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Author Topic: The Getaway: Kat Dennings and Friends  (Read 5408 times)


The Getaway: Kat Dennings and Friends
« on: March 15, 2024, 07:12:08 AM »
This story was posted one month ago to my Patreon page. Subscribe now for one month early access!  www.patreon.com/DarkSwordsman

Starring: Kat Dennings, Hayley Atwell, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Elizabeth Olsen and Teyonah Parris

October, 2023

OK, so we’re going back a few months with this one.  My trip to London and subsequent visits from famous guests have been occupying my time of late, so much so that I wasn’t sure I’d find time to tell this story.  But after seeing on social media that a certain Kat Dennings had just gotten married to Andrew WK (yes, that is the “Party Hard” guy; and no, I don’t understand it either), I felt compelled to get it out there. 

The whole thing started a couple months prior when I got a call from Hayley Atwell.  This in itself was a curiosity, ‘cause Hayley isn’t generally too big on calling.  She’s big on texting me when she gets to LA and telling me she’s coming to visit, but calling in advance isn’t usually how she operates.  So imagine my surprise when I answered the phone and that sexy British accent was there to greet me.

“Ah, Miss Atwell,” I said, grinning.  “Long time no speak.”  This was only a couple months after I got back from London, but when you’re 5,000 miles away from Hayley Atwell, it feels like so much longer.  “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well, Tyler,” Hayley began, “I’ve got a favour to ask of you, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind,” I quickly replied.  I’ve done a few favours for her in the past and, well…let’s just say they didn’t put me out.  “What do you need me to do?”

“OK, so a girlfriend’s hen do is coming up and…”

“A what now?!” I interrupted, wondering what on earth a ‘hen do’ was and how it might involve me.

“Oh, sorry, love,” said Hayley, laughing.  “Bachelorette party.”

“Ohhhh,” I said.  “OK.  So you wanna hold it here then I take it?”

“Erm…no, actually.  It’ll be at her place.”

“Right,” I said, a little confused.  “So how does it involve me?”

There was a momentary silence as Hayley stayed quiet, waiting for me to catch up.  At first I wasn’t sure where this was all going, but it didn’t take long for the penny to drop.

“Oh, fuck no!” I vehemently exclaimed, as the full realisation suddenly dawned on me.

“What?!” laughed Hayley defensively.  “I haven’t asked you anything yet!”

“You don’t have to!” I blurted back.  “I know exactly where this is going and I am not being a fucking stripper!”

I rarely objected to a guest’s request but dancing around in a lycra thong was a level I would not sink to.

Hayley’s laughter practically burst through the phone line.  “Oh, blimey!  You catch on quick, don’t ya?  Glad to see we’re on the same page.”

“Erm…we are not on the same page,” I argued defiantly, “‘cause like I said, I am NOT being a goddamn stripper.”

“Did I mention there’d be six of us?”

“I don’t care!  I’m not…”  I paused, taking a moment to process those last few words.  “Six, you say?”

Hayley laughed again.  “Yep.”

She reeled off the women who’d be in attendance and, well, to cut a long story short…I relented pretty fucking quickly. 

I spent the next few weeks preparing for my role.  The setup for the roleplay (for want of a better word) was pretty standard fare.  I’d show up at Kat’s house while the party was in full swing, pretending to be a cop, responding to a noise complaint from one of her neighbours.  Classic, right?  Then I’d whip my clothes off and shake my stuff for Kat and her friends, resulting (I hoped) in a big reverse gangbang of Alison Brie-proportions (see that story for details). 

So my prep for this little roleplay was in fact a two-step process.  1) I’d have to learn how to impersonate a police officer, and more importantly 2) I’d have to learn how to dance like a stripper.  The first bit was easy.  I’ve seen so many crime movies in my time that, even with my limited acting skills, I’ve pretty much got that down. 

The next bit was trickier and required some extensive research.  I found some YouTube tutorials that strippers had posted and studied them thoroughly, copying their moves as best I could.  Don’t wanna brag but I picked it up quite quickly, and got some regulars around to act as guinea pigs while I showcased my newly learned moves.  They seemed to enjoy them, and of course I had my own special way of thanking them for helping me out.  Then I took care of my costume.  That bit was easy too; I ordered one online.  I picked a realistic-looking one with all the bells and whistles (nightstick, handcuffs, gun etc.), ‘cause If I was going to be convincing in the role then I needed to look the part. 

Fast forward a few weeks and the big day had finally arrived.  Hayley texted me bright and early, giving me Kat’s address and telling me what time I should be there.  I got up and ate then had a light workout and practiced my moves some more, making sure I had them on lock.  As evening approached, I hopped in the shower, styled my hair and slipped into my costume pants, leaving the shirt off for now so I didn’t get pulled over on my way to LA.  Apparently, impersonating a police officer is highly illegal. 

It took me an hour or so to get into LA and I found Kat’s street with the help of GPS.  Finding her actual house was easy enough.  All I had to do was follow the music, which could be heard halfway down the street.  I texted Hayley to tell her I’d arrived and she quickly got back to me, telling me she was ready.  I put on my shirt and had a quick look in my rearview mirror, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I left my car down the road aways so nobody would see the supposed policeman climbing out of a Toyota Camry.  I made the short walk to Kat’s large home, manoeuvring between the various sports cars that were parked in her driveway as I approached the front door.  I rang the doorbell and took a step back, listening to my heartbeat as it drummed a fast rhythm in my chest.

“I’ll get that,” called a voice from within, rising above the deafening music. 

The door swung open and there stood Hayley, giggling silently as she looked me up and down.  She was wearing a pair of loose-fitting pants and a double-breasted blazer with seemingly nothing underneath it. 

She looked incredible, as she usually does, but I didn’t let that distract me from the task at hand.

Hayley looked back over her shoulder, ensuring her friends weren’t listening in then beckoned me in with a wave.  She flashed me a grin as she turned on her heels, leading me through to the lounge.  Hayley made a beeline for the corner of the room and her friends all turned in unison as she lowered the volume on the smart speaker.  Now, obviously a cop turning up at a bachelorette party is a tale as old as time, and I watched her friends’ faces suddenly perk up as they saw standing there, dressed head to toe in policeman’s garb. 

My pulse rate quickened as I scanned the room, looking back and forth from one gorgeous face to another.  I knew who was going to be here, of course, as Hayley had already told me, but seeing them all in the flesh was a different matter entirely.  My eyes went first to the bride-to-be, who looked nothing short of stunning in her short black dress, those famously huge tits all but spilling from her neckline. 

Next to her on the couch was Natalie Portman, dressed similarly to Hayley in a pink pair of pants and a matching jacket with nothing underneath.

Opposite her on a second couch was Elizabeth Olsen in a low buttoned blouse and skirt, and next to her was Teyonah Parris, her thick body squeezed into a tight grey dress with a split at the top of her thigh. 

And if that wasn’t enough, completing the group was Scarlett Johansson.  Sat in an armchair to the left of the sofas, Scarlett was wearing a long-sleeved button-up dress with tassels on the cuffs.

“Ladies, this is Officer Hunky,” Hayley announced, then turned to look at me, delivering her lines with textbook deadpan.  “Sorry, Officer, am I pronouncing that correctly?”

Hayley put me on the spot with that one, so I improvised something as quick as I could.  “Actually, it’s pronounced Hunké, ma’am.”

“My apologies,” said Hayley, turning back to her friends.  “Anyway, Officer Hunké here is responding to a noise complaint, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, ma’am, that’s correct,” I said.  “I’m sorry to interrupt the festivities but I’m afraid there have been numerous complaints about the volume of the music.  Does anyone live at this address, please?”

Kat raised her hand, grinning at me from across the room.  “Right here, Hunky!”

Her girlfriends laughed as I crossed the room, standing in front of Kat.  “That’s Officer Hunky to you, ma’am.  So you’re the one that’s getting married?”


“Well, congratulations,” I said, “but I’m afraid that doesn’t give you the right to disrupt your neighbours, ma’am.  Would you like it if they were blasting their music that loudly at this time of night?”

“I guess not,” said Kat, her grin growing wider.

“I don’t think it’s funny, ma’am,” I snapped, doing my best to appear austere.

“Right, yes.  Sorry, Officer,” Kat said, trying to hide her smirk.  “Not funny at all.”

“Damn right, it’s not.  You think ‘cause you’re some big celebrity that means you can do what you like?  That you don’t have to show consideration for others?  The world doesn’t revolve around you, you know?”  Not gonna lie, I was getting quite into it now.

“Oh, I don’t know, Officer.  Looks at these two planets she’s got orbiting her chest,” Natalie quipped, slapping her hands down onto Kat’s big tits and drawing hoots of laughter. 

“I’m not sure you ladies understand the gravity of the situation,” I said, no pun intended.  “You’re aware that disturbing the peace is a criminal misdemeanour, right?  And punishable by up to ninety days in jail?”  Thank you for that one, Google.

There was a stir amongst her friends at the mention of ‘punishment’, many of whom were still not taking the situation as seriously as I’d hoped. 

“Ooh, yeah!  Punish her, Officer!” called Scarlett Johansson.  “She’s been bad!” 

I spun around to face her and addressed her sternly.  “I’ll handle your friend, ma’am, if it’s all the same to you.”

Scarlett grinned and sipped her drink.  “I’m sure you will.”

I turned back to Kat.  “So, are you gonna keep the noise down, ma’am?  ‘Cause I can haul you in right now if that’s gonna be a problem.”

“Oh, she’ll cooperate, alright,” came a voice from behind me.  Sounded like Teyonah Parris.  “She’ll do whatever you tell her.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” I said, still looking at Kat.  “It’s always good when the perp comes willingly.  Makes my job a hell of a lot easier.”

“Oh, she’ll cum, Officer,” said Lizzie behind me.  “Don’t worry about that.”

Cue the laughter.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this whole experience, it’s that girls at bachelorette parties find everything hilarious. 

“I think she needs to cum,” Scarlett chimed in.  She cupped her hand to her mouth like she was telling a secret, but still spoke loud enough so everyone could hear.  “I’m not sure her fiance is hitting the spot.”

“Well,” I said with a grin, finally breaking character, “maybe I can help with that.”

Gripping on tightly to the plackets of my shirt, I flexed my biceps and pulled, ripping it clean in two.  Buttons scattered in every direction and a high-pitched scream resonated loudly from all four corners of the room.  Kat’s mouth fell open, her jaw almost hitting the floor as my shirt tore open, freeing my sculpted torso. 

Hayley turned the music up and I took that as my cue.  I started grinding in time with the music, recreating those moves that I’d seen in the videos. 

“Ohhh, Jesus!” said Kat, fanning herself with her hand.  “I need more alcohol.  Quickly,” she said anxiously, clicking her fingers at no-one in particular. 

“I’ve got you, girl,” said Natalie, grabbing the nearest drink and handing it to her friend.

