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Author Topic: Foursome with the Kardashians (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Justin Bieber)  (Read 10272 times)


Foursome with the Kardashians by Xing Meng
Celeb(s) – Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Justin Beiber
Codes – MFFF, Oral,
Originally posted on November 8 2016 at CSSA


God bless America for making the Kardashians famous.

They might not be among the most talented people in the country; in fact, it was hard to say if they had any talent at all. But for some reason half the world wanted to keep a tab of what was happening in their lives. People would follow them in all the available social media platforms, news tabloids will jump on any given chance to publish a scoop involving any one of the clan and there were even talks of a reality show featuring their daily lives (and nothing else). With all this fame and fandom, came an ample amount of money. The only thing they had to do was to stay in the limelight so that people would not forget them.

And one of the ways to do this was by throwing extravagant parties and this year’s Christmas party was no exception. It was in one of these parties that Justin found himself, rather out of place.

Justin Beiber was supposed to be the luckiest person alive. A child prodigy, he sold more than a million records of his début single at the age of 15. And then he grew up to be a douche-bag. He had all the money in the world and no idea what to do with it. For years he had been abusing his fame to experience all the pleasures that the world had to offer. There wasn’t a drug that he had not tried or a faction that he did not offend.The only thing he cared about in this world was his music and his girlfriend. And it wasn’t until he got the ultimatum from her that he decided to sober up. He had to mend his “ways” if he wanted her to be a part of his life.

Unfortunately, this came with a huge cost. He seemed to have lost his creativity ever since he went sober. He had hardly come up with a new tune for ages and with a new boy band popping up every day, he was starting to have serious concerns about his career.

Of all the emotions that trigger creativity, tragedy had proven to be the most effective. Many artists had achieved greatness using a tragic event as a catalyst to weave two major creative energies – dialogue and music. And all Justin wanted for Christmas was some kind of a tragedy that would help him create again.

Unfortunately, the day had a completely different plan for him.



“Are you kidding me? Seriously?” Kim Kardashian was screaming.

Justin was wandering around the party with a glass of cold water in his hands, trying to get as far away from the bar as possible. But every now and then a waiter would come around with a tray of drinks trying to lure him towards the lifestyle he was trying to run away from. And it was in this process that he tripped over Kim spilling his ice cold water over her.

“Relax. It’s just water.”

“Just water? Do you know what this is?” Kim asked pointing to her dress. She was wearing a leather bra top with a matching black pencil skirt. The low cut top was giving ample view of her cleavage and overall the skin tight dress was trying very hard to contain her body within, as was visible by all the creases and stretch marks around her groin and breast area.

“This is Gucci leather and if there is anything that kills leather more than anything, it’s water. Do you have any idea how much one of these costs. And I am not talking about the money. These are custom made only for a few special people around the world and there are only a handful of these ever made. And then some low life comes and drop water all over it. It would take your entire worth to get another dress like this. Who drinks water in a party anyway? And who the hell invited you to this party?”

With those words she stormed out. She didn’t even wait for an answer.

Justin had never been this embarrassed his whole life. It felt like as if he was on the stage and all his clothes were ripped off. Before late he found himself at the bar gulping down drinks to wash away his sorrow. But it only acted as a fuel for his anger. All the resolution of abstinence disappeared; there was no longer the good guy. Who the hell does she think she is? I’ll go and show her what real leather feels like.

With those thoughts he stepped into the house and out of the party. As he started running up the stairs, he realised he did not know where Kim’s room was.

He wandered aimlessly across and opened the large oak door to the first room without knowing what he was going to do. The room appeared to be a board room with a large desk in the middle. The other side of the wall was completely covered by a curtain and there was a buzzing sound coming from there. Justin found himself moving towards the sound when deep down inside he knew he would not find anything there.

He was mistaken.

On the other side, it was a bedroom; Kim’s bedroom. And it had Kim on it. She appeared to be naked under the bed covers, with the black cloth barely hiding her nipples. Her legs were spread open and the silk cloth was running in between her legs.

She jumped as she saw Justin open the drapes. “What the hell are you doing?”

Open mouthed, Justin did not know what to say.

“Get out”, came the angry command.

“I’m sorry”. He left Kim and exited the lounge when suddenly it hit him. True, he did not know what he was going to do earlier, but now the answer was right in front of him.

He closed the oak door and headed straight back towards the curtain. Inside Kim was still lying on the bed with one hand over her head. The sheets were completely covering her now. This time Justin split open the drapes. Kim sat up as she saw him enter. Justin stopped and they started staring at each other. There were no words spoken for a long time but the message was clear.

