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Author Topic: Sadie Sink - The Break Up  (Read 2869 times)


Sadie Sink - The Break Up
« on: May 02, 2024, 05:05:34 PM »
Sadie Sink – The Break Up

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Sadie Sink took a sip of her wine as she nodded along with the music that pumped throughout the bowling alley, where she was with a collection of her friends and colleagues. It was an event organised by the studio, a simple night out at a disco held at the bowling place near where they were filming and it had been booked out for the entire crew to enjoy. People brought their other halves and friends so there was a real energy to everything.

It was a great chance to blow off some steam and have fun, with food provided and people had their choice of drinks. She was enjoying red wine but not intending to overdo it, which of course is what everyone said before they inevitably did. But she was just looking to have a good time and enjoy hanging out with her working friends outside the pressures of set, with strict timings, costumes, make-up and fussy producers.

She was at a table with some of her co-stars and production team, including an older guy she got on particularly well with. He was called Max, ironically enough, and was about 30, so the best part of a decade older than her, but they just clicked so well. Their chemistry was fantastic and she wasn’t blind to the fact he had a thing for her, stealing glances at her when he thought she wasn’t looking and always making time for her. Despite not being single she found herself attracted to him, loving his cool demeanor and looking forward to seeing him everyday. He was handsome in a rugged sort of way, quite well built and just seemed fun.

She had no idea how he was single, though he just shrugged it off and said it wasn’t easy with the life of constant change, moving around to pursue new projects. It was understandable but she was surprised a girl hadn’t changed his mind on that...though she was secretly kind of happy they hadn’t, his eyes for her on set every day. Not that she should think that way, she had a boyfriend of over a year and he was meant to join her for the party, though he was running late and hadn’t shown.

It mattered not and she partied it up with her friends, talking louder as they all had a couple of drinks and the music threatened to overwhelm their conversation. People dipped in and out of the gathering, choosing to play some retro arcade machines or shoot a few hoops on the basketball until someone suggested they actually go and do some bowling, since they were at a bowling alley after all. They headed onto the lanes and split across two of them side-by-side, with Sadie on the same lane as Max which didn’t displease her.

She knew it gave him a good look at her slender legs as she swooped down to bowl, bending over in front of him in her dress. It wasn’t scandalously short by any means but it still gave a great show of her pale pins as she bowled, not that she was particularly good at it despite making an effort. Her long red hair was loose in soft curls that whirled around as she moved, spilling down her back over the silky black satin fabric of the dress that wrapped close at her hips before flicking out into a more forgiving skirt.

She had some simple Converse on with it and bare legs since it was spring, the weather picking up and finally getting warmer, threatening to break into summer when she’d have to cover her alabaster skin. She bowled a few reasonable shots, and a few complete failures but it didn’t matter as they were having fun and nobody else was doing anything spectacular. People got some strikes which drew playful applause and equally dire shots were met with howls of teasing derision from them all.

Sadie had just managed a nice eight pins which she was pleased with when her boyfriend finally showed up, seeing her bowling and heading across to meet her. She waved to him then quickly threw her second shot, hoping to grab the spare but the ball trailed near then dipped into the gutter, a bit too close to the edge with her throw which left her on eight. Everyone gave a groan and she shrugged, hands up as she stepped through everyone to meet her boyfriend as he got to their lane.

“Hey,” she said as she greeted him, moving in for a kiss but he just pulled her into a hug. Other people gave him a brief wave as they knew him already, if not closely.

“Hey,” he replied, and she could tell there was something off.

“You alright?” she asked.

“Yeah I’m...can we talk?” he said.

“Sure…” she said cautiously, concerned something was up.

“Guys, take my shots for me, don’t wait,” she said to her group.

“Sure. Maybe we’ll get some better scores while we’re at it,” Max quipped, inciting a laugh from her friends.

“Yeah yeah, we’ll see,” she replied, turning and walking away with her boyfriend. They headed back towards the foyer area, away from the crowds of the party to get a little seclusion.

“What’s up? Is everything ok?” she asked earnestly, concerned something serious had happened.

“Everyone’s fine, don’t worry.”

“Then what? And why are you here so late?” she said, checking the clock and seeing it was going on nine already when things had started a couple of hours prior.

“I’ve been thinking,” he replied, shifting on his feet.

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good,” she said with a playful tone to her voice, “you gonna break up with me or something?”

His silence said it all, his hesitation before he looked into her eyes. A cold stare.

“You fucking serious? You’re breaking up with me?” she asked pointedly, mind suddenly focused as she felt a wave of horror sweep through her, like the rug was pulled from under her feet.

“Yeah,” he replied quietly.

“Seriously? Right now?”

“Yeah, we’re done,” he said. She stared at him, shock turning to fuming anger as she clenched her fists; she was fucking pissed as she hadn’t been expecting it at all. Sure they’d had their problems, every couple did, but she wasn’t at all ready to get dumped, especially not by him and in public at that. He’d always been a bit of a pushover with her during their relationship and she’d been the one in charge so for him to suddenly find a backbone and break up with her at this night out was something else.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Out of the blue like this?”

“It’s not out of the blue and you know it,” he said, clearly seeing things differently to her.

“We’ve been together more than a year and you’re just chucking this away?”

“I just think we want different things,” he said, keeping calm as she heated up. He knew her temper.

“Different things, since when?” she snapped.

“Your career is flying, which is great for you but I don’t see how I fit into that,” he said.

“Oh so it’s my job again,” she replied, a point he’d made before, “are you jealous or what? You told me you weren’t!”

“I’m not taking it away from you, but there’s no time for me and if I want to be with you I just have to go wherever that is, it’s difficult,” he said sternly, trying to get his point across as she attempted to shout him down. Neither of them realised they were getting louder in their attempts to overrule one another and as a result people from the party were looking over at them arguing near the doors.

“I thought you were happy to do that, we talked about this!”

“We did, but now I’m not,” he snapped back.

“Wind just change your mind or something? This is such bullshit!”

“I’m just being honest with you, I thought that’s what you wanted!” he shouted in response.

“You didn’t even talk to me about this!”

“What would be the point? Are you giving up acting for us, or going to stay in one place to make it work? There’s no talking about this,” he yelled firmly, definitively. Sadie was silent, staring at him with tears welling up in her pretty blue eyes.

“Who is she?” she blurted out sharply, immediately jumping to her next conclusion. He gave a roll of his eyes however.


“Cut the shit, no way you just came to this decision to give up on us!” she screamed.

“Look even if there was it doesn’t matter, we’re done,” he said, trying to punctuate it and end the increasingly escalating scene.

“It matters to me! You just want to walk out of my life!”

“It’s over, Sadie,” he said, steeling himself and not rising to her. She just stopped, staring at him with tears running down her cheeks, furious and upset in equal measure.

“So what, you just came to do this right here? You wanted to humiliate me in public?” she said accusingly, voice cracking as she tried to hold it all back.

“No, I didn’t want this at all,” he sighed, looking at the floor, realising how much he’d fucked things up. He really hadn’t intended to upset her so much, or make any kind of scene with her. It was hardly to either of their advantage and he really wasn’t seeking to one-up her or something.

“I just had to be honest with you. I didn’t want to string you along,” he said, looking into her eyes defeated.

“Well congratulations. Mission accomplished,” she whispered, struggling to speak through her tears, her throat tight as she threatened to sob.

“Get the fuck outta here,” she mumbled, turning away as her body jolted, some of her friends already approaching from the bowling lanes to intercept her. Her now ex-boyfriend hesitated, seemingly like he wanted to say something else though all it would be doing was rubbing salt in the wounds and Max, seeing the clear upset, had already stepped up to keep an eye on proceedings. With Sadie in pieces, he locked eyes with her ex and pointed to the door, making it as clear as could be that there was nothing left to do but leave.

He took a final look after the redhead then turned and quickly exited, ruing the encounter and how things had turned out. He’d wanted to break up with her but not like that and he knew she’d never forgive him for it, though she’d likely never speak to him again anyway. Max watched Sadie as her friends quickly hid her from view in the bathroom, privacy after a very public spectacle which nobody would envy. He looked back to other people still watching on, wondering what had happened.

“Come on, let’s bowl,” he said, waving people back to the lanes, trying to resume their night. Everyone gradually got back to it and they carried on playing, finishing off the game and starting another before Sadie emerged from the bathroom. She’d got herself together and touched up her make-up, looking far more controlled than perhaps anyone expected her to be. She rejoined the group looking pissed, which was understandable. She was more humiliated than anything else and so angry that he somehow seemed to get the upper hand on her.

“You alright?” someone asked her tentatively.

“No,” she said bluntly.

“Got it,” they mumbled, backing off and not asking anything else. Nobody else attempted to raise conversation, just waiting for her and not wanting to catch her temper. She had no intention however as she just felt raw and embarrassed by it, her evening ruined but she didn’t want it to suck the life out of everything. And she figured that if she left she’d just be going home to mope by herself and cry alone which was hardly appealing and besides there would be plenty of time for that.

“I’m gonna get a drink,” she stated, turning on her heel and heading back to the bar. The bowling was finished and people dispersed, figuring maybe they’d grab another game later on but for now it was time for a change. Max walked casually back towards the arcade machines and figured he’d get some goes in on the classics that always seemed to pervade bowling alleys. The night was wearing on some and the disco had got more into things, people loosening up and dancing, getting into the spirit of it all.

Sadie got herself a double and took a hearty drink of it, wincing a little at the alcohol. She certainly hadn’t been intending to get drunk but she was now, not wanting to keep thinking it over, set on just having a mad night of it all. She looked around at everyone enjoying themselves including her friends from set coming to join her. They knew she didn’t want to talk but were rallying around her which was great and before she realised she’d finished the glass and was being dragged onto the dance floor.

