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Author Topic: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)  (Read 4106 times)


Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« on: January 13, 2021, 08:45:08 AM »
DISCLAIMER: this story is a work of fiction and does not in any way reflect the actions or thoughts of Violett Beane. It is written for the enjoyment of those who read erotic material and I do not make any money from writing it.

This is a collaboration between Noj and myself, our fourth one ever. We hope you will enjoy it!

Now, on with the story!

With a sigh, Jack dropped onto the couch, drink in hand. Finally, the weekend was here! Eyes closed as he leaned back, he took a sip of Diplomatico on the rocks while his other hand loosened his tie. The week had been a proper shit-show at the office, one crisis after the other and now he just longed for a weekend to forget his stress and even score a casual hook-up with Bianca, the recently divorced MILF from accounting… He had managed to get her to agree to come for casual drinks and he really intended to take full advantage of the sexual frustrations of the blonde bombshell. That was definitely something to look forward to.

Just as the young man thought that he heard the buzz of his phone coming from his blazer, which he had carelessly discarded onto the couch as he had entered the room, bee-lining straight over to the bar. Reaching out, he fished his phone from the pocket and read the message.

“Fuck,” he muttered to himself as his hopes for some easy, dirty sex were dashed. Seemed like Bianca’s husband had come crawling back and she now had other plans than to indulge in some drunken, casual sex, leaving him utterly disappointed. Annoyed, he tossed his phone aside, thinking about Bianca’s full, firm tits and how much he had looked forward to fucking them. A grim expression on his face, he took another sip.


“Huh?!” Ripped from his thoughts by the sudden, hard pounding on his flat’s door, Jack looked up. He took a moment before he moved, quickly searching his mind to remember whether there were any appointments, any friends coming over, that he had forgotten about.


“Alright! Calm down!” he shouted, annoyed when the unknown visitor banged against the door even harder in an impatient, demanding manner. Putting down his drink, he stood and slowly walked over towards the door, not even making it halfway before the next set of violent knocks.


“Open the fucking door, Jack, you fucking asshole! I know he’s here!”

Jack jumped at the angry shouting coming from the other side of the door before he registered who that voice belonged to.

“Violett?!” he questioned, confused why his mate Paul’s girlfriend was visiting him at all, not to mention with such passion. The actress was not his biggest fan to say the least and shared evenings often ended in heated discussions as their opinions diverged on all kinds of subjects and it was at the point where they usually endured each others company for the sake of Paul.

“Open the damn door, you cunt!” was the reply, underlined by another bang that made the door shake in its hinges.

“Alright, alright…” Jack turned the handle and opened the door a bit, peering out to the hallway. Violett Beane glared at him as he did, her beautiful eyes brimming with furious tears, lips trembling in anger.

“What?!” he asked, showing little sympathy at the rude intrusion. Immediately, he had mixed feelings, however. He didn’t particularly like Violett, to say the least. Leaning very liberal in her opinions, she was very outspoken about them as well and while he himself wouldn’t have described himself as conservative he liked a bit of fun and a flippant, quick-witted remark. Violett’s tendency to put his every word under a microscope and needle him about it made her a bit of a killjoy in his opinion. Not to say a bitch…

Nonetheless, if she could refrain from spewing her progressive views for a bit, he couldn’t deny that she improved every room she was in, being very easy to look at. Gorgeous, grey-green eyes, wavy, luxurious, brunette hair and soft, pink lips made her face one of the prettiest Jack had ever seen and more than once he had fantasized about painting it with a nice thick load.

Despite her convictions, Violett had absolutely no qualms in dressing to impress neither and while keeping his glare directed at her angry face he made a mental note of the figure-hugging, burgundy turtleneck that the actress wore, the prominent twin bumps firmly testifying for a lack of bra. The tight, tan skirt she wore was no less revealing, barely covering a third of Violett’s thighs and showcasing her pale smooth legs, which was only accentuated by the black leather boots.

She really looked like a woman after Jack’s taste. She just didn’t sound like one…

“Where is he?!” the brunette actress shouted, her entire body shaking.

“Who, Paul?” Jack replied before realizing what a redundant question this was, “Calm down, Violett! He's not here!”

Violett snorted. “Yeah, right!” she huffed before stepping forward, pushing against the door with enough force to surprise Jack, forcing herself inside the flat and past him. “Where is that cheating fuck?!”

The comment explained as much as it created new questions. Stunned by the turn his evening had taken within the span of a minute, Jack watched Violett march past him. “He isn’t here!” he reiterated.

Predictably, his words showed little effect as she simply ignored him towards the other room, apparently determined to find her boyfriend which she suspected was hiding in Jack’s bedroom. Despite his annoyance, Jack couldn’t help but check out her firm, round ass, displaying an enticing jiggle as she walked. Despite her attitude, he rarely missed a chance to appreciate his friend’s girlfriend’s stunning body. The fact that this hadn’t always gone unnoticed had not led to her liking him more.

Sighing, he closed the door and made his way back towards the couch. He took a sip of his drink and processed the information he had just learned. Paul was cheating, or at least Violett suspected it. She also assumed Paul was hiding here. It didn’t take a master detective to figure out that Paul had told her that he was hanging out at Jack’s place, knowing that Violett wouldn’t want to tag along, buying himself some alone time from her.

“Looks like you’re in trouble, bro…” Jack muttered, before taking another sip. In the other room, he could hear Violett banging the doors of his wardrobe, apparently hoping to find Paul inside. He considered going after her and talking to her, but quickly discarded that plan. He had gathered some experience dealing with girls in this kind of mood and it seemed best to give her some space. Especially Violett was likely to bite his head off instead of engaging in reasonable conversation.

Looking over, Violett appeared in the field of vision that his open bedroom door allowed Jack, her back turned to him. He couldn’t help but smirk as the brunette dropped to her knees, then all fours to check underneath his bed, inadvertently putting on a show for him. The tan fabric of her skirt stretched tight around her rear end, making for a very enticing sight. It got even better as she lowered her head essentially to a face-down-ass-up position and the hemline rode up the back of her thighs. Centimeter after centimeter of creamy white skin was revealed as the short garment slid upwards. Jack felt something stir inside his pants, watching mesmerized as he was granted an accidental peek at the sweet bulge of Violett’s pussy, enticingly encased by a lacy, dark-green thong.

When she straightened she suddenly peered back over her shoulder, catching him staring at her and she quickly reached back to re-adjust her clothes. However, even her glare didn’t make him look away.

“Where the fuck is he, Jack?!” she shouted, frustrated. She seemed like she had been certain to find him here.

“Listen, Violett, I know you don’t exactly like me…”

“Cause you are a chauvinistic piece of shit!” she interrupted, standing up.

“… but I honestly have no clue where Paul is.” he continued, ignoring the insult, “he certainly isn’t here… If you think he’s cheating, it ain’t with me.”

Violett took a second, her lips curling into a pout as she considered his words. “That fucker…” she finally muttered. Leaving the bedroom, she made her way over to Jack’s liquor cabinet, grabbing a glass and the vodka bottle to pour herself a healthy drink.

“Yeah, sure, help yourself…” Jack muttered under his breath as his bar was raided.

“What was that?!”

“I said there is orange juice in the fridge if you want to make it a screwdriver…” he replied, amused by her touchiness. It wasn’t exactly that he was intimidated, but where she stood there were a few too many glass objects in her reach to provoke her.

“Fuck orange juice!” Violett retorted, downing her drink and pouring another one.

“Alright, fuck orange juice,” Jack smiled, “Do you want to sit down and explain the reasoning behind this home invasion a little more?”

The brunette glared at him, but after a second she looked down.  Slowly she moved to the armchair opposite to Jack and sat down heavily. “That fucker is cheating on me,” she almost pressed out.

I gathered that much, Jack almost said, but prudently refrained. “How do you know?”

“I checked his account history. DON’T give me that look! He’s mostly living of my fucking money anyway!” she spat, tears returning to her eyes.

Jack lifted his hands in an appeasing manner. “Whatever you say. So what did Paul buy?”


Jack’s attention peaked. “Maybe it’s a gift…” he replied, standing up for his friend.

“Do I look like I fucking wear size 34DD?” Violett shouted, gesticulating at her own, modest-sized B-cups.

“Oof!” he shrugged, doing his best to suppress a grin as he understood the situation. Still, he took the opportunity to take Violett’s breasts in, albeit for just a moment. “Sorry to hear that, Violett!”

“Fuck your sorry!” came the emotional reply, “It’s your fucking fault anyway, you ass!”

“My fault?!” Jack repeated, incredulous, “How is your boyfriend fucking busty chicks my fault?!”

“Cause it’s your fucking influence, you jackass! You keep fucking spewing out your dated, chauvinistic views and…”

“Oh, give me a break with that stupid, brainless name-calling!” Jack interrupted, rolling his eyes, “Really? You’re going to pin that on me? Take a bit of fucking responsibility for your own actions, you fucking spoiled brat! I mean, come on! How about, Paul is just the same as me, he just pretends that he is different to cozy up with you.”

