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Author Topic: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)  (Read 146068 times)


Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« on: November 04, 2021, 07:57:47 PM »
Try Me Too Pt. 1
Starring: Kate Upton

Codes: MF, Oral, Tit Fuck, Facial

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. Please do not copy this story to any site without my permission.

This is a spin off series of the original Try Me stories. Those stories and this one were pitched to me by my friend Galva82. Special thanks goes to him, as he came up with the idea for the original series and now this spin off series. This story takes place exactly a month after the end of the original trilogy. If you would like to go back and read the tales with Kelly Brook here are links to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Nassau, Bahamas

Water sprayed from the sink faucet, creating a high pressure noise that filled the quiet room. Trickling drops covered the white ceramic surface of the sink bowl. No reflection came from that water, but a shadow hung above. That was until Anthony glared back at his true reflection in the mirror. Starring into his own dark brown eyes, then glancing up to make his short blonde hair was fixed up right. His face was clean shaved just hours ago when he first awoke on this Monday morning. Yet another start to the week, he could feel those blues kicking in after what had been a long weekend of sleeping in. Working at a luxury hotel resort, such as the Rosewood Baha Mar had come with a price as part of the job. Despite an ugly start to a Monday morning, Anthony was in no position whatsoever to complain about his place of work or where he lived.

Just a month ago, he had hit what was the dream of a lifetime. The memories were fresh on his mind, regardless how many days were passing by. Kelly Brook had arrived at the hotel resort last month. It was a chance of a lifetime to be of her service in the massage room. One thing leading to another as they played a game together. He had accomplished what so many young men at his age would only dream of. Those who had lusted over the English glamour bombshell from her magazine shoots and media presence. Though a month had passed, that weekend still felt as if it was yesterday. Three solid days of playing lustful games with Kelly and all around the clock fucking. His twenty-seventh birthday was on the horizon in a few weeks, but Anthony felt he had already received the perfect present.

To make up for days missed on work, he had to complete some overtime shifts, but was well worth it. The thoughts of having Kelly all to himself and lusting over her giant tits were enough to wash away the negative thoughts when stuck scrubbing floors and cleaning up after the other masseurs who worked in that room. The funny thing was that his friend Scott didn't have to take any overtime schedule to make up for missing work on his Sunday afternoon. Anthony had shared a few beers and had conversations with his chubby friend after their lucky day with Kelly. To see that goofy grin across his face and hear him brag about how amazing Kelly was, didn't make Anthony cringe in the slightest. If anything, he felt he had a better friendship with Scott now after that eventful threesome.

With the weeks passing by, he had only brushed shoulders with his friend occasionally during the middle of the week. They passed by each other on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Scott had been moved to handle a cleaning crew to make up for staff leaving unexpectedly. Anthony had guessed it had to do with some recent firings, so he couldn't complain about getting off lightly after the work he missed last month. Adjusting his uniform in the bathroom, he took another glance at his hair in the mirror, just to make sure it was slicked back far enough. Appearance was important for the day, as this was his second week starting at the reception desk for morning check ins. Anthony hated having to adjust his sleep schedule, as he preferred beginning work around the afternoon, rather than clocking in at eight. Nevertheless, he was not in a position to complain.

Check ins were often scheduled in advance by the new guests who were arriving, logged into the work computers behind the desk. The Rosewood hotel was part of three wings connecting to what was a massive luxury resort. Usually it was families who had deep pockets and could afford a weekend or week long stay to go out and explore the Bahamas. Other times, Anthony had noticed quiet guests that checked in. Men coming and going in pinstriped suits and older women. Nothing could top that weekend with Kelly Brook, as yet again he was starting to daydream about her. He forced himself to drop those thoughts after stepping out of the bathroom. Anthony didn't check the computer to start the day, instead having a printed sheet of check ins with randomly assorted names. The papers were attached to his clipboard behind the reception desk.

So far he was starting the day alone behind the desk. This was not an idea way of beginning a fresh Monday morning at work. Check ins were over logged with a long list and Anthony was hesitant to begin through the list. The phone would be busy, he could only assume. So far in the morning, he had checked in four guests and knew there would be more coming along. Sitting down in the chair beyond the desk, he took once glance at the flashing computer monitor. A black keyboard was down below, with the clipboard off to the right side of the desk. Anthony noticed a yellow sticky note slapped down on the desk with names jotted down for reception work. He easily recognized three of the four names as coworkers. Anthony figured they would be stepping in as the hours progressed. He had other work to do besides check ins.

Across the hotel lobby, a tall blonde woman made a grand entrance into the hotel. Anthony wasn't paying attention but he caught an image from the corner of his eye. Large black sunglasses covered her eyes as her hair was waving in the distance. A blue dress covered what appeared to be a curvy figure. Heavy cleavage was visible up front with big tits that bounced and shook with each step she made. Matching dark blue high heels clicked and clacked with booming sounds across the marble floor below. The noise was slightly muffled with wheels to a rolling backpack. Without a care in the world, the woman marched her way directly to the reception desk in the center of the lobby. Before Anthony knew it, her towering figure had cast a shadow over where he was seated and he was forced to divert his attention up to the face starring down at him. She pulled up her sunglasses, revealing soul piercing blue eyes and then spoke.

"I'm here to check in. Are you the man I spoke to over the phone about booking a room for the week? What's your name?"

There was something about her face that was familiar. Soft pink lips with a beauty mark above the right side of her upper lip. Her massive rack nearly hung over the desk counter. Anthony shook his head, answering her back.

"I'm Anthony and no. I don't think that was me you talked to, but what name am I looking for? I'll go ahead and get you checked in."

"Look for Verlander."

She answered quickly, as Anthony was considering to himself that he thought he had seen her face somewhere before. As he glanced down the printed sheet of guests to expect, he used his right hand index finger to look through the brackets. Sure enough, he found the name Kate Verlander and then suddenly it hit him. He did know the woman standing in front of him. His heart began to race as he glanced up and then the words fell out of his mouth.

