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Author Topic: An interview with...Jesse90  (Read 3972 times)

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An interview with...Jesse90
« on: October 13, 2021, 05:53:12 PM »
Our next interview is with the author of the excellent Pin Up series, Jesse90.

In this interview, we will find out he got into writing celebrity erotica, who influenced him to write in this genre, and other topics related to his writing.

You can view his profile here at Jesse90

1. Where are you from?

I'm from Hamilton, Missouri. A really rural farm town of 1500 people

2. How did you come up with your pen name and is there any meaning behind it?

I wanted something simple so I combined my first name and the year I was born to come up with Jesse90

3. How long have you been writing celebrity erotic fiction?

I started writing in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic lockdown but I didn't start publishing the stories until January of this year

4. Who or What got you started writing erotic fiction?

Honestly, I started writing down fantasies I had about different celebrities and I thought "I can expand these."

5. Who would you say are your biggest influences as a writer of less than appropriate celeb fiction? Which authors, if any, would have inspired you?

Probably my biggest influences and inspirations in writing stories are Cadeauxxx and Slyguy.

6. Who are your favourite celeb sex story writers? Past and Present.

Cadeauxxx and Slyguy. Each time I see that they've published a new story, I know it's gonna be great.

7. Any favourite sex stories that you've read that made you think - "Wow! That's incredible!"

Slyguy's Era Erotica blows me away with each new chapter. He's a fellow Swiftie and so I know that Taylor will always get up to some hot sexy scenes.

8. Which of your own stories are you the most proud of writing?

Pin Up was just supposed to be two parts: one with Billie Eilish and one with Taylor Swift. But I kept getting ideas for different celebrities for Chase to have shoots with.

9. Which celebrities do you enjoy writing about the most?

Taylor Swift. She's been my biggest celebrity crush since I was 17. She will appear at least once in every story I write.

10. What type of sex scenes do you enjoy writing the most?

I like writing scenes where the woman is on top of the guy and as she orgasms, he rolls her onto her back and keeps going.

11. Do you have routine for how and when you write?

I usually try to write later at night with a soda nearby and focusing on the celeb I'm writing about. If she's a singer, I'll be listening to her music. Or if she's an actress, I'll have a movie she's in on the TV.

12. Do you sketch out a plan on paper/word/notes or write off the cuff with a basic idea and let it flow from there?

With Pin Up and Chase being a photographer, I'll see photos of a certain celebrity and I'll start coming up with the scenario of her contacting Chase.

13. Apart from hot celebrities, does anything else influence your writing? Music, Fashion, TV etc.

Honestly not much does other than the celebrities

14. Any projects you are working on that you are excited about?

I'm currently working on the next chapter of Pin Up. It'll be the last chapter set in Nashville then Chase and Taylor are going back to LA

15. Any tips for readers that may want to start writing celebrity erotic fiction?

Write your fantasy. If you want your favorite singer to take you backstage after her show, start there. Don't force an idea. If it's not working, scrap it and start again.

'What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams.' - Werner Herzog

'Gotta head full of ideas that are driving me insane...' - Bob Dylan

'I sold a quart of blood, bought a half a pint of scotch' - Tom Waits
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