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Author Topic: The Sky's the Limit (Amouranth, Sky Bri)  (Read 5544 times)


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  • Yeah, we are fallen, like the mourning sun
The Sky's the Limit (Amouranth, Sky Bri)
« on: June 20, 2024, 05:54:24 PM »
Disclaimer - It goes without saying that this is all fantasy.

MFF, Oral, Sex

The Sky's the Limit

It was the first time Sky had been in Houston, and Kaitlyn was glad she had spent time with her. They talked a lot through video call and Twitch, so when Sky suggested that they meet up in Houston, Kaitlyn was thrilled. The chance for them to hang out in person was something she had been looking forward to for months. It also gave them time to plan some content collaboration, which would be amazing for both of their channels. And of course, it gave Kaitlyn the opportunity to show Sky her hometown. And sample some of its nightlife. Of course.

They had spent the morning visiting the Space Center, Museum District, and the iconic NASA Johnson Space Center, and had been on their way to Starbucks in Kaitlyn’s SUV, when Sky told her about an idea she had had.

"Hey, Kait, I've got this crazy idea," Sky began, her voice laced with excitement.

"Oh? What have you been scheming, Missy? "Kaitlyn glanced over at Sky, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her gaze.

"Well," Sky continued "I was thinking we could do a video together for OnlyFans. Something really exclusive, you know. A PPV video."

"Like what, you mean?" Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"Like...," Sky hesitated, biting her bottom lip, "Like filming a video of us having a threesome with one of our fans”

Kaitlyn's jaw dropped, and she almost rear-ended the car in front of them.

"Are you serious?!" she whispered, her face flushed with shock and disbelief, as she looked over at Sky in the passenger seat.

Sky nodded emphatically. "Totally. I think our fans would go wild for it. Plus, it would really set us apart from the rest of the content creators out there."

Kaitlyn considered this for a moment.

"Well, that’s true, but it would be a huge risk for me, you know?" She paused, chewing on her bottom lip. “I know you've made those kinds of videos before, Sky. But me? I've only done stuff with dildos and fake dicks."

Sky nodded understandingly. "I know, I know. But think about it for a minute. We could make a ton of money off this. And it'd be such an exclusive thing for our fans. They'd go absolutely crazy for it. We could even pick a fan we know and trust. It'd be a win-win for everyone."

"I don't know, Sky. This is a lot to think about." Kaitlyn pursed her lips, still unsure.

Sky looked at Kaitlyn, her eyes obscured by her sunglasses. "Look, I understand. But think about it. We've built up these amazing followings, and we have the power to give our fans something they've never seen before. And think about how much money we could both make from this."

Kaitlyn considered this for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. "I guess...," she said slowly.

"Come on, Kait. You know you want to. You’ve told me you wanted to create more daring content since your split from Nick. This is a great opportunity to do so." Sky urged, her voice tinged with excitement.

"I just...I don't know. Sky, I’d need to think about this. This is really outside my comfort zone." Kaitlyn chewed on her lip, still unsure.

Sky smiled reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay if you're not ready. I totally understand. But if you do decide to do it, you know we'll make the best video either of us has ever made. I can get Jen to film it; she’s awesome and helped me film and edit some of my scenes."

Kaitlyn nodded slowly, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. "Okay...," she said finally. "I'll think about it. But if I do it, I want to do it with someone I really trust."

"Cool. If we do it, you get to pick the guy." Sky confirmed, squeezing Kaitlyn's shoulder.

Kaitlyn nodded, the weight of the decision resting heavily on her. As they parked and headed into Starbucks, the buzz of the city was lost to her as she contemplated the potential outcome of this daring venture. She knew her ex, Nick, would be furious if he found out, but he was the one who had left her for someone else. Maybe this was just what she needed to regain her confidence and assert her independence.

Inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and the sound of baristas crafting drinks was a comforting background noise. They ordered their usuals and found a quiet corner to sit and continue their discussion. Kaitlyn leaned in closer to Sky, ensuring their conversation remained private.

