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Author Topic: Accidental Prostitute (Victoria Justice)  (Read 381 times)


Accidental Prostitute (Victoria Justice)
« on: July 02, 2024, 03:21:55 PM »
Accidental Prostitute
Codes: MF, cheating, oral

In this story Victoria is in a fictional relationship with a completely made up (and pretty awful) person. Just a means for the plot to develop. This is a fairly vanilla story and not as saturated with kinks as my other stories tend to be. So it might be decent read for anyone just looking for VJ sex stories. It also jumps straight into action. I hope you can find some enjoyment in my drivel!

Victoria Justice squatted down in the bathroom stall, a smirk on her lips as she maintained eye-contact with her boyfriend Mitchell, enjoying the way he bit his lip and literally squirmed in anticipation. Yeah, some girls didn’t like sucking cock all that much, but she was just in love with the way she could get a grown man to quiver with so much as the promise of some oral action. She might be the one putting her mouth on something that could be quite gross, she might be the one swallowing, she might be on her knees. But in the end she felt empowered by the act, able to make him moan with a flick of her tongue, or to make him beg for more by reprieving him of her mouth’s damp, warm embrace.

She gently stroked his rock-hard cock with her hand and moved in, planting her tongue on his balls and spreading them, feeling the smooth orbs under that soft, malleable skin. Slowly she moved upwards, taking her time, exploring every little vein in the path of her tongue, loving the way his cock twitched under her measured affections. During this she deliberately breathed out through her mouth, letting her heated breath brush over his skin and increasing his sensations into a mind-bending tease of what was still to come.

“Fuck, you’re killing me, Tori. You’re such a good girl.” Mitchell whispered those words as he caressed her cheek, aiming to keep his voice low. For good reason too. There was bustling all around them, the dull sound of a bass-drums, lightly muffled by the walls. This was a stall in the busy bathroom of an underground nightclub. Electric music and lots of dealers trying to hook you up with cocaine, ecstasy and LSD. Not really her scene at all, but Mitchell had dragged her here to meet up with some of his old friends.

The thought made Victoria grimace in slight distaste, not wholly caused by the fact that Mitchell wasn’t exactly prepped for this kind of oral action. Of course he had used the bathroom tonight and of course he had danced and sweated. So his cock wasn’t at its freshest state ever. Victoria was a trooper though, she kept on licking his dick, making sure to drool as she did so, knowing that after a few licks her saliva would wash away the worst of the taste and leave that familiar and actually rather pleasant flavor of his cock.

Just to get her own little revenge on Mitchell for dragging her along tonight in order to show off to his dumbass friends she grazed the sensitive head of his cock with her teeth, smirking deviously as she felt him flinch and heard him gasp in response. All budding complaints were stifled when he looked down into her teasing brown eyes though.

She opened her mouth and her soft lips wrapped around the head of Mitchell’s cock. Swirling her tongue around him in a slow, teasing pace Victoria thought about how terrible this night had been up until now. Mitchell’s friends were called Pete, Vince and Devin. And all off them seemed to be in a competition for being the worst person imaginable. Pete had offered her cocaine three times tonight and only seemed to stop once she shut him down rather bluntly at his last attempt. Vince continuously bragged about his investments, going so far as to show her his stock trading app and extolling the virtues of bitcoin. And Devin was a groper, always putting his hands around her waist when talking to her and leaning in so closely that his lips were literally on her cheek.

A shiver ran down Victoria’s spine as she thought of them, and not the good kind of shiver. For good measure she let Mitchell feel her teeth again.

“Babe, what the fuck?” he whimpered after gasping, “Just suck my cock.”

Victoria remained mum but smirked. He was so docile and polite now. Such a difference from the boastful, braggadocios side he revealed of himself when surrounded by his old douche-bag friends. All night he had shown her off like an accessory, like a doll. He had even insisted she wore a new silver sequin mini-dress he had gifted to her the week before and now Victoria assumed it was because he knew that his friends would like it if she wore it. Devin definitely seemed quite eager to get his hands on her all night long.

A little hum escaped Victoria as she tasted a surprise droplet of precum on her tongue. Gently she swirled it around the underside of the cock-head, knowing that spot was a magic button for her boyfriend. Like a g-spot that she could tease him with.

“Mmmhhhp! Fuck! That’s it,” Mitchell moaned, “Suck it deeper, babe.” His voice was still a whisper but in his arousal he failed to really keep it down enough and the laughter of two guys in the neighboring stall suggested they heard it as well.