"Oh shit, you're Kate Upton, right?"

Not realizing how he spoke to her, he tried to smile as he suddenly blushed and became embarrassed. All she did was curve her lips into a smug grin.

"Yeah, that's me. I've already paid for a week's stay and my credit card was billed last night. Can I have the keys to my room, please?"

"Sure, sure! Hold on, let me check where you're booked in the computer. If you paid in advance, then you should already be logged into the computers here. Hang on, just a second."

His eyes shifted to the computer screen as Kate stood there awaiting her room key. Anthony raised both hands, swiping his fingers across the keyboard as he went through screens to check the logs. Kate had been booked to room 743. Sitting on the desk on the left hand side was a box of keys that had arranged for the early check in guests. Anthony was trying not to begin thinking of his memories he had of looking at Kate Upton in those glorious Sports Illustrated swimsuit magazines. It had been many years, but he couldn't forget those days in college of treating himself to gaze at her beauty while sitting naked in bed. It was impossible to stop those memories from flooding into his mind now that the woman was standing before him. Once he grabbed her key, he offered a smile and got up from his chair.

"Here you go. I'd like to help you get checked into your room."

This was a risk Anthony was willing to take. Stepping away from his receptionist duties to spend some time with one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Such a chance like this was rare in life. That weekend he spent with Kelly Brook had only boosted his confidence to act in such situations like this. Anthony believed at this point that most people didn't recognize golden opportunities when they fall in their lap. This was one and he wasn't going to let it go as he wanted to try his luck with the one and only Kate Upton. When he handed her the key, she smiled and nodded.

"I'd like that. Mind getting my luggage?"

"Yeah, that's no problem."

Leaving the reception desk without another coworker to manage it was enough to get an infraction written up on him. Anthony didn't care. Kate Upton was worth getting into trouble at work. He walked around the circular shaped reception desk and then joined Kate. She let go of the black handle to her rolling backpack and then Anthony took over as he began to roll it. Together, they marched to the elevator with her stepping in front of him. Luckily there wasn't another person in sight as they stepped through the open doorway. Anthony pressed the button for the seventh floor as Kate's eyes rolled over and she gave him a smirk. Without saying a word, he stood there and tried his hardest not to look at her heavy cleavage down below. Perhaps that was why she was smirking. After his experience with Kelly Brook, Anthony had to wonder about a woman like Kate and the temptations that she knew she commanded over hot blooded men like him.

Where was Kate's husband? That was one question Anthony quietly asked himself. It was strange of her to book a week's stay but not have him along with her. The last Anthony had read of Kate Upton on celebrity gossip sites online was that she had got married, had a family and stepped away from modelling. From that alone and her name in the hotel records, he expected to see her husband alongside her for this trip. Something wasn't right, but Anthony was not prepared to ask the question. He simply stood there, awaiting the elevator to reach the destination of the seventh floor. When it did, he stepped out and into the hall, rolling the backpack as he led Kate to her room. She offered a smirk as she handed him the key back. Anthony slid it through the knob, making one turn and then handed it back. With a smile, he nodded to her before speaking.

"Welcome home, you're all set."

"Only for a week this is my home."

Kate was quick to correct him before they stepped through the door. Anthony shut the door after stepping in as they now had some privacy together. Her heels clacked loudly across the wooden floor below. Every room in the hotel had a similar look with the same wooden floors and white walls. Kate stood there, glancing around the living room as Anthony rolled the backpack in.

"Where do you want this?"

She looked over at him, then realized he was talking about her backpack. Kate took another glance around the room.

"Oh, uh... run it to the bedroom, please. I've got clothes in there. I wouldn't mind getting changed now that I'm settled in."

Upon her request, Anthony rolled the luggage into the bedroom and picked it up. He placed it down over the bed and then checked to make sure her sheets were fresh. He could hear her heels clicking and clacking off in the distance and then she stepped behind him.


Kate stepped past him and then grabbed at her backpack. Anthony watched as she bent down, giving a terrific view of her full cleavage. The sound of the zippers sliding down and buttons popping had made his imagination begin to run wild. Even after having one weekend with a famous model, he still had this shocked feeling bottled up inside that he was in the presence of another one. Now seemed like an ideal time to begin a conversation with her and see if he had a chance like he had with Kelly.

"You know, I'm a huge fan of yours. I still remember when you did those Sports Illustrated shoots. I gotta say, those were some great times back in the day."

Her eyes shifted at him and then Kate smiled, flashing her teeth while clutching some clothes in her hands.

"Thanks. I used to get that a lot."

"Get a lot of what?"

"Guys like you who recognize me and call yourselves big fans. It's been a while since I ran into someone like you."

Anthony blushed upon hearing her words, trying to hold back his smile. Kate smirked back at him. Her heels were muted into thumping sounds with the red carpet floor down below. She stepped around Anthony and went to the bathroom connected within the bedroom.

"You mind if I call you Kate?"

The door slammed shut and Kate had only given him silence at first for several seconds.

"Yeah, you can call me that."

Swallowing his breath, Anthony didn't want to stammer out any words and trip over himself. He thought now was the ideal time to mention her husband and perhaps figure out her intentions of staying a week in the Bahamas.

"So, I saw you were married. Kate Upton wasn't the name in the computer when you checked in."

"Yeah, and?"

She yelled her response from beyond the bathroom door. Anthony was forced to think for a few seconds before he replied.

"Well... usually couples check in together. Should I... uh... make reservations for him to join you tomorrow or something?"


Kate's reply came out loudly as she to talk from behind a closed door. Knowing that he didn't have to worry about her husband showing up, Anthony was beginning to feel he had a chance. A few seconds passed when the golden knob to that white bathroom door began to turn. His eyes gazed forward, noticing the veil of light as the door came cracking open and then Kate made a reintroduction before him. The dress was gone and instead she stood in a white one piece swimsuit hugging all of her curves. Anthony's eyes immediately glanced at her giant breasts that seemingly were ready to pop out of the tight outfit. Shoulder straps hung over, as her hair was still parted down the middle with swiftly waves. Her lips curved into a grin as she spoke.

