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Author Topic: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1 (Nicola Cavanis)  (Read 8685 times)


Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1 (Nicola Cavanis)
« on: May 31, 2024, 05:58:22 AM »
Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1
Starring: Nicola Cavanis

Themes: Romance, Adventure

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This was a commissioned story for Angry Dutchman. If you would like to get your own custom story, check me out on Patreon.

Miami, Florida

Lights flickered in the distance. Blue and purple hues became visible briefly on the surface of the wooden bar. The wood grain was highlighted, showing wear from the surface fading away from years of use. Countless numbers of glasses and bottles slid across the bar in a rough timespan of at least fifteen years. This place went through multiple name changes and rebrandings over time. The pandemic saw its doors close and management change, along with the neon lights outside. Change came and went while a business like this stayed the same. No matter what name was lit up on the sign outside, the same people came and went as they did with the previous business. For anyone working here long enough, they became accustomed to seeing the same faces come and go in the passing weekdays. The bartender was one of the lucky ones to have kept his job between the new and old management buying out the business.

"One more?"

The bartender offered a smile to one of his most well-known customers. A man sat on the middle stool with an empty glass in front of him. Strands of gray hair were visible in places that once completed a jet black look. His face was always clean-shaved, showing a few wrinkles that would tell anyone that the man had seen his fair share of life. Anyone who worked at this place for more than a year knew Marcel's face. He came and went every Tuesday and Wednesday. Sometimes he showed up on a Thursday evening, but never on the weekend. His choice of drink was always Jack Daniels. Nothing fancy or special, as he liked to have three shots and then sit around. Few people who sat next to Marcel could say he engaged in any conversation besides the usual small talk. There was a time when he went by the name of Officer Favera. In another lifetime, it was Detective Favera. A man with a badge who carried himself with prestige.

He shook his head at the bartender, refusing another glass. Marcel could tell most people that he had lived several lifetimes. But he also knew that no one wanted to hear the stories of a disgraced former cop. Twenty-six years were erased from his life following a scandal that pushed him into retirement. The newspapers ate up the story in connection with a shootout that was reminiscent of days long gone in the city. There was no way he could get back the years lost at the job. Two divorces and many broken friendships and relationships had left him with nothing to gain or lose after walking away. If not for one mistake involving a friend at the job, he would probably still have his job at the vice department. Marcel knew all about regrets in life, but he still held his head high despite the tarnishing of his reputation. If the case had gone to trial, it may have proven dangerous for him to show his face in public like this.

Pride and glory were lost on him after he retired. There was no wife or family to go home to after retirement. Maybe that was why he decided to spend his weeknights at a bar like this. Marcel had opportunities to cash in on his long years of experience as a homicide detective, but he didn't want to see his face on camera anywhere. It would just be a reminder to everyone else involved in the one scandal that rocked the sixth precinct. Some years had passed, but the weight was still there in the back of his mind. People would forget something after a while and move on to the next scandal. That was the course of life. Marcel was happy to be forgotten and lost in time, but life was not the same. Adjusting to a lifestyle outside of being a cop had proven to be more difficult than he imagined. After his divorce ten years ago, he spent his time out on the street. The job was his life more than anything outside of it. To have that taken away had changed him as a man.

On a night like this, he couldn't help but think about the past. Five years ago, he would be out on the street, getting calls from dispatch to check crime scenes. Eleven years of his career were spent in the homicide division, working with the organized crime unit. To become desensitized to some of the things he witnessed was only normal. It left a numb feeling that he did not miss. Sitting there, gazing at his empty glass, Marcel listened to the door opening. He was the only person sitting at the bar, while a few others were sitting in private booths across the room. A jukebox sat against the wall, going unused most of the nights Marcel was here. Most of the songs were old hits that were easily recognizable from the 80s and 90s decades. Reminders of simpler times. He heard the door open behind him and the tapping of heels across the floor. A subtle sigh from a voice that sounded as if it belonged to a woman. He didn't turn to look until she moved to his right side. The bartender offered a friendly smile and nodded.

"What can I get you, ma'am?"

"A martini would be nice."

"Any special flavor?"

"Can you do strawberry?"

The bartender nodded with a smile.

"Give me just a minute, and I'll fix one up for you."

Marcel turned to glance around his right side, as the woman had a seat next to him. She sat her purse on the bar. It was a simple tote bag made up of pink faux leather with double straps. Locks of brunette hair covered her face. She seemed to know he was looking her way, so she turned to offer a friendly smile. A shade of light green eyes gazed back at him.


She greeted him with a nod.

"Hi there. I don't think I've ever seen you come in here before."

"Well, you wouldn't know me. This is my first time. I take it that you're a regular visitor here."

Marcel nodded at her with a smile. She looked to be at least twenty years younger than him upon first speculation of her age. A young woman getting out into the world and learning things. A white crop top covered her chest with a slight hint of cleavage. Her stomach was exposed, which would have revealed her belly button if only she were still standing. Denim blue jeans matched her white top to make a typical casual outfit. On first guess, Marcel wondered if she was a tourist. Knowing the type of people this town attracted, she could have been anyone.

"You have the look of a man who has seen his fair share of life. What's your name?"

"That's funny of you to say. I was just looking at you and thinking, I'm old enough to be your father or something."

She blushed, raising her eyebrows, before laughing at him. The bartender was busy making her drink as the conversation continued.

"You must be older than I first thought. What's your name?"

"Call me Marcel. Marcel Favera."

For a moment, he almost blurted out the words 'Officer Favera'. It came natural to him after so many years of introductions.

"My name is Nicola. Nicola Cavanis."

She gave her name the same way he spoke of his. Before he spoke again, the bartender set her martini glass in front of her.

"Thank you."

"No problem. If you want a second, just holler at me."

Her eyes shifted to Marcel as she raised the glass to her lips and took a sip.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing out here? I take it that you're a tourist visiting town."

"Not a bad guess."

Marcel smiled. She finished sipping her glass and set it down. He rested his left hand under his chin while propping his elbow against the bar.

"So how old are you, Nicola?"

"I'm twenty-five. Do you have a daughter the same age as me?"

She teased him with that question. Marcel chuckled before answering.

"No, but I probably would've in another lifetime."

Flashing her teeth in a smile, she giggled at him.

"That's funny. I thought you said that you were old enough to be my father. Are you mistaken?"

"I was just making an observation. I'm forty-eight, and you're twenty-five. That's quite a gap in years."

"I take it you have a wife back home? Kids?"

He shook his head at her words.

"I'm divorced. If I had someone to go back home to, I wouldn't spend my nights in a place like this. So what are you here for besides talking to some old bum like me?"

Nicola looked away from him for a moment. She seemed hesitant to answer, leaving Marcel to wonder if that was due to how quickly he changed the subject.

"I'm a model."

"Oh, yeah?"

