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Author Topic: Kylie Minogue - Continental. Confidential.  (Read 11745 times)


Kylie Minogue - Continental. Confidential.
« on: November 24, 2023, 04:22:18 PM »
Kylie Minogue
Continental. Confidential.

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Kylie Minogue looked up and out the window of the expensive restaurant she was in. She could afford it and her fame made paying for exclusive places part of the deal if she wanted to get any peace from her fans. It was brilliant having so many dedicated people that loved her but sometimes she just needed to get away from it.

She was sat in the bar area with a drink in front of her, complete in a stemmed glass with a couple of shots in it that she was sure would hit her when she stood up from the stool she was on. Her eyes gazed out from behind her dark glasses at the bright blue sky, panning across the skyline of the city to the famous point of the Eiffel Tower.

She was in Paris for the fashion show, a huge glamourous event, and after a morning session she’d taken a walk to get herself a drink and think a little. It was kind of early for a cocktail but she figured it didn’t matter, she could do what she wanted and she was feeling rather low. She’d ordered a Dirty Martini with bourbon, the almost sweet almond flavour hiding the raw alcoholic kick beneath that hit her empty stomach. Her eyes panned down to the street again and all she seemed to see were couples walking along hand-in-hand, in that private, personal joy one got from sharing themselves with another.

It stung a little bit and she sipped at her drink. She was recently single – again – and couldn’t help but feel depressed as she watched other happy couples passing by while she felt painfully alone. The feeling nagged at her that she’d never managed to find someone special to settle down with, or had let them pass her by when she was younger, and as a result was getting older and still single. She really thought she’d have it all worked out by her mid-fifties but somehow had never made the time for it despite promising herself.

She was still hot of course, she knew that and worked hard for it, evidenced by the attention she still got from men though it wasn’t what she wanted. So far while in Paris she’d had a few significantly younger guys trying to get into her pants and she could tell that was all they wanted, a fuck so they could call her a conquest and that hardly interested her. One had to be only in his early twenties, full of overconfidence as he’d made his play for her only to be met with a roll of her eyes. Oh she was sure he would fuck her energetically but she doubted it would really satisfy her, it just wasn’t what she wanted, to be a notch on someone’s bedpost. Well...someone else’s.

On the other hand, she had older men with plenty of money making offers, promising a healthy pay day if she fancied joining them for an evening, basically wanting her to whore herself out for lack of a better description. She’d had more than one business card handed to her with “think about it” whispered to her. One had even grabbed her ass. It was ridiculous frankly when her own net worth was nine figures so she hardly needed their money and it was just an indecent proposal. Sadly it was more common than anyone realised.

The tragic thing for them was that if they just approached her normally and offered a drink she might take them up on it, meaning they might get her on her back if they charmed her. She wasn’t above sex on a first date though she didn’t make a habit of it. Still that hardly mattered when all she’d had was young lads wanting to fuck her or businessmen wanting to own her. She gave a sigh and wondered why she couldn’t get lucky and just meet the right kind of man for once.

Still, despite her gloom she was enjoying the Paris fashion show and it was a welcome break from studio work or planning the next tour. She loved those things but a change was always welcome and a trip to the City of Love made for an ideal getaway, so she’d taken the time to immerse herself. Accordingly she was all dressed up for it, knowing she couldn’t be seen in anything less than the most expensive and opulent clothing lest the media inevitably call her out on it.

She was wearing a knee length black satin dress with a pencil skirt that wrapped perfectly around her body to accentuate her feminine shape with her pinched waist and curvy hips. There was a short black jacket that went around her shoulders and barely reached her waist, mostly she had it draped over her rather than actually wearing it. Underneath it she’d gone all out with the lingerie, wanting to feel naughty and sexy despite nobody seeing it and as a result had bought the sexiest set of Agent Provocateur she could find.

The hundreds of pounds she’d spent was gratuitous for what she got but she loved it. It was black, a mix of exquisite lacy designs and sheer mesh and left little to the imagination for anybody who got her clothes off. The bra had strong black straps and mesh half-cups to support her humble breasts, with a lacy edge that barely covered her nipples. The panties were sheer mesh with a beautifully embroidered lace design that hinted at hiding her dark strip of pubic hair and pulled tightly up her round ass, not a thong but not really full panties either which she loved.

They were paired with a matching suspender belt, the strap style matching the bra and highlighted with lace again before the straps led down over her smooth thighs and round ass to the top of her seamed stockings, thin and black with a wide lace top that the suspenders held up perfectly. The tension just peaked and pulled at them as she moved, especially as she sat down as she was on the stool, loving the feel of the stockings pulled up by the suspenders as she bent her legs up. The seams ran down the back of her shapely legs into a pair of black leather ankle boots, somehow sexier than normal heels because they hid more and were just that little bit different.

It wasn’t enough, it seemed, to get her anything other than positive media praise since despite the outfit no decent guy had approached her. Her mind ran over the reasons why, wanting to figure it out, knowing the world was different and guys weren’t so game to approach any more, or maybe she had more of a reputation than she thought and they simply weren’t wasting their time on her. Worse still, maybe they just didn’t fancy her. Kylie shook her head of the notion, knowing she had to stay confident and that it was just another rough patch as she sipped her refreshing but quietly effective cocktail deeply.

However wishing herself to be a certain way didn’t make it so, and out of loneliness and low self esteem she’d made a phone call that had stirred conflict within her as it always did. It was a number she knew well yet rarely dialled, but her hunger and frank need for attention made her call it. It was a guy she knew, a man named David, who was younger than her and a friend. Well, far more than a friend as she’d been screwing him on and off for years. He was just under forty, which was about how old she was when she met him in 2008 as she approached her milestone birthday.

She’d been recently single again at that point and looking to do something wild for her fortieth, wanting to just break out and have some crazy fun, to act like she never normally would and throw caution to the wind. Somehow in her quest for that she’d met David, who’d only been twenty four at the time and a good fifteen years her junior but they’d just clicked. It was at some event or party, she couldn’t really remember now through the haze of time but that didn’t matter. They’d chatted, danced, flirted and then at the end of the evening he’d propositioned her.

It had been direct and pretty blunt, with little in the way of grey area but he obviously thought he had a chance when he’d done it. Normally Kylie would have said no, seeing his bluntness as disrespectful, not to mention his age which was not her usual fare. She went for older men typically, or at least those much closer to her own age. But on that occasion she’d taken a moment, realised it’d be a great way to just go for it and act out so she’d said yes and he’d taken her home.

It had been just before her fortieth birthday when she’d fucked him for the first time, letting him take her back to his apartment before their hunger and passion took over. She’d been expecting an exciting, fun but relatively by-the-numbers hook up with him for some brief entertainment. What she’d received however was one of the most incredible fucks of her life; it had been passionate, patient and intimate, but also intense and hard, his energy incredible as he applied it to her petite body in every way he could.

What had been intended to be an overnight stay turned into a weekend of passionate pleasure, with Kylie forgetting her plans and staying to both their enjoyment. By the time they got to the end of it all they were exhausted and aching, Kylie having been treated to a most incredible fuck and all it had required was her taking a hedonistic chance on her birthday. She stumbled on through the rest of her break as she enjoyed her brief time off but nothing else captured her imagination like the amazing way he’d treated her, both hard and soft, not letting her have an easy ride by any means but to maximum effect.

She hadn’t stayed single for long of course, but that hadn’t lasted long term and Kylie found him irresistible. David had given her his number, wanting any opportunity to spend time with the petite Australian again but leaving it up to her. Over the past fifteen years she always called him the second she was single, just unable to hold herself back from what she knew would be unbridled pleasure and affection when she got into his arms.

But she wasn’t sure it ever made her entirely happy. Sure it was hot, primal fun but it didn’t really leave her completely fulfilled. He was just a fuck buddy to her, though she knew that wasn’t quite true, but he certainly wasn’t her boyfriend. David never had been, though he had been interested and now she quietly rued what she guessed was a missed opportunity. He wasn’t blinded by her celebrity status or wealth, seeming very comfortable with himself and that made her wonder if he was the everyday guy that perhaps she should have taken a chance on when she was younger.

There was no point in maybes, they were in the past like everything else and she couldn’t wind the clock back. His game wasn’t reserved solely for her either as she’d found out he slept with other well known women, though she refused to ask the details despite her morbid curiosity. It wouldn’t make her feel better to hear it, and only made her question whether his interest in her was just physical when it seemed like much more. Instead it just made her give as much effort as he showed to her, wanting to be his favourite even if he had options.

He was originally from England though he lived in Paris, with a successful career in technology behind him though she never entirely found out what. On top of that he’d done some screen writing and was an excellent amateur photographer, which she knew all about as he’d taken a lot of photographs of her over the years they’d been intimate. He was a smart guy...who also wasn’t single; Kylie wasn’t quite sure of the details but she knew he had a beautiful but very understanding long term girlfriend that was seemingly happy for him to see women like her.

She wasn’t entirely convinced she liked that arrangement but it never once stopped her picking up the phone to him, so she guessed her conscience wasn’t so righteous. Kylie figured he must just wait for her call every time he saw her latest romance fall apart in the media, knowing she’d ring for attention from him. She grumbled a little as she thought about that, a scenario she’d entirely concocted, but also comforted herself with the thought that he never, ever failed to answer her calls.

David was someone whom the rich history and atmosphere of Paris called to, especially when things like the fashion show were on and he could see all the beautiful women that turned up. He didn’t always attend, but loved the bustle of the city when such big events took place and always made sure to drink it in. When Kylie had visited him once, years before, he’d taken her out to whatever event was going on, simply continuing with his plans and making her his date.

Kylie wondered if he’d jumped out of the sixties or something with how he seemed to live his life, enjoying strong black coffee and cigarettes along with beautiful women like herself. Despite all the modern pressure and pace of life he seemed contented to live his own way, which made her envy him and wonder why she couldn’t do that sometimes.

She’d made the call to him the evening before, heart pumping just a little bit faster when she did. It was the fear of him saying no to her. He didn’t of course, always pleased to hear her lovely voice and after some quick catching up she invited herself to his place the following day. He was fine with that, but had something to do first thing so asked her to make it around midday. She had no problem with that so took the morning enjoying a relaxing bath, shaving everything below her eyebrows and sliding into the skimpy lingerie she’d bought.

And now she was in the expensive restaurant bar, sipping her cocktail before it was even noon and just contemplating things. She’d enjoyed the morning fashion event that was going on so that had absorbed some time, and the alcohol steadied her nerves as she sipped at the straightforward drink, the almond liqueur disguising the kick it had. She didn’t know why she needed steady nerves, she’d done it before – maybe it just quieted her conscience. The part of her that told her it was seedy and cheap, that told her classy women didn’t do things like that and perhaps she should reconsider.

She dragged the last of her beverage through the straw, wincing a bit at the ice cold liquid from the bottom of the glass, tasting the edge on it as she stood the it aside and checked her phone. There was nothing of importance so she people watched, taking a last minute to sit down before she got going. So many people going about their day, so many different stories, though she imagined hers might be different from many.

Standing from the stool carefully so as not to strain the dress or flash her sexy lingerie, she slid onto her heels and smoothed the black satin out, checking it was covering her properly before she pulled her little bag over her shoulder and picked up her phone, stepping away from the window to head for the door. She was given a pleasant farewell from the staff as she left, clicking onto the street as she stretched a little and started walking. His apartment wasn’t too far, being relatively central in Paris, so she wanted to just get there herself rather than involve a cab.

Her diminutive size, despite the ferociously sharp heels of her ankle boots, made her stand out in the crowds of people. It was hard to disappear, which seemed ironic when she was so tiny, but luckily nobody bothered her. The fashion show was on and people were far more interested in that so thankfully all she received was a few looks and envious stares as they took in her fantastic figure and outfit.

Her heels clicked along on the pavement as she got away from the crowds a bit, away from the part of Paris everyone imagined and saw in the movies, through a few smaller streets and onto the hill as she got away from the centre. Her heels teetered on the cobbles a little as she walked on the old surfaces, glancing in windows of smaller shops selling chocolates and dresses, just window shopping as she passed.

She wasn’t rushing, but wasn’t dawdling either, her mind flitting between hunger to get there and trepidation at doing it yet again, unable to resist her wants. She wrestled with why she should, after all it was her life and she could do what she wanted, but it still made her doubt herself. Her eyes wandered over the people around her from behind her dark glasses, taking in the cars and motorbikes that populated the streets, the young couples on a loved up holiday, the local Parisians going about their day to day and the vendors who tried to invite her or anyone else into their cafe.

Kylie was conscious that her glamourous outfit stood out more the further away from the fashion show she got and more glances came her way as the crowds thinned. Luckily there were no paparazzi to capture her wandering away on her own or worse yet to follow her, that was something she definitely didn’t need. Her pace quickened a little as she decided to get to his apartment before someone did bother her, her mind made up, completing her twenty minute or so walk to his building. He didn’t have an entry phone so she went straight in, heading for the stairs.

It had a lift but that had never worked, some antiquated thing from decades previous that either nobody knew how to fix any more or simply didn’t bother to. He lived on the top floor, the fifth, so Kylie got to the stairs and started up. She was fit but it made for a tiring ascent as the stairs kept going, winding round as her hand held the painted black railing. It was probably a lot smaller before it had hundreds of coats of paint, the sensation cool and smooth beneath her hand. Her heels kicked and scuffed at the worn tiled steps as she made her way up, the building old and needing some renovation...though he insisted that was part of its charm.

She got to the top and took a deep breath, calming herself and smoothing out the dress a little, making sure she was tidy before she met him. Idling on the landing for a moment, she checked her phone and wasted another moment, taking the seconds to still her mind before she surrendered her body to him. With another deep breath she stepped from the stairs to his door and tapped on the wood, her knuckles making a satisfying sound. As she patiently waited for him to answer, waiting for his footsteps, her eyes roamed over the softened splinters to the door frame and wear to the floor that he said gave it character. It wasn’t really her preferred décor.

His footsteps thudded through the door as he walked to it, unlocking and opening it wide with a smile as he clapped his eyes on the petite pop princess.

“Miss Minogue.”

“David,” she replied with an equal smile, unable to deny how nice it was to see him.

“Please, come in,” he said, standing back and offering her the doorway.

“Thank you,” she said, stepping into his apartment where he closed the door behind her, locking it securely to ensure they couldn’t be disturbed. He walked down the hall in her wake, checking out her ass through the tight satin of the dress, always appreciating her shape and tone as he followed her to his main room. The apartment was a somewhat odd design, with the bathroom and another bedroom off the hallway, then one main room which was almost like a studio with his living space and bed in it, then a kitchen off one end with a table.

She hardly cared and didn’t have time to think it over as he immediately grabbed her, reaching round from behind for her hand to let him twirl her into his arms and pull her close, easily lifting her tiny figure off the floor as he commandingly held her, kissing her hard. Kylie murmured in surprise as he grabbed her, lost in the moment as she opened her mouth to welcome his probing tongue and kissed him back. They made out hard and hungry, two lovers lost for so long but suddenly thrown back together by her phone call.

“Wait,” she mumbled, breaking away from him, pushing on his chest to extract herself.

“Why? This is exactly what you came for,” he said, squeezing her bum firmly to make her gasp slowly, their lips locking again as she had no answer.

“You know exactly why I’m here, so don’t rush,” she said between kisses, “you know you’re gonna get lucky.”

He relented and, after another hard kiss and bite of her full lip, let her slide back onto her slender heels, relinquishing his grasp on her fantastic body. She stepped towards the open French doors onto his small balcony, loving the way sounds echoed from the narrow street into the room, carried by the breeze.

“Coffee?” he offered.

“Please,” she replied, glancing back to him with a smile.

“How do you take it?” he asked. He knew full well how she liked her coffee but always checked with her.

“Cream, no sugar,” she replied, knowing it would be an unadulterated cafe crème since she was in Paris and he always made freshly ground coffee.

“You got it, sugar,” he joked, always teasing her with the same overused joke she’d heard many times before. She didn’t even bother to roll her eyes, dropping her bag down on his desk beside his antiquated typewriter which he used to do some writing. He was hardly outdated though, his laptop folded shut on the kitchen table, the two ends of the spectrum and a world away from where he hunted and pecked noisily near the open doors.

She left her phone in the bag and hooked her small jacket on the back of the chair, hearing the water boiling and coffee grinder aggressively shredding the beans as she stepped onto the balcony. She pulled out the heavy cast iron chair and sat down, leaning her elbows on the equally weighty table as she looked down onto the street below, taking in the few people passing and just feeling the calm, like she’d escaped into another secret little world of her own. His cigarettes lay on the table with his lighter and ashtray, evidence of how he’d been enjoying his balcony.

“Here,” he said, suddenly appearing and disturbing her thoughts as he put the coffee down in front of her, putting his own down opposite.

“Thanks,” she smiled, sitting up and giving a stretch, taking in the appetising drink before her as she picked it up. He stepped back inside, leaving her to sip her creamy coffee with a satisfied murmur before she heard the click of his camera. Kylie glanced in to see him taking a shot of her through the doorway, framed by it as she relaxed in her glamourous outfit with the coffee in hand. She smiled as he took another then ignored him, leaving his lens to drink her in, capturing her perfection and imperfection in that snapshot in time.

He lowered his camera and just took in her beauty, taking the time to just let it all sink in as he watched the gorgeous musician on his balcony, sipping her coffee and just relaxing as she equally absorbed the world around her. The sun cascaded nicely over her, an ideal moment on the balcony before the planet turned and cast it into shadow when the day wore on. He walked out to join her, Kylie looking up to him with a smile as he carefully manoeuvred round her and sat down opposite, smiling knowingly at her as he drank in her beauty.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she murmured, raising her eyebrows slightly. He did as she proposed, raising his camera again as she gave a laugh, snapping the picture with a beautifully mechanical sound. He didn’t use digital cameras, always opting for traditional film, enjoying the method and processing of it as much as capturing a perfect photograph. He lowered his camera again and laid it down on the table, swapping it for his coffee which he took a sip off.

“How’s the coffee?” he asked, putting his down again.

“Perfect, thanks,” she replied, a bit more of her Australian accent breaking through, like she was somehow freed from her daily persona.

“Good,” he said simply, grabbing his cigarettes and flipping the box open, pulling one up and into his mouth in one smooth motion before his lighter followed. Kylie just watched, loving how practiced and easy it was as he opened the humbly styled Zippo, struck it, touched the leaping flame to his cigarette with the first inhale before snapping it shut with a shake of his wrist. He leaned back and blew the smoke out around it without taking hold, simply enjoying the first few seconds of a fresh one.

“Still smoking then,” she commented.

“You want one?” he offered, pulling it from his mouth as he sat up.

“No, I haven’t smoked since the nineties,” she laughed. They fell silent again as Kylie eyed his camera over the top of her mug, the lens staring at her, waiting to capture any moment. He was an excellent amateur photographer and had been taking pictures of her for years, since the first time they’d met and some of them were gorgeous. She’d taken some of them for her own collection in the past and was happy to play up to his camera, posing and pouting for him.

He had all sorts of photographs of her, from the classy to the downright disgraceful; he’d captured her naked on their first time together, a full frontal shot that exposed her in a way she’d never allowed on film before and made her terrified she’d put her foot in it. She imagined he might use it for some sort of blackmail, either for money or to get into her pants again later, but he assured her he had no such intention. He did all his own development and had no plans of leaking it, convincing Kylie to trust him

She’d initially been reticent but relented, deciding to take the chance. It was one picture after all. True to his word it had never been seen anywhere and stayed safely in his private collection so she had relaxed and from then on he always photographed her any time they met. It was like a slide show of their relationship, such as it was, throughout the years from their first meeting until the present day.

Her confidence in him cemented, she’d let him take shots of anything he wanted, from her glamourous outfits and casual actions at his apartment through to naked photos with her posing gratuitously for him or engaged in their most intimate moments. He had several photos of her sucking his cock, fucking and at least one of her tied up, surrendered to him and his wants. None of those pictures had ever leaked out and she found it somehow freeing to capture those images since she spent so much time in front of the camera in tightly orchestrated shoots.

Such photos meant he had a relationship with her nobody else did. Everything about them meant he had that frankly and his camera clicked to catch her in profile against the Parisian sky as she gazed out over the city. He smoked his cigarette as they enjoyed comfortable silence, Kylie looking off the balcony, David looking at her, taking in the Australian superstar as she relaxed at his place. She sat with her legs crossed towards him which gave him a glance up her tight skirt to the top of her lacy stockings and smooth, pale thighs beyond.