"Well, how do I look?"

"Are you wearing that for me, Kate?"

She giggled at him, placing her hands onto her hips and turning around to show her buttocks. It was almost as if Kate were modelling before him. When she turned to face Anthony, she replied to his question.

"Maybe. You did say you were a fan. So do I look like a woman who has went through pregnancy or not?"

"I don't think that matters, Kate. You're in killer shape."

"I know I am."

"So is that why you arrived here without your husband? You planning on getting someone like me to stare at your beautiful body?"

Once again, she smirked before shaking her head.

"Maybe, maybe not. I've got a photoshoot planned this week for an old friend. Let's just say I'm getting warmed up after checking in to my hotel. So where's the pool?"

Anthony smirked back at her.

"You're gonna go down to the pool and see if any other guys recognize you?"

"Maybe... I've gotta say, it feels good to be out and about like my old self. I haven't felt sexy alone in a few years now."

"Is that the result of being stuck at home all the time with a family."

With a nod, Kate bit down on her lower lip.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that. Not that I don't appreciate them, but since I'm gonna be modelling again... maybe I just wanna feel like my old self."

"By having men lust over you, is that right?"

Blushing, she grinned with a flash of her teeth. Anthony stepped closer to Kate, gazing back into her beautiful blue eyes. If there was any chance he had with this woman, now was the time to take it. Bold steps had to be taken and he was willing to go that extra mile for her. After his time with Kelly, he had gained such confidence, he was no longer afraid of finding himself in situations like this.

"Why don't you let me be the first. If it's something like a one night stand you're looking for, I can tell you right now Kate, you won't be disappointed."

After uttering his speech, Anthony had to consider the possibility that she would slap him across the face. He knew it was a rude manner of trying to seduce her, but there he was trying to play his cards anyway. Kate stepped back and smirked before responding in a low tone.

"I wasn't planning on climbing into bed with the first man I met out here today."

"I'm not just any man though. Try me, you won't be disappointed."

Still smirking, she quirked her eyebrows up. She glanced down to read the name tag on his uniform before stepping away from him.

"I'll think about it. You're cute Anthony and you've got balls. I like that in a man."

He turned around to face her, trying to conceal his smile but not without blushing. As his cheeks flushed red, Kate caught his eyes glancing down at her heavy cleavage.

"Give me some time to think about this. If no one catches my eye down at the pool, I'll call for room service and ask for you personally."

Anthony shook his head.

"Nah, I think you're just trying to brush me off. What would you call room service and request?"

"Wine. I'll be wanting a bottle come evening time when I'm ready to unwind."

"I think I know where I'll wait for you tonight then."

"If it's you over the phone, I might just request you deliver it to me in your birthday suit."

Kate licked her lips after responding. Anthony simply nodded before letting out a slight chuckle. He waved his hand at her, ready to leave.

"I'm just gonna hope you really do call since I'm about to move down to the housekeeping unit."

"Don't waste your time, if you've got a lot of work to do today. Think of something to impress me and then... maybe I'll try you."

She winked at him before waving back and with those words, Anthony didn't see a need to say goodbye. As he marched back to exit her suite, he began to think how he was going to slip out of work today and try to wiggle his way into bed with Kate Upton. If he had accomplished something with Kelly Brook, then he believed it was possible for this woman to fall in his arms too. Back down in the lobby, there would undoubtedly be a manager or some coworkers to complain at him for leaving the desk unattended. Life came down to taking risks and jumping at golden opportunities, as Anthony reminded himself. Kate wanted to be impressed, so he began thinking of just what he could do to leave her wanting more. Then again, what if she did go out to the pool and found a much better looking man than him to bring back to her room? Hard questions lingering about almost brought stress for an adventure that would result in some repercussions from skipping work.



Avoiding the hotel lobby, Anthony wanted to run away from his work duties for as long as he possibly could. Thoughts of Kate were at the center of his mind and he was willing to forget about everything else in the day and try to impress her. Outside the hotel building was the pool and he expected to see her there, but Anthony didn't go out to take a peak. Instead, he shifted across the building as if he were running away from something. Work was the only thing he was avoiding as the day began to carry on. His cellphone started to ring and vibrate from within his pocket. With no doubt it was a supervisor requesting to know his whereabouts. For now, Anthony ignored the phone. He went back to his personal suite and changed out of his work clothes to put on something that was more fitting for leisure and to blend in with the regular guests.

A standard blue T-shirt went together with a pair of white shorts and brown leather flip flops. His coworkers may have recognized his face, but they would be spread out during the day working. Anthony left his cellphone behind in his room, that way he wouldn't be bothered by it constantly ringing and vibrating from within his pocket. His next stop would be to dial up room service and play up a made up tale to get someone working room service to sell him a bottle of wine. He still had doubts in the back of his mind, wondering if Kate was playing him but Anthony had to do something to take the risks. Upon calling up room service and hearing a woman answer the phone, Anthony suddenly got a better idea in mind. He insisted on a fake story that he was Kate's husband and needed a bottle of wine sent over to her room. The request went over smoothly and then it was time to make the journey back to the seventh floor and travel to her room.

With a bit of luck, Anthony felt he could intercept room service before they knocked on the door. He knew the pain they went through having to travel back and forth with the service elevator. Along the way, he caught sight of his old friend Scott. He was down on the floor in a hallway leading among the fifth floor suites. He seemed to be on clean up duty today for janitorial work. Someone had spilled drunks all down on the floor and made a mess on one of the walls. Anthony didn't envy what his friend was stuck doing for the day. He was thankful that he didn't have to worry about Scott poking his head out and learning of the games he was currently playing with another gorgeous buxom model. There were no ill feelings he had towards his friend, but Kate was someone he absolutely did not want to share with Scott whatsoever.

