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Author Topic: The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part Two]  (Read 5222 times)


The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part Two]
« on: May 17, 2024, 05:32:21 AM »
This story was posted once month early on my Patreon page. Sign up now for early story access! https://www.patreon.com/DarkSwordsman

Part One

Starring: Gemma Chan, Olivia Wilde and Lily James

OK, just one more post-London story then I swear I’ll move on.  This one took place shortly after I got back home.  Two or three weeks if memory serves.  It was early on a Saturday morning when I got the call.  Really early.  Like British-woman-forgetting-about-the-time-difference early.  Luckily, I was still on UK time at this point, so I was already up and halfway through a morning workout when I heard the phone start ringing in the hall.

Awake or not, getting a call at this hour was peculiar to say the least, so I was filled with intrigue and a little bit of scepticism when I put down the weights and went into the hallway to answer the phone.  It was Gemma Chan.  I’d met Gemma during my trip to England and told her to hit me up if she was ever in Los Angeles and needed a place to crash.  I’d had a great time with her when we’d met in London so I hoped that she’d take me up on my offer.  I just didn’t expect her to do it so soon. 

Turns out Gemma was flying to LA the following Monday for promotional work and said she’d love to come and pay me a visit when she was done with all her duties.  As luck would have it, I had a two day gap in my schedule that week that I was more than happy for Gemma to fill. 

“I have a couple of days free, if that works for you?  A Thursday and a Friday.”

“Oh,” said Gemma, sounding mildly disappointed.  “I was hoping to stay a bit longer than that.  Maybe four or five?”

“Four or five days?!”

“Yeah.”  Damn.  These Brits don’t fuck around.  “Think you can fit me in?”

Like I said, that was a lot more time than I had available, but remembering how hot Gemma was from my trip to London, I felt compelled to make some space.  I told her I’d shift a few things around and once the finer details had been hashed out, I had Gemma locked in for a four night stay. 

Fast forward a week and a half, and I was stood in the doorway of my suburban hotel, watching excitedly as Gemma’s rented car reversed into the driveway.  The door came open and I went out to meet her, offering her a hand as she exited the vehicle.  She was just as gorgeous as I’d remembered and looked incredible in the woollen grey top and baggy gold pants she was wearing.

It was an…interesting look, but Gemma made it work.  Honestly, I think she could make pretty much anything work.

One thing I hadn’t remembered was how tall she was, and I was momentarily stunned by this five foot nine inch goddess as she stepped out of the car.  Gemma popped the trunk on her rented vehicle and I fetched her case from inside it.  It was a little heavier than the luggage I was used to handling, but since she was here for the best part of a week, that extra weight made perfect sense. 

Gemma followed me as I wheeled her case inside and I gave her a tour of the house.  Gemma seemed to like what she was seeing and I’ve gotta say the feeling was mutual.  She looked so stunning as I was showing her around that I had to fight the urge to push her down onto the bed in every room we entered.  I ended the tour with the room she’d be staying in and frankly by this point I was tired of waiting.  I gave her a quick rundown of the various amenities then Gemma took a seat at the end of the bed.

“Hmm, very comfortable,” she said, pressing her hands into the mattress to gauge its softness. 

“Mmhmm.  Sturdy too,” I added, spotting the perfect segue. 

Gemma grinned and raised an eyebrow.  “Oh, really?”

“Uh huh,” I said as I took a step forward, standing directly before her.  “Here, let me show you.”

Leaning forward at the waist, I placed my hands either side of her thighs as I leaned in slowly, pressing my lips against hers.  I’d forgotten how soft they were, how thick and full they felt as they locked against my own.  I’d also forgotten how great she smelled, even after a lengthy drive in the hot California sun.  Our lips came apart and she flashed that killer smile.  I returned one of my own then leaned back in to kiss her again.  I shifted forward as I did so, encouraging her to lay back so I could settle on top of her.  But to my surprise and immense disappointment, Gemma stayed right where she was, even pressing against my chest a little to push me back to my previous position.

“Hold that thought,”said Gemma, keeping her hand pressed against me like she was holding me at bay.  “I have a girlfriend coming here.  She’ll be here in an hour.”

Extra guests are normally discussed in advance so to say this was a surprise would be putting it lightly.  I wasn’t complaining, of course, but…an hour?  That was plenty of time!

“Believe me, that’s more than enough time for what I’ve got planned,” I said as I leaned back, brushing back hair as I kissed her neck.  Honestly, looking and smelling the way she did, I’d be lucky if I lasted five minutes. 

Gemma giggled then pushed me back again.  “I’m sure it is, but trust me, my friend won’t be happy if we start without her.” 

I rolled my eyes, only half-jokingly, then took a step back.  “Ugh, fiiine.  So, what, you need to freshen up then?”

Gemma nodded.  “Mmhmm.  And you probably should as well.  I’ll let you know what she wants you to wear and where she wants you to be.”

“Erm…OK.  I’m getting some femdom vibes.”  Of course that’s a practice I’m more than familiar with.

Gemma played coy.  “Maybe.  I guess you’ll have to wait and see.  Now run along,” she said hastily, waving me towards the door.  “Believe me, you do NOT want to keep her waiting.”

So, yeah…that happened.  I took Gemma’s advice and went to my room to take a shower, wondering what on Earth I was in for when this friend of hers arrived.  I got out of the shower and towelled myself dry.  Gemma’s friend wasn’t here yet so I still didn’t know what I was supposed to be wearing, so I pulled on a T-shirt and shorts.  Sitting on my bed, I turned the TV on and was having a flick through the channels when my phone buzzed with a text from Gemma.

Gemma: My friend will be here soon.  Stay in your room.  DO NOT answer the door.

OK.  Pretty simple instructions.  The doorbell rang about five minutes later and I heard Gemma leave her room as she went to answer it.  I could hear some muffled chatter as Gemma took her friend back to her room and the two of them went inside.  I didn’t hear anything else for the best part of an hour and was growing seriously bored of daytime TV when my phone buzzed again with a follow up message.

Gemma: We’re going down to the basement.  Come down in five wearing just your underwear.

Then I heard the door open, followed by a pair of footsteps, noting that I could hear one person walking despite there being two of them.  I’m not sure how Gemma knew about the basement as I’d left it out of the tour, but learning that I’d be putting it to use always filled me with excitement.  I waited five minutes as per my instructions then stripped down to my boxers. 

Stepping out into the hall, I walked to the end and opened the door to the stairwell.  Even in the heat of the summer, the stone floor of the basement stairs was cold against my feet and I shuddered a little as I took my first steps.  I opened the door at the bottom of the stairs, spotting Gemma and her friend as I entered the basement.  They weren’t making use of the equipment just yet, but Gemma was already down on her knees, her friend’s hand pinned to the back of her head as Gemma got busy in between her legs.  Both were dressed in some kind of fetish wear and I could hear some light moaning and indistinct chatter from Gemma’s friend as my guest licked her out.

It wasn’t until I got a little closer that I realised who she was.  It was Olivia Wilde. 

Gemma filled me in on their relationship the following morning once Olivia had left.  Turns out Gemma had starred in a movie quite recently that Olivia had directed.  According to Gemma, Olivia got a lot of enjoyment from bossing her around on set, so much so that that same dynamic soon found its way into the bedroom.  Whether they were alone or with a guy, Olivia loved telling Gemma what to do, and Gemma got a kick out of exploring her submissive side.  Apparently Olivia has similar relationships with Kaitlyn Dever and Florence Pugh, so make of that what you will.

Anyway, as I drew closer I started making out details of both their outfits.  Gemma was wearing a red full body harness that was connected together with metal rings of varying size.  Clipped to the ring just below her throat was a matching leash, which explained why I could hear one set of footsteps when they left Gemma’s room; Gemma had been crawling.  Clipped to the rings at the tops of her thighs were a pair of wrist restraints which kept her hands down by her sides.  A set of black thigh high stockings were attached to the bottom of the harness and a pair of red stilettos were on her feet. 

Olivia was wearing a black pair of knee length boots, zipped up over her waist high fishnet stockings.  Those were attached by four silver chains to her leather corset, which was all she wore on the top half of her body, save for a red pair of latex gloves that went all the way up to her forearms.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” I heard her say as I moved in closer.  “Eat that pussy.  Show me how much you’ve missed it.”

It wasn’t until I was right up beside them that Olivia turned to face me, scouring my body from head to toe.

“Ah, your friend’s here,” she declared, looking back at Gemma as she ate her pussy, diligently tonguing her through a gap in her stockings.

“Tyler,” I said as I stood there watching, noting how Gemma’s eyes never left Olivia’s, even as I stepped up beside them.

“Hi,” she said, not sounding too interested in what I was called.  “I’m expecting big things from you today,” Olivia added.  She was still looking down at Gemma which at first made me think she was talking to her.  “This one’s told me a lot about you.”

With that she tugged at Gemma’s dark hair, pulling her mouth from her pussy; Gemma’s lips were sticky with arousal. 

“So,” said Olivia, turning back to me, “you just gonna stand there or are you gonna show me what you’re packing?”

Without a word, I slid my thumbs under the waistband of my boxers and quickly whipped them down.  I’d already been exposed to a fair few stimulants since entering the basement and my cock was already half-hard as I brought it out into the open. 

“Hmm, very nice,” said Olivia as she gave my groin an inspection.  “She said you were big.”  She looked back down at Gemma, running her gloved fingers through her glossy dark hair.  “Would you like to suck his cock?”

Gemma nodded excitedly.

“What was that?” asked Olivia.  “I didn’t hear anything.”

“Oh, er…yes, mistress.”

“That’s better.”  Olivia turned to me.  “Well?  Hold it up for her then.  Can’t you see that her hands are cuffed?”

“Right,” I said, blushing a little as I fisted my half-hard cock. 

The first few inches drooped just a little as I curled my fingers at the base.  Olivia pulled her forward with a tug of her leash and Gemma took it in between her lips.  She slid her lips down the first few inches, eyes gazing up at me as her mouth pressed against my fingers. 

“OK, you can let go now,” Olivia instructed.  “I wanna see how much she can take.”

I uncurled my fingers from the base of my shaft and let my hands fall down to my sides as Gemma pushed deeper, taking another two inches.  I could feel my cock getting noticeably harder as she began to bob her head, working her lips up and down my shaft.  Every pass took her further down until I felt my tip pushed past her tonsils.  Gemma gagged a little, pulling back instinctively, and by the time the crown had popped free from her lips, my cock was fully erect.

“Hmm, not bad,” said Olivia.  “I think you can go deeper than that though.  Let’s try that again, shall we?”

Gemma took a moment to catch her breath then opened her lips again.  I gripped my cock at the base and stroked it several times, smearing the spit all along my shaft before steering it forward and slotting it into Gemma’s mouth.  Her lips locked around the shaft about halfway down and I released my grip on the base as her head started bobbing.  Gemma choked again as my tip cleared her tonsils and inched towards the back of her throat.  She didn’t pull back this time, but her head stopped moving almost immediately.  Her lips were locked near the base of my shaft, a two inch gap between her face and my torso.

“Keep going,” said Olivia as she squatted beside her.  “Come on, I know you can take more than that.

She placed a gloved hand at the back of Gemma’s head, giving it a gentle but assertive push.  Another half inch disappeared from view and Gemma clamped her eyes shut as Olivia pushed her deeper, choking once more as her lips drew closer to the base. 

“Almost there,” said Olivia as she gave one final push, my cockhead twitching as it touched the back wall of her throat. 

Gemma’s face pressed against my midriff and Olivia kept her there for quite some time, listening to her coughs and splutters as my cock got lodged in her throat.  Winding it tightly around her knuckles, Olivia fisted a handful of hair and pulled Gemma’s head back.  Her lips slid back along the length of my shaft until the head popped free from between them, fresh ropes of spittle dripping down onto the basement floor. 

As Gemma gasped for air, Olivia wrenched her head back further, pulling it all the way back until she was staring at the ceiling above.  Olivia leaned over her, devouring Gemma with a domineering kiss.  Their lips came apart and Olivia loosened her grip on Gemma’s hair, returning her head to its normal position.

“Mmm, good slut,” Olivia grinned.  “Now I want him to fuck your face.  Think you can handle that?”

“Yes, mistress,” said Gemma, obediently nodding her head. 

“Good,” said Olivia.  She kissed Gemma again then looked at me.  “Ready, stud?”

“Mmhmm,” I said simply as I stroked my cock, feeling it throb with excitement.

“She’s all yours,” said Olivia, as she circled around behind Gemma, reaching around to cup her breasts as she leaned over her shoulder.

Gemma opened her mouth again as I took a step forward, fitting my cock in between her lips.

“Stick your tongue out,” Olivia ordered, watching closely as my cockhead pushed into Gemma’s mouth.

Gemma did as instructed, poking her tongue out from between her lips and stretching it out as far as she could.  I felt it press against my underside as I pushed my cock in a couple more inches, sinking down to the halfway point.  Placing a hand at the top of her head, I started thrusting at a steady pace, pulling right back to the ridge of my crown then pushing it straight back in, going a little deeper each time.  Gemma’s lips stayed nice and loose, lending a wet, sloppy quality to every thrust I took.  I could feel the spit as it formed in her mouth, hearing it drip onto the basement floor as it slid off the tip of her tongue. 

“Yeah, that’s it, baby.  Take that cock,” said Olivia beside her, speaking directly into Gemma’s left ear.  “You like sucking that big dick, don’t you?”

“Uh huh,” said Gemma, answering as best she could with my cock now filling every inch of her mouth.

Gemma’s tongue stiffened and I could it brushing harder against my shaft, the tip sinking to the back of her throat. 

“Ooh, you fucking slut,” Olivia grinned, watching as Gemma almost vanished my cock.  “See if you can lick his balls.”

Gemma poked her tongue out a tiny bit more and flicked it back and forth a little, trying to reach my ballsack.  She tried her best but couldn’t quite reach it so I decided to give her a hand.  Gripping my cock from beneath, my balls bulged out a little as I pushed them up against my shaft.  Now she could reach them just fine, and she flicked the tip of her tongue against them as my cock remained inside her, deeply embedded in her mouth and throat. 

“OK, that’s enough,” Olivia declared.  “I want to taste him now.”

Again she pulled on Gemma’s dark hair, freeing my cock from between her lips.  Olivia stood and strolled around from behind her friend, telling me to turn as she walked around behind me.  I turned around under her instruction, now facing Olivia with Gemma behind me.  A gloved hand gripped the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss while the other grabbed my cock, stroking from base to tip.  I was glad my cock was so wet with saliva, ‘cause the gloves she was wearing were far from prime handjob material. 

Olivia pried her lips from mine, then moved down to my chest, kissing and biting in several places as she slowly dropped to her knees.  Gripping my cock just below the crown, she angled it upwards as she dipped her head down, taking a ball in between her lips.  Moving her hands to the tops of my thighs, she let my cock press against her face as she switched from one ball to the other, dousing them both in spittle.

A ball spilled out from between her lips and she licked along the length of my shaft, trailing her tongue from bottom to top.  She lapped at the tip a few times then my cock began to lower itself as she moved her head back, reaching up higher and grabbing my ass.  Gloved fingers dug into my flesh as she gripped my asscheeks and prized them apart. 

“Get her face in there,” Olivia ordered, pausing to lick my slit.  “I want her to lick your ass.”

Reaching back blindly, I placed a hand on Gemma’s head and pulled her forward, pushing her into my ass. 

“Is she doing it?” Olivia asked.

“Uh huh,” I said with a nod, moaning a little as Gemma licked across my taint, slowly moving up until she found my asshole. 

“That’s my girl,” Olivia grinned.  “Don’t stop until I tell you to, OK?”

“Mmhmm,” Gemma mumbled as she licked me slowly, dragging her tongue across my asshole.

Olivia’s lips came gaping open and she threw herself forward without hesitation, taking me straight to the balls.  I wasn’t prepared for such a sudden move and my legs almost buckled as she took me inside her, making my cock disappear. 

“Oh, fuck!” I yelped as I tipped my head back, unleashing a deep groan as the actress-director almost ate me alive. 

My grip tightened on the back of Gemma’s head, her tongue going into my asshole as I pushed her in deeper.  Olivia kept me there for close to a minute, pushing her tongue out and licking my balls, just like Gemma had done.  Her lips pulled back to the tip and she sucked it several times before she plunged back down again, taking my cock to the base.  She kept that up for quite some time.  Her grip tightened as she clutched my ass, using it for leverage as she threw herself into me, impaling her face on my cock. 

Gemma’s head started bobbing behind me and I could feel her tongue push into my asshole, making me throb as Olivia sucked me.  Taking me to the base one final time, Olivia kept me there for several seconds, feeling me pulse up against her tongue as precum leaked from the tip of my penis, dripping straight down her throat.  Her lips slid back to the ridge of my crown and this time she plucked it free, my cock soaked with a fresh coat of spittle.

“OK, I think you’ve had enough,” she said with a grin, stroking my spit-slicked cock. 

Olivia rose to her feet, still jerking my cock with one gloved hand as the other moved to the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss.  Her tongue found mine in a fraction of a second and wrangled it vigorously, wrestling it into submission.  She placed a thumb underneath my chin as she pried my lips from hers, shooing me away with a wave of her hand. 

“Move aside,” she ordered assertively.  “I want her to finish me off.”

I did as instructed and stepped to the side.  Gemma stayed down on her knees as Olivia moved forward, filling the spot that I’d just vacated.  Olivia reached out, placing a hand at the back of Gemma’s head and pulling her roughly towards her.  Gemma’s face went straight to her crotch and I stood there and watched as Gemma stared up at her, obediently tonguing at Olivia’s wet pussy.  Her face was pinned to Olivia’s crotch so I couldn’t really see what she was doing.  But whatever it was it was going down well, and Olivia’s moans started filling the basement as Gemma worked her over. 

“Come here,” Olivia instructed, cooing slightly as she waved me over.

I took a step towards Olivia and slotted in behind her, nestling my cock in the crack of her ass as I pressed my body against her.  Wrapping my arms around her tight, toned body, I placed a hand on Olivia’s midriff, feeling her firm abs as the other moved higher, pawing at one of her tits.  Keeping a hand on Gemma’s head, the other reached back and grabbed onto mine, turning her head to the side as she pulled me in for an open-mouthed kiss.  The kiss was aggressive and heavy on the tongue, moans fluttering from between her lips as Gemma licked her out. 

I peered over her shoulder as our lips came apart, watching Gemma as she did her thing.  Those deep brown eyes stayed glued on Olivia’s, looking up at her in a submissive, almost puppy dog manner as she ate her pink pussy.  I still couldn’t see much of what she was doing, even in my new position, but Olivia was clearly enjoying it, and I could feel that her body was beginning to tremble as I held it against my own. 

“Mmm, yeah,” Olivia purred.  She removed her hand from the back of my head, placing it on top of mine as I cupped her perky breast.  “That’s it.  Keep going, baby.  Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”

A glint flashed in Gemma’s brown eyes and it looked to me like she was licking her faster, clearly excited by the prospect of making her mistress cum.  A few more seconds and she did just that.  I can only guess as to the force of her climax but it looked like she came pretty fucking hard.  The volume of her moans and the way that her body was shaking would certainly suggest that.  By the time she emerged from between her thighs, Gemma’s mouth was smeared with moisture as she grinned from ear to ear, clearly proud of her accomplishment.

Olivia took a moment to regain her composure, running her gloved fingers through Gemma’s long dark hair. 

“So, what shall we do with her first?” asked Olivia, talking to me but looking at Gemma.

“I don’t mind,” I said in response.  “What would you like to use?”

“Hmm,” said Olivia as she looked around the room.  “How about that?”

The ‘that’ she was referring to was one of the basement’s more basic installations: a pair of Velcro cuffs that hung on a chain from the ceiling.  I’d installed that one a week before London and hadn’t had a chance to test it out, so I was incredibly pleased when Olivia chose it.

“Good choice,” I said, making little attempt to stifle my grin. 

“Mmhmm,” said Olivia.  She moved a hand to Gemma’s face and stroked her cheek affectionately.  “I think she’ll like that.”

Olivia squatted in front of Gemma and unclipped the restraints on her wrists.  Standing back up, she tugged at the leash around Gemma’s neck.

“Come,” she said as Gemma placed her hands on the basement floor, crawling behind Olivia as she led her across the room. 

I followed behind, eyes glued on her peach-shaped ass as she stuck it out behind her.  Olivia stopped when she reached her chosen equipment and Gemma settled back onto her knees, awaiting her next instruction. 

“Stand,” said Olivia, and Gemma did as she told her, rising to her feet in the blink of an eye.  “Hands up.”

Again she did as instructed, raising her hands up above her head.  Olivia looked at the restraints above and then looked over at me.

“Hmm, think you better do the honours.  Not sure I’m tall enough.”

“Right you are,” I said as I took a step forward, reaching up above me and taking the cuffs in my hands.

I based my design for this unit on the average female height (five foot four, according to Google).  The idea is that women stand with their feet on the ground with the cuffs on their wrists and as little slack in the chains as possible.  With that in mind, the cuffs are positioned about seven and a half feet high.  Gemma, as I’ve already established, is considerably taller than the average height, so the chains were a little slack as I attached the cuffs to her wrists, meaning she could move her arms a bit more than the desired amount (which is not at all).  Not ideal but it is what it is.  If all goes to plan, she won’t be standing for too long anyway.

Once the cuffs were securely fastened, Olivia shooed me away and stepped up close to Gemma.  I moved behind Gemma, watching over her shoulder as Olivia placed a finger underneath her chin and leaned in for a kiss. 

“Mmm,” said Olivia as their lips came apart, “you look sexy all thrust up like that.  What can we do with you now we’ve got you like this?”

“Anything you want, mistress,” Gemma replied.

“Ooh,” said Olivia, kissing the inside of Gemma’s right arm.  “Hear that, Tyler?  Anything we want.”

“Uh huh.  How would you like to start?”

“Hmm, well since she made me cum so good, I think it’s only right that I return the favour.  Would you like that, baby?”

