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Author Topic: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)  (Read 1139 times)


The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:24:57 PM »
She was moving into a new loft in the L.A. area, much of her life had changed in the last few years that she needed a place to call home between projects. This fresh start if you will, being paid for by her stranger things money, as 22 year old Sadie Sink stood in her new residence surrounded by boxes and a mattress tossed on the floor in front of her would be bedroom going through most of her stuff, finding an old pin, Sadie quickly found a good spot to put it for now, she wanted to make sure it was safe while she put everything else away, after all, the pin was what led to the last 4 years of her life being so interesting as it is….

April 17th, 2020.

An evening at home for the Sink Family, some close friends joined them in celebrating the 18th birthday of the golden child of the family Sadie. Her best friends sat on either side of her as a cake was brought out and a round of 'happy birthday' came about. 18 candles lit atop the frosting, 18 candles to be blown out. They finished singing and with a wish in her heart she blew out the candles in a single breath. The cake itself; delicious. The gifts her family gave, hand picked for her liking. Her celebration ended after another hour or two and guests left for home and young siblings tucked up for bed. Sadie stayed up and watched a Ghibli film, one of her first acts of adulthood. She stayed up half the night just enjoying herself as she drifted to dreamland, hoping her birthday wish came true.

10 AM, the following morning. Sadie awoke realizing she slept on the couch that night, went upstairs to change into a fresh pair of clothes, only to be stopped at the stairs when her mother called out to her after hearing Sadie get up. Informing the newly legal woman she had received a small parcel at sunrise, no return address but it was labeled for the young actress. Sadie shrugged not expecting it but trusted mother enough that she wasn’t just giving her daughter a bomb of some kind on accident. Sadie took it upstairs with her and cut the tape for the box with an old pocket knife she had just for opening things like this. Opening it up, she had a rather puzzled look upon her face when discovering the contents included a letter...and a pair of underwear. Panties maybe, but just a basic white colored pair, too bland to be something she'd wear or find at a store. The fabric seemed thicker than most materials used in underwear, especially at the bottom which felt heftier. Perhaps a weird gag gift? she thought to herself, or should she have read the letter first? Setting the garment aside on the bed, she assumed the latter and sat down to read the note…

'Dear miss Sadie Sink
It is my privilege to invite you into a private club of the Hollywood elite, and to join the ranks amongst myself and others like us. It’s been a secret within the world of Hollywood for nearly 30 years, open to anyone of appropriate age of course and fitting the requirements to enter. As of your 18th birthday yesterday, you are now eligible to partake in our activities with the utmost secrecy so your public image would not be affected by anything you desire to do while a member. Now naturally, like any other secret club, there will be a hazing period. A series of tests if you will to prove your worth in our small circle. In this parcel contains a new pair of underwear, if you are at all interested, put them on instead of your regular pair of panties, and go out to Rodeo Drive. You should be looking for Tod's, head in and mention a deal regarding Ginger, you'll see what happens after. If by any means you wish to NOT go through with all this, simply discard the parcel and all its contents including this letter in the trash, your weekly pick up is due for noon anyways and the garbage truck will just take it away; never to be seen again. And you can live your life as if this never happened. But if you do have any interest, then do as I've instructed and head for Tod's. And I'll know if you put the underwear on or not so don't try and pretend you did. Besides, you'll like this pair, trust me, I would know.


Your Anonymous Sponsor.'

Sadie was a little startled after reading all of this, a Sponsor to a mysterious club? Hazing and tests? Specifically these panties? It was both a lot to take in, and not much to consider either. Her clock said 10:15, she could just toss it in the trash bin and forget about it, and continue her day like normal. But deep down, part of her wanted to know more. Sadie began striping down to get dressed for this new day, pulling out a new purple sundress her best friend got her last night. A plain white bra worked well underneath, she lifted the hem up to pull down her own pink panties and discard them in the laundry basket in her closet. She turned to her dresser to pull out a clean pair but stopped to consider the test, mentally debating if she should. A short while later the smell of butter and pancakes filled the air as Sadie skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen where mother was making a brunch of sorts.

"My that's a lovely dress Millie gave you!" Ms. Sink complimented her daughter.

"Thanks mom." Sadie replied sitting by the kitchen island, A plate full of pancakes offered to her.

"So." Mom began pouring some orange juice into a glass. "Any big plans today my little adult?"

"Actually." Sadie admitted grabbing a fork. "I was thinking of taking a walk down by Rodeo Drive."

An hour later...

Sadie stepped out of her car and went for the exit of the car park. In the elevator down she checked for cameras and with a lack thereof she adjusted her legs a little bit, the mystery underwear having a surprising little bit of weight in them. Uncertain of where Tod's was, Sadie figured why not make a day of it? Have some fun exploring some of the most famous fashion stores in LA. With a bit of pep in her steps she headed out the ground floor and into the busy street. Many others walking by with bags of items or traveling to those shops to begin with, a few looks here and there of people taking a glance at the redheaded star but nothing she wasn't used to, having spent years under the light of stardom. Sadie was about two stores in, having window shopped a little at clothes far too expensive for her current allowance, at least till her parents opened her savings from all her acting checks for her. She passed a few well dressed mannequins of the store she was currently in when she felt a sort of...tingle? It wasn't too intense, just a slight flutter. Like how a phone vibrates when a notification goes off, only it continues in small bursts. At first she thought it was from the light spring breeze that would flow past, but she had to hold back making a scene when she realized exactly where it was coming from... her mystery underwear. She couldn't hear it, possibly from the noise of the shoppers talking and the pop music playing from the speakers. But it was definitely from those panties she was given. Her vagina was being hit the most, that excess weight at the bottom must've been some kind of built-in vibrator. Did she activate it by accident? Bluetooth perhaps? And her sponsor was using it on her? One thing was for sure, this must be what that letter meant by 'tests'. This pair of underwear was simulating her most private regions, no doubt to give her an orgasm at some point. Her mind was going crazy thinking of a reason why they would do this, she heard garments like this existed but here? In public?!

She had to comprehend this info quickly, she was in the middle of a store after all. There has to be a way to not cum in public. Never mind the fact the person who did this must be some kind of sicko. Though she was partly to blame, the letter did say it was optional to put them on and come here to begin with. Walking out the store she looked about and noticed one shop in particular: Tod's. 'Of course!' she thought to herself, 'I can stop it by going in there like the letter said to do!' She made a small beeline for the shop when a slight scream could be heard.


A fan of the show appeared from the sidewalk, two to be precise. College aged based on one's CSU shirt, and both very excited women. They gushed over how they love Stranger Things, and how they were rooting for more Max action in season 4. Sadie was flattered by the enthusiasm but her mind wandered elsewhere due to the situation at hand so she smiled and nodded her head. They just had to have a photo with her, of course they did, most fans want one. They gathered around the smartphone and prepared their best shocked faces to represent the surprise of running into her. 3, 2, 1..it was right before the snap, where Sadie put on her most shocked face along with the other two girls. Not because of the photo, but it was at that moment, whatever was controlling her panties; Decided to turn up the strength of the vibrations to that of a standard vibrator toy. This newfound simulation along her pussy and now her clit too was more than she could handle but held in her reaction as good as she could while the girls separated from her. They quickly looked over the photo and thank god her reaction blended in with their faces. It was worth one shot and they thanked her for her time. Sadie just politely welcomed them and put her best acting skills up to hide her unwanted pleasure down there as the fans walked away happy. What didn't help was her pace, each step only rubbed the vibrating part against her pussy. How could such a little device tucked between some fabric be so powerful?

With a little bit of haste and an almost stumble from pure hormones trying to take over she carefully made it to Tod's. Her eyes are just a little watery from holding in any reactions from her body. She leaned onto a shelf after a particularly strong pulse from below tried to push her over the edge. An employee noticed her, a bit puzzled but didn't expect anything too serious. When asked if she needed anything, Sadie looked at the woman and was going to wave them off, before seeing a name tag saying manager. Slightly relieved, she told them she heard about the deal regarding Ginger. The store manager knew exactly what she was talking about and offered to show her. They walked; err, walked and hobbled under the appearance of walking for Sadie, over to a back section for pre ordered items. The staffer pulled down a stylish brown purse, a smaller one for a wallet and travel makeup, the tag was labeled 'for Sadie', indicating someone planned this in advance.

Sadie was offered to take a look in the mirror with the purse in the back dressing room, then she could head to the register to confirm her gifting of the bag. The young actress was already heading for the dressing room at the mere mention of it, wanting to deal with something else at that moment. She stumbled into the small room and closed the changing curtain, all the while a stronger burst of power came from the vibrator. Sadie quickly sat down, allowing a soft moan to part her lips. This test was killing her, but a breath of air and to stay in place was what she needed. Grasping at the wall with one hand and holding tight onto the frame of the built-in seat with another, the panties took over and she rode the simulations along her clit. Each pulse edged her on and on with her forcefully holding in her breath to avoid screaming out loud from how horny she was.

Only with a single pair of clothing was she reaching new heights of bliss, and it was here and only here...did she cum. Sadie covered her mouth as her eyes rolled back and her body shook and spasmed. Gasping for air through her nose and feet arching up with the tip of her shoes only on the floor. The vibrating panties kept going however, extending this shocking orgasm even longer. Never in her life did the petite lady consider getting off by wearing naughty underwear in public that could make her cum; yet here she was, cumming in a public dressing room. Whomever or whatever was controlling the panties started to turn it down slowly, allowing her orgasm to end, and for Sadie to slump back into the seat and against the wall. Uncovering her mouth she took in a deep breath or two, collecting herself mentally from that intense orgasm.

After a minute or two, she sat up and looked herself over in the mirror, a gloss of sweat covered her forehead and her hair was a bit fizzled. She sorted herself out, fixing her hair and adjusting her dress before looking back at the purse, which she had dropped to the floor when she entered. Picking it up, Sadie opened it up to find a repeat of that morning: a fresh pair of underwear like the one she had on, and a note. Only this time the note was just an address down the road, with a timestamp of a half past noon. It did have a message on the back regarding the new pair of underwear, 'you will need a new pair after that orgasm.' it read. So, the sponsor knew about the orgasm too huh, was (s)he the person who controlled the vibrator? Checking her own watch, she only had about 20 minutes before the time on the card. She quickly pulled off the pair she wore, which were surprisingly quite damp then she thought they would be, and put on the clean pair, opting to simply put the old pair in the purse where the new pair was stored, not noticing at all what the third thing was in the bag. Checking out her new bag at the register, and being wished a happy birthday from the staff, Sadie went along her way more relaxed with no vibrations happening below. Plus, her orgasm gave her a bit of a glow, and some pep to her walk having been relieved of the stress of hiding her pleasure. Opting to walk as it was only around the corner, she made her way to the address on the note, to find it was a nice restaurant. A hostess greeted her and asked if she had a 12:30 reservation, believing the sponsor had planned this out already too, she confirmed the reservation. The hostess pulled up a menu and brought her inside and up to a window seat in the back, only to discover to Sadie's disbelief, the person waiting for her at the table.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC

Blocboy VC

Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2024, 11:45:56 PM »
Nice job. One tiny spelling mistake (forgot a P in stripping), but excited to see a series from you. I've liked everything else you've written so far.


Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2024, 12:35:13 PM »
Part Two: Odd things come in pairs

February 14th, 2020

The day was young in the heart of So-Cal, a few minutes walk out of rodeo drive was a bistro that was semi famous in the area for coffee cake, one that Sophia Lillis knew quite well. Being a little bit of a treat for her, she asked to go there the day after her 18th birthday. Attending there with her dad like a daddy-daughter date, she went through several birthday messages between bites of her treat, having not hit her peak stardom yet, mostly known for her role in IT, she was able to enjoy a rather quiet breakfast with her father. He excused himself to the bathroom, Sophia thinking nothing of it while sipping on a latte, before their waitress approached them.

“Want me to get you another cup sweetie?” She asked politely.

“No thanks.” Sophia held her half finished latte up. “Not even sure where to begin with that much coffee.”

“Oh I get it.” She made small talk. “Too many cups in and I stay up all night.” Both women laughed politely in their chatter. “I do have a note from you though from across the room.” She handed Sophia a plain white letter. “Said it was a birthday card.”

“Oh, why thank you.” Sophia took the letter.

“I’ll leave you to it, happy birthday.” The waitress walked away.

Sophia held the letter in her hand and looked around the room, all she saw back amongst the crowd, was a woman with red hair like her, but with thick sunglasses covering her face, lifting her own latte up as a toast to her, before stepping away behind other people. Puzzled, she turned to her letter and opened it, reading its contents.

“So.” her father approached the booth a few minutes later, Sophia quickly hid her letter. “Any plans now that you’re an adult?”

She looked at dad and thought about it. “Not sure yet, acting obviously, wherever the opportunity arrives, idk maybe write a book for fun?”

“Well there’s tons of stuff you could do, college for starts.” Dad rambled on. “There’s acting like you said, or maybe a side job doing something else you like, could even join a club.”

Sophia froze in her tracks, just for a moment, thinking it over and looking back at dad. “Yeah, yeah maybe I will try to join a club.”

His smile of encouragement was misplaced, thinking she meant like a book club or one of those sports clubs like he was thinking. Instead that night, as everyone else was asleep, Sophia sat on the edge of her bed naked, legs spread and a freshly bought vibrating dildo sliding in and out of her legal pussy. She stuffed her panties in her mouth to avoid making too much noise, vigorously fucking herself with the dildo, leaning back with her free hand on the bed, her toes curled and head thrown back as she came, muffled moans and slight squirting from the climax. She fell back keeping her legs spread, exposing her sensitive pussy, turning the vibrating part of her toy off, Sophia sat up, looking directly at her smartphone sitting atop a tripod, recording the entire time she masturbated. Just as the letter said, she recorded herself doing it and looked at her phone.

“Sophia Lillis, 18, and this is my application as requested by my sponsor.” She spoke to the camera and stopped the recording. Ready to send the video to the email included in her note. And waited for further info….

April 17th, 2020..

Sadie was a little taken aback at the sight of the girl known as Sophia sitting at the table she was being escorted to. More so the waiter didn't seem to mind at all and possibly thought they were siblings maybe. The two girls had met once or twice before, aside from an average person confusing one for the other they never really knew each other outside of their mutual friend of Finn who had worked with both of them over the years. Sadie sat down and noticed her acquaintance's attire. Sophia wore a rather nice lacy white blouse with light blue jeans, in contrast with Sadie's purple sundress it could either look to the outside they were related or dating, who knows at this point?

"Hi." Sadie spoke first, levitating the tension after the waiter left.

"Hey." Sophia waved, seemingly just as intrigued to Sadie's presence here.

"So..." Sadie got out.

"Yeah.." The other redheaded actress said softly. They sat in awkward silence for a moment before Sophia asked the big question. "You got a letter too right?"

Sadie peaked her attention at this discovery for her. "Yeah this morning. When did you get yours?"

"A day after I turned 18, actually, I got it about two booths away from where we are now." The actress from IT explained while a separate waitress handed Sophia her latte she ordered. "It's been months since I'd gotten another, at least until this morning."

"Did it vaguely talk about a club and being eligible for it?" Sadie got a little excited finally talking about it.

"Yes and with tests and being free to opt out and everything!" Sophia shares Sadie's excitement to talk about it. "God it felt like I could never talk about it with anyone. Think we have the same sponsor?"

"Who knows?" Sadie shrugged. "But um, I must ask." She leaned forward to avoid a listening ear. "Did your first letter also come with a certain item?"

“No, just an email address to send a video of myself…” Sophia paused, watching some walk by. “Self pleasuring myself.”

“Oh.” Sadie looked at her puzzled. “I received a garment in my letter today.”

“A garment?” She asked.

“Yeah, a special…garment. With an unexpected purpose.”

Sophia, seeming to know what she referred to, leaned forward herself to reply. "They've been running since the minute I got here."

Sadie's eyes widened to what she heard, she really wasn't the only one! To think Sophia's posture showed a different story when compared to Sadie's incursion with the panties on her but less than an hour ago.

"Are we ready to order here?" The waiter returned, interrupting the girl's thought.

The two women quickly ordered some food, Sadie barely looking at the menu outside of that moment of hastily ordering a sandwich and a coke. Sophia however had a few minutes before Sadie arrived so she knew what she was getting. That didn't stop Sadie from noticing her friend winced for a moment, closing her eyes and holding in her breath for a second. The waiter didn't notice, writing down her order, but Sadie noticed. When he left, Sophia let out a sigh of relief and slouched down a little.

"Damn, the person who's been controlling it has been teasing my orgasm all morning." Sophia spoke as if she was used to this. "TMI?"

"After this morning, not really." Sadie admitted. "Was given an orgasm by my pair in a clothing store dressing room not 20 minutes ago."

"Shit, you're lucky then." Sophia giggled a bit at her friend's story. "Maybe we don't have the same sponsor then."

"How so?" The newly 18 year old asked.

“Well after the video was sent I was basically told I could not climax without their say until the right time, sure I’ve had a few times to get off, but you got off on the first day where I’ve spent nearly two months being fucking celibate.” Sophia told her.

Sadie laughed a little at that remark, surprisingly enough, hearing this girl talk about her experience made her relax a little regarding the whole ordeal. She still however had questions though, like why were they both sent vibrating panties? Why target two 18 year olds with red hair? Was it a fetish thing? Or something else? A familiar sensation loomed up for Sadie, her fresh pair of panties were revving up. Sophia noticed the girl's facial expression change, one of slight panic.

"It's happening again isn-" Sophia was forced to cut herself off when a rather strong pulse of her own panties began. They were purposefully teasing her before but now with Sadie here they turned it up a notch to get her off. Sophia grabbed hold of the edge of the table, desperate to cum again.

The two redheads both looked at each other in acknowledgement. Each telling that the other's panties were turned on/up. It didn't help when the waiter returned with their meals in hand, they simply nodded and waved him off as politely as possible. Sadie was already a bit wet, but her last orgasm was rather recent so she could hold off for a while. Whereas Sophia, having been edged all morning could burst at any point. Whoever was controlling them had to be close, but with the other guests busy doing other things they couldn't really tell who it was, or if it was more than one person. Sophia was the first to start eating her meal, hoping chewing would preoccupy her from cumming. Sadie caught on and began to eat too. It actually was a decent sandwich and if anything out of this she'd probably come here again sometime. They both quietly ate their meals, an already odd lunch but thankfully not to the rest of the room.

“I will say.” Sophia muttered between bites. “It is quite something she gave me the letter here, and then sent me back here to meet you.”

“S-she?” Sadie stuttered at her vibrations.

“A woman in big dark sunglasses, she actually had red hair as well believe it or not. But she seemed to be looking at me when I received the letter so I’d just assumed that was who my sponsor was.” Sophia kept talking to distract herself.

“Mine was just a package on my doorstep.” Sadie admitted.

“Strange….” Sophia bit her lip.

“...er things have happened?” Sadie made the joke for her.

“Yeah that’s IT.” Sophia laughed, their little banter holding off their muffled moans for so long.

Sadie's legs were closed tightly together, her natural juices slowly leaking out of the absorbent panties. Sophia's almost leaking through her jeans, having been stimulated more that day. Both redheads could tell the other's slight agony from being at the verge of cumming, wanting their controller to be done already. Half a lunch in, they could feel it, the point of no return, somehow at the same time for both of them. Sadie gripped the table and almost froze in place while Sophia lurched over to rest her arms on the tabletop. Being the slightly more experienced one Sophia simply grunted and came hard. Her eyes closed and face acting like she's experiencing pain when instead it was just a strong orgasm. Sadie wasn't as subtle and whined in place wanting to stay quiet. Her own orgasm wasn't as strong like earlier, but it didn't stop her from shaking the table a little bit.

The two girls rode their highs for a moment before leaning back into their seats. Sadie was catching her breath for the second time today and Sophia was simply fixing herself up.

"About damn time it happened." Sophia complained, noticing Sadie not fully recovered. "Still not used to it are you?"

Sadie could only nod in reply.

"Well don't worry." Sophia went and put her hand atop Sadie's. "Trust me when I say you will."

Their hands only lingering for a moment, Sadie happy her friend was sympathetic for her. Sophia returned her hand to her side, and began to finish her meal. The two ladies ended their lunch and called the waiter to pay. Neither one was fully sure what to say to the other while they ate in silence, after all, they just climaxed in front of each other, two near strangers, cumming in public, what exactly could be said? Their credit cards came back with a note, the waiter said he didn't know who but someone requested to deliver this to them. The two redheads looked at the other in confusion, even Sophia didn't know what it was for, but they still read it.

'Dear Sophia and Sadie,

Glad to see you two have finally met, we've been waiting so long for you both to be 18 to begin the next step. At the address below, at precisely 8:30 PM tonight, shall you be both given your next test. Tell your parents you're sleeping over at a friend's, they can't say no with you being adults now, ensure you bring spare clothes too, it's going to be a little messy...

Signed, your sponsors.'

To be continued…
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC

Blocboy VC

Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2024, 06:13:08 PM »
Nice job. I really like where this is going.


Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2024, 07:07:55 PM »
Part Three: The final test

August 14th, 2024

Sadie Sink sat on the hardwood floors of her apartment and sorted out old boxes of her things, most of the furniture put in place, she was simply looking for decorations to put up for now. The sun went down hours ago, and her half eaten chinese food a few feet away, she ran her hand along some photo albums she’d gotten made, mostly selfies and photos from her old phone’s which she turned into physical pictures. Including in the midst, a small photo strip from a mall kiosk of her and Sophia Lillis. Sadie laughed, she remembered that day, it was later on the first day of their initiation, and with hours to spare, they both agreed it was better to spend the day together.