“Paul is not like you!” Violett snapped, almost out of reflex disagreeing with him.

“There’s some D-cups out there that beg to differ!” Jack shot back, pissed off by her attitude. That she was trying to paint him as the bad guy while she suspected Paul screwed around…

It sometimes was almost comical how Paul hid behind him from Violett, pretending that Jack was twisting his arm to go out to clubs and bars while being eager to go himself. He had gotten used to being the bad guy, not that he had been given a choice, but the sheer ridiculousness of the accusation pushed him to teach this self-righteous bitch a lesson.

His reply shut her up. For a moment, Violett’s lips trembled as if she wanted to spit out a retort, but then she took another big sip of vodka, and looked down. “Fine…” she hissed, “Sorry!”

“Yeah, I’m not too happy here either…”

“I just never expected this! I was just checking my recent spending from our account, didn’t even think about catching him with something…” She shook her head, still scarcely able to believe what she had found out. “Fucking prick…”

“There you go, now you are after the right one!” Jack nodded. He himself did not appreciate being pulled into this, but on the other hand it also kind of amused him how “oh so perfect Paul” had proven himself as bad of a dog as he was. Maybe this would knock Violett off her high horse a little. “So what are you going to do about it?”

Violett looked up at him, confused. “Do about it?”

“Well, you just want to let him get away with that?” Jack asked. At this point he just enjoyed throwing gasoline on the fire. “Seems to me like you would need to teach him a lesson…”

She thought for a moment, looking at him before she nodded. “Hmm… yeah, yeah… you are probably right,” she finally agreed, “What should I do though?”

“Given he screwed you over by fucking another chick… eye for an eye?” he suggested, leaning back on the couch and watching as his words sunk in.

“You’re saying I should fuck someone else?” her eyes widened and her voice almost dropped to a whisper, but he could see from the look of her face that she wasn’t put off by the idea.

Jack shrugged. “Seems to me like that would be a good way to show him. Fuck another guy, do the stuff you don’t do for him… just healthy to go for a bit of payback!” He could see the wheels in her head turning as she processed his words and decided to cut deeper with another pointed comment. “He made a real fool out of you after all…” It was just a snide remark to edge her on further, intended to seed some more dissent between Paul and Violett.

“That fucking piece of shit!” Violett finally muttered, shaking her head in incredulity at the betrayal, “I’m not going to get him back!” Jack’s smile faltered a little. He had really thought he had pushed her hard enough. But he already got over his disappointment when Violett fixated him with blazing, determined eyes. “I am going to one-up that asshole!”

Jack smirked in surprised amusement. Seeing little Miss Perfect in a vengeful mood like this was unexpected… but definitely interesting. “Yeah?” he asked, sipping at his drink, “What are you going to do?”

Violett leaned in, looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m going to fuck his friend!”

There was a moment of silence between them as he realized what she had just said. In fact, her words had caught him very much off guard, but he managed to keep a straight face. “Come again?” he finally requested. He had a suspicion that she just wanted to get a rise out of him, but he could see no indication that she was kidding.

“You heard me!” Violett reiterated, her expression completely serious, “I am going to fuck you, just to piss off Paul!”

“Yeah, right!” Jack chuckled, shaking his head, “And why would I do that? Paul didn’t cheat on me so why the fuck would I help you mess with him? I don’t even like you, Violett!”

The brunette gave him a look as if he were completely stupid. “Because you are a dick-driven piece of shit and you have always wanted to fuck me!” she said, matter-of-factly.

Just out of force of habit, Jack almost retorted that she was intending to fuck her boyfriend’s best friend, so, morally speaking, she shouldn’t point her finger at others being pieces-of-shit. However, he only just stopped himself, taking another moment to think. She really was a gorgeous little thing! The thought of pounding this pretentious princess caused his cock to harden slightly inside his boxers.

Nonetheless, he didn’t cave. “I mean… you have a nice ass, I’m not fucking blind,” he conceded, “But fucking you? Sorry, I just have a hard time thinking of you as the fun type in bed… I’m not going to stab Paul in the back for twenty minutes of missionary!”

Violett gave him an annoyed glare at his estimation of her sexual openness. Still, she registered his last comment. It was a negotiation of the price now. “You want fun, huh?” she hissed, “How about this: You get to do whatever the fuck you want with me! Fuck me however you want! Make me do whatever you want! How is that for fun, Jack?”

“Whatever I want, huh?” he smirked.

“Yes!” She doubled down, “You like to dominate women, don’t you? I know that Paul is jealous of you banging your sluts like that. He tried to get me to do that for him too! So guess what: I want to get fucked like that now!” Downing the last of her vodka she slammed the glass down on the couch table.

“You are such a bitch!” Jack chuckled, following her lead by finishing his rum and putting the glass down before he stood. Violett looked up at him, the intense look still on her face, but already he could see doubt in her eyes. He could already see that she wasn’t sure what kind of check she had just made out.

“Stand up!” he ordered curtly.

The outspoken woman complied without a word, rising to her feet. She watched silently as he slowly moved around the small couch table, towards her. For the first time since Jack had known her, she seemed insecure, nervous even. Despite that, she stubbornly kept eye contact.

He came to a halt right in front of her. Despite her black boots boosting her by two inches, he nonetheless comfortably towered over her as he smiled down at her. “You really are a hot piece of ass!”

Violett opened her mouth to reply, but before she could get as much as a sound out, Jack jumped her. Quick as a snake, his hand came up to her throat and her eyes widened in surprise when she was grabbed tightly and pushed backwards.

She scrambled, almost stumbling as he forced her several feet back before she clashed against the big, floor-length window behind her that stopped her abruptly and Jack’s tall, strong body pushed against her, pinning her in place.

The brunette let out a moan when he suddenly pressed his lips onto hers in a hard, passionate kiss, dominating her. She could feel his body against hers, much taller, much stronger, feeling powerful against her. His tongue came out and before she knew it, her mouth opened to allow him inside and all she could muster was another girly moan as her cheating boyfriend’s buddy had his way with her. Eyes closed, she felt his tongue duel hers, chasing it around in her mouth in a spit-fueled kiss, way more intense than anything she had experienced in a long time.

“Fuck!” she gasped when she got a moment’s breath, but he quickly silenced her, both hands at her throat now. Inadvertently, her knee came up, her smooth thighs rubbing against each other as she was sensually violated, utterly overwhelmed by the moment. Fucking Jack was kissing her! And not only that, he kissed her so good she could already feel her pussy getting wet! Pressing her body against his, she could already feel that he was similarly excited.

Completely lost in the kiss, she was very suddenly brought back to reality when Jack grabbed the turtleneck of her sweater with both hands and violently ripped. The fine, exquisite material stretched for a moment before the fabric tore, all the way from the neckline down to the hemline.

“What the fuck?!” Violett gasped in shock, breaking the kiss to stare down as her bare tits bounced free, jiggling from the motion. Her small, pink nipples already stood to attention, almost begging to be played with, “How dare y…”


Her scolding was harshly cut short as Jack slapped her across the face, not hard, but enough to make a point. “Shut up!” he hissed, “You made the deal! I get to do what I want!”

Before she could argue, one hand roughly grabbed a handful of brunette hair and she was roughly turned around, gasping as her naked tits were pressed up against the window. Wide-eyed, she looked out. They were high up on the fourth floor and with the angle they were unlikely to be seen from the street, but the house on the opposite side of the street was a different story. Numerous windows gave plenty of vantage points where she could be seen from as she stood exposed like this. Whoever looked over would get a perfect view of her tits!

The realization stunned her for a moment, which Jack took advantage of. Gruffly, he tore the ruined turtleneck off and tossed it away, leaving her completely topless in front of him. “You are going to be my little slut, huh?” he growled.


“Say it!”

“I am going to be your slut, Jack!” Violett said, shivering slightly at her own words. Her heart raced as she heard him unbuckle his belt, expecting him to take her then and there, but instead she was surprised by the cool strap of leather wrapping around her petite throat, looping into a makeshift leash that Jack pulled tight. She gasped, feeling the pressure slightly constrict her breathing, but the thrill of the submissiveness made her shudder. Unsure what to do with her hands, she placed them against the cold glass, bracing herself.

Jack felt her response and smiled. Strong, independent Violett liked to be roughed up a bit. This was going to be fun!

Using the leash, he pulled slightly to make her arch her back, presenting her thick, round butt to him. With his free hand, he slowly pulled down the zipper at the back and watched as it split open, revealing her ass in the small, green thong bit by bit until the tight skirt was loose enough to fall away and slide down to the floor to pool at her feet, leaving Violett naked save for leather boots and thong.

He leaned in, nipping at her earlobe and kissing the side of her neck while he grabbed the back of her thong in his fist, tugging it up to cause the flimsy underwear to pull into her pussy. The mix of sensations at her neck and between her thighs caused the actress to moan and whine, biting her lower lip as he teased her.

“You are a fucking sexy bitch!” he hissed into her ear before suddenly yanking. Violett gasped as the thin material of her panties briefly bit at her crotch before it snapped, tearing away from her and completely exposing her to Jack and to whoever was watching her from outside.