Leaning back on the stool, Marcel took it upon himself to have a look at her slim figure. He didn't care if she was offended by his wandering eye. All she had to do was walk out of the bar, and he would just be a stranger for her to forget meeting. Nicola sat there and just laughed at him.

"Am I too skinny for you?"

"Nope. You look like a supermodel, now that I think about it. So, where are you from?"

"I'm from Germany. Where are you from?"

"I'm homegrown from Miami, Florida. I grew up about an hour from this place across town."

"You don't sound drunk, so I guess I have to believe you."

Her quip made the bartender laugh. Marcel glanced at the bar for a moment. It was odd for him to strike up a conversation with someone he had just met a few minutes ago. He knew better than to believe that romance was possible with a girl who walked into a bar. Something about her caught his interest.

"Did you move to Florida to try and model here?"

Nicola shook her head.

"No. If I wanted a new contract with an agency, I've already been offered something nice in L.A. Let's just say I'm looking to do something for myself that doesn't involve any type of management."

"You want to go solo?"

"Yes, exactly. I'm looking for someone who might be able to help me."

The bartender stepped his way towards them and offered a friendly smile before speaking.

"Marcel used to be a cop."

Those words were not something he expected. Marcel tried to hold back his smile as he saw the look of wonder on her face.

"You were a cop? Well, no wonder you want to talk to me. I guess I'm a person of interest."

She laughed at her own joke as he tried not to laugh for too long.

"Maybe you're right. I was a detective for most of my life. Something about you caught my eye when you walked in."

"Do I look like I'm wanted for questioning?"

Marcel smirked.

"Not unless the questions have to do with what you're wearing on a beach or walking down a runway."

Nicola smiled, shaking her head and laughing at him. She grabbed her purse and pulled out her wallet to pay for the drink.

"I'll have another."

Leaning over, Marcel pulled out his wallet and slapped a few bills down on the bar.

"Let me pay for her drink and put two beers down on my tab."

She turned, smirking at him after the gesture.

"I guess I'm having a date with a lawful stranger tonight."

"The beers are for me. Don't worry, I'm not going to put you in handcuffs and leave in a squad car."

It was amusing to make her laugh. The bartender delivered two bottles opened for Marcel and fixed Nicola another martini. There was something about her that made him want to continue their discussion. One of the things he missed the most from his old job was the aspect of investigation. Not everyone had something to hide. Some people were just interesting, to say the least.

"So, tell me about your modeling. What brought you here?"

Sipping on her glass, Nicola was not ready to answer until she sat it down.

"Well, it's like I said. I'm trying to do my own thing with my career. I want to manage myself on the side while I'm under contract with an agency."

Marcel nodded as she carried on.

"Are you aware of FansOnly?"

He nodded again.

"Yeah, I know what that is. I take it that you want to model on there without someone telling you what to do."

Grinning, Nicola slowly nodded her head. Marcel took a sip from the bottle as she replied.

"I've heard success stories about girls using FansOnly to do what they really want. I already make decent money from the jobs I get under contract, but I'd like to do something on my own terms, you know?"

With a nod, he lowered the bottle from his lips. Marcel thought to himself for a moment. It was a coincidence that he knew someone who could potentially help her.

"I take it that you're looking for a photographer?"

"No, I can do that myself. I need someone who can record on video."

That was even better to know. A small plan quickly formed in Marcel's mind.

"I know someone who could help you. A young man who, I guess you could say, is like a son to me. He's been out of work for some time looking for a lucky break."

"Really? Is he director or something?"

Marcel shook his head.

"No, he don't have any credits to his name like that. You won't have to look him up online since he hasn't made a name for himself yet. He was going to school for cinematography when he ran out of money. Let's just put it that way. How long are you going to be in town?"

"I'm here for the next two weeks."

"That gives you plenty of time then. Leave me your phone number, and I'll give you a call tomorrow."

Marcel saw her nod before reaching into her purse to fetch a pen and a yellow notepad. He was surprised at how easily she agreed to his help with little persuasion. That told him she may have been desperate to find someone outside of her agency without them knowing about her plans. After writing her number down on the notepad, she passed it to him with a smile.

"I never thought I would meet a stranger offer to help me in a place like this."

"I'm not just any stranger. I'm someone who can help you if you let me."

"Since you're an ex-cop, I expect you to do a little bit of homework before calling me."

Nicola winked. He sat there, watching her get up and grab her purse. Marcel and the bartender watched her walk away. She knew they were still going to be looking in her direction as she went for the door. A woman like that could keep a man's attention with her beauty alone. She reminded Marcel of women from his past. They came and went, leaving precious memories in the back of his mind. Behind every pretty face was something else. Marcel wondered what Nicola was trying to get out of life besides her modeling career. Coincidences happened regularly in the world, such as meeting a useful stranger in a quiet bar. That was something he learned after dozens of cases. He could not wait to get back home and put her name into an online search to see who she truly was. Marcel was not a cop anymore, but on a night like this, he couldn't help but feel that old glory as an investigator. Maybe that made him a good ex-cop, as someone once told him. He had something to look forward to now besides drinking.



Sunlight filled the bedroom, casting white lines between the mini-blinds and making a row of vertical lines, brightening the pastel pink wall. A laptop sat open on a small wooden desk across the room. A black leather chair was turned in the opposite direction, facing a bed made up of white sheets. On the desk sat an empty soda can from the previous night. A headset without the mic piece was plugged into the laptop with the cord dangling to the floor. In bed lay a young man in his mid-twenties, sleeping the afternoon away. It was a few minutes past 10 AM when the smell of freshly brewed coffee invaded the room. All thanks to someone quietly opening the door minutes earlier. Marcel hoped the scent of an early morning breakfast would be enough to awaken his young roommate from his current slumber. Sometimes it worked, but most times Marcel had to wake him up the old-fashioned way. He was like a father getting his son out of bed before noon.

"It's almost a quarter past ten. Come on, wake up!"

Marcel clapped his hands after speaking. He saw movement under the sheets, so he turned the light on to make sure that did the trick. Axel opened his eyes to a blur, still caught in a daze from the dream he was having.

"Get up so I can make you something to eat. You don't want to start the day without a hot meal. Want some coffee?"

"No thanks."

"You sure? It'll get your blood pumping."

A shower was what Axel preferred to wake himself up before drinking anything. He climbed out of bed and stretched his arms out. By now, he should've been used to Marcel getting him up every day before twelve. The older man lectured him about the importance of being awake before 12 PM. Axel had not thought much of it since dropping out of college. It was a miracle that he found a friend in Marcel who not only listened to his sorrows but also gave him a place to stay. He took the separate bedroom of Marcel's apartment in Coral Gables, not far from the university. It was by mere chance that they met at a club where Axel was getting wasted drinking. To hear Marcel say it, he saw something in the young man that reminded him of his own youth. There was talent and potential in him going to waste from a reckless lifestyle of partying and drinking. It was the only way Axel knew how to react to getting his first taste of life's bad luck hitting him in the face.

