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Author Topic: Pearl Necklace Princess (Leni Klum)  (Read 39559 times)


Pearl Necklace Princess (Leni Klum)
« on: May 04, 2024, 03:06:29 AM »
Pearl Necklace
Starring: Leni Klum

Themes: Comedy, Big Tits

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This was a commissioned story for Angry Dutchman. If you would like to get your own custom story, check me out on Patreon.

New York City, New York

Lights shined in the distance across the glass in the shapes of squares from various windows in skyscrapers. They appeared as boxes in rows with no pattern. Down below, one could see the headlights of cars as tiny dots as the vehicles moved in lines following traffic. New York had a reputation as the city that never sleeps. There was truth to a tired cliché, depending on who you asked. Leni Klum had her own opinions based on the limited experience she had living in the Big Apple for five months now. It all started with her choice of university, which led her across the country. She had her famous parents to thank in part for this choice. Her mother, Heidi Klum, stayed across the country in Los Angeles when filming America's Got Talent. Other times, they lived in Miami together before Leni ventured out on her own.

New York was her choice to go alone. At twenty years old, Leni felt she had to get out and see the world for herself. There was only so much she could learn and experience with her mother's guidance. On her first chance to get out and see the world without someone looking over her shoulder, Leni took that opportunity. At college, she studied in the field of architecture. Her real dream was to become a supermodel and follow in the footsteps of her mom's glory. The name Heidi Klum still carried weight as a household name. Her success was international, as she led the charge as a Victoria's Secret model in her home country of Germany and in the United States. Dual citizenship was something Leni grew up with, always excited about traveling alongside her mother. Fashion shows in Miami, L.A., and NYC were all the rave.

The landscape of fashion and modeling had changed greatly since the heyday of Heidi's fame. Leni wanted to chase the dream of appearing in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Her official debut in the modeling industry came with a mother-daughter photoshoot for a lingerie brand. Leni was proud of that moment. Through her mom's connections she was quickly signed to an agency in Miami and picked up campaign contracts for brands Dior and GHD. Some would say that she already had a 'big break', but it wasn't enough to satisfy Leni. The way she saw success from her mom's level of fame, she knew that she could be so much more. It was stressed to her last year that she needed to have a backup plan in case her modeling career never reached massive levels of stardom. That was the only reason she decided to go to college in the first place. The only other interest she had besides modeling was in architecture.

Studying interior design is what led her to step into this elevator alone. The back wall was made entirely of glass with a metal ring offering a safety bar. It was a nightmare for anyone with acrophobia to watch as the height was scaled the higher a floor was. Leni stood, studying her own reflection for a moment, before glancing down at the busy streets. A fascinating sight that would have made for a good photograph or even passing moments filmed on video. She considered fetching her phone from her purse that was attached to her shoulder, but chose against it. The elevator ride was only a short trip along the way to meet with a friend. In her classes, Leni developed connections with a few students studying postmodernistic architecture. Some she considered to be friends, others were simple acquaintances that she figured she would forget all about once she left the university.

As the daughter of a world-famous model, her reputation as the daughter of a famous model spread on campus. Leni caught the watchful eye of many young men but refused their advances with no interest in indulging herself in the party lifestyle that was ever so prominent. Sometimes she considered going out to nightclubs but kept reminding herself not to do anything that could jeopardize her career as a model. Among the friends she made, one was a young man studying Roman and Greek styles. That was more appealing than the direction Leni found herself going with postmodernism. She couldn't say she particularly enjoyed the designs, but she found them to be interesting for whatever reason. This journey in the night was to meet someone that another friend had put her in contact with. There were always people who 'had a friend who knows someone' offering a chance to get out and explore the city under the excuse of studying.

Instead of waiting in the lobby, Leni found herself fascinated by the elevator. Here she was still looking at her own reflection across the glass. When it stopped at the final floor, she pressed the lobby button to go back down. The doors were made of a harsh metal painted gray that almost gave off an oppressive feel. There was something to appreciate about the darker colors and sleek look. Leni felt the need to write something in a report detailing the design choices. This building was once a resource center for a tech company and was converted into a hotel. The elevators were one of the few things left from the original look. Everything else had been converted into something to appeal to more friendly emotions. It wasn't hard for her to imagine the interior of the building decorated in black and gold colors, unlike the drab navy blue and white walls. When the elevator doors slid open, she stepped out. Her heels clicked and clacked across the black tiled floor as she began to walk.

Her long blonde hair was split down the middle, with waves bouncing behind her shoulders. With every step she took, Leni's big breasts bounced. It was a bold and brave choice for her to go out in the night wearing a crop top that revealed her cleavage. For her, it was all about the sense of pride she had in her body. Her legs were covered entirely by a pair of blue jeans. She often wondered what it was like for her mom to go out in public and be recognized by people on the street. Her purse was a simple black bag with gold zippers and buttons. Leni crossed the lobby without a care in the world. She often caught the gaze of people and friendly smiles, but she knew it couldn't compare to her mom's fame. Some day that would change, she reminded herself. These thoughts shifted to the back of her mind when she caught sight of her friend across the lobby sitting in a chair, acting as if he didn't see her. David's face was hidden in a magazine, his eyes crossing the pages. Leni walked over and smirked at him.

"Long night, David?"

The young man raised his head, shifting his dark eyes to her face to smirk.

"Um, no. It's been a quiet night though."

Leni rolled her eyes at him. She could guess he had been sitting around for at least an hour before they met. Back at the university, David had a reputation for talking a big game with people he knew. The saying went along the lines of 'I know someone who knows someone' and carried over from there. It was odd of him to want to meet in a hotel like this since neither of them would be booking a stay. He sat up and tossed the magazine aside to reveal the five o'clock shadow over his once clean shaved face. David's hair was short and brown, almost matching his hair. A blue T-shirt went with his khaki pants for a casual look at night. Leni crossed her arms over her busty chest while looking at him.

"So why did you want me to come all the way out here? I know I'm stating the obvious, but we're a long way from campus."

"I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine."

"He stays here?"

David nodded.

"He has a residential suite near the top."

"You know this for a fact?"

She raised an eyebrow after her question. David nodded at her.