"Okay, let's say I do decide to go through with it," Kaitlyn whispered, her voice low but firm. "How would we even set this up? I don't know where to start. I mean, how do we even distribute the video. We can't really put it on both our OnlyFans pages."

Sky leaned back in her chair, sipping her caramel macchiato. "Easy peasy. We'd create a joint account just for the video. Keep it separate from our personal stuff. That way, we can split the profits two ways."

"Ok, that answers that question. How do we go about filming it. You mentioned Jen would film it, I'm guessing she's a friend of yours?" Kaitlyn asked, sipping on her iced tea.

"Yeah, she's totally cool. We've been friends for years, and she's really into the whole adult content scene. She's got all the gear and knows how to make it look professional," Sky replied, her confidence growing as she talked about the details. "She's filmed a lot of my stuff with me. She knows what looks good and what doesn't."

"I'm guess we'd need to rent a hotel room for this." Kaitlyn mused, staring at her drink. "I mean, I'm not going to film it at my place. And I'm guessing we won't film it at yours."

"A condo would be better. Less noise complaints from neighbours, and no chance of room service trying to interrupt." Sky explained.

Kaitlyn nodded in agreement, her mind racing with the logistics of such a venture. "And what about the fan?"

"I'm going to leave that up to you to decide, Kait." Sky smiled, take another sip of her macchiato. "You get to pick the guy we fuck."

"I gotta think about this, Sky. And it's a lot to think about." Kaitlyn blushed, the reality of the situation setting in.

Sky nodded. "Take your time, Kait. But just remember, if we do this right, it could be huge for both of us."

By the time they talked online a week later, Kaitlyn had decided.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Sky exclaimed.

"Hey, you. Listen, I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about. And...I want to do the video," Kaitlyn said, her voice shaking slightly. "I mean, I trust your judgment on it. And I think we could make a lot of money from this."

Sky's eyes widened in surprise, and she grinned. "Really? You're sure?"

Kaitlyn nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Yeah, I'm sure. I just...I trust you, you know? And you’re right, I’ve been thinking about making some spicier content for a while now. Why not make it with someone I trust? And yeah, I think we could make some serious money from this. "

Sky smiled, her eyes shining with excitement. "I know we could, babe. And I'm so glad you're feeling this way. This will be awesome!" She paused for a moment, thinking. "Okay, so now we need to pick the right guy for the job. Someone who's respectful, obviously, but also someone who'll make it hot for the fans."

"I have just the guy." Kaitlyn smiled, taking a sip of the drink beside her.

"You do?" Sky raising an eye in surprise.

"I have, yeah." Kaitlyn nodded. "His name is Nate and he's from Tennessee. He's one of the only two guys on my OF that I chat with directly, and not through my team. He's a nice guy, very respectful. And very funny too."

Sky raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And you're sure he's comfortable with this?"

“I sent him a DM with details, but I haven't got a reply yet." Kaitlyn said "But. He is a huge fan of mine, and I think he'd be down for it. There's just one teeny-tiny thing, Sky..."

Sky raised an eyebrow, waiting for Kaitlyn to continue.

"He's a virgin." Kaitlin added.

Sky furrowed her brow, clearly surprised by this revelation. "He's a virgin? How do you know that?"

"He told me himself after we had been chatting for a few months."

"What age is he?" Sky pursed her lips, thinking.

"He's twenty-five." Kaitlyn replied.

"Oh, okay." Sky said, still a little surprised. "He's not one of these religious guys waiting to get married before having sex though, right?"

Kaitlyn laughed softly. "No, no. He's not like that. He's just...you know, he's a virgin. He's not found anyone he has wanted to have sex with."

"He's not ugly or fat or anything?" Sky asked, a touch of skepticism in her voice. "I mean, I don't mind making a virgin's first time into a porn video or anything, but...well, I'd feel bad if we made it seem like it was some sort of chore for us or something."