But the actress and singer didn’t hesitate to follow his suggestion, starting to bob her head up and down on his erection. She brushed her hair behind her ears, making sure that the view of her face was unobstructed, knowing how much he liked to look at her as she sucked him off, and at the same time assuring that the dangling tresses of her hair were brushing over his bare thighs. Soft little touches that would add to the flood of pleasant, titillating sensations trapping him in the maze of pleasure that she alone ruled over.

For a while, at least. She felt his hand on her head and her sucking started to falter. Usually he was quite well aware that she preferred to set her own pace. She glanced up to him and saw that the look on his face was pleading. Additionally, his eyes were definitely showing signs of his inebriation which might make him more impulsive than usual. Maybe even more than that. He had retreated to the bathroom with his friend Pete multiple times and it wouldn’t surprise her at all if Mitchell was on cocaine right now.

Still, his expression was enough to placate her and she relaxed, letting him decide the pace of the blowjob for now. Mitchell brought her head back and forth and Victoria couldn’t deny that there was something really hot about this. All she had to do was focus on keeping her jaw slack, opening it further when he pushed in and closing a little more on his way back. She made sure her lips were gripping his shaft tightly and every time she felt the fleshy, bulbous head of his cock in her mouth she swirled and tickled her tongue around it.

Mitchell began to be rougher, rolling his eyes back in his head and moving her mouth up and down his cock more rapidly. Victoria held on to his thighs as she felt more like a sex-toy used to masturbate with than a human being. Again, something about that was on some level definitely hot. But at the same time she thought about the fact that she was in a nightclub right now. She really didn’t want to end up with smeared make-up. And so she tightened the grip of her hand on his thigh, not quite a pinch but definitely a non-verbal signal for him to ease up. Yet Mitchell kept going for some more seconds and then even pushed her all the way down with firm pressure of his hands.

Victoria’s eyes widened and then firmly clenched shut as the thick, blunt head of the cock in her mouth squeezed against her throat. She made a sputtering sound, then let out a muffled, coughing gag. The seconds ticked by. 10… 11… 12… 13… Victoria squirmed down there and her hand now gently slapped his thigh three times.

24… 25... 26… She could feel his dick twitch inside her mouth. Clearly he loved it. But she wanted out and so she made him feel the edge of her teeth around the base of his cock. Only then did she hear him gasp and alleviate the pressure.

Finally Victoria could pull back and she did so all the way, inhaling deeply the moment his cock left her mouth. She breathed deeply, feeling her chest rise and fall rapidly, a few strands of thick, glistening saliva connecting her lips to his cock. Her voice was a little hoarse as she whispered: “What the hell, baby?”

Still, despite herself she grabbed his slobber-coated cock and jerked it slowly, though her grip was almost punishingly tight. The wetness of her gooey spit made a slick, sloppy sound. She looked up and saw Mitchell melt under her touch. His ass squirmed on the toilet seat and she literally saw his eye-lids flutter. A smirk crept onto her lips, shiny with her own spit and his precum. She loved to have him in her palm like that.

“Oh you like that?” she purred.

Mitchell nodded sheepishly. “Fuck… Oh my god Tori please… I am so close. Suck it, come on.” He was begging her.

In a rush of excitement Victoria leaned in again and once more took him into her mouth. The spit had cooled off against the air and for a few seconds it felt weird to have his somewhat cool cock in her mouth. But its warmth quickly brought him back to temperature again and within moments she was slurping up and down his length eagerly, her hands kneading his balls with urgency.

She was familiar with his body and its responses, knew she had him on the ropes right now. The way his cock twitched, how his balls rose in the sack. He was moments away from shooting his load.

“In your mouth,” Mitchell whimpered breathlessly, “Please babe, let me shoot in your mouth.”

Victoria’s eyes lit up. The cock in her mouth distended her lips, but with her eyes alone she could communicate the smile she gave him. Teasingly she moved back and swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, just so torturously slow that he would be unable to cum without her permission. She glanced up to him, fire in her eyes. And Mitchell gave her the puppy-dog eyes that made her fall in love with him.

And so she plunged down. Up and down and up and down. She sucked him rapidly and eagerly until she felt him tense up against the embrace of her lips. She slowed her blowjob and her head-bobbing became more shallow, focusing on the head of his cock and teasing it with her tongue as he rapidly twitched and throbbed.

