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Author Topic: Taking a Punt (Neekolul)  (Read 12067 times)


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  • Yeah, we are fallen, like the mourning sun
Taking a Punt (Neekolul)
« on: July 06, 2024, 07:38:43 PM »
Disclaimer - It goes without saying that this is all fantasy.

MF, Oral, Sex, Creampie

Inspired by Neeko's recent trip to Hawaii.

Taking a Punt

Jason Rivers was a man of many faces. To his professors, he was a thoughtful, diligent student, always eager to learn. To the University of Oahu Warriors, he was their charismatic leader, their captain, the soul of the team.

On this particular afternoon, Jason's thoughts were heavier than the textbooks he lugged around campus. His relationship with Rachel had ended in a tumultuous storm of accusations and tears. He'd tried to convince himself that he could juggle the responsibilities of a star quarterback with the demands of a serious relationship, but ultimately, something had to give. And Rachel had made it clear that she wasn't going to be the one to bend.

The sand beneath his feet was hot, the kind of heat that seeped through his flip-flops and warmed his skin, reminding him that he was alive and everything would be alright. The ocean waves crashed against the shore, and they seemed to drown out the cacophony of his thoughts. He walked with purpose, letting the saltwater spray kiss his face as the breeze flitted through the palm trees that lined the beach.

In the distance, Jason spotted a figure sitting alone, her back to him. As he approached, he noticed her dark hair tumbling down her back like a chocolate waterfall, her slender frame hunched slightly as if carrying the weight of the world. She was dressed in a simple, blue sundress that fluttered around her knees, the color contrasting sharply with the golden sand. He paused for a moment, unsure if he should intrude on her solitude, but something about her sadness drew him to her.

He took a deep breath and continued walking, closing the gap between them. As he grew closer, she looked up, her eyes meeting his, a hint of surprise flitting across her features. She had a heart-shaped face, with high cheekbones and full lips. Her eyes were a deep, almond brown, the kind that you could drown in.

"Hi," he offered tentatively, his voice breaking the silence.

The girl looked at him, her eyes searching his for a moment before she offered a soft smile. "Hi," she replied, her voice a gentle melody that seemed to belong to the beach itself.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, cocking his head, nodding towards the stretch of sand beside her.

"Not at all," she said, gesturing to the empty space beside her. "I could actually use the company right now."

Jason sat down, feeling the warm sand shift under his weight. He took in the girl's sadness, the way it hung around her like a cloak. He recognized the pain in her eyes, the same pain that had been his constant companion since Rachel had left.

"Things going that good, huh?" he said with a gentle smile, hoping to lighten the mood.

The girl looked at him, a glimmer of amusement briefly dispelling the sadness. "I guess you could say that," she replied, her eyes dropping to the half-hearted sandcastle she'd been building. "Name's Nicole."

Jason extended his hand, his palm calloused from countless football practices. "Jason," he said, introducing himself. "What brings you out here on such a beautiful day?"

Nicole took his hand, her grip firm despite her delicate appearance. "Just needed some space to think," she said, her smile wavering. "And you?"

"Same thing." he said, his eyes scanning the horizon, where the blue of the ocean met the blue of the sky in a seamless embrace. "Sometimes a walk is the only thing that clears the head, you know?"

Nicole nodded, her eyes following his gaze. "Yeah, I guess that is true." she said, her voice tinged with a slight sadness. "It's just hard when everything feels like it's falling apart."

"Want to talk about it?" he shifted his position, looking at her with a soft smile.

Nicole bit her bottom lip, considering his offer. "It's complicated," she murmured, her eyes drifting to the horizon.

Jason nodded, understanding. "You don't have to," he said gently. "But sometimes talking about these things can help."

Nicole took a deep breath, the salty air filling her lungs as she contemplated his words. Finally, she spoke. "My boyfriend," she began, her voice shaking slightly. "We are...well we were, on vacation here, and we got into a huge fight. The biggest fight we've ever had, actually..."

Her voice trailed off and she stared out at the ocean.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jason said sincerely. "It's never easy when things go sour like that."

Nicole nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"He said some things... I just didn't know how to respond." She took a shaky breath. "I walked away to clear my head, but then he texted me saying he was going to the airport and heading back home. He didn't want to talk, didn't want to try and work things out. Just wanted to leave without me."

"That's really tough," he said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Do you mind me asking what you were fighting about?"

Nicole looked at him, her eyes searching for judgment but finding only empathy. She took a deep breath and let the words tumble out.

"It started out about him complaining that I was spending too much time taking photos and videos for social media." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He knows that's what I do, I'm a content creator. Plus he works in this industry too, so I figured I didn't need to explain to him."

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, before continuing.

"Then when I defended myself, he just started gaslighting me, you know? Getting really personal, deriding some of the things I was doing. Just making me feel like a piece of shit. Sorry for swearing. But he started tearing me apart, getting nasty and personal. It started out with little jibes, little insults and then when he drank a little bit, he got more vicious with his insults."