Kaitlyn laughed. "Oh, no, no. He's really cute, actually. I'm connected with him on Facebook if you want to take a look later."

Sky leaned back in her chair, considering this information. "Well, I mean, if he's not ugly or fat or anything, and he's a nice guy...we can make this a fun experience for him. He knows this will be with the two of though, right?"

"Oh yeah, he knows." Kaitlyn replied with a grin. "I made sure to include that in the DM to him."

"Mmmm, a virgin Fuck-A-Fan video." Sky mused "This could be awesome, you know."

"I know, right?" Kaitlyn grinned. "I hope he's ok with it."

"Well, if he's cool with it, it could be a lot of fun." Sky said with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I mean, we could totally ruin him for every other woman after us."

They both laughed, imagining the poor guy's face as they took turns fucking him senseless. It was an appealing thought, and Kaitlyn found herself growing even more eager for his response. They chatted about the movie and getting the logistics of it set up, and Sky said she’d text Jen about filming it. They left the call with the only question that mattered, not answered.

It took a few hours, as they waited for the other shoe to drop. Kaitlyn checked her messages constantly, her stomach in knots as she prayed for his reply. Finally, it came. His message was short and to the point: he was game. Kaitlyn let out a squeal of excitement and quickly shared the message with Sky.

"He's in!" she texted Sky "He's totally down for it."

"Well, in that case..." Sky texted back. "We'd better get to planning."

Three weeks later, they met at a rented condo in Houston. Kaitlyn met Jen, a gorgeous slim blonde with blue eyes, who was their camerawoman for the day. As they sipped iced coffees, they discussed the filming in more detail.

"So, how do you want to do this, guys?" Jen asked. "Do you want me to set up multiple cameras or just focus on one angle?"

Kaitlyn looked to Sky, who shrugged. "I think we should just use one fixed camera. Have it focused on the couch the whole time we're with him? We're only going to filming there anyway. You can then use the handheld for close up shots, Jen."

"That sounds like a good plan." Jen agreed. "I'll set up the fixed camera now and when he is here, and you are ready to go, just give me a nod."

Kaitlyn and Sky finished their coffees and went over their game plan one more time. It was late in the morning when they heard the doorbell. Kaitlyn, her heart hammering in her chest, opened it to reveal a nervous-looking Nate standing outside. He was dressed in dark jeans and a plain white T-shirt, his eyes darting back and forth. She gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before guiding him into the house.

"Well, well, well," Sky drawled. "Look who's here." She motioned for him to come in, and he hesitantly took a step forward. "I'm Sky," she said, holding out her hand

Nate quickly took her hand, his grip firm but not too tight. "Hi, Sky. It’s really nice to meet you.”

“And this gorgeous piece of ass here is Jen!” Sky pointed to the blonde sitting on the reclining chair, a camera on the table beside her. “She will be our camerawoman, sound editor, and general director genius today.”

Nate looked over at Jen and waved shyly.

"Well, come on in. Sit down here" Sky motioned for him to enter further, sitting down and patting the sofa. "We've got some stuff to go over before the fun starts."

They all sat down, Nate's gaze bouncing between the two women. Sky was a little taller than Amo, her light brown hair cascading down her shoulders in waves, her fit, slim figure tanned. She was beautiful looking, with high cheekbones, a small nose, and full, pouty lips. She crossed her long, toned legs as she eyed him up. Amo was Amo, just perfect. Even more perfect in person. She had dyed her hair a subtle brunette colour, and it made her pale skin and blue eyes really stand out

They both looked amazing and sexy as hell. Both wore short skirts and cropped tops, their breasts straining against the fabric. Sky looked at Jen and nodded. With the camera in hand, the blonde got up and positioned herself where she could get the best shots of all three of them on the couch. She coughed and gave a thumbs-up to announce she had started filming.

"First things first," Sky began "we just want to make sure you understand what's about to happen here."