Jack chuckled at the small whimper she gave. He could feel her uneasiness at being this on display. “What’s the matter, Violett?” he decided to tease while kissing and nibbling the sensitive zone just below her ear, “Nervous someone might see you? If I remember correctly, you put it all out there for everyone to see for a paycheck anyway. Isn’t every horny guy in the world just a few mouse-clicks away from seeing your shaved cunt any time they want anyway? And it’s a really pretty pussy too, let me tell you!”

Violett mewled at his words, blushing at his crude phrasing, then winced as Jack dropped the tattered remains of her thong to the floor and placed a hard slap on her round booty, making the firm flesh jiggle. Keeping her firmly under control with his grip on the belt, he then sank his fingers into her tender buttock.

“I wanted this ass for years now, Violett! I checked it out every time you turned around! Made your bitching and whining almost tolerable!” he hissed, greedily squeezing her backside, “Now it’s all mine!”

Violett moaned in response, feeling him have his way with her body. Her legs felt shaky as he dropped to his knees behind her and she could feel his hot breath along her bare back and then against her naked ass. Another smack to the other buttock made her yelp again.

“Spread your ass-cheeks!” she heard him growl, his voice demanding, “Show me what you promised me!”

Her heart beat quickly inside her chest as Violett complied. Swallowing nervously, she reached back and grabbed a thick buttock in each hand, pulling them apart to present herself to this man she didn’t like, blushing as she felt his hot breath right against her holes.

“Slut!” Jack remarked with a grin as she complied with his order. He took a moment to enjoy the view, knowing that every second he spent only put her more on edge. She was getting off to it too, he could see it.

She really had a pretty cunt! Shaven perfectly smooth, her sleek, pink outer lips gaped apart slightly to reveal petite, tender labia, making for a truly inviting sight. She was wet, too! Her snatch glistened in the light of the room, betraying her arousal as much as her husky breath. Above, the pink iris of Violett’s tight asshole twitched slightly as he gently blew air against it, making for a very cute sight.

“You’re just the perfect fuckdoll!” Jack growled at her, knowing the remark would really drive her mad, but a short, sharp tug on the belt reminded her to bite her tongue. Violett mewled in protest, but held the pose, offering her holes to him submissively.

Deciding to torture her just a little longer, Jack leaned in to plant a kiss on the velvety soft skin of her inner thigh, savoring the delectable smoothness. He could feel her tremble with frustration as he took his time, inching upwards just a little bit to place another gentle peck, his tender touch in sharp contrast to the firm control of the leash around her neck.

Violett whimpered as he teased her, now completely on edge as she could feel his lips, his breath on her inner thighs, all the way up to the apex, but he still refused to touch her where she wanted him to. At this point, she could barely stand it, being so aroused, yet his firm hand kept her from acting up. She was not in charge here, a thought that drove her insane.

Finally, Jack had mercy. After circling around her most sensitive spot for a bit he finally stuck his tongue out as far as possible and swiped the flat of it along her supple slit, all the way from her small clit to her pink asshole.

Violett cried out at the sudden, intense contact, jumping at the sensation but then Jack didn’t let up. After all this time of teasing he now went in, burying his face in his buddy’s girlfriend’s ass and going to work with his tongue.

“Oh god!” Violett gasped, her eyes going wide as she felt his tongue part her folds and taste her deep. She was pushed up against the window, so she had nowhere to go and was completely at his mercy as he had his way with her, eating her pussy with intensity. Staring out of the window and into the street, on full display as she was devoured, she braced her hands against the glass again.

“Fuck!” she panted, sweating already, “That is so good!”

Jack rewarded her eagerness with another firm slap to her ass that elicited a small, girly squeal as his tongue delved into her hot, sticky hole, tasting her juices deep inside until he had her purring with pleasure. Breaking away, he used both hands to spread her holes for his viewing pleasure as he took a short break.

“You have such a perfect cunt, Violett!” he growled up at her before collecting some saliva with his tongue and lewdly spat against her exposed pussy. The brunette whimpered in humiliated arousal as she felt his warm saliva splatter against her snatch, never having been treated so crassly. That feeling was only deepened when Jack went back in, though his tongue now targeted a little higher, aggressively swirling around her puckered sphincter.

“Oh my God!” Violett shrieked in alarm, bucking away from the unfamiliar sensation, but finding herself still stuck against the window, having to endure Jack licking her asshole, “What are you doing?!?!”

Undeterred by the actress’ shock, Jack grinned as he buried his face in Violett’s juicy butt, lapping greedily away as she twisted around helplessly for a few seconds before she settled in and calmed, realizing she wasn’t getting away. It wasn’t long before he heard the first purring moans.

“Fuuuuck!” Violett moaned, eyes closed and biting her bottom lip as she got her scrumptious booty worshipped properly for the first time, the entire front of her naked body now pressed up against the cool glass. After getting over the flight instinct at the alien sensation of being licked back there, she quickly found pleasure in it, loving getting her ass eaten.

“Yeah!” she soon spurred him on, “Like that!”

Jack soon had the hot bitch far enough that she relaxed enough for him to force the tip of his tongue past her puckered ring and he relished every hot, throaty moan he could get from her by tongue-fucking her ass, knowing that only a minute ago the thought would have seemed impossible to her conceited, little mind. Her greedily pushing her ass back at him was satisfying in more ways than one.

He was amused when she gave a small, disappointed whine when he pulled away from her ass, spreading her cheeks to watch as Violett’s tiny sphincter, gleaming with his slimy spit, twitched underneath his gaze.

“Why did you stop?!” Violett complained, her voice sounding quite spoiled as she peered back at him over her shoulder, pushing her butt towards him demandingly.

“We should take some pictures!” Jack said, standing up.

Her eyes widened. “Are you crazy? No way!!!”

“You know how jealous Paul would get if we documented this?” he argued, shamelessly manipulating her in his favor by using her anger, “He’d be so fucking pissed if he saw you like this - getting utterly fucked and dominated - and not being able to do it himself…”

He could see the effects of his words while watching Violett’s face, her anger and her arousal clouding her mind to lead her to bad decisions. “Good point!” she conceded, the corners of her mouth tightening as she thought about her revenge, “I left my phone in my car though…”

“I have mine,” Jack grinned, producing his phone from the inner pocket of his jacket and quickly pulling up the camera. Taking a step back, he couldn’t help but admire the view.

Violett Beane, bracing against the window while looking back at him. Her hair was a tussled, hot mess already, her cheeks flushed and in her big, beautiful eyes he could see her doubting the idea of having Jack take some pictures of her like this. Naked, except for a pair of leather boots and a belt that was loosely looped around her neck, she already looked disheveled. An impression which was delectably underlined by the twin-pair of red, hand-shaped imprints on her perky, pale butt. Jack made sure to capture the moment for eternity.

“I’ll send you the pictures afterwards!” he assured Violett, who gave him a dubious look, but didn’t object, “Now give me a little pose! Push that ass out for me!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Violett complied, arching her back to point her butt towards him, which caused her sleek pussy to bulge sweetly between her thighs.

“That’s fucking hot! Now spread your ass, you sexy slut!”

Without delay, Violett reached back and – looking straight into the camera – she pulled her buttocks apart, presenting her cute, puckered asshole to the camera for another picture, making for a really naughty picture.

“Very nice, now turn around! I want to see those tits!” Jack smirked, admiring the way her nipples had hardened against the cool glass, standing pertly to attention, “Now say ‘FEMINISM’!”

He got a quick snap of Violett glaring at him for the dig before he quickly put the phone away and stepped deftly towards her, roughly snatching her by the throat and pinning her against the window with enough force to make the back of her head bang against the glass.

“God, you’re fucking hot!” he hissed, before kissing her deeply, Violett moaning at the rough approach, “Why do you have to be such an annoying bitch though?!”

Pinning her with one hand, his other dropped down to give her tit a hard squeeze, making Violett whimper into his mouth before he trailed further south. Wasting no time on teasing this time he cupped her pussy with his hand, marveling at the soft smoothness as he immediately began to rub it roughly. Within no time at all he had the brunette whining and purring as he played with her, basking in the manhandling she was receiving and when he pushed his middle and ring finger into her, her folds parted easily.

“Must piss you off how much you like this, huh?!” he teasingly hissed into her ear as his digits curled into her, finding her g spot and playing with her sensitive snatch. She didn’t respond, her eyes closed as her head rested against the window, just enjoying herself and trying to ignore his words. On her stunning face he could see her pleasure: her brow furrowing, her nose crinkling slightly when he hit an especially good spot.

“Slut!” he whispered into her ear before he dropped to his knees, placing a quick kiss on her left breast on the way down. Face to face with her pussy, he admired the way it wrapped tightly around his fingers, eagerly gripping them. Grabbing her right leg, he pulled it up and over his shoulder, opening her stance a little to give himself better access. He then leaned in, giving her clit a long, broad lick with his tongue before latching his lips onto the little nub.