Kat snatched it off her and downed it as quick as she could.  No idea what it was.  I don’t think Kat knew either.  I took the glass off her and set it down on the nearest surface.  Placing a hand underneath her chin, I angled her head up so her eyes met mine, staring deeply into them as I rolled my hips, pushing my bulge into her face.

“Ooh, yeah!” Scarlett hollered.  “That’s right, Officer.  You show her who’s boss!”

Retrieving my hand from under Kat’s chin, I brought them up to the sides of my shirt and pulled it down slowly, drawing whoops from every direction as it slid it down my arms.  Pulling it past my wrists, I clutched the sleeves in each hand as I wrapped the body around the back of Kat’s neck.  With a sudden, sharp tug I brought her towards me, pulling her face straight into my crotch. 

“Oh my God!” gasped Natalie beside her, putting a hand to her chest as she looked at Hayley.  “Fuck, Hayley, where did you find this guy?!”

“I have my sources,” Hayley replied, Taking a seat on the couch.

I held Kat in place as I ground my hips, her face mere inches from the bulge in my pants.  Letting go of my shirt sleeves, I draped them down over the bride-to-be’s shoulders as I brought my hands to my belt, unbuckling it with a teasing slowness.  Dropping it to the floor, a loud cheer went up as I hooked my thumbs through the belt loops on my pants, framing my cock with my index fingers.  Eyes glossing over, Kat looked mesmerised as I ground my crotch into her face, the lump in my pants growing visibly larger. 

I saw Natalie move in my peripheral vision and I turned to face her as she picked my belt up off the floor, removing my cuffs from the button-up pouch. 

“What do you think, Officer?” she said with a smirk, danging my cuffs from her finger.  “She behaving herself?  Or do we need to restrain her?”

“Hmm, seems OK so far.  But maybe we oughta cuff her, just in case.”

“Good idea,” said Natalie then turned to look at Kat, combing her fingers through that long, dark hair.  “Show me your hands.”

Still gawping listlessly at the lump in my pants, Kat reached back without complaint, placing her hands at the small of her back. 

“Good girl,” said Natalie, fastening the cuffs around each of her wrists.

“Guess I better deputise you, huh?” I said as I looked at Natalie.

“Fuck, you can do anything you want to me,” Natalie declared, prompting laughter from around the room.

I unclasped my pants, taking the pull of my zipper in between my fingers.  I played with it teasingly for a couple of seconds and was about to whip it down when I was suddenly stopped by a voice to my right. 

“Wait!” said Hayley, leaning forward in her seat so she could get a better look.  “I think she should do it.”

“Ohhh, yes!” Natalie grinned.  “See, this is why we love you, Hayley.  You’re full of good ideas.”

At this point, Lizzie and Teyonah got up from their seats and moved behind Natalie and Kat, leaning over the back of the sofa.

“Come on then, Bride-To-Be,” said Lizzie, placing her hands on Kat’s shoulders.  “Time to unwrap your present.”

“But my hands are cuffed,” Kat protested.

“Then you’ll have to get creative, won’t you?” said Teyonah, her plump lips curled in a devilish grin. 

Kat turned to face her, looking at her quizzically with her eyebrows raised.  “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I’m deadly serious,” Teyonah declared.  “You gotta get that thing out, girl.  We can’t have any concealed weapons now, can we, Officer?”

Her friends laughed.

I shook my head.  “Uh uh.”

Kat looked at Teyonah, attempting to stifle the grin on her face.  “God, you guys are awful.”

Teyonah took Kat’s face in her hands and turned her back towards me.  “Quit stalling and get those pants down.”

Kat relented, parting her lips slightly as she took the pull of my zipper in between her teeth.  Tilting her head down, her girlfriends cheered as she lowered my fly, pulling it open in one swift move. 

“Oh, wow!” said Scarlett, peering across from my right.  “You’ve done that before, huh?”

“Maybe,” Kat admitted, grinning as she turned to face her. 

“Fucking slut!” Scarlett quipped, making everyone laugh. 

“Right, come on.  You’re not done yet,” said Teyonah.  “You’ve gotta get his pants down now.”

“How am I supposed to do that?!” Kat squealed, chuckling at the absurdity. 

Teyonah laughed.  “Well, it sounds like you have experience in this area, so I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Kat rolled her eyes then opened her mouth again, wider this time as she clenched her teeth around a stretch of pant leg, just below the waistband. 

“Careful!” said Lizzie.  “Don’t graze him or Hayley won’t get her deposit back.”

Her friends fell about in fits of hysterics.  Even Kat was starting to laugh as she awkwardly lowered my pants, tugging them down an inch at a time.  It took her some time, but she got my pants down past my ass.  A sharp *SMACK* sound quickly followed as Scarlett pulled her hand back, slapping it squarely across my bare behind.  I turned to face her as she sipped her drink, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

“Keep those hands where I can see them, ma’am, or I’ll have to cuff you too.”

“Ohhh God, is that a promise?” Scarlett purred, promptly setting off her giggling friends. 

Kat had my pants around the tops of my thighs when her friends put her out of her misery.  Gripping two fistfuls of dark blue fabric, Hayley and Natalie lent their assistance, tugging my pants down in one fell swoop.  I stepped out of my pants and kicked them aside, now wearing nothing but a tight pair of boxers.

“I don’t have to take those off too, do I?!” asked the bride-to-be, trying not to stare at my bulging crotch.

“No,” laughed Natalie, “I think he can handle that himself.  Can’t you, Officer?”

I looked at her and grinned as I ground my hips again, sliding my thumbs underneath the waistband.

“Ooh, yes!” purred Scarlett beside me.  “Come on, baby.  Let’s see that nightstick!”

Fresh hoots of laughter started filling the room as I worked my body in time with the music, lowering my waistband another half inch.  I looked around the room as the women stared back at me, each of them waiting with baited breath.  I took a few seconds to take it all in then whipped down my boxers, freeing my cock with a theatrical flourish.  The women gawked as it flopped up and down, particularly Kat, whose face was so close she could have licked the tip. 

“Wow!” said Teyonah, finally breaking the silence as she leant over Kat’s left shoulder.  “Fuck, you lucky bitch!”

Kat turned her head.  “Lucky?  What do you mean?”

Teyonah laughed.  “What do you think I mean?  You get that big-ass dick all to yourself!”

“I…do?” Kat stammered, suddenly looking nervous.

“Mmhmm,” said Lizzie.  Leaning over Kat’s right shoulder, she and Teyonah were like the angel and devil that you see in the movies.  Except this time, both were devils.  “Unless you’re gonna share of course.”

“Yeah,” said Natalie.  “You have to fuck the stripper on your bachelorette party.  It’s practically the law.  Isn’t that right, Officer?” she asked with a grin, her girlfriends laughing as I nodded my head.

“Yeah, come on, Kat,” Scarlett chimed in.  “*I* fucked the stripper when *I* got married.”

“Which time?” asked Hayley, the laughter swelling. 

“Every time,” Scarlett admitted, drawing what was undoubtedly the biggest laugh of the evening.

Kat still looked unsure. 

“Come on, girl,” said Teyonah.  “You’re not gonna leave it hanging there, are you?  That dick is too good to go to waste.”

“Yeah, quit stalling, Kat,” Scarlett urged.  “If you don’t suck it, I will!”

“It’s all yours,” said Kat as she gestured towards my cock, offering it to Scarlett.

“No!” growled Teyonah.  “You’re getting married so you’re getting fucked.  Now stop playing innocent and suck that dick!”

“Alright, fine!” Kat snapped.  “Jeez!  If it’ll get you bitches to shut up!”

Kat’s mouth came open and she lunged at my cock, taking a hardy portion in between her lips.  A loud cheer went up from her surrounding friends, and they all sat and watched with satisfied smiles as the bride-to-be got down to business.  Hands still cuffed together, she bobbed her head as best she could, working those big lips up and down my shaft.  Locks of dark hair spilled over her shoulders and I could see her shaking her head to the side to try and get them out of her way. 

I took the liberty of doing it for her, brushing them back with my fingers as I moved my hands to the side of her head, gently guiding her along the length of my shaft.  Despite her reluctance, Kat sucked dick with ardent enthusiasm, gazing into my eyes as she worked me over.  Thick lips puckered, her cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked me off, forming an airtight vacuum seal that coaxed drops of precum from the tip of my penis.  She had me throbbing in a matter of seconds and I couldn’t help but moan as she sunk down deeper, lips edging closer to the base of my shaft.

“Oh, wow!  He likes that,” Natalie declared, wearing a big grin as she watched Kat blow me.  “Looks like we’ve got a real expert here, girls.”

The women laughed as my hands moved forward, sliding them round to the back of her head.  Applying pressure, I pulled her into me as my hips pushed forward, plunging right down to the hilt.  Her girlfriends reacted as I held her in place, my tip now pressed against the back of her throat. 

“Oh my God!” Lizzie gasped, putting her hand to her lips.

“That’s police brutality,” Scarlett quipped, leaning forward as she took it all in. 

There was a smatter of laughter but most of her friends were too busy watching, staring intently as I gathered Kat’s hair into a makeshift ponytail, holding her still as I started thrusting.  I started slowly, pulling right back to the tip of my penis before I pushed it back in again, going in deeper with every pass.  Finally breaking her airtight seal, Kat’s full lips stayed nice and loose, ensuring each plunge was wet and sloppy.  She even poked her tongue out against the base of my shaft, attempting to lick my balls as they swung back and forth, slapping wetly against her chin. 

“Damn, girl!” said Teyonah, clearly impressed.  “Save some for the rest of us!”

The laughter increased as I moved both hands to the back of Kat’s head, leaning forward slightly as I pushed in deeper, sinking straight down to the base. 

“Jesus!” said Lizzie, her lips agape, stunned by what she was seeing. 

I gave a few thrusts into the back of Kat’s throat then pulled back slowly, plucking my crown from between her lips.  My dick was sodden by the time I retrieved it and I curled my fingers around the base of my shaft, stroking it slowly as Kat caught her breath. 

“Fuck, dude!” said Teyonah, looking first at me and then at Hayley.  “This is some stripper you’ve hired.”

“Who says I hired him?” Hayley shot back, a sly grin pulling at the sides of her mouth.

“I knew it!” yelped Scarlett, pointing at Hayley from across the room.  “I knew you were fucking this guy!”

Hayley said nothing, but the grin never left her face as I stroked my cock, angling it upwards as I gripped Kat’s head with my other hand and pulled her into my nutsack.  Wrapping her lips around one of my balls, I rested my cock against Kat’s pretty face, the crown poking out over the top of her head as she doused my nut in spittle. 

“Oooh, look at that!” Natalie cooed, eyeing my swollen helmet.  “You don’t mind if I…?” she half-asked, curling her fingers around my cockhead before I could give her an answer. 

