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Author Topic: Gwen's Strip Club Adventure , A Total Drama Story  (Read 1472 times)

Blocboy VC

Gwen's Strip Club Adventure , A Total Drama Story
« on: March 22, 2024, 11:41:28 PM »
Somewhere deep in a dark enough to still paint properly college dorm room, a gothic woman was deep in well, painting. She had teal hair and wore a black skirt, corset and combat boots. Yes, this was Total Drama’s own Gwen, who after the show rapped up, went straight to college.

She was asked to come back for another season of the show, but after Chris Maclean was arrested and sentenced to at least twenty years in jail for what would’ve been his ”totally awesome” idea for a new season, she refused to sign the contract. She had Courtney to thank for that. Before Chris was sent off to jail, the contestants decided to sue him for all the emotional and physical damage he caused them, and after breaking up with Duncan due to the long distance, Gwen talked to Courtney one on one and they managed to be on decent terms with each other. OK, Izzy and Eva might have been in the next room ready to split them up if needed, but still, it was mostly a one on one talk.

With some of the money she got from the lawsuit, Gwen, along with a shockingly high number of her fellow Total Drama castmates ended up attending  the same college. Some people would be a bit weirded out that she’s wearing her boots even while she’s painting, but truthfully, she was forward planning. Geoff, Bridgette and Owen wanted to take her somewhere tonight, although she didn’t know exactly where they wanted to go. She knew that if the two guys wanted to go somewhere, it probably had something to do with partying and or food, and Gwen still didn’t much care for parties. Too many people doing stupid shit and making decisions that could end up ruining their lives.

She figured she’d get some art time in while she could, even if her current piece was a picture of her and a few castmates lowering Chris into a tub of acid filled with host-eating sharks. This was actually pretty tame for her in terms of drawings recently. Unfortunately for her, the knock on the door took her out of her world of art and murdered reality TV hosts and into the much less appealing real one. Hoping it was just her roommate who’s name she hardly even remembered, she got up and opened the door.

It was not in fact her roommate. It was the three people who were dragging her off to god knows where to do god knows what. She figured that maybe, just maybe, she and Bridgette could get Geoff and Owen distracted by something party enough to just go and chill by themselves. Bridgette could smoke while Gwen worked on art while the guys did guy stuff, a win-win situation for everyone in her mind.

“Sup, dudette?” Geoff said in his typical way too enthusiastic tone of voice for Gwen’s liking. Owen rambling about going crazy tonight wasn’t helping.

“Come on, Gwen. You really have to get out more. You stay cooped up in here way too much. You’re either in class or in here, you gotta get out and live a little. Become one with nature and the outside world.” Bridgette was clearly trying in her own way to get Gwen to see the joys of the world, even if Gwen could tell that she was clearly high right now. Grumbling, she put her art supplies away and got up and made sure her black makeup and lipstick were applied before following the other three.

“I’ve heard Fridays at this place have the best prices for pizza in the whole city!” Owen exclaimed. Of course his mind was on food.

“Is that the only reason you tagged along?” Gwen asked, even if she already assumed the answer. Starting conversations and such wasn’t something she liked to do, but better that than hearing one of Geoff’s party stories or another offer from Bridgette to smoke a blunt with her.

“Of course! This place is more of Izzy’s thing usually, but when I heard about the food, I couldn’t turn the invitation down. I usually spend my Friday nights at the doughnut shop across the street. MMM, doughnuts.”

“So what kind of place are we going to, exactly?” Gwen asked as the group got into Geoff and Bridgette’s car.

Before one of the guys could say something that’d probably ruin the surprise, Bridgette decided to beat them to the punch. “Well, let’s just say if you find someone there, they’ll probably help you with relieving all that stress you’ve got building up. I know Geoff and I will find someone who’ll help us with something tonight, that’s for sure.”

“You said it, babe! I can’t wait to do this again. It’s totally so romantic and stuff.” The couple’s comments worried Gwen a little. Just where were they taking her? What did they mean by “finding a person who’d help her with relieving her stress”? A million thoughts flashed through her head, and when landing on one particular one, she quickly banished it. They wouldn’t take her to one of those, right?

Yep, they would.

The place was called Cherry Tappers, and yep, it was what Gwen feared it would be. A goddamn strip club.

“What the fuck!” Gwen raged. “You’re taking me to a fucking strip club? How do you think this’ll help me? If you think I’m working here, you must be crazier than Izzy!”

“Chill, dudette. Bridge and I do this all the time. We find a stripper for the night, take her home with us by paying a little more mula and bam! The perfect night!”

