Kylie Minogue – Equilibrium
This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!
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Warning – This story is about Pegging. If you don't like that topic, I advise you to stop reading now. If you don't like it, please don't send me abuse about it.
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Kylie Minogue grunted as she rode intently up and down on her boyfriends cock, relishing the sensation of his rock hard cock sliding in and out of her sweet pussy as she ground down into him. Was he her boyfriend? Well they were fucking intently and had been for months now, he was practically living at her place, but they weren't really dating. He was actually her personal trainer, more than a few years younger than her and in fantastic shape, that she'd seduced into her bed after some very effective workouts. She was riding on top cowgirl style with a blissful smile, knees around his hips and hands on his shoulders, grunting through hard breaths as she rode hard, thrusting and driving her hips into him again and again to bury his thick shaft deeply into her body, muscles clenching her velvet tunnel tightly around him. She'd already climaxed, his cock doing the work on her already and now she was focussed intently on making him come.
It didn't take much more of her gorgeous petite body riding up and down on him, her sweet pussy squeezing hungrily at his cock and clinging tightly to his sensitive head as it dragged through her silky grasp. With another minute he tensed up, cock going rock hard inside her to let her know she'd done her job and to ride him hard, clamping down with her muscles and giving a last few seconds of intense effort until he burst inside her with a long groan of pleasure, Kylie giggling as his fingers dug into her soft skin, gripping her hips tightly as she shoved herself down as deep as possible as she felt him climax, cock throbbing inside her as she rhythmically worked at him with her muscles to encourage every last drop of his load into her snug pussy. With a final strain her flopped back exhausted, chest heaving breaths in as she diminutive Aussie sank down into his lap and pulled herself in close to him, hands sliding around his body as she kissed him softly, their tongues entwining as they recovered. After a minutes rest, Kylie stretched her legs and lifted herself off him, softening cock slipping from her silky tunnel as she extracted herself and rolled over onto the bed beside him.
“Good morning,” he said with a smile. They hadn't spoken yet, Kylie simply making the move to get things started before they had wordlessly fucked with her on top.
“Morning,” she murmured pleasantly. Their relationship was based on sex, no question about it, and she liked to screw him at least once a day, sometimes more. She always liked giving him a morning workout, it helped him warm up for his day of training; well, that was her humorous rationale behind it. They lay together for a while, his hand just resting on her hip as she laid in gorgeous nudity beside him, his eyes roaming over her perky petite body; humble breasts, slender waist, curvy feminine hips and shaved pussy above her lovely legs.
“You better go and get in the shower,” she said, glancing to the clock and knowing he had to go to work. She had to as well, so she needed to get going. He grumbled but got up, hand sliding reluctantly from her pale skin as he headed for the bathroom to get ready. She gave a stretch, feet nowhere near the end of the bed as she splayed her tiny body out and rested once more, listening to him in the bathroom and the sound of the shower running. When he returned a few minutes later, he was treated to the sight of the pint sized Australian laid out nude on the bed before him, taking her in and appreciating it as she wiggled a little for him. After a kiss goodbye, he headed out for the gym to get on with his work day and left her to get on with hers.
Their relationship, as much as it was one, had started a few months earlier when she'd decided to step up her workout routine and get a new personal trainer. He was tall and handsome, but crucially was in great shape and clearly knew how to get results, so she'd chosen him to work with. He'd been very pleased to work with her unsurprisingly and had asked what her goals were and what she was aiming to achieve. She'd told him how she wanted to keep the fitness and flexibility she already had, able to do the splits with ease which she'd demonstrated to him much to his enjoyment, but that she wanted to get seriously strong and toned. She'd wanted some proper definition to her muscles, a real six pack set of abs and overall a lean, muscular kind of figure. It was different from what she'd always aimed at, which was just general fitness and maintaining a weight.
He had got to work on her, setting out a rigorous workout plan for her with exercises every day, plenty of weights and things to push her, as well as giving her a full diet plan to make sure she was getting the right things. Being in great shape anyway it didn't take long to start really making a change, and with his very hands-on training technique it was a lot of fun; their chemistry was evident, flirting and teasing each other, him making sure to put his hands on Kylie at any opportunity, bending her into all manner of positions with the excuse of keeping her muscles stretched out and flexibility intact like she wanted. Kylie made sure to wear very tight clothing for it, choosing tight sports bras, form fitting leggings and tiny G-strings to give him maximum opportunity to take in her curves.
After around two months, with intense workouts every day that left her exhausted, she was looking great; her abs were coming together, flatter and just a breath away from the six pack she wanted, and her body looked lean and toned. Her legs were strong, arms and shoulders nicely defined, plus she had more energy and strength like she'd wanted. Their workouts were tough but Kylie looked forward to them every day, getting his hands on her and pushing herself hard to impress him, which was obviously working given her physique. Unable to contain her desires for him any longer, and sure he felt very much the same, she had propositioned him after a late evening workout one Friday night, after they'd been commenting on how good a session they'd had.
“How about you come back to my place and give me another workout?” was what she'd said, or something to that effect. It had been blunt, and he'd been rather surprised to say the least by the invitation, but understandably interested. After confirming with her more than once whether she was kidding, and her assuring him she was not, he said he'd very much like to come back to her place and work out all the bits of her he hadn't had a chance to. After wrapping up their workout, they'd gone back to her place and had at it in a hungry, passionate romp, wasting no time in showering and going straight at it in a hot, sweaty encounter than had been everything she'd wanted. He had a nice cock and evidently knew how to use it, making her come frustratingly easily, not seeming to be phased by her celebrity status as he took her to task and fucked her nice and hard, culminating with a thick load being emptied in her tight pussy as she groaned with pleasure.
