Warning:If you are under 18 (in some countries or regions 21) years of age and/or if it is illegal to view erotic material in your community, please leave now. We can't be held responsible for your actions. We are not acting in any way to send you this information; you are choosing to receive it and requesting it and downloading it without our knowledge or explicit consent. Continuing further means that you understand and accept responsibility for your own actions, thus releasing the creators of this Web page and our service provider from any and all liability.
To our knowledge, and it is our belief that, every story on this site is 100% fiction. We consider these stories to be the artistic expression of the authors represented, and thus we do not censor the stories that are submitted. If this bothers you, please refer to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. If you aren't in the United States, then please realize that we operate under the laws of the United States and we strongly believe in free speech and the right of artists to be heard.
That said, there are several derogations to this that we as a community have decided to impose to ensure a respectful community. Please see the
Forum Rules for more details. These derogations have been imposed due to our collective, negative experiences on other forums or websites where certain types of content has been allowed.
Anti-Child Pornography:Whilst supporting free speech, the forum is strongly against child pornography. We have zero tolerance for this. We do not publish stories with characters under 18 years old and we fully support the goals of ASACP in their fight for online child protection.
As such, we will see that any member of this forum that does post child pornography will have their IP address and any other details forwarded to the relevant authorities within their jurisdiction. For more information on the great work that ASACP do please visit
http://www.asacp.org/Legality of Celebrity Fan Fiction.This forum is a not for profit forum where our members post stories in the public domain for no monetary reward. The stories hosted here are parodies and works of fiction.
This forum is hosted in the United States and thus follows the laws of that geography. Therefore, we at the forum choose to follow the guidance put forward by the United States Supreme Court judgement found in Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988) as pertains to public figures and parodies that could not have been reasonably considered believable.
Copyright Info:All of the stories in this site are the property and exclusive copyright of their author(s). We make an effort to check every story before it is published, but we take no responsibility for the contents of the stories published herein. Some of the stories are parodies or what has become known as "fan fiction" and these stories are not authorized or approved by the original creators of the characters. We feel that these stories are interesting and worth publishing but we also realize there are some areas of the law that have not been clarified yet. If you have an issue with any of the stories here, please contact us first. Thanks for being understanding.
2257 Record Keeping:Celebrity Story Site abides by U.S. law, and in doing so makes the following page available to law enforcement authorities who are authorized to view it.
Celebrity Story Site is fully exempt from 18 U.S.C. section 2257 because the site publishes text stories only, not sexually explicit photographs or videos. Any photographs or videos offered on these servers are non-sexually explicit (as defined in 18 U.S.C section 2256) or totally non-nude.
Any sexually explicit pictures or videos linked by Celebrity Story Site members are done so by linking to third party websites and are not hosted on these servers. Questions about 2257 issues for sites linked from this website should be directed to those third parties.
DMCA Copyright NoticeCelebrity Story Site is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We provide copyright owners with the ability to self-publish on the site by uploading, storing and displaying digital media utilizing our services. We do not review all the uploads to our servers by users of our website service. Certain parts of this website allow unmoderated user uploads.
We respect US copyright law and take copyright violation seriously. We vigorously protect the rights of legal copyright owners. If you are the copyright owner of content which has been uploaded to Celebrity Story Site without your authorization, you must notify us in order for us to identify the allegedly infringing content and take the required action under the DMCA.
Please email the Web Administrator with the URL of all of the content that you believe has been posted as well as a statement confirming that you are the copyright holder and that you want the material removed.