It was the perfect tonic, much like the one she’d just enjoyed in her drink and she was swept up in the beat of the music and just threw herself into dancing with her friends. Her boyfriend didn’t matter, she could just enjoy the night as best as possible like she’d intended to. More drinks found their way into her hand as her friends gave her what she needed, not attempting any more talk about what had happened and focusing on drinking the night away as they danced.

Sadie just refused to acknowledge it, even though deep down she felt broken and thrown away. She knew there was no point in feeling sad despite being so and tried to just focus on the positives, which included having a good party with the people she worked with day after day. With each drink she cared less, dancing hard, her skirt flicking up and showing off her slender legs and pale skin, her red hair flicking all over with her energy.

Max joined later on for a dance, letting her blow off steam first before mingling into the crowd. He wasn’t much for dancing but figured it was fun and what the hell, he might as well. Besides, Sadie was single now and he wasn’t about to pretend that didn’t interest him. He joined in with everyone else initially but when a deeper, more soulful song came on the chemistry just seemed to be there and all he had to do was take the chance.

He didn’t hesitate and slid in closer to her, making it about them; her girlfriends sensed it and melted away into the group, knowing they both liked one another and wanting to give Sadie some fun to cheer up her night. Sadie didn’t seem to hesitate either as she slipped into his presence and just went with it, the beat still pumping, making her shake her hips into him as she turned around, pressing back enticingly.

It was certainly a position he’d thought about getting her in previously, towering over her as she turned round to grind into him. Her inhibitions were certainly lowered and they just melted into the mood, the moment overtaking them as they danced, Sadie rocking her body into him as his hands slid down her sides, maybe cheekily a little close to the sides of her perky chest but she didn’t even attempt to stop him. She welcomed it, wanting to feel sexy and desired, to just go for it and act out a little.

Doesn’t someone want to be wanted? She didn’t want to feel thrown aside and discarded so threw herself into the dance with him, finally letting him get his hands on her. She knew he liked her and she couldn’t deny she’d thought about it; being a few years older than her and clearly more experienced she wondered what it would be like to fuck him, to let him show her what he could do, knowing she’d probably love it. It had just been a fantasy though and she’d never expected to act on it. She wasn’t now either, they were just having some sexy fun on the dance floor and she just pushed it aside and liked his hands roaming testingly over her.

She pushed and writhed against him, not attempting to stop his touch as they ground together in their own little world. Their dance lasted more than one song and they just enjoyed each other for a while, their passions unleashed somewhat and bubbling away...threatening to boil over. Sadie spun in his arms and pulled them around his neck, her flat Converse not helping the petite actress reach him as he fairly towered over her, so much bigger and stronger than her. They looked into each others eyes as they danced, the spark alive, dancing like they were as they moved.

His hands pulled round the small of her back, pulling her up slowly, his strength evident and she knew he could pick her up easily if he wanted to. He seemed like he might pull her up into a kiss but he didn’t, their chemistry just bubbling intently, Max not making the move that would release the pressure and potentially start a tougher conversation. His hands did slide down to her ass though, not missing the chance to give her tight booty a firm squeeze and she didn’t mind, murmuring at the grope and letting it go.

Their dance faded with the music and he left her to her friends as he went to grab a drink, keeping it light with a Coke as Sadie continued to rip up the dance floor with the other women she was hanging with. He glanced back to her as he waited for his drink, his cock still semi-hard from where her tight ass had been shoved into him, her grinding against him quite the treat and something he’d wanted for a while. He got his drink and walked away to sit down, finding some other guys from the production crew to catch up with.

The night wore on as Sadie enjoyed herself, her dance with him and the electricity she’d felt on her mind, helping push away the negative thoughts of the night. She toyed with the idea and thought it’d be a great fuck you to her ex, really show him what he was missing even though he’d never know about it...unless she told him of course. The alcohol helped and as the evening got late she got pretty drunk, the quantity of drinks taking their toll on her petite frame.

Her legs were tired from dancing and she’d retreated from the dance floor to sit with the others. They were at a big table, a collection of all sorts from the studio including Max. They were thinning out as the night got late, heading home to their beds, some with their partners that Sadie eyed jealously. The negativity hit her again, the alcohol turning on her leaving her morose and feeling it all once more. She found herself talking with Max, next to him at the table which wasn’t an accident, as she babbled and complained about it, letting it out again.

“I can’t believe he did that,” she spat, anger rising in her once more. Max stayed silent, letting her go off.

“Just...to fucking do that, come here and just ditch me, who does that?”

“Someone wanting to make a scene, I guess,” he offered.

“Obviously but why do I deserve that? What did I do to be dumped and in front of everyone!” she snapped.

“I can’t possibly comment, Sadie,” he replied. He didn’t know the intimate details of their relationship.

“Just pisses me off so much,” she mumbled angrily, waving her glass around and almost slopping her drink, “we’ve been together a while and then he just comes in and does that, like outta nowhere.”

“It’s his loss,” he commented, glancing down her slender body.

“It’s just so unfair,” she grumbled, missing his comment completely.

“Yeah, it sucks,” he agreed as she took a drink, sulkily staring towards the windows.

“But I know exactly what’ll cheer you up,” he added.

“You do?”

“Yeah, I’ve got just what you need tonight,” he said, looking into her eyes with a stare that told her everything.

“What’s that?” she slurred, feigning ignorance.

“Cut the shit Sadie, you know exactly what it is,” he replied, suddenly straightforward. It was true, she knew exactly what he was suggesting.

“I guarantee it’ll make you feel better,” he said with a smile. The proposition was direct and as obvious as it got; she’d been intending to have sex with her boyfriend after the party, but that was gone, lost to the mess of everything that’d happened, so she was certainly ready to go and honestly would love to get fucked. Sleeping with somebody else wasn’t entirely in her plan however and she contemplated it for a moment.

“I’m not sure,” she replied cautiously, drunken mind suddenly focused and sharp, heart rate picking up. Their chemistry was undeniable however and they’d been flirting since the drama unfolded, their dance so intimate and hot. He’d groped her but she’d reciprocated, grinding her ass enticingly into him, loving feeling him push against her petite body...the desire evident.

“You are really,” he said, which wasn’t a lie. He’d noticed just as she had that their spark was definitely alight, ready for ignition and all they had to do was go for it.

“I really shouldn’t,” she offered, “I mean...it just happened.”

“Fuck that, and fuck him. I’m here, he’s not,” he said decisively. They’d been flirting all night and he knew she wanted it as badly as him. He surreptitiously reached out and pulled her slender hand onto his lap, feeling his cock through his jeans with a little gasp at the boldness of his move. She didn’t resist or pull away though, instead pressing her fingers into him more intently and squeezing carefully, looking around them as she did to make sure nobody was watching. Sadie felt his package, a tingle running through her as she felt him strain at her touch, knowing he was ready to go...ready for her.

“It’ll fit inside you perfectly, and it’s exactly what you need,” he smiled. It was game on now and he just had to seal the deal, knowing she was on the brink.

“I’m not sure, I don’t wanna do it for the wrong reasons,” she murmured, still stroking him idly.

“Just come have some fun. A lot of fun, that’s a good reason, what’s the problem?” he countered.

“What you gonna do for me that my vibrator can’t?” she snapped back, fire in her again. He loved the temper on redheads, it always made them so satisfying to fuck, so passionate and fiery.

“Oh this will be so much better,” he smiled, Sadie seeing the spark in his eyes. She was encouraging him to tempt her essentially, to draw her into his bed and make her his. Her look simply told him to continue.

“I’m gonna fuck you really hard, you’re gonna love it, but that’s not all it’s about. You’ll come so hard you’ll forget all this bullshit. It’ll be something different you weren’t getting before, and I promise you’re gonna love it,” he smiled.

“Sounds intense,” she commented with a drunken smile that told him he was almost there.

“It will be. It’s gonna be my way, but you’re gonna love it. If you’ve got the balls to take the chance.”

“That’s very tempting,” she murmured quietly, biting her lip softly. They sat in silence for a moment, Max not pushing her any further, Sadie not committing.

“Come out and play, Sadie,” he whispered with a smile, a look that hinted that everything he promised would be delivered.

“I…just...gimme a minute,” she said, sitting up with an attack of momentary conscience.

“I’m gonna grab a break, I’ll be back,” he said, standing from the table and walking away towards the restrooms, leaving her to think it over. She was 50/50, hell she was further along than that but it niggled at her. She felt like she couldn’t or shouldn’t go home with him even if it was an amazing experience, like she was better than that or shouldn’t out of deference to her ex.

But then again he’d publicly chucked her hours before and what did it matter what he thought? All her anger was with him and that’s why she was in the situation she was. What would it matter? One fun night to feel better, it wasn’t like she had to tell anyone and after plenty of drinks she’d like nothing more than to get pinned on her back and pounded. It tempted her, beckoning her with a finger that promised exciting, illicit pleasure, a break out from her norm, from being a good girl. She could be a fiery, unpredictable bad girl for a night. For him.

Max took a few minutes taking a break, giving her time to think about it and make a decision. He knew she wanted to join him but was evidently conflicted, just hoping she made the choice to come back with him so he could treat her to a night of pleasure. Intense, hard pleasure, but he was gonna make sure she loved it and came harder than she ever had. He headed back out, striding confidently over to the table where she was still alone, looking at her phone and lost in thought when he interrupted her.

 “I’m heading home,” he said, grabbing his jacket and casually throwing it over his shoulders as she looked at him.

“I’ve got no more time for bullshit tonight. You coming or what?” he said simply, the proposition laid out in black and white before her. Sadie stared at him wide eyed like a deer in the headlights for a moment, completely speechless as she tried to put her thoughts together.