Kaitlyn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we don't want any surprises." She glanced over at Nate, whose cheeks had started to flush a deep red. "So, Nate, we're going to film this whole thing, and it's going to be on OF. You're ok with that, right?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine with it." He stammered, looking at her.

"Good." Sky smiled reassuringly. "Now, we want to make sure you understand what you're getting into here. We're both experienced in this sort of thing, and we're going to take turns fucking you. You down with that?"

Nate swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat. "Y-yeah," he stammered. "I mean, I'm...I'm up for it."

Kaitlyn leaned forward, her face serious for a moment. "Just so you know, we're both on the same page here. We want this to be a wild, kinky ride for all of us." She glanced over at Sky, who nodded in agreement. "But we also want to make sure you're comfortable with it. You don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Nate took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "I'm...I'm comfortable with it," he managed to say. "I mean, I've always had fantasies like this, you know?"

"Good," Kaitlyn smiled, leaned in, and kissed him on the lips.

Sky watched as Nate responded to Kaitlyn's kiss, his hands moving to grasp her hips. He moaned softly into her mouth, and she pulled away, breaking the kiss. "Looks like you're ready for this.

Kaitlyn grinned, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Let's get started, then." She leaned over and began unbuttoning Nate's jeans, her fingers working quickly as his erection sprang free. Nate groaned, arching his back as she stroked him. Sky turned his head and started kissing him, sliding her tongue into his mouth, her tongue stud stroking his tongue as they made out.

As Kaitlyn pushed Nate's pants and boxers down his legs, revealing his hairy thighs, and erect penis, Sky had slipped Nate's t-shirt off of him and was stroking his chest as they kissed. Nate moaned into their kiss, feeling overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through his body. Kaitlyn continued to tease his cock with her hands, her fingernails scraping gently against the sensitive skin as she stroked him. She kissed his chest, licking his nipples as her hand gently stroked him.

Sky broke the kiss, and looked over at Kaitlyn.

"I think, we're both wearing way too many clothes, Kait." she grinned, pulling her crop-top off. "Let's get rid of them." Sky stood up, her body swaying gently as she moved. She tossed her top aside, and untied her skirt, revealing her black lace bra and a pair of red panties.

Kaitlyn reached up, unhooking her own bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts, large and perky, bounced free, and she leaned forward, offering one to Nate. "Go ahead," she said, her voice low and sultry. "Have a taste."

Nate reached up, his fingers brushing against her soft skin as he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking gently.

"That's it," Kaitlyn murmured, her hands running through his hair. "Oh, I love that, Nate."

Nate continued to suck on her nipples, his other hand moving down to stroke her hip. He kissed her stomach, moving lower, as she removed the short skirt she was wearing. Clad only in panties, she leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. Sky knelt beside him on the couch, nuzzling his neck, whispering into his ear.

"We wanna suck your dick, Nate. Would you like that?" she asked, sultrily.

Nate nodded, and he looked down as both women knelt down between his legs, looking up at him smiling.

Kaitlyn took Nate's penis in her hand, licking her lips as she stroked it, getting it wet with her saliva. "Mmm, you have a nice dick," she murmured, looking up at him as she guided it towards her mouth.

"He does," Sky said, as she leaned forward as well, kissing his thighs, and then taking his balls into her mouth, sucking gently. As Kaitlyn took more of his cock into her mouth, she began to bob her head up and down, her tongue swirling around him.

Nate groaned, his hips jerking involuntarily as he felt the dual sensation of their mouths and hands on him. He glanced down at the two of them, his chest heaving as he watched their lips and tongues danced around his cock.

"Oh my God..." he groaned.

Their hands and mouths moved in perfect harmony, each stroke and lick heightening the sensations coursing through his body. As Kaitlyn bobbed her head faster, her lips stretched taut around him, Sky continued to tease his balls, her tongue stud raking across them. Then they swapped, with Sky taking his cock into her mouth, and Kaitlyn sucking and licking on his balls.