The squirts were plentiful and came out with force, three, then four of them. Only with the fifth spurt did she feel his pressure relent, his cum ebbing down in volume.

Mitchell let out stifled moans above her, his eyes closed and his hands stroking her hair. She glanced up, seeking eye-contact with him. As someone who is generous with blowjobs they both knew this spiel. She usually took his load into her mouth and then showed it off, only for her to swallow it down. But this time he didn’t look into her eyes, instead glancing up. Confusion furrowed Victoria’s brow and she pulled back, letting his cock go from her mouth.

Cum dripped out, forming a curtain dangling from her chin. She followed his gaze and looked up, seeing all three of Mitchell’s friends glance down on her. They had shit-eating grins on their faces.

“Holy shit, you weren’t lying!”, Devin cajoled.
“Grade A cocksucker, that chick,” Pete said, his voice shaky with the cocaine high.
“Hot as fuck and still making an effort? Usually stuck up bitches like that coast by on their looks alone,” Vince sneered.

Victoria looked at Mitchell with barely contained anger. “What the fuck, baby? Seriously!?” Now it made sense why he pushed her down on his cock like that. He wanted to show off to his friends!

In a douchy way Mitchell patted her cheek. “Oh lighten up, Tori. It’s fine. I trust these guys. Don’t be all weird about it. We both know you love sucking dick. None of those fuckers believed me. I just wanted to show some people how good you were at it!”

Blood rushed into Victoria’s head and anger boiled up in her. She got to her feet and barked at Mitchell: “Go fuck yourself.”

She roughly pushed open the door of the stall, hitting one of the douche-bags standing around it. She hoped that it hurt.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” Vince laughed, holding up his hands defensively, “Just chill, no reason to be a cunt about this.”

“And you fuck yourselves too,” Victoria growled, flipping off all three of them before storming off in a huff.

Behind her she heard them laugh and holler.
“Damn, those Latinas are fiery as fuck.”
“Told ‘ya, stuck up bitch, that one.”
“So fucking mouthy, but I could smell the cum on her breath as she insulted me.”

Luckily the sounds of the club quickly drowned out those clowns and Victoria made a bee-line to the front desk. As she walked through the crowd she got some curious and amused glances and only then realized that her chin was still coated in cum. She wiped the back of her hand over it and then got her purse from the wardrobe.


The summer night outside was chilly and windy, and despite the season Victoria felt cold and hugged her arms around herself, glancing down her bare legs in the mini-dress and curling her toes in her open high heel sandals. She even got a pedicure like Mitchell wanted. What a stupid asshole.

She had come here with them though, and since she lacked any other form of transportation she had called herself an uber. It took a while to explain where she wanted to be picked up. This underground rave was in a dilapidated factory building in the industrial part of town. She had also walked up the road a bit so that she wasn’t in danger of one of those idiots following her outside and trying to convince her to come back in. Fuck those guys and their bullshit.

And now Victoria stood on the side of the road in this more than just a little unsavory neighborhood, hearing the clicking sound of her own high heel sandals reverberate from the graffiti covered brickwork around her. In the cold of the night she pressed her teeth together to keep them from chattering, her hands rubbing over her own arms in an effort to preserve her body’s warmth in her skimpy outfit. Most of the old industrial area seemed to be out of order these days and it was rare for a car to pass her. So she breathed a sigh of relief when she felt headlights on her and saw the car slowing down.

With renewed vigor she took her purse and headed for the somewhat aged looking Toyota. “Fucking finally,” she breathed as she fiddled with her phone to match up with her uber. She grabbed the handle of the passenger side door but to her confusion she found it locked. Instead the window rolled down with the gentle hum of an electric motor. Victoria leaned down and looked inside, finding the driver to be an older black man, probably in his 40s and pretty tall and broad shouldered. He had a mustache that was speckled with the first signs of gray, just like his balding hair.

“How much?” he asked with a gravely, deep voice. It had the fray of a habitual smoker as well.

“Huh?” Victoria made, finding the question a little weird from an uber driver. “I don’t know, just somewhere towards the beach-side hotels?”

Now her own confusion was mirrored on the man’s face as he gave her a questioning look. His eyes lingered on her face for a moment and then dipped down. Only now Victoria realized that she was standing bent over at the hip so she could lean her elbows against the car’s window, and in this pose he got a very nice eyeful of her cleavage. She was never really renowned for her massive breasts, but what was there was shapely and she knew how to draw the eye with what she was given. And his eye was definitely drawn. To her surprise he reached down and rather shamelessly adjusted his crotch. She could see the outline of a sizable cock shift under the fabric of his faded jeans.