He couldn’t see any more, it was just a tease, though he was unsure whether she was doing it intentionally. She actually wasn’t, and simply made herself comfortable. She hardly cared if he saw up her skirt, he’d seen far more of her anyway and she intended to let him do so again very soon. She saw him raise his camera and posed for him again, blowing a kiss with her full pout to his lens as it clicked before she went back to her coffee. He put his camera down again and puffed his cigarette, taking a drink as they just silently sat again.

Kylie took him in from behind her dark glasses and just let herself absorb the detail of the man she sought to sexually surrender to. He had changed in the years she’d known him, always striking her every time she saw him due to the duration between every meeting they had. He saw her in the media constantly, got to see her changing and ageing with every day, week or month, but she only met him rarely, and spoke to him only a little bit more. Unless she was single, she refrained from talking to him lest she be tempted to just sneak in a little detour to Paris.

He’d grown into a more handsome, rugged looking man than the lad she’d met years before, with a dark stubble that only accentuated it. David was quite tall, over six feet, and broader now thanks to years of constant dedication to the gym that had strengthened and developed his physique. It only made him sexier and she loved how he used that power to dominate and control her own petite figure, helpless in his arms if he chose it.

David finished the cigarette and stubbed it in the ashtray as he blew the smoke through his nose, the wisps captured by the breeze as it swept the balcony. Her blonde hair blew round her face as she watched him finish his coffee, finishing her own as she felt the tingle of excitement and trepidation inside her. She knew when they were done drinking, when this moment on the balcony faded, that they were going to get on with the business she’d called him for - he was going to fuck her.

Kylie took the final sip of her coffee, pausing for a moment before she stood the small mug down on the hefty table. She glanced at him sideways through her sunglasses, watching as he just sat with her before looking back out at the city again, waiting for him to initiate things. Kylie just breathed in deeply, slowly exhaling as she looked out over the skyline, feeling her heart beating just a bit faster, waiting.

She felt a surge rush through her as he suddenly pushed noisily back from the table and stood up, putting his camera round his neck before stepping round and reaching down for her hand. Kylie obediently placed hers in his and let him pull her up onto her high heels to lead her back inside. She’d made him wait but was just as hot and horny for their encounter as he was, even if she felt a little conflicted calling for what was essentially a booty call. Making him wait had only let the tension between them build as they quietly sat on the balcony and now it was about to burst.

He pulled her back into the apartment then kissed her hard, sweeping her into his arms again but this time she didn’t resist it, melting into his dominant hold like she always did as she surged with the passion. Their tongues entwined as she craned up to him, David pulling her onto her toes as the camera swayed between them, hands all over one another as they embraced. Kylie’s arms pulled round his back and her fingers dug intently into his shoulders, nails pressed into the black shirt as his arm pulled behind her to draw her up and close, his other hand sliding over her gorgeously womanly shape onto her ass for a firm squeeze.

They made out hungrily, unleashed, uninhibited as they went for it, his hands taking her in as she pulled close to him. His hand pushed up her back to her long hair and yanked her head back hard, making her gasp and shiver, prickling over her skin as he kissed down her neck, his teeth grazing at her smooth skin threateningly. His fingers pulled at her satin dress temptingly, tugging the snug skirt up a little so it retreated over the nylon stockings but nowhere near high enough to expose them.

In an instant their kiss broke and he pulled her over to the end of the room and a full length mirror where he slid around behind her. Kylie looked at herself in the glass as she stood before him, taking in her outfit and crucially how small and fragile she was in front of David as he towered over her. It wasn’t simply the height, it was just how big he was compared and only reinforced how he could dominate her. It was hardly news, he’d done it before and so had many others, but it still struck her.

David raised his camera and Kylie looked back into the mirror intently as he snapped over her shoulder, his spare hand on her waist, Kylie’s hand on his with her other at her hip, looking sassy and impatient, her hot and hungry attitude on display as she let him photograph her. It was the before shot almost, how she started out before he took her to bed.

“Stand still,” he said quietly, lowering his camera then aligning her straight into the mirror. Kylie looked herself in the eye, then at him behind her, David stroking down the satin silkiness of her figure in the black dress before he swept her golden hair together and forward over her shoulder to expose her before he reached up to grab the zip.

In one smooth motion he drew it down, sliding it from the back of her neck all the way down to the base of her spine, the tactile fabric relaxing, slipping away from her skin as her slender back was revealed. The bold black straps of the bra crossed her back and pressed into her pale skin, the suspender belt hiding the waistband of her panties with equal style, just visible where the dress hung open. The Australian singer just stood and waited, still like he ordered her.

He slid his hands into her dress and over her back, Kylie murmuring as his hands stroked over her soft skin and pushed to her shoulders to ease the satin off her. She just relaxed and let him slide it off, hands cupping her as he set it free and it slid softly down her body to reveal her. The flick of his fingers gave it just enough energy to throw it past the humble peaks of her breasts, pushed up in her sexy, see through bra and it collapsed to her hips where it held onto the shapely curves of her body.

She instinctively grasped it and gave it a little help with a wiggle of her pelvis, letting it drop softly onto the floor, pooling luxuriously at her feet as it revealed her gorgeous body. It left the singer stood before him in the mirror, unveiled and exposed in her sexy underwear, no longer able to be coy or playful over her purpose as he took in the beautiful singer in her exquisite lingerie.

“How much is that dress worth, Kylie?” he asked quietly, a murmur that cut the tense pause.

“A lot, thousands,” she whispered.

“Better pick it up then.”

“Maybe later,” she replied quietly, looking back into the mirror as he raised his camera again. She looked into the lens as he snapped the shot, the click and whirr of the mechanism next to her ear as it captured her staring straight into it, blue eyes fixed, biting her lip and perfectly catching her hungry attitude as she stood in front of him in her underwear. She knew he was scanning down her, catching his eyes flitting as he absorbed her skimpy lingerie.

He might be playing it cool and leading her, but he was still stunned by the beauty of Kylie Minogue in his arms in a very sexy lingerie set. He took in the dark hint of her nipples as they teased past the lace of her bra and the stunning style of the strappy black garments. He loved the fact she had stockings and suspenders on, not wearing tights, going all out with the sexy, deliberate underwear she knew he’d love. Her panties were a matching treat with their lace and mesh, exposing her neatly shaved strip of dark hair that he was sure to explore.

“Turn around,” he commanded her, loving as the petite songstress immediately did as she was told. She turned and pressed against him, sliding her arms round his sides as he raised the camera again. Kylie arched her back as she looked over her shoulder, a sultry gaze through her tumble of blonde hair as she looked back into the mirror...and into his camera as he again snapped the shot of her and took in her stunning body profile.

He loved the way her suspender belt pulled tighter and peaked her seamed stockings, tugging at the wide lace tops of the thin hosiery as she pushed her ass out, her underwear snugly splitting her booty as they tightly hugged her curves, not full panties but not a thong, either way her ass ate them up and his eyes drank it all in as he snapped multiple pictures while he absorbed her, from the cascade of blonde hair down to her spiky high heeled ankle boots.

“I hope you like it,” she whispered, giving a little smile which he was thrilled to catch in a photograph, so pure and meaningful.

“I love it, like always,” he smiled, lowering the camera again, “I always love when you visit me.”

“Good. I know it’s not often enough,” she conceded, a momentary lapse in the moment as she admitted her longing for him.

“You can make up for it right now,” he replied, taking her hand and pulling her towards the bed as the singer carefully stepped out of her expensive dress, rendered to a useless heap on the floor. He drew her away from the mirror towards the bed, her heart beating firmly as he confidently controlled her. He stepped to the bed and pulled her in front of him, leaning down to give her a kiss before he firmly shoved her back by the shoulders to sit on the edge.

Kylie propped herself on her arms as she looked up at him, just letting him lead though it took mere moments before it was clear what he wanted. His hands dropped to his belt to undo it, his want clear and she was happy to oblige. She focused on him, taking in his fingers as he released the leather before she pushed herself back up to sit and took over, doing as he wordlessly asked and reaching out to finish unfastening his belt, shoving it aside to get at his jeans as he put his camera on the side.

Her dainty hands worked to quickly release the button and pull the zip down, feeling his fingers slide through her long hair to sweep it back out the way as she worked his trousers open to see his hardening cock already straining at his shorts. Her small but strong hands shoved the denim down then ran over his prick, David groaning as her slender fingers played across him and sent a shiver up his spine. Kylie Minogue was so petite and he loved everything about her, the way her delicate grip worked on his cock as much as anything else so it was a treat.

His fingers just played in her hair as she got to work, knowing her talents as she fondled him for a moment, teasing him fully hard so he strained at his shorts before her fingers hooked into the elastic and she pulled them down to reveal him. Her big blue eyes were locked on his manhood as it sprung up from the underwear, his full erection rock hard and right in front of her pretty face as she shoved the shorts down with his jeans.

The songstress wrapped her warm hand around him, loving how he strained in her grasp, a hard pulse that told her all she needed to know as she slipped off the bed onto her knees. The heat and flex of his throbbing prick was intoxicating and she took a moment to stroke him as her other hand carefully cupped his balls. He loved her touch, taking her time to appreciate the nicely sized cock standing up ready for her petite body. Without wasting further time she slid her hand down him and pulled him towards her, opening wide and sinking him into her hot mouth with no further fuss.

His shivering, shuddering growl of pleasure made her smile as she enveloped him in a few inches of liquid heat. She started with a fairly deep push to let him feel her accomplished mouth, even though he’d felt it before, wanting to remind him though he was hardly likely to forget. Knelt before him in her racy lingerie, the pint-sized pop princess stroked her hand down to his thick base and held him firmly as she got to work sucking his cock.

She got to work slowly, taking her time as she knew how he liked to have her on her knees as long as possible. There was no fuss to it, she’d done it lots of times before and frankly she enjoyed sucking cock, loved bringing a man pleasure and working him to the finish. She loved how it flexed stiffly in her mouth, both hard and soft, responding to her input as her tongue flicked at him, the initial touch of her talented muscle. Being a singer, her mouth and throat were particularly skilled and he loved to make her put them to use. Frankly, she’d do it without being asked as his cock was gorgeous and she loved to suck him, but he made it clear he wanted, nay expected her to do it.

She knew he’d return the favour, looking forward to that moment but pushed it from her mind to focus on being a good little cocksucker for him. She squeezed and jerked the base of his cock as she sucked, pulled firmly on his prick as her tongue pressed up underneath his head. He groaned in pleasure as Kylie worked on his tip, just taking her time to slowly rock back and forth over his bulging head, letting her lips follow every contour and ridge of his manhood as she did.

David’s fingers continued to tease and trail through her long blonde hair, not controlling or coercing her, letting her do her thing but just enjoying the soft touch as she did it. Kylie just kept focused on his cock though she did like his hands in her hair, she liked them just guiding her head as she fellated him, and honestly loved it when he took a hard grip and forced her to swallow, though he didn’t do that too often. The scarcity of it made her want it more and she was sure he knew that, making her lust for it.

Her pace was steady but intent, Kylie gripping him tightly as she worked at his prick, her full pout working over his head as he closed his eyes to enjoy it, the pop star knelt by the bed sucking him dutifully. His eyes took in the unique and enviable scene, well aware millions of men would kill to be in his position and the pleasure was not lost on him. Kylie Minogue gave a very good blowjob and he just relaxed into it, letting her give all she could.

Kylie’s sucking was the perfect intensity, not too weak but equally not so strong she made him uncomfortable, just using enough power to make things interesting as she worked at his cock. She jerked him slowly in differing pace to her mouth, her pace deliberate and controlled as her lips got faster, the bobs of her head just a bit quicker. Her co-ordination was excellent as she never seemed to lose sight of her pace, eyes closed and just focusing on the big, hard cock in her mouth as she stroked and sucked him to maximum pleasure.

His hand rested on her head, more of a certain position as she continued but he never interfered with her rhythm, never needing to since Kylie had all the tricks in the book. He relished the sensation as she kept going and switched it up, her tongue flicking and teasing under his head to make him positively jump in her mouth before she suddenly switched to smooth, lapping motions that worked up and around the sensitive ridge of his head that made him shudder, the soft wetness such a stark contrast to the probing tip she’d treated him to before.

Kylie knew she was realistically in charge but never tried to run things. She knew it was his show and she was just there to suck his cock, which was fine with her and she made the effort to display her skills to him. She wanted to do everything possible with her mouth and remind him she was the best cocksucker he’d ever had before he inevitably exploded, which would either be down her throat or over her face. She knew he loved it, and she loved doing it for him so they were both happy and she worked to show off what she could do and how she could please him just the way he liked.

It was what she’d shown up for, the start of it at least and she pushed a bit deeper, her pace picking up just slightly to increase the intensity as her hand continued to stroke him metronomically. She’d suck as long as he wanted her to and in the past he’d put that to the test, having the beautiful Australian work at his cock for over an hour on one occasion to seemingly test her resolve.

His fingers twisted and played with her blonde hair idly as he let her work, just tipping his head back to enjoy it as he relished the stunning singer sucking his cock. It was an exquisite position to be in, to get her in and he intended to enjoy it as he always did. He loved that she was happy to suck and put her skills to work, her tongue working all over the place in a mixture of strokes, fast and slow, lingering and darting, her hot touch all over and he never knew where it would be next.

David absolutely loved that, it made her mouth the perfect place to sink his cock as she pleased him with every trick in her arsenal, bobbing her head strongly with deep thrusts to take more of his prick as her hand squeezed and stroked him tightly. Her pace increased a bit, picking up to thrust down over his cock, keeping her sucking firmly on him so he could feel it, knowing he loved the intensity as she sucked harder than she normally would.

She tipped her head in a momentary break to rub him into the velvet softness of her cheek, rocking her head teasingly to thrust him in and out of her mouth, lips sealed around him in a perfect pout as she made her cheek bulge. It was a tease, a tempting hint of what awaited him when he fucked her and slid himself into her slick, silky pussy. The thought sent a shiver through her, vagina clenching in anticipation, heart pumping just a little faster as she lost herself to the thought of when he’d pin her down and bury his thick, hard cock inside her, stretching those very velvet walls out around him as she yielded to the force of his impaling prick.

Lost in her thoughts, her excitement was translating to her own efforts and she was going faster, tongue working intently as she thrust him into her cheek with more ferocity. He loved it and just let her lose focus, her autopilot seeming set on giving an excellent blowjob, hand still in her long hair, feeling the illicit motions of her head as she held his hip and worked vigorously at him. She snapped out of her daydream and paused a second before attacking him again as she turned back into a conventional position and shoved her head down.

He groaned in pleasure, tingling and surging as she abruptly shoved herself down deep onto him, removing her hand to grab both of his hips to crank herself down. Kylie loved how he strained in her mouth, harder than he’d been, rewarding her efforts as he ached with arousal, only driving her to keep going for him. Either she’d suck his cock until he exploded for her, or he got bored with her efforts and switched the station. It was his decision and she just intended to suck his cock until he chose what to do with her.

She gave soft, wet gagging sounds as she aggressively shoved him deep down so he touched her throat, almost tripping her reflex as she wasn’t really ready for it but she knew he loved it, loved those instinctive contractions of her throat, loved how it made her eyes water...loved how she forced herself solely for him.

The singer enjoyed the feel of his grip tightening in her hair, pulling her closer, his hips pushing forward tentatively as he tried to refrain from driving himself into her throat and taking full control. She knew he was holding himself back so he could fully enjoy her sucking his cock, wanting her to deliver the pleasure to him rather than take it from her...for now.

She sucked hard for him, her vacuum on his cock only matched by how intently she worked her head and thrust her tongue into him. Kylie was a good cock sucker, she knew that, and intended to remind him just how good she was, how much better than other women he fucked. His bulging head thumped against the back of her throat repeatedly as she drove herself into him, taking a moment to apply everything she had as he groaned in pleasure and his cock strained so hard it was like an iron rod in her mouth.

He gasped as she suddenly pulled back off him without dropping her vacuum, slurping off his thick tip to make him shudder but immediately groan in pleasure as she turned her head and bit carefully onto the side of his cock. She didn’t hold his manhood, hands still at his hips as she let him throb and jump in front of her, her teeth just drawing over his smooth skin and rock hard cock, looking straight up at him from under her sexily styled eyebrows as he stared down at her with a smile, her big blue eyes locked on his, their connection evident, unspoken.

“Don’t be shy,” he whispered huskily, making her smile as she slipped back off.

“Never,” she replied, then lunged forward and gently bit him again. She focused on his prick, eyes locked on target as she slid off to let him feel the threatening scrape of her teeth before she bit him again, harder, feeling him swell against her as she pressed down just a bit more. Her hard, dangerous teeth press into him patiently, agonisingly slow as he relished every second, throbbing in her mouth as her soft, full lips touched him either side in a duality of sensations.

Kylie knew exactly what she was doing; he’d asked her to bite his cock the first time they’d slept together after she’d approved his direct proposition, a yes that had led her to many more times in his apartment and this very moment. Her bites were firm, just enough to be more than a teasing graze but not nipping him uncomfortably as she got into a rhythm and started biting along his cock as she knew he loved. He watched the pop star with a smile as she bit hungrily along the side of him to the base before reversing and nibbling her way back up towards his head.

His prick jumped with every touch of her teeth, Kylie riding it out in perfect unison, just following him to apply herself again and again. His groans were throaty, the hint of a growl with them as she lovingly worked up to his bulging purple head and pressed her teeth into him firmly, making him shiver with pleasure and strain rock hard again. She hesitated, pausing at his tip to give several more slow, sensual bites of her teeth, working round onto the very end carefully before she suddenly pushed down to engulf him once more.

He gasped at the sudden contrast of sensation as her lips pushed smoothly over him and enveloped his thick head, thrusting towards her mouth to shove in deeper as he tingled in ecstasy, loving her hard suck and the way her skilful tongue pressed up perfectly into his most delicate spot under his tip. As soon as it started it was over however, Kylie pulling straight back off him with a slurp, pausing to softly kiss on the very end as she kept him waiting momentarily before she twisted her head and started biting him straight back down again.

He growled as she stepped up the intensity, biting much more intently, faster, more hungry as she quickly overlapped her efforts all the way to the bottom of his bouncing cock. She didn’t stop there though, holding his hips to keep herself stable and working her way back along him, end to end with perfect precision, her teeth pressing into him just enough to leave a slight mark, an indent in his smooth skin as he pulsed and swelled against her touch.

David growled in pleasure as Kylie kept going, loving her bites and nips at his cock, surging with every sweet touch as she worked along his length. She paused at his base and gave several firm bites to make him jump, looking down the thickness of his cock to watch his bulging head bouncing and pulsing at her touch. She made him wait just a second before she bit hot and hungrily along his prick again and onto his tip, once more giving lots of little bites to him for maximum stimulation before she sank him back into the velvet heat of her mouth.

He groaned deeply in pleasure, realising how much he’d missed her particular set of skills as the Australian singer sucked him again. She gave several quick, strong sucks as she pushed her full lips over him, letting them seal perfectly over his bulging head as she sank him into her mouth before pulling back just as intently to make him tingle, his cock rock hard for her. Holding his hips, she breathed deeply through her nose and focused before she shoved herself down hard onto him.

David gasped as his cock shoved against the back of her throat, then grunted as she forced herself past it and drove herself down till her nose pressed to him with a wiggle of her head. Kylie gave a wet, submissive sound as she shoved down, eyes screwed shut as she held back a sudden gag. She couldn’t deep throat, not in the way people imagined it from watching porn at least, so held herself down for a moment before another surge forced her back off, the Australian star withdrawing as he relished the squeeze and fight of her throat that contracted so tightly around him.

Her eyes watered, shivering while she held down another gag as she pulled back. Minogue held his hips, fingers tensing and relaxing as she took a breath, calming herself with deep breaths to continue sucking, rocking forward to work over his head once more. David himself breathed deep in return, controlling himself, her fantastic deep throat hitting the spot and suddenly cranking him up with frustrating ease. He had excellent control, but her swallowing his whole cock, especially when he knew she didn’t generally do it, was excitement that just took him to another level and now his cock was rock hard and tingling in a manner he knew would spell a thick load for her if she continued.

He let her suck another moment, hardly wanting to stop the gorgeous musician from her craft, loving how she looked as her full pout enveloped him perfectly and her tongue pressed into him, making his already rock hard prick strain in her mouth. Kylie was fully intent on making him come, either over her face or down her throat, whatever his pleasure was. But she was interrupted as he pushed his hand through her hair and encouraged her off him, leaning down to slide his other hand under her arm.

