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Author Topic: What Happens in Vegas - Part 1(Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ariana Richards)  (Read 16227 times)


Las Vegas, Nevada

        To say that Ariana Richards has been having a strange night is an understatement. She plays back the earlier events of the day in her mind, trying to figure out how she ended up here. She had flown to Las Vegas to take part in a charity event to raise money for a new hospital. One of the donors, tech billionaire Landen Long, had set up an auction event to raise money for the hospital, auctioning off dates with 90s celebrity heart throbs. She found it a little strange when Landen won dates with both Ariana and Jennifer Love Hewitt, seeing as how he was running the event. The thirty something British man was pretty attractive though so Ariana didn't push it any further. Landen's mansion was a couple hours outside of Vegas, giving the women a chance to get to know each other during the limo ride there. The two women hit it off right away, as if old friends who've known each other for years. Arriving at their destination the limo driver opens the car door for them, helping them out of the limo and walks them to the door.

        They're greeted by a butler who leads them through one of the largest mansions that Ariana or Jennifer had ever seen, finally stopping in a small library, their host sitting a large wooden desk. "Hello ladies. Glad to see you made here alright," Landen says, standing up from his chair. "It's an honor to finally meet you face to face. But where are my manners? You two must be starving. Follow me. The staff will be serving dinner shortly," Landen says. He leads them on another journey through the maze like house, finally reaching a well decorated dining room. The butler and a few female staff are busy setting the table and bringing food out. The meal itself goes by quickly, the three of them eating in awkward silence. Finally they finish, the three of them sitting there after the servants clear away all the food, and all the plates. Landen breaks the silence. "Ladies, I know this evening has been a little unusual and I apologize. Let me get right to the point. Growing up I had crushes on both of you. That's why I made a point to outbid everyone else at the auction. So here is my proposition to you both: give yourselves to me for the evening in every possible way: mentally, physically, and emotionally, and I will not only double my original donation to the hospital, but I will also pay each of you that same amount. What do you say?" Landen says.

        Jennifer and Ariana look at each other and back at Landen. Ariana knows she'd be stupid to turn down an offer this incredible. Looking at Jennifer, she seems to look a little nervous and unsure. Her whole career Jennifer has taken roles that gave the audience little peeks at her amazing body, but not once did she ever do any sex scenes or even pose nude for any photoshoots, so Ariana understands her hesitation. "I'm in," Ariana says, giving Jennifer a friendly smile, hoping it will persuade her new friend. With a sigh, Jennifer finally answers. "Me too," Jennifer says. "Excellent! Before we get to tonight's main events I think first the three of us will take a quick dip in my hot tub. Ladies if you would follow me," Landen says, standing. He leads them to the room with the hot tub. "I don't suppose you have any bathing suits for us?" Jennifer asks nervously. "Come on Jennifer we're all adults here. I'm sure given our... arrangement you know you don't need one," Landen says, starting to undress. "Come now ladies, don't be shy," he says, looking at them expectantly. Ariana's the first to act, unzipping her dress and sliding it off. She makes short work of her bra and panties. "Hey, it will be ok. I've done this type of thing lots of times," Ariana says to Jennifer. Reluctantly, Jennifer begins to undress, Ariana helping her unzip the back of her dress. Finally Jennifer takes off her bra and panties, covering her huge tits by folding her arms across her chest as she stands naked next to Ariana.

       "Alright ladies, into the hot tub," Landen says. Ariana gets in first, her eyes fixed on Landen's cock, hanging between his legs. "Come on sweetie," Ariana says, taking Jennifer by the hand when the brunette doesn't immediately move. She can tell Jennifer spotted Landen's penis as well, the brunette anxious about what's most likely about to happen next. They sit down, the warm water covering them up to their shoulders. Landen slowly steps into the hot tub, sitting down. He looks from Jennifer to Ariana and back again. "I think you two should make out. Go on, don't be shy," Landen says. Ariana nods at Jennifer, putting her hand on her cheek and leans in towards her. As they start to make out Ariana can tell that Jennifer has never made out with another woman before. The blonde decides to spice things up, slipping her tongue into Jennifer's mouth as they kiss, Jennifer's body jerking slightly as Ariana's tongue enters her mouth. Both women startle as Landen puts his hand between both their legs, rubbing both women's clit as they make out. The British billionaire knows exactly what he's doing, using his hand on either woman's clit to guide their bodies just where he wants them, over a couple of underwater jets. The combination of the kissing, the clit rubbing, and now the water jet blasting both women's assholes proves too much for both women.