“Mmhmm,” Gemma said softly, moaning slightly as I kissed her neck.

“Of course you would,” Olivia grinned, then ran her tongue across Gemma’s armpit.

I left a trail of kisses across Gemma’s right shoulder then moved down lower, kissing the top of her back.  I squatted down a little as I went down lower, and my cock, which was nestled in the crack of her ass, slid down in between her thighs.  Putting my hands on her hips, I kissed back and forth across Gemma’s back, gently grinding my cock against the slit of her pussy.  Gemma moaned just a little bit louder, getting noticeably wetter as the top of my shaft rubbed against her pussy lips.

What Olivia was doing at this point, I’m not really sure.  I next became aware of her presence when she dropped to a squat in front of Gemma, spotting my cockhead as it stuck out slightly from between her thighs.

“Hmm,” she said, “looks like you’ve beaten me to it, huh?”

I went to pull my cock back from between Gemma’s legs, but Olivia stopped me.

“Uh uh.  You stay right there.  That’s fucking hot.”

Permission granted, I continued to grind against Gemma’s pussy, feeling her slit getting wetter and wetter as I rubbed my cock up against it.  As my crown poked out from between her thighs, I felt Olivia’s tongue push up against it as she gave it a long, slow lick.  I couldn’t see where her tongue went next but since Gemma’s moans grew suddenly louder, I could have given it a pretty good guess. 

My dick kept rubbing against Gemma’s wet pussy, feeling Olivia’s tongue brush firmly against it as she licked from my cockhead and up to Gemma’s clit.  She did that several times then wrapped her lips around the ridge of my crown.  Flicking her tongue against the tip, she lapped up the precum that had formed in the slit, releasing my crown with a smack of her lips. 

“OK, that’s enough,” said Olivia, and she tapped my cockhead with the tip of her fingers.

My cock slid back from between Gemma’s legs and I slotted it back into the crack of her ass, the tip prodding against the small of her back as I kissed back up to her neck.  Looking over her shoulder, I watched as Olivia got down business, staring up at Gemma with intense, unblinking eye contact.  Again, I couldn’t see much of what she was doing.  Her mouth was closed around Gemma’s wet pussy, but the slightest movement in Olivia’s cheeks was enough to know that her tongue was working hard.  Whether it was licking slowly along the length of her slit, flicking hard against the nub of her clit or spinning around it in a circle, Gemma was loving every second of it.

Loud, impassioned moans started spilling from between her lips and I heard the chains begin to rattle as she clasped them with her hands, holding on for dear life as her mistress ate her pussy.  Wrapping my arms around her body, I placed one hand on her midriff and the other on one of her tits, just as I’d done to Olivia when Gemma went down on her.  I kissed across her shoulder and up to her neck, brushing back hair from in front of her ear.

“Do you like that?” I asked as I leaned in closer, whispering into her ear.  “Do you like the way she eats your pussy?”

“Mmhmm,” Gemma moaned, the sound fluttering from between her lips.

“Tell her how much you like it.”

“Oh my god, I love that, mistress.  Please keep eating my pussy.”

Olivia grinned, peeling her lips from Gemma’s tight pussy. 

“Put your fingers here,” she said, pointing to the skin beside Gemma’s clit.  “Expose her clit for me.”

Her wish was my command.  Sliding my hand down Gemma’s midriff, I put two fingers either side of her pussy, right where Olivia had pointed.  Spreading them wide in an inverted V, her skin stretched in opposite directions, exposing her clit in all its glory. 

“Mmm, yeah, that’s it,” said Olivia as she poked her tongue out, pressing the tip against Gemma’s stiff clit.

Now I could see everything as Olivia’s tongue swished back and forth, giving fast, hard flicks to the nub of her clit. 

“Oh, YES!” said Gemma, breathing heavily as she threw her head back, nearly hitting me straight in the face.

Gemma stared up at the ceiling above her, the chains rattling harder as her body began to shake.  I kept on watching from over her shoulder as Olivia’s tongue started spinning in a circle, drawing rings around Gemma’s clit.  The change in tactic proved decisive and Gemma came in a matter of seconds.  A deafening shriek flew forth from her lips, which bounced back down off the ceiling, echoing through the expanse of the room.  Her grip tightened on the chains above her, making them shake so hard that I thought she was going to pull them straight out of the ceiling. 

Olivia’s eyes looked intensely focused, her tongue still spinning in a perfect circle as she licked her friend through the throes of climax.  Her head returned to its normal position and the chains rattled one final time as a visible shudder shot through her body.  Olivia’s tongue peeled back from her clit, a satisfied grin stretched across her face as she looked straight up into Gemma’s brown eyes.

“Did you like that, baby?” Olivia asked, planting a kiss just above her pussy.

“Yes, thank you, mistress,” Gemma purred.  “You made me cum so good.”

“Oh, I know,” Olivia replied, kissing Gemma’s midriff as she rose up slowly, sliding her hands up the backs of her thighs. 

Olivia kissed up to Gemma’s chest, sucking and gently biting at each of her nipples.  Moving up higher, she left a few kisses on Gemma’s neck, gripping her hair and pulling her head back as she kissed her hard on the mouth. 

“Do you want his cock now?” asked Olivia, looming over Gemma in a domineering fashion. 
“Yes, mistress,” Gemma replied, nodding her head as best she could.

Olivia laughed then kissed her again.  “Of course you do.  You’re a fucking slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, mistress.”

Whose fucking slut are you?”

“I’m your fucking slut, mistress.”

“Yes, you are,” Olivia snarled.  “And don’t you fucking forget it.” 

She released her grip on Gemma’s hair then whistled me over.  “You.  Here,” she said as she pointed at the floor, talking to me like a household pet.

Olivia stepped aside and I took her place in front of Gemma.  I wrapped my arms around the small of her back and my hands moved down to her ass as I leaned in and kissed her.

“Uh uh,” said Olivia as she moved in behind her, wagging her finger back and forth.  “No time for that.  She wants to get fucked, don’t you, baby?”

I prized my lips from Gemma’s, allowing her to answer.  “Yes, mistress.”

“Right,” said Olivia.  “So get to it.”

I looked at Gemma, stifling a grin as I slid my hands to the backs of her thighs.  I counted to three inside my head then lifted her upward, hauling her up like she weighed next to nothing.  Gemma swung back as I held her aloft, the chains clinking as they lost their slack.  Gemma curled her fingers around them, taking the strain off her wrists as she dangled from the ceiling, wrapping her legs around me for extra support. 

I reached down cautiously and grabbed my cock, feeling my muscles tense as I held her up with a single arm.  Olivia helped by grabbing her ass, keeping her steady as I angled it upwards, pushing the tip into Gemma’s wet pussy.  Returning my hand to the backs of her thighs, Olivia let go as I got a firm grip, lowering her onto my cock.  Gemma gasped, her lips rounded in a perfect circle as I slid her down the first few inches. 

Gemma looked straight at me as her eyelids fluttered, her full lips puckering as I worked her lower, pulling her down to the base of my shaft.  I kept her there for several seconds, letting her feel me inside her, my cock already throbbing as the tip pressed against her cervix.  Then, I started thrusting, kicking things off with slow, deep thrusts that sheathed my cock inside her.  Her moans were loud from the very beginning, echoing around the basement as she took my cock, her knuckles turning white as she grasped the chains above her.

“Mmm, yeah, that’s hot,” said Olivia, watching intently as I fucked her friend.  “You like that big cock, huh?”

“Uh huh,” Gemma moaned as I thrusted harder, ramming my cock into her tight pink pussy.

“Tell me,” said Olivia sternly, putting a hand to Gemma’s throat.  “Tell me how much you love his cock.”

“I love it, mistress,” Gemma replied, her voice slightly muffled by the hand on her throat.  “I love his fucking cock!”

Olivia grinned.  “I know you do, you fucking slut.  You haven’t stopped talking about it for the past three weeks.  What do you like about it so much, huh?  You like how big it is?”


“You like how it stretches your tight little pussy and touches your deepest spots?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“You like how it makes you cum?”

“Uh huh.”

“I bet you want to cum right now, don’t you?”

Gemma nodded.

“You want me to help you with that?”

“Mmm, yes.  Please, mistress,” Gemma begged softly.  “Please help me cum on his cock.”

“OK,” said Olivia.  “Since you asked so sweetly.” 

Olivia pushed into the small of her back, shoving her right up against me.

“Keep that back nice and straight for me,” she ordered, kissing Gemma’s neck before turning to me.  “And you,” she said, pointing, “you give it to her good, OK?”

“You got it,” I replied as I wrapped my arms around Gemma’s back, holding her firmly against me.

Now our faces were inches apart and she pressed her lips against mine, moaning into my mouth as I did what her mistress told me.  I promptly kicked into second gear, slamming into Gemma with harder and rougher thrusts.  By the time our lips came apart, Olivia had left my field of vision.  The next thing I felt was her gloves on my thighs as she settled on the basement floor, dropping to her knees behind Gemma. 

Gemma’s eyes bulged, the grip of her pussy getting even tighter as her moans increased in volume, getting louder and shriller with each passing second.  I had a pretty good idea what Olivia was doing to her, but why not hear it from the horse’s mouth?  Keeping my arms wrapped around her back, I fisted a handful of jet black hair and tugged it sharply, wrenching her head back as I drilled into her pussy.

“What’s she doing to you, huh?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“She’s licking my arse,” Gemma said back, breathing heavily as she took my cock.

“Oh, yeah?  Do you like that?  Is that gonna make you cum?”

“Yes!  Yes, it’s gonna make me cum!”

She was teetering now and a few hard thrusts into the depths of her pussy were all it took to finish the job.  She came hard, screaming at the top of her lungs as I buried myself inside her.  A surge of fluid gushed forth from her pussy, dousing my cock as her muscles contracted, squeezing my cock to the point of bursting.  Her legs uncurled from around my back and she kicked her feet out behind me, stretching her legs out as her body went limp, turning to jelly as I held her aloft. 

I gave her a minute to regain her senses then leaned in and kissed her, lifting her up off my cock.  I think she just thought I was gonna put her back down, but I had other ideas.  Getting a firm grip on Gemma’s tight ass, my muscles flexed as I pushed her upwards, lifting her up to about chest height. 

“Oh my God!” Gemma gasped, her lips forming an O of surprise as I moved my hands to the small of her back and pushed her up the final few inches.

Her thighs rested on top of my shoulders and I felt her stilettos press against my back as I held her in place, rolling my tongue out and putting it straight to her clit.  I wasn’t sure how long I could hold that pose, so time was of the essence.  I proceeded to lick her hard and fast, lapping at her clit with quick, sharp flicks of my tongue.  A few licks in and my arms were starting to shake, the issue compounded a few seconds later as I felt Olivia grip my cock and sink her lips onto it.

She sucked me hard and with fierce intent, slurping up Gemma’s fluids as she worked me over, guiding her lips up and down my cock.  Uncurling her fingers from the base of my shaft, she latched onto my hips as she pushed down deeper, taking me down to the hilt.  I felt my cock start throbbing intensely and I unleashed a deep moan that was blocked by Gemma’s pussy. 

I kept on licking her as best I could but the feeling of Olivia throating my cock was more than a little distracting.  Luckily for me, Gemma was still horny from her previous orgasm, and it didn’t take much to give her another.  My tongue began to swirl around the nub of her clit and once I started doing that, she pretty much came in an instant.  Her head fell back at the point of climax, now hanging upside down as the feeling coursed through her, no doubt heightened by the rush of blood. 

I came myself about two seconds later, still eating her pussy as well as I could as a thick wad of jism sprayed forth from the tip of my prick, firing straight down Olivia’s throat.  I felt her fingers grip me tighter, gloved tips digging into my flesh as she kept on sucking, siphoning every last drop.  Her lips pulled back to the ridge of my crown and she flicked her tongue at the slit, licking out the last few droplets. 

She released my crown with a pop of her lips and the next thing I saw was her face in front of Gemma’s, kissing her Spiderman-style as her head hung upside down.  Their lips came apart and Olivia pushed her back up again, returning her head to its usual position, a look of pure bliss etched across her face. 

“OK,” said Olivia, “you can put her down now.”

Thank Christ for that.  I slid my hands to Gemma’s ass as I lowered her slowly, her stilettos clicking as they touched back down on the floor. 

“So, what’s next?” I asked, undoing the cuffs on Gemma’s wrists.

Olivia scanned the basement.  “That looks fun,” she said with a grin, pointing to the bondage table in the corner of the room.  Said table was basically a large wooden chest with a padded surface and several rings attached to it. 

“That is fun,” I confirmed, remembering some of the things I’d done with it in the past.  “I’m sure our friend here will enjoy it.”

“I’m sure she will,” Olivia agreed, then took Gemma by the hand as she led her across the room. 

I followed behind, my eyes fixed on both their asses as they traversed the basement floor. 

“Sit,” said Olivia, stopping by the table and pointing at the padded surface.

Gemma complied, parking her ass at the edge of the table.

Olivia turned and looked at me.  “Got any rope?”


I walked across to the rack on the wall, gathering several lengths of rope and taking them back to the table. 

“Do you want to do the honours, or should I?” I asked, offering the rope to Olivia.

“No, you go ahead,” Olivia replied.  “Show me how it’s done.”

“Okey doke,” I said as I stepped in front of Gemma, setting three of the ropes down on the edge of the table as I began to unravel the first.

“How do you want her?” Olivia asked.

“Hmm.  Why don’t you spread those legs for me?”

“With pleasure.”  Olivia grinned then turned back to Gemma.  “Well, you heard him, slut.  Spread your fucking legs.”

Gemma laid back across the padded surface and lifted her legs up.  Stretching them out as wide as she could, she grabbed her ankles to keep them in place. 

“Mmm, that’s a good bitch,” said Olivia, circling around behind her and squatting beside the table. 

I started on the left side first, using the first rope to tie Gemma’s wrist to her ankle, then tying the end to a ring on the wall.  Moving across to the opposite side, I gathered a length of rope from the edge of the table and repeated the process again, tying her wrist to her ankle. 

While I did that, Olivia removed Gemma’s stiletto, tearing a hole in her stockings and exposing her left foot.  As I fastened the rope to a nearby chest, Olivia licked along the sole of her foot, then wrapped her lips around Gemma’s big toe.  I took another rope and wrapped it around the top of her thigh, watching Olivia suck on her toes as I tied it to a ring on the side of the table.  As I repeated the process with Gemma’s left leg, Olivia moved to the opposite side.  Removing her shoe, she tore a hole in Gemma’s right stocking, just as she did with the left one, and proceeded to suck on her painted toes. 

Licking along the sole of her foot, her tongue glided over Gemma’s heel, past the rope that was tied around her ankle and along the inside of her leg, finally stopping when she reached her groin.

“Mind if I go first?” she asked, already kneeling on the basement floor.

“Be my guest,” I graciously offered, more than happy to watch.

“Thank you,” she grinned.  “Why don’t you go ‘round there so she can suck your dick?” 

“I can do that,” I said, then ducked under the rope that was tied to Gemma’s ankle as I moved around to the back of the table.

I climbed up onto the table, my cock sticking out before me as I rested my knees on the padded surface.  Turning her head to the side, Gemma parted her full pink lips, presenting me with the perfect slot to fit my cock into.  I placed a hand at the back of her head, gripping my cock at the base and steering it into her mouth.  She wrapped her lips around the width of my shaft, sucking my cock as I thrusted slowly, feeding her inch after inch.

Olivia poked her tongue out, licking from Gemma’s asshole, across her taint and up to the slit of her pussy.  Gemma moaned as I fucked her mouth, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as Olivia repeated the process, pressing her tongue against her puckered sphincter and licking right up to her clit.  She did that several times, mixing things up on occasion with sharp flicks to the nub of her clit or by pushing her tongue into Gemma’s tight asshole. 

I thrusted slowly into Gemma’s warm mouth, essentially using it to jerk myself off as I watched Olivia at work.  She lifted her hands off the basement floor and gripped the edge of the table, shifting forward slightly as she settled at the nub of her clit.  Gemma moaned louder, the sounds muffled as my cock went deeper, edging towards the back of her throat.   

Olivia raised a hand from the edge of the table, beckoning me towards her with one gloved finger.  I plucked my cock from Gemma’s full lips and climbed back down off the table, manoeuvring my way past various ropes as I moved towards Olivia.  I wasn’t sure what she wanted exactly, but all became clear when she raised herself up off the basement floor.  Keeping her head between Gemma’s legs, she bent herself froward at the waist, sticking her ass out behind her.

Stepping up behind her, I placed my hands on her nice toned ass, her pussy encaged by her fishnet stockings.  I hooked my fingers through the gaps in the fabric and pulled in different directions, tearing a decent-sized hole that completely exposed her pussy and ass.  Olivia squealed as I ripped them open, still going down on Gemma as I curled my fingers around the base of my shaft and rubbed the tip against the slit of her pussy. 

Gripping her hips, I steered myself forward without further delay, pushing my cock into her hot pink pussy.  Olivia’s pussy was utterly sodden and the slightest thrust was all it took to sheathe me right down to the base.  Her grip tightened on the edge of the table, unleashing a groan of pleasure which was deeply muffled by Gemma’s wet pussy. 

I stayed like that for close to a minute, letting her feel how big I am as my hands slid down to her muscular ass, hoking my fingers through the gaps in her fishnets as I pulled back out to the tip.  Keeping it there for a fraction of a second, I used her stockings for leverage as I pulled myself back into her, bottoming out in her tight pink pussy.  Olivia moaned again, lifting her head up and ensuring that this one was heard at full volume. 

I proceeded to bang her hard and deep, testing the chains hanging down from her corset as I used her stockings to pull myself in.  I could feel the fabric stretching, along with her pussy as I went in deep, hitting her innermost spots.  At one point I pulled too hard, tearing her stockings right up to the waistband and freeing her ass entirely.  The sound excited her and she moaned a little louder as she ate Gemma’s pussy. 

I had nothing left to hold onto except the waistband itself, so that’s exactly what I did, pulling it up off the small of her back as I slammed into her pussy.  The chains pulled as tight as they’d go, then snapped off one by one, pulling her corset right down to her waist.  The fishnets would no longer hold me and my momentum sent me stumbling backwards.  My cock slid out of her pussy, her waistband snapping in two as I pulled her stockings right down to her knees, the material utterly shredded.  It was an accident, of course, but definitely a happy one. 

“Oh my God!” said Olivia as she turned her head back, peering over her shoulder.  “Dude, you’re a fucking animal!”

I simply grinned and dropped her torn fishnets, letting them dangle from the tops of her boots.  Olivia returned to Gemma’s wet pussy, only to throw her head back and moan once more as I shoved my cock back into her.  I quickly picked up from where I left off, ramming into her pussy with a series of rough, hard thrusts.  I had nothing to grab onto this time except Olivia’s hips, so I gripped those puppies as hard as I could, pulling her back into me with every thrust. 

By now she’d given up on licking out Gemma, but Gemma didn’t seem to mind.  I even saw a little smirk creep across her face as she watched her mistress take my dick.

“Yeah, you like that, baby?” Olivia asked.  “You like watching me get fucked?”

“Yes, mistress,” Gemma grinned back.  “I love watching you take that dick!”

“You want me to cum?  Huh?  You want me to cum on this cock?”

“Yes, cum for me, mistress.  Cum on that fucking dick!”

Well, if that wasn’t my cue, then I don't know what was.  I removed a hand from one of her hips, leaning forward slightly as I grabbed a fistful of light brown hair.  With a sharp yank, I pulled her backwards, her back straightening as I pulled her against my torso.  Olivia threw an arm back, grabbing onto the back of my neck while the other hand went straight to her chest, groping one of her perky tits.  I wrapped an arm around her tight little tummy, keeping her head wrenched back with one hand while the other moved down to her clit.  I started rubbing in a high speed blur, giving slow, hard thrusts that sent my whole body crashing into hers.

She came from that pretty fucking quickly, launching high-pitched screams towards the ceiling above her as my fingers thrummed at her throbbing pink clit.  I sunk my cock into the depths of her pussy, her inner walls closing around it as a powerful orgasm coursed through her body.  I let go of her hair and reached around in front of her, her heart pounding as I put my hand to her chest.  My strumming fingers slowed to a stop and I moved my hand up slightly, feeling the muscles flex in her already tight midsection. 

Her hand moved up to the back of my head and she turned her own as much as she could, pulling me in for a kiss.  Our lips locked together, breathing heavily as our tongues entwined.  Prying my lips from hers, I slid my cock from Olivia’s pussy, the shaft slick with her sticky arousal.

“Your turn,” she said with a smirk, nodding towards Gemma who was still tied down on the table in front of us.

Olivia stepped aside and I gripped my cock as I moved towards Gemma, pressing the tip against her pussy.  Olivia knelt at the edge of the table, watching closely as I rubbed my crown against Gemma’s pink slit.  Olivia had definitely gotten her started, and I was slightly stunned by how wet her pussy was as I eased myself inside her.  Watching me tear Olivia’s stockings to pieces while I fucked her into a coma had probably helped as well.  I slid my hands underneath her thighs and gripped onto the tops of them as I buried myself inside her, my balls churning as they pressed against her taint. 

“Stay there,” said Olivia as she stepped down off the table.  “Don’t move.”

She turned on her heels, going in search of something as she strode across the basement floor.  If I’m totally honest, I wasn’t really sure what she meant when she told me not to move.  Surely she didn’t think I was gonna pull out right now, so I guess she wanted me to stay like this, i.e buried to the balls in Gemma’s pussy.  Frankly, I was pretty eager to give her some thrusts, but when Olivia Wilde tells you to do something…well, you do it. 

And so I stayed exactly like that, hunched over Gemma with my dick sheathed in her pussy.  Dunno if you’ve ever been deep inside someone while neither of you are moving a muscle, but it’s actually a little bit awkward.  I broke the ice by leaning in to kiss her, listening to her gently moan as I ground my tip against her cervix.  By the time I lifted my head back up Olivia had returned, now with a big white Hitachi wand clutched in her red-gloved hand. 