"Oh fuck, yeah," Nate groaned, thrusting his hips upwards as Sky took him deeper.

Their hands moved in perfect unison, stroking and caressing his body, as their lips and tongues danced around his cock. He felt like he was on the edge, ready to explode at any moment. The two women began licking his shaft in unison, sucking and kissing on it, before their mouths met at his cockhead, where they licked it. As their tongues met, the two women kissed, side-eyeing Nate as they did.

"You like that, you dirty virgin?" Sky teasingly taunted him.

Kaitlyn smiled up at him as she continued to suck on him, nodding. "I know he does."

Nate groaned, his hips jerking as he felt the dual sensation of their mouths and hands on him. He gripped the sofa hard, as they teased him.

"Oh fuck, you're so good," he panted, feeling the familiar tugging in his groin as his orgasm began to build.

The two women seemed to sense it, too, as their movements became more urgent. They took turns sucking on him, their lips and tongues moving in perfect unison, their hands roaming over his body As Kaitlyn bobbed her head faster, she moaned around his cock, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine. Sky looked up at him, licking his cock.

"You like that, Nate? You like the way we work together?" she asked, her voice husky.

Kaitlyn nodded, sucking harder on his cock as she felt him growing closer to the edge. "Oh yeah, I can tell he's about to blow."

"That's it, Nate. Give her your load!" Sky urged him on.

Nate groaned, his knuckles white from gripping the couch pillows so hard. The two women continued to work in perfect unison, their lips and tongues moving in perfect synchrony. Kaitlyn moaned around his cock, as she took him deeper. Sky looked up at him, her tongue swirling around his balls.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!" he moaned, gripping the sofa hard.

"Give it to me!" Kaitlyn glanced up at him, her lips still wrapped around his cock.

Nate let out a hoarse cry as he felt his orgasm take him, pulsing hotly through his veins. He gripped the sofa, his knuckles white as he thrust up into Kaitlyn's mouth, feeling her tongue stroke the sensitive flesh of his cock. She moaned around him, sucking harder as he came, her throat working to accommodate his length. His cock jerked in her mouth, filling it with his sticky seed, which she swallowed greedily.

Sky continued to lick and suck on his cock, her movements matching Kaitlyn's perfectly. Her hand moved up, cupping his balls and massaging them gently as he came down from his orgasm. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with desire.

"She's such a dirty little bitch, isn't she? Eating all your load like that, not leaving any for me."

Nate groaned, his hips still jerking slightly as he came down from his orgasm.
"Yeah, she is," he managed to croak out, running a hand through his sweat-damp hair. He looked down at Kaitlyn, her lips still wrapped around his softening cock. "God, that was amazing. You two are incredible."

Sky knelt up beside him, leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered,

"Oh, we're not even close to being finished with you yet, virgin boy. We're both going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore."

Sky's words sent a shiver down Nate's spine. He glanced over at Kaitlyn, who smiled wickedly. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "We both want you to cum in our pussy's, Nate. Think you can do that for us?"

Nate gulped, feeling his cock twitch at the thought. He had never been with one woman before, so the thought of filling their pussies with his cum was almost too much to bear.

"I'll...I'll try." he stammered, looking at her face, her lips still inches from his own. He glanced over at Sky, who smiled reassuringly. He reached out, gently tracing his fingers along the inside of Kaitlyn's thigh, feeling the soft skin beneath his touch.

"Good boy." Kaitlyn smiled down at him, before kissing him deeply.

"Mmmmm, I can't wait to feel this cock cum inside me, Nate." Sky whispered in his ear, nuzzling his neck, as she placed her hand on his cock, starting to stroke it. "I love it when a guy finishes in me. It feels soooo good when he fires his cum in me and fills me up."

Nate moaned into Kaitlyn's mouth, as Sky's hand stroked him, her grip firm but gentle, his cock stiffening at her words and touch.