It had been a very intense, exhausting night; after their first fuck and a shower, they'd proceeded to had sex twice more that night, then he'd screwed her again the following morning. By the time she got to her workout session with him that night she was already tired and struggled through her reps, but he'd made it up to her by going home with her, showering her off and then devouring her sweet, bald pussy till she came hard. He of course fucked her after that, and she was very happy with that. She'd invited him to do it regularly, as often as he wanted to in fact, but for a reduced hourly personal training charge as part of the deal; it was ridiculous of course, she didn't even remotely need the money from saving a few pounds an hour on her PT, but she loved using it to exercise some power over him, some control. He had grumbled a little, tempted to point that out in fact, but he'd agreed to get, or rather, keep his hands on the Australian pop princess.
Quietly pleased with herself, their relationship had taken off in a very straightforward and primal fashion, where she went and worked out hard with him every evening, and then he went home with her and fucked her equally hard afterwards. They'd head back to hers, barely managing to keep their hands off each other, then get in and take a shower together after which they'd go at it like rabbits; their activities were energetic and varied, with him physically dominating her petite form sometimes and her taking charge on top others, trying every possible position, some light bondage and spanking. She would suck his cock deeply for him, having no problems going deepthroat on his gorgeous cock and swallowing afterwards, while he licked her pussy and ass with equal vigour. He most often came inside of her, loving riding her to the end and exploding deep within her petite body, but he sometimes came over her toned tummy, in her mouth or occasionally over her face. She didn't really mind any of the options really.
His strength and stamina wore her out, being in the fantastic shape that he was, and at the end of every day she was completely exhausted by his workout in both the gym and bedroom, but she loved it. Her own strength and stamina improved with the fitness he gave her however and soon she was keeping up with him, their sex life only going from strength to strength. After a couple of weeks together, and with him hinting at it pretty clearly, she'd let him have her ass; anal sex was something she'd got into years before, loving the different, intense sensation it gave and it turned her on how much guys loved to squeeze themselves into her petite ass, stretching her sphincter out around their cock with a groan as they pushed into her tightest hole. He had been putty in her hands as she'd let him do it, not literally though as she'd been down on all fours, grunting at the divine stretch and satisfaction of it all.
All of that had happened in the first couple of weeks, and she'd waited until they'd been going at it for around a month before she introduced her biggest desire – Pegging.
She'd been quite clear with it, straightforward and upfront with the whole issue, telling him that she was very into pegging, that she'd got into it many years before when she was in her 20s and that she'd like to do it with him. He'd been very taken aback by the idea, as surprised she'd mentioned it as anything else, having no problem with letting her take control in the energetic back and forth of their fantastic sex life but not having expected that. He'd expressed his reticence, really unsure of doing it even though he most definitely wanted to keep on fucking her and wanted her to be happy; Kylie had taken it cautiously but slowly pressured him on the topic, talking to him about it to gauge his negativity towards it and where that was, telling him about how much fun it was, how good she could make him feel and how hot it would be to let her be properly in charge, which she knew he liked by the way his thick cock pulsed in her hand as she told him about whilst giving him a handjob.
Her approach changed however as he continued to resist her; she could tell he was turned on by the idea, and she knew he would like it when she did it if he just relaxed and let her teach him, but his biggest concern was feeling like he was giving up his manhood or sexuality somehow. It was pretty common, she'd encountered it with other men that she'd turned onto pegging, and she knew that he'd appreciate it when she broke that down. Her approach turned a little from carrot to stick, no longer just encouraging him with how great things could be if he allowed her to peg him, but also suggesting that if they didn't try it, if he didn't bend to her will, that she might not let him fuck her in the ass any more or perhaps they might need to end their relationship all together since it was something she needed to give her complete satisfaction. Their relationship could go back to being strictly professional, instead of very, very personal.
She let off the pressure for a couple of days to let him decide, hinting that she needed an answer. After a brief discussion, where he asked what she would do for him in return should he give in to her satisfaction, her luscious promise of “anything” with absolute integrity sealed it. He had relented and told her what she wanted to hear – that he'd do it. She had smiled gleefully and immediately sealed the deal with a blowjob, a nice deepthroat followed by a facial to show him her appreciation of his change of heart, after which they'd had a discussion about the logistics of everything and where she wanted to start. Whilst she was very eager to get her groove on, she also knew she needed to start him out gently and build him up to enjoy it, otherwise it would all become a negative experience for him; as a result, she suggested he came and saw her toy collection and got an idea of what it was she would be using so as to acquaint himself and get used to the idea.
She took him to her bedroom and opened her cupboards to reveal her rather impressive collection of sex toys; she had lots that were for herself of course, a huge assortment of dildos and vibrators, some quite serious bondage toys, but it was her strap-ons and anal sex toys she focused on for him. She had several harnesses and a lot of possible dildos for them of all shapes and sizes, some contoured and shaped for different stimulation, but her favourites were in the harnesses, which were primarily her small starter toy, quite smooth, narrow and only a few inches long, and her more preferred proper dildo, a seven inch purple toy with ridges and shapes to it. She also had strapless dildos and a good collection of plugs, beads and assorted other toys. He'd be interested to see everything she owned, and she had assured him that she'd use everything she had to bring him maximum pleasure.