It was then that Victoria realized what was happening. ‘He’s mistaking me for a fucking whore!’ she thought to herself. A whole onslaught of emotions washed over the petite woman. She felt a little hurt, appalled and insulted. But at the same time a rush of excitement and a sense of arousal. Especially as she reexamined the way he looked at her, his eyes wandering over her body as if it was merchandise. It was hot. She liked the way he looked at her. She felt another shiver run up her spine, this one not caused by the chilly night air. Though that same air played around her panties which suddenly felt like they were clinging to her tingling most sensitive parts.

“Depends on what you want,” Victoria heard herself say, her voice suddenly more of a purr and an octave lower. She heard her heart pump in her chest and felt a shakiness in her limbs. What the fuck was she doing!?

Then she thought of Mitchell and his three dumbass friends. The way they treated her tonight. An image flashed through her mind of her on her back, laying on filthy sheets on a squeaky motel bed, the burly black man on top of her, thrusting into her petite body. She did not hate that mental image. A crooked smirk curled up her lip.

“Just a blowjob?” the older man whispered back.

Fuck, what would a street corner prostitute ask for something like that? Victoria tilted her head and said: “Fifty bucks.”

The man shook his head in response. “Maybe 25?”

Did she shoot to high? Trying not to let her wavering confidence show she suggested: “Lowest I can go is 30.”

“No condom then, deal?” he offered back.


And with a click she heard the passenger door unlock. With adrenaline rushing through her veins Victoria opened the door and sat down in the seat. It was worn down and the foam was showing. Not her usual kind of ride at all. She got a better look at the man and he seemed like a regular guy. Tall and strong. But not the kind of strong you get from going to the gym, with that typical low body-fat look. He seemed more like he got strong from doing manual labor. He didn’t exactly have a gut, but he did bring the weight he needed to actually use his strength over a whole work day.

Victoria wasn’t the only one checking out the other side of the car as she heard him say in a breathless tone of voice: “Holy shit, you’re smoking hot.”

“Sweet-talk won’t get you a discount,” Victoria said, the smirk on her lips audible in her voice.

He shook his head decisively. “Hell no! Seeing you up-close I already feel I made a huge bargain. Trust me, a girl like you could make way more.” His eyes were coursing over her body and the skimpy but exquisite dress, almost as if he didn’t know where to look first. But then they fixed on a spot right above her face. His finger pointed at the same spot on his own head. “Looks like your last client left some… You know?”

Victoria frowned in confusion and lowered the sun visor of the car, giving herself a look in the small mirror. And indeed, some of Mitchell’s cum must have gotten into her hair. A gooey off-white glob of semi translucent cum stuck to her. She reached up and scooped it up with her fingertip. “My bad,” she softly apologized.

“It’s all good,” he reassured her, “You probably get busy. A girl like you? I mean, fuck.”

His demeanor and obvious appreciation of her made Victoria smile and once she was certain she had his attention she looked right into his eyes. Her fingertip rose to her smirking lips and she wrapped them around her digit, sucking the cum off it and swallowing it down. “There, all gone now.”

“Holy fuck! You're bad,” the guy said, clearly taken aback but also very aroused. He seemed eager to get her to take care of him as well. “So, how do you do it? You got a place somewhere? Motel room or something?”

Relying on her acting abilities Victoria ad-libbed: “I usually do it in the car. Or in a gas station bathroom. Or an alley.” A part of her remained cautious, knowing that this could go south pretty easily. “But we gotta stay close. My pimp has an eye on me.”

“Sure thing,” the black man responded, “I’ll drive us to a secluded spot and you give me head right in my car?”

She shrugged, playfully tugging on her hair. “Suit yourself, big man.”

She heard him let out a grunt of what she assumed was pure, unmitigated arousal and felt heat rise to her cheeks. There was something very hot about being desired in such a blunt, open way by a stranger. He put the car into drive and then headed up the road. Luckily in this industrial area it didn’t take long to find a secluded spot and so he pulled up into an abandoned old parking lot, the concrete cracking in lots of places, and wild greenery pushing through those cracks.

