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Author Topic: First Date Jitters with Peyton R. List  (Read 19602 times)


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First Date Jitters with Peyton R. List
« on: September 23, 2018, 05:27:59 AM »
All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a word of it occurred, nor would it.

First Date Jitters(And Hot To Squash Them)
starring Peyton R. List
(MF, Oral, Cons, Exhib)

"Calm down, calm down, calm down," Pete Reilly said to himself repeatedly. It had been his mantra the past week, ever since he made this date. Ever since he met Peyton List.

He got taken to Coachella by his friends. He didn't really want to go. Big crowds were never his scene. However, it was in the crowd it all changed. It was a one in a million shot, but he bumped into the leggiest blonde he'd ever seen, and it was Peyton List.

To say he was stymied was an understatement.He'd never seen a woman as beautiful as she was in person. To make things even more complex, she was nice. Every time he stumbled over a sentence, she giggled in the friendliest manner and kept listening. Frankly, Pete had no idea why. He wasn't smooth or even particularly handsome. Even his friends were blown away with what went on. But he had her attention, somehow, against all odds.

The laws of the universe that Pete knew to be true were further stretched and shattered when somehow, he asked Peyton out and she said yes. The fact that the universe allowed this to happen completely threw Pete and his friends' idea of reality into a loop.

And now he was here, in front of her house. Waiting for her to come to his car. Maybe if he just sat here for fifteen minutes and she didn't come out, that'd be confirmation this was all a weird, but great, dream.

The moment that thought entered his mind, Peyton exited her home. She was dressed very much like when he first met her, deliciously tight and short Daisy Duke shorts, boots, and a black top. She was also carrying a back pack. Not a big on by any means, more like an over-sized purse.

“Hi,” she said, her smile illuminating the night. “Ready?”

“Oh, uh, yeah.” Pete responded. “Thought we'd, uh, you know, get something to eat.”

“Good, I'm starving.” She flashed her smile at him again and Pete could have sworn the night got a good five degrees hotter before he began the drive to the restaurant. Peyton could sense that Pete was still nervous, which was something she found incredibly cute, but she also wanted to ease the tension. She tried conversation, which worked a little. She learned a bit more about Pete to confirm that yes, she did indeed like the guy, and the feeling was very mutual. Pete's poker face was shit. Still, the ice was maybe cracked at best, far from broken. However, as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, a thought entered her min that made her grin ear to ear.

The moment they were sat down, Peyton put her plan into motion. She wasn't just going to break the ice. No, Peyton was going to melt it.

“This place is really nice,” she said. “I was in the mood for Italian, too.”

“You were?”

“Yeah, among other things.” Peyton winked at him, actually getting him to smile without looking too bashful. “You doing all right over there?”

“Huh? Me? Yeah, I'm fine Peyton. Um, why, does anything seem wrong?”

“Oh, I don't know,” she said, a playful tone in her voice. “It just kind of seems you're somewhere else a little.”

“Oh...um...well, just got something on my mind.”

“Anything I could help with?”

“Well, I guess I have a question.”

“For me?”


“Well, what's on your mind Pete?” Peyton tried to make her voice sound as calm and pleasant as she could, which wasn't that much of a challenge.

“Okay,” Pete said. He took a deep breath. It wasn't an easy question, but he decided the best way to do it was to just blurt it out. “Why did you say yes?”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, I mean, I wouldn't think a guy like me is really your type is all.”

“Pete, I decide what my type is. I thought you were cute, funny, and could keep a conversation without going to into the very retarded innuendo territory. I mean I know you were sent over by your buds, probably meant to be the butt of a joke. So I decided to turn it around on them. I don't like that. But if I didn't like you I wouldn't have said yes to a date.”

“Oh...cool.” Peyton smiled at this, which further boosted Pete's confidence.

“You know, I have a question now.” said Peyton. “What is it about me that's making you so nervous? I mean yeah, I'm an actress but I'm not a huge deal or anything. What gives, Petey?” She smiled wide, her hazel eyes almost hypnotizing him.

“Well, I mean,” he gulped, the heat in the room turning up  seemingly only on him. “It's just...um...”


“You're so hot!” he blurted out, making Peyton giggle. “And it's not just that. I mean after we started talking it was just...I mean there's...well, who wouldn't fall for you?”

“That is so sweet.” Peyton blushed, taking over the action from a Pete who was slowly relaxing. Still, he needed to be more loose, and with that major sweetness he just dropped, she knew he was more than deserving of a special kind of loosening up. She looked around. She and Pete and really lucked out, though Pete didn't know it yet. Their table was in a corner, and surprisingly private. Perfect for a bit of romance, as well as what Peyton had in mind.

“What are you looking for?” Pete asked, having noticed Peyton looking around.