"Oh God, that feels so good," he murmured, his hips starting to move in time with her hand.

Sky leaned forward, kissing his chest, as her free hand moved to cup his balls, rolling them gently in her palm.

"Mmmm, I bet these bad boys are working overtime now, huh?" she whispered, her voice low and sultry. "It's making me all wet thinking about how much cum they have for the both of us."

Kaitlyn kissed him deeply, as Sky continued to stroke his cock, her other hand cupping his balls. She sensed him growing harder, and she moaned into their kiss, her body trembling with desire.

"Oh God, I need you inside me," she whispered, her hips grinding against his.

“Mmmm, looks like my bestie really needs your dick, Nate.” Sky smiled, watching Kaitlyn move against Nate, her pussy inches from his cock.

Kaitlyn leaned forward, kissing his neck as she slowly guided his cock toward her wet folds. "Come on, Nate, give it to me."

Nate groaned, his hips pushing forward as he felt the head of his cock press against Kaitlyn's entrance. With a forceful thrust, he buried himself inside her, feeling the tight heat engulf him. Kaitlyn cried out, her nails digging into his shoulders as their hips met in a frenzied rhythm.

"That's it, virgin boy, give her that dick!" Sky urged him on.

Nate's hips bucked forward, pushing deeper inside Kaitlyn, feeling the smooth, hot flesh grip him. He looked down up at her, their eyes locked, and with each thrust, he felt a spark of desire shoot through him. His hands gripped her breasts, feeling the warmth of her skin against his palms. His first time with a woman, and it felt sensational. Not only that, he was having sex with the woman of his dreams! He was in heaven.

Sky smiled, watching them as she leaned forward and kissed Nate.

"Oh yeah, you like that, don't you?" she whispered against his lips. "You like feeling how much we want you, how much we need you."

Nate moaned, his thrusts becoming more urgent as he felt the heat and wetness of Kaitlyn's flesh surrounding him as she bounced up and down on his dick.

"Nate, that feels so gooooood." she moaned, throwing her head back.

Sky could feel the energy between them, the tension building. She leaned forward, kissing Nate deeply.

"You feel so good inside me," Kaitlyn moaned, her hips moving faster, her fingers gripping Nate's shoulders. He growled, thrusting harder, the head of his cock brushing against something deep inside her, causing her to cry out.

Sky smiled, watching them as she leaned forward, kissing Nate's neck. "That's it, she's so close," she whispered, feeling his body tense. "Make her cum, virgin boy."

Kaitlyn arched her back, her nails digging into his shoulders as her orgasm washed over her, her body shuddering with pleasure. "Oh God, Nate, that feels so good," she gasped, her hips moving in rhythm with his as she rode out the sensation.

"You're going to cum soon, I can feel it," Sky whispered, her fingers moving over his skin. "Fill her pussy!"

Nate groaned, his hips bucking wildly as he felt the pleasure building inside him.

"Fuck, Amo," he gasped, his cock throbbing as he came, filling her with his seed. He arched his back, his head thrown back as he released himself into her, feeling her tight flesh grip him as she rode out his orgasm. She collapsed on top of him, and they kissed each other passionately.

Sky smiled, watching them as she leaned forward, her lips brushing against Kaitlyn's ear.

"That was so fucking hot!" she whispered, her hand moving between them, stroking their joined skin.
Kaitlyn turned her head and kissed Sky, their tongues clashing. As she kissed Sky, Kaitlyn reached back and stroked Nate’s balls. Nate groaned, his hips moving slightly as he felt Kaitlyn’s fingers on his stroke them.

"God, I need a moment to catch my breath." He smiled up at her, his chest still heaving from their exertions.

Kaitlyn leaned forward, kissing him softly. "You did so good, Nate. So good." She kissed him again, her fingers still tracing circles on his skin.

Nate smiled, his breath coming back to him in ragged gasps. "You were amazing," he whispered, his hands moving down to cup her ass. "Both of you."