He stopped, killed the engine and turned off the lights, then cranked the handbrake. Almost immediately he was fiddling with his belt and zipper. Victoria felt her pulse in her temples as she turned to him with an eager smile, biting her lip in performative anticipation. Sure, she did this to get back at Mitchell. But to claim that she wasn’t more turned on now than at any moment during the last 6 months would be a solid lie.

“Fuck, I wanna see your pretty face,” he grunted as he continued to expose himself with one hand, the other reaching up and activating the internal light of the car. As he did it Victoria noticed the wedding band on his ring-finger.

But her distraction was only momentary as her eyes were quickly drawn to his cock. He was big. Not porn-star huge but definitely above average. Easily larger than Mitchell, and thicker around as well. What struck her most was how aesthetic his cock looked. Like something they fashion a life-like dildo after, with a smooth shaft that sported veins more decorative than unsightly, and a perfectly sized and smooth head which he revealed by pulling down his foreskin. The shaft was a dark ebony shade and the head a little brighter.

“Can I touch you?” he asked and Victoria pulled her eyes away from his cock with some effort, meeting his gaze. He was glancing at her body and she gave him a nod to which he reached out.

His hands were gruff and calloused, large and strong. The way he touched her wasn’t gentle or hesitant, going right for her thighs and squeezing them firmly, brushing over her silky skin. She had shaved just today and knew that her skin was as tender and slick as satin. He grunted again when he moved up and he groped her breasts through her dress.

“Fuck, you’re so tight babygirl,” he murmured. The sentence would have been corny and lame coming from most people. But somehow it fit his appearance and demeanor, leaving Victoria feeling flattered and wooed.

Not wanting to lag behind she used her own hands, reaching out and getting a firm grip of his cock. She gave it a few slow paced strokes, smiling as she felt him tense up against her palm, as well as a small jolt going through him. His hands tightened around her a little more firmly and the actress suggested: “Lean back a bit. Let me get a taste.”

He did and Victoria leaned down. She breathed in his scent and a smile danced around her lips. She was amused by the parallels between this and what happened earlier with Mitchell. Again, this was not a cock prepped for a blowjob. This guy had probably followed an impulse and stopped beside her when he saw her on the side of the road. She could smell sweat and remnants of urine. And when she stuck out her tongue and broadened it to lick over the side of his shaft she could taste the same mix of flavors in her mouth as well.

Victoria found the position awkward, leaning over to the side like this. And so she re-positioned herself, getting on her knees on the passenger seat and lowering her head down to his crotch. As she got in position she kept her lips sealed and collected spit in her mouth, releasing it over his dick and immediately diving in to spread it all over his cock and balls with a broad tongue.

He clearly loved the treatment as he let out a satisfied groan. “Fuck, you know what you’re doing.”

With a new-found eagerness Victoria started to suck on his beautiful dick, her lips enveloping the head and taking it into the wet warmth of her mouth. Noisily she slurped her own saliva off his skin, grimacing slightly at the less than ideal flavors washing over her tongue that way. But she swallowed quickly and soon the cock still tasted flavorful, but not in an unpleasant way at all. She tasted him, his very own flavor. And she liked it.

He reached down and with surprising tenderness brushed her hair behind her ear. “Look at me,” he requested in an urgent, almost needy tone of voice. She did and saw the effect she had on him plain as day. She could see arousal cloud his eyes and saw his hands shake as he once again tucked away an errant strand of hair obscuring her eyes. A morbid thought crossed her mind then. She had heard a statistic that 75% of men who suffer a heart-attack while having sex do so in bed with a stranger. And she could believe it, feeling the palpable excitement in every movement of the guy whose cock she was sucking so eagerly.

Clearly aiming to put on a show Victoria pulled back from the cock, sucking it hard and releasing it with a satisfying, hollow-cheeked ‘PLOP!’ She grinned happily as she used her hand to playfully stroke up and down the slick length of his big black cock while she rested her cheek on his thigh, looking up to him and feeling him squirm in his seat under her. To perfect the image she also arched her back in her kneeling, bent-over position.

To great effect, apparently, as he reached out and his hand clumsily but very eagerly explored her upper thighs, dancing around the hemline of her mini-dress that had scooted up in her pose anyway, revealing the panties underneath. As his gruff hands pushed away the exquisite lace and satin she wondered if he had felt a similar kind of underwear before, wondered if he was aware that these panties he so casually slipped aside cost as much as some outfits other girls wore.