Violett cried out as he sucked on her, playing her body like an instrument. His other hand squeezed between her and the glass, finding the belt and tugging it, pulling it tight around her throat as he ate her out. She was really wet now, his fingers sloshing in and out of her hole while his tongue lapped at her clit.

“Fuck!” Violett gasped. Her hands grabbed the back of his head, grasping his short hair and pulling him closer, encouraging him. “Like that! Yes! Just like that!”

Eager to please, Jack obeyed her wish, even increasing his intensity as Violett’s moans got louder. He really wanted her to cum, wanted to taste her. Her heel pushed against his back urging him on while her voice got more and more feverish.

“Fuck! Jack! I’m going to cum! I’m going to-” The rest of that sentence died in her throat as the brunette reached her climax, pleasure rushing over her. Her muscles tensed, fingers tightening, pulling at his hair. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream as she pushed her crotch against his face, greedily experiencing the sensations while Jack continued to play with her, coaxing the last bit of joy out of the orgasm for her benefit.

“Fuuuuuck!” Violett let out a guttural, drawn-out groan, utterly stunned by the ferocity. The one leg she was standing on shook and gave way and Jack held her up for a second, continuing to eat her pussy, tasting her, before he let her slide to the floor. She slid down the window down to her knees, panting, her eyes closed as Jack rose to his feet, his chin smeared with her juices. An ominous grin on his face, he looked down at the trembling, naked actress at his feet as he pulled out his phone to take another picture of her before he unzipped his pants.

 “Playtime’s over,” he growled, deep and authoritative, in total control as he grabbed hold of the leather belt around her neck to pull her to him as he took control of his now rock hard cock in his other hand. Violett gave a sharp cry, caught by surprise as he yanked her to him, shuffling on her knees to him as he thrust his erect cock down towards her mouth.

“Open,” he ordered. Violett shivered and did exactly as she was commanded, ignoring now that she was on display near the window. This was what she wanted after all, to do something totally out of the norm and show up her boyfriend by acting slutty. Opening her mouth greeted her with his thick cock, wasting no time in drawing her onto him with her leash as he pushed his hips forward to slide himself inside her mouth, loving watching the pretty, stuck-up brunette actress take his cock into her hot mouth. She tentatively sucked and worked her tongue, just getting started slowly as she would on any other blowjob until he gave a yank of her makeshift collar.

“Get on with it, suck,” he ordered her, making her heart race as she immediately went for it, knowing she was going to have to perform for him. She applied herself much more vigorously and pushed him more into her mouth, licking firmly with her tongue beneath his head as she sucked harder, bobbing her head more rapidly as she tried to stimulate him.

“Better,” he said. She only murmured slightly as she focused on her task.

“Now, this isn’t gonna be one of your normal blowjobs, I assure you,” he said, just talking to her as she sucked his cock. She realised it wasn’t her place to speak as he held on dominantly to her leash, making sure to keep tension so she couldn’t withdraw.

“This is gonna be hard, rough. You’re gonna get the roughest deepthroat you’ve ever had,” he finished, looking down with a smile as Violett looked up at him with her big eyes, not pausing for a moment. She shivered as she wondered quite what he meant, unable to deny how her pussy squeezed; guys never treated her this way and the fact he was both infuriated and exhilarated her. She sucked firmly, rather enjoying herself as she worked busily and tried to use all her tricks to stimulate him, bobbing quickly on his head and loving how big and hard he was in her mouth.

“Come on, stop messing around,” he snapped, grabbing her head with his other hand as he pulled on the belt at her neck to force his cock into her throat, catching her unaware and pushing his bulging head over the back of her tongue and down, deeper than she’d ever managed before. With a huge gag and a choke, her eyes watering instantly as her body lurched, trying to pull away from him as he slipped back onto her tongue again. He wasted no time repeating it, this time finding her throat tighter and more resistant, still wound up from his first attempt and stopping his entry.

“Come on you cunt, stop fighting it,” he snapped harshly, making her look up at him with wide eyes, drooling in the aftermath of his attempts. His expression was one of determination and dominance, absolutely in charge of her like she’d agreed and secretly wanted, making her crystal clear she had to get on with it. Shoving her mouth back onto his cock, she sucking noisily as his hands guided her back to him

“That’s better,” he groaned as she sucked, giving her a moment to recommence before he pushed into her throat once more, pulling her to him with his hand roughly in her hair, pulling the controlling belt around her neck to draw her helplessly towards him as he shoved into her throat once more and made her choke. Violett wanted to take his cock and swallow him whole, act like the hot little porn star he evidently wanted, but she just couldn’t and was unable to override her body as she gagged and heaved on him. He didn’t withdraw though, letting her push him out a little and take a gasp before driving into her hard to catch her on the pull back from her retching. He succeeded easily in sinking most of himself into her throat, a proper deepthroat for the first time in her life as his cock squeezed down her throat before she could react and throbbed with his enjoyment.

“Fuck,” she coughed desperately after a vicious, noisy gagging as she expelled him again, thick saliva spilling from her mouth as she pulled off him, stringing between her and his big cock.

“That’s better, like that,” he said, almost ignoring her desperate, slopping breaths, wiping her face hurriedly on her hand before he pulled her back onto his cock again. Sliding straight into her throat once more gave her no time for an actual blowjob and all she could do was apply her tongue to him, lapping at his shaft as he held her tightly and shoved once more. She gagged but he kept on, pumping his rock hard erection into her throat, the thick purple head bludgeoning its way into her. She’d never been treated like this and it was all she could do to hang on and take it, unable to control the situation at all, her knees aching as she knelt on the floor by the windows. She had no idea if anybody outside could see her but it wasn’t relevant any more as she couldn’t do a thing about it and just focused on trying to control her gag reflex, wanting her aching throat to just be his hot, silky little fuckhole right then.

She couldn’t will it however and most of his thrusts still endured a body-wrenching gag from her, Jack being lenient enough with her lead to let her pull back for gasps of breath and a moment of recovery. He wasn’t holding back as he reigned her back in though; it seemed like he knew something, knew he could have what he wanted and now he was fired up to get it. Pulling the belt tightly, it slid up on her neck, digging into her soft skin as she squeaked in discomfort, hand aggressively pulling her hard onto him as he drove his throbbing erection into her throat once more. He was rougher and faster now, giving her no chance to even think as he started pumping into her, yanking her head down onto him as he thrust powerfully into her mouth to get everything he wanted.

“Come on, come on,” he urged, a growl of determination as he tried to force the last of himself into her throat, so close now. Expertly pausing to ride out her gagging, he jolted his hips forward hard to shove her down, catching her just right and riding her tongue all the way down her throat, feeling the brilliant moment as her muscles gave way and his head popped into her to let him bury himself fully and shove her nose against himself. He shuddered in pleasure as her eyes streamed, make-up running down her face now as she screwed her eyes up and choked, held tight to him before she wrenched herself backwards off him and hauled in a huge, ragged breath. She was greeted by a slap across the face, knocking her sideways onto her hand with a shocked gasp, the surprise of it more serious than the force. Guys never treated her like this, ever.

“Don’t you pull off, I decide when you get a breath!” he snapped, hauling the drooling Violett back to him. A huge mouthful of thick spit dribbled out of her mouth as she prepared herself, directed straight back onto his cock again which immediately pushed into her throat. It was where she was used to now and things were getting easier. She was a mess and hadn’t quite realised what she was in for...and certainly hadn’t expected her pussy to be so wet she was sure she could probably slide her own hand straight in if she wanted. Being treated like this turned her on like nothing else...and certainly more than cheating Paul had ever managed.

“Come on Violett, stuck up cunt,” he mumbled, making her seethe to herself for a moment as he shoved her down again, finding full depth again and pulling her off quickly as she coughed. Now her throat was broken in he seemed much more able to do it, pushing deeply into her now so her nose ground against his tummy. He pushed it into her more slowly now, knowing how to handle her and holding her tightly to guide her slowly down onto him, to the critical point and then past it to bury himself in her throat. Her eyes streamed as she finally got a hold of her retching and managed to mostly hold it back, shivering each time his bulbous head popped into her throat, making her deepthroat like a pornstar. His pornstar.

“That’s it, good girl,” he said with a smile, making Violett stupidly blush with pride. It didn’t matter however as he couldn’t see her face and he didn’t give a shit either, pushing full depth again and grinding deep, just loving how he’d broken her. Pulling back, she breathed through her nose as he let her suck a little again, applying her tongue to him and pulling a vacuum on his cock before he rocked her head and pushed his thick cock into her cheek, making it bulge as he relished the soft skin.

“Fucking right there,” he smiled as he patted it, releasing her hair for a moment to lightly slap her face over his cock. She felt like a pornstar, even more as he pushed it harder and stretched her cheek, pulling her round so his cock moved to her mouth, stretching her more before it jolted out of her mouth with an audible pop, Violett giving a whimper as he wetly escaped her waiting mouth.

