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Author Topic: Kylie & Dannii Minogue - The Naughty Cheerleaders  (Read 16194 times)


Kylie & Dannii Minogue - The Naughty Cheerleaders
« on: December 28, 2019, 11:11:07 AM »
KLS - The Naughty Cheerleaders

This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards.

Now, on with the story!

This story follows on from the story “Kylie’s Latest Squeeze”, “Kylie goes back to School” and "KLS - Arrest and Interrogation" which I recommend reading prior to this.

* * * * *

Having just slogged through what felt like a never-ending shift at his new job, he walked back to the locker room, glad it was finally over. He intended on relaxing that evening, though he hadn’t planned how. Maybe a couple of cans, order a pizza and stuff like that. He opened his locker and dragged his bag out, opening it and rummaging for a bottle of water. Pulling it out, he opened it and took a much welcome mouthful of the cool drink. After just enjoying that for a moment, he recapped the bottle and reached for his phone to check if he’d missed anything. He usually had the odd message from a mate or whatever, but nothing important. Flipping his phone open, he saw it telling him he had a message waiting.

He clicked onto it, opening his inbox. His heart paused for a moment and he felt a cold rush of adrenaline before his heart picked back up again with much renewed pace. There was just one message, and the sender read simply as ‘Kylie’. The only time she ever called for him was when she wanted some hot sexy fun, so he could barely move his thumb fast enough to open the message. It sprung open on the little LCD screen, and a smile broke onto his face as he read it.

”Hey baby, remember me? ;-) Perhaps you just remember my ass :-P You damn well should, you know it well enough :-D You know exactly, well almost, what I’ve got in store for you, so how about you pop over about 7 – Love Kylie XXX”

His realised his hand was shaking ever so slightly, and snapped his phone shut. He threw it into his bag, fumbling for his car keys as he headed for the exit. Saying his polite goodbyes and so forth to the other staff, he held back from jogging to his car. He dropped into the seat and pulled out of the car park, then opened it up and drove fast back to his pad to grab a shower. He had around half an hour, so he grabbed a quick snack, had a shower and a shave. Slapping on some Lynx aftershave, he gave himself a quick check in the mirror to make sure he looked as good as he could for the delectable lady before grabbing his stuff and heading out.

He arrived at Kylie’s secluded cabin a few minutes before seven, heading up the steps. Raising his hand to knock, he realised he should just use his key. Kylie had told him more than once to use his key, it was why she’d given it to him. Fumbling through his keys, past the ones to his flat and so on, he found the one to her cabin, something he was sure thousands of men would like to own. He hesitated for a moment, remember what the tiny Aussie had done to him last time he’d used his key to get into her place. Glancing round cautiously, he didn’t see a police car parked outside or anything, so he took a breath and clicked the key into the lock. He turned it and opened the door, stepping into the hall. He looked around, Kylie not standing waiting for him. He looked around, noticing only that the bedroom door was closed. Kylie had never closed her bedroom door, not even when they were getting busy, and she didn’t seem to even try and hide anything from him.

The hall was not brilliantly lit, though being early evening it didn’t need to be. He noticed a note stuck to her bedroom door, and figured that was why it was closed. Slipping his shoes off by the door, he walked over to the bedroom and saw it was an envelope marked only ‘Open Me’ in black marker in her familiar hand. He pulled the envelope from its tape on the door with a light tug, lifting the flap and fishing inside for her note. He slid it out and opened it, turning into the light slightly more.

“Evening Lover. I’m afraid I’ll be a little late tonight, but I’ll be along soon. In the meantime, I left a little treat on the bed for you. – Love Kylie” was all it said, and at the bottom it was stamped with a bright red lipstick mark pressed onto the paper by Kylie’s sweet pout. He pondered for a moment, then figured he really would never know any of Kylie’s surprises. She was a crafty minx, so he just reached out and opened the door, stepping in whilst still glancing at her note.

“Hi there,” Dannii Minogue purred. He looked up from the note and froze, his eyes widening and mouth dropping open slightly as he saw Kylie’s gorgeous, sexy younger sister sitting on the bed. She was sitting on the edge, leaning back on her arms so her full chest was pushed out quite well with a sexy little smile on her lips as she looked him in the eye. His eyes flitted to her large breasts, the tight fabric of her top drawn over them, making her hard nipples oh-so obvious. Realising she may see him, he had enough composure to recapture her gaze. Dannii gave a cute little giggle, breathing in deeply and arching her back. His breath caught in his throat as she pushed her rack out at him, his eyes drawn to the stiff points of her nipples, which he was already picturing himself sucking on.

“Look all you want,” she said with a smile, licking her upper lip slightly. He just glanced back at her, then down to her chest for a second longer before following her body down, taking her in. Dannii was wearing a little cheerleader’s outfit, a couple of pom-poms next to her on the bed. Her long, glossy brown hair was loose and slightly wavy with considerable volume, looking beautiful with bright red lipstick on. She wore a small, tight top that was of a sandy colour with dark blue edging, the number 9 on the front of it as it wrapped round her delicious boobs. The bottom of it was held away from her body by her more than ample breasts as it led down to her smooth, toned stomach. She had a short pleated skirt on, sandy coloured with blue edging to match the top, barely long enough to cover her bum when she was standing up. Sitting down she had just enough to cover her knickers. Then her slender, tanned legs led down, so toned and inviting to a pair of white ankle socks and cute white pumps.

”So you’re the man that’s a big hit with my sister,” she said, smiling up at him as she eyed him up and down, unable to stop him seeing her almost piercing gaze pausing at his crotch. He felt his cock stir slightly as she sized him up, unable not to be aroused by Kylie’s hottie of a younger sister.

“Umm…Kylie said she’d left something for me?” he said, finally finding his voice and wanting to know exactly what the deal was.

“What’s the matter, didn’t you ever want to fuck the head cheerleader?” Dannii cooed, leaning forwards and hooking the tip of her finger in her mouth, giving him puppy dog eyes. If it was possible, his eyes widened even further, even though he should’ve seen this coming the second he’d found Dannii on the bed where Kylie had said his surprise would be. He recaptured her unwavering gaze, meeting her beautiful blue eyes which he could see were filled with passion.

”Does Kylie know you’re here?” he asked, shifting slightly unsurely on his feet. She smiled a little more at him, showing her white teeth.

”Sure, who do you think asked me to come here? Do you think I just go round to my sisters place dressed like this?” she giggled, holding her arms out which made her lovely voluptuous breasts jiggle slightly.

”No I guess not,” he said with a smile.

”And besides, I wanted to meet the guy that’s had Kylie smiling for the last few weeks. Now, are you gonna just leave me here or shall I shake my pom-poms?” Dannii said with suggestive half smile and a cocked eyebrow.

“That depends on which pom-poms you mean,” he said with a cheeky smile.

”Any pom-poms you like,” Dannii said, smiling and running her tongue over her teeth as she stood up. He wasn’t quite expecting her to be so forward with him. He could still barely believe Kylie showed him any interest, let alone her sister as well. Dannii saw his uncertainty and stepped forwards to him, giving her delicious body a sway, wiggling her hips so her tiny skirt flicked up a little, offering him a little flash of bright orange lace. His view was transfixed by her sexy little skirt and smooth, enticing thighs. Giving a tasty little smile, she reached out and took his wrists, raising his arms before placing his hands straight onto her large, tightly encased breasts. He felt her eager nipples pressing into his hands, and couldn’t help but squeeze her surgically enhanced boobs, just giving a soft fondle. Dannii gave a little giggle, looking down at his hands on her tight, sandy coloured cheerleaders top.

”Go on, have a proper feel then, they’re all yours,” she purred, looking him in the eye and licking her lips. He stared deeply into her eyes as he let his hands do the work, squeezing much more firmly, his fingers pressing into her soft body as he felt her pointy nipples rubbing into his palms as her mounds moved in his grip. She let out a soft, breathy moan.

”Much more like it,” she mumbled as she leaned forwards and brushed her nose against his. She nuzzled him for a moment and then pressed her lips against his, her soft, bright red pout meeting his mouth. Dannii increased the pressure, sliding her tongue into his mouth and meeting his more than willing tongue as it slid between her lips in return. He fondled her breasts a little more thoroughly, sliding his hands under them and feeling their lovely, warm weight as her slender hands slid round his back, her nails digging into him slightly as they passionately kissed. He slipped his right hand down onto her smooth, toned tummy and then up underneath her tight top, the stretched fabric that was held away from her body by her large breasts offering the perfect entry. His hand slid up under the sandy fabric, his fingers slipping onto her breasts and encountering her stiff nipple, which he instinctively pinched lightly between his fingers before allowing his hand to follow up onto her beautiful breast.

”Mmm not so shy now I see,” Dannii murmured, breaking the kiss for a moment with a smirk before locking lips with him again and attempting to shove her tongue down his throat.

“I don’t think you want me to be shy,” he said with a smile as they paused.

”Damn right I don’t,” she said, her hands sliding to his shoulders. The saucy Australian turned him, then gave him just a gentle push and he fell back onto the bed, bouncing on the springy mattress. He leaned up on his elbows, unable to do anything but smile as Dannii knelt on the bed, throwing her leg over him and sliding forwards on her knees to straddle his thighs, just in front of his crotch where his rock hard cock was now trapped by his jeans.

”Bet you never thought you’d get this as a treat,” Dannii said with a cocky smile as she wiggled teasingly on him, settling her firm ass on his legs.

”Course I did, I knew you’d never be able to stay away,” he said cheekily, taking a bit of a chance with her.

”Well we’ll soon see if you can back that up,” she said with a determined look as she reached down and grabbed him quite roughly by the collar. She half pulled him up and half leaned down to him, aggressively kissing him, their tongues dancing again as she quite rapidly started to undo the buttons on his shirt. His hands slid up her soft sides to her luscious breasts before slipping back down to her hips, holding himself up slightly on her as they snogged. Dannii unpopped the last button and pulled his shirt open, revealing his slightly toned body, which he tried to keep in shape. She broke their kiss and moved rapidly down his chin onto his neck, planting soft kisses and leaving light red lipstick marks on him. He heard her take a deep sniff as she reached the top of his shoulder, leaning back up and sniffing a little more.

”Lynx huh? Well I’d say the Lynx effect is working right now wouldn’t you?” she whispered, biting him lightly on the shoulder as she took hold of his shirt.

”I dunno, I’ve only got one girl here,” he said jokingly as he breathed in the warm feminine scent of her hair.

”Trust me baby, you don’t need more than me,” she said huskily as she pulled his shirt off his body, sliding it down his arms and off his hands as he held them back for a moment to let her. Dannii cast the shirt aside onto the floor and then grabbed his hands again, shoving them back onto her slim, soft waist before sliding her hands over his bare chest and shoving him back down onto the bed, kissing him hard again. She sucked his tongue, nipping at it slightly with her teeth, something nobody, not even Kylie, had ever done to him. She slid her hand down single-mindedly over his stomach to his jeans, having absolutely no problems in starting to undo the belt. His hands slid up and round her warm back, over the smooth skin to the back of her top, pulled tight by the large weight of her beautiful breasts hanging down. He slid his fingers under it, pushing it upwards towards her shoulders.

”No baby, you don’t get to take my top off,” she mumbled through their kisses, raising herself up from his crotch to access his jeans better.

”So you get to take my clothes off, but I don’t get to take yours off?” he said as she undid the button and deftly located the zip.

”That’s right,” she said simply as she pulled the zip down and flicked the denim open with her fingers to show the bulge of his straining cock.

“I think that’s a little unfair,” he said, not meaning it in any serious way as Dannii pulled away from him, kneeling up.

”You even gonna try and stop me?” she said, giving him one of the smiles Kylie would have given him when she was in her element. Dannii slid backwards off the bed, dropping onto her feet as she took hold of the waistband of his jeans and shorts. She raised the elastic slightly and then slid his jeans and shorts straight down, his erection springing back up against his stomach for a moment before holding up solidly he was so hard.

“Kylie wasn’t lying when she said you were…equipped then,” Dannii said lustily, staring at his 8” hardon as she dragged his trousers and shorts down, collecting his socks at the same time and pulling the whole lot onto the floor so he was naked. She stood up and eyed him fully, not even trying to pretend she wasn’t simply taking him in. Leaning forwards, she placed her hands on the edge of the bed and leaned down, planting a soft, wet kiss on the underside of his cock, just were his head met his shaft. His hardon jumped in response, making her giggle lightly before she leaned over, her hair dropping all over his hips which felt very interesting and blocked his view as Dannii slid her full, pouting lips over his bulbous head and took the first 3” of him into her mouth. She sucked firmly, flicking him with her tongue and bobbing just a little before slurping off him noisily just to show off.

”I’m not gonna give you a blowjob baby, not yet at least. You and I have far more important things to do,” she said, flicking her hair back and looking up at him from over his stiff prick. He gave a slight groan, a mix of frustration since he’d love her hot, welcoming mouth wrapped round him again and anticipation of what she was gonna do to him. Dannii followed her hands with her knees, sliding them onto the bed either side of him and moving forwards. He watched as her short skirt slid over in front of his crotch before she sunk down, the sandy pleated material hiding his cock from view just before he felt warm, soft material pressing against the underside of his shaft. He leaned up to her, his hands sliding up her gorgeously smooth back and holding her as he leaned forwards and pushed his face in between her lovely tits.

”God I bet it’s killing you that you can’t take my top off,” Dannii said with a smile, pulling her arms back a little and pushing her chest out so that her breasts pushed into his face even more. His hands immediately slid round onto the sides of them, pushing them together a little more before he broke away and took hold of them completely again, giving them a hard squeeze which made her breath catch before sliding his fingertips over the thin material and stroking her nipples. Dannii looked on approvingly, smiling down pleased as he groped her, making her shiver a little. His hands simultaneously slipped down then up under her top, something she’d been inviting the second she’d decided to put this top on. He immediately went to work again, grasping at her magnificent rack with his bare hands, his slightly rough skin adding a new dimension of sensations to Dannii’s enjoyment of being groped. Sliding back, he stretched her tiny top as his fingers located her rock hard nipples, a single fingertip circling each of the swollen nubs, his fingernail driving her wild as it dragged over her skin. He flicked over her nipples for a moment, then finally gripped them, pinching them quite firmly between his finger and thumb and making her inhale sharply.

“Oh god, Kylie’s taught you some things for sure,” she breathed, her eyes closed in pleasure. Dannii started to rock her hips, rubbing the bulge of her now wet pussy over his cock through her lacy orange knickers as he went back to work. He cupped her breasts completely again, squeezing them firmly before pushing his wrists up so they popped out from under her top, the thin material springing back above her large boobs.

”I think you can allow this,” he murmured as he released her breasts, sliding his hands round onto her ribs and leaning forwards to attach himself to her left nipple, wasting no time in giving it a good firm suck. Dannii gasped, her fingernails digging into the back of his shoulders slightly as she pressed herself down against his cock a little harder, making him groan into her breast.