“Ready?” she asked.

I wasn’t  actually sure who she was speaking to, but I took the liberty of answering for both of us.  “Mmhmm.”

Olivia perched at the edge of the table, a gentle hum now filling the room as she turned on the vibrator.  Straightening my back, I kept my cock inside Gemma’s tight pussy as Olivia moved the toy into position, setting the bulb against the nub of her clit.

“Thrust,” said Olivia, then raised a finger in warning.  “Slowly.”

I did as instructed, pulling back to the tip with an agonising slowness, before pushing back into her at much the same speed.  Glancing down, I noticed that the toy was at the lowest setting, but it didn’t stay that way for long.  Olivia turned the dial to the second setting, the sound increasing as the large white bulb buzzed against Gemma’s clit.  I didn’t notice too much of a change, just a slight increase in moisture and warmth, as I slowly thrusted into Gemma’s tight pussy. 

Olivia waited just a matter of seconds then cranked it up again, Gemma’s moans now increasing in volume, along with the sound of the toy.  Her eyes fell shut and a lovely look of pleasure began to spread across her face, slowly engulfing it an inch at a time.  I slowly sunk into the depths of her pussy, resisting the urge to start thrusting harder, which wasn’t too easy when it felt so good.

“Stop,” said Olivia, and suddenly my dick was sheathed inside her, my cockhead twitching as it touched her cervix. 

“Stay right there,” Olivia added, turning the dial one more notch.  “You feel that?”

I did feel it.  Not just the wetness of Gemma’s hot pussy as it tightened around my cock, but I was starting to feel the wand’s vibrations, gently coursing through my shaft as I kept it inside her.

“Mmhmm,” I said back, my cock throbbing against Gemma’s tight walls.

Olivia grinned then turned it up again, the sensation increasing as she kept the toy pinned against Gemma’s stiff clit. 

“Thrust,” she said again, and I promptly did so without hesitation, trying to match my previous speed.

“Faster,” said Olivia, and again I complied, increasing my speed by a couple of knots.

“Faster,” she repeated and I upped the tempo once more, plunging my cock into Gemma’s tight pussy with a steady series of thrusts; not max speed by any means, but noticeably quicker than they had been before.

A few more ‘faster’’s and I was going full pelt, slamming into Gemma with little restraint.  Olivia turned the dial again and I noticed some twitching from Gemma’s urethra.  Olivia noticed too and she cranked the toy up one more notch, a loud, whirring buzz now filling the expanse of the room. 

“Oooh, you’re gonna cum, huh?” she asked, smirking as she looked at Gemma.

“Yes!  Yes!  I’m gonna cum!” Gemma blurted out, panting heavily as she spoke.

I gave a few more thrusts into Gemma’s wet pussy as Olivia turned to face me, giving me my next instruction.

“Pull out,” she said, and reluctantly I complied, plucking my cock from Gemma’s hot pussy. 

Holding it at the base, I kept my cock in the immediate vicinity, stroking it up and down as Gemma breathed sharply, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her restraints.  Olivia pulled the toy away and Gemma screamed as a hot burst of fluid shot from her urethra, spraying across my midriff and crotch.


“Oh my God!” Olivia exclaimed, returning the toy to Gemma’s pink clit.  “Put your cock back in her.”

My cock was dripping with squirt juice as I pressed the tip against the lips of her pussy and pushed it back inside her.  Olivia turned the dial as I started thrusting, putting the toy at the highest setting.  I only managed a half-dozen thrusts before Gemma’s urethra started throbbing again and Olivia ordered me to pull back out. 

Gemma squirted a split second later.  This time the blast wasn’t quite as big, but the orgasm that accompanied it was every bit as powerful.  Gemma’s head fell back against the table and a wordless scream soon filled the basement as she shook from head to toe, gripping the ropes with so much force that they almost snapped in two.

“Ohh, wow!” said Olivia, spotting the mess she’d made of my cock, clear drops of fluid now dripping down off my shaft. 

“Come here,” she said as she ushered me forward.  “Let me clean that up for you.”

Olivia leaned forward, taking my cock in between her lips.  Reaching around behind me, I felt her gloved fingers dig into my ass as she gripped it tightly, pulling herself in and taking me down to the hilt.  Sucking loudly, she slurped up the juices from my girthy shaft, leaving it clean as a whistle by the time she retrieved it.  She plucked my cock from between her lips and brought it back down to Gemma’s wet pussy, returning the toy to her clit as I pushed it back inside her. 

This continued for the next few minutes.  I drilled into Gemma at a hard, brisk pace while Oliva used the toy on her, holding it tightly to the nub of her clit.  Every so often she’d tell me to exit, finishing her off with the vibrating wand until she squirted all over my cock.  She must have cum about eight or nine times, each new blast reducing in volume until she seemingly ran out of fluid. 

At Olivia’s behest, I steered my cock into Gemma’s spent pussy and quickly started thrusting.  Olivia returned the toy to her clit.  Gemma had lost her capacity to squirt, but that didn’t matter; it wasn’t her that she wanted to cum.

“Your turn,” she said, an impish grin stretched across her face as she moved the toy forward. 

Keeping the edge against Gemma’s stiff clit, she pressed the bulb against my cock directly, holding it there as I continued to thrust.  I could feel the vibrations start pulsing through me, my dick throbbing violently as I plunged into Gemma’s pussy.  I only managed a few more thrusts before Olivia stopped me again.

“Don’t thrust,” she said.  “Just keep your tip in her.”

Somehow I managed to comply, pulling right back to the ridge of my crown as she held the toy in place, stimulating both of us.  I can see why women love these things so much, ‘cause honestly it felt incredible, and I could feel my veins engorging with blood as it buzzed against my shaft.  Not only that but Gemma’s tight pussy was gripping my crown, getting noticeably tighter as the toy pressed against her clit.

I stayed like that for quite some time before Olivia allowed me to thrust, again insisting that I do it slowly.  As per usual, I did as she told me.  I pushed my cock into Gemma’s wet pussy, only fitting about half my shaft in before the bulb of the Hitachi wand pressed against my crotch, halting any further progress.  The toy buzzed against the top of my shaft as I sunk into her pussy with short, shallow thrusts, doing so at such a slow pace that it was bordering on torture.

Gemma’s eyes stayed fixed on mine, moaning all the while as I slowly fed her the first four inches.  She liked a nice deep fuck as much as the next girl, but there was something about the way that my cock inched into her as the toy buzzed against her clit that was really, really doing it for her. 

It was doing it for me too and the strong vibrations at the top of my shaft were pulling me closer to the point of climax. 

“Oh my God,” I moaned softly, the vibrations coursing through the length of my shaft and making my cockhead tingle.

“Ooo, you gonna cum?” Olivia asked casually, her grin growing wider as she watched me squirm.

To put it simply…yes, I was. 

I gave a slight nod, which was all I could manage before the feeling took me.  I buried myself in Gemma’s pussy as deep as the toy would allow, finally succumbing to the intense sensation that had been building within me for the last half hour.  Tilting my head back, my eyes clamped shut as a thick rope of spunk shot forth from the tip of my prick.

“UGGGHHH, FUUUCCCKKK!!!” I yelled, pretty much roaring as loud as I could as my body tensed from bottom to top.

“OHHH, YESSS!!!” screamed Gemma back, cumming on the spot as the first blast of jism struck the back wall of her snatch. 

I couldn’t see her face anymore than I could see my own, but I was sure that between us we were the visual definition of ‘powerful fucking orgasm’.  Her pussy tightened around the width of my shaft, squeezing more cum out as the toy kept buzzing against our sensitive parts.  I must have cum for close to a minute, firing so much spunk into Gemma’s tight pussy that I was starting to wonder if I was ever gonna stop.  Similarly, Gemma’s climax seemed to go on forever, her pussy contracting with each rope of jism that I shot inside her, which in turn made me cum even more.  Orgasms don’t get more mutual than that.

At some point my climax did finally cease and I returned my head to its normal position, opening my eyes to the vision before me.  Gemma clung limply to the two nearest ropes, her face a picture of post-orgasmic bliss.  Olivia switched the toy off and set it down on the edge of the table, looking utterly delighted with what she’d achieved. 

I stayed inside Gemma for another few seconds then slowly pulled out of her pussy, stepping to the side as Olivia replaced me.  Dropping to her knees on the basement floor, she buried her head between Gemma’s long legs, licking up my cum as it oozed from the slit of her pussy.  Olivia swallowed the initial load then stuck her tongue in deep, making sure she got every last drop. 

Removing one of her gloves, Olivia pushed her middle and ring fingers into Gemma’s wet pussy, keeping her pinky and index fingers pointed up as she fucked her friend with the inserted digits.  I could hear the wetness squelching inside her and when Olivia pulled her fingers out…well, let’s just say that Gemma had regained her ability to squirt. 

To wrap things up, Olivia took my cock in her mouth and sucked out the last of my cum.  Once she was satisfied that she’d gotten it all, we finally untied Gemma.  We stayed down in the basement for another few hours, making use of the various units, before going back upstairs where the sex continued.  I won’t relay everything we did, but a particular highlight was fucking Olivia from behind again, while she ate out Gemma who was tied to the bed. 

Olivia finally took off some time around nine.  Gemma was still horned up from her visit so we fucked a couple more times before calling it a night.  We woke up late the following morning and fucked once more before going to the kitchen to fix some brunch.  We ate out in the garden then went back inside to take a shower.  We didn’t fuck in there but we did go down on each other (then fucked on my bed before getting dressed).  We went for a hike in the late afternoon then took another shower (this time we did fuck) and I left Gemma in her room to get ready while I went to get started on dinner.

The food was almost ready by the time she came and joined me, wearing a skin tight zebra print dress and red thigh high boots.

She looked amazing and I suddenly felt a little underdressed in the jeans and t-shirt I’d put on.  Though I shouldn’t have been concerned, as I’d soon find out, for what I was wearing was of little importance.  Gemma had seen, via Instagram stories, that one of her friends (she didn’t say who) had just arrived that afternoon at LAX. 

After our wild(e) night with Olivia, Gemma was in need of a night on the town and had asked her friend if she wanted to join her.  Turns out she did and Gemma had an Uber booked to whisk her into the city to meet her friend for drinks.

“Hmm, very nice,” I said once she’d told me her plans.  “And am I invited?”

“Uh uh,” said Gemma.  “Girls’ night only.  But if you’re lucky, I might bring her back here later.”

“Please do,” I grinned, fetching some plates from the kitchen cupboard.  “Gonna eat before you head out?”

“Oh, absolutely.  That smells delicious.”

“Wait ‘til you taste it.  Go grab a seat and I’ll dish some up.”

Gemma took a seat and I fixed us two plates of my finest stir fry.  Gemma forked some into her mouth and groaned in delight as the flavours hit her.

“Mmm.  Oh my God, that’s like heaven.”

“Why thank you,” I said with a nonchalant grin, plucking the cork from a bottle of wine.  “Pregame?”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

I poured us both a glass of wine then took a seat at the table.  We chatted a little while we ate our dinner, but Gemma’s Uber was on its way so she kinda had to eat and run.  She hopped down from her chair as her phone app pinged then hurried around to my side of the table and gave me a kiss goodbye.

“Wait up, won’t you?” she asked.

“Oh, absolutely,” was how I replied.  I wouldn’t have gone to bed if my life depended on it.

Gemma grinned then turned on her heels and rushed towards the doorway, blowing me a kiss as she opened the door and stepped out into the night.  I finished my meal then returned to the kitchen to wipe it all down and fill up the dishwasher.  I poured myself a fresh glass of wine and sat down on the couch, flicking through the channels on my massive TV.  Gemma was gone for several hours so I got a fair bit of watching done while I waited for her to return.  I watched a game of basketball and several different shows, and was halfway through a late night showing of Baby Driver when I heard the door handle turning behind me.

I turned to look as the door swung open and suddenly I was seeing double as Gemma stepped through the open doorway, accompanied by none other than Miss Lily James.  I don’t know if you’ve ever been watching a movie when one of its stars walks into your house, but it’s pretty surreal I can tell you that. 

“Honey, I’m home,” called Gemma as she closed the front door, clasping Lily’s hand and leading her towards the couch.  “Lily, Tyler.  Tyler, Lily.”

“Hi” I said as I looked at Lily, looking incredible in a short black dress that had lots of holes in it, exposing the skin underneath.

“Nice to meet you,” she said, turning to look at the screen.  “Hmm, I recognise her.”

“Is this weird for you?” I asked, chuckling.  “‘Cause I can turn it over if it is.”

“No, no, leave it,” said Lily.  “I had a lot of fun working on this movie.”

Lily took a seat beside me and Gemma sat down to my left, draping an arm across my shoulder. 

“Good night?” I asked, turning to face her.

“Mmhmm,” said Gemma.  “Except Lily kept getting hit on left, right and centre.”

Lily laughed.  “Oh yeah, like you weren’t too!”

“Maybe a little,” Gemma admitted.  “But they were mainly after you.  Can’t really blame them when you’re wearing that dress.”

“What about you in those fuck me boots?!” Lily said, laughing.  “Anyway, that blonde guy was all over you.  He was pretty fit too.”  That’s ‘hot’ in British, by the way.

“He was OK,” said Gemma.  A felt her hand slide up my neck, fingers combing through my thick locks of hair.  “But what was that thing Paul Newman said?  Something about steak at home?”

She and Lily grinned at each other.  “Quite a big steak too,” said Lily, stroking my right arm.  “Think you can manage it all by yourself?”

“Hasn’t stopped me before,” Gemma replied.  “But you know I like to share.”

With that a hand came up to my cheek and Lily turned me towards her, leaning in for a kiss.  Our lips pressed together and I felt her tongue push into my mouth, twisting and writhing against my own.  I felt a hand snake up my thigh as Gemma kissed along my shoulders and neck.  Lily broke the kiss, moving her hand to my chin as she turned me towards her friend. 

“OK, now we do need to turn this off,” Lily declared as I made out with Gemma, wrapping an arm around each of the girls.  “I can’t watch myself when I’m fooling around.”

The sound from the movie suddenly cut out and the next thing I heard was a tap from my remote as she set it down on the coffee table.  Gemma’s lips came free from mine and a little grin spread across my face as she leaned across towards Lily.  I sat back and watched as they got on their knees and pressed their lips together, sliding my hands down each of their backs and cupping two handfuls of ass. 

Lily’s in particular felt fucking amazing.  Obviously I knew that she had a great ass, but I hadn’t counted how truly incredible it would feel when clasped in the palm of my hand.  So thick and round and laden with muscle.  It felt so good, in fact, that it almost distracted me from the sight of them kissing.  Almost, but not quite.

Their lips came apart and they both snuck a glance at me before going back in for more.  Of course, I took that as an invitation and I leaned in closer without further delay, turning the kiss into a threeway.  Two sets of lips pressed up against mine and I added my tongue to the violent tussle that was already well underway. 

Gemma pulled away first, leaving me and Lily to get better acquainted as she gripped the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up over my chest.  Lifting my arms up, I briefly broke from the kiss with Lily as Gemma pulled my t-shirt up over my head and flung it over the back of the sofa.  Me and Lily got right back to it as Gemma leaned in and kissed my neck, running her hands down my sculpted torso.

Gemma kissed down past my collarbone and over one of my pecs, licking and kissing my six pack.  The next thing I heard was my belt unbuckling and Lily’s lips came free from mine, watching attentively as Gemma unzipped my jeans.  Gemma slid her fingers under the waistband of my boxers and I lifted my ass up so she could remove them.  Gemma lowered both garments in one, my cock springing out as I sat back down. 

“Oh, wow!” said Lily, shifting forward as my cock came free.  “That’s quite a steak, huh?”

“Filet mignon,” Gemma quipped and the two of them giggled as they shared a kiss, stroking my cock as their lips pressed together. 

The two girl handjob felt truly amazing and the sight of them tonguing each other just made it even better.  I kicked down my pants as I watched them kiss, wrestling my feet from them and kicking them aside. 

“OK,” said Lily, peeling her lips from Gemma’s, “who’s going first?”

“You are,” said Gemma, grinning from ear to ear.

“You’re too kind,” said Lily and the two of them shared another quick kiss before she dipped her head down and slid her lips down onto my cock.

I tilted my head back and unleashed a moan as her lips slid down to the ridge of my crown.  Her tongue found the slit and she licked it several times, lapping at the precum that was already forming there.  Lily released her grip on my cock but Gemma kept hold of it as she pushed down lower, sinking down to around mid-shaft.  As Lily started bobbing her head, Gemma worked her fist along the first few inches, almost jerking my cock into Lily’s mouth. 

“Look at that teamwork,” said Gemma, her grin stretching wider as she stroked my cock.

They really did work well together.  Every movement of Gemma’s soft hand was perfectly synced with Lily’s full lips, and the constant stream of spit that Lily left behind ensured my cock stayed thoroughly lubed. 

They clearly didn’t require any outside assistance so I simply sat there and let them get on with it, tightening my grip on both their asses as they shared my throbbing cock.  Repeating myself, I know, but they felt incredible.  Particularly Lily’s, which again was distracting me from her sucking my cock.  Honestly though, I was perfectly fine with that and I decided to distract myself even further by pulling up the hem of her dress and baring her cheeks to the air.

And God-fucking-dam, did her ass look good from this angle, helped considerably by the tight black thong that bisected those perfect cheeks.  The sight alone made my dick throb harder and I could feel my precum increasing in volume as it trickled across her tongue.  My grip tightened on it even more, digging my fingers into her soft, bronzed flesh.  I felt like Gemma was getting left out, so I did the same to her, hiking up the hem of her dress and grabbing her peach-shaped ass, covered only by her frilly French knickers.

My hands slid down in between their cheeks and kept going down until I found their pussies, both of which were noticeably warm.  Lily’s especially, since she was the one that was sucking my cock.  I rubbed my fingers against the lips of her pussy, noting that her thong was wet to the touch.  Full disclosure?  I was dying to get to her pussy, so I slid my fingers under the sides of her thong to initiate direct contact.  Kind of a bold move, but since my dick was in her mouth right now it didn’t feel like I was overstepping. 

Lily certainly didn’t have any complaints, and I heard her start moaning as she sucked my cock, particularly as my fingers found the nub of her clit and started rubbing gently against it.  The clitoral stimulation made her pussy even wetter as my fingers moved back up to her slit, the middle one sliding into her with the gentlest of pushes. 

Her lips slid up to the tip of my prick and she moaned out loud as it popped from between them, clamping her eyes shut as my finger went deep, exploring her warm insides.  Gemma saw her opportunity and grasped it with both hands.  Literally.  She kept her right clasped tightly at the base as she gripped my shaft with the other, stroking it up and down as she stuck her tongue out, swirling it around the tip. 

Lily took a brief moment to regain her composure then promptly joined her friend, both of their tongues now lapping at my helmet as Gemma jerked me off.  They kept that up for several minutes, essentially tongue kissing with my cock in the middle.  It looked just as hot as it sounds, and felt even better than that.

I could feel Lily’s pussy getting steadily wetter, an audible squelching now filling the room as I sunk my finger inside her.  My other hand kept groping at Gemma’s firm ass and I could feel it creeping ever closer to her pussy, almost moving of its own accord.  I hooked my fingers under the waistband of her panties and tried to pull them down, finding it difficult with a single hand. 

Gemma released her grip on my cock and reached back to help me, pulling them down to the top of her boots.  Wrapping her lips around the tip of my prick, her lips slid down as she lowered her panties, sinking down to around mid mid-shaft.  I rubbed two fingers against her drippy wet slit, getting them slick with moisture then pushing them inside her.  My fingers slid straight down to the knuckle and I started pumping them back and forth, making her moan as she sucked my cock. 

Lily watched as her girlfriend blew me, reaching back in between her legs and putting two fingers to the nub of her clit.  Again, her pussy got noticeably wetter and I added a second finger to the one already inside her, sinking them into her darkest depths.  Gemma’s lips made a hasty retreat and Lily was quick to take over, going even deeper than Gemma had done. 

This continued for quite some time.  The girls took turns to suck my cock, going down deeper each time like they were trying to outdo each other.  Lily was first to reach the bottom and my head fell back against the couch cushions as I felt her lips press against my groin, my crown nestled in the back of her throat.  She kept it there for several seconds, leaving behind a mess of saliva as her lips pulled back to the tip. 

Eager to match her friend, Gemma sunk down onto my cock and quickly made it vanish, even pumping her mouth on it a few times as she took it straight down to the base.  Both of them deepthroated me a few more times then gripped my cock with one hand each and started stroking, smearing spit along the length of my shaft.

“Do I get to go first again?” asked Lily, fluttering her lashes as she looked across at Gemma.

“Mmhmm,” said Gemma.  She lowered her panties the rest of the way and dropped them onto the floor.  “But we should go to my room first.  I think we need more space.”

“Good idea,” said Lily, and with that the two of them climbed down from the couch, Gemma clasping Lily’s hand as she led her across the room.

I pulled my socks off then rose to my feet, following closely behind them.  As they walked together side by side, I stared in awe at Lily’s thick ass.  The shape of that thing was just utterly perfect, and the way it moved as she crossed the room?  Poetry in motion.  Letting go of Lily’s hand, Gemma looked back at me and flashed me a wink as she grabbed onto Lily’s ass.  Lily returned the favour, and I watched intently as they strode through the hallway, squeezing and slapping each other’s asses as they headed for the bedroom.

Gemma took Lily by the hand again and led her into her room.  I followed in behind, closing the door as Gemma turned, pulling Lily towards her.  Their lips pressed together and Gemma’s hands went straight for her ass, getting a firm grip on those two thick cheeks.  Gemma winked at me again as she pried them apart, revealing the crack of her thong-covered her ass.

I moved in behind her without even thinking, like Lily’s ass had a magnetic pull.  I pressed my body against hers, placing my hands on her hips as I slotted my cock into the crack of her ass.  Their lips came apart and Lily started moaning softly as I ground my cock up against her.  Rubbing my shaft against her pussy, I could feel her wetness through her thong. 