Jason nodded, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Yeah, I know how that goes," he said. "It's like they want to control the narrative, even when they know it's not the whole story. Sounds a lot like my ex, if I'm honest."

"It's just so hard when someone you love turns into someone you don't recognize." she looked at him, her eyes now glistening with tears. "I feel like I'm losing myself in all this, you know? But then I think, maybe he was always like this? He's always had a quick, cutting mouth, a way of chopping people down with very deliberate, personal one liners. Maybe I just ignored it because he didn't do it much to me?"

Jason nodded, his fingers trailing lines in the sand.

"That's the thing with toxic people," he said, his voice low and steady. "They show you their true colors in the most unexpected moments."

Nicole's eyes searched his, looking for reassurance. "How did you deal with it?"

Jason took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "Well, I tried to ignore it at first," he admitted, his gaze drifting out to the horizon. "Thought it was just the stress of the season, you know? But Rachel had a way of making everything feel like it was my fault."

He paused, watching the waves roll in and out, mimicking the ebb and flow of his emotions. "It took me a while to realize that I didn't have to take it, that I deserved better. And when I did, it was like a weight had been lifted."

Nicole leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What made you realize that?"

Jason sighed, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. "Kinda like with you and your boyfriend, it was a build-up of things," he said, his voice filled with the weight of past moments. "Little things that added up over time. Shitty comments now and then, usually in front of her friends. I could even see it made them uncomfortable to hear. But the final straw was when she started to put me down in front of my friends, my teammates. That's when I knew it was over."

Nicole nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "It's like they want to take you down a peg, make you feel small," she murmured.

Jason looked at her, his gaze softening. "Yeah, it's like that. But you know what?" He turned to face her fully, his expression earnest. "You're not small. You're not what he says you are, and you don't need someone to tear you down to feel good about themselves."

Nicole sniffled, a sad smile playing on her lips. "You're right, I shouldn't have to take it." she said.

They chatted for a while longer, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across the beach. Nicole felt a strange comfort in Jason's presence, a sense of peace she hadn't experienced since before the fight. He listened without judgement, offering words of encouragement that seemed to resonate with her.

The sun was starting to set when she turned to him and smiled softly, the light playing across her cheeks.

"Thank you, Jason," she said, her voice filled with gratitude "I think I've been holding onto to this anger and sadness for too long."

"Think nothing of it." he smiled reassuringly. "Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else."

"I gotta' get back to the hotel." she sighed and looked at her phone, getting to her feet.

"Do you need a ride?" Jason stood up with her, brushing the sand off his legs.

Nicole looked up at him, her eyes widening slightly. "You don't have to do that," she said, her voice filled with surprise.

"I don't have to, but I'd like to." he shrugged, and smiled down at her. "If you would like one, of course."

"Yes, please. That would be great." Nicole nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her chest.

They walked off the beach together, their footsteps leaving imprints in the cooling sand.

"How tall are you?" Nicole asked, looking up at him as they strolled along the beach.

"I'm six-five," Jason replied with a chuckle. "It's a perk for playing quarterback, but not so much for fitting into economy class seats."

Nicole laughed, the sound a gentle breeze in the quiet of the evening.

"I bet," she said, her gaze lingering on his athletic frame. "How long have you been on Oahu?"

"Almost three years now," Jason said, leading the way to his car. "Came for the university and the football scholarship. I mean, honestly, what could be better than playing football on a tropical island for four years?"

Nicole couldn't help but laugh. "You definitely got the better end of the deal," she said, shaking her head. "I'm living in Dallas. This is about as different from home as it gets."

Jason opened the car door for her, his manners old-school, not going unnoticed by Nicole.

"Thanks," Nicole said, sliding into the passenger seat. The leather was warm from the sun, and the car smelled faintly of leather and sunscreen. She felt a pang of something she hadn't felt in a while - safety. She felt so comfortable with Jason, even though they had just met.

Jason started the car, the engine purring to life. "So, where to, Milady?"

Nicole provided the name of her hotel, and they pulled away from the beach. The car was filled with the sound of the engine and the faint whoosh of the tires against the asphalt, but the silence between them was comfortable.

"So, what do you study at the University?" she asked, breaking the quiet.

"Business management," Jason said, his eyes on the road. "I've always had a head for numbers and strategy. Plus, it's a solid backup plan if the whole football thing doesn't pan out."

"You want to play in the NFL?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"It's the dream," Jason said, his gaze never leaving the road. "But it's tough, and the odds aren't always great. And that's if you get drafted. If you don't..." he trailed off, his expression serious.

Nicole nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "What's your plan B?"

"Sports finance, I think" he said, glancing over at her, smiling shyly. "Or something in sports management. I just want to stay close to the game, you know?"

Nicole nodded, her gaze lingering on his profile. There was something about his confidence that was intriguing to her. He wasn't an arrogant jock, but quietly confident.