Gently caressing my bulging crown, Natalie flicked her tongue against the tip of my penis as Kat took care of the balls, switching from one to the other.  Lizzie removed Kat’s handcuffs and she placed a hand at the top of my thigh, squeezing it gently as she sucked my swollen balls.  From this point on, things started moving quickly.  Natalie and Kat stayed perched on the sofa, while the other girls moved in closer, surrounding me from every angle as they amassed on the floor at my feet. 

Teyonah moved in next to Kat, with Lizzie right beside her.  Scarlett flanked me from the right, grabbing an asscheek with one of her hands while she stroked my thigh with the other.  Hayley appeared next to Lizzie, sporting that familiar grin she always wore when she hooked me up with other women.  Which, as anyone who followed my London series will know, is something she does a lot. 

Spreading her lips around the width of my crown, Natalie sunk down as far she could, eagerly sucking at the first few inches.  Precum seeped from the tip of my prick, trickling across her tongue as it swished back and forth, lapping at my winking slit.  Lips pursed tightly, she dragged them up past the ridge of my crown, releasing my helmet with an audible pop.

“My turn,” said Teyonah, pouncing on my cock before anyone else could.

Like Natalie before her, she slid her lips down as deep as she could, wrapping them loosely around the width of my shaft as a loud, heavy sucking sound began to fill the room.  I’d always heard that black girls give good head and if Teyonah here is anything to go by then I’m starting to believe it.  Slurping and sucking with ravenous greed, spit started dripping down the length of my shaft, coating my member from bottom to top.

Tightening my grip on the back of Kat’s head, she slid down off the couch as I pulled her in closer, making more room for her friends.  Natalie came with her and now all six of them were gathered at my feet, my mind gently whirring with all the possibilities.  Natalie squeezed in next to Kat and wrapped her lips around one of my balls, sucking it heartily while her friend took care of the other. 

Clasping her fingers around the width of my shaft, Teyonah popped the crown from between her lips, holding it near the base as she passed it onto Lizzie.  Lizzie had to stretch to get to my cock so she could only get the head inside, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy it.  In fact, it felt fucking amazing, especially when her tongue encircled the tip, making my cockhead spasm.  She did that several times, swirling her tongue around the ridge of my crown, until Teyonah pulled it back from between her lips, pointing my cock at Hayley.

Hayley had to stretch even further.  So far, in fact, that she couldn’t even get her lips around it.  But that didn’t stop her from licking the tip, tasting the precum as it oozed from my urethra.  Scarlett was next and she had the same problem, having to make do with a few light licks when she clearly wanted so much more.  I turned back to Hayley as she and Lizzie started making out, making my dick throb harder as Scarlett licked the tip.

“Back in a mo’,” said Hayley, licking her full set of lips as she pride them away from Lizzie’s.

Hayley leapt up from her spot on the floor, getting a little slap on the ass from Lizzie as she took off across the room.  Where she was going I wasn’t sure, and I was about to turn and take a look when Teyonah distracted me, stuffing my cock back into her mouth.  Uncurling her fingers from the base of my shaft, I placed my free hand at the back of her head, pushing her down as deep as I could.  She didn’t quite reach the base as Natalie and Kat were blocking her, but my tip still pressed against the back of her throat, precum dripping straight down her esophagus as she held me in between her lips. 

Leaning forward just a little as I gripped her head, I gave a few thrusts into her sloppy, wet mouth, sinking my cock into the depths of her throat.  Plucking it free, I stroked my cock from base to tip, smearing spittle along the length of my shaft as I pointed it back at Lizzie.  Moving my hand to the back of her head, she went a little deeper under my direction, getting her lips to around mid-shaft.  Pointing it back at Scarlett, I let her lick the tip a few times, getting a little distracted again as Hayley re-entered the room. 

“Ladies,” she said as she sidled up beside me.  Everyone stopped what they were doing, even Natalie and Kat who promptly emerged from between my legs, balls spilling from their soft pink lips.  I turned to look at Hayley as she stood there grinning, a tube of whipped cream now clutched in her manicured hand.  “Who’s for dessert?”

A cheer went up from her group of friends, so loud and shrill that it almost deafened me.  Hayley pulled the cap off the tube of cream and tossed it over her shoulder.  Moving in behind me, she held the tube in both of her hands as she wrapped her arms around me, pointing the nozzle straight down at my cock.  Hayley pressed down on the nozzle and an instinctive shudder passed through my body as a cool squirt of cream sprayed onto my shaft.  The girls cheered again as Hayley stretched her arms out, squirting a line of cream along the length of my cock.  They took a few seconds to admire her handiwork and then the carnage ensued. 

All five went for it at the exact same time, latching onto various parts.  Kat wrapped her lips around the crown while Scarlett and Lizzie locked onto the base.  Natalie and Teyonah poked out their tongues and lapped up some cream from the middle of my shaft.  Tongues brushing together as they licked my cock, they quickly upgraded to a full on kiss, their mouths coated with sticky white cream. 

I had little choice but to stand there and watch, eyes bulging as I took it all in.  Hayley kissed along my shoulders and neck, licking and biting my earlobe.

“You’re welcome, love,” she said with a grin, whispering into my ear.

Hayley left a kiss upon the back of my neck, continuing down my spine as she dropped to her knees.  The tube emitted its familiar sound and the next thing I knew a line of cream had been sprayed into my buttcrack.  Scarlett peeled her lips from the base of my shaft and turned to look at Hayley.

“Did you just spray that in his ass?” she asked, grinning with amusement.

“Mmhmm,” said Hayley casually, as if such practices were totally normal. 

“You filthy bitch!” Scarlett laughed, then moved around to join her. 

I felt my ass cheeks spreading apart, before someone (Hayley, I think) shoved her face in between them.  Her tongue came out and she licked along my hairless taint, scooping up cream ‘til she found my asshole.  She licked across it several times then pushed her tongue inside, packing my rectum with so much cream that I’d be shitting white for about a week. 

Natalie, in the meantime, had moved to her left, filling the spot that Scarlett vacated.  Knelt beside Kat and across from Teyonah and Lizzie, I now had four plump sets of lips wrapped around the sides of my shaft.  Placing one hand on Kat’s head and the other on Teyonah’s, I held them in place as I started thrusting, sawing my cock through the tunnel of lips.  Cream was going everywhere, over their lips and cheeks, and all over my shaft as well.  Poking out their tongues, all four of them lapped at my veiny underside, licking up melted cream as it dripped down the sides of my shaft. 

Hayley, meanwhile, kept her tongue outstretched, rewarding each thrust with a jab up my asshole.  She did that several times then pulled her head back, allowing Scarlett to take her place.  Scarlett did so with considerable aplomb.  Rolling her tongue out from between her lips, she bobbed her head as I kept on thrusting, ensuring each plunge went as deep as possible. 

The four in front of me were still sharing my cock, only now Kat and Teyonah were focusing on the head, wrapping their lips around the sides of it each time I thrusted forward.  They kept that up for close to a minute, until Teyonah moved around behind the bride-to-be, leaving her to handle it solo.  Kat move a little so she was directly in front of me and before I knew it I was fucking her mouth again, sinking deep inside it as Natalie and Lizzie kept lapping at the base of my shaft. 

Uncuffing her wrists, Teyonah unbuttoned the back of Kat’s dress, sliding the sleeves down her arms as she began to remove it.  Her dress came down an inch at a time, her already huge cleavage getting gradually bigger until those lovely fat tits popped out into the open.  Wrapping her arms around the bride-to-be, Teyonah took them in the palms of her hands, groping and squeezing as she sucked my cock.

“You wanna put your dick in here?” she asked with a grin, jiggling Kat’s titties and slapping them together.

“Fuck yeah, I do,” I quickly replied.

I plucked my cock from between Kat’s lips, her mouth and my shaft both drenched in cream.  Natalie and Lizzie moved around behind Kat as I gripped my cock, ready to shove it in between her tits. 

“Wait, wait, wait!” said Natalie, stopping me.  “We need more cream.”

Hayley picked the tube up and handed it to Lizzie, who passed it on to Natalie.  She pointed the tube in between Kat’s tits and pushed down on the nozzle, filling her cleavage with spurts of cream.  Cheers and laughter started filling the room, cream splattering across Kat’s pale skin as I slapped my cock in between her tits.  Teyonah pushed them tightly together, blobs of cream squeezing out from between them as she wrapped them around my cock.  The stuff was getting everywhere now and was streaked along the length of my shaft as I started to thrust, sawing my dick through her cleavage.

Cream, it turns out, is actually a pretty good lube.  Messy, of course, but surprisingly effective.  My cock slid smoothly through Kat’s big boobs, cream smearing every which way as I pumped my hips, fucking those titties like my life depended on it.  My tip was coated as it emerged from her cleavage, but Kat and her friends soon saw to that, taking turns to lick or suck at it each time the head poked out.  And while the four in front of me were working as a team, so too were Hayley and Scarlett, alternating licks at my creamy asshole. 

To say that I was in heaven would be putting it lightly.  My cock started throbbing as it sawed through Kat’s huge tits, big balls swelling as they swung back and forth, smacking against her sternum.  I gave a few more thrusts then plucked my cock from between her titties, stuffing it into Teyonah’s mouth.  Cream smeared around Teyonah’s thick lips as I pushed in deep, plunging straight down to the base.  Her full lips puckered as she kissed my groin, sucking at my shaft with extra ferocity as she slurped up the last of the cream.  My cock was clean as a whistle by the time I retrieved it, coated in naught but Teyonah’s saliva. 

Natalie sprayed on a fresh coat of cream and took it in between her lips, swirling her tongue around my helmet.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, cream was slathered all around her mouth as I pulled her closer, pinning her face to my abs.  Her lips gaped open as they touched the base, cream oozing out and dripping from her chin as she rolled her tongue out, brushing the tip against my cream-soaked balls. 

Kat’s huge tits were still caked with cream, but Teyonah soon took care of that.  Cream seeped through the gaps in her fingers as she took them in her hands, shoving her face in between them.  Pushing them together, white mess smeared all around her face as she immersed herself deeply, licking up cream from between her tits.  Pulling her head from the gap in the middle, she squeezed and jiggled Kat’s massive tits, wrapping her lips around one of her nipples.  Lizzie latched onto the other and the pair of them sucked like famished babes, slurping up the excess cream. 

It was hot as fuck, as I’m sure you can imagine, and it made me throb harder in Natalie’s mouth, my cock gently pulsing as her lips pulled back to the tip.  She popped the crown from between her lips and picked up the tube of cream, spraying a small blob onto the tip of my penis.  Poking her tongue out, precum started oozing as she licked across my slit, tasting the mixture of salty and sweet. 

“Hmm,” said Natalie, grinning as she stroked my cock, “I think his weapon’s about to go off.”

“Oh, yeah?” asked Teyonah.  “That true, Officer?  You gonna discharge in the line of duty?”