Gemma gripped onto the hem of Lily’s dress and lifted it up higher, pulling it over the small of her back and up to her shoulders.  Breaking the kiss, Lily lifted her arms up so Gemma could remove her dress, light brown hair spilling down her back as she pulled it up over her head.  The two came together again and continued making out while I brushed Lily’s hair aside, kissing the side of her neck.  My hands, of course, went straight to her ass, and I groped and squeezed it as I moved down lower, kissing between her shoulders.

I continued downwards as I dropped down slowly, leaving a trail of kisses across Lily’s fit back.  Dropping to my knees on the bedroom floor, I found myself face to face with Lily’s perfect ass.  I took a few seconds to admire it up close, grabbing and squeezing it with both my hands.  I couldn’t wait a moment longer and I threw myself forward as quick as I could, burying my face in her ass crack.  I didn’t even take off her thong first; I just wanted to feel those cheeks pressed against my face and, damn, did it feel amazing. 

“Oh!” I heard her yelp as I shoved myself in there.  “OK.  Wow.  He’s pretty friendly, this one, isn’t he?”

“Mmhmm,” Gemma said back.  “He likes meeting new people.”

She wasn’t wrong; I really do like meeting new people.  Especially people with an ass like this.

I pried my face from between her cheeks and hooked my fingers under the sides of her thong, whipping it down in one fell swoop.  I gripped her ass cheeks and prised them apart, taking a look at her shaven snatch, the lips of which were already visibly moist.  Again I threw my face in there as quick as I possibly could, poking my tongue out this time as I gave a long lick along the length of her slit.  The taste of her pussy was absolutely perfect and I felt it linger on the tip of my tongue as I went a little higher, licking along her taint and up to her asshole. 

“Oh my God!  He’s licking my arse!” she suddenly screamed, sounding one part shocked and two parts aroused.  Or maybe the other way around. 

“Yeah, he does that,” Gemma replied, and though I couldn’t see her, I could vividly picture the grin on her face.

I repeated the process several more times before moving down lower, settling at the nub of her clit.  I licked her vigorously, lapping at Lily’s pink clit with quick, sharp flicks of my tongue.  Her legs started trembling almost immediately, and I could hear her moaning as the girls made out. 

“He’s good at that, huh?” I heard Gemma ask, running her hands along Lily’s back.

“Uh huh,” Lily replied, seemingly unable to say much else as I licked her pussy with increasing vigour. 

Her head fell backwards and again I could picture the look of sheer ecstasy that was etched across her face.  I could hear Gemma kissing her body, where I couldn’t say, but wherever it was it sounded hot, and it only made her pussy wetter, heat pouring into my nostrils as I tongued her throbbing clit. 

It didn’t take much to make her cum.  Just a few short minutes of my tongue on her clit and she was basically putty in my hands.  Short, sharp breaths blew forth from her lips, and a hot rush of fluid surged forth from within her, coating my tongue at the point of climax.  I kept on licking as I felt her cum, making sure I gathered every drop of fluid as it seeped from the lips of her pussy.  I gave a long lick along Lily’s wet slit, cleaning up the remnants as I moved up higher, briefly returning to her puckered pink ass.  My tongue slid across Lily’s tight asshole as I lifted my knees off the ground, licking along the small of her back as I slowly rose to my feet.

My licks turned to kisses as I reached her shoulders, then Lily turned her head back as I reached her neck, tasting her pussy and asshole as I pressed my lips against hers.  Gemma joined us shortly after and three of us shared a passionate kiss, tongues writhing in every direction.  My hands roamed over Lily’s thick ass, groping and caressing as our lips came apart.  Peering over her shoulder, she posed a question that made my cockhead twitch with excitement. 

“How do you want me?”

“Oh, definitely from behind,” I said emphatically, giving her asscheeks a nice firm squeeze.

The girls both laughed as Gemma removed her dress, leaving her boots on as she climbed up onto the bed, laying on her back with her head on the pillows.  Lily climbed up next, kneeling at the edge of the bed with her ass stuck out behind her.  Lily hooked her arms around Gemma’s fit thighs and buried her face in between them.  I moved in behind her and gripped my cock, rubbing the tip against her pussy.  I was literally stunned by how wet her lips were and I entered her pussy with barely a thrust. 

Her pussy was tight, but her soft inner walls were so slick with moisture that there was practically no resistance, allowing me to sink straight down to the base.  Lily gave a gentle moan that was deeply muffled by Gemma’s snatch.  My pelvis pressed against her big, firm ass and I stayed inside her for several seconds, enjoying the feel of her tight, gripping pussy and the glorious sight of those cheeks pressed against me.

Pulling back slowly, I drew my dick right back to the tip, noting how much moisture had been left on my shaft.  I have no idea in terms of volume, but it was a hell of a freakin’ lot.  I fucked her like that for several minutes, giving long, slow thrusts that vanished my cock an inch at a time.  I watched attentively as she went down on Gemma, basically using her pussy to jerk myself off. 

Placing a hand at the back of her head, Gemma’s eyes stayed locked on hers, giving light nods of encouragement and coos of appreciation.  I couldn’t see what she was doing, of course, but if the look of pleasure on Gemma’s face was anything to go by, then my dick was not distracting her.  And you know what that means, right?  It means I wasn’t fucking her hard enough.

I rectified that situation almost immediately, tightening my grip on her womanly hips as I started thrusting harder.  Maintaining the same depth, I significantly increased the force and speed, throwing myself into her with very little self-control.  My pelvis started clapping her cheeks, making them jiggle in hypnotic fashion, the resulting smacks of muscle on muscle now bouncing off the bedroom walls.

Lily’s moans got steadily louder and noticeably less muffled as she began to neglect her duties.  Gemma placed a hand at the back of her head, encouraging her to continue as she pulled her back into her pussy.  Can’t blame her for trying, though I fear her efforts may have been in vain. 

Then I started thrusting harder, which only made matters worse.  Worse for Gemma, but better for Lily and better for me, ‘cause now her asscheeks were rippling like crazy.  I was truly in awe of her beautiful ass, the size and shape both second to none.  Without even thinking, I released my grip on Lily’s thick hips and grabbed onto her ass, spreading her cheeks a little as I drilled into her pussy.

Her asshole winked with each thrust I took, and the temptation to switch from one hole to the other was almost too much to bear.  Somehow I managed to resist, knowing full well that asking for anal from a girl I’d just met would be incredibly forward, even for me.  Besides, her pussy felt so fucking good that I didn’t even want to pull out of it.  And more importantly, Lily didn’t want me to either.  Not until she’d cum, at least, which didn’t look too far away. 

I moved my hands around to Lily’s tight stomach, sliding one up to her chest as I pulled her up off the mattress.  Wrapping my arms around her, I pinned her body up against my own, holding her in place as I delivered the last few thrusts.  Again, Gemma didn’t seem to mind and her lips curled up in a playful grin as she reached between her legs, playing with her pussy while I fucked her friend.

Grabbing a tit with one of my hands, the other went down to Lily’s stiff clit, rubbing it vigorously as I threw myself into her, pounding hard and fast.  Lily threw an arm back, draping it lazily across one of my shoulders, while her other hand gripped onto mine, our fingers interlocking as I groped her perky breast.  I couldn’t see her ass now, which of course was a shame, but I could still feel it rippling as it cushioned each pelvic slam.  Lily came in a matter of minutes and a high-pitched scream flew forth from her lips as I delivered the critical thrust.


I buried myself inside her, feeling her squeeze me as her pussy contracted, strumming her clit at the point of climax.  I could feel her muscles tightening, her body trembling as I held her against me.  I looked down at Gemma, an amused grin pulling at the sides of her mouth as she slowly rubbed her pussy. 

I stayed inside Lily until the tremors subsided then pulled myself out of her slowly.  Slotting my cock into the crack of her ass, I gently rubbed it against her as she turned to kiss me, still breathing heavily as our lips embraced.  I kept my hand pressed against her chest, feeling her heart rate return to normal as she shared a long kiss, a passionate one with lots of tongue. 

“See what I mean about steak at home?” asked Gemma, her grin growing wider as she watched us kiss.

“Mmhmm,” said Lily as she pried her lips from mine.  “You’ve gotta finish her off now.”

“Way ahead of ya,” I said with a smirk.

Lily laughed as she moved to the side, and I shifted forward on the king-size bed, closing in on Gemma as she waved me towards her.  Crawling up on top of her, I leaned in for a kiss as I grabbed my cock and slid it straight into her pussy.  She moaned into my mouth as my hips rowed inward and I sheathed myself inside her.  Our lips came apart and I started thrusting, planting my elbows either side of her head so we stayed close together, staring into each other’s eyes.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I leaned in and kissed her again as I thrusted slowly, steadily feeding her my long, thick cock.  I felt a hand brush against my back and at first I thought it was Gemma until I heard a voice beside me. 

“Well, isn’t this a sweet scene?” Lily quipped.  “I hate to interrupt you, guys, but I’d like to sit on her face.”

Gemma giggled as she broke from the kiss and lowered her arms from around my neck.  I pushed myself up until my back was straight, reaching back behind me and grabbing Gemma’s calves.  Lifting her legs up, I placed her ankles on each of my shoulders as she looked at Lily, beckoning her with a single finger.

“Come here, you,” Gemma grinned, purring excitedly as Lily threw a leg over and set her ass down on top of her face.

I watched intently as Gemma wrapped her arms around Lily's strong thighs, Lily raking her hair back as her face lit up with pleasure.  It was a hell of a sight, and as good as it felt to fuck her hot pussy, it was hard not feel a little jealous as Gemma got a faceful of Lily’s big ass.  I wrapped my arms around Gemma’s long legs as I thrusted harder, getting some purchase as I pulled myself into her pussy.  Gemma’s moans increased in volume, and even an ass as thick as Lily’s wasn’t enough to block them out as I drilled into her tight pink pussy, hitting her deepest spots.

Lily placed her hands down on Gemma’s perky chest, cupping her titties as they flopped and up and down, jiggling with every thrust.  Leaning forward slightly, Lily reached down between Gemma’s legs and put two fingers to her stiff pink clit.  Gemma’s pussy got noticeably tighter and if the grin on Lily’s face was anything to go by, then she was fully aware of that.  I placed a finger underneath her chin and pulled her in for a kiss, my breathing laboured as I rammed my cock into Gemma’s wet pussy. 

The clitoral stimulation proved decisive and the orgasm hit her with potent force.  Lily kept rubbing at the nub of her clit, ensuring she came as hard as possible.  And boy, did she succeed.  Fluid gushed from the depths of her pussy, soaking my shaft from base to tip.  Her whole body tightened, most noticeably her pelvic muscles, which gripped onto my cock and didn’t let go.  Her moans got louder as the feeling spread, but were still very muffled as she tongued at Lily’s clit.

“Ohh, yes!  Keep going, Gemma,” Lily cried out.  “Fuck, I’m gonna cum on your face!”

A few more flicks of Gemma’s skilled tongue and Lily made good on her promise, a second set of orgasmic screams now filling the expanse of the room.  Lily fell forward as her orgasm hit, collapsing on top of Gemma with her head in between her legs.  I pulled back a little to give her some space, leaving only my crown inside Gemma’s tight pussy.  All I could see was the top of her head but whatever she was doing was clearly enough to revive her fading climax.  Gemma’s pussy gripped me again and a fresh wave of sticky arousal flooded the tip of my shaft. 

Gemma dug her fingers into Lily’s thick ass, the sound of her tongue on Lily’s wet pussy still very much audible.  Lily’s head flew up from between her legs, still rubbing at the nub of her clit, as her own powerful orgasm was extended by another few seconds.  They kept that up for quite some time, making each other cum so hard and for so long that I was starting to wonder if they even needed me.

Finally, Lily lifted her head up, flashing me a grin as she raised herself up and climbed down from on top of her friend.  Kneeling at her side, she leant over Gemma and gave her a lingering kiss.  Their lips came apart and I pushed my cock back into Gemma’s tight pussy, leaning down to kiss her myself.  As we kissed, I slid my arms under the small of her back and rolled us both over, laying on my back with her body on top of me.

Gemma gave an excited gasp and pushed herself up so her back was straight, resting her knees either side of my hips.  She started to ride me without further delay, her perky tits jiggling with every pass.  As Gemma fell into a steady rhythm, I turned to Lily as she knelt at my side, beckoning her forward with a wave of my hand.

“My turn,” was all I said.  Frankly, it’s all I needed to say as Lily understood me perfectly.

A wily grin stretched across her face as she threw a leg over, planting her knees either side of my head.  I watched in amazement as that perfect ass hovered above me, bracing myself for impact as she lowered it down, dropping it onto my face.  At first she basically smothered me; my face disappeared into the crack of her ass and I could feel her big buttcheeks pressing down on top of me, cutting off my air supply.  Needless to say, it felt incredible.  I wrapped my arms around the tops of her thighs, basically holding her there for as long as I could take it.  I could still feel Gemma riding my cock, but honestly at this point that was almost an afterthought.

Soon enough my head began to swim and I could feel my body start crying out for air.  I moved my hands to the small of her back and tapped against it twice.  We hadn’t discussed any kind of signal but luckily Lily recognised it as one.  And thank God she did, ‘cause I was about five seconds away from passing out.  She lifted her ass up from on top of my face and I desperately gasped her breath, pulling in as much oxygen as I could fit inside my chest.  Lily peered back over her shoulder, looking thoroughly amused as I laid there panting. 

“More?” she asked as she gripped her asscheeks, pulling them apart so I could see both holes.

If I didn’t want more already, I definitely did after that.  I didn’t say a word, simply grabbing onto her hips and pulling her down on top of me; I figured that was answer enough.  This time my tongue came out and I put it straight to Lily’s pussy, licking from her clit to her asshole.  I did that several times, noting that her pussy was a little bit wetter each time I did so.  Moving up higher, I finally settled on Lily’s pink asshole, licking across it with slow, hard swipes of my tongue. 

I moved my hands from Lily’s thighs and reached down lower, grabbing onto Gemma’s hips.  At first I simply lifted and dropped her, assisting each motion as she rode my cock.  Pushing her down one final time, I held her there for close to a minute, her asscheeks pressed against the tops of my thighs as my cock throbbed inside her, the crown twitching as it touched her cervix. 

My hands moved lower, grabbing onto Gemma’s ass as I lifted her up again.  Pulling her up to the ridge of my crown, I kept her there as I started thrusting, bouncing my ass off the mattress as I drilled up into her pussy.  The next thing I heard was the two of them kissing, both moaning loudly as they straddled my face and cock.

My tongue kept lapping at Lily’s tight ass, gliding across it as I fucked her friend.  Reaching back behind her, I felt her fingers slide into my hair, gripping two fistfuls as she started grinding, rubbing her buttcrack against my face.  I made sure my tongue stayed nice and flat, allowing her to use it however she pleased.  Lily tightened her grip, almost pulling my hair out as she grinded faster, making me taste her pussy and ass.  I let her do that several times before I started licking, adding extra pressure to her asshole and clit.

“Ooh, yeah!  That’s it,” Lily cooed.  “Right there.  Mmm, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

 “Oh, God!  Me too!” said Gemma, moaning loudly as she took my cock.

“Mmm, yes!” said Lily, purring excitedly.  “Make us cum together, OK?”

Lily stopped moving, allowing me to settle on the nub of her clit.  My tongue flicked sharply against it, wagging back and forth as I thrusted harder into Gemma’s wet pussy, performing both actions to a T.  Both of them came at the exact same time, just as Lily had requested.  I kept on thrusting into Gemma’s pussy, making sure I hit that spot right at the point of climax.  Of course I couldn’t see her when her orgasm hit, but if she screams she made were anything to go by, then she came pretty fucking hard.  I licked a little harder at Lily’s stiff clit and was promptly rewarded by a warm gush of fluid that soaked every inch of my tongue. 

They stayed like that for a little bit longer, their breathing heavy as they shared some final kisses.  Gemma climbed down a few seconds later but Lily stayed right where she was, leaning forward at the waist with her ass still on top of my face.  I felt her lips slide onto my crown and she sucked my cock with immediate vigour, greedily cleaning her girlfreind’s fluids. 

I wrapped my arms around the small of her back and put my tongue back to work.  I’d already made her cum, of course, but with Lily’s pussy in front of my face, what else do you expect me to do?  I licked her slower this time, just easing my tongue up and down her slit, gathering all the juices as they dripped from between her lips.  Honestly, she tasted so good, I could have done that all fucking day. 

Two hands pressed against my thighs and the next thing I felt was a pair of lips wrapping around my balls, sucking them in turn as Lily took care of the shaft.  I kept on licking up and down her slit, even moving a little higher so I could taste her ass as well.  It tasted devine, just like the rest of her, and I lifted my head off the pillows a little so I could push my tongue inside it.  Lily started moaning as she sucked my cock, going down deeper with every pass until her lips pushed down to the hilt.  She pumped her mouth up and down it five or six times then pulled back up to the tip, popping the crown from between her lips. 

“OK, I need to sit on this again,” said Lily as she shifted forward, her ass still stuck out behind her as she crawled across the mattress.

Lily stopped when she reached my groin, planting her knees either side of me. 

“I think he’d like me like this, don’t you?” Lily asked.  She was talking to Gemma but I took the liberty of answering for her.

“Mmhmm,” I said, making them both laugh.

Lily reached back and gripped my cock, aligning the tip with the slit of her pussy.  Lily slid down onto my cock, sighing deeply as I slipped inside her.  Gemma knelt in front of her, taking Lily’s face in her hands and pulling her in for a kiss.  Lily’s hand came free from the base and she started to slide down the length of my shaft, her asscheeks pressing against my six pack abs as she sunk right down to the bottom. 

Their lips came apart and Lily unleashed a feverish moan as my cock slid up inside her, sinking into her deepest parts.  She stayed like that for several seconds, feeling me throb inside her tight pink pussy.   Then she pulled up slowly, and I noted how wet she’d left my cock as she worked her pussy back up to the tip.  She kept it there for a beat or two then dropped back down again, harder this time, a sharp, loud smacking sound echoing around the room as her ass crashed down on my pelvis.

She proceeded to ride me with little restraint, sliding right up to the tip of my prick and dropping back down again as hard as she could.  Every pass made my dick disappear, her asscheeks rippling as they beat down against my abs.  All I did was lay there and take it, admiring the sight of her wonderful ass as it rose and fell before me. 

Lily rode my cock for several minutes before suddenly stopping.  Lifting her ass up, she stuck it out further as she bent at the waist, stretching her arms out and gripping the sides of the mattress.  That was my cue to thrust and of course I did so without a second’s thought.  Grabbing her ass, I dug my fingers into those big, thick cheeks as I threw my ass up off the mattress, driving up into her pussy with sharp, hard snaps of my hips.  Her cheeks were rippling as I held them in my hands, and deafening smacks started filling the room as I clapped her ass with each pelvic thrust. 

Gemma moved from between my legs, kneeling at the edge of the bed so she could get a better look.  Can’t say I blame her, ‘cause the view from back here was a sight to behold.  But Gemma wanted to do more than look.  Bending forward, she leaned over the small of her friend’s fit back, pushing her tongue out and steering it towards her asshole.  She looked at me and smirked as her tongue started moving, flicking back and forth across Lily’s tight sphincter. 

Lily’s muscles tightened in response, but her pussy was so incredibly wet that any resistance was minimal at best.  Turns out Gemma’s tongue was the missing ingredient and it pushed her to the edge very, very quickly.  Lily threw her head back, screaming at the ceiling above her as I kept on thrusting, hitting her g-spot repeatedly and sparking an orgasm that tore through her body like an earthquake. 


Her pussy tightened even further and my cock was doused in sticky, warm fluid as it gushed from deep inside her.  Gemma kept licking her ass, prolonging her orgasm for as long as she possibly could.  And it worked like a charm, ‘cause I was starting to wonder if it was ever gonna stop.

Eventually it did and Lily leaned forward, easing herself off my cock.  My shaft was glistening with Lily’s arousal, and Gemma grabbed it as it popped from her pussy, clutching it tightly at the base.  Gemma sunk down onto my cock, sucking at it greedily as she slurped up Lily’s fluids.  Pulling back up to the tip, she ran her hand up and down my cock, smearing her saliva all over the shaft.  Gemma did that several times, bringing me to the brink of climax.  At first I thought she wanted me to cum in her mouth, but Gemma had other ideas.

Lily started to turn but Gemma stopped her, placing a hand at the small of her back.

“Uh uh, you stay right there,” Gemma instructed, my cock twitching as she jerked me off.

Lily kept herself bent at the waist, with her ass thrust out behind, and suddenly all became clear.  That’s where she wanted me to cum.  Gemma angled my cock a little, pointing it more directly at Lily’s thick ass.  Again I was stunned by the size and shape.  It was such a perfect target that it may as well have had a big red circle printed on it. 

A few more strokes and my bellend erupted, violently emitting a thick rope of spunk that shot from my tip like a bullet from a gun.  Gemma aimed it at Lily’s right ass cheek and hit her skin with an audible splat.  Then she pointed it at the left cheek, coating that one too as more of my cum sprayed forth from the tip.  Finally, she pointed my cock at Lily’s pink asshole, jerking out whatever was left and leaving several drops of off-white semen splattered across her friend’s tight sphincter. 

Gemma grinned, looking mightily pleased with herself as she admired her handiwork.  She dropped her head back into my lap and wrapped her lips around my cockhead, sucking out the last few drops.  Then she turned to Lily, licking the cum off both her asscheeks.  Then she did the same to her butthole, even sticking her tongue in it for good measure. 

“Wow!” said Lily, panting heavily as she looked at Gemma.  “I’ll never look at steak the same way again.”

The two of them laughed then shared another kiss, Lily tasting my cum and her asshole as Gemma’s tongue pushed into her mouth. 

The three of us took a quick break to regain our energy then got back down to business.  We fucked twice more before the night was through, finally passing out some time around sunup.  The three of us woke in the early afternoon and fucked once more before heading downstairs to get some food.  Gemma and Lily went to take a shower together and somehow I managed to leave them to it.  Of course, I would have liked nothing more than to fuck them both in the shower, but something told me that Gemma had plans for the evening ahead; plans that I should save my energy for.  I was not disappointed. 

« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 07:17:21 AM by DarkSwordsman »
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part One]
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 01:46:55 AM »
Very hot chapter, Dark. I can't wait until the next part.
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Re: The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part One]
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2024, 03:03:53 PM »
Chapter two of this series on my Patreon now. Subscribe now to read this story one month early.
Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman


Re: The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part One]
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2024, 07:16:59 AM »
This story was posted once month early on my Patreon page. Sign up now for early story access! https://www.patreon.com/DarkSwordsman

Part Two

Starring: Gemma Chan, Constance Wu, Brie Larson and Lashana Lynch

By the time Gemma and Lily were done in the shower, the evening had already begun.  While Gemma got ready for the evening’s festivities, Lily booked herself an Uber and sat with me on the couch while she waited for it to arrive.  The two of us swapped numbers and she said she’d love to stay here next time she’s in LA.  Hopefully that will be soon.

Lily left when her car arrived and Gemma came out about ten minutes later, looking absolutely gorgeous in a short black dress and matching knee high boots. 

Joining me on the couch, she filled me in on her plans for the evening.  Gemma had invited yet another friend to join us which, with how her stay had gone this far, wasn’t exactly a surprise.  What was a surprise was that this time, after the shroud of secrecy with the previous two, she told me who she was in advance.  It was Constance Wu.

Gemma and Constance had met a few years back while working on a movie together and quickly became very good friends.  According to Gemma, the two texted often and regularly had lengthy conversations about all things sex.  An item of discussion that had come up recently was Constance’s experience of working on the movie Hustlers.  She plays a stripper in that movie, for those that don’t know, and gave Gemma a very detailed explanation about how the moves she’d learned on set had helped spice up her lovelife. 

Now, this I could understand, for my own foray into the world of exotic dancing had certainly spiced up my love life (read the Kat Dennings story and you’ll see what I mean).  And it was pretty fucking spicy to begin with.  Plus, remembering how great Constance looked while performing said moves, it’s no surprise that her partner wanted to fuck her brains out. 

Anyway, Gemma asked her if she’d teach her some of these moves and Constance said she’d be happy to help.  All she needed was someone to perform them on.  This is where I came in, and needless to say, I was very excited.

I went to take a shower and get myself ready while Gemma got started on dinner.  By the time I’d dressed and styled my hair, Constance had already arrived.  She and Gemma were talking in the kitchen while Gemma finished up dinner.  Gemma introduced us and I shook Constance’s hand, telling her how great it was to meet her.  And, well…it really was.  She was even more gorgeous than I’d seen in the movies, and looked cute as a button in the short silver dress and open-toed heels she was wearing. 

Constance and I took a seat at the table and Gemma dished up dinner, some Chinese dish she’d learned from her mom.  Sorry…her ‘mum’.  Gemma cracked open a bottle of wine before joining us at the table and the three of us got to chatting.  It started fairly innocently with the girls catching up on what they’d been up to, what new projects they were working on, etc etc.  Once we’d finished up dinner, Constance asked Gemma if she was enjoying her trip, and that’s when things got interesting.  She didn’t go into detail on what we’d been doing, but the answer she gave was highly suggestive.

“We’ve been keeping busy.  Haven’t we, Tyler?”

“Mmhmm,” I said back, unable to hide my provocative smirk.

“I bet you have,” Constance replied, looking me up and down. 

Gemma giggled then sipped her drink.  “Can’t blame me, can you?”

“Oh, fuck no!” Constance exclaimed.  “God, if I was staying with a guy like him, I wouldn’t fucking stop!”

Gemma nearly choked on her wine.  They were talking about me like I wasn’t in the room, but obviously I wasn’t complaining.

“Do you think he’d make a good test subject?  For that thing we talked about?” Gemma asked, her lips curled up in a suggestive grin.  I knew exactly which ‘thing’ she was talking about ‘cause she told me about it earlier, so I wasn’t quite sure why she was being discreet.

“Fuck, I think he’d made a good anything,” Constance quipped, looking at me like a piece of meat.  Again, not complaining.

Gemma tipped her head back, unleashing a tittering laugh.  “God, Connie, you’re such a hornbag!”  Dunno what that means exactly, but I’m guessing it’s similar to ‘horndog’.  And if it is then it’s a fair assessment.

“Can you blame me?!  Fuck, I haven’t been laid in weeks.  Properly anyway.”

“Oof!  Blimey,” Gemma exclaimed.  “Have those stripper moves started wearing off then?”

“No, he still wants it all the time,” Constance exclaimed.  “But fuuuck, he just isn’t hitting the spot.”

“God, you poor thing,” said Gemma, putting a hand on her friend’s. 

“I don’t need your pity, Gem,” Constance replied.  “I just need some good dick.”

“Well, we’ll take care of that, won’t we, Tyler?” Gemma asked, not waiting for an answer.  “Did you bring a change of clothes?”


“OK, so how about we go and get ourselves ready?  Tyler, you can go and sit over there,” said Gemma, pointing at the couch on the other side of the room. 

Gemma stood and took Constance’s hand, helping her out of her chair.  I watched intently as she led her across the lounge, walking hand in hand as she took her to her bedroom.  I rose from my seat, drained the last of my wine then started clearing the table.  I filled up the dishwasher then returned to the lounge, taking a seat as per my instructions.  It didn’t feel right turning on the TV so I took out my phone and did some light admin; responding to messages, booking appointments etc. 

The door reopened about five minutes later and I listened to the clicking of stiletto heels as they came back into the lounge.  I put my phone back into my pocket and my jaw almost hit the floor as I watched them cross the room.  Constance was wearing a tiny black one piece.  So tiny, in fact, that it left her ass almost completely exposed.  She also had some sort of choker around her neck, the details of which I wouldn’t see until later.  Gemma, meanwhile, had opted for a pair of frilly white panties and a matching bra, a pair of thigh high stockings stretching up her long, long legs.

In short, they looked amazing and I could feel myself getting hard already as they walked into the centre of the room, standing just before me as I sat on the couch.  It was then that I saw that Constance’s choker spelled the word ‘sexy’ in big block silver letters.  Conceited?  Maybe.  Accurate?  Definitely. 

I tried not to gawp as they stood there before me, grins on their faces and hands on their hips.

“So,” said Gemma, “you ready?”

“Absolutely,” I replied, my eyes going wide as I looked them up and down.

The girls laughed.  “So you need to show me what to do then, huh?” Gemma declared, turning towards her friend.

“Mmhmm,” said Constance, pointing at the couch.  “Watch and learn, honey.”

Gemma took a seat on the couch, close enough to me that she’d be able to see everything, but far enough away that she wouldn’t interfere. 

“Oh!” she said suddenly, like she’d remembered something important.  “Music!  Alexa, play some filthy r’n’b.”

Yep, that’s what she actually said.  How any music actually started playing I genuinely do not know.

“Ooh, perfect,” said Constance as the song kicked in, a slow, bassy number that fit Gemma’s description to a T.  “OK, so the key to a good lap dance is to take it slow.  Don’t just hop up on top of him and start grinding away.  Move to the music and let him get a nice long look at your body.  The more you tease him, the more he’ll want you.”

Constance started dancing to the beat of the music, swaying back and forth in rhythmic fashion.  She was still standing several feet away, looking me in the eyes as she ran her hands up and down her body.  She looked amazing and knew it as well, a confident grin pulling at the sides of her mouth as she worked her tiny frame. 

“Then once he’s got a good look, you can move a bit closer,” said Constance, stepping right up to the edge of the couch.  “This is usually when I turn around and give him the view from the back.”

Constance slowly turned on her heels and my eyes almost popped straight out when I saw her ass in all its glory.  The thong part of her lingerie neatly bisected her perfect cheeks, baring every inch of her shapely behind.  It looked incredible and fighting the urge to reach and grab it took all the willpower that I possess. 

“OK, now it’s time to break out some moves.  This is one that always gets them going.”

Constance spread her legs about shoulder’s width apart then slowly bent forward at the waist, running her hands down her legs until she reached her ankles.  Now doubled over, she looked back at me from between her legs, her hair almost brushing the floor as her ass stuck out behind her.  Her lingerie stretched as she held the position, pulling tight against her crotch and revealing a hint of cameltoe.  I wanted to lick along the crotch of her panties so freakin’ bad that I almost couldn’t take it. 

Constance winked from between her legs, fully aware of the effect she was having.  Her hands moved around to the backs of her legs and she ran them up her calves and thighs as she rose up slowly, gradually returning to her previous position.

“Oh, my!” said Gemma, fanning herself with her hand as she watched her friend, almost as entranced as I was.

Constance’s hands moved up to her ass and she slapped one of her cheeks, drawing a sharp * SMACK * that echoed around the room.

“Woo!” Gemma shrieked excitedly.  “Damn, girl, you’re getting me hot over here.”

Constance giggled and turned around, looking across at Gemma.  “You wanna try?”


Gemma stood and they both switched places, Gemma standing in front of me while Constance joined me on the couch.

“OK, so just move to the music, right?” Gemma asked, starting to sway in time with the beat.

“Yeah, slow and sexy,” Constance replied.  “Feel the rhythm.  Yeah, that’s it.  You’re getting it, girl.”

Gemma placed her hands just below her shoulders and slid them slowly down her long, lithe body, all the way down to the tops of her thighs.

“Ohh, wow!” said Constance.  She shifted a little closer to me, draping an arm across my shoulders.  “She’s a natural, huh?”

“I’ll say,” I replied, my eyes on Gemma as she showcased her moves.

Turning around, she bent at the waist and reached down to the floor, just like Constance had shown her.  She slid her hands back up to her thighs as she rose up slowly, signing off with a slap of her ass. 

“Phew!” Constance whistled.  “Damn, girl, you learn fast!  Let’s kick things up a notch, shall we?”

She hopped down from the sofa and stood beside her friend.

“So once you’re all warmed up, you can start to initiate physical contact.”

Gemma sat back down on the couch as Constance moved towards me.

“I like to start like this.”

She placed a hand at the top of my head and pulled me in closer, my face and her chest now inches apart. 

“Get him in nice and close, then I roll my hips a little.  Like this,” she said, angling my head down so I was looking at her crotch.

She began to gently rock back and forth, pushing her pussy out with every motion.  It was hot as fuck, as I’m sure you can imagine, and I wanted nothing more than to throw her down onto the couch and bury my face in her pussy. 

“OK, I think that’s enough teasing,” said Constance, pushing my head back.  “Time to climb aboard.”

Constance climbed up onto the couch, planting her knees either side of me as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.  I kept my hands down by my sides, having to literally push them down into the couch cushions to keep them from moving of their own accord. 

“Is he allowed to touch?” asked Gemma, clearly aware of the pain I was in.

“That’s up to you,” Constance replied.  “I usually make him wait a while, but if you want to feel his hands on you, then by all means let him touch.  I’m gonna make him wait a little longer.”

She looked back at me, flashing me a grin that was almost devilish as she started grinding against me.  The first thing I noticed was how warm her crotch was and I could feel the heat through my pant leg as she rubbed it against my thigh.

“So you start at the bottom, just above his knee, then work your way up.  I like to do it nice and slowly, making sure he’s rock hard when I reach his cock.”

Shouldn’t be a problem there; I’d been rock hard for the past ten minutes.  Constance continued to grind back and forth, slowly moving up my thigh until her crotch rubbed up against the tip of my penis. 

“Ooo, I think I’ve found it!  That didn’t take very long, huh?”

Her grin grew wider and I flashed one back at her, fully aware of the implication. 

“And is he hard?” Gemma asked.

“Oh, yeah,” said Constance.  “He’s hard alright.”

She moved up higher, now grinding directly onto my shaft.  I started throbbing intensely, the crotch of her one piece getting noticeably damp as she rubbed it against my cock.  Her deep brown eyes stayed glued on mine and the confident grin never left her face as she ground herself against me. 

“Oh, my!” Constance exclaimed, feeling how hard my cock was throbbing.  “I think he’s enjoying this a little too much.  I better cool him off a bit.”

She lowered her arms from around my shoulders then climbed down off the couch.  She turned around and began to squat down, resting her ass just above my knee.  Constance grabbed onto the edge of the couch and started grinding back and forth.  It was a similar move to the previous position, only now I was staring at her peach-shaped ass as she backed up into me, wanting nothing more than to reach out and grab it.  I think she could sense my desperation, ‘cause she peered back over her shoulder, flashing me a wink as she granted permission.

“OK, now you can touch.”

I’ve never seen my hands move faster.  Constance had barely even finished her sentence before I reached up and grabbed her.  I started at her hips, somehow managing to show some restraint as I moved them slowly to her perfect ass.  Gripping two handfuls, I was almost stunned by how it felt, so firm and muscular that it almost gave Lily a run for her money.  Not as large, of course, but deliciously supple and perfectly round.  Constance kept grinding against me, finding my cock again without much trouble.  How this was supposed to be cooling me down I assure you I do not know, but it looked and felt so fucking good that I really wasn’t complaining. 

She continued to grind on me for several minutes before lifting her ass up higher.  If I’m totally honest, I was a little relieved ‘cause my cock really needed a break.  Just as she’d done in her earlier tease, she reached right down to touch her toes, leaving her ass stuck out as she did so.  Now that she was standing closer, it looked even better than it had done before, and being allowed to touch added a whole new level of enjoyment. 

This time I showed even more restraint, placing my hands on her muscular calves and moving them slowly along the backs of her legs.  I was stunned by how smooth her skin was and how much muscle she had underneath it.  My hands slid up past the backs of her thighs and back to her peachy ass.  Now spread open, I could see the full outline of her sweet-looking pussy and the visible wet patch on the crotch of her lingerie. 

I couldn’t hold back any longer.  My head moved forward without further delay, burying itself in her ass.  My tongue came out as quick as a flash and licked along the slit of her pussy, tasting her wetness through the lacy material.

“OH!” she yelped, and though I couldn’t see her face, I could vividly picture the shocked expression that was plastered across it.  “Oh my God!  Wait, wait!  I’m giving a lesson here!” Constance shrieked, her voice a mixture of arousal, amusement and surprise.  Though mainly the former, it must be said. 

She placed a hand on top of my head and attempted to push me back.  I allowed her to do so, just enough so I could give a response.

“That can wait,” I said, then turned to Gemma.  “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” she grinned, staring me down with those big brown eyes as she crawled across the couch. 

She placed a finger underneath my chin and pulled me in for a kiss, swirling her tongue around mine. 

“I don’t mind at all,” she added, prying her lips from mine and pushing me back into her friend’s tight ass.

I quickly picked up from where I left off, licking up and down her warm, covered pussy, starting at her clit and going right up to her asshole.  The next thing I heard was the sound of them kissing as Gemma climbed down from the couch and knelt in front of Constance.  Keeping my face in Constance's ass, I moved my hands to the small of her back and started to untie the string on her lingerie. 

Prying my face from between her cheeks, I watched intently as Constance slid the shoulder straps down her arms and began to pull down the tight-fitting one piece.  Of course I was keen to help, pulling it down past the small of her back.  Still making out with Gemma, Constance kept herself bent at the waist as I pulled the garment down past her ass, leaving it bunched at the tops of her thighs.

I took a brief glance at her pretty pink pussy, noting how wet it was as I threw myself forward, returning my head to its rightful place.  My tongue rolled out from between my lips and I steered it straight to her clit.  I licked it a few times then moved up higher, sliding my tongue along her drippy wet slit.  She tasted amazing and I savoured the flavour of her sticky arousal as it seeped from the lips of her pussy. 

I licked up and down her several times, finally settling at the nub of her clit.  Flicking my tongue back and forth, I felt her clit start twitching against it as I lapped at her point of pleasure.  A breathy gasp escaped her lips, and again I could picture the intense look of pleasure that was etched across her face. 

“Yeah, he’s good at that, huh?” Gemma chimed in, then left several kisses somewhere on her person.

“Mmhmm,” Constance moaned back, reaching back behind her and gripping the back of my head.

I moved my hands up and grabbed her hips, gripping them tightly as I licked her faster, encircling her clit with my tongue.  Constance’s moans got louder and shriller, and her tiny body began to shake as my tongue moved swiftly around the nub of her clit, whipping her into a frenzy.

“Oh my God!  Fuck!” she hissed, tightening her grip on my thick locks of hair and needlessly pulling me into her asscrack. 

My tongue kept spinning around the nub of her clit, feeling it throb with every movement, fluid seeping from the lips of her snatch.  I quickly brought her to the brink of climax and a few more swirls of my talented tongue were all I needed to finish the job. 

“Ohhhh!  Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” 

Constance’s voice turned loud and shrill, then a wordless squeal flew forth from her lips as her orgasm hit her with full, unrelenting force.  Her legs began to tremble and I gripped her tighter to keep her steady as my tongue kept moving, licking her through the throes of climax.  I could feel her muscles tensing then finally relax as a hot rush of fluid surged forth from within her, soaking my lips and tongue. 

My tongue slowed down then finally stopped as I licked along her slit, lapping up her remaining juices.  I licked up past her asshole then kissed left buttcheek in several places, moving down to the back of her thigh.  As I pressed my lips against her smooth, soft flesh, I could hear her and Gemma start kissing again. 

“How was that?” asked Gemma as their lips came apart, already knowing the answer.

“Umm…amazing,” Constance declared, still breathing heavily as she recovered from her climax.

Gemma laughed.  “Wait ‘til you see his cock.”

“Awww!  I have to wait?!” said Constance, and though I couldn’t see her face, I’d say she was pouting in mock-disappointment. 

Gemma laughed again, louder this time.  “Oh, no!  We can whip it out right now, if you like.”

“Yes, please!” said Constance and with that they turned to face me, wearing the exact same grin as they knelt before me, Constance on my left and Gemma on my right.

I shifted back in my seat a little, leaning against the backrest as they each placed a hand just above each knee.  Turning to face each other, the girls exchanged mischievous looks as they slid their hands along both of my thighs, going in search of my cock.  I was dressed on the right so Gemma found it first, and rubbed the shaft through the crotch of my pants.  As Gemma continued to tease my cock, Constance reached up higher and began to unbuckle my belt. 

Gemma dipped her head down and kissed my shaft in several places as Constance unbuttoned the clasp on my pants and slowly unzipped the fly.  Both girls gripped a fistful of fabric and I rose from the couch so they could lower my pants.  My cock was poking out from the leg band of my boxers, pinning it tightly to the side of my thigh.

“Oh my God,” Constance exclaimed, gawking listlessly as she stared at my rock hard cock.

“Right?!” said Gemma, laughing.  “Look, it can’t even fit in his pants!”

Gemma stuck her tongue out and licked at the tip of my penis, winking at me as she did so.  It made my cock get even harder and I could feel it throbbing as it pressed against my thigh.  Constance did the same then they both hooked two fingers underneath my waistband, whipping down my boxers in one swift move. 

My cock sprang out and they left my boxers just above my knees as Gemma gripped the base, taking the head in between her lips.  Gazing up with her deep brown eyes, she closed her lips around the ridge of my crown and started to work them down the length of my shaft.  Bobbing her head back and forth, she went down deeper with every pass, slowly consuming me an inch at a time.  With her hand still clamped at the base of my shaft, she took it down as deep as she could, enough for my tip to push past her tonsils.  Holding it there for several seconds, she pulled back up to the ridge of my crown then plucked my cock from between her lips, the shaft now soaked with warm saliva.

The base stayed clutched in Gemma’s soft hand as she turned my cock a few degrees right and pointed it at Constance.  She didn’t need to be told what to do.  Gaping her lips as wide as she could, Constance sunk down onto my cock.  She took it down as deep as possible, pressing her lips against Gemma’s fingers.  If Gemma’s hand wasn’t gripped at the base, I have zero doubt she’d have taken it all. 

Gemma looked up with a silent gasp as Constance pulled back up to the tip, sucking at the head for just a few seconds before plunging straight back down.  Constance repeated that several times before Gemma let go of the base, allowing her to go down deeper.  And go down deeper is exactly what she did.  Her lips touched the base on the very next pass and continued to do so on every occasion.  It felt incredible and I couldn’t recall a time when a woman so tiny had swallowed my cock so easily. 

“Jesus, Connie!  Leave some for me!” Gemma protested, watching in awe as my dick disappeared.

Pulling back up to the tip once more, Constance popped me from between her lips, grinning at Gemma as she stroked my cock, smearing her spit all over it.

“Share with me,” she said, then turned her body ninety degrees, facing my cock from a side on angle.

Gemma did the same and soon both girls were face to face with my cock slap dab in the middle.  They smiled at each other and leaned in slowly, wrapping their lips around the base of my shaft.  Latching firmly onto either side, their lips almost touched as they took my cock in between them and started to guide them up and down my shaft.  Heads shifting from side to side, their mouths moved in perfect unison, mirroring each other’s movements as they worked their lips from base to tip. 

For the first few minutes I simply stood there, staring down at the awesome sight.  It looked amazing and felt even better, my cock twitching in between their lips.  I let them do that for as long as I could handle, but as their lips kept sliding along the length of my shaft, my cock was itching for something more.

Reaching out in front of me, I placed a hand at the back of each head and held them in place as I started thrusting.  Gemma and Constance grinned at each other, poking their tongues out and lapping at the underside.  It felt even better than it did before and my crown started twitching as I thrusted harder, sawing my cock in between their lips. 

I slowed my thrusts after several minutes, their tongues staying out as they gave the tip some special attention.  Peeling their lips from around the shaft, both of them tongued at my swollen helmet, basically kissing with my cock in the middle.  My bulbous crown was twitching like crazy and precum was seeping from my open slit, dripping down to the living room floor.  But Gemma and Constance took good care of that, licking up every single droplet as it oozed from the tip of my penis. 

