« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2019, 06:37:52 AM »
Chapter 4
“I don’t like that the last few times you have been out there. Colluding with the police as much as you have been.” Kogure said.
“It couldn’t be helped. First, that was all on Goodie, then Wilson and Herlock, Magooda was to blame.” Kairi said to him with Umika nodding her agreement.
“But to think that you are teaming with them more often,” he said.
“What about Tsukasa and Noël? They are on both teams.” Tooma said with Umika nodding again.
“Maybe if he had been a good boy and stayed in Paris none of that would have happened,” Kogure said with a sigh.
“Could you tell us about the collection piece?” Umika asked.
“I was summoned here. By Noël-kun,” he said, sipping his tea.
“Eh?” Umika asked.
“Bonjour!” Noël said as he and Tsukasa walked into the Bistrot Jurer.
“Noël. Tsukasa-kun.” Umika said.
“Let’s get straight to the point. I have a matter that I would like to discuss with you all.” Noël said.
“While we were asked to help with the investigation of an art theft ring we discovered this,” Tsukasa said showing them the picture of one of the pieces that they had found.
Kogure looked at the picture and then opened the book of the Lupin Collection and turned to a page in it. “That is the Lupin Collection piece...‘Tiny Bubbles’,” he said, looking at the text near the picture.
“Why were you asked to help with that investigation? Doesn’t your unit focus on Gangler related crimes?” Tooma asked.
“Herlock-san,” Noël said with a sad smile.
“All over Europe, people are looking into the cases that Herlock investigated. Many of the criminals that he had put away sought out appeals for their convictions. Some have succeeded others have failed. But while investigating that the French HQ found a string of art thefts and auctions of the stolen items.” Tsukasa said, looking at everyone.
“So you want us to go in and swap out the real one?” Kairi asked.
“Non, non. It is an auction after all. All we have to do is be the highest bidder. Isn’t that right? Kogure-san?” Noël asked with a knowing smile.
“Is that what you called me here for? Very well,” he said and pulled out his checkbook and handed it to him.
“Merci,” Noël said, taking it.
“Now I need Tsukasa and Umika to come to the auction with me,” Noël said with a smile looking at the women.
“Us?” Umika said with a look of disbelief.
“A man of wealth always has at least one beautiful mademoiselle on his arm. Having two is even better.” Noël said with a smile as he looked at the two of them.
“But won’t she be needed at the station?” Kairi asked, looking at her.
“I have a couple days off coming up. They are mandatory. I was saving them for just this occasion.” Tsukasa said with a smile as she held the Lupin Pink Dial Fighter.
Once she had gotten it she memorized every detail of it. She knew the activation code by heart. And she had been talking with Goodie in her apartment and she found out something that she wasn’t sure the others knew about this little VS Vehicle. She couldn’t wait to try it out for the first time. And she had been dying to henshin into Lupin Pink.
Umika smiled at her as she held the Dial Fighter.
“And while on the subject of you becoming one of the Lupinranger,” Kogure said with a smile.
“Yes?” she asked fearing that he might take this away from her.
“I welcome you as a member of the Lupinranger so don’t worry. That VS Vehicle is yours,” he said with a smile. Realizing that she had tensed up when he brought that up. She relaxed a bit.
“But I must warn you. Your role as a mole must remain a secret from everyone. If they figure you out then there is nothing that we can do.” he warned. She knew that and the risks that she faced just having a Dial Fighter. But she was going to take them no matter the cost.
“Yes sir,” she said with a smile.
“And Noël, if you hide another collection piece from me again...you will be cleaning the Bistrot’s toilets with your toothbrush,” Kogure said as he stood to leave.
The other Lupinranger tried to not laugh at Noël while Kogure was there. But as soon as the door swung shut they all started to giggle uncontrollably. As Noël gave a weak smile to them all.* * *
The three Lupinranger walked up to the house where the auction was. Both Tsukasa and Umika looking elegant and beautiful in dresses and jewels. With Noël looking dapper in his tux. They walked in and the attendant tried to hand them masks to wear during the auction. But they shook him off and produced three masks of there own.
Tsukasa was so happy when she left for the auction that the Lupinranger gave her a mask that was just like theirs. It would hide their identities no matter what recognition software you were using. She remembered the first time they tried to run the Lupinranger faces through the very best software that there was and it spat out no matches. It was so vexing at the time. But now it was almost laughable that a simple-looking mask can stump the best computers.
“Study the faces of everyone here ladies. These are our rivals.” Noël said as the three of them studied the room and everyone in it.
“They all look so rich...” Umika said as she sat down on Noël’s left with Tsukasa on his right.
“Don’t worry Umika. If the Lupin families’ pockets or as deep as Noël has lead me to believe we outstrip everyone here by a mile.” Tsukasa said with a smile to Noël.
“Lot number 27. The legendary piece that was stolen from the Louvre one hundred years ago and then disappeared...” the auctioneer said as he pulled the red sheet off the Lupin Collection piece that they were after. “...the melancholic mermaid statue. ‘Tiny Bubbles’. It is now up for auction.” the auctioneer said.
“Stolen from the Louvre?” Umika asked. Even Tsukasa was surprised by this.