”I think I can,” was all she managed in response as he worked her left nipple. She felt the wonderful sensations spread through her, turning her on even more as he mixed his attack. He circled her nipple with his tongue, pushing the tip into her before flicking over her stiff point for a moment, then hotly and wetly rousing her with just his soft lips before he fully attached himself, sucking her stiff nipple into his mouth firmly again. His hand slid back in to massage her breast as he released her left nipple, moving across to tackle her right one in the same manner, managing to make it even harder than before as his hand played with her left breasts, teasing her nipple in a brilliantly exciting way.

She moaned throatily, grinding herself against him now, the lace of her knickers making his cock absolutely rock hard, already leaking a little. He continued as he was since he was evidently pushing her buttons, sucking her nipples harder and then giving little nips of her teeth, which created a delightful gasp from her each time. She was now very animatedly sliding her pussy back and forth over his cock through her knickers, giving herself a lovely little strumming but driving him absolutely crazy. He couldn’t take any more and grabbed hold of her ribs and spun her round, flinging her quite roughly onto the bed, her small body bouncing on the springs as he leaned over her, looking down to see her tiny pleated skirt ride up the reveal the crotch of her orange lacy knickers. He paused for a moment to study the swollen bulge of her hot pussy through her underwear, then leaned down and kissed her lustfully.

”God you’re hot,” he mumbled without even thinking about it as he kissed down her neck, crossing over her rolled up top and planting his lips on her lovely tits again.

”You’re not exactly cold either,” she breathed, looking down as he kissed over her breasts and onto her stomach.

“I do my best,” he said with a smile, quite proud he was having a good effect on the stunning Dannii. He kissed down her smooth tummy to the waist of her little skirt, then dragged his tongue teasingly round just above the band of material as he slid his hands up her delectable legs and under the hem of her already slightly revealing skirt. Dannii didn’t make any attempt to stop him as he slid his hands up and pushed her skirt out the way, bunching it up at her hips to reveal a sexy little pair of bright orange French knickers.

“What you think, like my taste in knickers?” Dannii said with a giggle, smiling down at him. He eyed the lingerie, the lace quite thin and not actually covering much of what lay underneath, her swollen pussy clearly defined and a dark patch of hair evident.

“Yeah, but I think you’d look better without any knickers at all,” he said, sliding his hands up her thighs, over the thin lace and into the waistband, pulling them down slightly from her hips so they threatened to reveal her pussy. Dannii took a few deep breaths as she felt his warm breath spreading over her already dripping pussy, her hips writhing just a little in his grip.

”Well I only said you couldn’t take my top off,” Dannii said teasingly, pushing her hips up at him and smiling down saucily over her exposed breasts.

”Then I guess I’ll get these off you then,” he said, starting to pull them down at her hips, the tight lace leaving a slight mark in her soft skin.

“Use your teeth,” she said, using an almost demanding tone as she pushed her hips up to his face. He looked at her for a moment, then followed her request and slipped his fingers out of the tight waistband, just working out how to go about removing the little French knickers with his teeth. He realised the best possible way would be to tug them using the crotch so he could get them down evenly, and that meant going straight for her pussy. He lowered his head, almost dizzying at the overpowering scent of her wet pussy that lay just under the thin orange lace. Dannii looked down and saw exactly how he was going to go about it, and that he was hesitating a bit, obviously at the fact he was about to practically eat her pussy just to remove her underwear.

”Do it babe, come on,” she urged, wiggling her curvy hips at him a little to entice him. He took a breath and went for it, pressing his mouth to her lace covered pussy. She gave a little moan of pleasure, then a giggle as he politely kissed her mound before carefully taking hold of her knickers in his teeth and then pulling back. She raised herself just off the bed so that the lace could slide off her firm bum, and held for a second as he gave a couple of quite firm tugs to get the tight undies off her hips. Dannii gave a naughty little smile as she watched him drag her knickers down to reveal her waiting pussy, the orange lace sliding onto her smooth thighs. He went to let go of them, but she stopped him.

”All the way off, then you can look,” she teased. She could see him trying to look at her pussy as he pulled her knickers down her legs, having to use his hands to get them off over her pumps before pulling them triumphantly off her feet and throwing them to her. Dannii cast them immediately off the bed to join his clothes on the floor, spreading her legs a little more so he had a good view.

”I sure as hell won’t be needing those for a while, so what do you think? Worth that little effort?” she purred with a slight teasing tone as he stared at her pussy. He ogled her sweet snatch, the lips swollen and begging for some attention, inner lips and clit just peeking out from within. A thick, dark strip of pubic hair ran up above her pussy, leaving the rest completely shaven and smooth.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” she said giving a dirty little giggle at the innuendo.

”Beautiful,” he almost croaked, staring at her inviting haven.

”Whose do you think is more lickable, Kylie’s or mine?” she said, looking down at him with a flick of her eyebrows.

”Well I haven’t tasted yours yet,” he said with a sly smile, giving her a wink before lowering his mouth. Dannii didn’t even have time let alone the urge to ask any more questions as he laid a firm kiss on her puffy pussy lips, his tongue slipping out and dragging up and down the full length of her slit. She groaned in pleasure and spread her legs a little more as his tongue slipped between her soft, swollen lips, pushing into her pussy. She mumbled incoherently in pleasure as he drove his tongue as deep as he possibly could in her delicious, juicy pussy, circling and wiggling it for a moment before slipping back out and moving up. Dannii gave a deep grunt as he wasted no time pushing her clit hood right back and drawing rapid circles on her rock hard clitoris with the tip of his skilful tongue.

“Stop that you naughty boy, we’ve got other things to do!” Dannii gasped, her breathing heavy like his as he’d been servicing her pussy so vigorously. He gave her soft pussy lips a kiss, and then looked up at her, seeing the need and enthusiasm in her beautiful eyes.

“Get up here and give me a kiss,” Dannii said with a look he could feel before blowing him a kiss from her hot red lips. He hastily pulled himself up, crawling forwards up the bed, dropping his elbows down next to her sexy slender body, his hands immediately finding her stunning breasts and giving them a good squeeze. Dannii gave a very animated ‘ooh’ as he pulled himself in on top of her, his ragingly hard cock pushing down against her dripping pussy.

”How did I know your hands would find their way back there,” she said with a cheeky smile.

”Because you already know me too well,” he said with a smile as he leaned down to kiss her. She mumbled in pleasure as they kissed almost lovingly, their lips locking delightfully together as their tongues mingled and massaged each other, the taste of her sweet juices spreading into her mouth. Dannii let out a ragged breath as their kiss broke, her eyelids fluttering as he started to suck at her lower lip, pulling and tugging ever so gently as she felt him shift, sliding down just a little. She let out an unbridled squeal of pleasure as he pushed forwards, the bulbous purple head of his cock splitting her eager pussy lips and leading the way into her tight body. He went all the way with her, pushing all 8” of his rock hard cock into her till he was balls deep in her sweet pussy, the hot, velvet smooth walls squeezing and pulsing round every inch of his thick cock. Her squeal increased to a squeak as she took all he had, feeling completely filled by her sister’s lover, more full than she’d felt for a long while even compared to her toys. She gave him a squeeze with her talented muscles, hearing him grunt loudly next to her ear as they lay together, his hands still caressing her large breasts.

”Much better than one of my toys,” she whispered huskily, smiling at him and nuzzling his neck gently. He looked over and smiled at her before leaning down to kiss her soft neck.

“Kylie certainly thinks so,” he murmured, leaning back up to kiss her fully. Her hands slid up his back as they kissed, her nails digging in as he drew back and started to steadily thrust into her hot, inviting pussy. They both moaned in pleasure, her slick pussy rippling and grasping at his impaling cock as he started to thrust in and out of her, not going deep now though, giving her around 6” at a steady pace. Dannii smiled contentedly, loving the sensations spreading through her body as the thick shaft slipped in and out between her thighs.

”So what do you think, is my pussy better than Kylie’s?” she asked teasingly, brushing his hair back from his sweaty face as he pumped in and out of her.

”Well right now I’m gonna say yours is better,” he said with a grin, pumping her a little harder and making her shiver.

“Right now huh?” she said with a humoured look, cocking an eyebrow.

”That’s right,” he said, wiggling his tongue at her a little.

”Right now, I can live with that,” she grunted as he gave her a deep thrust, his head pressuring at her cervix deep inside her. He gave a little laugh, matched by a little sexy giggle from her as they picked up the pace, Dannii lifting her hips to meet his increasing thrusts as his fingers played with her nipples, causing a great mix of sensations that helped build towards her orgasm. He pumped in and out energetically, pumping all 8” of his cock into Dannii with great pleasure, his efforts matched by the tiny Aussie sexpot in the way she was squeezing and massaging his cock with her muscles as he fucked her. He gave her nipples a pinch, making her gasp and look down almost accusingly at him despite the fact she loved what he’d just done as he reluctantly removed his hands from her luscious tits.

“Got bored of them did you?” she teased with one of her smiles.

”No, I need to hold you still so I can do you harder,” he replied with a smirk.

”Ooh, I like that sound of that!” Dannii said with a grin, wiggling her tongue at him before leaning up to suck and kiss his neck. He mumbled in pleasure from the combined sensations of her hot, talented pussy and the soft wet kisses she was delivering to him, almost forgetting what his hands needed to do. Sliding his hands over the warm bed, he slid them under her shoulders and took hold of her, holding her much more firmly so she wouldn’t push away so much and he could give her some real powerful strokes. He felt her settle slightly in his arms, her toes curling slightly at the pleasure of their lovemaking. Holding her well, he pulled back so his head threatened to pop out of her bulging pussy and then thrust in hard, shoving all 8” of his manhood into her tiny form. Dannii’s groan turned into a loud, animal grunt as his head popped through her cervix fully for the first time that evening, sending a wave of sensations through her body that took her pre-orgasmic tension up another notch on its own.

She licked at his neck for a moment, then bit him quite hard, holding onto him and then attaching her lips as well. He gave a grunt of pain, feeling her suck hard to give him a love bite, something Kylie hadn’t done to him before and gave him an idea of what Dannii was truly like. In response he continued to pump hard in and out of her, feeling her quiver and tremble under him on the bed as she bit a little harder on his neck before releasing him, making his breath catch as her soft lips slipped off him. To add to it, she raked her nails up his back as he gave her a particularly deep thrust, leaving a series of red scratch marks on him before she pulled back and looked at her handiwork.

“Oh yeah, you’re mine now,” she said with a giggle, circling the love bite she’d left on his neck with a finger before she leaned forwards and licked up the side of his face.

”How would you like it if I did the same thing to you?” he said, kissing her cheek and moving threatening towards her vulnerable neck with soft kisses.

“I’d like it just fine, if I was gonna let you!” Dannii said with a laugh. As he thrust into her deeply, she wrapped her strong legs around him and grabbed his ribs, then pushed them over so they rolled over on the bed so she was on top of him. They stopped just by the edge and looked over, seeing how close they’d come to tumbling off.

“And you’d think I’d be the one in danger of falling off,” Dannii quipped with a smile as she sat up on his cock, leaning on his flat stomach as she settled on her knees to straddle him, her tiny skirt dropping back down to hide her sexy pussy as it was split by his cock. His hands slid up to hold her hips as she started to rock them on him, back and forwards so his cock just moved a few inches inside her, her tight ass bumping forwards against his balls as she pushed herself onto him.

“See, how you gonna bite me on the neck from down there huh?” she teased, cheekily sticking her tongue out at him. He just smiled back, his hands sliding up her sides to find her lovely breasts against, sliding underneath to cup them and hold them up from where they’d been hanging down a little, jiggling delightfully with her movements on his shaft.

”Maybe I’ll just play with these instead,” he said, looking up with a smile.

“Good boy,” Dannii cooed sexily as he took hold of her boobs again, squeezing her hard, sending a shiver down her spine, her back arching as she thrust back and forth on him to pleasure herself in a different way to the thrusting he’d been giving her a few moments earlier. She held herself on with her knees as he shifted a little to sit up more underneath her sexy figure to allow him better access to her inviting tits, then resettled herself with a hot little wiggle and started to thrust herself up and down a little bit again to mix with her back and forwards motion. He rolled her nipples between his finger and thumb, giving them a sharp pinch before fondling her breasts briskly again, making her inhale sharply.

”Not too rough baby,” she said, looking down with a pout and slight frown.

”I think you like it rough,” he said with a smile as he looked up at her from under his eyebrows, rubbing and squeezing her large breasts teasingly underneath her gaze.

”I think you know me too well already as well,” she replied with a giggle, flicking her long brown hair back out the way with a shake of her head that made her large tits jiggle in his hands. He just smiled as he leaned forwards and attached himself to her right nipple, wasting no time in sucking hard on it as his hand slid up to squeeze and fondle her other breasts. Dannii just murmured in pleasure and started to bounce a little more energetically on him, taking around half his cock as she leaned forwards to offer him full access to her chest. He sucked and tongued at her nipple, nipping it between his front teeth with just enough pressure to make her back arch. Kissing across between her boobs, his hand took over her right breast and he attached himself to her left breast sucking and tonguing at the soft flesh till he got to her nipple.

“Mmm you sure know what you’re doing,” she purred, her eyelids fluttering as a wave of pleasure expanded through her body. He teased at her left nipple with his lips, then circled her aureole with his tongue, pressing firmly with the tip before closing his lips over her stiff point and sucking strongly, making Dannii inhale as she wasn’t expecting such vigour. He sucked and tongued at her nipple for a minute or so, then nipped it a few times with his teeth before letting it go, the sensations of the air on her left nipple now noticeable after such attention. She felt him kiss over the top of her left breasts, tonguing at her before he started softly sucking. Murmuring in pleasure, she ran a hand through his hair just before she felt his teeth graze her soft skin. He sucked the soft flesh of her left breast into his mouth and took hold of it with his teeth, biting down quite hard and then sucking hard at her, returning the favour. Dannii let out a loud squeal of pain as he bit her, not sure whether to fight him off or pull him closer to her, such were the contradicting sensations within her.

He bit a little harder and stepped up his sucking for a second and then released her with a noise similar to a kiss, licking his lips and leaning back. Dannii immediately raised her hand and rubbed her left breast where he’d bitten her, looking down at the mark then at him.

”You said you’d love it if I gave you a love bite, but I never said where,” he said with a cheeky smile, sliding his hands round her waist.

“No man’s ever given me one of those there before!” Dannii said, still looking down but there was a slight smile and humoured tone to her voice.

”Well now I have, something new every day huh?” he said with a smile as she continued to steadily ride him.

“I can’t believe you just bit me!” she said, looking him in the eye with a mock angry glare.

”Well I did, whatcha gonna do about it?” he said, sliding his hands down and giving her firm arse a good squeeze through her tiny skirt.

“You’ll pay for that, I’ll fuck you real good,” she said with a smile at her little joke.