Justin did not waste any more time and jumped straight into the bed. He went straight for her lips as she tried to resist his impact. The resistance was short lived as she pushed away the sheet off her and embraced him pushing him down on the bed. As she lay over him they started kissing each other passionately, enjoying the tastes.

Kim started ripping off his shirt as Justin ran his fingers down her back between her legs. He rolled over and got on top of her and she started pushing his head down towards her bosom. As he reached her left breast, he started sucking on it like an infant, caressing the other breast at the same time; running his fingers across the nipple slowly. Then he started repeating the same motion over the other breast, running his tongue around the nipples and then biting it lightly.

Kim continued moaning like a helpless prey. He traced his path further below through the navel towards the gap between her legs. Like a lion savouring its meat, he started licking her on her privates. He felt the meat getting tender as he absorbed all the tastes that he could gather. She opened her legs further moaning and running her leg up his back. The pleasure was driving her crazy and she was going to explode any moment now.And then the door opened with a loud bang. “Kim”, it was her mother calling her.

Both Kim and Justin jumped with a start and he rolled over the bed and fell on his hard penis. A thousand punches fell on him with a single blow.

“Are you in the bedroom?”

“No mom. Don’t come here.” Kim jumped off the bed wrapping the silk sheet around her. But she was already in.

“I just came off the shower”, Kim started explaining.

“Wow. Look at you.” Mother was not concerned about the explanations. She was onto something else.

“What is this I hear that you refused the playboy photo shoot? You look gorgeous in that.”

She pulled Kim towards the mirror. “Just imagine all the love you will get if you do a shoot in that.”

“Mom, I don’t want to discuss this with you. It’s embarrassing.”

“Oh come on. It’s just the celebration of beauty.” Her mother started caressing Kim’s neck and started scratching her hairs slowly. She then pulled the sheets from her breasts, a little shy of her nipples.

“Mother?” Kim protested.

“Why are you so shy?” She reached inside the sheets and started running her hands from between her breasts, down towards the navel and started going beneath.

“Mom, stop it.” Kim pulled away from her. “What are you doing?”

“Just trying to show the effect your skin has on others. And I am your mother; just imagine how others would feel about it. Wait, let me take a picture and show you.”

She moved towards the bedside table over which was a camera phone; and beside whichJustin was hiding.

“Stop.” It was almost a scream.

“Just bear with me for a second”.

“Alright, I’ll do it. Just stop with the persuasion. You are embarrassing me.”

“Ok, I’ll stop.” But she continued moving towards the table anyway. Kim started panicking.

She saw him.

But she went past the table and towards the open window.

“You should not roam around naked with the window open.” And she shut the window down. “You don’t know from where people might be watching.

And this came from the lady who just convinced her to do a naked photo shoot. But Kim failed to see the irony as her only concern at the moment was where Justin went. Outside the room, just next to the window, Justin was standing precariously on the sunshade. While mother was persuading Kim, he slipped out of the closest exit, in this case the window. He was more concerned about getting caught than Kim herself. He tried to get to the other side and into another room, but there was no option like that.

Underneath there was little pool with surf bubbling out of it and for a moment he thought he could jump into it. After a moment he dismissed the idea. She probably would have sent her mother away by now.

And he started moving back to the window slowly. As he approached the window, he heard footsteps approaching from inside and the panic started making him restless again. There was no time to lose and he did what seemed like the only option to him. He ran to the other side and jumped into the pool. As he started his descent down, he realised that he just made a stupid decision.

It could have been Kim coming to call me inside. Why did I jump? But what if it was her mother? Anything could have been better than jumping to your death. There is no way I am going to survive this.

Just before landing, he saw Kourtney taking a bath under the shower, in the open, without any clothes. And then he hit the water and everything went black.



Justin woke up coughing water. He felt a huge pain as though someone was practicing tap dancing on his chest. Through a blurred vision, he saw Kourtney trying to revive him.

She was not wearing anything.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes”. Justin replied. But no words came out of his mouth. Instead, he started crying. He could not figure out why he was crying but now when he started he could not stop. He was going at it like a little baby.

“It’s alright. You are fine now.” Kourtney gave him a hug and wrapped him in her embrace, his mouth on her left breast just next to the nipples.

“I am sorry.” Justin began explaining.

“Uh.. I better get going”, he realised that there was no way he could explain this to her.

As he started to get up he lost control of his feet, stumbled and started falling but Kourtney caught him midway.

“You should probably lie down”, Kourtney told him. “I have called for help and they would be arriving soon.”