Once again, the girls took over and I was quickly back in statue mode as I watched them share my cock.  They licked the tip for a couple more minutes, peeling their tongues from the slit as Constance took me in between her lips.  She fed me in from her side-on position, meaning my cock went in at an awkward angle.  My shaft rubbed against Constance’s teeth as my crown pushed into her cheek, making it bulge in suggestive fashion.  Constance gripped my cock at the base and I watched my bulge move across her cheek as she slowly wrenched it from between her lips, finally releasing it with an audible pop. 

She and Gemma giggled at each other, then Gemma repeated the trick, popping it free in an exaggerated manner.  Each of them did that a couple more times then sucked my cock some more, passing it back and forth.  This continued for several minutes, only stopping when Constance stood and pulled me in for a kiss. 

“Sit,” she said as our lips came apart, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me onto the couch.

I pulled down my boxers and kicked them aside, then sat back down on the couch, watching as she turned around and stuck her ass out behind her.  Bending at the waist, she grabbed the lingerie still dangling from her thighs and pulled it down the rest of the way, pushing her ass out further.  Of course I did what anyone would do, and promptly shoved my face in it, licking along her pussy and right up to her ass. 

“Ohhh-ho-ho, yes!” Constance squealed, sounding excited as I gripped her asscheeks and spread them further apart. 

Her butthole split open and I pushed my tongue in it, slowly fucking her ass with it as my head bobbed back and forth.  The next thing I felt was a hand on my cock as Constance reached back between her thighs and gripped the top of my shaft.  Cooing and moaning as I ate her ass, she started stroking up and down my cock, jerking me off at the perfect speed. 

I couldn’t take it anymore.  I needed to put it inside her.  Right the fuck now.  I plucked my tongue from Constance’s ass, moving my hands to the small of her back as I pushed her down towards the floor.  Constance took the hint, lifting her head up and as she lowered herself down, dropping into a squat.  At some point, Gemma had sat down beside me and the two of us watched as Constance gripped my cock and rubbed the tip against her pussy.

I was fully prepared for her to sink down onto it when, at the very last second, she slid her hand to the top of my shaft and pushed it against my stomach.  Dropping down the rest of the way, she basically sat on the base of my cock, slotting the shaft in between her asscheeks and pinning it against my abs.  Placing her hands just above her knees, she began to grind up against me, rubbing her pussy up and down my dick.

“Oh, wow!” said Gemma beside me.  “Now THAT’S what I call a lapdance!”

The two of us watched as she ground back and forth, smearing her juices all over my cock. 

“Oh my God, look how wet she is,” Gemma exclaimed, hungrily licking her lips.  “Fuuuck, I gotta taste that.”

Gemma stood and moved behind Constance, kneeling in between her legs.  Constance leaned forward and stuck her ass out, reaching back between her legs and rubbing her wet pussy.  My cock returned to its upright position as Gemma crawled in between my thighs.  Keeping her hands pressed down on the floor, she let my cock press against her face as she wrapped her lips around one of my balls.  Dousing it in spit, she popped it free from between her lips, leaving it to dangle as she switched to the other.     

She sucked that one too then moved up higher, keeping my cock pressed against her face and breathing in the smell as she slowly licked along the underside.  She ran her tongue right up to the tip, lapping up the precum that had formed inside my slit.  Gripping my cock at the base, she angled it forward slightly as she parted her lips and slid them down onto the head.  She sucked the tip a few times then moved down lower, cleaning up the fluids that coated every inch of my shaft.  Her lips went down to the hilt and she kept them there for several seconds, drenching my cock in spit.

Gemma’s lips pulled up to the tip and she plucked my crown from between them.  Gemma gripped my cock at the base and worked her hand up and down my shaft, jerking me slowly with a *SCHLICK* *SCHLOCK* *SCHLICK* that filled the expanse of the room.  Tilting her head back, Gemma kept stroking as she stuck her tongue out, guiding it straight to Constance’s pussy as it perched just above her head.  She slid her tongue up and down her slit, licking the juice from the lips of her pussy.  Gemma did that several times then peeled her tongue from her girlfriend’s pussy, crawling back slowly from between my legs.

“Sit on his cock,” she instructed, and Constancce was happy to oblige.

Gripping her asscheeks and spreading them wide, Constance slowly squatted down, resting her slit on the tip of my penis.  I gripped my cock to keep it steady, holding it tightly as my swollen helmet slid into Constance’s pussy. 

“Oh my God!” Constance gasped, breathing in deeply as her inner walls stretched, spreading around my cockhead.

It took her a moment to adjust to the size.  This was pretty common for a first-timer, especially for someone as tiny as her.  She dropped slowly, taking my cock an inch at a time.  Constance’s pussy was tight as hell but the slick moisture that lined her inner walls was enough to ease me in.  Her pussy slid down to around midshaft and I uncurled my fingers from the base, gripping the edge of the couch as she sunk down lower, taking the last few inches.  Constance let go of her ass, pushing it down and against my groin as she vanished my cock entirely.

“Oh my GOD!” she repeated, louder this time, unleashing a deep moan as my cock filled up her pussy.

She stayed like that for several seconds then slowly rose back up, a fresh coat of wetness now smeared along my shaft as my cock came back into view.  She started to ride me slow and deep, pulling right up to the ridge of my crown before she sunk back down to the base.  Her pussy gripped me extra tight, squeezing every inch that she took inside her.  It felt incredible; like I was getting the slowest, firmest, westest handjob you can possibly imagine. 

Gemma climbed onto the couch, positioning herself on her hands and knees.

“Ohh, fuck, that’s hot,” she purred excitedly, watching in awe as her friend’s tight pussy slid up and down my cock.  “Can I taste her pussy some more?”

I didn’t offer a verbal response, simply gripping my cock at the base and waiting for Constance to return to the tip before I plucked the crown from her pussy.  Gemma leaned over, taking the crown in between her lips and working them down my shaft.  She went down quicker than I had expected and I uncurled my fingers from the base of the shaft, giving her mouth full access.  Gemma took advantage of that, promptly sinking right down to the base. 

I felt my tip push into her throat as her forehead rested at the top of my thigh.  My head fell back against the backrest and I tightened my grip on the edge of the sofa as Gemma started sucking, slurping up her girlfriend’s fluids with some degree of relish.  She stayed like that for close to a minute, feeling me throb in her mouth and throat before pulling back up to the tip.  She popped the crown from between her lips and gripped my cock at the base, smearing her spit all along my shaft as she stroked it up and down, pointing the tip at her friend’s wet pussy. 

Constance slid back onto my shaft, going down slowly like she had before.  I couldn’t take any more of the teasing and my hands reached up of their own accord, gripping her tight, toned ass.  Her pussy was wrapped around the ridge of my crown and I kept her right there as I started thrusting, bucking my ass off the couch cushions as I drilled up into her snatch.

“Oh, FUCK!” she yelled as the first thrust hit her, throwing her head back dramatically and screaming at the ceiling above.

Gripping her tightly, I slammed into her pussy with quick, hard snaps of my hips, going ballsdeep with every stroke.  Constance started moaning loudly, yelping and cussing as she took each thrust.  Leaning slightly forward with her hands above her knees, her arms started shaking as she held the awkward stance.  As did her legs, which looked like they could buckle at any given second. 

“Ohhh, shit!” Constance moaned, gripping herself harder to maintain her balance.  “Oh my God, I’m gonna cum!”

“Mmm, yeah.  That’s it, Connie,” said Gemma beside me.  “Cum on that dick, girl!”

A few more thrusts and she did just that.  Moving my hands up and grabbing her hips, I pulled her down into me as her orgasm hit, feeling her pussy grip my cock as she sunk right down to the bottom. 

“OHHH, YES!” she screamed out loudly, a burst of fluid gushing from within her that soaked my cock entirely. 

Removing my hand from one of her hips, I reached out in front of her and between her legs, putting my fingers to the nub of her clit.  Rubbing it vigorously, I extended her orgasm by several more seconds, ensuring she came as hard as possible.  Her high-pitched screams increased in volume and I could feel her muscles tightening, squeezing my cock to the point of bursting.  I kept her there ‘til she reached her peak then pushed her back up to the top, prying my cock from the grip of her pussy. 

Gemma leaned forward without missing a beat, wrapping her lips around the tip of my penis and plunging straight down to the base.  Gemma’s cheeks hollowed inward and she sucked my cock with potent force, slurping up the juices that her friend had left behind.  She pumped her mouth down it several times then dragged her lips back up to the tip, plucking the crown from between them. 

Now my cock was drenched in spittle and Gemma kept stroking it as she threw a leg over both my thighs, planting her knees either side of me.  Getting a firm grip on the base of my shaft, Gemma lowered herself onto my cock, slotting the crown into her tight pink pussy.  Uncurling her fingers from around the base, Gemma’s arms went around my shoulders as she leaned in closer, pressing her lips against mine.

I wrapped my arms around the small of her back, holding her tightly as my cock slid into her, slowly filling her pussy.  Lips locked together and tongues entwined, she moaned into my mouth as she sunk down lower, sliding right down to the base.  Our lips came apart, an intense look of pleasure spreading across her face as her ass touched down on the tops of my thighs, my entire length embedded inside her. 

“Ohhhh, my God,” she moaned softly as she moved her hands to the back of my head, pulling me in for another long kiss.

The next thing I felt was a tongue on my balls as Constance crawled in between my legs, licking across my nutsack and up to Gemma’s asshole.  I couldn’t see her doing it, of course, but I was made aware of it pretty fucking quickly as Gemma peeled her lips from mine, moaning loudly as she filled me in.

“Ohhhh, fuck!  She’s licking arse,” Gemma purred softly, her face lit up in the throes of pleasure. 

“Yeah, you like that, huh?” I said as I moved my hands down to Gemma’s tight ass, gripping both asscheeks and spreading them apart. 

I still couldn’t see what was happening down there but it seemed like Constance had taken the hint, as Gemma’s eyes went suddenly wide, her lips puckered in a perfect O. 

“What’s she doing now?” I asked with a grin.

“Ohhh, God, she’s put her tongue right in there!”

I lifted my hand up and slapped her ass, drawing a loud *SMACK* that bounced off the living room walls.  “Oh, yeah?  She’s fucking that ass with her tongue, huh?”

Gemma nodded slowly, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head.

“Do you want me to fuck you while she does that?”

Gemma nodded again, clamping her eyes shut as barely audible moans fluttered from her open mouth.  I raised my hand and spanked her again, her eyes flying open as another sharp *SMACK* carried through the expanse of the room. 

“Answer me,” I snapped, snarling at her through gritted teeth.

“YES!  Yes, yes, yes!  I want you to fuck me!”

That was all I needed to hear.  I lifted her up to the ridge of my crown and held her there as I started thrusting, slamming hard into her hot, wet pussy.  Constance moved back down to my balls, licking them as best she could as they slapped against Gemma’s taint.  Then she licked up along my shaft, trailing her tongue along the underside as I drilled it deep into Gemma’s tight snatch.  I felt her tongue brush over the tip then Gemma’s eyes went wide again as Constance returned to her puckered sphincter. 

“OHHH, FUCK!  YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!” Gemma squealed, pulling at my hair as I kept on thrusting, giving her all I had.

Of course, I couldn’t see what was happening back there and this time Gemma was in no state to tell me.  But the following day, when Constance had left, Gemma was kind enough to fill me in on exactly what her friend had been doing.  She started by lapping at Gemma’s tight ass, licking it gently with long, slow swipes of her tongue.  Then she began to apply more pressure, pushing her tongue against it increasing force and vigour. 

Constance did that several times then pushed her tongue inside her.  I knew when that had happened ‘cause I felt her pussy tighten, clenching my shaft with a vice-like grip as I fucked her from beneath.  Constance started bobbing her head, pushing her tongue in deep.  Gemma said she could feel her lips press against her asshole, kissing it repeatedly as she fucked her with her tongue. 

Gemma started moaning louder, her screams now filling the room as I drilled up into her, pounding hard and fast.  She gripped my hair with surprising force, wrenching my head back as she cried out in ecstasy.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!  I’m gonna cum!  I’m gonna cum!”

I gave a few more thrusts then grabbed onto her hips, pushing her down to the base.  Her eyes clamped shut and her features were violently skewed as her body was hit by a bone-shaking climax. 

“OHHH!  FUUU-UUU-UUUCCCKKK!!!” she screamed, almost sounding like she was crying as the noise came out in an agonised whine.

Something had made her cum incredible fucking hard.  Of course, my cock had something to do with it, but there was definitely more to it than that.  I couldn’t see what at the time unfortunately, but again Gemma told me the following day.  Constance’s tongue went right up her ass, right at the point of climax.  And once she’d told me that, the way she reacted made perfect sense.  Her pussy gripped me extra tight, clenching my shaft as she came all over it, soaking my member in sticky, warm fluid.  Her grip on my hair got tighter as well, nearly pulling it out at the root as the feeling coursed through her every inch, shaking her down to the core. 

She must have cum for close to a minute and I was starting to wonder if she was ever gonna stop.  Eventually she did and her eyes came open, her features softening as the feeling began to subside.  Gemma leaned in and kissed me again, panting into my mouth with deep, heavy breaths.  As our lips locked together and our tongues entwined, I could feel her grinding against me.  She clearly wanted more. 

I moved my hands back down to her ass and our lips came apart as I lifted her up, encouraging her to ride me.  I didn’t need to encourage her much as Gemma rose up of her own accord, working her pussy right up to the tip then dropping it straight back down again.  Her ass crashed down on the tops of my thighs, the resulting *SMACK* almost bursting my eardrums.  Unwrapping her arms from around my neck, Gemma grabbed onto the top of the backrest, starting to ride me as hard as she could.  Her eyes locked onto mine, staring at me intensely as my hands went back to her hips.  I got a firm grip on her, but make no mistake, she was doing all the work. 

I let her ride me for a few more minutes then moved my hands to the backs of her thighs, taking her with me as I rose to my feet.  Gemma yelped and threw her arms back around my shoulders, clinging on tightly as I lifted her up.  I felt Constance latch onto my balls, sucking on them one by one as I lifted her up to the ridge of my crown.  I held her there for a couple of seconds then dropped her back down to the base, a loud scream vaulting forth from her lips as I impaled her hot, wet snatch. 

I kept that up for as long as I could, my biceps popping as I lifted and dropped her, working her pussy up and down my dick.  As I started to fall into a steady rhythm, I could feel that Constance was licking my shaft, making Gemma’s pussy tighten as her tongue slid up to her asshole.

Standing cradled is hard on the arms so I made sure to take regular breaks.  Lifting Gemma right up to the tip, I held her up with a single hand as I grabbed my cock with the other, prying the head from her pussy.  I returned my hand to the backs of her thighs as Constance gripped my cock at the base then sunk her lips down onto it. 

Gemma pulled me in for a kiss as Constance slid down the length of my shaft, gripping onto the backs of my legs as she took me down the balls.  Pulling back up to around mid-shaft, she made sure her lips stayed nice and loose as she pumped her mouth along the last few inches, basically fucking her own throat. 

She kept that up for quite some time.  It gave my arms a well-earned rest, but my cock was granted no such privilege.  I was already throbbing whilst fucking Gemma, and the aggressive blowjob was making it worse.  As good as it felt in her mouth and throat, I was kinda relieved when she wrenched me free, pointing my cock back at Gemma’s tight pussy.

I slid back inside her with considerable ease, helped by the spittle now coating every inch of my shaft.  This time around I held her still, tightly gripping her tall, lithe body as I pumped my hips back and forth, ramming my cock into her pussy.  I was a few thrusts in when I felt her tighten, and was promptly enlightened as to why that was. 

“Mmm, yes, baby!  Lick my arse!” Gemma encouraged, her eyes glazing over as she took each thrust. 

I could tell that she was getting close, and promptly switched to a better position so I could properly finish her off.  Hurriedly turning one eighty degrees, Gemma yelped as I spun her around, remaining inside as I lowered her down and plonked her back down on the couch.  She kept her arms wrapped around my shoulders, keeping me down on top of her as I delivered the last few thrusts.  Bent at the waist with my knees slightly cocked, my ass was basically stuck out behind me; perfect for Constance to shove her face into.  And that is exactly what she did.  Rolling her tongue out from between her lips, she lapped at my ass each time I pulled back, making my dick throb harder as I drilled it deep into Gemma’s pussy. 

I started thrusting harder, making sure Gemma came before I did.  Luckily for me it worked like a charm, and a few more thrusts were all it took to tip her over the edge.  Gemma came with explosive force, wrapping her legs around the backs of my thighs to ensure I stayed as deep as possible.  And, boy, did she succeed.  I was literally buried inside her.  Tip against her cervix.  Balls against her taint.  The whole nine yards. 

“Ohhh, FUCK!  YES!” Gemma squealed, her features twisting, digging her fingers into the back of my neck as a powerful orgasm raced through her body. 

Her pussy gripped me extra tight, nearly wringing my cock like a sponge as Constance’s tongue brushed against my asshole.  I tried to hold out for as long as I could but the feeling was just too much.  Reaching back behind me, I placed a hand on Constance’s head and quickly pushed her back, barely a second away from exploding in Gemma’s pussy.  Gemma’s legs stayed wrapped around me, keeping me deep inside her.  I did all I could to keep from cumming, averting my eyes from her gorgeous O face as she rode the waves of pleasure. 

By some sort of miracle I made it through and no sooner had Gemma relaxed her legs, had I freed my cock from the grip of her pussy.  Gemma reached down in between her legs, gently rubbing her sensitive clit. 

“Do you need a break?” she asked.  A tiny grin had formed on her lips, clearly aware of how close I’d come.

“Uh uh,” I said defiantly, promptly grabbing a nearby ottoman and pushing it against the couch.

Gemma put her legs up and stretched herself out across the newly arranged furniture.

“Come here,” I said as I looked at Constance, patting the edge of the ottoman.

Constance grinned then did as instructed.  Climbing up onto the ottoman, she got on all fours with her knees at the edge and her ass thrust out behind her.  Crawling into the gap between Gemma’s splayed legs, her tongue rolled out from between her lips and went straight to Gemma’s clit, licking it swiftly as I moved in behind her. 

I gripped my cock at the base of the shaft and pressed the tip against Constance’s pussy, steering it in with a single thrust.  Her pussy stretched as I pushed inside her and I heard her moan into Gemma’s slick twat as I buried myself to the hilt.  I kept it inside her for close to a minute, letting her feel how deep I was, listening to her moan as she ate Gemma’s pussy.  I placed my hands on her firm, round buttcheeks and slowly pried them apart, her asshole splitting open as I drew my cock right back to the tip. 

I kept it there for several seconds, just long enough for her to miss my cock, then threw myself forward with a hard, sharp thrust that took me back down to the base.  Constance threw her head back, moaning out loud as the force of my thrust hit her like a battering ram. 

“OHHH, FUCK!” she yelped, sounding almost stunned as I withdrew my cock, pulling right back to the ridge of my crown.

“Good?” asked Gemma.

“SO good,” Constance replied, barely uttering the final syllable before her body was rocked by another hard thrust.

I fucked her like that for quite some time, giving slow, hard thrusts that vanished my cock entirely.  Constance moaned as she took each thrust, the sounds deeply muffled by Gemma’s wet pussy.  Gemma scooped up a handful of hair, holding it like a handle as she ate her out.  I couldn’t see what she was doing exactly, but whatever it was, Gemma was clearly enjoying it.  Mouth hanging open and eyes clamped shut, she was cooing softly as Constance licked her, gently pawing at her perky tits.

Latching onto Constance’s hips, I gripped them tightly as I thrusted harder, maintaining the force and depth but increasing the pace significantly.  Soon our bodies were crashing together, ripples coursing through both her asscheeks as I threw myself into them, pounding with little restraint.  Constance moaned louder as she took my cock, her body so tiny that it moved with every thrust. 

She started to lose her concentration and Gemma had to hold onto the back of her head to ensure that it stayed where she wanted it.  I wasn’t deterred and kept on thrusting, slamming into her pussy with all I had left.  In a way I was kind of helping, since every thrust I put into her body shoved her forward into Gemma’s tight snatch.

Placing both hands at the back of her head, Gemma started grinding her hips, rubbing her pussy against her girlfriend’s tongue.  Gemma’s expression suddenly changed, going from a glassy-eyed look of subdued pleasure to a charged-up state of fierce determination.  It was like a switch had been flicked inside her.  Before she wanted to cum; now she needed to.  She started grinding harder and I did my best to match her speed, putting harder thrusts into Constance’s pussy. 

“Oh, fuck!  Yes!  Yes, yes, yes!  I’m gonna cum!” Gemma blurted out, staring into Constance’s eyes as she frantically grinded against her. 

She came hard, loud screams flying forth from her lips as she bucked her hips with ferocious speed, roughly pulling at Constance’s hair.  I kept on thrusting as her orgasm hit, going in hard on her friend’s tight pussy as she came all over her face.  Constance came too about five seconds later, screaming into Gemma’s pussy as I delivered the decisive thrust, burying myself inside her.  Her pussy gripped every inch of my cock, dousing it with fluid at the point of climax. 

Gemma’s movements slowed to a stop, giving a few last upward thrusts as her body was racked by the final jolts of pleasure.  Her grip came loose on Constance’s head and she collapsed back down onto the couch, clearly overcome by the force of her climax.  I waited a few seconds for them both to recover then eased my cock from Constance’s pussy, noting how wet she’d left my shaft. 

Constance crawled forward on top of her friend and the two of them shared a kiss, gently moaning as their lips locked together.  Gemma’s hands slid down her back, giving her ass a gentle squeeze. 

“Thanks for the lesson,” said Gemma, grinning at Constance as their lips came apart.

“Thanks for the cock,” Constance replied and the two of them laughed before turning to face me.

“Speaking of which…” Gemma began.

“Guess we better get him off, huh?” Constance added.

“Mmhmm,” said Gemma, kissing her cheek.  “Can’t leave him like that, can we?”

Clearly she was talking to Constance, but I felt compelled to answer for her.

“No, you can’t,” I said, and both women laughed before crawling towards me.