“You gonna come join me for a hard fuck or you going home to that vibrator you mentioned?” he said with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Yeah...yeah, I’m coming,” she said hurriedly after another moment of hesitation, finally making the decision to go for it, wanting to be wanted. She quickly downed the last of her drink with a shiver, throwing the cup down and standing up with a slight wobble, getting out from the seat as she fumbled to grab her stuff. She grabbed her bag and phone as Max dutifully pulled her coat from the back of the seat and held it up for her to slide into. He was acting such a gentlemen with her; she wondered if it would be the same once he got her home, or whether he’d expect his lady to turn into his whore in the bedroom. Frankly at that point she’d made her choice and didn’t really care either way, she’d agreed to his way and that was that.

He took her arm and led her to the exit, Sadie sure some of the people left were noticing. She could just tell them he was giving her a ride home as she drunkenly held onto him and scuffed her Converse on the floor as he took her to his ride. She’d just committed to putting herself in his hands now and loved how he seemed to just sink effortlessly into that role, leading her confidently, strong and stoic as she held onto him. He was just in charge of her as he took her to his car, opening the door and helping lower her into the seat.

He’d only had one beer, deciding to have an easy night of it. Max walked round and slid into the drivers seat beside her, glancing over at the gorgeous redhead beside as she gave him a knowing look at what they were doing. There was no time for talk though and he started the car, shifting into reverse and pulling out of the space to take them home. They didn’t say a word, Sadie just reaching out and sliding her hand over his, her touch warm and delicate. His cock strained against his jeans as his cock anticipated what was to come, knowing he’d relish the moment he slid inside her hot, tight pussy.

Sadie squeezed her pale thighs, turned on by what she was doing, excited by having what she assumed would be a one night stand and putting herself in his hands. It was the first time she’d done such a thing and it was exhilarating, nestled into the supportive seat of his car as it burbled along quietly to take her to her night of illicit pleasures. His place wasn’t too far either so she didn’t have too much time to second guess herself, finding them pulling up before she realised, lost to it all as the alcohol buzzed her mind.

He got out and walked around to open her door, Sadie trying but failing to graciously get out of the car and giving him a look straight up her skirt in the process. She pulled it back into place, and it was dark after all, but she was sure he caught a glance. Not that it really mattered, he’d he stripping the panties he saw off her shortly she had no doubt. He had taken a quick look, getting a momentary snap of her sexy underwear, something a little more racy than he was expecting to see between her smooth, pale legs.

He helped her out of the car and shut the door, locking it as they walked towards the stairs, Sadie again holding onto him as he led them up to his apartment and let them in, holding it open for her to step in front of him as he flicked the lights on. She was again struck by how he towered over her, so much taller and bigger built, but he was her protector and she was all his, his woman. He closed the door and locked it behind them as she pulled her coat off and hung it clumsily on a hook in his hallway, stumbling over the rug a little as she made her way into his front room.

Sadie dropped her bag and phone down on a side table as she looked around the tidy, sparsely furnished place. A typical guys place, she mused, but had little time to contemplate it as he stepped up behind her and gripped her waist, squeezing a ragged, surprised gasp from her lips as he swept her hair to one side and kissed aggressively at the side of her neck, his teeth grazing her soft, pale skin as she tipped her head over and welcomed it, shivering intently. A tingle ran down her spine and her pussy clenched, excitement setting in immediately as he grabbed her.

It was a good thing as he wasn’t hanging around, immediately in charge, the fuck evidently going to proceed as he’d promised her. She was fine with that so long as he made her come like he’d promised in return. His hands pushed down over the feminine shape of her hips and stroked the smooth, satin fabric as he felt down the sides of her skirt. Sadie reached back behind her, pulling him closer to her in their intimate moment as he slowly teased her, hands bunching up her skirt and retreating it up her smooth, toned thighs, pulling it back up until it almost pulled over her panties before he let it drop down again.

She spun around in his arms and was immediately pulled off her feet, Max easily lifting her slight form to meet her with a kiss, hard and passionate, their tongues pressing together intently as his arms locked around her back and pulled her to him. Her Converse-clad feet swung above the floor as they made out, hot and hungry, his fingers working to find her zip in the process. He let her slip down, her black satin dress gliding nicely between them as he did so, fingers maintaining their position at her zip.

She touched the floor and then he drew the zip down smoothly, all the way in a single, effortless motion as she sighed and arched her back, the dress pulling open to reveal her slender body and black bra strap as he pulled it down to just above her ass. He kissed her intensely once more, her arms pulling him close as he held her face and their tongues twisted again, breaking apart with a heavy breath before he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around, pushing her to the back of the sofa.

Sadie thought he’d go straight to it, bending her over for a fuck without delay which frankly she would have welcomed, but instead he shoved her over abruptly so she fairly tumbled over the back of the sofa, prone and vulnerable. The alcohol helped and she staggered over easily, looking back up to him from behind her curtain of long red hair as instead of immediately undoing his jeans he grabbed her black satin skirt and wrenched it up, untucking it from under her legs as she gasped.

As he yanked it up clear of her to expose her tight booty and her sexy underwear to his gaze he dropped to his knees behind her and trailed his hands down her smooth, bare thighs. She tingled as his touch was electric, shivering as she anticipated what was to come, everything happening so fast. He took in her gorgeous ass, smooth and toned, her pale skin a beautiful contrast to the black underwear and outfit she had on. To match the black bra strap he’d seen earlier she was wearing a sexy black thong with a detailed lacy design, the triangle pulled perfectly up her ass with the wide, soft waistband pulling exquisitely around her pelvis.

What mattered was beneath it however and her pussy bulged them perfectly between her silky thighs, enticing him to do exactly what he intended, his hands sliding over her skin to slip over the soft black lace before his fingers curled back underneath it and he abruptly yanked it down to expose her, Sadie gasping as he intimately revealed her and took in her tight asshole and smooth, puffy pussy lips.

“Fuck that’s nice,” he breathed, taking in her expertly shaven lips. Sadie was basically down to fuck; she’d been expecting to go home with her boyfriend afterwards so had shaved her pussy to perfection, neatly crafting the tidy little strip she sported and opting for some sexy underwear to go with it. That had all fallen through, but they were still put to good use now that Max had hold of her.

“Fuck…” Sadie stuttered through a groan as his hands spread her ass a little and he dove straight in, pressing his lips to hers and dragging his tongue straight up the entrance to her slick, tight haven. He loved redhead pussy and he made sure to flick her clit firmly with the tip of his tongue to make her legs shake, the actress bracing herself on the sofa cushions. Her heart rate climbed rapidly as he devoured her, not holding back or building her up but instead doing exactly as he’d promised her and going for it his way.

She couldn’t fight it and didn’t want to, closing her eyes and digging into the sofa, arching her back to try and push herself more into him, to expose her hard, wanting clit more to his ministrations as his tongue lapped hard at her sweet, smooth pussy. His fingertips dug firmly into her toned ass, mouth buried into her as he worked his tongue more intently, splitting her lips easily as the puffy flesh easily yielded to him and let him taste her abundant juices, tip trailing up and into her soft inner labia.

“Jesus...don’t stop!” she gasped, completely losing herself to it as blood rushed to her head and she drunkenly enjoyed it. Max didn’t let off, his pace only increasing a little more as he dug his tongue firmly into her, almost too much but just enough that she absolutely loved it. His tip flicked up and down her entrance, easing it open for him, able to tell how wet and ready she was for his prick whilst still focusing on her clit, dancing around it with practiced perfection.

He stepped it up as his motions became much more limited and he focused solely on her button, his position behind her easily letting his tongue push her protective hood up out the way so he could attack her nub with absolute intensity. She gasped in overwhelmed ecstasy as her heart raced while she felt every little motion, every rough sensation of his tongue as it exquisitely stimulated her, the tip just hooking back a little to accentuate his pressure on her as he worked.

She surged in nervous arousal as his hand slid over her ass so he could carefully press his thumb to her asshole, feeling it tighten up instinctively as he touched her before pressing more firmly and working against her resistance. Sadie gasped as she relaxed into it and gently pushed into him once more, surprised at the unexpected, illicit touch but it felt good when combined with the aggressive eating of her pussy.

His co-ordination was perfect and his rhythms just suited her body, his thumb pressing into her tightest hole and rocking slowly in small circles that helped open her up a little to him, whilst his tongue was attacking her button at the speed of sound, dancing across her in a perfectly choreographed effort that worked across her from all directions and ran around the outside, stimulating her thousands of nerve endings in an eclectic ballet of body and soul.

It was fantastic and her orgasm was building fast towards one she knew would be intensely hard and sudden when it hit, and that was imminent. But it was at that moment that Max switched it up, swapping back to his long strokes up her silky, shaven lips before he suddenly plunged his tongue inside her. She inhaled suddenly, body quaking in his hands as another wave of arousal hit her, that initial penetration that she loved as his hot, skillful tongue drove inside her and circled around her velvet walls.

He worked his tongue around her smooth tunnel and thrust it in and out of her rapidly as his thumb pressed a bit harder, more intent now to stretch her asshole a bit and open her up. Sadie was lost to it all, completely under his control as he drove her to ecstasy, making her totally submissive as she surrendered herself to it his way as he’d wanted and she couldn’t argue with the results thus far. His thumb rocked and worked into her, pushing her as his tongue continued to tease her silky opening until he made the moment and squeezed it into her asshole.

Sadie let out a stuttering, shuddering groan as she stretched, feeling wonderful and pushing back against him to accentuate the sensations as he penetrated her tightest hole. His tongue slid from her pussy, leaving it so wet and ready as he attacked her stiff clit once more with ferocious speed that made her abs spasm and vagina clench, letting out a sharp wail of pleasure that she muffled in the cushions. Her body was on fire, absolutely dancing with him as he assaulted her with everything she’d ever expected and plenty she hadn’t.