Stepping back into the elevator, Anthony brushed past a few people that were wearing summer type outfits. That was common for guests checking in and spending time at the hotel. So far, he blended in with them and was happy his outfit had served that purpose. The elevator came to a halt at the seventh floor and then he made his exit all along. Across the hall, Anthony witnessed someone else stepping out with a tray cart pushed. It had to be room service delivering the bottle of wine directly to Kate, coming from the service elevator on the opposite side. Smiling to himself, he felt lucky to get off that elevator in time and catch the butler journeying to her door. Anthony stepped closer, making his way there and noticing the bottle of wine, two glasses and large tray of ice. The butler was in fact a maid. A black woman, someone new at the hotel who clearly didn't recognize him. He offered a smile and played it up pretending to be her husband.

"Hi there, mind if I take this to my wife?"

"Oh, sure."

The woman offered a smile and stood there as Anthony carefully grabbed the metal tray. She then walked towards the door.

"I'll knock for you, sweetie."

"Thanks, appreciate the extra hand."

A laugh was shared between them before the woman knocked with her right hand. Anthony had to think for a moment, hoping Kate would be back hours later, assuming she did go to the pool.

"Who is it!?"

Her voice came yelling from inside the room. Anthony called out to her.

"It's me! I've got a surprise for ya, honey!"

The maid began pushing her cart back down the hall for the service elevator while Anthony stood there carefully holding the tray in both hands. Within seconds, the door came swinging open and once again, Kate greeted Anthony. This time she wore a white two piece lingerie outfit. Her flat stomach was visible along with her huge breasts that once again looked barely contained in a tight bra. Down below, Kate was barefoot, no need to put on any shoes of sorts without a destination to go. She raised her hands up, positioning them at the edges of the doorway while gazing back at his curious face. Kate had pinned her hair up in a high pony tail, gazing back at him with a soft smile.

"Oh, it's you. I haven't ordered any wine yet."

"You told me to impress you, so I took a shot and figured you might want some served early. Are you disappointed, Kate?"

"No, I'm not. Some good timing on your part. It's not dark yet, but I like to relax most afternoons."

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. So are you gonna let me come in?"

Giving her a goofy grin, Anthony held back from laughing.

Kate stepped back from the doorway, allowing Anthony to enter with the tray. He stepped slowly and carefully, reaching the kitchen and placing the tray down on the wooden table. Kate had shut the door behind him, eventually walking in front to give him the view of her buttocks. The white lingerie panties she was tucked down the crack, revealing those thick cheeks. He took a glance and then waited until she turned around to look at him, then he finally spoke up.

"How was your swim? Did anyone recognize you out by the pool?"

"I didn't go out. Changed my mind after you left and started thinking about playing dress up. I wanted to get warmed up and ready before I go to my photo shoot tomorrow. It's been a while since I dressed up all sexy to stand in front of cameras."

His eyes watched her grab the while bottle and examine it. Kate then moved her hand towards the metal handle of the ice bucket, pulling it off and setting it down. She grabbed a handful of ice cubes, dropping two in one glass, then the last cube down in the other. Kate grabbed the glass with two cubes and then spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked if you wanted ice first."

"No, this is fine."

She wasted no time unscrewing the top off the bottle to open it. Anthony had noticed Kate didn't bother checking the date like some wine buffs preferred to do. That was something he had picked up on after having to deal with cork sniffers in the past. She poured her glass first and then filled his. Together, they raised their drinking glasses as she smiled back at him.

"Cheers, guess you're getting lucky today."

Her words hit him point blank, causing his heart beat to accelerate while Kate swallowed down her entire glass of wine. She had admitted her own plan and now Anthony knew they would soon be fucking. He sipped on the wine glass, tasting the strong flavor and swallowing it down. Kate was already on her second glass, drinking down half of it by the time he could respond.

"So you've taken it up yourself to try me, huh?"


Kate muffled her reply between finishing off the glass of wine. She let out an audible 'ahhh' after having swallowed it down. Smirking back at Anthony, she gave him a nod before replying.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is about you. Something about you gives me a good vibe, you know? You remind me of a man I used to fuck before I got married. He was good looking, but I liked him more for who he was. You've got balls and know how to speak your mind. I like that in a man."

"I'm flattered."

Placing her hands on her hips, Kate smirked back at him.

"Tell me something, Anthony. What's your ultimate fantasy for me? Are you the type of man who likes to take it slow in the bedroom.. or are you a little rougher around the edges?"

"My ultimate fantasy?"

"Yeah, go on and tell me. I'm listening."

Biting down on his lower lip, his eyes glanced down at her heavy cleavage before blurting out his words.

"It's easy. You know what you're built for Kate? To have a nice cock shoved between those big, beautiful titties. I know where I want it."

"Oh really? I used to get that a lot."

She giggled.

"It's been a while since I've had a guy tell me to my face that he wants to fuck my tits."

Anthony smirked, flashing his teeth.

"To answer your question though, I'm somewhere in between. You get me in the bedroom, I'm gonna make sure that I explore all your curves and give it to you where you want it. All three holes, between your tits and in the end? A face full of cum if you want it."

"Mmmmmm, been quite some time since I've had my face all sticky."

Kate had replied in a soft, low and seductive tone of voice. Anthony had nothing more to say as he set the wine glass down and leaned closer to her. Her heavy tits were still contained in that bra, but soon they were brushing up against his chest. Kate reacted by throwing her arms around his neck and at long last, their lips met for a passionate kiss. She moaned into his mouth, taking a few steps back and pulling him in as they continued to trade tender kisses. When their lips pulled apart, Kate went back in for another series of kissing while roaming her hands at the front of his shirt and balling her fists for grips in the fabric. This only made Anthony want to move his hands at her breasts and squeeze them from within the bra. Kate moaned in his mouth and finally broke the kiss.