He’d made her suck his cock for over twenty minutes, Kylie performing dutifully; after all she’d sucked him for much longer in the past. She slipped back off him and paused for a kiss at his tip before he pulled her up, his strength evident, easily overwhelming her. She was tiny and weighed about 100 pounds soaking wet so David easily hauled her to her feet from the side of the bed, lifting her dominantly off the ground, making a show of pulling her up in front of him as he knew she loved it.

Kylie had always loved men manhandling her, just showing their strength and power and as such it sent a familiar tingle through her petite form, loving how David could have anything he wanted from her. She was powerless to fight back, and had no intention of doing so. He stared into her eyes with his steely gaze for what was only a heartbeat before throwing her back down onto the bed, the diminutive singer bouncing back with a giggle in her sexy lingerie, ankle boots still on.

David took just a second to drink in the sight of her in her sexy Agent Provocateur, the black underwear such a perfect contrast to her pale skin. She was an absolute treat and after taking a moment to shed his remaining clothes he slid forward onto the bed, pulling her legs roughly apart to reveal her. Kylie breathed hard in excitement as she looked down, watching him as he kissed the inside of her thigh, moving from the thin nylon onto her soft, toned skin as he quickly approached the apex of her legs. She gasped in pleasure as he kissed the front of her panties and neatly shaven pussy beneath, loving how see through they were, showing off her style as his fingers hooked into the waistband.

Without a second further lost he pulled them down, peeling the sexy underwear out from the delicate curves of her body and sliding it down her thighs. She loved how he took care to work them down despite his haste, pulling them carefully past her stockings so as not to unclip them, Kylie digging her heels into the bed to lift herself in assistance as he exposed her. His eyes were locked on her immaculately shaved body, dark strike of pubic hair a contrast to her pale skin, so perfectly styled by her razor.

He tugged her panties off over her boots then threw them aside onto the floor, out the way where she was sure she wouldn’t be needing them. His hands immediately returned to her hips, holding her gorgeous feminine curves as he gently pinned her to the bed and then pressed his lips straight to her shaven skin. Kylie shuddered, a breath struggling to escape as it caught in her throat, the sensation of his hot tongue gliding over her smooth skin so sudden and exhilarating.

“Fuck…” she breathed, hands screwing up into the sheets as her thighs sagged wider, pushing her pelvis up into his illicit touch as she arched back into the bed. His tongue dragged over her soft lips, splitting them a little, her body easily yielding at his touch as she was so turned on, pussy swollen and waiting, juices bursting onto his tongue with a tang before it continued up to brush her clit then tickle her soft brown pubic hair. His lips landed soft kisses around it, over her pubic bone and teasing down her lips.

“I prefer it when you shave it all off for me,” he commented, a mumble past her body.

“I know,” she replied, “but you know I like having something.”

“I know,” he said. Often she did shave it fully for him, wanting to be smooth and sexy, to submit to his desire but right now she’d decided to keep the landing strip. He hardly cared, she was delectably smooth around it and his tongue effortlessly glided across her silky skin, taking in every millimetre of her perfect shave.

She’d done it again the night before at her hotel, shaving her pussy with the anticipation of this very moment, knowing it would be worth it. She gasped heavily to the ceiling, feeling completely overwhelmed as his tongue got to work properly and he licked over her lips, pressing at the engorged flesh, compressing her, interrupting her thoughts. Her hands pressed down into the bed, fingers curling, nails digging into the sheets as they screwed up in her grasp, the pleasure of his tongue a delight.

Kylie gasped hungrily to the bedroom, to the open French doors, the sunshine and blue skies outside and the street stories below them. Her hips rolled lustfully back to accentuate his touch, the rough yet soft tongue pressed to her, over her shaven lips, making them squeeze softly, tip of his tongue just flicking her clit to make her jolt before deliberately ignoring it to frustrate her, build her up even though she was already hungry for it. His tongue relished the smoothly shaven skin, loving how effortlessly he glided across her, taking in the efforts of her razor with blissful ease.

Kylie groaned in a mix of enjoyment and frustration, realising how badly she needed it, how much she yearned for him to touch her clit, to get on with it, to eat her properly and make her come. She hadn’t realised how much she needed it, not just an orgasm from something besides her vibrator but the intimate touch of his tongue, the illicit sensation like no other to tingle her. She pushed her hips up towards him, hoping for more, knowing she would only get whatever pace he wanted however. They’d done this plenty of times before.

David didn’t tease her too long however, not testing her patience excessively as his tongue danced over her smooth lips and teased through her dark strip of hair, taking it in for a moment longer than she’d have liked before burying his tongue between her slick lips and dragging it up over her hard clit. Minogue gave a stuttering groan, a deep exhale of pleasure as it shot through her, his tongue effortlessly splitting her soft, warm lips and lapping up her inner labia then over her clit, tip hooking expertly beneath her hood to peel it back and expose her button.

“Fuck, fuck,” she breathed, voice catching in her throat as she laid back, helpless to resist his attack as her legs sagged wider. Not that she wanted him to stop, exactly the opposite and she just relished every electric touch as his tongue worked back and forth over the stiff nub, stimulating thousands of nerve endings. The singer sagged back completely, surrendering to his efforts as he ate her pussy, sinking back in the sheets as her hands clutched them, rocking her pelvis in tune with him to maximise his stroke and make every push at her most sensitive area worth it.

His tongue strummed at her, up and down and then side to side, swiftly moving around in a range of strokes that kept her guessing, thumping her with different stimulation as it flicked and flitted over her, the singer lost to an orgy of sensations as he attacked her. The eclectic mixture ratcheted her up quickly towards climax, gasping hard as she worked her hips against him, only to be suddenly caught out when he dipped down and thrust his tongue inside her, as deep as possible into her juicy pussy to make her surge.

The stimulation was far less intense but so unexpected, making her curl up from the bed, abs tingling as they tightened, pushing up on her elbows to briefly look down at him as he sank his tongue deep inside her. She sagged back again as her vagina squeezed on his invading muscle, strong body clenching around him to drive him deeper into her soft tunnel walls, accentuating the sensations as they changed.

She murmured in pleasure as his tongue sped up, darting inside her with rapid plunges that worked at her velvet walls. The singer pulled her legs down onto the bed with her fantastic flexibility as she opened to him fully, letting him have total access and reign over her body as his tongue probed and delved into her slick tunnel. His hands held her hips confidently as she surrendered and just relaxed, enjoying the softer pleasure in what she knew would be a brief interlude. He’d eaten her pussy enough times to know it was a mere pause.

He didn’t keep her waiting long, hands gripping her more firmly, thumbs closing over her hips more dominantly as he pulled back up, tongue sliding from her tight tunnel to again attack her rock hard clit. He dispensed with the soft tissue of her clitoral hood and pressed directly onto her button which made her surge again at the sudden stimulation, abs tensing before flopping back to the bed and groaning with pleasure as his tongue started rapidly circling her nub.

Kylie gasped hungrily, reaching up to push her long blonde hair back from her face as her heart pounded in her chest behind her humble breasts and sheer bra. He held her still and ate her vigorously, tongue racing round her fast before switching to light, intense flicking of the tip across her, mixing directions and pace as the singer exhaled intently, rolling her hips to try and work with him for maximum stimulation. His pace was all she wanted, she needed it faster, more intense, everything he had to drive her into an intense orgasm of ecstasy and release.

“Don’t tease me!” she rasped, digging her nails into the bed to refrain from grabbing his head, knowing he’d make her wait longer if she did. He just smiled as he continued to lick at her pussy, feeling her urgency in the pushes of her hips and tight writhes of her body, just teasing her a little by slowing down, letting his touch at her sensitive button soften a moment.

“Please, come on,” she whispered, intent and determined, not holding back in begging for what she wanted. David loved to hear her soft Australian voice so full and intense, so pure. He wasn’t cruel however and didn’t hold out on her, diving back against her hard to drive his tongue into her button and make her cry out. Her voice faded to heavy gasps, heart pounding in her chest as her body tensed and twisted, his hands holding her petite frame down as his tongue went into overdrive on her clit.

She grunted hard, sweat prickling her forehead a little at the intensity as she built up to her orgasm, hearing the sounds of the street outside to remind her the door was wide open and any noise she made would surely echo off the buildings opposite. Apathy was all she felt towards voyeurism, not caring if people heard, knowing they’d only be able to tell she was having a good time with no idea who she was. They’d never know he’d invited a famous singer into his apartment to devour.

Truth was she’d invited herself, and had done for the better part of two decades now. It was more than worth it as his tongue danced expertly on her rock hard clit and sent pleasure through her like she’d not felt in ages. Her body jolted and fought him, almost wanting to resist his touch as her orgasm rushed up on her and she felt the inevitable tumble over the edge.

Kylie tried to hold on for a moment to increase the sensation, wanting it to build until she couldn’t hold back, wanting the intensity and explosion, needing to be overwhelmed. She gave strained pushes of her hips, pelvis stuttering as she struggled to co-ordinate herself, nails dug into his bed, hard gasps cutting the air as her eyes screwed shut. Her resistance only lasted a couple of seconds as she felt like a bottle filling up, sensations accelerating as they neared the top before they exploded out in a rush.

Her climax hit her full force, harder and more sudden than even she’d expected despite refraining for a few days, immediately jolting and shoving up from the bed as her hips bucked into his mouth. His tongue kept dancing on her clit, holding her powerfully down as he attacked, driving hard and fast on her clit, the most intense he had at any point as he cranked up her climax. Kylie tried to sit up, arching from the bed as her gasps turned to cries of pleasure, overwhelmed until she collapsed back and arched her back.

Wailing in pleasure to the room and the world via the open door, the City of Love hearing her as it had so many times previously, she just gave in and expressed herself, screaming in ecstasy as he made her come. He always did, he knew how to push her buttons and it was what made her come back again and again. David loved to hear the petite singer scream, putting her lungs to good use as she let out her surrender, smiling even as he worked his aching tongue at her, tip racing around and over her slick nub.

Minogue’s cry turned to hard, harsh exhales, almost barks as her pleasure faded into overwhelmed, hyper sensitive sensation that eventually made her reach down to desperately push him away from her. She knew he’d just keep going if she didn’t, he’d done it before and driven her to the most mind melting second orgasm in quick succession but she knew she’d probably pass out if she let him continue right then. He leaned up from her neatly shaven pussy as she twisted away from him, smiling as he let his tongue loll tiredly, gazing up at the exhausted superstar as she gasped hungrily.

Her lingerie clad body was a treat and he took her in for a second, stripped only of her sexy black panties, matching bra and stockings still on, framing and hiding her honed figure. She was delectable and he knew she was a fantastic treasure he’d got his hands on, and he also knew something else – he was absolutely rock hard. His straining erection was pressing down into the bed, pulsing in readiness for her, anticipation of her tight, slick tunnel and how it would stretch to envelop every inch of his manhood.

She had no time to recover as David surged up the bed and over her, sliding easily between her legs. Laid out as she was, knees pulled up and spread wide, she was helpless as he pinned her down to take what he wanted, defenceless to him. One arm slid onto the bed at her shoulder, onto his elbow as his hand pushed straight into her blonde hair and tugged her back onto the bed. She gasped in surprise and arousal, the illicit pleasure spreading from the burn in her scalp as his other hand grabbed his prick to guide the way.

Kylie let out a yell of pleasure and surprise as he abruptly drove himself inside her, sinking his cock deep into her tight, slick tunnel, faster and harder than she’d have chosen but she loved it. She loved how he took what he wanted, how he just plunged into her clutching vagina, how he made her take more than she was really ready for, how he didn’t care that her petite form could hardly handle him, just knowing she wanted it really.

She flung her arms around him to pull him tightly to her, stocking-clad legs hooking round his thighs as he drove himself deep inside her and stretched her out with a throaty grunt the belied his pleasure. Kylie gave rasping gasps as her heart raced, undulating her body to rock her hips into his, getting him a bit deeper, wanting everything he had, to feel him press to her as the weight of his hips pinned her to the bed.

Shivering hard as he pushed the final millimetre forwards and pressed right into her, making her take all of his thick, pulsing cock, she pressed back to the bed with an open mouthed expression of pleasure. Her mouth was immaculately covered by his, kissing her hard, delving his tongue straight into her which she instantly responded to in kind. Their tongues twisted together as his lips pressed to her full pout, locked tightly as his cock pulsed and jumped inside her, making her muscles squeeze powerfully in return.

He pulled back, tugging at her lower lip as she exhaled slowly, sagging back onto the sheets as he reached down to grab her wrists, pulling her arms up by her shoulders dominantly before he pushed up on his hands and pinned her down, completely under his control as he drew himself back, relishing her tight pussy. Holding her firmly, totally in charge, he pulled back to the tip so his bulging head almost popped out of her before sliding smoothly back inside, taking the chance to let himself enjoy it, enjoy her, his Kylie who he finally had underneath him again.

She groaned in pleasure and rolled her hips with him as he plunged inside her once more, squeezing at him as he buried his cock into her then pulled back, picking up into a rhythm. It wasn’t too hard or fast, not hasty, but it wasn’t teasingly slow. He wanted to feel the exquisite feel of her snug pussy on him as he started to thrust, not fucking her like he surely intended to soon, but not letting her off the hook. David loved how the petite, perfect pop star groaned underneath him as he pinned her down and pumped his cock in and out of her velvet body, loving the soft sound of her Australian accent and how she didn’t fight his domineering grip.

Kylie was surprised as his strokes, which had been building in pace and power, slowed again and he restrained himself. He still made sure she took all of his cock, rocking forward to stretch her pussy nicely as he drove it to the hilt, but he slowed to take his time with her as he dipped down to kiss at her neck. She shivered as his lips touched her, tingling all over, nipples stiffening as she tipped her head back to give him access to everything he wanted. He kissed down onto her shoulder then back carefully upwards, breathing hotly over her as he paused to graze his teeth along her pale, toned skin.

She gasped helplessly as his hips never faltered and he kept fucking her, his thrusting slow and deliberate, burying himself inside her again and again to make her take every inch of his manhood while he kissed her soft neck. He teased near her ear and then lightly bit around her towards the back, knowing she absolutely loved it and it made her shudder a little. He knew he was pushing her buttons, not just from the little tremble but the way her tight pussy squeezed up around him, her pleasure evident, body crying out with it.

Another orgasm was already building, his thick cock a treat inside her as it pressured thousands of nerve endings and the way he was in such command only made her melt for him. She was his to fuck, to do as he wanted, and it was because she knew he would make her come. His pumps into her picked up a little pace, faster, jamming into her diminutive form harder as he teased her with a long lick up the side of her neck that made her shudder before he pushed back up on his hands. She just laid back and took it, knees pulled back beside him so her tiny size three feet dangled over the sheets, thighs rocking every time he drove deep and pushed them apart.

Pinned on her back she just had to take it and frustratedly did so, held prone, exactly where he wanted so he could screw her, knowing she was loving it despite that. Her gasps devolved to grunts as he pressed a bit harder and shoved himself into her, using her position and enthusiasm to drive his thick cock as deeply as possible so his bulging head pushed her limits. It sent another mixture of sensations through her as her orgasm bubbled, building gradually but exasperating her in the process.

Unable to help herself, Kylie shoved up to try and engage with it, to make him fuck her harder and faster, to stay deep and pump her to climax like he surely knew she needed. She pulled her knees in close and tried to hook her feet around him, making an effort to free her wrists though she knew that was futile. He’d always found it effortless to dominate and physically overpower her, it wasn’t difficult.

“No,” he said firmly, almost stern as he stared into her eyes and pinned her hands down hard, his weight sinking onto her pelvis to pin her and force her legs just far enough apart to quell her attempt to grip him. Knowing she’d do as she was told, he released her wrists and knelt up, sliding his legs under her ass before he grabbed her knees and shoved her nylon-clad legs down, spreading her wide with her phenomenal flexibility and practically laying her flat on the bed. Legs wide, held off him, it was a clear message that he was in charge and to prove she submitted she hadn’t even moved her freed arms, obeying him.

“Please, give it to me,” she breathed, hunger tingling her voice.

“I’ll give it to you when you’re ready,” he replied with a smile, loving having the stunning singer practically begging beneath him. She didn’t reply, just waiting as he slid his fingers into hers and pinned her once more. It was more intimate this time, her hands clutching his as he slipped his knees back and sank into her deeply again to make her shiver, things having merely paused for a moment. He pulled back and started thrusting again with long, steady motions of his hips to make her take him fully, just as he knew would frustrate and excite her.

Kylie didn’t want him to stop again and let her frustrations go as she spread her legs as wide as possible, thrusting her hips up to meet his strokes so he sank as deep as he could. She groaned as his long thrusts tingled and tweaked every nerve ending and his bulging head pulled back until it was agonisingly close to popping out of her, David having expert control so he could slide right back before impaling her once more.

His pace picked up but he kept the long strokes going, managing to make her take his whole cock despite the speed. His thick head actually popped out of her pussy multiple times but his tempo and aim were perfect, simply driving it back into her without skipping a beat. It hit the spot and the petite Australian shuddered in pleasure, heart accelerating as she breathed fast, still shoving her hips up hard to meet him as he thumped his prick inside her.

David loved how she’d melted into it, her pussy pulsing tightly around him as she squeezed to accentuate both their pleasure. He went for it and started to really fuck her, his thrusts getting shorter and faster, jamming himself against her so they both rocked on the bed. Her fingers were interlocked intently with his, fingernails almost digging into the backs of his hands as she clung on and focused on the pleasure of it, eyes rolled back shut, head sagging back submissively as she just took it.

She hadn’t been fucked so well in a long time, probably since the last time she’d visited him years before and it showed. Her gasps and grunts just became the soundtrack to her pleasure, getting faster as they matched his rapid strokes, pumping short and fast into her now as he breathed intently. There were no words needed as the pop star came to climax, redness flushing her cheeks as she was lost to the pleasure on his thick, thumping cock as it stroked her body perfectly, naturally and pushed her over the edge.

Kylie held on as her heart rate spiked, pleasure piling up against her soul like a wave as she tingled and gave a cry that cracked and faded into silent ecstasy as she let it go, crashing over her as it broke and made her shudder intently. He rode her easily and kept fucking, Kylie’s legs tensing and closing around him as she came though he didn’t discipline her, smiling as he made her pop and loving the instinctive way she showed it. Her tiny body bucked powerfully beneath him, her strength almost surprising as she arched and exploded, trying to break free as the waves of pleasure hit her.

He kept pumping briskly, feeling the squeezes of her pussy fade as her climax went with it, slipping from her body with a trailing touch that made a shiver as satisfaction washed through her. The cocktail of chemicals flooding her body caused twitches and final squeezes of pleasure, vagina clenching long and hard in a final effort before she relaxed, her sexy stocking-clad knees sagging away, leaving her wide open for his pleasure.

She held his hands as she breathed hard, struggling for the deep breaths she wanted as her body bounced beneath him, not daring to ask for the break she secretly needed. She knew he’d refuse her anyway, chasing his own pleasure now. She knew as he was stiffer inside her, more unforgiving and intent, his hips slamming her own with short, hard thrusts, really fucking her now as he pinned her down.

Kylie was a petite treat and he wanted his own climax, holding her tightly as he grunted with the effort, the singer laid back and taking it, working to softly squeeze herself around him as he did. He leaned on their grip and slammed himself into her, feeling the peak building, the tingle increasing down his cock from where the bulging tip delved into her tightest depths and pressed at her cervix. All it took was a minute or so to overwhelm his impressive stamina, letting the climax in and feeling it creep up his spine before it rushed over him.

It grabbed him as he gave a strained thrust then buried himself hard inside her, Kylie groaning with pleasure, biting her lip as he shoved his cock completely inside her and exploded, feeling him rock hard as he jumped and pulsed, his gorgeous manhood absolutely fitted tight to her body as he seemed to swell to strain her walls. His mouth found hers as he kissed her hard, their tongues entwining, twisting up in an orgy of silky sensation as he pinned her to the bed and gave her everything he had.

His hips pushed and shoved against her, trying to somehow get himself deeper and never pulling back, rocking together with her as they found a rhythm, groaning through their locked lips as he ground himself against her and emptied his balls completely. Her body twitched with every eruption, feeling his thick cock pulsing as he ejaculated his hot, thick load against the entrance to her womb, locked together as man and woman in their passionate embrace to both their utter satisfaction.

He slowed and breathed deeply, their kiss breaking as he gave a few hard squeezes to give her every last bit of himself, Kylie jolting at each one as their ecstasy faded, almost too much to take before he stopped. They lay together a moment, breaths cutting the air before he gave her a soft, intimate kiss that lingered, that suggested at so much more before he pushed up over her and drew his hips back to slide his softening prick from her slender body, the singer gasping as his still swollen head popped out of her.