Her friends all laughed as they turned to face me, latching onto my member in any way they could.  Kat and Teyonah got hold of the tip, lips pushed together as they took it in their mouths, lapping at the frenulum with their outstretched tongues.  Natalie and Lizzie latched onto the base, wrapping their lips around it and guiding them smoothly along the length of my shaft.  And if that wasn’t enough, Scarlett and Hayley were still behind me, licking and tonguing my ass.  I’d done pretty well to make it this far, but once all six of them started working together, I knew my days were numbered. 

“Oh, fuck!  I’m gonna cum!” I blurted out, yelling in desperation. 

Four sets of lips were plucked from my cock as I took it in my hands, one gripping it tightly while I jerked it with the other.  Three quick pumps was all it took.  Someone (either Scarlett or Hayley; I’m not sure which) pushed their tongue up my ass at the point of climax, ensuring my eruption was as explosive as possible.  Aiming my cockhead at Kat’s huge tits, a powerful blast shot forth from the tip, coating the pair of them in ropes of jism.  Pointing it higher, I jerked it a few times then fired again, leaving long streaks of semen that stretched across Teyonah’s face and into her afro hair.  Lizzie got the next one, a potent burst that covered her nose, lips and chin.  Last but not least, I pointed my cock at Natalie, peppering her face with several stray drops as I jerked out whatever was left. 

Then, once the last drop of cum had sprayed forth from the tip, the girls were in clean up mode, lapping up semen from each other’s faces.  Sticking a finger in between her lips, Teyonah sucked up a mouthful of spunk, grinning from ear to ear as she turned ‘round to face me. 

“Alright,” she said, “so we’ve made you cum.  Now it’s your turn.”

“OK,” I said, shrugging nonchalantly.  “Where do I start?”

“Where do you think, silly?” Natalie laughed.  Wrapping her arms around Kat’s thick body, she squeezed her big tits as she nuzzled in behind her, leaving several kisses along her shoulders and neck.  “You start with the bride-to-be.”

“Works for me,” I said as I grabbed Kat’s wrist, hauling her up off the floor. 

Placing a finger underneath her chin, I leaned in and kissed her as her friends all rose to their feet, hands roaming over both our bodies as they formed a circle around us.  Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she placed a hand at the back of my head, fingers coming through my hair as our lips locked together.  I pulled her dress down past her hips and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in naught but a pair of panties.  Grabbing and squeezing her big, thick ass, I slid my hands up Kat’s bare back, making her yelp as I gripped her shoulders and shoved her down onto the couch. 

There was room-wide cheer as her ass hit the leather, dark hair spilling all over as she landed in a heap on the sofa.  Quickly rearranging the expensive furniture, Scarlett and Hayley parked a leather ottoman against the edge of the couch, giving more room for Kat to stretch out.  Dropping to the floor, I wrapped my arms around Kat’s thick thighs and pulled her towards me.  Dragging her ass right up to the edge, she was now laying flat across the ottoman and couch, propping herself up with her elbows as her friends all gathered around her.  Scarlett and Hayley sat down on either side while Lizzie leaned over the back of the couch.  Natalie and Teyonah knelt down beside me, kissing and stroking my shoulders and back.   

I hooked my fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs, tossing them over my shoulder.  Natalie and Teyonah grabbed hold of her legs, keeping them apart for me as I kissed along the inside of her thigh.  Kat’s pink pussy was slick with arousal and I could feel the heat that was radiating from it as I reached the top of her thigh.  My tongue rolled out from between my lips and I was about to steer it to Kat’s stiff clit when Scarlett stopped me, brandishing the tube of cream.

“Hold up,” she said as she gave it a shake.  “Don’t forget this.”

Pointing the nozzle at Kat’s wet pussy, she sprayed out a trail of white dairy goodness that stretched along the length of her drippy pink slit.  Pressing my tongue against the skin of her taint, I gave a slow lick along Kat’s pink pussy, cleaning up some of the cream as my tongue slid up to her clit.  Kat gasped, her full lips puckered in a perfect O as my tongue dragged slowly over her point of pleasure.

Scarlett moved the tube up to Kat’s big tits, spraying twin blobs onto each of her nipples.  Natalie gestured for the tube of cream and I turned back to look as she and Teyonah doused Kat’s toes with sticky white goo.  Scarlett and Hayley put their mouths to her tits, licking up the cream from her rock hard nipples.  And while all five of us were worshipping Kat’s body, Lizzie leaned over the back of the couch, planting a big kiss on her full set of lips. 

Licking up and down her slit, I cleaned up all the cream from Kat’s wet pussy before moving up higher, finally settling on the nub of her clit.  A louder gasp flew forth from her lips and Lizzie, Scarlett and Hayley all stopped to watch as I swirled my tongue around Kat’s stiff clit, ringing it slowly in concentric circles. 

“Oh my God!” Kat whined softly, reaching down with both hands as she grabbed the back of my head.  Her forearms shifted inward, squishing her tits together and making them look even bigger. 

Scarlett got the cream back from Natalie and applied some more to Kat’s big tits.  Except this time she pretty much basted them, spraying it all over the brunette’s chest.  Taking them firmly in the palms of her hands, Scarlett leaned forward and dove in between them, cream smearing all around her face as she immersed deeply, smothering herself with those lovely fat tits.  I watched intently as I ate Kat’s pussy, seeing those big tits jiggle as they slapped against Scarlett’s face.  I couldn’t see the two behind me, but I could still hear the licking and sucking as they cleaned all the cream from Kat’s small feet.

Her hands gripped tighter to the back of my head, grabbing two fistfuls of hair as my tongue moved faster, spinning and swirling around the nub of her clit.  Moisture seeped from between her lips, merging with the melted cream that was coating my lips and chin.  With Scarlett and Hayley still enjoying her tits, I couldn’t really see how Kat was reacting.  But the sounds she was making were unmistakable.  Thick, heavy moans started filling the air, interspersed with the occasional yelp or the odd loud cuss word as I tongued her throbbing clit. 

“Oooh,” said Scarlett, popping a nipple from between her lips, “I think someone’s gonna cum.”

“Mmm, I think she is,” Hayley agreed, turning to look at me.  “Make it a good one, OK?”

Nodding my head, I change my method almost entirely, flicking my tongue against Kat’s stiff clit.  The change in tactics proved decisive and the orgasm hit her in a matter of seconds.  Scarlett and Hayley kept sucking on her tits, ensuring she came with maximum force. 

“OHHH, FUUUCCCKKK!!!” she screamed, her features skewing as her hands gripped tighter, nearly pulling out clumps of my hair.

A hot gush of fluid surged forth from within her, pouring into my mouth as I licked her faster, tonguing her through the throes of climax.  Her body was shaking, violent tremors coursing through her as the pleasure took hold.  She seemed to cum for several minutes.  Everytime I thought she’d stopped, one of the girls would lick at a nipple and another jolt would go racing through her. 

Finally her climax did come to an end and her grip on me loosened as her body went limp, sinking into the sofa as she basked in the afterglow.  Scarlett turned to face me, a grin stretched across her face as she cupped Kat’s breast, teasing her nipple with a dexterous thumb. 

“OK,” she said in that husky voice, “now you gotta fuck her.”

“Way ahead of ya,” was how I replied, already risen from my spot on the floor. 

Lifting her legs up, I left them to rest against my sculpted chest as I assumed the position, resting my knees against the edge of the ottoman.  Gripping my cock at the base, I felt it throb in anticipation as I pressed the tip against Kat’s pink pussy.  She was still dripping wet from her previous orgasm, and a single thrust was all it took to sheath myself to the balls.  Kat moaned loudly and her head fell back onto the couch cushions as I rowed in deep, my tip now touching her cervix. 

Her girlfriends laughed, grinning at Kat as she laid there stiffly, staring up at the ceiling above.  Retracting slowly, I pulled right back to the tip of my penis, my shaft now glistening with Kat’s slick fluids.  Her girlfriends watched as I started thrusting, occasionally kissing her or sucking on a nipple, but mainly just observing as I rolled my hips, bottoming out with each new stroke. 

I was a few thrusts in when I detected some movement behind me.  Putting Kat’s legs down, Natalie and Teyonah had risen to their feet and now stood closely on either side of me, arms wrapped around my torso as they kissed my shoulders and neck.  Turning to my left, I kissed Natalie first as I kept on thrusting, sinking deep into Kat’s tight pussy as I turned to kiss Teyonah. 

Peeling my lips from hers, I turned right back to the scene in front me, enjoying the mixture of different expressions that were etched across the ladies’ faces as I slammed my cock into the bride-to-be.  Hayley looked amused.  Lizzie still looked kind of stunned.  While Scarlett looked incredibly fucking horny, and had even reached under the hem of her dress so she could play with her pussy as she watched. 

“OK,” she said suddenly, pulling her dress up over her head, “I’m gonna have to sit on your face.”

Clearly she was talking to Kat, but she did not give her an opportunity to answer.  Peeling her panties off and tossing them aside, she threw a leg over Kat’s upper half and lowered herself down on top of her, dropping her pussy down onto her face.  Kat’s arms wrapped around her thighs, and Scarlett’s pussy was so incredibly wet that I could hear it squelching as Kat began to lick it.  A look of ecstasy spread across her face, like she’d been needing some attention for quite some time. 

I placed a hand under Scarlett’s chin and pulled her in for a kiss, feeling her moan into my mouth as Kat ate her pussy.  I felt Teyonah nuzzle into my neck and I turned to kiss her next as  I kept on thrusting, drilling deep into Kat’s wet snatch.  By the time I turned back around, Natalie was brandishing the tube of cream, giving it a good shake before she sprayed its contents over Scarlett’s chest. 

Tossing the tube down onto the floor, Natalie poked her tongue out from between her lips, licking up cream from Scarlett’s left breast.  Hayley took care of the other one and before I knew it, both her tits were sparkling clean.  While all this was taking place, Teyonah started kissing down the length of my spine, moving down slowly as she dropped to her knees.  I felt a kiss at the small of my back then my whole body shivered as a cool line of cream was sprayed into my buttcrack.  My cock started twitching as it sunk into Kat’s tight pussy, Teyonah’s long tongue now lapping at my asshole each time I pulled back. 

Putting two fingers in between her lips, Scarlett reached down in between Kat’s thighs and put both digits to the nub of her clit.  Kat’s pussy tightened as she started rubbing, gripping my cock like a vice.  It triggered something in me and I started going harder, tightening my grip on her legs as I threw myself into her, pounding hard and fast.  Her moans got louder as she ate Scarlett’s pussy and her tits started bouncing as the pace increased, shaking and jiggling with every thrust. 

“Oh, fuck yeah!  Look at that,” said Scarlett as she grabbed Kat’s tits, groping and squeezing and slapping them together.

Hayley reached down and started rubbing Kat’s clit, while Natalie combed her fingers through her dark brown hair.

“Hmm, you’re gonna cum again, huh?” she asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“Mmm!” Kat mumbled from underneath Scarlett, answering as best she could.

