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Author Topic: Velvet Sands (Holly Peers)  (Read 10496 times)

CatMan Slim

Velvet Sands (Holly Peers)
« on: July 03, 2024, 06:09:24 PM »
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and a parody. It is fiction; it did not happen and will not happen. Fantasy is legal.

Velvet Sands

Holly stared at her reflection in the mirror, the neon lights of the airport bathroom casting a harsh glow on her skin. She brushed a lock of her long, wavy brunette hair behind her ear, her blue-green eyes looking tired and uncertain. Her body was toned from years of rigorous exercise and dieting, her natural curves accentuated by her tight dress. The ink from her tattoos peeked out beneath the fabric, starkly contrasting her usually-present glammed-up image. The last few years had been a whirlwind of photoshoots, magazine covers, and social media adoration. Her life as a glamour model had been a dream come true.

But the dream had started to fade. The gigs weren't coming in as frequently as they used to, and the payments weren't as generous. The industry was changing, and she knew she had to adapt. That's when the offer came in, whispered through the grapevine of her social circles: an opportunity to escort discreetly in Dubai. The pay was ludicrous, the lifestyle luxurious, and the promise of privacy was alluring. It was a chance to breathe new life into her career, to escape Manchester's grind and the tabloids' prying eyes.

But at what price?

Holly stepped out of the bathroom and into the bustling terminal, her heels clicking against the marble floor. As she approached the boarding gate, the air was thick with excitement and trepidation. She had long thought about coming here, to take this leap into the unknown. The allure of financial stability and the chance to live a life of opulence was undeniable, but it came with risks she had considered. The thought of her secret being exposed, of her family finding out, made her stomach churn. Plus, the prospect of sleeping with strange men, many of whom she would find unattractive, was something she had never considered before.

As she boarded the plane, her mind raced with thoughts of what awaited her. The business class seating reminding her of the luxury she had signed up for. The leather seats were plush, and the air was cool, carrying the faint scent of the Arabian perfume that filled the cabin. The flight attendant, dressed impeccably in a tailored uniform, offered her a glass of champagne with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Holly took it, sipping slowly as the aircraft taxied down the runway. She felt the familiar thrill of a new adventure, but it was tainted with the bitter taste of doubt.

The flight was long and uneventful, allowing her plenty of time to scroll through the itinerary on her phone. The agency had arranged for her to stay in a penthouse suite at a five-star hotel, complete with a personal driver and access to the city's most exclusive venues. Her schedule was already filled with appointments, each promising a hefty fee. She tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as she read through the descriptions of her 'clients'.

Most of the men were in their 50s and 60s, foreign business moguls and sheiks looking for companionship in a city where such relationships were often kept behind closed doors. They had seen her portfolio and had paid a premium for her company, her beauty a stark contrast to theirs, her relative fame an attraction to them. As the plane ascended into the night sky, Holly couldn't help but feel like she was selling a piece of herself with every swipe of her finger across the screen. Yet, the thought of the zeros in her bank account grew with each swipe, offering a seductive sense of security that was hard to resist.

Finally, the plane touched down in Dubai, and the dry heat hit her like a wall as she exited the aircraft. The driver, a stoic man in a crisp black suit, was waiting for her with a sign bearing her name. The ride to the hotel was smooth, the city's lights blurring into a sea of gold and silver as they sped along the highway. When she arrived at the hotel, the grandeur was overwhelming. The lobby was adorned with marble and gold, and the staff greeted her with a respect she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Her sprawling suite had floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of the city's skyline, piercing the night with its sharp, gleaming spikes. The bed was king-sized and covered in the softest sheets she had ever felt, and the bathroom had a tub that could fit five people. It miles away from the small house she had left behind in England.

Her first client was not due until the next day, allowing Holly to freshen up and relax. After a rejuvenating bath, she slipped into a silk robe provided by the hotel and took in the view from her balcony. The city below was alive with lights and sounds, a stark contrast to the quiet solitude of her penthouse. Despite the excitement of her new surroundings, a knot of anxiety tightened in her stomach. This was not just a photoshoot or a glitzy event; this was real life, with real consequences.

"Am I really doing the right thing?" she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the distant hum of the city. The answer eluded her as she stared into the abyss of the night. Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her contemplation. It was a message from the agency, reminding her of her first appointment the next afternoon. The knot in her stomach grew tighter.