Many of those thoughts melted away into a pleasant mush though, when those strong but clumsy fingers slid through her outer lips and then dug deeper, pushing into her body. “Oh fuck!” she heard herself gasp, surprised at the level of arousal in her own voice. Wasn’t she supposed to be the one doing the pleasuring here?

“You love this shit,” she heard him moan and Victoria felt heat rise up in her cheeks. She felt a little caught. Yeah, she was turned on. But she didn’t realize quite how turned on until his fingers pulled away and she felt the sticky, wet, slippery grip of her own body around his digits.

Instead of supplying an answer to him she reached back and grabbed his wrist in her slender hand, pulling his slimy fingers in front of her face. She jerked him off more quickly as she proceeded to suck clean first his index- and then his middle-finger, keeping firm eye-contact the whole time.

His cock throbbed in her hand and his expression seemed to melt into an ever more intense state of arousal. “Easy, easy, cool it,” he cautioned her, gently pulling away her arm until she let go of his cock. It was so close to her face that she could see it dance by itself, twitching and throbbing wildly. She understood that he had come very close to climax and giggled at the sight.

“Fuck, I want you bad,” he grunted as he glanced at her, soothingly handling his cock with soft, nurturing touches. The man patted his pockets and got out his wallet, counting bills as Victoria’s face glanced up to him from down on his lap, a smirk seemingly etched into her shiny lips. “I got $55 total. Can I get a fuck for that?”

The pleading, needy look he gave her made Victoria chuckle. She knelt up on the passenger seat and nodded her head. “Special offer. Just today.” Again her sense caught up with her and she added: “But we gotta use protection, okay?”

“Yeah fine,” he nodded eagerly, looking around his car. “Fuck, not enough space in this trashcan.” With shaky hands he grabbed the steering wheel and started the car, putting it back into drive.

As he drove Victoria put on a rather deliberate show of lifting her butt off the seat, slipping her hands under her dress and pulling down her panties. She slid them down her long, slender, smooth legs and then draped them on his dashboard, remarking in a flirty voice: “Included in the price. Have fun with these.”

He headed for the alley behind what seemed to be a still active laundromat and parked. Victoria got out and stepped behind the business. The alley was narrow and there was a dumpster as well as a significant heap of days-old black trash bags providing a screen towards the road. The smell was pretty bad and Victoria felt wetness seep into the foot-bed of her open designer high heel sandals. The club was still close enough that they could hear the thudding of bass and the chatter of voices.

The man came up behind her and laid his hands around her slender waist. Victoria smiled and leaned her head back against him, feeling his muscular chest under his shirt. Standing next to him really drove home just how much taller he was than her. Easily 6’5, maybe even taller.

When his hands started to pull up the fabric of her sequin mini dress she bit her lip, feeling herself exposed to the cool night air. Again she felt a shiver run over her back, but this one was entirely pleasant and only fed into the arousal already flooding through her system.

His hands explored her bare ass, groping her cheeks, kneading them. “Hmm… fuck, petite doll,” she heard him mutter. His voice was so low that it seemed these words were more for himself than for her ears. Barely conscious of it Victoria bent over just a bit, arching out her ass for his benefit. He smacked her butt and she gasped, a tingle spreading where his rough hand made contact. She reached back and rubbed her hand over the spot where he spanked her. It felt warm under her fingers.

“Wait, the condom…” she whispered, remembering her own stipulation, “I think I got one. Hold on, I can make it more fun to you putting it on.”

With that she sunk down, squatting before him. From this perspective he actually seemed huge! Lumbering before her like a giant glancing down on her. She got her purse and rifled through it, finally finding her phone. She always made sure to have a condom in the black leather case of her phone. As she retrieved it she noticed that she had 14 missed calls. 3 from the uber driver who didn’t find her. And the rest from Mitchell. Just seeing his name made her roll her eyes.

Victoria ripped open the condom wrapper and as she laid the rubbery, slick, thin material onto her tongue a thought crossed her mind. A smirk curled up her lips as she closed her mouth and then moved towards the dick of her client for tonight. He noticed her shift in expression as he glanced down on her, remarking: “Someone is eager. Show me your trick.”

She didn’t need more of an invitation and grabbed his cock by its root. The condom still in her mouth she gently placed her parting lips against the tip. Her prodding tongue outlined the shape of the condom against his cock, putting it on the head like a little crown. The her tongue swirled around the outside rim of the condom, slowly sliding the thin rubber down over the throbbing erection and then unrolling it further by tightly hugging her lips around his girth and pushing downwards. She had performed this trick many times before and found it quite popular with the guys she slept with. For some it was the best way to even convince them to use a condom.