Natalie turned to look at me and so did Hayley, her fingers still strumming at the nub of Kat’s clit.  Nothing needed to be said.  I thrusted even harder, slamming into her pussy with very little self-control.  The orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks and not even Scarlett’s famously plump ass could block out the screams as they soared from Kat’s lips, prompting cheers from those around her.  Her pussy tightened at the point of climax, emitting spurts of fluid that soaked every inch of my cock.  Hayley kept rubbing at the nub of her clit, extending Kat’s climax for as long as she could.  It was like she was trying to make me cum too.  Actually, knowing Hayley, she probably was.  And she almost succeeded.

Gripping tightly onto Kat’s thick calves, I pulled out of her pussy in the nick of time, my cock visibly throbbing as I plucked it from between her lips.  Reaching back behind me, I gripped a fistful of Teyonah’s hair and pulled her face from my asscrack.  Hayley looked at me with that familiar grin; she knew how close I’d come.  But apparently Scarlett didn’t, since she was already moving into position, laying on top of Kat as she knelt at the edge of the ottoman, her ass stuck out behind her. 

“Me next,” she said, looking over her shoulder.  “And I like it in the ass, OK?”

Damn.  That was a lot to take in.  I’d heard the rumours about Scarlett, of course, but hearing her say those words in that position she was in was a little too much for me.  I almost came right there and then.

“OK,” I said with a wince, “just…gimme a second.”

Scarlett looked at me, raising her eyebrows in an ‘are you serious’ kind of way.  “Not done, are you?”

Without a word, I dropped to my knees, shoving my face in her asscrack.  Sticking out my tongue, I gave a slow, hard lick along the length of her pussy, not stopping until I reached her asshole.

“OH!” Scarlett yelped, eyes bulging so wide I thought they were about to pop out.

Peeling my tongue from her puckered pink rim, a shit-eating grin stretched across my face as I grabbed her ass, digging my fingers into both her cheeks.  “That answer your question?”

“Uh huh,” said Scarlett, still overcome by the initial shock.

I moved my tongue back down to her clit, repeating the action several times.  At one point Hayley decided to join me, leaning over the small of her back so she could lick Scarlett’s butthole.  My tongue kept sliding up and down her slit, occasionally moving higher so I could share her asshole with Hayley.  I kept this up until my cock had settled then promptly rose to my feet, pointing the tip at Scarlett’s asshole.

“Lube?” I asked, speaking to no-one in particular. 

Kat slid out from underneath Scarlett and shifted back into a seated position, leaving her pussy right in front of her face.

“There’s some in the bedroom,” said the bride-to-be, scooping up handfuls of Scarlett’s blonde hair as she pulled her into crotch.  “Top floor of the dresser.”

“I’ll get it,” said Teyonah behind me, promptly setting off in search of lubricant.

“I use it for titfucks only,” Kat announced, pointing at me with an accusatory finger.  “So don’t get any ideas.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” I said with a grin, then moved my cock down an inch or two lower, guiding it smoothly into Scarlett’s tight pussy.

Latching onto her hips, she gave a little moan as I started thrusting, sinking my cock into the depths of her snatch.  Scarlett’s pussy felt fucking amazing, as i’m sure you can imagine, but I didn’t get to enjoy it for more than a couple of minutes.  I’d only managed a dozen or so thrusts before Teyonah returned with the lube.  A little disappointing, but knowing I was about to fuck Scarlett in the ass was certainly a fine consolation. 
I retrieved my cock from Scarlett’s pussy and took the lube from Teyonah, squirting a line along the length of my shaft.  I squeezed a little blob onto Scarlett’s butthole then ran my hand up and down my shaft, spreading the lube across every inch.  Gripping it at the base, my cock slipped a little as I pushed the tip against her lubed-up hole.

“Come onnnn,” Scarlett whined, reaching back to grab her ass.  “Get it in there already!”

Tightly gripping her peach-shaped cheeks, her sphincter split open as she pulled them apart, winking at me invitingly.  I returned my tip to the rim of her anus and this time there was no mistake.  I fed it inside her with a single push, watching her asshole stretch around my cockhead as I entered her taut backside. 

“Ohhhh, yeah.  That’s it,” said Scarlett as I gripped her ass, letting my hands replace hers as I thrusted slowly, inching my cock into her tight rear end.

“Keep your mouth there,” I said to Hayley, who gave me a knowing smirk, fully aware of the implication.

Wrapping her arms around Kat’s thick thighs, Kat’s face lit up as she started licking, groaning all the while as I fucked her asshole.  Kat started moaning as she leant back against the backrest, sharing a kiss with Lizzie who was standing behind her.  Teyonah lent over the arm of the couch as Natalie sprayed some cream onto Kat’s big tits, tongues sliding all over them as they licked it all up. 

Long story short, there was a lot going on and it was making me throb as I went in on Scarlett, ramming my cock into her fat, round ass.  Digging my fingers into both her cheeks, I plucked my cock from Scarlett’s asshole, making her gape as I moved it higher, steering it into Hayley’s mouth.  Those big, plump lips slid down to the hilt, staying there a while as she sucked my cock, slurping up a mixture of lube and ass juice.

Pulling back slowly, I popped my crown from between her lips and pointed it at Scarlett’s asshole, still gaping wide as I gripped her cheeks.  Hayley spat into Scarlett’s butthole then I pushed my cock back inside it, sheathing myself to the hilt.  This time my hands moved up to her hips and I gripped them tightly as I started thrusting, drilling my cock into Scarlett’s rectum. 

I was a few thrusts in when I felt her tighten, her moans increasing in volume.  I wasn’t sure why at first, but then I saw the grin on Hayley’s face; I might have known she’d have something to do with it.  Looking down, I could see her fingers moving underneath my cock, sliding back and forth as she rubbed Scarlett’s pussy.  I grinned at her as I kept on thrusting, shaking a finger like I was telling her off.  Her smirk grew wider as she rubbed her harder, fully aware of the effect it was having. 

Hayley loved to test me like this, but I was always up to the challenge.  I thrusted harder, railing my cock into Scarlett’s asshole.  My hips were crashing into those big, thick cheeks, making them jiggle with every thrust.  I could feel my balls swinging back and forth, making loud, wet smacking sounds as they slapped against her pussy.  Hayley gazed up at me as she strummed her clit and I stared right back as I pounded Scarlett, seeing which one of us was gonna blink first.  I like a good challenge as much as the next man, but all she was doing was rubbing Scarlett’s pussy, so obviously it was gonna be me. 

I kept on thrusting as long as I could, trying to keep my poker face as Scarlett’s asshole gripped tighter and tighter, squeezing my member for all it was worth.  I could feel my cock start throbbing harder, twitching and spasming with every thrust I took.  I couldn’t take it for a second longer and I pried my cock from Scarlett’s asshole, wiping the grin off of Hayley’s face as I stuffed it straight into her mouth.  Moving my hands to the back of her head, I thrusted several times into Hayley’s mouth, sinking my cock to the back of her throat. 

My cock was dripping wet by the time I retrieved it and I shoved it back into Scarlett’s asshole, going in hard from the very first thrust.  Scarlett peeled her lips from Kat’s wet pussy and turned back to face me, peering over her shoulder as I thrusted harder, pounding her big, thick ass. 

“You gonna cum for me, honey?” she asked, her breathing heavy as she took my cock.

“Uh huh,” I grunted back.  I couldn’t say a lot more than that, but give me a break here; this is Scarlett Johansson we’re talking about.

“Do it in my ass, OK?” she said as she turned her head back, returning to Kat’s pink pussy.

Natalie laughed.  “God, Scarlett, you’re such a fucking slut!”

“Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it, bitch,” Scarlett said, and though I couldn’t see her face, I could picture the grin that was plastered across it. 

I gripped on tightly to Scarlett’s thick hips, slamming into her ass with a series of rough, hard thrusts.  It didn’t take many to finish me off and I sheathed myself inside her as my cockhead spasmed, firing ropes of semen into the depths of Scarlett’s colon. 

“Oh, FUCK!” she screamed as she tipped her head back, cumming on the spot as the first blast of spunk splashed her inner walls. 

Her asshole tightened as her orgasm hit, forcing more cum from the tip of my penis.  I hadn’t cum in someone’s ass for quite some time, and I’d almost forgotten how good it felt.  The way the tight grip of it wrings your cock out, thoroughly voiding you of every drop of spunk.  Fuck, there’s nothing like it.  I fired my cum into Scarlett’s ass for what must have been close to a minute, prolonging her orgasm which in turn made me cum even more, to the point that I was wondering if I was ever gonna stop.

Eventually I did and I plucked my cock from Scarlett’s asshole, a small trickle of still-warm spunk dripping out after me and running down the slit of her pussy.

“Come here,” I said to Hayley, beckoning her closer. 

Hayley grinned and scurried around the side of the ottoman, kneeling behind Scarlett as I moved to the side.  I pointed at the drop of cum as it slid down Scarlett’s pussy.

“Clean that up,” I said and Hayley did so, licking it up without a second thought. 

“You want some more?” I asked as I grabbed Scarlett’s buttcheeks, gripping them tightly with both my hands.

Hayley nodded excitedly, sticking her tongue out as I parted Scarlett’s asscheeks, a big mess of semen gushing from her gaping hole.  Hayley caught the cum on her outstretched tongue and pulled it back into her mouth.  Closing her lips, she made a show of swallowing it down, opening her mouth again and sticking out her tongue to show me what she’d done.  I grinned with approval then placed a hand at the back of her head, steering my cock towards her open mouth.  Slotting the crown in between her lips, Hayley sucked at the tip of my penis, extracting the last few drops. 

Popping myself free, I turned towards the rest of the group, all five looking back at me with expectant expressions. 

“Right, who’s next?” I asked as I rubbed my hands together, letting them know I was ready.

“Me!” said Natalie, already shedding the last of her clothes. 

“Okey-doke,” I said with a nod.  “How do you want it?”

“Surprise me?” she replied angelically, popping a finger in between her teeth. 

“Right you are,” I said as I moved towards her, leaning down to kiss her as she sat there on the couch.

Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she gripped a handful of hair as our lips locked together, tongues writhing underneath our cheeks.  Sliding my hands underneath her thighs, I counted to three inside my head then lifted her into the air, scooping her up like she weighed next to nothing. 

“OH!” Natalie yelped, brown eyes bulging as our lips came apart.

“Surprised?” I asked.

“Mmhmm,” she said, then leaned in and kissed me again as I grabbed my cock, aligning the tip with the slit of her pussy.

Natalie broke the kiss as she tipped her head back, sighing contentedly as I eased her down onto my cock.  Lowering her slowly, I felt the warmth of her perfect pussy as it slid down the length of my shaft, gripping it tightly as she sunk to the base.  I kept her there for close to a minute, letting her feel how big I am, then lifted her slowly, pulling her back to the ridge of my crown.  Her head returned to its natural position and a look of anticipation spread across her face as I held there for several seconds, only the tip inside her. 