“No, that’s alright. I’m fine. I’ll just go.” Justin started getting up as he did not want to explain how he got there. It was lucky Kourtney was not asking him any questions.

But even before he could get up, he knew that he was not going to get far. He felt a huge weight on his head he and came crashing down again. This time landing straight on Kourtney’s breasts.

Justin had just had his penis smacked and washed in cold water. But the feel of her breasts made his fallen manhood rise again. “Are you sure you want to leave?” Kourtney could feel his obvious erection against her thighs.

She took Justin’s head and pulled him towards her lips. They embraced each other with a tight kiss. He started cupping both her breasts and suddenly turned her around and started pinching her nipples and kissing her neck at the same time. She had her hands behind her, inside his wet pants, fondling him. And then he started stroking her from behind, her hands still within his pants.

They both went inside the pool, one naked and the other midway there. She went down the water and pulled down his pants from under. She took his penis in her mouth and started sucking hard, looking for air in water. As she came up, she took his now hard rod and pushed it inside her. Joined in a tight embrace, Justin started stroking to and fro inside her.

Suddenly there was that buzzing sound again. Before Justin could look what it was, Kourtney pushed him inside the water. As water started entering his nose, his penis came out of her.

Kourtney watched in horror as a drone came flying above her. She was quick enough to understand what the sound was and pushed Justin away in time. Some pervert was filming her.

The drone came over Kourtney and started hovering over her.

“Stop it. Who is it?” With one hand covering her breasts, she started jumping up from the water trying to catch it. She took the net lying over the patio and started trying to hit the drone with it, while it started flying up and down, taunting her.

Underneath, Justin was running out of air. His vision was blurred but he could see that she was trying to reach out of the water trying to catch something. Suddenly he took her by the hips and lifted her up from the water throwing her entire height above water. For a moment he was out of the water and took a huge breath.

The lift came unexpectedly for both Kourtney and the drone. But Kourtney reacted faster than the drone and caught it with the net, pulling it down into the water. As it got under the current, it started whirring and gave out a few sparks before trying hard to lift off from the water and finally dying. She took the drone out of the water and started checking out the camera, before pulling it out. Justin was out of the water again and saw her ripping the machine apart. He made a mental note never to make a naked woman angry.

He started swimming close to her but was again made to go under water by the sounds of footsteps jumping over the fence.

It was Rob Kardashian.

“Hey, you destroyed my drone.” He started angrily.

“What are you doing? Don’t you have any shame? Get out of here.” Kourtney was trying to cover herself under the water, while Justin was hiding against the side wall.

“You better give me back my drone. And it best not be damaged. You can’t imagine how much trouble you are going to get into, if it is broken.”

“I think you are the one who is going to get into trouble if you don’t leave here right now.”

“Oh yeah. Wait till the entire world sees this.” He replied pointing to an iPad. I have been taking your videos for a long time. And I know that it is not only bathing that you do here.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I am talking about.”

“You are bluffing. This was the first time I saw the drone.”

“Oh yeah. Then what are these?” He turned on the tablet and showed her videos of herself bathing. “I must say this video is pretty neat. Let me open up another one.”

It was a video of her playing with herself under the shower. She had a small shower head that she would insert inside her and let the water run. It was pleasure that could not be expressed and she liked squirting to it in the open. She did not know that there was someone watching all this.

“If you want these to remain private, you better buy me another drone. And you better keep this between us.”

The threat really scared her and she was beginning to get worried now.

“Alright, I’ll do whatever you want. But I want all those videos deleted.”

There was something in that request that made the boy smile. “But if I delete these what will I have for myself.”

“Get a girlfriend, you creep”, Kourtney burst out.

“Careful there big sister. I haven’t deleted these yet.”

Kourtney fell silent on that threat.

“Ok, I’ll delete all the videos. I have seen them a million times anyway. But if you want me to let go off these images, you will have to provide me with another mental picture to keep.”

Kourtney did not like where this was heading.

“Do you understand what I am saying?” The boy asked.

“No. What are you suggesting?”

“Look I am deleting all the videos in front of you” He showed her as he selected all the videos and hit delete. The message appeared asking for a confirmation. “Here, I will give you the tab. You can delete this yourself.” He walked over to the pool side recliner.

“But if you want me to do this you will have to get out of the pool like that, come over here to the recliner”, he pointed to the recliner next to him, “and lie down there with your legs spread apart.”

Kourtney could not believe what she was hearing. “Are you crazy? I am your sister; you know that, don’t you?”

“Oh don’t worry “SISTER”; I am not going to have sex with you or anything. I just want you to lie down there and lay still while I have a really good look at you. You might have to do something yourself, but I won’t touch you.”