April 17th, 2020: 2:56 PM.

They stepped out of the photo kiosk and fetched their copies, wandering a partly closed mall and few people scattered about. Looking for the little map stand showing all the available things to do.

“Think we should hit up the built-in movie theater?” Sadie asked.

“Nah, they shut that down first when the social distancing stuff happened.” Sophia looked around. “Same for bars, although it’s not like we can drink.”

“Idk, dad gave me a sip last night.” Sadie walked with her. “Just a small one to celebrate.”

“Your dad sounds fun.” They talked as if they were girls in high school, so their age at least.

“Do you need any clothes?” Sadie asked her. “The note did say to bring a spare set.”

“Yeah we got time.” Said Sophia. “Whose place first?”

“I know my folks are out for the day, how about there?” Sadie offered.

“Sounds good.” Sophia replied, the two legal teens heading to Sadie’s home.

As suspected, no one was home, the two quickly headed upstairs and entered Sadie’s room.

“Sorry for the mess.” Sadie cleared a spot on the bed. “I hadn’t expected company and all.”

“You can hardly apologize.” Sophia noticed the box Sadie got her panties in. “My room is no better half the time.”

Sadie looked through her closest finding something to wear, grabbing an old Led zeppelin shirt and some jeans, turning to see Sophia fidget in her spot on the bed.

“What?” she asked her new friend.

“Can I ask something bold of you?” Sophia looked up at her.

“We just came in front of each other a few hours ago so I don’t see how it could get any bolder.” Sadie grabbed a little bag to put her clothes away.

“Well, assuming this becomes more interesting tonight, do you want to see each other naked?” Sophia asked her.

The question was surprising, but given their circumstances it made sense, Sadie contemplating that if their sponsor, or sponsors, were to do more than just tease them in public, it would surely make sense to be more comfortable in front of each other.

“Okay.” Sadie stepped forward, hands beginning to reach for her dress before pointing at Sophia. “Just showing off, no following around.”

“Straight?” Sophia asked her.

“Something like that.” Sadie mentioned. “I don’t exactly feel comfortable sleeping with someone I just met. No offense.”

“None taken.” Sophia stood up. “Been too busy waiting for permission to cum from my sponsor to worry about any type of sex life ironically.”

Sadie laughed at the thought, their awkwardness dying down as each girl undressed, Sophia slid her jeans off and removed her top, not quite a stranger to undressing in front of others, she famously and semi controversially was in her bra and panties during a lake scene in her movie IT, all before she turned 18. But standing in a bra and panties in front of Sadie, as she dropped her sundress exposing her pert breasts and panties matching the one’s Sophia was wearing, she felt calm about it all.  Sadie almost instinctively went to cover her chest, before being reassured by Sophia as she joined in, dropping her bra to reveal smaller breasts than Sadie’s. The girls looking at each other’s chests and comparing them, the matching panties were a fun touch, but they nodded and at the same time, dropped their underwear together. Standing together naked, they looked at themselves and each other, neither body shaming or feeling guilty of their own, taking turns spinning to show every side, they each had small bottoms, pale white skin like snow in some spots, Sadie noticed Sophia had a semi trimmed bush of red pubic hair around her privates, maybe tended to from time to time to be kept under her swimwear but still more prevalent, Sophia seeing why as Sadie had a neatly shaved landing strip of hair above her own vagina.

“You look wonderful.” Sophia was the first to break the silence.

“Thank you.” Said Sadie. “I think you’re quite pretty yourself.”

“I mean.” Sophia fondled her own chest. “Not as big as some people prefer but…Yeah I’m happy with my body.”

Sadie observed Sophia’s nude form, her curves, her poise, the way her little tits jiggled with she shifted her body, like her friend guessed, she wasn’t gay, but she found herself understanding a bit why their Sponsor choose them in particular, a few minutes pass, and they agree to redress, ready to head to Sophia’s place to grab her clothes.


LA city night life had just begun, from the locals, to the influencers and the elite, they all ventured out in their one capacity to enjoy nightclubs, micro concerts, the works. For the two 18 year old redheads, they walked up to what appeared to be a converted warehouse in the arts district. Simple in design, almost hidden in plain sight, but was the correct address they were given. Sadie looked to her friend Sophia in nervousness, neither fully sure about what was behind the metal door painted in velvet red. Each girl had convinced their parents that they both were asked separately  to have a sleepover that night, wasn’t that hard actually, all four parents knowing full well it’d be rude to tell them no considering they were adults who could make their own choices now, Sadie’s more so assumed it was with Millie and were more than fine with it, all while Sadie texting Millie to cover for her, the co-star agreeing as long as got details later. Having gone this far and done so much, Sadie stepped forward to the door, taking a deep breath. She looked down to her watch to see it read 8:30 PM, it was time.

*knock, knock*



The sound of a buzzer and the door unlocking was heard as the girls bravely opened the door to enter. With the red door locking behind them, they walked down the short corridor into what appeared to be a waiting room. Tame orange colored walls with paintings of roses scattered along them, and black leather couches to one side. A wooden desk stood in the corner, a young woman sat behind it typing away before a computer, another redhead actually.

"Good evening ladies." The lady behind the desk spoke up, lifting her head to greet them. "Please have a seat while I let your host know you're here."

Sophia and Sadie just looked about in confusion, mostly because they were expecting something much worse of all things. Sitting down on a couch, they pondered what could happen if this was what to expect moving forward in obeying the mystery writers demands. It wouldn't be that long, as another redheaded lady walked in from the opposite side of the room.

"Good evening my dear girls." The older woman walked in with a stride in her step, excited to see them both.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere?" Sadie pondered while standing up to greet her.

"I would hope so." She extended a hand to introduce herself. "Bonnie Wright, of Harry Potter fame."

Both girl's eyes popped up a little hearing the name and putting two and two together, each having seen those films a hundred times combined between the two of them. To see her in person, was more than a surprise.

"Sadie Sink, of Stranger Things fame." Sadie mimicked Bonnie's way of introducing herself, shaking her hand in the process, turning to see Sophia stand quickly. "And this is-"

"Sophia Lillis." Bonnie interrupted her. "Of IT fame among other things, great job in Nancy Drew by the way." The older lady shook Sophia's hand.

"Y-you know me?" Sophia spoke up with a stutter.

"Of course. After all it was me who wrote those letters sweet child."

"So, you're our sponsor?" Sophia asked.

"Well, yes and no. Sadie's sponsor was to be here but had to cancel at the last minute, something about a bet going perfectly, as for Sophia's sponsor her flight arrives in a few hours so I’m standing in for the final test, somewhat appropriate since I helped decide on your initial invites. If you'll both follow me then?" Bonnie walked back the way she came from, encouraging the two girls to go with.

As the three women walked down the hallway with doors leading to different rooms locked off from them, Sadie asked the Billion dollar question.

"You say you're a sponsor, but what exactly are you sponsoring for?" Sadie walked up beside her elder.

"Well your sponsor will give you the specifics if you pass tonight, but the generalization of it all, this is a club. Think of the club 33 from Disneyland in its initial days. Guests could only enter via recommendation by current members allowed inside to keep the circle of people in the know of what happens behind the doors to a minimum. We simply follow a similar means of invitation. I was sponsored to get in long ago after I turned 18, and when we disused invitations for this year, we came to agree both of you should be joining us. I voted yes, and two members agreed to be your sponsors for your initial days here." Bonnie explained to them both.

"So who's my sponsor then?" Sadie asked.

"If you pass this last test to get in, you'll meet her tomorrow." Bonnie replied softly. “Same to yours, although given how our club works, you may already have an idea to whom it may be.”

Both girls still had many questions, but as they made it to the end of the hall, Bonnie stopped at a door to the left before addressing the girls once more.

"You've both been through some rather naughty stuff today I've heard?" Bonnie asked regarding their lunch earlier that day. Both girls blushing to someone bringing it up. "Well with us now behind closed doors, in a place with complete privacy, your final test will be a much more gruesome version of your tests this morning, with a key difference.”

Sadie and Sophia looked at each other in pondering thought, a key difference? In what sense? Bonnie opened the door, gesturing to them to enter first. Both girls walked across the threshold inside, eyes going wide at what Bonnie meant. Another orange room, empty aside from two small black devices within the center of the room three feet apart from each other, they were known by most as sybians. Parts for them are put to the side of the wall on a short shelf unit, ropes, ball gags, and blindfolds standing at the ready. Sadie and Sophia stood frozen not knowing Bonnie locked the door behind them just in case, they both already knew something dirty would happen when they received those panties in the mail, neither simply expected to find this, especially Sadie. Who's morning started like any other, and now was in some form of empty sex dungeon.

“We did have a third person all lined up to join alongside you.” Bonnie put her hands on each of their shoulders. “But she had to cancel as well, a different fate in store for her later I guess.” (And a departure from her acting career) “But I’m sure after your lunch today you’re open to being together still.”

"That...is the test?" Sadie asked nervously.

"Oh don't be alarmed, it's not as scary as you think." Bonnie assured her. "All you have to do is very simple, because of the nature of this club, as seen by your past two orgasms earlier, you just need to sit on one of those machines.” she led them a bit closer, letting them see the ridged top that was meant to stimulate their pussies

"How long would we be on them?" Sophia asked.

"A few hours at most, honestly it's based on when your sponsors decide to take you off." Bonnie informed her.

"But you said they wouldn’t be here?" Sophia reminded her.

“All the more interesting to what will happen.” Bonnie continued.

"And if we don't make it?" Sadie asked in the event one failed.

"You get sent home, just like that. With no knowledge of what exactly it is we do, free to live a regular life. Though if I'm honest. That's never happened in the history of the club to my knowledge." Bonnie walked around to look at the things.

The girls looked back at each other, conflicted as to what to do. It could be a great opportunity, or a nightmare if it becomes too much.

"Well ladies?" Bonnie caught their attention holding up two blindfolds. "What will it be? Stay and begin? Or walk and never hear from us again?"

Sadie looked at the Sybian, then to Sophia who stood worried. Lastly to Bonnie again, staring down the fabric in her hand. Sadie clenched her fist in uncertainty, but with reckless confidence she gave her own answer.

"What's there to lose?"

To be continued.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
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Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2024, 01:05:39 AM »
Part 4: initiation

August 14th, 2024.

Sadie laid in bed above her covers, not ready to sleep in her new apartment yet, watching the ceiling fan above spin in circles. Even if she was no stranger to new places of living or living alone to a certain extent, her sigh of annoyance knowing even this home is temporary once filming continues for the final season of her show, secretly wishing it had ended a long time ago. Alas all she could do was lay there, fiddling with her ring, before a phone notification brought her back to reality. Sadie took a look, spotting a message from Sophia.

Sophia: moved in yet?