Axel had other reasons for moving to Miami besides college. After growing up in Pennsylvania, he wanted to live as far away from his family as possible. He expected life to change and become better without his parents watching over every little move he made. They were not around to prevent him from drinking once he reached campus. The first year of college was filled with partying and chasing after girls. Axel quickly shifted gears once he moved into cinematography classes. He thought he would land a job in a video production market in Wynwood. It never came once he ran out of money and had to drop out of college. Marcel kept him from going insane. In many ways, he was the father Axel never had since his own old man was too busy with his own career. It was a rude awakening to realize there was no path to becoming some big name film producer in the near future. But Marcel refused to give up on him.

After a quick shower, Axel put on a pair of dark blue leisure shorts and a white T-shirt. His face sported tiny dots of black hair after three days of not shaving. He became chubby after spending a year out of work. Marcel didn't force him to hunt for a job yet, but he believed the man would eventually make him pay rent. When Axel was not busy spending hours playing games, he was browsing the internet looking at models on social media. He was still a boy at heart, wishing for better days as he became lost in fantasies. Marcel always had a way of snapping him back into reality with his talks about life. The kitchen was made up of white walls matching the floor tiles and a small dinner table. Axel's plate was already prepared for him. Scrambled eggs, toast, and a glass of orange juice made up his breakfast meal. He sat down and sighed while smelling the fresh food. Marcel shut off the oven before he joined Axel at the table.

"I guess you were up all night as usual. When I was your age, I didn't have time to play computer games all the time."

Sipping on the glass of orange juice, Axel gazed down at his plate. He knew better than to push back against this lecturing. Marcel stopped to chew on his piece of toast. He waited until he swallowed a bit of the food before speaking again.

"I've been waiting to tell you about something all morning. I think I've found an opportunity for you to get some work."

"What do you mean?"

Marcel smiled.

"I met a girl at a bar last night. She's a model looking for someone to do camera work for her."


"No. She needs a videographer. She's trying to set up a FansOnly account."

"What's her name?"

"Nicola Cavanis. Are you familiar with her?"

Axel shook his head. He followed many models on social media, but this was a name he had never heard of.

"I gave her my word that you're the guy. She wants someone who is a freelancer, an outsider to her business."

This news brought on a rush of emotions. Axel's first reaction was to become nervous. Marcel was setting him up with something big despite him being out of work for more than a year. What if she didn't like him? That was the first question of doubt that popped into his mind.

"Are you sure about this? What if she isn't impressed?"

"Don't think like that. You're getting nervous for nothing. I know you can do a good job with this."

Marcel sipped from his glass of water after speaking. This was common for Axel to become worried in a situation. He knew the young man was lacking in self-esteem. He needed a boost of confidence more than anything in life.

"She's trying to do her own thing with the FansOnly page. She's around the same age as you, so I was thinking, There's your chance at a girlfriend."

His smile was enough to make Axel blush. Marcel knew him all too well from seeing the models he looked at online.

"That's funny of you to say. I haven't dated since my freshman year at the U."

Between bites and drinks, Axel thought to himself.

"Wait, you said you met her at a bar?"

"I sure did."

"What was she doing there?"

With a funny smirk, Marcel shrugged his shoulders.

"She came in for a drink and talked to a stranger. That was me. You never know what people you're gonna meet who can help you in life."

Axel resumed eating. Marcel did not eat for long. He got up from the table, bringing his plate to the sink.

"After you're done, just go online and look her up. Nicola Cavanis. I'm sure when you see her, you'll want to do this. If this goes well, she'll probably pay you part of her earnings from the FansOnly page. I think it's an easy win."

Marcel's confidence was something Axel had to take in. He looked up to him, always taking his word as good advice. After he was done eating, Axel got up and put his plate in the sink next to the other one. He rinsed out the empty glass of juice and left it. Marcel wandered off to the living room. The sound of the television could be heard in the distance. Not paying him any mind, Axel took the short trip down the hall and to his bedroom. He closed the door to block out the noise coming from the living room. Not wasting any time, he opened his laptop and turned on the power. Within a few seconds of booting up, he opened an internet browser and began typing her name. The auto-correct filled out her last name after two letters, saving him the time to worry about spelling her name correctly. A few clicks later, he discovered her social media pages. Axel raised an eyebrow and curled his lips into a smile as he looked at the modeling pictures posted.

She was slim with a respectable athletic figure to go with a set of big tits. Her emerald eyes caught his attention, along with her lovely smile. If Axel had a preference when it came to women, Nicola fit the bill. He was beginning to imagine working for her as he scrolled through her Instagram account. Several photos prompted him to click and open a separate tab. Marcel wouldn't have to convince him to take this opportunity. Filming anything with this woman would be something of an honor. Her beauty was worthy of respect through the still-shot frames of motion pictures. Axel didn't want to get too far ahead of himself. There was still the chance that he could screw up a film session and leave her disappointed. He had a reason to try to impress her now. Moving away from his desk, he checked the other side of the room, where he kept his cameras in black bags. It would take a few hours to properly charge his main portable camera. The tripods and other equipment had not been touched in a long time. He ran out of the bedroom to find Marcel in the living room.

"Hey! I did like you said and searched her online."

Eyes glued to the flat, wide-screen TV on the wall, Marcel did not turn to look in his direction. The living room was made up with a velvet, dark red sofa and matching lounge chairs. A refectory table in the middle with a fancy red rug hiding the beige carpet.

"What do you think?"

"She's beautiful. Very pretty in the photos I've seen. I wouldn't mind recording video of her."

Marcel smiled.

"So you're not nervous about meeting her now, huh? I knew you'd change your mind once you got a good glimpse of her."

He leaned forward to grab his phone from the table. Since Axel sounded excited, Marcel wasted no time texting Nicola. He had already decided last night to approach this meeting on her terms. She would be in complete control since the two men were still strangers to her. Marcel had to prove to the model that she could trust them as outsiders. He was fairly confident after the meeting last night that this would go smoothly. Within seconds, his phone was vibrating with a text notification. 'Let's meet up soon', after reading those words, he turned to look across his shoulder.

"She's ready to meet up."

"I have to charge my cameras. I haven't touched them in over a month."

"Go ahead and put them on charge. You should shave too. Try and look sharp to make a good first impression. I'm gonna call her and see where she wants to meet us."



