena was a great dancer, which brought us closer together. I arranged to meet them the next day at five o'clock in the afternoon, I would pick them up at the hotel and we would go to tour the area.

We returned to the hotel with their satisfaction at how much fun they had had. Luckily we were staying at the same hotel, which is the one I always go to when I visit my family who live there. Our rooms were next to each other. After getting undressed I took a look at my work mail to see if there was anything important, finding one that merited reading it at leisure, so I decided to leave it for breakfast time. I had not finished turning off the laptop, when I start to hear sounds that at first were strange. After a few minutes I could distinguish what they were: the couple is fucking. I could tell they were enjoying it because they were very “effusive”, although I could hear him demanding silence when she was euphoric and screaming. They were in action for about an hour, and I couldn't help touching myself on my pajamas, although I didn't want to masturbate shamelessly.

The next day we had to get an early start on our sightseeing. We drove in my car, Benny sat in the front with me and she sat in the back, keeping an eye on us. We enjoyed the day and did a lot of sightseeing, so much that Benny fell asleep as soon as we started the trip back. When we got to the hotel, I told them that when they were ready and had washed off the dirt and fatigue of the day, to meet me in the hotel cafeteria. I took a quick shower, changed clothes and went to the front desk to check that a couple of things I had ordered had been taken care of. Everything was already well organized. Benny came down first and we had a nice small talk.

Then Selena came down and left me speechless. She was wearing a very fine, short, grape-colored dress, showing off her beautifully toned legs, topped off with elegant high-heeled shoes and a silver-encrusted handbag. Of course, the most hypnotizing thing was her strapless neckline that highlighted even more the virtues of this lady. I took them to dinner at a special place, known to me, and they left raving about it. Then I took them to a fun bar, with good music and we danced until late at night. Since her husband was pretty much like a robot dancing while Selena was gliding fantastically, our bonding was a bit more intense, but not intimate. Logically if we had been alone I would have tried to go further, but that was not the case, so at first it remained the invisible barrier that should never be crossed.

Most of the music that was playing was very Latin and Benny quickly got tired and said he was going to rest, that we should stay. Selena hesitated, but I could tell he liked to dance and we stayed. There was no longer any shyness showing and our bodies rubbed quite a few times, making my cock go aroused. One of the times when she danced with her back to me and I grabbed her waist, my cock was wedged between the buttocks of that delicate little ass. I expected some sign of rejection from Selena but on the contrary, she wiggled her little ass like a blender while looking at her husband waving one arm. We continued dancing, there were many people and when we were in a position that Benny could not see us, from behind I embraced her body and took the opportunity to take possession of her breasts over her clothes.

His only response was to throw his head back and twist his neck a little, which I took to be an invitation to eat it and so I did. Just then he brought one hand back, felt and massaged my cock, emitting an exclamation of astonishment with some pleasure. Next, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to go next to Benny. Soon after they suggested going back to the hotel. We left in a cab and Selena had Benny ride in front. Once upstairs, the cab driver began to draw us out chatting and as he talked animatedly with Benny, I felt Selena's hand stroking my cock above my pants. It grew little by little until she managed to get it on full, that must have pleased her because she eagerly took hold of it. It didn't last long because it didn't take us long to get to the hotel.

Benny was a little impaired, but more than because of the drink, it was because he looked exhausted. His words confirmed that idea, because he asked me not to get up early the next day, to take it a little slower. Meanwhile, Selena was pure fire. I sensed, I had the feeling that the night was not over for her. After a quarter of an hour there was a faint sound at my bedroom door. I opened the door imagining who the caller was, and I was not mistaken. She was wearing a long black silk robe with silver patterns. Meanwhile, I was wearing only shorts. She looked at me briefly and placed the palm of her hand on my chest, reached out and pulled me into my room.

With her hand on my chest she led me to an upholstered chair and made me sit down. The next thing she did was to undo the tie of the robe and open it, clearly showing a tight bra that highlighted her powerful breasts. Without being able to see her completely naked, she straddled my legs, she kisses me softly and tries to pull down my shorts, I make a little effort and make it easy for her what she wants, it took no time at all before I was naked.

At that moment Selena dropped down and grabbed my throbbing cock with her beautiful hands. After a couple of thrusts she felt it was definitely hard and took it all the way into her mouth. As soon as she had it inside she started sucking it like a fiend, her tongue running up and down the shaft and her head bobbing up and down without a break.

Chup! Chup! Chup! Chup!
- Ummmm. - Selena moaned, licking her lips - Your cock is delicious too.

I watched her spellbound with my mouth wide open and snorting like a running horse. Selena barely slowed down for a second, which she took the opportunity to slap my stiff cock against the top of her bra, but quickly resumed the blowjob. She ran her tongue down the shaft until she reached my balls, sucked on them devotedly, and then continued until her tongue ran up and down my loaded balls.

Chup! Chup! Chup! Chup!