David rolled off her and onto the bed at her side, breathing deeply while Kylie listened to the rapid thump of her heart, the blood rushing in her ears as she splayed out exhaustedly on the bed in her sexy black lingerie. She moved her arms down and gently entwined her fingers with his, just a small, intimate connection as they breathed heavily in the wake of their pleasure, cool oxygen saturating their bodies as the sweat cooled on their skin.

He stirred and slid round to put his feet down on the cool floor, giving a stretch and standing up as he casually stepped to his desk and grabbed his cigarettes. Kylie was reminded the door was open as she looked over to watch him, seeing the glimpse of the outside and knowing anybody near enough must have heard something. She didn’t really care however, her eyes flicking back to him as he flicked the packet open and pulled a smoke straight out, his lighter already in his other hand.

The trademark sound of a Zippo broke the air as he flicked it, flame leaping up, discarding the packet on the desk again as he touched the cigarette to it and inhaled deeply. He put the lighter down as he breathed out around the smoke, taking another drag before reaching it up to take it in his fingers and flick a little ash from the end. He turned back to see her watching him as he exhaled, her gorgeous blue eyes fixed on him as he raised the cigarette and took another drag.

“You want one?” he said smoking, words tumbling out through the tobacco cloud, finishing it by blowing through his nose.

“No, I’m good thanks,” she replied with a smile, hesitation almost stopping her, almost making her say yes just to see what it was like after so long and enjoy one in the quiet with him. She looked away as he put the cigarette back in his mouth and grabbed his camera again, raising it to snap a photograph of her laid out on the bed. She wasn’t quite so picture perfect now, hot and tired in the wake of the best fuck she’d had in a long time, tired body splayed out gratuitously on the sheets with her legs open.

His snap caught it all, her satisfaction and sexual relief, her casual disposition in the face of the camera at such a personal moment. She couldn’t help but pose for him though, letting him get some raw ones of her as she truly was before she shifted, putting her arms over her head onto the pillows and twisting her hips, not shying away as she rolled them towards him and pulled her knee up, accentuating the curve of her hips, framed perfectly by the suspender belt as it led into her pinched waist.

She held it as the camera snapped, making herself look good for the photo, knowing the film had captured her sexy pose in the racy underwear and her neatly shaven pussy, the dark strip of pubic hair sure to stand out in contrast to her pale skin. Her exposure captured by an exposure, another intimate moment that only he could photograph and keep for all time. Somehow knowing the time and patience he would spend working to bring her to life, to transfer it to a real photograph and not just a roll of dark film squirrelled away, hidden from the light of day, made it hotter.

Kylie just relaxed in the haze of post-orgasmic bliss as she heard the click of his camera, the air in the room light but just slightly polluted by smoke, breeze blowing it all around them as he focused on photographing the Australian beauty. He wasn’t hasty, taking just a few pictures but getting them right, trying to catch her nonchalant attitude as she laid out on his bed in peaceful bliss, only her panties off to expose her landing strip and now puffy vulva as her skin contrasted intently with the black lingerie that remained.

He stood the camera back on his desk as he sat down, leaning back and sucking on the cigarette, blowing it towards the ceiling around the tip, staring upwards, just letting himself relax to take it all in. David felt himself just sinking down in full satisfaction, casting another look back to the petite Australian star as she laid on his bed, still half posed, looking away from him and just zoned out, half asleep in her own place.

He took in her toned body, perky chest rising and falling slowly with her steady, recovered breaths as they comfortably shared the silence. Only the sounds from outside broke it, the gentle breeze and noises from the street drifting in the open door as the fantastic sunshine cascaded down. He knew he was lucky to have her, or still have her rather, his play for her in the first place being a stroke of brash luck that had worked out but her repeated visits and their enduring relationship was something unexpected that he relished.

Kylie half dozed, feeling completely safe and contented as she contemplated things. She wasn’t entirely sure what, they drifted through her mind idly as she felt heavy on his bed, playing over her decision to call him again, to give in to her desires and how it was the right choice. He loved her, she knew it, and the pleasure they brought one another in turn was exquisite. She could never have stayed away and pushed the little nagging voice from her mind that told her she should’ve, that she was somehow above this, better than this.

What was better than being the arms of a man who loved her? Who she loved in turn, even if she’d never said it. He never had either. It was unspoken, a secret held between them in pristine condition,  and should it ever be spoken to the world it would shatter into a million pieces, never to be repaired. No, their bond was deeply entwined and soulfully intimate, something she could never parade around, not wanting to, hoping with her entire heart she could keep it secret. A love just for her, all her own before the whole world had owned tiny pieces of her existence.

Kylie let herself revel in the secret, lustful tale she spun around them, fingers playing with the pillows as she shifted a little on the bed, letting the romance spread through her. David glanced over at her to take her in, not wanting to miss a thing, wanting to capture the sight of her in his minds eye and imprint her on his memories. The beautiful singer spread out casually on the bed, so tight and toned, her perfectly maintained body and saucy underwear, worn only for him.

He dragged the cigarette down to the butt, taking a last deep inhale which he held as he leaned forward to stub it in the glass ashtray on his desk, extinguishing it before he turned back to her. His eyes roamed over her body and it only had one inevitable effect as he felt his cock stiffen, the familiar sensation as blood flowed through him, his lust for the gorgeous Australian manifested in physical response. He gave another stretch, neck cracking before he stood up.

Kylie was interrupted by the sound of the chair scraping across the floor, looking over to him only to immediately smile, met by the sight of his hardening cock as he stood to attention for her. She just watched lazily as he stepped over and slid onto the bed, rock hard and ready to go as she’d have expected. She knew he was gonna work her out thoroughly and she was happy with that, biting her lip playfully as she eyed his aching erection that pulsed with his heartbeat.

David slid onto the bed beside her, hand sliding out to gently caress her firm breasts, a squeeze that made her tingle before his hand stroked down over her toned body and across her sexy suspender belt. He leaned down to kiss her, their tongues meeting more softly now, a gentle introduction turning into a more significant battle, wrestling with one another as they made out. His hand stroked over her curvy hip and down onto her thin, tantalising stocking, squeezing her thigh as he paused. She tingled, feeling herself surge in arousal, having been waiting for him to initiate their second round.

There was no need for words as he slid down beside her and kissed her a moment longer, fingers pushing through her hair as her own hand found his rock hard prick, standing to attention for her. Ready and waiting, she stroked him firmly as she took the initiative and stirred from the bed, quickly up onto her knees. She threw one over him, her silky nylon clad legs gliding easily against his skin as she positioned herself with his cock in front of her.

His hands slid up over her thighs to take in the curve of her hips then use their shape as he took a commanding hold into her waist, his want evident even as the singer got on with it. She was happy to ride him, she loved being on top and quickly shuffled forwards to get his cock beneath her, pushing up on one foot a little to give her petite figure the space. Holding him up, she stroked him eagerly for a second before lowering herself to press his bulging head to her slick entrance, warmed up and ready to go now.

She eased him in a little then, when she was sure of the position, let her body down abruptly to slide him inside her, his erection easily stretching her velvet walls, hot and ready, her juices letting him in. They both groaned deeply as he penetrated her, wrapped in velvet heat, his fingers digging into her pale skin and pulling down into her hips to crank her down against him harder. She couldn’t get any deeper, lips pressed to him as she’d thrust herself down to take it all, easily able to handle him now as she felt the bulge of his head deep inside her.

Kylie pressed her dainty hands down on his chest, grinding against him for a second before she pulled back up and started thrusting onto him. He shivered in pleasure and pressed his pelvis up, letting her feel every inch of him as she got going, giving a few thrusts as she settled her position over him. Digging her knees into the bed, she immediately started working hard and fast, taking what she wanted this time after the slower, teasing fuck he’d subjected her to first time around.

She’d loved it of course, her orgasm evidence of that, but now she was in charge and could take what she wanted. Kylie wanted him deep, wanted every inch of him inside her every stroke so he touched and teased every possible nerve ending and she could shove her clit down against him. Her thrusts were short and fast, thumping inside him as her breathing picked up rapidly, exertion telling despite her fitness as her she leaned on his chest, pinning him down as she took what she wanted.

Her eyes fluttered shut as he gazed up at her beauty, taking her in, loving how the petite Australian rode his cock. She was good at it and he was always happy to let her do it, enjoying the chance to take it in as she did the work. His cock pulsed and twitched inside her as her muscles snugly gripped him, the star not squeezing deliberately, keeping her pace up and fucking hard instead. She was tight though and always a treat, a perfect place for his cock as she worked vigorously on top of him.

The singer breathed in hard, fast gasps as she worked her hips, leaning forwards on him more now as she pounded her pelvis up and down to enjoy his stiff prick her way. He loved watching her taut, muscles clenched as she fucked him, gasping hungrily in building pleasure for a few moments before she sat back down more into him, resuming a conventional position to ride his prick. She bounced up and down for a minute, cowboy style with a blissful smile before reaching up for her bra.

She easily swept the straps off her shoulders, draping loosely, sexily over her arms as the cups went a little loose round her perky tits. It hardly mattered given the underwear barely hid her body from his view but it was still erotic, watching her stripping down as she grabbed the front and flipped it away, tugging it off her breasts to reveal them and their hard nipples to him. They bounced perfectly with her riding, rhythm only magnified through her slender body to them as he stared.

Kylie wanted him to do more than stare though, her hands reaching back to grab his wrists at her waist and direct them up, knowing he’d get the hint as she guided them to her chest. His large hands closed easily over her perky tits, effortlessly covering them, slight roughness of his skin making her sigh as he groped her. A tremble went through her, squeezing her pussy and energising her muscles to make her shove down harder, pace picking up a little as her hard nipples pressed into his hands intently.

The beautiful songstress held his hands, pinning them to her as they gripped and groped, squeezing her feminine flesh hard to make her shudder, shoving her ass down against his thighs as she bounced on his prick. She was in charge, riding his cock as she wanted but he still had power over her as he intensely grabbed her, Kylie loving how rough he could be even as she pinned him down. The breeze blew in the open door and across her slender back, the cool a lovely contrast to the heat of their entanglement.

Her suspenders strained round the curve of her ass as she pushed it out, rocking her hips sensually to increase the different sensations of her pussy as it wrapped around his cock. The muscles were tightened by her riding, driving her legs and squeezing her into him so it pulled back harder against the ridge of his head too. He loved the feel of her lacy stockings rubbing at him, her lingerie delectable, the loose bra jolting lightly against his arms as he continued to fondle her.

“Fuck that’s nice,” he groaned, the first expression during their fuck, Minogue smiling silently in return, the feeling mutual. She slid her hands from his, knowing he’d keep going and reached behind to release the bra strap, an expert twist of her fingers freeing it to drop completely from her body. She turned and threw it from the bed, somewhere towards where she was sure her panties were, leaving her in just her seamed stockings and suspenders as she rode cock. Somehow it felt like ages since she’d done it, loving the feel of him, how hard and focused he was for her as he relished every silky, succulent pull of her pussy.

She wanted a more intense stimulation though and straightened up, then carefully leaned back and put her hands onto his legs. He easily had the reach to hold onto her, hands never leaving her humble breasts as the petite star took hold then started to work her hips again. Her thrusts were the shortest and most intense of her ride as she clenched her ass and rocked her pelvis aggressively up and down on his pulsing prick. His hands squeezed hard again to make her shiver and groan deeply, eyes shutting tightly as her body was immediately seized by the sudden, almost overwhelming sensations spreading through her.

Her breathing accelerated rapidly into short, intense gasps as she shoved herself down against his rock hard cock, knowing in that moment that coming to see him was absolutely the right choice as she forced him against her G-spot. Sweat pricked her brow as she worked hard, hair flying, focused only on the pleasure as she got faster, somehow harder to drive him into her most intimate area. She rode the very tip of his cock as the head drove against the little rough spot that signalled her ultimate pleasure point.

Groans infiltrated her gasps of pleasure and concentration, keeping herself in the perfect place as she rocked in very short strokes, on the brink of blowing. His hands caressed her, loving watching Kylie work herself to climax on his prick, the singer just driving herself intently without a care for anything else at that moment. It was just a few seconds of that, her Australian accent breaking through a bit as she rode ferociously until she gave a stuttering, strained shove into him, grinding out the last moment before she hit orgasm with a tremendous shake.

She screamed loudly to the room and world outside as she hit her peak, tensing hard until her voice cracked and she went silent, jolting powerfully with sharp, sudden spasms as the pleasure overtook her body, physically dominating and consuming the singer. Her pussy clenched up tightly on him, gripping him like a vice though it didn’t stop her shoving down deeper to drive him inside as he watched her toned abs clenching hard while waves of ecstasy washed over her.

Her silent scream turned to a satisfied smile, gasping heavily, heart pounding in her chest as she regained some control and stroked her hips expertly on his cock as it strained inside her. Kylie pushed herself on with her arms, straightening to get pressure off her G-spot in the sensitive wake of her climax as she resumed bobbing steadily up and down, not letting herself off her obligation to ride his cock until he exploded in return.

She had to take it easy for a minute, body still too delicate as she breathed deeply to quell her thumping heart, taking in the cool oxygen as she pushed herself up and over, leaning down onto him again. Her long blonde hair tumbled forward around her as she took her time, rocking forward with  a momentary shiver as she pressed her clit down against him, their bodies grinding together. She could feel how rock hard he was inside her, hugely aroused by her orgasm and tight, tensing pussy, absolutely ready to go and Kylie didn’t intend to disappoint him.

Steeling herself, she tensed her arms and started riding quickly again, pace rapidly resuming her previous best as she thumped her toned ass down against his thighs. His hands tightly groped her again, never having left her tits, squeezing them once more to make her murmur, grinning down at him as she moved from long, rapid strokes that let him feel her slick, soaked vagina into the sort of short, fast thrusts that’d made her come just moments before.

“That’s it Kylie, fuck me, come on,” he smiled, pulse speeding with adrenaline and excitement, holding onto the petite star, fingers dug into her flesh. She was like a drug, every hit of her gorgeous body was a pleasure and he realised how much he’d missed her. He knew she wasn’t his, and he was hardly starved for female attention, but there was something about the special Australian singer that he was always reminded of whenever she showed up at his door.

Her pace was intoxicating and he shivered, cock stiffening just a little bit more inside her velvet tunnel as she pumped down into him. David knew that she felt it, winning smile a bit wider, shoving her ass down harder onto him to bury his prick inside her as she squeezed at it. She loved how he pulsed every time she clenched her pussy, especially if she got it as she rode up and her muscles gripped around his sensitive head as it plunged deep inside her. Their breaths were hard and fast, blending in a wordless expression of passion and pleasure.

“Don’t stop,” he growled, knowing she wouldn’t but wanting to briefly express his enjoyment.

“I won’t,” she hissed back, intent through her hard breaths, “just come for me.”

She rode him hard, harder than she ever had it felt like, harder than she’d ridden a man since the last time she’d seen him most likely. Kylie was tired but dedicated, set on her goal and she fucked him intently. His hand groped at her humble chest as he groaned his pleasure, letting her push him to the edge until suddenly his cock gave a sudden jolt and went absolutely iron stiff to let her know he was imminent.

“Yes, yes come on baby,” she breathed, smiling in joy as she felt him tip over the edge, riding hard with short, hard pumps into him as she hungrily squeezed herself.

“Come on, come inside me,” she added, knowing he loved to hear it. It was a moot point, he always had since she’d never made him play safe with her. A dangerous but exhilarating game she knew. With a deep, chest rumbling growl she could feel through her hands he shoved up against her and exploded, balls tightening hard as he exploded inside her and his hot, thick load shot deep. Kylie winced as he grabbed her tits hard, giving a squeak of pain, her own nails digging into him but it only added to the sensations for both of them as he emptied himself at the entrance to her womb.

She dutifully shoved herself into him, grinding her hips and working her muscles to encourage every last bit out of his balls, loving the way he shoved up into her, his primal power evident as she rode him like a bucking bronco almost. His bursts faded, last few pulses accentuated by him before he slumped back into the bed, hands trailing down to her hips to leave hand prints on her perky breasts as she gave a final few rolls of her hips and sat up, resting her dainty bodyweight on his thighs as they gasped.

“Fuck that was good,” Kylie breathed as she swept her hair back from her face, thoroughly satisfied  as she took a deep breath, David admiring her pert tits before she breathed out and lifted herself off him to tumble back onto the bed at his side. They lay in silence save for their recovery, David feeling the blood rushing in his ears as he took in the fucking the pop star had just given him, sweat covering both their bodies.

They just laid together for a minute, basking in the pleasure of it all as it soaked into them, heavily sinking into the sheets as they just cooled off and took in every sensation. She stirred first, pulling herself up with a groan to his side before shuffling off the bed past his legs, planting her dainty size three feet down on the cool wooden floor and standing up. He just idly watched her as the Australian star walked around casually in just her stockings and suspenders, fetching some more fresh water and putting it on to boil with the intention of making them coffee.

“Want another cigarette?” she asked, barely glancing back at him over her shoulder.

“I really shouldn’t,” he replied.

“That means yes,” she answered, smiling back to him as she finished preparing their cups. Leaving the water boiling, she grabbed his pack of smokes and drew one out, holding the neat white cylinder between her fingers as she picked up the lighter and turned back to the bed. He watched her, taking in her slinky figure as she slid onto the mattress with him and playfully crawled up towards him, leaning over his body, her perky tits swaying as she manoeuvred her way close enough.

She turned the cigarette over in her fingers and put it in his mouth, David playing along as she served him, smiling as she raised the lighter and flicked it. The well serviced piece lit first strike and she touched the leaping flame to his smoke, end flaring as he inhaled and pulled more oxygen through the incendiary cacophony. He drew deeply then tipped his head back to blow out the smoke towards the ceiling, Kylie flicking the Zippo shut with skill to instantly extinguish it.

Giving a knowing smile, she turned away and slid off the bed again, going back to making their coffee after putting the lighter down, back on his desk where she’d gotten it. He shook a little at the calming release of the cigarette, his nicotine addiction fed, those cravings quietening as he inhaled deeply and lay back into the pillows. His gaze followed Kylie as he rocked his head over, pulling the smoke from his mouth as he paused to take in her mesmerising figure, loving how she was stripped to only her stockings and suspenders but kept them on, playing her part.

Truth was she loved being fucked with her stockings on, regardless of what else she had on with them, but it was all part of the act. She was his fantasy, his rare treat and she played up to it, arching her back a little and standing straight on one leg, letting her body twist and pushing her ass out for him, knowing it was something he loved, just like millions of other men. The water boiled and she made their coffee, pouring it carefully into the fresh ground beans that awaited, the rich aroma spreading throughout the room like a familiar blanket.

They didn’t say a word, David just laying back and enjoying his cigarette slowly, the smoke trailing towards the ceiling and blowing gently in the breeze from the door. She poured his coffee, black, pure and then her own, pausing to add a dash of cream to it, appreciating that he had it considering he never wanted it. She didn’t want sugar, being sweet enough as it was, and since he didn’t either she picked his up and took it to him, standing it on the bedside unit.

“Thanks baby,” he smiled, playfully reaching out and swatting her ass with the back of his hand as she turned away, Kylie turning back to glance at him with a smile. He flicked his eyebrows, just laid back casually in bed, cigarette nonchalantly in his mouth as he breathed out around it, regarding her with enticing indifference. She couldn’t deny she loved being with him, loved the way he treated her, loved the way he seemingly made her submit to his desires so he could fuck her his way. And only his way. He rarely let her be in command and even when she was she knew it was because he wanted it that way.

And that turned her on immensely. He treated her as his girl, not some celebrity; she’d tried hook ups with normal guys before and they were usually a disappointment, unable to get past the glare of her status and just sink into the rhythm with her. She was just a woman like anyone else at the end of the day and she loved that David treated her like it, and fucked her like it. She picked up her coffee and walked slowly along his polished wooden floor, the planks old and storied, beaten and bruised from all the years of people like her digging their heels into them yet now varnished over.

A new start, a coating to wash the past away or at least seal it from the present day, her nylon-clad feet stepping along the smooth boards in her dangerously sharp ankle boots as she cautiously approached the open door, pausing just enough to be out of sight as she sipped her coffee. It was hard, a strong blend but smoothed by the cream which made it easy to drink, smiling at the flavour. French coffee was like nothing else she’d found and it was always a treat when she was back in Paris, particularly when she was in his company.

Turning on her heel, she walked casually back to his desk and slid into the seat, reclining against the cold metal with an inhale of breath. Shivering, skin prickling, she looked over his desk and took it all in, seeing the antiquated typewriter where he hunted and pecked like a motherfucker when he was in the zone. She took in the worn keys and scuffs on the casing, wondering how many others had plied their trade at the heavy machine as he laid back in bed and enjoyed the coffee, interspersing it with his cigarette.