He worked in her tight, squeezing asshole as he licked her, rocking his thumb to open her up a little more and drive a unique kind of pleasure as he combined it with the attack on her clit. She was fully expecting the orgasm to be unleashed upon her but he slowed down, backing off and reducing the pressure on her. Sadie whined a little, needing her climax but not daring to complain, loving his every touch as he worked his tongue lovingly over her. It gave soft, flat rubs of his tongue in slow circles and gentle flicks forward and backward across her to combine with the slow but powerful motions of his thumb in her ass.

She hadn’t had full anal sex before though she’d tried, she’d explored it some with toys and her ex but he usually rushed her too much. Max though, he was being careful with her, not asking and just taking but bringing it to her in the best, most enticing manner and making it feel good. And it was so hot, the way he handled her and the naughty, forbidden sensations of anal pleasure that coursed through her body at his hands that she couldn’t possibly say no, wanting everything. She was just tempted and coaxed so easily by the enjoyment of it all, going with it and loving every touch.

She was disappointed when he slowly pulled back to ease out of her, not making her tense or flinch as he did, his tongue still working her clit carefully in the process. Sadie thought it was just a tease, something thrown in perhaps with the main show of eating her pussy but her eyes popped open wide as he surged up and dragged his tongue straight over her asshole. She trembled, breathing hard as he attacked it with much the same vigour as he had her clit, pressing hard into her ass as he held her hips and probed her tightest hole.

He flicked back and forth over it before circling the tight ring of muscle, working outside-in until he was probing into her tightest hole. Sadie had never had her ass eaten before and held her breath in trepidation as he continued to tease her before abruptly penetrating, driving a loud, grunting moan from her, blushing as she cried out on pleasure at his hot tongue breaking into her asshole. It plunged deep, exactly like he had in her pussy, stretching her now completely willing sphincter out around him and working it open.

His tongue thrust powerfully in and out of her, rapid but with more presence than he’d shown her pussy, though maybe that was just how it felt to her, pushing her open and taking her to new places with it. His fingers dug into her as his hands gripped her tightly, holding her in position as her slight weight pressed her into the cushions of his sofa. His tongue pumped into her as she gasped hungrily, never imagining it could feel so good.

His hand slid from her hip and he reached round under her, easily finding her clit and making her jolt as he touched it like she’d received an electric shock. It was so intense, too much and made her cry out, petite body shaking hard, absolutely overwhelmed by him as he devoured her. He carefully rubbed at her clit as he continued to eat her ass, opening her tightest hole and driving her orgasm as it kept bubbling away under the surface, at his mercy. He clearly wouldn’t let her come until he intended, which was frustrating and hugely arousing, making her his submissive little toy.

She was worried he’d keep her on the brink until she collapsed completely but thankfully he wasn’t so cruel, wanting to see her explode and with that he pulled out of her asshole with a final lick and left it gaping. She was open and ready for more but hardly complaining as he suddenly dove down to attack her clit again in a way that made her quake. He wasn’t playing any more and held her hard as his tongue went to town at her button.

“Oh god…” she elicited in a strained, overwhelmed whine as his tongue thrashed her hard, desperate nub with rapid flicks from all sides, touching thousands of nerve endings as she pushed up on her toes. She almost wanted to pull away from it in contrast to the desperation to shove back against him harder and let every possible sensation crash into her soul. She chose the latter, unable to resist, completely sacrificed to his efforts, shoving her ass back into his face as her fingernails dug into the sofa and her gasping breaths descended into heavy, guttural grunts.

Her orgasm built on her heavily, like a rapid rush of water building against a dam, only having a matter of seconds before it became too much. It was on her like a weight and beneath it she crumpled, body suddenly giving way as it exploded through her, transmitting and jumping across every node and nerve in her body. The rush went up her spine as she arched and pushed up from the sofa with a huge rasping cry of release.

Her feet pushed and kicked, toes slipping from under her but Max just kept her pinned where she was on the back of the couch and continued to devour her perfect pink pussy. Her sweet juices covered his tongue, so hot and telling, her succulent pussy just ready to split in two round his achingly hard cock as he attacked her with his aching tongue, driving every last bit of energy he had into her as she wailed in ecstasy.

Sadie’s cries turned to hard gasps as she rocked her hips into him to extend and maximise every touch, every possible sensation as she surfed her orgasm to the shallows and bubbled over. Heat prickled her body, pale skin feeling like it was bursting as she was immediately sensitive and reached back quickly to stop his incredible, but now overwhelming efforts.

He stopped and pulled back, still holding her as she clumsily collapsed onto the sofa, loose dress sagging around her shoulders with the skirt bunched up over her hips, sexy black lacy panties stretched around her knees. His hands slid from her hips and he landed a firm, loud spank on her toned ass to make it jiggle as he stood up, Sadie just murmuring at it as she tried to recover from the most intense cunnilinguist she’d ever encountered. Her trust in his experience was well placed and she just felt exhausted, the most amazing orgasm spreading through her in a deep sense of satisfaction.

She didn’t have long to recover though, only a minute or so to haul in the deep breaths of oxygen she needed before his hands slid over her slender body again, up her back to her shoulders to pull her towards him. Sadie’s feet contacted the ground again and then Max hauled her up easily to her feet before him, almost lifting her off her feet as he yanked her dominantly away from the sofa to stand her up. Sadie was still breathing hard as his hands pushed into the lovely satin dress and swept it forward off her shoulders, sliding down her arms.

She let it go and the dress dropped round her hips then slipped silkily to the floor around her feet, before she dutifully pulled her legs together and let the panties follow it, dropping neatly at her ankles. Sadie stepped onto them with her heel and pinned them down so she could step out with one foot, then on with the toes of the other so she could discard them with the dress. It left her wearing just her matching black bra and Converse, standing before him where his hands gripped her shoulders to turn her around.

“Suck my cock,” he ordered her, looking into her gorgeous blue eyes. Sadie didn’t need to be asked twice and immediately dropped to her knees to return the favour, hands instantly going for his jeans. He let her take control of it as she deftly released his belt and the button, fumbling to pull the zip down so she could get his cock out. She knew he’d be hard for her but was still impressed as she relieved him of the denim and pulled it down his legs to reveal his aching erection in his snug boxers. Her tiny hand immediately went for it, making Max groan and his cock strain in her hand as she did.

She didn’t wait around, doing exactly as she’d been ordered and pulling his shorts out the way to release him fully, his solid manhood springing up mesmerically before him as she stared. She just breathed as she took him in, rock hard and pulsing for her, his heartbeat transposed to his prick as she reached up to wrap her fingers around him once more, skin to skin feeling so much more exciting. He was bigger than she’d expected and she kind of wondered whether it would fit inside her as she took hold of him, squeezing confidently.

Like most women, it didn’t put her off, only exciting her as she struggled to touch her fingertips around him, gripping his shaft as best she could as she imagined him fitting it inside her...his way. She grabbed him with her other hand too and took a hold, his cock longer than both her fists on him as she gripped and made the purple head strain, swelling intently under her ministrations as she stroked slowly back and forth for a moment.

It was all for her, so ready and waiting to slide inside her and she didn’t want to deny him. Without further hesitation and before she could overthink it she just went for it, hand gripping to his base whilst she grabbed his hip to hold herself steady with the other. Sadie leaned forward and pushed her hot mouth over his cock, soft mouth gliding over him with experience he was immediately pleased to feel.

“Fuck, that’s it,” he groaned as she did, pushing her lips over him snugly in a motion she’d practiced, knowing all men loved to feel it almost as much as her tongue coming up beneath them when she plunged it into her mouth. His hand immediately went to her hair, pushing her long red hair back from her face as his fingers slid through it and rested on her head. He didn’t control her but it was dominant, owning her as she sucked his thick prick that Sadie tried to fit in her mouth. He was a good size plenty for her to work with though she did wonder drunkenly if she could quite fit him in her petite body.

It was a concern for later however as she made her effort to suck his cock as well as he’d eaten her pussy, though she wasn’t sure she could match it. He’d done such an incredible job that her legs were still shaking, making her unsure she could stay knelt up to suck his cock since she couldn’t reach unless she did. She held onto his hip with one hand as she squeezed and stroked him at the base, stimulating what didn’t fit in her mouth as she started bobbing her head like a good girl, his good girl.

Her sucking was firm, not too much off the bat but plenty to turn him on, feeling him pulse and throb in her mouth as she got sucking, working up and down on a few inches of his cock whilst she pressed her tongue upwards into the underside of him. Like him she knew a few tricks and curled her tongue back to probe it in just below his head, hitting that sensitive spot with intent pressure every time his cock pulled back from her mouth.

She was controlling the pace but it was picking up, just losing themselves to the rhythm as she sucked as best as she could at his cock, just going for it and wanting to please him, to bring him half the release he’d given to her. Sadie rocked back and forward, guided perfectly by his hand as she extended her strokes to let her lips pull over the ridge of his bulging purple head and stimulate more nerve endings. His grunts of enjoyment told her everything she needed to know and spurred her to keep going, keep working, keep turning it up.

“Take your bra off,” he commanded her. Without question Sadie immediately took her hands off him and reached round her back, fumbling her fingers into the slender black strap and unhooking it, shrugging it forward to expose her perky breasts and stiff nipples before she tossed it nonchalantly aside, naked save for her shoes. Her hands immediately grabbed his hips again, both this time as she resumed sucking properly, focused and intent on giving more. She pushed herself down harder, into the back of her throat to engulf more of his cock, feeling him flex and strain as she did to tell her it was exactly what he wanted.