        Jennifer is the first to blow. "Ughh! I'm cumming! It all feels so good!" Jennifer cries out as she orgasms. Ariana lasts only a few seconds longer than Jennifer. "Oh fuck baby! Right there! That's the spot! Ugggghhhh!" Ariana groans as she cums, splashing around in the hot tub. Landen uses the opportunity to start rubbing their clits faster, both women moaning in pleasure, even as they climax. He stops suddenly, withdrawing his hands from between their thighs. "Do you both understand now what I said earlier? You do as I tell you and you will be rewarded. Now, we're going to go to one of my...more private rooms. Get out of the hot tub of dry off, quickly now. There are some towels over there," Landen says. Once the three of them are dried off Landen motions for Jennifer and Ariana to follow him. As they walk through the halls of the huge mansion Ariana can't help but feel a little self conscious seeing as how she's completely naked. She can't imagine how Jennifer feels, especially since Jennifer has always seemed to be a bit more conservative when it comes to nudity and sexuality in general. They stop abruptly, Landen opening the door. "After you ladies," he says, gesturing to them to enter.

        They enter the room and both women are shocked at what they see. The room looks like a mix between a normal bedroom and the set from Fifty Shades of Grey, as there's a huge bed surrounded by shelves of whips, paddles and other sexual paraphernalia. "Sit down on the bed ladies," Landen says. "Before we get started there are a few things I need to say. In my experience each and every woman falls into one of two categories sexually: whores and sluts. Now before you judge me, let me explain. Whores are the lesser of those two evils. Whores sleep with men for money, power or some other type of material reward. They tend to have slightly higher standards regarding who they fuck and when they fuck. Unlike sluts. Sluts will have as much sex as possible with as many different partners as possible, hoping to find unending pleasure, that ultimately never lasts. Tonight you two will be my whores. I've bought you and for tonight I own you. Perhaps Ariana more so than Jennifer," Landen says. "What do you mean by that?" Ariana asks, trying not to sound offended.

        "What I mean by that, my dear Ariana, is that our...'business relationship' goes back much farther than you realize. I own the porn studio that's filmed several of your adult films. Your friend and porn producer Willie Johnson is technically my employee. I'm one of the largest investors in the Japanese porn studio that you just worked with a few weeks ago. And I also financed the creation of HAL, your android sex partner from a few years ago. So, one could argue that you've been my personal whore for quite some time now," Landen laughs. Ariana, ignoring Jennifer's look of confusion, is completely speechless. All this time, going back years, Landen has had a huge impact on her life without her even knowing it. "It's alright. My feelings aren't hurt just because you're not thanking me for changing your life. Besides, tonight you're going to help me test out a new project. My best people have been developing the most advance virtual reality sex simulator that the world has ever seen. The working name is S.E.X., short for Simulated Erotic eXperience," Landen says, smirking at Ariana. "Are you ready to have me change your life for better yet again?" Landen asks with a grin.

        As nervous as she may be to test an experimental virtual reality, Ariana knows she has no reason not to help Landen, especially after all he's done for her. "What do you need me to do?" Ariana asks softly. Landen goes to one of the shelves, pulling out a briefcase. He sets it on the bed, opening it up. Pulling out a couple dozen thin circular pads, Landen looks at Jennifer. "I need your help putting these all over your friend's body," he says. "The back peels off, like a Band-Aid, and you just stick it on the skin. Trust me, they're perfectly safe," Landen says. "What do they do?" Ariana asks. "When activated the patches will simulate the feel of your virtual partners' hands all over your body," he explains. "Jennifer and I will place them on your thighs, hands, shoulders, neck, cheeks, arms and legs like so," Landen says applying the first of the simulation disks to Ariana's chest, inches above her breasts. He and Jennifer finish placing them all over Ariana in a matter of minutes, after which Landen gets the read outs on the tablet. "Good. All the sensors are online and reading as normal. Now for the next step. Put these on, but not all the way," he tells Ariana, handing her a black bra and matching panties. She slips the bra's straps up her arms, letting the bra hang inches from her tits. Ariana pulls the panties up to her mid thighs, wondering why Landen didn't want her getting fully dressed.