Kylie hadn't waited any longer, wanting to strike while the iron was hot and had immediately got going with it, introducing it to him that evening after their latest workout. He'd been nervous certainly, but it seemed once he'd made the decision to give it a go with her he was quite open and interested to learn. She enjoyed herself playing with him, trying out different toys on him, plugs and beads to begin with to get him used to the sensations as she sucked and stroked his cock. He enjoyed the stretch of the larger plug, his cock going iron hard in her dainty hand as she pushed it into him, shivering and groaning like she'd never heard from him to make her smile widely in anticipation of where she was going to take things. She kept with the toys for the first few days and worked to help him enjoy it fully, especially pleased by the enormous orgasm and eruption of come he emitted the first time she got him off with a plug inside, his load jetting over his shoulder onto the bed. With that affirmation, she'd strapped on her starter harness the next evening and, with a healthy dose of lube, introduced him to pegging.
Her pussy had been so wet that first time with him; it always was when she introduced men to pegging, she just got so turned on she couldn't help herself, trembling as she leaned over him with her toy at the ready. He'd been on his back; it was much easier to start that way rather than with her behind him, especially given their significant size difference with his gym-honed, muscular six-foot plus frame compared to her tiny, petite and now toned five-foot stature. It had been an enjoyable introduction for them both, Kylie making sure to kiss him plenty and keep it fun and sexy, reassuring him that his sexuality was intact – he was fucking her after all. They had fun and she managed to screw him quite hard, though she couldn't make him climax like she wanted to, resulting in them fucking hard once they were done to both of their pleasures. A few sessions of that and he'd seemed ready for her to take it further, able to take her larger plugs that she tried him out with and not having any discomfort from it, the pop princess able to keep him at full erection and jerk him off over his stomach proving he enjoyed her work.
She'd given him a couple of days break from it, still trying toys on him whilst they fucked however, letting him pound her ass hard before she had brought out her preferred, full-size strap-on, the much thicker seven-inch one on her favourite harness. It fit her snugly, able to tighten it nicely without it biting into her skin, fitting her just right to give her complete control over her toy and let her really put some power into it if she wanted. She had simply got herself ready while he was in the shower after their gym session, rolling on a pair of black thigh-high hold ups and strapping on her favoured dildo to greet him when he'd got out of the shower, walking into the bedroom to find the stunning little Australian waiting for him.
“Baby, it's time,” she'd purred softly, raising her eyebrows with a smile that said this was it, that she was going to peg him properly. He'd joined her on the bed and she'd shown him what pegging was all about, putting him on his back once more, toying him to warm him up plenty and then blissfully lining her strap-on up with him. Despite herself she'd gone a little fast, making him wince as she first pushed the purple toy inside him, causing her to immediately stop and withdraw, realising she was getting caught up in her own arousal. With a bit more lube and far more control, she'd tried again and carefully sunk her hips into him, squeezing the dildo into him slowly, letting herself go until it was almost all inside him, pausing to kiss passionately with him and just let him adjust. From there she'd slowly built herself up into a rhythm, slowly thrusting until he was fully into it and then picking up the pace, finally giving him the sort of fuck she'd always wanted to do, happy to see he was enjoying it, cock stiffening back up after his initial discomfort which she stroked busily with her skilful hand as she rode him.
Despite his erection and evident enjoyment she hadn't been able to make him climax that first time, her dainty hands just unable to unlock him that evening, but she did, grinding hard into the harness as she fucked him until she could take no more and shuddered with a hard, primal orgasm in utter pleasure as her craft. It was only the beginning however and Kylie kept up the pace, pegging him almost every night that week to fully introduce him to her larger, preferred toy, getting him fully used to letting her take control and fuck him. Their sex life in general took a step up, finding a new gear and he was screwing her hard every morning in every hole and position they could think of before she turned the tables on him in the evening and took him to task with her strap-on. It was only a couple of days before she made him climax on her new toy with her hand, proudly jerking him all over her chest as she leaned over him, before they started trying new positions, such as him on his side or face down, Kylie crouching over him to exert her dominance.
A week or so of that and she finally got him into doggy style position, on all fours as she stood over him; due to their height difference she simply couldn't kneel behind him, so she stood beside him and lowered herself down into position, her muscles stronger and more capable than they'd ever been thanks to him, pressing her toy down into him and fucking him harder and faster than ever before. She was impressed with his development and openness to her and something that a few weeks before had been completely alien to him and she paid him back with everything she knew how to, her body his playground. It took a few further days but she finally got to the holy grail of pegging, as far as she was concerned – giving him a hands-free, prostate orgasm; crouching over him doggy style, she'd pushed herself up more to work her strap-on down into him, over his sensitive prostate gland, the male G-spot, with short, deep strokes that had just enough pressure to do the job without overwhelming him. He'd barely been able to handle it as she brought him to climax, a completely new sensation for him that had him quaking before his cock had gone harder than it had been in years to eject his hot, thick load all over the towel she'd placed beneath him in readiness to save her bedsheets.
From there their relationship just continued going strength to strength, fucking every day without fail in a fairly evenly split mix of him fucking her and her pegging him, using every possible way of stimulating and pleasing one another for a very satisfying life. He explored her bondage gear, securing the petite Australian in all manner of positions to take advantage of her, Kylie loving his ingenuity with it all as he tied her up and also pushing her harder in general, starting to face fuck her deeply rather than just let her blow him. She conversely tried him out with all of her other couples toys, mostly her other strap-ons, having more intense, intimate sessions with her strapless dildos and feeldoe toys, interesting explorations with her differently shaped and contoured ones and pushing his limits more with her larger toys.
Her biggest toy was a rather whopping ten inch green dildo that she'd got rather as a joke than anything else; she couldn't handle it at all, it was the size of her arm and since she wasn't into fisting it simply didn't fit inside her. She'd suggested it to him in jest, then been rather amazed when he said he'd try it out; she'd been able to get it inside him with patience, though she couldn't get it all into him but she'd still had fun fucking him with it for an evening before finishing him with a deepthroat blowjob. Although she was in charge when pegging him, she never made it about female dominance or anything similar; sure she wore some of the outfits and clothing, he liked seeing her like that, but it was about their combined pleasure, not her somehow getting one over on him. Sure she'd done that a few times in her life, but it wasn't what she liked about it all.