“Right, let’s go,” he said simply as he shoved it back into her mouth and drove his fingers into her hair, twisting it and yanking her hard so she mumbled painfully through her mouthful as he pulled her into place. His hand drew her makeshift lead tight again as he pulled her to him and with that he shoved down her throat hard to squash her face against him. It caught her off guard and she choked again, but he didn’t care this time, not now, now it was his time and he was going to have his fun with her. She was helpless and he took full advantage, having reduced the pretty brunette actress to his personal fucktoy now as he held her rock solid and started thrusting into her throat. His strokes were swift and powerful, cock achingly hard in her mouth as she felt it sawing across her tongue, her body completely incapable of figuring out what was happening now and just letting it happen, her tired throat unable to constrict any more in face of the onslaught.

“Yeah like that you little whore,” he breathed with a shiver of pleasure as she gave in fully, eyes watering, gagging wetly, noisily as he plundered her, gripping her tightly as he hammered into her throat hard and fast now. He relished the silken pleasure of her throat catching at him as he jammed his thick head home, loving her exhausted flexes around him, her groans and mumbles only adding vibrations to his cock. Sweat beaded across her forehead to mix with her ruined make-up and saliva spattered face. She could barely participate now as he fucked her face, grunting hard and fast, breathing intensely as he pounded his cock into her and used every moment he had in her mouth. His pursuit of climax ended as he felt the tingle turn into a surge within him, looking down at the struggling, choking actress as he felt his peak rush up, balls tightening and cock stiffening for the last few seconds before he exploded, shoving himself right down her throat and holding himself there to empty his balls deep into her body.

Violett felt the hardening of his cock and heard his harsh breaths in the final moments, immediately heaving as he suddenly stopped in her throat, the change of rhythm catching her out to make her give another huge, strained retch around him but it didn’t make any difference as he held her down deep. She felt him pulsing as his cock burst inside her, emptying the first of many thick shots into her as his balls squeezed tightly. She didn’t swallow, she never had and the thought made her grimace and choke hard, so hard she dislodged him from her and instinctively yanked back from him with a loud, wet retch as she escaped, his erupting cock jetting another thick string across her tongue. He rolled with it though and released her hair to grab his cock, controlling her with the belt that he twisted tighter in punishment to dig into her skin as he jerked himself hard and emptied the rest of his abundant load onto her face, something else she didn’t do. Shivering as she felt his hot come hitting her already messy face, she gasped desperately, dribbling over her folded knees as he shot several more hot, thick shots over her face to cover her eyes, bridge of her nose and into her hair.

With a finish, he clenched himself to squeeze the last out and wiped it unceremoniously on her cheek, dismissively shaking his cock over her before releasing the constricting belt and stepping back, Violett slumping to the floor on her hands, arms shaking as she drew in deep, relieved breaths.

“Stay, and don’t touch!” he ordered. The command was loud and clear to Violett, she didn’t want any more discipline and frankly right now she just had to recover from her first throatfuck. She swallowed heavily, throat hurting as she gulped down his thick, salty come, her first proper taste of it. It had been an experience that was for sure, one she wouldn’t be able to repeat any time just yet she figured, though her pussy was absolutely soaked and she couldn’t resist fumbling a shaking hand to her smoothly shaven lips and pushing down over it with a shudder. He grabbed his phone and stepped back to her, turning the camera on.

“Kneel up, pose,” he commanded, Violett doing as she was told and pushing herself back to her knees.

“Leave your hand there,” he said with a smile, catching her stroking herself and immediately taking photos of her touching her sweet pussy.

“Lovely,” he said as he snapped her, hand at her pussy, eyes screwed shut with his thick load painting her face, mascara and saliva all over her and hanging from her thin.

“Smile,” he said, capturing her as she complied, her messy face opening to a broad smile, before he captured a series of shots as she reached up with both hands and wiped her eyes before opening them and looking at the camera. She giggled a little at the ridiculousness of it all, photographed like a pornstar at the end of a shoot, playfully holding the leash up, letting it slide loose to show how it had bitten into her skin before she blew a kiss at the camera to show what Paul was missing. He lowered the camera, having got enough of her utterly wrecked after her throat fuck.

“First time deepthroating?” he asked, putting his phone down.

“Yeah,” she said, voice gravelly and rough, throat so battered from what she’d endured as she climbed unsteadily to her feet.

“Thought so. I thought cunts like you could deepthroat to get parts and stuff,” he said with a smile that she barely noticed, too exhausted to complain.

“Well, I can’t,” she mumbled.

“You did today, first time. You need somebody to train you,” he said as he threw her a desperately needed towel which she gratefully snatched and raised to her face, wiping his mess from her.

“Maybe you can do it for me,” she mumbled as she cleaned up, make-up and come staining the cloth.

“Maybe I could, you’ve got potential, could be a perfect little cocksucker with some work,” he mused, having dealt with prissy but willing girls like her before.

“We’ll arrange that some other time,” she said, moving on. She wasn’t sure if she was serious, but she knew she wouldn’t really mind if he repeated what he’d just done to her and treated her like a total fuckdoll.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 08:58:02 AM by sammycolt »
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Re: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2021, 08:49:41 AM »

She gave him a slight smile before she walked over to her discarded panties. The fact that she had just fucked Jack, a guy that she really despised and that clearly didn’t like her was still weird to her and she jumped when he stopped her as she grabbed the remains of her thong, inspecting the tattered shreds of exquisite, cool silk.

“And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

She looked up at him, an unsure expression on her face at his cutting tone of voice. To her surprise he had taken off his pants completely instead of fixing his clothes and his still semi-hard cock swung in front of him as he walked towards her, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his strong, fit torso.

“I… I am grabbing my stuff,” she stammered, confused. He had just come all over her face and she had simply assumed that they were done, that she would get out of his apartment now.

“I wasn’t done with you!” Jack growled, coming up to her and grabbing her again, hard, by the throat. Violett’s eyes widened and she let out a choked gasp as he roughly pushed her up against the window again, effortlessly pinning her in place and towering over her. She looked up at him, unable to turn her head, feeling utterly submissive at that moment.

“I…” she started, shakily.

“Just shut up, you cunt!” he hissed, silencing her immediately. Keeping her pinned, he used his other hand to take the lacy, green thong from her. She didn’t resist, couldn’t even break eye contact as he sneered down at her, balling up her panties in his fist and lifting them.

“Open!” he simply commanded.

She complied without thinking about it, obediently parting her lips and moaned pathetically as Jack stuffed her own underwear into her mouth, letting just a small piece of green lace dangle out before he placed a condescending finger under her chin to close her jaws.

“There,” Jack’s arrogant smile was unbearable, almost as bad as the small tap he gave her cheek, “Much better!”

Violett had never felt so utterly humiliated. She could taste her own pussy, her own arousal on the seat of her slutty panties and while she could have just spat them out – she should have just spat them out – she didn’t. Instead all she did was look up at him with huge eyes as he changed his grip from her throat to her belt-leash, pulling that tight again with a sharp tug. She groaned, feeling her pussy twitch.

“Slut!” Jack spat, “Turn around!”

Violett whimpered into her gag for a moment before she complied. Slowly, the naked actress turned, feeling the smooth leather slide along the skin of her neck as she faced the window, again looking out at the row of windows opposite the street. Anyone could just look out at any point and see her like this…

“Hands behind your back, bitch!” His voice was sharp, killing every notion of resistance she had, “Cross your wrists!”

Satisfied, Jack watched Violett obey, her hands moving to the small of her back where her arms crossed, completely submissive. Taking his time, he loosened his tie, then completely pulled it off. “Hold still!” he firmly said before he wrapped the smooth, cool silk around her wrists, looping it around several times before securing it with a knot, effectively restraining her hands behind her back.

“God, that’s good!” he finally whispered into her ear, satisfied with his handiwork. He grabbed the belt again and put tension on it, hearing Violett mewl into her panties as the loop tightened, rising to her toes. What a complete slut! “You know, if you’d always be like this, we’d get along great…”

Violett was wetter than she had ever been. Tied up, leashed and gagged, there was nothing she could do as this chauvinist had his way with her. He used her as he pleased and the fact that she was utterly helpless somehow made her feel real free!

Before she could indulge in her elated thoughts any further, she gargled as Jack tugged on the belt making her follow him behind her.

“Let’s take some more pictures!” the young man grinned, grabbing his phone as he led Violett across the room towards a floor-length mirror, making the actress stagger after him helplessly.

Upon seeing her own reflection, Violett felt a shudder run through her body, her soft, little pussy twitching with arousal. Her hair was an utter mess after he had repeatedly grabbed it and used it for a handle, hanging in wild strands all over her flushed face. Despite wiping her features with a towel, there were still trace remains on cum left, rapidly drying now, and her tastefully applied make-up had left dark-grey smudges. The green band of her thong protruded from her lips, showing just what it was that was stuffing her mouth. Her pale, slender body showed red marks from his rough handling, but nonetheless, it was her pussy that was blushing the most, red and swollen from arousal.

She mewled as Jack pulled her up next to him, using the belt to make her rise to her tiptoes before snapping a full-body shot of them together, him grinning widely, her wincing.