"Ohhhhh, let me help you with that."

Loosening her hands from his shirt, Kate stepped back and then smiled at him as she moved her hands behind her back. She wanted to see his eyes fall, glancing down into her heavenly cleavage as she loosened the bra straps from her shoulders and then tossed it off. Anthony's eyes became enlarged as he was now face to face with Kate Upton's famous breasts. She threw the bra at him, laughing when it landed on his face to distract his view. He pulled the bra off as Kate began to step backwards and grin at him. She then turned her back and ran to the bedroom, knowing he would chase right behind her while she giggled the whole time.

"You want these titties? Come and get 'em!"

When she turned around, Anthony nearly tackled her as he knocked Kate down to the bed and shoved his face between her amazing breasts. She giggled before letting out a moan and moving her hands to her breasts to smother his face with them. He began to shake his head around and slobbered, properly motorboating them before getting up. As Kate had a moment to lean up with her elbows pushed into the white blankets of the bed, she then began to shake her breasts. They smacked and pounded his face back and forth. Anthony eventually moved his hands to grab at her breasts and then squeezed them, listening to Kate moan. His eyes shifted up to her face when he fed her right nipple to his lips, sucking on it. She let out a moan and patted his head, just before he alternated to her left nipple, shoving it between his lips and sucking it lovingly.

"Mmmmmmm, I can tell you love those tits. Ohhhhh, I bet you used to dream of getting your hands on them. Your dream came true today, Anthony!"

She lay back on the bed, moaning at his touch. Anthony then moved off Kate. Setting his feet down over the carpet floor, he kicked off his flip flops and smiled down at her as he began to pull his shirt over his head. Kate crossed her leg and propped her head up with her left arm against the bed. She lay on her side, watching him strip. When Anthony pulled his shirt off, she giggled.

"You're nice and slim. I think you've got the body of a man who can handle me."

Anthony blushed but smirked back at her when he unbuttoned his shorts and then dropped them to reveal his white pair of underwear. Kate glanced down to see the outline of his hardening cock poking up with an apparent bulge. She licked her lips upon witnessing his thumbs push down beyond the elastic band and then drop his underwear. Kate then bit down on her lower lip, flashing the front row of her pearly white teeth at the sight of his hardening cock. That was before she leered those big blue hues back to Anthony's face and then patted her right hand in the middle of the bed.

"Come on, get up here."

She moved her hand, pointing her index finger directly at his cock.

"I want that."

He thought of telling her to come and get it, but Anthony was going to play along instead. He leaned down, sinking the palms of his hands into the white sheets of the bed and then crawled forward. Kate was to his left hand side before he turned around and laid his back down, resting his head onto one of the pillows stacked at the front of the bed. She leaned over him, lowering her right hand to wrap those slender fingers around his cock while pressing her lips to his. As Anthony kissed her, he gently cupped Kate's face, caressing her skin as he felt her hand pumping up and down to make his hard dick rise into full size. Trading kisses with Kate, he slipped his right hand down to her breasts, fondling one of them and giving it a squeeze. All that did was make Kate pump her hand up and down at a faster pace.

When their kiss ended, Anthony gazed back at her big blue eyes as she pulled away. Kate tightened the grip of her hand around his shaft and then began to move on the bed. She pushed her legs together, bending her knees to lean over and play with his cock. When Kate let go of it, Anthony decided to tease her with a trick in mind. He waited until Kate had parted her lips, opening wide. Since her hand was no longer holding his cock, he could twitch and pull the muscles, moving it away as she tried to slip her lips around it. Kate giggled when her mouth missed his cock and instead the head pushed against the right side of her upper lip, rubbing against her beauty mark. With her tongue she licked the head, circling it around and making another attempt to place her lips over it.

Again, Anthony twitched his cock and it missed Kate's mouth a second time. This time she reached back for it with her right hand, gripping it at the base with authority to hold it straight. Kate lapped her tongue across the head, shifting her eyes up at Anthony's face to look at him as she pushed the head of his pole between her lips. He let out a soft moan as she began to suck his cock, slow and sensually. 'Mmmmmm', she let out a muffled moan, shoving more into her mouth as she began to pull her lips back to the head. A popping noise was heard as Kate pulled her lips off his cock and began to tease him by wiggling her tongue across the slit of his head. Anthony sat there, moaning as he moved his left hand to stroke through Kate's golden hair.

She broke eye contact upon shoving his cock back into her mouth. For now, Anthony was getting a real showing of how slow and sensual Kate Upton liked to begin a session like this. She took her time, bobbing her head up and down to suck his cock at a slow pace. All he did was lay there, relaxing as he then used his right hand to caress down her back. He playfully grabbed at her buttocks, causing her moan a muffled sound with his cock still in her mouth. Kate responded to his touch by shoving her lips all the way down, forcing the head of his cock to meet the back of her throat as her lips buried at the base. She removed her hand, allowing her more room to suck. Her strong gag reflexes caught Anthony by complete surprised as he grunted at moaned. All Kate did was pull her lips back to the head and release his cock with a popping sound.

"God, that was amazing."

Ignoring his words for now, Kate began to lick up and down the side of his shaft, then pushing her lips against. Anthony listened to the slobbering noises her lips produced as she went up and down and then came to a stop. She grabbed his cock again, stroking it back and forth with her right hand while smirking up at him.

"Mmmmmmmmm, nice cock you've got there. You like how I suck it, huh?"

Smiling Anthony nodded his head to her.

"Yeah, you know how to handle it well."

Still smirking at him, Kate let go of his shaft and began to move around the bed. She crawled in front of him and then pushed her legs together. With her knees bent, she held her large famous breasts up and then winked at Anthony.

"I know this is what you really want."