His hand tightened in her hair as she sucked hard, increasing the vacuum on his cock as she kept going hard, making sure to keep her tongue engaged on him even as she thrust down to take him deeper. It was a struggle as she was no deep throat queen but she could do a decent job, especially given her petite size and endeavored to prove it to him. His thick head pumped deep and bumped the back of her throat firmly, Sadie pulling herself into him as her fingers pressed into his skin. He let her work as he pulled his shirt off, throwing it aside as he enjoyed the sight of the gorgeous redhead actress sucking intently at his cock.

With another push into her throat though he knew what he wanted and immediately acted to change the channel, reaching down to grab her and pull her off him. Sadie was confused as he pulled back drew her effortlessly to her feet, wondering if she’d done something wrong but that fleeting thought was swept away as he reached down and grabbed her, spinning her over as she gave a squeal before throwing her down firmly on the sofa.

She was on her back, head sagging off the edge of the cushions with her pretty red hair cascading down onto the floor below. He immediately stepped over her, rock hard and ready to get more of the deep throat she’d been showing off. Sadie stared up at his cock as it strained over her, so erect and ready for her and she knew what he wanted to do with it. Her body tingled with the mixture of sensations, nerves blending with excitement, both scared and turned on by him in the last few moments before he slid it into her mouth again.

She was completely out of control and utterly loved his dominance, having never been fucked that way and she was just his to enjoy as he dipped down and shoved himself back into her mouth. Sadie sucked firmly again and pressed her tongue to him but, to no surprise at all, he pressed hard and forced his prick into her throat given the angle he had her at. She gagged as he got deeper, unable to handle him as her eyes watered and she flailed a little, discomfort rising for a second before he pulled back.

He wasn’t gonna take a no though and let her grab a breath then pushed down again, shoving into her mouth and it was clear what was on the cards for her. She didn’t complain or refuse him, holding on tight as she tried to control herself and keep sucking. Max shoved down deeper and made her gag once more, ignoring her and picking up a pace, getting into a rhythm of shoving it deep into her with short, powerful pumps against the back of her throat.

Sadie gave wet gagging sounds as her tight body surged and clenched. Max looked down over her naked on the couch before him, thrusting as he drank in her beautifully pale petite body, her small breasts perky with hard nipples, slender waist and toned abs that were clenching above her perfectly shaved pussy. She had a neat strip of pubic hair above her clit, shaved tightly that showed off that she was a natural redhead above her tight, smooth pussy with her engorged lips just protruding a little.

He pressed on relentlessly with her, breaking down barriers and getting deeper into her. She couldn’t take him all but it was certainly more than she ever had before, losing herself to the rhythm of it and just doing all she could to please him. She knew he took pleasure from her as his cock was iron stiff, pulsing and jumping in her mouth as he drove his sensitive head over the back of her tongue into her hot, tight throat.

Max drove himself into her, loving how her throat bulged as she gagged more softly, just taking it as her tongue kept lapping and pressing at him. Sadie drunkenly enjoyed it, just going for it and being what he wanted her to be, figuring it could be part of her wild night with him, the fuck his way as he’d promised. Sure it was a struggle but she could handle it, it was new and exciting and she just loved how he took her to task and made her what he wanted. That was so hot and she figured this could just be part of her wild night to get over her break-up.

She’d never have done it with her ex, he couldn’t handle her like that and she just wouldn’t agree to it, but Max, he could have it. He could have her unleashed in the aftermath of everything that’d happened. He deserved it for the way he’d fucked her, the way he lived up to what he’d promised and now she wanted to reciprocate even if she was struggling. Max didn’t seem to care however and just kept going, staring over her hot body as she swallowed his cock. He leaned over her and reached down to slide his hand over her tummy, making her jump before she shuddered hard and groaned through his cock.

The tingle was a pleasure as his fingers delved into her soft folds once more and started expertly rubbing her, circling and stimulating her clit just right to make her strong abs tense up. She moaned in unabashed pleasure as he picked up the pace to work her intently, not wanting to tease or tempt her, aiming to bring on another orgasm as she sucked his cock. He kept pumping down to drive as much of himself into her, pushing her further and further as she struggled to suck him, gagging and groaning as his fingers danced at her button.

Sadie was completely lost to the sensations of it all. With the alcohol already leaving her uninhibited and loosened up, the feel of him pumping his cock into her throat combined with the intense stimulation of her clit was all too much. She didn’t know how to take it all in and could only mumble in pleasure as she tried to handle it all. It was impossible and she just became a slave to the rhythm, soul washed away and eroded into the huge tumble of everything she was feeling.

Her orgasm built fast, exactly as he intended with his focused stimulation of her clit, pressing her button just right to make it rush up on her and within a moment she was on the brink again. He kept pumping his hips intently to drive his thick cock down her throat, Sadie focusing on that and sucking it hard even as her body twitched and started to clench up, legs kicking a little against the sofa as she resisted it.

It was pointless however as with another few seconds of rubbing at her clit she suddenly bucked, slender body shuddering on the sofa under him as another climax hit her. Her eyes rolled back and she struggled to focus on anything else, body shaking as it hit her hard, rather unexpectedly so for a fast orgasm but the whole situation just overwhelmed her diminutive body. She wasn’t getting as much air as she might normally and her head span, momentary oxygen deprivation hitting her and making her see stars.

It was all the opening he needed and with a final shove he broke the last of her resistance and got his cock right down her throat. Sadie gave a strained gagging noise as he sank almost balls deep in her mouth, feeling his cock flexing as he pulsed rock hard. He was so turned on by finally breaking her, the sensations of her tightening around his cock exquisite as he started thrusting hard and fast in short strokes that kept him deep in her.

“Oh fuck, that’s it…” he shivered, a tingle running through his whole body as his cock delved completely into her throat for the first time...her first time. Sadie just braced herself and gagged quietly around him as he thumped into her tired, unresisting throat, struggling even as she wanted to please him. She knew her body was regardless, so stiff, so rock hard as she felt his energy pick up to cram himself into her mouth with little concern for her contortions beneath him.

“Just like that, good girl,” he breathed huskily, making her immediately shiver in excitement as he watched her throat bulging round his prick. She’d never had a man treat her this way and she loved it, sucking hard even as he bossed things completely. Max worked hard, breathing intently at his efforts as he piled every bit of energy he had into thrusting his cock right down her throat.

The sight of Sadie swallowing it all, dutifully taking it was just perfect and he was close, his cock throbbing and twitching on the brink of his own climax. He chased that, not letting anything stand in his way as he pounded into her, switching to a final series of very fast, hard thrusts as he felt it teetering. He relished every sensation her throat gave him as it wrapped around his sensitive head, driving deep in her mouth as he suddenly tumbled past the point of no return.

Sadie could barely tell what was going on as she took it, Max pumping in a flurry of rapid strokes as his cock went impossibly stiff, slamming it down into her in a final few seconds of stimulation before he exploded with a sudden jump of his cock. She groaned and jolted as his prick suddenly pulsed in her mouth and ejected a hot, thick burst of come down her throat. He was deep and shoved it as far as possible, growling loudly with pleasure as his cock jumped repeatedly to shoot his load down her throat.

He squeezed hard to empty every last bit of his balls as deep into her as possible, Sadie holding back gags from the sudden cease of his rhythm, catching her out as he spilled his abundant load into her and held himself deep, not pulling out for anything. Sadie immediately swallowed, gulping down around him, drunkenly doing it without hesitation despite never normally partaking. She was a different person with him and did as he wanted, and she figured it was yet another fuck you to her ex. She’d never swallowed for him no matter how much he’d tried to get her to do it and now Max could enjoy it instead.

Emptying himself fully, Max held for a moment then pulled himself out of her mouth to let Sadie haul in a huge breath, heart pounding as she twisted over on the sofa to rest her neck, gasping towards the floor as he stepped back a little then turned to sit on the sofa beside her. Sinking down, his hand reached out to stroke over her smooth leg, gliding over the shaven skin to tease up her thigh as they both recovered in the aftermath.

Sadie pulled herself up onto the sofa and turned round to slouch into the cushions, dangling her feet off the couch as she slumped back and breathed deeply, hearing the blood pumping in her ears. She felt absolutely exhausted; it was like a state of mind she’d never experienced, feeling light headed from the experience of it all with her first rough throat fuck leaving her swallowing uncomfortably and her body still light from the orgasms he’d given her, tingling from the excitement of it all with the amazing tongue techniques he’d applied and the vigorous touch of his fingers.

It all mixed with the alcohol that was still buzzing her for a spaced out feeling that left her swimming as she slumped into the sofa, breathing intently and letting it all wash over her. She felt so sated and relaxed, treated to fantastic climax and introduced rather roughly to something new, but she loved it. He was in charge and she was happy with that, looking across to him recovering next to her, relaxing for a few minutes as they both took a break.

“Want anything?” he asked, breaking the silence, standing up from the sofa and giving a stretch, letting her see his physique.

“No thanks,” Sadie replied huskily, eyes drinking in his fairly well sculpted physique as he tossed it aside and then turned to walk out to the kitchen. She just sank back into the sofa and basked in the satisfaction, mind blank as she rested. Max headed across the tiled floor to his fridge and pulled it open, light cascading across him and the floor as he reached in and grabbed a beer. He shoved the door shut and stepped away, twisting the top off and taking a good slug if the crisp refreshing drink.

It was the perfect tonic to follow up screwing Sadie, who he’d wanted since he’d met her. He glanced back into the front room to take her in, half passed out on his sofa in the wake of everything, as satisfied as he was. She was gorgeous, studying her beauty as he sipped the cold beer and just took a moment to bask in the enjoyment of it all. Walking back in to her, he took another deep drag then stood the beer down, undoing his jeans again to shove them down. Sadie opened her eyes to watch him, seeing him strip off completely, his cock already stiffening up again to full erection as her eyes locked onto it.