"Of course! I come up here all the time to hang out with this guy. His apartment is way bigger than anything I've ever seen."

Rising up from the chair, David began to walk to the elevator. Leni followed by his left side.

"Come on, I'll take you up to meet him."

"You could've just texted me."

"Then it wouldn't be a date."

David smirked as they reached the elevator. Leni rolled her eyes and shook her head before stepping through the metal doors.


He began laughing as he reached to press the button.

"If you wanted a date with me, why didn't you just ask like a normal person?"

"You would've said no."

"How would you know?"

Shrugging his shoulders, David tried not to smirk. He was too much of a buffoon for Leni to be angry with him. This was his way of showing attraction in an awkward way. She didn't mind that from him, since David had proven himself to be harmless months ago. As the elevator rumbled up, her eyes shifted to the streets again. David noticed this and spoke up.

"That's a long way down, huh?"

Laughing at him, she nodded.

"Yes. It's a marvelous sight, don't you think?"

"I guess so. I don't want to be too close to that."

Leni smiled. She had not noticed how close he stood to the elevator doors due to his fear of heights. The least she could do was change the subject.

"So who is your friend again? I can't remember if you told me his name yesterday."

"I know him as Eddie. His dad is Marty Johan, you know, the Bowellism designer here in New York."

Bowellism was a style of postmodernist architecture Leni had recently been reading about in the past week. She nodded in response to David's words.

"Oh, right. I remember his name somewhere."

"Yeah, Eddie is his son. He designs furniture for his old man. He lives up here on the fourteenth floor."

When the elevator stopped, David was quick to step out. Leni followed him down a corridor with black walls and lamp shades on both sides between each door. David led the way as the only one who knew the room number they were looking for. Leni noticed the numbers in gold decorations attached to the black doors. He stopped at #8 and knocked with his left hand.

"Eddie! It's me, David! Open up!"

After three knocks, there was no answer. Bass beats could be heard beyond the door in a pattern similar to club music. David sighed and started yelling at the door.

"Come on, man! I know you're in there! I brought my friend Leni to meet with you about that modeling thing you talked about!"

There was still no answer. Leni smiled upon seeing David blurt out the true reason she wanted him to meet his friend. He never gave her the full details. Like many of their interactions, the details spilled out by accident of his big mouth. David knocked on the door again, slamming his knuckles onto the hard wood.

"Eddie! I know you're in there!"

"Fuck off, David! I'm busy, and you're fucking disturbing me!"

Leni had to hold herself back from laughing at how ridiculous Eddie's voice sounded. There was something about his choice of words and how they were yelled that almost made her laugh.

"God damn it, Eddie! You told me to meet with you tonight!"

"And plans have changed! Now fuck off! I'm busy!"

"Busy doing what!?"

"None of your fucking business! I said, FUCK OFF!!"

David grunted and stomped away from the door. Leni followed behind him.

"I can't believe that guy. He always does this when I try to bring someone over."

"What? You don't think he was really busy in there?"

Leni joked with her questions as they returned to the elevator. The doors shut behind them before David replied.

"No, he's not busy. You heard the music. If he's doing anything, he's probably painting."

"So he's an artist on top of being a designer?"

"Yeah, but I don't think he sells most of his art. If he is, I haven't seen it in any shops."

She pressed the button this time to bring the elevator down to the lobby. It was a quiet trip back down to the lobby. When they stepped out, David spoke again.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time. I didn't know Eddie was going to waste your time."

"It's no big deal. I wouldn't have gotten to see the city from a cool elevator had I not gone out tonight."

There was always a bright side to something, Leni thought to herself. She wasn't discouraged that this meeting went nowhere. As she walked across the lobby floor with David, she smiled at him.

"You mentioned something about modeling. I take it that Mr. Eddie is looking for a model?"

"Yeah. I should've told you beforehand. He needs someone to model for him with his new furniture back at his dad's store."

"Oh, that sounds cool."

"I'll text you the address of his shop."

"And if I show up, I guess I have to hope he's at work tomorrow?"

They exchanged looks, smiling, before chuckling at each other. Leni was the first to step out of the front door and back into the night. The cool air was comfortable without the hard freeze from the previous winter months.

"Did you bring your car?"

David asked as he glanced around.

"No, I took a cab. I'm taking one back to the university if you want to ride with me."

"Sure, why not?"

She knew he wasn't going to say no. Since David referred to this night as a date, Leni figured she could tease him by taking a ride back to campus together. She felt bad for him due to the fact that his friend had other ideas instead of having company tonight. Riding in the back of a yellow cab was part of the New York experience. It was just a little something Leni wanted to say she did, in case she ever had the chance to brag to anyone about living in the big city. After a few minutes, David saw a taxi drive close to the sidewalk. He waved until the driver stopped. Leni walked to the left side passenger door, and David opened the right. They climbed into the car together, with David eager to speak to the driver to give him the destination. Leni fastened her seatbelt for what would be a short trip before she could crash for some much needed sleep.



Cars passed at slow speeds across the road. The afternoon came with gray clouds blocking out the sunlight in full overcast. This view was not as depressing as the roads back to the university. Leni stood across the street, gazing upward at the large sign that read 'Eclecticó' in a thin, Art Deco style font. Had she arrived at night, the sign would have likely been lit up with white or golden hues, or so she guessed. David gave her the location in a text message hours earlier. She had to hope Eddie would be willing to show his face once she entered. Her hands were pushed into the pockets of her white trench coat. Leni only chose this jacket due to the expectation of rain by 3 PM. It was tied around her waist, making a V shape that showed her black crop-top with an impressive amount of cleavage on display. The ends of the top were tucked into her denim blue jeans.

With the chance of rain today, Leni had to resort to a pair of black boots instead of heels. She rarely wore them, but days like this were calling for them. When the traffic passed, she dashed across the road and to the street outside the shop. The glass windows were covered entirely by black curtains. Leni found it strange that there wasn't a display of furniture in the windows like any other store on the block. She grabbed the metal door and invited herself in with a bell dangling above. Inside, the first thing she was greeted by were the dim lights on the ceiling and a large room made up of various pieces of furniture. Black and white lines covered one wall with an array of furniture, from chairs to tables, in the most strange designs. The only way Leni could figure someone would come up with such ideas was through the heavy use of psychedelics.