She began to wobble her tits, shaking them in her hands to make sure that Anthony's entire attention was devoted to her busty chest. Kate smirked, licking her lips when she noticed him reach down and grab his cock. Anthony held it directly up for her and then Kate pulled her breasts apart. This position was a first for him when it came to the act of titty-fucking, but Anthony rested back on the bed, watching as Kate squeezed her tits around his cock and then he removed his hand entirely. She remained resting on her knees as she began to pump her boobs up and down, fucking his cock with them.

"Ohhhhhh, man..."

Swallowing his breath, Anthony moaned as he was now experiencing one of his greatest fantasies. The feeling of his cock pumping back and forth between Kate Upton's famous breasts was almost too good for him. Once again, he had memories of his three day long affair with Kelly Brook, wishing that was enough to prepare him for something like this. Kate went slow, pumping his cock back and forth from his position as she was bent over. She studied the expression of pleasure on his face, smirking as if to tease him with her angelic eyes anytime he glanced away from the action down below. Her breasts were so big, they easily swallowed his cock up with the poking up from each full thrust.

"Mmmmmm, feels good, don't it? Ohhhhh, it's been so long since I've had a cock right between my tits."

Kate giggled, flashing her teeth as she continued to work her breasts up and down. She broke eye contact to glance down, but from this position, there was no way she could dart her tongue out and lick the head. She concentrated on pumping her breasts up and down, all while Anthony lay there moaning and developing new ideas in his head. This fun with Kate wasn't enough. He knew that he was a greedy man and would want more, just as he did with Kelly Brook last month. Swallowing his breath, he thought up a game, inspired by what he did with Kelly.


"Yes, darling?"

"I... I wanna play a game with you."

Still working her tits over his cock, she moaned upon replying.

"Mmmmmm, what kinda game?"

Biting down on his lower lip, Anthony smirked back at her.

"See who can cum first when we do the next round. If you force me to cum first, I'll pay the bill on your entire week stay. But if I manage to make you reach your orgasm first... then how about we do this again during your whole stay? I'll be your dirty little secret. No strings attached after you leave."

She laughed at him for a moment. Kate continued to work her boobs up and down over his cock but slowed down now.

"Oh my god, you really have put some thought into that."

"Yeah, I guess you can say I have!"

Laughing again, Kate made one last thrust of her breasts sliding down his thick rod. She then let go of them all together, freeing his cock as it fell from her tits. Leaning up, she looked back at Anthony while biting down on her lower lip and shoving her fingers down at her lingerie panties. Kate had to lift herself up a bit as she shoved them down, revealing her wet pussy without a single hair in sight. Anthony licked his lips as he studied her beautiful vulva lips. Eventually she was able to tug those panties beyond her knees, lean from behind and grab them to pull them entirely off her legs and toss them to the floor. Kate then smiled at Anthony as she crawled over him. Pressing her hands into his chest, her mighty tits shook and wobble above him. Anthony took this moment to caress her breasts with his hands, then squeezing them hard. The feeling of her erect nipples poking his palms had made him moan.

Kate had moaned for him too and when he raised his head, that was the moment she needed to pull her breasts apart and smother him with them for a second time. When Anthony moved her hands, she proceeded to rub her boobs up against his cheeks, flapping them up and down as he made a desperate attempt to suck and slobber on them. Anthony failed, causing Kate to shake her tits again, slapping up against his face and shaking all around. When he placed his hands back around them and gave a hard squeeze, she removed her hands entirely. Guiding her right boob to his mouth, Anthony licked at her nipple and then moaned at the touch of her hand. He could feel both of Kate's hands gripping his shaft down below. She squeezed her fingers tightly as she held it up and then leaned back up. When he pulled his face from her breasts, he leaned back over the pillows and watched. Kate carefully lined herself up, hovering his cock above her juicy pussy.

"Go ahead, Kate. I'm ready for you."

There was no spoken reply that came from her. At this point, Kate was only answering through actions. She moved her left hand away from his shaft and then slowly, she lowered herself down on it. Anthony gasped as he felt the warmth tightness of her cunt. Pulling her right away away from it, Kate then threw her arms behind her head. Her eyes locked down at him as she gritted her teeth, maintaining this position on top to ride him cowgirl style. Anthony felt her rolling those hips, pumping his cock inside of her as she let out soft moans. Kate had undid the ponytail pinning her golden hair from the back of her head. Those blonde locks fell beyond her shoulders and then she rustled her fingers through her hair before moving her hands to her great big tits. Kate began to rock herself, thrusting downward to drive his cock inside of her as she rode him.

"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh yeah!"

Moving his hands to her hips, Anthony wanted to grip at something while he was unable to latch onto her breasts. Kate was only warming up about now. He knew when she began to roll her hips forward that soon, she would be riding him at a harder and faster pace. Anthony had to brace himself. From his experience with Kelly, he was certainly confident that he could withstand a lustful onslaught and hold back from reaching his climax. Gazing up at Kate's beautiful face, he roamed his right behind to playfully squeeze her left ass cheeks. He reared his hand back and gave her a light spank. She moaned and then let go of her breasts to push her hands down onto his chest, roaming her fingers up and giving him enough room to begin thrusting forward. He grunted as she gasped and moaned.

"Mmmmmm, that's it Anthony! Come on, give it to me!"

Her breasts began to wobble and shake as he thrust upward. The sound of their bodies smacking together echoed throughout the bedroom. Anthony smacked her ass again and then moved his hands up to grab her great big tits and squeeze them. Kate bit down on her lower lip, purring out a soft cry that grew louder with each passing second. She began to roll her hips, meeting in pace with his thrusts.

"Ohhhh god, yes! OHHHHHHHHH, YESSSSSSS!!"

His hands squeezed over her breasts harder, sinking his palms down across her nipples. Kate closed her eyes as her hair began to sway around. Over and over, she continued to roll her hips in an attempt to meet with his thrusts, but Anthony was slightly faster. He had Kate right where he wanted her. On top of him, it didn't matter. The man was confident that he could hold himself off from blowing his load deep within her. Exhaling deeply, Kate locked her eyes on him as she began to call out.