        "Now we can move on to the final step, the real high tech components of the simulator," Landen says. "We will, however, be taking precautions to ensure that you don't panic during the simulation and damage vital equipment. I'm sure you understand?" Landen asks, raising an eyebrow at Ariana. "I guess that makes sense," Ariana replies softly. He pulls a metal bar down from the ceiling, attached to it are two shackles. "Give me your wrists," he orders Ariana. She obeys, Landen locking her arms into the shackles before tugging on the bar, causing it to start retracting into the ceiling, leaving Ariana restrained with her arms above her head. Returning to the briefcase Landen pulls out a device that looks to Jennifer like a W shape, Ariana realizing as he brings it towards her that it's a two pronged vibrator with a third, smaller nub designed to rest against her clit. Without saying a word, the billionaire walks over to her and inserts the device between Ariana's legs, both rods sliding inside her without resistance. "Ugh! They feel so tight inside me," Ariana moans as Landen pulls up her panties to keep the device in place. He goes back to the briefcase, pulling out two discs that look similar to small hockey pucks. Taking one in each hand, he returns to Ariana. Pressing it gently against her left breast she hears a low humming sound, then feels a pinch as it attaches itself to her nipple, covering her areola as well. Landon repeats the process on her right breast before going back to the briefcase yet again.

        "Well my dear, if I'm being honest with you then you're not going to enjoy this next part. It's a bit more...intrusive then the other parts," Landen says, holding what looks like a vibrator with straps on either side of it. "Open wide and say Ah!" Landen says, Ariana begrudgingly obeying. It's so long that it brushes up against the back of her throat, Ariana struggling not to gag on it as Landen clicks the buckle tightly behind her head. "Obviously this piece simulates you having oral sex with your partners. It will occasionally even squirt a liquid with the consistency if semen into your mouth. The compound is actually a light stimulant to keep you alert and awake. Can't have you dozing off in the middle of the testing, can we?" Landen laughs. He pulls a VR headset out of the briefcase, placing it on Ariana's head. "There's one final piece I need to attach before we start the simulation: soundproof headphones. You won't be able to hear Jennifer and I, but the headphones make the whole experience more realistic. The combination of all these pieces being used in unison with the POV footage used in the simulation will make you actually believe you're having sex with your virtual partner rather then here with Jennifer and I. You'll be quite disoriented when it ends, I'm afraid. But I'm sure you'll love the experience, especially given your...preferences when it comes to partners," Landen says, and the last thing Ariana hears before the headphones click into place, interfacing with the VR visor.

        Jennifer watches the whole scene unfold, full of amazement at the technology she's just seen but a little nervous for her friend's safety. "Are you sure she's safe in there?" Jennifer asks nervously. "Absolutely my dear. The system monitors Ariana's vital signs and will immediately end the simulation in the event of a medical emergency. But let's not get ahead of ourselves," he says with a grin, picking up the tablet that controls the VR system. "What did you mean when you mentioned her preferences?" Jennifer asks. "Well my dear, let's just say her usual choice of man is much darker than myself. Ooh! That's just the inspiration I need! I couldn't decide which simulation to have our friend here use for the test until you said that," he says, typing away on the tablet, his fingers flying across the screen like a hurricane. Jennifer looks over his shoulder, peeking at the screen and lets out a gasp. "Don't worry! If anyone can handle the Big Black Bulls Gangbang simulation it's our friend Ariana," Landen laughs.