"Yeah, I totally get that," she said. "I studied marketing, but I fell into content creation. It's fun, but it's also a grind."

"It's something you enjoy at least, right?" he asked, glancing over at her again.

"Yeah, it's my passion. But sometimes it feels like it's consuming me." Nicole sighed, looking out the window as they drove along the coast.

Jason nodded. "It's tough when you love what you do, but it starts to feel like it's all you are." He paused for a moment, his eyes on the road. "But...even in those tough moments, at least you can re-find the passion. And if you can't, maybe it's just time for a change."

Nicole leaned her head against the window, watching the scenery go by. The conversation flowed easily between them, as if they'd known each other for more than just a handful of minutes. When they arrived at her hotel, the sun had dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in a fiery array of oranges and pinks. Jason jumped out of the car, and opened her door, his chivalry a refreshing change from the toxicity she'd left behind.

"Thanks for the ride," she said, her voice a bit shaky. "And for listening."

"Anytime," Jason said, his eyes meeting hers.

Nicole stepped out of the car, the soft hotel lights reflecting off the shiny black pavement. The air was thick with the scent of plumeria and the distant sound of ukuleles from the beachside bar. She looked up at him, his tall, handsome figure silhouetted against the setting sun. He was everything her ex was not, kind, understanding, and genuine.

"I should go." she said, gesturing to the hotel, her hand hovering over the door handle.

"If you're sure." he said, looking down at her earnestly.

"I'm not," she looked up at him, biting her lip "And that's the problem."

Jason studied her for a moment before nodding. "How about we grab dinner. I know a great place about 20 minutes away."

Nicole hesitated, her eyes searching his, looking for any signs of insincerity, but found none.

"Okay," she said, her voice quivering. "I could use some decent food."

Jason grinned, shutting the car door behind her. "Good choice," he said, walking around to the driver's side. "There's this amazing place, right on the beach. Best Poke you'll ever have."

Nicole slid back into the passenger seat, feeling a thrill of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him. The drive to the restaurant was filled with easy banter, laughing and not a little flirting. The restaurant was indeed right on the beach, with lights strung up in the palm trees casting a soft glow over the wooden tables and chairs.

"You think you'll stay here?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the warm glow of the string lights above them.

"On Oahu? No," he shook his head "I love it here, and I always will, but there are no real opportunities for what I want to do. Plus, it's really frickin' expensive here compared to the mainland."

Nicole laughed, the sound light and carefree. "You're not kidding. I've been looking at the menu prices here."

"And this place is more for locals than tourists." he winked, spooning some more Poke into his mouth.

Normally, Nicole would have been uncomfortable with someone so new, but there was something about Jason that just made her feel at ease. He was a good listener, attentive without being overbearing, and he had a sense of humor that had her laughing through the ache in her chest. He was also incredibly attractive, she couldn't deny that at all.

As they sat in the car parked outside her hotel, the air thick with the scent of the ocean and the lingering warmth of their conversation, Nicole wondered if she was making a mistake. But then she thought about the way Jason had made her feel all evening - seen, heard, and understood - and she knew that she wanted to feel that way just a little longer.

"Thank you for dinner," she said, looking over at him. His eyes were a soft blue in the dim light of the car, and she felt a flutter in her stomach that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

"It was my pleasure." he replied, his gaze steady on hers.

The silence grew heavy, the air thick with unspoken words. Nicole's heart raced, her hand hovering over the door handle.

"Do you want to come up for a drink?" she asked, barely able to hide the quiver.

Jason looked at her, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am." Nicole nodded, her eyes not leaving his.

"I'd love to." Jason's smile grew into a grin.

They made their way to the hotel lobby, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the marble floor. The receptionist's eyes lingered on them a little too long, and Nicole felt a flash of self-consciousness. Was it wrong to bring a man she'd just met to her hotel room? But Jason's comforting presence washed away her doubt. They took the elevator up to her floor, the awkwardness of the situation giving way to the excitement of the unknown.

When they reached her room, she fumbled with her keycard, her hands trembling slightly. The room was neat, with the bed made and the curtains drawn back to reveal the twinkling lights of Waikiki Beach.

"This is a nice room." Jason whistled as he looked around it, his eyes lingering on the balcony that overlooked the beach. "I've never stayed in a hotel like this."

Nicole felt a blush creep up her neck. "It's my boyfriend's," she said, her voice barely above a murmur. "Or, I guess, maybe ex-boyfriend's. He had the money for this kind of thing."

Jason nodded, understanding.

"It's okay," he said, taking a seat on the couch. "This doesn't have to be anything more than two people who've had a rough time, okay?"

She nodded her understanding, and went over to the bar.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked, her voice a little shaky as she held up a bottle of wine.

"I'm driving so it'll have to be a small glass." he sighed, smiling gently.