"Oh god, yes! Yesssss!! That's it, THAT'S IT!! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE IT TO ME!!"

Throwing her arms back up behind her head, she straightened her hair up and closed her eyes. Anthony moved his hands away from her breasts, taking in the epic sight of watching them bounce and sway as he continued to thrust his cock into her. Caught at the height of pleasure in the absolute heat of the moment, Kate surrendered herself. She could feel inch after inch of his hard cock pumping inside of her, whimpering cries of joy before she opened her eyes. Grabbing her own boobs again, she squeezed them while looking down at Anthony and screaming to him.

"Make me cum! I'm almost there! Give it to me! GIVE IT TO ME, ANTHONY, OHHHHHHH GOD!!"

He threw his hands to her hips, taking in a hard grip while maintaining himself. Anthony grunted while Kate clenched her teeth and closed her eyes. She squeezed her breasts harder as she could feel his cock pumping in and out of her. He didn't slow down, happy to oblige her request. Kate began to growl before belting out a thunderous scream.


Her eyes opened as she gasped from breath, all while Anthony now had the hardest job to hold himself back from reaching his orgasm within her. He could feel the sudden gushing of her warm juices from within as her legs shook. Kate curled her toes up, squeezing her breasts once more as she nearly collapsed onto his chest. All Anthony did was wrap his arms around her, holding her close as he had come to a halt from thrusting inside her juicy pussy. As Kate rested against his chest, he pushed his lips to the left side of her neck and began to kiss and suck over her neck. Roaming his hands down, Anthony gripped her ass cheeks, squeezing at them.

"Oh my god... That... that was amazing..."

Kate spoke between taking deep breaths. She had to take a moment to recover from her orgasm, knowing that he was doing his best to hold back from exploding inside of her. She cupped his face with her hands, pushing her lips to his for a passionate kiss. When their lips broke apart, Kate began to climb off him and Anthony leaned up on the bed. She watched as he bit down on his lower lip, causing her to laugh.

"You're trying so hard to hold yourself back. I guess you won the game quite easily."

Chuckling at her response, Anthony nodded as Kate lifted herself up. Excess juices from her pussy squirted as his cock slipped out and then she began to softly kiss a trail down his stomach to reach his cock.

"Yeah, I knew I could handle you. I wanted to leave a good impression so you would want more from me tomorrow."

She reached his cock below, glistening sticky in her own juices. Kate licked her lips and began to suck him clean while shifting her big blue eyes up at his face. The sound of her slobbering on his cock became louder as she shoved it into her mouth and went down on it. Kate moaned a muffled sound with her lips enveloped around his cock. Pulling her lips back to the head, she released it with a popping sound. Swallowing down her own juices, she grinned before replying to him.

"I never had any doubts. I went easy on you, cause I know I want to do this again later this week. You've got balls and like I told you before, I like that in a man."

Immediately after saying 'balls', she shifted her attention to his hanging nut sack and lapped her tongue over it. Anthony moaned, leaning up to watch as Kate shoved his balls into her mouth and began to suck on them. She used her right hand to grip his shaft, wanking him up and down as she treated herself with the taste of his hairy balls. When she had sucked one, she popped the other into her mouth and alternated back and forth all while slowly pumping her hand up and down. When Kate finally pulled his balls out of her mouth, she smirked and then quirked her eyebrows up at Anthony. Her fingers remained wrapped around his shaft as she spoke up.

"You've still got a job, you know? You have to give me a face full of cum."

"Work for it then, babe. Use your tits and get me ready."

Kate giggled.

"Me doing all the work huh? Alright, but tomorrow you're gonna be the one fucking these tits, so just think about that."

"Ohhhh don't worry babe, I'll make sure I fuck them real good tomorrow."

They shared a laugh together as Kate began to get up from the bed. She stepped her feet down on the floor and then glanced towards a wooden chair that was off to the left side of the room near the dresser. Flashing her teeth in a grin, she motioned with her right hand thumb, quietly hinting for Anthony to get up and go sit in the chair. When he glanced over, she spoke.

"Get up and go sit down over there for me."

"What's that chair for, babe? Is that your tit-fucking chair?"

"Mmmmmmm, maybe."

She smirked, teasing him as he got up and stood beside her. Anthony leaned in and kissed her lips. After their kiss broke, Kate took his hand and walked him across the room from the bed. Her giant tits bouncing and shaking with each step she took. Anthony had stepped in front of Kate and then he turned around to gaze back at her beautiful face as he nestled his buttons down over the cold wooden chair. Now that she had him where she wanted the man, Kate moved her hands to her breasts, squeezing them as she slowly fell down to her knees and situated herself in front of him. Anthony gripped his cock, holding it up from the base as she spread her breasts apart and then shoved them to the sides. He let go and watched as she folded her huge natural boobs, trapping his cock between them.

"Oh my god... That feels so good."

"I know, doesn't it?"

Eyes locked at him as she replied, Kate bit down on her lower lip. Her breasts were so big that his entire cock was swallowed up with only the head poking up. This was better than the first time, as now Anthony could truly see the beauty of his cock disappearing between her tits.

"I love getting my tits fucked. Before I got married, before I had a family... I had a special someone that made sure to do this with me any time I wanted."

Still smirking, she began to work her breasts up and down. Anthony moaned before he replied back to her.

"You know what you're built for then, Kate. That's what those tits were made for."

"Mmmmmmmmm, yeah..."

Kate broke eye contact with him to glance down and this time, she could see the head of his cock poking up each time she thrust her tits down. She watched it, working her tits up and down at a slow and steady pace. Her blonde hair sway with locks hanging from both sides, moving in pace with how she worked her tits up and down. Anthony moaned as he embraced this moment, feeling very inch of his cock pumping between her famous big breasts.

"Ohhhh god, yes. Come on, Kate. Harder! Go a little faster too!"