“Oui.” Noël smiled.
“Let’s begin the auction at 400 thousand. 400 thousand” the auctioneer asked, as they started the auction.
“Huh? 400 thousand? That’s pretty affordable.” Umika said with a little shock she had thought that it would be higher.
“They aren’t bidding in yen. It’s dollars right?” Tsukasa asked with a smile.
“Oui,” Noël said again.
“Dollars? That means in yen that is...” Umika said, trying to figure out the exchange rate in her head.
“Around 40 million yen. Now more around 50 million.” Tsukasa said with a smile as the bidding went up.
“1 mil-” Noël said.
“Wait. You don’t want to say something that you can’t take back.” Umika said with a nervous look.
“It’s alright. 1 million.” Noël said with a smile.
And with that that the bidding went higher and higher. And Umika was freaking out on the inside. She had never heard of someone spending like this before. Tsukasa was smiling at this. They were thieves. And she was partnered with a penny pincher.
“And the winning bid is 2 million.” the auctioneer said, pointing to Noël.
“2-2-2 million? That’s 200 million yen?!?” Umika said as she looked like she was going to faint.
At that point, the lights went out and there was screaming. “Don’t faint on us now Umika-chan,” Noël said, knowing that there was going to be a fight.
“A Gangler was involved,” Tsukasa said as the lights popped back on and they watched a Gangler steal what they had just bought.
“You ready for this?” Noël asked with a smile as the three of them gave chase.
“I’ve been itching to try this out,” Tsukasa said as the three of them brought out their henshin devices. For the girls, it was there VS Changer and for him the X Changer.
“Kaitou Change!” they all said together.
“Yellow! Pink!” their changers sounded as they placed the Vehicles in place.
“2-4-6!” Tsukasa inputted into the Dial Fighter. “Masqueraise! Lupinranger” they heard as they henshined,
“Stop right there Gangler-san,” Yellow said as they found him.
“I don’t suppose that you will just hand that over will you?” X asked.
“Wait? Since when is there a Lupin Pink?” the monster asked, looking at the newest member of the team as he put the collection piece into the safe in his back.
“I’m new. And I’m really looking forward to fighting some baka squirrel reject.” Pink said cockily. She had decided that she was going to take a new persona as Lupin Pink. Someone cocky as hell.
“Squirrel?” the Gangler named Gristo Lloyd demanded.
The three of them fired their guns but he was fast.
“He’s fast,” Umika said.
“Not just fast,” he said and sent bombs at the thieves. Noël had to cover the both of them with his armor bouncing the blasts off it.
“Stop right there Gangler!” Tsukasa heard Sakyua say.
“By the power vested in us by the Global Police, we’ll deal with you by force!” she heard Keiichiro say as the two remaining Patrangers showed up on the scene.
“Baka.” Pink cursed her team. They were getting in the way of her debut that she had been waiting for this.
“Kaitou and Noël? And is that a new Lupinranger? What is going on?” Sakuya asked.
“Let’s go!” Keiichiro said as the two of them rushed into the fight.
“I’m not getting caught here!” Gristo Lloyd said as he puffed out his cheeks with the safe in his back glowing green. He then released a stream of tiny bubbles. And he disappeared into the storm of bubbles.
“He got away. And it was my first time out too.” Pink said, stumping her feet.
“And it will be your last Kaitou,” Keiichiro said as he rushed the three of them.
“Time to leave,” Noël said as the three of them pulled out their zip lines and quickly left the stunned Keiichiro and Sakuya to the fact that there was a new Lupinranger on the scene.* * *
“I still can’t believe that they made you pay even though it was taken from us,” Umika complained at the Bistrot.
“And why did they have to show up. I wanted my first time out to be a bit more...” Tsukasa moaned.
“Cool?” Tooma asked with a smile.
“Something like that,” Tsukasa said with a smile.
“Now you know how that feels when you’re on the receiving end of one of your surprise visits,” Kairi said smugly.
“Gomen,” she said with a sorry look on her face.
That’s when Noël placed several sheets of paper down on the table. “I don’t give up that easily. I told you ladies to study our rivals’ faces. Now we are going to draw them.” he said.
“Huh? Why?” Umika asked.
“Because; that Gangler was already in the room when the auction took place. It had to be one of them.” Tsukasa said with a smile.
“Oui. And the three of us together should be able to remember them easily.” Noël said with a smile.* * *
“Finished!” Umika said as she relaxed after working on those face.
“Well done! Now then, au revoir!” Noël said as he walked out of the Bistrot.
“What do you think he is going to do with those faces you three drew?” Tooma asked.
“My guess he is going to have Jim Carter, our helper robot, run them,” Tsukasa said with a smile.
“Do you think he could find them?” Kairi asked.
“Knowing Jim Carter, yes. It’s just a matter of time,” she said with a smile.
“Then what?” Tooma asked.
“No idea,” Tsukasa said, looking at the door.* * *
They discovered that he planned to send invitations to all the people that tried to bid for Tiny Bubbles to a fake auction and they could find the real Gangler. And it worked. The art thieves showed up just as planned.