"You're not finished yet, Nate." Sky mocked, "You still owe me one big fat load."

"He may need a little help there, Sky." Kaitlyn grinned, as she slid off of him with a sigh.

"Oh, I think I can help him out." Sky grinned, as she knelt down between his legs and started licking his cock.

"Oh fuck, Sky." Nate groaned, his hands going to her hair, holding her in place as she took him deep into her mouth.

Kaitlyn sat down beside him and kissed him, whispering

"She's good at that, huh?"

"Oh fuck," Nate groaned, his hips bucking against her face as she continued to pleasure him. She could do things with her tongue-stud that drove him crazy, particularly when she flicked and licked around the underside of his cock.

Kaitlyn smiled, watching them as she reached down and started to stroke herself, her other hand moving through Nate's hair. "You two are just so hot together," she breathed, feeling a fresh wave of desire course through her. Nate groaned and kissed her, fondling her breasts as Sky continued to blow him.

He glanced down at Sky, feeling the pleasure building again in his groin. "I wish I could see your face," he whispered, his hips bucking involuntarily against her mouth.

"You will when I'm riding your dick, stud." Sky laughed around his cock.

Nate moaned, arching his back as she took him deeper and harder, her lips vibrating against his length. He reached down and gripped her hair, pulling her closer as he felt the pleasure building inside him again. His hips bucked upward, meeting her mouth with his own need.

"That's enough of that. Now, we fuck" Sky announced, as she stood up and lowered herself onto his cock.

Nate gasped as she impaled herself on him, feeling her warmth engulf him. Her muscles clenched around him as she began to ride him, their hips slapping together in rhythm. Kaitlyn leaned forward, her lips finding his and their tongues tangling together. The pleasure was intense, almost too much to bear. Sky took control, riding him hard, her body bouncing up and down off of his lap, her breasts bouncing in tandem.

"Oh fuck, yes," she moaned, throwing her head back as she felt the pleasure coursing through her. She looked down at Nate, seeing the lust in his eyes, and knew she had him right where she wanted him. She began to speed up, her hips moving faster and faster, her body arching back and forth with each thrust.

Kaitlyn leaned forward, her hands on the couch on either side of Nate's head as she watched them. Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt herself growing close. "God, I love watching you two together," she gasped. "It's so hot."

Sky looked up at her, eyes dark and lust-filled. "Then come join us, baby," she panted, her body moving faster on Nate's cock. Kaitlyn knelt up and started kissing Sky, raw and passionately.

Nate groaned, his hands moving over their bodies, feeling the heat and the wetness. He looked up at Sky as she rode him, her breasts bouncing with each thrust, her eyes locked on Kaitlyn. It was almost too much.

"Cum on his dick, Sky!" Kaitlyn urged.

Sky felt the pressure building inside her, the waves of pleasure threatening to overwhelm her. She leaned forward, bracing herself on his shoulders as she began to move faster on Nate's cock. Her breath became ragged, her hips undulating with each thrust. Nate was groaning in pleasure, as her pussy clamped down hard on his dick.

"Fuck yes!" he cried out, his hands moving over her ass, gripping her flesh.

Sky felt the release building, her body tense and shudder as she felt the waves of pleasure wash over her. She threw her head back, arching her back as she rode Nate harder, her cries filling the room. Her muscles clenched around him, her pussy milking him in rhythm. Nate roared as he came deep inside her, his body jerking

Kaitlyn watched them, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt her own orgasm building, fueled by the sight of them together.

"Fuck, that is so hot!" she exclaimed.

Sky finally collapsed forward onto Nate's chest, panting heavily. Her breaths mingled with his, their bodies still joined. Kaitlyn leaned forward, kissing Nate's neck as she ran her hands through his hair. The three of them remained connected for a moment, savoring the afterglow of their passionate encounter.

"That was so fucking good." Sky finally managed to say, her voice still rough from their exertions.