“No way.”

“Well then. Good luck. I can probably make enough money out of these videos anyway.

See you on the other side of the internet.” And with those words, he got up and started walking away.

“Wait”, Kourtney called him back. She clearly did not have a choice here. If those videos got out, it would be really embarrassing, not only to her but the entire family. The thing that she was asked to do was embarrassing as it was but it would not be going out. She could handle it. She decided to do it anyway and started to get out of the water, when came the loud sound of the door opening and a couple of strongly built security men walked in.

“We are sorry, we are late. We got your emergency call but were busy handling the party outside.”

Kourtney realised these were the men she had called earlier when Justin dropped into her pool and almost died. And it was only then that she realised that Justin was still there in the pool, under water. As she looked down she saw him pressed hard against the wall, holding his mouth against the air outlet used to surf the pool. He had found a way to breathe out of it. There was nothing to worry about him, for now. She quickly asked her guards to catch Rob and retrieve the iPad from him. And with those words, the guards jumped over the boy. But he was fast enough to dodge them and make a run for it. He was out of the pool area, into the adjoining room and out into the house. “Quick, catch him.” Kourtney demanded. “I want that tablet at any cost.”

The guards nodded and dashed after the boy. Kourtney went down and pulled out Justin, who came out gasping for air.

“I’m sorry. I need to go. That boy has something very important and I need to get it back before it is too late. I hope you don’t mind.”

And with those words she was out of the pool. She did not even bother to wait for his answer and who did not protest anyway.



Justin waited to catch his breath and came out of the pool dripping. He went inside Kourtney’s room and entered the bathroom stripping down, getting rid of the wet clothes.

There were no towels; only face wipes. He grunted under his breath and started wiping himself with the small cloth.

What a luck I have.

He was about to have sex with two vixens today and was interrupted both times. He started touching himself thinking about the good times and then there was a loud call from outside.

“Kourtney, are you in here?” Someone just entered the room outside.

What the hell. He was getting interrupted in this as well.

The voice came again, a bit distant this time. The person was probably at the pool area.

And suddenly it hit Justin. The bathroom was going to be checked next. There was a sudden knock on the door and call for Kourtney. There was no time to react or hide. He ran beside the door and as he reached behind it, the door flung open. “Kourtney, are you in here?”

It was Khloe Kardashian.

Justin was standing stiff behind the door, eyes tightly shut. The door closed behind and she was gone. Justin released a deep sigh of relief. But suddenly the door opened again.

She came inside and started inspecting the wet clothes on the floor. It was men’s clothes which certainly did not belong there.

She turned around and closed the door, revealing Justin standing there with the face wipe wrapped around his groin.

They kept looking at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

Justin raised his hands. “Look, I can explain”

“I am listening”, Khloe replied.

He thought for a moment but was finding it hard to find any words.

“I am still waiting.” Khloe said.

“Uhh…I am sorry. I don’t know what to say.”

“You can start by telling me why you are naked in my sister’s room and where the hell is my sister.”

Justin realised that there was no escaping this. He could not come up with anything and so he told her the entire story exactly as it happened. How he fell from Kim’s room into Kourtney’s pool and how the drone came with Rob after it and all the trouble he brought with him.

Telling the truth was easy but once he completed re-imagining the entire scene to Khloe, he realised that his penis had again grown and was peeking out of his loin cloth. He was too late to realise it and Khloe had had a good view of his manhood for a long time now.

He quickly turned the other way apologising.

Khloe started walking out with a puzzled look on her face. She was thinking about something and it was clearly not pleasant.

“Please wait here while I sort some things out with Kourtney.”

“Ok”, Justin replied obediently.

There was no way Justin was going to wait there. He lifted his clothes and started getting out of the bathroom. But the door was locked. The knob was being blocked from the outside. Justin realised in anger, that she had locked him inside. He remained there for hours. At first he felt pity towards himself. Then it grew to anger. A guy tries to clean up his act and decides to be a good person, and this happens. It was as though God did not want him to be nice.

But that phase was over. At least, he was creative when he was a not sober. Nothing else mattered unless he came up with words to create music. He denied it but he was losing his creativity until now. No more. When that door opened, he was going back to the way he was. The world wanted him to be bad and he was clearly upsetting the balance by adding one more good person to it.

After what seemed like ages, there was a sound from the other side. Whatever was placed behind the door was being removed and he waited for the door. But nothing happened. He went ahead and turned the knob slowly. The door opened and he stepped out. It was almost dark now. He turned towards the outside door and began moving out when he heard a voice call out from behind.