- Uffff, if you keep going at this pace I'm going to spill my milk!!!. - I hesitantly warned -

Selena quickly pulled her mouth and hands away from my cock and took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I began to caress them with devotion and delicacy but she wasn't convinced by that rhythm, so with a quick movement she took off her bra and put her globes in my mouth. I obviously began to suckle them like a starving baby, drawing louder and louder moans from her mouth and drowning mine between her large masses of flesh.

- Stop it, I NEED you to come inside me. - Selena sighed, standing up again and straddling my legs.

After getting rid of her panties, Selena placed my cock against her pussy and moved very gently, while putting her index finger stretched across her lips indicating silence, joining her palms together on the side of her face and closing her eyes as if sleeping, indicating to me that she did not want her cuckold of a fiancé to wake up.

Even without saying a word she grabbed my cock with a vicious face and, after having rubbed it well with her clitoris, she placed it at the entrance of her pussy sitting delicately, like a lady. Little by little, she gradually became more and more aroused. She closed her eyes, opening and closing her mouth, clinging to my neck, pulling her body back and stretching her legs as far as possible. She kissed me again, but this time she pushed her tongue all the way down my throat wildly and ended up giving me a nibble on my lower lip, not gentle at all. At first I attributed it to his excitement and thought it had been accidental, but I realized I had been wrong when he unexpectedly slapped my face with two loud slaps.

I avoided the third one by grabbing her wrists tightly. Taking advantage of the momentum and without letting go I ended up getting up and my cock came out, she tried to stir but I held firm and pushed her on the bed. As soon as she fell I turned her over and that's when I started to whip her little ass. She was rolling over, but she received them with pleasure, because she started to hear some moans. The more I punished her the hornier she got, I could tell she liked it. That's why I started to fuck her with rage and force. It seems that she had forgotten about not making noise, because she goes from emitting soft moans to screaming loudly, to provoke me. I turned her around, put her legs over my shoulders and continued to fuck her like that. I grabbed her nipples and pinched them providing just the right amount of pain to make her moan in pleasure.

Before we knew it, she had already cum twice. After the second orgasm she seemed to be exhausted, out of strength, but I wanted more. Without changing position, I pulled out my cock and took it to her ass. When she wants to realize I'm already putting it in her, at first she protests and does not do it to create morbid, she does it for real, what she does not realize is that the more she moves, the easier I fuck her ass. When my cock was already completely inside, she insulted me again and again, until finally she let herself go and took two fingers to her clitoris, asking me not to slow down now. We continued to fuck until she had one of those orgasms that must be called brutal. I was so horny that I filled her ass with my cum and with my screams accompanied by loud snorts.

He staggered out of bed, leaned back in the chair and put on his robe as best he could and left for his room. I was left feeling horny, tired from the intense action but eager to repeat. The next day when I went down to breakfast I ran into Benny who was already on his way back to his room and greeted me cheerfully. Just as I was finishing up Selena appeared and told me she was very hungry. While we were eating a little bit of everything she said to me.... “Aren't you going to ask me how I spent it and what I like the most?”. I just replied no, that I knew how much she had enjoyed it, which puzzled him. But that didn't stop her from answering her own question.... “What I liked most is how wild you are and the way you cum, the roars you give.” Then looking at me with a mischievous face.... “And just so you know, I've never done it from behind before and I still can't believe you could put the BEAST in”, laughing.

I asked her if her husband had heard anything and she told me that when Benny sleeps it's like he loses consciousness, that he doesn't know anything. I found it hard to believe that her husband hadn't heard, although there was a possibility that he didn't want to hear, which I thought was the most likely scenario. What was clear to me was that she was convinced that her husband hadn't heard anything. Benny came back, sat down with us and we chatted about the rest of the day, and I realized that he was looking at me in a strange way, different from the day before.

That day we did what we had planned, Benny behaved normally and Selena could tell she was excited. As we arrived early at the hotel, they went to rest a bit, as we would be going out in the evening. What surprised me was the silence in their room, because in normal situations Benny could even be heard talking, as he always had a high tone. A little later my cell phone rings and it's Selena asking me if I would like to have a drink in the cafeteria. I answer in the affirmative and we arrange to meet downstairs in ten minutes. I thought they would both come down, but only she comes down and with a face of few friends.

- Carlos, I'm not going to beat around the bush: Benny knows. Not because I told him, but because he heard us. 

- It's all right. If he was very upset and you want to continue the trip on your own, I understand and that's fine.   

- He didn't get upset too much or too little. He just didn't get upset.   

- Well, good for you. So, what's the problem? What's the problem? Because you look like a funeral. 

- He made me tell him everything and after I did it, he told me he wants to see me enjoy. Do you understand? 

- If I understand and for me there's no problem. 

- Well, it's hard for me to understand it. I think it's degenerate that he wants to do that and that you're willing, because it's not normal. He is a cuckold and instead of getting angry he wants to see how they cheat on you? IT CANNOT BE.

She got up and left in a huff, attracting all the attention in the cafeteria. Not that I was too worried either, she was free to take things the way she wanted to take them, but I really didn't expect that reaction. As I finished my coffee, I couldn't help but smile: I had just had one of the best sex sessions of my life, and not only had she and I enjoyed it, but so had her husband. It seems I was becoming an expert on the subject.
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