“Gwen, we figured something like this would help you. You might find someone to enjoy yourself with tonight. We best be off, text us if you need anything, both of our phones will be on all night.” Bridgette’s attempt at explaining it in a more chill way did nothing to help Gwen’s mood. Neither did Owen instantly running for the food, rambling about nachos, chicken wings and pizza all the way. Well, this was more typical at least, the loner being alone again. So she decided to head to the bar to buy some no doubt overpriced Alcohol.

“Identification, please?” Gwen heard a woman’s voice say. She thought the voice sounded familiar, but figured she was just imagining things. There’s no way that voice could be who she was thinking it was. She hadn’t thought about this particular woman since the court room a few months ago. But as she handed her ID to the bartender, all her worst fears were confirmed to be true. The bartender also had a look of shock on her face, as it seemed Gwen and her had both reached the same conclusion. “Gwen?” the woman asked.

“Heather?” Gwen asked. She just wanted this nightmare to be over with, she didn’t need Heather sticking her admittedly attractive face into her life anymore.

Heather, for her part was still somewhat shaken up. She could probably count the amount of situations that were actually able to leave her like this, just stone faced in completely silent on one hand. Even all the near death experiences she went through during her three season long reality TV career, everything she went through at school, most of those she could just push through with force, playing dirty, and of course, her absolute favorite, manipulation. She always had an insult ready, some blackmail on hand, or just a way to make someone’s life worse stored away in her head somewhere. But this, though, this was one of the few times she had nothing. This just couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be her.

“You work here?” Gwen decided to break the ice as Heather handed her ID back to her, although she really didn’t need to treat it like it was a cursed object. She wasn’t surprised that Heather would end up working at a place like this, what with that slutty outfit she always wore. She was actually wearing the same crop-top and short shorts as back then, or at least she managed to get an exact replica of them made for her slightly taller height now.

“Yes. Unlike you, I have a job. And before you open that mouth of yours to ask me if I dance here, I don’t. I just serve drinks and sometimes mingle around a little. It’s easy to get everyone to spill all their  secrets after they’ve had a few drinks. What have you accomplished since we last saw each other? I’m assuming not much, you didn’t even drive yourself here.”

Gwen wasn’t having any of Heather’s Heather-ness right now. “I do in fact own a car, and unlike yours, I actually paid for it myself instead of getting my parents to buy it. I’m in college if you must know, somewhere you probably only see in your dreams. Can you just give me my drink?”

Heather was so happy. Finally, she could exchange insults with Gwen again. This was truly one of her favorite pastimes. The fact Gwen didn’t grovel at her feet and actually fought back was actually really exciting. And even though she didn’t like to admit it, it was a little  arousing too. So after giving Gwen her drink, she decided to quickly tell someone else to cover her shift, while she followed Gwen to the table she chose to sit at. “So what are you studying in college, weird goth girl?”

Gwen figured that if she just showed no interest, Heather would just go away and go bother someone else. Sadly for her, this isn’t how Heather did things. “I’m waiting. I’ve got nothing else to do. So come on, spill it.”

“If you must know, I’m studying art. Now leave me alone. Go bug someone else. I’m not in the mood to deal with you or your shit tonight.”. Out of the corner of her eye, Gwen saw a blonde woman hardcore flirting with another nearby customer. The part that made her want to throw up a little was the fact that this woman looked and dressed like a whiter, sluttier Heather. She really didn’t need to know that Heather’s fashion choices were actually influential. Her outfit was somewhat more skimpy than Heather’s if that were possible, although much like the queen bitch herself, Gwen had to admit that the blonde was actually pretty hot.

Heather walked up to the blonde. “Can you come with me for a minute, Julia?” she asked, already forming a plan in her mind to mess with Gwen some more. It wasn’t anything that serious, she just wanted to answer a question that had been going through her mind since she first saw her old arch nemesis here. She’d just need Julia to help her out.

Gwen, on her second or third drink now noticed the she-demon and the blonde walking back to her table. “What do you want?” she said in a “don’t fuck with me” tone. This didn’t faze Heather in the slightest.

“Gwen, meet Julia. Julia, meet Gwen.”

“YES! I knew you’d show up here eventually! Heather and my girlfriend said you wouldn’t, but I knew you would. And I also know that even though you look a little slutty, you’re not the type to open your legs for just anyone. Can I get a selfie with you? Please?” she said that last word with a hint of seduction to it, which to her annoyance, Gwen seemed to brush off. Gwen reluctantly took the picture, though.

Heather and the blonde, who Gwen now knew to be named Julia were taking a very close look at the picture they took. Gwen was obviously wanting to know what sort of plan Heather had cooking so decided to be her usual direct self about it. “What?” she asked.