“You make such a good bitch!” he commended, letting go of the leash and instead grabbing a handful of her ass, pulling her in close for another photo then turned her towards him so that her bare, horny pussy pressed against his thigh while her bound hands were in frame for the next series of pictures.

“Let’s see that ass again!”

“Hmmph!” Violett whimpered as her leash was grabbed again and she was fully turned around, facing away from the mirror before Jack tugged downwards, making her bend over at the hip, arching her back and pushing her ass out until she posed at a 90-degree angle, her sweet mound bulging out between her thighs.

“Stay!” Jack ordered like she was a dog which he underlined with a warning tug on her leash, making her ears and pussy burn with shame. She complied as he let go of the belt again and reached behind her to grab her ass, spreading both her pink holes for the camera.

“Now that’s a winner!” Jack smirked as he admired his handiwork, Violett Beane’s smooth cunt and puckered asshole on full display, “That’s a profile pic for your new Tinder account!”

Chuckling, he indulged a moment longer before he decided to move on. “Hold this!” he simply said before placing his phone in her bound hands. Her fingers closed automatically around the device, clenching it tight out of sheer instinct while she felt him grab and knead her exposed butt with both hands now.

“You know…” Jack grinned, marvelling at the soft firmness of her cheeks as he spoke, “I think you still need a little bit of a lesson for all your stupid antics…”

Violett mumbled something into her panties. She didn’t know what he was aiming at, but the way his strong palms mauled her flesh was incredibly erotic to her, making her feel both desired and dominated and she lost herself in the pleasure of it.


Just like that, she was ripped from her bliss, letting out a muffled shriek as her left buttock was slapped hard by an open palm. She bucked in shock, but before she could straighten, Jack had grabbed a hold of the belt again to control her, massaging her hit buttock with his other hand.

“Calm down!” he chuckled condescendingly, “You know you deserve it!” Another slap quickly followed, equally hard to her other butt-cheek.

Violett gasped again as she felt the pain and heat blossom in her flesh. She bucked, but his hand kept her in position and before she knew it another slap reverberated through her flesh, eliciting another sob. Smirking, Jack varied the target of his hits as he began spanking the actress in earnest, keeping a leisure pace as he coloured the pale skin in a rosy pink while she squirmed. At first, she was shocked by the harsh sting, but after a few seconds, the warmth and naughtiness of them pushed to the forefront of her mind and her struggles ceased, replaced by drawn-out moans with each smack.

“Little bimbo!” Jack grinned when he finally stopped. Violett’s smooth alabaster skin was glowing red by now and warm to the touch as he rubbed it. Taking the phone from her clenched hands he took a close-up of her sore booty before tossing the phone onto the nearby couch. She shuddered as he let his fingertips trail down, tracing the groove of her pussy and feeling her abundant wetness. “You want me to fuck you now, don’t you?!”

The brunette looked up at him, her beautiful, grey-green red-shot and streaks of tears running down her flushed cheeks. She nodded, mumbling something into her spit-soaked panties, looking so far removed from the self-righteous young woman he had gotten to know her as.

“You’re a fucking mess!” he laughed at her, “Here, look at yourself!” With that, he roughly turned her around, making her face the mirror. Violett whimpered, hardly recognizing herself in her reflection and utterly stunned as Jack stepped behind her, grabbing his re-hardened cock around the base while keeping her bent over by her leash. He swiped the thick, bell-shaped head of his dick along her slit once, collecting some of her juices before he nuzzled it up right against her hole. Making eye contact via the mirror he saw her nostrils flare as she stared back at him in wide-eyed anticipation, her breath baited.

They both let out a loud, simultaneous groan when he finally, suddenly thrust forward. His cock parted her folds easily, going in like a hot knife through butter and his fat cock sank almost three quarters in. She bucked, rising to her toes for him as her pussy was so delectably stretched, eyes fluttering in blissful agony.

“Holy fuck!” Jack grunted, clenching his teeth as he went balls-deep on the second stroke. His buddy’s girlfriend had the hottest, wettest cunt he had ever experienced and for a moment he just basked in the feeling of having her completely impaled, her petite pussy lips wrapped tightly around his base. Keeping the leash taut, he grabbed her hip with the other hand. “You’re such a hot, little bitch!”

Violett’s reply consisted of a long, whining groan, which only got louder when Jack pulled back and gave her a hard thrust that caused her sore butt to ripple of his groin. The rough, primal penetration set her body ablaze, scratching an itch that had been building steadily all this time now. Overwhelmed, she let out a whimper as that big cock began fucking her, pounding in and out of her sopping wet pussy.


“Fucking slut!” Jack hissed, briefly letting go of her hip to deliver a loud slap to her sensitive booty, making her grunt into her gag. But the pain wasn’t unwelcome, instead mixing deliciously into the pleasure she received from his cock, increasing the flood of endorphins that quickly flooded her body. The belt around her throat pulled tighter, biting into her carotid arteries and slightly restricting the blood flow to her brain, adding a feeling of heady dizziness to the complex cocktail of sensations that was quickly taking her breath away. Moaning helplessly into her gag, Violett felt her eyes slowly roll back into her head, feeling the bigger, stronger man take her harder.

“You’re gonna cum already, aren’t you?!” she heard Jack’s condescending voice from behind her, followed by another slap to her stinging posterior, “You’re fucking gagging for it, bitch! Typical slut…”

The whine Violett gave in reply was already a few pitches higher than the previous ones. Her teeth dug into the silky fabric of her thong as her wet slit was pounded hard enough to shake her entire body and her restrained hands clenched into fists. The climax she felt building between her legs was electric, the tension steadily growing before the bubble finally burst, her boyfriend’s chauvinist pal pounding her over the edge.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Jack grunted, yanking back on her leash to make Violett arch her back even more as her whimpering fell silent. He could sense what was happening inside the pretty brunette and he proceeded to hammer her supple snatch right through it, the room filling with the loud slapping staccato of flesh on naked flesh.

Violett’s body tensed completely for a moment. All the muscles in her back, butt and thighs locked up as her soaked pussy clenched down on the thick cock inside. Then her knees began shaking, slightly at first, then getting stronger and stronger until she would have collapsed if Jack hadn’t held her up. She gave a mumbled moan into her panties as he slowed down to focus on keeping her on her feet, but still delivered hard, poignant thrusts that shook her entire body while she creamed all over his cock.

Jack waited until the worst of her shaking had passed and she was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath, before he used the belt to pull her upright, his cock still deeply embedded in her hot, sensitive pussy. Entangling his other hand in her tussled hair, he made sure she was looking at her own, shivering self in the mirror.

“You are such a little whore, Violett!” he hissed into her ear, slowly fucking her from behind. Tilting her head to the side using his grip on her hair, he flicked his tongue across the exposed skin beneath her jawline, tasting her sweet, girly sweat.

Violett moaned tiredly, closing her eyes at the gentle sensations of him softly kissing her neck while his firm grip exuded control. The thick shaft pushing in and out of her pussy sent sparks through her sore flesh, leaving her knees feeling like jelly. She gently tugged at her restraints, but the knots in the silken tie didn’t budge, leaving her completely at Jack’s mercy. All she could do was whimper as he slowly guided her away from the mirror, cock firmly embedded in her cunt, and steered her towards the couch.

“On your knees!” Jack growled softly into her ear as they reached it, pushing her forward to kneel on the soft leather cushions, “Like a bitch!”

Still high on the after-throws of her climax, Violett didn’t resist his gruff handling for a second. Instead she obeyed, letting him bend her forward over the backrest of the couch in a doggy-position, her butt submissively pushed out. A firm hand pushing down on her back made her arch her spine, accentuating the posture even more. Her compliance earned her three more harsh slaps to her already sensitive behind.

“God, this pussy feels nice!” Jack groaned, pumping her creamy cunt with quickening thrusts now while grabbing and kneading her heated buttocks roughly. Looking down, he watched his cock pump in and out of Violett’s pussy with practiced ease, stimulating her deeper than ever while his hands played with her thick booty, fingers digging into her malleable flesh. Smirking, he spread her reddened cheeks wide apart, once again admiring the actress’ puckered, pink asshole. The tiny opening tightened shyly under his gaze for a moment, but after a few seconds it relaxed again as his thrusting cock distracted Violett’s exhausted mind.

That soothing mood was smashed, however, when Violett felt a thick droplet of slimy spit splatter right onto her exposed anus, causing her head to shoot up in alarm. Wide-eyed, she peered back over her shoulder at the grinning man that dominated her, mumbling something unintelligible into her gag.

“Bet this is something you don’t let Paul have…” Jack smirked, using his right thumb to rub his saliva in, toying with her asshole. “Now this would really piss him off!”