All she knew about him was that he was Alexey, a Russian billionaire businessman in his mid-fifties. He had paid a premium to be with Holly and had paid a huge amount extra for sex without a condom. She had agreed to the terms, a decision that had made her stomach turn when she read it, but the extra zeroes on the end of the figure had convinced her to swallow her pride. They would go to lunch in the afternoon, and then go to bed afterwards.

The next day, Holly awoke early, feeling dread in the pit of her stomach. She had always prided herself on her independence and her ability to make a living from her looks without resorting to anything that made her uncomfortable. But now, here she was, preparing to sell herself in a way that was far beyond just looking pretty for a camera. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that this was just another job, another way to pay the bills.

With a steely resolve, she picked out an elegant dress from the wardrobe stocked with designer outfits. The fabric was soft against her skin, a deep red that made her feel powerful, if not entirely confident. She applied her makeup meticulously, painting on the smile she hoped to wear all day. Her heart raced as she slid into the pair of heels that added an extra couple of inches to her already sensual frame.

The driver arrived promptly, and the car ride to the restaurant was tense. The heat outside was oppressive, but inside the air-conditioned car, she felt cold. The city looked different in the daylight, less mysterious and more like a playground for the wealthy. The restaurant was one of those places that required a key card to enter, hidden away from prying eyes.

When Alexey saw her, he stood up from his chair, a man with a large belly that suggested he enjoyed the finer things in life. He had a thick moustache and a heavy accent that made her stomach flip. He kissed her hand, his eyes lingering on her chest. Holly forced a smile and took her seat, trying to ignore the fact that she was about to have lunch with a man who had paid for her body.

The conversation was strained at first, filled with awkward pauses and forced laughter. They talked about the weather, the view, and the latest news, but Holly couldn't shake the feeling that they were both just going through the motions. Alexey was charming in his own way, but she couldn't help but feel like a trophy on his arm. The food was exquisite, but she had no appetite. Each bite she took felt like a lie she was swallowing along with the food.

Alexey grew more comfortable as the meal progressed, and his stories became more revealing. He spoke of his business dealings, the deals he'd made, and the people he'd stepped on to get where he was. His eyes glinted with a hunger that had nothing to do with the meal in front of them. Holly nodded along, sipping her wine, trying to keep her mind focused on the conversation and not the job she had to perform later.

After lunch, they returned to the hotel suite. The air was thick with anticipation, and she could feel Alexey's eyes on her as they rode the elevator up to her floor. The doors opened, and she stepped out, her heels echoing in the hallway. The suite was cool and quiet, a stark contrast to the noise and glamour of the city outside. She led him inside, her heart racing.

Alexey walked around the room, admiring the view and the opulent décor. He poured them both a drink from the minibar, his gaze never leaving her. Holly took the glass, her hand shaking slightly. She downed the liquid, feeling the warmth spread through her body, hoping it would ease her nerves. He moved closer, his cologne a mix of spices and leather that filled the space between them.

"You are more beautiful than the photos," he said, his voice gruff and hungry.

Holly managed a polite smile, setting her glass down on the marble counter.

"Thank you," she murmured, her eyes scanning the room for an escape that wasn't there.

The reality of the situation settled over her like a heavy blanket, suffocating any remaining doubts. She was here, in this luxurious prison of her own making, and she had a job to do.

Alexey closed the distance between them, his hand resting on the small of her back. His touch was firm, a silent demand that sent a shiver down her spine. He led her to the bedroom, the opulent surroundings seemingly closing in around her. The king-sized bed looked imposing, the soft sheets a stark contrast to the coldness in her heart.

With a deep breath, Holly stepped away from him, turning to face the floor-to-ceiling windows. The city's lights twinkled in the night, a reminder of the life she had left behind. She felt a pang of regret, but it was quickly drowned out by the fear of what was to come. Alexey's hand slid up her arm, his thumb brushing against her skin in a way that made her want to pull away. Instead, she took another deep breath and turned to face him.

"You are so beautiful." He leaned in, his breath warm against her neck as he whispered,

His words were a caress, a promise of pleasure, but they left her feeling cold. She knew this was a transaction, a service she was providing, but it didn't make it any easier. She closed her eyes, willing herself to feel something other than dread. He slipped the straps off her dress, allowing it pool on the floor at her feet, leaving Holly clad only in her bra and panties. He looked up up and down, rapaciously devouring her figure.