Then, I lowered her down again, only this time I wasn’t so slow.  In fact, I pretty much dropped her, impaling her pussy on my long, thick cock.  Her eyes widened, nearly popping straight out of her skull as she plummeted down to the base of my shaft.

“OH MY GOD!” Natalie shrieked, drawing cheers from the rest of the group, many of whom were now gathered around us, lavishing attention on one or both of us.

Hayley was behind me, trailing kisses up and down my neck.  Kat was behind Natalie, whispering sweet nothings straight into her ear.  Scarlett was stood to my left, her head on a swivel as she kissed us both in turn.  By now my arms were getting quite a workout as I wrapped them tightly around Natalie’s body, guiding her pussy up and down my dick.

I felt Hayley’s lips move down to my shoulders, then continue slowly along the length of my spine.  I knew what was coming next, and sure enough, the next thing I felt was her hands on my butt cheeks as she pried them apart, burying her face in my ass.  Her tongue came out and found my asshole, and my cock started throbbing as I worked Natalie’s pussy along the left of my shaft. 

Kat disappeared behind Natalie, eyes bulging wide as she dropped to her knees.  What she did once she was down there I can only speculate, but if the sudden contraction of Natalie’s pussy was anything to go by, I’d say she was licking her asshole.  Much like Hayley was doing to me.  Natalie’s pussy was gripping me harder but I didn’t let it faze me, and simply kept working her up and down my dick, lifting and dropping that perfect body. 

I kept this up until my arms got tired then gripped my hands onto her nice toned ass, holding her tightly as I started thrusting.  Natalie shrieked as the first thrust hit her then threw her head back as I upped the tempo, drilling my cock into her tight pink pussy.  Loosening her grip, she let herself swing back as I held her tighter, to the point where she was pretty much hanging from my neck, staring at the ceiling as I threw myself into her. 

“O-o-o-oooh, fu-u-u-uuuccckkk!!!” Natalie screamed, her voice quavering, like the force of each thrust was reverberating through her. 

Hayley, meanwhile, kept her tongue outstretched, lapping at my asshole as I fucked her friend.  I no longer had to guess what Kat was doing, ‘cause I could feel her lapping at my swollen balls, tonguing them softly as they swung back and forth. 

I gripped onto Natalie as her body shook, pulling her into me as I kept on thrusting, ensuring my cock went nice and deep.  Lifting her head up, an intense look of pleasure had engulfed her entire face. 

“Yeah, come on,” she panted, egging me on.  “Keep fucking me.  Make me cum on that cock.”

Her wish was my command.  I went at her harder, unleashing a flurry of thrusts that sent my fat cock rocketing into her pussy.  Her head fell back again and she screamed towards the heavens as I delivered the decisive thrust, burying myself inside her as I felt her cum.  Her pussy contracted, gripping my cock to the point of bursting.  I strengthened my grip on her peachy behind, holding her firmly as she rode the waves of pleasure.

A contented smile spread across her face as she tilted her head up, shaking out her dark brown hair. 

“Fuck,” she said simply, breathing out deeply as her grip on me tightened.

“Good?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“I haven’t been fucked like that in quite some time,” Natalie declared.

I knew that too.

I lifted Natalie off my cock and placed her back down on the floor.  My cock was pulsing as I set her down and I quickly searched the room for something to put it in.  Given that there were six naked women gathered around me it shouldn’t have taken long, and indeed it did not.  Lizzie was still leaning over the back of the couch, pushing her ass out slightly as she gripped onto the backrest, making her the perfect candidate. 

I stepped up behind her and gripped my cock, pressing the tip against the slit of her pussy.  The first thing I noticed was how wet she was, and I suspected she’d been playing with herself while she watched me fuck Natalie. Or maybe someone else had been playing with her.  Either way her pussy was sodden and I slid myself into her with consummate ease.

Lizzie moaned as I pushed inside her, tightening her grip on the back of the sofa as she pushed her ass out just a little bit more.  It was a subtle move but her intentions were clear- she wanted my cock as deep as possible.  Lizzie got her wish as I grabbed her hips and started ramming into her with slow, hard thrusts that sent my cock right down to the base.  Dirty blonde hair whipped past my face as she looked back over her shoulder, her mouth hanging open in a perfect O.  Looked like she hadn’t been fucked like this in a while either. 

I’d only managed a handful of thrusts when I saw her friends start gathering around us.  Scarlett climbed onto the couch and knelt in front of Lizzie.  Taking her face in those dainty hands, she said something to her that I’ve long since forgotten, and I doubt that Lizzie even heard in the first place.  Honestly, she was so solely focused on taking my cock that I doubt she even knew she was there.

Hayley knelt down beside her and promptly indulged in her favourite pastime: trying to make me cum.  I saw her move her hand around the top of Lizzie’s thigh, though where it went next I couldn’t see as my cock was blocking my view.  Though as Lizzie’s wet pussy got noticeably tighter, I could’ve given it a pretty good guess.  My cock throbbed harder as it drilled into Lizzie’s pussy and if Hayley kept doing whatever she was doing, she was going to achieve her goal. 

Clutching a fistful of Lizzie’s blonde hair, I wrapped it around my knuckles and gave it a tug, pulling her upright as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her body to mine.  Lizzie yelped as I raised a hand up, wrapping it gently, yet dominantly, around the front of her neck.  The other gripped onto her flat little tummy, feeling her ab muscles flex as I thrusted into her, loud smacks sounding out as my body crashed into hers. 

There was now a small gap between her body and the couch which someone was quick to fill.  No prizes for guessing who.  Peering over Lizzie’s shoulder, my eyes met Hayley’s as she stuck out her tongue, guiding it unerringly to nub of Lizzie’s clit.  Flicking it up and down, I could feel Lizzie’s pussy getting even wetter as I kept on thrusting, slamming my pelvis into her peachy, muscle toned ass. 

This time, Hayley didn’t make me cum (though it certainly wasn’t for a lack of trying).  But the same can not be said of Lizzie, who succumbed to her efforts in a matter of minutes.  Reaching down with both her hands, she grabbed the back of Hayley’s head, making sure she stayed there as the pleasure took hold, her body starting to tremble as I held her in my arms. 

“Ohhh, fuuuck!  Keep doing that, keep doing that,” Lizzie moaned out, as if Hayley needed encouragement. 

I slowed my thrusts as I felt her cum, keeping them hard and deep, and sending little jolts through her body as I bottomed out inside her.  She seemed to cum for a very long time, though that could just be ‘cause I was so close to cumming myself that it made it feel like an eternity.  I gave a quick thought to doing it inside her, but as I saw all the women now lined up next to her, I knew that wouldn’t wash. 

Plucking my cock from Lizzie’s pussy, Natalie grabbed my hips as she threw her head forward, taking me down to the base.  The sudden move caught me unawares and my legs almost buckled as she started sucking, cleaning Lizzie’s pussy off the length of my shaft. 

“Oh, fuck!” I groaned, placing a hand at the back of her head.

Holding her tightly, I kept her pinned there as I pumped my hips, driving my cock into the back of her throat.  Natalie reached round and grabbed my ass cheeks, sinking her fingers in as I pumped back and forth, hitting her throat wall with every stroke.  It was then that I felt a tongue on my asshole and I didn’t even have to look to know who it belonged to. 

I gave a few more thrusts into Natalie’s throat then plucked my cock from between her lips.  Keeping a hand at the back of her head, I grabbed Scarlett with the other and pulled her towards me, stuffing my cock straight into her mouth.  Pulling her down to the base of my shaft, I pushed Natalie lower until I felt her lips wrap around my balls.  I kept Scarlett there for several seconds then fisted a handful of long blonde hair as I pulled her back up to the tip. 

Popping the crown from between her lips, I curled my fingers around the base of my shaft, stroking my slick pole as I pointed it at Lizzie.  Leaning over Scarlett, she could only fit the crown in between her lips, but Lizzie compensated for her lack of depth by lapping at the tip of my penis, cleaning up precum as it oozed from my winking slit.  Scarlett latched onto the side of my shaft and slid her lips up and down it, while Natalie stayed at the balls, suckling on them greedily and dousing them both in spit.  It felt incredible, and when you factor in Hayley still licking my ass, I’m amazed that I didn’t cum.

Prying my cock from the various mouths, I gripped it at the base as I turned to my right, slotting it neatly between Kat’s thick lips.  Placing both hands at the sides of her head, I held her in place as I started thrusting, sinking my cock into the back of her throat until my shaft was wet with spittle.  Pulling it back from between her lips, I slapped it down in between her tits, wrapping them tightly around the width of my shaft. 

Teyonah picked up the tube of cream and sprayed a thick mess over the top of Kat’s tits.  Natalie licked some up from Kat’s left breast, then lapped at my cockhead as it emerged from between them, coated in sticky white goo.  Teyonah joined her and my cock started twitching as they licked my swollen crown, tongues brushing together as they cleaned up the excess cream.

Prying my cock from between Kat’s tits, my shaft was caked with melted cream.  Gripping it at the base, Teyonah steered it in between her lips and locked them tightly around it, eyes staring up at me as she sucked my cock.  Bobbing her head, she slurped up the mess as she sunk down deeper, cleaning my member an inch at a time.  Her lips slid down to the base of my shaft and she kept them there for several seconds as her cheeks hollowed inward, sucking up the last of the cream.

Her lips pulled back to the tip of my penis and that’s when I finally gave in, shooting a huge load into Teyonah's wet mouth.  Plucking my crown from between her lips, I saw how much cum was inside her mouth; it was almost filled to the brim.  The girls gathered around her as her mouth stayed open, licking up some of the spunk from between her gaping lips.  And as the girls all shared my cum, Teyonah kept her grip on the base of my shaft, letting me know that she was next.  The girls parted and Teyonah swallowed the last of my load, gripping my cock as she rose to her feet.

“Come with me,” she said, using my cock like a leash as she led me back to the couch. 

My eyes, of course, were glued to her ass; cheeks rising and falling as she strutted across the room.

“Bring me that,” she said, pointing to a second ottoman, in front of the adjacent couch.

I fetched the ottoman and wheeled it across the room, placing it in front of the other.

“Lay down.  Head up here,” she said, patting the edge of the ottoman.

I had an idea what was coming next, and with that wagon she was dragging behind her, I didn’t have any complaints.  I laid on my back across the rearranged furniture, my head on the ottoman and my feet pressed up against the back of the couch.  Teyonah turned and stuck out her ass, reaching back behind her as she slapped an oversized cheek.  I gazed up in awe as it loomed up above me, admiring its size and shape. 

“You like that big ass, baby?” Teyonah asked me.  She gripped her asscheeks and pulled them apart, giving me a sight of her winking butthole.

“Uh huh,” I said back as she released her asscheeks, watching them jiggle as they fell into place. 

“Yeah, you do, huh?” she said, slapping it again.  “I bet you want me to sit on your face, don’t you?”

“You read my mind.”