”I think I can live with that,” he said, sliding his hands back to her beautifully slim waist, pushing down against the flare of her hips. Dannii giggled and picked up the pace, lifting herself up and down on his cock, her powerful thighs getting a workout as she took around 5” of his cock in and out of her slick pussy, going from balls deep, back out and then down again to stimulate her cervix. They were both groaning softly, when he thought he heard a noise. Dannii kept going, and he listened for a moment then figured it’d just been the bed or something making the noise. His hands slid up her slightly sweaty skin back to her waist again, holding her steady as she started to move a little more powerfully up and down his member. They were both breathing heavily, grunting and groaning as they fucked, the hot Aussie slipping up and down delightfully, her breasts jiggling wonderfully for his roaming eyes.

”I see you’ve met my sister then,” said a voice that just cut through the atmosphere in an instant. He stopped what he was doing, Dannii slowing on him. He looked out round Dannii’s back, seeing Kylie standing in the doorway with a sexy, suggestive smile on her lips and a famously cocked eyebrow. Dannii looked back over her shoulder at Kylie and simply gave a sexy little half smile before turning back to him and renewing her motions, giving a little grunt of pleasure as she started to ride him again. He still hadn’t moved, a little unsure what the deal was.

”Don’t worry hun, I sent her here so you could do exactly what you’re doing to her now. So go on, give her one, show her what you can do,” Kylie said with a grin to him as he looked out. He smiled back and she blew him a kiss as he picked his motions up again, meeting Dannii’s hot body as she thrust down hard onto him, her tight arse bouncing delightfully on his legs every time she bottomed out, taking him balls deep. They moved well together, having found a good hot rhythm now as Kylie watched on with a smile. Setting her bag down, she moved round so she was standing next to the bed where they could both see her and started undoing her coat. He saw a flash of plenty of bare skin as she whipped the coat off, throwing it to the floor and standing before them in a cheerleader outfit that exactly matched Dannii’s. The tight top, miniscule pleated skirt and white pumps, her lovely legs on display with her toned tummy like Dannii, the only difference was that her top had the number 6 on the front.

“What do you think?” Kylie said, smiling down at them.

”I hope everything matches,” Dannii said, giving her older sister a knowing smile.

“Not quite everything,” she said with a little smile to her younger sister. He eyed her up and down, seeing how the shortness of the outfit accentuated her curves and the length of her legs beautifully.

“So what about you, can you live with another cheerleader? Or is Dannii here all too much for you?” she teased, watching as Dannii bounced steadily up and down on his cock.

“I think I can cope,” he said in a slightly strained voice, giving her a smile.

”I bet you can,” Kylie purred as she stepped forwards, sliding onto the bed next to them where they fucked. Sliding onto her knees, the older Minogue sibling lifted herself up and leaned forwards, nuzzling Dannii for a moment before they hotly locked lips. His breath quickened a little further as the sisters kissed hard, Dannii sliding her tongue out towards Kylie, which she immediately closed her mouth over, sucking at it and drawing herself to her younger sisters mouth. Their lips sealed together and he could see them working dynamically at each other’s tongues between them. Kylie’s hands moved up to Dannii’s chest, her soft touch sliding over her younger sister’s magnificent breasts, brushing the nipples before she took hold. He gave a slight groan of pleasure, leaning his head right back and looking over at Kylie’s ass as she knelt right next to him, her tiny skirt just covering her gorgeous rear and hiding her treasures in shadow.

“Did he do this to you?!” Kylie suddenly gasped, holding up Dannii’s large left breast for a closer look at the dark love bite he’d given her. How she hadn’t seen it before that was a little puzzling to him, but he just looked at her with a slight smile as she turned and gave him a glare that was filled with lust with a flicker of a smile.

”Yeah he did, he certainly knows how to work that mouth,” Dannii simply said with a smile, as she leaned forwards a little to draw Kylie back into their incestuous kiss as she went back to groping her younger sister. Kylie fondled her sister more firmly, giving a harder squeeze to Dannii’s large tits so that she gave a little shudder and clenched at his impaling cock, making him thrust up harder in response. As he looked back to Kylie’s bum, she arched her back tightly and gave a quick flick of her arse, making her little skirt fly up and give him a glimpse of hot pink lace encasing her.

Loudly breaking the kiss, she turned and looked down at him, catching his eyes with a sexy little smile. She turned on her knees, sexily leaning down to him so the upper edge of her little top dropped away from her body under the weight of her perky breasts and allowed him a view down between the pert mounds. Licking her full lips, Kylie leaned down and kissed him, softer than she had Dannii, gently opening her mouth and almost pouring her tongue into his mouth. Leaning down on all fours to kiss him, her little skirt pulled up over her bum to reveal her hot arse and sexy hot pink underwear, though he couldn’t see it. Dannii leaned over slightly, he could feel it by the slight weight change on his hips as she did so, taking a look at Kylie’s rear for herself and giving an approving smile to him as he looked at her from the corner of his eye.

“Oh yeah that’s one sexy little pair of knickers she’s got for you,” Dannii said with a grin and slow nod as Kylie broke away from him, looking up at her younger sister with a smirk before very deliberately reaching back to pull her skirt down what little it could go.

”They’re not just for him,” she whispered huskily. Dannii gave a sexy smirk as Kylie slid down next to them on the bed, lying provocatively posed next to him, legs bent with her head leaning up on her left hand next to his so her soft blonde hair cascaded down over his cheek, tickling him and clouding him with scent. Dannii picked up the pace a little, giving a groan of pleasure as she pumped up and down his length briskly, chasing their gratifying climax now. Kylie saucily dragged the nails of her right hand over his body, moving up and down almost threateningly before she started to circle one of his nipples as she looked down at Dannii’s dripping pussy enveloping his throbbing cock.

“Look at that baby, her sweet little pussy balls deep on your cock, just like when you fuck me,” Kylie whispered, dragging her nail over his nipple and giving a soft breathy moan. His cock gave a pulse which Dannii felt and sent a tingle straight through her hard clit, making her moan softly.

”Oh yeah she likes that. Did you ever think you’d get this lucky?” Kylie continued, leaning down to give him another kiss as him and Dannii picked up the pace a bit more, the bed moving quite rapidly now.

”I mean look at that, you’re fucking my younger sister!” Kylie said clearly, stroking her hand down his stomach, teasingly close to where Dannii was slamming herself down onto him.

”You’re fucking my hot little sis, and she’s absolutely loving it, look at her,” Kylie teased, looking up at Dannii who just gave a dreamy smile with her eyes half closed.

“What do you think of that pussy then, how’s she doing?” Kylie whispered, leaning over him with a kinky glint to her eye.

”She’s fucking great,” he breathed.

”Damn right she is,” Kylie said huskily, leaning down to kiss and suck softly at his neck, which felt great right then.

“Now go on, give that little hottie all you’ve got,” Kylie almost commanded, nipping his neck slightly. She was well in control of their screwing now, and she knew it. Her pussy was already wet, nipples poking through her thin top though she hadn’t offered him the chance to see them just yet. He started to thrust up as hard as he could to Dannii, increasing pace a little which the younger Minogue sister easily adjusted to, taking all 8” of him in and out of her as she used gravity to her benefit to impale herself on him.

”Come on Dannii, just a bit harder and you’ll have my stud off in no time,” Kylie giggled, watching excitedly as her sibling did exactly as she said and started slamming down onto his hips as hard as she could. The bed shook quite hard, the springs twanging as she rode him hard, her orgasm on the brink, just like his own climax, which he was trying to hold to join hers.

”Oh Dannii just come!” Kylie squealed, reaching forwards and vigorously rubbing her younger sisters rock hard clit. Dannii’s hips bucked powerfully on him and she gave a scream of pleasure, driving all the way in as her orgasm hit her, her snug pussy clamping down tightly on his 8” cock, pulsing and milking him. He gave a loud grunt and came with her, his cock spurting hard deep inside her hot body, dumping his load right up into her cervix. He gripped her hips tightly as they jumped and twitched on him, both of them groaning and breathed very heavily as their orgasms passed, Dannii slowing to a stop. Kylie just smiled at them, looking at both their bodies glistening with sweat from their extensive lovemaking session. Dannii’s hair was shaken about, quite messy now with strands stuck to her sweaty face.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 11:17:58 AM by Noj »
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Re: KLS - The Naughty Cheerleaders
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2019, 11:11:38 AM »

”I think that’s exactly what she needed,” Kylie whispered to him as Dannii looked down with a very contented smile.

“He was well worth the risk Kylie,” Dannii murmured as she lifted herself up and let his semi hard cock slip out of her dripping pussy. He just lay catching his breath next to Kylie as Dannii pulled herself off him and flopped down on the bed beside them, resting her head on Kylie’s leg.

“What’s the matter with you two, you look totally shagged out,” Kylie said with a giggle, stroking both of their hair softly. Sliding out from underneath them, she dropped back onto the floor and went back to where she’d left her bag. Fishing into it, she pulled out a length of rope and then sauntered back over to the bed.

”Come on, sit up hun,” she purred seductively, to him. He opened his eyes and looked up at her standing hotly over him, her little cheerleader outfit meaning he couldn’t close his eyes again if he wanted to. Sliding his hands onto the bed, he pulled himself up into a sitting position and gave a stretch, looking down at Dannii still laying on the bed resting.

”Give me your hands baby,” Kylie whispered sexily and giving him a wink. He was a little unsure but held his hands up to her, which she immediately reached out and took, pulling his arms up behind his head. He saw the rope and realised what he’d got himself into, but knew that he’d probably get well rewarded for his strife afterwards. She pulled his hands to the metal frame at the head of the bed, tying his wrists tightly with the rope through the bars so he couldn’t escape or touch her or her hot sister.

”There. Dannii what do you think?” she said, nudging her sister. Dannii rolled up and knelt up, her breasts jiggling enticingly as she stopped to look.

”I think we can have some fun,” she said, her cute lips spreading into a smile as she reached up and rolled her tight little top back down, stretching it over her large breasts, the nipples instantly pressing back through the fabric. She slid over and curved her legs onto the floor, her little sandy skirt riding up and offering him a glimpse of her tight arse as she stood up and stretched. Kylie stepped over and stood next to her to her right, left as he looked at them, sliding her arm around Dannii’s lower back, her fingers softly rubbing up and down her bare side. He finally clicked, seeing Kylie numbered as 6 and Dannii numbered as 9 and gave a soft groan, already pulling a little at the ropes, which Kylie had knotted far too expertly for him to escape. Dannii slipped her arm behind Kylie, reaching down to her older sister’s tiny skirt and lifting the back up where he of course couldn’t see, before very animatedly planting her hand on Kylie’s lace covered bum, the skirt dropping back down over her hand as it ever so softly started to stroke, giving a little ‘ooh’ face at him that made his cock twitch.

”We can do pretty much anything we like, and he can’t do a thing about it,” Kylie said, running her tongue over her teeth as her hand moved a little higher up Dannii’s side.

”Yeah, I could just lift up this cute little skirt of yours and slide those sexy little pink knickers right to the floor,” Dannii said, reaching over and flicking up the dark blue edge of the sandy coloured skirt, just giving him a peek at the bulge of Kylie’s sweet pussy in the snug pink lace. His breath caught slightly in his throat and both sisters looked at him with a sexy little smile.

”And I can just do this,” Kylie breathed, turning and pulling her sister in close, hooking her right leg behind Dannii’s before snogging her. Dannii gave a almost pornographic moan and returned the kiss, sliding her tongue out to meet Kylie’s eager one. Dannii’s hands slid round Kylie’s bare back, gripping tightly as she passionately French kissed her older sister. His eyes were locked on them and his cock was well and truly recovering as he watched the hot incestuous display, the girls kissing hard as their hands started to roam. Kylie’s slid down to her younger sisters pert arse, pulling up under the skirt over the soft, bare cheeks, squeezing her ripe rear as she held her close with her strong leg. Dannii’s hand slipped back round her sister’s ribs, sliding down onto her smooth, warm tummy between them before she pushed them up over the more humble mounds, wasting no time in cupping and squeezing them softly, feeling the warmth in her hands.

“Come on sis, a little more,” Kylie mumbled lustily through their kiss, spurring Dannii to squeeze a little more thoroughly before slipping back so her fingers encountered the hard points of her eager nipples poking through the fabric. Kylie moaned in pleasure, sliding her hands up from her younger sisters delectable rear and back round onto her hips, pushing her away slightly so she leant back, held up by her leg. Dannii arched her back for her sister, knowing full well her intentions, and was proven right as Kylie’s hands slid up and over her jugs, rubbing them before giving a good squeeze that made Dannii grunt in pleasure. Kylie tweaked her nipples with her fingers, then leaned down and kissed her younger sisters tits through her top, feeling them yield slightly through the constricting fabric. Sliding her hands up underneath the large boobs her sister possessed, Kylie pushed them up so they were even more vulnerable before leaning down and pushing her mouth onto them.

“Mm go on sis,” Dannii said, shooting him a sexy smile and licking her lips. Kylie got to work, giving a nip to her right breast. Dannii cooed at the slight sting and brushed her hand through Kylie’s blonde hair as she laid a series of nips and bites all over her right breast, just avoiding her nipple till the last. She kissed the swollen nub, then closed her front teeth over it through the thin sandy material and gave a sharp, fast pinch with her teeth. Dannii inhaled sharply, then gave a shudder and uttered a throaty, ragged moan of illicit pleasure as Kylie moved to her left breast, pushing it up a little more and starting to nip over it. Dannii suddenly gave a yelp and pulled back slightly, making Kylie pause and look up.

”That’s a bit sore babe, it’s where he bit me,” she said, before both of them shot him a mock-disgusted glare.

”My turn,” Dannii whispered, wiggling out of Kylie’s grip and then turning her so she was facing him on the bed. He stared on, his cock standing fully to attention as he watched their hot lesbian show. Dannii slipped her hands round Kylie and up her body, groping her perky breasts as she leaned over her shoulder to kiss her, Kylie turning her head to softly kiss her younger sister. She pushed her large breasts into her older sisters almost naked back, Kylie feeling her hardened nipples pushing into her as she pushed her famed bum back into her younger sisters crotch. Dannii broke away and sunk to her knees behind Kylie, reaching down to her ankles. She slid her hands up Kylie’s smooth legs, stroking teasingly up the lightly tanned skin all the way up under her skirt where her fingers gave a little wiggle and Kylie gasped loudly, her knees weakening for a moment as Dannii looked round at him with a grin.

Sliding her hands back down to her thighs, Dannii then pushed back up again, pushing the tiny pleated skirt with her thumbs, the material ruffling up towards Kylie’s hips and bringing the sexy pink underwear into view. He could barely conceal a groan as Dannii pushed the skirt up to show Kylie was wearing little hot pink French knickers, exactly the same as Dannii had been, probably from her own underwear range. Dannii held her skirt up for a moment as Kylie looked down, breathing quite heavily herself now before her younger sister pushed up a little more and slipped her fingers under the waistband of the lace garment. Painfully slowly, she slipped the sexy knickers down her older sisters thighs, the skirt following down so that as they pulled off the juicy bulge of her pussy the skirt slipped down to hide it from view, making him writhe slightly in frustration, just so desperate to pull Kylie’s naughty little skirt off and do so many things to her.