"You better cum all over my face, Anthony. I want you to blast me in your cum! Drench me and make my face all sticky!"

She spoke to him as she began to work her tits up and down at a faster pace, going along with his request. Over and over, she worked her tits up and down, still gazing down at the head. Kate licked her lips before extending her tongue and flicking the head. Each time it poked up, she would lick the head while listening to him moan out to her. Anthony bit down on his lower lip, wishing that he could hold himself back long enough to enjoy more of this. There would always be tomorrow though and possibly the rest of the week as he had something to look forward to with fucking Kate.

"Harder Kate! Come on! Fuck that cock with your huge tits!"

Hearing his request, she moaned and quit licking the head. Kate gripped her tits harder with her hands and began to pump them down harder and faster. She gazed up at Anthony's face and grit her teeth, glaring at him as she moaned. He wasn't looking ino her eyes, instead he was focusing on the sight of his cock getting swallowed up and the head poking up between her big tits with each thrust she made. Over and over, she continued without showing him any mercy. It was clear to Anthony if she wanted to, this woman could take control and easily work a man over all with the power of her mighty tits. He began to breathe heavily, panting and then groaning. Kate moaned as she studied his face becoming scrunched up with each passing second.

"Oh, you like that? Mmmmm, you ready to cum for me, Anthony? Give me that cum! I want you to blow your hot load all over my face! Give me that hot load!"

Still pumping her tits up and down, Kate was eager to finish him. He gritted his teeth and then let out a load grunt. To Kate, that was the only sign she needed to know he was ready to explode for her. She quickly let go of her breasts, witnessing a drop of pre-cum ooze out of the head when she glanced down. Anthony immediately got up from the chair, reaching down with his right hand to grip his shaft as Kate tilted her head up and closed her eyes. She could hear him panting and groaning as Anthony was working his shaft back and forth with his hand. As Kate kept her eyes closed, she parted her lips, eagerly anticipating the moment to feel his cum glaze her skin.


Anthony screamed as he slid his hand down to the base of his cock, watching the eruption of his seed shoot from his rod and splatter onto Kate's forehead. She moaned at the warm, sticky feeling. Another wad of cum drenched the left cheek of her face and once again, Kate moaned.

"Ohhhh, that's it. Mmmmmm, cum all over me..."

He continued to wank his shaft, watching as a few strings of cum slathered over her nose and right cheek. His orgasm began to fade from powerful bursts and that's when Anthony fed his shaft to her waiting open mouth. Kate opened her eyes, gazing up at him as she squeezed her lips around his shaft and began to milk him of the final drops of cum. With his seed dripping down her face, she bobbed her head up and down, moaning muffled noises. 'mmmmm', he could feel this vibrations as he breathed heavily. Kate didn't break eye contact until she released his cock with a popping sound. Anthony could see her throat muscles move as she swallowed down his load.

"How did that taste, babe?"

"Delicious... Hot and creamy."

She licked her lips without a care in the world for the streaming lines of jizz that began to run down her forehead and left cheek. Kate grinned like a winner, but it was Anthony who truly felt that he had won some fantastic prize to be in this position. Here he was ready for a new affair with a famous model who had checked into his place of work. It came at the price of missing work and losing out on his paycheck. Anthony didn't care as the thought of getting into trouble was the last thing on his mind. He could deal with getting chewed out by supervisor. Having an affair with Kate Upton was worth paying that price, regardless the loss of pay. He remained standing there, looking at her beautiful face covered in cum. Kate grinned up at him as she bit down on her lower lip and smirked at him, speaking up

"Hope you'll have another load ready for me tomorrow. I'm gonna be planning my while day around us both fucking each other after I'm done with my first photo shoot." 

« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 08:23:07 PM by Cadeauxxx »
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!


Re: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2021, 09:19:58 PM »
As always it's always great to see more Kate stories and you always do such a fantastic job with her yours are always a delicious treat to enjoy as well. The dynamic here is a fun one, Kate's fun playful streak in full wicked display. The culmination of all that banter and teasing is perfectly balanced and sets it up for the real fun at the end and Kate is always perfect for that. Just another wonderful job with this! Looking forward to the next part.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2021, 11:28:57 AM »
Please, please PLEASE tell me this is going to be a 3 part series like the last one.

That was so fucking hot. Played up to Kate's whole playful sex kitten personality so well. I like that you let her be in control and run the show. Cowgirl position used to great effect here.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2021, 10:10:25 AM »
Very hot start to this. I cant wait for more.
The following users thanked this post: Cadeauxxx, Nikko


Re: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2021, 05:30:22 AM »
Appreciate the kind words, as always.  :))

As always it's always great to see more Kate stories and you always do such a fantastic job with her yours are always a delicious treat to enjoy as well. The dynamic here is a fun one, Kate's fun playful streak in full wicked display. The culmination of all that banter and teasing is perfectly balanced and sets it up for the real fun at the end and Kate is always perfect for that. Just another wonderful job with this! Looking forward to the next part.

Thank you, Kate is so fun to write. I don't write much of her anymore, but she's up there with my most written celebs.

Please, please PLEASE tell me this is going to be a 3 part series like the last one.

That was so fucking hot. Played up to Kate's whole playful sex kitten personality so well. I like that you let her be in control and run the show. Cowgirl position used to great effect here.

Yes, yes YES this is going to be a trilogy! These stories are commissioned by a dear friend of mine and he wants a trilogy.  ;) We have some great ideas together that will come along in the future chapters.

Very hot start to this. I cant wait for more.

Good to see you again. I remember when you commented on the first BBB stories way back in 2016. Time flies! Hope you are doing well!
Check me out on Patreon if you like my work!
The following users thanked this post: Nikko


Re: Try Me Too Pt. 1 (Kate Upton)
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2021, 01:42:17 PM »
I agree with other commenters, very hot start.

I like how Kate toyed with him to get what she wanted.
The following users thanked this post: Nikko


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