Teyonah laughed.  “I’m good at that.  I bet you want to fuck this ass too, huh?”

“Fuck yeah, I do.”

“All in good time, baby,” Teyonah purred softly.  “All in good time.  First, I’ma sit on that face.  Where’s the cream?”

Someone handed it to her and she gave it a good shake, giving whole new meaning to the word ‘cake’ as she sprayed a cream filling into the crack of her ass.

“Ready, baby?” she asked, peering back over her shoulder. 

“Born ready,” I said as I stroked my cock, feeling it throb with excitement.

Of course, facesitting was nothing new to me.  In fact, my face was basically Bryce Dallas Howard’s own personal chair, so I knew the drill by now.  I filled my lungs with a full tank of oxygen then watched as that ass descended, cream smearing everywhere as those cheeks touched down on top of my face.  Sticking my tongue out, I licked back and forth along the crack of her ass, cleaning up some of the cream as I felt that big booty press against my face.  My tongue touched her pussy and I slid it slowly along the length of her slit, gathering the moisture as it seeped from between her lips.  Her pussy was delicious, and I couldn’t decide which tasted sweeter, the cream or her arousal. 

“Mmm, yeah, that’s it, baby.  Taste that chocolate,” Teyonah purred, making her girlfriends laugh.

And taste it, I did; lapping a mixture of cream and pussy juice as my tongue slid back and forth, sliding across her taint and up to her asshole.

I felt the couch sink down either side of me, and the next thing I knew, a pair of tongues were licking my crown.  Who they belonged to I wasn’t sure.  Frankly, I didn’t much care.  My fingers uncurled from around my cock and I left them to it, feeling my cockhead spasm as a pair of tongues slid along my shaft, one on either side.  Two soft hands clutched onto the base, then I felt a slick tongue lick across my bellend, lapping up precum as it oozed from the slit. 

Teyonah pulled her ass up from on top of my face and I had a look down as I took a deep breath, revealing the two women to be Hayley and Scarlett.  I  watched for a second as Hayley’s lips slid onto my helmet, Scarlett licking up the side of my shaft.  I placed my head back down on the leather and looked up above me as Teyonah dropped down, setting her ass back down on my face.  This time she gave me more of her weight, even grinding her ass back and forth as she sat it on top of me, rubbing cream all over my face.  I simply laid there and let it happen, letting her use me however she pleased. 

I felt a pair of lips slide over my tip and down past the ridge of my crown.  I could feel that said lips were markedly plump so I guess they must have been Scarlett’s.  Though Hayley’s lips aren’t exactly thin so they could just as easily have been hers.  Whosever they were, they were sliding down my shaft with some degree of haste, leaving trails of spit in their wake as they sunk down towards the base.  I felt those lips press against my groin and I moaned into Teyonah’s ass crack as my tip touched the back of Scarlett/Hayley’s throat. 

Teyonah’s ass lifted off my face and I took a quick peak as I caught my breath, watching Scarlett’s lips as they pulled back up to the tip, freeing my cockhead with an exaggerated pop.  Keeping her grip on the base, she ran her hand up and down my cock, smoothing her spit along the length of my shaft before passing it on to Hayley.  I watched Hayley’s lips slide onto my crown and that was the last thing I saw before Teyonah’s ass came down on top of me, blocking my vision entirely. 

She picked right up from where she left off, grinding her booty up against my face.  But this time I was ready for it.  I rolled my tongue out and kept it flat, tasting her pussy and asshole as she rubbed them both against me.  Hayley’s lips slid down to the base and my whole body stiffened as she sucked my cock, siphoning precum from my winking slit. 

Lifting her ass one final time, Teyonah climbed down off the edge of the ottoman, giving her booty a farewell slap.  Turning on her heels, she leaned down to kiss me as I laid there panting, licking up the cream from around my mouth.  Planting her knees either side of my head, Teyonah leant forward until she was lying on top of me, sliding her lips down onto my cock.

Wrapping my arms around the small of her back, I held her tightly as I poked my tongue out, guiding it swiftly to the nub of her clit.  Licking up and down along the length of her slit, I heard her moaning as she sucked my cock, lips sinking down to the base.  I could feel someone’s hand start caressing my balls; Scarlett’s I think, though honestly, it could have been pretty much anyone. 

I moved my hands to Teyonah’s thick ass, grasping it firmly as I licked her pussy.  Flicking my tongue against the nub of her clit, I gripped onto her ass cheeks as I pulled them apart, teasing her butthole with one of my fingers.  I felt her lips drag up my shaft, then the crown popped out from between them.

“Put it in,” Teyonah instructed, sliding her lips back onto my cock.

She didn’t have to tell me twice.  I applied some pressure to her tight, puckered sphincter, pushing my finger inside it.  Guiding her lips up and down my shaft, I could hear her moan louder as my finger went deeper, sinking down to the knuckle.  My tongue kept lapping at her clit, feeling her asshole tighten as I fucked her with my finger, working it back and forth. 

She came pretty quickly once I started doing that, moaning around my cock as her whole body trembled, fluid gushing along the length of my tongue.  I didn’t stop licking until the river ran dry, fingering her asshole until the tremors subsided.  Her lips slid slowly along the length of my shaft and I could hear her panting as the crown popped free.  I plucked my finger from inside her ass and she gripped my cock as she shifted forward.  I propped myself up on my elbows, watching Teyonah as she assumed the position, planting her knees either side of my groin. 

My cock was soaked with so much saliva that we didn’t even need any lube.  Teyonah simply sank down onto it, and her asshole stretched as my cock pressed against it, inching its way inside.  She moved her hands to the tops of her thighs as she went down deeper, slowly sliding down my girthy shaft.  Her asshole sunk to the base of my shaft and she stayed there for a moment as my cock disappeared, those thick cheeks pressed against my abs. 

Natalie and Lizzie appeared either side of me and I felt a tongue lick across my earlobe.

“How’s that ass feel, huh?” Natalie asked, speaking straight into my ear.  “Can you feel it gripping your cock?”

I could.  I really could.  Teyonah’s ass was even tighter than Scarlett’s and I could feel it squeezing as she perched upon it, my crown embedded somewhere in her colon.  Rising up slowly, her knees stayed planted on the plush leather sofa as she lifted her ass up, guiding her sphincter to the tip of my prick.  She kept it there for just a few seconds and I braced myself for impact as she dropped it back down.

Her girlfriends whooped, a loud smack sound filling the room as that big, thick ass slapped against my pelvis, sending ripples through both her cheeks.  She proceeded to ride me hard and fast, working that ass up to the ridge of my crown before she slammed it back down again, crashing down harder with every pass. 

Scarlett and Hayley were perched either side of her, occasionally slapping those big brown cheeks.  Natalie and Lizzie were kissing my neck, whispering sweet nothings as they licked and nibbled my ears.  I’m not quite sure what Kat was doing, but if she wasn’t masturbating somewhere while she watched all the action, I’d be very, very surprised. 

“Who wants to taste my ass?” asked Teyonah, looking at Scarlett and Hayley as she slid her butthole right up to the tip.

“Me!” said Scarlett, winding her fingers around my cock as she pried the tip from Teyonah’s asshole.

Wrapping her lips around the tip of my penis, she uncurled her fingers from the base as she sunk her head down, plunging straight down to the hilt.  I could hear her moaning as she sucked my cock, enjoying the taste of Teyonah’s ass juice.   Plucking the crown from between her lips, my cock was soaked in her sticky saliva as she pointed the tip at Teyonah’s asshole.  Teyonah slid down onto my cock and worked her ass up and down it, coating my shaft with a fresh coat of fluids as she looked across at Hayley.

“Your turn,” she said, and Hayley gripped my cock at the base, prying it free from Teyonah’s ass.

Hayley slapped it against her outstretched tongue before feeding it into her mouth, enveloping my cockhead with her full set of lips.  Inching down slowly, she sucked and slurped my thick, throbbing cock as she went down deeper, removing her hand so she could take it all.  She kept it in her mouth a little longer than Scarlett, testing me as always to see if I’d cum.  Nice try, Hayley, but you’re gonna have to do better than that.  Her lips slid back to the ridge of my crown and she popped it free from between them, returning my cock to Teyonah’s asshole. 

I expected Teyonah to sink down to my cock, but instead she just kind of sat there, kneeling there casually with my cockhead inside her ass.  Then she turned to look at me.

“Well, you just gonna sit there or are you gonna fuck me?”

She didn’t need to say any more.

“Gimme that,” I said to Hayley, pointing at one of the couch cushions.

Hayley handed it over and I popped it behind my head as I reached my arms out, grabbing two handfuls of thick black ass.  Digging my fingers into both her cheeks, I began to thrust up into Teyonah’s ass, starting off slowly and going in deep.  Teyonah’s hands went up to her head, pushing up ringlets of afro hair as she peered back over her shoulder.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby.  You get in there deep.  Hit that chocolatey centre.”

Her girlfriends laughed as I thrusted harder, moving my hands up to her hips and I slammed up into her, making her asscheeks jiggle.  Scarlett and Hayley were now kneeling beside her, kissing her shoulders and neck.  Hayley kissed down her perky chest, latching onto a nipple as Teyonah turned and made out with Scarlett, moaning into her mouth as I pounded that fat brown ass.

I felt her sphincter start squeezing tighter and I could hear an audible squelching sound as I kept on thrusting, drilling up into her colon.  It sounded like someone was fucking her pussy, and knowing Hayley, it was probably her.  I couldn’t see what she was doing, unfortunately, but I could vividly picture her two middle fingers plunging into the depths of her tight, wet pussy; probably curled upwards so she hit her g-spot, making sure she came as hard as possible.

And if indeed that was her goal then she passed with flying colours.  Teyonah came with full, unrelenting force, screaming at the top of her lungs as I threw my ass up from the sofa beneath me, slamming into her asshole as hard as I could.


I could feel her muscles tensing, most notably her rectal muscles which were gripping so tightly that I thought my dick was about to snap off.  I gripped her hips and pulled her down onto me, letting her feel my whole length as the pleasure coursed through her, engulfing her curvy frame.  Hayley kept fucking her slick, pink pussy, prompting a room-wide cheer as a powerful jet of clear, warm liquid sprayed forth from inside her snatch.  I couldn’t see the full extent of it, of course, but it looked like it went pretty much everywhere, drenching everything in a five foot radius.   

“Ohhhh, shit!” Scarlett yelped, laughing raucously as the fluid went flying, spraying in every direction.  “Ladies, we have a squirter!”

Teyonah took a few seconds to regain her composure then eased herself off my cock.  Kneeling on the couch beside Hayley, her mouth gaped wide as she dipped her head down, taking my cock in between her lips.  I looked across at Hayley, grinning back at me in her usual way as Teyonah sucked me, cleaning her ass off my cock.

“Your turn, isn’t it?” I asked, stroking my cock as Teyonah released it, soaked in saliva from bellend to base.