"You are like a fine wine," Alexey said, his voice strangled with lust. "I will savour every drop."

Holly felt his hands on her waist, his fingers tracing the lace of her underwear. She forced a smile, her heart hammering in her chest. She knew what came next, the part of the job she had been dreading. But she had made her choice; she had to go through with it.

He unhooked her bra, and it fell away, revealing her large natural breasts. His eyes widened, and she watched his pupils dilate with lust. He cupped them in his hands, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, causing them to harden despite her lack of arousal. It was a strange sensation, being touched so intimately by a man she didn't know, didn't even particularly like, all for a pay cheque.

The air grew heavier as he kissed her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. His hands slid down to her hips, and slid under the waistband of her panties, sliding them over her hips, and down her legs. He took one of her breasts in his mouth and started to suck on it, nibbling and sucking her nipple.

Holly closed her eyes, trying to focus on the sensation, trying to find some kind of pleasure in the situation. But it was hard. Her body felt numb, her mind racing with thoughts of what her family would think if they knew what she was doing. Yet, the money... the money was too good to pass up. Alexey moved to her other breast, sucking and licking her nipple, consumed by his lust for her.

Her hands found his hair, threading through the greying strands as she tried to get into the moment. She had done this before, countless times for the camera, but this was different. This was real, and there was no director yelling 'cut' when she felt uncomfortable. But she had to perform, had to convince him that she was into it. So she moaned softly, arching her back slightly to give him better access.

Alexey's hands roamed over her body, his fingers digging into her flesh as he explored every inch of her. Holly tried to ignore the way his touch made her skin crawl, focusing instead on the financial security that awaited her once this was over. As he continued sucking on her breasts, he took her hand and guided it to his crotch.

"You like?" he asked, his voice gruff with need.

Holly nodded, her mouth dry. She forced a sultry smile, her hand moving to cup his erection through his trousers. It was hot and heavy, a symbol of the power he held over her. She stroked him gently, her mind racing with thoughts of the money she would earn from this encounter. It was a strange dance, one of feigned desire and cold calculation.

"Then suck." he gently pushed her to her knees in front of him.

Holly took a deep breath and unbuckled his belt, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest. She pulled down his trousers and his boxers, revealing his erect cock. It was thick and veiny, and she could feel his excitement as she took it in her hand. She leaned in, her mouth open, and took him in. His taste was foreign and salty; she had to fight the urge to gag.

Alexey moaned as she began to suck, his breathing becoming more laboured with each stroke of her tongue. She tried to remember all the tricks she'd read about in magazines, the things that men liked, but all she could think about was the task at hand. Her eyes watered a little, but she kept going, her mind racing with thoughts of the payment that would be wired to her account when this was over. She licked and sucked him as hard as she could, using her hand to wank him off.

The minutes dragged on, and she could feel her jaw starting to ache, but she didn't stop. She was a professional, after all. This was just another job, another way to make money. Alexey's hand found the back of her head, pushing her down further, and she had to resist the urge to gag. She focused on the coolness of the marble floor against her knees, the sound of the air conditioner humming in the background.

"Suck them." he pointed at his balls, which were tight and hairy.

Holly nodded, her mouth still full of his cock, and she began to suck on his balls while stroking his shaft with her hand. He groaned in pleasure, and she felt a strange sense of power in the moment. Despite her revulsion, she knew that she had control over his pleasure, and that was worth something.

He pushed her away gently and sat down on the bed, his cock still erect.

"Now fuck it with your tits," he commanded, his voice thick with desire.

Holly's heart sank, but she knew she had to keep going. She stood up and knelt between his thighs, pushing her breasts together around his erection. She began to bounce her tits up and down his shaft, her heart racing as she felt his cock sliding between her breasts. The feeling was not alien, but the act was purely mechanical. She had never felt so objectified, so used, but she told herself it was just a job, just a means to an end.

Alexey's eyes were locked on her, his expression a mix of excitement and entitlement. He reached up and grabbed her breasts, pushing them together harder, his grip tightening. She bit her lip to keep from wincing, her mind racing with thoughts of the luxurious life this job would provide.