"Hi there, can I help you?"

A man called to her from Leni's right side. He was tall with short hair and wearing a black tuxedo with a polka-dotted bowtie. She turned and greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, I'm looking for Eddie Johan."

"Oh, the boss man. He's upstairs in his office."

"Do you think he's busy right now?"

"I don't know."

"Can you go ask him if he has time to see someone?"

The man nodded at her.

"Sure. Are you looking for a job?"

She shook her head.

"No. Just tell him I tried to see him last night. He should remember."

"Oh, okay. Can I tell him your name?"

"Yes, it's Leni Klum."

With a nod, it was apparent that the man did not recognize her. Had she said Heidi, he probably would've moved in a hurry to tend to her needs. She smiled as he walked off. The bowtie on his suit seemed so out of place, but then again, the same could be said for everything in this room. Every piece of furniture had strange, abstract compositions that made her question why anyone would purchase such things. What kind of person wanted to walk into their bedroom and sit down in a chair that looked like it came from a drug fueled frenzy? The same could be said for every piece of furniture in this large room. Leni tried not to think too much about the weirdness she was faced with. The man wandered off, and she was left to glance across wooden shelves, chairs, and tables. Her gaze was interrupted by a loud door opening a few moments later.

"Miss. Klum?"


"You can come in and see Mr. Johan. He's expecting you."

Stepping across the room, Leni took one look at the left-side wall, noticing framed paintings. They were difficult to admire in the strange patterns with an array of colors that almost made her head spin. The door was painted red, sticking out from the black wall. The man led her into a hallway that was also hard on the eyes. White walls, a checkered floor in red and black, and a white ceiling.

"His office is right down the hall. He's in the second door on your left."

Leni heard the door close behind her as the man stepped out. She took a moment to observe her surroundings. The odd colors were not welcoming by any means. She ignored whatever feelings she had as she made the short walk, finding the second door that was open to an office. Eddie Johan stood in front of his desk. A buttoned-up shirt with blue and white stripes covered a chubby belly, slightly slagging over his black slacks. He waved at her with a friendly smile. His hair was short, black, and in a swoop style.

"Hi there, you must be Miss. Klum."

"And you must be Mr. Johan."

"The name's Eddie."

"So I've heard. You do know I was at your apartment last night with my friend David, right?"

With a nod, he stepped around his desk. Leni entered the room, glancing around to see how empty the space was. Filing cabinets sat near a window in the back. A bookshelf was on the right side, but it was absent of any hardbacks. There was a large white fan on the left side of the room, possibly to make up for the lack of a window air conditioning unit. Behind the desk was a large, black leather chair that looked as if it had seen several years of proper use.

"David always likes to bring someone over when I'm in the middle of something."

"So you were busy?"

Leni smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction with her wisecracks. Eddie grinned at her.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I was. I didn't want to be disturbed, you know? Besides, I wanted to meet you without him there. David talks too much, you know?"

She laughed.

"I'm well aware. He's a chatterbox every day of the week."

"Yeah, that's what I mean. No one can concentrate when he's always yapping."

His eyes dropped from her face when he noticed the heavy cleavage in the front of her top. Leni saw his sight travel downward, then back at her face. He tried to smile, as if he didn't notice her tits at all.

"I'm looking for a model to help sell some of my new products."

"That's what David said."

"Well, he's right. I've been designing some new chairs and a kitchen table. Real state of the art stuff. No one has anything like I make. If I had someone like you posing in front of my work, I think some stores would be lining up to stock them."

He sat down at the desk, adjusting the chair for a moment. Leni watched him grab a folder across stacks of paperwork and drawings. He opened it up to reveal the contents of several printed papers with color photographs. Eddie smiled as he showed the picture of a glass table with Roman column legs painted in what appeared to be faux gold.

"This is my coffee table."

After she nodded, he turned the paper to reveal another design. It was a wooden table with a round top. The leg was made up of a triangle and square to hold it up.

"This is a drink table."

Leni nodded again, holding herself back from speaking her mind.

"And this right here is something I'm working on. Memphis style dining chairs, straight out of the eighties. What do you think?"

The picture was of two chairs made of metal with pink seats and a strange triangle shape for the back rest. Leni blinked her eyes as he smiled. The last thing she wanted to do was come off rude by calling it ugly, but that was how she saw it.

"It looks... interesting, I shall say?"

"Yeah, it's interesting for sure. Imagine if it were you sitting in one of those chairs. You're a pretty woman, I think you'd make some other girls jealous."

She erupted in laughter, unable to control herself. Eddie believed her reaction to be sincere approval of his designs.

"I take that as a yes!"

Still laughing, Leni just nodded at him.

"For sure. So, where do you keep this stuff? Do you have it upstairs or something?"

Eddie shook his head.

"No, I have it back in my apartment. I guess if I let you in last night, I would've spoiled the surprise... and then David would've had to see my masterpieces."

His tone shifted after a brief pause. It was easy for her to see that he took himself seriously as a designer. Leni didn't have the heart to tell him how ugly she found the furniture. He didn't ask for her opinion, so it was of no use to this conversation.

"So, how do you want to do this? Do you have a photographer you can call, and we can arrange a photoshoot in the near future?"

Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, something like that. There's a guy who does all the photography for the store. I already talked to him about doing something with a model. He tried to get me to go through this agency in New York, but I didn't want to."

"Why not?"

He shrugged his shoulders, trying not to smile.

"Who wants to waste all their time talking to agents before they can even get a meeting with a model? I'd rather work with someone in a more... personal way."

Leni smirked at his last words. She flashed her teeth and swallowed her breath to hold back the laughter. It was amusing to her that he took himself so seriously. She could see why his art and furniture were a hard sell from the design choices alone.

"Well, I'm free today if you want to give me something to do."

"How about we go for lunch, and then I can take you back to my place?"

"That sounds fine. So you want to take me out?"

"Yeah, I know just the place we could go. It's across town and really fancy. What do you say?"

"It sounds like a date to me."

She smiled, giggling at him.

"That's what it is. A date between model and designer. I think that's a good business meeting. So how about it, Leni? Wanna go out and get something to eat?"