“I knew it. Your tits got bigger since our time on Total Drama. I thought I noticed it in the court room, but I wanted to make sure.”

“Why do you care?” Gwen asked. While it was accurate that she had in fact grown a cup size or two in the past few months, what business of Heather’s was it?

“I was just curious. But I bet that even though you’ve got bigger tits now, your sex life is still nonexistent.” Heather figured this would annoy Gwen some more, judging from the look on her face, it seemed to be working.

Gwen, not wanting to fire back at Heather so as to not reveal more about herself than she needed to, noticed a short Asian woman walking up to Queen Slut and her blonde protégé. This woman wore a red trentchcoat, as well as a pair of red form-fitting leggings, with a blue beanie finishing her outfit. Gwen was half concerned that this shortstack was about to rob the place, all she was missing was a mask to complete the super shady look she had going for her. “Heather, you mind dealing with the obvious thief over there?” Gwen asked, clearly in a panic.

Much to her shock though, Heather walked up to the shorter woman and just talked to her as if she were just a casual friend or acquaintance she was talking business with. “How much did you get from that one, MK?” Heather asked. Heather held out her hands as MK placed the stolen money in them. “Nice job. I love the whole thing you and Julia have going here. It really helps us get even more money from these rich losers.”

“Wait, she works here?”. Gwen asked. Before Heather could throw an insult at her, MK decided to step up and do it herself. “Yeah, and what of it? Being a waitress here pays good money. What does the moody goth do for a living? Instead of sulking, that is.”

“None of your business. And are you trying to talk money with me? You just robbed that guy in plain sight, what do you know about money? I bet you couldn’t have pulled that off on your own without that blonde slut there to help you by working her stripper magic on him.”

This set MK off. “Excuse me! Julia is not a slut!”

“Unless you ask me to be one for you.” Julia piped in. This must have been the girlfriend Julia was talking about before. Gwen felt for her a little, being stuck with that gremlin must not be easy. Although she really didn’t need to know the details of their sex life like that.

“I already know what you’re gonna say next. You’re gonna talk shit about her being a stripper. Well I don’t mind it, in fact we both love it.”

“No, I actually wasn’t. I actually think stripping is another form of art.”. Gwen was caught off guard with what she just said. While it was true that she actually thought the whole process of erotic dancing could be very artistic, the Alcohol must have made her blurt it out to these three. “I was gonna say that I can’t believe she chose you of all people. You’re only decently attractive at best, and your personality makes Heather seem like a perfect angel.”

“Someone’s a bit jealous. I’ll tell you what. Since I see potential in you, I’ll just ask one question. Want a job? I know Heather here wouldn’t mind, would ya?”

“Nope.” Heather said. She couldn’t take the smile off her face. If Gwen actually said yes, this means she could boss her around whenever she felt like it. And if Gwen quit, she’d probably go live on the street. Although she knew Gwen wouldn’t actually say yes, she was smarter than that.

“In your dreams,.” Gwen said, hoping to shut this whole thing down and just wait for Geoff and Bridgette to get back to pick her up and get her out of here.

“Yeah, you’ve appeared in a few of my dreams. Although mostly the sexier ones, where Julia and I dominate the hell out of you. Usually with some handcuffs.”. Gwen shuttered at hearing that. She really didn’t want to have the image of these two, especially MK, having sex, thank you very much.

“The next girl is about to go on, Julia, make sure she’s ready. MK, help me serve these tables. Weird Goth Girl, enjoy the show. Or get yourself piss drunk and die, your choice.” Heather said as she and the other two walked away. At least she now could be alone again.

She only half paid attention as the next dancer, who’s stage name she now knew was Firecracker took to the stage. This night kept throwing surprises at her, because up there, she swore she saw a woman from her school getting ready to dance on one of the poles. “Is that Scarlett?”

Her mind was racing a mile a minute trying to piece this all together. Scarlett, even though Gwen had spoken to her very little, always struck her as the extremely nerdy type. Like so nerdy that even Harold or Cody would say she’s overdoing it. Her face and red hair looked exactly like Scarlett’s though, plus she was wearing the exact type of glasses Gwen had always seen her wearing. Her hair, unlike Scarlett’s usual bun, was out and freely flowed as she danced.  The outfit this woman had on, though, that just couldn’t be Scarlett up there. She’d never dress in anything that revealing.