“Come on, let’s go,” he said sternly, the growl to his voice so primal and arousing to her as he stepped forward and reached down to grab her legs. Sadie gave a little squeal as he pulled them up and roughly dragged her along the sofa, easily dominating her and pulling her down the cushions. She was still pretty zoned out, half asleep and suddenly startled, focusing as he effortlessly towed her to the end of the couch. Sadie was completely out of control but loved it, ready to get fucked, wanting to feel that thick prick stretch her silky pussy when he penetrated her.

“Fuck me,” she breathed as she let her hair and arms trail behind her head, utterly dominated by him as he pulled her legs up, wrapping his arms around her thighs to lift her where he wanted her, placing her hips onto the arm of the sofa. Max shoved her legs back and let the weight of them somewhat pin her down, her knees bent and Converse-clad feet dangling as he dropped down to his knees again and pushed his hand up the back of her toned thighs.

Sadie had been expecting him to fuck her, to take his rock hard cock and squeeze it straight into her tight, waiting pussy but she loved the surprise of him going down on her again. His tongue was like an electric shock as it touched her and she cried out in overwhelmed pleasure, shuddering and grabbing the sofa behind her head as he went to town. She knew better than to question it, knowing all that awaited her was pleasure as he wasted no time in devouring her pussy. His tongue just knew exactly where to go and her soft hood was immediately dispensed with again so he could circle and attack her directly.

Sadie just gasped to the ceiling, the tingles spreading immediately through her and lighting her up once more as he held her in place. It felt fantastic, loving how he worked at her as if they’d been lovers for years, somehow able to easily give her exactly what she wanted. His tongue danced around as it had before only with a slightly different angle now she was on her back, circling and flicking at her, building her pleasure rapidly so it was bubbling nicely.

But it wasn’t what he wanted and with her warmed up he changed the station and suddenly dipped down lower, pinning her thighs back to give himself maximum access as he again dragged his tongue over her asshole. Sadie let out a deep, shuddering groan, feeling a tingle run through her that went from where he was licking all the way up and off the top of her head, as if her long red hair was being pulled. She dug her nails in as he ate her ass once more, more aggressively this time, working his tongue over her firmly several times before he started to circle it.

He worked round her tight ring of muscle, still rather warmed up and ready from before as he got going rapidly then probed into her again. It was still a shock to Sadie, something new and exciting as his tongue squeezed inside but more easily this time, her sphincter relaxed and ready, treated to something nicely. She groaned hungrily, wanting more as he penetrated her and started working his tongue again, thrusting into her and making her push out for him, opening up easily to allow it.

“Holy shit,” she stuttered, throwing her hands down to grab the sofa at her sides, another deep shudder running through her as it piqued her arousal, orgasm threateningly close but held at bay as he was no longer touching her clit. It felt amazing though and was building it still, keeping her on the boil as his tongue worked more intently, thrusting deep inside her tightest, naughtiest hole as she tentatively squeezed him. She loved the sensation and he smiled to himself as she responded, pushing against him and clearly drinking it all in.

He ate her harder and faster than before, her body ready and wanting it, loosening her up nicely as he thrust his tongue deep into her. Her pussy was wet and ready, Sadie hugely turned on as she gasped and groaned, shifting under his grip, her feet kicking as her legs spasmed with little bolts of pleasure. She couldn’t control herself and how the pleasure hit her, Max working on teasing her as he slowed down and made her want it, whining a little as he did so, wanting more of his tongue in her naughtiest hole.

He had her thoroughly warmed up but wouldn’t let her pop, keeping that orgasm on the edge but under control. Her body was in a perfect balance as he ate her and that was exactly where he wanted her as he abruptly stopped and pushed up on his feet, towering over her again as he pressed forward with his rock hard cock over her sweet pussy, ready to conquer her. Sadie gasped as he withdrew and looked down, seeing his thick manhood between her pale thighs, pulsing and ready, knowing it was finally time to get what she really wanted.

But that didn’t quite happen, as he spat thickly into his hands and slicked his tip, grabbing the shaft and dipping down to press himself against her slick, loosened asshole. Her eyes went wide as she felt it, felt his hot purple tip pushing against her and into her ready, wanting asshole. Him eating her asshole had been so hot and she’d absolutely loved it but she’d never had a proper anal sex session before, the shock hitting her like a cold shower as her heart rate spiked and she gasped, looking down at him between her legs then back up into his eyes as he smiled devilishly down to her.

“I think you need something a little special tonight,” he said, pushing forward tentatively at her asshole and feeling her yield gently. It gave her a minute to resist, to refuse him; she was all over the place, tipsily lost in the blend of sensations as the thought of it scared her. But she told herself to go for it, to do it, to really break out and try something different that she’d not done before.

“Be gentle,” she breathed, dropping her head back onto the couch as she gave in to the temptation and pulled her legs back to give herself to him. Max tingled in anticipation, Sadie surrendering herself completely to him so hot that his cock strained in his hand, having to hold himself back from just leaning on her and burying it deep with a single stroke. He steeled himself and took control, gripping her thigh as the redhead actress laid back and waited for him, feeling him rock gently to push his tip into her yielding, tempting asshole.

He leaned over her a little and slowly, inexorably pressed his prick forward, rock hard and easily able to split her tight sphincter. Not that that was a problem as she was warmed up and ready, stretching as his purple head pushed slowly into her, his tongue having prepared her for his penetration. His cock was a lot bigger than his slippery, skillful tongue however and as her tightest hole pulled over his prick she felt the stretch more intently, much like she had before when she’d tried anal sex.

His steady but unstoppable pace stretched her slowly over him, the minimal lube just enough as she relaxed, pushing out towards him to let him into her. It felt different this time, she was ready and wanted him to take her anal virginity but it was still going to be a little bit of a challenge, a new step for her. She stretched under his pressure, time seeming to stand still for a moment before he suddenly popped inside her, muscles giving up and expanding the last little bit to let his bulging head break through.

Sadie winced and gave a hard grunt of pain, the little jolt hitting her sharply as she gave way to him and his cock finally squeezed into her asshole. She just stayed calm and made sure not to tense, not wanting to accentuate it and besides, despite the pain her pussy was soaked, immediately responding to the sudden jolt of sensations. She was surprised it didn’t leak down over his penetrating cock, shyly loving the raw, primal feel of anal sex even if she wouldn’t outright admit that to him.

With the hardest part done, his cock strained inside her as he looked down on the overwhelmed Sadie, gripping to sofa, red hair splayed out all over the place as he buried his cock into her ass. He pushed his hips forward to slide his shaft into her, feeling the exquisitely tight grip of her virgin asshole around him as he squeezed himself into her. He drove most of his cock inside and got pretty deep, letting her feel it as she lay pinned back on the couch before him.

He only gave her a moment to accommodate him before he pulled back slowly, grabbing onto her thighs with both hands now as he kept her in place and concentrated on his cock, watching it slide slowly back out of her tight asshole until he felt his head pull at her tight, gripping sphincter. He pressed firmly again and shoved his hips down into her to drive his cock into her ass, pushing a long, ascending groan from her as he plunged deeply inside her to make her take almost his whole cock.

He wasn’t being as gentle as she’d asked him to be, taking her dominantly much as he had the entire night and Sadie wouldn’t have it any other way. It seemed fitting, and frankly she was loving the feel as the pain faded away, lost in the consuming, strangely pleasurable sensations of anal sex. It had always been on the brink, something she would do but never had until this moment and now she finally had a cock buried in her ass she had to admit it felt pretty good.

Max got going and built up a rhythm, holding her legs tightly as he worked his hips with practiced ease to pump his cock in and out of her tight asshole in long strokes. He went all the way from her tight ring tugging at his head to plunging it right into her almost balls deep and back again, accelerating the pace on her to nail her faster. She was new to it but he didn’t give her too much of a break, taking the redhead actress to task and starting to pound his cock inside her as she moaned with pleasure.

Her eyes were closed, hands gripping the couch cushions as her face flushed, the pleasure of her building orgasm only being added to by the introduction to anal sex. It felt nice, so different and fulfilling, but also so naughty and hot, all combining to turn her on immensely. She hadn’t imagined at the end of tonight she’d be single and losing her anal virginity, that wouldn’t have been on her bingo card but she just laid back to enjoy herself since it was feeling so good, head spinning with the mix of sensations.

Her curled position was perfect, giving him optimum access to her as he kept her legs pinned back with her feet bouncing at their motions, or rather his pumps into her. It was close to a pile driver position which gave him total ownership of the petite actress, something they both wanted as she had a cock pumped into her ass for the first time. He held her legs back and fucked harder, shoving down until he gave one longer, more powerful thrust and squeezed every last millimetre of himself inside her.

“Oh fuck, you good girl,” he grinned as he drove himself inside her completely as she shuddered as it overwhelmed her. Max grunted with pleasure and shivered at the feeling of taking every last bit of her, his cock flexing hard inside her as he pushed to the hilt which she felt even as she winced in return, another little twinge of pain shooting through her as he bottomed out. Still, it made her vagina squeeze again, gripping at nothing letting her feel how wet she was so she knew she loved it, not bothering to deny it to herself as he pulled back and continued to fuck her.

Sadie opened her eyes and craned her head up to look down over herself, past her tight, neatly shaved pussy with its narrow strip of telltale red hair to where his cock was buried into her ass again and again. It was so hot to see her gorgeous, waiting pussy unused, ignored so he could thump into her inexperienced asshole and enjoy the tightest possible sensations her body could offer him. She didn’t want to deny him, not when his pumping kept her orgasm bubbling, ready to go at any moment almost if she dared to touch her clit.