There wasn't much to think about. He had a charming personality that she found entertaining. This man certainly carried himself with pride in what he did. Leni couldn't help but respect that in a person. She nodded at him.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll let you take me out, and then we can go up to your apartment."



Light rain showered the concrete sidewalks to create puddles of water in the small, uneven spots. Eddie took Leni for a ride in his Mercedes-Benz. He was proud to show off his luxury car, as if she had not seen her fair share of expensive vehicles in her lifetime. It was a short drive across town to Eddie's local restaurant of choice. A walk-in diner with reserved tables serving a variety of different foods. Leni didn't think much of the menu and her choice for what would be dinner as he paid for everything. Her mind wandered back to David, who saw last night's trip as something of a date. Eddie got a better deal from the get-go. An arranged meeting turned into a real date of sorts, with the meal they shared sitting across from one another. Leni was keen to talk with him about his life and career.

Eddie explained to her that he was in his thirties, still struggling to reach respectability in his profession. He was unbothered by the accusations of nepotism. When he mentioned that, Leni explained that she had similar feelings. He didn't ask who her famous parent was, but seemed to acknowledge it was her mother as they talked. She saw no reason to ask if he knew who she truly was. Eddie seemingly did not care at all. While eating, she noticed his eyes gazing at her heavy cleavage. He looked so shameless for not holding back a smug grin. For him, this was truly the date that David hoped he could have shared with her. Eddie went on to tell her how his biggest problem with the lack of respect was that whatever achievements he had were always compared to his father's innovations. This made Leni wonder just how painful it could be to be stuck in your more prestigious parents' shadow and their accomplishments.

After leaving, Eddie decided to cruise around the city for a short drive in the rain. Leni commented that she was glad to bring her trench coat today after all. That made him smirk as he glanced over his right shoulder at her. She couldn't help but notice his eyes shifting from her face to her cleavage yet again. It didn't take her long to get used to his wandering eyes. Leni liked the fact that she could distract him with the view so easily. Behind the hotel was a private parking lot reserved only for residents. Eddie took a moment to brag about having his own reserved space that no one else dared take at the front of the sidewalk. He may have just been bluffing and trying to impress her with a tall tale, but she let him have his moment. Outside, in the rain, they dashed to the front door and entered the hotel. Leni found herself in a familiar place, standing in the glass elevator once again. This time she got to see the city from the traveling height in the day lights.

He noticed her allure towards the glass window in the elevator during the short ride up. If not for the lavish jacket covering her body, Eddie could have scanned her curves with his watchful eyes. There was something relaxing about looking down at the city from such a tall height. Leni had thoughts of living in an apartment high in the sky with windows to look out into the city and stars on a quiet evening. Those dark hours would arrive after sunset. Leni and Eddie walked down the corridor and to his apartment room. She stood behind him as he unlocked the door and welcomed her in. When he swiped the light switch, Leni stood in the doorway, taking in the view of a short hallway with gray walls and matching tiles below. She shut the door as Eddie led her into his massive living room. On the far side was an entire wall of glass windows with black curtains pulled back to invite the sunlight in from a skyscraper's height.

"Welcome to my home, Leni."

He kicked off his shoes in the corner. She quietly decided to do the same on the assumption that she would be spending much time here. Loosening her jacket, Leni took it off.

"Do you have a place where I can put this?"

Turning around, Eddie smiled as he offered an arm to take her coat. She handed it over, and he walked across the room out of her sight. Her white socks glided easily across the cold floor. She glanced around, looking in every direction of the room to study her surroundings. Four large couches sat together in the center of the room. Two of them black, the others white in a mismatch to make a checkered pattern. Stepping forward into the room, her feet moved across a snug red carpet on the floor below. Close to the windows, she saw his personally designed furniture. Reflections cast across the glass surface of the tables.

"Can I get you a drink or something?"

Eddie's voice called from a distance. Leni shook her head without turning to look in his direction.

"No, I'm fine."

From where he stood in the doorway, he was able to finally see her curves. Leni's blue jeans were visible along with her crop top. She approached the table and pressed her hand down onto the glass, feeling the cold surface. Eddie moved closer to her. She saw his reflection in the window with that smug grin on his face.

"I made a work of art with that table."

"I know."

"Doesn't it look better up close in person?"

Smiling at him, she thought of a way to tease him.

"I think it would look better with me sitting on it."

"You think so?"

Nodding her head, Leni looked around and pressed her palms against the glass, lifting herself up. As her feet dangled, she leaned back to kick them in the air. When her back and head pressed against the hard glass, she gazed up to see Eddie studying her body. This made for a perfect time to tease him about another man.

"Were you really afraid of David seeing this table?"

His eyes widened as he blushed, trying to contain his laughter.

"You don't want someone else to steal your ideas."

Leni giggled.

"True, but I think there's something more than that. Maybe you didn't want him in the room with us."

Laying it on thick in her words, Leni was done with the subtle act. She wanted to see just how badly he desired. She spread her legs on the table to make an enticing pose. Gritting her teeth, she opened her mouth slightly and closed her eyes. Making poses like this was easy. Some would say it was a natural talent, but deep down, she believed that she got it from the influence of her mother. Eddie either didn't know or didn't care about that part of her life, and that was fine by her. Leni saw his eyes focusing on her boobs. She pressed her hands over the top, shoving them together to further flirt with him using her body.

"You're right. I wanted to meet you without David. He would've just spoiled the fun we could be having."

Leni leaned up from the table, sitting firmly. She only moved for the sole reason of being able to smirk at him.

"What kind of fun do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean. The table looks better with you on it, but you know what would make it look even better? If you were naked."

A bold statement that made Leni raise an eyebrow. She could tell from the expression he had, Eddie wasn't kidding. She saw his words almost as a challenge, so Leni responded by grabbing the ends of her top and pulling it over her head. Her pale skin was exposed, revealing her stomach and her huge breasts in a lacy, black bra.

"Oh, wow. I knew you had some big tits, but those things look fucking huge."

Tossing her shirt to the floor, Leni chuckled.

"You haven't even seen them yet."

She grabbed the strap from her right shoulder and tugged it down without any hesitation. Leni pulled the bra off and let her large, natural breasts fall against her chest.

"Holy shit!"