“See, I told you they were a sexy little pair of knickers,” Dannii said with a sexy grin round Kylie’s awesome bum as she slid them down her older sisters perfect legs to her feet, where she obediently lifted her pumps to let her get them off her feet. Dannii held them up, wiggling them triumphantly at him as Kylie looked down at them then at him with a sexy little grin. She pulled them between her fingers, stretching the sexy pink knickers and taking careful aim before letting them fly, watching as she warm, thin garment sailed through the air and landed straight on his straining cock, making him twitch quite noticeably.

”Bull’s-eye!” Dannii cried with a giggle, sticking her tongue out cheekily. Kylie gave him a sexy little wink as her younger sis slipped behind her again and lifted the back of her skirt. Kylie gave a little yelp and looked back over her shoulder at Dannii who dropped the skirt and looked up, running her tongue over her teeth having just nipped Kylie’s gorgeous arse.

”Naughty little thing,” Kylie mock-scolded with a wag of her finger as Dannii raised herself to her feet again. Both girls now matched, the same outfit and both going commando as Kylie put her arms round her sister and drew her in front of her, her arms round her waist where Dannii reached in and placed her hands over the top.

”Well number nine,” Kylie said, referring to Dannii, “do you have anything else in mind?” she purred, looking over her younger sisters shoulder at her.

”Well number six, we both know one thing,” Dannii replied, turning in her sisters arms to face her before leaning her head on her left shoulder.

”We both know that six and nine only fit together in one way,” she said huskily, before leaning up and licking her older sisters ear. Kylie gave a little shiver, then turned to look at her slightly.

”Then let’s not break tradition,” Kylie whispered, giving Dannii a little peck on the cheek before slipping back and kissing her sister fully. They snogged hotly in front of him, practically eating each other’s tongues as they slipped down onto their knees, their hands stroking up and down each other’s smooth backs. Kylie relinquished and let her younger sister push her down onto her back on the floor, sighing erotically as they broke apart, Dannii kissing down her neck a few times as she stretched her legs out on the floor. Giving one last wet suck at her older sisters neck, Dannii pulled away and knelt up, turning on her knees, pulling her left knee back over her sister before throwing her right one over in return so she was facing away. Looking up at him as he stared on unable to utter a word with a flick of her eyebrow and a devilish smile, she leaned over onto all fours and wiggled backwards so that her little skirt that was hanging down was almost to Kylie’s chin.

Kylie was staring at Dannii’s smooth, swollen pussy lips, and smiled at the thin dark strip of pubic hair running up above her slit. Her crinkled dark pink inner lips were just peeking out with her clit, juicy and just waiting for her skilled tongue. She sucked cocks more than she ate pussy, but she’d worked Dannii over with her mouth more than long enough to know what to do to her. Dannii teased him with her sisters skirt hem, flicking it up and running her fingers round underneath the edge as he stared on, almost begging her to get on and lift it up. She didn’t disappoint, pulling the skirt back up to Kylie’s hips and exposing her.

”Can barely call this muff diving,” Dannii quipped with a giggle as she looked at her sister’s sweet pussy, shaved exactly the same way as her own as they’d secretly agreed beforehand, just sporting the thick dark strip of hair above her slit. Lowering her head, Dannii made the first move and dragged her tongue over her older sisters sweet snatch, drawing her tongue over Kylie’s protruding inner lips and making her moan deeply. Kylie returned the favour, raising her lips to her younger sisters pussy. She wasted no time and kissed her straight on the clit, pushing her tongue out and over it before slipping down a little and pushing her skilful muscle straight into her pussy.

Dannii groaned deeply, her humming going through Kylie’s clit since Dannii happened to be sucking at it at that moment. Kylie pushed her hips up a little as she circled her tongue inside her sister, tasting her sweet juices and nuzzling her lips in between Dannii’s puffy outer ones to seek out her inner ones. Dannii meanwhile was just working her clit, something she always did at the start of any pussy eating she gave Kylie, building her up high so she could torturously keep her there, something Kylie hated to admit she did very well. She tugged gently at Kylie’s clit hood before pushing it right back with her tongue and planting her lips on the stiff nub of her clit, just pouting and making fish lips on it, something her older sister loved. Kylie sucked at her sisters inner pussy lips, holding her tongue inside them before pulling back to draw them out of their hiding place so that she could work at them. Both girls were moaning and groaning as they worked, Dannii rotating her hips slightly as Kylie sucked and lapped vigorously at her swollen and now exposed inner lips.

”Oh god,” was all he could manage to croak as he watched them go at each other with gusto, knowing exactly what each others sweet spots were and how to get each other off. Neither of them even stopped to give him a glance as they were so engrossed in eating each other out, their soft wet slurping noises pure heaven to his ears. Kylie had had enough of teasing her sister now, and went straight for the sweet spot, which was the rock hard clit, throbbing with Dannii’s rapid heartbeat she was so horny. Dannii had been steadily covering Kylie’s whole pussy, just giving little licks to her clit to keep her on edge as she licked over the smooth lips, brushing through the little patch of thick pubic hair and dipping in and out of the juicy entrance, nibbling at the puffy lips. As Kylie stepped up her assault on her pussy, Dannii knew that they were both gonna have to go for the orgasm.

It always turned into a little bit of a competition between them when they had a sixty-niner, who could make the other orgasm first. Kylie attached her lips to the top of her younger sisters slit and sucked, creating a sensation that always make Dannii’s tummy flutter before her tongue dove in and started to circle and massage the clit like there was no tomorrow. Dannii cursed a little as Kylie took her to the brink of coming, wishing at times that her sister didn’t know that trick. She could only do her best to get Kylie off first, and since she hadn’t come so far she should be easier to get off. Dannii went for Kylie’s clit, being a little harder on it, nibbling at it in between working her tongue over the pulsing point, feeling Kylie buck under her. Both of them worked vigorously at each other, but Kylie simply couldn’t take it anymore.

She’d been holding it back, and she just couldn’t do it any more. Her body tensed up, then with a squeal of pleasure she spasmed under Dannii’s ministrations, her juices squirting with the force of her climax, hitting Dannii’s chin and neck as she continued to tongue her, simply giggling a little at Kylie’s powerful orgasm and ultimate loss in their little race. Kylie hadn’t stopped despite her obvious distraction, and was now working with a ferocious urgency that Dannii had rarely felt. Before she could really comprehend it, her orgasm hit her, spreading from her lower tummy and through her body, a shock running up her spine to her brain. Her eyes fluttered as she let out a ragged gasping groan of pleasure as she saw stars, her body trembling and twitching over her older sister as she only just won the race. There was a pause as they both breathed noisily, taking deep gasps of breath to regain a little composure before Dannii lifted her leg, which suddenly felt much heavier, back over her sister and slumped down on the floor, resting her head on her sisters smooth, sweaty stomach.

He just stared on, having pulled the knots in the rope super tight because he’d so desperately tried to break the rope when watching the sisters go at it. Kylie’s hot pink knickers still lay over his cock, which was holding them up so barely any of the lace touched his legs or lower body at all. After a minute or so of heavy breathing, they quietened down and both pulled themselves into a sitting position before looking down at the wet patch Kylie had left on the carpet.

”She’s got one hell of a way of getting off huh?” Dannii said, looking at him with a smile.

”Hey, you never seemed to complain about it,” Kylie said with a giggle, looking her sister in the eye. They shared a quick kiss and then stood up, Kylie leading Dannii over to the bed, slipping onto it and then going either side of him where he lay tied up.

”Oh my poor baby, I think he’s got a bit of a hardon,” Kylie cooed, reaching out and wrapping her hand round is cock using her little French knickers. She smiled down at him as she jerked his cock a few times, stroking full length up and down with the delicate lace as Dannii smirked sexily, evidently with some plan in her dirty little mind. Kylie gave him a couple more wanks with the underwear then pulled them off him and threw them onto the floor with the rest of their clothes.

“I think we can do something for him though, I think I have the perfect remedy,” Dannii piped up, smiling at him then at her older sister.

”Ooh sounds interesting, do share,” Kylie said quite excitedly, getting off on the fact they had him restrained.

”Well earlier, I said I’d give him a blowjob, so I think I better suck, I mean stick to that,” she giggled, reaching out to teasingly drag a fingernail down the underside of his rock hard cock.

”Mm, I think that could help him right out,” Kylie said, looking down at him with a cheeky smile as she licked her lips.

“Although, a blowjob will only take one of us, so we need to find a way for both of us to give him the royal sucking off he needs,” Dannii said, wiggling her tongue at him before blowing him a kiss.

”Yeah, after all we really did give him this,” Kylie said, reaching out and grabbing his cock, making him gasp and push up into her hand.

”Yeah, it’s our responsibility to help him deal with it, especially since he can’t do that himself right now,” Dannii teased, looking at the rope binding his hands to the head rail.

”What do you say baby, would you like both of us to suck your cock?” Kylie cooed, leaning over with an innocent looking.

”Oh god yes,” he breathed. They looked at each other with a smile, before Kylie leaned down and kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth for a moment.

”You’re gonna love this baby, you know what I’m like and she sure can suck,” Kylie whispered into his ear, pulling away with a devilish smile. He watched as they both settled on the bed on their knees on either side of him, both flicking their hair back away from their pretty faces before leaning down to his throbbing cock. They made a show of starting, both kissing his bulbous purple head, one of the sisters coming from either side onto the tip of his cock, their lips pressing together round him as they attacked him with their tongues, making him groan loudly.

”We’re only just getting started,” Dannii purred with a Cheshire cat style grin before leaning back down. Kylie was to his left, Dannii to the right and they both went to work, each taking the side of his cock in front of them, kissing and licking all over the smooth skin of his shaft. He grunted and groaned in pleasure as they worked as a perfect team, their tongues fluttering over his rock hard manhood, sucking and pouting with their talented lips. His hands twisted in the rope as the sexy Aussie sisters sucked up and down his cock, working in unison opposite each other, going up and down his full length, sucking at him and working their tongues on his shaft. Their lips brushed together as they worked up and down, both wishing they could suck him completely rather than just in unison. They suddenly stopped, Kylie moving in to kiss the underside of his bulbous head as Dannii moved further downwards.

”This’ll be a blowjob to remember,” Kylie murmured, her voice sending vibrations into his desperately hard cock, which throbbed under her pout. He watched down in awe as Kylie moved up and tipped her head, then slid her skilful mouth over his head. He groaned in pleasure, dropping his head back against the head rail as the hot, wet, talented mouth closed over the tip of his hardon, her tongue raising up to begin to tease. Just as she pushed down, her long blonde hair tickling his lower body as she held her head to the side, he felt Dannii’s soft, warm lips touch against his balls, making them contract slightly in pleasure.

“Think this is a good enough blowjob for him?” Dannii mumbled with a giggle, before slipping her tongue out and dragging it oh so slowly over his balls. His hips twitched and bucked slightly as he tried to maintain control under the ministrations of the sizzling sisters. He looked down, watching Kylie as she just steadily bobbed her head up and down his cock, taking around half of it into her mouth where she softly and wetly sucked at it, her tongue flicking back and forth on the underside which gave a delightful tickle. Kylie gave a cheeky nip, quickly biting him across his cock, which was something new, usually her position meant she would nip the top and bottom, and she usually chose to do it up by his head. He gave a grunt as she did it, his legs twitching and rocking Dannii who was now lying over his right thigh, he shoulder taking her weight as she tongued and kissed at his balls.

His heart jumped, which resultantly made his cock do the same in Kylie’s experienced mouth as Dannii gave him a little suck and then tiny nip with her teeth. His breathing increased further as he looked down past Kylie’s mass of blonde hair to where he could see the saucy brunette gently moving her head as she worked his balls. Seeing his cock jump so fiercely at her little move, she locked eyes with Kylie with a little smile, then paused for a moment and looked up over him over her older sister.

”Don’t worry baby, I’m not gonna give you another love bite,” she teased, running her tongue over her teeth.

“Nobody could blame you if you did,” Kylie mumbled through the head of his cock, having pulled back to just suck at the swollen tip.

”Don’t give her ideas Kylie,” he said through heavy breaths, looking down at her. Kylie pulled off him completely and looked at him with a naughty half smile.

”I don’t even need to,” she purred with a cute little giggle, wiggling her tongue before turning back to his cock. She slid onto it again, rubbing it into the soft hollow of her cheek as Dannii gave some more kisses to his balls, sucking at them as she raised her hand. She gently lifted and rolled them lightly in her fingers, just enough to add a higher sensation as she worked with her sister to suck him off. He felt the pressure rising, the climax building in him, the tension rising in his cock. The two sexy singers had sucked more than enough cocks to see they’d taken him close to the brink, so in their typically teasing fashion, they stopped. Dannii gave one last, full-lipped kiss, leaving a light red lipstick mark on his balls as Kylie slurped off him, dragging her luscious lips off him slowly, taking in every contour of his cock and bulbous head as she slipped off him with a deliberately loud noise.

She looked down to Dannii, who caught her eye with a dirty little smile, evidently knowing exactly what her older sister was thinking.  They both shifted back to their original positions so they were on either side of him, then Dannii swooped in and wetly kissed his head before Kylie did the exact same thing. He grunted and thrust up slightly, which made them simultaneously push him back down with a slim hand on his hips either side. They both licked their lovely pouts before leaning forwards and kissing his head, their lips just about meeting round his shaft as they kissed the sides of the bulbous tip, both of them using their tongues to tease the back edge for a second before pulling apart and turning to look up at him with a saucy little smile, Dannii licking her top lip.

”So what do you think, do we suck?” Kylie said with a giggle, both of them grinning up at him from next to his painfully hard cock since the girls had left him on the edge of climax.

“You sure do,” he said with a smile down at them, knowing they wouldn’t leave him hanging for long.

“How rude,” Dannii said, mock offended as they both knelt up next to him, arching their backs so their breasts were pushed out in their tiny tight tops, nipples proudly standing out.

”You know, I’ve been here for a while and you haven’t even fucked me yet,” Kylie almost whined, reaching down to softly stroke his thigh.

“Well I can’t right now,” he said, smirking at her and pulling his hands illustratively.

“Why not, you’ve got a hardon,” Dannii said with a teasing brush of her hand over his stiffy.

”Well she could do it this way, but to properly fuck her I need my hands free,” he said, getting a little cocky with them to see what they’d do.

”Why’s that?” Kylie said with a smile, gently sliding her hand up his thigh and onto his body.

”Yeah, what do you need to do to my sister besides use this?” Dannii said, slipping her hand round his cock again and giving a slow little stroking motion.