The singer sank back in the seat, holding her coffee with both hands, loving the heat as it engulfed her fingers...almost too much, the sear of the porcelain intense. He had nothing loaded in the typewriter, nothing in progress for her to pry over, to satisfy her interest in seeing what he really wrote about. She knew he wrote some stuff for the screen though she wasn’t really sure what, knowing he’d always wanted to write a novel but had never achieved it. Lots of people wanted that she figured, but not everybody got to be the new sensation.

David glanced over at her, taking in the petite Australian as she pensively reclined at his desk. He was always struck by her delectably small size, perfectly formed, a pocket rocket that lit his fires every time she whirled into his life. She was relaxed and comfortable, exactly what he wanted and hoped to create for her, a world away from her hectic life under the spotlight. He’d offered for her to share it with him previously but she’d declined, not because she didn’t want to entirely, but because she didn’t want to share it with the world, like a secret that lost all its power the moment she spoke it.

Kylie read over his work that was stacked beside the typewriter, beautiful blue eyes drinking it all in as she flicked through the pages. He had some script drafts done, a gritty crime show by the looks of things with little in the way of restraint as it seemed gratuitous and intense, but she figured a lot of that stuff worked in modern television. It certainly had popularity and only made her wonder how well he was doing, figuring she better look for his name on the credits of some shows coming up. His other stuff was a mix, mostly some notes, pieces he might potentially include in a novel, random quotes he’d either thought up or read and other sporadic sentences.

“What are you working on right now?” she asked casually.

“Right now? An Australian singer,” he replied. Kylie turned to look at him, greeted by a cheeky smile as she raised her eyebrows before smiling and looking back at the desk.

“Mostly that screenplay, it’s nothing guaranteed but they’re interested,” he said.

“Crime huh?”

“Yeah well crime, mystery, some romance to it, it’s a mix.”

“Hope it works out,” she said.

“Thanks,” he replied, leaning back to take a final drag from his cigarette before leaning over and stubbing it out in the ashtray, breathing out slowly as he did before relaxing back and sipping his coffee.

“What about you?” he asked.

“What about me?” she said, looking back with wide eyes.

“What’s next for Kylie?” he expanded.

“Always busy, you know that.”

“I know, always got lots on the go, so what’s current?” he probed.

“New album on the way soon, with a world tour and who knows what else. But you know what? I didn’t come here to be busy,” she said firmly, looking him in the eye. David gave a raise of his eyebrow and a knowing smile.

“Well, busy with work,” she smiled, holding his gaze for a fleeting moment before looking away a little shyly. It was silly but he made her feel nervous, excited, like that first crush from back when she was a teenager.

“No problem, just take it easy,” he said, leaning back to let the quiet fill the room save for the sounds of distant traffic outside and the occasional call of birds. They just sat in the comfortable silence and enjoyed their coffee, the creamy concoction always a pleasure that helped Kylie relax properly, forgetting she was dressed in only her stockings and suspenders, with the ankle boots that helped push her up towards average height. The coffee faded from an aromatic temptation to a dark residue in the bottom of the mugs, stood aside to await their next calling as Kylie sat pensively in the chair.

Time slid past surprisingly easily, the best ones always passing too quickly as she just lazed at his desk, a piece of blank paper already loaded in case he had sudden flashes of inspiration. She trailed her fingertips delicately across the worn, work hardened keys, the unique fatigue instigated by the pecks of his ministrations. It was the bearer of artwork, his and whoever had used it before him to craft their own pieces. And now she sat before it, drawn by it, unable to resist making the heavy mechanism move, to hear the crisp, heavy sound as the letters struck the page.

Her first strike broke the silence like a sledgehammer, reminded with a start how loud typewriters could be as it hit the paper and drum beneath, pressing the stark black ink to the page, bleeding ever so slightly as it spread and dried. Its own style, sharp, unapologetic. Her initial taps were slow and soft, separated by the ponderous thoughts as she contemplated what to write before getting into it, inspiration gripping her as it flooded forth and her slender fingers punched at the keys more intently, much more in the way the typewriter needed and deserved. The passion of conviction.

‘Kylie Minogue was here. I apologise for the sudden intrusion, but not for the pleasure. I enjoyed it immensely but brought it in equal measure so the world is balanced, physically at least. Such retreat gives me peace I could never repay, except with my body’

Sitting back, she let her fingers sag from the keys, sliding over the old wooden desk with its character and worn marks that her hands couldn’t possibly fill. Looking around, she broke her moment with the typewriter and glanced over to him laid back in the bed, deciding it was where she wanted to be. Standing, she shoved the chair back and stepped across to him, a few light steps on her toes before she hopped onto the bed, David just watching her as she jumped over his body and bounced into the bed beside him. He welcomed her to him, arm over her shoulder as the petite Australian snuggled up to his body and rested her head on his chest.

They still didn’t speak, not needing to, simply enjoying the touch of each other, the closeness and intimate connection as Kylie relaxed into him in what was left of her lingerie. Her nylon-clad knee was bent across his thigh, suspenders pulling tightly round her ass and tugging the seamed stockings higher. Kylie didn’t mind, it felt naughty and fun, always loving how the lingerie moved on her skin beneath her clothes, like a sexy little secret every time she had it on. It was somewhat silly when she’d spent much of her career wearing sexy underwear and fashion, but that little thrill had never faded.

Time ticked by, the sun fading across the room as the evening approached, her head just on David’s chest as she listened to the steady thump of his heart. Her hand strayed down his torso and she let her fingertips dance lightly across him, teasing and tempting him, eyes flitting down to his cock as she made him twitch. She knew exactly what she was doing and smiled a little to herself as she watched him rise to the occasion, cock pulsing thickly as he swelled. She didn’t make him wait and slipped her hand down to wrap around him, squeezing to feel him pulse against her grip, cock rapidly stiffening as his erection got rock hard in her soft, skilful fingers.

She stroked him slowly, rocking her hand up and down, pushing right down to his base before pulling back up to rock over the shape of his bulging head, squeezing firmly as she took her time. She wanted to take things slowly...and make him as hard as possible before he inevitably and imminently fucked her again. David was patient, happy to let her tease him a little but he knew he’d never be able to wait as long as she intended. They’d done this dance before and she always wanted to put it off as long as possible, to keep him on the brink, rock hard and throbbing for her for every possible second before she let him take her again.

Not that she could stop him if he wanted of course, his dominance over her obvious, and frankly she liked teasing him to the point where he showed her he was in charge. She stared down and lazily watched him straining and ready as she stroked him slowly, squeezing so his purple head bulged angrily every time her dainty hand slid back up to his tip. His hand slowly brushed over her slender body, running down her side and over the beautiful womanly shape of the singer, dipping into her waist and over the flare of her hip. His touch took in the soft, enticing feel of her suspender belt, following the strap down to the top of her lacy stocking, taking in the embroidered texture.

His hand slid over her ass, her most famous asset, stroking gently with his whole hand as he relished the smooth, soft skin before he just squeezed a little, fingertips pressing into the firmness, feeling her tight and toned muscles that gave her such perfect shape. She murmured in pleasure as he gripped her properly, taking a proper feel of her, gripping her toned booty and spreading her a little, Kylie feeling her puffy pussy pull open in the process. She knew the storm was coming, he’d suddenly change the channel on her but she was just waiting for that to happen.

His hand squeezed hard again and laid a playful smack on her, just a pat really, making her smile as she kept methodically stroking him. Kylie’s dainty hand was a treat, barely able to reach around him since she was so tiny but quite comfortable in handling him, used to it after all their years together despite the gaps in their relationship. She squeezed and stroked, rapidly down then slowly up, feeling him pulsing hard and straining, his hips shifting as he wanted more, Kylie pushing him to the boiling point with her perfect, patient efforts as his finger pulled at her suspender, twanging it gently against her skin.

And then suddenly the switch was flicked, a final squeeze of her hand under his head made him shudder and she was moving as he whipped his hand up to yank her head back, a tangle of her blonde hair in his fist to make her gasp before his lips locked with her own. Their tongues twisted and entwined as they kissed deeply, a French kiss in the City of Love before he broke away and kissed hungrily down her neck, teeth catching at her skin as he turned into her and his other hand pulled strongly around her back, into him. In a moment she was tumbling as he abruptly pulled her over him, his strength completely overtaking her as he hauled the petite pop princess from the bed to the other side of his body, Kylie giving a squeal as he took her, flailing and kicking as she was thrown into the centre of the mattress like he owned her.

Right then he did, she’d let him; if she was wearing one she’d be offering him her leash. She gasped as her heart raced, tumbling over to face away from him, his hand immediately sliding over her smooth hip and down her nylon-clad thigh to push her leg forward and expose her, his rock hard cock shoving into her back as he took what he wanted. His arm slid under her head and he pressed close to her, Minogue shivering in anticipation as she knew what was coming, her pussy so slick and ready for him.

He took hold of his prick and guided it down between her legs, over her toned ass to push the thick head against the slick, waiting lips of her sweet, pink tunnel. She gasped loudly as he slowly yet inexorably thrust inside her again and drove his whole cock into her slender body, her pussy relaxed and easily able to handle him after their previous fucking, stretching her just a little as he bottomed out. Kylie clenched instinctively around him, always doing so when she was penetrated, her muscles gripping him hard again to make him growl with pleasure, rewarded for finally sinking inside her.

His prick pulsed inside her as he held still for a moment, both of them just relishing the culmination of her teasing, so close they were like one as his hand pulled her back against him, tucked into her hip to pressure her pelvis. She gave little joyful gasps, short and sweet through her smile as he pulsed his cock inside her, abs tensing as he made it jump and jolt in her gorgeous body. His position helped him push neatly against her G-spot and Kylie could already feel the different, exciting tingle it offered as he started thrusting slowly.

She loved how she could feel the bulge of his head drawing back inside her before he slowly plunged in deep again, shoving right into her ass to firmly embed himself completely, wanting to feel her tight pussy squeezing down all around him. Kylie obliged and clenched on his shaft, loving how he surged every time she did, something they shared and relished any time they fucked. It was far too infrequently truth be told. His hand pressed down to her chest, easily able to reach her while she tipped her head back over his arm and groaned in pleasure.

His hand slid over the soft skin of her perky, humble breast, teasing at the nipple before he let it press into his palm when he groped her firmly. Minogue simply murmured soulfully with pleasure as he easily encapsulated her breast, his large hands having no problem as he continued to pump his cock into her with an expert rhythm, never missing a beat as he sank his thick prick deep inside her. He pushed her long hair aside with his nose and kissed at her neck which immediately made her shiver, body tingling and pussy giving a tighter squeeze which she knew he could feel.

David loved how she moved, subtle but so meaningful, hand now pressing his own at her chest while her other reached out and dug into the bedding to squeeze handfuls of it in the gathering gloom of the room. She flexed her body beautifully, smooth like silk as she rocked easily back into him to help bury every inch inside her, wanting it, yearning to feel every part of his rock hard cock within. It might’ve been their third fuck of the day but it still felt special, David fitting inside her so neatly, just right for her despite his size being almost too much for her petite body.

Her tiny figure fitted in his arms so effortlessly, able to move her any way he wanted but right then she was doing everything he liked. His hand on her hip was merely a suggestion now as their rhythms were in perfect sync, her firm ass shoving back into him with every roll of her hips that accentuated his tip pressuring her G-spot. Her murmurs of enjoyment gave way to deeper, more intense groans of pleasure as she really started to feel it, loving the sensations of his hard prick shoving across the little rough patch behind her clit, driving a different kind of stimulation through her.

David’s idle hand slid forwards on her hip, thumb making sure to drag across the fabric of her suspender belt in the process before it delved between her legs and pushed down over her neatly shaved pussy. Kylie gasped helplessly as his fingertips drove through her neatly shaved landing strip of dark brown pubic hair and easily found her clit, protruding stiffly from the delicate folds of her hood.

Kylie lifted her leg carefully, not wanting to upset their flow as she dug her tiny foot into the bed and raised her toned limb to open them and give him better access. He didn’t need much more and she surged as his fingers expertly slid down either side of it and then hooked back underneath to stimulate her directly, settling easily into a well rehearsed circling of her button that made her shudder. She made sure not to forget her motions though and kept working her hips, curving her back as she shoved them back onto him, flexing smoothly to help him thump into her.

Their pace was the same but more intent now, a bit more focused and powerful, his cock shoving into her that bit harder, straining just a touch more to make sure she took it all. Her clit was stimulated from both sides by his dancing digit and his impaling prick, the thumps of his thrusting driving it silkily over her G-spot as his finger continued to circle perfectly, knowing what she liked, what drove her crazy. It was an eclectic mix that made her groan in helpless pleasure, rocking back into him to drive her own ecstasy.

They worked in unison, just slipping back into it like they’d never been apart, their motions perfectly in tune as he thrust his hips into her and groaned in pleasure equal to her own. His hand massaged at her chest as she held him to her, fingers curling as they clawed at the sheets while she tried to maintain her side of the rhythm and stop her hips bucking as he circled her clit, just as she always liked. Their gasping was all that broke the air save the slight creak of the metal bed frame underneath them, translating their rocks into sound.

She trembled with pleasure and let him make love to her, holding her dominantly but sweetly, held close as if she was his and only that, something she’d never been. It was a place she loved to be and shoved her ass back into him, knowing he loved that sensation as her firm, round booty pressed against his pelvis as he fucked her, burying himself inside her clenching tunnel again and again. She gave a harder squeeze as she shuddered in pre-orgasmic bliss, body trembling in his arms as her climax hinted. She was ready to just be fucked to the finish but David had other ideas and only moments after that shake he suddenly switched it up.

His hand was gone from her clit, burying himself hard inside her as he pulled his arm out from under her. She gasped in shock, the tiny Australian singer quite roughly disturbed as she crumpled onto the bed, twisting her head up to look at him through her tangle of dirty blonde hair. He loomed over her as he shoved into her hard, not letting her slide off his cock as he changed the channel, using his hips to drive her as he grabbed her shoulder and pushed her over on the bed, face down beneath him.

Kylie groaned deeply, a strained sound escaping her soul it seemed as he pinned her down on her front, the singer contracting her strong abs to pull her ass up, heels sticking dangerously out behind her, knees pressed hard into the bed as she presented herself for him to fuck as hard as he wanted. She knew he wasn’t going to go easy on her, he always loved to absolutely rail her in that position and she was quite happy to let him. The pressure on her G-spot was always perfection and with no further ado he slammed his hands down powerfully next to her and pulled back to start thrusting, ploughing into her harder than he had so far.

Kylie moaned hungrily as he drove inside her, getting deeper this time, his angle more effective so it let him glide over her G-spot and then into her towards her cervix, bulging head tingling every nerve ending along the way. His breathing was hard and determined behind her, leaning over her as he drove her into the bed with every push of his hips, driving his achingly hard cock inside her, relishing the soft, slick sensation of her beautifully snug, soaked pussy. Her gasps were a treat, loving hearing her enjoying herself as he thrust inside her, loving having her back after so many years. There was something special about her, his little pocket rocket.

“Oh god fuck me!” she gasped, rasping her wants to him with wanton passion, able to feel completely released with him as he pumped into her. He didn’t disappoint her, but he also didn’t instantly give her what she hoped for. His energy increased, motions a little shorter as he gave it to her a bit harder, more intently shoving down into her toned ass to pound his cock inside her. He didn’t immediately start pounding her with hard, short thrusts however, she wished he would but he knew that, knew it would rush her to orgasm in quick fashion and so held himself back.

He maintained the slower, more intense pumps into her, making sure she could feel him properly every time he pushed across her G-spot. David made sure it was slow and deep, pinning her petite form easily beneath him as he fucked her, Kylie loving it as she shoved her ass up to him and made sure he could sink every possible millimetre of himself inside her. His breaths, while controlled and deep, were picking up pace, the intensity getting to him too as he ploughed into her. Not as much as Kylie however as his intense pressure on her G-spot was turning the mechanism of her orgasm intently, faster and harder than before, ratcheting it up rapidly.

“Fuck, don’t stop,” she breathed, voice tight, eyes squeezed shut, hands holding tightly to the covers as she braced herself and let him fuck her, rocking her ass up against him with every deep, soul stroking thrust. He had no intention, wanting to make her come, loving when he made women climax and always loving when the gorgeous Kylie Minogue hit orgasm. Maybe it was her vocals, the sounds she expressed, maybe it was seeing her lithe, toned little body quake under his ministrations, or maybe it was just knowing he brought her to maximum pleasure, but he always loved seeing her come.

He knew it was what made her keep coming back, making her come hard and often as she did for him. The pace and tempo never dipped, keeping going exactly as she wanted, making her gasp harder and faster as her climax built up, making her legs twitch and tighten as she battled to hold it back as long as possible, wanting to savour it. This was what she came for after all, to be pinned down and fucked by him to her ultimate pleasure.

There were a few seconds where they were simply in tune together, working together, physically one as he cranked her to climax with his final few deep, intent thrusts while Kylie relished his thick cock. She held it back as long as possible, wanting it to be the biggest, hardest orgasm she could manage, wanting to savour it but her efforts could only hold on so long and with a sudden shudder, short and intense, she came. Her breaths tumbled out hard and harsh, the wind knocked out of her by how suddenly her muscles tensed when her peak rushed over her, her soul tumbling in the surf as the wave of ecstasy crashed through her soul.

He smiled as Kylie wailed in pleasure, fingers tightening sharply in the sheets as she tensed, muscles in spasm as her orgasm hit her full force. Holding it back made it more intense as she’d hoped and it wracked her body with overwhelming pleasure, more than she could handle almost as her body shuddered hard, David still pumping into her even as her pussy tightened up, clenching and crushing him as hard as she could manage which only made it better. He fucked her hard throughout as she peaked and tumbled down the other side, legs tensing and twitching as her nerves lit up and she shook, toes digging in as she rocked forward, wails turning to intense, harsh gasps of pleasure.

Her climax faded slowly and her moans of pleasure quieted to leave just her hard breaths, heart racing as she pulled in oxygen to keep going as she knew there was no respite from their fuck. Just because she’d had hers didn’t mean he didn’t get his and from previous experience he wouldn’t let her wait. This was no exception and he started fucking her harder, making her twist in discomfort as his cock thumped over her now overly sensitive G-spot and sent sensations crashing through her she really couldn’t handle.

She didn’t complain though, keeping quiet bar a few strained groans as she buried her face in the bedding and held on. His fuck toy now, there for his pleasure and she made sure to push back when he rocked on his knees and drew her up from the bed, hands sweeping under her curvy hips to guide her into a perfect doggy style position so he could smash her. Kylie’s hands slid back across the bed then dug in again, bracing herself for him as she knew what was coming.

Her distinct grunt was music to his ears as he stepped it up the instant he got her in position and slammed deep inside her, able to get every last bit of his cock into her sweet body now so he ground against her soft, bulging lips. She cried out as he jammed into her so hard, pushing another burst of sensations through her as his thick cock flexed inside her, the deepest now he had her on her knees in front of him. He accelerated and pounded himself into her, suddenly turning on the power and pace he wanted to chase his climax and use her to her utmost.

Kylie just groaned helplessly into the bed as she buried her face to muffle her overwhelmed complaints, pleasure lost to eye rolling overload as he pounded into her, thick cock still shoving over her G-spot in the aftermath of her orgasm. It felt amazing but she could barely handle it much less enjoy it, digging her nails in as David turned it up to eleven and yanked back on her hips, hauling her ass into him as he pounded his steel-hard cock into her pussy. His hand reached back and grabbed her high heel, pulling up and using it to crank her onto him as she moaned.

He was using short, intense thrusts now of only a few inches that got deep every time, feeling her snug, petite body tightly around his whole length every time, wanting all of her. She was his, the superstar his own personal toy to command and conquer right then and he used every possible inch of that power. His hips slapped her famous ass noisily as he slammed onto her relentlessly, his stamina evident as he enjoyed himself to the fullest with the gorgeous Australian as her groans turned to hard, rasping grunts beneath him. It was intense but she wanted it, wanted to please him, to take everything he had for her and shoved her ass back into him to show it.

His hand released her hip...only for long enough to draw it back and smack her hard, planting his hand intently on her round ass to make her yell out loudly in pain. It stung and spread across her skin, it made her shudder and flinch but then tingle with pleasure and a ragged gasp. It was like the sensation of hot water or melted wax, that moment when it hit but was too much, that sudden reaction of fear and pain before it cooled in an instant, rendered ineffective and that immediate, indescribable sensation of tingling pleasure and relief spread in its place.