The reaction from him made it all worth it. She smiled proudly at how easy it was to seduce him with her bare tits alone. They shook slightly as she leaned back on the table. Running one hand up her bare stomach to her boobs, Leni pressed the palm of her left hand against her right tit. Nipples were already hardening from being exposed to the cool air in the room. She pinched her nipple and then got up. Turning her back to him, she popped the button at the front of her jeans and leaned forward as she tugged them down. Her buttocks became visible as the pants dropped to her ankles. A black thong was tucked between her ass cheeks in a V shape. She could hear Eddie sigh from behind her.

"Amazing. I didn't even ask you to strip down, and yet here you are doing it."

Stepping out of her pants, Leni turned around to face him. Eddie was grinning like a winner, flashing his white teeth. She knew he had the hots for her in a way that their mutual friend did. It was almost sad to think about David as she pushed her thumbs into her thong and tugged it down to reveal her pussy. The vulva lips were already glistening from the wetness. Freshly shaved, hot and ready for attention. Stripping down like this came from a refusal to second-guess her actions. Leni turned to look at the table again, then climbed up on it once more with her hands and knees.

"I remember college girls being pretty wild back in my day."

Scoffing at that remark, Leni rolled her eyes. She moved to make a pose, laying across the table and propping herself up on her side.

"I'm not a college girl. I like to think of myself as a supermodel, thank you very much."

Her correction made him laugh as she rested her head under her right arm. The side pose put her entire body on display across the glass table. Eddie was looking at her as if he were moments away from drooling.

"You're right. It looks better with you on it."

"Much better, I'd say."

That was the closest she got to blurting out her true opinion on all of his artistic designs. Leni trusted herself to have self control to restrain herself from being rude.

"God, you are so fucking hot..."

His voice was low, almost in a whisper, as Eddie licked his lips. Leni bit her lower lip as she gazed at the front of his pants. His fat stomach wasn't enough to hide the visible bulge in the front of his pants. Temptations and desire overcame her as she moved, breaking the pose to sit on the table once more.

"Why don't you take off your clothes, Eddie? Show me what's under the suit."

Her question was a test to see how shy he would be. From the passing hours, Leni believed he had more confidence in himself than she would have expected from David. Eddie was quick to unbutton his shirt and proudly present his chubby, pale stomach to her. His body may have been unappealing to many women, but not to Leni. She liked to see something different than the muscular, athletic built men she saw on the male side of modeling. This man however, would never have to worry about living up to those standards. When Eddie unbuckled his belt, she got up and quickly fell to her knees. Leni wanted to be the one to release his hardened cock.

"I'll take these off."

"Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you."

She unfastened the metal button and quietly slid the zipper down without making any noise. A pair of white briefs greeted her with his large bulge sticking forward. Leni shoved his pants down and pressed her left hand against the bulge, grabbing his cock in the fabric of his underwear. Her big blue eyes gazed up at him as she tried to give him a mischievous look. As she pushed down his tighty whities, Leni bit her lower lip and watched his cock spring free, almost touching her face. Eddie carefully moved his feet out of his pants and underwear to prevent himself from being restrained.

"Grab my cock and start stroking it."

'Wow, that escalated quickly,' Leni thought to herself. She twisted her right hand fingers around his cock and gave it a hard squeeze before stroking. Eddie took a deep breath, looking down at her. His big stomach did not block the entire view, but made it somewhat difficult for her to see his face. As long as she could make eye contact, this was manageable.


That was all he could say between taking deep breaths and moaning. Eddie was seemingly at a loss for words. Leni took advantage of that moment by parting her lips and flicking her tongue across the head. His thick shaft had now grown to full length, stretching out in her small hand. She wanted to take him by surprise as she enveloped her lips around the head and pushed it into her mouth.

"Oh, god!"

Again, he blurted out whatever the first words came to his mind. She closed her eyes, sucking the first few inches of his cock at a slow pace. Her hand slid down to the base, rustling the long strings of his pubic hairs. A grunt followed a slight groan. For a moment, Leni worried that she was going to make him cum within seconds, regardless of how slowly she was sucking him. She expected him to mutter something, but when he didn't, Leni saw an opportunity to lead on in control. Her lips bobbed up and down, sucking his cock slowly. She gazed up at him as she withdrew her lips to the head and released it with a loud pop noise.

"Mmmmmm, I'm just getting started."

"Do you suck a lot of dick back on campus?"

Her hand began pumping his cock up and down as she replied.

"Not really. I don't practice anything like this."

"Oh, yeah? And here I thought most girls in college were hardcore sluts."

Eddie was going to pay for that remark. Leni was motivated now to make him moan and cry from the work of her lips and tongue alone. She pushed his cock into her mouth again. This time, Leni closed her eyes as she pushed half of his fat length down her throat and began to bob her head up and down. She worked faster, sucking his cock to a pulp. It didn't take long for Eddie to begin groaning in pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh, fuck!"

When he yelled, she pushed her lips down further, almost taking the entire length down her throat. Her lips pressed against her index finger, prompting her to unwrap her hand from the base. Leni was unsure if she could deepthroat him, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. Practice was the one thing in life that built skill, she reminded herself. As she bobbed her head up and down, he moaned again.

"Fuck yeah! Just keep sucking it, Leni."

Now she was confident he could last longer without reaching an orgasm too soon. Leni wanted to enjoy this moment to herself. It wasn't every day she took the chance to go out on a date with a new friend, let alone find herself naked and sucking cock. She indulged herself, sucking harder and faster. Slobbering noises could be heard as she refused to stop sucking. Leni bravely prepared herself for what would be the first deepthroat experience of her life. Closing her eyes, she braced herself and slammed his cock to the depths of her throat. Eddie made slight grunts as Leni immediately gagged and choked on the full length of his long pole. She withdrew it from her mouth and coughed up a flood of spit that dribbled down to her breasts.

"You didn't have to choke yourself on it."

She was still coughing as he spoke. Leni gazed up at him as she grabbed his cock and resumed stroking it. Her own spit coated the shaft, making it easier for her hand to glide with speed.

"That was my first time trying to take it all the way down."

"I know. I can tell you haven't sucked as many dicks as I originally thought."

"Did you really think of me as some kind of slut?"