”I need to be able to grab that ass!” he blurted out. Both the girls giggled sexily, Dannii giving him a slightly firmer jerk, teasing the back of his head.

”You mean this ass?” Dannii teased, letting him go and laying a good hard little spank on Kylie’s arse through her tiny skirt. Kylie gave an exaggerated ‘ooh’ face and looked back to where her sister had smacked her bum, reaching back and playfully laying a hand on the curve of her hot rear.

”Yeah, that’s the one,” he breathed, catching Kylie’s gaze as she turned back to him with a little smile, lustily toying with the hem of her tiny skirt and giving a tiny flick of her fierce eyebrow. Dannii looked between them, seeing the moment they seemed to be sharing, seeing the passion Kylie shared with her lover.

”What do you think, should we let him?” Dannii purred, looking at her sister. Kylie eyed him up and down for a moment, before a sly smile broke out across her cute lips.

”Definitely,” she growled, moving forwards to untie him.

“Well he certainly knows how to use those hands,” Dannii said, giving him a smile and taking a quick peek at Kylie’s ass as she leaned forwards.

”We must’ve put on a good show, he’s pulled these knots so tight I can barely undo them,” Kylie said, looking down at him with a slightly smug grin as her fingers worked their way into the tightened ropes, brushing against his numb feeling hands.

”Maybe he just likes being tied up,” Dannii said with wink, licking her lips before giving him a cheeky smile.

”Perhaps, we’d better explore that in the future I think,” Kylie said, looking at Dannii with a sexy grin as she pulled the ropes free, letting his arms loose. He lowered them, feeling the blood rush back into them as he moved his hands to get them working properly again ready for their next task.

“You might as well take her from behind, she loves that and it’ll give you plenty to do with those,” Dannii commented, pointing to his hands with a little giggle.

”Oh I love it from behind do I?” Kylie said, turning back to Dannii with a sexy little smirk, still holding the rope.

“Orgasms don’t lie sis,” Dannii purred, giving a naughty grin.

“True,” Kylie said with a giggle as he sat up, his rock hard cock pressing against his stomach waiting for the moment he could penetrate Kylie.

”So what are we gonna do with her?” he said to Kylie, indicating her younger sister sitting neatly on the bed with them, horny as hell.

“How about we tie her up? Make her feel what it’s like to watch?” Kylie said with a devilish smile, holding the rope out.

”She knows me too well,” Dannii said with a smile as she eyed the rope, shifting round towards the head of the bed quite eagerly. He just laughed slightly and moved round as Dannii got into place, laying back and raising her hands. Kylie knelt up and leaned over, her little skirt offering a little peek at her tight arse as she secured her younger sister. Giving a testing pull at the bindings, Dannii seemed quite happy to be bound by her sister and smiled in confirmation. Kylie smiled, then turned to him, sitting on the bed with a rock solid 8” cock.

”I think you’re ready for me somehow,” she said with a giggle.

”Just a bit,” he murmured, looking at her cute little cheerleader outfit, how it hugged her little body.

“Just wait a few moments more, and I’m all yours,” Kylie said, slipping off the bed and heading back to her bag again. She dug around in it for a moment, then pulled out a little purple pocket vibrator. He looked at its slim form, then up at her with a slightly questioning yet humoured look.

”I always have it, for…emergencies,” Kylie purred, running her tongue over her teeth as she slid back onto the bed.

”I’m sure you have lots of them,” he smirked as she moved back between him and Dannii.

“Well you may as well do me doggy style, we’re both gonna love it, so let’s not pretend there’s a better way,” Kylie said with a little laugh, wiggling her tongue at him before turning and pulling herself onto her hands and knees so she was facing Dannii, crawling forwards a little so she was between her legs.

“See, told you she loved it,” Dannii said with an almost smug grin.

”Damn right. Now come on, you know the way,” Kylie said with a lick of her lips and a flick of her eyebrow. He certainly did, quickly kneeling up and moving into place behind Kylie as she turned to Dannii in her slutty little cheerleader outfit, the skirt almost revealing her wet pussy. He positioned himself behind her and then flipped her tiny skirt up over her back, revealing her stunning arse and the juicy bulge of her pussy peeking between her smooth thighs. He took hold of her curvy hips, his fingers bunching her tiny sandy coloured skirt up a little more as he took a firm grip and pushed his throbbing erection forwards. Kylie moaned softly as his bulbous head made first contact with her swollen pussy lips, the tip slipping into the slick entrance just a little as he lined up.

”Come on baby, don’t tease me,” Kylie murmured, looking back with a smirk. Despite the fact she had teased him, he had no intentions of revenge. He pushed his hands up onto her waist and squeezed her slightly so she gave a little gasp of breath before he pushed into her. Kylie inhaled the needed breath rather hastily as half his thick shaft slipped into her sweet haven, hearing him groan as she let her body simply react, her muscles clasping at his impaling organ, gripping him tightly in the hot, wet vice. Dannii was delightful, but somehow Kylie’s pussy just hit his spot even more. But he was still basically comparing perfection to itself, so he dropped the thought immediately and slid another couple of inches of his cock into her, pushing into her tight pussy, feeling her yield and ripple round him.

”Mm Kylie,” he groaned as he gave one last push and her snatch swallowed all 8” of him, Kylie squealing as he went balls deep, feeling her cervix pushed open by the tip of his large cock. She gasped and breathed heavily for a moment as he held himself in her, getting used to his cock deep in her body. It was exactly where she wanted it, except perhaps her tight little ass, but it was the first time she’d been fucked since she’d last seen him and despite her quite frequent toy use, she had to give her body a second to adjust to the penetration. He could feel that she needed a moment to get used to him, it’d happened before when he’d gone straight for all 8”, she was only little after all, and he was already close to orgasm and wanted to make it last. Being right to the hilt in Kylie’s hot, squeezing pussy wasn’t exactly helping hold it back.

“That’s why you know the way baby,” she mumbled, wiggling her hips on him a little as he pulled back. It felt to Kylie like he was drawing her insides with him she was hugging him so tight, her pussy twitching till she felt her lips bulge as the large head threatened to pop back out of her. It was something she knew he wasn’t about to do, but she gave him a tight squeeze just to let him know what she could do. He gave a grunt and pushed a couple of inches back into her, making her smile before softly moaning as he powerfully pushed all the way back into her diminutive form. Kylie reached out and with a quick flick of her wrist, flipped Dannii’s tiny pleated skirt up over her stomach, exposing her horny pussy.

“I can’t leave her hanging,” Kylie purred, glancing back at him.

”I knew she got that out for a reason!” Dannii enthused, pointing to the vibrator, grinning elatedly and spreading her legs a little more for her older sister. As he pushed deep again, Kylie moved forwards so he could keep up alright, she didn’t need to even move 8” so there was no problem. He simply shuffled forwards a little to stay behind her and gave her a slightly harder thrust in return. Not something he was gonna make a habit of just there, since he was trying to enjoy the older Minogue siblings sweet pussy for as long as he could. Kylie raised the little pocket rocket toy and flicked it on, turning it to just a low setting before lowering her head to Dannii’s pussy for the second time that day. Slipping her tongue out, she brushed over her clit as she followed in with the buzzing toy, pushing it firmly against her younger sisters swollen lips.

“I knew you wouldn’t forget about me,” Dannii purred with a sexy little moan as Kylie licked teasing round her clit, flicking under the hood and over the nub as she stroked the top of her toy slowly up and down her dripping entrance. He watched as best he could, mostly just telling from the noises and the reactions of Dannii as she pulled and tugged at her bindings. His pace increased a little, still giving Kylie all 8” of his cock but just pumping a little faster.

”Oh yeah both of you seem to be liking this,” Kylie said with a naughty little smile, looking up at Dannii and glancing back over her shoulder at him as he stroked his cock in and out of her hot body.

“You’re loving it as well,” Dannii breathed, watching him thrusting in and out of her older sister steadily now, giving her all 8” still. He leaned back, and as he pulled back laid a little spank on the hot Aussie. Kylie ground herself back as he pushed into her again and pushed her mouth into her sister’s pussy, sucking and tonguing at the clit vigorously for a moment that made Dannii moan deeply. Kylie pulled up for air, slipping the tip of the toy into Dannii now and sliding it slowly up and down.

”I sure do,” she murmured before leaning back down to carefully watch her work on her younger sisters snatch. Her warm breath tickled Dannii’s prominent clit as she worked the toy in and out of her sister, turning the speed up so that her younger sis gave a throaty moan that made him up his pace, thrusting quite hard into Kylie now, her taking about 5” now since he couldn’t give her all of himself at the speed he was going now. Kylie didn’t mind though, she moaned in pleasure as her body stepped up a gear in stimulation, more than happy since he was still going in to his full depth as he slid his hands back to her bum, squeezing it firmly.

“God you’re a slut sis,” Kylie teased as she lowered her mouth again, pushing all 4” of the slim toy into Dannii and starting to tongue at her rock hard clit.

”So are you though,” she breathed, looking to him as he fucked her, watching Kylie’s body rock from the thrusts. Kylie didn’t reply, simply running the tip of her tongue round and round her younger sisters clit, making Dannii’s toes curl from the sensations as she did, her nose rubbing Dannii’s little strip of hair.

”God she’s good,” she gasped, closing her eyes and tipping her head back, “so do her harder,” Dannii whispered breathlessly, pulling at her ropes. Her suggestion might as well have been a command, Kylie grunting loudly as he sped up more, energetically thrusting half his cock into her, getting himself towards his climax. Kylie could no longer concentrate on working Dannii properly, so she turned the toy up to full and pushed it into her, making her moan but letting her just simmer enough to watch. Pushing back to every thrust he gave into her, his hands gave her arse another quick squeeze before he grabbed her hips for leverage, pumping her enthusiastically. She gave him a good squeeze, feeling him shiver and then start to pump her very strongly, his fingers pressing into her skin. Kylie knew exactly what was going on, he was about to come and she had another quick idea for him. Pushing herself back, she squeezed him tightly and reached back to stop him, kneeling and twisting to him as best she could.

“No babe, don’t waste that in me. Look at Dannii, go on, look at her,” Kylie urged, nodding her head. He looked up, holding still inside Kylie just as she wanted. The gorgeous brunette eyed him excitedly, a spark evident in her as she smiled at him.

”See those tits of hers?” she continued, and he looked down to her chest again. It was heaving with her heavy breathing, her large breasts rising and falling, nipples sticking through the fabric as they had been when he’d arrived.

”Uh huh,” he breathed, his hands slipping back to slowly caress her famous ass.

”Wouldn’t you like to fuck those?” she whispered huskily, twisting enough to catch his gaze. His cock gave a twitch inside her, all the answer she needed.

”Definitely, come on baby, let’s give it a go,” she purred before leaning forwards and slipping off his cock, his 8” stiffy springing back up towards his stomach. Kylie moved over to Dannii’s left side, not even needing to ask for any co-operation since Dannii slid down on the bed straight away, laying down flat with her arms back so he could mount her alright. Kylie reached out and gave her younger sisters impressive breasts a quick squeeze before pulling up her tiny top, letting Dannii’s big boobs bounce free. Since she was unable to take it off her she just pulled it up as high as she could, nearing Dannii’s neck so it was well out the way. He didn’t hesitate in straddling Dannii’s smooth midsection, his cock sticking straight up as he moved forwards to position himself right.

”This won’t take long,” Dannii said with a little giggle.

”Nope,” Kylie said, giggling in return as she reached out and pushed Dannii’s large breasts together round his cock as he held it down. He leaned on her shoulders and started to vigorously thrust between her large breasts, glimpsing the smile on Kylie’s face as he tit fucked her younger sister. Feeling her warm, soft breasts pushed round his cock didn’t quite match up to Kylie’s tight pussy, but he was so close it didn’t matter. He gave a few short, sharp strokes, holding his climax for as long as he could before he couldn’t take it any more. Kylie let go of Dannii’s boobs, reaching out and grabbing his cock. She jerked him furiously and aimed him down at her younger sisters voluptuous breasts, only taking a second before he came hard. He groaned loudly, his hips bucking and legs feeling weak as he unloaded, several hot spurts of come jetting onto the younger Minogue’s lovely rack. Kylie milked the last drops from him with her talented hand before letting him go, and he couldn’t stop himself from just slumping down onto Dannii’s smooth tummy. She gave a grunt of surprise and looked up at him with a humoured smile.

”I think she’d like you to get off, well again that is,” Kylie quipped with a cute little sideways smile, making Dannii giggle slightly. He realised he was probably crushing the foxy brunette and pulled himself off, slumping down on the sheets next to her, resting his head down on her smooth leg. They all breathed heavily for a moment before Kylie made the bed shift as pulled herself onto all fours, flicking her hair back out the way as she leaned over Dannii’s chest, catching her gaze briefly from under her well shaped eyebrows.

”You need a clean up,” she murmured before leaning down and dragging her tongue over her breasts, licking his come off her smooth skin. He looked up and watched transfixed as Dannii was whilst Kylie cleaned her up. She moved to her right breast, dragging her tongue across her and then ending with a quick nip of her teeth that made Dannii gasp in surprise. Kylie just shot her a devilish smile before she did another lick across her, dragging over the nipple as she collected the streaks of come that lay on Dannii’s soft skin. She slurped them into her mouth noisily before giving a proper little bite, making her younger sister yelp. Kylie didn’t stop, she just checked around for any more on her sisters right breast as she swallowed, and then attached herself to the nipple when she was satisfied it was clean.

Sucking vigorously, she attacked with her tongue for a moment before administering another nip that made Dannii squeak in a mix of sensations and letting go, moving to the left breasts. Kylie did exactly the same thing, licking, nipping and biting at the soft flesh of her younger sisters left breast, being kind enough to avoid the love bite she sported above her nipple. Kylie ended the same way, suckling at the stiff left nipple and giving it quite a hard bite that left a mark round the base before she pulled away, showily wiping her mouth and swallowing again with a smile.

“I thought you were gonna gimme another love bite,” Dannii said, looking down at the one he’d given her.

”I can give you another one if you want,” Kylie purred, smirking at the thought.

”Well at least I’d match,” Dannii giggled, arching her back and offering her chest to her older sibling. Kylie smiled indulgently, leaning down to her sister’s right breast. She picked her spot so her breasts would roughly match, then sucked onto the soft skin, sealing her red lips on and biting down with her teeth. Dannii squealed as Kylie attached herself, biting her lip as Kylie bit down hard into her breast and sucked hard, giving her one hell of a mark she was sure. Her legs kicked slightly as she fought the painful sensation, feeling Kylie bite in just a little harder before letting go. She gasped in relief as her sister let go, looking down at the strong love bite she now sported on her right breast to match her left, the teeth marks very visible.

“There, happy?” Kylie giggled.

”Very,” she replied, smiling up at her. He looked over and gave an approving little nod and smile at her, having recovered now. Kylie looked up at Dannii’s hands, which she wiggled stiffly for her to show she needed blood flow back. She reached forwards and worked on the knots, untying them much easier than she had him since Dannii hadn’t pulled them so tight. After freeing her, she dropped the rope down on one of the pillows still residing on the bed and pulled her sister up into a quick kiss, her breasts still hanging free from her top.