Scarlett had always worn very proper clothing, usually Gwen saw her dressing in a yellow sweater and a long green skirt. This woman’s well, Gwen figured she’d call it slut-wear was actually similar to Scarlett’s usual style, just made up in a far sexier and all red look. The mini skirt was much, much shorter than anything she would think a woman like her would wear, it only barely covering her thighs, which to Gwen’s surprise, were actually more toned than expected. She wore a pair of thigh-high socks and high heels, and the sleeveless top she wore pushed up her black bra, which Gwen instantly noticed held a decent looking pare of breasts inside. Even if she wasn’t Scarlett, this woman’s dancing captivated Gwen. And even if it was all just in her mind, seeing the woman seem to recognize her and give her a small wink made Gwen already start to get somewhat wet. “Am I really this horny?” she thought.

As she got a little more comfortable to enjoy the show, the woman’s green eyes seemed to keep her glued to her seat. The show started with Scarlett, Gwen decided to just call her that for now, doing a twirl around the pole, managing to stretch her body out horizontally to the ground, seemingly defying all logic and laws of physics. Not like Gwen was complaining, though.

Hearing her heels clack on the floor had a greater effect on Gwen than she thought it would. She swore the clack of the heels were synced up with her massively increasing heartbeat. Gwen had to pull herself together. She didn’t want Heather, Julia or especially that little bitch MK to see her like this. She didn’t even want Geoff, Bridgette or Owen to see her like this.

In probably the most graceful movement she’d ever witnessed, Gwen saw Scarlett move to the edge of the stage as the whole room seemed to heat up. Everyone’s eyes were on Scarlett now, including Gwen’s, not like she’d looked away for a second, though. Scarlett moved closer to the edge of the stage, dangling her legs for a brief moment before pushing back up and flipping to land between two tables full of customers that to Gwen’s annoyance were not her. She wondered if she should try to do something to get her attention but quickly thought better of it, she didn’t need the flash of Julia’s phone in her face or a snarky comment from Heather or MK to ruin the mood.

Scarlett for her part was only interested in one person tonight. She walked right past the two tables she’d landed at, completely ignoring all the money thrown at her by the people sitting at them, knowing that perhaps Mary Kate would manage to pick it up later. She made sure to roll her hips in a strut as she walked right towards her pray for the night. Ever since she managed to hear that Gwen would probably be here with three friends of her’s about a week ago, she’d pulled out all the stops to make sure she’d get her hands on her, one way or another. It was actually quite simple.

A little phone tapping here, a little whisper to a drunk coworker there, a little mention to Heather that she’d get to do something she enjoys soon, it all fell into place just as she’d planned. These people were so easy to control. That went for all her coworkers and the pathetic customers that showed up at this place. She knew she could break them so easily. She wanted a challenge, and based on what she managed to observe from binge watching a show she’d say was just average at best as well as hearing Heather drunkenly rant about her, she was sure Gwen was going to be a challenge. A very satisfying challenge. Breaking her pockets alongside her would be a nice bonus too.

When she realized Scarlett was directly standing in front of her, Gwen’s mind completely shorted out. It was only feeling a warm hand on her shoulder that she turned and seemed ready to punch this person in the face for ruining her fantasy. The person who’s hand was on her shoulder had a firm grip though, and managed to easily immobilize the goth’s hand. “Gwendolyn.” She simply said.

This was definitely Scarlett. Gwen would recognize that voice anywhere. Granted, most of the time she wanted to punch her for sounding extremely condescending anytime she answered a question in the few classes they shared together, but she was just glad her mind was able to form thoughts again. She then saw Scarlett once again show off her flexibility by grabbing some cash off the table right next to Gwen’s. Then if Gwen weren’t aroused enough, Scarlett deciding to sit in Gwen’s lap for sure did the trick. She then leaned in close to whisper something very important to the gothic woman. “Remember, no touching.”

For Scarlett, giving off simple commands like this was a bit of a foreign concept, but this time, she figured it was the quickest and easiest way to get the rest of her plan into motion. “I am only going to give you this offer once, so listen closely. If you’d like to continue what we’re doing here, I’d advise you to follow me as soon as I remove myself from your person. I do not give offers like this to most people, so you should consider yourself very, very lucky. If you do not except, that is fine with me, you can always watch the next performer, Julia.”. This was working perfectly. Scarlett had Gwen right where she wanted her.

Gwen instantly got up as soon as Scarlett removed herself from her lap, picking up some of the money from the table and storing it in her cleavage. As Gwen kept up with Scarlett, she heard a voice that was able to ruin the mood. “Looks like someone’s getting lucky tonight. I mean it makes sense that Ms. Antisocial gets a show from Ms. Even More Antisocial.”.

Yep, MK was in their path, finishing serving a drink to a nearby table. Before Gwen could come back with her own sarcastic remark, it was Scarlett that beat her to the punch. “Mary Kate, I don’t see why it’s a concern of yours what I choose to do at my place of employment.”