Sadie: yeah

Sophia: happy to be alone?

Sadie: Not really

Sophia: Need a man then?

Sadie: fuk off lol

Sophia: lol

 Sophia me then.

Sophia sent a pic to Sadie, an older one, but one of them naked in bed, flustered that she had that pic so quickly, Sadie could only assume Sophia was thinking of them.

Sadie: yeah I miss you too

Sophia: Let's grab our usual tomorrow then, I got time.

Sadie:....bring your best pair.

April 18th, 2020….

Minutes, hours, a day for all she knows, there was nothing but darkness. Sadie felt cold, yet warm down in her loins. Her breathing stuttered with every jolt in power, she could almost time each orgasm she endured one like clockwork. The young actress braced herself against what little hold she could grasp onto underneath her, the curved design of what she sat on offering but a small area for her hands. The sybian she sat on vibrated away, her pussy being stimulated for the third time today only for much longer than the other times. A bit of drool leaking out and pooling on the floor in front of her, along the other strands of saliva coating her tits and stomach as they ventured down to join the rest of her spit and vaginal liquids soaking the carpet and the front half of the Sybian below. She lost track of time long ago, only knowing time had even passed by doors opening and closing, people talking, and the sense of now being fully alone. Yes Sadie Sink sat on her Sybian for quite literally hours on end, naked as the day she was born over 18 years ago. Her bonds kept her from leaving but her spirit was slowly dwindling down. She felt the weight of it all get to her, unsure how long she'll hold. It was during these moments, where she felt a new sense of wonder, if this was bliss, or sexual torture, all that mattered were the vibrations, all she knew, was cumming….

Dawn, the sun not quite up yet. A phone alarm rings in the silent room stirring the sleeping woman. Having been disrupted from her land of dreams she forced her eyes open to see what was the fuss. Lurching her arm to the phone she saw the early time of morning it was, with multiple missed texts from hours ago. Parting her long red hair out of her face revealing herself, Madelaine Petsch sat up in the bed, with the sheets falling down to reveal her bare breasts, as she read the messages she had disregarded. Asking about her whereabouts and why she was...

"Oh shit." Madelaine audibly moaned in annoyance with herself. She flipped the covers off her and looked around the barely lit room to find her clothes of the night prior, rummaging around after realizing her panties were lost long before she came here. Her haste to get dressed made the other person in the bed awaken, confused why she was rushing out.

"Something the matter?" The nameless man sat up rubbing his eyes. Curious about where she was going.

"You could say that." She fiddled with the zipper to her dress. "Amidst our little playtime I had totally forgotten there was something I needed to do for someone last night and now I'm so incredibly late it's the next fucking day." she fetched a pair of sneakers so she wouldn’t need to worry about her heels.

"Well uh do you want me to take you there or.."

"No need, it's just down the road." Madelaine cut him off. "See yourself out, whenever you feel like it, take a shower even before you go!" She shouted the last part running for the door.

"You're leaving me here?" He asked, startled.

"I mean." She paused halfway, opening the door out. "It's not leaving and more so dashing out of here while leaving you behind, I’m sure you’ve done the same to other women before during hook ups. Though maybe you should be quick about that shower, I don't necessarily own this place." With that she closed the door behind her, leaving him with several questions he wouldn't get the answers to.

The redheaded star of Riverdale half jogged down the stairs to the ground level. It would only be a half block and a right to where the building was located, popping in a number code at the back door she saw herself in to quickly head down the halls. A concerned woman pacing in front of the door she was heading for.

"About damn time woman." Bonnie Wright complained to her younger colleague.

"Yeah that's definitely on me." Madelaine fessed up, sorting herself from running. "My bet went smoothly and I scored myself some good dick for the collection."

"With proof?" Bonnie questioned her.

"I'll send you the pics later, is she in there?" Madelaine went past her to the door.

“Since last night.” Bonnie looked at her. “The other had left a few hours ago. Disturbingly she’s been a trooper the whole time.”

Madelaine opened the door to step inside and was a little startled by the sight. Laying on the floor face first was Sadie, all alone in the room still naked and tied up. The Sybian clutched between her legs, her body twitching a little and a large pool of spit, sweat and cum all around her. Madelaine was a little impressed she kept the machine still between her legs honestly. Sadie herself had fallen fast asleep, her mind wandering in deep thought.

A few hours passed, Sadie slowly awoke from her slumber, her head feeling fuzzy. Eyes opening and adjusting to the ability to see again, her blindfold having been removed. As her eyes came into focus she noticed the walls now a different color, and felt herself in a strange bed. Sadie had been transported to a separate room after being removed from the sybian, her mind returning back to earth as she struggled to sit up, arms sore from last night.

"Hey, you, finally awake." Sadie turned her head to see a woman of red hair sitting in the corner of the room, waiting patiently for Sadie to recover.

"Yes, I'm..." Sadie looked down to see she was still naked from before, a little flustered and attempted to cover up.

"Sweetheart I've already seen you naked when I helped get you in this room so there's no need to cover up." The woman told her as she stood up.

"You're my sponsor then?" Sadie got out, head spinning a little.

"Madelaine Petsch, at your service." Madelaine introduced herself. "Or more precisely, you're at my service for now."

"How long have I...been here?" Sadie asked, looking around the room.

"Oh about, 6 hours or so, your parents think you're spending today at meetings with your agent. By the way, an apartment of your own is recommended to avoid any questions about your absence from home." Madelaine told the nude woman while she sat up on the bed.

"I was in a different room, on a sybian I think it was called. Did I fail?" Sadie asked, worried in tone.

"On the contrary," Madelaine sat next to her on the bed while pulling up her phone. "You passed with flying colors." On the screen Sadie saw herself on the sybian alone in the room, a time stamp marked 4:30 AM. "See originally you and Sophia were supposed to be on them for about, oh maybe two hours or so. But since it's still partly a hazing ritual, certain sponsors will make their recruit go longer depending on the mood of said sponsor. Your friend Sophia? Almost four hours until her sponsor arrived and felt like she had enough, but considering I was supposed to get you off due to the rules of this ritual, which I failed to do in a timely manner, that was completely my fault, you can forgive me later. You went on for longer than any other candidates in the past. Your final time? 8 hours and 17 minutes."

Sadie's eyes went wide at how long she did. "Dam beat out the battery life of the Sybian top." Madelaine chuckled. "I couldn't make it past four hours, myself when I played with it in my spare time. But you, not only did you surpass our records on accident, but even when you passed out you were still technically on it even if it was dead. I must ask, at what point did you black out?"

"I don't know." Sadie pondered her question. "I don't recall any form of time after maybe half an hour in, then I just ... .experienced it. It's hard to describe but it was like...like.."

"Like your mind floated into space." Madelaine chimed in. "Like nothing matters yet everything did at the same time?"

"Yeah." Sadie nodded. "For the longest time I saw nothing, but then at some point, after whatever time I achieved orgasm, it was like I saw stars, the universe. Blocking out the real world to just drift into whatever dream I was sucked into from it all."

"Then you really did pass the test."


"Follow me." Madelaine handed her a red robe. "Let me tell you how your world works now."

Madelaine stepped out of the room and waited for Sadie, even if she’d seen her naked, it was a matter of modesty. The younger girl putting a flimsy knot to tie up the robe around her, said robe was the only thing she wore with her bare feet walking across the carpet. "So what's with all the red?" Sadie asked, looking at the new area. "The walls, this robe."

"Every single person you've met here being a ginger?" Madelaine teased. Sadie softly nodded her head. "It's the theme of this club." The older actress began as they walked. “From the early days of Hollywood it was always a bit of a boys club. Many of the most famous private groups back then were being made like fraternities for a collage. Several mens clubs even have brothels attached to them for their entertainment. A few heads turning the other direction sure, but that was the way of Hollywood back then. Yet it wasn't until the 50's area of cinema did a small change in this boys club motif occurred. Do you recall an actress by the name of: Maureen O'Hara?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Sadie admitted.

"Oh don't worry neither did I at first." Madelaine assured her. "She was quite a famous star in several films in her day, a near sex symbol to many. Then in 1951 she was working late on a film project that sadly never went to air when she met a rather nice intern working on the set, a rather innocent lady just looking for a breakthrough via behind the scenes. Well long story short after a little bit of flirting they made love together, on multiple occasions even. Given it was; well the 50's, and homosexuality wasn't quite a popular topic back then their erotic nights of passion stayed between them for months until Miss Maureen had an idea. If all these men could get away with private clubs to be all down and dirty with whores, booze and drugs, why not her and her fellow women? After all, several of those groups probably wanted some of her ass too so what's stopping her from having fun if it's also meant to be a private club? So with a little work she became the founder of this: The Redhead Club. With a name so simple it's hard to not know what it's about. Her rules were simple, no one under 18 may join to avoid legal trouble, and each and every member must be of a certain natural hair color, as so by the name implies. A bit selective yes, but how many men in Hollywood are true Gingers? And our purpose? To be a private place of freedom and luxury for all of us to indulge in rather...naughty experiences we simply couldn't get around with on our own."

"Sure we do enjoy some non erotic moments, after all this is a clubhouse for us to just shoot the shit and get away from the cameras everywhere. But any and all freedom to have just some pointless sex just for fun with no repercussions at all is why we do this. To act like the men who think every girl is just a hole to fill, by beating them at their own game. Sure most of those ancient clubs are gone, thank riddance, but we still hold on for nearly 60 years, becoming a safe haven for some good ol 'fun of all kinds. Ah here we are." Madelaine finished right as they approached a specific set of double doors. "Ready to face the music?"

Sadie stopped in her tracks, a little nervous about all this.

"Second thoughts perhaps?" Madelaine asked.

"Why did you pick me?" Sadie asked.

"Aside from how beautiful you are? I believe you could use some outlet for your newfound adulthood after being in the spotlight as a young teen for years. And in a safe environment to let you get everything out of your system."

"But, I'm not exactly the most experienced in...you know..." Sadie looked down on the floor. Madelaine puzzled at her confession before realizing what she meant. "Oh..well, you wouldn't have been in this spot now if you weren't at all interested, after all I was a little appalled at the sight of my first pair of underwear being sent in the mail back when my show first started. Yet just like you, I was still curious enough to put them on. So I’ll give you this: you’ve done everything right to this point, the spot in our club is yours to take. If you want to back out now, I'll walk you out. Or, you could step through those doors, take the pledge, and do whatever it is you please with no repercussions to your reputation. And you can always back out after you've had your fill. Besides, I have a feeling you want to know more about this world. Because you saw something when you went under the blindfold on that Sybian, something you could never achieve on your own out there. Aren't you just a little curious about what else you could experience?"

The young lady looked down at her feet, then up to Madelaine, she never thought in her early days of acting would she be here of all places. Was she really going to go through with this? She was told she could always leave...but should she? Does she really want to know more about what she discovered in that state of mind she was in last night?