“Are you leaving already?”

By the pool door, were standing the three Kardashian sisters.

All three were in blue lingerie with Kim in the centre. Kourtney just behind leaning on the door with Khloe on the other side.

“Did you get bored”, asked Kim.

“What is going on?” he asked.

Kourtney replied this time. “You know how I ran after Rob from the pool. He had been recording all our private moments using hidden cameras and flying drones. Now he could not keep all this data with himself as mother kept checking his computer for porn. Turns out, he was hiding all his stash with Khloe”.

“And I never knew what I was holding for him”, Khloe started explaining. “When you told me what happened at the pool, I realised that Rob would obviously come looking for his videos. And that’s exactly what he did. But guess who was waiting for him at the door.”

“After an entire day, we have finally got rid of all the hidden cameras and microphones he had placed in our rooms and we are glad to say that there would be no one watching us anymore. All thanks to you.”

“But I did not do anything. It was you who caught him.”

“He realised that Kourtney would tell me what he did today and was worried about all his collections. He had the data hidden all this time. But today he collected all of it together and we were able to catch him with every last piece of the stash before he could hide it all again. And thanks to you we were able to catch him before he could do so.”

“Um.. glad I could help. I better get going now.”

“My sisters told me what all you did to them. Guess I was the only one who missed some action.” Khloe leaped ahead and started kissing him vigorously, pushing him on the bed.

The other sisters joined in and started kissing him on the cheeks and his body.

Justin stopped resisting anymore and joined in with the sisters. He ripped off Khloe’s top and hugged her even more tightly. Kim took his hand and put it inside her underwear, while Kourtney was running her hands up and down his legs. Justin broke for a moment from kissing Khloe and started caressing Kim between her legs, running his hands over Khloe’s ass at the same time. Khloe, in the meantime started unbuttoning his shirt and began kissing his chest and his nipples. She gave a light bite on one of his nipples.

Kourtney was finally able to get his pants off and quickly took his penis into her mouth, taking in all the juices and stroking him very hard. All the action from the morning had a lot of pressure built within Justin and he could not hold it back anymore. He started coming into Kourtney’s mouth. But it was too much milk for her. She had to move after sometime and he was still shooting his seeds in the air. All the girls moved towards his groin to get a taste of his cum without wasting any more time.

“Why so soon? Don’t you want any more of us?” Khloe asked as she saw his penis going limp.

“I’m sorry”, Justin replied sheepishly.

“Well you need to be strong again for us.” Kim was talking to his penis directly. She kissed it and started moving up running her tongue along the way, running circle around his navel., dragging up towards his chest and sucking hard on his nipple. As she reached his mouth she gave her a huge sucking on his tongue and then moved sideways and started licking inside his ears. She then pointed him to turn towards her other sisters showing what they were doing. Kourtney was running her hands around Khloe’s breasts. She then started sucking them very hard biting her nipples in the process. Meanwhile Khloe unhooked Kourtney’s bra and Kim joined them. All three started kissing each other hand Kim was running her fingers down their underwear from behind. All this action started making Justin hard again but he waited a little longer to see the sisters performing.

Kim was now down on Khloe’s breasts and Kourtney had removed Kim’s underwear and was sucking her from behind. Her ass was directly in front of Justin’s mouth who joined the action and started running his tongue over her vagina. Khloe broke away from the group and began kissing Justin’s penis again, while Kim started sucking on Khloe’s vagina. This went on for a while like this when slowly all of them automatically rearranged to another position. Justin was at the bottom with his mouth running through all the three Kardashian vaginas. If one thing the Kardashian sisters were famous for, it was their huge asses and Justin’s face under three of those looked like a nut about to be crushed.

The three of them continuously changed positions and came inside each other. There was no pleasure enough for the all of them and when finally everyone fell asleep it was already Christmas day.


Finally it was time for Justin to leave. He got off the bed and glimpsed back at the wild night that was lying on the bed. He took a quick shower and went off. Out at the corridor, he heard some movements in the next room. And suddenly a voice called him inside. “I heard what you did for my sisters yesterday. And I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Don’t you wanna open your Christmas gift before leaving?”

Inside it was Kendall Jenner sitting over the laps of a fake Santa, inviting him in.

She was wearing black lingerie and had her arms wrapped around Santa.

Looking at her, Justin was quite sure he would not leave the house any time soon.

The End
All stories posted from this account were once on C-S-S-A.com and belong to the respective authors we have credited in disclaimers. Our goal is to preserve these stories as part of internet porn history and ensure they are not lost in time.


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