"Yes, uh, I mean no."

Her hand stroked his dick faster. Leni licked her lips as he grunted and spoke again.

"I can tell you're not one, but you're pretty fucking horny from what I can see."

Eddie motioned with his hands, gesturing at her chest.

"Hold your tits up for me, babe. Let me see how big they are."

Leni let go of his cock and followed the command. She pressed her hands against her huge tits, slightly lifting them up.

"You like my boobs?"

"Oh, yes I do. They're fucking huge."

"All natural, size D."

Rubbing her tits together, she teased him while biting her lower lip and purring softly.

"Do you know how to use them?"

"Use what? My boobs?"

"Yeah! Have you ever had them fucked before?"

She raised an eyebrow, truly puzzled by his words.

"I take that as a no."

He grinned, flashing his teeth in a shark-like smile. Eddie chuckled before speaking again.

"I get to be the man to show you how it's done. What a fucking honor this is!"

"Show me what?"

"Leni, hold your tits together."

"Like this?"

They were already pressed together, with her elbows flexing out. Eddie grabbed his cock with his right hand, nodding at her.

"Yeah, now pull them apart."

As soon as she obeyed him, Eddie guided his cock into the narrow passage between her tits. He pulled his hand back and watched as Leni squeezed her boobs together, trapping his cock between them.

"There you go. That's it, you hold 'em just like that around my dick."

This was a new feeling she had never experienced before. While she wasn't a virgin, Leni knew she lacked the experience and expertise in the bedroom for sexual acts. Eddie bucked his hips, thrusting his cock between her tits. Every inch of his pole could be felt moving between her soft tits. It was a wonderful sensation that worked to the effect of turning her on. Leni moaned.

"Ohhhhhh, yes..."

"You like that, Leni? You like how it feels to get your tits fucked?"

He spoke while driving his shaft forward at a slow pace. Leni moaned again before answering him.

"Yes, ohhhhhh! Yes, I do!"

Nothing she had done before came close to this. The feeling of his hard cock moving between her tits made her wetter than before. Leni glanced down to watch the head poke up with each full thrust.

"Open your mouth. Try and lick it."

Eddie was guiding her now with the most qualified advice. He knew precisely what he was doing as he thrust his cock between her tits. Leni was unable to lick it on first attempt. On a second try, the tip of her tongue barely grazed the head. He began to thrust faster, almost in a way of taunting her to make a better effort. Three times was the charm. When Leni properly licked the head, he moaned.

"That's it. You're learning some real skills today."

He continued thrusting, pumping his cock back and forth between her tits. Each time, Leni licked the head and quietly counted to herself. After the fifth time, she opened her mouth wide for him to slide the head between her lips. Eddie thrust harder to make it happen. Pop. Pop. Pop. The sound of his cock exiting her lips echoed throughout the large room, along with his moans.

"Yes! That's it!"

Slowing down, he made one last thrust as she gazed up at him with those angelic blue eyes.

"Thank you for fucking my tits."

Eddie chuckled.

"You're welcome."

His cock was hidden between her tits as he quit thrusting. Eddie spoke again.

"Now it's your turn to do the work. Fuck my cock with those huge titties."

Breaking eye contact, Leni glanced down at her tits and followed his instructions. She began to pump her boobs up and down while watching the head of his cock poke up with each thrust. Her movements were slow until she found a steady rhythm.

"That's it. Just keep working those tits up and down, Leni."

He was panting and taking deep breaths as he spoke. Leni looked up at him to make sure he was pleased with her movements.

"Go all the way down. I want to feel your tits rubbing against my balls."

Another request was met as Leni slowed down completely and pushed her tits all the way down. Every inch of his cock was felt rubbing between her tits. She watched the head of his cock poke up and twirled her tongue around it. With the complete thrust, Leni was able to suck the head while his cock was still tightly embedded between her boobs.

"Fuck... That's what I like!"

Eddie smiled, flashing his full teeth as Leni continued to suck the head. When she pulled her lips off, a loud pop sound was heard. As much fun as this was, she didn't want to spend the entire evening on her knees, using her tits to pleasure him. Leni was in the mood to get fucked.

"Eddie, I want you to fuck me."

"You do?"

"Mmmmmm, yes."

Reaching down, he grabbed his cock and pulled it out from between her tits. Leni bit her lower lip and rubbed her tits together as a way of teasing him. Her small act was enough to distract him with her boobs for one final time. He rubbed the head of his cock against her left nipple, allowing her to feel it. This was another new experience for Leni. When she moaned, he slapped his cock against the nipple. Moving it to the other one, he gave it a few playful slaps as she gazed up at him.

"I think you love my boobs."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Your stacked. I'm glad I got to be the man to show you how to use them. You'll never forget me just for that."

The feeling of his cock rubbing against her erect nipple was driving her crazy. Leni knew her pussy could not be neglected for much longer. It was no longer a question of desire but now one of needing to be fucked. Any way he wanted to take her, just so long as he made her cum.

"I can't wait any longer. I'm ready for you to fuck me."

"Sit down on the table again."

That was an easy guess if she had to make one. Leni got up and immediately sat down on the cool, glass surface. She spread her legs, showing her vulva lips that were glistening in wetness. Her left hand propped herself on the table while she used her right hand fingers to play with her clit. Eddie guided his cock to her wet folds, rubbing it back and forth. She knew he was trying to tease her, but Leni could care less. The only thing that mattered was when he entered. She only had to wait mere seconds to feel his thick shaft sliding into her wet delight. Closing her eyes, she moaned.

"Ohhhhhh, yes..."

"Yes, indeed. Nice and tight!"

He cut her speech off while sinking more of his cock into her pussy. Leni whimpered as she felt his hand grabbing her right wrist. She opened her eyes to glance up at him, seeing that Eddie did not want her rubbing her clit while he fucked her.

"Come on, fuck me! Fuck me, Eddie!"

Swallowing her breath, Leni placed both palms down on the glass table. She gripped the edge while bending her knees. He began to thrust his cock harder, making her breasts jiggle around. He slowed down temporarily, just to lean forward, looking her in the eyes as he started to thrust again. Leni thought about wrapping her legs around his body, but forgot about it when she felt his warm hands pressing down on her breasts. He squeezed them while still thrusting his cock into her cunt.