"I...I just walk inside right?" Sadie shyly asked.

Madelaine grinning at her girl's agreement. "First give me the robe back, it's tradition to be naked when first initiated. Think of it as holding nothing back." Sadie nodded and disregarded her robe, standing naked once more. Madelaine took another glance at her girl’s naked body, secretly wanting to have some fun with her later on, and opened one of the double doors pulling it outward as she gestured Sadie to step inside.

The room itself was dimly lit, a large crescent shaped table within a large empty room. The center area before the middle of the table was lit with a over head light and three seats were lit up as well, a fourth in similar lighting as the rest of the room Bonnie Wright, sitting in one, a second empty for Madelaine, and two more which sat other women of red hair Sadie hadn't met yet. One of which is shrouded by the dimly lit light above. The middle of the room stood another naked woman, as Sadie approached, she quickly knew from their show to each other that it was Sophia. Standing at attention with her face red in nervousness. She couldn't blame her, the both of them stood in their birthday suits before four fully clothed women. Madelaine took her seat, one of the two mystery women, the one in shadows, stood up to address them all.

"You're both here for a reason. To become the newest members of our little pocket of paradise within society. For decades we held up a certain standard even if our choices in members are low, but you were chosen by the three women besides me here in hopes of you joining our ranks. Truthfully you two were not the only one’s selected, but you are the only two to partake in our invitations to our club. This does not bear insult towards you, or the one who failed to attend, nor to the representatives who vouched for our missing candidate. May the sponsors pronounce their wards to the audience?

It was then Sadie noticed the camera pointed at them, be it live streamed or simply being recorded for later she wasn't sure of, but it would explain the small number of people there. The first to stand was the other mystery woman, her red hair catching Sophia’s attention, having met her just a few hours ago.

"Bryce Dallas Howard, veteran member. I submit to you Sophia Lillis, age 18. Actress from films such as the IT series and Nancy Drew. passing each test in flying colors.”

Sophia made a slow 360 degree turn, submitting her body to consideration for the audience. Sadie personally felt on display, as if needing to prove her appearance.

As Bryce sat down, Bonnie gestured to Madelaine to stand.

"Madelaine Petsch, two year member. As my first time being a sponsor I submit to you Sadie Sink, age 18 as of two days ago. Best known for her role on Stranger Things. As far as I'm now aware, setting aside her tests in the past 24 hours which she aced in record results, I will address that she is, for no better term, a virgin.
Sadie blushed at Madelaine's comment, confessing her status in front of everyone. Just like Sophia, she slowly turned in a circle to show off herself, she could almost feel the eyes staring at her through the camera as they gazed upon her virgin flesh.

“Any thoughts before our decision?” the last mystery woman spoke again.

"I must say." Bryce spoke freely. "I'm rather surprised you didn't sponsor Sophia yourself, considering you've worked with her."

"Heads of the club cannot sponsor new members." The woman in shadow leaned forward, revealing herself as Jessica Chastain. "But yes, I have worked with Sophia on a previous film, and it's rather nice she can join us in a more personal matter."

Sophia’s eyes widened, and relaxed into a smile at the assuring words even if it felt odd standing before a friend naked.

"That being said." Jessica continued. "Sponsors, do each of you vow to be held accountable if these women act out in a malicious manner towards fellow members and try to expose our secrets to the vast media?"

"We do." They replied together.

"Miss Lillis, Miss Sink." Jessica Chastain spoke this time to the nude ladies before them. "Do you vow to keep everything you learn about us, everything you do within these walls, everyone you sleep with, in complete secrecy to preserve our unique freedom to do what we please? And agree to not hold other members in a negative light both here and in the public eye? Or face the proper consciences including being banned for life? Miss Lillis?"

"I do." Sophia spoke when called.

"Miss Sink?"

Sadie paused for a second, then looked directly at Ms. Chastain before her.

"I do." She spoke confidently.

"Then by my authority as chairwoman for our venture. I hereby dub you both, official members of the redhead club. You are dismissed to find proper clothing before being instructed on what happens next." Jessica banged a gavel she held in her hand on the table before her. A sigh of relief fell onto the naked ladies. Sadie saw Madelaine smile at the event and she couldn't believe she was in. As the ladies were ushered out to a separate door to find clothes. Jessica Chastain leaned over to turn off the camera and addressed her fellow members.

"Two new members, yet uncertain potential, we best get them up to speed. Madelaine, you're going to have to get your girl's cherry popped sooner than later if she wants to partake in certain events." Jessica told her.

"Already thinking of a few possible candidates." Madelaine assured her. “Though we can both agree to deflower one’s virginity is a sacred act, I’d prefer for Sadie to have the final say.”

"Agreed, the last thing we want is to make anyone believe they are forced to do this." Jessica turned to Bryce. “What of Sophia?”

"Well, I figured you'd already have something in mind for her." Bryce told Jessica.

"Ah yes. You're technically right." Jessica admitted. “Our third candidate?”

“Would be safe to assume she won’t be joining us.” Bonnie noted.

“Well the future is bright, I’m certain these two will integrate smoothly into our ranks.”

“And the other thing?” Madelaine asked Jessica.

“Will be dealt with once the dust has settled.” Jessica assured her. “Right now we have more pressing matters.”

“The pent suite?” Bonnie asked.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Said Jessica. “See to it we remove anything of personal value out, and look for a new place for use.”

“Shall I prep the girls then?” Bryce asked her.

“Yes, Madelaine can join.” Jessica told her. “Ladies…let’s get to work.”
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
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Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2024, 10:40:29 PM »
August 23rd, 2024.

Morning dawned upon the city once more, Sadie Sink was still getting used to the lay of her new apartment a week in yet paid little attention to the handful of boxes that remained. Dressing up in a more professional manner attire wise and putting her finest makeup on, a script sat a few feet away from her, the purpose of this meeting, she checked the time and knew her driver was to arrive any second. Grabbing her things she trotted downstairs, parked outside was a black Tesla which opened as she approached.

“Morning Miss Sink.” Her driver for today, Mr. Canny greeted her.

“Morning Ross.” She replied using his first name.

She got into the car, placing her papers on her lap and vibing along as they drove off. She glanced at her hand mirror, checking her make-up a third time today, as if that was the deciding factor somehow.

“I guess you're nervous about today?” Mr. Canny made small talk like normal.

“An opportunity like this rarely happens, I need to make the most out of it.” said Sadie, anxious over her meeting.

“Oh I hardly know what it’s like sitting in a room full of businessmen.” He rambled on while still driving. “I just get you ladies from point A to point B.”

“And we all appreciate your hard work.” She smiled. Ross Canny did serve well as a driver for the club, 42, widower, son getting ready for college next year. The red head club paid him quite well just to drive Sadie and multiple others around where needed.

Today was no different, taking her to one of the big studio offices in L.A. He sat in the parking lot, Sadie went inside, 20 minutes later, Sadie sat across from three men all looking over her script in silence, their quiet murmurs while turning pages was all that filled the room aside from the echo of phones ringing and people talking in the distance. Lifting her heel in the air she rocked her foot back and forth to sort of distract herself as she sat there, patiently awaiting anything of note from them.

“Why this scene here?” The first man spoke, pointing to a page he was on. “Dancing in the laundry room with *copyrighted music*?”

“We don’t have a song picked out quite yet.” Sadie laced her fingers together, on the table. “Obviously it would be a licenced track but-”

“Oh I get that much.” The first continued. “I meant dancing in the laundry room.”

“May I ask what specifically about that scene sticks out?” She asked away.

“Well I’m sure dancing in a laundry room would be a little weird right?” He answered. “Doesn’t scream ‘iconic’ enough.”

“Iconic?” She was confused.

“What he means by that,” The second man chipped in. “Some of the most iconic scenes are dance numbers, flashdance, risky business, dirty dancing, Grease.”

“Grease is a musical.” Sadie pointed out. “It’s supposed to have iconic dancing.”

“Love actually then.” The second man corrected himself. “ I guess I just fail to see how a dance in a laundry room can be considered iconic.”

“Change in scenery perhaps.” Sadie suggested. “Besides, the location is already in a handful of scenes before and prior to the dance scene.”

“I just don’t think people want to spend money to see a movie where part of it takes place in an apartment complex laundry room.” The first man spoke again. “Maybe they dance in the laundry room in her apartment?”

She looked at him confused. “You do know not everyone has space for a washer and dryer in their apartment right? That’s why they have laundry rooms.”

“Well I’m sure they could celebrate having a washer and dryer in her apartment, I’m sure you were probably happy to get one in your place right?” The third man chimed in.

The young woman bit her tongue, and looked at them. “I use the laundry room in my complex too.”

“Really?” he looked at her, the three men looking at each other. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

10 minutes later

Sadie closed the door behind her, sitting in the tesla almost slamming the script in her lap, hands gripping the paper tightly to try to calm herself.

“Do we need a pick me up?” Mr. Canny asked her.

Sadie caught her breath and looked at the kinder gentleman, she can’t be mad at him, he’s just doing his job. “Just take me to the clubhouse.” she told him. Canny knowing better than to ask questions when a lady is annoyed.

Another 20 minutes, and they were at the converted warehouse, getting a little bit of prep and a dash of fresh paint, Sadie stepped out and looked around, ‘shit’ she muttered, spotting him. At least 30 yards away a beat up dark blue Honda was parked at the far corner, a rouge paparazzi gentleman she knew from various events was watching her again. While the club was very hush hush, the rumors still spread via gossip pages and forums. Sadie stepped inside keeping her head turned from him, unsure of how many pics he had taken or how long he was following her. The inside of the clubhouse was ever changing, painters and repair men all paid top dollar to stay quiet were working around various spots of the building, Sadie wandered the halls and passed a few men doing remodeling of a spare room, hearing fainter, rushed footsteps follow behind her.

“Am I late?” She turned and saw her, a girl a little shorter than her dashed up in a flurry of red curly hair flopping around, standing upright catching her breath with her large chest raising and dropping with each breath.

“I just got here so you’re fine.” Sadie told her, beckoning her to follow. The 20 year old actress, Francesca Capaldi, walked behind Sadie as she led her further inside towards where she was heading to begin with.

Francesca was a bit of a fun addition to the club, technically their newest member, joining a little after she had 20, Sadie was chosen by a vote to be Francesca’s sponsor, the young lady almost following Sadie round like a puppy ever since. No wrongdoing in Sadie’s eye at least, she was a bit slimmer with Madelaine when she first started. But for now she tends to her other needs, a new club meeting for today as a start. Sadie enters the main meeting room with Fran in tow, already spotting three of the senior members of the group present, Jessica Chastain, the club president. Bryce Dallas Howard, Christina Hendricks, and as another door opened, Madelaine Pestch and Emma Stone approached the meeting room. Fran felt a little flustered seeing everyone there, not quite used to such famous people casually being around and chattering, even with her past time with Disney.