But it wasn’t just one, that moment was stretched as he spanked her again, smacking again in the same place, before another and another landed on her. Minogue cried out with every one as his hand landed dominantly on her perfect, peachy ass, hitting her repeatedly until she was about ready to quit. Her gasping breaths were ragged and desperate, in contrast to his rapid, controlled ones as he fucked her hard, maintaining the rhythm even as he spanked her harder than she had been for years.

When she thought she couldn’t handle any more, almost ready to beg for mercy, he suddenly relented and grabbed her hips again with both hands, releasing her heel and slamming into her harder and faster once more to make her moan. Her ass tingled, the heat spreading as she knew the red marks of his hand were coming out already, her pale, petite body marred by his efforts around her suspenders...and she loved it. He pounded her hard and fast, more intently again as she whined under his energy, more comfortable now but still overwhelmed by him as she let him have whatever he wanted.

His other hand let go and she knew what was coming, but it was still painful when it struck. She expected to be ready but his hand cut through her like nothing, the sharpness to the pain needling her, like someone was screwing up her soul for a moment, making her clench tightly as she flinched which only made him groan, encouraging him to abuse her further. He fucked her hard, Kylie dutifully pushing back on him even as his hand smacked her firmly, harder then the other side as he spanked the other cheek of her ass and relished the clenching and clamping of her vagina around him.

Just when it was on the brink of overwhelming her, Kylie about to shout for mercy as her hard, short grunts of breath had turned screams that echoed through the apartment and inevitably out onto the breeze of the city, he stopped. His hand grabbed her hips once more and she knew that would be it, his cock pulsing harder inside her as if that were possible, so stiff, so aroused for her that it only served to turn her on. She loved to be desired, to be wanted, and what clearer signal could she get?

He hooked back into her pelvis with practiced ease, thumbs pressing on her sexy suspender belt, holding the diminutive singer in place as he pounded her with thrusts so hard she could barely tell if he was coming or going. His thick, solid cock slammed into her with an intensity that reminded her exactly why she’d come to him, groaning in complete submission as she shoved back against him and tried to squeeze herself to maximise his pleasure. She only partially succeeded, impossible to handle his power and pace, cock pounding into her as she clenched at him.

For David it only served to make an eclectic mix of sensations as he hammered on the helpless singer, shoved into the bed before him as he drove into her pussy, sometimes tighter for maximum stimulation as he caught her on a squeeze of her snug, velvet tunnel. His deep, driven grunting told Kylie he was close and all she had to do was hang on for him to finish. She wouldn’t have to wait for long as he held her tight and thrust into her wantonly, giving everything he had as their sounds broke the room, vibrating the air as she cried out in tandem with his soulful noises...on the brink.

Her squeezes were still random and sporadic around him but it made the snugness of her pussy even better and with a few more seconds of hot, hard pounding he felt the tipping point and let it take him. David’s fingers dug into her skin, clamped around her slender hips as he wrenched the Australian back against him and plundered her treasures with the hardest fucking she’d had in years, probably since the last time he’d fucked her. She forced her hands into the bedding and pushed backwards, feet struggling against the bed, her boots slipping, striving to withstand his aggression and urgency as her nylon-covered knees threatened to slip out from under her.

He couldn’t hold on any longer and slammed against her ass just as his cock jumped powerfully and erupted a thick burst of come deep inside her. David gave a huge sigh of relief and pleasure as his balls tightened again while Kylie groaned deeply in enjoyment as she felt him surge and pulse powerfully, emptying another load deep against her womb. He ground against her and pushed her forward, the singer bracing herself strongly to resist him as he rocked over her and worked everything he could into her, his balls gripping over and over to squeeze every bit of himself into her sweet pussy as she instinctively clamped at his cock to encourage and prolong it, wanting his climax to be the highest it could be as he finished.

His breaths became heavier, slower as he sagged back on his knees, cock straining with his final ejections inside her, Kylie squeezing hard, holding tight to accentuate every last second of it before it was over, sinking onto his ankles, hands slackening on her hips as his heart raced and he breathed hard. They just absorbed the few seconds, his cock still twitching in her as they both sucked in oxygen, their bodies flooded with the blissful sensations at the end of a hard fuck session. She was a little disappointed as he pulled out of her and his hands slid from her hips, their connection broken as he turned and flopped down beside her.

She’d already come hard but his incredible pounding had her interested for more though she wasn’t entirely sure she’d actually handle it. It left her a little on edge but unwilling to ask for more, sagging slowly down on her front, facing away from him as her heart thumped inside her chest in the darkness, both of them silent save their breathing as they lay exhausted on his bed. One of her suspenders had popped off from the exertion, the springy strap dangling over the side of her round ass. A sheen of sweat covered them, evidence of their efforts. Lying still for minutes, neither of them counted, it was David that broke the silence.

“Are you staying the night, or heading back to your hotel?” he asked.

Kylie paused, knowing the question...and what it implied. It was clear; if she chose to leave she could slink away back to her expensive hotel and resume her normal life. If she wanted to stay, she’d have to put out in the morning to pay for the bed. It was as it had always been with them...and she was entirely happy with that arrangement. To cuddle up to him for the night, a man that wanted nothing but passion and pleasure with her, then to wake up to another enjoyable sex session and pretend she didn’t have a care in the world was what she wanted. Her escape.

“I’m staying, like always,” she mumbled in reply, her dulcet tones easily breaking the quiet of the room. Only distant sounds of the city floated in the still open balcony doors, the sky dark outside and chill starting to descend a little though they were too warm and comfortable in the wake of everything to move just yet. The breeze blew gently through the room, the warmth of the spring day washed away by the refreshing coolness of the night.

Stirring, David swung off the bed and stood up, grabbing his cigarettes and walking over near the open doors. Kylie turned her head and watched him, so confident and casual in his nudity as he stood near the balcony and lit a cigarette, the flare of the flame glowing a moment. He took a drag and shivered in the treat of nicotine, breathing out slowly as he glanced out on the darkening city. The evening was long, stretching on towards the longest nights of the year and he loved it, loved how it seemed to make every day better and able to stretch into an endless night.

Kylie pulled herself up from the bed, not speaking, looking away from him as she slid off the bed and stood on her sexy boots. With a little stretch she headed for the bathroom, shuddering slightly as she felt his loads move inside her. He’d shot them deep, all three of them, but now they were ready to leak out, making her squeeze as she headed to clean up, David glancing at the red hand prints on her ass with a smile. She stepped into the bathroom and locked the door, pausing to take a look at herself in the mirror. Her perfectly styled hair was now a mess, make-up smeared and ruined from their energetic fucking.

She figured she’d have to deal with it, focusing on priorities and sitting on the toilet to take care of business. The diminutive singer relaxed then shuddered as his thick loads slid out of her, running viscously along her labia as his deep, intense ejaculations exited her tiny body. Kylie squeezed down hard to expel it, shuddering a little more with something akin to pleasure as she ejected his salty climax, loving when men came inside her and he never let her down. Her heels scuffed and clicked lightly at the flooring as she twitched, letting herself enjoy it until she squeezed the last of him from her.

Finished, she went back to the basin, washing her hands as she took in her new look, smiling slightly to herself at the mess he’d made of her through the sole act of fucking her brains out. Complete, she opened the cabinet to find a packet of make-up wipes; they were always there so she took advantage, figuring slightly guiltily that his girlfriend must have put them there, furnishing the woman who helped her boyfriend step out on her with what she needed. Kylie instantly forgot about it, knowing that was nothing to do with her and got on clearing herself up.

She set about a well practiced routine of wiping her skin, dissolving and removing the smeared lipstick and running mascara, cleaning her smooth face and stripping herself back to her raw, unfiltered appearance. It took a few minutes, then she stood back to survey herself, her natural beauty marred by tiredness, the toll of a busy few days visible under her eyes. But it didn’t matter, David always loved her, no matter how she looked and was another one of those men that always said she looked most beautiful when she first woke up, completely devoid of anything to cover her features and the wrinkles she wished weren’t there.

She looked down at her stockings, the thin black nylon wrapping her slender legs. The suspenders were still clipped on, except one, pulling at the edge around her thighs and still excellently where she’d clipped them. Turning, she arched her back and looked over her toned ass, raising an eyebrow at a huge ladder up the back of one of them that extended from her calf muscle all the way up to where the clasp was hanging onto the lacy hem around her thigh, torn beside the thick seam and barely keeping it together.

The stockings were done for, but frankly they were only thin and she’d worn them to feel and look sexy, knowing David would love them and they’d have made for a fun little photo in the paper if she’d been caught with her skirt flicking up a little. They’d been just enough for the spring weather, but certainly no necessity. She’d take them off, but knew that David would love to watch her do it. He always did, saying it was beautifully feminine to watch a woman work with her stockings.

Kylie wasn’t sure she’d have ever put it that way but she loved to be watched, wanted, lusted after and was happy to perform for him. She walked back into the bedroom, David glancing to his little pocket rocket as she did, pausing, then turning to watch her properly as she sat down on the bed staring at him. They held a look for a moment before she reached down for her boot and pretended like he wasn’t there. She took the zip and pulled it down, the sound cutting the air as David watched her release it and pull it from her dainty, size three foot. She carefully stood it down and lowered her leg, repeating the process with the other boot before standing them aside.

She stood up, much shorter without the heels and took a glance at him, smiling as she saw how he stared, not wanting to miss a moment. Kylie reached down to unclip the suspenders, doing each leg in turn, pulling them carefully to tug the stocking before she released them, letting them spring free in coiled patience. Turning, she curved her back and stuck her ass out for him, knowing he loved it as he saw the rip up the back of her leg, the straining nylon barely holding together as it exposed her pale, perfect skin beneath.

Kylie repeated the process, arching so the suspenders pulled a bit tighter up the sides of her ass, straining the nylons harder so they snapped away a little more intensely to leave her stockings free at her thighs. She effortlessly reached back and unclasped the suspenders, holding them out at arms length as she threw them onto the bed before she turned back to face him, nude except for her stockings. Sitting back on the bed, she paused to tease a moment by squeezing her thighs together and crossing her legs, putting on a little show for him before she stretched back out again and reached down to slide them off.

Hooking her thumbs in, she pushed them down, easily sliding one then the other over her perfectly smooth, shaven skin, bunching up as she gathered them to her foot then slipped it over her heel to pull it off, the torn one giving up with an evocative tearing sound as it split to leave it useless. It was useless anyway, she couldn’t be seen with torn stockings on, especially around the glamourous Paris fashion show. Throwing them aside by the boots, she was completely naked for the first time since she’d arrived, clean of all make-up, stripped of all clothing.

He was struck by her beauty, her petite, perfect form before him, always admiring her no matter how many times he got his hands on her. It was never enough, so he had to make the most of any chance he did get. He’d been so engrossed in watching her his cigarette had burnt down almost to the filter without him taking a drag, realising with a roll of his eyes as he reached over to tap the ash off and grab the last puff of the thing as Kylie smiled to herself in the darkness, loving the effect she had on him.

Stubbing it out, he immediately headed for the bed, spurring her into action as she quickly shuffled back across it to make space for him, pulling the sheets back in tandem with David as he slid onto the mattress, the beautiful Australian slipping in lightly beside him, her haste evident as she moved close to him. David didn’t deny her, always loving her affection, arm welcoming then holding the petite singer to him as Kylie snuggled up closely and rested her head on his chest, arm draped across his body. Their tiredness overtook them, the price of their fun as they drifted off to sleep, sounds of the city murmuring outside as the cool air blew in.

* * *

Kylie awoke the next morning groggy and disoriented, unsure momentarily where she was as she stretched out and opened her eyes, squinting at the brightness that revealed somewhere different to the hotel room she’d expected. She shielded her eyes and forced them wider, pushing up as she looked around, immediately remembering where she was as she saw David at his desk, the clatter of his typewriter having woken her up, the hard, metallic sound cutting the bright, crisp air of another Parisian morning.

She dropped her hand and flopped back into the pillows, wondering how tired she really was given how he’d been able to slip from her grasp without waking her. She mused that maybe it wasn’t outright tiredness but security that had let her sleep so well, her rest much more complete in the safety of his bed. Still, she supposed the intense fucking she’d received the day before didn’t hurt either. Well, that wasn’t entirely true because as she moved she felt the soreness of her pussy, the discomfort caused by so much enjoyment, their mutual pleasure, the payback for letting David fuck her so hard.

She rolled slowly and stretched out some more, laying on her side and pushing her long blonde hair back out the way as she watched him at his typewriter. He was engrossed in whatever he was working on, clearly in the zone, focused and intently stabbing at the heavy keys to make the letters thump against the roller, paper caught in between, ink soaking into the fibres. A cigarette was firmly between his lips, the end flaring as he inhaled, then exhaled through his nose, not pausing to touch it as he kept going, smoke blowing down over his busy fingers.

Kylie lay quietly watching him, just loving observing him at work and lost in his own world, focused, concentrating. She knew what that was like and could appreciate he wouldn’t like to be disturbed, and since she was in no rush she just wanted to take it in. He hammered away at the keys, typewriter noisily clattering away as he wrote, musing it was a wonder she’d been able to sleep through any of it prior to waking up. Pausing, he leaned back, taking the cigarette from his mouth at last for a slow expulsion of smoke, glancing over and noticing the stunning singer watching him.

His smile greeted hers but they didn’t speak, David putting the cigarette back in his mouth and standing up, stepping away to immediately make her a fresh coffee. She watched as he quickly ground some more beans, making it was fresh as possible as he got the water ready. He poured it in to brew and took a last pull on his cigarette, stubbing it out in the glass ashtray by his typewriter before grabbing his own coffee. He sipped it as he looked out the open doors, never closed in the night as they’d slept, caressed by the gentle breeze of the city.

Kylie took in his lean figure, toned and strong, standing naked in the morning light, instantly arousing to her as she watched the flex and ripple of his body, admiring him the same way he admired her, loving her tone and tightness. He went back to making her coffee, pouring it and mixing some cream, no sugar, just as she liked it, before a quick stir saw it brought to her bedside.

“Thanks,” she smiled quietly as he stood it down.

“No problem,” he replied, leaning down for a quick kiss, the taste of coffee and cigarette smoke brushing her lips but she didn’t mind. It was quintessentially him.

He returned to the seat and focused once more, pecking the keys with precise touches as he resumed his work, able to pick it straight back up. Kylie pulled herself up in bed and rested on the pillows, sheets sliding down her tummy to leave her firm breasts exposed as she reached out for the aromatic coffee that beckoned to her, freshly ground and delicious. It was just as tasty as the day before, as it was whenever she made it to Paris and she just enjoyed the unique flavour as she watched him typing away with intent.

“What are you writing?” she asked, unable to help herself after watching him for a couple of minutes. He took a moment, hammering out the last few words then draining his coffee mug before turning back to her somewhat.

“Science fiction,” he said.

“More TV work?” she asked, knowing he did write a fair bit for television shows.

“Yeah, well potentially, it’s part of a pilot I’m working on, we’ll see whether it goes anywhere,” he said, grabbing his pack of smokes again and sliding one out directly into his lips.

“I hope it does, good luck,” she replied.

“Thanks, you just never know. I’ve never quite understood how they choose shows sometimes, or run them. Some good scripts seem to completely miss the mark,” he said before flicking his lighter, inhaling to draw the flame to the tip.

“Give it your best shot,” she replied, understanding his point. Music was the same at times and she’d done some things that seemed like sure fire hits only to see them struggle for traction. He exhaled, looking at the gorgeous singer before him, pausing a moment then offering her the cigarette. She hesitated a moment, coffee cup slowing on the way to her lips before she spoke.

“I shouldn’t,” she said softly, taking another mouthful of her coffee as she looked into his eyes. It was much the way he’d said it the day before; he knew she’d smoked before even if a long time ago and he loved to tempt her, to break her down into the Kylie who was free and uninhibited with him, to take a risk. Standing, David pushed the chair back and stepped over towards her, pulling a deep drag from the cigarette as he approached, towering over the petite star sat in his bed. Reaching down with his other hand, he slid his fingers through her blonde hair then yanked hard with a fistful behind her head, tugging her back and making her gasp intently, mouth wide.

He leaned down to her, lips tantalisingly close, as if he might kiss her but instead all he did was slowly exhale into her mouth, Minogue tasting the temptation as it hit her, unable to resist as a shudder of arousal went through her, loving how dominant he was, their tender moment framed by his physical control. She breathed in, pulling the smoke into her lungs as he breathed out, feeling the naughty, illicit shudder of the nicotine, knowing she shouldn’t really be doing it but that only made it exciting in a silly, youthful fashion.

David finished, the smoke she didn’t capture flowing smoothly round her face, Kylie pulling in the last breath of it with a shiver, lunging up to kiss him as his grip softened in her hair. He leaned back as Kylie slowly breathed out, the smoke illuminated by strips of light crashing into the room from the windows, shaking a little as she sat back into the pillows. David turned the lit cigarette over in his fingers and pushed it between her full lips, Kylie welcomely receiving it now, immediately taking a drag as he smiled and turned back to his desk.

She sat in bed and smoked it, not holding it much as he had been, just inhaling the flavour and shivering at the sensations, letting memories flood through her mind of the 1990s when she’d actually smoked for a brief period. She only paused to hold the cigarette so she could finish her coffee, the smooth, rich flavour a stark contrast to the smoke before she put it back between her luscious lips and continued. Turning, she slid her slender legs off the bed and stood up, beautifully naked in the sunlight as she inhaled deeply again and held it, David glancing back at the petite princess before she slowly exhaled around the cigarette.

He smiled and turned back to his work, fingers rattling across the keys once more as he immediately forgot her and focused on his work, his dismissal of her somehow insulting yet so hot at the same time. He was into his work, committed and single minded, ignoring the stunning Australian standing naked behind him, there for his pleasure...but only when he chose it seemed. Kylie stared at him, watching the keys smack noisily across the paper as lines tumbled out of him, his imagination stained onto the smooth white sheet.

She just watched him, casually walking around a little, looking out the doors though not bold enough to step fully onto the balcony in her nudity in case somebody was watching. She didn’t fancy a naked photo of her with a cigarette in her mouth splashed across the internet, not only for the embarrassment but also that it might lead people to find out who she was with and then her secret, intimate retreat would be exposed, sullied forever.

“So are you gonna fuck me or what?” she asked bluntly, mumbling around the cigarette.

“In a minute,” he replied casually, smiling unseen as he made her wait. Men never made her wait, they usually fell over themselves for her and that only stoked her desire. He kept on typing as she looked back out at the sunny day unfolding over the city, smoking as she just let her mind wander, taking it in, the peace of it. It was so rare she woke up on a day and could just relax, especially wandering around naked in a lovely room in Paris. Kylie took a last pull, burning the cigarette down to the tip before she took it from her mouth as she held her breath.

After a moments pause and rush of adrenaline, she let the smoke out through her nose as she suddenly walked purposefully out onto the balcony and flicked the butt over the side into the street, standing gloriously naked in full view of anybody for a second as she disposed of it and stood momentarily in the sunlight, curves highlighted perfectly. She didn’t see anybody, but if there was anyone they’d gotten a good look at her before she turned and shook her famous ass on her way back inside. David glanced across at her with a knowing smile, loving her exhibitionist side; he’d talked her into doing similar things before in their times together and this was just another example of it…though with no provocation from him.

Kylie walked back to the bed and picked up her coffee mug, taking another sip of the refreshing beverage, turning back to watch him still writing, fingers dancing across the heavy keyboard in his pursuit of literary perfection. She glanced around, loving his place in the mornings as the sun cascaded in through the windows and door, making it feel so light and airy. Not paying attention, she was suddenly surprised as David roughly shoved the chair back from his desk and stood up, turning and abruptly stepping to her, covering the ground in two easy strides to be immediately, intimidatingly before her.

The singer gulped down the last mouthful of her coffee, staring at him with her big blue eyes as he towered over her, knowing what was coming. She quickly, almost obediently, stood the mug aside on the windowsill and resumed her position, just waiting to be taken. Barely having a moment to turn back to him, he dipped down and swept her onto his shoulder as she squealed in surprise, effortlessly pulling the tiny singer over himself and standing up, hoisting her helplessly into the air as he restrained her legs.

He reached up and spanked her ass with his other hand, making her gasp as he stepped strongly to the bed, Kylie just enjoying being taken, dominated, completely at his whim as he carried her easily to where he would fuck her...just as she’d asked for. He threw her down quite hard, more than she’d expected, crashing onto the mattress, head buried back in the pillows as he whipped her off his shoulder to splay out before him, naked and exposed, completely ready for him. David slid on top of her, kissing her deeply, their tongues entwining as he pinned her wrists down on the bed. She knew what kinda fuck it was gonna be and she loved it, just loved when he took her and made her his, made her feel like his woman.