Nods of agreement passed between them, and Nicole poured two small glasses of wine, handing one to Jason. They sat down on the couch, the cushions sinking slightly under their weight. They sat and drank, a comfortable silence falling between them. Neither felt the need to interject just to break it. Instead, they enjoyed the quiet of each other's company.

After a few sips, Nicole felt the warmth spread through her body. She looked over at Jason, his broad shoulders and chiseled jawline highlighted by the soft glow of the hotel lamp. The tension in the room grew palpable, and she found herself leaning closer to him.

"What's your favorite thing about playing football?" she asked, her voice softer than she intended.

Jason leaned a little closer into her, his eyes never leaving hers. "The camaraderie," he said after a moment. "There's nothing quite like being part of a team that's fighting for the same thing. It's like a family, you know?"

Nicole nodded, the alcohol making her feel a bit more brave than she had been earlier. "Yeah," she murmured, her eyes dropping to his lips. "I know what you mean."

The silence stretched out, and Jason's hand reached out to cover hers, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand. Nicole felt a jolt of electricity run through her body, and she looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. He leaned in, and she didn't pull away. Their lips met in a gentle kiss, sweet and tender. It was unlike any kiss she had ever felt before, filled with understanding and comfort.

For a moment, they just sat there, their breaths mingling, their hearts racing in sync. Then Jason pulled away, his eyes searching hers. "Never thought I'd find someone like you today," he whispered.

Nicole felt a rush of emotions - excitement, fear, and a hint of sadness - all fighting for dominance. But the sadness was fading, replaced by a warmth that grew with every second she was with him. She leaned in again, her free hand resting on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. This time, the kiss was deeper, more urgent. When they broke apart, breathless, Jason's hand found its way to the back of her neck, his thumb tracing gentle circles.

"You know," she blurted out, her cheeks flushed, "Your ex-girlfriend is a fucking idiot for letting you go."

Jason's eyes crinkled at the corners with a laugh. "Thanks." he said, his voice low and warm. He brushed his lips against hers again, taking her hand in his, squeezing it gently.

The kiss grew more passionate, their bodies moving closer together of their own accord. Nicole felt a sense of recklessness, a need to lose herself in this moment of escape. There was something real here, something that made her feel desired and wanted again. She wanted this, wanted him, more than anything.

Jason's hand slid down to her waist, pulling her closer, his other hand coming up to cup her face. Nicole's hand found its way to his chest, feeling the muscles tighten beneath her touch. The kiss grew deeper, more urgent, and she could feel the heat building between them. It had been so long since she'd felt this way, and she didn't want it to end.

Her heart raced as Jason's hand began to explore, tracing the curve of her hip and up her side. Nicole's own hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers playing with the short strands of hair at the base of his skull. They kissed for what felt like an eternity, the rest of the world fading away until all that was left was the sound of their breaths and the pounding of their hearts.

When they finally pulled apart, Nicole was the first to break the silence. "I don't usually do this," she said, her voice breathless.

"We don't have to." he leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers. "Not if you don't want to."

Nicole took a deep breath, the weight of his words hitting her like a wave. She knew he was right, that she didn't have to do anything she wasn't ready for. But she also knew that she wanted this, needed this, after feeling so small and unimportant for so long.

"No," she murmured, her eyes never leaving his. "I want this."

Jason searched her eyes, looking for any hint of doubt, but all he saw was the reflection of the same desire that was burning in his chest. He leaned in and kissed her again, this time with more urgency, more need. Nicole's hand slipped under his shirt, her fingertips tracing the lines of his abs, her touch sending a shiver down his spine.

They stood up, their bodies pressing together as they stumbled towards the bed, the wine glasses abandoned on the table. The world outside the room didn't matter anymore. All that existed was the warmth of each other's embrace, the soft whispers of reassurance and desire. Jason felt the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders, the burden of his breakup and his future seemingly forgotten.

Nicole's hands found the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. His muscles rippled in the soft light, and she couldn't help but admire the strength of his physique. He was everything she'd ever imagined in a man, and she felt a surge of attraction that she hadn't felt in a long time. Her dress soon followed, the fabric gliding over her skin as it fell to the floor.

Jason took in the sight of her, the soft curves of her body and the way the light danced across her skin. He felt a mix of awe and desire, a feeling that washed away the pain of his recent heartbreak. They stood there for a moment, just looking at each other, before their bodies collided again in a passionate embrace.

Their kisses grew more insistent, their hands exploring each other with a hunger that seemed to have been building for longer than just the few hours they'd known each other. Nicole felt Jason's hand trace the line of her back, his touch gentle yet firm, sending a thrill down her spine. He unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor, and she felt a sense of vulnerability that was both terrifying and thrilling. She unbuttoned his shorts, letting them fall to the floor, revealing his strong legs and the muscles of his thighs.

