Celebrity Story Site


Last Woman Standing Tournament - Liv Morgan Region Pt 1

Liv Morgan (1)
4 (25%)
Mizuki (32)
0 (0%)
Jessamyn Duke (16)
1 (6.3%)
Maria Manic (17)
2 (12.5%)
Miyuki Takase (9)
3 (18.8%)
Jessika Carr (24)
0 (0%)
Tessa Blanchard [8]
4 (25%)
Nikki Cross (25)
2 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: July 16, 2019, 04:14:26 PM

Author Topic: Last Woman Standing Tournament - Liv Morgan Region Round 1 - Part 1  (Read 3392 times)


The day has come and it's now time to reveal the first set of matches for the Last Woman Standing Tournament, but first a few little notes.

I determined the first round matches by putting the 256 women into 8 separate regions randomly and then I went and ordered each region of 32 women by how hot I think they are and that's how I came up with the seeding.

If there is ever a tie in the tournament the woman with the highest seed advances.

I plan on putting out 4 matches per day (4 days to complete one region) which would put the first round lasting a little over a month.

Each poll will be up for 2 days to give people plenty of time to vote.

On the poll, I will have the eight women featured in those four matches, so please make sure you pay attention and vote for one girl in each match and not both girls.

So now without further ado here are the first four matches.

(1) Liv Morgan                                                             (32) Mizuki

  (16) Jessamyn Duke                                (17) Maria Manic

(9) Miyuki Takase                                     
(24) Jessika Carr 

          (8) Tessa Blanchard                                                 
(25) Nikki Cross
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 04:16:57 PM by randyorko3589 »


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