“Busy morning?” Jessica asked Sadie as she approached, the 22 year old walking right up to her.

“One way of putting it.” Sadie planted the script in front of Jessica. “BTW that paparazzi guy followed me here.”

“Any pictures?” Jessica asked.

“Uncertain at this time.” Sadie replied.

“I’ll have that looked into.” Jessica waived over an assistant of theirs, whispering in his ear as Sadie took a seat.

“The meeting didn’t turn out well?” Emma Stone sat next to Sadie and asked the younger lady.

“Relics of the past I guess.” Sadie slumped in her chair. “Would argue they’d take me more seriously if I was…” she gazed down at her clothed chest hinting at her tits at Emma.

“Your script is good, we both know that Jessica set the meeting up being polite, but like you said, they like her for other reasons unfortunately.” They both looked at their club president, the woman discussing something with Bryce as everyone sat down, Francesca sitting on the other side of Sadie. “Give me a couple days.” Emma continued. “I know someone who might be interested in it on a co-producer level.”

“Thanks Emma.” Sadie smiled softly.

“Of course.” Emma Stone looked about before leaning in for a whisper. “Ignore those bozos anyways, you got great tits.”

Sadie felt flustered hearing that as Jessica called the meeting to order, the stranger things actress spotting Sophia had slipped in at some point and sat by Madelaine.

“First order of Business.” Jessica Chastain began. “Our little Ball is in six weeks, I believe it is high time we begin the guest list.”

“What’s our capacity this year?” Christina Hendricks began the discussion.

“Assuming every member attends, a plus one for each and A maximum of 30 additional guests per our current building capacity.” Jessica explained to everyone. “But that still resides as a need to know basis for all non club members, restricted access, and some understanding that this can and will end in some capacity, as an impromptu orgy of sorts.”

Slight murmurs around the table were in agreement, Francesca leaning over to Sadie. “Like a real orgy?” She asked sheepishly.

“A private party of the hottest people in Hollywood with complete secrecy, how would it not turn into an orgy?” Sadie told her, Francesca sitting back in her chair, nervous over it.

“I understand a few members would be attending this for the first time.” Jessica addressed the room, a few eyes looking at Francesca. “So I shall remind you that while it’s not the intent to become sexual, if it does, we insist on consent. No one shall be pressured to engage in any sexual activities, and if anyone is found to be pressuring a member, they will be swiftly kicked out. And I will not hesitate to reprimand a member of our club if they are found to have committed such acts.”

“Best make sure the rest of the group knows that.” Madelaine spoke up. “Lord knows we don’t need any of our guests thinking we have no souls.”

“I thought having no souls is our halloween theme this year?” Emma joked.

“Please we make that joke every year.” Bryce commented, growing tired of the cliche.

“Any proposals for a better joke to replace that we have no souls then?” Jessica asked sarcastically. The group sat in silence although Francesca raised her hand. “Yes Miss Capaldi?

The girl shyly lowered her hand to speak. “What about a Ginger that’s been bred?”

Sophia stifled a laugh, the women in the room looking at Sophia’s reaction and Fran’s puzzled face as if she said something wrong. Before Christina looked at her with a smirk. “I’d allow it.”

“Second.” Sophia spoke up, trying to hold back her laughter.

“We’ll make that the Christmas theme then.” Jessica waved off the off topic discussion, Francesca sighing that she did good to impress the older women, even Sadie was A little impressed how she handled it.

“Any rules for the guest list?” Emma asked about.

“Inner circles only, significant others allowed albeit you both understand what could happen that night. No one under 18 which is a given but I remind you all anyways. No using the invite as a bargaining tool for meetings either, this whole party is about having fun, not blowing the right guy to get a movie deal.” Jessica reminded a few of the older members.

“And for decorating?” Sadie raised the question.

“We’re going for a red and black theme this year.” Madelaine spoke up. “Our biggest debate is what exact shade of red we’ll go with, cause I need to remind everyone, the shade of red DOES matter.”

“Sophia, care to join in on decorating? Jessica asked her.

“Would love to.” Sophia looked at Madelaine and the girls shared a smile.

“One more note.” Jessica spoke up. “While not present in L.A. right now, I spoke with Karen Gillan and Amy Adams. And we’ve all agreed that in the next round of sponsorships, we begin a rotation of elections for positions within the club. The elders, the treasurer, our PR representative for the media, and yes…we shall put my position as president to a vote as well.”

The room quickly filled with chatter, some confusion among the most, as no one had issue with Jessica as president.

“The current elders will meet next week to discuss the full voting list. Our next general meeting the following week from then. Till that point, you have until two weeks till the ball to get your plus one’s locked in so we can discuss dietary restrictions for the meals. Dismissed.”

The group separated, everyone quick to talk, Sadie stood and felt Emma palm something in her hand, the younger actress taking the note she felt from Emma and tucked it away.

“So what now?” Francesca asked her.

“Some prep and other things I guess.” Sadie started walking towards Sophia, who was in conversation with Madelaine. “Sophia!”

Sophia turned after hearing her name, seeing Sadie with Fran in tow.

“I’ll let you two catch up.” Madelaine excused herself, letting Sophia greet Sadie.

“How’s the new place?” Sophia asked.

“Still adjusting to it.” Sadie replied. “Mom is already asking if I want to move back in.”

“Glad she hasn’t changed.” Sophia chuckled. “How about you Francesca?”

“I guess I’m not used to stuff like orgies being discussed.” Francesca looked around.

“By the way.” Sophia leaned in to Sadie. “How’s the other thing with her?” she whispered.

“I have it all set up for tomorrow.” Sadie replied. “You’re welcome to join if you want.”

“Can’t.” Sophia sighed. “I have my own things to attend to. I intend to do this decorating thing right.”

“I know you’ll do good work.” Sadie kissed Sophia on the cheek, turning to lead Francesca out of the room.

Down a separate hall, Jessica Chastain walked with her notes, heading footsteps as Madelaine caught up with her.

“The hell do you mean your position is up for vote?” Madelaine asked with both fury and confusion.

“I mean as in I’ve been president for 10 years now, I’d say it’s time we let someone else lead.” Jessica approached her destination.

“But no one has had an issue with you for 10 years.” Madelaine looked at her.

“Some had, just behind closed doors.” Jessica said as she opened the doors. What appeared in front of them was part of why they hosted their club in a renovated warehouse, a large custom built ballroom with stairs at the other end leading to a second floor of rooms, carts full of tables and chairs strewn about with tarps covering them from dust. The room is fairly untouched in some  months, needing a good clean. “It’s good you came to discuss it.” Jessica continued. “Your position in the decoration will be needed prior to the vote.”

Madelaine stepped forward into the room, looking about and getting ideas of what could be done here, before turning to Jessica understanding what she meant.

“You intend to have the vote before the ball aren’t you?” Madelaine asked her.

“As one chapter ends.” Jessica walked over to where Madelaine stood. “Another one begins, and what better way to celebrate the changing of the guard than with a party?”

“I take it you have a candidate in mind?” Asked Madelaine.

“Not explicitly no.” Jessica looked about the room. “But if Sadie does well with Francesca in the next few weeks, she would make a fine candidate for an elder position.”

“Then what’s our next move?” Madelaine asked.

“Ask me again after the elders and I meet next week.” Jessica told her. “Then we’ll have an answer on who could be the next possible president of the club.”

No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
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Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2024, 04:32:53 PM »
Francesca used to question why she got invited, she wasn’t as famous as the others, Even by post-Disney standards she was low-tier. But the invite coming one day as if on accident while out on a beach day, changed her outlook for life. Her letter of introduction, came in all things, a message in a bottle. Charming she thought. Only finding the contents to be far from normal. Sadie watched from afar along the beach, planting the bottle while Fran was out taking a swim in the ocean. She thought her initial test should be simple, the beach had a more private area further up along the rocks that acted like an informal nude beach, almost daring her to go over there and enjoy her day naked. Repulsed at first, Francesca wondered if it was just a cheap trick from some boy wanting a show. She was half right. Sadie intends to watch as proof, teasing Francesca by walking around the beach in her swimwear, walking towards the part of the beach she referred to in the letter. Francesca knew who she was, it was hard not to know the cast of stranger things. Following in curiosity, but amazed the 22-year-old upon reaching the stretch of beach she mentioned, which was void of all other people but themselves, Sadie surprised her by beginning to strip naked. Francesca watched the fellow redhead undress and stand idly in her birthday suit, before turning her head and seeing Francesca duck her head behind a rock.

“Want to join me?” Sadie called out to her, Francesca sheepishly poking her head out. “It’s kind of a nude beach anyway.” She turned her body, giving Fran a better look at her front half.

“We-were you the one who sent the letter?” Francesca asked her, stepping forward a little while adverting her eyes as if not wanting to make contact.

“Of course!” Sadie looked at her. “It’s a beautiful day, we’re both attractive ladies, why not have a little fun?”

“Like…naughty fun?” Fran asked.

“Oh no no nothing like that.” Sadie waved her hand. “Not unless that’s something you wanted?”

Francesca stood there questioning what to do, before landing on tossing her stuff to the side, and with fear in her eyes and bravery in her heart, she stripped off her swimsuit. It was nothing Sadie had not seen before, both on herself and on the other girls she’d seen naked since she joined the club. But she was still impressed as Francesca took her top off and her large DD breasts spilled out. The younger redhead feeling pride in her actions, stepped forward and joined Sadie, no words were exchanged as Fran blushed and felt flustered, being undressed in public like this being new and strange. But she made a jump towards the water, taking a swim before the sun got lower. Sadie ran after her, enjoying an evening of fun. They splashed around in the water. Sadie watched her new friend laugh and feel free like she did when she first tried being nude. Their playtime enjoying themselves as the sun began to set, both naked and wet redheads leaving the water and laying on their beach towels sighing in bliss from a fun day. Francesca kept herself propped up with her arms, her tits sagging down along her body, while Sadie looked down at her own, much smaller breasts.

“I hope you’re not envious.” Francesca knew that look.

“Pardon?” Sadie asked her.

“These tits may be nice.” Fran looked down at her chest, rubbing her hand along a breast. “But breasts this size, my small body…it can be a pain sometimes.”

“Ever considered a reduction?” Sadie suggested.

“Honestly, it’s not a bad idea, but I think I can manage them for now.” Francesca sighed. “Your breasts look great though.”

“Thanks.” Sadie looked at hers.

“So what’s the deal with the letter?” Francesca asked, bringing her legs up and sitting on the beach.

“Well, we have this little club,” Sadie explained. “Something for us gals to hang out and enjoy way from the press and the fame…and dare I say away from the boys.”

“I mean yeah boys are dumb.” Said Francesca. “Never been with one.”

“Oh, so you’re a virgin?” Sadie asked. “I’m not judging, just curious.”

“...yeah.” She confessed. “You?”

