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Author Topic: Pin Up Chapter 30: Kendall Jenner  (Read 2664 times)


Pin Up Chapter 30: Kendall Jenner
« on: February 29, 2024, 04:20:17 PM »
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It did not/will not happen and should not be mistaken as such. Everyone featured in this story is 18+.

Notes: I can't believe I have written 30 chapters of Pin Up. Thank you all for your support and feedback. I hope you are continuing to enjoy Chase's adventures. This chapter is the second of 2 chapters where Chase hits rock bottom. Both this chapter and the previous one are darker than the preceding ones

Pin Up

Chapter 30: Kendall Jenner

I repeated my question. "So which Kardashian or Jenner are you?"

"It's Kendall. Look, I know I'm not exactly your type, but..."

I took a swig from the Jack Daniel's bottle next to me. "Not really sure I have a type anymore. Plus...2 million is 2 million."

"Right. So...you wanna meet at my place?" Kendall asked

"No. No. Mine. My studio."

"I think I know where it is."

I took another drink. "Just look for the sign that says 'CW Photography'."

"Okay. Oh by the way, I've heard some rumors about you..."

I groaned. "They're probably all true. Did you wire the money?"

Kendall chuckled. "Straight to the point. I like that. Sending the money now."

I opened my laptop and checked my bank account. Before my eyes, the balance went from a few hundred dollars to 2 million and change. "It's there" I said.

"Good. 6 tomorrow night okay with you?" Kendall asked.

I replied "Yeah, that's fine. See you then, I guess."

"See you then." Kendall hung up and I sat in silence thinking about what had just happened. Given Taylor's well-documented history of enmity with one of Kendall's older sisters, I had declined several offers to do a shoot with ANY of the bunch. Was it really, out of, as Ed had put it, "blind loyalty" to Taylor?


My phone lit up with Jack's number. "Please tell me you've got good news." I said, fingers crossed.

"Haha, no. CSU found a revolver with your prints on it...among other sets. Chase...a bullet matched the one pulled out of Devin's body."

I started to panic. "Oh fuck...I'm..."

"Chase, calm down. There were other prints, along with yours, on the gun. All that means is that you handled the gun at some point. I'm trying to tell Captain Bridges that McLaughlin is obsessed with it being you because you had a fling with his wife."

"Did he buy it? Your captain."

"All I can say is he's had his eye on McLaughlin for a while. Look, I'm doing what I can. Just stay calm and don't do anything stupid. I'll call you as soon as I can."

Jack hung up and I sat in silence, my mind racing. "I'm dead. If this guy finds me out here, he'll probably take me back to Tennessee and kill me along the way." I popped open a bottle of pills and swallowed a few.

"Calm down. It's L.A., there's 12 million people here. He's looking for a needle in a haystack." I said aloud.

I opened my laptop again and googled Devin Hodges murder and as I read the first news article, my heart sank further. Lainey had been repeatedly questioned by McLaughlin and had told him she'd left Devin and walked to meet a friend.

I swallowed a few more pills and took a swig from the Jack Daniel's bottle. "Fuck...well...at least I've got two million in the bank now."

-------6 p.m. the following evening-------

I stood outside my studio and waited for Kendall to arrive. I had felt depressed all day thinking about the fact that any day now, I might be arrested for murder. On top of that, I kept hearing rumors about Taylor and her new douchebag boyfriend, the same ones that once flew about us. I had downed nearly the whole bottle of Jack Daniel's and one pill bottle yet it still didn't kill the pain.

I looked at my watch and muttered "Oh, come on!" Kendall was now five minutes late so I went inside and opened a new bottle of Jack and another one of pills. I downed a handful and groaned.

"Hello? Chase?"

I quickly put the bottle back in the desk drawer and went out to find Kendall standing there wearing a jean jacket over a white t-shirt and tight cutoff jean shorts. I shifted as I felt the stirring in my boxers begin.

"Kendall. I see you found the place okay."

"Well, like you said, I just looked for the sign that said CW Photography. By the way, I figure the C is for Chase so what's the W for?"

"William. It's my middle name. Shall we begin?"

"Sure." She smiled sweetly and leaned against the wall. "Whenever you're ready."

I couldn't take my eyes off her as we talked through the shoot. I thought "Kendall is so sweet. Why have I been avoiding this family? Is it possible that Taylor was only right about Kim? What if the others are more like Kendall? I'll tell Ed the Kardashian ban is lifted...except for Kim."

"You okay, Chase? You look like you're thinking really hard about something." Kendall asked. Now dressed in a short jean skirt and black tank top, she moved closer to me.

I set the camera down and said "Actually, yeah. Ever since I started in photography, I've refused to do shoots with any of your sisters because of..."


"Yeah..." I admitted.

"I know what Kim did. Hell, the whole world knows. But I'm not her. Did Taylor ever mention that she and I were friends once?"

My eyes widened. "No. She never did."

Kendall sighed. "I was part of the squad back in the 1989 days. Hell, I must've been the only squad member who wasn't in the Bad Blood video. Then Kim and Kanye did what they did. I tried to reach out to Taylor but she'd cut me off. Because of my fucking sister..." Her eyes welled up and a couple tears rolled down her cheek.

I leaned in and kissed her. She pulled back. "Chase..."