This made MK get even angrier than when Gwen insulted her relationship with Julia. Gwen wasn’t scared of many things, but at this moment, she was actually a bit scared of the little bitch. She could take her on in a fight no problem, but if this woman was a student of Heather’s, plus dating that phone addict and having those sticky fingers of her’s, Gwen wasn’t sure how long her college life would actually last. MK wasn’t backing down though. “I told you not to call me that! Oh and Gwen, my condolences to you in advance, listening to that one drone on will probably make you die of boredom pretty soon.”.

Scarlett decided to hold her tongue and gestured at Gwen to just keep following her. While her and Mary Kate actually could get along somewhat, especially where mocking other people was concerned, Scarlett did enjoy annoying her for her own amusement at times.

Gwen followed Scarlett down a corridor which she assumed lead to the part of the club where private dances were done. Upon entering the corridor, she wondered if it was too late to turn back. There were curtains that were practically see through, showing Gwen much more of the strippers and customers than she needed to see. There were some smaller rooms she could see with some strippers and customers in them, probably done to get a more intimate vibe, but then there were a decent bunch of them pretty much out in the open. The clacking of Scarlett’s heels made her pick up the pace, and they arrived at a room which Scarlett unlocked with a key stored in her cleavage and entered.

“How much stuff do you keep in there?” Gwen asked, wondering how Scarlett could put so much into her cleavage and hardly have it showing at all.

“As much is necessary to do my work. Now, I am going to explain something very important to you, I hope your mind is able to grasp it. That camera over in that corner can be used to film any dance I give to anybody. I really don’t care what they do with it, just as long as they don’t distribute it anywhere without my written and verbal permission. Do not test me on that. Unless you’d like to be unrecognizable to anyone who happens to find your rotting corpse after I dispose of it.”.

Gwen could tell Scarlett was dead serious about this, so decided to not test her. She thought the whole thing over. She could just get this all over with quickly, just get a simple dance and then text Bridgette to pick her up and act like this hadn’t happen. But then there was the part of her brain that was much more active right now, the one taking in how hot Scarlett looked in her stripper outfit and squeeing in joy about how great it’d be to watch that whenever she wanted. That part was the one that ended up winning out. “Yes, I’d like that. How much more?”

Scarlett was a little caught off guard by this turn of events, although it actually made things swing more in her favor. “Fifty dollars extra. Normally I charge five hundred dollars for the filming of my biologically stimulating Choreography, but for you, I suppose I can minimize the price.”.

Gwen took out about four hundred and fifty dollars, much more than she thought she’d be spending tonight. Then again, before meeting Scarlett, she thought the total amount of money spent here would be around a hundred dollars for a few drinks. Right after she handed the money to Scarlett who placed it on a nearby table, she complied with Scarlett’s instruction to sit down on a couch to enjoy the show.

Without another word, Scarlett straightened up and spread her legs about shoulder width apart, hands reaching towards the sky, showing off her nicely toned stomach muscles. Gwen was hypnotized, her eyes quickly flicking over Scarlett’s form before being directed to the stripper's hands, which started at her shoulders before starting to smooth down. Lithe fingers travelled over her own chest to her breasts as she teased Gwen by slightly lifting her top, lightly cupping her bra encased breasts in each hand before lifting up and then removing her top completely.  Gwen’s eyes couldn't be torn away as she saw Scarlett then make quick work of her bra. Gwen expected Scarlett to start removing her skirt, thigh-highs or high heels, but instead she lingered, brushing along her now bare breasts for Gwen’s enjoyment.

Gwen’s teeth dug into her bottom lip as she did everything in her power to keep her want to moan in check. Her own breasts were sensitive, too, and she rather enjoyed when someone took the time to give them proper attention. She balled her hands into fists on her thighs in an effort to keep herself from mimicking Scarlett’s actions as she continued to watch her performance.

“Should I take these off?” Scarlett asked, referring to her high heels. The entranced head nod from Gwen was all the confirmation she needed to remove them, expertly tossing them onto her discarded top and bra.

“Could you keep those on though, please?” Gwen asked, staring at Scarlett’s thigh-high socks. She knew she probably shouldn’t ask any demands of her, but she couldn’t help it. They just did a good job making her legs look so much better, although even she didn’t even know if that was the real reason.

“I suppose I can. That is a most unique request, I haven’t received that one in quite some time.” Scarlett said. She then proceeded to remove her mini-skirt and decided to walk toward Gwen. There was a little problem she knew had to be taken care of now, all according to plan. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a little pent up, Gwen. I can assist you with that.” Scarlett took another step closer to Gwen, running her hands across her stomach and then placing her fingertips in the elastic of her thong, the only article of clothing she had remaining.