        Jennifer stares at Ariana, her body and limbs occasionally twitching and wiggling against the restraints, low, muffled sounds coming from her mouth. "She's fine Jennifer! Having the time of her life, I'd say. But I think it's time for you and I to get better acquainted," Landen says as he sits on the bed, waving her over. "Ariana's problem is that she's walking the line between whore and slut a little too close to the slut side. I don't care that she's living with Cptnstrwrs, and if we're being honest, fucking him on a daily basis. No, it's her extracurricular activities that concern me. I can't have her sex drive burned out from all her side partners. She's one of my biggest sources of income, you understand?" Landen asks, Jennifer nodding her understanding. "With you it's the opposite I'm afraid. More whore than slut. You pimp yourself out for TV shows and movies, showing cleavage or a little bit of skin, but nothing too risque. If we're being honest, you're somewhat of a prude," Landen says, Jennifer frowning at his comments. "It's fine though. Tonight I'm going to break you out of your sexual shell, so to speak. We'll begin with you sucking my cock and by the way, you're not to use your hands while doing so" Landen says, eyeing her expectantly. Jennifer slowly kneels in front of the young billionaire, not thrilled about the idea of blowing him but she doesn't want to upset him or risk his donation to the hospital.

         Wrapping her lips around his cock, Jennifer begins bobbing her head up and down slowly. She's surprised that she can fit the entire thing in her mouth, concerned how that will change as Landen starts to get hard. No sooner had that thought entered her mind, Jennifer can feel Landen stiffening inside her mouth, growing in length as his dick gets harder. It gags her for a moment, Jennifer slobbering all over the billionaire's cock as she tries not to choke on it. She tries not to panic as Landen puts his hands behind her head and starts forcing her head up and down, faster than Jennifer felt comfortable with. GWAH! GWAH! GWAH! Landen deep throats the busty brunette, using her mouth as his plaything, Jennifer surrendering herself to his will. He gives her a few more deep, hard thrusts before abruptly pulling out of her, leaving Jennifer coughing and gasping for air. "I bet that was one of the sloppiest blowjobs you've ever given?" Landed asks, smirking at her. Jennifer nods, still trying to catch her breath.

        "I'm sure it was. Pull yourself together my dear. We're just getting started," Landen says, laying down on his back in the center of the bed. "Now come over here and show me how grateful you are to be with me tonight," he says. Slowly, Jennifer crawls across the bed on all fours. Reaching him, she swings a leg over his body, lowering herself towards his waiting cock. "Ugghhh!" Jennifer cries as the British billionaire's cock slides inside her without any resistance. "Ha! You're still wet from before! And I'm sure seeing your friend Ariana here, completely helpless and at my mercy also turned you on," Landen laughs. "Now ride my cock! Ride it like the sex starved slut I know you can be!" Landen snaps, slapping her ass hard. She would've preferred to start slow and speed up as she goes along, but that's no longer an option. Jennifer bounces herself as hard and fast as she can, hoping Landen cums sooner rather than later. "Ugghhh! Aggghh! It's so big! It's stretching me out!" Jennifer wails as she rides him, his long, hard dick buried deep between her legs. "Ugh! It's everything I thought it would be and more! Jennifer my dear, you are money well spent," Landen grunts, grabbing her tits and squeezing them tightly as she rides him. Glancing over at Ariana, Jennifer hopes she's alright inside the simulation....

        Blinded by a bright, white light Ariana blinks several times as her vision returns. She looks around, finding herself in a mechanics garage by the looks of it. She's not sure which is more concerning to her, the fact that she's naked or the fact that a dozen big, muscular black guys are circling around her, lust in their eyes. Another bright light and Ariana's on her knees, sucking and stroking the men's huge cocks. Suddenly there's another flash and she finds herself held in midair, double penetrated by two of the men as they bounce her up and down on their cocks. ANOTHER flash and Ariana finds herself riding one of the men cowgirl in the back of a pick up truck, one of his friends pushing into her asshole, while a third man slides his cock into her mouth, the trio enjoying their airtight milf as they brutualize her holes. She feels EVERYTHING, every sensation feels unlike anything she's ever experienced before, but...something feels off to her. Ariana doesn't remember how she got here. She knows she should be concerned, but as the dozen or so men take turns fucking her she could care less...especially as she has one of the greatest orgasms of her life.