They tumbled onto the bed, the soft sheets a stark contrast to the tension in the air. Their kisses grew deeper, more demanding, as their bodies tangled together. Nicole's skin was hot and smooth, and Jason couldn't get enough of the feel of her beneath him. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, and she gasped, arching into his touch. Nicole's hands were in his hair, pulling him closer, her legs wrapping around his waist. He licked and sucked on her nipples, feeling her body respond to his every move.

"Jason..." she moaned, her eyes closing as he trailed kisses down her stomach, her fingers threading through his hair. He took his time, savoring every inch of her skin as he went lower, her breaths quickening with anticipation. He kissed her hip bones, her inner thighs, and she felt a wetness growing between her legs. He gently slid her silk panties off her hips, leaving her bare to his gaze. Nicole's heart was racing, her body feeling alive and electric.

Jason trailed kisses up her thighs, feeling the heat radiating from her core. He looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire. "Nicole?" he asked, giving her one last chance to change her mind.

Nodding, Nicole took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with anticipation. "Yes," she whispered.

Jason's eyes searched hers for any sign of doubt, but all he saw desire. He kissed her inner thigh, his gentle touch sending a tremor through her body. Her legs fell open wider, inviting him in. He took his time, exploring her with his mouth, tasting her sweetness. Nicole's moans grew louder, her hips rising to meet him, urging him closer. He felt her tension build, the dampness of her arousal coating his lips, and he knew she was close. With a flick of his tongue, he sent her over the edge, her body convulsing in pleasure. Her climax washed over her like a wave, leaving her gasping for air. But Jason didn't stop, continuing to lick and suck on her clit.

Nails digging into the bed, Nicole gripped the sheets, her body arching off the bed. The pleasure was intense, almost too much to handle. But she didn't want it to end. She felt Jason's hands slide up her thighs, as he alternated his licking and sucking patterns.

"Oh fuck..." she groaned. "Don't stop!"

Jason looked up at her, his mouth curving into a smug smile. "I'm just getting started."

Nicole's eyes shut tight as she felt another wave of pleasure building inside her. Her body was alive, every nerve ending singing with sensation. His tongue danced around her clit, teasing and probing, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She couldn't believe how good it felt, how much she needed this.

When she came again, it was with a cry that was part pleasure, part relief. Her body shuddered and spasmed, her legs tightening around his head. Jason didn't stop, his hands gripping her thighs firmly as he continued to taste her. Nicole felt like she was floating, her body light and weightless.

As the waves of pleasure receded, she looked down at him, her eyes hazy with desire. "Come here," she whispered, her voice a hoarse whisper.

Jason slid up her body, his own need evident in the hardness pressing against her. They kissed again, a kiss filled with passion and hunger. He reached down and slid off his boxers, freeing his long, thick cock from its prison. It throbbed in anticipation, the head coated with pre-cum. Nicole's eyes widened at the sight of him, feeling a thrill of excitement. She reached out and touched him, her hand barely fitting around his girth. Jason groaned into her mouth, his hips jerking involuntarily at the contact.

He pulled back and took a moment to appreciate the beauty of her naked body. She was a goddess, her curves and valleys perfect for his hands to explore. He slid his hand down her stomach and found her slick with arousal. He stroked her gently, watching her eyes flutter shut and her body tense. Nicole's legs fell open wider, her hips moving in a silent plea for more. He didn't disappoint, sliding a finger inside her, feeling her tightness.

"Oh God," she moaned, her eyes snapping open to lock onto his. "Jason, I need you."

With a nod, Jason positioned himself between her legs, his cock at her entrance. He took a deep breath, savoring the moment before he pushed into her. Nicole gasped as he filled her, stretching her in a way she hadn't felt in a long time. He moved slowly at first, giving her time to adjust, but Nicole's hands on his hips urged him to go deeper, faster.

Their rhythm grew more intense, the sound of their bodies coming together in a symphony of passion. Nicole felt alive, her skin singing with every touch. She wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging into his back, urging him closer. The friction was exquisite, the feeling of being wanted and desired after feeling so small for so long was overwhelming.

Jason's strokes grew stronger, more demanding, as he lost himself in the feeling of her tightness surrounding him. He felt her walls clench around him, her body begging for more, and he gave it to her without hesitation. His own climax was building, a pressure that grew with every thrust. But he wanted her to come first, needed her to. So he gritted his teeth and held back, focusing on the way she moved beneath him, the way she felt around him.

Her nails dug into his back, leaving marks that would be sore tomorrow but felt like nothing but pleasure now. Her breaths grew ragged, her moans louder. He reached between them, his thumb finding her clit again, and began to rub in time with his thrusts. It didn't take long before she was coming again, her body shaking with the force of it. The feeling of her orgasm rippling around him was almost too much to bear, and with a final, deep thrust, he gave in to his own release, coming deep inside her. She felt him spurt inside her, his cum mixing with her juices, and she reveled in the feeling of being filled.