That had all been a few months ago now and they were completely into it, very comfortable with each other. She was able to fuck him any way that she wanted, as she'd always hoped, and he did the same with her. Their more vigorous sex life coincided with harder, more intense workouts to burn calories and work muscles hard; he liked to put her through her paces, even more so now he was getting to fuck her it seemed and as a result she got the body she'd asked him for when they'd started. After over half a year working with him and the intense physical workout he was giving her at all hours of the day, she was rocking the hard body look she'd desired; she was an absolute hard bodied hotty, her body was very toned in general, no fat anywhere on her with hard, toned legs and arms. Her ass looked amazing, more so than it had before, and her abs were to die for, a rock hard six pack with great definition like she'd always dreamed of having. It took a lot of work to keep it going, but she was absolutely sure he was happy to help her with that.
Kylie gave a stretch and rolled over to get out of bed, taking time to look at herself naked in the mirror and be impressed by her own tiny, toned body, just loving the hard muscles of her figure and the definition of her shape, the hourglass more defined now with her powerful legs and tight midriff. Her pussy was completely smooth, silky and soft, the result of laser hair removal that she'd chosen after getting bored of waxing, committing to the smooth look. As she headed for the bathroom to grab her own shower, she thought about what she wanted to do that evening; he had something else to do that night so couldn't work out with her, and as a result she intended to greet him ready to go when he got home to her. She pondered it as she showered, running her hands over her tight body as the water poured down, unwinding in the warmth as she pondered her options. Forming a loose plan, she figured she'd decide on it properly throughout the day and put it into action later, focussing her mind on her professional life for now and the day ahead, getting into gear and finishing up to go out.
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Kylie got home by about four that afternoon, her day having started promptly but not dragging on too late, giving her time to get home and crucially get ready for him. She knew he'd be home around seven, so she had time to prepare herself and immediately treated herself to a relaxing bath, unwinding and finalising her plans for the evening as she teasingly brushed her fingers over herself, touching at her gorgeously smooth pussy in anticipation of what was to come. She washed off and climbed out of the large bathtub, drying her diminutive body easily and heading to her bedroom to decide. The singer dried herself off and casually dropped the towel, liking to stand around naked as she made her decisions; she found her choices became clear as soon as she looked at what she had, suddenly crystallized as she realised what she wanted for the night.
She decided to go for the dominant look, and a few minutes later was ready in a black waspie corset, leaving her perky breasts free for his enjoyment, a pair of long black gloves that went over her elbows, black hold-ups with a deep, accentuated lace top and a pair of stiletto heels. To top it off she wore a small black heart choker. She carefully selected her toy, choosing a nearly eight inch electric blue translucent dildo with a nice thickness to it; it was flexible but firm, more than stiff enough for her to put her power through it and give him a good hard fucking with. Taking her favourite harness, she swapped out the toy for her favoured purple item and put the blue one in place with a tight ring to hold it, not wanting it to shift during their session. Slipping into it, she easily pulled it up into place, tightening it with a firm pull at the straps around her hips, taking a moment to settle it before pulling the leg straps up, feeling them cut into the top of her thighs just below her ass as she did and giving a shudder. She always loved getting ready for this.

Strutting around with her strap-on at the ready, bouncing in front of her, she waited impatiently for him to get home. Horny and frustrated, her heart raced as she heard his keys in the door, turning the lock to enter, not knowing she was awaiting him and ready to fuck. Sure they fucked every night, she was sure he intended on having her, but this was certainly a surprise for him as he stepped in the door, closing it behind him and looking up directly at Kylie standing in the doorway in front of him, dressed to kill and sporting a sizeable strap-on.
“Hey baby,” she said with a devilish smile, carefully sashaying towards him with little footsteps one in front of the other to make her toy sway enticingly.
“Hey,” he replied with a rise of his eyebrows, smile pulling at the sides of his mouth, eyes wide as he took her in from head to toe.
“Had a good day?” she asked, the small talk as much in humour as anything else. They both knew where this was going.
“Yeah pretty good, you?” he replied.
“Yeah good, and it's gonna get better. Go get ready,” she said simply. It was a command, not in a bitchy dominatrix way, but just Kylie's way that said she was in charge right now.
“Like that is it?” he said with a smile, sliding his arm around her as they met.
“Yeah, like that. I'm gonna fuck you good tonight,” she smiled, melting into a kiss with him, “so don't keep me waiting.”
“Sure thing,” he said, cool and casual with her now about it all, taking a last glance down her before heading for the bathroom to grab a quick shower. Kylie smiled and danced a little to herself, incredibly turned on now and ready to go, wishing the minutes away until he was back with her. His preparation and shower took only a few minutes, less than ten, and he walked back out to find her, completely naked as he figured she was ready to go and may as well be too. Finding the tiny pop goddess waiting in her front room for him, towel already spread out on the floor as she immediately embraced him with a deep kiss, straining on her toes as her toy pushed against his toned body. He pulled her up easily, feet swaying above the ground; Kylie was in charge but she let him do this, loving when guys picked her up, especially when he could do it as if she weighed nothing due to his gym honed strength. Their kisses were hot and hungry, tongues twisting together, her hands grasping his powerful shoulders as she pulled close to him, reluctant to release him but also wanting to proceed energetically, carefully pointing her toes towards the floor to stand again as he lowered her back down.