”You know, I think Dannii could use a good spanking,” Kylie said out of the blue, slipping her arm round Dannii’s smooth back.

“Why’s that?” he said, looking up quite interestedly, unable to stop himself from gazing at Dannii’s luscious breasts for a few moments.

“Look at her, she’s a slutty little cheerleader. A good spanking should put her back in line,” Kylie purred, giving him a wink and licking her lips.

”Yeah, I’ve been sooo bad,” Dannii whined hotly, making his heart jump. She sexily pulled her tiny top off over her head, shaking her long brown hair out and giving him an innocent look.

”Don’t give me the puppy dog eyes,” he teased as he slid over the sit on the bed, reaching out for her. Dannii just giggled and offered her hand to him, cheekily jiggling her chest a little. With a smile he pulled her forwards, dragging her slim, light form up along the bed and over his lap with a little squeal from her. Kylie gave a little laugh as she saw her sister’s bum pulled up over his lap and her legs kicking for a moment before a quick slap from him through her tiny pleated skirt stilled her. Kylie slid up behind him on the bed as he lifted Dannii’s tiny skirt up to reveal her sexy rear, slightly bigger than Kylie’s due to Dannii’s frame but still tight and toned, and seriously spankable.

”Ignore any protests, she loves it done hard,” Kylie whispered into his ear, pausing for a moment before nipping him lightly on the earlobe and kissing his neck a couple of times. He rubbed his hand softly over Dannii’s smooth arse, then raised his hand and laid a hard smack on her, making Dannii squeal loudly, in pain as much as surprise that he’d given her such a spank so soon.

“See, she didn’t ask you to stop,” Kylie purred, grinning at Dannii as she looked up just before she got dealt another hard spank, making her grunt loudly and clench her arse as she sting spread through her cheeks.

“Oh yeah she needs another one of those!” Kylie exclaimed, leaning forwards next to him and swatting her younger sister hard on the ass, making her give a loud yelp that turned to a groan as the sensation passed, her bum unclenching slowly.

“Yeah she definitely likes that,” he said with a smile, raising his hand and laying a good hard spank on Dannii’s rear. Not harsh like the first few, just a good hard spank that made her positively growl and writhe slightly on his lap, hitting the spot she liked quite well it seemed. He reached down under her to where her large heavy breasts were hanging down past his legs, nipples towards the floor. Cupping the heavy weight of her left one, he gave a good fondle, teasing the nipple with his fingers to mix the stimulation she was getting before giving her another good hard spank that made her cry out.

”Oh god,” Dannii moaned, her eyes squeezing shut as she fought the sensations overwhelming her mind. He gave her a couple of harder spanks again, one on each cheek, giving them a nice pink glow overall and sending a good little sting into Dannii that made her clit throb as she moaned in unadulterated pleasure now.

“Now’s the moment lover,” Kylie whispered into his ear, reaching down in front of him and wrapping her hand around his renewed hardon. Giving a quick squeeze and a pump, she more than got her message across.

”Remember, she likes it rough,” Kylie whispered huskily, before biting quite strongly on his shoulder, making him grimace slightly before he gave one quick last spank to Dannii and then whisked her onto the bed. She squealed in surprise as she was lifted up and cast passionately on the bed on her stomach, cushioned by her large breasts as she landed. Looking up, she saw him slide onto his knees behind her and felt him grab her slim hips, pulling her up onto her knees. She looked up at Kylie who had a naughty smile and was gently stroking her own nipple.

”Don’t pretend you aren’t gagging for this,” she said, sticking her tongue out slightly.

”What? Hey wait a minute,” Dannii said, a token protest as she still let herself be put on all fours by him, her heart missing a beat as she felt his large erection brush over her smooth, slightly reddened arse cheeks.

”If I only had a little KY,” she mumbled, feeling a little thrill spread through her as he pushed his large cock to her tight anus, pushing dryly against her.

“No chance,” Kylie said simply as he grabbed her hips tightly and gave a good push forwards. Dannii’s eyes widened and she gave a scream as her arsehole was stretched open to take the large, bulbous head of his cock, something she didn’t do without lube very often. She wriggled under him, trying to pull away but also push back, fighting herself over letting him penetrate her ass this way. He made the call for her, reaching out and grabbing her slim wrists, pulling her arms behind her back and making her drop face first onto the bed. She gave another squeak as her shoulders were strained, then gave a loud yelp as he gave another push. Her voice turned to a whimper as his large head popped into her hot, tight ass, taking the strain off her sphincter somewhat and letting a pleasurable wave spread through her.

“Oh god,” she moaned, a shudder of pleasure spreading through her and making her tremble under him.

”See, I told you,” Kylie said, now stroking her own clit steadily over the anal show they were giving her. Dannii felt him give her another moment to bask in her little oasis of pleasure before he gripped her tightly and pushed hard, making her take him balls deep in a single motion. Again it was something she didn’t do that often without lube, but her sphincter didn’t stand a chance at holding him back. She gave a loud squeal, pulling at his grip on her wrists as he sunk his thick cock all the way into her arse, making her back arch and muscles squeeze and grab at him as he slid deeply into her. Dannii felt his tight balls bump the back of her swollen pussy lips and knew he was right in, giving him a voluntary squeeze as the pain dissipated from her to test it out. She hadn’t taken an anal penetration this deep for quite a while, especially not unlubed, and she had to admit it felt good. He released her wrists, and she pushed herself back up onto all fours for him, glancing at Kylie.

”You should see her smile!” Kylie exclaimed, pointing a finger. Dannii dropped her head and blushed, a little embarrassed that she was enjoying the rough penetration. Kylie gave him a little flick of her eyebrows, suggesting he should get on and fuck her. He didn’t have any reason not to, so he pulled back all the way out of her tight ass so his bulbous head teased her sphincter before he pushed powerfully back in, making Dannii moan in a mixture if sensations, feeling slightly uncomfortable since she was still trying to adjust. He pushed all the way in again, forcing a ragged sigh from under her hair, which was hanging down and blocking any view of her face he could get. He reached up and took hold of her waist, squeezing her firmly before he started to pump, thrusting around 5” of his cock in and out of her tight ass hard, making her squeal.

“So big…” was all Dannii managed to mutter as he pumped her, feeling her tremble and clench around him, a mixture of discomfort and pleasure washing over her as he pumped her in the ass. He was just giving her something to writhe over, and then slowed down a little again, feeling her give him a good squeeze with her sphincter as a sign of gratitude as he started to give steady thrusts into her, making sure she took it all the way in every time but just giving her the time to get into it more. She gave a wiggle of her hips and settled with a quiet sigh, starting to push back to meet him. He leaned back and gave another little smack to the top of her ass, making her gasp slightly as he fucked her in the ass, feeling her pulsing and gripping him with her muscles much like Kylie did when they had anal sex.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 11:14:33 AM by Noj »
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Re: KLS - The Naughty Cheerleaders
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2019, 11:12:15 AM »

“Roll her over baby,” Kylie said saucily as she watched, still gently stroking her stiff clit as she watched her younger sister take it hard. Dannii looked up, then gave a glance back to him through her masses of hair as he ran his hands over her smooth lower back and then pulled slowly out. Dannii gave a little sigh as his head popped out of her tight hole, then rolled over onto her back without protest and raised her legs. She reached down and hooked them back, knowing full well he was going to do her in an anal missionary position so she may as well help him out. She smiled up at him sexily, fully welcoming his big hard cock being pushed back into her forbidden hole now she was loosened and ready. He didn’t disappoint, aiming his cock and pushing at her back hole, giving just a small push and popping back into her arsehole. Dannii gave him a good squeeze, making him groan before he slipped himself all the way back into her, making them both groan loudly.

Kylie stopped playing with herself and moved over across the bed till she was next to Dannii, looking down at her younger sister as he got a rhythm going again, pushing in and out of her ass. They were both groaning and grunting, a sheen of sweat covering them both. Kylie smiled and slid her hands under Dannii’s right leg were she was holding it back and onto her large breasts, groping the surgically enhanced mounds. Dannii murmured something meaningless as Kylie fondled her, moving back to the nipples, twiddling and tweaking them in her fingers, scraping them gently with her fingernails. Kylie grabbed Dannii’s lower leg, bending it back down since she was holding it with her hand hooked behind her knee.

”Kylie what the…” Dannii started, but she shushed her younger sister with a finger to her soft lips. Pushing her leg down, she leaned in and started to kiss Dannii’s breasts again, looking down as he started to pump harder, sending a shiver through Dannii as he started to get towards his peak. Without any further ceremony, she started biting over the large, soft breasts, giving good solid nips with her teeth that made Dannii give little yelps and squeals through her groans of pleasure. Kylie bit and nipped her way all over her younger sisters rack, leaving a trail of bite marks all over her breasts, making her almost scream when she hit the sensitive patches of her love bites. She pulled back, kneeling up and running her fingers through Dannii’s hair softly, looking down at the bite marks left on her younger sister. Dannii looked down, then up mock-accusingly before her face contorted and she shuddered as she got to the brink.

”Come on sis, let’s go,” Kylie said quite demandingly he thought, watching as she reached down for her rock hard clit. He started to pump harder, going as deep as he could into Dannii, which made her grunt and squeeze him tighter, her hot anal muscles enclosing him so completely as she pushed her hips up into Kylie’s fingers as they worked expertly at bringing her off. Dannii couldn’t take any more and orgasmed hard, her body tensing and then convulsing somewhat with a loud scream from her. She threw her head back, her arse grasping and milking him as tight as it possibly could whilst Kylie continued to finger her. He couldn’t take the sight and sensations before him, and gave a few final pumps for as long as he could hold on before he buried himself into her and let go with a long, low groan, emptying his balls into her hot ass, spurting his load deeply into Dannii’s forbidden haven.

”Nice show,” Kylie purred, raising her hand and sucking her fingers clean with a sexy look, making Dannii giggle as she looked up tiredly from under her shaken up hair. He pulled back and let his softening cock slip out of her arse with a slight squelch, sitting down on the bed. Dannii let go of her legs and stretched the stiff slender limbs out, laying one of her legs down over him, which he happily let her lay over his lap, enjoying the warmth of her skin. They rested for a minute, Kylie just watching over them as they breathed heavily, just waiting for some of the sweat to help cool them down, both of them burning hot from their oh-so pleasurable exertions.

”Glad you liked it,” Dannii finally replied, sitting up on the bed and stretching. She looked round with a smile, then flashed him one before leaning forwards and locking lips with him. Her tongue briefly slipped into his mouth, teasing his before she pulled away, pulling her legs back and kneeling on the bed, dropping onto all fours and arching her back for another stretch. She exposed herself completely, the soft bulge of her pussy and now loosened ass as she almost posed on the bed, her skirt still caught up round her hips. Kylie eyed her sexy younger sister for a moment, before leaning forwards and crawling sexily up behind her, flicking her hair back as she reached out and took hold of Dannii’s hips. Dannii just looked back slightly curiously, not saying a word as Kylie slid in and planted a kiss on the back of her soft pussy, her tongue flicking out.

”Ooh yeah,” Dannii purred with a smile, looking over at him excitedly as her older sister started to eat her pussy from behind. Kylie giggled a little through Dannii’s snatch as she wiggled in front of her, moving her hands more onto her younger sisters arse, using her thumbs to ever so slightly spread the cheeks. Kylie slid her tongue out, all the way under to the top of Dannii’s slit and then started to tongue steadily back and forth, the tip just dipping into the juicy haven as she moved it along it. She pushed her tongue fully up, teasing over her sister’s clit and through her neat little strip of hair, the same as her own. She continued to work like that, just tonguing steadily up and down, not looking to get her younger sister off, simply wanting a taste.

“Higher,” Dannii whispered, glancing back at Kylie from under a few strands of her loose brown hair. Kylie stopped for a moment, catching Dannii’s gaze before giving a sly smile and lowering her head again, slipping her tongue right into her younger sister’s pussy. Dannii let out a moan before Kylie slid her tongue back out, dragging it up the back of her swollen lips to her tight ass. Circling her tongue round the tight ring, she teased her sister before pushing into the loosened hole, working her powerful tongue in. Dannii moaned, giving Kylie’s tongue a little squeeze with her muscles as she tasted his come where he’d climaxed in her younger sisters ass just a few minutes earlier. Kylie gave a little wiggle more and then pulled back out, giving another quick rimming before slipping down to Dannii’s soft pussy again. Having been watching the sisters enjoying themselves for a couple of minutes, then Dannii requesting Kylie go further with her, had brought his cock back to life and he had a good hardon again.

”Very nice,” he murmured, watching Kylie eat Dannii’s pussy quite expertly, sucking at her soft inner lips. Kylie just glanced sideways at him and smiled with her busy lips, her hands squeezing a little firmer at her sister’s bum. He slid round on the bed till he was behind Kylie, watching her own tight, delicious ass in front of him, just peeking out from under her skirt. Despite where her vision was focussed, Kylie was well aware of where he was and gave her hips a seductive wiggle, shaking her cute rear at him temptingly. She knew he’d never resist, and was vindicated when she felt him raise her skirt up over her smooth back once again followed by the tip of his hardon pushing insistently at her pussy. She held herself tight for a moment to just tease for a second, before relaxing and letting him in, moaning deeply as his cock pushed into her soaked snatch again, slipping easily into his this time and sliding around half his length in. He grunted over her groans as he penetrated her, feeling her give him a little squeeze as she continued to eat her sister’s pussy.

He started to pump steadily in and out, pushing down into her so he stroked over her G-spot as he thrust in, feeling her quiver slightly. She mumbled in pleasure as she ran her tongue over her sister’s ass, just dipping in a little before moving back to her pussy. Sliding just over half his cock in and out of Kylie, he moved to make sure he was going deeply, giving her one hard 8” push that made her yelp in pleasure, raising her head from her sister. Dannii took her opportunity, moving with ninja-like speed and precision as she rolled over forwards and then quickly pulled herself back under Kylie, holding onto her ribs and back to pull herself underneath till her warm flowing hair pooled round his knees. He looked down with an amused expression as Dannii pulled herself into place, hearing Kylie giggle as Dannii was now in a 69 position with her.

”I’ll return the favour,” Dannii murmured with a smile before raising her head and starting to lick firmly at Kylie’s clit as he thrust in and out. All the older Minogue sibling had to do now was gasp and moan as she was taken from behind and had her clit licked at the same time. She hadn’t orgasmed since she’d sixty-nined with Dannii during their tease, so was pretty close to one, feeling very hot and horny. Dannii worked as she knew Kylie loved, making fast circles round her clit one way, then suddenly switching back the other direction. Her eyes were watching intently as her older sisters pussy stretched and hugged his thick 8” cock as he fucked her, and she could tell from his angle and Kylie’s little squeaks here and there that he was doing a number on her G-spot.