"Yeah." Kaitlyn agreed, her breath still ragged. She leaned down and kissed Nate's neck, then his shoulder, tracing circles with her tongue. "I could watch you two fuck all day."

"Some way to lose that virginity, huh, Nate." Sky looked down at Nate, smiling as she stroked his chest.

Nate grinned up at her. "Yeah, I mean, I don't think I could have asked for a better first time." He glanced over at Kaitlyn. "It was amazing to be with you both."

Sky shifted, pulling herself off Nate's cock. She leaned forward, kissing him deeply, her tongue dancing with his.

Kaitlyn smiled as she watched them, running her fingers through Nate's hair. "So, you know what I think we need to do?"

Sky raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's that?"

Kaitlyn stood up and held out her two hands to them. "Shower. But with no cameras."

Sky grinned and took Kaitlyn's hand, pulling herself up to her feet. "I like the sound of that."

Nate sat up, taking a moment to catch his breath before standing as well. They made their way over to the bathroom, the three of them still holding hands. Sky turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature until it was perfect, then stepped under the stream of water, letting it cascade down her body. She glanced back at Kaitlyn and Nate, offering them a seductive smile.

Kaitlyn smiled back, feeling a wave of desire wash over her. She stepped into the shower, letting the water flow over her naked body as well. She moved closer to Nate, pressing her body against his. She could feel his arousal, even through the water, and it sent a shiver of anticipation through her.

Sky reached around them, running her soapy hands down their backs, massaging their shoulders. She leaned in, kissing each of them tenderly on the lips before moving to nip at their neck, teasing them with her teeth.

"You have to admit, babe, it was a great fucking idea." She whispered in Kaitlyn's ear, kissing her on the cheek.

A week later, Sky and Kaitlyn had received copies of the video and had a video-call to discuss it. They were both very excited about the final product.

"I can't believe we did that," Sky said, giggling as she watched the footage of themselves. "I mean, I knew it was hot, but seeing it like this..."

"It was definitely a lot more fun than I thought it would be." Kaitlyn laughed, running her fingers through her wet hair.

"I knew you'd be a natural, babe," Sky said with a smile. "Are you going to send a copy to Nate before we publish it live?"

"Oh, absolutely. I can't wait to see what he thinks of it. He's been texting me all morning, by the way. He's so excited." Kaitlyn giggled, glancing back at the video. "I mean, who knew we'd have this much fun together?"

"It was definitely an experience he won't forget. I mean, how many guys can say they have video of them losing their virginity to two hot babes! I can't wait to see how many people watch it when we release it." Sky laughed.

"I know. It's just... It was so much more than that. I think we really connected with him. I mean, we did it together, after all." Kaitlyn said, her voice softening. She glanced back at the video again, her heart fluttering at the memory of how intimate it had been.

"You really like him, don't you?" Sky sat back in her chair, grinning.

"I... I do. He's just so sweet and genuine. I can't help but feel something for him." Kaitlyn blushed, looking down at her hands.

"Don't forget, he's good in bed too!" Sky laughed.

Kaitlyn blushed deeper, her eyes flickering back to the screen. "Well, yeah, that was...a really nice surprise, sure. But it's not just that. I mean, we had a connection before we even got in the bedroom. Like, there's a reason I talked to him myself, and not just through my team, you know?"

"Well, you are single, Kait. And he practically worships you, so..." Sky said, cocking her head and grinning.

"I know. I know." Kaitlyn smiled, her cheeks flushing again. "Let's just say, watch this space."

"Oh, you sly bitch," Sky grinned. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kaitlyn shrugged, acting innocent.

"Yeah, sure. I'm calling bullshit on that." Sky scoffed, as she shook her head and grinned.
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John Connors

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Re: The Sky's the Limit (Amouranth, Sky Bri)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2024, 02:42:33 AM »
It's great to see more Amo content on here, as she is hot. I didn't know anything about Sky Bri, but I see, she has worked with Mr. Lucky. I'll have to check out some more of her stuff.
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