They lay there for a moment, panting, their bodies slick with sweat. The only sound was the crash of the waves outside and their hearts beating in sync. It was perfect, more perfect than Nicole had ever imagined it could be.

They pulled away from each other, both needing a moment to catch their breath. Jason looked down at her, his eyes filled with a tenderness she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gruff with passion.

Nicole nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Better than okay," she murmured.

Jason leaned in and kissed her lips, his arms still around her. "You're so beautiful, Nicole." he whispered.

Her smile grew, and she kissed him back, her arms sliding around his neck.

"You have such a beautiful smile, you know that?" he said, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

Nicole couldn't help but laugh. "Mr Flattery here, huh." she replied, feeling the warmth of his breath on her skin.

Jason grinned. "Just stating the facts," he said, his hand sliding down to caress her side.

They lay there for a while longer, the sound of the waves outside the window the only sound in the room. She looked up at Jason, his chest rising and falling with his steady breaths. He looked down at her, his expression a mix of contentment.

"I didn't expect this," she admitted, her voice a little hoarse from her earlier cries of pleasure.

"Me neither," Jason said, his voice still a bit ragged from his own climax. He propped himself up on his elbow, his gaze still locked on hers. "But I'm not complaining."

Nicole couldn't argue with that. She felt a warmth spread through her, a feeling she hadn't experienced in a long time. It was more than just the afterglow of amazing sex; it was a sense of connection that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Why couldn't I have met you two years ago." she sighed, her eyes searching his.

Jason chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. "Maybe we weren't ready for each other then," he said, stroking her cheek "But I'm sure as hell happy we met now."

Nicole felt a flutter in her chest at his words. "Me too," she murmured, her voice still filled with desire. She felt his cock stir against her thigh, and she quivered a little.

Jason looked down at her, his smile growing. "You want more?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.

Nicole's cheeks flushed, but she didn't hesitate. "Yes," she breathed, her eyes sparkling with desire.

Jason didn't need any further invitation. He leaned in and kissed her again, his hand sliding down to cup her ass, lifting her hips to align their bodies once more. He entered her with a slow, deliberate thrust, his eyes never leaving hers. The sensation was even more intense this time, the connection between them palpable. Nicole's legs wrapped around his waist, and she pulled him closer, her heels digging into the small of his back.

He made love to her, slowly plunging himself inside her pussy, penetrating her deeply. Nicole's eyes never left his, her pupils dilated with pleasure. She felt so alive, so desired, so seen for the first time in forever. Jason felt Nicole's pussy clench around his cock, her walls tightening as she climbed towards another orgasm. He could feel the heat of her body, the wetness of her pussy. It was intoxicating, making him want to fuck her harder, faster, deeper. But he held back, savoring the moment, the connection they shared.

Her nails dug into his back, leaving white lines on his tanned skin. She moaned his name, her voice a symphony of pleasure. He kissed her neck, his teeth grazing her sensitive skin. He could feel her heart racing, matching the beat of his own. With every thrust, he felt himself getting closer to the edge, his balls tightening, his cock thickening.

Nicole arched her back, her tits bouncing with the rhythm of their lovemaking. Her breaths were shallow and quick, her eyes glazed over with lust. She whispered sweet nothings into his ear, her voice a siren's call that he couldn't resist.

"This feels sooooo good," she moaned, her words music to his ears.

Jason's hips moved in a steady, powerful rhythm, his cock claiming her, making her his own. He could feel the tension in her body, the way she tightened around him as she neared the brink of ecstasy. His own orgasm was building, a pressure at the base of his spine that threatened to explode. But he was determined to make this last, to show her just how much she meant to him.

He kissed her neck, her jaw, her lips, his teeth grazing her skin in a gentle bite that made her gasp. His hands roamed her body, memorizing every curve, every peak and valley. Nicole's breasts bounced with each movement, and he couldn't resist cupping them, feeling their softness in his palms. He rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, watching as she threw her head back, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. Her body shuddered around him and she gasped, her pussy clenching tightly around his shaft.

The headboard banged against the wall with the force of their passion, the sound echoing through the quiet hotel room. Nicole felt the bed shift beneath her as Jason adjusted his angle, hitting that perfect spot deep inside her that made her toes curl. Her legs tightened around him, her heels digging into his back as she met him thrust for thrust. The room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking - their moans, the slap of their skin, the wetness of her pussy taking him in over and over again.

Her hips met his every thrust, eagerly, hungrily, and he felt her body tighten around him again, her muscles clenching, and knew she was close. He picked up the pace, his hips moving faster, his cock sliding in and out of her with a wet, slick sound that was music to his ears.

"Come for me, Nicole," he murmured, his voice a rough growl. "Come all over me."

Nicole's eyes widened, and she moaned, her body responding to his command. Her inner walls spasmed, and she felt the heat building, the pleasure coiling tightly in her belly. She threw her head back, her eyes squeezed shut, and let out a scream of pure ecstasy as she came again, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

"Oh Jason! Fuck!!!!!" she screamed as her orgasm washed over her, her body trembling and shaking with the intensity of it.