A shadow cast across the empty room created a moving silhouette figure. A woman standing with her legs spread, arms raised, and above her head. Nicola demonstrated various poses while she gazed into the camera lens of a mounted unit across from her. Axel was staring into her green eyes, studying every last detail of them as he kept his left eye fixated on the camera from the other side. Marcel stood behind him, arms crossed over his chest. The men arrived dressed almost the same in denim jeans and shirts. Axel wore an orange shirt, while Marcel chose a yellow shirt with a collar and buttons. She joked about how they looked like 'father and son' with the same casual outfits. After a short meeting, Nicola told Marcel her plan was to shoot a video in an abandoned building close by. She claimed to have been scouting for a place for the past week. Axel once had an interest in urban exploration and knew a worthy place to suggest.

The RC Cola Miami Plant had been left to rot for a year before Axel was born. He had visited there several times in college when he was first starting out with photography. Amateurs with cameras were obsessed with the old place. From Axel's knowledge, it was one of the places that did not present any danger to explore. The building was desecrated with layers of graffiti that dated back three decades. Vines and trees grew into the corners where no glass covered the windows. The outside exteriors were made up of similar street-style art. Inside, the sunlight poured from the holes in the ceiling of the empty metal building. Only the concrete floor was not covered in spray paint. The last time Axel visited this place, he remembered the puddles of water on the floor left behind from a nasty thunderstorm. No rain covered the surface, making it a perfect backdrop for a quick photoshoot and film session. Nicola told the men she had specific outfits to model. She rented a minivan days prior, where she easily used the back area to change into outfits.

A red crop top and black booty shorts were the first outfits she wanted to film in. Her feet were pushed into a pair of simple, black stilettos. Axel alternated between two cameras. He had his stationary camera set up on a tripod, then used a portable digital camera that he mounted on his left shoulder. To go the extra mile in proving his talent, Axel packed his laptop and set it up on a stool. After filming one bit in an outfit, he plugged the camcorder into the laptop via a USB cable to show Nicola the recorded footage. Marcel stood back and observed everything, sometimes making comments here and there. Nicola appeared to be impressed after forty minutes were filmed from various camera angles and poses. She changed outfits with differing crop tops in different colors and a pair of denim shorts. The heels stayed on as the only piece of her outfits she didn't change. The most revealing outfit was saved for last. She knew that their eyes would be glued to her when she stepped back into the building in a green two-piece bikini. Nicola turned to smile at Marcel before ordering Axel to get his cameras ready for one last run of film.

Her lips curved into a devious grin as she looked back into the camera. She could feel Marcel's gaze from the corner of her eyes. Licking her lips, she turned around to show her buttocks to the camera. Axel zoomed in, capturing a better view of her bum as Nicola began to walk forward. She strutted her hips and turned around fast enough to make her breasts jiggle in the loose bikini top. Axel recorded seven minutes of the camera zooming in and out, capturing still-shot images in moving frames of her perfect figure. He made sure to get a good view of her legs, stomach, cleavage, and her wonderful face. After recording eclipsed the ten minute mark, he held up his right thumb to give her a quiet signal, and they were done. That was how he learned to film without any spoken work. Marcel did not so much act as a director guiding him. The older man sat back and watched the model and videographer do their work together.

"So how do I look?"

Nicola placed her hands on her hips and tilted her head to one side.

"I think you're expecting one of us to tell you how beautiful you look."

Marcel's reply made her smirk.

"No, not at all. I can tell what you're thinking by the looks on your faces."

Axel and Marcel both blushed simultaneously, causing Nicola to giggle. She walked away from the camera and towards the laptop. Axel soon joined her after turning off his camera.

"Wow, it's almost five o'clock. We've been shooting all day."

Nicola read the time in the corner of the screen. Marcel nodded before speaking.

"Yeah, I suppose so. It's almost sunset."

"No wonder I'm hungry then. All I've ate all day was breakfast."

Ignoring Axel's complaint, Marcel carefully closed the laptop.

"Are you ready to wrap this up?"

She nodded at his question. Marcel closed the laptop while Axel began to move his cameras. Nicola began to walk away while speaking.

"I'll be right back. Let me change out of this swimsuit."

Marcel's eyes followed her ass cheeks rubbing together with each step she took. He watched until she completely left the building. Axel took the main camera off the tripod and began to pack it up in the bag. Marcel grabbed the other, zipping it up in the black bag while speaking.

"I think she likes you."

Axel stopped and looked back at him, shaking his head.

"Um, no. I think she likes you. She kept looking at you while I was filming."

"Are you sure about that? You got to see her from behind the camera."

"How do you think I saw it?"

Their short conversation ended with Axel's questions. Marcel was trying to tease him, but it went over Axel's head entirely. They carried the equipment back outside to Marcel's car, sitting parked next to the black minivan Nicola was currently in. One of his few prides and joys was a vintage silver Pontiac Firebird Trans AM. Marcel bought the refurbished car shortly after retirement. He popped the truck for Axel to store the equipment. Nicola returned wearing denim shorts and a white crop top.

"Hey, wait! Don't leave just yet!"

Marcel laughed.

"Don't worry, we weren't gonna leave you hanging."

She ran towards him, clutching a wad of cash in her right hand.

"Thanks for everything. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to do anything like this. Here's some money. I can't write you a check, but I'm sure this will be good enough to split with your friend."

"No, wait! I haven't even done editing yet!"

Axel screamed from the car. He overheard the conversation since the door was open. He got out and stomped towards her. Marcel pushed her hands back as the younger man spoke again.

"Let me edit the videos for you. I can add music and edit all of this down to short times for you to post online. I can even slow down parts and do a bit of tinkering. We did all this work, I want to see it through with some proper editing."

Marcel turned, smiling at Axel, then back at Nicola.

"You should let him do it. He don't have anything else to do tonight with his time."

After a few seconds, Nicola nodded at him. She took the wad of cash and handed it to Axel.

"No, I don't want your money. Save it for now. When you see the finished product, then you can pay me."

He winked at her with a reassuring smile. Nicola laughed and took her money back.

"Alright, I think you've made me an offer I can't refuse."

Laughing again, she turned her gaze back to Marcel and nodded.

"Thanks for today. I guess I'll be hearing from you tomorrow."

"Yes, you will."

No words of farewell were spoken as they exchanged nods and walked away. Nicola got in her vehicle. When Marcel and Axel climbed into the Firebird and shut the doors, the young man laughed.

"She could blow up on FansOnly, you know? If she was willing to walk around in a bikini in some rundown building like that, I can only imagine she can get more daring as time goes on. What do you think?"

"I think she's a risk taker. That girl knows how to walk a tightrope."

Axel chuckled.

"Yeah, I think so. I hope something comes out of this. I could make a fine living as her videographer. She could get a big following in a matter of weeks with some solid content. Do you think she'd also let me be her photographer?"

"Maybe. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. One step at a time."



