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Author Topic: An interview with...Ellessio  (Read 223 times)

John Connors

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An interview with...Ellessio
« on: January 05, 2025, 03:01:26 PM »
Here is the next of our interviews that we will be conducting with the authors who post their work on Celebrity Story Site.

In this interview, we talk to Ellessio about how he got into writing celebrity erotica, who influenced him to write in this genre, and other topics related to his writing.

1. Where are you from?

North of England near Manchester.

2. How did you come up with your pen name and is there any meaning behind it?

I think it may have been looking at an Ellesse jacket I had, liked the name and then just changed the ending to io.

3. How long have you been writing celebrity erotic fiction?

Since COVID-19 shut down the world.

4. Who or What got you started writing erotic fiction?

Being furloughed during Covid-19 and moving back home with my parents. There are only so many games you can play, movies and TV shows you can watch, so I decided to write. I knew of Literotica and had always considered writing, just never had the time. I had no excuses during the pandemic. So I wrote about 40 stories during the Pandemic, but I never posted them. It was as much to kill time as anything else.

5. Who would you say are your biggest influences as a writer of less than appropriate celeb fiction? Which authors, if any, would have inspired you?

123z and RedSox04 were the main two authors. They both write British Celebrities. And in the case of RedSox, write about British soap operas.

Other influences would be the Carry On film series. And any bawdy British sex comedies from the 1960's-1970's.

6. Who are your favourite celeb sex story writers? Past and Present.

123z and RedSox04

7. Any favourite sex stories that you've read that made you think - "Wow! That's incredible!"

Probably the Emmerdale the Next Generation series by RedSox04. To keep the series consistently fresh and well-written for 50 chapters is a huge achievement.

8. Which of your own stories are you the most proud of writing?

Celebrity Titwank - my first real attempt at a Bawdy British Sex Parody.

9. Which celebrities do you enjoy writing about the most?

Rita Ora - such a sexpot. You can write her in most scenarios because she probably has experienced them IRL!
10. What type of sex scenes do you enjoy writing the most?

Titwanks. Who doesn't love a good titwank?

11. Do you have routine for how and when you write?

I try and write as much as I can, but don't schedule it.

12. Do you sketch out a plan on paper/word/notes or write off the cuff with a basic idea and let it flow from there?

I try and plan them to an extent.

13. Apart from hot celebrities, does anything else influence your writing? Music, Fashion, TV etc.

British TV and movies from the 1960's and 1970's, mainly.

14. Any projects you are working on that you are excited about?

When I'm Cleaning Windows, my current series I am writing. I hope to write a few more chapters of that over the next few months.
I also have 10 more stories I need to clean up and edit that I wrote during Covid. I've just been a bit lazy getting around to them.

15. Any tips for readers that may want to start writing celebrity erotic fiction?

Just start writing about the celebrities you like.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2025, 03:03:46 PM by John Connors »
'What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.' - Werner Herzog

'Gotta head full of ideas that are driving me insane...' - Bob Dylan

'I sold a quart of blood, bought a half a pint of scotch' - Tom Waits


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