         Just a few feet away, Jennifer continues riding Landen, exhausted, but still hoping the British billionaire will cum soon, ending her ordeal. "I know what you're thinking Jennifer, but don't worry. I may have taken a little blue pill before we started. I'll be able to last for hours this way," Landen says, grinning up at her. She pushes herself even harder somehow, the bed shaking wildly as Jennifer rides him. "There you go! Really get into it! No reason you can't enjoy this as well!" Landen laughs, giving her ass several hard slaps. She sneaks a peek at Ariana, the blonde shaking wildly in her restraints. "Worried about your friend? Don't be," Landen says, reaching for the tablet. He looks at the screen, grinning widely. "Our dear Ariana is shaking like that because she's having an orgasm. That sort of thing tends to happen when a woman is involved in an airtight gangbang, especially the well hung black kind Ariana loves," he says. "Airtight?" Jennifer asks, not once stopping her up and down movements. "Oh my God! You really are a prude aren't you? Airtight means she has three cocks in her: pussy, ass, and her mouth," Landen explains with a sly grin. "Oh my God! How long can she keep that up?" Jennifer asks, concern in her voice. "With it being Ariana, quite a while I imagine. As far as the two of us is concerned, I'm started to get a little bored of this. If you would kindly take my place on the bed. Lay on your back and open those legs wide," Landen commands her. As they switch places Jennifer hopes things are going better for Ariana.

        FLASH! Another flash of light blinds Ariana. As her sight returns she can tell immediately that she's in some kind of dive bar. Looking around she sees no one else in the bar which is fine with her as she's still naked. She tries to remember how she got from the mechanic garage to the bar, but her brain tells her it doesn't matter right now. A sound off in the distance catches her attention. "Is someone there?" Ariana calls out nervously. "You could say that," a voice replies from the bar's kitchen area. Her eyes go wide as a dozen big, muscular black men, all completely naked, come walking out from the kitchen. She realizes that they're the same guys from the garage. FLASH! Ariana finds herself bent over a bar stool, one man fucking her pussy from behind while another man is pumping his cock in and out of her mouth. She tries to move her hands and realizes she has a dick in each hand. With a shrug she starts jerking the two dicks off as hard and fast as she can. All the while the men surround her, switching spots so that every guy gets a turn with Ariana. FLASH! This time Ariana is on her back on the pool table, her legs hanging off the edge as one of the men fuck her in a standing missionary position. She once again has two men's cocks in her hands, ready for their handjobs, as a fourth man hovers over her head, moving his hips up and down, his dick pumping her mouth like a piston in a machine. Ariana does her best to satisfy the three men as their friend plows her pussy, but she feels herself starting to get worn out.

        FLASH! The next thing she knows Ariana is in one of the booths in the bar, reverse cowgirl position with one of the guy's cocks buried deep in her ass. The other thing that's strange to her is that she's no longer tired. In fact she feels completely refreshed and ready to go for another few hours. She opens her legs even wider as a second man approaches, the look in his eyes telling her he wants to fuck her pussy. Ariana can't say no to any opportunity for a good double penetration and today is no exception. One of the guys climbs up on the booth, turning her head to the side so she can suck his cock while his friend tear her holes up. She can feel nothing but pleasure, radiating throughout her whole body. Just as she starts having another mind numbing orgasm there's another bright flash of light...

        Ariana's loud, muffled shriek startles Jennifer, pinned with the mattress beneath her and Landen on top of her pushing her into the mattress with each quick, hard thrust of his cock between her legs. "Ugh! Ugghh! Agghh! Shouldn't we check on her?" Jennifer groans. "Oh for the love of God! I've told you Jennifer, she's fine, totally safe. The tablet there shows the system is running as intended and that all of Ariana's vital signs are normal. So please do try to focus on the brutal pounding I'm delivering to your tight, American pussy," Landen sighes as he speeds up his hips, shaking the whole bed as he fucks her. "Aghh!" Jennifer cries out as Landen grabs her tits, squeezing tightly as he drills her sore pussy. She can't believe the young billionaire hasn't cum yet considering how hard and fast he's been fucking her. Jennifer also can't help but wonder how much rougher Landen will get if SHE doesn't cum soon. "Mmmpph! Mmmmmmmppphhh!" Ariana lets out a few loud, muffled groans, totally immersed in whatever virtual simulation Landen has stuck her in. One thing Jennifer is sure of is that Ariana clearly has no problem cumming...