"Fuck me!"

Leni pleaded to him in a faint cry. Eddie continued to pump his cock inside her while pulling his hands back. His fat stomach wobbled, rubbing against her thighs. He slapped her boobs as he picked up the pace, fucking her faster.

"Ohhhhh! OHHHHHHH!!"

Gasping and screaming, Leni's voice echoed throughout the large room, heard from afar. She slammed the palm of her left hand against the table and closed her eyes. Eddie grabbed her hair with his right hand, snatching a grip with several locks of her golden locks. She opened her eyes to the sight of his cock moving in and out of her pussy. He tilted her head down so she could witness the way he was fucking her.

"Scream for me, Leni! Tell me what you want!"

"I want you to fuck me!"

Eddie reached over with his free hand and slapped her boobs. They clapped together, bouncing to the left, then wobbling to the right.

"Say it louder!"


Letting go of her hair, he continued to buck his hips to keep driving his cock into her pussy. Leni had managed to take it all this far, but she was unsure how long she would go before reaching her orgasm. Eddie withdrew his hands and slapped her tits to watch them clap together. Smack. Smack. Smack. It was a glorious sight to see those natural breasts hitting together and bouncing all around. After one final smack, he grabbed her nipples and pinched them hard. Leni gritted her teeth, growling moans. He abruptly stopped and pulled his cock out of her pussy just before she could reach her orgasm. Leni fell on her back, closing her eyes and moaning loudly on the table.

"You want more?"

With deep breaths, Leni hesitated to reply. Her chest heaved up and down with every breath she took. She slid her right hand across her stomach, desperately finding her clit to rub back and forth. Eddie laughed as she stopped and slid her middle finger into her pussy.

"Would you rather finger yourself or get fucked?"

He was taunting her with the tone of his voice changing. Leni looked up from the table, nodding her head at him.

"I thought you were going to fuck me until we both came. I was expecting it."

"Oh, trust me. I'm gonna make you cum, but I'm not cumming inside of you. That would be such a waste. Get up and face the table. I want to fuck you from behind."

Rising from the table, Leni did as she was told. She turned around and bent over while gripping the edge of the table. When she glanced down, she saw a dark reflection of herself, with Eddie stepping behind her. One arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her in. She felt his breath blowing down the left side of her neck. As she shut her eyes, it dawned on her that through all this time, they had yet to share a kiss. Perhaps he wasn't the type of man who liked to lock lips with a woman. Eddie let his expertise in the art of sex do the talking instead of tenderness. She soon felt his cock between her thighs, finding her entrance. She pouted as he slid his rod into her pussy once more. Leni spread her legs, standing on her big toes to slightly elevate her height.

"That's it, Leni. Just like that."

His arm moved from around her waist and pushed her back. She leaned forward with her breasts merely an inch away from touching the glass surface. Sweat had developed and left marks from where she was previously sitting. Her eyes focused on her reflection as she felt his cock driving in and out of her cunt. The sunlight from the wall of windows poured in, brightening her pale skin. Leni started pouting and crying in pleasure after closing her eyes once more. Her moans were interrupted by him spanking her ass hard with his left hand. His hard touch made her open her eyes wide.

"Talk to me. Tell me what you want!"

Spank! He slapped the right cheek of her booty that time. Leni gritted her teeth before biting her lower lip and pouting. She could feel inch after inch of his cock pumping into her pussy. Eddie fucked her slowly so he could hear the whimpers she was making.

"I want you to make me cum!"

"Oh yeah? Is that what you want?"

Spank! Another slap on the ass made her lean down onto the table. Her huge tits pressed into the glass as she turned her head to the left side. Leni whimpered before erupting into a loud groan. He never stopped pumping his cock into her pussy.


"Kiss the table! Kiss my fucking art, and I just might give it to you!"

A strange demand, but not far from what to expect from him by this point. Leni planted her lips on the glass surface and kissed it loudly. He quit thrusting in her pussy and grabbed her by the hair again, pulling her face up.

"Come on, we're gonna take a little walk."

Two steps backwards, his cock nearly slipped out of her cunt. Leni whimpered as he led her a few steps away from the table. Left foot first, then the right, she walked like a duck. Eddie led her to one of the windows and quickly slammed her body against it. Leni closed her eyes as she felt her breasts and wrists rub against another glass surface. This one was cold, unlike the table they had been making proper use of. With her body pressed against the window, she arched her ass outward for him to resume fucking her. When Leni opened her eyes, she was met with the view of a skyscraper across the window. Down below, she could see cars moving in the streets and pedestrians moving on sidewalks like ants in their tiny size. None of that mattered so long as she felt Eddie's long cock pounding into her tight cunt.


His fingers were still in her hair, pulling hard between each and every thrust. In one way, it was funny to Leni that she was in this position against a window. It brought back memories of standing in that elevator hours ago, looking down at the city from such a tall height. What a lovely sight to witness on the brink of a climax. Her tits were still smashed against the window, preventing them from jiggling around. Her palms were pressed on both sides, and her fingers spread out as she curled her toes below.


Unable to finish her sentence, Leni lost her train of thought completely as she felt the rush of her climax. Eyes rolling to the back of her head, she gasped for breath as her inner walls tightened around his cock. Eddie let go of her hair and grabbed his cock, quickly pulling it out so he could see her juices squirt between her thighs and flood the floor below. Her legs shook as she spread them further, almost losing her balance entirely if not for being pushed up against the window. Her fingers slid across the glass, leaving palm prints and lines as Leni fell to her knees. She was out of breath. If not for the amazing pleasure she felt in fucking, it would've been easy to feel defeated. Crawling around to face him, she saw the shadow of his cock extending across the floor. Leni looked up at him to see a grin on his face.

"How did you like that? I bet you've never been fucked that hard before."

"No, never."

Eddie chuckled.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I enjoyed hearing you scream for me, but we're not done yet. You have to give me credit. It wasn't easy holding myself back from cumming in your pussy. It was so fucking tight, I almost stopped resisting."

His cock twitched after the final word. Leni saw her own juices dripping from the side. She licked her lips while thinking about the taste.

"I... I want to make you cum so bad."