“You're gonna love this,” she whispered as her dainty hand gripped his now rock hard cock, standing out in front of him for her gloved fingers to stroke as he groaned lightly in pleasure. He didn't respond to her, just relishing the stimulation she gave him with expert motions of her arm, bringing his cock to full hardness now and teasing her fingertips around under his bulging head. His own hands reached out to grope at her chest, squeezing her perky breasts firmly and feeling the nipples press into his palms as he explored her body as he'd done many times before. She murmured as his hands slid down her body to the pinch of her waist, pulled in tightly by her black waspie corset, feeling the tactile sensation of the satin and silk, loving how it squeezed her midsection in tightly even if it did cover her hard abs.
Kylie's other hand slid round him as she pulled in close, tiny in front of him, unable to reach up and kiss him as her thick blue strap-on bumped into his legs. His cock was in her tummy, pressed against her corset constrained body as her hand moved slowly on him, working him back and forth as she slid over hand over his ass, giving a firm smack with a smile before letting her fingers play down between his cheeks to find his tight hole. He didn't flinch any more when she touched him there, relaxed now and completely trusting of her as Kylie let her gloved fingers play over his tight ring of muscle, just carefully stroking, being mindful of her fingernails and gently probing to get him ready for her. His hands had pulled round her back now, holding her close to him as she did her thing, teasing him with fingers and hand to get him warmed up for her. Kylie had long learnt that she got far better results with the pegging by making sure to associate it with pleasure and always strokes or sucked her boyfriends as she played with their ass, helping them make the connection. It had certainly worked with him.
“Turn around for me,” she whispered, pushing up onto her toes, heels lifting off the floor to get as near to his ear as possible. He did as she asked, hand slipping from his throbbing erection, leaving the petite star behind him, heart pumping. She always got exhilarated doing this. She laid a playful spank on him, hand landing then gripping at his toned body, both of them laughing slightly.
“Get down on your knees,” she commanded. She wasn't a dominatrix or anything but she was in charge, and this was her little bit of power play that she loved to engage in. He didn't mind it, her fucking was sensual and sexy so he let her have this moment to herself and dropped to the floor obediently for her, kneeling up awaiting her next move. Kylie raised her foot and put it to his back between his shoulder blades, firmly pushing him down onto all fours before her using the high heel, her strap-on jiggling energetically as she did so, lowering her leg and checking out her prize, his hard cock sticking out under him, tight ass ready for her attention. The Australian star carefully got down onto her knees behind him, reaching out to run her hands over him and then press her thumb to his backdoor, feeling it yield to her pressure. Putting both hands on him and settling herself on her knees, toy laying along her legs, Kylie shuffled closer and kissed over his lower back and down onto his bum, teasing over his skin with soft kisses of her plump lips. Wasting no more time, Kylie extended her tongue and dipped down to drag it from his balls up over his asshole, pressing firmly into his tight muscles and feeling him tremble in pleasure.
“Fuck, Kylie,” he breathed with a shudder, cock straining in its hardness under him as she gave him a rimjob. She had no problem doing this, he did it for her and she'd learnt early on that he loved it. It wasn't about making her do it or anything like that, he just loved the sensation and Kylie loved that she could make him feel so good and relished the feel of his cock straining in her hand in arousal. With that in mind she reached around underneath him and grasped his cock again, the thick erection jumping in her hand as she touched it, immediately closing her fingers around him and slowly but powerfully jerking him off, squeezing each time she pulled her gloved hand over his bulging head in conjunction with her slow licks from his balls up over his tight hole. She switched up a gear as she pressed her tongue to him and started to lick in rapid circles, going all round his tight ring and just threatening to dip inside, feeling him open up to her as her hand ramped up in unison, stroking him in shorter, faster motions.
His grunts told her he was ready for her, spending a last few seconds to give him what he loved before she released him and sat up on her feet, hands gliding over her silky stockings to grasp her long silicone cock, instinctively stroking at the impressive toy as she looked round to pick up her bottle of lube. Grabbing it, she pumped out a couple of measures onto her fingers and pressed them to him, hearing him inhale slightly at the chill of it before she spread it all over his ring and dipped her fingers inside, feeling him calmly push back into her and easily let her in to thoroughly prepare him. She squeezed another pump onto her toy, pushing up onto her knees to get it off her thighs so it hung before her as she stroked her slippery hand over it to spread the lube all over the thick silicone shaft. She gave another quick pump and spread it around the head, wanting it to slip in with maximum ease as she stood it aside and grabbed an old towel to quickly wipe her fingers on. Pushing herself up onto her feet, Kylie steadied herself on her towering heels, stepping into position over him with feet on either side, shuffling a toe before she crouched down to bring her large electric blue strap-on into play, grasping it to line it up with him, just pressing forward carefully to ease it against his asshole, ready to go.
“Ready baby?” she asked, rhetorical as much as anything, the diminutive Australian holding her electric blue toy dominantly, the firm rubber ready for him. He just murmured affirmatively, just awaiting her now. With her other hand at his hip, Kylie smiled and slowly pushed forward with power and control, not too fast but not too soft either, her technique well practised after years of pegging. There was the moment where nothing seemed to happen, Kylie leaning into her harness to increase the pressure on him before suddenly he yielded and she slid inside, hearing him groan and feeling the shudder run through him as her thick toy stretched him open as he loved, sending a rush of sensation through him and stiffening his cock in another rock hard pulse. His groan only deepened into a growl as she slid over half the blue strap-on inside him, Kylie adding her other hand to his hips to brace herself as she sank down against the harness, shivering with pleasure herself and giving a muffled laugh of satisfaction and pleasure at sliding herself into him.