”Just come would you!” Dannii said dominatingly, giving a giggle as she used the same tone Kylie had earlier to her, more than once in fact. Kylie tensed up as her orgasm threatened to take her, only giving Dannii the signal to start nibbling at her clit, mixing the use of her teeth, tongue and lips rapidly as he pumped a little harder, really working her G-spot now. Kylie had no hope against her two lovers and gave a jolt, letting out a loud breathy squeal of pleasure. She trembled and shook through her orgasm, not coming hard enough to squirt but still getting a little juicier. He slowed to a stop, then started to slowly slide himself out of Kylie’s sweet pussy, still rock hard. Dannii eyed his shaft for a moment, glistening with her sister’s tasty juices and then leaned up, sliding her tongue onto his shaft, licking up the sides and sucking at the underside as he pulled out. She saw Kylie’s pussy lips bulge, the pink inner ones pulled outwards a little before his bulbous head popped free. Dannii immediately closed in, slurping up the little extra juices that were released by him pulling out before sucking his large head into her mouth, giving him a good tonguing before sliding her lips off poutily.

He pulled back and sat down, watching as Dannii raised her head again and started to lovingly lap at her older sister. She thoroughly licked over the swollen lips, sliding her tongue in tantalisingly before giving a teasing circle of her clit and pulling away. Pulling on Kylie’s hips, Dannii pulled herself more up between her legs so she could get more access and give a little more. She kissed and tongued the back of her older sister’s pussy for a moment, then pushed her tongue up and ran round Kylie’s as-yet untouched arsehole. Kylie gave a little sigh of pleasure as Dannii gave a quick rim before moving back to kiss her clit and end her little oral session on her older sibling. Kylie slid off to the side, laying on her side on the warm sheets and regaining her breath, her nipples still sticking enticingly through her thin top.

“Anyone would think she’d had enough,” he said to Dannii with a smile, looking down at her lying on the bed just in front of him. Dannii tipped her head back, her hair dangling down on the bed as she looked up at him over her eyebrows, licking her top lip saucily.

“You know, I think she’s just as naughty a cheerleader as me,” she purred, flicking her eyebrows with little wink.

“Think she needs a little…punishment?” he said, reaching down and playfully flipping her pouting lower lip. Dannii looked down and gave a little giggle, looking over at her sister, who looked up with a slight smile.

”A good spanking certainly wouldn’t hurt,” Dannii said with a smile.

“You don’t think so?” he said with a laugh, indicating her bum slightly since he’d spanked her earlier on.

”Well, wouldn’t hurt her in any way she didn’t like,” she said, kneeling up on the bed and leaning over to give him a quick kiss. He smiled as the sexy brunette turned away, thanking every deity he could name that these two goddesses had taken an interest in him. He pulled himself over to the edge of the bed, as he had done with Dannii a while earlier, his hardon again standing proudly back against his stomach.

”Come on sis, time you learnt your lesson,” Dannii said, reaching out to pull Kylie up onto her knees on the bed from where she’d been resting.

”I hope not, so I have to be given it over and over,” Kylie grinned, letting herself be tugged up onto all fours and crawling sexily forwards towards him. She cheekily leaned down and gave the underside of his cock a kiss and glanced up at him.

”Get over there!” Dannii snapped playfully, pushing her sisters firm ass, shoving Kylie so she flopped down over his lap with a little grunt. He grabbed her waist and pulled her over fully so her tight rear was up in the air, little skirt still somehow down where it was supposed to be. Dannii reached over and flicked it up out the way, exposing her again. Kylie may as well not have the skirt on, it’d spent so much time pushed out the way.

”Give it to her,” Dannii beamed, smiling on as she was about to watch her sister get a good spanking. He had no intentions of letting her down, jokingly licking his hand before raising it in the air behind Kylie. He brought it down swiftly, just as he had done with Dannii, laying a hard spank to test her out. Kylie squealed and Dannii grinned widely as she saw her older sister clench her tight arse, her powerful thighs tensing. He stroked Kylie’s bum softly, giving her a light squeeze before he administered another hard slap, making her squeal loudly again and bite her lip. Dannii felt a rush go through her as she saw him spank her sibling, feeling her clit give a pulse that made her thighs try to squeeze together. Kylie was breathing loudly, her body rocking slightly on his legs where her expanding chest made her move up and down. Her nipples were like rock on her perky breast, just over his legs and held in tightly by the hugging top, begging to be set free and properly fondled.

“Oh yeah go on, she loves it hard,” Dannii cooed, leaning forwards on her hands with an eager smile. He just smiled back at her and pulled his arm back, delivering another powerful spank that made Kylie positively howl. Her delectable rear was now turning a good shade of pink from her punishment, and she was holding onto him quite tightly, her body tensed.

”Go on, another of those,” Dannii commanded, looking on with wide, excited eyes now as she saw her sister receive what she had. He decided to indulge her, and delivered a fast, hard swat to Kylie, making her give her a piercing squeal that turned to a deep, throaty moan. He comfortingly stroked her reddened arse, rubbing the smooth cheeks and making Kylie sigh with slight relief.

”Can I give her one of those?” Dannii asked, looking at him with semi-pleading eyes. He was amazed she’d asked him, and wasn’t about to stop Dannii from spanking her own sister. He eyed the gorgeous, topless brunette for a moment, pausing at her lovely breasts.

”Knock yourself out,” he said, holding up a welcoming hand. Dannii hopped onto the floor on her feet with glee, pattering round so she was next to Kylie opposite him where she could give a real good smack. Kylie breathed loudly in anticipation, looking back to try and see what her younger sister was up to. Dannii ran her hand over Kylie’s toned cheek, then slipped her fingers down between her legs and rubbed her clit for a moment. Kylie moaned softly as the pleasure spread through her, then held breath in anticipation as she felt her rapidly pull her hand away, and knew what she was about to do. Using her beautifully slim hand, Dannii laid a stinging slap on Kylie’s ass, making her older sibling give a shudder and a loud yelp of pain, clenching and reaching back to grab her bum. She’d taken all the hard slaps they needed to give her to test the waters, and she’d shown she was after harder spanks than Dannii.

“She’s horny as hell again already,” Dannii said simply, sitting down next to him and showing off by licking Kylie’s juices from her fingers.

”I bet she is,” he said with a smile as he gave Kylie a firm slap. She gave a little gasp, a pleasurable one as she was allowed back into her spanking comfort zone. Dannii sat down next to him, sliding her smooth arm round his bare back and resting her head against his left shoulder, which he didn’t need to move to spank Kylie. Dannii reached down and brushed her fingers through her sisters blonde hair, almost soothingly before he gave another spank and pushed a moan from Kylie, one of pure pleasure.

”See, she loves being spanked, far more than me,” Dannii said, licking her lips at him.

”You didn’t seem to mind that much,” he said, stroking Kylie for a moment.

”Because I’ve been a bad girl,” Dannii growled at him, giving him a look like Kylie often did.

”Like Kylie here,” he said, giving another good spank that made her grunt, raising her head, her eyes fluttering before she saw Dannii’s smooth, tanned legs next to her. She turned and looked up, giving her and then him a wanton look with a sly smile.

”Damn right I’ve been bad,” Kylie breathed, grunting and closing her eyes as he gave a teasing smack to each cheek, her clit now throbbing to her heartbeat.

”I think more of a punishment is needed,” Dannii said with a devilish smile, turning round and reaching for something. She appeared a moment later with the length of rope, smiling down at Kylie, who smiled back. He pulled his hand back and gave one last hard spank that made the sexy singer  tense and squeal, then picked her off his lap and rolled back onto the bed with her. Kylie squealed as Dannii dodged back out the way, her older sister tumbling over him, rolling onto the bed on her front. She flicked her hair back and looked up at them with a lusty expression, licking her full lips as Dannii turned and moved in. Kylie pushed herself up, curling to sit up when she felt him take hold of her wrists, glancing round at him in anticipation, her pussy dripping wet now as she was taken by her sister and her lover.

”Doesn’t seem like much of a punishment,” he said, pulling Kylie’s arms up to the metal head rail as she shuffled herself up the bed on her slightly sore rear.

”Oh it will be,” Dannii purred, crawling sexily over the tangled covers towards them. She knelt next to Kylie, and faced no resistance as she strongly tied her older sisters hands, knotting the rope confidently, showing she’d done it lots of times before. She admired her handiwork, then looked down to see Kylie looking up at her bondage with a contented little smirk. Dannii leaned down and kissed her sexy sister, their red lips pressing together. Their tongues immediately sought each other’s out, pushing out and dancing together, massaging and stroking one another’s as they kissed hotly, finally breaking their passionate moment with a deep breath. They rested their foreheads together briefly, looking into each other’s eyes soulfully as they shared an intimate moment before a sexy little smile slid across Dannii’s cute lips. Kylie smiled back, then playfully lunged forwards and tried to bite her younger sister’s lip as she pulled away, giving a little giggle.

”This is why you need to be punished, no respect,” Dannii said with a naughty grin as she knelt up. Evidently pondering for a moment, she reached out and placed her hands on Kylie more humble breasts, squeezing them gently and slipping her fingers under the edges of her top. In one sharp motion, she tore the tiny top off so she sat topless to match her, perky breasts on display with a gasp from her. She gave a smirk and slid away down past her feet, eyeing her siblings neat tits. He moved down the bed to where Dannii was, both of them looking at the bound Kylie, him gazing at her freed breasts.

”So how do you intend to punish her further?” he said.

”Just keep up with me baby,” she whispered sexily, turning to him and kissing him hard. He moaned as Dannii snogged him, pushing him down on the bed on his back, his rock hard cock pressing into her smooth, warm tummy. His hands slid round her smooth back, now uninhibited by a top, which also allowed her lovely large breasts to press against his chest. He kissed her for a moment before breaking free and kissing onto her neck, Dannii taking the opportunity to lift her hips and pull herself forwards, pushing back tentatively for a moment to get the right position. She wiggled sexily for a moment, then pushed herself down and impaled herself fully on his 8” hardon, giving a breathy moan as she took him all the way in again, feeling herself filled completely.

”Oh yeah she does love a good cock,” Kylie commented, smiling as she watched her younger sister drive down on him.

”Like her sister then,” he said with a smirk, glancing over at her before he swiftly rolled Dannii onto her back. She gave a little giggle as he turned her over, wrapping her legs up round his arse and pulling him into her again, grunting as she felt him push at her cervix with his bulbous head. Kylie looked a tad frustrated despite trying to hide it, her legs squeezing together, not hiding her juicy pussy as she tried to stimulate herself a little bit.

”See, she’s already getting agitated,” Dannii said with a pleased giggle, looking over from under him as he sucked lightly at her neck.

”That’s ‘cause she’s a horny little devil, right Kylie?” he said, glancing over. Dannii took the moment to arch her back and push her chest out, making her breasts a suddenly more inviting place to be.

”Sure am,” she purred, giving a sexy little growl to make it known. He turned back and saw Dannii smiling up at him with her tits out, nipples stiff and proud, waiting to be fondled.

“She doesn’t have a pair like this though,” she taunted, looking over at her older sister and sticking her tongue out.

”She sure doesn’t,” he said, reaching up to them as he kept his thrusting up, sliding his full length in and out, making her pussy bulge as he pulled back and almost popping her cervix as he went in. He took hold of her lovely tits again, squeezing as much as he could with his hands, which was quite a lot but still not all of her boobs, pushing them together and moving his hands to stroke them. She moaned softly, letting her body shiver, eyes and mouth fluttering as his fingers started to work her stiff nipples, circling and tweaking them. Kylie gave a spontaneous kick and bit her lip in embarrassment as they looked round at her, Dannii smiling devilishly at her as Kylie’s lover worked her over nicely.

”Look at her, she’d be climbing the walls if we hadn’t tied her up,” Dannii quipped, pushing her hips up as he pushed in, making him pop through her cervix. They both grunted which made Kylie’s heart skip a beat, watching him shiver as her sister squeezed with him her hot pussy. She burned with jealously, not because her sister was screwing her bloke, but because she wasn’t able to do it or at least join them. Kylie leaned back and pulled herself up, grabbing the rope with her teeth and pulling hard, trying to undo Dannii’s precision knot, though it didn’t budge at all and she sunk back down horny and desperate again. He started to pump little faster, still using his full length and toying with her breasts, making Dannii smile immensely.

”Go on, fuck her, she deserves it,” Kylie urged, reaching out with a foot and brushing her sisters leg. He smiled over as she encouraged him to do her younger sister, squeezing her thighs together now as she burned for release, at the peak of her arousal now. He pinched Dannii’s nipples tightly and gave her a couple of good hard thrusts, making her groan loudly. Her fingers clawed at his back a little as he pinched her, digging her nails in before quickly rolling them back over so she was on top, her little skirt dropping down and hiding her penetration again. Dannii knelt up, tugging her nipples out of his gripping fingers and giving a couple of good hard bounces on his cock before stopping her motions.

”We better deal with her,” she said, indicating her hot sibling.

”Why’s that then?” he said, his hands sliding up onto her hips.

“Because I’d like to be able to sit down after all this. If we don’t sort her out now, she’s gonna spank me like never before,” Dannii giggled, reaching down to take hold of his hands.

”Dannii, I’m gonna spank you anyway,” Kylie said with one of her smiles and an arch of her famous eyebrow.

“Ok so maybe I can minimise her wrath,” Dannii giggled, lifting his hands off her hips and climbing off his cock, leaving it glistening with her sweet juices. Dannii hopped off the bed and went over to her bag, reaching in and then standing up and turning back with something that made both his and Kylie’s eyes widen. Dannii was holding up a 10” black dildo on a strap-on harness with a naughty grin, watching Kylie’s reaction. They enjoyed strap-ons plenty, but never anything that big. Dannii slid back onto the bed, moving in close and slowly waving the large rubber toy in front of her older sister threateningly. Kylie’s eyes followed the thick fake black cock, before she leaned forwards and licked up the underside and culminated with a kiss to the tip. He sat up and gave a little stretch, then moved forwards to help release Kylie. Dannii dropped the huge toy down and untied her knots with ease, something Kylie had feverishly tried to do with her mouth, letting her hands free. Kylie pulled herself straight onto her knees, leaning over and kissing him, leaving a lipstick smudge on him as she pushed her pout onto him.

”Just because I let you down doesn’t mean I’m leaving you untied. You’re far too dangerous,” Dannii purred, holding the rope out at Kylie.

”Mmm kinky,” Kylie murmured, turning back and licking her lips.

”Just how you love it, now put your hands behind your back,” she said sternly, reaching out ready. Kylie did exactly as she was told, putting her hands submissively behind her back for her younger sibling, jiggling slightly as Dannii roped her and started to tie her tightly, just enough to allow adequate blood flow. The girls had played with all sorts of bondage, so they knew exactly what they were doing, and Kylie knew the kind of things her sister did to her with strap-ons when she was tied this way. Dannii really took on quite a dominant role now, coaxing him forwards as she knelt with her head over Kylie’s shoulder.