At sunrise, Marcel woke up without the first thought of checking his phone. It would be an hour before he finally grabbed it and saw the barrage of messages sent to him from Nicola. He went to bed after a short dinner and watched TV until he fell into a long slumber. Axel stayed up all night with his cameras plugged into the laptop, importing the recorded files and editing them. He spent hours editing footage and setting it to music. By 2 AM, he had edited dozens of videos and was sending them to Nicola in private messages across her many social media accounts. She didn't have a management company keeping track of her accounts, so Nicola saw the videos with her own eyes. Marcel was surprised to wake up to so many excited text messages from her talking about Axel's edited videos. In one message, she claimed to have enough videos to post at least twenty clips on FansOnly and promote them online.

The final message told Marcel all he needed to know. She sent her address and demanded that he come over and meet with her. This wasn't something he expected to wake up to. It almost reminded him of those countless mornings he was awakened by a phone call to send him to a crime scene. But this time, he could say he had a reason to be excited about arriving at a designated location. Before he fell asleep last night, Marcel thought about what Axel told him. He could not deny that Nicola was watching him as the hours passed in filming. Even though he hoped that she and Axel would develop a friendship, there was some kind of bond he felt forming with her. These thoughts remained in the front of his mind as he looked in the mirror while shaving his face. This was going to be a morning he didn't see the point in waking up Axel. The young man spent all night working, and that earned him the privilege to sleep in.

Nicola was renting a hotel in the downtown area. That made sense to him, since she had been in town long enough to be working. As he sat behind the steering wheel of his car, Marcel couldn't help but feel like a detective again. It was natural for him to connect the dots on something. Her last text message made it clear that she wanted to see him and not Axel. If she wanted to double the company, she would have said so. The clock on his phone read 9:32 when he shifted gears to park outside the hotel. Marcel took a quick glance at the tall white tower before he got out. The wind rustled along the lines of his buttoned up, blue shirt. The ends were tucked into a pair of black slacks. A black jacket and tie would have made this an ideal outfit to show up to work in. He was used to carrying his phone and wallet in pants pockets now instead of suit jackets. After slamming the door to his car, he took his phone out of his pocket and decided to call Nicola as he was walking to the front doors of the hotel.

"Hey, it's me. I'm at the hotel. What room am I looking for?"

"Third floor, room nine. Are you by yourself?"


"That's good to know. I'll be seeing you soon."

She hung up before they had a chance to engage in any small chat. Marcel entered the hotel, welcoming the cool breeze as he marched to the elevator. This short ride was spent alone after pressing the button for the third floor. White walls welcomed him in a narrow corridor fitted with black carpets on the floor. Marcel paid no attention to the interior design as he looked at the black doors, reading the room numbers. When he reached the ninth room, he raised a hand to knock. He was not stuck waiting outside the door for long. Nicola opened it, offering a smile as she greeted him.

"Come on in."

Her hair was pinned in a ponytail, dangling behind her head. She wore a black robe covering her body, which gave the impression she didn't have much on underneath. Marcel stepped into the room and quietly shut the door. Her hotel suite was a small studio. A simple room made up the main area, with a couch, chair, and table. The left area went to a small dining area and the right side had a doorway he guessed led to the bedroom. Light blue wallpaper filled every corner, with simple white carpet below that matched the sofa. A laptop sat on the small glass table in front of the couch. The sight of empty bottles and bags was visible from behind the dining table.

"It was nice of you to invite me over. I take it that you've been staying by yourself here."

"I have. It gets lonely, you know?"

She turned her back to him, walking forward as she spoke again.

"Can I get you anything from room service? Maybe a drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

Nicola turned around again, facing him with a smirk on her face.

"I have to say you were right about Axel. He sent me tons of edited videos from the shoot yesterday. I wouldn't mind having him as my filmographer full time."

"And what of a photographer?"

She raised an eyebrow for a moment.

"Hmmmmmm, I'm sure he can handle that too. But where would that leave you?"

"I'm just the guy who helped you. Aren't you glad you went to that bar the other night and met me?"

"Yes. It's funny to meet a stranger who turns out to be an angel. I never expected I'd meet someone like you."

The robe covering her body had a V shape extending from her neck, hiding her busty tits. He couldn't help but notice as she spread her legs and placed her hands on her hips. Nicola had his attention with her body alone.

"So why did you want me to come over? I doubt it's just cause you're here all by yourself."

Pulling at the ends of her robe, Nicola quickly snatched it off her body and discarded it to the floor. She stood in a pair of white stilettos, matching a thong and bra.

"What do you think of my new outfit?"

She turned around, revealing her ass. Nicola bent forward, shaking her booty, before slapping both cheeks with her hands.

"That's nice."

"You think so?"

His detective instincts were kicking in. Marcel knew the game she was trying to play with him. He had been in situations like this in the past with women skilled in the art of seduction. What he seen in her choice of outfit was something more. Axel was right that she carried herself boldly. Nicola had an adventurous spirit in her that was begging to be unlocked. When she turned back around to face him, he stepped forward. Their eyes met as she stepped closer.


Hearing her say his name sent a jolt of adrenaline through his aching veins.

"I think you know how it feels to be lonely. I saw it in your eyes the night we met. There was something in your eyes that I haven't been able to stop thinking about."

Nicola threw her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him. Before he had any chance to react, she pushed her lips against his and began a tender kiss. So much time had passed since he last felt the touch of a woman. Marcel quit keeping track of his one-night stands when he reached his forties. None of that mattered now as he drove his tongue into her mouth and kissed her with such a rough force. Something came to life inside of him. Old feelings resurfacing at the sense of passion. They traded kisses back and forth before Nicola pulled away from him and took a deep breath. He stared into her lovely green eyes while kicking off his slip-on loafer shoes.

"Nicola, I think you need a man in your life. That's why you asked me to come up."

"You're right. I want a man, not a boy. No offense to your friend, but I think you have what I need. You've seen a lifetime of things that I haven't."

She lunged forward, pressing her lips to his again. Marcel wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. He took a few steps forward and let go of Nicola. She fell onto the couch, gazing up at him as he pulled apart the buttons of his shirt. Basic instinct overtook him, as he had to rip something off his body. Nicola's eyes widened at the sight of his hairy chest. Marcel threw his shirt to the floor as she pulled the small straps of her bra from her shoulder and removed it from her body. He reacted to the sight of her bare breasts by reaching out and grabbing them. She moaned at the feeling of his strong hands squeezing her tits. Leaning forward, Marcel pushed his head between them. He quickly licked her left nipple and then slobbered on her right boob. She expected him to sit down on the couch and begin playing with her tits, but he got up. When she saw his hands move to his pants, Nicola quickly found a place on her knees.

"Let me take care of this for you."