Gwen wasn’t sure if she should go through with this, even though she’d made it this far already. Her hands raised slightly off her lap, which got a disapproving look from Scarlett. “Do you not remember the one rule I gave you? No touching. Can your mind comprehend that one simple instruction?” Scarlett said. Scarlett was getting annoyed at Gwen’s silence. “I suppose we shouldn’t be taking any chances, now, should we?”. Scarlett’s hands cupped Gwen’s face as she gave her next instruction. “Sit on your hands for me.”

Gwen almost instantly complied. She wasn’t scared of Scarlett, but she seemed like she could be threatening if provoked. Something about her overall vibe set Gwen on edge a little. It totally wasn’t a tiny bit attractive to her, no, not at all. “I’m of the assumption that I cannot fully trust you to keep your hands to yourself during this session, and I would just hate to end things early, wouldn’t you? I’d advise you place your hands directly beneath your thighs. The alternative is that we end this session right at this moment. You can take the filmed footage with you, and I can proceed with my life and you with yours.”

Scarlett was having way too much fun playing with Gwen. It was a little easier than expected, but she hadn’t ran off yet, so better than most of the people she danced for at least. “There we go. Nice and simple. I’m glad you’ve got a brain in that lovely looking head of yours. If we can have no further interruptions and broken rules, I shall continue.”

Scarlett sat on Gwen’s left thigh, straddling her as she leaned back. She then slid her right hand through Gwen’s hair. In this position, Gwen could look down and over Scarlett’s shoulder. The artistic qualities of erotic dancing were on full display now in Gwen’s head.

Gwen noticed that how every time she so much as breathed, Scarlett’s breasts moved, along with her thighs parting to let Gwen see that Scarlett was getting turned on as well. She noticed how even just a small shift of her own hips had Scarlett grinding into her. Scarlett didn’t pull at Gwen’s hair or anything, but the action of just her hands moving was one Gwen didn’t want her to stop.  Gwen continued to observe Scarlett, enjoying how the fact she was taller allowed her to look over the other woman’s shoulder to take her figure and movement in even more than she was already. Feeling Scarlett grinding against her really made Gwen wish she could get out of her clothing and feel all of Scarlett’s skin against her own. Heather was right, it had been far too long since she had gotten laid.

“I’m sure you were able to piece this together from watching and just giving me a cursory glance, but I do rather enjoy the color red. I am going to enjoy it much more now though, mainly because of how your face turns that exact color when you blush.” Gwen was somehow blushing even harder now. Scarlett wasn’t sure her plan was working, but that’s why it was always Imperative that she have two or three back up plans prepared. It had been well over half a year since she did her next plan with a customer, but even if she didn’t want to admit to any weakness, Gwen was making her a bit weak right now. Something about how she viewed her dancing, not as just something sexy, but as a form of art really resonated with her. She usually didn’t go this far, but she felt like Gwen was someone special, so decided she should be given a special reward. “I am going to give you another offer. You should know that I don’t make this offer very often. How would you like it if I bent a few rules as a reward? You should know not many people end up impressing me like you have.”

Gwen wondered what this offer or reward could be. There was nothing aside from full on sex with Scarlett that came to her mind. So she agreed. “I except. How much will it cost?”

“We can talk about that later.” Scarlett said. Truthfully, even though one of her reasons for working here was the money she could gain to put towards her studies, she’d do this for free.

“And didn’t you say you wanted no broken rules?” Gwen couldn’t resist messing with Scarlett a little.

“Do not question me. Now, let me continue and give you your reward.” Gwen knew that keeping her mouth shut was probably the best course of action right now.

Scarlett rose up off of Gwen’s lap as she removed her hand from her hair much to Gwen’s displeasure. This wouldn’t last for long though, as Scarlett then put both thighs next to Gwen, full on straddling her now. Now straddling Gwen’s lap, Scarlett realized that she was almost about as tall as Gwen now.

Gwen didn’t know where to look. At the green eyes that were staring directly into her’s? At the breasts that were just inches from her own lips? Or should she look down, to see what else Scarlett had to offer? She decided to look up into Scarlett’s eyes, although even just being looked at by the woman was making her squirm a little. Her hands hurting by her sitting on them was a little uncomfortable, but she could deal with it. “I love your eyes. But I’m so very curious about your lips. If you would let me sample a taste. But keep your mouth closed. I am the one sampling your lips, you are not sampling mine.” Scarlett said.

“Yes, Scarlett.” Gwen said.

“Not like it wasn’t obvious from the moment you walked into this establishment, but I can tell you’re not a regular here. As much as I know you wouldn’t like to hear something like this, I’d have to conclude that Mary Kate was correct. You’d really make a fine dancer here.” Any reply from Gwen was cut off when Scarlett placed one of her hands in her hair again, although this time she moved Gwen’s face down. Down right into her chest. “I am simply asking this out of Curiosity. If you were given full access to me, what would you do with me?”