Violett mewled, closing her eyes. Of course, on some level she saw through the blatant manipulation, but her mind was tired and riddled with pleasure and partially to her own surprise she found herself nodding, cooing like the slut he had turned her into when the first digit of his thumb invaded her butt. It was just a finger after all…

Jack couldn’t help but chuckle at the naivety of this girl. Her asshole felt impossible tight and hot, gripping at his finger as he stretched it. His other hand grabbed the phone from next to Violett and a series of pictures were taken that, if released, would alter the brunette’s career forever. A blissful expression on her face with her spit-soaked panties hanging from her lips, her pussy stretched by a thick cock while a finger played with her anus… she would get a whole new set of fans out of this.

Tossing the phone aside, he grasped the belt again. Violett gagged, caught off-guard as he harshly yanked, forcing her spine into an even more vicious arch while taking away her air. He then fell into a sprint, fucking the restrained actress with all his power.

The entire couch shook as he pounded the brunette, fucking her within an inch of her life. Violett’s eyes squeezed shut, her fists clenching at the onslaught she was subjected to. The hard thrusts would have hurt if she hadn’t been so incredibly, embarrassingly wet, but as it was, she was loving it. Choked, tied-up, gagged, anally stimulated, the sheer debauchery she was experiencing was enough to drive her mad. Jack’s heavy ballsack slapping against her exposed clit with every thrust only was the cherry on the sundae. She was getting fucked like a bitch and it was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Seeing Violett’s face turn deep red, Jack relaxed the tightness of the belt, just enough for her to get a short breath in before he pulled it taut again. His thumb buried deep in the heat of her ass, he was going to make her cum like this. Already he could sense the signs again, the stuck-up girl was just lapping this up. It seemed like all her prissy behaviour was just the denial of how much she had wanted to be treated like this all along.

“Fucking slut! Bitch!” through clenched teeth he showered her in verbal abuse as he fucked her mercilessly, giving her far more than she had bargained for. Violett was sure she was about to lose her mind, overloaded and overwhelmed with sensations he piled upon her and the sheer sexual energy almost made her faint.

She gave a muffled grunt as he gave her another quick breath of air, feeling his thumb toy with her backdoor, feeling his cock smash her sleek fuckhole. He didn’t even acknowledge her as she came, creaming all over his thrusting shaft like a pathetic slut. Instead he fucked her through her orgasm as the brunette’s eyes fluttered shut, her jaws opening in a silent scream as she all but passed out.

Feeling her body shudder, Jack finally relented, letting her breathe by slackening the leash. Violett sagged forward, her restrained body draping over the couch, a shivering mess. Jack retracted his cock and his finger from her holes, watching the shivering pile of girl in front of him with fascinated awe, truly satisfied with his work.

“God, you look good like this!” he smirked, his eyes admiring her blushing buttocks, the way her pink pussy twitched from her climax.

But he wanted something else now – her ass. He wanted to take her anal virginity, he knew she had never done it it and wanted to claim it and really teach her a lesson. Shoving her hips over, he rolled the tired brunette onto her side and grabbed her leg, hauling her dominantly where he wanted her, right on her back in front of him with her legs spread. He grabbed her ankles to spread her wide and rolled her hips back, her swollen lips peeling open as he did so, exposing her pink, tight hole that he’d just enjoyably plundered and crucially her tight, waiting asshole.

“Very nice, this’ll work,” he said, pushing her legs back. Violett looked at him expectantly, needing to be led now, completely submissive as he surveyed her in the most intimate, primal manner.

“Time to split that tight ass in half,” he said, looking up with a wicked smile. Violett’s eyes went wide and she gave a mumble of uncertainty.

“You’ve never done it before have you?” he asked. She shook her head and mumbled no.

“Did Paul want to do it? To fuck you in your tight little ass?” he teased. She slowly nodded and mumbled affirmatively; Paul had asked on several occasions for her to try anal and let him squeeze into her tightest hole but she’d always refused.

“I thought so. But you never let him...and this will be the biggest fuck you to him I assure you,” he smiled, pushing forwards to allow his big, hard cock to slide tempting over her gaping pussy. She was so wet, tired but still horny and agreeing with his suggestion that this would be the ultimate way to get back at her cheating boyfriend.

“Ok but slow,” she mumbled, barely coherent through her mouthful of panties.

“I’ll do as I like, that’s our deal remember?” he reminded her, smiling confidently at her, an expression that only told her he knew exactly what he was doing. She nodded dumbly again as he took charge of her once more, sliding his big hands onto the back of her smooth, toned legs and hooking under her knees, shoving them back firmly and pulling them wide to spread her open for him. He pushed his cock down to her ass, teasingly avoiding her waiting pussy and directing himself to her tight, pink asshole. She clenched as he pushed up against her, letting him feel the squeeze on her tip before she relaxed again, breathing fast and sharp in anticipation.

“Don’t fight it, it’ll hurt,” he said, a suggestion really as he was gonna take her ass now whether she hurt or not. Deep down she wanted him to as well though it didn’t stop her being unsure, facing something new and deeply intimate. With her in position, he leaned over and spat, landing perfectly on his bell-shaped head for him to rub at her asshole to lubricate his way in and with that had her ready to go, in position and waiting. With her set he reached up from her leg and sharply grabbed her hair, making her cry suddenly as he twisted it and pulled her head forward, making her look down between her splayed legs.

“Now just watch,” he growled, smiling to himself as he pushed forwards, getting into place and then building the pressure on her back door. His cock settled perfectly into her forbidden hole, his pressure strong, controlled, easing her open. Violett tried to just let it happen, losing her anal virginity was intense but she wanted it to be as easy and enjoyable as possible, bent over by his pressure, eyes wide as she watched his thick shaft disappearing into her past her gaping vulva. His cock sank ever deeper and she felt herself stretching, taking a deep breath and pushing out to him, feeling natural and actually being exactly what he wanted to feel as her resistance gave up and she welcomed him inside her. His cock slipped slowly inside her, head stretching her out as he did, stretching her a bit more just beyond her limit so her breath caught as a twinge went through her, embedding half his thick prick into her before she relaxed and instinctively squeezed.

She immediately wished she hadn’t as pain immediately shot through her, ass clamping down around his thick invading cock and straining hard. Completely unready for it and not the least bit used to it either, the pain jolted through her suddenly, making her wince and cry in pain through her gag. The loss of her anal virginity was painful, more than she’d wanted even though her vagina still quivered as she felt him flex in pleasure from it. He wasted no time on her feelings and got to it, holding her head as his other hand returned to her thigh, gripping her firmly and getting on fucking her, carefully pulling back but not too far, knowing she could push him out given her tensing, instead just getting her started and loosening her up by pulling back a bit and then slowly but powerfully pushing into her. She still winced, he knew she was hurting but she’d get over it and it wouldn’t help to go too slow and let her dwell on it.

“Just relax,” he said, knowing it was cliché to say so, Violett wishing she could as the pain twinged through her. He got straight to it though and held her tightly, the actress wincing a bit as he pulled her hair tighter and went for it properly, making her grunt though her panties as he pinned her leg back and started to fuck her harder. It took a few strokes until he was able to bottom out in her ass, shoving his hips against her smooth, tight booty with a groan and another trademark flex of his penis at the pleasure of it. She couldn’t help but like that he liked it, though she didn’t right now, it hurt and she was struggling to deal with it as he started pumping on her, holding her down on the sofa and getting to work fucking her ass.

It was what he wanted, as she’d agreed, and she couldn’t help but tingle a little at the thought that this was how Paul had always wanted her to be, submissive and down for anything, letting him pin her down and fuck her ass yet she’d always refused, but here was his friend doing exactly that now he’d given her a reason. She held on, fingers curling to dig nails into the couch as he fucked, harder now, faster, his pumps longer and tougher on her, hips shoving into her ass with every thrust as he buried his thick cock in her ass. He loved how tight she was, how new to it, trainable and willing to learn it seemed as she relaxed into it and gave a couple of grunts of pleasurable sensation as she got into it. She was wrapped tightly around him, so much tighter than her snug pussy and it was just delightful. He knew he wouldn’t last long anyway after the excessive squeezing of her vagina through her orgasms and decided to really go for it and fuck her ass hard for her first time...and maybe the only chance he’d ever get.

His thrusts became harder, pulling her head down to watch for a moment more before he released her and grabbed both her legs again to really crank himself against her, pinning her down hard on the sofa and working his hips into her, burying his cock in her ass with long, powerful strokes. Violett just groaned in sensation as he pumped her stretched ass, starting to feel a little pleasure, loving how much he was enjoying her like this, her asshole aching in the wake of stretching like this but wanting to please him. She kicked and wriggled beneath him as she writhed at the sensations, legs trying to kick out as she tentatively squeezed her sphincter down on him, twinge of pain hitting her at first before subsiding, allowing her to experience the feeling of her asshole clamping down on his achingly hard cock as it plunged into her.

“Fuck that’s it,” he smiled as she got into it, past the point of struggling now as she laid back and took it, pinned beneath him as he ravaged her. He leaned over her and fucked her hard for a minute and then suddenly backed off, buried inside her as he paused to lean up and retrieve the phone again, Violett immediately blushing as she contemplated photos of this. He flipped the camera on, aiming it before pulling back to make her asshole bulge then burying it into her again with a deep, intent thrust that he repeated, taking a video of him fucking her ass, capturing her engorged, soaked pussy as he plundered her ass before aiming the camera up into her face. She immediately looked away, suddenly shy despite all the other photos he’d taken.