“I was for a while, though I could argue my first time was with a strap-on instead of a real penis.” Sadie stood up, walking forward a few feet to let Fran get a good look at her ass. “But I think the first time is more about who you spend it with than what exactly happens.” Sadie turned. “And I know the best way to find out.”

“So, this club,” Francesca stood to join her. “How does it work?”

“Well, you passed the first test,” Sadie told her. “Now to pass the second in order to get in.”

“Something like this?” the 20-year-old asked her.

“No, the first test is chosen by the person inviting you, AKA me.” Sadie gestured to herself. “The main test is a little more…intense…”

Intense was a strong word, as Francesca sat on a Sybian the following day. They tied her wrists up from a rope that hung from the ceiling, the shorter woman blindfolded and with a ball gag in her mouth. She rode the Sybian for a while, moaning as her spit dribbled out and down her DD breasts. Sadie sat nearby, Fran’s moans and screams as the speed of the toy was adjusted made her oblivious to the bowl of popcorn that was being eaten by Sadie and her old friend Madelaine. The two of them snacking while observing the girl cum over and over again.

“What was the original intent for this test?” Sadie asked her old sponsor.

“I guess since we have an influx of being more sex friendly, it was meant to show how open you are to various sexual acts,” Madelaine spoke. “Kinda like a casting couch, only, no cocks in sight.”

“Probably for the best.” Sadie ate some more popcorn. Francesca gave quite the show, surprising both herself and the others as she suddenly squirted across the floor.

“Oh yeah.” Madelaine looked at her, taking the bowl from Sadie. “She’ll do well in our group.”

Months since then Francesca took time to adjust to being in the secret world of redheads. Joining different parties and events, and showing herself off to some of the other girls. So with orders to pop her cherry, Sadie knew just where to go. The two take a trip deep into the city of L.A. Francesca is led to a spot Sadie knew all too well. A hidey hole of a boutique called ‘Lemon Touched Skin,’ one of the better spots for dresses in the eyes of the Hollywood elite. They’re also sponsored by the club, allowing them both discounts and privacy upstairs. The store owner handed Sadie a key and pointed to a set of stairs leading the two of them over. Sadie took the lead and escorted Francesca up and away from the people and the press. Reaching a room above the boutique, opening the door to reveal a small apartment.

“Huh.” Francesca let out, stepping inside the cozy room. It was only one bed and bath, a small living room, a smaller half kitchen, a little bay window overlooking the street below, and hanging plants scattered across the place.

“Not bad huh?” Sadie tossed her jacket onto a coat rack.

“I half thought it would be more…like a bdsm basement?” Francesca let Sadie take her coat.

“Oh no, that would be elsewhere.” Sadie hung the other coat, Francesca, unsure if she was joking or not. “No this was acquired by us as more of a staycation hideaway, pretending to be away but never leaving the city just to keep a sense of privacy. There are a few more around town. But this is my personal favorite.”

“Okay.” Francesca looked around. “So what now?”

“They keep this place pretty stocked up on snacks, we’re spending the night and taking care of…well.” Sadie looked at her.

“Oh…” Fran caught on.

Sadie looked around and spotted the kettle out. “Tea?”

A couple of hours passed, tea was taken, and the city began dying down with the sun setting once more. The Boutique closed for the day, the hallway leading them to a separate set of stairs outside if they wished to leave early. Francesca unsure how to feel about getting her virginity taken, even if the location was not that intimidating.

“So, are we waiting for a man to show up or?” Francesca wasn’t sure what the drill was.

“We could,” Sadie admitted. “We have a short list of men we could browse to find one for your liking.

“No that doesn’t feel right.” Francesca sat her cup down. “I want my first time to be special, not with some himbo we picked out of a catalog.”

“I mean they’re not all himbos but alright.” Sadie agreed. “There’s also my first idea.”

“What’s that?” She asked.

“Simply put.” Sadie leaned in. “I take your virginity.”

Francesca blinked and looked at her puzzled. “But you don’t have a cock?”

“There wasn’t a cock when I first lost mine either, remember?” Sadie told her.

Francesca looked around and felt a connection. “You lost your virginity here too, didn’t you?”

Sadie sipped what little of her tea was left. “My sponsor Madelaine, took me here and deflowered me a few days after my joining, I thought it was only suiting if I did the same for my own girl I’ve sponsored.”

“I can see what you mean by that.” Francesca offered to take Sadie’s cup, taking both of them to the sink. “So what happens now?”

“Simple.” Sadie looked at her. “We have the place to ourselves, and the couch in the corner folds out to be a bed if needed. If you want to sleep together tonight and have me take your virginity, then you must give the consent.”

“And if I don’t want to?” Fran asked.

“Then that’s it.” Sadie raised her hands. “We pride ourselves on giving consent to these things, no date rape drugs or anything like that. So if you don’t want to have sex, we won’t simple as that.”

“And nothing bad will happen?” Francesca asked.

“I mean not that I know of.” Sadie shrugged. “No one is gonna see you differently if you want to wait.”

Francesca leaned against the sink, pondering what the best choice was at this moment. She wanted to have her first be special, but boys are dumb, and didn’t seem appropriate for them to just fuck her for the sake of fucking her. But she trusted Sadie, and if she had all the power over who was her first…”..you have my consent.”

Sadie lit some candles along the room, they would have rose petals but that would be a waste keeping them all year round. Francesca sat on the bed, now dressed in a soft red velvet robe, Sadie was still in her regular clothes, sorting everything for them before hearing her phone vibrate on top of a dresser, quickly glanced at the caller ID to see it was Emma Stone that texted her. Stopped to check the message and sighed.

“Everything alright?” Francesca asked.

“I have another meeting set up for this week.” Sadie set her phone down, walking over to her.

“The script you have?” Fran asked.

“Yeah.” Sadie decided to simply begin to strip. “I promised him a movie deal, and that’s what I’m gonna get.” She stood before Francesca in a lavender bra and panty set, the bra being strapless and wrapped around her back. “Least for his troubles.”

“His troubles?” Fran never got the full story.

“He uh, well let’s just say I don’t want to divert focus onto him tonight.” Sadie sat by her and rubbed Fran’s shoulder. “This is about you.”

“Yeah, sure.” She glanced around.

“So,” Sadie asked her. “Toys or no toys?”

“I suppose a strap-on wouldn’t hurt?” Francesca looked at her.

“Straight to a strap-on?” Sadie wanted to make sure.

“It’s about losing my virginity right? Would only make sense if I encounter it the traditional way.”

“I mean strap-on is not traditional but I can make it work.” Sadie got off the bed and walked over to the dresser, Francesca following as Sadie opened the smaller top drawer used for socks and undergarments, and showed off a nice assortment of sex toys. All were laid out with labeled bottles of lube and sanitizer on either end, sat vibrators, butt plugs, standard dildos, and alternative dildos reflecting different types of cocks. A pair of handcuffs also lay there, including some rope in the drawer below. “Anything of your liking?” Sadie asked.

Francesca looked over the selection, spotting the harness for a strap-on being pulled out by Sadie observing each one and their details, butterflies in her stomach thinking that her fellow club members may have used them before her. “This one.” She picked up a smaller, 5-inch dildo, a fairly simple one that was smooth and had a nice tip.

“Why this one?” Sadie took the dildo to insert it into the harness.

“It’s turquoise.” Francesca pointed out. “My favorite color.”

“I like it.” Sadie grabbed the bottle of lube. “Want to uh.”

“Oh right.” Francesca untied the sash of her robe.

Sadie took her bra off but left her panties on, lifting the harness on her legs, and tightened it snuggly around her hips, the silicone penis standing forward, Francesca watched her apply a layer of lube along the cock, slipping it along and wiping her hand off, before Sadie turned and looked at Fran laying on the bed, back against the pillows, and naked once more. Her legs partly spread waiting for her showing a small bush of red pubic hair. Sadie looked at her once more, never not impressed with her body since they first met on the beach. She climbed into bed with her, cock dangling between her legs and crawled up close, till she was almost on top of her.

“Ready?” She wanted verbal confirmation.

“I am.” Francesca nodded.

“Let me do all the work for you.” Sadie propped her arm on the headboard over Francesca’s head, her free hand parting some of Francesca’s red curls away from her face, and leaned in to kiss her.

Their lips tenderly kissed each other as Francesca melted into the pillows under her head. She’d kissed a girl before, but not as a lover, gently accepting her kisses before Sadie couldn’t help herself. She kissed down Francesca’s neck and latched onto one of her massive breasts, suckling at her nipple. Francesca moaned feeling her sensitive breasts be sucked on and groped by Sadie, the 22-year-old barely able to even get most of it in her hand. Only stopping to look down and with her free hand, line the tip of her strap-on to Francesca’s vagina. With a gentle nod to confirm she was ready for penetration, Sadie slid the first inch into her. Francesca winced. This was the largest thing to enter her outside of her fingers. Another inch, then another. Sadie carefully let Fran adjust as she went further in and reached all 5-inches inside her.

“God…”Francesca ran her hands along Sadie’s back.

“Welcome to womanhood.” Sadie lightened the mood.

“I didn’t bring snacks.” Francesca joked with the first thing that came to mind.

“Good thing you are a snack.” Sadie played along and kissed her.

Shifting her hips, Sadie rocked herself in and out of Francesca, the girl moaning into the kiss feeling what little pain was down there fade away. The curly-haired redhead held her first lover close, feeling every inch penetrate her over and over. A hand roamed to Sadie’s breast, pinching a nipple and enjoying what a petite breast felt like. Sadie only pressed to fuck her more, tonight was not about her self-pleasure, it was about Francesca, and treating her right. Recalling the night Madelaine took her here years ago, Sadie picked a larger dildo for the strap-on thinking she could take it. Only went down a size after a little bit, but that feeling of stretching herself out, lowering herself onto the cock as she first rode Madelaine cowgirl, getting to use her breasts for support even. And the feeling after as Madelaine fucked her hard with a pent-up urge of multiple male lovers not getting the mark and she needed to fuck her right. Surely a night Sadie could never forget.

Francesca gasped underneath her, Sadie seeing in her eyes that she was cumming. Letting the girl ride her orgasm. Fran looked up wide-eyed and giggly. “Keep going.” She told her. “Please.”

“All night baby.” Sadie kissed her head, beginning her second round of fucking.

Francesca raised her voice as she got more audibly turned on, feeling the silicone cock slide in and out of her with expert skill. Sadie picked one of Fran’s smooth legs and lifted it on top of her shoulder for a new angle. Francesca slid to her side, moaning into the pillow with her red curls in the way. The position gave Sadie a better means to penetrate deeper into Francesca. The 20-year-old ran her fingers over her clit under the bush, rubbing herself as Sadie fucked her. Her large tit jiggled with each thrust which made Sadie almost childishly begin thrusting faster just to make the tit bounce more. Francesca would quickly cum again, the leg on Sadie’s shoulder shaking intensely as this second orgasm was more powerful than the last. Francesca almost passed out as it rode across her whole body. Sadie slid the cock out of her, seeing her quake in orgasmic bliss suggesting she wasn’t ready for a round three. Undoing the strap she let the harness fall off her hips and kicked it away, crawling around to spoon the curly-haired girl. Francesca felt Sadie’s body behind her and her arms wrapping around to hold her tightly. Breathing heavily, she came down. She turned her head behind to see Sadie right there smiling.