He didn't say a word to stop her. She pulled at the front of his pants, undoing the button and sliding the zipper down. Marcel took a deep breath as he gazed down into her angelic green eyes. She smirked while shoving his pants down. A red pair of boxers was the only thing separating her from his waiting cock. It bulged forward, giving her a hint of what to expect. Nicola shoved his underwear down to free his semi-erect pole. Marcel stepped out of his pants and underwear, leaning down to caress the left side of her face as he felt her warm fingers touching his cock. Nicola gazed into his eyes as she used both hands to stroke him. Exhaling deeply, Marcel was at a loss for words. He wanted to say something, but his mind was blank upon feeling her hands stroke him. She removed her left hand and squeezed his balls to catch him off guard. Marcel grunted at the feeling of her hands massaging his nut sack.

Her right hand pumped up and down, wanking his cock faster with each passing second. Their eyes were fixated on each other. Marcel could see the lustful hunger in Nicola's eyes. She didn't have to say anything. Her eyes did all the talking. He watched her part her lips and flick her tongue across the head of his shaft. She shoved her fingers to the base, gripping his shaft tightly as she twirled her tongue around the head. That was a small hint of what was to come with her oral talents. He took a deep breath as she finally broke eye contact and enveloped her lips around his pole. Nicola pushed him into her mouth and began to quickly bob her head up and down. She quickly found a rhythm, softly moaning while sucking his cock. Still unable to muster any words, he stood there, breathing heavily. Nicola twisted her fingers around the base, stroking him while she sucked at the same time. She stopped and pulled his cock out of her mouth with a pop noise, only to spit on the head.

No words were spoken as Nicola shoved his dick into her mouth again. Marcel expected her to say something. Anything to interrupt the rush of emotions between him. Nicola's hunger for his shaft was too great to interfere with. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking inch after inch of his long cock. With each movement, she pushed it deeper. He groaned at the feeling of her mouth devouring his shaft. 'Mmmmmmmm', the muffled moans her mouth generated were driving him into a frenzy. It was taking everything within him to hold back from grabbing her by the head and fucking her mouth. Swallowing his breath, he fought the urge while listening to the sounds of her slobbering and sucking on his head. Nicola sucked faster, still moving her head up and down as she sucked inch after inch of his shaft. Her fingers unwrapped from the base, giving her better access to suck the entirety of his cock. His hands found place on the sides of her head.

No more could Marcel resist the urge to be in control, fucking her mouth. He gritted his teeth and grunted as he began to buck his hips. Nicola closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide. That made the sounds louder and gave him better access to slide his pole into her mouth. She pressed her hands against her breasts to prevent them from jiggling around. 'Gwak-kah-gwak-gwah', incoherent noises were heard from her muffled voice as Marcel was now fucking her mouth. He grunted again as he raised his head and exhaled. Deep thrusts tested her gag reflexes. Nicola did not choke as he pushed the final inches of his pole down her throat. The long strings of his pubic hair brushed against her nose. His fingers slid through the strands of her hair to tighten the grip. Marcel groaned as he continued to drive his cock in and out of her mouth. Drool leaked from both corners of her mouth, with sticky strings falling to her breasts below.

"Oh god, this feels so fucking good."

His voice was barely audible under his own breath. Marcel shoved his cock all the way down her throat. It was the final test of deepthroating before he pulled his shaft out of her mouth and let his hands go of her hair. Nicola opened her eyes wide while taking a deep breath. Long strings of drool connected from his cock back to her open mouth broke off with slight movement. She raised her hands behind her head and quickly snatched her ponytail free. Her long brunette hair streaked down her back. Now she looked like her usual gorgeous self. Marcel watched her kiss the head of his shaft and then grab her breasts. No words were spoken as she pushed his cock directly between them.

"Ohhhhh, yes. Squeeze them around it."

Old emotions came rushing back as Marcel gave her direct orders in his low voice. Nicola smiled as she obeyed, squeezing her tits around his thick shaft. The head poked up, and she leaned down to lick it. When she raised her head, he began to buck his hips. She moaned at the feeling of his cock sliding between her breasts.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, yeah..."

The sound of her moans only encouraged him to increase speed this early into the titfuck. It had been years since the last time Marcel felt the heavenly pleasure of having his dick stuffed between a pair of tits. Nicola was built for this pleasure. She seemed to know it with how she instinctively positioned his cock in the middle without needing to be told. Closing her eyes, she moaned and kept her head raised as he thrust every inch of his pole up and down between them.

"Feels so good."

He moaned after speaking. Whatever words he uttered were without thought. Marcel took deep breaths as he continued to thrust. Nicola opened her eyes and glanced down to watch the head poke up with a full thrust. He slowed down, driving his cock further to see if she would try to lick the head. When her tongue flicked across it, Marcel resumed full speed. Every inch of his cock was pumping between her wonderful tits. When the head poked up, Nicola licked it every chance she got. After several times, she opened her mouth wide as if to tempt him into thrusting between her lips. Marcel accomplished that with little effort. Popping sounds were heard every time his cock exited her mouth. Pop. Pop. Pop. Marcel finally had enough and stopped thrusting.

"God, your tits feel amazing. I haven't done this in years."

"Oh, I can tell."

Nicola took over after he quit. She worked her breasts up and down while smiling at him. He was unable to keep eye contact with her, instead watching the action of his shaft moving between her boobs.

"I love getting my tits fucked."

She giggled while still pumping her tits up and down. Marcel took a deep breath. He was confident that he still had a long way to go before reaching his orgasm. Experience was one of the factors on his side, regardless of how long he had gone without an intimate encounter like this. Nicola stopped and let go of her breasts, freeing his cock. She grabbed it with her right hand and brought it to her mouth while looking into his eyes. Marcel watched her shove the head between her lips, kissing it before pulling it out with a subtle pop. He cupped her face, trying to hint that he wanted to kiss her again. As Nicola got up from the floor, she shoved herself at him. Marcel locked lips with her while wrapping his arms around her. They embraced in a passionate exchange of tongues for a brief moment. After the kiss, she pulled away and lowered her hands to play with the side straps of her thong. Once his focus was on the last piece of clothing covering her body, Nicola slowly pushed her thong down.

If there was a wet spot on the front, he couldn't see it. But what Marcel could see was the sparkling glimmers of wetness on her pink folds. No hair was visible around her fresh mound. Her gaze shifted to his face. All Nicola had to do was smirk. He knew what she was thinking as the thong fell to her ankles and she stepped out. The stomp of her heels was muted by the carpet. She turned around and rubbed her ass against his right leg. He was considering which position she would want to be in. Nicola got her point across by sliding her firm buttocks against his leg until Marcel gave that ass a hard spank. She moved to the couch, pressing her hands into the cushions as she raised her ass out. Flipping her hair around, she glanced across her right shoulder. Marcel saw the look in her eyes and her barred teeth beyond her pink lips. He smacked her ass again with his right hand. Another exaggerated cry was heard in her voice as Nicola turned her head. She spread her legs and called for him.

"I know you want to fuck me. Just do it. Fuck me, Marcel."