I moved the ottoman out of the way as the girls knelt at the edge of the sofa, facing each other with my cock in the middle.  Both girls latched onto the base of my shaft, wrapping their lips around either side of it.  Both sets of lips enclosed it fully, to the point that they were touching each other.  They started by sliding them along my shaft, smirking and giggling as they worked me over.  My cock was twitching something fierce and I could hear the drops of precum as they dripped down onto the sofa.

Then, just when I thought it couldn’t feel any better, the girls poked their tongues out and started lapping at the underside, turning the cock-filled kiss into a full on makeout as their tongues started brushing together.  I tilted my head back and moaned towards the ceiling, reaching forward without even thinking and placing a hand on each of their heads.  The girls took the hint and from that point on their heads remained still as I started thrusting slowly.

They kept their lips pressed tightly together, giving me the perfect tunnel to saw my meaty cock through.  Their tongues stayed out, licking at the underside as I thrusted harder, looking back down at the vision beneath me.  Their faces were in such close proximity that all I could see was the top of their heads, along with my cock each time I thrusted.  If I allowed my eyes to wander a little, I was treated to the sight of their beautiful asses, shaped to perfection as they stuck out behind them. 

Everything about it was fucking amazing.  The sight.  The feeling.  Even the sounds as they licked and sucked at the sides of my shaft, giggling and moaning the whole way through.  I couldn’t take any more.  I pulled right back from between their lips and the girls leaned in to kiss each other, making out aggressively as I jerked my cock beside them. Their lips came apart and they turned to face me, their faces touching cheek to cheek.  Again, the sight was utterly perfect.  Tongues poked out from between their lips, gently flicking against each other as I stroked my throbbing cock.  Matching brown eyes stared up into mine, silently begging me to cum all over them.

A few more strokes and they got their wish.  My cockhead erupted in explosive fashion, shooting spunk in every direction.  It went freakin’ everywhere.  Lips, noses, cheeks.   Foreheads, eyelashes, hair.  Pick a body part from above the neck and there’s a very good chance that it had some cum on it. 

“Wow!” said Gemma, gasping a little in disbelief. 

The girls both laughed then turned to face each other.

“Oh my God, you’re coated!” said Constance, seeing her friend’s face and the sheer amount of semen that was plastered across it.

Gemma laughed as she looked at Constance.  “Newsflash, honey: so are you.”

Gemma poked her tongue and licked up the cum from Constance’s mouth, using a finger to scoop up some more from the harder to reach places.  Constance returned the favour and they slid their fingers in between their lips, gleefully sucking them clean.  Turning back to me, they wrapped their lips around the tip of my cock and sucked out the last of the spunk, wrapping things up with a cum-swapping kiss. 

“So,” said Gemma as their lips came apart, “anything else you can teach me?”

I sat back on the couch and the lesson continued.  Constance demonstrated more of her moves, which of course led to further sex.  We started in the lounge again, later moving to the bedroom where we continued to fuck into the early hours.  We fucked again the following morning then all took a shower together where we fucked a little more.

Constance took off in the early afternoon, and Gemma and I took a much needed break.  We started with lunch in the backyard then hung out by the pool for a while.  Gemma changed into her bikini and went for a swim, and once I saw her dressed in that I knew my break was over.  I joined her in the water and we fooled around in the deep for a while, then paddled back to the shallows so I could eat her pussy at the edge of the pool.  Things continued when we returned to the recliners, then continued some more when we went back inside.  We’d worked up a sweat by the time we were done so we went to take another shower. 

That night was set to be Gemma’s last and she said she had a surprise for me.  Given the way that the first few nights had gone, I was obviously very excited.  Gemma got dressed into some casual clothing and told me to do the same.

“Don’t wear anything fancy,” was what she said.  “We’ll change after dinner.”

We went downstairs to get started on dinner and the entire time my mind was racing, wondering what she had planned.  Gemma knocked up more Chinese food and we ate at the table with a bottle of wine.  After that we moved to the sofa and watched a movie while we finished the wine. 

We cuddled up a little while we watched the film, but I was kinda disappointed when nothing else happened.  I tried a few times to make the move but Gemma kept stopping me, making out that she was watching the movie when really I think she just wanted me to wait.  Finally the credits rolled and Gemma downed the last of her wine.

“Right, you stay there,” Gemma instructed as she rose from her seat.  “I’m gonna go and get changed.”

I flicked through the channels on my massive TV as Gemma went back to her bedroom.  She was in there a while and frankly the wait was excruciating.  She finally emerged about forty minutes later and I have to say that the vision before me was well worth the wait.  Hair re-styled and makeup applied, Gemma was dressed in a black lycra bodysuit with a plunging neckline (if one could call it such) that went all the way down to below her navel, leaving the sides of breasts and most of her midriff entirely exposed.

Standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips, she called to me from across the room.  “Come over here.”

I turned the TV off and crossed the room, moving as swiftly as my legs would carry me. 

“Take off your clothes.”

I pulled my t-shirt up over my head and quickly took off my shorts.  Standing before her in a pair of boxers, I went to remove those too before Gemma quickly stopped me. 

“Uh uh.  Leave those on.  And come with me.”

Gemma turned on her stiletto heels and revealed the back of her outfit.  Gemma’s back was completely exposed, the only material being a thin strip of lycra around her neck and a floss-like g-string bisecting her ass cheeks.  I felt myself get instantly hard and could barely concentrate on walking as she led me through the hallway and up the flight of stairs. 

This in itself was a curiosity.  The top floor of my house didn’t see much action, but given that she said that she had a surprise for me, I had a pretty good idea why she’d brought me up here.  After all, I’d pulled this trick a few times myself: take someone up to the second floor and they won’t be able to hear what’s happening in the foyer.  So I had a good idea what my surprise might be, but played along regardless.  I followed her across the second floor landing and into a bedroom at the end of the hall.

“What are we doing in here?” I asked, playing dumb.

“You’ll see,” said Gemma.  “Now get on your knees.”

I did as she told me, dropping to my knees on the bedroom floor.  Gemma had clearly been up here already and had left some items lined up on the bed.  The first was a pair of handcuffs, which she hurriedly plucked from the bedsheets and twirled around her finger as she walked around behind me. 

“Hands,” she said and again I did as instructed, holding my hands out behind my back. 

I felt cool steel wrap around my wrist, then a loud snap as the cuff clicked shut.  Gemma fastened the second cuff then walked back over to the bed, this time returning with a blindfold in her hand.  She stretched the blindfold over my head and I savoured my last few seconds of vision before she moved the fabric in front of my eyes.  I heard her walk back around in front of me then felt a finger underneath my chin, tilting my head back several degrees. 

I felt her lips press against my own, her tongue sliding into my mouth and wrestling mine into submission.  The kiss was brief and was quickly followed by a hand on my scalp, returning my head to its normal position.

“Back in a mo’,” she whispered softly, followed by footsteps that faded out slowly as she marched off down the hall. 

She was gone a while.  I had no idea how long, of course, but her decision to take me to the second floor had definitely paid off, ‘cause I couldn’t hear a thing that was happening in the house.  Finally, I heard some footsteps approach.  I wasn’t sure how many there were, but definitely more than one.  The approaching steps got steadily louder, reaching full volume as Gemma and whoever was with her stepped back into the room.  Nobody gasped.  Nobody laughed.  Nobody spoke.  Nobody uttered a single sound, except for footsteps on the carpeted floor as they crossed the room towards me. 

The last thing I heard was two loud steps; it sounded like they were right in front of me.  I felt a hand grip the back of my head, and a loud “mmpf!” escaped my lips as I was sharply pulled forward, right into the middle of a pair of asscheeks.  Whose they were, I didn’t have the faintest.  They weren’t Gemma’s, that was for sure; too firm and toned.  Gemma’s ass was pretty athletic, but this one was a whole other level.  I’d had my face in some asses before but never one quite like this. 

I couldn’t work out what it was she was wearing. Something with a zip, I knew that much ‘cause I could feel it grazing the sides of my face.  Whatever it was, she had it unzipped, ‘cause the crack of her ass was completely exposed.  I could feel her cheeks press against my face as the warmth of her pussy flooded my nostrils.  I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to lick yet so I kept my tongue where nature intended, enjoying the feeling of those strong, toned asscheeks as they squished against my face.  My nose and mouth were completely buried and I could feel my oxygen beginning to deplete. 

The woman kept me there for a few more seconds, seeing how much I could handle.  Don’t wanna brag, but having been facesat by Bryce Dallas Howard, I can handle a hell of a lot.  I felt her gripping a fistful of hair then pulled my face from between her asscheeks.  I breathed in deeply, desperately sucking in air as the mystery woman stepped out from in front of me and was promptly replaced by another. 

Again a hand gripped the back of my head, pulling me forward with a moment’s delay.  I heard something squeak as it pressed against my chest, probably the latex of whatever she was wearing.  Whatever that was, it definitely didn’t cover her ass, ‘cause my face went all the way into it.  And when I say all the way, I mean all the fucking way. Just like the first one, this ass was all muscle, but the thing that struck me was how fucking big it was.  The first one wasn’t small by any means, but this one was something else.

My head was almost completely submerged and because her ass was so meaty and strong, I could feel it clenching around my face, making me wonder if I’d get back out again.  Again my oxygen was rapidly depleting and as she had me in such a firm grip I was starting to genuinely panic.  Her hand slid up to the top of my head and I breathed an enormous sight of relief as she pushed me back from between her asscheeks. 

Her hand returned to the back of my head and she held me there for several seconds, just long enough for me to catch my breath, before she pulled me straight back in again.  Tightly gripping the back of my head, she started to grind up against my face, rubbing her ass all over it. 

“Ooh, yeah!  That’s it,” said Gemma excitedly.  “Rub it all over his face.  Does he have his tongue out?”

The woman gave no verbal response, so I guess she must have shaken her head, ‘cause Gemma continued with, “well, come on then, Tyler.  You know what to do.”

I poked my tongue out from between my lips and was greeted by the warmth of the woman’s wet pussy.  She tasted great, whoever she was, and I happily kept my tongue extended, allowing her to use it however she pleased.  The woman started grinding harder and I felt my tongue slide over her taint and up to her puckered asshole.  She kept that up for quite some time, keeping me wedged in between her cheeks as she made me taste her pussy and ass.

Another sharp pull of my hair and my head was wrenched free.  I took the opportunity to fill up my lungs as the second woman stepped away and the first one took her place.  A dainty hand gripped the back of my head and again my face was smothered.  Gripping tightly to the back of my head, I could feel her zip rub against my face as she ground her ass up against me.  Again I kept my tongue outstretched, making sure that I tasted both her holes.  She tasted just as good as her friend, and I’d happily have stayed with my face in that ass for as long as she wanted me in there.

This time it was Gemma that pried me loose, pulling my head right back until I was staring at the ceiling above me.  Or, at least I would have been if I wasn’t wearing a blindfold.  I knew it was her ‘cause she leaned in and kissed me, pushing that familiar tongue in and tussling with mine so she could taste her girlfriends’ holes.  Prying her lips from mine, she put her hands to the sides of my head and pushed it back into its usual position. 

“Stand,” she said and I promptly did so, rising to my feet as quick as I could. 

“Hmm, let’s pop this out, shall we?” Gemma declared, sliding her fingers underneath my waistband. 

My dick was already hard as a rock and I could feel it slowly rising as she inched my boxers down.  The waistband slid over the swell of my crown and my cock sprung out like a jack-in-the-box.  I didn’t see that happen, of course, but if the force I felt was anything to go by, I’m surprised it didn’t take someone’s eye out.

I felt a hand grip the base of my shaft and a pair of lips slide over the crown.  I had no idea who this was, of course, I just knew that it wasn’t Gemma.  Gemma has a lovely pair of lips, but these ones were friggin’ huge.  And boy, did she know how to use them.  Sliding them smoothly in a back and forth motion, they glided down my shaft with consummate ease, edging towards the base in a matter of seconds.  Her hand came free from the base of my shaft and I felt my tip push past her tonsils as she took me right down to the hilt. 

“Uhh, fuck!” I moaned, tilting my head back as I felt her thick lips press against my groin.

She kept me there for close to a minute and I could hear her slurping as she sucked my cock, drenching my shaft with spittle.  I felt her lips pull back to the tip then heard a loud *POP* as she plucked it free.  Curling her fingers around the base, I felt her angle my cock to the right, presumably pointing it at whoever was next to her.

A second hand took hold of my cock, gripping it tightly just below the crown and pointing it up at the ceiling.  A tongue pressed against the base of my shaft then licked along the underside, cleaning up the spit that her friend had just left there.  Her tongue slid up to the tip of my cock, lapping at the slit a few times before she wrapped her lips around the ridge of my crown. 

This second set of lips was smaller than the first but she used them just as proficiently, forming a tight seal around the width of my shaft.  I could feel them moving up and down my cock, sliding back and forth as she bobbed her head.  Precum was leaking from the tip of my prick, trickling down her throat as she went down deeper, taking me down to the base.  I felt her hands latch onto my hips as she pumped her mouth up and down my shaft, kissing my groin repeatedly.  She pulled her lips back one last time then popped my crown from between them. 

Clutching it at the base, again my cock was turned to the right where a third pair of lips were ready and waiting.  These ones felt like Gemma’s, and my cock twitched as her soft pink lips slid over the crown and her tongue brushed against the tip of my prick.  She licked along it several times, cleaning up the precum before she went down deeper, working her lips down the first few inches.  A pair of lips wrapped around my balls, those same big, thick ones that had taken first dibs on my cock.  Sucking on them one at a time, she doused them both in spit as Gemma’s head moved back and forth, going down deeper with every pass.

I heard the familiar squeak of latex and soon became aware of a presence behind me.  Someone lifted my handcuffed wrists and squeezed into the gap between my hands and my ass.  The next thing I felt was a face in my asscrack as a tongue licked across my hairless taint.  The tongue quickly found my asshole and glided across it with a long, slow lick, making my dick throb harder as Gemma sucked me off.  The woman repeated that several times then I felt her hands grab onto my asscheeks, spreading them apart so she could push her tongue inside.

“Oh my God,” I moaned out softly, my legs nearly buckling as her slick tongue pushed into my ass.

I’ve had my ass licked numerous times, but by a woman I hadn’t even seen yet?  Well, I’ve gotta admit that that was a first.  Her head started bobbing and I could feel her tongue slide back and forth, the chain on my handcuffs rattling as it stretched against the back of her head. 

Gemma started sucking harder and my cockhead twitched with a violent spasm as it glided past her tonsils.  I felt her lips wrap around the base, hearing her gag a little as my crown sunk into the back of her throat.  My fists clenched, muscles tensing all over my body as I did all I could to keep from cumming.

To my immense relief, Gemma pulled back up to the tip and plucked my crown from between her lips.  The woman behind me climbed out of my ass and I felt her kiss along the small of my back, moving up slowly as she rose to her feet.  I felt Gemma’s lips press against my own as her sprightly tongue pushed into my mouth.  Our kiss was joined by a third set of lips, and before I knew it, tongues were flicking in every direction. 

“Would you like me to take this off now?” Gemma asked, lightly pulling at the strap of my blindfold.

“Please,” I said, coaxing giggles from all three women as the blindfold was pulled from in front of my eyes.

It took a moment to adjust to the light, but once I did I found myself looking at Lashana Lynch, owner of the thick lips and even thicker ass that I was already well acquainted with. 

Lashana was dressed in red high heels, a red latex bra and a matching skirt, which although I could only see the front of it, I already knew to be entirely assless. 

“Lash.  Tyler,” said Gemma, smirking as she introduced us.

“Hi,” she said.


I had a pretty good idea who was standing behind me, but I took a quick glance to make sure.  Yep.  Brie Larson, sporting a particularly devilish smirk as she wrapped her arms around me, kissing my shoulders and neck. 

She was wearing a black full length catsuit, which zipped right up to her neck and all the way down to her navel.

“Surprised?” asked Gemma.

“That I didn’t just cum down your throat?” I asked back.  “Yes, very.”

The girls laughed. 

“OK,” said Gemma.  “I think you need to get on the bed.  Take off his cuffs.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Brie replied, grinning as she uncuffed my wrists.

Gemma gripped my cock and led me towards the bed. 

“Lay down.  Head up here,” Gemma instructed, patting the end of the mattress.

I did as instructed, laying across the bed with my head at the end and my feet against the headboard.  Gemma opened a drawer on the nightstand and plucked out a handful of velcro ties. 

“Here you are, girls,” she said with a smirk as she tossed once each to Brie and Lashana.

The ladies caught them and the next thing I knew they were squatted beside me, cuffing my wrists to the bed.  As Gemma cuffed my ankles, Brie and Lashana looked at one another, exchanging grins as they loomed up above me. 

“So, who goes first?” asked Brie.

“You crack on, love.  Me and this face have got unfinished business,” Lashana declared, giving my cheek a menacing stroke. 

The two of them laughed then shared a quick kiss before Brie moved to the centre of the bed.  I watched as Lashana turned on her heels, squating just a little as she arched her back.  The tight red skirt she was wearing clung to her hips like a second skin, keeping her thighs pressed tightly together and completely exposing her big, black ass.  Although I’d already been buried inside it, this was my first time actually seeing it, and, boy, was it incredible.  So thick.  So round.  I found myself just staring at it, practically drooling as it hovered above me. 

“Ready, darlin’?” Lashana asked.

She gripped her cheeks and spread them wide, giving me a view of her pussy and asshole.  If I wasn’t ready before, I certainly was now.

“Mmhmm,” I replied, then watched as her booty slowly descended, blocking my vision again as it dropped down onto my face.

Lashana let go of her asscheeks and I felt them close around the sides of my face, trapping me between them.  Goes without saying but it felt incredible, those two fat ass cheeks smothering my face and cutting off my air supply. 

“Well?” I heard her say.  “You just gonna lie there, mate, or are you gonna eat my pussy?”

She didn’t have to tell me twice.  I poked my tongue out from between my lips and steered it straight to her clit.  As I began to lick her pussy, I heard Gemma’s voice from across the room.

“Need some of this?” I heard her ask, to which Brie responded with a simple ‘mmhmm’.

I couldn’t see what it was, of course, but I found out shortly after as I heard the sound of a cap popping open then a thick, wet substance started dripping down onto my cock.  Lube.  A lot of it.  A hand closed tightly around the tip of my prick and began to jerk me up and down, smearing the lube along the length of my shaft.  The mattress sank on either side of me as the hand slid down to the base of my shaft and I felt the tip touch someone’s asshole.

Lashana gripped onto her both thick cheeks and lifted her ass from on top of my face.  And I was glad she did, ‘cause not only did I need to catch my breath, but it gave me a quick glance at Brie’s perfect ass as she straddled my rock hard cock.  The twin sides of her open zipper neatly bisected her thick, toned asscheeks, giving me a perfect view of Brie’s tight asshole as my cockhead slipped inside it. 

I felt her ass slide down my shaft, unleashing a deep moan that was quickly blocked off by Lashana’s big booty as she dropped it back down on top of me.  I wasn’t sure which ass felt better: the massive, great thick one that was on my face or the ultra-toned and tight one that was wrapped around my shaft. 

Brie’s ass slid down to the base and she uttered a moan so piercing and loud that even Lashana’s enormous ass couldn’t stop me from hearing it.  I felt her cheeks press against my abs and she stayed like that for several seconds, feeling me throb inside her.  She worked her ass back up to the tip then dropped it straight back down again, sinking down to the base.  She proceeded to ride me with immediate vigour, rhythmic * SMACKS * now filling the room as her ass beat down on my torso.  It felt amazing, and as much as I liked my face being sat on (especially by an ass like this), I was kind of bummed that I couldn’t see it. 

Lashana placed a hand on top of my head and started grinding against me, just as she’d done before.  Again, I kept my tongue outstretched, readily tasting her pussy and ass.  Every so often she’d lift her ass up, allowing me to breathe and to catch a quick glimpse of Brie on my cock.

And thank God she did, ‘cause a sight like that just couldn’t be missed.  Knees planted either side of my hips, she used her strong thighs to work her up and down, her shapely ass rising and falling with perfect poise and grace.  I began to tug at the cuffs on my wrists, wanting to get my hands on someone's ass.  Brie’s, Lashana’s; I didn’t really care which one, I just needed to feel one in the palms of my hands. 

Lashana laughed as she watched me do it.  “Looks like our boy’s getting restless.”

“I’m sure he is,” Gemma laughed back.  “Shall we release him yet or…?”

“Hmm,” Lashana pondered.  “No, I don’t think he’s earned it yet.”

I took that as my cue and started to move my tongue back and forth, flicking it sharply against her clit. 

“OH!” she yelped.  “OK.  He’s earning it now.”

Lashana gripped a handful of hair, pulling it roughly as I licked her clit, opting for a change of tactic.  Swirling my tongue in concentric circles, it began to spin around the nub of her clit, making it throb just as hard as my cock as Brie’s tight ass slid up and down it. 

I felt Gemma’s lips press against my chest then start to kiss down the length of my torso.

“Can I taste your bum?” I heard her ask, kissing my pelvis several times.

“Sure,” said Brie, then lifted her ass back up to the tip and off my cock entirely.

I felt my cock flop back and forth until Gemma gripped it to keep it steady.  Gemma’s lips slid over the tip then promptly sunk down the length of my shaft, taking me down to the base.  Sucking and slurping, she cleaned all the juices from my long, thick shaft, leaving my member soaked in spittle as she pulled back up to the tip.  Some women are squeamish when it comes to ass to mouth, but clearly Gemma isn’t one of them.  Plucking the crown from between her lips, she pointed my cock back at Brie’s tight ass, her butthole stretching around the width of my crown as she lowered herself back onto it.

Again she slid back down to the base and rode me hard and fast, quickly refinding her rhythm.  I listened as her moans got steadily louder, drowning out the piercing smacks as she bounced her ass off my midriff.  I could feel her orgasm building, her ass gripping tighter as she worked it up and down. 

I kept on tonguing at Lashana’s clit, lapping up her juices as they oozed from inside her snatch.  Her orgasm was building too and I was intrigued to see who’d finish first.  The answer was neither as both of them came at the exact same time.  Brie’s ass sunk down the base and she kept it there as her orgasm hit, squeezing my cock as her walls contracted. 