“Mmhmm,” said Hayley as she assumed the position- specifically cowgirl, her personal favourite.  And when I was fucking Hayley, my favourite too.

“Allow me,” said Scarlett beside her, gripping my cock as Hayley straddled me.

Winding her fingers around the base of my shaft, she pointed my crown at Hayley’s pussy, holding it steady as she slid down onto it.  I moaned just a little as I inched inside, my cockhead enveloped by that familiar feeling of tightness and warmth.  I’d fucked some fine women during the course of the evening, some hot, wet pussies and tight, gripping assholes, but make no mistake about it- I’d saved the best for last.  Hayley’s pussy always felt incredible and this time was no exception.  The way her insides just gripped my cock as she sunk down onto it, her pussy so slick that she slid straight down to the hilt, taking the whole thing without batting an eyelid. 

Her eyes fell shut and she breathed out heavily like she always did, like my cock was filling some desperate need.  After sitting back and watching while I fucked all her friends, I’d imagine that need was even greater than usual.  And if the way she started riding me was anything to go by, I think I might have been onto something.  She started going at me hard and fast, slamming her ass against the tops of my thighs.  Of course, her breasts started flopping and jiggling, and Scarlett and Teyonah promptly latched onto them, sucking those titties as best they could as they bounced all around her chest. 

“Hmm, that looks good and everything, girls,” said Natalie, her fingers stroking my cheek, “but I think this face needs sitting on.  Where’s the bride-to-be?”

“Here,” said Kat from somewhere behind me.

“Get up here, honey,” Natalie replied.  “Your throne awaits.”

The next thing I saw was Kat’s thick body looming above me, her huge tits looking even bigger as I viewed them beneath. 

“Wait, I think she should shove her tits in his face first,” Scarlett suggested, her friends murmuring in agreement.  “Would you like that, baby?  Think you can handle this much titty at once?” she asked with a smirk, jiggling one of Hayley’s boobs. 

“Oh, he can,” said Hayley, breathing heavily as she rode my cock.  “Believe me, he can.”

Her friends laughed.

“That sounds like a story for later,” Scarlett declared, and if it was the same one I was thinking of (me, Hayley and Christina in London), then she was in for a hell of a ride.

Whipping out the cushion from beneath my head, Natalie pushed me back down onto the ottoman as Kat knelt down behind me, pushing her tits together. 

“Don’t forget this,” said Lizzie, as she flicked the cap off the tube of cream, spraying it all over those lovely big tits.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, cheers and laughter filling the room as Kat’s huge breasts pushed down on top of me, smothering me entirely and covering my face in cream.  I didn’t resist in the slightest, simply laying there and taking it as those big, messy tits were rubbed all over my face.  My mouth came open and I licked every stretch of skin I could get my tongue to, gathering as much cream as I could as it smeared all over my cheeks and hair.  I could feel myself throbbing as those tits pushed against me, veins pulsing as Hayley rode me, working her pussy up and down my cock. 

“Slap him with them,” someone said, and Kat promptly obliged, lifting her tits just a little as she released her grip on them, letting them dangle just above my face.

Shifting her shoulders from side to side, her tits swung back and forth like a pair of pendulums, landing hard blows to the sides of my face. 

“Yeah, girl, beat him up,” Teyonah encouraged.  “Show him who’s boss!”

I let Kat have her fun for a few more minutes then reached up quickly to grab her tits, pushing them together as I stuck my tongue out, flicking it across her nipples.  I did that several times then wrapped my lips around one of them, sucking in as much tit as I could get in my mouth.  Kat moaned and lifted her head up, placing her hands on top of mine as I switched back and forth between her two large titties, giving hard sucks to each of her nipples. 

Kat straightened her back, lifting her titties from on top of my face.  A few of the girls laughed as I’m guessing my face was now creamy white.  Honestly…didn’t really care.  It had been more than worth it.  I took a quick glance at Hayley as Kat switched positions, noting how her tits were jiggling around as she bounced up and down on my dick.  Full disclosure, I’d been so preoccupied with Kat’s creamy tits that I’d almost forgot she was doing that.  Keyword: almost.  I don’t think I’d forget that Hayley was riding my cock if I was suffering from amnesia.

Kat climbed onto the edge of the ottoman, resting her knees either side of my head.  I watched in awe as she hovered above me, noticing how wet her pussy was as she lowered herself down, parking it right on my lips.  I wrapped my arms around the tops of her thighs, holding her there as I poked my tongue out, sliding it smoothly along her sticky pink lips.  Her pussy was, in fact, even wetter than it looked and it took a few passes of my writhing tongue to lick up all the juices from Kat’s moist slit.  Once her lips were sufficiently clean, I moved my tongue to the nub of her clit, flicking it against it with short hard strokes. 

Kat moaned louder and her hands came down to clutch my wrists, gripping them tightly as I ate her pussy.  I could hear the sounds of licking and sucking, and my cock throbbed harder in Hayley’s pussy as I pictured Natalie and Lizzie (I assumed it was them as they were closest) feasting on Kat’s big tits.  A fresh coat of fluid started coating her pussy and my tongue left her clit so I could lick it all up. 

It was right around now that my head turned swimmy.  She wasn’t entirely smothering me like Teyonah had been, but her ass and pussy on top of my face meant my airways were almost cut off.  I could breathe, just not very well.  I moved my hands to the small of her back and pushed her down on top of me.  Not only did that help my breathing but it presented her asshole for anyone behind her that felt like sticking their tongue in it.  Cue Natalie Portman.

Kneeling on the floor just in front of the ottoman, Natalie shoved her face into Kat’s big ass, immersing her deeply between those thick, pale cheeks.  At first her face was buried so deep that I couldn’t see what she was doing, but Natalie was obliging enough to pull her head back slightly, allowing me to watch as she sunk her tongue into Kat’s tight asshole. 

And while all this was taking place, I felt some movement from Hayley, and not just the grip of her pussy as it slid up and down my shaft.  Of course I couldn’t see what she was doing either, but it felt to me like she changed her position, switching from her kneeling stance to more of a squat, probably leaning back a little so Kat could lick her clit.  And even if that isn’t what was happening, it was definitely happening inside my head. 

Hayley’s pussy slid up to the ridge of my crown, and to my surprise it stayed there when I expected it to drop back down again.  At first I wasn’t sure why Hayley had stopped (she wouldn’t usually stop if she was struck by lightning) but then I realised what she was doing.  She was giving me room to thrust.  And so I promptly obliged.

Latching onto her hips, I held her still as I did what she wanted, thrusting up into her pussy.  It wasn’t terribly easy with Kat on my face but I did my level best, bouncing my ass up off the couch cushions as I threw myself into her, pounding as hard as I could.  It made her cum in a matter of seconds, aided by Kat’s tongue if the visions in my head were anything close to reality.  I’d like to think they were.  Kat came too about five seconds later and soon my mouth and cock were utterly drenched as fluid gushed forth from inside both women.  I couldn’t tell who came the hardest. 

It was Hayley who climbed down first, and my cock was promptly seized by either Teyonah or Scarlett.  Whoever it was, they had very full lips.  Which doesn’t really narrow it down.  Kat climbed down shortly after and at this point I really, really needed to cum.  I hopped up from the furniture as quick as I could and encouraged the girls to gather around me.  Though, as you can probably guess, I didn’t have to encourage them much.  The girls formed a semi-circle as they assembled themselves in front me.  Kat was in the middle, of course, with Hayley and Natalie either side of her.  Lizzie was next to Natalie, Scarlett was next to Hayley and Teyonah was next to her.  I think that’s everyone.  Who really knew by this point?

With the girls in position, I went about the arduous task of sticking my cock in as many different places as possible.  I know…woe is me, right?  I started with Kat’s mouth then moved down to her tits.  Then I moved onto Hayley’s tits, quickly followed by Scarlett’s- not as big as they used to be, but still big enough.  Next I stuck it in Teyonah’s mouth, then Scarlett’s mouth, then Scarlett and Hayley’s together.  Then I moved back to Kat (mouth then tits) then Natalie, then Lizzie, then Natalie and Lizzie.  Then Kat and Natalie; Hayley and Kat; then Natalie, Hayley and Kat. 

By now my cock was locked and loaded, filled with a wad of spunk that, honestly, I couldn’t even begin to fathom the size of.  I jerked it twice and out it came, going everywhere I aimed and lots of places I didn’t.  Most of it went over faces and tits, but some of it went in hair, on shoulders, arms and pretty much everywhere else.  And by the time I was finished, all six women were as creamy as me. 
“Wow!” said Kat as she knelt there stunned, cum all over her tits.

“Still getting married?” Hayley asked, grinning as she gripped my cock and licked a drop of cum from the urethra.

“Hmm?” asked Kat, looking, for just the briefest second, like she’d forgotten all about it.  “Oh, yeah.  I guess so,” she said, looking up at me.  “Unless you wanna marry me instead?”

A grin stretched across my face as her girlfriends fell about laughing.  I totally would have.  If only for the honeymoon. 

The girls passed my cock around and sucked all the cum from the tip then took me upstairs to take a shower.  Kat’s shower was big, but not quite big enough to fit all seven of us, so I got in first and the ladies joined me in shifts.  Natalie, Kat and Lizzie got in with me first, and once all four of us were sufficiently clean, we had a little fun underneath the falling water.  It started with the three of them sucking my cock then I gave Kat’s tits a nice soapy fucking.  I fucked all three of them inside of the shower and finished by cumming all over their faces and, of course, on Kat’s big tits. 

After rinsing off the cum, the first three left and went through to the bedroom, allowing the second group to join me in the shower.  It started the same way with a threeway blowjob, then I fucked Hayley’s titties, Scarlett’s titties and Teyonah’s buttcrack.  Then her asshole, Scarlett’s asshole and Hayley’s pussy, finishing again with a three-woman facial. 

By the time we had finished and gone through to the bedroom, Kat was sprawled out across her soon-to-be martial bed.  Lizzie was in between her legs as Natalie leaned over from above her head, her face buried in the bride-to-be’s tits.  Of course I did what anyone would do and fucked all three of them again, followed by Scarlett, Teyonah and Hayley. 

The sun was coming up by the time I left, with five new phone numbers stashed in my contacts list and a body (and cock especially) in dire need of rest.  I’ve gotta start stripping more often.

« Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 07:24:07 AM by DarkSwordsman »
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: The Getaway: Kat Dennings and Friends
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2024, 07:33:30 PM »
Excellent work, Dark. Looks like Tyler had a great and wild time at Kat's birthday party. :Y:
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Re: The Getaway: Kat Dennings and Friends
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2024, 03:37:00 PM »
Wow, this story was an absolutely wild ride!  Loved the audience, the participation and man, Tyler is quite the machine!  Awesome job!!!
The following users thanked this post: DarkSwordsman


Re: The Getaway: Kat Dennings and Friends
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2024, 10:09:16 AM »
What a read!! and very crowded :Y:
Always loved Kat taking it.
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