“We can’t have an auction here!” one complained. That’s when Lupin Red and Blue landed on the scene.
“Who are you?” one asked.
“The phantom thieves stirring up a storm!” Lupin red said.
“Sorry, there is no auction today,” Noël said as he Umika and Tsuakas changed into their Lupinranger costumes. Which was a blast for Tsukasa to pick out. “I’ll need you to cooperate,” Noël said as Umika and Tsukasa went to each person and poked and prodded them to find the Gangler in disguise. But they all checked out fine.
“Then we know the culprit,” Noël said and threw a card at the auctioneer whose disguised popped to reveal that he was the Gangler.
“No way! The auctioneer was the Gangler?!” Umika asked, looking at him.
“Did you know all along?” Lupin Red asked.
“Non non! I thought he was a victim that’s why I didn’t draw his face.” Noël said.
“How dare you trick me!” Gristo Lloyd said angrily.
“Come on you tricked us first. It was only fair that we returned the favor.” Tsukasa said with a smile.
“Red! Blue! Yellow! Pink! Kaitou X-nize! Kaitou Change! 0-1-0! Masqueraise! Lupinranger!” their changers sounded.
Kairi snapped his fingers. “Lupin Red!” he said.
Tooma snapped his fingers. “Lupin Blue!” he said.
Umika snapped her fingers. “Lupin Yellow!” she said.
Tsukasa snapped her fingers. “Lupin Pink!” she said.
Noël then prodded his chest plate to make a pinning sound. “Lupin X!” he said.
“Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger!” they said together.
“I already paid the bill. So I’ll be taking that collection piece.” X said as they went to work fighting Gristo Lloyd. The five of them fought perfectly. They were a true team. Any debuts that Tooma had at one time were gone and he was fighting with her like they had been a team forever.
That’s when Red and Blue grabbed his arms and held him while Pink went in for her first safe cracking. “0-2-7!” her changer said as it cracked his safe and she reached in and grabbed the collection piece. And Yellow and X then sent him flying with a pair of kicks.
“Lupin Collection get,” Pink said showing him the piece.
“It looks like I’ve come at a good time.” Good Striker said as Red caught him and inputted his code. “3-2-1!” and he split into three. He then threw the Cyclone Dial Fighter and Scissor and Blade Dial Fighters to Umika and Tsukasa who put them in their Changers.
“And I’ll be using this. Keisatsu Change!” X said.
“Keisatsu X Change! Patran X!” his changer said as he shifted to his other form.
“The finish!” he said.
“Itadaki Strike!” they said as their attacks combined into one massive attack that made him explode.
“My dear treasure. Nurse Gristo Lloyd back to health,” she said as she made him giant.
“Blue-kun. Yellow-chan.” Noël said, handing them two VS Vehicles.
“Wait,” Pink said.
“What?” Tooma asked.
“Well I was talking with Goodie about my Pink Dial Fighter and he told me something interesting about it. Could you two summon Scissor, Blade, and Cyclone for me?” she asked, handing Blue Scissor and Blade.
They looked a little surprised but they did as she asked. And she summoned her Pink Dial Fighter which was massive in comparison to the other Dial Fighters. “Auxillary Gatti,” she said. And the rocket in the middle shot out and the body of the plane twisted and turned into a body as the rocket became the head and Scissor, Blade, and Cyclone became the arms. One holding a shield.
“Auxillary Cyclone Knight,” she said.
“Oh, that brings me back,” Goodie said watching the long lost Pink Dial Fighter fighting the monster.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Kairi asked the little flying thing.
“She asked me to keep it a secret she wanted to surprise you,” he said.
“Oui, it is surprising,” Noël said you could almost see a smile inside his helmet.
They watched as their new Lupinranger fought the Gangler with ease. If she wanted to make up for her lackluster debut she was doing it now. “Auxillary Cyclone Slash!” she yelled as she finished the Gangler.
“The hammer has fallen! Sold!” the Gangler said as he blew up.
“An eternal-Adieu~,” she said to the Gangler.* * *
“Very good. I’ll be holding on to this collection piece.” Kogure said as he placed it in the book.
“So what happened with the art thieves?” Tooma asked Tsukasa.
“Keiichiro and Sakuya captured and arrested them. And they both informed me that there is a new Lupinranger that is no match for the real pink warrior,” she said with a smile.
“If they only knew that their dream match could never happen,” Kairi said with a smile.
“About that. I think that I should have some type of voice modulator in my helmet when I’m Lupin Pink. They may not be able to figure out that you guys are the Lupinranger but if they hear me speaking the might realize that it’s me.” she said to everyone.
“I’ll work on it,” Noël said, looking at her.
“Um, Noël how much did it cost to reopen the auction?” Umika asked.
“100 million yen,” he said holding up the checkbook.
“1-1-100 million?!” she said nearly falling over.
“Our sense for money is just too different,” she said, looking at him.
“Umika-chan, you’ll make a good wife,” Noël said with a smile.
“This is no joking matter!” she said as she started to chastise both Noël and Kogure for their spending with Tooma, Kairi, and Tsukasa smiling.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2019, 06:46:43 AM by CaptainNinnin »