Lashana uttered a deafening shriek, tightening her grip on my thick locks of hair as a powerful climax tore through her body.  Fluid gushed from inside her, almost drowning me alive as my tongue moved faster, licking her pussy through the throes of climax. 

I could hear some kind of squelching noise, which sounded like Brie was rubbing her pussy.  Or maybe Gemma was rubbing it for her.  Either way, it made her climax stretch out for ages, her asshole gripping so tight that she damn near snapped my dick off. 

Somehow I made it through unscathed and Lashana climbed down from on top of my face, allowing me to watch as Brie’s toned ass slid along the length of my shaft.  The crown popped free from Brie’s tight sphincter and she spun around to face me, planting her elbows on the mattress beneath her as her head dropped into my lap.  Taking the crown in between her lips, she worked her way slowly down the length of my shaft, cleaning my cock off an inch at a time.  I felt her lips press against my groin, then watched as they made a hasty retreat, leaving behind a fresh coat of spittle as they slid back up to the tip. 

“OK, my turn now,” said Lashana, that big, strong ass thrust out behind as she crawled towards the headboard.

“Come here,” said Brie as she stroked my cock.  “Let me lube that up for ya.”

Lashana knelt in between my legs with her ass in the air and her head pressed down against the mattress.  Reaching back behind her, she gripped her ass and spread it wide, showing off both her holes.  Brie turned and stuck out her ass, backing it right up against my cock as she filled the gap between me and her friend.  I could feel her pussy rub against my cock, pinning it against my stomach as she placed her hands on Lashana’s thighs.

I couldn’t see much of what happened next but it sounded like Brie had spat on her asshole, then followed that up by shoving her face in it.  All I could see was a mass of blonde hair spilling from two huge asscheeks, but frankly that was more than enough, and I felt like I could cum right then and there as she rubbed her pussy against me.  She stayed in there for quite some time, diligently licking her girlfriend’s ass.

Finally she prised herself free, sounding slightly out of breath as she pulled her head from those big, thick asscheeks.

“Mmm, fuck!  This big fucking ass!” Brie exclaimed, gasping a little as she moved to the side, giving that booty a farewell slap.  “God, I can’t wait to watch a cock go in there!”

I couldn’t wait either and I watched intently as Lashana started crawling towards me, backing up that massive ass.

“Beep, beep, beep,” said Brie with a grin, making her girlfriends laugh.
I probably would’ve laughed as well but in truth I was kinda distracted, watching in a trance as that giant ass moved back towards me, like my cock was reeling it in.  Tucking her legs underneath my own, Lashana backed right up to my crotch, that beautiful big black ass hovering above my dick.  Keeping that booty delicately poised, she turned to look at Gemma and Brie, both of whom were watching as eagerly as I was. 

“Can someone keep him steady for me?” she asked, reaching back to grab her ass and spreading her cheeks apart.

“I’ve got you,” said Gemma as she gripped my shaft with both her hands, holding it firmly in place. 

Lashana dropped down slowly, her asshole splitting open as it touched the tip of my prick.

“Mmm, yes,” she moaned out softly; it almost sounded like a sigh of relief as her asshole swallowed the tip, her sphincter wrapped around the ridge of my crown. 

Gemma moved her highest hand, keeping the other one gripped at the base and Lashana’s ass slid down my shaft.  She went down slowly, taking her time to feel every inch.  All I could do was sit and watch, enjoying the sight of my cock disappearing.  Gemma released her grip on my cock, allowing Lashana to sink to the base.  Or rather, as close to the base as she was capable of getting.  With those two huge cheeks pressed against my abs, there was still a good inch that her ass couldn’t get to. 

Gemma and Brie climbed down from the bed and dropped to their knees behind me, leaving several kisses along my shoulders and neck.  Brie placed a finger underneath my chin and turned me to face her.  She leaned in to kiss me then looked into my eyes as she asked me sweetly, “can I sit on your face?”

Now, obviously that would be a tremendous honour, but when my cock was balls deep in an ass like that, I didn’t want anything to block out the sight.

“Erm…not right now,” was how I replied, my eyes still looking forward as Lashana slid back up to the tip, crashing back down with a deafening smack. 

Brie laughed, placing her hands at the sides of my head and turning it back to its normal position.  “OK, can’t say I blame you.”

“Actually, can you grab me a pillow, please?” I asked politely.  I’d been craning my neck up for the past five minutes and it was starting to seriously ache. 

“Sure,” she giggled and walked towards the headboard, grinning at Lashana as she snatched a pillow from the mattress. 

Brie returned to the foot of the bed, folded the pillow in half and stuffed it under my head.  She and Gemma watched from behind me, occasionally kissing me or stroking my chest, but most just admiring the view as Lashana’s thick ass bounced up and down on my dick.  I don’t think any of us could take our eyes off it.  The size and the shape were just out of this world.  The way it jiggled as it smacked against my abs.  The way her asshole devoured my cock.  The perfect contrast of bright red latex with dark chocolate skin.  I wanted to get my hands on it more than anything in the world.  I started tugging at the cuffs on my wrists, doing it harder than I did it before.

“Hmmhmm,” Gemma chuckled.  “I think he wants us to set him free.”

“Looks that way to me,” Brie grinned back.  “What do you think?  Shall we?”

I started pulling harder at the velcro restraints, to the point that the bed legs were starting to creak. 

Gemma laughed as she watched me do it.  “I think we better before he pulls this bed apart.”

The two of them giggled then uncuffed my wrists, and once my arms were finally free, they flew forward faster than the speed of sound, grabbing onto Lashana’s ass.  The first thing I wanted was to get a good feel of it.  Of course, I’d felt it already when it pressed against my face, but damn it felt good in the palms of my hands.  I dug in my fingers as deep as I could, giving that ass a good squeeze.  I couldn’t believe how such a big ass could feel so tight and firm.  It blew my freakin’ mind.  And if she kept on riding me as hard as she was, it would blow my cock as well. 

I moved my hands up and grabbed her hips, pulling her down with greater exertion.  * CLAP * CLAP * CLAP *  The sounds her ass made were truly exceptional and I wondered how far those noises were travelling.  I think I could’ve heard them in the living room.  Hell, I think I could’ve heard them in my neighbour’s living room.  And my nearest neighbour is a mile away!

It really was something, and frankly, it was more than I could handle.  The sight.  The sounds.  The way her asshole gripped my cock.  It was all too much and I felt a sharp spasm pass through my shaft as I clung to my load like my life depended on it. 

“I’m gonna cum!” I blurted out suddenly.

Lashana said nothing by way of response, just kept on riding me as hard as she could.  She didn’t say that I could cum inside her, but she didn’t say that I couldn’t either, and as far as I was concerned, I’d given her fair warning.  I pulled her down into me one last time, holding her there as I finally let loose and blasted a thick load deep into her asshole.

“Ugh!  Jesus!” I moaned out softly, feeling her muscles grip me tighter as the first rope splashed her rectum, forcing out even more cum.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped her harder, sinking my fingers into her dark brown flesh as my balls were thoroughly voided, emptying themselves inside her.  My body went limp, sinking into the mattress as the final rope of jism spurted from the tip of my prick.

“Oh, wow!” said Brie behind me.  “Sounds like you filled her up.”

“It felt like I filled her up,” was how I replied, panting heavily as I tried to regain my senses.

Lashana started leaning forward, spreading her hands out across the mattress as she moved her head towards it.  Her sphincter crept along the length of my shaft, pulling it back like a catapult as she slowly moved forward.  Her asshole slid past the ridge of my crown and my cock flew back with surprising force, flinging my semen every which way.  Cum splattered up my abs and chest, which was promptly licked up by Gemma and Brie. 

Lashana grabbed onto the slats of the headboard, pushing her ass back as the last of my load dripped out of her sphincter.  Brie took care of that as well, licking it up from her pussy and asshole.  As Brie poked her tongue into Lashana’s thick ass, Gemma’s mouth slid onto my cock, sucking out the last few drops.  The crown popped free from between her lips and she grinned at me as she stroked it gently, running her hand up and down my shaft.

“Fuck me?” she asked sweetly.  “Or do you need to take a break?”

“Come on,” I said as I rolled my eyes.  “When have I ever needed to take a break?”

Gemma giggled then gave my cock one final kiss, running her hand up it slowly as she raised herself up. 

“Can someone untie my fucking feet, please?” I asked urgently, pulling at the cuffs that were still wrapped around my ankles.

There was a momentary pause before the girls all burst out laughing. 

“Oh, yeah!” said Lashana.  “I’d forgotten about those!”

Brie and Lashana uncuffed my ankles and I could finally properly move again.  I sat up and stepped down off the edge of the bed, watching as Gemma removed her bodysuit and laid out across the mattress.  Leaning forward as she spread her legs, I hooked my arms underneath her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. 

“Oooh!” she shrieked excitedly, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched me position her exactly where I wanted. 

Resting her legs up against my chest, her heels were pressed up against my shoulders as I grabbed my cock and pressed the tip against the slit of her pussy.  I eased the tip in then pushed inside, going in deep on the very first thrust.  Her arms gave out from underneath her and she dropped back onto the bed, her lips unleashing a contented sigh. 

“Ohhhh, my God,” she moaned as my hips started moving, sinking into her pussy with long, deep thrusts.

She stretched her arms out across the bed, grabbing the edges as she took the first few.  I wrapped my arms around Gemma’s long legs, holding them against me as I thrusted harder, bottoming out her in her tight pink snatch.  Gemma gazed up as I fucked her pussy, looking at her friends without lifting her head up.

“Sit on my face,” she said, moaning softly as she took my cock. 

Brie and Lashana looked at each other, grinning in amusement.

“Who?” asked Brie.  “Me or her?”

“I don’t care,” said Gemma, sounding desperate.  “Just…someone.”

Brie looked back at Lashana.  “Would you like to do the honours?”

“Why not,” said Lashana.  “I’ve had everyone else’s face in my arse today.  May as well complete the set.”

And with that she threw a leg over Gemma’s body and parked her ass on her face.  Putting two fingers in between her lips, Lashana leaned forward as she wet them spittle and put them to Gemma’s clit.  Placing a finger underneath her chin, I bent Gemma’s legs back slightly as I leaned in and kissed her, feeling Gemma’s pussy tighten as she began to rub her clit.  Gemma started moaning louder and even Lashana’s ass wasn’t enough to block out the sounds as they spilled from between her lips.

“How’s she doing back there?” I asked, looking at Lashana as our lips came apart.

“She’s hanging in there,” Lashana grinned back, her fingers a blur as she rubbed her girlfriend’s clit.

Luckily for Gemma, her hands were free to give some kind of signal and she did just that a few seconds later.  Grabbing onto Lashana’s ass, she gave both buttcheeks a good, hard slap and Lashana promptly lifted her ass up, allowing her friend to catch her breath.  She gave her a few seconds to fill her lungs up then sat back down on top of her, this time opting for a change of position. 

Leaning forward, her head went down in between her thighs, allowing Gemma to breathe through her nose and, more importantly, allowing Lashana to lick her clit.  Brie added the finishing touch by moving in behind Lashana, getting down on all fours with her ass wedged up against the headboard.  She took a few seconds to admire the view then threw herself forward, burying her face in Lashana’s buttcrack and, unless I’m much mistaken, shoving her tongue up her asshole.

She definitely did something ‘cause Lashana’s head shot up in an instant, a deep moan tumbling from between her lips.  I took advantage of that by plucking my cock from Gemma’s wet pussy and stuffing it into her mouth.  Placing a hand at the back of her head, my fingers sunk into her cropped afro hair as she took my cock in deep, her full lips puckered at the base of my shaft.  Lashana moaned as she sucked my cock, slurping up all the vaginal fluid. 

I pried my cock from between her lips and returned it to Gemma’s pussy.  With Lashana’s spit now coating my shaft, I pushed back in with consummate ease, sinking to the base without any resistance at all.  Tightening my grip on the backs of her thighs, I pumped into Gemma with deep, hard thrusts, her pussy getting tighter and wetter as Lashana licked her clit.  Gemma grabbed Lashana’s ass, unleashing a muffled moan as her fingers sunk into both her cheeks.

“Mmmm!  ‘Onna ‘um!”

I took that as my cue and so did Lashana.  Lifting her head up, she sat right back on top of Gemma, rubbing her clit as she smothered her.  I started railing as hard as I could, slamming into her pussy with rough, unbridled thrusts.  It didn’t take many to finish her off and Gemma screamed underneath Lashana as her orgasm hit her with the force of a truck.  I sunk my cock in deep, Gemma’s muscles gripping it hard as warm liquid burst from inside her, soaking my member from bottom to top.  I kept my cock balls deep inside her, her body giving spasmic jolts as her climax ran its course. 

I pulled back slowly from the depths of her pussy and plucked my cock from inside her, my shaft dripping with Gemma’s arousal.  Lashana leaned forward again, parting her lips as I steered myself forward and shoved my cock in her mouth.  Her lips closed around the base of my shaft and she sucked with potent force, nearly pulling my load right out of me as she slurped up Gemma’s fluids.

I looked up at Brie as she beckoned me towards her, pointing a finger at Lashana’s butthole.  Clearly we were on the same wavelength, ‘cause that’s where I was going next.  I pried my cock from Lashana’s lips and moved towards the headboard.  Brie moved aside so I could take her place, kneeling beside Lashana with her head on the small of her back; the standard ass to mouth position. 

My cock was so wet with pussy and spit that I didn’t even need any lube, but Brie spat a string of saliva onto her friend’s puckered asshole, just to make sure.  I rubbed it in with the tip of my prick then pushed myself forward, feeding my crown into that big black ass.  I grabbed onto Lashana’s hips, getting some purchase as I pulled myself in, feeding her inch after inch. 

Brie was watching closely and I could hear a light sucking sound as Gemma ate her pussy, Lashana’s head buried between her thighs as she returned the favour.  I sunk right down to the base of my shaft and Lashana’s head jolted upwards, moaning deeply as my pelvis made contact with her two enormous buttcheeks.  I kept it there for several seconds, feeling her asshole grip me as Gemma licked her clit. 

Then I started thrusting, pulling right back to the ridge of my crown before I pushed it back inside her, going balls deep each time.  Lashana returned to Gemma’s pink pussy and this time Gemma kept her there, getting her own back for the earlier facesitting as she locked her legs around Lashana’s head.  Now each sound was deeply muffled as Lashsana’s mouth stayed glued to her snatch, moaning straight into it as I fucked her big fat ass. 

I kept that up for quite some time, going in hard on Lashana’s asshole.  Every so often I’d pluck myself free, either pointing it up at Brie’s waiting mouth or pointing it down at Gemma’s.  Either way my dick was sucked clean, dripping with spit as I stuffed it back into Lashana.  I repeated the cycle several times over, but as I looked at Brie’s ass it stuck behind her, I was keen for her to expand her role. 

“Climb on,” I said assertively, tapping the small of Lashana’s back.

Brie grinned and lifted her head up, throwing her leg over Lashana’s body as she mounted her like a horse.  With Brie’s toned ass now stacked up on top, I hurriedly pried my cock from Lashana and ventured up to the second tier.  Her ass, of course, was a few inches higher so I had to change my position, going up onto my feet and leaning over her in a kind of awkward squat.  Not the most comfortable position I’ve ever been in, but to fuck Brie Larson in the ass?  Totally, totally worth it. 

Gripping my cock at the base, I pressed the tip against her puckered sphincter, hearing her moan as I slipped inside.  I pushed my cock in nice and deep, until I felt my balls press against her slit.  I balled my hands into a pair of fists, placing them on the mattress either side of Brie as I leaned right over her, engulfing her body with mine.  Pulling back out to the ridge of my crown, I slammed back in at twice the speed, driving right down to the hilt.

“Ohh, FUCK!” Brie yelled, nearly hitting me in the face as her head shot upward, slinging blonde hair in every direction.

I proceeded to bang her hard and fast, driving my cock into Brie’s tight ass with very little self-control.  Brie moaned as she took each thrust, turning her head to the side so I could lean in and kiss her, tongues entangling as I fucked her ass. 

I could feel my arms beginning to tire so I lifted my hands off the mattress, straightening my back as I gripped two fistfuls of Brie’s blonde hair.  Tugging it sharply, I pulled her head back even further until she was almost facing the ceiling.  I used her hair like a set of reins, almost using it to keep me steady as I bucked my hips with increasing force, driving my cock into Brie’s tight ass.  I could feel her asshole gripping me tighter, clenching and squeezing with each new thrust.  My cock was throbbing something fierce, leaking its goo into Brie’s backside.

I wasn’t sure how much more I could take, so I took a quick break to cool myself off.  Prising my cock from Brie’s tight sphincter, I let go of her hair as I dropped to my knees, shoving my face in Lashana’s ass.  I put my tongue to Lashana’s clit and licked along the slit of her pussy, right the way up to her asshole.  With their proximity as close as it was, Brie’s clit was almost directly above it, so I moved my tongue straight up to that, continuing up the length of her slit and finally stopping when I reached her sphincter.  I repeated the cycle several times over, occasionally kissing Gemma at the bottom so she could taste them both as well.

Once my cock had sufficiently settled, I gripped it tightly in the palm of my hand as I pointed the tip at Lashana’s sphincter and shoved it back inside her.  As I started to thrust into Lashana’s asshole, I got a firm grip on Brie’s strong thighs and lifted her ass into the air.  Brie straightened her legs out, keeping her hands pressed down on the mattress with her head hanging over Lashana’s shoulder.  It put her ass right in front of my face which, as you may have guessed, was exactly where I wanted it.

Holding her thighs to keep her steady, I shoved my face in without delay, guiding my tongue to the nub of her clit.  I started to lick her with immediate vigour, tonguing her clit as I fucked Lashana, performing both actions with practiced skill.  Brie started moaning as I licked her out, while Lashana’s asshole tightened significantly, giving my cock an appreciative squeeze each time I thrust inside her.  And they say that men can’t multitask.

I kept that up for quite some time, slamming into Lashana’s ass as I ate her girlfriend’s pussy.  My tongue moved at a frantic pace, flicking hard against the nub of her clit.  Brie’s legs began to shake, and with her moans increasing in pitch and volume, I could tell she was getting close.  I licked her right to the brink of climax then peeled my tongue from her clit, much to Brie’s surprise and annoyance. 

“Hey!” she snapped.  “Why the fuck did you…ahh!”

I moved my hands to the small of her back and before the blonde could finish her question, I pushed her back down to her previous position, prying my cock from Lashana beneath her and stuffing it into her ass. 

“OH MY GOD!” Brie yelped, screaming at the top of her lungs as I unleashed a flurry of powerful thrusts, drilling my cock into her asshole.

Brie came in a matter of seconds, screaming once more as she threw her head back, her voice cracking as she let it all out.  Her ass contracted at the point of climax, squeezing my cock with increasing force as I delivered the last few thrusts.  I couldn’t hold out a second longer, sheathing myself to the balls and firing a wad of jism deep into Brie’s backside.

“UGH!  FUCK!” I yelled, grabbing her hips and pulling her back, ensuring my cock was deep as possible.

Despite having cum already, my load was freakin’ enormous and it struck her walls with venomous force, extending her orgasm by another few seconds.  Her asshole gripped me even tighter, wringing my member of every last drop.  Pulling back slowly, I left the tip inside her ass, essentially acting as a cork to keep my load inside her.  I gripped my cock just below the head, looking down at Gemma as I squeezed out the last few drops. 

“Ready?” I asked, my cockhead poised in Brie’s tight sphincter, ready to open the floodgates.

“Mmhmm,” said Gemma as her mouth came open, sticking her tongue out in wait of my load.

I plucked my cock from Brie’s asshole and though it promptly closed back up, my cum gushed out in a thick sloppy mess, landing in a pool on Lashana’s asshole, then dripping down her pussy and into Gemma’s mouth.  Gemma closed her lips and swallowed, seeing it away in a single hit.  Gemma licked her full set of lips then slid back out from beneath her friends.  Kneeling on the mattress, she lapped the remaining cum from Lashana’s ass and pussy, even pushing her tongue into Brie’s tight sphincter to make sure she got it all. 

Brie climbed down from on top of Lashana then flopped down onto the bed.  Lashana turned and laid beside her while Gemma crawled on top of her, kissing her first before moving to Brie. 

“So,” said Gemma, laying on top of Brie, “did you girls have fun?”

“Mmhmm,” said Brie as she wrapped her arms around Gemma, curling them loosely around the small of her back.  “You were right about him, huh?”

“Have I ever been wrong?”

Lashana moved in to join the cuddle and they shared a giggle and a threeway kiss.  It was Lashana who broke from it first, posing a question to Gemma.

“Do you think he’s got any more in him?”

“Oh, I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” Gemma replied, then the three of them turned to face me.  “Tyler?”

“Come on,” I said with a scoff.  “This is me you’re talking to.”

So, as you can probably guess, things started up again pretty fucking quickly.  This time Gemma took a back seat, happy to watch and frig herself off while I fucked her friends in the ass again.  Working my way through numerous positions, I made them both cum a number of times, finally finishing over both their faces. 

After that the girls passed out, taking up most of the bed so I went and slept in the room next door.  I slept like a log, as I’m sure you can imagine, finally waking up at 11am.  By the time I got up and went downstairs Brie and Lashana had gone and Gemma was packing inside her room.  I helped her gather the last of her things and we waited in the lounge for her car to arrive. 

I saw her off with a kiss goodbye, waving her off as her car backed out of the driveway.  I stayed in the doorway as her car pulled away, taking a brief moment to reflect on the last few days, thinking about all the sex we’d had, all the new things we’d tried and all the gorgeous women she’d brought along with her.  I grinned to myself as I went inside.  What a fucking week!

Check out my Patreon if you like my work: https://patreon.com/DarkSwordsman
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Re: The Getaway: Gemma Chan [Part Two]
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2024, 07:04:56 PM »
Another hot chapter, Dark and a great way to wrap up this story.
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