        FLASH! The brightest flash yet blinds Ariana. As she forces herself to focus on her surroundings, Ariana thinks she's in some kind of penthouse, dimly lit, no one else in the immediate area. She's not surprised to find herself completely naked once again. The turning of the door knob gets her attention, this time only three big black men, also completely naked, enter the living room of the penthouse. She knows she's seen them before, struggling to figure out how she knows them. Ariana finds them all extremely attractive. The darkness of the room keeps the men from noticing Ariana blushing as they approach her, cocks already rock hard and ready to go. One of the lies down on the couch, waving her over. Climbing onto his lap, Ariana begins to ride him cowgirl, fucking him as hard and fast as she can. Her partner reaches up, putting his hands on her shoulders, pulling her down closer to him. One of the two other men walk over, aiming his dick towards her mouth. Ariana begins sucking his cock as she continues fucking his friend, convinced her night can't get any better. At that moment she feels something hard and warm pressing against her ass. The third and final man slowly pushes into her asshole, Ariana now being fucked airtight in the mass of bodies. The man in her ass grabs her arms by the wrists, pulling her arms behind her body as he fucks her.
        FLASH! Another bright light and Ariana finds herself on her back, reverse cowgirl yet again with one of the men already balls deep in her asshole. Of of the other men come over, sliding his cock into her waiting pussy. "Oh yeah! Fuck both my holes with your big black cocks! No, I want all three of your cocks!" Ariana growls, waving the third man over, turning her head as she opens her mouth. The last man standing gets the hint, sliding his cock into her mouth. Ariana is ecstatic, surrendering herself to the three cocks filling her holes. She wishes she could go all night like this, feeling nothing but pleasure filling her entire body, but deep down she has this nagging suspicion that this isn't going to last... Just as she's about to cum again she's blinded by the brightest flash of light yet, accompanied by the smell of something burning?...

        Back in the real world, Landen has Jennifer on all fours, center of the bed. The busty brunette is lucky that Landen can't see her face as he begins to push his cock inside her. Grabbing her by the hips he jackhammers into her without mercy, shaking the whole bed as Jennifer moans and groans in pleasure. He catches her by surprise, slipping a hand underneath her, rubbing her clit hard as he fucks her. Jennifer lasts only minutes, relieved to finally climax. "Ooohh! Right there! I'm cumming! I'm cumming so hard!" Jennifer wails, her walls clamping down on Landen's cock as she orgasms. As the last waves of pleasure wash over her, Landen pulls out of her as Jennifer collapses face down on the bed. A loud beep, similar to an alarm, sounds on Landen's tablet. He quickly picks it up, his fingers flying across the screen as he checks the system diagnostics. "Oh Bloody Hell!" Landen shouts, hoping off the bed in a hurry. "Quickly, help me take the sensors off of Ariana's body! The system has malfunctioned!" Landen says angrily. Jennifer forces herself up and off the bed. The two of them peel the sticker-like sensors off of Ariana's body, the blonde drooping motionless in her restraints. "Is she okay?" Jennifer asks softly. "Of course she's alright! It's the equipment I'm worried about!" Landen snaps.