Finally, he could wait no longer. He stood up, his cock bobbing with anticipation, and guided her to the bed. The plush comforter felt cold against her skin as he laid her down, his weight pressing into her. He kissed her roughly, his tongue pushing past her lips, and she could taste the hint of his wine and vodka on his breath. She closed her eyes and tried to think of anything but the reality of the situation.

Alexey's hands were everywhere, pulling and squeezing, his breathing growing heavier. He positioned himself between her legs, and she felt the head of his cock nudge against her opening. She took a deep breath and forced her body to relax, telling herself it was just another job. But as he pushed inside her, she couldn't help the whimper that escaped her lips.

"You like Alexey's dick?" he murmured, mistaking her whimper for a moan of pleasure. Holly nodded, gritting her teeth as he began to thrust into her. Each movement sent a shudder through her body, but she knew she had to keep up the act. She moaned louder, hoping to convince him she was enjoying it.

Their bodies moved in a rhythm that felt forced and unnatural. The sound of their skin slapping together echoed through the suite, mixing with the muffled sounds of the city below. Holly's thoughts drifted to the penthouse suite she would be staying in, the promise of a better life that had brought her here. The coldness of the room was a stark contrast to the heat of his body, and she focused on that, trying to find some comfort in the opulence that surrounded her.

Alexey's grunts grew louder, his thrusts more urgent. She could feel him getting closer to his climax, and she knew she had to do something to push him over the edge. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, her breasts bouncing with each movement. She whispered sweet nothings in his ear, her voice a siren's call to his lust.

"I love it Alexey," she purred, feigning desire "I love your big dick. Give me your cum. Cum inside me."

Her words seemed to spur him on, his strokes becoming more erratic as he approached his climax. Holly felt a mix of relief and dread as she felt him swell inside her. It would be over soon, and she knew she had to get through this. She focused on the sound of his heavy breathing, the smell of his sweat mingling with the scent of their combined lust.

With a final grunt, Alexey released himself into her, his warmth filling her. As he collapsed beside her, panting heavily, she couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, as if she was watching the scene unfold from outside her own body. The silence was deafening, only broken by the occasional chime of the hotel's elevator.

He rolled onto his back, a smug smile playing on his lips as he patted her thigh. "You are a good girl," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. Holly couldn't help but feel a tinge of resentment at his words, but she kept her smile in place, her eyes fixed on the ceiling.

The silence grew uncomfortable as the reality of what had just transpired settled over them. She sat up, her body feeling sticky and used, and reached for the bottle of water on the nightstand. The cool liquid was a stark contrast to the dryness in her mouth.

"Thank you," Alexey murmured, his eyes half-closed in post-coital bliss. "You are a very good investment."

The words stung, but Holly held onto the lifeline of his satisfaction. If he was happy, she had done her job well. She took another sip of water, the coldness washing down the bitter taste in her mouth. She knew she had to get out of there, to shower away the feel of his touch and the memory of his cum inside her.

"Let me clean up," she said softly, her voice betraying none of the emotions swirling inside her.

Alexey nodded, his chest rising and falling with deep, contented breaths. Holly slipped out of bed and into the bathroom, the cool tiles a welcome relief against her flushed skin. She turned on the shower, the sound of the water hitting the marble a comforting cacophony. She stepped under the spray, the water washing away the sweat and Alexey's scent. She scrubbed herself vigorously, her movements almost violent as she tried to erase the feeling of his touch. The soap burned her eyes, but she didn't care. She had to be clean.

When she emerged from the shower, she found Alexey dressed and waiting for her, his demeanour now all business. He handed her an envelope, thick with cash. "Some extra, for your troubles," he said with a wink. Holly took it, her stomach churning as she counted the bills. It was more money than she had ever seen in one place, a stark reminder of the transaction that had just occurred.

As he left, the door clicked shut behind him, leaving her alone in the opulent suite. The emptiness of the room was a stark contrast to the now fullness of her bank account. She flopped onto the bed, feeling the weight of her decision pressing down on her. The money was amazing, but at what cost?

Her thoughts swirled like the desert sands outside, and she couldn't escape the feeling of being lost in a world she had never wanted to belong to.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 06:39:13 PM by CatMan Slim »


Re: Velvet Sands (Holly Peers)
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2024, 03:28:00 AM »
Holly is underrated on this site. Good to see I'm not the only one who likes her.


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