The taste of coffee and cigarettes mingled with the sensations of their tongues entwining silkily, massaging each other as she pulled her hands around him, fingers slipping across his skin as he broke the kiss to work his way down her neck and onto her body. Kylie tingled at the sensations, prickling with excitement as his lips made their way down her tight, toned form, tantalising the flesh with every touch, holding her hands down as he moved slowly down her.

His kiss worked from her neck, across her smooth collarbone and down onto her humble breasts, kissing at the firm mounds of her boobs then over the nipple to make her inhale, then gasp as he gave a little nip with his teeth to send a jolt through her, sensations mixing as he gave a couple more grazes of his teeth, the threat of pain as he worked down over her tummy. Kylie just writhed under him, trying to restrain herself and be calm, fighting the urge to interact more with him, wanting to be a part of it but knowing she should submit, lay back and enjoy it.

Her legs stirred and feet kicked, pushing her heels against the bedding in frustration as he slowly kissed over her tummy to her pubic bone, just skirting her neat, dark strip of hair, a stark contrast to her pale, perfect skin. His hands slid from hers, freeing her though she didn’t move them, nails still curled into the bedding as his hands pulled sensually down her sides to hold her curvy hips, supporting her as he kissed through her neatly shaved strip and applied his tongue carefully to her clit.

“Fuck…” she gasped, voice breaking as the stimulation hit her like lightning, his tongue effortlessly flicking under her soft hood and straight onto her sensitive button. He carefully worked at her clit, nothing more as she wriggled underneath him and rolled her pelvis back onto his tongue, helping drive it over and around her nerve-laden nub as he patiently worked at her. She gasped and growled in pleasure, sensations lighting up her soul as she pulsed against the circling tongue, its tip like magic as it caressed and teased her, easily working under the token protection of her hood, his hands gripping her hips as he made her surrender to him.

And then it was over, David not spending too much time licking her pussy, simply warming her up a little ready to fuck as she’d asked for. Teasing kisses worked down her smooth thighs as she gasped in frustration, needing more but knowing she wouldn’t get it, shivering in arousal and bubbling with a temper as he handled her so easily, able to frustrate and excite her in equal measure. She was rarely treated like that and ultimately it was part of why she always came back, because he fucked her like nobody else.

Her thoughts were swept away as he suddenly rolled her over, effortlessly overpowering her to tip her hips and send her onto her front. David knelt up and pulled her back up, guiding her pelvis as he pulled her back into a perfect doggy style position, their favourite, presenting her gorgeous ass and the slick, puffy lips of her pussy to him, ready for his already rock hard cock. It strained in front of him as he got ready to take her, drawing his hands round her and laying a soft, playful spank on her.

“Get some lube,” she murmured, glancing back to him.

“Yeah?” he asked with a smile, pausing.

“Yeah, I’m kinda sore, so you’d better lube up,” she replied, flicking her eyebrows. She knew he loved anal sex, especially with her, and she enjoyed it as well so it was the perfect choice and she knew he’d never refuse her. The invitation was clearly implied and with the position he had her in it was rather his choice anyway.

“You got it,” he said, leaning past her to his drawer, finding the lube easily, making her think it got used quite often. She fleetingly wondered if his girlfriend let him fuck her in the ass, figuring she probably did given what else she allowed. David leaned back and threw the tube down beside him, suddenly grabbing her hips again and sweeping her thoughts aside as he dived in and pressed his tongue to her tight back door. Kylie gasped hard, a thrill rushing through her like she’d not felt in years as he ate her ass without a moments hesitation.

“Don’t stop,” she managed to breathe as her heart raced, struggling to draw a breath as the unexpected stimulation hit her, his tongue licking intently over the tight ring of her asshole and making her squeeze shut strongly. He held her shuddering body as he worked up and down over her, probing temptingly at her resistance before circling around her, making her groan in pleasure. Her pussy was wet, arousal obvious as he teased her in the most illicit fashion. He wanted her ready for when he split her ass, wanting her to enjoy it like he did, knowing it brought her pleasure but wanting her ready for him.

“Don’t tease me, come on,” she breathed, not wanting him to wait, needing his cock inside her as the mere temptation of anal sex had made her hungry for it. Lots of guys wanted to fuck her in the ass, but nobody did it like he did. He made her wait a few moments longer as he worked at her, pressing harder and almost forcing his tongue inside her, the second as he started to squeeze into her ass seeming to stretch as her excitement built, her body reacting, pushing back into him as she welcomed the penetration before he suddenly pulled away from her and left her wanting.

She was happy to wait though as he rocked back from her and grabbed the lube, the crack of the cap opening cutting the air as she knelt before him, head down, curtained by her long blonde hair as he applied it to his fingers. Kylie gasped again as he touched her, the cool lube a contrast to his soft, hot tongue as he pressed it to her and circled to spread it over her tight ring of muscle, the one that would imminently be stretching exquisitely over his cock. She pushed out gently as his finger eased carefully inside her, loving how ready she was as he slipped into the hugging muscle to spread the viscous lube in anticipation of his waiting shaft.

He squeezed some more out and rubbed it quickly over his cock, over his whole shaft then spread a little more around his bulging head, the most prominent part he’d make her feel. She was sure it’d be intense, it always was as he loved to take her firmly, his lust always seeming to take over when he got to fuck her ass and he always made sure there was plenty of lube to help him slide inside her, to let his aching cock glide through her tight sphincter...and make it irresistible for her.

David grabbed his thick cock and pushed forward, pressing his bulging purple head to her tight asshole, his hand dropping instinctively into the taper of her shapely waist to pull her back into him as he concentrated. Kylie just held her breath as he prepared himself, a mere second to wait as he worked his tip into her tight asshole, getting purchase then abruptly driving himself forwards to surge inside her. Despite pushing out and wanting him to split her in half as much as he did, Kylie cried out at a twinge of pain that rushed through her body in that moment his impressive cock stretched her tightest hole.

It was a little harder and faster than she’d like, than she was ready for, as it always seemed to be and she pretended she didn’t love how he treated her but the pain that spread through her made her shudder, then rush with pleasure and release. The feeling was so raw, so real, so primal as he took what he wanted and sent the sensations cascaading through her tiny body, a stuttering groan of the mixing sensations tumbling out of her onto the pillow that she buried her face in, fingers balling hands of the sheets as she held on.

She whined as he wasted no time in pressing on and burying his whole cock inside her, sinking the full length of his thick shaft into her ass as he pulled her back into him to drive a squeak from her. She knew he’d be watching her body just swallow him up, loving how his petite, perfect pop princess took his whole length as he buried it in her ass. David shoved full depth and rocked into her, his hips pressing against her as he made her take every last bit of him, Kylie shaking a little, shivering as her ass clenched up tight around him, clamping hard on his rock hard shaft as he went balls deep.

“You alright?” he breathed, loving it, his voice with a tone that belied how much he was enjoying taking her that way. Kylie hesitated, wanting to say no, as if she should tell him to slow down or be gentle with her, but the truth was she couldn’t wait to feel every ounce of his energy, to feel him go at her to every last shuddering thrust when he was finished with her. She just wanted to get fucked hard in the naughtiest, roughest manner and be everything he wanted, knowing from experience she’d find release and satisfaction in it.

“Just fuck me, David, fuck me,” she gasped, raising her head from the pillow, taking a breath before adding “and hard,” with more defiance. He hardly needed a clearer invitation and she inhaled sharply as he grabbed her hips hard and yanked her into him, grinding deeply on her before pulling back for an intense stroke, Kylie noticing how long it was as she felt his thick head bulge her asshole before he ploughed back into her intently and slammed back inside her, plunging full depth again to knock the air from her lungs with a cry as a blend of feelings cascaded through her.

“Oh fuck!” she winced as he got going, the familiarity of his energy washing through her as he fucked her ass, clutching the pillow beneath her as she hugged it to her chest and just dug her knees in, stabilising herself to withstand what she’d invited. David pumped hard and fast, maintaining the long strokes to let both of them feel every inch of what he had for her, his cock stroking every nerve ending inside her to drive the different, unique sensations of anal sex that she loved. The pain still tingled round her asshole, accentuated and prolonged by his cock pounding in and out and the leverage of his hips as he flexed inside her.

It blended with the pleasure and only made her hotter, knowing her pussy was soaking wet now. She’d felt a rush of wetness the second he’d driven himself inside her and was ready to drip on the sheets, the exhilaration of it all making her body respond as he held on and rode her in doggy style, slamming his impressive cock into her lovely round booty.

David loved her gorgeous body and like most every man adored her incredibly toned ass, so perfectly proportioned and it looked even better with his cock splitting it in two. He was even more turned on hearing her enjoy herself, Kylie’s stiff wince of pain turning to grunting, groaning noises of pleasure, knowing she loved it. They’d done it so many times before and it always reminded him of the first time so many years before when she’d somewhat reluctantly let him fuck her ass, urging him to be gentle after too many men had been too hasty with her.

He’d shown her he would treat her carefully and warm her up properly so she could enjoy it and ever since it’d been a part of their sex life, such as it was. Never frequent enough that was for sure, but he enjoyed every second he had her. Trusting him, she’d been freed and given herself over to him more and let him fuck her ass as he wanted, knowing he’d handle her. He’d been rougher with her admittedly but she’d loved it and he always took her to the utmost pleasure with it, reading her carefully to ensure she enjoyed herself. It sometimes took longer but always worked in his favour as she then came and asked him for anal sex, needing that high once more, knowing it was only a positive experience.

He pumped her hard as she got into it, the pain fading away and floating off on a river of unique and illicit pleasure as his pulsing prick worked deep into her ass. Kylie grunted deeply, from her very soul as she worked with him and shoved her hips back into him to help impale herself on every inch of him, his fuck doll again, locked in pleasure with him. David loved the sensations of her snug, encompassing muscle around his prick as he pumped in and out, from how it squeezed when he threatened to pop out by pulling back to the way it hugged him all the way down as he plunged inside her.

Neither of them spoke, not needing to communicate outside their primal sounds of sexual pleasure, her grunts mixing with his hard breathing as he worked himself intently behind her. They rocked together in unison, in sync with one another as he fucked her ass, holding onto her tightly and shoving his cock forward over and over again. He sometimes pushed up over her a little, other times dipping his hips as he worked to pound her hard with every possible sensation. It worked as Kylie’s grunting became more intense, her breaths evidently more rapid around them as he fucked her just like she’d told him to.

She told herself that was for him, wanting him to use her for his own pleasure, to take the maximum from her but she knew it was a lie. Well, not entirely, she wanted him to take the most intense enjoyment out of it but realistically she knew she would love it and wanted to feel him really fuck her for the most intense possible effect. Nobody fucked her ass like him, nobody, and she just had to feel it.

He kept pumping her, hardly needing to guide her hips as she worked with him in their most intimate ballet as his thick cock plunged into her ass, feeling her squeezing deliberately around him to make it tighter even as she let out muffled squeaks at his inexorable depth. The beautiful morning of Paris passed outside, the occasional noise from passing traffic or people breaking in through the open doors but it didn’t matter as they were lost in their own world, tied together in the most intimate, intense way possible. Kylie knew she’d made the right decision to call him as she clung to the pillow, pulling it to her chest as she rested her head on the mattress.

Knowing she was bubbling away nicely, David kept up the pace and power on her, dominantly fucking his perfect pop princess as his hand pushed from her hip under her body. His fingers slid across her toned tummy and between her legs to find her sensitive, swollen pussy, making her gasp as he touched her, the discomfort from his efforts the day before suddenly brought back to her mind.  She flinched but his pause and continued pace relaxed her, reminding herself that he would handle her perfectly and she was in his hands.

She relaxed back into it and his fingers slowly stroked over her, delicately, his touch light and careful with her as he stroked through her soft, neatly styled landing strip and onto her hungry, yet tender labia. Kylie never understood how he managed to focus on both efforts so perfectly, fucking her ass with, if anything, more vigour while his fingers managed to dance so lightly at her, finding her delicate button with ease, just riding the motions he was shoving into her and playing at her soft, pink pussy.

A moan of unbridled pleasure escaped her lips as his fingers teased along then pried between her labia, separating the soft petals of her pussy to access her button. He didn’t sweep upwards to move her hood out the way like he often did, liking to stimulate her with the most intense yet perfectly managed touches of his fingers or tongue. No, this time he pushed down over it, keeping it in place and shielding her delicate clitoris from the direct touch of his fingers, using the silky soft membrane of her hood to transfer his efforts to her.

It was perfect and she groaned with pleasure, shuddering and letting her legs slip a little wider so he had maximum access to her, his finger showing the same elegant, skilful moves as always just through the succulent barrier of her hood which made it so much more manageable. Kylie was able to focus fully on the pleasure as he worked at her, his pounding thrusts into her ass as hard as ever while he drove her towards the orgasm he knew was beckoning.

His thrusts got a little shorter and faster, pounding into her hard as his hips drove into her gorgeous ass, Kylie bracing herself even as she tried to spread her legs to let him play with her neatly shaven pussy. His fingers worked so nicely, sensually stroking her in such contrast to his intense thrusts and just stimulating her expertly to work in tandem with his cock. It wasn’t his touch that was going to make her come, it was definitely his rock hard manhood shoving deeply inside her, that naughtiest of fucks doing its job.

The fingers were just adding to the party, helping her over the line, pressing into her button and circling it easily as they glided over her concealing hood. He’d tried to convince her to get it pierced once, during one of her escapes to Paris to his affections, wanting her to do something crazy and dangerous but she’d refused. She sometimes wondered whether she should have done it, how it might feel now with what he was doing, but he’d never brought it up since and it had just been forgotten. She doubted it would matter with his skilful touch, just the right amount of pressure and pace as his fingertips worked her pleasure up.

Her grunts were hard and fast, unable to hold back her expression and she didn’t want to, knowing he loved to hear her, eyes squeezed shut as she relished him driving her towards another orgasm. He was gentle with her, knowing she wasn’t up for an aggressive touch, his fingers just working perfectly to stimulate her as he fucked her hard, his own breaths music to her ears as he huskily growled and exhaled with his efforts. They just enjoyed several seconds drinking in the primal, illicit sensations of their fuck as he pumped her intently, Kylie shuddering as it all started to get through and she felt a tremble from her soul.

She held on for a moment longer but broke down in a sudden, shuddering climax as the wave collapsed and pleasure cascaded through her. Kylie crushed the pillow to her as she wailed in pleasure, throaty and intense, so real as she bucked up, legs tensing, asshole tightening around him as he continued to thump against her. David managed to keep himself on her clit, as he always did, riding her easily and keeping up the stimulation as he loved the increased tightness of her body. It was only more pleasure for his prick as he slammed into her, the Australian quaking beneath him.

The anal orgasm was intense, helped along by his fingers but she knew it was his thick prick jammed deep inside her, stretching her asshole around him that made her come. She shuddered deeper and harder than she had in months, years maybe as she let herself enjoy it fully, prolonging it as she shoved back against him, body trying to resist it but she overcame the urge to make it stop, dragging it out, taking every possible second she could handle. Kylie grit her teeth and managed a few more moments of it all, taking in every thrust of his big cock, every expert touch at her clit until she just couldn’t handle it any longer.

She pulled forwards a bit and squeezed her legs together, signalling more than anything else that she’d had enough, his touch immediately ceasing, hand pulling back to her pelvis as he took hold of her curvy hips with both hands. His rhythm didn’t slow, not giving her a break from his iron stiff cock as he thrust into her deeply, riding her just the same even as she tried to recover. She let her legs slide wider again, body jolting and tensing as she tried to take it all in, to ride the wave of release from her orgasm and also withstand the powerful pumps of him into her ass.

He loved seeing and feeling the petite Australian struggling under him, fucking her so she couldn’t take any more. He loved overwhelming her in the most intimately intense manner, seeing her so released and pure, enjoying nothing but the deep physical connection between them. It only turned him on more and he couldn’t help but hold her tightly and fuck her hard, shoving his hips down powerfully to ram his cock deep into her stunning booty.

Kylie grunted in overwhelmed, helpless sensations as he pounded them into her, his bulging head plunging so deep inside her tiny body, thumping every possible feeling through her as he grunted with unbridled pleasure. He loved how hot she was, wrapped perfectly around him as he buried his throbbing manhood inside her again and again, never letting it slip out of her despite his energy. She’d controlled herself, deep breaths interspersing her grunting cries as he fucked her ass, his hard thrusts against her toned body shoving them from her with every one.

Crying out only made him want to fuck her harder, pinned beneath him, hands yanking her hips back onto his impaling cock as he drove it down, rocking his pelvis to accentuate the motion, not simply wanting speed but more power, more finesse to make her feel everything he had for her. It was years of lust, years of wanting her, his Kylie, years of seeing her in the press, seeing her on the arms of other men. She wasn’t his, she never had been, but those other men stopped her from flying into Paris and seeing him, retreating to his apartment for an intimate session with him, an escape from her busy life to hours of pure pleasure.

His fingers were tucked under her hips, digging in tightly at the crease of her leg as he held her in utter dominance, Kylie surrendered completely to him as she grunted soulfully in dutiful, overwhelmed sensation, all his, wanting to give him everything she could as he fucked her. She squeezed her asshole around him and pushed her hips back in perfect sync, wanting him to get as deep as possible, feel her body as tight as she could manage, all his to use and enjoy until the inevitable.

Her breathing got harder, knocked out of her by his increasing speed as he started slamming on her with power and pace she wasn’t expecting. She could hardly believe he had the energy but then again he’d fucked her the same way on previous occasions, always finding another gear when he got to energetically fuck her ass, jamming himself hard into her with shorter, more powerful thrusts that threatened to knock her flat on the bed.

Kylie braced herself and kept pushing back, grunting and gasping hard, sweat prickling her brow as she tried to stay in place for him, his hands holding her tightly as he pumped into her, his rapid thrusts burying his entire cock into her ass every time. He loved to keep it deep inside and make her take it, knowing it was a lot for her petite body and it turned him on so much that she could handle it. He loved how snug she was, Kylie squeezing her asshole strongly around him to grip and stimulate his straining cock as he pumped into her.

His grunts became deeper, more soulful and real, Kylie able to hear the sheer enjoyment in his voice  as he fucked her, pounding her so hard and fast to take maximum stimulation from her lithe body. She just kept pushing back for him, letting him take what he wanted as she dug her nails in and shoved her ass up for him to plunge into, aching and overwhelmed but not willing to quit for him as he lost himself in his own world.

David loved having Kylie at his mercy, it was always a treat and he loved to split her ass in half as was often the culmination of her visit. It only made him pump her hard, faster, more intensely, pounding his hips into the tiny Australian star as she held on tightly and cried out, barely able to take it as he found every last bit he had and just rode her to his ultimate enjoyment. His prick was rock hard inside her, reminding Kylie why she loved visiting him even as she was completely at his mercy, happy to be the object of his ecstasy and lust as he lost himself to her.

All that filled the apartment and broke out the open doors was the sound of their intensive fucking, his hips slapping her firm ass, her cries mixing with his deep, accelerating grunts as his balls slapped tightly against her smooth pussy. His cock jumped and flexed inside her as he held himself back, trying to take every last moment from her. Truth be told Kylie wasn’t sure he was entirely aware he was at the brink, knowing his body and the telltale signs, David lost completely in their physical passion. He spent every last bit of energy on her, emptying his reserves, sweat trickling down his back as he pounded her, their grunting coming to a peak as his climax rushed up on him.

Giving a huge shudder and rasping with ecstasy, he quaked with the absolutely immense pleasure that hit him, almost too much as his thick cock jumped inside her and made her moan in unison. It was a joy that he came, feeling him pulse so hard and fast, cock straining as he exploded his load deep inside her, pinning her back against him in the moment. Her joy was mixed with relief that he was finished with her, knowing she couldn’t have handled much more without a break and she didn’t want to disappoint him, not ruin the fantasy of her and how she fucked even though she knew they had more than that. It still scared her that she somehow wasn’t enough.

David exhaled his pleasure through harsh, intense grunts, leaning over her as he forced himself down and ground against her, flexing his cock hard to prolong and intensify his orgasm, driving the tiny singer towards the bed as her knees slid out from underneath her. She couldn’t take any more as he pumped into her, straining to give a final few and eject every last drop of himself in her squeezing booty as he rode her down and pinned her to the mattress.