        As they remove the sensors from Ariana's inner thighs Jennifer notices a dark patch all along the crotch of the panties. "Oh my God! Did she piss herself?!" Jennifer exclaims. "No you dumb bitch! Your friend couldn't control herself and squirted all over my expensive, experimental equipment!" Landen growls. He peels Ariana's panties off, letting them remaining at mid thigh as he rips the three pronged vibrator out of her holes. Pulling down the cups of her bra, he deactivates the discs on her nipples, setting them on the bed. Landen disconnects the headphone, also placing the on the bed before removing the VR headset. Ariana's eyes are glazed over, the blonde slowly regaining full consciousness. Unbuckling the vibrator mouth piece, he rips it out of Ariana's mouth as she coughs, gasping for air. "Do you know what you've done!?" Landen asks, slapping her in the face. "You've ruined hundreds of thousands of dollars of experimental equipment because you couldn't control your bodily functions!" Landen screams. "I...I'm sorry! I had no idea. W-what happened?" Ariana asks, still groggy from her virtual sex simulation. "What happened was you squirted all over my machines like the stupid American whore you are!" Landen shouts. He stops dead, as if hit by a bolt of lightning. His expression changes from anger to his sly smirk from earlier in the evening.

        "You do remember those contracts you've signed each and every time you've shot a porno for me, right?" he says, staring intently at Ariana. "Yeah, why?" Ariana asks, confused. "Well, I believe you missed the clause in the contract stating that you take full responsibility for any company property you damage. I may be out a small sum of money but that's fine considering that I now essentially own you," Landen laughs, running his hand up and down her bare back. "Can't I just pay you the money instead?" Ariana asks. "Heavens no. And even if you could I'd rather have you indebted to me. You'd better believe I'll come up with an...interesting way for you to repay your debt to me," he says, smirking at her. "And as for you! Come over here and kneel down," Landen says to Jennifer.

        The brunette does as she's instructed, kneeling down in front of him, dreading what she knows is about to happen. "Since I'm in such a good mood I've decided to give you a special treat, my dear Jennifer. Normally I'd end the evening by shooting my load all over my conquest like the filthy whore she is, but I'm not going to do that to you. Despite everything that's happened here tonight I still have a special place in my heart for my two teenage crushes. I've already given Ariana the experience of a lifetime so I'm letting you suck me off until I cum. And just so we're clear, you're to swallow every last drop," Landen says, sly grin on his face. Jennifer wraps her lips around his cock, bobbing her head up and down his shaft as quickly as she can, doing her best to think of anything other than swallowing the thirty-something billionaire's load. It doesn't help, Jennifer snaps back to reality as the first shot of his cum hits the back of her throat, sliding down slowly. He shoots half a dozen shots into her mouth until he pats her on the head, like a dog, rewarding her for a job well done. She stays where she is, trying not to cry as Landen goes back to Ariana, unlocking her restraints.

        "Ladies, tonight has surpassed my every expectation. I've had my staff gather your clothes. You can take a quick shower and then my chauffeur will take you back to your hotel. Jennifer, I hope to see you again. Ariana, keep your schedule open. You never know when I will be calling in my favor," Landen laughs as the women slowly walk out of the room towards the nearest bathroom to shower. They ride back to the hotel in Landen's limo, neither woman saying a word. As they get out of the limo Jennifer stops Ariana. "Can I stay with you tonight? After what we just went through I don't want to be alone," Jennifer says softly. "Of course you can," Ariana says. They take the elevator up to Ariana's room. As they get off the elevator Jennifer stops Ariana again. "What was it like in there? The simulation, I mean. It looked pretty intense," Jennifer says. "It was. I've never experienced anything like it before. It felt so real. There were a few times that I actually thought I was in another gangbang," Ariana laughs. "Another?!...How many gangbangs have you been in!?" Jennifer exclaims. "A few. But after that I need a break from guys. Good thing I'm spending the night with a hot brunette," Ariana says, giving her a sly grin. "What! But I! That's not what I meant before...Aw! What the Hell! I've never been with another woman before," Jennifer sighes. "Well, I promise you won't regret it," Ariana laughs, closing the door behind them...

To be continued...

« Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 06:03:39 AM by Cptnstrwrs »
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Viri, JLH_T88, Cum4JLH, flawed_existence, Sorale21, Sheltonknight, Banshee


Looking forward to reading more. JLH is a legend
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


Sexy hot
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


I never guessed Jennifer and Ariana Richards would make a good team.

Loved it, thanks for writing JLH.
The following users thanked this post: Cptnstrwrs


I never guessed Jennifer and Ariana Richards would make a good team.

Loved it, thanks for writing JLH.

Thanks. Glad you liked it  :D


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