He felt her pussy contract around his cock, the warmth of her release coating him. It was all he could take, and with a final roar, he emptied himself inside her, his cum filling her up.

She felt him explode inside her, his warmth filling her up, and she shuddered with the force of her own climax. Her pussy clenched around him, milking every last drop of his seed. They lay there, panting and sweaty, their hearts racing. The world outside didn't matter anymore. All that existed was the two of them, tangled together in a mess of passion and emotion.

They were silent for a while, just listening to the sound of their breathing, feeling the beat of their hearts slowing down. Then, Nicole looked up at him, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Stay with me tonight." she whispered, her voice still trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. "Please."

Jason looked into her eyes, the raw emotion he saw there touching his soul. He nodded, knowing that leaving now would be the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. "I'm not going anywhere," he assured her, brushing a lock of hair from her face.

They lay there, their bodies still intertwined, their hearts beating as one. The air was thick with the scent of their lovemaking, a heady mix of sweat and desire. Nicole's chest rose and fell with every deep breath she took, her breasts pressing against his. Jason could feel the warmth of her pussy around his cock, the aftershocks of her orgasms still reverberating through her body.

He awoke the next morning, with her curled up beside him, her dark hair splayed across the pillows, her eyes shut tight in sleep, her chest rising and falling slowly. She looked so beautiful, it hurt him.

Jason slid out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake her, and padded over to the balcony. He took in the view of the ocean, the waves crashing against the shore in the early light of dawn. The air was cool, and he felt alive in a way he hadn't in a long time. He had to admit, he had never expected to find this kind of connection with anyone, especially not a girl he'd met just hours ago. But here he was, feeling more for Nicole than he had felt for Rachel in a long time.

He leaned against the railing, his eyes scanning the horizon, lost in thought. What did this mean for him? For them? He had next season to focus on, and Nicole had her own life to live on the mainland. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was someone special, someone who was more than just a one night stand or holiday fling.

"But maybe I'm wrong?" he murmured to himself, "Maybe she doesn't feel the same."

He felt a gentle touch on his back and turned to see Nicole standing there, her body glowing in the soft light. She was naked, her hair tumbling over her shoulders like a dark waterfall. The sight of her made his cock twitch with desire.

"What's on your mind?" she asked, her voice still a little hoarse from the night's activities.

Jason turned to face her, a little smile on his lips "Nothing at all."

Nicole stepped closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head against his chest. "Come back to bed with me then."

Jason couldn't resist the invitation, especially not when her naked body was pressed against his. He slid his arms around her, pulling her closer, feeling his cock stir to life again. They made their way back to the bed, their kisses growing more urgent with every step. They tumbled onto the mattress, a tangle of limbs and passion.

This time, Nicole took the lead, straddling him and guiding his cock back inside her. She rode him slow and steady, her eyes never leaving his. The morning light painted her skin a soft gold, highlighting the curves of her breasts and the muscles of her thighs. Every movement sent a shiver of pleasure through him, and he knew he was lost in her.

Her breasts bounced with each bounce, and he couldn't resist the temptation to take them in his hands, squeezing it and playing with her nipples. She gasped, her back arching, and he felt her tighten around him. Her hips rolled in a mesmerizing dance, her eyes glazed with passion. He held onto her hips, urging her to go faster, deeper, harder. But she held onto the pace, drawing out the pleasure, making it last.

Jason felt his climax building again, his body tightening as Nicole's rhythm grew more erratic. He watched her face, the way her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth parted in a silent scream of pleasure. He could feel her getting closer, her walls pulsing around him, and he knew he wasn't far behind.

"Come with me," he grunted, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.

Nicole nodded, her eyes never leaving his. Her hips picked up speed, her movements growing more frantic as she chased her own release. Jason felt his cock swell even more, the head of it brushing against the deepest part of her with each thrust. The pleasure was almost unbearable, a delicious ache that had his toes curling.

As they moved together, Nicole's pussy grew wetter, her juices coating him. She moaned, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. He could feel her tightening around him, her orgasm building like a storm in her eyes. Jason's hands slid up her body, his thumbs brushing her hardened nipples. She threw her head back, her hair a wild mess as she cried out. The sound of her pleasure was like a siren's call, driving him closer to the edge. His hips bucked up to meet hers, his cock plunging deep inside her, setting a rhythm that matched the pounding of the waves outside.

Nicole leaned forward, her hands on his chest, her breasts bouncing with every movement. She kissed him hard, her tongue darting into his mouth. He could taste her on him, sweet and salty, and it only made him want her more. He felt his climax approaching, a heat spreading from his balls up through his shaft. But he waited, holding onto the moment, savoring the feeling of her body wrapped around him.

"Come for me," she whispered, her voice a breathless plea.