They lay together breathing hard, utterly exhausted in the aftermath of another intense anal sex session. It was the kind they always seemed to end up having and Kylie couldn’t recall many that hadn’t been that way, not that she cared. Nobody fucked her ass like him...she didn’t let them. The oxygen was intoxicating after their fuck, bringing them back to reality before he leaned down to kiss her cheek, Kylie murmuring in satisfaction, before he pulled back and slipped out of her to leave her gaping, rolling onto the bed next to her.

She rolled back onto her side a little, throwing her arm across him, their connection minimal but intense, both of them feeling it in that moment lost in the sheets. The ache spread through her a little as she lay face down on the bed, just gazing across at him beside her, his hand resting on her own as they recovered, just enjoying and absorbing that wonderful moment in the wake of it all. She closed her eyes and let herself doze lightly, just relishing the chance to comfortably relax after sex and drift away next to her man.

He disturbed her after a few minutes, slipping out from beneath her dainty touch and stepping to his desk to grab another cigarette, sliding it slowly into his mouth before flicking his lighter open, taking a drag and sighing in release as his nicotine cravings were dampened, turning back to gaze on the gorgeous creature on his bed. She was like a rare and precious animal, one he could only rarely get his hands on and never capture, always elusive, always enticing. He picked up his camera from the desk, focusing the lens as he framed her.

She was drawn by the click of the camera, the hard, purposeful mechanical sound breaking the air and making her look at him properly, smoking his cigarette as he moved round to get another angle on her, casually preparing as he zoomed the lens and lined it up. Kylie didn’t care, long since over any concerns of him getting naked photos of her and looked into the camera intently, a mock scowl for him as he snapped another picture of her. She treated him to another of her famous eyebrow, arched up questioningly before she turned her head away and slumped back down.

David took a picture with her hand up to him, playfully rejecting the shot, trying to shoo him away. He stood and watched her, just taking in her perfect body, proportioned by God, pale and beautiful as she stretched her diminutive shape on his bed. Kylie stretched out to her full height, toes pointing like a ballerina before she pushed up on her elbows, tensing and arching her back, shoulder blades a sharp contrast to her smooth skin as her muscles contracted. David had his camera ready, making sure he caught that shot, another perfect, fleeting moment with the stunning pop star as he took in the play of light and shadow across her gorgeous form.

Kylie turned and gave him a look, a knowing one that told him no more pictures for a moment as she pulled herself onto her size three feet  and stood up, turning towards the bathroom. She heard the unmistakeable click of the camera as she retreated from him, David snapping a shot of her sexy figure as she walked away, the light highlighting the lovely pinch of her waist and flare of her hips, her gorgeous pins bare and freed from the black lingerie of the previous day. He watched the singer go as he inhaled deeply then turned to get the water on for another coffee.

In the bathroom, Kylie closed the door and paused, sagging back against it and shivering at the cold of the paintwork on her skin; her legs were shaky, the aftermath of her orgasm still trembling inside her, dancing on her soul it seemed as she calmed herself, ass aching from how incredibly hard he’d fucked it. She set about cleaning herself up and recovering, hearing the coffee grinder running as he made more of the beverage that seemed to fuel him and his creative work.

David boiled up the water and made their drinks, marvelling at the beautiful day outside as the sun cascaded across the city. He loved spring time, he could get outside once more with the winter receding yet again into the past, it was a time of optimism and promise. Of course, Kylie Minogue dropping back into his life again didn’t hurt and that certainly made it a nice morning. Life was good and he intended to relish that fact as the sun beckoned him outside, streaming in the doors of the balcony as he stood naked and stirred the coffee.

Kylie returned a few minutes later to find the coffee waiting for them on his desk and David with his camera round his neck, waiting for her. He got a snap of her walking towards him, rolling her eyes with a smile as he took in her naked beauty, stripped back in the sunlight, only her dark landing strip to contrast her pale skin. He reached out for her hand and pulled it up for a kiss, making her smile playfully before he pulled her determinedly across the room, past their waiting coffee to the tall mirror once more.

She was immediately shy, heart squeezing with nerves even though he had literally hundreds of intimate photographs of her and was looking at her in the flesh right there. Something about committing it to film made it more real, unchangeable, set in stone but she didn’t fight him as he pulled her in front of him to stand before the mirror. She stared at herself as she stood there, stripped bare without a hint of make-up, hair swept back behind her shoulders, all the lines she hated revealed in the brightness of the morning.

Her naked body was still something she was proud of, her humble breasts perky despite her age and her shape excellent, the pinch of her waist and flare of her hips giving an excellent, feminine profile. Her tummy was still toned as were her legs, her workouts saw to that, her pussy visible below the neatly shaved strip of pubic hair she maintained. Her lips were swollen, somewhat more engorged and a little red, a reminder of what they’d been up to, the discomfort somewhat noticeable when she walked.

He raised his camera over her and focused, Kylie looking into the mirror and giving a somewhat conflicted smile. This was the after shot, when she wasn’t wearing all her sexy lingerie, with her hair styled up and make-up on point, showing up as a treat for him, his object of utter desire. No, this was her the morning after, naked, displayed in the glass as he took the photograph, capturing her pure beauty. Her expression was ambivalent despite the smile, a mixture of deep satisfaction tinged with a touch of shame as she was photographed naked in the wake of their hook up.

“Come on, give me a pose,” he urged and Kylie immediately responded, always playing up for his pictures. She arched her back and twisted towards the camera, pulling a leg up seductively against her other, pushing her hands into her hair as she tipped her head back. She held it and heard the camera snap, sure he’d enjoy developing that one as she slowly unwound herself, feeling him slide away from behind her. It was only to catch her unawares as she turned back round straight into the lens, just in time to pout for the shot which made him smile.

“Enough pictures, coffee time,” she chided, stepping past him to pick up her mug from the desk, easily defined by the cream since he drank his black.

“Cigarette?” she asked, even as her hand moved to pick up the half empty packet.

“Sure,” he smiled, stepping over and picking up his own coffee as he admired her gorgeous naked body. She was always a treat, no matter how many years went past; they were both getting older, her having a good few years on him but they were in it together and he was always happy for her to come back. He was just worried that somebody would put a ring on it and she’d slip out of his fleeting grasp.

Kylie pulled a cigarette out and put it in his mouth, David leaning down dutifully to let her do it and then raise the lighter for him, flame flicking in the breeze as he touched it, inhaling as he stood back up, the petite Australian snapping it shut. Her tiny stature was pronounced as she stood before him with no heels on, so petite in contrast.

“Not having one?” he asked as she stood the lighter back down on his desk.

“I don’t smoke, so I won’t let you tempt me back into it,” she replied with a sideways smile and glance foxily out of the corner of her eye as she turned back to the doors, looking out at the clear blue sky with her coffee in hand. He just smoked for a moment then joined her with the coffee, sharing a moment in the last little while before her imminent departure, before she went back to her real life and left this secret little corner of her life behind. Left him behind.

He loved how Kylie could be so casually naked around him, not embarrassed or coy with it; it would be ridiculous given their relationship but some women, even famous ones, didn’t like to be seen so stripped back and bare, disliking their vulnerability. Kylie was different though and he stood with her quietly, looking out at the lovely sky through the doors as they drank and took in what they knew would be the final few minutes together.

Kylie finished her coffee and paused, giving a relaxed sigh before she turned back into his arms and pulled close to him, David towering over her bare foot stature before she craned up to kiss him. Their lips met in a soft, intimate moment that seemed to stretch, intensity surging as their tongues collided, massaging and stroking each other before she broke away from him, stepping immediately past to stand her mug aside.

He drained his own coffee and turned back to watch her, inhaling as the gorgeous Australian walked over to get her clothes. He’d gathered them up from where they’d been cast hastily to the floor in moments of passion the previous evening, putting them on a chair along with her very expensive satin dress. She picked up her underwear, ignoring the torn stockings as she gathered the lacy garments, fingers hooking through the straps, their weight slight, almost insignificant...though they had a significant effect on how she looked.

She walked back to the bed, ignoring his eyes on her as she threw the lingerie on the tangled sheets and then gave a stretch, letting him see her naked body as she extended her muscles fully before she shivered and relaxed, looking down at the underwear. She hooked the sexy Agent Provocateur panties onto her finger and spun them around, untwisting the sexy, sheer fabric, getting the lace and mesh underwear back to where it should be before she reached down to put it on.

Kylie looked up to David, seeing him stood with camera in hand, focusing on her for another photograph, making her playfully roll her eyes as she stepped into them and heard the click, capturing another moment in time for his collection. He must have thousands of shots of her with her lingerie by now, always taking fascination watching her take it off or put it back on, loving the feminine way she dressed. Several more clicks broke the air as she stepped into the sexy panties and pulled them up, the embroidered front concealing her stark strip of pubic hair once more as they tugged into her round ass a little, running her fingers round the waistband.

“Better change that quick,” she teased, flicking her eyebrows as the sound of the camera being opened caught her attention, seeing him swiftly moving to change the film. David was experienced and could change it in a matter of moments, but it still wouldn’t be enough to catch her putting her bra on...if she wasn’t playing along. She paused, taking a moment as she slowly picked up the matching bra, letting him get the film loaded, loving how swift and accurate he was as he got it into place and clipped the camera shut, raising it as he turned back to her.

“Just in time,” she teased, turning to him with the bra in hand, letting it dangle a second before she spun it with practiced ease to untwist it and let it slide over her wrists. He grabbed more pictures of her as she slipped the sexy, sheer bra down her arms to cover her perky breasts, reaching easily up behind her to clasp it. He got that moment on film, loving to see her arching her back, chest pushed out in the sexy lingerie as she fastened it.

“What do you think?” she asked, flaunting herself as he lowered the camera.

“Gorgeous, as always. But there’s a slight tweak I could suggest.”

“What’s that?” she replied. He smiled and stepped over to her, fading cigarette in his mouth, reaching out for her and hooking his fingers into her slender waistband. With a firm, smooth pull upwards, rocking front then back, he pulled her sexy panties up tighter, pulling them into the shaven lips of her pussy then up her ass some more as she murmured before he stepped back from her. The increased angle of the underwear framed her more sexily, a racier look as he stepped back and raised his camera.

“Really?” she asked, a slight laugh to her question.

“Sure, why not, live a little,” he replied with a smile.

“If that’s your pleasure,” she answered, rolling her eyes again playfully as she turned back to the bed, leaving the panties where they were. Secretly she liked it, finding them a little sexy as they pulled into her tighter, accentuating the shape of her lips and showing off a bit more of her well toned booty. She grabbed the suspender belt from the bed, the last vestiges of her underwear, and rather a pointless one given she didn’t have the stockings left to go with it. They were still technically wearable but there was no way she was getting seen with a huge ladder down her leg, if they even survived long enough for her to put them on.

Still, the belt was part of the set and she figured she may as well wear it so untangled it like the rest and pulled it around her waist, clipping it easily just like the bra and then pushing it down onto her hips a little. The suspenders bounced loosely, unrestrained, bunched up with their unreleased tension as they waited for the stockings she’d never put on. Normally she’d wear the suspenders under her panties but given they weren’t attached to anything, and she was going back to her own hotel shortly, there was no point.

He took another photograph of her, caught in the sunlight in her underwear, bare faced and stripped back. She let him have another look at her ass when she grabbed her make-up bag and headed back to the bathroom, letting him check out the sexy panties pulled up tightly. She wasn’t going to be doing a full face of make-up but just wanted a bit of the basics, spreading her stuff out quickly and getting on with it.

As she wiped her face down she contemplated it all and what had unfolded. She felt conflicted, not because of how enjoyable it was but because of what it was, which was a quick hook up, a one night stand almost though she knew him deeply so it was a little different. It was a booty call and she couldn’t deny that, no matter how much fun she’d had. It had been immensely pleasurable however, and peaceful, able to relax and sleep in comfort and security with him, back in his arms again after too many years. It was a mix of sensations and reconciled it overall with the fact it had already happened, as it had many times before, and she had made the call in the first place.

It was what she’d wanted, and she tried to push the somewhat shameful feeling from her mind, and ignore the guilt over the fact he wasn’t single now. He hadn’t been for the last few times either, and whilst there was clearly an understanding that made her visits possible it still niggled at her that she shouldn’t really be hitting him up to put her on her back. But she had, much to both their pleasure, and that was that. She sighed to herself, not wanting the negativity to overwhelm her and spoil her mood, still feeling the satisfaction of the night together, the aches in her body from how hard he’d pounded her, knowing it was a rare treat she’d gotten.

Minogue finished up with her make-up, standing before the mirror in her sexy lingerie like something out of a black and white photo shoot, quickly applying foundation with ease, muscle memory working its magic from years of practice before she gave herself a subtle lipstick and brush of mascara. It was enough to hide the unflattering lines in her skin and give her a little bit more of a look so she could get back to her hotel where she would rest before her next engagement.

It was something this evening, another fashion show related event, but she couldn’t quite remember which one it was as she tidied her hair and tied it quickly behind her head, not having anything with her to recover any proper hairstyle. Walking out of the bathroom she saw he was dressed again, idly typing at his desk, clearly thinking about it more than anything else as the petite singer strutted to him in only her underwear. She was completely comfortable with the view now, not caring that someone might see her through the windows or catch a glimpse through the open door, it might only give them a thrill.

“You almost ready to go?” he asked.

“Sure, nearly. Can’t go out like this though,” she mused, indicating her barely clad form.

“I dunno, people might enjoy that,” he smiled.

“I’m sure, but it’s reserved especially for you.”

“And I’m very thankful for that,” he said with a look that melted her, knowing he meant it. She returned to the chair and picked up the expensive designer dress, carefully straightening it out and not risking damaging it since it was a loan, given to her to show off the brand. She stepped through it with her bare feet, feeling the silky satin slide over her skin as she pulled it up her legs to conceal her body, wiggling her curvy hips a little to get it into place over her sexy underwear and round her ass.

In a single motion she pulled the dress up and shrugged it on, letting the black garment tumble over her shoulders as she arched herself to get it into place, reaching back to pull it only her body. It fit perfectly even as it hung loosely around her, only the pale, smooth shape of her back on display now, crossed by the bra strap, a last glimpse at her underwear.

“Zip me up,” she said softly, pulling her long blonde hair forwards over her shoulder, the loose ponytail swept forwards as David stepped over to her and dutifully helped, smoothing the dress a little and then drawing the zip slowly to the top, careful not to let the material catch or risk breaking it. With it secured, he smoothed her out a little more than landed a playful smack on her lovely bum, accentuated by the shape of the dress as it drew in snugly at the taper of her waist then followed her exquisite contours down over her pelvis and round her ass, tucking back towards her bare thighs as it finished above her knees.

“Looking good,” he said as she gave him a glance, a smile gracing her full lips, reaching down to grab her stiletto heeled boots. She sat on the bed and kicked her feet into them, knees lifting to give him a glance up her skirt. It was ridiculous that either one of them cared but they did, David loving the secret, stolen glance between her toned thighs to her saucy Agent Provocateur panties, Kylie finding a thrill in catching him as he did it, smiling to herself as she reached down to zip her boots up, completing her outfit.

“Want a ride back to your hotel?” he asked as Kylie quickly threw things back into her bag and pulled on the short jacket that went with the dress.

“No, I’m good thanks, I’ll walk. It’s a lovely morning,” she replied. He knew there was no point arguing with her; she almost always walked when she left him, preferring to take the fresh air and break the engagement with him, to walk out of his life until the next time she swirled in to take it over.

“Sure is,” he replied, Kylie pulling her dark sunglasses from her bag in readiness. Goodbyes could get too drawn out and they’d long found it best to just get on with their lives. If she wasn’t staying to fuck then she’d get out of his way, their relationship deep, intimate yet clearly defined, sometimes frustratingly so. They walked to the door, pausing at it.

“Gonna walk out of my life again?” he quipped, a smile breaking the tension.

“Sure am, like I always do,” she smiled, then pushed up on her toes to kiss him. David leaned down and pulled her close, rocking off her dangerously sharp heels, on the brink as he embraced her. There was an electricity as his lips touched her, almost as if it was the first time, that spark still there as her soft, full pout pressed to him, a momentary hesitation before his tongue delved into her mouth and entwined with hers. Her arms pulled round him, holding closely, fingers rucking up his shirt as they made out, the intensity overwhelming them in that final moment together.

Their tongues stroked and twisted around one another’s, lips locked together in a passionate moment, a tingle running down her spine as he kissed her like nobody else, like he never wanted her to leave, feeling so desired in that moment. It wasn’t wrong, he hated every time she walked out of his life again but it was how it had to be. The kiss hinted at so much more, at love and trust in the long term, in satisfaction, in unconditional love...but almost at missed opportunity and regret.

He’d wanted to be with her properly in the past, she knew that but it had never happened, she’d never reciprocated when it was on the table and like so many things it had faded and he’d moved on. Sure their relationship was strong and deeply connected, more so than most men she’d ever dated, but it wasn’t what it maybe could’ve been, and that only made her wonder with wistful remorse.

“Goodbye Miss Minogue,” he said as they broke apart breathlessly, Kylie sinking back onto her heels, their foreheads resting together, “I can’t wait for your next call.”

There was a moment where her heart fluttered, feeling a rush, looking up into his eyes with her beautiful blue ones, an intimate, soulful stare as she held onto him.

“You know I will, David,” she smiled in reply. The tension wasn’t the romantic kind, well not entirely, it was an intense connection neither of them could entirely quantify, and they always parted this way. They both felt it, the pressure to say something more, but never did. Kylie leaned up and placed another soft kiss on his lips before she broke away, his grip reluctantly slipping from her satin dress as she straightened herself up and put her sunglasses on, ready for the world.

The singer opened the door to the hallway, deserted as it always seemed to be, stepping out onto the tiles as she exited his apartment. David stood in the doorway as she took a final check of herself before blowing him a kiss with her full lips and leaving him with a winning smile, turning and heading for the stairs. He hated to see her leave but loved watching her go, taking in every motion of the singer as she clicked sharply across the hard floor and headed down the stairs.

He’d caught several shots of her before as she left but not today, wanting the memory just for himself as he watched the petite beauty retreat from his world again, not glancing up as she walked round the stairs and could look up, at least not that he saw. Behind her glasses her eyes flicked up to him, taking in how he watched her descend from their little paradise, hoping he didn’t catch her smile, though it was only for him.

Kylie walked down and back out into the street, refraining from looking up at the balcony and turning to head back towards her hotel. David walked back through his apartment, suddenly devoid of her presence, smiling to himself over their secret time together, loving how her torn stockings were still thrown over the chair, left behind as a delicate trophy almost. Usually she only left pictures and memories for him, the lipstick smear on a coffee mug...and the unspoken promise that she’d be back.

She would be. As she walked back to her hotel, away from his comfortable apartment and back to the posh building in the centre of the city that was far more her typical scene, she thought it all over once more. She’d absolutely loved it, like she always did, reminded of it by all the little aches and twinges that spread through her with every step but she felt somewhat lesser that she’d resorted to doing it and given herself away. Well that was pushing it, she’d called him up as soon as she knew she’d be in Paris, knowing exactly what she wanted. Nobody fucked her like he did, or loved her the way he did frankly.

Still, it was satisfaction without fulfilment; he loved her deeply but she couldn’t have him, he was like something on the back of a high shelf, just out of her reach, always touching with fingertips and never grasping. The negativity that threatened to engulf her momentarily was almost bitter, like the taste of the cigarette she still had on her breath, the aftertaste such a downer compared to the crisp, enjoyable sensation at the time. But no, it was to her pleasure, and she loved having her clandestine Paris getaway to sneak away to.

Sooner or later she knew she’d pick up the phone. She knew both of them would prefer if it was sooner.


The End.

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, sammycolt, Blocboy VC, Dexter07, Sheltonknight

Blocboy VC

Re: Kylie Minogue - Continental. Confidential.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2023, 01:13:29 PM »
Great job. You're the first person I saw write Kylie, and still the best at it too.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


Re: Kylie Minogue - Continental. Confidential.
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2023, 04:56:57 AM »
Now that I finally had a chance to read this entire story, I can say it's completely a masterpiece. The way you write Kylie reminds me of how I write Britney. You put on a masterclass here that completely nails her persona and attitude.
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Noj, Blocboy VC

Blocboy VC

Re: Kylie Minogue - Continental. Confidential.
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2024, 03:31:25 PM »
Would love to see you write Kylie again,, feel like that new song with Bebe Rexha and Tove Lo could make for a great insporation for a story, although you might wanna wait for a music video to drop if they decide to make one. Either way, you writing Kylie is always great. You're easily the best with her.
The following users thanked this post: Noj


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