A third spank hit her left cheek before Marcel grabbed it, sinking his fingertips into her firm skin. He used his other hand to guide his cock to her vulva lips. Nicola closed her eyes and exhaled as she felt the head of his pole rubbing at her entrance. He grunted as he slid inside.

"Ohhhhhhh, yes. That's it, yesssss..."

A hint of desperation was heard in her voice and in the way she moaned. She needed this as much as him. To be inside of a woman again brought back a rush of sensational feelings in his heart. Marcel gripped her hips and began to thrust into her. Nicola kept her eyes closed as she raised her head and moaned at the feeling of his cock exploring her pussy.

"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhh, yes! Yesssss!!"

Harder and faster, he pumped his rod inside her as his swinging ball sack rubbed against the undersides of her ass. He slapped the left cheek with one hand and gripped one of her hips with the other. It was easy to find a rhythm, as he was now fucking her into heavenly bliss.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!! Ohhhhhhh, god!!"

Spank! Once more, he spanked her. The palm of his hand was stinging, but that was nothing to distract him from the pleasure of feeling his cock pump into her cunt. Nicola's big tits shook and bounced all around from underneath her. Marcel reached for her hair, snatching a tight grip as he continued to thrust. Her hair swayed, moving around her shoulders. Nothing mattered to Marcel except the passion they were sharing in the act of fucking. He fucked her in a steady rhythm as he pulled her hair tightly into his hand.

"Pull my hair! Pull HARDER!!"

His other hand moved off her hip and smacked her ass. Marcel just had to give that booty a quick slap for how she screamed at him. He yanked at the rope of her hair in his grip while slowing down the movement of his hips.

"I love it when you scream like that. You're a bad girl, Nicola. You like this, don't you?"

After one last tug of her hair, Marcel let go and moved his left hand across her bum. He caressed her firm skin before squeezing one cheek. She raised her head and moaned.

"You must really like my ass."

"I do."

Glancing at him from behind her shoulder, Nicola bit her lower lip and purred.

"If you're wondering, I've done anal before... but not in a long time."

"I can cure that."

"Mmmmmm, I know you can."

That was why she told him. He knew what she really wanted. Nicola was testing him in the most subtle way to see if he could deliver the pleasure she wanted. Marcel pulled his cock out of her pussy and then slid his wet length between her firm ass cheeks. She bit her lower lip, purring at the feeling of his rod rubbing up and down the crack. The least he could do was tease her before she would be screaming her lungs out. Nicola lowered her head and exhaled a deep breath. If she was honest with him, he knew she was bracing herself for what was about to come. Marcel didn't want to tell her that this ass would be the first one he had fucked in several years. He never forgot the feeling. When he pulled those cheeks apart and looked at her dark little hole, Marcel braced himself as he guided the head of his dick and pushed in.


Nicola moaned as she widened her eyes. She raked her fingernails across the couch cushion as she felt several inches of his cock sinking into her ass. Marcel was slow and careful at first.

"So damn tight!"

A wide smile ran across his lips upon watching half of his cock disappear inside her ass. He gripped her hips and began to thrust. Nicola gasped.

"Oh my god!"

Marcel slapped her ass with authority. She flinched in response. He laughed, knowing he had given her a sudden surprise, all while his cock was buried in her ass. Gripping her hips, he began to drive his cock as deep as he could go. Nicola gritted her teeth while raising her ass up and lowering her head. That told him she wanted more.


He grunted as he began bucking his hips as hard as he could. Nicola began moaning at the feeling of his cock pounding into her ass.

"Ohhhh, yes! YESSSSS!!"

Her voice echoed throughout the small room, only encouraging him to thrust harder and faster. Marcel watched his cock disappear and reappear with every full thrust. She closed her eyes, finally yelling at him.


Something about hearing a woman scream his name only excited him further. Marcel did not witness her sliding her hand between her thighs to play with her clit. Nicola's fingers fumbled around until she pinched it. He began spanking her with his left hand, one swat after another.

"You like that, Nicola?"


"You want more!?"

Spank! She gritted her teeth again, growling and snarling as his cock pounded her ass hole again and again.

"Do you want more!? Speak to me, god damn it!"

She finally blurted something out after another hard spank.


The palm of his hand was stinging from the fresh red marks forming on her left cheek. Marcel gripped her hips and continued to drive his cock into her ass. Nicola gave up on trying to pleasure herself with her hand and screamed for him. The sound of her voice echoing throughout the room made his heartbeat rise. It would have been easy for Marcel to remain in this position, stretching her dark little hole out until he reached an orgasm. For now, he was holding himself back until he brought her to that sweet release.

"Ohhhhhhh, god! I can feel your dick pushing so... deep!!"

Gasping for breath, Nicola tried to raise her head and glance across her right shoulder. It was difficult for him to make eye contact with her. Marcel slowed his thrusts and turned his head to try and look at her gorgeous face.

"I like it when you scream. I can make you scream until your voice goes out."

Stepping back, he carefully pulled his cock out of her ass. Marcel felt as if he were in complete control now. The time came for him to help her reach the ultimate height of her pleasure. He wrapped his right arm around her and helped turn her around. Facing each other again, Nicola stared into his eyes.

"Fuck me, Marcel."

Her hands pushed into the cushions as she positioned herself, sitting on the couch.

"Fuck me. I can't wait any longer. I need you inside me again."

From where he stood, Nicola's legs were spread to invite him inside her pussy again. Marcel licked his lips as he gazed down at her entrance. Still gleaming in wetness, he guided his cock into her vulva again. Nicola purred soft moans as her eyes never left his face.

"Ohhhhhhhh, yes. That's right where your cock belongs."

"That's a funny way of putting it."

Giggling at him, Nicola just nodded her head. She slid her right hand to find her clit, rubbing at it as his cock slid further inside her. Marcel grabbed hold of her legs and raised them to hang over his shoulders. Nicola grinned at him as she felt his fingers sliding across her calves. Her mouth opened as he began to thrust harder. Nicola made a face as if she were about to start pouting or whimpering, but instead she screamed at him.

"Fuck me!"

Two words he could never get enough of hearing from her. Her big tits began to jiggle and bounce all around from the momentum he found in fucking her. Over and over, he pumped his cock inside her while her fingers were still playing with her clit.

"Keep rubbing it."

"Ohhhh, you like watching me do that, huh?"

"Yeah! I want you to cum so hard for me, darling. I'm not gonna stop until you do."

Letting go of her legs, Marcel leaned forward and bent them along with him. He saw her breasts jiggling and shaking around. Rather than grabbing them like before, he swatted with his palms to slap them. They hit together as Nicola closed her eyes and cried in pleasure. When her tits moved back, he slapped them again with such force to make them move in the opposite direction and smack together. She opened her eyes and glanced down to see him playing with her tits. His cock was still pumping in her pussy as Marcel slapped her tits a third time.