“Oh fuck yeah,” she murmured as the toy disappeared inside him, her hips moving tantalisingly close to him on the first stroke as he tightened up. She quickly stroked up his back to reassure him, something she always did, just finding it helped keep their connection as she eased back, feeling the strain in her strong thighs as she did, in full control and loving it as she pulled back to just the head that threatened to pop out of him. She had no such intention however and thrust back inside him, faster this time but still controlled, driving down to almost full depth as he groaned again, nothing but pleasure as she held his hips powerfully again to control her thrusts. Drawing back again she thrust herself forward harder and faster this time, easily sinking the long blue toy inside him with the help of the lube, bottoming out so her harness pressed into him, both of them giving a groan of pleasure, Kylie leaning over him with her impressive flexibility to kiss across the back of his shoulders as they just enjoyed the moment.
With the doors open Kylie pulled back her toy all the way till she almost popped out and then drove it into him again, easily sliding back to full depth again, grinding her clit into the harness as she did it for maximum pleasure. She got herself into a good rhythm and quickly built up to a fairly rapid pace, plunging into him as she held his hips, feeling him move with her as she fucked him with her strap-on. Her breaths cut the air from her exertion, doing most of the work as she screwed him from behind, him just groaning with pleasure beneath her as she gave him the unique sensations of anal sex, as he often did to her. She leaned forward more and reached round underneath him, grasping his thick prick and squeezing it, feeling him react in her hand as she started to jerk him off once more, harder and faster this time, caught up in her own rhythm as she worked him and her hips, chasing the tingle of her clit on the harness as well as wanting to give him maximum pleasure, multitasking in the hottest way.
Her slender hand worked wonders to stroke him, pulling and teasing at his cock, working her fingers at the ridge of his head to make him mumble in specific pleasure, all her tricks at work as she got what she wanted, pushing hungrily into her harness to thrust into him, immensely turned on by his enjoyment of it and just being in charge, taking ownership of the fuck she was handing out. Kylie slid her hand back from his cock, leaving his rock hard shaft bouncing with her energetic pace as she grasped his hip once more, taking a strong hold as she pulled her dainty size three feet back a little and leaned over him more, pushing down into him more firmly as she aimed for his prostate. Carefully aiming her electric blue silicone cock, Kylie leaned over and more slowly pushed down into the harness to get the right spot, knowing immediately when she had as he gave a certain groan that she just knew, knowing she was on target now to give him the ultimate climax.
Picking up her pace again, Kylie worked her strap-on in shorter, faster strokes, working the bulbous tip of it onto his prostate deep inside him, his most sensitive and illicit spot. He grunted deeply, more intensely and pushed back into her some more, letting her know she was definitely doing it for him; with her experience pegging she knew when she was hitting the spot for a guy, her expertise at work. Holding on tightly she worked constantly, strong legs letting her maintain her perfect bouncing oscillations as she pumped the sensual blue toy in and out of his ass. His fingers curled on the carpet as he felt the almost overwhelming sensations start to kick in, Kylie getting him to orgasm quickly through his prostate, her technique quite expert as she pumped down into him. He held it back, breathing and grunting harder as she built him up, his cock achingly hard as it swung beneath him and sweat beaded across his forehead, the dainty Australian's fingers pressed into his skin. He looked back past his legs at her sexy high heels and stocking wrapped legs, leading up out of sight to her gorgeous body and the toy she was doing him with.
“Come on baby,” she cooed, starting to work just a bit harder, pushing deeply into him and wiggling her hips to give more stimulation through her toy.
“I'm almost there,” he replied with a smile that she could hear.
“I know,” she said in return, knowing him well now and what meant what as she fucked him. She kept going, harder and faster, almost jamming into him now as she worked at his most intimate spot, loving the sensation as her harness ground against her own clit. She'd decided not to use a vibrator tonight, not needing one with her favourite harness and she was turned on enough as it was without it. He couldn't hold back his climax any more, Kylie's technique driving him over the edge as she fucked him, feeling the sudden failure of his resistance as the tension set in, muscles clenching as he gave a deep groan.
“Mm yes, come on baby, come for me,” Kylie said with a grin, always pleased to make him climax without touching him even though it had never been in doubt. She doubled her efforts to fuck him hard and fast now, driving deeper with almost the whole toy and being a little easier on his prostate to give him the maximum blend of sensations for his climax. He managed to last just a couple more seconds before he came hard with a near shout of pleasure, the orgasm hitting him sharply as his cock went absolutely iron stiff and exploded over the towel beneath him, his hot, thick load jetting from his thick cock onto the floor, Kylie still thrusting hard to sustain it as he popped. She stroked into him intently to prolong his climax, wishing she could see the huge load that exploded from him, loving how incredibly hard he got and how much he came every time she did this. After a few seconds he exhaled with a strained sound, too sensitive and unable to take her thrusting, prompting her to ease back, lowering her hips to take pressure off his prostate before sliding slowly into him, all the way till her harness pressed against him. Holding still to let him recover, the pop princess reached underneath him for his still hard cock and started stroking firmly.
“Mm was that good baby?” she purred as she stroked him, feeling him softening in her grip as she milked the last drops out of him, running over her fingers hotly and dripping to the floor with the rest of it.
“Yeah, fucking always,” he said with knowing laugh, glancing back over his shoulder to her. Kylie just smiled, giving a last squeeze and releasing him as they both breathed hard in recovery.