"I'm sorry. It just happened..."

"It's okay. I wanted it to..." Kendall kissed me and pulled me down on top of her. "More..." she moaned softly as she pulled my shirt over my head.

With one hand, I unbuckled my belt and pulled my now hard cock out and slid into her.

"SHITTTT!!!" Kendall gasped as I slowly started moving in and out of her. "Chase..."

I cut her off with a kiss and started moving faster.

"FUCK!!!!" Kendall screamed as I drove into her with all I had.

"Goddamn..." I moaned as I picked Kendall up and leaned her against the wall and kept thrusting into her.

"Oh God fuck yes Chase!!!" Kendall screamed as her pussy tightened and released her juices all over my cock. She dug her nails into my back and kissed my lips as she started bucking her hips.

I put Kendall down and she got on her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder at me. "Come on!!! Fuck me!!!"

I got behind her and slid in deep on the first thrust. "SHITTTTTT!!!!" I groaned as I grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her with all I had.

I felt the throbbing feeling begin. "Shit, Kendall, I'm gonna..."

Kendall quickly turned around, grabbed my cock and started jerking me. "Give it to me, Chase!!!"

"FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!" I roared as cum shot out of me into Kendall's open mouth.

Kendall swallowed and smiled.  "Been a while?"

"Actually, not really but I don't kiss and tell." I said with a grin. I kissed her and pulled my jeans up. "Want a drink?"

Kendall smiled. "Got any Jack Daniel's?"

"Hell yeah. I'll be right back." I kissed her again and walked back to my office. I grabbed a bottle of Jack and two glasses. As I filled them, I thought Well... Taylor was wrong about Kendall at least. She's nothing like her sisters. I think I'm gonna ask her to dinner.

I swallowed a couple pills and started back to the front part of the studio with the drinks and as I got closer, I saw Kendall on her phone and heard what she was saying.

"Kim? Guess what? I DID IT, BITCH!!! You all owe me! That's right! I just did a shoot with Swift's camera boy! I'm in his studio right now!" She paused, listening. "Yeah. I mean it cost me two million but all I had to do was tell some bullshit sob story about how she stopped talking to me and he fucking BOUGHT IT!!!"

My blood started boiling.

Kendall laughed. "Wait, it gets better. Not only did he fall for it, I think the idiot fell in love with me! Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell you more when I get home. Have my money ready!"

"So it was all a fucking game?!?!" I yelled.

Kendall turned around. "Duh. Come on, Chase. My family hates her. We all know the rumors about you and ever since we heard you two broke up, it's been a bet to see who'd get you to crack first!"

Something in me snapped. I threw both glasses of whiskey toward her. "GET OUUUUTTTT!!!!" I roared.

"Fucking psycho!" Kendall screamed as she ran out.

I went to my office and swallowed a handful of pills and a long swig the bottle of Jack. I had truly sold my soul. I had crossed the one line I swore I never would. I hated myself. I hated Kendall, Taylor, Christina...every decision that had brought me to this point.

In a rage, I picked up a baseball bat and started swinging. I smashed pictures on the wall, awards I had won, my signed photo of me and Annie Leibowitz, damn near everything.

As the rage subsided, my office lay in pieces. I swallowed the rest of the pills and the bottle of Jack. They collided in my system and I thought I gotta get out of here. I grabbed the keys and ran outside to the 'Cuda.

As I drove down the street, the only thought I had was Taylor. I had to get to her, beg her forgiveness, to take me back.

Blue lights appeared in my rearview mirror and sirens sounded. I pulled over.

The officer came up to my window and began asking for my license but stopped. "What's that?" He asked, pointing to the passenger seat.

I looked and saw the nearly empty bottle of Jack. "Fuck..."

"Step out of the car, sir."

I opened the door and immediately threw up on the cop's shoes.

-------the next morning-------

I came to in the jail's drunk holding cell. I slowly sat up and held my head in my hands. I could hear voices talking. About me.

"Isn't he that photographer that was banging Taylor Swift for a while? Cheated with the big tit redhead from Mad Men?"

"Yeah. He was trashed. Puked on my shoes the minute he got out of the car. When we got him in here, he saw Ford looking at him and said, and I quote, 'What the fuck are you looking at, sugar tits?'"

"Fucking idiot." They laughed.

I groaned and laid back down. "Way to go, Chase." I thought. "You fucked up big time. A DUI. On top of that, McLaughlin will probably come find you pretty fucking easy now."

"Hey! Camera boy! Let's go!" The cop who had pulled me over was at the cell door.

I sat up. "Go where?"

"I said let's go, camera boy."

I tensed up. "My name is Chase."

"Whatever. You made bail."

"What? I didn't call anyone."

"Don't fucking question it. Besides, the blonde picking you up... not bad-looking."

I followed him out of the cell and down the hall to the reception area. As we got closer, I could see a slender blonde waiting. My eyes widened as I got closer and recognized her.

"Hi, Chase. Been a while."


To be continued...
« Last Edit: February 29, 2024, 10:31:23 PM by Jesse90 »
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Re: Pin Up Chapter 30: Kendall Jenner
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2024, 04:58:31 AM »
Nicely done. Can imagine the drinking with Kendall.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
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