“Good?” Sadie checked.

“Good,” Francesca told her. “Did you want a turn?”

“I’m okay.” Sadie pressed her small tits into Fran’s back, holding her close. “I can always cum later.”

Francesca lay there feeling her warmth calm her down, looking at her sponsor tenderly holding her. “Thank you.” She told her.

“Always.” Sadie kissed her shoulder. “Promise me your first man will be someone you like a lot.”

“Promise.” Francesca rested her hand on top of Sadie’s. Both to drift to sleep in a matter of minutes.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
The following users thanked this post: Blocboy VC


Re: The Redhead Club: Remastered (Various Celebs)
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2024, 05:18:00 PM »
Chapter 7: Meetings, ideas, and French Raspberries

Sophia sat in a high rise above the L.A landscape, A Boba tea in her hand while looking at the table in front of her. “I don’t see it.”

“It’s clear as day.” Madelaine sat beside her.

“Not when placed together like this.” Her free hand waved out to the table coved in Paint Swatches, all of different shades of red.

Every color is different than the other, how could you not see it?” Madelaine grew frustrated that only she seemed to know color theory.

“Oh I don’t know.” A third voice chimed in as Amy Adams sat beside them, tea in hand. “You can forgive me if Maroon and Cherry look close to each other at first glance.” Sophia sat between the two older women.

“Cherry just feels a little overplayed.” Madelaine commented. “No shame to the flavor or the fruit, but for a private party we can more than jsut the basics.”

“Thought Cherries were a berry?” Amy looked at her.

“No it’s technically a fruit due to the pit or seed in the middle.” Sophia sipped her drink. “It’s also why a tomato is actually a fruit too. Because it also has seeds inside the plant.”

“Huh.” Amy sat dumbfounded. “And they keep saying your generation is not that bright.”

“Probably all the lead paint talking from the older generations.” Sophia sat back, looking over the colors once more, before leaning in for one in particular. “What about this?”

Both women looked at the swab Sophia grabbed, the shade of red was a little off. Not pure red. But was a lighter shade that felt both welcoming and almost neutral.

“French Rasberry?” Madelaine looked at the name. “For the walls?”

“We can make the decorations more darker colors, but it’s suitable enough to fit our need without distracting people from the main events of the night.

“Would be better than Cherry.” Amy nudged Madelaine on the subject.

Madelaine sighed, before admitting to herself it did sound like a good idea. “Alright French Rasberry it is.”

“And a dozen more color choices to go.” Sophia sighed. The checklist ever growing.

A phone went off and all three of them checked their devices, Amy Adams being the lucky text.

“Aww.” Amy smiled looking at her phone. “My sugar baby sends his love.”

“Still have that love sick boy toy?” Madelaine rearranged the paint swabs after taking French Rasberry out.

“He’s got a good head on his shoulders so yeah.” Amy pulled up a attachment he sent just the night prior. “Ain’t he cute?” She showed Sophia, who almost chocked on her Boba. Seeing a cute, College aged male with wavy shoulder length blonde hair and posing next to a freshly purchased surfboard. While lacking any clothing along his toned body. And no body hair either.

“Oh he’s something.” Sophia caught her breath. “Didn’t peg you for the sugar mommy type.”

“Bit of a newer thing really.” Amy set her phone down, looking over her body thinking of what to send over. “Little one night stand a few months ago after he admitted wanting to sleep with a Milf and whatnot.”

“And then you felt bad for all his tuition costs.” Madelaine looked her things over.

“He gets a paid ride through college assuming he keeps his grades up, and I get a booty call on demand that also asks for gifts in exchange for…kinks.” Amy blushed, pushing her breasts up from under her top to take a teasing photo for him.

“Guess I couldn’t see myself doing it.” Sophia heard her own phone go off.

“You do seem more sugar baby age then momma anyways.” Madelaine jokes.

Sophia silently mocked her while looking over her texts, her face lowering a little and bting her tongue.

“All good?” Madelaine noticed her change in expression.

“Hard to say.” Sophia stood to stretch her legs. “I won’t know for sure till its over.”

“Family problems?” She looked at her.

“Something like that.” Sophia wandered in a cirlce along the floor. “Just could use a distraction I guess.”

“We talking girls night in?” Amy looked up. “Or someone to get you off?”

“No offense Amy but I don’t think she wants to borrow your boy toy.” Madelaine pointed out.

“Oh not borrow.” Amy clapped her hands together, phone in one of them. “Share.”


Sadie walked through the halls of the small venue, Palm trees scattered around the whole area and the Pacific ocean not 400 feet away, a set of olympic sized pools with a swim class in one of them, and a half dozen Cabana’s were stretched about the back of the resort. Sitting in a reclining chair wearing a simple black bikini that did wonders to her figure, a matching black cover-up shawl and a sun hat, looked over at Sadie who was arriving from behind her sunglasses and jumped to her feet to greet her.

“Miss Sink!” the woman named Sydney Sweeny approached and embraced her for a hug. The two meeting for the first time. “Hope getting here wasn’t an issue.”

“Oh no not at all.” Sadie followed the actress back to her Cabana.

“The press dare not approach here due to the high clientele paying out the ass for security, easier to have a little relaxation while in L.A. In my opinion.” Sydney sat down, Sadie sitting across from her and spotting a copy of the script she worked on.

“So you’ve read it?” Sadie pointed to the script.

“Oh yes.” Sydney took it and hand and showed off she put some colored sticky notes for bookmarks. “If Emma Stone sends you a script, you read it.” She smacked it for emphasis.

“I thought you just acted?” Sadie asked her.

“I also produce.” Sydney sat it back down and hailed a staff member. “Gives me more control of what movies I take.”

The staff member took her empty glass, she looked at Sadie silently asking if she wanted anything and Sadie waved no. The worker leaving them alone once more.

“So.” Sydney locked eyes with her. “Tell me about the writer.”

“His name is Kevin Flitch.” Sadie got into the sales pitch. “Met him about 6 months ago, college film student studying writing for movies and TV.”

“I heard this was a sexual story.” Sydney teased.

“Emma mentioned it?”

“Just that it was a hook up that turned into a professional arrangement.” Sydney told her.

“Well yes it was a bar hook up at first.” Sadie laced her fingers together. “Had some drinks, met him and thought he was cute, we hit it off a few times and when I fould out about his script, I feel in love with it and wanted to get it made. We’ve stopped having sex since we decided to work on it together.”

“Can I ask why he needs your help and not the school?” she asked.

“The school would only accept scripts made by the class for student projects at the time, a personal script made in his off time would need to go through the regular channels.”

“And he’s not just using you for his big break?”

“Like I said, we haven’t had sex since we started working together. It’s strictly professional, so if he just wanted to use me he’d insist we keep fucking.”

“Valid point.” Sydeny was pleased. “I’m sure you can tell by now, I’m aware of the club you’re in.”

“Not quite an extremely guarded secret.” Sadie admitted.

“Even so,” Sydney continued. “Would not recommend sex as a bargining tool.”

“Never intended to.” Sadie told her. “I wanted this to be done the right way.”

“Good.” Sydney stood up grabbing the script. “Walk and talk to my room so I can slip into something with more fabric.” She guestered to her bikini, which did much to flaunt her large breasts.

“After you.” Sadie followed her past all the people swiming and walking around. “What are your thoughts on the script?”

“Meet cute rom-com over junk food and gas stations, nothing out of the ordinary but still a nice change of pace.” Sydney rattled off as they walked.

“Little boiled down but yeah.” Sadie replied. “It’s meant to reflect how lots of regular relationships happen.”

“Instead of Tinder and bars you mean.”

“We both know in a fight between one of us and the cute barista everyone knows the barista often wins.” Sadie matched her speed as they entered the resort.

“True, but that feels like a you fight.” Sydney led them to an elevator. “According to some I attract white boys like a bee to honey.”

The elevator opened, and they entered, Sadie making the next move. “It’s more than just a meet cute to me.” Sydney stood and listened to her. “Everything these days is just cute this and cute that, the Hallmark Chsritmas drinking game is a prime example of how played out it is.”

“So how would you define it?” Sydney asked the redhead actress.

“Two people who work tirelessly in jobs most people would gloss over as just work, or beneath them because they think food service or gas station work is for poor people or not even considered real people. And it’s a fact of life we could never seem to understand with all our fame and fortune. So why parade the idea of a fantasy couple when a real couple would be more, grounded?”

“And you believe this to be the grounded story people want?” Sydney asked her.

“I would not fight tooth and nail to get this movie made if I didn’t believe it.”

The elevator ringed, and the doors open, Sydney looking her over and smiling. “I’m in.”

She stepped out of the elevator and Sadie followed. “Really?” Sadie asked her.

“Of course!” Sydney stopped at a door and opened it. Letting Sadie in with her. “Are you starring?”

“Would hope so, but am more than open to finding someone else for the lead.”

“Oh don’t be modest.” Sydney tossed her hat and shawl onto the bed. “We need more gingers on the big screen.” Sydney was without modesty and began stripping of her bikini in front of Sadie, the actress seemingly mesmerised that Sydney’s breasts were larger than she had thought. “What?” Sydney saw her dumbfounded look. “I told you I attract white boys like a bee to honey.” She joked, shaking her chest side to side to let her tits jiggle.

“I thought you didn’t want to use sex as a bargining tool?” Sadie smirked.

“Oh I already agreed to it.” Sydney stepped forward to stand directly infront of Sadie, now fully naked as Sadie grew aroused as the woman approched. “Anything sexual after would just be celebrating.”

Sydney and Sadie looked into each other’s eyes, closing them as they leaned in to kiss. Lips locking with each other and Sadie’s hands running along Sydney’s back. She was about grab her large breast. Before someone’s phone went off.

“FFuucckk.” Sydney tilted her head up breaking the kiss, reluctantly leaving Sadie standing there to watch her fat ass walking towards the dresser. Sydney picked up the phone and sighed to herself needing to answer it. “Yes?” She walked around the room naked. “Now?” A quick glance at Sadie gave her guest the understanding something had come up. “Fine let me take care of it.” Sydney hung up, tapping the phone case with her fingers. “Does dinner on Friday sound good to celebrate?” she asked her.

“It works for me.” Sadie replied.

“Good.” Sydney went for some proper clothes. “Feel free to bring friends if you want.”

“To celebrate or…celebrate like we were about to do?” Sadie hugged her chest.

“Depending on the friends you bring….yes.” Sydney smirked.
No one truly knows my sexual preferences... [Insert evil laugh]
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