“Your baby needs a blowjob,” Dannii whispered huskily into her sister’s ear, giving her a little nudge forwards. Kylie just went with it, leaning over and aiming towards his cock. She gave a little stretch and took him straight into her mouth, letting his cock slide into her willing mouth with a moan as she tasted her sisters juices. He groaned in pleasure as her skilled mouth wrapped round him, feeling her flex her throat as she prepared herself. Dannii slid off the bed and stood up, picking up her toy. He looked up a little mystified, but she just gave him a sexy wink and walked out of the room. Kylie started to bob on him, taking the first few inches for a moment, then wasted no time in taking a breath through her nose and pushing down on him and taking him all the way in on her first push, deepthroating him expertly with a mumble of pleasure that made his cock tingle. He moaned and reached out, stroking Kylie’s hair back from her face, seeing the look of concentration on her features as she started to bob up and down his full length, sucking hard at him as she moved to her best given the position.

”Mmm Kylie,” he mumbled, fighting the urge to grab her head. She made a little satisfied noise through her mouthful, loving how quickly she could affect him. Going to work with her tongue, she put friction on the bulging head as she bounced it in and out of her talented lips, teasing it just how she knew he liked it. He grunted as she worked her tongue, it mixing with the sensations of her throat as she worked him down it, the buzzing from her vocal chords as she moaned and groaned turning him on immensely. He heard a slight creak from the floor, and looked up with a gasp to see Dannii standing there, leaning against the wall wearing her huge 10” strap-on, the large black toy sticking out menacingly in front of her.

”She ready for me?” she growled, running her tongue over her teeth before giving a little bite.

”I don’t think she ever will be,” he said with a laugh before a shiver ran through him as Kylie gave a little graze of her teeth. She giggled and moved onto the bed behind Kylie, who tried to glance back through her mouthful, but didn’t want to let him out of her mouth, very much enjoying giving him a vigorous blowjob. Dannii reached out and slipped her fingers into Kylie’s pussy, making her hips twitch as she hooked two fingers up inside, working them quite forcefully in the tight haven. Dannii only gave her a minute, then pulled her fingers out and pushed them into her mouth, sucking them clean as she shuffled into place. She pulled her fingers out, then reached down and took hold of the strap-on, pushing the head of the huge toy to Kylie’s arse, pushing the firm cheeks apart. Kylie whimpered in a mix of fear and anticipation as Dannii torturously slipped the tip of the large black toy up and down, over the back of Kylie’s swollen pussy lips and up to her tight anal ring. Not wanting anything rather unpleasant to happen when she was penetrated, he let Kylie bob back to his head and then popped it out of her mouth, making her gasp and rock forwards on her knees as she was expecting to push down on him again.

”Ready babe?” Dannii teased, reaching up and holding Kylie’s hand. She gripped back tightly as her younger sister took aim and pushed the large toy between her famous arse, against her tight, dry anus. She took a deep breath and relaxed herself, closing her eyes as she waited for the moment. Dannii let go of her hands and grabbed Kylie’s hips, gripping tightly before giving a hard thrust forwards. Kylie screamed in pain, slumping down onto her chest from the force of her sisters thrust, feeling her arse stretched forcefully open, the lack of lube causing a sharp pain to shoot through her. Dannii had got almost in, and wasted no time in giving another drive, causing another scream as the huge head popped into Kylie’s back hole, the pain easing slightly and toning down to a more aching sensation as her sphincter closed down on the intruder.

”There, that wasn’t so bad was it?” Dannii cooed, stroking Kylie’s hair.

”For you maybe,” she managed to say through gritted teeth, her eyes squeezed shut and watering big style.

”Well I’m the only one that matters,” Dannii snapped, laying a smack on Kylie’s arse that made her twitch and ultimately induced another slight pain due to the toy in her rear. She pushed another inch or so of the thick, hard rubber into her older sister, making her legs shake as Kylie held herself up on her knees, biting her lip and breathing heavily. She slid her hands up to Kylie’s waist and then back down to her hips, settling her knees and then pushing forwards again. Kylie squealed loudly, unable to keep it from breaking into a cry of pain as Dannii pushed in, not taking any resistance for an answer as she forced the strap-on into her sibling. Kylie’s squeak went too high pitched to hear as Dannii got the full length into her, the harness pushing against Kylie’s pert rear triumphantly. Dannii looked up at him with a victorious smile as Kylie gasped and writhed, feeling some overwhelming sensations with the huge 10” fake black cock all the way in, the pain subsiding again. She simply couldn’t take it, her body twisting, hips bucking slightly as she gasped and moaned, gritting her teeth.

“This is exactly what I bought this for, to test her limits,” Dannii said with a sly, sexy smile.

”How’s she coping?” he said with a smile, knowing full well Kylie was struggling.

”I think she’s coping pretty well given this is the biggest thing she’s ever taken up her ass,” Dannii giggled, leaning back and laying a loud spank on her sister. Dannii gave her a couple more moments to breathe, then grabbed her hips tightly again through the skirt and pulled back about 4”, making Kylie inhale sharply. Holding tightly, Dannii started pumping hard, thrusting the tip back and forth to full depth in her tight older sister. Kylie yelped in pain, her tight muscles being pulled back and forth by the bulbous tip of the huge dildo, her body unable to get used to the size properly, and she just went weak and squeaked in her inability to do anything else as it went to its full depth. He was quite surprised Dannii was being so hard on her sister, since she knew full well it’d be a struggle for Kylie.

Dannii slowed down, starting to pull back further and move in more steadily, giving her foxy sibling a break from the full depth treatment, simply letting her sister feel what she had for her. Kylie was still murmuring in discomfort, her dry anus still struggling to get used to the impaling toy, Kylie feeling every contour and ridge of the fake veins that ran up and down it. Dannii pushed in and out with slow, powerful strokes, using about 7” of the thick toy without going fully into her. She chose to pull back against Kylie’s sphincter instead to offer a new sensation, one Kylie quite enjoyed. She let out a little mumble of pleasure, breathing more normally for a few moments as she got more used to the size, still not totally happy but far more than she had been. Dannii softly stroked Kylie’s back as she slid slowly in and out, loosening her older sister up a bit so she could take it a bit faster.

”See, you’re alright,” Dannii said teasingly, rotating her hips a little to stretch Kylie’s hole a fraction more, making her moan.

”I could get used to this if you used some lube,” Kylie said quietly, still breathing heavily.

“We all know you love it without,” Dannii said, sharply driving all the way back into her sister. Kylie gave a surprised scream, the pain shooting through her again. Dannii didn’t hold back now, having got her sister relaxed and opened a little more, she got to work with her huge toy, putting it to energetic use. Kylie squealed and groaned in a mixture of pain and near-pleasure, her body quivering as Dannii went full depth, making Kylie whimper. Dannii took advantage of her extra movement, pumping hard and fast, driving all the way in as she used around half the thick toy, hitting the spot that was overwhelming Kylie. She couldn’t even think enough to moan, just lay with her head pressed into the bed, body rocking forwards with every hard thrust from her younger sister into her abused rear, breathing raggedly with her tongue lolling slightly. Her eyes watered, making her light makeup run somewhere, streaking under her eyes over her contorted face.

Dannii looked up, seeing the look of concern on his face as he watched her thoroughly pound Kylie, seeing her body overwhelmed and intensely charged by her fucking. Dannii smiled devilishly, and then drove in really hard, making Kylie squeal loudly. She held it deep, watching her older sister squirm and writhe under the pressure. She leaned back and smacked Kylie hard on the ass, giving a resounding slap.

”You like that?” she sneered, watching her sister jerk and shudder on the strap-on.

”Yes!” Kylie screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure at the huge black toy in deep.

”See?” Dannii said, grabbing Kylie’s waist and pumping hard again, driving the thick rubber in and out. She really upped the pace, giving all she could do, making sure she really powerfully went deep to engulf her sister in stimulation, which she achieved very obviously. She simply couldn’t take the deep thrusts from her younger sister and flopped under the pressure, slumping down on the bed and simply grunting through her teeth. Dannii didn’t let up, her breathing was getting uneven, her eyes closed as she hammered her sibling, her upper body flushed and glistening with sweat. He watched with a rock hardon as Dannii ground her hips into Kylie, pressing the harness back on her rock hard clit. She teased her nub with the inside of the harness where it covered her wet pussy, feeling every little twitch now she was so horny.

“My god you’ve got a hot ass!” Dannii gasped, her eyes squeezing shut now. Kylie didn’t answer, totally out of it as her younger sister sodomized her with the huge black strap-on, only able to take in the sensations of pain and pleasure ripping through her body as it drove in and out of her rear. Dannii didn’t care, and just chased her own orgasm now, holding Kylie’s hands and pumping hard, slamming her hips forward against Kylie’s pert butt, bucking her hips as she did to just get every tiny bit of stimulation from the harness. Being as horny as she was, it didn’t take more than a couple of minutes to bring her off again with a scream of ecstasy. She didn’t let up thrusting, simply gave a series of deep, hard rams into Kylie as she spasmed in her climax, the orgasm washing over her and making her bend over slightly in the middle as she held onto her sister. She gave one last one all the way in, then stopped, leaning back exhausted, the strap-on held in her siblings clenching, squeezing ass one of the things holding her up.

“Feel better?” he said, smiling at her.

”Yeah I do, much. This thing was worth the money,” she said with a dreamy smile, starting to stroke Kylie’s back again.

”Good. Now I think you’d better get that outta there, she can’t take much more,” he said with a point to Kylie, totally shagged out on the bed. Dannii looked round at her face with a little giggle, then eased back, sliding the large toy out of her older sister’s delightful rear. Pulling it back to the head, Kylie looked up as she gave a little tug to free the bulbous tip, making Kylie gasp loudly as it popped out into fresh air again for the first time since it’s penetration.

”How you feeling Kylie?” he said, smiling down at her.

”Loose,” she said with a little giggle as she flopped down onto her side on the bed, rolling over onto her back to catch her breath. Dannii shuffled over and lowered the large toy to Kylie’s mouth, making her look up at it for a moment before she opened wide and let her younger sister slide it in. There was no way she could ever take it all, not even that deep, but she tipped her head back and took in just over half of it, sucking and pouting at it as she tasted herself. Dannii reached back and undid the harness, letting the huge toy free into her sister’s wanton mouth before looking up at him and his solid cock.

”Let me help you with that,” she purred, inviting him closer. He scooted over to her and she didn’t waste any time, dropping down in front of him to his cock and slipping it into her mouth. He was feeling pretty close, having been fucking both sisters since coming and then watching Dannii do Kylie anally with a huge black toy meant he was pretty close to the edge. She bobbed down on him, not vigorously deepthroating him like Kylie had done, but she didn’t need to. Dannii used the tip of her tongue to run up the underside of his shaft, teasing the back of his head as she sucked strongly with her hot mouth, letting him bump the back of her throat each time. Her hair tickling him added a new feeling to the mix as he looked down at Kylie sucking the toy clean, who caught his gaze with a glint in her eye.

He looked back down at the bobbing brunette head, feeling a shiver run up his back as she just touched him with her teeth. Feeling the pressure, he just let it happen, his climax approaching fast. Just as he was about to orgasm, he grabbed her head and rammed in hard, making her gag slightly as he hit the back of her throat and blew his load, groaning in release as he shot down her throat. Dannii moaned in pleasure as she tasted his salty come, feeling it run warmly down her throat where as she swallowed it happily. She sucked him clean and let his softening cock slide out of her red lips, then flopped down on the bed, seeing him drop back and sit down. Kylie spat the dildo out like a piece of gum, giving a little giggle at the look she was given.

“I think we could use a bit of a rest now,” Dannii murmured with a sexy little giggle. They didn’t say anything, not needing to, simply enjoying the afterglow of the hot sex they’d just engaged in. Kylie led the way, pulling the warm, slightly sweaty sheets back. She quickly stood up and took her little pleated skirt off, yanking off her white pumps and cute ankle socks, casting them to the clothes pile and climbing under, beckoning him to follow. He had no intentions of making her wait and crawled over and slid in beside her, feeling her warm legs on his as he moved down and rested his head back with her, feeling her slip her arms over him and kiss him softly on the cheek. Dannii didn’t hesitate, following Kylie by stripping off her tiny skirt and shoes, crawling in under the sheets with them on his other side. She slipped under his arm and rested her hand over him, touching fingers with Kylie with a smile before kissing him on his other cheek and resting her head on his shoulder.

”So, did you ever think the night would end here?” she purred sexily, tapping his chest gently.

”No, not with both of you at least,” he said, looking over at Dannii.

”What, don’t want me here?” she teased, pretending to look affronted.

”I’m very glad it has ended this way, twice the beauty,” he said, smiling at her.

”Ahh good save,” Kylie said with a smile, “and completely true,” she finished, before leaning up to give him a soft, wet kiss goodnight. He leaned down to his left got the same from the younger Minogue sibling, a pleasant little French kiss. He watched as they both leaned over him, hair dragging over his body as the sisters kissed lovingly, catching sight of the hint of tongue they used before they broke apart and settled again. Kylie pulled the sheets over them and then settled down in his arm, as did Dannii, both of them leaning slightly on his body as their breathing settled into a soft pattern. He smiled at his blind fortune, and let the tiredness from the exertions of the evening overtake him.

He woke up the next morning, bathed in sunlight from the windows and alone in the bed, wrinkled sheets the only indication of the sister’s presence. He stretched a little and sat up, looking around and taking it in. He heard soft footsteps and looked up to see the sisters saunter into the room, Kylie holding a tray of coffee and Dannii holding a tray with some toast and other bits on.

”Thought we’d all have a nice little breakfast in bed,” Kylie said with a lovely morning smile.

”Even though we had to get out to get it,” Dannii teased with a smile. He smiled back at the beauties, not quite able to pinpoint it, but noticing something seemed different. He eyed them for a moment, and then spotted what it was. Dannii was wearing the sexy hot pink French knickers Kylie had been the day before, and Kylie was wearing the bright orange ones Dannii had been, both sisters just wearing a small, snug T-shirt with it so they weren’t covered.

”Swapping undies then?” he said, pointing out the obvious.

”We just reached what was closest,” Dannii said, both girls sliding onto the bed with their trays. He reached out for a bit of toast, crunching on it as the girls started with coffee.

”Eat up, you’ll need your energy,” Kylie purred with a sexy little wink, Dannii just licking her lips over her coffee mug…


To be continued...

Big thanks to Ghost for helping create, plan, check and edit this story.

As usual, please send me Feedback by clicking the link below. I like reading your feedback and suggestions, so please drop me a line.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 11:16:22 AM by Noj »
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Re: Kylie & Dannii Minogue - The Naughty Cheerleaders
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2019, 03:31:54 PM »
Loved this story when I read it years ago, still love it today!
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