But she wasn’t going to, it wasn’t hers to touch, she was his to fuck how he wanted and she had utter confidence in him treating her just as she needed. Instead she kept her hands twisted in the sofa and grunted softly with every breath, dropping her head heavily back into the cushions as she took what he gave her. It was hard and intense, certainly more than she’d have ever invited for the moment her anal cherry went pop but she just went with it, letting the sensations tumble through her mind.

She didn’t overthink it and just enjoyed, the alcohol helping quiet the part of her that would spin a million thoughts to interrupt things. With her taking all of him he got faster, chasing the pleasure her body gave him as her tight asshole squeezed down around his cock. She started to carefully grip him, pulsing her sphincter muscle to stimulate him and increase the sensation for both of them, Sadie caught by little jolts that threatened to hurt as his cock jumped with every clench.

His hands slid up the back of her thighs as he leaned on her hard, the rhythm just taking on a life of its own as they fucked, Sadie pushing up as best she could for him as he pounded down into her in shorter, more intense strokes. His hands eventually pushed up under her knees, holding the diminutive star down powerfully as he jammed his cock into her ass, only giving her about half the length as he continued to hammer himself full depth inside her.

His hips slapped off her tight booty as he plundered her, taking all he wanted and dragging her orgasm along for the ride, her pussy leaking a little as she squirmed in pleasure. It was just out of reach like things on the back of a high shelf, not quite able to reach it but she resolved to leave it up to him, under his thumb. His hands pulled off her though not to touch her hard clit, instead reaching up for her Converse, grabbing one and yanking it off her foot with her small sock to throw it aside even as he continued to pump deeply into her.

He quickly repeated the process with her other shoe, stripping her dainty feet bare as he hurled them aside before he suddenly dragged his fingertips down her soles from toe to heel to make her shudder, a strained giggle escaping her lips as her legs kicked awkwardly, Max smiling as he grabbed under her knees again and pinned her back down to fuck hard. She gave a stuttering groan as he turned it up to eleven and pounded into her, his thick cock slamming down deeply inside her in a blur as his hips jammed against her.

She’d be knocked down the sofa by the energy if he wasn’t holding her in place, so dominant, absolutely in charge of the petite redhead and that was exactly the way she wanted it. She’d never been so submissive before but was responding so positively to it, loving to just get fucked and having him make all the decisions for her, freeing her to just relax.

But he didn’t give her much time to just take it and lay back to his fucking, hand suddenly releasing her leg and delving between them, fingers straight on target at her clit to touch the nerve laden button. It may as well have been a detonator as the second his fingertips rubbed roughly around her achingly stiff clit and lit up the thousands of nerve endings she trembled intensely in orgasm. The ferociously bubbling, barely contained climax was suddenly and instantly unleashed as Sadie gave a harsh, choking grunt of ecstatic release and shook hard beneath him.

Her hips bucked and jolted a few times as her face flushed in the milliseconds before she let out a loud squeal of unabashed ecstasy and arched hard, back tensing as she practically squirted in climax. It was her first ever orgasm with something in her ass, a big hard cock no less, and her pussy convulsed as it squeezed hard and she exploded in a huge peak, riding the wave of it as her juices leaked down over his cock as it continued to pound inside her.

It only helped him fuck her easier as he pumped her through her orgasm, spine tingling as she dug her nails in and jolted repeatedly with hard, leg clenching bolts of lightning from her soul, strong abs and perky breasts pushed up for him to enjoy. He loved watching the petite actress coming hard whilst he was buried in her ass, fingers still working at her slippery clit to maximise and make her endure climax as long as possible.

Her voice, which has been lost to silence with the intensity of it all returned with hard, overwhelmed breaths as she sailed towards the shore on the other side of her massive moment, body delicate and shaking as she collapsed back onto the sofa and reached down to swat his hand away from her clit, utterly unable to handle any more direct stimulation from him. She gasped in relief even as he kept fucking her without a break, reaching up to push her long red locks back from her sweaty face, totally overwhelmed by him.

She was just along for the ride as he drove things, pumping her hard as she exhaustedly held on, expecting him to keep pounding her to the end only to be surprised again as he switched it up. He knew what he wanted and how he wanted to finish her off, abruptly pulling out of her to make her inhale sharply, her tight asshole squeezing as he withdrew to send a bolt through her, reaching down to grab her arms and pull her up. Sadie was barely coming down from her monumental orgasm, clumsily flailing in front of him and gasping desperately for air when he pulled her from her position on her back, sitting her up on the arm of the sofa with ease.

He took a moment to put a big kiss on her, their tongues twisting together as he snogged before he hauled her onto her feet, jelly legs almost buckling beneath her as her bare feet pressed into the carpet. He had no problem holding her up however and yanked her round the sofa, dragging her with him as she stumbled over herself to where he wanted, giving her no quarter as he powerfully guided her.

He spun her around in the process and shoved her down hard over the back of the sofa, Sadie tumbling forwards again, more exhausted though this time as she was slammed forward, ass in the air, digging her hands into the cushions because she knew what was coming. Her twitching legs were free, feet off the floor as he grabbed her waist and dug his hand in, pulling back on her hips as he grabbed his rock hard prick and aimed it straight for her tight, soaking wet pussy.

He pressed his bulging tip to her sweet lips and was inside her in an instant, penetrating her effortlessly, her abundant juices making for a slick, silky ride as he drove his hard cock inside her powerfully. Sadie bucked and cried out, the penetration so sudden, pussy dripping but still tight as it was the first time he’d fucked her, stretching her velvet walls round his big cock as he plunged deep and slammed himself to the balls in her inviting tunnel.

“Fuck,” he growled with a shiver, just loving it and now ignoring her discomfort, knowing she’d get over it as he buried himself and flexed his cock in the clench of her tight vagina. Her muscles clamped down perfectly as she took easily the hardest fuck she’d ever been treated to, so sensitive in the wake of her orgasm and barely able to handle him, his cock driving deep in her tiny body and easily filling her.

He wasted no time in going for what he wanted as he held her hips and started pumping her hard, slamming himself into her with short, hard strokes to stimulate his rock hard prick. Sadie could only moan as he hammered on her and pounded into her from behind, holding on tight as he rode her harder than any man ever had before. His breaths were hard and intense, focused on slamming himself into her tight, hugging pussy as her juices made it easy despite how snug she was. Her pussy was delectable and he relished it as he chased his pleasure.

Max shoved down into her with his height advantage, over the front wall of her vagina and her G-spot, driving more deeply intense sensations into Sadie. He pounded her with short, fast strokes and it ratcheted up the feeling for her, piling more stimulation on her in the wake of her orgasm that she could barely handle. She was powerless and overwhelmed by his fucking, his thick head slamming her most intimate spot with an intensity that utterly dominated her as his hips slapped against her petite ass and drove every inch of himself inside her.

Her legs shook and trembled helplessly, like jelly as they flailed above the floor as he screwed her and took his pleasure. Despite the intensity of it all she was happy to let him, wanting to give him all he desired, knowing he deserved to with how he’d lived up to his promises. She buried her face in the sofa to muffle her struggling sounds as he held her hips and hammered her hard, his cock pulsing and straining inside her, surely not too far from his inevitable eruption deep within.

Sadie winced, a heavy groan of pleasure and pain as he reached down and grabbed her hair, twisting it in his fingers and hauling her head up, wanting to hear her, to watch her back arch as he rode the redhead actress to the finish. Her breaths were hard and tight, heart pounding as she struggled to hang on while he fucked her to his liking, yanking back on her gorgeous flame red hair with one hand and holding her hip tightly with his other, keeping her close and never letting her get away.

He rode her hard, his legs burning from the effort, slamming into her pussy that was sure to be much less tight when he was finished. She was a delight to fuck and he loved how she was taking it, submitting to him and letting him have it his way, in tune with him throughout their encounter. She struggled on, his attack on her G-spot making her mind turn, lost to all the sensations that coursed through her, the pain from him pulling her hair just adding to all of it as she gasped and grunted hard.

He pounded on her hard and she had no idea how he managed to keep going, sure he’d have been ready to blow, impressed but overwhelmed by it all now. She was relieved however and turned on as she felt him suddenly twitch, then stiffen even harder inside her as his groans became growls, knowing he was finally going to explode for her and eject another load of hot come deep in her pussy, right into her womb.

At least that’s what she expected, as after another few hard pumps of his cock he suddenly yanked back out of her to make her gasp loudly and without a moments hesitation drove himself back up her ass. Sadie screamed at the sudden burst of pain, eyes watering as he stretched her tired asshole out again and buried himself deep inside her. She’d tightened up a little since he’d been screwing her ass and he unceremoniously broke into her once more, shuddering and growling in pleasure as he enjoyed the tightness of her sweet booty once more.

He didn’t pause or hold back, all about his own climax now as he slammed it balls deep into her and cranked back on her hair, his hand at her hip again as he thrust hard inside her. She expelled hard, defeated grunts as he growled with pleasure, cock straining as he pounded balls deep inside her with the shortest strokes he’d given her all night. She cried out as he pulled her taut and destroyed her asshole, his cock pulsing and jumping in the final few seconds as he held himself back to maximise the sensation.

Max rode her with all his might, giving her every ounce of his energy and all he had left, the final word in the most incredible fuck of her life. She cried out whorishly as he rode her for the most intense ten seconds of her life, managing to restrain himself before he suddenly slammed balls deep and drove her against the couch when his cock exploded, bucking hard and jetting a thick load of come deep inside her ass.