Jason could feel the tension in her body, the way her muscles tensed and released with each movement. He knew she was close, so close. He reached up and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her down onto him, grinding his hips up to meet hers. Nicole's eyes went wide, and she moaned, the sound going straight to his cock. He felt himself swell even further inside her, his balls tightening.

"Yes, yes," she chanted, her voice breathless. "Like that, Jason, like that."

Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, a dance of passion that had them both teetering on the edge of release. Nicole felt her orgasm approaching like a tidal wave, ready to crash over her and sweep her away. She threw her head back, her eyes squeezed shut, and let out a guttural moan as she came. Her pussy clamped down around his cock, milking him, and the sensation was so intense, it was almost painful.

"Fuck!" he roared as his cock erupted, filling her up with hot, thick cum. Nicole's pussy convulsed around him, her orgasm squeezing him in a vice-like grip. They held onto each other tightly, their bodies shaking with the force of their shared climax. She felt him pulse inside her, felt his sperm fill her up, and she shivered around him.

For a moment, they just lay there, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. Then, Nicole leaned down and kissed him softly, her eyes fluttering open to meet his.

"You are incredible, Jason Rivers." she whispered, her voice still heavy with passion, her chest still heaving.

Jason chuckled, his arms still wrapped around her, his cock still inside her. "I'll take whatever compliments I can get."

They lay there, their hearts beating in time with each other's, the aftermath of their passion still clinging to the air. Nicole felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time, and she didn't want to let it go. She knew that this was more than just a one-night stand or holiday fling; she could feel it in the way he held her, the way he looked at her. But how would it work? She needed to head back to the mainland in a few days, and he had another year in school. What could she do?

They eventually pulled apart, both of them smiling and looking into each other's eyes. "So, what now?" she asked, her voice soft and a little shaky.

"How about we have a shower, then get some breakfast." he suggested, his voice still labored from the aftermath of their lovemaking.

Nicole nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "That sounds perfect."

They showered together, the hot water cascading over their bodies as they explored each other anew. Soap bubbles slid down their skin as they kissed, their hands roaming and teasing, the steam enveloping them in a warm, intimate embrace. Jason's hands found her breasts again, his touch tender and possessive, making Nicole's knees weak. She leaned into him, her body craving more of him, never wanting this feeling to end. She knelt down and took him in her mouth, wanting to give him the same pleasure he had given her the night before.

Jason groaned, his hands tangling in her hair as she took him deep, her tongue swirling around his cock. He watched her, his eyes dark with desire, as she pleasured him, her cheeks hollowing with every suck.

"Fuck, Nicole," he gasped, his hips jerking as she hit just the right spot.

Nicole looked up at him, her brown eyes full of mischief and passion as she worked his cock. She loved the way he moaned her name, the way his body responded to her touch. It was like they had known each other for years, not just a handful of hours.

Jason's eyes rolled back in his head, his knees threatening to buckle as Nicole's mouth worked magic on him. He could feel himself getting closer, the pressure building. "I'm going to come," he warned her, his voice strained.

Nicole didn't stop, her eyes flicking up to meet his, a challenge in her gaze. He groaned as he felt his orgasm hit, his cum spurting into her mouth. She swallowed every drop, her eyes never leaving his, her own desire clear in her gaze. He pulled her to her feet, kissing her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue. The intimacy of the moment washed over him, and he knew that he didn't want this to end.

They stepped out of the shower, their bodies still hot and slick with water, and Jason grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her. "Let's get dressed," he said, his voice still a little rough from their passion. "And let's get breakfast."

The breakfast was a blur of laughter and easy conversation, and as Nicole looked at him, his handsome features bathed in the late May sun, she knew what she had to do.


The tension in the stands was unbearable, and Nicole was at the edge of her seat as The University of Oahu had one last play to win the game. Her eyes were drawn to Jason, and her heart leaped. She felt his determination resonate through the air. He had been playing like a god since the start of the season, his game reaching new heights as he had led The Warriors to the brink of the Mountain West title, and put himself in contention for the Heisman Trophy. He had called a timeout, and as he huddled with his teammates, she thought about the last few months,

Leaving him had been the most difficult thing she'd ever had to do, and she'd cried all the way back to the mainland on the plane. To the point where the air hostesses had given her hugs and extra tissues. But she had her career to think of, her family, her life. Yet, every time she closed her eyes, she saw him. They video-called, texted, and spoke on the phone all the time, but she wanted and needed him. And she knew he felt the same.

She knew she couldn't be away from him, so she decided to rent her apartment in Dallas and move to Hawaii to be with him. Her friends thought she was crazy, but she told them she needed to be away from her ex, needed a change, and that she had fallen in love with the island.

And as Jason threw the final pass for a touchdown, and the stands around her erupted in joy, she smiled and cheered with them, looking on the field at the real reason she had moved there: the man she had fallen in love with.


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