It was difficult to speak at first. Leni took a moment to try and catch her breath.

"Don't worry about that right now. Just clean my cock with your mouth."

More guidance in spoken words. Leni licked her lips and crawled forward, moving on her hands and knees. When she reached his cock, she sat up and opened her mouth wide. Without using her hands, she plunged his dick between her lips. Eddie stood there, listening to her slurp his shaft clean of juices. Her sweaty hands pressed against his legs before she gripped him lightly and began bobbing her head up and down. 'Mmmmmmmmm,' with a muffled moan, Leni continued to suck until Eddie began bucking his hips. He grabbed her head with both hands on the side and proceeded to fuck her mouth. Muffled moans turned into slobbering and gagging noises.

"Move your hands off my legs and grab your tits."

His instructions were more of a subtle hint. Leni pressed her hands against her boobs, feeling the hardness of her nipples. He continued to fuck her mouth as she moved her hands to grip and rub them together. Eddie's movements were slow and careful as a way to not overwhelm her. She knew he was trying to hold himself back from exploding in her mouth. For him to go this long, she knew it was a testament to his experience in life.


He groaned as his cock pushed deeper down her throat. It was the closest he moved to deepthroating her. Eddie stopped and then pulled his cock out of her mouth. Leni breathed deeply, noticing a string of drool dangling from her open mouth back to his cock. He pulled back far enough for the string to break and dangle from her lower lip.

"Spit that between your tits."

Eddie moved his hands off her head. He trusted her to follow his command. Leni pulled her tits apart and spit the rope of drool between them. She knew what he was about to do and was ready to welcome his cock between her breasts again. As soon as it slid into the passage, Leni squeezed her tits together and smiled up at Eddie.

"I'm so happy you want to fuck my tits again."

No reply came as he began bucking his hips again. His cock glided easily between her tits. Leni moaned at the feeling. She adjusted her left hand and gazed into his eyes. Eddie couldn't look at her face. He was focused on watching his cock disappear and the head poke up with each full thrust.

"I'm gonna fuck your tits until I cum and give you a pearl necklace."

"A pearl necklace? What's that?"

He grunted as he began thrusting faster. Leni moaned again.

"Ohhhhh, that feels so good. Fuck my tits!"

"Whatever you do, don't let go of those tits. Keep 'em pressed around my dick as tight as you can!"

Another grunt was heard after he finished his words. Eddie continued to pump his cock up and down.

"You didn't tell me what you meant by a pearl necklace. What does that mean?"

"Just keep your tits held together! You'll find out soon enough!"

His face scrunched up as he tried to thrust faster. Leni maintained eye contact. She tried not to smile at the sight of the struggle he had within. Every inch of his cock was pumping between her tits. The head poked against her chin, but she still refused to look away from his face. The expression told her everything about how hard he was trying to hold himself back, all while enjoying every single thrust he gave her. Eddie clenched his teeth. That was the only sign she needed to see for his breaking point.

"Don't let go of your tits! Fucking HOLD THOSE THINGS!! OHHHHHHHH, FUCKKKKKK!!"

In the middle of another thrust, his cock erupted. Leni gasped as she felt the thick strings of cum striking her neck in powerful spurts. He bit his lower lip and thrust again. Leni could feel more cum splattering onto her skin. She closed her eyes and moaned as she embraced this feeling of his sticky white seed coating.

"Ohhhhh, fuck! Fuck yeah!!"

She felt his cock thrust between her tits again, but not at the powerful, hard speed he had managed before. More cum oozed, making it easier for his rod to slide back and forth. Eddie was out of breath, crying in pleasure.

"Oh my god, this is so much cum!"

Not once had Leni ever had a man blow his load all over her tits or neck. She had only tasted semen once. Like with many things Eddie taught her today, she was in disbelief at the kinky fun. She kept her tits pressed together as he made one final thrust. A few more spurts of cum shot out of his cock, sliding between her tits.

"Okay... Fuck... Now you can let go of your tits."

His cock sprang free when Leni let go of her boobs. She glanced down to see all the cum streaming from her neck in lines that went down her tits.

"There's your pearl necklace. It looks good on you."

"Oh, I get it now. It's the cum. That's what you meant, right?"

She flashed her teeth in a grin while rubbing her boobs together. Eddie was exhausted and well spent from his time fucking her. Leni sat there on her knees, allowing him to get a mental image of her tits covered in his cum. He smiled as he nodded.

"When I saw those tits back in my office, the first thing I was thinking about was how good they would look with my cum on them."

"You sound proud of yourself."

"Oh, believe me, I am. I'm very fucking proud. I taught you how to do titfucks and gave you your first pearl necklace. That makes me a winner."

He raised his right hand index finger, suddenly remembering something else.

"Oh yeah! And I got to see you posing for cameras with one of my masterpieces. God, I can't wait for the photoshoot. If David knew what we were doing, he would be so fucking jealous."

Leni giggled. He spoke the truth about their mutual friend.

"Don't worry about David. Let's keep this between us. He doesn't need to know about our fun. I think the photographs will be a good memory of what we did today. I want my own copies if you don't mind."

"Oh yeah. I want your photo framed to hang up somewhere. I'll make sure you get copies of the pictures. I was wrong to assume you were some college slut. You're better than that. If I had to call you anything, you're the pearl necklace princess."

Eddie winked before stepping aside, leaving her to consider that nickname. Leni was flattered and almost turned on by the words. Of all the things she experienced today, the art of tittyfucking was what she enjoyed the most. It was nearly impossible to hold back the thoughts of using her breasts as instruments of pleasure. Few things felt as satisfying as every precious second when his cock lodged among her boobs.

"Pearl necklace princess... Hmmmmm, I like that. It sounds sexy."


Blocboy VC

Re: Pearl Necklace Princess (Leni Klum)
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2024, 05:45:37 PM »
Amazing job!
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: Pearl Necklace Princess (Leni Klum)
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2024, 10:02:13 AM »
Great addition for Leni Klum story, she's deserved it.
Kinda cheeky to post it on her birthday :Y:
More load to spill ^-^
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC


Re: Pearl Necklace Princess (Leni Klum)
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2024, 10:43:45 AM »
A classic Cade story. One of your best
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


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