He pinched her right nipple, squeezing it hard, while his other hand moved to the top of her head. A quick idea came into Marcel's mind. He snatched a fistful of her hair and tilted Nicola's head down so she could see his cock moving inside her. She moved her hand away. When he finally let go of her nipple, Nicola smashed her hands against her breasts.


She didn't have to say 'please', but he loved the sound of her voice, so yearning. His grip on her hair tightened. Nicola did not look away, as his cock was still moving in and out of her juicy cunt. She gritted her teeth, whimpering and finally pouting. He knew she had mere seconds before reaching her climax. What he could not see was how curled up her toes were on his shoulders. Nicola opened her mouth wide, gasping as she finally closed her eyes and roared a deafening shriek. He quickly pulled his cock out of her pussy the moment he felt her insides tightening around him. Nicola could not prevent herself from squirting streams of her juices into the air like a water fountain. The liquid substance splattered in puddles on the carpet below. She was out of breath, eyes glaring at him as he stood there in amazement. Marcel guessed from the look on her face, she must've been shocked that he didn't reach his climax inside of her.

"Damn, that was intense."

"Is that how you like it?"

Nicola nodded to answer his question instead of speaking. She slid off the couch and fell to her knees. Marcel stood there as she grabbed his cock with her right hand.

"Were you expecting me to cum with you?"

"Actually, I didn't think about that at all. All I was worried about was getting off."

Her fingers glided across his slick shaft with ease before bringing it to her lips. Marcel chuckled as she slid the head between her lips.

"That's selfish. I like that in a woman."

'Mmmmmmm', she moaned with her tongue pressed against his shaft. Vibrations were felt before Nicola abruptly pulled his dick out of her mouth. She kissed the head and licked down the underside, loudly slurping the small bit of her juices coating his length. When she reached the end of his pole, she moved her lips to his balls. Soft kisses were placed on his hanging sack. Marcel took a deep breath as he felt one of her hands gently squeezing his balls. Nicola shoved one into her mouth and rolled her tongue around it. She tried to push the other one into her mouth but struggled. That was something they would have to work on in the future, if Marcel had a second chance to fuck her. He moaned as she alternated his nuts in her mouth, licking and sucking them equally. For the time being, he considered the future with her. There was serious potential in her. Not only with the modeling career she wanted online, but in other ways.

After sucking on his balls, Nicola moved her head and started wanking his cock at a slow pace. She pumped her hand up and down while gazing up into his eyes. A smirk almost made her look innocent while stroking him. Marcel took a deep breath and wondered what she was about to do. He wanted to be surprised by what she was going to do next. If she wanted to suck his cock again, he had no problem letting her. Nicola did just that, shoving it between her lips and sucking again. Her lips bobbed up and down quickly while her hand gripped at the base. This moment was short-lived as she pulled her lips back to the head and released him from her mouth. She pumped her hand again, jerking him once more as she flicked her tongue across the head. Twitching her fingers, she began to wank him faster. Her hand glided so fast that her fingers almost became a blur. If she was trying to make him cum from teasing alone, this was going to be a long, drawn-out handjob. Marcel smirked at her efforts.

"You're trying to make me cum, aren't you?"

She flashed her teeth in a mischievous smile and quit jerking.

"I guess so. It's only fair since you made me cum. So tell me, how do you want me to make you cum?"

"Hold your tits up, babe."

Smiling wide, she purred a soft moan.

"Mmmmmm, that's all you have to say."

Winking at him, Nicola let go of his cock and grabbed her tits. Her reaction was enough to inform him how much she liked having a cock shoved between her boobs. The feeling was pleasurably mutual. His cock fit perfectly between her tits, as if it were made solely for her pair. Nicola glanced down at the head. She parted her lips and spit a long string of drool onto the head. After it landed on his shaft, she squeezed her breasts tightly and felt the initial forward thrust. Nicola closed her eyes as Manuel began to buck his hips, pumping his cock between her boobs.

"Fuck my tits. I love how your cock feels between them."

It was over to him now. She was only going to make him cum by offering the instruments of pleasure to make it happen. Marcel moaned at this wonderful feeling. He already knew she had a proper rack for fucking, hence why he wanted to do this a second time. Thrusting faster, he groaned in pleasure. Nicola opened her eyes and spoke in a low, seductive voice.

"Please don't stop. I want to feel your cock explode between my tits."

That was the plan. Marcel had no intentions of stopping until he exploded between her breasts. There was no better way than to erupt between a pair of perfect natural breasts. His face scrunched up as the first sign he was close.

"Keep fucking them. Come on, Marcel. Fuck my titties."

Words of encouragement in a desperate plea. Marcel could only guess she wanted this as badly as he did. He groaned while slowing almost to a complete halt. Nicola raised her head in anticipation of what awaited her. Marcel managed to get two final thrusts before his limit was reached.


Spurts of cum discharged from his cock and splattered onto her neck. Nicola gasped and smiled at the feeling of his creamy seed coating her skin. She kept her head raised as he fired off several powerful spurts to give her a proper pearl necklace.

"Shit! Ohhhhhh, man!"

Through sheer joy, his voice became a faint cry. Nicola kept her tits squeezed together as his cock disappeared between the folds. She felt the warm excess cum between her tits. Most of his seed went on her neck and upper chest, but Marcel still gave her enough to drip like a river between her tits. A wide grin ran across her lips, flashing her pearly white teeth. Nicola finally let go of her breasts for his cock to slip out. She looked down at the droplets of cum now oozing down to her stomach.

"That's a lot of cum."

"It looks good on you though."

She giggled for a moment before he joined her in laughter. This was more than just a session of lust between them. Marcel saw much potential in her and new opportunities. This wasn't going to be the last time they shared an intimate moment.

"I hope you're going to stay in Miami. You need a man to show you more than a thing or two. I can be that guy for you if you do stay."

"I know."

Swallowing her breath, Nicola nodded at him as the cum dripped across her skin. She licked her lips while thinking to herself. Marcel looked into her eyes and nodded. He didn't have to say anything. The look she gave him told him that she was going to stay in town. There was something special they shared together. Today was only the beginning of that new life.


Blocboy VC

Re: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1 (Nicola Cavanis)
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2024, 10:01:37 PM »
Nice job. Had never heard of her before reading this.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx


Re: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1 (Nicola Cavanis)
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2024, 08:26:48 AM »
Great work and looking forward to the second chapter.Also, I haven't heard anything of her before reading this but glad to see you introduce new people into your stories.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Blocboy VC


Re: Raw Satisfaction Ch. 1 (Nicola Cavanis)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2024, 02:32:03 AM »
Great work and looking forward to the second chapter.Also, I haven't heard anything of her before reading this but glad to see you introduce new people into your stories.

Will be posted publicly soon. Thank you for the kind words
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