“Just checking on something.” she replied, her gorgeous smile going into a sensuous smirk. “You know, I think I'm going to have the Chicken Parm. Just a water with some lemon to drink. Could you tell the server that when they get here?”

“Sure, but where you going?”

“OH, I'll be here.”

“Then why can't you order?”

“Because my mouth is going to be full.” Peyton then winked at Pete and ducked under the table. Before he even had time to register what she'd said, Peyton crawled over to him and unzipped his pants. She fished his cock out and began to jerk him, her mouth near it breathing hot air on to the sensitive head.

Pete tried to think of something to say. All the thoughts ran through his head a s expected. What if they were caught? What would happen then? Could he even hide what Peyton was doing to him. Before anything would come to his head, two things happened at the exact same time; their server arrived and Peyton took his cock in her mouth and began to suck.

“What can I get you sir?” the server asked, a smile on her face.

“Um, yeah..uh...wow,” Pete said, his mind racing a mind a minute, any logical thoughts that could form a response being muddled by the sensations of pleasure that Peyton was sending through his body with her warm, wet mouth. “Yeah, um...I'd like to have...fuck...the cheese ravioli and my date would like the Chicken Parm....two...wow...waters with lemon please.”

“Are you all right sir?” the server asked, concerned and more than a little confused at Pete's reaction.

While Pete tried desperately to assure the server was everything was fine, Peyton was having a great old time making that very hard for him in more ways than one. Her mouth made love to his cock, providing it with a wet sauna of pure pleasure while her hands fondled and plays with his balls.

Every movement of her tongue, every time she took him deep made him twitch and fumble to stifle a moan. This was the most fun she'd had giving head in a long, long time, if not ever. Pete was in the palm of her hand and she knew they were both loving every second of it.

Back above the table, Pete was still having a both pleasurable and frustrating time trying to assure the server he was fine. The more Peyton turned the heat up, the harder it got for him.

“Are you sure you don't need a doctor or something?” the server asked. Pete had done nothing but twitch, stifle a moan and sweat since she arrived.

“I-I'm fine,” he stuttered. And in a way, he was right, he felt amazing. However, a problem was just around the corner. He was going to cum, and he couldn't hold back. And it was going to be fucking huge. And of course, eh knew he wasn't going t be able to hold off, once he was ready, that was it, he was shooting his load and he wasn't going to be able to hide from a food server staring intently at his face. “Just...oh wow...super hungry. Please, could I just get my food? I don't mean to be...oh holy shit...rude or anything.”

“Yeah...okay....I'll be right back to check on you.”

“Oh, thank you!” Pete said, a bit too excited. With a raised eyebrow, the server walked away to put in the order and Pete was just a few seconds away from absolute bliss. When the server was out of ear shot, he said, in as audible a whisper as he could pull off and still be sure no one else but Peyton could, “I'm gonna cum!”

“Mmmm hmmm,” Peyton hummed on his cock, preparing herself for the rush of cum that entered in mouth seconds later, gulping down his seed with pleasure and ease. When she was done, she kissed his cock head and placed it back in his pants, then retook her seat. “Feeling relaxed?” She smiled knowingly.

“Uh-huh,” Pete replied, still in a dreamy daze. Peyton giggled a bit, proud at her handy work and very wet.

While Pete was in the midst of recovery, the concerned server returned to check on him. “Sir, I just paced your order, just wanted to come back and check on you,” said the server.

“Oh he's fine, Peyton said. “Hi, I'm Peyton, his date. I had to rush to the restroom.”

“Oh, the chicken parm?”

“That's me! Well, see, Pete here just hasn't eaten all day is all. He gets kind of loopy when he doesn't eat. Not angry or anything, just kind of flustered. I hope it wasn't too much trouble.”

“Oh, of course not dear. I'm just glad to see your boyfriend's all right.” The server smiled and walked off.

“So, do you think she called that right?” Peyton asked.


“Well, she called you my boyfriend. Personally, I think that's a bit to early...but your prospects are very good after an up close inspection. But...”


“Well, now that the ice has been melted, let's really get to know each other.” She smiled and reached her hand to his on the table and grasped it.

And that's what they did, in between bites of food. Conversations about embarrassing school encounters, other first dates, a wide array of things that were deep, but not too deep for that first date. And they were loving every second of it. Peyton's smile got as big as it could as Pete finally seemed to be completely relaxed. Now we can have some real fun, she thought to herself.

Time passed quickly. Soon the food was done, the bill was paid, and the two were back in Pete's car. “So, what's next?” Pete asked Peyton, giving the rest of the night to her.

“Wanna go swimming?” Peyton asked. Her tone giving off that she had already made the decision that she was swimming no matter what.