Though she did find it more complicated with her current date than with most other guys. His girth and size actually made it rather difficult to unwrap the condom just with her mouth. So when she had worked it neatly down the shaft about half-way, she pulled back and left just the head of the cock in her lips where she nurtured it with gentle, repeating swirls of her tongue, only to use her hands to stroke the condom as far down the shaft as she could manage. This particular make of condom fit Mitchell easily, but in the case of the black man who purchased her services for tonight she found it lacking in size. It looked small, constricting on his cock and it ran out of material about two thirds down his shaft.

Still, she grinned satisfied and then offered up her idea from earlier when she had spied the missed calls on her phone.

“Mind if I video-call someone as you fuck me?” she asked, “Don’t worry, I won’t show your face. Just want to make an impression.”

She got up and heard him grunt something in the affirmative. He didn’t seem too bothered, nestling his now condom-decorated cock with one hand and her bare ass with the other. Victoria eagerly bent over for him, her hand holding onto a rusty rainwater drainage pipe leading down the wall. Her other hand rested on her wrist and held her phone.

The man stepped closer and she looked over her shoulder, seeing him pull his shirt over his head. He was muscular, but not in that stereotypical built way that guys looked like when they spent their free time in the gym and changed their whole diet to maintain a low body-fat level. He just looked enormous and imposing. His skin was marked by a whole network of old tattoos, faded from sunlight. Some of them used to be words but were now little more than fuzzy blurbs.

With both hands he parted her perky ass cheeks and she felt the blunt, fleshy warmth of his cock slide between them. The condom added a strange yet familiar sensation, wet and shiny with the lubricant it came coated with as well as her spit. One of his hands grabbed his cock by the base, steering it more deliberately, while the other moved down. She felt it on her pussy and let out a little gasp as he fingered her right away. Some of her arousal had dissipated in the meantime, but he seemed experienced enough to understand it.

Gently he worked her clitoris with two fingers while his thumb pushed into her, getting a feeling for her wetness. Only once he could easily push two fingers knuckle-deep inside her did his other hand guide the head of his cock to her entrance. He eased it into her and Victoria let out a soft gasping sound. She felt herself absolutely stretch around his girth!

“Mhhh fuck, so tight,” whispered the man as hip hips were rolling with gentle waves of his body. He took his time, claiming an inch at a time of her and stopping whenever he heard her gasp to let her get used to it. His fingers continuously teased her clitoris and kept her creamy and quivering. By the time he was pressing flush against her petite ass Victoria was fuzzy with arousal, her thoughts sluggish and stilted. She felt close to cumming just from this little act of foreplay.

But the real main-act was about to start, his cock deeply lodged in her body and his hands now getting a nice, firm grip of her waist. She felt his rough fingers grope her slender shape and then moaned as he began to move.

His thrusts were easy and shallow as he began to fuck her. Victoria could feel his much bigger body move hers, even at this gentle pace. Her phone dinged against the hollow pipe in the rhythm of his thrusts and she adjusted her hand to make the dinging stop.

And soon it was replaced by another rhythmic, sensual sound. His hips connecting with her pert ass. Again and again. Plap! Plap! Plap!

She breathed out and heard herself moan, feeling embarrassed. The sound just slipped out!

He seemed to like it though, one of his hands moving up and down her spine, pushing her slinky dress up until it dangled around her upper body.

In that moment Victoria pushed through her fuzzy thoughts to finally use the last remaining reason she had to unlock her phone. She headed to her contacts and set up a video call with Mitchell.

“Oh thank god, baby.” Mitchell sounded relieved but also kind of annoyed. “You good? Not pissy and sulking? Come on, don’t be a bitch. Just come back to me and the boys. We don’t wanna go home yet.”

The video showed blurred, poorly lit images from the club. She could barely tell it was his face, only when some bright light briefly moved over him. Apparently his camera had trouble adjusting for the darkness in the club. But the cone of light from the street illuminated her well enough to be visible to him, as the small rectangular preview in the upper corner of the video-call showed Victoria.

“I’m good,” she said, the wavering arousal in her voice catching her off-guard. The man behind her never relented and only increased the speed of his thrusts as she talked. He seemed to get into it, bouncing against her as if to sabotage her call. “Mitchell…” she swallowed, letting out a moan, her eyes briefly closing. When she opened them again she noticed her boyfriend’s expression. He seemed to slowly grasp what was going on.