“Good, but we're not done yet,” she said, kissing his shoulders and pushing back up onto her feet behind him. Settling her heels on the floor again, she braced her legs once more and pulled her toy back, withdrawing it so the crown of the head just emerged from him before she surged forward and buried the whole length inside him once more with a grunt from him, hard breaths as he fought the sensitivity of her starting to fuck him again, her big blue toy stimulating and sparking his nerve endings. Holding on tight, he grunted again as her fingernails dug into his skin, the Australian sex kitten intensifying her grip as she drove her toy into him again, harder this time and just as deep, plunging into him. She groaned herself, pushing her clit into the harness now more deliberately, aiming for her own pleasure as she resumed her rhythm of stroking the dildo in and out of him. She relished wearing her strap-on, it gave her such pleasure and dare she say it satisfaction to be in charge. She wasn't a dominatrix by any means, but she was definitely in charge; she knew many women, including her own sister, that wanted to be more in charge in the bedroom at times or to just take control of things, but none of them had the guts to try pegging despite her suggestions.
Pushing harder, she changed to shorter, harder thrusts, not even using half the toy now as she stayed deep inside him and shoved her pelvis forward into him, feeling him push back for her, resisting her energy which made it perfect for her to pursue her own climax by grinding into her harness. Of course he knew this, he was experienced with this and she had trained him well to help her achieve what she wanted. She gave him explosive orgasms and he helped her grind her way to satisfaction of her own, so it was a win-win. She was pretty close, having already worked herself up by fucking him firmly to bring his climax, so her own orgasm was in sight, Kylie working her hips determinedly as she fucked him, holding him like she thought he'd try and escape as she chased her peak. She strap-on cock worked furiously in and out of him as she pounded with short, hard strokes, almost slamming her groin forwards with the harness to bury the toy inside him, reaching up to sweep her long blonde hair back over her head and out the way, focused entirely on what she was doing.
“Mm fuck, almost there,” she growled, feeling the orgasm bubbling in the background, ready to explode if she could just get the last touch. He just grunted in pleasure at her fucking, the discomfort in the wake of his own climax having passed, just feeling the unique pleasure of what she was doing now; it was different certainly, but in a way he loved letting her have control and just run everything, finding it gave him a chance to just enjoy the pleasure as it happened, much as she did when he fucked her. A role reversal, and one she was very happy to drive, crouching over him as she hammered into him with her toy, breathing hard and fast as she rolled her hips to grind against the harness. Her clit throbbed with readiness as she pounded him, perspiration pricking her hotly at her skin, mind focused completely when she felt a sudden tremor and tingle run through her, her own point of no return.
“Oh fuck, fuck,” she breathed through her exertions as she suddenly found another gear, fucking him harder than she had at any point, piling herself into him with her full, slight weight and energy, rocking onto her toes as she slammed into him with a blistering burst of hard thrusts, the final grinds of her clit into her strap-on harness as her knees trembled until she couldn't take any more.
“Fuuucccckkkk...” she managed in a strained voice as her orgasm overtook her, overwhelming her slender body, tensing her rock hard abs beneath her corset as she shuddered with the soul-shaking power of it. Her fingernails managed to dig harder into him as she shook behind him, whole body quivering as she climaxed, urging her to shove as deep against him as possible with her last coherent act before she was overrun by it all and gave in with a noisy cry of pleasure.
“Goddamn I love fucking you,” she exclaimed loudly, eyes squeezed shut as she threw her head back, just shaking in pleasure as she let out hard, harsh breaths in pleasure and exertion, holding deep against him as she rode her climax and rocked her hips to extend it. With it fading she released her intense hold, just resting her hands on his back and pulling her hips back, rocking them to give a few smooth, softer thrusts of the toy into him. Temporarily spent, she leaned over and rested her head down on his back, drawing deep lungfuls of air in as her hand reached under him to find a full, rock-hard erection again.
“Oh hello,” she teased with a smile, wrapping her slender fingers around it and starting to stroke him gently, only helping to make him even harder, her intense fucking having taken him from spent to ready go again.
“It's your fault,” he said, looking back to her slightly with a smile.
“I take it as a compliment,” she smiled in return, starting to thrust into him again to give him further pleasure. After a few more strokes she paused, then slowly pulled back, letting the head snag at his tight ring before she popped the large electric blue toy out of him and stood up, stretching for a fraction of a second as he looked round to her.
“Come on baby, fuck me,” she said, dropping to all fours even as he turned round to look at her, kneeling up to start moving as she dropped onto her hands and arched her back for him, presenting herself to be taken, juicy pussy bulging between the straps of her harness. Straightening himself out and turning round, he looked at the stunning Australian pop star bent over before him, ready to take him and let his wants out on, her gorgeously smooth pussy bulging between her toned thighs, ass looking stunning as he shuffled over behind her and laid a hand on her hot skin. Kylie murmured in pleasure, just waiting for the moment his thick cock slid into her pussy; she might love being in charge, enjoying the back-and-forth of the power dynamic between them, but at the end of the day she loved to be put down on all fours and just fucked.
“Don't tease me,” she murmured, glancing back a little as his hands squeezed her ass, running over her hips and up to her waspie-clinched waist, relishing the tightly constrained body and figure of the singer. Without a word he reached out and squeezed a pump of her lube onto his fingers, quickly reaching down to spread it over his cock and around his thick head before grasping it and pushing to her gorgeous body. In a well practised blink he lined himself up with her tight asshole, gripped her waist with his other hand and pulled it back into her pelvis and then drove himself forward. Her body was relaxed and not ready to fight him, sphincter unable to respond fast enough as he squeezed himself into her tightest hole and drove himself deeply inside her as Kylie grunted deeply. She didn't cry out, the pain was just a momentary twinge; his decision to choose anal sex was not unexpected, she knew he loved it and after all she had just done it to him, but her body was not totally prepared. However, she did it regularly with him to say the least and after the brief initial stretch she was good to go, groaning with pleasure as he pulled back and started to thrust into her, asshole stretching out to accommodate his thick cock and let him drive deeply inside her.