“Yeah, but, I don't really have any trunks.”

“You're wearing boxer briefs, close enough. I have the perfect place. Besides, I think you owe me one.” She smiled knowing he couldn't disagree.

“Lead the way.” he replied. Peyton kissed him on the cheek and fed him the directions. A quick drive and Pete parked his car in front of a house that was seemingly empty.

“Um...how do you know the people who live here?” Pete asked while Peyton got out of the car.

“I think there a friend of my manager or agent or something. I don't know.”

“You don't know these people?”

“I know them well enough to know they have a pool and crappy security. Come on, it'll be fun.”

Pete tried to say something to talk her out of it, but Peyton silenced with a full on kiss, their lips meeting one on one for the first time. She then grasped his hand and lead him to the fence which she easily opened, a feat that Pete was once again to dazed to really take notice of.

“Okay, strip,” Peyton said, removing her clothes and stuffing them in her purse. “Not all the way down though. Well, not yet anyway.” Pete did as she asked, taking glances at her putting on a white bikini she had stuffed in her purse.

Wait, why did she have that in there? he thought to himself. Before his mind could start putting things together, Peyton had grasped his attention again.

“Hey...cannonball on three, okay?” she said. Pete nodded and Peyton began the countdown. “One...two...THREE!” The two jumped in the pool together, a large splash getting water all over.

“Mmm, this feels so good, doesn't it?” she asked, leisurely floating in the pool.

“Yeah.” replid Pete, the sight of a wet Peyton Roi List in a bikini eroding any thoughts aside from being with her from his mind. “Company is pretty good too.”

“Agreed.” Peyton smiled at him, then swam over to kiss him again, deeper and longer. He pulled her close, she wrapped her legs around him. “I think you kinda know that we aren't here to just swim at this point, huh?”

“I think I figured that out.”

“I know it's kind of sudden, but I'm considering this my Coachella hook-up and a first date.”

“Sounds perfectly reasonable to me,” Pete said, a confident smile showing on his face for the first time tonight.”

“OH, I just knew you were a good idea.” The two began to make out heavily, Peyton's bikini top tossed to the side while they both worked on removing their bottoms. After all, the way things were going they definitely wouldn't need them.

Once they had any barriers between them eliminated, Peyton grasped Pete's cock and aimed it at her cunt, slowly  sliding down on it.

“Fuck, that's a good fit,” she said.

“Oh you're not kidding,” Pete moaned. The two continued to kiss as Peyton began to ride him in the pool. They were an auto pilot at this point, like they'd done this dozens of times before with each other. It felt natural. They knew exactly where to touch, where to kiss, where to lick. It was all unspoken, aside from the moans of passion.

Pete walked Peyton over to the steps in the shallow end of the pool, giving Peyton a bit more control and to rest his legs.  Peyton wasn't remotely heavy, but even in a pool stand-up fucking is hard on the knees.

“Someone wanted a better view,” smiled Peyton.

“Can you blame me?”

“Nope.” She laughed and grasped his faced, kissing him as she began to build up a quicker rhythm. There were both a lot closer than they expected. Peyton was far more turned on by the little escapade at the restaurant and essentially fucking out in the open than she had expected. Pete was in the same position. He thought after the killer head Peyton gave him he'd be able to stave off for longer, but everything, including the person he was with, was bringing him off faster than he would have liked.

However, the blowjob did give him enough of a buffer period to outlast Peyton, who began orgasm in Pete's lap. “Unnng FUUUUUCK CUMMING!” she cried, pulling Pete close to her chest and shaking in his arms.

When Peyton's cunt began to spasm around Pete's dick, he knew his number was up as well. “Fuck, Peyton, I'm gonna cum.”

“Face,” she breathlessly said. “Shoot it on my face. I fucking love cum on my face.” Pete once again deferred to the lady, giving Peyton exactly what he was asked for. He stood on the edge of the pool while Peyton waited on her knees, still on the steps. With a guttural growl, he began to unload on her face, coating her in streams of his hot cum. When it began to slow to a trickle, Peyton once again took him in her mouth, sucking out the last few drops and swallowing. She then scooped some of the cum from her face to her mouth before dunking under the water to rinse off completely.

Pete sat on the lip of the pool, his feet dangling in the water. “Best first date ever,” he said, getting a laugh out of Peyton, who then swam up to him and pulled him back in the water, kissing him when he came back up for air.

“There's only one problem,” she said.

“What's that?”

“Well, how are we going to top this for date number two?”
The following users thanked this post: Slyguy, Calibur009, Jesse90


Re: First Date Jitters with Peyton R. List
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2019, 11:51:11 PM »
Great story, man! Hope Peyton and Pete get a second date! 😈😈


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