Gwen had to lift her head from Scarlett’s rather comfortable chest to reply, although if it were up to her, she’d just stay there for the rest of her life. “I don’t know, maybe just take you out to a nice chill place outside and work on art as we just talked. I haven’t had many dates since my years on Total Drama, if you couldn’t tell. It’s all sort of new to me.”

“That’s rather nice of you. I expected something much more sexual from you, considering your current state. But that will do.” Scarlett then moved her hand into Gwen’s corset, starting to untie it. She then moved Gwen around like she weighed nothing, before planting a kiss on her cheek.

Gwen couldn’t believe what was happening. Just less than an hour ago, she was being dragged pretty much against her will to a strip club by three of her friends, encountered her arch enemy as well as her two unpleasant lackeys there, but now here she was, getting a special private dance and a kiss from one of the most beautiful women she’d ever laid her eyes on. The kiss then went from Gwen’s cheek to her neck, which Scarlett noticed seemed to be a weak spot.

“I see that your neck is rather sensitive.” Scarlett spoke in a matter of fact tone. This was giving her a lot to work with. She continued to pay special attention to Gwen’s neck, peppering it with kisses and even the occasional lick and bite. She could tell that Gwen’s hands wanted to grab her hips from the way she was moving.

Gwen wanted to just break the no touching rule and pin Scarlett down and fuck her, but knew that if she did, she’d probably end up dead. She slightly leaned forward, hoping to bump her closed mouth into anywhere on Scarlett in hopes of feeling more of her. Scarlett then moved up, and much to Gwen’s delight, one of her breasts were right on one of her cheeks. She knew she had to try to do something with this golden Opportunity, so she attempted to clumsily direct one of Scarlett’s breasts closer to her teeth.

“I’m amused by what you’re attempting to do. But I must remind you that I’m still on the clock, so I ask you to refrain from leaving any marks.” Scarlett said, clearly enjoying Gwen’s attempt to feel more of her. Very few other customers had the guts to try what she was doing. She then cupped Gwen’s face, and effortlessly bent herself at the perfect angle so Gwen could get a nice look at her thigh-high covered legs as she rested them on Gwen’s shoulders.

“You’re very flexible.” Gwen inwardly cursed herself for that one. Scarlett was going through all this effort to perform especially for her, yet all that came to her mind was an observation that anyone could tell just by watching or feeling her dance.

“That assessment is very accurate. I’m glad you notice the rigorous training and work that goes into the art I have chosen to partake in here.” Scarlett said as she switched positions. Suddenly Scarlett’s thighs were around Gwen’s head, the stripper’s thong inches away from just being directly in Gwen’s mouth. Gwen decided to do what she had done with Scarlett’s breasts just moments before, placing her cheek and lips onto the woman’s legs. She was so pent up now that she felt like this skirt might be ruined if Scarlett did anything else. She wanted to move her hands from their resting place and finish herself right then and there. So she tried to be sneaky about it, slowly moving her fingertips closer to her skirt. “Do you find my performance to be satisfactory, Gwen?” Scarlett asked.

“Fuck, yes!” Gwen realized that she said that last statement more loudly than intended, but at that moment, it didn’t matter to her. What did matter to her though, was Scarlett deciding to turn things up even more and placing two of her fingers into her thong.

“Yes or no?”

“Yes! Please!” Gwen could hardly form words right now. Scarlett then did as Gwen asked, removing her thong and setting it in the pile with the rest of her outfit in the corner. Gwen finally saw Scarlett’s dripping wet pussy in front of her, now only inches from her face. She tried to move forward a little more in an attempt to taste her. “Someone’s exceptionally eager. I realized you were obviously quite pent up and requiring some sexual satisfaction, but I was unaware it was this urgent.” Scarlett said, enjoying making Gwen flustered again. “How would you like to thank me?” she asked, knowing that the pretty much broken in Gwen would do pretty much anything that was asked of her.

Gwen just nodded, words were the last thing on her mind right now. “Perfect. I am going to stand up. Once I do so, I’d like you to lay down for me on the floor. Don’t worry, the camera is still capturing everything, it only turns off when I disable it. You could also kneel, if you so desire, either of those options would work for me.”

Gwen did as asked, with the fact she’d be laying on the floor of a strip club hardly registering to her. The time she’d taken to think about that was instantly cut short as Scarlett walked around to stand above her head, looking down at her with her usual calm yet totally in control expression she’d been using the whole night. Gwen just laid there, waiting for Scarlett’s next command.