“Ohh fuck, that's it,” she breathed, feeling the full, satisfying sensation of anal sex that she loved and also seeking to urge him on, wanting him to hungrily use that erection as hard and fast as possible on her for his maximum pleasure. He gave her what she wanted as his hands pulled into her waist, squeezing down on the corset as he compressed her and hauled her back against him with the flare of her hips, her curvy figure making it easy for him to lever her body to his will, not that she was fighting it and was actively squeezing her asshole around his thick, impaling cock to maximise his stimulation. He wasted no time in pumping himself into her hot body, holding her tight and thrusting his whole length in and out of her, pulling out till his cock bulged her asshole or even slipped just out of it before ploughing back inside her to full depth.
Kylie groaned with pleasure as he fucked her, absolutely loving the primal way he was taking her, the way he pulled out before driving back inside to stretch her asshole that little bit more with every thrust into her, making her tingle with every form of anal pleasure and shudder as he bottomed out. Her strap-on was just about touching the floor, huge beneath her petite frame and bouncing uncontrollably as he fucked her hard, hips rocking to the rhythm of his pumps into her. His hips slammed into her tight, toned ass and shook her body even as she braced against him, such a reversal to how she had been so small and petite behind him despite her strength to him now so physically dominating behind her. She loved it though, surrendering to his control of her, shoving her ass back to push him deeper into her ass as he pumped her, cock rock hard, throbbing at every thrust in a way that told Kylie he really was close, just a few seconds probably from exploding inside her.
“Come on, fuck me, fuck me!” she encouraged hungrily, the growl noticeable in her voice, primal, lustful. His hand lunged out and snatched a handful of her blonde hair and yanked her head back, making her yell out at the sudden pain but also shiver in pleasure, loving when guys pulled her hair, using it to lever her with her hip and hold her tight, thumping against her with a ferocity she knew she had awakened in him. He enjoyed the pegging with her, she had made sure of that for herself as much as him, but she knew he loved to pay her back a little for it and that moment was now. It was no problem though, she could take it, strong and lean, the best shape of her life only making her a better fuck as he arched her like a bow and pounded on her for a final few seconds before his thrusts struggled and slowed, slamming himself into her so hard she almost tumbled forward as his cock hardened incredibly once more and he exploded inside her.
His near roar of pleasure made her tremble with excitement, loving that her body made him so happy as his cock jumped with burst after burst of his hot, thick load, ejecting it deeply into her ass as he pushed against her much in the same way she had to him. His hands pulled at her, restraining her lest she escape, wanting to keep her close for those intense seconds as his second orgasm hit him and he emptied everything he had left in the stunning musician. He breathed hard as he strained to squeeze out every drop, Kylie squeezing her ass on him to help as he tensed every muscle he had to give her everything, a final grip of her hip and pull on her blonde mane signalling the culmination of things before he suddenly released her. Kylie's head dropped as he breathed deeply, pulling in deep, necessary breaths as she sank down, hair touching the floor as she let her head flop forwards, his hands stroking her sides for a moment before he eased back and let himself pop free of her tightest hole, leaving her gaping as she gasped, pussy wet between the straps of her harness.
Laying a hard spank on her gorgeous ass with a satisfying slap, he sank down on the floor to sit behind her, Kylie leaning forward to stretch herself, rocking onto her knees and then letting her hips slowly fall over onto the floor, gorgeous ass jiggling and shaking just a little as she bumped onto the carpet. He leaned back to lie down behind her, both of them breathing deeply, that the only noise that broke the sudden silence of the room in the wake of their intense fucking and beautiful climax. His hand reached over and rested on her hip, touching her hot skin around the harness straps pressing into her beautifully pale skin, feeling their tightness on her.
“That was good,” she murmured, not that she really needed to and was merely stating the obvious.
“Yeah, a great session,” he replied as he caressed her.
“We'll have to do this again soon,” she added, glancing back to him slightly. It was also a fairly irrelevant point, since she pegged him several times a week now in exchange for him absolutely fucking her brains out the rest of the time, and they were happy with that arrangement.
“Definitely,” he said with a smile, not denying the pleasure she brought him.
“Firstly though, I hope you're not spent?” she asked, leaning up and looking back to him with a naughty smile.
“Not at all, I've definitely got some more energy in me,” he said, leaning up himself as Kylie's eyes flitted down to take in his physique; she saw it every day, but she still loved it.
“Excellent, you can fuck me before bed then,” she said with a smile.
“Deal,” he replied, smiling himself as Kylie rolled back to kiss him deeply, their tongues twisting intently for a moment before she broke away and rolled onto her knees, pushing her ass out for him as she knelt up, standing up onto her impressively high heels and giving a stretch of her lean, toned body and pushing her perky tits out. The large blue toy hung heavy at her hips, still strapped on tightly, bouncing playfully with her motions; he couldn't help but look at it, just taking in the absolutely tiny Australian with her strap-on before him. It certainly wasn't what he'd ever expected when they'd started working out together. Kylie glanced down and saw him looking at her harness, smiling at him and giving a shake of her hips, gorgeous ass shaking pertly as her toy wobbled before her, giving a slight giggle as he looked up at her with his own laugh, no tension between them.
“I'm gonna go grab a shower, come and join me if you want to,” she said and blew him a kiss with her full pout, turning and walking out of the front room to leave him staring after her ass, admiring the red hand print he'd left on it.
The End.
Big thanks to Ghost for helping check and edit this story.
As usual, please send me Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.