“Come on Violett, show your pretty face,” he said, making the brunette look up to face the camera as he reached down to pull the underwear out of her mouth.

“Do you like me fucking your ass?” he asked, filming her as he continued to thrust on autopilot.

“I...well…” she said, since it was her first time and she wasn’t sure. Her pussy was soaked though, even more from when he’d fucked her before and she was practically leaking over him as he fucked her ass.

“Come on, be honest,” he said, smile on his face and in his tone.

“Yeah, I like it, I like you fucking my ass,” she admitted, smiling into the camera shyly.

“Yeah you do. And what is this?” he asked. Perplexed for a moment, she got what he meant.

“My first time,” she said with a smile, giving a shudder and dropping her head back. Lowering the camera again he caught shots of him fucking her, picking up the pace and making her body rock, perky tits bouncing fast as he picked it up, catching her groans and grunts as she braced herself to get fucked. Turning the camera off, he threw it aside on the sofa and started fucking her hard, accelerating the pace rapidly so she grunted hard and groaned in overwhelmed sensation. He stuffed the panties back into her mouth without protest, Violett knowing her place as he fucked her ass, introducing her to anal sex in the roughest, most primal way as he fucked her hard, really hard, plunging himself into her and slamming his hips into her. Her legs kicked and flailed as she was overwhelmed, having never been fucked like this, so dominated and used, and in her ass at that.

His hands tightened on her legs to control her, not letting up with his rhythm as he took charge of her limbs, pulling her tightly into place as he plunged his cock into her tight asshole repeatedly. He shoved her back to roll her hips and make her easier to plunder, slamming her legs back suddenly and hitting her in the face with her knee, making her mumble loudly in discomfort as he owned her, not caring at all as he pulled her legs apart and right back to roll her hips back and let him slam every last inch of himself deep inside her. Violett dutifully squeezed her asshole on him, catching him at every point along his length as he pounded her, grunting deeply through his breaths as he held her legs back and fucked her hard, taking everything he could from the pretty actress now.

His deeper grunts told her one thing and it only made her increase her efforts, desperate to please him as he slammed her ass for the first time, losing her anal virginity in the most unexpected manner as he smashed against her. His thrusts were short and hard now, always full depth as his straining, aching cock plunged into her most forbidden hole. His hand released her leg and grabbed the belt at her neck again, pulling it tightly immediately, the buckle sliding up on her neck and catching her out, making her pull at it as she took a desperate breath. He just pulled her tight and hammered on her, plunging his thick, hard cock in and out of her in rapid, intense thrusts towards his climax, the tingling already spreading through him as he held it back and gave her all he had in the last few seconds he could manage. Violett braced herself beneath him for the final few seconds of onslaught as he fucked her ass like she would have never imagined, trying to stimulate him as best she could even though he was just using her now in the final few seconds before the felt the characteristic spasm.

With a yank on her makeshift leash that made her choke he exploded deeply inside of her, shoving himself aggressively against her, burying everything he had in her exhausted asshole as he exploded inside her and his balls clenched hard to ejaculate his hot, thick load deeply inside her body for the first time in her life. She groaned as he surged and flexed in her ass, the first time she’d ever felt it as he dumped his seed inside her, twitching in near-orgasm at the excitement of it all as his pulses slowed. Giving a final squeeze he was done with her, releasing her leash and letting her pull in a deep breath, oxygen intoxicating as he sighed with pleasure, taking a moment and then sliding slowly out of her. With a quick push of her legs he made her gape, showing off her abused, stretched asshole with a smile before he let her go, done with her.

“That was good, you were a better fuck than I expected,” he commented as the actress let her exhausted legs sag, muscles overwhelmed as she slid off the sofa onto the floor, completely overwhelmed and fucked out by it all now. It’d been a lot of fun but she was spent.

“You need work, but that’s to be expected. First time and all, but with some training you could really be the real deal at this,” he said, smiling as he snapped a few more pictures of the tired actress before him, utterly wrecked as she finally managed to wriggle her hands loose from her binds and pulled her panties out of her mouth.

“Well maybe you can teach me then, big man,” she said, an invitation in as much as it was a challenge, looking up with a flick of her eyebrow that said she still had some fight in her. He leaned forward and slapped her firmly across her face, making her gasp at the sting of it, a tingle of excitement going through her at the same time.

“Don’t get cute with me, slut,” he retorted.

“Sorry, sir,” she mumbled, carefully trying to get up from the floor as she felt her aches and pains. Standing on shaky legs, she pulled the belt loose from her throat and dropped it onto the couch, revealing the reddened marks it had left on her smooth skin. “Let me just get a quick shower and I will be out of here…”


She paused, giving him a confused look. “No?”

“No!” Jack repeated, his face serious while he picked up her discarded skirt and her ripped, ruined sweater. “I think you misunderstood our relationship, Violett! We aren’t friends. We aren’t lovers. We don’t have an affair. You are my cum dumpster! You served your purpose, now you get lost!”

The brunette’s mouth fell open, stunned by his words. “But… I…”

“Shut up!” he cut her off sharply, pushing her clothes into her hands, “Get dressed and get lost!”

Violett stared at him with an expression of utter disbelief for another second before she shook her head. “Fucking asshole!” she muttered as she slipped her  tanskirt on, then inspected her ruined turtleneck. “Can I at least borrow…”

“No, you can’t!” Jack said firmly, suppressing a grin. Annoying her was fun. Amused, he watched the pretty brunette sigh before she slipped her sweater over her arms, then grabbed the torn sides of it and knotted it together. It worked in the sense that it covered her breasts, but the ripped garment now displayed a huge portion of her taut stomach as well as her cleavage, giving her a really slutty look. That, paired with the knowledge that she wasn’t wearing any panties underneath her tiny skirt caused his smirk to break out again. Finished, trying to straighten her tussled hair with her fingers and wiping the remnants of make-up and cum from her blushing face, Violett glared at him.

“You are such a dick!” she hissed.

“Yeah!” he shrugged, grabbing her by the arm and firmly leading her towards the door, “And you love getting fucked in the ass by men like me! Like a real slut!”

Violett gasped as he opened the apartment’s door and pushed her out into the hallway.

“I will send you the pictures we took of you sucking dick, getting fucked and taking it in the ass like a whore!” he said loud enough to make Violett look up and down the hallway, worried that someone would hear.

“Oh, one last thing I forgot to say,” he continued, “Two weeks ago Paul and I were hanging out and I bought some lingerie for this girl I’m dating! Big tits on her, doube-Ds… Anyway, I had forgotten my wallet in the car, so Paul was nice enough to pay for the lingerie with his card and I paid him back later. Not sure if that is in any way related to the reason you are mad at him, but I just thought you should know…”

It took a second for the meaning of his words to sink in. Violett’s eyes widened in pure, unadulterated shock. “Y-you mean… no!”

“Yeah, Paul might still be cheating on you though… he lied to you about being here after all. Knowing him, I really doubt it though. He just doesn’t seem like the type…” Jack grinned, “Thanks for letting me fuck you in the ass though! I wanted to do that for some time!”

Slamming the door shut, he chuckled as he heard the angry scream on the other side, making his way over to the bar for another drink. Picking up his phone, he picked out Violett’s contact, sending her the entire package of photos and videos they had taken.

“Not sure if you still want to use these, but you really earned them!” he texted, “If you need another assfucking you know where to find me!”

Chuckling, he took a sip of his drink as he flicked through the pictures of Violett Beane getting fucked. A real nice start to the weekend!


The End

This was a collaboration between Viper_Noj and SammyColt, our fourth one ever, and we both really hope you enjoyed it! For the other three, about Natalie Dormer, Hayley Atwell and Kat Dennings respectively, check Noj's profile!

Please send us Feedback if you have any thoughts or ideas. We love your feedback so please let us know what you thought of this story or anything you'd like us to write in the future.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2021, 08:53:11 AM by sammycolt »
The following users thanked this post: Noj, flawed_existence, elux10, Dexter07, Sorale21


Re: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2021, 11:32:45 AM »
These have been some damn good stories about Violett, so I appreciate the collab. Actresses like her tend to get overlooked when it comes to writing smut.
The following users thanked this post: sammycolt, Noj


Re: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2021, 05:19:29 PM »
My apologies in overlooking this the past few days. Another fine work between the two of you. These collab stories have been very impressive!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: sammycolt


Re: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2021, 12:34:53 PM »
Nice one, you've been killing it with the Violett Beane stories recently!
The following users thanked this post: sammycolt


Re: Violett Beane - Grudgefuck (Collaboration with Noj)
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2021, 11:25:35 PM »
I fucking loved this. HOLY SHIT that was hot.

Loving the male dom stories as of late, there hasn't been many of them in the past year but the two of you are doing a master's work and with a much overlooked celeb.
The following users thanked this post: sammycolt


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