“Put your arms out to the side, above your head.” Gwen did as asked, as Scarlett lowered herself and had her knees on either side of Gwen’s head. Her pussy was almost exactly one or two stretches of her neck away from Gwen’s mouth. “Remember the most important rule, no touching. But taste though, I’d strongly suggest you taste. Just remember, no marks are to be left on me.”

Gwen dove right in. Well, she tried to. What she lacked in experience, she more than made up with enthusiasm. As Gwen did her best to eat her out, Scarlett went to start removing Gwen’s outfit, managing to quickly dispose of her corset. It seemed like Gwen had found a sensitive spot on Scarlett, as her hips started to buck as she put her tongue on one particular spot. Scarlett had now removed Gwen’s skirt, setting it next to the rest of her outfit. An action which wasn’t effected at all by Gwen eating her out.

Gwen started to writhe around as Scarlett’s hands started to inch closer to her pussy, making Gwen redouble her efforts to get the woman in front of her off. She wanted to break the no touching rule again and use her hands to help with the job. She also wished she wasn’t laying on a dirty strip club’s floor, but then Scarlett starting to finger her reminded her that she was in fact in a room with one of the most beautiful women she’d ever met who was pleasuring her, so the bad thoughts about the current situation dissipated.

Scarlett’s words of encouragement made Gwen try to get her off even more, despite the pain it was putting on her neck and jaw. Then Scarlett shoved another finger into Gwen, making her climax, although her moans were muffled by Scarlett’s pussy covering her face. Gwen after a bit more flicks of her tongue finally sent Scarlett over the edge. She didn’t let a single drop of Scarlett’s cum go to waste, lapping up everything she could.

Scarlett stood up and started to redress. “Were you satisfied with your dance?” she asked as she turned off the camera and grabbed a USB flash drive sticking out of it that Gwen hadn’t even noticed before. After loading another USB drive into the camera, she counted the money Gwen gave her on the table. “Was that your first time with a woman?”

“Yeah. Could you tell?”

“Yes.” Scarlett would usually use more big words to get her opinion across, but that climax took a lot out of her. Nothing like a first timer.

“So do you like, think we could do this again sometime?” Gwen asked. She didn’t think there was much hope in it, but she felt a special connection to Scarlett even though she was just an exotic dancer. “I want to thank you with something else. Like at a later time. Could I bring you something in one of the same classes we’re in tomorrow?”

“No. What you can do is bring me something here, and we’ll see where it goes. If it is a physical object, just leave it with Heather or Julia and they’ll bring it to me. I know you and Heather don’t exactly see each other as companions, but she’s the only other person you have previously met who works here. She’ll know what to do.”. Scarlett would’ve said no to Gwen’s offer fully, but something about her made her want to see where things went from here. She wasn’t sure if it was just love or the high of the lust from the session they’d just had, but something was drawing her to want to get closer to Gwen. She figured that Gwen probably wanted to give her a sex toy or something, so didn’t want to deal with that in class. She knew it was somewhat of an open secret that she worked here across campus, but still, she’d like it if not every single soul knew about her employment here. The last thing she saw before leaving the room was Gwen redressing and sending a text to someone, no doubt those friends she arrived here with to come and retrieve her.

The next day, Gwen pulled up outside of Cherry Tappers, taking her own car this time. She went straight for the bar and found who she was looking for right away. “Heather, I’ve got something for you. Give this bag to Firecracker.”

“Whatever. Just hand it over.”

“The goth and the nerd get together, how unexpected.” It was MK, here to ruin Gwen’s day a little more. She knew almost everything, thanks to Julia using her phone to spy on some of Gwen and Scarlett’s session last night. She made sure to eat her out good for a job well done. “I thought you’d have better taste, but I guess even I’m wrong sometimes.”

Gwen decided to ignore her, leaving right after she made sure Heather had the bag and was delivering it.

Scarlett took the bag Heather had in her hand from her, no words exchanged between them. She opened it, finding a page with Gwen’s phone number on the bottom of the main gift. She placed it into her locker, and decided to look at the actual gift itself. It was one of the first times she’d been blind sighted in her whole life and probably one of the only times she’d honestly say she’d blushed. It wasn’t anything sexual, it was simply a painting. A painting Gwen had done of the two of them doing just what Gwen said she’d wanted. Painting Gwen was creating art in a sketchbook, while painting Scarlett watched her, an actual happy smile on her face. Scarlett also noticed that the painting version of her wasn’t skimpily dressed either. She gently placed the painting back in the bag, pulled her phone out and decided to text Gwen’s number. “Let’s see where things go from here.”

The End
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 12:43:50 PM by Blocboy VC »


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