Sadie groaned deeply in both relief and the unique sensation of his hot load spilling into her ass, her first ever anal creampie as her heart pounded in her ears and her breaths came out as hard, fast gasps. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her body twitched and juddered in response as she felt him pulse and empty rope after rope of thick, hot come into her in the naughtiest, most illicit manner. He gave hard, rasping grunts as he shoved against her with each burst, clenching and steeling himself to empty every last bit as deep as possible inside the pale, perfect actress.

He held deep inside her for a moment, both of them breathing hard, sweat prickling all over them as the heat billowed off their naked bodies in the aftermath of their intense fuck, Max just relishing the little twitches of her body. Sadie squeezed him a little with her ass, feeling how hard he still was after exploding inside her. He released her hair, the burn in her scalp fading as she dropped forward in relief with a sigh, red locks tumbling down all around her. He grabbed her hip and then pulled back, slowly pulling out of her and slipping his cock out of her tired asshole.

As he withdrew he spread her ass around him to watch it, his thick shaft pulling back out and popping free to leave her gaping wide open, Sadie blushing deeply behind her hair as she realised what he was watching, seeing her at her most exposed and vulnerable. She supposed it didn’t matter after what they’d just done together but it still needled her with embarrassment as he made her gape, her twitches only making her clench slightly.

He was done with her, or at least that’s how it seemed as without warning he suddenly grabbed his cock and plunged back inside her, driving himself into her tired sphincter and delving deep into her body so his balls jammed against her slick pussy. She yelped in pain, the sudden jolt so sharp and intense, her whole body giving a spasm as he split her ass in two one final time and yanked back again.

He stepped back and spanked her hard, swatting her pale ass from both sides one hand after another, loudly connecting and making her jiggle. It was hard enough to leave a mark, a red print of his hand sure to show on her porcelain skin but she didn’t really care, just relieved it was over as she sagged onto the back of the sofa.

“That was great,” he smiled as he stepped away from her, walking back to pick up his beer from the table as Sadie crumpled, her jelly legs giving way, sinking to her knees behind the sofa and holding onto the back to prop herself up. She dropped her head down into it, breathing hard, trying to take the air deeply into her lungs as her legs felt completely dead beneath her. She was absolutely exhausted; she’d never been fucked like that, to the point where she literally couldn’t stand up, legs tingling and powerless as she tried to squeeze her asshole in recovery, knowing he’d left her gaping open.

Max smiled to himself, loving how Sadie was completely destroyed, knowing he’d done his job as he picked up the bottle again and took a deep drag of the still cool beer. He sighed in satisfaction and took her in, completely flopped at the back of the sofa and decided to leave her to it, let her get her bearings a bit before he offered to help her. She couldn’t stand but she was happy to stay put, glancing tiredly up to Max as he sat down and relaxed back into the sofa, tipping his head back and closing his eyes.

Tiredness hit him, his own legs feeling the result of his efforts on her, the petite redhead having taken it out of him as he’d pounded her but it’d been an amazing fuck for both of them. Their silence was comfortable, not needing the interruption of speech as they recovered, catching a breath for the first time in ages. Max sipped his beer, taking his time as his heart rate slowed, sinking heavily down into the comfort of the couch.

Sadie just slumped for a few minutes, finally able to get her breath as she pulled in big lungfuls of oxygen, cooling down and getting back on an even keel in the wake of everything she’d been promised. It had been delivered, and she’d hadn’t quite believed him initially but now it’d been proven to her with the hardest, roughest, most intense fucking she’d ever had. She’d been intending to have sex that night but this…this was just something else, on another level and she loved every minute of it, even the pain because it had simply blended so easily into the mind shattering pleasure.

She found energy in her legs, wiggling her toes and getting some blood flow back before she hauled herself heavily up from the floor, Max looking over as the petite actress pulled herself up and then tumbled clumsily round the end and onto the sofa besides him, flat on her back with her knees hooked up over the arm. He gazed down at her splayed out beside him, casual and nonchalant in her nudity, gorgeous red hair splayed out around her with her arm dangling off the side towards the floor.

Sadie smiled sleepily up at him, feeling so unbelievably satisfied and sated in the wake of being fucked to the point of exhaustion. She felt all the little aches and strains in her body, in the way her throat ached from how he’d face fucked her, her pussy thoroughly stretched and her tight asshole now introduced to anal sex in the most intense way she could’ve imagined. Her ex had never fucked her like this; she wondered if they’d talk, if he’d ask. Maybe she’d spare him the details, then again she might not to get him back for humiliating her.

She dozed lightly as he took her in once more, loving her pale skin and the contrast of the sharply shaved strip of pubic hair she sported, the freckles on her face and the small, pert breasts that rose and fell with her breathing. It had been a triumphant night and he moved to wrap it up, standing his beer down and getting up from the couch. Sadie sleepily opened her eyes, the exhaustion and alcohol all catching up on her.

Without a word Max dipped down and pulled her up into his arms, easily lifting her slight weight under her back and her knees, prying her from the couch. Sadie murmured with a smile, feeling a tingle of romance as he carried her to the bedroom like a gentleman.

“Ready for bed, Sadie?” he asked.

“Definitely,” she murmured in reply.

“Did you have fun though?”

“I loved it,” she purred, grinning as she let her head loll backwards, her red hair dangling long towards the floor as he carried her diminutive figure to the bedroom. Sadie was exhausted and she was sure she’d be aching in the morning but she knew she took the chance for the best possible result. He carried the petite actress into his room and to the bed, fumbling down to flip the covers back before he lowered her softly onto the cool sheets in her delectable nudity. Sadie murmured and burrowed into the pillows as he pulled them back over her, illuminated only by the light from the doorway.

He headed back out to the front room to leave her be, Sadie practically asleep before he even left her. She just passed out, overwhelmed by everything that’d happened and needing sleep, comfortable in his bed. Max walked back out and picked up his beer, sitting back down to enjoy what was left of it as he took a few minutes to himself. He relaxed and smiled, thanking whoever was looking out for him that he’d got a chance to bag the gorgeous redhead he’d spent months working with.

He took some time to really enjoy it, to let it sink in before he stirred and headed for bed himself, to join his beautiful redhead conquest. Max took the beer bottle out to the kitchen then ran a glass of water for her, knowing she’d need it at some point. He switched the lights off and headed into the bedroom, moving by the light from his clock that was all that remained, carefully standing the water down beside Sadie. She was completely gone and he just left her undisturbed, walking back round to his side and sliding into the bed beside her. It had been a hell of a night and he easily sank into sweet, dreamless sleep.

* *

Sadie woke in the morning, raising her head and immediately wincing at the headache that greeted her. She mumbled in discomfort and tried to look around, realising immediately she wasn’t at home, or her boyfriends place. She squinted at the light of the new day that was breaking in around the blinds and kicked her soggy brain into gear, remembering the events of the previous evening – that she was single now, and had gone home with Max.

She moved to sit up and felt the aches through her body, the memories of the intense fuck they’d enjoyed flooding back to her, all the pain and pleasure of every moment. She might have had plenty to drink but she didn’t forget a single detail of what had happened, heart fluttering as she thought about it. It was the noise of the coffee grinder that’d woken her, Max evidently preparing some in the kitchen. She reached out for the stale water beside the bed, drinking several deep mouthfuls of it before sagging back into the pillows, squinting around the bedroom as she took in his tidy home. She flexed her toes and circled her wrists, trying to gently get herself moving before she inevitably had to get out of bed.

“Morning sunshine,” Max said, opening the door to her after having realised she was awake.

“Morning,” she said, rubbing her head.

“Coffee?” he offered.

“Please,” she mumbled.

“How do you want it?”

“Milk and sugar.”

“You got it,” he said and walked back to the kitchen, Sadie looking after him, taking in the man that’d fucked her brains out the night before. It was a minute or two before he returned, delivering the freshly ground coffee which smelt amazing and a bagel for something to eat.

“Thanks, quite the service round here,” she smiled shyly.

“I aim to please,” he replied.

“Evidently,” she whispered, remembering the previous evening. She took a drink of the coffee, tasting like magic as she swallowed, throat still aching to go with everything else. It was a plain bagel but she was fine with that, the smear of butter all she needed to help settle her. Max went back and got his own coffee then sat on the bed with her, Sadie making sure to get the bagel into her before she settled back into the pillows with her own mug, already feeling much more human.

“I’m gonna grab a shower,” he said, draining his coffee, Sadie just eyeing him over her own.

“You gonna join me, or you getting a cab?”

“Do you expect me to just slink out of here? Or are you hinting?” she asked carefully, worried he was gonna chuck her straight out after her first one night stand.

“I can understand if you wanna leave is all I’m saying,” he replied, “but I’d be very happy if you came and joined me in the shower.”

“Do you want me to stay?”

“I’d love it,” he smiled.

“Are you gonna go any gentler on me this morning?” she asked after a pause, smiling devilishly as she sipped her coffee again.

“Sure I’ll go gentle on you if you want, it doesn’t always have to be rough. But you rather enjoyed last night.”

“I did, and that’s why it needs to be gentle this morning.”

“Got it, so you joining me?” he said.

“In a moment, let me finish my coffee. Go get the water on,” she replied. He just smiled and stood up, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on her before heading to the bathroom. Sadie smiled to herself, biting her lip as he left, hearing the water start up seconds later. It would surely be a fantastic morning to follow the night before and she drained her coffee, putting it aside before turning to get out of bed and being immediately reminded of how hard he’d fucked her.

It would definitely need to be gentle...this morning at least.

The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.

Blocboy VC

Re: Sadie Sink - The Break Up
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2024, 08:18:42 PM »
Nice job.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Sadie Sink - The Break Up
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2024, 01:17:08 PM »
Great work, nice to see stories with Sadie Sink and I'm hoping we get to see more of her and Max cause with how things turned out I have a feeling that their time together won't be a one night stand. Also you had some grammar errors but overall great work.
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


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