“Tori? What the fuck!?”

“Since you’re acting like a fucking asshole I went and found me a real man,” she replied hurriedly, as if she had to get those words out before another moan made her incapable of speech. She angled the phone back and the dark-skinned, muscular frame came into view behind her. She held the phone up and created a frame where her face was in view, but also her perky ass cheeks and the big black cock ramming in and out of her.

“Mhhh oh fuck!” moaned Victoria, “God yes!” Some of her arousal was deliberately over-acted to make him jealous. But every time she did it she noticed that it felt so fucking right. That she was just voicing what she really felt.

“Holy shit!” Mitchell gasped, “Are you serious? What the fuck Tori?”

Someone else was moving into frame on her screen and she noticed Pete’s coked out, bloodshot eyes. “Oh damn, look at that slut go!” He laughed and gestured to others and from outside the frame Victoria heard the tinny voices of Vince and Devin.

“Hot as fuck! Can you send me the vid later, Mitchell?”
“Oh wow, fucking a black guy, what a slag.”

Annoyed Mitchell sought a more quiet place. “Tori? Victoria? Come on, speak to me!”

But his girlfriend barely paid attention to him, her eyes rolling back in her head. “Mmhhhh, oh yes! Fuck me, oh god yes!” Her hand holding the phone went limp at the wrist and the image Mitchell received got more and more shaky and blurry.

A strong hand reached up and grabbed Victoria’s hair, yanking it back, forcing her to look into the camera lens. She gasped and straightened the phone again, granting Mitchell another sharp look at her body. His muscular arm was clearly in frame, pulling her hair back roughly, making her neck strain. But she had a blissful smile on her face.

“Baby?” Mitchell pleaded, “You can’t do this to me!”

“Mmpph!” made Victoria in response, “Not your… Mmhhh! Not your baby anymore!”

And with that she ended the call, carelessly letting her phone drop to the ground. The man behind Victoria let out a chuckle and picked up the pace. He still held onto her hair with one hand but used the other to spank her ass.

“Bad girl. Breaking up with a guy like that?” Another spank to her ass. “Bad…” Another spank, “bad…” another spank, “bad girl.”

He leaned in and she felt his heated breath against her cheek as he kissed it. That was the moment the tension fell off her body and she came. It was so sudden that she herself was surprised by the sudden explosion of pleasure. But he recognized her climax, caught it and emphasized her spasms with shallower and more dedicated thrusts of his dick. His strong hands held her, kept her upright even as her knees became jelly.

For a few breaths he fucked her slowly, letting her calm down, letting her body adjust to all the sensations flooding her perception. But once she glanced back over her shoulder at him he saw she was alert and eager and pounded her hard again. His cock thrust deep into her body, again and again, pushing into her, making her quiver. She felt how he twitched in her, how his balls rose up to press against her clitoris. She knew he’d cum soon.

“Get on your knees,” he said in the hurried, urgent tone of a guy moments away from blowing his load. Victoria sank down into a squatting position and glanced up to him. The condom had shifted on his dick, now covering just barely the head. Carelessly he ripped it off and started to jerk hard and fast. Victoria knew what to do and she leaned in, mouth wide open, tongue out.

And then he came, with no word uttered and just a deep grunt announcing his climax. Warm droplets of thick semen squirted onto Victoria’s face. He adjusted his aim and the subsequent ropes of cum found their target, pooling up in her mouth, warm and rich, the flavor washing all over her.

The petite actress glanced up to him, closed her mouth and smiled blissfully. The cum tasted bitter and stale, but it always did to her. Like the trooper she was she swallowed anyway, downing it in two laborious gulps. Her mouth opened up again and she lifted her tongue, proving that it was all gone. She grinned proudly and bit her lip.

“Thank you,” she said, “That was just what I needed.”

He nodded and breathed heavily. “Best fifty bucks I spent in my life,” he hoarsely stated.

Victoria got back up on her feet, her knees still quite shaky. She pulled her dress back down to cover her body and gave him a nod as he slid his shirt back on. “Could you drop be off at the beach-side hotels?” A grin played around her lips. “If you can go again some free road-head might be in the cards for you along the way.”

He grinned and held out his hand. Victoria grabbed it and they headed back to his old Toyota.

The End.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2024, 03:32:39 PM by SnackAttack »
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